Pomyślałem, że mogę na ciebie liczyć. I figured I could count on you. I thought I could count on you. Przyszedłem się pożegnać. I've come to say goodbye. I came to say goodbye. Nie myśl o tym teraz. Don't think about it now. Don't think about it now. Daj mi śrubokręt. Give me the screwdriver. Give me the screwdriver. Tom i ja jesteśmy normalni. Tom and I are normal. Tom and I are normal. Wątpię, czy jest sens próbować ją przekonać. I think there's no point in trying to convince her. I doubt there's any point in trying to convince her. Maria tańczyła od piątego roku życia. Mary has danced since she was five. Maria's been dancing since she was five. Nie sądzisz, że wszyscy nasi politycy są zbyt starzy? Don't you think that all our politicians are too old? Don't you think all our politicians are too old? Wszyscy uważaliśmy, że wdrożenie tego planu jest trudne. We all thought it difficult to execute the plan. We all thought it was difficult to implement this plan. Wyglądasz znacznie lepiej. You look much better. You look much better. Chciałbym pójść. I'd like to go. I'd like to go. Spaceruję z nią. I'm walking with her. I'm walking with her. Kiedy jestem z tobą, jestem szczęśliwy. When I'm with you, I'm happy. When I'm with you, I'm happy. Chciałbym umówić mojego trzyletniego synka. I'd like to make an appointment for my three-year-old son. I'd like to make an appointment with my three-year-old boy. Skończyłem 20 lat. I have turned twenty. I'm 20 years old. Uważam Toma za idiotę. I consider Tom an idiot. I think Tom's an idiot. Kierownice amerykańskich samochodów są po lewej stronie. Steering wheels of American cars are on the left side. The drivers of American cars are on the left. Nie mogę sobie pozwolić na utrzymanie samochodu. I cannot afford to keep a car. I can't afford to keep my car. Tom zostawił niezakluczone drzwi. Tom left the door unlocked. Tom left the door unlocked. Więzień uciekł z więzienia. A prisoner escaped from the prison. Prisoner escaped from prison. To prawdopodobnie ostrzeżenie. It's probably a warning. It's probably a warning. Jestem teraz zajęty. I'm occupied right now. I'm busy right now. Mój dziadek był zapalonym kolekcjonerem znaczków. My grandpa was an avid collector of stamps. My grandfather was an avid stamp collector. Czemu powinienem przestać to robić? Why should I stop doing this? Why should I stop doing that? Jestem tu, żeby się upewnić, czy robisz to co masz robić. I'm here to make sure you do what you said you'd do. I'm here to make sure you're doing what you're supposed to do. Widzieliśmy trzy wojny. We've seen three wars. We've seen three wars. Zemdlała, gdy usłyszała straszliwe wieści. She fainted when she heard the terrible news. She fainted when she heard terrible news. Niektóre rzeczy są jeszcze wstrętniejsze, kiedy się je umyje. Some things get more hideous, when you clean them. Some things are even more disgusting when you wash them. Choć rozumiem co masz na myśli, nie mogę zgodzić się na twoją propozycję. While I see what you say, I can't accept your offer. As much as I understand what you mean, I can't agree to your offer. Powiedz nam więcej. Tell us more. Tell us more. Mówi, jakby był Amerykaninem. He speaks as if he were an American. He talks like he's American. USA złożone są z 50 stanów. The USA is composed of 50 states. The U.S. is made up of 50 states. Płaszcz jest pokryty sierścią. The coat is lined with fur. The coat is covered in hair. Zjedzmy coś teraz. Umieram z głodu. Let's eat now. I'm starving. Let's eat now. I'm starving. Kiedy się rozpocznie? When will it begin? When will it start? Łazienka jest na końcu korytarza. The bathroom is at the end of the hall. The bathroom's down the hall. Wyglądasz na zajętą. You seem busy. You look busy. Tom powiedział, że nie chce nawet o tym myśleć. Tom said he doesn't even want to think about it. Tom said he didn't even want to think about it. Zrobił to dla zysku. He did it for the money. He did it for profit. Mógłbym się czegoś napić. I could use a drink. I could use a drink. Przecież ci mówiłem,że koncert będzie nudny. Czemu mi nie wierzyłeś? I told you the concert was going to be boring. Why didn't you believe me? Why didn't you believe me? Zwymiotowali. They threw up. They threw up. Chciałbym zarezerwować miejsce w tym pociągu. I'd like to reserve a seat on this train. I'd like to book a seat on this train. On znalazł mój rower. He found my bicycle. He found my bike. Przeżyliśmy! We survived! We survived! W budynku znaleźliśmy sekretne drzwi. We found a secret door into the building. We found a secret door in the building. On gra w swoim pokoju. He is playing in his room. He's playing in his room. Tom potrzebował nadziei. Tom needed hope. Tom needed hope. George jest ode mnie starszy o pięć lat. George is five years older than me. George is five years older than me. Masz piękne dłonie. You have beautiful hands. You have beautiful hands. Meg zgodziła się na plan Kena. Meg agreed to Ken's plan. Meg agreed to Ken's plan. Moja siostra ma trzy lata. My sister is three years old. My sister is three years old. Tornado zniszczyło całą wioskę. The tornado destroyed the whole village. The tornado destroyed the entire village. Jego odpowiedź jest rozsądna. His answer is reasonable. His answer is reasonable. To pytanie mnie nie dotyczy. The question doesn't concern me. That question doesn't concern me. Szafa stała na lewo od drzwi. The wardrobe stood to the left of the door. The closet was on the left of the door. Robię się głodna. I'm getting hungry. I'm getting hungry. Nie ujdzie ci to płazem. You won't get away with this. You're not gonna get away with this. Czy spędziłeś noc z nią? Did you spend the night with her? Did you spend the night with her? Trudno jest wyrazić dokładne znaczenie. It is difficult to convey the meaning exactly. It's hard to say the exact meaning. Twoja koszulka jest na lewą stronę. Your shirt is inside out. Your shirt's on the left side. Tom próbował się przespać. Tom tried to get some sleep. Tom tried to get some sleep. Jesteś pewien, że tego właśnie chcesz? Are you sure that's what you really want? Are you sure that's what you want? Właśnie piję piwo. I'm drinking a beer right now. I'm drinking beer right now. Przekazałeś mu już nowiny? Have you broken the news to him? Have you given him the news yet? Tom mieszkał w Bostonie przez pierwszych 10 lat życia. Tom lived in Boston until he was ten years old. Tom lived in Boston for the first 10 years of his life. Coraz trudniej jest mi się skoncentrować. It's getting harder for me to concentrate. It's getting harder and harder to concentrate. Myślę, że byłeś w błędzie. I think you were wrong. I think you were wrong. To jest dla przyjaciela. It's for a friend of mine. It's for a friend. Życie - śmiertelna choroba przenoszona drogą płciową. Life is a fatal sexually transmitted disease. Life - a deadly sexually transmitted disease. Tak poza tym, widziałem go wczoraj. By the way, I saw him yesterday. Besides, I saw him yesterday. Jeszcze nie przegrałam. I haven't lost the game just yet. I haven't lost yet. Jego kłopoty jeszcze się nie skończyły. His troubles are not over. His troubles aren't over yet. Lubisz angielski, prawda? You like English, don't you? You like English, don't you? Będę się dużo uczył. I'll study a lot. I'm gonna study a lot. To prawda, że Tom mieszkał kiedyś w Bostonie? Is it true that Tom used to live in Boston? Is it true that Tom used to live in Boston? Nigdy nie wyszłam ponownie za mąż. I've remarried. I never got remarried. Prawdę mówiąc, nie lubię go. To tell you the truth, I don't like him. Actually, I don't like him. Nie powinieneś był pokazywać Tomowi zdjęć. You shouldn't have shown Tom the pictures. You shouldn't have shown Tom the pictures. Lekarz poradził mi wykonywać więcej ćwiczeń. The doctor advised me to take more exercise. The doctor advised me to do more exercise. Kilka minut temu Tom i Mary rozmawiali cicho w kuchni. Tom and Mary were talking quietly in the kitchen a few minutes ago. A few minutes ago, Tom and Mary were talking quietly in the kitchen. Słyszałem, że zostałeś menadżerem oddziału w Sydney. I heard that you became the manager of the Sydney branch. I heard you became a branch manager in Sydney. Ach tak, teraz sobie przypominam: miałem prezerwatywę. Zdarza mi sie to rzadko, praktycznie nigdy. Ah, now I remember. I used a condom; something I rarely, or rather practically never, do. Oh, yeah, now I remember: I had a condom. It happens rarely, practically never. Tom wyglądał, jakby szykował się do pójścia spać. Tom looked like he was getting ready for bed. Tom looked like he was getting ready to go to bed. Layla charkotała, gdy Sami ją udusił. Layla was gurgling as Sami strangled her. Layla was choking when Sami strangled her. Wyłącz światło. Turn off the light. Turn off the light. Czy mogę Panu pomóc? Can I help you, sir? Can I help you? Jesteś beztalenciem. You're untalented. You're a talentless man. Zwykle mu się udawało. He usually succeeded. He used to make it. Byłeś zeszłej nocy pijany? Were you drunk last night? Were you drunk last night? Materiały budowlane są teraz drogie. Building materials are expensive now. Building materials are now expensive. Kiedyś mieszkali w Nagoyi. They once lived in Nagoya. They used to live in Nagoya. Przemokłem do suchej nitki. I got soaked to the skin. I'm soaked. Muszę tam jutro jechać. I'll have to go there tomorrow. I have to go there tomorrow. Sprawdź to. Check this. Check it out. Jesteście uczniami Toma, prawda? You're Tom's students, right? You're Tom's students, right? To nie twój problem. That's not your problem. It's not your problem. Chleb jest robiony z mąki, wody i drożdży. Bread is made from flour, water and yeast. Bread is made of flour, water and yeast. Czy jazda autostopem jest w Australii zabroniona? Is hitchhiking prohibited in Australia? Is hitchhiking forbidden in Australia? Proszę pozdrowić Judy. Please give my best regards to Judy. Say hi to Judy. Porozmawiasz z nimi? Will you talk to them? Will you talk to them? Ogłosił odkrycie nowej komety. He announced the discovery of a new comet. He announced the discovery of a new comet. Jesteś jedyną osobą, która może go przekonać. You're the only person that can persuade him. You're the only one who can convince him. Wyczuwam nosem kłopoty. I smell trouble. I can smell trouble with my nose. Tom kupił nowy dom. Tom bought a new house. Tom bought a new house. Zamek w mojej kurtce się zaciął. The zipper on my jacket got stuck. The lock on my jacket is jammed. Posiała warzywa w swoim ogrodzie. She seeded vegetables in her garden. She planted vegetables in her garden. Potrafię jeździć na jednym kole. I can do wheelies. I can ride one wheel. Mary potrafi grać na pianinie. Mary plays the piano. Mary can play the piano. Określenia takie jak "seksizm" są teraz w modzie. Terms like "sexism" are now in vogue. Terms like "sexism" are now in fashion. Proszę, przestańcie się kłócić. Please cease from quarreling. Please stop fighting. Wygrzewam się w wiosennym słońcu. I am basking in the spring sun. I'm warming up in the spring sun. Przestań krzyczeć. Stop shouting. Stop yelling. Był zawstydzony swoimi łzami. He was ashamed of his tears. He was ashamed of his tears. Jeden pierścień aby rządzić wszystkimi. One Ring to rule them all. One ring to rule everyone. Dan stracił kontrolę nad samochodem i rozbił go o drzewo. Dan lost control of his car and crashed it into a tree. Dan lost control of the car and crashed it into a tree. Zabiorę Cię do Toma I'll take you to Tom. I'll take you to Tom. Wycieczka portwa co najmniej osiem godzin. The hike will take at least eight hours. The trip ports at least eight hours. Nie znamy jej. We don't know her. We don't know her. To co się im wydarzyło wciąż pozostaje zagadką. What happened to them is still a mystery. What happened to them still remains a mystery. Odmówili. They refused. They refused. Ona jest ode mnie trzy lata starsza. She is three years older than I am. She's three years older than me. Tylko dwudziestu studnetów przeczytało książkę Out of twenty students, only one has read the book. Only 20 studios read the book Przegrali wojnę na froncie wschodnim. They lost the war on the eastern front. They lost the war on the east front. Czy życie nie jest piękne? Isn't life beautiful? Isn't life beautiful? On jest dobry w zdobywaniu funduszy. He's good at fund raising. He's good at raising funds. Zapłacił zbyt dużą cenę za sukces. He paid too high a price for success. He paid too much for success. Czy ktoś pamięta, czemu postanowiliśmy to zrobić? Does anybody remember why we decided to do this? Does anyone remember why we decided to do this? Nie będę tego tolerować. I will not tolerate this. I won't tolerate it. Popatrz na to. Look at this stuff. Look at this. Minęła wiosna i zaczyna się lato. Spring has passed and summer starts. It's past spring and summer begins. Tommy to miły człowiek. Tommy is a nice man. Tommy's a nice guy. Mój kot jest głodny. My cat is hungry. My cat's hungry. Oczy mi się zmęczyły. My eyes are tired. My eyes are tired. Tom płakał. Tom was crying. Tom was crying. Miałem prawdopodobnie trzydzieści lat w tamtym czasie. I was probably thirty years old at that time. I was probably 30 at the time. Proszę, odpisz szybko. Please write back soon. Please write back quickly. Chcę z tobą przedyskutować coś ważnego. I want to go discuss something important with you. I want to discuss something important with you. Tom potrzebuje kogoś, kto nauczy go prowadzić. Tom needs someone to teach him to drive. Tom needs someone to teach him how to drive. Potrzebuję zimnego prysznica. I need a cold shower. I need a cold shower. Czy nie grasz w tenisa? Do you not play tennis? Aren't you playing tennis? Ustatkować się. Settle down! Settle down. Naprawdę nie pamiętam. I can't really remember. I really don't remember. Nikt nie zgłosił się na ochotnika. Nobody volunteered. No one volunteered. Wyślij mi rakietę tenisową i buty do tenisa. Send me a racket and my tennis shoes. Send me a tennis racket and tennis shoes. Znam Toma bardzo dobrze. I know Tom very well. I know Tom very well. Nigdy już nie zobaczę Toma. I'm never going to see Tom again. I'll never see Tom again. Moja matka nie siedzi w domu przez cały czas. My mother is not always at home. My mother doesn't stay home all the time. Pozwolę na to. I'll allow this. I'll let that happen. Pokazała mi jej album. She showed me her album. She showed me her album. Czy Tom lubi Boston? Does Tom like Boston? Does Tom like Boston? Nigdy nie piję, chyba że w związku z wielkim wydarzeniem. I never drink unless there's a big event of some kind. I never drink unless it's about the big event. P. Brown to nasz doradca finansowy. Mr Brown is our financial adviser. P. Brown is our financial advisor. Tom zdradzał swoją żonę. Tom was cheating on his wife. Tom was cheating on his wife. Nie mogła się doczekać, żeby spędzić z nim czas. She was looking forward to spending time with him. She couldn't wait to spend time with him. Przepraszam za ból, który zadałem tobie i twojej rodzinie. I'm sorry for the pain I caused you and your family. I'm sorry for the pain I caused you and your family. Odpowiedź została oznaczona jako błędna. The answer was marked wrong. The answer was marked wrong. Tom zawsze przejmuje się sprawami, które nie są aż tak istotne. Tom is always worrying about things that don't really matter all that much. Tom always cares about things that aren't that important. Tom zauważył, że Mary śpi. Tom noticed that Mary was asleep. Tom noticed Mary was sleeping. Wszyscy byliśmy przerażeni. We were all terrified. We were all terrified. Ona kładzie chłopców spać. She puts the boys to sleep. She puts the boys to bed. Kto ci dał do tego upoważnienie? Who gave you permission to do that? Who gave you the authority to do this? Jak tylko znajdę możliwość, poślę ci pieniądze. As soon as I can figure out how to send money, I'll send you some. As soon as I find the opportunity, I'll send you the money. Używam komputerów. I use computers. I use computers. Tom powiedział, że znasz francuski. Tom said you could speak French. Tom said you speak French. Martin wydawał się bardzo zmęczony, nieprawdaż? Martin seemed very tired, didn't he? Martin seemed very tired, didn't he? Do Paryża jest 50 kilometrów. It's fifty kilometers to Paris. Paris is 50 kilometers away. Ile czasu zajmie dostanie się stąd do stacji? How long does it take to get from here to the station? How long will it take to get to the station from here? To jest rozsądne. That's reasonable. It's reasonable. Żałuję, że nie wiedziałem, jak to zrobić. I wish I had known how to do it. I wish I knew how to do that. Tom wiedział, że Mary nie jest chętna do pomocy. Tom knew that Mary wasn't willing to help. Tom knew Mary wasn't willing to help. Piękna tęcza rozciąga się na niebie. A beautiful rainbow is spanning the sky. Beautiful rainbow stretches in the sky. Światu kończy się ropa naftowa. The world is running short on the oil. The world is running out of oil. Tom wie, gdzie jest mój dom. Tom knows where my house is. Tom knows where my house is. Ktoś go obserwuje. Someone is watching him. Someone's watching him. Nie mogę pić kawy bez cukru. I cannot do without sugar in my coffee. I can't drink coffee without sugar. Tom był tutaj niecałą godzinę temu. Tom was here less than an hour ago. Tom was here less than an hour ago. Dżin spełnił życzenie Toma. The genie granted Tom his wish. The genie fulfilled Tom's wishes. Żołnierze Unii walczyli zażarcie. The Union soldiers fought fiercely. The Union soldiers fought fiercely. W Haiti było wielkie trzęsienie ziemi. In Haiti, there was a large earthquake. There was a big earthquake in Haiti. Oszczędności Toma wkrótce się wyczerpią. Tom's savings will soon run out. Tom's savings are about to run out. Wiara to śmierć inteligencji. Belief is the death of intelligence. Faith is the death of intelligence. Ceny są zróżnicowane, więc warto rozejrzeć. The prices are variable, so shop around. Prices are varied, so it's worth looking around. To prawda. That's true. It's true. Dlaczego tutaj śpiewasz? Why are you singing here? Why are you singing here? Tom, my musimy sobie nawzajem ufać. We must trust each other, Tom. Tom, we have to trust each other. Kupił tę ciężarówkę z Polski. He bought this truck from Poland. He bought this truck from Poland. Sami jest amatorską gwiazdą porno. Sami is an amateur porn star. Sami is an amateur porn star. Kto nosi niebieską koszulkę? Who's wearing the blue T-shirt? Who's wearing a blue shirt? Tom lubi małe kotki. Tom likes kittens. Tom likes little kittens. Tom ma mnóstwo pieniędzy, ale nie jest zbyt szczęśliwy. Tom has a lot of money, but he's not very happy. Tom has a lot of money, but he's not very happy. Tom potrzebuje więcej. Tom needs more. Tom needs more. Widziałem wczoraj Toma w restauracji. Rozmawiał z jakąś dziewczyną. I saw Tom yesterday in a restaurant. He was talking to a girl. I saw Tom at the restaurant last night, and he was talking to some girl. Nie mogła zrozumieć dlaczego walczyli. She could not understand why they fought. She couldn't understand why they were fighting. Po co mi potrzebny francuski? Why do I need to learn French? Why do I need French? Zapewne wstąpi na tron. He will succeed to the throne. He'll probably join the throne. Mój ojciec czyta gazetę podczas jedzenia śniadania. My father reads the newspaper while he eats breakfast. My father reads the newspaper when he eats breakfast. Nie kocha nas. He doesn't love us. He doesn't love us. Zasalutował kobiecie. He saluted the lady. He saluted a woman. Nie płacz. Don't cry. Don't cry. Został podkupiony przez konkurencję. He was poached by a rival company. He was bought by the competition. Pokój był ciemny. The room was dark. The room was dark. Belgrad jest stolicą Serbii. Belgrade is the capital of Serbia. Belgrade is the capital of Serbia. Nie możesz im pozwolić zabrać mi dzieci. You can't let them take my kids away from me. You can't let them take my kids. Czy ktoś zna język japoński? Does anyone know Japanese? Does anyone speak Japanese? Okazało się to śmiertelnym ciosem dla ich planu. It proved to be the deathblow to their plan. It turned out to be a fatal blow to their plan. Nie ma znaczenia czy się zgadzasz czy nie. It makes no difference whether you agree or not. It doesn't matter if you agree or not. On sprzedaje auta. He sells cars. He's selling cars. Ledwie go w ogóle znam. I barely know him at all. I barely know him at all. Usiadł przy nim. He sat down near him. He sat next to him. Nieważne, jak dobry jesteś, zawsze znajdą się lepsi. No matter how good you are, there will always be people who are better than you. No matter how good you are, there's always better. Tom nie chciał, żebym został żołnierzem. Tom didn't want me to become a soldier. Tom didn't want me to be a soldier. Jest w kuchni. It is in the kitchen. He's in the kitchen. Dziecko niemal zadławiło się jedząc słodycze. The baby almost choked on a piece of candy. The baby almost choked eating candy. Ani przez chwilę nie przypuszczałem, że nie zdążymy do domu przed burzą. I never for a moment imagined we wouldn't get home before the storm hit. I never thought we'd make it home before the storm. Każdy jest inny. Everybody's different. Everyone's different. Zostałem przekonany do rzucenia palenia. I was persuaded to stop smoking. I was convinced to quit smoking. Nie patrzyłem na ciebie. I wasn't looking at you. I wasn't looking at you. Słyszałem o tobie. I've heard about you. I've heard of you. Tom jest ich liderem. Tom is their leader. Tom is their leader. Utknęliśmy w korku, przez co spóźniliśmy się dwadzieścia minut. We got stuck in a traffic jam, which made us twenty minutes late. We're stuck in traffic, and we're 20 minutes late. Życie dzisiaj jest o wiele łatwiejsze, niż dawniej. Life today is much easier than in the past. Life today is much easier than it used to be. Jesteś piękną młodą kobietą. You're a beautiful young woman. You're a beautiful young woman. Wyszliśmy na spacer po śniadaniu. We went out for a walk after breakfast. We went out for a walk after breakfast. Spierdalaj! Fuck you! Fuck off! Co powinniśmy zrobić z ludźmi, którzy są ciężko chorzy lub ranni i nie polepsza im się? What should we do with people who are very sick or hurt and can't get better? What should we do with people who are seriously ill or injured and who are not getting better? Herbata rośnie wszędzie w Indiach. Tea is widely grown in India. Tea grows everywhere in India. Zadbaliśmy o wszystko. We've taken care of everything. We took care of everything. Nadam się na twojego/ twoją partnera/ partnerkę? Will I do as your partner? I'm good for your partner? Przykro mi, nie mogę ci pomóc. I am sorry I cannot help you. I'm sorry, I can't help you. Te kwiaty zwiędły. Those flowers have died. Those flowers are dead. To, co Tom powiedział, nie ma sensu. What Tom said doesn't make sense. What Tom said doesn't make sense. Oddzwonimy za pół godziny. We'll call back in thirty minutes. We'll call you back in half an hour. Dobra robota! Good work! Good job! Moim hobby jest czytanie. My hobby is to read. My hobby is reading. Skończmy to teraz. Let's finish it now. Let's finish this now. Naprawdę doceniam twoje wsparcie. I really appreciate your support. I really appreciate your support. Dobrze! Correct! Good! Tom zawsze pozwala nam pomóc. Tom always lets us help. Tom always lets us help. Zmierzch zbliżał się do doliny. Evening was closing in on the valley. Twilight was approaching the valley. Mam mnóstwo przyjaciół, którzy znają ten język jako ojczysty, więc mam sporo doświadczenia z rodzimymi użytkownikami. I have a lot of friends who are native speakers, so I've had a lot of experience speaking with native speakers. I have a lot of friends who know this language as a native, so I have a lot of experience with native users. Pacjent pokazał lekarzowi język. The patient showed the doctor his tongue. The patient showed his tongue to the doctor. Te kolory się gryzą. Those colors clash. Those colors are biting. Nalała sobie coś do picia. She made herself a drink. She poured herself something to drink. Czy Bóg istnieje? Does God exist? Is there a God? Zamierzam zostać w Nagoji na trzy dni. I intend to stay in Nagoya for three days. I'm going to stay in Nagoya for three days. Pisała do rodziców przynajmniej raz w tygodniu. She wrote to her parents at least once a week. She texted her parents at least once a week. Przestań śpiewać. Stop singing. Stop singing. Nie chcę jeść z Tomem. I don't want to eat with Tom. I don't want to eat with Tom. Plotka okazała się nieprawdą. The rumor turned out false. The rumor wasn't true. Chmura to skondensowana para. A cloud is condensed steam. The cloud is a condensed pair. Mamo, mogę iść popływać? Mommy, may I go swimming? Mom, can I go for a swim? Interesujesz się modą lub makijażem? Are you interested in fashion or make-up? Are you interested in fashion or makeup? To jest szkoła. This is a school. This is school. Pójdziemy do domu. We'll go home. We'll go home. Nie wiedziałam, że byłaś zajęta. I didn't know you were busy. I didn't know you were busy. Zastanawiam się jaka jutro będzie pogoda. I wonder what the weather will be like tomorrow. I wonder what the weather's gonna be like tomorrow. Teraz po prostu przesadzasz. Now you're just overreacting. Now you're just overreacting. Ktoś puka. Someone's knocking. Someone's knocking. Jestem za piękna jak na ten świat. I'm too beautiful for this world. I'm too beautiful for this world. Nazwali swoje dziecko Thomas. They named their child Thomas. They named their baby Thomas. Nie powiem o tym nikomu, choćby nie wiem co. Whatever happens, I won't tell anybody about it. I won't tell anyone, no matter what. Tom zaopiekował się naszym psem, podczas gdy byliśmy w Bostonie. Tom looked after our dog while we were in Boston. Tom took care of our dog while we were in Boston. Ta muzyka wszystkich denerwuje. This music's annoying everyone. This music upsets everyone. Zawsze pukaj, zanim do mnie wejdziesz. You are always to knock before entering my room. Always knock before you come in. Spędzili sześć miesięcy na budowaniu domu. They spent six months building the house. They spent six months building a house. Postaraj się. Make an effort. Try harder. Mogę cię prosić żebyś zamknął okno? Can you please close the window? Can I ask you to close the window? Uważam Toma za intrygującego. I find Tom intriguing. I find Tom intriguing. Tom ma trzy psy. Tom has three dogs. Tom has three dogs. Wy dwoje jesteście naprawdę życzliwi. You two are really kind. You two are really kind. Nie wyjadę z Bostonu. I won't leave Boston. I'm not leaving Boston. Wiesz coś o tym? Do you know anything about this? You know anything about that? Zapukał w drzwi. He knocked on the door. He knocked on the door. Pokazał mi jej zdjęcie. He showed me her picture. He showed me a picture of her. Zarumieniła się. She blushed. She blushed. Nie wiem, gdzie teraz jest Tom. I don't know where Tom is right now. I don't know where Tom is right now. Brak mu doświadczenia. He is lacking in experience. He's inexperienced. Gdzie jest najbliższa apteka? Where's the nearest drugstore? Where's the nearest pharmacy? Zapytała mnie czy umiem szyć. She asked me if I could sew. She asked me if I could sew. Zastanawiam się, jaka jutro będzie pogoda. I wonder what the weather will be tomorrow. I wonder what the weather's gonna be like tomorrow. Tom oszalał. Tom went insane. Tom is crazy. Mike nie jest zawodnikiem drużyny siatkarskiej. Mike is not a member of the volleyball team. Mike's not a volleyball player. Jesteś bezużyteczny. You're already useless. You're useless. Powinniśmy dać Tomowi podwyżkę. We should give Tom a raise. We should give Tom a raise. Kwiaty kwitną. Flowers bloom. Flowers are blooming. Tom jest moim drugim pilotem. Tom is my copilot. Tom is my second pilot. Skręcało ją z zazdrości. She was a bundle of jealousy. Turned her out of jealousy. Nie powinnam palić. I shouldn't smoke. I shouldn't smoke. Tom nie zamierza czekać. Tom isn't going to wait. Tom isn't gonna wait. Dostała od niego radę, żeby więcej ćwiczyć. She was advised by him to get more exercise. She got advice from him to practice more. Tom zdjął swój kapelusz, gdy wszedł do kościoła. Tom took off his hat as he entered the church. Tom took off his hat when he entered the church. Moi rodzice wysłali mi pocztówkę. My parents sent me a postcard. My parents sent me a postcard. Wynoście się! Wszyscy! Get out of here! All of you! Get out of here! Nie miałem się gdzie schować. I had nowhere to hide. I had nowhere to hide. Warzywa ekologiczne są popularne, bo są bezpieczne i smaczne. Organic vegetables are popular because they're safe and tasty. Organic vegetables are popular because they are safe and tasty. Mój bagaż jeszcze nie dotarł. My luggage hasn't arrived yet. My luggage hasn't arrived yet. Potrzeba dużo wody. Much water is needed. It's gonna take a lot of water. Facebook zawiesił jedno z moich sześciu kont. Facebook suspended one of my six accounts. Facebook suspended one of my six accounts. Tom w tajemnicy ubrał sukienkę Mary, kiedy jej nie było w domu. Tom secretly put Mary's dresses on when she wasn't at home. Tom secretly wore Mary's dress when she wasn't home. Wyprałem/Wyprałam moją koszulkę. I washed my t-shirt. I washed my shirt. Patrzyła gdzie indziej. She looked away. She was looking somewhere else. Te krawaty różnią się od siebie. These ties are different. Those ties are different. Karty kredytowe są plastikowe. The credit cards are plastic. Credit cards are plastic. Chcę się uczyć francuskiego. I want to learn French. I want to learn French. To okropna marka. That's a terrible brand. It's a terrible brand. Nie pamiętam znaczenia słowa, które wczoraj odszukałem w słowniku. I can't remember the meaning of the word that I looked up yesterday. I don't remember the meaning of the word I found yesterday in the dictionary. Tak przy okazji, jaki jest twój adres? By the way, what is your address? By the way, what's your address? To się zdarza częściej, niż mógłbyś pomyśleć. It happens more often than you would think. It happens more often than you'd think. Psy idą w tym samym kierunku. The dogs are going in the same direction. Dogs go in the same direction. Tomo estis bienisto. Tom was a farmer. Tomo estis bienisto. Tom nie może jeździć samochodem. Tom cannot drive a car. Tom can't drive. Jest bardzo oszczędny. He's very frugal. It's very economical. Został zabity w trzęsieniu ziemi. He was killed in the earthquake. He was killed in an earthquake. Miała do niego zadzwonić o 14:30. She was supposed to call him at 2:30. She was supposed to call him at 2:30. Nie rozumiem, czemu mieliśmy się tu spotkać. I don't see why we had to meet here. I don't understand why we were supposed to meet here. Nie martw się. Nigdy cię nie zostawię. Don't worry. I'll never leave you. Don't worry, I'll never leave you. Tom zawsze był cichym dzieckiem. Tom was always a quiet child. Tom was always a quiet kid. Pobiegliśmy za złodziejem. We ran after the thief. We ran after the thief. Ugotowała dla niego szczególny obiad. She cooked a special dinner for him. She made him a special dinner. Ta organizacja promuje umiejętność czytania i pisania na obszarach rolnych. This organisation promotes literacy in rural areas. This organisation promotes literacy in agricultural areas. Czasami popełniam błędy. I sometimes make mistakes. Sometimes I make mistakes. Jak twoja noga? How's your leg? How's your leg? Szukałem w szafie czegoś, co mógłbym na siebie włożyć. I looked in my closet for something to wear. I was looking in the closet for something I could wear. Powinnam być tutaj całe popołudnie. I should be here all afternoon. I should be here all afternoon. Marie męczyła się. Marie agonised. Marie was getting tired. Widzisz? See? See? Tom uwielbia bawić się z moim psem. Tom loves to play with my dog. Tom loves to play with my dog. Co sprawiło, że zmieniła zdanie? What changed her mind? What made her change her mind? Mam dwa pytania. I have two questions. I have two questions. Ależ ty jesteś przewidywalny! You're so predictable. You're so predictable! Powody były niejasne. The reason was unclear. The reasons were unclear. Chcesz coś zjeść? Do you feel like eating? You want something to eat? Na jej szyi pojawiła się wysypka. A rash broke out on her neck. There was a rash on her neck. Nie zmusisz mnie do zrobienia czegoś, czego nie chcę zrobić. I won't be pressured into doing something I don't want to do. You can't make me do something I don't want to do. Niech pani nigdy więcej o tym nie wspomina. Don't ever mention that again. Don't ever mention that again. Kiedy poznałem mojego byłego nauczyciela, pytał mnie o moich rodziców. When I met my former teacher, he inquired after my parents. When I met my former teacher, he asked me about my parents. Tom był żonaty z Kanadyjką. Tom was married to a Canadian. Tom was married to a Canadian. Potrzebuję balsamu do ciała. I need body lotion. I need body lotion. Proszę powiedz. Say please. Please tell me. Na suficie jest mucha. The fly is on the ceiling. There's a fly on the ceiling. Jak to się stało, że tak dobrze znasz angielski? How come you know English so well? How come you speak English so well? Wielu ludzi czuje to samo wobec tego co robię. A lot of people feel the same way about this as I do. A lot of people feel the same way about what I do. Nie przejmuj się. Jestem pewien, że Tom to zrozumie. Don't worry. I'm sure Tom will understand. Don't worry, I'm sure Tom will understand. Może przyjść. She can come. He can come. Melanie pije mleko. Melanie is drinking milk. Melanie drinks milk. W tej chwili matki i ojca nie ma w domu. My mother and father aren't home right now. Mother and father aren't home right now. Nie jestem w stanie iść dalej. I can't walk any further. I can't go any further. Zastanawiam się, czy zrobiłbyś coś dla mnie. I wonder if you'd do me a favor. I wonder if you'd do something for me. Zastanawiam się, gdzie są wszyscy. I wonder where everyone is. I wonder where everyone is. To działa. This works. It's working. Uważam, że twoje oczy są takie piękne. I think your eyes are so beautiful. I think your eyes are so beautiful. Bardzo dziękuję za zaproszenie. Thank you so much for inviting me. Thank you so much for inviting me. Próbowałeś. You tried. You tried. Uczyniłaś mnie bardzo szczęśliwą. You've made me very happy. You've made me very happy. Angielski rozprzestrzenił się na cały kraj. English has spread all over the country. English has spread all over the country. Tom nie miał wystarczająco pieniędzy, by kupić wszystko, czego potrzebował. Tom didn't have enough money to buy everything he needed. Tom didn't have enough money to buy everything he needed. Ala ma kota. Alice has a cat. Ala's got a cat. Nie dziwne, że odrzucili jej ofertę. No wonder they turned down her offer. No wonder they turned her down. To tamto okienko. That counter there. That's the window over there. Serwer nie działa. The server is down. The server's not working. Poszerzyli swoje terytorium przez podbój. They extended their territory by conquest. They expanded their territory by conquest. Czy mógłbyś pokazać mi drogę? Could you show me the way? Could you show me the way? Ten hałas rozsadza mi głowę. My head is splitting from the noise. That noise is blowing my head off. Jaki jest twój ulubiony serial telewizyjny? What's your favorite TV series? What's your favorite TV show? Możemy nigdy więcej nie zobaczyć Toma. We might never see Tom again. We may never see Tom again. Nie mogli się zdecydować czy udać się w góry czy nad morze. They couldn't decide whether to go to the mountains or the sea. They couldn't decide whether to go to the mountains or to the sea. Tego brakowało. This was missing. That's what was missing. Czy jedzenie jednego ząbka czosnku dziennie jest dobre dla zdrowia? Is eating a clove of garlic every day beneficial to your health? Is eating one garlic tooth a day good for your health? W pożarze zgubiłem but. I lost my shoe in the fire. I lost my shoe in the fire. Ile kosztuje ten krawat? How much is this tie? How much is this tie? Tom nie mógł udźwignąć walizki Mary. Tom couldn't lift Mary's suitcase. Tom couldn't carry Mary's suitcase. Tom poprosił mnie, żebym ci coś powiedział. Tom asked me to tell you something. Tom asked me to tell you something. Długo się nie widziałam z Tomem. Tom and I haven't seen each other for a long time. I haven't seen Tom in a long time. Tom miał wielu przyjaciół. Tom had many friends. Tom had many friends. Tom zachichotał. Tom chuckled. Tom chuckled. Japonia jest liderem światowego przemysłu high-tech. Japan is the leader of the world's high-tech industry. Japan is the leader of the world high-tech industry. Tom może być w kuchni, ale nie jestem pewien. Tom could be in the kitchen, but I don't know. Tom may be in the kitchen, but I'm not sure. Teraz jest odpowiednie; ani za ciężkie, ani za lekkie. It's good now; neither too heavy nor too light. Now it is right; neither too heavy nor too light. Jestem zupełnie zdrowy, nie łapię nawet przeziębień. I am quite healthy and have had no cold. I'm perfectly healthy, I don't even get colds. Nie chcę słyszeć tego imienia w tym domu! Nigdy więcej! I don't ever want to hear that name in this house! Never again! I don't want to hear that name in this house ever again! 10% mieszkańców pochodzi z Japonii. 10% of the inhabitants come from Japan. 10% of the population is from Japan. Wiem, że jest mało prawdopodobne, że ktoś będzie chciał mi pomóc. I know that it is highly unlikely that anyone would be willing to help me. I know it's unlikely somebody's gonna want to help me. Powiedz Tomowi, żeby się pospieszył. Tell Tom to hurry. Tell Tom to hurry up. Jest mnóstwo rzeczy, które powinniśmy przemyśleć. There are lots of things for us to think about. There are a lot of things we should think about. Tamci studenci oboje oblali egzamin. Those students didn't both pass the test. Those students both failed the exam. Wahał się przez moment. He hesitated for a while. He hesitated for a moment. Już tak późno? Is it that late? It's so late? Musisz zrezygnować. You have to resign. You have to quit. Mogłam Ci pomóc z egzaminem ale tego nie chciałaś. I could have helped you with your exam, but you didn't want me to. I could have helped you with your exam, but you didn't want me to. On mówi po angielsku dość dobrze. He speaks English fairly well. He speaks English pretty well. Wiem już. I already know. I know. Nie chcę pić zimnej herbaty. I don't want to drink cold tea. I don't want to drink cold tea. Poczuł nagły przypływ pewności siebie. He is having a sudden surge of self-confidence! He felt a sudden surge of confidence. Nigdy nie byłem nieobecny w szkole. I've never been absent from school. I've never been absent from school. Byłem już wcześniej w Bostonie. I've been to Boston before. I've been to Boston before. Idź do garażu. Go to the garage. Go to the garage. To, co powiedział, to świetny pomysł. What he said is a good idea. What he said was a great idea. Wszyscy moi znajomi lubią tę samą muzykę co ja. All my friends like the same kind of music that I do. All my friends like the same music I do. Wiesz, gdzie mogę znaleźć Toma? Do you know where I might find Tom? Do you know where I can find Tom? Zrobiłem swoje. I've done my job. I did my job. Zagrajmy w piłkę nożną! Let's play football! Let's play soccer! Ujrzałem ląd w oddali. I saw land in the distance. I saw the land in the distance. Tom uwierzył w niewinność Mary. Tom believed in Mary's innocence. Tom believed in Mary's innocence. Czy Tom jest bardziej inteligentny niż ty? Is Tom more intelligent than you are? Is Tom smarter than you? Spieprzaj! Fuck off! Fuck off! Jest ktoś w domu? Anyone home? Anybody home? Wieczorem wypiliśmy sok z trzciny cukrowej. In the evening, we drank sugarcane juice. This evening we drank sugarcane juice. W okolicy nie ma żywej duszy. There's not a living soul around here. There's no living soul around here. Tom jest zbyt zmęczony, żeby cokolwiek zrobić. Tom is too tired to do anything. Tom is too tired to do anything. Umieram ze śmiechu! I'm dying of laughter! I'm laughing! Myślę, że ma Pan rację. I think that you are correct. I think you're right. Jesteś w porządku. You're OK. You're okay. Jeśli mi nie wierzysz, idź i przekonaj się sam. If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself. If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself. Miło mi było panu towarzyszyć. I enjoyed your company. Pleasure to accompany you, sir. Nie proś mnie nigdy więcej o pomoc. Don't ask me to help you ever again. Don't ever ask me for help again. Musisz być bardzo podekscytowany. You must be very excited. You must be very excited. Tom przestał pić. Tom stopped drinking. Tom stopped drinking. Nie chcę wychodzić z łóżka. I don't want to get out of bed. I don't want to get out of bed. Nienawidzę słodyczy. I hate sweets. I hate candy. To moja płyta, nie? That's my CD, isn't it? That's my record, isn't it? Czy mógłbym pożyczyć twoją linijkę? Could I borrow your ruler? Can I borrow your line? Samolot powinien był już przylecieć na lotnisko Kansai. The plane should have arrived at Kansai Airport by now. The plane should have arrived at Kansai Airport by now. Chciałbym mieszkać w Nowym Jorku. I'd like to live in New York. I'd like to live in New York. Widziana z powietrza, wyspa była bardzo piękna. Seen from the sky, the island was very beautiful. Seen from the air, the island was very beautiful. Dlaczego nie jesteś z dziećmi? Why aren't you with the kids? Why aren't you with the kids? Co się ze mną stanie? What'll happen to me? What's gonna happen to me? Jej piękno jest nie do opisania. Her beauty is indescribable. Her beauty is indescribable. Oglądam telewizję. I watch television. I'm watching TV. Tallinn jest stolicą Estonii. Tallinn is the capital of Estonia. Tallinn is the capital of Estonia. Ojciec powiedział mi abym zawsze był odważny i radosny. Father told me always to be brave and cheerful. My father told me to always be brave and joyful. Wiesz dlaczego niebo jest niebieskie? Do you know the reason why the sky looks blue? Do you know why the sky is blue? To jakiś początek. It'll be a start. It's a start. Nauczyłem się żyć bez niej. I learned to live without her. I learned to live without her. Nie oglądajmy telewizji. Let's not watch TV. Let's not watch TV. Czy to nie działa? Doesn't it work? Isn't it working? Tom otworzył okna, żeby przewietrzyć pokój. Tom opened the windows to air out the room. Tom opened the windows to air the room. Masz trochę wody? Do you have any water? Do you have any water? Myślisz, że Tom planuje to zrobić? Do you think Tom is planning to do that? You think Tom's planning on doing this? Zaraz wracam. I'll be right back. I'll be right back. Deszcz padał całą noc. The rain lasted the whole night. The rain was raining all night. On zgasił ogień. He extinguished the fire. He put out the fire. Głuchy jesteś? Are you deaf? Are you deaf? On spełnia warunki na prezydenta. He's eligible for the presidency. He's meeting the conditions for president. Im więcej mamy pieniędzy, tym więcej chcemy. The more money we have, the more we want. The more money we have, the more we want. No i gdzie jest deszcz? Where is the rain? Where's the rain? Nie mogę uwierzyć, że nie żyje! I can't believe he's dead! I can't believe he's dead! Tom nigdy nie pyta dlaczego. Tom never asks why. Tom never asks why. W przeciwnym wypadku będziemy musieli anulować to zamówienie. Otherwise we will have to cancel this order. Otherwise, we're gonna have to cancel this order. Co miałeś wczoraj na kolację? What did you have for supper last night? What did you have for dinner last night? Hej, poczekaj! Hey, wait up! Hey, wait! Kiedyś było tam wielkie drzewo cedrowe. There used to be a large cedar tree there. There used to be a big cedar tree. Tom zadał Marii wiele pytań. Tom asked Mary a lot of questions. Tom asked Mary a lot of questions. Idź już, bo spóźnisz się na autobus. Go now, or you'll miss the bus. Go now, or you'll miss the bus. Tom odmówił zrobienia tego, o co go poprosiłem. Tom refused to do what I asked him to do. Tom refused to do what I asked him to do. Młodzi Kubańczycy oglądają dużo amerykańskiej telewizji. Young Cubans watch a lot of American TV. Young Cubans watch a lot of American TV. Czemu nie idziesz porozmawiać z Tomem? Why don't you go talk to Tom? Why don't you go talk to Tom? Mogę kupić co tylko chcę w sklepie koło mojego domu. I can buy what I need at a store near my house. I can buy anything I want at the store near my house. Znam kogoś w Bostonie. I know someone in Boston. I know someone in Boston. Pamiętaj, by wysłać list. Remember to post the letter. Remember to send a letter. Powiedz mi wszystko, co o tym wiesz. Tell me everything you know about this. Tell me everything you know about this. Postawmy choinkę tutaj. Let's put the Christmas tree here. Let's put the tree here. Chcemy o tym mówić. We want to talk about it. We want to talk about it. Usiadł obok niej. He sat down near her. He sat next to her. Co ma piernik do wiatraka? You're comparing apples and oranges! What does a gingerbread have to do with a windmill? Mój ojciec pali. My father smokes. My father smokes. Tom zawsze wybacza Mary, nieważne co ona zrobi. Tom always forgives Mary, no matter what she does. Tom always forgives Mary, no matter what she does. Spięłam włosy gumką w kucyk. I used a ribbon to tie my hair into a ponytail. I tucked my hair in with a rubber band in my ponytail. Myślę, że najlepiej by było, gdybyś wrócił do domu. I think you'd better come back home. I think it would be best if you came home. Jak minął twój weekend? How was your weekend? How was your weekend? Co się z Tobą dzieje? What's up with you? What's wrong with you? Co właśnie powiedziałeś Tomowi? What did you just say to Tom? What did you just tell Tom? Tom był uczniem gimnazjum gdy go poznałam. Tom was a junior high school student the first time I met him. Tom was a middle school student when I met him. Nie sądziłem, że tak łatwo mi będzie włamać się na waszą stronę. I never thought it'd be this easy to hack into your website. I didn't think it would be so easy for me to break into your side. To było po prostu niedopatrzenie. It was simply an oversight. It was just an oversight. To jest to, za co zapłacili. That's what they paid for. That's what they paid for. Jesteś zdrajcą. You're a traitor. You're a traitor. Znasz adres Tom'a? Do you know Tom's address? Do you know Tom's address? Czemu powiedziałeś mu coś takiego? Why did you say such a thing to him? Why would you say something like that to him? Myślałem, że rozpoznaję to miejsce. I thought I recognized this place. I thought I recognized this place. Nie mogę uwierzyć, że znów tu jestem. I can't believe I'm here again. I can't believe I'm here again. Wiedziałem, że to zły pomysł. I knew this was a bad idea. I knew this was a bad idea. Coś jest nie tak (złego) z moim samochodem. There is something wrong with my car. Something's wrong with my car. Chyba czeka nas paskudna pogoda. It looks like we're in for some nasty weather. I think we're gonna have some bad weather. Nie miałem pojęcia, że nie masz prawa jazdy. I had no idea you didn't have a driver's license. I had no idea you didn't have a driver's license. Mamy tutaj wszystko pod kontrolą. We've got everything under control here. We've got everything under control here. Tom wszystko wyjaśni. Tom will explain everything. Tom will explain everything. Spędzam w Bostonie większość swojego czasu. I spend most of my time in Boston. I spend most of my time in Boston. Wygrali wiele konkursów. They won many competitions. They won a lot of competitions. Przypadkiem zobaczyłem ją na ulicy. I chanced to see her on the street. I accidentally saw her on the street. Jak to powiedzieć? How to say it? How do I put this? Tom być może będzie musiał rzucić pracę. Tom may have to quit his job. Tom might have to quit his job. Jak tylko znajdę przyzwoitą kamerę, zaczynam kręcić filmy do internetu. As soon as I can get a decent video camera, I'll start making videos to put online. As soon as I find a decent camera, I start making movies online. Sondaż był oparty na próbie osób dorosłych. The opinion poll was based on a random sample of adults. The survey was based on a sample of adults. Nie powinno cię tu być. You shouldn't be here. You shouldn't be here. Co powinnam zrobić następnie? What should I do next? What should I do next? Nie powinniśmy tak zostawiać tej sprawy. We shouldn't leave the matter unsettled. We shouldn't have left this case like this. Chwytaj dzień. Seize the day. Grab the day. Hej, Tom, czy to nie twój kot? Hey Tom, isn't that your cat? Hey, Tom, isn't that your cat? Wygląda, że Tom tak naprawdę wcale nie chce tego robić. It seems like Tom doesn't really want to do this. Looks like Tom doesn't really want to do this. "Jak masz na imię?" "Myślałem, że nigdy nie zapytasz" "What's your name?" "I thought you would never ask." "What's your name?" "I thought you'd never ask." Miejcie ambicję, chłopcy. Boys, be ambitious. Have ambition, boys. Widziałam Toma tylko raz. I met Tom only once. I've only seen Tom once. Mam dużego kutasa. I've got a big cock! I got a big dick. Tom, jakie znasz języki? "C++, Java i trochę PHP. A ty, Mary? "francuski, japoński i hebrajski" "What languages do you know, Tom?" "C++, Java and a little PHP. What about you, Mary?" "French, Japanese and Hebrew." Tom, what languages do you speak? "C++, Java and some PHP. What about you, Mary? "French, Japanese and Hebrew" Co ty gadasz? What're you saying? What are you talking about? Możemy porozmawiać w cztery oczy? May we speak in private? Can I talk to you alone? Tom poszedł za daleko. Tom went too far. Tom went too far. Czy nie czas na jedzenie? Isn't it about time to eat? Isn't it time to eat? Nienawidzę hipokryzji. I detest hypocrisy. I hate hypocrisy. Potrzebuję nowych opon. I need new tyres. I need new tires. Tajfun spowodował niezmierne zniszczenia. The typhoon caused immeasurable damage. The typhoon caused immense destruction. Jesteś