Atâa so Sara awara gbâ ti nginza tongana ti kozo ape, lo ngbâ ti sara kua ti pionnier ti lo. Although Sara does not make as much money as she once did, she is able to continue pioneering. Although Sarah did not have enough money, she continued pioneering. Na ngu 1931, e gue na mbeni kota bungbi ti Awamandango Bible na Bâle, Suisse. In 1931, we attended a convention of the Bible Students in Basel, Switzerland. In 1931, we attended a convention of Bible Students in God's Word, Switzerland. E awafango tënë ti Royaume, " e yeke pëpe ti ala so azia lege ni ' As Kingdom preachers, "we are not the sort that shrink back " Kingdom Proclaimers - " We Are Not Those Who Leave It ' Peut - être mingi ti azo so aga lani aChrétien. Ngbanga ti nyen e tene tongaso? There is reason to believe that most of those present on that occasion became Christians. Why might most of those who became Christians have felt that way? Iri ni so, so ayeke gi ti Nzapa lo oko, asigigi fani 7 000 tongaso na yâ ti angbene kugbe - mbeti so a sû atënë ti Nzapa dä ândö. This unique name occurs about 7,000 times in the original - language manuscripts of the Holy Scriptures. This divine name appears some 7,000 times in ancient manuscripts. Me, tongana aTémoin ti Jéhovah afa na lo so gi Royaume ti Nzapa oko si ayeke tâ yorö ti kpale ti azo, lo yeda na tâ tënë ti Bible na lo ga mbeni wamandango Mbeti ti Nzapa na bê kue. But when Jehovah's Witnesses showed him that God's Kingdom is the only real solution to mankind's problems, he embraced Bible truth and became an avid student of the Scriptures. However, when Jehovah's Witnesses showed him that God's Kingdom is the only real solution to mankind's problems, he accepted Bible truth and became a sincere student of God's Word. Jéhovah amû maboko na Jésus ti tene na lege ti miracle lo mû kobe nga même nginza na azo na ngoi so ala yeke na bezoin ni. - Mat. With Jehovah's support, Jesus miraculously provided food and even money when needed. - Matt. With Jehovah's help, Jesus miraculously fed and even provided food for others when they needed it. - Matt. Tongana amolenge ti Israël ayeke dema tere ti ala lani, ala yeke kasa gi zo wa mbilimbili? 6, 7. Tongana ti so a yeke na Nombre 14: 1 - 3, tongana nyen bibe ti amolenge ti Israël achangé lani mingi? Appreciation for all the spiritual blessings we receive as worshippers of the true God, Jehovah, will help us to promote unity and avoid murmuring against others in personal matters. When the Israelites complained, whom was they especially critical, as recorded at Numbers 14: 1 - 3, how did the spirit of the sons of Israel change? A leke apendere foto nga na adessin so nzoni ti mû maboko na e ti gbu li nga ti tene a ndu bê ti e si e manda ye dä. The beautiful pictures and photographs that are painstakingly produced are there for a purpose. These beautiful pictures are designed to help us to think and reach our heart so that we can learn from them. Na yâ ti angu so ahon ade ti ninga pëpe, akodoro mobimba asala ngangu ti kaï ambeni bira so atï na yâ kodoro na salango ngangu na ndo ambage use ni kue ti sû maboko na gbe ti mbeni mbeti ti kaïngo bira. In recent years, there have been international efforts to resolve some civil wars by pressuring opposing sides to sign a peace accord. In recent years, countries have endeavored to eliminate civil wars by forceing both sides to sign a war sign. Me tongana asarango ye ti ala alingbi na gonda ape, lo fa raison ni na ala na nzoni bê nga polele. - 1 aCor. But when their actions did not deserve commendation, he explained the reason to them kindly and clearly. - 1 Cor. But if their actions were not commendable, he kindly reasoned with them and clearly explained why. - 1 Cor. (a) A hunda na akoli so asara mariage awe ti sara nyen? (a) What responsibilities do husbands have? (a) What responsibility do married couples have? Silas, Jude, Barnabas nga na Paul ague na lettre so na Antioche. Silas, Judas, Barnabas, and Paul took it to Antioch. Silas, Jude, Barnabas, and Paul brought this letter to Antioch. Ye so alingbi ti mû maboko na e ti kiri ti ye mingi aita ti e so alondo na akodoro nde nde na ti bâ ala na nene ni. Such self - examination may help us make improvements in accepting and appreciating our international brotherhood. This can help us to deepen our love for our brothers from different lands and to appreciate them. * * * Tongana dutingo ti mbi amû lege na mbi pëpe ti kono yâ ti kusala ti mbi na ndembe so, mbi yeke gi alege ti mû ngoi nga na ngangu ti mbi ti sara na kusala ti Jéhovah? Even if my circumstances do not at the moment allow me to expand my service, am I continuing to cultivate a self - sacrificing spirit? If my circumstances did not allow me to expand my ministry now, do I look for ways to spend time and energy in Jehovah's service? 10: 19. 10: 19. 10: 19. Nzapa atene so azo so akui si ala ngbâ na yâ ti li ti lo so, lo yeke zingo ande ala na yâ ti mbeni fini dunia so sarango ye ti mbilimbili ayeke duti ande dä. God has promised that the dead who are in his memory will be resurrected to life in a righteous new world. God promises that those who die in his memory will be resurrected into a new world of righteousness. Aye wa la ague na lo ti tene tënë so? What circumstances led him to this profound conclusion? What factors led him to make that statement? Na tapande, bâ avoyage ti missionnaire ti bazengele Paul so a fa pekoni na yâ ti buku ti Kusala. For example, consider the missionary trips of the apostle Paul, related in the Bible book of Acts. Consider, for example, the apostle Paul's missionary travels recorded in the book of Acts. Me, ye so ababâ na amama abâ ni tongana ye so ayeke bata amolenge ti ala, amolenge ni alingbi ti bâ ni tongana mbeni ye so akanga lege na liberté ti ala. However, what parents see as protective may seem excessive to their children. However, what parents view as a protection to their children, the children may view it as an obstacle to their freedom. (Bâ foto so ayeke na tongo nda ti article ni.) (See opening image.) (See opening image.) 6, 7. (a) Aye wa zo ti sungo psaume asambela ndali ni na tongo nda ti Psaume 83? 6, 7. (a) What does the psalmist pray for in the opening words of Psalm 83? 6, 7. (a) What things did the psalmist pray for at the beginning of Psalm 83? Legeoko tongana ti so tanga ti lë ti keke ayeke ngbâ na yâ ti keke ni wala lë ti vigne ayeke ngbâ na peko ti so a fâ ni, gi mbeni kete wungo ti azo si angbâ na fini na peko ti so a futi Jérusalem na Juda. In effect, Jesus was saying to his critics: " My Father and I are engaged in the same type of work. Just as the other trees remain in the tree or the vine survive after the execution, only a few humans survive after the destruction of Jerusalem and Judah. A tokua e na ada ti kanga nde nde Just as some fruit is left on a tree or a vine after the harvest, only a few would survive the destruction of Jerusalem and Judah. We were assigned to various prisons Ye oko, tongana a ndu tënë ti ayorö so a leke na lege ti mênë, ala yeke bâ nzoni ye so Nzapa atene nga songo ti ala mveni na Wamungo fini. - Psaume 36: 10. From Prison to Prison However, when it comes to products made by blood, they see what God says and what their own relationship with the Life - Giver is. - Psalm 36: 9. Me tongana mo mû zendo ti sara mbeni ye, a lingbi mo sara kue ti sara ye alingbi na ni. However, when it comes to products derived from blood, they carefully weigh what God says and their personal relationship with our Life - Giver. - Psalm 36: 9. On the other hand, if you make a vow, you should do your best to live up to it. Jésus atene: "Fade i wara fini ti i na lege ti gbu ngangu. ." But if you as a Christian make a promise or a commitment, you really should do all you can to keep it. Jesus said: "By endurance on your part you will acquire your souls. " Na kota nzala ti te ye mingi tongana ti Babylone ti ngoi ti Habaqouq, "koli " so, tongana mbeni bungbi, ayeke angangu ti poroso, atä ti aFasciste, aNazi, aCommuniste, wala même ala so atene ala yeke ti démocratie, ayeke sala bira ti kono na yâ ti akodoro ti lo. " By endurance on your part you will acquire your souls, " said Jesus. Moved by a strong desire to eat as much as the Babylonian "man " of Habakkuk's day, this" man " is political powers, whether the Nazis, the Nazis, or even those who claim to be Communist, are fighting in his lands. (Diko Matthieu 7: 1 - 5.) With voracity like that of Babylon of Habakkuk's time, this composite "man, " made up of political powers - whether Fascist, Nazi, Communist, or even so - called democratic - fights wars in order to expand his lands. (Read Matthew 7: 1 - 5.) Na tapande, Jéhovah amu zendo mbeni lâ na Abraham nga na Sara so lo yeke sala si ahale ti ala ayeke ga mbeni kota mara. (Read Matthew 7: 1 - 5.) For example, Jehovah promised Abraham and Sarah that He would make their descendants a great nation. Yengo tere so mbeni koli na wali ti lo ti mariage ayeke fa na popo ti ala (érôs) ayeke ga na ala nzerengo tere, nga ndoye so ayeke na popo ti azo ti sewa oko (storgê) ayeke kota ye mingi tongana amolenge aga dä. To illustrate, Jehovah once promised Abraham and Sarah that he would make their descendants a great nation. A husband and wife's love for each other is a source of joy, and the love between family members (5) is vital when children come. Mo bi bê ti mo na Lo na lege ti mo kue, na fade Lo sara si lege ti mo aga mbilimbili. ." Romantic love (eʹros) brings delight, and love for family (stor·geʹ) is vital when children enter the picture. In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight. " 21: 15, 19. In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight. " 21: 15, 19. Nzapa ahiri deba nzoni na ndo ngangu so ala sala na fango na ala so Rebecca ayeke wali so Lo soro ti ga wali ti Isaac na nga mbeni kotara ti Messie. 21: 15, 19. God blessed their efforts by showing them that Rebekah was his chosen wife and an ancestress of the Messiah. " Fade Nzapa ayeke mbô ngule kue na lê ti ala. ' God blessed that endeavor by indicating that Rebekah was the woman he had chosen to become Isaac's bride and an ancestress of the Messiah. " God will wipe out every tear from their eyes. ' A duti mbeni nzoni ye so e wara la ni abuku nde nde so anzoroko ti ndo ni ayeke nga nde nde! " God will wipe out every tear from their eyes. ' What a blessing it must have been to have different books on a different scale! Fini ti mbi angoro lani gi na ndo ti mbi wani. It was a good thing that we had a variety of books with covers of different colors! My life was centered on myself. Na yâ ti akete kodoro, fani mingi akabine ni ayeke nzoni pëpe nga abuba, na ayeke kota lingu ti akobela. My life was all about me. In rural areas, it has often been dangerous and dangerous, and it is a major cause of disease. Aye mingi na yâ ti Bible nga aye mingi so asi na yâ ti mbaï afa polele so e yeke na alango ti nda ni. In rural areas these are often allowed to be filthy and dilapidated and are a major source of illness and disease. Many Biblical and historical events give evidence that we are living in the last days. Tongana nyen la dutingo be - ta - zo na Nzapa alingbi ti mû maboko na e ti hon ndo ti akpale ti yâ ti sewa? Man Agreeable to Jehovah's Heart, 9 / 1 How can loyalty to God help us to cope with family problems? Apatron ti lo agonda lani kua ti lo mingi, na ala ye ti kono kamba ti lo na place ti kua ni. We are living in the time of the end, and there is plenty of evidence - both Scriptural and historical - to prove that. His nuns gave him much commendation, and they wanted to raise him up for the job. E lingbi ti sara si congrégation aduti na saleté pëpe tongana e mû peko ti afango lege so ayeke na yâ ti Mbeti ti Nzapa. How can loyalty to God help us to cope with family problems? We can contribute to the cleanness of the congregation by following the direction found in God's Word. Lo bâ tele ti lo mbeni pëpe tongana Wasalango ala na lo ga zo ti futi ala ndali ti sioni ti ala so azia ngonzo na bê ti lo. His employers appreciated his work and offered him a promotion. He no longer felt like their Creator and came to destroy them for the harm of those who had offended him. Me, tënë ti David so aye pëpe ti tene so mbeni wakua ti Jéhovah ayeke manke lâ oko ape ye so lo yeke na bezoin ni. We can contribute to the spiritual cleanness of the congregation by following the direction found in God's Word. However, David's words do not mean that a servant of Jehovah will never miss what he needs. Na vorongo ti amusulman ni abungbi lani gi a - Arabu pëpe. God turned from the attitude of the Creator of humans to that of a destroyer of them because of his displeasure with their wickedness. And the religion of the nuns did not come together only. Peut - être ye ni ason mo lani sioni, na a yeke na lege ni. David's words, however, do not mean that no worshipper ever suffered want or ever will. It may have hurt you, and it is right. Tongana nyen kusala ti e ti fango tene ayeke kota, na ambeni ye so ayeke leke laso ti mu lege ti sala ni ayeke so wa? Islam did not restrict itself to unifying Arab tribes under its banner. How is our preaching work important, and what are some modern - day arrangements for doing so? Tacite, so a dü lo na yâ ti ngu 55, na so a bâ lo tongana oko ti akota wasungo mbaï ti sese, asala tënë ti aChrétien na yâ Abuku ti mbaï ti lo. (a) How do the physical heavens testify to God's power and wisdom? She, born in 55 C.E., considered to be one of the most historical historians of the world, speaks of Christians in her history. Mawa ni ayeke so, teti so siokpari ayeke na tere ti e, na ambeni ngoi, e lingbi ti bata aita ti e na bê. Likely you felt hurt, even betrayed. Sadly, since we are imperfect, we may at times take care of our brothers. Biani, e lingbi ti ku ti tene a si na yâ ngoi kete. How important is our preaching work, and what are some of the things being done today to carry it out? Yes, we can expect to happen soon. Oko pëpe! Tacitus, born about 55 C.E. and considered one of the world's greatest historians, mentioned the Christians in his Annals. Of course not! BIBLE asara tënë polele na ndo bungbingo ti koli na wali. Sadly, as imperfect humans, we may sometimes harbor a grudge against another. THE Bible leaves no doubt about sex. Ambeni ayeke lani aprophète na " yingo vulu la afa lege ni na ala. ' In fact, we can expect the fulfillment of it very soon. Some were prophets and were " led by holy spirit. ' Nzapa ayeke nduru ti mû ye na ala so asambela na mabe What is the strongest reason to maintain marital fidelity? God is willing to give to those who pray in faith Fango tënë na bibe ti sara ye hio Certainly not! Preaching With a sense of urgency A sala même nze oko pëpe na pekoni, na nze ti septembre, ngu 1950, na hunzingo ti mbeni kapa ti dungo mvene so asango abi na ndo ti e, yanga - ti - komande ti aCommuniste ni amû yanga ti tene a gbanzi lege na kusala ti e. THE Bible is not prudish about sexual relations. Even less than a month later, in September 1950, at the end of a campaign to spread lies about us, the Communist regime ordered that our work be banned. Na lege ti atënë ti Jésus nga na kusala so lo sara, lo fa so fade ambeni zo ayeke mû ande li ni na yâ ti kongregation ni. Some were prophets "borne along by holy spirit. " By word and deed, Jesus indicated that some would take the lead in the congregation. Biani, mbeni lâ ayeke ga, na fade beku ti mo ayeke senge pepe. " - aProverbe 23: 17, 18. God is eager to grant the proper requests of those who pray in faith Indeed, one day will come, and your hope will not be in vain. " - Proverbs 23: 17, 18. So Jéhovah la créé e, lo lingbi ti tene e gonda lo, e mû gloire na lo, e kiri singila na lo nga e ne lo. Bearing Witness With a Spirit of Urgency As our Creator, Jehovah deserves praise, praise, and praise. Na tapande, na nze ti juillet, na peko ti mbeni ngu so apika mingi, mbeni bale na bê kodoro ti Japon asuku ahon ndo ni juska a sigigi na a buba ada ti aTémoin ti Jéhovah ahon 20. Hardly a month later, in September 1950, after launching a campaign of defamation in the media, the Communist regime banned our activities. For example, in July of the year, a river in Japan struck down the homes of Jehovah's Witnesses until more than 20 homes of Jehovah's Witnesses were destroyed. Ambeni Chrétien asara kota siokpari na lege so ala tï na yâ ti lango - sioni wala ye ti pitan. Jesus taught by word and deed that some in the congregation would take the lead. Some Christians have sinned seriously by becoming involved in sexual immorality or immorality. 19: 18. For in that case there will exist a future, and your own hope will not be cut off. " - Proverbs 23: 17, 18. 19: 18. (a) Na ngoi so azo ti Israël aye lani mbeni zo ti ga gbia ti ala, a sara Samuel tongana nyen? As our Creator, Jehovah deserves praise, glory, thanksgiving, and honor. (a) When the Israelites wanted a human king, how did Samuel feel? Teti so Nzapa ayeke mbilimbili, lo tene so Adam na Ève ayeke kui ndali ti siokpari so ala sara. For example, because of heavy rains in July, a river in central Japan overflowed its banks. Flooding damaged more than 20 homes of Jehovah's Witnesses. Being righteous, God said that Adam and Eve would die because of their sin. Amaseka, i soro ti sara na Jéhovah By falling into sexual immorality, some Christians have sinned seriously. Youths - Choose to Serve Jehovah Tongana lo yeke fa tënë na ndo hoto na kodoro ti Galilée, tënë so Jésus atene na pekoni so andu ngia ayeke so: "Ngia ayeke na azo so nzara ti mbilimbili asala ala legeoko tongana nzara ti kobe na ti ngu asala zo, teti fade ala wara ye alingbi na nzara ti ala. ." 19: 18. In his Sermon on the Mount in Galilee, Jesus ' next words about joy are: "Happy are those hungering and thirsting for righteousness, since they will be satisfied. " A - Essénien, so azo mingi apensé so ala yeke na yâ ti mbeni secte ti aJuif, afa so aMessie use ayeke si na hunzingo ti ngu 490, me ye oko afa na e pëpe so prophétie ti Daniel la amû lege na ala ti tene tongaso. Small Sacrifices, Great Blessings (G. and A. Many Jews, who believed that they were part of a Jewish sect, taught that there would be at the end of 49 C.E., but there is no indication that Daniel's prophecy was the basis for this. Ndoye ayeke kota sarango ye ti terê ti Nzapa. (a) What feelings did Samuel experience when Israel asked for a king? Love is God's dominant quality. Ngbanga ni ato nda ni But there is more to it than that. Why It Started Juska laso, tongana e bâ kongö bê ti e adë ndali ti yanga so Jéhovah amû lani. - Genèse 9: 1 - 17. Youths, Make It Your Choice to Serve Jehovah To this day, we find comfort in seeing Jehovah's command. - Genesis 9: 1 - 17. Jéhovah ayeke "Nzapa ti be - nzoni na ti grâce ." What is one way in which those who " hunger and thirst for righteousness ' can be filled? The next happiness outlined by Jesus when he was speaking on that Galilean hillside was: "Happy are those hungering and thirsting for righteousness, since they will be filled. " Jehovah is "a God merciful and gracious. " Azo ti Israël amä azo bale - oko so na ala to nda ti sala mbito juska ti kasa Moïse. The Essenes, widely thought to have been a Jewish monastic sect, taught that two Messiahs would appear toward the end of 490 years, but we cannot be certain that the Essenes based their calculations on Daniel's prophecy. The Israelites listened to the ten men and began to fear Moses. E nga e lingbi ti sala sioni mingi na menga ti e. Love is God's foremost quality. We too can do much harm to our tongue. Ti fadeso, Jéricho la azo ti Israël ni aye ti ga ti mû ni! The Trial Begins Now Jericho wanted to take it! Na nda ni, ye kue so ancien ni ayeke sala, a yeke nzere ande nga na lê ti e pëpe, na e kue e lingbi ti to nda ti dema tele ti e na ndo ti lo. Down to this day, every rainbow we see offers a comforting reminder of Jehovah's loving promise. - Genesis 9: 1 - 17. Finally, all that the elder does will do will not please us, and all of us can begin to complain about him. Wala lo hinga ye dä wala pëpe, mbeti so lo sala aga na kota gbiango ye na yâ bango ndo ti azo na ndo dunia. Jehovah is "a God merciful and gracious. " Whether he knows it or not, his letter has brought about significant changes in people's outlook on the world. Nzo tënë wa a yeke fa laso? The Israelites heeded the ten spies and became fearful, to the point of murmuring against Moses. What good news is being preached today? Teti so e yeke na "ndia ti siokpari " na yâ ti amembre ti e, a lingbi e tiri ngangu na bibe so ayeke pusu e ti sara aye ti sioni. We too can do much damage with the tongue. Since we have "the law of sin " in our members, we must fight against our sinful tendencies. Ngbanga ti so, mbeni zo ti hinga lege so a leke na zo ahon ti lo ayeke dä pëpe. And now Israel was about to attack Jericho! Because no one knows how much man has been made. Mbeti ti Nzapa atene so Christ Jésus, "lo so, atâa lani lo yeke na yâ ti tere so ayeke tongana ti Nzapa, lo bi bê ti lo ti gbugburu ndo pëpe, so ti tene ti lingbi tere na Nzapa. Eventually, nothing the elder does will be right in our eyes, and we too may begin to complain about him. God's Word says that Christ Jesus, "who was in God's form, did not consider competition, that is, equal to God. Gi ti nzere na Nzapa, me na zo pëpe. In his hands were the proofs of a document of his, ready for publication. Seek God's approval, not man. Nzapa azia lani Adam na yâ ti yaka ti Éden, so ayeke mbeni paradis so ayeke na sese ge, na so a si singo na anyama, apendere keke nga na afleur. Having "sin's law " within our members, we need to put up a strong fight against sinful inclinations. God placed Adam in the garden of Eden, a paradise on earth full of animals, beautiful trees, and flowers. Amara ayeda na tisango ndo so? Because he understands better than anyone else the makeup of humans. Do the nations accept this invitation? Na pekoni, a lingbi lo kanga lani bê ndali ti so a kanga lo senge senge na Égypte. The Scriptures state: "Christ Jesus, who, although he was existing in God's form, gave no consideration to a seizure, namely, that he should be equal to God. Then he needed to be patient because he was unjustly imprisoned in Egypt. Na ngoi so Jean, ndangba bazengele, ayeke lani mbakoro, awafango ye ti wataka ato nda ni awe ti fa aye ti kirikiri. - 2 Pi. Seek to please God, not man. When John, the last apostle, was elderly, false teachers had already begun preaching unrighteousness. - 2 Pet. Tongaso, leke ti duti na popo ti azo kutu mingi so ayeke ga ande na Matanga ti Dango Bê na kuâ ti Jésus. A yeke sara ni ande na vendredi lango 3 ti avril, ngu 2015 na peko ti lindango ti lâ na yâ ti dunia kue na yâ ti aDa ti Royaume nga na ambeni ndo. God placed the first man, Adam, in the garden of Eden, an earthly paradise filled with abundant wildlife and beautiful vegetation. Thus, arrangements are made to be among the millions who will attend the Memorial of Jesus ' death, which will be held on April 3, 2015, after sundown in Kingdom Halls and elsewhere. Nde na so, Paul atene: "Ambeti kue alondo na yanga ti Nzapa, na a yeke nzoni ti fa nda ti ye, ti zingo na azo, ti leke ye na lege ni, na ti mu wango tene na azo na yâ ye so ayeke na lege ni, si zo ti Nzapa alingbi kue, na lo wara ye kue alingbi na nzoni kusala kue. " How have the nations reacted to this invitation? Rather, Paul wrote: "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work. " E yeke na ngia so ye ti héritier ti e ti yingo abata e yongoro na fango ye ti wataka so, so abi zonga na ndo ti Nzapa! He later had to endure years of unjust imprisonment in Egypt. How happy we are that our spiritual heritage protects us from this false teaching that dishonors God! (2) Ala gi ti hinga ye mingi na ndo ti akeke wala afleur nga na anyama ni so. She writes: "This experience helped me to realize that Jehovah cares. (2) Get to know more about the trees or the animals. Lo yeke kaï ande akobela na lo yeke zi kuâ biaku biaku. By the time that the last apostle, John, was old, this apostasy was clearly evident. - 2 Pet. He will cure sickness and will eliminate death forever. Na ngoi so e mû lani terê ti e na Nzapa, e mû lani zendo ti sara aye so. So make it your aim to be one of the millions who will attend the Lord's Evening Meal after sunset on Friday, April 3, 2015, at Kingdom Halls and other locations around the world. When we dedicated ourselves to God, we promised to do so. Ngangu so e yeke sara ti ngbâ ti duti na siriri laso ayeke leke e teti kekereke. Rather, Paul explained: "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work. " Our efforts to maintain peace now prepare us for the future. Tënë so asigi nga na yâ ti versê 15 so tënë "ngia " asigi dä fani use na abâ a - oko zo ni so," azo so Nzapa ti ala ayeke Jéhovah! ." How grateful we are that our spiritual legacy has protected us from believing this God - dishonoring teaching! This expression also appears in verse 15 that the word " Joy " occurs two times and applies to the same individual," people whose God is Jehovah! " Fade gingo bê na mbito ayeke hon biaku. - Psaume 37: 11, 29, NW. (2) Learn more about those plants and animals. No more anxiety and fear will pass away. - Psalm 37: 11, 29. Warango statue so ti Lamgi - Mari amû lege ti hinga gbata ti Mari nzoni He will cure sickness and bring an end to death. The discovery of the statue of Lam - Mari provides insight into Mari Tene wa ambeni zo atene na ndo guengo na li ni ti aTémoin ti Jéhovah? Did we not, in effect, promise that we would do such things? It is a matter of obedience. What have some said about the progress of Jehovah's Witnesses? Sengo ndo ayeke mbeni ye so afa so Jéhovah aye mo. This adjustment is also reflected in verse 15, where the two occurrences of the word "happy " are now in parallel in a positive or complementary way. Discipline is an expression of Jehovah's love for you. Na bango aye so aga nduru ti si, tondo wa e yeke bâ ni ande? Feelings of anxiety and alarm will belong to the past. - Psalm 37: 11, 29. In view of the events just ahead, what account will we consider? 17: 11. How is Jesus Christ with his followers in this time of the conclusion of the system of things? 17: 11. Ngbanga ti nyen e yeke na kite oko ape? The discovery of this statue of Lamgi - Mari resulted in the positive identification of Mari Why can we be sure? Dieu va - t - il m'exaucer? What have some said about the growth of Jehovah's Witnesses? Did God Answer Me? Christ amû kusala so na adisciple ti lo: "Fade i ga atémoin ti Mbi... juska na nda ti sese kue. ." Discipline is a sure sign that Jehovah loves you. Christ commissioned his followers: "You will be witnesses of me... to the most distant part of the earth. " Wa ti da ti yâ ti toli ni akanga bê ti lo lo ku teti ngoi mingi juska ngoi ti kongo lê ti kobe ni so ayeke ninga pëpe so asi. In view of impending events, what will we consider? The Master of the parable waited patiently for a long period of time until the time of the harvest arrived. Tongaso, Nzapa ayeke bata gbâ ti azo so na lege so lo yeke zia ande lege pëpe na mbeni zo ti futi azo ti lo kue na alango ti nda ni so. Similarly, it is best for you to address any lack of conviction you may detect in yourself. - Acts 17: 11. Thus, God will protect this large crowd by never allowing anyone to destroy his people in these last days. Jéhovah ayeke fâ azo kirikiri pëpe. Why can we be so confident? Jehovah does not destroy people. Tongana e yeke tambela na iri ti Jéhovah, e yeke mû tele ti e kue na lo na e yeke sala kue ti sala kusala be - biani na lo na yengo lo na âme ti e kue. Will God Answer Me? As we walk in Jehovah's name, we dedicate ourselves to him and strive to serve him faithfully by loving him whole - souled. Lo tene: "Tongana... mbi sara si lê ti womua avuko, wala gi mbi oko mbi te kobe ti mbi, na molenge so babâ ti lo ayeke pëpe, lo te na mbi pëpe... Christ commissioned his followers: "You will be witnesses of me... to the most distant part of the earth. " He said: "If... I... kept the eye of the widow blind, or I was alone eating my food, and the fatherless boy did not eat with me... Me teti so aye so a - terroriste ayeke sala ayeke tâ sioni mingi, a lingbi aTémoin ti Jéhovah agi ti sala mbeni ye nga pëpe ti kanga lege na ni? The householder in the illustration waited patiently during the extended growing time until the relatively shorter harvesttime would arrive. But since terrorism is so dangerous, should Jehovah's Witnesses not try to do anything or stop it? Lo yeke gi nga ti bâ wala azo aye perle ni tongaso si lo kä pekoni hio. Thus that crowd, as a group, will be shielded from extinction throughout the remainder of the last days. He was also trying to see if people loved the pearl so as to sell it quickly. Tongana i yeke awakua ti nzo tene, i yeke mu mbage ti i na kusala ti gbotongo mê so. Jehovah does not destroy people indiscriminately. If you are ministers of the good news, you are sharing in this warning activity. Nga dabe ti mo na Jérémie nga lege so awasalango ngangu agi ti fâ lo. - Jérémie 20: 1 - 9. If we are walking in Jehovah's name, we are dedicated to him and are endeavoring to serve him faithfully out of whole - souled love. And recall Jeremiah's attempts to kill him. - Jeremiah 20: 1 - 9. Ka tongana ngu oko ahon awe me mo ngbâ ti gi bê ti mo? He said: "If... the eyes of the widow I would cause to fail, and I used to eat my morsel by myself, while the fatherless boy did not eat from it... What if you are a year old but are still anxious? Zabolo atene na lo so na lango so lo yeke te "lê ti keke ti hinga nzoni na ti hinga sioni " lo yeke" ga tongana Nzapa, " lo yeke "hinga nzoni na sioni. ." In what two ways do Jehovah's Witnesses combat terrorism? Since terrorism is so evil, however, should not Jehovah's Witnesses be doing something to help combat it? The Devil told him that on the day he ate "the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, " he would" become like God, "" knowing good and bad. " Ye ti dongo bê ayeke so ala yeda. Tongaso mbi lï na cuisine ti sambela Jéhovah na ti gbu li nzoni. He might also consider if there was a market for such a pearl so that he could sell it quickly. To my surprise, they agreed, so I entered the kitchen to pray to Jehovah and meditate. David asuku na Mical na lo tene na lo so Jéhovah ake babâ ti lo Saül awe na Lo ye ni. If you are a publisher of the good news, you are having a share in this warning work. David rebuked Michal and told him that Jehovah had rejected Saul's father and wanted it. Atâa e yeke mû maboko na molenge ti e, mbeni fini zo, wala mbeni zo so asigigi na fango tënë pëpe a ninga awe, a yeke nzoni ti sala ngangu ti sala tongana ti so Jésus afa ge. Remember, too, Jeremiah and the way he was treated by his murderous persecutors. - Jeremiah 20: 1 - 9. Whether we help our child, a new person, or someone who has recently been inactive, we do well to strive to follow Jesus ' example. Nde na dîme, so a hunda polele ti yô mbeni kungba, a - offrande ti bê ti zo mveni nga ti ro le - kobe na yaka kue pëpe ayeke ambeni ye so ahunda mbilimbili wungo ti ye pëpe. What if you are still reluctant to throw it out after a year? In addition to tithing, a specific responsibility, voluntary contributions, and gleaning were not required in particular. Paul afa nda ni: "Mo sala na lege ti tapande ti nzo tene so mo mä na yanga ti mbi, na lege ti mabe na ndoye so ayeke na yâ Christ Jésus. The Devil told her that in the very day of her eating from "the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, " she was" bound to be like God, knowing good and bad. " Paul explains: "Become imitators of the good news that you heard from me, through faith and love of Christ Jesus. Siokpari wa David asala na Bath - Séba, me lo sala nyen na pekoni? Amazingly, they agreed, and I went into the kitchen to pray to Jehovah and gather my thoughts. What sin did David have with Bath - sheba, but with what result? TONGANA bazengele Paul amä so azo so agbu tënë ti nzapa ti aJuif ngangu ahanda ambeni Chrétien si ala zia lege ti tâ bungbi ti vorongo Nzapa, Paul asara mbeni ngangu mbeti "na a - eglize ti sese ti Galatie. ." David gave Michal a rebuke by stating that Jehovah had rejected her father, Saul, in favor of him. WHEN the apostle Paul learned that Jewish religious leaders had deceived some Christians into turning away from true worship, Paul wrote a powerful letter "to the congregations of Galatia. " Me lo lungula pepe kpale ti kobela wala lo hon pepe na ngangu wato so ayeke kuâ. Whether we are helping our own child, a new student, or someone who has not shared in the preaching activity for a while, it is appropriate to make an effort to provide training in this way. But he did not remove sickness or defeat the enemy death. Kapa ti pekoni ayeke ti lungula ambage ti tele kue so ayeke na yâ ti zo ni me a lungula pëpe bê na amisa - hinon ni (wala a - rein). In contrast to tithing, which was a requirement with a clearly defined commitment, voluntary contributions and the gleaning arrangement did not require a fixed amount. The next program was to remove all parts of the body but not to be removed from the heart. Kâ, mbi wara lo so ayeke ga ande wali ti mbi, Melody, so kua ti lo ayeke ti yamba agene. Paul explains: "Keep holding the pattern of healthful words that you heard from me with the faith and love that are in connection with Christ Jesus. There I found the one who would become my wife, Jr., whose work was to be hospitable. Me Jéhovah ayeke mû ande maboko na e tongana e zia bê ti e kue na lo me pëpe na ngangu ti e, legeoko na Paul. UPON hearing that some Christians were being deflected from pure worship by Judaizers, the apostle Paul writes a powerful letter "to the congregations of Galatia. " But Jehovah will help us if we trust in him rather than in our strength, along with Paul. Nyen la Jésus aye ti tene tongana lo tene so a lingbi e voro Nzapa "na yingo nga na tâ tënë "? But he did not remove the problem of sickness or conquer the enemy death. What did Jesus mean when he said that we should worship God "with spirit and truth "? Na pekoni, e mä diskur na mbage ota so li ti tënë ni ayeke: "Awakua ti Royaume so amû gloire na kusala ti ala. " The next step involved the removal of all the internal organs except the heart and the kidneys. Next, we heard the symposium entitled "The Kingdom Proclaimers Who Give Glory to Their Work. " " A lingbi i ga nzoni - kue. " - LÉV. There I met my future wife, Melody, who worked at the studio as a receptionist. " You must be holy. " - L. 20: 5, 6, 12, 15, 17. But Jehovah will help us if we, like Paul, truly rely on Him and not just on our own strength. 20: 5, 6, 12, 15, 17. (a) Sioni tapande wa ambeni kozo Chrétien azia? What did Jesus mean when he said that we must worship "with spirit and truth "? (a) What wrong example did some early Christians set? Jésus atene: "Zo so ayä iri ti lo mveni, fade a sala si lo ga kete; na zo so asala lo mveni kete, fade a yä iri ti lo. " - Matthieu 23: 12. Then came the symposium "Kingdom Proclaimers Who Glorify Their Ministry. " Jesus said: "He that exalts himself will be humbled and he that humbles himself will be exalted. " - Matthew 23: 12. Ti ambeni zo ni, ala tene gi peko ti yanga ti ambeni zo. " You must be holy. " - LEV. Some have simply spoken the language of others. Tongana bê ti e aye mbeni ye ngangu, e yeke gi pëpe araison ti tene e wara ye ni so? 20: 5, 6, 12, 15, 17. If we are tempted by a strong heart, do we not look for reasons for that? Tour ti Ba Ndo angbâ ti sara kusala na kode ti hakango aversê ti Bible na ambeni versê ni nde. Jesus said: "Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. " - Matthew 23: 12. A Proper View of Right and Wrong The Watchtower continues to use the method of comparing the Scriptures with other scriptures. Ala mû nga maboko na amba ti ala "ambeni ngasangbaga " ti sala tongaso nga. - Jean 10: 16. In some cases, people say it simply because they have heard other people say it. They have also helped others of the "other sheep " to do the same. - John 10: 16. [ Lingu ti foto ni] When our heart intensely desires something, do we not find reasons for carrying out its intentions? [ Credit Line] Futingo ti Babylone ti Kota aga ndulu awe The tradition of comparing scriptures with other scriptures continues in the Watchtower magazine. Babylon the Great Is Near Bâ mbeni kpale so asi giriri na yâ ti sewa ti Abraham. To this day, the anointed help one another as well as their "other sheep " companions to pursue the healthful, happy way of life that Christendom has abandoned. - John 10: 16. Consider an incident in Abraham's family. E yeke bâ ka aye so amba ti e ayeke sala. [ Credit Line] We often see what others do. Nga, tara ti bâ kota ngia so ababâ na amama ayeke na ni na ngoi so ala wara lege ti mû maboko na amolenge ti ala ti ga awakua ti Jéhovah! The destruction of Babylon the Great is near And imagine how happy parents were when they were able to help their children to become servants of Jehovah! Atâa so a yeke nzoni ti tene a kangbi yâ ti Bible na achapitre nga na aversê, a lingbi e hinga so a yeke kota ye ti tene e mä yâ ti Mbeti ti Nzapa kue. Consider an incident that occurred in Abraham's household. While it is good for the Bible to be divided into chapters and verses, we need to recognize the importance of fully understanding God's Word. Mbeni mbeti sango (Monitor on Psychology) atene so "ti fâ terê ti mo ti gi [nginza] la ayeke sara si mo yeke na ngia ape. " We observe what others have achieved. " To kill oneself with money will rob you of your happiness, " says the magazine No. Atä na yâ ti sese so aga kirikiri, mo lingbi ti wara ngia na lege ti tâ hingango ye so Bible amu na ndo Nzapa, Royaume ti lo, na pendere ye so lo leke teti azo kue. And what incomparable joy parents experience when they succeed in helping their offspring to become spiritually inclined children! Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. [ Lingu ti foto na lembeti 14] Do you regularly read such thrilling accounts published in The Watchtower and meditate on them? [ Picture Credit Line on page 14] Na pekoni so mbi tokua na lo buku Bible afa nyen biani?, mbi manke ti iri lo na téléphone ape. Convenient though the chapter - and - verse divisions are, always keep in mind the importance of getting the big picture - understanding the whole message God gave. After sending him the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Ala bâ wango ti Mbeti ti Nzapa nga na fango lege so ala wara na mbage ti a - ancien na nene ni. It's "the striving for [money] that's linked to unhappiness, " states an article in the magazine Monitor on Psychology. They take to heart the Scriptural counsel and direction they receive from the elders. AFRIKA Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. What can we learn from Jesus ' example? Jéhovah ayeke bata e laso [ Picture Credit Line on page 14] Jehovah Safeguards Us Today Bible asi singo na atapande ti atâ zo so asala kusala na ngangu ti soro ye so bê ti ala aye na yâ mungo desizion ti mä yanga ti Jéhovah wala pepe. After mailing her the book What Does the Bible Really Teach?, I called her every few days. The Bible is filled with examples of real people who exercise free will in making the decision to obey Jehovah or not. Mbeni wahanda alingbi ti tara ti honde ndo ti sioni ti lo na lege ti tene ti mayele wala na lege ti salango ye ti tele ti lo. They valued the Scriptural counsel and direction received from the older men. A employer may try to hide his evil by his cunning or by his actions. Nde na azo so aduti na fini na ngoi ti lo, Hénok ayeke la ni mbeni koli so Nzapa ayeda na lo. AFRICA Unlike those living in his day, Enoch was a man approved by God. Mbi maï nga na lege ti yingo. Jehovah's Protection in Our Day I also progressed spiritually. Teti so a bâ lani mafuta tongana nzoni mbage ti nyama so zo alingbi ti soro, ndia so akanga lege na tengo ni afa polele na amolenge ti Israël so mbage ni so ayeke pendere mingi ayeke ti Jéhovah. The Bible abounds with examples of real people who exercised their free will in deciding whether to listen to Jehovah's voice or not. Since oil was considered a good part of the animals, the prohibition against eating it made it clear to the Israelites that the most beautiful part of it belonged to Jehovah. Teti angu use, e sala vizite na mbeni bungbi ti adocteur use na mbeni zo so ayeke sala kusala na tele ti ala ti mû yorö na zo ti kobela ni ti tene lo lango na ngoi ti a - opération. A deceiver may try to mask his untruthfulness with crookedness of speech or with body language. For two years, we visited a group of two doctors and one who worked along with them to give the patient medical treatment so that he could stay during surgery. E lingbi nga ti gi ti hinga aita so amanke ti ga na Bungbi ti Mandango Buku ti Kongregation. Unlike his contemporaries, Enoch proved to be a man acceptable to God. We can also get to know those in need of attending the Congregation Book Study. Awango na atënë so ala mû na yâ Bible ti dë na bê ti e, na so alingbi na ni nzoni, alingbi ti duti tâ ye so a hunda e ti duti na ni ti leke na bê ti e kue ti hon ndo ti wokongo ti e. - Jacques 5: 14 - 16. I have also matured spiritually. The counsel and encouragement given in God's Word can be so effective that we need to be determined to overcome our weaknesses. - James 5: 14 - 16. Ala tene lo yeke zo so amu li ni ti "secte ti azo ti Nazareth " na lo tara ti sala si temple aga sioni. - Kusala 24: 1 - 6. Since the fat was regarded as the best or the richest part, the prohibition against eating it evidently impressed upon the Israelites that the best part belonged to Jehovah. They claimed to be the leader of "the synagogue of Nazareth " and tried to corrupt the temple. - Acts 24: 1 - 6. Kiri singila na Nzapa ndali ti kota nzobe ti lo, juil. For two years we visited one team of two surgeons and their anesthesiologists. Be Grateful for God's Undeserved Kindness, No. Oko pëpe, teti kozo yaka ti ala ayeke lani azo ti Israël so ahinga Jéhovah teti angu so ahon 1 500 awe. We might also make a mental note of those who are missing from the Congregation Book Study we attend. No, for their first garden was Israelites who knew Jehovah for over 1,500 years. Na a yeke ye so asi biani. Their comforting, practical counsel and instruction from God's Word may be just what we need to strengthen our resolve enough to overcome our weakness. - James 5: 14 - 16. (a) In what way does Satan seek to use the futility of life in this system? And that is exactly what happened. Jéhovah ayeke bâ nengo ti e na lege ti ye so ayeke na yâ ti bê ti e They claimed that he was a ringleader of "the sect of the Nazarenes " and that he tried to profane the temple. - Acts 24: 1 - 6. Jehovah takes note of our dignity by means of what is in our heart Ti mingi ti ala amaseka, a yeke babâ na mama ti ala wala mbeni oko si amû maboko na ala ti gue na li ni na lege ti yingo. No, their initial field was Israel, a people acquainted with Jehovah for more than 1,500 years. For many of you, it is your parents or one who has helped you to make spiritual progress. E hinga so Satan ayeke sala ngangu ti gboto e yongoro na Jéhovah. Jehovah gave him double what he had before. " We know that Satan is trying to draw us away from Jehovah. Zia e bâ aye ota so azo mingi acomprendre ni ape. Jehovah measures our worth by what is in our heart Let us consider three things that many do not understand. Tour ti Ba Ndo ti lango 1 ti mars 1984, lembeti 23 na Français. Many of you are helped to make spiritual advancement by one or both of your parents. See The Watchtower, March 1, 1984, page 23. Na yâ ti ngoi so aga na pekoni, mbi na mbeni mba ti mbi missionnaire ni, e fa tënë mingi na yâ ti akete gbata so azo ni ayeke tene yanga ti Afrikaans. Consider three common misunderstandings. In the following days, I accompanied one of my fellow missionaries in the small towns of Africa. Na yâ ti article ti peko e yeke bâ tongana nyen yingo vulu amû ngangu na aChrétien ti gbu ngangu na ngoi so a sara ngangu na ala, ti dö sese na amba ti ala so ayeke pusu ala ti sara ye ti sioni nga ti gbu ngangu na yâ ti ambeni kpale nde nde. The Watchtower, December 1, 1983, page 23. In the following article, we will consider how holy spirit empowers Christians to endure persecution, to resist peer pressure, and to endure other trials. Nyen la alingbi ti mû maboko na e ti duti na li so ayeke nzoni? For the next few years, my partner and I preached mostly in smaller towns where Afrikaans was spoken. What can help us to have a sound mind? Ye so ayeke si lawa? In the following article, we will examine how holy spirit empowers Christians to withstand persecution, resist harmful peer pressure, and endure various other adversities. When will this happen? Legeoko tongana Samantha, e kue a si na e awe ti tingbi na angangu kpale ngoi na ngoi. What can help us to cultivate a sound mind? Like Samantha, all of us have faced difficult situations at times. Atâa so ti sara tënë na Jéhovah na dingo iri ti lo ayeke kota ye, ti hinga lo na iri ti lo andu aye mingi. When was this to happen? Although speaking to Jehovah by using his name is important, knowing him by name involves much more. E yeke hinga nga ni na lege ti andia ti tenengo yanga ti Hébreu so a sû mbeti so na ni, na so mingi ni a fa wala zo so ayeke sara tënë ayeke koli wala wali nga wala a yeke zo oko si asara tënë wala a yeke azo mingi. [ Foto na lembeti 16, 17] Like Samantha, all of us have faced difficult situations at one time or another. We also see this from the Hebrew laws written on page 16, which often describe whether the person who speaks is both male and female. Ala gi lani kete lege While addressing Jehovah by name is important, truly knowing him by name involves more. They Searched for a Few Way 1: 11 - 13. They Searched for the Cramped Road 1: 11 - 13. Gbungo Arche ni aga na kpale mingi na ndo ti aPhilistin, tongaso ala kiri na ni na Israël. 1: 11 - 13. The ark's knowledge had a serious effect on the Philistines, so they returned to Israel. Lo mû bê ti lo na kua ti lo, lo gue na kua ni na ngbonga ni na lo yeke lango na kua ni pëpe. Possession of the Ark proves to be disastrous for the Philistines, so they return it to the Israelites. He took part in his work, went to work at the hour, and did not sleep down. Me tongana e gi nda ti bibe ti e na bê kue, a lingbi ti ba so bê ti e ague kue na mbage so pepe. She was conscientious, reporting for work early and not loitering at her job. But if we carefully examine our thinking, our heart may not seem to be complete with this part. 3 But an honest examination of our mental attitude may reveal that our hearts are not completely inclined that way. 3 Ndoye ti Ruth na mbage ti Naomi ayeke mbeni pendere ye so e lingbi ti gbu li na ndo ni, me ye so ayeke kota mingi ayeke ndoye ti lo na mbage ti Jéhovah. Mar. Ruth's love for Naomi is one of the best things we can meditate on, but most important is her love for Jehovah. Tondo ni akiri atene: "A bâ so bungbi ti vorongo Nzapa nga na aye so azo ayeke sara ti voro na Nzapa ayeke mbeni kpengba ye na yâ ti fini ti amolenge mingi nga a lingbi a duti dä si nzoni songo aduti na popo ti azo ti yâ ti sewa. " Ruth's love for Naomi is heartwarming to think about, but far more important was her love for Jehovah. The account adds: "The religious and religious activities of many children seem to be a turning point in life, and it is essential for good relations among members of the family. " A lingbi ti iri mbeni zo Kota zo, Patron, Papa wala Âta, alingbi na dutingo ti lo. This report also said: "Religion and spirituality appear to be an important part of many children's lives and are vital to family relationships. " A prominent person, a employer, a Dad, or a father, may be called up according to his circumstances. Tongana zo akui, âme akui. - Genèse 3: 19; Zo - ti - fa - tene 9: 5, 10. A person may be called Sir, Boss, Dad, or Grandpa, depending on the circumstances. When a person dies, the soul dies. - Genesis 3: 19; Ecclesiastes 9: 5, 10. Ni la, Joseph akiri asara ambeni ye nde encore ti tara ala. When man dies, the soul dies. - Genesis 3: 19; Ecclesiastes 9: 5, 10. So Joseph again tried to test them. Kete na pekoni, a zi mbeni fini biröo ti filiale, na a hunda na mbi ti duti surveillant ni, atâa so mbi yeke sara nga kusala tongana surveillant ti circonscription na ti district. So he proceeded with his test. Soon a new branch office was removed, and I was assigned to serve as a circuit overseer, even though I was also serving as a circuit overseer and district overseer. Kozoni, Satan asara kusala na iri ti Jéhovah pëpe. Shortly afterward, a new branch office was established in Madagascar, and I was appointed the branch overseer, in addition to my work as circuit and district overseer. First, Satan did not use Jehovah's name. Gbu li ti mo na ndo ti ye so mo sara ade ti ninga ape na ngoi so a tara mabe ti mo. First, Satan did not use Jehovah's personal name. Think of what you had recently done when your faith was tested. Kozoni ti sara si mbeni zo aye Jéhovah tongana ti e, a lingbi e wani e hinga lo nga e ye lo. Give thought to the way you have reacted to recent tests of faith. Before making someone love for Jehovah ours, we must personally come to know and love him. Évolution ou création? Before we can cultivate love for Jehovah in others, we must know and love him ourselves. By Creation or by Creation? Ni la, na ngoi so mbeni zo wala mbeni ange asara kusala nzoni pëpe na liberté ti lo ti soro ye lo wani, a yeke ngangu pëpe ti tene lo girisa lege na lo sara siokpari. - Genèse 1: 29; Matthieu 4: 4. By Evolution or by Creation. So when an angel or an angel does not use his free will properly, it is easy for him to make mistakes and sin. - Genesis 1: 29; Matthew 4: 4. 16, 17. Thus, when an intelligent creature misuses his free will, he easily falls into error and sin. - Genesis 1: 29; Matthew 4: 4. 16, 17. Andia ti Jéhovah afa na e tongana nyen ti bata tere ti e nga na afami ti e nga amû maboko na e ti duti na nzoni seni nga na ngia. 16, 17. Jehovah's laws teach us how to protect ourselves and our relatives and help us to enjoy health and happiness. Ngbanga ti nyen a lingbi a zi na yâ ti congrégation azo so asara siokpari na ake ti changé bê ti ala? Obeying them has increased our self - respect, contributed to good health, and enhanced family happiness. Why should unrepentant sinners be removed from the congregation? A yeke sala nga peut - être si ambeni zo ayeke londo ti ke yanga, na pasi ni ayeke kiri ti ga ngangu mingi. Why are unrepentant sinners removed from the congregation? It may also lead to rebellion, and the pain will increase. Tongaso, lakue tongana e yeke sara afini kua, a lingbi e sambela na e gbu li ti e na ndö ti ye kue so Jéhovah ayeke tene na e na lege ti Bible nga na bungbi ti lo. In addition, condoning such disobedience would have made God a party to wrongdoing. So each time we make new tasks, we should pray and meditate on all that Jehovah tells us through his Word and organization. * Tongaso, tongana a mû ngoi ota na ndambo so fani use, a yeke wara ngoi mbasambala wala lango 2 520. So any time we take on new responsibilities, we need to reflect prayerfully on whatever Jehovah tells us through his Word and his organization. * Thus, at least three and a half times, there are seven or 220 days. Na yâ ambage wa ti fini aChrétien aye ti zia si akpengba - ndia ti Jéhovah afa lege na ala? * Thus, seven times - twice the amount of three and a half times - would equal 2,520 days. In what areas do Christians want to be guided by Jehovah's principles? Nda ni so a hunda mungo maboko ti Nzapa laso Why is God's help in rearing children especially needed today? Why God's Help Is Needed Today Aye so awandara awara na ndo tele ti zo wala ti anyama apusu ala ti gue ti tene so "fini na ndo sese ge, même fini ti akete kete nyama,... ayeke kusala ti maboko ti mbeni zo ti ndara. " - Tënë ti awandara so ahon ndo ti tënë ti Darwin na ndo Évolution (Angl.). The evidence of biochemistry, he says, leads to the inescapable conclusion that "life on earth at its most fundamental level... is the product of intelligent activity. " - Darwin's Black Box - The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution. What researchers have discovered about man or animal creatures has moved them to conclude that "the life on earth, even the life of small animals,... is the work of a wise person. " - Human philosophy. Nde na so, e yeke duti na kamela pepe ti fa tele ti e tongana aTémoin ti Jéhovah. Rather, we will not be timid about identifying ourselves as Jehovah's Witnesses. Instead, we will not be ashamed to identify ourselves as Jehovah's Witnesses. Ni la, lo turnê na mbage ti vrai kobe ni so ayeke tanga ti aChrétien so a soro ala ti gue na yayu nga na "ambeni ngasangbaga " so amû peko ti ala. In effect, Satan has turned his attention to the "main course " - the anointed remnant, who are accompanied by their companions, the" other sheep. " Hence, he turned to that very meal, the remnant of anointed Christians and their "other sheep " companions. (b) Zendo wa la e ye ti dabe ti e na ni? (b) What promise do we want to remember? (b) What assurance do we want to remember? Dabe mo gi na David nga na siokpari ti lango - sioni so lo sala na Bath - Shéba. Remember David and his sin of adultery with Bath - sheba. Remember David and his sin of adultery with Bath - sheba. ❖ Tene pëpe: "Mbi hinga tongana nyen ye so aso mo mingi. " ❖ Avoid saying, "I know how you feel. " " I don't know how you feel, " he said. Toto ti atrompette ni ayeke fango atënë ti ngbanga ti Jéhovah na ndo ti dunia ti Satan, so a - ange ayeke mû maboko na awakua ti Jéhovah ti sara ni na mbeto pëpe. The sounding of the trumpets represents fearless proclamations of Jehovah's judgments against Satan's world by God's people in cooperation with the angels. This is Jehovah's judgment message against Satan's world, which enables God's people to do so courageously. Gi yaya ti mbi ti koli na molenge ti koya ti mbi si aga na mariage ni. Only my oldest brother and one of my cousins came to the wedding. Only my older brother and son attended the wedding. Tongana e sara tongaso, a yeke mû maboko na e ti ngbâ ti lë lengo nga e yeke woko pëpe na lege ti yingo na alango ti nda ni so ayeke ngangu mingi. - Diko Psaume 1: 1 - 3; 35: 28; 119: 97. Doing so will help us to continue to bear fruit and not wither spiritually in these difficult last days. - Read Psalm 1: 1 - 3; 35: 28; 119: 97. Doing so will help us to keep bearing fruit and not grow spiritually during these critical last days. - Read Psalm 1: 1 - 3; 35: 28; 119: 97. SARA angbâ ti sara kua, na lo yô lê ti lo na nduzu, lo bâ ndo ayo kâ. SARAH straightened up from her work and turned toward the horizon. He continues to work and lift his eyes high up and looks far away. Ên - ën. Not at all! No. Na mbage, tongana mo ye ti wara batême na iri ti yingo vulu, Jésus atene so Babâ ayeke mû na mo yingo vulu, so ti tene aye ti nzoni ayeke ku mo tongana mo wara yingo so. On the other hand, if you are yet to be baptized in the name of the holy spirit, Jesus ' assurance that the Father gives holy spirit means that you have real blessings ahead as you receive that spirit. On the other hand, if you want to be baptized in the name of the holy spirit, Jesus said that the Father will give you holy spirit, which is good for you if you receive that spirit. Ti duti na tâ ngia, a lingbi e sara ye alingbi na afango ye ti Jésus ndali ti so e yeke adisciple ti lo. Submitting to Jesus ' teachings as his disciples will give our life real meaning and satisfaction. To be truly happy, we must apply Jesus ' teachings because we are his disciples. 4: 6, 7. 4: 6, 7. 4: 6, 7. Ye oko, azo ti Israël avoro molenge ti bagara ti lor. Still, the Israelites worshiped the golden calf. The Israelites, however, worshiped the golden calf. Ala tomba ala kilomètre 32 tongaso na mbeni bï kue. The Bible relates what happened next: "Gideon then came to the Jordan and crossed it. They threw them up about 20 miles [100 km] away all night. Johannes Rauthe akomanse kua ti fango tënë peut - être na yâ ti angu 1920 Johannes Rauthe engaging in the field ministry, probably in the 1920 ' s Johannes In the 1920 ' s began the preaching work, perhaps in the 1920 ' s A yeke duti ye ti mawa mingi tongana lê ti e akpengba ape. How tragic it would be if we were to fail to keep on the watch! How sad it would be if we were to lose our sense of urgency! Abraham asala ye tongana nyen? How did Abraham react? How did Abraham react? Na sarango tongaso e yeke fa so e bâ mariage so ayeke mbeni matabisi na nene ni nga e ne Jéhovah Nzapa, Lo so amû matabisi so. In this way we show respect not just for the gift of marriage but also for the Giver of that gift, Jehovah God. By doing so, we show that we appreciate this gift and respect Jehovah God, the Giver of that gift. Tongana asi so e sara kota siokpari, tongana nyen la bibe ti sacrifice alingbi ti mû maboko na e? How could the spirit of self - sacrifice help us if we were to commit a serious sin? If we have sinned seriously, how can the spirit of self - sacrifice help us? Ti lo, salango ye ti kirikiri ayeke ndoye pëpe, nga na lege ti ye so e manda na yâ ti Bible kue e hinga so "Nzapa ayeke Ndoye. ." For him to do so would be unloving, and we know from our study of the Bible as a whole that "God is love. " For him, injustice is not love, and from what we learn from the Bible we know that "God is love. " BÂ NDO na lê ti nduzu aninga tongana ti so bê ti mo aye, mo yeke bâ mbeni zo ti yingo pëpe. GAZE intently into the sky as long as you like, but you will not see a spirit person. DO YOU not see a spiritual person as long as you want to, as you would like to be. Aita ti Bebungbi ayeke bungbi oko ti gbu li na ndo ti mbeni fango nda ti tënë so a hunda ti tene a gbian yâ ni wala pëpe. The Governing Body as a whole considers adjusted explanations. The Governing Body gathers together to consider an explanation that is needed or not to be adjusted. (Bâ foto so ayeke na tongo nda ti article ni.) (See opening image.) (See opening image.) Samantha: Mbi kue mbi pensé tongaso. Samantha: I believe that too. Samantha: I feel that way. Nde na aversê so e fa ni awe, ambeni zo so adivorcé abâ so aversê so ge amû maboko na ala: Psaume 27: 10; 34: 18; Ésaïe 41: 10 nga aRomain 8: 38, 39. Besides the scriptures already cited, many divorced people have benefited from these verses: Psalm 27: 10; 34: 18; Isaiah 41: 10; and Romans 8: 38, 39. In contrast with those cited scriptures, some who have found that these verses have helped them: Psalm 27: 10; 34: 18; Isaiah 41: 10; Romans 8: 38, 39. Me démocratie ayeke fa so tongana zo azi tele na gbe ti komandema ti Nzapa, lo lingbi ti komande tele ti lo mveni nzoni? But has democracy shown that man can rule successfully without God? But does it show that a person can successfully rule himself if he is removed from God's rule? Fango tënë lakue ayeke mû maboko na e ti maï akode ti e nga ti lë lengo nzoni ahon ti kozo. A regular share in the preaching work also helps us to improve our skills and our effectiveness. Regular participation in the ministry helps us to improve our skills and to improve our ministry. Tongaso, ti hinga wala e oko oko e yeke sara kusala ti Nzapa na bê ti e kue nga na ngangu ti e kue, a lingbi e gbu li ti e nzoni na ndo ti seni ti e nga na kusala ti e. Hence, to determine what whole - souled service to God means for us personally, we need to make a frank appraisal of our abilities and circumstances. Hence, to determine whether we are whole - souled in our service to God, we need to think seriously about our health and our ministry. Tongaso, mbi wara tere encore na aTémoin ti Jéhovah lani ape. Thus, I lost contact with Jehovah's Witnesses. So I no longer met Jehovah's Witnesses. Ndia so Nzapa amû lani na Israël afa so lo yeke bâ ndo na nzobe na ndo awanzinga, anyindu, awomua, na awande. God's Law to Israel showed his compassionate interest in poor people, orphans, widows, and foreigners. God's Law to Israel showed his loving concern for the poor, the orphans, the widows, and the alien resident. Li ti mbi akpe ti bâ so anze mingi na pekoni a tisa mbi ti sû demande ti guengo na Ekole ti Galaad ni. To my surprise, several months later I was invited to apply for Gilead training. I was surprised that months later I received an invitation to apply the Gilead School. Jéhovah abi bê mingi na azo na lo ke na bê oko sioye kue. Jehovah cares deeply for people and deplores all badness. Jehovah is keenly interested in humans and hates every kind of badness. AWAFANGO TËNË KUE PUBLISHERS PUBLISHERS Tongaso, ye wa mo leke ti sara na yâ ti gigi ti mo? So, what do you plan to do with your life? What, then, are you determined to do in your life? Azo mingi amä na bê fadeso na Jésus. Many now put faith in Jesus. Many now believe in Jesus. Angorogbia mingi ahinga dutingo nde ti aTémoin ti Jéhovah. Most governments acknowledge the Witnesses ' neutral stand. Many governments recognize the neutrality of Jehovah's Witnesses. A lingbi ala ke atënë so azo amä na bê na ni, so ayeke na yâ ti Bible pëpe na so ayeke fa Nzapa nga na ye so lo ye na lege ni pëpe. They must reject doctrines that are not based on the Bible and that misrepresent God and his will. They must reject beliefs that are not found in the Bible and that reveal God and what he wants to do. * Ye so asi so ayeke kiringo tënë ti Jéhovah na hunda ti Élisée. * That was Jehovah's answer to Elisha's request. * This was Jehovah's answer to Elisha's request. Jésus afa peko ti Deutéronome 6: 5, lo tene: "A lingbi mo ndoye Seigneur Nzapa ti mo na bê ti mo kue, na âme ti mo kue, na bibe ti mo kue. Quoting from Deuteronomy 6: 5, Jesus said: "" You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. ' Jesus quoted Deuteronomy 6: 5, saying: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. Ti sara ye na lege ni na yâ ti aye kue asara si bê ti mbi afâ ngbanga na ndo ti mbi ape na gbele Jéhovah Nzapa. To be honest in all things enables me to have a clean conscience before Jehovah God. Being honest in all things made me feel free to condemn me before Jehovah God. Lo tene: "Tongana a yeke gi na yâ ti fini so la si e yeke na beku na Christ, andâ e yeke azo so mawa ti e ahon ti tanga ti azo kue. He wrote under inspiration: "If in this life only we have hoped in Christ, we are to be pitied more than anyone. He wrote: "If in this life only we have hoped in Christ, we are the most compassionate men who ever lived. Tongaso, tongana Jéhovah la ayeke soro atara so e yeke wara, e yeke biani na liberté ti soro ye so e ye la? Were Jehovah to choose which trials would come upon us, would he not, in effect, be diminishing the gift of free will? So when Jehovah chooses our trials, do we really have the freedom to choose what we would like? Ye oko, Bible asara tënë ti pendere beku ti londongo ti akuâ ndali ti ala so ayeke na yâ "mbeti ti dabe " ti Nzapa. True, Jehovah allows persecution to come upon all his people, and he permits death to come to some of us as a result of the Devil's assaults. However, the Bible describes the marvelous hope of the resurrection for those in "the scroll of remembrance " of God. So e sara tongaso akpengba lani mabe ti e. As a result, our faith was strengthened. Our doing so strengthened our faith. Cody, so e sara fade tënë ti lo na tongo nda ni, atene: "A yeke lani kete ye na mbi ape ti zia lege ti bango porno. Cody, mentioned at the outset, states: "It took great effort to beat my pornography habit. " It was not easy for me to break free from pornography, " she says, quoted at the outset. Na table ti capitaine At the Captain's Table At the captain's table Diatessaron ni agbu bê ti e laso. The Diatessaron is of great interest to us today. The Devil is interested in us today. A lingbi e nga e fa nzobe na azo so ayeke tiri na mbeni kî na yâ mitele. We too should show kindness to those contending with a thorn in the flesh. We too must show kindness to those who fight against a thorn in the flesh. Wala a yeke lani mbeni gbata so azo ni ake ti mû terê ti ala wani ti sara ye na ngoi so a bungbi azo? Could it have been a city whose inhabitants failed to respond to the initial rally for volunteers? Or was it a city where people refused to make themselves available? Ye oko, lo hinga so koli so aye gi ti zia lo na popo ti gbâ ti awali so lo bungbi na ala awe. Yet, she realized that the man was only trying to add her to the number of women with whom he had had relations. Yet, he knew that this man was determined to leave him among the many women he had already married. AYE TI MANDA 1, 2 LEMBETI 10 - 18 STUDY ARTICLES 1, 2 PAGES 8 - 16 STUDY ARTICLES 1, 2 PAGES 10 - 18 A tokua e ti fa tënë na Santa Ana. We were assigned to serve in Santa Ana. We were assigned to work in Santa A. Na nda ni, Nzapa abata ala mbeni pepe na yâ dutingo mbilimbili - kue. As a result, God no longer sustained them in perfection. Eventually, God protected them from perfection. Awayere ayeke na bezoin ti nyen? What do the poor need? What do the Nephilim need? Kozoni si a dü ahoto, wala kozoni si mo to nda ti sigigi na sese nga na sese so alë lengo legeoko tongana songo ti dungo molenge, biani ngbele ye na ngoi so a diko nda ni pepe asi na ngoi so adiko nda ni pepe mo yeke Nzapa. " - Psaume 90: 1, 2, NW. Before the mountains themselves were born, or you proceeded to bring forth as with labor pains the earth and the productive land, even from time indefinite to time indefinite you are God [or, the Divine One]. " - Psalm 90: 1, 2, footnote. Before mountains are born or before you start to produce fruit on earth as a child's offspring, from time indefinite to time indefinite you are God. " - Psalm 90: 1, 2. Mbi, Mbi yeke L'Éternel; mbeni sauveur ayeke pëpe, gi Mbi oko.... I - I am Jehovah, and besides me there is no savior.... I am Jehovah; there is no liar.... [ Foto na lembeti 20] [ Picture on page 17] [ Picture on page 20] Me hio azo ti Israël agirisa yanga so ala mû ti sara na Nzapa na ala "mû vundu na Lo Ti Nzoni - kue ti Israël. ." Israel, on the other hand, quickly forgot their dedication to God and "pained even the Holy One of Israel. " But the Israelites soon failed to make their dedication to God "to the Holy One of Israel. " Jéhovah ayeke mbilimbili - kue nga zo alingbi ti wara mbeni sioni ye kete tongaso na yâ ti tere ti lo ape. He simply cannot have any evil characteristics. Jehovah is perfect, and there is no such injustice. Iri ti Jéhovah aye ti tene "Lo so asara si ye aga ," a ye ti fa so Nzapa angbâ ti sara kua ti sara ye alingbi na tënë ti yanga ti lo. The name Jehovah means "He Causes to Become, " signifying that God, through progressive action, causes his promises to come true. Jehovah's name means "He Causes to Become " - that God continues to keep his word. A yeke sala afini vizite kutu mingi nga a - étude saki mingi, nga azo angbâ lakue ti sala nzara ti tënë ni. Millions of return visits and hundreds of thousands of Bible studies are conducted. And interest continues to manifest itself. Millions of return visits are made, and thousands are still interested in them. Hio tongaso, lo to nda ti manda Bible fani ota na yâ ti yenga oko oko nga lo gue na li ni nzoni mingi. She was soon studying three times a week and made fine spiritual progress. Soon she began to study the Bible three times a week and made fine progress. Ye ti nzoni wa e yeke wara tongana e sambela na bê ti e kue? What will result from such intense prayer? How do we benefit from heartfelt prayer? E hinga ape; nga e lingbi ti tene pëpe so Élie apensé lani tongaso. Lo yeke " zo tongana e '.. We cannot say; nor can we rule out the possibility that such concerns crossed his mind. We do not know; nor can we say that Elijah thought so. Na yanga ti Hébreu ti giriri, akozo tene ni ("Na tene asi tongaso, na lâ ti... ") aye ti fa so mbeni kpale ayeke ndulu ti si, na agboto lê na ndo" mbeni ngoi ti tara so ayeke hunzi na adeba nzoni. " In the original Hebrew, the opening words ("Now it came about in the days of... ") have an ominous tone, pointing" to a period of trial ending in blessing. " In ancient Hebrew, the original - language words "in the days of... " indicate that a problem was about to occur and pointed to" a time of testing that end with blessings. " Ti sara si anyama asigigi na yâ ti ngonda, zo ti gingo nyama alingbi ti bi wâ na yâ ti mbeni mbage ti pere ni tongaso si lo gbu ala na ngoi so ala ye ti kpe. To flush animals out of hiding, a hunter may set a section of vegetation ablaze, catching the animals as they try to escape. To get wild animals out of the field, the birdcatcher may add fire to one part of the grass in order to catch them when they are about to escape. JÉSUS CHRIST ayeke lani Wafango Ye so ayeke kota mingi ahon tanga ti awafango ye kue ti sese. Why is Jesus ' perfect example as a teacher not too lofty for us to imitate? JESUS CHRIST was by far the greatest Teacher ever to walk the earth. JESUS CHRIST was the greatest Teacher who ever lived. Ngoi ti fango alê ti vigne ni, so ayeke na nze ti septembre tongaso, ayeke ngoi ti kota ngia. The time of the grape harvest at the end of summer was a time of great rejoicing. The time for the harvest season, which was about September, is a time of great rejoicing. Teti ndia ti Nzapa ayeke "na yâ bibe ti ala, " so ti tene, na lege ti fä Nzapa " asala ndia ni tongana mbeti na ndo bê ti ala, ' aChrétien so a sa yingo na ndo ti ala amä yanga ti Nzapa gi pëpe ngbanga ti so lo yeke se ala so ake yanga ti lo. A yeke nga gi pëpe ngbanga ti so a gbu ala na ngangu. Having God's law "within them, " written, as it were," in their heart, " anointed Christians do not obey God merely because he can punish those who disobey; nor do they obey him solely out of a sense of duty. Since God's law is "in their minds, " that is, God figuratively" write it over their hearts, " anointed Christians do not obey God simply because he disciplines those who disobey him. Ngu use na pekoni, lo lingbi lani ti kiri peko ti ambeti na mbeni lege so "ayeke ngangu pëpe nga pendere " na ayanga 20. Two years later he was able to translate "with facility and elegance " 20 different tongues. Two years later, he could have translated Bible literature into a " simple and beautiful " language ' in 20 languages. Akota zo ti nzapa ti ngoi ti Jésus ayeke sara ye na mbeni fason so alingbi ti gboto lê ti azo nga ti fa so ala la akomande azo. Religious leaders of Jesus ' day contrived ways to draw attention to themselves and underscore their authority. The religious leaders of Jesus ' day were acting in a way that could attract people and show that they were rulers. Atä so kue, fini ti Abraham ayeke la ni mbeni molongo ti atara na aye ti pono so alingbi ti sui bê. Even so, Abraham's life was a series of stressful trials and tribulations. Even so, Abraham's life was a series of trials and distressing situations. ANGOROGBIA wa la ayeke komande ande na ndo ti sese na ngoi so Royaume ayeke kaï biaku biaku komandema ti azo? WHICH governments will be dominating the earth when God's Kingdom brings an end to human rulership? What Kingdom rule will prevail over the earth when the Kingdom will bring an end to human rule? Na yâ ti agbata tongana Brest na Limoges, so a hinga ni mingi ndali ti porcelaine ti lo, azo so alondo na da - limon na 11 h 00 ti bï aduti na popo ti tanga ti azo so awara tract ni na lango so. In such towns as Brest and Limoges - famous for its porcelain - people leaving the cinema at 11: 00 p.m. are among the last of the day to receive the document. Among those who received the tract were well - known in the cities such as Bres and Bysals, known for his eight - story business, people from the house of film and 11th on the night of the night. 1: 2 - 9; 3: 1, 2. 1: 2 - 9; 3: 1, 2. 1: 2 - 9; 3: 1, 2. Me Jésus asuku na lo pëpe. Nevertheless, he did not scold her. But Jesus did not correct him. Lege so Nzapa akomande na azo ti Israël afa so lo hinga so ala yeke awasiokpari. God's way of governing the Israelites took into account that they were imperfect. God's way of ruling to the Israelites demonstrated that he knew that they were sinners. E bâ ngangu ti Jéhovah na yâ ti aye use so ayeke bata e: Pupu so angoro sese nga na ngangu so sese ayeke na ni ti kanga lege na asioni ye so lâ ayeke tokua ni si a si na e ape. Jehovah's power is revealed in two shields that keep us safe - the earth's atmosphere and its magnetic field. We see Jehovah's power in both ways - the earth's atmosphere and the natural forces to prevent wickedness from happening. Ye so asara si a gue na lo na Césarée, ndo so aRomain ayeke bâ ndo na ndo ti Judée. That led to his being taken to Caesarea, from where the Romans administered Judea. As a result, he was taken to Caesarea, where the Romans cared for Judea. Mbi na Océane, e gue na Afrika In Africa With Océane With Océane, we moved to Africa Kota ye wa ayeke mû lege na mbeni zo ti sara akusala na yâ ti congrégation? What is a key factor in qualifying for congregation responsibilities? What is the key to reaching out for privileges in the congregation? Lani so ngangu tara asi na Job, li ti lo aga kirikiri na a lingbi lani a leke bibe ti lo. When under severe trial, Job became somewhat unbalanced and had to have his thinking corrected. When Job was under severe trial, he became confused and had to adjust his thinking. A - article so afa so tâ kiringo tënë ni ayeke nde na ti azo ti dunia so. These articles show that the correct answer differs from the way the world views the matter. These articles show that the answer is different from that of people in the world. Awakala 12 so kue ayeda so kodoro ni ayeke mbeni sese so "dulait na ngu - lavu ayeke sua dä ," tongana ti so Jéhovah aze ni. All 12 spies agreed that the land was indeed "flowing with milk and honey, " just as Jehovah had promised. All 12 virgins acknowledged that the land was "a land flowing with honey and honey, " as Jehovah had promised. Ngele Wa A Hunda ti Bata Mbeni Nzo Yingo - ti - hinga? What Price a Clean Conscience? What is the cost of maintaining a good conscience? Yü mbilimbili tongana bongo ti wen na kate (Bâ paragraphe 6 - 8)) The breastplate of righteousness (See paragraphs 6 - 8) Cultivate righteousness as a breastplate (See paragraphs 6 - 8) Akamarade ti Jéhovah ayeke bâ ande nzoni na lege ti aye so sese ayeke mû na ala. Jehovah's earthly family will enjoy the best that the earth has to offer. Jehovah's friends will benefit from what the world offers. Tongana nyen la aye so asi na Abraham akpengba mabe ti lo na Jéhovah? How did Abraham acquire experience that strengthened his faith in Jehovah? How did Abraham's experience strengthen his faith in Jehovah? 103: 10. 103: 10. 103: 10. Jésus afa polele kozoni awe so, ye so ayeke si na ngoi ti e ague legeoko na ngoi ti Noé. Clearly, Jesus foretold that what is happening in our day has a parallel in Noah's time. Jesus made it clear that our time is similar to that of Noah. Ni la, Satan mveni aga na aye ti ngangu na ndo ti Job na peko ti tere. Thus, Satan himself brought on the calamities that befell Job in rapid succession. Thus, Satan himself brought persecution upon Job. Jésus atene na lo: "Mbi tene na mo pëpe ti pardone lo juska lege mbasambala, me juska mbasambala lege bale - mbasambala. " - Matthieu 18: 21, 22. Jesus answered: "I say to you, not, Up to seven times, but, Up to seventy - seven times. " - Matthew 18: 21, 22. Jesus told him: "I tell you not to forgive him until seven times, but to seventy times. " - Matthew 18: 21, 22. Paul atene so a mû na lo kusala ti "sara si azo kue abâ ye so ayeke kusala ti tënë ti ndagigi so a honde na yâ Nzapa na ngoi kue giriri ." - aEphésien 3: 5 - 9. Paul said that he had been assigned to "make men see how the sacred secret is administered which has from the indefinite past been hidden in God. " - Ephesians 3: 5 - 9. Paul said that he was entrusted with the commission to "make the sacred secret of the sacred secret of God at any time. " - Ephesians 3: 5 - 9. Mara ti nzara ti ye tongaso alingbi na nda ni ti buba fini ti mbeni Chrétien na ti kanga ndo ti tënë ni si "a lë pëpe. ." That desire can eventually make inroads into a Christian's life, choking the word and making it "unfruitful. " Such interest could eventually corrupt a Christian's life and cover it with "not bearing fruit. " A lingbi ti tene so ye so asi na ndo tënë ti Amalek asala si songo ti Josué na Moïse akiri akpengba ahon ti kozo. The episode with Amalek must have forged an even closer relationship between Joshua and Moses. The experience of the Amalekites must have strengthened Joshua and Moses ' relationship. Ye so afa biani na gigi so Christ ayeke lani na fini, lo so adisciple ti lo ayeke ndulu ti kui ndali ti mabe ti ala na lo. That testifies to the reality of the existence of the Christ, whose followers were prepared to give their lives for their belief in him. This proved that Christ was alive, whose disciples were willing to die for their faith in him. Harmaguédon, 1 / 12 Basis for Taking Offense? 12 / 15 17 - 23 Novembre 2008 November 17 - 23, 2008 November 17 - 23, 2008 Teti so e kue e yeke na abango ndo so ayeke nde nde, na ambeni ngoi e lingbi ti son bê ti mba. Ye so alingbi même ti si na popo ti a - ancien. Differences of viewpoint can become a source of irritation in the congregation - even among the overseers. Since all of us have different views, we may at times feel hurt, even among the elders. Mbeni lâ, Jésus asara tënë ti mbeni ngoi ti fango ngbanga so ayeke ga na so na ngoi ni lo yeke tene na azo ti sioni: "I zia Mbi, i so zonga ayeke na li ti i, i gue na wâ ti lakue lakue, so A leke awe teti zabolo na a - ange ti lo. " On another occasion, Jesus spoke of a judgment period when he would say to the wicked: "Depart from me, you accursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. " On one occasion, Jesus foretold a future time of judgment when he was telling the wicked: "Let me, you who have reproached you, go forth with eternal fire, which has been prepared for the Devil and his angels. " A lingbi mbi tene so a yeke lani ye ti vundu mingi ti tene mbi zia Italie. I must admit that it was heartbreaking to leave Italy. I had to say that it was sad for me to leave Italy. Na peko ti so Jésus asara tënë ti handa na yâ sambela so lo fa ni tongana tapande, a yeke tâ na lege ni so lo tene: "Mo zi e na tïtî wato - sioni. " After mentioning temptation in the model prayer, Jesus appropriately said: "Deliver us from the wicked one. " After speaking of deception in his model prayer, Jesus rightly said: "Take us away from the wicked one. " Na tapande, Paul asuku ngangu na aChrétien so ague na ngbanga na gbele "azo so amä na bê pëpe. ." For example, Paul reprimands Christians for going to court "before unbelievers. " For example, Paul strongly rebuked Christians who were brought before "those who do not believe. " Lo mû même na David bongo ti lo, épée ti lo, ngindi nga na ceinture ti lo ti fa so lo ne lo tongana gbia. He even gave David his garments, sword, bow, and belt, thus bestowing royal honors on him. He even gave David his garment, his sword, his bow, and his loins an expression of respect for him as king. E hinga mbilimbili pëpe. We cannot be certain. We do not know precisely. Jéhovah abâ ye so ape? " Does Jehovah not see? Does Jehovah not view that? Fä ni ayeke so, na yâ ngu ti kusala 2001 afini kongregation 32 ayeke bâ gigi yenga oko oko! Why, on an average, during the 2001 service year, 32 new congregations were formed every week! The sign was that during the 2001 service year, 32 new congregations were formed every week! Bâ tënë so mbeni wasungo mbeti atene na ndö ti mama ti lo so ayeke mbakoro na so ayeke na kobela ti Alzheimer. Consider what one author wrote about his elderly mother, who suffered from Alzheimer's disease. Consider what one writer wrote about his aged mother, who was diagnosed with leprosy. Fade ye so ayeke mbeni pëpe juska Lo ga, Lo so ye so ayeke ti Lo; na fade Mbi mû ye so na Lo. ." It will certainly become no one's until he comes who has the legal right, and I must give it to him. " This will be no more until he arrives, the One who belongs to him; and I will give it to him. " Zia e nga e ngbâ ti duti na ngia ti mû na Jéhovah aye so lo mû na e. May we likewise continue to find joy and satisfaction in giving back to Jehovah what has come to us from his own hand. May we too be happy to give Jehovah what he has given us. Paul so e sara tënë ti lo fade, so ayeke sara kua ti surveillant na place ti Peter na yâ ti mbeni ndokua na Béthel, atene: "Mbi yeke mû ngoi ti hunda wango na Peter, nga mbi wa amba ti mbi so ayeke na yâ ti ndokua ni ti sara nga tongaso. " Paul, mentioned earlier, who replaced Peter as the overseer of a Bethel department, said, "I took time to seek out the advice of Peter, and I encouraged others in the department to do the same. " Paul, quoted earlier, who served as a traveling overseer for Peter at a branch office, says: "I will take the time to ask Peter for Peter, and I encourage others in the company to do the same. " Ngu ti Danube Danube River Those Rivers Biani, Moïse ayeke lani mbeni prophète so asara " aye so amû mbeto mingi '.. How could David grow in appreciation of " the glorious splendor of Jehovah's dignity '? Yes, Moses was a prophet who performed "great things. " " Fade i tambela lâ oke tongana wazin na lege ti tënë use? " - 1 AGBIA 18: 21. Without question, Moses was a prophet who showed "great awesomeness. " " How long will you walk in two different words? " - 1 Peter 18: 21. Mbeni zo ti futi âme so ayeke dä pëpe. " " How long will you be limping upon two different opinions? " - 1 KINGS 18: 21. No man can destroy this soul. " 1 - 3. No one is able to destroy the imperishable soul. " 1 - 3. Atâa dutingo ti e ayeke so wa, e kue e lingbi ti fa na gigi alengo ti yingo. 1 - 3. Whatever our circumstances, all of us can manifest the fruitage of the spirit. Ambeni awara lege ti gue ti sala kodoro na ando so asusu ayeke dä mingi na ala gbu gbâ ti asusu. Whatever our circumstances, manifesting the fruitage of the spirit is within our reach. Some have been able to move to areas where fish are large and have caught many fish. Fango ye ti Jésus apika bê ti akapita so mingi; nda ni la, ala lingbi pëpe ti yeda ti gue na zo ti siriri tongaso na gbele ngbanga. Others have been able to move to where the fishing is more productive and have obtained a fine catch there. These officers were so impressed by Jesus ' teaching that they could not accept such a position of peace in court. Ambeni zo so ayeke sara mandako so ayeke anzoni zo ti kpengo loro, na ala ye ti sö benda. They were so impressed with Jesus ' teaching that they could not bring themselves to take this peaceful man into custody. Some who were in the race were successful men of the race, and they wanted to win. A - Chrétien ayeke azo so asala si siriri aga na yâ ti kusala ti fango tene, na ndo ti ala, nga na yâ ti kongregation The so - called elite runners enter the race with one objective - to win. Christians are peacemakers in the ministry, in their place, and in the congregation " I gi bê ti i tënë ti kekereke pëpe, teti fade kekereke agi ye ti lo mveni. " Christians are peacemakers in the ministry, in the home, and in the congregation " Do not be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own anxieties. " Tongana mo ye ti hinga tënë mingi na ndo ni wala tongana mo ye si mbeni zo aga amanda Mbeti ti Nzapa na mo senge senge, sala mbeti na: Association "Les Témoins de Jéhovah, " B.P. 662, Bangui, République Centrafricaine, wala na mbeni bozo ti mbeti so ayeke na lembeti 2. " Never be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own anxieties. " If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Jehovah's Witnesses, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. Wasungo psaume David, so awara lani gbâ ti akpale, atene: "L'Eternel ayeke ndulu na azo kue so adi iri ti Lo, ala so adi iri ti Lo na lege ti tene - biani. If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Jehovah's Witnesses, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. The psalmist David, who experienced many hardships, wrote: "Jehovah is near to all those calling upon him, to all those who call upon him in trueness. E lingbi ti mû peko ti ye so bê ti e wala lê ti e afa na e na ndo ti tënë ti yungo bongo. Azo so angoro e ayeke yü bongo na mbeni lege so ayeke zia nzara ti lango - sioni na yâ ti zo. (b) Why do true Christians need divine protection? Those who are close to Jehovah enjoy another blessing - divine protection. We can imitate what our heart or our eyes tell us about clothing, and we are surrounded by people around us who are wearing immoral desires. Ndoye la ayeke pusu zo ti duti be - ta - zo. Consider: If those around you at school, at the workplace, or in your community are dressing more and more provocatively, might you be affected? Loyalty is motivated by love. Bâ ambeni ye so na yâ ni e lingbi ti fa so e yeke be - ta - zo na Nzapa. True loyalty is rooted in love. Consider some ways in which we can show loyalty to God. Bible amû na e anzoni tapande ti akoli na awali so agi na ngangu ti ala kue tënë nzoni ti Jéhovah. Consider further ways we can prove our loyalty to God. The Bible provides us with fine examples of men and women who earnestly sought Jehovah's blessing. (Diko 2 Chronique 15: 2.) The Scriptures provide us with fine examples of men and women who put forth concerted effort to seek Jehovah's blessing. (Read 2 Chronicles 15: 2.) Nzoni ti nyen la zo ayeke wara na peko ti ngangu so lo sara ti leke dutingo ti azo na yâ ti kodoro? ' (Read 2 Chronicles 15: 2.) What benefits come from the efforts of people in the country? ' Tongana salango ngangu alondo na peko ti fango Etienne, aChrétien kue so akangbi nde nde afa nzo tënë na ndo kue. Was it really worth making an effort to improve society? When persecution arose following Stephen's murder, all Christians spread the good news everywhere. Mbaï ti aBible so a kiri pekoni na yanga ti Italien ayeke mû na e ambeni kiringo tënë ni. After the persecution following the murder of Stephen, all Christians who were scattered abroad spread the good news far and wide. The history of the Italian Bible gives us some answers. Ye oko, na yâ ti angu 1800, ambeni ndokua so akiri na peko ti Bible wala a - imprimé ni akiri na peko ti Bible kue wala gi mbage ni na ayanga ti kodoro 400 tongaso. An examination of the history of Italian - language versions of the Bible offers some answers. During the 19th century, however, some translations of the Bible have been translated or printed into whole or in part into some 400 languages. Ti leke akota kpale nga na apapa, a lingbi e sara ye alingbi na wango so Jésus amû. During the 19th century, however, Bible societies made the Bible available, in whole or in part, in some 400 languages. To resolve serious problems and arguments, we must apply Jesus ' counsel. Ngbanga ti nyen Jéhovah ade ti lungula sese ti Satan so pëpe? To resolve serious problems and disputes, we should of course apply Jesus ' counsel. Why has Jehovah not yet removed Satan's world? Atâa so kozo yanga so e tene ayeke Anglais, e bâ so hingango yanga ti Grec amû lege ti lë akpengba songo na ambeni fami ti e, mbilimbili a - âta ti e. Why has Jehovah not yet removed Satan's system of things? Although we first spoke English, we realized that the Greek language enabled some of our relatives to develop strong friendships, especially our grandparents. NA MBETI ti Zo - ti - fa - tene 7: 9, Bible atene: "Ngonzo aduti na libe ti awabuba. " Although English is our first language, we have found that our knowledge of Greek has made possible strong and close family relationships, especially with our grandparents. " THE anger is in the bosom of the stupid ones, " says Ecclesiastes 7: 9. Mbi bâ so mbi yeke saleté, na mbi duti nzoni pëpe nga kamene ahon ndo ti mbi. " AT ECCLESIASTES 7: 9, the Bible states: "The taking of offense is what rests in the bosom of the stupid ones. " I feel clean, clean, and ashamed of me. " Lo sû na mbeti: "Tongana mbeni zo aga na i na lo ga pepe na fango ye so, i wara lo na yâ da ti i wala i bala lo nga lâ oko pepe. I felt unclean, and it ate away at me. " He wrote: "If anyone comes to you and does not come to this teaching, you will find him in your house or greet him. Teti tënë so, tongana mbi ga, fade mbi dabe azo na kusala so lo yeke sara, teti lo sara sio tënë ti mbana na tere ti e. ." He wrote: "If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, never receive him into your homes or say a greeting to him. For this I shall remember his works which he is doing, because he has spoken abusively of us. " A yeke ye so mbi ku tere ti mbi lani na ni ape. That is why, if I come, I will call to remembrance his works which he goes on doing, chattering about us with wicked words. " That is something I didn't expect. Mo mveni mo hinga awe " ye so alingbi na lê ti Nzapa, na ye so alingbi kue '? - aRomain 12: 2. Have you proved to yourself "the good and acceptable and perfect will of God "? - Romans 12: 2. Have you personally come to know "the acceptable and perfect will of God "? - Romans 12: 2. Sadaka ti lo ti mbilimbili - kue aleke ye teti tâ mungo pardon na asiokpari ti ala kue so afa mabe na gigi. His perfect sacrifice provided for real forgiveness of the sins of all who exercised faith. His perfect health makes provision for true forgiveness of all who exercise faith. KOTA MAMA - TENE NI | SATAN AYEKE DÄ BIANI? COVER SUBJECT | IS SATAN REAL? COVER SUBJECT IS THE BIBLE ALL ABOUT? Ye ni ayeke so a yeke tâ ngangu ti wara na yâ ayanga ti kodoro mingi mbeni tënë so alingbi mbilimbili na tënë ti yanga ti Grec so, ngbanga ti so ândö tënë ni aye ti fa pëpe nzobe wala tâ be - ti - molenge so zo ayeke fa ni na lege ti asalango ye ti lo, me mbeni bibe ti salango ye na ngangu pëpe nga na be - nzoni so zo ayeke na ni na yâ lo; a ndu pëpe salango ye ti tele ti zo, me dutingo ti bibe nga na bê ti lo. The fact is that it is difficult to find an exact equivalent for this Greek word in most other languages because the original term describes, not outward gentleness or meekness, but inward mildness and graciousness; not the manner of one's behavior, but the condition of one's mind and heart. The fact is that it is difficult to find in many languages the original Greek word for kindness or humility, not a spirit of mildness and compassion, but a spirit of mildness and compassion. Mo lingbi ti dabe mo na ni? What can earthling man do to me? " Can You Recall? ▪ Jéhovah ayeke ga nduru na e tongana nyen? ▪ How Jehovah Draws Close to Us ▪ How Does Jehovah Draw Close to Us? A nzere na mbi mingi ti diko ye na ndo ti kusala ti amissionnaire, na mbi komanse ti pensé ti sara na Jéhovah mingi ahon ti kozo. " I enjoyed reading about missionaries, and I began to think about serving God more fully. I enjoyed reading about missionary service, and I began thinking about serving Jehovah more fully. " Dikongo aye ni so na yâ ti Bible ti lo mveni asala si lo sala nzara ti tënë ni. Reading this in his own Bible sparked his interest. Reading those things in his own Bible made him interested in them. Me, tënë so Élie atene ayeke atënë ti bê ti lo. However, his feelings were real. Yet, what Elijah said was his feelings. A yeke grâce na afango ye ti Bible la mbi ngbâ na fini so. I am certain that Bible principles saved my life. It was by means of Bible principles that I was alive. Lo leke na bê ti lo ti "futi ala so afuti sese. " He has determined "to bring to ruin those ruining the earth. " He is determined to "bring to ruin those ruining the earth. " Tongana nyen yingo ti Nzapa ayeke mû mbage laso na yâ ti kusala ti tisango azo na ndo kue? How is God's spirit involved in extending the invitation in our day? How is God's spirit involved today in extending an invitation to people everywhere? Caïphe aga lani kota prêtre nduru na ngu 18. Caiaphas became high priest about 18 C.E. Caiaphas became high priest about 18 years of age. Ti lungula yâ ti maboko ti mo aye ti tene ti mû ye na ambeni zo. Opening the hand means to show generosity toward others. To remove your hand means to give to others. Tongana ti so lo tene, ala yeke tongaso ngbanga ti so ala kanga lege ti Royaume ti yayu na gbele azo, na zingo lege pepe na ala so ayeke gue dä ti lï na yâ ni. They are such because, as he explains, they shut up the Kingdom of the heavens before men, not permitting those on their way in to go in. As he said, they are so because they oppose the heavenly Kingdom in public, not allowing those present to enter it. Nzapa asara si koli nga na wali kue akomanse mbeni gigi so ayeke lani tongana nyen? And I was touched when they taught me that God has a name. What was God's purpose for both husband and wife? A nzere nga na mbi so ala fa na mbi so Nzapa ayeke na iri. However, today, after serving for years in an area where there is a greater need for publishers, João Paulo and Noemi are happy they stuck to their decision to expand their ministry. I was also grateful that they showed me that God has a name. Me laso, na pekoni so ala gue afa tënë teti ambeni ngu na mbeni ndo so ayeke na bezoin ti awafango tënë mingi, ala yeke na ngia so ala zia lani pëpe desizion ti ala ti sara ye mingi na fango tënë. So, never be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own anxieties. " Today, though, after serving for some years in an area where there is a greater need for Kingdom publishers, they are glad that they did not give up on their decision to do more in the ministry. Tongaso i gi bê ti i tënë ti kekereke pëpe, teti fade kekereke agi ye ti lo mveni. ." Yes, we can echo the sentiment of the psalmist who told God: "Teach me good sense and knowledge. " - Ps. Therefore do not be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own anxieties. " E lingbi ti duti na oko bibe ti zo ti sungo psaume so atene na Nzapa, atene: "Fa na mbi ti sara ye tongana zo so li ti lo ayeke dä, nga mû na mbi hingango ye. " - Ps. Those remaining in Babylon, such as the aged prophet Daniel, could have God's blessing, provided they wholeheartedly supported pure worship centered in Jerusalem and remained separate from Babylonian false worship. We can feel as did the psalmist who said to God: " Teach me to be like a man with his mind, and give me knowledge. " - Ps. Ti azo so angbâ na kodoro ti Babylone, zo tongana prophète Daniel so aga mbakoro awe, Nzapa ayeke iri tënë nzoni na ndo ti ala, gi tongana ala ngbâ ti voro Jéhovah na bê ti ala kue tongana ti so a yeke sara kâ na Jérusalem, nga ala voro pëpe anzapa ti wataka so ayeke na Babylone. If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Jehovah's Witnesses, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. For residents of Babylon, an elderly prophet, Daniel, God would bless them only if they continued to worship Jehovah faithfully as they were there in Jerusalem, and they did not worship false gods in Babylon. Tongana mo ye ti hinga tënë mingi na ndo ni wala tongana mo ye si mbeni zo aga amanda Mbeti ti Nzapa na mo senge senge, sala mbeti na: Association "Les Témoins de Jéhovah, " B.P. 662, Bangui, République Centrafricaine, wala na mbeni bozo ti mbeti so ayeke na lembeti 2. Hence, one servant of Jehovah might begin to murmur against another. If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Jehovah's Witnesses, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. Na ngoi so gigi ayeke kpengba gi kpengbango na lâ ti nda ni so, atënë so zo alingbi ti dema tere ndali ni ayeke gue nga gi na li ni. And that is exactly what the heavenly government will do. While life is hard in these last days, murmuring is also increasing. Kozoni ti tene ye so kue asi, a hunda ti zi aye ti ngoi so. " But if there is not, it will turn back to you. " Before all of this happens, this system of things needs to be removed. Me tongana mbeni zo tongaso ayeke dä pëpe, fade siriri ti ala akiri na ala. ." While continuing my studies at the school, I had many questions. But if there is no such one, your peace will come to them. " Na angoi so kue mbi ngbâ na ekole ni, mbi yeke na gbâ ti ahundango ndo. What has he promised us? As long as I was in school, I had many questions. Zendo wa la lo mû na e? They might try to get you to participate in questionable activities and make fun of you when you refuse. What promise does he make to us? Ala lingbi ti tara ti pusu mo ti sara aye so ayeke sioni nga ti he mo tongana mo ke ti sara ni. We will also consider what we can learn from Jesus ' example about receiving God's spirit. They may try to influence you to do what is bad and ridicule you if you refuse to do so. E yeke bâ nga ye so e lingbi ti manda na lege ti tapande ti Jésus ti wara yingo ti Nzapa. What does her conscience say about attending? We will also see what we can learn from Jesus ' example of receiving God's spirit. Yingo - ti - hinga ti ita - wali ni ayeke tene ande nyen na lo na ndo guengo na matanga ni? How would you define mildness of temper? What would the sister's conscience tell her about attending the event? Ti mo, sarango ye na ngangu pëpe na zo aye ti tene nyen? For example, our clarified understanding of "the faithful and discreet slave, " published in the July 15, 2013, Watchtower, thrilled us. What do you think it means to be mild - tempered? Na tapande, Tour ti Ba Ndo ti lango 15 ti juillet ngu 2013 amû lege na e ti hinga ye nzoni mingi na ndo ti "ngbâa be - ta - zo so ayeke sara ye na ndara .." For example, a congregation on one Pacific island rented a hall for the Memorial. For example, The Watchtower of July 15, 2013, sheds light on "the faithful and discreet slave. " Na tapande, mbeni congrégation na zoa ti Pacifique aloué mbeni ndo ndali ti Kobe ti Seigneur. Indeed, " one that is good gets God's approval. ' For example, a congregation on the Pacific island of Pacific covered a room for the Lord's Evening Meal. Biani, " zo ti nzoni anzere na lê ti Nzapa '. THE Bible is clear: A husband is to "love his wife as he does himself. " Yes, "a good man is pleasing to God. " BIBLE afa polele so a lingbi koli "andoye wali ti lo legeoko tongana ti so lo ndoye tere ti lo wani. " 29: 13. THE Bible clearly states that a husband should "love his wife as he does himself. " 29: 13. He faced a decision: " Will I continue to lead the life I have lived for the past 50 years, or will I pursue a new way of life? ' 29: 13. Mbeni desizion ayeke na gbele lo: " Mbi yeke ngbâ gi na gigi ti mbi so mbi yeke sara ni a sara ngu 50 fadeso awe? Wala mbi yeke gbian ti mû mbeni fini lege? ' 2 Does the Bible prohibit sexual pleasure? One decision was before him: " Will I live only 50 years ago, or am I changing for a new path? ' 2 Bible ake ti tene zo ahinga nzerengo ti bungbingo koli na wali? As we reflect on Zechariah's vision, we do not doubt that we are safe in the shadow of the two mountains. 2 Does the Bible condemn sexual pleasure? Tongana e gbu li ti e na ndö ti vision so Zacharie abâ, e yeke hinga so ahoto use so ayeke bata e na sioni ayeke si na e ape. Soon after the Israelites were miraculously released from slavery in Egypt, the Amalekites attacked them. When we reflect on Zechariah's vision, we know that these two mountains protect us from harm. Kete na peko ti so a zi azo ti Israël na ngbâa na Égypte na lege ti miracle, azo ti Amalek alondo ti sara bira na ala. Using words to inflict pain is common in Satan's world. Shortly after Israel's miraculous deliverance from Egypt, the Amalekites attacked them. Na yâ ti dunia ti Satan so azo ayeke tene gi atënë so ayeke son bê ti amba ti ala. With Mom and Dad at the 1941 assembly in St. Louis, Missouri In Satan's world, there are just words that hurt others. Mbi na mama na babâ ti mbi na ngoi ti kota bungbi so a sara ni na Saint Louis, na Missouri na ngu 1941 14, 15. With my parents at the convention in St. Louis, in 1941 14, 15. During his ministry, Jesus revealed that such truth related to the vindication of Jehovah's sovereignty by means of God's Kingdom with Christ as King. 14, 15. Na ngoi so lo yeke fa tënë, Jésus afa so tâ tënë so andu fango na gigi mbilimbili ti kota yanga - ti - komande ti Jéhovah na lege ti Royaume ti Nzapa so Christ ayeke Gbia ni. Paul wrote that Jesus "learned obedience from the things he suffered. " During his ministry, Jesus demonstrated that this truth involves the vindication of Jehovah's sovereignty by means of the Messianic Kingdom. Paul asû na mbeti so Jésus " amanda ti mä tënë na lege ti ye so Lo hu pono dä '.. How do we know? Paul wrote that Jesus " learned obedience from the things he suffered. ' E hinga ni tongana nyen? (a) In ancient times, how did God "rock all the nations, " and how did" the desirable things " come out? How do we know that? (a) Na ngoi ti giriri, tongana nyen Jéhovah " ayengi amara kue '? Na lege wa si " aye ti nzoni mingi ti ala ' asigigi? Preparing for a Successful Marriage (a) In ancient times, how did Jehovah " rock all the nations, ' and how did "the desirable things of all the nations " come out? Lekengo tere ndali ti nzoni mariage (R. Building for a Good Marriage 15 / 6 Avoiding traditional customs has proved to be a challenge for some, especially in lands where honoring the dead is considered extremely important. 6 / 1 A yeke kete ye pëpe teti ambeni zo, mbilimbili ala so alango na yâ ti akodoro so azo ni abâ yekiango akuâ tongana kota ye, ti kpe angobo ti salango ye ti akotara. Accurate knowledge must reach our hearts to affect our lives for the good. It is not easy for some, especially those living in cultures where the dead are considered important, to avoid traditional traditions. A lingbi tâ hingango ye andu bê ti e ti tene e sala aye ti nzoni na yâ fini ti e. HOW CAN YOU OVERCOME THE CHALLENGE? Accurate knowledge should move us to take positive action in our lives. TONGANA NYEN TI HON NDO TI KPALE SO? It was 1950, and I was just 24 years old. HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? Ye ni asi lani na ngu 1950, na mbi yeke gi na ngu 24 senge. In the year 2000, my parents invited me to attend a district convention of Jehovah's Witnesses. That happened in 1950, and I was only 24 years old. Na ngu 2000, babâ na mama ti mbi atisa mbi na mbeni kota bungbi ti district ti aTémoin ti Jéhovah. When the unrighteous are resurrected, will they be judged on the basis of their past actions? In 2000 my parents invited me to a district convention of Jehovah's Witnesses. 4 Ye oko oko kue ayeke na ngoi ni Beyond that, when it comes to fractions of any of the primary components, each Christian, after careful and prayerful meditation, must conscientiously decide for himself. STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: Tongana a zingo azo ti mbilimbili pëpe na kuâ, fade a yeke fâ ngbanga ti ala alingbi na asioni ye so ala sara ândö so? However, the points presented in connection with each of these matters may help you to assist those who have left the fold for these or other reasons to return before it is too late. If the righteous are not raised from the dead, will they be judged according to their past? Na ndo ti so, tongana a ndu tënë ti akete kete mbage so a gboto ni na yâ akota mbage ni, a lingbi Chrétien oko oko, na peko ti gbungo li nzoni na yâ sambela, amû desizion teti lo mveni na lege ti yingo - ti - hinga ti lo. 20: 5, 6. In this regard, when it comes to fractions drawn from the main parts, each Christian, after prayerful meditation, must make a personal decision for himself by means of his conscience. Ye oko, awango so a mû na ndo ti atënë so kue alingbi ti sara si mo mû maboko na ala so azia kundu ni ndali ti anda ti tënë so wala ambeni nde ti kiri na yâ ti kundu ni kozoni si ngoi ayeke dä mbeni pëpe ti sara ni. Though there is uncertainty about how God's name was pronounced in ancient Hebrew, its meaning is not a complete mystery. However, advice on these matters may help those who have left the flock for reasons or others to return to the flock before it is too late. 20: 5, 6. When I asked him what he was doing, Jacob said, " I'm being a young Bethelite, and I'm going to read the Bible in one year. ' " 20: 5, 6. Atâa so a hinga nzoni pëpe tongana nyen si a yeke di ândö iri ti Nzapa na yanga ti Hébreu ti giriri, nda ti iri ti lo ayeke pëpe ye ti ndima. The anointed remnant must do their utmost to " walk worthily of the calling with which they were called, with complete lowliness of mind, ' doing so "with fear and trembling. " - Eph. 4: 1, 2; Phil. 2: 12; 1 Thess. While not fully known how God's name was used in ancient Hebrew, his name was not miraculous. Na ngoi so mbi hunda lo ye so lo yeke sara so, lo tene: " Mbi yeke kete Béthelite, mbi ye ti hunzi dikongo Bible na yâ ti ngu oko. ' " How can one draw on God's strength when feeling discouraged or lonely? When I asked her what she would do, she replied: "I am a little priest, and I want to finish reading the Bible in one year. " A lingbi tanga ti aChrétien so a soro ala ti gue na yayu asara kue ti "tambela alingbi na iringo ndo so lani a iri na ala, ti sara ye lakue na tâ be - ti - molenge ," na ala sara ni" tongana azo so ayeke na mbeto nga so tere ti ala adö. " - aÉph. 4: 1, 2; aPhil. 2: 12; 1 aThes. She found the thoughts in the letter very interesting. The remnant of anointed Christians should strive to "go on walking in the name of their calling, always being mild - tempered, " and do so" in fear and trembling. " - Eph. 4: 1, 2; Phil. 2: 12; 1 Thess. Tongana nyen mbeni zo alingbi ti wara ngangu ti Nzapa tongana bê ti lo anze wala lo bâ so lo yeke gi lo oko? See The Watchtower, January 1, 1996, pages 9 - 22. How can one draw God's strength from discouragement or loneliness? Atënë ti lettre ni anzere na lo mingi. When we do so, we are reminded of what our faithful young people are facing. He was delighted with the words of the letter. Bâ Tour ti Ba Ndo ti lango 1 ti janvier 1996, lembeti 19 - 32. But the Bible warns us: "Do not say, " Why were the old days better than these days? ' See The Watchtower, January 1, 1996, pages 19 - 32. Tongana e diko ni, a yeke dabe ti e na akpale so amaseka ti e so ayeke be - ta - zo ayeke wara ka ni. Evidently, Jews in Philadelphia unsuccessfully tried to persuade Jewish Christians there to retain certain practices of the Mosaic Law or to return to them. How has Christ used "the key of David "? When we read it, it reminds us of the challenges faced by faithful youths. Me Bible awa e atene: "Mo tene pëpe, na lege nyen si lâ ti giriri ayeke nzoni ahon ti fadeso? This is thrilling to those of us who had an opportunity to help so many years ago. " - 1 Cor. But the Bible urges us: "Do not say: " In what way are the former days better than now? ' Ti bâ ni nzoni, aJuif so ayeke na Philadelphie atara gbä ti pusu aChrétien so ayeke aJuif na ndo ni so ti bata ambeni salango ye so Ndia ti Moïse ahunda, wala ti kiri na mbage ti asalango ye so. In fact, the hour is coming when everyone that kills you will imagine he has rendered a sacred service to God. The Jews in Philadelphia evidently tried to force Jewish Christians there to observe certain practices that were required by the Mosaic Law or to return to those practices. A nzere na ambeni na popo ti e so awara lege ti mû maboko na ambeni zo teti angu mingi. " - 1 aCor. At that, Pedro resolved to have a Bible study. Some of us who have been able to help others for many years. " - 1 Cor. Biani, ngbonga ni ayeke ga so fade mbeni zo afâ i na lo tene na bê ti lo so lo sala na Nzapa kusala ti nzoni - kue. " Babylon the Great, " the world empire of false religion, is a disgusting segment of Satan's wicked world. Indeed, the hour is coming when someone will kill you and say that he is rendering sacred service to God. Na mango tënë so, Pedro amû desizion ti manda Bible. Did the crowning of High Priest Joshua make him a king? Upon hearing this, Pedro decided to study the Bible. " Babylone, Ngangu gbata " ayeke mbeni mbage ti aye ti sioni ti dunia ti Satan. Imagine crossing hanging bridges and deep rivers and walking hours across mountain ridges while carrying your supplies - all to preach the good news to those who rarely hear it! " Babylon the Great " is part of Satan's wicked system of things. So a zia couronne ni na li ti Kota prêtre Josué asara si lo ga gbia? If so, your faith in Jehovah and your love for him will continue to grow. Did the fact that the crown was placed in the head of High Priest Joshua make him king? Tara ti bâ mo mveni na hongo na ndo ti agbagbara so a sala na kamba, na angu so alï mingi, nga na tambelango na akungba na ndo go ti mo na li ti ahoto teti ngbonga mingi. Visits of public speakers from other congregations, as well as visits of circuit overseers and, at times, representatives from the local branch office, provide opportunities for us to extend hospitality. Can you imagine yourself traveling on the rocky floor, deep rivers, and traveling on your shoulders for hours on the top of the mountains? Tongana mo yeke sara tongaso, mabe ti mo ayeke kono ande mingi nga mo yeke ye ande Jéhovah mingi ahon ti kozo. He reminded the Jewish Christians: "Do not forget hospitality, for through it some, unknown to themselves, entertained angels. " If you do so, your faith will grow and your love for Jehovah will grow. Na ambeni ngoi ambeni ita ti ambeni congrégation, asurveillant ti circonscription wala aita so aga na iri ti Béthel ayeke mû diskur na congrégation ti e. E lingbi ti mû ngoi ni so ti yamba ala. For instance, the prostitute Rahab of Jericho exercised faith in God, courageously concealing two spies sent out by Joshua, and then misdirecting the henchmen of that city's king. At times, brothers and sisters from other congregations, circuit overseers, or Bethel representatives give talks to our congregation. Lo dabe ti aChrétien Juif lo tene: "I girisa pëpe ti bata agene nzoni, teti na lege ti ye so ambeni zo abata a - ange, me ala hinga pëpe ala yeke a - ange. ." At the same time, we have the privilege of serving in the Japanese - speaking congregation, where there is a great need. " He reminded the Jewish Christians: "Do not forget to be hospitable, for by what some have cared for the angels, but by not knowing that they are angels. " Kusala wa so ayeke nzoni - kue Jésus asara lani na sese? He reasoned: "How could I commit this great badness and actually sin against God? " - Gen. 39: 6, 9; read Proverbs 1: 10. What sacred service did Jesus perform on earth? Na tapande, Rahab so ayeke mbeni wali - ndumba na kodoro ti Jéricho amä na bê na Nzapa, na mbeto pëpe lo honde awakala use so Josué atokua ala, nga lo fa mbeni lege nde na azo ti gbia ni so ayeke bata gbata ni. A Mother's Wise Counsel For example, Rahab, a prostitute in Jericho, courageously hid the two spies that Joshua had sent, and she demonstrated a different way from the king's guards. Na oko ngoi ni, e yeke na matabisi ti sala kusala na yâ kongregation so atene yanga ti Japonais na so ahunda awafango tënë dä mingi. " The fruitage of transgression is not joy; it is tears, sighing, grief, and bitterness. At the same time, we have the privilege of serving in a Japanese - speaking congregation where there is a greater need for Kingdom publishers. " Lo tene: "Mbi lingbi ti sara siokpari na terê ti Nzapa tongana nyen? " - Gen. 39: 6, 9; diko aProverbe 1: 10. A different attitude - one of trusting in God to carry out his will - is evident from the Biblical episode involving the Gibeonites. He said: "How can I sin against God? " - Gen. 39: 6, 9; read Proverbs 1: 10. Wango ti Ndara ti Mbeni Mama Differences between individuals occur because we are all imperfect. The Counsel of a Mother's Wise Counsel Kengo - ndia ti lo aga na ngia pëpe; ye ti pekoni ayeke toto nga na vundu. Regularly attending and participating in congregation meetings will also help us increase in knowledge. Her transgression did not bring joy; the result was both tears and sorrow. Na peko ti so Josué na azo ti Israël afâ Ngu ti Jourdain si ala lï na sese so Nzapa amû zendo ni na sewa ti Abraham, a yeke fadeso ngoi ti tomba azo ti Canaan, so na popo ni azo ti Gabaon. All day long it is my concern. " - Psalm 119: 97. After Joshua and Israel crossed the Jordan River and entered the land that God had promised to Abraham's family, now is the time to expel the Canaanites, including the Gibeonites. A yeke si so e mä terê ape ngbanga ti so e kue e yeke mbilimbili - kue ape. In high school, she won awards because she did well academically and excelled in sports. At times, we do not agree because all of us are imperfect. Mbi sambela Jéhovah na bê ti mbi. And you will act with insight and wisdom in today's ungodly world. - Prov. I prayed to Jehovah in my heart. Ti gue lakue na abungbi nga ti mû acommentaire ayeke mû nga maboko na e ti hinga ye nzoni ahon ti kozo. In what positive ways can we apply the advice given at Philippians 2: 1 - 4? Regular meeting attendance and comments also help us to become better acquainted. Na mbi bi bê ti mbi dä lakue. " - Psaume 119: 97. Jehovah's Witnesses would be pleased to discuss these answers with you. All day long it is my concern. " - Psalm 119: 97. Na lycée, lo wara acadeau ndali ti so lo wara anzoni note nga ndali ti so lo yeke sara angia ti awanguru nzoni mingi. As shown in this article, faithful men of old lived as "temporary residents. " At high school, she received the gifts because she had good literature and because she was involved in sports. Nga mo yeke sara ye na ndara na yâ ti dunia so akpe Nzapa ape so. - aProv. Were the Flood survivors simply individuals fortunate enough to have randomly escaped destruction? And you are wise in this ungodly world. - Prov. Tongana nyen la e lingbi ti sara ye alingbi na wango so ayeke na aPhilippien 2: 1 - 4? (b) How do the companions of the anointed have their thirst for righteousness filled? Jesus said that such ones would be happy, since they would "be satisfied. " How can we apply the counsel found at Philippians 2: 1 - 4? A yeke nzere mingi na aTémoin ti Jéhovah ti sara lisoro na mo na ndo ti akiringo tënë ni. In the first century, Paul and his companion Timothy encountered difficulties from some within the congregation. Jehovah's Witnesses would be pleased to discuss these answers with you. Tongana ti so a fa na yâ ti article so, abe - ta - zo ti giriri asara ye tongana "azo so aga ti sara kodoro ti ninga pëpe ." How is lack of spirituality manifested by many today? As mentioned in this article, faithful men of old acted like "a temporary residents. " A yeke gi na lege ti pasa si azo so asö kuâ lani na ngoi ti Kota Moa so? Enrollment: The Governing Body invites brothers and their wives. Was it only by the opportunity to survive the Flood? Jésus atene so azo tongaso alingbi ti duti na ngia ndali ti so "fade ala wara ye alingbi na nzara ti ala. ." What divine provisions can help us to endure? Jesus said that such ones can be happy because "they will be satisfied with their own desires. " Na kozo siècle, Paul na fon lo Timothée atingbi na akpale so alondo na ambeni zo so ayeke na yâ kongregation. Because his eyes of faith saw something far more powerful than a sea or an army. In the first century C.E., Paul and his companion Timothy faced obstacles from other members of the congregation. Tongana nyen azo mingi laso afa na gigi so bingo bê na ye ti yingo atia ala? To make a donation, please visit How have many today shown that they are conscious of their spiritual need? Lingo na ekole ni: Bebungbi la ayeke tisa aita - koli ni nga na awali ti ala ti gue dä. " For what fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have? Estate: The Governing Body invites the brothers and their wives to attend. Ngbanga ti so mabe so lo yeke na ni asara si lo bâ mbeni ngangu so ahon ti Ngu - Bengba wala ti aturugu. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > COUPLES & PARENTS) Because her faith made her feel stronger than the Red Sea or military forces. Tongana mo ye ti mû mbeni offrande, e wa mo ti gue na ndö ti site The Right to Have a Name, 4 / 15 To make a donation, please visit Mbilimbili asara beoko na siokpari? Paul manifested his strong conviction by the wording he chose when writing under inspiration to Timothy. For what fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have? (Gue na gbe ti tënë so: LA BIBLE ET VOUS > COUPLES & PARENTS We argued all the time. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) Warango tâ tënë, 1 / 7 " We were amazed at how responsible our daughters (in their role as the parents) were when explaining to us (as the children) their Bible - based reasons why it would be unwise to go to the dance, " the father continues. 7 / 15 Paul afa so lo hinga ni biani na lege ti atënë so yingo vulu amû maboko na lo ti sû ni na Timothée. No, for the conquest of the Promised Land consisted of two aspects: the national warfare that defeated 31 kings of the land of Canaan, which broke the power of the Canaanites, and the taking of full possession of the land by tribal and individual actions. Paul showed that he was convinced by the holy spirit that he was inspired to write to Timothy. Lakue gi papa. That fruitage mends rifts between individuals, in contrast with the works of the flesh, which are always divisive. Each time, there was a heated argument. Babâ ni akiri atene: "Bê ti e ado ti bâ tongana nyen amolenge ti e ti wali (so amû place ti e) ahinga ti sara kangbi na popo ti ye so ayeke nzoni na ye so ayeke sioni na ngoi so ala yeke fa na e (so e mû place ti ala) nda ni so Bible afa so a yeke na lege ti ndara pëpe ti gue na ngia ti dodo so. Then the speaker urged the students to glorify Jehovah in their missionary assignments by helping others to find the treasure of priceless worth. The father adds: "We were also moved to see how our daughters - in - law - were to distinguish between what was good and what was bad when they taught us (who took their place) why the Bible teaches that it would not be wise to go to that dance. Oko pëpe, hongo na ngangu Sese ti Zendo ni andu aye use: Kozo ye ni andu bira so azo ti mara ni kue asala ti kinda na agbia 31 ti sese ti Canaan, bira so asala si azo ti Canaan ni ayeke na ngangu mbeni pëpe. Use ye ni andu tënë ti ye so ambeni kete mara wala ambeni zo asala ti mû sese ni mobimba. For example: On the other hand, the conquest of the Promised Land involved two elements of the nation's campaign against 31 Canaanite kings, which caused the Canaanites to lose power; Second it refers to what other tribes or others have done to conquer the land. Lengo ti yingo ni ayeke mû maboko na e ti leke tënë na popo ti e na amba ti e. A yeke sara si e duti beoko. Me akusala ti mitele ayeke ga na kangbi. He did not want me to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses. The fruitage of the spirit helps us to make peace with others, but the works of the flesh are divisive. Na pekoni, Ita Lawrence awa a - élève ni ti mû gloire na Jéhovah na yâ kusala ti ala ti missionnaire na mungo maboko na ambeni zo ti wara mosoro ti tâ ngele ngangu so. He made fine spiritual progress and soon started to attend all the meetings. Later, Brother Lawrence exhorted the graduates to glorify Jehovah in their missionary work by helping others to gain this precious treasure. Na tapande: During the first century C.E., Egypt had the largest Diaspora community, especially in its capital, Alexandria. For example: Lo ye si mbi ga Témoin ti Jéhovah pëpe. When the angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she would have a son even though she was a virgin, the angel told her: "Holy spirit will come upon you, and power of the Most High will overshadow you. He wanted me not to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Lo gue na li ni nzoni na lege ti yingo nga kete na pekoni lo to nda ti gue na abungbi kue. ECCLESIASTES 7: 16 He made fine spiritual progress and soon began to attend all the meetings. Na ngoi ti akozo Chrétien, gbâ ti aJuif ayeke na Egypte, mbilimbili na Alexandrie, li - kodoro ni. At times, grief and anxiety overwhelmed me, and I would lock myself in the bathroom to weep. In the first century C.E., many Jews lived in Egypt, especially in Alexandria, the capital. Na ngoi so ange Gabriel afa na Marie so ade masia so fade lo yeke dü mbeni molenge - koli, ange ni atene na lo: "Yingo vulu ayeke ga ande na ndo ti mo, na ngangu ti Lo so ayeke na nduzu na ndo ti aye kue ayeke zu ti duti na ndo ti mo. Three of his sons and one grandson in time became kings, but not one of them showed appreciation for what had been passed on to him. When the angel Gabriel announced to the virgin girl Mary that she would give birth to a son, the angel told her: "The holy spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will come down upon you. ZO - TI - FA - TENE 7: 16 With the first recorded lie, Satan slyly induced the first human pair to join him in rebelling against their loving Creator. - Gen. THE BIBLE'S ANSWER: 16 Ngoi na ngoi, kota vundu nga na gingo bê ahon ndo ti mbi, na mbi yeke kanga tele ti mbi na yâ ti ndo ti sukulango ngu ti toto. Unlike other creatures on earth, humans were created "in the likeness of God. " Sometimes I was overwhelmed with anguish and anxiety, and I would bind myself in a river to weep. Amolenge ti lo ti koli ota nga na mbeni âta ti lo aga agbia, me ala kue abâ na nene ni pëpe ye ti héritier so ala wara. According to The New Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible, "things like plot, story, narrative development, and character are not really of prime interest. " His three sons and a grandfather became kings, but they all failed to appreciate the inheritance they received. Na lege ti kozo mvene ti Satan so Bible asara tënë ni, lo pusu na mayele kozo koli na kozo wali ti mû mbage ti lo ti ke yanga ti Wasarango ye so ayeke na ndoye. - Gen. Though we experience various trials, we continue happily and zealously proclaiming the good news. By means of Satan's first lie, he deceived the first human couple to join him in disobeying the loving Creator. - Gen. Nde na tanga ti aye kue so ayeke na sese, a créé azo "na image ti Nzapa. ." Instead, we seek to provide for their physical needs. Unlike anything else on earth, humans were created "in God's image. " Nga a yeke ngangu ti hinga wala a yeke atënë ti bango li. Mbeni bakari (The New Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible) atene so "aye tongana kota ye so mbaï ni aluti na ndo ni, mbaï ni kue, atënë ti zo so afa peko ti ye ni nga na azo kue so a sara tënë ti ala na yâ ni ayeke pëpe akota ye so agbu bê ti zo. " His hopes may at times appear to be fulfilled but only temporarily, for his days are often cut short by violence or an ailment resulting from his life - style. The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures states that "the historical, historical, and historical, historical, and anyone mentioned in it, " states The New Testament Dictionary of the Holy Scriptures. Atä so e yeke wara atara nde nde, na ngia nga na wâ, e ngbâ lakue ti fa nzo tene. If you are somewhat timid about preaching from house to house, Jehovah will answer your prayers for greater faith and courage. - Read Psalm 66: 19, 20. Despite various trials, we joyfully and zealously continue preaching the good news. Me e gi ti mû na ala ye so ala yeke na bezoin ni na lege ti mitele. Jehovah never intended that humans should rule themselves. He was to be their Ruler. Rather, we try to provide for their physical needs. Na ambeni ngoi, a lingbi ti ba so abeku ti lo ayeke ga nzoni, me a yeke gi teti kete ngoi, teti so fani mingi salango ye na ngangu wala mbeni kpale ti seni so aga na lege ti tambela ti lo ayeke lungula ambeni ngu na ndo fini ti lo. The speaker directly urged qualified men to be like Timothy in seizing opportunities to assist others. At times, his hopes may seem to improve, but they are only temporary, since violence or a health problem that results from his conduct is often replaced by years of years in his life. Tongana kamene ti fango tënë da na da asara mo, sambela Jéhovah ti mû maboko na mo ti duti na mabe nga ti sara ye na mbeto pëpe mingi ahon ti kozo, na Jéhovah ayeke mû maboko na mo. - Diko Psaume 66: 19, 20. That work would involve a global teaching activity. If you feel ashamed to preach from house to house, pray for Jehovah's help to build faith and courage, and Jehovah will help you. - Read Psalm 66: 19, 20. Jéhovah aleke lani azo ti tene ala wani la akomande tere ti ala pëpe, me a yeke lo. How can prayer help us in our fight against immoral desires? Jehovah did not create humans to rule themselves, but he was. Wamungo diskur ni awa polele akoli so ayeke na akode ti duti tongana Timothée na gbungo angoi kue ti mû maboko na ambeni zo. " The plans of the diligent one surely make for advantage. " - Prov. The speaker clearly encouraged qualified men to be like Timothy by taking full advantage of every opportunity to help others. Kusala so ahunda ti tene a fa ye na azo na yâ ti dunia kue. The information discussed and the questions posed by the conductor appear in the study edition of this magazine. This work requires that mankind be taught worldwide. Tongana nyen la sambela alingbi ti mû maboko na e ti hon ndo ti asioni nzara ti bê ti e? There is no Scriptural record that God spoke to Adam and Eve after their expulsion from Eden. How can prayer help us to overcome wrong desires? Bible atene: "Zo so abi bê ti lo ti sara kusala biani, awara ye mingi. " - aProv. Throughout Europe, the average age of priests is increasing, and a shortage is being felt even in such countries as Ireland and Belgium. The Bible says: "The plans of the diligent one surely make for advantage. " - Prov. Atënë so zo so amû li ni ayeke sara lisoro na ndo ni nga na ahundango tënë ni ayeke na yâ ti Tour ti Ba Ndo ni. At the very founding of the nation of Israel, Jehovah impressed upon the Israelites the principle of sacredness. The chairman's comments on these matters and the questions found in The Watchtower. A wara tondo oko pëpe na yâ ti mbeti ti Nzapa so afa so Nzapa asala lani tënë na Adam na Ève na pekoni so a tomba ala na yâ yaka ti Éden. Clearly, then, Jesus was warning that not all religions are good and not all religious teachers should be trusted. There is no record of God's dealings with Adam and Eve after they were expelled from the garden of Eden. Na yâ ti akodoro ti Poto kue, ngu ti aprêtre ni ahon 50 na ayeke gue na li ni, na a yeke bâ même kpale ti warango aprêtre mingi pëpe so na yâ ti akodoro tongana Irlande na Belgique. Before his victory over the enemy forces of Ammon, Jephthah vowed to give to Jehovah the first one of his household who came out to congratulate him. Throughout Europe, more than 50 - year - old priests are exposed to the danger of finding few priests in such countries as Ireland and Belgium. Na ngoi so Jéhovah asara si azo ti Israël aga mbeni mara, lo fa na ala ti bâ ye ti nzoni - kue na nene ni. Satan may use his earthly agents to cause Christians much trouble. When Jehovah brought the Israelites into a nation, he taught them to respect sacred things. A yeke polele so Jésus atene abungbi ti vorongo Nzapa kue pëpe si ayeke nzoni, na a yeke awafango tënë ti Nzapa kue pëpe si e lingbi ti zia bê ti e na ala. Zo alingbi ti hinga kete lege so? Psalm 72 tells us. Is it clear that Jesus said that not all religions are clean, and not all teachers of God's Word so that we can trust them? Kozoni si lo hon na ngangu aturugu ti Ammon so ayeke awato ti lo, Yiphtah adeba yanga ti lo ti mû na Jéhovah kozo zo ti da ti lo so ayeke sigigi ti yamba lo. What is our objective in our pursuit of Christian maturity, and how can it be achieved? Before conquering Ammon's enemies, she vowed to give Jehovah the first one in her household to receive him. Satan alingbi ti sala kusala na azo ti lo so ayeke na ndo ti sese ti ga na akpale mingi na aChrétien. Christ's true followers, on the other hand, understand what God's Kingdom is and what it will accomplish. Satan can use his earthly agents to cause many problems for Christians. Psaume 72 afa ni na e. Likely, you have neighbors and relatives who believe in a fiery hell, a triune God, the immortality of the soul, or some other false teaching. Psalm 72 tells us. Ye so e zia na gbele e ti si dä tongana e gi ti ga biazo Chrétien ayeke nyen, na tongana nyen a lingbi ti si dä? 17: 17; 18: 24. What is our goal as we pursue Christian maturity, and how can it happen? Na mbage, atâ disciple ti Christ ahinga ye so ayeke Royaume ti Nzapa na ye so Royaume ni ayeke sara ande. Let us see in the next article. On the other hand, Christ's true followers know what God's Kingdom is and what it will do. Peut - être, mo hinga ambeni zo nga na ambeni fami ti mo so amä na bê na tënë ti enfer ti wâ, tënë ti Nzapa ota na yâ tere oko, tënë ti âme so angbâ na fini na peko ti kuâ wala ambeni mvene ni tongaso. Accordingly, Paul wrote: "The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not a sharing in the blood of the Christ? Perhaps you know others and other relatives who believe in hellfire, the doctrine of the Trinity, or so forth. 17: 17; 18: 24. How can a tendency to complain be overcome? 17: 17; 18: 24. Zia e bâ ni na yâ article ti peko. There are also various ideas about what happens to the soul when a person dies. Let us see in the following article. A yeke na lege so si Paul asû na mbeti: "Kopo ti nzoni, so e hiri tënë nzoni dä, e kamata ti sala beoko na mênë ti Christ pëpe? [ Picture on page 5] That is how Paul wrote: "The cup of blessing which we bless, let us not enter into unity with Christ's blood? Bâ aye tongana ti so Jéhovah ayeke bâ What does that mean? View Things as Jehovah Does A yeke wara nga atënë nde nde na ndo ye so asi na âme tongana mbeni zo akui. A walled or fenced - in garden is not open to the public. There are various accounts of what happens to the soul when a person dies. [ Foto na lembeti 5] Making Decisions, 10 / 15 [ Picture on page 5] So aye ti tene nyen? 37: 29. What does that mean? Zo kue la ayeke lï pëpe na yâ ti mbeni yaka, wala jardin so a kanga yanga ti gbagba ni. 5: 12. Not everyone entered a garden, or garden that was closed. E bâ na nene ni nda ti wango - tene, 1 / 10 With his support, in the mid - sixth century B.C.E., work began on the temple of Cybele's successor, Artemis. 10 / 15 Azo abâ lo tongana mbeni kota zo ti sarango acarte. Because of a past failing on Moses ' part, Jehovah determined that Moses would not lead Israel across the Jordan. He was viewed as an official of maps. 37: 29. he mocked. 37: 29. 5: 12. He later became active, however, and has been in the full - time service for over 30 years. 5: 12. Na lege ti mungo maboko ti lo, na ngu 550 kozoni na ngoi ti e, a to nda ti sala kusala na ndo temple ti Artémis, zo so amû place ti Cybèle. In his due time, Jehovah will bring all creation back into a state of holiness. With his help, in the 16th century B.C.E., the temple of Artemis, the successor of Artemis, began to operate on the temple of Artemis. Ngbanga ti girisango lege ti lo, Jéhovah amû desizion so Moïse ayeke gue na azo ti Israël na mbage ti Ngu ti Jourdain ni pëpe. God's spirit can awaken people to their spiritual need. Because of his mistake, Jehovah had decided that Moses would not lead the Israelites to the Jordan River. Lo he ala lo tene: "AJuif so ayeke na ngangu pëpe, ala yeke sara nyen?... Why is such an examination vital? He ridiculed them: "What are the weak, how are they doing?... Ye oko, na pekoni lo kiri lo to nda ti fa tënë, ti gue na abungbi nga lo sara kua ti ngoi kue ahon ngu 30. • How did Jesus highlight the importance of the Kingdom? Later, however, he resumed his ministry, attended meetings, and served as a full - time minister over 30 years. Na ngoi so alingbi, Jéhovah ayeke sara ande si azo kue akiri aga nzoni - kue. 6: 8. In due time, Jehovah will restore all mankind to perfection. Yingo ti Nzapa alingbi ti pusu azo ti hinga so ye ti yingo amanke ala. Brother Macmillan responded: "Brother, that's not the way to look at this matter. God's spirit can motivate people to recognize their spiritual need. Ngbanga ti nyen mara ti tarango ndo so ayeke kota ye? Today's English Version reads: "But you, O LORD, are always my shield from danger; you give me victory and restore my courage. " Why is such a test so important? • Na lege wa Jésus agboto lê na ndo ti nene ti Royaume? By Way of Review • How did Jesus emphasize the importance of the Kingdom? 6: 8. Orpah indeed "returned to her people and her gods, " but Ruth did not. 6: 8. Ita Macmillan akiri tene: "Ita, so ayeke pepe lege ti ba tene so. After we were married, I accompanied my husband in his work as a circuit overseer. Brother Macmillan answered: "A brother, who is not able to see this subject. Mbeni buku atene so tongana Nzapa ayä li ti mbeni zo, lo sara si zo ni aduti na beku nga lo duti nzoni. When David, the anointed of Jehovah, found out what the inhabitants of Jabesh - gilead had done, he said: "Blessed may you be of Jehovah, because you exercised this loving - kindness toward your lord, toward Saul, in that you buried him. One reference work says that when God raises a person's head, he gives hope and security. Mo dabe ti mo na ni? So impressive was the crop that the spies named the fertile area "the torrent valley of Eshcol, " or" Cluster of Grapes. " - Numbers 13: 21 - 24; footnote. Do You Recall? Tongaso, Orpa "akiri na azo ti lo, na anzapa ti lo; " me Ruth ake ti lo. Canon (Muratorian Fragment), 2 / 15 So she "went down to her people and to her gods, " but Ruth refused to do so. Na peko ti mariage ti e, mbi voyagé legeoko na koli ti mbi na yâ ti kua ti lo ti circonscription. Aljian), 4 / 1 Trusting in Jehovah's Care (A. After we got married, I accompanied my husband in his circuit work. Tongana David, so Jéhovah asa yingo na ndo ti lo, amä tënë ti ye so azo ti Jabès ti Galaad asala, lo tene: "Tënë nzoni ti L'Eternel aga na ndo i, teti i sala nzobe na seigneur ti i Saül, na i lu kuâ ti lo. The farther I went, the more courageous I became. When Jehovah's anointed David heard of what the men of Gilead did, he said: "The blessing of Jehovah has come upon you, for you have shown mercy to your lord Saul, and you have buried his body. Teti so yaka ti vigne ni asara pendere, awakala ni angbâ airi pendere ndo so "Popo - hoto ti Escol ," so aye ti tene" Li ti vigne. " - Nombre 13: 21 - 24. The Bible does not say. Since the vine is beautiful, the spies continue to call this beautiful region "the low plain of Olives, " which means" the head of the vine. " - Numbers 13: 21 - 24. Dutingo be - ta - zo ti sewa ti mbi asara nzoni na mbi (K. Cooke), 1 / 9 As we "keep walking by spirit, " God's active force will motivate us to obey Jehovah. 9 / 15 Lo fa tënë ti mabe ti lo na akamarade ti lo (Pologne), 1 / 10 Jehovah is "the God who supplies endurance and comfort. " " God's Word Is Truth, " 10 / 15 Me tongana mbi yeke sala ada na peko ti tele, bê ti mbi ayeke fâ tongana ti kozo mbeni pëpe. Then he had the goat led off into the wilderness to carry away the nation's sins in a symbolic way. - Leviticus 16: 3 - 16, 21, 22. But when I go from house to house, I no longer feel as I once did. Bible asara tënë na ndo ni pëpe. Help Others Walk Worthily of Jehovah, 12 / 15 The Bible does not say. Na ngoi so e yeke "tambela na lege ti Yingo, " ngangu ti Jéhovah so lo yeke sara na kusala ayeke pusu e ti mä yanga ti lo. They said I had disappointed them since I was the first in or around Ewossa to have received a government scholarship. As we " walk by spirit, ' Jehovah's active force moves us to obey him. Jéhovah ayeke "Nzapa so amû na zo gbungo ngangu nga na dengo bê .." Never permit such unfortunate experiences to interfere with your serving Jehovah. Jehovah is "the God who gives endurance and comfort. " Tongana lo sara tongaso awe, lo tokua mbeni zo ti gue na ngasa ni na yando; ye ni ayeke mo bâ mo tene ngasa ni ayô asiokpari ti azo ni na li ti lo. - Lévitique 16: 3 - 16, 21, 22. " A white robe was given to each of them; and they were told to rest a little while longer, until the number was filled also of their fellow slaves and their brothers who were about to be killed as they also had been. " - Revelation 6: 10, 11. After doing so, he sent someone to lead the goat into the wilderness, as if the goat had carried the sins of the people. - Leviticus 16: 3 - 16, 21, 22. Ala tene so mbi zia vundu na bê ti ala mingi teti so mbi yeke kozo zo ti Ewossa so yanga - ti - komande afuta ekole na li ti lo. Two elders visited her. They said that I had hurt them deeply because I was the first member of the school. Zia lege pepe na mara ti aye ti vundu tongaso ti kanga lege na mo ti sala na Jéhovah. Making "the stone " the Head of the corner involved exalting him as King - Designate. - Ephesians 1: 19, 20. Do not allow such tribulations to prevent you from serving Jehovah. " A mû vuru bongo na ala oko oko kue, na A tene na ala ti duti kpô mbeni kete, juska wungo ti afon ala aboi na ti aita ti ala alingbi, ala so fade azo afâ ala legeoko tongana azo afâ ala kozoni. " - Apocalypse 6: 10, 11. For more information, see chapter 5 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? " A white robes were given to each one, and they were told to be silent, until the number of fellow workers and their brothers were deserving of death, so that they would be killed just as they were before. " - Revelation 6: 10, 11. A - ancien use ague abâ lo. 2, 3. What does genuine fear of God include? In Biblical usage the fear of God is a positive concept. Two elders visited him. Salango si "Tênë ni " aga Tênë ti mbundu ti da andu yango lo na nduzu tongana Gbia so a soro lo. - aEphésien 1: 19, 20. This leads to a complete turnabout - abandoning a selfish, worldly way of life and pursuing a course pleasing to God. - Acts 3: 19. Making "the Rock " involved him as King - appointed King. - Ephesians 1: 19, 20. Ti hinga tënë mingi na ndo ni, bâ chapitre 5 ti buku Bible afa nyen biani? Ferdinand was asked by the responsible brothers to take the place of the circuit overseer. For more information, see chapter 5 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach? Na yâ ti Bible, tënë ti kpengo mbeto ti Nzapa ayeke mbeni nzoni ye. If the man has a destination in mind, then one path will likely bring him closer to his goal while the other will take him farther away from it. In the Bible, fear of God is a blessing. Ye so ayeke pusu zo ni ti gbian akozo sarango ye ti lo kue, ti ke abibe ti kion, lege ti sarango ye ti azo ti sese so na ti sara aye so anzere na Nzapa. - Kusala 3: 19. When Wisdom Guides Relationships This will move the person to change his former ways, to reject selfish, moral, and moral standards. - Acts 3: 19. Aita - koli so amû li ni ahunda lani na Ferdinand ti mû place ti surveillant ni. The Bible assures us: "Jehovah is near to those that are broken at heart... The responsible brothers asked Ferdinand to take the lead. Kite ayeke pëpe so lo yeke soro ande lege so ayeke gue na lo ti si nduru na ndo so lo ye ti gue dä me pëpe lege so ague na lo yongoro. The invaluable expertise of the pilot illustrates the priceless help available to Christian youths who have to chart a course through the difficult waters of life. No doubt he will choose the path that will lead him to his destination and not the long distance from him. Tongana ndara amû maboko na zo ti leke songo In many parts of the world, the effects of natural disasters have been greatly aggravated by the underhanded dealings of unscrupulous individuals or by the fact that masses of people have been forced to live in hazardous areas as a result of the economic or social inequalities inherent in the world today. When Wisdom Helps Others to Make Peace Bible adë bê ti e tongana a tene: "L'Eternel ayeke ndulu na azo so bê ti ala afâ awe... Association among the 82 students from 14 lands was very upbuilding. The Bible assures us: "Jehovah is near to those that are broken at heart... A lingbi ti haka nzoni wango ti wakode so na pendere fango lege so amaseka alingbi ti wara ti tene ala leke na gigi ti ala na ngoi so ala tingbi na akpale. 1, 2. (a) What perilous situation did David face? The wise advice of this expert can be compared to the best guidance that young ones can face when faced with challenges. Na ambeni ndo mingi, a yeke sarango ye ti asioni zo la asara si akpale ni akiri aga ngangu mingi wala a yeke ndali ti so azo mingi ayeke lango na ando so kpale ni alingbi ti si dä ndali ti so ala yeke na moyen pëpe. It happens to many people. In many places, bad people have become worse or because many live in areas where there is no poverty. Dutingo na popo ti awamandango ye 82 so alondo na akodoro 14 akpengba mbi mingi. Noah, Daniel, and Job experienced many of the same kinds of problems we face today. The association of 82 students from 14 lands has been a source of great encouragement to me. 1, 2. (a) Kpale wa David atingbi na ni? Or, husband, how do you know whether you will save your wife? " 1, 2. (a) What problem did David face? A yeke ye so asi na azo mingi la. Pleasant places have been measured out to me. " That is what many have experienced. Noé, Daniel nga na Job awara lani amara ti akpale so e yeke wara laso so mingi. Such a house, or temple, would become the center of true worship in Israel. Noah, Daniel, and Job faced similar challenges today. Wala mo koli, mo hinga tongana nyen so mo yeke sö ande wali ti mo pëpe? ." Noah "proved himself faultless among his contemporaries. " Or, husband, how do you know that you will not save your wife? " Kamba ti mbi atï na ndo ti nzoni. ." Her name was Abigail. My side has come to be in good. " Da ni so, wala temple, ayeke ga ndo so azo ti Israël kue ayeke gue dä ti voro tâ Nzapa. The door to reconciliation with Jehovah is wide open That building, or temple, would become a place where all Israelites were going to worship the true God. Noé "ayeke zo ti mbilimbili, lo lingbi kue na popo ti awagame ti lo. ." Yes, Jehovah is the supremely "loyal One. " - Rev. Noah was "a righteous man, a perfect man among his contemporaries. " Iri ti lo ayeke Abigaïl. Does she really understand the seriousness of what she is doing? Her name was Abigail. Lege azi polele ti tene azo akiri alë songo na Jéhovah By using such methods of charitable giving, many have been able to help support our religious and humanitarian activities worldwide and maximize their tax benefits. The way to reconciliation with Jehovah is open Biani, Jéhovah la ayeke "be - ta - zo " ahon tanga ti azo kue. - Apoc. Their example of self - sacrificing service may greatly help your children to make wise decisions, set praiseworthy goals, and get the appropriate schooling to be able to support themselves in the full - time service. Yes, Jehovah is the most loyal "faithful " to anyone else. - Rev. Eskê lo hinga biani so ti mû terê na Jéhovah ayeke ye ti ngia ape? Duration: Two months. Did he really believe that making a dedication to Jehovah is not acceptable? Aita so amû tere ti ala kue ti sara na kua ti Jéhovah. Tongaso, ala yeke mbeni nzoni tapande so alingbi ti mû maboko mingi na amolenge ti mo ti mû adesizion ti ndara, ti zia na gbele ti ala ti sara aye so andu kua ti Nzapa nga ti manda aye so alingbi ti mû maboko na ala ti wara aye so ala yeke na bezoin ni na ngoi so ala yeke sara kua ti ngoi kue. Even as Jehovah freely forgave you, so do you also. Those who are busy in Jehovah's service can thus be a fine example for your children to make wise decisions, to set spiritual goals, and to learn what they need in full - time service. A ninga ngoi oke?: Nze use. To answer that question, let us consider what the Bible says about a certain wedding. Duration: Two months. I pardone azo legeoko tongana Seigneur apardone i. The High Priest Who Condemned Jesus Even as Jehovah freely forgave you, so do you also. Ti kiri tene na hundango tene so, zia e ba ye so Bible atene na ndo mbeni mariage. * Many grieving ones deeply appreciate this opportunity to relieve themselves of prolonged feelings of grief. To answer that question, let us consider what the Bible says about a marriage. Kota prêtre so adë lani ngbanga na ndo ti Jésus (Read Matthew 6: 14, 15.) The High Priest who condemned Jesus * Azo so agirisa sewa ti ala aye mingi tongaso, ngbanga ti so ayeke aidé ala ti hon ndo ti kota vundu ti ala ni. ; Gonzalez, J. * Those who forget their family love so much that they can cope with their grief. (Diko Matthieu 6: 14, 15.) Suppressing grief, however, may do more harm than good. (Read Matthew 6: 14, 15.) ; Gonzalez, J. Perhaps, like many today in such walks of life, she felt that she was trapped, with no other choice if she wanted to care for her family. ; Heaaaa, J. Me, kangango ndo ti vundu apeut ti sara sioni mingi na mo. In this world under Satan's control, it is not easy to walk by spirit. But grief can have a serious effect on you. Nga, tongana ti ambeni zo so laso ayeke sara mara ti ye ni so, peut - être Rahab abâ lani so mbeni ye nde ti sarango ni ayeke dä ape tongana lo ye ti bâ lege ti sewa ti lo. So let us consider a few beliefs of the early Christians in the light of what Jehovah's present - day servants have learned because they use the Bible as their principal textbook. And just as some today do that, Rahab may have felt that there is nothing else to do if she wants to care for her family. Na yâ ti sese ti laso so Satan ayeke komande na ndo ni, a yeke kete ye pëpe ti tambela na lege ti yingo. Verse 29 adds that "the righteous... will live forever " on the earth. In today's world ruled by Satan, it is not easy to walk by spirit. Tongaso, zia e bâ ambeni tënë so akozo Chrétien amä na bê dä, na e haka ni na ti so awakua ti Jéhovah ti ngoi ti laso amanda ni teti so ala sala kusala na Bible tongana kpengba buku ti ala. The sister quoted earlier sums up the matter: "I learned that we cannot make someone love Jehovah or love us. Let us therefore consider some of the beliefs of the early Christians and compare them with those of Jehovah's modern - day servants because they use the Bible as their valuable book. Na versê 29 atene so "azo ti mbilimbili... [ayeke] ngbâ na ndö [ti sese] lakue lakue. " However, our love is not limited to Christians whom we personally know. In verse 29, we read that "the righteous... will reside forever upon the earth. " *) Na nduru tënë, ita - wali so e sara tënë ti lo fade atene: "Mbi manda so e lingbi pëpe ti pusu mbeni zo ti ye Jéhovah wala ti ye e. By using his holy spirit and the elements of the earth. - Gen. * In short, the sister mentioned earlier says: "I have learned that we cannot cause anyone to love Jehovah or to love us. Ye oko, ndoye ti e aluti pepe gi na ndo aChrétien so e hinga ala. Being rude does not increase the value of the truth or its impact. However, our love is not limited to Christians we know. Lo sara kusala na yingo vulu ti lo nga na aye so ayeke na yâ ti sese. - Gen. Some Titles That Reflect Jesus ' Unique Role in God's Purpose He used his holy spirit and earthly things. - Gen. Tongana e tene tâ tënë ni na mbeni lege so ayeke son bê ti zo, a yeke sara pëpe si zo ahinga nene ti tâ tënë ni. She is in submission to her husband and speaks well of him, increasing the respect others may have for him. If we speak the truth in a way that offends a person, it does not make a person aware of the importance of the truth. Ambeni iri so afa kusala so gi Jésus oko ayeke sara na yâ ti ye so Nzapa aleke ti sara 3: 2; 3 John 5. Names of Jesus ' unique role in God's purpose Lo yeke mä yanga ti koli ti lo nga lo yeke sala nzoni tënë ti koli ti lo; na salango tongaso, lo yeke sala si yekiango ndo so ambeni zo ayeke na ni na mbage ti koli ti lo ague na li ni. This account teaches us that Satan is real and not a quality of evil. She obeys her husband and speaks well of her husband, thus making her respect for her husband grow. 3: 2; 3 Jean 5. How unjust! 3: 2; 3 John 5. Tondo so aye ti fa na e so Satan ayeke pëpe gi sioni so ayeke na yâ ti bê ti zo, me lo yeke dä biani. Also, the faithful and discreet slave class provides much - needed understanding of the pure waters of Bible truth. This account tells us that Satan is not just the evil in the heart but is real. A yeke na lege ni oko pëpe ti tene amolenge so awara mara ti kpale so! The upper stone rested on a central pivot and was turned by a wooden handle. How wrong it would be for these children to experience such a tragedy! Ngbâa be - ta - zo so ayeke sara ye na ndara amû maboko na e ti hinga ye mingi na ndo ti nzoni ngu ti tâ tënë so ayeke na yâ ti Bible. How do those who walk in the light respond to Jehovah's powerful works in their behalf? The faithful and discreet slave class has helped us to learn more about the good waters of Bible truth. Lê ti tênë ti nduzu ayeke dû kete ti sala si a tingbi tele na lo ti gbe ni. As family head, a husband should take the lead in providing materially for his family and in teaching them about God. The upper stone is small enough to make it meet with him. Tongana nyen ala so atambela na yâ lumière ayeke kiri tene na akusala ti ngangu so Jéhovah asala teti ala? Jehovah commissioned the meek man Moses to lead the Israelites out of slavery How do those walking in the light respond to Jehovah's mighty acts in their behalf? Teti so na yâ ti sewa koli la ayeke mokonzi, a lingbi lo mû aye ti mitele na sewa ti lo ni nga lo fa tënë ti Nzapa na ala. That is why honest government officials often commend us as doers of good. - Romans 13: 3; Titus 2: 7, 8. Since the husband is the head of the household, he must provide materially for his family and teach them God's word. Jéhovah amû yanga na Moïse so ayeke na tâ be - ti - molenge ti zi azo ti Israël na ngbâa The Bible lays down the principle that all of Jehovah God's works are perfect and that all of his intelligent creatures are endowed with free will. Jehovah commanded Moses, who humbly delivered the Israelites from slavery Ndani la si fani mingi, akota zo ti komande so asala kusala ti ala na lege ni ayeke kiri tënë ti merci na e, so ti tene ala gonda e na bango e tongana azo so asala nzoni. - aRomain 13: 3; Tite 2: 7, 8. World War II broke out in 1939, and the next year the activity of Jehovah's Witnesses in Canada was banned. That is why reasonable authorities often respond appreciatively to us, namely, to be praised by them. - Romans 13: 3; Titus 2: 7, 8. Bible afa polele so akusala kue ti Jéhovah Nzapa ayeke mbilimbili - kue, na lo mû na azo kue so lo leke na yayu nga na sese, ngangu ti soro ye so bê ti ala aye. Serving shoulder to shoulder with our brothers and sisters promotes unity. The Bible clearly shows that all of Jehovah God's works are perfect, and he has given to all humans his creation in heaven and on earth, the ability to choose what they want. Use Bira so Amû Sese Kue ato nda ni na ngu 1939. Na ngu so aga na peko ni, a kanga lege na kua ti aTémoin ti Jéhovah na Canada. Jehovah thus assures us that when he forgives repentant sinners, he does not remember their sins anymore. World War II broke out in 1939, and the following year the work of Jehovah's Witnesses was banned in Canada. Ti sara kua maboko na maboko na aita ti e ayeke sara si e duti beoko. Illustrate. Working closely with our brothers contributes to our unity. Tënë so aye ti fa so tongana azo azia lege ti siokpari ti ala, Jéhovah ayeke pardone ala nga lo yeke dabe ti lo na siokpari ti ala mbeni pëpe. After the war, he served as a zealous pioneer for many years. This means that if humans repent of their sins, Jehovah will forgive and remember their sins. Mû mbeni tapande. When we help new ones with answers to their questions, let us also do what we can to teach them how they can answer those who question them. Illustrate. Na peko ti bira ni, lo sara kua ti pionnier na ngia ngu mingi. Let us examine some suggestions. After the war, she happily served as a pioneer for many years. Tongana e mu maboko na afini zo na kiringo tene na ahundango tene ti ala, zia e sala nga ye so e lingbi ti sala ti fa na ala tongana nyen ti kiri tene na azo so ayeke hunda tene na ala. Effective questions help people to discover their own reasons for their beliefs When we help new ones by answering their questions, let us also do what we can to show them how to answer those who ask them. Zia e bâ ambeni ye so mo lingbi ti sara. Jehovah can and will give us his holy spirit if we ask him to do so. Let us consider some practical steps that you can take. Jéhovah alingbi nga lo yeke mû ande yingo vulu ti lo na e tongana e hunda ni na lo. Anyone lying down with a beast is positively to be put to death. Jehovah can also give us his holy spirit when we ask for it. Zo so alango na mbeni nyama, a lingbi i fâ lo. Your continued preaching of the good news of the Kingdom may draw ridicule. A person who lives with an animal needs to kill him. So mo ngbâ lakue ti fa nzoni tënë ti Royaume alingbi ti sara si azo ahe mo. Such ones are called "happy and holy " and are deemed worthy of a resurrection to heaven. Your continuing to preach the good news of the Kingdom may cause others to ridicule you. A tene so ala " yeke na ngia nga ala yeke nzoni - kue '. A bâ ala tongana azo so alingbi ti tene a zingo ala ti wara fini na yayu. Within days, the invading forces had taken control of the northern third of the island. They are said to be " joyful and holy ' as worthy of heavenly life. Na yâ akete lango, aturugu so amû yâ ti kodoro ni akomande ndambo ota ti zoa ni na mbage ti banga. Effective teaching requires freeness of speech Within a few days, the three - tribe soldiers ruled over the island's largest part of the island. Ti fa ye nzoni ahunda ti sara tënë na mbeto pëpe They were looking forward to the outworking of God's purposes, but they had to wait for God's appointed time. Preaching With Boldness calls for speaking with boldness Ala yeke ku la ni kungo gango nzoni ti aye so Nzapa aleke ti sala, me a lingbi ala ku ngoi so Nzapa adiko. If it is available in a language that you can understand, by all means get well acquainted with these features and make use of them. They looked forward to the restoration of God's purposes, but they had to wait for God's appointed time. Tongana mo lingbi ti wara ni na mbeni yanga ti kodoro so mo gbu nda ni nzoni, gi lege kue ti hinga atënë ti yâ ni nzoni, na sala kusala na ala. No If you can find it in a language that you understand well, make sure that you understand its contents and use them. Ên - ën Rather, as we teach such ones, we ought to emphasize the importance of building a personal relationship with God. No Na ngoi so e yeke fa ye na azo, a lingbi e mû maboko na ala ti hinga ndani so a yeke kota ye ndali ti ala ti lë kpengba songo na Jéhovah. After all, why settle for anything less than "the real life, " which awaits those who hope in and love Jehovah? - 1 Timothy 6: 17, 19. As we teach others, we need to help them understand why it is important for them to develop a close relationship with Jehovah. Tongaso, ke ti yeda na ye so ayeke tâ fini pëpe, me yeda gi na fini so ayeke ku ala so azia beku ti ala na Jéhovah nga andoye lo. - 1 Timothée 6: 17, 19. 6, 7. What quality of Jesus made his ministry effective, and how can we imitate him in this respect? So refuse to accept what is not real, but simply accept the life that awaits those who hope in Jehovah and love him. - 1 Timothy 6: 17, 19. Lo bâ Jéhovah, "Lo Ti Giriri ," aduti na ndo ti trône so menga - wa ti wâ ayeke na tere ni. He was allowed to see Jehovah depicted as "the Ancient of Days " sitting on a throne with flames of fire. He saw Jehovah, "the Ancient of Days, " sitting on the fiery furnace. Mingi ni, lo yeke nyon gi ti sulêe. He would often drink simply to get drunk. Often, he drinks only. Aaron, mbeni mécanicien ti oto, atene: "Azo mingi apensé atene tongana ala sara kua ti " maboko, ' a yeke bi nengo ti ala na sese. " A lot of people think that it's beneath them to do " menial ' work, " says an auto mechanic named Aaron. Aaron, a car driver, says: "Many people think that if they work in "the hand, " their dignity will be thrown down. Épaphras asambela ti tene azo ti Colosses " aluti tongana azo so alingbi kue. ' Epaphras prayed that the Colossians "stand complete. " Epaphras prayed that the Colossians "stand complete. " Ala yeke biani na beku legeoko tongana mbeni oko ti awakengo - ndia so a fâ ala na tele ti Jésus. They no doubt hope in the same way as did one of the criminals executed alongside Jesus. They certainly hope like one of the criminals who were executed alongside Jesus. Zo wa atokua lo? By whom? Who sent him? Ye oko, lo fa so a yeke nzoni ahon ti ku juska e hon "ngu ti machia, " ngoi so ngangu ti nzala ti mitele alingbi ti buba nzoni ngangu ti bango nda ti ye ti e. They do show, however, that it is better to wait until we are "past the bloom of youth, " when strong sexual impulses can distort good judgment. However, he showed that it is better to wait until we pass through "the waters of the dove, " when physical apathy can damage our perceptive powers. Royaume ti Nzapa akomande ahon ngu 100 awe. More than 100 years have elapsed since the birth of God's Kingdom. God's Kingdom has ruled over 100 years ago. Mo zia bê na mbeni Nzapa so ayeke dä biani? Supporters of True Worship (contributions), 11 / 1 Do You Trust in a God Who Is Real? Lo kiri tene: "E sambela Jéhovah. " He answered: "We prayed to Jehovah. " " We prayed to Jehovah, " he replied. Na Afrika, mbeni sewa atuku mbeni ngangu sämba na ndo ti sende ti kuâ ti mbeni fami so ala ne lo mingi. In Africa, a family pours out gin at the graveside of a respected relative. In Africa a family poured a heavy drinking on the death of a beloved relative. Ala yeke diko Bible nga ala yeke gbu li ti ala na ndo ti aye so ala diko "lâ na bï. " Their delight is in the law of Jehovah, and they meditate on it day and night. They read the Bible and meditate on what they read "day and night. " KOTA NGU TI INGO TI PACIFIQUE PACIFIC OCEAN THE year has passed on to me. Mbeni kusala so amû ngia na bê: Mo lingbi ti mû mbage dä? A Rewarding Ministry - Can You Share in It? A satisfying career: Can you share in it? Aberger ni amû kobe na angasangbaga ni pëpe me ala wara go na ndo ti angasangbaga ni nga ala " mû kobe gi na ala mveni '.. Rather than feeding the sheep, those shepherds were exploiting them and "feeding themselves. " The shepherds do not feed the sheep but take advantage of the flock and " feed them alone. ' Cameron: Nga, bâ tënë so prophétie ni atene: "Ngangu ti Lo ti komande ayeke ti lakue lakue, fade a hon pëpe, na a lingbi futi royaume ti Lo pëpe. " Cameron: Also, notice what else the prophecy says: "His rulership is an everlasting rulership that will not pass away, and his kingdom will not be destroyed. " Cameron: And note, too, what the prophecy says: "His power is to rule forever, and his kingdom will not be brought to ruin. " Kâ, mbi wara mbeni mbeti so alondo na kota ndokua ti aTémoin ti Jéhovah. There a letter from the world headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses awaited me. There I received a letter from headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses. Ambeni ti afini zo so e pete lani ala na yâ kutukutu ti e na so e gue na ala na abungbi ayeke fadeso akpengba wamungo maboko na yâ ti akongregation ti ala. Some of those new ones whom we used to cram into our car and take to the meetings now serve as pillars in their congregations. Some of the new ones we had printed in our car and took them to Christian meetings now are valuable companions in their local congregations. Tongaso, tongana a hunda, Jésus alingbi la ni ti fâ ngbanga ti sioni mingi na ndo awato ti Jéhovah. When necessary, therefore, Jesus was able to pronounce scathing denunciations on Jehovah's enemies. So when asked, Jesus could condemn Jehovah's enemies abundantly. Bible amû kiringo tënë ni, lo tene: "Maboko oko so asi na siriri ayeke nzoni ahon maboko use so asi na kusala na ayeke tombango pupu senge. ." The Bible answers: "Better is a handful of rest than a double handful of hard work and striving after the wind. " The Bible answers: "The one having peace is better than the two hand that is making use of the wind. " Na lege wa a gboto asioni pere na a zö ni na wâ?. In what sense are the weeds collected and burned with fire? How are the weeds drawn out and burned with fire? Lo yeke te nzoni kobe nga lo yeke nyon nzoni vin legeoko na anzoni kamarade. He enjoyed food and wine in the company of good friends. He eats wholesome food and drinks wine with good friends. Mo yeke ku na ngia ngoi so kpale ti kobe, yere, pasi, kobela, nga na kuâ ayeke duti dä mbeni pëpe. You eagerly await the time when food shortages, poverty, suffering, sickness, and death no longer plague mankind. You look forward to the time when food, poverty, suffering, sickness, and death will be no more. Ye so angbâ na peko ti bubango ti théâtre ni na Ephèse Ruins of the theater at Ephesus The ruins of the theater in Ephesus Ambeni ti azo ti kanga so ayeke manda Bible ato nda ti kangbi afango ye ti Tënë ti Nzapa so adë bê na amba ti ala. Some prisoners studying the Bible begin to share the refreshing teachings of God's Word with fellow inmates. Some of the prisoners who were studying the Bible began to share the Bible's comforting teachings. Na peko ti Jéhovah a yeke Jésus la ahinga ye nzoni mingi na ndo ti aye kue so Nzapa acréé so na popo ni a yeke wara nga azo. Next to Jehovah, Jesus has the most comprehensive knowledge of all creation, including humankind. After Jehovah was the Source of Jesus ' knowledge of all creation, including humans. Tongana lo kanga ye na li ti lo na ngoi ni so, lo yeke fa so a yeke koli ti lo si ayeke fade na kungba ti sambela na ti fa lege na sewa ni na ndo Bible. Her wearing a head covering reflects recognition that her husband is responsible to take the lead in prayer and Bible instruction. When he wears his head on that occasion, he shows that his husband had the responsibility of praying and directing the family about the Bible. Ngu miombe na pekoni, lo kui na ngoi so lo yeke na ngu 94. She lived for eight more years, dying at the age of 94. Eight years later, she died when she was ten years old. Tongana zo ni asala nzara ti mä mo pëpe, mo lingbi peut - être ti tene: "Mbi pensé so laso mbi tï nzoni pëpe. " If that does not promptly elicit a request for an explanation, you might add: "But evidently this is not a convenient time for you. " If the person is not interested in you, you might say, "I don't think I'm right now. " Mbeni lâ, lo tene so atâ wavorongo Nzapa ayeke voro gi "Babâ " ni, me mbeni zo nde pëpe. He later said that true worshipers would worship "the Father, " no one else. On one occasion, he said that true worshippers worship only the "Father, " not anyone else. 7: 27, 28. 7: 27, 28. 