pracoholikiem. You are a workaholic. You're a workaholic. Tom przygotowuje obiad, prawda? Tom is making lunch, isn't he? Tom's making dinner, isn't he? Jestem zmęczony tą grą. I'm tired of this game. I'm tired of this game. Lubicie truskawki? Do you like strawberries? Do you guys like strawberries? Jest kurewsko gorąco. It's fucking hot. It's fucking hot. Tom się zgubił. Tom is lost. Tom's lost. Mary siedzi na biurku. Mary is sitting at the desk. Mary's sitting on her desk. Zapytał policjantów ilu ludzi zostało zabitych w wypadkach drogowych poprzedniego dnia. He asked the policeman how many people had been killed in traffic accidents the previous day. He asked the police how many people were killed in traffic accidents the day before. Ukończenie podstawówki i przejście do gimnazjum jest uważane przez niektórych za zrobienie pierwszego kroku w dorosłość. The graduation from elementary school to middle school is regarded by some as the first step towards adulthood. Graduation of elementary school and transition to middle school is considered by some to be taking the first step into adulthood. Zauważyłam. I noticed. I've noticed. Wybierz którykolwiek chcesz. Choose whichever you like. Pick any one you want. Jesteś taki fałszywy! You're so fake! You're so fake! Tom dodaje mleko do kawy. Tom puts milk in his coffee. Tom adds milk to his coffee. Jesteś punktualny. You're punctual. You're on time. O czym myślisz? What are you thinking about? What are you thinking? Miłość jest poza rozsądkiem. Love is beyond reason. Love is beyond reason. Tom był tutaj pierwszy. Tom was here first. Tom was here first. Przyjechaliśmy tu wieczorem. We arrived here in the evening. We came here tonight. Kiedy był młody, lubił jeździć rowerem. When he was young, he liked to go by bike. When he was young, he liked to ride a bike. Nie mam szerokich bioder. I don't have wide hips. I don't have wide hips. Przyszedłeś za wcześnie. You arrived too early. You're early. Mocno przytuliłem Toma. I gave Tom a huge hug. I hugged Tom hard. Dzwoń kiedykolwiek. Call me anytime. Call me anytime. Wkrótce będzie wiosna. It'll soon be spring. It'll be spring soon. Nie mogę umyć naczyń. Nie ma wody. I cannot rinse the dishes. There is no water. I can't wash the dishes. Byłem właśnie na zewnątrz, kiedy zaczęło padać. I was just going out, when it began to rain. I was just outside when the rain started. Jeśli chcesz ołówek, to ci pożyczę jeden. If you want a pencil, I'll lend you one. If you want a pencil, I'll lend you one. Wykonaj swój ruch, Tom. Make your move, Tom. Make your move, Tom. Nie mamy czasu czekać. We don't have time to wait. We don't have time to wait. Czy dołączysz do nas? Will you join us? Will you join us? Bądź grzeczny wobec starszych. Be kind to old people. Be good to your elders. Jedną piątą powierzchni Ziemi pokrywa wieczna zmarzlina. One-fifth of the Earth's surface is covered by permafrost. One fifth of the Earth's surface is covered with eternal frost. Tom miał ciężki tydzień. Tom had a tough week. Tom's had a rough week. W moim mieście był wielki zamek. There was a large castle in my city. There was a big castle in my town. Tom nie chce otworzyć pudełka, ale chce wiedzieć, co w nim jest. Tom doesn't want to open the box, but he wants to know what's inside it. Tom doesn't want to open the box, but he wants to know what's in it. Ona nie może mieć więcej niż trzydziestki. She can't be over thirty. She can't be more than 30. Porządnie się wystraszył, kiedy zobaczył tego wielkiego węża. He was very scared when he saw that large snake. He got really scared when he saw that big snake. Sporo wiesz o sumo. You know quite a lot about Sumo. You know a lot about sumo. To kosztowałoby dużo pieniędzy. That would cost a lot of money. It would cost a lot of money. Muzeum jest zamknięte w poniedziałki. The museum is closed on Mondays. The museum is closed on Mondays. Chciałbym pomóc, ale nie wiem jak. I'd like to help, but I don't know how. I wish I could help, but I don't know how. Spójrz na kąt cięcia. Have a look at the angle of the cut. Look at the angle of the cut. Tom nadwerężył sobie plecy. Tom strained his back. Tom strained his back. Tom wydawał się mieć zły dzień. Tom seemed to be having a bad day. Tom seemed like he was having a bad day. Spróbuję, ale nie wiem na pewno, czy będę mógł iść jutro do kina, czy nie. I'll try, but I don't know for sure whether I'll be able to go to the cinema tomorrow or not. I'll try, but I'm not sure if I can go to the movies tomorrow or not. Tom wiedział, że Mary chce się przeprowadzić do Bostonu. Tom knew Mary wanted to move to Boston. Tom knew Mary wanted to move to Boston. Czy Tom też tam jest? Is Tom there, too? Is Tom there, too? Wiem, że nie jesteś głupi. I know that you aren't stupid. I know you're not stupid. Właśnie wróciłem do domu. I've just gotten home. I just got home. Niczego innego nie jadłem. I didn't eat anything else. I didn't eat anything else. Chciałbym ten owoc. I want that fruit. I'd like that fruit. Jesteś kobietą. You're a woman. You're a woman. Jest za stary. He's too old. He's too old. Chciałem, żeby Mary popatrzyła na mnie zamiast na Toma. I wanted Mary to look at me instead of Tom. I wanted Mary to look at me instead of Tom. Mamy w zespole dobrego negocjatora. We have a good negotiator on the staff. We have a good negotiator in the team. Dzięki chorobie masz przynajmniej świetną wymówkę, aby pozostać w domu i pooglądać filmy. At least being sick gives you the perfect excuse to stay home and watch movies. Thanks to your illness, you have at least a great excuse to stay home and watch movies. Byłem na to przygotowany. I was ready for it. I was prepared for that. Nie interesuje go to. He doesn't give a damn about that. He doesn't care. Jestem dwa razy starszy od Toma. I'm twice as old as Tom. I'm twice Tom's age. Lubię ekstremalne zimno Alaski. I like the extreme cold of Alaska. I like extreme cold Alaska. Spojrzał na mnie i zaśmiał się. He looked at me and laughed. He looked at me and laughed. Czy jest pochmurno? Is it cloudy? Is it cloudy? Termin "tango w stylu milonguero" powstał na początku lat 90., oznacza styl tanga popularnych w milongach w śródmieściu Buenos Aires w latach 50. The term "milonguero style tango' was coined in the early 1990s to describe the style of dancing tango that was prevalent in the milongas of downtown Buenos Aires in the 1950s. The term "milonguero tango" was created in the early 1990s, meaning the style of tango popular in milongs downtown Buenos Aires in the 1950s. Przyrzekam, że cię nigdy nie opuszczę. I promise you I'll never leave you. I promise I'll never leave you. Często używamy gestów, aby przekazać proste wiadomości. We often use gestures to convey simple messages. We often use gestures to convey simple messages. Zawsze chciałem prowadzić własną restaurację. One thing I've always wanted to do is run my own restaurant. I've always wanted to run my own restaurant. Ile to waży? How much does this weigh? How much does it weigh? Przedstawił plan podniesienia produkcji. He put forward a plan for improving the rate of production. He presented a plan to increase production. Zapomniałem twojego numeru. I've forgotten your number. I forgot your number. Jego nazwisko jest znane wszystkim w tej okolicy. Everyone around here knows his name. His name is known to everyone in this area. Próbowaliśmy ostatnio twoją metodą i nie działało. We tried it your way last time and it didn't work. We've been trying your method lately, and it didn't work. Tom nie wygląda na chorego. Tom doesn't look sick. Tom doesn't look sick. Przyszliśmy na dworzec na pół godziny przed odjazdem. We arrived at the station a half-hour before the train started. We came to the station half an hour before we left. Japonia jest bogatym państwem. Japan is a rich country. Japan is a rich country. Lepiej wyjdź. You'd better leave. You'd better leave. Widzisz tam ten wielki biały budynek? Can you see the big white building over there? See that big white building over there? Ona codziennie po szkole gra w tenisa. She plays tennis after school every day. She plays tennis every day after school. Byliśmy jedną, wielką, szczęśliwą rodziną. We were one big happy family. We were one big happy family. Chciałbym, żebyś prowadził. I'd like you to drive. I'd like you to drive. Właśnie wrzuciłem wspaniałe zdjęcie wombata na flickra. I just posted a great picture of wombats on Flickr. I just posted a great picture of a wombat on a flick. Zamierzasz wejść? Are you going to move in? Are you gonna come in? Odpocznij trochę. Get some rest. Get some rest. Masz pomysł, kim on jest? Do you have any idea who he is? Do you have any idea who he is? Tom lubi swoją pracę. Tom likes his job. Tom likes his job. Nie wydajesz się być jakoś szczególnie zajęta. You don't look so busy. You don't seem particularly busy. Byłem dobry, prawda? I was good, wasn't I? I was good, wasn't I? Gdzie jest najbliższa stacja metra? Where is the nearest metro station? Where's the nearest subway station? Kręci mi się lekko w głowie. I'm feeling a little woozy. I'm a little dizzy. Nikt nie wie, jak to robić. Nobody knows how to do that. Nobody knows how to do that. Czy jedzenie cukru naprawdę jest tak niezdrowe? Is eating sugar really that bad for you? Is eating sugar really that bad? Prawdopodobnie masz rację. You are very likely right. You're probably right. Ta oferta to maksimum, co możemy zaoferować. Our quote is the best effort we can make. This offer is the maximum we can offer. W pokoju jest telewizor. There is a television in the room. There's a TV in the room. Będę potrzebował kilku narzędzi. I'll need some tools. I'm gonna need some tools. Tom chce znać prawdę. Tom wants to know the truth. Tom wants to know the truth. Była noc. It was night. It was nighttime. Jutro mija termin przydatności. It expires tomorrow. Tomorrow's the expiration date. Koń zatrzymał się i nie ruszył dalej. The horse stopped and wouldn't move. The horse stopped and didn't move any further. Denerwuje mnie długie czekanie na kolegę. It does my head in, waiting a long time for a friend. It makes me nervous to wait a long time for a friend. Jak szybko jedzie ten pociąg? How fast is that train going? How fast is this train going? Daj mi klucze, żebym mógł otworzyć drzwi. Give me the keys so I can unlock the door. Give me the keys so I can open the door. Zwykle jadamy rybę gotowaną. We usually eat cooked fish. We usually eat fish cooked. Wszyscy chcemy, żeby Tom był szczęśliwy. We all want Tom to be happy. We all want Tom to be happy. Tomowi się to podoba. Tom likes it. Tom likes it. Czy muszę mu wyjaśniać powody? Is it necessary for me to explain the reason to him? Do I have to explain to him why? Mary dała mi amerykańską lalkę. Mary gave me an American doll. Mary gave me an American doll. Smażyć. Fry. Fry. Jesteś czarodziejem? Are you a wizard? Are you a wizard? Rozważałem również tę możliwość. I've considered that possibility as well. I also considered this possibility. Czytam książkę na temat historii Stanów Zjednoczonych. I am reading a book on US history. I'm reading a book on the history of the United States. Tom nie może uzyskać dostępu do swoich danych. Tom can't seem to access his data. Tom can't access his data. Lubicie surfing? Do you like surfing? You guys like surfing? Ość utknęła mi w gardle. A fish bone has stuck in my throat. My ankle's stuck in my throat. Gdyby śnieg spadł w maju byliby tym zaskoczeni. If it snowed in May, they would be surprised. If it snowed in May, they'd be surprised. Jestem wściekła na Toma. I'm mad at Tom. I'm mad at Tom. Ona zrobiła wiele błędów, pisząc to sprawozdanie. She made many mistakes in typing the report. She made a lot of mistakes writing that report. Oświadczył się młodej kobiecie. He proposed to the young woman. He proposed to a young woman. Bateria w telefonie szybko mi się rozładowuje. My phone battery runs out quickly. The battery on my phone goes off fast. Wszystko będzie dobrze. Everything will be OK. It's gonna be okay. Policjant przeszukał mu kieszenie, ale nic nie znalazł. The cop went through his pockets, but found nothing. The policeman searched his pockets, but he didn't find anything. O której godzinie zaczyna się film? What time does the movie begin? What time does the movie start? Nie wiedziałem, że pada śnieg. I didn't know it was snowing. I didn't know it was snowing. Dlaczego nie chcesz pójść z nami? Why don't you want to come with us? Why don't you come with us? Jest jakaś różnica między twoim pomysłem a jej? Is there any difference between your idea and hers? Is there a difference between your idea and hers? Starałem się wykorzystać większość moich szans. I tried to make the most of my chances. I tried to take most of my chances. Zacząć to połowa sukcesu. Starting is half the task. Begin is half the success. Wybuch spowodował, że zobaczyłem gwiazdy. The blow made me see stars. The explosion caused me to see the stars. Nie mam nic lepszego do roboty. I have nothing better to do. I have nothing better to do. W ten sposób nauczył się angielskiego. This is the way he learned English. That's how he learned English. Sekretarka nie dość, że zna angielski to jest piękna. The secretary is good at English in addition to being beautiful. The secretary doesn't just speak English, she's beautiful. Nie wiedziałem, że możesz to zrobić. I didn't know you could do that. I didn't know you could do that. Ponieważ byłem spragniony, napiłem się wody. Since I was thirsty, I drank water. Because I was thirsty, I had some water. Nie jestem zainteresowany. I am not interested. I'm not interested. Tom ma trzy kamery. Tom has three cameras. Tom has three cameras. To intrygujące. That is intriguing. It's intriguing. Nie mogłem doczekać się rozpoczęcia gry. I was impatient for the game to start. I couldn't wait to get the game started. Dlaczego nie zadzwoniłeś wcześniej? Why didn't you call earlier? Why didn't you call earlier? Ciężko jest znaleźć stałe, dożywotnie zatrudnienie z wysoką pensją. It is difficult to find a well paid permanent job. It's hard to find a permanent, lifetime employment with a high salary. Uwielbiam uczyć się nowych rzeczy. I love to learn new things. I love learning new things. Dobry dzień. Good afternoon. Good day. Większość ludzi zjadła szybko i jedzenie szybko znikło. Most folks ate very quickly and the food soon disappeared. Most people ate fast and the food quickly disappeared. Nie umiem zliczyć, ile razy słyszałem, jak Tom to mówi. I can't count the number of times I've heard Tom say that. I can't count how many times I've heard Tom say it. Miałem koszmar. I had a nightmare. I had a nightmare. Chciałabym, żebyś mi zaufała. I would like you to trust me. I wish you'd trust me. Gdzie jest koncert? Where is the concert? Where's the concert? Ty mi to zrobiłaś. You did this to me. You did this to me. Nie mam żadnych pokoi do wynajęcia. I don't have any rooms for rent. I don't have any rooms to rent. Popatrz na te wszystkie pieniądze. Look at all that money. Look at all that money. Nie wolno nam tego robić. We're not allowed to do that. We're not allowed to do this. Nie masz żadnych ambicji? Don't you have any ambition? Don't you have any ambition? Języki programowania to jej hobby. Programming languages are her hobby. Programming languages are her hobby. On zna Nowy Jork na wylot. He knows New York inside out. He knows New York inside out. Tom stwierdził, że nie sądzi, aby Mary musiała to dzisiaj robić. Tom said that he doesn't think Mary has to do that today. Tom said he didn't think Mary had to do it today. W greckiej piłce chodziło o to, że zawodnicy próbowali przepchnąć piłkę za linię, na pole przeciwnika. In the Greek football game, the players on one team tried to carry a ball across a line in the other team's territory. The point in the Greek ball was that the players tried to push the ball behind the line, into the opponent's field. Nadal jesteśmy zespołem. We're still a team. We're still a team. I jeszcze jedno, czy ty grasz na skrzypcach? And another thing, do you play the violin? And one more thing, do you play the violin? Możesz zostać. You can stay. You can stay. Moja nauczycielka francuskiego jest w tym samym wieku co ja. My French teacher is the same age as me. My French teacher is the same age as me. To dziwne... That's strange. It's weird... Tom uważa, że to nie będzie możliwe. Tom thinks it won't be possible. Tom doesn't think that's gonna be possible. Jest zimno, ale nie aż tak, jak powiedzieli, że będzie. It's cold, but not as cold as they said it would be. It's cold, but not as cold as they said it would be. Szukam Natsuko. I'm looking for Natsuko. I'm looking for Natsuko. Pamiętam, że dałem mu klucz. I remember that I gave him the key. I remember giving him the key. Przyjdę do pani za chwilę. I'll be with you in a moment. I'll be with you in a minute. Tom chciał, żebym z tobą porozmawiał. Tom wanted me to speak to you. Tom wanted me to talk to you. Co robisz w moim domu? What're you doing in my house? What are you doing in my house? Jaki jest pana stan cywilny? What's your marital status? What's your marital status? Powiedziała, że codziennie rano myje zęby. She said that she brushes her teeth every morning. She said she brushes her teeth every morning. Jeśli ty nie powiesz Tomowi, co się stało, ja to zrobię. If you don't tell Tom what happened, I will. If you don't tell Tom what happened, I will. On w końcu doprowadzi się do ruiny. He will eventually ruin himself. He's finally gonna be ruined. Tom zastanawiał się, czego szukała Mary. Tom wondered what Mary was looking for. Tom wondered what Mary was looking for. Pójdę jeśli i Tom pójdzie. I'll go if Tom goes. I'll go if Tom goes. Jestem z innej planety. I'm from another planet. I'm from another planet. Nasze biuro pomaga uczniom w osobistych problemach. Our office helps students with personal problems. Our office is helping students with their personal problems. Od czego to skrót - EC? What does EC stand for? What's the EC shortcut for? Chcę tam iść. I want to go there. I want to go there. Lepiej pomogę Tomowi. I'd better help Tom out. I'd better help Tom. Moja przyjaciółka ma siedemnaście lat. My friend is seventeen. My friend is 17 years old. Robię to każdej niedzieli rano. I do it every Sunday morning. I do it every Sunday morning. Jaka jest minimalna płaca w Finlandii? What's the minimum salary in Finland? What is the minimum wage in Finland? Nie mogę uwierzyć, że chcesz rozdać wszystkie swoje pieniądze. I can't believe you're going to give away all your money. I can't believe you want to give away all your money. Słońce jest królem nieba, Księżyc jest królową gwiazd. The sun is the king of the sky, the moon is the queen of the stars. The sun is the king of heaven, the moon is the queen of stars. Czy w twojej diecie jest za dużo tłuszczu? Does your diet have too much fat? Is there too much fat in your diet? Jak długo wybierasz jedzenie dla siebie? How much time do you spend selecting the food that you will eat? How long have you been choosing food for yourself? Nie uwzględniaj mnie w tym planie. Nie chcę się angażować. Leave me out of this plan. I don't want to get involved. I don't want to get involved. Jestem przekonany, że Tom nie zrani Mary. I'm pretty sure Tom won't hurt Mary. I'm sure Tom won't hurt Mary. Zwyczajnie nie mam tego czegoś. I just don't have what it takes. I just don't have it. Ta suknia jest zielona. The dress is green. This dress is green. Przegraliśmy prawie wszystkie wyjazdowe mecze. We lost almost all our away games. We've lost almost all the away games. Wymagane jest zgłoszenie celne. A customs declaration is required. A customs declaration shall be required. Florencja jest najpiękniejszym miastem Włoch. Florence is the most beautiful city in Italy. Florence is the most beautiful city in Italy. W ciężkich czasach szukała pociechy w wierze. In times of trouble, she would turn to faith. In difficult times, she sought comfort in her faith. Powiedz mi coś, czego nie wiem. Tell me something I don't know. Tell me something I don't know. Ona ma rower. She has a bike. She's got a bike. Proszę, zachowaj to w tajemnicy. Please keep it a secret. Please keep it a secret. Tom był winny. Tom was guilty. Tom was guilty. Moim ulubionym sportem jest piłka nożna. My favorite sport is soccer. My favorite sport is football. Zaspaliliśmy. We overslept. We overslept. Szedłem wzdłuż rzeki. I walked along the river. I was walking along the river. Kiedy wygrałeś tę nagrodę? When did you win this award? When did you win this award? Będziemy z wami w kontakcie. We'll get in touch with you. We'll be in touch. Mamy sporo jedzenia. We've got plenty of food. We've got a lot of food. Kogo obchodzi, gdzie był Tom? Who cares where Tom was? Who cares where Tom was? Co musisz dodać do 17 aby otrzymać 60? What do you have to add to 17 to get 60? What do you have to add to 17 to get 60? Co robi Caoimhe? What is Caoimhe doing? What's Caoimhe doing? Co powinienem zrobić, jeśli przyjdzie Tom? What should I do if Tom comes? What should I do if Tom comes? Jak długi jest ten film? How long is this movie? How long is this movie? Oni nie są źli. They're not bad. They're not bad. Nie wiedziałem, że potrafisz tak dobrze śpiewać. I didn't know you could sing so well. I didn't know you could sing so well. Gdzie do cholery go poznałeś? Where on earth did you meet him? Where the hell did you meet him? To jeszcze nie wyszło w gazetach. It hasn't come out in the newspapers yet. It hasn't come out in the papers yet. Możesz pisać w dowolnym języku. W Tatoeba wszystkie języki są równe. You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal. You can write in any language. In Tatoeba all languages are equal. Jeśli zmienisz fryzurę, będziesz mógł wyglądać o 10 lat młodziej. If you change your hairstyle, you could look ten years younger. If you change your hair, you can look ten years younger. Rozsmarowała masło na chlebie. She spread the butter on the bread. She smeared butter on bread. Co tu się stało? What happened in here? What happened here? Mam gorączkę. I have a cold. I have a fever. Poradź się rodziców w sprawie wycieczki. Please consult with your parents about the trip. Why don't you tell your parents about the tour? Środkowy palec jest najdłuższy. The middle finger is the longest. The middle finger is the longest. Tom zdecydował pogodzić się z Mary. Tom decided to make it up to Mary. Tom decided to make peace with Mary. Wygląda sympatycznie. He seems kind. Looks nice. Delfin jest ssakiem. A dolphin is a mammal. The dolphin is a mammal. W Australii mówi się po angielsku. English is spoken in Australia. In Australia, they speak English. Oni muszą być niespełna rozumu, żeby wierzyć w takie bzdury. They must be crazy to believe such nonsense. They must be out of their minds to believe such nonsense. Tę książkę chciałbym przeczytać. That is the book I want to read. I'd like to read this book. Nie możesz powstrzymać nikogo przed okłamywaniem cię. You can't stop someone from lying to you. You can't stop anyone from lying to you. Za około dwa tygodnie. In about two weeks. In about two weeks. Właśnie zacząłem czytać tę książkę. I just started reading this book. I just started reading this book. Ta historia jest za bardzo niewiarygodna żeby była prawdziwa. That story is too incredible to be true. This story is too unbelievable to be true. Muszę poznać źródło twoich cytatów. I have to recognize the source of your quotations. I need to know the source of your quotes. Moje hobby to słuchanie muzyki. My hobby is listening to music. My hobby is listening to music. Wygląda trochę strasznie na pierwszy rzut oka, pewnie dlatego, że nosi brodę, ale to w istocie miły człowiek. Possibly because he's got a beard, he looks scary at first glance but he's really a kind man. He looks a little creepy at first glance, probably because he's wearing a beard, but he's actually a nice man. Poszedłem odprowadzić ojca na lotnisko. I have been to the airport to see my father off. I went to see my father to the airport. Ufałem ci. I believed you. I trusted you. Muszę się do jutra uporać z tym zadaniem. I must go through the task by tomorrow. I have to deal with this assignment by tomorrow. To nic osobistego. It's nothing personal. It's nothing personal. Otrzymałem dziwnego e-maila. I got a weird email. I got a weird e-mail. Jutro go zapytam. Tomorrow, I will ask him. I'll ask him tomorrow. Tom ufał, że Mary postąpi słusznie. Tom trusted Mary to do the right thing. Tom trusted Mary to do the right thing. Zapomnij o niej. Forget about her. Forget about her. Mam nadzieję, że wyzdrowieje. I hope she will get well. I hope he gets better. W tej okolicy konia nie uświadczysz. It's very unlikely that you'll ever see a horse around here. You're not gonna get a horse around here. Jej rower jest niebieski. Her bicycle is blue. Her bike is blue. Proszę, mów do mnie Tom. Please call me Tom. Please, call me Tom. Wszyscy jesteśmy bardzo dobrymi graczami. We're all very good players. We're all very good players. Mam swoje zdanie. I have an opinion. I have an opinion. Przez trzysta lat plądrowali otaczający kraj. For three hundred years they have farmed the surrounding land. For 300 years, they looted the surrounding country. Widzimy się jutro w bibliotece! See you tomorrow at the library! I'll see you tomorrow at the library! Okna były otwarte. The windows were open. The windows were open. Wiesz, że to nie jest tam, gdzie chcę być. You know this isn't where I want to be. You know it's not where I want to be. Odwiedziłem dom mojej babci. I visited my grandmother's house. I visited my grandmother's house. Tom sięgnął po nóż. Tom reached for his knife. Tom reached for the knife. Jestem już naprawdę zmęczony twoimi narzekaniami. I'm really tired of your complaints. I'm really tired of your complaining. Tom nie chce być uwzględniony. Tom doesn't want to be included. Tom doesn't want to be included. Dała kotu mleka. She gave a cat some milk. She gave the cat milk. Dlaczego nie mówiłeś? Why didn't you speak? Why didn't you tell me? Muszę zobaczyć to na własne oczy. I need to see it for myself. I need to see this with my own eyes. Możesz wyjść. You can leave. You can leave. Nie jestem w stanie odpowiedzieć na to pytanie. I'm unable to answer that question. I can't answer that question. Klimat Japonii jest łagodny. Japan's climate is temperate. Japan's climate is mild. Zawsze narzeka na jedzenie. She's always complaining about the food. He's always complaining about food. Tom ma dom niezbyt daleko stąd. Tom has a house not too far from here. Tom has a house not far from here. Tom zgniótł papier i wrzucił go do kosza. Tom crumpled up the paper and threw it in the trashcan. Tom crushed the paper and threw it in the trash. W niedzielę idę do kościoła. On Sunday, I go to church. I'm going to church on Sunday. Po prostu jestem realistą. I'm just being realistic. I'm just being realistic. Czy myślisz, że Tom naprawdę to zrobił? Do you think Tom really did that? Do you think Tom really did it? Mój awans zależy od jego decyzji. My promotion hangs on his decision. My promotion depends on his decision. Na tym zdjęciu w tle widać zamek. There is a castle in the background of the picture. There's a castle in the background in this picture. Nie mogę być częścią tego. I can't be part of this. I can't be a part of this. Tom nie chciał być widzianym nago, więc ukrył się w krzakach. Tom didn't want to be seen naked, so he hid in the bushes. Tom didn't want to be seen naked, so he hid in the bushes. Nie powinienem był nigdy tu przychodzić. I never should've come here. I should never have come here. Tom poczuł się jak ryba wyłowiona z wody. Tom felt like a fish out of water. Tom felt like a fish caught out of water. Słuchasz go? Are you listening to him? Are you listening to him? Tom ciągle jest na dachu. Tom is still on the roof. Tom is still on the roof. Tom dźgnął mnie. Tom stabbed me. Tom stabbed me. Ktoś musi cię powstrzymać. Somebody needs to stop you. Someone's got to stop you. Przyniosę ci piwo. I'll get you a beer. I'll get you a beer. Dzięki za bilety! Thanks for the tickets! Thanks for the tickets! To, co powiedziałeś, nie ma sensu. What you said doesn't make sense. What you said doesn't make sense. Przyszedłeś tu, bo chciałeś znać prawdę. You came here because you wanted to know the truth. You came here because you wanted to know the truth. To jest bezużyteczne! It's useless! This is useless! Mam chleb. I have bread. I've got bread. Kto to stłukł? Who broke it? Who broke it? Zobaczyłem światło w oddali. I saw a light in the distance. I saw the light in the distance. W związku z odbywającym się dziś meczem, wprowadzono liczne ograniczenia w ruchu i parkowaniu. Due to the match, which takes place today, there are major restrictions on traffic and parking. Due to today's game, numerous restrictions have been introduced in traffic and parking. W ciągu ostatniego miesiąca próbowałem kuchni chińskiej, francuskiej, włoskiej, greckiej, węgierskiej i meksykańskiej. Over the last month, I have eaten Chinese, French, Italian, Greek, Hungarian and Mexican food. In the last month I tried Chinese, French, Italian, Greek, Hungarian and Mexican cuisine. Ostrzegłem go, ale puścił to mimo uszu. I gave him a warning, to which he paid no attention. I warned him, but he let it go. W zasadzie, nigdy nie był w Nowym Jorku. In fact, he has never been to New York. In fact, he's never been to New York. Ja i Tom jesteśmy w tej samej klasie. Tom and I are in the same class. Me and Tom are in the same class. Muszę się dowiedzieć, kim on jest. I need to find out who he is. I need to find out who he is. Mary wygląda oszałamiająco. Mary looks stunning. Mary looks stunning. Straciła życie w katastrofie lotniczej. She died in a plane crash. She lost her life in a plane crash. Nie mam nic do powiedzenia w tej kwestii. I have nothing to say in this regard. I have nothing to say about that. Nie ufam ci. I don't trust you. I don't trust you. Jestem ksenofobem. I have xenophobia. I'm xenophobic. Holandia jest małym krajem. Holland is a small country. The Netherlands is a small country. Przepraszam, nie mogłem się powstrzymać. Sorry, I couldn't help it. I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself. Z punktu widzenia Kate, on zbyt dużo pracuje. From Kate's point of view, he works too much. From Kate's point of view, he works too much. Ktoś zaatakował ją. Somebody attacked her. Someone attacked her. "Nie przestawaj, Tony," powiedziała Linda. "Don't stop, Tony," said Linda. "Don't stop, Tony," Linda said. On pisze książki. He writes books. He's writing books. Nie mogę winić Toma za to, że nie chciało mu się przyjść. I can't blame Tom for not wanting to come. I can't blame Tom for not wanting to come. Nadal nie mogę zrozumieć, jak to się stało. I still can't figure out how it happened. I still can't understand how this happened. Czy jesteś poważnie chory? Are you seriously ill? Are you seriously ill? Ta sofa jest niewygodna. The sofa is uncomfortable. This sofa is uncomfortable. Tom jest oburzony. Tom is indignant. Tom is outraged. On uratował swojego przyjaciela z narażeniem życia. He saved his friend at the risk of his own life. He saved his friend at risk of his life. Chłopiec zajrzał do pokoju. The boy looked into the room. The boy looked in the room. Tomasz nie ma się do kogo zwrócić po pomoc. Tom has nobody to turn to for help. Thomas has no one to turn to for help. Praga jest przepiękna. Prague is very beautiful. Prague is beautiful. Robię się głodny. I'm getting hungry. I'm getting hungry. Jesteś już znudzony? Are you bored yet? Are you bored already? Myślę, że Ania jest bardzo ładna. Ania looks very cute to me. I think Anne's very pretty. Zmierzył długość łóżka. He measured the length of the bed. He measured the length of the bed. Musimy być gotowi na wszystko. We ought to be ready for whatever comes. We have to be ready for anything. Dzięki za wszystko. Thanks for everything. Thanks for everything. Uważam go za najlepszego lekarza w mieście. I regarded him as the best doctor in town. I think he's the best doctor in town. Nigdy bym nie pocałowała Toma. I would never kiss Tom. I would never kiss Tom. Nie mam już pomysłów. I have no more ideas. I don't have any more ideas. On się obija na studiach. He is lazy in his study. He hangs out in college. Skąd jesteś, Karen? Where are you from, Karen? Where are you from, Karen? Tom pomógł. Tom helped. Tom helped. Anglik, Belg i Holender wchodzą do pubu i siadają przy barze. Barman pyta, "Chwila, to jakiś żart czy co?" An Englishman, a Belgian and a Dutchman enter a pub and sit down at the counter. Says the barkeeper, "Wait a minute, is this a joke or what?" The bartender says, "Wait a minute, is this a joke or what?" Tom Jackson nie został ponownie wybrany gubernatorem. Tom Jackson wasn't reelected governor. Tom Jackson wasn't re-elected governor. Wiosna jest w powietrzu. Spring is in the air. Spring is in the air. Według tej gazety, w Bostonie miał miejsce wielki pożar. According to the paper, there was a big fire in Boston. According to this newspaper, there was a big fire in Boston. Idź i zawołaj gości! Go and call the guests! Go and get the guests! Poszedłem dziś do lekarza. I went to the doctor today. I went to the doctor today. Tom zaczął łaskotać Mary. Tom began to tickle Mary. Tom started tickling Mary. Będę czekać. I will wait. I'll be waiting. Poczekaj tutaj. Wait out here. Wait here. Tu nie chodzi tylko o pieniądze. It's not just about the money. It's not just about the money. Byli sami w bibliotece. They were alone in the library. They were alone in the library. Uwielbiam ten zespół. I love this band. I love this band. Mieszkam w Mediolanie. I live in Milan. I live in Milan. To jest kościół. That's a church. This is a church. Szybki brązowy lis przeskakuje nad leniwym psem. The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog. A fast brown fox jumps over a lazy dog. Ceny są rozsądne. Prices are reasonable. The prices are reasonable. Jestem pływakiem. I'm a swimmer. I'm a swimmer. Tom zjadł hamburgera. Tom ate a hamburger. Tom ate a hamburger. To farsa. That's a farce. It's a farce. Nie mam pojęcia co to jest. I don't know what it is. I have no idea what that is. Jesteś pewien? Are you sure? Are you sure? Czy Tom uciekł? Did Tom escape? Did Tom escape? Kolano mnie boli. My knee hurts. My knee hurts. Chcę ci coś powiedzieć. I want to say something to you. I want to tell you something. Uczenie się kolokacji to krok naprzód w znajomości języka. Learning collocations is one step towards sounding like a native speaker. Learning co-location is a step forward in knowledge of the language. Uczę się hiszpańskiego. I am learning Spanish. I'm learning Spanish. Tom nie wiedział, jak odpowiedzieć na pytanie Mary. Tom didn't know how to answer Mary's question. Tom didn't know how to answer Mary's question. Czuję się źle. I feel unwell. I feel bad. Co najbardziej lubisz jeść do czerwonego wina? What's your favorite food to eat with red wine? What's your favorite food for red wine? Nie pomogę ci tego zrobić. I can't help you do that. I can't help you do this. Czy ktoś ma korkociąg? Does anybody here have a corkscrew? Does anyone have a corkscrew? Nie boję się duchów. I'm not afraid of ghosts. I'm not afraid of ghosts. Rozmawiałem przez telefon. I talked on the telephone. I spoke on the phone. Usuń ten komentarz, proszę. Delete the comment, please. Delete this comment, please. Lot z Zurychu do Bostonu zajmuje osiem godzin, a powrót jedynie sześć. It takes eight hours to fly from Zurich to Boston, but only six for the return trip. It takes eight hours to fly from Zurich to Boston and only six hours to return. Próbowaliśmy już. We already tried. We've tried. Mój szwagier był innego zdania. My brother-in-law was of a different opinion. My brother-in-law didn't think so. Ich ojciec jest taksówkarzem. Their father is a taxi driver. Their father's a cab driver. Wysil się. Make an effort. Try harder. Ta książka kosztuje mniej więcej 20 euro. This book costs more or less 20 euros. This book costs about 20 euros. Stare nawyki trudno zwalczyć. Old habits die hard. Old habits are hard to fight. Samochód Toma jest zaparkowany przed domem Mary. Tom's car is parked in front of Mary's house. Tom's car is parked outside Mary's house. Jest siódma trzydzieści. It is 7:30. It's seven thirty. Tom może nie pozostawić Mary wyboru. Tom may not give Mary a choice. Tom may leave Mary no choice. Zasnąłem. I fell asleep. I fell asleep. Książka jest napisana po hiszpańsku. The book is written in Spanish. The book is written in Spanish. Przepraszam, jeśli cię zraniłem. I'm sorry, if I hurt you. I'm sorry if I hurt you. Była tak miła i kupiła mi bilet. She had the kindness to buy a ticket for me. She was so nice and she bought me a ticket. Idziesz czy zostajesz? Are you going or staying? Are you coming or staying? Musimy kupić jakieś środki medyczne. We need to get some medical supplies. We need to buy some medical supplies. Tom porządnie podrapał swojego psa za uszami. Tom gave his dog a good scratch behind the ears. Tom scratched his dog right behind his ears. Jest czerwony. It's red. It's red. Z nas wszystkich Tom był zdecydowanie najlepszym pływakiem. Of us all, Tom was by far the best swimmer. Of all of us, Tom was definitely the best swimmer. Był zły na swoją żonę. He was angry with his wife. He was mad at his wife. Znak trupiej główki otrzymał nazwę na cześć słynnego kapitana Kidda, który działał w Wielkiej Brytanii pod koniec XVII wieku. This skull and crossbones was named based on the world-famous Captain Kidd who was active in late 17th century Britain. The mark of the dead head was named after the famous Captain Kidd, who was active in the United Kingdom at the end of the 17th century. Mam tę samą fryzurę od lat. I've had this same hairstyle for years. I've had the same hairstyle for years. Ktoś zajął moje miejsce. Someone took my place. Someone took my place. Ty zawsze zapominasz. You always forget. You always forget. Do zobaczenia ponownie. See you again. See you again. Nauczycielkę zdumiała moją odpowiedź. The teacher marvelled at my response. The teacher was amazed at my answer. Odrobiłaś swoją pracę domową. You did your homework. You did your homework. Tom został poddany transfuzji krwi. Tom was given a blood transfusion. Tom has been given a blood transfusion. Mary zgubiła klucze. Mary lost the keys. Mary lost her keys. Tęsknię za tobą gdy cię nie ma. I miss you when you're not here. I miss you when you're gone. Nie mów do mnie, kiedy pracuję. Don't talk to me while I'm working. Don't talk to me when I'm working. Jestem niewidomy. I'm blind. I'm blind. Dlaczego Tom z tobą nie przyszedł? Why didn't Tom come with you? Why didn't Tom come with you? Kim był mężczyzna zabity na wzgórzu? Who was the man killed on the hill? Who was the man killed on the hill? Dzisiaj pada śnieg. It is snowing today. It's snowing today. Umiem kochać. I can love. I can love. Język angielski jest używany przez wielu ludzi. English is used by many people. English is spoken by many people. Zastanawiam się, czego jeszcze może chcieć Tom. I wonder what else Tom wants. I wonder what else Tom might want. To aparat fotograficzny mojej siostry. That is my sister's camera. It's my sister's camera. Jej melancholijny uśmiech przeczył smutkowi, który czuła, mając odjeżdżać. Her wistful smile belied the sadness she felt at having to leave. Her melancholy smile contradicted the sorrow she felt when she left. Twój rower jest lepszy od mojego. Your bicycle is better than mine. Your bike is better than mine. Musicie to zrobić szybko. You must do it quickly. You have to do it fast. Tom wyjął portfel i zapłacił rachunek. Tom took out his wallet and paid the bill. Tom took out his wallet and paid the bill. Ciasteczka mogą zawierać śladowe ilości orzechów arachidowych lub innych orzechów, nawet jeśli nie występują na liście składników. Cookies may contain nuts or peanuts, even if not included in the ingredient list. Cookies may contain traces of peanuts or other nuts, even if they are not included in the list of ingredients. Tom nie przyszedł do domu na obiad. Tom didn't come home for dinner. Tom didn't come home for dinner. Tom przyszedł do mnie pogadać dziś po południu. Tom came to talk to me this afternoon. Tom came to talk to me this afternoon. Zostałam porwana przez kosmitów. I was abducted by aliens. I was kidnapped by aliens. Mogą jutro wyjechać. They may leave tomorrow. They can leave tomorrow. Alkohol przejął kontrolę nad twoim życiem. Alcohol has taken over your life. Alcohol has taken control of your life. Tom nie pozwolił mi wygrać. Tom didn't let me win. Tom wouldn't let me win. Tom podszedł do Mary i zaszeptał jej do ucha. Tom walked over to Mary and whispered in her ear. Tom approached Mary and whispered in her ear. Negocjacje wkroczyły w nową fazę. The negotiation has entered upon a new phase. The negotiations have entered a new phase. Po prostu je tam zostaw. Just leave them there. Just leave them there. Witam wszystkich. Good morning, everybody. Hello, everyone. Nie lubię pić kawy. I don't like drinking coffee. I don't like to drink coffee. Tom ma dziś wolne. Tom is off today. Tom is off today. On zbiera widokówki. He collects picture postcards. He collects postcards. Oni opracowali lekarstwo na tę chorobę. They have devised a cure for this illness. They've developed a cure for this disease. Ktoś chciał, żebyśmy przyszli. Someone wanted us to come. Someone wanted us to come. Dobrze się bawiła. She had a good time. She had a good time. Matka Cookie'go zmarła na raka. Cookie's mother died of cancer. Cookie's mother died of cancer. Nie będę go obwiniał o ten wypadek. I will not blame him for the accident. I'm not gonna blame him for the accident. Rozmawialiśmy do jedenastej. We talked till after eleven o'clock. We talked till 11:00. Ściany były zbryzgane krwią. The wall was splattered with blood. The walls were splattered with blood. Chcę zacząć planowanie. I want to start making plans. I want to start planning. Czemu nie pomożecie Tomowi? Why don't you help Tom? Why don't you help Tom? On myśli tylko o sobie. He thinks only about himself. He only thinks of himself. Jaki jest plan na dziś? What's today's plan? What's the plan for today? Znalezienie optymalnego rozwiązania zajmie trochę czasu. Finding an optimal solution will take some time. It'll take some time to find the optimal solution. Tom nie wiedział, że to co robi, było błędem. Tom didn't know that what he was doing was wrong. Tom didn't know what he was doing was a mistake. Tom próbował powstrzymać uśmiech. Tom tried not to smile. Tom tried to stop the smile. Mówię trochę po gaelicku. I speak a little Scottish Gaelic. I speak a little gaelic. Moja żona nienawidzi kotów. My wife hates cats. My wife hates cats. Tom poszedł tam spotkać się z Mary. Tom went there to meet Mary. Tom went there to meet Mary. Otwórz pudełko. Open the box. Open the box. Rozmawialiśmy między innymi o pogodzie. Among other things, we talked about the weather. We talked about the weather, among other things. Wszystkie bilety są wyprzedane. All the tickets are sold out. All tickets are sold out. Rozzłościłem go. I have made him angry. I made him angry. Nie wiedziałem, że wpędziło cię to w takie kłopoty. I had no idea it would put you to so much trouble. I didn't know it got you into this kind of trouble. Jaki jest największy budynek w Bostonie? What's the tallest building in Boston? What's the biggest building in Boston? Tom wciąż cię wini za śmierć Mary. Tom still blames you for Mary's death. Tom still blames you for Mary's death. Wszystko ma swoje dobre i złe strony. Szkoda, że zwykle dostrzegamy tylko jedną z nich. Everything has its good side and bad side. Unfortunately, we usually see only one of them. It's a shame we usually only see one of them. Więcej od ciebie nie przyjmuję zamówień, Tom. I don't take orders from you anymore, Tom. I don't take orders from you anymore, Tom. Powinienem był wiedzieć, że to ty. I should've known it was you. I should have known it was you. Bardzo było ciekawie. I had a fine old time. It was very interesting. Próbowałem pisać moją lewą ręką. I tried writing with my left hand. I tried writing with my left hand. Gdybyś miał problemy, pomogę ci. When you have difficulties, I will help you. If you have any problems, I'll help you. Zaczął myć samochód. He started washing his car. He started washing the car. Kiedy odlatuje jego samolot? When does his plane take off? When's his plane leaving? Powedz: "aaa." Say 'ahhh'. Say, "Ah." Przyszłam sama, tak jak ustaliliśmy. I came alone, as we agreed. I came alone, just like we agreed. Robotnicy byli nadzy do pasa. The workers were naked to the waist. The workers were naked to the waist. Wczoraj poszłam do kina. I went to the cinema yesterday. I went to the movies last night. W ten sposób ludzie pozbywają się niepotrzebnych rzeczy. This is how people get rid of things they no longer need. That's how people get rid of unnecessary things. Hej ty! Proszę poczekaj. Hey you! Please wait. Hey, you, please wait. Mam dwa koty. I have two cats. I have two cats. Znamy się z twoim wujem od wielu lat. Your uncle and I have known each other for many years. Your uncle and I have known each other for many years. Kim jest ta kobieta trzymająca kwiaty? Who is that woman holding the flowers? Who's the woman holding the flowers? Dlaczego przepraszasz? Why are you apologizing? Why are you apologizing? Jego wyjaśnienia były niepełne. Nie mogłem tego zrozumieć. His explanation was too sketchy. I didn't understand it. His explanations were incomplete. Jego wynalazek zaoszczędzi godzin pracy przy naszym produkcie. His invention will save hours in manufacturing our product. His invention will save hours of work on our product. Zostali aresztowani. They're under arrest. They've been arrested. Czy mówi pan po niemiecku? Do you speak German? Do you speak German? Widziałem cię gdzieś. I've seen you someplace. I've seen you somewhere. Gratuluję ci zdania egzaminu. I congratulate you on passing the examination. Congratulations on your exam. Rośliny potrzebują światła słonecznego, żeby rosnąć. Plants need sunlight to grow. Plants need sunlight to grow. Nie mogłem sobie przypomnieć ich nazwisk. I couldn't remember their names. I couldn't remember their names. Nie spieprz tego. Don't mess it up. Don't screw this up. Oni tylko popatrzyli. They just looked. They just watched. Ciasto jest jeszcze w piekarniku. The cake is still in the oven. The cake's still in the oven. Ten film nie jest tak ciekawy jak oryginał. The movie is not so interesting as the original. This movie isn't as interesting as the original. Wygląda na to, że ciężko ci będzie się z nim dziś zobaczyć. It seems hard for you to see him today. Looks like it's gonna be hard for you to see him tonight. Dlaczego to zrobiłeś mój przyjacielu? Why did you do that, my friend? Why did you do it, my friend? Dlaczego Tom mi to robi? Why would Tom do that to me? Why is Tom doing this to me? Nikt inny się nie pojawił. Nobody else showed up. No one else showed up. Słyszałem, że Tom Jackson jest najlepszym prawnikiem w Bostonie. I've heard that Tom Jackson is the best lawyer in Boston. I hear Tom Jackson is the best lawyer in Boston. Nie wypuszczą Toma. They won't let Tom out. They won't let Tom go. Tom musiał czekać. Tom had to wait. Tom had to wait. Jest zrobiony ze skóry. It's made of leather. It's made of leather. Dzieci często robią głupie rzeczy. Children often do stupid things. Kids do stupid things a lot. Rozumiemy. We understand. We understand. Jeżeli ty nie idziesz, ja też nie. If you don't go, I won't, either. If you're not going, neither am I. Mam masę pracy do zrobienia przed wyjściem. I've got a lot of work to do before I can leave. I've got a lot of work to do before I leave. Myślę, że już prawie czas iść. I think it's almost time to go. I think it's almost time to go. Brakuje im ideału, powodu, by wstawać wcześnie rano. They lack an ideal, a reason to get up in the morning. They lack ideals, a reason to get up early in the morning. Trudno mi pogodzić moją karierę z potrzebami moich dzieci. I find it difficult to balance my career and the needs of my children. It's hard for me to reconcile my career with the needs of my children. Chcielibyście pojechać ze mną do Niemiec? Would you like to go to Germany with me? Would you like to come with me to Germany? Widuję go czasami w klubie. Sometimes I see him at the club. I see him at the club sometimes. Kampania prezydencka zaczyna nabierać szybkości. Wszystkie chwyty będą dozwolone. Rozleje się krew! The presidential campaign starts getting speed. All moves will be allowed. There will be blood! The presidential campaign is starting to pick up speed, and all the tricks will be allowed, and blood will spill! Do zobaczenia przyszłego lata. I'll see you next summer. See you next summer. To przez przypadek czy celowo? Was it by accident or by design? Is it by accident or by purpose? Czy ktoś już to widział? Has anyone seen it yet? Has anyone seen this before? Co oznacza to słowo? What is the meaning of this word? What does that word mean? Lepiej nie zmieniajmy planów. We'd better not change the schedule. We'd better not change our plans. Nadal mam kilkoro przyjaciół w Bostonie. I still have a few friends in Boston. I still have a few friends in Boston. Czy ktoś wie, gdzie jest Tom? Does anybody know where Tom is? Does anyone know where Tom is? Do zrobienia omleta musisz rozbić jajko. You have to break an egg to make an omelet. To make an omelet, you have to break an egg. Drożdże powodują, że piwo fermentuje. Yeast makes beer ferment. The yeast makes the beer ferment. Telefon teraz jest nieczynny. The telephone is now out of order. The phone's closed now. Nauczyciela zdumiała moja reakcja. The teacher marvelled at my response. The teacher was amazed at my reaction. Stój spokojnie! Stand still! Stay still! Pomagamy każdemu, kto tego potrzebuje. We help anyone who needs it. We help anyone who needs it. Mógłbym zostać. I might stay. I could stay. Zostawiam tę sprawę tobie. I'll leave that to you. I'm leaving this to you. Co jest piękniejsze od uśmiechu dziecka? What is more beautiful than the smile of a child? What's more beautiful than a child's smile? Myślę, że mieszkałeś w Bostonie zbyt długo. I think you've been living in Boston too long. I think you've lived in Boston too long. Tom się rozzłościł, kiedy odkrył, że drzwi są zakluczone. Tom got angry when he found the door locked. Tom got angry when he found out the door was locked. Była gotowa oddać mu wszystkie jego pieniądze. She was ready to give him back all his money. She was ready to give him all his money back. Nie wiem, czy ją lubisz czy nie. I don't know whether you like her or not. I don't know if you like her or not. Zapasy pomocy zostały ściągnięte w rejon klęski. Relief supplies were raced to the disaster area. The aid stocks were pulled into the disaster area. Tom wziął butelkę i nalał sobie drinka. Tom picked up the bottle and poured himself a drink. Tom took a bottle and poured himself a drink. Mój ojciec nie jest rozmowny. My father is not talkative. My father's not talkative. Co masz teraz zrobić? What do you have to do now? What are you gonna do now? Tom ma do podjęcia ważną decyzję przed następnym poniedziałkiem. Tom has an important decision to make before next Monday. Tom has an important decision to make before next Monday. Dzięki Bogu jestem ateistą. Thank God I am an atheist. Thank God I'm an atheist. Tom umie chodzić na rękach. Tom can walk on his hands. Tom can walk on his hands. Straciłem Toma z oczu. I lost sight of Tom. I lost sight of Tom. Tom już skończył swój obiad. Tom has already finished his lunch. Tom has finished his dinner. Nie umie tego zrobić. He can't do that. He can't do it. To, co umiem po norwesku, nauczyłem się sam. What I know of Norwegian I have learned on my own. What I know in Norwegian, I learned by myself. Tom lubi robić na drutach. Tom likes to knit. Tom likes to knit. Chciała im pomóc. She wanted to help them. She wanted to help them. Mamy dzisiaj rybę jako główne danie. We have fish for dinner today. We have fish today as the main course. Muszę ich poprosić o pomoc. I have to ask them to help us. I have to ask them for help. Zrób co możesz! Do what you can. Do what you can! Nie jesteśmy tchórzami. We're not cowards. We're not cowards. Zostawiłem ci wiadomość. I left you a message. I left you a message. Nie możemy tu walczyć We can't fight here. We can't fight here. Ja nie chce myslec o tym wiecej I don't want you to think about it anymore. I don't want to think about it anymore. Jest jeszcze cień szansy, że uratujemy Toma. There's still a chance that we can save Tom. There's still a chance we can save Tom. Spodziewam się go w każdej chwili. I expect him to come at any moment. I'm expecting him anytime. Nie mogłem powstrzymać śmiechu. I couldn't help laughing. I couldn't stop laughing. Kupiła odkurzacz w supermarkecie. She bought a vacuum cleaner at the supermarket. She bought a vacuum cleaner at the supermarket. Chyba wiem, gdzie jest Tom. I think I may know where Tom is. I think I know where Tom is. To było okropne. It was awful. It was awful. Nie muszę nic mówić Tomowi. I don't need to tell Tom anything. I don't have to tell Tom anything. Maria Callas była znaną śpiewaczką operową. Maria Callas was a famous opera singer. Maria Callas was a famous opera singer. Trzęsienia ziemi często są w Japonii. Earthquakes frequently hit Japan. Earthquakes are often in Japan. Gówno mnie obchodzi to co mówisz! I don't give a fuck about what you say! I don't give a shit what you say! Możemy to zrobić sami. We can do it ourselves. We can do it ourselves. Mężczyzna zrobił krok w bok, by mogła wejść do pokoju. The man stepped aside for her to enter the room. A man took a step aside so she could enter the room. Który z węży ma najdluższe kły? Which snake has the longest fangs? Which one of the snakes has the longest fangs? Mam trochę książek po francusku. I have some French books. I have some French books. Naprawdę chcesz kupić komputer w tym sklepie? Are you seriously thinking about buying a computer from that store? Do you really want to buy a computer in this store? To całkiem ładne. This is quite beautiful. That's pretty nice. Tom jest chętny jechać do Bostonu. Tom is eager to go to Boston. Tom is willing to go to Boston. Tom i Mary są bardzo zajęci. Tom and Mary are very busy. Tom and Mary are very busy. To jest największa elektrownia Finlandii ze wszystkich. This is Finland's biggest power station of all. This is Finland's largest power plant of all. Jeszcze nie mam biletu. I don't have a ticket yet. I don't have a ticket yet. Moim ulubionym tańcem jest tango. My favorite dance is the tango. My favorite dance is tango. Jesteś szurnięty. You're nuts. You're crazy. Tom patrzył w przestrzeń. Tom stared into space. Tom looked into space. Samolot odrzutowy miał 500 pasażerów na pokładzie. The jet plane had 500 passengers on board. The jet plane had 500 passengers on board. Nic nie jadłem od wczoraj rana. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday morning. I haven't eaten since yesterday morning. Tom twierdzi, że potrafi przepłynąć 30 metrów pod wodą na jednym wdechu. Tom claims that he can swim thirty meters underwater on one breath. Tom says he can swim 30 meters underwater on one breath. To najwyższa góra na świecie. It is the highest mountain in the world. It's the highest mountain in the world. Przysięgałeś, że mnie kochasz. You swore that you loved me. You swore you loved me. Tom i Mary płynęli w lodowatym jeziorze. Tom and Mary swam in the ice-cold lake. Tom and Mary sailed in an ice lake. Wciąż jest pełen energii. He is still full of energy. It's still full of energy. Książka została wydana pośmiertnie. The book was published posthumously. The book was published postmortem. Wolę zostać w domu niż iść na ryby. I prefer staying home to going fishing. I'd rather stay home than go fishing. Musimy natychmiast kupić bilety. We have to buy the tickets right now. We need to buy tickets right now. Kupili samochody i biżuterię. They bought cars and jewelry. They bought cars and jewelry. Potrzebujemy ciebie silnego. We need you to be strong. We need you strong. Nie mogę go tak po prostu zostawić. I can't just leave Tom. I can't just leave him. Nigdy nie odpowiadasz na moje telefony. You never return my calls. You never answer my calls. Zaprosiłem ją do kina. I invited her to go to the movies. I invited her to the movies. Przypuszczam, że to co rozumiemy pod pojęciem piękna jest tym obiektem duchowym lub fizycznym, częściej fizycznym, który zadowala nasz zmysł estetyczny. I suppose that what we mean by beauty is that object, spiritual or material, more often material, which satisfies our aesthetic sense. I suppose what we mean by beauty is a spiritual or physical object, more often a physical object that satisfies our aesthetic sense. Muszę jej powiedzieć dobranoc. I have to say goodnight to her. I have to say good night to her. Uważam, że twoja teoria nie trzyma się kupy. I think your theory does not hold water. I don't think your theory makes any sense. Zatrzymaj to dla siebie. Keep it to yourself. Keep it to yourself. Weź to, może ci się przydać. Here. Take this with you. It might come in handy. Take this. You might need it. Weszliśmy tylnym wejściem by nikt nas nie zauważył. We came in through the back door lest someone should see us. We went in the back door so no one would notice us. Zapomniałem się go zapytać. I forgot to ask him. I forgot to ask him. Czy możesz już naładować telefon, proszę? Chcę z kimś porozmawiać. Can you charge your phone now, please? I need someone to talk to. Can you recharge your phone, please? To jest zbyt drogie. This costs too much. It's too expensive. Razem możemy to zrobić! Together we can do it! We can do this together! Tomiko odgadła moją wagę. Tomiko guessed my weight. Tomiko guessed my weight. Jan wbiegł do sypialni. John ran into the bedroom. Jan ran into the bedroom. Przestała mówić. She stopped talking. She stopped talking. Tom zaczął grać w rugby trzy lata temu. Tom started playing rugby three years ago. Tom started playing rugby three years ago. Tom nie pokazał się na spotkaniu. Tom didn't show up for the meeting. Tom didn't show up at the meeting. Mogę odsłonić zasłonkę? Can I open the curtain? Can I unveil the curtain? Kliknij na obrazek, żeby przejść do następnej strony! Click the picture to go to the next page! Click on the image to go to the next page! Myślę, że powinieneś pomyśleć o przyszłości. I think you should think about the future. I think you should think about the future. Tom nie mógł zapamiętać nazwy tego miejsca, gdzie poznał Mary. Tom couldn't remember the name of the place where he met Mary. Tom couldn't remember the name of where he met Mary. Kiedyś dla nich pracowałem. I used to work for them. I used to work for them. Moglibyśmy oboje iść. We could both go. We could both go. Wyłamał okno. He broke the window. He broke the window. Mówisz po niemiecku. You speak German. You speak German. Polskie dziewczyny nie chciały, aby Justin Bieber przyjechał do Polski. Polish girls didn't want Justin Bieber to come to Poland. Polish girls didn't want Justin Bieber to come to Poland. Tom wyglądał na naprawdę zakłopotanego. Tom looked really embarrassed. Tom looked really embarrassed. Tom jest z nią. Tom is with her. Tom is with her. Jesteś niepoprawny. You're incorrigible. You're incorrigible. Zagrajmy w tenisa po południu. Let's play tennis in the afternoon. Let's play tennis this afternoon. Nie martwię się zbytnio o Toma. I'm not too worried about Tom. I'm not too worried about Tom. Są już tutaj. They're already here. They're already here. Absurdem jest dzielenie ludzi na dobrych i złych. Ludzie są albo czarujący, albo nudni. It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious. It's absurd to divide people into good and bad, people are either charming or boring. Tom zaczął rozumieć. Tom began to understand. Tom began to understand. Tom nie zrozumiał, co Mary właśnie powiedziała. Tom didn't understand what Mary just said. Tom didn't understand what Mary just said. Jestem zaskoczony, że cię tu widzę. I'm surprised to see you here. I'm surprised to see you here. Myślę, że zawsze będę cię kochał. I think I'll always love you. I think I'll always love you. Wejdź albo wyjdź. Either come in or go out. Come in or leave. Jeśli ona zgubi klucze, zadzwoni do mnie. Should she lose her keys, she will call me. If she loses her keys, she'll call me. Prawda jest najlepszym kłamstwem. The truth is the best lie. The truth is the best lie. Szczerze mowiąc, kochana, nie dbam o to. Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. To be honest, darling, I don't care. Biały koń jest wyższy od czarnego. The white horse is taller than the black one. The white horse is taller than the black horse. Pies ugryzł ją w nogę. The dog bit her leg. The dog bit her leg. Pocałujesz mnie czy nie? Are you going to kiss me or not? Are you gonna kiss me or not? Nie byłem zajęty. I wasn't busy. I haven't been busy. Stroiła miny do tamtej kobiety. She made faces at that woman. She made faces for that woman. Suni jest odtwarzany. Suni is playing. Suni is being played. Tom nie jest godny zaufania. Tom isn't trustworthy. Tom is not trustworthy. Szkoła zaczyna się jutro. School begins tomorrow. School starts tomorrow. Liczyłem na Toma. I relied on Tom. I was counting on Tom. Nie chce mi się aż tak pić. I'm not really that thirsty. I'm not that thirsty. Tom spytał Mary, czy go kocha. Tom asked Mary if she loved him. Tom asked Mary if she loved him. Czekam na swoją kolej. I'm waiting my turn. I'm waiting my turn. Wygląda na wielce szczęśliwego. He seems to be very happy. He looks very happy. Wczoraj byłem na zebraniu. I attended the meeting yesterday. I was at a meeting yesterday. Jak duża jest drużyna? How big is the team? How big is the team? Tom i Mary muszą pozostać małżeństwem ze względu na dzieci. Tom and Mary have to stay married for the sake of the children. Tom and Mary must remain married for the sake of their children. Czy Finlandia jest niebezpieczna? Is Finland dangerous? Is Finland dangerous? Tom miał trzynaście lat, kiedy umarł. Tom was thirteen when he died. Tom was 13 when he died. Powiedziałem Tom'owi, że mam plany. I told Tom I had plans. I told Tom I had plans. Życie pacjenta było zagrożone. The patient's life was in danger. The patient's life was in danger. Jessica wzięła całą winę na siebie. Jessica took all the blame on herself. Jessica took all the blame. Nie dorastałem w Bostonie. I didn't grow up in Boston. I didn't grow up in Boston. Nie zauważyłem niczego podejrzanego. I didn't notice anything suspicious. I didn't notice anything suspicious. Tom powiedział wszystkim, że Mary była w Australii. Tom told everybody Mary was in Australia. Tom told everyone Mary was in Australia. Dublin jest moim ulubionym miastem. Dublin is my favorite town. Dublin is my favorite city. Myślałeś o tym, o jakiej porze roku chcesz wyruszyć w podróż? Have you thought about what time of year you want to start your journey? Have you thought about what time of year you want to go on a trip? Poszłam na emeryturę. I've retired. I retired. Jeszcze go tutaj nie ma. He isn't here yet. He's not here yet. Przywykłeś już do mieszkania w akademiku? Have you gotten used to living in the dorm? Are you used to living in a dorm yet? Przyleciałem na Naritę dziś rano. I arrived at Narita Airport this morning. I flew into Narita this morning. Pojmać go! Seize him! Seize him! Chcę zjeść coś, co nie jest pikantne. I want to eat something that's not spicy. I want to eat something that's not spicy. Tom poprosił o paragon. Tom asked for a receipt. Tom asked for a receipt. Wynocha z mojego domu! Get out of my house! Get out of my house! Wszyscy lubią lody. Everyone likes ice cream. Everybody likes ice cream. Czy jest tu ktoś, kto nie był w Bostonie? Is there anyone here who hasn't been to Boston? Is there anyone here who hasn't been to Boston? Nie podoba mi się twoje zachowanie. I don't like the way you're acting. I don't like your behavior. Tom nie pozwolił mi pójść. Tom wouldn't let me go. Tom wouldn't let me go. Wychodzi na to, że ktoś otruł trzy koty Toma. Someone apparently poisoned Tom's cats. Looks like someone poisoned Tom's three cats. Nie, jestem Anglikiem. No, I am an Englishman. No, I'm English. Nazywa się Tom. Its name is Tom. His name is Tom. Jesteś nauczycielem? Tak, jestem. "Are you a teacher?" "Yes, I am." Are you a teacher? Spotkałem na ulicy grupę studentów. I met a party of students on the street. I met a group of students on the street. Gdziekolwiek pójdziesz, zawsze będę cię gorąco kochał. Even if you go away, I'll still passionately love you. Wherever you go, I'll always love you. Nie byliśmy w stanie dowiedzieć się, czym był prawdziwy problem. We haven't been able to find out what the real problem was. We weren't able to figure out what the real problem was. Tom nie zawsze mówi prawdę. Tom doesn't always tell the truth. Tom doesn't always tell the truth. Rak jest okropną chorobą. Cancer is a terrible disease. Cancer is a terrible disease. Jest wiele starych indyjskich legend. There are many old Indian legends. There are many old Indian legends. Pospiesz się i nakryj do stołu na obiad. Hurry up and set the table for dinner. Hurry up and set the table for dinner. Tom powiedział, że czuje się silny. Tom said he feels strong. Tom said he felt strong. Nie piję wódki! I don't drink vodka! I don't drink vodka! Bez komentarza. I have no comment. No comment. Jak się wabi pies twojej siostry? What is your sister's dog called? What's your sister's dog's name? Tom musi kupić nowe buty, bo stare są już znoszone. Tom must buy a pair of shoes. His old ones are all worn out. Tom needs to buy new shoes because the old ones are already worn. Ona ma dwa koty. Jeden jest biały, a drugi czarny. She has two cats. One is white and one is black. She's got two cats, one's white and the other's black. Nie lubię zielonej herbaty. I do not like green tea. I don't like green tea. Umieram ze śmiechu! I'm dying of laughter. I'm laughing! Potrzebuję swojego płaszcza. I need my coat. I need my coat. Odnoszę wyraźne wrażenie, że komuś zależy, by Tom nie wychodził. I get the distinct impression that somebody doesn't want Tom to leave. I get the distinct impression that someone cares about Tom not leaving. Przed budynkiem stoi samochód. There is a car in front of the building. There's a car outside the building. Uczę hiszpańskiego. I teach Spanish. I teach Spanish. Rozjarzyło się. It started glowing. It's glaring. Kiedy pojechałeś do Rzymu? When did you travel to Rome? When did you go to Rome? Dotarłem cały i zdrowy dziś rano. I arrived safe and sound this morning. I arrived safe and sound this morning. Nie wiedziałem, że Tom będzie tu dzisiaj. I didn't know Tom would be here today. I didn't know Tom was gonna be here today. Wkrótce dogoni Toma. He'll soon catch up with Tom. He'll catch up with Tom soon enough. W przyszłości każdy będzie sławny przez piętnaście minut. In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes. In the future, everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes. Inni są mniej optymistyczni. Others are less optimistic. Others are less optimistic. Dzieci zgromadziły się dookoła. The children were gathering around. The children have gathered around. Chciałem wrócić do twojej wioski. I wanted to go back to your village. I wanted to go back to your village. Tom mieszka po sąsiedzku. Tom lives next door. Tom lives next door. Na stole jest parę książek. On the table there are some books. There are some books on the table. Jesteś pierwszy. You're first. You're first. Zdjęcia są niesamowite! Pictures are amazing! The pictures are amazing! Doprowadza mnie to do szału. It's driving me crazy. It's driving me crazy. Żałuję, że nie uczyłem się więcej w młodości. I wish I had studied harder in my youth. I wish I'd learned more when I was young. Tom miał przypomnieć Mary, aby karmiła psa. Tom had to remind Mary to feed the dog. Tom was supposed to remind Mary to feed the dog. Gdzie się zaczęło? Where did it start? Where did it start? On gra w piłkę nożną. He plays soccer. He's playing soccer. Obserwowałem ptaki na balkonie, gdy piłem kawę. I watched the birds on the balcony while drinking my coffee. I was watching birds on the balcony while I was drinking coffee. Nie będziemy musieli pracować bardzo ciężko. We won't have to work very hard. We won't have to work very hard. To bułka z masłem. It's a piece of cake. It's a piece of cake. Wyjdźmy wcześniej. Let's go home early. Let's leave early. Nie bawiłem się tak dobrze, odkąd skończyłem szkołę. I haven't had that much fun since I left college. I haven't had this much fun since I graduated. Kiedy Mary dotarła do przystanka, autobus właśnie odjechał. When Mary reached the bus stop, the last bus had already left. When Mary got to the bus stop, the bus just left. Na stole leżał talerz, a na nim trzy jajka sadzone. On the table, there was a plate with three fried eggs on it. There was a plate on the table and three eggs planted on it. Co mogę dla was zrobić? What can I do for you? What can I do for you? Ile kosztuje ciasto? How much does the cake cost? How much is a cake? Jego koncert był wspaniały. His concert was great. His concert was great. Przetłumaczyła list z języka japońskiego na język francuski. She translated the letter from Japanese into French. She translated a letter from Japanese into French. Oddaj Tomowi jego pieniądze. Give Tom back his money. Give Tom his money back. Wypadek zdarzył się przed moim przybyciem. The accident happened previous to my arrival. The accident happened before I arrived. Ileż to razy przychodziłem tu z nią... I wonder how many times I've come here with her. How many times I've come here with her... Zauważyłem między innymi, że był pijany. I noticed, among other things, that he was drunk. I noticed, among other things, that he was drunk. Proszek jest rozpuszczalny w wodzie. Powder is soluble in water. The powder is soluble in water. Zwrócono dużą uwagę na bezpieczeństwo pasażerów. Much attention was paid to the safety of the passengers. Great attention has been paid to passenger safety. Lotnisko jest zamknięte. The airport is closed. The airport is closed. Czy Tom ma to zrobić? Does Tom have to do this? Is Tom supposed to do this? Kupiłem więcej tych muffinów, które lubisz. I bought more of those muffins you like. I bought more of those muffins you like. Myślałem, że będzie ci tu wygodnie. I thought you'd be comfortable here. I thought you'd be comfortable here. Ona była nominowana pięć razy, trzy z nich pod rząd. She has been a nominee on five occasions, three of them in consecutive years. She was nominated five times, three of them in a row. Dodał mleko do swojej kawy. He put milk in his coffee. He added milk to his coffee. Mijają dwa lata odkąd Jim skończył szkołę średnią. Two years have passed since Jim graduated from high school. It's been two years since Jim graduated high school. Ja też nic nie zrozumiałam. I, too, didn't understand anything. I didn't understand anything either. Joe spędza większość swojego czasu na sporcie. Joe spends the majority of his time in sports. Joe spends most of his time in sports. Gotuję. I'm doing the cooking. I'm cooking. Nie bądź taki pewien. Don't be so sure. Don't be so sure. Myślę o moich dzieciach. I am thinking about my children. I'm thinking about my kids. Jestem mężatką. I'm married. I'm married. Spędził w więzieniu dziesięć lat za morderstwo. He has spent ten years in jail for murder. He spent ten years in prison for murder. Umiesz policzyć po francusku do stu? Can you count to one hundred in French? Can you count French to 100? Nie ma powodu. There is no reason. There's no reason. Mój ojciec pracuje w fabryce. My father works in a factory. My father works at the factory. Istnieją dwa sposoby podejścia do trudności, albo zmienisz je ty, albo one ciebie. Two ways exist to approach problems; either you change them, or they change you. There are two ways of dealing with difficulties, either you change them, or they change you. Johnston wykrwawił się, zanim nadeszła pomoc. Johnston bled to death before help arrived. Johnston bled out before help came. Musisz posprzątać stół. You must clear the table. You need to clean up the table. Mam jajko. I have an egg. I've got an egg. To pilne. It's urgent. It's urgent. Kim on jest? Who's he? Who is he? Żeby uniknąć zranienia lub dyskomfortu, upewnij się że wagina jest nawilżona przed stosunkiem. To avoid injury or discomfort, be sure that the vagina is lubricated before intercourse. To avoid injury or discomfort, make sure your vagina is moisturized before intercourse. Nie musisz czekać do końca. You don't have to wait till the end. You don't have to wait till the end. Ona lubi krótkie spódniczki. She likes short skirts. She likes short skirts. Operacja nie może czekać. The operation cannot wait. The surgery can't wait. Musi być na mnie zła. She must be angry with me. She must be mad at me. Spotkała swojego chłopaka na ulicy. She met her boyfriend in the street. She met her boyfriend on the street. Łatwo rozwiązałem ten problem. I solved the problem easily. I've solved this problem easily. To by było możliwe. It would be possible. That would be possible. Tom raczej nie będzie umiał tego zrobić. Tom isn't very likely to know how to do that. I don't think Tom will be able to do that. Zjadłem na śniadanie quesadillas. I ate quesadillas for breakfast. I had quesadillas for breakfast. Drzwi nie otwierają się. The doors don't open. The door won't open. Nie mam nikogo, kto by mnie wysłuchał. I don't have anybody who'll listen to me. I don't have anyone to listen to me. Lepiej chodźmy do innego pokoju. Tu mogliby nas łatwo usłyszeć. We should better go to another room. They'd easily hear us here. We'd better go to another room. Słyszę, że potrzebujesz nowych hamulców. It sounds like you need new brakes. I hear you need new brakes. Mój komputer się zawiesił. My computer crashed. My computer's frozen. Idę tam teraz. I'm going there now. I'm going there now. To jest za krótkie. This is too short. It's too short. W roku 1900 opuścił Anglię i nigdy już tam nie powrócił. In 1900, he left England, and he never returned. In 1900 he left England and never returned. On próbuje. He tries. He's trying. Uczyłem się w szkole o płazach. I learned about amphibians at school. I studied amphibians at school. Jego śmierć to wielka strata dla naszej firmy. His death was a great loss to our firm. His death is a great loss to our company. On był nauczycielem na zastępstwie. He was a substitute teacher. He was a substitute teacher. Mam nadzieję, że każdy bezpiecznie dotarł. I hope everyone has arrived safely. I hope everyone's arrived safely. Tom często kłóci się z Mary. Tom often argues with Mary. Tom often fights with Mary. Wiem, że się boisz. I know you're afraid. I know you're scared. Nie wierzę, że nie jesteś tak poruszony jak ja. I can't believe you're not as excited as I am. I can't believe you're not as moved as I am. Czas leci. Time flies. Time flies. Tom nie zarabia wystarczająco, żeby utrzymać rodzinę. Tom doesn't make enough money to support his family. Tom doesn't make enough money to support his family. Ojciec daje mu 10 dolarów kieszonkowego na tydzień. His father allows him $10 a week as spending money. My dad gives him $10 a week's allowance. Jak leci, Mike? How are you, Mike? How's it going, Mike? Mama przygotowuje śniadanie. Mother is getting breakfast ready. Mom's making breakfast. On z trudem zapamiętuje nazwiska. He's not good at remembering names. He barely remembers names. Wszystko co dobre szybko się kończy. All good things come to an end. Everything good ends fast. Nie, nie poszedłem. No, I didn't go. No, I didn't. Ciężko było zadowolić Toma. Tom was hard to please. It was hard to please Tom. Co możesz nam powiedzieć o wczorajszym trzęsieniu ziemi? What can you tell us about yesterday's earthquake? What can you tell us about yesterday's earthquake? Przepraszam, jeśli wypowiedziałem się poza kolejnością. I'm sorry if I spoke out of turn. I'm sorry if I spoke out of order. Po tym jak Tom rzucił Mary, zaczęła spotykać się z Johnem. After Tom dumped Mary, she started seeing John. After Tom dumped Mary, she started dating John. Tęsknię za wojskiem. I miss the army. I miss the army. Jeśli nie możesz mieć dzieci, zawsze możesz adoptować. If you can't have children, you could always adopt. If you can't have kids, you can always adopt. Ona mówi dość szybko. She speaks quite fast. She's talking pretty fast. Jestem twoim ojcem. I'm your dad. I'm your father. Tom jutro tam pójdzie. Tom will go there tomorrow. Tom will be there tomorrow. Proszę przyślij mi list jak tylko dotrzesz do celu. Please send me a letter as soon as you arrive. Please send me a letter as soon as you reach your destination. Pozwolimy Tomowi spróbować. We'll let Tom try. We'll let Tom try. Tom lubi francuski i jest w nim dobry. Tom likes French and he's good at it. Tom likes French and he's good at it. Niestety ojca nie ma w domu. Unfortunately, my father isn't at home. Unfortunately, my father isn't home. Szliśmy wzdłuż plaży. We walked along the beach. We were walking along the beach. Czy w twoim kraju ludzie piją herbatę? Do people drink tea in your country? Do people drink tea in your country? Jesteś pewny, że Tom za tym stoi? Are you sure that Tom is behind this? Are you sure Tom's behind this? Tom nie chciał, by Mary się dowiedziała. Tom didn't want Mary to find out. Tom didn't want Mary to know. Jest perfekcjonistą. He is a perfectionist. He's a perfectionist. Musisz zobaczyć jej dom. You've got to see her home. You need to see her house. Pracował tak ciężko aż osiągnął sukces. He worked so hard that he succeeded. He worked so hard until he was successful. Przeczytalibyście Tomowi bajkę na dobranoc? Would you mind reading a bedtime story to Tom? Would you read Tom a bedtime story? Nie czytałem tej książki. I never read the book. I didn't read that book. Nauczyciel wywołał ucznia do tablicy. The teacher called the pupil to the blackboard. The teacher called the student to the board. Jesteśmy realistami. We're realistic. We're realists. Pójdę i sprowadzę ci lekarza. I'll go and get you a doctor. I'll go and get you a doctor. Tom poklepał. Tom clapped. Tom beckons. Czy ktoś tu wie, o której zaczyna się spotkanie? Does anyone here know what time the meeting starts? Does anybody know what time the meeting starts? Myślisz, że mu nadal na mnie zależy? Do you think he still cares about me? You think he still cares about me? Próbowałem powstrzymać Toma. I tried to stop Tom. I tried to stop Tom. Współpracujesz. You're cooperating. You're cooperating. Jaka jest dzisiejsza data? What date is it? What's today's date? Dlaczego jest nie posłuchałeś? Why didn't you listen to her? Why didn't you listen? Tak się uśmiałam, że policzki mnie bolą. My cheeks are sore from smiling too much. I laughed so hard my cheeks hurt. Tom to mój sąsiad. Tom is my neighbor. Tom is my neighbor. Ile mam zapłacić? How much should I pay? How much do you want me to pay? Co powiedziałeś o nas Tomowi? What did you tell Tom about us? What did you tell Tom about us? Oto twój kubek. Here's your mug. Here's your cup. Myślałem, że nie wracasz. I thought you weren't coming back. I thought you weren't coming back. Nie po raz pierwszy widzę to zdanie. It's not the first time I see this sentence. It's not the first time I've seen that phrase. Nie płacz. Płacz nic nie rozwiąże. Don't cry. Crying doesn't solve anything. Don't cry, cry won't solve anything. Mało prawdopodobne, by jakiś haker włamał się na naszą stronę. It's unlikely that a hacker could get into our website. It's unlikely some hacker might have hacked our website. Zatrzymaj to sobie. Keep it to yourself. Keep it. Tom będzie krzyczał. Tom will scream. Tom will scream. No to do zobaczenia. See you then. I'll see you then. Żyje od pierwszego do pierwszego, bez żadnych oszczędności. He lives from hand to mouth without saving a penny. He lives from first to first, without any savings. Pozbądź się jej. Get rid of her. Get rid of her. Miłość jest ślepa, za to zazdrość widzi nawet to, czego nie ma. Love is blind, but jealousy can see even nonexistent things. Love is blind, but jealousy even sees what isn't there. Dziś udała nam się zabawa. Today was fun. We had a good time today. Nieprzestrzeganie przepisów będzie skutkowało karą. Failure to observe these regulations will result in penalties. Failure to comply will result in a penalty. Zameldowałem się w motelu i od razu poszedłem spać. I checked into a motel and went right to sleep. I checked into a motel and went straight to sleep. To nie jest normalne. This isn't normal. It's not normal. Tom i Mary są prawdopodobnie Kanadyjczykami. Tom and Mary are probably Canadians. Tom and Mary are probably Canadians. On ukradł jej zegarek. He stole her watch. He stole her watch. Wiesz w ogóle jak do tego doszło? Do you have any idea how this happened? Do you even know how this happened? Nie jestem pewien, jak mogę ci pomóc. I'm not sure how I can help you. I'm not sure how I can help you. Intelektualistą jest osoba, która odkryła coś bardziej interesującego od seksu. An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex. The intellectual is the person who discovered something more interesting than sex. Kupiłam więcej tych muffinów, które lubisz. I bought more of those muffins you like. I bought more of those muffins you like. 'Gdzie jest Laurie?' 'W kuchni.' "Where's Laurie?" "She's in the kitchen." 'Where's Laurie?' 'In the kitchen.' Nie trać nadziei. You can't give up hope. Don't lose hope. Obciąż moje konto. Charge it to my account. You're gonna charge my account. Oprogramowanie jest jak seks: jest lepsze kiedy jest darmowe. Software is like sex: it's better when it's free. Software is like sex: it's better when it's free. Będziesz musiał prowadzić. You'll have to drive. You're gonna have to drive. On jest doktorem. He is a doctor. He's a doctor. Tom i ja świetnie się razem bawimy. Tom and I have fun together. Tom and I are having a great time together. Łóżko w pokoju Toma było niezrobione. The bed in Tom's room was unmade. The bed in Tom's room was unfinished. Nic tutaj nie jest nigdy zrobione bez sporów. Nothing is ever done here without dispute. Nothing here is ever done without dispute. Kończy nam się benzyna. We're running out of gas. We're running out of gas. Kto zostawił otwarte okno? Who left the window open? Who left the window open? Niezbyt dobrze cię rozumiem. I do not understand you very well. I don't understand you very well. Bogacze często pogardzają ludźmi. The rich are apt to look down on people. Rich people often despise people. Chłopak ma jabłko w kieszeni. The boy has an apple in his pocket. The boy has an apple in his pocket. Oboje możemy to zrobić. We can both do it. We can both do this. To jest przerażające. That's creepy. It's scary. Cycki są dowodem na to, że mężczyźni mogą się skupić na dwóch rzeczach jednocześnie. Boobs are the proof that men can focus at two things at once! Tits are proof that men can focus on two things at the same time. Ile masz lat? How old are you? How old are you? Już rozmawiałem z Tomem. I've already talked to Tom. I already talked to Tom. Nancy nigdy wcześniej nie widziała pandy. Nancy had never seen a giant panda before. Nancy's never seen a panda before. Pozwól, że zabiorę cię do szpitala. Let me take you to the hospital. Let me take you to the hospital. Ellen była tak zmęczona, że poszła wcześnie spać. Ellen was so tired that she went to bed early. Ellen was so tired, she went to bed early. Przepraszam, że płaczesz przeze mnie. I'm sorry for making you cry. I'm sorry you're crying because of me. Zarobił dużo pieniędzy w Nowym Jorku i wrócił do rodzinnego miasteczka. He had earned a lot of money in New York and went back to his hometown. He made a lot of money in New York and went back to his hometown. Zgubiłem się, próbując znaleźć bibliotekę. I got lost trying to find the library. I got lost trying to find the library. Oboje przekształcili chemię w nowoczesną naukę. The couple transformed chemistry into a modern science. They both turned chemistry into modern science. Ta szkoła podstawowa zawsze ma mocną drużynę piłki nożnej. That primary school has a strong soccer team. This elementary school always has a strong football team. Możemy porozmawiać rano. We can talk in the morning. We can talk in the morning. Pamiętam, że gdzieś już ją spotkałem. I remember meeting her somewhere. I remember meeting her somewhere before. To wszystko jest bardzo niepokojące. This is all very disturbing. It's all very disturbing. Znowu piłeś alkohol? Mówiłem ci, żebyś nie pił! You drank alcohol again? I told you not to! I told you not to drink! O której położyłeś się wczoraj wieczorem? What time did you go to bed last night? What time did you go to bed last night? Chyba żartujesz? You're kidding! Are you kidding me? Pani Suzuki przemawiała tego popołudnia. Mrs Suzuki was giving a speech that afternoon. Mrs. Suzuki spoke this afternoon. Muszą państwo znowu spróbować. You have to try again. You'll have to try again. Jej oczy zabłysnęły ze szczęścia kiedy zobaczyła, że jej matka nie była na nią zła. Her eyes shone with joy when she saw that her mother was not mad at her. Her eyes flashed out of happiness when she saw that her mother wasn't mad at her. Nauczyciel wezwał Johna na dywanik za opuszczanie lekcji. The professor scolded John for skipping class. The teacher called John on the rug for skipping class. Rozważyłem różne czynniki zanim podjąłem działania. I thought of various factors before I acted. I've considered various factors before I took action. Tom chce dzieci. Tom wants children. Tom wants kids. Miło cię znowu widziec. It's nice to see you again. Nice to see you again. Chcę wspiąć się na tę górę. I want to hike up this mountain. I want to climb this mountain. Wyglądasz tak, jak Tom trzydzieści lat temu. You look just like Tom looked thirty years ago. You look just like Tom 30 years ago. Tom poszedł z Mary do kościoła. Tom went to church with Mary. Tom went to church with Mary. Czy mógłbym dostać menu? May I have the menu, please? Can I get a menu? Pozbawione liści gałęzie starego dębu były jak zamrożone błyskawice. The branches of the old oak, stripped of their leaves, were like frozen bolts of lightning. The devoid leaves of the branches of the old oak were like frozen lightning. Była w rozpaczy, kiedy umarł jej mąż. She was in despair when her husband died. She was in despair when her husband died. Mój telewizor przestał działać. My TV has quit working. My TV stopped working. Hamulec nie działał. The brake didn't work. The brake didn't work. Tom został w domu, bo padało. Tom stayed at home because it was raining. Tom stayed home because it was raining. Napraw to, proszę. Please repair this. Fix it, please. Czy nie to właśnie powiedziałem? Isn't that what I said? Isn't that what I said? Tom jest dyrektorem oddziału. Tom is a branch manager. Tom is the head of the branch. Nie widziałem cię pijanego. I didn't see you drunk. I didn't see you drunk. Nie mów mi, że go wyrzuciłeś. Don't tell me you threw it away. Don't tell me you threw him out. I spędzili ten dzień z Jezusem. And spent that day with Him. And they spent the day with Jesus. Bob zatrzymał się w domu swojego wuja. Bob dropped in at his uncle's house. Bob's staying at his uncle's house. To jest ktoś. He is quite a character. It's someone. Ta muzyka wszystkim działa na nerwy. This music's annoying everyone. This music is getting on everyone's nerves. Życzę powodzenia na egzaminie. Wish you good luck on the exam. Good luck with your exam. W lato cieszymy się sportami, które uprawiać można na zewnątrz. In summer, we enjoy outdoor sports. In summer we enjoy sports that you can play outdoors. Z Tokyo International Airport do Tokio można dojechać pociągiem lub autobusem. From the Tokyo International Airport to Tokyo, you can take a train or an airport shuttle bus. From Tokyo International Airport to Tokyo can be reached by train or bus. Czy zastanawiałeś się kiedyś ile gwiazd jest na niebie? Have you ever wondered how many stars are in the sky? Have you ever wondered how many stars are in the sky? Jesteś cichy. You're quiet. You're quiet. To mój problem. That's my problem. That's my problem. Możesz spróbować i być trochę bardziej cywilizowany. You could try and be a bit more civilized. You can try and be a little more civilized. Wszystkie miejsca są już zarezerwowane. All seats are reserved. All seats are booked. Nancy nie gra w tenisa. Nancy doesn't play tennis. Nancy doesn't play tennis. Im bardziej bezużyteczna roślina, tym szybszy i bardziej okazały jest jej rozrost. The more worthless the plant, the more rapid and splendid is its growth. The more useless the plant, the faster and more powerful its growth is. Chociaż Marta kiwała na Ivana, by wyszedł, on to zignorował. Even though Martha nodded at Ivan to leave, he ignored it. Although Marta was nodding on Ivan to get out, he ignored it. Mam nadzieję, że jest poprawne. I believe that's correct. I hope it's correct. Nie potrzebuję pieniędzy. I don't need money. I don't need money. Tom boi się okazywania swoich uczuć. Tom is afraid of showing his feelings. Tom is afraid of showing his feelings. Powiem Ci o sprawie. Let me tell you about the case. I'll tell you about the case. Tom boi się lekarzy. Tom is afraid of doctors. Tom is afraid of doctors. Możemy ufać Tomowi, że to zrobi? Can we trust Tom to do that? Can we trust Tom to do this? Moja prawa ręka jest zdrętwiała. My right hand is numb. My right hand is numb. Uczysz się esperanto. You're learning Esperanto. You're learning Esperanto. Zjadłam trochę chipsów. I ate some crisps. I ate some chips. Czy wciąż zbierasz znaczki? Are you still collecting stamps? Do you still collect stamps? Nie dostrzega swoich własnych wad. He is blind to his own defects. He doesn't see his own flaws. Ostatni raz paliłem ponad rok temu. The last time I smoked was well over a year ago. Last time I smoked was over a year ago. 'A' to pierwsza litera alfabetu. A is the first letter of the alphabet. 'A' is the first letter of the alphabet. Twoja propozycja wydaje się rozsądna. Your suggestion seems reasonable. Your proposal seems reasonable. Tom pracował dzień i noc. Tom worked day and night. Tom worked day and night. Nie ma przebaczenia. Nothing is forgiven. There's no forgiveness. Odwiedziłem Francję dwa razy, raz kiedy byłem studentem, drugi raz podczas pobytu w Maroko. I visited France twice, once when I was a university student, the second time during a stay in Morocco. I visited France twice, once when I was a student, twice during my stay in Morocco. Jedzie autobus. Here comes the bus. There's a bus coming. Dasz radę podnieść to pudełko? Can you manage to lift this box? Can you pick up that box? Jak widać, nie sprzątałem w swoim mieszkaniu przez jakiś czas. As you can see, I haven't done any cleaning in the house for some time. As you can see, I haven't cleaned my apartment for a while. Tom nie był pewien, co Mary miała na myśli. Tom wasn't really sure what Mary meant. Tom wasn't sure what Mary meant. Mieszkam tu od 1990 roku. I have lived here since 1990. I've lived here since 1990. Dziękuję bardzo! Thanks a lot! Thank you very much! Tom mieszka w Bostonie od urodzenia. Tom has lived in Boston since he was born. Tom's been living in Boston since he was born. Ten rower jest mój. This bicycle is mine. This bike is mine. Toma nie ma w Bostonie. Tom isn't in Boston. Tom's not in Boston. Mylisz się. You are wrong. You're wrong. On lubi geografię i historię. He likes geography and history. He likes geography and history. Wiatr się uspokoił. The wind calmed down. The wind's calmed down. Tom uważa, że Mary jest nieco dziwna. Tom thinks Mary is a little weird. Tom thinks Mary's a little weird. Ile to dziewięć minus sześć? How many is nine minus six? What's nine minus six? Myślę, że ten krawat będzie świetnie pasował do tej koszuli. I think this tie will go great with that shirt. I think this tie's gonna be a great match for that shirt. To dobre miejsce na biwak. This is a good place to camp. It's a good place to camp. Użyję na nim swojej magii i zmienię go w żabę. I'll use magic on him and turn him into a frog. I'll use my magic on it and turn it into a frog. Zwariowany! Crazy! Crazy! Musimy sporo zrobić, zanim będziemy mogli iść do domu. We have a lot more to do before we can go home. We have a lot to do before we can go home. Ludzie powyżej osiemnastu lat mogą prowadzić. People over the age of 18 are able to drive. People over 18 can drive. On nosi codziennie muszkę. He wears a bow tie every day. He wears a bow tie every day. Słuchaj uważnie tego, co mam ci do powiedzenia. Please listen carefully to what I have to say. Listen carefully to what I have to tell you. Mogę tylko poczekać. I can only wait. I can only wait. Potrzebuję trochę czasu. I need some time. I need some time. To przestępstwo zostało popełnione prawdopodobnie przez kobietę. This crime was probably committed by a woman. This crime was probably committed by a woman. Aoi tańczy. Aoi dances. Aoi dances. Naprawdę się dobrze bawiłem dziś wieczorem. I really enjoyed myself tonight. I had a really good time tonight. Czy mogę stąd wysłać e-maila? Can I email from here? Can I send an e-mail from here? Jesteś charyzmatyczny. You're charismatic. You're charismatic. Aoi'ego hobby to tańczenie. Aoi's hobby is dancing. Aoi's hobby is dancing. Wiedziałem, że to się stanie. I knew it would happen. I knew this was gonna happen. Ta historia nie ma szczęśliwego zakończenia. This story doesn't have a happy ending. This story doesn't have a happy ending. Nie opierać się o drzwi! Don't lean on door! Don't lean against the door! Możesz pokazać mi to zdjęcie? Can you show me that picture? Can you show me that picture? Zamierzamy ją odzyskać. We're going to get her back. We're going to get her back. Co masz w torbie? What have you got in your bag? What's in the bag? To najtańszy sklep w mieście. This is the cheapest store in town. It's the cheapest store in town. Emily zjadła na obiad tofu. Emily ate tofu at dinner. Emily had tofu for dinner. Tom śpi cały dzień i spędza na nogach całą noc. Tom sleeps all day and is up all night. Tom sleeps all day and stays up all night. Nasz zespół piłkarski miał niezłą obronę. Our football team defended well. Our football team had a pretty good defense. Tom jest najwyższy w klasie. Tom is the tallest one in the class. Tom is the highest in the class. Nie dorównuję mu, jeśli chodzi o grę na fortepianie. I'm no match for him when it comes to playing the piano. I'm no match for him when it comes to playing the piano. Można jeść zielony groszek na surowo. It's possible to eat green beans raw. You can eat green peas raw. Tak się cieszę, że jesteś z powrotem. I'm so happy you're back. I'm so glad you're back. Ten zastrzyk pomoże uśmierzyć ból. This shot will help numb the pain. This injection will help relieve the pain. Posłuszeństwo to nie wszystko. Obedience isn't enough. Obedience is not everything. Dzieci zbudowały sobie domek na drzewie. The children built themselves a tree house. The kids built themselves a tree house. Musiałem iść. I had to go. I had to go. Muszę iść do łóżka. I need to hit the sack. I have to go to bed. Tomek często siedzi godzinami nic nie robiąc. Tom often sits for hours doing nothing. Tom often sits for hours doing nothing. Przestań walczyć. Please stop fighting. Stop fighting. Zostaw Toma. Leave Tom. Leave Tom alone. Ponieważ nie znali drogi, zaraz się zgubili. As they didn't know the way, they soon got lost. Because they didn't know the way, they got lost. Gdzie jest klasa Toma? Where is Tom's classroom? Where's Tom's class? Moją ulubioną dyscypliną jest piłka nożna. My favourite game is football. My favorite discipline is football. U stóp wzgórza jest piękne jezioro. At the foot of the hill is a beautiful lake. There's a beautiful lake at the foot of the hill. Moja cipka jest wilgotna. My vagina is moist. My pussy's wet. Drogie nie zawsze jest lepsze od taniego. Expensive is not always better than inexpensive. Expensive isn't always better than cheap. Zatrzymać się. Keep back. Hold it right there. Czasami jesteś dziwny. You're strange sometimes. Sometimes you're weird. Nie wiem nic o nim. I don't know anything about him at all. I don't know anything about him. Przykro mi, że Toma tu nie było. I'm sorry Tom wasn't here. I'm sorry Tom wasn't here. Przeziębiłem się. I've caught a cold. I've got a cold. Tom spotkał Mary przypadkowo w drodze ze szkoły do domu. Tom met Mary by chance on his way home from school. Tom met Mary accidentally on his way home from school. Po prostu chciałem się przewietrzyć. I just needed some air. I just wanted to get some air. Telefon dzwonił kilka razy. The telephone rang several times. The phone rang several times. Możesz potrzebować imbusów, żeby wyregulować przerzutki w swoim rowerze. You may need hex keys to adjust the gears on your bike. You may need imbuses to adjust the gears on your bike. Czy już ją wcześniej spotkałeś? Have you met her before? Have you met her before? Wzywanie pomocy nie ma sensu. Nikt cię nie usłyszy. There's no use crying for help. No one will hear you. Calling for help doesn't make sense. To oczywiste. It's abundantly clear. It's obvious. Tom mieszka nade mną. Tom lives above me. Tom lives above me. W jakim języku mówią w Egipcie? What language do they speak in Egypt? What language do they speak in Egypt? Zamierzam tam pójść. I intend to go there. I'm gonna go there. Jesteś taka słodka. You're so sweet. You're so sweet. Nie widzieliśmy was przez ostatnie cztery lata. We haven't seen you in the past four years. We haven't seen you in the last four years. Ach, cudownie. Ah, wonderful. Ah, wonderful. Wstała i podeszła do okna. She stood up and walked to the window. She got up and came to the window. Pozwól mi pomóc. Let me help. Let me help you. Kto pójdzie z nami? Who will come with us? Who's coming with us? Przeceniasz ludzi. You overrate people. You're overestimating people. Wykonanie planu było proste. Carrying out the plan was easy. The plan was simple. Dziękuję, teraz rozumiem. Thanks, I understand now. Thank you. Now I understand. Mam na to twoje pozwolenie? Do I have your permission to do so? Do I have your permission to do that? Ta stara książka jest całkiem przestarzała. This old book is quite out of date. This old book is quite old-fashioned. Czy mogę z tobą zatańczyć? May I dance with you? Can I dance with you? Nie umiem bardzo dobrze improwizować. I can't improvise very well. I don't know how to improvise very well. Tom i Mary wyglądali na wykończonych. Tom and Mary both looked exhausted. Tom and Mary looked exhausted. Tom wyznał. Tom confessed. Tom confessed. Czy często jesz poza domem? Do you eat out often? Do you often eat outside? Kto ci powiedział, gdzie jest mój dom? Who told you where my house is? Who told you where my house is? Nie jestem żołnierzem. I'm not a soldier. I'm not a soldier. To jest stół. That is a table. This is a table. Byłam wczoraj w domu. I was at home yesterday. I was home last night. On nie wie, jak napisać list po angielsku. He doesn't know how to write a letter in English. He doesn't know how to write a letter in English. Będziesz mieć braciszka. Cieszysz się? You're going to have a baby brother. Are you pleased? You're gonna have a little brother. Księżniczka czeka. The princess is waiting. The princess is waiting. Kogo widziałeś wczoraj na imprezie? Who did you see at the party yesterday? Who did you see at the party last night? Mogę się na chwilkę zobaczyć z Tomem? Can I see Tom a moment? Can I see Tom for a second? Chcemy zostać tacy, jak jesteśmy. We wish to remain what we are. We want to stay the way we are. Muszę się wykąpać. I need a bath. I need a bath. Leciałaś już kiedyś samolotem? Have you ever travelled by plane? Have you ever been on a plane before? Wiele razy zdarzyło mi się jeść w Chuck's Diner. I have eaten at Chuck's Diner on several occasions. I've eaten at Chuck's Diner many times. Grałem