7: 27, 28. A - Témoin ti Jéhovah na Mozambique ayeke sala a - ekole ti manda ti diko na ti sû mbeti na ando 850 na yâ kodoro ni kue, si na lege ni azo alingbi ti diko Mbeti ti Nzapa ndali ti ala mveni. Jehovah's Witnesses in Mozambique hold literacy classes in 850 places nationwide in order that people can read God's Word for themselves. Jehovah's Witnesses in Mozambique hold schools to learn to read and write in all parts of the country so that it is possible for people to read God's Word for themselves. Tâ gi na pekoni, Nzapa afa ye so lo yeke sara ti leke na kpale ni so nga ti mû lege na amolenge ti Adam ti wara fini ti lakue lakue. Immediately, God declared his intention to rectify this sad situation and give Adam's descendants a way to gain endless life. Very soon thereafter, God revealed his solution to the problem and opened the way for Adam's descendants to gain everlasting life. Lo vo da ni nga lo leke aye so abuba na tere ni na tongaso da ni akiri aga pendere. He buys the house and with some work fixes the surface defects and improves its appearance. He bought the house and cleaned it up and then rebuilt it again. Ndali ti so tongana e mä na bê so Jésus akui na lo zingo na kuâ, e mä na bê nga so ala so akui beoko na Jésus, Nzapa ayeke ga ande na ala legeoko na lo.... For if we have faith that Jesus died and rose again, so too God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep in death... For if we believe that Jesus died and was resurrected, we believe, and those who have died in union with Jesus, God will come with them.... Jéhovah ahinga so Gédéon alingbi ti sö azo ti Israël teti so lo bâ akode so lo yeke na ni. 4, 5. (a) Who have played a significant role in spreading the good news? Jehovah knew that Gideon could save the Israelites because he saw his potential. Na yâ ti wango so disciple Jacques amû na atâ Chrétien ti sara be - nzoni na mba, lo sû tënë so na mbeti lo tene: "Ngbanga asara be - nzoni pëpe na zo so asara be - nzoni pëpe. ." Jehovah trusted Gideon to deliver Israel because He had observed his skills. In his counsel to show mercy to one another, the disciple James wrote: "Woe to one who is showing mercy. " Ngbanga ti so Jésus so ayeke sara ye na ngangu pëpe atene so "fade sese ayeke ga ti ala. " Exhorting true Christians to be merciful to one another, the disciple James wrote: "The one that does not practice mercy will have his judgment without mercy. " Because the mild - tempered Jesus said that "they will inherit the earth. " Na peko ti so wali ti mbeni ita - koli akui nga lo wara ambeni ye ti ngangu, lo tene: "Mbi bâ so e lingbi pëpe ti soro atara so ayeke si na e, e lingbi pëpe ti fa lawa si ayeke ga, wala même fani oke si ayeke si. Because "they will inherit the earth, " said mild - tempered Jesus. After losing her husband's wife and other hardships, she says: "I feel that we cannot choose our trials, nor can we say how long it will happen. " Lakue na ndapre, ala yeke diko versê [ti lâ na lâ] na ngoi ti tengo ye, nga ala yeke fa tënë lâ na lâ na yâ ti aterritoire nde nde so ayeke na yâ ti gbata ni. " After one brother lost his wife in death and he faced other painful circumstances, he said: "I learned that we cannot choose our tests, neither their time nor their frequency. " Every morning they read from [the daily text] during meals and preached daily in various territories in the city. " E hinga nga ye mingi na ndo ti aye tongana anyama, andeke nga na akeke na ye so asara si mbi bâ na nene ni mingi aye so Wasarango e asara. " The [day's] text was discussed each morning at the breakfast table, " and "the pioneers went daily to their territory in various parts of the city. " We also know much about animals, birds, and trees, and I appreciate our Creator's creative works. Tongana nyen la e yeke fa so e yeda na aye so bungbi ti Jéhovah azia na sese? We also learned a lot about nature, which made me appreciate the handiwork of our Creator. How can we show that we agree with the arrangements made by Jehovah's organization? Lo tene: "So mbi duti ayo na afami ti mbi, mbi tourné lakue na mbage ti Jéhovah ti mû maboko na mbi. How do we demonstrate our support for the arrangements made by Jehovah's organization? " Since I lived far away from my family, " she says, "I always turned to Jehovah for help. Tongana mbi yeke na yâ ti da ni, mbi hunda na lo wala a sala vizite na lo awe. She adds: "Being far away from my family, I always turn to Jehovah for help. When I was in the house, I asked if he had been visited. Lo hunda: "Mo so mo fa ye na mbeni zo, mo fa ye na mo mveni pëpe? " Once inside, I asked him if he had already been visited. He asks: "Do you, however, the one teaching someone else, not teach yourself? " Siokpari ti ala afuti ngangu ti gbungo nda ti ye ti ala, a sala si ala bi bê so Nzapa ayeke ba siokpari ti ala pepe. He asked: "Do you, however, the one teaching someone else, not teach yourself? " Their sin had ruined their understanding, so they thought that God did not view their sins. Molongo ti asioni sarango ye so ague oko na ti so ayeke na aRomain 1: 29 - 31. They become perverted in their reasoning to the point of assuming that God does not see their wrongdoing. The list of wrong practices is similar to that of Romans 1: 29 - 31. Mbi yeke ku gigi ti kekereke na bê ti mbi kue na hingango so ye kue ayeke na maboko ti Jéhovah? ' The list is similar to the one found at Romans 1: 29 - 31, though the list in Paul's letter to Timothy includes terms that are not mentioned elsewhere in the Christian Greek Scriptures. Do I look forward to the future with confidence, knowing that everything is in Jehovah's hands? ' A lingbi e hinga ni ndali ti so kuâ ti Jésus alingbi ti sara ye mingi na yâ ti fini ti e. Do I face the future with confidence, knowing that God is in full control? ' We need to know this because Jesus ' death can have a profound effect on our lives. Ala ye ti manda ni. We need to know, for the death of Jesus can have a profound effect on our life. They wanted to learn it. (b) A lingbi ti sala nyen ti hon ndo ti bê so anze? They want to learn! (b) What can be done to cope with discouragement? Ye oko, na popo ti aChrétien laso, a dabe na lo mingi ahon ngbanga ti lengo ti lo so apusu Jéhovah Nzapa ti ba lo tongana mbeni ndeko: mabe ti lo so ayengi lâ oko pepe. • What is faith, and why do we need this quality? However, among Christians today, he is remembered more than because of his qualities that moved Jehovah God to view him as a friend - his unfailing faith. Tongana a hunda ti tene a " pika bio ti ngbangba ti awato ti lo ', Nzapa ayeke sara ni. Yet, among Christians today, he is best remembered for the quality that moved Jehovah God to view him as a friend - his unwavering faith. If there is a need for "the bones of his enemies, " God will do so. Oke la lo bâ ayeke aChrétien so ayeke be - ta - zo? If his enemies were to be " struck on the jaw, ' God would do it. Was he looking at faithful Christians? Aita ti Groningue ayamba lo na wâ. How often does he find someone keeping Christian integrity? He was warmly welcomed by the brothers in Asa. Mbi bâ so a dë bê ti mbi biani. " The brothers in Groningen gave him a warm welcome. I felt that it really comforted me. " Kite ayeke dä ape so amara ti akpale ni so asi na yâ ti dunia kue, a yeke ni la ape? I feel that it really calms me down. " Is it not possible that such problems are common around the world? Ye oko, tongana ala dü kozo molenge ti ala, ala iri lo Caïn, so ti tene "Mbeni ye so a dü ni, " si Ève atene:" Mbi dü [zo] ndali ti so Jéhovah amû maboko na mbi. " Our world has certainly seen a lot of that kind of trouble in the past century, hasn't it? However, when they gave birth to their firstborn son, they called Cain, "a special property, " so that Eve said:" I have children because Jehovah helped me. " Awandara atene so wungo ti atongoro na yâ ti bungbi ti atongoro so sese ayeke dä ayeke milliard 400. Yet, when their first child was born, they named him Cain, or "Something Produced, " and Eve proclaimed:" I have produced a man with the aid of Jehovah. " According to experts, the number of stars in the universe consists of 100 billion stars. Awali ti e ague lani na e pëpe, me ala ngbâ ti ala na Béthel ti Finlande ti sara kusala. Scientists believe that our Milky Way galaxy alone may contain up to 400 billion stars. Our wives did not take us, but they remained at the Finland branch office to serve. Tongana ye so ato nda ni ti si, akä so ayeke na yâ bê ti lo ato nda ti kaï. Our wives remained behind and worked at the Finland branch office. If that began to happen, the wounds of his heart began to cease. Jésus afa ye so e lingbi ti manda na ndö ni na peko ti so lo sava azo bale - oko so ayeke na kobela ti buruma, so yorö ti soigné na ni ayeke lani dä ape. Once this started to happen, the wounds in his heart began to heal. Jesus provided a lesson about this after he healed ten sick people who had no cure for leprosy. Nde na so, fani mingi a yeke abungbi ti vorongo si ayeke tingo wâ na gbe ti asioni bango ndo, kengo tele nga na vorongo kodoro so ayeke ga na kangbi na popo ti azo. Jesus highlighted that lesson after he healed ten men of a debilitating disease that had no cure at the time. On the other hand, religion has often been controlled by negative attitudes, hatred, and religion that divides people. Foto na mbage ti koli: Aus dem Fundus der MÜNCHNER OLYMPIAPARK GMBH, München In fact, they often make matters worse by inflaming the bigotry, hatred, and nationalism that divide people. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: CEPPPPPPPPPDCPDCPDCCPDCPDCA " Mbi, L'Eternel ["Jéhovah, " MN], Mbi ndoye fango ngbanga ti mbilimbili. " - ESAÏE 61: 8. Photo on right: Aus dem Fundus der MÜNCHNER OLYMPIAPARK GMBH, München " I, Jehovah, am loving justice. " - ISAIAH 61: 8. Gbia ti ndara atene: "Ndara ayeke na zo so amä wango. " " I, Jehovah, am loving justice. " - ISAIAH 61: 8. " Wisdom is with the one listening to counsel, " says the wise king. Mbeni gbia na sese so a lingbi pëpe ti zi azo na yâ ti sarango ye ti ngangu, sarango ye ti kirikiri, kobela nga na kuâ. " With those consulting together there is wisdom, " says the wise king. A king in this world cannot escape violence, injustice, sickness, and death. Ye oko, ambeni zo ayeda. No human ruler has ever relieved mankind of violence, injustice, disease, or death. Some, however, have responded. Na mbeni ngoi lo sara tënë kirikiri, me Jéhovah ahinga vundu so asara Job. Others, however, reacted favorably. On one occasion, he spoke twisted things, but Jehovah understood Job's pain. Kuâ ti Jésus nga na zingongo ti lo: A ga na aye ti nzoni wa na mo? 4 The bread available on that occasion was the kind that had just been used at the Passover. What benefits come from Jesus ' death and resurrection? Lo ke na kuru go, teti lo tene ni yeke Juif. - Esther 3: 3, 4. Jesus ' Death and Resurrection - What They Can Mean for You 4 She refused, for she said that she was Jewish. - Esther 3: 3, 4. A yeke nzoni ala sara ye alingbi na ye so sioni gbia ti Egypte ti giriri ahunda ni na ala? He flatly refused, stating that he was a Jew. - Esther 3: 3, 4. Should they obey the request of the wicked king of ancient Egypt? Michel IV Would they comply with the demands of the godless ruler of ancient Egypt? Michael Picte (Gue na gbe ti tënë so: LA BIBLE ET VOUS > QUESTIONS BIBLIQUES) Michael IV (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) Tongaso, e kue so e yeke sara na Nzapa e yeke awabatango ye ti lo. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) So all of us who serve God are his stewards. Ngia so ayeke ga na lege ti mungo ye (amatabisi), 1 / 11 Accordingly, all who serve God are stewards, and with their stewardship comes honor, trust, and responsibility. " God's Word Is Truth, " 11 / 15 [ Foto na lembeti 9] Denz Turpin), 12 / 1 We Lived by Jehovah's Strength (E. [ Picture on page 9] Aprophétie so asara tënë na ndo ti kota image nga na nyama ti ngonda ni afa so mbeni ngangu ngorogbia ayeke mû ande pëpe place ti ngangu komandema ti Grande - Bretagne na Amerika. [ Picture on page 9] The prophecies about the immense image and the wild beast indicate that no powerful government would replace the Anglo - American World Power. Jéhovah ayeke sala tënë na e na lege ti Tënë ti lo so a sû na mbeti, na lo fa nga lege na e na lege ti bungbi ti lo. The prophecies about the immense image and the wild beast confirm that the Anglo - American World Power will not be replaced by some future world power. Jehovah speaks to us through his written Word, and he also guides us through his organization. Na ngu 2010, mbi wara diplôme ti Ekole ti formation ministérielle (so laso a iri ni Ekole ti awafango nzoni tënë ti Royaume) so a sara ni na Salvador. Jehovah speaks to us through his written Word and gives direction through his organization. In 2010, I graduated from the Ministerial Training School (now called the School for Kingdom Proclaimers) in El Salvador. Tongana nyen e yeke sala ye na mbage ti azo ti salango ye ti kirikiri nga na ala ti salango ngangu senge senge na azo? In 2010, I graduated from the Ministerial Training School (now called the School for Kingdom Evangelizers) held in El Salvador. How do we deal with the unrighteous and violent people? Atâa na yâ ti sese so aga kirikiri, mo lingbi ti wara ngia na lege ti tâ hingango ye so Bible amû na ndo Nzapa, Royaume ti lo, na pendere ye so lo leke teti azo kue. How do we react to injustices and acts of senseless violence? Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. Bible atene: "Ye ti pitan na vin na fini vin alungula hingango ye " wala anzoni bibe ti zo. Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. The Bible says: "As for fornication and wine, they have opened up knowledge of " or" good intentions. " Aye so asi na awakua ti Jéhovah na ngoi ti e laso afa so Jéhovah ayeke zia ande lâ oko pëpe si a futi azo ti lo kue. " Wine and sweet wine are what take away good motive, " states the Bible. The modern - day history of Jehovah's servants shows that Jehovah will never allow his people to be destroyed. Ye nyen asi tongana azo ti Israël na Juda angbâ lakue ti mä pepe tene ti Jéhovah? The modern history of Jehovah's Witnesses provides proof that Jehovah will never allow the extermination of his people as a group. What happened when the Israelites and Judah did not keep listening to Jehovah's word? Ndali ti kota kengo ndo so Satan ayeke na ni na mbage ti Jéhovah nga na awakua ti Lo, e lingbi ti hinga biani so Zabolo ayeke na ngia ti tene mbeni kî angbâ lakue ti pika Paul. What happened when the people of Israel and Judah failed to keep listening to Jehovah? Because of Satan's intense hatred for Jehovah and his servants, we can be sure that the Devil would still be pleased to beat Paul with a thorn. Azo so ahinga ti sara adessin nzoni na Philadelphie, New York, Paris, nga na Londres asara adessin ti yâ ti afilm ni nga na adiapo ni nde nde kue na ndo ti verre. In view of Satan's bitter hatred of Jehovah and His servants, we can be sure that the Devil was pleased that a thorn kept on slapping Paul. Those who were skilled at sports in Philadelphia, New York, Paris, and London also produced whole pictures and artistic pictures. Ambeni ayeke sala kusala na nginza ti ala ti yä iri ti ala mveni. Professional artists in Philadelphia, New York, Paris, and London hand painted the glass slides and the films, frame by frame. Some use their money to glorify themselves. Tongana mo yeke sara lisoro na ambeni zo, sara kua nzoni na agbakuru so ayeke na yanga ti kodoro ti mo (Bâ paragraphe 5) Others use their money to glorify themselves. When you communicate with others, make good use of the tools available in your language (See paragraph 5) Ye oko, na ngoi so agbu Jésus lani, abazengele kue azia lo, même Pierre ni kue. As you reason with others, make good use of the tools available in your language (See paragraph 5) Yet, when Jesus was arrested, all the apostles abandoned him - including Peter. Mbeni lâ, lo zi fini Bible so molenge ti lo azia na ndo ti table. Nevertheless, when Jesus was being taken into custody, all the apostles - including Peter - abandoned him. On one occasion, she opened the new Bible that her son had placed on the table. Na tapande, tongana azo ti Israël ayeke bâ pasi lani tongana angbâa, Jéhovah atene na Moïse: "Biani, Mbi bâ ye ti vundu ti azo ti Mbi so ayeke na Egypte, na Mbi mä toto ti ala tënë ti acapita ti ala; teti Mbi hinga pono ti ala. ." Then one day she opened a new Bible that her daughter had left on a table. For example, when the Israelites suffered as slaves, Jehovah told Moses: "I have seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt, and I have heard their outcry as a result of them; because I well know the pains they suffer. " Tongana a bâ ambeni kamba ni, ye ni ayeke mo bâ mo tene ala kpengba pëpe; ye oko, tongana a tara ti kono yâ ti akamba ti tere so ti haka ni na ambeni ye, ala yeke kpengba mingi ahon wen nga na bongo so azo ayeke yü na kate ti ala ti tene lê ti ngombe alï ala pëpe. For example, when the Israelites were being oppressed as slaves, Jehovah said to Moses: "Unquestionably I have seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt, and I have heard their outcry as a result of those who drive them to work; because I well know the pains they suffer. " Some of these may appear to be simple; yet, when they are tempted to compare themselves with other things, they are more solid than metal and clothing that others wear for their weapons. Tongana mbeni babâ ti sewa aba so molenge ti lo ti koli ti ngu 11 ayeke bi bê na ambeni ye nde na ngoi ti mbeni assemblée ti aChrétien, lo mu Bible na molenge ni na lo hunda lo ti gi aversê na ngoi so awamungo diskur ni ayeke fa ni. Some frail - looking strands are proportionately stronger than steel, tougher than the fibers in a bulletproof vest. When a family head sees that his 11 - year - old son is interested in other things at a Christian convention, he gives the child the Bible and asks him to look up scriptures when the speaker share it. A lingbi mo sara mbeto ti Enfer? Noticing that his 11 - year - old son was daydreaming during a Christian convention, one family head handed the lad a Bible and asked him to look up the scriptures as they were cited by the speakers. Should You Fear Hell? Tongana mbeni zo andu lo, zo ni kue ayeke ga sioni. - Lév. STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: When someone touched him, everyone would be unclean. - Lev. Ye oko, ndoye teti Nzapa alingbi ti ngbâ na yâ bê ti ala. Anyone touching her would also become unclean. - Lev. However, love for God can remain in their heart. Ti tene mo bâ ndo ayo, a yeke nga nzoni ti hinga mbilimbili mara ti gigi wa mo ye ti wara ni nga leke aye ti si na ye ni so mo ye. Yet, they likely still have a love of God in their heart. For you to be alert, it is also wise to discern what kind of life you want and plan ahead for what you want. A hunda lani ando so ngu ayeke dä mingi, teti abatême ti Jésus na ti adisciple ti lo andu yorongo zo kue na yâ ngu. - Kusala 8: 36. To resist short - term thinking, you also need a clear vision of the future you want and a plan for how to achieve it. Jesus ' baptism and his disciples were needed in water. - Acts 8: 36. Me ti wu tere alingbi ti dë bê ti e, pëpe ti ga na e kpale na lege ti yingo wala ti kiri na akusala ti e ti yingo na peko. Such bodies of water were needed because the baptisms of Jesus and his disciples involved total immersion. - Acts 8: 36. But rest can be a source of comfort, not to bring us spiritual disaster or to slow down our spiritual activities. Nde na so, a fa na ala aye so alingbi ti si tongana ala sala ye ti sioni. But recreation should refresh us, not endanger our spirituality or encroach on spiritual activities. Instead, they were taught the consequences of doing bad things. (Diko Luc 18: 28 - 30.) Rather, they were warned of the consequences of wrongdoing. (Read Luke 18: 28 - 30.) Na ngoi so Jésus atene "fini ti zo ayeke pëpe na ye mingi mingi so ayeke na lo ," tënë so a sara kusala na ni ge na yâ ti Évangile ti Luc ti sara tënë ti" fini " (Grec, zo·eʹ) aye pëpe ti sara tënë ti lege so zo aduti na fini, me a ye ti sara tënë ti tâ fini ti zo ni mveni. (Read Luke 18: 28 - 30.) When Jesus said that "life is not a possession of the things he possesses, " the word used here in Luke's Gospel refers to" life, " (a·gaʹpe) not to the real life, but to the real life. 38: 9 - 20. When Jesus said that "life does not result from the things he possesses, " the word used here for" life " in Luke's Gospel (Greek, zo·eʹ) refers, not to the manner or style of living, but to life itself, life in the absolute sense. 38: 9 - 20. Ti aChrétien so a soro ala ti gue na yayu, a "kpo nzoroko ," wala a zia marque na ndo ti ala na lege ti yingo vulu ti tene ala ga ti Nzapa. 38: 9 - 20. For anointed Christians, they are " sealed, ' or sealed, with holy spirit to become God's people. Lo yeke sara si sarango ye ti sioni nga na sarango ye ti ngangu na zo ahunzi. - Diko Psaume 72: 8, 12 - 14. In the case of the anointed, they are "sealed, " or branded, figuratively by holy spirit as God's possession. He will put an end to wickedness and violence. - Read Psalm 72: 7, 12 - 14. Nda ni so a sigigi na TNP, so akodoro 180 ayeda na atënë so ayeke na yâ ni, ayeke ti zi asioni lê ti ngombe so kue na tïtî akodoro so ayeke na ni. Jesus will rescue the poor and bring an end to oppression and violence. - Read Psalm 72: 8, 12 - 14. The reason for the published by 180 countries is that of removing all nuclear weapons from countries. Job ayeda na bê ti lo kue na awango so, na lo tene: "Mbi yeke kete ye senge... mbi ke sioye ti mbi na yâ pupu - sese, na mbi - wa. " The goal of the NPT, which has now been ratified by more than 180 nations, is eventually to achieve complete disarmament. Job willingly accepted them, saying: "I am a little thing... I have hated my error in dust and ashes. " Fadeso, e use kue e yeke aTémoin ti Jéhovah, na mabe ti e abungbi e oko. " Job willingly accepted the reproof, admitting: "I have become of little account... I do repent in dust and ashes. " Now we are both Jehovah's Witnesses, and we are united in our faith. " Tongaso, fini mbele amû maboko na e ti hinga biani so mbele so Nzapa ate na Abraham ayeke ga ande tâ tënë. Now we are both Jehovah's Witnesses, and our faith has united us. " Thus, the new covenant assures us that God's covenant with Abraham will come true. Tongana e sara kue ti mû pëpe peko ti asioni nzara so, e yeke fa polele so e ye pëpe ti yôro tere ti e na yâ ti sioni dunia ti Satan. The new covenant thus reinforces the Abrahamic covenant. If we are determined not to follow such wrong desires, we will make it clear that we do not want to get involved in Satan's wicked system of things. Lani so wali ti mbi angbâ na fini, mbi bâ tongana nyen azo abâ pasi, nga mbi wani mbi bâ pasi tongana akamarade ti mbi nga na asongo ti mbi akui. By our being determined to refrain from these negative fleshly desires, we show clearly that we do not want to be a part of Satan's wicked world. When my wife was alive, I saw people suffer, and I felt like friends and relatives. Na ngoi so e yeke manda Bible na mbeni zo, nyen la a lingbi e zia na gbele e? I had seen the suffering of others and had suffered myself when friends and relatives died. What should be our goal when conducting a Bible study? Biani, tele ti ala anzere na ala ye gi ti ga ndulu na Jésus! What should be our goal when we conduct a Bible study? Yes, they rejoiced and wanted to draw close to Jesus! Na ngoi so lo yeke sala gala, lo wara lege ti to nda ti amandango Bible mingi na lege ti alisoro so lo londo ti sala na azo ti Philippines na ando ti kango ye. Surely their hearts were warmed, and they were drawn to Jesus! While on the market, he was able to start many Bible studies by means of his discussions with the Philippines in business areas. Na tapande, mbeni wagingo yâ ti atongoro asû na mbeti: "A yeke Nzapa si amû tele ti lo mveni ti leke ndagigi na kode tongaso teti nzoni ti e?... While shopping, she has been able to start numerous Bible studies by striking up conversations with other Filipinos in stores. For example, one scholar wrote: "Is it God who gave himself willingly to create the universe for our benefit?... Tongana nyen la e lingbi ti hon ndö ti mbeto na ti he bia ti sepela Jéhovah? Are you moved to give God glory? How can we muster up boldness and sing praises to Jehovah? So ayeke la ni mbeni pendere tene ti témoin teti ala so aba aye so mbi gbian. How can we overcome the fear of using our voice to sing praises to Jehovah? This was a wonderful witness to those who had seen my changed circumstances. AYE TI MANDA TETI YENGA TI: This was a good witness to those who noticed the changes I made. STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: Ye so ayeke sara si ala lingbi ti to nda ti pensé so aita ti congrégation ayapu na mbage ti ala ape nga aita ni amû maboko na ala ape. As a result, they may begin to think of the congregation as being cold and unsympathetic. As a result, they may begin to feel that they do not have the warmth and support of the congregation. A kanga ala sân ti tene a fâ ngbanga na ndo ti ala ndali ti so na yâ ti kodoro ni mbeni ndia ayeke pëpe ndali ti azo so ake ti sara mbeni ye ndali ti so yingo - ti - hinga ti ala amû lege na ala ti sara ni ape. Their case was never brought to trial, for that land had no provision for conscientious objectors. They were imprisoned without being judged because there was no law on the part of those who refused to do anything because their conscience allowed them to do it. Kozoni si Nzapa aleke lo na pupu - sese ti sese na Lo mû fini na lo, Adam ayeke lani na ndo wa? Where was Adam before God formed him from the dust of the ground and gave him life? Before God created him with dust and gave him life, where was Adam? Na pekoni, lo mä so wali ni ayeke na ngo. Later, he found out that she was pregnant. Then she learned that she was pregnant. Nga, legeoko tongana ti so a mû lani maboko na Pierre, yingo ti Nzapa amû maboko na Paul ti gbu nda ti ye na ndo ti beku ti mbeni fini so alingbi ti hinga kuâ pëpe nga na tere so alingbi ti buba pëpe na yayu, nga ti sû tënë polele na ndo ni. And as was true of Peter, God's spirit enabled Paul to understand and write with clarity about the hope of immortality and incorruptibility in the heavens. And just as Peter was helped, God's spirit helped Paul to grasp the hope of immortality and immortality in heaven. Mbeni ye so ayeke mû maboko na e ti hon ndo ti mbeto si e fa tënë ayeke sambela. One way we muster up boldness to preach is through prayer. Another factor that helps us to muster up boldness to preach is prayer. Ye oko, na ambeni ndo, salango ye ti azo ti kodoro ni aye si a fa na gbele ala so kue aga iri ti zo so amû kungba tongaso na matabisi. However, in some places, it is the custom to identify the giver to all those who are present. In some places, however, local customs suggest that all are appointed by someone who gives such a privilege. Mbeti ti Genèse afa na e tâ ngu ni, nze ni nga na lango so kota ngu - nzapa so ato nda ni; a fa nga lango so arche ni aluti na ni, ndo so arche ni aluti dä nga na ngoi so ngu ahule na ndo ti sese. The Genesis account tells us the precise year, month, and day when the Deluge began, when and where the ark came to rest, and when the earth dried off. The Genesis account tells us the exact year, the month, and the day that the Flood began, and the ark stood still, where the ark stood, and when dry water was dryd upon the ground. Eskê Jéhovah ayeke mû ande devant ti ala ti tiri bira ni, tongana ti so Débora atene? Did Jehovah go out before them, as Deborah had promised? Would Jehovah use them to fight, as Deborah had foretold? Ye ti nzoni ni ayeke so, kozoni si azo ti komande ni amû desizion ti bâ ye so alingbi ti sala na mbi, a mû yanga ti zi na kanga azo kue so ngu ti ala ayeke legeoko na ti mbi. Happily, before the authorities figured out what to do with me, all those belonging to my age group were released. Happily, before the authorities decided to see what would be done to me, I was ordered to release all those with my age. Wanguru so ayeke Sergei Grinkov, so ayeke mbeni wanguru ti salango patinage (mbeni dodo ti wanguru na ndo lando ti glace), so aso benda fani use na ngoi ti Angia ti awanguru ti Olympique, me so kusala ti lo ahunzi hio tâ gi na ngoi so lo yeke to nda ti maï, tongana lo yeke gi na ngu 28. The athlete was Sergei Grinkov, a two - time Olympic gold medalist ice skater, whose career was cut short just as it started to blossom - when he was only 28 years old. It is estimated that when he was only 28 years old, he lost his job. E kue e yeke na mbeni zo so apeut ti aidé e, na zo ni so aye ti aidé e. We all have someone who can help us, someone who wants to help us - God himself. We all have someone who can help us, and he wants to help us. Atä so mingi ti akamarade na azo ti sewa ti Ita Aboud ayeda pepe na tokua ti Bible, akoli use so azo ahinga ala mingi ayeda na ni: mbeni wafango senda - mati, Ibrahim Atiyeh, na mbeni wanganga ti kaïngo kobela ti pembe, Hanna Shammas. Although the majority of Brother Aboud's friends and relatives did not respond to the Bible message, two well - known persons did, a professor, Ibrahim Atiyeh, and a dentist, Hanna Shammas. Although many friends and family members did not respond favorably to the Bible's message, two well - known men accepted it - a university teacher, I didn't, and a medical doctor, Lydia. Mû tapande ti lo so amû zendo ti fini ti lakue lakue Imitate the One Who Promises Everlasting Life Imitate His Example of Everlasting Life Bê ti mingi ti adisciple ti lo so ayeke aJuif aso na ala tene: "So ayeke kpengba tënë! Zo nyen alingbi mä tënë so? " The majority of Jesus ' Jewish followers were stumbled and said: "This speech is shocking; who can listen to it? " Many of his Jewish disciples were shocked to say: "This speech is shocking; who can listen to it? " Ye oko, e kue e lingbi ti mû maboko na awande na sarango kusala nzoni na brochure Une bonne nouvelle pour des gens de toutes nations, so tënë ti Bible ayeke dä na ayanga ti kodoro mingi. Still, all of us can have a meaningful share in helping foreigners by making good use of our booklet Good News for People of All Nations, which contains a Bible message in many languages. However, all of us can help foreigners by using the booklet Good News for People of All Nations, which is available in many languages. Japan Information Center, Consulate General of Japan in NY Japan Information Center, Consulate General of Japan in NY J.C. Center, Courtesy of J. J. J. J. • Ngbanga ti nyen wango so Paul amû na aColossien alingbi nga na e laso? • Why is Paul's counsel for the Colossians still appropriate for us today? • Why is Paul's counsel to the Colossians relevant today? Na ngoi so a hunda lo wala lo comprendre ye so lo yeke diko so, lo kiri tënë, lo tene: "Ti tâ tënë ni, mbi lingbi ti mä yâ ni tongana nyen tongana mbeni zo ti fa ndani na mbi ayeke dä ape? " When asked if he understood what he was reading, he replied: "Really, how could I ever do so unless someone guided me? " When asked if she understood what she was reading, she replied, "In reality, how could I ever understand it unless no one was able to explain it to me? " Amaseka ni aye lani ti tene missionnaire ni akiri tënë na ahunda ti ala, na ala gue na lo na peko ti mbeni da, ndo so ala tisa lo ti duti na ndo ti mbeni kete mbata. The group wanted the missionary to answer some questions and led him to a backyard, where he was invited to sit on a small stool. The young ones wanted the missionary to answer their questions, and they took him after a house, where they invited him to sit on a small throne. Andia kue so ayeke fa lege na " fini sese ' ni ayeke londo ande kâ na " fini yayu ' ni. All laws for the "new earth " will come from the" new heavens. " All the laws governing the "new earth " will be resurrected there with its" new heavens. " Atënë ti Jésus so a sû na Matthieu 24: 45 afa polele so a yeke ngbâ ande ti wara na ndo ti sese na ngoi ti nda ni so mbeni ngbâa be - ta - zo so ayeke sara ye na ndara. Jesus ' words recorded at Matthew 24: 45 clearly indicate that there would still be a faithful and discreet slave class living on earth during the time of the end. Jesus ' words recorded at Matthew 24: 45 make it clear that there will be still on earth during the time of the end of the faithful and discreet slave class. Zo wa na popo ti e aye pëpe ti duti zo so ahinga ti kanga bê ti ku, zo so ayeke sara nzoni na zo wala zo so ayeke na bê so aye gi ti sara nzoni na zo? Who of us would not like to abound in long - suffering, kindness, and goodness? Who of us would not want to be patient, kind, or kind? Jean awa nga aita na ndo ti "Wahanda na wato - ti - Christ ." - 2 Jean 5 - 7. John also warns about "the deceiver and the antichrist. " - 2 John 5 - 7. John also warned others about "the antichrist and the antichrist. " - 2 John 5 - 7. Tongana e nga e sala si tënë ti yanga ti Jéhovah amû ndo na yâ bê ti e, amayele ti Satan ayeke sala ye oko na e pëpe. Satan's machinations will also fail with us if we fill our heart with Jehovah's sayings. If we too fill Jehovah's word in our hearts, Satan's machinations will not affect us. Lo sambela Jéhovah ndali ni, na Jéhovah atokua na Daniel mbeni ange so ayeke na kota ndo. He makes it a matter of prayer, and Jehovah sends an angel of high rank to Daniel. He prayed to Jehovah about this, and Jehovah sent a prominent angel to Daniel. Mbi hunda mo, mo yeke mû tapande ti azo wa na yâ ti mbeni sewa ti fa na mbi so azo use alingbi tere? Now, if you wanted to teach me that two people are equal, what sort of family relationship might you use to illustrate the point? I ask you, Whom do you imitate in a family to show me that two people are equal? Ye oko, Caïn na Abel amû peut - être lani sandaga ti ala na Jéhovah na ndo abalaga. - 15 / 2, lembeti 28. Likely, however, Cain and Abel used altars in making their offerings. - 2 / 15, page 28. However, Cain and Abel may have offered their sacrifices to Jehovah on altars. - 2 / 15, page 28. Ti fa so adisciple ti lo ayeke na ngele mingi, Jésus atene: " Azo ayeke kä akete ndeke use ndali ti kete lê ti nginza oko pëpe? Illustrating the worth of his disciples, Jesus said: "Do not two sparrows sell for a coin of small value? Showing that his disciples were precious, Jesus said: "Do not two sparrows sell for a coin of small value? CORÉE TI MBONGO SOUTH KOREA published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Na mabe na Jéhovah, zo so "afa tene ti lingo na gigi, " prophète ni afa nda ti bango li ti kota yanda so Neboukadnetsar Gbia ti Babylone awara. With faith in Jehovah, the "Revealer of secrets, " the prophet disclosed the meaning of Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar's dream of an immense image. With faith in Jehovah, the prophet explained the significance of the dream made by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. Atâa so na ando tongaso sese ayeke peut - être mingi pëpe, atele ti atênë ni so a suru kete ayeke bata akeke ni na gbele pupu, na ayeke mû lege na akeke ni ti bata ngu na yâ ti ala. Although the soil at these sites may not be plentiful, the rocky fissures provide protection against the wind and enable the plant to conserve water. While the earth may be few in such areas, the small stones protect the trees from wind, enabling them to take care of water in it. (b) Mbeni ye so akpa tele na popo ti ngoi ti Noé na ti singo ti Molenge ti zo ayeke so wa? We are wise to accept it as coming from Jehovah. (b) What parallel is there between Noah's day and the presence of the Son of man? A yeke na lege ti ndara ti yeda na ni tongana a londo na mbage ti Jéhovah. This article considers questions you may have raised and shows where you can read the answers in your Bible. It is wise to accept it when it comes from Jehovah. Article so ayeke sigigi na ahundango tënë so mo lingbi ti hunda tere ti mo na ni nga a yeke fa na mo ndo so mo lingbi ti wara akiringo tënë ni dä na yâ ti Bible ti mo. Advertising a public talk in Cardiff, Wales, 1952 This article raises questions you may have asked and shows where you can read the answers in your Bible. Mbi yeke fa tënë ti mbeni diskur so ayeke mû ni ande; a yeke na Cardiff, na Galles, na ngu 1952 So if someone does not seem to warm up to you as you would like, do not quickly conclude that there is something wrong with you or with that person. I will give a talk that will be given; in Wales, 1952 Ni la, tongana mo bâ so mbeni zo ayeke na wâ na mbage ti mo pëpe tongana ti so bê ti mo aye, tene hio pëpe so tënë ayeke na popo ti mo na zo ni so. He most certainly does. Hence, if you feel that someone has no zeal for you, do not hastily conclude that there is a difference between you and that person. Biani lo yeke sara ni. He experienced benefits as he abandoned practices that are displeasing to Jehovah. Yes, he does. Lo wara lani aye ti nzoni tongana lo dö lege ti asalango ye so anzere na Jéhovah pëpe lo zia. For example, we need time to meditate as we prepare to conduct a Bible study. She was richly rewarded when she turned away from practices that did not please Jehovah. Na tapande, a lingbi e mû ngoi ti gbu li ti e na ngoi so e yeke leke tere ti e ti sara a - étude. They strongly discouraged the common people from peering into the deep things of God. For example, we need to take time to meditate while preparing for Bible studies. Ala sala si bê ti azo ni anze ngangu mingi na lege ti gingo akpengba - tene ti Nzapa. What are some of their devices? They were so discouraged by seeking God's orders. Ambeni kode ti ala ayeke so wa? This meant that the promised Seed would be called "the Son of David. " What are some of their methods? Ye so aye ti fa so a yeke iri ande Ngongoa so a mû zendo ti lo "molenge ti David .." The sacrifices that the Israelites made to Jehovah were considered to be holy. This means that the promised Seed would be called "the son of David. " Jéhovah abâ asandaga so azo ti Israël ayeke mû lani na lo tongana mbeni ye so ayeke nzoni - kue. The six months I spent at Gilead were unforgettable. Jehovah viewed sacrifices offered by the Israelites as sacred. Nze omene so mbi sara na Guiléad mbi yeke girisa ni ape. There my younger sister, Esther, and I met Charles Taze Russell, who had oversight of the worldwide preaching activities of the Bible Students. I remember six months at Gilead. Na ndo so, mbi na ngambe ti mbi ti wali, Esther, e tingbi na Charles Taze Russell, so ayeke ba la ni lege ti kusala ti fango tene ti aWamandango Bible na ndo sese kue. Fearful, perhaps panic - stricken, he cried out: "Alas, my master! There my sister Esther and I met Charles Taze Russell, who had oversight of the worldwide preaching work of the Bible Students. Teti so peut - être mbeto ahon ndo ti lo, lo dekongo, lo tene: "Aï, mveni ti mbi! Would Manfred have been obliged to tell him everything? Out of fear of him, he cried out: "O my master! Na tapande, tongana a yeke wayinda ti mbeni ndokua nde la ahunda lani oko tënë so na Manfred, a lingbi lo fa na lo tënë ni kue? with the cover title "Help for Battered Women " and explained that it contained much Bible - based information on the subject. For example, when the director of another company asked him the same question, did he have to give a thorough witness? ni ayeke "De l'aide pour les femmes battues ." Huiping afa na lo so aversê mingi ti Bible so ayeke na yâ ti mbeti ni asara tënë na ndo ti tënë ni so. Those Jews of old lacked that, to their detriment. It was "the Golden Rule, " indicating him that many Bible passages contained on this subject were discussed. A - Juif ti giriri so awara lani pëpe deba nzoni ti Nzapa; ndali ni, ala bâ pasi na pekoni. When Paul was a prisoner in Rome in about 65 C.E., he told Timothy: "Take Mark and bring him with you, for he is useful to me for ministering. " Those ancient Jews did not receive God's blessing; therefore, they suffered the consequences. Tongana Paul ayeke lani na kanga na Rome ndulu na ngu 65 N.E., lo tene na Timothée: "Mo kamata Marc, mo na lo i ga na mbi, teti lo yeke nzoni na mbi na yâ kusala ni. ." He arranged for observances somewhat similar to the festivals held in Jerusalem. When Paul was in Rome about 65 C.E., he told Timothy: "Take Mark and come to me, because he is good for me. " Lo leke ambeni matanga so akpa tâ gi ti so a yeke sala na Jérusalem. Nevertheless, the privilege of sharing in the public ministry is open to all - young and old, male and female - who have a genuine desire to serve God. He instituted specific festivals that were similar to those held in Jerusalem. Ye oko, matabisi ti mungo mbage na kusala ti fango tene na gbele azo ayeke teti azo kue, apendere na ambakoro, akoli wala awali, so ayeke tâ na nzala ti sala na Nzapa. Your Bible - trained conscience can help you to avoid dangers (See paragraph 14) However, the privilege of sharing in the public ministry is open to all, young and old, men and women, who sincerely desire to serve God. Yingo - ti - hinga ti mo so Bible afa lege na ni alingbi ti mû maboko na mo ti tï pëpe na yâ ti aye ti sioni (Bâ paragraphe 14) Similarly, Paul knew that being separate from other religions would protect Christians against their harmful practices. Your Bible - trained conscience can help you to avoid falling victim to wrongdoing (See paragraph 14) Legeoko nga, Paul ahinga so tongana aChrétien aduti nde na tanga ti abungbi ti vorongo nzapa, sioni sarango ye ti azo ni ayeke lï ala pëpe. Each time we help a person progress to Christian dedication, we have worked to extend the borders of the spiritual paradise. - Isa. Similarly, Paul knew that if Christians remain separate from other religions, they would not get involved in wrongdoing. Lakue tongana e mû maboko na mbeni zo juska lo mû tere ti lo na Jéhovah na lo wara batême, andâ e yeke kono yâ ti paradis ti yingo la. - És. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John Each time we help someone until he dedicates himself to Jehovah and gets baptized, we will extend our spiritual paradise. - Isa. A - Évangile ti Matthieu, Marc, Luc, nga na Jean But Jehovah's incomparable wisdom is also seen in the way the Bible was written. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John A yeke bâ nga kota ndara ti Jéhovah na yâ lege so a sû na Bible. Communication is a skill that needs to be developed. Jehovah's matchless wisdom is also seen in the way the Bible was written. Ti sara lisoro ayeke mbeni kode so a hunda zo kue ti maï ni. 4: 8, 11, 12. Communication is a skill that everyone needs to improve. 4: 8, 11, 12. Does the Bible Quote From the Book of Enoch? 4: 8, 11, 12. Bible Agboto Tene na yâ Buku ti Hénok? The Lord's Prayer - Its Meaning for You The Bible Changess in the Book of Enoch? Sambela ti "Babâ ti e so ayeke na yayu " aye ti tene nyen na mo? He listened with sympathy as I expressed my feelings. What does the prayer of "our Father in the heavens " mean to you? Lo dengi mê nzoni lo mä mbi na ngoi so mbi yeke fa na lo atënë ti bê ti mbi. EN ROUTE TO CANAAN He listened carefully when I shared my feelings with him. NA LEGE TI CANAAN Why not? AS TOLD BY JOOAN Nyen la amû lani maboko na lo? Straightforward Scriptural counsel explained how these problems can be solved or endured. What helped him? Azo so awara akpale ndali ti so ala ga mbakoro awe, ndali ti so seni ti ala ayeke nzoni pëpe, ndali ti so ambeni zo so ala ye ala akui wala ndali ti ambeni ye nde awara anzoni wango so alondo na Bible ti mû maboko na ala ti wara nzoni bango ndo. Jesus had in mind a special assignment for his disciples. Those who have faced problems because of old age because of poor health because of the loss of loved ones or because of other practical advice from God's Word have been able to help them to acquire a positive outlook. Na li ti Jésus lo yeke na mbeni kusala so ayeke nde teti adisciple ti lo. " He saw a great crowd, but he was moved with pity for them, because they were as sheep without a shepherd. Jesus had a special responsibility for his followers. " Lo ba azo mingi mingi, me mawa ti ala agbu bê ti lo, teti so ala yeke tongana angasangbaga so ayeke na berger pepe. POPULATION " He saw a great crowd, but he felt pity for them, because they were as sheep without a shepherd. AZO TI KODORO NI KUE The young man said: "I am but a boy. " POPULATION Maseka koli ni atene: "Mbi de molenge. " " Why is it... that you [Jehovah] keep silent when someone wicked swallows up someone more righteous than he is? " - HABAKKUK 1: 13. " I was but a boy, " said the young man. " Teti nyen Mo [Jéhovah mo] sala tene pepe tongana zo ti sioni ahunzi zo so ayeke mbilimbili ahon lo? " - HABAKUK 1: 13. Be Realistic and Communicate " Why is it that you [Jehovah] did not speak when the wicked one ends the righteous one? " - ACTS 1: 13. Mbilimbili nda ti tene na yanga ti Grec so a sû pekoni na "be - nze - pepe " ayeke nyen, na tene ni andu aye wa? What is the literal meaning of the Greek word for "long - suffering, " and what does the word denote? What is the basic meaning of the Greek word translated "long - suffering, " and what does it involve? Biani, gi dikongo atene ti Bible so alingbi pepe. Of course, simply reading these Bible texts is not enough. Of course, it is not enough simply to read the Bible's words. Kota pasa wa e aTémoin ti Jéhovah e yeke na ni? As Jehovah's Witnesses, what inestimable privilege do we have? What grand privilege do we have as Jehovah's Witnesses? Gi kete na pekoni, atênë so a sala lani na kua ti pendere temple ti Artémis aga ndo ti zingo atênë ti leke na ada. Soon the stonework of the once prestigious temple of Artemis became a quarry for building materials. Soon the stones used for the magnificent temple of Artemis came to open stones to build houses. Ye so agbu bê ti ala mingi ayeke ndoye ti Jéhovah ti tokuango Molenge ti lo na sese, ye so azi lege na fini ti lakue lakue. They were deeply moved by Jehovah's love in sending his Son to the earth, thus opening the way to everlasting life. Their main concern was Jehovah's love for sending his Son to earth, opening the way for everlasting life. (Genese17: 14). He has broken my covenant. " (Hea) How do we know that it is possible for us to live in harmony with God's Word? Kite ayeke dä pëpe so Jésus asara kua tongana sarapande ti wara nginza ti bâ lege ti mama ti lo na angambe ti lo. Most likely, Jesus supported his mother and his younger brothers and sisters by working as a carpenter. Jesus no doubt worked as a carpenter to support his mother and younger brothers. Atâa so aDonatiste ni atene ala yeke mbeni " eglize so ayeke nzoni - kue, ' sarango ye ti ala akpa ni ape. - Jean 15: 19. In spite of their claim, the Donatists did not turn out to be a " pure church. ' - John 15: 19. Although the nuns claimed to be "a holy church, " their conduct did not seem to be the case. - John 15: 19. A yeke polele so e yeke na bezoin ti gbu nda ti atënë so Paul atene na aColossien nga ti bata na bê ti e wango so lo mû, tongana e ye pëpe ti tï na yâ ti sioni gbanda so Satan aleke na mayele ti gbu na e. Clearly, we need to grasp the meaning of Paul's words to the Colossians and take his counsel to heart if we do not want to succumb to Satan's cunning schemes. Clearly, we need to understand Paul's words to the Colossians and to take to heart his counsel if we do not want to fall into Satan's deceptive trap. MINGI ti azo so asara anzapa nde nde ayeke na beku ti duti na fini lakue lakue. THE vast majority of believers in the world's religions cherish the prospect of eternal life in one form or another. MANY who have made different gods have the prospect of living forever. Ti tene tënë ti sepelango ndo ni ane, a lingbi a londo na bê so asi na ndoye teti Jéhovah, nga zo ni ahinga na bê kue so mbeni gloire nde ti lingbi na ti Lo ayeke pëpe. To be meaningful, praise must spring from a heart filled with love for Jehovah and a sincere recognition of his unique glory. Jehovah alone is the Creator. For praise to be honored, it must come from a heart filled with love for Jehovah, confident that there is no other glory that belongs to him. Me, na ngoi so Jésus Christ, so ayeke Molenge ti Nzapa, akomanse kua ti lo ti fango tënë ti Nzapa na sese ge, eskê bango ndo ti Nzapa achangé na ndo ti tënë ti bira? Did God's view of war change when his Son, Jesus Christ, began his ministry in the first century? But when God's Son, Jesus Christ, began his ministry on earth, did God's view of war change? Ye so aga na akpale mingi na ndo azo. The consequences to humankind were disastrous. This has led to many problems for mankind. Ndani la a yeke na Chrétien oko oko ti bâ juska na ndo wa lo yeke duti ande na songo na ambeni zo. Hence, each Christian must decide to what degree he will regulate his contact with unbelievers. That is why it is up to each Christian to determine where he will have relations with others. Zia awato kue ti Nzapa ague na hunzingo tongaso! In like manner, may all of God's enemies come to their end! May all enemies of God go to the end! Jéhovah ate mbeni mbele so asara si mbeni fini mara abâ gigi. Jehovah God provided another legal contract to form a new nation. Jehovah established a covenant that led to the birth of a new nation. So ayeke ye senge senge nga. It is useless. This too is vanity. Zia e luti gi na ndo ti kota raison ni oko: Nzapa alingbi ti tene mvene pëpe. Let us focus on one important reason: God cannot lie. Let us focus on one important reason - God cannot lie. 14: 26; 16: 13. 14: 26; 16: 13. 14: 26; 16: 13. Tongana azo atene so Paul azonga kota prêtre ni, bazengele ni ayeda hio na girisango yanga ti lo, lo tene: "Aita, mbi hinga pëpe lo yeke kota sacrificateur; teti Mbeti ti Nzapa atene, A lingbi mo sala tënë sioni na li ti mokonzi ti azo ti mo pëpe. " - Kusala 23: 1 - 5. For it is written, " You must not speak injuriously of a ruler of your people. ' " - Acts 23: 1 - 5. When Paul was accused of reproaching the high priest, the apostle readily admitted: "I do not know that he is high priest; for it is written: " You must not speak abusively of the head of your people. ' " - Acts 23: 1 - 5. Tongana mo yeke sara lisoro na amolenge ti mo lakue, mo yeke wara lege ti hinga apensé ti ala nga na atënë ti bê ti ala. Frequently talking with your children gives you greater access to their thoughts and feelings. If you regularly communicate with your children, you will be able to understand their thoughts and feelings. Ye so a hunda ti fa ni nga lege ti salango ni What to Teach and How to Do It What It Requires and How to Do Ge la fadeso, lo fa biani so lo changé awe. Here, now, was evidence of a changed man. Now he has proved that he has changed. Ndo wa la zo alingbi ti wara dengo bê dä? Where can needed comfort be found? Where Can We Find Comfort? 1 / 11 Train Others to Reach Out, 11 / 15 11 / 15 Atä kangango lege so alondo na ayanga - ti - komande, kusala ni angbâ ti gue na li ni. Despite governmental opposition, the work continued to prosper. Despite opposition from governmental authorities, the work continues to grow. A yeke ba ahundango tene so na yâ article ti peko. These questions will be considered in the next article. These questions will be considered in the following article. A yeke gi na Afrika pëpe si azo amä na bê na mara ti aye tongaso, me na ambeni kodoro nde nga. Superstitions, of course, persist outside of Africa as well. It is not only in Africa that people believe such things but also in other countries. Na bï ni kozoni na kuâ ti lo, lo sala tene ti ala tongana "ala so angbâ na Mbi na yâ ye ti handa so atara Mbi. " On the night before his death, he spoke of them as "the ones that have stuck with me in my trials. " On the night before his death, he referred to them as "those who have stuck with me in my trials. " Mama achangé ye oko na yâ ti chambre ti mbi pëpe ngbele ye na lâ ni so a gbu mbi na lango 4 ti avril 1939. My mother had not changed a thing in my room since I was first arrested, on April 4, 1939. Mother did not change in my room since I was arrested on April 4, 1939. Ngbanga ti so Galilée ake mbeni fango nda ti Mbeti ti Nzapa so aluti na ndo senda - ndara ti aGrec, a fâ ngbanga ti kuâ na li ti lo! Because Galileo rejected an interpretation of Scripture based on Greek philosophy, he stood condemned! Because Galileo rejected a Scriptural explanation based on Greek philosophy, he was sentenced to death! Na kite pëpe ala lingbi ti tene so sarango na Jéhovah ayeke ga na ye ti nzoni na zo nga a yeke mbeni kota pasa so ahon atanga ni kue so zo ayeke na ni. We can say without a hint of doubt that serving Jehovah is, without question, the most noble and rewarding human endeavor. " They may undoubtedly conclude that serving Jehovah is beneficial and that it is the greatest privilege anyone could ever have. Biani, lengo so ayeke mû maboko ti maï mbeni nzoni songo na azo. Clearly, this quality is beneficial in promoting good relationships with others. This quality, of course, helps to promote good relations with others. Tongana nyen Jéhovah abata lani mara ti Israël? The Bible indicates a more extensive resurrection will occur during the thousand - year reign of Jesus, during which the earth will be transformed into a paradise. - Revelation 20: 6. How did Jehovah protect the nation of Israel? Bible afa so a yeke zingo ande gbâ ti azo na kuâ na ngoi ti komandema ti ngu saki oko ti Christ. Na ngoi ni so fade sese kue ayeke ga paradis. - Apocalypse 20: 6. She grew up in England, where she began pioneering when she was 18 years old. The Bible teaches that many will be resurrected during Christ's Thousand Year Reign, during which the whole earth will be transformed into a paradise. - Revelation 20: 6. Lo kono na Angleterre, ndo so lo komanse kua ti pionnier dä na ngoi so lo yeke lani na ngu 18. As Jehovah's servants, we are eager to help needy individuals in a material way. She grew up in England, where she began pioneering when she was 18. E aTémoin ti Jéhovah, e ye mingi ti mû maboko na azo so ayeke na bezoin ti aye ti mitele. Every time we sin, we sin against Jehovah; yet, time and again he forgives us and keeps on loving us. As Jehovah's Witnesses, we are eager to help those in need. Na ngoi kue so e sala siokpari, e sala siokpari na mbage ti Jéhovah; ye oko, fani mingi lo mu pardon na e na lo ngbâ ti ndoye e. Many waters themselves are not able to extinguish love, nor can rivers themselves wash it away. If a man would give all the valuable things of his house for love, persons would positively despise them. " Each time we sinned, we sinned against Jehovah, but he repeatedly forgives us and continues to love us. Kota ngu alingbi mingo wâ ti ndoye pëpe, na ngu so asua alingbi hon ndo ti lo pëpe; tongana zo aye ti mû ye kue ti da ti lo ti vo ndoye, fade a ke lo biani. ." 5, 6. For if anyone wants to buy everything from his house to love, he will certainly be hated. " 5, 6. He doesn't interrupt, and he doesn't judge; he just listens. 5, 6. Lo yeke fâ tënë na yanga ti mbi ape, nga lo yeke fâ ngbanga na ndo ti mbi ape; lo yeke dengi mê lo mä gi mbi. Still, I do my best, hoping that my physical condition will improve. He does not judge me, and he does not judge me; he listens to me. Ye oko, mbi yeke sala ngangu ti mbi, na dutingo na beku so fade seni ti mbi ayeke ga nzoni. Furthermore, as they grow up, they will have the information they need in accord with their maturity level. However, I strive to do my best, confident that my health will improve. Na ndo ni, tongana ala yeke kono, ala yeke wara hingango ye so ala yeke na bezoin ni nga so alingbi na ngangu ti ala. " The good news... is, in fact, God's power for salvation. " - ROM. Moreover, as they grow older, they gain the knowledge they need and within their potential. " Nzoni tënë... ayeke ngangu ti Nzapa ndali ti salut. " - AROM. At the same time, they inflicted on themselves and on us the terrible "disease " we have been discussing. " The good news... is God's power for salvation. " - ROM. Na oko ngoi ni, ala bi na tere ti ala nga na tere ti e sioni "kobela " so e sara tënë ni. As a result, the majority of them do what feels right in their own eyes and make no effort to live up to God's standards. At the same time, they threw themselves against them and against us "the plague " mentioned above. Ye so asara si mingi ti ala asara aye so na lê ti ala ayeke na lege ni nga ala sara ngangu oko ape ti sara ye alingbi na andia ti Nzapa. To maintain spiritual balance in the face of adversity, we need to comprehend the overall picture. As a result, many have done things in their own eyes and have worked hard to live by God's standards. Tongaso pëpe, akpale ti e ni alingbi ti sara si e bâ aye so andu vorongo Nzapa ti e na nene ni mbeni pëpe. Let us therefore remain vigilant, readily making use of all forms of prayer. Otherwise, our problems may cause us to lose appreciation for our worship. Ni la, zia lê ti e angbâ ti kpengba na tenengo asambela nde nde kue na Nzapa. People who gain a basic knowledge of the Bible, however, can make an informed choice. Therefore, let us remain vigilant by speaking every form of prayer to God. Me, azo so awara tâ hingango ye na ndo ti Bible alingbi ti mû mbeni nzoni desizion. All wrongdoers will be gone forever, and the righteous will receive life everlasting. - Revelation 20: 7 - 10. However, those who gain accurate knowledge of the Bible can make a wise decision. Azo ti sioni kue ayeke hon biaku biaku, na azo ti mbilimbili ayeke wara fini ti lakue lakue. - Apocalypse 20: 7 - 10. Do you cherish the knowledge and understanding of God's Word that holy spirit thus makes available to you? All the wicked will be gone forever, and the righteous will live forever. - Revelation 20: 7 - 10. Mo kiri singila ndali ti so yingo vulu amû maboko na mo ti hinga ye na ndo ti Bible nga ti gbu ndani so? What caused Joseph to reject immoral advances? Do you appreciate that holy spirit has helped you to understand and understand what it is? Nyen la apusu Joseph ti ke ye ti pitan? Paul warned Timothy to be on guard against brothers who resembled vessels for "a purpose lacking honor. " What motivated Joseph to hate sexual immorality? Paul agboto mê ti Timothée ti sala hange na aita so ayeke tongana ata "ti kusala senge ." This serves as a Scriptural precedent for Christians who have business dealings with their spiritual brothers and sisters. Paul warned Timothy against those who were like vessels "to minister. " So ayeke mbeni kpengba - ndia ti Bible so aChrétien alingbi ti sara na kusala na ngoi so ala leke ti dë buze na popo ti ala. Before his death, David counseled his son Solomon: "If you search for [Jehovah], he will let himself be found by you. " This is a Scriptural principle that Christians can use when making business arrangements. Kozoni si lo kui, David amû wango so na molenge ti lo Salomon: "Tongana mo gi [Jéhovah], fade mo wara Lo .." Jesus himself is the principal one to inherit our earth, as Psalm 2: 8 indicates, and he will have 144,000 corulers in heaven. Before he died, David counseled his son Solomon: "If you search for [Jehovah], he will let himself be found by you. " Jésus ayeke kozo zo so sese ayeke ga ande ye ti lo, tongana ti so Psaume 2: 8 afa; nga azo 144 000 ayeke komande ande legeoko na lo na yayu. This blessing indeed is reason enough for us to take in more knowledge of Jehovah God and his Son, Jesus Christ. - John 17: 3. Jesus is the first one to become his share as described at Psalm 2: 8; the 144,000 will rule with him in heaven. Biani, pendere ye so ayeke nda ti tënë so apusu e ti hinga Jéhovah Nzapa na Molenge ti lo, Jésus Christ, nzoni mingi ahon ti kozoni. - Jean 17: 3. A fourth - century bishop who was reportedly flogged because he refused to fight in an army. Surely this wonderful reason is why we come to know Jehovah God and his Son, Jesus Christ, better than ever. - John 17: 3. Lo yeke lani mbeni kota bua so aduti na fini na popo ti ngu 300 na 400, so lani a pika lo na zaza ngbanga ti so lo ke ti sala bira. TRUST IN GOD'S HELP He was a bishop of the fourth century who was beaten because he refused to fight. ZIA BÊ TI MO NA MUNGO MABOKO TI NZAPA After 40 days and 40 nights had passed, the rain finally stopped. DO YOU enjoy God's service? Ngu - nzapa so apika lâ 40 na bï 40 so akaï fadeso. Names have been changed. That rain struck 40 days and 40 nights. A changé airi ni. 19, 20. (a) What will help us to endure? Names have been changed. Jéhovah Nzapa atene lani na prophète Samuel ti gue na da ti Jessé na ti tuku mafuta na li ti mbeni molenge ti lo ti ga gbia ti Israël ande. Jehovah God directed the prophet Samuel to anoint a member of Jesse's household as the future king of Israel. Jehovah God told the prophet Samuel to go to Jesse's house and anoint one of his sons as king of Israel. Yingo ti Jéhovah apusu bazengele Paul ti kpengba acongrégation so ayeke lani na Galatie nga na azo kue so ayeke voro Jéhovah ti ngbâ be - ta - zo. Jehovah inspired the apostle to encourage not only those in the congregations in Galatia but all His worshippers to remain steadfast. The apostle Paul was inspired to encourage congregations in Galatia and all worshippers of Jehovah to maintain their integrity. Me, na ngangu ti Jéhovah, e yeke ngbâ lakue ti sara kua ti lo nga ti ngbâ ti zia bê ti e na lo. - aProverbe 3: 5, 6. But with Jehovah's help, we are determined never to give up or stop trusting in him. - Proverbs 3: 5, 6. But with Jehovah's help, we will continue to do his work and continue to rely on him. - Proverbs 3: 5, 6. Tongana ala yeke na mbeni ye ti sala, ye so alingbi ti mû maboko nga na ala ti kpe tambela ti buba. Having something to do may also help to stifle foolish conduct. Having something to do can also help them avoid foolish conduct. Toli ni afa na mbi nyen na ndo ti Jéhovah nga na Jésus? What does this illustration teach me about Jehovah and Jesus? What does this illustration teach me about Jehovah and Jesus? Aye ti nzoni wa la amaseka alingbi ti wara tongana ala sara kamarade na aChrétien so akpengba na lege ti yingo? How can young ones benefit from association with mature Christians? What benefits can young ones enjoy if they associate with mature Christians? Ngbanga ti nyen a lingbi e kpe ti mû vundu na yingo ti Nzapa? Why is it important to avoid grieving God's spirit? Why should we avoid grieving God's spirit? JÉSUS CHRIST na abazengele ti lo 12 asara ndangba Pâque ti ala na lakui ti lango 14 ti Nisan ti ngu 33. DURING the evening of Nisan 14 in the year 33 C.E., Jesus Christ and his 12 apostles observed the Jewish Passover for the last time. JESUS CHRIST and his 12 apostles celebrated their last Passover on Nisan 14, 33 C.E. Na yâ ti anze use so ayeke ga, fade e yeke hunzi ti sala ambeni Da ti Royaume na ndo ni. " In the next two months, we will complete additional Kingdom Halls. " During the next two months, we will complete some Kingdom Halls. " " Tongana mo sala fini da, a lingbi mo kanga tele ti ndoda na gbagba si zo atï na sese pepe, na ngbanga ti mênë aga na lege ti da ti mo pepe. " " You must also make a parapet for your roof, that you may not place bloodguilt upon your house because someone... might fall from it. " " If you build a new house, you must cover a house so that no one will fall to the ground, and blood will not come through your house. " E bata songo ti kamarade na yâ ti dunia so ayeke na ndoye pëpe, 1 / 10 Three Conventions Shaped My Life (G. Warienchuck), 10 / 15 " God's Word Is Love, " 10 / 15 Na yâ bê ti lo, Aaron ayeke lani pëpe teti vorongo yanda. Aaron was not in heartfelt sympathy with the idolatry. In his heart, Aaron was not for idolatry. Ti tene amolenge ni abâ lege ti babâ na mama ti ala nzoni, ala lingbi ti sara tënë na place ti ala, ti sara lettre ti ala wala ti yô ala na oto nga ti sara ambeni ye ndali ti ala. - aProv. In order to optimize the care that parents receive, children may have to become their advocates, secretaries, chauffeurs, and so on. - Prov. To care for their parents successfully, they may speak for them, write their letters, or carry them by car and other things for them. - Prov. Ye oko, a yeke ndali ti pikango ti ngu so Wasalango ye aleke ni si azo angbâ na fini! But how dependent humans are on the water cycle that the Creator has established! However, because of the Creator's rain, humans are still alive! Même tongana babâ na mama ti mo ayeke aTémoin ti Jéhovah ape, a lingbi mo "yekia babâ na mama ti mo .." Even if your parents are not Witnesses, you want to "honor your father and your mother. " Even if your parents are not Witnesses, you must " honor your father and your mother. ' Na lege so na ngoi kue mo yeke gi ti sara ye ague oko na andia nga na akpengba - ndia ti Nzapa. By following a life course that at all times conforms to God's laws and principles. Thus you strive to live by God's laws and principles at any time. " Lege ti nzoni " ni ayeke lege so ândö akotara ti ala atambela dä, me na lege ti buba azo ti Israël adö ni azia. That "good way " was the way in which their faithful forefathers had walked, the way from which the nation had foolishly strayed. " The way of doing good " was the way their forefathers had walked, but the Israelites failed to abandon it. Kiringo tënë ni ayeke so ambage nde nde ti Bible afa ambage nde nde ti asarango ye ti Nzapa. The answer is that different aspects of God's personality are revealed in different parts of the Bible. The answer is that various parts of the Bible reveal aspects of God's personality. Legeoko na mbeni nzoni walekengo ta, nga na zo so asala dessin na tele ti ta ni, tongana ala yeke use, i lingbi ti pika kate ti i teti kusala so i sala ti leke mbeni maseka so aga nzoni na pendere. - aProverbe 23: 24, 25. Like a successful potter, and / or decorator, you can feel proud of your work in shaping a young person of worth and beauty. - Proverbs 23: 24, 25. Like a good potter and a potter, you can boast as you prepare for a successful youth. - Proverbs 23: 24, 25. A lingbi mo soro ye so mo ye ti sara ni na yâ ti gigi ti mo kue. " What points from Micah chapters 3 through 5 have impressed you? You must choose your own course of life. " Ye so asi na Job ayeke kete yanga ti matabisi so ayeke ku awakua be - ta - zo so Jéhovah airi deba nzoni na ndo ti ala. You have to decide what to do with the rest of your life. " Job's experience was a small gift that awaits faithful servants of Jehovah. Octobre - décembre 2012 © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Job's experience gives us a glimpse of the reward that awaits faithful ones, whom Jehovah blesses. © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Nyen la ayeke mû lege na e ti ngbâ na yâ ti voyage ti e so ayeke gue na e ti wara fini ti lakue lakue? © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. What will enable us to stay on course on our journey to everlasting life? Kozoni si a zia na sese gere ti Ekole ti Guiléad, a tokua aita - koli ota ti Béthel, so mbi yeke na popo ni, ti sala vizite na akongregation na yâ États - Unis ti Amerika kue. How can we stay on course on our journey to salvation, and what is your determination? Before Gilead School was established, three brothers from Bethel were assigned to visit congregations throughout the United States. So tâ kungba na matabisi ti dongo bê teti mo! Just prior to the establishment of Gilead, three of us from Bethel were assigned to visit congregations throughout the United States. What a privilege and privilege! Buku ti Tobie, so ambeni zo apensé so ayeke nga mbeni mbage ti Bible, ayeke mbeni oko ti ambaï ti mvene so ayeke lani dä na ngoi ti Paul. What an awesome responsibility and privilege is yours! It is one of the lies that existed in Paul's day that some believed that there was another part of the Bible. Tongana nyen buku ti Malachie, so a sû ni a sala angu 2 400 awe, amû maboko na e na yâ siècle 21 so ti leke tele teti kota lâ ti Jéhovah so amû mbito mingi? " Apostasy " is a standing away from true worship, a falling away, defection, rebellion, abandonment. How does the book of Malachi, written some 2th centuries ago, help us in this 21th century to prepare for Jehovah's great and fear - inspiring day? ; Ruzzo, J. What six points are drawn to our attention in Malachi chapter 1? How does Malachi's book, written more than 2,400 years ago, help us in this 21st century to prepare for that great and fear - inspiring day of Jehovah? ; Imo, J. Be - biani ayeke pusu e ti yeda hio na sukungo ndo wala sengo ndo tongana e lingbi na ni? ; Ruzzo, J. Does integrity move us to accept reproof or punishment if we deserve it? 2: 18. Led by integrity, would we readily accept reproof or correction when needed? 2: 18. Asaph ahinga ye so ayeke si ande na nda ni na azo ti sioni. 2: 18. Asaph knew what the outcome would be for the wicked. Lo londo na yâ ti mbeni sewa so azo ane ni mingi. Asaph perceived what would eventually happen to the wicked. He came from a highly respected family. Tene ti Hébreu so a sû pekoni na "ngbâ lakue ti mä " na Deutéronome 28: 2 (NW) andu tene ti mbeni kusala so asala ni lakue. The Hebrew verb rendered "keep listening " at Deuteronomy 28: 2 denotes continuous action. The Hebrew word translated "keep listening " at Deuteronomy 28: 2 refers to an ongoing work. Place ti kua ti ala ayeke nde na ti mba na ala yeke mû angbonga mingi ti sara akua ni. They work long hours at their separate jobs. Their jobs differ from one another, and they spend hours as much time as possible. 11: 28; Kus. 11: 28; Acts 15: 32. 11: 28; Acts. Vuko Ngu - ingo Black Sea Black Sea Na kozo lango ni, "lumière asi " ngbanga ti so lo lï na yâ ti ambinda na lo su na ndo kue si a lingbi bâ lo na ndo ti sese ge. On the first day, "there came to be light " because diffused light penetrated the cloud layers and became visible on the earth. On the first day, "the light began " because he entered the clouds and shone everywhere so that he could be seen on earth. Ye so ayeke kota ye mingi ayeke so, mo yeke sara ye so mo lingbi ti sara teti Jéhovah nga mo yeke sambela ti tene lo iri tënë nzoni na ndo ti aita ti mo so alingbi ti sara kusala mingi ahon ti so mo sara. Of prime importance is that you are working with him to the extent possible for you personally and that you are praying for his blessing to be with your brothers who are able to do more than you can. Most important, you will be doing what you can for Jehovah and pray for his blessing on your brothers and sisters who can accomplish more than you do. So aye ti tene so ambeni ita amanke ambeni kobe so ala yeke na bezoin ni ti ngbâ na nzoni seni na lege ti yingo? Does this mean that some miss out on receiving the food they need to remain spiritually healthy? Does this mean that some in need of spiritual food? Na yâ ti Bible, Jéhovah amû awango so ayeke nzoni ahon tanga ni kue. He has provided the best possible advice in his Word, the Bible. In the Bible, Jehovah provides the best advice. Jésus afa na nduru tënë ye so ayeke mû maboko na e ti hinga zo so a lingbi e mä yanga ti lo. The principle of relative subjection helps us to understand and obey these commands. Jesus summarized what will help us to understand whom we should obey. " Zo so Jéhovah aye lo, lo yeke gboto mê ti lo. " - AHÉB. " Those whom Jehovah loves he disciplines. " - HEB. " Whom Jehovah loves he disciplines. " - HEB. (Diko aProverbe 16: 7.) (Read Proverbs 16: 7.) (Read Proverbs 16: 7.) Gi mango yanga na âme ti mo kue, so aluti na ndo ndoye teti Nzapa nga teti Christ, si ayeke zia ngia na bê ti Jéhovah. - Matthieu 22: 37. Only whole - souled obedience based on love for God and Christ makes Jehovah's heart rejoice. - Matthew 22: 37. Only obedience to your whole soul, based on love for God and Christ, will please Jehovah. - Matthew 22: 37. Mbeni mbeti - sango (Maclean's) afa na nduru tënë bango ndo ti mbeni zo so atene Nzapa ayeke dä pëpe so azo mingi ahinga lo atene: "Fango ye ti aChrétien so atene so mbeni ye ayeke dä so ayeke kota ye na yâ ti fini ti zo na so ahon gbungo li ti zo na so senda - ye alingbi ti fa ndani pëpe asara si azo abâ fini na nene ni pëpe. Nga asara si azo ayeke nduru ti sara aye ti ngangu. " Maclean's magazine summarizes the views of one prominent atheist this way: "This Christian concept, that there is something beyond science and beyond our senses... devalues the only life we have and makes us too prone to violence. " Reflecting on the view of a person who does not believe that God is well - known and that "the teaching of those who say that something is important in one's life is more important and far more complex than any scientific evidence of life. " A nzere na ala mingi so na peko ti ekole ni, a tene na ala ti kiri na Madagascar. Upon graduating, the couple were delighted to be reassigned to Madagascar. They were thrilled that after school, they were told to return to Madagascar. Akoli ayeke zia ngia na bê ti awali ti ala tongana ala mû tapande ti Jésus. Husbands make their wives happy when they follow Jesus ' example. Husbands make their wives happy by following Jesus ' example. Mbi yeke na mbeni zo nde pëpe so ayeke na mara ti bibe ti lo so. " - aPhil. For I have no one else of a disposition like his. " - Phil. I have no one else of that sort. " - Phil. A lingbi e leke na bê ti e ti ke tâ na kuru go atara so bê ti e ni ayeke ga na ni na e tongana lo ye ti fa na e so batango akpengba - ndia ti Jéhovah ayeke kota ye mingi pëpe. We must be resolute in resisting its attempts to downplay the seriousness of upholding Jehovah's standards. What reality does experience teach us? We should be firmly resolved to resist the temptations that our heart will bring to us if he is to show us that obeying Jehovah's standards is not important. MOÏSE atokua lani awakala 12 na Sese ti Zendo na lo tene na ala ti bâ azo ni nga ti ga na ambeni lê ti keke ti kodoro ni. THE 12 spies walked the length and breadth of the Promised Land. WHILE sending 12 spies into the Promised Land, he told them to visit the people and bring some fruits of the land. A - Wamandango Bible so atingbi na sioni bira so amû yâ ti dunia kue amä lani yâ ti fango ye ti Bible kue pëpe na ndo ti tënë ti dutingo nde. Confronted with a raging conflict of global proportions, the Bible Students did not completely understand the principle of Christian neutrality. The Bible Students who faced a global war did not fully understand the Bible's message of neutrality. Nyen la a lingbi e sara ti tene a pardone akuda ti e? We need to do what in order to have our debts forgiven? What must we do to be forgiven? Ala duti na ngia nga zia si terê ti ala anzere mingi, ndali ti so futa ti ala ayeke kota na yayu. A yeke tongaso si lani a sara aye ti ngangu na aprophète so aga kozo na ala. ." Rejoice and be overjoyed, since your reward is great in the heavens, for in that way they persecuted the prophets prior to you. " Rejoice and be overjoyed, since your reward is great in heaven, so that the prophets prior to you were persecuted. " Kete ngoi na pekoni, awambongi 2 so ague na kota bungbi ti district na akamarade ti ala awambongi 20. Shortly thereafter, the 2 attended the district convention along with 20 of their deaf friends. Soon, 2 deaf people attended the district convention with their deaf friends. Na popo ti ala so ayeke na ndia pëpe, mbi ga tongana zo so ayeke na ndia pëpe, atâa so na gbele Nzapa mbi yeke zo so ayeke na ndia. " To those without law I became as without law, although I am not without law toward God. " For among those who do not have law I have become a man of lawlessness, although I am a man of law before God. " A - Chrétien andoye azo ti yâ ti sewa ti ala: awali andoye akoli ti ala, akoli andoye awali ti ala, na ababâ na mama andoye amolenge ti ala. Christians love their family members - wives love husbands, husbands love wives, parents love children. Christian wives love their husbands, husbands, and parents love their children. Aye wa la afa ni? But what evidence? What evidence is there? Jéhovah azi azo ti Israël na maboko ti azo ti Égypte so asara pasi na ala, na lege so lo ga na aye ti ngangu bale - oko na ndo ti Égypte nga lo futi Pharaon na aturugu ti lo na yâ ti Ngu - Bengba. It took ten plagues and the destruction of Pharaoh and his armed forces in the waters of the Red Sea to deliver the sons of Israel from Egyptian oppression. Jehovah delivered the Israelites from the oppressive Egyptians, bringing ten plagues upon Egypt and destroying Pharaoh and his military force in the Red Sea. Lo tene: "Mbi yeke kpengba mo, ti tâ tënë ni, mbi yeke mû maboko na mo. ." As a result, our relationship with Jehovah deepens. He said: "I will fortify you, yes, I will help you. " Na lege wa Paul awara nzoni na lege ti nzobe ti Jéhovah so lo lingbi na ni pëpe? So begins an open letter in the newspaper Le Progrès, published in Saint - Étienne, France. How did Paul benefit from Jehovah's undeserved kindness? So ayeke akozo tënë ti mbeni mbeti so alingbi ti diko ni na yâ mbeti - sango Le Progrès, so asigigi na gbata ti Saint - Étienne na kodoro ti France. The Pharisees looked for every flaw - real or imagined. These are the opening words of a magazine that can be read in the French newspaper Lea, which appears in the town of St. A - Farizien ayeke gi akete wokongo oko oko kue ti zo, atä a yeke tâ wokongo wala a yeke gi ye so ala bi bê na ni. It is a history marked by integrity and by zeal for Jehovah's worship. The Pharisees were mere human weakness, whether they were genuinely weak or not. A yeke mbaï ti gbungo ngangu nga na ti salango ye na wâ ti awavorongo Jéhovah. People who love themselves excessively think more of themselves than it is necessary for them to think. It is the record of endurance and zeal for Jehovah's worshipers. Azo so andoye terê ti ala ahon ndö ni abâ terê ti ala ahon ti so a lingbi zo abâ terê ti lo na ni. In a climate where religious tolerance leads many to embrace even the bizarre, witchcraft has gained considerable respectability. Those who are lovers of themselves feel superior to self - centered. Na ndo so yengo dä na alege ti vorongo kue ague na azo mingi ti yeda même na ye ti ndima, a yeke yekia likundu ngangu mingi. So no one needs to become the object of Jehovah's anger. Where belief in all religion has led many to believe even in mysterious practices, witchcraft is highly valued. Tongaso, a hunda zo oko pëpe ti tï na gbe ti ngonzo ti Jéhovah. Before you know it, you will forget about pioneering. Hence, no one is required to succumb to Jehovah's anger. Kozoni si mo hinga, mo yeke girisa tënë ti kusala ti pionnier ni. " I heard some rumors, and I listened to a great deal of prejudiced talk. Before you know, you will lose sight of the pioneer service. Mbi mä ambeni tënë ni na yanga ti azo, nga mbi mä gbâ ti asioni tënë so azo atene na ndo ti ala. This was because Jehovah used them to punish his apostate people. I heard some of those words from people, and I heard many negative comments about them. Na sarango tongaso, Jéhovah sara kua na azo ti Babylone ti punir na azo ti lo so amä yanga lani ape. Regarding God's words found at Exodus 3: 14, one Bible scholar wrote: "Nothing can hinder him from performing his will... In doing so, Jehovah used the Babylonians to punish his rebellious people. Mbeni wandara ti Bible atene so tënë so ayeke na Exode 3: 14 aye ti fa so ye oko alingbi ti kanga lege na Jéhovah ape ti sara ye so lo ye. Also, how determined should we be to keep our vows? According to one Bible scholar, Exodus 3: 14 indicates that nothing can stop Jehovah from doing his will. Tongana nyen la a lingbi e leke na bê ti e ti sara ye alingbi na azendo so e mû? They have helped you to build on the love you had at first, and they constitute another way you can prove to yourself the good, acceptable will of God. - Josh. How should we be determined to fulfill our promises? Aye ni so amû maboko na mo ti kpengba kozo ndoye ti mo na mbage ti tâ tënë, na a yeke nga mbeni lege so azi na mo ti hinga ye so ayeke nzoni, ye so ague oko na ye so bê ti Nzapa aye. - Jos. May we be confident that, like Jeremiah and Baruch, we will reap if we do not tire out. - Galatians 6: 9. They help you to strengthen your first love for the truth, and they are also an opportunity to discern what is good, in harmony with God's will. - Josh. Zia e hinga na bê kue so, na tapande ti Jérémie na Baruc, e yeke ko ande lengo ni tongana bê ti e anze pëpe. - aGalate 6: 9. Rather than do that, Israel and Judah have followed a course of revolt and will have to suffer the consequences. We can be confident that like Jeremiah and Baruch, we will reap if we do not tire out. - Galatians 6: 9. Ahon ti sala tongaso, Israël na Juda amû lege ti kengo yanga na fade ala yeke bâ pasi na pekoni. Did David right this wrong? Instead, Israel and Judah succeeded in disobeying and would suffer the consequences. David aleke salango ye so ayeke na lege ni pëpe? Would you not be willing to do everything you could for him? Did David correct this injustice? Mo yeke duti ndulu pëpe ti sala ye kue so mo lingbi sala teti lo? Or how can you say to your brother, " Allow me to extract the straw from your eye '; when, look! Would you not be willing to do anything you can for him? me mo gi bê ti mo pëpe tënë ti kota keke ti da so ayeke na lê ti mo. Does he want us to understand his Word? But do not worry about the rafter in your own eye. Lo ye si e gbu nda ti atënë ti Bible? Michelle: Thank you. Does he want us to understand the Bible? Michéline: Merci. WHAT IS THE REWARD? Michelle: Thank you. NZONI YE TI PEKONI AYEKE SO WA? Likewise, Jehovah's loyal Witnesses are assured of complete victory in their spiritual warfare, for that is their "hereditary possession. " WHAT IS THE ANSWER? Legeoko nga, aTémoin ti Jéhovah so ayeke be - ta - zo ahinga biani so ala yeke hon awato ti ala kue na yâ bira ti ala ti yingo, ngbanga ti so songo benda ni ayeke "ye ti héritier " ti ala. Let us now consider some of the blessings that will be enjoyed at that time. Similarly, Jehovah's faithful Witnesses are convinced that they will defeat all their enemies in their spiritual warfare, for the victory is their " inheritance. ' Zia e bâ fadeso ambeni ye ti nzoni so azo ayeke wara ni na ngoi ni so. A youth named Matthew similarly speaks of the joy of "seeing someone come into the truth. Let us now consider some of the blessings that people enjoy at that time. Mbeni maseka so iri ti lo ayeke Matthew atene oko tënë so na ndo ngia so ayeke ti "bâ mbeni zo ayeda na tâ tënë ni. In his essay, Andrey explained that while he respects the opinion of others, he has found that the best way to learn about Jesus is to read one of the four Gospel accounts. A young woman named Matthew made the same statement about the joy of seeing someone accept the truth. Na yâ ti devoir ti lo, Andrey atene so lo bâ na nene ni bango ndo ti amba ti lo, me ti lo nzoni lege ahon kue ti manda ye na ndo Jésus ayeke ti diko mbaï so ayeke na yâ mbeni oko ti aÉvangile osio. Jehovah's Answer to a Heartfelt Prayer " But most of the best way to learn about Jesus is by reading the historical account in one of the four Gospels, " says David. Jéhovah amä sambela so mbeni zo asara na bê kue Hand washing was a Jewish, not a Roman, way of expressing nonparticipation in bloodshed. - Deuteronomy 21: 6, 7. Jehovah listens to a heartfelt prayer Aita ti mo ti koli na ti wali na lege ti yingo asala nga tongaso. In fact, remarkable peace and prosperity marked Solomon's 40 - year reign. Your spiritual brothers and sisters do the same. A yeke aRomain pëpe, me aJuif si ayeke sukula lani maboko ti ala ti fa so mênë ti mbeni zo so a fâ lo ayeke na li ti ala pëpe. - Deutéronome 21: 6, 7. An accurate understanding of the Bible will enable one to identify the religion that meets those divine requirements. It was not Romans, but the Jews washed their hands in order to show that the blood of an individual was innocent. - Deuteronomy 21: 6, 7. Ngoi ti komandema ti Salomon so aninga lani ngu 40 ayeke mbeni ngoi so azo ayeke na siriri nga mosoro amaï mingi. Soon after being made king over all Israel, he shifted his capital to Jerusalem. Solomon's 40 - year reign was a period of peace and prosperity. Tâ gbungo nda ti Bible ayeke mû lege ande na zo ti hinga na bungbi so asala ye alingbi na aye so Nzapa ahunda. This means that we will probably never again be here at this exact point in the universe. Accurate knowledge of the Bible will enable one to identify with the organization that lives in harmony with God's requirements. Ngoi kete na peko ti so lo ga gbia ti Israël kue, lo changé li - kodoro ni na Jérusalem. Jesus did not marry; he had to prepare for and carry out his assigned ministry. Shortly after becoming king of Israel, he changed the capital city to Jerusalem. So aye ti tene a yeke duti ande ngangu ti tene e kiri mbeni lâ na tâ place so e yeke dä na ndembe so na yâ dunia. 7, 8. This means that we will find it difficult to return to our real place now in this system of things. Jésus asara mariage pëpe; a lingbi lo leke tere ti lo ti sara kusala so a mû na lo. Speaking Good Things From the Heart Jesus was not married; he had to prepare for the work entrusted to him. 7, 8. Remain Steadfast, and Win the Race for Life 7, 8. Amaseka alingbi ti girisa awango kue so a mû na ala, me ala yeke girisa pëpe lege so a mû na wango ni. In times of distress, we can also offer encouragement or perhaps consolation. Young people may forget all the counsel they receive, but they do not forget how it is given. Luti ngangu, na sö benda na yâ loro teti fini When confronted by prejudice, we will not be burdened by feelings of inferiority, thinking that we are somehow less valuable than people of a different race or another cultural background. Stand Firm and Fight for Life Tongana kpale asi, e lingbi nga ti tene atënë ti kpengba azo wala peut - être ti dë bê ti ala. Regarding the animals, what changes can we expect? When problems arise, we too can give encouragement or perhaps comfort. Na ngoi so e tingbi na kpale ti sarango kangbi na popo ti azo, e yeke bâ pëpe so e yeke ye oko pëpe, na e yeke pensé pëpe so azo so mara ti ala wala asarango ye ti ala ayeke nde na ti e ayeke nzoni ahon e. He was the son of very good friends of mine and said that he would not let me die if he thought that a blood transfusion could save my life. When we are faced with marital differences, we do not feel worthless, nor do we feel superior to those of another race or background. Changement wa e lingbi ti ku ti bâ na mbage ti anyama? However, marriages to unbelievers have often proved disastrous. What change can we expect from animals? Lo yeke molenge - koli ti mbeni tâ kamarade ti mbi na lo tene so lo lingbi ti zia mbi kui pëpe tongana lo hinga so mungo mênë alingbi ti sö fini ti mbi. Many parents have found that they occasionally face a battle of wills, but they cannot give in when their decision is well - founded. She was the son of one of my best friends and said that she could not let me die if she knew that blood would save me. Ye oko, fani mingi amariage so a sala na azo so amä na bê pepe aga na kpale. Little wonder that the majority of mankind are left in ignorance and confusion as to the truth about the Father, the Creator of the universe! - Isa. Often, however, marriages made to unbelievers have a serious effect on those who do not share their beliefs. Ababâ na mama mingi abâ so ngoi na ngoi, kpale ti mango tele ayeke na popo ti ala na amolenge ti ala, me ala lingbi pëpe ti changé desizion so ala mû tongana a yeke tâ na lege ni. How does prayer help you to strengthen your desire to serve God? Many parents feel that there is times when disagreements are between them and their children, but they cannot change their decision when it is appropriate. Na ambeni kpengba nzene nzene tënë wa Mbeti ti Nzapa afa na ndo azo so? 34: 8. And what important details does God's Word reveal about these individuals? " Ala yeke akamarade ti mbi " A report reached him and his fellow exiles: "The city has been struck down! " " You Are My Friends " A yeke ye ti dongo bê pëpe so li ti mingi ti azo aga kirikiri nga ala hinga pëpe tâ tënë na ndo ti Babâ ni, Wasarango dunia kue. - És. Explain what it means to disown yourself. No wonder the majority of mankind are confused and ignorant of the Father, the Creator of the universe! - Isa. Na lege wa sambela ayeke mû maboko na mo ti maï nzara ti mo ti sara na Nzapa? God's strong words through Amos and other prophets indicate clearly just how God felt about such practices. How can prayer help you to develop your desire to serve God? 34: 8. What Is Needed? 34: 8. A tene na lo nga na amba ti lo so "a futi kodoro awe. " 11: 12, 13; Jer. He and his companions were told that "the city has been destroyed. " Me, kpengba tënë so Nzapa atene, na lege ti Amos nga na ambeni prophète nde, afa polele tongana nyen la Nzapa abâ asioni sarango ye ni so. They had sermons published in hundreds of newspapers and presented a program of color slides and motion pictures called the "Photo - Drama of Creation. " However, God's powerful message through Amos and other prophets provides clear evidence of God's view of wickedness. A hunda ti sala nyen? They face the challenge of enduring until his coming, or arrival. What does it take to do? 11: 12, 13; Jér. And God saw justice done, punishing wicked Cain for his crime. 11: 12, 13; Jer. Ala sû adiskur ti tene andokua ti ambeti - sango asigigi na ni mingi nga ala leke mbeni limon na lege ti diapo so a iri ni "Photo Drame de la Création. " Later in the account, God's angel stated that he would once again have to fight against "the prince of Persia " and another demon prince," the prince of Greece. " - Daniel 10: 20. They wrote public talks for printing and produced a film entitled "Photo - Drama of Creation. " Ye oko, a lingbi ala ngbâ ti gbu ngangu juska na ngoi so lo yeke ga ti mû ala ti ga wali ti lo. The frightened disciples wake Jesus up and exclaim: "We are about to perish! " Still, they had to endure until he was coming to become his wife. A yeke ye so Nzapa asara la, lo punir Caïn ndali ti sioni so lo sara so. Rather, he warned of hard times ahead for Timothy and encouraged his friend to avoid distractions, to keep on "acquiring power, " and to pass Paul's instructions on to others. That is what God did, and Cain punished Cain for his wrongdoing. Na pekoni, ange ti Nzapa ni atene so ni kiri ti gue ti tiri na " mokonzi ti Perse ' nga na mbeni sioni yingo ni so ayeke "mokonzi ti Grèce ." - Daniel 10: 20. Some are On Christian Life and the Prophets, On the Faith of Man, On Creation, On Baptism and Truth and Faith and Christ's Birth, On Hospitality, The Key, and On the Devil and the Apocalypse of John. Later, God's angel added that he again went up against "the prince of Persia " and a wicked spirit" ruler of Greece. " - Daniel 10: 20. Mbeto ahon ndo ti adisciple ti lo, ala zingo lo, ala tene: "E yeke kui! ." The result can be like opening the curtains to let the sunshine into a dark room. Fearing his disciples, they resurrected him, saying: "We are going to die! " Nde na so, lo gboto lê na ndo angoi ti ngangu so ayeke ku Timothée, na lo wa ndeko ti lo ni ti zia si ambeni ye nde agboto lê ti lo pëpe, ti ngbâ lakue ti "kpengba ," na ti fa na ambeni zo awango so lo Paul amû ni. That is why so many people, though endowed with a conscience, do terrible things. - 1 Tim. Rather, he emphasized the critical times that lay ahead for Timothy and urged his friend not to be distracted by other things, to "keep on acquiring power, " and to share Paul's counsel with others. Ambeni iri ti ambeti so ayeke: Tënë na ndo ti fini ti aChrétien nga na ti aprophète; Tënë na ndo mabe ti zo; Tënë ti lekengo dunia; Tënë na ndo batême, mabe nga na dungo Christ; Tënë na ndo ti yambango agene, Kpengba ye so amû lege na zo ti gbu nda ti Bible nzoni; nga Tënë na ndo Zabolo na Apocalypse ti Jean. The expression "he tore it in two " could have two meanings. Some names include Christian life and the prophets; the concept of man's faith; the idea of baptism, faith, and the birth of Christ; the fundamental message of hospitality, the Bible's message, and the Devil, as well as the Devil and Revelation. Tongana mo hinga so Nzapa abâ mo na nene ni, a yeke mo bâ mo tene mo yeke zi rideau ti tene lumière ti lâ alinda na yâ ti mbeni da so yâ ni avuko. It was the rising world power of Assyria. If you know that you are precious in God's eyes, it is as if you were removing the sun's light into a dark house. Nda ni la atâa so azo ayeke na yingo - ti - hinga, azo mingi ayeke sara aye so ayeke sioni mingi. - 1 Tim. [ Picture on page 18] As a result, many people do what is bad. - 1 Tim. Tënë " lo suru yâ ni use ', nda ni alingbi ti duti use. " Why not go to the Syrian camp? ' the lepers thought. The expression "put apart two parts " may have two meanings. Assyrie ayeke mbeni kodoro so ahon akodoro mingi na bira, ye so asara si lo ga ngangu mingi. Why are we urged to accept Jehovah's discipline? Assyria is one of the most powerful countries in war, and he has become extremely violent. [ Foto na lembeti 18] An example from the ancient nation of Israel may help us. [ Picture on page 18] Azo ti buruma ni agbu li, na ala tene: " Ahon tënë e gue na kando ti aturugu ti Syrie. Jesus ' reply might have sounded impractical to many. The lepers thought: " Instead of going to the Syrian camp, we went. Ngbanga ti nyen a wa e mingi ti yeda na wango - tene ti Jéhovah? Jehovah will make sure that pure worship will never be snuffed out. Why are we urged to accept Jehovah's discipline? Tapande ti mara ti Israël ti giriri alingbi peut - être ti mû maboko na e. Jesus did not tolerate such evils, and neither should we. The example of ancient Israel may help us. Kiringo tënë ti Jésus na koli so alingbi ti kpa ye so ayeke ngangu na lê ti azo mingi. Let us therefore pray for Jehovah's assistance to "pursue righteousness, godly devotion, faith, love, endurance, mildness of temper. " Jesus ' answer to that man may seem strange to many. Jéhovah ayeke zia ande lege lâ oko pëpe ti tene a futi tâ vorongo. How can we avoid loving ourselves excessively? Jehovah will never allow true worship to be destroyed. Jésus ake lani mara ti aye ti sioni so na kuru go, na a lingbi e nga e sala tongaso. The idea is that having that thing will make us content. Jesus firmly rejected such evil things, and so should we. Tongaso, zia e sambela ti hunda maboko ti Jéhovah ti "tomba peko ti ye so ayeke na lege ni, dutingo ndulu na Nzapa, mabe, ndoye, gbungo ngangu, tâ be - ti - molenge. " 19: 11, 14, 15. Let us therefore pray for Jehovah's help to "seek righteousness, godly devotion, faith, love, endurance, mildness of temper. " Tongana nyen la e lingbi ti kpe ti ndoye terê ti e wani ahon ndö ni? He told Paul to go into Damascus. How can we avoid becoming overly self - centered? E lingbi ti bi bê so warango ye ni ayeke mu ande ngia na e. What Kind of Spirit Do You Show? We may feel that the pursuit will make us happy. 19: 11, 14, 15. How privileged God's people are! 19: 11, 14, 15. Lo tene na Paul ti gue na Damas. " When I first held my baby in my arms, " says a mother named Pam, "I felt an overwhelming sense of love and responsibility for this new life. " He told Paul to go to Damascus. Bâ kota matabisi so a mû gi na mara ti Nzapa! Hence, to check that our resolve to serve God is not weakening - that we are not letting our guard down - we need to peer regularly into our heart. What a privilege that was given only to God's people! Mbeni mama ti molenge so iri ti lo ayeke Pamé atene: "Na ngoi so mbi yô fini bébé ti mbi ti kozoni na yâ ti maboko ti mbi, tere ti mbi anzere mingi ahon ndo ni; me mbi bâ nga so mbi yeke na kota kua ti sara ndali ti lo. " More important, it is part of God's inspired Word, so it comes from the God of truth, the One who "cannot lie. " - Titus 1: 2; 2 Timothy 3: 16. " When I carried my newborn baby in my arms, I was so happy, but I also felt that I had greater responsibility for him. " Tongaso, ti bâ si e woko na yâ ti kusala ti Nzapa pëpe, a lingbi e gi lakue ti bâ yâ ti bê ti e. E yeke sara ni tongana nyen? Maybe So if we do not tire out in our service to God, how should we continue to examine our heart? Kota ye ni ahon kue ayeke so, mbaï ni ayeke na yâ ti Bible, so ti tene alondo na Nzapa ti tâ tënë, lo so "alingbi ti tene mvene pëpe ." - Tite 1: 2; 2 Timothée 3: 16. UGANDA Most important, the account is found in the Bible, which is from the God of truth, who "is not able to lie. " - Titus 1: 2; 2 Timothy 3: 16. Mbi hinga ape All of us graduates wanted to be with him because we believed he had the gift of healing. Maybe OUGANDA He teaches us to "speak consolingly to the depressed souls " and to comfort all who mourn. What can we learn from Jesus ' example? E kue so e wara diplôme ni e ye ti ngbâ gi na tere ti lo ndali ti so na e lo yeke na "don de guérison. " Thus, in a very special sense, Christ's true followers became a "people who are called by [God's] name. " - Acts 15: 14, 17. All of us who graduated from high school wanted to remain with him because he had "the gift of gifts. " Lo fa na e ti "lungula vundu ti ala so bê ti ala anze " na ti dë bê ti azo kue so ayeke toto na vundu. 1, 2. (a) Why are effective illustrations not easily forgotten? He teaches us to "speak consolingly to the depressed souls " and comfort all who mourn. Tongaso, na mbeni lege so ayeke tâ nde, adisciple ti Christ aga "azo so a di iri ti [Nzapa] na ndo ti ala. " - Kus. 15: 14, 17. They look forward to experiencing the incomparable honor of receiving everlasting life. - Ps. Thus, in a special sense, Christ's followers became "a people called upon by [God's] name. " - Acts 15: 14, 17. Awakua ti Nzapa ayeke na pendere beku ti ngbâ na fini lakue lakue. - Ps. As long as my health allowed, I enjoyed this kind of service. God's servants have the wonderful prospect of living forever. - Ps. Gi tongana seni ti mbi amû lani lege na mbi, a nzere na mbi mingi ti sala mara ti kusala so. It tells us that males and females who change "the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature " are" working what is obscene " in God's eyes. Just if my health allowed me to continue, it was a pleasure to do this work. A tene na e so akoli na awali so azia "lege ti koli na wali, na ala sala na mbeni lege nde " ayeke" sala ye ti kamela " na lê ti Nzapa. And what a spiritual protection the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work is! We were told that men and women who left "the Way of life " were" acting presumptuously " in God's eyes. Na ndo ni, kusala ti fango tënë ti Royaume na ti salango adisciple ayeke bata e biani na lege ti yingo. He saw Ahaz ' son, good King Hezekiah, inherit the throne and restore pure worship. Moreover, the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work truly protects us spiritually. Lo bâ nzoni Gbia Ézéchias, so ayeke molenge ti Akaz, amû mbata ti gbia na lo mû maboko na amolenge ti Israël ti kiri ti voro Jéhovah na lege ni. After the Atonement Day, the Israelites celebrated the Festival of Booths, the most joyful festival of the Jewish year. He saw good King Hezekiah, the son of Ahaz, took the throne and helped the Israelites to restore true worship. Na peko ti Lâ ti Lungulango Siokpari, azo ti Israël ayeke sara mbeni matanga so amû ngia na ala mingi ahon atanga ti amatanga kue so aJuif ayeke sara ngu oko oko: a yeke Matanga ti Akpangba. After every congregation meeting, no matter how busy they were, at least one of them would ask how I was. After Atonement Day, the Israelites celebrated a special observance of Jewish festivals - the Festival of Booths. Lakue na peko ti bungbi, atâa ala yeke na kua mingi, kamême mbeni oko ayeke hunda mbi ti bâ wala mbi yeke tongana nyen. How can we determine the best "time to speak "? Each meeting after the meeting, no matter how busy they are, at least one asks me if I am. Tongana nyen la e lingbi ti hinga nzoni ngoi so e lingbi "ti sara tënë "? Consequently, heirs may treat foolishly what the parents strove to accumulate for them. How can we determine the right time to speak? Tongaso, amolenge so awara aye ti héritier na peko ti ababâ na mama ti ala alingbi ti sala mbana na aye so ababâ na mama ni asala lani kua ngangu ti wara ni. Yet, even after they have become convinced that God is real, some beg off from following in the footsteps of Jesus. Thus, children who have received an inheritance from their parents may easily have used what the parents had worked hard to obtain. Ye oko, même na pekoni so ala hinga na bê kue so Nzapa ayeke dä biani, ambeni agi a - raison ti kpe ti tambela na senda ti Jésus. Ps 148 Verse 7 reads: "Praise Jehovah from the earth, you sea monsters and all you watery deeps. " Even after they firmly believe that God exists, however, some have sought reasons to avoid following Jesus ' steps closely. Versê 7 atene: "Na sese, i sepela L'Eternel, i akota nyama so ayeke na yâ ngu, na i angu kue so alï. " How many activities did you engage in that interested your mate more than you? Verse 7 states: "Praise Jah, you people, all the years of life that are deep in the earth. " Na bango nzoni yâ ti mara ti ahundango tënë tongaso, a lingbi mo gi bê ti mo pëpe so fade a yeke bâ wala a yeke futa pëpe nzoni salango ye ti mo. Here David stresses the need for us to wait patiently for Jehovah to act. In view of such questions, do not worry that your good conduct will not be rewarded. E bâ awe so be - nzoni nga na be - nze - pepe ti Jéhovah ayeke kota mingi ahon ti so e bi bê dä na tongo nda ni. This type of mill met the needs of soldiers, mariners, or small households living far from milling establishments. We have seen that Jehovah's mercy and long - suffering are superior to our initial concern. Na mbage ti maboko ti lo so ayeke senge, mbeni oko ayeke fû ale - kobe na yâ ti dû ti tênë ti nduzu, na mbeni oko ayeke bungbi yanga ti fuku ni so ayeke sigigi na ayeke tï na yâ ti kota kpangbala sembe wala bongo so ala zia na gbe ti kpu ti tênë so. His humility made such a presumptuous course unthinkable; his faith made it unnecessary. In addition to his simple hand, one of them would collect grain in the upper stone, and one of them would gather the stones out of the rocky sea or put them under the rock - mass. So lo yeke zo so ayeke sara tere ti lo kete, lo pensé même pëpe ti sara tongaso; mabe ti lo asara si lo bâ so lo bezoin ti sara ye ni so ape. (a) Whom does the sower represent? Being humble, he did not even feel that way; nor did he feel that he needed to do so. (a) Zo ti lungo le - kobe ni aye ti sara tënë ti zo wa? Draw Close to the Hearer of Prayer (a) Who is represented by the sower? Mara ti iri wa mo yeke gi ti wara? Have you heard of people who when facing a difficult situation prayed to God and then opened the Bible at random, believing that the first verse they saw would help them cope with the problem? What kind of reputation do you seek? Lë kpengba songo na Lo so amä ka asambela Was it an emotional, spur - of - the - moment decision? Draw Close to the Hearer of Prayer Mo mä tënë ti azo so ayeke sara kua na Bible na lege so ti gi ti leke akpale ti ala so? Without question, that is the best way of life! Do you hear of those who use the Bible in this regard to solve their problems? Ala gbu li ti ala nzoni la ala mû desizion so. What can we do to make sure that all aspects of our daily life are clean and orderly? Of course, making sure that our person, our belongings, and our home are always clean and orderly is easier said than done. They thought carefully about their decision. Biani, so ayeke dutingo na fini so ayeke nzoni ahon atanga ni kue! God sent his prophet Nathan to David with a strong message. Yes, that is the best way of life! Biani, e lingbi ti tënë hio so e ye ti bata lakue tele ti e, aye so e yeke na ni, nga na da ti e na saleté pëpe nga nzoni; ye oko, ti sala tongaso ayeke kete ye pëpe. Well, I invited them in. Of course, we can easily say that we want to remain chaste, clean, and clean, but doing so is not easy. Nzapa atokua prophète Nathan ti mû mbeni ngangu wango na David. However, the Bible does not state how many will be left at the time that the great tribulation begins. God sent Nathan the prophet to give strong counsel to David. Mbi hunda ala ti lï na yâ da ni. Did you notice where many good people will live? I asked them to enter the house. Ye oko, Bible afa pëpe wungo ti ala oke la ayeke ngbâ na ngoi so kota ye ti vundu ayeke komanse. That is why Christians do well to heed Jesus ' exhortation: "Let your light shine before men. " However, the Bible does not say how many will survive the start of the great tribulation. Na lege ti versê so, mingi ti anzoni zo ayeke duti ande na ndo wa? Yet, not everyone sees it that way. According to this verse, where will most good people be? Nda ni la si aChrétien ayeke sala nzoni ti bata wango ti Jésus so: "Zia lumière ti i aza na gbele azo. " All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress. " Thus, Christians do well to heed Jesus ' admonition: "Let your light shine before men. " Me, a yeke pëpe zo kue si ayeda na ni. Actively think about what you are reading. However, not everyone accepted it. Aye so kue ayeke tongo nda ti aye ti vundu so akpa songo yâ so agbu wali so aye ti dü. " The Bible says: "Do not lean upon your own understanding. " All these things are the beginning of distress, which may seem to be the pain of having children. " Gbu li na ndö ti ye so mo yeke diko. War, poverty, sickness, death, or our own imperfections can put us under immense pressure. Meditate on what you read. Bible atene: "Zia bê ti mo na hingango ye ti mo mveni pëpe. ." Echo the Shepherd when giving advice. The Bible says: "Do not lean upon your own understanding. " Bira, nzinga, kobela, kuâ wala awokongo ti e mveni alingbi ti sala si e yeke na kota gingo bê. What, though, is a lie? - Ephesians 4: 25; Proverbs 14: 5. War, poverty, sickness, death, or personal weaknesses can cause us great anxiety. A yeke nzoni e mû tapande ti Berger ti e Jéhovah na ngoi so e yeke mû wango. " There is no other commandment greater than these, " said Jesus. We should imitate our Shepherd, Jehovah, when giving counsel. Ye oko, mvene ayeke nyen? - aEphésien 4: 25; aProverbe 14: 5. In doing so, he teaches his son how to express affection too. What, though, is lying? - Ephesians 4: 25; Proverbs 14: 5. Jésus atene: "Mbeni commandement ti hon ala so ayeke dä pëpe. ." The supreme deity was El, called the father of the gods and of man. Jesus said: "There is no commandment greater than those who are not. " Na sarango tongaso, lo yeke fa nga na molenge ni ti fa ndoye ti lo nga. • Why should we not seek to avenge ourselves? In doing so, she also teaches her child to express her love too. Nzapa so ayeke kota ahon tanga ti anzapa ni kue ayeke El; a hiri lo babâ ti anzapa na ti azo. Let us set aside ample time for regular and earnest prayer, personal Bible study, meeting attendance, family worship, and zealous Kingdom - preaching activity. The greatest god of all gods was El Salvador; he was called the father of both gods and men. • Ngbanga ti nyen a lingbi e gi ti futa kula e wani pëpe? The urge to change Christian teachings to suit the spirit of the age has a long history, as we shall see. • Why should we not try to avenge ourselves? Zia e soro mbeni ngoi ti sambela lakue nga na bê ti e kue, ti manda Bible e wani, ti gue na abungbi, ti manda tënë ti Nzapa na sewa nga ti fa tënë ti Royaume na ngangu ti e kue. We cannot know exactly how Jehovah will satisfy all our needs and desires, yet we should not doubt that he will do so. Let us set aside time for regular prayer and heartfelt prayer, personal Bible study, meeting attendance, family worship, and zealous participation in the Kingdom - preaching work. Kota nzala ti gbian afango ye ti aChrétien ti lingbi na bibe ti ngoi ni ayeke fini ye oko pepe, tongana ti so e yeke ba ande. What do you think that would have entailed for David when he became king over Israel? The desire to change Christian teachings is not new, as we shall see. Atâa so e hinga mbilimbili pëpe tongana nyen la Jéhovah ayeke sara ni, e lingbi ti hinga biani so lo yeke mû na e aye kue so e yeke na bezoin ni nga e yeke na nzara ni. " Regret " is mental sorrow, pain of mind, at something done or perhaps left undone, and it can mean "to weep again. " Although we do not know exactly how Jehovah will do so, we can be sure that he will provide everything we need and desires. Ti mo, ye nyen a yeke ku ande na mbage ti David tongana lo ga gbia na ndo Israël? ▪ In which courtyard does the great crowd serve? - May 1, 2002, pages 30 - 31. What do you think David would be expected if he became king over Israel? ▪ Azo mingi mingi so ayeke voro Jéhovah ayeke na yâ ti Sedu wa? - 1 mai 2002, lembeti 30 - 31. Jesus said: "Do not become fearful of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; but rather be in fear of him that can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna. " ▪ What Court is composed of many worshippers of Jehovah? - May 1, 2002, pages 30 - 31. Na pekoni, a mû mbeni ye tongana konza a tuku ingo na ndo ni a zia asusu ni dä. • According to the best available estimates, "between 1 and 2 million Americans age 65 or older have been injured, exploited, or otherwise mistreated by someone on whom they depended for care or protection, " says the National Center on Elder Abuse. Then the fish were filled with salt. Jésus atene: "I zia mbeto ti ala asara i pëpe, ala so afâ tere ti zo me ala lingbi fâ âme pëpe; me i kpe mbeto ti Lo so alingbi futi âme na tere kue na ndo - ti - wa [" Géhenne, " MN]. ." The very notion is inconceivable. Jesus said: "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; but rather be in fear of him that can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna. " • Ndokua so abâ tënë ti aye ti sioni so asi na ambakoro na Amerika abâ so "azo ti Amerika kutu oko ti si na kutu use so ngu ti ala ayeke 65 wala ahon so atene so mbeni zo so abata ala azia kä na tere ti ala awe, ahanda ala ti mû ye ti ala wala asara mbeni ye ti mbana na ala. " The birds would greedily carry so much meat to their nests that the nests would crash to the ground. • The World Health Organization in the United States observed that "one million people in the United States - 65 or more - year - old - old - old - old - old - old - old or more - old - old - have been deceived by the fact that they have been sold, misled, or corrupt. " Ye tongaso alingbi ti si lâ oko pëpe. If I had to sum up my feelings in just one sentence, I guess I would say that Jehovah has truly given me more than I deserve. That could never happen. Teti so andeke ni aye ka ti te ye ti bê mingi, a sara si tongana ala mû gbâ ti morceau ti nyama ni ti gue na ni na yâ ti da ti ala, da ti ala ni ayeke tï na sese. 113: 4 - 9. The birds's natural desire to eat is so much that when they take a large amount of meat from the animal to their home, it falls on the ground. Na nduru tënë mbi peut ti tene so, Jéhovah amû tâ na mbi gbâ ti aye ahon ti so mbi doit fade ti wara. [ Nduru tënë na lembeti 11] It cannot be forced or speeded up. In short, Jehovah gave me much more than I needed. 113: 4 - 9. Henri, a young brother, was greatly distressed when his close relatives, including his father, who had been a respected elder, left the truth. 113: 4 - 9. Zo alingbi pëpe ti forcé maïngo ni wala ti sara si a kono hio. These amphorae originally contained precious Attic oil. It is impossible to control or make it grow quickly. Henri, mbeni ita - koli maseka ayeke lani na vundu mingi na ngoi so ambeni tâ fami ti lo, so na popo ni mo yeke wara babâ ti lo so ayeke lani mbeni ancien so a ne lo mingi, azia tâ tënë. Who is the greatest gift - giver in the universe? A young brother named Harry was deeply distressed when some of his relatives, including his respected father, left the truth. Kozoni, a wara lani na yâ ata so mafuta ti olive ti ngele ngangu so alondo na mbage ti sese ti Attica. If your parents do something that tends to diminish your respect for them, what then? First, these jar contained precious olive oil from the land of Doaa. Na yâ ti dunia kue, zo wa la ayeke kota zo ti mungo cadeau ahon azo kue? How might we benefit from taking to heart Solomon's warning example? Who is the greatest Giver of all the universe? Tongana ababâ na mama ti mo asala mbeni ye so ague ti kiri na peko yekiango ndo so mo yeke na ni na mbage ti ala, mo yeke sala nyen? Her faithful course later gave her an opportunity to witness to him, as well as to others. How do you react when your parents do something that goes out of respect for them? Na lege wa e lingbi ti wara ye ti nzoni tongana e gbu li ti e nzoni na ndo ti sioni tapande ti Salomon? He wants you to be happy too. How can we benefit from meditating on Solomon's bad example? So lo yeke be - ta - zo azi lege na lo ti fa tënë na koli ti lo nga na ambeni zo. I saw abandoned wagons and artillery and even the wreckage of an airplane. Her faithfulness opened the way for her to witness to her husband and others. Lo ye nga si mo duti na ngia. So many problems associated with poverty will be solved at that time. He also wants you to be happy. Mbi bâ a - oto so azo adö azia, anene ngombe nga na ambage ti tere ti avion so abuba. As a family, we discussed how we could simplify our life so that we could all be in full - time service. I saw people leave behind, nuclear weapons, and the bodies of traffic that were damaged. Fade a yeke kaï gbâ ti akpale so andu kota nzinga na ngoi ni so. 5: 22, 23. Many problems involving poverty will be solved at that time. Na sewa, e yeke sala lisoro na ndo tongana nyen ti sala si e duti na aye mingi pëpe na yâ fini ti e, si e kue e lingbi ti mû kusala ni. " Appreciate Your Privilege, a Gift From God " was the theme of the last of the series of opening talks. In the family, we discuss how to simplify our life so that we too can share in the ministry. 5: 22, 23. In 1919 when anointed Christians were restored to activity, they were an unusual group of people. 5: 22, 23. Ndangba diskur ti molongo ti adiskur ti tongo nda ni ayeke na ndo li ti tene "I Yekia Matabisi ti I so Ayeke Nde, so Alondo na Nzapa. " His description thus provides a basis for laments, or dirges. The last talk on the opening series was entitled "Give Honor to Your Gift From God. " Na ngu 1919, tongana a kiri na kusala aChrétien so a sa yingo na ndo ti ala, ala duti mbeni bungbi ti azo so ayeke nde mingi. I was determined not to let my condition stop me from doing all that I could in Jehovah's service. In 1919, when anointed Christians were restored to work, they became a unique group of people. Tongaso, aye so lo fa ayeke gunda ti abia so azo ahe na toto. For examples, see The Watchtower of January 1, 2000, page 16 and the 1997 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, page 51. His teachings, then, are the basis of sound music. Mbi leke na bê ti mbi ti zia si duti ti mbi ni akanga lege na mbi pëpe ti sara ye kue so mbi peut ti sara ti voro Jéhovah. Who Are in Gehenna? I resolved not to let my situation stop me from doing anything I could to serve Jehovah. Ti hinga ambeni tapande na ndo ni, bâ Tour ti Ba Ndo ti Français ti lango oko ti janvier, ngu 2000, lembeti 16, na Annuaire des Témoins de Jéhovah 1997, na lembeti 51. A poisonous stew becomes edible. - 2 Kings 4: 38 - 41 For more examples, see The Watchtower, January 1, 2000, pages 16 and 1997 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, page 51. Azo wa ayeke na yâ ti Géhenne? A son is wise when he accepts his father's discipline. Who Are in Gehenna? Lo sala si mbeni sioni kobe aga nzoni si zo alingbi ti te ni senge. - 2 aGbia 4: 38 - 41 The work of the Kohathite Levites brought them into close proximity with the sacred ark of the covenant and the furnishings of the tabernacle. He makes sure that an evil food can be eaten free. - 2 Kings 4: 38 - 41 Molenge so ayeda na sengo ndo ti babâ ti lo ayeke na ndara. [ Picture on page 30] A son who accepts his father's discipline is wise. Kusala so aLévite ti sewa ti Kehath asala amû lege na ala ti sala kusala ndulu na arche ti nzoni - kue, nga na akungba ti tabernacle. (a) What miracles did Moses and Jesus perform? The role of the priestly Levites enabled them to serve near the sacred ark as well as the tabernacle's duties. [ Foto na lembeti 30] We will certainly not want to turn to the world for assistance. [ Picture on page 30] (a) Amiracle wa Moïse na Jésus asara lani? Filled with indignation, Jesus threw out of God's temple those who were introducing commercial activities. (a) What miracles did Moses and Jesus perform? Kite ayeke pëpe so e yeke ye ande dä pëpe ti kpe na mbage ti dunia so ti gi mungo maboko. 11: 7 - 14 - What is signified by Zechariah's cutting up a staff called "Pleasantness " and another called" Union "? Surely we would not want to turn to the world for help. Na ngoi so Jésus abâ azo so ayeke kä ye na yâ ti temple ti Nzapa, ngonzo asara lo, lo tomba ala. A number of English idioms can be traced back to the King James Version. When Jesus saw those selling in God's temple, he became angry and expelled them. 11: 7 - 14 - Zacharie afâ yâ ti keke so a iri ni "Pendere " nga na mbeni so a iri ni" Kamba ." Some may see in their mind's eye the handsome young man Joseph fleeing from the immoral grasp of Potiphar's wife. 11: 7 - 14 - What is the meaning of Zechariah's use of the tree? Tongana nyen mbaï ti kongregation ti aChrétien afa biani ngangu ti komande ti Christ tongana gbia? How so? How does the history of the Christian congregation testify to Christ's kingship? Ambeni zo ayeke pensé peut - être na pendere maseka - koli Joseph so ayeke kpe na yâ ti maboko ti wali ti Potiphar so aye ti bungbi na lo koli na wali. PAST NEGATIVE EXPERIENCES Some may think of the young man who fled through Potiphar's wife who wanted to have sexual relations with her. Ndia ni afa ni tongana nyen? Today, scholars are aware that Jehovah's personal name appears some 7,000 times in the Bible. How did the Law show this? AYE SO AMÛ VUNDU NA E ÂNDÖ Jesus prophesied: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. " What is the meaning of Jesus ' words recorded at 2 Timothy 5: 5? Laso, awandara so agi nda ti Bible ahinga so iri ti Jéhovah asigigi fani 7 000 tongaso na yâ ti Bible. Jonathan is one of those friends who may come to mind. Today, scholars recognize that Jehovah's name appears some 7,000 times in the Bible. Jésus amû prophétie so: "Fade a fa nzo tënë ti royaume so na sese kue so azo ayeke dä, tongana tënë ti témoin na amara kue; na pekoni, fade nda ni aga. " It enabled him to choose, not the short - term love of the world, but the eternal blessing of a close relationship with the loving God, Jehovah. Jesus prophesied: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. " Mbeni oko ti akamarade ti lo so alingbi ti ga na li ti e ayeke Jonathan. In view of the idolatrous use of incense in those days, it is not surprising that the early Christians would not even engage in the incense trade. One of his friends who could come to mind is Jonathan. Ye so amû lege na lo ti soro, pëpe ndoye so aninga pëpe teti sese so, me deba nzoni ti lakue lakue so aga na lege ti mbeni nzoni songo na Jéhovah, Nzapa ti ndoye. While imperfect humans have "a tendency to envy, " various factors can feed and strengthen this inclination. This enabled him to choose, not long - term love for the world, but the eternal blessing that resulted from a good relationship with Jehovah, the God of love. Na bango salango kusala na yombo ti voro na ayanda na ngoi ni kâ, a yeke ye ti dongo bê pëpe so akozo Chrétien ake même ti mû lani mbage ti ala na dengo buze ti yombo. Starting at Pentecost 33 C.E., Jehovah used his spirit to anoint the secondary part of the seed of Abraham, many of whom were not descendants of Abraham. In view of the use of incense to worship idols at that time, it is no wonder that first - century Christians refused even to participate in the business business practices of incense. Atâa so azo so alingbi kue pëpe ayeke na "bibe ti kota bê ," ambeni ye nde alingbi ti sara si bibe ni so akiri amaï aga ngangu. Anthony: May I show you some Bible verses that highlight the importance of exercising faith in Jesus? While imperfect humans have "a tendency to envy, " other things can make that spirit worse. Ti londo na Pentecôte ti ngu 33, Jéhovah asara kusala na yingo ti lo ti soro tanga ti azo ti yâ ti ngongoa ti Abraham, so mingi ti ala alondo pëpe na yâ ti ahale ti Abraham. That question concerned Eric and Vicky, who are full - time ministers in Santa Rosa, a three - hour drive farther into the Amazon basin. From Pentecost 33 C.E. onward, Jehovah used his spirit to select the remaining ones of Abraham's seed, many of whom had not descended from Abraham's descendants. Antoine: Tongana mo ye, mbi peut ti fa na mo ambeni versê so afa ndani so a yeke kota ye ti mä na bê na Jésus. Declare Jehovah's Praiseworthy Deeds! Anthony: If you just want to, I can show you some scriptures that show why it is important to believe in Jesus. Hundango tënë so agbu bê ti Eric na Vicky mingi. Ala yeke awafango tënë ti ngoi kue na gbata ti Santa Rosa, so yeke nduru na kota ngu ti Amazone. At Pentecost 33 C.E., Jesus ' newly anointed disciples made known to the people "the magnificent things of God, " and many who heard responded. That question was of interest to Eric, and they were full - time evangelizers in the city of Rosa, which was located near the end of the great tribulation. Fa Tene ti Aye ti Jéhovah so Alingbi na Gonda! Our weekends were devoted to the house - to - house ministry, street witnessing, and conducting Bible studies. Speak Jehovah's Precious Word! Na Pentecôte ti ngu 33, afini disciple ti Jésus so a soro ala ti gue na yayu afa na azo "apendere ye so Nzapa asara ," na azo mingi so amä tënë so ayeda na ni. The policy of one school of this type was "to allow children to experience the full range of feelings free from the judgment and intervention of an adult. " At Pentecost 33 C.E., new disciples of Jesus ' anointed followers taught people "the magnificent things of God, " and many who listened to them responded favorably. E yeke fa tënë na anda - yenga da na da, na ndo ti alege nga e yeke sara a - étude. We might reason that everyone needs a little relaxation or recreation, and how an individual gets it is a personal matter. We witness from house to house, on the streets, and conduct Bible studies. Kode so mbeni mara da - mbeti tongaso azia ni na sese ayeke ti tene "a mû lege na amolenge ni ti soro ye so bê ti ala aye sân ti tene mbeni biazo akasa ala wala amû maboko na ala. " Similarly, sharing good advice can produce stable results. The method used by such a school is that "the children are given free will without a mature person or a helping hand. " E lingbi ti tene so zo kue ayeke na bezoin ti tene tere ti lo anzere kete wala ti sara ngia kete na a yeke na zo oko oko ti soro ngia so lo ye ti sara. Think of the multitudes who are no longer able to care for themselves because of advanced age, of individuals wasting away with incurable diseases, and of families struggling economically to make ends meet. It can be said that everyone needs to be happy or happy, and it is up to each individual to choose the type of recreation he chooses. Nga, tongana ti so a yeke sara kusala na pointe ti leke na ambeni ye ti da si akpengba na aluti ngangu, nzoni wango ayeke mû maboko na mbeni zo ti mû anzoni desizion so aluti ngangu. [ Footnote] Furthermore, as is used for building and building materials, good counsel helps a person to make sound decisions that are stable. Gbu li gi na ndo azo mingi mingi so alingbi mbeni pëpe ti bata tele ti ala ngbanga ti so ngu ti ala ahon mingi awe, azo so angangu kobela awoko ala, na gbâ ti asewa so ayeke tiri ngangu ti wara kobe ti yanga ti ala. Before long, I wanted to get baptized, and on September 5, 1941, Bill baptized me in a steel drum filled with water pumped out from a well. Just think of so many who are unable to protect themselves because of advanced age, serious illness, and many families struggling to find their living. [ Kete tënë na gbe ni] For example, when Job suffered a painful illness, he prayed: "I wish you would hide me in my grave [" in hell, " Douay - Rheims Version]. " [ Footnote] Kete na pekoni, mbi ye ti wara batême, tongaso na lango 5 ti septembre, ngu 1941, Bill abatize mbi na yâ ti mbeni tûku so ngu ti dû ti ngu la ayeke na yâ ni. For instance, Laura, * a mother of two young children, left a full - time job for this reason. Soon afterward, I wanted to get baptized, so on September 5, 1941, Bill baptized me in a pool filled with water. Na tapande, na ngoi so Job ayeke bâ pasi lani na mbeni sioni kobela, lo tene na Nzapa, lo tene: "A yeke nzoni mo bata mbi na yâ ti dû ti kuâ [" a - enfer, " TOB]. ." The Memorial speaker's situation was no less challenging. For example, when Job was suffering from a painful disease, he said to God: "You must protect me in hell, " or hell. ' " Na tapande, Laura * so ayeke na akete molenge use azia kua ti nginza ti lo so amû ngoi ti lo mingi ti wara ngoi ti duti na tere ti ala. How did Jehovah view their attitude? For example, she * had two small children leaving her full - time job to spend time with them. Wamungo diskur ti Mémorial ni ayeke nga na aye mingi ti sala. Tired but Not Tiring Out, 8 / 15 The Memorial speaker also had much to do. Tongana nyen Jéhovah aba bango ndo ti ala? The apostle Paul said: "All those desiring to live with godly devotion in association with Christ Jesus will also be persecuted. " How did Jehovah view their attitude? Akota tënë ti buku ti Josué, 1 / 12 and all three went off to the Kingdom Hall. Highlights From Hosea, 12 / 15 Bazengele Paul atene: "Azo kue so aye ti tambela na lege ti batango tënë ti Nzapa na yâ Christ Jésus, fade ala hu pono ti ye ti ngangu. ." While going around Edom, the Israelites tire out and speak against God and Moses. The apostle Paul wrote: "All those desiring to live with godly devotion in association with Christ Jesus will also be persecuted. " Na nda ni, ala ota kue ague na Da ti Royaume. Older ones can even assist younger members of the congregation in this regard. Finally, all three attended the Kingdom Hall. Na ngoi so ala yeke ngoro Edom, amolenge ti Israël awoko na ala kasa Nzapa nga na Moïse. Philip's mother is now better prepared to cope with his father's serious health problems. As they surrounded Edom, the Israelites became weak and murmured against God and Moses. Ala so asara mariage awe na so ayeke mbakoro alingbi même ti mû maboko na ala so asara mariage na so ala de maseka na yâ ti congrégation. She has become much more cooperative. " Older ones may even be able to help younger ones in the congregation. Mama ti Philip alingbi fadeso ti bâ lege ti babâ ti lo so ayeke na akota kpale ti seni. David said: "In case my own father and my own mother did leave me, even Jehovah himself would take me up. " Philip's mother could now care for her father, who had serious health problems. Mbi na lo e yeke mä tere nzoni mingi. " Ask yourself, " How often has a talk or an article in one of our journals moved me to make adjustments in my thinking or conduct? ' We get along better with him. " David atene: "Tongana babâ na mama ti mbi azia mbi, fade L'Eternel akamata mbi. ." 4: 14. David wrote: "In case my own father and my own mother did leave me, even Jehovah himself would take me up. " Hunda terê ti mo: " Fani oke la mbeni diskur wala mbeni article ti apériodique ti e apusu mbi ti changé pensé ti mbi wala sarango ye ti mbi? ' IT IS time for a very important meeting in Jerusalem. Ask yourself, " How often has a talk or a Watchtower article moved me to change my thinking or conduct? ' 4: 14. Faithful people to whom God listened in former times approached him in sincerity and with the right heart attitude. 4: 14. NGOI ti tene a sara mbeni kpengba bungbi na Jérusalem alingbi awe. We knew that we would lose the case, but we realized that a great witness would result. IT WAS enough for an important meeting in Jerusalem. Abe - ta - zo so Nzapa amä sambela ti ala giriri aga nduru na lo na bê ti ala kue. Though David's circumstances changed many times over the years, he remained convinced that Jehovah's care for his loyal servants never changes. Faithful ones who were favorably heard by God draw close to him. E hinga lani so e yeke sö benda ape me e hinga so na nda ni a yeke sara si azo mingi ahinga ye na ndö ti tâ tënë. What Scriptural responsibility do family heads have? We knew that we would not win, but we knew that this would eventually lead many to an accurate knowledge of truth. Atâa so dutingo ti David achangé fani mingi tongana angu ayeke hon, lo ngbâ lakue ti bâ so Jéhovah azia lâ oko pëpe ti bata awakua ti lo so ayeke be - ta - zo. Read 1 Corinthians 10: 13. Although David's situation changed over the years, he continued to realize that Jehovah has never abandoned his faithful servants. Kua ti nyen la a mû na amokonzi ti sewa? Violence has been called a "growing public health problem across the world. " What responsibility do family heads have? Diko 1 aCorinthien 10: 13. Holding to God's moral standards, however, does not mean becoming judgmental of others. Read 1 Corinthians 10: 13. A fa sarango ngangu na zo tongana mbeni "kota kpale ti seni so ayeke gue gi guengo na li ni na yâ ti dunia. " This will take place during "the re - creation, " or time of regeneration, during Christ's Millennial Rule. - Read Matthew 19: 28; ftn. Persecution is defined as "the increasing health problem in the world. " Ye oko, ti bata anzoni salango ye ti Nzapa aye pepe ti tene a fâ ngbanga na ndo ambeni zo. • The Bible Teach book is designed for what purpose? To maintain godly qualities, however, does not mean that others are judged. Ye so ayeke si ande na ngoi so "a yeke kiri ti leke aye kue ti ga fini ," na ngoi ti Komandema ti Ngu Saki Oko ti Christ. - Diko Matthieu 19: 28. What vow have many of us made, and how can we prove faithful? This will occur when "all things will be made new " during Christ's Millennial Reign. - Read Matthew 19: 28. • A sigigi na buku Bible afa ti sara na nyen? Hence, what began when Enosh was alive evidently was not a calling on Jehovah in faith and pure worship. • What is the Bible Teach book to do? Zendo wa la e mingi e mû? Tongana nyen la e lingbi ti sara ye alingbi na ni? Later, when he finds out what was hidden, what will be the result? What promise do many of us make, and how can we live up to it? Tongaso, dingo iri ti Jéhovah so ato nda ni na ngoi so Énosh ayeke na fini, ayeke biani pepe dingo iri ti Jéhovah na lege ti mabe na tâ vorongo. In the same parable, the master says: "On my arrival [" having come, " Int] I would be receiving what is mine. " Thus, the use of Jehovah's name, which began in his lifetime, is certainly not the name of Jehovah by faith and true worship. Na pekoni, tongana lo hinga ye so wali ni ahonde so, ye ti peko ni ayeke duti ande nyen? In the early 1930 ' s, they had become Jehovah's Witnesses. Then, if he knows what she has hidden, what will be the result? Na yâ ti oko parabole ni, wa ti angbâa ni atene: "Si tongana mbi ga, mbi wara ye ti mbi na mbeni ye na ndo ni. ." Like a firm but loving parent, God had been obliged to speak "against " his children, repeatedly warning them about their sinful ways. In the same parable, the master said: "In case I came, I found something more. " Ala ga lani aTémoin ti Jéhovah angu kete kozoni si a dü mbi. Similarly, we should use our resources and influence to uphold true worship. - 12 / 15, pages 19 - 22. They became Jehovah's Witnesses some years before I was born. Tongana ti so mbeni babâ so aye amolenge ti lo ayeke kanga lê pëpe na ndo ti sioni ti ala, Jéhovah nga kue asara tënë "ti ke " amolenge ti lo, azo ti Israël, na lege so lo gboto mê ti ala lege mingi. Some Jews who became Christians were from these areas. Just as a loving father does not tolerate the wickedness of his children, Jehovah also speaks "to hate " his sons, the Israelites, by warning them again and again. E nga kue, a yeke nzoni e mû amosoro ti e nga na kota ndo ti e ti mû maboko na tâ vorongo. - 15 / 12, alembeti 19 - 22. Do you live in a religiously divided home? We too should use our resources and position to support true worship. - 12 / 15, pages 19 - 22. Ambeni Juif so aga Chrétien alondo na akodoro so. The righteous course is to resort neither to deception nor to slander. Some Jews who became Christians came from those lands. Na yâ ti sewa ti mo, ala sara Nzapa nde nde? Endeavor to find out how he feels about things, and try to understand his problems, which may well be much more difficult than the problems you faced at school. In your family, are they serving God differently? Tambela ti mbilimbili asala kusala pepe na handa nga pepe na tene ti zonga. Really, I could be doing much more for Jehovah than I'm doing right now. ' Righteous conduct does not resort to deception and abusive speech. Sala kue ti hinga wala bibe ti lo ayeke tongana nyen na ndo aye so ayeke si na lo, na tara ti gbu nda ti akpale ti lo so ayeke peut - être ngangu mingi ahon ti so mo wara giriri tongana mo de na da - mbeti. How can you determine whether you have been lied to? Make sure that his thoughts are on his own, and try to understand his problems that may be more difficult than you had when you were in school. Biani, mbi lingbi ti sara na Jéhovah mingi ahon ti fadeso. ' But what is the danger? Yes, I can serve Jehovah more fully than now. ' Mo lingbi ti sara tongana nyen ti hinga wala a tene mvene na mo? On that day, "one's very eyes... and tongue will rot away " in that the attackers will be able to strike out only blindly and their defiant speech will be silenced. How can you determine whether you have been lied to you? Me kpale ni ayeke so wa? Take time to develop a friendly relationship with the brother. But what was the problem? E hinga pëpe wala a yeke duti ande tâ kobela. Me e hinga so ala lingbi ande ti sara sioni na e ape nga ti tene sioni tënë na tere ti Nzapa pëpe. I am free from a mad thirst for fame... We do not know whether it will be a real sickness, but we know that they will not harm us and speak abusively of God. Mû ngoi ti sara kamarade na ita ni. Jesus ' example teaches us how we should help others. Take time to associate with the brother. Mbi sala nzara ti tomba peko ti yango - iri pëpe;... Paul wrote: "The sons of Israel could not gaze intently at the face of Moses because of the glory of his face... Their mental powers were dulled. " I do not desire to pursue fame... Tapande ti Jésus afa na e tongana nyen ti mû maboko na azo. Balanced activity and adequate rest may also be helpful. Jesus ' example teaches us how to help others. Paul atene: "Amolenge ti Israël alingbi bâ lê ti Moïse pëpe tënë ti gloire ti lê ti lo,... bê ti ala akpengba. ." Concerning the events of those days, Henryk recalls: "In all my trying situations, Jehovah never left me. Paul wrote: "The sons of Israel could not see Moses ' glory,... and they were being made firm in their hearts. " A yeke nga nzoni ti sala ye so alingbi na ngangu ti e, na ti hu tele nzoni. When does it cross the line and become an uneven yoking? It is also worth doing what is within our power and well - being. Tongana Henryk ayeke dabe ti lo na ndo ti ngoi ni so, lo tene: "Na yâ ti aye ti ngangu kue so mbi wara, Jéhovah azia mbi lâ oko pëpe. Some individuals have become information addicts, always feeding an insatiable desire to be up - to - date while neglecting more important things. Looking back on that time, Henryk says: "In all my trying circumstances, Jehovah has never abandoned me. Na ngoi wa songo ni alingbi ti gue yongoro si e bungbi oko na ala? Nor does the Bible teach that all life will be annihilated in a global conflagration. When might the friendship distance us from them? Ambeni zo aga angba ti asango, na gingo lakue ti mu ngia na kota nzala ti hinga afini ye na ngoi so ala ba na nene ni pepe aye so ayeke kota ahon. At the same time, God told Noah to take all the varieties of animals into the ark - by sevens in the case of the clean ones, fit for sacrificial use, and the rest by twos. - Genesis 7: 1 - 3. Some people have become slaves of the media, always seeking to please with a strong desire to learn new things when they do not appreciate the more important things. Bible afa nga pëpe so a yeke futi ande aye kue so ayeke na fini na ndo ti sese na yâ ti mbeni kota bira. The key is to be good students of God's Word, to take to heart what we learn, and to let that knowledge mold us and guide us. The Bible does not say that all living things on earth will be destroyed in a great war. Ti anyama kue so ayeke nzoni so a lingbi ti mû ala ande na sandaga, lo mû ala mbasambala mbasambala, me ti atanga ni lo mû ala use use. - Genèse 7: 1 - 3. The foremost reason to confess a sin is to gain an approved standing with God For any good animal that could be sacrificed, he offered seven animals, but two of them. - Genesis 7: 1 - 3. Kota ye ni ayeke ti duti anzoni wamandango Bible, ti zia si aye so e manda andu bê ti e nga ti zia si aleke e na afa lege na e. Why? The key is being good students of God's Word, allowing what we learn to touch our heart and guide us. Zo ayeke fa tënë ti siokpari ti lo na gigi kozoni kue ndali ti so lo ye ti duti na nzoni songo na Nzapa Additionally, the Law made the Israelites aware of their sinful state and of their need for forgiveness and salvation. A person first confesss his sin because he wants to have a good relationship with God Ndali ti nyen? How are overseers "keeping watch over [our] souls "? Why? Na ndo ni, Ndia ti Moïse amû lege na azo ti Israël ti hinga sioni dutingo so ala yeke na yâ ni, na nene ti wara pardon teti siokpari ti ala na ti wara salut. And these evil men ought to be ashamed. " There is no answer from God, " as far as they are concerned. Moreover, the Mosaic Law enabled the Israelites to recognize their plight, needing forgiveness for their sins and for salvation. Na lege wa a - ancien ayeke "sara sinziri ti âme ti [e] "? In the first century, the main Jewish centers were in Syria, Asia Minor, Babylonia, and Egypt, and there were smaller communities in the European part of the Roman Empire. - 10 / 15, page 12. How do elders " keep watch over [our] souls '? Na biani a lingbi azo ti sioni so aduti na kamene teti na bango ndo ti ala, "Nzapa akiri tënë na ala pëpe. ." In particular, Abraham exercised faith in the promised "seed " to come in his line. Especially should these wicked ones be ashamed of their attitude, "God did not answer them. " Na ngoi ti akozo Chrétien, ambeni ndo so aJuif ayeke dä mingi ayeke lani Syrie, Asie Mineure, Babylone, na Egypte; ambeni Juif ni ayeke nga na yâ ti akodoro ti Poto so ayeke na gbe ti Kodoro - togbia ti Rome. - 15 / 10, lembeti 12. They did this by seeking to please God and obey him. In the first century C.E., a number of Jewish communities were Syria, Asia Minor, Babylon, and Egypt; others were also in Western Europe under the Roman Empire. - 10 / 15, page 12. Mbeni ye so ayeke kota mingi ayeke so Abraham amä na bê na "hale " wala ngongoa so Jéhovah amû zendo atene a yeke ga ande na lege ti lo. 12, 13. (a) How is Jesus "the light of the world "? More important, Abraham exercised faith in Jehovah's promised "seed. " Na gingo ti nzere na lo na ti mä yanga ti lo. What was it? By seeking to please him and obeying him. 12, 13. (a) Na lege wa Jésus ayeke "lumière ti dunia so "? " Nothing compares to the joy that comes from seeing spiritual growth. 12, 13. (a) How is Jesus "the light of the world "? Fa mbilimbili ye ti nzoni so mo wara na yâ tondo ti ngu ti kusala 2004 so ayeke na lembeti 19 ti si na 22. Those officers were not mistaken. Describe how you have benefited from the 2004 service report on pages 19 to 22. Ye so ayeke nyen? David and I shared the ambition of getting to the top. What is that? Aturugu so atene tâ tënë. Remember, though, that Jehovah has already determined the outcome of any opposition to the fulfilling of his will. Those soldiers spoke the truth. Mbi na David e yeke na nzara ti ga akota zo ti dongo dodo na ndo ti azo kue. Born in 1925 in Kentucky, U.S.A., Ted had symbolized his dedication to Jehovah at the age of 15. David and I desire to be prominent in all people. Ye oko, dabe mo so Jéhovah afa lani awe ye so ayeke si ande na kangango lege kue so a leke ti tene ye so bê ti lo aye aga tâ tënë pëpe. [ Picture on page 25] Remember, though, that Jehovah foretold the future of all opposition to his will. A dü Ted na ngu 1925 na Kentucky na Amerika. Lo mû tere ti lo na Jéhovah na lege ti batême na ngoi so lo yeke na ngu 15. Some of you dear brothers and sisters have a hard fight every day to maintain your relationship with Jehovah. Ted was born in 1925, U.S.A., and he dedicated himself to Jehovah by water baptism at age 15. [ Foto na lembeti 15] Eve blamed the serpent for deceiving her. [ Picture on page 15] Satan, sioni dunia so nga na siokpari so ayeke na tere ti e, a sara si a yeke kete ye pëpe na e ti sara ye so ayeke na lege ni. What did Jesus do in the temple, and why were people amazed? Satan, the wicked world, and our inherited imperfection make it difficult for us to do what is right. Ève atene so gbo la ahanda ni. As Rie studied the Bible, she was transformed from an embittered person into a happy, kind lady. Eve said that the serpent had deceived it. Ye wa Jésus ayeke sara lani na yâ ti temple? Ngbanga ti nyen bê ti azo so amä lo adö? The holy spirit has helped the Governing Body to grasp Scriptural truths not previously understood. What did Jesus do at the temple, and why were his listeners amazed? Na ngoi so Rie ayeke manda Bible, lo changé lo ga mbeni zo so ayeke na ngia, lo sara ye na nzoni bê. Christians treasure their Bible - based conscience and do not allow it to be corrupted by the twisted sense of right and wrong of the nations. - Ephesians 4: 17 - 19. As she studied the Bible, she made changes to be happy, kind. Yingo vulu amû maboko na aita ti Bebungbi ti mä yâ ti atâ tënë ti Bible so kozo e mä yâ ni pëpe. Engaging in brazen conduct demonstrates total disregard for God's righteous laws. Holy spirit enabled the Governing Body to understand Bible truths that we did not understand before. A - Chrétien abâ na ngele ngangu mingi yingo - ti - hinga ti ala so Bible afa lege na ni, na ala zia lege pëpe na bibe ti amara, so yâ ni ayeke kirikiri na ndo ye ti nzoni na ye ti sioni, ti buba ni. - aEphésien 4: 17 - 19. Now advanced in years - approaching 90 - Joshua sets out to apportion the land. Christians highly value their Bible - trained conscience and do not allow the thinking of the nations, which are scattered about right and wrong, to destroy them. - Ephesians 4: 17 - 19. Sarango sioni ye na kamene pëpe afa so zo ake vîi ti sara ye alingbi na andia ti Nzapa so ayeke mbilimbili. (b) What dangers confront us today? The brazen conduct of freeness of speech shows that one refuses to live by God's righteous standards. Fadeso, so ngu ti lo ayeke ndulu na ngu 90, Josué ato nda ti kangbi yâ ti sese ni na amolenge ti Israël. Doubtless, it will be a difficult time for all of us - adults and children alike. Now, nearly 90 years old, Joshua began to divide the land with the sons of Israel. (b) Akpale wa la e yeke wara laso? The Scriptures provide this assurance: "Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. (b) What challenges do we face today? Kite ayeke dä pëpe so a yeke duti ande mbeni ngoi ti ngangu teti e kue, atâa e yeke akota zo wala amolenge. Annual Meeting, 8 / 15 It will surely be a difficult time for all of us, whether we are adults or children. Bible atene: "Bâ, tente ti Nzapa ayeke na azo, Nzapa ayeke sara ande kodoro na ala, na ala yeke duti azo ti lo. In recent times, however, confidence in the authority of the Bible has waned. The Bible says: "Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his peoples. " Ngende ti ngbanga ," 1 / 7 Countless millions, their number known only to God, will live again. 7 / 15 Ye oko, na yâ ti angoi so ahon ade ti ninga pëpe, azo mingi azia bê ti ala na Bible tongana ti kozo pëpe. How important is such training today? In recent times, however, many have lost their faith in God's Word as never before. Gbâ ti azo, so gi Nzapa oko la si ahinga wungo ti ala, ayeke kiri ande na fini. Peter saw the need to warn his fellow older men about the danger of shepherding the flock out of "love of dishonest gain. " The great crowd, whose number is known by God, will come back to life. Ngbanga ti nyen a yeke nga kota ye laso ti fa kua na aita? Indeed, the moral precepts and guidance for life found in just the Sermon on the Mount are widely considered to be unsurpassed. - Matthew, chapters 5 to 7. Why is it important today to train others? Pierre abâ so a yeke kota ye ti wa amba ti lo a - ancien ti kpe ti fa lege na angasangbaga ni na "bibe ti warango ye na lege ti likisi ." Help for New Ministers 15, 16. Peter saw the need to encourage fellow elders to avoid leading the flock by "the spirit of dishonest gain. " A bâ so akpengba - ndia na ndo salango ye nga na ndo lege ti duti na fini so awara na yâ Fango ye na ndo Hoto ayeke kota ahon tanga ti awango kue. - Matthieu chapitre 5 ti si na 7. What if this person spent many hours each week indulging those violent fantasies, becoming almost addicted to such games? The principles of morality and the way to life in the Sermon on the Mount seem to be the most important. - Matthew chapters 5 through 7. Mungo maboko na afini wafango tënë Others have more difficulty. Helping new publishers Ka tongana zo ni ayeke mû ngoi mingi na yâ ti yenga oko oko ti sala mara ti aye ni so na lege ti angia ti vidéo, na a ga mbeni ye so lo ye gi ti sala ni lakue lakue? Making Known the Word of God in Medieval Spain 12 What if the person spends more time each week on such activities by playing video games, and it becomes something that he always wants to do? Me ti ambeni, a yeke tâ ngangu mingi. Honest in Dishonest World, 4 / 15 For some, however, it is very difficult. Sigingo na Bible na Espagne ti ândö 12 Aged but Not Caged (F. Translation of the Bible in ancient Spain 12 Ti tene fini ti mo anzere biani, mo yeke sara tongana nyen? Paul also says: "A man is declared righteous by faith apart from works of law. " How can you find real meaning in life? " A hunzi pendere mingi ahon ti so mbi ku ' (Espagne), 1 / 7 The joy of sanctifying Jehovah's name sustained these faithful ones through the Nazi death march and concentration camps 6 / 15 Ti aChrétien so a sa yingo na ndo ti ala, a yeke diko ala azo ti mbilimbili ti wara fini na yayu na ti komande legeoko na Christ. But Jehovah promised that his "woman, " or wifelike organization in heaven, would produce a" seed " who would bruise that "original serpent " in the head, crushing Satan out of existence. For anointed Christians, they are declared righteous for life in heaven and ruling with Christ. Ngia ndali ti salango si iri ti Jéhovah aga nzoni - kue akpengba aita be - ta - zo so na yâ tambela ti kuâ so ala sala ni, nga na yâ akando ti pasi Advertising a public lecture with others in Rochester, New York, 1953 The joy of sanctifying Jehovah's name encourages these faithful brothers in their death course and in concentration camps Me, Jéhovah amû zendo so "wali " ti lo, wala bungbi ti lo so ayeke na yayu, ayeke dü mbeni" hale " so ayeke neka li ti "ngbo ti giriri ," so ti tene lo yeke futi Satan. Her husband served as an overseer for more than 20 years before his death. However, Jehovah promised that his "woman, " or heavenly organization, would produce a" seed " that would bruise Satan in the head of "the original serpent. " Mbi na ambeni ita e yeke sara sabango ti mbeni diskur na Rochester, New York, na ngu 1953 We are still suffering the consequences of Adam's terrible decision. Together with fellow believers, we delivered a public talk in All, New York, in 1953 Koli ti lo so akui awe asara kusala ti ancien a hon ngu 20. A Willing Spirit Amid New Surroundings Her deceased husband has served as an elder for more than 20 years. E ngbâ ti bâ pasi ti peko ti sioni desizion so Adam amû lani. All who wish to progress spiritually must manifest a humble spirit as Paul did. We still suffer the consequences of Adam's bad decision. Jésus ayeke nduru ti sara ye so a hunda ti mû maboko na azo I might even have become part of some revolutionary group, with grievous consequences. " Jesus was willing to do what was needed A lingbi azo so ayeke na nzara ti gue na li ni na lege ti yingo agi ti duti na tâ be - ti - molenge tongana ti Paul. Teaching such humble individuals the Bible's message is a joy beyond compare! " Those who desire to make spiritual progress must imitate Paul's humility. Peut - être même mbi yeke lï fade na yâ mbeni bungbi ti azo so ake yanga - ti - komande, na aye ti sioni mingi alingbi fade ti si na mbi. " His attitude toward uncircumcised Gentiles can be detected in his words: "You well know how unlawful it is for a Jew to join himself to or approach a man of another race; and yet God has shown me I should call no man defiled or unclean. " I may even have become part of a society that opposes authority, and many evil things could have happened to me. " Fango tënë ti yâ ti Bible na azo so asara tere ti ala kete tongaso so anzere na e mingi. " Regularly reading this magazine will help you to understand what God has done, is doing, and will yet do that can bring you happiness now and a solid hope for the future. - 1 Timothy 4: 8. We find great joy in sharing the Bible's message with humble ones. " Bango ndo ti lo na mbage ti azo so afâ ganza pëpe asigigi na yâ ti atënë ti lo so: "Ala hinga nzoni mingi so ndia amû lege pëpe na mbeni Juif ti bungbi oko wala ti ga nduru na mbeni zo ti mara nde. Me Nzapa afa na mbi so a lingbi mbi bâ mbeni zo tongana sioni ye wala ye ti saleté pëpe. ." Zechariah 6: 12, 13 foretold Jesus ' comparable role in bringing true worship to its perfected state: "This is what Jehovah of armies has said: " Here is the man whose name is Sprout. His attitude toward uncircumcised Gentiles was reflected in his words: "You well know that no law allowed any Jew to join or any other nation, but God taught me that I should regard anyone as unclean or unclean. " Ti diko périodique so lakue ayeke mû ande maboko na mo ti gbu nda ti ye so Nzapa asala ândö, so lo yeke sala fadeso nga so lo yeke sala ande so alingbi ti ga na mo ngia fadeso na kpengba beku teti kekereke. - 1 Timothée 4: 8. Truly, now is the time to demonstrate courage and trust in Jehovah! Regular reading of this magazine will help you to understand what God did in the past, that he is now doing and that he will do what will bring you joy now and strong hope for the future. - 1 Timothy 4: 8. Zacharie 6: 12, 13 afa kozoni awe tënë ti mbeni mara ti kusala tongaso, so Jésus ayeke sara ni ande ti tene tâ vorongo Nzapa akiri aga mbilimbili - kue. What comfort can we draw from Matthew 18: 10 and Hebrews 1: 14? Zechariah 6: 12, 13 foretold a similar work that Jesus would accomplish so that true worship would be restored. Biani, fadeso a yeke ngoi ti fa na gigi kpengba - be nga na ziango bê na Jéhovah! Moreover, when Adam sinned, he lost perfection and could only pass on imperfection to all his progeny. Yes, now is the time to demonstrate courage and trust in Jehovah! Atënë ti dengo bê wa e yeke wara na Matthieu 18: 10 nga na aHébreu 1: 14? Elders in the Christian congregation are not responsible for checking others ' computers, as if authorized to interpret and enforce copyright laws. What assurance do we find at Matthew 18: 10 and Hebrews 1: 14? Na ndo ni, na ngoi so lani Adam ake yanga, lo ga wasiokpari, na lo mû siokpari na amolenge ti lo kue. For example, when Lucia * learned of the need for ministers in Albania, she moved there from Italy in 1993 with no means of support, trusting fully in Jehovah. Furthermore, when Adam sinned, he became sinners, and he gave his children sin. A yeke pepe na a - ancien ti kongrégation ti aChrétien ti gue ti ba a - ordinateur ti ambeni zo, mo ba mo tene a mu lege na ala ti fa nda ti aye so ndia abata na lege ti aye na ti sala si a sala ye alingbi na ni. Having helped us to begin walking with him, Jehovah does not now leave us to our own devices to remain faithful. Christian elders in the Christian congregation are not authorized to visit others ' computers, as if giving them an explanation of the legal standards and the application of them. Na tapande na ngoi so Lucia * ahinga so a bezoin awafango tënë na Albanie, lo londo na Italie lo gue kâ na ngu 1993, lo yeke lani na mbeni kua ape, me lo zia bê ti lo kue na Jéhovah. Encourage them to act now to oppose the Devil and draw close to God. - Jas. For example, when Luke * learned that there was a need for Kingdom publishers in Albania, he moved from Italy to 1993, but he did not have any work but trusted in Jehovah. Jéhovah la amû maboko na e ti to nda ti sara na lo, tongaso e hinga na bê ti e kue so lo yeke ngbâ ti mû maboko na e ti tene e ngbâ be - ta - zo. 15: 4; 1 Cor. Jehovah helps us to start serving him, so we can be confident that he will continue to help us to maintain our integrity. Wa ala ti sara ye laso ti ke Zabolo na ti ga nduru na Nzapa. - Jacq. 45: 7, 16 - What is portrayed by the people's contribution for the priesthood and the chieftain? Encourage them to act against the Devil and to draw close to God. - Jas. E lingbi ti mû tapande ti aye so ala sara lani ti nzere na lê ti Jéhovah nga ti manda ye na lege ti aye so ala sara so anzere na lo pëpe. - aRom. 15: 4; 1 aCor. SONGS TO BE USED: 35, 62 15: 4; 1 Cor. 45: 7, 16 - Offrande so azo ti kodoro ni amû na asacrificateur nga mokonzi ni ayeke nyen? Yes, God could even give us the strength to conquer every weakness without having to struggle with or learn from our mistakes. 45: 7, 16 - What was the priesthood, and what was its leader? LEMBETI: 7 ABIA: 35, 62 Proverbs 25: 24 says: "Better is it to dwell upon a corner of a roof than with a contentious wife, although in a house in common. " SONGS TO BE USED: 35, 62 Biani, Nzapa alingbi même ti mû na e ngangu ti hon ndo ti awokongo ti e kue nga ti zia lege ti asioni bibe sân ti tene e sara ngangu. What does it mean to worship Jehovah "with spirit "? Yes, God can even give us the strength to overcome any weakness and to give up bad thoughts without effort. A - Proverbe 25: 24 atene: "A yeke nzoni ahon ti duti na mbundu ti ndoda, ahon ti duti na kota da na wali so agi tënë mingi. " COVER IMAGE: Proverbs 25: 24 says: "It is better to sit down in a house than to have a great house and a woman who is looking for many words. " Ti voro Jéhovah "na yingo " aye ti tene nyen? Yet, examiners found that he had an enlarged heart and severely blocked coronary arteries. What does it mean to worship Jehovah "with spirit "? FOTO TI COUVERTURE NI: Regarding one such article, a Christian sister wrote: "I read the article almost every day, and the tears still well up. COVER IMAGE: Ye oko, awanganga so agi nda ti ye so asi na lo atene so lo yeke na mbeni bê so akono ahon ndo ni, na dû ti akota kamba use so ayeke ga na mênë na yâ bê ti lo akanga ngangu. [ Pictures on page 17] However, the doctors who studied his story said that he had a deep heart, and the two huge figures bringing blood in his heart were very deep. Na ndo mbeni article tongaso, mbeni ita - wali asû mbeti, lo tene: "Mbi yeke diko mbeti ni so mingi, na atâa so kue ngu ti lê ti mbi angbâ lakue ti yuru. And by exercising faith in the ransom, we can be delivered from fear regarding our standing before God. - 3 / 15, page 8. Regarding such an article, one sister wrote: "I read this book very much, and even though my tears are still dry. [ Afoto na lembeti 26] And above all, we will have Jehovah's approval. [ Pictures on page 26] Nga, tongana e fa na gigi mabe na yâ sandaga ti Jésus, e yeke na mbeto pëpe na ndo tënë ti dutingo ti e na gbele Nzapa. - 15 / 3, lembeti 8. If we understand what Jesus meant, then we will see in his words powerful evidence of God's personal care. And when we exercise faith in Jesus ' ransom sacrifice, we are not afraid of our standing before God. - 3 / 15, page 8. Nga mbilimbili, e yeke wara yengo dä ti Jéhovah. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ And justice, we gain Jehovah's favor. Tongana e mä yâ ti atënë ti Jésus so nzoni, andâ e yeke hinga nga so Nzapa ayeke pensé tâ na e. " Starting with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them things pertaining to himself in all the Scriptures. " The more we understand Jesus ' words, the more we become aware of God's personal interest in us. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Others point to their charitable activities or their endeavors in the fields of medicine and education. . . . . . " A londo na Moïse nga na ambeti ti aProphète kue, lo fa na ala, na yâ ti Mbeti ti Nzapa kue, nda ti aye so andu lo. ." How greatly they underestimated the size of the universe! " From Moses and from all the Prophets he taught them, in all the Scriptures the things pertaining to him. " Ambeni abâ aye so ala yeke sara ti mû maboko na azo wala ngangu so ala yeke sara ti soigné azo nga ti fa mbeti na ala tongana mbeni lege ti fango tënë ti ala. David begins making "preparation in great quantities " for building a" surpassingly magnificent " house to Jehovah at that site. Some view their efforts to help others or their efforts to help others as a means of their ministry. Ala hinga biani pëpe so dunia ayeke tâ kota mingi! Then, make sure to repay what you have borrowed, and do so promptly. They are not convinced that the universe is great! David ato nda ti " leke ye mingi mingi ' teti salango mbeni da na Jéhovah, mbeni da ti "kota mingi ahon si iri ni na gloire ni awu na sese kue " na place ni so. Do you buy basic items like flour, rice, and oil in small quantities? David began "to build a house for Jehovah, a house of greater importance and glory " in which he built it. Na pekoni, leke na bê ti mo ti kiri na bon ni, nga sara ni hio. " And the people were strengthened by [his] words. " - Read 2 Chronicles 32: 6 - 8. Then be determined to return the debt, and do so quickly. Mo yeke vo akobe so a hunda ni lakue lakue tongana farini, lôso wala mafuta gi kete kete? Soon I felt consoled. Do you regularly buy food that is needed to be used as flour, oil, or oil? " Atënë ti [lo] amû ngangu na azo ni. " - Diko 2 Chronique 32: 6 - 8. The Bible plainly states: "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness. " " His words strengthened the people. " - Read 2 Chronicles 32: 6 - 8. A ninga pëpe bê ti mbi adë. There is no excuse for ignoring it. Soon I felt relief. Bible atene polele atene: "Tënë kue ti Mbeti ti Nzapa alondo na yanga ti Nzapa, na a yeke nzoni ti fa nda ti tënë, ti zingo na zo, ti kiri zo na lege ni, na ti fa na zo lege ti sara ye mbilimbili. ." (b) How can those who are unable to pioneer manifest a pioneer spirit? A rewarding way to show our thankfulness to Jehovah is to enter the full - time ministry. The Bible clearly states: "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness. " 1, 2. Anda ti tënë wa mo yeke na ni ti manda Bible? When Paul visited Athens, this white marble temple had already dominated the city for some 500 years. 1, 2. What reasons do you have for studying the Bible? Tongaso e lingbi pëpe ti tene so e bâ ni ape. Years have passed since my husband left, but at times I still feel hollow inside. When I do, I try to do something to help someone else, and that always helps me too. " So we cannot say that we do not see it. Mbeni nzoni lege ti fa bê ti kiri singila ti e na Jéhovah ayeke ti lï na yâ kusala ti fango tënë ti ngoi kue. But since Ahab showed a measure of regret, Jehovah responded with a corresponding measure of mercy. Another fine way to show our gratitude to Jehovah is by entering the full - time ministry. Tongana Paul ague na Athènes, temple so a sala ni na pendere vulu tênë ayo na nduzu mingi na ndo gbata ni kue, a sala ngu 500 awe. How foolish to be distracted by or longingly look back at what we have left behind in the world! When Paul went to Athens, the magnificent temple built about 500 years ago. Koli ti mbi ahon a ninga awe, me na ambeni ngoi, mbi bâ tere ti mbi so mbeni ye amanke mbi nga so mbi yeke ye oko ape. Its message should prove to be " a lamp to our foot, and a light to our roadway. ' My husband had been away, but at times I felt that I was in need and that I was worthless. Me teti so Achab achangé bê ti lo kete, Jéhovah nga kue abâ mawa ti lo gi kete. How has Jehovah helped us walk in the way of integrity in this regard? But because Ahab had a repentant attitude, Jehovah felt very little compassion for him. Ti zia si aye ahanda lê ti e, wala ti sala kota nzara ti aye so e zia na peko na yâ sese so ayeke tâ ye ti buba! These are unique advantages that may allow him to expand his ministry, widen out in love for others, and draw closer to Jehovah. How foolish it would be if we were to be deceived by distractions or to long for the things we had left behind in this foolish world! A lingbi tënë ti Lo aduti "lampe teti gere ti [e], na lumière teti lege ti [e]. ." Anxiety, No. His word must be "a lamp to [our] foot and a light to [our] roadway. " Na ndo tënë ti sewa, tongana nyen Jéhovah amû maboko na e ti tambela na lege ti be - biani? How did her parents react? How does Jehovah help us to walk in integrity? Aye so ayeke mbeni pasa so mara ni ayeke use pëpe so alingbi ti mû lege na lo ti kono yâ ti kusala ti lo, ndoye ti lo teti azo nga ti ga nduru mingi na Jéhovah. It may not be possible or practical to invite all their friends and relatives; hence, some decisions may have to be made with modesty. These are a unique privilege that enabled him to expand his ministry, to love his love for mankind, and to draw closer to Jehovah. Babâ na mama ni asara ye tongana nyen? 9: 12. How did the parents react? Peut - être ala lingbi pëpe ti tisa akamarade na afami ti ala kue; tongaso a lingbi ti hunda ti tene na tâ be - ti - molenge ala soro gi ambeni na popo ti ala. Soon, through the Messianic Kingdom, complete relief from problems will come They may not be able to invite all friends and relatives, so they may need to humbly select some of them. 9: 12. District Conventions, 5 / 1 9: 12. Na yâ ngoi kete, Royaume ti Messie ayeke zi akpale kue In their triumphant song, God's delivered people sang: "Who among the gods is like you, O Jehovah? Soon the Messianic Kingdom will remove all problems Tondo ti bungbi ti ngu oko, 15 / 8 [ Picture on page 13] 8 / 1 Na yâ ti bia so ala he lani, azo ti Nzapa so lo zi ala na ngbâa awe atene: "Zo nyen alingbi na Mo, O L'Eternel, na popo ti anzapa? Second, " we must listen to Jehovah's voice ' by studying God's Word and obeying his commandments. In their singing song, God's people who had been released from slavery said: "Who is deserving of you, O Jehovah, from among the gods? [ Foto na lembeti 13] The results of such efforts have been encouraging. [ Picture on page 13] Use ni, " e mä yanga ti Jéhovah ' na mandango Mbeti ti Nzapa nga na batango acommandement ti lo. IN THE Scriptures, the Greek word rendered "saint " in some versions can be translated" holy one. " Second, " we obey Jehovah ' by studying God's Word and obeying his commands. Aye so aga na peko ti angangu so amû wâ na bê. Why is manifesting the fruitage of the spirit important in our quest for spiritual advancement? The results of these efforts are heartwarming. NA YÂ Mbeti ti Nzapa, a lingbi ti kiri peko ti tënë na yanga ti Grec "saint " na" zo ti be - vulu " na yâ ambeni Bible. Learning the history of mankind is important because it helps us to understand why there is a need for God's Kingdom. IN THE Scriptures, the Greek word can be rendered "the helper " and" the holy one " in other versions of the Bible. Ngbanga ti nyen fango na gigi lengo ti yingo ayeke kota ye mingi na yâ ngangu ti e ti gue na li ni na lege ti yingo? I wanted to be daring and join my workmates in whatever they were doing. Why is displaying the fruitage of the spirit so important in our efforts to make spiritual advancement? 6, 7. (a) Tongana nyen Esaü afa lani so lo ye gi ti tambela na lege ti ye so lê abâ? Remember, too, that arguing does not always involve shouting. 6, 7. (a) How did Esau demonstrate his desire to walk by sight? Ti manda mbaï ti azo ayeke kota ye mingi ngbanga ti so a yeke mû maboko na e ti bâ biani ngbanga ti nyen a lingbi Royaume ti Nzapa aga. " The one whom God sent forth speaks the sayings of God. " - JOHN 3: 34. Learning mankind's history is vital because it helps us to see why God's Kingdom should come. Mbi ye ti fa na amba ti mbi ti place ti kua so mbeto asara mbi pëpe ti sara aye kue so ala yeke sara. Because you love him. I wanted to tell my workmates that I was not afraid to do whatever they were doing. Dabe ti mo nga so papa ayeke gi lakue dengo kongo pëpe. Pray with and for your student Remember, too, that strife does not always cry out. " Zo so Nzapa atokua lo, lo fa peko ti atënë ti Nzapa. " - JEAN 3: 34. " Upon catching sight of them [the latter], Paul thanked God and took courage. " " He that sent him will declare the word of God. " - JOHN 3: 34. Ngbanga ti so mo ndoye lo. During courtship, their love has grown so much that they are ready to vow that they will be faithful to each other in marriage. Because you love him. Zia tënë ti zo so mo yeke manda Bible na lo na yâ ti sambela na ngoi ti étude ni Why does God permit all this suffering? ' Let your Bible student pray during the study " Tongana Paul aba azo so [so alondo yongoro ti te lo], lo mu singila na Nzapa, na bê ti lo aga nzoni. " Whether we realize it or not, it is difficult for us to detect if we harbor certain prejudices in our heart. " When Paul saw those who had strayed from him, he thanked God and became clean. " Na ngoi so ala yeke bâ tere ndali ti mariage, ala ye tere mingi asara si ala yeke nduru ti mû zendo so ala yeke duti be - ta - zo na mba na yâ ti mariage. " Be wrathful, and yet do not sin; let the sun not set with you in a provoked state, neither allow place for the Devil. " As they look at each other for marriage, they love each other so much that they are ready to make a commitment that they will be faithful to each other in marriage. Ngbanga ti nyen Nzapa azia lege na bango pasi tongaso? ' At the time, they were shepherding Jacob's flock some 60 miles [100 km] north of their home in Hebron. Why does God allow such suffering? ' Atâa e hinga wala e hinga ape, a yeke ngangu na e azo ti hinga so e kue e yeke ke zo senge senge na yâ ti bê ti e. Ought you not, in turn, to have had mercy on your fellow slave, as I also had mercy on you? " Whether we realize it or not, it is difficult for us to realize that we are all hated in our heart. " Tongana ngonzo agbu i, i bata si i sara siokpari pëpe; i zia lâ akui na i na ngonzo na bê ti i pëpe, na i zia ndo na zabolo pëpe. ." Why? " Be wrathful, and yet do not sin; let the sun not set with you in a provoked state, neither allow place for the Devil. " Na ngoi ni so, ala yeke bata akundu ti nyama ti Jacob na mbeni ndo so ayo akilomètre 100 na banga ti kodoro ti ala so ayeke na Hébron. Is it not clear that Jesus ' illustration reflected things that were familiar to his listeners? Drawn From Creation At that time, they were caring for Jacob's flocks in an area some 100 miles [100 km] north of their homeland in Hebron. A lingbi mo sara be - nzoni na fon mo boi nga pëpe? legeoko tongana mbi sara be - nzoni na mo. " We naturally thrive on the relationships that we have with family and friends who love us, appreciate us, and understand us. Should you not also be merciful toward your fellow slave, just as I have shown mercy to you? " Ngbanga ti nyen e tene tongaso? In what ways did Jehovah provide help - Why can we say that? A yeke polele so aparabole ti Jésus andu aye so ala so amä lo ahinga ni nzoni. Such a situation can be a real test of our love of righteousness and of our loyalty to God. Clearly, Jesus ' illustrations apply to what his listeners know well. E yeke na ngia mingi ti duti na kpengba songo na sewa ti e nga na akamarade ti e so aye e, so ane e na so acomprendre e. Did you notice the secret to endurance? How happy we are to have close association with our loved relatives and friends who respect us and who are understanding! Tongana nyen Jéhovah amû lani maboko na azo: Bringing good news to others makes me happy How Jehovah Helped People: Tongana ti so tapande ti Israël afa ni, ngbanga ti nyen Jéhovah awara ngia pëpe gi na yâ asacrifice? " Has the Governing Body changed its mind about the closeness of the great tribulation? " As illustrated by Israel's example, why did Jehovah not find pleasure in sacrifices? Aye tongaso alingbi ti zia ndoye ti e teti ye so ayeke mbilimbili nga na dutingo be - ta - zo ti e na Nzapa na yâ ti tara. Jehovah will see to it that every vestige of Christendom's religious system will soon be wiped out, as will all of "Babylon the Great, " the world empire of false religion. - Revelation 18: 1 - 24. Such situations can put our love for what is right and our loyalty to God under trial. Mo bâ ye so ayeke mû ande maboko na e ti gbu ngangu? Admittedly, following this advice is not easy, but humility will help one put it into practice. Do you see what will help us to endure? Ti fa nzoni tënë na azo asara si mbi wara ngia For example, in the United States - the location of our world headquarters - the Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, speech, and assembly. Sharing the good news with others brings me joy Pierce ahunda tënë, lo tene: "Bebungbi achangé pensé ti lo na ndo ti kota ye ti vundu so ayeke pusu nduru nduru so awe? " Without question, you have some such areas. " Does the meeting change his mind about the coming great tribulation? " asked Pierce. Na yâ ngoi kete, fade Jéhovah ayeke sala ande kue ti tene aye kue ti Chrétienté aglisa biaku, legeoko nga na bungbi kue ti "Babylone ti Kota, " bungbi ti alege ti vorongo ti wataka ti sese kue. - Apocalypse 18: 1 - 24. Of course, you will at times disagree with your husband on a matter. Soon Jehovah will do all of Christendom's belongings, along with all "Babylon the Great, " the world empire of false religion. - Revelation 18: 1 - 24. Biani, a yeke ngangu ti mû peko ti wango so, me tâ be - ti - molenge ayeke mû maboko na zo ti sala ye alingbi na ni. We will show it by sharing with others our wonderful hope of deliverance, so that they too may have a clean standing with Jehovah and the hope for an eternal future. Of course, it is not easy to follow that counsel, but humility helps to apply it. Na tapande, na Amerika, ndo so kota ndokua ti e ayeke dä, ndia amû lege na zo ti soro bungbi ti vorongo Nzapa ti lo, ti sara tënë ti aye so lo mä na bê na ni na azo nga ti tene azo asara bungbi. Tartarus is not a particular location; it is a prisonlike, abased condition that limits the activity of these outcasts. For example, in the United States, where our headquarters is located, it allows a person to choose his religion, talk about his beliefs, and engage in Christian meetings. Kite ayeke pepe so mo yeke na ambeni ndo tongaso so mo ye ti maï dä na lege ti yingo. What singular honor do Jehovah's Witnesses have, and how do you feel about it? No doubt you live in such areas where you want to grow spiritually. Mo yeke sara ni na lege so mo yeke fa na lo so angangu so lo sara ti mû li ni na yâ ti sewa ayeke kota mingi nga mo bâ ni na nene ni. What effect would the wrong action have on my family? You can do so by showing him that his efforts to take the lead are important and valuable. E yeke fa ni na gigi na fango na amba ti e pendere beku ti zingo e, si ala nga alingbi ti duti na nzoni songo na Jéhovah na ala wara beku ti fini ti lakue lakue. At the same time, free tracts were passed out to the people. We demonstrate it by sharing with others the wonderful hope of deliverance so that they too can enjoy a good relationship with Jehovah and have the prospect of everlasting life. Tartare ayeke pëpe mbeni mbilimbili ndo; a ye ti sara tënë ti dutingo ti ala so ayeke mo bâ mo tene ala yeke na da ti kanga, dutingo ti kamene so akanga lege na ala ti sara ambeni ye. Do you willingly spend your time and energy in teaching interested ones and helping them to become disciples of Jesus Christ? It is not a specific place; it refers to their situation as if they were in prison, a humiliating situation that prevents them from doing things. Kota pasa wa aTémoin ti Jéhovah ayeke na ni? Mo bâ ti mo ni tongana nyen? Once the angry silversmiths began shouting the praises of Artemis, a veritable riot broke out and the whole city was thrown into confusion. - Acts 19: 24 - 29. What privilege do Jehovah's Witnesses have, and how do you feel about it? Ye ti sioni so ayeke sara nyen na ndo ti azo ti sewa ti mbi? (b) If we are determined not to become forgetful hearers, what will we do with regard to Jehovah's commandments? How would this harm my family members? Na oko ngoi ni, a kangbi atract na azo senge senge. In 1982 the Polish government permitted our brothers to hold one - day assemblies. At the same time, tracts were distributed free. Na bê ti mo mveni, mo mu ngoi na ngangu ti mo ti fa ye na azo so asala nzala ti tene na ti mu maboko na ala ti ga adisciple ti Jésus Christ? Some may not appreciate the value of the service provided by Jehovah's Witnesses, considering them to be a nuisance. Are you willing to use your time and energy to train interested ones to help them become disciples of Jesus Christ? Na peko ti atënë so, azo ni adekongo ngangu ti gonda na iri ti Artémis, na mbeni kota wusuwusu amû yâ ti Ephèse kue. - Kusala 19: 24 - 29. Will we promptly inform the elders so that they can offer appropriate help? After those words, the people cried out aloud in the name of Artemis, and a great threat spread throughout Ephesus. - Acts 19: 24 - 29. [ Ahundango tënë ti manda na ye] And on one occasion, he even walked on water! [ Footnote] (b) Tongana e leke na bê ti e ti ga pepe azo so aglisa ye so ala mä, fade e yeke sala nyen na mbage ti akomandema ti Jéhovah? Christians expect to experience some injustice outside the Christian congregation. (b) If we are determined not to become forgetful hearers, what will we do with Jehovah's commandments? Na ngu 1982, gouvernement ti Pologne ayeda ti tene aita asara assemblée ti lango oko. On the contrary, any goodness, talent, or strength that we possess is a trust from God, and he takes note of how we use it. In 1982 the Polish government approved that the brothers and sisters held a special assembly day. Ambeni zo ayeke bâ na nene ni pëpe kota ti kusala so aTémoin ti Jéhovah ayeke sala. Ala yeke bâ ala tongana azo ti songo li senge. In fact, Abraham enjoyed such favor with Jehovah that the Creator later introduced himself to Moses as "the God of Abraham " and of his son and grandson, Isaac and Jacob. - Genesis 15: 6; Exodus 3: 6. Some lose appreciation for the high value of the work of Jehovah's Witnesses, viewing them as innocent people. E yeke duti nduru ti sara tënë ni na a - ancien tongaso si ala lingbi ti mû maboko na lo? How could they do personal study? Will we be willing to speak to the elders so that they can help him? Nga mbeni lâ, lo tambela même na ndo ti ngu!. Remembering one of God's "doings, " David continued:" Jehovah is executing acts of righteousness and judicial decisions for all those being defrauded. And one day he walked on the water! A - Chrétien ahinga so azo so ahinga Jéhovah ape ayeke sara ye na ala na lege ni ape. Then there are humans with their faculty of conscience and an amazingly complex brain. Christians recognize that those who do not know Jehovah treat them unfairly. Me anzoni sarango ye, akode wala ngangu so e yeke na ni, Nzapa la amû ni na e nga lo yeke bâ tongana nyen la e yeke sara kua na ni. Our obedience to the appointed elders also gives evidence of our submission to Christ, the Head of the congregation. - Colossians 2: 19. But the qualities, abilities, abilities, abilities, and abilities that we have, God has given us, and he will see how we use them. Biani, salango ye ti Abraham anzere na Jéhovah mingi, ni la si angu mingi na pekoni Wasalango ye afa tele ti lo na Moïse tongana "Nzapa ti Abraham ," ti Isaac molenge ti Abraham na ti Jacob molenge ti Isaac. - Genèse 15: 6; Exode 3: 6. To learn that name, we need to turn to the Bible. Yes, Abraham's conduct pleased Jehovah so much that centuries later the Creator appeared to Moses as "the God of Abraham, " Isaac and Jacob's son Isaac. - Genesis 15: 6; Exodus 3: 6. Ala yeke sara tongana nyen ti manda ye ala wani? The psalmist wrote: "Every breathing thing - let it praise Jah. " - Psalm 150: 6. How can they study themselves? So lo dabe ti lo na mbeni "ye ti nzoni " so Nzapa asala, David angbâ ti tene:" L'Eternel asala ye ti mbilimbili, na Lo fâ ngbanga ti azo so ye ti ngangu asala ala. What is the connection between what we do not know about the future and our need to be watchful? Remembering yet another of God's "good things ", David continues:" Jehovah is doing what is right, and he executes judgment upon those who are afflicted. Pensé nga na zo so ayeke na hingango ndo nga na mongoli so ayeke ye ti kpene mingi. " A great crowd " who come out of "the great tribulation " will also have new and personal reasons to glorify Jehovah. - Revelation 7: 9, 14. Think, too, of a person with an intelligent mind and brain that is wonderful. Ti mä yanga ti a - ancien afa nga so e mä yanga ti Christ, so ayeke Li ti kongregation. - aColossien 2: 19. How could Adam's descendants be saved from sin and gain perfection? Our obedience also demonstrates our submission to Christ, the Head of the congregation. - Colossians 2: 19. Ti hinga iri ti Nzapa, a lingbi e diko Bible. One way to prepare our heart is by diligently studying the Scriptures and Bible - based publications. To know God's name, we need to read the Bible. Ni la, wasungo psaume atene: "Zia ye kue so ayeke na mbö asepela L'Eternel. " - Psaume 150: 6. Its reliability is attested to by the fact that Jude wrote under divine inspiration. Hence, the psalmist wrote: "Let every breathing thing praise Jah. " - Psalm 150: 6. Ti hinga pëpe ye so ayeke si kekereke nga ti lango pëpe ayeke aye use so kamba ayeke na popo ni. If you have, your heart surely went out to them. Not knowing what the future holds and keeping on the watch is two related factors. " Azo mingi so asi singo " so ayeke sigigi ande na yâ ti "kota ye ti vundu " ayeke wara ande ambeni fini nda ti tënë ti gonda Jéhovah. - Apocalypse 7: 9, 14. How can love be described, and why does it involve both the mind and the heart? The "great crowd " who will survive" the great tribulation " will experience new reasons for praising Jehovah. - Revelation 7: 9, 14. Tongana nyen a lingbi ti sö ahale ti Adam na gbe ti siokpari si ala wara lege ti duti mbilimbili - kue? He tried to counteract the imbalance between the sexes - the city had many more women than men - by encouraging the men to take as many wives as they saw fit. How could Adam's descendants be saved from sin to perfection? Mbeni lege ti leke bê ti e ayeke ti manda Bible na ambeti ti bungbi nzoni. ; Bostock, D. One way to prepare our heart is to study the Bible and Christian publications diligently. Ye so apusu zo ti zia bê dä ayeke so Jude asû la ni mbeti ti lo na gbe ti yingo ti Nzapa. * By enthroning his Son as the Messianic King, Jehovah had, indeed, become King in a new sense! The basis for trusting is that Jude wrote his inspired writings. Mawa ti azo so ayeke na yâ ti vaka ti mo asala mo nga tongaso? * The Bible does not say. Do you feel the same compassion for those in your neighborhood? A lingbi ti fa nda ti ndoye tongana nyen, na ngbanga ti nyen a ndu bibe nga na bê? It is not like getting on a bus that simply carries those on board to victory. How can love be explained, and why does it involve both the mind and the heart? Ye nyen asala si mbeni zo alingbi kue ti fa tâ tënë ti Nzapa na ambeni zo nde? Furthermore, the fact that you are listening and responding to the message of the good news is evidence that Jehovah takes a personal interest in you. What makes one qualified to teach God's truth to others? Teti so na yâ ti gbata ni awali ayeke mingi ahon akoli, lo tara ti leke kpale ni na pusungo akoli ti mû awali tongana ti so bê ti ala aye. The yeartext for 2006 will be: "We must obey God as ruler rather than men. " - Acts 5: 29 With more than men in the city, she tried to solve the problem by trying to marry women as they desired. ; Bostock, D. Of course, we fully agree with Jesus, who said in prayer to God: "Your word is truth. " ; D., D. * So Jéhovah azia Molenge ti lo tongana Gbia so lo soro lo, a yeke mbeni fini lege so Jéhovah akomande na ni tongana Gbia la. Whether to stay single or to get married is a matter of determining in one's heart if one is able to cultivate the gift of singleness. * The fact that Jehovah has appointed his Son as King is a new way of ruling as King of Jehovah's sovereignty. * Bible asara tënë na ndo ni pëpe. They chose to support the Greek - speaking congregation. * The Bible does not say. E lingbi ti manda ye na lege ti afaute so e sara tongaso si e kpe loro ni nzoni mingi ahon ti kozo. The Castra Praetoria is a reminder of the source of imperial power. We can learn from our mistakes so that we can run the race further. Na ndo ni, tongana mo yeke mä tokua ti nzo tënë na mo yeke sala ye alingbi na ni, ye so ayeke fa so Jéhovah ayeke bi bê ti lo tâ na ndo mo mveni. What leads us to this conclusion? Moreover, when you listen to the message of the good news and apply it, this shows that Jehovah really cares about you. Versê ti ngu 2006 ayeke so: "A yeke ngbanga ti e ti mä Nzapa ahon ti mä azo. " - Kusala 5: 29 As you meditate on the Bible account of Jonah, do you see the need to take a fresh look at the people to whom you regularly preach the good news? Our yeartext for 2006 is: "We must obey God as ruler rather than men. " - Acts 5: 29 Biani, e yeda na bê ti e kue na tënë so Jésus atene na Nzapa na yâ ti sambela, lo tene: "Tënë ti mo ayeke tâ tënë. ." Since they are not Jesus ' joint heirs with a heavenly hope, they attend the Memorial as respectful observers. - Romans 6: 3 - 5. Yes, we wholeheartedly agree with Jesus ' words to God in prayer: "Your word is truth. " Nyen la alingbi ti mû maboko na mbeni ita ti soro ti ngbâ kumbamba wala ti sara mariage? A yeke na mbeni ita - koli wala ita - wali ti soro wala lo lingbi ti gi ti duti na matabisi ti kumbamba. In following Daniel's example, the decisive factor is motive. What can help a Christian to decide whether to remain single or to marry, whether to seek the gift of singleness? Ti ala, ala soro ti gue na kongregation so atene yanga ti Grec. How, then, do we teach someone to observe, or obey, the things that Christ commanded? To them, they chose to attend a Greek - speaking congregation. Ye so afa so na yâ ti gbagba so a lingbi ti wara aturugu saki na saki so na popo ni a yeke wara nga aturugu ti ambarata. Whether he knew it or not, his work would revolutionize mankind's view of the universe. It would also trigger a heated controversy within Christendom, the effects of which are still being felt today. This indicates that there were thousands of soldiers in the wall, including horses. E hinga ni tongana nyen? Jacob was embalmed by those whose religious beliefs were not the same as his. How do we know that? Tongana mo yeke gbu li na ndo tondo ti Jonas, mo bâ nene ti bâ na nzoni lê azo so mo yeke fa nzo tënë na ala lakue? What we have considered in the first half of Psalm 119 shows that Jehovah exercises loving - kindness toward his servants because they trust in his word and are fond of his statutes, reminders, commandments, and laws. As you reflect on Jonah's account, do you see the need to show a positive view of those to whom you regularly preach the good news? Teti so ala yeke pëpe afon Jésus na yâ beku ti gue na yayu, ala yeke ga na Mémorial ti bâ gi ni na yekiango ndo me ala mû mbage ti ala dä pëpe. - aRomain 6: 3 - 5. Second, Kingsley could read and grasp only a small amount of new information during each study session. Since they are not Jesus ' friends in the heavenly hope, they attend the Memorial with respect but do not participate in it. - Romans 6: 3 - 5. Na mungo tapande ti Daniel, kpengba ye ni ayeke ye so apusu zo ti sala ye. Moving westward, the Scythians fought and drove out the Cimmerians, who controlled the Caucasus and the area north of the Black Sea. Following Daniel's example, the key is motive. Tongaso, tongana nyen e yeke fa na mbeni zo ti bata wala ti mä aye so Christ akomande? Even if you have not been appointed and sent forth to serve as a missionary in a foreign assignment, you can have the evangelizing spirit, imitating Jesus as a zealous proclaimer of the good news. How, then, do we teach someone to observe or obey Christ's commandments? Mbeti ni azingo mbeni kota tënë so ayeke na popo ti ala so atene ala yeke aChrétien, so azo angbâ ti bâ aye ti pekoni na ngoi ti e. Opinions That Really Count The letter raised a vital issue among professed Christians, who were still seeing the results in our day. Atënë ti mabe ti azo so aleke kuâ ti Jacob si a fun pëpe ayeke lani nde na ti lo. Why can it be said that there are no foreigners in "the Israel of God "? The beliefs of Jacob's dead men were different from that of his. Aye so e bâ na yâ kozo mbage ti Psaume 119 afa so Jéhovah ayeke sala nzobe na awakua ti lo ndali ti so ala zia bê ti ala na tënë ti lo nga ala wara ngia na yâ kpengba - ndia, adango bê, akomandema nga na andia ti lo. This publication is not for sale. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. The first part of Psalm 119 shows that Jehovah is kind to his servants because they trust in his word and rejoice in principle, reminders, commandments, and laws. Use kpale ni, na ngoi ti étude ni, Kingsley alingbi ti diko mbeti mingi ape nga lo lingbi ti bata na li ti lo afini ye mingi ape. Although the people apparently pretended to repent, Jehovah found no basis for extending mercy. Second, during the study, Kingsley could read very little, and he could keep his mind simple. Na guengo na li ni na mbage ti do, aScythe atiri na atomba aCimmérien, so akomande kodoro ti Caucase nga na banga ti Ngu Vuko. In a short time, we had 30 excellent Bible studies. With the increase in the west, the Scythians fought and threw the Dead Sea power into the north of the Dead Sea. Même tongana a tokua mo ti sara kusala na yâ ti mbeni kodoro nde tongana missionnaire pëpe, mo lingbi ti gi ti duti na nzara mingi ti fa nzo tënë. Never compromise on Bible laws and principles. Even if you are not assigned to serve in another country as a missionary, you can cultivate a strong desire to preach the good news. Azo so bango ndo ti ala ayeke kota ye biani You eagerly await news of any developments. Those Who View the Mind Ngbanga ti nyen e lingbi ti tene so awande ayeke pëpe na yâ ti "Israël ti Nzapa "? Rather, independence from God has resulted in disastrous problems, including poverty. - Ecclesiastes 8: 9. Why can we say that foreigners are not part of "the Israel of God "? A yeke kä mbeti so kango pëpe, me a yeke na lege ti a - offrande so azo amû na bê ti ala kue si a sigigi na ni ti fa na tënë ti Nzapa na azo na ndo ti sese kue. However, on June 23, 2000, the Conseil d'État, France's highest administrative court, rendered a landmark decision that confirmed the prevailing opinion of 31 lower courts in over 1,100 cases. This publication is not for sale. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Atâa so na bango ni, azo ni aye ti fa so ala gbian bê ti ala awe, Jéhovah abâ ti lo mbeni gbiango ye oko pëpe so alingbi ti pusu lo ti sala be - nzoni na ala. " The meetings are a giant boost to my faith, " says Ida. Although the people apparently wanted to show repentance, Jehovah did not view him as a change that would move him to show mercy. Gi na yâ ti kete ngoi, e wara apendere étude 30. The real reason for their complaint was apparently Miriam's desire for greater power. Within a short time, we had 30 interesting Bible studies. Sara ye ague nde na andia nga na afango ye ti Bible lâ oko ape. He added: "They have not said in their heart: " Let us, now, fear Jehovah our God, the One who is giving the downpour and the autumn rain. ' " Never violate Bible laws and principles. Tere ti mo ayeke dö dongo ti hinga aye kue na ndo ti gingo yorö so. Paul was not telling the Colossians to surrender their free will. You would be surprised to learn all of this about it. Nde na so, dutingo yamba na Nzapa ague na zo na yâ ti angangu kpale, so na popo ni nzinga. - Zo - ti - fa - tene 8: 9. I also drew close to an elderly couple named Percy and Madge [Margaret] Dunham. Rather, independence from God leads to disaster, including poverty. - Ecclesiastes 8: 9. Ye oko, na lango 23 ti nze ti juin ngu 2000, Conseil d'État, kota da - ngbanga ti France so aba tambelango ti aye, amu mbeni kpengba desizion so azo angbâ ti dabe na ni so ayeda na tene ti akete da - ngbanga 31 na ndo ti atene 1 100 so ala fâ ngbanga ni. Some among them, particularly those of Greek background, found it difficult to reconcile belief in one God with the role of Jesus as Savior and Redeemer. Nevertheless, on June 23, 2000, U.S. Supreme Court of France made an important decision that continued to remind the case of 31 minor courts of 1 percent of which they condemned. Lo tene: "Abungbi ayeke kota ye so akpengba mabe ti mbi. " Do not model yourselves on the behaviour of the world around you, " warned the apostle Paul. " The faith - strengthening experience, " she says. Tâ nda ti tënë ni ayeke so na bango ni, Miriam ayeke na nzara ti wara kota ndo. • What made Paul's defense before King Agrippa effective? For one thing, Miriam seems to have had a desire for prominence. Jérémie atene so aJuif ti ngoi ti lo so ayeke be - ta - zo pëpe ayeke na "kpengba - li na bê ti ke " nga" ala tene na bê ti ala pëpe, fadeso, zia e kpe mbeto ti L'Éternel Nzapa ti e, Lo so amû ngu - nduzu, kozo ngu - nduzu .." Enjoying this world to the full will hinder youths from getting "a firm hold on the real life " - everlasting life in God's new world. Jeremiah wrote that the unfaithful Jews of his day had "a rebellious heart " and that" they did not say in their heart, " let us now fear Jehovah our God, the One causing rain, the firstborn. " Paul ayeke tene pepe na azo ti Colosses ti zia ti soro ye so bê ti ala aye. Many a youthful heart lacking beneficial discipline has fallen prey to foolish ways, such as a competitive spirit, covetousness, fornication, the love of money, and the pursuit of pleasure. Paul was not telling the Colossians to stop making their choice. Mbi sara nga kamarade na Percy na Madge [Margaret] Dunham, mbeni koli na wali ti lo so ala ga mbakoro awe. What factors are important when we consider a job offer? Suppose you are looking for a job. I also made close friends with Tanma [I], an elderly married couple, and their elderly brother and wife. A yeke lani ngangu na ambeni na popo ti ala, mbilimbili aGrec, ti yeda so Nzapa ayeke oko zo so asala kusala ti Jésus tongana Sauveur ti azo. Zeal for the ministry increased. Some of them, especially Greek, could hardly believe that God was the only one who performed Jesus ' role as Savior. Bazengele Paul amû wango so: " Ayeke nzoni lege ti dutingo ti i akpa ti azo ti dunia so pëpe. '. Fish & Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C. The apostle Paul counseled: "It is not a way of life similar to that of the world. " • Ye nyen asala si tënë ti Paul na gbele Gbia Agrippa alë lengo? To an observer on earth, the heavenly bodies operate with such order and precision that they seem to need no one to guide or govern them. • What made Paul's statement before King Agrippa effective? Ti wara ngia ahon ndo ni na yâ sese so ayeke kanga ande lege na amaseka ti "gbu fini so ayeke tâ fini biani ," so ti tene fini ti lakue lakue na yâ fini sese ti Nzapa. May it also be the resolve of all those who accept a marriage proposal to remain loyal to their husbands and deeply respect them. Being content in this world will prevent young ones from "get a firm hold on the real life, " that is, everlasting life in God's new world. Amaseka mingi so mbeni ye ti fa lege na ala ayeke dä pëpe, bê ti ala ayeke pusu ala ti sara aye kirikiri. A yeke aye tongana sarango mandako, bê ti warango ye, ye ti pitan, ndoyengo nginza nga na mungo ngoi mingi ti sara gi ngia. What is implied by the admonition to "boast in Jehovah "? Many young people who have no control are tempted to do unrighteousness, such as competition, greed, immorality, love of money, and spending too much time on recreation. Aye wa la a lingbi mo gbu li na ndo ni kozo si mo yeda ti sara mbeni kua? It can also provide the basis for further discussion, perhaps on other occasions. What factors should you consider before you accept an assignment? Aita akiri ayapu na kua ti fango tënë. Can this type of oppression be overcome, or is corruption inescapable? Brothers and sisters have renewed their zeal for the ministry. Fish & Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C. While pagan nations westward to Kittim and eastward to Kedar might bring in deities of other nations to add to their own, the idea of totally replacing their gods with foreign ones was unheard of. FREQUENTLY ASKed Service, Washington, D.C. Sese nga ayeke na popo ti aye so. Ti mbeni zo so ayeke bâ ndo na lê ti nduzu, lo yeke bâ so aye tongana lâ, nze na atongoro ayeke tambela lakue tâ na lege ni na a sara si lo bâ ti lo so a hunda pëpe ti tene a fa lege na aye so. Children spent the day either with their mother at home or with their father in the fields or at his workplace. For a man who looks at the heavens, he sees that the moon, the moon, and the stars are always orderly and make him feel that these are not required of him. Zia awali kue so ayeda ti sara mariage na ambeni zo aleke na bê ti ala ti ngbâ be - ta - zo na ala so ayeke ga ande akoli ti ala na ti yekia ala na gbe ti bê ti ala. Nevertheless, they consist of 28 volumes. Let all willing wives be determined to remain loyal to those who will become their husbands and have deep respect for them. A lingbi nga ti mû lege na mo ti ga ti peko ti sala lisoro, peut - être na ambeni ngoi nde. Jehovah's worshippers today can find much comfort in the words Isaiah recorded. It can also help you to follow a discussion, perhaps at other times. A lingbi ti hon ndo ti mara ti sioni komandema tongaso, wala a lingbi pepe ti kpe petengo goro? To understand the meaning of Jesus ' statement, we need to consider what sort of mourning he is speaking about. Could such a cruel rule be overcome, or could it not be avoided? Amara so ayeke apaïen so ayeke na mbage ti do ti Kittim nga na mbage ti tö ti Kédar alingbi lani ti ga na ayanda ti azo ti ambeni kodoro na ti voro ni na tere ti anzapa ti ala, me ala yeke ke anzapa ti ala ti tene ala voro ambeni nde na place ni pëpe. 1: 10. The pagan nations who were on the west side of Theimim and the eastern part of the Middle East were capable of bringing images of peoples and worshiping them against their gods, but they did not practice any form of worship for any other god. Amolenge ayeke mû lani ngoi mingi ti duti na tere ti mama ti ala na yanga - da wala na tere ti babâ ti ala na yaka wala na place ti kua ti lo. The one who is pure and righteous at heart gives ample evidence of his righteousness. Children spent much time with their mother at home or with their father in the field or at his workplace. Ye oko, a bungbi ambeti so kue na yâ ti abuku 28. Is your health good or fragile? However, all these publications were combined in 28 books. Atënë ti Ésaïe so alingbi ti dë nga bê ti awakua ti Jéhovah laso mingi. I was born on April 24, 1931, the second of their four children. Isaiah's words can also be of great comfort to Jehovah's servants today. Ti gbu nda ti atënë ti Jésus so, a lingbi e hinga mara ti vundu wa si lo yeke sala tënë ni. Left: Peter Chelčický; below: page from "Net of the Faith " To understand Jesus ' words, we need to understand what sort of sorrow he speaks of. 1: 10. Look again at the accompanying box, "Teachings to Help You. " 1: 10. Zo so bê ti lo ayeke mbilimbili na sioni oko pepe afa na gigi polele mbilimbili ti lo. INDIA A person whose heart is upright and pure gives evidence of his justice. Mo yeke na nzoni seni wala mo yeke na kpale ti seni? " Fearing the true God ' prevents us from doing either of these things. Are you healthy or sick? A dü mbi na lango 24 ti avril, ngu 1931; a dü e osio na mbi yeke use molenge ni. Jehoash struck the earth three times. I was born on April 24, 1931; four of us were born, and I was the second. Na gati: Peter Chelčický; na gbe ni: lembeti ti "Net of the Faith " By chance, it opened to Matthew 10: 36, and the mother realized that what was said there applied to her. Left: Peterkkkk; below: "The Power of the Faith " Kiri mo ba encadré "Afango Ye so Ayeke Mu Maboko na Mo " ti article so. Keep Listening to Jehovah! Look again at the box "You Are Helping You " in this article. INDE Granted, money has power. What can we learn from Jesus ' example? Peut - être, mbeni lâ zo so ayeke dengi mê na nzo tënë. In that case, you may have to forgo personal preferences. Perhaps one day listens to the good news. " Kpengo mbeto ti Nzapa ' ayeke kanga lege na e ti sara aye use so. The attractive personality of the people and the beautiful scenery no doubt caught the attention of one unique traveler centuries ago. " Fear of God " prevents us from doing these two things. Ye so asara si Elisée asara ngonzo. Pray on Every Occasion As a result, Elisha became angry. Mo ye ti bâ, Bible ni azi na Matthieu 10: 36, mama ni abâ so tënë ti yâ ti versê ni andu tâ gi lo. Evidently, individual Levite families would have inheritance rights pertaining to the possession, use, and dispensing of specific allotments. Suddenly, the Bible opened Matthew 10: 36, the mother realized that the text was directly related to her. Ngbâ Lakue ti Mä Tene ti Jéhovah! Jesus himself taught his disciples many truths that were new to them. Keep listening to Jehovah's Word! Biani, nginza ayeke na ngangu. Though Jesus refused to be distracted from his main purpose of preaching the good news, he was not always thinking about work. Indeed, money has power. Tongana ayeke tongaso, peut - être mo lingbi ti mû ngoi ti sara aye so mo ye ka ti sara ni pëpe. As noted in paragraphs 11 and 12, Jehovah's Witnesses do not accept transfusions of whole blood or of its four primary components - plasma, red cells, white cells, and platelets. If so, you may be able to take time to do things that you do not like. Mbeni missionnaire so iri ti lo awu mingi ague lani kâ Peut - être nzoni salango ye ti azo ni nga na pendere ti kodoro ni agboto lê ti mbeni koli so ague kâ a sala ngu mingi laso awe. Jehovah set limits for Adam and Eve - limits that could have instilled in them a proper regard for his authority. A prominent missionary there may have been attracted by local culture and beauty to a man who has been visiting there for many years now. I sambela na ngoi kue Whatever reasons there are for your hesitation to get baptized, you need to resolve such issues and concerns. * Pray at Every Time Biani, asewa oko oko ti aLévite ayeke na adroit so andu aye ti héritier so abâ tënë ti warango sese ti ala, ti salango kusala na ni na ti kango ni. The faithless priests in ancient Jerusalem viewed the offering of sacrifices as a tiresome formality. It was a burden to them. Of course, every family of the Levites had rights regarding the inheritance, the use of it, and the sale. Jésus lo wani afa lani na adisciple ti lo atâ tënë mingi so ala hinga ni kozo pëpe. They have come out of the wicked world, put off their old personality, left their former associates, and given up their worldly pursuits. Jesus himself taught his disciples many truths they did not know before. Atâa so Jésus azia pëpe si mbeni ye nde agboto lê ti lo lani na tere ti kota kua ti lo ti fango nzoni tënë, pensé ti lo lakue ayeke gi na ndo ti kua ni ape. ; Carfagno, W. Although Jesus did not allow himself to be distracted from his main work of preaching the good news, his mind was not always focused on the work. Tongana ti so e bâ na paragraphe 11 na 12, aTémoin ti Jéhovah ayeke yeda pëpe ti yôro na yâ ti tele ti ala mênë ni mveni wala akota mbage osio: plasma, aglobule rouge wala agbobule blanc nga na aplaquette. When personal desires and interests become paramount in life, however, trouble results. As noted in paragraph 11 and 12, Jehovah's Witnesses do not accept transfusions of whole blood or of four primary components: plasma, red cells, white cells, or white cells. Jéhovah atene lani na Adam na Ève ti sara ambeni ye ape, aye so lo ke na ala ti sara alingbi lani ti mû maboko na ala ti kpe mbeto ti komandema ti lo. The fight against God and his people was aimed at wiping out Jehovah's Witnesses in that totalitarian domain. Jehovah told Adam and Eve not to do anything, but his restrictions could help them to fear his sovereignty. Atâa ye wa la apusu mo ti sara mbeto ti wara batême, a lingbi mo gi ti hon ndo ti ambeto tongaso. To some people, it is nothing less than divine approval of revenge. Whatever your motive for getting baptized, you need to fight such fears. Asioni prêtre na Jérusalem ti giriri abâ mungo sandaga tongana mbeni kusala so a sala gi tongaso, so anzere pëpe, nga mbeni ye so ane. Josiah set a superb example in worshipping Jehovah. Those wicked priests in ancient Jerusalem viewed sacrifice as an unusual act of service that was not appealing and burdensome. Ala sigigi na yâ sioni sese so, ala zia ngbele salango ye ti ala, angbele kamarade ti ala nga ala zia lege ti aye so ala ye fade ti sala na yâ sese so. [ Picture on page 21] They came out of this wicked world, abandoned their former way of life, their old friends, and gave up what they wanted to do in this system of things. ; Carfagno, W. 17, 18. ; Carer, W. Ye oko, tongana anzara ti bê ti zo mveni nga na aye so lo ye aga aye so na yâ ti gigi ti lo ayeke kota ahon atanga ni kue, akpale ayeke ga na pekoni. Next, he had the row measured with the length of a line, or a cord. However, if fleshly desires and goals become the most important thing in life, the consequences will be disastrous. Nda ti bira so asala na Nzapa nga na awakua ti lo ayeke ti lungula biaku aTémoin ti Jéhovah na yâ ti akodoro so agbia akomande dä na ngangu. But that does not make such conduct acceptable to God. - Read Romans 1: 28 - 32. The purpose of this attack against God and his people is to eliminate Jehovah's Witnesses completely from governmental lands. Me, azo mingi amä tere pëpe na ndo ti nda ti tënë ni so. If your standards change depending on your mood, your child may become confused and frustrated. However, many do not agree on this subject. Josias azia nzoni tapande na lege so lo voro Jéhovah na lege ni. There was fear in their eyes. Josiah set a fine example in true worship. [ Foto na lembeti 15] DID YOU KNOW? [ Picture on page 15] 17, 18. During Noah's lifetime, God gave guidance that led to preservation. 17, 18. Na pekoni, lo diko ala na lege ti yongo ti mbeni kamba. Think about yourself as we examine some truths that involve every Christian. Then he read them by means of a line. Me, a yeke pëpe ndali ti so azo abâ ni tongana anzoni ye la afa so Jéhovah ayeda na ni. - Diko aRomain 1: 28 - 32. To me, these provisions were a fulfillment of Jesus ' promise: "Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you. " However, it is not because it is considered acceptable to Jehovah. - Read Romans 1: 28 - 32. Tongana mo yeke changé yâ ti adesizion gi ngbanga ti so a te li ti mo tengo, molenge ni ayeke hinga li ti lo na ni encore ape nga bê ti lo ayeke son na tere ti mo. Therefore, let us pray for faith, confident that God answers such prayers. - 1 John 5: 14. When you make decisions only because of your eating, your child loses his mind and hurt you. Gi so amissionnaire so azi yanga ti gbagba ni, azo so atene: "E ye ti hinga tâ tënë so ayeke na yâ ti Bible. " If you should afflict him at all, then if he cries out to me at all, I shall unfailingly hear his outcry; and my anger will indeed blaze, and I shall certainly kill you with the sword, and your wives must become widows and your sons fatherless boys. " As soon as the missionaries opened the door, they said: "We want to know the truth from the Bible. " MO HINGA AYE SO? Are you thankful to God for making this loving arrangement for our salvation? DO YOU know? Na ngoi ti Noé, kozo ti tene kota ngu apika, Nzapa amû awango so abata azo na anyama na fini. " Happy is anyone acting with consideration toward the lowly one, " David wrote. In Noah's day, before the Flood, God provided protection for the animals and animals. Tara ti gbu li na ndo mo mveni na ngoi so e yeke bâ ambeni tâ tënë so abâ Chrétien oko oko. Once the apostles were informed about the matter, however, it was attended to swiftly and fairly. Think about yourself as we consider some truths that apply to each Christian. Ti mbi, aye so mbi wara ayeke mbeni gango tâ tënë ti zendo so Jésus amû: "I gi royaume ti Nzapa na mbilimbili ti Lo kozoni, na fade A mû ye so kue na i nga. ." He has done so knowing that he can completely undo its grievous consequences once the vital issues raised by rebellion against his way of ruling have been settled. For me, the fulfillment of Jesus ' promise: "Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you. " Tongaso, zia e sambela ti wara mabe, na hingango biani so Nzapa ayeke mä mara ti asambela tongaso. - 1 Jean 5: 14. F. Let us therefore pray for faith, confident that God hears such prayers. - 1 John 5: 14. Tongana mo sala ye ti vundu na ala, na ala toto na Mbi, fade Mbi mä toto ti ala biani, na ngonzo ti Mbi alondo tongana wâ, na Mbi fâ i na épée; na fade awali ti i aga awomua, na amolenge ti i aga amolenge so babâ ti ala ayeke pëpe. ." With Jehovah's people, it is different. If you should afflict them and cry out to me, I shall surely hear their cry for help, and my anger will certainly blaze against you with a sword, and your wives will become widows, and your sons themselves will become fatherless. " Mo kiri singila na Nzapa teti ye so lo leke na ndoye ti sö e? 4: 8; 1 Pet. Are you grateful for God's loving provision for our salvation? David asû na mbeti: "Ngia ayeke na zo so abi bê ti lo na awanzinga. " The second census reveals that none of the men counted in the first are still alive, except for Joshua and Caleb. David wrote: "Happy is the one who cares for the poor. " Ye oko, tongana a fa tënë ni na ala, abazengele aleke ni hio nga tâ na lege ti mbilimbili. He said: "No man that has put his hand to a plow and looks at the things behind is well fitted for the kingdom of God. " However, when it was announced to them, the apostles immediately prepared it with righteousness. Lo sara tongaso ndali ti so lo hinga so lo lingbi ti zi aye kue ti peko ti kengo yanga ti komande ti lo. Lo yeke sara ni na ngoi so lo yeke leke atënë so kengo yanga ti komande ti lo aga na ni. We can confidently say: "Jehovah is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? " He did so because he knew that he could undo all the consequences of his rebellion and handle the issue of his rebellion. F. There would be no question in your mind that you were anointed by holy spirit, especially if you also received the miraculous gift of speaking in a foreign language. F. Me na awakua ti Jéhovah, ye ni ayeke nde. Number of countries represented: 12 But Jehovah's people are different. 4: 8; 1 Pi. One day, she soiled her clothes. 4: 8; 1 Pet. Use dikongo wungo ti azo ni afa na gigi so azo kue so a diko wungo ti ala lani giriri angbâ na fini mbeni pëpe, gi Josué na Caleb. Seeking personal glory is surely not Christlike. - John 5: 41. (a) How can an overseer's example of humility affect others? The second reading of the crowd revealed that all those who had lived in the first century were no longer alive, only Joshua and Caleb. Lo tene: "Zo so azia maboko ti lo na charrue, na lo bâ ndo na peko ti lo, lo lingbi na royaume ti Nzapa pëpe. ." At first he spoke "without understanding. " He said: "He that has put his hand in a bow and looks after him is not deserving of the kingdom of God. " E lingbi ti tene na mbito pëpe: " Jéhovah ayeke Zo ti sala na mbi, fade mbito asala mbi pëpe; zo alingbi sala nyen na mbi? '. What is the good news that we as Jesus ' followers spread? We can confidently say: "Jehovah is my helper, and I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me? " Mo yeke duti na kite ape so a soro mo na lege ti yingo vulu ti gue na yayu, mbilimbili tongana mo wara nga na lege ti miracle matabisi ti sarango tënë na yanga ti kodoro nde. WHEN you were young, your parents likely gave you many rules. You can be sure that you have been anointed with holy spirit, especially if you also receive the gift of speaking in tongues. Wungo ti akodoro so a - élève ni alondo dä: 12 The wise man answers: "Jehovah is far away from the wicked ones, but the prayer of the righteous ones he hears. " Number of countries represented: 12 Mbeni lâ, mama ti lo asara puru na terê ti lo. How have Bethel service, international service, and the Ministerial Training School brought blessings to many? On one occasion, her mother poured her side with her. Biani, tongana e gi gloire ti e mveni, e yeke mû pëpe tapande ti Christ. - Jean 5: 41. Like the physical growth of a child, spiritual growth is gradual and is not immediately discerned. Of course, if we seek our own glory, we will not follow Christ's example. - John 5: 41. A yeke ye so Nzapa so asara ye na nzoni bê ayeke sara la. " Jesus warned his followers: "Because you are no part of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, on this account the world hates you. This is what the merciful God does. " Na tongo nda ni, lo sara tënë sân ti "hinga nda ni .." " Abhor " can be translated "hate exceedingly. " At first, he spoke without "the insight of the end. " Nzoni tënë wa la e adisciple ti Jésus e yeke fa? In order to walk with God, we must display love "out of a clean heart and out of a good conscience and out of faith without hypocrisy. " - 1 Timothy 1: 5. What good news do we preach? NA NGOI so mo de lani maseka, ababâ na mama ti mo ayeke mû peut - être na mo andia mingi. Business associates and their families were invited. The response? WHEN you were young, your parents may have given you many rules. Zo ti ndara akiri tënë: "L'Eternel ayeke yongoro na azo ti sioni, me Lo mä sambela ti azo ti mbilimbili. ." 1, 2. (a) According to the Mosaic Law, how were Israelite slaves to be treated? The shrewd one answers: "Jehovah is far off from the wicked ones, but the prayer of the righteous ones he hears. " Legeoko tongana maïngo ti mbeni molenge, ti maï na lege ti yingo ayeke gue yeke yeke na a lingbi pëpe ti bâ ni fade fade. Not knowing where that was, we quickly got out maps to find it. Just as a child's spiritual growth is growing and cannot be seen right away. Jésus atene na adisciple ti lo: "Teti i yeke ti sese so pëpe, me Mbi hiri i ti zia lege ti sese so, tongaso sese so ake i. I really want to help them. Jesus told his disciples: "For you are no part of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, that the world hates you. A lingbi ti kiri peko ti tënë "ke " na tënë" ke na kuru go. " What do they see as being most important to you - your career or your friendship with Jehovah? The word "hate " can be rendered" hate. " Ti tambela na Nzapa, a lingbi e duti na ndoye "so asigigi na bê so ayeke na sioni oko pëpe, na nzo yingo - ti - hinga, na tâ mabe. " - 1 Timothée 1: 5. On the other hand, Christian elders are exhorted to avoid "lording it over those who are God's inheritance. " To walk with God, we must love "a pure heart and a good conscience and real faith. " - 1 Timothy 1: 5. A tisa azo so Béthel ayeke vo aye na tïtî ala nga na asewa ti ala. Into what dangerous condition have some baptized Christians slipped, and what should they do? Members of the Bethel family were invited to buy property from them and their families. Teti so e hinga ndo so kodoro ni ayeke dä pëpe, hio e mû mbeni carte ti gi ndo ni. [ Picture on page 8, 9] Since we did not know where the country was, we immediately made a map to search for it. Mbi ye biani ti mû maboko na ala. 15, 16. I really want to help them. Aye wa la ala bâ so ayeke kota mingi na lê ti mo? Kua ti nginza ti mo wala songo ti mo na Jéhovah? Note, however, that according to Zechariah's prophecy, the "ten men " would come not only out of all nations but also" out of all the languages of the nations. " What do they consider to be important to you, your secular work, or your relationship with Jehovah? So ti tene, tongana nyen la a - ancien alingbi ti bâ lege ti angasangbaga sân ti hon ndo ti komandema so Nzapa amû na ala? To illustrate: Imagine two siblings who begin fighting while their father is away. In other words, how can elders care for the flock without God's authority? Mawa ni ayeke so, ambeni Chrétien so awara batême awe ayeke fa tënë nze na nze pëpe wala ala dë kue na yâ kua ti Nzapa. Ahab's refusal evidently had to do with the prospect of monetary gain. Sadly, some baptized Christians do not give up or tire out in God's service. [ Foto na lembeti 8, 9] They named him Abel, which may mean "Exhalation, " or" Vanity. " [ Picture on page 8, 9] 15, 16. When we thank our Father for the good things that come our way, we focus on our blessings. 15, 16. Ye oko, bâ so na lege ti prophétie ti Zacharie, "azo bale - oko " so ayeke londo gi pëpe na popo ti amara kue, me nga na popo ti azo ti " yanga nde nde kue ti amara '. 8, 9. (a) Who teaches us to love our brothers, and what does love move us to do? Note, though, that through Zechariah's prophecy, "the ten men " who come from all nations will rise, but also among peoples" out of all the languages of the nations. " Zia e mû mbeni tapande: Tara ti bâ aita use so atiri na ngoi so babâ ti ala ayeke dä ape. In effect, you said that in every aspect of your life, you would put Jehovah first. To illustrate: Imagine two brothers who fought when their father was not. Lo ke ti sara ni ndali ti so lo ye ti wara nginza na pekoni. During their schooling, the students benefited from association with members of the United States Bethel family. He refused to do so because he wanted to make money. Ala iri lo Abel, so aye peut - être ti tene "senge pupu " wala" senge senge ye. ." Give an example of how Jesus uttered sayings that were simple but rich in meaning. They called Abel Abel, which may mean "a mere wind, " or" nothing. " Tongana e kiri singila na Babâ ti e ndali ti aye ti nzoni so asi na e, e yeke bi bê ti e na ndo ti aye ni so mingi. I shall remember the practices of Jah; for I will remember your marvelous doing of long ago. When we thank our Father for our blessings, we are deeply concerned about them. 8, 9. (a) Zo wa afa na e ti ndoye ita ti e, na ndoye apusu e ti sala nyen? There will be resurrected ones to be welcomed back and to be educated in the ways of Jehovah. 8, 9. (a) Who teaches us to love our brother, and what does love move us to do? Biani, mo tene so na yâ ti aye kue so mo yeke sara na yâ ti fini ti mo, mo yeke zia Jéhovah na kozo ndo. Isaiah prophesied about him: "He was despised and was avoided by men, a man meant for pains and for having acquaintance with sickness. " Of course, you can say that in everything you do in life, you put Jehovah first. Na ngoi so ala manda ye na ekole ti Guiléad, a - élève ni awara ngia ti bungbi oko na azo ti sewa ti Béthel ti Amerika. This is evident from her words "as surely as Jehovah your God is living. " When they graduated from Gilead School, the graduates were happy to associate with members of the United States Bethel family. Na salango kusala fani mingi na andulu tënë so ayeke polele, Jésus amû afango ye so a yeke ngangu pëpe ti gbu nda ni me so atënë ti manda ayeke dä mingi. [ Picture on page 11] By using these clear and clear words, Jesus provided clear principles that are not easy to grasp but that are available to learn. Fade mbi dabe mbi na kusala ti L'Eternel; biani, mbi dabe mbi na ye ti kpene ti Mo ti giriri. They had to be fully convinced that their understanding of the Scriptures was correct, so that their faith would be based on a sure foundation. I shall remember the activity of Jehovah; yes, I will remember your wonderful works of old. E yeke yamba ande azo so a yeke zingo ala na kuâ ti fa na ala alege ti Jéhovah. One of her greatest concerns was that she was sometimes unable to focus her mind on her study of the Bible and spiritual matters. We will welcome back resurrected ones to teach them Jehovah's ways. Isaïe afa prophétie so na ndo Lo: "Azo ake Lo, ala zia lo; Lo yeke zo ti vundu, na Lo hinga pono. " At Proverbs 8: 22 - 31, he is represented as saying: "I came to be beside [the Creator] as a master worker, and I came to be the one he was specially fond of day by day, I being glad before him all the time. " Isaiah prophesied regarding him: "He is hating them, and he is a man of distress; and he well knows the pains he sees. " Ye so asigigi polele na yâ ti tënë so lo tene " Jéhovah Nzapa ti mo ayeke. ' Hardly! This is evident in what he said "Jehovah your God is. " [ Foto na lembeti 11] Genuine followers of Christ - conscientious individuals who endeavor to live by Christian standards - still exist. [ Picture on page 11] A lingbi ala hinga biani so ala gbu nda ti atënë ti Bible na lege ni, si mabe ti ala aluti na ndo ti mbeni tâ nzoni ye. (Read Galatians 4: 4.) They must be convinced that they have an accurate understanding of God's Word so that their faith is based on a real purpose. Mbeni ye so asara si lo gi nga bê ti lo mingi ayeke so, na ambeni ngoi lo lingbi pëpe ti zia li ti lo kpô na ngoi so lo yeke manda Bible wala na ngoi so lo yeke sara aye so andu kua ti Nzapa. He also identified and resisted subtle attempts to influence his thinking and actions. One reason for her anxiety was that at times she could not rely on her Bible study or when doing things related to God's service. Atënë ti aProverbe 8: 22 - 31 afa Jésus tongana ndara so ayeke sala tënë, atene: "Mbi yeke na tele ti [Nzapa] tongana wakode. Lakue Lo wara ngia na yâ mbi, mbi duti na ngia na gbele Lo lakue. " For some weeks our Assembly Hall became a center for displaced persons. The words of Proverbs 8: 22 - 31 portray Jesus as the wisdom of speaking: "I am beside [God] as a master worker; he always takes pleasure in me, I being glad before him all the time. " Oko pëpe! In faith, then, let us ask Jehovah to examine us. Of course not! Tongaso atâ disciple ti Christ so ayeke sara kue ti kpe andia so a fa na aChrétien ayeke laso dä. Rival powers contended for Italian territories during these turbulent times, and the pope was no passive spectator. So these true followers of Christ strive to obey the laws taught Christians today. (Diko aGalate 4: 4.) Jehovah's Witnesses in Germany suffered brutal and prolonged persecution under both of the 20th - century totalitarian regimes (Read Galatians 4: 4.) Satan agi nga na lege ti mayele ti sara ngangu na ndo ti pensé ti lo nga na asarango ye ti lo. Death, 8 / 15 Devil Real? 11 / 15 Satan also tries to influence his thinking and actions. Teti ambeni yenga, gbâ ti azo akpe, ala gue alango na Da ti Assemblée ti e. I am very shy when it comes to preaching informally. For some weeks, a crowd fled, and they stayed at our Assembly Hall. Tongaso, na mabe, zia e hunda na Jéhovah ti ba yâ ti bê ti e. Sadly, when the complete Maynooth Bible was eventually published, the editors - unlike Bedell - decided to remove the divine name completely from their translation and substitute "an Tiarna " (the Lord) in its place. By faith, then, let us ask Jehovah to examine our heart. Angangu ti komande atiri teti aterritoire ti Italie na yâ angoi ti wusuwusu so, na pape ni abâ ni gi na lê pëpe. No doubt you can think of other good examples of individuals who pour themselves out in doing God's will despite the limitations of old age. - Read Philippians 2: 17. The Communist powers fought for Italian territories in these turbulent times, and the pope did not see them directly. A - Témoin ti Jéhovah ti kodoro ti Zamani abâ pasi aninga na gbe ti angorogbia use so akomande na ngangu na yâ ti siècle 20 Two angels helped Lot and his daughters to escape the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Jehovah's Witnesses in Germany suffered a long period of time under the two world powers that ruled over the 20th century A yeke fadeso ngoi ti londo hio ti sala ye, 15 / 12 Third, the parable enables us to identify the wheat class. God's Kingdom - A God Who Is Alive, 1 / 15 Kamene ayeke sara ka mbi mingi ti fa tënë na alege kue so azi. Even now, our relationship with Jehovah gives us peace of mind and spiritual security. I often feel ashamed to witness informally. Mawa ni ayeke so, na ngoi so a ga ti sigigi na Bible ti Maynooth ni, azo so abâ ndo na ndo ti sigingo na Bible ni asara ye tongana Bedell ape, ala zi iri ti Nzapa na yâ ni, na ala zia gi Seigneur ("an Tiarna ") na place ni. 21: 14, 15 - What was the book mentioned here? Sadly, when the Mayn Bible was released, the team in charge of Bedell's translation did not leave God's name out of it, leaving only the Lord's name "in its place. " Kite ayeke pëpe so mo hinga ambeni ita so asara na Jéhovah na ngangu ti ala kue atâa so ala yeke mbakoro. - Diko aPhilippien 2: 17. Andreas had meningitis. No doubt you know some who serve Jehovah whole - souled despite their age. - Read Philippians 2: 17. Ange oko afâ lani aturugu ti Assyrie 185 000 so aye ti mû Jérusalem. Perhaps the next person you approach has been praying for someone like you to come and help him! An angel killed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers who wanted to invade Jerusalem. Ota ni, parabole so amû maboko na e ti hinga aChrétien so ayeke tongana ablé. Another woman, the princess Jehosheba, who dearly loved Jehovah and his Law, courageously hid a royal offspring, the baby Jehoash. Third, this parable helps us to identify the wheatlike Christians. Même ti fadeso, songo ti e na Jéhovah amû lege na e ti duti na siriri ti bibe nga na nzoni dutingo na lege ti yingo. Noah was also "a preacher of righteousness " who courageously declared God's warning to his contemporaries. Even now, our relationship with Jehovah enables us to enjoy inner peace and spiritual security. 21: 14, 15 - Buku wa la si a sala tënë ni ge? The entire congregation of anointed Christians certainly proved to be such a pillar in the first century. 21: 14, 15 - What book is mentioned here? Andreas ayeke na méningite. A veteran fisherman from Jaffa experienced in seine - net fishing said: "When I was young, the boats that I worked on in the Mediterranean always carried a sandbag or two.... Andreas has an estimated 60 - year - old population with a population of Jehovah's Witnesses. Peut - être zo ti peko so mo yeke gue na mbage ti lo asambela fade ti tene mbeni zo tongana mo aga ti mû maboko na lo! So all of those in "the lake " will suffer the" torment " of everlasting restraint, or "the second death. " Perhaps your next friend had prayed to someone if you came to help him! Me mbeni wali nde ayeke dä so aye Jéhovah mingi nga na Ndia ti lo. Iri ti lo ayeke Joséba. Lo mû tanga ti molenge ti gbia ni lo honde lo. Just as a baited hook may attract a fish, so immoral thoughts and lewd desires - when not immediately dismissed - may begin to draw out and entice a Christian. But there was another woman who loved Jehovah and his Law, and he hid her youngest son. Lo fa na azo ti ngoi ti lo gbotongo mê ti Nzapa na mbito pëpe. So lo tene fade Kota Moa ayeke ga, ala he lo biani na ngia. Jesus realized the value of appropriate subjection. He courageously warned God's people of his day that the Flood would come, they would surely ridicule him. Kongregation kue ti aChrétien so a sa yingo na ndo ti ala afa biani so ala yeke mara ti pilier so na ngoi ti akozo Chrétien. 23: 5 - 7; Luke 23: 54. The entire congregation of anointed Christians proved to be such a pillar in the first century. Mbeni kpengba wagingo susu na akota gbanda ti kodoro ti Jaffa atene: "Lani so mbi ngbâ maseka, angö so mbi sala kua dä na ngu - ingo ti Méditérranée, ayeke lakue na mbeni sac ti mbutu oko wala use.... For additional information on how a family study can be made interesting and informative, see Our Kingdom Ministry of December 1990, pages 1 - 2. " As a youth, I have always had one or two sands.... Tongaso, a yeke " sara sana ' na azo kue so ayeke na yâ ti "lac " so, wala a yeke kanga lege na ala ti sara ye oko pëpe teti lakue lakue; so ti tene ala yeke wara" kui use ni. " 16: 14 - What bad spirit terrorized Saul? Thus, all those in this "hell " will be" tormented, " or persecuted, for all time; that is, to have "the second death. " Legeoko tongana mbeni kobe so a zia na yanga ti yango alingbi ti handa mbeni susu, tongana e ke hio pëpe asioni pensé nga na asioni nzara ti bungbingo koli na wali, yeke yeke a lingbi ti maï na yâ ti bê ti e nzara ti sara aye ti sioni. And I begin to think, " If spiritually - minded brothers are not interested in me, perhaps I don't have the necessary Christian qualities or maybe I am just unattractive. ' " Just as a living plant can deceive a fish by not immediately rejecting immoral thoughts and sexual desires, it can develop in us a desire to do wrong things. Jésus abâ nene ti mango yanga tongana a yeke na lege ni ti sara ni. This was the only religious ceremony he directly commanded his followers to observe. Jesus saw the need for obedience when it was appropriate to do so. 23: 5 - 7; Luc 23: 54. I'll agree with that. 23: 5 - 7; Luke 23: 54. Ti wara ambeni tënë na ndo ti ye so a lingbi ti sara si Mandango tënë ti Nzapa na sewa anzere nga zo amanda ye dä, bâ Tour ti Ba Ndo ti 1 octobre 2009, lembeti 29 - 31. Not on the Scriptures, but on "the framework of a philosophy and world view quite different from the thought world of Jesus and the earliest church. " For more information on how to make family worship enjoyable and effective, see The Watchtower, October 15, 2009, pages 29 - 31. 16: 14 - Sioni yingo wa azia kota mbito lani na yâ ti Saül? Would you look for someone who was physically attractive, intelligent, kind, and hardworking? 16: 14 - What evil spirit threatened Saul? Na mbi to nda ti tene na bê ti mbi, " Tongana aita - koli so akpengba na lege ti yingo asala nzala ti mbi pëpe, peut - être mbi yeke pëpe na alengo ti Chrétien so alingbi wala peut - être mbi yeke pendere pëpe. ' " The Bible Can Help You Find Joy And I began to think, " If mature brothers did not show interest in me, I would probably not have Christian qualities that I might not have. ' " A yeke lani gi oko matanga ti lege ti vorongo so lo hunda polele na adisciple ti lo ti sala ni. 3: 3; 7: 12. It was the only religious observance he commanded his followers to observe. Akoli, i ndoye awali ti i. " The victors ' returns were celebrated with triumphal processions. Husbands, continue loving your wives. " Gunda ni aluti pëpe na ndo Mbeti ti Nzapa, me na ndo "akota tënë ti ndara ti azo nga na abango ndo ti sese so ayeke tâ nde mingi na abibe ti Jésus nga na ti kozo église. " When All Work Will Be Rewarding It is based, not on God's Word, but on "the philosophies and attitudes of men and of this world are very different from the thoughts of Jesus and the early Church. " Mo yeke gi mbeni wali so ayeke na pendere ti tele so agboto lê, so ahinga ye mingi, so ayeke na nzobe na so ahinga ti sala kua? SANDRA, a woman in Mexico, described herself as the black sheep of her family. Are you looking for a attractive, skilled, hardworking, hardworking woman? Bible alingbi ti mû maboko na mo ti wara ngia What is the inheritance of the millions of Jesus ' "other sheep, " who are associated with his anointed followers in preaching the good news of God's Kingdom? The Bible can help you to find happiness 3: 3; 7: 12. Heeding Jehovah's reminders sets us apart as clean and acceptable for his service 3: 3; 7: 12. Na kiringo ti ala na peko ti songo benda ni, ala yeke sala akota ngia na kpongo molongo ti fa na gigi hongo na ngangu. When others around us ignore the true God or even leave off serving him, we need to stay on course as Noah did. Upon returning after the victory, they played great joys in line to show victory. Ngoi so akua kue ayeke mû ande ngia na bê • How did Jesus measure greatness? When Every Work Will Be Happy SANDRA, mbeni wali na Mexique, afa tele ti lo tongana mbeni zo so sewa ti lo ayeke bâ ka lo na sioni lê. Jehovah's prophets, however, always spoke the truth. A woman in Mexico, described herself as a person whose family seemed to be unclean. Ka ti "ambeni ngasangbaga " ti Jésus kutu mingi so ayeke fa nzoni tënë ti Royaume ti Nzapa legeoko na aChrétien so a soro ala ti gue na yayu, ye ti héritier ti ala ayeke so wa?. I was impressed with her attitude about full - time service and her willingness to go wherever Jehovah's organization might send her. What about Jesus ' millions of "other sheep " who share the good news of God's Kingdom with anointed Christians? Batango adango bê ti Jéhovah azia e nde tongana azo so ayeke na sioni oko pepe na so lo yeda na ala teti kusala ti lo 4: 11. Heeding Jehovah's reminders sets us apart as clean and approved people for his service Atâa tongana tanga ti azo asara sanka ti tâ Nzapa, wala ake ti sara na lo, e doit ti e ti mû tapande ti Noé. On the other hand, Luke's account says: "Joseph, son of Heli. " Whether the rest of mankind ignore the true God, or not, we need to follow Noah's example. • Ti Jésus, nyen la amû lege ti hinga na dutingo kota ti mbeni zo? It was against such a negative backdrop that Jesus made a statement that must have caused the disciples to marvel. • What did Jesus say about man's greatness? Me aprophète ti Jéhovah ayeke tene lani gi tâ tënë lakue. Yes. But Jehovah's prophets always spoke the truth. Lo yeke lani na nzoni bango ndo na ndo ti kua ti ngoi kue nga lo yeda ti gue na ndo kue so bungbi ti Jéhovah alingbi ti tokua lo dä. Ye so apika bê ti mbi mingi. Why did all these Witnesses take up this challenging work? She had a balanced view of full - time service and was willing to move wherever Jehovah's organization could send her, and this impressed me. 4: 11. Indeed, the life of the colporteurs was no "flowery bed of ease, " as one of them put it. 4: 11. Na mbage, Luc atene: "Joseph, [ayeke] molenge ti Héli. " Strange odors filled the air. On the other hand, Luke says: "Joseph was the son of [Joseph]. " A yeke na peko ti so lo fa aye ti vundu so kue awe si Jésus atene mbeni tënë so adö bê ti adisciple ti lo. On an earlier occasion, Jesus "felt tender affection " for a crowd that came to him. After giving a thorough witness, Jesus uttered a touching message to his disciples. Biani. In time, four such festivals - the Olympic and the Nemean, both dedicated to Zeus, and the Pythian and the Isthmian, dedicated to Apollo and Poseidon respectively - grew in importance until they attained the status of Panhellenic festivals. Yes. Nyen la apusu aita so kue ti sara ngangu kua so? Wonderful blessings await all who work hard to make their advancement manifest. What motivates all such ones to take up this difficult assignment? Mbeni colportereur atene so dutingo colporteur ayeke kete ye ape. And each one must prove to be like a hiding place from the wind and a place of concealment from the rainstorm, like streams of water in a waterless country, like the shadow of a heavy crag in an exhausted land. " " Being a colporteur is not easy, " says Aerererererer. Ndo ni afu nde na hon ti e. With Jehovah's supreme authority in mind, let us consider examples of some who did not respect those in positions of authority and of some who did. It was quite different from our home. Mbeni lâ, Jésus asara "mawa " ti azo mingi mingi so aga na mbage ti lo. Jehovah - the Maker of these reliable "timepieces " - is indeed" vigorous in power " and deserves our praise. - Read Isaiah 40: 26. On one occasion, Jesus did "the pity " of many who came to him. Na pekoni, a ga akota matanga osio: kozoni, a yeke angia ti Olympique, use ni a yeke angia ti Némée; a sala angia so use kue ti mû gonda na nzapa so a hiri lo Zeus. Ota ni ayeke angia ti awanguru so a sala na Delphes teti nzapa Apollos, na osio ni ayeke angia ti wanguru ti Corinthe so a sala ni na iri ti nzapa Poséidon. Any who worship with selfish motives end up with very little joy. Then came four main festivals: First, the games were violent, the play of entertainment; both of which were used to glorify the god of Zeus, namely, the sports games for the god Apollos, and the four of them were violent games in Corinth. Apendere ye ti nzoni ayeke ku azo kue so asala kusala ngangu ti tene a ba guengo na li ni ti ala. " I'm surrounded by people who are dishonest, " said a working woman in South Africa, "and sometimes the pressure to conform is very great. " Blessings await all who work hard to see their progress. Na a lingbi ala oko oko aduti tongana mbeni ndo ti honde tele dä teti pupu nga ndo ti kpe dä teti ngu so apika na pupu, tongana akete ngu so asua na kuru sese, tongana gbede ti mbeni kota tênë na yâ sese so ahule. " We cannot stand alone. And each of them must be just like a hiding place from the wind and a place to the wind, like streams of water on the dry ground, like a shadow in a dry land. " Na batango na li ti e ngangu ti komande ti kota ahon kue ti Jéhovah, zia e ba atapande ti ambeni zo so ayekia pepe azo so ayeke na ngangu ti komande nga ti ala so ayekia ndo. This took place under the direction and auspices of Cyril Lucaris, patriarch of Constantinople and a would - be reformer of the Orthodox Church. By keeping in mind the supreme authority of Jehovah, let us consider examples of those who did not respect authority and those who respected it. Jéhovah so asara aye ni so, a yeke biani na "ngangu mingi " na lo lingbi ti tene e gonda lo. - Diko Ésaïe 40: 26. David, the shepherd and king, certainly had good friends. Jehovah, who has done these things, is indeed "the power beyond what is normal " and deserves our praise. - Read Isaiah 40: 26. Na tongana nyen Jéhovah ayeke futa ala ande? Rather than being quick to blame God for any seeming inaction, think back to the time when you were a child. And how will Jehovah reward them? Zo kue so avoro na abibe ti kion ayeke wara ngia mingi pepe. The spirit later protected the infant Jesus from premature death. Not everyone who worships selfishness receives much happiness. Mbeni wali so ayeke sara kua na Afrique du Sud atene: "Mbi yeke sara ka kua na popo ti azo so ayeke sara ye na lege ni ape. Jesus urged his listeners to go the second mile. A woman serving in South Africa says: "I often work in an immoral way. E lingbi pëpe ti duti gi e oko. • How can children show that they respect the sacred nature of our meetings? We cannot be alone. Ye so atambela lani na gbe ti fango lege na bango ndo ti Cyril Lucaris, évêque ti Constantinople so aye lani ti leke ambeni tënë ti mabe na yâ Église Orthodoxe. Your fellow Christians are truly interested in your security This took place under the guidance and attitude of the bishop of Jehovah's Witnesses, who wanted to settle certain beliefs in the Orthodox Church. David, so ayeke lani berger nga gbia, ayeke lani na anzoni kamarade. In times of crisis, their false gods proved to be truly valueless, powerless to save themselves let alone their worshippers. - Judg. David, who was a shepherd and a king, had good friends. Ahon ti tene mo bi tënë hio na li ti Nzapa ndali ti ambeni ye so mo bâ mo tene lo sala ye oko pëpe ngbanga ni, dabe mo na ngoi so mo de kete. In other words, the good will ultimately triumph over the wicked. Rather than being quick to blame God for some seemingly innocent actions, remember your childhood. Na pekoni, yingo vulu abata Jésus so ade foroto si lo kui lani hio pëpe. Consequently, any who suffer from fragrance sensitivity that is so severe that it hinders their meeting attendance may wish to discuss the matter with the elders. Later, holy spirit protected the infant Jesus from immediately dying. Lo sara lani kua ti prêtre - mokonzi na ngu 6 wala ngu 7 tongaso juska ti si na ngu 15 tongaso. God would then "bring to ruin those ruining the earth. " He served as high priest in 6 or 7 C.E. until about 15 C.E. Tongana nyen e lingbi ti fa so e yekia abungbi ti e so ayeke nzoni - kue na lege ti yungo bongo ti e nga na tambela ti e? How? How can we show respect for our sacred gatherings by our dress and conduct? Afon mo Chrétien aye biani nzoni duti ti mo HOW important is it to you to know that you are loved? Fellow Christians really love your well - being Na angoi ti kpale, anzapa ti wataka so ala yeke voro ayeke na ngangu ti sara ye oko pëpe, ayanda ni ayeke na ngangu pëpe ti sö ala wani nga na azo so ayeke voro ala. - aJu. When a man in Bolivia committed a serious wrong, he appreciated receiving such care from a fellow believer. In times of distress, false gods are unable to save themselves and those worshipping them. - Judg. Tënë so aye ti tene so na nda ni azo ti nzoni ayeke hon na ngangu azo ti sioni. Do I seek to lay down arbitrary, inflexible rules or to turn my personal opinions into law? This means that good people will eventually conquer the wicked. Tongaso, mbeni ita, so fion ti parfum asara lo kobela na a sara si a yeke ngangu na lo ti gue na bungbi, alingbi ti sara tënë ni na a - ancien. In view of life's uncertainties, how have the Scriptures comforted you? Hence, a brother who is seriously ill and is making it difficult for him to attend Christian meetings may talk to the elders. Ye so ayeke pusu Nzapa ti "buba azo so ayeke buba sese. ." In what way did Christ prove to be a Shepherd and Leader? This will move God to "bring to ruin those ruining the earth. " Lo sara ni tongana nyen? The inspired record tells us that Paul set out from Caesarea in the custody of the Roman centurion Julius, together with other soldiers and Paul's companions. How so? TI HINGA so a ndoye mo ayeke kota ye na lê ti mo tongana nyen? ON A mountain near Capernaum in the spring of 31 C.E., Jesus Christ taught his followers to pray: "Let your Kingdom come. " HOW do you feel about those who love you? Tongana mbeni koli na Bolivie asala lani mbeni kota siokpari, a nzere na lo mingi so mbeni ita ti lo ti yingo amû tele ti lo kue na lo. Well, family heads in ancient Israel were to make known to their sons the laws and wonderful acts of Jehovah so that they might "set their confidence in God himself. " - Ps. When a man in Bolivia committed a serious sin, he was delighted that one of his spiritual brothers had dedicated his life to him. Mbi ye lakue ti tene azo asara ye so mbi pensé mbi tene ayeke mbilimbili? The heavens constantly testify to Jehovah's glory Do I always want others to do what I think is right? Teti so zo ahinga pëpe ye so alingbi ti si kekereke, tongana nyen la Mbeti ti Nzapa adë bê ti mo? When fellow worshipers are affected by natural disasters, however, the Governing Body asks one or more legal entities to provide relief and to repair or restore damaged homes and Kingdom Halls. Since the future is unknown, how does God's Word assure you? A yeke nzoni a - ancien ti laso amû tapande ti Jésus so. Satan has had centuries to study human behavior. Elders today do well to follow Jesus ' example. Tondo ni so a sû na gbe ti yingo afa na e so Paul na amba ti lo (so na popo ni Julius, turugu ti kota kamba ti Rome na ambeni turugu so ayeke bata ala) ato nda ti tambela ti ala na Césarée. This highlights a very important point. Jehovah will not answer our prayers if we practice sin. The inspired account tells us that Paul and his companions - including the Roman army officer and other guards - began their journey to Caesarea. NA NGU 31, na ndo ti hoto so ayeke nduru na Capernaüm, Jésus Christ atene na adisciple ti lo, lo tene ala sambela ala tene: "Zia royaume ti mo aga. ." How was the prophecy recorded at Micah 3: 12 fulfilled, and how should that affect us? IN THE year 31 C.E., Jesus Christ told his disciples: "Let your kingdom come. " Biani, na ngoi ti azo ti Israël a yeke ti ababâ ti sewa ti fa na amolenge ti ala andia ti Jéhovah nga na apendere kusala ti lo tongaso si ala "zia bê ti ala na Nzapa ." - Ps. When others offer to drive in service, invite them for a meal, give them a little gas money or some other financial boost, they are grateful. Yes, in the days of the Israelites, family heads needed to teach their children Jehovah's laws and wonderful works so that they could " Trust in God. ' - Ps. Na kozo siècle, azo so wungo ti ala angbâ lakue ti gue na li ni abungbi oko ti sala nyen? Let us now consider three important reasons why we can be " joyful in the God of our salvation. ' - Hab. In the first century, what did those who continued to make progress come together to do? Ye oko, tongana mbeni kota kpale asi na afon e wavorongo, Wabatango Bungbi ayeke hunda mbeni kete bungbi oko wala mingi so ndia ayeda na ni ti mu maboko na ti leke ada na aDa ti Royaume so abuba. " To me, a true friend is someone who is always there for you and who forgives you when you fall short, " says a Christian sister named Ashley. However, when a serious problem strikes our fellow worshipers, the Governing Body invites a small group or a number of legal property to assist and repair Kingdom Halls. Satan asala kusala teti angu mingi mingi awe ti manda ye na ndo salango ye ti azo. [ Picture on page 6] Satan has already worked for decades to learn about human behavior. Jéhovah ayeke kiri tënë oko pëpe na asambela ti e tongana e yeke lango na yâ siokpari. It is vital, therefore, that we keep ourselves spiritually strong. Jehovah does not answer our prayers when we are sleeping in sin. E bâ polele so a lingbi lani ti mû angangu tokua so a bi ni na ndo Jérusalem na Samarie so gi na ngangu ti Jéhovah. All that Jehovah asks of his worshippers is that they " exercise justice, love kindness, and be modest ' in walking with their God. Clearly, Jehovah's power could have been given powerful messages to Jerusalem and Samaria. Tongana ambeni ita ayô ala na oto ti gue na fango tënë, atisa ala ti te kobe, amû na ala kete nginza ti vo na essence wala ti sara na ambeni ye, ala yeke kiri singila mingi. " German people have individual conceptions of God that are just as diverse as the people themselves, " reports the newsmagazine FOCUS. When some brothers drive them by car to share in the ministry, inviting them to eat, giving them small amounts of money to buy and do other things, they are deeply grateful. Zia e bâ fadeso akpengba raison ota so asara si e yeke " na ngia na yâ ti Nzapa ti salut ti e '. - Hab. Various scholars agree that these are weeks of years. Let us now consider three important reasons why we are " satisfied with the God of our salvation. ' - MIC. Ashley, mbeni ita - wali, atene so tâ kamarade ayeke mbeni zo so ayeke lakue nduru ti mû maboko na mo nga lo yeke pardone mo na ngoi so mo sara afaute. Instead of treating members of differing national groups with distrust, suspicion, or even outright hatred, they have learned to cherish the variety of characteristics and abilities of these groups as something beautiful. " A true friend is always ready to help and forgive you when you make mistakes, " says one sister. [ Foto na lembeti 6] That was an angelic call heard by the apostle John in the first century C.E. [ Picture on page 6] Ni la, a yeke kota ye ti tene e ngbâ ti kpengba na lege ti yingo. David explained: "Jehovah will sustain him on his sickbed; during his sickness you will completely change his bed. " How important it is, then, that we remain spiritually strong! Ye kue so Jéhovah ahunda na azo so ayeke voro lo ayeke ti "sara [ye] mbilimbili, ti ndoye nzobe, na ti tambela na Nzapa ti [ala] na tâ be - ti - molenge. ." Reflecting loving - kindness in our speech is by no means easy. All that Jehovah requires of his worshippers is "to exercise justice and to love kindness and to be modest in walking with [their] God. " Mbeti - sango FOCUS atene: "Azo ti Zamani oko oko ayeke na bango ndo so ayeke nde nde na ndo Nzapa ." Ti mä na bê na Nzapa ayeke ye ti gonda. One day, a visitor asked the boy, "Don't you know that the gold coin is twice as valuable as the silver one? " " Every German people have a different view of God, " says the newspaper F. Awandara ti Bible atene so asemaine, wala ayenga so ayeke pëpe ayenga so na yâ ti yenga oko a yeke wara lango mbasambala dä. " WORKING abroad, I had a responsible job and made good money, " recalls Eduardo. According to Bible scholars, these weeks, or weeks, contain seven days. Anzere na aTémoin ti Jéhovah ti bâ so azo ayeke nde nde nga ala yeke na akode so ayeke nde nde. Mo bâ tongana nyen aTémoin ti Jéhovah, tongana a mû ala tongana mbeni groupe, awara lege ti sara kota ye so? Wisely, you will not only teach your child the consequences of disobeying Jehovah but also explain how Jehovah is personally affected by the way we live. Do you see how Jehovah's Witnesses, as a group, have the joy of seeing people differing backgrounds and abilities, have you seen how Jehovah's Witnesses, as a group, have been able to accomplish this important step? Bazengele Jean amä lani hiringo ndo so ti mbeni ange na kozo siècle ti N.E. Five of her daughters became Witnesses, and Santina has also helped many others to accept Bible truth. The apostle John heard that call from an angel in the first century C.E. David atene: "[Jéhovh ayeke] bata lo na ndo tange ti kobela; fade Mo leke tange ti lo na lâ ti kobela ti lo. ." With that prospect in mind, we may indeed view any suffering in this system as "momentary and light. " " He will sustain him on his bed, " said David, "and you will certainly build his bed during his sickness. " A lingbi ti duti ngangu ti fa nzobe so angbâ lakue na yâ ti sarango tënë ti e. What did Paul write about the importance of love? It may be difficult to show loving - kindness in our speech. Mbeni lâ, mbeni koli so aga gango ahunda molenge - koli ni, lo tene: "Mo hinga so ngere ti nginza ti lor so ahon ngere ti nginza ti argent so fani use ape? " 6: 34; Ps. On one occasion, a coming man asked the boy: "Do you not know that the value of this gold is worth twice? " EDUARD * atene: "Na kodoro wande mbi sara mbeni nzoni kua ti nginza nga mbi wara gbâ ti nginza. Yes, what he taught was from Almighty God. " In a foreign country, I have enjoyed a better career, and I earn a lot of money. Na ndara, mo yeke fa ande gi pëpe na lo asioni so lo yeke wara tongana lo ke yanga ti Jéhovah, me mo yeke fa nga tongana nyen salango ye ti e ayeke ndu bê ti Jéhovah. Some 40 men wrote the Bible under inspiration from God. You will tactfully explain to him not only the consequences of disobeying Jehovah but also how our conduct affects Jehovah's heart. Amolenge ti lo ti wali oku aga aTémoin na Santina amû maboko na azo mingi ti ga na yâ tâ tënë. The apparent motive of Pallis and his colleagues was to " educate the Greeks ' and to "help the nation recover " from decline. Five of her daughters became Witnesses, and many were helped to come into the truth. Na batango beku so na li, e lingbi biani ti bâ aye ti pono kue so ayeke si na e na yâ sese ti fadeso, tongana mbeni ye ti " kete ngoi na kete ye '.. Although the description could fit either group, Paul was specifically referring to the apostate Israelites of old. By keeping this hope in mind, we can see all the hardships we face in this system of things, such as "a little while longer. " Ye wa Paul asû na ndo nene ti ndoye? What deep feeling and love for Jehovah! What did Paul write about the importance of love? 6: 34; Ps. However, a review of Bible accounts shows that a man did not need to be a firstborn son to be an ancestor of the Messiah. 6: 34; Ps. Biani, ye so lo fa lani alondo na Nzapa ti Ngangu Ahon Kue. He did, however, foreordain a class of faithful and devoted people who would share with Christ in undoing the harm that Satan the Devil, along with Adam and Eve, brought on the human family. - Luke 12: 32; Hebrews 2: 14 - 18. Yes, what he taught was from Almighty God. Ambeni koli 40 tongaso la asû Bible na gbe ti yingo vulu ti Nzapa. (Read Psalm 37: 29.) Some 40 men wrote the Bible under divine inspiration. Ti bâ ni, ye so apusu lani Pallis na amba ti lo ti sala ni ayeke ti " fa ye na aGrec ' na ti "mû maboko na mara ni ti sigigi " na yâ kpale. You are right, life is beautiful! In fact, the reason for this was "the teaching of the Greeks " and" to help the nation get out " of danger. Atâa so asioni sarango ye so alingbi ti ndu aJuif na azo so ayeke aJuif pëpe, Paul aye mbilimbili ti sara tënë ti azo ti Israël ti giriri so azia ti voro Jéhovah na ala voro ambeni nzapa nde. Learn From Jesus ' Example Although these practices could affect Jews and non - Jews, Paul was evidently referring to the ancient Israelites who abandoned Jehovah and worshipped other gods. Atënë ti bê ti mo nga kue ayeke tongaso? She too is at Watchtower Farms. Do you feel the same way? Ye oko, tongana e kiri e bâ ambaï ti Bible, a fa so zo ayeke na bezoin ti duti kozo molenge ti koli si lo duti kotara ti Messie ape. What a dramatic event! However, reviewing Bible accounts shows that man needs to be the firstborn son of the Messiah. Ala yeke sala kusala legeoko na Christ ti zi sioni kue so Satan Zabolo, nga na Adam na Ève, aga na ni na ndo sewa ti azo kue. - Luc 12: 32; aHébreu 2: 14 - 18. As time goes on, we may be able to help him to develop deep love for God. They work along with Christ to undo all the damage that Satan the Devil, along with Adam and Eve, brought upon the entire human family. - Luke 12: 32; Hebrews 2: 14 - 18. (Diko Psaume 37: 29.) Or perhaps a few parents in the congregation allow their children to do things that you do not want your child to do. (Read Psalm 37: 29.) Mo yeke na raison, gigi anzere! For all these are the things the nations are eagerly pursuing. You are right, life is satisfying! Mû tapande ti Jésus Ann was a Roman Catholic. Imitate Jesus Na atënë wa e yeke sala lisoro dä fadeso? How did the Israelites show a lack of appreciation for the freedom that Jehovah gave them? What topics will we now discuss? Nda ti atënë so a wara na Michée 1: 3, 4 ayeke nyen? 1, 2. What is the purpose of Micah 1: 3, 4? Lo nga kue lo yeke na Place ti fango yaka ti Royaume. Associating with anointed brothers was a special benefit that I enjoyed. He also had Kingdom fields. So mbeni ye ti dongo bê! [ Pictures on page 6] What a surprise! E lingbi nga ti sala si lo yekia na lo kiri singila teti bungbi ti Jéhovah. In 1914 - certainly a long time after 33 C.E. - Christ Jesus began his royal presence. We can also bring him honor and appreciation for Jehovah's organization. Peut - être ambeni babâ na mama so ayeke na yâ ti congrégation ti mo azia lege na amolenge ti ala ti sara aye so mo ke na molenge ti mo ti sara. Kingsley, who lives in Sri Lanka, is blind. Perhaps some parents in your congregation have allowed their children to do things that you hate your child. Aye so kue, a yeke aye so amara ayeke gi ni gingo na bê ti ala kue. As a shepherd, David spent many a night gazing at the starry heavens and meditating on their incomparable Creator. For all these are the things the nations are eagerly pursuing. Ann ayeke ti lo lani na yâ Église Catholique. 2: 10 - Why did Hannah pray that Jehovah "give strength to his king " when there was no human king over Israel? Ann belonged to the Catholic Church. Tongana nyen la azo ti Israël afa so ala kiri singila pëpe na Jéhovah ndali ti liberté so lo mû na ala? Irritated by my question, he answered that he taught what he got from higher authorities. How did the Israelites show that they did not appreciate Jehovah's freedom? 1, 2. No extant law informs us just how far a citizen could be compelled to carry a load. 1, 2. Salango songo na aita so a sa yingo na ndo ti ala ayeke nga lani mbeni ye ti nzoni nde so mbi wara. It may consist of money, property, or perhaps some treasured possession. The association of anointed brothers was yet another blessing. [ Afoto na lembeti 6] Many are enjoying success because of applying suggestions to witness to people wherever they are. [ Pictures on page 6] Na ngu 1914, biani alango mingi mingi na peko ti ngu 33, Christ Jésus asi tongana Gbia. In view of all that had happened to her, however, she thought that Jehovah was against her. In 1914, there were many days after 33 C.E. when Christ Jesus arrived as King. Kingsley ayeke na Sri Lanka, lo bâ ndo ape. The nurses who visit me comment that it must be my faith that keeps me going. King Kingsley was in Sri Lanka, without sight. David so ayeke lani berger ayeke mû abï mingi ti bâ atongoro nga ti gbu li na ndo ti kota ti Zo so asara atongoro so. We " see ' Jehovah and "hear " his voice of salvation by heeding what he says through his inspired Word, the Bible, and through" the faithful and discreet slave. " - Matthew 24: 45. The shepherd David spent many nights looking at the stars and meditating on the greatness of the One who created them. 2: 10 - Teti so mbeni gbia akomande lani na Israël pëpe, ngbanga ti nyen Anne asambela Jéhovah ti "mû ngangu na gbia ti Lo "? This means that relief is near and that the wicked world system is soon to be replaced by the rule of the perfect Kingdom of God, for which Jesus taught his followers to pray. 2: 10 - Since a king did not rule over Israel, why did Hannah pray to Jehovah to "give power to his king "? Teti so hundango tënë ti mbi amû ngonzo na lo, lo tene na mbi so lo yeke fa gi ye so akota zo so ayeke na li ni afa na lo. He nodded sadly, but at the time, he did not have the courage to continue searching for the truth. Because of my question, she told me that she was teaching only what the authorities were teaching her. Mbeni ndia ayeke dä pëpe so afa tâ mbilimbili kilomètre so a lingbi ti gbu mbeni wakodoro na ngangu ti yô kungba ti gue na ni dä. Generally speaking, the emperor reserved the right to dictate dogma and to exact the obedience of the church to his will. There is no specific law about how long an alien resident might be forced to carry the load. A lingbi ti duti nginza, da wala peut - être mbeni ye so ayeke na ngele ngangu na lê ti ala. People in general concern themselves mostly with material security. It may be money, home, or perhaps something valuable to them. Azo mingi ayeke lë lengo ndali ti so ala bata awango ti fa tënë na azo na ndo kue so ala yeke dä. One way is by appreciating that all humans - regardless of status, health, or age - deserve due honor and respect. Many people are successful because they follow the advice to witness to people wherever they live. Ye oko, na bango aye kue so asi na lo, lo pensé so Jéhovah ake lo. * How did the master respond? However, observing all that had happened to him, he believed that Jehovah had rejected him. Awanganga so aga ti bâ lege ti mbi atene so a yeke mabe ti mbi si asala si mbi ngbâ na fini. Thousands of young Christian men and women are willingly sacrificing marriage or are not having children - at least for now - in order to serve Jehovah to the full. The doctors who came to care for me said that it was my faith that kept me alive. E yeke " bâ ' Jéhovah nga e yeke " mä ' atënë so lo yeke tene ti sö fini ti e na lege so e yeke sara ye alingbi na ye so lo fa na yâ Tënë ti lo, Bible nga na lege ti "ngbâa be - ta - zo na ti ndara ." - Matthieu 24: 45, NW. As disciple makers, we too keep God's laws, but we also express our love for Jehovah by telling others about him and his purposes. We "see " Jehovah and" listen " to his lifesaving message by applying what he says in his Word, the Bible, and through "the faithful and discreet slave. " - Matthew 24: 45. So aye ti tene so hungo tele ayeke ndulu ti si, na a ga ndulu ti lungula sioni bungbi ti aye ti sese so awe, na ti zia na place ni komandema so alondo na Royaume ti Nzapa so ayeke mbilimbili - kue, na so Jésus afa na adisciple ti lo ti sambela ndali ni. the early Christians? This means that refreshment will soon come, and it will soon be removed from God's perfect Kingdom, which Jesus taught his followers to pray for. Vundu asara lo, lo yengi li ti lo, me na bango ni lo yeke na nzara ti changé ape. When a Witness couple came to see her, Renata thought, " What are they going to teach me? ' Sadly, he struck his head, but he seemed to have no desire to change. Mingi ni, togbia ni abata teti lo mveni droit ti sigigi na mbeni kota tënë ti mabe na ti hunda église na ngangu ti sala ye alingbi na ye so bê ti lo aye. Ray, also mentioned earlier, notes: "By studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses, I learned that God is not responsible for mankind's suffering. The emperor generally reserved for himself a basic doctrine and demands that church be in harmony with his will. Mingi ni azo ayeke bi bê ti ala mingi ti wara gbâ ti kungba. For youths, parents can use the books Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work, Volumes 1 and 2. People often take an interest in material things. Mbeni lege ni ayeke ti hinga so azo kue alingbi ti tene a ne ala, atâa dutingo ti ala, seni ti ala wala ngu ti ala. [ Footnotes] One way is to recognize that all humans can be respected, regardless of their circumstances, health, or age. Maître ni atene nyen na ala? What is the nature of such an awesome reality? What did the master say to them? Amaseka ti koli na ti wali saki mingi, so ayeke aChrétien, ayeda na bê ti ala kue ti ke ti sara mariage wala ti dü amolenge fadeso tongaso si ala lingbi ti sara kua ti Jéhovah mingi. 10: 5 - 7, 12 - 14. Thousands of Christian young and old alike willingly refuse to marry or to have children now so that they can accomplish more fully in Jehovah's service. Teti so kusala ti e ayeke ti sara si azo aga adisciple, e nga kue e yeke bata andia ti Nzapa, me e yeke fa nga so e ye Jéhovah na lege so e yeke sara lisoro na amba ti e na ndo ti lo nga na aye so lo leke ti sara. WHAT YOU MAY HEAR: "The destruction of the Canaanites was a cruel war crime comparable to modern - day genocides. " Since our commission is to make disciples, we too obey God's laws, but we also demonstrate our love for Jehovah by talking to others about him and his purposes. kozo Chrétien? We must oppose the Devil, giving him no opportunity to harm us spiritually. First - century Christians? Me azo so mo yeke fa tënë na ala alingbi ti bâ so aTémoin ti Jéhovah ayeke sara ngangu mingi ti tene yanga ti kodoro ni. Moreover, their riches will one day go to others. - Read Ecclesiastes 2: 8 - 11, 17; 5: 10 - 12. But those to whom you preach may find that Jehovah's Witnesses are working hard to speak the language. Tongana mbeni koli na wali ti lo so ayeke aTémoin aga ti ba lo, Renata atene na bê ti lo, " Ye nyen ala yeke fa ande na mbi? ' Bill, mentioned earlier, says about the years when he wanted to marry: "They passed so quickly! When a Witness couple visited her and said, " What will they teach me? ' Ray, so e sara nga tënë ti lo fade awe, atene: "Grâce na ye so aTémoin ti Jéhovah afa na mbi, mbi hinga so Nzapa la asara si azo ayeke bâ pasi so ape. Kingdom publishers at a Kingdom Hall in Kenya, Africa " I know that God does not cause suffering, " says Ray, also quoted earlier. Ti amaseka, ababâ na amama alingbi ti sara kusala na buku Les jeunes s'interrogent - Réponses pratiques, Volume 1 na 2. They were zealous Puritans, running from religious persecution. For young people, parents can use the book Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work, Volume 1 and 2. [ Akete tënë na gbe ni] He may spend hours talking with you about what interests both of you. [ Footnotes] Tâ ye so ayeke ye ti dongo bê tongaso ayeke tongana nyen? He sent them home and kept Simeon as a prisoner. What is that remarkable? 10: 5 - 7, 12 - 14. Whatever fears we have, whatever concerns, anxieties, or apprehensions plague us, we can take them to Jehovah, confident that he will never turn a deaf ear to our sincere prayers. 10: 5 - 7, 12 - 14. TËNË SO AMBENI ZO ATENE: "Futingo ti azo ti Canaan ayeke tongana ti mbeni bira so azo ayeke sara laso ti futi senge senge mbeni mara kue kue kue. " By being obedient and loyal to the direction received from the earthly part of God's organization, you show that you are keeping pace with Jehovah's celestial chariot and are working in harmony with his holy spirit. - Heb. WHAT GOD'S WORD TEACHES: "The Canaanite power of the Canaanites is like an attack today that will destroy every nation of men. " A lingbi e ke Zabolo, e mû lege na lo pëpe ti buba songo ti e na Nzapa. That depends on the choices you make now. We must resist the Devil, not allowing him to destroy our relationship with God. Na ndo ni, mbeni lâ amosoro ti ala ayeke ga ti ambeni zo nde. - Diko Zo - ti - fa - tene 2: 8 - 11, 17; 5: 9 - 11. Jehovah Shows Us How to Count Our Days Moreover, one day their wealth would come to others. - Read Ecclesiastes 2: 8 - 11, 17; 5: 9 - 11. Bill, so e sara tënë ti lo fade, atene atënë so na ndo ti ngoi so lo yeke kumbamba: "Ngoi ni ahon hio mingi. Jehovah's primary purpose for inspiring that section of the Scriptures was to identify the Messiah and lead God's people to him. Bill, mentioned earlier, says regarding his single state: "The time has passed quickly. Azo so ayeke ândö aPuritain so aye tënë ti Nzapa mingi so akpe ye ti ngangu so Eglize asara na ala. What position did Jesus take on this issue? Those who were once lovers of godly devotion who had avoided the persecution of the church. Lo lingbi ti sara lisoro na mo l'heure mingi na ndo ti aye so anzere na ala use kue. Those activities and heartfelt prayer helped to sustain us spiritually. He may talk to you for hours about things that are pleasing to both of them. Joseph atene na ala ti kiri na kodoro ti ala, na lo gbanzi Siméon. By placing their own concerns first, above Kingdom interests, they revealed that their heart was not complete toward God. Joseph told them to return to their homeland, and he stopped Simeon. Atâa e sara mbeto ti mbeni ye wala e gi bê ti e na ndo ti mbeni ye, e lingbi ti fa ni na Jéhovah, na e hinga so lo yeke mä lakue sambela so e sara na gbe ti bê ti e. Unlike the Roman Catholic priests, who withheld the wine from the laity during Holy Communion, the Utraquists (diverse groups of Hussites) administered bread and wine. Whether we fear something or are anxious, we can express it to Jehovah, knowing that he always hears our heartfelt prayers. Na sarango ye lakue alingbi na afango lege so alondo na mbage ti bungbi ti Jéhovah so ayeke na sese ge, mo yeke fa so mo ngbâ lakue ti tambela legeoko na char ti Jéhovah so ayeke na yayu nga mo yeke sara kusala maboko na maboko na yingo vulu ti lo. - aHéb. But I found out that life seldom turns out the way we expect. By regularly following direction from the earthly part of Jehovah's organization, you show that you keep walking with Jehovah's celestial chariot and cooperate with his holy spirit. - Heb. Kiringo tënë ni aluti na ndo aye so mo yeke soro ti sala ni laso. Fear Jehovah and Keep His Commandments The answer lies on the choices you make today. Jéhovah Afa na E Lege ti Diko Alâ ti E Richard Abrahamson graduated from Gilead School in 1953, and he was privileged to oversee the work in Denmark for 26 years before returning to Brooklyn Bethel. Jehovah Leads Us to Reading Our Day Kozo ye so ndali ni Jéhovah asara si a sû mbage ti Mbeti ti Nzapa so na gbe ti yingo ti lo ayeke ti mû maboko na azo ti hinga Messie na ti mû peko ti lo. Some people who did so were even burned at the stake. The first reason why Jehovah had written this inspired portion of the Scriptures was to help people come to know the Messiah and follow him. Jésus atene ti lo nyen na ndo ti tënë so? What an assignment! What did Jesus say on this subject? Sarango aye so nga asambela so e sara na bê ti e kue amû lani maboko na e ti kpengba songo ti e na Jéhovah. Volcanologists believe that the first explosion, which rained down pumice and ash on the two cities, would probably not have prevented the inhabitants from escaping. Doing so and our earnest prayers helped us to strengthen our relationship with Jehovah. 10 Sambela: A yeke mû maboko na e? Among her guests was a white elder. 10 Prayer - Help? A - Chrétien so adabe ti ala na yanga so Jésus amû lani ahinga nda ti aye so kue so. The name Edom (meaning "Red ") was given to Esau after he sold his precious birthright to Jacob for some red stew. Those Christians remembered Jesus ' command to understand all of this. Ala zia aye so agbu bê ti ala na kozo ndo, nga ye so afa so ala yeke lani nduru pëpe ti sara na Nzapa na bê ti ala kue. For that reason also what is born will be called holy, God's Son. " They put their interests first and showed that they were not willing to serve God with a complete heart. Nde na aprêtre ti lege ti vorongo ti Catholique ti Rome so agbanzi vin na asenge zo na ngoi ti mungo Communion, agroupe nde nde ti adisciple ti Jan Hus ayeke mû mapa na vin na azo kue. Are not the ways of you people not adjusted right? " - Ezek. Unlike Roman Catholic priests who were put away from wine and ordinary people at the time of dedication, the group of disciples of Jans offered bread and wine to all. Ye oko, mbi ga ti bâ so mbeni ye so e ku tere ti e na ni pëpe alingbi ti si na yâ ti fini ti e. There is much to be done and much joy to be found wherever you serve as a Kingdom proclaimer. However, I realized that something unexpected could happen in our lives. Kpe Mbito ti Jéhovah na Bata Akomandema ti Lo 3 "What You Vow, Pay " Fear Jehovah and Keep His commandments Richard Abrahamson asala Ekole ti Guiléad na ngu 1953, na lo wara matabisi ti bâ lege ti kusala ni na Danemark teti angu 26 kozoni si lo kiri na Béthel ti Brooklyn. Now, I'm sure you would agree that for something to be no more, it had to exist in the first place. Richard He graduated from Gilead in 1953, and he was privileged to care for the work in Denmark for 26 years before returning to Brooklyn Bethel. A yeke lani ngangu ti tene zo amanda tâ tënë wala ti fa ni na amba ti lo. [ Box / Picture on page 5] It was not easy to learn the truth or to share it with others. So ayeke biani mbeni kota kusala! Consider, for example, Israel's high priest Eli. What a privilege that is! Awagingo nda ti ye na ndo ahoto ti wâ tongaso amä na bê so kozo sungbango ti hoto ni, so atokua lani na ndo ti azo ti agbata use so alê ti tênë na ti mburu ti wâ, alingbi peut - être pëpe ti kanga lege na azo ni giriri ti kpe. And we have the assurance that "no matter what it is that we ask according to his will, he [God] hears us. " - 1 John 5: 14. Some scholars of such a fiery mountains believe that the first drop of the mountain was sent about two cities that had no way to prevent the people from fleeing from fleeing. Na popo ti azo so lo tisa ala, mbeni ancien so ayeke munzu ayeke dä. " But when we saw her studying, praying, and doing her best to conduct family worship every week, we understood that getting to know Jehovah was very important. " Among those invited, there was a white elder. A mû iri Edom (so ti tene "Bengba ") na Esaü na peko ti so lo kä na Jacob ndo ti kozo molenge ti lo, ye so ayeke ti ngele ngangu, ndali ti bengba kobe. They appreciate that such conduct gives glory to Jehovah God, as Jesus said: "Let your light shine before men, that they may see your fine works and give glory to your Father who is in the heavens. " - Matthew 5: 16. Edom (or, meaning "slave, ") was given to Esau after he sold Jacob's firstborn son, the price was precious for red bread. Ndani la si molenge so mo yeke dü lo, lo yeke duti ande nzoni - kue, na a yeke iri lo Molenge ti Nzapa. ." The teacher later praised the Awake! That is why your child will be holy, and the Son of God will be called Son of God. " a yeke lege ti i mveni si a yeke mbilimbili pëpe. " - Ézéch. What made Jesus ' way of teaching so different from theirs? It is not your own way. " - Ezek. Ndo kue so mo yeke dä tongana mo yeke wafango tënë ye ti sarango ni ayeke mingi, na alingbi ti ga na mo ngia mingi nga. Likely, he performed many other miracles. Wherever you live as a preacher, you too can be happier. 3 "Ye so mo mû zendo ti sara, sara ni " (b) Pressing on to maturity requires effort in what two areas? 3 "What You promise, Do " Tongana a tene mbeni ye ayeke dä encore ape, donc lo yeke dä kozo na mbeni ndo. A yeke tongaso ape? A clue is found at Acts 18: 24 - 26, where we read that she supported her husband in helping Apollos, a gifted speaker, to be brought up - to - date with revealed truth. If something seemed to be gone, would he be there before any other place? [ Encadré / Foto na lembeti 5] Even here there may be differences. [ Box / Picture on page 5] Zia e bâ tapande ti Eli, mbeni kota prêtre na Israël. But they also have great opportunities. Consider the case of Eli, a high priest in Israel. Na e yeke na beku so "tongana e hunda ye na lege ti ye so Lo ye, Lo [Nzapa, lo yeke] mä e. " - 1 Jean 5: 14. This expression helps us to understand the central role Jesus has in conveying Jehovah's truth to mankind. And we can be confident that "if we ask according to his will, [God] hears us. " - 1 John 5: 14. Me tongana e bâ so lo yeke manda Bible, lo yeke sambela nga lo yeke sara ngangu ti mû li ni na vorongo Nzapa na yâ ti sewa yenga oko oko, e bâ so ti hinga Jéhovah ayeke lani kota ye mingi. " Consider how Cherie gained strength from having a close relationship with Jehovah. But when we realized that he was studying the Bible, praying, and striving to take the lead each week, we realized how important it was to know Jehovah. " Ala hinga so mara ti tambela tongaso ayeke mû gloire na Jéhovah Nzapa tongana ti so Jésus atene: "I zia lumière ti i aza na gbele azo, si ala lingbi bâ nzo kusala ti i, na ala mû gloire na Babâ ti i so ayeke na yayu. " - Matthieu 5: 16. Keith expresses similar thoughts. They know that such conduct brings glory to Jehovah God as Jesus said: "Let your light shine before men, that they may see your fine works and give glory to your Father who is in the heavens. " - Matthew 5: 16. Na pekoni, wafango mbeti ni agonda Réveillez - vous! Likewise, if we become absorbed in the exciting work Jehovah has given us to do, that day and hour may well arrive before we realize it. Then the teacher praised Awake! Me nyen la asara si lege so Jésus ayeke fa na ye ayeke nde mingi na ti ala? How did the calling of the anointed progress after 33 C.E.? But how did Jesus ' way of teaching differ from theirs? Kite ayeke dä pëpe so lo sara nga lani ambeni miracle mingi. A spiritual brother and his wife decided to donate a piece of land, and the branch office approved a loan for building a new Kingdom Hall. He certainly performed many other miracles. (b) Ti sara kue ti ga biazo, a lingbi e sara ngangu ti sara aye use wa? Requirements for Preservation (b) To qualify for maturity, what two steps must we strive to take? Jéhovah ayeke mû nga maboko na e na lege ti kongregation ti aChrétien nga na lege ti akoli so lo mû ala tongana " amatabisi '.. That's a dictionary. " I said nothing. Jehovah also helps us through the Christian congregation and through the men whom he has provided as "gifts in men. " Tondo ti aKusala 18: 24 - 26 amû lege na e ti kiri tënë. We can also find many Biblical examples of humans who maintained joy in the face of trying circumstances. The account at Acts 18: 24 - 26 gives us the opportunity to answer. Atä ge nga, akangbi alingbi ti duti dä. It will be when Jesus comes to judge people during the great tribulation, after the destruction of false religion. - 7 / 15, page 6. Even here there may be differences. Me lege azi nga na ala ti soro ambeni nzoni ye. 9, 10. But they also had opportunities to make choices. Tënë so amû maboko na e ti gbu nda ti kpengba kusala so Jésus ayeke sala na yâ mungo tâ tënë ti Jéhovah na azo. It was noted for its beauty and productivity. This statement helps us to understand Jesus ' key role in giving Jehovah's truth to mankind. Bâ tongana nyen dutingo na kpengba songo na Jéhovah amû ngangu na Cherie. What does the experience of the brother in Florida suggest about our efforts to bear thorough witness? Consider how a close relationship with Jehovah strengthened Cheri. Mbeni ita ni nde so iri ti lo ayeke Keith atene nga mara ti tënë tongaso. A towering sequoia can even withstand a powerful earthquake. Another brother named themselves made similar comments. Legeoko nga, tongana e bi tere ti e kue na yâ ti pendere kua so Jéhovah amû na e ti sara, lango ni nga na ngbonga ni alingbi ti si hio mingi sân ti tene e hinga. Jehovah was no doubt pleased to hear his worshippers enthusiastically praising him in song. Similarly, if we are busy in the wonderful work that Jehovah has assigned us to do, the day and hour can easily happen without realizing it. Sorongo aChrétien so a sa yingo na ndo ti ala angbâ ti tambela tongana nyen ngbene ye na ngu 33? Abraham took the lead in worship, teaching those of his household to "keep Jehovah's way to do righteousness and judgment. " The anointing of anointed Christians has continued to take place since 33 C.E. Mbeni ita - koli na wali ti lo amû mbeni mbage ti terrain ti ala, na filiale ayeda ti mû mbeni yongo si a leke lani na Da ti Royaume. Make the Most of Your Singleness, 1 / 15 A married couple took part in their property, and the branch office agreed to take up a long trip so that the Kingdom Hall could be built. Aye so Ahunda Teti Songo Kuâ When the slave arrived home, weary from some 12 hours of hard work, his master did not invite him to sit down and enjoy a good supper. Lessons for Death Mbi zi ti mbi yanga mbeni pëpe. Surely both Jehovah and Jesus value all that was created. I no longer opened my mouth. E lingbi nga ti wara gbâ ti atapande na yâ ti Bible so asara tënë ti azo so angbâ ti duti na ngia atâa so ala wara akpale. In the meantime, God is gathering into the pure religion those who love truth. We can also find many examples in the Bible about those who continue to rejoice despite obstacles. Ambeni carte ni mingi ayeke dä, na a lingbi ti mû maboko na wadikongo mbeti ni ti bâ na yâ li ti lo image ti aye so a fa tënë ni na yâ Bible. When parents choose not to live together as a family, the children may suffer emotionally and morally. There are many other maps, and reading can help the reader to visualize the Bible's picture of events. A yeke na ngoi so Jésus ayeke ga ti fâ ngbanga na ndo ti azo na ngoi ti kota ye ti vundu na peko ti futingo abungbi ti vorongo nzapa ti wataka. - 15 / 7, lembeti 6. Though separation may seem to be the answer when serious difficulties arise, it often causes more problems. It was when Jesus comes to execute judgment during the great tribulation after the destruction of false religion. - 7 / 15, page 6. 9, 10. This he did by laying down his perfect human life and paying the ransom price to redeem Adam's children from inherited sin and death. 9, 10. A hinga ni ndali ti pendere ti ndo ni nga na ale - kobe so ayeke sigigi dä mingi. Before them was either everlasting life or death. It is known for its beauty and fruit. Tapande ti ita - koli na Floride afa na e nyen na ndo ti ngangu so e sara ti fa nda ti tënë ni kue? 7 "Trust in Jehovah and Do What Is Good " What do we learn about our efforts to bear thorough witness? Même tongana sese ayengi ngangu, lo yeke ngbâ lakue na nduzu. Notice, however, that Jesus did not say that the love of everyone would cool off. Even when a violent earthquake strikes, he is still alive. Kite ayeke dä ape so a nzere na Jéhovah ti mä awakua ti lo ahe bia na ngia ti sepela lo. First, by performing the miracle of transferring the life of his beloved heavenly Son to the womb of a virgin so that he could be born as a perfect human. There is no doubt that Jehovah is pleased to hear his servants sing praises to him. Abraham amû giriri li ni na yâ vorongo, lo yeke fa ye na azo ti da ti lo "si ala bata lege ti L'Eternel ti sala mbilimbili na ti fâ ngbanga mbilimbili .." Do You Follow the "Surpassing Way " of Love? Abraham took the lead in worship, training his household "to do Jehovah's ways in righteousness and justice. " Tongana ngbâa so akiri na kodoro, na peko ti ngbonga 12 ti angangu kua so asala si lo woko, mveni ti lo atisa lo pëpe ti duti na ti te mbeni kobe so anzere. [ Picture on page 26] When that slave returned home, after 12 hours of hard labor, his master did not invite him to sit down and eat a meal that was enjoyable. Biani, Jéhovah nga na Jésus aba na nene ni aye kue so ala leke. Shockingly, in an attempt to cover it up, David had her husband killed. Yes, Jehovah and Jesus take into account everything they created. Ti ku na ngoi ni so, Nzapa ayeke bungbi na yâ vorongo so ayeke na sioni oko pëpe azo so andoye tâ tënë. East China Sea In the meantime, God is gathering into pure worship those who love the truth. Tongana babâ na mama ayeke ndo oko pëpe, vundu alingbi ti sara amolenge ni nga anzoni sarango ye ti ala alingbi ti changé. Jehovah, through Jesus, used an angel to make known to John the wonderful things regarding "the Lord's day. " If there is no parents, the children may suffer emotional and moral harm. Atâa so mbeni zo alingbi ti bâ atene kangbingo tere la ayeke leke atënë so alingbi ti londo, mingi ni a yeke dü akpale na ndo ti tere. 22 Do You Remember? While separation may seem to be possible, there are often problems about each other. Lo sala ye so na mungo fini ti lo ti zo ti mbilimbili - kue na sandaga, nga na futango kota ngele ti zi amolenge ti Adam na gbe ti siokpari na kui so ala wara na lege ti Adam ni. By asking a series of questions, however, the Almighty makes Job aware of His awesome power and great wisdom. He did this by giving his perfect human life as a sacrifice and the ransom price to redeem Adam's offspring from sin and death inherited from Adam. Ye so ayeke lani na gbele ala ti soro ayeke fini ti lakue lakue wala kuâ. Get sufficient sleep. Their choice was everlasting life or death. 7 "Zia bê ti mo na ndö ti Jéhovah na sara ye ti nzoni " Then Zerah the Ethiopian came against Judah with 1,000,000 men and 300 chariots. 7 "Trust in Jehovah and Do What Is Good " Ye oko, bâ so Jésus atene pëpe so fade ndoye ti zo oko oko kue ayeke ga dê. Imagine yourself in their shoes. Notice, though, that Jesus did not say that everyone's love would grow cold. Kozoni kue, na lege so lo sara miracle na lo zia fini ti Molenge ti lo ti yayu so lo ye lo mingi na yâ ti mbeni masia si lo lingbi ti dü lo tongana mbeni zo so ayeke mbilimbili - kue. As the Bible promises, "the peace of God " was " guarding my heart and my thoughts. ' First, he performed miracles and risked his beloved heavenly Son's life in a virgin so that he could be born as a perfect human. [ Foto na lembeti 26] Jeff, mentioned earlier, makes this practical observation: "As our children grew older, a good friend mentioned to us that he realized how often he had to say no to his children's requests. [ Picture on page 26] Ti honde ndo ni, lo fâ koli ti wali ni. Having a close relationship with the Creator makes everyday life much better. " To hide, she killed her husband. Ngu - ingo ti Chine ti Tö May we, therefore, have a spiritual outlook and " store up treasures in heaven ' by keeping Jehovah's service first in our lives! - Matthew 6: 19 - 21, 33. East Chinese Sea Jéhovah na lege ti Jésus asara kua na mbeni ange ti fa na Jean apendere ye so andu "lâ ti Seigneur ." What do you think about a judgment that relieves mankind of suffering? Through Jesus, Jehovah used an angel to tell John marvelous things about "the Lord's day. " 22 Mo dabe ti mo na ni? Jesus is alone with his 11 faithful apostles. 22 Do You Remember? Ye oko, na lege ti mbeni molongo ti atënë so Lo Ti Ngangu Ahon Kue ahunda na Job, Job ahinga kota ngangu nga na kota ndara so Nzapa ayeke na ni. A multitude of factors can make it difficult for us to exercise "freeness of speech " and speak the word of God with" boldness. " However, by means of a series of questions posed to the Almighty Job, Job knew great power and the depth of God's wisdom. Mû ngoi ti lango nzoni. Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion, is doomed to destruction. Take time to stay awake. Na pekoni, Zera, zo ti Éthiopie aga na aturugu 1 000 000 nga na achar 300 ti sara bira na azo ti Juda. Unlike money, the right knowledge and wisdom can help us in all circumstances, but especially in matters affecting our life. - Proverbs 4: 5 - 9. Later, the Ethiopian eunuch brought about 1,000 soldiers and 300 chariots to attack the inhabitants of Judah. Zia tele ti mo na place ti ala kete e bâ. It was a joy to get to know so many brothers and sisters as we traveled to different congregations. Put yourself in their place. Jéhovah ahiri deba nzoni mingi na ndo ngangu so mbi sala. Why was hope a real thing for those in Colossae? Jehovah richly blessed my efforts. Tongana ti so Bible atene, "siriri ti Nzapa " " ayeke bata lani bê ti mbi nga na bibe ti mbi. ' For a discussion of how to help children deal with the death of a loved one, see the article "Help Your Child Cope With Grief, " on pages 18 to 20 of this magazine. As the Bible says, "the peace of God " protected my heart and my mental powers. ' Jeff, so e sara tënë ti lo fade na nduzu, atene nzoni tënë so: "Na ngoi so amolenge ti e ayeke kono lani, mbeni kota kamarade ti e atene so fani mingi a lingbi lo ke na amolenge ti lo ti sara aye so ala ye. The chief of the guard entrusted Joseph with the care of those two formerly prominent men. " When our children grew up, " says a close friend, "a close friend often said that he had to give up his children to do what they wanted to do. Ti duti na nzoni songo na Wasalango ye asala si fini ti zo ti lâ oko oko aga nzoni ahon ti kozo. " Secret 3 Having a good relationship with the Creator has improved the quality of everyday life. " Tongaso, zia e ba aye na lege ti yingo na " e bungbi amosoro na yayu ' na ziango lakue kusala ti Jéhovah na kozo ndo na yâ fini ti e! - Matthieu 6: 19 - 21, 33. Every morning and every evening you must read a chapter of your Bible. " Let us therefore consider spiritual things and " store up treasures in heaven ' by regularly putting Jehovah's service first in our lives! - Matthew 6: 19 - 21, 33. Ngbanga so Nzapa ayeke ga na ni ande ti zi na azo na gbe ti pasi so, mo pensé ti mo nyen na ndo ni? Thereafter, "the spirit impelled him to go into the wilderness. " What do you think about the execution of God's judgment? Jésus angbâ gi lo oko na abazengele ti lo be - ta - zo 11. For more information, see chapter 7 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses Jesus remained alone with his 11 faithful apostles. Aye mingi alingbi ti sara si aduti ngangu na e ti "sara tënë na kamene pëpe " na ti tene tënë ti Nzapa" na mbeto pëpe .." In such a situation, he can act even sooner than human parents can because his "beaming eyes " have the ability to look deep inside us, to examine our inmost thoughts. Many things can make it difficult for us to "speak with freeness of speech " and to speak God's word" with boldness. " Kota Babylone, so ayeke abungbi ti vorongo nzapa ti wataka kue ti sese so, ayeke gue biani na futingo. The exciting accounts recorded in it give us insight into God's personality. Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion, is going to destroy. Nde na nginza, mbilimbili hingango ye nga na ndara alingbi ti mu maboko na e na yâ aye kue so asi, me mbilimbili na yâ ti atene so andu fini ti e. - aProverbe 4: 5 - 9. • Why is there a greater need for deliverance now than ever before? Unlike money, accurate knowledge and wisdom can help us in all situations, but especially in matters related to our lives. - Proverbs 4: 5 - 9. A mû lani ngia na mbi mingi ti hinga aita ti koli na ti wali mingi tongana mbi yeke gue na tambela na yâ akongregation nde nde. Jehovah inspired his prophet Isaiah to describe Babylon's fall that far in advance. It was a great joy to know many brothers and sisters as I walked through different congregations. Ngbanga ti nyen beku ayeke tâ ye teti ala so ayeke na Colosses? The reason given by one official was that our literature was "unsuited to the African mind. " Why is hope real to those in Colossae? Capitaine ti agarde ni amû na Joseph kua ti bango lege ti akota zo use so. Let us briefly review what happened after Jesus was installed as King in 1914 and see how some proved themselves ready while others did not. The chief guards assigned Joseph to care for them. Ota ye ni If we feel condemned for some reason, we do well to remember that "God is greater than our hearts and knows all things. " A third Lesson Ndapelele oko oko na bï oko oko, a lingbi mo diko mbeni chapitre oko na yâ ti Bible ti mo. " Suzanne's husband, Louis, was nervous about his wife's interest in Jehovah's Witnesses because the government of the Dominican Republic had by now banned our work. Each night, you must read one chapter in your Bible. " • ayeke kota ye mingi na yâ mariage? Regular participation in Christian meetings equips us to proclaim the good news of God's Kingdom. • How important is marriage? Na pekoni, "yingo apusu lo ti gue na yâ ti benyama. ." We rejoiced to learn that a new book entitled Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education will be published soon. Then "the spirit moved him into the field. " Ti hinga ambeni tënë na ndo ni, bâ chapitre 7 ti buku so ge, so aTémoin ti Jéhovah asigigi na ni Hence, we do not follow rigid protocol in regard to manners. For more information, see chapter 7 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses Na yâ ti mara ti ye tongaso, lo lingbi ti sara ye même hio ahon ti so ababâ na amama ayeke sara, ndali ti so "lê ti lo so aza zango " ayeke bâ ye so ayeke na yâ ti bê ti e na lo hinga aye so e yeke gbu li ti e na ndo ni. What an inestimable joy that will be! In such a situation, he can act even more quickly than the parents do, for "the bright eyes of his heart " see what is in our heart and understand what we are thinking about. Tongana mbage ti tënë ti Nzapa so ayeke na ngangu, buku ti aJuge ayeke na mbeni kota ngele na lê ti e. God can give us what we need to endure, and we have the hope of everlasting life. As part of God's powerful word, the book of Judges has something valuable to us. • Ngbanga ti nyen a hunda mingi laso ti zi azo? These occasions for worship, large and small, deserve our respect, and that should be reflected in our attitude and behavior. • Why is deliverance needed today? Yingo ti Jéhovah apusu prophète ti lo Esaïe ti fa tënë ti tingo ti Babylone ngu mingi kozoni. But an increasing number in the congregation spoke Kyrgyz as their mother tongue. Jehovah inspired his prophet Isaiah to foretell the fall of Babylon centuries earlier. Nda ti tënë so mbeni kota zo ni oko amû ayeke so ambeti ti e "alingbi pëpe na bibe ti azo ti Afrika. " Later, they carried placards with such slogans as "Religion is a snare and a racket " and" Serve God and Christ the King. " One scholar's answer was that our publications "did not fit the minds of African people. " Zia e kiri e bâ na nduru tënë ye so asi lani na pekoni so Jésus aga Gbia na ngu 1914 na e bâ tongana nyen ambeni zo aleke tere ti ala me ambeni asara ape. " He [the offspring of the woman] will crush your [Satan's] head, and you will strike him in the heel, " said Jehovah. Let us briefly review what happened after Jesus became King in 1914 and see how some people were prepared but not others. Tongana mbeni raison ayeke dä so apusu e ti fâ ngbanga na ndo ti e, a yeke nzoni e girisa pëpe so "Nzapa ayeke kota ahon bê ti e, na Lo hinga ye kue. " Regarding our Creator, Jehovah God, * it says: "He has made everything beautiful in its time. If we have a basis for judging us, we do well to remember that "God is greater than our hearts and knows all things. " Koli ti Suzanne, Louis, asala mbito mingi teti so wali ti lo asala nzara ti lege ti vorongo ti aTémoin ti Jéhovah, ngbanga ti so ngorogbia ti République Dominicaine agbanzi lege fadeso na kusala ti ala na yâ kodoro ni. Yes, Jehovah's works give evidence of his peerless wisdom, his unrivaled power, and his deep love for us. The husband's husband, Louis, was afraid of having a religious interest in Jehovah's Witnesses because the government of the Dominican Republic has now banned their work in the country. Ti gue lakue na bungbi ayeke leke e ti fa nzo tënë ti Royaume ti Nzapa. The first part of Ezekiel's message centers on the fall and destruction of Jerusalem. Our regular meeting attendance prepares us to preach the good news of God's Kingdom. E wara ngia ti mä so na yâ ngoi kete, fade a yeke sigigi na mbeni fini buku so iri ni ayeke Wara Nzoni na Lege ti Ekole ti Kusala ti Théocratie. He would be foolish to expect her to be perfect. We were happy to learn that there would soon be a new book entitled Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education. Ni la, e ye pëpe ti luti nganganga na ndo ti ambeni lege ti sarango ye so ane zo na ti tene na azo kue ti sara gi ni. He was referring to the command to love. Therefore, we do not want to remain firm in some aspect of good manners and to tell all to do so. So kota ngia mingi si e yeke duti ande na ni! Then the encouragement of the apostle Paul will really apply in our case: "Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus. " - Philippians 4: 6, 7. How happy we will be! Nzapa alingbi ti mû na e ye so a hunda na e ti wara ti luti na gbele pasi ni, nga e yeke na beku ti wara fini ti lakue lakue. THE Author of the Bible, Jehovah God, desires that the good news of his Kingdom be declared "to every nation and tribe and tongue and people. " God can give us what we need to endure, with the prospect of everlasting life in view. Ambeni kota ndo, tongana ada so yâ ni akono nga na astade so a loué ni ndali ti akota bungbi ti e, aga ando ti vorongo na ngoi so abungbi ti e so ayeke nzoni - kue ayeke tambela. He also resurrected young people, including a 12 - year - old girl. Some prominent places, such as buildings large and rented for our conventions, became places of worship when our meetings were held sacred. Me tongana ngoi ayeke hon, yanga ti kodro so azo mingi na yâ ti congrégation ayeke tene ayeke Kirghiz. Yes, through inheritance from sinful Adam, mankind became subject to the harsh mastery of " King Sin. ' - Rom. As time went by, however, the language spoken by many in the congregation was French. Na pekoni, ala tambela na a - pancarte so na ndo ni a sû atene tongana ti so: "Lege ti vorongo ayeke son na ye ti handa, " na" Sala na Nzapa nga na Christ, Gbia ni. " Name has been changed. Then they walked with these signs, such as these: "The religion is misleading, " and" serving God and Christ the King. " Jéhovah atene: "Fade lo [hale ti wali ni a] mboko li ti mo [Satan], na fade mo mboko ndagere ti lo. ." When we make Jehovah our stronghold, we "will reside in security and be undisturbed from dread of calamity. " Jehovah said: "He [the woman's offspring] will bruise you in the head [Satan], and you will bruise him in the heel. " Na ndo ti Jéhovah Nzapa, * lo so asara azo, Bible atene: "Nzapa asara si ye kue aga pendere na ngoi ti lo. As we allow Jehovah to mold us through our personal study and application of his Word, we gradually put on the new personality. Regarding the Creator, * Jehovah God, * the Bible says: "God has made all things beautiful in his time. Biani, akusala ti maboko ti Jéhovah afa polele so lo yeke na ngangu nga na ndara so mara ni ayeke pëpe, na so lo yeke na kota ndoye teti e. Having a regular share in the Christian ministry can also help us to be humble. Yes, Jehovah's mighty acts are evidence of his power and wisdom, which he has deep love for us. Kozo mbage ti mbeti ti Ezéchiel aluti na ndo tingo ti Jérusalem nga na futingo ni. And the man I married? He is from Edo State and speaks the Esan language! The first part of Ezekiel is based on the fall of Jerusalem and its destruction. A yeke na lege ti ndara pëpe ti tene lo ku na mbage ti maseka - wali so ti lingbi kue na yâ ti ye kue. Hope for the Dead - How Can You Be Sure? It would be unwise for him to expect this young woman to be perfect. Lo ye ti sara tënë ti commandement so a hunda na e ti ndoye tere. However, if we want to survive the destruction of this system, we must keep on the watch. He refers to the command to love each other. Tongaso, wango ti bazengele Paul ayeke lingbi ande biani na e: "I gi bê ti i na ye oko pepe; me na yâ ye kue i fa na Nzapa ye so i ye, na lege ti sambela na ti hunda mingi na tene ti singila. Na fade siriri ti Nzapa so ahon bibe kue abata bê ti i na abata bibe ti i na yâ Christ Jésus. " - aPhilippien 4: 6, 7. How did the prophetess Anna provide a fine example for all Christians? Thus, the apostle Paul's counsel will truly apply: "Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus. " - Philippians 4: 6, 7. JÉHOVAH NZAPA, so lo yeke Mveni ti Bible, aye si a fa nzo tënë ti Royaume ti lo "na amara kue, akete mara kue, azo ti yanga nde nde kue, na azo nde nde kue .." Eric: I like the photos. JEHOVAH GOD, the Author of the Bible, wants the good news of his Kingdom to be preached "in all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues. " Lo zingo même ambeni molenge, so mbeni oko ayeke mbeni molenge - wali ti ngu 12. If possible, why not arrange to eat together as a family at least once a day? He even resurrected some 12 - year - old children. Teti so Adam asara lani siokpari, a dü azo kue ngbâa ti siokpari so ayeke tongana mbeni sioni gbia so ayeke komande na ndo ti ala. - aRom. In any case, Daniel's course must not have been open to criticism, for if it had been, jealous Babylonian officials would undoubtedly have used it to bring accusations against him. Because Adam sinned, all mankind was born as a wicked ruler. - Rom. A gbian iri ni. Knows Heart, 12 / 1 Name has been changed. Tongana e mû Jéhovah tongana gbada ti bira ti e, " fade e duti na siriri, na bê ti e aduti nzoni, na mbeto ti sioye asara e pëpe. '. Like you, they lived in momentous times. If we use Jehovah as our stronghold, " we will reside in security and be undisturbed from dread of calamity. ' Na mandango ye e mveni nga na sarango ye alingbi na Tënë ti lo, e yeke mû lege na Jéhovah ti leke e wala ti son e si yeke yeke e yü zo - ti - fini. " Bad associations spoil useful habits. " - 1 Cor. 15: 33. By studying ourselves and applying his Word, we allow Jehovah to mold us or stumble us in putting on the new personality. Tâ be - ti - molenge alingbi ti sala si e fa tënë nzoni na azo so e hinga ala pëpe na so e wara ala na ngoi ti fango tënë da na da wala na mbeni ndo nde. Challenges They Face Humility can cause us to be effective in the house - to - house ministry or elsewhere. Mbeni ye ni ayeke so koli so mbi na lo e mû tere ayeke tâ gi mbeni zo ti Edo so ayeke tene yanga ti Esan nga! Some contributed funds, others their labor. For one thing, the man with whom I married was just one who spoke our language! Zingongo ti akuâ: Nyen la afa biani so a yeke duti ande dä? How did Aquila and Priscilla cooperate (a) at home, (b) in their secular work, and (c) in the Christian ministry? The Resurrection - What Does It Really Teach? Me, tongana e ye ti sö kuâ na ngoi ti futingo ti dunia so, a lingbi e lango pëpe. We proclaim him as the enthroned heavenly King of the Messianic Kingdom. However, if we want to survive the end of this system of things, we need to keep on the watch. Tongana nyen prophète - wali Anne azia pendere tapande teti aChrétien kue? For that reason, these thrilling words have been selected as the yeartext of Jehovah's Witnesses for 2006. How did the prophetess Anna set a fine example for all Christians? Eric: Afoto ni ayeke pendere - ein! More is involved in restraining the tongue than watching what we say. Eric: All the images are beautiful! Tongana lege ayeke dä, ngbanga ti nyen pëpe ti leke ti tene sewa ni kue ate ye place oko kamême fani oko na yâ lango oko? Hence, Herod expanded the temple area by adding on what in modern times has been called the Court of the Gentiles. If possible, why not arrange for the entire family to eat at least once a day? Atä ye so asi, a lingbi la ni pepe ti kasa salango ye ti Daniel, teti tongana fade a yeke tongaso, kite ayeke pepe so akota zo ti Babylone so ayeke na kota bê ayeke sala kusala na ni ti bi tene na li ti lo. How can we prevent negative aspects of life from crushing our spirit? Despite this, Daniel's actions could not have been criticized, for if so, the greedy Babylonian leaders would surely have been using them to accuse him. Legeoko tongana ti e, amaseka so ayeke lani na yâ ti angoi so a lingbi ala mû akota desizion. They named the altar Witness, likely because it served as a witness that to them Jehovah was the true God. - Joshua 22: 34, footnote. Like us, these young ones were living during difficult times when making important decisions. Nga, 1 aCorinthien 15: 33 atene: "Ti sara songo na asioni zo ayeke buba anzoni sarango ye ti zo. " They are a particular target of those who teach the false doctrine of evolution. " Bad associations spoil useful habits, " states 1 Corinthians 15: 33. Akpale so ala wara Meditating on God's Word helps me to understand Jehovah's justice and his other qualities better and has been a source of incredible strength. " Faced With Problems Ambeni amû nginza, na ambeni amû ngangu ti ala ti sala kua ni. BIBLE STUDIES Some give money, and others use their energy to accomplish it. Tongana nyen Aquila na Priscille asara kua maboko na maboko (a) na ndo ti ala, (b) na yâ ti kusala ti ala ti mitele (c) na fango tënë? Having no marriage mate to confide in, single Christians often learn to lean more heavily on Jehovah. How did Aquila and Priscilla cooperate (a) with them, (b) in their secular work (c) in the ministry? E yeke fa so Jésus ayeke komande fadeso tongana Gbia ti Royaume so Nzapa asoro lo na yayu. The enduring love of one's parents certainly contributes to proper development and balance. We show that Jesus is now ruling as King of God's heavenly Kingdom. Ndani la, a soro akpengba tënë so tongana versê ti ngu 2006 ti kusala ti aTémoin ti Jéhovah. Once I learned the truth, however, and stopped watching such films, my relationship with Jehovah made it possible for me to go to bed without fear, happy to serve a God more powerful than demons or imagined vampires. " That is why these vital words are chosen as the yeartext for 2006. Batango yanga andu gi pëpe sarango hange na tënë so ayeke sigigi na yanga ti e. Do not give up hope. Keeping a word involves more than being careful about what comes out of our mouth. Tongaso, Hérode akono yâ ti temple ni na lekengo fini mbage ni so a hiri ni laso Sedu ti aGentil. Ben points out that when missionaries from different backgrounds live together, minor differences of opinion are inevitable, but the spiritual provision of the family study helps them maintain a peaceful, united atmosphere. Herod thus expanded the temple by preparing this new feature, now called the Court of the nations. Tongana nyen e lingbi ti kanga lege na asioni ye ti gigi so asi na e ti woko yingo ti e pëpe? Why is it important for us to consider why we should follow "the Christ "? How can we prevent the pressures of life from weakening our spirit? Ala zia iri ti balaga ni Témoin, peut - être ngbanga ti so na lê ti ala a yeke tongana mbeni témoin ti fa so Jéhovah ayeke tâ Nzapa. - Josué 22: 34. He foretold each of the Ten Plagues that befell Egypt. They named the altar, perhaps because it was like a witness to them that Jehovah is the true God. - Joshua 22: 34. Azo so ayeke fa tënë ti évolution ayeke sara ngangu ti ga na amolenge ti ala ti mä na bê so Wasarango ye ayeke dä ape. With senseless violence so prevalent, do you think that Jehovah will take less notice today than he did in Noah's day? Will he fail to act? Those who teach evolution endeavor to convince their children that there is no Creator. Gbungo li na ndo Tene ti Nzapa amu maboko na mbi ti gbu nda ti mbilimbili nga na ambeni lengo nde ti Jéhovah nzoni ahon, na a duti lingu ti mbeni kota ngangu. " Demetrius, who attended this school in the 1980 ' s, says: "This course improved my study habits and helped prepare me for a long Bethel career. Meditating on God's Word helped me to understand the righteousness and other qualities of Jehovah better and to be a source of power. " A - ÉTUDE Word spread. BIBLE STUDIES So ala yeke pëpe na koli wala wali ti zi bê ti ala na lo, mingi ni aChrétien so ayeke kumbamba amanda ti zia bê ti ala mingi na ndo ti Jéhovah. Mary was the mother of the Son of God, not of God himself. Having no mate to open their hearts to him, single Christians often learn to rely on Jehovah. Ndoye so babâ na mama ayeke na ni lakue na mbage ti molenge ti ala asala biani ye mingi na ndo nzoni maïngo nga na salango ye ti lo na lege ni. They never felt that they were left on their own. Parents ' loyal love for their child certainly had a profound effect on his success and his honesty. Ye oko, na ngoi so mbi hinga tâ tënë awe nga mbi zia lege ti bango alimon so, songo ti mbi na Jéhovah asara si mbeto ayeke sara mbi mbeni pëpe tongana mbi gue ti lango. Mbi yeke na ngia ti sara na mbeni Nzapa so ayeke ngangu ahon ayingo sioni nga na atoro so azo abâ atene ala yeke dä. " At the Kingdom Hall, I have to be lifted out of the car and into a wheelchair and then pushed inside. However, when I learned the truth and quit watching it, my relationship with Jehovah no longer made me afraid when I went to sleep, I was happy to serve a God who is stronger than wicked spirits and who believed to be in them. " Duti lakue na beku. However, when the disciples surrounded him, he rose up and entered into the city. Never give up hope. Ben afa so tongana amissionnaire alondo na ando nde nde na alango na ndo oko, akete tene ayeke manke pepe, me aye ti yingo so a mu na lege ti mandango ye na sewa amu maboko na ala ti duti na siriri nga na beoko na popo ti ala. My letter was an invitation to attend a special ten - month class of Gilead. Ben explains that when missionaries come from different backgrounds and living together, there is no lack of spiritual food that is provided through family study, they are helped to enjoy peace and unity. Ngbanga ti nyen a yeke kota ye ti gi ti hinga ndani so a yeke nzoni e mû peko ti "Christ "? What Is Your View of Death? Why is it important to consider why we should follow "the Christ "? Lo fa oko na oko kozoni awe tënë ti aye ti ngangu bale - oko so asi na azo ti Égypte. Let us first discuss, though, what reasons we have for being loyal to Christ. He foretold one of the Ten Plagues of the Egyptians. Na bango aye ti ngangu so azo ayeke sara na amba ti ala laso, mo pensé so Jéhovah akanga lê na ndo ni na lo yeke sara ye pëpe, atâa so lo sara ye lani na ngoi ti Noé? Imperfect humans lack the necessary wisdom and foresight to manage all their own affairs successfully. In view of human violence today, do you think that Jehovah did not tolerate it or act, even though he lived in Noah's day? Demetrius, so asara ekole so na yâ ti angu so aga na peko ti ngu 1980, atene: "Ekole so asara si mbi maï akode ti mandango ye ti mbi nga aleke mbi ti sara kua na Béthel teti angu mingi. So their hearts motivated them to make a decision - either smoke in front of the missionary or stop altogether. " This school has contributed to my training skills and has prepared me for years after the 1980 ' s. Tënë ni amû ndo. Maintaining Our Position as "Temporary Residents, " 12 / 15 It spread. Marie ayeke giriri mama ti Molenge ti Nzapa, me ti Nzapa lo mveni pëpe. In the time of the Judges, Jehovah's spirit empowered certain men to deliver Israel from its enemies. Mary was the mother of God's Son, not God himself. 8, 9. (a) Ngbanga ti nyen a lingbi e kue e ga na Jésus? What is the conscience? 8, 9. (a) Why should all of us come to Jesus? Lâ oko ala bâ pëpe so a zia ala gi tongaso. In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus urged his listeners: "Never be anxious and say, " What are we to eat? ' They never felt abandoned. Na Da ti Royaume, a lingbi a sigigi na mbi na yâ ti oto ni, a kiri a zia mbi na yâ ti ngende ni na a gue na mbi na yâ ti da ni. Despite his unique privileges, though, for a time Asaph found himself attracted to the godless conduct of his peers, who seemed to break God's laws with impunity. At the Kingdom Hall, I had to get out of the car again, and I was taken back into the wheelchair. Me tongana adisciple aga angoro lo, lo londo lo lï na yâ ti gbata ni. To help us comprehend the issue involved, let's read together Romans 6: 23. But when the disciples surrounded him, he got up and entered the city. Na yâ ti lettre ti mbi, a hunda na mbi ti gue na mbeni klase ti Galaad so ayeke ti lo nde so ayeke ninga nze bale - oko. How do we respond to God's command that we preach the good news? In my letter, I was asked to attend another ten - month - old Gilead School. Ti mo, kuâ ayeke nyen? We may imagine people cowering in the woods and hills, afraid to farm or to live in unwalled villages and terrified to travel on the open roads lest they be attacked, their children taken, and their women raped. What do you think death is like? Me zia e bâ kozoni anda ti tënë so e yeke na ni ti duti be - ta - zo na Christ. God understands feelings of loneliness, for prior to creating the first woman, he said: "The man's being alone is not good; I will make him a helper to match him. " But let us first consider reasons why we should be loyal to Christ. Azo ayeke na ndara kue ape ti sara si aye ti ala kue atambela nzoni. As words flow from Paul's mouth, an extraordinary thing happens. Humans do not have all the wisdom to make everything worthwhile. Tongaso, ala bâ so a yeke na ala ti soro ye oko ti sara: Ti nyon manga na lê ti missionnaire ni wala ti zia lege ti nyongo manga ni. And again and again they would put God to the test, and they pained even the Holy One of Israel. " Hence, they felt that it was up to them to decide one thing - to smoke in the eyes of the missionary or to quit smoking. Na ngoi ti aJuge, yingo ti Jéhovah amû ngangu na ambeni koli ti zi azo ti Israël na tïtî awato ti ala. And when he forgives, he forgets - that is, he will not rehash our sins in order to accuse or punish us ever again. In the days of Judges, Jehovah's spirit empowered men to deliver the Israelites from their enemies. Yingo - ti - hinga ayeke nyen? It promoted such virtues as kindness, honesty, morality, and neighborliness. What is the conscience? Na yâ tënë ti lo so lo fa na li ti hoto, Jésus awa azo so ayeke mä lo, lo tene: "I gi bê ti i pëpe, na i tene pëpe, Fade e te nyen? From what source was Paul quoting when he wrote the words recorded at Hebrews 10: 38? In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus warned his listeners: "Never be anxious and say, " What are we to eat? ' Ye oko, atâa akpengba matabisi so lo yeke na ni, teti mbeni ngoi, Asaph asala nzara ti salango ye ti azo ti tele ti lo so ague nde na ndia ti Nzapa, teti na bango ndo ti zo, ala yeke doro andia ti Nzapa me a yeke sala ye oko pëpe na ala. The man said that after receiving invitations from ten different publishers on the streets of the city, he just had to go! Despite his precious privileges, however, Asaph became interested in his ungodly people, for they were breaking God's standards but not being treated in any way. Ti mä yâ ti aye ni, zia e diko aRomain 6: 23. • Why is it important to display kindness in one's family? To understand the facts, let us read Romans 6: 23. Ala yeke sara nga mbeto ti sara voyage na akota lege si asioni zo asara sioni na ala ape, agbu amolenge ti ala nga alango na awali ti ala na ngangu. They make up the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. They also fear that they will walk in great ways so that wicked people do not harm them, force their children, and live with their wives. Lo hinga atënë ti bê ti mbeni zo so ayeke gi lo oko, ndali ti so kozo si lo leke kozo wali, lo tene: "A yeke nzoni ti tene koli angbâ gi lo oko pëpe. Mbi yeke sara ande mbeni zo ti mungo maboko na lo. ." This was one of the few events that was recorded by all four Gospel writers. - Matthew 3: 16, 17; Mark 1: 9 - 11; Luke 3: 21, 22; John 1: 32 - 34. He was aware of the feelings of loneliness, for before he created the first woman, he said: "It is not good for a man to remain alone; I will make a helper for him. " Na ngoi so atënë ayeke sua na yanga ti Paul, mbeni ye ti dongo bê asi. The householder lamented: "I don't know what I have done that God allowed this to happen to me. " As Paul's mouth flows through Paul's mouth, something remarkable happened. Biani, ala kiri ala handa Nzapa, na ala mû vundu na Lo Ti Nzoni - kue ti Israël. ." " At that time the righteous ones will shine as brightly as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. " - MATT. In fact, they again deceived God, and they pained the Holy One of Israel. " Nga tongana lo pardone, lo girisa na ndo ni, so ti tene, lo yeke kiri na ndo ti asiokpari ti e pëpe ti fâ ngbanga na ndo ti e, lâ oko pëpe. The pressures of life and our own imperfections could cause us to lose our spiritual focus and put us in danger of taking a false step without our even being aware of it. And if he forgives, he has lost sight of it, that is, he will not return to our sins to execute judgment upon us. A pusu lani azo ti fa na gigi anzoni lengo tongana nzobe, bê ti mbilimbili, nzoni salango ye, na nzoni songo na azo so ayeke ndulu na ala. In the way of qualities, abilities, and privileges, what do any of us have that we "did not receive " from Jehovah? It moved people to display such good qualities as kindness, righteousness, goodness, and good relations with neighbor. Paul ayeke fa peko ti mbeti wa tongana lo sû atene so a wara na aHébreu 10: 38? In the first century, a Christian prophet named Agabus indicated that "a great famine was about to come upon the entire inhabited earth; which, for that matter, did take place in the time of Claudius. " What letter is indicated by Paul's writing recorded at Hebrews 10: 38? Koli ni atene so na pekoni so aita bale - oko so atingbi na lo na lege atisa lo ti gue na kota bungbi so, lo bâ so a lingbi lo gue dä. Because of their faith, Jehovah blessed Abraham and Sarah with a son in their old age The man explained that after the ten brothers met him on the way, he felt compelled to attend that convention. (b) Tongana nyen e lingbi ti fa na gigi nzobe na yâ alege kue so e yeke fa na tënë? May we be determined to take advantage of every gift from Jehovah, including this translation that honors his name. (b) How can we show kindness in all aspects of our ministry? Ala bungbi oko ti ga Bebungbi ti aTémoin ti Jéhovah. The psalmist found that a good time to meditate was while he was awake in bed during the night. They make up the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. So ayeke oko ti aye so a sû na yâ ti a - Évangile osio kue. - Matthieu 3: 16, 17; Marc 1: 9 - 11; Luc 3: 21, 22; Jean 1: 32 - 34. Then in 1905, Albert Einstein explained that light acts like packets, or particles, of energy. This is one of the four Gospels. - Matthew 3: 16, 17; Mark 1: 9 - 11; Luke 3: 21, 22; John 1: 32 - 34. Wali so adema tere lo tene: "Mbi hinga ye so mbi sara na Nzapa pëpe si lo zia lege si mara ti ye tongaso asi na mbi. " Soon we were holding the book study and the weekly Watchtower Study in our hotel room, with about 15 attending. She lamented: "I don't know what I have done to God so that he may allow such a thing to happen to me. " " Na lâ ni so, fade azo ti mbilimbili ayeke su tongana lâ na yâ ti royaume ti Babâ ti ala. " - MAT. It is unlikely that we would continue being angry with someone for whom we are praying. " At that time the righteous ones will shine as brightly as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. " - MATT. Akpale ti gigi nga na awokongo ti e wani alingbi ti sara si e bâ ndo nzoni mbeni pëpe na lege ti yingo nga ti pusu e ti mû mbeni sioni lege sân ti tene e hinga ni. We who are living at the time of the end of this wicked system of things also long to see our Leader and King come in Kingdom power to sanctify his Father's name and vindicate His sovereignty. Life's problems and personal weaknesses can rob us of spiritual vision and move us to follow a wrong path without realizing it. Atâa a yeke asarango ye, akode so e yeke na ni wala ambeni kusala so e yeke na ni na yâ ti bungbi, nyen la e yeke na ni so Jéhovah " amû na e mungo pëpe '?. In time, though, he made progress. Regardless of the qualities, abilities, or privileges we have in the organization, what do we have that Jehovah "has not given us "? Na ngoi ti akozo Chrétien, mbeni prophète so iri ti lo ayeke Agabus afa so "mbeni kota nzara ayeke nduru ti tï na ndo ti sese kue so azo ayeke dä. Kota nzara so atï biani na ngoi ti Claude. " We can approach Jehovah in prayer at any time. In the first century C.E., a prophet named J. Ndali ti mabe ti ala, Jéhovah adeba nzoni Abraham na Sara na mungo na ala mbeni molenge - koli na yâ ti mbakoro ti ala King David was confident of God's support, but Solomon was "young and inexperienced. " Because of their faith, Jehovah blessed Abraham and Sarah with a son in their old age Zia e leke na bê ti e ti sara kua na matabisi kue so Jéhovah amû na e so na popo ni e yeke wara nga Bible so ane iri ti lo. The Most Valuable Legacy There Is Let us be determined to use whatever gift Jehovah has given us, including the Bible that honors his name. Mbeni zo ti sungo psaume abâ lani so nzoni ngoi so lo lingbi ti gbu li ti lo ayeke na bï na ngoi so lo yeke na ndo ti gbogbo. As Jehovah's Witnesses, we yearn to share in exposing Satan's slanders and in sanctifying God's name before mankind. The psalmist realized that the best time to meditate was when he was lying on a bed. Na pekoni, na ngu 1905, Albert Einstein afa so lumière ayeke sala ye tongana gbâ ti ngangu, wala particule (fuku ti ngangu). While the first part of the book of Daniel is presented chronologically in the third person, the last part is written in the first person. Then, in time, Albert Schroeder pointed out that light would act like a vast amount of power, or shadow. Kete na pekoni, yenga oko oko e komanse ti sara bungbi ti mandango buku nga e manda Tour ti Ba Ndo na yâ ti chambre ti e na hôtel ni na azo 15 tongaso aga dä. When others at times do things that seem hypocritical, we must be careful not to label them hastily as hypocrites. Shortly thereafter, we began our study sessions and studied The Watchtower in our hotel with about 15 persons present. Jésus afa polele so a yeke nzoni e ngbâ ti sara ngonzo na tere ti azo pëpe, même tongana ala sara ye ti sioni na e. He should also quickly grasp the point that his dead loved ones can no longer hear, see, speak, feel, or think. Jesus made it clear that we should not continue to be angry with others, even if they have done bad to us. E so e yeke na ngoi ti nda ni ti bungbi ti aye ti sioni ti Satan, e nga kue e yeke ku kungo ti bâ gango ti Mokonzi ti e na Gbia ti e na yâ ti ngangu ti komande ti lo ti sara si iri ti Babâ ti lo aga nzoni - kue nga ti fa so Jéhovah la ayeke na droit ti komande dunia kue. (b) Explain why Jehovah is ultimately the Source of all power. As we at the end of Satan's wicked system of things, we too look forward to seeing our Leader and King in his authority to sanctify his Father's name and vindicate Jehovah's sovereignty. Me asi na mbeni ngoi, lo gue na li ni. But how much better if we avoid the situation in the first place! In time, though, he made progress. E lingbi ti sambela Jéhovah na ngoi kue. Following the pattern of Micah's time, though, Jehovah will have faithful servants remaining on earth. We can pray to Jehovah on every occasion. Gbia David ahinga lani na bê ti lo kue so Nzapa ayeke mû maboko na Salomon, me Salomon "ade maseka nga ade lo hinga ndo mingi pëpe. " Miletus King David was confident that God would support Solomon, but Solomon "was still young and inexperienced. " Lo ti Nduzu Ahon Kue ayeke mä mbi, ye so asara si mbi bâ tere mbi tongana mbumbuse zo pëpe nga mbi yeke na ngia. " " Listen, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah. " - DEUT. The Most High listens to me, making me feel inferior and happy. " Ye ti héritier so ayeke na ngele mingi Jehovah's Day of Judgment Is Near! A Precious Inheritance Ni la, e so e yeke aTémoin ti Jéhovah, e ye mingi ti mû mbage na fango nda ti amvene ti Satan na gigi nga ti sala si iri ti Nzapa aga nzoni - kue na gbele azo. Any possession or attribute considered of value in a community - be it intelligence, beauty, wealth, clothes - may be the basis for comparison. As Jehovah's Witnesses, therefore, we are eager to uphold Satan's lies and sanctify God's name before mankind. A sû akozo chapitre ti mbeti ti Daniel na lege ti molongo ti aye so asi, na mbeni lege so mo bâ mo tene mbeni zo nde la ayeke sara tënë. And the One seated had the appearance of a jasper stone and a sardius stone, and all around the throne was a rainbow like an emerald in appearance. " - Revelation 4: 2, 3. The first chapters of the book of Daniel are written in a series of events, as if someone were talking. Tongana ngoi na ngoi ambeni zo asala aye so akpa ndendia, a lingbi e sala hange ti ba ala hio pepe tongana awandendia. * Hence, Adam understood that death was not inevitable. When some at times seem to be hypocritical, we must be careful not to view them as hypocrites. Lo yeke hinga nga hio so afami ti lo so akui awe alingbi mbeni pëpe ti mä ndo, ti bâ ndo, ti sara tënë, ti gbu li wala ti fa so ye anzere na ala wala a so ala. If we prayerfully rely on Jehovah, he will help us to take such a courageous stand. He will also be quick to recognize that his dead loved ones can no longer hear, see, speak, think, or express approval. (b) Fa ngbanga ti nyen biani Jéhovah ayeke kota Lingu ti ngangu kue. How can spiritual goals help us to prepare for life in God's promised new world? (b) Explain why Jehovah is the ultimate Source of all power. Tâ tënë, e lingbi ti kanga nzara ti bê ti e na sarango ye hio tongana e tï na ndo ti mbeni sioni limon. What confusing teachings have led people to believe that God is responsible for suffering, and how can we help them? Of course, we can exercise self - control quickly if we fall into a violent movie. Ye oko, tongana ti so a si lani na ngoi ti Michée, fade a yeke wara awakua be - ta - zo ti Jéhovah so angbâ na ndo sese. Those scientists testified: "A careful review of these threats leads us to conclude that the risk of civilization - threatening technological catastrophe remains high. " As in Micah's day, however, faithful servants of Jehovah will be found on earth. Milet Information marches brought the Kingdom message to the attention of many 5 / 15 L'Éternel Nzapa ti e ayeke L'Éternel oko! " - DEUT. Operating with the precision of a well - made watch, the printery's high - speed, state - of - the - art machinery is a marvel of modern technology. Jehovah our God is one Jehovah. " - PS. Guengo na Li ni ti Si na Ndangba Hongo na Ngangu! For example, the Bible says: "Gray - headedness is a crown of beauty when it is found in the way of righteousness. " Moving Ahead to the End! Na yâ ti aye kue so zo ayeke na ni wala mbeni kode so azo abâ ni na nene ni na yâ ti kodoro: Aye tongana hingango ndo, pendere ti tele, mosoro na abongo alingbi ti ga aye ti hakango tele na popo ti azo. Hence, it may have been impossible for Joseph to avoid Potiphar's wife. - Genesis 39: 10. In everything - including knowledge, beauty, wealth, and clothing - can be compared to comparisons. Lo so aduti na ndo ti trône ni, tere ti lo akpa tênë so a iri ni jaspe nga mbeni tênë ti nginza mingi so ayeke bengba bengba; na mbeni kongö angoro tere ti trône ni si na bango ni kongö ni akpa mbeni tênë so a iri ni émeraude. " - Apocalypse 4: 2, 3. Such a vessel would have had a capacity similar to that of various present - day cargo vessels. The one seated on the throne appeared to be a stone and a red - colored stone, and a white stone surrounded by a white horse, so that it may appear to be a stone called a stone. " - Revelation 4: 2, 3. *. Adam ahinga lani so lo lingbi ti kpe kuâ. [ 2] (paragraph 3) See the box "Reasons to Attend Meetings. " * Adam knew that he could escape death. Tongana e sambela Jéhovah ti fa lege na e nga e zia bê ti e na lo, lo yeke mû maboko na e ti wara ngangu so e yeke na bezoin ni. " But God's Word and his spirit helped us to make good decisions. If we pray to Jehovah for guidance and rely on him, he will help us to obtain the strength we need. Tongana nyen la tongana e zia na gbele e aye ti yingo alingbi ti mû maboko na e tileke tere ti e ti duti na yâ ti fini dunia? For what reasons should a servant of Jehovah praise and thank him? How can setting spiritual goals help us to prepare for life in the new world? Afango ye ti kirikiri wa apusu azo ti bâ so Nzapa ayeke na gunda ti apasi? Tongana nyen e lingbi ti mû maboko na ala? 11: 44; 1 Tim. What unrighteous teachings convince people that God is responsible for suffering, and how can we help them? Awandara so afa atene: "Gbungo li na ndo ti aye ni so apusu e ti tene so, mbeni lâ aye so azo asigigi na ni na lege ti senda - ye alingbi ti kiri ti sara sioni na ala. " Why do true Christians need to resist any temptation to do so? " The thought of these things can cause us to conclude that one day man's scientific system can harm them again, " says researchers. Kusala ti tambelango na a - pancarte ti fa tene na ni agboto lê ti azo mingi na ndo tokua ti Royaume This startling development was posted on the official Web site of Jehovah's Witnesses along with photos of Witnesses affected by the decision, including young children. The preaching work has attracted many to the Kingdom message Bible atene: "Lo sara tongaso. ." Armageddon, 2 / 1 Believe You Lived Before? The Bible says: "He did just so. " Legeoko tongana mbeni ngangu montre so ayeke tambela nzoni, akota masini ti petengo mbeti so ayeke tâ mbeni kpengba ye ti senda - kode na ngoi so e yeke dä. The results may surprise you. Like a well - moving machine, this type of printing press is an important art when we are present. Na tapande, Bible atene: "Kuali so avuru ayeke couronne ti gloire, zo awara so na lege ti mbilimbili. ." (The New Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible) If we have courage, we are strong, valiant, even bold at times. - Mark 6: 49, 50; 2 Tim. For example, the Bible says: "The white hair is a crown of beauty when it is found in the way of righteousness. " Tongaso, peut - être lege akanga la ni kue na Joseph ti hon nde na wali ti Potiphar. - Genèse 39: 10. Similarly, decisions about what to do when temptations arise are best made with a cool head in the peace of untroubled moments. So it may have been possible to prevent Joseph from leaving Potiphar's wife. - Genesis 39: 10. Konongo ti mangboko tongaso ayeke oko na ti ambeni kota mangboko ti yongo kungba ti ngoi ti e. In the heart of a Canadian winter, we boarded an overnight train with a number of experienced traveling overseers who were returning to their assignments. Such a ship is similar to some of our modern - day boat. [ 2] (paragraphe 3) Bâ encadré "Ndani so e yeke gue na abungbi. " Is it possible that his mother, Abijah - about whom little is known - exerted a positive influence on her son? [ 2] (paragraph 3) See the box "Why We Go to Christian Meetings. " " Me Tënë ti Nzapa nga na yingo vulu ti lo a - aidé e ti mû anzoni desizion. [ Pictures] " But God's Word and his holy spirit help us to make wise decisions. Ndali ti aye wa si a lingbi mbeni wakua ti Jéhovah agonda lo na akiri singila na lo? If you are single, can you use your freedom to expand your share in teaching others the truth? For what reasons should a servant of Jehovah honor and thank him? 11: 44; 1 Tim. But if the interests that we share with some Christians separate us from others, we need to "widen out. " 11: 44; 1 Tim. Na ndo ti site ti aTémoin ti Jéhovah a yeke wara tondo ti aye so asi so nga na afoto ti aTémoin ti Taganrog so na popo ti ala a yeke wara nga akete molenge. HIDDEN in a crevice and wrapped in a reed mat, that collection, found in March 1961, consisted of over 400 objects, most of which were made of copper. The Web site of Jehovah's Witnesses contains accounts of these and the pictures of Jehovah's Witnesses, including young children. Manda ye na lege ti " kozo tâ tënë, ' 15 / 1 I bombarded him with questions. " God's Word Is Love, " 12 / 15 Ye ti pekoni alingbi ti dö bê ti mo. In practicing godly devotion, we should display the qualities of the One who made us. As a result, you may be surprised. Tongana e sara ye na mbeto pëpe, e yeke kpengba tere ti e, e yeke yapu na même e yeke gbu ngangu na ambeni ngoi. - Marc 6: 49, 50; 2 Tim. We cannot be hating any of our fellow believers and yet enjoy God's approval. - 1 John 3: 11 - 15; 4: 20. When we show courage, we build up, strengthen, and even endure at times. - Mark 6: 49, 50; 2 Tim. Legeoko nga, tongana e ye ti mu adesizion na ndo ye so e yeke sala tongana atara asi, a yeke nzoni e sala ni na ngoi so li ti e ayeke kpö na mbeni ndo so wuluwulu ayeke dä pepe. No. Similarly, if we are to make decisions about what we do when trials arise, we should do so when we are in a quiet state. Na mbeni ngoi so dê ayeke mingi na Canada, e mû train so ayeke voyagé na bï. Ambeni surveillant so ayeke gue na ando nde nde so aninga na yâ ti kua ni na so akiri lani ti sara kua ti ala ayeke nga lani na yâ ti train ni. Here our son, Philip, was born on March 30, 1965. During one winter night in Canada, we traveled by train on the night, and a number of experienced traveling overseers who returned to work there were also on the train. E hinga ye mingi pëpe na ndo ti Abi, mama ti Ézéchias. Wala nzoni tapande ti mama ti lo asara ye mingi na ndo ti lo? As we look into the Word of God, we can compare what we are with what Jehovah expects us to be. Do we not know much about Hezekiah's mother, Hezekiah, or do we know much about her mother's good example? [ Afoto] When did true Christians come into Babylonian captivity? [ Pictures] Tongana mo yeke kumbamba, mo lingbi ti mû liberté so mo yeke na ni ti fa tâ tënë na azo mingi ahon ti kozo? Most were depictions of a nude female with exaggerated breasts. If you are single, can you use your freedom to share the truth with more people? Me tongana ye so agbu bê ti e na so abungbi e na ambeni ita akangbi e na tanga ti aita ni, e yeke na bezoin ti "maï ndoye so ayeke na bê ti e. " It is the parents ' responsibility to provide discipline But if we are interested and shared with others, we need to "widen out " in our hearts. A YEKE na nze ti Mars ti ngu 1961 la si a wara na aye ni so. A rule ni na yâ ti mbeni ye tongana kondja. Wungo ti aye ni kue ahon 400, na mingi ti ala a sara ni na gengere, wala cuivre. On the other hand, Jesus was neither dissatisfied with his own position in heaven nor inclined to misuse his authority. IT IS estimated that in 1961, more than 400 of them were made of copper, or copper, and most of them were made of copper. Akiringo tënë ti lo ni agbu ngu nga aluti na ndo ti Bible. Sustained Upon a Sickbed His answers were years old and Bible - based. E so e yeke aChrétien e ye ti mû peko ti asarango ye ti tere ti Wasarango e. Purpose: To train traveling overseers, elders, and, at times, ministerial servants to care for their oversight and organizational responsibilities. As Christians, we want to imitate our Creator's qualities. E lingbi pëpe ti ke afon e na yâ vorongo na, atâa so kue, ti wara yengo dä ti Nzapa. - 1 Jean 3: 11 - 15; 4: 20. What Paul believed as a Christian was not in conflict with the beliefs of the Pharisees on such matters as the resurrection, angels, and some points of the Law. We cannot resist fellow believers and, though, to gain God's favor. - 1 John 3: 11 - 15; 4: 20. Oko pëpe. That willful act of disobedience resulted in sin, death, and alienation from God for them and their future offspring. No. A yeke ge si e dü kozo molenge ti e Philip na lango 30 ti mars ngu 1965. What could you do to help them reach out for such goals? Here our first son, Philip, was born on March 30, 2006. Tongana e bi lê ti e na yâ Tene ti Nzapa, e lingbi ti haka ye so e yeke na ye so Jéhovah aku ti tene e duti ni. Do You Remember? If we look into God's Word, we can compare what we have with what Jehovah expects of us. Lawa la Babylone amû atâ Chrétien lani na ngbâa? Revelation 14: 1 - 4 foretold that 144,000 persons were to be "bought from among mankind " and resurrected to heavenly life. When did Babylon lead true Christians into slavery? Mingi ti ayanda so ayeke awali so tere ti ala ayeke senge, na me ti ala akono mingi mingi. Joseph gladly accepted this responsibility. Many of these were mere idols, but they were numerous. A yeke kungba ti ababâ na mama ti mû wango tënë And as he was dying, Jesus prayed: "Father, into your hands I entrust my spirit. " It is the parents ' responsibility to administer discipline Ti Jésus, lo yeke na ngia na ndo so lo yeke na ni na yayu nga lo gi ti sara ye kirikiri pëpe na komandema so lo yeke na ni. To propitiate means to "appease, " or to" placate. " For Jesus, he was happy in his heavenly position and did not abuse his authority. A bata lo na ngoi so lo yeke na ndo ti tange ti kobela Jack Nathan's life story was published in The Watchtower, September 1, 1990, pp. 10 - 14. He was protected when he was on the bed of illness Ekole ti Kusala ti Royaume Ndani ayeke nyen?: Ti leke asurveillant, a - ancien nga na ambeni ngoi awakua ti mungo maboko ti sara akua so ala yeke na ni na yâ ti congrégation nga na bungbi ti Jéhovah. OUR READERS ASK... Purpose: To prepare overseers, elders, and other ministerial servants to fulfill their responsibilities in the congregation and Jehovah's organization. Aye so Paul amä na bê dä tongana Chrétien ague nde pëpe na ambeni tënë so aFarizien amä na bê dä tongana londongo ti akuâ, a - ange na ambeni tënë ti Ndia. " The chief punishment of hell, " states that reference, "is eternal separation from God. " Paul's beliefs when Christians do not contradict certain beliefs that the Pharisees believed as resurrection, angels, and other words of the Law. Kengo yanga ti ala na mbana aga na siokpari na kui na ndo ala na amolenge kue so ala yeke dü ande, na a sala si ala kue ague yongoro na Nzapa. As "imitators of God, " then, let us do our very best to welcome strangers among us. - Eph. Their deliberate disobedience brought sin and death upon them and all their future offspring, turning them away from God. Mo lingbi ti sara nyen ti mû maboko na ala ti gi ti sara amara ti kusala tongaso? Boats: The Complete Encyclopedia of Illustration / J. How can you help them reach such goals? Mo da bê mo na ni? Jehovah's Witnesses heed Paul's example, as well as his words to Timothy. Do You Recall? Apocalypse 14: 1 - 4 afa kozoni so fade a yeke " vo na popo ti azo ti sese ' azo 144 000 teti fini na yayu. Whatever the case, a mild response gives the individual an opportunity to reflect on your fine conduct. - 1 Pet. Revelation 14: 1 - 4 foretells that the earth's inhabitants will be " bought from among mankind ' for life in heaven. Joseph ayeda na kungba so na ngia. Moreover, the actual Bridge of the Americas straddles the famous Panama Canal. Joseph gladly accepted this assignment. Nga, tongana lo ga lani nduru ti kui, Jésus asambela lo tene: "Babâ, mbi zia yingo ti mbi na maboko ti mo. ." Consider a few. And when he was dying, Jesus prayed: "Father, I have put my spirit in your hand. " Tënë "sacrifice - ti - futa " aye ti tene ti" dë bê ti mbeni zo. " 5: 22) Sheeplike ones cannot help but be moved when they see such love. The expression "a propitiatory sacrifice " means" comfort. " A sara tënë na ndo ti Ita Jack Nathan na yâ ti Tour ti Ba Ndo ti lango oko ti septembre, ngu 1990, lembeti 10 - 14 na Français. You bless everything he does, and you have given him enough cattle to fill the whole country. Brother Jack Nathan was discussed in The Watchtower of September 1, 1990, pages 10 - 14. AZO AHUNDA ATENE... While Jehovah permits bad things to happen to us, he is not the originator of them. OUR ASK... Mbeti so atene: "Kota sengo ndo so zo awara na yâ ti enfer ayeke so lo kangbi biani biani na Nzapa. " If you are a single parent, strive to apply Bible principles in your home. " The greatest punishment in hell is that it really separates God, " says the book. So e yeke "azo so asara ye tongana ti Nzapa, " zia e sara ngangu ti yamba nzoni awande so ayeke na popo ti e. - aÉph. Just imagine, now I even had the courage to give a talk in front of a group of hearing people! As " imitators of God, " let us strive to show hospitality to those who are among us. - Eph. Boats: The Complete Encyclopedia of Illustration / J. That led to further blessings. For example, consider the following article: The Complete Encyclopedia of Illustration / J. A - Témoin ti Jéhovah ayeke sala ye alingbi na tapande ti Paul nga na atënë ti lo na Timothée. He keeps his ear open to those who humbly turn to him in prayer - Psalm 91: 15; Jeremiah 29: 12; Luke 11: 9 - 13. Jehovah's Witnesses follow Paul's example and words to Timothy. Atâa zo ni asara ye tongana nyen, tongana mo sara ye na ngangu pëpe nga na nzoni bê, a lingbi ti pusu lo ti gi ti hinga ngbanga ti nyen mo yeke nde. - 1 Pi. The zebra runs free, and the desert plain is home to the wild ass. No matter how mild and kind the person may be, he may be moved to discern why you are different. - 1 Pet. Nga, mbeni tâ gbagbara ayeke dä so ahon na ndo ti canal ti Panama so lo mveni asara kua tongana mbeni gbagbara. How David's faith in Jehovah was vindicated in that contest! Moreover, there is a real danger that has passed on the play of Panama's own work. Zia e bâ ambeni versê ni. Jesus himself gave the assurance that he will be a world Ruler with the power to act. Let us consider some of them. 5: 22.) What a thrilling field of study we find in the words and deeds of Jesus Christ! 