w tenisa. I played tennis. I played tennis. Złoto nie kupi wszystkiego. Gold will not buy everything. Gold won't buy everything. Miałbyś coś przeciwko, żebym opowiedział ci o tym problemie? Would you mind telling me what the problem is? Would you mind if I told you about the problem? Był miłym człowiekiem, co odkryłem później. He was a kind man, as I later discovered. He was a nice man, which I discovered later. Czy mogę pożyczyć twoje radio? Can I borrow your radio? Can I borrow your radio? To jest mój kot. That's my cat. This is my cat. Jestem taki głupi... próbuję wytłumaczyć Tobie rzeczy, których sam nie rozumiem. I'm so dumb... I'm trying to explain things to you that I don't understand myself. I'm so stupid... trying to explain things to you that I don't understand. By się porozumiewać, wcale nie trzeba mówić jak rodzimy użytkownik. It's not necessary to speak like a native speaker in order to communicate. To communicate, you don't have to talk like a native user. Przybył pomimo obfitych opadów śniegu. He came, despite the heavy snowfall. He came despite heavy snowfalls. Zrób to jak najbardziej! Do it by all means. Do it as much as you can! W tym przypadku, powiadomić jego rodzinę. In such a case, notify his family. In this case, notify his family. Pojadę, nawet jeśli będzie padać. I will go even if it rains. I'll go even if it rains. Masz w domu internet? Do you have the internet at home? Do you have Internet at home? Tom potrzebuje pracy. Tom needs work. Tom needs a job. Nie zapominaj swoich rzeczy. Don't forget your things. Don't forget your stuff. Ostatnie dwie linie dokumentu są w większości nieczytelne. The last two lines of the document are mostly illegible. The last two lines of the document are mostly illegible. Nie ma sensu winić się nawzajem, musimy znaleźć rozwiązanie. It's no use blaming each other, we need to find solutions. There's no point in blaming each other, we need to find a solution. Jestem biedny. I'm poor. I'm poor. Ponieważ nie mam wystarczająco dużo pieniędzy, będę musiał obejść się tej zimy bez nowego płaszcza. As I do not have enough money, I will have to do without a new coat this winter. Because I don't have enough money, I'm gonna have to go through this winter without a new coat. Poprzedniego dnia zgubiłem kamerę., I had lost a camera the previous day. I lost my camera the other day. Co byś zrobił gdybyś zobaczył ducha? What would you do if you saw a ghost? What would you do if you saw a ghost? Tom powiedział, że nie zna chłopaka Mary. Tom said he didn't know who Mary's boyfriend was. Tom said he didn't know Mary's boyfriend. Znasz tą piosenkę? Do you know this song? Do you know this song? Jesteś nieelastyczny. You're inflexible. You're inflexible. Pijesz herbatę czy kawę? Do you drink tea or coffee? Do you drink tea or coffee? Wielu ludzi ginie w wypadkach drogowych. Many people die in traffic accidents. A lot of people die in traffic accidents. Nie chcę z tobą żyć. I don't want to live with you. I don't want to live with you. Ja chcę do mamy! I want my mom. I want my mom! Nie lubię pizzy bardziej niż spaghetti. I don't like pizza any more than I like spaghetti. I don't like pizza more than spaghetti. Twierdzi, że jest malarzem. He claims that he is a painter. He claims to be a painter. Myślę, że powinienem zadzwonić do swojego prawnika. I think I should call my lawyer. I think I should call my lawyer. On waży dziesięć kilogramów więcej niż ja. He weighs ten more kilos than me. He weighs ten kilos more than I do. Jeśli przyjrzysz się słowom, to one naprawdę nie znaczą wiele. If you look at the lyrics, they don't really mean much. If you look at the words, they really don't mean much. To zdanie nic nie znaczy. This sentence doesn't mean anything. That sentence doesn't mean anything. Mam wybór? Do I have a choice? Do I have a choice? Mogę to zrobić za tydzień. I can do it in a week. I can do it next week. Wcale nic nie zrobiłem. I didn't do anything at all. I didn't do anything. Masz jakieś gazety po francusku? Do you have any French magazines? Do you have any papers in French? Musimy posprzątać dom. We need to clean the house. We need to clean up the house. Samochód nie zatrzymał się. The car didn't stop. The car didn't stop. Tom się zniechęcił. Tom became discouraged. Tom got discouraged. Jesteś taki bystry. You're so smart. You're so smart. Grożono ci lub zmuszano do przyznania się do winy? Have you been threatened or coerced into pleading guilty? Were you threatened or forced to plead guilty? Ma dobry gust. She has good taste. He's got good taste. Uważaj, co mówisz i jak to mówisz. Be careful what you say and how you say it. Watch what you say and how you say it. Który wolisz? Which one do you prefer? Which one do you prefer? Myśleliśmy, że idziesz z nami. We thought you were coming with us. We thought you were coming with us. Proszę bardzo, nie ma za co. You're welcome. You're welcome. Ma pan ołówek? Do you have a pencil? Do you have a pencil? Ten problem nie jest taki prosty, jak się wydaje na początku. The problem is not as simple as it might seem at first sight. This problem is not as simple as it seems at first. Byłam zbyt szczęśliwa aby spać. I was too happy to sleep. I was too happy to sleep. Tom chciał się przyznać. Tom wanted to turn himself in. Tom wanted to confess. Nie mogliśmy go znaleźć. We couldn't find it. We couldn't find him. Powiedz Tomowi, jak ważne jest to spotkanie. Tell Tom how important the meeting is. Tell Tom how important this meeting is. Jeśli zamierzasz jechać do Francji, powinieneś poprawić swój francuski. If you're going to go to France, you should brush up your French. If you're going to France, you should improve your French. Wszyscy oprócz mnie są zajęci. Everybody is busy except me. Everyone's busy except me. Jesteś żonaty? Are you married? Are you married? Tom lubi czytać książki po francusku. Tom enjoys reading books in French. Tom likes to read books in French. Czemu ktoś miałby tego chcieć? Why would anyone else want this? Why would anyone want that? Czy Tom potrafi śpiewać? Can Tom sing? Can Tom sing? Wszystko słyszałem. I heard everything. I heard everything. Jego nowy film rozczarowuje. His new movie is disappointing. His new movie is disappointing. Ona bierze prysznic co rano. She takes a shower every morning. She showeres every morning. Ile lat ma Twój wujek? How old is your uncle? How old is your uncle? Pracuję z jej chłopakiem. I work with her boyfriend. I work with her boyfriend. Co Tom robi w tej chwili? What's Tom doing right now? What's Tom doing right now? Zamknąć drzwi. Shut the door. Close the door. Tom chciał jechać do Bostonu. Tom wanted to go to Boston. Tom wanted to go to Boston. Widziałeś tę małą mysz? Did you see that small mouse? Have you seen that little mouse? On przeżył wielu swoich przyjaciół. He outlasted many of his friends. He's survived a lot of his friends. Chcę wrócić do tego, co było. I want to go back to the way it was. I want to get back to what happened. Tom jest weteranem. Tom is a veteran. Tom is a veteran. Tom siedział na ganku i czytał gazetę. Tom was sitting on the porch, reading a magazine. Tom was sitting on the porch reading the paper. Jednak miał rację. He was right after all. But he was right. Dwa lata temu miałam skrobankę. I had an abortion two years ago. Two years ago, I had a scrape. Też jestem nauczycielem. I am a teacher, too. I'm a teacher, too. Czy zostaniesz moją żoną? Will you marry me? Will you be my wife? Nie graj tutaj w baseball. Don't play baseball here. Don't play baseball here. Tom jest dumny ze swojej córki. Tom is proud of his daughter. Tom is proud of his daughter. Ona jest modna. She's fashionable. She's fashionable. Podróżujesz samemu? Are you traveling by yourself? Are you traveling alone? Tom potrzebuje ochrony. Tom needs protection. Tom needs protection. Policzki mu poczerwieniały. His cheeks turned red. His cheeks turned red. Wiatr uspokoił się wieczorem. The wind calmed down in the evening. The wind calmed down tonight. Gumowa kaczuszka mojego syna jest żółta. My son's rubber duck is yellow. My son's rubber duck is yellow. Pod koniec XX wieku Jugosławia była uważana przez USA za państwo zbójeckie. In the late 20th century, Yugoslavia was considered a rogue state by the United States. At the end of the 20th century Yugoslavia was considered a rogue state by the United States. Tom dość często przesadza. Tom quite often exaggerates. Tom exaggerates quite often. Nie wydaje mi się, żeby Tom wiedział, gdzie w tej chwili jest Mary. I don't think Tom knows where Mary is now. I don't think Tom knows where Mary is right now. Jaki jest sens pisania czegoś na dachu? What's the point of writing something on the roof? What's the point of writing something on the roof? Uratowałeś mi tyłek. You saved my ass. You saved my ass. On jest chory. He is sick. He's sick. Mają coś do zrobienia w związku ze skandalem. They have something to do with the scandal. They've got something to do with the scandal. Chciałbym zostać na jedną noc. I'd like to stay for one night. I'd like to stay for one night. Nasz ogród był zachwaszczony. Our garden was full of weeds. Our garden was swamped. Nagle zaczęło padać. Suddenly, it started to rain. Suddenly it started to rain. Nie myję twojego auta. I'm not washing your car. I'm not washing your car. Oskarżono mnie, że zjadłem szefowi drugie śniadanie. I was accused of eating the boss's lunch. I was accused of having lunch with my boss. Możemy zrobić to jeszcze raz. We can do it again. We can do it again. Tom nie wiedział, kim jest ojciec Mary. Tom didn't know who Mary's father was. Tom didn't know who Mary's father was. Pobiegłem szybko jak błyskawica. I ran as fast as lightning. I ran like lightning. Oni skorzystali z pełnomocnika, żeby się z nami skontaktować. They used a proxy to contact us. They used a proxy to get in touch with us. Przepraszam, że przeszkadzam, ale czy miałbyś coś przeciwko, żebym otworzył okno? Excuse me for interrupting you, but would you mind opening the window? Sorry to interrupt, but would you mind if I opened the window? On uczy arabskiego. He is teaching Arabic. He teaches Arabic. Jak bardzo lubisz Tom'a? How much do you like Tom? How much do you like Tom? To mój ulubiony przedmiot. This is my favourite subject. It's my favorite item. Pojadę po niego o piątej. I'll pick him up at 5. I'll pick him up at five. Nie możemy tego więcej zrobić. We can't do this anymore. We can't do this anymore. Mój ojciec świetnie pływał w młodości. My father could swim well when he was young. My father was a great swimmer when he was young. Nie jestem typem podróżnika. I am not much of a traveller. I'm not the traveler type. Nie pamiętam gdzie mieszkasz. I don't remember where you live. I don't remember where you live. Już mówiłem, że nie wiem, jak to zrobić. I already said I don't know how to do that. I already told you, I don't know how to do this. Jeśli mężczyzna chce nabyć naturalnej japońszczyzny, nie powinien uczyć się tylko od kobiet. Kobieta natomiast analogicznie - nie tylko od mężczyzn. If a man wants to learn to sound like a native speaker of Japanese, he shouldn't only learn Japanese from women. The reverse is true for a woman. If a man wants to acquire natural Japanese, he shouldn't only learn from women. Bob był bardzo szczęśliwy. Bob was very happy. Bob was very happy. Boli kiedy oddychasz? Does it hurt when you breathe? Does it hurt when you breathe? Tom lubi moje żarty. Tom likes my jokes. Tom likes my jokes. Zaśpiewajmy tę angielską piosenkę. Let's sing that English song. Let's sing this English song. Jesteś wnikliwy. You're insightful. You're insightful. Nikt nie lubi Toma. No one likes Tom. Nobody likes Tom. On jest taksówkarzem. He is a taxi driver. He's a taxi driver. Tomek rzuciłem jajkiem w Marię. Tom threw an egg at Mary. Tom threw an egg at Maria. Tom upadł. Tom fell. Tom fell. Myślałem, że to prawda. I thought it was true. I thought it was true. Chciałbym być młodszy. I wish I were younger. I wish I was younger. Taro Ito został uznany za winnego. Tari Ito was found guilty. Taro Ito was found guilty. Mimo wszystko, jest twoim szefem. After all, he's your boss. Still, he's your boss. To brzmiało dobrze. That sounded good. That sounded good. Prawie oszalałem ze strachu. I almost went crazy with fear. I'm almost out of my mind. Posprzątaj to. Clean it up. Clean it up. Jest nam za to bardzo przykro. We're very sorry about that. We're very sorry about that. Do zobaczenia. See you later! I'll see you later. Potrzebuję japońsko-angielski słownik. I need a Japanese-English dictionary. I need a Japanese-English dictionary. Nie wiedzieliśmy, jakim autobusem pojedziemy. We didn't know which bus we would take. We didn't know what bus we were taking. Wybierz uważnie. Choose carefully. Choose carefully. On jest kompletnie wykończony. He was completely worn out. He's completely exhausted. Mam okropną pamięć. I have a terrible memory. I have a terrible memory. On był w Anglii dwa razy. He has been to England twice. He's been to England twice. Ona jest słabym mówcą. She is a bad speaker. She's a weak speaker. To był zły pomysł. This was a bad idea. It was a bad idea. Mary lubi jeździć na nartach najbardziej ze wszystkich. Mary likes skiing the best of all. Mary likes skiing the most of all. Tom się nie topi. Tom isn't drowning. Tom isn't drowning. Ostatniej jesieni Bill przyjechał się ze mną zobaczyć. Bill came to see me last autumn. Bill came to see me last fall. Pod ziemią jest centrum handlowe. There is a shopping district underground. There's a mall underground. Nie mam czasu. I have no time. I don't have time. Kto je przysłał? Who sent them? Who sent them? Spotkajmy się wkrótce ponownie. Let's meet again soon. Let's meet again soon. Zaczyna robić się jasno. It's starting to get light. It's starting to get pretty clear. Nie możesz przestać. You can't stop. You can't stop. Godzinę temu zjedliśmy z kolegą dużą pizzę. I ate a large pizza with a friend an hour ago. My friend and I had a big pizza an hour ago. Nie pytałbym cię o to, gdyby nie było to ważne. I wouldn't ask this of you if it weren't important. I wouldn't ask you if it wasn't important. Myślę, że to jest w porządku. It may be all right. I think it's okay. Chcę kilka z tych książek. I want some of these books. I want some of those books. Mamy ważne kwestie do przedyskutowania. We have important matters to discuss. We have important issues to discuss. Słyszałem, że on opuścił miasto i wyemigrował na wschód. I heard that he left town and moved east. I heard he left town and emigrated east. Mogę wrócić. I can come back. I can come back. Wolę jeździć rowerem. I prefer biking. I'd rather ride my bike. Dokładnie tego chciałem. That's just what I wanted. That's exactly what I wanted. Nie wiedziałem, że byłeś takim kretynem. I didn't know you were such a wanker. I didn't know you were such an idiot. Nie lubię sałatki. I don't like salad. I don't like salad. Co do picia? What to drink? What's to drink? Wyglądam jak stary rolnik. I look like an old farmer. I look like an old farmer. Musisz być ślepy jak kret jeśli tego nie widziałeś. You must be blind as a bat if you couldn't see it. You must be blind as a mole if you haven't seen it. Zauważyłeś podobieństwo w wymowie po polsku i po portugalsku? Have you noticed the similarity in pronunciation between the Polish and Portuguese languages? Did you notice the similarity in the pronunciation in Polish and Portuguese? Musimy działać szybko. We've got to act fast. We have to move fast. Będzie mi cię brakowało, jeśli wyjedziesz z Japonii. I will badly miss you if you leave Japan. I'll miss you if you leave Japan. Ktoś musiał tu popełnić jakiś błąd. Somebody must have made some kind of mistake. Someone must have made a mistake here. Tom nie chciał, żeby ktokolwiek z jego przyjaciół wiedział, że jest dilerem narkotyków. Tom didn't want any of his friends to know that he was a drug dealer. Tom didn't want any of his friends to know he was a drug dealer. Słuchał muzyki w swoim pokoju. He listened to music in his room. He listened to music in his room. Jeżeli znałbym prawdę, to bym ci powiedział. If I'd known the truth, I'd have told you. If I knew the truth, I'd tell you. Prawdopodobnie jutro będzie znowu padać. It is likely to rain again. It's probably gonna rain again tomorrow. Czy bezpieczne jest jedzenie w ciąży surowych ryb? Is it safe to eat raw fish during pregnancy? Is it safe to eat raw fish pregnant? Jestem teraz w szkole i zostanę tu aż do ósmej. I am at school now and I will stay here until 8 o'clock. I'm at school right now, and I'm gonna stay here until 8:00. Mógłbyś pożyczyć mi długopis? Would you lend me your pen? Could you lend me a pen? Sprawdzę na górze. I'm going to check upstairs. I'll check upstairs. Interesuję się boulderingiem. I'm interested in bouldering. I'm interested in bouldering. Czyj to jest zegarek? Whose clock is it? Whose watch is this? Tom ma 7% tłuszczu w ciele. Tom has 7% body fat. Tom has 7% body fat. Po prostu to zrób. Just do that. Just do it. Myślę, że to dobrze smakuje. I think this tastes good. I think it tastes good. To nawet nie jest problem. That is not even a problem. That's not even a problem. Jesteście niesamowici. You people are amazing. You guys are amazing. Mam nadzieję, że Bóg ci wybaczy. I hope that God will forgive you. I hope God forgives you. Jutro są jej urodziny. Tomorrow is her birthday. It's her birthday tomorrow. Czy mogę ci towarzyszyć podczas spaceru? May I accompany you on your walk? Can I accompany you while you're walking? Jesteś stąd? Are you from here? Are you from around here? Tom nie chce podróżować samemu. Tom doesn't want to travel alone. Tom doesn't want to travel alone. Tom zobaczył, że Mary nie ma w łóżku. Tom saw that Mary wasn't in bed. Tom saw that Mary wasn't in bed. Pewnie. Co to? Sure. What is it? Sure, what's that? Szkoda, że nie mam dużo pieniędzy. I wish I had much money. I wish I had a lot of money. Czekaliśmy aż winda zjedzie. He waited for the elevator to come down. We waited for the elevator to pull down. Siedziała na krześle czytając magazyn. She sat in a chair reading a magazine. She was sitting in the chair reading the magazine. Nie ma lekarstwa na osobowość. There is no cure for personality. There's no cure for personality. Jesteś blady. You look pale. You're pale. Ken wygląda na zadowolonego. Ken looks happy. Ken seems happy. W tej chwili nie pada. It isn't raining now. It's not raining right now. Chciała zostać aktorką. She intended to become an actress. She wanted to be an actress. Nie możesz sobie wyobrazić, jak bardzo jestem zmęczony. You can't imagine how tired I am. You can't imagine how tired I am. Śniadanie mamy rano. We have breakfast in the morning. We have breakfast in the morning. Jesteś wolny. You're free. You're free to go. Jak się pan miewa? How are you? How do you do? Nie jestem tak zdrowy jak byłem kiedyś. I'm not as healthy as I used to be. I'm not as healthy as I used to be. Ćwicz dalej. Keep practicing. Keep practicing. Słońce zachodzi za horyzont. The sun is setting below the horizon. The sun goes beyond the horizon. Czy powiedziałeś Tomowi, dlaczego tu jesteś? Did you tell Tom why you're here? Did you tell Tom why you were here? Troje mężczyzn uciekło wczoraj z więzienia. Three men broke out of prison yesterday. Three men escaped from prison yesterday. Jestem pewny, że przyjdzie. I'm certain that he'll come. I'm sure he'll come. Uważaj na siebie. Watch yourself. Take care of yourself. Słyszałeś kiedykolwiek o tak dziwnym zwyczaju? Have you ever heard of a custom as strange as this? Have you ever heard of such a strange custom? Myślę, że zmienisz zdanie. I think you'll change your mind. I think you'll change your mind. Mam coś do powiedzenia. I've got things to say. I have something to say. Proszę, powiedz mi, co mam robić w tej sytuacji. Please tell me what I should do in this situation. Please tell me what to do in this situation. Tom, to był twój pomysł. This was your idea, Tom. Tom, this was your idea. Zdaję sobie sprawę, że może nie jestem najlepszą partią na świecie, ale mimo to mam nadzieję, że pomyślisz o tym, by się ze mną umówić. I realize I may not be the most desirable man in the world, but I still hope you'll consider going out with me. I realize I may not be the best party in the world, but I still hope you'll think about going out with me. Zarabia trzy razy tyle co ja. He makes three times more money than I do. He makes three times as much as I do. Tamty kot naprawdę był niebieski. That cat really was blue. That cat was really blue. O której godzinie kończymy pracę? What time do we finish work? What time do we get off work? Obliczyła, że zarobiła 1500 dolarów. She calculated that she had earned 1,500 dollars. She calculated she made $1,500. Czy Tom jeszcze tu jest? Is Tom here yet? Is Tom still here? Wyjaśnię, co się stało. I explained what happened. I'll explain what happened. Wybraliśmy się na spacer po plaży. We went for a walk on the beach. We went for a walk on the beach. Przysunął się do niej. He drew up to her. He's gotten closer to her. Potarła twarz. She rubbed her face. She rubbed her face. Sprawią, że będziesz szczęśliwa. They will make you happy. They'll make you happy. Jestem pewien, że Tom spotyka się z Mary. I'm pretty sure Tom is dating Mary. I'm sure Tom is seeing Mary. Czemu nie wpadniemy zobaczyć się z nią? Why don't we drop by to see her? Why don't we come see her? Bądź proszę tutaj najpóźniej o ósmej. Please be here by eight at the latest. Please be here at 8:00 p.m. at the latest. Biorę prysznic prawie każdego dnia. I take a shower almost every day. I shower almost every day. Musimy grać fair, bez względu na to czy wygrywamy czy nie. We have to play fair, whether we win or lose. We have to play fair, whether we win or not. Ona jest z Hokkaido, ale teraz mieszka w Tokio. She is from Hokkaido, but is now living in Tokyo. She's from Hokkaido, but now she lives in Tokyo. W tym płaszczu nie ma kieszeni. This coat hasn't pockets. There's no pocket in that coat. Na początku to było hobby. It started as a hobby. At first, it was a hobby. Nie jest ani pilny ani bystry. He is neither diligent nor clever. He's neither urgent nor smart. Po angielsku mówi się w wielu krajach. English is spoken in a lot of countries. English is spoken in many countries. Dokąd się wybierasz, tato? Where are you going, Dad? Where are you going, Dad? Proszę, poczekaj jeszcze chwilę. Nie rozłączaj się! Please wait a moment and don't hang up. Please, just hold on a second. Podpisywałaś coś? Did you sign anything? Did you sign anything? Nie pozwolę im cię tak traktować. I won't let them treat you like this. I'm not gonna let them treat you like this. Mam grupę krwi A+. My blood type is A positive. I have A-positive blood type. Myślałem, że nie przyjdzie. I thought he wouldn't come. I thought he wasn't coming. Tom na to zasługuje. Tom deserves it. Tom deserves it. Jesteśmy za starzy. We're too old. We're too old. To może być nasza jedyna szansa, żeby porozmawiać z Tomem. This may be our only chance to talk to Tom. This might be our only chance to talk to Tom. Przepraszam. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Tom nie był zbyt zainteresowany. Tom wasn't too interested. Tom wasn't very interested. Rozpoznajesz tutaj cokolwiek? Do you recognize anything here? Do you recognize anything here? Daj mi trochę pieniędzy. Give me a little money. Give me some money. Zmieszali Toma z błotem. They verbally abused Tom. They mixed Tom with the mud. Wykuł stalowy miecz. He forged the steel into a sword. He forged a steel sword. Z którego peronu odjeżdża pociąg do Bostonu? What platform does the train for Boston leave from? Which platform is the train leaving for Boston? Ona wyczekuje swojego przyjęcia urodzinowego. She is looking forward to her birthday party. She's expecting her birthday party. Przestań zmarszczać brwi. Stop frowning. Stop wrinkling your eyebrows. Jesteś barbarzyńcą. You're barbaric. You're a barbarian. Myślę, że Tom ciągle w to wierzy. I think Tom still believes that. I think Tom still believes that. Zimą musimy dokarmiać ptaki. In winter, we need to feed the birds. In winter, we have to feed the birds. Nie mogę zignorować Toma. I can't ignore Tom. I can't ignore Tom. Spotkałem na ulicy jego ojca. I met his father on the street. I met him on his father's street. Wiedza nie jest celem samym w sobie. Knowledge is not an end in itself. Knowledge is not an end in itself. Widziałem cię w telewizji. I've seen you on TV. I saw you on TV. Czy twój ojciec był kiedykolwiek w Bostonie? Has your father ever been to Boston? Has your father ever been to Boston? Dałem to małemu chłopcu. I gave it to the little boy. I gave it to a little boy. Jedyny deser jaki je mój syn to ciasto czekoladowe. The one and only dessert my son eats is chocolate cake. The only dessert my son eats is chocolate cake. Jego pomysły są zawsze praktyczne. His ideas are always practical. His ideas are always practical. Przypominasz mi swoją matkę. You remind me of your mother. You remind me of your mother. Przypuszczam, że wiesz, gdzie Tom schował klucz. I assume you know where Tom hid the key. I suppose you know where Tom hid the key. Brzmisz jak Tom. You sound like Tom. You sound like Tom. Stanęli twarzą w twarz. They confronted each other. They were face-to-face. Zaoszczędził sporo pieniędzy. He saved a lot of money. He saved a lot of money. Chciałbym z tobą porozmawiać na osobności. I'd like to speak with you in private. I'd like to talk to you alone. Ma problemy z zapamiętywaniem nazwisk. He has trouble remembering names. He's having trouble remembering names. Zaciekawiła mnie ta kolumna. I found this column interesting. I was curious about that column. Straciła syna na wojnie. She lost her son in the war. She lost her son in the war. Tom i Mary się nie znają. Tom and Mary don't know each other. Tom and Mary don't know each other. Tom nie jest dużo starszy ode mnie. Tom is not much older than me. Tom isn't much older than me. Tom to mój chłopak. Tom is my boyfriend. Tom is my boyfriend. Właśnie się do tego przygotowujemy. We're just getting ready to do that. We're just getting ready for this. Nie muszę wiedzieć. I don't need to know. I don't need to know. Tom przypadkowo zatrzasnął się w swoim biurze. Tom accidentally locked himself out of his office. Tom accidentally locked himself in his office. Czy jest tutaj gdzieś McDonald's? Is there a McDonald's near here? Is McDonald's around? To twój pies. Gdzie jest mój? Here is your dog. Where is mine? That's your dog. Czy będziesz tego używał? Are you going to use this? Are you gonna use that? Nie potrafili zrozumieć powagi sytuacji. They couldn't comprehend the seriousness of the matter. They couldn't understand the gravity of the situation. Jestem ciekawa, czy Tom kiedykolwiek powiedział Mary, co robiliśmy tamtego dnia. I wonder if Tom has ever told Mary about what we did on that day. I wonder if Tom ever told Mary what we were doing that day. Musimy porozmawiać o czymś. We need to talk about something. There's something we need to talk about. Weszła do kuchni, ale nikogo tam nie było. She came into the dining room to find it empty. She went into the kitchen, but no one was there. Czy możesz opowiedzieć nam inną historię? Can you tell us another story? Can you tell us another story? To, czy Szekspir napisał ten wiersz czy nie, prawdopodobnie pozostanie tajemnicą. Whether Shakespeare wrote this poem or not will probably remain a mystery. Whether Shakespeare wrote this poem or not will probably remain a mystery. Słyszałem, że umarł. I heard that he'd died. I heard he died. Pojechaliśmy na narty do Kanady. We went skiing in Canada. We went skiing in Canada. Czy jedzenie samych warzyw pomoże zrzucić wagę? Can eating just vegetables help you lose weight? Will eating vegetables alone help to lose weight? Jeśli się nie pospieszysz, spóźnisz się na ostatni pociąg. If you don't hurry, you'll miss the last train. If you don't hurry, you'll miss your last train. Muszę się dowiedzieć, co dokładnie poszło źle. I need to find out exactly what went wrong. I need to know exactly what went wrong. On lubi galaretkę. He likes jelly. He likes Jell-O. Dlaczego powinienem to zrobić? Why would I do that? Why should I do that? Byłem zmuszony pomóc złodziejom. He was coerced into helping the thieves. I was forced to help thieves. Szkoda, że nie możesz zostać dłużej. I wish you could stay longer. Too bad you can't stay any longer. Tom, kim chcesz zostać w przyszłości? Tom, what do you want to be in the future? Tom, what do you want to be in the future? Z łatwością dostrzeżesz różnicę. You'll be able to see the difference very easily. You can easily see the difference. Jesteś nielojalny. You're disloyal. You're disloyal. W niedziele siedzę w domu. I stay at home on Sundays. I'm at home on Sundays. Pomożesz mi czy nie? Are you gonna help me or what? Are you gonna help me or not? Zadowolony jesteś ze swojego wyglądu? Are you happy with how you look? Are you happy with your looks? Ja też go nie lubię. I do not like him either. I don't like him either. Centrala korporacji IBM znajduje się w Armonk, w stanie Nowy Jork. International Business Machines Corporation is headquartered in Armonk, New York. IBM corporate headquarters is located in Armonk, New York. W zeszłym roku przeszedłem operację jaskry. I had an operation for glaucoma last year. I had glaucoma surgery last year. Proszę zamknąć drzwi. Please shut the door. Close the door. Daniela zadzwoniła do mnie do domu. Daniela called me at home. Daniela called me at home. To bardzo drażniące. It's really annoying. It's very annoying. Ponieważ nie otrzymałem odpowiedzi, napisałem do niej raz jeszcze. Since I didn't receive a reply, I wrote to her again. Because I didn't get the answer, I wrote to her again. Myślisz, że jestem ładna? Do you think I'm pretty? You think I'm pretty? Czy ona ma pianino? Does she have a piano? Does she have a piano? Tom jest spokojny. Tom is easygoing. Tom is calm. Chcemy pokój na cztery noce. We want a room for four nights. We want a room for four nights. Są wiecznie zadłużeni. They're always deep in debt. They're forever in debt. Planety krążą wokół Słońca. Planets orbit the sun. The planets are circling the sun. Czas zacząć. It's time to get started. It's time to start. To nie ja zacząłem się bić. It wasn't me who started the fight. I'm not the one who started fighting. Dziś wraca z Sydney. He comes back from Sydney today. He's coming back from Sydney tonight. Twój samochód ma zepsute tylne światło. Your car has a broken taillight. Your car's got a broken tail light. Tę książkę znalazłem przypadkowo. I found the book by chance. I found this book by accident. Jestem dziennikarką. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. Ewidentnie nie masz racji. It's clear that you're wrong. Clearly, you're wrong. Nie sądzę, że ktokolwiek może mi teraz pomóc. I don't think anybody can help me now. I don't think anyone can help me right now. Myślę, że jest o ciebie zazdrosna. I think she's jealous of you. I think she's jealous of you. Czemu on nosi pelerynę? Why is he wearing a cape? Why is he wearing a cape? Gdyby usłyszał te wiadomości, byłby zaszokowany. If he should hear the news, he would be shocked. If he heard the news, he'd be shocked. Chcę kupić sukienkę. I want to buy the dress. I want to buy a dress. Coś wkurzyło Toma. Something made Tom angry. Something pissed Tom off. Obejrzyjmy to jeszcze raz. Let's go over it again. Let's watch it again. Ona dobrze jeździ na nartach. She is good at skiing. She's a good skier. Planujemy zostać przez tydzień. We plan on staying a week. We're planning on staying for a week. Ma problemy z zapamiętywaniem nazwisk. He is weak on names. He's having trouble remembering names. Muszę otworzyć te drzwi. I need to open this door. I have to open this door. Możemy tylko mieć nadzieję, że rząd wycofa swoje wojsko. We can only hope the government decides to withdraw its troops. We can only hope that the government will withdraw its troops. Tom powiedział, że wiedział, jak to zrobić. Tom said he knew how to do that. Tom said he knew how to do it. Jestem bardzo niski. I'm very short. I'm very short. Moja praca jest warta wiele więcej. My work is worth many times more. My job is worth a lot more than that. Chcą tylko porozmawiać z Tomem. They just want to talk to Tom. They just want to talk to Tom. Może Tom ma inne plany. Maybe Tom has other plans. Maybe Tom has other plans. Ta wojna wczerpuje naszą gospodarkę. The war is draining our economy. This war is taking on our economy. Błogosławieni, którzy niczego nie oczekują, albowiem ci nie będą zawiedzeni. Blessed is the one who expects nothing, for this one will never be disillusioned. Blessed are those who expect nothing, for they shall not be disappointed. On ma dwa samochody. He has two cars. He's got two cars. W Indiach Dzień Republiki obchodzi się 26 stycznia. Republic Day is celebrated on the twenty-sixth of January. In India, Republic Day is celebrated on January 26th. Umiesz jeździć na łyżwach? Can you skate? Can you skate? Przyzwyczaiła się do wstawania wcześnie. She's accustomed to getting up early. She's used to getting up early. Powiedz mi, gdzie on jest. Tell me where he is. Tell me where he is. Tom mógł zobaczyć rozczarowanie Mary. Tom could see Mary's disappointment. Tom could have seen Mary's disappointment. Która jest lepsza? Which one is better? Which one's better? Wietnamczycy szybko się uczą. Vietnamese is very easy to learn. Vietnamese learn fast. Plaża jest bardzo zatłoczona w słoneczne dni. On sunny days, the beach is very crowded. The beach is very crowded in sunny days. Tom zauważył coś dziwnego. Tom has noticed something strange. Tom noticed something strange. Jest zajęta. Poczekaj minutkę. She is busy. Wait a minute. She's busy. Pracuję odkąd skończyłem szesnaście lat. I've been working since I was sixteen years old. I've been working since I was 16. Dziwny mężczyzna chodził tam i z powrotem chodnikiem. A strange man was walking back and forth on the pavement. A strange man walked back and forth on the sidewalk. Nie widzieliśmy co robić dalej. We didn't know what to do next. We didn't see what to do next. Przyczyna pożaru nie jest znana. The origin of the fire is unknown. The cause of the fire is unknown. Przy Tomie czuję się potrzebna. Tom makes me feel needed. I feel needed with Tom. Tom i Mary wyprowadzili łódź z wody. Tom and Mary took the boat out of the water. Tom and Mary took the boat out of the water. Żołnierze przyzwyczajeni są do niebezpieczeństwa. Soldiers are used to danger. Soldiers are used to danger. Szkoda, że Tom tego nie wiedział. I wish Tom had known that. Too bad Tom didn't know that. Ojciec zostawił mu dom w testamencie. His father left him the house in his will. His father left him a house in his will. Nigdy nie mówiłeś, że nie lubisz Toma. You never told me that you didn't like Tom. You never said you didn't like Tom. Tom powiedział mi, że się żeni. Tom told me he's getting married. Tom told me he was getting married. Poproszę o rachunek. The bill, please. Can I have the check, please? Słyszałem o tobie całkiem sporo. I have heard quite a lot about you. I've heard a lot about you. Ona maluje swój pokój na biało. She's painting her room white. She's painting her room white. Tom ma samochód. Tom has a car. Tom has a car. Muszę codziennie pisać w moim pamiętniku. I must write in my diary every day. I have to write in my diary every day. Dodaliśmy coś nowego. We added something new. We've added something new. Nie ma to jak w domu. Home sweet home. Home sweet home. Kiedy tylko dziecko zobaczyło swoją mamę przestało płakać. As soon as the child saw his mother, he stopped crying. As soon as the baby saw her mom, she stopped crying. Widziałam jak wchodził do pokoju. I saw him enter the room. I saw him come into his room. Powiedział, że przyjdzie i przyszedł. He said he would come and he did come. He said he'd come and come. Byłem zawiedziony Twoją nieobecnością. I was disappointed at your absence. I was disappointed in your absence. Wrócę później. I'll come back later. I'll be back later. Tatoeba była czasowo niedostępna. Tatoeba was temporarily unavailable. Tatoeba was temporarily unavailable. Czy chcesz dokładkę ciasta? Do you want some more cake? Do you want more pie? Rekiny jedzą ryby. Sharks eat fish. Sharks eat fish. Papież spotyka się z ofiarami księży pedofilów w Londynie. Pope meets pedophile priest victims in London. The Pope meets with the victims of paedophiles in London. Ten sklep sprzedaje dzienniki i magazyny. That shop sells newspapers and magazines. This store sells journals and magazines. Chciałbym kupić pocztówki. I would like to buy some postcards. I'd like to buy postcards. To jest mapa Australii. This is a map of Australia. This is a map of Australia. Jeszcze się nie zdecydowałem. I haven't decided yet. I haven't decided yet. Z niecierpliwością oczekuję na twój komentarz do raportu. I look forward to your comments on the report. I look forward to your comment on the report. Nie mógł iść dalej. He could not walk any further. He couldn't go any further. Niewiarygodne! Twoja mama zna sześć języków?! That's insane! Your mom speaks six languages? Unbelievable! On biega. He does run. He's running. Nie zawsze jest łatwo odróżnić dobrą książkę od złej. It isn't always easy to know a good book from a bad one. It's not always easy to distinguish between a good book and a bad book. To jest moje miejsce. That is my seat. This is my place. Gdybym miał wybór, poszedłbym teraz do domu. If I had a choice, I'd go home now. If I had a choice, I'd go home now. Jest nieprzekupna. She can't be bribed. She's incorruptible. Dlaczego myślisz, że Tom nie pomoże? What makes you think Tom won't help? What makes you think Tom won't help? Wpadnij ponownie, kiedy chcesz. Come again any time. Come back anytime. Jest 17:00. It's five in the evening. It's 5:00. Nie znosiłem pisania piórem wiecznym. I hated to write with a fountain pen. I hated writing with an eternal pen. Wyglądasz fantastycznie! You look fabulous. You look fantastic! Poszła do domu. She went home. She went home. Im wyżej się wspinamy, tym rzadsze powietrze. As you go up higher, the air becomes thinner. The higher we climb, the thinner the air. Czas czyni włosy siwymi. Time turns hair gray. Time makes hair gray. Zachowaj te słowa w pamięci. Commit these words to memory. Keep those words in mind. Nie mogę się doczekać żeby z tobą porozmawiać. I can't wait to talk to you. I can't wait to talk to you. To źle. That's too bad. That's bad. Kiedyś znaliśmy wszystkich sąsiadów z imienia. We used to know all the neighbors by name. We used to know all the neighbors by name. Zepsułem telefon. I broke my phone. I broke my phone. Zapisałem jej numer telefonu w notatniku. I took down her telephone number in my notebook. I wrote down her phone number in her notebook. Te wiadomości są dla nas ważne. This news is important to us. These messages are important to us. Ojciec mówił nawet o moich kolegach. My father referred to my friends. My father even talked about my friends. Mary zapomniała torebki z samochodu. Mary forgot her purse in her car. Mary forgot her purse from the car. To będzie trzy euro. That'll be three euros. That'll be three euros. Jestem z Danii. I'm from Denmark. I'm from Denmark. Betty lubi muzykę klasyczną. Betty likes classical music. Betty likes classical music. Imigranci napływali do kraju. Immigrants streamed into the land. Immigrants came into the country. W Europie podczas podróży zostałem okradziony w pociągu przez kieszonkowca. While traveling in Europe, I was pickpocketed on a train. In Europe, I was robbed on a train by a pickpocket. Miałem przeczucie, że coś jest nie tak. I had a premonition that something wasn't right. I had a feeling something was wrong. Tom uśmiechnął się do siebie w lustrze. Tom smiled at himself in the mirror. Tom smiled at himself in the mirror. Powinnyście to przeczytać. You should read this. You should read this. Już idę. I'm coming. I'm coming. Tom nie był zainteresowany bejzbolem. Tom wasn't interested in baseball. Tom wasn't interested in baseball. Czy umiesz prowadzić księgowość? Can you do bookkeeping? Do you know how to keep an accountant? Nie sądzę, że Tom pomógł Mary. I don't think Tom helped Mary. I don't think Tom helped Mary. Myślę, że byś o tym pamiętał. I think you'd remember that. I think you'd remember that. To nie jest powód, aby się irytować. It's nothing to get upset about. That's no reason to be annoyed. Pojechałem rowerem. I went out by bicycle. I took my bike. Dzieci śpią. The kids are asleep. The kids are asleep. Nie powinieneś się wiązać z takimi ludźmi. You shouldn't associate with men like that. You shouldn't be involved with people like that. Spędziłam urlop w Izraelu. I spent my holiday in Israel. I spent my vacation in Israel. Tulipany wkrótce zakwitną. Tulips come into bloom soon. The tulips will bloom soon. Ten film jest wysoce kontrowersyjny. This movie is highly controversial. This film is highly controversial. Mój kurczak jest tutaj. My chicken is here. My chicken is here. Nie ma zbyt wielu Berberów mających wkład w Tatoeba. There are not many Berbers contributing to Tatoeba. There aren't many Berbers contributing to Tatoeba. Tom jest bardzo doświadczony. Tom has a lot of experience. Tom is very experienced. Ugryzł się w język i nic nie powiedział. He held his tongue and didn't say a word. He bit his tongue and didn't say anything. Powolni, ale systematyczni wygrają w końcu. Slow but steady wins the race. Slow, but the systematics will win eventually. Rozmawiałem z polskim ambasadorem. I talked with the Polish ambassador. I spoke to the Polish ambassador. Chodzi o ostatni film Andrieja Tarkowskiego. It's about Andrei Tarkovsky's last film. It's about the last Andrei Tarkowski movie. Skąd wiedziałeś, że jednego brakowało? How did you know one was missing? How did you know one was missing? "Śniłem o tobie wczoraj." "Naprawdę? I co tam robiłam?" "I dreamed of you yesterday." "Seriously? And what was I doing?" "I dreamt about you last night." "Really? And what was I doing there?" Kupiłem wczoraj czerwony samochód. Yesterday, I bought a red car. I bought a red car yesterday. Tom potrzebuje powodu. Tom needs a reason. Tom needs a reason. Czy masz czas, żeby zjeść ze mną kolację dziś wieczór? Do you have time to have dinner with me tonight? Do you have time to have dinner with me tonight? Robimy, co mamy robić. We do what we have to. We're doing what we're supposed to do. Nic nie zostało przeoczone. Nothing has been overlooked. Nothing's been overlooked. Nie wszyscy studenci byli obecni. Not all the students were present. Not all students were present. Tom wie. Tom knows. Tom knows. Pszczoły robią miód. Bees make honey. Bees make honey. Z początku nie umiałem grać na gitarze. At first, I couldn't play the guitar. At first, I couldn't play guitar. Uwielbiam jajka na twardo. I love hard-boiled eggs. I love hard-boiled eggs. Jesteś egoistą. You're egotistical. You're selfish. Nie mogła iść na wesele. She couldn't go to the wedding. She couldn't go to the wedding. Cały ranek spędziłem w łóżku. I stayed in bed all morning. I've been in bed all morning. Tom lubi hokej. Tom likes hockey. Tom likes hockey. Chciałbym pojechać do Francji. I would like to go to France. I'd like to go to France. Wygląda na to, że Tom zgubił guzik ze swojej koszuli. It looks like Tom has lost a button off his shirt. Looks like Tom lost the button on his shirt. Możesz na to liczyć. You can bank on that. You can count on it. Pisz dalej. Keep writing. Keep typing. Nic już nie ma. There is none left. There's nothing left. Czym zajmują się moi dziadkowie? What are my grandparents doing? What do my grandparents do? Mogę zamknąć okno? May I close the window? Can I close the window? On dobrze jeździ na koniu. He is good at riding a horse. He rides a good horse. Dziś mam wolne, chodźmy na plażę. As I am off duty today, let's go to the beach. Today's my day off. Let's go to the beach. Tom buduje ścianę. Tom is building a wall. Tom's building a wall. Nie wychodź na dwór po zmierzchu. Don't go out after dark. Don't go outside after dark. Powiedział mi komplement. He paid me a compliment. He told me a compliment. Skończ z żartami, proszę. No more of your jokes, please. Stop joking, please. Ucieszyłem się, kiedy usłyszałem to sprawozdanie. I was glad to hear his report. I was glad to hear that report. Ona zawsze przychodzi wcześnie. She always arrives early. She always comes early. Nigdy nie było kłótni między Danem i Lindą. There had never been a conflict between Dan and Linda. There's never been a fight between Dan and Linda. To bardzo hojna propozycja, ale muszę ją odrzucić. That's a very generous offer, but I have to turn it down. It's a very generous offer, but I have to turn it down. Zimą pada śnieg. In winter it snows. It's snowing in winter. Nie są gotowi. They're not ready. They're not ready. Nie wiem jak ty, ale ja się dzisiaj czuję całkiem nieźle. I don't know about you, but I feel pretty good today. I don't know about you, but I feel pretty good today. Widziałem Toma tylko raz. I met Tom only once. I've only seen Tom once. Tom się o ciebie martwił. Tom was worried about you. Tom was worried about you. Miej litość! Have mercy! Have mercy! To nie może pójść źle. This can't possibly go wrong. This can't go wrong. Dlaczego jesteś o mnie zazdrosna? Why are you jealous of me? Why are you jealous of me? Pozwól, że coś powiem. Let me say one thing. Let me say something. Miłych wakacji! Have a nice vacation. Enjoy your vacation! Mała kropla oleju i troszeczkę chleba. A litte drop of oil and a little bit of bread. A small drop of oil and a little bread. Jeśli spóźnimy się na pociąg, pojedziemy autobusem. If we miss the train, we'll go by bus. If we miss the train, we'll take the bus. Jutro jest niedziela. Tomorrow is Sunday. Tomorrow's Sunday. Mam nadzieję, że się zgadzasz. I hope you agree. I hope you agree. Nigdy nie mów nigdy. Never say never. Never say never. Wierzy się, że Chrystus dokonał wielu cudów. Christ is believed to have worked many miracles. It is believed that Christ has performed many miracles. Jestem Chińczykiem. I am Chinese. I'm Chinese. Tom celowo dał Mary niewłaściwą książkę. Tom gave Mary the wrong book deliberately. Tom deliberately gave Mary the wrong book. Wszyscy liczą na ciebie. Everybody is relying on you. Everyone's counting on you. On ma nieuleczalną chorobę. He has an incurable disease. He's got an incurable disease. Lubię grać w piłkę nożną. I like to play football. I like to play soccer. Mówi o tym z drwiną. He talks about it mockingly. He's talking about it with taunts. Jesteś trudny. You're difficult. You're a tough guy. Moi ojcowie są zdrowi. My dads are healthy. My dads are healthy. Ktoś po prostu odjechał twoim samochodem. Someone just drove off in your car. Someone just drove off in your car. W moim domu naprawdę jest duch. There's really a ghost in my house. There really is a ghost in my house. To kompletny bałagan i działa mi na nerwy. It's a complete mess, and it's getting on my nerves. It's a complete mess and it gets on my nerves. Brat mojego ojca to mój wujek. My father's brother is my uncle. My father's brother is my uncle. Chcesz, żebym sobie poszedł? Do you want me to leave? You want me to go? Tom nie chce teraz widzieć Mary. Tom doesn't want to see Mary now. Tom doesn't want to see Mary right now. Tom nie chciał, żeby Mary pracowała. Tom didn't want Mary to work. Tom didn't want Mary working. Poniedziałek zaczyna się w sobotę. Monday begins on Saturday. Monday starts on Saturday. Idę dzisiaj wcześniej do łóżka. (spać) I'm going to bed early today. I'm going to bed early tonight. Oblałam się rumieńcem. I blushed. I was blushing. Ja po prostu nie mogłam odmówić. I just couldn't say no. I just couldn't say no. Tom jest trochę ekscentryczny. Tom is a bit eccentric. Tom is a little eccentric. Idź przynieść mi następne piwo. Go get me another beer. Go get me another beer. Jest opuszczony. It's deserted. It's abandoned. To dziecko nawet nie wie, jak się dodaje. The child does not even know how to add. This baby doesn't even know how to add. Idź beze mnie. Go without me. Go without me. Gra w Monopol. She's playing Monopoly. He's playing Monopoly. Nie proś mnie o pieniądze. Don't ask me for money. Don't ask me for money. Kolendra ma bardzo charakterystyczny zapach. The coriander has a very characteristic smell. Coriander has a very distinctive smell. Zostaw Tomasza ze mną. Leave Tom with me. Leave Thomas with me. "Przepraszam..." - wtrąciła się Ann. "Excuse me," Ann broke in. "I'm sorry..." Ann interfered. Jestem znudzony. I am bored. I'm bored. Ona nie wie jak się gra w golfa. She doesn't know how to play golf. She doesn't know how to play golf. Nie chcę pić za dużo kawy. I don't want to drink too much coffee. I don't want to drink too much coffee. Odrzuciła jego zaproszenie. She turned down his invitation. She rejected his invitation. Gdzie się pan urodził? Where were you born? Where were you born? Dlaczego nikt nic nie robi? Why isn't anybody doing anything? Why isn't anyone doing anything? Czy mogę rozmawiać z panią Brown? May I talk to Ms. Brown? May I speak to Mrs. Brown, please? Tom pracował dla nas przez około trzy lata. Tom has been working for us about three years. Tom worked for us for about three years. Jesteś wyższy, niż się spodziewałam. You're taller than I expected. You're taller than I expected. Jeśli chodzi o Mary, nie widziałem jej od dłuższego czasu. Speaking of Mary, I haven't seen her for a long time. About Mary, I haven't seen her in a long time. Widzisz ten dom? To mój dom. Do you see that house? That's my house. See this house? Gdzie jest zlokalizowany tłuszcz? Where is the fat located? Where's the fat located? Maria pracowała jako opiekunka do dzieci, gdy była nastolatką. Mary worked as a babysitter when she was a teenager. Maria worked as a babysitter when she was a teenager. Powiedziałeś, że potrzebujesz pomocy. You said you needed help. You said you needed help. Wszystko tam w porządku? Are you all right in there? Are you okay in