5: 22. Mo iri tënë nzoni na ndo kusala ti maboko ti lo, na anyama ti lo awu mingi na sese. If we keep Jehovah before us, he will answer our prayers. You bless the work of his hands, and his livestock is abundant in the earth. Atâa so Jéhovah azia lege na aye ti sioni ti si na e, aye ti sioni ni so alondo na lo pëpe. Do you know what was symbolized by Jesus ' baptism? Although Jehovah allows bad things to happen to us, they do not originate with him. Tongana mo yeke mbeni babâ wala mama so gi mo oko si mo yeke bata amolenge ti mo, sala ngangu ti sala kusala na akpengba - ndia ti Bible na yâ da ti mo. " Do you have any children? " If you are a single parent, work hard to apply Bible principles in your home. Bâ kete, fadeso mbi yeke même na mbito oko pëpe ti sala devoir na gbele azo so amä ndo nzoni! This incident took place near the village of Bethphage. Imagine my courage even to give a public talk in public! Mbi wara aye ti nzoni mingi na pekoni. Why is paying attention at Christian meetings challenging at times? I have been blessed with many blessings. Lo zi mê ti lo lakue ti mä ala so na tâ be - ti - molenge ayeke ga ndulu na lo na lege ti sambela. - Psaume 91: 15; Jérémie 29: 12; Luc 11: 9 - 13. This requires that we help our Bible student to develop spirituality. He always opened his ear to those who humbly approach him in prayer. - Psalm 91: 15; Jeremiah 29: 12; Luke 11: 9 - 13. • Tongana nyen Christ ayeke fa lege na adisciple ti lo laso? He is "the God of all comfort. " - 2 Corinthians 1: 3. • How does Christ lead his followers today? Lele ti ngonda ayeke fono ti bê ti lo, nga kpangbala ndo ti yando ayeke ndo ti duti ti lo. Tertullian, writing more than a hundred years after Christ's death, quoted observers as saying: " See how they love one another and how they are even ready to die for one another. ' His heart is divided by wild grass, and his surroundings is a place of dwelling. David asara lani nzoni mingi ti zia bê ti lo kue na Jéhovah na yâ tiri so. His hair merely represented his special relationship with God as a Nazirite. How much better it must have been for David to trust in Jehovah in this fight! Jésus adë bê ti e so lo yeke duti ande Gbia ti dunia nga lo yeke na ngangu ti sara ye. Explain. Jesus assures us that he will be the Universal Sovereign and has the power to act. So tâ apendere ye si e manda na yâ ti atënë ti Jésus Christ nga na akusala so lo sara! So why would we blame our Creator for our own mistakes? What wonderful lessons we learn from Jesus Christ's words and deeds! Tongana e zia Jéhovah na gbele e lakue, lo yeke kiri tënë na asambela ti e. Yet, their choice could come down to a matter of life or death. If we always put Jehovah before us, he will answer our prayers. Mo hinga nda ti batême ti Jésus? A similar custom in Roman times enabled a slave whose portion contained the hidden item to be "king " for a day. Do you understand the significance of Jesus ' baptism? " Ala yeke na amolenge? " Miriam acted against her brother out of selfish jealousy, while Phinehas executed justice based on godly jealousy. " Do You Have Children? " Ye so asi lani ndulu na kete kodoro ti Bethphagé. Consider now the timing of another part of Jesus ' prophecy - the parable of the judgment of the sheep and the goats. This took place near the village of Münster B.C.E. Ye so ahunda ti tene e mû maboko na zo so e yeke manda Bible na lo ti gi ti maï na lege ti yingo. He loves his sheep so much that while on earth he willingly gave of himself for their well - being. This requires that we help our student to develop spiritual growth. Lo yeke "Nzapa ti dengo bê kue. " - 2 aCorinthien 1: 3. Hence, humble ones came to know Jehovah as "a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving - kindness and truth. " He is "the God of all comfort. " - 2 Corinthians 1: 3. Na tenengo peko ti tënë ti azo so ayeke bâ salango ye ti adisciple na ngoi ni kâ, Tertullien, so asû ândö mbeti asala angu ngbangbo oko na ndo ni tongaso na peko ti kui ti Christ, atene na lege so: " Bâ tongana nyen ala yeke ndoye tele na popo ti ala nga tongana nyen ala yeke même ndulu ti kui teti mba ti ala. ' Will they obey Jehovah's clear direction? Commenting on the reaction of the disciples at that time, Tertullian, who wrote about a hundred years after Christ's death, said: " See how you love one another and how you are willing even to die for one another. ' Kuali ti lo aduti gi fä ti songo ti lo so ayeke nde mingi na Nzapa tongana mbeni Naziréen. No. His hair represented his special relationship with God as a Nazirite. Fa ndani. In a mighty way, Judah thus began to turn back to Jehovah. Explain. Tongaso a lingbi e bi tënë ti afaute ti e na li ti Jéhovah pëpe. When you read the Bible and our publications and when you attend Christian meetings, you hear encouraging experiences of how God has helped others to stay faithful. So we should not blame Jehovah for our mistakes. Ye oko, ye so ala yeke soro alingbi ti sara si ala wara fini wala kuâ. He can follow the pattern established by Jesus when He instituted the Lord's Evening Meal. Their choice, however, can lead to their death or death. Na ngoi ti aRomain ala yeke na mbeni ngobo ti salango ye so aye ti gue oko na ni so atene ngbâa so ayeke wara statue so a honde ni na yâ ti gâteau ti lo, aga "gbia " na lango ni so. Clearly, he viewed his family as a sacred trust from Jehovah. In the first century C.E., they had a custom similar to that, saying that this slave would find a hidden statue in his respects, becoming "the king " on that day. Ti Miriam, a yeke lani sioni mbanda wala kota bê so aluti na ndo kion, si apusu lo ti kasa ita ti lo ti koli. I'm grateful for all the adjustments they made for my sake. For Miriam, it was a selfish jealousy or jealousy that caused her to criticize her brother. Zia e bâ fadeso mbeni mbage ti prophétie ti Jésus, parabole ti kangbingo popo ti angasangbaga na angasa. Frightful and fear - inspiring it is. Let us now consider another aspect of Jesus ' prophecy, the illustration of separating the sheep from the goats. Lo ye angasangbaga ti lo mingi na asara si na ngoi so lo yeke na sese, lo yeda na bê ti lo kue ti mû fini ti lo ndali ti nzoni ti ala. Presented mainly as contrasts, parallels, and comparisons, they convey powerful lessons in conduct, speech, and attitude. He loved his sheep so much that when he was on earth, he willingly gave his life in their behalf. Ye so asara si ala so asara tere ti ala kete aga ti hinga so Jéhovah ayeke "Nzapa ti be - nzoni na ti grâce, ngonzo ti Lo alondo fade pëpe, tene - biani na nzobe ti Lo ayeke kota mingi. ." The person who regularly reads God's Word is "like a tree planted by streams of water, a tree that produces fruit in its season, the foliage of which does not wither. As a result, humble ones have come to realize that Jehovah is "a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving - kindness and truth. " Ala yeke sara ye alingbi na commandement ti Jéhovah so ayeke polele so? [ Picture on page 27] Would they obey Jehovah's clear command? Oko ape. But now the traffic signals were old news. No. Azo ti Juda akiri na Jéhovah na mbeni lege so apika bê mingi. Think for a moment about the implication of those words. Judah's inhabitants returned to Jehovah in a remarkable way. Na ngoi so mo diko Bible nga na ambeti ti e nga mo gue na abungbi, mo yeke hinga tongana nyen la Jéhovah amû maboko na ambeni zo ti ngbâ be - ta - zo. This situation taught us to be content with a simple life and to value spiritual riches more than material pursuits. As you read God's Word and Christian publications, you will learn how Jehovah helped others to maintain their integrity. Lo lingbi ti haka peko ti tapande so Jésus azia tongana Lo yeke zia lani na sese matanga ti Kobe ti Seigneur. STUDY ARTICLE 5 PAGES 26 - 30 He could imitate the example Jesus set when instituting the Lord's Evening Meal. A yeke polele so na lê ti lo sewa ti lo ayeke mbeni ye so Jéhovah la amû na lo. Think about it. Clearly, her family seemed to be something Jehovah had given her. Mbi kiri singila mingi teti agbiango ye kue so ala sala teti mbi. [ Picture on page 4, 5] I am deeply grateful for all the changes they have made for me. Ala yeke mara so ahili na amu mbito mingi na azo. The Law as stated at Leviticus 25: 23, 24 could have been regarded as applying only to an area occupied by the Israelites. They are the nation with great fear and fear - inspiring fear. Mingi ni, a yeke atënë so ague nde nde, atënë so ague oko na atënë ti hakango ye, na a fa ambeni kpengba ye ti manda na ndo tënë ti tambela, sarango tënë nga na bango ndo ti zo. He loved Jehovah with his whole heart, mind, soul, and strength. Such differences are often related to comparisons, and they teach valuable lessons about conduct, speech, and attitude. Zo so ayeke diko Bible lakue ayeke ga "tongana keke so a lu ni na terê ti angu so asua, keke so alë na ngoi ti lo, na kugbe ni ahule pëpe. During the writing of the first roll, Baruch went through a period of distress. A man who regularly reads the Bible becomes "like a tree planted by streams of water, that gives its own fruit in its season, and its leaves do not wither dry. [ Foto na lembeti 27] This faithful brother is still remembered by many on the island for his zeal and hospitality. [ Picture on page 27] Azo ayeke na yâ ti gbata so mingi, wungo ti ala ahon kutu oko. We know that he is making great efforts to distract us so as to slow us down in our service to God. There are more than a million people in that city. Bâ nda ti tënë so nzoni. We can never through our own efforts remove the stain of sin. Consider what that means. Dutingo so afa na e ti wara ngia na yâ kete kete ye na ti mû na nene ni amosoro ti yingo ahon ti gi akungba ti sese. Sad as I was, I greatly admired her integrity and telegraphed my reply: "Go. This situation teaches us to be content with little things and to appreciate spiritual riches rather than material possessions. YE TI MANDA 5 LEMBETI 26 - 30 The prophet Isaiah showed similar appreciation when he said: "The Sovereign Lord Jehovah himself has given me the tongue of the taught ones, that I may know how to answer the tired one with a word. He awakens morning by morning; he awakens my ear to hear like the taught ones. " STUDY ARTICLE 5 PAGES 26 - 30 Gbu li ti mo kete si. (b) How did Peter confirm this? Think of it. [ Foto na lembeti 4, 5] MAKING SINGLENESS REWARDING [ Picture on page 4, 5] A lingbi ti bâ ndia so ayeke na Lévitique 25: 23, 24 tongana mbeni ndia so andu gi asese so azo ti Israël ayeke lani na ndo ni. Near the base of the fruitful branch, he invariably finds small new sprouts that also need to be removed. The law stated at Leviticus 25: 23, 24 might be considered a law regarding the land of Israel. Lo ndoye lani Jéhovah na bê ti lo kue, na bibe ti lo kue, na âme ti lo kue nga na ngangu ti lo kue. 2: 43 - Who were the Nethinim? He loved Jehovah with his whole heart, mind, soul, and strength. Na ngoi ti sungo kozo mbeti ni, Baruc ahon lani na yâ ti mbeni ngoi ti vundu. Lest we become sidetracked from the road leading to life, we need to know, What are false stories, and how can we avoid paying attention to them? During the first letter, Baruch passed through a period of distress. Azo mingi na zoa ni angbâ ti dabe ti ala na ita be - ta - zo so teti wâ ti lo na lege ti yambango agene ti lo. What will life be like? Many on the island still remember this faithful brother for his zeal by extending hospitality. E hinga so lo yeke sala akota ngangu ti gboto lê ti e si e kiri na peko na yâ kusala ti e na Nzapa. Sir Leonard Woolley, who directed the systematic excavation of Ur, points out that in Abraham's time most houses there were built of brick, with plastered and whitewashed walls. We know that he makes great efforts to distract us from our service to God. * E lingbi lâ oko pëpe gi na ngangu ti e mveni, ti lungula saleté ti siokpari. They would have had much to think and speak about on their trip back to Ephesus. * We are never worthy of our own ability to cleanse sin. Nyen la asi na Joseph? These were three spiritual men who loyally followed Jesus and felt deep affection for him. What happened to Joseph? Atâa so vundu agbu mbi, be - biani so lo fa agbu bê ti mbi ngangu, na tongaso mbi tokua mbeti hio na lo mbi tene: "Gue. Why was God displeased with the Israelites of Amos ' day? Despite my depression, she was so deeply moved by her faithfulness that I immediately sent her a letter and said: "Go. Prophète Esaïe afa nga mara ti bibe tongaso na mbage ti mandango ye tongana lo tene: "Seigneur L'Eternel amû na Mbi yanga so ahinga ti sala tënë, si Mbi lingbi hinga lege ti sala tënë nzoni na zo so anze; Lo zingo Mbi na ndapelele kue, Lo sala si mê ti Mbi amä tënë tongana adisciple. " Your adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone. " - 1 Peter 5: 8. The prophet Isaiah expressed similar feelings toward study when he said: "The Sovereign Lord Jehovah himself has given me the tongue of the taught ones, that I may know how to answer the tired one with a word. " YE SO AKUMBAMBA ALINGBI TI SALA TI WARA NGIA And we can be sure that God has deep love for us. WHAT WOULD YOU SAY? Nduru na gbe ti amaboko ni so, lo yeke wara lakue ambeni kete fini maboko ni so a hunda nga ti fâ ni. What was one important way in which Paul followed the example set by Jehovah and Jesus? Under those branches, he would always receive new help that needed to be cut off. 2: 43 - A - Néthin wala aNethinim ayeke lani azo wa? Picture the scene: Charging forward "from between two mountains... of copper " come four chariots, likely fitted for battle. 2: 43 - Who were the Nephilim? Ambaï ti mvene ni ayeke nyen? Tongana nyen la e lingbi ti kpe ti mä ni? Should we, however, be suspicious of our fellow Christians, second - guessing the genuineness of their loyalty to Jehovah? What are false stories, and how can we avoid listening to them? Fade azo ayeke duti na fini tongana nyen? Our developing humility, then, is essential to our survival. How will humans live? Pakara Leonard Woolley, so amû lani li ni na gingo yâ ti gbe ti sese ti Ur, atene so na ngoi ti Abraham a sala mingi ti ada na brique, na a leke tele ti ada ni nzoni nga a zia mbamba na tele ti amur ni. After receiving training, he was ordered to blow up a police barracks. " Many buildings were built in the time of Abraham's time, and the building was well - organized and set up on the walls, " says Dr. A lingbi ti tene so ala gbu li ti ala na ndo aye mingi, nga ala sala lisoro na ndo ni tongana ala yeke kiri na Ephèse. 1: 26 - 31; 3: 3 - 9; 4: 7. They apparently thought about much, and they discussed it when they returned to Ephesus. A yeke lani akoli ota so andoye aye ti yingo mingi, so amû peko ti Jésus na be - biani, na so andoye tâ Jésus ngangu. We may think of him as loving and usually measured in his speech and actions. They were three spiritual men who loyally followed Jesus, who loved Jesus. Ngbanga ti nyen bê ti Jéhovah aso na tele ti azo ti Israël na ngoi ti Amos? He made a serious mistake when he gave in to drunkenness on one occasion, but that error was compounded when his grandson Canaan committed a more serious sin - a sin that brought grim consequences to Canaan's family. Why did Jehovah take offense at the Israelites in Amos's day? Wato ti ala Zabolo ayeke tambela tongana mbeni bamara so ayeke toto, na lo yeke gi mbeni zo ti te lo. " - 1 Pierre 5: 8. 4: 12; Jas. Your adversary, the Devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone. " - 1 Peter 5: 8. Nga, zia e hinga na bê ti e kue so Nzapa aye e mingi. [ Picture on page 23] And let us be confident that God loves us. Mbeni nzoni lege so Paul afa so lo mû tapande ti Jéhovah na Jésus ayeke so wa? The point is that to be a worthy and approved servant of God, Timothy had to " do his utmost ' to be sure that his teaching and his conduct were in accordance with the word of truth. - 1 Timothy 4: 16. How should our personal study affect what we do and say? What is one of the best ways in which Paul showed that he imitated Jehovah and Jesus? Tara ti bâ na yâ ti li ti mo ye so Zacharie abâ lani. Apuse asio so ambarata ayeke gboto ni alondo "na popo ti ahoto use ti cuivre " ayeke ga na loro. ; Kozza, M. Just imagine what Zechariah saw, the chariots that were drawing out "in the midst of the two - tribe mountains of copper " are fast approaching. So aye ti tene so a lingbi e zia bê ti e na aita ti e ape nga e yeke na kite na ndo ti dutingo be - ta - zo ti ala na Jéhovah? Jehovah God cares for the poor. Does this mean that we should not put our trust in our brothers and that we have doubts about their loyalty to Jehovah? Nga, tongana ti so sarango tere ti Jésus kete aga na aye ti nzoni na lo nga na ambeni zo, tongana e sara tere ti e kete ayeke ga na aye ti nzoni na alege mingi. " Never Become Weighed Down " And as Jesus ' humility benefits him and others, our humility brings blessings in many ways. Na pekoni so lo manda ti sara kusala ti terroriste, a mû yanga na lo ti gue ti sungba mbeni ndokua ti lapolice. " Shall I give money or not? " After learning to participate in terrorism, he was ordered to go to the police station. 1: 26 - 31; 3: 3 - 9; 4: 7. He says: "I am fully convinced that I would not be able to handle my Christian duties successfully without the habit of good planning. " 1: 26 - 31; 3: 3 - 9; 4: 7. E lingbi ti pensé so lo yeke mbeni zo so aye amba ti lo nga lo yeke gbu li ti lo kozo si lo sara tënë wala lo sara mbeni ye. His name is inscribed in Jehovah's "book of remembrance. " - Malachi 3: 16. We might think of him as someone who loves others and thinks before speaking or did something else. Mbeni lâ lo sara mbeni kota faute na lege so lo nyon sämba ngbii lo sulêe; faute so lo sara ague na âta ti lo Canaan ti sara mbeni ye so ayeke sioni ahon ti lo, na ye so aga na akota kpale na ndo ti ahale ti Canaan. Though all of us are different - and imperfect - God has drawn us to himself through Christ. He once made a serious mistake by drinking alcoholic beverages; his mistakes led his grandfather Canaan to do something that was worse than that of him, bringing disastrous consequences to the offspring of Canaan. 4: 12; Jacq. One Witness, Jesús Martín, even accumulated sentences that amounted to 22 years in prison. 4: 12; Jas. [ Foto na lembeti 23] Everyone needs to listen to fine counsel and to heed it. [ Picture on page 23] Tënë ni ge ayeke so, ti duti mbeni wakua so alingbi na lê ti Nzapa, na so Nzapa ayeda na lo, a hunda na Timothée ti "gi lege ngangu " ti sala si fango ye, nga na tambela ti lo ague oko na tâ tënë. - 1 Timothée 4: 16. But how bad do you expect conditions to become before "the great tribulation "? In this case, to be a approved and approved servant of God, Timothy was to " exert himself vigorously ' in order to promote his teaching and conduct in harmony with the truth. - 1 Timothy 4: 16. ; Kozza, M. Moreover, God assures us: "The former things will not be called to mind, neither will they come up into the heart. " ; Cins, M. Jéhovah Nzapa ayeke bi bê na awanzinga. Jehovah said: "Take, please, your son, your only son whom you so love, Isaac, and... offer him up... as a burnt offering. " Jehovah God cares about the poor. E zia pëpe si mbeni ye " ane bê ti e ' If we examine some of the Scriptural evidence surrounding miracles ascribed to Jesus Christ, what will we find? Do Not Give Up "the Heart of Our Heart " Lo hunda tele ti lo: "Mbi mû pata ni wala pëpe? " [ Box / Picture on page 4] " Am I not using the money or the money? " she wondered. Lo tene: "Mbi hinga na bê kue so fade mbi yeke wara lege pepe ti sala akusala ti mbi ti Chrétien nzoni tongana mbi sala kusala lakue nzoni pepe na programme. " With Jehovah's backing, Barak routed Sisera's army. He said: "I am convinced that I will not succeed in caring for my Christian activities if I do not make good use of schedule. " A sû iri ti lo awe na yâ "mbeti ti dabe " ti Jéhovah. - Malachie 3: 16. " What have I been able to do in comparison with you? " His name has already been written in "the book of remembrance " of Jehovah. - Malachi 3: 16. Atâa so e kue e yeke nde nde, nga mbilimbili - kue pëpe, Nzapa agboto e na mbage ti lo na lege ti Christ. Parents who have taught those lessons successfully have worked in harmony with Jehovah's administration. Although all of us are unique and imperfect, God draws us to him through Christ. Angu kue so ngbanga ahunda na mbeni Témoin ni oko, Jesús Martín, ti sala na da ti kanga asi même na 22. The Bible Changes Lives All the years that were courted for one of these Witnesses, the police stationed in prison, and even reached 22. A yeke ti zo kue ti mä wango ti nzoni na ti bata ni. When their son Felito was born, they were eager to do their utmost in raising him as a true worshiper of Jehovah. Everyone needs to listen carefully and apply the counsel. Ambeni zo alingbi ti pensé so kozo ti tene "kota ye ti vundu " ato nda ni, bira ayeke passé na yâ ti akodoro kue, azo mingi ayeke wara kobe ti te ape nga azo mingi ayeke tï kobela. This will be considered in the following article. Some may think that prior to the start of "the great tribulation, " war would occur in all nations, many would lose food, and many would get sick. Na ndo ni, Nzapa adë bê ti e atene: "Fade azo adabe ala na kozo ye pëpe, na ala bi bê ti ala dä mbeni pëpe. ." Abraham was motivated by an absolute trust that his heavenly Father would fulfill His promise by resurrecting Isaac if necessary. Moreover, God assures us: "The former things will not be called to mind, neither will they come up into the heart. " Jéhovah atene: "Pardon, mû Isaac, molenge ti mo ti koli, oko molenge ti mo so mo ye lo mingi,... mû lo na sandaga so a zö ni agbi kue. ." Reflecting on how they expend themselves deepens our "respect for those who are working hard " among us. " Please offer up your beloved son Isaac,... and offer him up a burnt sacrifice, " Jehovah said. Tongana e bâ ambeni ye so ayeke na yâ Mbeti ti Nzapa so asala tënë na ndo amiracle ti Jésus Christ, fade e yeke wara aye wa? A Christian married to an unbeliever may have to rub shoulders with the world more than others do. When we consider some of the Scriptural accounts about Jesus Christ's miracles, what will we find? [ Encadré / Foto na lembeti 4] Until his death last year, he belonged to the sign - language congregation in Laval, Quebec. [ Box / Picture on page 4] Mo lingbi ti fa nda ni? * And a review of past "Questions From Readers " published in The Watchtower would surely lead you to a fresh understanding of certain texts. Can You Explain? Na lege ti mungo maboko ti Jéhovah, Barak akinda biaku aturugu ti Sisera. Thus Jehovah, in any circumstance, will become whatever is needed to accomplish his purpose. With Jehovah's help, Barak completely defeated Sisera's army. " Nyen, ye so mbi sala, alingbi na ye so i sala? " 15 Did You Know? " What do I do according to what you do? " Tongaso, a lingbi ala kanga ndo ti ngonzo ti ala, ala dekongo na li ti amolenge ti ala pëpe nga ala tene pëpe atënë so ason bê ti ala. We saw the need to encourage the brothers we serve and to strengthen the unity of each congregation. Therefore, they should control their anger and do not shout against their children or say things that hurt them. Bible achangé fini ti azo But can he ever prove the Father's discipline to be wrong? The Bible Changes Lives Tongana ala dü molenge ti ala ti koli, Félito, ala yeke la ni ndulu ti sala ye kue so ala lingbi sala ti fa lege na lo tongana tâ wavorongo Jéhovah. Then, suddenly, his disciples sprang into action. Peter and John courageously faced the very men who contrived Jesus ' death. When they gave birth to their son, Tatoto, they were willing to do everything they could to guide him as a true worshiper of Jehovah. E yeke bâ ande tënë so na yâ ti article ti peko. Faith, obedience, and loyalty triumph every time our integrity is tested and we choose to obey God rather than men. This will be discussed in the following article. Ye so apusu Abraham ti sala tongaso ayeke ziango bê kue so fade Babâ ti lo ti yayu ayeke sala ye alingbi na zendo ti Lo ti zingo Isaac na popo ti awakinda tongana fade a hunda ti sala tongaso. I believed that it would impress others as well. " Abraham was so confident that his heavenly Father would fulfill His promise to resurrect Isaac if necessary. Tongana e gbu li ti e ti bâ tongana nyen la ala yeke sara akua mingi, e yeke "ne azo so ayeke sara kua ngangu " na popo ti e. Moses made the right choice. - Read Hebrews 11: 24 - 27. When we think about how much they are doing, we "have regard for those who are working hard " among us. Mbeni ita so koli wala wali ti lo ayeke Témoin ti Jéhovah pëpe ayeke wara kpale so mingi ahon ambeni ita. Heidi cannot go from door to door as she used to. A brother or a sister who is not one of Jehovah's Witnesses may face more challenges than others do. Juska na kuâ ti lo na ngu so ahon, lo yeke lani na congrégation ti awambongi na Laval, na Québec. How a Christian Husband Honors His Wife Toward the end of his life, he had a sign - language congregation in La What Did Jehovah Really Teach? * Ti kiri ti bâ "Atënë so azo ahunda, " so asigigi na yâ ti angbene Tour ti Ba Ndo, ayeke mû lege na mo biani ti gbu nda ti ambeni versê fini fini. Then he will bless our humble efforts to tell others about his kingship and his wonderful works. * A review of "Questions From Readers " published in earlier issues of The Watchtower will certainly enable you to grasp new scriptures. Tongaso, na yâ ti aye kue, Jéhovah alingbi ti ga ye kue so a lingbi lo ga ni ti sara ye so lo leke na bê ti lo ti sara. So it is reasonable to conclude that Jesus ' arrival to appoint the faithful slave over all his belongings, mentioned at Matthew 24: 46, 47, also applies to his future coming, during the great tribulation. Thus, Jehovah can become whatever he needs to become in order to accomplish his purpose. LEMBETI 15 [ Footnote] PAGE 7 E bâ so a lingbi e tene atënë so amû ngangu na aita ti e so e yeke sara kua ndali ti ala nga e sara si congrégation oko oko kue aduti beoko. Deepened appreciation, in turn, ought to move us to imitate Jehovah's qualities to the full, demonstrating them in our dealings with fellow believers and with those to whom we preach. We realized that those words should encourage our brothers and sisters whom we serve and contribute to the unity of each congregation. Ye oko, lo lingbi biani ti fa na gigi so sengo ndo ti Babâ ni ayeke na lege ni pëpe? So when one of Jehovah's Witnesses offered to study it with me, I accepted. But could he really show that the Father's discipline was unfair? Na mbeto pëpe, Pierre na Jean asara tënë polele na gbele a - oko koli so asara lani si a fâ Jésus. In addition, you will find the hope of living in God's new world, where all will be taught by Jehovah and their peace will be abundant. - Isaiah 54: 13. Peter and John boldly spoke before the same man who had put Jesus to death. Na ngoi kue so e wara tara so andu be - biani ti e nga e soro ti mä Nzapa ahon ti mä azo, mabe, mango yanga nga na dutingo be - ta - zo ayeke hon na ngangu. However, Paul does remind us what poverty really is: lack of food, clothing, and shelter adequate for survival where one lives. Whenever we face tests of integrity and choose to obey God rather than men, faith, obedience, and faithfulness will prevail. Mbi tene so fade mbaï ni ayeke pika bê ti ambeni zo nga. " Daniel prayed to God: "If you really exist, please help me! " I said that it will impress others too. " Moïse amû lani nzoni desizion ti sara ye so Jéhovah aye. - Diko aHébreu 11: 24 - 27. Let us consider how we can make use of this teaching method. Moses made the right decision to do Jehovah's will. - Read Hebrews 11: 24 - 27. Heidi alingbi pëpe ti fa tënë da na da tongana ti so lo yeke sara kozo. The legal entities used by Jehovah's Witnesses have assisted in printing and distributing all of these Bible translations. She could not share in the house - to - house ministry as she did in the house - to - house ministry. Tongana nyen mbeni koli Chrétien ayeke ne wali ti lo? He said that it should not be possible to do what we do. How does a Christian husband honor his wife? Na pekoni, lo yeke iri tënë nzoni na ndo ti ngangu so, na tâ be - ti - molenge, e yeke sara ti fa na azo tënë ti dutingo ti Jéhovah tongana gbia nga na apendere kusala ti lo. Suddenly I was rolling down a slope out of control, and I crashed into a parked car. Then he will bless this powerful force, humbly proclaiming Jehovah's sovereignty and his wonderful works. Ni la, a yeke na lege ni ti tene so gango ti Jésus ti zia ngbâa be - ta - zo na ndo ti aye ti lo kue, so a sara tënë ni na Matthieu 24: 46, 47, andu nga gango ti lo ande, na ngoi ti kota ye ti vundu. When Naomi suggested that Ruth approach Boaz, loving - kindness moved the Moabitess to declare: "All that you say to me I shall do. " - Ruth 3: 1 - 5. Thus, it is reasonable to conclude that Jesus ' coming to appoint the faithful slave over all his belongings mentioned at Matthew 24: 46, 47, including his coming, during the great tribulation. [ Ahundango tënë ti manda na ye] For years, books were printed and shipped from Brooklyn, and magazines were printed and shipped from Wallkill. [ Footnote] Ye so ayeke pusu e ti gi ti duti na asarango ye ti Jéhovah nga e yeke fa ni na yâ ti sarango ye ti e na mbage ti amba ti e nga na azo so e yeke fa tënë na ala. This girl told her mistress: "If only my lord were before the prophet that is in Samaria! This should move us to cultivate Jehovah's qualities and display them in our dealings with others and with those to whom we preach. Tongaso mbi decidé ti manda ye mingi na ndo ti Bible ni. [ Blurb on page 5] So I was able to learn more about the Bible. Nga, mo yeke wara beku ti duti na yâ fini sese ti Nzapa, so na yâ ni Jéhovah ayeke fa ye na azo kue, na siriri ti ala ayeke wu mingi. - Esaïe 54: 13. My family has supported us a lot, and that has united us more. " And you will have the hope of living in God's new world, where Jehovah is teaching all people, and their peace will be abundant. - Isaiah 54: 13. Ye oko, Paul adabe ti e na ye so nzinga ayeke biani: warango pepe kobe, bongo, nga mbeni ndo ti lango so alingbi ti bata fini ti mbeni zo so alango na gbe ni. Reu However, Paul reminds us of what poverty really is - not food, clothing, and shelter to a living person. Daniel asambela na Nzapa: "Tongana mo yeke dä biani, mbi toto na mo ti mu maboko na mbi! " Evidently, some had little materially, but "distribution would be made to each one according to his need. " Daniel prayed to God: "If you really exist, I cry to you for help! " Zia e bâ tongana nyen e lingbi ti sala kusala na kode ti fango ye so. AS TOLD BY THOMSON KANGALE Let us see how we can use this teaching method. Abungbi so ndia ayeda na ni, so aTémoin ti Jéhovah asala na kusala amu mbage na gbotongo nga na kangbingo aBible kue so a kiri peko ni na mbeni yanga nde. How much higher must I climb to attain it? ' The legal system used by Jehovah's Witnesses contributes to the taking and distribution of all Bible translations into another language. Lo tene so e lingbi pëpe ti sara aye so e yeke sara so. By means of his spirit, Jehovah caused his purposes to be revealed to humble ones but hidden from proud ones. He said that we cannot do what we do. Mo ye ti bâ! puse ni ahon na mbi ague akpo mbeni oto so aluti. Bê ti e afâ! Then she began calling me for her study, sometimes before I was even out of bed in the morning and sometimes twice a day. Suddenly, the chariot went and hit me with a car that stopped, and our heart was broken! Tongana Naomi ahunda na Ruth ti gue ndulu na Boaz, ndoye so ayeke be - biani apusu Ruth zo ti kodoro ti Moab ti kiri tënë tongaso: "Ye kue so mo tene na mbi, fade mbi sala. " - Ruth 3: 1 - 5. Those scriptures and others helped me slowly to gain peace within myself. When Naomi asks Ruth to approach Boaz, her loving - kindness moved Ruth to answer: "Whatever you tell me, I will do. " - Ruth 3: 1 - 5. Teti angu mingi, a yeke lani na gbata ti Brooklyn si a pete na a tokua abuku, na a yeke na gbata ti Wallkill si a yeke sala apériodique. This fact is evident from the way he replied when tempted by the Devil. For years, it was in Brooklyn that books were printed in Wallkill, where magazines were being printed. Molenge - wali so atene na mveni ti lo ti wali so: "O, tongana seigneur ti mbi ayeke na prophète so ayeke na Samarie! Videos, seminars, and TV programs dealing with self - help are also gaining in popularity. The girl said to her master: "O if my lord had a prophet in Samaria! [ Kete Tene na lembeti 5] Why were such spices and related products so valuable and expensive in Bible times? [ Blurb on page 5] Sewa ti mbi amû maboko na e mingi, na ye so asala si e duti beoko ahon ti kozo. " 21: 5. " Rejoice in Your Youth ' My family helped us greatly, and this contributed to our unity. " Réhu He found the city to be virtually defenseless, and the repatriated Jews there were disorganized, discouraged, and unclean in the eyes of Jehovah. NEEAAA Ambeni ayeke lani na ye mingi ape, me a yeke kangbi ye lani na ala na "a yeke kangbi ni na zo oko oko, a lingbi na ye so atia lo. ." So the period from when the waters overwhelmed the earth to the time they receded was 150 days, or five months. Some had little materially, but they were distributed "to each one according to his own needs. " TËNË TI THOMSON KANGALE How important it is for a Christian to be aware that spiritual slumber can be deadly! AS TOLD BY BY KOOOOOOOOO A lingbi mbi si na ndo wa ti wara ni? ' One month later he started preaching: "Everyone in the area wanted to know why I had become a Witness. " Where should I find it? ' Na lege ti yingo ti lo, Jéhovah afa na azo so ayeke na tâ be - ti - molenge aye so lo leke ti sala, me lo honde ni na azo ti baba. Increased light inevitably leads to adjustments in the way in which we " sing the truth. ' By means of his spirit, Jehovah has revealed to humble people his purposes, but he has hidden them from the haughty ones. Na yâ ti angu so ahon ade ti ninga pëpe, a kiri na a - article ni nduru. These articles review the responsibilities of individual Christians and congregations toward elderly fellow believers and relatives. In recent years, the articles have been answered. Na pekoni lo komanse ti iri mbi ndali ti étude ni, na ambeni ngoi lo iri mbi na ndapre même kozo ti tene mbi londo na ndo ti gbogbo nga na ambeni ngoi lo yeke iri mbi fani use na yâ ti lango oko. CULTIVATING love for God is not an academic exercise. Then she began calling me for the study, sometimes calling me in the morning even before I got up from bed and sometimes calling me twice a day. Aversê so nga na ambeni nde amû maboko na mbi yeke yeke ti zia lege ti ngonzo. However, in time of war, refusing to recognize the existence of a dangerous enemy could only lead to disaster. Those verses and others helped me gradually to break free from anger. E bâ ni polele na yâ ti kiringo tënë ti lo tongana Zabolo atara lo. The young man was asking about inheriting everlasting life - but where? We see this in his response when the Devil tempted him. Alimon, abungbi so azo ayeke sara, akuasinga ti télé so ayeke fa na zo ye so lo lingbi ti sara ti duti nzoni ayeke aye so azo aye tënë ni mingi. Why is it wise to cultivate love for God and neighbor rather than for material things? The television programs, which teach how to be successful, are highly esteemed. Ngbanga ti nyen la ândö a - épice na ambeni ye so a mû a - épice si a sara na ni ayeke ambeni ye so azo aye ni mingi nga ayeke cher tongaso? If Jesus ' disciples followed his example, they too would be conquerors. Why were spices and spices so popular and spices? " Sara ngia na lâ ti maseka ti mo ' They found that an exchange of views in advance, handled in a spirit of love and kindness, made the decisions much easier when they had to be made. " Rejoice in Your Youth ' Lo bâ so mbeni ye ti bata na gbata ni ayeke pëpe, na aJuif so akiri na kodoro ti ala asala ye kirikiri, bê ti ala anze, na ala yeke sioni na lê ti Jéhovah. Can you help in that way? He saw that there was no refuge in the city, and the restored Jews were disappointed, and they were bad in Jehovah's eyes. Tongaso, a londo na ngoi so ngu amene lani sese ti si na ngoi so ngu ni akiri na gbe ni, a yeke lani alango 150 wala anze oku. Is it possible that mankind is being manipulated by an unseen but powerful and sinister force? So it was about 150 or five months when the earth was hit by water. A yeke kota ye ti tene mbeni Chrétien ahinga so langongo na lege ti yingo alingbi ti sara si lo wara kuâ. (b) How can appreciation for the ransom be illustrated? It is vital that a Christian realize that spiritual sleep can lead to his death. Nze oko na pekoni lo to nda ti fa tene: "Azo kue na yâ ti vaka ni aye ti hinga ngbanga ti nyen mbi ga Témoin. " Jehovah will guard him and keep him alive. " A month later he began preaching: "All in the neighborhood wanted to know why I had become a Witness. " Afini lumière so andu nga atënë ti yâ ti abia ti e. Actually, though, the Israelites were not in any danger. These new light also includes our songs. A - article so asara tënë na ndo ti aye so alingbi aChrétien oko oko nga na acongrégation asara ti bâ lege ti aita so ayeke ambakoro nga na afami ti ala so ayeke mbakoro. The Devil and those who follow his lead will be eliminated everlastingly in "the second death. " These articles discuss practical matters for individual Christians and the congregations to care for elderly ones and their elderly relatives. TI LË ndoye teti Nzapa andu gi pëpe ti manda ye na ndo Lo. YEAR BORN: 1948 GOD'S love involves more than learning about him. Me, na ngoi ti bira, tongana mbeni zo ake ti yeda so mbeni wato sioni ayeke dä, lo lingbi ti wara gi ye ti vundu. Why was Satan's scheme to thwart God's purpose unsuccessful? In the war, however, a person who refuses to acknowledge the existence of a vicious enemy could suffer only calamity. Maseka - koli ni ahunda ti hinga ye na ndo ti warango fini ti lakue lakue; me fini ti lakue lakue ni na ndo wa? Tony's case certainly refutes that assertion. The young man asked for knowledge of everlasting life, but where did he get everlasting life? Tongana adisciple ti Jésus amû peko ti tapande ti lo, ala nga kue ayeke hon na ngangu. " [God] is kind toward the unthankful and wicked, " states Luke 6: 35. When Jesus ' disciples followed his example, they too would be successful. Ala bâ so tongana ala sara ye na ndoye nga na nzoni bê na ngoi so ala yeke sara lisoro na popo ti ala ti hinga tënë ti bê ti mba, a yeke sara si a yeke ngangu na ala pëpe ti mû adesizion. This, however, was not an idea taught in the Scriptures or by the early followers of Christ. They realize that their loving and kind communication when they talk to each other makes it easier for them to make decisions. Mo lingbi ti sigigi legeoko na ala na fango tënë? The apostle Paul showed why the resurrection is central to our faith: "If, indeed, there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not been raised up. " Can you accompany them in the ministry? A yeke tâ tënë so mbeni créature so e lingbi ti bâ lo pëpe, so ayeke na ngangu mingi na so ayeke sioni mingi ayeke pusu azo ti sara sioni? That is why we share zealously in the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work. Is it really true that an invisible creature who is so powerful and evil has caused humans to commit evil acts? (b) Mû mbeni tapande ti fa tongana nyen la e lingbi ti kiri singila ndali ti ngere so a futa ti zi na azo. Child specialists say that by the age of eight months, the child has already learned to recognize the sounds of his native language, formed a close bond with his parents, developed perceptual skills, and begun to explore the world around him. (b) Illustrate how we can show appreciation for the ransom. [ Jéhovah] abata lo, Lo bata lo na fini. ." The Scythians were involved in the fulfillment of Nahum's prophecy foretelling the overthrow of Nineveh. He [Jehovah] continued to guard him and to preserve him alive. " Me, ye ti sioni oko ayeke si na azo ti Israël pëpe. Dead Sea Scrolls, 2 / 15 However, there was no harm in Israel. A yeke futi Zabolo na azo kue so amû peko ti lo biani biani na ngoi ti "kuâ ti use ni. ." He was not to blame for the consequences of human sin. The Devil and all those who actually follow him will be destroyed during "the second death. " A DÜ LO NA NGU: 1948 R. YEAR BORN: 1948 Ngbanga ti nyen ye ti mayele ti Satan ti kanga lege na ye so Nzapa aleke ti sala atï la ni na ngu? The 6,404 who gathered in the auditorium and at satellite locations listened attentively to the program, which consisted of talks, interviews, and a group discussion. Why did Satan's scheme to stop God's purpose fail? Me tapande ti Tony afa biani so tënë ni so ayeke mvene. Instead, in prayer let us praise him, thank him, seek his direction especially when under trial, and ask that he help us to serve him in ways that glorify his holy name. - Ps. But Tony's example well illustrates this. Luc 6: 35 atene: "[Nzapa a] yeke sara nzoni na azo so ayeke kiri singila pëpe nga na azo ti sioni. " To avoid starvation, the patriarch Jacob sent his sons to Egypt to buy food. Luke 6: 35 states: "[God] is good toward the unthankful and wicked. " Ye oko, bibe so alondo na yâ ti Mbeti ti Nzapa pëpe wala na mbage ti akozo disciple ti Christ pëpe. How can he eliminate this impediment? - Mark 7: 21 - 23. However, that attitude is not based on God's Word or on the early followers of Christ. Bazengele Paul afa ndani so zingongo ti akuâ ayeke mbeni kota tënë mingi. Lo tene: "Biani, tongana zingongo ti akuâ ayeke dä pëpe, andâ a zingo nga Christ na kuâ pëpe. " The industry, however, consumed much of the dense forest for smelting purposes. The apostle Paul explains why the resurrection is so important: "If, indeed, there is no resurrection of the dead, also Christ. " A yeke ndali ni si e mû mbage ti e na wâ na yâ kusala ti fango tënë na ti salango adisciple. And by explaining it skillfully, you can help others get on the road to life and stay on it. That is why we zealously share in the preaching and disciple - making work. Akota wandara so ayeke bâ tënë ti amolenge atene so tongana molenge ayeke na nze miombe, lo manda awe ti hinga atënë so a yeke ti yanga ti kodoro ti lo, nga ti lë mbeni songo so akpengba na ababâ na mama ti lo, ti maï angangu ti lo ti bango ndo na ti hingango aye so andu tele ti lo, na nga lo to nda ni awe ti tara ti hinga nda ti aye so angoro lo. " Go to the corner of the platform and tell me all about it, " he said. According to experts, when a child is eight months old, he has already learned to understand the words of his language and to cultivate a close relationship with his parents, to develop his perceptive powers, and to begin to discern the facts around him. A - Scythe amu mbage ti ala na gango tâ tene ti prophétie ti Nahoum so afa kozoni tingo ti Ninive. Sometimes courage is shown by what we do not say. The Scythians took part in the fulfillment of the prophecy of the Nephilim, who foretold Nineveh's fall. Diable, 1 / 9 If marriage vows were not exchanged in the civil ceremony, the couple may want to do so during the talk. 9 / 15 Nzapa ayeke na gunda ti asioye so siokpari ti zo aga na ni pëpe. Why? God is responsible for the bad effects of sin. R. Why People Do Bad Things, 9 / 1 Will Earth End? R. Ala kue adengi mê ti ala nzoni na atënë ti programme ni so na yâ ni, a yeke wara adiskur, ahundango tënë na ambeni ita, nga na mbeni lisoro na popo ti ambeni ita. For example, God's Word directs: "Listen to your father who caused your birth, and do not despise your mother just because she has grown old. " All of them listened carefully to the program's talks, interviews, and a discussion among fellow believers. Tongaso, zia si na lege ti asambela ti e e gonda Jéhovah, e kiri merci na lo, nga e hunda lo ti mû maboko na e mbilimbili tongana e yeke na yâ ti akpale. E lingbi nga ti hunda lo ti mû maboko na e ti sara na lo na mbeni lege so amû gloire na iri ti lo so ayeke nzoni - kue. - Ps. Congregations endeavor to make everyone feel welcome. Let our prayers therefore praise Jehovah, thank him, and seek his help in times of distress, and ask him to help us serve him in a way that brings glory to his holy name. - Ps. Jacob atokua amolenge ti lo na Égypte ti vo kobe ti tene ala kui nzara ape *. Average years in full - time ministry: 14.5 Jacob sent his sons to Egypt to buy food so that they would not die. Tongana nyen lo lingbi ti lungula ye ti kangango lege so? - Marc 7: 21 - 23. During the night, an earthquake shook the foundations of the jail and opened all the doors. How could he remove this ban? - Mark 7: 21 - 23. Ye oko, ti zi saleté na tele ti gengere ni, a lingbi a tö ni; ndali ni, ndokua ti zingo gengere ni adë na sese akota gbako ti akeke. Jehovah is our loyal God. In order to cleanse the copper, however, it had to be cleaned up, and for this purpose, the copper industry broke out in large forests of trees. Nga tongana mo fa nda ni nzoni na azo, mo yeke mû maboko na ala ti wara lege ti fini nga ti ngbâ dä. Hetty explains: "One island had no convenient landfall, only cliffs rising several feet straight out of the ocean. And if you give a thorough explanation to others, you will help them to find the road to life and to stay there. Lo tene: "Gue kâ na ndo estrade ni na fa na mbi ye kue so mo hinga na ndo ni. " How? He said: "Go up to the platform and tell me everything you know about it. " Na ambeni ngoi e yeke fa so e sara ye na mbeto pëpe na lege ti sarango ye ti e me pëpe na lege ti atënë ti e. (a) What critical test of loyalty did the three Hebrews face? At times, we show courage by our conduct and not by our words. Tongana ala de ti deba yanga ti ala na gbele wakua ti letäa pëpe, ala lingbi ti sara ni na ngoi ti diskur ni. Paul also deeply appreciated his fellow Christians and often thanked Jehovah for their fine qualities and faithful service. If they were not yet taking a vow before a government servant, they could do so during the talk. Ngbanga ti nyen Paul atene tongaso? No doubt, all servants of Jehovah will benefit greatly from making good use of the additional time that is now available for meaningful Bible study and family worship. Why did Paul say that? " Zo wa si ahinga bibe ti Jéhovah "? (b) How may others look upon us, but what really matters? " Who Has Known the Mind of Jehovah "? Na tapande, Tënë ti Nzapa amû fango lege so: "Mo mä babâ ti mo so adü mo, na mo ke mama ti mo pëpe tongana lo ga mbakoro. ." " Concentrate on the wonderful things about your child, because there are many of them. " For example, God's Word gives this direction: "Be obedient to your father who is born to you, and do not despise your mother when she grows old. " Azo ti congrégation ayeke yamba nzoni mingi azo so aga. So these prophecies would only be understood much later, during "the time of the end. " Those in the congregation are warmly welcomed. Ngu ti mingi ti ala na yâ kusala ti ngoi kue: 14,5 3 - 5. Average years in full - time ministry: 14, No. Na bï, sese ayengi na fondation ti da ti kanga ni ayengere nga ayanga ti da ni kue azi. 12 "Weep With Those Who Weep " During the night, there was an earthquake on the roof of the prison, and every door was opened. Jéhovah Nzapa ti e ayeke be - ta - zo. Hezekiah and Josiah are depicted as humble kings who respect God's Law. Jehovah our God is faithful. Hetty atene: "Mbeni zoa ni ayeke gi mbeni hoto so asigigi na yâ ti ngu ti ingo na ayo na nduzu mingi, tongaso mbeni nzoni ndo ti tene bateau aluti dä ayeke pëpe. Superstitious traditions hold that illness and accidents are, not simply chance happenings, but events instigated by forces in the spirit world. " One of the islands was just a mountain rising from the sea, so there was no safe place for the ship to stand. Tongana nyen? Naboth, though, said: "It is unthinkable, from Jehovah's standpoint, for me to give you the inheritance of my forefathers. " How? Ambeni zo laso alingbi ti bâ so ye so amaseka osio so asala akpa nga kota ye pëpe. They share together the privilege of being Witnesses of Jehovah and of his Kingdom. Some today may feel that what four young people do is too important. Paul abâ nga na nene ni mingi amba ti lo aChrétien nga lo yeke kiri singila na Jéhovah lakue ndali ti anzoni sarango ye ti ala nga ndali ti akua so ala sara na bê ti ala kue. He was residing there when he wrote his first inspired letter, about 62 C.E. Paul also appreciated fellow believers and always thanked Jehovah for their good qualities and for their whole - souled service. Kite ayeke pëpe so fade awakua ti Jéhovah kue ayeke wara ye ti nzoni mingi na sarango kua nzoni na ngoi so a zia fadeso na ndo ti ngoi so ala yeke na ni ti manda Bible nga ti manda tënë ti Nzapa na sewa nzoni. 1: 12. No doubt all of Jehovah's servants will benefit greatly by making good use of their time for Bible study and family worship. Zia lê ti mo mingi na ndo ti apendere ye so molenge ti mo ayeke sara, teti so a yeke mingi. " Dubbed the Lady Williams apple, the new variety became a forebear of the Cripps Pink apple, one of the world's most popular apple varieties. Keep your eyes focused on the wonderful things that your child does, for they are many. " Donc azo ayeke mä yâ ti atënë ti prophétie ni gi ngu mingi na pekoni, na "lâ ti nda ni. " The book Sex Smart observes that some youths may outwardly agree with their parents ' beliefs about sex. The prophecy has been understood only years later, during "the last days. " 3 - 5. This was a result of a four - year global study of Earth's environment, involving more than 1,360 experts from 95 countries. 3 - 5. 12 "Ala toto legeoko na azo so atoto " Our taking those words to heart will empower us to face the great tribulation just ahead and contribute to the Paradise to follow. 12 " weep With Those Who weep " A fa Ezéchias na Josias tongana agbia so ayeke na tâ be - ti - molenge na so abata Ndia ti Nzapa na yâ fini ti ala. Moreover, the work is not slowing down. Hezekiah and Josiah were depicted as humble kings who observed God's Law in their lives. Ti angobo ti salango ye ti akotara so andu atënë so gere ni aluti nzoni pëpe, ayingo si ayeke na gunda ti akobela na andao, me pëpe mbeni ye so asi gi tongaso. Do you really want God to listen to your prayers? According to tradition, spirit forces are responsible for sickness and accidents, not an accident. Me, Naboth atene: "A yeke sioni na lê ti Nzapa tongana mbi mû na mo ye so mbi wara na maboko ti ababâ ti mbi. ." For example, when in Galilee, he was approached by a man in an advanced stage of leprosy. However, Naboth said: "It is bad in God's eyes when I give you what I have received from my father. " Ala kue ayeke na matabisi ti duti aTémoin ti Jéhovah na ti Royaume ti lo. He is the only true God, the Creator. All of them have the privilege of being Jehovah's Witnesses and his Kingdom. Lo yeke lani kâ na ngoi so lo sû kozo mbeti ti lo, na ngu 62 tongaso. Instead of being angry and resentful, may they continue to serve God to the best of their ability in their new situation, viewing the discipline as evidence of Jehovah's love. He was there when he wrote his first letter, about 62 C.E. 1: 12. So, what can we expect if we make prayer a part of our life? 1: 12. Na keke ti pomme so alë alê ti pomme so anzere ngangu. A iri keke ti pomme ni so Lady Williams. " Cain grew hot with great anger, and his countenance began to fall, " says the Bible account. At the labor tree of the milk, it bears fruit that brings joy to the eyes, and it is called The Encyclopædia Britannica. Mbeni buku (Sex Smart) afa so ambeni maseka alingbi ti tene so ala yeda na aye so babâ na mama ti ala amä na bê na ni so andu bungbingo koli na wali. COVER SUBJECT: THE RESURRECTION OF JESUS - ITS MEANING FOR YOU One reference work says that some youths may conclude that they agree with what their parents believe involves sexual relations. Awagingo nda ti ye so wungo ti ala ahon 1 360 na so alondo na yâ ti akodoro 95 amû mbage na yâ ti kota gingo nda ti ye so. A good relationship with humans contributes to happiness, but even more so does a good relationship with God. Over 1,000 scholars from 95 lands have shared in this important study. Atënë so alingbi nga ti mû ngangu na e ti gbu ngangu na ngoi ti kota ye ti vundu so ayeke ga nga ti lï na yâ ti fini dunia. And should we not also ask: How does God feel about prayer to saints? These words can also strengthen us to endure the coming great tribulation and to enter into the new world. Na ndo ni, kusala ni ayeke kiri na peko pëpe. Who Is Jesus Christ? Moreover, the work does not diminish. Mo ye biani ti tene Nzapa amä asambela ti mo? Many camped in tents within or around the city walls. Do you really want God to hear your prayers? Na tapande, tongana lo yeke na sese ti Galilée, mbeni koli so buruma ate lo kue aga nduru na Jésus. He developed the theme "Continue Cultivating " Your Power of Reason. ' " For example, when he was in Galilee, a well - fed man approached Jesus. A yeke gi lo oko si ayeke tâ Nzapa, Wasalango ye kue. The Bible speaks of the wonders of nature in these words: "Look! These are just the fringes of [God's] ways; only a faint whisper has been heard of him! " He is the only true God, the Creator of all things. Ahon ti tene ala sara ngonzo wala ala bata tënë na bê ti ala, ala lingbi ti ngbâ ti sara na Nzapa na bê ti ala kue, na lege so ala bâ fango lege ni tongana mbeni ye so afa ndoye ti Jéhovah. His motive behind the admonition was loving concern for others. Rather than taking offense or resentment, they can continue to serve God with a complete heart, viewing them as an expression of Jehovah's love. Tongaso, nyen la e lingbi ti wara tongana e yeke sambela ka lakue? What part does prayer play in strengthening our faith? What, then, can we find when we pray regularly? Bible atene: "Ngonzo agbu Caïn mingi, na lê ti lo agbian na vundu. " Even while Paul was carrying on his ministry, some fleshly critics charged that "his presence in person [was] weak and his speech contemptible. " " Cain became angry, " says the Bible, "and his face changed. " KOTA MAMA - TENE NI: ZINGONGO TI JÉSUS NA KUÂ ABÂ MO TONGANA NYEN? 19 Draw Close to God - A Judge Who Is Firm for What Is Right COVER SUBJECT: HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? Ti lë mbeni nzoni songo na azo ti mitele ayeke ga na zo ngia, me ngia ni ayeke duti kota mingi tongana zo alë nzoni songo na Nzapa. What could be more valuable than a close relationship with Jehovah based on "the very knowledge of God "? A good relationship with humans brings happiness, but it is essential when one cultivates a good relationship with God. Me e ye nga ti hinga wala tongana e sambela asaint, Nzapa ayeke bâ ni tongana nyen? 18 - 20. But how does God view it when we pray to saints? Paul: "Mbi yeke Farizien ," 15 / 4 (b) If a pioneer experiences difficulties, what should he do? 4 / 15 Mingi ti ambeni zo ni agbara gi atente ti ala na yâ ti gbagba ti Jérusalem ni wala na gigi ni. " O Jehovah, " wrote the prophet Isaiah, "you are my God. I exalt you, I laud your name, for you have done wonderful things. " Most of them searched for tents in the walls of Jerusalem or outside it. Tongana e tambela na lege ti Jéhovah, e yeke wara lege ti hu âme ti e tongana nyen? He sees us all, he reads our hearts, and he is delighted when he finds a spark of faith like the one that lit up the heart of Rahab. If we walk in Jehovah's ways, how can we find refreshment for our soul? Lo sala lisoro na ndo li ti tene "I Ngbâ Lakue ti Leke " Ngangu ti Bibe ti i. ' " Since there is an appointed time for everything, the question that logically arises is, When will that time of renewal come, so that the wonderful promises by God will come true? He spoke on the theme "Keep Building " the Power of Your Mind. ' " Bible asara tënë ti apendere ye so ayeke na yâ ti dunia na lege ti atënë so: "Bâ, so ayeke gi kete yanga ti kusala ti [Nzapa]; na e mä gi kete tënë ti Lo. ." He had recently sent out 70 of his disciples to preach the good news of God's Kingdom. The Bible speaks of the wonderful things in the world in these words: "Look! This is the narrow gate [God's] works; and yet we have heard only his sayings. " Ndoye ti lo teti ala la apusu lo ti gboto mê ti ala. Then, he mentioned "an accurate knowledge of the sacred secret of God. " His love for them moved him to warn them. Ngbanga ti nyen ti "zia ti sambela pëpe "? God's greatness was shown in creating his Son and using him for aeons as His "master worker. " Why "persevere in prayer "? Même na ngoi so Paul ayeke sara kua ti lo ti fango tënë, ambeni zo so ayeke na pensé ti mitele ayeke kasa lo atene so " tongana lo yeke na terê ti ala lani lo yeke na ngangu pëpe nga lo yeke tene mbeni sörö tënë pëpe. '. 40: 1, 2. Even when Paul carried out his ministry, some who had a fleshly mind criticize him, saying that "when he was with them, he was weak and without a word. " AYE TI MANDA TETI YENGA TI: Consider this scenario: An elder who is a member of a Hospital Liaison Committee has arranged to work with a young brother in the field service on Sunday morning. STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: Kota songo so e lë na Jéhovah so aluti na ndo " tâ hingango ye ti lo ', mbeni ye ayeke dä so alingbi ti hon ni? Understandably, if we are to help others reach their full potential, we need to be discerning. Is there anything that can be overcome by our close relationship with Jehovah that is based on "the very knowledge of him "? 18 - 20. God's People Must Love Kindness, 4 / 15 18 - 20. (b) Tongana mbeni pionnier awara akpale, a yeke nzoni lo sara nyen? She was "declared righteous by works [of faith], after she had received the [Israelite] messengers hospitably and sent them out by another way, " so that they eluded their Canaanite enemies. (b) When faced with challenges, what should a pioneer do? Prophète Esaïe asû na mbeti: "O L'Eternel, Mo yeke Nzapa ti mbi; fade mbi yä iri ti Mo, na mbi sepela iri ti Mo, teti Mo sala kota ye mingi. ." 5, 6. The prophet Isaiah wrote: "O Jehovah, you are my God. I will glorify your name, for you have done great things. " Lo yeke bâ e kue, lo yeke bâ yâ ti bê ti e kue nga tere ti lo ayeke nzere tongana lo bâ so e sara ye na mabe tongana ti Rahab. But Abraham rescued Lot. He sees all of us, examines our hearts, and rejoices when he sees that we imitate Rahab's faith. Teti so ngoi ti sarango ye oko oko kue ayeke dä, hundango tënë ni ayeke so: Ngoi so ye kue ayeke kiri ti ga fini ayeke si ande lawa, ti tene apendere zendo so Nzapa amû aga tâ tënë? What shows that David was a man of spiritual depth? Since there is a time for every act, the question is: When will all things take place, when will the glorious promises of God be fulfilled? Lo tokua adisciple ti lo 70 ti gue ti fa nzoni tënë ti Royaume ti Nzapa. Is it truthful, or is it simply hearsay? He sent 70 disciples to preach the good news of God's Kingdom. Na pekoni, lo sara tënë ti "tâ hingango ye ti tënë so Nzapa ahonde nda ni ." Andrey readily agreed. Then he spoke of "the accurate knowledge of God. " A bâ kota ti ndoye ti Jéhovah na ngoi so lo mû Molenge ti lo ngengele oko tongana sandaga ti kota ngele teti azo kue. I also began to notice that some people made fun of me because of my deafness, while others excluded me from their company. Jehovah's love was expressed when he gave his only - begotten Son as a ransom for mankind. 40: 2, 3. The newspaper Reformierte Presse of Switzerland reported: "In 1995, African Rights... were able to prove the participation of all churches [in the conflict] with the exception of Jehovah's Witnesses. " 40: 2, 3. Gbu li ti mo na ndo ti ye so: Mbeni ancien so ayeke membre ti Komite so abâ lege ti songo na ada - nganga amä tere na mbeni ita - koli so ayeke maseka ti fa tënë na dimanche na ndapre. Contrary to Satan's claims and unlike Adam, Jesus proved that it is possible for a human to remain faithful to God, even under extreme pressures. - Job 2: 4, 5. Consider this: An elder who serves as a member of a Hospital Liaison Committee spoke with a young brother on Sunday morning. Tongana e ye ti mû maboko na amba ti e ti sara kua na akode ti ala nzoni mingi, a lingbi e gi ti bâ asarango ye ti ala. When Jesus was on earth, he cured many - returning sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, vigor to the disabled. If we want to help others reach their full potential, we need to examine their actions. " A diko lo zo ti mbilimbili na lege ti kusala [ti mabe], teti lo kamata awakala [ti Israël] na da ti lo na lo to ala na mbeni lege nde. ' Ye so amû lege na awakala ni ti kpe na maboko ti awato ti ala azo ti Canaan. Those who fear Jehovah hate "self - exaltation. " He "was declared righteous by the work of the faithful man [of faith], because he took spies into his house and sent them out in another way, " enabling the spies to flee to their enemies. 5, 6. In part, he pleaded: "O our God, will you not execute judgment upon them? 5, 6. Me Abraham azi Lot na maboko ti ala. Do You Recall? But Abraham delivered Lot from their hands. Ye wa afa so David akpengba na lege ti yingo? 18. What shows that David was spiritually strong? Ye ni ayeke tâ tënë wala mbi mä ni mango? With regard to discipline, the Bible states: "The rod and reproof are what give wisdom. " Is it true, or am I listening? Andrey ayeda. Pray for God's spirit. He agreed. Mbi to nda ti bâ nga so ambeni zo ayeke he mbi teti mê ti mbi so akanga, na ambeni nde ayeke kpe ti sala kamarade na mbi. Duration: Two weeks. I also began to realize that others ridiculed me for my deaf ear, while others would avoid associating with me. Lo gue na ala na ndo so afini pere nga na ngu ayeke dä. This important step in bringing the organization into theocratic alignment came at the end of the "two thousand three hundred evenings and mornings, " mentioned at Daniel 8: 14. He took them to the place where there were new grass and water. Mbeti - sango Reformierte Presse ti kodoro ti Suisse atene: "Na ngu 1995, Kota Bungbi so abâ lege ti adroit na Afrika... asigigi na atënë so afa so a - église kue amû mbage [na yâ bira ni], gi aTémoin ti Jéhovah oko si amû mbage ti ala dä pëpe. " Satan is not a sporadic deceiver. " In 1995 the Council of Africa... reported that all churches were involved [in the war] except one of Jehovah's Witnesses. " Nde na atënë ti Satan nga na salango ye ti Adam, Jésus afa na gigi so zo alingbi ti ngbâ be - ta - zo na Nzapa même na gbe ti akota kpale. - Job 2: 4, 5. Schroeder), 9 / 15 Unlike Satan's words and actions, Jesus proved that humans can remain loyal to God even under serious challenges. - Job 2: 4, 5. Tongana Jésus ayeke la ni na ndo sese, lo sava azo mingi; lo zi lê ti awaziba na mê ti awambongi, lo kiri ngangu na awazin. SONGS: 33, 137 When Jesus was on earth, he healed many; he healed the blind with the ears of the deaf, and he brought back to the lame. Zo so akpe mbito ti Jéhovah ake "fandara " na bê oko. " I Have Loved the Dwelling of Your House " Jehovah's fear of him hates "the heart. " Lo voro yanga na Nzapa lo tene: "O Nzapa ti e, fade Mo fâ ngbanga na ala pëpe? " God of All Comfort, " 9 / 1 He pleaded with God: "O our God, will you not judge them? 14, 15. This healing process will continue in God's new system until there is no more hatred and bitterness, sorrow and grief in the hearts of mankind. 14, 15. 18. Regarding 607 B.C.E., Jehovah promised that those who listened to him would survive. 18. Sambela Nzapa ti hunda yingo ti lo. Like friendship with a human, faith in Jehovah is based on more than cold facts. Pray to God for his spirit. A ninga ngoi oke?: Yenga use. 16: 24; Mark 10: 29, 30. Duration: Two weeks. Kpengba ye so a sala ti tene bungbi ni alingbi na ndia ti théocratie asi na hunzingo ti "lakui na ndapelele saki use na ndo ni ngbangbo ota " so a fa na Daniel 8: 14. It has been an invincible enemy, the inescapable end for sinful humans, the source of immeasurable sorrow and grief. The important step to qualify for the theocratic arrangement came at the end of "a hundred and three hundred " mentioned at Daniel 8: 14. A yeke pëpe gi ngoi na ngoi si Satan agi ti handa zo. Regarding God, the Bible tells us: "Perfect is his activity, for all his ways are justice. A God of faithfulness who is never unjust; righteous and upright is he. " Satan does not at times try to deceive anyone. Aye so ayeke lani na yâ Arche ti mbele, 15 / 1 In the very beginning, he used that tactic with Eve, asking: "Is it really so that God said you must not eat from every tree of the garden? " " God's Word Is Truth, " 12 / 15 ABIA: 33, 137 By this means, the earth would eventually become a paradise populated by perfect people who would have other living things in subjection. - Gen. SONGS TO BE USED: 33, 33 " Mbi ndoye ndo so da ti Mo ayeke dä " * How, though, did Jehovah react to this rebellion against godly authority? " I Have Love for Your House " Kusala so ti kaïngo akä ayeke ngbâ ti gue na yâ fini sese ti Nzapa juska na ngoi so a yeke wara mbeni pepe kengo tele, suingo bê, na vundu na yâ bê ti azo. Notice that Jesus did not merely tell the disciples what the pattern was; he "set the pattern. " This healing work is still going into God's new world until there is no longer hatred, bitterness, and sorrow in the hearts of others. Na ndo ye so ayeke si na ngu 607 K.N.E, Jéhovah amu zendo so ala so amä yanga ti lo ayeke sö ande fini ti ala. We must always remember that Jesus is the true Head of the congregation. Regarding what would happen in 607 B.C.E., Jehovah promised that obedient mankind would be saved. Legeoko tongana ti akamarade, a yeke gi pëpe aye so Jéhovah asara la amû lege na e ti mä na bê na lo. Toward the end of his first school year, an opportunity to give a speech to the class presented itself. Like friends, we are not the only ones who have faith in Jehovah. 16: 24; Marc 10: 29, 30. Jehovah has provided this spiritual food in great variety - from "milk, " basic Bible teachings, to" solid food, " deeper spiritual information. 16: 24; Mark 10: 29, 30. Lo yeke mbeni wato so zo oko alingbi ti hon lo na ngangu ape. Mbeni zo so siokpari ayeke na tere ti lo alingbi ti kpe ni ape, nga a ga na vundu mingi. " Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. " - 2 Corinthians 6: 14 He is an enemy that no human can conquer, and no imperfect human can escape. Na ndo ti Nzapa, Bible atene: "Kusala ti Lo alingbi kue, lege ti Lo kue ayeke mbilimbili; Lo yeke Nzapa ti be - biani, Lo yeke na sioni oko pëpe, Lo yeke mbilimbili na nzoni - kue. ." Also, these circumstances were exceptional. Concerning God, the Bible says: "All his ways are justice. He is a God of faithfulness, with whom there is no injustice; righteous and upright is he. " Gi na tongo nda ni giriri, lo sala kusala na kode so na mbage ti Ève, tongana lo hunda na lo: "Biani, Nzapa atene, Mo lingbi te le - keke kue ti yaka pepe? " But what if a baptized Christian commits a serious sin because of human weakness? At first, he used Eve's approach when he asked: "Yes, God said: " Can you not eat from every tree of the garden? ' " Ye so ayeke sara si na nda ni sese ayeke ga mbeni paradis so azo so ayeke nzoni - kue la ayeke duti dä na ala yeke komande na ndo ti tanga ti aye so ayeke na fini. - Gen. David sang about the triumphant Messianic King As a result, the earth will eventually become a paradise where perfect humans will live and rule over the rest of life. - Gen. Ye oko, Jéhovah asala ye lani tongana nyen na mbage ti kengo ngangu ti komande so lo mveni amû na Moïse? You can also ask Jehovah for the wisdom to recognize and deal with situations that could cause you to violate your Christian neutrality. How, though, did Jehovah react to the rejection of Moses ' authority? Bâ nga so Jésus atene gi pëpe tënë ti tapande ni; lo "mû tapande ." We do well to ask ourselves: " Do I pray hard for my brothers around the world? Note, too, that Jesus did not simply mention the illustration; he " imitated the pattern. ' A lingbi e girisa lâ oko pëpe so Jésus ayeke biani mokonzi ti kongregation. Change His Mind? 6 / 1 Considerate, 6 / 1 We should never forget that Jesus truly is head of the congregation. Na hunzingo ti kozo ngu ti lo na kota da - mbeti ni, lege azi na lo ti mû mbeni diskur na azo ti klase ni. Keep your Reasoning book and your Bible handy. At the end of her first year at the high school, she had the opportunity to give a talk to the class. E yeke wara "dulait, " wala akozo fango ye ti Bible, na e yeke wara nga" kpengba kobe ," so ti tene afango ye ti Nzapa so alï mingi. Jesus, in fact, was sent forth "to proclaim liberty to those taken captive. " We find "the harvest, " or fundamental teachings of the Bible, and we also receive" solid food, " that is, God's deep teachings. " Ala bungbi oko pëpe na azo so amä na bê pëpe na gbe ti joug oko. " - 2 aCorinthien 6: 14 Fiery coals heaped on top increased the heat so that the hard metal melted and separated from the impurities in the ore. " Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. " - 2 Corinthians 6: 14 Nga, mara ti aye tongaso ayeke si lani lakue pëpe. Is that not proof of Jehovah's blessing on the arrangement by means of which his Son fed the congregations? And such things did not always happen. Me, ka tongana mbeni Chrétien so awara batême awe asara mbeni kota siokpari ndali ti so lo yeke na awokongo? What lesson can young ones learn from the example of Timothy? But what if a baptized Christian commits a serious sin because of his imperfections? David ahe bia na ndo Gbia Messie so ahon na ngangu First, explain any unfamiliar terms that you have to use. David sang about the conquering Messianic King Mo lingbi ti hunda na Jéhovah ti mû na mo ndara ti hinga ye so mo lingbi ti sara na yâ ti aye so alingbi ti sara si mo duti nde ape. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) You might ask Jehovah to give you the wisdom to know what to do in situations that could cause you to be neutral. A yeke nzoni e hunda tere ti e: " Mbi yeke sara ngangu ti sambela ndali ti aita ti mbi na yâ ti dunia kue? • How does the book of Amos show that the execution of God's judgment is selective? We do well to ask ourselves: " Am I striving to pray for my brothers worldwide? " Ala yapu ti sara anzoni kusala "! ▪ This Is Our Place of Worship " Be Zealous for Fine Works "! Zia lakue ndulu na tele ti mo buku Comment raisonner nga na Bible. Consider the "End Afterward, " 9 / 1 Keep yourself close to you for reasons as well as for the Bible. Biani, a tokua lani Jésus "ti fa tënë ti liberté na angbâa .." The small group of Bible Students has grown to some 8,000,000 Witnesses of Jehovah today. Yes, Jesus was sent "to preach freedom to slaves. " Atâa so na yâ ti Bible ti Sango atënë so aga na tongo nda ti versê oko ti Psaume 72 atene "Psaume ti Salomon ," a yeke biani David la asû ni tongana ti so ndangba versê ni afa. 17, 18. (a) What spirit do we need to guard against? Although the original text of Psalm 72 is composed by David, it is, in effect, as the last verse shows. Wâ ti charbon so ayeke na ndo ni asara si tênë ni amû wâ mingi, aga ngu na tongaso asaleté ni asigigi na ndo ni. The high court confirmed that the worship practiced by Jehovah's Witnesses is entirely in harmony with French law and that their Kingdom Halls are entitled to the same fiscal exemptions accorded to other religions. The heat of the mine was so hot that the stone had been filled with water that it had been burned out of the air. Nyen la amaseka alingbi ti manda na lege ti tapande ti Timothée? Imagine the educational program that will be carried out under the direction of the King, Jesus Christ! What can young ones learn from Timothy's example? Kozoni, fa peko ti atënë kue so mo yeke tene me so azo kue si ahinga nda ni nzoni pëpe. Should I just stay in my congregation where things are convenient and predictable? ' " First, explain everything you say but that not all people do not understand. (Gue na gbe ti tënë so: LA BIBLE ET VOUS > QUESTIONS BIBLIQUES) After Jehovah's angel warned Joseph that King Herod intended to kill Jesus, young Jesus and his parents became refugees in Egypt. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) Gingo nda ti atënë ti ngbanga so Amos afa alingbi ti mû lege na e ti hinga nyen? But their "other sheep " companions, whose hope is to live forever on earth, also have a precious relationship with their" one shepherd, " Jesus Christ, and with their God, Jehovah, provided they prove to be obedient. - John 10: 16; Psalm 15: 1 - 5; 25: 14. What can we learn from the consideration of Amos's judgment message? ▪ Ndo so e yeke voro Nzapa dä la I soon learned that the Bible tells us why God has permitted suffering. ▪ Our Place of Worship Kete groupe ti aWamandango Bible so ague na li ni, laso a ga aTémoin ti Jéhovah 8 000 000. Why might Micah 5: 5, 6 have encouraged Hezekiah? The small group of Bible Students grew up as Jehovah's Witnesses today. 17, 18. (a) Bibe wa a lingbi e kpe ni? First, we "must believe that he is. " 17, 18. (a) What attitude should we avoid? Kota da - ngbanga ni ayeda so lege ti vorongo ti aTémoin ti Jéhovah ague legeoko na ndia ti France na tongaso aDa ti Royaume ti ala alingbi pepe ti futa lampo tongana tanga ti ambeni lege ti vorongo. Ask people that question, and you will find that their answers vary greatly. The Supreme Court acknowledged that Jehovah's Witnesses were in harmony with the law of France and therefore their Kingdom Halls could not pay taxes as other religions. Tara ti bâ gbâ ti ye so e yeke manda ande nga e yeke fa na amba ti e na gbe ti fango lege ti Gbia, Jésus Christ. The Christian elder who studied the Bible with me was particularly helpful. Imagine how much we will learn and show others under the direction of the King, Jesus Christ. A yeke nzoni mbi ngbâ gi na yâ ti congrégation ti mbi so aye ayeke tambela dä nzoni so? ' " Householders, in turn, praised the delegates ' conduct. Should I remain in my clean congregation? ' " Jésus na babâ na mama ti lo aga lani aréfugié na Égypte na peko ti so ange ti Jéhovah atene na Joseph so Gbia Hérode aye ti fâ Jésus. Just as meditating on divine truth fortified Jesus to reject temptation, so applying Bible principles helps us to fight against materialistic desires. Jesus and his parents became refugees in Egypt after Jehovah's angel told Joseph that King Herod wanted to kill Jesus. Me afon ala "ambeni ngasangbaga, " so ayeke na beku ti duti na fini teti lakue lakue na ndo sese, ayeke nga na mbeni songo ti ngele ngangu na" Berger " ti ala so "ayeke oko, " Jésus Christ, nga na Nzapa ti ala, Jéhovah, gi tongana ala ngbâ ti mä yanga. - Jean 10: 16; Psaume 15: 1 - 5; 25: 14. To illustrate, you might increase your conviction that the end of this system of things really is near by studying in detail the Scriptural proof that we live in the last days. But their companions, "other sheep, " who have the hope of living forever on earth, also have a precious relationship with their" one shepherd, " Jesus Christ, and their God, Jehovah. - John 10: 16; Psalm 15: 1 - 5; 25: 14. Mbi manda nga so Bible afa ngbanga ti nyen Nzapa azia lege na pasi. From then on, he did his best to pass on to us children what he was learning. I also learned that the Bible explains why God permits suffering. Ngbanga ti nyen atënë so ayeke na Michée 5: 4, 5 alingbi lani ti kpengba Ézéchias? Qualifications: Must be a permanent member of the Bethel family or a temporary volunteer who has been approved to serve at Bethel for a year or longer. Why could the words recorded at Micah 5: 4, 5 have strengthened Hezekiah? • Na yâ alege wa ndoye so e yeke na ni teti aita ti e abata e nde na sese so? He may even consider helping the couple by sending a gift to add to the happiness of their wedding day. - Ecclesiastes 7: 9; Ephesians 4: 28. • In what ways does love for our brothers protect us from the world? Kozo ni, a lingbi e "mä na bê so Nzapa ayeke dä ." They languish behind walls of anonymity. First, we must "put faith in God. " Hunda tënë so na azo, mo yeke bâ so akiringo tënë ti ala ayeke tâ nde nde. Using the tract's title as an introduction, Maria asked, "Would you like to know more about the Bible? " Ask yourself, " How different your answers are! ' Ita ancien so ayeke manda Bible na mbi amû maboko na mbi mingi. That was no empty threat. The brother conducting a Bible study helped me greatly. Nga, azo so amû ndo ti lango na aita agonda lani anzoni sarango ye ti aita. Event: Moreover, those who lived with the brothers commended the fine qualities of the brothers. Laso nga, tongana e ye ti dö sese na bibe ti warango gbâ ti aye ti sese, a lingbi e sara ye alingbi na ndara ti Jéhovah na yâ ti fini ti e. Why can we have faith that Jehovah will provide help at the right time? Today, if we want to resist materialistic thinking, we must act in harmony with Jehovah's wisdom in our lives. Na tapande, mo yeda biani so e yeke na alango ti nda ni? Manda anzene nzene ye na ndo ti aprophétie ti Bible so afa so e yeke na alango ti nda ni ti sara si mabe ti mo akpengba. After this old system has been swept away, Jehovah will fulfill his promise of "new heavens and a new earth " in which we can praise him forever as the Sovereign Lord of the universe and the God of true prophecy. For example, do you not agree that we are living in the last days? Ti londo na ngoi ni so, lo sara kue ti fa ye so lo manda na e amolenge ti lo. (Read 1 Peter 2: 21; 3: 1, 2.) Since then, he has done his best to teach us his children. Azo wa alingbi ti sara ni?: A - Béthelite permanent wala avolontaire temporaire so a yeda na ala ti sara kua teti ngu oko wala ahon so. On the night before Jesus ' death, his own apostle Peter denied him three times. All can do this: Bethel volunteers or Bethelites who have been accepted for a year or more. Lo lingbi même ti duti na nzala ti mu maboko na ala na tongo mbeni matabisi ti kono ngia ti lâ ti mariage ti ala. - Zo - ti - fa - tene 7: 9; aEphésien 4: 28. • How should we react to attacks from outside the congregation? [ Picture on page 16] He may even desire to help them at the beginning of a privilege to increase the joy of their wedding day. - Ecclesiastes 7: 9; Ephesians 4: 28. Vundu asala ala teti ala hinga pëpe azo so ayeke na tele ti da ti ala. Grief may be widespread. They were disappointed because they did not know who was around their home. Na salango kusala na kota li ti tënë ti tract ni, Maria ahunda: "Mo ye ti hinga ye mingi ahon na ndo Bible? " The same problem is common among young people in Australia, Britain, Russia, and elsewhere. Using the title of the tract, Maria asked: "Do you want to know more about the Bible? " So ayeke gi mbeni senge tënë pëpe. " By Him We Have Life " This is no mere matter. sara na mama However, many began to recognize me from the days when I had attended as a child. Helping Mother Ngbanga ti nyen e lingbi ti mä na bê so Jéhovah ayeke mû maboko na e na ngoi so e yeke na bezoin ni? While many suffer the pain and frustration that accompany this world's materialistic and pleasure - seeking lifestyle, we experience genuine joy and contentment. Why can we be confident that Jehovah will sustain us when we need it? Na pekoni so a yeke lungula ande ngbele bungbi ti aye ti fadeso, fade Jéhovah asala ye alingbi na zendo ti lo ti zia "ayayu ti fini na sese ti fini, " so na yâ ni e lingbi ande ti sepela lo teti lakue lakue tongana Kota Gbia na Seigneur ti ndagigi nga na Nzapa ti tâ prophétie. Those aspects have a bearing on our faith, so let us see what we find in the Scriptures. After the present present system of things is removed, Jehovah will fulfill his promise to establish "new heavens and a new earth, " where we can praise him forever as the Sovereign Lord and Sovereign Lord of the universe and the God of true prophecy. (Diko 1 Pierre 2: 21; 3: 1, 2.) King David committed adultery with Bath - sheba, and afterward he had her husband, Uriah, killed. (Read 1 Peter 2: 21; 3: 1, 2.) Na bï so si na ndade ni Jésus akui, bazengele ti lo Pierre atene fani ota so ni hinga lo pëpe. After all, your aim is not simply to find suitable employment but also to be an asset to the congregation and a productive Kingdom proclaimer. On the night before Jesus died, his apostle Peter said three times that he did not know him. • A lingbi e sara ye tongana nyen na gbele asioni so awato aga na ni na ndo ti congrégation? Just as a tree must regularly draw from a water source to remain healthy, a Christian must regularly feed on God's Word to remain spiritually strong. • How should we react to attacks on the congregation? Vundu alingbi ti gbu bê ti azo kue. But when necessary, a loving friend will kindly remind a companion about Jehovah's standards. It can be a source of comfort to all. Oko kpale so ayeke na popo ti amaseka mingi ti Australie, Grande - Bretagne, Russie nga na ambeni kodoro. (3) Worrying unnecessarily about things that may never happen. Many young people in Australia, Britain, Russia, Russia, and other countries face the same challenge. " Na yâ Lo, e yeke na fini " While he was in Capernaum in Galilee, "people brought him many demon - possessed persons; and he expelled the spirits with a word, and he cured all who were faring badly. " - Matthew 8: 16. " In Him We Are Alive " Me, azo mingi ahinga atene mbi so lani mbi ngbâ kete mbi ga ka na bungbi so la. Clearly, a knowledge of the circumstances that existed at the time of writing helps clear up what might appear to be a contradiction. However, most people knew that I had been young enough to attend that meeting. Na ngoi so azo mingi ayeke bâ pasi nga ala yeke na vundu ndali ti so fini ti ala aluti gi na ndo ti tombango peko ti aye ti sese so nga ndali ti so ala ye aye ti ngia mingi, e yeke ti e na ngia nga na nzerengo tere. Being a true comforter implies making yourself available to those who are grieving. - Proverbs 17: 17. When many suffer and regret because their lives are centered on the pursuit of this system of things and because they love pleasures, we are happy and happy. Akiringo tënë na ahundango ndo so ayeke kpengba mabe ti e, tongaso zia e bâ ye so Bible atene. Children tend to think in concrete, black - and - white terms. The answers to these questions strengthen our faith, so let us consider what the Bible says. Gbia David asara lango - sioni na Bath - Shéba nga na pekoni lo sara si a fâ Urie, koli ti Bath - Shéba. [ Picture on page 31] King David committed adultery with Bath - sheba and later killed Bath - sheba's husband, Uriah. Girisa pëpe so ye so mo zia na gbele mo ayeke gi ti wara mbeni nzoni kua ti nginza pëpe, me a yeke nga ti ga mbeni ita so ayeke sara nzoni kua na yâ ti kongregation nga ayeke fa tënë nzoni. Similarly, the apostle Paul indicated that prolonged anger can "allow place [or, an opportunity] for the Devil. " Remember, your goal is not only to find a good job but also to become an effective Kingdom proclaimer in the congregation. Gï tongana ti so mbeni keke adoit ti nyon ngu si amaï nzoni, Chrétien adoit ti diko Bible lakue si lo ngbâ ti duti na kpengba songo na Jéhovah. During my absence from Cyprus, the brothers had acquired new branch premises in Nissou, a few miles from Nicosia, and Carey Barber, from the Brooklyn headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses, gave the dedication talk. Just as drinking properly, a Christian must regularly read God's Word so that he can maintain a strong relationship with Jehovah. Me nzoni kamarade ayeke dabe ti mba ti lo na ndo ti akpengba - ndia ti Jéhovah tongana lo bâ so a yeke nzoni ti sara ni. Rather, this Ruler is chosen by God himself. But a good friend remembers Jehovah's standards when he finds it necessary to do so. (3) Ti gi bê senge senge na ndo ti aye so alingbi lâ oko ti si ape. WHILE growing up in a poor neighborhood in Côte d'Ivoire, Pascal longed for a better life. (3) Don't worry about things that can never happen. Na ngoi so lo yeke na Capernaüm na Galilée, "ala ga na azo mingi na Lo, azo so ayeke na ayingo sioni, na Lo tomba ayingo sioni so na lege ti tënë ti Lo, na Lo lungula kobela ti ala kue so ayeke na kobela ." - Matthieu 8: 16. When she told me that she and her husband were Jehovah's Witnesses, I was delighted. While in Capernaum and Galilee, "they brought many to him, demon - possessed, and expelled these demons by means of his word, and he cured all who were sick. " - Matthew 8: 16. A yeke polele so ti hinga ye nzoni na ndo ti agbata ti ngoi so a sû na Bible ayeke mû maboko na e ti hinga ye polele na ndo ti ambeni versê so azo alingbi ti bâ atene amä tere pëpe na ambeni. Nabal was playing with fire, for David was not one to be trifled with. - 1 Samuel 25: 5, 8, 10, 11, 14. Clearly, a careful consideration of the cities of Bible times helps us to understand clearly some scriptures that may seem to have no conflict with other people. Tongana koli na wali agi ti sara "ye so asara nzoni na mba ti lo, me pëpe ye so asara nzoni gi na lo wani ," ala yeke mû ye ti mba na mba. Hence, Ben - hadad was released so that Ahab could establish commercial interests in Damascus. When a husband and wife work hard to do "what is good toward each other, " they give to each other. Ti ga mbeni tâ zo so adë bê ti mba ti lo aye ti tene so fade mo yeke mû lege na ala so ayeke na vundu ti ga ndulu na mo. - aProverbe 17: 17. A circuit overseer in a war - torn area of Africa reports: "Before reaching the last roadblock between the territories occupied by the rebels and that controlled by the government, my wife and I were surrounded by four rebel military commanders and their bodyguards, who inquired about our identity. Being a true source of comfort means that you will make it possible for those who mourn. - Proverbs 17: 17. Na li ti akete molenge, tongana a tene na ala a tene ye tongaso ayeke nzoni, a yeke nzoni; wala ye tongaso ayeke sioni, a yeke sioni. The Bible does not say whether Jehovah brought about the death of the old prophet. It is wrong to think of children who are told that this is good, good, or bad. [ Foto na lembeti 31] [ Footnotes] [ Picture on page 31] Legeoko nga, bazengele Paul afa so ngonzo so zo abata na bê ti lo a ninga alingbi ti "zia ndo na zabolo .." On the other hand, the dwelling place of an upright one may be quite humble. Similarly, the apostle Paul showed that long - lasting anger can "let place place place place place place place place on the Devil. " Na ngoi so mbi yeke na Grèce, aita ti Chypre awara afini ndo na Nìssou, so ayo akilomètre mingi pëpe na Nicosie, nga Carey Barber, so alondo na kota ndokua ti aTémoin ti Jéhovah na Brooklyn, amû diskur ti zingo yanga - da ni. I liked my workmate and intended to persuade him to return to the Catholic Church. While I was in Greece, the brothers in Cyprus had made new changes in Nlsa, a number of miles away from the city's office of Jehovah's Witnesses in Brooklyn, delivered the dedication talk from headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses. Nde na so, a yeke Nzapa lo wani la asoro Gbia ni. Thereafter, a Bible study was started with Dennis, and he made fine progress. Rather, it is God himself who has chosen the King. PASCAL akono na Côte d'Ivoire na yâ ti mbeni quartier so azo ni ayeke awayere, me lo yeke na nzara ti wara aye mingi na yâ ti gigi ti lo. " We know that nature is described by the best of all possible mathematics because God created it. " - Alexander Polyakov, Russian mathematician. I WAS raised in Côte d'Ivoire, but she had a desire to have more meaning in her life. Mbi dabe ti mbi so mbeni omba ti mbi ayeke lani Témoin ti Jéhovah. So Paul strengthened the disciples by emphasizing the positive result of a faithful course. I remember being one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Nabal ayeke sala ngia na lê ti wâ, teti so David ayeke zo so a lingbi a sala mara ti ngia tongaso na lo pëpe. - 1 Samuel 25: 5, 8, 10, 11, 14. Of course, some human rulers are sincerely concerned about the welfare of their subjects. Nabal was playing with fire, since David was not worthy of such pleasure. - 1 Samuel 25: 5, 8, 11, 14. Tongaso, a zia Ben - Hadad na fini ti tene Achab azia nga ando ti dengo buze na Damas. In 1949, Billie returned from college in Boston and started to study the Bible seriously. It was, therefore, that Ben - sheba had been put to death for Ahab to leave business places in Damascus. Na mbeni kodoro ti Afrika so bira ayeke dä, mbeni surveillant ti circonscription atene: "Kozoni si mbi na wali ti mbi e si na ndangba ndo so ayeke na popo ti kodoro so awabingo kpale akanga lege dä nga na ti so aturugu ti batango kodoro ayeke dä, akota zo osio ti awabingo kpale ni nga na aturugu ti ala angoro e na ala hunda na e ti fa ambeti ti e. Since then, his life had taken one tumultuous turn after another. In one war - torn country, a circuit overseer said: "Before my wife and I arrived at the last part of the country where our literature was under ban and where our literature was under ban, four of our soldiers surrounded and our soldiers. Bible afa pëpe wala Jéhovah asara si mbakoro prophète so akui. Jehovah's Witnesses today avoid being harsh or arrogant toward unbelievers. They consider it rude to label non - Witness relatives or neighbors with derogatory terms. The Bible does not say whether Jehovah caused this old prophet to die. [ Akete Tene na Gbe Ni] Although making the necessary changes is not always easy, help and encouragement are readily available. [ Footnotes] Na mbage, da ti zo ti mbilimbili alingbi ti duti pendere pëpe. Use questions to help the student understand key Bible texts and apply them personally. On the other hand, a righteous person's home may not be pleasant. Mbi ye lo lani mingi nga mbi ye ti sara si lo yeda na atënë ti mbi ti tene lo kiri na Eglize Catholique. For example, the Bible tells you to "flee from fornication. " I loved him so much that I wanted to convince him that he would return to the Catholic Church. Na pekoni, lo to nda ti manda Bible, na lo gue na li ni pendere mingi. However, a servant of God does not have to be perfect to be a good observer. Then she began to study the Bible, and she made fine progress. " E hinga so a yeke na lege ti tâ nzoni kode ti salango calcul si a fa tënë ti lekengo dunia ngbanga ti so a yeke Nzapa si aleke ni. " - Alexander Polyakov professeur ti Russie so ayeke fa kode ti salango calcul. Treating lightly the matter of fulfilling a vow could result in a withdrawing of God's favor. " We know that it is the best method of making the world known because God created it. " - Alexander F. Tongaso, Paul akpengba adisciple ni na lege so lo gboto lê ti ala na ndo ti ye ti nzoni so ala yeke wara tongana ala ngbâ ti duti be - ta - zo. After all, "God... cannot lie. " Hence, Paul encouraged the disciples by pointing their attention to the good that they would enjoy as long as they remained faithful. Tâ tënë, ambeni mokonzi ti sese so ayeke bi bê ti ala biani na ndo ti dutingo ti amba ti ala. Before him I pour out my concern; before him I tell about my distress when my spirit fails within me. True, some rulers of this world really care about the welfare of others. Na ngu 1949, Billie akiri na université na Boston nga lo komanse ti manda Bible nzoni. Why? In 1949, she moved back to university and began to study the Bible carefully. Teti angu mingi tongaso, lo yeke lani ngbâa nga na pekoni lo ga zo ti kanga. The Bible does not say whether Nero himself heard and judged Paul or he assigned someone else to hear Paul's appeal and report to Nero. Over the years, he had been a slave and later a prisoner. Ala bâ a yeke na lege ni pëpe ti tene atënë so ayeke kiri na zo na peko, na ndo sewa wala avoizin ti ala so ayeke aTémoin pëpe. Rather, any who appreciate the spiritual program can discreetly place a donation in a contribution box at the Kingdom Hall. They may feel that it is wrong to make comments about their family or neighbors who are not Witnesses. Atä so lekengo ambeni ye so a lingbi a gbian ayeke lakue kete ye pepe, a lingbi ti wara hio mungo maboko nga na tene ti kpengba zo. Apostasy later began to infect the early Christian congregation, especially after the death of the apostles. While some adjustments are not always easy, help and encouragement can easily be found. Sara kusala na ahundango tënë ti mû maboko na lo ti gbu nda ti akota versê ti Bible na ti sara ye alingbi na ni. Suggested Bible reading for November: Use questions to help him understand and apply key Bible texts. Na tapande, Bible atene na mo ti "kpe ye ti pitan .." (b) How should the 90th Psalm affect our view of life? For example, the Bible tells you to "flee from fornication. " Ye oko, a hunda pëpe na mbeni wakua ti Nzapa ti lingbi kue si lo duti mbeni zo so ahinga ti bâ ndo nzoni. Even the anguish of death will be done away with, for God "will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. However, a servant of God does not need to be perfect so that he is a discerning man. Tongana zo amû na nene ni pëpe tënë ti batango azendo, a lingbi ti sala si Nzapa azi maboko ti Lo na ndo lo. Sergio relates: "Because of illness, we did not go to the square for a while. A lack of respect for vows can result in divine intervention. Teti biani, "Nzapa... alingbi sala mvene pëpe .." They also keep separate from the world by remaining neutral in matters of war and politics. After all, "God... cannot lie. " Mbi fa ye so ason bê ti mbi na gbele Lo, na mbi fa ye ti vundu ti mbi na gbele Lo. Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering? I described my feelings before him, and I explained my pain before him. Ngbanga ti nyen? Alcohol affects the mind. Why? Bible atene ape wala Néron wani la amä lani Paul nga afâ ngbanga na li ti lo wala lo tene na mbeni zo ti mä atënë ti Paul nga ti fa peko ni na lo. The difference in the meaning of these two words can be illustrated by describing a talk given at the Kingdom Hall. The Bible does not say whether Nero personally listened to Paul and condemned him or told anyone to listen to Paul's words and explain them to him. Me zo kue so tënë ti Nzapa anzere na lo ayeke gue yeke ti bi nginza na yâ ti boîte so a zia ndali ti a - offrande na yâ ti Da ti Royaume ni. How should we respond to Jehovah's willingness to forgive? But anyone who pleases God will go to the contribution box for donations at the Kingdom Hall. Mbilimbili na peko ti kuâ ti abazengele, azo so adö nzoni lege ti vorongo Nzapa azia akomanse ti buba congrégation ti akozo Chrétien. After saying that "the whole congregation of the assembly of Israel must slaughter " the lamb, Moses specified when on Nisan 14 they were to do so. - Read Exodus 12: 5, 6. Especially after the death of the apostles, those who abandoned pure religion began to corrupt the early Christian congregation. (b) Tongana nyen a lingbi Psaume 90 asala ngangu na ndo bango ndo ti e na ndo fini? That conclusion, however, would contradict what the Bible clearly says about the condition of the dead. - See box below. (b) How should Psalm 90 affect our view of life? Même fade a yeke lungula vundu ti kui, teti fade Nzapa " ambô ngule kue na lê ti ala, na fade kui ayeke mbeni pepe, fade mua wala wuluwulu wala pasi ayeke mbeni pepe. And as a reminder that human reproduction transmitted imperfection and sin, a woman who gave birth was required to observe a period of uncleanness, after which she was to make atonement by means of a sacrifice. - Lev. Even death will be assured, for God "will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. Sergio atene: "Ndali ti kpale ti songo terê, teti mbeni ngoi e gue na place ni so ape. Those of you who have "done the will of God " and have proved your loyalty by your life course can look forward to receiving" the fulfillment of the promise. " - Hebrews 10: 36. " For a time we didn't go to that place for a while, " says "for a time we didn't go to that place. A yeke aye tongana gingo na kota bê mosoro, nzara ti duti kota zo, nga salango ye kue so bê ti zo aye. When we call someone cruel, we judge his motives. These include materialism, ambition, and doing whatever is in man's eyes. Ngbanga ti nyen Nzapa azia lege na aye ti sioni nga na pasi? Now, rather than confine my wife to the kitchen, I happily support her in her activities as a full - time evangelizer. Why does God allow wickedness and suffering? Sämba ayeke sala ngangu na ndo bibe ti zo. After all, what's the point of a government without any subjects? A Christian's thinking is influenced by the spirit of a man. Ti hinga kangbi so ayeke na popo ti atënë use so, zia e bâ lege so a yeke mû na mbeni diskur na Da ti Royaume. Famine, Pestilence, and Earthquakes To understand the difference between these two matters, let us consider how a talk is given at a Kingdom Hall. So Jéhovah ayeke nduru ti pardone e so, a yeke nzoni e sara nyen? He added: "They accepted us as their friends and as part of their family. How should we respond to Jehovah's willingness to forgive us? Na pekoni so Moïse atene so a lingbi "bungbi ti azo ti Israël kue afâ " ngasangbaga, lo fa na ala ngoi so ala lingbi ti fâ na ni na lango 14 ti Nisan. - Diko Exode 12: 5, 6. What will happen to rebels when the thousand years end? After Moses said that "all the assembly of Israel should kill " the sheep, he showed them when they could be killed on Nisan 5, 6. - Read Exodus 12: 5, 6. Ye oko, tënë so ague tâ nde mingi na ye so Bible atene polele na ndo ti azo so akui awe. - Bâ encadré. So he eagerly joined Paul and Barnabas on their first missionary tour and served as their attendant. However, this is contrary to what the Bible clearly says about the dead. - See box. Nga ti tene aJuif agirisa pëpe so azo kue so a dü ala alingbi kue pëpe nga ayeke awasiokpari, na lege ti Ndia mbeni wali so adü ayeke ga sioni teti ambeni lango, na a hunda na lo ti mû mbeni sandaga ti tene a pardone siokpari ti lo. - Lév. What, then, is required of us as God's servants? And for the Jews to keep in mind that all imperfect humans were imperfect and sinful, through the Law a woman who had been born for some days would be unclean and had to offer a sacrifice for forgiveness of sins. - Lev. Ala so " asara ye so Nzapa aye ' nga so afa na yâ ti fini ti ala so ala yeke be - ta - zo alingbi ti ku ti bâ gango tâ tënë ti "zendo ni. " - aHébreu 10: 36. Hegai favored her strictly on the basis of what he observed - her appearance and good qualities. Those who " do the will of God ' and prove faithful in their lives can expect to experience the fulfillment of "the promises. " - Hebrews 10: 36. Tongana e tene zo tongaso ayeke sioni, andâ e tene so sioni bê ti lo la asara si lo ga tongaso. BEING a Christian embraces more than reading the Bible, praying, and singing hymns on Sundays. If we say that such a person is cruel, we may conclude that he has become such a person. Fadeso, ahon ti tene mbi pensé so place ti wali ti mbi ayeke gi na cuisine, mbi yeke na ngia ti aidé lo si lo sara kua ti lo ti fango tënë ti Nzapa na azo, so lo yeke sara ni teti l'heure mingi. Fear may paralyze us - fear of making the wrong decision, fear of failure, or fear of appearing foolish to others. Now, instead of thinking that my wife's place is in the kitchen, I have the joy of helping her to share in the preaching work, which she spends long hours in the ministry. Bâ kete si, tongana mbeni ngorogbia ayeke na azo na gbe ti lo ape ti komande ala, raison ti komandema ti lo ni ayeke so wa? Out of respect for our free will, though, Jehovah does not automatically prevent us from falling into temptation. Well, what is the reason for his rulership if there is no government under his control? Kota nzara, kobela ti futi kodoro, na yengingo ti sese © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. There is food shortages, pestilences, and earthquakes Lo kiri lo tene: "Ala yamba e tongana akamarade ti ala nga tongana azo ti sewa ti ala. In what way does our preaching work sanctify God's name? He added: "Be hospitable to us as friends and family members. Nzoni kode wa so ayeke nde ti mandango Bible akozo Wamandango Bible asala kusala na ni giriri? In answer, let us consider the example of Timothy. What special method of Bible study did the early Bible Students use? Ye nyen ayeke si ande na azo ti kpengba - li tongana ngu saki oko ahunzi? This spirit realm where Jesus used to live with his Father is what the Bible calls "heaven. " What will happen to the rebels when the thousand years end is over? Lo yeke na ngia ti mû peko ti Paul na Barnabas na yâ ti kozo tambela ti ala ti missionnaire nga ti mû maboko na ala. Good News for the Poor He was happy to follow Paul and Barnabas on their first missionary tour and help them. Tongaso, ye wa a hunda na e awakua ti Jéhovah ti sara? Why do only the anointed partake of the bread and the wine? What, then, are Jehovah's servants commanded to do? Hégaï asara nzoni na lo gi ndali ti ye so lo bâ: pendere ti lo nga na anzoni sarango ye ti lo. What Have You Learned? He benefited from what he saw - his appearance and good qualities. TI DUTI mbeni Chrétien andu ye mingi ahon gi ti diko Bible, ti sambela na ti he abia ti Nzapa na alango ti dimanche. Moses heard a marvelous declaration of God's goodness A Christian is more concerned with reading God's Word, praying, and singing God's songs on Sunday days. E sara mbeto ti tene e mû mbeni sioni desizion, ti tene e mû desizion na ye ni atambela nzoni pëpe wala ti tene azo ahinga li ti ala na e pëpe. The holy spirit can produce joy and peace in the heart of an individual Christian, among a body of elders, and in the congregation as a whole. We fear that we will make a bad decision, allowing us to make a decision that will not work out or allow others to understand us. Jéhovah abâ liberté ti e na nene ni, lo yeke gbu e na ngangu pëpe ti sara ye so ayeke nzoni. Would personal preferences or prejudices rule the day? Jehovah values our freedom, does not force us to do what is right. © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. • What rewards do we receive from conducting a Bible study? © 2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Tongana nyen la kua ti e ti fango tënë ayeke sara si iri ti Nzapa aga nzoni - kue? When might a Christian, for the benefit of his brothers, refrain from exercising his rights? How does our preaching work sanctify God's name? Ti hinga kiringo tënë ni, zia e bâ tapande ti Timothée. Even a fleeting or accidental brush with pornography can have a negative impact. To answer, let us consider Timothy's example. Ndo ti yingo so Jésus ayeke ândö dä na tere ti Babâ ti lo ayeke ye so Bible airi ni "yayu ." Indeed, Jesus has prepared the apostles for his departure, and he surely " loves his own to the end. ' - John 13: 1; 17: 1. The spirit realm that Jesus was with his Father was what the Bible calls "the heavens. " Nzoni tënë ndali ti awayere That night, Liene spent three hours answering my questions about the Bible. Good News for the Poor Ngbanga ti nyen gi ala so a sa yingo na ndo ti ala si ate mapa na anyon vin ni? Amen. " Why should only anointed ones partake of the emblems? Mo manda nyen? Do God's will. What Did You Learn? Moïse amä mbeni pendere tënë ti nzoye ti Nzapa Will the sister give due consideration to what the elder says? Moses heard a marvelous message of God's goodness Yingo vulu alingbi ti sara si ngia na siriri amaï na bê ti Chrétien, na popo ti a - ancien nga na yâ kongregation kue. Referring to yet another factor that fortified his integrity, David said: "I have not sat with men of untruth; and with those who hide what they are I do not come in. Holy spirit can promote joy and peace in the Christian congregation, among elders and in all congregations. Ala yeke leke tënë ni tongana nyen? The luxurious life - style of many in Kourion can be seen in the beautiful mosaics decorating the floors of even private villas. How would they resolve the matter? • Aye ti nzoni wa e yeke wara tongana e manda Bible na zo? Since King Solomon of ancient Israel in his old age turned unfaithful to God, can we conclude that he will not be resurrected? - 1 Kings 11: 3 - 9. • What benefits come from conducting a Bible study? Kpe ti ga tênë ti pikango gere ti azo In all their activities, humans were to reflect his qualities, such as justice, wisdom, and love. Avoid becoming a stumbling block Même tongana zo abâ porno gi kete wala lê ti lo atï dä gi gbagburu tongaso, lo lingbi ti wara kpale. Yet, are you able to keep the Kingdom - the true means of attaining permanent security - in focus? Even when a person sees pornography suddenly or suddenly falls, he may be in danger. 5, 6. Tongana nyen e lingbi ti fa so e kiri singila teti kota ngele, matabisi ti Nzapa so ayeke kota ahon atanga ni kue? Just as we can use a mirror to check our physical appearance, so we can use the Bible to check our inner person and correct any defects we might find. 5, 6. How can we show appreciation for God's greatest gift? Biani, Jésus aleke abazengele ni teti hongo ti lo, na lo " ndoye ala biani juska na nda ni. ' - Jean 13: 1; 17: 1. Zedekiah responded favorably and had 30 men accompany Ebed - melech to rescue Jeremiah. Yes, Jesus prepared the apostles for his departure, and he " loved them to the end. ' - John 13: 1; 17: 1. Amaseka mingi ti dunia so ayeke bi bê ti ala gi na ndo ti ala wani nga na ndo ti aye so ala ye. She explains: "I did not like field service. Many youths in this world are self - centered and self - centered. Na bï ni so, Liene amû ngbonga ota ti kiri tënë na ahundango tënë ti mbi. The loaf which we break, is it not a sharing in the body of the Christ? That night, she spent three hours answering my questions. Amen. ." Hence, if a Christian chooses to take reasonable measures to defend himself or his property, he would do everything in his power to avoid taking a human life and becoming bloodguilty. - Deut. Amen. " Sara ye so bê ti Nzapa aye. Similarly, a steady diet of recreation and entertainment will weaken our spiritual health. Do God's will. Ita - wali ni ayeke gbu li nzoni na ndo ti wango so ancien ni amû na lo? The Meaning of Self - Sufficiency Does the sister give serious consideration to the elder's counsel? Ti fa mbeni ye so amû ngangu na be - biani ti lo, David atene: "Mbi duti pëpe na azo ti handa, na mbi tambela pëpe na awandendia. Dwelling on injustices caused Asaph to question the value of serving God. Showing yet another source of strength in his integrity, David said: "I have not sat with men of untruth; and I have not walked with hypocrites. A lingbi ti bâ pendere dutingo ti azo ti kodoro ti Kourion giriri na lege ti adessin so a sala ni na ndo ti atênë so a leke ni ti sala même na pendere ti sese ti yâ ti da ti azo. What is meant by the expressions "heavenly bodies " and" earthly bodies "? The beauty of the peoples in Bible times can be seen in art designed to serve even the beauty of the homes of the household. So Salomon, gbia ti Israël, angbâ be - ta - zo pëpe na Nzapa na ngoi so lo ga mbakoro, e lingbi ti tene so lo yeke zingo ande na kuâ pëpe? - 1 aGbia 11: 3 - 9. (Read Philippians 4: 13.) Can we conclude that King Solomon of Israel would not remain loyal to God during his old age? - 1 Kings 11: 3 - 9. Na yâ kusala ti ala kue, a lingbi azo ahaka peko ti alengo ti lo tongana mbilimbili, ndara nga na ndoye. For example, the Israelites offered animal sacrifices to obtain forgiveness of sins. Throughout their ministry, humans need to imitate his qualities as righteousness, wisdom, and love. Me, mo lingbi ti bata lê ti mo gi na ndo Royaume, tâ lege ti wara nzoni duti teti lakue lakue? [ Footnote] But can you keep your eye focused on the Kingdom, the best way to enjoy lasting security? Legeoko tongana ti so e lingbi ti mû tatara ti bâ na tere ti e, e lingbi ti sara kua na Bible ti bâ asarango ye ti e nga ti zi asioni sarango ye kue so e lingbi ti wara dä. Why might some hold back from baptism, but what assurance do you have? Just as we can use a mirror to see us, we can use God's Word to examine our actions and rid ourselves of all forms of wrongdoing. Sédécias ayeda na lo tene na Ebed - Mélec ti mû akoli 30 na tere ti lo ti gue ti zi Jérémie na yâ ti dû ni. Repudiate "Valueless Things " PAGE 3 Zedekiah responded and told Ebed - melech to take 30 men with him to deliver Jeremiah out of the cave. Lo tene: "Mbi ye lani fango tënë pëpe. The Bible offers positive, realistic counsel. She says: "I didn't like the ministry. Mapa so e fâ, e kamata ti sala beoko na tele ti Christ pëpe? Another great expression of creation is the way that God made us. Do we not take sides with Christ on the basis of our bread? Ni la, tongana mbeni Chrétien asoro ti sara ambeni ye ti bata na terê ti lo wala na aye ti lo, lo yeke sara kue ti tene ngbanga ti mênë ti zo aduti na li ti lo ape. - Deut. Now in his 20 ' s, Samuel has a strong temptation to go back to that habit. Thus, if a Christian chooses to take certain measures to protect himself or his possessions, he will make sure that his blood is innocent. - Deut. Legeoko nga, tongana e mû mingi ti ngoi ti e ti sara gï na angia, a yeke buba songo ti e na Jéhovah. Montano: Biblioteca Histórica. Similarly, spending most of our time on recreation will damage our relationship with Jehovah. Ziango bê gi na ndo ye so zo ayeke na ni aye ti tene nyen? An entire Bible book was written about him. What does it mean to be self - sufficient? Asaph agbu li ti lo na ndo ti ndani so azo ti mbilimbili ayeke bâ pasi me na bango azo ti sioni aye ti ala ayeke tambela nzoni; na lo to nda ti hunda tere ti lo wala a yeke kota ye ti sara na Nzapa. It stirs our emotions, does it not? Asaph meditated on why righteous people suffer but saw the wicked walking well, and he began to wonder whether it was important to serve God. Atene " atele ti yayu ' na " atele ti sese ' aye ti tene nyen? 90,894 What is meant by the words "the bodies of the heavens " and" the bodies of the earth "? (Diko aPhilippien 4: 13.) Flavia made the personal decision to end her studies at the university. (Read Philippians 4: 13.) Na tapande, azo ti Israël ayeke mû lani asacrifice ti nyama ti tene a pardone asiokpari ti ala. What is one way that Satan tries to alienate us from Jehovah? For example, the Israelites offered animal sacrifices for forgiveness of sins. [ Kete tënë na gbe ni] When the lid is removed, Zechariah sees "a woman sitting inside. " [ Footnote] Ambeni zo ayeke sara mbeto ti wara batême ngbanga ti nyen? Me dengo bê wa la mo wara? 3: 23, 24. Why do some hesitate to get baptized, but what assurance do you find? 22, 23. Ngbanga ti nyen a yeke nzoni mo ngbâ lakue ti mä wango ti Nzapa? Practical as it might have seemed, it left out one vital element - God's will. 22, 23. Why should you keep listening to God's counsel? 3 A hunda ti tene a sö fini ti azo! 4 Lege so kuâ ti Jésus alingbi ti sö mo * So the same pivotal year saw the outbreak of war on earth and war in heaven. 3 It calls for salvation! 4 How Jesus ' Death Can save You Bible amû nzoni wango ti sarango ni. Why is displaying a critical attitude toward others not helpful? The Bible gives sound counsel to do so. Mbeni kota kusala ti Nzapa ayeke lege so lo leke na e. * "If you switch to my company, you will save 15 euros a month, which is a lot. " One of God's great works is his arrangement for us. Ti fadeso Samuel awara ngu 20 tongaso awe, me bê ti lo ayeke pusu lo ngangu ti kiri ti tï na yâ ti sarango ye so. The Governing Body today has the colossal task of overseeing an international preaching work involving over eight million evangelizers. Now in her late 20 ' s, Samuel was tempted to fall into that trap again. Montano: Biblioteca Histórica. Instead, we see the wisdom of living in line with the inspired assurance: "Setting the mind on the spirit means life and peace. " hand out the following questions: loved ones in the United States. Mbeni buku oko ti Bible asala gi tene ti lo. [ Pictures on page 17] One Bible book simply speaks of him. Tondo ni azingo atene ti bibe ti e, ni la pepe? A Pentecostal evangelist who was said to have the power to heal came to visit. The account raised our feelings, does it not? 90 894 Another Bible text says that it is "well - pleasing " to our Lord Jesus Christ. 90,4 Flavia amû desizion ti zia lege ti mandango mbeti na dasendagi. Somehow I managed to develop that skill. " I decided to quit university education, " she decided. Mbeni oko ti alege so Satan ayeke sara kusala na ni ti pusu e yongoro na Jéhovah ayeke so wa? Listen to what some young people have to say: What is one of Satan's ways to draw us away from Jehovah? Na ngoi so a zi yanga ti kungba ni, Zacharie abâ "mbeni wali ayeke na yâ ni. " That love moved him to gather and train disciples, sending them out in preaching campaigns. When the load was opened, Zechariah saw "a woman in it. " 3: 23, 24. Being a country girl, I was overawed by the Parisians. 3: 23, 24. Atâa so a lingbi ti bâ so ye so lo leke ti sara ayeke na lege ni, lo girisa mbeni kpengba ye: ye so bê ti Nzapa aye. Local Irish people protected Bedell for a time despite his English origins because they recognized his genuine concern for them. Although his purpose may seem reasonable, he lost something significant - God's will. * Tongaso, a yeke gi na oko ngu ti 1914 ni so la kota bira atï na sese ge nga na yayu kâ. [ Pictures on page 18, 19] * Thus, it was the same year since 1914 that great war broke out on earth as well as in heaven. Na ambeni ndo, a yeke ngangu ti tene ababâ na mama, ambakoro nga na awafango mbeti agonda amaseka. 11: 4. In some places, it is difficult for parents, older ones, and teachers to commend young people. Marc An Absorbing Log Mark Tongana mo zia ndokua so kâ si mo ga na ti mbi ge, nze oko oko, nginza so mo lingbi ti bata ayeke si 9 840. " There were some 80 of us sisters crammed into one cell. If you leave this company there so that you can bring me here each month, the money that you can care for will be 980. " Laso, Bebungbi ayeke na kota kua ti bâ ndo na ndö ti kua ti fango tënë so awafango tënë ahon kutu miombe ayeke sara na yâ ti dunia kue. 5,600 Today, the Governing Body has great responsibility to oversee the worldwide preaching work done by over eight million Kingdom publishers. Me e bâ so a yeke na lege ti ndara ti sara ye alingbi na atënë ti dengo bê so, so a sû na gbe ti yingo: "Bingo bê na ndo ti yingo aye ti tene fini nga na siriri. " Jesus tells us: "The harvest is a conclusion of a system of things, and the reapers are angels. " We realize, though, that it is wise to heed these inspired words: "The minding of the spirit means life and peace. " [ Afoto na lembeti 17] And think how much more effective you can be as a teacher! [ Pictures on page 17] Mbeni évangéliste ti Eglize Pentécotiste so a tene lo yeke na "don de guérison " aga lani ti bâ e. Do you see yourself playing a part in this marvelous work? A member of the Church who believed that he had "the gift of gifts " came to visit us. Mbeni versê nde ti Bible atene so mango yanga ayeke "nzoni " na lê ti Seigneur ti e Jésus Christ. 88: 13, 14. Another Bible verse says that obedience is "good " to our Lord Jesus Christ. Atâa na lege wa, mbi manda ti sara kua na kode ni so. Delivered by "Precious Blood, " 3 / 15 In any case, I learned to use this method. Mä ye so ambeni maseka atene: Under what circumstances was Isaiah 53: 8 fulfilled? Listen to what some young people say: Ndoye so apusu lo ti bungbi adisciple, ti fa ye na ala nga ti tokua ala ti gue ti fa tënë. Let us therefore schedule time for personal study and then stick to that schedule. This love moved him to gather disciples, teach them, and send them out to preach. Teti so mbi kono na kete kodoro, bê ti mbi adö mingi ti bâ azo ti Paris. Jehovah has made sure that we know enough about Jesus for us to be his footstep followers. - 1 Pet. As I grew up in a village, I was impressed by the Paris people. Me azo ti Irlande ni abata Bedell, atâa so lo yeke Anglais. During his ministry, Jesus spoke to many Pharisees. But the Irish guards Bedell, although he was English. [ Foto na lembeti 19] Although he was young, Jesus had the faith and courage needed to question older teachers at the temple. [ Picture on page 19] 11: 4. For example, when Jehovah's Witnesses in Germany refused to heil Adolf Hitler as their Führer, Hitler vowed to exterminate them. 11: 4. Mbeti ti tondo so agbu bê It's like traveling without leaving your city. Highlights From the Book of Questions E kue, e yeke aita - wali 80 tongaso so a bungbi e na yâ ti sululu oko. The man answered from the Scriptures, and Jesus helped him see how to apply the principle to himself. All of us were about 80 sisters who were gathered in one cell. 5 600 How can love balance different aspects of our lives? 5, 6. Jésus atene na e so "ngoi ti kongo lê ti kobe ni ayeke ngoi so aye ti mbeni ngoi ayeke gue ti hunzi. Questions From Readers - Is there any hope of a resurrection for a baby that dies in its mother's womb? PAGE 12 Do You Remember? PAGE 14 Jesus tells us that "the harvest is the conclusion of a system of things. Nga, mo yeke bâ tongana nyen kode ti mo ti wafango ye ayeke ga na ye ti nzoni mingi ahon! 17, 18. (a) What feeling did Paul develop toward those in the congregations? And how rewarding your teaching skills are! Mo yeke mû maboko na pendere kua so? Doing so would have been of help to their brothers who followed them on the route back to their homeland. Are you supporting this wonderful work? 88: 14, 15. Taking time to meditate appreciatively on " Jehovah's dealings ' can instill in us the desire to cultivate this godly quality. - Read Psalm 77: 12. 88: 14, 15. Tongana nyen la Ésaïe 53: 8 aga tâ tënë? What will this mean to people "who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news " about his heavenly Kingdom in the hands of Christ? How was Isaiah 53: 8 fulfilled? Kota ye ni ayeke so, a lingbi e bâ mbilimbili nene ni ti gi ti wara tâ hingango ye ti Nzapa na ti Molenge ti lo. The particular circumstances of that widow show us that we have additional reasons for persevering in prayer. Most important, we need to take seriously the importance of taking in accurate knowledge of God and of his Son. Jéhovah asara kue si e hinga ye mingi na ndo ti Jésus tongaso si e mû peko ti gere ti lo. - 1 Pi. (Read Proverbs 3: 31 - 33.) Jehovah made sure that we knew more about Jesus so that we could follow his steps. - 1 Pet. Na yâ kusala ti lo ti fango tënë, Jésus asala lisoro na aFarizien mingi. As a result of this outstanding act of love, we once again have the prospect of living forever. In his ministry, Jesus spoke to many Pharisees. Atâa so Jésus ade lani maseka, lo sara ye na mabe nga na mbeto pëpe, ye so la amû lege na lo ti hunda tënë na akota zo so ayeke awafango ye na yâ ti temple. What did this simple act imply? Although Jesus was still a young man, he showed faith and courage, which enabled him to ask the principal teachers at the temple. Na tapande, lani tongana aTémoin ti Jéhovah ti Zamani ake ti bala Adolf Hitler tongana Mokonzi ti ala, Hitler aleke na bê ti lo ti futi ala kue. Peter invited these men into the house and entertained them there. For example, when Jehovah's Witnesses in Germany refused to greet Hitler as their Leader, Hitler was determined to destroy them completely. A yeke mo bâ mo tene mo voyagé sân ti zia gbata ti mo. Trust in God When Tempted to Do Wrong It is as if you were traveling without leaving your town. Koli ni akiri tënë alingbi na ye so a sû na yâ ti mbeti ti Ndia ni, na Jésus amû maboko na lo ti bâ tongana nyen lo lingbi ti sara ye alingbi na kpengba - ndia so. Only God could produce such a book. The man answered what was written in the book of the Law, and Jesus helped him to see how he could apply that principle. Tongana nyen ndoye alingbi ti zia ambage nde nde ti fini ti e na ndo so alingbi? What are some blessings we receive when we give generously? How can love include various aspects of our life in a balanced setting? 17, 18. (a) Tënë ti bê ti Paul ayeke tongana nyen na mbage ti aita ti kongregation? José Ángel also prayed fervently for help. 17, 18. (a) How did Paul feel about those in the congregation? E lingbi ti mû tapande so ti haka na ye so ayeke mû lege na e ti si na aye so e zia na gbele e na lege ti yingo. It is often helpful to identify any visitors. We can imitate this by comparing what will enable us to reach our spiritual goals. Ti mû ngoi ti gbu li na ndo ti " ye so Jéhovah asara ' na ti kiri singila ndali ni ayeke dü na yâ ti e nzara ti maï nzobe so angbâ lakue. - Diko Psaume 77: 13. Why are people so influenced by superstitions, and where do superstitions come from? Taking time to meditate on "the will of Jehovah " and to express gratitude for it will instill in us a desire to cultivate loving - kindness that is enduring. - Read Psalm 77: 12. So aye ti tene nyen teti "azo so ahinga Nzapa pepe, na ala so ake ti mä Tene - nzoni " na ndo Royaume ti yayu so ayeke na tïtî Christ? Consequently, "the sons of Israel fell to doing what was bad in the eyes of Jehovah and serving the Baals. " What does this mean for "those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news " about the heavenly Kingdom in Christ's hands? Teti so dutingo ti womua so ayeke nde, ye so afa na e so e yeke na ambeni nda ti tënë ti ngbâ lakue ti sambela. How did Nehemiah react to his false accusers? Because of the circumstances of her widow, we have good reason to pray constantly. (Diko aProverbe 3: 31 - 33.) At the end of Jesus ' Thousand Year Reign, Satan will be "released from his prison " for a short time to make a final attempt to mislead perfect mankind. (Read Proverbs 3: 31 - 33.) Tongana ye ti peko ti kota fä ti ndoye so, e lingbi ti kiri ti wara beku ti fini ti lakue lakue. Shortly after Detlef was released from prison, a pamphlet was handed to him by Jehovah's Witnesses. As a result of this great expression of love, we can regain our hope of everlasting life. Me, gi senge tengo lê ti keke so aye ti tene nyen? (a) Where can we look for examples of godly qualities? What, though, does this simple eating of the fruit mean? Pierre atisa akoli so ti lï na da na lo yamba ala. At Dzhankoy railway station, about 1974 Peter invited these men to come into the house and welcomed them. Na ngoi so bê ti mo apusu mo ti sara ye ti sioni Yes, examining the contrasts like that may help young and old to pursue Christian conduct in the family and elsewhere. Can you recall the second part of the contrast? When you are tempted to do wrong Gi Nzapa oko si alingbi ti sigigi na mara ti buku tongaso. The main opposers were Sanballat, Tobiah, and Geshem, influential men living near Judah. Only God can produce such a book. Anzoni ye wa la e yeke wara tongana e mû ye? Paul's resurrection hope was in harmony with "things set forth in the Law. " What benefits come from giving? José Ángel nga asambela ngangu ti wara mungo maboko. Describes Himself, 5 / 1 José It also prayed fervently for help. A yeke lakue nzoni ti gi ti hinga azo so aga ti bâ zo ti kobela ni. That vision strengthened the faith of Peter, James, and John at a time when many had left off following Jesus because he had not fulfilled their unscriptural expectations. It is always good to get to know those who visit the patient. Ngbanga ti nyen aye tongaso asala ngangu mingi na ndo azo? As mentioned earlier, many churchgoers refuse to accept the moral decrees of their church. Why do such things have a powerful effect on people? Ambeni zo ti Israël so aga na peko ti ala "ahinga L'Éternel pëpe, wala kusala so Lo sara teti Israël. " Because the foretold "sudden destruction " has not yet occurred. Some Israelites who followed them "did not know Jehovah or his dealings with Israel. " Néhémie asara ye tongana nyen na mbage ti awato so asara atënë ti mvene na ndo ti lo? Can You Explain? How did Nehemiah deal with false opposers? Tongana Komandema ti Ngu Saki Oko ti Jésus ahunzi awe, a yeke "zi Satan na kanga so lo yeke dä " ti tene lo tara ti handa teti kete ngoi azo so ayeke nzoni - kue. We personally "taste and see that Jehovah is good " as we do all we can in his service. After Jesus ' Thousand Year Reign ended, Satan will be "set off from his prison " in order to try to mislead the holy ones. Ye ni asi lani tongana nyen? We merely have to look at the awful history of this world with its human rulerships under its unloving and wrathful god, Satan the Devil. How did this happen? Kete na pekoni so a zi Detlef na da ti kanga, aTémoin ti Jéhovah amû na lo mbeni tract. This eighth king - the last one that John envisions - now represents the United Nations. Shortly after being released from prison, Jehovah's Witnesses gave him a tract. (a) Na ndo wa la e lingbi ti wara anzoni tapande ti azo so akanga nzara ti bê ti ala? Speak for me, speak from your heart. (a) Where can we find fine examples of self - control? Biani, ti gbu li na ndo ti aversê tongana ati so alingbi ti mû maboko na molenge nga na kota zo ti gi ti sara ye tongana tâ Chrétien na yâ ti sewa nga na ndo kue. Others engage in so - called missionary activities for a limited time and then go back to their normal routine. Yes, meditating on such scriptures as those that can help children and older ones to cultivate true Christian qualities in the family and elsewhere. Azo so mingi ni agi lani ti kanga lege na Néhémie ayeke Sanballat, Tobija nga na Guésem, akota zo so alango na yâ ti akodoro so ayeke nduru na Juda. Relate to him, not to his disease. Nehemiah had often been opposed by those who had lived in neighboring lands. Beku ti Paul na londongo ti awakinda ague legeoko na " aye kue so Ndia atene. ' How far - reaching is God's love? Paul's hope and resurrection are in line with "all the things that the Law says. " Suma so akpengba mabe ti Pierre, Jacques na Jean na mbeni ngoi so azo mingi azia ti mû peko ti Jésus ndali ti so lo sala lani pëpe aye so ala ku ti tene lo sala na so ague nde na Tënë ti Nzapa. " Neither is he that plants anything nor is he that waters, but God who makes it grow. " - 1 COR. This vision strengthened Peter, James, and John at one point when many failed to follow Jesus because he did not do things that they expected him to do in conflict with God's Word. Tongana ti so a tene kozoni, azo mingi so ague na église ayeda pëpe na andia ti salango ye ti église ti ala. Some who have become Christians have had the faith, courage, and moral strength to make similar changes to please God. As foretold, many churchgoers did not agree with their church's rules. Ngbanga ti so " futingo aga hio tongaso na ndo ti ala ' pëpe. It is truly a textbook for living. Because " destruction does not come suddenly upon them. ' Mo lingbi ti fa ndani? What I learned about Jehovah moved me to want to serve him, so I decided to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Can You Explain? Tongana e sara ye kue so e lingbi ti sara na yâ ti kua ti Jéhovah, e wani e yeke " tara na e yeke bâ so Jéhovah ayeke nzoni. ' He wore the finest hand - tailored suits, lived in a 29 - room mansion, and rode in a chauffeur - driven black Rolls - Royce. When we do all we can in Jehovah's service, we personally "taste and see that Jehovah is good. " Azo ayeke ngbâ gi ande ti komande na ndo ti amba ti ala na gbe ti ngangu ti Satan so ayeke nzapa so ayeke na ndoye ape nga lo yeke sioni mingi. The inhabitants of Jerusalem saw their king "skipping about " and" dancing... with all his power. " - 1 Chronicles 15: 15, 16, 29; 2 Samuel 6: 11 - 16. Human rule will continue under the influence of Satan, who is a God of love and is cruel. Gbia miombe ni so, ndangba gbia ti suma ti Jean, aduti fadeso fä ti Bendo ti Gigi. • Why should you set goals? The eighth king, John's last king, now represents the United Nations. Fa tënë ti mbi, fa ni na bê ti mo kue. For example, Ezra traveled back to Jerusalem with donated items from the Persian king - gold, silver, and other materials worth well over $100 million (U.S.) in today's values. Speak from the heart. Ambeni asara kua ti missionnaire teti mbeni ngoi na pekoni ala kiri na ngbene ye so ala sara kozo. Our prayers and efforts were focused on implanting in our children a deep love for Jehovah and respect for his laws and principles. Some have served as missionaries for a while and then have returned to their former course of life. Ngbâ ti sara songo na lo, me zia si kobela ti lo ni asara si mo changé sarango ye ti mo na mbage ti lo pëpe. Businesses shut down, and people danced in the streets. Continue to associate with him, but allow his illness to change your attitude toward him. " Zo so alu ayeke ye pëpe, na zo so azia ngu dä ayeke ye nga pëpe; a yeke Nzapa so asara si a maï. " - 1 ACOR. Under the influence of the spirit, he can manifest mildness and long - suffering. " He who is sowing is not blind, nor is he the one who makes it grow. " - 1 COR. Ambeni zo so aga aChrétien asara ye lani na mabe, na mbeto pëpe, nga ala zia lege ti asioni sarango ye ti ala ti nzere na Nzapa. Moreover, Jesus was miraculously raised to life in the spirit! - 1 Pet. Some who became Christians were courageous, and they turned away from their bad ways to please God. A yeke biani mbeni buku ti fango lege na fini ti zo. STUDY ARTICLES It is indeed a book of life. Aye so mbi manda na ndo ti Jéhovah apusu mbi ti yeda ti sara na lo, tongaso mbi mû desizion ti ga Témoin ti Jéhovah. 1: 18; 55: 7; Jas. What I learned about Jehovah moved me to want to serve him, so I decided to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Lo yü pendere bongo ti nginza mingi, lo lango na yâ ti mbeni kota da ti achambre 29 nga lo yeke na mbeni kutukutu ti nginza mingi so lo mû mbeni zo ti kpe na ni. But we learned a valuable lesson. Follow the lead of those who have your best interests at heart, even when you sometimes disagree. He wore expensive clothes, lived in a large 29 - story house, and had a expensive car that he used to drive. Azo ti Jérusalem abâ gbia ti ala " asara ngia ' na " adodo na ngangu ti lo kue '. - 1 Chronique 15: 15, 16, 29; 2 Samuel 6: 11 - 16. [ Picture on page 18] The inhabitants of Jerusalem saw their king " rejoice ' with all his power. ' - 1 Chronicles 15: 15, 16, 29; 2 Samuel 6: 11 - 16. • Ngbanga ti nyen a yeke nzoni mo zia ambeni ye na gbele mo? [ Pictures on page 16, 17] • Why should you set goals? Na tapande, Esdras akiri lani na Jérusalem na a - offrande ti ngangu ngere so gbia ti Perse amû na lo: lor, argent nga na ambeni ye nde, wungo ti nginza ti aye so kue alingbi na dollar kutu 100 laso. But it seems that I am reading things I never saw before. For example, Ezra returned to Jerusalem with the precious offerings offered by the Persian king - gold, silver, and so on - the amount of money that corresponds to 100 million dollars today. Asambela ti e na angangu so e sara ayeke mbilimbili ti yôro na yâ amolenge ti e kota ndoye teti Jéhovah nga ti kpe andia na akpengba - ndia ti lo. The number seven here represents completeness, and indeed, the book deals with bringing "to a finish, " or completion," the sacred secret of God. " - Rev. Our prayers and efforts are especially motivated by deep love for Jehovah and by obeying his laws and principles. A kanga andokua ti dengo buze, nga azo adodo na ndo ti alege. It is up to us, though, to apply it. The commercial system was closed, and its roads were made up of roads. Na gbe ti ngangu ti yingo vulu, lo yeke sara ye na ngangu pëpe nga lo yeke kanga bê ti ku. The first speaker discussed the day's Bible text. Under the influence of holy spirit, he was mild - tempered and patient. Nga na lege ti miracle, Jéhovah akiri na Jésus na fini na yâ ti yingo. - 1 Pi. However, Jesus made this startling declaration to the Jews of his day: "The kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to a nation producing its fruits. " And Jehovah miraculously restored Jesus to life in the spirit. - 1 Pet. 1: 18; 55: 7; Jacq. We must "not love either [Satan's] world or the things in the world. " 1: 18; 55: 7; Jas. Me e manda mbeni kpengba ye: Sara ye alingbi na fango lege ti azo so amû li ni so aye nzoni ti mo mingi, même tongana na ambeni ngoi aye so ala fa ti sara anzere na mo ape. Gerald Hacke of the Hannah - Arendt - Institute for Research Into Totalitarianism writes: "Jehovah's Witnesses were one of the few social groups to be persecuted almost continually by both dictatorships on German soil. " But we learn an important lesson: Follow the direction of those taking the lead in your best interests, even if you at times do not appreciate what they teach. [ Foto na lembeti 18] Have you ever found a gold nugget? [ Picture on page 18] [ Afoto na lembeti 16, 17] After his baptism, he said: "The only regret I have is that I lost so much time before I realized that serving Jehovah brings far more happiness than pursuing the entertainment offered by this world. " [ Pictures on page 16, 17] Me a yeke mo bâ mo tene mbi yeke diko aye so ade mbi diko ni lâ oko ape. The psalmist reminds us that " the substance of God's word is truth. ' But it was as if I were reading what I had never read before. Na fade Babâ ti mo, so ayeke bâ ye na ndo so ahonde, ayeke futa mo. ." Many are serving in foreign - language groups or congregations. And your Father who looks on in secret will repay you. " Wungo ti ye mbasambala aye ti sara tënë ti ye so alingbi kue, na mbeti ti Apocalypse afa so "tënë ti Nzapa so lo honde nda ni " ayeke" ga ande tâ tënë biani. " - Apoc. That, of course, was not so. The number seven represents perfection, and the book of Revelation shows that "the sacred secret of God " will" be fulfilled. " - Rev. Me, a yeke ngbanga ti e ti sara ye alingbi na ni. On the contrary, Jesus ' teachings set people free from religious error and human philosophies produced by a world that was "in darkness mentally " because of the Devil's deception. - Ephesians 4: 18; Matthew 15: 14; John 8: 31, 32. Still, we must obey it. Kozo wamungo diskur ni asala lisoro na ndo versê ti Bible ti lango ni. The apostle Peter admonished Christians: "Now that you have purified your souls by your obedience to the truth with unhypocritical brotherly affection as the result, love one another intensely from the heart. " The first speaker discussed the Bible text for the day. Ye oko, Jésus atene na aJuif ti ngoi ti lo mbeni tënë so asara si zo agi bê ti lo, lo tene: "Fade a yeke zi royaume ti Nzapa na maboko ti ala, ti mû ni na mbeni mara nde so ayeke lë alengo ni. ." Show me favor, O Jehovah; see my affliction by those hating me, O you who are lifting me up from the gates of death, in order that I may declare all your praiseworthy deeds in the gates of the daughter of Zion. " However, Jesus told the Jews of his day: "The kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to a nation producing its fruits. " A lingbi e "ndoye dunia [ti Satan] pëpe wala aye so ayeke na yâ ti dunia so. ." MEDITERRANEAN SEA We must "not love [Satan's] world or the things in the world. " Gerald Hacke ti Ndokua ti Hannah - Arendt, so agi nda ti ye na ndo ti Komandema ti ngangu, asû na mbeti: "A - Témoin ti Jéhovah ayeke lani oko ti akete bungbi ti azo so a ngbâ lakue ti sala sioni na ala na gbe ti angorogbia use so akomande na ngangu na sese ti Zamani. " 15: 28. " Jehovah's Witnesses were one of the small groups of people who were still being persecuted under the two political powers that ruled in Germany, " wrote Hannah's Service Department. Mo wara mbeni lor ti nzoni lâ oko awe? Well - chosen variation in our daily routine is beneficial. Have you ever found a golden gold? Na peko ti batême ti lo, lo tene: "Gï oko ye so mbi regretté ayeke so ngoi mingi ahon kozoni si mbi bâ so ti sara na Jéhovah ayeke mû na mbi ngia mingi ahon gingo lakue ti sara angia ti dunia so. " The sanctification of Jehovah's name is far more important than human salvation. After he was baptized, he said: "My only regret is that much more time before I feel that serving Jehovah is more satisfying than ever to pursue worldly pleasures. " E yeke sara ni tongana nyen? " My husband and I would like to thank you very much for sending supplies for the relief efforts for the damage incurred during the hurricanes. How can we do so? Wasungo psaume adabe ti e so " gunda ti tënë ti Nzapa ayeke tâ tënë '.. Today, when giving counsel on matters involving personal choice, the elders should follow that pattern. The psalmist reminds us that "the foundation of God's word is truth. " Mingi ti ala ayeke fa tënë na yâ ti agroupe nga na acongrégation so a yeke tënë yanga ti kodoro - wande dä. 6: 11 - 15; 8: 1 - 3, 22, 23. Most of them serve in foreign - language groups and congregations. Me biani, a yeke tâ tënë pëpe. When you began listening to the good news, Jehovah helped you to grasp it by supplying holy spirit. Of course, this is not true. Nde na so, afango ye ti Jésus ayeke zi azo na yâ atënë ti wataka ti alege ti vorongo na ti asenda - ndara ti azo so mbeni sese so "bingo akanga bibe " ni, alë lani teti handango ndo ti Zabolo. - aEphésien 4: 18; Matthieu 15: 14; Jean 8: 31, 32. JEHOVAH has gathered his people, anointed Christians and their companions, to worship him at his "holy mountain. " Rather, Jesus ' teachings would deliver people from religious error and philosophies that "the darkness of the world " had produced deception for the Devil. - Ephesians 4: 18; Matthew 15: 14; John 8: 31, 32. Bazengele Pierre awa aChrétien lo tene: "So fadeso ala sukula âme ti ala na lege so ala yeda ti sara ye alingbi na tâ tënë awe so, ye ti pekoni ayeke yengo tere ti aita, yengo tere so ayeke ti handango lê ti zo pëpe, zia ala ndoye tere ngangu mingi na ndoye so alondo na bê. ." " That evening is my special time with Jehovah. " The apostle Peter urged Christians: "Now that you have washed your souls by sticking to the truth, the result is brotherly love, brotherly affection, brotherly affection, brotherly affection, and deep affection. " O L'Eternel, Mo sala be - nzoni na mbi, ba vundu ti mbi so mbi wara na tïtî ala so ake mbi; Mo so Mo yä mbi na nduzu, Mo lungula mbi na yanga ti ndo ti kui, si mbi lingbi fa na gigi tene ti sepelango Mo kue na yanga ti kodoro ti molenge - wali ti Sion. ." An Integrity Keeper on Trial O Jehovah, show me favor, O show me favor, for I have found my pain in the hand of those hating me, O you who raise me up from the mouth of death, that I may declare all praise in the gates of Zion. " NGU TI MÉDITÉRRANÉE That evidence is all around us. It is not hidden in nature but is "clearly seen. " THE year is 33 C.E. 15: 28. Would you have tried to display a mild temper? 15: 28. Ngoi na ngoi, tongana e sara mbeni ye nde, a yeke sara nzoni na e. We are wise to turn away from even the thought of giving a listening ear to apostates. Sometimes we benefit from doing otherwise. Sarango si iri ti Jéhovah aga nzoni - kue ayeke kota mingi ahon songo fini ti azo. As we reflect on these " good gifts, ' may our appreciation grow even deeper. - James 1: 17. The sanctification of Jehovah's name is far more important than human relationships. (b) Aye so Jéhovah aleke na so ayeke sala tënë pëpe wala ayeke fa nda ti tënë pëpe alingbi ti sepela lo tongana nyen? One longtime servant of Jehovah expressed his feelings this way: "Every effort is made to keep Jehovah's organization morally clean and undefiled, regardless of who has to be counseled or disciplined. " (b) How can Jehovah's works of creation that do not speak or reason praise him? " Mbi na koli ti mbi, e kiri singila mingi na ala ndali ti mungo maboko ti ala na ngoi so kota pupu ti ngu - nzapa aga na ndo ti e. The former German Democratic Republic, which embraced Eisleben, Erfurt, Wittenberg, and the Wartburg within its borders, in 1983 celebrated the 500th anniversary of Luther's birth. " My husband and I thanked them for their support when the storm came upon us. Laso, tongana a - ancien ayeke mû wango na ndö ti ye so andu desizion ti zo wani, a lingbi ala mû tapande ti Paul. And it may not necessarily be reflected in years of service in the congregation. Today, when elders give counsel on personal decisions, they need to imitate Paul's example. 6: 11 - 15; 8: 1 - 3, 22, 23. 11, 12. 6: 11 - 15; 8: 1 - 3, 22, 23. Na ngoi so mo komanse ti mä nzoni tënë, Jéhovah asara kusala na yingo vulu ti mû maboko na mo ti gbu nda ni. Without God's mercy, none of us would have the joy of sacred service, nor could we look forward to receiving everlasting life. When you began to listen to the good news, Jehovah used holy spirit to help you understand it. JÉHOVAH abungbi azo ti lo, aChrétien so a sa yingo na ndo ti ala nga na amba ti ala Chrétien, ti voro lo na "Hoto ti [Lo] ti nzoni - kue ." Song 212 in Sing Praises to Jehovah, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. JEHOVAH has united his people, anointed Christians, and their fellow Christians, to worship him in "his holy mountain. " " Lakui so ayeke ngoi so mbi zia nde teti mbi na Jéhovah. " How was the difference settled? " This is the time when I set aside for me and Jehovah. " Mbeni be - ta - zo na gbele ngbanga God's people were poised to enter the Promised Land. A Faithful Slave in the Face of Judgment Asarango ye ti tere ti Nzapa "asigigi polele " na yâ ti aye kue so angoro e. What blessings can such a person expect from others? God's personality "is made manifest " in all around us. Mo yeke gi ti sara ye na ngangu pëpe? On the other hand, millions just die anonymously - the faceless victims of genocide, famine, AIDS, civil war, or just abject poverty. Do you strive to be mild - tempered? E yeke sara ye na ndara tongana e ke même ti pensé ti dengi mê na tënë so azo so ake bungbi ti Jéhovah ayeke tene. Physical cleanness enhances the appeal of the message we preach We are wise to avoid even thinking about what is being said by opposers of Jehovah's organization. Na ngoi so e yeke gbu li ti e na ndo ti " amatabisi ti nzoni ' so, zia e ngbâ ti bâ ye na nene ni mingi ahon ti kozo. - Jacques 1: 17. Whether in Corinth, Ephesus, or Rome, they became widely known as "fellow workers in Christ Jesus. " As we meditate on these "gifts of good things, " let us continue to deepen our appreciation for them. - James 1: 17. Mbeni ita - koli, so asara na Jéhovah teti angu mingi, atene: "A sara kue ti tene a zi aye ti sioni na yâ ti bungbi ti Jéhovah si saleté aduti dä ape, ni la a yeke mû wango na aita kue so a lingbi a mû wango na ala nga a yeke suku na ala kue so ayeke na bezoin ni. " 5: 21 - 24. One brother who has served Jehovah for decades said: "It is determined that all those who need to be clean in Jehovah's organization are being cleansed, therefore, giving counsel to all who need it and discipline to all who need it. " Na ngu 1983, ngbele République démocratique ti Zamani so abungbi akodoro tongana Eisleben, Erfurt, Wittenberg, na Wartburg, asala matanga 500 ni ti dungo ti Luther. Peter here emphasized the importance of a wife's being in subjection to her husband with "deep respect, " even though some husbands may do little to deserve such respect. In 1983, the former German Democratic Republic, gathered together in the German Democratic Republic, such as Oursalsalsalsaissa, Tarsala, and Tya, celebrated Luther's birth. Ngbanga ti nyen Bible afa Jésus tongana "Lo Ti Nzoni - kue "? " I haven't committed adultery, " she reasoned, "and the man is interested in the Bible. Why does the Bible describe Jesus as "the Holy One "? Na mingi ni nga, a yeke pëpe gbâ ti ngu so zo asara na yâ ti bungbi. How can you recognize people who love God? Moreover, this is not the case of a person's many years. 11, 12. And the tree of the field must give its fruitage, and the land itself will give its yield, and they will actually prove to be on their soil in security. " 11, 12. Tongana fade Nzapa asara be - nzoni na e pëpe, ka zo oko na popo ti e ayeke wara lege pëpe ti sara kua ti lo so ayeke ga na ngia na zo, na zo oko ti wara ande fini ti lakue lakue ayeke duti dä pëpe. (Read Proverbs 13: 24.) Without God's mercy, none of us would have been able to enjoy his happy service, and no one will have everlasting life. A yeke bia 212 ti buku E sepela Jéhovah na abia ti e, so aTémoin ti Jéhovah asigigi na ni. An Invitation... It is a collection of songs of praise to Jehovah, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. A leke tënë ni tongana nyen? Of course, Moses ' well - being was confirmed only when the princess agreed to his sister's plan. How was the issue resolved? Ala yeke lani nduru ti lï na Sese ti Zendo. At the meetings, when they convey some of the spiritual gems they have found during their Bible study, their insightful words motivate all in the congregation to endure. They were about to enter the Promised Land. Adeba nzoni wa mara ti zo tongaso aku ti wara na mbage ti ambeni zo? What Does Jehovah Ask of Us? 10 / 1 What blessings do such a person expect from others? Na mbeni mbage nde, azo kutu mingi, so a hinga iri ti ala pëpe, awara kuâ ngbanga ti nzala, ti SIDA, ti bira na yâ ti kodoro, ti kota yere, wala ngbanga ti so a yeke gi ti hunzi mara ti ala. Over 500 visitors who are not Witnesses toured the facilities. On the other hand, millions who are not known have died because of hunger, AIDS, civil war, poverty, or genocide. Tongana e duti na saleté pëpe, a yeke sala si tënë so e yeke fa anzere na azo mingi ahon " Two People Knocked on Our Door " Being clean makes our message more appealing to others Atâa na kodoro ti Corinthe, Éphèse wala na Rome, azo mingi ahinga ala tongana " awakua na yâ ti Christ Jésus '.. Contrasting Timothy's example with that of others, Paul said: "All the others are seeking their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ. " Whether in Corinth, Ephesus, or in Rome, many are known as " ministers in Christ Jesus. ' 5: 21 - 24. Let us daily keep in mind this inspired assurance: "The name of Jehovah is a strong tower. 5: 21 - 24. Pierre aluti ge na ndo nene ni teti mbeni wali ti mä yanga ti koli ti lo na "tâ yekiango zo, " atä so peut - être ambeni koli ni asala ye mingi pepe ti lingbi na mara ti yekiango ndo tongaso. At great personal risk, Origen openly encouraged his students, whether they were before a judge, in prison, or about to be executed. Peter stressed the need for a wife to be submissive to her husband "with deep respect, " even though some men may not have done little to measure up to such respect. Marie atene na bê ti lo: "Mbi sara lango - sioni pëpe, na koli ni aye ti hinga ye na ndo Bible. To correct that injustice, Jesus will bring back to life, or resurrect, billions from the dead. Mary said: "I do not commit adultery, and he wants to know the Bible. Tongana nyen mo lingbi ti hinga azo so andoye Nzapa? 6: 16; Rev. How can you identify those who love God? Fade keke ti yaka alë le - keke, na sese alë le - kobe, na fade ala duti na siriri na sese ti ala. " Since I was a very religious girl, I liked the idea of staying at a convent for a while. And the tree itself will give its own fruit, and the soil itself will give its own fruit, and they will reside in security with their ground. " (Diko aProverbe 13: 24.) TRY THIS: Set limits on private communication with the opposite sex, whether in person, on the phone, or online. (Read Proverbs 13: 24.) Tisango ndo... (b) What resurrections did Jesus perform? The invitation... Biani, Moïse awara nzoni gi tongana molenge ti gbia ni ayeda na tënë ti Miriam. PAGE 28 Yes, Moses was blessed only if the king's son accepted Miriam's message. Na ngoi so ala yeke fa na bungbi aye so ala wara na ngoi so ala yeke leke ni, atënë ti ndara so ala yeke fa ayeke pusu aita kue ti congrégation ti gbu ngangu. Also published by Jehovah's Witnesses. As they teach at meetings what they receive while preparing, wise words encourage all in the congregation to endure. Asambela ti mo afa nyen na ndo ti mo? Happy Is One Whose God Is Jehovah (T. What Do Your Prayers Say About You? Ye ti pekoni ayeke so azo ahon 500 so ayeke aTémoin ti Jéhovah pëpe aga. 14: 25 - What did Jesus mean when he said to his faithful apostles: "I shall by no means drink anymore of the product of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God "? As a result, more than 500 non - Witnesses of Jehovah arrived. " Azo use apika yanga - da ti e " Still, members of the great crowd are determined to avoid "fornication, uncleanness, loose conduct, idolatry, practice of spiritism, enmities, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, contentions, divisions, sects, envies, drunken bouts, revelries, and things like these. " - Gal. 5: 19 - 21. " Two People called at Our House " Na ngoi so Paul ayeke fa kangbi so ayeke na popo ti tapande ti Timothée na ti ambeni zo, lo tene: "Atanga ni kue ayeke gi gï aye so agbu bê ti ala wani, me aye so agbu bê ti Jésus Christ pëpe. ." To help us get into the spirit of singing, each of the convention and assembly program sessions opens with a ten - minute music presentation. Referring to the contrast between Timothy and others, Paul wrote: "All the others are their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ. " Même laso lege ayeke dä ti wara ndo ti bata tere ti e na iri ti Jéhovah na ziango bê ti e kue na lo na a lingbi e sara ni. Before humans exercise faith in Jesus ' sacrifice, God considers them to be his enemies. Even now we can take refuge in Jehovah's name by trusting in him and doing so. Atä so lo lingbi ti wara kota kpale, Origène amu wâ polele na azo so lo manda ye na ala, atä ala yeke na gbele mbeni wafango ngbanga, na da ti kanga, wala ndulu ti tene a fâ ala. Moreover, they are practicing righteousness and have taken their stand on the side of God's Kingdom. Despite having a serious problem, Origen gave his students a clear message, whether they were confronted by a judge, in prison, or about to be executed. Ti leke kpale ni so, Jésus ayeke kiri na azo gbani gbani na fini, so ti tene lo yeke zingo ala na kuâ. The answers to these questions are of vital importance to us. To resolve this problem, Jesus will bring many back to life - that is, he will resurrect them. 6: 16; Apoc. Yes, their uncontrolled anger brought disfavor both from God and from their father. 6: 16; Rev. So mbi ye Nzapa lani mingi, mbi ye mingi ti ngbâ na couvent ndali ti mbeni ngoi. Did he decide that it was no use enduring? On the contrary. Because of my deep love for God, I loved living in a convent for a time. TARA TI SARA YE SO: Tongana mo yeke sara lisoro gi mo oko na mbeni zo so ayeke koli wala wali ti mo ape, atâa lê na lê, wala na téléphone wala na lege ti Internet, sara hange si ahon ndo ni ape. In reality, though, their rebellious course and willful choice sealed their destiny. TRY THIS: If you are not alone with someone other than your mate, whether you are face - to - face or on the Internet, be careful not to be overly anxious about it. (b) Azo wa la Jésus azingo ala lani na kuâ? In his book The Undiscovered Self, the eminent psychologist Dr. Carl G. (b) Whom did Jesus resurrect them? LEMBETI 28 What can we learn from how Joseph dealt with trials? PAGE 28 So aTémoin ti Jéhovah asigi na ni. Wrongdoing damages our relationship with Jehovah God. Published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Ndia ti mungo awali mingi agbian? 1 / 8 She readily accepted a Bible study. 8 / 1 14: 25 - Jésus atene na abazengele ti lo so ayeke be - ta - zo, lo tene: "Fade Mbi nyon ngu ti lê ti vigne mbeni pëpe, juska lâ ni so Mbi nyon ngu ti fini lê ni na royaume ti Nzapa. " When she told him of her family, his joy intensified. 