there? Naoliwiłem rower. I've oiled the bicycle. I oiled my bike. Co dałeś Mike'owi na urodziny? What did you give Mike on his birthday? What did you give Mike for his birthday? Tom odłożył swój ślub z powodu wypadku drogowego. Tom put off his wedding because of a traffic accident. Tom postponed his wedding because of a traffic accident. Wszystko szło świetnie. Everything was going great. Everything was going great. Tom nie może przyjechać ze mną do Bostonu. Tom can't come with me to Boston. Tom can't come to Boston with me. Poczekaj, proszę, pół godziny. Please wait half an hour. Wait, please, half an hour. Nie, dziękuję, jestem pełny. No, thank you. I'm full. No, thank you, I'm full. Jego druga płyta odniosła mniejszy sukces niż pierwsza. His follow-up album was less of a success than his first one. His second album was less successful than his first. Nie graj z nią w pokera. Don't play poker with her. Don't play poker with her. Cebulę można jeść na surowo lub gotowaną. Onions can be eaten raw or cooked. You can eat onion raw or cooked. Usiadł na krześle. He sat in the chair. He sat in the chair. Jak się czujesz? How do you feel? How are you feeling? Twój głos jest dla mnie słodszy nawet od śpiewu młodych ptaków. Your voice is sweeter to me than even the song of young birds. Your voice is sweeter to me even than the singing of young birds. Myślę, że to zbieg okoliczności. I guess this is a coincidence. I think it's a coincidence. Ona się uroczo śmieje. She has a cute giggle. She's laughing adorably. Ślimak pokazał rogi The snail shot out its horns. The snail showed the horns. Poradziła mu iść z tym na policję, ale on się tego bał. She advised him to go to the police station, but he was afraid to. She told him to go to the police, but he was afraid of it. Brahe skatalogował ponad tysiąc gwiazd. Brahe catalogued over 1000 stars. Brahe catalogued over a thousand stars. Nie ma dla mnie znaczenia, czy ona mieszka w mieście, czy na wsi. It doesn't matter to me whether she lives in the city or in the countryside. It doesn't matter to me whether she lives in the city or in the country. Mój ojciec mnie nie rozumie. My father doesn't understand me. My father doesn't understand me. Lubię przyglądać się pająkom. I like to watch spiders. I like looking at spiders. Nadszedł czas. The time is now. The time has come. Zabierz Toma do domu. Take Tom home. Take Tom home. Zastanawiam się, co Tom tutaj robi. I wonder what Tom is doing here. I wonder what Tom's doing here. On jest dobrą osobą. He's a good person. He's a good person. Gdzie nie spojrzeć, wszędzie zniszczenia po trzęsieniu ziemi. Everywhere you look you can see damage caused by the earthquake. Wherever you look, there's devastation after the earthquake. Ta szkoła została założona w 1970 roku. This school was founded in 1970. This school was founded in 1970. To jestem ja i Matsuko w Japoni. This is Matsuko and me in Japan. This is me and Matsuko in Japan. Nigdy nie pozwalam nikomu karmić mojego psa. I never let anyone else feed my dog. I never let anyone feed my dog. Czy dzwon już dzwonił? Has the bell rung yet? Has the bell been ringing yet? Wypadek uszkodził przednie koła jej wozu. The accident damaged her car's front wheels. The accident damaged the front wheels of her car. Ojej, ale szkoda. Oh dear. What a shame. Oh, my gosh, that's too bad. Odpoczywam w niedzielę. I rest on Sunday. I'm resting on Sunday. "Kiedy wrócisz?" "Wszystko zależy od pogody." "When will you be back?" "It all depends on the weather." "When will you be back?" "Everything depends on the weather." Tom planuje zostać dzisiaj w domu. Tom is planning to stay home tonight. Tom is planning on staying home tonight. Proszę, bądź ostrożny. Please be careful. Please be careful. To prosty przypadek. This is a straightforward case. It's a simple coincidence. Lubię oddychać czystym, górskim powietrzem. I like to breathe the clean mountain air. I like to breathe clean mountain air. On nie cierpi Nancy. He hates Nancy. He hates Nancy. Idę do kościoła. I'm going to church. I'm going to church. Ma więcej szczęścia niż rozumu. He is more lucky than clever. He's luckier than brains. To dlatego wciąż żyję. That's why I'm still alive. That's why I'm still alive. To było dość nieoczekiwane. It was kind of unexpected. It was quite unexpected. Nie musisz się wstydzić tego, że oblałaś egzamin. You needn't be ashamed because you failed the exam. You don't have to be ashamed that you failed your exam. Przekonał mnie. He convinced me. He convinced me. Będziesz jutro zajęty, prawda? You'll be busy tomorrow, won't you? You'll be busy tomorrow, won't you? Nie jesteś już dzieckiem. You are no longer a mere child. You're not a kid anymore. Tom lubi ciebie bardziej niż kogokolwiek. Tom likes you more than anybody else. Tom likes you more than anyone. Powinieneś był uczestniczyć w tym spotkaniu osobiście. You should have attended the meeting in person. You should have attended this meeting in person. Tom nie poślubił Mary. Tom didn't marry Mary. Tom didn't marry Mary. Tom gadał całą noc. Tom kept talking all night. Tom talked all night. Spałem długo? Have I slept a long time? Have I slept long? Liczba ludności Chin jest większa niż Japonii. The population of China is larger than that of Japan. China's population is larger than Japan. Dziecko jest głodne. The baby is hungry. The baby's hungry. Zastanawiałem się, kiedy wrócisz. I was wondering when you'd get back. I was wondering when you'd be back. Chciałbym ci powiedzieć coś ważnego. I want to tell you something important. I'd like to tell you something important. Zawsze musimy być przygotowani na najgorsze. We must always be prepared for the worst. We always have to be prepared for the worst. Zawiąż sznurówki. Tie your shoelaces. Tie your shoelaces. Skończyłem. I'm through. I'm done. Jim nazwał mnie tchórzem. Jim called me a coward. Jim called me a coward. Postanowiliśmy przyjąć twój pomysł. We've decided to adopt your idea. We decided to take your idea. Wgrywam zdjęcia z sylwestra. I'm uploading pictures from New Year's Eve. I'm uploading pictures from New Year's Eve. Ile księżyców ma Jowisz? How many moons does Jupiter have? How many moons does Jupiter have? Nie możesz pomóc Tomowi. You can't help Tom. You can't help Tom. Autobus jest popsuty! The bus is broken! The bus is broken! Woda wytrysnęła z zepsutego kurka. Water spouted from the broken tap. The water came out of the broken tap. Wszystko się zmienia. Things change. Everything's changing. Mam wystarczająco pieniędzy. I have enough money. I've got enough money. Ciszej! Quieter! Keep your voice down! Mój ojciec już przestał palić i pić. My father has already given up smoking and drinking. My father stopped smoking and drinking. Znam Toma. I know Tom. I know Tom. "Skończyłeś?" "Przeciwnie, jeszcze nie zacząłem." "Have you finished?" "On the contrary, I have not even begun yet." "Are you done?" "Against the contrary, I haven't started yet." Powiedziałam jej raz na zawsze że nie poszłabym z nią na zakupy. I told her once and for all that I wouldn't go shopping with her. I told her once and for all that I wouldn't go shopping with her. Dzisiaj widziałem szpaka. Today, I saw a starling. I saw a starling today. Bez trudności wyjaśnił tajemnicję. He had no difficulty explaining the mystery. He explained the secret without difficulty. Nie mogę przewidzieć, co się może stać. I can't predict what might happen. I can't predict what's gonna happen. To jest strata czasu i pieniędzy. It's a waste of time and money. This is a waste of time and money. On chyba nie przyjedzie. He probably won't come. I don't think he's coming. Na tę sprawę mamy odmienne poglądy. We have conflicting opinions on the matter. We have different views on this case. Jeśli czegoś nie wiemy, wypada zapytać ludzi, którzy wiedzą. If we don't know, it is fitting that we ask people who know. If there's something we don't know, it's best to ask people who know. O mało co go nie zabito. He narrowly escaped being killed. He almost got killed. Nie lubię pracować w weekendy. I don't like working on weekends. I don't like working weekends. Wydaje mi się, że Tom cię lubi. I think Tom likes you. I think Tom likes you. W Singapurze jednym ze sposobów karania przestępcy jest chłostanie go. In Singapore, one way to punish a criminal is to whip him or her. In Singapore, one way to punish a criminal is to flog him. Nigdy nie zapomnę ich ciepłych rąk. I will never forget their warm hands. I'll never forget their warm hands. Nikomu nie powiedziałem. I never told anyone. I didn't tell anyone. Jesteś zbyt słaby, żeby to zrobić. You're too weak to do that. You're too weak to do this. Jestem w tej chwili zajęty, Tom. I'm busy right now, Tom. I'm busy right now, Tom. Nie jestem pewien, jak często mam brać to lekarstwo. I'm not sure how often I should be taking this medicine. I'm not sure how often I have to take this medicine. John pisze do rodziców raz w miesiącu. John writes to his parents once a month. John writes to his parents once a month. Nie jestem tak szybki jak Tom. I'm not as fast as Tom is. I'm not as fast as Tom. Zbiornik paliwa w samochodzie jest pełen. The fuel tank in the car is full. The fuel tank in the car is full. Tom pocałował Mary, a ona go uderzyła. Tom kissed Mary and she slapped him. Tom kissed Mary, and she hit him. Powiedz, o czym myślisz. Tell me what you're thinking. Tell me what you're thinking. Czy teraz mogę tam wejść? Can I go in there now? Can I go in there now? Tom ma kaca. Tom has a hangover. Tom has a hangover. Czy ktoś może odpowiedzieć na moje pytanie? Can anyone answer my question? Can someone answer my question? Przyjdziesz po mnie? Are you coming to pick me up? Will you come get me? Chłopiec szybko zadomowił się w nowej klasie. The boy soon accommodated himself to his new class. The boy quickly settled in a new class. Kiedy mnie pocałowała, poczułem, że jest wobec mnie uczciwa. When she kissed me, I felt she was honest with me. When she kissed me, I felt she was honest with me. Nasza szkoła stała się koedukacyjna dawno temu. Our school became coeducational a long time ago. Our school became co-educational a long time ago. Na tamtej farmie było mnóstwo krów. Cows abound on that farm. There were plenty of cows on that farm. Kim jest twoja dziewczyna? Who's your girlfriend? Who's your girlfriend? Przewodniczący powinien wziąć pod uwagę opinię mniejszości. The chairman should take the minority opinion into account. The President should take into account the opinion of the minority. Pożegnaj się. Say goodbye. Say goodbye. Idę spać. I'm going to sleep now. I'm going to bed. Nic więcej nie możemy zrobić. There's nothing else we can do. There's nothing more we can do. Tom zrobił to dla ciebie. Tom did it for you. Tom did it for you. Będziesz musiał zapłacić z góry. You're going to have to pay in advance. You'll have to pay in advance. Byłeś kiedykolwiek w Bostonie wiosną? Have you ever been to Boston in the spring? Have you ever been to Boston in the spring? Tom nie spędza wystarczająco dużo czasu ze swoimi dziećmi. Tom doesn't spend enough time with his children. Tom doesn't spend enough time with his kids. Czy pokazywałeś komukolwiek ten list? Have you shown this letter to anybody? Have you shown anyone this letter? Ciekawe, ile by kosztowało umycie i nawoskowanie mojego samochodu. I was just wondering how much it would cost to have my car washed and waxed. I wonder how much it would cost to wash and wax my car. Dobranoc, mamo. Good night, Mom. Good night, Mom. Jestem zawsze gotowy. I'm always ready. I'm always ready. Myślałem, że nie zamierzasz tego znowu robić. I thought you weren't going to do this again. I thought you weren't gonna do it again. Wysłałem jej lalkę. I sent her a doll. I sent her a doll. Nienawidzę tego filmu. I hate this film. I hate this movie. Poszedłem zobaczyć się z rodzicami. I went to see my parents. I went to see my parents. Mój ojciec kupił ziemię w celu budowy domu. My father has bought land with a view to building a house. My father bought land to build a house. Co ty tu robisz? What're you doing out here? What are you doing here? Jesteś silny. You're powerful. You're strong. Mary powiedziała mi, że była gotowa to zrobić. Mary told me she was ready to do that. Mary told me she was ready to do it. Kto jest twoim ulubionym piosenkarzem country? Who's your favorite country singer? Who's your favorite country singer? Dam ci to. I'll give you this. I'll give you this. Boże Narodzenie już za progiem. Christmas is just around the corner. Christmas is over the threshold. Te nylonowe skarpetki dobrze się pierze. These nylon socks wash well. Those nylon socks wash well. Masz jakieś zwierzę? Do you have a pet? Do you have an animal? Dlaczego macie tak dużo kotów? Why do you have so many cats? Why do you have so many cats? Powinien tutaj przybyć. He ought to have arrived here. He should be here. Lepiej weź parasol. You had better take an umbrella. You'd better get an umbrella. Czy mogę zjeść tą pomarańczę? May I eat this orange? Can I eat this orange? Oddam tę książkę Tomowi jutro. I'll give this book back to Tom tomorrow. I'll give this book back to Tom tomorrow. Nie było mi przeznaczone znów ją zobaczyć. He wasn't destined to see her again. I wasn't meant to see her again. Uniknęli kary. They escaped being punished. They got away with it. Nienawiść wobec innych jest jej obca. Hating others is foreign to her. Her hatred of others is alien to her. Tom nie ma pieniędzy w swojej kieszeni. Tom has no money in his pocket. Tom doesn't have any money in his pocket. Jesteśmy tu. We are here. We're here. Tom nie chciał rozmawiać z Mary, ale nie miał wyboru. Tom didn't want to talk to Mary, but he had no choice. Tom didn't want to talk to Mary, but he had no choice. Rozmawiali o biznesie. They were talking business. They were talking business. Niekiedy tłumaczenia naprawdę wprowadzają dwuznaczności. Sometimes translations do create ambiguity. Sometimes translations really create ambiguities. Na zdjęciu są trzy osoby. There are three people in the picture. There are three people in the picture. Czy otrzymam gdzieś choćby minimalną pomoc? Is there any place that could help me even slightly? Will I get even minimum help anywhere? Zobaczyłeś coś, prawda? You've seen something, haven't you? You saw something, didn't you? Nie bądź taki wrażliwy. Don't be so sensitive. Don't be so sensitive. Tom jest przekonany, że jego matka nie chce teraz jeść. Tom is convinced that his mother doesn't want to eat now. Tom is convinced that his mother doesn't want to eat right now. Między nami, zamierzam niedługo odejść z pracy. Between you and me, I'm going to quit my present job soon. Between you and me, I'm gonna quit my job soon. Krowa robi muu, kot robi miau. A cow goes moo, a cat goes meow. Cow makes muu, cat makes meow. Ile czasu minęło od kiedy przestałeś uczyć w tej szkole? How long has it been since you gave up teaching at that school? How long has it been since you stopped teaching at this school? Czy jest jakiś lot po południu? Is there a flight in the afternoon? Is there a flight this afternoon? Tom ma złą reputację. Tom has a bad reputation. Tom has a bad reputation. Daj mi chwilę przerwy. Please give me a break. Give me a break. On jest naprawdę uroczy, dlatego lubię z nim pracować. He's really cute, and so I like working with him. He's really cute, which is why I like working with him. W Hiszpanii pada głównie na równinach. The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain. In Spain it falls mostly on the plains. Uśmiechnąłem się. I smiled. I smiled. Emilia ogląda swój ulubiony program telewizyjny. Emily is watching her favourite TV programme. Emilia's watching her favorite TV show. Chcesz, żebym cię podwiózł do domu? Would you like me to give you a ride home? You want me to give you a ride home? Poprzez uśrednienie sumy kwadratów różnic pomiędzy każdą wartością i średnią oraz wzięcie otrzymanego wyniku do pierwiastku drugiego stopnia, otrzymujemy odchylenie standardowe. By averaging the squared difference between each value and the mean and finding the square root of the result, we can find the standard deviation. By averaging the sum of the squares of the differences between each value and average and taking the result to the square root of the second degree, we get the standard deviation. Tom rozdawał autografy pod teatrem. Tom was signing autographs in front of the theater. Tom was giving out autographs under the theater. Czas coś zjeść. It's time to eat. It's time to eat. Tom poszedł na górę. Tom went upstairs. Tom went upstairs. "To jest to, czego szukałem!," wykrzynął. "This is what I was looking for!" he exclaimed. "This is what I was looking for!" he shouted. Tom nie chce iść samemu. Tom doesn't want to go alone. Tom doesn't want to go alone. To przypomina mi coś, co słyszałem wczoraj. That reminds me of something I heard yesterday. It reminds me of something I heard yesterday. Chyba lepiej zacznijmy od nowa. I think we'd better start over again. I think we'd better start over. Jak on mógł otworzyć moje listy! How dare he open my letters! How could he open my letters! Ma niewiele pieniędzy. He has little money. He doesn't have much money. Hałas go w nocy wystraszył. A loud noise in the night scared him. The noise scared him last night. Interesuję się badaniem owadów. I am interested in the study of insects. I'm interested in studying insects. Kiedy to zrobimy? When are we going to do it? When are we gonna do this? Jestem w bibliotece. I'm at the library. I'm at the library. Może spróbuję później. I may try again later. Maybe I'll try later. Nie może myśleć o niczym innym niż spotkanie z nią. All he is thinking about is meeting her. He can't think of anything but meeting her. Tom zaczął kaszlać. Tom started to cough. Tom started coughing. To plemię czci swoich przodków. That tribe worships its ancestors. This tribe honors its ancestors. Tom raczej lubił Mary. Tom sort of liked Mary. Tom rather liked Mary. Nie powinienem się śmiać. I shouldn't be laughing. I shouldn't have laughed. Jesteśmy zablokowani. We're stalled. We're blocked. Pociąg odjeżdża co trzydzieści minut. The train runs every thirty minutes. The train leaves every 30 minutes. Tom nie miał ołówka. Tom didn't have a pencil. Tom didn't have a pencil. Sądziłem, że może przyjdzie. I thought he might come. I thought maybe he'd come. Jest niski, ale silny. He is short but strong. He's short, but he's strong. Najbliższy lot jest o 10:00. The next flight is at 10:00. The nearest flight is 10:00. Spróbuję powiedzieć to po francusku. I will try to say it in French. I'll try to say it in French. Moi rodzice nie mieli dużo pieniędzy. My parents didn't have much money. My parents didn't have much money. Ręcznik był zupełnie bezużyteczny. The towel was quite useless. The towel was completely useless. Kiedy ostatnio spadłeś z łóżka? When was the last time you fell off the bed? When was the last time you fell out of bed? Spójrz mi w oczy. Look me in the eyes. Look me in the eye. Podpuściłem Toma, żeby pocałował Mary. I dared Tom to kiss Mary. I tricked Tom into kissing Mary. On lubi piłkę nożną. He likes soccer. He likes soccer. Weźmiemy to pod uwagę. We'll take that into consideration. We'll take that under advisement. Tom udał, że się nie boi. Tom pretended not to be afraid. Tom pretended not to be afraid. Idę na górę. I'm going upstairs. I'm going upstairs. On jest w tym samym wieku co ja. He's my age. He's the same age as me. Jestem szczęśliwy, że widzieliśmy Toma. I'm glad we saw Tom. I'm glad we saw Tom. Tom chciał wiedzieć, czy Mary ma chłopaka. Tom wanted to know if Mary had a boyfriend. Tom wanted to know if Mary had a boyfriend. Nie wyrzucaj tego magazynu. Nie czytałem go jeszcze. Don't throw out this magazine. I haven't read it yet. I haven't read it yet. Więc powiedz mi co robiłeś. So tell me what you've been doing. So tell me what you were doing. Słyszałem, że jedzenie jednej czy dwóch porcji ryby tygodniowo może zmniejszyć zagrożenie chorobą serca. I've heard that eating one or two servings of fish a week will reduce your chances of getting heart disease. I hear eating one or two fish a week can reduce the risk of heart disease. Nigdy nie mieliśmy z tym problemów. We never had any problems with it. We've never had a problem with that. Nie obchodzi mnie kto wygrał. I don't care who won. I don't care who won. Tom złapał piłkę jedną ręką. Tom caught the ball with one hand. Tom caught the ball with one hand. Bill nie znosi tego, że jego ojciec intensywnie pali. Bill hates that his father smokes heavily. Bill hates that his father smokes intensely. Czy chorował pan na jakąś ciężką chorobę? Have you ever had a serious illness? Have you had any serious illness? Nie powinieneś się spieszyć na lotnisko. You needn't have hurried to the airport. You shouldn't rush to the airport. Ten chłopiec ma zły wpływ. That boy is a bad influence. That boy is a bad influence. On naprawdę dobrze mówi. He does speak well. He's really good at it. Niebo jest bezchmurne. The skies are clear. The sky is clear. Pomarańcze mają dużo witaminy C. Oranges are rich in vitamin C. Oranges have a lot of vitamin C. W domu jest za dużo mebli. There is too much furniture in the house. There's too much furniture in the house. Wypierdalaj stąd! Get the fuck out of here! Get the fuck out of here! Myślę, że mnie okłamałeś. I think you lied to me. I think you lied to me. Czemu Tom nie posłucha? Why won't Tom listen? Why won't Tom listen? Jestem pewny, że twoje wysiłki przyniosą sukces. I'm sure your efforts will result in success. I'm sure your efforts will be successful. Nie mam roweru. I don't have a bicycle. I don't have a bike. W większości przypadków jego odpowiedzi są prawidłowe. In most cases, his answers are right. In most cases, his answers are correct. Tom jest bardzo dobry w grach wideo. Tom is very good at videogames. Tom is very good at video games. Myślałem że to pole tekstowe jest polem do wyszukiwania. I thought that text box was a search field. I thought this text field was a search field. Tomek uczy francuskiego w szkole do której chodzi Maria. Tom teaches French at the school Mary goes to. Tom teaches French at Maria's school. Ziemia jest mniejsza od Słońca. The earth is smaller than the sun. The earth is smaller than the sun. Znalazłeś mnie, gdzie nikt inny nie szukał. You found me where no one else was looking. You found me where no one else was looking. Walka skończona. The fight is over. The fight's over. Myślisz, że to może być prawda? Do you think that could be true? Do you think this could be true? Nie możesz mnie zmusić, bym to zrobił. You can't force me to do that. You can't make me do this. Nie musisz przepraszać. You don't have to make an apology. You don't have to apologize. John nie potrafił zagrać na gitarze. John didn't know how to play the guitar. John couldn't play the guitar. Zrobił dla nich wszystko. He did everything for them. He did everything for them. Tom grywa w golfa trzy-cztery razy w miesiącu. Tom plays golf three or four times a month. Tom plays golf three-four times a month. Nie lubię jaj. I dislike eggs. I don't like balls. Jestem z Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, a ty z Republiki Federalnej Niemiec. I am from the Republic of Poland, you are from the Federal Republic of Germany. I am from the Republic of Poland and you are from the Federal Republic of Germany. Na którą plażę chciałbyś pójść? Which beach do you like to go to? Which beach would you like to go to? Mam do ciebie dwa pytania. I have two questions for you. I have two questions for you. To fakt. It's a fact. It's a fact. Nie mam pojęcia, co Tom chce. I have no idea what Tom wants. I have no idea what Tom wants. Tom udawał zamyślonego. Tom pretended to be thinking hard. Tom pretended to be imaginary. Wyglądasz dziś jakoś inaczej. Somehow, you look different today. You look different today. Angielski Tomasza pozostawia wiele do życzenia. Tom's English leaves much to be desired. English Thomas leaves much to be desired. Biedny nie jest ten, kto ma za mało, ale ten, kto chce za dużo. Poor is not the one who has too little, but the one who wants too much. Poor isn't the one who doesn't have enough, but the one who wants too much. Jesteś moim życiem i wszystkim, czego pragnę, i potrzebuję. You're my life and all that I want and need. You're my life and everything I want, and I need it. Króliki mają długie uszy. Rabbits have big ears. Rabbits have long ears. Wrócę. I'll come back. I'll be back. Tom stanął na głowie. Tom stood on his head. Tom stood on his head. Zamierzają wprowadzić w życie to złe prawo. They are going to put the bad law in force. They're going to put this wrong law into effect. Nie jesteśmy zainteresowani. We're not interested. We're not interested. Masz wrócić do domu przed 9. You are to return home before nine. I want you home by 9:00. Protagonistą tego nowego filmu jest dziecko-anioł. The protagonist of the new film is a child angel. The protagonist of this new film is an angel child. Niemożliwe, by zrozumiała to, co powiedziałeś. It's not possible that she understood you. There's no way she'd understand what you said. Chcesz zostawić wiadomość? Would you like to leave a message? You want to leave a message? To będzie niezwykle pomocne. This will be extremely helpful. This will be extremely helpful. Wpadł w nawyk chowania rąk do kieszeni. He has fallen into the habit of putting his hands into his pockets. He got into the habit of keeping his hands in his pocket. Opór jest daremny. Resistance is futile. Resistance is futile. Wracajmy do naszych baranów. Let's get back to our sheep! Let's get back to our rams. Znam dużo języków. I know a lot of languages. I know a lot of languages. Niestety, Apple nie udziela gwarancji na przypadkowe uszkodzenia. Unfortunately, Apple does not provide a warranty for accidental damages. Unfortunately, Apple does not provide guarantees for accidental damage. Po prostu przeproś Toma. Just apologize to Tom. Just apologize to Tom. Tom jest tak pracowity jak wszyscy inni w grupie. Tom is as hardworking as everyone else in the group. Tom is as busy as everyone else in the group. Upokarzaliśmy Toma. We've humiliated Tom. We humiliated Tom. Wszystkie podziwiały jej odwagę. Everyone marvelled at her courage. They all admired her courage. Czy może pan to zważyć? Can you weigh this, please? Can you weigh that? To jest za duże. It's too big. It's too big. Jestem trochę spóźniony. I'm a bit late. I'm a little late. Słyszałem, że przestałaś palić. I hear you've stopped smoking. I heard you stopped smoking. Mam nadzieję, że niedługo się znów zobaczymy. I hope we'll see each other again soon. I hope to see you again soon. Zjadłem wczoraj wieczorem zdecydowanie za dużo. I ate way too much last night. I ate way too much last night. Nie, ona do chwili obecnej nigdy się nie zakochała. No, until now she has never fallen in love. No, she's never fallen in love until now. Był moim dobrym kompanem. He has been a good companion to me. He was my good friend. Tom odłożył pokrowiec z gitarą, żeby móc przytulić Mary. Tom put the guitar case down so he could hug Mary. Tom put down his guitar case so he could hug Mary. Widać było, że jest zadowolona z wyników. She was clearly satisfied with the results. You could see she was happy with the results. Turcja zablokowała dostęp do Twittera. Turkey has blocked access to Twitter. Turkey blocked access to Twitter. Mówisz serio? Are you serious? Are you serious? Chcę zobaczyć twoje prawdziwe oblicze. I want to see your real face. I want to see your true face. Ile procent małżeństw kończy się rozwodem? What percentage of marriages end in divorce? How many percent of marriages end in divorce? Odwołano mecz z powodu ulewy. The match was cancelled due to the heavy rain. The game was canceled because of the rain. On wskoczył do wody. He jumped into the water. He jumped in the water. Każde zdanie w tej książce jest ważne. Every sentence in that book is important. Every sentence in this book is important. Co Ken je? What is Ken eating? What's Ken eating? Niespodziewanie, znaleźliśmy w tym pudełku kota. We unexpectedly found a cat in the box. Surprisingly, we found a cat in this box. Ona pięknie gra na pianinie. She played the piano beautifully. She plays the piano beautifully. Opanowanie języka obcego wymaga cierpliwości. Mastering a foreign language calls for patience. It takes patience to master a foreign language. Możesz polegać na tym słowniku. You can depend on this dictionary. You can rely on this dictionary. Sport to moje hobby. Sports are my hobby. Sports are my hobby. Nie zostawiaj otwartych drzwi. Don't leave the door open. Don't leave the door open. Jesteś jedynym znanym mi kanadyjczykiem. You're the only Canadian I know. You're the only Canadian I know. Tomowi podobał się ten pomysł. Tom liked that idea. Tom liked the idea. Nie zostało już nic do zrobienia. There's nothing left to be done. There's nothing left to do. Zabiję was oboje. I'll kill the both of you. I'll kill you both. Sami tęsknił za swoją żoną i dziećmi. Sami missed his wife and children. He missed his own wife and kids. Kiedyś w tym budynku był szpital. Formerly this building was a hospital. There used to be a hospital in this building. Uważaj, bo będą kłopoty. Watch your step or you'll get into trouble. Be careful, or there'll be trouble. Szukamy Toma. We're looking for Tom. We're looking for Tom. On sam nie chciał z nią rozmawiać. He himself refused to talk to her. He didn't want to talk to her himself. Nie mogę się z nim dogadać. I can't get along with him. I can't deal with him. Muszę już iść do żony, do domu. I guess I should get home to the wife. I have to go home to my wife. Chcę się nauczyć hawajskiego. I want to learn Hawaiian. I want to learn Hawaiian. Jest silniejszy od ciebie. He's stronger than you. He's stronger than you. Wyszła za muzyka. She married a musician. She married a musician. Spotkałem kogoś online. I met somebody online. I met someone online. Oni zabrali ze sobą parasole. They brought umbrellas. They took the umbrellas with them. Jadłem z nimi obiad. I was having dinner with them. I had dinner with them. Śpi. He's sleeping. He's asleep. Ktoś tu był. Someone was here. Someone was here. Wieki się nie widzieliśmy. We haven't met for ages. We haven't seen each other in ages. Poruszaliśmy się windą w górę i w dół. We went up and down by elevator. We were moving up and down the elevator. To może zająć chwilę. It might take a little while. This might take a while. Została ranna w wypadku samochodowym. She was injured in a car accident. She was injured in a car accident. Nie przeszkadza mi, jeśli mnie krytykują, kiedy się mylę. I don't mind being criticized when I am wrong. I don't mind if they criticize me when I'm wrong. Czy Tom się popisywał? Was Tom showing off? Was Tom showing off? Tom i Mary nadawali na tych samych falach. Tom and Mary were on the same wavelength. Tom and Mary were on the same wavelength. Przyjdę, jeśli będzie trzeba. I'll come if necessary. I'll come if I have to. Zaczyna robić się jaśniejsze. It's starting to get light. It's getting clearer. Butelka jest prawie pełna. The bottle is almost full. The bottle's almost full. Tom zostanie zwolniony. Tom will get fired. Tom will be fired. Lincoln wygrał wybory. Lincoln won the elections. Lincoln won the election. Z kim idziesz? Who are you going with? Who are you going with? Mój ojciec nie je dużo owoców. My father does not eat much fruit. My father doesn't eat much fruit. Podejrzewałem, że to się może stać. I thought this might happen. I suspected it might happen. Zadzwonię do ciebie o trzeciej. I'll call for you at three. I'll call you at 3:00. Przyjdę się z tobą spotkać w następną niedzielę. I will come to see you next Sunday. I'll come see you next Sunday. To jest koń. It's a horse. It's a horse. Moja ciotka wcale nie jest szczęśliwsza przez to, że ma dużo pieniędzy. My aunt is none the happier for her great wealth. My aunt isn't happier because she has a lot of money. Czasem czuję się głupi. I feel stupid sometimes. Sometimes I feel stupid. Tom próbował pokłócić się z Mary. Tom tried to argue with Mary. Tom tried to fight with Mary. Czasami Tom chodzi do pracy pieszo. Tom sometimes walks to work. Sometimes Tom walks to work. Jesteś szczęściarzem. You're lucky. You're a lucky man. Chyba Tom poszedł do domu. I guess Tom went home. I think Tom went home. Byliśmy z Tomem bardzo zajęci w zeszłym tygodniu. Tom and I were very busy last week. Tom and I were very busy last week. Mam wasze bilety. I have your tickets. I got your tickets. Jaka jest grubość tej deski? How thick is the board? What's the thickness of this board? Czy aby na pewno są przyjaciółmi? Are they really friends? Are they really friends? Gdzie są dania? Where are the dishes? Where are the dishes? To miejsce było ciche. The area was quiet. This place was quiet. Byłbym wdzięczny gdybyś mi pomógł. I'd appreciate it if you'd help me. I'd appreciate it if you could help me. Jutro wyjeżdżają z Tokyo. They are leaving for Tokyo tomorrow. They're leaving Tokyo tomorrow. Przygotowałam śniadanie dla Dee. I prepared breakfast for Dee. I made breakfast for Dee. Teraz wszystko jest w porządku. Everything is all right now. Everything's fine now. Dlaczego jest tu policja? Why are the police here? Why are the police here? Nie mam dzisiaj lekcji. I don't have classes today. I don't have a lesson today. Jestem pewien, że nie będzie trudno znaleźć inne lokum. I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to find another place to live. I'm sure it won't be hard to find another place. Zróbmy tak, jak mówi Tom. Let's do what Tom says. Let's do what Tom says. On położył książkę na stole. He put the book on the table. He put the book on the table. W przyszłym miesiącu jadę do Bostonu. I'm going to Boston next month. I'm going to Boston next month. Pomyśl dwa razy zanim przetłumaczysz. Think twice before translating. Think twice before you translate. Tom postanowił wystartować na przewodniczącego klasy. Tom decided to run for class president. Tom decided to run for class president. Zapałki kosztują dziesięć groszy. The matches cost ten pennies. Matches cost ten cents. Jesteś tylko studentem. You are nothing but a student. You're just a student. Myślisz, że jestem za stary, żeby wracać do nauki? Do you think I'm too old to go back to school? You think I'm too old to go back to school? Moja mama ciągle się martwi. My mom worries all the time. My mom's still worried. Uznałem, że muszę poprosić o pomoc. I found it necessary to ask for help. I figured I'd have to ask for help. Dzwoniłeś już do nich? Have you called them yet? Have you called them yet? Czy Tom wie, że lubisz Mary? Does Tom know that you like Mary? Does Tom know you like Mary? Uważamy jego zachowanie za dziecinne. We consider his behavior childish. We find his behavior childish. Oddaj mu piłkę! Give him back the ball! Give him the ball! Ciągle kicham. I keep sneezing. I'm still sneezing. Czuję się naprawdę dobrze. I'm feeling really good. I feel really good. Opowiem ci historię mojego życia tak jak było naprawdę. I will tell you my life story how it truly was. I'll tell you the story of my life the way it really was. Niestety, raport jest prawdziwy. Unfortunately, the report is true. Unfortunately, the report is true. Tom zrobi, co mu powiem. Tom will do what I tell him to do. Tom will do as I say. Bill wstał tak wczas, że złapał pierwszy pociąg. Bill got up so early that he caught the first train. Bill got up in time to catch the first train. Kocham ją i ona mnie kocha. I love her and she loves me. I love her and she loves me. Byłem już w Indiach. I have been to India. I've been to India before. Jestem raczej pewien, że mój kot zjadł mojego chomika. I'm pretty sure that my cat ate my hamster. I'm pretty sure my cat ate my hamster. Jego spotkanie rozpoczęło się o piątej po południu. His meeting began at five in the afternoon. His meeting started at five in the afternoon. Kto wynalazł telefon? Who invented the telephone? Who invented the phone? Widziałem, jak Tom pił drinka w barze. I saw Tom having a drink at the bar. I saw Tom have a drink at the bar. Siedzę na krześle. I'm sitting on a chair. I'm sitting in a chair. Śpiewał piosenkę. He sang a song. He was singing a song. Miałem okropną noc. I had an awful night. I had a terrible night. Ja też nic nie zrozumiałam. I didn't understand anything, either. I didn't understand anything either. Tom cię nie zawiedzie. Tom won't let you down. Tom won't let you down. Jakie są wymiary pokoju? What are the dimensions of the room? What are the dimensions of the room? Nie podoba mi się żadna z opiekunek, z którymi do tej pory rozmawialiśmy. I don't like any of the babysitters we've interviewed so far. I don't like any of the babysitters we've talked to so far. Zatopili dziesięć wrogich statków. They sank ten enemy ships. They've sunk ten enemy ships. Jakie to piękne! How beautiful it is! It's so beautiful! Skąd znasz tą osobę? How did you get to know that person? How do you know this person? Nie było Toma przez ponad godzinę. Tom has been gone for over an hour. Tom was gone for over an hour. Ludzie stąd nie mają zbyt wielu możliwości, żeby pływać. People around here don't have many opportunities to swim. People around here don't have a lot of opportunities to swim. Co robisz w czasie wolnym? What do you do in your free time? What are you doing on your own time? To był gorący dzień. It was a very hot day. It's been a hot day. Tęsknię za tobą gdy cię tu nie ma. I miss you when you're not here. I miss you when you're not here. Kto napisał tę piosenkę, którą właśnie zaśpiewałaś? Who wrote that song you just sang? Who wrote that song you just sang? Metr to 100 centymetrów. A meter is 100 centimeters. A meter is 100 centimeters. Czy ta książka jest Twoja? Does this book belong to you? Is this book yours? Jak będzie wyglądać przyszłość miast? What will future cities look like? What will the future of the cities look like? Jego dowcipy słyszałem już wiele razy. I've heard his jokes many times already. I've heard his jokes many times before. Nagle zobaczyłyśmy, że w naszym kierunku płynie rekin. Suddenly we saw a shark swimming our way. Suddenly, we saw a shark moving in our direction. Mój samochód jest niemiecki. My car is German. My car is German. Jej przyjaciel jest piosenkarzem. Her friend is a singer. Her friend is a singer. Czy jesteśmy pewni, że to jest prawdziwe życie? Are we really sure that this is the real life? Are we sure this is real life? Wynik potwierdził moje przypuszczenia. The result confirmed my hypothesis. The result confirmed my suspicions. Uwaga: nieobsługiwane znaki są wyświetlane w postaci: '_'. Warning: unsupported characters are displayed using the '_' character. Note: Unsupported characters are displayed as: '_'. Chłopiec biegnie szybko. The boy runs quickly. The boy runs fast. Tom kupił nowy aparat. Tom bought a new camera. Tom bought a new camera. Jestem kawalerem. I'm a bachelor. I'm a bachelor. Złamałaś mi serce. You broke my heart. You broke my heart. Jej mogiła jest tam. Her grave is there. Her grave is over there. Możesz to zreperować? Can you repair it? Can you fix it? Nasi rodzice zginęli dziesięć lat temu w wypadku samochodowym. Ten years ago, our parents died in a car crash. Our parents died ten years ago in a car accident. Do dziś teledysk Gangnam Style obejrzano na YouTube ponad 3 miliardy razy. Today, the Gangnam Style music video has been viewed over 3 billion times on YouTube. To this day, the Gangnam Style video has been viewed on YouTube over 3 billion times. Tom doi krowy. Tom is milking the cows. Tom milks the cows. Prawie jesteśmy na miejscu. We're almost there. We're almost there. Tom zaprosił Mary i jej przyjaciół na obiad. Tom invited Mary and her friends to dinner. Tom invited Mary and her friends to dinner. Proponowałbym, żebyś mi to dał. I'd suggest that you give that to me. I'd suggest you give it to me. Wielka Brytania ma dwie bazy wojskowe na Cyprze. Great Britain has two military bases in Cyprus. Great Britain has two military bases in Cyprus. Tom nie ma nic do roboty. Tom has nothing to do. Tom has nothing to do. Nie bądź okrutny. Don't be cruel. Don't be cruel. Tom poprosił mnie o bycie jego drużbą. Tom asked to me to be his best man. Tom asked me to be his best man. Ja nie chce rozmawiac o moich dzieciach I don't want to talk about my child. I don't want to talk about my kids. Musicie znowu spróbować. You have to try again. You have to try again. Te miasta mają takie same zasady ruchu. Those cities have uniform traffic laws. These cities have the same rules of movement. Przejadanie się nie jest zdrowe. Eating too much is bad for your health. Eating isn't healthy. Nie wierzę w to, co się stało. I can't believe what just happened. I don't believe what happened. Rozwinął się nowy środek transportu - kolej. A new means of communication was developed - the railway. A new means of transport has developed - the railroad. Wielu ludzi żyje w kraju nielegalnie. Many people are living illegally in the country. A lot of people live in the country illegally. Nie znamy się. We haven't met. We don't know each other. Ile kosztują te spodnie? How much do these trousers cost? How much do these pants cost? Musimy się schować. We've got to hide. We need to hide. Po prostu się z nim spotkajmy. Let's just go see him. Let's just meet him. Wyglądam lepiej od ciebie. I'm better looking than you. I look better than you. Czy ktoś zna nazwisko zmarłego? Does anyone know the name of the deceased? Does anyone know the name of the deceased? Decyzja należy do ciebie. It's for you to decide. It's up to you. Czy ten bajzel to twoja sprawka? Are you responsible for this mess? Did you do this mess? Powiedziałem Tomowi, że pomogę. I told Tom I'd help. I told Tom I'd help. Tom Jackson wydał nową płytę. Tom Jackson has released a new album. Tom Jackson released a new album. Ona ma bogate słownictwo z angielskiego. She has a rich vocabulary of English words. She has a rich English vocabulary. Zjadłem bhelpuri. I ate bhelpuri. I ate bhelpuri. Pokaż mi co masz. Show me what you've got. Show me what you got. Ich wrogość wobec kobiet jest obrzydliwa. Their misogyny is disgusting. Their hostility towards women is disgusting. Podczas konferencji prasowej, Prezydent poruszył temat stosunków międzynarodowych. During the press conference, the President touched on foreign relations. During the press conference, the President raised the issue of international relations. Ten stół jest tak duży jak nasz. This table is just as large as ours. This table is as big as ours. Chciałbym kupić dom na ulicy Park. I'd like to buy a house on Park Street. I'd like to buy a house on Park Street. Tom jest w dobrych stosunkach z Marią. Tom is on good terms with Mary. Tom has a good relationship with Maria. Prawdopodobnie pogoda będzie lepsza jutro Perhaps the weather will get better tomorrow. The weather's probably gonna be better tomorrow. Niedźwiedź nie ruszy martwego ciała. A bear will not touch a dead body. The bear won't move the dead body. Nie graj w piłkę w tym pokoju. Don't play ball in this room. Don't play soccer in this room. Ta praca nie była szczególnie ciekawa. Jednakże, pensja była dobra. That job wasn't very interesting. However, the pay was good. This job wasn't particularly interesting. Tom jednym szarpnięciem rozsunął zasłony. Tom yanked the curtains open. Tom pulled the curtains out with one jerk. Dostał się na uniwersytet po dwukrotnym oblaniu egzaminu. He entered the university after failing the examination twice. He got into the university after he failed the exam twice. Tom nie może być daleko za nami. Tom can't be too far behind us. Tom can't be far behind us. Chcę kupić swoim dzieciom wszystko to czego ja nigdy nie miałem. I want to buy my children everything I never had. I want to buy my kids everything I've never had. Potrzebuję pomocy Toma. I need Tom's help. I need Tom's help. Czemu zrezygnowałeś? Why did you quit? Why did you quit? Ty naprawdę jesteś beznadziejny. You really are hopeless. You really suck. Tom jest bogatszy niż ktokolwiek inny tutaj. Tom is richer than anyone else here. Tom is richer than anyone else here. Ktoś wepchnął mne do środka. Somebody pushed me in. Someone pushed me inside. Moje buty są większe niż Toma. My shoes are bigger than Tom's. My shoes are bigger than Tom's. Siedzieli przy stole i grali w karty. They sat around the table playing cards. They were sitting at the table playing cards. Myślisz, że będziemy ocaleni? Do you think we're going to be rescued? You think we're gonna be saved? Hej, co to jest? Hey, what's this? Hey, what's this? Powiedzieli, że Mary nie żyje. They said Mary was dead. They said Mary was dead. Zebrał dla niej kwiaty. He picked flowers for her. He collected flowers for her. A jednak Tom podjął dobrą decyzję. Tom made the right decision after all. And yet Tom made the right decision. Zdjęcia wykonane przez sondy kosmiczne pokazały wąskie pierścienie wokół Jowisza. Pictures taken by space probes have shown thin rings around Jupiter. Pictures taken by space probes showed narrow rings around Jupiter. Możesz teraz iść do domu. You may go home now. You can go home now. Jesteś tygrysicą w łóżku. You are a tigress in bed. You're a tiger in bed. Myślałem, że mówisz, że będziesz w tym tygodniu w Bostonie. I thought you said you were going to be in Boston this week. I thought you said you were gonna be in Boston this week. Mary nie mieszka w moim sąsiedztwie. Mary doesn't live in my neighborhood. Mary doesn't live in my neighborhood. Jest starszy ode mnie o trzy lata. He is senior to me by three years. He's three years older than me. Cudowny Wonderful! Wonderful. Tom leżał na łóżku. Tom was lying on the bed. Tom was lying on the bed. Wszystko zaczęło się pewnego styczniowego poranka. It all started on a January morning. It all started on a January morning. Zobacz co się dzieje na zewnątrz. See what's going on outside. Look what's going on outside. Policjant zapytał dziewczyny, czy samochód jest ich. The policeman asked the girls if that car was theirs. The cop asked the girl if the car was theirs. Przed wyjściem zamykaj drzwi. Please lock the door before you go out. Shut the door before you leave. Nie tak dawno temu w ogóle nie byłam w stanie grać na gitarze. Not too long ago, I wasn't able to play the guitar at all. Not that long ago, I wasn't able to play guitar at all. Tom chowa się pod łóżkiem. Tom is hiding under the bed. Tom is hiding under the bed. Tom wygląda jakby miał zacząć płakać. Tom looks like he might start crying. Tom looks like he's gonna start crying. Ubrała się. She got dressed. She's dressed. Czy mogę dostać serwetkę. May I have a napkin, please? Can I have a napkin? Kłamiesz? Are you lying? Are you lying? Nie pamietam, gdzie spotkałem go po raz pierwszy. I can't remember where I first met him. I don't remember where I first met him. Tom jeszcze nie rozmawiał z kierownikiem. Tom hasn't talked to the manager yet. Tom hasn't talked to the manager yet. Tom, jesteś chudy jak patyk. Tom, you're as thin as a rake. Tom, you're skinny as a stick. Jestem zdezorientowany. I'm lost. I'm confused. Daj mi trochę czasu na utrwalenie tego. Give me some time to let it all sink in. Give me some time to fix this. Lekarz poradził mu, by nie podjadał między posiłkami. The doctor advised him not to eat between meals. The doctor advised him not to eat between meals. Ja już widziałem tego gościa. I have already seen this man. I've seen this guy before. Pamiętaj, żeby pozamykać okna. Remember to shut the windows. Remember to close the windows. Pielęgniarka jest teraz zajęta myciem skalpeli. The nurse is busy washing scalpels now. The nurse's busy washing scalpels right now. On jest dwa razy starszy ode mnie. He is twice as old as me. He's twice my age. Wszyscy chcielibyśmy pozbyć się broni jądrowej. All of us would like to get rid of nuclear weapons. We all want to get rid of nuclear weapons. Ile lat ma twój ojciec? How old is your father? How old is your father? Choć urodził się w Anglii, mówi po angielsku bardzo źle. Although he was born in England, he speaks English very badly. Although he was born in England, he speaks English very badly. Tom nie chciał zawstydzić Mary. Tom didn't want to embarrass Mary. Tom didn't want to embarrass Mary. Bzdury! Rubbish! Bullshit! Myślałem, że o tym wiesz. I thought you knew that. I thought you knew that. Jakiego rodzaju broń mieli? What sorts of weapons did they have? What kind of guns did they have? Mamy sześć jajek. We have six eggs. We have six eggs. Tom mówi, że może zdobyć dla nas wszystko, czego potrzebujemy. Tom says he can get us everything we need. Tom says he can get us everything we need. Tom powiedział Mary, że nie zrobi niczego niebezpiecznego. Tom told Mary that he wouldn't be doing anything dangerous. Tom told Mary he wouldn't do anything dangerous. Tom zrezygnował. Tom resigned. Tom resigned. To mój pokój. This is my room. This is my room. Szantażował mnie. He blackmailed me. He was blackmailing me. To był długi tydzień. It's been a long week. It's been a long week. Zapytał mnie, czemu się śmieję. He asked me why I was laughing. He asked me why I was laughing. Przynieś portfel. Bring your wallet. Get your wallet. Zamiast prawdziwego jedzenia cały dzień jedliśmy junk food. Instead of eating real food, we just ate junk food all day. Instead of real food, we've been eating junk food all day. Czy robiłaś to kiedykolwiek? Did you ever do that? Have you ever done this? Tom dzwonił, żeby powiedzieć, że się spóźni. Tom called to say that he'll be late. Tom called to say he was gonna be late. Tom mówi, że właśnie zjadł. Tom says that he's just eaten. Tom says he just ate. Czemu bawisz się moimi uczuciami? Why do you play with my feelings? Why are you playing with my feelings? Mamo, gdzie moja chusteczka? Mummy, where's my hanky? Mom, where's my handkerchief? Spędziłem trochę czasu w Indiach. I spent some time in India. I spent some time in India. Dlaczego Tom wyszedł? Why did Tom leave? Why did Tom leave? Twoja przyjaźń jest dla mnie bardzo ważna. Your friendship is most precious to me. Your friendship is very important to me. Tom jest pracowity. Tom is industrious. Tom is a busy man. Tutaj żyjemy. This is where we live. This is where we live. Alice być może przyjdzie. Alice may possibly come. Alice might be coming. Mary poprosiła, żebym ją wyciągnął dziś wieczorem. Mary asked me to take her out tonight. Mary asked me to get her out tonight. Podczas zimy śpię pod dwoma kocami. During winter I sleep with two blankets. I sleep under two blankets during the winter. W Myanmarze rządzi dyktatura wojskowa. Myanmar is ruled by a military dictatorship. There's a military dictatorship in Myanmar. Za kilka godzin się ściemni. It'll be dark in a few hours. It'll be dark in a few hours. Tom cierpi na utratę pamięci. Tom is suffering from a loss of memory. Tom is suffering from memory loss. Chcę tego czego ty chcesz. I want to want what you want. I want what you want. Zamówmy szwedzki stół. Let's order the all-you-can-eat special. Let's order a buffet. Jeden dolar to sto centów. A dollar is equal to a hundred cents. One dollar is a hundred cents. Nie może ich powstrzymać. He can't stop them. He can't stop them. Ci ludzie nie mają teraz pracy. Those people now had no jobs. These people don't have a job right now. Co chcesz, żebym teraz zrobił? What is it that you want me to do now? What do you want me to do now? Tom był z nami wczoraj po południu w bibliotece. Tom was in the library with us yesterday afternoon. Tom was with us at the library yesterday afternoon. Według Biblii, Bóg stworzył świat w sześć dni. According to the Bible, God created the world in six days. According to the Bible, God created the world in six days. Gdzie będzie Ci pasowało? Where's convenient for you? Where's it gonna fit you? Obawiam się, że po południu popada. I am afraid it will rain in the afternoon. I'm afraid it's dropping this afternoon. Mieszkam w małym mieście. I'm living in a small town. I live in a small town. Nie martw się. Nie powiem Tomowi. Don't worry. I won't tell Tom. Don't worry, I won't tell Tom. Wytłumaczę, co się stało. I explained what happened. I'll explain what happened. Bert nie chodzi do liceum, prawda? Bert doesn't go to high school, does he? Bert doesn't go to high school, does he? Przeszkadzałoby Ci, gdybym powiedziała o tym Tomowi? Would you mind if I told Tom about this? Would it bother you if I told Tom? Mary jest moją żoną. Mary is my wife. Mary is my wife. Nikt inny nie potrafi. Nobody else can. No one else can. Przed poznaniem ciebie nigdy tego nie czułem. I never felt this way before I met you. I never felt that way before I met you. Tom jest bardzo niski. Tom is very short. Tom is very short. Przyjadę przed jutrzejszym rankiem. I'll come by tomorrow morning. I'll be there by tomorrow morning. Tom roześmiał się. Tom laughed. Tom laughed. Twoje problemy są niczym w porównaniu z moimi. Your problems are nothing compared to mine. Your problems are nothing compared to mine. Tom był bardzo zmęczony. Tom was pretty tired. Tom was very tired. Często proszę o pomoc. I often ask for help. I often ask for help. Uwielbiałem ten program. I loved that show. I loved that show. Mama przygotowuje obiad. Mom is getting dinner ready. Mom's making dinner. Gdzie poszłaś? Where did you go? Where'd you go? Nie jestem taki pewien, czy chcę jechać do Bostonu. I'm not so sure I want to go to Boston. I'm not so sure I want to go to Boston. Kto jako ostatni rozmawiał z Tomem? Who was the last person to speak with Tom? Who was the last person to talk to Tom? Ten słownik jest tak samo użyteczny jak tamten. This dictionary is as useful as that one. This dictionary is as useful as that one. Nie rób sobie tego. Don't do this to yourself. Don't do this to yourself. Czy powiedziałeś Tomowi, czemu nie możesz pomóc? Have you told Tom why you can't help? Did you tell Tom why you couldn't help? Dlatego to się już nigdy nie powtórzy. That's why this is never going to happen again. That's why it's never gonna happen again. Co zrobili? What did they do? What did they do? Żelazo to pożyteczny metal. Iron is a useful metal. Iron is a useful metal. Zachowuj się przyzwoicie podczas mojej nieobecności. Behave yourself during my absence. Be decent while I'm gone. Te buty nie pasują. These shoes don't fit. Those shoes don't match. Wszyscy ubrani byli w mundury. They were all dressed in uniforms. They were all wearing uniforms. Wczoraj wcześnie wstałem. I got up early yesterday. I got up early yesterday. Był nieobecny w tym szczególnym dniu. He was absent on the particular day. He was absent on this special day. Zdecydował się ożenić z nią. He decided to marry her. He decided to marry her. Dzieci będą szczęśliwe. The children will be happy. The children will be happy. Tom nie miał pojęcia, jak to zrobić. Tom had no idea how to do it. Tom had no idea how to do it. Znów pocałowałam Toma. I kissed Tom again. I kissed Tom again. Mam wielu przyjaciół. I have many friends. I have a lot of friends. Będę punktualnie. I'll be on time. I'll be on time. Powinienem był przewidzieć, że Tom się spóźni. I should've figured Tom would be late. I should have known Tom would be late. Oni już zapomnieli. They've already forgotten. They've forgotten. Co się dziś dzieje? What's happening today? What's going on today? Tomek i Marysia są małżeństwem ponad 30 lat. Tom and Mary have been married for over 30 years. Tom and Mary are married for over 30 years. Zachowaj to na później. Save it till later. Save it for later. Zdychaj już! Die already! Die already! Tom nie może zostać na długo. Tom can't stay for long. Tom can't stay long. Lubisz sałatkę owocową? Do you like fruit salad? Do you like fruit salad? Zostaw to. Leave it. Leave it. Zupa jest przesolona. The soup is too salty. The soup is salty. Nie jest czarny? Isn't it black? He's not black? Podobasz mi się. I find you attractive. I like you. Szybko wyszedł z pokoju. He quickly went out of the room. He left the room quickly. Robiłem ciasto. I was making a cake. I was making cake. Nie sprawiaj, żebym był smutny. Don't make me sad. Don't make me sad. On jest świetny na gitarze. He's very good at guitar. He's great at guitar. Czujesz coś do niej? Do you have a crush on her? Do you have feelings for her? Tom doznał poparzeń słonecznych. Tom got sunburned. Tom suffered sunburn. Tom usiadł w zielonym winylowym krześle i pił przez cały dzień piwo. Tom sat in a green vinyl armchair and drank beer all day. Tom sat down in a green vinyl chair and drank beer all day long. Tom czuł się bardzo zmęczony. Tom felt very tired. Tom was very tired. Tom robi wszystko co może żeby zaoszczędzić pieniądze. Tom does everything he can to save money. Tom is doing everything he can to save money. Dopiero co ukończyła college, więc brak jej doświadczenia. She is fresh from college, so she has no experience. She's just graduated from college, so she doesn't have any experience. Uważam, że dzieci nie powinny pić piwa. I don't think children should drink beer. I don't think kids should drink beer. Padało całą noc. It rained all night. It rained all night. Obie się mylicie. Both of you are wrong. You're both wrong. Jej życzenie zostało wreszcie spełnione. Her wish was realized at last. Her wish has finally been granted. No dalej, dotknij to. Come on, touch it. Come on, touch it. Zaproponowała, żebym do niej kiedyś napisał. She suggested that I write to him at once. She offered me to write to her one day. Jak często wyjeżdżasz za granicę? How often do you go abroad? How often do you go abroad? Zdobyłem to. I acquired it. I got it. Moje prawo jazdy straci ważność w następnym tygodniu. My driver's license will expire next week. My driver's license will expire next week. Kilka amerykańskich okrętów wojennych zostało wysłanych do Panamy. Several American warships were sent to Panama. Several American warships were sent to Panama. Masz głos podobny do mojej śp. babci. Your voice reminds me of my late grandmother. You have a voice like my grandmother's. Opowiedz mi o nim. Tell me about him. Tell me about him. To tego Tom chciał. It's what Tom wanted. That's what Tom wanted. Kto cię tego nauczył? Who taught you that? Who taught you that? Wyszło na jaw, że jestem kłamcą. I was made out to be a liar. Turns out I'm a liar. Jeszcze nie powiedziałam tak. I haven't said yes yet. I haven't said yes yet. Tom dał krótki wykład. Tom gave a short talk. Tom gave a brief lecture. Przyjemnie mi się z nim rozmawiało w czasie przyjęcia. I enjoyed talking with him at the party. I enjoyed talking to him at the party. Mam to zjeść? Am I supposed to eat this? You want me to eat this? Uczę się arabskiego. I am learning Arabic. I'm learning Arabic. Tom nosi okulary. Tom wears glasses. Tom wears glasses. Moja rodzina was pokocha. My family's going to love you. My family will love you. Widziałem ich całujących się za stodołą. I saw them kissing behind the barn. I saw them kissing behind the barn. Niektóre gwiazdy są ledwo widoczne gołym okiem. Some stars are hardly visible to the naked eye. Some stars are barely visible to the naked eye. Nie potrafię ani pisać ani czytać. I can't write, and I can't read either. I can't write or read. Tom kupił nam trochę napojów. Tom bought us some drinks. Tom bought us some drinks. Właśnie dotknęłam węża. I just touched a snake. I just touched the snake. Dlatego mnie wybrali. They chose me for that. That's why they chose me. Ledwo wierzyłem moim oczom. I scarcely believed my eyes. I barely believed my eyes. Tom wciąż pracuje w Bostonie. Tom is still working in Boston. Tom still works in Boston. Tom, wstałeś? Tom, are you awake? Tom, are you up? Pociąg przyjechał punktualnie. The train arrived on time. The train arrived on time. Trzeba ci wiedzieć, że mam lęk wysokości. Something you should know about me is that I'm afraid of heights. You need to know I'm afraid of heights. Bokser powinien mieć szybki refleks. Boxers need quick reflexes. The boxer should have quick reflexes. Tom położył tacę na stoliku. Tom put the tray down on the coffee table. Tom put the tray on the table. Co za przekleństwo! What a cuss word! What a curse! Jesteś żoną Toma, prawda? You're Tom's wife, aren't you? You're Tom's wife, aren't you? Tom ostatecznie wyznał mi prawdę trzy lata później. Tom finally told me the truth three years later. Tom finally told me the truth three years later. Coś jeszcze? Anything else? Anything else? Jaki jest najwyższy budynek w Niemczech? What's Germany's highest building? What's the tallest building in Germany? Jak dotąd, nie zrobiliśmy nic głupiego. So far, we've done nothing stupid. So far, we haven't done anything stupid. Gdyby Tom miał dużo pieniędzy, kupiłby ci to. If Tom had a lot of money, he'd buy that for you. If Tom had a lot of money, he'd buy you this. Próbowaliście ryżu? Did you try the rice? Have you tried rice? Nie byliśmy powiadomieni. We had no notification. We haven't been notified. Nie przeszkadza ci to? Do you mind? You okay with that? Nie podoba mi się tu na dole. I don't like it down here. I don't like it down here. Czy to tam, gdzie jest Tom? Is that where Tom is? Is that where Tom is? Nie martwcie się nami dziewczynami. Znajdziemy sobie coś do roboty. Don't worry about us girls. We'll find something to do. Don't worry about us girls. Nie będziesz mógł się dziś zobaczyć z Tomem. You won't be able to see Tom today. You won't be able to see Tom tonight. Muiriel umie wymyślać historyjki. Muiriel is very good at telling invented stories. Muiriel can make up stories. Uczę. I'm teaching. I'm teaching. Masz jakieś płyty CD? Do you have a few CDs? Do you have any CDs? Mam młodszego brata. I have a younger brother. I have a younger brother. Jesteśmy starymi przyjaciółmi. We're old friends. We're old friends. Dzban był bardzo ciężki. The jug was very heavy. The pitcher was very heavy. Szkoda, że nie mam samochodu. I wish I had a car. I wish I had a car. Dobrze, że istnieją takie miejsca jak to. It's good that there are places like this. It's a good thing there are places like this. Czekaliśmy w pobliżu, aż coś zacznie się dziać. We waited around to see if anything would happen. We've been waiting around for something to happen. Są w moim domu. They are at my home. They're in my house. Chciałbyś mieszkać w Tokio? How would you like to live in Tokyo? Would you like to live in Tokyo? Oni nie mogą nic w tym momencie robić. They can't do anything at this time. They can't do anything right now. Tom jest od świtu na nogach. Tom has been up since dawn. Tom's been up since dawn. Tom zawsze zapina pasy. Tom always wears his seatbelt. Tom always wears his seat belt. Tom nie ma pojęcia, kiedy przyjedzie Mary. Tom has no idea when Mary will arrive. Tom has no idea when Mary's coming. Mówisz tak głośno, że słychać cię nawet na pierwszym piętrze. You speak so loudly I can even hear you on the first floor. You speak so loud, you can even be heard on the first floor. Złamał rękę, gdy grał w piłkę nożną. He got his arm broken while he was playing soccer. He broke his arm playing soccer. Dla niektórych zero jest liczbą dodatnią. There are people to whom, null is a positive number. For some, zero is a positive number. Z początku nie miałem pojęcia, dlaczego. At first, I had no idea why. At first, I had no idea why. Tom jest skazany za napad na bank. Tom is a convicted bank robber. Tom is convicted of bank robbery. Masz przechlapane. You are screwed. You're screwed. O co tyle szumu? What's all this fuss about? What's the big deal? Wszystkie jej współczuły. Everyone sympathised with her. They all felt sorry for her. Tom podarował muzeum trzy obrazy. Tom donated three paintings to the museum. Tom gave the museum three paintings. Jeśli chcesz mówić jak rodzimy użytkownik, to wymaga to masę pracy. If you want to sound like a native speaker, it'll take a lot of work. If you want to talk like a native user, it requires a lot of work. W pełni zarezerwowany na noc, hotel musiał odprawić kilku spóźnionych gości. Fully booked for the night, the hotel had to turn away some late guests. Fully booked for the night, the hotel had to send a few late guests. Ależ ci chłopcy są leniwi! How lazy those boys are! How lazy these boys are! Tom nie chciał z nikim rozmawiać. Tom didn't want to speak to anyone. Tom didn't want to talk to anyone. Chcę pomóc. I want to help out. I want to help. Zakładam, że znasz Toma. I assume you know Tom. I assume you know Tom. Rodzice zabronili mi spotykać się z Tomem. My parents forbade me from seeing Tom. My parents told me not to date Tom. 85% zagranicznych inwestorów w Kazachstanie uważa ten kraj za najatrakcyjniejszy rynek WNP. 85% of foreign investors working in Kazakhstan consider it the most attractive market in the CIS. 85% of foreign investors in Kazakhstan consider this country the most attractive CIS market. Możesz wybrać jedną z dwóch opcji. You have the choice between two alternatives. You can choose one of the two options. Nie podoba mi się twoje poczucie humoru. I don't like your sense of humor. I don't like your sense of humor. Myślę, że to już koniec. I think it's over now. I think it's over. Nie mogę im tego dać. I can't give them that. I can't give it to them. Dzisiaj muszę wykąpać kota. I have to bathe the cat today. I have to bathe a cat today. On kocha jeździć na wycieczki. He loves taking trips. He loves to go on trips. Muszę się nauczyć pisać kursywą. I gotta learn how to write in cursive. I have to learn how to write in italics. Nie mamy już żadnych ziemniaków. We don't have any potatoes any more. We don't have any potatoes anymore. Nauka języków obcych pomaga mi lepiej używać własnego. Studying foreign languages helps me best to use my own language. Learning foreign languages helps me to use my own language better. Wszyscy kłamią. Everyone's lying. Everybody's lying. Moje mieszkanie ma duży salon. My flat has a big living room. My apartment has a big living room. Tom poparzył się przy kuchence. Tom burned himself on the stove. Tom burned himself by the stove. On uczy się prowadzić samochód. He is learning how to drive a car. He's learning to drive. Dlaczego mi nie uwierzyłeś? Why didn't you believe me? Why didn't you believe me? Jest utalentowanym, młodym reżyserem. He's a talented young director. He's a talented young director. Nie mógł tego powiedzieć. He can't have said that. He couldn't have said that. Nasze biuro jest bardzo wygodne dzięki klimatyzacji. Our office is very comfortable with air conditioning. Our office is very comfortable thanks to air conditioning. Jest zimno jak na Syberii. It's as cold as ice. It's cold as in Siberia. Już wygrały. They've already won. They've already won. To łóżko jest bardzo wygodne. The bed is very comfortable. This bed is very comfortable. Czy kiedykolwiek słyszałeś kogoś mówiącego po francusku? Have you ever heard someone speaking in French? Have you ever heard anyone speak French? Tom jest tutaj odkąd pamiętam. Tom has been here as long as I can remember. Tom's been here as long as I can remember. On nikogo nie lubi i nikt nie lubi jego. He doesn't like anybody, and nobody likes him. He doesn't like anyone and nobody likes him. Myślę, że Tom wkrótce wróci. I think Tom will return soon. I think Tom will be back soon. Jesteś geniuszem. You're geniuses. You're a genius. Nie prowadź pod wpływem alkoholu. Don't drive under the influence of alcohol. Don't drive under the influence. Trzecia gwiazda należała do pewnego króla. The third star belonged to a certain king. The third star belonged to a certain king. Co cię skłoniło do podejrzeń? What made you suspicious? What made you suspect? Musisz przyjść. You have to come. You have to come. Piwo zawiera chmiel. Beer contains hops. Beer contains hops. Tom mógł zostawić parasolkę w samochodzie Mary. Tom might have left his umbrella in Mary's car. Tom could have left an umbrella in Mary's car. Mój brat słucha gatunku muzyki, który nazywa się ambient. My brother listens to a music genre called ambient. My brother listens to a genre of music called ambient. "Roma" jest anagramem słowa "amor." "Roma" is an anagram of "amor." "Roma" is an anagram of the word "Amor." Co najmniej 400 pasażerów zginęło w katastrofie. As many as 400 passengers were killed in the crash. At least 400 passengers died in the crash. Wielu amerykańskich rodziców zachęca swoich synów do gry w futbol, by utrzymać ich z dala od narkotyków. Many American parents encourage their sons to play football to keep them away from drugs. Many American parents encourage their sons to play football to keep them away from drugs. Tom powiedział, że jego ojciec kazał mu tego nie robić. Tom said that his father told him not to do that. Tom said his father told him not to. Jak dużo wiesz o sztucznej inteligencji? How much do you know about artificial intelligence? How much do you know about artificial intelligence? Kupiła książkę w tym sklepie. She bought a book at the shop. She bought a book at that store. Nie możemy ich winić. We can't blame them. We can't blame them. Masz dobrą pamięć. You have a good memory. You have a good memory. Alkohol nie rozwiązuje żadnych problemów. Alcohol doesn't solve any problems. Alcohol doesn't solve any problems. Tom będzie żałował. Tom will be sorry. Tom will regret it. Już nie jesteśmy młodzi. We are no longer young. We're not young anymore. Pies zjadł zegarek oraz japoński wentylator. The dog ate a watch and a Japanese fan. The dog ate a watch and a Japanese fan. Jestem pewien, że mama będzie zła. I'm certain that Mum will be angry. I'm sure Mom's gonna be mad. Tomek się nie poddał. Tom didn't give up. Tom didn't give up. Oczywiście nie można powiedzieć, że jest nic niewarte dlatego, że nie jest doskonałe, to nie znaczy, że GTD jest bezużyteczne. Of course you can't say that it's worth nothing because it isn't perfect, so that doesn't mean that GTD is useless. Of course, you can't say that it's worthless because it's not perfect, that doesn't mean that GTD is useless. Możesz czytać, co tylko chcesz. You can read anything you want. You can read whatever you want. Nie dałeś im szansy. You didn't give them a chance. You didn't give them a chance. Tom martwi się za dużo. Tom worries too much. Tom worries too much. Powinieneś powiedzieć Tomowi, żeby był ostrożny. You should tell Tom to be careful. You should tell Tom to be careful. Jesteś mój. You're mine. You're mine. Do zobaczenia w weekend. See you on the weekend. I'll see you this weekend. Zapłaciłem kwotę 10 tys. jenów. I paid an account of 10,000 yen. I paid 10,000 yen. Ta restauracja sobie nie poradzi. This restaurant won't do. This restaurant can't handle it. On ma w rzeczywistości zwyczaj zmyślania. He has a habit of telling lies. He actually has a habit of making things up. Mary jest mądrzejsza od Toma. Mary's smarter than Tom. Mary's smarter than Tom. Powinieneś się przedstawić tej dziewczynie. You should have introduced yourself to the girl. You should introduce yourself to this girl. Pomarańcze rosną w ciepłych krajach. Oranges grow in warm countries. Oranges grow in warm countries. Ta książka kosztuje 20 dolarów. This book costs 20 dollars. This book costs $20. Tom nie przyszedłby, gdyby nie uważał, że to ważne, aby tu być. Tom wouldn't have come if he didn't think it was important to be here. Tom wouldn't have come if he didn't think it was important to be here. Musiałem zapłacić €100 za kupno swojego komputera. To buy my computer, I had to pay €100. I had to pay $100 to buy my computer. Muszę położyć się do łóżka. I need to get to bed. I have to go to bed. Tom cię potrzebował. Tom needed you. Tom needed you. On nigdy nie zatrzymuje się by pomyśleć. He never stops to think. He never stops to think. Mariko mówi dobrze po angielsku. Mariko speaks English well. Mariko speaks good English. Mamy tutaj wystarczająco dużo miejsca. We've got enough space here. We've got enough room here. Dam ci znać, jak sprawy się potoczą. I'll let you know how things turn out. I'll let you know how things go. Oto moja córka. This is my daughter. Here's my daughter. Witaj w domu! Welcome home! Welcome home! Jeśli chcesz być wolny, zniszcz twój telewizor. If you want to be free, destroy your television set. If you want to be free, destroy your TV. Zgubiłem portfel. I lost my wallet. I lost my wallet. Molly ma duży zegar. Molly has a large clock. Molly has a big clock. Nie chcę tu jeść. I don't want to eat here. I don't want to eat here. Myślałem już, że tracę rozum. I thought I was losing my mind. I thought I was losing my mind. Myślałem, że będziesz tym zainteresowany. I think you'd be interested in this. I thought you'd be interested. Możemy to zrobić jeszcze raz? Can we do it again? Can we do it again? On sprzedaje samochody. He sells cars. He sells cars. Ken złapał chyba solidne przeziębienie. Ken seems to have a terrible cold. I think Ken's got a pretty good cold. Wybieraj. Choose. Choose. Tom nie dzieli się jedzeniem. Tom doesn't share his food. Tom doesn't share food. Muszę rozruszać mój samochód. I need to jump start my car. I have to start my car. Jesteś nieuchwytny. You're elusive. You're elusive. Jak ci idzie w szkole? How's it going at school? How's it going at school? Nikt nie potrafił wyjaśnić, jak to jest zrobione. Nobody could explain how the thing was made. No one could explain how it was done. Tylko raz słyszałam, jak Tom gra na pianinie. I've only heard Tom play the piano once. I only heard Tom play the piano once. Masz siedmioro dzieci. You have seven children. You have seven children. Nie potrafię sobie wyobrazić, jakie byłoby moje życie bez mojej rodziny. I can't imagine what my life would be like without my family. I can't imagine what my life would be like without my family. Jesteś perfekcyjny. You're perfect. You're perfect. Proszę, zaśpiewaj piosenkę. Please sing a song. Please sing a song. Myślisz, że jestem przystojny? Do you think I'm handsome? You think I'm handsome? Nie zapomnij umyć rąk. Don't forget to wash your hands. Don't forget to wash your hands. Zrobił to, co musiał. He did what he needed to do. He did what he had to do. On nigdy nie złamałby danego słowa. He would be the last man to break his word. He would never break his word. Nie mów mi, że ją wyrzuciłeś. Don't tell me you threw it away. Don't tell me you threw her out. Nauczyłem się wiele o sobie poprzez proces odstawienia tytoniu. I learned a lot about myself in the process of giving up tobacco. I learned a lot about myself through the tobacco withdrawal process. Dziękuję, jestem najedzony. No, thank you. I'm full. Thank you, I'm full. Jestem mężczyzną. I'm a man. I'm a man. W twojej skarpetce jest duża dziura. There's a big hole in your sock. There's a big hole in your sock. Ktoś to wie. Somebody knows that. Someone knows that. Mieszkałaś tu wcześniej? Did you live here before? Have you lived here before? Słyszałem, że masz piękny głos. I heard you have a beautiful voice. I hear you have a beautiful voice. Mary myślała, że da radę zmienić Toma. Mary thought she could change Tom. Mary thought she could change Tom. Musisz do mnie zadzwonić. You need to call me. I need you to call me. Kiedy ostatni raz ją widziałeś? When was the last time you saw her? When was the last time you saw her? On przyniósł nam złe wieści. He brought us sad news. He brought us bad news. Graliśmy wczoraj w piłkę. We played football yesterday. We played soccer last night. Ciągnie swój do swego. Birds of a feather flock together. She's pulling hers to hers. Jadłem nieraz w Chuck's Diner. I have eaten at Chuck's Diner on several occasions. I used to eat at Chuck's Diner. Brzozy mają białą korę. Birch trees have white bark. The birches have white bark. Zamawiał już pan? Have you already ordered? Have you ordered yet? John wydaje się z natury bardzo szczery. John seems very honest by nature. John seems naturally very sincere. To było efektywne. It was effective. It was effective. Tom ma nadzieję, że jutro nie będzie padał śnieg. Tom hopes it won't snow tomorrow. Tom hopes it won't snow tomorrow. Jak daleko jest do Bostonu? How far is it to Boston? How far is Boston? Wiesz, że nie lubię jajek. You know that I don't like eggs. You know I don't like eggs. Mój brat gra na gitarze. My brother plays guitar. My brother plays guitar. Mam na imię Laurie. My name is Laurie. My name is Laurie. Tom skulił się. Tom cringed. Tom curled up. Zajmę się tym jutro. I'll deal with it tomorrow. I'll take care of it tomorrow. Pielęgniarka jest ubrana na biało. The nurse is dressed in white. The nurse is wearing white. On mnie naprawdę wkurza. He really makes me angry. He really pisses me off. Jestem teraz trochę zajęty. I'm pretty busy right now. I'm a little busy right now. Jego opinia nie miała znaczenia. His opinion was unimportant. His opinion didn't matter. Tom jest wściekły na nas. Tom is angry with us. Tom is mad at us. Myślę, że masz rację. I think you're right. I think you're right. Jesteś komiczny. You're hilarious. You're hilarious. Bierze kąpiel każdego ranka. He takes a bath every morning. He bathes every morning. W każdym razie, program zakończył się sukcesem. At any rate, the program was a success. Anyway, the program was a success. Dziecko nie jest dorosłą osobą. A child is not a mature person. A child is not an adult. Spotkaliśmy się w niedzielę. We met on Sunday. We met on Sunday. Tom pomachał. Tom waved. Tom waved. Udało ci się! You made it! You did it! Dziś jest ciepło, więc można się kąpać w morzu. It's warm today so you can swim in the sea. It's warm today, so you can bathe in the sea. On mówi po francusku i to bardzo dobrze. He speaks French and that very well. He speaks French very well. Tom nie pocałuje Mary. Tom won't kiss Mary. Tom won't kiss Mary. Spędziłem wakacje w Australii. I spent my vacation in Australia. I spent my summer in Australia. Nie ma mojej matki w domu. My mother isn't at home. My mother's not home. Weź ten kawałek kredy i napisz na tablicy. Take this piece of chalk and write on the blackboard. Take this piece of chalk and write it on the board. Pan Mailer zostanie tu do jutra. Mr. Mailer will stay here until tomorrow. Mr. Mailer will be here by tomorrow. Wygląda na to, że moje metody są bardziej aktualne. It seems that my methods are more up to date. Looks like my methods are more up-to-date. Muszę iść. I gotta go. I have to go. Lisa Gardner pisze powieści kryminalne o detektyw D. D. Warren. Lisa Gardner writes crime novels about the detective D. D. Warren. Lisa Gardner writes crime novels about Detective D.D. Warren. Zasługują na szacunek. They deserve respect. They deserve respect. Chcę byś został. I want you to stay. I want you to stay. Mieliśmy krótkie wakacje w lutym. We had a short vacation in February. We had a short vacation in February. On używa okularów do czytania. He wears eyeglasses to read. He's using his reading glasses. Nie odłożyłem ich. I didn't put them away. I didn't put them away. Ależ silny wiatr! What a strong wind! What a strong wind! Już to przemawialiśmy. We've gone over this before. We've already spoken. Bardzo mi go brakuje. I miss him a lot. I miss him so much. Drzwi są otwarte. The door is open. The door's open. "h" jest pustą zmienną. "h" is a dummy variable. "h" is an empty variable. Czy jest tu jakaś dobra restauracja w okolicy? Are there any good restaurants around here? Is there a good restaurant around here? W iPadzie nie lubię tego, że nie da się łatwo zainstalować aplikacji, których nie ma w AppStore Apple'a. One thing I don't like about the iPad is that you can't easily install apps that aren't available through Apple's App Store. In the iPad, I don't like the fact that you can't easily install apps that aren't on AppStore Apple. Moja ciotka wychowała pięcioro dzieci. My aunt brought up five children. My aunt raised five children. Nie chcę żenić się z Mary. I don't want to marry Mary. I don't want to marry Mary. To smutne, jak źle traktuje się starych ludzi. It's a shame the way old people are treated. It's sad how bad you treat old people. Mój wuj nie żyje od trzech lat. My uncle has been dead for three years. My uncle's been dead for three years. Cześć, jak leci? Hello, how are you? Hey, how's it going? Nie ma powodu się złościć. There's no reason to get angry. There's no reason to be angry. Bill wstał wcześnie, więc mógł zdążyć na pierwszy pociąg. Bill got up early so he could catch the first train. Bill got up early, so he could have made his first train. Zdecydował sie pisać codziennie w swoim pamiętniku. He decided to write in his diary every day. He decided to write in his diary every day. Nie ma sprawy. No problem. It's okay. Czy Boston jest bardzo daleko? Is Boston very far away? Is Boston very far away? Zostań tam i nie ruszaj się! Stay there and don't move! Stay there and don't move! Ma około dwóch tysięcy książek. She has about 2,000 books. He's got about 2,000 books. Zasługiwałeś na zganienie z powody twoich złych uczynków. You deserve to be blamed for your bad deeds. You deserved to be blamed for your evil deeds. Wychodzenie do pracy przed śniadaniem? To dla niego typowe. It is characteristic of him to go to work before breakfast. Going to work before breakfast? Z trójki chłopców, najmłodszy jest najatrakcyjniejszy. Of the three boys, the youngest is the most attractive. Of the three boys, the youngest is the most attractive. Czy mogę pomóc ci sprzątać? Can I help you clean up? Can I help you clean up? Wyprosił studentów z sali. He expelled the students from the room. He invited the students out of the gym. Jestem pewien mojej wygranej w meczu tenisa. I am sure of winning the tennis match. I'm pretty sure I won the tennis game. Jestem bezdomny. I'm homeless. I'm homeless. W moim poduszkowcu jest pełno węgorzy. My hovercraft is full of eels. My pillow is full of eels. Spędziliśmy wakacje, odkrywając francuską wieś. We spent our holiday exploring rural France. We spent our vacation discovering the French village. Mój ojciec nigdy nie bierze długiego urlopu. My father never takes a long rest. My father never takes a long vacation. Jesteś pewna, że dobrze się czujesz? Are you sure you're feeling OK? Are you sure you're okay? Proszę poszukaj tego. Please look for it. Please look for this. Mieszkałam z Tomem trzy lata. I lived with Tom for three years. I lived with Tom for three years. Wywołał moje imię. He called my name. He called my name. Nie bądź beksa! Don't be a crybaby! Don't be a crybaby! On jest zły na ciebie. He is angry with you. He's mad at you. Baw się dobrze. Have a nice time. Have fun. Proszę nam dać chwilę. Give us a moment, please. Just give us a minute. Dobrze cię widzieć. It's nice to see you. It's good to see you. Jestem prawie pewien, że Tom nie chce z tobą rozmawiać. I'm pretty sure that Tom doesn't want to talk to you. I'm pretty sure Tom doesn't want to talk to you. Oczywiście byłem nieco rozproszony! I was obviously a little distracted! Of course, I was a little distracted! Co było nie tak z twoim samochodem? What was the problem with your car? What was wrong with your car? Widok z tego pokoju jest cudowny. The view from this room is wonderful. The view from this room is wonderful. Gdzie jest toaleta? Where is the toilet? Where's the toilet? To nie mój problem. Not my problem. It's not my problem. Zastrzelę go. I will shoot him. I'll shoot him. Mój ojciec będzie zadowolony. That will please my father. My father will be pleased. Musisz założyć swój płaszcz. You must put on your overcoat. You need to put your coat on. Mówi szybko. He speaks quickly. He's talking fast. Przyjechał samochodem. He came by car. He came by car. Tom ma tatuaż na nadgarstku. Tom has a tattoo on his wrist. Tom has a tattoo on his wrist. Mamy dla Ciebie lepsze plany. We've got better plans for you. We have better plans for you. Lublana została założona w piętnastym wieku kalendarza juliańskiego. Ljubljana was founded in year fifteen of the Julian calendar. Ljubljana was founded in the fifteenth century of the Julian calendar. Teraz rozumiem. Now I understand. Now I get it. Wiem, kiedy są urodziny Toma. I know when Tom's birthday is. I know when Tom's birthday is. Cieszę się, że się spotkaliśmy. I'm glad we met. I'm glad we met. Czy oglądałeś ten mecz? Did you watch the game? Did you watch the game? Jeśli nie przeszkadza ci, że w domu jest duch, to wszysko w porządku. Pamiętaj tylko, że cię ostrzegałam. If you don't mind a ghost in the house, it is all right. Only you must remember I warned you. If you don't mind that there's a ghost in the house, it's okay. Londyn rozwinął się w główny rynek Europy. London developed into the general market of Europe. London has developed into Europe's main market. Nie mogę nic obiecać. I can't promise anything. I can't promise anything. Meksykanin nauczył go hiszpańskiego. A Mexican taught him Spanish. A Mexican taught him Spanish. Dzisiaj jest więcej chmur niż wczoraj. There's more cloud today than yesterday. There's more clouds today than yesterday. Widzę, że już to wcześniej robiłeś. I see you've done this before. I see you've done this before. Zaprzeczył tym faktom. He denied these facts. He denied those facts. Chciałabym porozmawiać z tobą o czymś innym. I'd like to talk to you about something else. I'd like to talk to you about something else. Nie rozumiem. I don't understand. I don't understand. Też to widział. He saw it, too. He saw it too. Cały świat pragnie pokoju. The entire world desires peace. The whole world wants peace. Alice nie widziała tego psa. Alice didn't see the dog. Alice didn't see that dog. Wiele osób ci powie, że nie powinieneś był tego robić. A lot of people are going to tell you that you shouldn't have done that. A lot of people are gonna tell you you shouldn't have done this. Bywa surowy, ale bywa i łagodny. He is at once strict and tender. He can be harsh, but he can be gentle. Liczne czynniki wchodzą w grę. Numerous factors come in to play. Numerous factors are involved. To bzdura. That's rubbish. That's bullshit. To nie było zabawne. It wasn't fun. That wasn't funny. Pojedźmy autobusem. Let's go by bus. Let's take the bus. On zarabia na życie śpiewaniem. He makes his living by singing. He makes a living singing. Ten odkurzacz jest bardzo głośny. This vacuum cleaner is noisy. This vacuum cleaner is very loud. Boję się bać. I'm afraid of being afraid. I'm scared. Urodziło im się dziecko. They had a boy. They had a baby. Nie lubię marchewki jeszcze bardziej niż cebuli. I hate carrots even more than I hate onions. I don't like carrots even more than onions. Będzie na to mnóstwo czasu później. There'll be plenty of time for that later. There'll be plenty of time for that later. W Walencji mówi się po walencku i hiszpańsku. In Valencia they speak Valencian and Spanish. Valencia is spoken in Valentine's and Spanish. Nie bądź naiwna. Don't be naive. Don't be naive. Nie robiłabym tego na twoim miejscu. I wouldn't do that if I were you. I wouldn't do that if I were you. Nie możemy na to pozwolić. We can't allow that. We can't let that happen. Znam tego chłopaka. I know the boy. I know this boy. Morze jest spokojne. The sea is calm. The sea is peaceful. Nigdy nie sądziłem, że jeszcze zobaczę Tomka w Bostonie. I never thought I'd see Tom in Boston again. I never thought I'd see Tom in Boston again. Orła trzeba było karmić z ręki. The eagle had to be fed by hand. The eagle had to be fed by hand. Tom był naprawdę zakłopotany. Tom was really embarrassed. Tom was really embarrassed. Tom przebiegł sto metrów w dwanaście sekund. Tom ran a hundred meters in twelve seconds. Tom ran 100 meters in 12 seconds. Ktoś jest na zewnątrz. Someone's outside. There's someone outside. Wielu ludzi zna tylko jeden język. Many people only speaks one language. A lot of people only know one language. Co wymyśliłeś? What have you come up with? What did you come up with? Myślę, że będziesz mile zaskoczony. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. Nie mam przy sobie pieniędzy. I don't have any money on me. I don't have any money on me. Muszę tu być. I need to be here. I need to be here. Wyjeżdżasz dopiero jutro, prawda? You aren't leaving until tomorrow, right? You're not leaving until tomorrow, are you? Ile kosztuje sok pomarańczowy? How much does the orange juice cost? How much is orange juice? Najgorsze już minęło. The worst is over. The worst is over. Tom powiedział, że jego pies wabi się Cookie. Tom said his dog's name was Cookie. Tom said his dog's name was Cookie. W zoo jest mnóstwo gatunków zwierząt. There are many kinds of animals in the zoo. There are plenty of animal species in the zoo. Czy masz coś na ból głowy? Do you have anything to relieve a headache? Do you have anything for a headache? Zwyczajnie nie wiem, co powiedzieć... I just don't know what to say. I just don't know what to say... To był poruszający widok. It was a moving sight. It was a moving view. Niezbyt mnie to martwi. I'm not worried that much. I'm not too worried about that. Tom ostatniej nocy dużo wypił. Tom drank a lot last night. Tom drank a lot last night. Ojciec niewiele mówił do swoich synów. The father said little to his sons. My father didn't talk much to his sons. Tom musi posprzątać swój pokój do 2:30. Tom has to clean his room before 2:30. Tom has to clean up his room by 2:30. Nie rób zamieszania z powodu drobnostek. Don't make a fuss about trifles. Don't make a fuss about the little things. Chcę wypić kawę. I want to drink a coffee. I want a cup of coffee. Bambus uginał się pod ciężarem śniegu. The bamboo shoot bent under the weight of the snow. Bamboo was bent under the weight of snow. Tom jest taki szczęśliwy. Tom is so happy. Tom is so happy. Tom pewnie myślał, że byłam szczęśliwa. Tom probably thought I was happy. Tom probably thought I was happy. Czy mógłbyś mi to przeczytać? Could you read this for me? Would you mind reading this for me? Usłyszałem krzyk kobiety. I heard a woman scream. I heard a woman scream. Tom poprosił Mary o coś ciepłego do picia. Tom asked Mary for something hot to drink. Tom asked Mary for something warm to drink. Nikt nie szanował kogoś takiego jak on. No one respected men like him. Nobody respected someone like him. Chyba warto spróbować, prawda? It's worth a try, right? It's worth a try, isn't it? Ukrył się w opuszczonym budynku. He hid in an abandoned building. He hid in an abandoned building. Obserwatorzy patrzyli, jak wchodził do samolotu. Spectators gathered as he climbed into the plane. The observers were watching him get on the plane. Nie zapomnij. Don't forget. Don't forget. Zwykle jeżdżę do szkoły rowerem. I usually go to school by bicycle. I usually go to school on my bike. Nie zobaczyliśmy jej. We didn't see her. We haven't seen her. Mówisz jak Eco You sound like Eco. You sound like Eco. On odkrył nową gwiazdę. He had discovered a new star. He discovered a new star. Naciśnij spust. Squeeze the trigger. Pull the trigger. Wysłucham ciebie. I'll listen to you. I'll listen to you. Ona to zrobi. She's going to make it. She's gonna do it. Ma siedemnaście lat. She's seventeen. He's 17 years old. Umył brudne ręce przed posiłkiem. He washed her dirty hands before the meal. He washed his dirty hands before the meal. Myślę, że to wstyd, że niektórzy nauczyciele języków obcych kończyli studia nie studiując języka z rodzimymi użytkownikami. I think it's a shame that some foreign language teachers were able to graduate from college without ever having studied with a native speaker. I think it's a shame that some foreign language teachers graduated without studying language with native users. Musisz się postarać. You must make an effort. You're gonna have to do your best. Alex odpowie: "kolor." Alex will answer, "Color!" Alex will say "color." Ona ma krótkie włosy. She has short hair. She's got short hair. Co zazwyczaj jesz pałeczkami? What are some foods you usually eat with chopsticks? What do you usually eat with chopsticks? Tom nawet nie chciał pójść do parku. Tom didn't even want to go to the park. Tom didn't even want to go to the park. On jest o dwa lata starszy od ciebie. He is two years older than you. He's two years older than you. Chciałbym zaoferować swoje usługi. I'd like to volunteer my services. I'd like to offer my services. Oszczędzam na nowy samochód. I'm saving up to buy a new car. I'm saving up for a new car. Spotkałem Toma podczas imprezy w zeszłym tygodniu. I met Tom at a party last week. I met Tom at a party last week. Lubisz chodzić do szkoły? Do you like going to school? Do you like going to school? Co? Jeszcze nie potrafisz prowadzić samochodu? What? You don't know how to drive a car yet? What, you can't drive yet? Nie, to nie jest mój nowy chłopak. No, he's not my new boyfriend. No, he's not my new boyfriend. Myślałam, że się znacie. I thought you two knew each other. I thought you two knew each other. Dama milczała. The lady remained silent. The lady was silent. Ostatnio jak do niej dzwoniłem, powiedziała mi, że chce wracać do Włoch. The last time I called her she told me that she wants to get back to Italy. Last time I called her, she told me she wanted to go back to Italy. Rozzłoszczeni obywatele natychmiast podjęli działania. The angry citizens took action immediately. Angry citizens immediately took action. Filiberto wiedzie podwójne życie. Filiberto has two lives. Filiberto has a double life. Kto stłukł tę filiżankę? Who broke the cup? Who broke that cup? Czasem trudno odróżnić rzeczywistość od fantazji. Sometimes reality and fantasy are hard to distinguish. Sometimes it's hard to tell reality from fantasy. Moja żona jest alkoholiczką. My wife is an alcoholic. My wife is an alcoholic. Nie osądzaj kogoś na podstawie wyglądu. Don't judge someone by their appearance. Don't judge someone by their looks. Oni są profesorami. They are professors. They're professors. Znam dziewczynę, która umie jeździć na jednokołowym rowerze. I know a girl who can ride a unicycle. I know a girl who can ride a one-wheeled bike. Gdyby powiedział mi prawdę, wybaczyłbym mu. If he told me the truth, I would have forgiven him. If he told me the truth, I'd forgive him. Nie wygląda tak źle. It doesn't seem so bad. It doesn't look so bad. Jem jabłko. I eat an apple. I'm eating an apple. Biografia Lincolna jest czytana przez dzieci na całym świecie. Lincoln's biography is read by children all around the world. Lincoln's biography is read by children all over the world. Tydzień później Niemcy zaatakowały Polskę. A week later, Germany attacked Poland. A week later, Germany attacked Poland. Tom wsiadł do samochodu, uruchomił silnik i odjechał. Tom got into his car, started the engine, and drove away. Tom got in the car, started the engine and drove away. Rozumiem o czym ona mówi. I understand what she's saying. I understand what she's talking about. Ona jest studentką. She is a student. She's a student. Przestań, łamiesz mi serce. Stop, you're breaking my heart. Stop it, you're breaking my heart. Może naprawdę nie ma własnego pokoju? Maybe she really doesn't have a room of her own? Maybe he really doesn't have his own room. Nie wiedziałem, w co wierzyć. I didn't know what to believe. I didn't know what to believe. Ciągle jest na liście płac firmy. He is still on the payroll of the company. He's still on the company payroll. Coś się dzieje. Something is happening. Something's happening. Uczę się na pamięć. I learn by heart. I'm learning by heart. Twoje komiksy są na półce. Your comic books are on the shelf. Your comic books are on the shelf. Wczoraj padało, po tym jak była susza przez długi okres czasu. It rained yesterday after it had been dry for a long time. Yesterday it rained after the drought for a long time. Czy to zdanie jest poprawne? Is this sentence correct? Is that sentence correct? Tom wziął dzień wolnego. Tom took the day off. Tom took the day off. Moje serce boli. My heart is hurting. My heart hurts. Osoby uczące się angielskiego często mylą ze sobą słowa "lie" oraz "lay." Students of English often mix up the words 'lie' and 'lay'. English learners often confuse the words "lie" and "lay." Co mogłoby być tego powodem? What could be the reason? What could possibly be the reason for this? Jesteś okropny. You're awful. You're awful. Czy oni muszą to zrobić? Do they have to do it? Do they have to do this? Przeszedł obok tego domu. He walked past the house. He walked past this house. Tom podał Mary piwo. Tom handed Mary a beer. Tom served Mary a beer. Mówię po angielsku codziennie. I speak English every day. I speak English every day. To była najbardziej interesująca książka, jaką kiedykolwiek przeczytała. This was the most interesting book that she had ever read. It was the most interesting book she'd ever read. Nie wierzę, że to był wypadek. I don't believe it was an accident. I can't believe it was an accident. W Japonii ryż zwykle je się pałeczkami. Rice is usually eaten with chopsticks in Japan. In Japan, rice is usually eaten with chopsticks. Będziemy dziś w domu. We will be at home today. We'll be home tonight. Wenus jest drugą od Słońca planetą. Venus is the second planet from the Sun. Venus is the second planet from the Sun. Wszyscy poza Tomem byli na spotkaniu. Everyone but Tom was at the meeting. Everyone except Tom was in a meeting. Ostatniej nocy ciężko pracował na polu. He was working hard on the field last night. He worked hard in the field last night. Myślałem, że to ułatwi. I thought would make it easier. I thought it would make it easier. Tom prawie nigdy nie zapomina umyć rąk przed jedzeniem. Tom almost never forgets to wash his hands before eating. Tom almost never forgets to wash his hands before eating. Czy możesz pracować w weekendy? Can you work weekends? Can you work weekends? Nie ma geniuszu bez kropli szaleństwa. There was never a genius without a tincture of madness. There's no genius without a drop of madness. Wczoraj przybył do Tokio. He arrived in Tokyo yesterday. He came to Tokyo yesterday. Jest coś, co musimy zrobić. There's something we have to do. There's something we need to do. Muszę używać francuskiego przez cały dzień w pracy. I have to use French all day at work. I have to use French all day at work. Zaraz się rozpłaczę! I am about to cry! I'm gonna cry! Czekam na autobus od pół godziny. I've been waiting for the bus for half an hour. I've been waiting for the bus for half an hour. Spotkałem ją zeszłej zimy. I met her last winter. I met her last winter. Proszę mówić głośno. Please speak in a loud voice. Speak up. Czemu mi nie odpowiadasz? Why aren't you answering me? Why don't you answer me? Tom jest wyższy niż Mary. Tom is taller than Mary. Tom is taller than Mary. Ona kupuje komputer. She buys a computer. She's buying a computer. Ona poradziła mu użyć roweru. She advised him to use a bicycle. She advised him to use his bike. Ona naprawdę lubi pisać wiersze. She really likes writing poems. She really likes to write poems. Nie jesteś ciekawy? Aren't you curious? Aren't you curious? Nie chcę żeby nas złapali. I want us not to get caught. I don't want them to catch us. Nagle nad naszymi głowami przeleciała mewa. A seagull suddenly flew over our heads. Suddenly a seagull flew over our heads. To tylko kot. It's just a cat. It's just a cat. Lubię matematykę. I like maths. I like math. Lubię, jak śpiewasz. I like the way you sing. I like it when you sing. Piszę list. I'm writing a letter. I'm writing a letter. Ile samochodów posiada Tom? How many cars does Tom own? How many cars does Tom own? Ogromnie podziwiam życie i pracę Fridy Kahlo. I deeply admire Frida Kahlo's life and work. I greatly admire Frida Kahlo's life and work. Uciekł na widok policjanta. He ran at the sight of the policeman. He escaped when he saw a cop. Naprawdę nie chcesz jechać? Are you seriously thinking about not going? You really don't want to go? Matka ustawiła duży wazon na półce. Mother placed a large vase on the shelf. My mother put a big vase on the shelf. Wiem doskonale, o czym mówicie. I know exactly what you're talking about. I know exactly what you're talking about. W roku 1900 opuścił Anglię i nigdy już tam nie powrócił. In 1900 he left England, never to return. In 1900 he left England and never returned. Nie mam pojęcia, gdzie ona mieszka. I have no idea where she lives. I have no idea where she lives. Dziś są twoje urodziny. Today is your birthday. It's your birthday. Ona ma mało przyjaciół. She has few friends. She doesn't have many friends. Ile kosztuje? How much does it cost? How much is it? Musimy wynająć pomieszczenie na nasze przyjęcie. We need to rent a room for our party. We need to rent a room for our party. Te drzwi otwierają się tylko od zewnątrz. This door is opened only from outside. This door only opens from the outside. Zmarł trzy lata temu. He died three years ago. He died three years ago. Tom lubi szachy. Tom likes chess. Tom likes chess. Dzieci robią za dużo hałasu. The kids are making too much noise. Kids make too much noise. Tom ma na podwórku trzy jabłonki. Tom has three apple trees in his yard. Tom has three apple trees in his backyard. Czy ktokolwiek inny to zauważył? Did anybody else notice this? Did anyone else notice? Ile przystanków autobusowych jest stąd do centrum? How many bus stops are there to the center? How many bus stops is downtown from here? Nie słyszałem Toma. I couldn't hear Tom. I didn't hear Tom. Jaka jest twoja ulubiona łamigłówka słowna? What's your favorite tongue twister? What's your favorite word puzzle? Jedliśmy już. We already ate. We've already eaten. To mógł być każdy. It could have been anybody. It could have been anyone. Tom mówił dalej. Tom kept talking. Tom kept talking. Jestem profesorem, czy ściślej rzecz biorąc adiunktem. I'm a professor, or rather an associate professor, to be exact. I'm a professor or, more specifically, an assistant. Wysokie temperatury skracają żywotność smaru. High operating temperatures shorten lubricant life. High temperatures reduce grease life. Zobaczymy. We'll see. We'll see. Problem pozostaje nierozwiązany. The problem remains unsolved. The problem remains unsolved. Prawo zostało dane przez Mojżesza, łaska i prawda przyszły przez Jezusa Chrystusa. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. The Law was given by Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. Tom nie powiedział do mnie nic. Tom didn't say anything to me. Tom didn't say anything to me. To jest okropne. That's terrible. It's awful. Wieczorem idziemy do kościoła. Tonight we're going to church. We're going to church tonight. Ponieważ nikt nie pamiętał o moich urodzinach, było mi przykro. Since no one remembered my birthday, I was upset. Because no one remembered my birthday, I was sorry. Muszę się uczyć. I need to study. I have to study. Powiedziałeś, że Tom jest adoptowany. You said Tom was adopted. You said Tom was adopted. Czy na półce jest słownik angielsko-japoński? Is there an English-Japanese dictionary on the bookshelf? Is there an English-Japanese dictionary on the shelf? Nie chcę jechać do Włoch. I don't want to go to Italy. I don't want to go to Italy. Spytała czy u mnie wszystko w porządku. She asked me whether I was all right. She asked me if I was okay. Podoba mi się ta spódnica. I like that skirt. I like that skirt. W następnym roku będę miał szesnaście lat. I will be sixteen years old next year. I'll be sixteen next year. Tom niesie coś w lewej ręce. Tom's carrying something in his left hand. Tom carries something in his left hand. Czyj to słownik? Whose dictionary is this? Whose dictionary is that? Było naprawdę ślisko. It was really slippery. It was really slippery. Kiedy teraz o tym myślę, to powinienem był się zorientować, że to oszustwo. In retrospect, I should have known that it was a scam. Now that I'm thinking about it, I should have known it was a scam. Dlaczego on się zawsze spóźnia? Why does he always arrive late? Why is he always late? Czy już skończyłeś? Have you finished yet? Are you done yet? Kurs jena wzrósł w stosunku do dolara. The exchange rate for the yen against the dollar has risen. The rate of yen went up against the dollar. Tom lubi słuchać muzyki klasycznej. Tom likes listening to classical music. Tom likes to listen to classical music. Nie kocham mojej żony. I don't love my wife. I don't love my wife. Dzięki! Thanks! Thanks! Która rozrywka jest najbardziej popularna? What's the most popular entertainment? Which entertainment is the most popular? Prawie wszystko jest tak, jak za dawnych czasów. Almost everything is as it was in the old days. Almost everything's just like old times. Wasza dwójka wygląda na zajętych. You two look busy. You two look busy. Wyglądałabyś głupio w sukience swojej matki. You would look stupid wearing your mother's dress. You'd look stupid in your mother's dress. Może pan naprawić przebitą oponę natychmiast? Can you fix the flat tire now? Can you repair the punctured tire immediately? Zastanawiałem się, kiedy tam dotrzesz. I wondered when you'd get here. I was wondering when you'd get there. Kiedy w warowni skończyło się zaopatrzenie, jej obrońcy musieli się poddać. The fortress being out of supplies, its protectors had to give up. When the supply ran out in the fort, her defense attorneys had to surrender. Tom spodziewał się, że Mary wygra. Tom was expecting Mary to win. Tom expected Mary to win. Wszystkie posady Steve'a były albo marnie płatne, albo nudne, albo jedno i drugie. All of Steve's jobs were boring or not well-paid or both. All Steve's jobs were either cheaply paid or boring or both. Tom skręcił nogę. Tom twisted his ankle. Tom sprained his leg. Ściemnia się. It is getting dark outside. It's getting dark. To, co powiedziała, brzmi dziwnie. That, what she said, sounds strange. What she said sounds weird. Uniezależnił się finansowo. He became financially independent. He's financially independent. Zmywajmy się stąd. Let's get out of this place. Let's get out of here. Nie zrobiłbyś tego, gdyby Tom tu był. You wouldn't do this if Tom were here. You wouldn't have done that if Tom was here. Pies Toma ma cztery nogi. Tom's dog has four legs. Tom's dog has four legs. Słyszałem, jak śpiewała. I heard her singing. I heard her sing. Londyn jest jednym z największych miast na świecie. London is one of the largest cities in the world. London is one of the largest cities in the world. Nie powinniście go drażnić. You shouldn't tease him. You shouldn't tease him. Czy to jej parasolka? Is this her umbrella? Is that her umbrella? Pokazał mi rękopis swojej nowej sztuki. He showed me the manuscript of his new play. He showed me a manuscript of his new play. Ona ma alergię na koty. She's allergic to cats. She's allergic to cats. Dziś wieczorem idę na kolację z Tomem. I'm having dinner with Tom tonight. I'm having dinner with Tom tonight. Przyjaciele pogratulowali mi sukcesu. My friends congratulated me on my success. My friends congratulated me on my success. Wracam do łóżka. I'm going back to bed. I'm going back to bed. Tom mówi, że chce mieszkać w Bostonie. Tom says he wants to live in Boston. Tom says he wants to live in Boston. Maszyny do pisania ustępują miejsca procesorom tekstu. Typewriters are giving way to word-processors. Writing machines give way to text processors. Czytam twoją książkę. I read your book. I'm reading your book. Spieszyłem się. I was in a hurry. I was in a hurry. Jestem wegetarianinem. I'm a vegetarian. I'm a vegetarian. Tom lubi meksykańskie jedzenie. Tom likes Mexican food. Tom likes Mexican food. Czy to twoje rzeczy? Are these your things? Is that your stuff? Moje prawdziwe imię to Tom. My real name is Tom. My real name is Tom. Dla nich był to początek końca. It was the beginning of the end for them. For them, it was the beginning of the end. Wyślij mi pocztówkę. Send me a postcard. Send me a postcard. Pozdrowiła pana Kato uśmiechem. She greeted Mr Kato with a smile. She greeted Mr. Kato with a smile. Powiedziałeś Tomowi, żeby nie przychodził, prawda? You told Tom not to come, didn't you? You told Tom not to come, didn't you? Byłam nauczycielką. I was a teacher. I was a teacher. Będę cię kochać na zawsze. I'll love you forever. I will love you forever. Jeśli chcesz mówić jak rodzimy użytkownik, słuchaj rodzimych użytkowników gdzie tylko możesz. If you want to sound like a native speaker, listen to native speakers whenever possible. If you want to talk like a native user, listen to native users wherever you can. Jesteś naprawdę cudowna. You're really wonderful. You're really wonderful. Daj mi swój numer telefonu. Give me your telephone number. Give me your phone number. Tom prawdopodobnie w przyszłym tygodniu będzie musiał jechać do Bostonu. Tom is probably going to have to go to Boston next week. Tom probably has to go to Boston next week. Zmuszono mnie do podpisania się. I was forced to sign my name. I was forced to sign. O co ci chodzi? What are you getting at? What do you mean? Tom dzielił sypialnię ze swoim młodszym bratem. Tom shared his bedroom with his younger brother. Tom shared a bedroom with his little brother. Myślę, że jesteśmy już z grubsza gotowi. I think we're about ready. I think we're pretty much ready. Mógłbyś coś zrobić, żeby Tom przestał? Can you please make Tom stop doing that? Is there anything you can do to get Tom to stop? Ogłoszenie wojny po zaskakującym ataku jest przewidywalne, natomiast zabicie bombardowaniem ponad dziesięciu tysięcy cywilów jest czymś niesłychanym. Declaring war after a surprise attack is to be expected, but killing over ten thousand non-combatants with a bomb is something unheard of. The announcement of war after a surprising attack is predictable, while killing more than ten thousand civilians is unheard of. Wieczorami wychodzi na drinka. At night he goes out for a drink. He's going out for a drink in the evening. Mylisz się. You're mistaken. You're wrong. Teorytycznie, robię matematykę. Theoretically, I'm doing math. Theoretically, I'm doing math. To nie było zbyt miłe. That wasn't very nice. That wasn't very nice. Niezbyt umiem grać w tenisa. I can't play tennis very much. I don't really know how to play tennis. To odkrycie zapisze się w historii. This discovery will be recorded in history. This discovery will be recorded in history. Dlaczego przepraszasz za coś, czego nie zrobiłeś? Why are you sorry for something you haven't done? Why are you apologizing for something you didn't do? Trochę dzisiaj zimno. It's a little cold today. It's a little cold today. Porzucił rodzinę i zamieszkał na Tahiti. He abandoned his family and went to live in Tahiti. He abandoned his family and moved to Tahiti. Wyrzucił banana. He threw the banana away. He threw away a banana. Nie ma czegoś takiego jak darmowy posiłek. There's no free lunch. There's no such thing as a free meal. Chcesz się spotkać z Tomem? Do you want to meet Tom? You want to meet Tom? Tom powiedział, że jedzie do Australii. Tom said he was going to Australia. Tom said he was going to Australia. Potrzebujemy hasła, żeby skorzystać z tego komputera. We need a password to use this computer. We need a password to use this computer. Ona nienawidziła go. She hated him. She hated him. Czy pokój ma klimatyzację? Does the room have air conditioning? Does the room have air conditioning? Nie znasz angielskiego, prawda? You can't speak English, can you? You don't speak English, do you? Obwiniają go za wypadek. They blamed him for the accident. They blame him for the accident. Zróbmy sobie krótką przerwę. Let's take a short break. Let's take a short break. To wieś, gdzie on się urodził. This is the village where he was born. It's the country where he was born. Wydaje się, że Tom zna sekret. Tom seems to know the secret. Tom seems to know the secret. Chcę się temu przyjrzeć bliżej. I want a closer look at that. I want to take a closer look. Jestem wolnym człowiekiem. I'm a free man. I'm a free man. Byłem bardzo rozczarowany tą wiadomością. I was very disappointed at the news. I was very disappointed in the news. Zostawiłem swój słownik na dole. I left my dictionary downstairs. I left my dictionary downstairs. Jest znacznie cięższa od niego. She's much heavier than him. It's much heavier than him. Przy tej ulicy jest warzywniak. There's a grocery store on this street. There's a grocery store down the street. Nie jesteś teraz zły? Aren't you angry right now? Aren't you angry now? Powiedz mi gdzie to jest. Tell me where it is. Tell me where it is. Nasze pierwsze spotkanie wydaje się, jakby było wczoraj. It seems like just yesterday that we first met. Our first meeting seemed like it was yesterday. Tom jest bardzo wysoki, prawda? Tom is very tall, isn't he? Tom is very tall, isn't he? Mówią, że Mary była świetną piosenkarką, kiedy była młoda. They say that Mary was a great singer when she was young. They say Mary was a great singer when she was young. Tom potrzebuje cię w sali odpraw. Tom needs you in the briefing room. Tom needs you in the briefing room. Daj mi znać, jeśli jest coś, co mogę zrobić. Let me know if there is anything I can do. Let me know if there's anything I can do. Ile propozycji dostałeś? How many offers did you get? How many offers did you get? Minęło sporo czasu, odkąd widziałem Toma tak szczęśliwego. It's been a long time since I've seen Tom this happy. It's been a long time since I've seen Tom so happy. Nie można użyć tego kranu. Jest zepsuty. You can't use this faucet. It's out of order. You can't use this tap. Wątpię, że ktokolwiek już powiedział Tomowi. I don't think anyone has told Tom yet. I doubt anyone's told Tom yet. To jest nasza planeta. That's our planet. This is our planet. Mam całkiem dobrą pracę. I have a fairly good job. I have a pretty good job. Jak mogliście mi o tym nie powiedzieć? How could you not tell me about that? How could you not tell me about this? Nie zrobiliśmy tego dla nich. We didn't do it for them. We didn't do it for them. Ma alergię na latex. He's allergic to latex. She's allergic to latex. Tom trzymał małe światełko w lewej ręce. Tom held a small flashlight in his left hand. Tom kept a little light in his left hand. Otworzyła okno, mimo że powiedziałem jej, żeby tego nie robiła. She opened the window, even though I told her not to. She opened the window even though I told her not to. Słyszałem. I heard. I heard. Płacą nam za godzinę. We're being paid by the hour. We get paid in an hour. On ma wielki apetyt. He has a good appetite. He's got a big appetite. Czułem się dużo lepiej. I felt a lot better. I felt so much better. Zapytałam go o radę. I asked him for advice. I asked him for advice. Tankowiec to statek przewożący ropę naftową. A tanker is a ship carrying oil. The tanker is a oil ship. Na początku wziąłem cię za twojego brata. At first, I mistook you for your brother. At first, I thought you were your brother. Kulki są okrągłe. Balls are round. The balls are round. Jeśli zarejestrujesz się na Facebooku, twoje dane otrzymają służby wywiadowcze. If you sign up to Facebook, your information will be sent to intelligence agencies. If you register on Facebook, your data will be provided with intelligence services. Nie wiem co stało się zeszłej nocy, ale oni nie rozmawiają ze sobą dzisiaj rano. I don't know what went on last night, but they're not speaking to each other this morning. I don't know what happened last night, but they don't talk to each other this morning. Nasz zespół przegrał. Our team lost. Our team lost. Rozmawiam po francusku z moimi nauczycielami. I speak French with my teachers. I speak French to my teachers. Nikt nie jest przygotowany. No one's prepared. Nobody's prepared. Ona żyje z dnia na dzień. She is living hand-to-mouth. She lives from day to day. Jesteś zapominalski. You're forgetful. You're forgetful. Był sobie chłopczyk, imieniem Janek, na pozór skromny niby baranek. There was a boy named Johnny, he had a modest look of a lamb. There was a boy named Janek, seemingly modest like a lamb. Wycofaj swoje uwagi! Withdraw your remarks! Withdraw your remarks! Nie bądź głupi. You're being silly. Don't be stupid. Szybko dostosowywał się do nowych warunków. He quickly adjusted to the new situation. He quickly adapted to new conditions. Ale wielka ciężarówka! What a big truck! What a big truck! Drużyna ma samych mocnych zawodników. That team has nothing but strong players. The team has only strong players. Chciałbym znać francuski. I wish I could have spoken French. I'd like to speak French. Powietrze jest chłodne dzisiejszego ranka. Nadchodzi zima. The air feels cold this morning; winter is approaching. The air's cold this morning. Nie uważam tak. That's not how I feel. I don't think so. Gdzie jest najpiękniejsze miejsce na świecie? Where is the most beautiful place in the world? Where is the most beautiful place in the world? Próbuję cię powstrzymać przed zrobieniem dużego błędu. I'm trying to stop you from making a big mistake. I'm trying to stop you from making a big mistake. Czekam na inspirację. I'm awaiting inspiration. I'm waiting for inspiration. Jesteś fantastyczny. You're fabulous. You're fantastic. To po ciebie przyszedłem. I came for you. You're the one I came for. Tom nie mógł się doczekać, żeby zobaczyć minę Mary. Tom couldn't wait to see the look on Mary's face. Tom couldn't wait to see Mary's face. Powinieneś być gotowy na najgorsze. You should be ready for the worst. You should be ready for the worst. Mięli kilkoro dzieci. They had several children. They had a few kids. Uruchom go. Start it. Run it. Oto ja. It's me! Here I am. Ucz się na własnych błędach. You must learn from your mistakes. Learn from your mistakes. Ilu studentów jest w szkole? How many students are there in the school? How many students are in school? Przyjaciele zaprosili mnie na kolację. My friends invited me to dinner. My friends invited me to dinner. Jeśli to wygląda jak wojna, brzmi jak wojna i i zabija jak wojna, to jest to wojna. If it looks like a war, if it sounds like a war and if it kills like a war, then it actually is a war. If this looks like war, it sounds like war and it kills like war, it's war. Mój ojciec ma czerwoną brodę. My father has a red beard. My father has a red beard. Ona jest podejrzana o bycie szpiegiem. She is suspected of being a spy. She's a suspect in being a spy. Czy wszyscy zdrowieją? Is everyone recovering? Is everyone getting better? Popatrz na to. Look at this. Look at this. Czego konkretnie chcesz? What exactly do you want? What exactly do you want? Zawsze chciałem się nauczyć grać na oboju. I've always wanted to learn to play the oboe. I've always wanted to learn how to play oboe. Zostałeś postrzelony? Have you been shot? Did you get shot? Troje dzieci bawiło się w parku. Three children were playing in the park. Three kids were playing in the park. Myślę, że znów jestem w ciąży. I think I'm pregnant again. I think I'm pregnant again. Jestem stary. I'm old. I'm old. Tomek przemycił butelkę whisky do pokoju szpitalnego Marii. Tom smuggled a bottle of whiskey into Mary's hospital room. Tom smuggled a bottle of whiskey into Maria's hospital room. To pomaga nam wszystkim. That helps all of us. It helps us all. Zawsze ubiera się w bardzo prosty sposób. She always dresses very simply. He always dresses in a very simple way. Zaczęło padać. It has started raining. It started raining. Pan Tanaka dzwonił podczas twojej nieobecności. Mr Tanaka called during your absence. Mr. Tanaka called while you were away. Moja mama zrobiła dla mnie sweter. My mother made a sweater for me. My mom made me a sweater. Tom rozmawiał o mnie z Mary. Tom has been talking to Mary about me. Tom talked to Mary about me. Czy jesteś zwykle wieczorem w domu? Are you usually at home in the evening? Are you usually home tonight? Miłość boli. Love hurts. Love hurts. Pływanie to dla mnie przyjemność. Swimming is fun for me. Swimming is my pleasure. Widzę statek na horyzoncie. I can see a ship on the horizon. I see a ship on the horizon. Rozumiem jak rozwiązać ten problem. I understand how to solve the problem. I understand how to solve this problem. Poślizgnąłem się i spadłem ze schodów. I slipped and fell down the stairs. I slipped and fell down the stairs. Nowa sekretarka pisze szybciej niż poprzednia. The new secretary types faster than the old one. The new secretary writes faster than the last one. Jestem zadowolony. I'm satisfied. I'm happy. On pracuje bardzo ciężko. He works very hard. He works very hard. Zamówiliśmy chińszczyznę. We ordered Chinese food. We ordered Chinese food. Nie powinieneś pić. You shouldn't be drinking. You shouldn't drink. Widziałem go trzy lata temu. I saw him three years ago. I saw him three years ago. Tom zaczyna płakać. Tom is starting to cry. Tom is starting to cry. Poproszę o rachunek! Check, please. Can I have the check, please? Pozwolisz mi się odprowadzić? Will you allow me to accompany you home? You're gonna let me walk you out? Słyszałeś o wczorajszym pożarze? Did you hear about yesterday's fire? Did you hear about the fire last night? On boi się węży. He is afraid of snakes. He's afraid of snakes. Chyba oszaleję. I think I'm going crazy. I'm going crazy. To się nie stało z dnia na dzień. This didn't just happen overnight. It didn't happen overnight. Lubię lato, lecz nie mogę znieść gorąca. I like summer, but I can't stand the heat. I like summer, but I can't stand the heat. Tom wydostał się z więzienia. Tom got out of jail. Tom got out of prison. Tom jest zwariowany. Tom is freaky. Tom is crazy. Tom usiadł obok Mary. Tom sat down beside Mary. Tom sat next to Mary. Nasi rodzice zginęli w wypadku samochodowym dziesięć lat temu. Ten years ago, our parents died in a car crash. Our parents died in a car accident ten years ago. Właściwie to nie jest taki duży problem. It's actually not that big a problem. Actually, it's not that big a problem. Już to wcześniej słyszałam. I've heard that story before. I've heard that before. Mało prawdopodobne, bym zdał egzamin na prawo jazdy. I think it's unlikely that I'll be able to pass my driving test. It's unlikely I'd pass my driver's license test. Dlaczego Marika tak bardzo interesowała się kulturą japońską? Why was Marika so interested in Japanese culture? Why was Marika so interested in Japanese culture? Tomek zlekka poczerwieniał. Tom blushed a little. Tom's light red. Moja matka prawie nigdy nie narzeka. My mother almost never complains. My mother hardly ever complains. Tom palił. Tom was smoking. Tom smoked. Jestem wybredny. I'm finicky. I'm picky. Dam ci znać w poniedziałek. I'll let you know on Monday. I'll let you know on Monday. Jesteś jedyną osobą, której ufam. You're the only person I can trust. You're the only person I trust. Nie rozmawiałeś z nimi? Didn't you talk to them? You didn't talk to them? Tom wydaje się być przygotowanym na jutrzejsze lekcje. Tom seems to be preparing for tomorrow's lessons. Tom seems prepared for tomorrow's class. Matka robi nam herbatę. Mother is making tea for us. Mother's making us tea. Zrobię to, jeśli nalegasz. I'll do it, if you insist. I'll do it if you insist. Na szczęście, pracoholik nie umarł. Happily, the workaholic did not die. Luckily, the workaholic didn't die. Na obiedzie obżarliśmy się pizzą i kurczakiem. We pigged out on pizza and chicken at lunchtime. We ate pizza and chicken at dinner. Można dostosować to biurko do wzrostu każdego dziecka. You can adjust this desk to the height of any child. You can adjust this desk to the height of each child. Tom będzie tu za chwilę. Tom will be here in a moment. Tom will be here any minute. Oni stali. They stood. They were standing. Grecki nie jest łatwym językiem. Greek is not an easy language. Greek is not an easy language. Ciągle palił. He's always smoking. He used to smoke all the time. To jest kokos. This is a coconut. This is coconut. Dziś wieczorem spotkam się z Tomem. I'll meet with Tom tonight. I'm meeting Tom tonight. Czy wszyscy się zgodzili? Did everyone agree? Did everyone agree? Mary miała na sobie białą sukienkę. Mary wore a white dress. Mary was wearing a white dress. Proszę, posprzątaj swój pokój. Clean your room, please. Please clean your room. Przepraszam, ale muszę się pożegnać. I apologize for having to leave. I'm sorry, but I have to say goodbye. Mój dziadek zbudował ten dom. My grandfather built this house. My grandfather built this house. Wesołych świąt. Happy holidays. Merry Christmas. Niektórzy nawet oskarżyli go o zdradę. Some even accused him of treason. Some even accused him of treason. Padał śnieg. It was snowing. It was snowing. Toma i Mary nie ma tu w tej chwili. Tom and Mary aren't here right now. Tom and Mary aren't here right now. On ma przywilej studiowania za granicą przez dwa lata. He had the privilege of studying abroad for two years. He has the privilege of studying abroad for two years. Przeczytaj sam dół strony. Read the bottom of the page. Read the bottom of the page yourself. Powinieneś pójść do lekarza. You should see a doctor. You should see a doctor. Tom chciałby żebym ci pomógł. Tom would want me to help you. Tom would like me to help you. Od jak dawna Tom i Mary się spotykają? How long have Tom and Mary been dating? How long has Tom and Mary been dating? Wybierz ten, który ci się podoba. Choose the one you like. Choose the one you like. Jesteś chciwy. You're greedy. You're greedy. Ta rozmowa nic nam nie da. That kind of talk will get you nowhere. This conversation isn't gonna do us any good. Tom śni na jawie. Tom is daydreaming. Tom's dreaming. Obiecuję, że zostanę z tobą aż przyjdzie twój ojciec. I promise you I'll stay with you until your father arrives. I promise I'll stay with you until your father comes. Podpisali przyznanie się do winy. They signed a confession. They signed a confession. Daj mi skończyć kanapkę. Let me finish eating my sandwich. Let me finish my sandwich. Nie znam wszystkich. I don't know everybody. I don't know everyone. Antybiotyki nie zabijają wirusów. Antibiotics can't kill viruses. Antibiotics don't kill viruses. Wstrzymał oddech. He held his breath. He held his breath. Nie chce mi się słuchać twoich wyjaśnień. I don't want to listen to your explanations. I don't want to hear your explanation. Gdzie mogę kupić płytę CD? Where can I buy a CD? Where can I buy a CD? Co jest, kurwa, z tobą źle? What the fuck is wrong with you? What the fuck is wrong with you? Ta teoria naukowa jest kontrowersyjna. This scientific theory is controversial. This scientific theory is controversial. Co mam z nim zrobić? Zatrudnić go? What am I to do with him? Employ him? What do you want me to do with him? Tom pakuje swoje torby. Tom is packing his bags. Tom's packing his bags. Nie, nie mogę. Muszę obejrzeć mecz bejsbolowy w telewizji. No, I can't. I have to watch a baseball game on TV. No, I can't, I need to watch a baseball game on TV. Nie zadzierajcie z nami Rosjanami! Don't mess with us Russians! Don't mess with us Russians! Nie musisz nic mówić. You don't have to say anything. You don't have to say anything. Zaskocz swoich znajomych i naucz swojego psa robić salta! Astonish your friends by teaching your dog to do backflips! Surprise your friends and teach your dog to do the salt! Mój samochód jest niebieski. My car is blue. My car's blue. Tom jest linoskoczkiem. Tom is a tightrope walker. Tom is a ropeman. Jaki jest najtrudniejszy język na świecie? Which is the most difficult language in the world? What is the hardest language in the world? Bawił się. He enjoyed himself. He was playing. Kazano mi poinformować cię, że twój ojciec zginął w wypadku. I was told to inform you that your father was killed in an accident. I was told to inform you that your father died in an accident. Tom poślizgnął się na skórce od banana. Tom slipped on a banana peel. Tom slipped on a banana peel. Prosisz mnie żebym zrobił coś czego nie chcę robić. You're asking me to do something I don't want to do. You're asking me to do something I don't want to do. Powiedziałeś coś? Did you say something? Did you say something? Ten wyraz nie jest obecnie w użyciu. This word is not in current use. This word is not currently in use. Powinnam odpowiadać? Should I reply? Should I answer that? Co ona powiedziała? What did she say? What did she say? Jakie dania zazwyczaj się je palcami? What are some foods you usually eat with your fingers? What kind of dishes do you usually eat with your fingers? Jesteś przerażający. You're terrifying. You're scary. John zepsuł wczoraj okno. John broke the window yesterday. John broke the window last night. Nie wiem, czemu się z tobą męczę. I don't know why I bother with you. I don't know why I'm bothering you. Mam Cię! Gotcha. Gotcha! Teraz zaczynamy to rozumieć. We're starting to get it now. Now we're starting to understand. Zamierzam znowu zobaczyć się z Tomem. I'm going to see Tom again. I'm going to see Tom again. Ona ma uroczą, okrągłą buzię. She has a lovely round face. She's got a lovely, round face. Mówię po angielsku. I speak English. I speak English. Rozumiem, że nadal mieszkasz w Bostonie. I assume you still live in Boston. I understand you're still living in Boston. Moi rodzice byli przeciwko naszemu małżeństwu. My parents were opposed to our marriage. My parents were against our marriage. Wygrałem coś? Did I win something? Did I win something? Piękno jest powodem życia. Beauty is the reason of life. Beauty is the reason for life. Nikt nie dba. Nobody cares. Nobody cares. Nie robi mi różnicy, czy pójdziesz, czy zostaniesz. It's all the same to me whether you go or stay. I don't care if you go or stay. Przedstawiłem Marię moim rodzicom. I introduced Mary to my parents. I introduced Maria to my parents. Plik zapisu stanu gry najprawdopodobniej jest uszkodzony i nie może zostać użyty. Proszę wyjść z gry i uruchomić ją ponownie po usunięciu pliku zapisu. The saved game appears to be damaged and cannot be used. Please quit the game and then restart after removing the save data. The game state record file is most likely corrupted and cannot be used. Please exit the game and run it again after removing the record file. Co za doskonały pomysł! What an excellent idea! What a great idea! Ugotował jej obiad. He cooked dinner for her. He cooked her dinner. To jest jedna z najlepszych restauracji w Bostonie. This is one of the best restaurants in Boston. This is one of the best restaurants in Boston. Grudzień to ostatni miesiąc roku. December is the last month of the year. December is the last month of the year. Szedł boso. He walked barefoot. He was walking barefoot. Nikt nie ma prawa tego robić. Nobody has the right to do that. No one has the right to do this. Japończycy zwracają większą uwagę na zbiorowość i organizację, niż na indywidualnego człowieka. The Japanese pay more attention to the group or the organization than to the individual. The Japanese pay more attention to the collective and organization than to the individual. Rano robię ćwiczenia. I do exercises in the morning. I'm doing practice in the morning. Nie ma sensu przekonywać Toma. It's no use trying to convince Tom. There's no point in convincing Tom. Do którego klubu należysz? What club do you belong to? Which club do you belong to? Chcesz filiżankę kawy? Do you want a cup of coffee? You want a cup of coffee? Pudełko jest prawie puste. The box is almost empty. The box is almost empty. Czy można to ująć inaczej? Can it be phrased in another way? Is there any other way to put it? Statek pojawił się w zasięgu wzroku. The ship came in sight. The ship appeared in sight. Moglibyśmy iść razem. We could go together. We could go together. - Widziałeś mój telefon komórkowy? - Jest na stole. "Have you seen my cell phone?" "It's on the table." - Have you seen my cell phone? Jest bardzo zimno. It's very cold. It's very cold. Lubisz kobiety z dużymi piersiami czy z małymi? Do you like women with large or small breasts? Do you like women with big breasts or small breasts? Powiedziałeś, że masz na imię Tom? Did you say your name was Tom? You said your name was Tom? Nie lubię być sama w domu. I don't like being home alone. I don't like being home alone. Przenieś to. Carry this. Move it. Moja rodzina nie jest bogata. My family is not rich. My family isn't rich. Zeskoczył z dachu. He jumped off the roof. He jumped off the roof. Ona powitała mnie przez "dzień dobry." She greeted me with "Good morning." She greeted me by "hello." Szybko przyzwyczaił się do życia w akademiku i zaprzyjaźnił się z dwiema lub trzema osobami. He soon got accustomed to dormitory life and made two or three friends. He quickly got used to living in a dorm and became friends with two or three people. Muszę zrobić to samemu. I'll have to do it myself. I have to do this on my own. Nie wiedziałem, że mieszkałeś w Katowicach. I didn't know you used to live in Katowice. I didn't know you lived in Katowice. Rok później urodził się Paul. One year later, Paul was born. A year later Paul was born. To będzie kosztować ok. 10 tys. jenów. It will cost around 10,000 yen. It'll cost about 10,000 yen. Mieszkam tu od trzech lat. I have been living here for three years. I've lived here for three years. Dlaczego ofiarowałeś się to zrobić? Why did you volunteer to do this? Why did you sacrifice yourself to do that? Nie zdajesz sobie sprawy, jakie masz szczęście. You don't realize how lucky you are. You don't realize how lucky you are. Wyjął pendrive'a ze swojego komputera. He removed the flash-drive from his computer. He took the flash drive out of his computer. Najważniejsze jest to, czego chcesz. What you want is the most important thing. The most important thing is what you want. Chciałbym ci przedstawić pana Browna. I'd like you to meet Mr. Brown. I'd like you to meet Mr. Brown. Tom stracił ponad 100 funtów. Tom lost more than a hundred pounds. Tom lost over 100 pounds. Nie mogę pić mleka. I can't drink milk. I can't drink milk. Niech żyje Białoruś! Long live the Belarus! Long live Belarus! Musimy znowu z nią porozmawiać. We need to speak to her again. We need to talk to her again. Tom lubi swoją pracę. Tom loves his job. Tom likes his job. Trochę wietrznie dzisiaj. There is little wind today. It's a little windy today. Nie pomagam nikomu. I help nobody. I'm not helping anyone. Na pewno nietrudno będzie nauczyć się, jak się używa tego programu. I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to learn how to use that application. Surely it will be easy to learn how to use this program. Tom lubi się popisywać. Tom likes to show off. Tom likes to show off. Wie pan, wszystko było takie kolorowe. You know, everything was so colourful. You know, everything was so colorful. Jesteś tu, żeby mi pomóc? Are you here to help me? Are you here to help me? Wrócił późnym wieczorem do domu. He came home late in the evening. He came home late last night. Tom i Mary nie mówili po francusku. Tom and Mary weren't speaking French. Tom and Mary didn't speak French. Mecz odwołano z powodu ulewy. The game was rained out. The game was canceled because of the rain. Chciałbym mieszkać blisko twojego domu. I'd like to live near your house. I'd like to live near your house. Bardzo za tym tęsknię. I miss this so much. I miss it so much. Nic nie wydaje się właściwe. Nothing seems right. Nothing seems right. Na nikogo nie czekam. I'm not waiting for anyone. I'm not waiting for anyone. Tylko dwoje ludzi przeżyło trzęsienie ziemi. Only two people survived the earthquake. Only two people survived the earthquake. Bob od zawsze miał klopoty z policją. Bob was always in a tight spot with the police. Bob's always been in trouble with the police. Teraz patrzę na życie inaczej niż dotychczas. I now view life differently than I used to. Now I'm looking at life differently than I've ever seen before. Będę widział, gdy Tom zgłodnieje. I'll see if Tom's hungry. I'll see when Tom gets hungry. Goście są mile widziani. Visitors are welcome. Guests are welcome. Idę do baru na drinka i proponuję, żebyś zrobił to samo. I'm going up to the bar for a drink, and I suggest you do the same. I'm going to the bar for a drink and I suggest you do the same. Czy ona jest developerem? Is she a developer? Is she a developer? Ok, zgadzam się. OK. I agree. Okay, I agree. Nie mogę do tego dopuścić. I can't let this happen. I can't let that happen. Weź cokolwiek chcesz. Take whichever you want. Take whatever you want. Nie sądzę, żeby Tom wiedział, że Mary jest w szpitalu. I don't think that Tom knows Mary is in the hospital. I don't think Tom knows Mary's in the hospital. Jest siódma czterdzieści pięć. It is 7:45. It's seven forty-five. Wiosną - brzask. In spring, the dawn. In the spring, it's dawn. Tomowi i Mary jest przykro, że tak wyszło. Tom and Mary are sorry that it happened. Tom and Mary are sorry it turned out this way. Nie sądzę, żebym miał dość pieniędzy. I don't think I have enough money. I don't think I have enough money. Pamiętasz, jak się spotkaliśmy? Do you remember how we met? Remember when we met? Już wiem, czemu tu jesteś. I already know why you're here. I know why you're here. Jestem zadowolona, że Tobie pomogłam w zeszłym tygodniu. I am glad to have helped you last week. I'm glad I helped you last week. Je. She's eating. He's eating. Chcę dostać prawdziwą pracę. I want to get a real job. I want a real job. Proszę, podaj mi sól i pieprz. Pass me the salt and pepper, please. Please pass me the salt and pepper. Nie pozwalam na spanie w klasie. I do not allow sleeping in class. I'm not letting you sleep in class. Mocno padało przez cały dzień. It rained hard all day. It's been raining hard all day. Głosuj na nią. Vote for her. Vote for her. Wyłącz radio, proszę. Turn off the radio, please. Turn off the radio, please. Muszę zrobić siku. I've gotta take a piss. I have to pee. Tom o tym nie wspomniał. Tom didn't mention that. Tom didn't mention it. Przyglądaliśmy się, jak odjeżdżała w swoim samochodzie, dopóki nie stał się on jedynie plamką gdzieś w oddali. We watched her drive her car away, until it was no more than a dot in the distance. We watched her drive away in her car until it became just a spot somewhere in the distance. Film był świetny. The movie was great. The movie was great. Tom nie chce widzieć płaczu swoich przyjaciół. Tom didn't want his friends to see him cry. Tom doesn't want to see his friends cry. Dlaczego to jest do góry nogami? Why is it upside down? Why is it upside down? Bardzo dziękuję za zaproszenie mnie. Thank you so much for inviting me. Thank you so much for inviting me. Kochasz swego męża? Do you love your husband? Do you love your husband? Bóg umarł. I ja też nie czuję się za dobrze. God is dead. And I don't feel so good either. God died, and I don't feel so good either. Tom kłamie, żeby mnie chronić. Tom is lying to protect me. Tom is lying to protect me. To mi się nie podoba. I don't like it. I don't like this. Nikt nie słyszał wołań Toma o pomoc. No one heard Tom's screams for help. Nobody heard Tom call for help. Wstawaj! Get up! Get up! Co zrobiłeś ze swoim aparatem? What did you do with your camera? What did you do with your camera? Tom ma trzech wujków. Tom has three uncles. Tom has three uncles. On jest właścicielem tej ziemi. He is the owner of this land. He owns this land. Bill był w swojej sypialni. Bill was in his bedroom. Bill was in his bedroom. Tom musi jutro wcześnie rano wstać. Tom needs to get up early tomorrow morning. Tom has to get up early tomorrow morning. Chcę żeby Tom je zobaczył. I want Tom to see these. I want Tom to see them. Mógłbyś zamieszkać ze mną. You could come and live with me. You could come live with me. Nigdy ci nie radziłem tego robić. I never advised you to do that. I never told you to do that. Tom zakluczył się w swoim pokoju i nie wyjdzie. Tom locked himself in his room and won't come out. Tom's locked himself in his room and he won't leave. Włącz światło. Nic nie widzę. Switch on the light. I can't see anything. Turn on the light, I can't see anything. Chodź do naszego stołu. Come over to our table. Come to our table. Dość tych kłamstw! Enough of your lies! Enough with the lies! Co o tym myślisz? What do you think about it? What do you think? Mary się odbiło. Mary belched. Mary's bounced. Do jutra w biurze. See you tomorrow at the office. I'll see you tomorrow at the office. Chcę zamienić z tobą słowo. I wish to have a word with you. I want to have a word with you. Powiedzieli mi, że może ty mógłbyś mi pomóc. I was told that you might be able to help me. They told me that maybe you could help me. Powiedziałem, żebyś zostawił Toma w spokoju. I said leave Tom alone. I told you to leave Tom alone. Urażono jego dumę. His pride had been offended. His pride was offended. Tom mocno krwawił. Tom was bleeding heavily. Tom was bleeding pretty bad. Tom i ja mieliśmy wspólnie dużo zabawy. Tom and I had a lot of fun together. Tom and I had a lot of fun together. Wahał się czy powiedzieć jej prawdę. He hesitated to tell her the truth. He hesitated to tell her the truth. Potknąłem się o kamień, skręcając kostkę. I tripped on a stone, twisting my ankle. I tripped over a rock, twisting my ankle. Moja siostra jest choleryczką. Łatwo się wścieka. My sister has a quick temper. She easily gets mad. My sister's a freak. Podoba mi się, jak wyglądasz. I like the way you look. I like the way you look. Przestań się kłócić. Stop arguing. Stop arguing. Tom nie jest zbyt szczęśliwy. Tom is not very happy. Tom isn't very happy. Został wybrany na przewodniczącego. He was elected chairman. He was elected president. Gdzie się tego nauczyłeś? Where did you learn to do that? Where did you learn that? Uratujemy ich. We will rescue them. We'll save them. Nie wiesz jak? Don't you know how? You don't know how? Bardzo lubię filmy. I like movies a lot. I really like movies. Powiedz mu, by zaczekał. Tell him to wait. Tell him to wait. Co jest na twojej liście rzeczy do zrobienia przed śmiercią? What's on your bucket list? What's on your list of things to do before you die? Tom zapytał mnie czy nie mógłbym go zatrudnić. Tom asked me if I could give him a job. Tom asked me if I could hire him. Mogę otworzyć okno. I can open the window. I can open the window. Sam będziesz musiał się tym zająć. You're going to have to take care of this by yourself. You're gonna have to take care of this yourself. Czy Tom nadal szuka Mary? Is Tom still looking for Mary? Is Tom still looking for Mary? Usiądź tutaj. Sit here. Sit here. Nie powiedziałam mu. I didn't tell him. I didn't tell him. Piorę moje skarpety. I wash my socks. I wash my socks. To jest odpowiedź. That is the answer. That's the answer. Wygrałem pierwszą nagrodę! I've won first prize! I won the first prize! Planuję zaprosić wielu gości na ceremonię otwarcia. I plan to invite a lot of guests to the opening ceremony. I plan to invite many guests to the opening ceremony. Rozejrzyj się. See you around. Look around you. Jak zdobyłeś te pieniądze? How did you come by this money? How did you get that money? To nietypowa prośba. This is an unusual request. It's an unusual request. Kupię forda. I'll buy a Ford. I'll buy a ford. Byłem tak głodny. I was so hungry. I was so hungry. To nie wygląda dobrze. It doesn't look good. This doesn't look good. Jest za dziesięć jedenasta. It is ten minutes to eleven. It's ten o'clock. Jak się miewa pies? How's the dog? How's the dog? Mary to dziewczyna Toma. Mary is Tom's girlfriend. Mary's Tom's girlfriend. Nie powinienem był stawiać mojego laptopa tak blisko krawędzi stołu. I shouldn't have put my laptop so close to the edge of the table. I shouldn't have put my laptop this close to the edge of the table. To biurko jest uszkodzone. This desk is broken. This desk is broken. Słyszałem, jak płynnie mówił po angielsku. I heard him speak fluent English. I heard him speak English fluently. Tom chce cię poznać. Tom wants to get to know you. Tom wants to meet you. On nie jest aż tak leniwym uczniem, za jakiego go uważasz. He is not as lazy a student as you think. He's not as lazy as you think he is. Małe kłamstwo nigdy nikogo nie skrzywdziło. A little lie never hurt anybody. A little lie never hurt anyone. Tom prawdopodobnie zda egzamin. Tom is likely to pass the test. Tom will probably pass the test. Poszedł nad rzekę koło wioski łowić ryby. He went fishing in a river near the village. He went to the river near the village fishing. Wracaj do domu. Get back in the house. Go home. Nie jestem pewien, czemu to się stało. I'm not really sure why that happened. I'm not sure why this happened. Jestem niższy od ciebie. I'm shorter than you. I'm shorter than you. Czarnobrody zawarł sojusz z piratami. Blackbeard formed an alliance of pirates. Blackbeard made an alliance with pirates. Ten samochód został wybrany "samochodem roku." This car was selected the "car of the year." This car was chosen "car of the year." Można na nim polegać. He can be trusted. He's dependable. Tom podniósł monetę i przyjrzał jej się bliżej. Tom picked the coin up and examined it more closely. Tom picked up the coin and took a closer look at it. Kiedy Tom kazał Mary naprawić zepsute krzesło? When did Tom tell Mary to fix the broken chair? When did Tom tell Mary to fix the broken chair? Tom uśmiechnął się. Tom grinned. Tom smiled. Wiesz, kto to zrobił? Do you know who made it? Do you know who did this? Nie mogłem zrozumieć jego idei. I couldn't understand his ideas. I couldn't understand his idea. Napełniam tę butelkę oliwą. I am filling this bottle with oil. I'm filling this bottle with oil. Stanęła przed nim i zażądała przeprosin. She confronted him and demanded an apology. She stood before him and demanded an apology. Tom nie dostanie od nas żadnego jedzenia. Tom won't be getting any food from us. Tom won't get any food from us. Gdzie je spaliłeś? Where did you burn them? Where did you burn them? Muszę się wysikać. I've gotta take a piss. I need to pee. Ta książka podoba mi się bardziej niż tamta. I like this book better than that one. I like this book better than that one. Czy jesteś narkomanem? Are you a drug addict? Are you a drug addict? Będziesz musiał iść. You'll have to go. You're gonna have to go. Jeśli szczur podskakuje za wysoko - zostaje złapany przez kota. If jumps too high the rat - it's captured by the cat. If a rat jumps too high, he gets caught by a cat. Tom zostawił otwarte drzwi. Tom left the door open. Tom left the door open. Zrąbał drzewo. He chopped the tree down. He chops up a tree. Myślisz, że powinnam zacząć nosić kolorowe soczewki? Do you think that I should start to wear coloured contact lenses? Do you think I should start wearing colored lenses? Na zewnątrz jest zbyt głośno. There's too much noise outside. It's too loud outside. Tom dużo pił w młodości, ale obecnie jest abstynentem. Tom drank heavily in his youth, but is now a teetotaller. Tom drank a lot when he was young, but now he's an abstinent. Cała klasa dziś w komplecie. Everyone in the class is here today. The whole class is here today. Poniosłam porażkę na całej linii. I failed miserably. I failed the whole line. Obecni ludzie byli zaskoczeni. The people present were surprised. The people present were surprised. Czy długo spałem? Was I asleep for long? Have I slept long? Jest piłkarzem. He's a football player. He's a footballer. Pomógł mi przynieść krzesło. He helped me carry the chair. He helped me bring a chair. Powinniśmy zrobić to, co nam poradziłeś. We should've done what you advised. We should do what you told us to do. Koszty życia w Japonii spadają. The cost of living in Japan is going down. The cost of living in Japan is falling. W zeszłym miesiącu zmieniłem adres. I changed my address last month. I changed the address last month. Jeździliśmy na nartach po sztucznym śniegu. We skied on artificial snow. We skied on artificial snow. Nie robisz tego prawidłowo. The way you're doing it is wrong. You're not doing it right. Nasze kamery monitorujące to atrapy. Our security cameras are fake. Our surveillance cameras are fakes. Toksyczne opary bromu moją zniszczyć czyjeś płuca. Toxic fumes of bromine can damage one's lungs. Toxic bromine fumes to destroy someone's lungs. Jestem lekarzem Toma. I'm Tom's doctor. I'm Tom's doctor. Rozważmy to jeszcze raz. Let's go over it again. Let us consider this one more time. To ci nie pomoże. That won't help you. That's not gonna help you. Mój kolega zmienia pracę trzy razy do roku. Nigdy się dłużej w nic nie angażuje. My friend has had three jobs in a year; he never sticks to anything for long. My friend changes jobs three times a year, he never gets involved in anything anymore. Jeszcze nie skończyłem jedzenia. I haven't quite finished eating. I haven't finished my food yet. Tom jest w tym lepszy ode mnie. Tom is better at doing that than me. Tom is better at this than I am. Kościelne dzwony biją. The church bells are ringing. The church bells are ringing. Nikt nie wie. Nobody knows. Nobody knows. Znasz tego chłopaka ze zdjęcia? Do you know the boy in the picture? You know that guy in the photo? Nie sądzę, żeby Tom chciał jechać z wami do Bostonu. I don't think Tom is going to want to go to Boston with you. I don't think Tom wants to go to Boston with you. Tom zrobił śniadanie. Tom made breakfast. Tom made breakfast. Nie wiem, co zrobić najpierw. I don't know what to do first. I don't know what to do first. Chciałbym zapłacić czekiem. I want to pay with a check. I'd like to pay with a check. Nie dotrzymujemy kroku najnowszym odkryciom. We have not kept pace with the latest research. We don't keep pace with the latest discoveries. Ona mówi tak dużo. She talks so much. She says so much. Tom wie, że nie bardzo mi się to podoba. Tom knows I'm not very happy about it. Tom knows I don't like it very much. To wstyd, że tego nie wiesz. A shame that you don't know that. It's a shame you don't know that. Tom to zabawny mężczyzna. Tom is a funny man. Tom is a funny man. Tom nie potrafił ukryć przed Mary swoich uczuć. Tom couldn't hide his feelings from Mary. Tom couldn't hide his feelings from Mary. Nie codziennie jest okazja go spotkać. It's not every day one gets an opportunity to meet him. It's not every day you get to meet him. Nie jestem pewien, jaki rozmiar nosi. I'm not sure what size she wears. I'm not sure what size she's wearing. Ciągle jeszcze istnieją barbarzyńskie narody. There are still barbarous nations. There are still barbaric nations. Tom to potwór. Tom is a monster. Tom is a monster. Coś jest źle? Is anything wrong? What's wrong? Co? Nie słyszę cię. What? I can't hear you. I can't hear you. Został usunięty z drużyny za używanie narkotyków. He was dropped from the team for using drugs. He was removed from the team for drug use. Pocałuj mnie w dupę. Kiss my ass. Kiss my ass. Zostaw mi kawałek ciasta. Save me a piece of pie. Leave me a piece of cake. Nikt mnie nie widział. Nobody saw me. Nobody saw me. Jeśli o mnie