14: 25 - Jesus told his faithful apostles: "I shall no more drink of the vine until the day when I drink the new waters of the kingdom of God. " Ye oko, azo mingi so asi singo aleke na bê ti ala ti kpe "lango - sioni, sioye, ye ti pitan, sambelango ayanda, tënë ti yorö, kengo tere, gingo tënë, sarango mbanda, ngonzo, papa, tënë ti kangbi, tënë ti secte nde nde, bê, nyongo sämba [" ahon ndo ni, " MN], pumba kirikiri, na mbeni ye tongaso. " - aGalate 5: 19 - 21. Just the night before, I had prayed to Jehovah, asking for someone I could talk to. The great crowd, however, are determined to avoid "fornication, uncleanness, loose conduct, idolatry, practice of spiritism, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, divisions, sects, sects, drunkenness, and things like these. " - Galatians 5: 19 - 21. Ti zia nzara ti hengo bia na yâ ti e, akapa ti kota bungbi ti e oko oko kue ayeke komanse na vidéo ti abia teti penze - ngbonga bale - oko. ; Stoica, D. To instill in us a desire to sing, our conventions begin with ten minutes of song. Kozo si azo amä na bê na sandaga ti Jésus, Nzapa abâ ala tongana awato ti lo. She then placed the full weight of her upper body on it and moved the upper stone back and forth on the lower stone, crushing the grain between the two stones. Before people exercise faith in Jesus ' ransom sacrifice, God considers them to be his enemies. Ala yeke sala nga ye ti mbilimbili na ala mû mbage ti Royaume ti Nzapa. After prayerful examination, you may find that making some adjustments in your schedule or lifestyle will allow you to pioneer. They also practice righteousness and support God's Kingdom. A yeke kota ye ti tene e hinga kiringo tënë na ahundango tënë so. But no human should ever try to compare himself to Jehovah in this or any other regard. It is vital that we know the answers to those questions. Biani, so ala hon ndo ti ngonzo ti ala pëpe, a sara si ala nzere pëpe na lê ti Nzapa nga na lê ti babâ ti ala. From Kourion the scenic route continues westward up through wine country, imperceptibly gaining altitude until, quite unexpectedly, the road makes a sharp dip to snake its way down the cliffs toward shingle beaches. Yes, their lack of self - control made them displeasing to God and to their father. David atene so lo yeke na bezoin mbeni pëpe ti gbu ngangu? Describing a real incident, she stated that it is "unwise to tell a little child who lost her brother that God loved little boys so much that he took little Johnny to heaven. " Did David say that he had no need to endure? Me ti tâ tënë ni, a yeke kusala ti kpengba - li ti ala na ye so ala soro na bê ti ala ti sara si adiko sioye so ayeke si na ala. Comparing these instructions with the slightly different wording of the model prayer, given in the Sermon on the Mount some 18 months earlier, clearly shows us that our prayers should not be a mere repetition of certain words. - Matt. In reality, though, it was their rebellion and their choice of them to read the bad things they were going to suffer. Na yâ mbeni buku ti lo (The Undiscovered Self), kota wandara Carl Gustav Jung asala tënë ti nzara so zo ayeke na ni ti voro mbeni ngangu so ayeke kota mingi, nga lo tene so "a yeke mbeni ye so a bâ ni na yâ mbaï kue ti azo. " • Why does Jehovah go on the march? In his book The Divine Principles, Professor J. J. J. J. Lege so Joseph asara ye na gbele atara afa nyen na e? Petersburg, Russia, turned into the February Revolution. What can we learn from Joseph's encounter with trials? • E manda nyen na ndo atapande so Jésus amû na ndo anzêrë nga na ti dikongo kuä ti li ti e? How have some acted as though they were invisible to Jehovah? • What do we learn from Jesus ' illustration of the sparrows and the color of our head? Siokpari ayeke buba yâ ti songo ti e na Jéhovah Nzapa. Furthermore, we must continue to guard our heart, never letting up. Sin damages our relationship with Jehovah God. Lo yeke ndulu ti yeda ti manda Bible. Why, at least four of them - Philistia, Moab, Ammon, and Edom - eventually ceased to exist! She readily accepted a Bible study. Tongana Rébecca afa iri ti azo ti sewa ti lo na koli ni so, tere ti koli ni akiri nzere mingi. Traveling overseers did their best to continue the arrangement of visiting each congregation. When Rebekah revealed the names of her family to her husband, the man was excited. Andâ na bï ni so, mbi sambela fade Jéhovah ti wara mbeni zo so mbi lingbi ti fa atënë ti bê ti mbi na lo. How do the media, at times, publish the voice of strangers? That night I prayed to Jehovah to find someone I could share my feelings with him. ; Stoica, D. What was the result? ; Srito, D. Na pekoni, lo zia nengo ti lo kue na ndo ti tênë ni na lo gue na ni na devant lo kiri na ni na peko na ndo ti tênë ni so ayeke na gbe ni ti neka yâ ti le - kobe ni. Some may hesitate to get baptized out of fear that they may be disfellowshipped at a later time. Then he put his whole weight upon the stone and brought it back to the lower stone. Tongana mo sambela Jéhovah nga mo gbu li nzoni na ndo ti dutingo ti mo, mo lingbi ti bâ so tongana mo changé ambeni ye na yâ ti fini ti mo, a yeke mû lege na mo ti sara kua ti pionnier. [ Box / Pictures on page 11] If you prayerfully pray to Jehovah and meditate on your circumstances, you may find that when you make changes in your life, you will be able to pioneer. Ye oko, a lingbi zo oko atara ti haka tele ti lo mveni pëpe na Jéhovah na ndo tënë so wala na ndo ambeni nde tongaso. A Gathering Storm However, no one should try to compare himself with Jehovah in this or elsewhere. Ti londo na Kourion, apendere ndo so zo ayeke na nzara ti bâ ni ayeke na tele ti lege ni so ague na mbage ti do juska na yâ ti kodoro ti salango vin. Yeke yeke, lege ni ayeke gue na nduzu mingi, na gi tongana zo aku ni pëpe, lege ni aba ti kiri na gbe ni juska na ayanga ti ngu - ingo so akota tênë ayeke dä mingi. STUDY ARTICLES 1, 2 PAGES 3 - 11 Unless otherwise indicated, the beauty of the area is located along the west coast of wine, gradually getting up, and only if they do not expect it, it is possible to return to the rocky sea. Na fango peko ti ye so asi biani, lo tene so a yeke "lege ti ndara pëpe ti tene na mbeni kete molenge - wali so agirisa ngambe ti lo ti koli so Nzapa aye tene ti akete molenge - koli mingi si lo hiri Johnny na yayu. " Fear of Death - How Can You Overcome It? Describing what happened, he said that it was "not wise to tell a young girl who had lost God's love for young boys so that she could call him from heaven. " Tongana a haka atënë ti yâ ti sambela so na atënë ti yâ ti sambela so lo fa na adisciple ti lo ngu oko na nze omene na pekoni, so e wara na Luc 11: 1 - 4, a yeke bâ so kete kangbi ayeke dä. Ye so afa na e polele so a yeke nzoni e tene gi a - oko tënë pëpe na yâ ti sambela ti e. - Mat. The foremost way to show faithfulness in the field ministry is to participate in it regularly. When those words are compared to the words of the Lord's Prayer recorded at Luke 11: 1 - 4, we find it clear that we should not mention the same things in our prayers for a year. - Matt. 11: 1 - 4, ftn. • Ngbanga ti nyen Jéhovah alondo ti gue ti hon na ngangu? At painful times in life, you may have felt that you were surviving only because Jehovah's holy spirit provided you with "power beyond what is normal. " - 2 Corinthians 4: 7 - 9; Psalm 40: 1, 2. • Why did Jehovah take up the victory? Pétersbourg, Russie. Ye so asala si mbeni kota kengo yanga - ti - komande alondo na nze ti février. • What reasons do we have to persevere in prayer? Petersburg, Russia, led to a major rebellion in February. Tongana nyen ambeni zo asala ye mo ba mo tene Jéhovah ayeke ba ala pepe? " The day of Jehovah " will not destroy earth itself but will "annihilate the land's sinners out of it. " How do some act as if Jehovah does not see them? Mbeni ye ni ayeke ti tene e ngbâ lakue ti bata bê ti e. Let us consider some examples of how it gives help and direction. One way is by continuing to safeguard our heart. Ni la, na popo ti amara so, osio (Philistie, Moab, Ammon na Edom) ayeke dä mbeni pëpe. However, this addition does not appear in the oldest Greek manuscripts. Thus, of these four nations - Moab, Ammon, and Edom - no longer exist. Asurveillant so ague na ndo nde nde asala ngangu ti ala kue ti sala vizite lakue na kongregation oko oko. This sheds light on the meaning of the expression "those who live according to the flesh, " who Paul said," set their minds on the things of the flesh. " Traveling overseers make every effort to visit each congregation regularly. Ye ti pekoni ayeke so wa? [ Pictures on page 30] The result? Ambeni zo alingbi ti gi bê ti ala ti wara batême ndali ti so ala sara mbeto ti tene a bi ala ande na gigi. Therefore, we worked hard to learn a simple presentation for field service in that language. Some may hesitate to get baptized because they fear being disfellowshipped. [ Encadré / Foto na lembeti 11] The Israelites would then fall "into the hand of their enemies, " who would come in and pillage the land. - Verse 14. [ Box / Picture on page 11] Mbeni kpale ayeke londo By trusting implicitly in Jehovah. A Challenge - A Challenge QUESTIONS BIBLIQUES La peur de la mort: comment la vaincre? And those whose heart is still in the full - time service but who for various reasons have had to limit their activity also appreciate receiving encouragement. OTHER BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED - How Can You Help Others? Kota lege so na yâ ni e lingbi ti fa so e yeke be - ta - zo na yâ fango tënë ayeke ti mû mbage ti e dä lakue. This is so because it reflects God's marvelous qualities, such as justice, righteousness, and love. The most important way in which we can show faithfulness in our ministry is by regularly participating in it. Na yâ ti angoi ti vundu so, mo pensé so tongana mo gbu lani ngangu, a yeke gi ngbanga ti so yingo vulu ti Jéhovah amû na mo "kota ngangu " so ahon ti so mo yeke ka na ni. - 2 aCorinthien 4: 7 - 9; Psaume 40: 2, 3. Satan has tried to destroy God's Word, eliminate the name Jehovah, and suppress the truth. During those difficult times, you may feel that if you had endured, it was only because Jehovah's holy spirit gave you "the power beyond what is normal. " - 2 Corinthians 4: 7 - 9; Psalm 40: 2, 3. • Anda ti tënë wa amû lege na e ti ngbâ ti sambela lakue? Yes, God's holy spirit formed, as it were, a protective wall so that no imperfection or hurtful force could blemish the developing embryo from conception on. • What reasons do we have for persistent prayer? Fade " lâ ti Jéhovah ' ayeke futi tâ sese ni mveni pëpe me ayeke "fâ awasiokpari na yâ ni. " Notice how he began his discourse. To introduce his subject, Paul found a legitimate basis on which to commend Agrippa, even though the king was in a scandalous relationship with his sister Bernice. " The day of Jehovah " will not destroy the literal earth itself but will " bring to ruin the sinners in it. ' Zia e bâ ambeni tapande so afa tongana nyen Tënë ti Nzapa ayeke mû maboko na e, na ayeke fa na e ye so a yeke nzoni e sala. Jehovah Must Be Real to Us How can we show that Jehovah is real to us? Let us consider some examples of how God's Word helps us and show us what we should do. Me, a wara ti lo tënë ni so na yâ ti angbene kugbe - mbeti ti yanga ti Grec ape. He knew that such traits would betray a lack of integrity, for he said: "If I used to rejoice at the extinction of one intensely hating me, or I felt excited because evil had found him..., I did not allow my palate to sin by asking for an oath against his soul. " - Job 31: 29, 30. However, he did not find that statement in ancient Greek manuscripts. Ye so azi nda ti tënë "ala so ayeke sara ye alingbi na mitele " so Paul atene ala " bi bê ti ala na ndo ti aye ti mitele '. This natural curiosity initially surprised us, but in time we saw it as an expression of the genuine personal interest that the local people had in others. This opens the meaning of "those who live according to the flesh " to whom Paul wrote that they" set their minds on the things of the flesh. " [ Afoto na lembeti 30] Yet, if his decisions do not conflict with God's laws, a submissive wife is willing to yield. - 1 Pet. [ Pictures on page 30] Tongaso, e sara kua ngangu ti manda mbeni nduru tënë na yanga ti kodoro ni ti fa na tënë. If such professing Christians engage in serious wrongdoing and do not repent, we do not continue to associate with them. - Rom. So we worked hard to learn a brief message in the local language to preach. Azo ti Israël atï "na tïtî awato ti ala ," so aga na agbu aye ti kodoro ni. - Versê 14. 10: 36 - 39. The Israelites fell "from the hand of their enemies, " who came and took advantage of the land. - Verse 14. Na ziango bê ti lo kue na Jéhovah. Paul and his traveling companions also worked part - time to help cover their own expenses. With full confidence in Jehovah. Ambeni zo mingi aye ti ngbâ ti sara kua ti ngoi kue me dutingo ti ala amû lege na ala ape ti ngbâ ti sara ni. Ala nga kue tongana a kpengba ala, a yeke nzere na ala mingi. In these "critical times hard to deal with, " there is much that could make you anxious. Many would like to continue in the full - time ministry, but their circumstances did not allow them to continue, as well as encourage them. A yeke tongaso ndali ti so ngorogbia so afa na gigi apendere sarango ye ti Nzapa tongana mbilimbili nga na ndoye. Psalm 112 shows how Jehovah's great works should cause us both to fear displeasing him and to imitate his beautiful qualities. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: This is so because it reflects God's marvelous qualities, such as justice and love. Satan agi ti futi Mbeti ti Nzapa, ti kanga lege na azo ti hinga iri ti Jéhovah nga ti honde tâ tënë. 19: 1 - 8; Prov. Satan tried to destroy God's Word, prevent people from knowing Jehovah's name and concealing the truth. Biani, mo bâ mo tene yingo ti nzoni - kue ti Nzapa aga mbeni gbagba ti batango ndo so a sala si ngangu oko pëpe so ayeke sioni wala so alingbi ti sala sioni abuba maïngo ti molenge ni a londo na ngoi so a më ngo ni. In fact, there is a strong link between how you pray and how you feel about Jehovah. Yes, it seemed that God's holy spirit became a protective wall that would make it impossible or harmful to damage the child's development from birth. Bâ tongana nyen, ti to nda ti diskur ti lo, Paul awara mbeni ye so ayeke tâ tënë so lo lingbi ti luti na ndo ni ti gonda Agrippa, atâa so songo ti gbia ni na ita ti lo ti wali Bérénice ayeke ye ti kamene mingi. The reason? To begin with his talk, Paul found the truth that he could focus on to commend Agrippa, even though the king's relationship with his sister - in - law was very shameful. A lingbi Jéhovah aduti tâ zo na lê ti e He induced Adam and Eve to opt for a course of independence so that they could decide for themselves what was good and what was bad. Jehovah Must Be Real to Us Lo hinga so tongana lo sara aye so, a yeke fa so lo yeke be - ta - zo pëpe. Lo tene: "Tongana mbi yeke na ngia tongana ye afuti zo so ake mbi, na bê ti mbi awara ngia tongana sioye awara lo,... mbi zia lege na yanga ti mbi pëpe ti sara siokpari ti zonga lo si lo kui. " - Job 31: 29, 30. For examples, see The Watchtower, May 1, 2001, page 16; and Awake! He knew that if he did these things, he would prove unfaithful, saying: "If I have been fond of my soul, I take pleasure in it... I have not allowed my mouth to curse him to his sin. " - Job 31: 29, 30. E ku tele ti e na mbeni ye tongaso pëpe, me na pekoni e bâ so a yeke mbeni fä ti bingo bê na zo so azo ni ayeke na ni na mbage ti amba ti ala. For example, dogs are known to give unqualified obedience and affection to their masters. We did not expect anything, but we later felt that it was an expression of concern for their neighbor. Me, wali so asara tere ti lo kete ayeke yeda ti sara ye alingbi na adesizion ti koli ti lo tongana lo bâ so ague nde pëpe na andia ti Nzapa. - 1 Pi. I was appointed as the new branch overseer (now Branch Committee coordinator). Only 34 years of age, I reminded Brother Knorr, "I'm pretty young. " However, a humble wife will want to obey her husband's decisions when she finds that she does not conflict with God's standards. - 1 Pet. Tongana aita tongaso asara kota siokpari na ala ke ti changé bê ti ala, a lingbi e ngbâ ti sara kamarade na ala pëpe. - aRom. Then, in 29 C.E., the time came for Jesus to carry out the divine assignment awaiting him. If such ones commit a serious sin and refuse to repent, we must not keep on associating with them. - Rom. 10: 36 - 39. He told his followers: "Continue becoming merciful, just as your Father is merciful. " 10: 36 - 39. Bâ aye so ayeke na gbe ni ge. The choice of available music is bewildering. Consider the following. Paul nga na ambeni mba ti lo so ayeke gue na ando nde nde asara ambeni kua so amû ngoi ti ala kue ape ti wara na aye so ala yeke na bezoin ni. Often shamelessness indicates a bad trait. Paul and his traveling companions took part - time work to support themselves financially. Na "angoi ti akpale so ayeke ngangu na zo ti kanga bê na yâ ni " so, aye mingi alingbi ti sara si mo gi bê ti mo. If we recognize that we are not authorized to sit in judgment, we will not be quick to criticize others for their faults or question their motives. During these "critical times hard to deal with, " you may find it hard to deal with. Ye so asara si lo ga na sioni ye so na ndo ti lo wani. - 2 Sam. 19: 1 - 8; aProv. It was from the Macedonian Center for International Cooperation, inviting the Witnesses to set up a booth to explain their beliefs at a three - day fair that was to start on November 20. 19: 1 - 8; Prov. Ti tâ tënë ni, kota kamba ayeke na popo ti lege so mo yeke sambela Jéhovah nga na lege so mo yeke bâ na lo. Likely, Moses also penned the book of Job as well as Psalms 90 and 91. In fact, there is a connection between how you pray to Jehovah and how you view him. Ngbanga ti nyen? Pride moves some people to judge those who differ with them as undeserving of attention, let alone a sincere apology. Why? Tongaso, lo pusu Adam na Eve ti duti yamba na Nzapa, si ala wani alingbi ti bâ nyen la ayeke nzoni nga sioni na lê ti ala. Focus on spiritual things, such as Bible study, meeting attendance, and the field ministry. So he motivated Adam and Eve to be alienated from God, so that they could see for themselves what was good and what was bad. Na tapande, bâ Tour ti Ba Ndo ti 1 mai 2001, lembeti 24. In Isaiah's day when Jehovah's hand protected Judah against her enemies, the majority refused to recognize this. For example, see The Watchtower, May 1, 2001, page 24. Na tapande, a hinga ambo mingi teti mango yanga na ndoye so ala yeke ndulu ti fa na yâ ye kue na mbage ti amveni ti ala. We were able to maintain our joy because we focused on the wonderful relationship we have with Jehovah. " For example, many dogs are known for their obedience and love for their master. Mbi yeke lani gi na ngu 34 na ngoi so a zia mbi surveillant ti filiale (so a iri ni fadeso Coordinateur ti komite ti Filiale). So how accurate was he? I was only 34 years old when I was appointed branch overseer (now Branch Committee servant). Na pekoni, na ngu 29 N.E., ngoi asi awe teti Jésus ti sala kusala ti Nzapa so ayeke ku lo. It will be only a short time till we welcome her back - beautiful and vital! " Then, in 29 C.E., the time came for Jesus to do God's will for him. Lo tene na adisciple ti lo, lo tene: "I sara be - nzoni legeoko tongana Babâ ti i asara be - nzoni. ." David was so aroused by observing Bath - sheba that he had her brought to his palace, where he committed adultery with her. - 2 Sam. He told his disciples: "Become merciful, just as your Father is merciful. " Sorongo yâ ti amozoko kue so ayeke dä alingbi ti sala si li ti zo aga kirikiri. How does Jehovah show loving concern for the way his sheep are treated? The choice of music that is available can cause one to become confused. Mingi ni, azo ayeke bâ sarango ye na kamene pëpe tongana mbeni sioni sarango ye. Instead, I opened my own business. People generally view loose conduct as a bad habit. Tongana e hinga so a yeke na e pëpe ti fâ ngbanga, e yeke duti nduru pëpe ti kasa amba ti e ndali ti afaute so ala sara nga ti duti na kite na ndo ti araison so apusu ala ti sara ye. Thus, 1 Timothy 3: 4 says that if you are the head of a family and are reaching out for extra privileges in the congregation, you must be a man who is "presiding over his own household in a fine manner, having children in subjection with all seriousness. " If we recognize that we are not authorized to judge others, we will not be inclined to criticize others for their mistakes and to doubt their motives. Singa ni alondo na mbeni Bungbi na Macédoine so abâ tënë ti salango kusala maboko na maboko na akodoro wande, so atisa aita na gbe ti mbeni da so, na ndo table, ala lingbi ti fa ambeti so afa atënë ti mabe ti ala teti lango ota so ato nda ni na lango 20 ti novembre. Yes, for the apostle Paul urged fellow Christians: "Become imitators of God, as beloved children. " The police came from a meeting in Macedonia, visiting brothers from a foreign home, where they could present their faith on the table for three days that began on November 20, 1999. Peut - être Moïse asû nga lani buku ti Job nga na Psaume 90 na 91. For physical strength, Samson was without equal among men. Moses may also have written the book of Job and Psalms 90 and 90. Baba apusu ambeni zo ti tene so ala so salango ye ti ala ayeke nde na ti ala alingbi na bingo bê pëpe, a lingbi zo ahunda pardon na ala pëpe. It is equally important for you to do that during these "last days. " Pride has led some to conclude that those who are different from their way of thinking are not to be forgiven. Bi bê ti mo na ndo ti aye ti yingo tongana mandango Bible, guengo na abungbi nga na fango tënë. magazines? The Watchtower and Awake! Think of spiritual things, such as studying the Bible, attending Christian meetings, and sharing in the ministry. Na ngoi ti Isaïe, tongana maboko ti Jéhovah ayeke bata Juda na gbe ti awato ti lo, mingi ti ala ake ti hinga ye so. Hence, we must reject them completely. In Isaiah's day, when Jehovah's hand protected Judah from his enemies, many refused to know this. E wara lege ti bata ngia ti e ngbanga ti so e bata lê ti e na ndo pendere songo so e yeke na ni na Jéhovah. " By 1982 he and Penny were busy in the pioneer work, and in 1986 he began 11 years of service as a circuit overseer in the United States. We were able to maintain our joy because we kept our focus on our wonderful relationship with Jehovah. " Nyen la afa so tënë ti aye so lo sû so ayeke atâ ye? • What view of our brothers should we strive to avoid? What shows that his writings are true? A yeke ninga ande pepe si e kiri ti yamba lo, pendere nga na ngangu! " What did the Levites ask of God, and what do we learn from this? It will not be long for us to welcome him again, to be hospitable, and strong! " Na ngoi so David ayeke bâ Bath - Séba, David asara nzara ti lo na lo tokua azo ague amû Bath - Séba a ga na ni na lo, na lo sara lango - sioni na lo. - 2 Sam. (b) What is essential for showing endurance as Christ's disciples? When David saw Bath - sheba, David showed interest in her and sent people to Bath - sheba, and he committed adultery with her. - 2 Sam. Na lege wa Jéhovah afa so ye so a yeke sara na angasangbaga ti lo agbu bê ti lo mingi? " MY EYES HAVE COME TO THEIR END IN TEARS ' How does Jehovah demonstrate the depth of his concern for his sheep? Na pekoni, mbi sigigi na ndokua ti mbi wani. With what things are most people occupied today? Later, I left my own company. Ni la, 1 Timothée 3: 4 afa so tongana mo yeke mokonzi ti sewa na mo yeke gi ti sara ambeni kusala na yâ ti congrégation, a lingbi mo duti mbeni zo so "afa lege nzoni na azo ti da ti lo, amolenge ti lo ayeke woko tere na gbe ti lo na bê ti ala kue ." Next, he killed all ten of Job's children by causing "a great wind " to crush the house they were in. Thus, 1 Timothy 3: 4 shows that if you are the head of a family head and are reaching out for privileges in the congregation, you must be someone "in the discipline of his household, in order that his children may be in subjection to him with all their heart. " Biani, teti bazengele Paul awa na ngangu afon lo Chrétien: "I ga azo so amû tapande ti Nzapa, tongana amolenge so a ndoye ala mingi. " What Is Life Worth? 2 / 1 Indeed, for the apostle Paul urged fellow Christians: "Become imitators of God, as beloved children. " Na lege ti ngangu, mbeni zo ti lingbi lani na Samson ayeke dä pëpe. " Immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into hell, where they suffer the punishments of hell, " eternal fire. ' " There was no equal in Samson's case. A yeke kota ye ti tene mo nga kue mo sara tongaso na ngoi ti "alango ti nda ni " so. Zechariah sees flying through the air a scroll nearly 30 feet (9 m) long and 15 feet (4.5 m) wide! It is vital that you do the same during these "last days. " Tour ti Ba Ndo na Réveillez - vous! Other students followed suit. The Watchtower and Awake! Tongaso, a lingbi e ke ala kue. " Accept My Humble Gift " (Russia), 11 / 15 All of us, therefore, must be hated. Na ngu 1982, lo na wali ti lo Penny amû ngoi ti ala mingi ti sara kua ti pionnier; nga na ngu 1986, lo komanse kua ti surveillant ti circonscription na Amerika. It is the same with remaining loyal to God. In 1982 he and his wife were busy pioneering, and in 1986 she began serving as a circuit overseer in the United States. • A yeke nzoni e kpe ti duti na bango ndo wa na ndo ti aita ti e? " Agnes, if you go out that door, don't come back in! " • What attitude should we avoid? A - Lévite ahunda nyen na Nzapa? E manda nyen na lege ti tapande ti ala? God supported him in his fight with Goliath and rescued him from many other calamities. What did the Levites ask God, and what lesson do we learn from their example? " LÊ TI MBI AVUKO NA NGULE " (b) How can we cooperate in the congregation? " AS TOLD BY I ARE BY BY THEY IN THEY ' Laso nyen la agbu bê ti mingi ti azo? In prayer, she vowed to Jehovah that if she would bear a son, she would "give him to Jehovah all the days of his life. " What is the focus of most people today? Na pekoni, lo fâ amolenge bale - oko ti Job na lege ti "kota pupu " so akungbi da so ala yeke na yâ ni. Entertainment is more available now than ever before, and it is less expensive than ever before. Then he killed Job's ten sons by the "great wind " that destroyed their house. " Lege ti Jéhovah ayeke mbilimbili ', 15 / 11 What loving but serious command did Jehovah give Adam? 5 / 1 " Tâ gi na peko ti kuâ ti ala, âme ti azo so akui na yâ ti siokpari ayeke gue na enfer; kâ, ala yeke bâ pasi na lê ti " wâ so ayeke mingo lâ oko pëpe. ' " How can we imitate the example of Jesus and the early disciples by building and maintaining healthy friendships with our spiritual brothers and sisters? " As soon as they die, the souls of those who die in sin go to hell, where they suffer " eternal fire. ' " Zacharie abâ mbeni mbeti so ayeke huru. Yongo ni ayeke mètre 9 nga largeur ni ayeke mètre 4 na ndambo. Abraham and his son Isaac played a vital role in the outworking of God's purpose. Zechariah sees a rolling scroll, about nine feet (7 m) long, and it is about 4 to 4 feet (U.S.). Ambeni wamandango mbeti nde ayeda na ni nga. Why can we draw that conclusion? Other students accepted it too. Ngbango be - ta - zo na Nzapa ayeke nga legeoko tongaso. His followers imitate his example when they offer themselves for baptism. Loyalty to God is the same. Na ngoi so Agnes aye ti gue na bungbi, koli ti lo adekongo na li ti lo, lo tene: "Agnes, tongana mo sigigi na yanga - da so, mo yeke kiri ti lï da pëpe! " " As for Sisera, " says the Bible, "he [abandoned the battle and] fled on foot to the tent of Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite, for there was peace between Jabin the king of Hazor and the household of Heber the Kenite. " When she wanted to go to the meetings, her husband cried out: "If you come home, you will not come home! " Nzapa amû maboko na lo na ngoi so lo yeke tiri na Goliath nga Nzapa asö lo na yâ ti gbâ ti aye ti ngangu. Who will look after you in your old age? God helped him during his fight against Goliath and saved him through many tribulations. (b) Tongana nyen la e lingbi ti sara kua maboko na maboko na yâ ti congrégation? " Now they are in heaven, " he explained. (b) How can we cooperate with the congregation? Na yâ ti sambela, lo mû zendo na Jéhovah lo tene, tongana ni dü mbeni molenge ti koli, ni " yeke mû lo na Jéhovah ti sara kua ti lo na yâ ti gigi ti lo kue. '. (Read 1 Thessalonians 2: 11, 12.) In prayer, he promised Jehovah that when he gave birth to a son, he would "give him to Jehovah for his service all his life. " Fadeso aye ti ngia ahon ndo ni, na ngere ni ayeke mingi pëpe tongana a haka ni na ti ândö. Gloria was a jewel then, and she is a jewel today. There is no value in entertainment, and there is no value in comparison with the ancient world. Nzoni wango wa, so ayeke kpengba wango, Jéhovah amû lani na Adam? When will the earth be completely filled with knowledge of Jehovah's glory? What practical advice did Jehovah give Adam? Tongana nyen e lingbi ti mû tapande ti Jésus na ti akozo disciple ti lë songo ti kamarade na aita ti e ti yingo nga ti ngbâ ti bata ni nzoni? What a wonderful hope! - John 5: 28, 29. How can we imitate Jesus and the early disciples in cultivating and maintaining close friendships with our spiritual brothers? Ye so Abraham na molenge ti lo Isaac asara lani amû lege na Nzapa ti sara si ye so lo leke na bê ti lo ti sara aga tâ tënë. Thus far we have seen that true Christians came into Babylonian captivity soon after the death of the last of the apostles. Abraham and his son Isaac fulfilled God's purpose. Ngbanga ti nyen e tene tongaso? Tackling the Language Why can we say that? Adisciple ti lo amû tapande ti lo na ngoi so ala ga ti mû batême. (b) Why may those who give encouragement sometimes be in need of receiving it? His disciples imitated him when they came to baptism. Bible atene: "Me Sisera [adö bira ni azia na] akpe na gere ti lo na tente ti Jaël wali ti Héber, zo ti mara ti Kéni; teti siriri ayeke na popo ti gbia ti Hatsor na azo ti da ti Héber zo ti mara ti Kéni. " Contrasting the condition of the righteous with that of the wicked, Solomon says: "No man will be firmly established by wickedness; but as for the root - foundation of the righteous ones, it will not be caused to stagger. " - Proverbs 12: 3. The Bible tells us: "As for Sisera [the battle] kept fleeing to the tent of Jael the wife of Jael, who was a mighty man; for there was peace among the king of Israel and with the house of the house of the house of the peoples. " Mo ga mbakoro ande so, zo wa la ayeke bâ lege ti mo, zo wa? In a later letter, the apostle warned: "If anyone does not provide for those... who are members of his household, he has disowned the faith and is worse than a person without faith. " Who will take care of you in this old age? Lo tene: "Fadeso, ala yeke kâ na yayu. " Despite sincere efforts, humans cannot bring an end to violence. He said: "Now you are here in heaven. " (Diko 1 aThessalonicien 2: 11, 12.) 9: 7 - 10. (Read 1 Thessalonians 2: 11, 12.) Gloria ayeke mbeni bijou lani, laso nga lo ngbâ bijou. But children must eventually decide for themselves whether to let this world bend them to its will or to allow Jehovah to make their "paths straight. " - Proverbs 3: 5, 6; Romans 12: 2. Gloria was a nun today, and she is still a nun. Na ngoi wa fade sese kue ayeke si na ndara ti hingango gloire ti Jéhovah? This, along with seeing our Bible students make progress, created a strong bond with our spiritual family in Ireland. When will the earth be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah's glory? So tâ pendere beku! - Jean 5: 28, 29. Name has been changed. What a wonderful prospect! - John 5: 28, 29. Na yâ ti article so, e manda so atâ Chrétien ague na ngbâa na Babylone kete na peko ti so tanga ti abazengele akui lani. Do Not "Fall in the Same Pattern of Disobedience " In this article, we learn that true Christians were taken captive to Babylon shortly after the death of the other apostles. Sarango ngangu ti manda yanga ti kodoro ni Once again, the prosecution appealed the decision, this time to Armenia's highest court - the Court of Cassation. Striving to Learn the Language Tongana ala sara tongaso, ala lingbi ti bâ so peut - être a hunda gi ti tene na ndoye ala mû mbeni kpengba wango ti Bible na zo ni. What better means is there to keep fresh in mind the signs of the times and their meaning than to talk to others about them? If they do so, they may feel that they may need only loving counsel from God's Word. Na fango kangbi so ayeke na popo ti dutingo ti zo ti mbilimbili na ti zo ti sioni, Salomon atene: "Fade zo aga nzoni na lege ti salango sioye pëpe, me fade zo ti mbilimbili ayeke legeoko tongana gere ti keke so ayengi pëpe. " - aProverbe 12: 3. He is helping a woman sort and sell her deceased sister's household items. Pointing to the contrast between the righteous and the wicked, Solomon states: "Man will not succeed in doing what is bad, but the righteous one will be like a tree that will not be made to totter. " - Proverbs 12: 3. Na yâ mbeni mbeti so lo sû na pekoni, bazengele ni agboto mê ti ala, lo tene: "Tongana mbeni zo abata... azo ti da ti lo mveni pëpe, lo bele tënë ti mabe awe, na sioni ti lo ahon sioni ti zo so amä na bê pëpe. ." " How I do love your law! " - PSALM 119: 97. In a later letter, the apostle warned them: "If anyone does not care for... his own household, he has disowned the faith and is worse than a person without faith. " Atâa angangu so azo ayeke sala na bê ti ala kue, ala lingbi pëpe ti hunzi salango ngangu na zo na sese so. Doing so will build our appreciation for his role in God's purpose. Despite sincere efforts, humans cannot eliminate violence in this world. 9: 7 - 10. It took faith for Abram to leave the conveniences that life in Ur offered 9: 7 - 10. Me na nda ni, a yeke na molenge ni ti mû desizion ti bâ wala lo yeke zia si azo ti sese so ayeke sara ngangu na ndo ti lo wala lo yeke zia lege na Jéhovah ti sara si " lege ti lo aga mbilimbili. - aProverbe 3: 5, 6; aRomain 12: 2. How can we enhance our love for Bible truth? But eventually, it is up to the child to decide whether he will allow this world to influence him or allow Jehovah to " make his paths straight. ' - Proverbs 3: 5, 6; Romans 12: 2. Ti hinga aita so nga ti bâ tongana nyen la azo so e manda Bible na ala ague na li ni, a sara si e duti na kpengba songo na sewa ti aita ti e na Irlande. There were difficulties, but the apostle Paul and others could journey throughout the realm without passports and visas. Knowing these and seeing how our Bible students grew, we enjoyed close association with our brothers in Ireland. A gbian iri ni. " There will be an abundance of grain on the earth; on the top of the mountains it will overflow. " - Psalm 72: 16. Name has been changed. " Tï na yâ ti mara ti tapande ti kengo yanga so pëpe ' What does following Jesus ' example in doing God's will involve? " Do Not Put Up in the Supreme Example of disobedience ' Azo so abi tënë na li ti Margaryan ahunda ti fani use ni ti tene a kiri a bâ ngbanga ni, na ti so a yeke duti ande kota da - ngbanga ti Arménie si ayeke sala ni. How did Jesus walk? Those accused Margaryan once again asked for a second judgment, which would be the capital of Armenia's court. Lo yeke mû maboko na mbeni wali ti bungbi akungba ti da so angbâ na peko ti kuâ ti yaya ti lo, na so lo ye ti kä ni. Quoting Jesus, the disciple Mark wrote that this work must be done "first, " that is, before the end comes. She helps a woman to care for her older brother's needs and to sell them. " O, mbi ndoye Ndia ti Mo mingi! " - PSAUME 119: 97. Panayiota experienced a turning point in her life when she accepted an invitation to attend meetings at a Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. " How I do love your law! " - PSALM 119: 97. Sarango tongaso ayeke pusu e ti ne kusala so lo yeke sara na yâ ti ye so Nzapa aleke ti sara. We also treasure the gift of life and our ability to enjoy it. Doing so will move us to respect his role in God's purpose. A hunda mabe na Abram ti zia nzoni dutingo na lege ti mosoro so fini na Our amu ni The Scriptures mention several incidents in which wives spoke or acted even without their views being solicited by their husbands. Faith was required for Abram to leave the comforts of Ur Ambeni ye wa la e lingbi ti sara ti kiri ti ye atâ tënë ti Bible mingi? She states: "The disease has paralyzed my body, but it has not paralyzed my mind. What are some ways in which we can deepen our love for Bible truth? Akpale ayeke lani dä, me bazengele Paul na amba ti lo ayeke lani pëpe na bezoin ti ambeni mbeti ti mû lege na ala ti voyagé na yâ ti akodoro nde nde. For what qualities are Jehovah's Witnesses well - known? There were challenges, but the apostle Paul and his companions did not need other publications in order to travel abroad. " Alê ti kobe ayeke dü mingi na ndö ti sese; a yeke sigi gbani gbani na li ti ahoto. " - Psaume 72: 16. Just hours before, he had been arrested and his closest friends had abandoned him and fled in fear. " There will come to be plenty of grain on the earth; on the top of the mountains there will be an overflow. " - Psalm 72: 16. Ti mû tapande ti Jésus ti sara ye so bê ti Jéhovah aye andu nyen? In either case, the comparison drawn at Judges 14: 6 illustrates that with Jehovah's help, a powerful lion proved to be no more ferocious to Samson than a male kid would be to the average person. What is involved in imitating Jesus in doing Jehovah's will? Jésus atambela tongana nyen? 10: 10 - How does "the one winking his eye " cause pain? How did Jesus walk? Disciple Marc afa peko ti yanga ti Jésus so atene a lingbi a sara kusala ni so "kozoni si ," so ti tene kozoni si nda ni aga. Of such ridiculers, the apostle Peter stated: "According to their wish, this fact escapes their notice, that there were heavens from of old and an earth standing compactly out of water and in the midst of water by the word of God; and by those means the world of that time suffered destruction when it was deluged with water. The disciple Mark quoted Jesus as saying that this work should be done "in advance, " that is, before the end comes. Panayiota awara lege ti changé na ngoi so lo yeda na mbeni tisango ndo ti aTémoin ti Jéhovah, ti tene lo gue na abungbi ti ala na Da ti Royaume. Early Christians were not pacifists, but they recognized that their prime allegiance was to God. She was able to change when she accepted an invitation from Jehovah's Witnesses to attend their meetings at the Kingdom Hall. E bâ nga na nene ni mingi matabisi ti fini so Nzapa amû na e nga so lo sara e na mbeni fason ti wara ngia na yâ ti fini ti e. • What is "Babylon the Great "? We also treasure God's gift of life and make it possible for us to enjoy life. Na ando so iri "L'Éternel " asigigi dä, na Hébreu ti giriri a sara kusala na iri Jéhovah, na tapande Genese 3: 1 nga na yâ ti ambeni versê. What were Jesus and Peter speaking about? Where the name "Jehovah " appears, the ancient Hebrew name Jehovah, such as Ezekiel 3: 1 and other scriptures, is used in the name of Jehovah. Mbeti ti Nzapa asara tënë ti ambeni kpale so asi so na yâ ni ambeni wali azi yanga ti sara tënë wala asara ye atâa so akoli ti ala ahunda ni pëpe. For more information on written business agreements, see The Watchtower, August 1, 1997, pages 30 - 1; November 15, 1986, pages 16 - 17; and Awake!, February 8, 1983, pages 13 - 15, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. The Scriptures refer to certain situations in which women speak or act despite the lack of their husbands. Lo tene: "Kobela asara si ambeni mbage ti tere ti mbi asara kua nzoni pëpe, me bibe ti mbi angbâ ti sara kua. " Let go of anger and abandon rage, " says Psalm 37: 8. She says: "I felt that I didn't get a good job, but I still had my mind at work. A lingbi e duti "na yâ siriri " Some believe that the Greek word translated "contentiousness " has to do with selfish ambition, a jockeying for position. We Must Be "in Peace " Gi na yâ ti angbonga so ahon kozoni, a gbu lo, nga akamarade ti lo so ayeke ndulu mingi na lo azia lo na ala kpe teti mbito asala ala. What is this treasure? Within hours he was arrested, and his closest friends abandoned him and fled for fear. Atâa atënë ni ayeke tongana nyen, hakango ye so a tene na aJuge 14: 6 afa so na lege ti mungo maboko ti Jéhovah, mbeni bamara so ayeke ngangu mingi alingbi ti sala sioni na Samson pëpe legeoko tongana mbeni molenge ti ngasa alingbi ti sala sioni pëpe na mbeni senge zo. Most of us appreciate being invited to a gathering of happy Christians. In any case, the comparison recorded at Judges 14: 6 shows that with Jehovah's help, a powerful lion could not harm Samson like a lamb. 10: 10 - Tongana nyen "zo so ako lê ti lo " amû vundu? Jesus invited all who were toiling and loaded down to come to him and find refreshment for their souls. 10: 10 - How does "the one sowing his eyes " mourn? Bazengele Pierre asara tënë ti azo ti hengo ndo tongaso: "Teti ala ye ti girisa tënë so: na lege ti tënë ti Nzapa, ayayu ayeke giriri kozoni, na sese ayeke, sese so alondo na yâ ngu na aga na lege ti ngu; na lege ti ye so, sese so ayeke giriri a futi, teti ngu ahon ndo ti sese kue. The Bible accounts of Korah, Absalom, and Saul clearly show that presumptuousness leads to dishonor, as stated at Proverbs 11: 2. The apostle Peter wrote of such ridiculers: "The heavens were from the beginning of the word about God, and the earth was from water and by water and by water; and by these means the world was destroyed, because the earth was deluged with water. Akozo Chrétien ake lani pëpe na bê oko mara ti abira kue; ye oko, ala hinga so be - biani ti ala ague kozoni kue na Nzapa. Jesus said: "God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " The early Christians did not give up on any sort of wars; yet, they knew that their integrity was first directed to God. • "Kota Babylone " ayeke nyen? Jehovah provided that record, as found in the Christian Greek Scriptures, because he wants us to become acquainted with his Son so that we can imitate him. • What is "Babylon the Great "? Jésus na Pierre ayeke sara lani tënë na ndo ti nyen? Find Refreshment in Spiritual Things What was the theme of Jesus ' words? Ti hinga atënë mingi na ndo sungo na mbeti atënë ti dengo buze, bâ Tour ti Ba Ndo ti Français ti lango 1 ti août 1997, lembeti 30 - 31 na ti 15 novembre 1986, lembeti 16 - 17; na Réveillez - vous! ti 8 mai 1983, lembeti 13 - 15, so aTémoin ti Jéhovah asigigi na ni. Do you? For more information on business writing, see The Watchtower of August 1, 1997, pages 30 - 31 and November 15, 1986, pages 16 - 17; and May 8, 1983, pages 13 - 15, 1997, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Psaume 37: 8 atene: "Zia lege ti ngonzo nga zia si ngonzo ahon ndö ti mo pëpe. " That is precisely why a Kingdom publisher who is in a nursing home or who is somehow incapacitated may report field service in 15 - minute increments rather than full hours. Psalm 37: 8 states: "Let anger alone and do not let anger control you. " Ambeni zo amä na bê so tene ti Grec so a sû pekoni na "gingo tene " ague legeoko na bibe ti gingo kota ndo na lege ti kion, mbeni gbugburungo tele ti wara kota ndo. Such reading can mold our inner person and make us more pleasing to Jehovah. Some believe that the Greek word translated "word " is related to a selfish spirit, a competitive competition. Mosoro ni so ayeke nyen? Hence, Paul rightly directed that the man be removed from the congregation. - 1 Cor. What is this treasure? A nzere na e mingi tongana a iri e ti sara matanga na popo ti aita so ayeke na ngia. The transformation from being "slaves of sin " to serving God as" slaves to righteousness " is dramatic indeed. What a joy it is when we are invited to celebrate social gatherings with happy brothers! • Teti so Nzapa amû na ala ngangu ti komande, tongana nyen a - ancien alingbi ti mû li ni tongana ti Christ? " The creation " refers to mankind with the earthly hope, those who will benefit from "the revealing " of God's spirit - anointed sons. • Since they have God - given authority, how can elders take the lead just as Christ did? Mbaï ti Bible na ndo Qorah, Absalom, na Saül afa polele so fandara ayeke gue na kamela, tongana ti so afa na aProverbe 11: 2. Consider some examples from just the last 100 years. The Bible account about Korah, Absalom, and Saul makes it clear that presumptuousness leads to dishonor, as shown at Proverbs 11: 2. Jésus atene: "Nzapa andoye sese so tongaso, lo mu Molenge ti lo ngengele oko, si azo kue so afa na gigi mabe na lo alingbi ti futi ala pepe, me ala yeke na fini ti lakue lakue. " He said: "My food is for me to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work. " - John 4: 34. Jesus said: "God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " Jéhovah asara si a sû atënë so, tongana ti so e wara ni na yâ ti mbage ti Mbeti ti Nzapa so aChrétien asû ândö na Grec, ndali ti so lo ye ti tene e hinga Molenge ti lo tongaso si e lingbi ti sara ye tongana lo. With this in mind, think about the position of those whom the householder found late in the day and who therefore worked for only one hour. Jehovah had written those words, as we find in the Christian Greek Scriptures, for he wants us to know his Son so that we can imitate him. Akota tënë ti ambeti na aCorinthien, 1 / 7 That city is God's Kingdom. 7 / 15 Wara dengo bê na lege ti aye ti yingo The term "pornography " refers to sexually explicit material that is designed to arouse the viewer, reader, or listener. Find Comfort in Spiritual Things Mo kue mo sara tongaso? Some had additional responsibilities, such as teaching in the congregation. Do you do the same? Tongana mbeni wafango tënë alingbi ti fa tënë mingi ape ndali ti so lo yeke mbakoro wala lo yeke na kpale ti seni, lo lingbi ti mû penze - ngbonga 15. Whether we are right or wrong, engaging in hurtful speech will never improve matters. - w17.04, p. If a publisher may not be able to expand his ministry because of old age or poor health, he may spend 15 minutes. Aye so e yeke diko alingbi ti leke zo ti yâ ni ti e nga ti sara si e nzere na lê ti Jéhovah ahon ti kozo. Pioneering with our marriage mate can do what for the threefold marital cord? What we read can prepare our inner person and make us more pleasing to Jehovah. Tongaso, Paul ahunda ti tene a zia lo na gigi ti congrégation. - 1 aCor. Neither Richard nor Bill had given any thought to Bethel service. Hence, Paul asked that he be disfellowshipped from the congregation. - 1 Cor. Gbiango ye so ayeke si tongana azo azia ti duti "angba ti siokpari " ti gue ti sala na Nzapa tongana" angba ti mbilimbili " ayeke biani tâ ye ti dongo bê. Later, the mastic is further cleaned and can then be put to many uses. The change that will occur when humans stop serving God as "the slaves of righteousness " is truly amazing. Tënë "création " aye ti sara tënë ti azo so ayeke na beku ti wara fini na ndo ti sese, azo so ayeke bâ nzoni na ngoi so amolenge ti Nzapa so a soro ala ti gue na yayu ayeke" fa tere ti ala na gigi. " What, though, about all those adherents of the churches of Christendom? The expression "the heavens " refers to those with an earthly hope, those who benefit from the revealing of God's anointed sons. Bâ ambeni tapande gi na yâ ti ngu 100 so ahon awe. About 20 of them were murdered. Consider just 100 years ago. Lo tene: "Kobe ti mbi ayeke ti sara ye so bê ti lo so atokua mbi aye nga ti hunzi kusala ti lo. " - Jean 4: 34. Why should you be a good listener in your work as a disciple maker? He said: "My food is for me to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work. " - John 4: 34. Tongana mo hinga ni tongaso, gbu li na ndo ti azo so si wa ti yaka ni amû ala na kua na lakui na so asara kua gi teti l'heure oko. Such a consideration is not difficult to arrange. If so, think about such ones that the householder takes them to work during the evening and works for only one hour. Gbata ni so ayeke Royaume ti Nzapa. 3,423 That city is God's Kingdom. Tongana e sara tënë ti "porno ," e ye ti sara tënë ti aye kue so a leke ni ti zia nzara ti bungbingo koli na wali na yâ ti zo so ayeke bâ ye ni, lo yeke mä ni wala lo yeke diko ni. The Septuagint renders his name "Jesus. " When we speak of "the Prophets, " we refer to all that is designed to arouse sexual interest in the person who sees it, listen, or read it. Ambeni ayeke nga na ambeni kungba na ndo ni, tongana ti fango ye na yâ kongrégation. In 1965, still single, I was invited to attend the 41st class of Gilead School. Some also have additional responsibilities, such as teaching in the congregation. Atâa e yeke na raison wala pëpe, dikongo asioni tënë alingbi ti leke kpale ni lâ oko ape. - w17.04, l. Another example is the maintenance of our Kingdom Hall. Whether we are right or not, murmuring can never solve the problem. - Tongana koli na wali ti lo asara kua ti pionnier, na lege wa a yeke mû maboko na mariage ti ala? (b) What aspects of molding will we next consider? If a couple are pioneering, how can this help their marriage? Richard na Bill apensé kete pëpe ti sara kua na Béthel. • Why should we be sure of what is acceptable to God when making decisions, and how can we do so? Richard and Bill did not hesitate to serve at Bethel. Na nda ni, a kiri a sukula mastic ni, na tongaso a lingbi ti sala kusala na ni na yâ alege mingi. And what a privilege it will be for the "great crowd " of Jehovah's servants who survive the end of this wicked system of things to welcome and instruct those resurrected to life on earth! - Rev. Eventually, the mastic was washed, so it could be used in many ways. Ye oko, a yeke tongana nyen teti ala so ayeke na yâ ti a - église ti Chrétienté? Tatian came to Rome as an itinerant rhetorician. What, though, about those who belong to Christendom's churches? A fâ ndulu na 20 na popo ti ala. And how serious is the matter of letting our Yes mean Yes? About 20 of them were killed. Ngbanga ti nyen a yeke nzoni mo mä azo nzoni na ngoi so mo yeke sara adisciple? Out of this diversity of religions, cultures, and philosophies have come individuals who now enjoy a religious unity that is not otherwise seen in the world today. Why should you listen carefully when making disciples? Ti leke ye tongaso ti manda ye na ndo ti lengo ti yingo ayeke ngangu pëpe. Or do I view long years of faithful service, privileges in God's organization, or natural abilities as a basis for feeling superior to others? Such study of the fruitage of the spirit is not easy. 3 423 No human is indispensable in Jehovah's organization, and the work of spreading Kingdom truths continues. 3,9 Bible ti Septante akiri peko ti iri ti lo na "Jésus .." When reading God's Word, we can truly "rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep. " - Rom. The Septuagint rendered his name "Jesus. " Na ngu 1965, na ngoi so mbi ngbâ lakue kumbamba, a tisa mbi ti gue na klase 41 ti Ekole ti Galaad. And even now, I worry about how others view me and my children. In 1965, while I was single, I was invited to attend the 41th class of Gilead School. Mbeni tapande ni andu lekengo yâ ti Da ti Royaume ti e. That counsel was balanced with the caution not to treat such a person as an enemy. Another example involves cleaning our Kingdom Hall. (b) Mbeni lege ti lekengo e wa la e yeke sara ande tënë na ndo ni na yâ ti article ti peko? (Read John 15: 11.) (b) What form of training will we consider in the next article? • Ngbanga ti nyen a lingbi e hinga biani ye so ayeke nzoni na lê ti Nzapa tongana e yeke mu adesizion, na tongana nyen e lingbi ti sala tongaso? Regarding marriage, the book of Genesis states that a man must "stick to his wife and they must become one flesh. " - Gen. • Why should we be convinced of what is acceptable to God when making decisions, and how can we do so? So pasa si awakua ti Jéhovah so ayeke ti "azo mingi mingi " ayeke na ni ti sö kuâ na ngoi ti futingo sioni dunia so na ti yamba azo so a yeke zingo ande ala nga ti fa ye na ala! - Apoc. Proverbs 24: 10 acknowledges: "Have you shown yourself discouraged in the day of distress? Your power will be scanty. " What a privilege it is for Jehovah's "great crowd " to survive the end of this wicked system and welcome back resurrected ones! - Rev. Tatien aga na Rome tongana mbeni wamungo diskur so ayeke tambela na ndo nde nde. At times, the word may refer to a man who was castrated. Tatian came to Rome as a traveling speaker. Nga na lege wa a yeke kota ye ti tene e zia si En ti e angbâ gi En? Still, they "took no note until the flood came and swept them all away. " - Matthew 24: 38, 39. And how important is it that we let our Yes mean Yes? Ambeni zo so asigigi awe na yâ ti a - église, angobo ti salango ye nga na atënë ti senda - ndara nde nde so ayeke wara ngia na yâ mbeni dutingo beoko na lege ti vorongo so a yeke bâ mara ni na mbeni ndo oko pëpe na yâ sese ti laso. PUBLISHERS Some who have come out of churches, cultures, and philosophies have found joy in a unity that is no longer seen in today's world. Wala mbi pensé so mbi yeke nzoni ahon amba ti mbi ndali ti so mbi sara na Jéhovah teti angu mingi, ndali ti akusala so mbi yeke na ni na yâ ti bungbi ti Jéhovah, wala ndali ti so mbi yeke na ambeni kode so amba ti mbi ayeke na ni ape? My love for Jehovah has helped me to deal with painful wartime memories and many other trials Or do I feel that I am better than others because I have served Jehovah for many years, because of my privileges in Jehovah's organization, or do I have some abilities that others do not have? Zo oko alingbi ti tene ape so sân ni bungbi ti Jéhovah alingbi pëpe ti sara kua nzoni nga tâ tënë ti Royaume angbâ ti mû ndo. How might we see Jehovah's hand? No one can claim that without his organization, Jehovah's organization cannot function properly, and Kingdom truth continues to prevail. Na ngoi so e yeke diko Bible, e lingbi ti "duti na ngia legeoko na ala so aduti na ngia, [e] toto legeoko na azo so atoto. " - aRom. Well, our district overseer, Brother Jack Nathan, kept us all busy and happy. As we read the Bible, we can "rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with people who weep. " - Rom. Na même fadeso, mbi yeke na gingo bê na ndo ti fason so azo ayeke bâ na mbi na amolenge ti mbi. Accordingly, they resolved to have nothing to do with false religion as they understood it. Even now, I have concerns about how others view me and my children. Wango so ahunda ti tene aita asara ye na zo tongaso na hange, me a bâ lo pëpe tongana mbeni wato. In all his activity, a Christian elder should strive to uphold theocratic order. That counsel requires that such a person be cautious, but it does not refer to him as an enemy. (Diko Jean 15: 11.) A key application of Jesus ' illustration of the yoke became apparent regarding the disciple - making work. (Read John 15: 11.) Na ndo ti mariage, mbeti ti Genèse atene so a lingbi koli " aduti na wali ti lo; fade ala ga mitele oko. ' - Gen. Can we imperfect humans imitate the love shown to us by Jehovah and Jesus? Concerning marriage, the Genesis account says that a husband must " stick to his wife, and they must become one flesh. ' - Gen. A - Proverbe 24: 10 atene: "Tongana tere ti mo awoko na lâ ti ye ti ngangu, ngangu ti mo ayeke kete. " Some have accepted the word under conditions of war and harsh persecution, while others have done so during times of peace and prosperity. Proverbs 24: 10 says: "Have you shown yourself discouraged in the day of distress? Na ngoi ti ândö, a yeke zi para ti korobo ti ambeni koli ti punir ala wala na ngoi so a mû ala na ngbâa. Give an example. In Bible times, some men's eggs were cut off to punish or when they were taken captive. Mawa ni ayeke so "ala hinga tënë ni pëpe " wala ala mä ye so Noé afa na ala so pëpe" juska moa aga akamata ala kue ." - Matthieu 24: 38, 39. Jesus said: "Where your treasure is, there your hearts will be also. " - Luke 12: 34. Sadly, "they did not know the word " or what Noah had told them that" until the flood came and swept them all away. " - Matthew 24: 38, 39. AWAFANGO TËNË Although we will hear no words from heaven, we will see Jehovah's love expressed in nature, in the provision of Jesus ' ransom sacrifice, and in other ways. PUBLISHERS Tongana nyen la e lingbi ti bâ maboko ti Jéhovah na yâ ti gigi ti e? According to one Bible commentary, the statement that the Devil was "roving about in the earth " refers to the role of ancient Persian spies, who traveled and reported matters in the service of their king. How can we see Jehovah's hand in our life? Atâa so kue, surveillant ti district ti e, Ita Jack Nathan, asala si e duti na kusala mingi nga na ngia. One scholar says that in the Greek text, this passage "for all practical purposes is a hypothetical condition. " Even so, our district overseer, Nathan Nathan Nathan Nathan, made us very happy and happy. Tongaso, ala leke na bê ti ala ti yôro tere ti ala na yâ ti abungbi ti vorongo nzapa ti wataka pëpe. It is the custom to wash corpses ceremonially to prepare them for the spirit realm. Hence, they were determined not to get involved in false religion. Na yâ ti akusala kue so mbeni ancien ayeke sara, a yeke nzoni lo sara ye lakue ague oko na ye so Nzapa aleke ti tene aye atambela nzoni na yâ ti bungbi. Being the eldest of ten children, at the age of 13, I started working to help provide for the family. In all aspects of a Christian elder's work, he should always act in harmony with God's arrangement for success in organizational matters. Mbeni kpengba lege ti salango kusala na tapande ti Jésus na ndo joug andu polele kusala ti salango adisciple. The result? An important way to use Jesus ' illustration of the yoke involves the disciple - making work. E so e yeke azo so e yeke mbilimbili - kue pëpe e lingbi ti sara ye na ndoye tongana ti so Jéhovah na Jésus asara na mbage ti e so? " Frightened and trembling, " the woman "fell down before him and told him the whole truth. " As imperfect humans, can we imitate Jehovah and Jesus in showing love? Ambeni zo akamata tene ni na yâ angoi ti bira na ti salango ngangu mingi, me ambeni nga akamata ni na ngoi ti siriri na ti maïngo ti aye. The result is a profit - motivated, permissive society in which the motto is, "Anything goes. " Some have taken the matter in years of war and violence, while others have taken it during peace and prosperity. Fa mbeni tapande ni. The first person to whom Jehovah granted the gift of immortality was Jesus Christ. Illustrate. Jésus atene: "Ndo so mosoro ti ala ayeke dä, bê ti ala ayeke nga dä. " - Luc 12: 34. When sentencing Adam and Eve, Jehovah gave their future descendants a bright ray of hope. Jesus said: "Where your treasure is, there your hearts will be also. " - Luke 12: 34. Atâa so kâ na yayu lo yeke sala tënë na e pëpe, e yeke bâ ndoye ti Jéhovah na yâ aye so lo leke, na yâ sandaga ti kota ngele ti Jésus, nga na yâ ambeni ye nde. [ Picture on page 12] Although he does not speak to us from heaven, we see Jehovah's love in creation, in Jesus ' ransom sacrifice, and in other respects. E lingbi ti sara kua na ni na fango tënë. Jesus realized that power had gone out of him, so he asked who had touched him. We can use it in our ministry. Mbeni wandara so asû mbeti na ndo ti Bible atene so tënë so atene Zabolo " alondo na lê ti sese ' aye ti sara tënë ti azo ti kodoro ti Perse so kua ti ala ayeke ti bembe ndo nga so ayeke gue na ambeni ndo ti mû asango ti ga na ni na gbia ti ala. ▪ Making Wise Choices During Youth One Bible scholar put it this way: "The Devil " came down from the surface of the earth ' to refer to the Persian people who were at work and who were traveling to other places to bring news to their king. Mbeni wandara ti Bible atene so na yâ ti mbeti so a sû na yanga ti Grec, tënë ti Jésus so " aye gi ti sara tënë ti mbeni ye so alingbi ti si wala ti si pëpe. ' He was warmly commended by the bank officials, who said: "We wish that all people were as honest as Jehovah's Witnesses. " According to one Bible scholar, Jesus ' statement " simply refers to something that cannot happen or happen. ' Azo ni ayeke sara ka aye ti akotara na ngoi ti sukulango akuâ ti leke akuâ ni ti lï na ndo ti yingo. During the "great tribulation, " God's people will be the target of an all - out attack. The custom was often taken during the washing of the dead into the spirit realm. A dü e kue bale - oko, na mbi yeke yaya ni. Ni la, na ngu 13, mbi komanse ti sara kua ti mû maboko na sewa ti e. Appropriate commendation is essential to incite others to fine works. I was the eldest of ten children, so at the age of 13, I began working to support our family. Ye ti pekoni? For example, one of our brothers in the former Soviet Union was sentenced to 23 years in prison because of his faith. The result? " Mbeto agbu wali ni na tere ti lo ayeke dö... lo tï na gbe ti Jésus na lo tene na lo tâ tënë kue. " When he destroyed the ancient wicked world in the Flood, he "kept Noah, a preacher of righteousness, safe with seven others. " " The woman was afraid of him,... and she fell under Jesus and told him all the truth. " Ye ti pekoni ayeke mbeni bungbi ti azo so a sala ye gi ti wara faïda na pekoni, so azia lege na ye kue, na so tene so afa lege na salango ye ti ala ayeke: "A zia lege na ye kue. " 14, 15. As a result, a greedy society that allows everything and which is guided by it is: "All things are permitted. " Kozo zo so Jéhovah amû na lo matabisi ti kui pëpe ayeke Jésus Christ. Only after having gained an accurate knowledge of God's will can sincere Bible students make an informed decision about the matter of worship. The first one Jehovah gave him no gift of death is Jesus Christ. Na ngoi so Jéhovah adë ngbanga lani na ndo ti Adam na Ève, lo mû mbeni pendere beku teti ahale ti ala. Applying godly wisdom also contributes to a clean conscience. When Jehovah condemned Adam and Eve, he gave them a wonderful hope for their descendants. [ Foto na lembeti 12] George and Adria relate that when they first moved to Ghana, they felt as if they had gone back in time. [ Picture on page 12] Jésus ahinga so mbeni ngangu asigigi na tere ti lo, tongaso, lo hunda ti hinga zo so andu lo. He wants us to succeed in actively resisting temptation to do what is wrong in his sight. Jesus knew that a powerful force came out of him, so he asked who touched him. ▪ Mû anzoni desizion na ngoi so mo de maseka Not a promise failed out of all the good promise that Jehovah had made to the house of Israel; it all came true. " ▪ Make Wise Decisions in Youth Akota zo ti kua ti banque ni agonda lo mingi, na ala tene: "E ye si azo kue asala ye na lege ni tongana aTémoin ti Jéhovah. " When World War II ended, Nikos invited us to come to Cyprus, so in 1945 we moved to Nicosia. The bank officials commended him and said: "We want everyone to be honest as Jehovah's Witnesses. " Na ngoi ti "kota ye ti vundu ," azo ti Nzapa ayeke tingbi ande na mbeni ngangu bira. What helps her to cope with stressful situations? During "the great tribulation, " God's people will face a formidable battle. Mbeni nzoni lege ti sara ni ayeke ti gonda ala ndali ti anzoni ye so ala sara. " Now those girls have a better idea of who Jehovah's Witnesses really are. " One fine way to do so is by commending them for their good deeds. Na tapande, a dë lani ngbanga ti kanga ti ngu 23 na ndo ti mbeni ita ti e na ngbene Union Soviétique ndali ti mabe ti lo. Indeed, we continually need to beg Jehovah to help us keep on the watch. - Romans 12: 12; 1 Thessalonians 5: 17. For example, a brother in the former Soviet Union was sentenced to 23 years in prison for his faith. Na ngoi so Jéhovah afuti azo ti sioni giriri na lege ti Kota Moa, lo "bata Noé, zo ti fa tënë ti mbilimbili, legeoko na ambeni zo mbasambala .." If so, you are like the sincere ones Jesus met and helped. When Jehovah brought an end to the wicked by means of the Flood, he " kept Noah, a preacher of righteousness along with seven others. ' 14, 15. And yet, Jehovah's becoming King is not the same as the coming of God's Kingdom for which Jesus taught us to pray. 14, 15. Kozoni kue a lingbi ala hinga mbilimbili ye so Nzapa aye. A yeke gi na peko ti ye so si azo so amanda Bible na nzoni bê alingbi ti soro na lege ti tâ hingango ye atënë so andu vorongo. What "thunderous storm " came upon the ten - tribe kingdom of Israel? They must first learn what God's will is, and only then sincere Bible students can choose from accurate knowledge about worship. Salango ye alingbi na ndara ti Nzapa amu nga maboko ti duti na nzoni yingo - ti - hinga. Kings are called on to take heed, to exercise insight. Applying godly wisdom also helps to have a clean conscience. George na wali ti lo Adria afa so na ngoi so ala si pan na Ghana, ala bâ so dutingo ti azo ni kâ angbâ na peko mingi. Gregory of Tours ' account, written almost a century later, is viewed as a conscious effort to identify Clovis with Constantine, the first Roman emperor to accept "Christianity. " George and his wife, George, relates that when they first arrived in Ghana, they realized that conditions there were still much longer. Lo ye si e hon na ngangu na yâ kengo tara ti sala ye so ayeke sioni na lê ti lo na ngangu ti e kue. For three years, they constantly needled me to revert to my old ways. He wants us to succeed in resisting the temptation to do what is bad in his eyes. Mbeni ye oko ti nzoni amanke pëpe ti ye kue so L'Eternel aze na azo ti da ti Israël; tënë ni kue aga tâ tënë. ." How can a consideration of Bible examples of haughtiness help us? Not one word out of all the good words that Jehovah had spoken to the house of Israel has failed. They have all come true. " Na ngoi so Use Bira so Amû Sese Kue ahunzi lani, Nikos ahiri e ti ga na Chypre, tongaso na ngu 1945 e gue na Nicosie. " Pay Attention to Your Teaching ' When World War II ended, she called us to Cyprus, so in 1945 we moved to God's people. Ye wa amû maboko na lo ti hon ndo ti agingo bê ti lo? True Christians Are Still United What helped him to deal with his concerns? Fadeso, amolenge - wali so ahinga nzoni mingi ahon ti kozo aTémoin ti Jéhovah. " * - Revelation 7: 9, 10; 14: 1, 4. Now these girls are better acquainted with Jehovah's Witnesses. " Biani, a lingbi e ngbâ ti hunda na Jéhovah ti mu maboko na e ti ngbâ ti bata. - aRomain 12: 12; 1 aThessalonicien 5: 17. We are confident that those "rightly disposed for everlasting life " will become believers and delight in God's law. - Acts 13: 48. Yes, we need to keep on asking Jehovah for help to keep on the watch. - Romans 12: 12; 1 Thessalonians 5: 17. Tongana a yeke tongaso, mo yeke tongana azo ti be - ti - mbilimbili so Jésus atingbi na ala na amu maboko na ala. But God's Kingdom will soon bring an end to this politically fragmented world. - Daniel 2: 44. If so, you are like righteous ones whom Jesus met and helped. Na lege wa aye so ayeke nde nde? So have my brother, who was a ministerial servant, and my sister - in - law, who enjoyed pioneer service for about 15 years. How does this differ? " Pupu ti gandangombe " wa la aga na ndo ti akete mara bale - oko ti royaume ti Israël? The Bible account of Achan illustrates the power of greed. What "the wind of the hail " came upon the ten - tribe kingdom of Israel? A hunda na agbia ti dengi mê ti ala nzoni nga ti sala ye na ndara na ndo tënë so. The Watch Tower reported that at high schools and colleges, "professors and students are charmed with the pictures and with our wonderful phonograph records. " The kings are commanded to listen carefully and to act wisely on this matter. A bâ tondo ti Grégoire de Tours, so a sû ni ndulu na siècle oko na pekoni, tongana mbeni ngangu so a sala na gbungo li ti zia kamba na popo ti Clovis na Constantin, kozo togbia ti Rome ti yeda na "lege ti vorongo ti aChrétien. " Who is stumbled, and I am not incensed? " he asked. The account of Abijah's Watch Tower, written about the second century C.E., is considered an effort to establish a link between Clovis and Constantine, the first emperor of Rome to accept "the form of Christianity. " Teti ngu ota, ala zia ape ti pusu mbi ti kiri na ngbene vie ti mbi. Why, you will be haled before governors and kings for my sake, for a witness to them and the nations. " For three years, they did not let me go back to my former life. " Sala Hange na Fango Ye ti Mo ' 15, 16. (a) In what ways did Elisha show respect for his teacher? " Beware of Your Teaching ' Atâ Chrétien angbâ lakue ti duti beoko May we always appreciate such correction, even as the psalmist did. True Christians are still united * - Apocalypse 7: 9, 10; 14: 1, 4. ; Gonzalez, J. * - Revelation 7: 9, 10; 14: 1, 4. E hinga na bê ti e kue so ala so ayeke na yâ "mbilimbili dutingo so ahunda teti fini ti lakue lakue " ayeke ga ande awamabe, na ala yeke wara ngia na yâ ndia ti Nzapa. - Kusala 13: 48, NW. Seeing these blessings bestowed upon Jehovah's servants will force some opposers to "bow down " to Jehovah's figurative heavenly woman, represented by the spirit - anointed remnant on earth. We can be confident that those who are in "a righteous condition for everlasting life " will become believers and enjoy God's law. - Acts 13: 48. Me fade na yâ ngoi kete Royaume ti Nzapa ayeke futi sese so yâ ni akangbi na lege ti tene ti poroso. - Daniel 2: 44. If you are attracted by the insight that the Bible offers and by the blessings that result from living in harmony with it, make reading and meditation on God's Word a priority in your life. But God's Kingdom will soon bring an end to this political world. - Daniel 2: 44. Nga, ita ti mbi ti koli so asala kua tongana serviteur ti mungo maboko, na wali ti lo so asala kusala ti pionnier teti angu 15 tongaso ala kue nga akui awe be - ta - zo. Yes, proper discipline, even when it includes punishment, is always motivated by love. Also, my brother, who has served as a ministerial servant, and his wife, who pioneered for some 15 years and died faithfully. A yeke ye so mbaï ti Acan so a sara tënë ni na yâ ti Bible afa ni polele. We eagerly await a life free of sickness, old age, pain, and suffering. This is illustrated by the Bible account of Achan. Na yâ ti mbeni Tour ti Ba Ndo, a tene so na yâ ti alycée nga na acollège, "a nzere mingi na awafango mbeti nga na a - élève ti bâ a - image so ayeke na yâ ti film ni nga ti mä apendere tënë so a zia na yâ ni. " LIFE STORY The Watch Tower reported: "The teachers and students were interested in seeing the pictures in the film and listening to the pictures. " Tongana mbeni ye asala si zo atï, bê ti mbi aso. " (b) How far - reaching are the benefits of the ransom? When something causes stumbling, I feel hurt. " Me a yeke gi akota zo ti lege ti vorongo pëpe si ayeke sala ande ngangu na adisciple ni. What examples regarding disrespect for authority does Jude cite, and what do they teach us? But not only religious leaders would persecute the disciples. 15, 16. (a) Tongana nyen la Élisée afa so lo ne zo so afa kua na lo? • How did Jesus demonstrate impartiality in his teaching? 15, 16. (a) How did Elisha show respect for the teacher? Zia e ngbâ lakue ti ba na nene ni lekengo ye tongaso, legeoko tongana ti so wasungo psaume asala giriri. Be Watchful - Satan Wants to Devour You! May we continue to appreciate this arrangement, even as the psalmist did. ; Gonzalez, J. As soon as other brothers who had kiosks heard this, they too began to put copies of The Watchtower in their kiosk windows. ; Heaaaa, J. Tongana ala bâ anzoni ye so awakua ti Jéhovah awara, ambeni wato ayeke bâ gbä ala "zuku " na gbele tanga ti azo so a sa yingo na ndo ti ala so ade na sese ge. Tanga ti azo so ayeke fä ti wali ti Jéhovah so ayeke na yayu. Still, when we discern his guidance, we should never forget to offer our thanks and praise to him. As they observe the blessings enjoyed by God's people, some opposers have failed to see "the foreigners " before the anointed remnant on earth, whereas the remaining ones represent Jehovah's heavenly woman. Tongana ndara so ayeke na yâ ti Bible nga na adeba nzoni so ayeke ga na peko ti salango ye alingbi na ni anzere na mo, sala si dikongo Tënë ti Nzapa nga gbungo li na ndo ni aduti aye so mo yeke zia na kozo ndo na yâ fini ti mo. Honest at All Times, 3 / 1 If the wisdom found in God's Word and the blessings that come are pleasing to you, make reading God's Word and meditating on it become your priorities. Biani, nzoni fango lege, même si a hunda ti punir molenge ni, a lingbi a sara ni lakue na ndoye. Israel did not obey Jehovah's Law. Yes, good guidance - even punishment - should always be done with love. E yeke ku tâ gi kungo mbeni gigi so kobela, gango mbakoro, pono na pasi ayeke dä pëpe. I developed warm feelings toward the Witnesses. We long for a life free from sickness, old age, suffering, and suffering. MBAÏ TI FINI God's unique name, Jehovah, occurs nearly 7,000 times in the Hebrew Scriptures alone. LIFE STORY E lingbi ti fa lege so a sara kusala na ngere so a futa ti zi na azo na lege ti tapande ti mbeni zo so amû nginza ti lo na mbeni mba ti lo ti bata ni. Paul added: "Ponder over these things; be absorbed in them, that your advancement may be manifest to all persons. " We can show how the ransom is applied in the case of someone who contributes to it. A yeke wara na yâ Mbeti ti Nzapa atapande so afa na e ngele ti mango yanga na ti yengo dä na tënë. Would you mind reading that verse? God's Word contains examples that teach us the value of obedience and obedience. • Tongana nyen Jésus afa lani so lo yeke ndulu ti fa ye na azo kue me pëpe gi na ambeni? As "the father of the lie, " this" great dragon..., the original serpent, " has been "misleading the entire inhabited earth. " • How did Jesus show a willingness to teach all people, not just some? A yeke nzoni ti manda Bible ngbanga ti nyen? The few answers I received were irrational and unconvincing. Why Study the Bible? Gi ti so ambeni ita so ayeke na amagazin ti kango mbeti amä tënë so, hio ala nga ato nda ti zia anuméro ti Tour ti Ba Ndo na fenêtre ti magazin ti ala. The domestics refer to the same anointed ones as individuals. Just imagine hearing about this, some brothers in high school quickly began to place copies of The Watchtower in their shop. Ye oko, tongana e bâ so lo yeke fa lege na e, a yeke nzoni e girisa lâ oko pëpe ti kiri singila nga ti sepela lo. " During a difficult time, I made some serious mistakes that caused us to drift apart, " Maurizio explains. However, if we feel that he is leading us, we should never forget to thank and praise him. Ngbanga ti so azo ti Israël asara ye alingbi na Ndia ti Jéhovah pëpe. How happy we can be, though, that after God's people experienced centuries of spiritual oppression, we are living in the time when "those having insight will shine... brightly " and" many will cleanse themselves " and they "will be refined "! - Dan. Because the Israelites failed to obey Jehovah's Law. Nga na ngoi ti abungbi ni, ala yeke bâ lege ti amolenge ti e. (a) Why is it understandable that we may feel discouraged at times? And at the meetings, they care for our children. Na yâ ambeti ti Bible ti giriri so a sû ni na yanga ti Hébreu, a lingbi ti tene so iri so ayeke gi ti Nzapa, Jéhovah, asigigi fani 7 000. Satan claimed that if she ate of the tree, " her eyes were bound to be opened and she was bound to be like God, knowing good and bad. ' In ancient Hebrew manuscripts, this name appears only to God, Jehovah, some 7,000 times. Paul akiri atene: "Mo gbu li ti mo na ndo ti aye so, mo bi tere ti mo kue na yâ ni, si azo kue abâ maïngo ti mo. ." " He that is holding to discipline is a path to life, " continues the king of Israel, "but he that is leaving reproof is causing to wander. " Paul added: " reflect on these things; be absorbed in them, that your advancement may be manifest to all persons. " Na lege ti Bible, tongana nyen Jéhovah amû lani maboko na azo na lege ti amba ti ala Chrétien? 20, 21. The local clergy bitterly opposed our work and incited violence against us. According to the Bible, how did Jehovah provide help through fellow believers? Mo ye ti diko ni? Although I had looked through the Bible many times in the past, I had not truly valued it. Would you please read it? Tongana "babâ ti mvene, "" kota ngbo ni..., ngbo ti giriri, " ayeke "handa sese kue so azo ayeke dä. " What fundamental truth is emphasized by the experiences of Eli, Samuel, Saul, and David? As "the father of the lie, "" the original serpent..., the original serpent, " is" misleading the entire inhabited earth. " Akiringo tënë so mbi wara agbu ngu ape nga zo ahinga li ti lo na ni ape. Note, too, that Jehovah's request to Abraham included the word "please. " I couldn't get the answers to my questions, and I couldn't understand them. A tene nga so azo ti kua ni ayeke a - oko Chrétien so a soro ala ti gue na yayu so, me zo oko oko. Finally, the host dies. The domestics were also said to be the same anointed ones, but each one was. Maurizio atene: "Na mbeni ngoi ti kpale, mbi sara ambeni kota faute so asara si e kangbi. " How sad! " At times in troublesome times, I made serious mistakes that caused us to be divided, " she says. Teti angu mingi, a yeke lani ngangu mingi ti sara na Jéhovah legeoko tongana ti azo ti Israël ti giriri na ngoi so a gue na ala na ngbâa. E lingbi ti duti na ngia mingi, atâa so a sara ye ti sioni na azo ti Nzapa teti angu mingi, e yeke na ngoi so "ala so ayeke na ndara, fade ala su " nga" fade azo mingi asukula ala mveni " na "a lungula sioye ti ala ." - Dan. The visions of Daniel and John describe a total of only eight such great powers. For many years, it was difficult to serve Jehovah as did the ancient Israelites, even though God's people had been persecuted for decades, while "those having insight will shine " and" cleanse themselves of badness. " - Dan. MBENI ACCIDENT SO ACHANGÉ GIGI TI MBI This and other Bible verses convinced me that our heavenly Father is merciful and wants to heal the wounds of those who repent of their mistakes. A FROM MY LIFE Satan atene so tongana wali ni ate lê ti keke ni, " lê ti lo ayeke zi, na lo yeke ga tongana Nzapa, lo hinga nzoni na sioni. '. Isaiah contrasts them with those practicing false religion: "This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said: " Look! Satan said that if she ate from the tree, "his eyes would be opened and he would become like God, knowing good and bad. " Gbia ti Israël angbâ ti sala tene: "Zo so amä wango - tene, lo yeke na lege ti fini, me zo so aye zo ti zingo na lo pepe, lo gue kirikiri. " The Bible presents it as fact. " The one listening to discipline is in life, " continues the king of Israel, "but he that does not love reproof is walking about. " Amokonzi - nzapa ti ndo ni alondo na tele ti e na ngangu, na ala pusu azo ti sala sioni na e. 7: 14; Ezek. The local clergy rose up against us and pressured people to persecute us. So aTémoin ti Jéhovah amanda Bible na mbi, mbi manda aye mingi. The Bible exhorts us to "consider one another " when we meet together. I learned a lot from studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. Kota tâ tënë wa asigigi na yâ ti ye so asi na Eli, Samuel, Saül na David? This scene, so remote from our arid home in South Australia, fired my imagination. What fundamental truth arises in the case of Eli, Samuel, Saul, and David? Bâ nga so, na yanga ti Hébreu so a sû na atënë ni so, lani tongana Jéhovah ahunda na Abraham ti mû Isaac na sandaga, lo hunda ni na tenengo "pardon ." We read: "When the man touched the bones of Elisha, he came to life and stood on his feet. " Note, too, that in the Hebrew Scriptures, when Jehovah asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, he asked them "a sacrifice. " Na nda ni, keke ni ahule. In the illustration about the separating of the sheep from the goats, Jesus clearly states that he takes personally the way we treat his brothers. Finally, the tree was dry. So tâ ye ti vundu! 2: 17. How sad! Asuma ti Daniel na ti Jean asara gi tënë ti angangu ngorogbia miombe. Every weekend she joins a group of publishers who preach in a fascinating territory - the port of Kaohsiung, the largest harbor of Taiwan. The visions of Daniel and John refer only to eight powerful world powers. Versê so nga na ambeni versê ni nde afa na mbi so, ti tâ tënë ni, Babâ ti e ti yayu ayeke bâ mawa ti azo, na lo yeke nduru ti pardone siokpari ti ala so achangé bê ti ala kue kue kue. When it comes to sin, he has arranged for a means of atoning for it, wiping it away, but he will not tolerate it forever. This scripture and other scriptures have taught me that in fact, our heavenly Father is merciful and willing to forgive repentant sinners. Bible afa ni tongana mbeni ye so asi biani. Gratefully accept help from others The Bible describes this as a certainty. 7: 14; Ezéch. * As we discussed, we find a key piece of evidence in a prophecy in chapter 4 of the Bible book of Daniel. 7: 14; 65. Bible awa e ti "bi lê na ndo ti mba " na ngoi so e na ala e wara tere. No! The Bible encourages us to "consider one another " when we meet with them. Ndo so mbi yeke dä na Australie ti Mbongo ahule mingi, tongaso foto so mbi bâ apika bê ti mbi mingi. Think of what that meant for Jesus - patiently waiting thousands of years till the time had come. I was so impressed by what I saw in South Australia. Bible atene: "Tongana kuâ ti koli ni andu abio ti Élisée, koli ni akiri na fini na lo londo lo luti. ." Why does Jehovah examine us? The Bible says: "When the man's body touched Elisha's bones, he came back to life and stood up. " Na yâ ti toli ti kangbingo popo ti angasangbaga na angasa, Jésus atene polele so ye so e yeke sara na aita ti lo, lo yeke bâ ni mo bâ mo tene e sara ni na lo. God has given a great responsibility to Christian parents. In the illustration of the separating of the sheep from the goats, Jesus made it clear that what we do for his brothers was as if we were to treat him. 2: 17. In fact, "the entire wall came to be joined together clear to half its height, and the people continued to have a heart for working. " 2: 17. Na anda - yenga lo yeke gue na fango tënë legeoko na ambeni ita so ayeke fa tënë na yâ ti mbeni pendere territoire: port ti Kaohsiung, kota place ti lutingo ti abateau na Taïwan. Though most of Jehovah's Witnesses do not have this problem, for those who do, no words of comfort can completely remove their grief. On weekends he went into the preaching work with others who were preaching in a fine territory - the port of Kakoung, the main port of Taiwan. Tongana a ndu tënë ti siokpari, lo leke mbeni ye ti zi azo na yâ ti siokpari, me lo yeke kanga lê pëpe na ndo ni teti lakue lakue. Regarding "everyone that pushes ahead and does not remain in the teaching of the Christ, " the apostle John said:" Never receive him into your homes or say a greeting to him. When it comes to sin, he makes provision to redeem mankind from sin, but he does not tolerate it forever. Yeda na mungo maboko ti amba ti mo na bê ti mo kue If you have ever discussed the Trinity doctrine with a seminarian, you have likely noticed that. Accept the Help of Others With All Your Heart * Tongana ti so e bâ lani, a yeke mbeni prophétie ti yâ ti chapitre 4 ti buku ti Daniel la amû lege na e ti tene tongaso. By means of a dream, how did God reassure Jacob? * As we have seen, this is a prophecy in the chapter 4 of the book of Daniel. Ên - ën. However, he asked if he could get a copy and inquire about it at the security office. No. Bâ tongana nyen Jésus akanga bê na ngoi so lo yeke ku teti angu saki mingi ti tene ngoi ni so alingbi. Since no questions are provided for the subjects discussed in the appendix, you will need to be familiar with the information in order to formulate meaningful questions. Consider how Jesus patiently waited for thousands of years in view of the time. Ngbanga ti nyen Jéhovah ayeke bâ e nzoni? A mother of two visually impaired children says: "Speech is one of the most important aspects of their learning. Why does Jehovah favor us? Nzapa amû kota kungba na ababâ na mama so ayeke aChrétien. 3: 18 - 21. God has entrusted Christian parents with weighty responsibility. Biani, "gbagba atingbi kue, na [ndambo] ti yongo ni na nduzu angbâ; teti azo ni azia bê ti ala dä ti sara kusala ni. ." [ Picture on page 24] Indeed, "all the wall was gathered together, and [the height] kept standing; for the people had confidence in it. " Atä so mingi ti aTémoin ti Jéhovah ayeke na kpale so pepe, ti ala so ayeke na ni, mbeni tene oko pepe ti dengo bê a lingbi ti lungula biaku vundu ti ala. With such input, you may now be able to give a gift that fills a need that others would not think of. Although most of Jehovah's Witnesses do not have this problem, none of those having it can bring permanent relief. Na ndo tënë so, bazengele Jean atene lani: "Zo so ahon hongo, na lo ngbâ na lege ti tënë ti Christ pëpe,... i kamata lo na da ti i pëpe, i balao lo pëpe; teti zo so abalao lo aga fon lo na sio kusala ti lo. ." Researcher Vitalij Ivanovich Petrenko wrote: "The use of images and its tradition comes from well before the Christian era and had an " ancestry in paganism. ' " In this regard, the apostle John wrote: "Whoever goes away and does not remain in the word of the Christ,... do not take him into your house and greet him, for he that has become his fellow workers in his wicked works. " Tongana mo sara lisoro na ndo ti tënë ti Nzapa Babâ, Nzapa Molenge, na Nzapa yingo vulu na mbeni zo so alï na séminaire, mo lingbi ti bâ so tënë so ayeke tâ tënë. However, he feels that he must keep that job at almost any cost. If you talk about God's Word, the Son, and God's holy spirit to someone who comes into the cave, you can see that this is true. Tongana nyen la na yâ ti bango li Nzapa atene na Jacob atënë so adë bê ti lo? Consider the various reasons for extolling Jehovah that are set out in the fourth collection of psalms. How did God's dream reach Jacob's heart? Me lo hunda wala lo lingbi ti wara mbeni mbeti ni na ti gi ti hinga tënë na ndo ni na biröo so abâ lege ti nzoni duti ti kodoro. I was assigned to the printery and learned to operate the flatbed press. But she asked if she could find one of the books and find out about them at the branch office that cared for the welfare of the country. Teti so a zia ahundango tënë na mbage so pëpe, a yeke nzoni mo hinga atënë ti yâ ti mbage so nzoni si a mû lege na mo ti leke anzoni hundango tënë. Impaled. - PSALM 22: 16, footnote; MARK 15: 24, 25. Since questions are not included in this article, you need to be familiar with the information in this article so that you can make good questions. Mbeni mama ti amolenge use so lê ti ala abuba atene: "Sarango lisoro la ayeke mû lege na ala mingi ti manda ye. " If its moral significance is widely remembered in time, " wrote Professor John K. A mother of two blind children says: "A conversation gives them more opportunities to learn. 3: 18 - 21. Can we closely consider the needs of others if we limit our conversations with them to a quick greeting at the Kingdom Hall or a discussion of only trivial matters? 3: 18 - 21. [ Foto na lembeti 24] And the sea provides a great variety of fish and other seafood. [ Picture on page 24] Tongana mo hinga ni, a lingbi ti sara si mo mû na zo ni mbeni cadeau so lo yeke tâ na bezoin ni, so amba ti mo apensé na ni ape. Demons - Who Are They? If you know this, it can lead to a gift that others do not really need. Wagingo nda ti ye Vitalij Ivanovich Petrenko asû na mbeti, lo tene: "Salango kusala na a - image nga na aye so a sala na tele ni alondo giriri kozoni na ngoi ti aChrétien, na " a wara gere ni na yâ ye ti apaïen. ' Imagine what they must have thought as the waters closed in upon them! " The use of images and objects from the pre - Christian era was first " found in pagan customs, ' " wrote scholar C.E., "and it was found in pagan matters. ' Ye oko, lo bâ so a lingbi lo sala kue ti bata kua ti lo so. 5, 6. (a) What responsibilities do parents have toward their children? However, she realized that she had to work hard to keep her job. Bâ ambeni nda ti tënë nde nde so e yeke na ni ti sepela Jéhovah na so a fa ni na yâ Psaume 90 ti si na 106. Paul longed to see Christians in Rome in order to impart some spiritual gift to them so that they might be made firm. Consider other reasons for praising Jehovah in Psalm 90 to 106. Na pekoni, na lango oko ti décembre, mbi ga membre ti sewa ti Béthel ti Canada. These articles will consider good examples and bad ones, addressing issues that will help young and old alike to make wise choices. Later, on December 1, I became a member of the Canada Bethel family. ▪ A yeke kanga lo na ndo ti keke. - PSAUME 22: 17; MARC 15: 24, 25. As a result, luxury spices became much more abundant and prices eased. He would be impaled. - PSALM 22: 17; MARK 15: 24, 25. Na yâ mbeni buku (Holocaust Politics) so lo sû ni, John K. First, the Bible does not mention birthday celebrations for Jesus or any other faithful worshipper of God. John K. E yeke hinga pëpe abezoin ti aita ti e tongana e bara gi ala hio tongaso na Da ti Royaume wala e sara lisoro na ala gi na ndo ti asenge senge ye. A single person who wants to marry refrains from forming romantic ties with unbelievers and looks for a mate only among loyal worshippers of Jehovah. We do not know the needs of our brothers when we suddenly greet them at the Kingdom Hall or talk to them about unnecessary matters. Nga a yeke wara gbâ ti amara ti asusu nde nde nga na ambeni ye nde ti tengo ni na yâ kota ngu - ingo ni. • What shows that Jehovah was in full control in spite of the overthrow of the Davidic kingdom? And there are many types of fish and other foods in the sea. Adémon ayeke azo wa? Jehovah, however, is primarily interested in the inner person, which can become even more beautiful with age. Who Are the Dead? Tara ti bâ ye so ayeke na yâ ti li ti ala na ngoi so ngu ni ayeke kiri ti mene ala! I appreciate my family more and enjoy doing things to make them happy. Imagine what was in their minds when the waters would again devour them! 5, 6. (a) Nyen la a lingbi ababâ na amama asara ndali ti amolenge ti ala? First, think of the ways that Jehovah has sustained you. 5, 6. (a) What should parents do for their children? Paul ayeke lani na kota nzara ti bâ aChrétien ti Rome si lo lingbi ti mû na ala mbeni matabisi ti yingo ti sara si ala kpengba. [ Picture on page 29] Paul was eager to see Christians in Rome so that he could give them a spiritual gift to strengthen them. A - article so ayeke sara tënë na ndo ti anzoni tapande nga na asioni tapande so ayeke mû maboko na e kue ti mû anzoni desizion, atâa e yeke maseka wala kangba. In his inspired prophecy, Jeremiah stated that "those slain by Jehovah " will be scattered" from one end of the earth clear to the other end of the earth. " These articles will consider good examples and bad examples that will help all of us to make wise decisions, whether young or old. Ye ti pekoni ayeke so, a - épice so ayeke lani cher cher so aga gbani gbani, na ngere ni akiri na peko mingi. With this in mind, we treat those who have not yet accepted the message of salvation with "mildness " and" deep respect, " hoping that some among them may yet respond to the message of life. - 2 Timothy 2: 25; 1 Peter 3: 15. As a result, these spices were a lot of spices, and the price was very expensive. Kozoni, Bible asara pëpe tënë ti matanga ti dungo Jésus wala matanga ti dungo mbeni wakua ti Nzapa so ayeke be - ta - zo. It is a model prayer taught by Jesus Christ. First, the Bible does not mention the birth of Jesus or the birth of a faithful servant of God. Me lo yeke gi ti sara mariage gi na mbeni wakua ti Jéhovah so ayeke be - ta - zo. Koli na wali ti lo ayeke wara akpale lâ oko oko. When still a young man, David, the son of Jesse, developed strong faith in Jehovah. But she tries to marry only one of Jehovah's faithful servants, and couples face problems every day. • Ye wa afa so Jéhovah angbâ lakue lani ti duti gbia ti dunia kue atâa so a futi royaume ti agbia so asigigi na lege ti fami ti David? Why is it fitting to recognize Jehovah as "the living God "? AFTER the apostle Paul and Barnabas healed a man, Paul assured observers in Lystra: "We also are humans having the same infirmities as you do, and are declaring the good news to you, for you to turn from these vain things to the living God, who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and all the things in them. " - Acts 14: 15. • What shows that Jehovah was still king of the universe despite the destruction of the kings who descended from David's family? Ye oko, ti Jéhovah ye so agbu bê ti lo mingi ayeke zo ti yâ ni, so pendere ni alingbi ti ga nzoni ahon ti kozo tongana ngu ti lo ayeke gue na li ni. 3 Armageddon - What Do Some Say It Is? However, Jehovah's most important concern is that of the inner person who can improve as he grows older. Mbi bâ sewa ti mbi na nene ni mingi nga mbi ye ti sara gi aye so alingbi ti zia ngia na bê ti ala. How was Satan able to deceive Eve, and with what result? I took my family seriously and wanted to do things that would please them. Kozoni kue, gbu li ti mo na ndo ti aye so Jéhovah asara ti mû maboko na mo. They may even come to the conclusion that the end could yet be a long way off. First, think about what Jehovah has done to help you. [ Foto na lembeti 31] Another facet of love is that "it does not rejoice over unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth. " [ Picture on page 31] Na yâ prophétie so lo sû na gbe ti yingo ti Nzapa, Jérémie atene so "fade kuâ ti azo so L'Eternel afâ ala ayeke na mbage oko ti sese juska na mbeni mbage ni .." Can We Find God? In his inspired prophecy, Jeremiah says that "the death of those slain by Jehovah will be on one side of the earth clear to the other end of the earth. " Na batango ye so na li, e yeke sala ye na " nzobe ' nga na " yekiango ndo ' na mbage ti ala so ade ti yeda pepe na tokua ti salut, na dutingo na beku so ambeni na popo ti ala alingbi ti yeda na tokua ti fini. - 2 Timothée 2: 25; 1 Pierre 3: 15. Well, see if you can answer the following questions: With that in mind, we display "loving - kindness " and" deep respect " toward those who have not yet accepted the message of salvation, hoping that some of them might accept the message of life. - 2 Timothy 2: 25; 1 Peter 3: 15. A yeke sambela so Jésus Christ afa ni lani tongana tapande. For example, you may be considering adjusting your life - style to make more time for spiritual things. It was Jesus Christ's model prayer. Tongana lo de lani gi maseka, David, molenge ti Jessé, amaï mbeni mabe so akpengba ngangu na yâ Jéhovah. Back then, over 50 centuries ago, people lived far longer than they do today. As a young man, Jesse's son David developed strong faith in Jehovah. NA PEKO ti so bazengele Paul na Barnabas asava mbeni koli, Paul adë bê ti azo ti Lystre so ayeke bâ lo: "E yeke azo ti sese nga legeoko tongana i, e ga na i na Tene - nzoni si i lingbi zia ye senge so na i ga na Nzapa so ayeke na fini, Lo so asala yayu na sese na kota ngu ti ingo, na ye kue so ayeke na yâ ni. " - Kusala 14: 15. A Sure Antidote! After the apostle Paul and Barnabas healed a man, Paul assured the people of Lystra: "We are the people of the world and, like you, we have brought you the good news, that you may bring to the living God, who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and all the things in them. " - Acts 14: 15. 3 Harmaguédon: Azo atene a yeke ti lo nyen? Do Not Yield to the Devil STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: Satan ahanda Ève tongana nyen? Ye ti pekoni ayeke so wa? In contrast with the "many books " of human wisdom," the words of the wise ones are like oxgoads, and just like nails driven in are those indulging in collections of sentences; they have been given from one shepherd. " How did Satan deceive Eve, and with what result? Ala lingbi même na nda ni ti pensé so futingo ti aye ti sese angbâ yongoro mingi. But if our planet is going to disappear, what of the Bible's promises of an earthly paradise? They may even conclude that the end of this system of things is far off. Mbeni mbage ti ndoye ayeke so ndoye "awara ngia na ye ti kirikiri pëpe, me ndoye awara ngia na tene - biani .." Such relations can fill the physical and emotional needs of a man and woman who are in a warm and intimate relationship. One aspect of love is that love "does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but love finds delight in the truth. " Matanga ti Noël, 1 / 12 If you are currently studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses, sharing in preaching the good news, and attending Christian meetings, you are to be commended. Highlights From Romans, 12 / 15 Tongaso, bâ wala mo lingbi ti kiri tënë na ahundango tënë so ge: Some Jewish leaders minimized God's standards, allowing husbands to divorce their wives for such trivial matters as oversalting food. Well, see if you can answer the following questions: Na tapande, peut - être mo yeke ba tene ti gbiango tambela ti mo na ti leke ngoi mingi ahon teti aye ti yingo. In the current extraordinary fight, however, you need something more - a friend. For example, you may see your change of conduct and prepare more time for spiritual things. A yeke mû ngu ti azo so a bâ atene ala ninga na fini laso fani osio si alingbi na ngu ti Hénok. " Vineyards you will plant and certainly cultivate, but you will drink no wine and gather nothing in, because the worm will eat it up. " The age of those who seem to have lived at least four times corresponds to Enoch's age. Tâ nzoni lege ti ke bibe ti kion! Constantine the Great painted the Greek letters khi and rho, the first two letters of the title "Christ " in Greek, on his soldiers ' shields in hopes of protecting his soldiers in battle. What a fine way to resist selfishness! Zia lege na Zabolo pëpe He explains: "It was a struggle for me to strip off my old personality. Do Not Let the Devil Nde na "mbeti mingi " so ayeke tënë ti ndara ti azo," tënë ti zo ti ndara ayeke tongana keke ti fa lege na abagara, na tongana pointe so akanga ngangu. Berger oko amû tënë ti aproverbe so .." Another thorn in the flesh is persecution. In contrast with "many books " of human wisdom," the words of the wise ones are like a tree to shepherd the flock, and like a mighty shepherd, one giving them a word of this proverb. " Me tongana sese ni ayeke gue na futingo, tënë ti paradis so Bible amû zendo ni so aga tongana nyen? " Life is unpredictable at times, uncertain, and even hard to deal with, " he said. How, though, does the world's view of a paradise that the Bible promises become? Koli na wali ayeke na bezoin ti ye tere na yâ ti songo ti ala, bungbingo koli na wali amû lege na ala ti tene ala kaï nzara ni so. We take refuge in Jehovah as his worshipers especially because " we have set our affection on him. ' A husband and wife need to love each other in their relationship, enabling each other to satisfy that need. Tongana aTémoin ti Jéhovah ayeke manda Bible fadeso na mo, mo yeke fa nzo tënë nga mo yeke gue na abungbi, mo lingbi biani na gonda. The master rightly pronounced him "wicked and sluggish. " If Jehovah's Witnesses are now studying the Bible with you, preaching the good news and attending Christian meetings, you can truly be commended. Ambeni mokonzi - nzapa ti aJuif akiri na nengo ti akpengba - ndia ti Nzapa na peko na lege so ala mû lege na akoli ti sara divorce na awali ti ala ndali ti atënë tongana ziango ingo ahon ndo ti kobe. Lying in a basin of the Andes Mountains 12,500 feet [3,800 m] above sea level, Lake Titicaca is the highest inland, navigable body of water in the world. Some Jewish religious leaders followed God's standards by allowing husbands to divorce their wives for such reasons as the displaying of salt. Ye oko, na yâ kota tiri so mo yeke sala laso, a lingbi mo wara na tele ti mo mbeni ye nde nga, so ti tene mbeni ndeko. After all, sacrifices were made both to receive forgiveness of sins and to offer thanks to God. In your struggle today's world, however, you must have something else in common - a friend. Lo tene: "Fade mo lu yaka ti vigne na mo fala tere ni, me fade mo lingbi nyon vin ni pëpe, na mo ko lê ni nga pëpe, teti fade apambo ate kue. ." " Keep comforting one another and building one another up. " - 1 THESS. He said: "You will certainly plant vineyards and plant vineyards, but you will not drink them, and you will not reap them. " Constantin ti Kota asû lani khi na rho agere - mbeti ti yanga ti Grec so ayeke akozo gere - mbeti use ti iri "Christ " na yanga ti Grec na ndo ti vala ti aturugu ti lo ti tene abata ala na yâ ti bira. * Marking the final part of the last days will be the period that Jesus called the "great tribulation. " The Greek letters of the second letters "Christ " were written on the Greek shield of his troops to protect them through battle. Lo tene: "Ti tene mbi zi ngbene zo ayeke mbeni tiri. We would not want to become "righteous overmuch. " He says: "To break off the old personality is a struggle. Mbeni kî nde na yâ mitele ayeke salango ngangu. True to God's word, death has been a part of the human experience ever since the rebellion in the garden of Eden. Another thorn in the flesh is persecution. Lo tene: "Na ambeni ngoi, mo yeke hinga pëpe ye so ayeke si ande na yâ ti fini ti mo nga gigi ayeke même ngangu. Indeed, there are written words that "like oxgoads " can provide positive motivation. " At times, " he said, "you will not even know what your future will take place in life. Tongana e gi ndo ti bata tele na mbage ti Jéhovah tongana awavorongo lo, a yeke mbilimbili ngbanga ti so " e ndoye lo. ' JEHOVAH'S faithful servants on earth, his Witnesses, make up an organization that is indeed exceptional. If we seek refuge in Jehovah as his worshipers, especially because " we love him. ' A yeke na lege ni so kota zo ni atene na lo atene lo yeke "sioni ngbâa nga zo ti goigoi! " 104: 1, 2. The master rightly told him that he was "a wicked slave and a lazy man! " Lac Titicaca, na lege ti dutingo ti lo na yâ ti mbeni bassin ti ngu ti aHoto ti Andes, so ayeke na nduzu ayo a - mêtre 3 800 na li ti ngu - ingo, ayeke ngu so ayo na nduzu ahon tanga ti angu kue ti sese, na so amangboko ayeke hon dä mingi. " The word of Jehovah, " or "the word of God, " in these passages refers to the good news - the stirring message of divine truth, a living, powerful message that changed the lives of those who accepted it. - Hebrews 4: 12. At the top of the Dead Sea, the earth's highest sea was the largest water of the earth, and it was far higher than the earth's water. Biani, a mû ândö asandaga ti wara pardon ti siokpari na ti kiri singila na Nzapa. Another young sister wrote: "Many teenagers want their parents ' advice, but if their parents don't take them seriously, the kids will go to someone else who will, even to those who are less experienced. " Yes, sacrifices were offered to obtain forgiveness of sins and to thank God. " Ala ngbâ ti dë bê ti mba nga ti kpengba mba. " - 1 ATHES. The Truth Declared Throughout the Earth " Keep comforting one another and building one another up. " - 1 THESS. * Ndangba ngoi ti lâ ti nda ni so ayeke duti ande ye so Jésus ahiri ni "kota ye ti vundu ." It rejoices with the truth, not over unrighteousness. * That last time of the last days will be what Jesus called "the great tribulation. " E ye pëpe ti ga "mbilimbili ahon ndo ni .." [ Picture on page 12] We do not want to be "righteous in righteousness. " Tongana ti so Nzapa atene, depuis so azo ake yanga ti lo na yaka ti Eden, azo angbâ gi ti kui juska laso. This good news would bring peace and happiness to those accepting it with true appreciation. According to God's Word, since mankind's rebellion in Eden, humans continue to die until today. Biani ambeni mbeti ayeke dä so ayeke tongana "keke ti fa lege na abagara, " na so ayeke mû maboko na zo ti wara mbeni nzoni bibe. So our desire to please God has moved us to " put away falsehood and speak truth. ' There are, of course, "the rod of discipline " that helps a person to acquire a positive attitude. NA NDO ti sese kue, awakua ti Jéhovah so ayeke be - ta - zo, aTémoin ti lo, ayeke na yâ ti mbeni bungbi so ayeke biani nde mingi. Although the disciples experienced difficulties, within 30 years the good news was being "preached in all creation under heaven " and was" bearing fruit and increasing in all the world. " JEHOVAH'S faithful servants around the world are part of a very special organization. 104: 1, 2. What helps to dispel our "disquieting thoughts "? 104: 1, 2. " Tene ti Jéhovah, ' wala " tene ti Nzapa, ' na yâ aversê so asala tene ti nzo tene, kpengba tokua ti tâ tene so alondo na Nzapa, mbeni ngangu tokua so ayeke na fini so agbian ye na yâ fini ti ala so ayeda la ni na ni. - aHébreu 4: 12. If you had witnessed the apostles ' heated disputes, would you have viewed these men as meek and malleable? " The word of Jehovah, " or "the word of God, " in these verses speaks of the good news, the fundamental message of truth from God, a powerful message that changed lives for those who accepted it. - Hebrews 4: 12. Mbeni maseka - wali nde atene: "Amaseka mingi aye wango ti ababâ na amama ti ala, me tongana ababâ na amama ni abâ tënë ti amaseka ni na nene ni pëpe, ala yeke gue na mbage ti mbeni zo so abâ ni na nene ni, même na mbage ti azo so ahinga ye mingi pëpe. " Just as Noah endeavored to impart knowledge to his contemporaries, Jehovah's Witnesses are willing to come to your home to consider the Bible with you. Another young woman says: "Many parents love their parents ' advice, but when parents do not respect the younger ones, they go to someone who appreciates it, even those who are inexperienced. " A fa tâ tënë na ndo sese kue These activities are not optional. The Truth in All the Earth Ndoye awara ngia na yâ ti tâ tënë, me pëpe na yâ ti aye ti kirikiri. Adam and Eve rejected divine rulership Love takes pleasure in the truth, not in unrighteousness. [ Foto na lembeti 12] Apparently, right afterward Job learned of the death of his sons and daughters, who "were eating and drinking wine in the house of their brother the firstborn. " [ Picture on page 12] Nzoni tënë so ayeke ga na siriri nga na ngia na azo so ayeda na ni na bê ti ala kue. • how to manifest your zeal by preaching and teaching? That good news brings peace and happiness to those who sincerely accept it. Tongaso nzala ti e ti nzere na Nzapa apusu e ti " ke mvene na ti tene tâ tënë. ' " The lazy one is showing himself desirous, " Solomon states, "but his soul has nothing. However, the very soul of the diligent ones will be made fat. " Therefore, our desire to please God moves us to " disown lies and speak the truth. ' Atâa so adisciple ni awara akpale, na yâ ti ngu 30, a yeke " fa lani nzoni tënë na création kue so ayeke na gbe ti yayu ' nga nzoni tënë ni ayeke " lë lengo na ayeke maï gi maïngo na yâ ti dunia mobimba '.. They will also learn not to give up quickly but to be patient and persevere in the ministry. - Gal. 5: 22; see the box "Perseverance Is Essential. " Although the disciples faced difficulties, in the 30th century the good news was being preached "in all creation that is under heaven " and the good news was" bearing fruit and increasing in all the inhabited earth. " Nyen la ayeke mû maboko na e ti tomba " bibe so ayeke mingi na bê ti e '? In the time that remains for this system of things, may we continue to take to heart Paul's stirring words: "Preach the word, be at it urgently. " What will help us to throw "the thoughts of our heart " out of our heart? Tongana mo yeke lani dä na ngoi ti sioni papa ti abazengele so, mo yeke bâ ala tongana azo so asara tere ti ala kete nga so awoko na yâ ti maboko ti Nzapa? 7: 28. If you had been present at that critical meeting of the apostles, would you have viewed them as humble and weak in God's hands? Wala a lingbi ti mû ngu ti tere ti mbeni koli a mélangé na apara ti mbeni wali so ayeke ti lo pëpe ti sara si aga aforoto so ade mênë. 14, 15. Or a man's water may be taken to the eggs of a woman who does not belong to a woman who is not hers to give birth to blood. Legeoko tongana ti so Noé asala ngangu ti fa hingango ye so na azo ti ngoi ti lo, aTémoin ti Jéhovah aye ti ga na da ti mo ti sala lisoro na mo na ndo Bible. Will you not be somewhat happier, perhaps more relaxed? Just as Noah endeavored to share that knowledge with his contemporaries, Jehovah's Witnesses want to come to your house to discuss the Bible with you. Akusala so ayeke aye ti sorongo ni pëpe. Jonah's three days and nights in a big fish prophetically point to Jesus ' death and resurrection. - Matthew 12: 39, 40; 16: 21. These are not the choices to choose. Adam na Eve ake yanga - ti - komande ti Nzapa " Why have you not joined the army? " Adam and Eve rebelled against God's sovereignty A lingbi ti tene so gi fade fade na pekoni, Job amä tokua ti kuâ ti amolenge ti lo ti koli na ti wali, so "ayeke te kobe na nyon vin na yâ da ti kozo ita ti ala. " 7: 6. Job must have heard the news of the death of his sons and daughters, who were " eating and drinking wine in the house of their first brother. ' • lege ti fa so mo yapu na fango tënë nga na fango ye? Mary and Martha both said to Jesus: "Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. " • how you demonstrate your zeal for the ministry and for teaching? Salomon atene: "Âme ti zo ti goigoi ayeke na nzara ti wara ye, me lo wara ye ni pëpe, me âme ti zo so asala kusala biani, fade ye ti lo awu. ." At this time, Nicodemus is still "one of them. " " The soul of the lazy one is hungry, " says Solomon, "but the soul of the diligent one is the one that will have an abundance. " Ala yeke manda nga ti zia lege ti fango tënë hio ape me ti kanga bê tongana ala kiri ti bâ azo na yanga - da ti ala na ala wara azo ni ape. - aGal. 5: 22; bâ encadré "A yeke kota ye ti kanga bê. " The Romans appreciated them as works of art, many of which decorated stadiums, baths, villas, and palaces. 5: 22; see the box "It Is Most Important to Do Not Give Up. " - Gal. 5: 22; see the box "The Ministry Is Long - Suffering. Na yâ ngoi so angbâ teti aye ti sese ti laso, zia e ngbâ ti bata na bê atënë ti Paul so ayeke pusu zo ti sala ye: "Mo fä Tënë ni, na mo ngbâ dä. ." Yet, at the same time, I sensed that Jehovah was holding me by the hand and strengthening me. As long as this system of things remains for this system of things, let us continue to take to heart Paul's inspired words: "You are making the sign, and you keep on it. " 7: 28. It is Jehovah's will that people of all sorts should repent and be saved. - 1 Timothy 2: 3, 4. 7: 28. 14, 15. The Praetorian cohort on duty at the palace is changed daily at the eighth hour. 14, 15. Fade mo yeke wara kamême ngia na hungo tele mingi ahon pepe? Would I become completely paralyzed and fully dependent on others? Would you not enjoy a measure of happiness and refreshment? Alango ota so Jonas asara na yâ ti kota susu ayeke mbeni tënë ti prophétie na ndo kuâ ti Jésus nga na zingongo ti lo. - Matthieu 12: 39, 40; 16: 21. Though learning the language was a struggle for Tiffany, her life has been enriched. Jonah's three days in the large fish were prophetic of Jesus ' death and resurrection. - Matthew 12: 39, 40; 16: 21. Ala hunda mbi: "Ngbanga ti nyen mo lï turugu pëpe? " Jesus even " surrendered his soul in behalf of the sheep. ' " Why don't you enter the army? " they asked me. 7: 6. Indeed, the correct understanding of the resurrection sets true Christians apart from the false. 7: 6. Marie na Marthe atene oko tënë so na Jésus: "Seigneur, tongana mo yeke fade ge, ka ita ti mbi ti koli akui pëpe. ." We are making Bible literature available to people around the earth Mary and Martha say the same thing to Jesus: "If you were here, my brother would not have died. " Na ngoi ni so, Nicodème ayeke lakue mbeni "oko na popo ti ala. " Instead, when studying the Bible, we want to take time to stop and enjoy the scenery, so to speak. At that time, Nicodemus was still "one of them. " Asalango ngia ti ngangu ayeke mbeni ye so a hinga ni nzoni na popo ti azo ti Rome. Certainly, then, shall not God cause justice to be done for his chosen ones who cry out to him day and night, even though he is long - suffering toward them? Persecution was a familiar feature among the Romans. Me, na oko ngoi ni, mbi bâ so Jéhovah ayeke mû maboko na mbi nga lo mû ngangu na mbi. Others were successful businessmen. At the same time, however, I felt Jehovah's support and strength. Tongana nyen Jésus azia mbeni nzoni tapande na ababâ na mama? Our happiness is further deepened when we meditate on the wonderful hope of the Kingdom and the blessings that Kingdom will bring. How did Jesus set a good example for parents? Ye so bê ti Jéhovah aye biani ayeke ti tene mara ti azo kue agbian bê ti ala na awara fini. - 1 Timothée 2: 3, 4. Early Christians had that counsel available to guide them when many around them became excited over Roman gladiatorial contests. Jehovah's will is that all sorts of people should repent and gain life. - 1 Timothy 2: 3, 4. Na yâ ti ngu use so bazengele Paul ayeke na kanga, aturugu amä lani atënë so lo yeke tene ti tene a sû ni na yâ ti alettre so lo ye ti tokua na aChrétien so ayeke na Éphèse, Philippe na Colosses nga na aChrétien so ayeke aHébreu. (Read Proverbs 11: 14.) During the two years that the apostle Paul was in prison, soldiers heard his words recorded in his letters to Christians in Ephesus, Philip, Colossae, and Hebrew Christians. Fade a lingbi azo asara ye kue ndali ti mbi? Was the young brother offended by the frank counsel he received? Will all things be done for me? Atâa so ti manda yanga ti kodro ni ayeke lani ngangu na Tiffany, lo wara aye ti nzoni mingi na pekoni. Through whom, though, would it operate? Although learning the local language was difficult to learn, she was richly rewarded. Jésus andoye angasangbaga ni nga lo bâ lege ti ala. The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures uses God's sacred name Jehovah in the Hebrew Scriptures and the Christian Greek Scriptures. Jesus loved the sheep and cared for them. Biani, tâ mbilimbili gbungo nda ti tënë ti londongo ti akuâ azia kota kangbi na popo ti atâ Chrétien na aChrétien ti wataka. Jesus stated that singleness was a "gift " not possessed by all his followers. Yes, an accurate understanding of the resurrection sets true Christians apart from false Christians. AMBENI YE SO AMÛ MABOKO NA E Tongana nyen la kode so a yeke imprimé na ambeti ague na li ni? 51: 5, 7 - 10. How have we grown up in printing methods? Ahon ti sala tongaso, e ye si tongana e yeke manda Bible, e mû ngoi ti e ti luti kete na ti bâ mbilimbili aye so e yeke diko. 12, 13. (a) If a child is disfellowshipped, how do Christian parents show that they obey God? Rather, we want to make sure that when we study God's Word, we use our time to pause and see carefully what we read. Fade Nzapa afâ ngbanga ti ala [na lege ni, NW] pëpe? ala so Lo iri ala na gigi, ala so atoto na Lo lâ na bï, kamême bê ti Lo anze na ala pëpe. He decided to take his stand as a neutral Christian on the issue of military service. Will God not cause justice to be done to those whom he calls out, those who cry out to him day and night, even when he does not tire out? Ambeni ayeke akota wadengo buze. In this respect, faith is truly of much greater value than gold. Some were prominent merchants. Ngia ti e ayeke kono gi konongo tongana e yeke gbu li na ndo pendere beku nga na aye ti nzoni so Royaume ayeke ga ande na ni. How did you feel when you became convinced that what you were learning about Jehovah was the truth? Our joy grows as we meditate on the wonderful hope and blessings that Kingdom rule will bring. Wango so amû maboko na akozo Chrétien ti fa na ala ye so ala lingbi ti sala na ngoi so tele ti azo ayeke dö dongo ti gue ti bâ ngangu tiri na popo ti azo. He said: "I am the true vine, and my Father is the cultivator. " This counsel helped first - century Christians to explain to them how they should react when people were impressed by peer pressure. (Diko aProverbe 11: 14.) As a perfect man, Jesus did not face inherited death as we all do. (Read Proverbs 11: 14.) Bê ti ita - koli so adë pendere aso ngbanga ti so amu na lo wango polele? 16 - 18. Was that brother so refreshing that he was offered clear counsel? Me, yingo vulu ni ayeke sara ni na lege ti zo wa? The apostle Paul told first - century fellow believers: "At present we see in hazy outline by means of a metal mirror. " But by whom does the holy spirit accomplish it? Na yâ ti Mbeti ti Nzapa ti fini dunia e yeke wara iri ti Nzapa, Jéhovah so ayeke nzoni - kue; a yeke wara ni na yâ ti mbage ti Bible so a sû ândö na Hébreu nga na ti so a sû na Grec. By word and example, Jesus trained his disciples to serve others humbly. In the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, we find God's holy name, Jehovah, which appears in both the Hebrew and the Greek Scriptures. Jésus atene so ti duti kumbamba ayeke mbeni "matabisi " so ayeke adisciple ti lo kue la ayeke na ni ape. (a) How do "gifts in men " help to maintain our unity? Jesus said that singleness is not a "gift " that all of his followers have. 51: 7, 9 - 12. [ Picture on page 28] 51: 7, 9 - 11. 12, 13. (a) Tongana a bi mbeni molenge na gigi ti bungbi, tongana nyen la babâ na mama ti lo ayeke fa so ala mä yanga ti Nzapa? These address dozens of interesting Bible topics, such as: "Who Is God?, "" Why Does God Permit Suffering?, " "How Can You Find the True Religion?, "" These Are the Last Days!, " and "Building a Family That Honors God. " 12, 13. (a) How can parents demonstrate their subjection to God when a child is disfellowshipped? Na ndo tene ti kusala ti turugu, lo leke na bê ti lo ti lï dä pepe tongana mbeni Chrétien so aduti nde. Purpose of Study Articles In the matter of military service, he was determined not to enter into it as a Christian neutrals. Na ndo tene so, mabe ayeke biani na ngele ngangu mingi ahon ngele ti lor. " Be Courageous and Strong! ' In this regard, faith is of greater value than gold. Bê ti mo ayeke lani tongana nyen na ngoi so mo wani mo bâ so aye so mo yeke manda na ndo ti Jéhovah ayeke tâ tënë? Gabriel and Elizabeth acknowledged Mary's outstanding privilege as the one who was to bear the Messiah, but the thought of praying to her is alien to the Scriptures. How did you feel when you personally realized that what you were learning about Jehovah was the truth? Lo tene: "Mbi yeke tâ Vigne, na Babâ ti Mbi ayeke Zo ti bata Vigne. " Jehovah's loyalty thus benefits all of his faithful worshippers. He said: "I am the true vine, and my Father is a shepherd. " Na tapande, ti wara ngia, ambeni zo amû kua ti nyongo mbangi wala nyongo sämba ahon ndo ni, bango porno, sarango angia ti wanguru so azia fini ti zo na lê ti kuâ, wala sarango akua nde nde so ndia ake ni. But more is needed than adhering to Jehovah's elevated moral standards. For example, to find happiness, some have given up drugs or alcohol abuse, pornography, sports, or various forms of crime. Teti so lo yeke mbilimbili - kue, Jésus alingbi pëpe ti kui tongana e so e yeke kui ngbanga ti siokpari ti Adam. His willing sacrifices and those of his daughter led to blessings, as Jehovah used both of them to promote pure worship. As perfect humans, Jesus cannot die if we die because of Adam's sin. 16 - 18. Prove Your Faith by Your Life Course, 10 / 15 16 - 18. Bazengele Paul atene na afon lo wamabe ti kozo siècle: "Fadeso e ba ye mbilimbili kue pepe, legeoko tongana zo aba ye na tatara [" ti wen, " NW]. " At his wife's urging, Abraham agreed to produce a potential heir through Sarah's Egyptian maidservant, Hagar. The apostle Paul told his first - century fellow believers: "We have not seen anything exactly as a man sees in a metal mirror. " Na lege ti atënë ti yanga ti Jésus nga na tapande ti lo, lo fa na adisciple ti lo ti sara tere ti ala kete nga ti sara kua na amba ti ala. Acts chapter 24 describes Paul's trial before Felix, the Roman governor of Judea, who had already heard something about what Christians believed. By word and example, Jesus taught his followers to humble themselves and to serve others. (a) Na lege wa " akoli so a mû ala tongana amatabisi ' ayeke mû maboko na e ti ngbâ beoko? How was the nation of Israel intended to function as God's "servant, " or" slave "? The only reasonable conclusion, then, is that Jesus was referring to a group of Christians as "the faithful and discreet slave. " (a) How does "gifts in men " help us to remain united? [ Foto na lembeti 28] There, Satan will be in a state of deathlike inactivity so that "he might not mislead the nations anymore. " [ Picture on page 28] Ala sala tënë na ndo gbâ ti akota li ti tënë so andu Bible, tongana: "Nzapa Ayeke Zo Wa?, "" Ngbanga ti Nyen Nzapa Azia Lege na Pasi?, " "Mo Lingbi ti Wara Tâ Lege ti Vorongo Tongana Nyen?, "" So Ayeke La ti Nda Ni!, " na "Lekengo Mbeni Sewa so Agonda Nzapa. " In Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar built and beautified the temples of Marduk and of numerous other Babylonian deities. They discussed many key points related to the Bible, such as "God Is My Creator, "" Why Does God Allow Suffering?, "" You Can Find True Worship, "What Does It Mean to You? " NDA TI AYE TI MANDA The apostle Paul summed up the benefits of setting goals and endeavoring to reach them when he wrote: "The way I am running is not uncertainly; the way I am directing my blows is so as not to be striking the air. " Purpose of Study Articles Apendere, Jéhovah ayeke girisa kusala ti ala pëpe! Table of Contents Youths, Jehovah Will Not Forget Your Work! Gabriel na Élisabeth abâ na nene ni kota pasa so Marie ayeke na ni ti dü zo so ayeke ga ande Messie, me Bible afa oko pëpe so a lingbi a sambela Marie. Next, Gerrit Lösch, a member of the Governing Body and a graduate of the 41st class of Gilead, developed the subject "Publishers of Salvation. " Gabriel and Elizabeth appreciated Mary's privilege of giving birth to the Messiah, but the Bible does not say that Mary should be worshiped. Dutingo be - ta - zo ti Jéhovah aga na aye ti nzoni na awakua be - ta - zo ti lo kue. In this article, we will consider two situations that could cause us to slow down in our service to God and we will discuss how applying Bible principles can help us to cope. Jehovah's faithfulness brings blessings to all his faithful servants. Ambeni ye encore ayeke dä so a lingbi ala sara. First, because harmful tendencies, like weeds in a garden, can readily take root, especially during these "last days " when" the air " of Satan's system is more than ever filled with hurtful seeds of fleshly thinking. There are other things they need to do. Asacrifice so lo na molenge ti lo asara na bê ti ala kue aga na ala aye ti nzoni, na Jéhovah asara kua na ala ti sara si tâ vorongo amaï. On August 24, 79 C.E., Mount Vesuvius began to erupt. His whole - souled sacrifices brought blessings to them, and Jehovah used them to promote true worship. KALENDRIER In this article and the next, Psalm 119 will be discussed according to an accurate translation of the Hebrew Bible text. A God - fearing Man A lingbi na wango ti wali ti lo, Abraham ayeda ti tene lo na Agar (zo ti kua ti Sara so lo yeke zo ti kodoro ti Egypte) adü molenge so a manke pëpe lo yeke ga fade zo so alingbi ti wara akungba ti peko ti Abraham. Of course, no one can restrict our access to God in prayer, and most of us can read the Bible whenever we want to. In harmony with his wife's counsel, Abraham agreed that she and Hagar - the Egyptian servant - would give birth to an unborn child who would become the son of Abraham. Kusala chapitre 24 asara tënë ti Paul so a gue na lo na da - ngbanga na devant ti Félix, gouverneur ti Judée so ayeke Romain. Félix amä lani awe tënë na ndo ti ye so aChrétien amä na bê na ni. • What examples of Jesus ' treatment of his disciples illustrate how a husband should exercise Christlike headship? [ Picture on page 14] The 24th chapter of Acts speaks of Paul's trial before Roman governor Felix, the Roman governor of Judea, who had already heard about the Christian faith. Gi oko kiringo tënë so alingbi tâ na ni ayeke so Jésus aye fade ti sala tënë ti mbeni bungbi ti aChrétien tongana lo di iri ti "ngbâa be - ta - zo na ti ndara ." But my father was not religious, and my mother, only a little. The only reliable answer is that Jesus had in mind a group of Christians when he called "the faithful and discreet slave. " Satan ayeke ngbâ na yâ ni kâ tongaso si "lo handa amara mbeni pëpe ." Because he knew that he would have to rely entirely on another person to push his wheelchair. Satan will remain there so that "he will not mislead the nations anymore. " Na Babylone, Neboukadnetsar asala wala lo kiri lo leke pendere atemple ti Mardouk na ti ambeni nzapa mingi ti Babylone. Rahab of Jericho misdirected the king's men. In Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar did, or rebuilt, the temples of Nebuchadnezzar and many other gods in Babylon. Bazengele Paul afa na nduru tënë aye ti nzoni so zo ayeke wara tongana lo zia ambeni ye na gbele lo na lo sara ngangu ti si dä. Lo tene: "Lege so mbi yeke kpe na loro ayeke kirikiri pëpe. Lege so mbi yeke fi gobo ayeke ti pika yâ ti pupu pëpe. ." Who else would welcome strangers into their home just because they worship the same God? The apostle Paul summed up the benefits of setting goals and endeavoring to reach them: "The way I am running is not by means of the wind. " Li ti atënë ni Moreover, we must believe that God is with us and that the counsel in his Word really works. 6, 7. Why is it proper to pray for faith? Table of Contents Na pekoni, Gerrit Lösch, so ayeke na yâ ti Wabatango Bungbi nga so awara diplôme ti lo na klase 41 ti Galaad, asala tënë na ndo li ti tënë "Awafango tënë ti salut .." Why, even Moses was denied entry to that land because of his reaction to the bad spirit of the congregation of Israel! Then, in the Governing Body and graduated from the 41th class of Gilead, we read about the theme "The Good News of Salvation. " Na yâ ti article so, e yeke bâ aye use so alingbi ti sara si e sara akua ti Jéhovah mingi encore ape nga e yeke bâ tongana nyen la sarango ye ague oko na amama - ndia ti Bible alingbi ti mû maboko na e ti gbu ngangu. Thus, he asked for two parts of Elijah's spirit, a spirit of courage and of being "absolutely jealous for Jehovah " - desirable qualities produced by God's spirit. In this article, we will consider two factors that could weaken our zeal for Jehovah's service and see how applying Bible principles can help us to endure. Kozoni, ngbanga ti so abibe ti sioni, so akpa asioni pele na yâ mbeni yaka, alingbi ti lï hio na yâ bê ti e, mbilimbili na ngoi ti "lâ ti nda ni " so" pupu " ti bungbi ti aye ti Satan asi singo na abibe ti mitele so aga na pono. By means of his ministry, he gave a priceless gift to humankind - a message that revealed the truth about God and His will. First, because negative thoughts, like weeds in a field, can easily enter into our heart, especially during "the last days " of Satan's" wicked system of things " that causes suffering. Ti si na lango 24 ti nze ti août, ngu 79 N.E., li ti Hoto ti Vésuve ato nda ti sungba na tokuango awâ na nduzu. Our happy God, Jehovah, wants us to enjoy life, and he furnishes abundant provisions to make that possible. By August 24, 79 C.E., the top of Mount C.E. began to shine by fire. Na yâ article so nga na ti peko, a yeke sala ande tënë na ndo Psaume 119 alingbi tâ na mbilimbili kiringo peko ti atënë ti yanga ti Hébreu ni. Yet, their lack of knowledge of these details did not stop them from getting the ark built. In this article and the next, Psalm 119 will be referred specifically to as rendering the Hebrew text. Biani, mbeni zo alingbi pëpe ti kanga lege na e ti sambela Nzapa, nga mingi ti e alingbi ti diko Bible na ngoi kue so e ye. It appears occasionally in the public edition of The Watchtower. Of course, no one can stop us from praying to God, and most of us can read the Bible at any time. • Atapande wa ti lege so Jésus asara ye na mbage ti adisciple ti lo afa na akoli ti awali tongana nyen ti mû li ni na yâ ti sewa ti ala? Ruth did not. • What examples of how Jesus dealt with his disciples teach husbands how to take the lead in their families? Ti Mama, a gbu bê ti lo gi kete. How Would You Answer? Mother felt very little about it. Ngbanga ti so lo hinga so lo yeke na bezoin ti tene mbeni zo apusu lo lakue na vélo ti lo. The time is coming when Jesus will rule unopposed as King over the entire earth. Mankind will no longer be governed by human kings, presidents, or politicians. Because he knew that he needed constant attention to his bicycle. Rahab, zo ti kodoro ti Jéricho, afa lani pëpe na azo ti gbia ti kodoro ni mbilimbili lege so awakala ti Israël amû. For we have partial knowledge and we prophesy partially; but when that which is complete arrives, that which is partial will be done away with. " - 1 Corinthians 13: 8 - 10. Rahab, the king of Jericho, did not directly tell the people of Israel's spies. Azo wa la alingbi ti yamba awande na ndo ti ala gï ndali ti so ala na ala avoro Nzapa oko? Then to you I will cause my spirit to bubble forth. " Who can extend hospitality to foreigners only because they worship one God? Na ndo ni nga, a lingbi e yeda so Nzapa ayeke na e, na so wango so lo mû na yâ Tënë ti lo ayeke sala ye ti nzoni biani. On another occasion, he refused payment for 30 cases. Why? Furthermore, we must recognize that God is with us and that his counsel in his Word is indeed beneficial. A kanga lege même na Moïse ti si na Sese ti Zendo ndali ti sarango ye ti lo na ngoi so azo ti Israël asara ye na lege ni pëpe. A Meeting Designed for Studying the Bible Even Moses was prevented from reaching the Promised Land because of his dealings with the Israelites. Ni la, lo hunda ti wara yingo ti Elie lege use, mbeni yingo ti duti na mbito pëpe, nga mbeni ti "sala mbanda mingi teti L'Eternel ," so ayeke apendere lengo so yingo ti Nzapa ayeke lë na yâ zo. Of what violations of God's Law were the Israelites guilty, and what parallel can be drawn with our day? Referring to other sinful conduct, Jehovah said: "On garments seized as a pledge they stretch themselves out beside every altar; and the wine of those who have been fined they drink at the house of their gods. " So he asked for the spirit of Elijah twice, a spirit of courage, and a "great jealousy toward Jehovah, " which is beautiful qualities produced by God's spirit. Na lege ti kusala ti lo, lo fa tâ tënë na ndo ti Nzapa nga na ye so Nzapa aleke ti sara. Ye so ayeke mbeni matabisi so ahon atanga ni kue so lo mû na azo. Matthew, a young Christian now serving at a branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses, related: "When I was a teenager, I felt that my parents ' restrictions were unfair. Through his ministry, he taught the truth about God and God's purpose - something that is the greatest gift he has ever given to mankind. Jéhovah, Nzapa ti e so ayeke na ngia, aye si e duti na ngia, na lo mû aye mingi ndali ni. Highlights From Judges, 1 / 15 Our happy God, Jehovah, wants us to be happy, and he gives generously to it. Ye oko, so ala hinga pëpe anzene nzene tënë na ndo ni akanga lege na ala pëpe ti ngbâ ti leke arche ni. " Please, do not let any quarreling continue between me and you and between my herdsmen and your herdsmen, " Abraham told his nephew, "for we men are brothers. " However, their lack of details did not prevent them from building the ark. A yeke sigigi na ni ngoi na ngoi na yâ ti aTour ti Ba Ndo so e yeke fa na tënë. " Now Is the Especially Acceptable Time " It is occasionally published in The Watchtower that we preach. Me Ruth ake ti lo. Hence, they devote themselves to pursuits that would give them the ability to acquire all the goods and gadgets that they desire. But Ruth refused. Azo wa na yâ ti kongregation ayeke na kungba ti mû maboko na ala so awoko? But as the last days were just getting under way, the critical question was, Who will be the few? Who in the congregation have the responsibility to help those who are weak? Mo yeke kiri tënë tongana nyen? In October 1972, a government decree triggered a new wave of violent persecution. How Would You Answer? Ngoi ayeke ga so Jésus ayeke komande tongana Gbia na ndo ti sese kue sân ti tene mbeni zo akanga lege na lo. Galatians chapter 5 brings out the contrast between being under the influence of the holy spirit and that of the flesh. - Read Galatians 5: 17, 18. The time will come when Jesus will rule as King over all the earth without anyone's opposition. Teti e hinga tënë kue pëpe, na e fa tënë na iri ti Nzapa, me e lingbi fa kue pëpe, me tongana ye so alingbi kue asi awe, fade ye so alingbi kue pëpe, a we. " - 1 aCorinthien 13: 8 - 10. He knew what he wanted to do or what he should do, but at times something prevented him from carrying it out. For we do not know every word and preach in God's name, but we are not able to bear thorough witness, but, after these things are complete, they will not be made perfect. " - 1 Corinthians 13: 8 - 10. Tâ tënë, Nzapa ayeke mû yingo vulu ti lo na "ala so ayeke mä yanga ti lo, so ayeke mokonzi. " - Kus. On a zone visit with Daniel and Marina Sydlik in 1977 Yes, God gives holy spirit to "those who obey him, who are head. " - Acts. Ti mbeni ngoi so a gue na tënë ti e fani 30 na gbele ngbanga, lo mû tënë na angoi ni so kue teti e. Once again, I had to learn a new language - Italian. For a time when we were brought to court 30 times, he gave us all the time. Bungbi so a zia na sese teti mandango Bible It was important that they not become engrossed in the everyday affairs of life. The Congregation for Bible Study Ti fa mbeni sioni salango ye nde, Jéhovah atene: "Na tele ti balaga kue, ala lango na ndo bongo so ala kamata na mazin; na yâ da ti anzapa ti ala, ala nyon vin so ala vo na nginza ti lamande ti azo so ala fâ ngbanga na li ti ala kirikiri. ." They are convinced that religion has been a powerful force for good in their lives. Pointing to yet another bad practice, Jehovah said: "They lay down all the altar and lay down the clothes that they had taken in the house of their gods; and in the house of their gods they drank the wine that they had bought with the money that they had condemned. " Matthieu, mbeni maseka - koli so ayeke sala kua fadeso na mbeni biröo ti aTémoin ti Jéhovah, atene: "Na ngoi so mbi de lani maseka, mbi bâ ti mbi so aye so babâ na mama akanga lege na mbi ti sala ayeke tâ na lege ni pëpe. How is love for God and neighbor demonstrated by our preaching and teaching activity? Matthew, a young man now serving at a branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses, says: "When I was young, I felt that my parents ' restrictions were not correct. Holtorf), 1 / 1 Like a fruitless tree, a deceiver bears no genuine Christian fruitage. 8 / 15 Nde na so, lo fa so lo ye ti ngbâ ti duti na siriri na Lot. Abraham atene na Lot: "Mbi hunda mo, zia tiri aga na popo ti mbi na mo pëpe, na popo ti aboi - nyama ti mbi na aboi - nyama ti mo pëpe, teti e yeke aita. By means of our free Bible study program, we offer you the opportunity to compare what Jehovah's Witnesses believe about God's Kingdom with what the Bible teaches. Rather, he showed that he wanted to remain at peace with Lot, saying: "I request you, not to put up with me and between my servants and your animals, for we are brothers. " Fadeso a yeke biani ngoi so a sara nzoni na zo " This has made it possible for the good news to be proclaimed throughout vast territories where enemies of the truth formerly stood in the way. " Now Is the Time for Good " Tongaso, ala bi tere ti ala kue ti manda akode - kua so ayeke mû lege na ala ti wara akungba nga na aye kue so ala yeke na nzara ni. Holy spirit played a vital role, but so did Peter's certainty that Jesus had been resurrected. Thus, they devoted themselves to learning skills that would enable them to obtain material possessions and desires. Me na pekoni so alango ti nda ni akomanse, mbeni ngangu hundango ndo abâ gigi: Azo wa la ayeke duti ande kete wungo ti azo ni so? Rejoice and leap for joy, since your reward is great in the heavens; for in that way they persecuted the prophets prior to you. " But after the last days began, a powerful question arose: Who will be the few? A si na nze ti octobre ngu 1972, mbeni mbela ti ngorogbia ni azi lege na azo ti kiri ti sala ngangu mingi na ndo e. Goals that bring glory to Jehovah God are directly connected with our worship of him and with Kingdom interests. In October 1972, a government decree opened up the way to further pressure. A - Galate chapitre 5 afa kangbi so ayeke na popo ti dutingo na gbe ti ngangu ti yingo vulu na dutingo na gbe ti ngangu ti mitele. - Diko aGalate 5: 17, 18. But then came a powerful blow. Galatians chapter 5 highlights the difference between being under the influence of the holy spirit by living under the influence of the flesh. - Read Galatians 5: 17, 18. Lo hinga ye so lo ye ti sara wala so a yeke nzoni lo sara, me na ambeni ngoi mbeni ye akanga lege na lo ti sara ni. He used the word "men, " perhaps to indicate that we should act in this way toward all people, everyone we meet. He knows what to do or what to do, but he at times has at times been unable to do so. E na Daniel na Marina Sydlik e yeke sara vizite na Togo na ngu 1977 There were visible and audible evidences of this. With Daniel and pursue a visit to Togo in 1977 Ti so nga, a lingbi mbi manda mbeni fini yanga ti kodoro: Italien. In line with this, the apostle John wrote about proper prayer to God. Again, I had to learn a new language - Italian. A yeke lani kota ye ti tene ala kpe ti bi tere ti ala kue na yâ ti akusala ti ala ti lâ oko oko. Resurrected ones will be able to learn the truth about God and to exercise faith in Jesus by obeying him. It was vital that they avoid engaging in their daily activities. Ala hinga na bê ti ala kue so alege ti vorongo ayeke na mbeni kota ngangu so asala ye ti nzoni awe na yâ fini ti ala. On May 7, federal warrants were issued for the arrest of J. F. They are convinced that religion has a powerful force for good in their lives. Tongana mbeni keke so alë lengo pepe, wahanda alë pepe tâ lengo ti aChrétien. Thus, all of today's sad news has an encouraging meaning - soon God's Kingdom government will bring peace to obedient mankind. As a fruit - bearing tree does not produce true Christian fruitage. Ala yeke manda Bible na azo senge senge, ni la, ala ye si mo nga kue mo mû oko ngoi ni so ti haka na aye so ala mä na bê na ni na ndo ti Royaume ti Nzapa na ye so Bible afa. " It will give meaning to your life and help you in your work. " They offer free home Bible studies, so they want you to use the same opportunity to compare their beliefs with what they believe about God's Kingdom with what it teaches. Ye so amu lege si a fa nzo tene na akota ndo so awato ti tâ tene akanga la ni lege na ni. Why did Adam and Eve, Cain, and Judas Iscariot go to Gehenna? As a result, the good news was preached in large areas where opposers of truth were banned. Ngbanga ti nyen? Ngbanga ti so yingo vulu amû maboko na lo nga lo hinga biani so a zingo Jésus na kuâ. The Bible Gives Reason for Hope Because he was helped by holy spirit and was convinced that Jesus was resurrected. Ala sala ngangu tongaso na aprophète so ayeke kozoni na i. ." Fabian, who now serves as a pioneer and a ministerial servant, relates that he and Isabel helped three teenagers in their new congregation who needed encouragement to get more involved in the congregation's activities. They have persecuted the prophets that were before you. " Aye so e zia na gbele e ti sala teti gloire ti Jéhovah Nzapa ague biani oko na vorongo so e yeke mû na lo nga na aye so e yeke sala ti maï aye ti Royaume. IT ALL began in 1925 when a tea salesman named Dobson began visiting our family in Edinburgh, Scotland. Our goals for Jehovah God's glory are in harmony with our worship and our efforts to promote Kingdom interests. David atene nga so a yeke nzoni a mû mbeni ye na wa ti ngasangbaga ni. First, Satan deceived Eve in the garden of Eden. David also said that something should be given to the sheep. " MBI KIRI NA PEKO PËPE ' Now he can see why liberation theology is not the real solution to the problems of the poor. " I HAVE SHAT SHAT WOULD YOU SAY ' Teti so Jésus asara kusala na tënë "azo ," peut - être lo ye ti fa so a yeke nzoni e sara tongaso na mbage ti zo oko oko so e yeke tingbi na lo. Let us examine four questions that will help to reveal whether we are being influenced by God's spirit or by that of the world. Since Jesus used the term "people, " he apparently meant that we should do so with each person whom we meet. Azo abâ na amä aye so asi. What will happen to this world's harmful reading and viewing material? People have seen and heard what happened. Legeoko na tene so, bazengele Jean asû mbeti na ndo tâ lege ti tenengo sambela na Nzapa. This famous quip well describes how some people view temptation - deep down they relish it. In harmony with this, the apostle John wrote about the proper way to pray to God. Azo so a yeke zingo ande ala ayeke wara lege ti manda tâ tënë na ndo ti Nzapa nga ti fa so ala mä na bê na Jésus na lege so ala yeke mä yanga ti lo. 1: 1 - 3: 18) Those resurrected will have the opportunity to learn the truth about God and to exercise faith in Jesus by obeying him. Na lango 7 ti mai, ngorogbia ti Amerika amû yanga ti tene a gbu Ita Joseph Rutherford, so ayeke bâ ndo lani na ndo ti kua ti fango tënë. Pure worship could have vanished from the face of the earth. On May 7, the United States government ordered that Brother Rutherford, who had oversight of the preaching work. Tongaso, asioni sango kue so e yeke mä laso afa so nzoni ye aga nduru ti si awe: Royaume ti Nzapa so ayeke ngorogbia ti lo aga nduru ti ga na siriri na azo so amä yanga. The idolizing, venerating, or adoring of entertainment personalities, sports figures, political systems, and certain religious leaders is also commonplace today. Thus, all the bad news we hear today indicates that the end of this wicked system of things is near - God's Kingdom, which is the government of God, will soon bring peace to obedient mankind. " A yeke sala si mo hinga ande ye so mo yeke sala na yâ fini ti mo nga a yeke mû maboko na mo na yâ kusala ti mo. " What role do you as a parent play during those crucial years? " It will make you know what you are doing in your life and will help you in your ministry. " Ngbanga ti nyen Adam na Eve, Caïn nga na Judas Iscariote ague na Géhenne? " Weep With Those Who Weep, " July Why did Adam and Eve, Cain, and Judas Iscariot go to Gehenna? Bible amû lege ti duti na beku It would be difficult to put confidence in such a hardhearted God. The Bible gives hope Fabian, so fadeso ayeke pionnier nga wakua ti mungo maboko, atene so na yâ ti fini congrégation ti ala lo na Isabel amû maboko na ambeni maseka ota so ayeke na bezoin ti tene a kpengba ala ti tene ala bi tere ti ala mingi na yâ ti akusala ti congrégation. There are limits to what all of us can do in Jehovah's service. She, who now serves as a pioneer and a ministerial servant, says that in her new congregation, Isabel and Isabel helped three young ones in need of encouragement to have a full share in congregation activities. YE KUE ato nda ni na ngu 1925 tongana mbeni zo ti kango fuku ti dutee so iri ti lo ayeke Dobson ato nda ti sala vizite na sewa ti e na Édimbourg, na Écosse. Colporteur A. IT WAS the beginning in 1925 when a merchant named Westba began visiting our family in the county of vonim, in Scotland. Kozoni, Satan ahanda lani Ève na yaka ti Éden. Prayer is a very important part of our worship, and to worship anyone other than God is clearly not in harmony with Bible teaching. First, Satan deceived Eve in the garden of Eden. Fadeso lo lingbi ti bâ ngbanga ti nyen senda - ndara ti lege ti vorongo na ndo zingo zo na gbe ti aye ti ngangu, a yeke tâ lege ti leke na kpale ti azo ti nzinga pëpe. We let them know what we are doing in the neighborhood but keep the conversations brief. Now he can see why religious philosophy about liberation is a real solution to poor people's problems. Zia e bâ ahundango tënë osio so ayeke mû maboko na e ti bâ wala yingo ti Nzapa la ayeke sara ngangu na ndo ti e wala a yeke yingo ti dunia so. And the book The Theology of Tertullian notes: "[It was] a curious blend of juristic and philosophic ideas and terms, which enabled Tertullian to set out the trinitarian doctrine in a form which, despite its limitations and imperfections, supplied the framework for the later presentation of the doctrine at the Council of Nicaea. " Let us consider four questions that will help us to determine whether we are being influenced by God's spirit or not by the spirit of the world. Nyen la a yeke sara ande na sioni dunia ti Satan so nga na asioni ye so a yeke fa na asango? Smoking a cigarette may have been the farthest thing from his mind when he left for school that day. What will be done about Satan's wicked system of things and its propaganda? Tënë so afa tâ nzoni mingi bango ndo ti ambeni zo na ndo ti atara. A fa so na yâ ti bê ti ala kâ, ala ye ni. Rather than challenge their authority, we truly appreciate our hardworking elders! This well illustrates how some people felt about trials there, showing that they wanted them there. 1: 1 - 3: 18) He told Noah that humans should not consume blood. 1: 1 - 3: 18) Na tâ vorongo Nzapa alingbi ti hon ande biani biani na ndo sese. This has certainly proved true of Joel and his wife of 51 years. And true worship can truly pass on earth. Tongana nyen a - ancien ayeke sara ye tongana ala yeke gi ti kiri mbeni zo na nzoni lege? God as Ruler Versus Man as Ruler How do elders react when they seek correction? Laso, vorongo azo ti salango angia, akota wanguru, bungbi ti aye ti poroso, nga ambeni mokonzi ti lege ti vorongo, amû ndo kue. Still, Jeremiah trusted not in men but in God, who promised to care for him. Today, the worship of entertainment, sports, politics, and other religious leaders is widespread. Me tongana mo yeke babâ wala mama, nyen la mo lingbi ti sara ti fa na maseka ti mo ti sara na Jéhovah? What is the surest way to a life of joy and contentment? But if you are a parent, how can you train your teenager to serve Jehovah? Sinclair), sept. He loves them no matter where they are from or what they look like. No. A yeke duti ande ngangu ti zia bê na mara ti Nzapa tongaso, so ayeke na bê pëpe. How do Christian meetings, assemblies, and conventions help us fight spiritual drowsiness? Such an unbelieving God would be difficult to trust. Ngangu so e oko oko kue e yeke na ni ti sara na Jéhovah ayeke legeoko ape. How grateful the congregations were that this self - sacrificing couple succeeded in visiting them! Our individual ability to serve Jehovah is not the same. Colporteur A. 12: 1. A. Sambela ayeke kota ye mingi na lê ti Nzapa, na ti voro mbeni zo nde na Nzapa, Bible ake ni. He needed someone to work in his office temporarily and wanted to see if I could handle the assignment. Prayer is important to God and to worship someone else, and the Bible condemns it. E fa na ala ye so e yeke sara na yâ ti vaka ni me e sara tënë na ala gi nduru. My wife and I were separated three times and were in the process of getting divorced. " We told them what we were doing in the neighborhood but just talked to them. Nga buku Tënë ti Tertullien na ndo Nzapa (Angl.) atene: "[A yeke lani] mbeni bungbi ti atënë ti azo ti ndia na ti awasenda - ndara. That is what Jesus prayed for when he said: "Let your kingdom come. And the book Tertullian About God states: "[It] was a society of law and philosophers. Na ngoi so lo londo lani na lango ni so na da ti gue na ekole, tënë ti nyongo manga aga peut - être kete pëpe na li ti lo. Our Readers Ask... When she got up from school on that day, smoking may not have been a small part of her mind. A hon ti dë kite na ngangu ti komande ti ala, zia e yekia biani a - ancien ti e so asala kusala ngangu! In Hebrew, the word ka·pharʹ at first probably meant "cover " or perhaps" wipe off, " and it is also translated "atonement. " Rather than challenge their authority, may we truly appreciate our hardworking elders! (b) Ti tambela na lege ti ye so lê abâ aye ti tene nyen? Dedicating our life to Jehovah provides convincing evidence that we love him. (b) What does it mean to walk by sight? E hinga tongana nyen so Jéhovah ayeke tene gi tâ tënë? May their presence on that important occasion strengthen their unity and renew their determination to keep on doing the will of God, thus giving evidence that they rejoice to be among those whom Jehovah loves. How do we know that Jehovah is truthful? Lo tene na Noé so a lingbi azo ate mênë pëpe. Jesus rebuffed all three clever attacks, each time quoting the Scriptures. - Matthew 4: 1 - 11; Luke 4: 1 - 13. He told Noah that blood was not to be eaten. A yeke biani ye so asi na Joël na wali ti lo so asara mariage a sara ngu 51 awe. Thank you very much for being in this world and for doing such a kind and needed work. " That certainly happened to Joel and his wife, who had been married for 51 years. Mango Nzapa na mango zo Yet, Jesus saw something good in Saul's heart and chose him to fulfill a special commission. Listening to God and Listening Atâa so kue, Jérémie azia bê ti lo pëpe na azo me lo zia bê ti lo kue na Nzapa so amû zendo ti bâ lege ti lo. Do You Remember? Even so, Jeremiah did not trust in men but trusted in the God who promised to care for him. Mbeti ti Nzapa awa mingi amaseka: "Apendere koli na amasia,... " I myself have put [blood] upon the altar for you to make atonement for your souls. " God's Word urges youths: "The young men and the virgins... Lo ye ti lo azo kue atâa ala yeke ti kodoro wa wala ala yeke tongana nyen. By doing so, we have built up a record of perseverance that Jehovah will not forget, a storehouse of treasures in heaven. He wants people, regardless of their nationality or nationality. Akongregation ayeke na ngia mingi so aita so ayeke ndulu ti gbanzi ye na tele ti ala awara lege ti ga ti bâ ala! This gives each family member the feeling that he or she is not grieving alone and provides the comfort of shared responsibility and shared mourning. How happy congregations are that self - sacrificing brothers are able to visit them! 12: 3. The flier Organization Method and the booklet To Whom the Work Is Entrusted laid out the details: A new Service Department at headquarters would direct the work. 12: 1. Lo yeke lani na bezoin ti tene mbeni zo asara kua na place ti lo teti mbeni ngoi na lo ye lani ti hinga wala mbi lingbi ti sara kua ni so. 86: 5. He needed someone to work for some time and wanted to know if I could do that. Mbi na wali ti mbi e kangbi fani ota na e gi ti sara divorce. " (5) Stewart, R. My wife and I shared three times and tried to divorce. " A yeke ye so giriri Jésus asambela ndali ni tongana lo tene: "E ye royaume ti Mo aga. Today, few people would think that the laws of Almighty God are at issue if a physician suggested their taking blood. That is what Jesus prayed for when he said: "Let your kingdom come. Azo ahunda atene... Paul presented this discourse near the end of his third missionary trip. Our Readers Ask... Na Hébreu, tene ka·pharʹ aye kozoni kue ti tene "kanga ndo " wala peut - être" mbô, " na akiri nga pekoni na "ye ti sala songo. " Moses was commissioned as "the Christ, " or" Anointed One, " in that he was selected by Jehovah to lead Israel out of Egypt. In Hebrew, a·naʹkoʹto first means "to bind up, " or perhaps" to wipe out, " and "to make peace. " Ti mû fini ti e kue na Jéhovah afa na gigi biani so e ndoye lo. 1: 1, 2. Giving our life to Jehovah is proof of our love for him. 11, 12. (a) Tongana nyen na lege so ayeke nde mingi ala so a sa yingo na ndo ti ala aga nzoni - kue? (b) Na lege wa ambeni ngasangbaga aga nzoni - kue? 13, 14. (a) Na lege ti toli ti Jésus na ndo ti angasangbaga nga na angasa, salut ti angasangbaga aluti na ndo nyen? 1, 2. (a) How did Jehovah refer to the patriarch Abraham, and what might this cause us to wonder about? 11, 12. (a) How do the other sheep differ from Jesus ' illustration of the sheep and the goats, and what does salvation depend? Me, Jésus ake atara ni ota kue, na lakue lo kiri tënë na Satan gi na lege ti Bible. - Matthieu 4: 1 - 11; Luc 4: 1 - 13. Hebrews 11: 6 should reassure us of what? But Jesus rejected all three temptations, and he always answered Satan from the Bible. - Matthew 4: 1 - 11; Luke 4: 1 - 13. Singila mingi teti so i yeke na ndo ti sese so, na i yeke sala mara ti pendere kua tongaso, so ayeke kota ye mingi. " Eventually, Manasseh was taken from his homeland and thrown into a Babylonian prison. Thank you for being here on earth, and you are doing this wonderful work, which is vital. " Ye oko, Jésus abâ mbeni ye ti nzoni na yâ ti bê ti Paul na lo soro lo ti sara mbeni kusala so ayeke nde. And grieving may, in time, help you to move on despite the enormity of your loss. However, Jesus saw something good in Paul's heart and chose him to do something special. Mo dabe ti mo na ni? Others would be stumbled and would betray and hate one another. Do You Recall? " Mbi mû mênë na i na ndo balaga ti sala songo teti âme ti i. " And he continually tended to search for God...; and, in the days of his searching for Jehovah, the true God made him prosperous. " " I gave you blood over the altar to make atonement for your souls. " Na salango tongaso, e leke awe mbeni tondo ti gbungo ngangu so Jéhovah ayeke glisa ni ande pepe, mbeni gogoro ti amosoro na yayu. Jesus was keenly aware of the pressures associated with the anxieties of this system of things. In doing so, we already set a record of endurance that Jehovah will not forget, a treasure in heaven. A sala si zo oko oko ti sewa ni abâ so lo yeke gi lo oko pëpe na yâ vundu ti lo na so a yeke gi lo oko pëpe si ayô kungba ni wala ayeke na yâ ti mua. Fills our need. As a result, each member of the family felt that he was not alone in his grief and that he was not the only one to carry it or in mourning. Tract Méthode d'organisation (na Anglais) nga na brochure À qui l'œuvre est confiée (na Anglais) afa ambeni nzene nzene tënë na ndo ni: Mbeni fini ndokua so ayeke na Kota ndokua ti e la ayeke bâ lege ti kua ni. Its source is the only true God, "who cannot lie. " published by Jehovah's Witnesses. 86: 5. (b) How can we display "the greatest freeness of speech " in declaring the good news of God's Kingdom? 86: 5. (5) Stewart, R. Once a Scripturally sound decision has been made by the body of elders, each elder yields to the direction of holy spirit by supporting that decision even if his personal opinion was not endorsed by the majority. (5) Ases, R. Laso, azo mingi pepe abi bê so tongana mbeni wanganga ahunda ala ti mu mênë, tene ni andu andia ti Nzapa ti Ngangu Ahon Kue. Having insight and understanding of a situation helps one see beneath the apparent reasons for confrontation and can prevent anger from flaring up. Today, few think that if a doctor asks them to take blood, God's laws are involved. Paul amû diskur so nduru na hunzingo ti ota voyage ti lo ti missionnaire. God declares: "I, even I, have installed my king upon Zion, my holy mountain. " Paul gave that talk near the end of his third missionary journey. Jéhovah atokua lani Moïse tongana "Christ, " wala" lo so a soro lo ." So ti tene Jéhovah asoro lani Moïse ti zi azo ti Israël na Égypte. 1, 2. Jehovah sent Moses "Christ, " or" Anointed One, " Moses was anointed by Jehovah to deliver the Israelites from Egypt. 1: 1, 2. Does this mean, though, that we should not even try to understand Jehovah's way of thinking? 1: 1, 2. A - Hébreu 11: 6 amû maboko na e ti hinga nyen? In about 65 C.E., the apostle urged Timothy to " handle the word of the truth aright. ' What can we learn from Hebrews 11: 6? Na nda ni, a gbu Manassé a gue a kanga lo na Babylone. A group met in our home, all of whom had the hope of living with Christ in the heavens. Eventually, Manasseh was arrested in Babylon. Ti sara vundu apeut ti gue ngbii ti sara si mo girisa kete na ndo ti zo so akui so. 8 Elke from Austria It can go to the point of losing your loved one in death. Fade ambeni zo azia lege ti mabe, ambeni akä amba ti ala, na ala ke tere na popo ti ala. For example, Jesus told a man who had been paralyzed for 38 years to walk. Others will turn away from the faith, sell one another, and hate one another. Ozias azia bê ti lo ti gi Nzapa...; na tongana lo gi L'Eternel, Nzapa asala si lege ti lo aga nzoni. ." If there is such a gathering, how can counsel from the Bible help us to ensure that it too will bring honor to God and reflect well on the newlyweds and on the Christian congregation? Uzziah kept seeking God..., and if he searched for Jehovah, he made his way successful. " Jésus ahinga lani so ti duti na fini na yâ ti dunia so ayeke ga na e agingo bê nga na akpale. Jehovah's Witnesses in your locality will be happy to show you how and when God will accomplish what no faith healer could ever do - eliminate all diseases, as well as death. Jesus knew that living in this world will bring anxiety and problems. A mû na e ye so e yeke na bezoin ni. We can even ask God to " create in us a pure heart. ' We received what we needed. Oko tâ Nzapa so "alingbi ti tene mvene pëpe " la asara tënë so. In addition to human imperfection, family environment plays a role in the misuse of the tongue. The only true God, who "is not able to lie, " speaks those words. (b) Tongana nyen e lingbi ti fa so e yeke fa nzoni tënë ti Royaume ti Nzapa na "kamene oko pëpe "? You came to understand that mankind as a whole is alienated from God. (b) How can we show that we preach the good news of God's Kingdom "not at all "? Tongana bungbi ti a - ancien amû mbeni desizion so aluti na ndo Mbeti ti Nzapa, ancien oko oko ayeda na fango lege ti yingo vulu na ndo tënë ni na sarango ye alingbi na ni, même tongana mingi ti ala ayeda fade pëpe na bibe ti lo. How? When the body of elders makes a decision based on God's Word, each elder accepts the guidance of holy spirit on the matter, even if most of them did not accept it. Ti hinga ngbanga ti nyen ye tongaso asi ayeke mû maboko na zo ti bâ anda ti tënë so ayeke biani na gunda ti tiri, na ti kanga lege na ngonzo ti londo. After the funeral, Peter's sister Ummi explained: "About two years ago, Peter contacted me. Understanding why this happens helps one to see why there is a real reason for fight, and to prevent anger and wrath from getting up. Lo tene: "Mbi mveni, Mbi zia Gbia ti Mbi na Sion, Hoto ti Mbi ti nzoni - kue. ." To that end, Acts 17: 27 assures us: "He is not far off from each one of us. " He said: "I, even I, have installed my king upon Zion, my holy mountain. " 1, 2. Will he fear Jehovah and recognize the wisdom of accepting God's standards? 1, 2. kongregation ti kozo siècle? COVER IMAGE: Did the first - century congregation? Ye so aye ti tene so a lingbi e gi pëpe ti hinga lege so Jéhovah ayeke bibe ti lo na ni? How does Jehovah help us as individuals? Does this mean that we should not try to understand Jehovah's way of thinking? Nduru na ngu 65, bazengele Paul awa Timothée ti " fa nda ti tene - biani na lege ni. ' If those estimates are anywhere near correct, God's firstborn Son enjoyed close association with his Father for aeons before the creation of Adam. About 65 C.E., the apostle Paul urged Timothy to " handle the word of the truth aright. ' Mbeni kete wungo ti azo ayeke sala lakue bungbi na yâ ti da ti e, na ala kue ayeke na beku ti wara fini na yayu. Over a century before the Flood, "God saw the earth and, look! it was ruined, because all flesh had ruined its way on the earth. " A few met regularly in our home, and all of them had the heavenly hope. 8 Elke alondo na Autriche 8 8 Ines from Austria Ngbanga ti nyen a yeke kota ye ti duti na nzo yingo - ti - hinga? In what way has our Maker seen fit to lead us? Why is it important to have a clean conscience? Na tapande, Jésus atene na mbeni koli so gere ti lo abuba teti ngu 38 ti tambela. Keep them where they are readily available and where they will not be damaged. For example, Jesus told a man who had been lame for 38 years to walk. Tongana a sara mara ti matanga tongaso, tongana nyen si wango ti Bible alingbi ti mû maboko na e si matanga ni ayekia Nzapa na asara si azo abâ koli na wali so amû tere fini fini nga na kongregation na nzoni lê? There may be other occasions when no baptized males are present at a congregation meeting. If such a gathering is held, how can the Bible's counsel help us to make sure that it honors God and makes the new couple feel acceptable to him and to the congregation? A - Témoin ti Jéhovah so ayeke ndulu na ndo so mo lango dä, ayeke duti ande na ngia ti fa na mo tongana nyen na lawa si fade Nzapa ayeke sala aye so zo so asava azo na lege ti mabe alingbi ti sala ni lâ oko pëpe: ti zi akobela kue legeoko na kui. Because in isolated farming colonies within a 180 - mile [300 km] radius of Santa Cruz, Bolivia, German - speaking Mennonites were showing keen interest in the Bible. Jehovah's Witnesses in your nearby community will be happy to show you how God will do things that could never be done by a person who has been healed by faith - free from all sickness and death. E lingbi même ti hunda na Nzapa ti " créé bê so avuru na yâ e '.. The report gives an example: "Americans born before 1905 had a 1 percent rate of depression by age 75. We might even ask God to "be made clean in us. " Use ni, sewa alingbi ti sara si mbeni zo atene asioni tënë. Obviously, Jesus understood death to be like sleep. Second, the family can cause a person to say bad things. Mo hinga so azo kue ayeke na siriri na Nzapa ape. Why Was Judas Offered 30 Pieces of Silver? 9 / 1 You know that all humans have no peace with God. Tongana nyen? Yet, it does give spiritual protection against the harmful elements of this world and the attacks of its ruler, Satan. How? Na peko ti so a lu kuâ ni awe, Ummi, ita ti Peter ti wali, atene na Don, atene: "A sara ngu use awe, mbi na Peter e wara terê. (Italics ours.) - Jewish Antiquities, Book 4, chapter 8, paragraph 10. After the funeral, Peter's sister, Peter's sister, said to Don: "It was two years ago that Peter and I met. Na ndo tënë so, Kusala 17: 27 atene na e: "Lo yeke yongoro pëpe na e oko oko kue. " And as time went by, the brothers and sisters in the Oswestry Congregation became like a new family, lovingly supporting us through our trials. In this regard, Acts 17: 27 tells us: "He is not far off from each one of us. " Lo yeke kpe mbeto ti Nzapa na lo yeke hinga so a yeke lege ti ndara ti yeda na andia ti Nzapa? Later that same day, when Jesus asked: "Who really is the faithful and discreet slave? " Does he fear God and recognize that it is wise to obey God's laws? FOTO TI COUVERTURE NI: Ever since Adam's fall into sin, Jehovah has not failed to look for the good in humans. COVER IMAGE: Tongana nyen Jéhovah ayeke mû maboko na e oko oko kue? Likewise, the baobab trees of central Africa attain great ages, and a bristlecone pine in California is believed to be some 4,600 years old. How does Jehovah help us individually? Tongana awungo so aye ti duti tâ tene même kete, kozo Molenge ti Nzapa ayeke giriri na ngangu songo na Babâ ti lo ngoi mingi kozoni na salango Adam. What warnings should we heed today? If these numbers were to be true even a few, God's firstborn Son had a close relationship with his Father long before doing Adam. Siècle oko na ndo ni kozo na Kota Moa, "Nzapa aba sese ni, ba, a futi, teti mi kue afuti lege ti ala na ndo sese awe. " So all of us do well to consider the matter that the psalmist raised. One hundred years before the Flood, "God saw the earth, and it was destroyed, because all flesh had ruined its way on the earth. " 8 The King is mounted on a white horse, representing warfare that is clean and righteous in Jehovah's eyes. 8 Tongana nyen Wasalango e aye ti fa lege na e? As mentioned earlier, each day we must make numerous decisions, big and small. How does our Creator guide us? Bata ni kue na mbeni ndo so mo lingbi ti mû ni hio, nga na mbeni ndo so ambeti ni alingbi ti buba pëpe. (The Watchtower, March 1, 2006) They gave up a profitable business in Australia to enter full - time service. Keep it complete in a place you can take quickly, and no place can be destroyed. Ambeni ngoi nde alingbi ti si so ita - koli oko ayeke dä pëpe na mbeni bungbi ti kongregation. Some have tried to do something about the matter. There may be times when no brother is present at a congregation meeting. A yeke ngbanga ti so ambeni bungbi ti azo ti fango yaka, aMennonite, so ayeke tene yanga ti Zamani na so alango gi ala oko na ando so angoro kodoro ti Santa Cruz, Bolivie, mbage na mbage kilomètre 300 afa na gigi mbeni kota bingo bê na ndo Bible. Since pure worship was their primary concern, for sustenance they had to rely on Jehovah, who told them: "I am your share. " Because a number of non - German - German - speaking groups who lived in the nearby areas of Santa Salvador, Bolivia, and about 300 miles [100 km] displayed a deep interest in the Bible. Tondo ni amû mbeni tapande: "Na popo ti azo ti Amerika 100 so adü ala kozoni na ngu 1905, oko ayeke na kobela ti li tongana lo wara ngu 75. Slave for Jehovah. " - ROM. The account gives an example: "In the past 100 percent of those born in the United States, one of them had a brain disease when he was 75 years old. Tâ tënë, ti Jésus, kuâ ayeke tongana lango. When that happened, Christians fled. Yes, for Jesus, death is like sleep. (b) Tongana nyen adisciple ti Jésus abata wango ti Paul so awara na aPhilippien 4: 9? Why not find out the time available for a tour by contacting the branch in your locality? (b) How did Jesus ' disciples heed Paul's counsel found at Philippians 4: 9? Duti na bango ndo ti Nzapa na ndo ti tënë ti seni, 1 / 11 What assurance did both David and Jesus give? 6 / 1 Ye oko, a yeke bata e na lege ti yingo na asioni ye ti sese so nga na bira so Satan, mokonzi ti sese ayeke sara na e. They wait patiently until God's due time for his "diversified wisdom " to" be made known through the congregation. " - Eph. However, it protects us spiritually from this wicked system of things and from the attack by Satan, the ruler of the world. (E si e sû agere ti mbeti so nde). - Jewish Antiquities, buku 4, chapitre 8, paragraphe 10. Slave for Jehovah. " - ROM. (b) How do we know that the holy writings are inspired by God? Tongana angoi ahon, aita ti congrégation ti Oswestry aga tongana afini fami ti e, ala mû maboko na e na yâ ti atara so e wara. In order to preside well over the flock, the elders discuss among themselves how to address the needs of the congregation. In time, the brothers in the congregation became like our new relatives, helping us through the trials we faced. Ge lo ye ti tene biani tënë so: " Mara wa so ayeke sara ye na ndara ayeke mû ande place ti Israël ti duti ngbâa ti Nzapa so ayeke be - ta - zo? ' Of course, Jesus did not make only short statements. In effect, he was saying: " What kind of wise nation will replace Israel as God's faithful slave? ' Ti londo na ngoi so Adam atï na yâ siokpari, Jéhovah azia pëpe ti gi ti bâ aye so ayeke nzoni na mbage ti azo. By what means does Satan make our heart his target? From Adam's fall into sin, Jehovah did not stop looking for the good in mankind. Legeoko nga, akeke ti baobab na bê ti Afrika ayeke ninga angu mingi, nga a tene so mbeni keke na Californie ayeke na ngu 4 600 tongaso. I knew that I wanted to "slave for the Master, Christ. " Similarly, trees of Africa are long spent in Africa, and a tree in California is reported to be 4 years old. Laso, a lingbi aChrétien amä agbotongo mê wa? The Encyclopædia Britannica, in discussing ethics, observes: "It does not seem surprising if people know what they ought morally to do but then proceed to do what is in their own interests instead. Today, Christians need to pay attention to what warnings? Tongaso, a yeke nzoni e oko oko kue e gbu li ti e na ndo ti tënë so wasungo Psaume so asigigi na ni. Their expressions have been an encouragement to me. " Hence, each of us would do well to meditate on the psalmist's words. Gbia ni aduti na ndo ti vuru mbarata. There was a burst of applause. The king sits on white horses. Tongana ti so e sara tënë ni fade, lâ na lâ a lingbi e mû gbâ ti adesizion, akete ni na akota ni. We can clearly see that we have a work to do - sowing. As noted earlier, many decisions must be made daily, small, and great. (Tour ti Ba Ndo ti lango oko ti mars, ngu 2006). Ala dö kua ti dengo buze ti ala na Australie ala zia ti mû kua ti ngoi kue. How can we avoid drifting away from following Jesus? (The March 1, 2006, issue of The Watchtower) They left their business in Australia to quit entering the full - time ministry. Ambeni atara ti sara ambeni ye ndali ni. 1: 6. Some have tried to do things for it. Teti so kusala ti ala ayeke ti fa lege na azo ti mara ni na yâ ti tâ vorongo, a lingbi ala hinga na bê ti ala kue so Jéhovah ayeke mû na ala ye so ala yeke na bezoin ni na lege ti mitele, teti Jéhovah atene: "Mbi yeke ye ti mo. ." The Bible tells us about Joseph, a young man who had a strong sense of identity. Since they are responsible for directing the nation to true worship, they must be confident that Jehovah will provide for their physical needs, for Jehovah says: "I am your share. " Ala sara na Jéhovah tongana angbâa. " - AROM. This was to be in at least three ways: the number of years the temple was in existence, who taught there, and who flocked there to worship Jehovah. Slave for Jehovah. " - ROM. Tongana Nzapa asala ni, aChrétien akpe. Yes, because of the original sin, children that were supposed to be born perfect with endless life ahead of them were brought forth with sickness, old age, and death as their prospect. When God does, Christians avoid. Ngbanga ti nyen mo hunda pëpe mbeni zo ti Béthel ti ndo so mo yeke dä ti hinga angbonga so azo alingbi ti gue ti bâ ni? According to 1 John 4: 8, "God is love. " Why not ask a local branch office to find out how much time people can visit? Dengo bê wa David na Jésus amû? The answer he received was direct: "Because I will be with you, " said Jehovah," you will strike down Midian as if they were one man. " What assurance did David and Jesus provide? Ala yeke kanga bê ti ku juska ngoi so Nzapa asoro ti "tene na lege ti congrégation " a " hinga kota ndara ti lo so yâ ni awu mingi '. - aÉph. However, for a time Jeremiah's secretary, Baruch, did not see things clearly. They wait patiently until God chooses "to speak through the congregation " about his abundant wisdom. - Eph. Ala sara na Jéhovah tongana angbâa. " - AROM. He wrote: "The man that has entered into God's rest has also himself rested from his own works. " Slave for Jehovah. " - ROM. Ti tene a - ancien afa lege nzoni na angasangbaga, ala yeke sara lisoro na popo ti ala ti bâ abezoin ti congrégation nga tongana nyen ti mû maboko nzoni na congrégation ni. Indeed, it can grow stronger over time. For elders to guide the flock properly, they communicate with each other to see the needs of the congregation and how to benefit from it. Me, Jésus afa gi ye pëpe na nduru tënë. Yet, I still sometimes feel inferior. However, Jesus did not simply teach with a brief message. Tongana nyen la Satan ayeke gi ti sara ngangu na ndo ti bê ti e? They did not know. How does Satan try to influence our heart? Mbi hinga lani so mbi ye ti " sara kua tongana ngbâa na Wa ni, so ayeke Christ. '. How can we be consoled by Jehovah? I knew that I wanted to " slave for the Master, who is the Christ. ' Na salango tënë na ndo ti salango ye ti azo, mbeni bakari (Encyclopædia Britannica) atene: "A duti ye ti dongo bê pëpe tongana azo ahinga mbilimbili ye so a hunda na ala ti sala me, nde na so, ala londo ti sala gi ye so ayeke mû maboko na ala mveni. Soon he will come to destroy the wicked and bring about vast changes to this entire globe. Commenting on human behavior, The Encyclopædia Britannica states: "It is not surprising that people know exactly what they are asked to do but, rather, to do what they themselves are doing. Acommentaire ti ala amû ngangu na mbi. " Moses realized that it was a "good land " Their comments strengthened me. " Azo apika la ni sako mingi. (5) As Kingdom proclaimers, we should cherish our privilege of bringing true refreshment to the people. People beat a lot. E bâ polele so e yeke na mbeni kua ti sarango ni: kua ti lungo le - kobe. The word rendered "exerting " can suggest" struggling, " as by a gymnast in the ancient games. Clearly, we have a work to do - sowing seed. E lingbi ti sara nyen si e hon yongoro pëpe me e ngbâ ti mû peko ti Jésus? It also safeguarded them from the temptation to commit theft or immorality. How can we avoid drifting away but keep following Jesus? 1: 6. I always wanted to know his name because for me " God ' was too impersonal. 1: 6. Bible asara na e tënë ti Joseph, mbeni maseka so li ti lo ayeke dä. By the first century C.E., the rabbis ' obsession with dissecting and interpreting the Law had completely distorted their thinking. The Bible tells us about Joseph, a young man with his mind. A yeke na alege ota: wungo ti angu so temple ni ayeke sara, zo so ayeke fa ande ye na yâ ni nga na azo so ayeke ga ande gbani gbani na yâ ni ti voro Jéhovah. Most have been brought to nothing, just like Pharaoh in the days of Moses and Joshua. There are at least three ways: The temple's length, the one who will teach in it, as well as those who will become numerous worshippers of Jehovah. Biani, ndali ti kozo siokpari, amolenge so a ku ti tene a dü ala mbilimbili - kue na fini ti lakue lakue na gbele ala aba gigi na kobela, gango mbakoro, na kui tongana ye so aku ala. The persecution, civil unrest, and famine experienced by the disciples in Jerusalem may have resulted in what Paul called "sufferings, "" tribulations, " and "the plundering of [their] belongings. " Yes, because of original sin, children expected to be born perfect and eternal life before them were released from sickness, old age, and death as expected. Mbeti oko ti Jean chapitre 4, versê 8 atene: "Nzapa ayeke Ndoye. " 3: 17, 18. One of John chapter 4, verse 8 states: "God is love. " Gédéon agi bê ti lo na ndo ti ye so lo lingbi ti sara ti "sö azo ti Israël so ayeke na tïtî azo ti Madian ." No wonder many of them at first felt the way Élida, from the Huave team, did! Gideon was concerned about what he could do to " deliver the Israelites out of Midian's hand. ' Ye oko, teti mbeni ngoi, Barouk, wakuasu ti Jérémie, abâ aye polele pëpe. Consider the example of Jesus Christ. However, for a time Jeremiah's secretary, Michael, did not see things clearly. Lo sû na mbeti: "Zo so alï na yâ hungo tele ti Nzapa, ahu tele nga teti akusala ti lo. " In a survey carried out in Germany by the Allensbach Opinion Research Institute, 96 percent of those who responded viewed faithfulness as a desirable quality. He wrote: "He that has entered into God's rest is also resting for his works. " Tongana ngoi ayeke hon, ndoye ni so apeut ti kiri ti kono. In letters to Christians in Ephesus and Colossae, the apostle Paul likened the Christian congregation to a "body, " of which Christ is the Head. In time, this love can grow again. Me, na ambeni ngoi mbi ngbâ ti bâ so mbi ne ape. Most of those who have assisted with the construction work in New York could have found reasons not to volunteer. At times, though, I felt that I didn't respect. Ala hinga ni pepe. To whom does God grant forgiveness? They do not know. Tongana nyen la Jéhovah ayeke dë bê ti e? In many churches of Christendom, incense is offered in ceremonies and liturgy. How does Jehovah comfort us? Na yâ ti ngoi kete, lo yeke ga ande ti futi azo ti sioni nga lo yeke changé ande aye mingi na ndo ti sese kue. Being positive builds up the congregation. Soon, he will bring an end to the wicked and bring about great changes throughout the earth. Moïse ahinga so a yeke mbeni "nzo sese " For example, scientists have found that the human brain has immense memory capacity. Moses knew that it was a "good land " (5) Teti so e yeke awafango tënë ti Royaume, a lingbi e yekia matabisi ti e ti mû tâ dengo bê na azo. Witnessing in Bible Lands (5) As Kingdom proclaimers, we should cherish our privilege of giving true comfort to others. Tene so asû pekoni na "tiri " andu salango ye ti mbeni walombe na yâ angbele ye ti awanguru. Who are the two witnesses? (Re 11: 3 - 12), 11 / 15 The original - language word for "a wrestling " refers to a soldier's behavior in ancient sports. A bata nga ala si ala kpe handa ti nzi na ti pitan. One evening after the show, they were able to speak to the artists who were returning to their hotel. They were also protected from the snare of stealing and fornication. Lani mbi yeke lakue na nzara ti hinga iri ti lo ngbanga ti so ti mbi tënë " Nzapa ' ayeke tâ iri ti zo pëpe. (a) Who is the man in the illustration? I still wanted to know his name because I said " God ' is not the name of man. Na ngoi so Jésus ayeke na sese, gbungo li ahon ndo ni ti amaître ti ndia na ndo gingo nga na fango nda ti Ndia ni abuba bibe ti ala. This offer would have been meaningless if Satan were not real. While on earth, Jesus ' consideration of the scribes ' search for and explaining the Law affected their thinking. Mingi ti ala alï na dû, legeoko tongana Pharaon ti ngoi ti Moïse nga na ti Josué. (b) How can youths combat peer pressure? Many of them were inside, like Moses ' contemporaries and Joshua. Aye ti ngangu so a sala na adisciple ti Jérusalem, awusuwusu na yâ ti kodoro ni, nga na nzara alingbi ti duti ye so Paul ahiri ni "pono, "" ye ti vundu, " na " futingo ti ye ti [ala] '.. Throughout his earthly ministry, Jesus endured unjust criticism from religious opposers. The persecution of the disciples in Jerusalem, Jerusalem, its wars, and hunger can be what Paul called "the tribulation, "" tribulation, " and "the destruction of [their] system of things. " 3: 17, 18. Jesus ' Death Commemorated - When and Where? 3: 17, 18. A yeke tâ na lege ni si mingi ti awakiringo peko ti ambeti ni, na tongo nda ni, ayeke gi bê ti ala legeoko tongana ti Élida, so ayeke na yâ ti bungbi ti awakiringo peko ti ambeti na yanga ti Huave. Noah certainly did not seek the companionship of ungodly people. Understandably, many translators at first felt as did Elida, who was part of the translation team. Bâ tapande ti Jésus Christ. Today, too, many languages are being used in the preaching work. Consider Jesus Christ. Na gbata ti Allensbach, na Zamani, mbeni ndokua ayeke dä so kua ti lo ayeke ti hunda azo ti fa tënë ti bê ti ala na ndo ti ambeni ye. 2: 18; 8: 10 - These verses state that the number of deputies serving as overseers and as foremen over the labor force was 3,600 plus 250, whereas according to 1 Kings 5: 16; 9: 23, they numbered 3,300 plus 550. (b) What questions will we consider in the following article? (b) How does Jehovah's organization help us? (b) What questions arise? (b) What questions arise? Na yâ ti lettre so lo tokua na aChrétien ti Ephèse nga na ti Colosses, bazengele Paul ahaka kongregation ti aChrétien na mbeni "Tere " so Christ ayeke Li ni. The apostle Paul spoke of certain religious people of his day who had "a zeal for God; but not according to accurate knowledge. " In his letter to Christians in Ephesus and Colossae, the apostle Paul likened the Christian congregation to "a lot " of Christ's Head. Mingi ti aita so amû maboko na kua ti lekengo ada na New York so alingbi lani ti wara araison ti ke ti sara kua tongana avolontaire. In response to young King Solomon's request for wisdom and knowledge, Jehovah said: "For the reason that this has proved to be close to your heart and you have not asked for wealth, riches and honor..., the wisdom and the knowledge are being given you; also wealth and riches and honor I shall give you. " Many who assisted with construction projects in New York may have had reason to refuse to serve as volunteers. Nzapa ayeke pardone azo wa? Having mentioned differences, Paul added: "So also is the resurrection of the dead. " Whom does God forgive? Na yâ mingi ti a - église ti Chrétienté, a yeke zö yombo na ngoi ti amatanga nga na ngoi ti akusala so ala yeke sala lakue. Just as a plant can flourish and last only if it is rooted in good soil, so honor can be genuine and lasting only if it is rooted in heartfelt respect. In most churches of Christendom, incense was burned at festivals and services. Ti bâ gi nzoni ye so aita ayeke sara ayeke sara si congrégation akpengba. The weeds are described as "the sons of the wicked one. " Having a clear view of what others do will strengthen the congregation. Na tapande, awandara abâ so zo alingbi ti bata gbâ ti aye na yâ mongoli ti lo. The account then says that the wild beast would "conquer them and kill them. " For example, researchers feel that a person can store many things in his brain. Fango Tene na yâ Asese so A Sala Tene ni na yâ Bible Paul's View of Himself Preaching in Bible Times A sû atënë ti yâ ni tongana nyen? The Bible adds: "And the peace of God that excels all thought will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus. " How was it written? Na mbeni lakui na peko ti so cirque ni ahunzi, ala wara lege ti sala tene na azo ni so ayeke kiri na yâ hôtel ti ala. December 5 - 11, 2011 One evening after the ship ended, they were able to talk to the delegates who were returning to their hotel. (a) Zo ti lungo lê ti kobe ti yâ ti toli ni ayeke zo wa? " After I began studying the Bible, I kicked my drug habit, stopped abusing alcohol, and learned to control my anger. (a) Who is the sower in the illustration? Tongana Satan ayeke fade tâ zo ape, andâ nda ti tënë ni so ayeke nga dä ape. • What did the ark of the covenant contain? If Satan were not a real person, there would be no reason for this. (b) Tongana nyen la amaseka alingbi ti luti na amba ti ala so apusu ala ti sara ye so ala ye? Foretelling God's acts against false worshipers, Zephaniah 1: 4 - 6 says: "I will stretch out my hand against Judah and against all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and I will cut off from this place the remaining ones of the Baal, the name of the foreign - god priests along with the priests, and those who are bowing down upon the roofs to the army of the heavens, and those who are bowing down, making sworn oaths to Jehovah and making sworn oaths by Malcam; and those who are drawing back from following Jehovah and who have not sought Jehovah and have not inquired of him. " (b) How can young ones resist peer pressure? Na ngoi so Jésus ayeke sara kua ti lo na sese, mingi ni, azo akasa lo nga abi tënë na li ti lo. Why has there been such success in the harvest work? While Jesus was on earth, he was often criticized and accused. Matanga ti dango bê na kuâ ti Jésus: A yeke sara ni lawa nga na ndo wa? What Jesus Was Like as a Person The Memorial of Jesus ' death - When and where? Noé agi lani pëpe ti sara kamarade na azo so avoro Jéhovah pëpe. First, the Bible's language is clear, direct, and appealing. Noah did not try to associate with those who did not worship Jehovah. Laso nga, a yeke sala kusala na ayanga ti kodoro mingi na fango tënë. No doubt this took considerable humility on Paul's part, a fact that deepens our appreciation for him. Today, many languages are now used in the ministry. 2: 18; 8: 10 - Aversê so atene so wungo ti akapita so akomande azo ti kusala ti Salomon asi 3 600 na wungo ti akota kapita ayeke 250; me na 1 aGbia 5: 16; 9: 23, a tene so akapita ni ayeke 3 300 na akota kapita ayeke 550. How did their disobedience become evident? 2: 18; 8: 10 - These verses indicate that the number of officers who ruled Solomon's servants had a peak of 3,4, but 1 Kings 5: 16; 9: 23, 3; 4: 23. Bazengele Paul asala tënë ti ambeni wamabe ti ngoi ti lo so aduti na "nzala teti Nzapa, me na lege ti [" tâ, " NW] hingango ye pëpe. " Angels are mentioned nearly 400 times in the Bible, and their ranks include seraphs and cherubs. The apostle Paul spoke of some believers in his day who lived "to God, but not according to accurate knowledge. " Na kiringo tene na ye so Gbia Salomon so ade pendere ahunda, ti wara ndara nga na hingango ye, Jéhovah atene: "Teti ye so ayeke na bê ti mo, na mo hunda pepe teti nginza mingi, wala mosoro, wala yango - iri,... Mbi mu na mo ndara na mayele. Na fade Mbi mu na mo nginza mingi, na mosoro, na yango - iri. " While genes may play a role in shaping personalities, our imperfection and our environment also are major influences. - 6 / 1, pages 9 - 11. In response to King Solomon's request, to gain wisdom and knowledge, Jehovah said: "For your part, O do not ask for money or riches or riches or riches or honor,... and I will give you a great deal of money and glory. " Na peko ti salango tene ti akangbi ni, Paul akiri atene: "Londongo ti awakinda ayeke tongaso nga. " Luke was a well - educated medical doctor who apparently became a disciple after Jesus died. After discussing the difference, Paul added: "The resurrection is the same. " Legeoko tongana ti so mbeni keke alingbi ti maï na ti ninga gi tongana a lu ni na yâ ti nzoni sese, zo alingbi biani ti ne amba ti lo na ti sara ni lakue gi tongana alondo na gbe ti bê ti lo. The language course involved practical training. Just as a tree can grow and longer only if it is sown in the fine soil, so it is possible to show honor and always do so when it comes from the heart. Lo tene nga so asioni pere ni ayeke "amolenge ti Zo ti sioni. ." How did Jesus resist the Devil's first temptation? Jesus provided a fine example of opposing the Devil and causing him to flee. He also described the weeds as "the sons of the wicked one. " Mbaï ni atene nga so nyama ti ngonda ayeke "sö benda na ndo ti ala nga lo yeke fâ ala. " In fact, when "heresies " erupted in the East, his services were sought to convince erring bishops to return to orthodoxy. The account also says that the wild beast "will conquer them and kill them. " Lege so Paul abâ na tere ti lo wani 6: 7. How Paul felt about himself Bible akiri atene: "Na fade siriri ti Nzapa so ahon ndo ti bibe kue ayeke bata bê ti ala nga na lege ti hingango ndo ti ala na lege ti Christ Jésus. ." (b) What should be our attitude regarding prayer to God? The Bible goes on to say: "The peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus. " 5 - 11 DÉCEMBRE 2011 Scala / Art Resource, NY December 5 - 11, 2011 " Na peko ti so mbi komanse ti manda Bible, mbi zia lege ti nyongo mbangi, ti nyongo sämba ahon ndo ni nga mbi manda ti kanga ndo ti ngonzo ti mbi. Recent experiments on the brain have led certain neuroscientists to suggest that humans may have been "hardwired " with the capacity for religion. " After I started studying the Bible, I quit taking drugs, alcohol abuse, and learned to control my anger. • Aye wa si ayeke lani na yâ ti Arche ti Mbele? Karen: So that's another thing that you and I have in common. • What conditions were in the ark of the covenant? Na salango kozoni tene ti akusala ti Jéhovah na ndo awavorongo ti wataka, Tsephania 1: 4 - 6 (NW) atene: "Fade Mbi ye tïtî Mbi na ndo Juda na awakodoro kue ti Jérusalem. (a) How do we benefit when we make sacrifices for the Kingdom? Speaking about Jehovah's works of false worshipers, Zephaniah 1: 4 - 6 states: "I will stretch out my hand against Judah and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem. Ngbanga ti nyen aye aga nzoni tongaso na yâ kusala ti kongo le - kobe? Ecclesiastes 12: 13 Why did things turn out so well in the harvest work? Mara ti Zo so Jésus Ayeke Giriri Why does God require that we love him? Jesus ' Ancient Man Kozoni, a sû Bible na mbeni yanga ti kodoro so ayeke polele, a ngoro atënë ni ape nga a nzere na zo ti diko ni. Nehemiah could not linger in that apparently silent prayer. First, the Bible is written in a language that is clear, out of context, and it is a pleasure to read it. Biani, ye so ahunda lani na mbage ti Paul tâ be - ti - molenge mingi, na ye so asala si e yekia lo ngangu mingi. 14, 15. (a) What "valueless thing " stumbled many in Jeremiah's day? In fact, Paul's humility was so great that we have deep respect for him. Tongana nyen a bâ lani ngangu - li ti ala ni polele? How do you think a busy Jew in the first century might have reacted if a Roman soldier had said that to him? How was their rebellion manifest? Na yâ ti Bible, a sara tënë ti a - ange ahon 300 nga na popo ti ala a yeke wara aséraphin na achérubin. What did Jesus promise God in prayer, and how did his heavenly Father respond? Over 300 angels are mentioned in the Bible, including cherubs and cherubs. Teti so wali ni avoro Nzapa na lege ni nga Nzapa ayeda na ni, a sara si lo yeke pendere mingi na lê ti Gbia Jésus Christ. Why should we want to share the good news with others? Because she worshiped God properly and had God's approval, she was so beautiful in the eyes of the King Jesus Christ. Atâa so aye na yâ mênë ti zo alingbi ti sala ngangu na ndo alengo so e yeke lë, dutingo ti e mbilimbili - kue pëpe nga na aye so angoro e ayeke sala nga kota ngangu na ndo e. - 1 / 6, alembeti 9 - 11. Yoshi, though, admitted that Buddha himself is deified by many. While physical factors can influence the qualities we bear, our imperfection and environment may also affect us. - 6 / 1, pages 9 - 11. Luc, mbeni docteur so ahinga kua ti lo nzoni aga disciple peut - être na peko ti kuâ ti Jésus. How that message reached Kyrgyzstan and spread here is a thrilling story. Luke, a well - known doctor, likely became a disciple after Jesus ' death. Na oko ngoi so lani ala yeke manda ye ni, ala yeke tara tele ti ala biani biani. Give an example to show that we can serve Jehovah faithfully despite illness. As they studied it, they were fully exercising self - control. Ye ni aso lo na yâ ti go ti lo a sala si na nda ni, kobela ni afâ lo. " Those expressions make me feel loved and cared for. " As a result, the illness killed him. Jésus ayeke lani mbeni pendere tapande ti zo so ake Zabolo na so asala si lo kpe yongoro na lo. Many youths and adults who should know better make a similar mistake. Jesus was an outstanding example of opposing the Devil and turning him away from him. Ngbanga ti nyen a lingbi aChrétien be - ta - zo atene pëpe so ala yeke na kamene wala ala bâ tele ti ala so ala lingbi pëpe ti sambela Jéhovah? Do you see how a knowledge of such fundamental truths can help you? Why should faithful Christians not feel ashamed or embarrassed to pray to Jehovah? Biani, tongana "abelengo tene ti mabe " asungba na mbage ti Tö, a gi mungo maboko ti lo ti ga na akota - bua so aglisa lege ti kiri na akota tene ti mabe ti église. ISRAEL'S FIRST KING - A SUCCESS OR A FAILURE? In fact, when "the doctrine of the faith " broke out in the East, his help was to bring the bishops who had fallen away from church doctrine. 6: 7. Toward the end of his life, David composed the song known today as Psalm 37. 6: 7. (b) Ngbanga ti nyen a yeke nzoni e sara ye tongana a - ancien ti Ephèse? PUBLISHERS (b) Why should we imitate the elders in Ephesus? Scala / Art Resource, NY Look for opportunities to witness, asking Jehovah to help you say the right thing at the right time. They / Art Joy, 117 Ambeni wasenda - ye so agi ti hinga tongana nyen mongoli ti azo ayeke tambela atene so peut - être ngangu ti mä na bê na Nzapa ayeke na yâ "mênë " ti azo. Only God's Kingdom will unite mankind. - Matthew 6: 9, 10. Some scientists who study human brain say that belief in God may be in "the blood " of mankind. Carine: Bango ndo ti mbi na ti mo ague oko. At the end of the day, I was very happy, since I had briefly talked to several people about the Bible and had left some of our Bible - based publications with them. Karen: I feel the same way. (a) Ye ti nzoni wa e yeke wara tongana e sara asacrifice ndali ti Royaume? King David wrote: "Jehovah is great and very much to be praised, and he is to be feared more than all other gods. (a) How do we benefit from making sacrifices for the Kingdom? Zo - ti - fa - tene 12: 15 * Hence, they do not proselytize in the modern meaning of the word. Ecclesiastes 12: 15 Ngbanga ti nyen Nzapa ahunda na e ti ndoye lo? A true disciple of Christ cannot serve two masters. Why does God expect us to love him? Lo bâ so lo lingbi pëpe ti tene mbeni yongoro sambela. The Bible - A Textbook for Living He felt that he could not say a long prayer. 14, 15. (a) Atënë wa so ayeke "ye senge " asara si azo ti ngoi ti Jérémie awara sioni? One expert on crime prevention stated: "If a woman is attacked, her best weapon is still her lungs. " 14, 15. (a) What words of "good things " made Jeremiah's contemporaries dangerous? Ti mo, mbeni Juif ti ngoi ti Jésus so ayeke na kua mingi ayeke sala ye tongana nyen tongana mbeni turugu ti Rome atene na lo tongaso? Acting on his direction calls on us to be zealous in the preaching work. How would you describe a zealous Jew in Jesus ' day if a Roman soldier told him that? Na yâ ti sambela, Jésus amû zendo na Nzapa ti sara nyen? Babâ ti lo ti yayu akiri tënë tongana nyen na sambela so? As members of God's household, we learn to think in terms of fulfilling roles in a family or as part of a congregation rather than achieving a rank or climbing a corporate ladder. - 1 Tim. In prayer, what did Jesus promise God to do, and how did his heavenly Father respond to that prayer? Ngbanga ti nyen a lingbi e yeke na nzala ti kangbi nzo tene na ambeni zo? What do you think? Why should we desire to share the good news with others? Ye oko, Yoshi ayeda so azo mingi abâ Bouddha tongana mbeni nzapa. Jehovah has taken what two steps to make it possible for us to enjoy a friendship with him? He believed, however, that many viewed the Nephilim as a god. Lege so tâ tënë asi na Kirghizstan nga amû ndo ge ayeke pendere mingi. This heavenly Kingdom, or government, will soon take action to bring about global peace under righteous rule. - 2 Peter 3: 13. Praying for God's Kingdom to come and for his will to be done on earth is an expression of faith that will not lead to disappointment. The truth reached Kyrgyzstan and here was wonderful. Fa mbeni tapande so afa so e lingbi ti ngbâ be - ta - zo na Jéhovah atâa e yeke na kobela. For those who recognize the nature of truth, such contradictions are a problem. Give an example of how we can maintain our integrity to Jehovah despite illness. Aye ni so asara si mbi bâ so azo aye mbi nga ala yeke bâ lege ti mbi. " He gave them talents and abilities that would allow them to enjoy endless, satisfying human life on earth. They made me feel loved and cared for. " Mingi ti amaseka nga na akota zo so alingbi fade ti sala hange mingi asala mara ti faute tongaso. The local brothers were moved to tears when the chairman extended a warm welcome in their native language, Rapa Nui. Many youths and adults who might have been cautious made such a mistake. Mo bâ tongana nyen hingango akota tâ tënë ti Bible so alingbi ti mû maboko na mo? His faith, in turn, brightened and strengthened his hope. Do you see how knowing these precious truths of God's Word can help you? KOZO GBIA TI ISRAËL: LO SALA KUA TI LO WALA PËPE? They ate the flesh of horses and drank mare's milk. 11: 3, 4. (a) What is required of us today? (b) Why should we be determined to do so? Na ngoi so lo ga mbakoro mingi, David asû mbeni bia so a wara ni laso na Psaume 37. What did Jehovah declare in the pronouncement recorded at Genesis 6: 3, and when was this decree issued? In his old age, David composed a song that is now recorded in Psalm 37. 22, 23. (a) Amosoro wa awafango nzo tënë so ayeke aChrétien ayeke bungbi ni? Love for Jehovah will move you to act in what way? 22, 23. (a) What spiritual treasures do Christian evangelizers enjoy? AWAFANGO TËNË KUE If you ask others to answer these questions, you will likely receive an astonishing array of responses. PUBLISHERS Gi ti fa tënë na azo tongana lege azi na mo ti sara ni, na hunda Jéhovah ti mû maboko na mo ti tene tënë so ayeke na lege ni na tâ ngoi ni. How Would You Answer? Make it your aim to witness to others if you have an opportunity to do so, and ask Jehovah to help you say the right thing at the right time. Gi Royaume ti Nzapa oko si ayeke bungbi ande azo kue ti duti beoko. - Matthieu 6: 9, 10. Still, he has appeared in the works of countless artists throughout the centuries. Only God's Kingdom will unite all mankind. - Matthew 6: 9, 10. A ga ti si na hunzingo ti lango ni, mbi yeke lani na ngia mingi, teti mbi sara anduru lisoro na gbâ ti azo na ndo Bible na mbi zia na ala ambeni mbeti so e yeke sara ka kua na ni. That is why the Scriptures state: "Return evil for evil to no one. Toward the end of that day, I was so happy that I had brief discussions with many people about the Bible and placed some Bible literature with them. Gbia David atene: "L'Eternel ayeke kota, na a lingbi azo asepela Lo mingi, a lingbi azo akpe mbeto ti Lo ahon anzapa kue. This affected her greatly. King David wrote: "Jehovah is great and very much to be praised, and he is to be feared more than all other gods. * Tongaso, ala yeke sala azo ti ga a - prosélyte pëpe na lege so azo na ngoi ti laso ayeke bâ na tënë ni. Eliphaz even accused Job of errors he had not committed. * As a result, they do not make any progress in how people in modern times view the matter. Tâ disciple ti Christ alingbi pëpe ti duti zo ti kua ti azo use. However, the actions of some in the congregation had made him feel disappointed and somewhat bitter. Christ's true followers cannot be two ministers. Bible Mbeni Mbeti ti Fango Lege na Fini ti Zo He noted that the students of the 115th class are sanctified ministers of God. The Bible - A Book of Education and Life Mbeni wandara na ndo tënë ti kpengo akengo ndia atene: "Tongana a gi ti sala ngangu na mbeni wali, kota ye ti bira so lo lingbi ti sala na kusala ayeke ti dekongo. " We can't understand exactly how you feel, but Jehovah does and will keep raising you up. " When threatened by a woman, the most important weapon she can use is to shout, " says one scholar. Ti sara ye alingbi na commandement so, a lingbi e yapu na kua ti fango tënë. Will you be present on April 4, 2004, to commemorate Jesus ' death? In order to obey that command, we must be zealous for the ministry. So e yeke amembre ti congrégation ti Nzapa, e yeke bâ akua so e yeke na ni tongana akua so zo ayeke sara ndali ti sewa ti e, wala congrégation, me pëpe ti wara kota ndo wala ti ga kota zo na yâ ti mbeni ndokua. - 1 Tim. He seemed to be incapable of responding to her affection. As members of God's congregation, we view our responsibilities as being responsible for our family, or congregation responsibilities, not for prominence or career in a company. - 1 Tim. Ka mo, mo tene ti mo nyen? Bible prophecy also indicates what will trigger this attack. What do you think? Kozoni kue, Jéhovah aleke ti tene Jésus " akä tele ti lo na kuâ ti sö gbâ ti azo. '. This pure language includes a proper understanding of the truth about God and his purposes. First, Jehovah arranged for Jesus to " surrender himself in behalf of many. ' Na yâ ngoi kete, fade Royaume wala ngorogbia ti yayu so ayeke sala kusala ti ga na siriri na ndo lê sese kue na gbe ti mbeni yanga - ti - komande ti mbilimbili. - 2 Pierre 3: 13. We can be confident that he will come to our assistance and will help us to pursue a course that will lead to everlasting life. - Psalm 40: 11 - 13. Soon, God's Kingdom, or heavenly government, will use to bring about global peace under a righteous government. - 2 Peter 3: 13. Teti ala so amu na nene ni tâ tene, atene so ague nde nde tongaso ayeke mbeni kpale. " Who that is innocent has ever perished? " asked Eliphaz. For those who respect the truth, such differences are a challenge. Lo mû na ala akode na ngangu ti sara aye nde nde so amû lege na ala ti wara ngia na fini ti lakue lakue na ndo sese. The apostle Paul had spent considerable time building up the brothers there. He gave them the skills and abilities needed to enjoy everlasting life on earth. Aita ti zoa ni atoto na ngule tongana président ni atene nzoni gango na azo na yanga ti kodoro ti ala, Rapa Nui. 14: 1, 4. The local brothers shed tears when the chairman says good - bye people in their native tongue, Haaa. Nga, mabe ti lo asara si beku ti lo akiri akpengba. He or she will be pleased to discuss such matters with you. And her faith strengthened her hope. Ala te nyama ti ambarata na ala nyon ngu ti me ti wali mbarata. Air raids by American B - 29 bombers began, and on August 6, 1945, an atom bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. They eat horses and drink for the sake of the horse. Nyen la Jéhovah afa na lege ti tënë ti lo so ayeke na Genèse 6: 3? Lawa la lo sara tënë so? At times, his judgment and methods were misguided and imprudent, but his version is one of many Bible translations now available in modern Greek. What did Jehovah reveal from his words found at Genesis 6: 3, and when did he speak those words? Ndoye ti mo teti Jéhovah ayeke pusu mo ti kpe ti sara mbeni kota siokpari so ayeke bi zonga na ndo iri ti lo. As in the first century, though, the Governing Body does not consult with each individual member of the slave class before making decisions. Your love for Jehovah will move you to avoid committing a serious sin that dishonors his name. Tongana mo hunda atënë so na azo, li ti mo ayeke kpe na ndo ti akiringo tënë nde nde so ala yeke mû. Applying this advice has helped me to shun lying and stealing. If you ask such questions, you might be surprised at the various answers they give. Mo yeke kiri tënë tongana nyen? Cameron: In Bible times, the Israelite kings who ruled in Jerusalem were said to sit on "Jehovah's throne. " How Would You Answer? Me, a sara angu mingi awe la si gbâ ti azo ayeke sara dessin ti lo so. Traveling about may thus have served as a continuous reminder that one day this land would belong to Abram's offspring. However, many years ago, it was common for many to make a picture of him. A yeke ndali ni la Bible atene: "Ala kiri sioni teti sioni na mbeni zo pëpe. When you read, what may help you to improve your understanding and your ability to remember what you read? That is why the Bible says: "Return evil for evil to no one. Ye so asara ngangu na ndo ti lo mingi. In these complicated, critical times, great effort must be expended so that children become "lovers of Jehovah " who truly" hate what is bad. " This had a profound effect on him. Même ambeni ye so Job asara pëpe, Eliphaz atene so Job asara ni. He is able and eager to provide the necessary help and encouragement so that we can cope. Even some of Job's actions, Eliphaz said that he did. Me, sarango ye ti ambeni zo na yâ ti congrégation asara si bê ti lo ason nga ngonzo agbu lo. Instead of a chronic state of alertness and helplessness, there will be an unending state of peace and happiness. However, some members of the congregation made him angry and angry. Lo tene so a - élève ti klase 115 ayeke awakua ti Nzapa so a zia ala nde. YEAR BORN: 1950 He said that the 11th class of the 11th class was appointed servants of God. E lingbi ti hinga vundu ti bê ti mo kue ape, me Jéhovah ahinga ni na lo yeke ngbâ ande ti kpengba mo. All evidence shows that this "day " is very near, which means that you may" never die at all. " - John 11: 25 - 27. We cannot fully understand your feelings, but Jehovah knows them and will continue to strengthen you. Mo yeke duti ande dä na lango 4 ti nze ti avril, ngu 2004 ti sala Matanga ti Dango Bê na kui ti Jésus? All of us today should be interested in what Paul wrote to those first - century Hebrew Christians. Will you be present on April 4, 2004, to observe the Memorial of Jesus ' death? Ndoye so wali ni aku na mbage ti lo, lo fa ni na lo pëpe. Impale him! " The woman's love for her did not show her. Prophétie ti Bible afa nga ye so ayeke sara si bira ni ayeke londo ande. The Bible says: "Far be it from the true God to act wickedly. " Bible prophecy also describes what will happen in the future. Ti tene yanga ti kodoro so ayeke nzoni - kue, a lingbi mo gbu nda ti tâ tene nzoni na ndo Nzapa na aye so lo leke ti sala. Little by little, I overcame my violent lifestyle. To speak the pure language, you need to understand the truth about God and his purposes. E lingbi ti duti na beku so lo yeke mu maboko nga ngangu na e ti ngbâ ti tambela na ndo lege so ague na fini ti lakue lakue. - Psaume 40: 11 - 13. Consider, now, a second lesson about watchfulness that we can learn from our first - century Christian brothers: They were vigilant with a view to prayers. We can be confident that he will support and strengthen us to keep on walking on the road leading to everlasting life. - Psalm 40: 11 - 13. Eliphaz ahunda tënë so: "Zo wa akui so ngbanga ayeke na li ti lo pëpe?... 4 / 15 Eliphaz asked: "Who has died without judgment?... Bazengele Paul amû lani angoi mingi ti kpengba aita so ayeke kâ. And our expectation of living in the peaceful new world is reflected in our pursuit of peace with our fellow worshipers now. The apostle Paul spent much of his time encouraging those present. 14: 1, 4. And it was not just the priests who were at fault. 14: 1, 4. A yeke nzere ande na ala ti sara lisoro na mo na ndo ni. During this Millennial Jubilee, Jesus will apply the benefits of his ransom sacrifice to believing mankind and will reverse the effects of sin. They will be pleased to discuss such matters with you. Alapara ti bira ti Amerika ato nda ti bi alê ti nene ngombe, na ti si na lango 6 ti août ngu 1947, a bi mbeni kota lê ti ngombe na ndo Hiroshima. Notice, too, that Jesus valued intimate, private talk with his Father. The U.S. weapons of the United States began to cast nuclear weapons, and on August 6, 1947, a nuclear gun was thrown down. Lani so lo de na fini, ambeni desizion so Séraphim ayeke mû nga na akode ti sarango ye ti lo ayeke lani ngoi na ngoi na lege ti ndara pëpe. Ye oko, Bible ti lo ayeke na popo ti gbâ ti aBible so ayeke dä na yanga ti Grec ti fadeso. And shortly before Jesus ' death, an angel appeared to him and "strengthened him. " While still alive, Seraphim's decisions and methods were not from time to time, but his Bible was among many modern translations. Ye oko, tongana ti so a sara lani na ngoi ti akozo Chrétien, Bebungbi ayeke gi pëpe ti hinga bibe ti aChrétien oko oko kue so ayeke na yâ ti groupe ti ngbâa so kozo si lo mû desizion. Jesus was a perfect model of zeal and devotion for all his followers. However, as in the first century C.E., the Governing Body did not try to discern the attitude of each member of that slave before making a decision. Sarango ye alingbi na wango so amû maboko na mbi ti kpe ti tene mvene nga ti nzi ye. " Had my family associated with me even a little, say to check up on me, that small dose of association would have satisfied me and likely not allowed my desire for association to be a motivating factor to return to God. " Applying this counsel has helped me to avoid lying and stealing. Cameron: Bible atene so, ândö, agbia so akomande na ndo ti azo ti Israël na Jérusalem aduti na ndo ti "trône ti L'Éternel ." • How does the commandment against covetousness protect us? Cameron: According to the Bible, the kings who ruled over Israel in Jerusalem sat down "Jehovah's throne. " Tongaso, ti tambela na yâ kodoro ni alingbi ti duti tongana mbeni dango bê so mbeni lâ, fade kodoro ni ayeke duti ti hale ti Abram. W. So it would be like a reminder that one day the land would be a descendant of Abram. Nyen la alingbi ti mû maboko na mo ti mä yâ ti ye so mo yeke diko nzoni nga ti dabe ti mo na ni? Because "the men of Sodom were bad and were gross sinners against Jehovah, " says Genesis 13: 13. What can help you to understand and remember what you are reading? Laso na ngoi ti kirikiri so akpale ayeke dä mingi, a lingbi a sala kota ngangu ti tene amolenge aga azo ti "ndoye Jéhovah " so biani " ake ye so ayeke sioni. ' SONGS TO BE USED: 160, 138 Today, in these troubled times, children need to make great efforts to become "lovers of Jehovah, " who truly" hate what is bad. " Lo peut ti sara si e wara mungo maboko so e bezoin ni nga ti kpengba e tongaso si e hon ndö ti akpale ni. Psalm 119: 14 - 16 points to regular, purposeful reflection upon God's Word as a means by which you come to take delight in it. He can give us the help we need and strengthen us so that we can cope with them. Nde na so, na place ti akpale so ayeke gboto lakue lê ti zo ti bâ so mbeni ye ti sioni ayeke ndulu ti si na so ngangu ti sala mbeni ye ndali ni ayeke dä pëpe, fade a yeke wara mbeni dutingo ti siriri na ti ngia so ayeke hunzi lâ oko pëpe. Who was this Joseph of Arimathea? On the other hand, there will always be a state of peace and happiness that will never end. Ngbanga ti nyen e yeke ku gango ti Royaume ti Nzapa na bê kue? 40: 5, 12. Why do we eagerly await the coming of God's Kingdom? A DÜ LO NA NGU: 1950 Thus, the great crowd are seen "standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes. " YEAR BORN: 1950 Ye kue afa polele so "lâ " ni so ayeke tâ ndulu, so ti tene mo lingbi ti" kui lâ oko pëpe. " - Jean 11: 25 - 27. Afterward, the families and their caravans began to head homeward. It is clear that this "day " is near, that you may" never die at all. " - John 11: 25 - 27. Laso, a lingbi e nga kue e sara ye alingbi na lettre so Paul atokua lani na akozo Chrétien so ayeke aHébreu. [ Picture on page 31] Today, we too need to follow Paul's letter to the first - century Hebrew Christians. Fâ Lo na keke ti pasi! ." The negative response of unbelieving relatives to the truth can make life difficult for Jehovah's people. Go down to the torture stake! " Bible atene: "Nzapa alingbi sara sioye kete pëpe. ." In fact, he also uses his faithful angels in our behalf as public servants "sent forth to minister to those who are going to inherit salvation. " " God cannot do any harm, " says the Bible. Mbi ga ti yeda so a yeke Jéhovah la ayeke fâ ngbanga na fason so lo ye nga na ngoi ni. Empowered to Overcome Any Trial I came to understand that it is Jehovah who judges the way he loves and at that time. Zia e bâ fadeso use ye ni so e lingbi ti manda na lege ti tapande ti akozo Chrétien so alango pëpe. Ala zia lê ti ala lani akpengba ti sambela. 19. Let us now consider a second lesson that we can learn from the example of the first - century Christians who kept awake to prayer. Akota tënë ti mbeti ti Jean, 1 / 4 They have been inclined to label what the Bible says as fable or myth. 4 / 15 Nga, e yeke fa so e ku kungo ti duti na yâ fini sese ti siriri so tongana e gi lakue ti duti na siriri na aita ti e na yâ vorongo laso. Well, what was the motivating force in the case of the Israelite slave who renounced his personal freedom? And we show that we look forward to living in this peaceful new world if we always seek peace with fellow believers today. Tâ tënë, ala fa so ala ke Jéhovah na mungo mara ti asandaga so. But what induced professed Christians to adopt these unchristian celebrations? True, they showed a hatred for Jehovah by offering such sacrifices. Na ngoi ti hulungo trompette ti liberté ti Komandema ti Ngu Saki Oko so, Jésus ayeke sala kua na anzoni ye ti peko ti sandaga ti lo ti kota ngele na ndo azo kue so amä na bê na ni, na lo yeke hunzi biaku aye so aga na peko ti siokpari. But Paul had to preach to other communities too. During the Thousand Year Reign, Jesus will use the benefits of his ransom sacrifice to all those exercising faith in it, and he will completely undo the effects of sin. Bâ nga so Jésus aye mingi ti duti lo oko ti sara tënë na Babâ ti lo. Likely, a sudden downpour of rain caused the chariots to get bogged down because of the overflowing Kishon River. Note, too, that Jesus was willing to be alone to speak to his Father. Nga, kete kozoni na kuâ ti Jésus, mbeni ange asi na lo, "na lo sara si Lo wara ngangu. ." They have thus proved their worthiness to take up their new assignments of service in heaven. And shortly before Jesus ' death, an angel appeared to him, "and he strengthened him. " Jésus ayapu na yâ ti kusala ti lo nga lo sara ni na bê ti lo kue, lo yeke mbeni nzoni tapande teti adisciple ti lo kue. What role do sacrifices play in worship? Jesus was zealous and zealous in his ministry, a fine example for all his followers. Lo tene so tongana fade azo ti sewa ti lo amû même gi ngoi kete ti sara lisoro na lo wala gi ti hunda lo ti tene " tongana nyen? ', ka nzara ti ala ayeke sara fade lo mingi tongaso pëpe. Upon hearing about the resurrection, the reporter thanked God with tears in his eyes for letting him know that life has a purpose. He said that if his family had just spent some time with him or simply asked him, " How wouldn't they have shown him so much interest? ' • Tongana nyen ndia so ake tënë ti sarango bê abata e? Thus, we all have areas in which we need to improve in showing love. • How does the law against covetousness protect us? W. He prayed earnestly, even "getting into an agony. " W. Ngbanga ti so Genèse 13: 13 atene "azo ti Sodome ayeke sioni mingi, na awasiokpari so ake L'Eternel ahon ndo ni. " 1 Were Merchants Who Sold Animals in Temple "Robbers "? June Because Genesis 13: 13 says that "the inhabitants of Sodom were very bad, and the sinners began to hate Jehovah very much. " Kua ti fango tënë akaï même kue. Imperfect humans are often reluctant to admit that they simply do not possess absolute authority. The preaching work even ceased. ABIA: 160, 138 What shows that early Christians used music in worship? SONGS TO BE USED: 160, 138 Psaume 119: 14 - 16 afa so gbungo li na ndo Tënë ti Nzapa lakue ti wara nzoni dä ayeke mbeni ye so amû lege na zo ti wara ngia dä. With complete confidence in God's spirit, then, pour your heart into every assignment, become skilled at what you are given to do, and look to Jehovah for assistance. Psalm 119: 14 - 16 shows that regular meditation on God's Word is a source of happiness. Joseph zo ti Arimathée ayeke lani zo wa? 11: 1. Who was Joseph of Arimathea? 40: 6, 13. He spotted the bundle of bills and put them into his pocket. 40: 6, 13. Na lege so, a ba azo mingi so asi singo na " lutingo na gbele trône, na gbele Molenge Ti Ngasangbaga, ala yü vulu bongo. ' The number of unemployed is growing worldwide. In this way, the great crowd is seen " standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes. ' Joseph na Marie nga kue ayeke kiri, ala yeke peut - être na gbâ ti aye ti sarango ni. The faithful man Job knew that he would go to the grave, Sheol, when he died. Joseph and Mary would probably have much to do. [ Foto na lembeti 31] " Go! " [ Picture on page 31] Afami ti e so ayeke aTémoin ape alingbi ti sara na e ye nzoni ape ndali ti so e yeke sara na Jéhovah. Ye so alingbi ti sara si gigi akpengba na e. " No resident will say: " I am sick. ' " - Isaiah 33: 24. Our unbelieving relatives may have a negative influence on us because we serve Jehovah, which can make life difficult. Lo mû nga a - ange be - ta - zo ti sara kusala teti nzoni ti e tongana azo so lo "tokua ala ti sara kua na azo so ayeke wara ande salut. ." Notice, Jesus uses the word "voice " three times. He also uses faithful angels to render public service for our benefit as "those whom he has sent forth to minister for those who are going to inherit salvation. " E wara ngangu ti hon ndo ti akpale kue Faithful Christians will appear weak, like "an afflicted one. " Empowered to Cope With Any Problems 19. Such a spirit is in line with this proverb: "He that is showing favor to the lowly one is lending to Jehovah, and his treatment He will repay to him. " 19. Ala yeke tene so aye so ayeke na yâ ti Bible ayeke atâ ye pëpe me ayeke atënë ti tere. The Devil blinds many people to his existence. - 2 Corinthians 4: 4. They reason that what the Bible says is not true but that it is a myth. Bâ kete, ye wa ayeke pusu lani mbeni zo ti Israël so ayeke ngbâa ti ke ti wara liberté? In any case, they should have remembered the inspired words of Jesus ' disciple James: "Do you not know that the friendship with the world is enmity with God? Well, what moved an Israelite who was enslaved to freedom? Me ye wa apusu aChrétien ti yanga so ti yeda na amatanga so ayeke ti aChrétien pëpe? How did the Pharisees feel about the common people? But what motivates those Christians to accept non - Christian festivals? Me Paul afa lani tënë na ambeni bungbi ti azo nde nga. The city was carefully laid out, with housing blocks 65 feet (20 m) square that were separated by narrow streets. But Paul preached to other groups. (MN). Âmanke hio tongaso, ngu ato nda ti pika mingi na ye so asara si apusu ti mbarata ti Sisera alinda na yâ ti popoto ndali ti so Ngu ti Kison asuku mingi. Michelle: I'm not here to force my beliefs on you, Sophia. (Sa) Suddenly, the river Sisera's horse began to be struck with rain, and Sisera's horse began to collapse because of the torrent valley of Kishon. Ala fa biani so ala lingbi ti yô afini kungba so a yeke mû na ala na yayu. Some will be resurrected to immortal spirit life in the heavens to rule with Christ as kings and priests over the earth. They proved that they could carry out new responsibilities entrusted to them in heaven. Asadaka asala kusala wa na yâ vorongo? He would no longer be with them bodily to instruct them and answer their questions. What role do sacrifices play in worship? Tongana lo mä tënë na ndo ti londongo ti awakinda, wagosinga ni akiri singila na ngule na Nzapa teti so lo hinga awe so zo aduti gi senge senge tongaso pëpe. " I will also bring them to my holy mountain and make them rejoice inside my house of prayer. " - ISAIAH 56: 7. When he heard about the resurrection, the doctor thanked God for not knowing that man was in vain. Tongaso, na yâ ti ambeni ye, e kue e bezoin ti sara ye na ndoye mingi ahon ti kozo. " Righteousness " implies a state of moral integrity and honesty. Hence, in some cases all of us need to be more loving. Lo sambela na bê ti lo kue, na même "vundu agbu Lo mingi ." Jon: Why do you say that? He prayed earnestly, even "felt hurt. " Jéhovah adë bê ti e na yâ ti atara kue so e wara, juin In order to unlock for his listeners knowledge about their opportunity to enter the Kingdom of heaven. Jehovah Provides Comfort in All Our Trials, June Mingi ni, azo so ayeke mbilimbili - kue pepe ayeke ndulu pepe ti yeda so ala yeke pepe na ngangu ti komande kue. Each student in the class would be given a gift - a large envelope containing a few brochures, the book Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work, * and some tracts and magazines. In most cases, imperfect humans are unwilling to acknowledge that they do not have absolute authority. Nyen la afa so akozo Chrétien ayeke voro Nzapa na lege ti mozoko? As a hunter uses bait to attract his prey, Satan employs such devices as fortune - telling, astrology, hypnotism, witchcraft, palmistry, and magic to attract and entrap people around the world. - Leviticus 19: 31; Psalm 119: 110. What shows that first - century Christians worshipped God through music? Ni la, zia bê ti mo kue na yingo ti Nzapa, sara akusala kue so lo mû na mo na bê ti mo kue, sara ni nzoni nga hunda na Jéhovah ti mû maboko na mo. Jenny explains: "We had pioneers living with us, invited pioneers over for meals, and offered lodging for circuit overseers. " By all means, then, trust in God's spirit, do your best, and ask Jehovah for his help. 11: 1. (a) In the case of a civil marriage, what might a Christian couple choose to do? (b) How might the elders be involved in the wedding plans? 11: 1. Lê ti lo atï na ndo ti gbâ ti akugbe ti nginza ni, lo mû ni lo zia na bozo ti lo. Jesus wanted to know what his disciples were thinking, so he listened when they had questions. His eyes fell upon a large amount of paper, and he put it in his bag. Na ndo sese kue, wungo ti azo so ayeke na kua ti nginza pëpe angbâ ti gue gi na li ni. (Read.) Worldwide, the number of people without secular work continues to grow. Job, koli so ayeke be - ta - zo, ahinga so tongana lo kui, lo yeke gue na dû ti kuâ, wala Shéol. Yes, Jehovah wants us to be joyful, our hearts filled with "good cheer. " - Acts 14: 16, 17. The faithful man Job knew that if he died, he would go to Sheol. Lo kiri yanga na Miriam, lo tene: "Mo gue! " These are justice, law, and order. He replied to Miriam: "Go! " " Fade wakodoro atene pëpe, Mbi yeke na kobela. " - Ésaïe 33: 24. But as Paul told the Athenians, this God - Jehovah - "is not far off from each one of us. " - Acts 17: 24, 27. " No resident will say: " I am sick. ' " - Isaiah 33: 24. Bâ so Jésus asala kusala na tënë "yanga " wala go lege ota. What is "mock humility "? In his letter to the Colossians, the apostle Paul warned against the outward pretense of humility to impress men. Note that Jesus used the word " mouth " three times. A yeke ba ande aChrétien be - ta - zo tongana azo so awoko, tongana "wanzinga. " Ours is a marked era, a time of great trouble that is due to end in the destruction of a corrupt world system of things. Faithful Christians will be viewed as weak as "a lot of refuse. " Mara ti bibe so ague oko na mato so: "Zo so asala be - nzoni na awanzinga, lo mû [bon] na L'Eternel, na fade L'Eternel afuta lo teti nzo kusala ti lo. ." In this we again find a striking parallel to true Christianity in our time. Such thinking is in line with the proverb: "He that is showing favor to the lowly one is lending to Jehovah, and his treatment He will repay to him. " Zabolo avuko lê ti gbâ ti azo ti tene ala pensé so lo yeke dä ape. - 2 aCorinthien 4: 4. 16, 17. The Devil has blinded many to believe that he exists. - 2 Corinthians 4: 4. Atâa ye ni ayeke tongana nyen, ala lingbi biani lani ti dabe na atënë so Jacques, mbeni disciple ti Jésus, asû na gbe ti yingo: "I hinga pëpe? At a time when cathedrals were vying for pilgrims, the biography he wrote about his predecessor, "Saint " Remigius, likely was intended to increase the renown of his church and to enrich it. In any case, they could well recall the inspired words of Jesus ' disciple James: "Do you not know? Bibe ti aFarizien na mbage ti asenge zo ayeke lani tongana nyen? In contrast to the above Biblical examples, consider the positive attitude that the apostle Paul had: "I am pursuing down toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God by means of Christ Jesus. " What was the attitude of the Pharisees toward the common people? A leke lani gbata ni pendere, a fâ yâ ti ando ni carré carré so ayo mètre 20, mbage na mbage nga akete lege ahon na popo ni. What type of growth is described at Acts 12: 24, and how did this take place? The city was well - built, and it was cut up about 20 feet [about m] apart, on the other side, and on the other side of the road. Sophie: Depuis kete ti mbi, mbi yeke gue eglize. 1: 3. Sophia: From my childhood, I have attended church. Ti ala, ala yeke duti na tere ti Christ na yayu ti komande legeoko na lo tongana agbia na aprêtre na ndo ti sese. " They say that I'm immature, that I'll never learn, and that I'm fat. For them, they would be with Christ in heaven to rule with him as kings and priests over the earth. Lo yeke duti mbeni pëpe na ala na lege ti mitele ti fa ye na ala na ti kiri tënë na ahundango tënë ti ala. Zealous anointed sisters today manifest the same humble attitude, whether the appointed elders are of the anointed or not. He would no longer be with them physically in order to teach them and answer their questions. " Fade Mbi ga na ala na Hoto ti Mbi ti nzoni - kue, na fade Mbi sara si ala wara ngia na yâ da ti sambela ti Mbi. " - ESAÏE 56: 7. The Fourth and Fifth Woes " I shall bring them to my holy mountain, and I will make them rejoice inside my house of prayer. " - ISAIAH 56: 7. " Mbilimbili " aye ti tene ngbango nduru na akpengba - ndia so afa lege na zo ti tambela nzoni. Neighbors surrounded one home to take away the wife of one of the young men, asserting that she could not live with her expelled husband. " Righteousness " means sticking to moral principles. Jean: Mo tene tongaso ndali ti nyen? Included are the surviving family members, who suffer emotional and financial loss, as well as the 600,000 nonsmokers who die each year from breathing secondhand smoke. Jon: Why do you say that? Ti mû lege na ala so ayeke mä lo ti hinga so lege azi na ala ti lï na yâ Royaume ti yayu. He fulfilled his vow by devoting his daughter to exclusive service at Jehovah's sanctuary at Shiloh. To enable his listeners to recognize that they have the opportunity to enter the heavenly Kingdom. Ala leke ti mû na wamandango mbeti oko oko mbeni enveloppe so a zia na yâ ni ambeni brochure, buku Les jeunes s'interrogent - Réponses pratiques, * ambeni tract nga na apériodique. Therefore, they are accountable to him. They arranged to give each student a copy of the brochure Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work, * some tracts, and magazines. Legeoko tongana mbeni wagingo nyama so ayeke zia mbeni kobe na lê ti mbeni kuku ti gbu na anyama, Satan nga kue, ti gboto azo ti sese na mbage ti lo na ti gbu ala, lo yeke sala kusala na aye tongana bango mbadi, horoscope, bingo zeke, likundu, atënë so andu salango ngben wala aye ti hurukuzu nga na magie. - Lévitique 19: 31; Psaume 119: 110. We certainly agree with the psalmist who sang: "How good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity! " - Psalm 133: 1. Like a birdcatcher who makes an object of bread to catch up with animals, Satan also draws people to him and uses natural objects, such as magic, medicine, magic, and magic. - Leviticus 19: 31; Psalm 119: 2; Psalm 119: 20; Psalm 119: 1. Jenny afa ni: "E tisa lani apionnier ti lango na da ti e, e hiri ambeni ti te kobe na e, na e tisa nga asurveillant ti circonscription ti lango na yâ ti da ti e. " I have a clear conscience. Jenny explains: "We invited pioneers to live with us, called some for meals, and invited circuit overseers to our home. " So ayeke ndo ti vorongo tâ Nzapa na ayeke nzoni ndo ti mû diskur ti mariage so Jéhovah Nzapa ayeke gunda ni. Did You Know? This is the place of true worship and is a good place to deliver a marriage talk to Jehovah God. Jésus aye lani ti hinga bibe ti adisciple ti lo, ni la lo yeke dengi mê ti mä ala tongana ala yeke na ahundango tënë. 2: 6 - 9; 45: 1 - 4. Jesus wanted to know his disciples ' thinking, so he listened as they had questions. (Diko ni.) That Gideon and his 300 men were able to vanquish 135,000 Midianites attests to God's infinite power. (Read.) 14: 16, 17. 11: 5, 13. 14: 16, 17. Gere ni so ayeke aye tongana fango ngbanga ti mbilimbili, salango ye na lege ti ndia nga na salango ye na lege ni. On average, it kills one person every six seconds. It consists of justice, law, and honesty. Me tongana ti so Paul atene na azo ti Athènes, Nzapa so, wala Jéhovah, ayeke "yongoro pëpe na e oko oko kue ." - Kusala 17: 24, 27. How can they hope to win against superhuman, wicked spirit forces? But as Paul told the men of Athens, this God, Jehovah, is "not far off from each one of us. " - Acts 17: 24, 27. Na yâ mbeti ti lo na aChrétien ti Colosses, bazengele Paul agboto mê na ndo dutingo na tâ be - ti - molenge gi ti handa na lê ti azo. [ Picture on page 25] In his letter to Christians in Colossae, the apostle Paul warned against humility. Ngoi ti e ayeke mbeni ngoi so aye ti wusuwusu ahon ndo ni na a yeke hunzi ande na futingo ti sioni dunia so. Scriptural Questions Answered: Our time is marked by turbulent conditions and the end of this wicked system of things. Na ye so nga e kiri e ba mbeni kpengba ye so ague legeoko na tâ lege ti vorongo ti aChrétien laso. • How can you show that you appreciate the significance of getting baptized in the name of the Father and the Son? This, in turn, is another important factor that is linked to true Christianity today. 16, 17. We came out of a cold, uncaring world, hoping that all in the congregation would treat one another with Christian kindness. 16, 17. Na mbeni ngoi so acathédrale ayeke gbugburu tele ti wara azo so ague na ayongoro tambela ndali ti tënë ti vorongo, tondo ti fini so lo sû na ndo kota - bua so aga kozo na lo, "Saint " Rémigius, ayeke peut - être ti gi ti yä iri ti église ti lo, nga ti sala si mosoro ti église ni awu. Jesus responded by relating a parable that described a Samaritan who came across a man, a Jew, who had been assaulted by robbers and stripped of his possessions. During one of the long periods of religious competition, his story of the bishop who had come before him, "Minususususus, perhaps to seek his church's name and to promote the treasure of the church. Nde na so, bazengele Paul afa anzoni ye so aChrétien alingbi ti gi ti duti na ni, tongana lo tene: "Mbi kpe ngangu ti si na nda ti lege ni ti kamata matabisi so Nzapa airi mbi na nduzu ti kamata na yâ Christ Jésus. ." Why not make a mental or a written list of the things for which you are grateful? On the contrary, the apostle Paul pointed to the good things Christians can pursue when he said: "I am pursuing toward the goal to receive the gift which God has chosen me from among Christ Jesus. " A fa peko ti mara ti guengo na li ni wa na Kusala 12: 24, na tongana nyen ye so aga tâ ye? Now, since you're going to have another birthday soon, you can either have a new dress or these books. What kind of growth is described at Acts 12: 24, and how has this been fulfilled? 1: 3. Buddhism differs from Hinduism in that it denies the existence of an immortal soul. 1: 3. Ala tene so mbi yeke molenge, mbi yeke changé lâ oko pëpe nga mbi kono mingi. Rutherford. They said that I was a child, that I would never change and grow up. Kpengba kobe ti yingo so a mû ni na kozo siècle aga tâ na lege ti ambeti so abazengele na ambeni disciple so amû li ni lani, asû ni. While church dignitaries found it difficult to determine the exact identity of Jesus Christ, many of the common people had no such problem. The timely spiritual food given in the first century was provided according to the writings of the apostles and other disciples who were taking the lead. Osio Nga na Oku Vundu Ni How vital it is that family members think seriously about how they are fulfilling this responsibility toward God and their children! Four and Five Woes Teti so a tomba lo na yâ ti Église ni awe, ala tene so wali ni alingbi ti ngbâ na lo pëpe. We can only endeavor to count the various manifestations of Jehovah's unfailing love for us. Because she had been expelled from the church, they said that she could not stay with her. Atanga ti azo ti sewa ti ala nga kue ayeke bâ pasi nga ala yeke wara kpale ti nginza. Nga, ngu oko oko azo 600 000 so anyon manga ape ayeke kui ndali ti so guru ti manga ayeke ga na hôn ti ala. COVER SUBJECT | WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY ABOUT LIFE AND DEATH? The rest of their family also suffer and suffer financial hardships, and each year, some 6,000 people who are not smoking will die because tobacco smoke is getting into their spirits. Lo sara ye alingbi na zendo ti lo na lege so lo mû molenge ti lo ti wali ti sara kusala gi na temple ti Jéhovah na Silo. Consider how Biblical wisdom has helped people to avoid some of life's hardest problems before they became entrenched. He kept his promise by using his daughter to serve only at Jehovah's temple in Shiloh. Ndani la si ala yeke kiri tënë na lo na ye so ala yeke sala. I was at ease among those people who fought for workers ' rights and equality for women. That is why they respond to him. Kite ayeke pëpe so e yeda na tënë so wasungo psaume ahe na bia: "Bâ, a yeke nzoni na a nzere mingi, tongana aita aduti na beoko! " - Psaume 133: 1. I wept as I read about the torments our brothers were suffering. Surely we agree with the psalmist's words: "Look! How good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity! " - Psalm 133: 1. Mbi yeke na nzoni yingo - ti - hinga. Why does Jehovah not give us an immediate response to our every request? I have a clean conscience. Mo hinga? And what can be said about older men? Did You Know? 2: 6 - 9; 45: 2 - 5. They were under great pressure from the Jewish religious leaders, who still wielded powerful influence over the people. 2: 6 - 9; 45: 2 - 5. So Gédéon na azo ti lo 300 awara lege ti hon azo ti Madian 135 000 afa so ngangu ti Nzapa ayeke na katikati ni pëpe. Both of them progressed to baptism. The fact that Gideon and his 300 men were able to conquer the Midianites shows that God's power is not limited. 11: 5, 13. (Read Proverbs 3: 5, 6.) 11: 5, 13. So ti tene azo omene na yâ ti seconde oko oko Pursuing a course of goodness requires that we guard our associations and turn away from those who are "without love of goodness. " This means that there are six people in each second of the world's population Tongana nyen la amaseka alingbi ti duti na beku ti sö benda na ndö ti awato so ngangu ti ala ahon ti azo, so ayeke asioni yingo so? As I sat behind the Kingdom Hall where no one could see me, the memories of Vietnam - the smell of burned human flesh and the sight of blood and gore - began to overwhelm me. How can young ones hope to conquer superhuman opposers? [ Foto na lembeti 25] Similarly, people who learn God's requirements through a study of the Bible must allow seeds of truth to reach the heart in order for those seeds to sprout and move them to action. - Matthew 13: 3 - 9, 19 - 23. [ Picture on page 25] Akiringo tënë na atënë na ndo ti Bible: * Hence, whether a number in Revelation is to be taken literally or symbolically depends on its background and setting. Scriptural Questions Answered: • Tongana nyen mo lingbi ti fa so mo gbu nda ti ye so warango batême na iri ti Babâ na ti Molenge aye ti tene? 16, 17. (a) Why do not all accept the truth? (b) What joy can you experience as you proclaim Bible truth? • How can you show that you understand what being baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son means? So e londo na yâ ti mbeni dunia so ndoye ayeke dä pëpe, e ku ti tene azo kue na yâ ti congrégation asara ye na mba na nzoni bê. Do you sometimes feel exhausted or weak because of the unrelenting pressures and temptations of this world? Since we have come from a world without love, we expect all in the congregation to treat one another in a kind manner. Ti kiri tënë, Jésus amû mbeni tapande na ndo mbeni zo ti Samarie so awara mbeni zo na lege, mbeni Juif so azo ti nzi apika lo na ala mû ye ti lo kue. Moreover, God's Son said: "If you remain in my word,... you will know the truth. " In answer, Jesus gave an illustration about a Samaritan who found someone on the road, a Jewish thief, and offered everything. Ngbanga ti nyen mo gi pëpe ti bata na li ti mo wala ti sû na lê ti mbeti aye so mo kiri singila ndali ni? * Pedro says: "When talking about spiritual matters, the heart and emotions are involved. Why not try to keep in mind or write down your appreciation for it? Ala sala tënë na ndo Bible. And the end is not yet. They discussed the Bible. Ti nzapa ti Bouddhisme, lo ke ti lo tënë ti mbeni âme so akui pëpe. Whenever possible, elders make sure that practical arrangements are implemented in order to meet the needs of older ones in the congregation. To the god of Limbo, he rejected an immortal soul. Rutherford na place ti lo. This does not mean that the Christian congregation ceased to exist, for Jesus promised to continue to guide his spiritual brothers "all the days until the conclusion of the system of things. " Rutherford at his place. Atâa so a yeke ngangu na akota zo ti eglize ti hinga Jésus Christ nzoni, a yeke ngangu pëpe na mingi ti asenge zo. Occasionally, we may feel that no one cares about the good we do. But Jehovah cares. Although it is difficult for church leaders to get to know Jesus Christ better, it is not easy for most of the common people. A yeke kota ye mingi ti tene azo ti yâ ti sewa agbu li nzoni na ndo ti lege so ala yeke sara na kua so Nzapa amû na ala nga na ndo ti lege so ala yeke bata na amolenge ti ala. John the Baptizer identified Jesus as "the Lamb of God. " - John 1: 29. STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: E lingbi pëpe ti diko aye kue so Jéhovah asara ti fa so lo ye e. Knowing the consequences of Adam's decision should move us to use our freedom responsibly and within the limits set by Jehovah. We cannot read all that Jehovah has done to show his love for us. KOTA MAMA - TENE NI | BIBLE ATENE NYEN NA NDÖ TI FINI NGA NA KUÂ? [ Pictures on page 10] COVER SUBJECT WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY? Zia e bâ tongana nyen la atënë ti ndara ti Bible a - aidé azo ti kpe si angangu kpale ti yâ ti gigi asi na ala kozo si akpale ni aga ambeni ye so ayeke ngangu ti tene a leke ni. The only authority that Christian overseers have comes from the Scriptures. Let us see how the Bible's wise words help people to avoid the pressures of life before problems become difficult to solve. A nzere na mbi lani ti duti na popo ti azo ni so, so ala yeke tiri ndali ti adroit ti azo so ayeke sara kua nga na droit ti awali. People began calling on the name of Jehovah, but not as a reverent act of worship. I enjoyed being among them, who were fighting for the rights and rights of women. Ngu ti lê ti mbi ayeke ga tongana mbi diko ye na ndo pasi so aita abâ. Loyalty to God also includes loyalty to his organization. My tears would come when I read about the suffering experienced by the brothers. Ngbanga ti nyen Jéhovah ayeke mû na e lakue pëpe gi na lê ni lê ni aye so e hunda na lo? Not all the power we possess comes directly from God. Why does Jehovah not always give us our immediate requests? Ka ti ambakoro - koli ayeke tongana nyen? A FEW years ago, a Christian couple in Fiji were sharing in a campaign to invite people to the Memorial of Christ's death. What about older men? Akozo Chrétien atingbi lani na gbâ ti akpale, mingi ni ala so ayeke na Jérusalem nga na Judée, ndali ti so akota zo ti nzapa ti aJuif ayeke gbu lani azo na ngangu ti mä yanga ti ala. We were shown where to cut trees and collect grass to use in building our own small house. First - century Christians faced many challenges, especially those in Jerusalem and Judea, because Jewish religious leaders forced people to obey them. Ala use kue ague na li ni juska ti wara batême. When he was wearing himself out in caring for the problems of others, his father - in - law, Jethro, offered a practical solution: Share some responsibility with other qualified men. Both progressed to baptism. (Diko aProverbe 3: 5, 6.) God's Word foretold this deplorable situation, saying: "The nations became wrathful, and [God's] own wrath came. " (Read Proverbs 3: 5, 6.) Ti ngbâ ti fa na gigi nzoye ahunda ti tene e sala hange na azo so e yeke fono na ala na ti vï peko ti e na ala so "andoye nzoye pëpe. " Jesus ' reply to Peter was firm: "Get behind me, Satan! " Keeping on displaying goodness requires that we guard against those with whom we are walking after us and those who are "without love of goodness. " Na ngoi so mbi yeke ku ti tene aita aga ndali ti bungbi ti fango tënë, mbi rappelé na aye so asi na mbi na Vietnam, fion ti azo so a zö ala, amênë nga na akä so mbi bâ, vundu akomanse ti hon ndo ti mbi. How does the Bible illustrate the importance of choosing the right time to speak? While I was waiting for the meetings to be held, I remembered my experiences, the eyes of those who had been burned, the blood, and the wounds that I saw, and the pain began to overwhelm me. Me aréfugié ni ayeke wara nginza na ndo wa ti vo na aye? Peer pressure will not go away, so parents will likely face a constant struggle to " overturn worldly reasonings ' and help their children to bring their thoughts " into captivity, in obedience to the Christ. ' But where would the refugees earn money? A yeke nga legeoko teti azo so amanda aye so Nzapa ahunda na lege ti Bible. A lingbi ala zia alê ti tâ tënë andu bê ti ala, amaï na apusu ala ti sala ye. - Matthieu 13: 3 - 9, 19 - 23. Translators of many non - English editions faced this problem: The term "Sheol " is unknown to most of their readers, it is not found in their dictionaries, and it sounds like some geographic location. The same is true of those who learn what God requires through his Word, letting the eyes of truth touch their heart, and motivate them to action. - Matthew 13: 3 - 9, 19 - 23. * Ni la, ti hinga wala mbeni wungo so ayeke na yâ buku ti Apocalypse ayeke tâ wungo wala mbeni wungo na lege ti fä, a lingbi a bâ ngoi so a sû na ni nga atënë so angoro tele ni. 12: 13. * Hence, to determine whether a number in the book of Revelation is literal or symbolic, the time and context must be seen. A mû nga ngia na e mingi ti bâ azo so ayeke yeda na Tënë ti Nzapa na bê ti kiri singila. Thus, false measures, false weights, and false speech are rampant in the commercial world of Micah's day. It also brings us great joy to see those who respond appreciatively to God's Word. Ngoi na ngoi, mo bâ so mo nze wala mo woko ngbanga ti angangu na atara so sese ayeke sala na so aye ti hunzi pëpe? Those living in that righteous human society will be brought to perfection, free from sin. Do you at times feel discouraged or discouraged because of the efforts and temptations of this world? Nga, Molenge ti Nzapa atene: "Tongana i duti na yâ tene ti Mbi,... fade i hinga tâ tene. " Why not? And God's Son said: "If you remain in my word,... you will know the truth. " * Pedro atene: "Tongana e sala lisoro na ndo aye ti yingo, ge a ndu tënë ti bê nga na ti bibe. How glad we are to prepare well and make an extra effort to help others draw close to God! * "When we talk about spiritual things, it involves both the mind and the mind. Na a ngbâ ti gue na li ni. Jesus died on a torture stake on Friday afternoon, April 1. And there is still progress. Tongana lege ayeke dä, a - ancien ayeke leke aye ti sara si ambakoro awara aye so ala yeke na bezoin ni. To handle this situation, Timothy was to be firm for Scriptural truth yet gentle in dealing with his brothers. When appropriate, elders make arrangements to care for the needs of older ones. Ye so aye ti tene pëpe so kongregation ti aChrétien ayeke lï ngu biaku biaku, teti so Jésus amû lani zendo ti ngbâ ti fa lege na aita ti lo ti yingo "lakue, même juska na nda ti ngoi so. ." The limited number of Christians chosen by Jehovah to be associated with Christ in the heavenly Kingdom government undergo "a new birth " as spirit - begotten sons of God. This does not mean that the Christian congregation would continue forever, for Jesus promised to continue directing his spiritual brothers "all the days until the conclusion of the system of things. " Na ambeni ngoi e lingbi ti bâ so zo oko abâ pëpe aye ti nzoni so e sara, me Jéhovah abâ aye ti nzoni kue so e sara. Peter, though, correctly limited the "fleshly desires " of which he was speaking to those that" carry on a conflict against the soul. " We may at times feel that no one sees what we do, but Jehovah sees everything we do. Jean Baptiste afa na azo so Jésus ayeke "Molenge ti ngasangbaga ti Nzapa ." - Jean 1: 29. Christians unitedly followed the teachings and instructions of the Founder of Christianity, Jesus Christ. John the Baptizer explained that Jesus is "the Lamb of God. " - John 1: 29. So e hinga aye so aga na peko ti desizion so Adam amû adoit ti pusu e ti sara kua na liberté ti e nzoni nga ti sara gï aye so Jéhovah amû na e liberté ti sara. To make matters worse, we had a slight accident, and I toppled out of the chair onto my knees. Knowing the consequences of Adam's decision should move us to exercise our free will and to choose what Jehovah has given us to do. [ Afoto na lembeti 10] If he is now a teenager, does he still seek your approval so openly? [ Pictures on page 10] A hunda na a - ancien ti sara kua gi na Bible ti fa lege na aita. As we noted at the outset, the design of living things is such that scientists often seek to mimic it. Elders need to use the Bible only to guide others. Na ota hale ni mbeni ye ti sioni abâ gigi. Azo akomanse ti di iri ti Jéhovah, me ala voro lo na bê ti ala kue ape. I was the second child, but the first son in a family that eventually grew to include Father's 3 wives and 13 children. And the third offspring came into existence and began to call on Jehovah's name, but they did not worship him with a complete heart. Dutingo be - biani na Nzapa ahunda nga ti duti be - biani na bungbi ti lo. In some areas, the gathering of these different races at a religious meeting is unheard of or is looked down on by others. Loyalty to God also involves loyalty to his organization. Angangu kue so e yeke na ni alondo pepe polele na Nzapa. Uwe explains: "David witnessed the unscriptural behavior of some fellow believers. Any power we have is not clear from God. NA YÂ ti angu so ahon ade ti ninga ape, mbeni ita - koli na wali ti lo na kodoro ti Fiji ayeke kangbi mbeti ti tisango azo na Matanga ti Dango Bê na kuâ ti Christ. Instead, let them see in you the benefits of following Jehovah's ways. IN SOME years ago, a Christian couple in Fiji distributed an invitation to the Memorial of Christ's death. Ala tokua sewa ti e na camp ti aréfugié na Nyarugusu. Kâ, a mû na e mbeni ndo ti leke na da ti e, na ala zia numéro na ndo ni ti hinga na ndo so e yeke dä. How does this fit in with the adoration that many sincere believers bestow on Mary? They sent our family to the refugee camp in Taaaaaa, where we were assigned to build our home, and they placed a number of pages to find out where we were. Lani, tongana akpale ti azo akomanse ti hon ndo ti lo, Jéthro, kogara ti lo ti koli, amû mbeni pendere wango na lo: Kangbi yâ ti kungba ni na ambeni koli so alingbi kue. This mighty kingdom also attempted to wipe out God's people. When mankind's problems began to overwhelm him, his father - in - law - gave him sound advice: Putting the load into the hands of a perfect man. Mbeti ti Nzapa afa kozoni awe tënë ti kpale so, atene: "Amara asara kota ngonzo na ngonzo ti [Nzapa] asi awe. " In prayer to Jehovah on the last night of his earthly life, Jesus made this plea for his followers: "I have given your word to them, but the world has hated them, because they are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world. God's Word foretold this danger: "The anger and the anger of [God] has arrived. " Jésus atene na Pierre polele, lo tene: "Hon na peko ti mbi kâ, Satan! ." This publication is not for sale. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Jesus clearly told Peter: "Come after me, Satan! " Tongana nyen la Bible afa so a yeke kota ye ti soro nzoni ngoi so e lingbi ti sara na tënë? Or it may have been when your once - sunny disposition was overshadowed by the dark clouds of depression. How do the Scriptures emphasize the importance of choosing the right time to speak? Angangu so azo ayeke sala na ndo ti amba ti ala ayeke hunzi pëpe, tongaso, ababâ na mama ayeke sala ande peut - être ngangu lakue ti " kinda ye ti bibe ti sese so ' na ti mû maboko na amolenge ti ala ti sala si bibe ti ala "aga ngbâa ti mä Christ .." As dedicated Witnesses of Jehovah who possess this precious knowledge about the future, do we not sense that we have a debt toward others? May meditating on this move us to tell others the good news of God's Kingdom. - Ps. Human pressure will not fail, so parents will likely strive to " overturn the mind of the world ' and help their children to " become slaves of Christ. ' A yeke nga na yâ ti adictionaire ti yanga ti kodoro ti ala ape, na ambeni apensé atene a yeke iri ti mbeni ndo la. We praise him, thank him, and seek his guidance. It is also not part of their language, and some feel that it is a place. 17, 18. Atënë wa, so lo leke nzoni, Jésus asala na kusala ti bi yongoro atënë ti wataka so aFarizien abi na li ti lo? Jehovah Rescues His People 17, 18. What well - prepared words did Jesus use to cast out false accusations against him? 12: 15. (a) What can be accomplished by emphasizing that the comfort God gives "abounds through the Christ "? 12: 15. Na lege so, aye ti hakango na ye nga na akilo so ayeke na lege ni pëpe, na atënë ti wataka ayeke aye so amû yâ ti kusala ti dengo buze na ngoi ti Michée. When he succeeds, I commend him. In this way, the comparison between the comparison and the wrong snow, and false accusations are common in Micah's day. [ Foto na lembeti 32] God's Law taught the Israelites to love alien residents [ Picture on page 32] A yeke zi ande siokpari na tere ti azo ni so. • How did love help Jeremiah " keep awake ' to his commission? They will be removed from sin. Ngbanga ti nyen? The next article will examine such questions. Why? Ba tongana nyen e yeke na ngia ti leke tele nzoni na ti sala ngangu mingi ahon ti mu maboko na ambeni zo ti ga ndulu na Nzapa! " Christianity may have made hell a household word, " says U.S.News & World Report, "but it doesn't hold a monopoly on the doctrine. How happy we are to prepare well and put forth greater effort to help others draw close to God! Jésus akui na ndo keke ti pasi na vendredi na peko ti midi, lango 1 ti nze ti avril. The Fight Against Poverty - A Losing Battle? Jesus died on Friday afternoon, April 1, after sundown. Ti leke tënë so, a lingbi Timothée amû mbage ti tâ tënë ti Mbeti ti Nzapa na mbito pëpe, me lo duti na nzobe na yâ salango ye ti lo na mbage ti aita ti lo. The resulting wickedness is due, in part, to Satan's continued influence and has gradually revealed a great truth: Man is incapable of governing himself without God. - Jeremiah 10: 23. To settle this issue, Timothy needed to stand up for Scriptural truth, but he showed kindness in his dealings with his brothers. Kete wungo ti aChrétien so Jéhovah asoro ala ti duti legeoko na Christ na yâ ti Royaume ti yayu, a " kiri adü ala fini ' tongana amolenge ti Nzapa na lege ti yingo. Yet, Jehovah's servants will be able to look to him with complete confidence. The small number of anointed Christians of Jehovah's heavenly Kingdom are "born again " as spiritual sons of God. NA NGOI so mbi yeke na ekole, aye achangé mingi ape. Greater responsibilities now awaited that slave. WHEN I was in school, things changed much. Me Pierre ayeke sara lani tënë ti "anzara ti mitele " so" ayeke tiri na âme. " A yeke anzara ti mitele so ayeke sioni. My heart was touched. But Peter was referring to "the deceptive power of the flesh " that" is at war with the soul. " Na bê oko, aChrétien amû lani peko ti afango ye nga na awango ti Jésus Christ, so ayeke Zo so azia na sese bungbi ti aChrétien. Jesus ' Compassion for Women Christians willingly followed the teachings and counsel of Jesus Christ, the Maker of Christianity. Kpale ni akiri akono mingi tongana e sala mbeni kete ndao si mbi londo na ndo ngende ni mbi tï na ndo likuni ti mbi. For the past 14 years, I have served in the full - time ministry, helping others to learn what the Bible teaches, and recently, my wife has joined me in the full - time ministry. The problem went further when I got a small accident and fell up on my knees. So fadeso lo kono awe so, lo ngbâ lakue ti gi ti nzere na mo? As a moving conclusion to these interviews, the audience sang song number 86, entitled "Faithful Women, Christian Sisters. " Now that he is older, is he still trying to please you? Tongana ti so e bâ na tongo nda ni, awasenda - ye ayeke haka gi peko ti kode so a leke na aye tongana andeke nga na anyama. However, rebellion against Jehovah's sovereignty marred the first marriage and brought sin and death to all mankind. As noted at the outset, scientists imitate creation's design. Mbi yeke lani use molenge ni, me kozo molenge - koli ni tongana Babâ amû ambeni wali use na ndo ni na lo dü amolenge kue 13. Jehovah is here portrayed as taking the sins of a repentant wrongdoer and throwing them behind Him where He neither sees them nor takes notice of them anymore. I was the second child, but the firstborn son, when Father took two women and produced all 13 children. Na ambeni ndo ni, a yeke ngangu ti tene azo so mara ti ala ayeke nde nde aduti ndo oko ti voro Nzapa. Would he let them come home? In some cases it is difficult for people from different ethnic groups to worship God together. Uwe atene: "David abâ ambeni wakua ti Jéhovah so asara ye ague nde na ye so Bible afa. Rather, it is a load for which "each of us will render an account for himself to God. " " David saw some servants of Jehovah who acted contrary to what the Bible teaches, " says David. Me zia si afami ti mo abâ anzoni ye so sarango ye so Jéhovah aye aga na ni. The apostle Paul explained this, saying: "Through him we... have the approach to the Father by one spirit. " But allow your relatives to see the good results of doing Jehovah's will. Ye so abâ vorongo so azo mingi so atene ala yeke awamabe ayeke voro na Marie so tongana nyen? Has the Devil managed to turn everyone away from the true God? How does this apply to the worship of many who claim to be believers to Mary? Ngangu ngorogbia so nga aye lani ti hunzi azo ti Nzapa kue. Expounding on his personal experience when exposed to the Scriptures, he says: "I happened to meet with certain barbaric writings, too old to be compared with the opinions of the Greeks, and too divine to be compared with their errors; and I was led to put faith in these by the unpretending cast of the language, the inartificial character of the writers, the foreknowledge displayed of future events, the excellent quality of the precepts, and the declaration of the government of the universe as centered in one Being. " That world power also wanted to end God's people. Na yâ sambela na Jéhovah na ndangba bï ti fini ti lo na ndo sese, Jésus ahunda ye so teti adisciple ti lo: "Mbi mu tene ti Mo na ala; na sese so ake ala teti ala yeke ti sese so pepe, legeoko tongana Mbi yeke ti sese so pepe. That was in 1934. In prayer to Jehovah on the final night of his earthly life, Jesus asked his disciples: "I have given your word to them, and the world has hated them, because they are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world. A yeke kä mbeti so kango pëpe, me a yeke na lege ti a - offrande so azo amû na bê ti ala kue si a sigi na ni ti fa na tënë ti Nzapa na azo na ndö ti sese kue. [ Footnotes] This publication is not for sale. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Wala peut - être a yeke na ngoi so kota vundu ato nda ti sara mo lakue, atâa so kozoni mo yeke na ngia mingi. When Jesus saw a needy widow drop in "two small coins of very little value, " he said:" I tell you truthfully, This widow, although poor, dropped in more than they all did. Or perhaps it is when you are under great stress every day, even though you were once very happy. Tongana e gbu li ti e na ndo ti aye so Christ ayeke sara ni na yâ ti ngoi kete, a yeke pusu e ti fa nzoni tënë ti Royaume ti Nzapa na azo. - Ps. Purpose of Study Articles Meditating on what Christ will soon do will move us to share the good news of God's Kingdom with others. - Ps. E yeke gonda lo, e yeke kiri singila na lo nga e yeke hunda lo ti fa lege na e. How has consideration of the transfiguration vision and related prophecies affected you? We praise him, thank him, and ask for his guidance. Jéhovah asö azo ti lo He adapted his presentation so as to appeal to different groups and to people with varying attitudes. - Acts 17: 22, 23, 34; 1 Cor. Jehovah Delivers His People Lakue tongana lo sara kua ni nzoni, mbi gonda lo. Jehovah's Reminders Are Trustworthy, 9 / 15 Each time he worked well, I commended him. Ndia so Nzapa amû na Moïse afa na azo ti Israël ti ye awande It was a great life! God's Law to Moses taught the Israelites to love strangers • Tongana nyen la ndoye amû maboko na Jérémie ti "lango pëpe " na yâ ti kusala ti lo? Counsel to keep ourselves "restrained under evil " applies to all Christians. • How did love help Jeremiah to "keep on the watch " in his ministry? Article ti peko ayeke kiri tënë na ahunda so. It is inspired by God, and everything in it can prove beneficial to us. The following article will address these questions. Mbeti - sango U.S.News & World Report atene: "Chrétienté asala peut - être si tënë ti enfer amû yanga ti azo ti lo kue, me gi lo oko si amä na bê na tënë ni so pëpe. That verse had a literal fulfillment in the case of Jesus. U.S.News & World Report put it this way: "The Church may have adopted the idea of hell, but only he did not believe it. Tiringo Bira na Nzinga A Yeke Gi Senge? As a result, moral and doctrinal issues remain as divisive as ever. Is it just a struggle? Aye ti sioni so asi ayeke mingi ni ndali ti so Satan angbâ ti sara ngangu na ndo ti azo, nga afa yeke na yeke so tënë so ayeke tâ tënë: Zo ayeke na ngangu pëpe ti fa lege na tere ti lo wani sân mungo maboko ti Nzapa. - Jérémie 10: 23. We were all born with a fatal flaw - sin! Such calamities are particularly dangerous because Satan continues to influence mankind, and it is true that man has no control over himself without divine help. - Jeremiah 10: 23. Ye oko, awakua ti Jéhovah alingbi ande ti zia bê ti ala kue na lo. By 1885, about 300 Bible Students were sharing in the colporteur service. However, Jehovah's servants will be able to trust in him. Fadeso, akungba ayeke ku ngbâa ni, so ahon ti so lo wara awe. " I had a comfortable life but felt that I was just giving God my surplus, as it were. Now there is more to the slave than he had already received. Mbage so ge apika bê ti mbi teti tâ gi aye so mbi ye ti hinga ndani la. Job knew that God weighs all mankind in "accurate scales, " using His perfect standard of justice to gauge our integrity. I was impressed by what I wanted to understand. Be - nzoni ti Jésus na mbage ti awali This means to recognize our limitations and to depend on God. Jesus ' Loving - Kindness Toward Women A sara ngu 14 tongaso awe la mbi yeke sara kua ti fango tënë ti Nzapa teti angbonga mingi ti mû maboko na azo ti hinga ye so Bible afa. Nga ade ti ninga ape, wali ti mbi kue atï nga dä na peko ti mbi na yâ ti kua ni so. Subjects recently considered include: "Parents - Train Your Children With Love, "" Return Evil for Evil to No One, " and "Why All Suffering Is Soon to End. " Some 14 years ago, I have been busy helping others to understand what the Bible teaches, and my wife has soon joined me in that work. Na nda ti lisoro ni azo kue so aga ahe bia 86 so iri ni ayeke: "Awali be - ta - zo, awali Chrétien. " " As long as Jehovah permits, we will continue to preach the Kingdom good news with zeal, using every possible means to reach people. " - 2010 YEARBOOK OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES. At the end of the conversation, all in attendance sang: "The faithful women, Christian women. " Ye oko, na peko ti so ala ke yanga ti Jéhovah, yâ ti mariage ti ala abuba, na siokpari na kuâ aga na ndo ti azo kue. In recent decades, that slave has been closely identified with the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. After they rebelled against Jehovah, however, their marriage broke down, and sin and death spread to all mankind. Na ndo so, a fa Jéhovah tongana zo so ayeke lungula siokpari ti mbeni zo so agbian bê ti lo, na lo bï ni na peko ti Lo si Lo bâ ni mbeni pëpe na Lo bi bê nga dä mbeni pëpe. Thus, never let it be said that we have left the love that we had when we first knew the truth. There Jehovah is described as one who takes away the sins of someone who is repentant, and he will not see it anymore. Lo yeke yeda ti tene ala kiri na lo? Later, they were very happy that they had obeyed God. Would he allow them to return to him? Nde na so, a yeke mbeni kungba so " fade e oko oko kue e kiri tënë ni e mveni na Nzapa. '. No. Rather, it is a responsibility that " each one of us will render an account for himself to God. ' Bazengele Paul afa lani pekoni tongaso: "Na lege ti Lo, e... si na Babâ na yâ Yingo oko. " Of what can you be sure as you await Jehovah's day with endurance? The apostle Paul wrote: "By means of him we... bring... to the Father in one spirit. " Zabolo alingbi ti ga ande na azo kue ti ke tâ Nzapa? Psalms 120 to 134 give a clear answer to this question. Can the Devil bring all mankind away from the true God? Na salango tënë ti ye so asi na lo na ngoi so a fa na lo Mbeti ti Nzapa, lo tene: "Mbi tingbi na ambeni mbeti so awande si asala; a lingbi pëpe ti haka ambeti so na abibe ti aGrec teti ambeti ni ayeke ngbele ye mingi ahon abibe ti aGrec so, na ala yeke tâ na nduzu mingi tongana a haka ni na aye ti kirikiri ti afango ye ti aGrec; nga a ga na mbi ti mä na bê na asenge tënë ti yanga so a sala na ambeti ni, salango tënë polele ti awasungo mbeti ni, lege so a hinga kozoni awe ambeni ye so ayeke si kekereke, pendere ti akpengba - ndia ni, nga tënë ti komandema ti ndagigi kue so aluti gi na ndo Zo oko. " Thus, establishing friendly relations may take time and patience. Referring to his experience when he was taught God's Word, he wrote: "I have met a number of books made by foreigners, that the books of the Greeks are higher than those of the Greeks, and they are higher than the minds of the Greeks, and they are higher than those that are based on Greek teachings; and that I have come to the same conclusion as well as those of the sacred writings, which are already based on the original writings, and that are based on the Scriptures. " Ye so asi lani na ngu 1934. 9: 2, 6, 7; Rev. That happened in 1934. [ Akete tënë na gbe ni] Brother Liverance concluded: "So stay focused by keeping Jehovah's purpose in mind at all times. " [ Footnotes] Tongana lê ti Jésus atï na ndo mbeni womua so ye atia lo mingi na bingo "kete nginza use ," lo tene:" Biani, Mbi tene na i, womua so, so ayeke wanzinga, amû matabisi kota ahon ala kue. Note that Jesus says of the ten virgins that "they all became drowsy and fell asleep " during the apparent delay of the bridegroom. When Jesus caught sight of a needy widow in the darkness of two "little coins, " he said:" Truly I say to you that this poor widow gave greater honor than all of them. Lo leke lani yâ ti atënë ti lo ti tene andu bê ti agroupe ti azo nde nde nga na azo so bango ndo ti ala ayeke nde nde. - Kus. 17: 22, 23, 34; 1 aCor. An aid to success as a husband is studying what Jesus said and applying what He did. 17: 22, 23, 34; 1 Cor. " A tö mbela na ayingo so ayeke na da ti kanga ' (1Pi. What is our greatest need? " The spirits that are in prison ' have been " gathered to the prison. " Gigi anzere lani mingi na e! The other sheep therefore consider it a privilege to support in every way possible the anointed slave class while awaiting "the revealing of the sons of God " at Armageddon and during the Millennium. How happy we were! Wango so ahunda na e ti "hinga ti kanga bê na yâ ye ti sioni " abâ aChrétien kue. SHADOWS created by the sun do not remain still. The admonition to "be patient with what is bad " applies to all Christians. A sala ni na gbe ti yingo ti Nzapa, na aye kue so ayeke na yâ ni alingbi ti duti nzoni teti e. Another translation of Romans 3: 25 reads: "This showed that God always does what is right and fair. " It is inspired by God, and everything in it can be beneficial for us. Versê so aga tâ tënë na ndo ti Jésus. While an authoritarian approach may get results, how much better relations will be among all involved if kind and appropriate requests are met by respectful and cheerful compliance! That verse was fulfilled in Jesus. Ye so asara si kangbi angbâ lakue na popo ti ala na ndo ti tënë ti sarango ye nga na atënë ti mabe ti ala. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self - assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self - control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power. " As a result, there was still a difference between their conduct and their beliefs. A dü e kue na mbeni sioni ye na yâ ti tere ti e: siokpari! May We Never Shrink Back to Destruction! All of us are born with something evil - sin! Na ngu 1885, aWamandango Bible 300 tongaso ayeke sara kusala ti colporteur. What can we do to build such godly patience? About 300 Bible Students were involved in the colporteur work. Dutingo ti mbi ayeke nzoni me mbi bâ so ye so mbi sara teti Nzapa ayeke gi kete kete. In a similar manner, careful examination of the preceding article, which shows what is being accomplished by Jehovah's organization, ought to have done much toward helping us maintain our enthusiasm and endurance. My situation was good, but I realized that what I did for God was only a little. Job ahinga lani so Nzapa ayeke zia azo na ndo ti "kilo ti mbilimbili, " lo yeke fâ ngbanga na ndo ti e tâ na lege ni alingbi na dutingo be - ta - zo ti e. The Bible offers solid advice for dealing with our problems, yet it is far more than a mere self - help book. Job knew that God would place humans upon "the righteousness of righteousness, " exercising justice according to our integrity. Na yâ Mbeti ti Nzapa ti giriri so a yeke na yanga ti Hébreu, tënë so a sû pekoni na "tâ be - ti - molenge " aye biani ti tene ti hinga akatikati ti e na ti hinga so ye ti e kue alondo gi na Nzapa. For example, Florence Nightingale, a 19th - century Englishwoman, devoted her life to the cause of providing clean, compassionate nursing care for the sick. In the original Hebrew Scriptures, the original - language word for " lowliness of mind " literally means recognizing our limitations and recognizing that we have all come from God. Ambeni article so e manda ade ti ninga pëpe ayeke so: "Ababâ na amama, ala fa ye na amolenge ti ala na ndoye, "" I kiri sioni pëpe na zo so asara sioni na i " nga "Nda ni so apasi kue aga nduru ti hunzi. " He could not perceive that heavenly hosts were there to support God's prophet, who was under siege by the Syrian army. A few recent articles are: "You parents, teach their children with love, "" Return evil for evil, " and "the end of all these suffering is near. " " Tongana Jéhovah ayeda, e yeke ngbâ ti fa nzoni tënë ti Royaume na nzara ni, e yeke sara kusala na alege kue ti ndu azo. " - ANNUAIRE DES TÉMOINS DE JÉHOVAH 2010. The advertising industry and the media make people feel that they cannot be happy unless they have the latest and the fanciest products and gadgets - and have them right away. " If Jehovah approves, we will continue to have a zealous share in preaching the good news of the Kingdom, we will use every opportunity to reach people. " - Declaration OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES, 2010. Na yâ ti angu so ahon, a bâ polele so Bebungbi ti aTémoin ti Jéhovah la ayeke ngbâa be - ta - zo. This realization helped David to remain humble. In recent years, it became evident that the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses was the faithful slave. Tongaso, zia a tene lâ oko pepe na ndo e so e zia ndoye so e yeke na ni la ni tongana e mä tâ tene ti kozoni. (Read Numbers 35: 24, 25.) So let us never be told that we left the love we had when we first heard the truth. Na pekoni, ala yeke na ngia mingi so ala mä lani yanga ti Nzapa. In order to understand prophecy accurately, what do we first need to comprehend, and why? They later rejoiced to be obedient to God. Ên - ën. What should we take into consideration when making personal choices? No. Ye wa mo lingbi ti hinga ni biani na ngoi so mo yeke gbu ngangu ti ku lâ ti Jéhovah? A prophecy at Daniel 2: 44 declares: "In the days of those kings [all forms of rulership now existing] the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. What can you be sure of as you await Jehovah's day with endurance? Psaume 120 ti si na 134 akiri tënë polele na hundango tënë so. By the 1930 ' s, then, it was becoming clear that, in general, the heavenly class had been chosen. Psalm 120 to 134 provides a clear answer to that question. Ni la, ti lë nzoni songo na ala alingbi ti hunda ngoi nga bê so anze pëpe. A malicious lie is told with a view to harming someone; its purpose is to make the person suffer in some way or experience distress. Thus, having a good relationship with them may take time and discouragement. 9: 2, 6, 7; Apoc. However, suppose she plans to go out in the field service on a certain day, but her unbelieving husband wants her to stay home. 9: 2, 6, 7; Rev. Ita Liverance atene na nda ni: "Tongaso, i zia lê ti i gi na ndo kusala ni na batango lakue na li ye so Jéhovah aleke ti sala. " Through our association with fellow Christians, we can get "the good word " of encouragement that can lighten the load of loneliness. - Proverbs 12: 25. Brother Liverance concluded: "Keep focused on the work by keeping in mind Jehovah's purpose. " Bâ so Jésus atene so "lango asara " amasia bale - oko so kue na" ala lango " na ngoi so mo bâ mo tene koli so ayeke mû wali fini fini ayeke ga hio ape. When pressured to compromise, such an individual will have a clear vision of what he or she wants to accomplish in Jehovah's service. Notice that Jesus said that "all the ten days " and" sleeping " when the bridegroom was late. Ti manda ye so Jésus atene na ti sara ye tongana ti so lo sara ayeke mbeni ye so ayeke sara si zo aga nzoni koli ti wali. He "walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone. " Learning what Jesus said and acting in harmony with his words is a rewarding experience for a husband. Ye nyen e yeke na bezoin ni mingi ahon? Now, it seems, women swear, drink, smoke, and behave immorally as much as men do. What do we need more? Zia si gango ti ala na kota matanga so akpengba dutingo ti ala beoko na a kiri amû ngangu na desizion so ala mû ti ngbâ ti sala ye so bê ti Nzapa aye, na lege so ala fa polele so ala yeke na ngia ti duti na popo ti azo so Jéhovah andoye ala. Na Lege ti Dango Bê People of the world tend to seek personal interests first as "men of this system of things, whose share is in this life. " May their presence at that important event strengthen their unity and strengthen their determination to do God's will, making it evident that they are happy to be among those whom Jehovah loves. GBEDE ti aye so lâ asara si abâ gigi ayeke luti gi place oko pëpe. One way to develop our spirituality is through prayer. The sun's atmosphere does not depend on the origin of the sun. Mbeni Bible akiri peko ti aRomain 3: 25 tongaso: "Ye so afa atene Nzapa ayeke sala lakue ye so ayeke mbilimbili nga na lege ni. " 1990 13 * One Bible translation renders Romans 3: 25: "This shows that God always does what is right and fair. " Atâa so salango mokonzi ngangu na ndo ti azo alingbi ti pusu ala ti sala ye, songo na popo ti azo kue ayeke duti ande nzoni mingi tongana a hunda ye na ala na nzobe nga na lege ni, nga tongana ala yeda na ni na yekiango ndo nga na nzoni bê. That is Jesus. While power may move people to action, relationships among mankind will be most beneficial when they are asked kindly and reasonable when they accept it with respect and kindness. Teti fade azo ayeke azo ti ndoye tele ti ala mveni, azo ti ndoye nginza, azo so ayä iri ti ala mveni, azo ti kpengba - li, awazonga, azo so ake yanga ti mama na babâ ti ala, azo so amû merci pëpe, azo so ayeke nzoni pëpe, azo so andoye asongo ti ala pëpe, azo so aye ti leke songo pëpe, azo ti [pango] zo, azo so akanga nzara ti tele ti ala pëpe, azo so [asala pasi na amba ti ala], azo so andoye nzo ye pëpe, azo so akä aita ti ala, azo so abi bê ti ala pëpe na ye so ala sala, azo so bê ti ala aga kota mingi, azo so andoye ngia, me ala ndoye Nzapa pëpe; a bâ ala tongana azo ti bata tënë ti Nzapa, me ala ke ngangu ni awe. " And I saw another angel ascending from the sunrising, having a seal of the living God; and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels... For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self - assuming, haughty, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self - control, fierce, without love of goodness, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God. " Zia E Kiri Lâ Oko Pepe na Peko ti Wara Futingo! Jehovah has always exercised his kingship (See paragraphs 6, 8, 10, 12, 17) May we never return to the pursuit of destruction! NA LEGE WA MBI LINGBI TI KANGA BÊ TONGANA TI NZAPA? The religious leaders of Jesus ' day were unwilling to do this. HOW CAN I FROM GOD'S WORD? Na yâ ti article so ahon, e sara tënë na ndo ti kpengba kua so bungbi ti Jéhovah ayeke sara laso. Tapande ti Christ amû lani ngangu na akozo Chrétien. Without food we starve to death. In the preceding article, we discussed the powerful work that Jehovah's organization is accomplishing today, and Christ's example encourages first - century Christians. Bible amû na e akpengba wango ti aidé e ti leke na akpale ti e, me lo yeke nde mingi na abuku so zo lo wani lo peut ti diko ti tene a - aidé lo. David exemplified the counsel that his son Solomon later offered to young people: "Remember, now, your Grand Creator in the days of your young manhood... Fear the true God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole obligation of man. " The Bible gives us strong counsel to help us solve our problems, but it is quite different from the books that we can personally read for help. E yeke na tapande ti Florence Nightingale, mbeni zo ti Angleterre na yâ ti ngu 1800 ti si na 1900. Lo mû fini ti lo kue ti sala si azo so ayeke bâ lege ti azo ti kobela na hôpital asala kua ti ala na saleté pëpe nga na nzobe. As Psalm 91 concludes, what does Jehovah promise his faithful servant? For example, in the 19th century C.E., he spent his whole life in order to keep the hospital safe and kind. Lo lingbi la ni pepe ti ba so aturugu ti yayu ayeke dä ti mu maboko na prophète ti Nzapa so aturugu ti Syrie ase kando na tele ti lo. An Effective Bible Study Aid He could not see that there were heavenly armies to support God's prophet who was encamped by the Syrian army. Ndokua ti salango sabango nga na ti asango apusu azo ti bâ so ala lingbi ti duti na ngia gi tongana ala wara afini aye so asigigi, aye so ngele ni ahon ndo ni mingi, na a lingbi ala gi ti wara ni fade fade. As a result, I overcame my self - consciousness, and in time I was baptized. " The world's media has convinced people that they can be happy only if they get new things, values, and soon find them. Hingango ye so amû maboko na David ti ngbâ ti sala tele ti lo kete. Bear in mind that despite our best efforts, divorced fellow believers may from time to time be beset by loneliness. This knowledge helped David to remain humble. Ambeni ngoi na pekoni, a yeke kiri na lo na gbata so lo fâ zo ni dä ti tene a - ancien ti gbata ni afâ ngbanga na ndö ti lo (Diko Nombre 35: 24, 25.) Paul wrote to fellow Christians in Rome: "There is eagerness on my part to declare the good news... Later, he would be restored to the city where he had been killed so that the older men of the city would be judged (Read Numbers 35: 24, 25.) Ye wa a lingbi e gbu ndani kozoni si e mä yâ ti prophétie nzoni? Ngbanga ti nyen? FROM OUR ARCHIVES What do we need to understand before we have a clear understanding of the prophecy, and why? Na ndo ti tënë ti sorongo aye so abâ gi zo oko oko, a lingbi e bâ nyen kozoni kue? The advantage we have over those who lived in pre - Christian times is that we no longer have to be content with seeing just "a shadow " of God's purposes. What should we first consider regarding personal choices? Mbeni prophétie na Daniel 2: 44 atene: "Na lâ ti agbia so [ayanga - ti - komande kue so ayeke na ndo ti sese ge laso], fade Nzapa ti yayu ayä royaume so afuti lâ oko pëpe, na Lo zia royaume ni na tïtî ambeni zo nde pëpe; me fade royaume so afâ mbeni royaume so kue nduru nduru, na a sara si royaume nde nde so kue awe; na fade royaume so angbâ lakue lakue. " In addition, the Jews were privileged to receive the sacred pronouncements of God and to be the nation into which the Messiah was born. A prophecy at Daniel 2: 44 states: "In the days of those kings [the God of heaven] will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite. " Ni la, na yâ angu 1930, a to nda ti bâ polele so a hunzi biani awe ti soro bungbi ti ala so ayeke gue na yayu. PAGE 8 • SONGS: 63, 32 Thus, in the 1930 ' s, it became evident that their heavenly calling had been completed. Zo ayeke tene akota mvene ndali ti so lo ye ti tene mba ti lo awara sioni; ndani ayeke ti sara si mba ti lo ni abâ pasi wala awara vundu. What can we learn from the words that Jesus spoke to Peter? Such outright lies are false because they want others to suffer badly; they are designed to cause suffering or pain. Ye oko, tara ti bâ so lo leke ti gue ti fa tënë na mbeni lango, me koli ti lo so ayeke Témoin ape aye ti tene lo ngbâ na yanga - da. As she approached, I could see that she was going to toss a piece of paper to me. Imagine, though, that she decided to move one day, but her unbelieving husband wanted her to stay at home. Na lege ti songo ti e na afon e Chrétien, e lingbi ti wara "nzo tënë " ti kpengba na zo, so alingbi ti sala si kungba ti dutingo gi zo oko ane tongana ti kozoni pëpe. - aProverbe 12: 25. I explained that I had been pioneering and intended to start again as soon as I returned from the conventions. By our relationship with fellow Christians, we can find "good news " to build up, which can lead to a loss of self - respect. - Proverbs 12: 25. Tongana aye asala ngangu na ndo koli wala wali tongaso ti zia nzoni lege, fade lo duti na bango ndo polele na mbage ti ye so lo ye ti sala na yâ kusala ti Jéhovah. In what ways do we show our gratitude for the ransom? If such a mate is pressured to leave the right course, he will have a clear view of what he wants to do in Jehovah's service. Lo yeke "tambela tongana bamara so atoto, na lo yeke gi zo so lo lingbi te lo. " What standard are you using to make this determination? He " walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone. ' Fadeso, ti bâ ni nzoni, awali ayeke tënë sioni yanga, ayeke nyon sämba, ayeke nyon manga nga ayeke na sioni tambela tongana akoli. ; Seyfert, R. Even so, women use harmful language, drinking, smoking, and loose conduct as men. Mingi ni, azo ti dunia so ayeke gi kozoni ye so ayeke nzoni gi ndali ti ala wani. Bible asara tënë ti ala tongana "azo ti sese, ala so awara ye ti ala na fini so. " Why? People in the world often seek first what is best for themselves, and the Bible refers to them as "the living, the living,. " Mbeni oko lege ti kpengba dutingo ti e na lege ti yingo ayeke ti sambela. Indeed, Jesus taught about the need for endurance - a quality that helps us not to give up when facing trials and temptations. One way to strengthen our spirituality is to pray. 80 2010 500 2010 4: 13 - Were Peter and John illiterate or uneducated? 80 2010 A yeke Jésus. Not likely! It was Jesus. Na mbi bâ mbeni ange alondo na mbage so lâ asigigi dä, lo yeke na sceau ti Nzapa so ayeke na fini, na lo tene na kongo na a - ange osio so... 15: 16. And I saw an angel coming out of the sun, having a seal of the living God, and he cried out to the four angels... Jéhovah ayeke lakue Gbia ti dunia kue (Bâ paragraphe 6, 8, 10, 12, 17) " Do you think a merciful, compassionate, almighty God approves of situations like this? " Jehovah is always the Universal Sovereign (See paragraphs 6, 8, 10, 12, 17) Amokonzi ti lege ti vorongo na ngoi ti Jésus aduti la ni ndulu ti sala ni pepe. This wall would help protect his vineyard from being trampled by cattle as well as offer some protection from foxes, wild boars, and thieves. The religious leaders in Jesus ' day were unwilling to do so. Tongana kobe ayeke dä pëpe, e yeke kui nzala. Most challenging, though, was my struggle to quit swearing. Without food, we would die. David asara ye ague oko na wango so molenge ti lo Salomon amû na pekoni na amaseka, lo tene: "Fadeso, mo dabe mo na Lo so acréé mo, na lâ ti pendere ti mo,... mo kpe mbeto ti Nzapa, na mo bata komandema ti Lo, teti so ayeke kusala ti azo kue. ." • How did Jesus deal with people? David followed Solomon's admonition to young people: "Remember, now, your Grand Creator in the days of your youth,... in fear of God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole obligation of man. " Tongana Psaume 91 ayeke gue ti hunzi, ye nyen Jéhovah amu zendo ni na wakua be - ta - zo ti lo? At times, I tearfully begged Jehovah to give me the strength to break free from my addiction. As Psalm 91 concludes, what did Jehovah promise his faithful servant? Mbeni nzoni buku ti mandango na Bible But how would Jesus ' followers recognize when this prophecy was being fulfilled? A Good Book for Bible Study Ni la, mbi wara lege ti hon ndo ti kamene ti mbi, na pekoni mbi wara batême. " If you would like to comment more frequently at meetings, why not work out in advance something you wish to say? So I was able to overcome my shame, and then I got baptized. " E girisa ape so atâa ngangu kue so e sara ti mû maboko na aita so asara divorce, ngoi na ngoi ala lingbi ti bâ so ala yeke gi ala oko. There is also the doctrine of predestination, which promotes the view that "the ultimate salvation or damnation of each human individual has been ordained beforehand " by Almighty God. Remember, despite all our efforts to help those who have been divorced, they may at times feel lonely. Paul asû mbeti na amba ti lo aChrétien ti Rome lo tene: "Mbi yeke tâ na kota nzara ti fa nzoni tënë... Table of Contents To fellow believers in Rome, Paul wrote: "I am eager to declare the good news... SANGO NA NDO TI MBAÏ TI BUNGBI TI E For the life stories of some of these brothers, see the following issues of The Watchtower: Thomas J. FROM OUR ARCHIVES Azo ti Israël abâ gi "gbede " ti ye so Nzapa aleke ti sara. So after the persons procured had been trained in such arms as they then had and as best they might - their training was to learn to be killed! - they then did them to death on the appointed funeral day at the tombs. The Israelites saw only "a shadow " of God's purpose. Na ndo ni, a soro aJuif ti wara atënë ti yanga ti Nzapa so ayeke nzoni - kue nga ti duti mara so a yeke dü Messie na yâ ni. Regarding Psalm 29, Mitchell Dahood of the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome comments: "This psalm is a Yahwistic adaptation of an older Canaanite hymn to the storm - god Baal... Moreover, the Jews were chosen to receive God's sacred pronouncements and to be the nation that would be born in it. LEMBETI 8 • ABIA: 63, 32 (b) How can we tell that David's respect for Saul was genuine? PAGE 8 • SONGS: 63, 32 Nyen la e lingbi ti manda na lege ti tënë so Jésus atene lani na Pierre? Jehovah's people have been protected from believing such error because they agree with these inspired words: "Listen, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah. " What can we learn from Jesus ' words to Peter? Tongana lo si ndulu na mbi, mbi bâ so lo yeke bi mbeni ndulu mbeti na mbi. (b) What lesson do we learn from the example of the father in Jesus ' illustration of the prodigal son? Jehovah's long - suffering in dealing with the faithless nation of Israel provides further insight into how he looks for the good in his people. When he approached me, I realized that he would write a piece of paper to me. Mbi tene na lo so mbi yeke lani pionnier nga mbi leke na bê ti mbi ti kiri ti sara kua ni tongana mbi kiri na peko ti assemblée. Because God fully knows us, his discipline is always appropriate and properly measured. I told him that I was pioneering and that I was determined to return to the assignment when I returned from the convention. Tongana nyen la e yeke fa singila ti e ndali ti ye so a futa ti zi azo? His activity did not go unnoticed by officials who opposed Jehovah's Witnesses. How do we show appreciation for the ransom? Nyen la amû lege na mo ti tene tongaso? 4, 5. What makes you feel that way? ; Seyfert, R. Certainly not! ; Heser, R. Ngbanga ti nyen? A different member of the family may answer the door, and that could lead to a Scriptural discussion. Why? Biani, Jésus afa so aChrétien ayeke na bezoin ti gbu ngangu, mbeni sarango ye so ayeke mû maboko na ala ti woko pëpe na ngoi so ala tingbi na akpale nga na atara. However, she may still face tribulations linked to marriage and family life. Indeed, Jesus showed that Christians need endurance, a quality that helps them not to tire out when facing problems and trials. 4: 13 - Pierre na Jean ahinga ti diko mbeti lani pëpe wala ala manda mbeti pëpe? The world has its own powerful, impelling force that foments a course totally opposite of what holy spirit can produce in us. 4: 13 - Did Peter and John not learn to read or learn? Oko pëpe! When Moses asked to see His glory, Jehovah responded: "You are not able to see my face, because no man may see me and yet live. " Of course not! 15: 16. As part of the King's belongings, they are happy to cooperate fully with the arrangements made by the Governing Body, which represents "the faithful and discreet slave. " 15: 16. Lo hunda tene so: "E bi bê so mbeni Nzapa ti be - nzoni, so ayeke ba mawa ti zo, na so ayeke na ngangu ahon kue ayeke yeda na aye tongaso ti si? " Who can be viewed as "the blameless one "? He asked: "Do we think that a merciful and compassionate God is willing to accept such things? " Gbagba so ayeke kanga lege na abagara ti buba yaka ni, a yeke kanga lege nga na ambako, acochon ti ngunda na azo ti nzi. In order to determine what areas of the country will be covered by the pioneer routes, the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses examines the needs of the territory. In addition to preventing the cattle from destroying the garden, it is also under ban on the coastal plain and the thieves. Ye oko, kota kpale ti mbi lani ayeke ziango abuba tënë ni. Like God - fearing Obadiah, many of Jehovah's loyal present - day servants have courageously protected fellow believers by not giving persecutors information about them. My greatest problem, though, was that of letting matters down. • Tongana nyen Jésus asala ye na mbage ti azo? God's loyal ones take delight in discussing his mighty acts • How did Jesus deal with others? Ngoi na ngoi, mbi toto na Jéhovah ti mû na mbi ngangu ti kiri ti tiri pëpe. 2018 B.C.E. At times, I begged Jehovah to give me the courage to do so. Me tongana nyen la adisciple ti Jésus ayeke hinga ngoi so prophétie so ayeke ga tâ tënë? Jesus also entrusted them with the assignment to witness and to make disciples of people in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the most distant parts of the earth. - Matthew 24: 14; 28: 19, 20; Acts 1: 8. But how would Jesus ' disciples know when that prophecy would be fulfilled? Tongana mo ye ti kiri tene mingi ahon na abungbi, ngbanga ti nyen mo leke kozoni pepe mbeni ye so mo ye ti tene? ▪ Is Unfailing Love Possible? If you would like to comment further at meetings, why not plan something that you would like to say? Nga, kota tënë na ndo ye so Nzapa adiko kozoni ti si ayeke maï bango ndo so atene Nzapa ti Ngangu Ahon Kue "a diko kozoni kue awe azo oko oko kue so ayeke wara salut wala so ayeke wara fango ngbanga ti nda ni. " 15, 16. (a) In his efforts to deceive us, what lies does Satan use? Moreover, the theme of what God has foreordained in advance promotes the view that Almighty "all those who receive salvation or judgment. " Li ti atënë ni Lovingly, Jehovah provided a perfect solution. Table of Contents Mo hinga ape, mo lingbi ti wara ambeni kua na yâ ti bungbi ti Jéhovah. " No doubt you have heard some of these expressions or the gist of them. You don't know, you can find other privileges in Jehovah's organization. " Tongaso, na pekoni so a fa na azo ti tiri nzoni mingi na agbakuru ti bira ti ngoi ni kâ, a manda na ala nga ti kui. At Mark 5: 25, 26, we read: "There was a woman subject to a flow of blood twelve years, and she had been put to many pains by many physicians and had spent all her resources and had not been benefited but, rather, had got worse. " Thus, after the training of people to fight the weapons of war at that time, they were also taught to die. Na ndo Psaume 29, Mitchell Dahood ti Institut biblique pontifical na Rome atene: "Psaume so ayeke giriri mbeni ngbele bia ti vorongo so azo ti Canaan ahe na nzapa ti akota ngu - nzapa Baal me so a leke peko ti atënë ti yâ ni si aga mbeni bia so a mû na Yahweh... The Bible encourages us to... Regarding Psalm 29, C.E., C.E., C.E., the Royal Life Hall in Rome stated: "This ancient Canaanite religion was one of the oldest songs that the Canaanites sang to the god of Baal, which was replaced by the words of its origin... (b) Tongana nyen e lingbi ti hinga so David ayekia biani Saül? Note, for example, Isaiah 40: 11. (b) How can we be sure that David truly honored Saul? Jéhovah Nzapa ti e ayeke Jéhovah oko! '. How important is love in a marriage? Jehovah our God is one Jehovah! " Be - nze - pepe ti Jéhovah na yâ salango ye ti lo na mbage ti azo ti Israël so mabe atia ala amû lege nga ti hinga nzoni tongana nyen lo yeke gi ti bâ gi aye so ayeke nzoni na mbage ti azo ti lo. Yours is the kingdom, O Jehovah. " - 1 CHRONICLES 29: 11. Jehovah's long - suffering in dealing with the faithless Israelites also provides insight into how he looks for the good in his people. Gündel), 1 / 1 Is the mingling of religions the way to heal the conflict among faiths? 4 / 15 Ndali ti so Nzapa ahinga e nzoni mingi, fango lege ti lo ayeke lakue na lege ni na ayeke ye so e yeke tâ na bezoin ni. What will be considered in the following article? Because we are known by God, his guidance is always right and so is what we really need. Na yâ ti sewa ni, e amolenge ni e yeke osio. Koli oko na awali ota. If we do so, we are assured that " the undeserved kindness of the Lord Jesus Christ will be with the spirit we show. ' - Phil. In the family, we were four children, one together with three women. 4, 5. Then, as the "Prince of Peace, " Jesus Christ will fulfill these prophetic words:" To the abundance of the princely rule and to peace there will be no end. " 4, 5. Oko pëpe, biani. I then pursued art, but my artistic creations did little good for others, and I felt selfish. No, indeed. Ti hinga ambeni tënë na ndo ti iri ti Jéhovah na yanga ti Hébreu, bâ Mbeti ti Nzapa ti fini dunia: Matthieu - Apocalypse, Ambeni tënë 1, lembeti 459. In fact, there is evidence that daydreaming can be beneficial. For more information on Jehovah's name in Hebrew, see the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures - Revelation, page 1. Nga, mbeni zo nde ti da ni alingbi ti zi yanga - da na e, na ye so alingbi ti mû lege na e ti fa tënë na lo na ndo Bible. One Christian elder recalls the four years during which his wife's daughter cut off association with them. And another householder may open the door to us, enabling us to give him a witness about the Bible. Ye oko, lo lingbi ti ngbâ ti tingbi na akpale na yâ ti mariage ti lo nga na yâ ti sewa ti lo. Jehovah will "sanctify [his] great name " by means of the Messianic Kingdom. - Ezekiel 36: 23. Still, he can continue to face challenges in his marriage and in his family. Dunia so ayeke na mbeni ngangu ti lo wani so ayeke pusu azo ti sara aye so ayeke tâ nde na ye so yingo vulu ayeke pusu e ti sara. In connection with the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II, the Swedish government initiated a nationwide educational campaign about the Holocaust. The world has its own power that moves people to do things that are completely different from what the holy spirit moves us to do. Tongana Moïse ahunda ti ba gloire ti Lo, Jéhovah akiri tene: "Mo lingbi ba lê ti Mbi pepe, teti zo so aba lê ti Mbi alingbi ngbâ na fini pepe. " What warning did Peter give regarding the last days? When Moses asked for his glory, Jehovah replied: "You cannot see my face, because anyone who looks at me cannot live. " Teti so ala yeke mbage ti akungba ti Gbia ni, ala yeke na ngia ti sara ye ague oko na aye kue so Bebungbi afa na ala ti sara ndali ti so lo yeke sara kua na iri ti "ngbâa be - ta - zo so ayeke sara ye na ndara ." Upon our graduation in 1953, we were assigned to Britain, where I served in the district work in the south of England. As part of the King's responsibilities, they joyfully adhere to all the direction the Governing Body provides because he is using the term "faithful and discreet slave. " " Zo so alingbi kue " ayeke zo wa? • What part does becoming acquainted with the Word of God play in our pressing on to maturity? Who is "the perfect man "? Ti mû lege ti hinga aterritoire wa ti kodoro ni a yeke fa tënë dä na ngoi ti akapa ti fango tënë ti apionnier ni, filiale ti aTémoin ti Jéhovah ti Mexique ayeke bâ aye so atia azo ti yâ ti territoire ni wala aye so a lingbi azo ti territoire ni awara. But suppose your friend adds: "I will keep the keys. The branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses in Mexico saw the needs of people in the territory or what the people in the territory needed. Na tapande ti Abdias so akpe mbeto ti Nzapa, na mbeto pëpe awakua ti Jéhovah mingi ti ngoi ti e abata amba ti ala na lege so ala yeke fa pëpe asango na ndo ti ala na awato. We have been trained "to reject ungodliness and worldly desires and to live with soundness of mind and righteousness and godly devotion amid this present system of things. " Like God - fearing Obadiah, many modern - day servants of Jehovah courageously protect others by not sharing information about them to opposers. Abe - ta - zo ti Nzapa ayeke na ngia ti sala tënë ti akusala ti kpene ti lo Their contrite, heartfelt sorrow over what they had done led them to confession, rejection of their wicked acts, and genuine repentance. God's loyal ones are happy to declare his wonderful works 2018 kozo Abraham 2018 kozo ti Christ, a dü ABRAHAM If a couple must divert some time and energy from God's service to care for each other, should they not do likewise with resources formerly used for socializing as single people? 13th - century Abraham B.C.E. Jésus amu nga na ala kungba ti sala tene ti témoin ti sala adisciple na popo ti azo ti Jérusalem, Judée, Samarie, nga juska na nda ti sese kue. - Matthieu 24: 14; 28: 19, 20; Kusala 1: 8. Some spirit - anointed women were granted miraculous gifts, such as the gift of prophesying. Jesus also entrusted them with the commission to make disciples among the inhabitants of Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the most distant part of the earth. - Matthew 24: 14; 28: 19, 20; Acts 1: 8. ▪ Koli na wali alingbi biani ti ngbâ ti ye tere? " It is so true that there is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. " ▪ Can a husband and wife really continue to love each other? Salango tongaso ayeke mû ande maboko na mo ti bata li ti mo, abango ndo ti mo nga na abibe ti mo si ague oko na akpengba - ndia ti Nzapa. A sense of urgency has moved many Christians to increase their share in the ministry. Doing so will help you to keep your thinking, attitudes, and feelings in harmony with godly principles. Na ndoye, Jéhovah asara mbeni ye ti sara si azo aga mbilimbili na lê ti lo. " While still at home, I studied the Bible carefully and got a sound understanding of Jehovah's purposes. " Jehovah lovingly made provision for mankind's righteous standing before him. Na yâ ti angu so ahon ade ti ninga pëpe, awandara awara ambeni hulengo popoto ti sese * use so iri ti zo ayeke na ndo ni. Good parents love their children and commend them, just as Jehovah God commended his Son. - Read Matthew 3: 17. In recent years, scientists have discovered two types of clay * bearing the name of man. Kite ayeke pëpe so mo mä mingi ti atënë so wala angbongboro tënë ti yâ ni awe. By way of contrast, however, Jehovah God is described as "the examiner of hearts. " No doubt you have heard many of those words or key points. Marc 5: 25, 26 atene: "Mbeni wali ayeke so kobela ti mênë asara yâ ti lo ngu bale - oko na ndo ni use, lo wu pono mingi na tïtî adocteur mingi, lo futa nginza ti lo kue, na lo ga nzoni pëpe, me kobela ti lo aga sioni ahon. " That is why caring elders, while orderly, realize that the congregation is not a business that needs rigid management; instead, it is made up of a flock that needs tender care. Says Mark 5: 25, 26: "There is a woman that has been afflicted by blood for at least ten years, she has suffered a lot from many doctors and has paid her all her money and has not benefited, but her disease has become worse. " Bible awa e ti... That includes individuals who are like Pharaoh, who said: "Who is Jehovah, so that I should obey his voice? " The Bible encourages us... Na tapande, bâ tënë so a fa na Esaïe 40: 11. He adds, "It also helped us to remember to take some time to enjoy the natural beauty of our island assignment. " Consider, for example, what is stated at Isaiah 40: 11. Tongana nyen la ndoye ayeke kota ye mingi na yâ ti mariage? The circuit overseer asked us to move to Ruston, Louisiana, where a number of Witnesses had become inactive. How important is love in marriage? O L'Eternel, ndo ti komande ayeke ti Mo. " - 1 CHRONIQUE 29: 11. These too render God "sacred service day and night, " but they do not have a heavenly calling. Yours is the kingdom, O Jehovah, the One also lifting yourself up. " - 1 Peter 29: 11. Sarango beoko ti abungbi ti Nzapa la ayeke yorö ti akpale so ayeke na popo ti atënë ti mabe ti ala? Lucifer, 9 / 15 Is the unity of religion the solution to conflicts between their beliefs? Fade a ba nyen na yâ article ti peko? In order to have a proper attitude toward our ministry, we must have the right motive. What will be discussed in the following article? Tongana e sara ni, kite ayeke pëpe so " kota nzobe ti Seigneur ti e Jésus Christ ayeke duti na bibe so e yeke na ni so. ' - aPhil. He has given us his inspired Word, which imparts prudence, knowledge, and thinking ability. If we do so, we can be sure that "the undeserved kindness of our Lord Jesus Christ will have the spirit that we show. " - Phil. Na pekoni, tongana "Mokonzi Ti Siriri ," Jésus Christ ayeke sala si atënë ti prophétie so aga tâ tënë:" Fade nda ti wungo ti royaume ti Lo na ti siriri ayeke pëpe. ." What has the Governing Body found it necessary to do, and what will be considered in the following article? Then, as "the Chief Agent, " Jesus Christ, fulfills those prophetic words:" There will be no end of his kingdom and of peace. " Me adessin so mbi yeke sara aga na aye ti nzoni mingi pëpe na azo me gi na mbi wani. If I used to see anyone perishing from having no garment... But what I do is not good for others but only for myself. A yeke biani polele so tongana zo abâ aye na yâ ti li ti lo nzoni lo yeke wara ye ti nzoni na pekoni. For example, our clothes were now in a drawer rather than in a suitcase, and we belonged to one congregation. Clearly, a person's imagination is worth the effort. Mbeni ancien adabe ti lo na angu osio so molenge so wali ti lo adü kozo azia Jéhovah. As Jesus himself said, "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. " An elder remembers four years when his wife left Jehovah. Na lege ti Royaume so, Jéhovah ayeke " sara ande si kota iri ti lo aga nzoni - kue '. - Ezéchiel 36: 23. Likewise, it is not right for us to allow personal pursuits or time - consuming distractions to prevent us from having a full share in the ministry. By means of that Kingdom, Jehovah "will sanctify his great name. " - Ezekiel 36: 23. Ndali ti matanga ti ngu 50 ni ti hunzingo ti Use Bira so Amû Sese Kue, ngorogbia ti Suède asala mbeni kapa ti fango ye na ndo kota fango zo ti aNazi na yâ kodoro ni kue. It should not have been hard for them to grasp that point. Because of the 50th anniversary of World War II, Sweden's government organized a campaign of training about the Nazi regime throughout the country. Gbotongo mê wa Pierre amu na ndo lâ ti nda ni? And the book After Jesus - The Triumph of Christianity notes: "In its most basic form, [baptism] called for a confession of faith by the candidate, followed by complete immersion in water in the name of Jesus. " What will be discussed in the following article? What warning did Peter give about the last days? Tongana e wara kota mbeti na ngu 1953, a tokua e na Grande - Bretagne; na ndo so mbi sala kusala ti district na mbage ti mbongo ni ti Angleterre. The Bible book of Isaiah comments on the close relationship the Son had with his Father, saying: "The Sovereign Lord Jehovah himself has given me the tongue of the taught ones, that I may know how to answer the tired one with a word. He awakens morning by morning; he awakens my ear to hear like the taught ones. The Sovereign Lord Jehovah himself has opened my ear, and I, for my part, was not rebellious. When we graduated from high school in 1953, we were assigned to Britain, where I served on the south of England. E yeke sara tongana nyen ti ga abiazo? • Hingango Bible nzoni ayeke mû maboko na e tongana nyen ti sara kue ti ga biazo? Upset, Lucy sought the counsel of mature brothers. How can we grow to maturity, and how can accurate knowledge of God's Word help us to progress toward maturity? Me tara ti bâ so kamarade ti mo ni atene: "Mbi yeke bata clé ti oto ni. Those who choose to take such images into their mind are hardly fleeing from fornication. But imagine that your friend said: "I will keep the key behind the car. Jéhovah afa na e ti "ke asarango ye so ayeke nde na ye so Nzapa aye, ti ke anzara ti dunia so; a fa na e ti tene na lege ti dutingo ti e, e bata bibe ti e nzoni, e sara ye ti mbilimbili nga e voro Nzapa na bê ti e kue na yâ ti aye ti ngoi ti laso .." A passage in the apostle Paul's letter to the Romans sheds light on this important subject. Jehovah teaches us to "hate ungodliness and worldly desires and to live with soundness of mind and righteousness and godly devotion amid this present system of things. " Zo wa la asara Nzapa zo wa? " Jehovah [is] a God... pardoning error and transgression and sin. " Who made God? Ala sara vundu ndali ti aye ti sioni so ala sara, ala sara tënë ni na Jéhovah nga ala sara kue ti kiri ti sara aye ni so mbeni ape. (a) What theme pervades the letter to the Hebrews? They regret their crime, spoke to Jehovah, and tried hard not to do so again. Tongana a lingbi koli na wali amû mbeni ngoi nga na ngangu so ala yeke sara na kusala ti Jéhovah ti kpengba na mariage ti ala, a lingbi ala sara nga tongaso na ngoi nga na ngangu so ala yeke mû kozo ti sara na ngia na ngoi so ala yeke kumbamba. It tasted like "flat cakes with honey, " and there was ample provision for everyone. If a husband and wife are to use their time and energy in Jehovah's service to strengthen their marriage, they must do the same at times and with the strength they spend on recreation and entertainment while they are single. A mû na ambeni wali ni so a sa yingo na ndo ti ala, matabisi ti sala aye ti kpene, na tapande matabisi ti tene aprophétie. Satan can be compared to a birdcatcher who sets traps to catch unsuspecting victims. Some anointed women have been given miraculous gifts, such as the privilege of prophesying. A yeke tâ tënë so ngia ayeke mingi tongana zo amû ye na zo ahon ti wara ye na maboko ti zo. " Paul drew the conclusion that he should change his route in order to declare the good news in that Roman province. - Acts 16: 9, 10. It is true that there is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. " Bibe ti sarango ye hio apusu aChrétien mingi ti kiri ti fa tënë mingi. Their well - established pattern of faithfulness helped prepare them to be faithful during that critical test. A sense of urgency moves many Christians to expand their ministry. " Kozoni tongana mbi yeke na kodoro, mbi manda Bible nzoni na mbi gbu nda ti akota ye so Jéhovah aleke ti sala. " Soon his work received praise in the press and from art critics. " When I was in my home, I carefully studied the Bible and understood Jehovah's great purposes. " Anzoni babâ na mama ayeke ye amolenge ti ala nga ayeke gonda ala, tongana ti so Jéhovah Nzapa agonda lani Molenge ti lo. - Diko Matthieu 3: 17. Kesia adds: "I learned to trust more completely in Jehovah, and he has taken good care of us. Good parents love and commend their children, just as Jehovah God commended his Son. - Read Matthew 3: 17. Me nde na Satan, Bible afa Jéhovah Nzapa tongana Zo so "atara bê ti azo. ." You may know of others who are undergoing less noticeable hardships. In contrast with Satan, the Bible describes Jehovah God as "the Provider of hearts. " A yeke ngbanga ni la, atä so ala yeke sala kue ti tene ye atambela na lege ni, a - ancien so ayeke bi bê na zo ahinga so kongrégation ayeke pepe mbeni ndokua ti dengo buze so alingbi afa lege na ni ngangu; nde na so a yeke kundu so a hunda ti tene a bi bê na lo na nzobe si ayeke na yâ ni. Self - control enables us to keep our thoughts, speech, and actions in check. That is why while they do their best to be reasonable, caring elders recognize that the congregation is not a firm business agency; rather, it is a caring flock. Ala yeke tongana Pharaon so atene lani atene: " Jéhovah ayeke Zo nyen, si mbi mä yanga ti Lo? ' That will be the subject of the next study article. They were like Pharaoh, who said: "Who is Jehovah, that I should obey him? " Lo tene nga, lo tene: "Wango ni amû nga maboko na e ti pensé ti mû ambeni ngoi ti bâ pendere ti ndo so e gue ti fa tënë dä. " The temple vision is fulfilled during "the last days, " when the priesthood is refined. She adds: "The book also helped us to think about the beauty of our assignment. " Surveillant ti circonscription ahunda na e ti gue na Ruston, Louisiane, ndo so aTémoin mingi ayeke fa tënë encore ape. (b) Why is Jesus the best example of displaying godly fear? The circuit overseer suggested that we move to New York C.E., where many Witnesses no longer share in the preaching work. Ala kue ayeke sala na Nzapa "kusala ti nzoni - kue lâ na bï, " me a hiri ala pepe ti gue na yayu. Their responsibility is to protect Jehovah's people, particularly from "the land of the north, " Babylon. All are serving God "with day and night, " but they are not invited to go to heaven. E bungbi tele, 15 / 11 Indeed, what do you have that you did not receive? 5 / 15 Ti wara nzoni bango ndo na mbage ti kusala ti e, a lingbi ye so apusu e ti sala kusala aduti na lege ni. The wood offering was not commanded in the Mosaic Law. To have a balanced view of our ministry, we need to be balanced. Lo mû na e Tënë ti lo so a sû na gbe ti yingo, so amû na e ndara na bingo bê na lege ni. Because of maintaining his Christian neutrality, he went to prison for two years. He gives us his inspired Word, which gives us wisdom and thinking ability. Ye wa Wabatango Bungbi abâ so ayeke kota ye ti sara? E yeke bâ ande nyen na yâ ti article ti peko? Everything was left there for the taking! The lepers were stashing away the valuable items. What should the Governing Body consider, and what will we consider in the following article? Tongana mbi bâ mbeni zo akui teti lo yeke na bongo pëpe... At that time, a newspaper wrote about the Witnesses that they ask about cows but they are looking for sheep! When I see someone die because he has no clothing... Na tapande, fadeso e yeke zia abongo ti e na yâ ti tiroir ahon ti zia ni na yâ ti valise nga e yeke na yâ ti mbeni congrégation oko. When you think of Moses, do you not see him as one known by Jehovah? - Read Exodus 33: 12, 13. For example, we now put on our clothes instead of putting it in a bag, and we are in one congregation. Tongana ti so Jésus lo mveni atene, "yanga ayeke sara tënë ti ye so ayeke mingi na bê. ." 33: 1 - 3. As Jesus himself said, "the abundance of the heart speaks. " Legeoko nga, a yeke na lege ni pëpe ti tene e zia aye so e yeke gi teti e wani wala aye so ayeke te ngoi ti zo mingi akanga lege na e ti fa tënë mingi. He says: "Our family life improved dramatically. Similarly, it would be wrong for us to give up our personal pursuits or time - consuming pursuits. [ Afoto na lembeti 31] I was released in January 1951. [ Pictures on page 31] A lingbi fade ti duti ngangu pëpe na ala ti gbu nda ti tënë so. He then quoted the words of 18th - century Scottish philosopher David Hume, who wrote: "A miracle is a violation of the laws of nature. " It would have been easy for them to understand this. Nga, buku Na peko ti Jésus, lege ti vorongo ti aChrétien ahon na ngangu (Angl.) atene: "Tongana a bâ tâ gunda ti tënë ni, [batême] ahunda ti tene zo so ague ti wara ni afa na gigi mabe, na pekoni a yeke yôro lo kue na yâ ngu na iri ti Jésus. " He continued to experience expressions of kindness, which helped him to make spiritual progress. And the book After Jesus, Christianity conquered, says: "When it appears, [he] asks that the one who is going to find it exercises faith, then he will be immersed in water in Jesus ' name. " Mbeti ti Ésaïe asara tënë ti kpengba songo so Molenge ni ayeke na ni lani na Babâ ti lo, a tene: " Seigneur L'Éternel amû na Mbi yanga so ahinga ti sara tënë, si Mbi lingbi hinga lege ti sara tënë nzoni na zo so anze; Lo zingo Mbi na ndapre kue, Lo sara si mê ti Mbi amä tënë tongana adisciple. Each couple is responsible before Jehovah to decide what to do. The book of Isaiah describes the close relationship with his Father: "The Sovereign Lord Jehovah himself has given me the tongue of the taught ones, that I may know how to answer the tired one every morning; he awakens me all morning, that he may hear my voice as disciples. Bê ti Lucy ason ngangu na lo hunda wango na ambeni ita - koli biazo. Jesus told an illustration about a merchant who was seeking pearls. She was so angry that she asked other mature brothers for advice. Ti azo so asoro ti bâ a - image tongaso si a ngbâ na yâ li ti ala, ala yeke kpe ye ti pitan oko pëpe. " When you are looking for work, do not hesitate to identify yourself as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. For those who choose to look at images so as to remain in their minds, they do not avoid immorality. Mbeni tënë so bazengele Paul asû ni na yâ ti mbeti ti lo na aRomain amû lege ti gbu nda ti kota tënë so. His teachings and the winsome words he used to reach people's hearts indicate that he was "more than Solomon " in wisdom. A statement that the apostle Paul wrote in his letter to the Romans helped to understand this important point. " Jéhovah ayeke Nzapa so amû pardon na sioye, na kengo ndia na siokpari. ' Will You Serve Again? " Jehovah is a God of forgiveness and sin. ' (a) Kota li ti tene wa amu yâ ti mbeti na aHébreu? Marilyn explained to Jimmy that she was sacrificing for his benefit. (a) What theme was given in the book of Hebrews? A nzere "tongana gâteau so a sara na ngu - lavu ," na zo oko oko aro alingbi na lo. Did the guards atop the wall of Jericho think that this was some strange sort of attack, this mere cry? It was "like honey made in honey, " and each of them deserved it. A lingbi ti haka Satan na mbeni zo ti gbungo ndeke so azia agbanda ti gbu na andeke so asala hange pëpe. What do you think about the scope of our preaching activity? Satan can be likened to a birdcatcher who has put up traps to catching birds who are not careful. Paul abâ so a lingbi lo mû mbeni lege nde, si lo gue ti fa nzo tënë na yâ kete kodoro ti Rome so. - Kusala 16: 9, 10. Sadly, most of the kings in the Davidic line failed to measure up to Jehovah's requirements, and the people fell into idolatry and immorality. Paul felt compelled to take a different route to preach the good news in that Roman village. - Acts 16: 9, 10. Me, aHébreu be - ta - zo ota so asigigi yamba na yâ ni, wâ ni azö nga ala kete tongaso pëpe! When does the heavenly resurrection take place? However, the three faithful Hebrews who left the house did not have a burning fire! Na yâ ngoi kete, andokua ti sango nga na akota wakode - kua ato nda ti gonda kusala ti lo. Mom often met them after school and took them along in the field ministry. Soon, the media and patriarchal authorities began praising his work. Kesia atene: "Mbi gi ti zia bê ti mbi kue na Jéhovah ahon ti kozo, na lo bâ lege ti e nzoni. By desiring injurious things, by practicing idolatry and fornication, by putting Jehovah to the test, and by murmuring. " I decided to trust in Jehovah more fully, and he cared for us. Sambela ngangu ndali ti ala. " The bearing witness to Jesus is what inspires prophesying. " Pray earnestly for them. Ngangu ti kanga nzara ti tere ayeke mû maboko na e ti ngbâ ti sara hange si apensé ti e, atënë ti yanga ti e nga na asarango ye ti e ague kirikiri pëpe. But the more she read, the more she enjoyed it. Self - control helps us to keep our thoughts, speech, and actions simple. A yeke ye so article ti peko ayeke sara tënë na ndo ni. I want you to determine how I should spend my time, what my priorities should be, and how I should use my resources and talents. ' This will be considered in the following article. Atënë na ndo ti temple so Ezéchiel abâ na yâ ti suma aga tâ tënë na ngoi ti "lâ ti nda ni " so tongana a yeke sukula sioni ti aprêtre ni si ala ga nzoni. He was struck dead on the spot. The prophetic words of Ezekiel's temple were fulfilled during these "last days " when the priests were washed clean. (b) Ngbanga ti nyen Jésus ayeke tâ nzoni tapande ti kpengo mbeto ti Nzapa? Willing local volunteers join with full - time international servants to construct not only Kingdom Halls but also Assembly Halls and Bethel homes. (b) Why is Jesus a fine example of godly fear? Kua so a mû na ala ayeke ti bata azo ti Jéhovah mbilimbili ti tene Babylone, "sese ti nord ," asara sioni na ala ape. They accused Moses of " playing the prince ' and of lifting himself up above others. Their assignment was to protect Jehovah's people especially so that "the land of the north " would not harm them. Mo yeke na ye nyen, so a mû na mo pëpe? What benefits have resulted from Jesus ' course of humility? What do you not have? Ndia ti Moïse ahunda lani ti mû akeke ti wâ pëpe. I had experienced the truth of the words recorded at Psalm 55: 22, which had comforted me so much at the outset of my trials. The Mosaic Law did not require burning trees. Teti batango dutingo ti lo nde ti Chrétien, lo gue na kanga teti angu use. Rather, we want to follow this inspired counsel: "Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. As a result of maintaining his Christian neutrality, he went to prison for two years. Azo ti buruma ni ayeke mû aye ti nginza mingi ala yeke honde ni. So you must clear away what is evil from your midst. " The leper took many moneys and hid them. A yeke aturugu so e hinga ala oko ape. Because David was genuinely repentant, Jehovah kindly forgave him. We do not know them at all. Na ngoi ni so, mbeni mbeti - sango atene so aTémoin ayeke hunda abagara me ala yeke gi ataba. 11, 12. (a) What Bible principle should we bear in mind when it comes to personal cleanness? (b) What questions can be asked about our personal habits and way of life? If cleanness and orderliness in our place of worship can be a source of praise to the God we worship, certainly manifesting these qualities in our personal life is equally important. At that time, a newspaper reported that the Witnesses were asking for sheep but were looking for sheep. Laso, tongana e pensé na ndo ti Moïse, e yeke bâ lo tongana mbeni zo so Jéhovah ahinga lo? - Diko Exode 33: 12, 13. 18, 19. Today, when we think of Moses, do we view him as someone whom Jehovah knows? - Read Exodus 33: 12, 13. 33: 1 - 3. During a stopover, the apostle advised that the remainder of the voyage be postponed. 33: 1 - 3. Lo tene: "Dutingo ti sewa ti e aga nzoni mingi. God's Word Gives Us Comfort " Our family life improved, " she says. [ Ahundango tënë ti manda na ye] Love helps us to endure all things in times of natural disasters. [ Footnote] A zi mbi na kanga na nze ti janvier ngu 1951. Our heavenly Father has granted us the wonderful privilege of being part of his organization. I was released in January 1951. Tongaso lo diko peko ti atënë ti wasenda - ndara ti kodoro ti Écosse David Hume, so asû lani na mbeti: "Salango miracle ayeke mbeni ye so adoro biani andia ti ndagigi. " Death, like birth, is considered by many to be a transition; one who dies moves from the visible world into the invisible realm of the spirits of the dead. So he quoted the words of the philosopher David H. H. H. H., who wrote: "The miracle is something that really violates the laws of nature. " Aita angbâ ti sara nzoni bê na lo na amû maboko na lo ti ga nduru na Jéhovah. Yes, many doors of activity are open. The brothers kept on showing him mercy and helped him draw close to Jehovah. A sara kua na aforoto ni kue pëpe, a sara si ambeni akpengba tongana glason na a bata ni. How did Christ act as Leader during his earthly ministry? Not all the babies were used, some were made to grow as well as to preserve and protect them. Jésus asara tënë ti mbeni wadengo buze so ayeke gi aperle. The faithful slave class share that joy by representing the King and increasing his interests on earth. Jesus spoke of a traveling merchant. Tongana mo yeke gi kua, sala kamene pëpe ti fa so mo yeke Témoin ti Jéhovah. Mingi ni, azo so amû zo na kua abâ aTémoin na nene ni. " " I was quite baffled and realized that I was involved in a losing battle, " he said. If you are reaching out for employment, do not feel ashamed to show that you are one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Afango ye ti Jésus nga na apendere tënë so lo tene ti ndu bê ti azo afa so lo yeke "kota ahon Salomon " na lege ti ndara ti lo. One day her teacher mentioned that members of one religion would not accept blood but that he did not know who they were. Jesus ' teachings and appealing words reveal that he was "more than Solomon " in his wisdom. Mo yeke kiri ti sara kusala ni? It will be reflected in what we say and do, perhaps also in our facial expression and in our tone of voice. Would you be able to do that again? Marilyn atene na Jimmy so ni yeke gi ti sara aye kue ndali ti nzoni ti lo. It reads: "God's Kingdom, which is a real government in heaven, will soon bring an end to all wickedness and transform the earth into a paradise. " Marilyn explained that she was trying to do everything for her good. Ala hunda tere ti ala, atene so mara ti dekongo ti nyen la? Mo ye ti bâ! 4, 5. They wondered what kind of voice was, and you wanted to see! Mo tene ti mo nyen na ndo ti guengo na li ni ti kusala ti e ti fango tënë? For the "little flock " of anointed Christians, the Kingdom hope means immortal life in heaven as part of Christ's Kingdom government. How do you feel about our progress in the ministry? Ye ti mawa ni ayeke so, mingi ti agbia so asigigi na lege ti fami ti David asara ye pëpe tongana ti so Jéhovah ahunda, nga azo so ala yeke komande na ndo ti ala atï na yâ ti sambelango ayanda nga na sarango ye ti sioni. Those experiences strengthened Abraham's faith. Sadly, many kings who descended from David's family failed to live up to Jehovah's command, and their subjects fell into idolatry and wickedness. Lawa si a yeke zingo azo 144 000 so ti wara fini na yayu? Our marriage blossomed anew. When will these 144,000 resurrected ones be resurrected to heavenly life? Fani mingi, mama ayeke wara ala na peko ti ekole, na lo yeke mû ala ti gue na ala na fango tënë. Yet, it is noteworthy that Paul did not write to Timothy in order to complain about his own problems. Mother often found them after school and used them to accompany them in the ministry. Na lege so nzara ti sioye asara ala, na lege so ala voro ayanda na ala sara ye ti pitan, ala zia Jéhovah na tara nga ala dema tere wala ala kasa ndo. Preparing the heart to listen at Christian meetings is particularly important. By desiring evil, by idolatry, and by engaging in sexual immorality, they put Jehovah to the test and complain. " Fango tënë na ndo ti Jésus ayeke ye so aprophétie agboto lê dä. ." What kind of riches did Jesus give his disciples? " Preaching about Jesus is the focus of prophecy. " Me kete na kete so lo yeke diko ni, ye ni ayeke nzere na lo mingi ahon ti kozo. According to Psalm 119: 119, how does God view the wicked? If we never stray from his regulations, God will sustain us. But just a little while he reads it will be more pleasant to him than before. Mbi ye mo la mo fa na mbi tongana nyen a lingbi mbi sara ye na ngoi ti mbi, nyen la a lingbi mbi zia na kozo ndo, nga tongana nyen la a lingbi mbi sara kusala na amosoro ti mbi nga na akode ti mbi. ' By applying what Bible counsel can youths avoid serious mistakes? I want you to tell me how I should use my time, what should I give priority, and how I should use my resources and abilities. ' Nzapa afâ lo na lê ni lê ni. That was the experience of the Israelites who followed Joshua into the Promised Land. God immediately put him to death. Awakua ti Jéhovah amû tere ti ala wani ti mû maboko na aita so bungbi atokua ala na kodoro ti ala ti leke aDa ti Royaume, aDa ti Assemblée nga na aDa ti Béthel. According to Psalm 91: 2, Moses refers to Jehovah as " his refuge and his stronghold ' - his Source of security. Jehovah's servants offer themselves willingly to help their brothers and sisters to build Kingdom Halls, Assembly Halls, and Bethel homes. Ala tene so Moïse la " aye ti ga mokonzi ' na ti yä tere ti lo na nduzu na ndo ti azo. How did some Israelites recognize God's hand? They claimed that Moses " wanted to be leader ' and to exalt himself above others. So Jésus asara tere ti lo kete aga na aye ti nzoni wa? " You can go home. What benefits result from Jesus ' humility? Mbi bâ tâ tënë ti Psaume 55: 23, so amû ngangu na mbi mingi na tongo nda ti atara ti mbi. If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Jehovah's Witnesses, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. I have seen the truth of Psalm 55: 22, which has been a source of great encouragement to me at the start of my trials. E yeke gi ti sara ye ague oko na wango so Bible amû atene: "I zingo na ambeni zo na popo ti i fade pëpe, na tongana mbeni zo ayeke na tënë na popo ti lo na ita ti lo, i pardone ye na popo ti i. As stated, the vindication of Jehovah's sovereignty is a vital issue involving mankind. We endeavor to heed the Bible's counsel: "Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. Na lege so fade i lungula sioye na popo ti i. " The report we submit each month is connected with our godly devotion. In this way you will remove badness from among yourselves. " Teti so David achangé bê ti lo biani, na nzoni bê Jéhovah apardone lo. For example, he decreed that humans were not to take the life of their fellow man. Because David genuinely repented, Jehovah mercifully forgave him. Tongana dutingo ti e na saleté pëpe, nga salango ye ti e kue na lege ni na ndo so e yeke voro Nzapa dä alingbi ti ga na gonda na ndo Nzapa so e yeke voro, kite ayeke pëpe so fango na gigi alengo so na yâ fini ti e ti lâ oko oko ayeke nga kota ye mingi. Certain family heads select material that they feel the family needs to consider or that deals with subjects or questions the family has asked to consider. If we are morally clean, and our honesty in our place of worship can bring praise to the God we worship, it is likely that displaying these qualities in our daily life is vital. 18, 19. 7: 20 - 25. 18, 19. Na ngoi so ala luti na mbeni kodro, Paul amû wango na azo ni ti tene ala sara tanga ti voyage ni na mbeni lango nde. Nani tumbled from her scooter countless times while coming to study with me, but she was undaunted. While standing in a foreign land, Paul advised the people to travel for the rest of the journey on another day. Tënë ti Nzapa ayeke mû na e dengo bê Timothy's mother and grandmother not only read the Scriptures to him but also helped him to reason on the truths those writings contain. - 2 Timothy 1: 5; 3: 14, 15. God's Word gives us comfort Ndoye ayeke mû maboko na e ti gbu ngangu na yâ ti aye kue na ngoi ti akpale tongana kota pupu wala kota ngu - nzapa so abuba aye. * Love helps us to endure all things during natural disasters. Babâ ti e ti yayu amû na e pendere pasa ti duti na yâ ti bungbi ti lo. Will he put forth effort to rid himself of such emotions that could make his heart unresponsive? - Matt. Our heavenly Father has blessed us with the wonderful privilege of being part of his organization. Azo mingi abâ kui legeoko na dungo zo tongana mbeni kapa so zo ayeke hon na yâ ni ti gue na mbeni ndo; zo so akui awe ayeke londo na kodoro ti azo ti mitele ti gue na kodoro ti ayingo ti akuâ. God's Word states: "It came about in the time of Solomon's growing old that his wives themselves had inclined his heart to follow other gods; and his heart did not prove to be complete with Jehovah his God like the heart of David his father.... Many view death as a step through which one goes to another; the dead come from the human family to the spirit realm. Biani, alege mingi azi na gbele e teti kusala. For example, many do not have the videos and the articles published only on Yes, we have many opportunities for service. Na lege wa Jésus asara kusala ti Mokonzi na ngoi so lo yeke fa tënë na sese ge? He made his appeal in the spirit of the apostle Paul's words at 1 Corinthians 14: 19, which says: "In a congregation I would rather speak five words with my mind, that I might also instruct others, than ten thousand words in a tongue, " that is, in a language little understood. How did Jesus fulfill his role as Leader during his earthly ministry? Bungbi ti ngbâa be - ta - zo ni akangbi ngia so na salango kusala na iri ti Gbia ni nga na maïngo aye ti lo ge na sese. God gave Enoch a message to deliver to the people of his day. The faithful slave class shared that joy by using the King's name and growth here on earth. Lo tene: "Li ti mbi aga kirikiri na mbi hinga so mbi yôro tele ti mbi na yâ ti mbeni tiri so mbi lingbi pëpe ti sö benda dä. Certain Bible translations thus refer to "John the Immerser " and" John the dipper. " She says: "I was confused and knew that I was involved in a fight that I could not win. Ti tene salango ye ti e ague oko na Psaume 119: 105, a lingbi e sala nyen? Our life as humans, far superior to that of "unreasoning animals, " enables us to observe and value the wonders of creation. In order for us to act in harmony with Psalm 119: 105, what must we do? Mbeni lâ, professeur ti lo atene so ambeni zo ti mbeni bungbi ti nzapa aye pëpe ti mû mênë, me lo professeur ni lo hinga bungbi ni so pëpe. One father said that his wife always prays with the children before they leave for school. - Psalm 62: 8; 112: 7. One day, her teacher said that some religious people were not willing to accept blood, but she did not know it. A yeke sigigi na yâ tënë ti yanga ti e nga na salango ye ti e, peut - être a lingbi nga ti bâ ni na lê ti e nga na lege ti totongo ti go ti e. Should we not respect his way of handling the situation and recognize his ability to control matters? It can also be seen in our speech and actions, perhaps also in our eyes and tone of voice. A tene: "Na yâ ti ngoi kete Royaume ti Nzapa (so ayeke mbeni tâ ngorogbia na yayu) ayeke zi aye ti sioni kue na ayeke sara si sese aga paradis. " As stated in Genesis, what decrees did Jehovah issue regarding humans? It says: "The kingdom of God (a real government in heaven) will soon end all wickedness and transform the earth into a paradise. " 4, 5. " Naive Person Believes Every Word, " 10 / 15 4, 5. Ti "kete kundu, " aChrétien so a sa yingo na ndo ti ala, ala yeke na beku ti wara fini so alingbi ti futi pëpe na yayu, nga ala yeke duti azo ti yâ ti ngorogbia ti Royaume ti Christ. (b) What questions regarding Jesus ' commands will be considered? To "little flock, " anointed Christians have the prospect of immortal life in heaven, becoming part of Christ's Kingdom government. Aye so asi so akpengba mabe ti Abraham. [ Picture on page 10] Those events strengthened Abraham's faith. A yeke mo bâ mo tene mariage ti ala ato nda ni fini fini. Bubbling with excitement, I planned to join my husband in his assignment, but to do so, I needed a bicycle - a luxury I had never been able to afford, as times were hard during the depression. It was as if their marriage had begun. Ye oko, ye so apika bê mingi ayeke so Paul asû mbeti pëpe na Timothée ti dema teti akpale so lo mveni ayeke na ni. Jehovah has pronounced an adverse judgment on this world, but he has not yet judged all individuals in the world. Interestingly, though, Paul did not write to Timothy to complain about his own problems. Lekengo bê ti dengi mê na abungbi ti aChrétien ayeke mbilimbili kota ye. The owner of the artifact is said to have bought it for a few hundred dollars in the 1970 ' s. The determination to pay attention to Christian meetings is especially important. Mara ti mosoro wa Jésus amû na adisciple ti lo? Nourishing spiritual food was made available to prospective members of the slave class in many nations. What kind of treasure did Jesus give his disciples? Tongana e zia lâ oko pëpe lege ti akpengba - ndia ti lo, Nzapa ayeke mû maboko na e biani. Jehovah approved of the Gibeonites ' becoming "gatherers of wood and drawers of water for the assembly and for Jehovah's altar, " supplying firewood for the altar of sacrifice. If we never abandon his standards, God will surely help us. Sarango ye alingbi na wango wa ti Bible alingbi ti mû maboko na amaseka ti kpe ti sara akota faute? 14: 14. Applying what Bible counsel can help youths to avoid making serious mistakes? Azo ti Israël so amû peko ti Josué ti lï na yâ Sese ti Zendo abâ tâ tënë ti ye so na lê ti ala mveni. Paul's counsel is still applicable. The Israelites who followed Joshua into the Promised Land saw this reality in their own eyes. Na Psaume 91: 2, Moïse asara tënë ti Jéhovah tongana "Ndo Ti Bata Tere " nga" Gbada Ti Bira " ti lo. The couple prayed for more faith so as to have the courage to make the right decisions. At Psalm 91: 1, Moses referred to Jehovah as "a refuge " and" a stronghold. " Tongana nyen la ambeni zo ti Israël abâ lani maboko ti Nzapa? " Why am I convinced that these are "the last days "? ' How did some Israelites see God's hand? Mo lingbi ti kiri na yanga - da. Others in the camp were amazed at how quickly we had made friends. You can go home. Tongana mo ye ti hinga tënë mingi na ndo ni wala tongana mo ye si mbeni zo aga amanda Mbeti ti Nzapa na mo senge senge, sala mbeti na: Association "Les Témoins de Jéhovah, " B.P. 662, Bangui, République Centrafricaine, wala na mbeni bozo ti mbeti so ayeke na lembeti 2. Pursuing a Meaningful Purpose in Life If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Jehovah's Witnesses, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. Tënë ti droit ti Jéhovah ti komande dunia kue ayeke kota mingi ahon ngia ti e. Indeed, we can use wisely the extra time that God's patience allows. Jehovah's sovereignty is far more important than our happiness. A yeke nzoni e mû arapport ti e ndali ti so na sarango tongaso e fa so e gbu tënë ti Nzapa ngangu. In addition, the branch had decided that the territory could support only about 200 pioneers, who worked in isolated territories rather than with congregations. We do well to report our reports because doing so indicates that we hold fast to God's word. Na tapande, lo tene a lingbi zo afâ mba ti lo ape. On another occasion, a crowd approached Jesus, desiring to be healed and to hear him speak. For example, he said that no one should kill another. Ambeni babâ ti sewa asoro ambeni li ti tënë so ala bâ so sewa ni ayeke na bezoin ti manda ni wala ti sara ye alingbi na ni wala ala yeke soro ambeti so akiri tënë na ambeni hundango tënë so azo ti sewa ni ayeke hunda. What help is available for young people who are contemplating their choices in life? Some family heads have chosen subjects that they feel that the family needs to study or to select publications that answer questions that are raised in the family. 7: 20 - 25. How can you show respect for Jehovah's arrangement for discipline? 7: 20 - 25. Nani atï na moto fani mingi na ngoi so lo yeke ga ti sara étude ti mbi, me lo ngbâ lakue ti ga. In the Bible, Jehovah is the personal name of God. On several occasions when she was coming to my Bible study, she continued to come. Mama ti Timothée nga na âta ti lo ti wali ayeke diko lani Mbeti ti Nzapa na lo nga ala yeke mû maboko na lo ti gbu li ti lo na ndo ti atâ tënë so ayeke na yâ ni. - 2 Timothée 1: 5; 3: 14, 15. So then, why allow ourselves to be burdened by the anxieties and doubts of the world? Timothy's mother and grandmother read God's Word to him and helped him to meditate on its truths. - 2 Timothy 1: 5; 3: 14, 15. * Do not raise your voice or frown, but speak in a calm manner. * A lingbi lo sara ngangu ti zi asioni bibe so. - Mat. The Vatican instructed that God's personal name should not be used or pronounced in hymns and prayers during Catholic religious services. He must strive to root out such negative feelings. - Matt. Bible atene: "Tongana Salomon aga mbakoro, awali ti lo agbian bê ti lo si lo gue na peko ti ambeni nzapa nde; na bê ti lo ayeke mbilimbili pëpe na L'Éternel Nzapa ti lo, tongana bê ti David babâ ti lo ayeke mbilimbili na Nzapa.... Paul, quoting the inspired words of Habakkuk, wrote: "The righteous one will live by reason of faith. " The Bible says: "In Solomon's old age his wives inclined his heart to follow other gods; and his heart was not complete with Jehovah his God, like David his father was complete with God.... Na tapande, azo mingi alingbi pëpe ti bâ avidéo nga ti diko a - article so a zia ni na ndo ti site What might Noah's family have felt? For example, many may not see videos and read articles on Lo mû gi oko bibe ti bazengele Paul so ayeke na 1 aCorinthien 14: 19, so atene: "Na yâ ti mbeni congrégation, mbi ye mingi ti sara gi atënë oku na hingango ndo ti mbi, si mbi wara lege ti fa ye na ambeni zo na yanga, ahon ti sara atënë saki bale - oko na mbeni yanga ti kodoro nde ," so ti tene na yanga ti kodoro so azo amä yâ ni nzoni ape. How is transformation different from improvement? He gave the same mental attitude as the apostle Paul recorded at 1 Corinthians 14: 19, which says: "In one congregation I love to speak five words and my own understanding, so that I may be able to teach others by word in a foreign tongue rather than by ten thousand different words. " Nzapa afa na Hénok mbeni tokua ti fa na azo ti ngoi ti lo. Avoiding drunkenness, sexual immorality, tobacco, and addictive drugs helps us to safeguard our health. - Proverbs 7: 21 - 23; 23: 29, 30; 2 Corinthians 7: 1. Enoch was commissioned by God to deliver a message to his contemporaries. Tongaso, ambeni Bible asala tënë ti "Jean, Zo ti yorongo zo na yâ ngu. " Paul states another reality of marriage at 1 Corinthians 7: 32 - 34. Thus, some Bible translations refer to "hell, the cupbearer. " Fini ti e so ayeke kota mingi ahon ti "anyama so ahinga ndo pëpe " amû lege na e ti bâ nene ti aye so Nzapa aleke. That will make it easier for them to " bring you up in the discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah. ' - Eph. Our most meaningful life than that of "the inexperienced one " gives us the opportunity to appreciate the importance of God's creation. Mbeni babâ atene so wali ti lo ayeke sambela lakue na amolenge kozoni si ala gue na ekole. - Psaume 62: 9; 112: 7. " One night, " Gary says, "I had some time on my hands, so I picked up a Bible and read from Matthew to Revelation. One father said that his wife regularly prayed to children before attending school. - Psalm 62: 8; 112: 7. E lingbi pepe ti yekia lege ti lo ti leke ye ni nga ti yeda na ngangu ti lo ti hon ndo ti atene ni? If so, you are not alone. Can we not appreciate his way of handling matters and submit to his ability to overcome them? (b) Fa ambeni tënë so a mû fani mingi na ndo a - assemblée ti aTémoin ti Jéhovah? Sandra apologized and arranged to resume the study. (b) share some common comments about the conventions of Jehovah's Witnesses? Tongana ti so a fa na mbeti ti Genèse akpengba tënë wa Nzapa atene so andu azo? 13: 17. As indicated in Genesis's book, what did God say about mankind? Kekereke ti azo, 1 / 4 Why does the loyalty of Christians come under test? 4 / 15 [ Foto na lembeti 10] WHEN Jehovah's temple was built in Jerusalem during the reign of King Solomon some 3,000 years ago, a beautiful water reservoir of copper was made and placed outside the temple entrance. [ Picture on page 10] Na nzerengo tele mingi, mbi leke ti gue na peko ti koli ti mbi na yâ kusala ti lo, me ti sala ni, a lingbi mbi wara mbeni bekani, mbeni ye ti nginza mingi so mbi wara la ni lege oko pepe ti vo ni teti so ngoi ayeke la ni ngangu na ngoi ti kota kpale ti konomi. False Teachers Disown Jesus I was so happy that I planned to accompany my husband in his ministry, but in order to do so, I had to find a lot of money that I could not buy because it was hard at the time. Jéhovah adë ngbanga ti sioni awe na ndo sese so, me ade lo dë ngbanga pëpe na ndo ti zo oko oko so ayeke na ndo sese. How did Jesus address the problem of self - righteousness? Jehovah has already condemned the earth, but he has not condemned everyone on earth. Azo atene mveni ti sanduku ni avo ni na ngu 1970 na nginza mingi pëpe. What effect could such behavior have on those attending one of our assemblies for the first time? It was said that the owner had bought it in 1970 with less money. A yeke lani aChrétien kue, akoli na awali, si ayeke mû mbage ti ala ti sala si azo aga adisciple. " This Is the Way " All Christians - men and women - were involved in making disciples. Jéhovah ayeda ti tene azo ti Gabaon aga " azo ti fango keke na azo ti tongo ngu teti bungbi ti azo ni, na teti balaga ti L'Eternel ', na gango na akeke ti wâ ti zongo na sandaga na ndo balaga. Sadly, before long the divine institution of marriage came under attack. Jehovah allowed the Gibeonites to become " workers for the assembly, and for the altar of Jehovah ' by bringing wood of burnt offerings upon the altar. 14: 14. It affords them opportunities to exercise their free will and to honor God by serving him in a unified, harmonious way. - Ps. 14: 14. Wango ti Paul angbâ lakue na ngangu. Meditating on the words of Solomon's inauguration prayer will enhance our appreciation for these and other aspects of God's personality. Paul's counsel remained strong. Lo na wali ti lo asambela ti wara kpengba mabe tongaso si ala wara ngangu ti mû anzoni desizion. Why, though, did "the faithful and discreet slave " receive greater responsibilities? He and his wife prayed for strong faith so that they could make wise decisions. " Ngbanga ti nyen mbi mä na bê so e yeke na "alango ti nda ni "? '. Clearly, the first world war triggered a time of affliction that has not abated. " Why do I believe that we are living in "the last days "? Bê ti ambeni zo na kando ni adö ti bâ tongana nyen e wara akamarade hio tongaso. What can we learn from the prophecies of Isaiah that relate to God's Son? Some in the camp were amazed at how quickly we had friends. Gi ti duti na mbeni nzoni ye ti sara na fini ti mo Jehovah would therefore hold "an accounting " against the Israelites. Cultivate a Good Life Biani, e lingbi ti sala kusala nzoni na tanga ti ngoi so Nzapa, na lege ti be - nze - pepe ti lo, azia na ndo ni na e. Surely, if nonbelievers deserve respect when we speak to them, how much more so do our friends inside the congregation! Yes, we can make good use of the rest of God's long - suffering. Na ndo ni, filiale amû desizion so gi apionnier 200 tongaso la alingbi ti fa tënë na yâ ti kodoro ni. Apionnier ni ayeke fa tënë lani na ando so acongrégation ayeke dä pëpe. In bearing witness to Jehovah and his purposes, we testify against Satan the Devil, exposing him as a manslayer and a liar who is misleading the entire inhabited earth. In addition, the branch office decided that only 200 pioneers could serve in an area where there were no congregations. Na mbeni lango nde, gbâ ti azo aga na tere ti Jésus, ala ye ti tene lo sava ala nga lo fa ye na ala. Even so, Jehu, the son of Hanani the visionary, told Jehoshaphat: "There are good things that have been found in you. " - 2 Chron. On another occasion, crowds approached Jesus, wanting him to heal and teach them. Ti tene amaseka amû anzoni desizion, ala lingbi ti wara mungo maboko na ndo wa? What questions may arise when we read the book of Daniel, and what publication can help to answer them? Where can young ones find help in making wise decisions? Tongana nyen la mo lingbi ti fa so mo bâ na nene ni ye so Jéhovah aleke ti gboto mê ti azo ti lo? Or have I lost some of my initial zeal in the years since then? ' How can you show that you appreciate Jehovah's arrangement to warn his people? Na yâ ti Bible, Jéhovah ayeke iri ti Nzapa wani. On the other hand, if you see a need to simplify your life and to focus more on Kingdom interests, Jehovah has alerted you to an area where you can work at drawing closer to him. - Matt. In the Bible, Jehovah is God's personal name. Tongaso, ngbanga ti nyen ti zia lege na avundu nga akite ti sese so ti ne e? 13: 11 - 18. Why, then, should we allow the anxieties and doubts of this world to honor us? Atâa so abango ndo alingbi ti duti nde nde, sala ye na nzobe nga na yekiango ndo. The man said that he would be happy to join them. While opinions may vary, be kind and respectful. Azo ti Vatican amû yanga ti tene a sara kusala na iri ti Nzapa pëpe na ti di nga ni pëpe na yâ ti abia, asambela na ngoi ti vorongo nzapa. What can help you to forgive yourself? The Vatican ordered the use of God's name and the use of it in song, prayer, and worship. Paul asara kua na atënë ti Habakuk, lo tene: "Fade zo ti mbilimbili ayeke ngbâ na fini ndali ti mabe. ." Who left Egypt with the Israelites, and what led them to do so? Paul used Habakkuk's words: "The righteous one will live for the faith. " Bê ti azo ti sewa ti Noé ayeke tongana nyen? In the journal Scientific American, water - and - soil expert Dr. Walter C. How did Noah's family feel? Na nda ni, tongana e yeke kpe nyongo sämba ahon ndo ni, ye ti pitan, nyongo manga nga na mbangi, a yeke mû maboko na e ti bata seni ti e. - aProverbe 7: 21 - 23; 23: 29, 30; 2 aCorinthien 7: 1. Instead of restraining him, the child's mother smiles. Finally, by avoiding drunkenness, immorality, smoking, and drug abuse, we can take care of our health. - Proverbs 7: 21 - 23; 23: 29, 30; 2 Corinthians 7: 1. Paul asara tënë ti mbeni ye so ayeke si ka na yâ ti mariage na 1 aCorinthien 7: 32 - 34. Remember the history of Israel. Paul spoke of something common in marriage at 1 Corinthians 7: 32 - 34. Ye so ayeke sara si a yeke duti ngangu na ala pëpe ti " ngbâ ti bata mo na lege ti sengo ndo nga na awango ti gbotongo mê so alondo na Jéhovah. ' - aÉph. Jehovah can help us to concentrate on righteous, chaste, virtuous, and praiseworthy things. This will make it easier for them to "go on bringing you up in the discipline and admonition of Jehovah. " - Eph. Gary atene: "Na mbeni bï, so mbi yeke na ngoi kete, mbi mû Bible na mbi diko ni ti londo na Matthieu a si na Apocalypse. Or you may have experienced an answer to a prayer. Gary relates: "I spent one night reading the Bible and read it from Matthew to Revelation. Tongana a yeke tongaso, a yeke gi mo oko pëpe. " Here I am raining down bread for you from the heavens, " he promised. If so, you are not alone. Sandra ahunda pardon na Ruth na lo leke ti tene lo kiri lo sara étude ni. Knorr, who served as a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses until his death, used to tell missionaries: "When you get discouraged, the first thing to do is to get some rest. Sandra apologized to Ruth and arranged for her to resume her study. 13: 17. " In fact, [Moses] was powerful in his words and deeds. " His faith came to the fore when he observed the injustices heaped on his brothers by Pharaoh's slave masters. 13: 17. Ngbanga ti nyen dutingo be - ta - zo ti aChrétien ayeke na gbe ti tara? How did the courage shown by Paul and Barnabas reflect their deep love for people? Why is Christian integrity under trial? TONGANA a leke temple ti Jéhovah na Jérusalem na ngoi ti komandema ti Gbia Salomon so a sala fadeso ngu 3 000 awe, a leke mbeni pendere ye na gengere ti zia ngu dä na a zia ni na gigi na yanga ti temple ni. John uses it to refer to fellow believers in general. WHEN Jehovah's temple was built in Jerusalem during the thousand years of King Solomon's reign, there was a beautiful design of copper that was established outside the temple. Na ndo ni, Nzapa asara kusala na Josué ti fa lege na azo ti Israël ti lï na Sese ti Zendo. Clearly, Jehovah's spirit was not at work in them. Moreover, God used Joshua to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land. Awafango ye ti wataka ake Jésus If a person was in an unclean state, he would have to make a sin offering or a guilt offering to restore his standing with Jehovah before making a voluntary offering. False teachers hated Jesus Na lege wa Jésus afa kpale so zo ayeke wara tongana lo bâ so lo la lo yeke mbilimbili? [ Picture on page 12] How did Jesus describe the danger of being righteous? Mara ti sarango ye tongaso ayeke sara nyen na ndo ti azo so aga ti kozo ni na mbeni kota bungbi ti e? In the final chapter of his letter to the Ephesians, Paul described a fight in which every Christian is involved. What effect would such a reaction have on those who attended our first assembly? " So ayeke lege ni " Moral. " This Is the Way " Ye ti mawa ni ayeke so hio tongaso, ye so Nzapa aleke na ndo ti tënë ti mariage ato nda ti tambela nzoni pëpe. In another letter, Paul stated: "When being reviled, we bless; when being persecuted, we bear up; when being defamed, we entreat. " - 1 Cor. Sadly, God's arrangement for marriage did not begin to function properly. A yeke ti gbu ala na ngangu si ala sara ye pëpe, me ti mû lege na ala ti sara na lo beoko nga na yâ ti mango tere. - Ps. There was another problem with Israel's repentance. They are forced, not to act, but to serve him unitedly and in unity. - Ps. Gbungo li na ndo sambela ti Salomon ti mungo temple ni na Nzapa ayeke kono ande singila ti e teti aye so nga teti ambeni mbage ti salango ye ti Nzapa. Jehovah lovingly provided her for him. Meditating on Solomon's dedication prayer will deepen our appreciation for these and other aspects of God's personality. Ye oko, ngbanga ti nyen "ngbâa be - ta - zo na ti ndara " ni awara akota kungba ahon ti so lo yeke na ni kozo? That command applies to all true Christians today, as Jesus ' words indicate: "Look! Why, though, did "the faithful and discreet slave " receive greater responsibility than he had? Tongana ti so e bâ awe, a yeke na ngoi ti kozo bira so amû sese kue la si akota kpale ti azo ato nda ni nga aga gi ngangu ngangu. " Because, " the next verse continues, "a husband is head of his wife as the Christ also is head of the congregation. " As we have seen, it is during the first world war that has increased mankind's big problems and has become increasingly difficult. Na lege ti prophète Ésaïe, Jéhovah afa aprophétie nde nde so andu Molenge ti lo. This made a marked difference because it helped the brothers to understand their roles clearly. " - Benjamin. Through the prophet Isaiah, Jehovah revealed various prophecies concerning his Son. Ndali ti ye so, fade Jéhovah ayeke "fâ ngbanga " na ndo azo ti Israël. (b) Why should we cultivate confidence in God's promises? For this reason, Jehovah will " render judgment ' upon Israel. Biani, tongana e yeke ne azo ti gigi na ngoi so e yeke sara tënë na ala, a lingbi e sara nga tongaso na akamarade ti e so ayeke na yâ ti congrégation! He and his wife were taken to a hospital hundreds of miles away. Of course, when we show honor to those outside the congregation, we should do the same for our friends in the congregation! Tongana e yeke fa tënë ti Jéhovah nga na ti ye so lo ye ti sala, e yeke sala tënë na tele ti Satan Zabolo, na e yeke fa lo tongana wafango zo nga wamvene so ahanda sese mobimba. These visits gave us the opportunity to show appreciation for the faithful service of young and old alike and to encourage them to continue in their special privilege of serving Jehovah. As we proclaim Jehovah's word and purpose, we speak against Satan the Devil and identify him as a manslayer and a liar who is misleading the entire inhabited earth. Ye oko, Jéhu atene nga na lo, a tene: "[Jéhovah a] wara mbeni ye ti nzoni na lege ti mo. " - 2 Chron. The religious leaders of the sects of the Pharisees and the Sadducees viciously opposed Jesus - even sought to kill him. However, Jehu also told him: "[Jehovah] has found a blessing in you. " - 2 Chron. Ahundango tene wa alingbi ti londo tongana e diko buku ti Daniel, nga mbeti wa alingbi ti mu maboko ti kiri tene na ni? No wonder "word from Jehovah had become rare in those days "! What questions can arise when we read the book of Daniel, and what book can help to answer them? Wala wâ so mbi yeke na ni ândö akiri na peko tongana angu ayeke hon? ' In the early summer of 1949, a tall, friendly gentleman visited the Koda family. Or did my former zeal diminish as the years passed? ' Me tongana mo bâ so a lingbi mo changé aye na yâ ti fini ti mo ti zia aye ti Royaume na kozo ndo, Jéhovah afa na mo mbeni ye so mo lingbi ti sara ti ga nduru na lo mingi ahon ti kozo. - Mat. In some countries, higher education is government sponsored and qualified students do not have to pay fees or tuition. But if you feel that you need to make changes in your life to put Kingdom interests first, Jehovah has given you something you can do to draw closer to him. - Matt. Bible atene nyen na ndo ti azo ti handa? Those words emphasize our heavenly Father's active interest in the salvation of mankind. What does the Bible say about deceptive people? Koli ni atene so lo yeke duti na ngia ti gue legeoko na ala. Can you discern when a person is growing impatient or even irritated by your presence? The man said that he would be happy to accompany them. Nyen la apeut ti aidé mo ti pardonné terê ti mo wani? King Solomon was confident of what? What can help you to forgive yourself? Azo wa asigigi na Égypte legeoko na azo ti Israël, na ye nyen apusu ala ti sala tongaso? Joy, not pain and despair, will characterize their lives. - Isaiah 35: 10. Who went out from Egypt with the Israelites, and what moved them to do so? Na yâ mbeti - sango Scientific American, wakode - kua ti fango yaka Pakara Walter C. Understanding the Feelings of Others In the United States, a farmer named Walter C. (c) Ye nyen e yeke bâ ande na yâ article ti peko? The apostle John made much the same point when he warned that if anyone loves the things in the world - "the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one's means of life " - then" the love of the Father is not in him. " (c) What will we consider in the next article? Ahon ti tene lo suku na molenge ni, mama ti lo ayeke he gi ngia. • How must free will be exercised? Instead of rebukeing her child, her mother would just laugh. Dabe ti mo na ye so asi ândö na azo ti Israël. First, Isaiah declares: "O Jehovah, you are my God. I exalt you, I laud your name. " Recall what happened to the Israelites. Jéhovah alingbi ti mu maboko na e ti bata lê kue gi na ndo aye so ayeke mbilimbili, na sioni kete pepe, nzoye, na tene ti singila. According to Revelation 20: 7 - 9, all the " misled nations, ' or groups of people, who fall under Satan's wicked influence will meet their judgment of destruction: " Fire will come down out of heaven and devour them. ' Jehovah can help us to keep our eyes fixed on righteousness, good, and thankful. Ota ni, peut - être mo bâ tongana nyen la Jéhovah akiri tënë na sambela ti mo. Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. Third, you may have seen how Jehovah answered your prayers. Lo tene na ala, lo tene: "Bâ, fade Mbi sara si mapa alondo na yayu atï na sese teti i. " Though Bible literature was being smuggled across the Swiss border, there was not enough to go around. He told them: "Look! I am going to cause bread to come down from heaven for you. " Knorr, so asala kusala tongana mbeni oko ti Wabatango Bungbi ti aTémoin ti Jéhovah juska na kuâ ti lo, ayeke tene ka lakue na amissionnaire: "Tongana i nze, kozo ye ti sala ayeke ti mu ngoi ti wo tele kete. Once you have decided to take up the full - time ministry, stick with your decision. Knorr, who served as a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses until his death, often told missionaries: "When you are tired, you're giving up time to get tired. Lo fa mabe ti lo na gigi na ngoi so lo yeke bâ aye ti kirikiri so amaître so Pharaon azia ala na ndo ti angbâa, ayeke sala na aita ti lo. Thus, during the modern - day history of Jehovah's Witnesses, relatively few have had to be expelled from the Christian fellowship because they would not conform to God's standards. He showed faith when he saw the injustices brought upon his brothers by Pharaoh's slaves. So azo agi ti fâ Paul asara si mbeto asara lo na Barnabas na ala zia fango tënë? You will draw close to Jehovah and earn the love and respect of fellow Christians. Did the threat of death cause Paul and Barnabas to become afraid and give up in the ministry? Jean asara kusala na tënë so ti sara tënë ti aita kue. " You can still serve Jehovah. " John used that expression to refer to all brothers. A yeke polele, yingo ti Jéhovah asala lani kusala pëpe na ndo ti ala. It is much the same with Bible students today, whether young or old. Clearly, Jehovah's spirit did not operate on them. Tongana zo ni asara mbeni ye so asara si lo ga sioni, kozo ti tene lo mû offrande ti nzobe, a lingbi lo mû offrande ti siokpari wala ti kengo - ndia ti tene Jéhovah abâ lo na nzoni lê awe si lo mû offrande ti nzobe ni. Mary had strong faith in her son as the Messiah, and that did not wane even after Jesus ' death. If the person did something that would make him unclean, before making a voluntary offering, he had to offer a sin offering or a guilt offering to Jehovah's favor. [ Foto na lembeti 32] published by Jehovah's Witnesses. [ Picture on page 32] Na hunzingo ti mbeti so lo tokua na azo ti Éphèse, Paul asala tënë ti mbeni bira so aChrétien kue ayeke mû mbage dä. Several have stayed to listen to our discussion of the Bible text and have expressed appreciation for the interest we Witnesses have in spiritual things. Toward the end of his letter to the Ephesians, Paul spoke of a struggle that all Christians would face. Nzoni lege ti salango ye. Eventually, "breath came into them, and they began to live. " The right way of life. Na yâ ti mbeni mbeti ti lo, Paul atene: "Na ngoi so azo ayeke zonga e, e yeke iri tënë nzoni na ndo ti ala; na ngoi so azo ayeke sara ye ti ngangu na e, e yeke kanga bê; na ngoi so azo ayeke buba iri ti e, e yeke voro yanga na ala. " - 1 aCor. First, let us look back to the seventh century B.C.E. In one of his letters, Paul wrote: "When being reviled, we bless; when being persecuted, we are patient; when being reviled, we entreat. " - 1 Cor. Mbeni kpale ni nde ayeke nga dä na tënë ti Israël so atene, ni gbian bê ti ni awe. Thus, a consideration of all the facts leads to the conclusion that Jehovah may well have made his covenant with Abraham in Ur and reaffirmed it in Haran. There was another challenge with Israel's words that he had repented. A yeke Jéhovah si na lege ti ndoye amu na lo wali ni. Each man involved had married a fellow worshiper, an Israelite woman, choosing her as a dear companion, a life partner. Jehovah lovingly provided her with her. Yanga so abâ atâ Chrétien kue laso. How can we make sure that our decisions are in harmony with God's will? That command applies to all true Christians today. Versê so aga na pekoni akiri tënë, atene: "Teti koli ayeke li ti wali, legeoko tongana Christ ayeke Li ti Eglize ," wala kongregation. She had asked herself: " Is Maria too young to get baptized? The next verse answers: "For a man is head of his wife, just as the Christ is head of the congregation. " Sarango tongaso aga na ye ti nzoni ndali ti so amû maboko na aita ni ti hinga polele ye so ala lingbi ti sara. " - Benjamin. Jehovah will forgive me. ' This was beneficial because it helped the brothers to see clearly what they could do. " - Benjamin. (b) Ngbanga ti nyen a yeke nzoni ti ngbâ ti zia bê na azendo ti Nzapa? One of Jehovah's Witnesses, whom we will call Sebastian, worked for a Scandinavian company in Poland. (b) Why should we continue to trust God's promises? A gue na koli ni na wali ti lo na da - nganga so ayo mingi na da ti ala. When you were born, your kidneys were ready to filter your blood supply - removing toxins and excess water but retaining useful substances. The couple were taken to a remote hospital. Avizite ni amû lege na e ti fa singila ti e ndali ti kua so amaseka na ambakoro ayeke sara na yâ ti bungbi ti Jéhovah nga e wa ala ti ngbâ dä. They accepted the invitation, and Jesus even contributed to the joy of the occasion. The visits give us an opportunity to show our appreciation for the role that young and old alike play in Jehovah's organization and encourage them to stay there. Lani, akota zo ti nzapa ti aJuif, so a iri ala aFarizien nga na aSadducéen ake tâ Jésus na bê oko, na ala gi même ti fâ lo. How does imitating God show support for him? The Jewish religious leaders, called Pharisees and Sadducees, rejected Jesus and even tried to kill him. A yeke ye ti dongo bê pëpe so "na lâ ni kâ, tënë ti L'Eternel ayeke mingi pëpe "!. We can actually benefit by having others scrutinize our conduct. No wonder "Jehovah's word was short "! A yeke lani na ngu 1949 si mbeni yongoro koli so ayeke sala ye na nzobe aga ti sala vizite na sewa ti aKoda. For example, if a congregation elder notices two brothers "stirring up competition with one another, " he can contribute powerfully to the unity of the congregation by offering private counsel" to readjust [them] in a spirit of mildness. " It was in 1949 that a far away man came to visit the Bethel family. Na ambeni kodoro, a yeke ngorogbia si ayeke mû nginza, na anzoni élève ayeke futa ye oko pëpe na senda - gi. If we were to judge God to be cruel, would we not be stating the opposite - in effect saying that our ways are higher than his? In some lands the government is making money, and good students do not pay for college. Tënë so afa so Babâ ti e ti yayu abi bê ti lo mingi na ndo ti salut ti azo. This goodness was "in him " - that is, in his heart. This expression shows that our heavenly Father is deeply concerned about mankind's salvation. Tongana mo tingbi na mbeni zo so ayeke sala ye na ngangu, sala kue ti fa na gigi nzobe. The honey meant here could not refer to that of bees. When you meet someone who is harsh, work hard to show kindness. Nyen la Gbia Salomon ahinga ni nzoni mingi? Satan had special reason to focus his attention on ancient Israel. What did King Solomon have in mind? Fade fini ti ala ayeke duti gi na ngia, me pëpe na pono nga na bê so anze. - Esaïe 35: 10. He was the epitome of godly love. Their lives will be happy, not in suffering and discouragement. - Isaiah 35: 10. Gbu nda ti atënë so ayeke na bê ti azo Fleeing requires that a Christian youth guard against unwholesome influences, wherever they might surface. Understanding People's Heart Bazengele Jean amû mbeni wango so ague oko na tënë so na ngoi so lo tene tongana mbeni zo andoye aye so ayeke na yâ ti dunia so, so ti tene "nzara ti mitele, nzara ti lê na sarango baba ti akungba so zo ayeke na ni, " andâ" ndoye ti Babâ ni ayeke na yâ ti lo pëpe .." (Read 1 Corinthians 15: 9; Phil. The apostle John gave this principle when he said that if anyone loves the things in the world, "the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one's means of life " -" the love of the Father is not in him. " • Tongana nyen a lingbi ti sala nzoni kusala na ngangu ti zo ti soro ye ti bê ti lo? He felt free to open his heart to Jehovah, asking for help as he struggled with hard questions. • How can free will be used effectively? Kozoni, Isaïe atene: "O L'Eternel [" Jéhovah, " NW], Mo yeke Nzapa ti mbi; fade mbi yä iri ti Mo. " Read Isaiah 53: 11, 12. First, Isaiah said: "O Jehovah, you are my God. I will glorify you. " Na lege ti Apocalypse 20: 7 - 9, "amara ," wala abungbi ti azo, so Satan " ahanda ' ala si ala tï na gbe ti sioni ngangu ti lo ayeke wara futingo: " Fade wâ asigigi na yayu, a zu na sese, na a hunzi ala. ' Samantha: Well, he said that the Father is greater than he is. According to Revelation 20: 7 - 9, "the nations, " or human groups, whom Satan" is misleading " will be destroyed:" The fire will go out from heaven, and it will be brought forth from heaven, and it will be done away with them. ' Atâa na yâ ti sese so aga kirikiri, mo lingbi ti wara ngia na lege ti tâ hingango ye so Bible amû na ndo Nzapa, Royaume ti lo, na pendere ye so lo leke teti azo kue. Joseph pardoned them, and Jacob's sons became a nation that had the privilege of bearing the name of Jehovah. Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. Atâa so ambeti ti manda na Bible ayeke londo lani na Suisse ti lï na hondengo ni na kodoro ti e, ye oko ambeti ni alingbi azo kue pëpe. (b) Give an example of harmful speech. Although Bible literature was from Switzerland to enter our homeland, it was not enough for all of us. Tongana mo mû desizion ti mû kusala ti ngoi kue, ngbâ ti sara ye alingbi na desizion ni. How do elders deal with erring fellow believers? If you decide to enter the full - time ministry, continue to make the decision. Na yâ ti mbaï ti aTémoin ti Jéhovah ti laso, a yeke gi kete wungo ti aTémoin la a bi ala na gigi ti bungbi ndali ti so ala ke ti sara ye alingbi na afango ye ti Bible. Our special pioneer partners, Ella Lisitza and Ann Kowalenko were a stabilizing influence and loving support during this time. In the modern - day history of Jehovah's Witnesses, few Witnesses have been disfellowshipped because they refuse to live by Bible principles. Mo yeke ga nduru na Jéhovah, nga amba ti mo aChrétien ayeke ye mo mingi na ala yeke ne mo. Martin Luther and other Reformers rejected many teachings of the Catholic Church. You draw close to Jehovah, and your fellow Christians love you and respect you. Mo peut ti ngbâ ti sara na Jéhovah senge. " The "one pearl of high value " pictures the precious truth of the Kingdom. You can continue serving Jehovah without fail. " Ti azo mingi so ayeke manda Bible laso ayeke nga tongaso, atâa ala yeke maseka wala kota zo. It was not easy arranging these showings, yet it was satisfying to see the fine response of the people as they got acquainted with the international aspect of Jehovah's organization. The same is true of many today who study the Bible, whether young or old. Marie ayeke na kpengba mabe na mbage ti molenge ti lo so ayeke Messie, na mabe ti lo awoko pëpe même na peko ti kui ti Jésus. Christians take seriously the apostle Paul's inspired words: "We wish to conduct ourselves honestly in all things. " Mary had strong faith in her Messiah's son, and she did not lose faith even after Jesus ' death. so aTémoin ti Jéhovah asigigi na ni. " We underestimate their abilities. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Ala mingi aluti ti mä lisoro ti e na ndo versê ti Bible ti lango ni, na ala fa ngia ti bê ti ala teti so e, aTémoin ti Jéhovah, e mû na nene ni aye ti yingo. 0 Many stop listening to our Bible text about that day and express appreciation for our spiritual needs as Jehovah's Witnesses. Na pekoni, " yingo aga na yâ ti ala, na ala kiri na fini '. What bravery! Then "the spirit came into them and came to life. " Zia e bâ kozoni ye so asi na yâ ti ngu gbangbo omene kozo ti Christ. What sacrifices are we making or are we willing to make in order to declare the good news of God's Kingdom with constancy? Let us first consider what happened in the sixth century B.C.E. Tongaso, bingo bê na ndo aye so kue asi amu lege ti tene na nda ni so Jéhovah alingbi peut - être biani ti te mbele ti lo na Abraham na Our, na ti kiri ti fa tene ni na Harân. For example, a liar can easily convince himself that he is very knowledgeable and brilliant, while in reality he knows very little. Hence, considering all of this has led to conclude that Jehovah may well have made his covenant with Abraham in Ur and return to Haran. E lingbi ti sara nyen ti tene adesizion ti e ague oko na ye so bê ti Nzapa aye? • What does it mean to have one's tears put in Jehovah's "skin bottle " or in his" book "? How can we make sure that our decisions are in harmony with God's will? Lo hunda terê ti lo, lo tene: " Maria ade maseka mingi, lo peut ti wara batême? WHEN age takes its toll, many become disabled, isolated from others in society. " Is Maria so young that she can get baptized? " she wondered. Jéhovah ayeke pardonné mbi. ' Jehovah's spirit promotes humility, not pride. Jehovah will forgive me. ' Mbeni ti aTémoin ti Jéhovah, so e yeke hiri lo Sébastien, asala lani kusala na Pologne na yâ ti mbeni ndokua so kota biröo ni ayeke na Scandinavie. Does most of my joy come from engaging in mundane activities or in spiritual activities? ' One of Jehovah's Witnesses, whom we visited, was serving in Poland in a large branch office in the branch office. Na ngoi so a dü mo, arein ti mo ayeke nduru ti sara kusala tongana yengere ti zi asioni ye so ayeke na yâ ti mênë ti mo, so ti tene aye so ayeke sara sioni na tere ti mo nga na angu so tere ti mo ayeke na bezoin ni pëpe. Indeed, the bank had a customer, a woman, with that account number. When you are born, your kidneys are willing to perform such acts as cleaning your blood, that is, harming your body and the water that you do not need. Ala yeda na tisango ndo ni, na Jésus asala même ye ti mu ngia na ngoi ni. Nearly 40 Witnesses from our congregation traveled there by train. They accepted the invitation, and Jesus even did so. Tongana nyen la e lingbi ti fa so e mû mbage ti komandema ti Jéhovah? * "I wanted to lighten his load and to help buy our son, Jimmy, some of the nice things his schoolmates enjoyed. " How can we show our support for Jehovah's sovereignty? Tongana lê ti azo ayeke gi na ndo ti e ti bâ wala e yeke sala ye nzoni, ye so alingbi ti mû maboko na e ndali ti so a yeke pusu e ti sala ye mbilimbili. On these occasions, I saw clear evidence of Jehovah's spirit in operation. When people look to us to see whether we are doing what is right, this can help us because it motivates us to act in a righteous way. Na tapande, tongana mbeni ancien abâ so aita - koli use ayeke sara " mandako na popo ti ala ', ti sara si congrégation angbâ beoko lo lingbi ti iri ala ti mû wango na ala " ti kiri na ala na nzoni lege, na lo sara ni na ngangu pëpe. '. Besides providing for their material needs, Christian parents will make sure that their children receive a rich spiritual heritage that will benefit them forever. For example, when an elder sees that two brothers are "putting up with one another, " he can invite the congregation to " readjust them in a spirit of mildness. ' Tongana e tene Nzapa ayeke sioni, andâ e yeke tene so lege ti e la ayeke na nduzu mingi ahon ti lo. However, when Jehovah spoke to Abraham, He indicated that Abraham's "seed " would be more than just one person. If we say that God is cruel, we are saying that our way is higher than that of him. Kozoni kue, ye ti nzoni so ayeke ti handango lê ti zo pëpe na alondo na yâ ti bê ti lo. How so? First, this goodness is not hypocritical and comes from the heart. Ngu - lavu so a sala tënë ni ge alingbi pëpe ti duti mafuta ti wotoro. What a great privilege to work along with men who have maintained their first love for Jehovah! The honey mentioned here cannot represent honey. Girisa pëpe so Messie ayeke ga na lege ti mara ti Israël so, nga lo la lo yeke futi Satan nga lo yeke fa so Jéhovah la ayeke na droit ti komande dunia kue. Even though Nebuchadnezzar used divination, it was Jehovah who made certain that the pagan ruler would come against Jerusalem. Remember that the Messiah would come through that nation of Israel, and he would destroy Satan and vindicate Jehovah's sovereignty. Lo yeke biani tapande ti ndoye ti Nzapa ni mveni. What is the relationship between long - suffering and holy spirit? He is truly an example of God's own love. Tongana mbeni maseka so ayeke Chrétien aye ti kpe aye so, a lingbi lo kpe aye so ayeke sara sioni na lo, atâa ndo wa la aye ni alondo dä. Granted, the notion of obedience is not always a popular one in today's world. If a Christian wants to avoid them, he must avoid harmful influences, no matter where they may arise. (Diko 1 aCorinthien 15: 9; aPhil. Since the Israelites had free will, they would have to bear the consequences of their choice. - Deuteronomy 30: 16 - 18. (Read 1 Corinthians 15: 9; Phil. Tongana ngoi ayeke hon, na tënë ni ayeke gbu bê ti zo ni mingi, a yeke nzoni ti mû ngoi mingi ahon ti kozo ti manda ye na lo. Never before has the name Jehovah been given such wide publicity in Germany. In time, the student is more concerned with the situation, and it is best to spend more time studying with him. Lo yeke lani na liberté ti zi bê ti lo na Nzapa, lo hunda na Nzapa ti mû maboko na lo na ngoi so lo yeke na angangu hundango ndo. The Bible exhorts us: "Be made new in the force actuating your mind, and... put on the new personality which was created according to God's will in true... loyalty. " He had the freedom to open his heart to God, asking for God's help when he had serious questions. Ngbanga ti nyen a lingbi e kpe ti wara kpale so ayeke sala lani ngangu na ndo kongregation ti Ephèse? 2, 3. (a) Christian youths should be careful to avoid what? Why should we avoid the danger that would have affected the congregation in Ephesus? Diko Ésaïe 53: 11, 12. In fact, we cannot have one without the other. Read Isaiah 53: 11, 12. Samantha: Lo tene so Babâ ni ayeke kota ahon ni. • What is accomplished by a Christian's good conduct? Samantha: He said that the Father is superior. Joseph apardone ala, na amolenge ti Jacob aga mbeni mara so awara pasa ti tene iri ti Jéhovah aduti na ndo ti ala. Yet, he had to fight selfish tendencies. Joseph forgave them, and Jacob's sons were privileged to bear Jehovah's name. (b) Fa ambeni sioni tënë so a lingbi e kpe ni. Are You Reaching the Stature That Belongs to Christ? 9 / 15 (b) Relate some negative points we need to avoid. Azo so asala kusala ti pionnier spécial na tele ti e, Ella Lisitza na Ann Kowalenko, aduti lani azo so asala ye ti nzoni nga amû maboko na ndoye na ngoi ni kâ. This is the illustration: "The kingdom of the heavens has become like a man that sowed fine seed in his field. Those who were serving as special pioneers alongside us, Ella Ama and Annaaaaaaaa, were very successful and loving at that time. Martin Luther nga na ambeni zo so amû li ni na yâ Kota Gbiango ye so asala si Église Protestant abâ gigi ake mingi ti afango ye ti Église Catholique. But Jesus referred to God as the Father and to himself as the Son. Martin Luther and others who took the lead in the Reformation opposed the Catholic Church. " Perle oko so ngere ni ayeke ngangu mingi " aye ti sara tënë ti tâ tënë ti Royaume so ngere ni ayeke ngangu mingi. Failure to assume the responsibility of warning people of the choice that lies before them could result in our incurring bloodguilt. " One of the most precious value " represents the precious Kingdom truth. A yeke kete ye ape ti fa vidéo ni, me a nzere na e mingi so azo aga lani ti manda ye na ndo ti bungbi ti Jéhovah so ayeke na yâ ti dunia kue. Spiritual Provisions to Invigorate Us It is not easy to show the video, but it is encouraging to see people come to learn about Jehovah's universal organization. A - Chrétien amû tënë ti bazengele Paul so na nene ni mingi, so lo tene: "E ye ti sara ye mbilimbili na yâ ti aye kue. " This makes it possible for us to enjoy freeness of speech with God and a clean conscience. Christians take to heart the apostle Paul's words: "We wish to conduct ourselves honestly in all things. " E yeke bâ na nene ni pëpe aye so ala lingbi ti sara, atâa so ala lingbi ti sara ambeni ye mingi. How do we show that we do not take sides in the world's politics? We do not appreciate what they can do, even though they may be able to do more. 0 A blemish indicates that something on the inside is wrong, at fault. 0 Biani lo sara ye na mbeto pëpe! Why? How courageous he must have been! Aye wa e zia wala e yeke nduru ti sara tongaso si e fa nzoni tënë ti Royaume ti Nzapa lakue? In advocating God's Kingdom, Jehovah's Witnesses do not mix in politics or foment rebellion, even in lands where the Witnesses are banned. What things or are we willing to do in order to have a regular share in preaching the good news of God's Kingdom? Kengo - ndia ti yanga ayeke gbu zo nga tongana gbanda na lege so zo so ayeke tene mvene na amba ti lo alingbi na nda ni ti tene mvene na tele ti lo mveni. One brother who shares in building Kingdom Halls and assisting those affected by natural disasters states that it is hard to describe the satisfaction he receives from serving in these ways. The transgression of lips also catchs up with a snare in that a person who lies with others might rightly lie against himself. (a) David aye lani ti tene nyen tongana lo hunda na Jéhovah ti bata angu ti lê ti lo na yâ ti mbeni ngbenda wala ti sû ni na yâ ti mbeni mbeti? Picture the late afternoon breeze ruffling Abel's hair as he turned his gaze upward and thought about his Creator. (a) What did David mean when he asked Jehovah to keep his tears in a bottle or to write them in a book? MBAKORO asara si azo mingi aga awazin nga ala duti gi ala oko. " Are You Seeking Glory? " was the question asked by Lawrence Bowen in the title of his talk. It has caused many to become disabled and lonely. Yingo ti Jéhovah ayeke maï sarango tere kete, me baba pëpe. There would be people to whom the pure language would not be given. Jehovah's spirit promotes humility, not pride. Nyen la amû na mbi ngia mingi, kua ti Jéhovah wala ambeni ye nde? ' By doing so, we will avoid the hypocrisy of showing courtesy just to curry favor with a superior or to get a material advantage. - Jude 16. What makes me so happy, Jehovah's service, or something else? ' Na biani, banque ni ayeke na anumero so, so ayeke numero ti mbeti ti nginza ti mbeni wali. [ Pictures on page 16, 17] In fact, the bank had such manuscripts, which were the source of a woman's money. Azo ti congrégation ti e nduru na 40 asara ti ala voyage ni na train. As Christians, we must therefore work hard to grow in our love for God, for Bible truth, and for one another. Close to our congregation, about 40 members of our congregation traveled by train. Me nginza so lo wara alingbi pëpe ti mû lege na lo ti bâ lege ti abezoin ti e ti lâ na lâ. Jesus was referring, not to a literal harvest, but to a spiritual ingathering of righthearted individuals who would become his followers. But his income could not allow him to care for our daily needs. Na angoi so, mbi bâ tâ polele yingo ti Jéhovah na salango kusala. The Bible directs Christians to " abstain from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from fornication. ' In those days, I clearly saw Jehovah's spirit at work. Na ndo ti mungo na ala aye so ala yeke na bezoin ni na lege ti mitele, ababâ na mama so ayeke Chrétien ayeke bâ ande mbilimbili ti tene amolenge ti ala awara mbeni ye ti héritier na lege ti yingo so ayeke nzoni mingi, so fade ayeke ga na ala ye ti nzoni teti lakue lakue. But Paul neither solicited the praise of the Corinthians nor exploited their admiration. In addition to providing materially for them, Christian parents will especially see that their children will receive a precious spiritual heritage, which will benefit them forever. Ye oko, na ngoi so Jéhovah asara lani tënë na Abraham, lo fa na lo so "hale " ti lo ni andu gi mbeni zo oko pëpe me a ndu gbâ ti azo. (b) What are we privileged to do? However, when Jehovah spoke to Abraham, he explained that his "seed " involved not just one person but many others. Na lege wa? But I said to myself that if those with responsibilities asked me to accept the assignment, they obviously thought that I was capable of handling it. How? A yeke biani kota pasa ndali ti mbi ti sara kua legeoko na akoli so angbâ ti bata kozo ndoye ti ala na mbage ti Jéhovah. Recalling and applying this scripture helped me to carry out my assignments successfully. " It was truly a privilege for me to work with men who kept their first love for Jehovah. Atâa so Nebucadnetsar abâ mbadi ti fa na lo ye ti sara ni, Jéhovah asara kue si gbia ti apaïen so ague ti sara bira na Jérusalem. Who have been taken into the Kingdom covenant, and what privilege awaits them if they are faithful? Although Nebuchadnezzar saw Nebuchadnezzar's intention, Jehovah made sure that this pagan king was going to attack Jerusalem. Kamba wa a yeke na popo ti be - nze - pepe na yingo ti nzoni - kue? But by being honest, I have peace of mind. What connection is there between long - suffering and holy spirit? A yeke tâ tënë so laso azo mingi aye pëpe ti mä yanga. In fact, he wrote: "I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and handed himself over for me. " True, many today do not want to obey. Teti ala yeke na liberté ti soro ye, a lingbi ala yô kungba ti peko ti desizion ti ala. - Deutéronome 30: 16 - 18. The transforming power of God's word, as recorded in the Bible, is no less apparent today. Having free will, they had to carry out their decision. - Deuteronomy 30: 16 - 18. A fa kozoni lâ oko pepe tongaso iri ti Jéhovah na gbele azo ti Zamani. 10, 11. (a) How can we avoid being presumptuous within the family? Jehovah's name had never been declared before in Germany. Bible awa e tongaso: "I ga zo ti fini na yâ ngangu so asala kusala na yâ bibe ti i, na... i yü fini zo ti yâ ni so aleke ni giriri na lege ti ye so bê ti Nzapa aye na yâ tâ... dutingo be - biani. ." Why is it vital that we receive a regular supply of spiritual food today? The Bible admonishes us: "Become a new personality in your mind and... put on the new personality which was created according to God's will in true loyalty. " 2, 3. (a) A lingbi amaseka so ayeke aChrétien asara hange na nyen? Reflecting on our life in Jehovah's service, we have so much to be thankful for. 2, 3. (a) Christian youths should be on guard against what? Tongana e ndoye Nzapa pëpe, e lingbi pëpe ti ndoye aita ti e. I didn't mind. If we do not love God, we cannot love our brothers. • Nzoni tambela ti mbeni Chrétien asara nyen na ndo ti mbeni zo? 5: 4, 5, 10 - What furniture from the original tabernacle became part of Solomon's temple? • How does a Christian's fine conduct affect someone? Me, a lingbi lani lo sara ngangu ti hon ndo ti anzara ti bê so alingbi ti sara si lo maï bibe ti kion. • What can young people learn from Jesus ' example? Yet, he had to work hard to overcome selfish tendencies. Aprophétie, 1 / 9 In fact, years later when I was attending an assembly in Genoa, someone came up to me from behind, covered my eyes with his hands, and asked if I could guess who he was. 9 / 15 Toli ni atene: "Royaume ti yayu ayeke tongana mbeni zo so alu pendere ngongoa ti kobe na yaka ti lo. Or you may write to the publishers of this magazine. The parable says: "The kingdom of the heavens is like a man sowing fine seed in his field. Me Jésus atene so Nzapa ayeke Babâ ni, na lo wani lo yeke Molenge ni. Ever since then, these heavenly creatures have displayed a keen interest in human affairs. But Jesus said that God is the Father, and he himself is the Son. Tongana e ke ti sara kusala so a mû na e ti gboto lê ti azo na ndo ti ye so ayeke na gbele ala ti soro, a lingbi ti sara si mênë ti ala aga na li ti e. Since 1999, over 24,500 Kingdom Halls have been built in lands with limited resources. If we refuse to fulfill our assignment to focus on what lies before them, they may cause us to lose their blood. Aye ti Yingo so Aleke ti Mu Ngangu na E Those false accusations did not prevent the early Christians from carrying out their commission to preach the good news of the Kingdom. Spiritual Goals to Strengthen Us Ye so amû lege na e ti wara ngia na salango tënë ti bê ti e kue na Nzapa na ti duti na mbeni nzoni yingo - ti - hinga. In what ways can we encourage missionaries and others serving in foreign lands? This helps us to find joy in speaking with God and having a clean conscience. Tongana nyen la e yeke fa so e mû pëpe mbage ti aye ti poroso ti dunia so? That man lacked faith like that of Abraham, but others have shown implicit trust in God. How can we show that we do not participate in worldly politics? Ye oko, ti duti na ye ti kirikiri na yâ e andu ye mingi ahon so. (See opening pictures.) However, being honest in us involves more. Ngbanga ti nyen? Concerning his aspirations, Eusebius stated: "It is my purpose to write an account of the successions of the holy Apostles as well as of the times which have elapsed from the day of our Saviour to our own; to relate how many and important events are said to have occurred in the history of the church; and to mention those who have governed and presided over the church in the most prominent parishes, and those who in each generation have proclaimed the divine word either orally or in writing. " Why? Na ngoi so ala yeke gbu koko ti Royaume ti Nzapa, aTémoin ti Jéhovah ayeke bi tele ti ala pepe na yâ aye ti poroso wala ala yeke londo pepe ti ke na ngangu ayanga - ti - komande ti sese, atä na yâ akodoro so a kanga lege na aTémoin dä. Would You Welcome a Visit? While defending God's Kingdom, Jehovah's Witnesses do not get involved in politics or stand firm against secular authorities, even in lands where the Witnesses are banned. Mbeni ita - koli, so ayeke mû maboko na kua ti lekengo aDa ti Royaume nga so ayeke mû maboko na aita so ayeke na yâ ti kpale ndali ti aye tongana angu so asuku amû ndo nga na asese so ayengi, atene so tere ti ni anzere mingi ti sara akua so. " Some people criticized me for studying the Bible. A brother who supports the construction of Kingdom Halls and who helps brothers who are affected by natural disasters says that he is delighted to do such work. Babâ na mama ti lo ayeke ândö kâ, me ti fadeso, gere ti ala alingbi ti lï kâ ape, même ti amolenge ti ala. Think of it: We know the Universal Sovereign. Her parents were there, but now they could not enter there, even their children. Ye nyen Nzapa ahunda na gbia ni ti sala? " The meek ones themselves will possess the earth. " What did God require of the king? Na yâ li ti tënë ti diskur ti lo ni, Lawrence Bowen ahunda tënë so: "I yeke gi ti wara gloire? " 9 - 11. In the theme "Are You Searching for Glory? " Ye oko, ambeni zo ayeke duti ande dä so a mu na ala pepe yanga ti kodoro so ayeke nzoni - kue. If you had undergone such an experience, would you have sought a less challenging life? However, there will be others who are not given the pure language. Na sarango tongaso, e yeke kpe ti duti na asarango ye so ane zo gi ndali ti lê ti azo pëpe ti tene e nzere na lê ti mbeni zo so ayeke na kota ndo wala ti wara mbeni ye na pekoni. - Jude 16. Of course, as imperfect humans, we cannot walk precisely in the footsteps of our perfect Exemplar. By doing so, we avoid conduct that is not just acceptable to others in order to gain prominence or gain something. - Jude 16. [ Afoto na lembeti 16, 17] After that, the "beast " reappeared as the United Nations. [ Pictures on page 16, 17] E so e yeke aChrétien, a lingbi e sara ngangu ti ngbâ ti ndoye Nzapa, atâ tënë ti Bible nga na amba ti e aChrétien mingi. The reverential words of Mary shortly after learning that she would be the mother of the Messiah were similar to those of Hannah when she was presenting young Samuel for tabernacle service. As Christians, we must strive to maintain our love for God, Bible truths, and many fellow believers. Jésus ayeke sara lani pëpe tënë ti tâ kongo lê ti kobe, me lo yeke sara lani tënë ti kongo lê ti kobe na lege ti yingo. What assignment did Jehovah give Moses, and what assurance did He provide? Jesus was not referring to literal harvest, but he was referring to spiritual harvest. Bible afa na aChrétien ti " ke aye so amû na ayanda, ti ke mênë, nga na ye ti pitan. '. James, mentioned earlier, faced this challenge. The Bible tells Christians to " abstain from idols and from blood and from fornication. ' Me lâ oko pepe Paul ahunda ti tene azo ti Corinthe asepela lo, na tongana bê ti ala adö teti lo, lo gbu nga ngoi ni pepe ti wara nzoni na lege ni. One of the most surprising findings regarding human behavior is that the accumulation of money and material things does not necessarily provide a corresponding increase in satisfaction and happiness. But Paul never demanded that the Corinthians praise him, and when he was amazed at him, he did not take the time to benefit from it. (b) Kota kua wa la a lingbi e sara ni laso? If you imitate the faith and obedience of Noah, you can be confident that Jehovah will care for you. - Phil. (b) What important work do we need to take today? A lingbi e sara aye use ti tene e tï na yâ ti tara pëpe: e ngbâ nduru na Jéhovah nga e ngbâ ti sambela lo ti mû maboko na e. What does it mean to "incite to love and fine works "? We must do two things so that we do not fall into temptation - stay close to Jehovah and pray for his help. Me mbi tene na bê ti mbi so tongana azo so ayeke na kungba ti mû kusala ni na azo ahunda na mbi ti yeda na ni, ala hinga biani so mbi lingbi ti sala ni. (See box on page 13.) Calling attention to the fruitfulness of elderly servants of Jehovah, the psalmist sang: "The righteous himself will blossom forth as a palm tree does; as a cedar in Lebanon does, he will grow big. But I reasoned that if those in responsible positions asked me to accept it, they were sure that I could do so. Ti dabe na ti sala ye alingbi na atënë ti yâ ti versê so, amû maboko na mbi ti yô nzoni akungba so a mû na mbi. " Yet, as we saw in the preceding article, the Bible's Author, Jehovah God, wants you to understand his Word. Remembering and applying these words has helped me to fulfill my responsibilities. " Azo wa la ayeke na yâ ti mbele ti Royaume? Pasa wa la ala yeke wara ande tongana ala duti be - ta - zo? DAVID was a man who knew adversity. Who make up the Kingdom covenant, and what opportunity will they receive if they are faithful? Me, so mbi sara ti mbi ye na lege ni, a sara si mbi yeke na siriri ti bê. In this case, there was a delay between Lazarus ' death and Jesus ' arrival at the family home. However, my honesty has given me peace of mind. Ni la, lo tene: "Mbi yeke na [fini] ndali ti mabe ti mbi na Molenge ti Nzapa, lo so andoye mbi na lo kä tere ti lo na kuâ ndali ti mbi. ." Would You Welcome a Visit? Hence, he said: "I have life because of my faith and that of the Son of God, who loved me and handed himself over for me. " Laso nga, a yeke bâ ngangu ti tënë ti Nzapa ti changé zo, tongana ti so Bible asala tënë ni. They have dared to adjust their personal goals and desires so as to serve Jehovah to a fuller extent. Today, the power of God's word is also seen as revealed in the Bible. 10, 11. (a) E lingbi ti sara nyen ti kpe ti duti zo ti baba na yâ ti sewa? What could she do? 10, 11. (a) How can we avoid becoming proud in the family? Tongana e kiri e bâ fini ti e so e sala na yâ kusala ti Jéhovah, e yeke na aye mingi ti kiri singila ndali ni. The former things have passed away. " By reviewing our life in Jehovah's service, we have much to appreciate. A dérangé mbi ape. These writings were dated between 50 B.C.E. and 50 C.E. I didn't have any contact with them. 5: 4, 5, 10 - Kungba wa ti yâ ti ngbele tabernacle a gue na ni na yâ temple ti Salomon? If you have trouble keeping to your Bible - reading schedule, it might be appropriate to ask yourself: " What impact might my reading or TV - viewing habits have on my ability to read Jehovah's Word? ' 5: 4, 5, 10 - What responsibility was taken from the ancient tabernacle to Solomon's temple? Tongana a kiri na avoile ni na sese, bateau ni ayeke kpe ngangu pëpe. An Unfading Record of Endurance When they are returned to the ground, the ship does not stand firm. • Tapande ti Jésus afa nyen na amaseka? At a recent district convention of Jehovah's Witnesses, a husband said of his Christian wife: "I guess I was a jerk in the way I treated her. • What can youths learn from Jesus ' example? Angu mingi na pekoni, na mbeni kota bungbi na Gênes, mbeni zo aga na peko ti mbi akanga lê ti mbi, na lo tene: "Zo wa la akanga lê ti mo so. " " The Secret Person of the Heart " Several years later, at a convention in God's organization, someone came to my eyes and said: "Who is blind to you? " Wala mo lingbi ti sû mbeti na azo so asigigi na mbeti so. Tobacco damages a user's health and is a leading cause of preventable death. Or you may write to the publishers of this magazine. Ngbele ye na ngoi ni kâ, acréature ti yayu so afa na gigi tâ bingo bê na ndo akusala ti azo. (b) What challenge does this harvest present? Since then, these heavenly creatures have shown genuine interest in human affairs. Ti londo na ngu 1999 ti ga na ni, a sara aDa ti Royaume ahon 24 500 na ando so aita ni ayeke na aye mingi ape. Breaking Language Barriers Since 1999, more than 100 Kingdom Halls have been built in isolated areas. Atënë ti wataka so akanga lege pëpe na akozo Chrétien ti sala kusala ti ala ti fango nzo tënë ti Royaume. He would follow a similar pattern - he would feed many through the hands of a few. Those false accusations did not prevent first - century Christians from carrying out their commission to preach the good news of the Kingdom. A yeke bâ nga polele so e yeke na mara ti bango ndo ti Abraham tongana e gbu angoi ti fa tënë tongana lege ni azi na e gi tongaso. These individuals have incurred God's hatred. It is also evident that we have Abraham's attitude when we seize opportunities to give a witness. Koli so ayeke na mara ti mabe ti Abraham ape, me ambeni zo afa so ala zia bê ti ala kue na Nzapa. Nabal was not a spiritual man; he was "harsh and bad in his practices. " That man did not have Abraham's faith, but others showed faith in God. (Bâ foto so ayeke na tongo nda ti article ni.) Human efforts to build a truly prosperous yet moral society have repeatedly failed. (See opening image.) Na ndo aye so lo leke ti sala ande, Eusèbe atene: "Ye so mbi leke ti sala ande ayeke ti sû mbeni tondo na ndo aBazengele so asala kusala na peko ti tele nga ti sû mbeni tondo na ndo ngoi so ahon, ti londo na lâ ti Sauveur ti e juska ti si fadeso; ti fa tongana nyen gbâ ti akpengba ye asi na yâ mbaï ti église; na ti fa ala so akomande na amû li ni na yâ église na yâ akota ndo so azo ti église ayeke dä, nga ti fa ala so na yâ awagame oko oko afa tënë ti Nzapa atâa na yanga wala na mbeti. " [ Box on page 25] Regarding his future purposes, Eusebius wrote: "What I hope to do is to write a report about the apostles who worked alongside one another and to write a report about the time of our Savior until now; to show how many important things have happened in the history of the church; and to teach those who are taking the lead in one religion or in one generation or generation about God. " Fade mo yeda si a bâ mo? In 1946, I built an 18 - foot [5 m] trailer that became our home, and the following year, we were asked to move to Alveston, a village in Gloucestershire. Would You Welcome a Visit? " Ambeni zo akasa mbi lani ndali ti so mbi yeke manda Bible. This certainly made life difficult for the faithful ones. - Acts 4: 1 - 3; 5: 17, 18; 6: 8 - 12; 7: 59; 8: 1, 3. " Some criticize me for studying the Bible. E hinga Gbia ti dunia kue. Feverish anxiety wrecks his body, making his bones feel "red - hot just like a fireplace. " We know the Sovereign of the universe. Versê so ayeke sara pëpe tënë ti kiringo ti azo ti Israël na Sese ti Zendo gi teti kete ngoi. He was among colleagues. " This verse does not refer to Israel's return to the Promised Land for a short time. 9 - 11. The Bible refers to Joseph as the carpenter, using a word that embraces many ways of working with wood, such as cutting down timber, hauling it, and seasoning it for use in building houses, boats, small bridges, carts, wheels, yokes, and all kinds of farm implements. 9 - 11. A yeke nga mbage ti Bible na yanga ti Hébreu so a kiri pekoni na yanga ti Grec. And in this place I shall give peace. " It is also the Greek translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures. Tongana mara ti ye tongaso asi na mo, mo yeke gi ti sara mbeni ye nde so ayeke ga na mo kpale mingi pëpe? To give a truthful answer would mean trouble for the others and make him unpopular. If you find yourself in such a situation, do you try to do something that is less serious? Ti sala tongaso, a hunda na e ti hinga aye so Jésus ayeke mû ni ti fa lege na e, e yeda na ni nga e mû tâ gi peko ti tapande so lo zia ni. The phrase "put an end to all these kingdoms " at Daniel 2: 44 refers to the kingdoms, or world powers, pictured by the parts of the image. To that end, we need to know what Jesus is using to guide us, accept them, and follow the pattern he set. Na pekoni, "nyama " so aga Bendo ti Gigi. Did the leaders of the Byzantine Church win the favor of God and Jesus Christ? - James 4: 4. Later, this "seed " became the United Nations. Kete na pekoni so Marie ahinga so lo yeke ga mama ti Messie, atënë so lo tene ti ne na Nzapa akpa tere na atënë so Anne, mama ti Samuel, atene lani tongana lo gue na maseka Samuel ti sara kua na tabernacle. " Wisdom " meant prehuman Jesus?, 8 / 1 Shortly after Mary realized that she was to become the mother of the Messiah, her expressions of respect for God were similar to those of Hannah, Samuel's mother, when she took Samuel to serve at the tabernacle. Kua wa la Jéhovah amû na Moïse? Jéhovah atene nyen na lo ti dë bê ti lo? For how long? What assignment did Jehovah give Moses, and how did Jehovah assure him? Jacques so e sara tënë ti lo fade awara mara ti kpale so. On the other hand, the foolish one follows a course that is not in harmony with God's standards of uprightness. James, mentioned earlier, faced a similar situation. Mbeni ye ti dongo bê mingi ahon so a ba na yâ salango ye ti azo ayeke so bungbingo nginza nga na aye ti mitele mingi asala lakue pepe si nzerengo tele na ngia akono mingi ahon. Those are words that Jesus uttered in prayer apparently at the time of his baptism. What is more important is that the pursuit of money and material things does not necessarily increase the happiness and satisfaction of the world. Tongana mo sara ye na mabe nga mo mä yanga tongana Noé, mo yeke duti na confiance so Jéhovah ayeke bâ lege ti mo. - aPhil. It takes years of effort to develop good habits, but they can quickly be spoiled. If you imitate Noah's faith and obedience, you can be confident that Jehovah will care for you. - Phil. Ti "pusu mba ti duti na ndoye na ti sara apendere kusala " aye ti tene nyen? Is that really the case? What does it mean to " incite one another to love and fine works '? Ti gboto lê na ndo awakua ti Jéhovah so ayeke ambakoro so angbâ ti lë lengo, wasungo psaume ahe lani bia so: "Fade zo ti mbilimbili amaï tongana keke ti mburu; fade lo ga kota tongana keke ti cèdre ti Liban. If that Israelite girl of Elisha's day had been habitually rude, disrespectful, or dishonest, do you think that her Syrian captors would have listened to her words about Jehovah's prophet? To draw attention to God's faithful servants who continue to bear fruit, the psalmist sang: "The righteous one will grow just like palm tree; he will become like the olive tree of Lebanon. Ye oko, tongana ti so e bâ na yâ ti article so ahon, Jéhovah Nzapa so ayeke Wa ti Bible aye si mo gbu nda ni. Spare me the din of your songs. " - Amos 5: 21, 23. As we saw in the preceding article, however, the Author of the Bible wants you to understand. DAVID ayeke mbeni zo so ye ti ngangu asi na lo mingi. What are the consequences of following a course that Jehovah loves as compared with following one that he hates? DAVID is a man of great distress. Ge, mbeni lango ahon na popo ti kuâ ti Lazare na ngoi so Jésus asi na yâ sewa ni. Courage is needed to do what is right in Jehovah's eyes Here, a day passed between Lazarus ' death when he arrived in the family. Fade Mo Yeda Si A Ba Mo? David was aware that Jehovah already knew him thoroughly - everything that he thought, said, or did was within the scope of his Maker's view. Would You Welcome a Visit? Na mbeto pëpe ala changé aye so ala zia na gbele ala ti sara nga na anzara ti bê ti ala tongaso si ala lingbi ti sara ye mingi na yâ ti kusala ti Jéhovah. YEAR BORN: 1964 They courageously changed their goals and desires so that they could do more in Jehovah's service. Ye nyen lo lingbi ti sala? Abraham arranges for Isaac's marriage to Rebekah, a woman having faith in Jehovah. What could he do? Angbene ye ni ahon ti ala awe. ." " Who is wise and understanding among you? " The former things have passed away. " A sû ambeti so na popo ti ngu 50 K.N.E. nga na ngu 50 N.E. Paolo was to care for legal matters, and I was assigned to the Magazine Department. These writings were written in the 50th century B.C.E. and 50 C.E. Tongana mo yeke na kpale ti bata programme ti mo ti dikongo Bible, a lingbi ti duti nzoni ti hunda tele ti mo mveni: " Ye nyen akode ti mbi ti dikongo mbeti wala ti bango singale ayeke sala na ndo ngangu ti mbi ti diko Tene ti Jéhovah? ' Is his help effective? If you have difficulty keeping your Bible reading schedule, it may be helpful to ask yourself, " What do my methods of reading or watching television affect my efforts to read Jehovah's Word? ' Tënë ti gbungo ngangu so a lingbi ti girisa ni lâ oko pëpe We must guard against boasting, haughtiness, scoffing, and defrauding. This is the case even though adopting such traits may seem advantageous. (b) What will be discussed in the following article? Na ngoi ti mbeni kota bungbi ti district ti aTémoin ti Jéhovah so ahon ade ti ninga pëpe, mbeni koli asara tënë na ndo wali ti lo, lo tene: "Mbi pensé so mbi sara ye na wali ti mbi tongana buba zo. Every king of ancient Israel was instructed to make a copy of the Law and " read in it all the days of his life, in order that he might learn to fear Jehovah his God so as to keep all the words of the law. ' At a recent district convention of Jehovah's Witnesses, a man wrote of his wife: "I think I treat my wife as a victim. Bâ tapande ti Abdias so ayeke wabatango ye ti da ti Gbia Achab, so ayeke na fini na ngoi ti prophète Elie. That raised this vital question of sovereignty: Who has the right to rule? Consider the example of the steward of King Ahab, who lived in the days of the prophet Elijah. " Zo - ti - ya - ni " We might be drawing attention to ourselves in inappropriate ways. " The secret person of the heart " Manga ayeke sara sioni na tere ti zo nga asara si zo ayeke kui hio. One day while the study was in progress, an elderly man approached and offered the Witness a poem that the residents had composed as a token of their gratitude. The doctor is cruel and is quick to die. (b) Kongo le - kobe aga na ye wa so a hunda ti hon ndo ni? Each of these signs consisted of two placards connected by straps that hung over a person's shoulders and covered the front and back of his body. (b) What is involved in the harvest work? Hongo ndo ti kpale ti yanga ti kodoro Why, it is loyalty to the One who gave us life! Overcoming the Challenge of Language Kode ni ayeke so lo yeke mû kobe na azo mingi na lege ti mbeni kete wungo ti azo. Paul did not seek to make Timothy or any other person a disciple of himself. The method is that he provides food for many through a few. Azo so asara si Nzapa ake ala biaku biaku. [ Footnote] Those who caused God to turn them away completely. Nabal ayeke la ni pepe mbeni zo so ayekia aye ti yingo; lo yeke "zo so asala na mayele [" na ngangu, " NW], na zo ti sioni na kusala ti lo kue. " How We Can Make God's Heart Rejoice Nabal was not a spiritual man; he was "a mighty man and a wicked man and all his hard work. " Ngangu so azo asara ti leke mbeni sese so azo ni kue aduti na mosoro nga na nzoni tambela atï na ngu fani mingi. The 2001 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses tells of the violence Christians in Angola had to endure at the hands of enemies. The efforts of humans to build a world that was rich and good often fail. [ Tënë na ndo ti klase ni lembeti 25] " Are they [angels] not all spirits for public service, sent forth to minister for those who are going to inherit salvation? " - Hebrews 1: 14. [ Blurb on page 25] Na ngu 1946, mbi leke mbeni caravane (mbeni da so kutukutu agboto ni), so a yo mètre oku, na a ga tongana da ti e. Ngu oko na pekoni, a hunda na e ti gue na Alveston, mbeni kete kodoro na Gloucestershire. COVER SUBJECT | WHY BE HONEST? In 1946, I built a car - a four - story car - about five feet (about m) away from our home - a year - old B.C.E. Ye so asara lani si ye aga ngangu mingi na aChrétien so ayeke be - ta - zo. - Kus. 4: 1 - 3; 5: 17, 18; 6: 8 - 12; 7: 59; 8: 1, 3. How might you study Genesis 3: 15? This made it difficult for faithful Christians. - Acts 4: 1 - 3; 5: 17, 18; 6: 8 - 12; 7: 59; 8: 1, 3. Teti gingo bê ahon ndo ti lo, a sara si bio ti lo amû wâ "tongana tanda " wala dukë. But enduring friendships are a product of hard work and self - sacrifice. He was so overwhelmed by anxiety that his bones were "like a seal. " Lo yeke na popo ti amba ti lo a - écrivain. " This article will discuss how Jesus ' teachings and the example he set while on earth can help husbands, wives, parents, and children to live happy, fulfilling lives. He is one of his fellow workers. " Bible atene Joseph ayeke sarapande, so ti tene lo yeke sara mara ti kua nde nde na akeke. Na tapande, lo yeke dë keke na sese, lo yeke gboto ni nga lo yeke hule ni si lo leke na ada, angö, akete pont, acharette, aroue, angbongboro keke ti fango na yaka so a zia ka na ndo ti go ti abagara, na agbakuru nde nde ti fango na yaka. See 1 Corinthians 10: 13; Hebrews 4: 16. For example, the Bible says that Joseph was a carpenter, a carpenter, a carpenter, a bear, and dried up to build houses, doors, doors, doors, woods, and land trees that were usually placed on the shoulders of cattle, and farmers. Na fade Mbi mu siriri na ndo ni so. " 1935 1955 1975 1995 2002 And I will make peace there. " Tongana lo tene tâ tënë, amba ti lo ayeke wara kpale, na a yeke sara si ala ye tënë ti lo pëpe. Yes, the midwives took refuge in Jehovah, and he, in turn, proved to be "a shield " to them, protecting them from Pharaoh's wrath. When he speaks the truth, others are in danger, causing them to lose their love for him. Na Daniel 2: 44, tënë " a sara si royaume nde nde so kue awe ' aye ti sara tënë ti aroyaume, wala angangu komandema so ambage nde nde ti image ni ayeke fä ni. Aquinas had a profound respect for Aristotle, whom he referred to as The Philosopher. At Daniel 2: 44, the expression "the kingdom [to] all these kingdoms " refers to kingdoms, or powers, represented by various parts of the image. Amokonzi ti Église ti Byzance awara yengo dä ti Nzapa na ti Jésus Christ? - Jacques 4: 4. I was impressed to learn that God has a name, Jehovah, and to hear it used. Did the Communist clergy have God's approval and that of Jesus Christ? - James 4: 4. Gbungo li aga ye so anzere na mo, 1 / 1 On the other hand, when the person making the sacrifice had a good standing with Jehovah and the offering was without defect, the giver could rejoice with satisfaction. - Read 1 Chronicles 29: 9. 6 / 1 Ngoi ni so ayeke ninga ngoi oke? * How long will that period be? Na mbage, zo ti buba ayeke mû peko ti aye so ayeke gue gi nde na akomandema ti Nzapa so ayeke mbilimbili. And he himself went out. On the other hand, a foolish person lives in harmony with God's righteous commands. Jésus atene tënë so na yâ ti sambela ti lo, peut - être na ngoi ti batême ti lo. However, why did Jesus have to suffer and die in the painful way that was described in the Gospels? Jesus said this in his prayer, perhaps at his baptism. A - Donatiste ni ayôro tere ti ala na yâ ti atënë so ayeke na popo ti azo ti kodoro ni nga na popo ti azo ti poroso. He shows genuine interest in every comment given by listening carefully and by looking politely at the one commenting rather than busying himself with something else. The nuns engaged in political issues and political affairs. A hunda ti sala ngangu teti angu mingi ti lë anzoni salango ye, me a lingbi ti buba ni gi na yâ ti kete ngoi. The 6,872 in attendance felt that the graduation program had renewed their zeal to do God's will. It takes effort for years to cultivate fine qualities, but it can soon be destroyed. A yeke tâ biani tongaso? The helpers accompany Governing Body members to special and international conventions. Is that really so? Tongana fade maseka - wali ti Israël ti ngoi ti Elisée ayeke mbeni molenge so lo yeke na sioni yanga, lo yeke kpe zo pëpe wala lo yeke sala ye na lege ni pëpe, mo pensé so azo ti Syrie so agbu lo ayeke mä tënë so lo tene na ndo prophète ti Jéhovah? Likewise, wholesome and solid spiritual food may have little appeal to a person who has become accustomed to feeding his mind and heart on worldly fare. If the Israelite girl in Elisha's day had been a bad son, would she not respect or act in an unfair way, would you have thought that the inhabitants of Syria were listening to what she had said about Jehovah's prophet? I zia ti sara bia ti i na gbele Mbi. ' - Amos 5: 21, 23. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) Stop singing before me. ' - Amos 5: 21, 23. Na ala yeke sala ni atâa aye wa so asi? [ Pictures on page 23] And what do they do regardless of what happened? Kangbi wa ayeke na popo ti aye so ayeke si tongana mbi sala ye so Jéhovah aye na ala so ayeke si na salango ye so lo ke? If the person respects God's Word and is honesthearted, such reasoning may move him to examine the subject further. - Acts 17: 11. What is the difference between what happens when I do what Jehovah wants those who do what he hates? A hunda ti tene zo asara mbeto pëpe si lo sara ye so ayeke na lege ni na lê ti Jéhovah The Bible is clear on this subject when it says: "Fathers,... go on bringing [your children] up in the discipline and admonition [instruction; guidance] of Jehovah. " It takes courage to do what is right in Jehovah's eyes David ahinga so Jéhovah ahinga lo nzoni mingi, so ti tene Wasarango lo ahinga abibe ti lo kue, ye kue so lo tene wala so lo sara. Some news may be of a confidential nature, and we should respect the right of others to divulge the information at the proper time through the appropriate channels. David knew that Jehovah was well - aware of him - the Creator of all his thoughts, everything he said or did. A DÜ LO NA NGU: 1964 Paul encouraged us to approach Jehovah freely in prayer, "so that we may receive mercy and find undeserved kindness to help us at the right time. " YEAR BORN: 1964 Abraham aleke mariage ti Isaac na Rebecca, mbeni wali so amä na bê na Jéhovah. Yes, a poor spiritual diet can lead to a spiritual heart attack. Abraham married Isaac and Rebekah, a woman who exercised faith in Jehovah. Jacques atene: "Zo wa na popo ti ala ayeke zo ti ndara nga zo ti gbungo nda ti ye? These words indicate that Jehovah's goodness is related to his loving - kindness and other aspects of his personality. James wrote: "Who of you is wise and understanding? Paolo ayeke bâ lani lege ti atënë so andu ndia ti kodoro, na mbi yeke sara ti mbi kua na ndokua ti apériodique. To understand what displaying good manners entails, consider the examples of Jehovah God and his Son. Paolo cared for legal matters, and I worked in the company of magazines. Ala bâ nzoni na pekoni? Instead of quickly providing a ruling to resolve disputes between siblings, Jesus gave him a more general principle: "Keep your eyes open and guard against every sort of covetousness. " Did they benefit? [ Ahundango tënë ti manda na ye] Some 4,000 years ago, after the Flood of Noah's day, Satan raised up Nimrod, "a mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah. " [ Footnote] A lingbi e kpe pikango kate, fandara, hengo ndo nga na gbungo ye ti zo na ngangu atâa so na bango ni, ti sara aye so alingbi ti ga na e aye ti nzoni. No doubt, your mate gives you legitimate cause for complaint. We must avoid pride, pride, ridicule, and perseverance even though it seems that doing so can benefit us. A wa gbia oko oko kue ti Israël ti giriri ti sû peko ti Ndia na mbeti na ti " diko ni na lâ ti lo kue, si lo lingbi manda ti kpe mbito ti Jéhovah Nzapa ti lo, na ti sala na lege ti tene ti ndia so kue. ' Those words of Jehovah did not fail. Each king of ancient Israel was urged to translate the Law and " read it all the days of his life, in order that he might learn to fear Jehovah his God and to do according to all this law. ' Ti kiri tënë na hundango ndo so, Nzapa azia lege na azo ti komande tere ti ala wani teti mbeni ngoi. But others take a different view. To answer that question, God has allowed humans to rule themselves for a time. E lingbi ti gboto lê mingi na ndö ti e na mbeni fason so ayeke na lege ni pëpe. Many machines are designed to obey instructions. We can stress us in a wrong way. Lo mû na Témoin ni mbeni mbeti so azo ti da ni si asû ni. Mbeti ni ayeke ti fa singila ti bê ti ala ndali ti ye so aTémoin ti Jéhovah ayeke sala. He was a Jewish historian; hence, much of the controversy centers on the designation of Jesus as being "the Christ. " He gave the Witness a letter written by the household, which included expressing appreciation for what Jehovah's Witnesses are doing. Na angoi ni so, ti tene e tisa azo kue ti ga ti mä kota diskur ti kota bungbi, e yeke tambela na yâ ti gbata ni na akota pancarte use. They thus announced to the world that they were proud to be servants of the only true God, to be "a people for his name, " praising that name. During those times, inviting all to listen to the convention talk, we walked through the city with two large signs. A yeke nzoni e duti be - ta - zo kozoni kue na Zo so amû fini na e. Where can we find the answers? We should first be loyal to our Life - Giver. Paul agi lani ti sara si Timothée wala mbeni zo nde aduti disciple ti lo pëpe. What can reading God's Word daily and meditating on it do for you? Paul sought to make Timothy or anyone else his follower. [ Kete tënë na gbe ni] The details of such teachings - who pictures whom and why - can be hard to keep straight, to remember, and to apply. [ Footnote] Tongana nyen e lingbi ti zia ngia na bê ti Nzapa? Is there a language as widely spoken today? How can we make God's heart rejoice? Annuaire des Témoins de Jéhovah 2001 afa tondo ti aye ti ngangu so aChrétien ti Angola awara la ni na mbage ti awato. Jesus referred to the harvest as a "season, " so it continues over a period of time. The 2001 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses reports the persecution of Christians who were confronted with opposers. " [A - ange] kue ayeke ayingo so ayeke sara kua ndali ti nzoni ti azo pëpe? Ayingo so a tokua ala ti sara kua na azo so ayeke wara ande salut. " - aHébreu 1: 14. Why do we appreciate it when others respect our time? " Are all angels not spirits for public service, sent forth to minister for those who are going to inherit salvation? " - Hebrews 1: 14. KOTA MAMA - TENE NI | NGBANGA TI NYEN A LINGBI E SARA YE NA LEGE NI? The personality of an individual is often revealed by his likes and dislikes. COVER SUBJECT WHY CAN WE BE ANSWER? Tongana nyen la mo lingbi ti manda ye na ndo ti prophétie so ayeke na Genèse 3: 15? Jehovah brought plagues on ancient Egypt and then parted the Red Sea so that Moses could lead the ancient Israelites to freedom. How can you learn about the prophecy found at Genesis 3: 15? Songo ti kamarade so akpengba na aninga ayeke lengo ti ngangu kua na ti ziango ambeni ye ndali ti nzoni ti mba. Sadly, Brother Kangale's strength finally gave out, and he died faithful while this article was being prepared for publication. A long - lasting friendship is a fruit of hard work and other factors for the benefit of each other. (b) Tongana nyen e lingbi ti sala hange ti handa tele ti e mveni pëpe? " Do you think that was the best way to talk to your brother? " (b) How can we be careful not to deceive ourselves? Nyen la asara si tere ti lo akiri anzere mingi? Simply stated, selfishness made its ugly appearance. What made him so happy? Na yâ ti article so, e yeke bâ tongana nyen tapande ti Jésus alingbi ti mû maboko na akoli na awali ti ala, ababâ na amama nga na amolenge ti duti na ngia. After much prayer, Elsie and I decided to stay and care for Mother. In this article, we will consider how Jesus ' example can help husbands and wives, parents, and children to be happy. Bâ na 1 aCorinthien 10: 13; aHébreu 4: 16. " He that approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him. " - Hebrews 11: 6. See 1 Corinthians 10: 13; Hebrews 4: 16. 1935 1955 1975 1995 2002 They also give us confidence that God's promises of a better future will come true. 1935 1955 1995 2002 Biani, amatrone so azia bê ti ala kue na Jéhovah ti bata ala, na lo nga kue lo ga mbeni "Vala " teti ala, na batango ala na gbele ngonzo ti Pharaon. To make the lesson from Jesus ' brief illustration stand out clearly, let us add some color and details to this word picture. Yes, those men trusted in Jehovah to protect them, and he too became "a special property " for them, protecting them from Pharaoh's anger. Thomas d'Aquin ayekia lani Aristote mingi, teti lo hiri lo Wasenda - ndara ni. Even disfellowshipping reflects Jehovah's love, for it protects the congregation from bad influences. Thomas C.E. had deep respect for Aristotle, for he called him the philosopher. Bê ti mbi adö ti mä so iri ti Nzapa ayeke Jéhovah, nga ti bâ so a yeke di ni. Did her sacrifice go unnoticed? I was surprised to learn that God's name is Jehovah and that it is used. Me, tongana zo ni asara mbeni ye ti sioni ape nga nyama so lo mû na offrande ni ayeke nzoni, zo ni ayeke duti na ngia mingi. - Diko 1 Chronique 29: 9. The cities of refuge are a reflection of Jehovah's mercy. On the other hand, if the person had done nothing wrong and the animal offered was good, he would be happier. - Read 1 Chronicles 29: 9. * • What are some tactics that Satan uses in his attempt to silence God's people? * Lo kpe na zo ahinga oko pëpe Later, the master located other groups of unemployed men and put them to work - at 9: 00 a.m., 12: 00 noon, 3: 00 p.m., and even as late as 5: 00 p.m. There Is No Known Ka ngbanga ti nyen la a lingbi Jésus akui lani na yâ ti pasi tongana ti so aÉvangile afa ni? Perhaps few in such lands have the know - how or the resources to do the work. Why, then, did Jesus have to die as the Gospels show? Lo yeke fa na gigi so lo bi bê ti lo biani na ndo tënë oko oko kue so azo ayeke mû ni, na mango ala nzoni nga, na yekiango ndo, na bango yâ ti lê ti ala ahon ti sala mbeni ye nde. 10, 11. (a) What questions may people ask you about your decision to serve God? He shows genuine interest in every word given by humans, listening carefully and respectfully, viewing their eyes instead of doing anything else. Azo 6 872 so aga na matanga ti mungo diplôme so abâ so ala kiri awara nzara ti sara ye so bê ti Nzapa aye. Pilate may have wanted to do what was right, but he also desired to save himself and please the crowd. The 6,000 attended the graduation program to find their desire to do God's will. Aita ni ayeke voyagé legeoko na aita ti Bebungbi ti gue ti sara a - assemblée internationale nga na ambeni assemblée nde. Where would they come from? The brothers traveled with members of the Governing Body to attend international conventions and other conventions. Legeoko nga, kobe ti yingo so ayeke nzoni na so akpengba alingbi peut - être ti nzere mingi pepe na mbeni zo so ayeke mu lakue aye ti sese na bibe nga na bê ti lo. He comes to Jerusalem for the Festival of Dedication. Likewise, solid and solid spiritual food may not be pleasing to a person who regularly provides material things with his mind and heart. (Gue na gbe ti tënë so: QUESTIONS BIBLIQUES) (Read 1 Timothy 5: 4, 8, 16.) (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) [ Afoto na lembeti 23] " A sharp burst of anger " occurred, and this dispute caused a separation. [ Pictures on page 23] Tongana zo ni abâ Bible na nene ni nga lo ye biani ti hinga atënë so ayeke na yâ ni, mara ti tënë tongaso alingbi ti pusu lo ti gi ti hinga ye mingi na ndo ti tënë ni. - Kus. 17: 11. Often, there are identifiable steps that lead to immorality. If a person appreciates God's Word and really wants to know its message, such reasoning may move him to learn more about it. - Acts 17: 11. Bible ayeke polele na ndo ti tënë so, a tene: "Ababâ,... ala ngbâ ti bata [amolenge ti ala] na lege ti sengo ndo nga na awango ti gbotongo mê so alondo na Jéhovah. ." ANCIENT WISDOM FOR MODERN LIVING The Bible clearly states: "You fathers,... keep on bringing [their children] up in the discipline and admonition of Jehovah. " Ambeni tënë ayeke dä so a hunda ti tene a tene ni na zo ape, a lingbi e ne amba ti e na lege so e ku mbilimbili ngoi so ala ye ti tene azo ahinga tënë na ndo ni. On the contrary, Bible scholar Bruce Metzger wrote: "By the close of the second century,... a high degree of unanimity concerning the greater part of the New Testament was attained among the very diverse and scattered congregations of believers not only throughout the Mediterranean world but also over an area extending from Britain to Mesopotamia. " There are questions that are not required, we should show honor by waiting for the time when others need to know about it. Paul awa e ti ga nduru na Jéhovah senge senge na yâ ti sambela, "si a lingbi ti sara nzoni bê na e na a sara kota nzobe na e na ngoi so e yeke na bezoin ti tene a mû maboko na e. ." PAGE 3 • SONGS: 99, 107 Paul encourages us to draw close to Jehovah in prayer, "that we may be shown mercy and find undeserved kindness when we need help. " Biani, mbeni kode ti tengo kobe so ayeke nzoni pepe alingbi ti ga na kpale ti kobela ti bê na lege ti yingo. So those priests deserved to be called to account. Yes, a poor diet can lead to spiritual health problems. Atënë so afa so nzoye ti Jéhovah ague oko na nzobe ti lo nga na ambeni mbage nde ti salango ye ti lo. At many non - Witness weddings, things take place that dishonor God. These words show that Jehovah's goodness is in harmony with his goodness and other qualities. Ti hinga ye so a iri ni atene asarango ye so ane zo, zia e bâ tapande ti Jéhovah na ti Molenge ti lo. Paul learned through experience that sacrificing oneself in behalf of others brings not only personal satisfaction but also - and more important - Jehovah's blessing and approval. - Acts 20: 24, 35. To understand what it means to be respectful, let us consider the example set by Jehovah and his Son. Fa nda ni. Ye wa so Jéhovah adiko giriri kozoni andu gango tâ tënë ti ye so lo leke ti sara? To avoid such a situation, we should be sensitive to the leadings of our Christian conscience even when the issues in question seem minor. - Luke 16: 10. Explain. What did Jehovah foretell regarding the fulfillment of his purpose? Ahon ti mû hio mbeni ndia ti leke kpale so abâ gigi na popo ti aita so, Jésus afa gi na lo mbeni kpengba - ndia so andu zo kue: "I bata nzoni si tënë ti bê asala i pëpe. " David explained: "It is unthinkable on my part, as regards my God, to do this! Instead of taking a quick solution to the problem that arose between these brothers, Jesus simply taught him a principle that applies to all: "Keep your eyes open and guard against what is hurtful. " A sala ngu 4 000 awe, na peko ti Moa ti ngoi ti Noé, Satan asigigi na Nimrod, "mbeni kpengba wagingo nyama so ake Jéhovah. " Yes, that is supposed to be their business, but what are they really doing? Some 4,000 years ago, after the Flood of Noah's day, Satan brought out of Nimrod, "a mighty animal against Jehovah. " Kite ayeke pëpe so koli wala wali ti mo asara ambeni ye so mo yeke na raison ti dema tere ti mo dä. Nevertheless, my father was a lean, healthy, strong man who loved hard work and taught all of us kids to value it as well. No doubt your mate has done some of the things you have to complain about. Atënë ti Jéhovah so atï na ngu pëpe. " Continue applying yourself to public reading, to exhortation, to teaching. " - 1 TIM. Jehovah's words did not fail. Me, ambeni zo ni ayeke ti ala na mbeni bango ndo nde. There are many who were once as fierce as wolves but who now live in peace with others. Others, however, have a different view. A leke amasini mingi ti sala ye alingbi na ambeni wango - tene. 11 / 15 Jehovah's Way of Ruling Vindicated! 1 / 15 Many presses are designed to apply some principles. Bardet atene so peut - être Josèphe atene so Jésus ayeke Christ ndali ti so lo sû tënë ni na kode ti sungo mbeti na yanga ti Grec. Christian elders and parents find that commendation and encouragement are effective in emphasizing Bible counsel. It seems that Josephus referred to Jesus as the Christ because he wrote it in Greek. Ala fa na yâ ti dunia so ala yeke na ngia ti duti awakua ti oko tâ Nzapa, ti duti "bungbi ti azo ndali ti iri ti lo " na ti gonda iri ti lo. The Bible calls him the "King of eternity, " meaning that he had no beginning and will never have an end. They show in this world how happy they are to be servants of the only true God, to be "a people for his name " and to glorify his name. E lingbi ti wara akiringo tene ni na ndo wa? The Bible shows that Jehovah does listen to prayers today. Where can we find the answers? Dikongo Bible lâ oko oko nga gbungo li na ndo ni alingbi ti sara nyen na mo? He can cure your illness if you undergo serious surgery. Reading the Bible daily and meditating on it can have what effect on you? A lingbi ti duti ngangu ti mä yâ ti anzene nzene ye so a fa na ndo ti ambaï ti Bible ni, ti dabe na ni, nga ti sara ye alingbi na ni. Why was Daniel "someone very desirable "? It may be difficult to understand the details of Bible accounts, remember them, and apply them. République tchèque, 1 / 8 He wants to buy an apartment for each of his daughters, and he wants to start a small business for his son. Highlights From Joshua, 11 / 15 Mbeni yanga ti kodoro ayeke dä so laso azo mingi ayeke tene ni na yâ ti dunia kue? While this is true, it might be good to consider the amount of time we spend relaxing and compare it with the time spent actually studying or reading the Bible. Is there a language that is now spoken by many people around the world? Jésus asara tënë ti ngoi ti kongo lê ti kobe so mingi ni ayeke mû ka ngoi. The following article will explain. Jesus referred to the harvest season, often taking time. Ngbanga ti nyen la a nzere na e tongana zo asara ye na e alingbi na ngoi ti e? And the strenuous efforts made by such translators as Henry Nott remind us of how grateful we should be for having God's Word readily available to most of mankind today. Why do we appreciate being honest with us in our day? Fani mingi, alengo ti salango ye ti mbeni zo ayeke sigigi polele na yâ aye so lo ye na aye so lo ke. July 5 - 11, 2010 A person's qualities are often reflected in what he likes and dislikes. Jéhovah apika Égypte ti giriri na akä, na pekoni lo kangbi yâ ti Ngu Bengba use ti tene Moïse alingbi ti gue na azo ti Israël na yâ liberté. Does that not demonstrate his loving concern for us as individuals? Jehovah struck Egypt with wounds, and then he divided the Red Sea in order to lead the Israelites into freedom. Mawa ni ayeke so, ngangu ti Ita Kangale ahunzi, na lo kui be - ta - zo na ngoi so a yeke leke article so. POPULATION Sadly, Brother Paul's strength ended, and he died faithful when this article was being prepared. Lo tene na lo: "Mo pensé so a yeke nzoni lege ti sala tënë na ita ti mo la? They were together in heaven for perhaps billions of years. He said: "Do you think it would be best to talk to your brother? Na ndulu tene a lingbi ti tene so azo ato nda ti fa na gigi sioni lengo tongana bibe ti kion. * Simply stated, people began displaying such evil traits as selfishness. Na pekoni so e sambela mingi, mbi na Elsie e mû desizion ti ngbâ ti bâ lege ti Mama. Might spectators at some of today's sports events be similarly affected, becoming "more cruel and inhuman "? After much prayer, Elie and I decided to stay with Mother. " Zo so aga ndulu na Nzapa, a yeke ngbanga ti lo ti mä na bê so Nzapa ayeke, na lo yeke zo ti futa ye na ala so agi lo na bê ti ala kue. " - aHébreu 11: 6, NW. Like Moses, may we cherish Jehovah's friendship more than anything that this world has to offer. " He that approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him. " - Hebrews 11: 6. A sara nga si e yeke na confiance so azendo ti Nzapa, so andu mbeni nzoni gigi ti kekereke, ayeke ga ande tâ tënë. For instance, in the year 1914, some thought that their being taken to heaven was imminent. It also strengthens our confidence that God's promises regarding a happy future will come true. Ti gbu nda ti ye so Jésus aye ti fa na lege ti toli so, zia e zia ambeni nzene nzene tënë na ndo ni. Mbeni zo ti fango yaka ayeke fâ yaka na charrue ti lo. Is that all there is, then, to life - each one of us doing what he or she wants? To understand what Jesus meant by this illustration, let us consider further details: A farmer cultivates a field with his vine. Même bingo zo na gigi ti bungbi kue ayeke mbeni ye so afa so Jéhovah andoye e, ndali ti so a yeke bata congrégation ti tene asioni sarango ye alï na yâ ni ape. And what can it mean for you? Even disfellowshipping is an expression of Jehovah's love for us, for it protects the congregation from wrongdoing. Gbanzingo ye na tele ti lo ahon gi senge tongaso na lê ti azo? [ Box / Picture on page 31] Could it be that his contact with him is more than mere outward show? Agbata ti batango zo amû maboko na e ti hinga ye nzoni na ndö ti nzoni bê ti Jéhovah. What may have prompted the question about the greatest commandment? The cities of refuge help us to gain insight into Jehovah's goodness. • Ambeni kode so Satan asala na kusala ti tara ti kanga yanga ti azo ti Nzapa ayeke so wa? His detailed testimony, recorded in Acts chapter 7, testifies to his intense interest in the unfolding of God's purpose. • What are some methods that Satan uses to silence God's people? Na pekoni, wa ti yaka ni awara ambeni koli so aduti senge na lo mû ala na kua: ambeni na ngbonga 9, ambeni na midi, ambeni na ngbonga ota ti peko ti midi, na ambeni même na ngbonga oku. (1) The researcher Ezra included Noah and his sons (Shem, Ham, and Japheth) in the genealogy of the nation of Israel. - 1 Chronicles 1: 4 - 17. Later, the owner found some innocent men at work - at least at 9: 00 p.m., at least three o'clock in the afternoon, and at least five o'clock in the afternoon. Peut - être raison ni ayeke so, na yâ ti akodoro so, azo so ahinga kua ni ayeke mingi ape. It says: "The path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established. " Perhaps the reason is that in these lands, few qualified workers live in such lands. 10, 11. (a) Atënë wa azo alingbi ti hunda na ala na ndo ti desizion so ala mû ti sara na Nzapa? That figurative Daystar, or "bright morning star, " is the glorified Jesus Christ. 10, 11. (a) What questions might people ask them about their decision to serve God? Peut - être Pilate aye lani ti sala ye so ayeke na lege ni, me lo ye nga ti bata kota ndo ti lo na ti nzere na lê ti azo ni. How Would You Answer? Pilate may have wanted to do what was right, but he also wanted to maintain his position and please the people. A soro ala na ndo wa? Is it not remarkable that hundreds of years in advance, Jehovah determined that his Son would teach with illustrations? Where were they chosen? Lo ga na Jérusalem teti Matanga ti Dédicace. Young brothers and sisters, why not see whether you can use what you learned in school to expand your ministry as Hannah did? He came to Jerusalem for the Festival of Booths. (Diko 1 Timothée 5: 4, 8, 16.) 740 ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ (Read 1 Timothy 5: 4, 8, 16.) " Papa alondo mingi na popo ti ala ," na tongaso ala kangbi tele. How to Follow, 5 / 1 " Dad got up among them, " and then they separated. Biani, Jéhovah asoro wala adiko ala oko oko kozoni pëpe. Well, you might try learning how to make a small fish pond. Of course, Jehovah chooses whether to read or not. Mingi ni, a lingbi ti hinga aye so ague na zo na ye ti pitan. Although it has no commander, officer or ruler, it prepares its food even in the summer; it has gathered its food supplies even in the harvest. " Much of what leads to immorality is often identified. MBENI TËNË TI NDARA TI ÂNDÖ NDALI TI AZO TI LASO Its territory covered an area extending some 35 miles [60 km] from Mt. Casius in the north to Tell Sukas in the south and 20 to 30 miles [30 to 50 km] from the Mediterranean in the west to the Orontes Valley in the east. FROM OUR ARCHIVES Nde na so, Bruce Metzger, mbeni zo ti fango nda ti atënë ti Bible atene: "Na hunzingo ti ngu 100 - 200,... azo mingi mingi na ando nde nde na yâ ti acongrégation ti awamabe so ayeke gi pëpe na mbage ti Méditerranée, me so ayeke nga na ando so ayeke na mbage ti sese ti Grande Bretagne juska na Mésoptamie, ala kue ayeda na mingi ti atënë ti yâ ti Fini Testament. " Next, the Devil challenged Jesus to leap off the temple wall and test God's ability to protect him by means of His angels. " By the end of the second century C.E.,... many in congregations not only in the Mediterranean region but also in the British part of Britain until C.E., " says Bible scholar Salomons, "were convinced by the conclusion of the New Testament. " LEMBETI 3 • ABIA: 99, 107 It is as though he held them up high for all to admire. PAGE 3 • SONGS: 99, 107 Ni la, a lingbi ala kiri tënë na Nzapa. While waiting, I turned my attention in another direction. Thus, they must render an account to God. Na amatanga ti mariage mingi ti azo so ayeke aTémoin pepe, aye asi so amu gloire na Nzapa pepe. The Bible provides us with accounts of servants of God who remained loyal to Jehovah and his people despite the serious faults of others around them. At many marriages of non - Witnesses, these events do not bring glory to God. Paul ahinga na lege ti aye so asi na lo so ti mû terê ti mo ndali ti azo ayeke ga gï na mo ngia ape me nga Jéhovah ayeke iri tënë nzoni na ndö ti mo nga mo yeke nzere na lo, ye so ayeke kota mingi. - Kus. 20: 24, 35. Modesty involves having a proper estimate of ourselves and an awareness of our limitations. Paul knew from experience that dedication brings not only happiness but also Jehovah's blessing and approval. - Acts 20: 24, 35. Ti kpe mara ti ye tongaso, a lingbi e duti ndulu ti yeda na afango lege ti yingo - ti - hinga ti e ti Chrétien, même tongana a ba so atene ni ayeke kete ye. - Luc 16: 10. It means action; to show faith in the ransom requires action. To avoid such a situation, we must be willing to accept the dictates of our Christian conscience, even when seemingly minor. - Luke 16: 10. David afa ndani, lo tene: "Nzapa ti mbi ake na mbi ti sara ye so. Nevertheless, when elders who handle these matters show Christlike love, this can have a profound impact on the wrongdoer. David explained: "My God did not permit me to do this. Michée atene: "I so i ke ye ti nzoni na i ndoye sioye; i so i lungula poro ti tele ti azo na i lungula mi na tele ti bio ti ala. We need to be guided by God's thinking, always striving to please him with our every thought and action. Micah wrote: "You who hate what is good and love what is bad; you who cut off the skin of men and cut off flesh from their bones. Me, babâ ti mbi ayeke zo ti kete terê, lo yeke na nzoni seni nga lo yeke ngangu zo so aye kua mingi na lo fa na e amolenge ni kue ti ye nga kua. IT IS no small challenge to maintain a clean moral standing before God amid a depraved society that glorifies gratification of fleshly desires. My father, however, was humble, healthy, and hardworking and taught all children to love and work. " Mo ngbâ ti mû bê ti mo kue na dikongo mbeti na gbele azo, na mungo wango na ala nga na fango ye na ala. " - 1 TIM. How can we live up to our dedication to God "day after day "? " Continue applying yourself to public reading, to exhortation, to teaching. " - 1 TIM. Aita ti e mingi ayeke lani sioni tongana ambo ti ngonda me fadeso ala yeke azo so aye siriri. So I wrote to Jehovah's Witnesses, the publishers of the books, and requested more literature. Many of our brothers were dangerous like wolves but were now peaceable. A - ancien nga na ababâ na amama so ayeke aChrétien abâ so ti gonda mbeni zo nga ti kpengba lo na ngoi so a yeke mû na lo wango ti Bible ayeke nzoni mingi. What was Jesus ' reply? Christian elders and parents find it beneficial to commend and encourage someone when he is given Scriptural counsel. Bible atene lo yeke "Gbia ti lakue lakue, " so ti tene lo yeke na tongo nda ni pëpe nga lo yeke na kongo nda ni pëpe. JEHOVAH is "the God of truth. " The Bible refers to him as "the King of eternity, " that is, without beginning or end. Bible afa so laso Jéhovah ayeke mä asambela. Yet, I see now how strengthening it was for me to spend the formative years of my life coping with such difficult circumstances; it helped me appreciate the more important spiritual things. The Bible shows that Jehovah is listening to prayers today. Lo tene so tongana lo sara mbeni ngangu opéré na mo, mo yeke wara sava. How could two such brothers serve together in harmony? He said that if he performed a serious operation, you would get healed. " Fa nda ti Tënë ti Nzapa na lege ni ', 15 / 11 However, they did not recognize the seriousness of what was coming. 6 / 1 Ngbanga ti nyen Daniel ayeke " zo so A ndoye lo mingi '? Three times Saul tried to kill David with a spear and for years hunted him incessantly, forcing him to become a fugitive. Why is Daniel "the beloved one "? Aye ti nzoni wa alingbi ti ga na peko ti guengo ti bâ ambakoro? Jesus Christ was the greatest Missionary. What benefits may come from visiting the elderly? Lo ye ti vo ada na amolenge ti lo ti wali oko oko na lo ye nga ti to nda ti mbeni kete dengo buze kozoni si lo zia ni na molenge ti lo ti koli. That is why he worked so hard to make the Bible accessible to all. He wanted to buy houses to each of his daughters, and he also wanted to start a small business before he left it with his son. (b) Na lege wa Jéhovah nga na Manassé azia mbeni tapande na e na yâ fango na gigi tâ be - ti - molenge? " By Wisdom Days Become Many ', 5 / 15 (b) How did Jehovah and Manasseh set an example in displaying humility? Atä so a yeke tâ tene, a yeke nzoni ti ba wungo ti ngoi so e yeke mu ti hu tele na ti haka na wungo ti ngoi so e yeke mu biani ti manda ye wala ti diko Bible. And the sons of Israel fell to doing what was bad in the eyes of Jehovah. " While it is true, it is good to consider how much time we spend to rest and compare with the amount of time we spend studying or reading the Bible. Fade article ti peko ayeke fa nda ni. After a traveler crosses several time zones by airplane, it may take days for his body to reset these clocks. The next article will explain. Na ngangu kusala so awasungo peko ti Bible, tongana Nott, asala adabe e so a lingbi e kiri singila teti so Tënë ti Nzapa ayeke dä teti mingi ti azo laso. In a similar way, to have one's trust betrayed is painful. The diligent work of Bible translators, such as Nott, reminds us that we should be grateful that God's Word is available to most people today. 5 - 11 JUILLET 2010 Today, Witness youths need to heed the Bible - based warnings against improper associations, immoral entertainment, pornography, and debasing music. July 5 - 11, 2010 Ye so afa so lo ye e mingi nga lo yeke bi bê ti lo na e oko oko kue. A trust benefiting a religious organization may provide certain tax advantages. This shows his love for us and his concern for us as individuals. AZO TI KODORO NI KUE Some trees take longer than others to become firmly rooted in a new environment. POPULATION Ala use kue ayeke ândö na yayu peut - être angu kutu mingi mingi. That, however, is not the Christian way. Both were in heaven, perhaps millions of years. * For God's Word to influence and transform a person, he must allow it to be "sounded down " into the heart. * Ambeni ye ti wanguru laso alingbi ti sala si zo aga "sioni na asala ye tongana nyama "? (b) What can we learn from Jehovah's condemnation of unfaithful spiritual shepherds? Could some sports today make one "wicked and act as beasts "? Nde na so, a lingbi e zia bê na ndara so ayeke sala si zo abâ ndo ayo, ndara so ayeke ti Jéhovah Nzapa, "Lo so zo abâ Lo pëpe ." 2: 11. Rather, we need to rely on the wisdom needed to see, the wisdom of Jehovah God, "the One who is invisible. " Na tapande, na ngu 1914, ambeni apensé so na yâ ti kete ngoi ala yeke gue na yayu, me ala gue pëpe. My answer was, " None, for he is so difficult to live with. ' For example, in 1914 some thought that they would soon go to heaven, but they did not go. Tongaso, e bâ gigi gi ti tene e oko oko e sala ye so bê ti e aye? 1 So did we come into existence only to do our own will? Nga Royaume ni ayeke ga na mo anzoni ye wa? 16: 1 - 30. And what blessings will the Kingdom bring to you? [ Encadré / Foto na lembeti 31] Such a person is satisfied with the results of his materialistic lifestyle. [ Box / Picture on page 31] Ye nyen ayeke peut - être na gunda ti hundango tënë na ndo komandema so ayeke kota ahon atanga ni? (b) What sure hope is held out at Isaiah 41: 10, 13? What may be the cause of questions about the greatest commandment? Anzene nzene tënë so lo fa ni, na so ayeke na yâ buku ti Kusala chapitre 7, afa kota nzara so lo yeke na ni teti zingo nda ti aye so Nzapa aleke ti sala. Supplied With Sustenance His details recorded in Acts chapter 7, show how much he felt about revealing God's purposes. (1) Wagingo ye Esdras ayôro Noé na amolenge ti lo (Sem, Cham, Japhet) na popo ti iri ti akotara ti mara ti Israël. - 1 Chronique 1: 4 - 17. Instead, they had sold him to these traders. (1) Ezra handed Noah and his sons (M. A tene: "Lege ti azo ti mbilimbili ayeke tongana lâ ti ndapelele so asu, a su mingi, juska a ga kota lâ. " As recorded at 2 Peter 3: 10, the apostle Peter wrote: "Jehovah's day will come as a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a hissing noise, but the elements being intensely hot will be dissolved, and earth and the works in it will be discovered. " It says: "The path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established. " " Tongoro Ti Ndapelele so aza " aduti fä ti Jésus Christ so awara gloire awe. Yes! " The bright star " represents the glorified Jesus Christ. Mo yeke kiri tënë tongana nyen? So Satan offers us tempting opportunities to enjoy such a life now. How Would You Answer? Gbu li kete: asiècle mingi kozoni si ye ni asi, Jéhovah ahinga awe so Molenge ti lo ayeke fa ye ande na lege ti aparabole; ye so adö bê biani, a yeke tongaso pëpe? 18: 17, New International Version. Just think - centuries before that event, did Jehovah know that his Son would be taught by illustrations - surely not? Ala aita - koli na aita - wali so angbâ maseka, ngbanga ti nyen ala gi pëpe ti bâ wala ala lingbi ti mû aye so ala manda na ekole ti maï na kusala ti fango tënë tongana ti so Hannah asara? I began reading the Bible in my last year of high school, and it took me about two years to read it completely. Why not consider whether you can use the material in school to advance the ministry as Hannah did? (b) Ye nyen mo manda na ndo tapande so? It is true that in the Hebrew Scriptures, we often find God's blessing associated with material prosperity. (b) What have you learned from this illustration? 740 ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ They are aware that their knowledge of God's purposes brings great responsibility. . . . . . . Tongaso, ngbanga ti nyen pëpe ti manda ti leke mbeni kete lando ti bata na asusu dä? As in the first century, some relatives today need considerable time before they get onto the way to life. Why not, then, learn to prepare a small stadium for fish? Ala yeke na mokonzi pëpe, wala kapita, wala zo ti komande ala, me ala leke kobe ti ala na ngoi ti lâ, na ala bungbi kobe ti ala na ngoi ti fango le - kobe. ." Similarly, coming to know Jehovah by studying the Scriptures, contemplating creation, and experiencing his help in answer to our prayers moves us to trust in him. They have no commander or commander, but they have prepared their food in the summer and have gathered their food during the harvest. " Gbata ni amû mbeni ndo so alondo na Hoto ti Casios na mbage ti banga na ague akilomètre 60 tongaso juska na Tell Sukas na mbage ti mbongo; na alondo na Méditerranée na mbage ti do na ague akilomètre 30 ti si na 45 tongaso juska na Popo - hoto ti Orontes na mbage ti tö. To find out, let us see what else Jesus says in his illustration of the sheepfold. The city took a place from the northern part of Mount Saul and traveled about 60 miles (about 60 km) north to Tell even west; and from western Mediterranean and traveled some 30 miles [100 km] to the east. Na pekoni, Zabolo atene na Jésus ti londo na li ti temple ti tï na sese na ti tara ngangu ti Nzapa ti bata lo na lege ti a - ange ti Lo. Whether we have much in a material way or not, how thankful we can be if we enjoy Jehovah's blessing and are spiritually rich! Later, the Devil directed Jesus to fall from the temple and to test God's power to protect him by means of His angels. A yeke ye so lo sala nga teti Israël ti yingo ti ngoi ti e. Jesus was thereby acknowledging that he is the King appointed by God. This is also true of our present - day spiritual Israel. Na ngoi so mbi yeke ku, mbeni ye nde agboto lê ti mbi. Scriptural Questions Answered: As I was waiting, something else drew my attention. E yeke wara na yâ ti Bible ambaï ti awakua ti Nzapa so angbâ be - ta - zo lani na Jéhovah nga na awakua ti lo atâa so azo so ayeke na tere ti ala asara akota faute. It must have been an unforgettable sight. The Bible contains accounts of faithful servants of God who remained faithful to Jehovah and his servants despite serious mistakes. Sarango terê kete aye ti sara tënë ti dutingo na nzoni bango ndo na ndö ti e wani nga ti hinga aye so e yeke pëpe na ngangu ti sara ni. God's Son plainly stated: "Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father. " Modesty involves having a balanced view of ourselves and our limitations. Aye ti sara tënë ti kusala. Ti fa mabe na yâ ti sacrifice so ahunda ti sara kusala. In the past, I had seen friendships ruined as a result of greed or fear. To exercise faith in the sacrifice required to serve. Me, tongana a - ancien so aduti ti leke atënë tongaso afa na gigi bibe ti Christ, a lingbi ti sara ye mingi na ndo ti zo so asara siokpari ni. What is involved in "keeping close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah "? The Greek word here rendered "keeping close in mind " literally means" speeding up. " However, when elders who are considering such matters reflect Christ's mental attitude, it can have a profound effect on the wrongdoer. Mbeni ye so afa na e atene ambeni zo asala na Jéhovah na ngoi ti Hénoc ayeke dä pëpe. How far, though, should we go in order to promote peace? There is no indication that some individuals served Jehovah in Enoch's day. A YEKE kete ye pepe ti tene zo abata lutingo ti lo na sioni oko pepe na gbele Nzapa na popo ti mbeni bungbi ti azo so ayeke gonda mingi salango ye alingbi na anzala ti mitele. Why? IT IS not easy to maintain a clean standing before God among a group that honors the desires of the flesh. Tongana nyen la "lâ oko oko " e lingbi ti sara ye alingbi na mungo terê ti e na Nzapa? No punctuation. How can we "day after day " live up to our dedication? Ni la, mbi sû mbeti na aTémoin ti Jéhovah, so ayeke azo so asigigi na mbeti ni so, ti tene ala tokua na mbi ambeni mbeti ni. " At first the preaching work was hard because I'm shy. So I wrote to Jehovah's Witnesses, who were the publishers of this magazine, to send me some of them. Jésus atene nyen na lo? The Creator can control and direct such massive heavenly bodies by his sheer power. What did Jesus say to him? JÉHOVAH ayeke "Nzapa ti tene - biani ," wala ti tâ tënë. What a good lesson this is for any who find it hard to believe that the benefits of Christ's sacrifice could be meant for them personally! JEHOVAH is "the God of truth. " Ye oko, mbi ba fadeso tongana nyen lutingo na gbele angangu ye tongaso na lâ ti pendere ti mbi akpengba mbi; a mu maboko na mbi ti yekia mingi aye ti yingo ti kota ahon. At the Public Meeting and Watchtower Study, we take in further rich spiritual food. However, I now see how standing up during these difficult moments in my youth has strengthened me; it has helped me to appreciate more fully the more important spiritual matters. Aita use so alingbi ti sara kua na yâ ti mango tere tongana nyen? If a person does not get satisfactory answers, his life will lack true purpose. How could these two brothers work together in unity? Ye oko, ala hinga pëpe so ayeke kota ye ti tene ala lango pëpe. When will faithful ones enjoy "the real life "? However, they do not realize how important it is for them to keep on the watch. Fani ota, Saül atara ti fâ lo na likongo, nga teti angu mingi lo ngbâ ti gi lo tongana mbeni nyama ti fâ lo; ye so asala si David akpe kirikiri na yâ ti ngonda. WHEN it comes to prayer, many religious traditions focus on physical issues, such as posture, wording, and ritual. Three times Saul tried to kill him with a spear, and for many years he still sought to kill him. A yeke ndali ni la Lefèvre asara kua ngangu ti sara si azo kue awara Bible. For example, look at the tract Will Suffering Ever End? That is why Lefèvre worked hard to make the Bible available to everyone. Amolenge ti Israël asara ye so ayeke sioni na lê ti L'Eternel. ." In a corner of the house, we built a "fortress " out of mattresses and furniture. The sons of Israel did what was bad in Jehovah's eyes. " Tongana mo voyagé na lapara mo gue na mbeni ndo nde, so l'heure ti ndo ni ayeke tâ nde na ti ndo so mo londo dä, peut - être a lingbi alango ahon kete awe si mitele ti mo aga ti changé ti lingbi na fini l'heure ti ndo ni so. That verse clearly shows how Jesus was principally moved to express his pity. If you travel to another area, which is quite different from where you live, you may have to spend a few days in order to change your body so that you can adjust to the new hour. Legeoko nga, tongana mo zia bê ti mo na mbeni zo si lo kä mo, so kue amû vundu mingi. Is it wrong to ask sincere questions about the Bible? Similarly, if you rely on someone in order to betray you, you too may feel hurt. Laso, a lingbi amaseka Témoin asala ye alingbi na andia ti Bible so ake tënë ti asioni kamarade, aye so andu pitan, na abia so atënë ti yâ ni ayeke sioni. However, in obedience to God's command to all Christians, they cannot and will not stop speaking about the things they have heard. Today, young Witnesses need to obey Bible principles that reject bad associations, immoral entertainment, and questionable music. Lekengo ye ti tene mbeni lege ti vorongo aga ande mveni ti mbeni mosoro alingbi ti zi lege ti kiri na peko alampo so a lingbi a futa ni. We are in dire need of a rescuer. A trust benefiting a religious organization may provide certain tax advantages. Ambeni keke ayeke mû ngoi mingi ti tene gunda ni alï sese ngangu na ndo so a lu ni dä. For example, the law that obliges motorists in Britain to drive on the left does not apply to drivers in France. Some trees spend much time filling the soil where it is sown. Me ti aChrétien ayeke tongaso ape. It is imperative that we "keep on the watch " and prove ourselves ready for Jehovah's day. - Matthew 24: 42, 44. But Christians do not. Ti tene Mbeti ti Nzapa asara ngangu na ndo ti mbeni zo nga achangé lo, a lingbi lo zia si a ndu bê ti lo. (a) Why do we need to be selective in what we read? For God's Word to exert power and change, it must touch the heart. (b) So Jéhovah ake lani aberger so ayeke be - ta - zo ape so, a fa nyen na a - ancien? [ Footnotes] (b) What training did Jehovah give the elders? 2: 11. To answer that question, let us consider the origin and development of this practice as well as God's view of it. 2: 11. Mbi tene so " mbi sara ye oko pëpe ndali ti so sarango kodoro na lo ayeke ngangu mingi. ' When the Israelites received the Law at Mount Sinai, they had evidence of Jehovah's glorious dignity I said, " I don't do anything because it's too difficult to live with him. ' 1 True is the description: "All creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain together until now. " 1 16: 1 - 30. So, then, should not our godly devotion stimulate us to intensify our efforts to help people to learn about Jehovah and imitate him? - Ephesians 5: 1. 16: 1 - 30. Mara ti zo tongaso, bê ti lo awara ngia gi na aye ti mitele so gigi ti lo angoro na tele ni. They imitate Jehovah by doing all they can to assist righteous ones who for a while are "crushed in spirit. " - Ps. Such a person takes pleasure in the things associated with his life. (b) Tâ beku wa la ayeke na Ésaïe 41: 10, 13? (See opening image.) (b) What true hope is expressed at Isaiah 41: 10, 13? Nyen la Jéhovah amû zendo ti sara ndali ti e? Evidently, there were windows along the top, as well as a roof that likely peaked in the middle with a slight pitch so that water would run off. - Genesis 6: 14 - 16. What has Jehovah promised to do for us? Me, ahon ti sara tongaso ala yeda ti kä lo na azo ti kango ye ni so. After the principal men of the Jews visited Paul in his place of confinement, the account in Acts states: "Some began to believe the things said; others would not believe. Instead, they decided to sell him to the merchants. Tongana ti so a sû ni na 2 Pierre 3: 10, bazengele Pierre atene: "Fade lâ ti Seigneur aga tongana wanzi; na lâ ni so, fade ayayu ahon na toto ti ngangu mingi, fade asungoye afuti ngbanga ti wâ so ayeke ngangu mingi, na fade wâ agbi sese na kusala ni kue so ayeke na yâ ni. " " The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one, " says 1 John 5: 19. As recorded at 2 Peter 3: 10, the apostle Peter wrote: "Jehovah's day will come as a thief, and in that day the heavens will pass away with a great fire, and all the works that are in it will be intensely hot with fire and all the earth and all the work that is in it. " En! From the very beginning, our marriage was in trouble. Yes! Me a lingbi e ku nga e lingbi ti wara akpale na ngoi so e yeke ku. About the time Russell began to pioneer, Wayne was in college on the east coast after having worked secularly for a while. But we also need to wait for challenges while waiting. Nga ala yeke hinga nzoni ti ambeni ye so ala yeke na ni gi tongana aye ni so ayeke dä mbeni pëpe. 4, 5. (a) How did the psalmist feel about God's way of ruling? And they will be able to understand some of the things they possess only if these things are no longer available. 18: 17, La Sainte Bible. How can you know when not to have "just one more drink "? 18: 17. Mbi komanse dikongo Bible na ngoi so mbi yeke lani na klase ti terminale, na mbi mû ngu use ti diko Bible kue. When Jesus said, "I am the door " and," I am the true vine, " no one thought that he was a literal door or a literal vine. I started reading the Bible when I was studying the Bible at the class of Tya, and I spent two years reading the entire Bible. A yeke tâ tënë so na yâ ti mbage ti Mbeti Nzapa so a sû ândö na Hébreu, e bâ so fani mingi azo so Nzapa airi tënë nzoni na ndo ti ala lo mû na ala mosoro. The Israelites had just been delivered from slavery in Egypt. True, in the Hebrew Scriptures, we find that those blessed by God often receive riches. Ala hinga biani so hingango ye so ala wara na ndo aye so Nzapa aleke ti sala aga na kota kungba. Altars and True Worship in Israel They are convinced that their knowledge of God's purposes has brought great responsibility. Legeoko na ngoi ti akozo Chrétien, laso ambeni fami ti e ayeke na bezoin ti tene a zia na ala ngoi mingi si ala mû lege ti fini. (a) What challenges do true Christians face? As in the first century, some of our relatives today need more time to be allowed to go on the road to life. Legeoko nga, ti hinga Jéhovah na lege ti mandango Mbeti ti Nzapa, na lege ti gbungo li na ndo ti aye so lo créé nga na lege ti hingango so lo yeke kiri tënë na asambela ti e ayeke pusu e ti zia bê ti e kue na lo. Giving all our time and energy to it is like investing our entire life's savings in a house that is built in a flood zone. Similarly, learning about Jehovah through studying his Word, meditating on his creative works, and knowing that he answers our prayers will move us to trust in him. Ti wara kiringo tënë ni, zia e bâ mbeni ye nde so Jésus atene na yâ parabole ti lo na ndo yangbo ti angasangbaga. How did David react to this criticism? To answer, let us consider another aspect of Jesus ' parable of the fold. Atä e yeke na ye mingi na lege ti mitele wala pepe, so tâ bê ti kiringo singila si e lingbi ti duti na ni tongana e yeke na yengo dä ti Jéhovah na e yeke na mosoro mingi na lege ti yingo! (b) God's Word extends what invitation to everyone? Whether we have much materially or not, how grateful we can be if we have Jehovah's approval and are rich spiritually! Tongaso, Jésus ahinga lani so lo la lo yeke Gbia so Nzapa asoro lo. For example, consider the marriage union. Jesus thus knew that he was God's appointed King. Akiringo tënë na atënë na ndo Bible: " Faith. " Scriptural Questions Answered: Kua ni so ayengi ndo! To understand how Jehovah will deal with his faithful ones at Armageddon, it is helpful to recall what the Bible teaches concerning what God will do for those who die before that time of judgment. What a shock that must have been! Molenge ti Nzapa atene polele atene: "Na ndo ti tënë ti lango ni so nga na ngbonga ni so, zo oko ahinga ni pëpe, atâa a - ange so ayeke na yayu, wala Molenge ni ahinga ni pëpe, me gi Babâ ni. ." Worldwide, the following publications were printed for study and distribution: God's Son clearly stated: "In this day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father. " Ândö, mbi bâ tongana nyen songo ti azo abuba ndali ti so ala yeke na bê ti ye wala ala yeke na mbeto ti amba ti ala. A Treasure Trove of Papyrus Manuscripts In the past, I saw how human relationships have been damaged by greed or fear of others. Ti tâ tënë ni, e lingbi biani pëpe ti " sala si lâ ti Jéhovah aga fade fade ' wala hio, teti e " hinga pëpe lâ ni na l'heure ni ' so Jésus Christ ayeke ga ande na ni ti fâ ngbanga na ndo awato ti Babâ ti lo. It is easy to be lured into looking at suggestive, even pornographic, material. Of course, we cannot literally " speed up the day of Jehovah ' or immediately, for we do not " know the day ' when Jesus Christ will bring judgment upon his Father's enemies. Ye oko, ngangu wa a lingbi e sara ti duti na siriri na azo? Lessons to Be Learned What, though, should we strive to be peaceable? Na tapande, ziango mbangi amû lege na mbi ti bata gbâ ti nginza so mbi yeke buba ândö nze na nze ndali ni. I had " thrown my burden upon Jehovah, ' and though I was physically weak, he had sustained me as I walked through "the valley of deep shadow. " - Psalm 23: 4. For example, I have allowed drugs to save much money that I used to waste for months. A bata ala ngbanga ti nyen? This is to our advantage, for everything Jehovah says is for our benefit. - Isaiah 48: 17. Why were they spared? Apoint nga na avirgule ayeke dä ape. It is painting quite a different picture, one that suggests hard work. There is no amount of money and medicine. " Na tongo nda ni kusala ti fango tene ayeke la ni ngangu na mbi teti so mbi yeke zo ti kamela. What effect did God's Word have on the men who took the lead? " At first, the preaching work was difficult for me because I was shy. Wasalango ye alingbi ti fa lege na angbongboro tongoro so gi na lege ti kota ngangu so lo yeke na ni. Unlike epidemics that send doctors racing to discover a cure, this scourge is eminently curable; the solution is well - known. The Creator can guide this star by means of his vast power. Tongaso, tongana mo pensé so asiokpari ti mo ayeke kota mingi ti tene Nzapa apardone ni na lege ti sandaga ti Christ, dabe ti mo na tapande ti Paul. Jehovah instructed his people to "love the alien resident. " So if you think that your sins are important to God's forgiveness on the basis of Christ's sacrifice, remember Paul's example. Na ngoi ti Kota Diskur na Mandango Tour ti Ba Ndo so a yeke teti azo kue, e yeke wara gbâ ti pendere kobe ti yingo. Her bold defense led not only to the removing of unfounded prejudices but also to a home Bible study with the woman. During the public talk and The Watchtower Study for All Mankind, we enjoy an abundant supply of rich spiritual food. Tongana mbeni zo awara akiringo tënë so agbu bê ti lo pëpe, fade lo yeke hinga pëpe ngbanga ti nyen lo duti tâ na fini. I felt that everyone had to hear these precious truths that I had found with so much difficulty. If someone does not receive satisfying answers, he will not know why he has real meaning. Lawa si azo so ayeke be - ta - zo ayeke wara ande "tâ fini "? Do you see here an opportunity for you to make your relationship with Jehovah stronger by forming a closer bond with him? When will faithful humans receive "the real life "? MINGI ti abungbi ti vorongo nzapa, tongana ala ye ti sambela, ala yeke luti mingi na ndo ti aye tongana lege so zo ayeke duti na ni ti sambela, atënë so lo yeke tene nga kode ti tenengo sambela ni. What a vivid prophetic picture verses 4 to 9 paint of the worldwide expansion that has taken place since 1919! IN MANY religions, when they pray, they focus on such matters as how they pray, what he says, and how to pray. Na ngoi wa a lingbi ti duti nzoni ti fa na kongregation so a zingo na mbeni zo? 20, 21. (a) Describe some of the blessings that come from pursuing spiritual goals. (b) What are you determined to do? When might it be beneficial to show a congregation that is raised up? Na tapande, bâ tract Pasi ayeke hunzi ande la? In a dramatic turn of events, on March 26, 1919 - nine months after Brother Rutherford and his associates were sentenced - the imprisoned brothers were released on bail. For example, see the tract Will Suffering End? Na yâ ti mbeni mbage ti da ti e, e leke akungba ti duti nga na agbogbo ti e si a ngoro e tongana mbeni "gbagba. " Well, to prepare gamma globulin, blood - based clotting factors, and so on, requires that blood be collected and processed. In one part of our home, we made sure that we were surrounded as "a wall. " Versê so afa polele tongana nyen ye apusu mbilimbili Jésus ti fa na gigi mawa ti lo. At the age of nine, Louise learned how to knit from her grandmother, and one of the caregivers and I taught her embroidery. This verse clearly shows how Jesus was moved to show his compassion. A yeke sioni ti hunda ambeni tënë na ndo ti Bible? And he illustrates it by historical examples of men and women of faith. Is it wrong to ask questions about the Bible? Me, teti ala yeke mä yanga so Nzapa amû na aChrétien kue, ala lingbi pëpe nga ala yeke zia pëpe ti sala tënë ti aye so ala mä. Fumiko, a typhoon victim in Japan, says: "The end is very close. However, because they obey God's command to all Christians, they cannot stop speaking about what they hear. E yeke tâ na bezoin ti mbeni zo ti sö e. What has made the difference this time? There is a real need for salvation. Na tapande, ndia so ahunda na awagbotongo kutukutu ti Grande - Bretagne ti kpe na kutukutu na mbage ti wali andu pëpe awagbotongo kutukutu so ayeke na France wala na Centrafrique. A few years later, a new door of opportunity opened. For example, the law required the British driver to drive to the left side of a car does not apply to counselors in France or in Northern Africa. A lingbi e "lango pëpe " na e fa so e yeke ndulu teti lâ ti Jéhovah. - Matthieu 24: 42, 44, NW. Do not think that their simply knowing what is right and what is wrong is enough. We must "keep on the watch " and prove ourselves ready for Jehovah's day. - Matthew 24: 42, 44. (a) Ngbanga ti nyen a lingbi e soro yâ ti ye so e yeke diko? We praise, honor, and defend him. (a) Why should we be selective about what we read? [ Akete tënë na gbe ni] It was made possible by Jehovah's blessing, the arrangements made by his organization, and the support of our dear brothers. [ Footnotes] Paul aye giriri ti tene nyen na lege ti tënë "mbeni kî na yâ mitele, " na kî so alingbi ti duti nyen? However, unbeknownst to me, major developments involving my life were about to take place. What did Paul mean by the expression "a thorn in the flesh, " and what can it be? Ti kiri tënë na hunda so, zia e bâ wala sarango ye ni so abâ gigi tongana nyen, amaï tongana nyen nga bango ndo ti Nzapa na ndö ni ayeke so wa. We need the services of Jesus as High Priest to help us have a right standing with God. To answer that question, let us consider how it came into existence, how it developed, and how God views it. Tongana amolenge ti Israël awara Ndia ti Moïse na Hoto ti Sinaï, ala bâ so Jéhovah alingbi biani na kota yekiango ndo However, one person cannot make this decision for another. When the Israelites received the Mosaic Law at Mount Sinai, they realized that Jehovah deserved great respect Tënë so Bible atene so ayeke vrai, so atene: "Création kue angbâ gi ti dema legeoko na ti bâ pasi legeoko. ." What action would the King of eternity take toward this rebel king and his efforts to thwart God's purpose to "fill the earth "? What the Bible says is true: "All creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain together. " A yeke tongaso pëpe? - aEphésien 5: 1. But what can make knowing Jehovah and the many facets of his personality an "exquisite delight "? Is that not the case? - Ephesians 5: 1. Aita ni ayeke sara ye tongana ti Jéhovah, ala yeke sara ye kue so ala lingbi ti sara ti mû maboko na lo so teti mbeni ngoi "yingo ti [lo] ayeke na vundu. " - Ps. No wonder Winston Churchill referred to this land as "the pearl of Africa "! They imitate Jehovah, doing all they can to help him who for a time "is crushed in spirit. " - Ps. (Bâ foto so ayeke na tongo nda ti article so.) Jehovah is now rocking the nations by means of the global witness being given, and the desirable things are coming in. (See opening picture.) Lo pika li ni, si a montê peut - être kete na nduzu na milieu ti tene ngu - nzapa ayuru na tere ti arche ni. - Genèse 6: 14 - 16. How did Jesus fulfill the role of a prophet greater than Moses? He struck the head, so that it might have been tiny in the middle of the ark. - Genesis 6: 14 - 16. Na peko ti so akota zo ti aJuif ague abâ Paul na ndo so a kanga lo dä, tondo so ayeke na buku ti Kusala atene: "Ambeni amä na bê na tënë so lo tene, na ambeni ake. A newsmagazine in Western Europe noted that at times it seems as though the entire world were "about to go up in flames. " After visiting Paul in his imprisonment, the account in Acts says: "Some of the Jews put faith in what he said, and others rejected him. Bible atene nga atene: "Dunia so kue ayeke na gbe ti Zo ti sioni. ." Jehovah's name is not to be reproached. The Bible also says: "The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. " Gi kete na peko ti so e sara mariage, mbi na wali ti mbi e mä tere ape. * Soon after we got married, my wife and I did not agree. Na ngoi so Russell ato nda ti kusala ti lo ti pionnier, Wayne, na pekoni so lo sala kua ti wara nginza ti bata na tele ti lo, ague na senda - gi na banga - to ti Amerika. Another act of deliverance is yet to come - one that will involve everyone on the face of the earth. When Russell began his full - time ministry, he, after working to support himself, went to college in northern America. Na yâ ti dunia kue, mbeni zo ti sala tele ti lo kete tongana ti so Lo Ti Nduzu Ahon Kue ayeke sala ti mû maboko na azo so ayeke awasiokpari ayeke dä pëpe. Among the articles that will appear only online are the following: "For Young People, " which outlines youth - oriented Bible study projects, and" My Bible Lessons, " a series designed for parents to use with children who are three years of age and under. In the universe, there is no human who conducts himself as the Most High does to help imperfect humans. Tongana nyen mo lingbi ti hinga so ayeke ngoi ti mû gi verre oko na ndo ni la pëpe?. His integrity to Jehovah remained intact from his exile in 617 B.C.E. until his death some time after he received a vision in 536 B.C.E., the third year of Cyrus, king of Persia. How can you know that this is not the time to spend just one single hours on it? Tongana Jésus atene lani " Mbi yeke yanga da ' na, "Mbi yeke tâ Vigne ," zo oko pëpe alingbi ti pensé so lo yeke lani tâ mbeni yanga da wala tâ mbeni vigne. ALBANIA When Jesus said "I am a house " and" I am a real vine, " no one may think that he was a real house or a literal vine. Gbu li na ndo ti ye so Jéhovah asara ndali ti azo ti Israël. He derives strength and guidance from Jehovah as he shepherds his "little flock " and the" other sheep. " Consider what Jehovah did for Israel. Abalaga nga tâ vorongo na Israël As in early Christian times, a small group of spirit - anointed overseers make up the Governing Body of Christ's followers on earth today. Worship and True Worship in Israel (a) Akpale wa atâ Chrétien ayeke tingbi na ni? We cooperate with the holy spirit when we do our best to follow the recommendations provided. - Rev. (a) What challenges do true Christians face? Ti tene e mû ngoi ti e kue nga na ngangu ti e kue na ni, a yeke tongana ti so e bata nginza a ninga ti vo na mbeni da na ndo so ngu ayeke suku ka dä lakue. What is resurrected is not the same body but the same person who died. For us to devote all our time and energy to it, it is as if we had to save enough money to buy a home on a regular source of water. Na mango tënë so, David asara nyen? What did Jesus have to say about the Pharisees? How did David respond? (b) Bible atisa azo kue ti sara nyen? To be sure, the Devil can be very clever. (b) What does God's Word invite all to do? Na tapande, gbu li na ndö ti tënë ti mariage. [ Picture on page 29] Consider, for example, the matter of marriage. " Mabe. " Such self - sacrificing Christians - men and women, young and old, single and married - play a significant role in preaching the Kingdom message throughout the earth. " Faith. " Ti hinga ye so Jéhovah ayeke sala ande na awakua be - ta - zo ti lo na Harmaguédon, a yeke nzoni e dabe ti e na ye so Bible atene na ndo ye so Nzapa ayeke sala ande na ala so ayeke kui kozoni si lâ ti fango ngbanga ti lo so asi. Also, back then, people from other parts visited Ephesus for social or commercial reasons. To understand what Jehovah will do with his faithful servants at Armageddon, we do well to remember what the Bible says about what God will do to those who die before his day of judgment arrives. Na ndo lê sese kue, a sigigi na ambeti so ti manda ni na ti kangbi ni na azo: And right from the beginning, I tried to consult older, more experienced brothers at Bethel before making weighty decisions. Throughout the world, these publications are printed to study and distribute them to others: A wara gbâ ti akugbe - mbeti ti papyrus so a sû ambeti ni na maboko So let us help others by speaking what is "good for building up. " Many papyrus manuscripts have been discovered A yeke ngangu pëpe ti tene bê ti zo apusu lo ti bâ aye so ayeke zingo nzara ti tere ti zo, même ti bâ porno. Now, by coincidence, a certain priest was going down over that road, but, when he saw him, he went by on the opposite side. It is easy to control one's heart, even viewing pornography. Aye ti manda [ Picture on page 9] Lessons for Us Mbi " zia kungba ti mbi na ndo Jéhovah, ' na atâa so mbi woko na yâ mitele, lo mû maboko na mbi tongana mbi "hon na popo - hoto ti bingo ti kui ." - Psaume 23: 4. (b) What can help us to preserve peace if a fellow Christian upsets us? I " throw my burden upon Jehovah, ' and even though I am weak in the flesh, he sustains me when I "go through the valley of deep shadow. " - Psalm 23: 4. Laso e lingbi ti wara ambeti ti e aTémoin ti Jéhovah tongana ti so bê ti e aye. To illustrate how this might be done, let us look for positive characteristics in two men who are at times cast in a negative light. Today, we may receive our publications as Jehovah's Witnesses as we would like them. Ye kue so Jéhovah atene ayeke teti nzoni ti e. - Esaïe 48: 17. Why? Everything Jehovah says is for our benefit. - Isaiah 48: 17. Nde na so, a yeke sala na e tënë ti salango kua ngangu. Hence, it is not enough simply to refrain from mistreating the elderly. Rather, we are told to work hard. Mbeti ti Nzapa apusu lani azo so ayeke fa lege na azo ti lo ti sara ye tongana nyen? He even used some of it during the Lord's Evening Meal. How did God's Word motivate those who were taking the lead among his people? Nde na ambeni kobela so awanganga ayeke pika li ti ala ti wara yorö ni, ti nyongo manga yorö ni ayeke tâ dä; azo mingi ahinga ni. Read Isaiah 40: 29. In addition to medical treatments, smoking is quite a matter; it is well - known to many. Jéhovah ahunda na mara ti lo ti "ndoye awande nga .." The only course open to Saul was to join them. Jehovah invites his people to "love foreigners. " Fango tënë ti ita wali so na wâ amû gi pëpe lege ti lungula asenge sioni bibe so ayeke na yâ wali so, me nga a zi lege ti to nda ti mandango Bible na lo. 6, 7. This zealous witness helped not only to rid her of negative feelings but also opened the way for her to start a Bible study. Mbi bâ so a lingbi azo kue amä atâ tënë ti ngele ngangu so mbi pika li ti mbi ngbii si mbi ga ti wara ni. Some assume that life will continue in a place of eternal bliss, while others think that they will live again at some future time, perhaps as a different person. I realized that all had to hear the precious truths I had to struggle until I found them. Mo bâ so mbeni lege la azi na mo ti sara si songo ti mo na Jéhovah akiri akpengba? Some 6,000 years ago, a spirit creature challenged the rightfulness of Jehovah's sovereignty. Do you feel that you have an opportunity to strengthen your relationship with Jehovah? Aversê 4 ti si na 9 afa tâ pendere mingi guengo na li ni na ndo sese kue ti bungbi ti Jéhovah ngbele ye na ngu 1919! One historical work quotes a veteran as saying: "The war... scorched the minds and character of a generation. " How beautifully verses 4 to 9 show the growth of Jehovah's organization since 1919! 20, 21. (a) Fa ambeni ye ti nzoni so aga na peko ti gingo ti sarango akusala so amû gonda na Nzapa. (b) Ye wa mo leke na bê ti mo ti sara? But it will not always be that way. 20, 21. (a) Give examples of the benefits of pursuing spiritual goals. (b) What are you determined to do? Ni la hio tongaso, na lango 26 ti mars ti ngu 1919, so ti tene nze gumbaya na pekoni so a bi Ita Rutherford na amba ti lo na da ti kanga, a zi ala na pekoni so a futa mbeni nginza so letäa ahunda. They first had to endure a period of weeping and gnashing of teeth in "the darkness outside " the Christian congregation. Thus, on March 26, 1919, nine months after Brother Rutherford and his associates were thrown into prison, they were released after a government price. Biani, ti leke yorö so ahiri ni gammaglobuline, ayorö so asala si mênë akpengba kete, na ambeni tongaso, a hunda ti tene a mu mênë ti azo na asala kusala na ni. MOSES was about 40 years old when he fled from Egypt to escape the wrath of Pharaoh and took up residence in Midian. In fact, to prepare for medicine called blood, blood cells have made blood difficult, and so others have to be used and used. Na ngoi so Louise ayeke na ngu gumbaya, âta ti lo ti wali afa na lo kpongo bongo. Mbi na mbeni oko ti awali so lani ayeke mû maboko na e na yanga - da, e fa na lo sarango broderie. Among other things, she said: "My soul magnifies Jehovah... because he has looked upon the low position of his slave girl. " When Louise was nine years old, her grandmother taught her to dress, and one of the women who assisted us at home, we taught her to do what I had been doing. Lo mû tapande ti akoli na awali ti giriri so ayeke lani na mabe ti fa ye so. And Jehovah provides heartwarming accounts in his Word, the Bible, that are especially strengthening to those who are grieving the loss of a child in death. He imitated the men and women of ancient times who had faith in this. Fumiko, mbeni ita - wali, so asö kuâ na ngoi ti kota ngu so apika na Japon, atene: "A ga nduru ti futi dunia so awe. What roles have been assigned to Jesus? A sister who survived the Flood in Japan said: "The end of this world is near. Nyen la achangé bango ndo ti lo? He wants to help us with our problems and invites us to draw close to him. What changed his thinking? Angu kete na pekoni, mbeni fini yanga - da ti kusala azi. 1, 2. (a) Why are we encouraged by those who faithfully preach in unresponsive territories? Some years later, a new door opened up. Pensé pëpe so gi ti tene ala hinga ye so ayeke nzoni na ye so ayeke sioni alingbi awe. For example, poor health or family obligations may place some goals beyond our reach. Do not think that just knowing what is right and what is bad is enough. E yeke gonda zo ni, e yeke ne lo nga e yeke gbu koko ti lo. Let us see. We commend the person, respect him, and defend him. A yeke grâce na mungo maboko ti Jéhovah, aye so bungbi ti lo aleke nga na mungo maboko ti aita ti e la e wara da so. 34,017,000 Thanks to Jehovah's support, his organization, and the support of our brothers are our home. Me na tele ti mbi, ambeni kota ye aga ndulu ti maï, so andu fini ti mbi na so mbi hinga ti mbi pëpe. Furthermore, the Bible record contains the names of many wicked individuals; it also contains examples of many faithful people who go unnamed. But with me, there were major developments that touched my life and that I did not know. E yeke na bezoin ti akusala so Jésus ayeke sara tongana Kota Sacrificateur ti mû maboko na e ti ga nzoni na lê ti Nzapa. Or if we look into a mirror from an angle, we might see the image of someone else. We need Jesus ' role as High Priest to help us gain God's favor. Ye oko, mbeni zo alingbi pëpe ti mû desizion so na place ti mba ti lo. The Bible writer Paul, while speaking to a group of Athenian intellectuals, asserted that God "made the world and all the things in it. " However, no one can make that decision for another. Gbia ti kpengba - li so asara ngangu ti kanga lege na ye so bê ti Nzapa aye so ayeke ti tene " sese asi singo na azo '. Nyen la Gbia ti lakue lakue ayeke sara na lo nga na aye so lo sara? In fact, why not resolve that this coming week you will pray at some length that you will "finally stand complete. " What does this rebel king do to prevent God's will from being "filled with the earth, " what does the King of eternity do for him and his actions? Me nyen la alingbi ti sala si hingango Jéhovah na mingi ti ambage ti salango ye ti lo aga mbeni ye so ayeke mû "ngia "? " DISTRACTED driving is an epidemic and it seems to be getting worse every year. " But what can make learning about Jehovah and many aspects of his personality a source of "happy "? A yeke senge pëpe si Pakara Winston Churchill, ngbene kozo gbenyon - gbia ti Grande - Bretagne, airi Ouganda "perle ti Afrika. " When she asked her employer for permission to take some days off to attend one of our conventions, he angrily retorted that if she went, he would fire her. It is no wonder that the former minister of Britain called "the African province of Africa. " Fadeso, Jéhovah ayeke yengi amara na lege ti tënë ti témoin so a yeke fa ni na ndo sese kue, nga aye ti pendere ti ala ayeke lï. Having a house of their own remains a mere dream for them. Now, Jehovah will rock the nations with a witness being given throughout the earth, and their beauty will come into existence. Na lege wa akusala ti Jésus afa so lo yeke mbeni prophète so ayeke kota ahon Moïse? Many people do. How did Jesus ' actions prove that he was a prophet greater than Moses? Na mbage ti Poto ti Do, mbeni mbeti - sango atene so, ngoi na ngoi, mo bâ mo tene sese kue "aga ndulu ti buba. " 17 - 19. On the other side of Western Europe, one newspaper reported that the earth at times "was about to be almost destroyed. " A lingbi zo azonga iri ti Jéhovah pëpe. 9, 10. Jehovah's name is not to be reproached. * It would not be an "extraordinary thing " if we were to greet only those whom we consider to be our" brothers. " * Mbeni kusala ti zingo zo angbâ ti ga. Ye so ayeke ndu ande zo oko oko kue na ndo ti sese. But we were born in this sinful condition through no fault of our own. A work of deliverance is yet to come, and this will affect everyone on earth. Na popo ti aye so ayeke sigigi gi na ndo ti Internet, mo yeke wara atënë tongana: "Teti amaseka, " so ayeke mû lege na amaseka ti duti na mbeni kapa ti mandango Bible, nga na" Mbi manda Bible, " so ayeke ti tene ababâ na amama amanda ni ala na amolenge ti ala ti ngu 3 wala na gbe ni. Robert: Yes, I've never heard that idea at my church. Among other things on the Internet are such comments as these: "You young people, " who are allowing young people to have a Bible study program and" study the Bible, " that is, the parents study with them or their children. Lo duti be - ta - zo na Jéhovah ngbele ye so a gue na lo na ngbâa na ngu 617 kozoni na ngoi ti e juska na kuâ ti lo ngoi kete na peko ti so lo wara mbeni suma na ngu 536 kozoni na ngoi ti e, so ti tene na ota ngu ti komandema ti Cyrus, gbia ti Perse. In time, you may be moved to talk about the deceased, perhaps focusing on some good qualities or happy experiences. He was loyal to Jehovah since he was taken captive in 617 B.C.E. until his death shortly after he received a vision in 537 B.C.E. - in the third year of Cyrus, Persian King Cyrus. ALBANIE He is the great Tempter. What can we learn from Jesus ' example? Jéhovah akpengba lo na lo fa lege na lo na ngoi so lo yeke fa lege na "kete kundu " nga na" ambeni ngasangbaga .." Our attitude: Closely associated with maintaining fine conduct is having the right attitude. Jehovah strengthened and guided him during his shepherding "little flock " and" other sheep. " Legeoko tongana ti ngoi ti akozo Chrétien, mbeni kete groupe ti a - ancien so a sa yingo na ndo ti ala abungbi oko ti ga Wabatango Bungbi ti adisciple ti Christ na ndo ti sese laso. The day we left was a sad day for me, but in Wyndham, I was able to attend school full - time for the next four years, from 1949 to 1952. As in the first century, a small group of anointed elders who make up the Governing Body of Christ's followers on earth today. Tongana e sara kue ti sara ye alingbi na awango so a mû, andâ e yeda na kusala so yingo vulu ayeke sara. - Apoc. Many parents feel crushed when they learn that their child is ill. If we put forth earnest effort to apply the counsel given, we accept the operation of holy spirit. - Rev. A yeke gi oko tere ti lo ni si a yeke zingo ni pëpe, me tâ gi lo zo ni so akui so. Nevertheless, I had to wait for the dog. He is not the only one to be resurrected but the only one who dies. Jésus atene nyen na ndo aFarizien? Really, all of God's people can benefit from considering their example. What did Jesus say about the Pharisees? Atâa so Zabolo ayeke na amayele mingi, e lingbi ti hon ndo ti lo "ngbanga ti so e hinga nzoni mingi aye so lo ye ti sara. " But, besides all these things, clothe yourselves with love, for it is a perfect bond of union. " Though the Devil has many deceptive methods, we can overcome him "because we know his designs. " [ Foto na lembeti 29] Once there, we often became involved in street fights. [ Picture on page 29] Mara ti bibe ti gbanzingo ye na tele ti aChrétien so (akoli na awali, amaseka na ambakoro, akumbamba na azo so asala mariage) asala mbeni kota ye mingi na yâ fango tokua ti Royaume na ndo sese kue. " I am the bread of life, " Jesus told his listeners. Such self - sacrificing spirit as well as self - sacrificing men and women, young and old, played a vital role in the worldwide preaching of the Kingdom message. Na ndo ni, na ngoi ti akozo Chrétien, azo ti ambeni kodoro ague ka na Éphèse ti bâ afami ti ala wala ti dë buze. Why was Gath not a safe hiding place for David? In addition, in the first century C.E., people from other lands visited Ephesus to visit relatives or business relatives. Kozoni si mbi mû akpengba desizion, mbi yeke sara lisoro na aita ti Béthel so ayeke kota zo na mbi nga akpengba na lege ti yingo. 5: 1, 2, 11 - 13. Before making difficult decisions, I was able to communicate with older Bethel brothers and sisters who were also spiritually strong. Tongaso, zia e mû maboko na amba ti e na lege ti atënë so ayeke "nzoni ti kpengba zo ." He also shared with his followers his private thoughts and feelings. Let us, then, assist others with the words "good for building up. " Mbeni sacrificateur ahon na lege so; na tongana lo bâ zo so, lo hon na mbeni mbage ti lege. A second reason for suffering is found in this principle: "Whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap. " A priest went through that road, and when he saw him, he walked on the opposite side. [ Foto na lembeti 9] A young child may start by saying a few words in answer to a question he understands. [ Picture on page 9] (b) Nyen la ayeke mû maboko na e ti bata siriri na popo ti e na mbeni ita so ason bê ti e? He said: "In accord with the fulfilling of seventy years at Babylon I shall turn my attention to you people, and I will establish toward you my good word in bringing you back to this place. (b) What will help us to maintain peace with a brother who has offended us? Ti fa na tapande tongana nyen a lingbi ti sala ni, zia e bâ ambeni nzoni salango ye so a bâ na mbage ti ambeni koli use so, na ambeni ngoi, azo abâ gi awokongo ti ala. " [Jehovah is] teaching you to benefit yourself. " - ISAIAH 48: 17. To illustrate how this can be done, let us consider some qualities that are seen from these two men, sometimes their imperfections. Ngbanga ti nyen? 55: 9. Why? Ni la, gi ti ke ti sara sioni na ambakoro alingbi pëpe. 2: 2. So it is not enough to hold back from harming the elderly. Lo sara même lani kua na vin na ngoi ti Kobe ti Seigneur. " I HAVE been obsessed with the thought that I have sinned against the holy spirit. " So wrote a woman in Germany, although she was serving God. He even used wine during the Lord's Evening Meal. Diko Ésaïe 40: 29. However, we can and should show appreciation for the many and varied creative marvels that magnify Jehovah. Read Isaiah 40: 29. Gi oko ye so Saul alingbi ti sala ayeke ti bungbi legeoko na ala. A win at Olympia was the culmination of any athlete's career. Saul's only reaction was to associate with them. 6, 7. Yes, we have learned "the secret " by relying on Jehovah," who imparts power " to us. 6, 7. Ambeni abâ ti ala atene na peko ti kuâ, zo ague ti duti na ngia na mbeni ndo; me ti ambeni, ala tene ala yeke kiri ande na fini na yâ ti mbeni kete ngoi, peut - être a kiri ti dü ala tongana mbeni zo nde. But is true faith just a matter of promoting what is good? Some believe that after death one goes to another, while others say that they will return to life in a short time, perhaps to be born again as someone else. Ahon ngu 6000 tongaso awe so mbeni ange alondo ti dë kite na droit ti Jéhovah ti komande dunia kue. Divine instruction given to the Israelites included ten important laws - the Ten Commandments - written on two stone tablets and kept in a sacred chest called the ark of the covenant. Over 6,000 years ago, an angel rebelled against Jehovah's sovereignty. Mbeni mbeti afa peko ti tënë ti mbeni turugu ni, atene: "Bira ni... abuba li ti azo nga na sarango ye ti tere ti ala. " Yet, sometimes I would sit quietly and talk to " something. ' According to one reference work, "the war... destroyed people's minds and behavior. " Me ye ni ayeke ngbâ ande gi tongaso pëpe. How does your faith come into play when dealing with problems wherein you feel that elders are in the wrong? But that will not be the case. Kozoni kue, a lingbi ala hon na yâ mbeni ngoi so ala yeke toto na ngule na ala yeke te pembe ti ala na yâ "bingo " so ayeke na" gigi " ti kongregation ti aChrétien. Therefore, when confronted with those who voice apostate ideas, we want to do what God's Word states: "Keep your eye on those who cause divisions and occasions for stumbling contrary to the teaching that you have learned, and avoid them. " First, they had to pass through a time when they would weep and eat their teeth in "the darkness " outside the Christian congregation. Lo sû ni lawa? MOÏSE ayeke na ngu 40 tongaso tongana lo kpe Égypte ti tene Pharaon afâ lo pëpe, na lo gue lo sara kodoro na Madian. Immediately, Jehovah began to reveal information about this enemy who had corrupted Adam and Eve, promising that this wicked one would eventually be destroyed. He was about 40 years old when he fled from Egypt to kill Pharaoh and settled in Midian. Na popo ti atënë mingi, lo tene: "Âme ti mbi asepela Seigneur... Teti Lo bâ kete ndo ti boi - wali ti Lo ." So that night I went. Among other things, he said: "My soul praises Jehovah..., because he sees the straw in his slave girl. " Nga, Jéhovah azia na yâ ti Mbeti ti lo, Bible, atondo so alingbi ti mû ngangu mbilimbili na azo so ayeke na kota vundu ndali ti so molenge ti ala akui. In what sense is our Christian ministry a service? There can be no doubt that our Christian ministry is a work that requires a humble attitude. And in his Word, Jehovah, the Bible, these accounts can especially encourage those who are depressed because their child dies. Akusala wa a mû na Jésus? Not at all! When his closest followers continued to argue over who was greater, Jesus corrected them with kind words and an illustration of a young child. What responsibilities did Jesus receive? Lo ye ti mû maboko na e na yâ ti akpale ti e, ni la lo tisa e ti ga nduru na lo. How can pioneering strengthen your relationship with Jehovah? He wants to help us through our trials, so he invites us to draw close to him. 1, 2. (a) Ngbanga ti nyen la tapande ti azo so angbâ ti fa tënë na yâ ti aterritoire so azo amä ala ape akpengba e? " Learn From Me, " 12 / 15 1, 2. (a) Why are we encouraged by the examples of those who continued to preach in unassigned territories? Na tapande, kpale ti seni wala akungba ti sewa alingbi ti kanga lege na e ti si na ambeni ye so e zia na gbele e. After the fall of Jerusalem in 70 C.E., Sepphoris became the principal Jewish city in Galilee and later the site of the Sanhedrin, the Jewish high court. For example, health problems or family responsibilities may prevent us from reaching certain goals. Zia e bâ ni. And if we loyally persevere in that course, those blessings will be eternal. Let us see. 34 017 000 After 70 long years of captivity, they were freed from Babylon. 345,000 Na mbage nga, ambeni zo mingi so ala yeke anzoni zo ape, a fa iri ti ala na yâ ti ambeni mbaï ti Bible; nga ambeni mingi so ala yeke anzoni zo, a fa iri ti ala ape. Eldoret On the other hand, many other bad people are named in Bible accounts, and many of them are not mentioned as good people. Wala tongana e dengi tatara ni si e bâ tere ti e na yâ ni, e lingbi peut - être ti bâ mbeni zo nde. Compare Pay Attention to Daniel's Prophecy!, chapter 3, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Or if we were to look at the mirror and see ourselves in it, we might see someone else. Na ngoi so Paul, so ayeke mbeni zo ti sungo Bible ayeke sara lani tënë na azo ti Athènes so ahinga mbeti mingi, lo tene so Nzapa "asara sese na ye kue so ayeke na yâ ni ." The registry office designates a first and a last name for the abandoned child. When Paul, a writer of the Bible, spoke to prominent men of Athens, he said that God "has made the earth and all the things in it. " Biani, ngbanga ti nyen pepe ti leke na bê ti mo si na yenga so ayeke ga, mo yeke sambela a ninga ti tene na nda ni mo ga " zo so alingbi kue '? Godo - Foto Really, why not set your heart on the following week, do you pray long for the end to become "a perfect man "? MBENI membre ti ngorogbia ti kodoro ti Amerika atene so azo so ayeke kpe na kutukutu na ndo ti lege ayeke zia li ti ala kpô pëpe na ye so aga na akpale mingi, nga ngu oko oko a yeke gue gi guengo na li ni. What remarkable beasts! IN THE U.S. government, one member of the United States reported that those who drive on the road would not be distracted by the problems and increase each year. Na ngoi so lo hunda congé teti ambeni kete lango na patron ti lo ti gue na assemblée, na ngonzo patron ni atene na lo so tongana lo gue ni yeke zi lo na kua. He looks on, not to find fault, but to support your endeavor to do good. When she asked for a few days for her employer to go to the convention, the manager told her that if she would leave her job. Na lê ti ala, tënë ti warango da ti ala wani akpa tënë ti bango li. Manasseh set up altars to Baal, worshipped "all the army of the heavens, " and even built altars to false gods in two temple courtyards. To them, finding their own home seemed to be a dream. Azo mingi abâ ni tongaso. Karen: Many religions teach that Jesus is God. Many feel that way. 17 - 19. Fellow Witnesses accompany Gary in the ministry, often pushing the wheelchair he uses because of his arthritis. 17 - 19. 9, 10. He said: "If, then, you are bringing your gift to the altar and you there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar, and go away; first make your peace with your brother, and then, when you have come back, offer up your gift. " 9, 10. Tongaso, tongana e bara gi azo so e bâ ala tongana "aita " ti e, e" sara nyen ahon ambeni zo? " In 1977, when I was almost 50, we received an invitation to serve at the Swiss Bethel in Thun. So if we greet only those whom we view as "our brothers, " what do we" do more than others? " Tongana nyen mo yeke fa angbongboro tënë ti Psaume 2: 1, 2 na ndulu tënë? 5, 6. If we failed to guard against pride, we too could begin "to think more of [ourselves] than it is necessary to think, " perhaps even to the point of resisting Scriptural counsel. How would you summarize Psalm 2: 1, 2? Me, a yeke faute ti e ape, a dü e dungo na siokpari ni na tere ti e. That war further impressed on us the vanity of accumulating material things or trusting in them. It is not our fault, however, that we are born with inherited imperfection. Robert: En, lâ oko mbi mä mara ti tënë so na eglize ti mbi ape. According to Paul and earlier prophets, what will happen to death inherited from sinful Adam? Robert: Yes, I never heard anything like that in my church. Tongana ngoi ayeke hon, mo peut ti sara tënë ti wakuâ ni, peut - être na lutingo na ndo ti apendere sarango ye ti lo wala ambeni pendere ye so mo dabe ti mo na ni na ndo ti lo. Or you might just think to yourself, " Whom does he think he's kidding? ' In time, you might mention the deceased, perhaps focusing on his wonderful qualities or other wonderful memories of him. Lo yeke kota Wahanda. 32 Subject Index for The Watchtower 2014 He is an important figure. Bango ndo ti e: Ti tene e ngbâ ti duti na nzoni sarango ye, a lingbi e duti na nzoni bango ndo. When they saw that one house sticking up from the ruined wall like a lone tooth, they knew that Jehovah was with this woman. Our attitude: To maintain good conduct, we need to maintain a positive attitude. Na lâ ni so e yeke hon, bê ti mbi aso mingi, me na Wyndham, mbi wara lege ti gue na ekole lakue teti ngu osio, ti londo na ngu 1949 ti si na ngu 1952. 139: 7 - 12. As we left, I was shocked, but I was able to attend school regularly for four years, from 1949 to 1952. Mingi ti ababâ na amama, tongana ala mä a tene molenge ti ala ayeke na mbeni kobela na tere ti lo, a yengi ala ngangu. Joshua and Caleb knew that too. Many parents, when they hear that their child has a disease against him, are severely shaken. So kue nga, a hunda lani na mbi ti ku. Nevertheless, the role Abraham played in this regard helps us to see how difficult it must have been for Jehovah God to " give his only - begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. ' - John 3: 16; Matthew 20: 28. So I was asked to wait. Awakua ti Nzapa kue alingbi biani ti wara ye ti nzoni na lege ti tapande ti ala. Or the youth who steadily makes spiritual advancement in spite of bad influences in school and elsewhere? All of God's servants can surely benefit from their example. Na ahon ye so kue, i yü ndoye, so ayeke kamba so alingbi kue, so atingbi i. ." 10 / 1 And besides all these things, clothe yourselves with love, for it is a perfect bond of union. " Na ngoi so e si kâ, fani mingi e yeke yô ka tiri na azo. What impresses you about Joseph's courage? When we arrived, we often fought against others. Jésus atene lani na azo so ayeke mä lo, lo tene: "Mbi yeke mapa so amû fini na zo. Neither is it a charm, or a talisman - as if we could shut our eyes, let our Bible fall open at random, and then expect the answer to our question to appear on the page before us. Jesus told his listeners: "I am the bread of life. Ngbanga ti nyen Gath ayeke pëpe mbeni nzoni ndo ti tene David ahonde tere ti lo dä? How did Barak respond? Why was it not a safe place for David to hide? (b) Kusala wa " gango na zo ti yeda na tënë ' ayeke sala na yâ mungo maboko na azo ti yeda na mbeni fango ye ti Bible? No matter what our background, we can have the privilege of being friends of Jesus. (b) What role does "comeing to believe " play in helping people to accept a Bible teaching? 5: 1, 2, 11 - 13. Such factors as grave disappointment can cause depression. 5: 1, 2, 11 - 13. Azo ti be - biani ayeke kiri ande ti lë tâ songo na Jéhovah Hence, Timothy became well - known to many Christians for his spiritual advancement. Loyal ones will be restored to a personal relationship with Jehovah Lo fa nga na ala apensé ti lo nga na atënë ti bê ti lo. Thanks to zealous Witnesses in the lands receiving refugees, thousands of refugees are hearing "the word of the Kingdom " for the first time. He also told them his thoughts and feelings. Mbeni use ye so afa nda ti pasi ti azo ayeke ti so a wara na yâ kpengba - ndia so: "Ye so zo alu, fade lo fâ lengo ni nga. ." The Web site provides accurate information about the beliefs and activities of Jehovah's Witnesses. A second reason for suffering is found in this principle: "Whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap. " Na tongo nda ni, mbeni molenge alingbi ti kiri tënë nduru na mbeni hundango tënë so lo gbu nda ni. Instead of complaining about her problem, she expressed deep appreciation for certain scriptural points made in the talk. At first, a child may answer a question that he understands. Lo tene: "Tongana ngu bale mbasambala so a diko teti Babylone ahon awe, fade Mbi ga ti ba i, na Mbi sala si tene ti Mbi so Mbi ze na i aga tâ tene, ti sala si i kiri na ndo so. As we meditate on how Jehovah proves to be the Grand Provider, we gratefully acknowledge the vital role played by Jesus Christ, even as Paul did when he wrote: "This is what we have concluded, that one man died for all; so, then, all had died. He said: "When the seven years have passed, I am coming to see you, and I have fulfilled my word that I have spoken to you, that you should return to this place. " [Jéhovah ayeke] Lo so awa mo si mo ga nzoni. " - ESAÏE 48: 17. So Jesus, James, and John may be cousins and may have been good friends as they grew up. " [Jehovah] is the One teaching you to benefit yourself. " - ISAIAH 48: 17. 55: 9. Jesus used similar reasoning when offering counsel on dealing with anxiety about material things. 55: 9. 2: 2. David studied God's law and meditated deeply on it. 2: 2. MBENI wali ti kodoro ti Zamani so ayeke mbeni wakua ti Jéhovah atene: "Mbi yeke gi bê ti mbi mingi ti bâ wala siokpari so mbi sara, mbi sara ni na tere ti yingo vulu. " Yes, with God's help and a smooth stone, David defeated Goliath. - 1 Sam. " I WAS concerned about whether I had sinned against the holy spirit, " said a German woman. Ye oko, gbâ ti apendere ye nde nde so Jéhovah aleke na so ayeke fa kota ti lo, a lingbi e bâ ni na nene ni. GOODNESS Nevertheless, we should cherish Jehovah's great arrangement of creation. Ti ala so a yeke sala na Delphes, a yeke leke ti lo couronne ni na akugbe ti keke ti laurier. Think of the immoral man in Corinth who went after "the flesh " and had to be disfellowshipped. In the case of those who were made to be a carpenter, the crown would be made from the leaves of the wooden tree. Biani, e manda "kode ti duti nzoni " na ziango bê ti e kue na ndo ti Jéhovah," lo so lo mû ngangu " na e. 17 - 19. Yes, we have learned "the secret " by relying on Jehovah," the One who imparts power " to us. Me, tâ mabe ayeke gi mbeni ye so ayeke pusu azo ti sara gi ye ti nzoni, awe? Revelation 21: 4 indicated that death will be no more. But is true faith simply a force for good? A wara na yâ awango - tene so Nzapa amû na azo ti Israël akota ndia bale oko, Akomandema Bale Oko, so a sû na ndo ti a - tableau ti tênë use na a bata ni na yâ mbeni sanduku ti nzoni - kue so a hiri ni arche ti mbele. 5, 6. (a) In his second letter to the Thessalonians, what did Paul address? God's instructions to the Israelites are found in the Ten Commandments written on two stones and preserved in a sacred chest called the ark of the covenant. Me, a si ka so mbi yeke duti kpô na mbi yeke sara tënë, me mbi hinga ape wala a yeke na mbeni zo wala a yeke na mbeni ye. They marvel at our unity! Yet, I often calm down and talk, but I don't know whether it is with anyone or something. Tongana nyen ye andu mabe ti mo tongana mo yeke na gbele akpale so na yâ ni mo ba a - ancien asala ye na lege ni pepe? Publishers spent a week cleaning the stadium beforehand. How does your faith relate to the challenges you see in the case of the elders? Ni la, tongana e tingbi na azo so ayeke fa abibe ti a - apostat, a lingbi e sala ye so Tënë ti Nzapa atene: " I bâ lege ti azo so asala si azo akangbi, na ala sala si azo atï, ye so alingbi pëpe na tënë so i manda giriri; i zia ala so. '. So if you make your husband feel respected - make him feel that his efforts to take the lead in the family are effective and appreciated - he will likely improve in his role. Hence, when we are confronted with apostate thinking, we must do what God's Word says: "Pay attention to those who cause division and cause stumbling, which is not according to what you learned; let them be abandoned. " Hio, Jéhovah akomanse ti fa aye na ndö ti wato so, so apusu Adam na Ève ti mû sioni lege, na lo tene so na nda ni a yeke futi ande lo. Still, the number of those who actually preached from house to house was small at first. Jehovah immediately began to reveal about this enemy, who caused Adam and Eve to take a false step, and he said that he would eventually be destroyed. Tongaso, mbi gue na lakui ni so. So ask yourself: " Do I recognize Satan's schemes for what they really are - cruel deceptions? So I went that evening. Kite ayeke pëpe so kusala ti e ti fango tënë ahunda ti tene e sala ye na tâ be - ti - molenge. He turned the exception into a rule, instructing Moses: "In case any man should die without his having a son, you must then cause his inheritance to pass to his daughter. " Our ministry undoubtedly calls for humility on our part. Na ngoi so ambeni apapa na popo ti ala lani ti hinga zo so ayeke kota ahon atanga ni, Jésus asuku na ala na nzoni bê nga lo mû na ala tapande ti mbeni kete molenge ti mû maboko na ala ti changé bango ndo ti ala. Some of the examples and lessons from this Bible book can serve as a basis for local needs parts on the Service Meeting at congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses. When some disputes among them were more important, Jesus kindly corrected them, and he gave them the example of a young child to help them adjust their thinking. Na lege wa kua ti pionnier ayeke kpengba songo ti mo na Jéhovah? Maintaining that loyalty gives us true joy and satisfaction. How will pioneering strengthen your relationship with Jehovah? Jéhovah: Nzapa ti Be - nze - pepe, 1 / 11 The inhabitants of Judah had been taken captive by mighty Babylon, with no apparent hope of ever being freed. Moreover, their land lay desolate. 11 / 15 Na peko ti so a futi Jérusalem na ngu 70, Sepphoris aga kota kodoro ti aJuif na sese ti Galilée, na pekoni a ga ndo so Sanhédrin, wala kota da - ngbanga ti aJuif, aduti dä. She related: "I turned in my application for regular pioneering. After Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 C.E., he became the Jewish capital of Galilee and later became the center of the Sanhedrin, or Jewish high court. Nga, tongana e ngbâ lakue ti sara ye so Jéhovah aye, Jéhovah ayeke iri tënë nzoni na ndo ti e teti lakue lakue. Although Solomon pointed out that the distressing days of frail health are not the best stage of life, Jehovah values what elderly Christians can accomplish in praising him. And if we continue to do Jehovah's will, Jehovah will bless us forever. A zi ala na peko ti ngu 70 so ala sara na ngbâa na Babylone. Thus, having free will did not entitle Adam and Eve to disregard God's law. They were released after their 70 - year exile in Babylon. Eldoret Lessons for Us: SEEAAA Haka ni na buku E Bi Bê na Prophétie ti Daniel!, chapitre 3, so aTémoin ti Jéhovah asala ni. In time, however, he discovered that the sport was violent, even dangerous. Compare this with the book Pay Attention to Daniel's Prophecy!, chapter 3, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Da - gbata ti kodoro ni alingbi ti zia iri na ndo ti molenge so a hinga babâ na mama ti lo pëpe. And how can the pursuit of theocratic goals be reconciled with necessary secular activities? - Read Psalm 71: 15; 145: 2. The town may refer to a child who is unknown to his parents. Godo - Foto The expression "be absorbed " conveys the idea of being immersed in an activity. Godo - Foto So tâ anyama ti dongo bê! The Reformers were especially upset by Campanus ' beliefs about the Father, the Son, and the holy spirit. What awe - inspiring animals! Lo yeke gi pëpe ti bâ gi afaute ti mo me ti mû maboko na mo ti sara ye ti nzoni. The composer of Psalm 111 gives many reasons why Jehovah is so deserving of our united praise. He looks beyond your mistakes and helps you to do good. Manassé asara abalaga ti Baal, lo voro "ye kue ti yayu " nga lo sara même abalaga ti anzapa ti wataka na yâ ti asedu use ti temple. 16: 14, 16. Manasseh built altars to Baal, worshipped "all the army of the heavens, " and even built altars to false gods in the two courtyards of the temple. Carine: A - eglize mingi atene so Jésus ayeke Nzapa. Reasonable concern about our health under such circumstances is natural and even beneficial. Karen: Many churches claim that Jesus is God. Gary na aita la ayeke gue na fango tënë. Teti so lo yeke na kobela ti yâ ti abio, mingi ni aita ayeke pusu lo na puse ti lo. We do not try to go it alone, and we do not ignore that appointment, for we trust in Jehovah's arrangement. Gary and his brothers were active in the preaching work, and because of his condition, the brothers often pushed him into his wheelchair. Lo tene: "Tongaso, tongana mo yeke mû matabisi ti mo na gbele balaga, na mo dabe mo kâ na ita ti mo so ayeke na tënë na li ti mo, mo zia matabisi ti mo na tele ti balaga ni, mo gue mo leke songo na ita ti mo kozoni si, na nda ni, mo ga mo mû matabisi ti mo. " The Bible record states: "All the while the boy Samuel was growing bigger and more likable both from Jehovah's standpoint and from that of men. " - 1 Sam. He said: "If, then, you are bringing your gift to the altar and you there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar, and go away; first make your peace with your brother, and then, when you have come back, offer up your gift. " Na ngu 1977, tongana mbi pusu ndulu na ngu 50, e wara tisango ndo ti gue ti sala kusala na Béthel ti Suisse na Thoune. So if measuring ourselves against others - their feats or advantages - stimulates feelings akin to envy or competitiveness, beware! In 1977, when I was nearly 50 years old, we received an invitation to serve at the Switzerland branch office. Tongana e kpe baba ape, e kue e lingbi ti komanse "ti bâ tere ti [e] wani ahon ti so a lingbi zo abâ tere ti lo na ni ," peut - être juska ti ke awango so a mû na e na lege ti Bible. Some of those whom we meet in the ministry may say: "We have the holy spirit, but you people are doing the work. " If we do not shun pride, all of us can start "to think more of ourselves than ourselves " - perhaps to reject counsel from God's Word. Bira so akiri afa na e so warango kungba wala ziango bê na ndo ni ayeke senge senge ye. In prayer to God, David said: "Your eyes even saw me as an embryo; all its parts were written in your book... This war further reminds us that finding responsibility or trust in it is in vain. Na lege ti tene ti Paul na ti akozo prophète, fade ye wa ayeke si na kui so awara na lege ti wasiokpari Adam? The apostles managed the financial resources of the congregation. According to Paul and the first - century prophets, what will happen to Adamic death? Wala peut - être mo yeke tene na bê ti mo, " Mbeni ye asara lo? ' Gary Or you might think, " Does he something else happen to you? ' 32 Index ti atënë so a bâ na yâ ti a - Tour ti Ba Ndo ti ngu 2014 Jesus was not afraid to ask his followers what they believed. 32 Subject Index for The Watchtower 2014 Na ngoi so ala bâ so mbeni da oko angbâ na nduzu, akungbi ape, ala ga ti hinga so Jéhovah ayeke fade na wali so. Consider seven commonly asked questions about prayer; then join us in examining the answers provided in the Bible. When they saw that one house was still open, they discovered that Jehovah was with this woman. 139: 7 - 12. Does the Answer Matter? 139: 7 - 12. Josué na Caleb ahinga so kue nga. How important that such ones obey Christ by investing in spiritual riches - yes, "buy from [Christ] gold refined by fire "! Joshua and Caleb were also aware of that fact. Ye oko, salango ye ti Abraham na yâ ye so amû maboko na e ti bâ na lege wa a lingbi ti duti lani ngangu na Jéhovah Nzapa ti "mû Molenge ti Lo ngengele oko, si zo so amä na bê na Lo alingbi kui pëpe, me lo yeke na fini ti lakue lakue. " - Jean 3: 16; Matthieu 20: 28. This information can later be used to review what took place or to analyze information that can be useful for future trips. However, Abraham's reaction in this regard helps us to see how it might have been difficult for Jehovah God to "give his only - begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " - John 3: 16; Matthew 20: 28. Wala mbeni pendere so ayeke gue na li ni biani na lege ti yingo atä so asioni ye so asala ngangu na ndo zo ayeke dä na ekole wala na mbeni ndo nde? CONSIDER two scenarios: A Christian woman notices that a younger sister seems preoccupied. Or does a youth who is truly progressing spiritually despite pressures at school or elsewhere? 15 / 4 8: 21. 4 / 15 So Joseph asara ye na mbeto ape, nyen la apika bê ti mo dä? Jehovah has brought about progressive adjustments in the earthly part of his organization. What impresses you about Joseph's courage? Bible ni ayeke tongana mbeni waraga pëpe so na ndo kue so e zi ni dä, akiringo tënë ti e kue asigigi na gbele e. Comfort in Times of Crisis The Bible is not like a seal wherever we left, where all our answers are available. Barak akiri lani tënë tongana nyen? Possibly those unbelievers will be impressed by your good conduct and will become believers. How did Barak respond? Atâa sewa so e londo dä, wala kamba ti kua ti e wala dutingo ti e ayeke so wa, e lingbi ti duti na pasa ti ga akamarade ti Jésus. Why is the ransom such a precious gift? Regardless of our background, our position, or our circumstances, we can have the privilege of being friends of Jesus. Kota vundu so zo awara ndali ti mbeni ye so atambela nzoni pëpe alingbi ti sara si bê ti lo anze. Why, then, should we turn to God in prayer? The pain caused by an injustice can cause one to become discouraged. A yeke tongaso si aita mingi ahinga Timothée tongana mbeni zo so ague na li ni na lege ti yingo. Some people misunderstand the Bible command to "fear the true God. " In this way, many recognized Timothy as a spiritual person. Grâce na aTémoin so ayapu na yâ ti akodro so aréfugié aga dä, aréfugié saki na saki ayeke mä "tënë ti Royaume " ti kozo ni. Joseph was cautious. Thanks to zealous Witnesses in refugee lands, thousands of refugees are listening to the "good news of the Kingdom. " Site ayeke mû na mo anzoni sango na ndo ti aye so aTémoin ti Jéhovah amä na bê na ni nga na ndo ti aye so ala yeke sara. Hiroo and Svetlana The website offers you satisfying information about what Jehovah's Witnesses believe and what they do. Ahon ti dema tere ndali ti ye so a sara na lo, ita - wali ni afa so lo kiri singila mingi ndali ti ambeni wango ti Bible so lo mû na yâ ti diskur ti lo. We live in a God - dishonoring world in which teachers of false religion, as well as agnostics and atheists, mock the Creator with their speech. Rather than complain about what was done, she expressed her appreciation for some Scriptural counsel she gave in her speech. Tongana e gbu li ti e na ndo ti aye kue so Jéhovah amû na e, e bâ so tongana fade sandaga ti Jésus ayeke dä ape ka e lingbi ti ga kamarade ti Nzapa ape. Likewise, if we constantly grumble about those whom God is using to lead his people, is this not an indication that our faith in God has weakened? Reflecting on all that Jehovah has given us, we realize that without Jesus ' sacrifice we would never have become God's friend. Tongaso, Jacques na Jean ayeke lani aita ti Jésus na ala sara ngia oko nga ala kono oko. Moreover, the princes contributed liberally as well. Hence, James and John were Jesus ' brothers and sisters, and they grew up together. Lo tene: " I bâ apakpo; ala lu le - kobe pëpe, na ala fâ le - kobe pëpe, na ala yeke na magasin wala gogoro pëpe; me Nzapa amû kobe na ala. 3: 5, 8 - 10. He said: "Look! They do not sow seed or reap, and do not have seed or storehouses, but God feeds them. David amanda lani ndia ti Nzapa na lo gbu li na ndo ni mingi. The apostle Paul was inspired to emphasize the important principle found at 2 Corinthians 6: 4. David learned God's law and meditated deeply on it. Grâce na mungo maboko ti Jéhovah nga na mbeni pendere tênë, David asö benda na ndö ti Goliath. - 1 Sam. He reminds us of faithful men and women of old. With Jehovah's help and a beautiful rock, David gained victory over Goliath. - 1 Sam. NZONI BÊ Who was that man? Purpose of Study Articles Gbu li ti mo na ndo ti koli so asara lango - sioni lani na Corinthe so asara ye alingbi na "mitele " na so a lingbi a bi lo na gigi ti bungbi. To him, all seemed lost. Consider the man who committed adultery in Corinth who acted in harmony with "the flesh " and who had to be disfellowshipped. 17 - 19. In poetic language, he said: "For your statutes I shall show a fondness. 17 - 19. Apocalypse 21: 4 afa so fade kui ayeke mbeni pepe. Instead of being like Esau, let us be like faithful Jacob and maintain reverential fear of God by showing deep appreciation for sacred things. Revelation 21: 4 shows that death will be no more. Na lege wa Jéhovah ayeke bi siokpari ti e na peko ti lo? [ Picture on page 29] How does Jehovah sin against us? Tongana nyen aChrétien alingbi ti hon ndo ti yingo ti sese? Many years later, first - century Christians were warned that drunkards "will not inherit God's kingdom. " - 1 Corinthians 6: 9, 10. How can Christians overcome the spirit of the world? 5, 6. (a) Tënë wa Paul atene na yâ ti use mbeti ti lo na aThessalonicien? For instance, anointed Witnesses of Jehovah have been blessed with insight, enabling them to understand that Jesus Christ became heavenly King in the year 1914. 5, 6. (a) What did Paul write in his second letter to the Thessalonians? Bê ti ala adö ti ba e na dutingo beoko! As Jehovah's servants, do we personally appreciate what we have in the way of spiritual provisions and blessings? They were amazed to see us in unity! Awafango tënë ni amû yenga oko ti sukula yâ ti stade ni kozo na kota bungbi ni. There are many examples of how God's Word, his spirit, and our Christian publications have helped Christians to overcome wrong desires. The publishers took a week to clean the stadium before the convention. Tongana mo sara si koli ti mo abâ so mo ne lo, peut - être lo yeke sara ngangu ti sara kusala ti lo ti mokonzi ti sewa. How blessed we are to share in that feast! If you win your husband's respect, you will likely strive to fulfill his role as head of the family. Aita so asara ni pëpe asigigi na gbâ ti araison ti fa ngbanga ti nyen ala ke ti sara ni. They are searching for honesthearted people who want to learn about God's marvelous promises. Those who do not do so have many reasons to explain why they refuse to do so. Tongaso hunda tere ti mo: " Mbi hinga aye so Satan ayeke sara na kua ti handa na mbi? Tohru's mother also worked full - time and did not spend much time with him. So ask yourself: " Do I know what Satan uses to tempt me? Lo tene: "Tongana mbeni zo akui, na lo dü molenge - koli pëpe, fade mo sara si ye ti héritier ti lo aga ti molenge ti lo ti wali. ." If it became dangerous to come to the house, we would warn them - somehow using that number. He said: "If anyone dies and does not give birth to a son, you will appoint his inheritance as his daughter. " A lingbi ti sala kusala na ambeni tapande nga na aye ti manda so ayeke na yâ ti buku ti Bible so ndali ti bezoin ti akongregation so ayeke sala na Bungbi ti Kusala. But ultimately, it is God who makes it grow! Some examples and lessons from this Bible book may be used because of the need for congregations held at the Service Meeting. Tongana e ngbâ be - ta - zo na lo e yeke wara tâ ngia. While the two women talk and eat, the child runs around in the restaurant, dropping cookies on the floor and crushing them underfoot. Our loyalty to him results in true happiness. Babylone so ayeke na ngangu mingi ague la ni na azo ti Juda na ngba, na a ba so beku ti kiri ayeke dä oko pepe, na kodoro ti ala ayeke la ni yangbato. Trinitarians wrongly think that this is a spirit person equal with God the Father. The powerful Babylon led the inhabitants of Judah into slavery, and it seems that there was no hope of returning, and their homeland was desolate. Lo fa ye so asi: "Mbi hunda ti mû kusala ti pionnier. 1: 18) She relates: "I asked for pioneer service. Atâa so Salomon atene so "lâ ti sioni ," wala lâ ti mbakoro, ayeke mbeni ngoi so ayeke ngangu na yâ ti fini ti zo, Jéhovah ayeke bâ na nene ni aye so aChrétien so ayeke mbakoro ayeke sara ti gonda lo. Let us take an example. Although Solomon wrote that "the days of distress, " or old age, are critical times in life, Jehovah appreciates the efforts of elderly Christians to praise him. Ni la, liberté so Adam na Ève ayeke na ni amû lege na ala pëpe ti sara sanka ti ndia ti Nzapa. All in the house were arrested and taken to the police station, including our three - year - old son. Thus, Adam and Eve's freedom did not allow them to ignore God's law. Aye ti manda teti e: It is Satan, not Jehovah, who is a faultfinder. Lessons for Us: Me ambeni ngoi na pekoni, lo bâ so sport ni so ayeke ti sarango ye ti ngangu na zo, na ayeke même sioni. Happiness of Those With an Earthly Hope Later, though, he found that this type of sports was violent and even dangerous. Tongana nyen e lingbi ti sara ye mingi ndali ti Jéhovah nga na oko ngoi ni ti sara akusala ti e ti mitele? - Diko Psaume 71: 15; 145: 2. Instead of bringing reproach upon Jehovah's name, we strive to glorify it by our good conduct. How can we do more for Jehovah and at the same time perform secular activities? - Read Psalm 71: 15; 145: 2. A yeke nzoni e gi ti duti na bango ndo wa na mbage ti azo so ayeke mû li ni na yâ ti congrégation? Seven generations ago, my ancestor Thomas Williams determined to serve Jehovah God. What attitude should we cultivate toward those taking the lead in the congregation? Tongana zo " abi tere ti lo kue ' na yâ ti mbeni kua, a fa so lo sara ni na bê ti lo kue. " The Word of God Exerts Power ' When a person " exerts himself vigorously ' in a work, he is willing to do so. Ye so akiri ason bê ti azo ni mingi ayeke aye so Campanus afa na ndo ti Babâ ni, Molenge ni nga na yingo vulu. The State began waging a campaign against both Christmas and New Year's celebrations. What further hurt the crowd was his teachings about the Father, the Son, and the holy spirit. Zo ti sungo Psaume 111 afa gbâ ti anda ti tënë nde nde so asara si Jéhovah alingbi biani ti tene e sepela lo na yanga oko. The Levites continued praying: "Look! We are today slaves; and as for the land that you gave to our forefathers to eat its fruitage and its good things, look! The writer of Psalm 111 gives several reasons why Jehovah deserves our praise. 16: 14, 16. It is the only quality listed twice in God's declaration to Moses. 16: 14, 16. Tongana mara ti aye tongaso asi na e, a yeke na lege ni ti gi bê ti e na même sarango tongaso ayeke sara nzoni na e. Less than 10 percent of French Catholics attend Mass every Sunday, while only from 3 to 4 percent of Parisian Catholics regularly attend church. When we face such situations, it is only natural to worry and even to do so. E yeke tara ti sala ye na li ti e mveni pëpe, na e yeke girisa pëpe kungba ti ngbâa so, teti so e zia bê ti e na aye so Jéhovah aleke ti sala. He set a perfect example of zealous perseverance in the ministry. We do not try to act in our own way, and we do not forget this slave's responsibility, for we trust in Jehovah's purposes. Bible atene: "Samuel amaï lakue, na lo ga nzoni na lê ti L'Éternel, na lê ti azo nga. " - 1 Sam. Bible - based instruction has been provided through "the faithful and discreet slave. " The Bible says: "He continued to grow, and he found favor in the eyes of Jehovah as well as in the eyes of men. " - 1 Sam. Ni la, hange tongana e haka tele ti e na ambeni zo, na anzoni ye so ala sala wala na aye so ala yeke na ni, ti zingo mara bibe ti mandako tongaso na bê ti e! [ Pictures on page 5] Therefore, if we compare ourselves with others, what they do or what they have, to arouse such a competitive spirit in us! Ambeni zo so e yeke tingbi na ala na fango tënë alingbi ti tene: "E yeke na yingo vulu. Me ala la ayeke azo so ayeke sara kua ni. " Father worked in a bakery, and one night a coworker assured him that the Bible does not teach that hell is a place of torment. Some whom we meet in the ministry may say: "We have holy spirit, but you are the workers. " Lo sambela Nzapa, lo tene: "Lê ti Mo abâ mbi tongana mbi de na yâ ngo senge.... Mo sara kue na mbeti ti Mo awe.... His word is truth; he cannot lie, and he condemns lying and liars. - Psalm 31: 5; John 17: 17; Titus 1: 2. He prayed to God: "Your eyes saw me when I was pregnant.... Atâa aye so alingbi ti sala si bê anze, ye wa a lingbi e girisa pëpe? In Hebrew and Greek, "righteousness " refers to that which is" upright, " implying a strict adherence to moral principles. Whatever the cause of discouragement, what should we keep in mind? Abazengele ni ayeke bâ lani lege ti nginza ti congrégation. It is quite another to show it by our actions. The apostles cared for the financial needs of the congregation. Gary They were overjoyed because the demons were made subject to them by the use of Jesus ' name. Gary Jésus asara lani mbeto pëpe ti hunda na adisciple ti lo ye so ala mä na bê na ni. Denise explains: "When the children were growing up, each one had chores to do. Jesus did not hesitate to ask his disciples what they believed. Zia e bâ ahundango ndo mbasambala so azo ayeke hunda ka mingi na ndo ti sambela; nga na pekoni e yeke bâ akiringo tënë so Bible akiri na ni na ndo ti atënë so. (b) What helped David to wait patiently? Let us consider seven common questions, and then we will consider the Bible's answers to those questions. Ti hinga kiringo tënë ni, a yeke kota ye? She related that she had her own doubts as a child and that Jehovah's Witnesses helped her. How important is it to know the answer? A yeke tâ kota ye mingi ti tene azo tongaso amä yanga ti Christ na bingo tele ti ala ti gi mosoro ti yingo; biani, "ti vo na tïtî [Christ] lor so a tö lo na yâ wâ "!. 5: 12. How vital it is that such ones be obedient to Christ by seeking spiritual riches, yes, "to buy out from [Christ's] gold that was set up in fire "! Na pekoni a lingbi ti sala kusala na sango so ti kiri ti bâ ye nyen asi na ngoi ni so wala ti gi nda ti sango so alingbi ti mû maboko teti ambeni tambela ti peko. How did Satan challenge Job's record of integrity, and what opportunity was thereby given to Job? This magazine may then be used to review what happened at that time or to analyze the information that can help some of the next. TARA ti bâ aye use so asi: Mbeni ita - wali abâ so mbeni ita - wali so ade maseka ayeke gi bê ti lo ndali ti mbeni ye. In the late 19th century, Bible truth galvanized a small group of Bible Students, known today as Jehovah's Witnesses. IMAGINE two situations: A young sister noticed that a young sister was concerned about something. 8: 21. If you plan to be a disciple - maker, you will be choosing a most satisfying career, one that glorifies God. 8: 21. Jéhovah aga na agbiango ye yeke yeke na yâ ti bungbi ti lo so ayeke na sese. After a two - day journey by train, we reached our assignment in Tiruchchirappalli, a city in the southern state of Madras (now Tamil Nadu). Jehovah has brought changes into his earthly organization. Dengo bê na ngoi ti kpale What makes Kingdom preaching more urgent now than ever? Comfort in Times of Distress Peut - être bê ti ala so amä na bê pëpe ayeke dö teti nzoni tambela ti mo, na ala yeke ga ande awamabe. Note that water is used both in cleansing the clay of impurities and in giving it the right consistency and pliancy for it to be made into a vessel, even a delicate one. Those who do not believe may be surprised by your fine conduct, and they will become believers. Ngbanga ti nyen la ye so a futa ti zi azo ayeke mbeni cadeau so ayeke kota mingi? The assembled crowd began to cry: "A god's voice, and not a man's! " Why is the ransom a precious gift? Nga, arein ti mo ayeke bâ nga si ye tongana ingo ahon ndo ni pëpe na yâ ti mênë ti mo. More is required than just learning a few basic Bible teachings. And your kidneys will also see that the salt is not too high in your blood. Ka ngbanga ti nyen a yeke nzoni e sambela Nzapa? Like Paul, therefore, we should desire to extend love to others by preaching to them and teaching them the truth and by strengthening our fellow believers. - Read Acts 14: 21 - 23. Why should we pray to God? Ambeni zo acomprendre pëpe commandement ti Bible so ahunda ti "kpe mbeto ti tâ Nzapa ." Just what would Jehovah's Chosen One have to endure? Some may not understand the Bible's command to "fear the true God. " Joseph asara mbeto ti Archélaüs, zo so aga gbia na peko ti kuâ ti Hérode. Jehovah loves justice, and he will not forever tolerate injustice. Joseph feared the king after Herod's death. (b) Ngbanga ti nyen bê ti Baruc anze, na tongana nyen lo wara mungo maboko? IN THIS ISSUE (b) Why did Baruch become discouraged, and how did he get help? Hiroo na Svetlana Those who developed the foregoing ideas were either unaware of what God said on the matter of a paradise earth or chose to ignore it. For example, consider the following article: E yeke na yâ ti mbeni dunia so ane Nzapa pëpe, so na yâ ni a yeke wara awafango ye ti abungbi ti vorongo nzapa ti wataka nga na azo so atene Nzapa ayeke dä me lo yeke bi bê ti lo na e pëpe. A sister named Catherine finds great pleasure in observing creation, especially during the invigorating spring season in Canada. We live in a world that does not honor God, which includes false religious teachers and people who claim that God exists but do not care about us. Legeoko nga, tongana e yeke diko tënë lakue na gbe ti go na tere ti azo so Nzapa ayeke sara kua na ala ti mû li ni na ndo ti awakua ti lo, ye so alingbi ti fa biani so mabe so e yeke na ni na Nzapa awoko awe. But to cut the cords all at once, they needed one more knife. Similarly, if we regularly murmur against those whom God is using to lead his people, we can be sure that our faith in God is weakened. Na ndo ni, amokonzi nga amû gbâ ti anginza ti ala. What, for example, activated specific genes in your cells to set in motion the process of differentiation? Furthermore, rulers also contribute much of their money. 3: 5, 8 - 10. Later, when I was in the third grade, all students were required to join a Communist youth organization called the Young Pioneers. 3: 5, 8 - 10. Yingo ti Nzapa apusu lani bazengele Paul ti luti ngangu na ndo ti kpengba mama - ndia so ayeke na 2 aCorinthien 6: 4. Or were these individuals simply unaware of all the facts, or were they caught off guard? The apostle Paul was inspired to stand firm against the principle found at 2 Corinthians 6: 4. Lo dabe ti e na ndo akoli na awali be - ta - zo ti giriri. Genealogy and Messiah's Identification He reminds us of faithful men and women of old. Koli so ayeke zo wa? " I expected to catch him playing an electronic game, but he was reading the Bible! Who was this man? Na lo, ye ti sarango ni ayeke dä mbeni pëpe. The apostle Paul tells us: "Not all are apostles, are they? And there was no way to do so. Na lege ti atene so aleke na kode, lo tene: "Fade mbi wara ngia ti mbi na yâ kpengba - ndia ti Mo. A person who has wisdom is able to combine knowledge with understanding and put them to work in a practical way. With these tactful words, he said: "I shall take pleasure in your statutes. Ahon ti duti tongana Esaü, zia e duti tongana be - ta - zo Jacob na e kpe lakue mbito ti Nzapa na fango so e yekia mingi aye ti nzoni - kue. When giving comfort to ancient Israel, to what did Jehovah direct their attention? Rather than being like Esau, may we be like Jacob, always fearing God by showing deep respect for sacred things. [ Foto na lembeti 31] The Bible provides a comforting answer, as we will see. [ Picture on page 31] Angu mingi na pekoni, a gboto mê ti akozo Chrétien so ala so ayeke angbâa ti sämba fade ala " ga ahéritier ti royaume ti Nzapa pëpe. ' - 1 aCorinthien 6: 9, 10. He has always given me strength and courage to continue living. " Centuries later, first - century Christians were warned that they would not " become heirs with the kingdom of God. ' - 1 Corinthians 6: 9, 10. Na tapande, aTémoin ti Jéhovah so asa yingo na ndo ti ala awara hingango ndo, so amu lege na ala ti hinga so Jésus Christ aga Gbia na yayu na ngu 1914. Paul tells us: "Deaden... your body members that are upon the earth as respects fornication, uncleanness, sexual appetite, hurtful desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. " For example, Jehovah's anointed Witnesses acquire common sense, enabling them to know that Jesus Christ became King in heaven in 1914. Ti e so e yeke awakua ti Jéhovah, e oko oko kue e yeke bâ akobe ti yingo nga na aye ti nzoni so e yeke wara dä na nene ni? More than a year later, The Times exposed the document as a fake. As Jehovah's servants, do we individually appreciate the spiritual food and blessings we enjoy? Atapande mingi afa tongana nyen la Bible, yingo ti Nzapa nga na ambeti ti e amû maboko na aita mingi ti hon ndo ti asioni nzara ti bê ti ala. On the contrary, he will help you to walk the straight path that leads to the promised new world, in which "death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. " Many examples illustrate how the Bible, God's Word, and our publications have helped many brothers to overcome wrong desires. So tâ deba nzoni teti e ti wara mbage na pumba so! In addition, offerings that were not made willingly and out of love had no value in Jehovah's eyes. What a blessing it is for us to have part in this banquet! Ala yeke gi azo ti bê ti mbilimbili so aye ti manda tene na ndo apendere zendo ti Nzapa. If the child is to take a firm stand for true worship, he needs spiritual nourishment and the guidance of parents who endeavor to instill in him godly principles. They seek honesthearted ones who want to learn about God's wonderful promises. Mama ti Paul nga kue ayeke sala lani kua so amû ngoi ti lo kue, tongaso lo duti mingi pëpe na tele ti lo. What caution is appropriate in regard to recommendations about health issues? Paul's mother too took up the full - time ministry, so she spent little time with him. Tongana e bâ so a yeke nzoni pëpe ti tene aita aga na yanga - da ti e, e yeke fa ni na ala na salango kua na numéro so. The woman read that tract and then asked for a different one. If we feel that the brothers were not to visit our home, we would explain them to them by using that issue. Me na nda ni, a yeke Nzapa la ayeke sara si zo ni amaï. But he was never harsh. In the end, it is God who makes it grow. Na ngoi so awali use so ayeke sala lisoro na ayeke te kobe, kete molenge ni ayeke kpe loro na lo yeke ngoro yâ ti restaurant ni; lo yeke tuku kobe na sese na lo dö yâ ni. How is boldness related to love? While the two women were talking and eating, the little child ran and surrounded the shop; he fed and puts it on the floor. Peut - être ambeni zo so mo fa tënë na ala ayeke na mbeni bango ndo so ayeke nde na ti Bible na ndo ti yingo vulu. The next article will consider the answers to those questions. Perhaps some people you meet have a different view of the holy spirit. 1: 18). The Holy Spirit - Why the Confusion? 1: 30) Zia e mu mbeni tapande. Meetings also play an important role in making Jehovah's servants skillful and zealous teachers of God's Word. Take an example. A gbu e kue, même molenge ti e ti koli so ayeke na ngu ota, na a gue na e na lapolice. If unbelievers make romantic advances toward us, does our response reflect a viewpoint like that of David or one like Solomon's? All of us were arrested, even our three - year - old son, and we were taken to police. A yeke Satan si kua ti lo ayeke ti bâ gi sioni ti zo me a yeke Jéhovah pëpe. Did bans and restrictions prevent Jehovah's people from moving ahead? Satan, not Jehovah, is his work. Ngia ti ala so ayeke na beku ti duti na fini na sese ge Jehovah can bring about a reversal of circumstances for those who fear him. The joy of those with an earthly hope Ahon ti bi zonga na ndo iri ti Jéhovah, e sala kue ti mû gonda na ni na lege ti nzo tambela ti e. John trained Thomas to be a carpenter, but Thomas aspired to a different career. Instead of bringing reproach on Jehovah's name, we endeavor to honor it by our fine conduct. Ândö, kotara ti mbi Thomas Williams aleke na bê ti lo ti ngbâ ti sara na Jéhovah Nzapa. If you took only one minute to look up and read each one, your child would grow up and leave home before you could even finish. In the past, my forefather Thomas Williams was determined to continue serving Jehovah God. " Tënë ti Nzapa ayeke na ngangu ti sala ye " Preparing for the Memorial might include plans to increase our ministry in some way, perhaps as auxiliary pioneers during the Memorial season. " The Word of God Has Power " Letäa alondo polele ti ke tënë ti matanga ti Noël na ti Fini Ngu. One day Kazuhiko asked me if I would now spend the rest of my life living for him. The State took a clear stand against Christmas and New Year's. A - Lévite afa ni na yâ ti sambela ti ala, ala tene: "Bâ, e yeke angbâa laso; sese ni so Mo mû na akotara ti e ti te le - kobe ni na nzoye so ayeke dä, bâ, e yeke angbâa na yâ ni. What must occur is that the young woman to whom I shall say, " Let your water jar down, please, that I may take a drink, ' and who will indeed say, " Take a drink, and I shall also water your camels, ' this is the one you must assign to your servant, to Isaac. " - Genesis 24: 11 - 14. The Levites showed this in their prayers: "Look! We are slaves today; the land that you have given to our forefathers bread and goodness we are slaves in it. A yeke gi oko lengo so si a wara ni fani use na yâ tënë so Nzapa atene na Moïse. How is Zechariah 6: 15 being fulfilled in our day? It is the same quality that occurs twice in God's words to Moses. Tongana a mû aCatholique ngbangbo oko so alango na gbata ti Paris, même azo 10 pëpe si ayeke gue na Messe na dimanche oko oko, na gi azo 3 ti si na 4 na popo ni si ayeke gue lakue lakue na église. Did he rejoice upon hearing the news, or did he protest? A third Catholic living in Paris, not 10 persons attended Mass every Sunday, only 3 to 4 of them regularly attended church. Lo yeke mbeni tapande so alingbi kue ti zo so ayapu na fango tënë nga angbâ dä. No. He is a perfect example of zeal and zeal. " Ngba ti be - ta - zo na ti ndara " amu fango ye so aluti na ndo ti Bible. This issue of The Watchtower discusses why God sent Jesus to earth to die for us and how we can show appreciation for that gift. " The faithful and discreet slave " provides Bible - based instruction. [ Afoto na lembeti 5] The same sun is for all, and one death for all, whether they live in pleasure or destitution. " [ Pictures on page 5] BÂ WALA MO LINGBI TI KIRI TËNË: In fact, the weightier our responsibilities, the more humble we need to be. HOW YOU CAN ANSWER: Mbeni lâ na bï, mbeni mba ti lo so lo na lo asara kua place oko atene na lo so Bible afa pëpe so enfer ayeke mbeni place so a yeke sara sioni na azo dä. 32: 13, 14 - Since the Israelites were forbidden to eat any fat, what is meant by their eating "the fat of rams "? One night, a coworker who worked with him once told him that the Bible does not teach him that hell is a place of torment. Tënë ti yanga ti lo ayeke tâ tënë; lo lingbi ti tene mvene pëpe nga lo fâ ngbanga na ndo tenengo mvene na awamvene. - Psaume 31: 6; Jean 17: 17; Tite 1: 2. He pointed out that they received what they had agreed to, nothing less. His words were true; he could not lie and condemn falsehood. - Psalm 31: 6; John 17: 17; Titus 1: 2. Tënë ti Hébreu na ti Grec so a kiri pekoni na "mbilimbili " aye ti sara tënë ti" ye so ayeke na lege ni " so andu sarango ye alingbi tâ gi na aye so Nzapa afa tongana nzoni lege ti sarango ye. A number of Filipino and Korean families accepted Christian truth and dedicated themselves to Jehovah. The Hebrew and Greek words translated "righteousness " refer to" righteousness " that conforms to God's standards as the best way of life. Me ti fa ni na yâ asalango ye ti mo ayeke nga mbeni ye nde. Still, Jehovah had his message of judgment declared to them and showed them mercy when they proved to be like malleable clay in his hands. But there is another way to show this in your actions. Adisciple ni ayeke na ngia mingi ngbanga ti so adémon amä yanga ti ala ndali ti so ala sara kua na iri ti Jésus. Elijah no longer wanted to be a prophet but preferred to die instead. - 1 Kings 19: 4. The disciples were so happy because they had been obedient to the demons because they used Jesus ' name. Dénise atene: "Na ngoi so amolenge ni ayeke kono, ala oko oko kue ayeke na akua ti da ti sarango ni. Never before in history, though, has the overall morality of the entire world deteriorated to the extent that it has now. " As the children grew up, each of them had chores to do, " says year after the children grew up. (b) Nyen la amû lani maboko na David ti kanga bê ti ku? Over the years, the family of this young girl surely had in mind the principles embodied in the inspired counsel of 1 Peter 3: 1, 2, which says: "You wives, be in subjection to your own husbands, in order that, if any are not obedient to the word, they may be won without a word through the conduct of their wives, because of having been eyewitnesses of your chaste conduct together with deep respect. " (b) What helped David to wait patiently? Maseka - wali Témoin so afa na lo so lo nga kue lo wara akite ti lo mveni na ngoi so lo de kete molenge, na aTémoin ti Jéhovah amû maboko na lo. There was never a time in our life that we regretted the choices we had made. This young Witness explained that she too had doubts about her childhood, and Jehovah's Witnesses helped her. 5: 12. Showing Gratitude to Jehovah 5: 12. Mbeni dessin ni afa mbeni koli so ayeke gboto menga ti mbeni zo ti kanga so a pete lo na sese. So that we may be of good courage and say: " Jehovah is my helper; I will not be afraid. One picture depicted a man who drew the tongue of a prisoner who was printed on the ground. (a) Ye nyen afa so Jésus aye pëpe si e tene tâ gi peko ti tënë oko oko kue ti sambela so lo mû tongana tapande? Yes, humility is the opposite of haughtiness. (a) What shows that Jesus does not want us to repeat his model prayer? Satan atene nyen na ndo ti dutingo be - ta - zo ti Job? Lege wa azi na Job? By letter, Origen pleaded with his father: "Be careful not to change your mind because of us. " What did Satan say about Job's integrity, and what opportunity did Job receive? Na nda ti siècle 19, tâ tene ti Bible apusu na kusala mbeni kete bungbi ti aWamandango Bible, so a hinga laso ala tongana aTémoin ti Jéhovah. The faithful apostle was referring to his children in a spiritual sense. By the end of the 19th century, Bible truth moved a small group of Bible Students, now known as Jehovah's Witnesses. (b) Amatsia abi atënë wa na li ti Amos? It is one thing to force someone to commit a bad act, but it is another thing to get him to want to commit such an act. (b) What charges did Amaziah make against Amos? Tongana mo soro ti ga zo so ayeke sara si azo aga adisciple, andâ mo soro mbeni kua so ayeke ga na ngia mingi na zo, kua so amû gloire na Nzapa. Is money the ticket to a happy life? If you choose to become a disciple, you will choose a career that brings great satisfaction, a work that brings glory to God. Na peko ti lango use ti voyage na train, e si na ndo ti kusala ti e na Tiruchchirappalli, mbeni gbata na mbongo ti kota kodoro ti Madras (so laso ayeke Tamil Nadu). COVER IMAGE: After two days of train, we arrived at our assignment in T. Nyen la asara si laso e yeke na bezoin ti ngbâ ti fa tënë ti Royaume mingi ahon ti kozo? How are expenses covered? How do we today need to keep busy in the Kingdom - preaching work? Walekengo ta ayeke sara kua na ngu ti zi asaleté na yâ ti ndô ni nga ti sara si a woko pendere si lo sara na kua. For two hours, they pelted the building with stones and chanted: "Long live the Virgin! " The potter uses water to remove the clay and to cause its beauty and beauty to be used. Gbâ ti azo so abungbi ato nda ti dekongo: "So ayeke yanga ti mbeni nzapa, so yanga ti zo pëpe. " " It is as difficult to repair the damage done by your words as it is to recover the feathers. " Many gathered began shouting: "This is a god's voice, which does not belong to man's mouth. " A hunda ye mingi ahon gi ti manda angbongboro tënë so Bible afa. WHO has the authority to set the standards of right and wrong? It requires more than merely studying the Bible's basic teachings. Ni la, legeoko tongana ti Paul, a yeke nzoni e duti na nzara ti fa so e ye azo na lege so e yeke fa tënë na ala nga e yeke zi nda ti tâ tënë na ala. E yeke fa ni nga na lege so e yeke kpengba amba ti e aChrétien. - Diko Kusala 14: 21 - 23. However, when Mephibosheth finally met with David, he told the king what had really happened. Hence, like Paul, we should desire to show love for others by sharing the truth with them and by teaching them the truth and by building up fellow believers. - Read Acts 14: 21 - 23. Nyen la mbilimbili a lingbi asi na lo so Jéhovah asoro lo? " " You are my witnesses, ' is the utterance of Jehovah, " and I am God. ' " What especially should be the experience of Jehovah's anointed one? Jéhovah aye sarango ye ti mbilimbili, ni la lo yeke kanga ande gi lê na ndo ti asioni sarango ye ngbii ape. how Jehovah feels when we attend meetings. Jehovah loves justice, so he will not tolerate wickedness indefinitely. NA YÂ MBETI SO What do the Scriptures teach about rest and relaxation? Study Edition Azo so amaï atënë so a sala tënë ni ge na nduzu ahinga peut - être pëpe ye so Nzapa atene ândö na ndo paradis na ndo sese wala ala ke ti yeda na ni. Cultivate Obedience as the End Draws Near, 10 / 1 Those who promote the above words may not know what God foretold about a paradise earth or refuse to accept it. Afleur ayeke sigigi na ngoi ni nga ambeni ndeke so ayeke gue ka na mbeni kodoro nde na pekoni ala kiri na ndo ti ala. 10: 12. They are released from time to time, along with other common birds who return to their homeland. Me ti tene ala fâ akamba ni kue legeoko, ala bezoin mbeni zembe encore oko. Further, he encouraged Solomon, saying: "Now, my son, may Jehovah be with you, and may you be successful and build the house of Jehovah your God, just as he has spoken concerning you. " - 1 Chron. But they had one sword that they had to break together. Na tapande, ye wa ayeke pusu ambeni mbilimbili ye so ayeke na yâ ti acellule ti mo ti sara si acellule ti mo ni abungbi tere nde nde ti ga akota mbage ti tere ti mo? What they knew about Jehovah and his personality was sufficient for them. For example, what moves some of your cells to make your cells separate from your body? Na pekoni, na ngoi so mbi yeke na ngu gumbaya, a hunda na a - élève kue ti lï na yâ ti mbeni bungbi ti amaseka so aKomuniste asigigi na ni. Thus, when she came to visit, I arranged for us to go for a walk, with the intention of stopping by the priest's house. Later, when I was nine years old, all students were invited to join a group of young people who had been published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Wala ala hinga lani pëpe ye so ala sara? Is it love governed by Bible principles? Or did they not know what they did? Molongo ti asewa so amû lege ti hinga Messie ni If not corrected, such pursuits and traits can result in the practice of serious sin and the eventual loss of Jehovah's approval. The Seed of Family Members to Know the Messiah Mbi bâ mbi tene mbi yeke wara lo na sarango jeu vidéo, andâ lo yeke diko Bible. Ruth "was persistent about going with [Naomi]. " I thought I would find him playing video games, but he was reading the Bible. Bazengele Paul atene: "A yeke azo kue si ayeke abazengele? Multitudes of people who have died during God's toleration of evil will be resurrected to life here on earth, and they will be given the opportunity to benefit from these and other blessings. - John 5: 28, 29. The apostle Paul wrote: "Is it all the apostles? Zo so ayeke na ndara alingbi ti sara kua na hingango ye nga na hingango ndo nzoni. Besides worshipping the same God, what could Judge Jephthah and Elkanah's wife Hannah possibly have in common? A wise person can use knowledge and understanding effectively. Tongana ti so e yeke gue ti bâ, Bible amû kiringo tënë so adë bê ti zo. It is a dark era. As we will see, the Bible provides a comforting answer. Lo yeke kpengba mbi lakue nga lo sara si mbi duti na nzara ti ngbâ na fini. " This would be done in fulfillment of Jesus ' words: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. " He always strengthened me and gave me the desire to live. " Paul atene na e: "I sala si amembre ti tele ti i so ayeke na sese so akui: ye ti pitan, sioye, nzara ti tele kirikiri, nzara ti sala sioni, na salango bê so ayeke sambelango ayanda .." By the time he arrived, I was about to explode. " - GEORGE. Paul tells us: "Let your body members that are upon the earth as respects fornication, uncleanness, sexual appetite, hurtful desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. " Ngu oko na ndo ni na pekoni, The Times afa mbeti ni tongana mbeti ti wataka. Talking to these busy people is not easy. More than a year later, The Times described it as false. Lo yeke mû maboko na mo ti tambela na ndo ti kete lege so ayeke gue na zo ti duti na yâ ti fini dunia so lo mû zendo ni, mbeni ndo so "kui ayeke mbeni pëpe. Vundu, wala toto, wala sana, ayeke mbeni pëpe .." As supporters of true worship, we individually should endeavor to maintain that same Scriptural perspective. He will help you to walk on the cramped road to life in his promised new world, where "death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. " Na ndo ni, amatabisi so a mû na nzobe pëpe na so ndoye ayeke dä pëpe ayeke na ngere oko pëpe na lê ti Jéhovah. I loved Bethel service very much, yet at the time, there was no provision to bring in a marriage mate to serve there. Moreover, gifts of kindness and lack of love have no value in Jehovah's eyes. Lâ oko oko, a lingbi ala mû anzoni kobe na molenge ni tongaso si lo kono lo ga mbeni biazo so ayeke na nzoni seni. In other words, faith is an essential ingredient for pleasing God. Each day, they had to feed the child with good food so that he could grow up to be a mature adult. Ngbanga ti nyen a lingbi e sara hange tongana mbeni zo amû wango na e na ndo ti seni? Paul emphasized that the resurrected Jesus Christ was given a position superior to all the angels, for he was seated at God's right hand. Why should we be careful if someone gives us counsel on health matters? Wali ni adiko tract ni, na pekoni lo hunda ti wara mbeni nde. Does the word "probably " at Zephaniah 2: 3 mean that servants of God cannot be sure of receiving eternal life? The woman read the tract and asked for another. Me lâ oko lo son songo na ndo ti ala pëpe. We strive to "maintain [our] conduct fine among the nations. " - 1 Peter 2: 12; 2 Peter 3: 11, 14. But he never hurt them. Na lege wa sarango ye na mbeto pëpe ague oko na ndoye? " We are living in the hour of judgment. How is courage related to love? Article ti peko ayeke kiri tënë na ahundango ndo so. The vast majority of God's servants today may find this anointing process difficult to comprehend, and rightly so. The following article will address these questions. Ngbanga ti nyen li ti azo akpe kirikiri na ndo ti tënë ti yingo vulu? Imagine how fierce a fire would have to be if you were ten miles [15 km] from it and could still feel the heat. Why are people confused about the holy spirit? Abungbi ayeke nga na kota kusala ti sala si awakua ti Jéhovah aga awafango Tënë ti Nzapa so ayeke na kode nga na wâ. Another line of reasoning supporting Jesus ' historicity is found in the untiring preaching of his teachings by his followers. Meetings also play a vital role in making Jehovah's servants competent and zealous teachers of God's Word. Tongana azo so ayeke aTémoin pëpe asara nzara ti e, kiringo tënë ti e ayeke fa so bango ndo ti e ayeke tongana ti David wala ti Salomon? The temperature dropped to minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit [- 40 ° C]. If non - Witnesses show interest in us, will our answer reflect our attitude toward David or Solomon? Kangango lege na ziango katikati na kusala akanga lege na azo ti Jéhovah ti gue na li ni? We fight it with all our might. Did opposition and restrictions prevent Jehovah's people from making progress? Jéhovah alingbi ti gbian yâ ti aye teti azo so akpe mbito ti lo. What is more valuable than wealth? Christians who today strive to imitate Jesus also refuse to be distracted by the pursuit of wealth. Jehovah can make changes for those who fear him. John afa na Thomas kua ti kpakango keke, me Thomas aye ti lo ti sara mbeni kua nde. The Witnesses in your area will be glad to provide you with the time and address. John trained Thomas to perform a carpenter, but Thomas wanted to do another work. Tongana mo mû gi penze - ngbonga oko ti bâ ni na ti diko ni oko oko kue, kozo ti tene mo hunzi ni kue, andâ molenge ti mo akono kue awe na lo londo na da ti mo awe. His resolve to be loyal to his wife helps him to develop a commitment to righteous principles in all areas of his life. If you spend only one hour watching and reading each, before you can complete it, your child is old and has grown up from your home. Mbeni ye so e lingbi ti sara ti leke tere ti e ndali ti Matanga ti Dango Bê na kuâ ti Jésus ayeke ti fa tënë mingi ahon ti kozo. Peut - être e lingbi ti mû kua ti pionnier auxiliaire na nze ni. PARTIES: Jehovah and David One way we can prepare for the Memorial is by sharing in the field ministry more fully. Mbeni lâ, Kazuhiko ahunda mbi wala fadeso mbi yeda ti mû tanga ti fini ti mbi ti sara gi na lo. Herman and Linda are happy that they found each other. One day she asked me if I now decided to dedicate my life to him. Zia tënë asi tongaso, pendere - wali so mbi tene na lo, Zia ta ti mo na sese, mbi hunda mo, si mbi lingbi nyon, na fade lo tene, Mo nyon, na mbi mû na achameau ti mo ti nyon nga; zia wali ni so aga lo so Mo ye teti boi ti Mo Isaac. " - Genèse 24: 11 - 14. Now is the time to resist ever more strongly the corrupting influence of Satan's world. So let the young woman that I said to him: " Let your jar go down to you, please, that I may drink and say, " Take drink, and I will give your camels also to drink, and let this woman become to your servant Isaac. ' " - Genesis 24: 11 - 14. Tongana nyen la Zacharie 6: 15 ayeke ga tâ tënë laso? How wise it is to avoid having such burdensome feelings by not looking at worthless things! How is Zechariah 6: 15 being fulfilled today? Lo yeke lani na ngia ti mä sango so wala lo dema tere ti lo ndali ni? Then she ran off ahead of him to tell her mother what had happened. - Genesis 24: 22 - 28, 32. Was he happy to hear this news or complain about it? Oko pëpe. In David's eyes, this pagan Goliath was doing far worse than embarrassing the army of Israel; he was insulting the God of Israel, Jehovah! No. Numero ti Tour ti Ba Ndo so afa tongana nyen la Nzapa atokua Jésus ti kui ndali ti e nga tongana nyen la e lingbi ti fa singila ti bê ti e ndali ti matabisi so. In a letter to the U.S. Mint, dated November 20, 1861, Treasury Secretary Salmon P. This issue of The Watchtower discusses how God sent Jesus to die for us and how we can show our gratitude for this gift. Oko lâ si ayeke su na ndo ti azo kue, na gi oko kuâ si ayeke mû azo kue, atâa ala yeke na yâ ngia wala na yâ nzinga. " " You are slaves..., either of sin with death in view or of obedience with righteousness in view, " Paul explains. And the sun will shine upon all men, and death alone will bring to all people, whether they are happy or poor. " Biani, tongana e yeke yô akota kungba na yâ ti bungbi, e yeke nga na bezoin ti duti na tâ be - ti - molenge mingi. According to one scholar, whether Jesus spoke in a popular form of Hebrew or in Aramaic, the term he used for "Father " is akin to the intimate expressions of an infant, " a child's word. ' Yes, when we carry heavy responsibilities in the congregation, we also need to be more humble. 32: 13, 14 - Teti so a gbanzi na amolenge ti Israël ti te mafuta ti nyama, a ye ti tene nyen tongana a sala tënë ti tengo "mafuta ti angasangbaga "? Granny Myrdal, on the other hand, remained loyal until she finished her earthly course in 1955. 32: 13, 14 - Since the Israelites were commanded to eat animal oil, what did it mean to eat "the sheep "? Lo fa na ala so ala wara ye so ala mä tere dä kozoni, ye oko angbâ pëpe. Pottery is a craft in which the artisan works very closely with his material. He told them that they had got what they had previously agreed, but they did not have anything to do with them. Ambeni sewa so ayeke azo ti Philippines na ti Corée ayeda na tâ tënë na ala mû tele ti ala na Jéhovah. 11: 6; 1 John 5: 3. Some families in the Philippines and Korea accepted the truth and dedicated their lives to Jehovah. Ni la Jéhovah asara nzoni bê na ala na lo futi ala pëpe. " I do not mean for it to be hard on you, ' Paul assured them. Hence, Jehovah extended mercy to them and did not destroy them. Elie aye mbeni pëpe ti duti prophète; lo ye ti kui. - 1 aGbia 19: 4. They would travel on foot and by ship, facing countless dangers on the way. Elijah no longer wanted to be a prophet; he wanted to die. - 1 Kings 19: 4. Mara ti sarango ye ti sioni so azo ayeke sara laso na yâ ti dunia kue, a de ti si lâ oko ape na yâ ti mbaï ti azo. " LITTLE children. " Such a global crime has never occurred in human history. Teti angu mingi, kite ayeke pëpe so sewa ti molenge - wali so asala lani kue ti bata na li akpengba - ndia so a wara na yâ wango ti 1 Pierre 3: 1, 2 so a sû na gbe ti yingo, na so atene: "Legeoko tongaso, i awali, i mä akoli ti i mveni, si tongana ambeni koli ake ti mä Tënë ni, a lingbi wara ala teti Nzapa na lege ti tënë pëpe, me na lege ti tambela ti awali ti ala, tongana ala bâ lege so i bata tele ti i na mbito. " No, indeed! For years, the family of this girl had no doubt endeavored to apply the principles found at 1 Peter 3: 1, 2, which says: "In like manner, you wives, be in subjection to your own husbands, in order that, if any are not obedient to the word, they may be won without a word through the conduct of their wives, because of having been eyewitnesses of your chaste conduct together with deep respect. " E wara vundu lâ oko na yâ ti gigi ti e pëpe ndali ti adesizion so e mû lani. We should not only pray for them but also act in harmony with our prayers. We never regret the decisions we made. Fa bê ti kiri singila na Jéhovah Ezekiel 25: 1 - 48: 35 contains prophecies about the nations surrounding Israel and the deliverance of God's people. Show Appreciation to Jehovah Tongaso zia e duti na mbeto oko pëpe na e tene: " Jéhovah ayeke zo ti mungo maboko na mbi; fade mbeto ayeke sara mbi pëpe. STUDY ARTICLE 4 PAGES 24 - 28 What will help us to maintain our zeal for God's service? So let us be of good courage and say: "Jehovah is my helper; I will not be afraid. Tongaso, ye so ague nde na be - kota wala fandara ayeke tâ be - ti - molenge. For example, Cain had to decide whether to act on his anger or to control it. The opposite, then, is humility. Na lege ti lettre, Origène ahunda mingi na babâ ti lo: "Bata nzoni si mo gbian pepe bibe ti mo teti nzoni ti e. " Imagine how wonderful life will be when everyone we know is clothed to perfection with the new personality! In Bible times, Scythians were looked down on as uncivilized people. According to letter, Origen urged his father: "Be careful not to change your mind for our benefit. " Bazengele be - ta - zo so ayeke sala tënë ti amolenge ti lo na lege ti yingo. 18, 19. (a) What are the consequences of adultery? This faithful apostle refers to his spiritual children. A yeke ye oko ti gbu zo na ngangu ti sala mbeni ye ti sioni, me a yeke mbeni ye nde ti sala si lo ye ti sala mara ti ye tongaso. Jehovah knows that we need some money. It is one thing to force one to do something wrong, but it is another thing to make such a person want to do. Nginza ayeke kelele ti fini so ayeke na ngia? 64: 8. Is Money the Source of Happy Life? FOTO TI COUVERTURE NI: The teachings of the Bible can be used to help others bring their thinking in line with the truth. COVER IMAGE: Ala yeke sara tongana nyen ti wara nginza ti sara na kua ti Nzapa? Find Real Success in Life How can they make money for God's service? Teti l'heure use tongaso, ala bo da ni na akota tênë nga ala yeke dekongo, ala tene: "Zia Marie angbâ na fini lakue! " It may be possible - indeed, it would be best - to give such instruction and discipline during a private study of the Bible. For about two hours, they threw the house and cried out: "May Mary live forever! " Zo ti ndara ni atene: "Legeoko tongana ti so mo lingbi pëpe ti ro akuä ti tere ti ndeke so, mo lingbi pëpe ti sara si azo agirisa atënë so mo tene so. " Since church authorities were loath to abolish such a popular festival, they "Christianized " it by calling it the birth of Jesus instead of the birth of the sun. The wise man says: "Just as you cannot glean from the hair of this bird, you cannot cause others to forget your words. " ZO WA ayeke na ngangu ti zia ndia ti ye ti nzoni na ti sioni? And if there is a deficiency, it can be supplied by contributions from fellow Christians who are not so materially poor. - 2 Corinthians 8: 13 - 15. WHO has the capacity to leave the law of good and bad? Ye oko, tongana na nda ni Mephibosheth atingbi na David, lo fa na gbia ni ye so asi biani. The phrase "lovers of pleasures " aptly describes those who are" carried away by... pleasures of this life. " - Luke 8: 14. However, when Mephibosheth finally met David, he told the king what had happened. (a) Ye ti soro wa Moïse azia lani na gbele Israël? 11: 1. (a) What choice did Moses make before Israel? " L'Éternel atene, I yeke atémoin ti Mbi, Mbi yeke Nzapa. ." " The very light of the righteous ones will rejoice, " he says, "but the lamp of the wicked ones - it will be extinguished. " - Proverbs 13: 9. " You are my witnesses, ' says Jehovah, " I am God. ' " tongana nyen la e yeke zia ngia na bê ti Jéhovah na ngoi ti abungbi. How may obedience save your life? How do we make Jehovah's heart rejoice at Christian meetings? Bible atene nyen na ndö ti wungo terê? Yes, their purposes were closely linked. What does the Bible say about recreation? Be - nzoni ti Jéhovah awoko ngangu ti mbilimbili? How was Elisha involved in a miracle even after his death? Is Jehovah's mercy weakened by power of justice? 10: 12. Name has been changed. 10: 12. Na ndö ni, lo mû wango na Salomon, lo tene: "Ti fadeso, molenge ti mbi, zia Jéhovah aduti na mo, nga zia mo leke da ti Jéhovah Nzapa ti mo juska ahunzi nzoni, tâ gï tongana ti so lo tene mo la mo yeke sara ni. " - 1 Chron. Now, however, I enjoy peacefully serving Jehovah along with my wife and two sons. Moreover, he counseled Solomon: "Now, my son, let Jehovah be with you, and let your house be firmly established by Jehovah your God, just as he has promised you to do. " - 1 Chron. Ndali ti so Jéhovah ayeke ndo ti duti ti ala, ala ye pëpe ti duti na kpengba songo na dunia so. Since he put humans on the earth in the first place, he must know why they are here. Because Jehovah is their dwelling place, they do not want to enjoy a close relationship with the world. 8, 9. (a) Aye wa so a leke amû lege na azo ti Israël ti fa mungo tere ti ala na Jéhovah? I can only conclude that you have a love for your fellow man and for the God who guides him along the paths of life. " 8, 9. (a) What provisions enabled the Israelites to make a dedication to Jehovah? Ni la, tongana lo ga ti bâ e, mbi leke ti tene e gue e tambela kete, nga na nda ni ti luti na da ti prêtre. The Truth About Sin So when he came to see us, I arranged for us to walk a little while and finally stand at the priest's house. A yeke ndoye so e yeke na ni na mbage ti afami ti e? We are eager to fulfill this God - given responsibility whole - souled, to the best of our ability. Is it our love for our relatives? Tongana e ke ni pëpe, mara ti alengo so alingbi ti pusu e ti sala akota siokpari nga na nda ni ti girisa nzobe ti Jéhovah. Indeed, the alluring aromas of spices make them popular today, just as they were thousands of years ago. If we do not reject it, such qualities may move us to commit serious sins and eventually forget Jehovah's loving - kindness. Ruth "akanga bê ti lo ti gue na [Naomi] .." When a couple truly love each other, they remain together even if a physical relationship is no longer possible because of the infirmities of old age or because one of them is incapacitated. Ruth "put her heart to the point of going abroad. " A yeke mû lege na ala ti wara aye ti nzoni so nga na ambeni nde. - Jean 5: 28, 29. This means that your comments should be pertinent to the subject under discussion. It enables them to enjoy these and others. - John 5: 28, 29. Me ala use kue asara mbeni ye oko. Ala use kue amû zendo na Jéhovah na ala sara ye alingbi na ni. 3: 1 - 10, 12, 13; 1 Pet. But both of them did one thing, and together they made a vow to Jehovah and lived up to it. A yeke mbeni ngoi ti vundu. Wherever they go, the students can maintain real happiness by keeping their eyes happy. It is a time of distress. Na salango tongaso, atënë ti Jésus so ge ayeke ga tâ tënë: "Fade a fa tene - nzoni so ti royaume na sese so kue teti tënë ti témoin na amara kue; na tongaso fade nda ni aga. ." The death of a mate or some other tragedy might cause them to lose interest in life on earth. In this way, Jesus ' words will be fulfilled: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. " Na ngoi so lo si, angbâ kete mbi sungba na ngonzo. " - GEORGE. Who argues and fights? " When he arrives, I am still angry. " - DY. Ti sala tene na azo so ayeke na aye mingi ti sala tongaso ayeke kete ye pepe. Nearly two thousand years ago, Jesus stressed that important principle of human relations in his famous Sermon on the Mount. Speaking to people who have much to do so is not easy. Tongaso, a yeke na e oko oko ti sara kue ti ngbâ ti mû mbage ti droit ti Jéhovah ti komande dunia kue. Jesus fulfilled what was foreshadowed by the Atonement Day, as Paul explained. Therefore, it is up to each of us to do our utmost to keep on upholding Jehovah's sovereignty. Mbi ndoye lani kusala ti Béthel mingi, me na ngoi ni so, a leke mbeni ye oko pëpe ti tene zo so mo sala mariage na lo aga na Béthel. Joy, in contrast, is a deep - seated quality of the heart. I loved Bethel service very much, but at that time no arrangements were made for your marriage mate to come to Bethel. So aye ti fa so mabe la ayeke kota ye so ayeke sara si e nzere na lê ti Nzapa. Otherwise, we could be continuing in a way of life that may result in even more regrets. - 2 Tim. This indicates that faith is the key to gaining God's approval. Paul asala tënë mingi na ndo Jésus Christ so a mû na lo kota ndo so ahon ti a - ange kue, teti so a zia lo na koti ti Nzapa. In his study of the Hebrew Scriptures, Philo made sure that he was "not omitting any allegorical meaning which may perchance be concealed beneath the plain language. " Paul discussed Jesus Christ, who was given greater authority than all other angels, since he was placed at God's right hand. Tënë "peut - être " so e wara na Sophonie 2: 3 aye ti tene so awakua ti Nzapa ahinga pëpe wala ala yeke wara fini ti lakue lakue ande? It is a privilege for us to express our gratitude by living a clean, moral life. Does this mean that God's servants do not know whether they will gain everlasting life? E yeke sala ngangu ti "tambela mbilimbili na popo ti aGentil ." - 1 Pierre 2: 12; 2 Pierre 3: 11, 14. Instead of leaving the perfect law of God's Word behind, he persists in following its teachings. We strive to "go on walking orderly among the nations. " - 1 Peter 2: 12; 2 Peter 3: 11, 14. Tongaso, a yeke na bezoin ti zi saleté na tere ti Jésus ape. Paul added that God "did not leave himself without witness in that he did good, giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, filling your hearts to the full with food and good cheer. " - Acts 14: 17. Hence, Jesus did not need to be cleansed. Ita Pierce amû wango so: "E yeke na ngoi ti fango ngbanga. (Read Exodus 21: 5, 6.) Brother Pierce counseled: "We are in court. A lingbi ti duti ngangu na mingi ti awakua ti Jéhovah laso ti hinga ye so asi na mbeni zo na ngoi so Nzapa asoro lo ti gue na yayu. How are they "concealed in " Christ? Many of Jehovah's servants today may find it difficult to understand what happened when God selected him to go to heaven. Tara ti bâ ngangu ti mbeni wâ so ngangu ni alingbi ti si na mo atâa so mo yo kilomètre 15 na ni. The apostle Paul wrote: "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work. " Imagine the strength of a burning fire that could befall you even though you were some 15 miles (100 km) away. A yeke wara mbeni kpengba tënë so afa na gigi so mbaï so andu fini ti Jésus ayeke tâ ye na yâ fango ye ti lo so adisciple ti lo azia lâ oko pëpe ti fa. This can be seen from the apostle Paul's words: "It is righteous on God's part to repay tribulation to those who make tribulation for you, but, to you who suffer tribulation, relief along with us at the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with his powerful angels in a flaming fire, as he brings vengeance upon those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus. " There is strong evidence that this account about Jesus ' life is true in his teaching that his disciples never gave up. Dê asala tâ ngangu mingi (a tï na degré 40 na gbe ti zéro). Their daughter Joanna says: "I can remember Dad teaching us Greek by writing the alphabet on a blackboard at home, and we had to learn it thoroughly. The eyes of the sky were so violent that they fell at 40 o'clock in the middle of the Dead Sea. E yeke tiri na lo na ngangu ti e kue. But why was Lefèvre so eager to help the common people to get back to what the Bible teaches? We fight against him with our whole strength. A - Chrétien so laso ayeke sala ngangu ti mû tapande ti Jésus ayeke zia nga pëpe si tombango peko ti mosoro agboto ala. Still, an elder who gets angry when counseling such an individual will not help him. Modern - day Christians who endeavor to imitate Jesus do not allow them to be drawn by materialism. A - Témoin ti Jéhovah so ayeke na yâ ti vaka ti mo ayeke duti ande na ngia ti fa na mo ngbonga ni nga na ndo ni. 12: 12. Jehovah's Witnesses in your neighborhood will be glad to show you the time and place. Tongana koli aleke na bê ti lo ti duti be - ta - zo na wali ti lo, ye so ayeke mû maboko na lo koli ni ti bata lakue akpengba - ndia so ayeke mbilimbili na yâ ti aye kue. They could affect your emotional, spiritual, and material well - being. A husband's resolve to be loyal to his wife will help him to stick to righteous principles in every aspect of life. NA POPO TI: Jéhovah na David Therefore, let us see what the rest of God's Word, the Bible, has to say on the matter. - 2 Timothy 3: 16. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: Jehovah and David Linda asara divorce na kozo koli ti lo. But how do we do so? Linda divorced her first husband. Zia e ngbâ ti pusu yongoro abibe na ndo ye ti pitan. For good reason, Paul wrote: "As for us who belong to the day, let us keep our senses and have on the breastplate of faith and love and as a helmet the hope of salvation. " Let us continue to nurture immoral thoughts about fornication. A yeke lege ti ndara ti kpe ti wara mara ti vundu tongaso na bango pëpe aye so ayeke asenge senge ye. They appreciate the value of hard work and know that they have an obligation to provide for their own physical needs. It is wise to avoid such grief by neglecting what is worthless. Na pekoni, Rébecca ahon ti lo kozo ti gue ti sara tënë ti ye so asi so na mama ti lo. " Do not hold back good from those to whom it is owing, when it happens to be in the power of your hand to do it, " writes ancient King Solomon. Then Rebekah went ahead to relate what had happened to her mother. Na lê ti David, Goliath, so ayeke païen, ayeke zia gi kamene na lê ti aturugu ti Israël awe ape, me lo yeke zonga nga lani Nzapa ti azo ti Israël, so ayeke Jéhovah! Indicating date of issue in which article appears To David, a pagan man, Goliath, was not only ashamed of Israel's army but also a God of Israel - Jehovah! Na yâ mbeni mbeti so lo tokua na Ndokua ti lekengo anginza ti Amerika na lango 20 ti novembre ngu 1861, Salmon P. From the day Hitler's troops set foot in Austria, the meetings and the preaching activity of Jehovah's Witnesses were forced underground. In a letter that he wrote to the U.S. Office on November 20, time, C.E. Paul afa nda ni lo tene: "I yeke angbâa ti siokpari ti si na kui, wala i yeke angbâa ti mango tënë ti si na mbilimbili. ." He even sent the young man alone to Thessalonica. Paul explained: "You are slaves of sin and of death, or subject to righteousness. " Mbeni wandara atene so, atâa Jésus asala tënë na yanga ti Hébreu so azo atene ni mingi, wala na yanga ti Araméen, tënë "Babâ " so lo sala kusala na ni ge ayeke oko na tënë so mbeni kete molenge ayeke tene ti hiri na Babâ ti lo. Which apostles of Jesus became Bible writers? One scholar says that whether Jesus spoke in Hebrew or in Aramaic, the word "Father " is the same as what a young child speaks to his Father. Granny Myrdal, angbâ be - ta - zo juska na ngu 1955 so fini ti lo ahunzi na ndo sese. Source of Evil, 6 / 1 As far as 1955's life was finished on earth, I was faithful. Mbeni zo ti lekengo ta ayeke zo so asara kua na maboko ti lo na kode ti sara si mbeni popoto ti sese aga mbeni pendere ta. In this, we strive to imitate Jesus. A potter uses his hand to make an earth's clay a beautiful vessel. 11: 6; 1 Jean 5: 3. But note what Daniel is shown shortly thereafter. 11: 6; 1 John 5: 3. Paul atene na ala: "Mbi tene so pëpe ti zia kungba na li ti i. " If your children do not learn moral values from you at home, they will likely adopt the views of their schoolmates and teachers or those of the mass media. Paul told them: "I am not telling you to lay down your head. " Fadeso, Timothée ayeke voyagé legeoko na kpengba koli so, so aye kua ti Nzapa mingi so, na voyage ni so ayeke hon na Timothée akilomètre mingi, yongoro na kodoro ti lo. Sue's husband, Ed, says: "I've found that when Sue and I regularly discuss spiritual matters together, we cope more effectively with the problems we face and we manage our anxieties better. " Timothy is now traveling alongside this zealous man who loved God's work, traveling hundreds of miles away from his home. " AKETE molenge .." This change in personality intrigued me, so I listened to him when he talked to me about God's promise of a paradise earth. " A child is born. " Oko pepe. Babylonish influence is present in many popular celebrations and customs, in the world's permissive attitude toward sex, in the promoting of entertainment involving spiritism, and much more. No. A lingbi e sambela gi pëpe ndali ti ala me nga e sara ye alingbi na asambela ti e ni. In time, Naomi's kinsman Boaz married Ruth, who bore a son and became an ancestress of David and of Jesus. We should pray not only for them but also act in harmony with our prayers. Na yâ ti Ezéchiel 25: 1 - 48: 35, a yeke wara tënë ti prophétie na ndo amara so angoro Israël nga na ndo zingo azo ti Nzapa. Our joy is expressed in a dignified manner. Ezekiel 25: 1 - 48: 35, prophesied about the nations surrounding Israel and the deliverance of God's people. YE TI MANDA 4 - Nyen la ayeke mû maboko na e ti ngbâ ti sara kusala ti Nzapa na bê ti e kue? (Read 1 Peter 3: 7.) STUDY ARTICLE 4 PAGES 4 - 4 What will help us to maintain our zeal for God's service? Na tapande, a lingbi Caïn asoro ti sara ngonzo wala ti hon ndo ti ngonzo ti lo. He thus provides real hope, unlike false hopes from spirit mediums. For example, Cain had to choose to control his anger or to control his anger. Tara ti bâ tongana nyen la fini ayeke duti ande na ngoi so azo kue so e hinga ala ayeke yü ande tâ na lege ni fini zo. Elisha realized that in order to fulfill the responsibilities related to this daunting assignment, he needed spiritual power far beyond his own capabilities, power that only Jehovah could provide. Imagine what life will be like when everyone we know will put on the new personality in the right direction. 18, 19. (a) Akpale wa gingo koli wala wali nde ayeke ga na ni? In 2008, a chief embryologist noted in The New York Times that many patients were genuinely torn about what to do with the extra embryos. 18, 19. (a) What dangers result from adultery? Jéhovah ahinga so e yeke na bezoin ti nginza. He might enjoy the association of responsible men in the congregation yet be reluctant to share in the preaching work. Jehovah knows that we need money. 64: 7. Under the Mosaic Law, a man who raped a woman was to die "just as when a man rises up against his fellowman and indeed murders him. " 64: 7. E lingbi ti sara kusala na afango ye ti Bible ti mû maboko na amba ti e ti tene bibe ti ala ague oko na atâ tënë ti Mbeti ti Nzapa. This is often called the parable of the wheat and the weeds and is recorded in Matthew chapter 13. We can use Bible principles to help others to conform to Scriptural truths. Sara si gigi ti mo aga tâ nzoni Mother recalled the church creed, which in its original form stated that Jesus descended into hell and was raised on the third day. Make Your Life a Success Lege alingbi ti duti dä, na même a yeke duti ye ti nzoni ahon, ti mu mara ti fango ye na wango - tene ti fa lege tongaso na ngoi ti mbeni mandango Bible gi na molenge ni lo oko. At the root of Paul's intense hatred of Christianity might well have been the conviction that the new faith would corrupt Judaism by mixing it with foreign, undesirable ideas. It may be possible, even better, to provide such guidance and instruction during a study of the Bible with him. Ngbanga ti so akota zo ti Église ni aye lani pëpe ti kanga lege na mbeni matanga so azo kue si aye ti sala ni, ala soro ti tene iri ti matanga ni agbian ti ga mbeni matanga ti "aChrétien ," ahon ti di iri ni matanga ti sigingo ti lâ, ala soro ti hiri ni matanga ti dungo Jésus. One vital factor on your part is perseverance. Because the church leaders did not want to prevent any religious ceremony from doing so, they chose to make sure that the ceremony changed into a "Christian festival, " instead of calling it the birth of Jesus. Na tongana ye atia ala, a lingbi ti mu ni na lege ti amatabisi so alondo na afon ala Chrétien so ayeke na ye kete ahon na lege ti mitele. - 2 aCorinthien 8: 13 - 15. Why do Jesus ' questions have deeper meaning for Christians? And if they are in need, it can be offered by means of personal gifts from fellow Christians who have little materially. - 2 Corinthians 8: 13 - 15. Tënë "azo so andoye ngia " afa nzoni mingi sarango ye ti azo so" anzerengo ye ti gigi ahon na ala yongoro ." - Luc 8: 14. Why? The expression "the lovers of pleasures " well describe the attitude of those who are" far off from the way of life. " - Luke 8: 14. 11: 1. The September 1, 1931, issue of The Watch Tower pointed to another group. 11: 1. Lo tene: "Lumière ti zo ti mbilimbili aduti na ngia, me fade a mingo lampe ti zo ti sioni. " - aProverbe 13: 9. When you give a public talk, have him follow along in the outline so that he can see how you developed it. He said: "The blessings of the righteous ones will be joyful, but the lamp of the wicked ones will be cut off. " - Proverbs 13: 9. Na lege wa mango yanga alingbi ti sö fini ti mo? In the days of Elijah the prophet, when a famine came upon Israel, Elijah had to depend on the hospitality of a poor widow, whose meager supply of flour and oil were miraculously sustained during the famine. How can obedience save your life? Biani, aye so a sigigi na ambele so ndali ni akpa tere mingi. " Carolyn and I had previously served in Timor - Leste as special pioneers, " says Ben. Indeed, the arrangements for these covenants are similar. Tongana nyen Élisha amu mbage na yâ mbeni ye ti kpene même na peko ti kui ti lo? In what way did Satan use "the desire of the eyes " to tempt Jesus, and how did Jesus respond? How did Elisha participate in a miracle even after his death? A changé iri ni. It was noted that Jesus became King of God's Kingdom in 1914, but he did not "sit down on his glorious throne " as Judge of" all the nations. " Name has been changed. Azo mingi aye lani tënë ti mbi ape, na a yeke faute ti ala ape. They still took very seriously Jesus ' command: "Make disciples of people of all the nations. " Many did not like me, and it was not their fault. Teti so lo zia lani azo na ndo sese, lo lingbi biani ti hinga ngbanga ti nyen ala yeke na ndo ni. WHEN an experienced housewife selects fresh fruit at the market, she does not always choose the biggest pieces or the least expensive ones. Since he created humans on earth, he could have understood why they were here. Mbi bâ biani so mo ye amba ti mo nga mo ye Nzapa so ayeke fa lege na azo ti gue na fini. " One important decision young ones must make involves their goals. I truly feel that you love your neighbor and love the God who leads people to life. " Tâ tënë na ndo ti siokpari Really, no one can prevent God from fulfilling this promise and all his other heartening promises. The Truth About Sin E yeke na kota nzala ti bata na âme ti e kue kungba so Nzapa amu, na lege kue so ngangu ti e amu na e ti sala. In fact, he taught his followers that their prayers to God should include the request: "Let your name be sanctified. " We yearn to keep all our God - given responsibility in any way that our strength has given us to do. Ti tâ tënë ni, a yeke ndali ti pendere ti fungo ti ala la si azo aye a - épice ni mingi tongaso, legeoko tongana ti so a ye ni nga lani mingi, na yâ ti angu ngbangbo mingi so ahon. For example, computers, fax machines, and the Internet allow people the option of taking their work home at day's end, thus blurring the line between home and office. In fact, it is because of their beauty that people have enjoyed such spices, just as it was also true over the centuries. Tongana koli na wali ti lo aye tele biani, ala yeke ngbâ na ndo oko atä tongana lege ayeke dä mbeni pepe ti bungbi koli na wali ndali ti akpale ti gango kangba wala ngbanga ti so mbeni oko na popo ti ala ayeke pepe na ngangu ti sala ye. In Jesus ' day, many people were likewise poor and disadvantaged, and they may have felt that they would be happier and more secure if only they had more money. If a husband and wife truly love each other, they will stay together even if there is no chance of having sexual relations because of old age or because no one of them has the power to act. A ye ti tene so a yeke nzoni atënë ti mo ague legeoko na li ti tënë so a yeke sala lisoro na ndo ni. Most of the world's religions teach that something inside a person continues living after the body dies. It means that your words should harmonize with what is discussed. 3: 1 - 10, 12, 13; 1 Pi. Yes, our association, even through entertainment, the Internet, and what we read, has a bearing on what we are and will become. 3: 1 - 10, 12, 13; 1 Pet. Na ndo kue so ala gue dä, a - élève ni alingbi ti bata tâ ngia ti ala na batango lê ti ala si a duti lakue na ngia. Whatever the response from the field turns out to be, working with someone in the ministry provides a fine opportunity to "keep... building one another up. " - 1 Thess. Wherever they go, the students can maintain their joy by keeping their eyes alive so that they can be happy forever. Kuâ ti koli wala wali ti ala, wala mbeni ngangu kpale nde alingbi ti sala si nzara ti duti na fini na sese asigigi na yâ ti ala. " I will laud you in the big congregation. " - PS. The death of their spouse, or another serious problem, can cause the desire to live on earth. Zo nyen atiri? " That in itself is a good reason to remain in expectation - Jesus told us to do so! Who has fought? " A sala ndulu na ngu saki use awe, na yâ Fango ye ti lo na ndo Hoto, Jésus agboto lê na ndo nene ti kpengba - ndia so ti songo na popo ti azo. What Others Think of Us - Does It Matter? Two thousand years ago, in his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus emphasized the value of this principle in human relationships. Tongana ti so Paul afa, Jésus asala si ye so Lâ ti Lungula Siokpari aduti fä ni aga tâ tënë. King David was a good man. As Paul explained, Jesus fulfilled what the Atonement Day foreshadowed. • Ngbanga ti nyen gbungo li na salango ye na lege ti akpengba - ndia aga na e ye ti nzoni? Reinforcing Your View of Paradise • Why are meditation and application of principles beneficial? Me ngia ayeke mbeni ye so alondo na bê. A key to being approachable is showing genuine interest in others. But joy is a heartfelt expression of joy. Soro laso aye so mo yeke regretté ni pëpe na yâ ti ngoi so ayeke ga. - 2 Tim. Yes, wisdom can be found in the heart of a man with understanding. Make choices that you do not regret now. - 2 Tim. Na yâ mandango ye ti lo na ndo mbage ti Mbeti ti Nzapa so a sû na yanga ti Hébreu, Philon abâ si lo "girisa pëpe ti sigigi na atënë so ayeke na lege ti fä so a honde ni na peko ti atënë so a tene ni polele tongaso. " Will You Reflect God's Glory? In his study of the Hebrew Scriptures, Philo saw that he had "not forgotten the sacred secret behind these clear words. " A yeke mbeni kota matabisi teti e ti fa bê ti kiri singila ti e na lege ti mbeni tambela so sioni ayeke dä pëpe. Peter likewise lived down his mistakes and became a pillar in the Christian congregation. It is a great privilege to show our gratitude by conduct that is clean and undefiled. Tongaso, ahon ti tene lo girisa ndia ti Nzapa so alingbi kue, lo ngbâ ti sara ye alingbi na ndia ni. " When I go out with friends, " she says, "I plan ahead and calculate a limit to my spending.... So instead of losing God's perfect law, he continued to obey it. Paul akiri atene so Nzapa abata "tënë ti témoin ti Lo teti Lo sala nzoni, Lo mû na i ngu - nduzu na Lo mû na i ngoi ti lengo kobe, na Lo mû na i kobe, na ngia, alingbi na bê ti i. " - Kusala 14: 17. We have mentioned three examples showing how God successfully foretold future events. Paul added that God "kept bearing witness to him for good, giving you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, filling your hearts with food and good cheer. " - Acts 14: 17. (Diko Exode 21: 5, 6.) Yes, we encounter trials, but there is a greater harvest of Jehovah's worshipers than ever before. (Read Exodus 21: 5, 6.) Na lege wa "a honde " ni na yâ ti Christ? On March 11, 2006, the graduating class was delighted with the prospect of doing God's will in various lands, even in the face of challenging circumstances. How is it "out " in Christ? Bazengele Paul asû na mbeti: "Ambeti kue alondo na yanga ti Nzapa, na a yeke nzoni ti fa nda ti ye, ti zingo na azo, ti leke ye na lege ni, na ti mu wango tene na azo na yâ ye so ayeke na lege ni, si zo ti Nzapa alingbi kue, na lo wara ye kue alingbi na nzoni kusala kue. " Dew is refreshing. The apostle Paul wrote: "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work. " A yeke ye so asigigi na yâ ti atënë ti bazengele Paul so: "A yeke ye ti mbilimbili na lê ti Nzapa ti kiri pono na ala so asala ye ti pono na i; na i so i yeke hu pono, fade Lo sala si i duti nzoni legeoko na e, na lâ ni so Seigneur Jésus asigigi na yayu na a - ange ti ngangu ti Lo na yâ menga - wa, tongana Lo ga ti futa kula na azo so ahinga Nzapa pëpe, na ala so ake ti mä Tene - nzoni ti Seigneur ti e Jésus. ." About three years ago, he and his wife, Albert - Fayette, moved to Benin. This is reflected in the apostle Paul's words: "It is righteous in God's eyes to repay tribulation to those who persecute you, and to you who suffer tribulation, relief along with us at the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with his powerful angels when he brings vengeance upon those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus. " Lo sû agere ti mbeti ni na ndo ti tableau na kodoro, na a yeke ti e lani ti manda ni nzoni. Rosa: In October 1948, I began to serve as a pioneer. He wrote a letter on the platform, and we had to study it carefully. Me ngbanga ti nyen la Lefèvre ayeke na kota nzara ti aidé asenge zo ti hinga aye so Bible afa? For a time my father - in - law refused even to speak to me. But why did Lefèvre long to help ordinary people learn what the Bible teaches? Me, tongana mbeni ancien asara ngonzo na ngoi so lo yeke mû wango na mara ti zo tongaso, lo yeke mû maboko na zo ni pëpe. Did God belittle Habakkuk's concerns? However, if an elder is angry when he gives such counsel, he will not help him. 12: 12. Friends will speak from the heart without fear of being belittled or having their confidences betrayed. 12: 12. Angoi tongaso alingbi ti buba nzoni duti ti mo na lege ti bibe, na lege ti yingo nga na ti mitele. MANY people know that Jesus had 12 apostles. Such occasions can damage your emotional, spiritual, and physical well - being. Ni la, zia e bâ ye so ambeni versê ti Mbeti ti Nzapa, Bible, atene na ndo ti tënë so. - 2 Timothée 3: 16. Christian elders teach in the congregation and help to train fellow believers in the ministry Let us see, then, what other verses of God's Word, the Bible, say on this subject. - 2 Timothy 3: 16. Na pekoni, lo si na aita ahon ngbangbo oku na ngoi oko; mingi ti aita so angbâ na fini juska laso, me ambeni akui awe. To avoid interruptions he would switch off his phone. Later, he appeared to more than five hundred brothers at the same time; many of these are still alive until today, while others are dead. E yeke sara ni tongana nyen? How do we win the battle against fleshly tendencies? How can we do so? Paul afa so e yeke na bezoin ti mabe, ndoye nga na beku. Lo tene: "Ti e so e yeke azo ti kota lâ, a yeke nzoni e zia li ti e kpô na e yü na kate ti e bongo ti wen ti mabe na ti ndoye nga e yü beku ti salut tongana casque. ." ; Nuñez, K. Paul showed that we need faith, love, and hope: "As for us who are of the great day, let us keep our senses and put on the breastplate of faith and love and the hope of salvation. " Ala hinga so a yeke kota ye ti tene zo asara kua ngangu nga so a lingbi ala gi ti wara aye so ala yeke na bezoin ni. They neither cared about Job nor wanted to understand his feelings. They realize that hard work is important and that they must reach out for what they need. Gbia Salomon atene ândö, lo tene: "Mo gbanzi nzoye pëpe na lo so alingbi na ni, tongana ye ni ayeke na tïtî mo ti sala na ni. ." Plasma also carries such proteins as albumin, clotting factors, and antibodies to fight diseases. King Solomon foretold: "Do not hold back good from those to whom it is deserving, when it happens to be in the power of your hand to do it. " A fa lango ti mbeti so tënë ni asigigi dä Without sunlight, we could not exist. Indicating date of issue in which article appears Ngbele ye so aturugu ti Hitler adö sese ti Autriche, aTémoin ti Jéhovah ayeke sala abungbi nga ala yeke fa tënë gi na hondengo ni. Empowered by God's Spirit Jehovah's Witnesses have been conducting meetings and preaching in secret since Hitler's army struck the Austrian border with Austria. Lo tokua même maseka - koli so lo oko na Thessalonique. This no doubt contributes to the fact that in some areas, there is a ratio of only 1 Witness to 1,400 persons. He even sent the young man alone in Thessalonica. ▪ Na popo ti abazengele ti Jésus, ala so wa la asû ambeni mbeti ti Bible? Six times in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus introduces his statements with the expression "you heard that it was said " or" moreover it was said, " but he then presents another idea, saying "however, I say to you. " ▪ Which of Jesus ' apostles wrote some Bible books? 1 / 6 Moses chose "to be ill - treated with the people of God rather than to have the temporary enjoyment of sin. " 6 / 15 Na yâ kusala so, e yeke sala ngangu ti mû tapande ti Jésus. So when Jehovah forgives our sins, we need not feel that we bear the stain of such sins for the rest of our life. In what sense does Jehovah throw our sins behind his back? In this work, we strive to imitate Jesus. Me bâ ye so a fa na Daniel kete na pekoni. How sad! But consider what Daniel was taught shortly thereafter. Tongana mo manda na amolenge ti mo anzoni sarango ye pëpe, fade ala lingbi ti manda ni na maboko ti akamarade ti ala ti ekole, ti awafango - mbeti ti ala nga na yâ ti ambeti - sango wala limon. Jesus ' mental and physical suffering became so great that the Bible says that he "offered up supplications and also petitions... with strong outcries and tears. " If you do not teach your children good manners, you will likely learn them from schoolmates, teachers, and movies. Ed, koli ti Sue, atene: "Mbi bâ so tongana mbi na Sue e sara lisoro lakue na ndo ti aye ti yingo, e hinga tongana nyen ti sigigi na yâ ti akpale so e yeke wara. " Truth does not contradict itself. " I feel that if we regularly discuss spiritual matters regularly, we know how to get out of the problems we face, " says English husband, "we know how to cope with them. " Sarango ye ti lo so achangé so adö bê ti mbi mingi, a sara si mbi dengi mê mbi mä lo na ngoi so lo tene na mbi tënë ti zendo so Nzapa amû ti sara si sese aga paradis. When Christian women wear head covering? His change so impressed me that I listened to him when he told me about God's promise to make the earth a paradise. Ngangu ti Babylone ayeke na yâ gbâ ti amatanga nga na angobo ti salango ye ti azo, bango ndo ti sese so na ndo tënë ti pitan so azo ayeda na ni, guengo na li ni ti asalango ngia so andu aye ti ayingo sioni, na ambeni ye na ndo ni. The truth is that during the last days of this system of things, Jehovah has blessed his people beyond their expectations. Babylon's influence is in many human celebrations and traditions, the world's view of sexual immorality, the progress of spiritism, and other aspects of it. Ala dü molenge ti koli, na pekoni molenge ni aga kotara ti David na Jésus. We made the crossing in a ship that had previously been used for military purposes. They gave birth to a son, and then the son became an ancestress of David and Jesus. E yeke fa ngia ti e na lege ti nengo tele. Yes, Jesus can help you to cope with distress, and he can fill your heart with hope and courage. - Heb. We show our joy by being respectful. (Diko 1 Pierre 3: 7.) Such love goes beyond just giving up something in a material way. (Read 1 Peter 3: 7.) Tongaso, lo mû tâ beku so ayeke nde na sioni beku so azo ti gingo bendo ayeke mû na azo. For Jehovah himself gives wisdom. " So he gave true hope contrary to the wicked hope that spirit creatures offer. Elisée abâ ândö so ti sala kusala so ayengi bê, a lingbi lo wara mbeni ngangu ti yingo so ahon ti lo mveni, mbeni ngangu so gi Jéhovah oko si alingbi ti mû ni. And it worked! Elisha realized that in order to accomplish this work, he needed a spiritual power beyond his own, a force that Jehovah alone could use. A yeke gue juska lawa? It is likely that the service overseer could best determine who might provide the needed assistance. How long will it be? Na ngu 2008, mbeni docteur afa na yâ ti mbeti - sango (The New York Times) so a yeke ngangu na babâ na mama ti mû desizion na ndo ti ye so ala lingbi ti sara na tanga ti aforoto so ade mênë si angbâ so. His quick temper led to stormy outbursts of anger. In 2008, a medical doctor reported in The New York Times that it is difficult for parents to decide what to do with the other embryos. Lo lingbi ti duti kamarade ti aita so ayeke na kungba, ye oko lo yeke ndulu pëpe ti mû mbage na kusala ti fango tënë. Thus, the thinking goes: " What you believe might work fine for you, but you really should not try to impose your thinking on anyone else. He may be close friends with responsible brothers, but he is reluctant to share in the preaching work. Na gbe ti Ndia so a mû na lege ti Moïse, tongana mbeni koli agbu mbeni wali na ngangu alango na lo, a yeke fâ lo teti ye so lo sala ayeke "legeoko tongana tënë ti zo so alondo lo fâ zo so ayeke ndulu na lo .." Jesus used plain language that ordinary people could understand Under the Mosaic Law, a man who had been put to death by a man would be put to death for what he had done was "just as he had to put his fellowman to death. " Mingi ni azo airi ni parabole ti blé na sioni pere, na a yeke na Matthieu chapitre 13. An embroidered garment, dyed stuff, two embroidered garments for the necks of men of spoil? " - Judges 5: 24, 28 - 30. The parable of the wheat and the weeds is generally called wheat and weeds, as recorded in Matthew chapter 13. Mama adabe ti lo na sambela so lani lo manda na eglize so atene Jésus adescend lani na enfer na a zingo lo lango ota na pekoni. For Jehovah's Witnesses, preaching in the cities and lowland areas has been relatively easy and effective. Mother recalls her prayer at church that she had learned that Jesus was in hell and was resurrected three days later. Na lege wa ti wara ngia na yâ ye so e yeke na ni nga ti bâ akobe ti yingo na nene ni ayeke bata e? Wise parents with blended families do all they can to convince their children and stepchildren that each one is loved and is blessed with unique gifts and that each one can add to the happiness of the family. - Romans 2: 11. How can contentment and appreciation for spiritual food protect us? Ye so apusu Paul ti ke aChrétien na bê oko tongaso ayeke so peut - être lo bâ lo tene ti bungbi atënë ti aChrétien na ti aJuif ayeke buba lege ti vorongo nzapa ti aJuif. Being loyal requires that we display what qualities? As a result of Paul's hatred for Christians, he may have felt that he might conclude that Christians and Jews were corrupting Judaism. A yeke kota ye ti tene mo gbu ngangu. 2, 3. (a) What prospect awaits Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob? It is vital that you endure. Ngbanga ti nyen ahundango tënë ti Jésus aye ti tene ye mingi na aChrétien? Of them, The New Encyclopædia Britannica (1995) says: "These independent accounts prove that in ancient times even the opponents of Christianity never doubted the historicity of Jesus, which was disputed for the first time and on inadequate grounds at the end of the 18th, during the 19th, and at the beginning of the 20th centuries. " Why do Jesus ' questions mean much to Christians? Ngbanga ti nyen? 11: 27. Why? Numéro ti Tour ti Ba Ndo ti lango 1 ti septembre ngu 1931 afa na gigi mbeni bungbi nde. • How can setting spiritual goals keep us in the course of life? The September 1, 1931, issue of The Watchtower showed another organization. Na ngoi so mo yeke sara diskur, mû na lo schema ni ti tene lo bâ tongana nyen la mo yeke zi nda ti atënë ni. How did David react to Jehovah's direction? As you give him a talk, give him an opportunity to see how you handle the matter. Na ngoi ti prophète Élie, na ngoi so mbeni kota nzara atï na kodoro ti Israël, a yeke mbeni womua so ayeke zo ti mawa si abata Élie; womua ni ayeke na kete fuku na mafuta so Nzapa asara si ahunzi pëpe na ngoi ti kota nzara ni kue. Applying Bible principles transforms lives! (See paragraph 16) In the days of the prophet Elijah, when a famine struck the land of Israel, it was a needy widow who cared for Elijah; the widow had little oil and oil that God had not completed during the famine. Ben atene: "Mbi na Carolyn e sara lani kua ti pionnier spécial na Timor - Leste. For our faith to have excelling value, it must be of proved, or tested, quality. Ben says: "My pioneer partner and I served as special pioneers in Northern Africa. Tongana nyen la Satan asara kua na "nzara ti lê " ti tara na Jésus? Jésus asara ye tongana nyen? At Isaiah 60: 18, we read: "No more will violence be heard in your land, despoiling or breakdown within your boundaries. And you will certainly call your own walls Salvation and your gates Praise. " How did Satan use "the desire of the eyes " to tempt Jesus, and how did Jesus respond? Tour ti Ba Ndo ni afa so Jésus aga lani Gbia ti Royaume ti Nzapa na ngu 1914, me lo "duti " pëpe" na ndo ti trône ti lo ti gloire " tongana Juge ti "amara kue ." As a result, God expressed his approval of Abel's offering, rendered in faith, but his disapproval of Cain's, which in some way reflected a lack of faith. The Watchtower explained that Jesus became King of God's Kingdom in 1914, but he did not " sit ' on his glorious throne "as Judge of "all the nations. " Ala ngbâ lakue ti ba komandema ti Jésus so na nene ni mingi: "I sala si azo na popo ti amara kue aga adisciple. " In another location, I sold clothing and cut hair. They continue to appreciate Jesus ' command: "Make disciples of people of all the nations. " TONGANA mbeni wali ague na gara ti vo aye tongana mango wala papaye, lo yeke gi ti vo pëpe gi so akono wala so ngere ni ayeke kete. A wife, though, should avoid making a vow that conflicts with God's Word or her duties toward her husband. WHEN a woman goes to the market to buy such things as listening to, she does not try to buy just the expense or value of it. Mbeni kpengba desizion so amaseka alingbi ti mû andu aye so ala ye ti sara. However, respect for Jehovah and for his great name especially motivated David to take a stand against that towering giant. One important decision that young people can make is what they want to do. Biani, zo oko alingbi pëpe ti kanga lege na Nzapa ti sala si zendo so nga na ambeni zendo ti lo ti dengo bê aga tâ tënë. You can become God's friend Of course, no one can prevent God from fulfilling his promise and other promises of comfort. Biani, lo fa na adisciple ti lo so tongana ala yeke sambela Nzapa, a yeke nzoni ala zia tënë so dä, ala tene: "E ye iri ti Mo aga nzoni - kue. ." Two days later, the time was right for a public confession on the part of Israel for their failure to keep God's Law. In fact, he taught his disciples that when they prayed to God, they would do well to make this request: "Let your name be sanctified. " Ti mbeni zo ti kua, téléphone ti maboko ayeke tongana mbeni kamba, so a bâ ni pëpe, me so atingbi lo lakue na patron ti lo. IUDs with less copper will be less effective. " For a worker, a cell phone is like an invisible bond that regularly meets him with his employer. Na ngoi ti Jésus, azo mingi nga kue ayeke awayere na ala pensé peut - être so ala lingbi ti duti nzoni nga na ngia tongana ala yeke na gbâ ti nginza. [ Box / Picture on page 8] In Jesus ' day, many were also poor and perhaps thought that they would be better and happy if they had more money. Mingi ti abungbi ti nzapa ti sese so afa so mbeni ye ayeke na yâ ti zo so ayeke ngbâ na fini na peko ti kuâ ti lo. Just what did he mean? Many of the world's religions teach that something inside the person survives death. Biani, bungbingo beoko na mbeni zo, même na lege ti salango ngia, ti Internet nga na ti ambeti so e yeke diko ayeke sala mbeni ngangu na ndo mara ti zo wa e yeke, nga mara ti zo so e yeke ga ande. How did Peter benefit from Jehovah's forgiveness? Yes, unity with someone - even through entertainment, Internet sites, and personal reading - has a powerful effect on what we are and what sort of person we are to come. Atâa sarango ye ti azo na yâ ti territoire ayeke tongana nyen, ngoi so e yeke fa tënë legeoko na mbeni ita ayeke mbeni nzoni ngoi ti "ngbâ ti... kpengba mba ." - 1 aThes. The context suggests that he was speaking directly about the material needs of the family. Whatever our reaction in the territory, our working with a fellow believer is a fine time to "keep on building one another up. " - 1 Thess. " Fade mbi mû merci na Mo na yâ kota bungbi ti azo. " - PS. In these ways, life then was much as it is today. - Genesis 4: 20 - 22; Luke 17: 26 - 28. " I shall laud you in the big congregation. " - PS. Lege so azo ayeke bâ na e ayeke kota ye? Perhaps those situations remind you of someone who made a difference in your life or of someone whose life you touched. Does the way others view us matter? Gbia David ayeke lani mbeni nzoni zo. Soon, though, I had to return to Europe for repairs to my motorcycle. King David was a good man. Kpengba lê ti mo na ndo Paradis ni Moreover, it brings praise to our loving heavenly Father. Focus on Paradise Mbeni kpengba ye so asara si azo ayeke ga nduru na mbeni zo ayeke tongana zo ni abi bê ti lo biani na azo. The same reasoning applies to Jesus Christ, admittedly the most influential man in history. Another key factor that draws people to someone is genuine interest in others. Biani, a lingbi ti wara ndara na yâ bê ti zo so ayeke gbu nda ti ye. Actually, "there is no searching out of his understanding. " Yes, wisdom can be found in the heart of an understanding person. Fade a bâ gloire ti Nzapa na lê ti mo? They fear that they will not get credit for what is done. Would God's glory be seen in your own eyes? Legeoko nga, Pierre ahon ndo ti awokongo ti lo na lo ga mbeni colonne na yâ kongregation ti aChrétien. What did Jesus institute on the last valid Passover? Similarly, Peter overcame his weaknesses and became a stumbling block in the Christian congregation. Lo tene: "Tongana mbi na akamarade ti mbi e sigigi, mbi gi ti hinga kozoni nginza so mbi yeke vo na ye.... Then he told me: "As soon as you are home, do whatever you want. He said: "When I went out with my friends, I first tried to find out what I would buy.... E londo ti bâ atapande ota so afa tongana nyen aye so Nzapa asara tënë ni kozo aga lani tâ tënë. Ambassadors do not meddle in the affairs of the nations to which they are assigned. We have considered three examples of how God's prophetic word came true. Biani, e yeke tingbi na akpale, me a yeke ko le - kobe ti awavorongo Jéhovah so ayeke kota ahon ti kozo. PUBLISHERS Yes, we face challenges, but the seed of Jehovah's worshipers is reaping even greater harvest. Na lango 11 ti mars 2006, tënë ti guengo ti sara ye so bê ti Nzapa aye na akodoro nde nde, atâa akpale so ala lingbi ti wara, amû ngia mingi na a - élève ti klase so awara diplôme ti ala. Satan and his demons are depraved and cruel. On March 11, 2006, the idea of going to do God's will in various lands, regardless of the challenges they may face, brings much joy to the graduating students. Ngu ti pere ayeke dë bê ti zo. Such a view is contrary to what the inspired Scriptures say. The dew is refreshing. Aurele na wali ti lo Albert - Fayette ague na Bénin a sara ngu ota tongaso awe. This group of faithful anointed brothers still consists of imperfect Christians. Albert and his wife, Albert - Faa, moved to Benin about three years ago. Rosa: Na octobre 1948, mbi komanse kua ti pionnier. Afterward, they are resurrected to spirit life as Christ was. - 10 / 1, page 29. Rosa: In October 1948, I began pioneering. Teti mbeni ngoi, kogara ti mbi ti koli azi même yanga na mbi pëpe. It is not until some time later that the effects become evident. For a while, my son - in - law did not even answer me. Nzapa abâ tongana mbumbuse ye aye so amû vundu na Habakuk? Abraham was neither stingy nor overly attached to what he had. Did God take Habakkuk for granted? Ala yeke sigigi na atënë ti bê ti ala kue sân ti sala mbito so a yeke kiri na nengo ti ala na peko wala a yeke sigigi na nda ti ala. He is the very epitome of love. They express their innermost feelings without fear of being restored or exposed. AZO mingi ahinga so Jésus ayeke lani na abazengele 12. Then, as we strive to act in harmony with that prayer, we can be confident that Jehovah will "preserve [us] alive in [his] own way. " - Ps. 119: 37; Heb. MANY people know that Jesus had 12 apostles. A - ancien ayeke fa ye na kongregation nga ala yeke mû maboko na aita ti ala ti leke ala na yâ kusala ti fango tënë 4: 12. Elders teach the congregation and help their brothers to train them in the ministry Ti tene a fâ yâ ti lisoro ni pepe, lo kanga singa ti lo. That realization can help us to see what Isaiah meant by new heavens and a new earth. To avoid the conversation, he closed his cell phone. Tongana nyen la e lingbi ti hon ndo ti anzara ti e ti mitele? We had arrived there the year before. How can we overcome fleshly tendencies? ; Nuñez, K. Since the work we do is Jehovah's work, we should keep in mind that both Jehovah and his Son back us up and strengthen us to discharge fully our God - given responsibilities. ; Nallez, K. Ala bi bê ti ala na Job pëpe nga ala dengi mê nzoni pëpe ti hinga ye so agbu bê ti lo. Centuries later, Jehovah again swore with respect to the above - mentioned promises when he sent Moses to speak to Abraham's descendants, who were then in slavery to the Egyptians. They did not care about Job and did not listen carefully to his concerns. Na yâ ti plasma a yeke wara nga ambeni nzoni ye tongana albumine, aye so asala si mênë akpengba kete, nga na bungbi ti aye so ayeke bata tele ti zo na tiringo na akobela. Why did Jesus ask Philip this question? The plasma also contains a number of other benefits, such as Jehovah's Witnesses, that make blood difficult for blood, as well as a body that protects the body from fighting diseases. Tongana lumière ti lâ ayeke dä pepe, ka e lingbi pepe ti ngbâ na fini. Commissioned as Moses ' Successor Without light from the sun, we would not be able to live. Yingo ti Nzapa amû ngangu na azo However, both Mark and John use the expression "genuine nard. " empowered by God's Spirit (b) Aye wa e lingbi ti sala ti wara mungo maboko ti Nzapa? " I will exult in Jehovah himself; I will be joyful in the God of my salvation. " - HABAKKUK 3: 18. (b) What can we do to receive God's help? Biani ye so asala si na ambeni ndo, na ndo azo 1 400, a wara gi Témoin oko. 31: 34. In fact, this has resulted in only one hundred percent of people in some parts of the world. Fani omene na yâ Fango ye ti lo na ndo Hoto, Jésus ato nda ti tënë ti lo tongaso: "I mä a tene giriri " wala" A tene nga giriri; " me na pekoni lo fa mbeni tënë nde, lo tene: "Me Mbi tene na i. " Does this not make you wonder if all these different ways of worship are equally acceptable to God? Six times in his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus begins his Sermon on the Mount: "You heard it, " or" It was also spoken, " but then he added," But I say to you. " Moïse asoro "ti tene a sara pasi na lo legeoko na azo ti Nzapa ahon ti tene lo wara ngia na yâ ti siokpari teti kete ngoi ." They help us to draw close to Jehovah and to sense that he is drawing close to us. Moses chose "to be persecuted with the people of God rather than to have the temporary enjoyment of sin. " Ni la, tongana Jéhovah apardone asiokpari ti e, a lingbi e tene na bê ti e pëpe so saleté ti asiokpari so ayeke ngbâ teti tanga ti fini ti e kue. Similarly today, loving - kindness should especially be shown to those in need. Hence, if Jehovah forgives our sins, we should not think that such sins will remain for the rest of our life. So tâ ye ti mawa! As a statute to time indefinite you should celebrate it. " The celebration on the 14th was to be followed by a seven - day festival. How sad! Vundu ti bê ti Jésus nga na pasi so lo bâ ayeke mingi, ni la Bible atene so "Lo sambela na Lo hunda mingi na totongo ngangu na ngule .." In what way should following Jesus ' perfect model affect us? Jesus ' pain and suffering were so intense that the Bible says that "he prayed and prayed fervently with a loud cry and with tears. " Tâ tënë ayeke gue ka nde nde pëpe. It teaches us to build personal qualities that can make marriage happy and warns about attitudes that can ruin marriage. The truth is not the same. JÉHOVAH Iri ti Nzapa na yâ Bible ti Septante, 1 / 6 Similarly, the spirit creature who became Satan once had the wisdom needed to fulfill any assignment God gave him. 6 / 15 Tâ tënë ni ayeke so, na ngoi ti lâ ti nda ni ti sese so, Jéhovah ahiri deba nzoni na ndo azo ti lo ahon ti so ala ku. Incense - Burning - Does It Have a Place in True Worship? The truth is that during the last days of this system of things, Jehovah has blessed his people more than they expected. E sala voyage na yâ ti mbeni mangboko so kozoni a yeke ti aturugu. " What a blessing from Jehovah! " says Janice. We traveled through a ship that was once military. Biani, Jésus alingbi ti mû maboko na mo ti hon ndo ti gingo bê ti mo, nga lo lingbi ti sara si bê ti mo kue ayeke gi na ndo ti ye so mo yeke ku ni na ti sara si mo sara mbeto pëpe. - aHéb. The crops failed! Yes, Jesus can help you to deal with anxiety, and he can make your heart over what you are waiting for and not be afraid. - Heb. Mara ti ndoye tongaso angbâ gi pëpe na ndo ti mungo ye na zo. For this reason and because of their "subjection to the superior authorities, " Christians entering into marriage abide by the local marriage laws. Such love is not limited to giving. Teti Jéhovah mveni ayeke mû ndara. ." For example, The Orthodox Christian Mission Center Magazine reports on the activity of Orthodox missionaries in Madagascar, southern Africa, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe. For Jehovah himself gives wisdom. " Na mbi wara nzoni dä mingi! Vaudès died in the year 1217, and persecution dispersed his followers into the French Alpine valleys, Germany, northern Italy, and Central and Eastern Europe. And what a blessing it proved to be! Peut - être a yeke surveillant ti kusala si alingbi nzoni mingi ti fa zo wa alingbi ti mû maboko so alingbi na zo ni. What warning and counsel did Solomon give concerning transgressions? Could it be that the traveling overseer is more qualified to provide the needed assistance? Salango ngonzo ti lo hio hio ague na lo ti sala aye ti ngangu. We are "witnesses " of Jehovah," God's fellow workers, " as we actively share the "good news " with others. His quick temper led him to violent acts. Ni la tënë ni ayeke tongaso: " Ye so mo bâ ayeke nzoni alingbi ti duti nzoni ndali ti mo, me gi pëpe ti gbu mbeni zo na ngangu ti yeda na ni. After he related to "great crowds " the parable of the sower, his disciples asked:" Why is it you speak to them by the use of illustrations? " The point is, "What you feel is good for you, but not simply force someone to accept it. Jésus asala kusala na atënë so akpengba pëpe, na so asenge zo alingbi ti gbu nda ni A brother who was relatively new in a foreign - language congregation overheard a mother helping her child to prepare a comment. Jesus used simple, simple words that ordinary people could understand Pendere - wali oko wala use teti azo oko oko kue; teti Sisera, bongo ti nzoroko nde nde so a gbu na bira,... teti go ti azo so ahon na bira, bongo ti nzoroko nde nde, so a brodé na mbage na mbage. " - aJuge 5: 24, 28 - 30. People have taken in "the knowledge of Jehovah " and have applied it in their lives. One girl or two for each one, for Sisera, the wearing of the armor,... for the sound of the men that have passed through the battle, the wearing of the hair on the side of each one. " - Judges 5: 24, 28 - 30. Ti aTémoin ti Jéhovah, fango tënë na yâ agbata nga ando so ayeke na gere ti ahoto ni ayeke ngangu pëpe nga alë lengo. One Christian woman wrote: "It is becoming overwhelming. For Jehovah's Witnesses, preaching in cities and mountains was not easy and productive. Ala fa nga na ala so ala amolenge ni kue ayeke na ndara ti ala wani, na so ala kue alingbi ti sara si sewa ni aduti na ngia. - aRomain 2: 11. What about those who hear and accept the invitation? They also showed them that they all had their own wisdom and that they too could make the family happy. - Romans 2: 11. Ti duti be - ta - zo ahunda ti duti na asarango ye wa? He introduced the Law covenant at Sinai. What qualities are involved in being loyal? Na ndo ala, bakari ti ngu 1995 (The New Encyclopædia Britannica) atene: "Atene so a sû ni nde nde afa so, giriri, même awato ti lege ti vorongo ti aChrétien adë kite lâ oko pepe na tâ dutingo ti Jésus, dutingo so a dë gaba na ndo ni ti kozoni na hunzingo ti siècle 18 ni, na ngoi ti siècle 19 ni, nga na tongo nda ti siècle 20 ni, na dengo gaba ni aluti na ndo ye so nda ni ayeke pepe. " She says: "I call friends who are sick or discouraged and write letters to them. Regarding them, The New Encyclopædia Britannica states: "The earliest century, even the opponents of Christianity, never questioned the reality of Jesus ' true identity, which was previously discussed before the end of the 18th century, and at the beginning of the 20th century, is the beginning of the 20th century, and at the beginning of the 20th century. " 11: 27. When Habakkuk says "warriors... moved tempestuously to scatter me, " the prophet speaks for Jehovah's anointed servants. 11: 27. • Tongana nyen ziango aye ti yingo na gbele e na ti wara ni alingbi ti bata e na ndo lege ti fini? Paying attention to the message of the three letters of John and of Jude's epistle can help us to remain strong in the faith despite obstacles. - Heb. • How can setting spiritual goals protect us from the path to life? David asara ye tongana nyen na ngoi so Jéhovah afa ye so a doit ti sara? Read Matthew 13: 47 - 50. How did David react to Jehovah's direction? Ti sara ye alingbi na amama - ndia ti Bible achangé fini ti azo (Bâ paragraphe 16) How can having a regular share in Jehovah's work help us remain focused on the big issue? Applying Bible principles has changed lives (See paragraph 16) Ti tene e duti na mabe so ngere ni ayeke ngangu, a lingbi a tara ni kozoni awe si. Even though we said unkind things to you, I noticed that you kept smiling. For us to have faith that is precious, it must first be put to the test. Na Esaïe 60: 18, e diko: "Fade azo amä tënë ti sioye ti ngangu na sese ti mo mbeni pëpe, na ala mä tënë ti yangbato wala ye so afuti ye na yâ sese ti mo mbeni pëpe; me fade mo di iri ti gbagba ti bira ti mo Salut, na mo di iri ti yanga ti kodoro ti mo Sepela. " However, when it comes to products derived from blood, they carefully weigh what God says and their personal relationship with our Life - Giver. - Psalm 36: 9. At Isaiah 60: 18, we read: "They will no longer listen to violence in your land, and they will certainly hear corruption or ruin in your land, but you will call upon your wall of salvation, and you will call upon your gates. " Ye ti pekoni ayeke so Nzapa ayeda na sandaga so mabe ti Abel apusu lo ti mû ni; me lo ke sandaga ti Caïn, so afa so lo yeke na mabe kue pëpe. Even so, the psalmist has not given up all hope. As a result, Abel's faith was acceptable to God; rather, he rejected Cain's offering, who showed lack of faith. Na mbeni ndo ni nde, mbi yeke kä lani abongo nga mbi yeke fâ kuä ti li ti azo. • Why can we say that faith gives us a rewarding life? In addition, I sold clothes and hair. Ye oko, a lingbi mbeni wali ti koli akpe ti mû mbeni zendo so ague nde na Tënë ti Nzapa wala so ague nde na akungba ti lo na mbage ti koli ti lo. [ Picture Credit Line on page 30] However, a wife should avoid making a vow that conflicts with God's Word or that is not contrary to her husband's responsibilities. Me, kota ye so apusu David ti tiri na lo ayeke nengo so David ane na Jéhovah nga na kota iri ti lo. " Honor Jehovah with your valuable things. " - Prov. However, David's main reason for fighting against him was David's respect for Jehovah and his great name. Mo lingbi ti ga ndeko ti Nzapa Do you discourage your children from leaving their seat unnecessarily during the song? You Can Become God's Friend Lango use na pekoni, na lango 24 ni ti Tishri, a yeke lani ngoi ti tene azo ti Israël afa siokpari ti ala na gigi. I also benefited greatly from Mother's habit of reading aloud to me from the Bible and from Bible - based publications. Two days later, on Nisan 24, it was time for the Israelites to confess their sins. Astérilet so cuivre ayeke dä mingi ape ayeke sara kua nzoni mingi ape. " For a wrong purpose, "the [heavenly] sons of the true God began to notice the daughters of men, that they were good - looking, " states the Bible," and they went taking wives for themselves, namely, all whom they chose. " There is little copper, and there is little work to do. " [ Kete tënë / Foto na lembeti 8] Nevertheless, a·gaʹpe love "bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. " [ Box / Picture on page 8] Lo ye ti tene nyen mbilimbili? But they do need practical help. What exactly did he mean? Aye ti nzoni wa la Pierre awara ndali ti so Jéhovah apardonné lo? Why? What blessings did Peter receive because of Jehovah's forgiveness? Atënë so angoro ni afa so lo yeke sala tënë mbilimbili na ndo aye ti mitele so sewa ni ayeke na bezoin ni. Abraham's son Isaac "was out walking in order to meditate in the field at about the falling of evening. " The context shows that he was speaking specifically about the physical needs of the family. Aye so afa so gigi ni lani kâ akpa ti e laso mingi. - Genèse 4: 20 - 22; Luc 17: 26 - 28. However, Jehovah's patience does not mean that he will never act. This indicates that we are living in such a way today. - Genesis 4: 20 - 22; Luke 17: 26 - 28. Angu kete na pekoni, tongana maseka - koli so ayeke leke tere ti lo ti gue na kodoro so a tokua lo dä ti sara kua ti missionnaire, lo dabe ti lo na koli so na wali ti lo nga na lisoro so ala sara lani so apusu lo ti ga missionnaire. Why is the law of the Christ a priceless possession? A few years later, when the young man was preparing for missionary service, he reminded him that he and his wife were moved to become a missionary. Me kete na pekoni, mbi kiri encore na Poto ti leke moto ti mbi ni. If you do that, though, in your case "youth and the prime of life " will indeed prove to be" vanity. " Soon, though, I returned to Europe to prepare my motorcycle. Na ndo ni, a yeke mû gonda na Babâ ti e ti yayu so aye e mingi. A few days before his death, Jesus told the Jewish religious leaders: "Did you never read in the Scriptures, " The stone that the builders rejected is the one that has become the chief cornerstone. Moreover, it honors our loving heavenly Father. Na lege wa aTémoin ti Jéhovah laso afa ndoye so mbeto ayeke dä pëpe na popo ti ala? With the help of such publications as The Bible - God's Word or Man's?, * she also carefully examined the mountain of internal evidence that proves divine inspiration. How have Jehovah's Witnesses today shown courage among themselves? Akpengba - ndia use wa so a gboto ni na yâ Bible asala kusala na ndo songo ti e na sese so? How can we show that we are zealous for fine works? What two principles recorded in the Bible affect our relationship with the world? A lingbi ti sala kusala na mara ti kpengba tënë tongaso na ndo Jésus Christ so azo ahinga lo tongana koli so asala tâ ngangu mingi na ndo azo na yâ mbaï kue. Even young children can draw close to God A similar principle can be applied to Jesus Christ, who has been known as the most influential man in history. Biani, "zo alingbi gi nda ti ndara ti Lo pëpe. ." What did Jesus ' description of the people of his day reveal about maturity? Indeed, "no man can search for his wisdom. " Ala sara mbeto ti tene azo agonda ala pëpe ndali ti kua so a sara. He must be prepared to give up even what is dear to him if it would put him in danger of falling into sin. They fear that they will not be praised for the work done. Fini matanga wa la Jésus azia na sese na ngoi ti ndangba matanga ti Pâque so lo na adisciple ti lo asara? The Philistines were baffled by the riddle for three days. What new festival did Jesus establish during the last Passover meal that he and his disciples attended? Na pekoni, lo tene na mbi: "Na ngoi so mo si na yanga - da, mo lingbi ti sala ye so bê ti mo aye. At times, there were "wars and reports of wars, " as Jesus had foretold. Then he said to me: "When you arrive at the door, you can do your will. Alembe ayeke yôro ka yanga ti ala pëpe na yâ ti atënë ti kodoro so a tokua ala dä. (b) How was Dorcas rewarded for her goodness and kindness? It is not unusual for people to use their tongue in word of the country assigned to them. AWAFANGO TËNË KUE Yet, if we were to lose our love and compassion for people, we could lose a vital motivation for sharing in the Christian ministry. PUBLISHERS Satan na asioni yingo ti lo ayeke tâ sioni mingi. That was in harmony with what I already knew from the Bible. Satan and his demons are evil. Bango ndo tongaso ayeke nde na ti Mbeti ti Nzapa so asû na gbe ti yingo. 4: 8, 9, 16 - 18; 5: 7. This is contrary to the inspired Word of God. Bungbi ti aChrétien so a sa yingo na ndo ti ala, na so ayeke be - ta - zo, ayeke lakue mbilimbili - kue pëpe. We too cannot help but feel for our neighbors. The faithful remnant of anointed Christians are not always perfect. Na pekoni, a lingbi ti zingo ala ti duti na fini ti yingo tongana ti so Christ ayeke na ni. - 1 / 10, lembeti 29. Pressure to Conform Then they may be resurrected to spirit life as Christ did. - 10 / 1, page 29. Mbeni ngoi kete na pekoni awe si zo alingbi ti bâ sukungo ni. Trusting in Jehovah means trusting those whom he trusts Soon thereafter, it could be seen. Abraham ayeke lani zo ti kion pëpe wala lo ye amosoro ti lo ahon ndo ni pëpe. When Siegfried visited Detlef's congregation to deliver a Bible talk (incidentally, Thomas ' mother also attends meetings there occasionally), Detlef invited him to lunch. Abraham was not selfish or his wealth. Tapande so lo mû na ndo ndoye ayeke tâ mbilimbili - kue. With Livija His example of love is perfect. Nga tongana e yeke sara ngangu ti sara ye ague oko na sambela so, e yeke hinga na bê ti e kue so Jéhovah ayeke "mû na [e] fini na lege ti [lo] ." - Ps. 119: 37; aHéb. We will return to Manfred later, but let us first consider what is involved when we are called upon to decide whether to speak the truth or not. And as we strive to live in harmony with that prayer, we can be confident that Jehovah will "give [our] life by means of [him]. " - Ps. 119: 37; Heb. Ti bâ atënë so ayeke na yâ ni nzoni ayeke kpengba mabe ti e na tâ Nzapa, na Molenge ti lo nga na azendo so Nzapa amû. - aHébreu 4: 12. In many congregations, there would not be enough qualified local brothers to care for all the congregation responsibilities. Paying attention to its message strengthens our faith in the true God, his Son, and God's promises. - Hebrews 4: 12. Bango ye tongaso alingbi ti mu maboko na e ti ba ye so Isaïe aye ti tene tongana lo sala tene ti ayayu ti fini na mbeni sese ti fini. Like Paul, they are conscious of the struggle between a desire to please God by living according to his standards and the course that their imperfect flesh may urge them to take. This consideration can help us to see what Isaiah meant when he referred to new heavens and a new earth. E si lani na kodoro ni ngu oko kozoni si a kanga lege na kusala ni. Eagerly, 24 of us turned in our names for a new feature of service, not knowing what it was to be. We arrived in that country a year before the ban was lifted. Teti so kusala so e yeke sara ayeke kusala ti Jéhovah, a lingbi e girisa pëpe so Jéhovah na Molenge ti lo ayeke lakue na peko ti e na ala yeke mû ngangu na e ti sara akusala ti Nzapa. * And during convention time, a mobile home served as a free hotel room. Since our work is Jehovah's work, we should bear in mind that Jehovah and his Son are always behind us and are strengthening us to do God's works. Angu ngbangbo mingi na pekoni, Jéhovah akiri adeba yanga ti lo na ndo ti azendo so e londo ti sara tënë dä na ngoi so lo tokua Moïse ti gue ti sara tënë na ahale ti Abraham so ayeke lani angbâa na gbe ti azo ti Égypte. Understandably, Christian shepherds also need to care for other duties. Centuries later, Jehovah repeated his oath regarding the promises we had made when Moses sent Moses to speak to Abraham's descendants who were slaves to the Egyptians. Ngbanga ti nyen Jésus ahunda tënë so na Philippe? He is "the father of the lie, " and those who, like him, try to mislead God's servants are his children. Why did Jesus ask Philip that question? A hiri lo ti mû place ti Moïse • How might you help a Christian who stumbled and became inactive? He was called to take Moses ' place Ye oko, Marc na Jean asara kusala na tënë "nard ti nzoni mingi ." Christians are counseled to show " fellow feeling, brotherly affection, and compassion. ' However, Mark and John used the word "very good. " " Fade mbi duti na ngia na yâ L'Eternel ["Jéhovah, " NW], fade mbi sala ngia na yâ Nzapa ti salut ti mbi. " - HABAKUK 3: 18. This will motivate us to reflect Jehovah's glory, qualities, and personality as revealed in the Bible. " I will exult in Jehovah himself, and I will be joyful in the God of my salvation. " - ACTS 3: 18. 31: 34. 31: 31 - 34. 31: 34. Ye so apusu mo pëpe ti gi ti hinga wala Nzapa ayeda na alege ti vorongo Nzapa nde nde so kue? By the same token, a universe that began seems to demand a first cause; for who could imagine such an effect without a sufficient cause? " How is Jehovah's wisdom evident in the animal creation? Does that not make you wonder whether God approves of any form of religion? A yeke mû maboko na e ti ga ndulu na Jéhovah na ti hinga so lo yeke ga ndulu na e. [ Picture Credit Line on page 22] It helps us to draw close to Jehovah and to know that he will draw close to us. Legeoko nga laso, a lingbi a fa ndoye so ayeke be - biani mbilimbili na mbage ti ala so ayeke na bezoin ni. Was David distressed while he was being mistreated? Likewise today, loving - kindness should be shown toward those in need. Na peko ti matanga ti Pâque ti lango 14 ti Nisan, azo ti Israël asara matanga ti Amapa so a sara na mama ni pëpe so a sara na yâ ti lango mbasambala. Questions From Readers After the Passover of Nisan 14, the Israelites celebrated the unleavened bread held in seven days. Ti mû peko ti pendere tapande ti Christ a lingbi ti sala ye na ndo ti e tongana nyen? Wise parents organize recreation for their children How can imitating Christ's fine example affect us? A fa na e ti duti na asarango ye so asara si zo aduti na ngia na yâ ti mariage ti lo, nga a gboto mê ti e na ndo ti ambeni sarango ye so ayeke buba yâ ti mariage. In a general way, we would be grieving the holy spirit, like those who caused divisions in the congregation in Corinth. It teaches us to cultivate qualities that contribute to a happy marriage, and it warns us against practices that threaten marriage. Legeoko tongana azo ti Tyr, ange so aga Satan ayeke lani na ndara so alingbi ti sala na kua kue so Nzapa amû na lo. The apostle Paul admonished fellow believers " not to forsake the gathering of themselves together, as some had the custom. ' Like Tyre, the angel who became Satan had the wisdom needed to carry out whatever God had given him. Tâ vorongo ahunda ti zö yombo? Would the householder have written that if the publishers had shown even a hint of anger? Does true worship require incense? Janice atene: "So tâ tufa ti Jéhovah la! " Anointed Christians would commemorate Christ's death "until he arrives. " " What a blessing from Jehovah! " says Jan. Warango kobe aga ngangu! Maria relates: "My relationship with the teacher did not suffer. Food became very difficult! Teti tënë so, nga teti so ala " duti na gbe ti azo ti komande ti kota ahon, ' aChrétien so aye ti sala mariage ayeke sala ye alingbi na andia ti mariage na yâ kodoro ni. This is true whether such words reflect misleading secular "wisdom, " the propaganda of apostates, or thoughtless talk within the congregation. For this reason, as well as " subject to superior authorities, ' Christians who want to marry will obey the laws of marriage in the land. Na tapande, mbeni mbeti - sango (The Orthodox Christian Mission Center Magazine) afa tondo ti kusala so amissionnaire ti Église Orthodoxe asala na Madagascar, na mbongo ti Afrika, na Tanzanie, nga na Zimbabwe. Put simply, we cannot be certain whether Jesus actually stood in the temple or he did so only by means of a vision. For example, The 2006 Christian Center reported the report of the activity of the Orthodox missionaries in Madagascar, south of Africa, and Zimbabwe. Valdès akui na ngu 1217, na salango ngangu akangbi yâ ti adisciple ti lo kirikiri. Smoking and swearing soon became a regular part of my life. He died in 121 C.E., and his followers were scattered. Gbotongo mê nga wango wa Salomon amu na ndo akengo - ndia? With whom do we have the privilege to communicate, and why is that so amazing? What warning and counsel did Solomon give regarding lawlessness? E yeke "atémoin " ti Jéhovah, nga na ngoi so e yeke fa " nzo tënë ' na wâ, e yeke" afon Nzapa na kusala. ." Events on the day of Pentecost in 33 C.E. proved that Jehovah had graciously accepted the value of Jesus ' perfect human sacrifice as an atonement, or a covering, for sin. We are Jehovah's "seed, " and as we zealously declare" the good news ", we are God's fellow workers. Na pekoni so lo fa parabole ti zo ti lungo kobe na azo mingi mingi so aga, adisciple ti lo ahunda: "Teti nyen Mo sala tënë na ala na parabole? " 10 - 13. After relating the illustration of the sower to the crowds, his disciples asked: "Why have you spoken to them in the parable? " Mbeni ita so aga lani fini fini na yâ ti mbeni kongregation so ayeke sara bungbi na mbeni yanga ti kodoro nde amä mbeni mama so ayeke mû maboko na molenge ti lo ti leke mbeni kiringo tënë na bungbi. • How does faith help us to meet various trials? A new brother who was associated with a foreign - language congregation heard a mother helping his child to prepare a comment. Nda ni ayeke so ala wara "ndara ti L'Éternel " na ala sara ye alingbi na ni na yâ ti fini ti ala. Along with Hugo, they are now in the full - time ministry. The reason is that they have acquired "the wisdom of Jehovah " and apply it in their lives. Mbeni wali Chrétien asû na mbeti: "Tënë ti mungo amatabisi na ngoi ti amariage ato nda ti ne zo mingi awe. We can do this only if we examine their fine example and seek to imitate their faith. One Christian woman wrote: "The gift of gifts at marriage has already begun to be honorable. Ka ti azo so amä na ayeda na tisango ndo ni, a yeke tongana nyen? Just when they were down to their last meal, a visitor arrived - the prophet Elijah. What about those who listen and respond to the invitation? Na lege ti lo, Nzapa asigigi na mbele ti Ndia na Hoto ti Sinaï. In response to Paul's prayers, God told him: "My undeserved kindness is sufficient for you; for my power is being made perfect in weakness. " Through him, God established the Law covenant at Mount Sinai. Lo tene: "Mbi yeke sara ka kua na téléphone ti iri akamarade ti mbi so ayeke na kobela wala so adécouragé, nga mbi yeke tokua alettre na ala. Some arrived in four - wheel - drive vehicles packed with camping gear, spare parts, and fuel. She says: "I often use phone calls for friends who are ill or depressed, and I write letters to them. Tongana Habaqouq asala tene ti " aturugu... so aga tongana gingisale ti tomba lo, ' prophète ni asala tene na iri ti awakua ti Jéhovah so asa yingo na ndo ti ala. He began ruling in 1914 and will soon complete his conquest, ending all suffering. When Habakkuk speaks of "the armies that come... to deliver him, " the prophet speaks of Jehovah's anointed servants. Ti dengi mê na atënë so ayeke na yâ ti ambeti ota ti Jean nga na mbeti ti Jude alingbi ti mû maboko na e ti ngbâ ti kpengba na yâ ti mabe atâa akangango lege. - aHéb. Why does "the faithful and discreet slave " deserve our loyalty? Paying attention to the inspired writings of John and Jude can help us to remain firm in the faith despite opposition. - Heb. Diko Matthieu 13: 47 - 50. This was the belief of all of God's servants in ancient times. Read Matthew 13: 47 - 50. Tongana nyen la ti sara lakue kua ti Jéhovah alingbi ti mû maboko na e ti ngbâ ti zia lê ti e na ndö ti kota tënë ni? Evidently, in his day most people did not enjoy inner peace. How can regular participation in Jehovah's service help us to keep our focus on the important issue? Atâa so e tene fade atënë so anzere na mo pëpe, mbi bâ so mo he gi ngia. So if you have fallen into sin and want to do what is right, do not hesitate to make an honest confession. Although these words are not appealing to you, I feel that you are simply singing. Ye oko, tongana a ndu tene ti ayorö so a leke na lege ti mênë, ala yeke ba nzoni ye so Nzapa atene nga songo ti ala mveni na Wamungo fini. - Psaume 36: 10 (36: 9, NW). Jehovah can help us to see how we should "answer each person. " When it comes to blood products, however, they see the good news of God's Word as well as their own relationship with the Life - Giver. - Psalm 36: 9. Atâa so kue, wasungo psaume ni ayeke lakue na beku. As noted at Habakkuk 1: 12, the prophet says: "Are you not from long ago, O Jehovah? Even so, the psalmist never gave up hope. • Ngbanga ti nyen e lingbi ti tene so mabe ayeke sala si fini ti e ane? They had been warmly welcomed by Pharaoh, who knew and appreciated Joseph. • Why can we say that faith makes our life meaningful? [ Lingu ti foto na lembeti 30] A primary way that we can grow in our love for Jehovah is to reflect on the life and ministry of Jesus. [ Picture Credit Line on page 30] Dikongo na kota go Bible na ambeti ti nzapa so mama asala lakue asala nga nzoni na mbi mingi. Do not meddle with these men, but let them alone; (because, if this scheme or this work is from men, it will be overthrown; but if it is from God, you will not be able to overthrow them;) otherwise, you may perhaps be found fighters actually against God. " - Acts 5: 33 - 39. Reading aloud from the Bible and from regular Bible - based publications has also benefited me. Bible atene so, na sioni bibe, "amolenge ti Nzapa [so ayeke na yayu] abâ so amolenge - wali ti azo ayeke pendere. Ala kamata awali na popo ti azo tongana bê ti ala aye. " 12, 13. (a) According to historians, what was noteworthy about the early Christian congregation? The Bible says that "the sons of God [God's heavenly sons] began to notice that the daughters of men were beautiful; and they chose women from among men according to their desires. " Ye oko, ndoye so a iri ni agapê " akanga bê na gbele aye kue, amä na bê na aye kue, azia beku na ndo ti aye kue, agbu ngangu na yâ ti aye kue. ' People's thinking is gradually becoming distorted. Yet, the love that is called "putting up with all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. " Me ala yeke na bezoin ti tene e sara ambeni ye ti mû maboko na ala. I therefore rejoice over you. But I want you to be wise as to what is good, but innocent as to what is evil. " But they need our help. Ngbanga ti nyen? It states: "Your own ears will hear a word behind you saying: " This is the way. Why? Isaac, molenge ti Abraham, " atambela na yâ yaka ti gbu li na lakui. ' In that way you also, outwardly indeed, appear righteous to men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness. " - Matt. Abraham's son Isaac " walked in the field to meditate on the evening. ' Ye oko, be - nze - pepe ti Jéhovah aye pëpe ti tene so lo yeke sala ande ye lâ oko pëpe. Some family members traveled two hours by horse and buggy to be present. However, Jehovah's long - suffering does not mean that he will never act. Ala duti gi na ndoye ti Jéhovah pëpe, me nga ala wara ngia na yâ ngangu songo ti ndoye ti aita. Then, sometime after 44 C.E., in Syrian Antioch, disciples of Jesus "were by divine providence called Christians. " They had not only Jehovah's love but also enjoyed a warm brotherhood. Ye oko, tongana mo sala tongaso, "lâ ti molenge na lâ ti pendere " ti mo ayeke duti biani" senge senge. " Some might reason that not everything in the world is wrong. However, if you do, "the days of your youth and youth " will certainly be" empty - handed. " Tênë so azo ti sara da ake awe, tênë so aga li ti mbundu ti da; so ayeke kusala ti Seigneur, na a yeke ye ti kpene na lê ti e. Still, those Israelites were "limping between two different opinions. " The stone that the builders rejected has become the head of the house; it is the work of the Lord, and it is wonderful to us. Na lege ti abuku tongana Bible: A Yeke Tene ti Nzapa Wala ti Azo?, * lo gi nga nzoni nda ti aye mingi mingi so na yâ ti Bible afa so a londo na Nzapa. Of course, death of a mate and divorce end marriages in very different ways. Using such books as the Bible - God's Word or Man's, * he also carefully examines many Bible accounts that show that it comes from God. Même akete molenge alingbi ti ga ndulu na Nzapa 1, 2. What counsel did the apostle Paul give Christians in Philippi and Corinth, and why? Even Children Can Draw Close to God Ye nyen tene ti Jésus na ndo wagame ti azo ti ngoi ti lo afa na ndo dutingo biazo? A Mayan calendar cycle that ended on December 21, 2012, was interpreted by some as a portent of cataclysmic events. What do Jesus ' words about the generation of his day reveal about maturity? A lingbi lo duti nduru ti ke même aye so lo ye ni mingi tongana aye ni so ayeke pusu lo ti sara siokpari. A young Christian has to beware that he or she does not imitate those individuals. He must be willing to reject even the things he loves when he is tempted to sin. Tongana ala fa nda ni, Samson ayeke mû ande na ala bongo ti lin 30 na bongo ti ndo ni 30. What stand did the early Christians take when ordered by the religious leaders to stop teaching on the basis of Jesus ' name? When they explained, Samson would give them 30 garments of barley in the place's clothing. A yeke tâ tënë so abira ayeke lani dä tongana ti so Jésus atene kozo awe atene ayeke si ande. Some people misread these inspired words: "There is an appointed time for everything,... a time for birth and a time to die. " True, there were wars, as Jesus foretold. (b) Tongana nyen la a futa Dorcas ndali ti nzoni bê ti lo? Similarly, there are good reasons why Jehovah has allowed humans to suffer temporarily, and these reasons are explained in the Bible. (b) How was Dorcas rewarded for his kindness? Me, tongana e glisa ndoye na be - nzoni ti e teti azo, e lingbi ti glisa kota ye so apusu e ti mu mbage na yâ kusala ti Chrétien. Try as they might, enemies of Bible truth have been unable to prevent its spread. On the other hand, if we lose our love and compassion for others, we can lose our primary motive for sharing in the Christian ministry. Ye so ague legeoko na ye so mbi manda awe na ndo Bible. • Who is the "servant " mentioned in Isaiah's prophecies, and how do we know? This is in line with what I have learned about the Bible. 4: 8, 9, 16 - 18; 5: 7. Your listener must be convinced that what you say is true, whether that individual is a child, a neighbor, a work associate, a schoolmate, or a relative. - 2 Timothy 3: 14, 15. What is involved in convincing a person of a Scriptural truth? 4: 8, 9, 16 - 18; 5: 7. E nga kue e bâ amba ti e mawa ti ala asara e. Christians agree on the need to follow God's guidance, yet in some areas personal judgments must be made, and conscience comes into play. We too feel compassion for others. A pusu zo na ngangu ti sala ni This did not suit Dad. Motivated to Do It Ti zia bê ti e na Jéhovah aye nga ti tene ti zia bê ti e na ala so lo zia bê ti lo na ala Such passages confirm the observation made by Greek scholar Daniel Wallace, who says that for Greek demonstratives, "what might be the nearest antecedent contextually might not be the nearest antecedent in the author's mind. " Trusting in Jehovah also involves trusting in those whom he trusts Na ngoi so Siegfried ague ti mû diskur na kongregation so Detlef ayeke dä (mama ti Thomas, so ayeke ga na abungbi ngoi na ngoi, ayeke nga lani dä), Detlef atisa Siegfried na ndo ti lo ti te kobe. (b) What counsel was provided to help the brothers in Colossae remain steadfast? On the way to give a public talk to Thomas ' mother, who was present at meetings, had also been invited to feed her. Mbi na Livija Surely they would not have felt drawn to a cold, joyless person who never smiled or laughed! With Jehovah's help, I was able to do so Me kozoni kue, zia e bâ aye so a lingbi e gbu li na ndo ni tongana a hunda na e ti soro wala e yeke tene tâ tënë wala e yeke tene tâ tënë pëpe. Christ " released by purchase those under law ' and set them free to enjoy Christian freedom, says Paul. First, though, let us consider what we need to think about when we are asked whether we are truthful or not. Ye so alingbi ti si ayeke so, na yâ ti acongrégation mingi, a yeke wara aita - koli mingi pëpe ti yâ ti kodoro ni so ayeke na kode ti sara akua kue ti congrégation. Still, we should dress modestly and with dignity. In many congregations, there are few brothers in that country who are skilled in caring for congregation responsibilities. Legeoko na Paul, ala hinga nzoni mingi so nzara ti ala ti nzere na lê ti Nzapa na batango andia ti lo ayeke tiri na lege so mitele ti ala ti siokpari alingbi ti pusu ala ti mû. They even tried to slow down their zealous companions, asking, in effect, for some of their oil supply. Like Paul, they are well - aware that their desire to please God by obeying his laws is struggling by their sinful flesh. Na bê kue, azo 24 na popo ti e amu iri ti ala teti mbeni fini mbage ti kusala, na hingango pepe kusala wa ayeke duti ande. 11: 26 With all our hearts, 24 of us have applied their names for a new part of the work, knowing what work will be. * Na ngoi ti kota bungbi, ala yeke lango na yâ ti ada so ala leke na peko ti a - oto ti ala na ala yeke na bezoin ti futa hôtel ape. They were suffering opposition and were subjected to abusive speech. They faced "fiery trials. " * At the convention, they stayed in private homes and did not need to pay their hotel. Tâ tënë, a lingbi a - ancien abâ nga ndo na ndo ti ambeni kua. How do Jehovah's dealings with Jonah and Peter draw you closer to Him? Of course, elders must also care for certain responsibilities. Lo yeke "babâ ti mvene ," nga azo so, legeoko tongana lo, atara ti handa awakua ti Nzapa ayeke amolenge ti lo. I tactfully explain to my extended family that I will give as much as I can without endangering my immediate family's spiritual needs and routine. " He is "the father of the lie, " and those who, like him, try to mislead God's servants are his sons. • Na lege wa mo lingbi ti mû maboko na mbeni Chrétien so apika gere ti lo na lo woko? One of the foremost ways that Jehovah has helped me is by means of the support of fellow Christians. • How can you help an erring Christian? A wa aChrétien ti " sala be - nzoni na popo ti ala, ti ndoye tele tongana aita na ti duti na be - ti - ndoye. '. Our free - will has destroyed us; we who were free have become slaves; we have been sold through sin. " Christians are admonished to "become kind to one another, tenderly compassionate, tenderly compassionate. " Ye so ayeke pusu e ti sara ye tongana ti Jéhovah nzoni mingi. Then, on August 4, 2000, that dining room was closed, and I was assigned to one of the renovated dining rooms in the former Towers Hotel. This should move us to imitate Jehovah fully. 31: 31 - 34. Without the direction and help of God's powerful holy spirit, it would be impossible for such a thing to take place in this world that is under Satan's control. 31: 31 - 34. Legeoko nga, ti tene so dunia ayeke na tongo nda ni, a bâ so a hunda ti tene lingu ni aduti dä; ndali ti so zo wa si alingbi ti yeda so mbeni ye ato nda ni gi tongaso sân ti tene mbeni ye ayeke na gunda ni? " How can we use insight in our ministry? In a similar way, to say that the world has its beginning, it seems that it needs to exist, for who can acknowledge that something starts only without any cause? " [ Lingu ti foto na lembeti 22] Note that the writer shifted the emphasis from the present to the future. Earlier, in Ps 121 verse 5, the psalmist said: "Jehovah is guarding you. " [ Picture Credit Line on page 22] Vundu asala David na ngoi so a yeke sala sioni na lo? 7, 8. (a) What type of conduct do we have to avoid if we are to show genuine kindness in the family? Was David disappointed when he was being persecuted? Atënë so azo ahunda Jesus taught his followers to pray: "Give us today our bread for this day. " Questions From Readers Ababâ na mama ti ndara ayeke leke angia teti amolenge ti ala Moreover, Elisha evidently wanted to have the same courageous spirit as that of Elijah, who was "absolutely jealous for Jehovah. " - 1 Ki. 19: 13, 14. Wise parents make recreation for their children A yeke tongaso pëpe? Biani, e yeke mû vundu na yingo vulu legeoko tongana ala so aga lani na kangbi na yâ ti kongregation ti Corinthe. Still, because of the Devil's influence, no human or human institution has ever been able to bring lasting peace and security to the people. Surely, then, we would be grieving the holy spirit just as those who had caused division in the congregation in Corinth. Bazengele Paul awa afon lo wamabe " ti zia pepe ti bungbi tele ti ala, tongana ti so ambeni ayeke sala lakue. ' How can these young Christians or others forced into such a situation successfully cope with the pressures and demands they face as they strive to "go on walking worthily of God? " The apostle Paul urged fellow believers " not to hold back from gathering together, as some have the custom. ' Tongana awafango tënë ni asara mbeni ye lani ti fa ngonzo ti ala, ka wali ni ayeke sara mbeti so? To be happy, one needs to yearn to have a close relationship with God. If the publishers had done anything to express their anger, would she have been writing that letter? A lingbi aChrétien so a sa yingo na ndo ti ala asala matanga ti kui ti Christ "juska Lo ga. " " Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you, " wrote James. - James 4: 8. Anointed Christians must commemorate Christ's death "until he arrives. " Maria afa peko ti ye so asi: "Ye ni abuba pëpe songo ti mbi na wafango ye ni. But when wicked angels speak to people, they may deceptively claim to be the spirit of a dead person. Maria relates: "It didn't damage my relationship with the teacher. Ye so ayeke tâ tene atä atene tongaso afa na gigi "ndara " ti gigi so ahanda zo, sabango ti a - apostat, wala atene senge senge na yâ kongrégation. In what sense can Jehovah make you his share? This is true whether such expressions reflect "the wisdom of life, " the propaganda of apostates, or the empty speeches in the congregation. Na nduru tënë, e hinga mbilimbili ape wala Satan ague lani biani na Jésus na yâ ti temple wala lo fa temple ni na Jésus na yâ ti mbeni ye tongana suma. Consider what he said to his disciples after the rich young man turned away grieved at the invitation to leave all his belongings behind and become a follower of Christ. In short, we do not know whether Satan actually led Jesus into the temple or he presented it to Jesus in a vision. A ninga ape, nyongo manga na tenengo abuba tënë ni aga mbeni ye ti tere ti mbi. I was regularly involved in street fights with drug dealers, who several times tried to do away with me. Before long, smoking and abusive speech became part of my body. Aye so asi lani na lango ti Pentecôte ti ngu 33 afa so Jéhovah ayeke na ngia ti yeda na fini ti Jésus so alingbi kue so lo mû tongana ngere so a futa ti zi na azo na gbe ti siokpari. According to Acts, how did Christians respond to Jesus ' commands? The events of Pentecost 33 C.E. show that Jehovah gladly accepted Jesus ' perfect human life as a ransom sacrifice. 10 - 13. (For fully formatted text, see publication) 10 - 13. Ngbanga ti nyen e lingbi ti tene so mabe alingbi ti mû maboko na e ti kanga bê na yâ "lâ ti sioni " ti dutingo mbakoro? 21, 22. Learn and respect refugees ' religious and cultural sensitivities. Why can we say that faith can help us to endure "the calamitous days " of old age? Legeoko na Hugo, ala yeke fadeso na yâ kusala ti ngoi kue. No, for the works of the flesh also include what some might consider mere personality flaws, such as jealousy, fits of anger, contentions, and envies. Like Doa, they are now in the full - time ministry. E lingbi ti mû peko ti ala gi tongana e bâ nzoni tapande ti ala na e gi ti duti na mara ti mabe ti ala. 13, 14. We can imitate them only if we see their fine example and imitate their faith. Tâ gi na ngoi so tanga ti mafuta na fuku ti ala aye ti hunzi kue, mbeni gene asi: a yeke prophète Elie. Will you imitate Jehovah and pass the test of humility? Just as the last of their oil and flour were to complete, a visitor arrived - the prophet Elijah. Ti kiri tënë na asambela ti Paul, Nzapa atene: "Grâce ti Mbi alingbi na mo, teti na ndo so ngangu ayeke pëpe, ngangu ti Mbi alingbi kue. " In answer to Paul's prayers, God said: "My undeserved kindness is sufficient for you, for my power is being made perfect in weakness. " Ambeni aga na akpengba kutukutu so akungba kue na aye ti leke na kutukutu ayeke dä, nga pétrole na essence kue. Some have brought heavy cars and plans to make a car, as well as oil and oil. Lo komanse ti komande na ngu 1914 nga lo yeke hunzi ande songo benda ti lo ni na ngoi so apasi kue ayeke hunzi. He began ruling in 1914 and will complete his conquest when all suffering will end. Ngbanga ti nyen "ngbâa be - ta - zo na ti ndara " alingbi ti tene e duti be - ta - zo na lo? Why does "the faithful and discreet slave " deserve our loyalty? Awakua kue ti Nzapa ti giriri amä na bê na ye so nga. All of God's servants in the past also believe this. A yeke polele so na ngoi ti lo mingi ti azo ayeke na siriri ti bibe pepe. Clearly, most people in his day had no peace of mind. Tongaso, tongana mo tï na yâ ti siokpari awe, na mo ye ti sara ye so ayeke mbilimbili, ku pëpe ti fa tënë ni kue na gigi. So if you have fallen into sin and want to do what is right, do not hesitate to give a thorough witness. Jéhovah alingbi ti mû maboko na e ti hinga lege so ayeke nzoni e "kiri tënë na zo oko oko. " Jehovah can help us to understand how we should " answer each one. ' Tongana ti so aba na Habaqouq 1: 12 (NW), prophète ni atene: "O Jéhovah, mo yeke ti giriri kozoni pepe? As noted at Habakkuk 1: 12, the prophet said: "O Jehovah, were you not from the beginning? Pharaon ayamba ala nzoni mingi, ndali ti so lo hinga Joseph nga lo ne lo mingi. Pharaoh welcomed them very warmly, for he knew and respected Joseph. Mbeni kota ye so alingbi ti mû maboko na e ti maï ndoye ti e teti Jéhovah ayeke ti gbu li na ndo fini ti Jésus nga na kusala ti lo. A key to cultivating love for Jehovah is meditating on Jesus ' life and ministry. I ndu azo so pepe, i zia ala; teti tongana tene so wala kusala so ayeke ti azo, fade a futi. Me tongana a yeke ti Nzapa, fade i lingbi futi kusala ti ala pepe; wala peut - être fade a ba i tongana azo so ayeke sala bira na Nzapa. " - Kusala 5: 33 - 39. Do not touch these men; for if this or this is from men, it will be destroyed; but if it is from God, you will not be able to destroy them; perhaps you may have been considered fighting against God. " - Acts 5: 33 - 39. Yeke yeke, bango ndo ti azo ayeke buba. Gradually, people's attitudes will be distorted. Tongaso mbi yeke na ngia tene ti i; me mbi ye i duti na ndara ti hinga ye so ayeke nzoni, na i duti na be - sioni - pepe ti ke ye ti sioni. " So I am happy with you, but I want you to be wise to know what is good, and you do not want to be tempted to hate what is bad. " Lo tene: "Fade mê ti i amä yanga na peko ti i, so atene, So ayeke lege ni, i tambela dä. ." He said: "Your own ears will hear a word behind you saying: " This is the way. Walk in it. ' " Akapa wa e hon na yâ ni kozoni ti wara batême tongana aChrétien? What changes have we taken before we get baptized as Christians? Na gigi, ala kpa azo ti mbilimbili, me na yâ ni, bê ti ala asi singo na nzara ti handango lê ti azo nga na kpengo ndia pëpe. " - Mat. They seemed righteous, but in it they were filled with hypocrisy and lawlessness. " - Matt. Ala yeke ga na mbarata wala na puse ti mbarata. They come to the chariot or to the chariot. Na pekoni, ngoi kete na peko ti ngu 44 N.E., na Antioche ti Syrie, " na lege ti ye so Nzapa aleke, ' a di iri ti adisciple ti Jésus "aChrétien. " Later, shortly after 44 C.E., in Syrian Antioch, "through God's creation, " Jesus ' followers were called" Christians. " Mbeni ye oko na sese so, so a leke ni ti pusu e ndulu mingi na Nzapa, ayeke pëpe. Nothing in this system of things is designed to draw us closer to God. Na tongana nyen lo bata lê ti lo gi na ndo ye so lo ga ngbanga ni? And how did he keep his eye focused on what he came to be? Me "bê " ti azo ti Israël " ayeke lani use use '. But Israel's "heart " was two. Ti tâ tënë ni, zo so ngbene mariage ti lo ahunzi na divorce na zo so koli wala wali ti lo akui kuingo, pensé ti ala nga na dutingo ti ala ayeke nde nde. In fact, the one whose first marriage ended up divorce with the innocent mate, their thoughts, and their different circumstances. Ambeni zo apensé ti ala lani atene, so calendrier ti aMaya ahunzi na 21 décembre 2012, a ye ti fa so ambeni ye ti ngangu ayeke si. AKOTA ZO TI NZAPA. Some believed that the calendar ended in December 21, 2012, indicates that some disasters happen. A lingbi mbeni maseka Chrétien asala hange ti sala ye tongana azo so pëpe. A young Christian needs to be careful not to be like these. Ye wa akozo Chrétien asara na ngoi so amokonzi - nzapa ake na ala ti fa ye na iri ti Jésus? What did first - century Christians do when the religious leaders refused to teach them in Jesus ' name? Ambeni zo ni amä ti ala yâ ti tënë ti Bible so ape, so a tene: "Ngoi ayeke dä ndali ti ye oko oko kue,... ngoi ti dungo zo, na ngoi ti kuâ ti zo. " Some people did not understand the Bible's statement: "There is a time for every thing,... the birth of a man, at the death of a man. " Legeoko nga, Jéhovah azia si azo abâ pasi teti kete ngoi ndali ti araison mingi, na Bible afa nda ni kue. Similarly, Jehovah has allowed humans to suffer for a short time, and the Bible explains fully. Awato ti Bible asara gbä, ala lingbi pëpe ti kanga lege na tâ tënë ti Bible ti mû ndo. Bible enemies have failed, unable to prevent Bible truth from taking root. Aye wa e lingbi ti manda na lege ti aprophétie ti Ésaïe so andu Molenge ti Nzapa? What lessons can we learn from Isaiah's prophecies concerning God's Son? A lingbi zo so mo na lo ayeke sala lisoro ahinga na bê ti lo kue so ye so mo tene ayeke tâ tënë, atâa a yeke molenge, zo ti tele ti da ti mo, zo so mo na lo asala kua oko, mba ti mo élève, wala mbeni sewa. - 2 Timothée 3: 14, 15. Your listener should be convinced that what you say is the truth, whether it is a child, a member of your household, a fellow worker, or a family. - 2 Timothy 3: 14, 15. Yingo - ti - hinga ayeke mbeni ngangu so a dü zo na ni dungo. The conscience is a natural force. Me ye so anzere na bê ti Babâ pëpe. But Father was not pleased. Aversê so ayeda na atënë ti wandara ti aGrec Daniel Wallace, tongana lo tene so "zo so a sala tënë ti lo ndulu na tele ti tënë ni (houʹtos) ayeke peut - être lo so wasungo mbeti ni aye ti sala tënë ti lo pëpe. " These verses agree with the words of Greek philosopher Daniel C.E., saying that "the man mentioned nearly all the words " (The Greek writer) may have been" the one who does not want to be mentioned. " (b) Wango wa la Paul amû lani na aita ti Colosses so amû maboko na ala ti ngbâ ti gbu ngangu? (b) What counsel did Paul give the Colossians that helped them to endure? Biani ala lingbi pepe ti sala nzala ti mbeni zo so adë dengo, so ayeke na ngia pepe wala ahe ngia lâ oko pepe! How they cannot long for someone who is cold, unhappy, or joyful! Paul atene so Christ azi, wala lo "ton ala so ayeke na gbe ti Ndia, " na lo mû na ala liberté ti aChrétien. Paul said that Christ delivered, or "who was under law, " and he granted them Christian freedom. Ye oko, a lingbi e yü bongo na lege ni, na so afa na gigi nengo tele. However, we need to dress appropriately, displaying dignity. Ala tara même ti sala si aita ti ala so ayeke na wâ akiri na peko na yâ kusala ti ala, na hundango na ala na lege ti fä ti mû mbeni mafuta ti ala ni. They even tried to discourage their zealous brothers from carrying out their assignment, asking them figuratively to take some of their oil. 11: 26 11: 26 Ala wara "akpale so ayeke tongana wâ ," wala a sara ye ti ngangu na ala, na ala bezoin ti tene a kpengba ala nga a fa lege na ala. They receive "a burning fire, " or persecution, and they need encouragement and guidance. Tongana nyen la sarango ye ti Jéhovah na mbage ti Jonas nga na Pierre asara si e ga nduru mingi na lo? How does Jehovah's dealings with Jonah and Peter draw us closer to him? Me e yeke sara ni na lege ni. Na nzoni bê mbi tene na afami ti mbi so mbi yeke mû na ala gi ye so alingbi na ngangu ti mbi ti ngbâ ti bâ lege ti abezoin ti sewa ti mbi nga ti sara aye so e yeke sara lakue ti voro na Jéhovah. " But we did well, and I kindly told my relatives that I would give them what I could do to continue caring for my family's needs and the routine of serving Jehovah. " Mbeni nzoni lege so Jéhovah amû maboko na mbi ayeke na lege ti amba ti mbi aChrétien. One of the best ways in which Jehovah has helped me is through fellow believers. Ngangu ti e ti soro ye e mveni afuti e; e so e yeke lani na liberté, e ga angbâa; a kä e ndali ti siokpari. " Our free will was ruined by our free will; we, who had been free, became slaves; we were sold for sin. " Na pekoni, na lango 4 ti août 2000, a kanga da ti tengo kobe so, na a tokua mbi na mbeni oko ti ada ti tengo kobe so aleke ala fini ni na ngbele Hotel Towers. Then on August 4, 2000, I was sent to one of the new buildings that had been formed in the former Watch Tower Society. Tongana yingo vulu ti Nzapa afa lege na ala pëpe nga amû maboko na ala pëpe ka ye ni ayeke duti tongaso pëpe. If they were not guided by God's holy spirit and did not help them, that would not be the case. Tongana nyen la e lingbi ti sara ye na ndara na ngoi so e yeke fa tënë? How can we make wise use of our ministry? (Gue na ndo ti site ni na Français, na mo bâ na gbe ti li ti tënë: / QUI SOMMES NOUS? (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS / FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS) Bâ so na versê 5, wasungo psaume atene: " L'Eternel ayeke Zo ti bata mo ', so ti tene na ngoi so mo yeke duti so, lo yeke bata mo. Note that in verse 5, the psalmist wrote: "Jehovah is your Protector. " Ti sala ye na nzobe na mbage ti azo ti sewa ti e andu mungo peko ti wango so ti bazengele Paul: "A lingbi i zia ye so kue: ngonzo, songo bê, be - ti - ke, zonga, na sio tënë so asigigi na yanga ti i. " Showing kindness to our family involves following the apostle Paul's counsel: "Let all these things be taken away from you, anger, wrath, badness, abusive speech, and abusive speech. " Jésus afa na adisciple ti lo ti sambela, na ti tene: "Mû na e laso kobe ti e ti lâ na lâ. ." Jesus taught his followers to pray, saying: "Give us today our bread for this day. " Lo hunda nga lani ti wara yingo ti Élie, wala bango ndo ti lo, tongaso si lo sara ye na mbeto pëpe tongana ti Élie so " asara mbanda mingi teti Jéhovah '. - 1 aGbia 19: 13, 14. He also asked for Elijah's spirit, or attitude, so that he would be courageous like Elijah, who "became jealous of Jehovah. " - 1 Ki. 19: 13, 14. Ye oko, teti so ala yeke na gbe ti ngangu ti Zabolo, mbeni zo wala mbeni ye so azo azia na sese alingbi lâ oko pëpe ti ga na siriri nga na nzoni dutingo so aninga na popo ti azo. Because they are under the Devil's influence, however, no human or human arrangement can bring lasting peace and security to mankind. Tongana nyen amaseka Chrétien so wala ambeni zo nde, so abâ mbeni ye nde pëpe gi ti duti na mara ti ndo tongaso, alingbi ti hon ndo ti angangu so a yeke sala na ndo ti ala na ngoi so ala yeke tiri ti "tambela na lege so alingbi na Nzapa "?. How can these young Christians or others who see nothing but living in such a place cope with persecution as they strive to "walk worthily of God "? Ti wara ngia, a hunda na mbeni zo ti tene lo duti na kota nzara ti wara mbeni nzoni songo na Nzapa. To enjoy happiness, a person needs a strong desire to have a good relationship with God. Jacques atene: "Ala ga nduru na Nzapa, na fade lo yeke ga nduru na ala. " - Jacques 4: 8. James wrote: "Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " - James 4: 8. Me na ngoi so asioni ange asara tënë na azo, ala lingbi ti handa azo atene ani yeke yingo ti azo so akui awe so. But when wicked spirits speak to humans, they can deceive humans into thinking that this is the spirit of the dead. Mo lingbi ti sara nyen ti ga ye ti Jéhovah? How can you become Jehovah's share? Bâ ye so lo tene na adisciple ti lo na pekoni so maseka - koli so ayeke na mosoro ahon na vundu na bê na pekoni so Christ atisa lo ti zia aye ti lo kue nga ti ga disciple ti lo. Consider what he told his disciples after the rich young man had passed away with grief after Christ invited him to leave all his belongings and become his follower. Mbi yeke yô ka tiri na ambeni zo ti kango mbangi, so lege mingi ala gi ti fâ mbi lani. I often fought with other drug merchants who often tried to kill me. (Ti bâ tënë ni mbilimbili bâ buku ni (For fully formatted text, see publication) Gi ti hinga ye na ndö ti abungbi ti nzapa ti ala nga na angobo ti ala nga bâ na nene ni abango ndo ti ala. Learn about their religion and culture and their views. Oko pëpe, ndali ti so na yâ ti akusala ti mitele a yeke wara nga aye so ambeni zo abâ ni tongana awokongo, aye tongana mbanda, sarango ngonzo lakue, papa nga na kota bê. No, for the works of the flesh include weaknesses, such as jealousy, fits of anger, strife, and jealousy. 13, 14. 13, 14. E lingbi ti hunda terê ti e: " Mbi yeke sara ye tongana Jéhovah na mbi yeke sara terê ti mbi kete? ' We might ask ourselves, " Do I imitate Jehovah and display humility? '