chodzi, to mam nadzieję, że nie będzie padać. For my part I hope it won't rain. As far as I'm concerned, I hope it doesn't rain. Tom postanowił sprzedać Mary jedno ze swych aut. Tom decided to sell one of his cars to Mary. Tom decided to sell Mary one of his cars. Musisz go zatrzymać. You must stop him. You have to stop him. Ten stół to bezcenny zabytek. This table is a priceless antique. This table is a priceless monument. Znalazł pieniądze na ulicy. He found money in the street. He found money on the street. Carl, ze swoją ognistorudą czupryną, naprawdę wyróżnia się w tłumie. With his bright red hair, Carl really stands out in a crowd of people. Carl, with his fiery hair, really stands out in the crowd. Nie jestem pewien, czy to był taki dobry pomysł. I'm not so sure that was a good idea. I'm not sure it was such a good idea. Czy Pan Brown jest nauczycielem? Is Mr Brown a teacher? Is Mr. Brown a teacher? Jesteśmy leniwi. We're lazy. We're lazy. Klava nadmiernie wszystko upraszcza. Klava oversimplifies everything. Klava simplifies everything too much. Tom planuje studiować biologię jako główny kierunek. Tom plans to major in biology. Tom plans to study biology as a major course. Mecz będzie chyba odwołany. The game will probably be canceled. I think the game's gonna be canceled. Kto jest winny wypadkowi? Who is to blame for the accident? Who's to blame for the accident? O czym tym razem zapomniałam? What have I missed now? What did I forget this time? Przypisy są na dole strony. The footnotes are at the bottom of the page. The footnotes are at the bottom of the page. Ona nadal go kocha. She still loves him. She still loves him. Tom robi, co chce. Tom does what he wants. Tom does what he wants. Tak czy inaczej, wyruszajmy. Let's get started anyway. Anyway, let's go. Ona nie żyje. She is dead. She's dead. Zanim zdecydowałem się ją kupić, przymierzyłem kurtkę żeby sprawdzić czy na mnie pasuje. Before deciding to buy it, I tried on the jacket to see if it would fit. Before I decided to buy it, I tried on my jacket to see if it fit me. Mam umówioną wizytę u lekarza I have an appointment with the doctor. I have a doctor's appointment. To pan White dał Joe'mu ten bilet. It was Mr. White that gave Joe this ticket. It was Mr. White who gave Joe that ticket. Ludzka natura mnie przeraża. Human's nature scares me. Human nature scares me. Wskoczyła do basenu. She dived into the pool. She jumped in the pool. Znam ją. I know her. I know her. Tatoeba powinna być ważniejsza niż cokolwiek innego. Tatoeba should be more important than anything else. Tatoeba should be more important than anything else. Czy moje skarpety są już suche? Are my socks dry already? Are my socks dry yet? Ona była świecącym przykładem dla ludzi zewsząd. She was a shining example to people everywhere. She was a shining example to people everywhere. Tom nie jadł niczego wczoraj. Tom didn't eat anything yesterday. Tom didn't eat anything yesterday. Ona ma syna, który jest lekarzem. She has a son who is a doctor. She has a son who's a doctor. Grałem w tenisa przez cały dzień. I was playing tennis all day. I've been playing tennis all day. Diabeł tkwi w szczegółach. The devil is in the details. The devil is in the details. Niektórzy mówią, że jedzenie późno w nocy jest niezdrowe. Some people say that eating late at night is bad for your health. Some say eating late at night is unhealthy. Tom nas nie skrzywdzi. Tom won't hurt us. Tom won't hurt us. Czuję się znacznie lepiej. I feel much better. I feel much better. Tom jest na wycieczce szkolnej. Tom is on a school trip. Tom is on a school trip. Myślę, że nie będzie padał deszcz, ale wezmę parasolkę na wszelki wypadek. I don't think it will rain, but I'll take an umbrella just in case. I don't think it's gonna rain, but I'm gonna get an umbrella just in case. To był najgorszy dzień w moim jedenastoletnim życiu. This has been the most awful day in my eleven-year-old life. It was the worst day of my 11-year-old life. Które? Which ones? Which one? Egzoplanety to planety poza Układem Słonecznym. Exoplanets are planets that are outside the solar system. Exoplanets are planets outside the solar system. To zaoszczędzi ci sporo kłopotów. This will save you a lot of trouble. It'll save you a lot of trouble. Jaka jest jego najnowsza powieść? What's his most recent novel? What's his latest novel? Czemu nie było cię wczoraj w szkole? Why were you absent from school yesterday? Why weren't you at school last night? Nie planuję być tutaj tak długo. I don't plan to be here that long. I don't plan on being here that long. Nie możemy iść właśnie teraz. We can't go right now. We can't go right now. Moim ulubionym sportem jest narciarstwo. My favorite sport is skiing. My favorite sport is skiing. Lubi moje żarty. He likes my jokes. He likes my jokes. Jeżu klątw, spłódź Finom część gry hańb. Hedgehog of curses, generate a part of the game of disgraces to the Finns. Jeez curses, breed Finom part of the disgrace game. Kościół jest między moim a twoim domem. The church is between my house and yours. The church is between my house and yours. Wrócił do rodzinnej wioski, gdzie spędził ostatnie kilka lat życia. He returned to his native village, where he spent the last few years of his life. He returned to his home village where he spent the last few years of his life. W sobotę jestem zajęty. I'm busy on Saturday. I'm busy on Saturday. Ustalmy kilka podstawowych zasad. Let's establish some ground rules. Let's set some ground rules. Ona jest potworem. She is a monster. She's a monster. Widziałam jak Tom rozmawiał z jakąś piękną dziewczyną. I saw Tom talking to a beautiful girl. I saw Tom talking to some beautiful girl. Tom nie wie, co zrobiłby bez Mary. Tom doesn't know what he'd do without Mary. Tom doesn't know what he'd do without Mary. Nie byłaś chora. You weren't ill. You weren't sick. Tom dzieli sypialnię z bratem. Tom shares a bedroom with his brother. Tom shares a bedroom with his brother. Tom poszedł za Tomem przez pole kukurydzy. Tom followed John across a cornfield. Tom followed Tom through the cornfield. Dlaczego trzymasz jej stronę? Why are you siding with her? Why are you taking her side? Szaleństwo jednego człowieka nazywa się obłęd. Szaleństwo tysięcy ludzi nazywa się religia. Delirium of one person is called madness. Delirium of thousands of people is called religion. One man's madness is called madness, and thousands of people's madness is called religion. Pracuję tylko na pół etatu. I've only got a part-time job. I only work part-time. Tęsknię za tobą kiedy cię tu nie ma. I miss you when you're not here. I miss you when you're not here. Przejrzał wieczorną gazetę. He looked through the evening paper. He went through the evening paper. Mogę cię nauczyć się modlić. I can teach you how to pray. I can teach you to pray. Często się z nią kłócę. I often have quarrels with her. I argue with her a lot. Chcę kupić czeski sweter. I want to buy a Czech sweater. I want to buy a Czech sweater. Nie mogę pogodzić się z faktem, że on nie żyje. I cannot accept the fact that he is dead. I can't accept the fact that he's dead. To nie oznacza nic. This doesn't mean anything. That doesn't mean anything. Droga Mleczna ma ponad 100000 lat świetlnych szerokości. The Milky Way is over 100,000 light-years wide. The Milky Way is over 100,000 light years wide. Proszę, napisz swoje imię ołówkiem. Please write your name with a pencil. Please write your name with a pencil. Możesz to zobrazować? Can you picture it? Can you visualize that? U Toma zdiagnozowano autyzm kiedy miał trzy lata. Tom was diagnosed with autism when he was three years old. Tom was diagnosed with autism when he was three years old. Tom udawał, że śpi. Tom pretended he was asleep. Tom pretended to be asleep. Prawie mnie zabili. They almost killed me. They almost killed me. Jak myślisz, na jaki uniwersytet pójdzie Ted? Which university do you think Ted will go to? What college do you think Ted's gonna go to? Betty zabiła wszystkich. Betty killed them all. Betty killed everyone. Tom nie wygląda na przekonanego. Tom doesn't look convinced. Tom doesn't seem convinced. Jego chleb jest posmarowany masłem z obu stron. His bread is buttered on both sides. His bread is buttered on both sides. Mam chorobę morską. I feel seasick. I'm seasick. Tom chciał wyjść z więzienia. Tom wanted to get out of jail. Tom wanted to get out of prison. Gdzie jest Polska? Where's Poland? Where is Poland? Mówię trochę po japońsku. I speak a little Japanese. I speak a little Japanese. Po rozmowie z przyjaciółmi poczuł się o wiele lepiej. After he had a talk with friends, he felt much better. After talking to his friends, he felt much better. Prawdopodobnie wystraszyłeś Toma. You probably scared Tom off. You probably scared Tom. Nie dorosłem do tego zadania. I am not equal to the task. I haven't grown up for this job. Chcę być dziennikarzem. I want to be a journalist. I want to be a journalist. Czasem jestem senny wczesnymi popołudniami. I sometimes feel drowsy in the early afternoon. Sometimes I'm sleepy early in the afternoons. Zostałem w Bostonie na trzy dni. I stayed in Boston for three days. I stayed in Boston for three days. W Szwajcarii trzeba lepszych jabłek. Switzerland needs better apples. You need better apples in Switzerland. Nie odkładałam ich. I didn't put them away. I didn't put them away. Często mówi się, że najlepszą metodą nauki języka jest nauka z rodzimym jego użytkownikiem. It's often said that the best way to learn a foreign language is to learn from a native speaker. It is often said that the best way to learn a language is to learn with a native user. Mój brat nie jest zadowolony ze swojego nowego samochodu. My brother is not satisfied with his new car. My brother's not happy with his new car. Tom włożył miskę do mikrofalówki i nacisnął przycisk, żeby uruchomić podgrzewanie. Tom put the bowl into the microwave and pushed the button to start it cooking. Tom put the bowl in the microwave and pressed the button to start the heating. Przegapiłem mój przystanek. Jak daleko jest do następnego? I missed my stop. How long does it take to reach the next stop? How far is it to the next one? Wiem, że na ciebie nie zasługuję. I know that I don't deserve you. I know I don't deserve you. Powinnaś zaczekać w środku. You should wait inside. You should wait inside. Tom może nie wiedzieć, gdzie jest Mary. Tom might not know where Mary is. Tom may not know where Mary is. Pochodzenie kanadyjskiego angielskiego sprawia, że ma on cechy zarówno amerykańskiego jak i brytyjskiego angielskiego. Because of its origins, Canadian English has features of both American and British English. Canadian English has the characteristics of both American and British English. Morderca jest jeszcze na wolności. The murderer is still at large. The killer's still out there. Tom nie może temu zaprzeczyć. Tom can't deny this. Tom can't deny it. Ewidentnie skłamałeś. It's evident that you told a lie. You obviously lied. Wymyj zęby przed pójściem spać. Brush your teeth before going to bed. Wash your teeth before you go to bed. Nie ukradłem tego, tylko pożyczyłem. I didn't steal it. I only borrowed it. I didn't steal it. I borrowed it. Poradził jej schudnąć. She was advised by him to lose weight. He advised her to lose weight. Tom jest zapominalski, prawda? Tom is forgetful, isn't he? Tom is forgetful, isn't he? Tochtli lubi królicze mięso. Tochtli likes rabbit meat. Tochtli likes rabbit meat. Myślisz, że będzie dziś padać? Do you think it'll rain today? You think it's gonna rain today? Powinnaś powiedzieć Tomowi, że nie lubisz tego robić. You ought to tell Tom that you don't like doing that. You should tell Tom that you don't like doing this. Tom obrał jabłko. Tom peeled an apple. Tom picked an apple. Lubisz kawę? Do you like coffee? Do you like coffee? Maria i Alicja to naprawdę siostry? Are Mary and Alice really sisters? Maria and Alice are really sisters? Wiem, co miałeś na myśli. I know what you meant. I know what you meant. Zagrajmy w koszykówkę po szkole. Let's play baseball after school. Let's play basketball after school. Czy ty śpiewasz do mojej dziewczyny? Are you singing to my girlfriend? Are you singing to my girlfriend? Powiem ci co i jak. Let me bring you up to speed. I'll tell you what's going on. Ona jest bardziej elegancko ubrana niż ja. She is far more smartly dressed than I am. She's more elegantly dressed than I am. Nie mogłem powstrzymać śmiechu. I could not help laughing. I couldn't stop laughing. Tom planuje zagrać z nami jutro wieczorem w pokera. Tom plans to play poker with us tomorrow evening. Tom is planning on playing poker with us tomorrow night. Tom szedł. Tom walked. Tom was going. Czy ty masz pojęcie kto to był? Do you have any idea who that was? Do you have any idea who it was? Przez jaki okres czasu Tom i Mary byli w związku małżeńskim? How many years have Tom and Mary been married? How long have Tom and Mary been married? Cenimy punktualność. We value punctuality. We value punctuality. Daj mi trochę piwa. Give me some beer. Give me some beer. Nie marnuj czasu Tom'a. Don't waste Tom's time. Don't waste Tom's time. Tom nie jest pewien, co powiedzieć. Tom isn't sure what to say. Tom isn't sure what to say. Jaki sport najbardziej lubisz? What sport do you like best? What sport do you like best? Czekasz na kogoś? Are you waiting for someone? Are you waiting for someone? Bogactwo nie jest tak ważne jak zdrowie czy szczęście. Wealth is not as important as health or happiness. Wealth is not as important as health or happiness. Tom jest mimem. Tom is a mime. Tom is a mime. Tom był fajnym facetem. Tom was a nice man. Tom was a nice guy. Może usiądziemy? Shall we sit down? Why don't we sit down? Całkowicie się z panem zgadzam. I do agree with you entirely, Sir. I totally agree with you. Jest bardzo uczciwy w biznesie. He is very honest in business. He's very honest in business. Jestem dzisiaj w Bostonie. I'm in Boston today. I'm in Boston today. Dziś będę spał na kanapie. Today, I'll sleep on the couch. I'll sleep on the couch tonight. Gdzie jest toaleta? Where's the toilet? Where's the toilet? Dlaczego przetłumaczyłaś to zdanie? Why did you translate this sentence? Why did you translate that sentence? Wiesz, dokąd poszedł twój ojciec? Do you know where your father went? Do you know where your father went? Ona jest posłuszna swoim rodzicom. She is obedient to her parents. She obeys her parents. Jeśli się z nią zaprzyjaźnisz, to jest bardzo serdeczna. Once you get to know her, she is very friendly. If you make friends with her, she's very cordial. Ryby żyją w morzu. Fish live in the sea. Fish live in the sea. On jest najważniejszą osobą. He is a most important person. He's the most important person. Mógłbym skorzystać z twojego telefonu? Might I use your phone? Can I use your phone? Nikomu nie powiedziałem. I haven't told anyone. I didn't tell anyone. Nic mi nigdy nie mówisz. You never tell me anything. You never tell me anything. Zdecydowanie potrzebujemy więcej pomocy. We definitely need more help. We definitely need more help. Tamten facet na ciebie patrzy. That man is looking at you. That guy's looking at you. Tom pocałuje Mary. Tom will kiss Mary. Tom will kiss Mary. Mary stwierdziła, że jest na to za młoda. Mary said she was too young to do that. Mary said she was too young for that. Tom zauważył coś w oddali. Tom noticed something in the distance. Tom noticed something in the distance. W czasie wielkiego trzęsienia ziemi w Tohoku wysokość fal tsunami dochodziła do 37,9 metra. During the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake, the height of the tsunami waves reached up to 37.9 meters. During the big earthquake in Tohoku, tsunamis peaked at 33.9 meters. Tom ma ciemną karnację. Tom has a dark complexion. Tom has dark skin. Nie zostało już nic do powiedzenia. There's nothing left to be said. There's nothing left to say. Na śniadanie zeszła o ósmej. She came down for breakfast at eight. She went down for breakfast at 8:00. Zatrzyma się w domu przyjaciela. He is going to stay at a friend's house. He'll be staying at his friend's house. Myślę, że Tom może być uczulony na jajka. I think Tom might be allergic to eggs. I think Tom might be allergic to eggs. Dan nie zasłużył na śmierć. Dan didn't deserve to die. Dan didn't deserve to die. Tom zachorował i umarł. Tom got sick and died. Tom got sick and died. Nie lubię swojej pracy. I don't like my job. I don't like my job. Nikt nie wie dlaczego. Nobody knows why. Nobody knows why. Mam dwóch przyjaciół, którzy mieszkają w Niemczech. I have two friends who live in Germany. I have two friends who live in Germany. To jego dom. That is his house. This is his house. Kiedy byłam dzieckiem, często pływałam w morzu. When I was a child, I often went swimming in the sea. When I was a kid, I used to swim in the sea a lot. Właśnie nauczyłem się sześciu nowych faktów na temat wombatów. I just learned six new facts about wombats. I just learned six new facts about the wombat. Staram się jak mogę tak długo na ile jestem do tego zdolny fizycznie. I want to try my best for as long as I am physically able to. I'm trying as hard as I can for as long as I can physically. Jesteś rozsądny. You're reasonable. You're reasonable. Jestem na diecie ponad rok. I've been on a diet for more than a year. I've been on a diet for over a year. Wstawaj, Tom. Muszę z tobą porozmawiać. Wake up, Tom. I've got to talk to you. Get up, Tom, I need to talk to you. Przypatrz się. Look closely. Take a good look. Jestem pewien, że polubisz Toma. I'm sure you'll like Tom. I'm sure you'll like Tom. Brzoskwinie są słodkie. Peaches taste sweet. Peaches are cute. Został potrącony przez samochód i zginął na miejscu. He was hit by a car and died instantly. He was hit by a car and killed at the scene. Jesteś cienki. You're thin. You're thin. Tom przeprosił, że Mary musiała czekać. Tom apologized for making Mary wait. Tom apologized that Mary had to wait. Przygotował się do odlotu. He got ready for departure. He's prepared to leave. Mam drewniany stół. I have a wooden table. I have a wooden table. Deszcz pada cały czas. It rains incessantly. It rains all the time. Przeziębiłam się dwa dni temu. I caught a cold two days ago. I caught a cold two days ago. Ona musiała skończyć pracę wczoraj. She must have finished the work yesterday. She had to finish work yesterday. Nie wykonuj gwałtownych ruchów. Don't make abrupt moves. Don't make any sudden moves. Jesteś znowu w drodze? Are you on the road again? Are you on your way back? Tom musi wcześnie wstać. Tom has to get up early. Tom has to get up early. Tom musi usłyszeć złe wiadomości bezpośrednio od Mary. Tom needs to hear the bad news directly from Mary. Tom needs to hear bad news from Mary directly. Mary kocha jeździć na swoim koniu. Mary loves to ride her horse. Mary loves riding her horse. Ona jest w mniej więcej tym samym wieku co ja. She's about the same age as I am. She's about the same age as me. Poznałam go wczoraj. I met him yesterday. I met him yesterday. Powinniśmy iść spać. We should go to sleep. We should go to sleep. Nie chcę tego aż do jutra. I don't want that until tomorrow. I don't want it until tomorrow. Jesteś jak Cassandra. You are like cassandra. You're like Cassandra. Nie potrzebuję szczęścia. I don't need luck. I don't need luck. Otworzyłem pudełko i zajrzałem do środka. I opened the box and looked inside. I opened the box and looked inside. Dyskusja rozgorzała. The discussion was heated. The discussion's been heated. On czyta gazetę każdego rana. He reads the newspaper every morning. He reads the paper every morning. Tom wybrał kolory. Tom chose the colours. Tom picked out the colors. Czy pamiętasz swoje pierwsze angielskie słowo? Can you remember the first word you learned in English? Do you remember your first English word? Cały dzień byłem zajęty. I was busy all day. I've been busy all day. Gram w siatkówkę na plaży. I'm on the beach playing volleyball. I play volleyball on the beach. Ciekawie się porobiło. It's funny how things turned out. It's been a bit of a mess. Czy nie możesz mi pomóc? Can't you help me? Can't you help me? Brak wiadomości to dobra wiadomość. No news is good news. No news is good news. Natychmiast wyślij telegram. Send the telegram at once. Send a telegram immediately. Cześć wszystkim. Hi everyone. Hey, everybody. Po prostu nie wiemy, co się stało. We just don't know what happened. We just don't know what happened. Wkrótce firmy będą szukały nowych rozwiązań. Firms will soon be looking for new solutions. Soon companies will be looking for new solutions. Biorę jedzenie dla Toma. I'm taking Tom some food. I'm getting food for Tom. Dlaczego uczysz się angielskiego? What do you study English for? Why are you learning English? Mary zdradziła Johnowi ten sekret. Mary told John the secret. Mary told John that secret. Cieszę się, że cię tu widzę. I am happy to see you here. I'm glad to see you here. Dam ci dobrą radę - nie sikaj pod wiatr! Let me give you some advice - don't pee into the wind! I'll give you some good advice - don't pee in the wind! Kupiła długopis w tym sklepie. She bought this pen at that store. She bought a pen in that store. Naprawdę chciałbym wiedzieć, co to jest. I'd really like to know what that is. I'd really like to know what it is. Wszystko zaczęło się z tego powodu. It all started because of this. It all started because of that. On wydaje się zmęczony. He seems tired. He seems tired. Nikt nie odpowiedział. Nobody answered. No one answered. Nie ma nagrody bez trudu. No sweet without sweat. There's no reward easy. Tom i Mary zdali sobie sprawę z tego, że nie mają wyboru. Tom and Mary realized they had no choice. Tom and Mary realized they had no choice. Teraz jest ósma rano. It is now eight in the morning. Now it's 8:00 in the morning. Tom nie chce być złapany. Tom doesn't want to be caught. Tom doesn't want to be caught. Pojawił się kolejny problem. Another problem has arisen. There's another problem. Makaron podgrzany ponownie nie jest już tak dobry. Pasta heated up again is never any good. The noodle reheated isn't that good anymore. Znalazł dla mnie przyjemny krawat. He found me a nice tie. He found me a nice tie. Kocham dziś cały świat. Today I love the entire world. I love the whole world today. Ciekawie się go słucha. It is very interesting to listen to him. It's interesting to listen to. Zaczerwieniła się na twarzy. Her face turned red. She turned red on her face. Nie sprzedajemy tej książki. We don't sell that book. We're not selling this book. Kogo wolisz: Olbrzymów czy Smoki? Which do you like better, the Giants or the Dragons? Who do you prefer, giants or dragons? Wierzę w jej opowieść. I believe her story. I believe in her story. To wygląda podejrzanie. It looks suspicious. This looks suspicious. Miałem ze sobą parasol, ale mój przyjaciel nie miał. I had an umbrella with me but my friend did not. I had an umbrella with me, but my friend didn't. Czuł się zupełnie poniżony. He felt utterly humiliated. He felt completely humiliated. Ten lek da Tobie trochę ulgi. This medicine will give you some relief. This drug will give you some relief. Teraz nie jest już tak trudno jak kiedyś znaleźć rodzimego użytkownika do pomocy w nauce języka. It's not as difficult to find a native speaker to help you with your language studies as it used to be. Now it's not as hard as it used to be to find a native user to help learn a language. Pracuję obecnie w Bostonie. I'm working in Boston now. I'm currently working in Boston. Tom nie chciał ożenić się z Mary. Tom didn't want to marry Mary. Tom didn't want to marry Mary. Będziesz w miarę bezpieczny. You'll be quite safe. You'll be safe enough. Dlaczego pomalował pan ławkę na czerwono? Why did you paint the bench red? Why did you paint the bench red? To jest prezent dla ciebie. This is a present for you. This is a gift for you. Tom nie wie, kim jest dziadek Mary. Tom has no idea who Mary's grandfather is. Tom doesn't know who Grandpa Mary is. Takie rzeczy tylko w Australii. This only happens in Australia. It's only in Australia. Spóźnisz się, jak się nie pospieszysz. If you don't hurry, you'll be late. You'll be late if you don't hurry. Jestem pewien, że Tom umie to zrobić. I'm pretty sure that Tom can do it. I'm sure Tom can do it. Dałem zrobić sobie zdjęcie. I had my photograph taken. I gave myself a picture. Jego kłamstwo skomplikowało sprawę. His lie complicated matters. His lie complicated the case. Studiuję. I study. I'm studying. Gdzie spędziłaś urlop? Where did you spend your holidays? Where'd you spend your vacation? Gdzie kupiłeś swój tornister? Where did you buy your book bag? Where'd you get your bag? Będę obecny. I'll attend. I'll be present. Odrzucił moją ofertę. He turned down my offer. He turned down my offer. Nie mogę. I can't. I can't. Nie rób ze mnie głupka. Don't make a fool of me. Don't make a fool of me. Tom szeptał. Tom whispered. Tom was whispering. Tom każdego ranka idzie na spacer. Tom takes a walk every morning. Tom goes for a walk every morning. Uczył historii w szkole. He taught history at school. He taught history at school. Kiedy pana nie było, był tu niejaki pan Smith. A Mr Smith came while you were out. While you were away, a man named Mr. Smith was here. Nauczyciel napisał coś na tablicy w języku, którego nie znałam. The teacher wrote something on the blackboard in a language I didn't know. The teacher wrote something on the board in a language I didn't know. W Singapurze mówi się po angielsku. English is spoken in Singapore. Singapore is spoken in English. Jestem przekonany, że jest niewinny. I'm convinced he's not guilty. I'm sure he's innocent. Uczyłem Toma francuskiego trzy lata temu. I taught Tom French three years ago. I taught Tom French three years ago. Tom nie był aż tak zajęty, jak Mary powiedziała, że będzie. Tom wasn't as busy as Mary told me he would be. Tom wasn't as busy as Mary said he would be. Tom cię nie zostawi. Tom won't leave you. Tom won't leave you. Wszyscy studenci patrzyli na mały kawałek metalu. All of the students were looking at a little chunk of metal. All the students were looking at a small piece of metal. Jane wyszła na zakupy. Jane is out shopping. Jane went shopping. Tom postanowił przełożyć spotkanie. Tom decided to postpone the meeting. Tom decided to postpone the meeting. Tom stwierdził, że ciężko w to uwierzyć. Tom found that difficult to believe. Tom found it hard to believe. Jesteś zadowolony z wyników? Are you pleased with the results? Are you happy with the results? Chinczycy nie mają alfabetu. Oni mają inny znak na każde słowo. Chinese people don't have an alphabet. They have a different symbol for every word. The Chinese don't have an alphabet, they have a different sign for every word. Muszę naładować baterię w komórce. I need to charge my cell phone. I need to recharge my cell phone battery. Jakie są moje zadania? What are my tasks? What are my assignments? Po prostu połóż te paczki gdziekolwiek. Just put those packages anywhere. Just put those packages anywhere. Jestem pewien, że Tom się zjawi. I'm sure Tom will turn up. I'm sure Tom will show up. Do widzenia. Goodbye. Goodbye. Mam już dosyć tej mokrej pogody. I'm fed up with this wet weather. I'm sick of this wet weather. Proszę, zamknij okno. Please close the window. Please close the window. Daj mi rozsądne wytłumaczenie. Give me a reasonable explanation. Give me a reasonable explanation. Z jakiego kraju jesteś? Which country are you from? What country are you from? Co się działo? What was happening? What happened? Możesz mnie odwiedzić pod warunkiem, że obiecasz, że będziesz się dobrze zachowywał. You can come to visit me, as long as you promise to behave well. You can visit me as long as you promise to behave yourself. Słyszałem, że wczoraj na kolację jadłeś befsztyk. I heard that you ate steak for dinner last night. I heard you had steak for dinner last night. Twój samochód jest szybki, lecz mój jest jeszcze szybszy. Your car is fast, but mine is faster. Your car's fast, but mine's even faster. Nie wiesz może gdzie poszedł Tom? Do you happen to know where Tom went? You don't happen to know where Tom went? Czy Jane zaśpiewa? Will Jane sing? Will Jane sing? Ta wiadomość nas zadowoliła. The news gratified us. This message has pleased us. Jestem wyczerpany. I'm exhausted. I'm exhausted. Kto cię nauczył francuskiego? Who taught you French? Who taught you French? Twoje badania przyniosą owoce. Your study will bear fruit. Your research will bring fruit. Nie wiem kto jest żoną Toma. I don't know who Tom's wife is. I don't know who Tom's wife is. Ile kosztuje ta sofa? How much is this sofa? How much is this sofa? Jest przytomny. He's wide awake. He's awake. Koko nie jest zwyczajnym gorylem. Koko is not an ordinary gorilla. Koko is no ordinary gorilla. Czemu każdy mówi tak cicho? Why is everyone speaking so quietly? Why is everyone so quiet? Masz przyjaciół w Tatoeba? Do you have friends on Tatoeba? Do you have friends in Tatoeba? Sugerujesz, że zrobiłem coś, czego nie powinienem? Are you suggesting I did something I shouldn't have? Are you suggesting I did something I shouldn't have done? Jej ojciec umarł w zeszłym tygodniu. Her father passed away last week. Her father died last week. Nie wolno ci kłamać. You mustn't lie. You're not allowed to lie. Aby wyjaśnić to zjawisko, każdy naukowiec wymyślił własną teorię. To explain this phenomenon, each scientist devised his own theory. To explain this phenomenon, every scientist invented his own theory. Podaj mu mikrofon! Pass him the mic! Give him the mike! Hmm... Err... Hmm... Ojciec cię wyzwa. Your father wants you. Your father's challenging you. Tom powiedział Mary, że jest gruba i brzydka. Tom told Mary she was fat and ugly. Tom told Mary she was fat and ugly. Pokazała gościom, jak mają jeść to, co im przygotowała. She showed her guests how to eat what she had prepared. She showed the guests how to eat what she had prepared for them. Jakie mam inne opcje? What other options do I have? What other options do I have? Nie jestem kopalnią pieniędzy. I'm not made of money. I'm not a money mine. Usiądź proszę. Sit down, please. Sit down, please. Śpieszysz się? Are you in a hurry? Are you in a hurry? Po południu muszę zorganizować wycieczkę. In the afternoon I must arrange for the trip. I have to arrange a trip this afternoon. Która jest córką Toma? Which one is Tom's daughter? Which one's Tom's daughter? To, co nosisz na nogach, nie spełnia norm bezpieczeństwa. What you're wearing on your feet don't meet safety guidelines. What you're wearing on your feet doesn't meet the safety standards. Przyjemnie się z tobą rozmawia, lecz naprawdę muszę już iść. It's been nice talking to you, but I really must go now. It's nice talking to you, but I really have to go. Ona bała się psa. She was afraid of the dog. She was afraid of the dog. Farbowałeś sobie kiedyś włosy? Have you ever dyed your hair? Have you ever dyed your hair? Wykażemy teraz, jak przy pomocy tego lematu udowodnić nasze główne twierdzenie. Now, we show how this lemma can be used to prove our main theorem. Now we're going to show how to prove our main point with this lema. Domyślam się dlaczego nie lubisz mnie tak bardzo. I suppose that's why you don't like me so much. I can guess why you don't like me so much. Jesteś nauczycielem. You're the teacher. You're a teacher. Ręce do góry. Raise your hands. Hands in the air. Tom potrzebuje pomocy. Tom needs assistance. Tom needs help. Opuścić statek! Abandon ship! Abandon ship! Tom wypija trzy filiżanki kawy dziennie. Tom drinks three cups of coffee a day. Tom drinks three cups of coffee a day. Myślę, że wyróżniałbyś się z brodą. I think you'd look distinguished with a beard. I think you'd stand out with a beard. Zróbmy to kiedyś jeszcze raz. Let's do this again sometime. Let's do it again sometime. Co ją do tego skłoniło? What made her do that? What made her do that? Jedyne, czego zło potrzebuje, żeby zatriumfować to aby dobrzy ludzie nic nie robili. All that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. All evil needs to triumph is for good people to do nothing. Tu są zasady. Here are the rules. Here are the rules. Jedno powinieneś o mnie wiedzieć - nienawidzę ćwiczeń fizycznych. One thing you should know about me is that I hate exercising. One thing you should know about me is I hate physical exercise. Jego marzeniem jest studiowanie chemii w Stanach. His dream is to study chemistry in the US. His dream is to study chemistry in the States. Ja też lubię psy. I like dogs, too. I like dogs, too. Myślę, że mój niemiecki jest naprawdę zjebany. I think my German is really fucked up. I think my German is really fucked up. Jego serce przepełniło się radością. His heart filled with joy. His heart was filled with joy. Próbuję spać. I'm trying to sleep. I'm trying to sleep. Nie rozpieszczaj swego dziecka. Don't spoil your child. Don't spoil your baby. Jak ma na imię twój nowy kolega? What is your new friend's name? What's your new friend's name? Tata daje mamie całą swoją pensje. Father gives Mother all his salary. My dad gives my mom all his salary. To biurko jest dla mnie odrobinę za niskie. This desk is a little low for me. This desk is a little low for me. Chciałbym uczciwą odpowiedź. I'd like a straight answer. I'd like an honest answer. Dzisiaj czuję się lepiej. I feel better today. I feel better today. Moja ciotka ma troje dzieci. My aunt has three children. My aunt has three children. Naprawdę tak myślisz? Is that seriously what you think? You really think so? Czy oni mają w ogóle pojęcie co się stało? Do they have any idea what happened? Do they have any idea what happened? Dostałam list od przyjaciółki. I got a letter from my friend. I got a letter from a friend. Te wszystkie rzeczy to prawda. All those things are true. All these things are true. Wrzuć na luz. Loosen up. Take it easy. On nie posiada zbyt wielu książek. He doesn't own many books. He doesn't have many books. Wiem, że musimy być cicho. I know we gotta stay quiet! I know we have to be quiet. Spytałem go, czy też pójdzie. I asked him if he would go too. I asked him if he'd go too. Nigdy cię nie pokocham. Nienawidzę cię. I will never love you. I hate you. I'm never gonna love you. Tom nie jest w tym osamotniony. Tom isn't alone in this. Tom is not alone in this. Matematyka jest dla mnie trudna. Mathematics is difficult for me. Math is hard for me. Nie zabijaj. Thou shalt not kill. Don't kill me. Tom strzelił bramkę. Tom scored a goal. Tom scored the goal. Wielu straciło swoje domy podczas trzęsienia ziemi. Many lost their homes during the earthquake. Many lost their homes during the earthquake. Ona bierze lekcje szycia. She takes sewing classes. She's taking sewing lessons. Dobra pogoda się utrzyma. The good weather will hold. The weather's gonna hold. Tom nie zrozumiał Mary. Tom didn't understand Mary. Tom didn't understand Mary. Nie chcemy wywierać na tobie presji. We don't want to pressure you. We don't want to put pressure on you. Mary oblała się czerwienią. Mary turned bright red. Mary spilled red. Tom przeszedł przez most. Tom walked across the bridge. Tom crossed the bridge. Dwie kobiety śpiewają. Two women are singing. Two women sing. Nie zjadłem wszystkiego, co mi podała. I didn't eat everything that she served me. I didn't eat everything she gave me. Oni są już tutaj. They're already here. They're already here. Jak to się stało, że tam byłeś? How comes it that you were there? How come you were there? Tom i Mary wciąż nie wstali. Tom and Mary still haven't woken up. Tom and Mary still haven't gotten up. Widzę, że zrobiłeś dobre wrażenie. I see you made a good impression. I see you made a good impression. Chcę po prostu wiedzieć, czy mam rację. I just like to know I'm right. I just want to know if I'm right. To nie było takie trudne. It wasn't so difficult. It wasn't that hard. Nie zniżę się do jego poziomu. I won't lower myself to his level. I'm not going down to his level. Czułem gwałtowne uderzenia mojego serca. I felt my heart beating violently. I could feel my heart beating violently. Musiałem popełnić błąd. I must have made a mistake. I had to make a mistake. Chciałbym spędzić z tobą trochę czasu. I want to spend some time with you. I'd like to spend some time with you. Róże zwiędły i Ania bardzo płakała. Roses withered and Ania cried very much. Roses died and Anne cried very much. Podróż na Hawaje kosztuje około 200 dolarów. A trip to Hawaii costs around 200 dollars. It costs about $200 to travel to Hawaii. Zaczął padać deszcz. It started to rain. It started raining. To jest długopis. This is a pen. It's a pen. Nie pamiętam, gdzie spotkałem ją po raz pierwszy. I can't remember where I first met her. I can't remember where I first met her. Nie oczekuj niczego szczególnego od echa. Don't expect anything original from an echo. Don't expect anything special from the echoes. Zadzwonił budzik. The alarm went off. The alarm rang. Tylko ja mogę w tej chwili pomóc Tomowi. I'm the only one who can help Tom right now. I'm the only one who can help Tom right now. Spanikowała, gdy o tym usłyszała. She freaked out as she heard the news. She panicked when she heard about it. Czy mogę wejść do środka? Can I come in? Can I come inside? Nauczenie się jazdy samochodem zajęło mi trochę czasu. It took me some time to learn how to drive a car. It took me a while to learn how to drive. Miałem ci powiedzieć, ale Tom kazał nie mówić. I was going to tell you, but Tom told me not to. I was gonna tell you, but Tom told me not to tell you. Czy mogę porozmawiać jeszcze raz z Ryoko, zanim się rozłączysz? Can I talk to Ryoko again before you hang up? Can I talk to Ryoko again before you hang up? Góra Fuji była przykryta śniegiem. Mt. Fuji was covered with snow. Mount Fuji was covered in snow. Chciałbym, aby częściej pisał. I would like him to write more often. I wish he'd write more often. Jesteś dokładny. You're thorough. You're thorough. Tom stwierdził, że artykuł jest ciekawy. Tom found the article interesting. Tom said the article was interesting. Nie mam usprawiedliwienia. I have no excuse. I have no excuse. Każdy nie może być szczęśliwy. Every man cannot be happy. Everyone can't be happy. Czy ktoś może mnie podwieźć? Can someone give me a lift? Can somebody give me a lift? Bardziej lubię czerwoną sukienkę, niż niebieską. I like the red dress more than the blue dress. I like the red dress better than the blue dress. To dlatego lubię podróże i chciałbym doświadczać wielu różnych kultur. That's why I like traveling, and would like to experience many different cultures. That's why I like travel and I want to experience many different cultures. Nie drgnęli. They didn't budge. They didn't move. Teraz szukam Toma. I'm looking for Tom now. I'm looking for Tom now. Tom wygłosił przemówienie. Tom gave a speech. Tom gave a speech. Tom powiedział mi, że lubi pływać. Tom told me that he likes to swim. Tom told me he likes to swim. Trzeba będzie to zrobić od nowa. It will have to be done over again. We're gonna have to do this all over again. Po co? What for? Why? Mireille Mathieu jest jedną z najlepszych francuskich śpiewaczek. Mireille Mathieu is one of France's best singers. Mireille Mathieu is one of the best French singers. Wiem, że to trudne. I know it's hard. I know it's hard. Miał syna imieniem Qian. He had a son named Qian. He had a son named Qian. Poradziłem sobie już z tym. I've already managed to do it. I've dealt with it. Wszyscy kręcili się dookoła gwiazdy filmowej. They all flocked around the movie star. Everyone was hanging around a movie star. Wrócę o 6:30. I'll be back at 6:30. I'll be back at 6:30. On pracuje dla pieniędzy. He works for the sake of money. He works for money. Nigdy Cię nie skrzywdzę. I will never hurt you. I'll never hurt you. Chodź tu i siadaj. Come here and sit down. Come here and sit down. Pomalowaliśmy drzwi na zielono. We painted the door green. We painted the door green. Nie wchodź do pokoju bez pozwolenia. Don't enter the room without permission. Don't enter the room without permission. Pies ugryzł mnie w rękę. The dog bit me in the hand. The dog bit my hand. Słuchałeś wczoraj radia? Were you listening to the radio yesterday? Did you listen to the radio last night? Ulica biegnie wzdłuż rzeki. The street runs along the river. The street runs along the river. Jesteś mężczyzną którego szukałam. You are the man I've been looking for. You're the man I was looking for. Nie masz dowodów. You have no evidence. You have no proof. Do ciebie należy decyzja czy pójdziemy tam, czy nie. It's up to you to decide whether we'll go there or not. It's up to you to decide whether we go or not. Nie wolno wyrywać kartek z książek z biblioteki. You must not tear pages out of library books. You can't pull pages from library books. Woli ciszę. She prefers the quiet. He prefers silence. Tom przyznał, że był wystraszony. Tom admitted that he was scared. Tom admitted he was scared. Pracuj wolno. Work slowly. Work slow. Afryka jest kołyską ludzkości. Africa is the cradle of humanity. Africa is the cradle of mankind. Pracuj powoli. Work slowly. Work slowly. Może ustatkuję się z kobietą. Maybe I will settle down with a woman. Maybe I'll settle down with a woman. Miał brązowe włosy. His hair was brown. He had brown hair. To jest dokładnie to o czym myślałem. It's exactly what I was thinking about. That's exactly what I was thinking. Pozwalają tutaj parkować. They allow parking here. They let you park here. Nie rozumiem, co próbujesz powiedzieć. Your meaning is beyond me. I don't understand what you're trying to say. Czuję się dziś przygnębiony. I feel down in the dumps today. I'm feeling depressed today. Ten kwiat to jakiś gatunek róży. This flower is a kind of rose. This flower is some kind of rose. Musimy najpierw zrobić sporo rzeczy. We've got a lot of things to do first. We need to do a lot of things first. Tom był popularny. Tom was popular. Tom was popular. Nie jesteś nic winien nikomu. You don't owe anybody anything. You don't owe anyone anything. On nie jest tak aktywny jak kiedyś. He's not as active as he used to be. He's not as active as he used to be. Co robisz w wolnym czasie? What do you do in your spare time? What do you do in your spare time? Przestraszyłem się. I got scared. I got scared. Japonia to kraj przemysłowy. Japan is an industrial country. Japan is an industrial country. Tufts to najniebezpieczniejszy uniwersytet na świecie. Tufts is the most dangerous university in the world. Tufts is the most dangerous university in the world. Tom mówi, że musi być w przyszłym tygodniu w Bostonie. Tom says he needs to be in Boston next week. Tom says he has to be in Boston next week. Mikołaj Kopernik urodził się w Polsce w tysiąc czterysta siedemdziesiątym trzecim. Nicolaus Copernicus was born in Poland in 1473. Nicolaus Copernicus was born in Poland in a thousand four hundred seventy-three. Wszyscy zastanawialiśmy się, co się stało. We all pondered over what had taken place. We were all wondering what happened. Co bym zrobił, gdybyś umarł?! What would I do if you died?! What would I do if you died?! Zamierzam z nimi porozmawiać. I'm going to speak to them. I'm gonna talk to them. Nie chce mi się wierzyć w jego historię. I can hardly believe his story. I don't want to believe his story. Dlaczego twoja koszulka się skurczyła? Why did your T-shirt shrink? Why is your shirt shrunk? Jesteś potrzebujący. You're needy. You're needy. Autobus przyjechał dokładnie o ósmej rano. The bus arrived exactly at 8 a.m. The bus arrived at exactly 8:00 a.m. Powiedzieli, że bardzo się martwią. They said that they were very worried. They said they were very worried. Tom miał powody. Tom did have reasons. Tom had reasons. Prawdopodobnie się spóźni. He's likely to be late. He's probably gonna be late. Całe życie mieszkam w tej dzielnicy, z tymi samymi sąsiadami. I have lived on this block, and next to the same neighbor, all my life. I've lived in this neighborhood my whole life with the same neighbors. Kupiliśmy dwie książki. We bought two books. We bought two books. Ziemia jest trzecią planetą od Słońca. Earth is the third planet from the sun. Earth is the third planet from the sun. Był ciekaw, jak to smakuje, więc nadgryzł kawałek. He was curious about how it would taste, so he took a small bite. He was wondering how it tasted, so he bite a piece. Wyniki były rozczarowujące. The results were disappointing. The results were disappointing. Istnieje możliwość, że Tom i Mary czują się samotni, ale nie sądzę, żeby tak było. Tom and Mary could possibly be lonely, but I don't think they are. There's a possibility that Tom and Mary are lonely, but I don't think that's true. Ja naprawdę jestem bardzo zmęczony. I really am very tired. I'm really very tired. Chciałbym przeczytać tę książkę, ale nie mam czasu. I would read this book, but I don't have the time. I'd like to read this book, but I don't have time. Tom poprosił Mary, żeby wyrzuciła zepsute jabłko do śmieci. Tom asked Mary to throw the rotten apple into the garbage. Tom asked Mary to throw the broken apple in the trash. Jesteście samolubne. You're selfish. You're selfish. Uważam, że powinieneś sobie pozwolić na trochę snu. I think you ought to get a little sleep. I think you should afford some sleep. Sytuacja uległa zmianie. Circumstances have changed. The situation has changed. Gdy dorosnę, chcę uczyć historii. I want to teach history when I grow up. When I grow up, I want to teach history. Polak, Węgier - dwa bratanki, i do szabli, i do szklanki. Pole and Hungarian - two good friends, joint fight and drinking are their ends. Pole, Hungary - two nephews, and to the sword, and to the glass. Ona tylko dziecko. She is nothing but a child. She's just a kid. Wiem, że brzmi to dziwnie, ale to prawda. I know it sounds strange, but it's true. I know it sounds weird, but it's true. On właśnie się uczy. He is doing his work. He's studying right now. Chodź, napij się wody. Go get a drink of water. Come on, have some water. Zachowanie Toma na imprezie było niewybaczalne. Tom's behavior at the party was inexcusable. Tom's behavior at the party was unforgivable. Tom powiedział, że będziesz chciał z nami iść. Tom said that you'd want to go with us. Tom said you'd want to come with us. Mówi się, że ona jest najlepszym tenisistą we Francji. It is said that she is the best tennis player in France. They say she's the best tennis player in France. Zamieć śnieżna nadal się utrzymywała. The snowstorm held on. The snowstorm continued. Będę tam tak szybko, jak mogę. I'll be there as fast as I can. I'll be there as soon as I can. Ile mieszkańców ma miasto Shizuoka? How large is the population of Shizuoka City? How many inhabitants does Shizuoka have? Nasz kosz na kółkach został skradziony. Our wheelie bin was stolen. Our basket on wheels was stolen. Lepiej najpierw zawołam Toma. I'd better call Tom first. I'd better get Tom first. Bez ciebie nic tu już nie będzie takie samo. It just won't be the same around here without you. Nothing's gonna be the same without you. Myślałem, że Tom dowie się o tym samemu. I thought Tom would figure it out for himself. I thought Tom would find out on his own. Dlaczego ludzie popełniają samobójstwa? Why do people kill themselves? Why do people commit suicide? Dziewczyna miała zawiązany na szyi długi szal. The girl had a long scarf around her neck. The girl had a long scarf tied around her neck. Wypadek miał miejsce na tym przejściu. The accident happened at that crossing. There was an accident in that passageway. Nie musisz za wszystko płacić. You don't have to pay for everything. You don't have to pay for everything. Tom wyniósł śmieci. Tom took out the rubbish. Tom took out the trash. Zapomniałem nakleić znaczek przed wysłaniem listu. I forgot to put on the stamp before I mailed the letter. I forgot to post a stamp before sending a letter. Nie lubię horrorów. I don't like scary movies. I don't like horror movies. Znam samą siebie. I know myself. I know myself. Jego historia rozbawiła wszystkich. His story amused everyone. His story made everyone laugh. Długo czekacie? Have you been waiting long? How long have you been waiting? Muszę natychmiast porozmawiać z Tomem. I have to speak to Tom immediately. I need to talk to Tom right away. Jak Tom uciekł? How did Tom escape? How did Tom get away? Przyjrzyj się. Watch closely. Take a good look. Nie aprobuję twojej decyzji. I don't approve your decision. I don't approve of your decision. Chciałbym wynająć najtańszy samochód na tydzień. I'd like to rent your most inexpensive car for a week. I'd like to rent the cheapest car for a week. Nie możesz udawać, że to się nie stało. You can't pretend it didn't happen. You can't pretend it didn't happen. Tom próbował zapamiętać nazwisko lekarza, ale nie mógł. Tom tried to remember the doctor's name, but he couldn't. Tom tried to remember the name of the doctor, but he couldn't. Tom jest tam od 2013. Tom has been there since 2013. Tom's been there since 2013. Czemu Tom nie mówi? Why doesn't Tom talk? Why isn't Tom talking? Te nowe buty już potrzebują naprawy. These new shoes already want mending. These new shoes are already in need of repair. On jest tą osobą, którą chciałem zobaczyć. He is the very person I have wanted to see. He's the person I wanted to see. To one zaczęły. They started it. They started it. Amerykanie stracili zaufanie do Toyoty. Americans have lost their confidence in Toyota. The Americans have lost confidence in Toyota. Mogę już skreślić ten punkt z mojej listy rzeczy do zrobienia przed śmiercią. Well, I can cross that off my bucket list. I can cross that off my list of things to do before I die. Dlaczego nie powiadomiłeś policji? Why didn't you tell the police? Why didn't you tell the police? Zgubiłem paszport! I lost my passport! I lost my passport! Wiedzieliśmy, że Tom wróci. We knew Tom was going to be back. We knew Tom was coming back. Tom lubi owoce morza. Tom likes seafood. Tom likes seafood. Nie licząc tego, był w dobrej kondycji. Aside from this, he was in good health. Apart from that, he was in good shape. Tom i Mary pojechali do Australii. Tom and Mary have gone to Australia. Tom and Mary went to Australia. Dom Cookie'ego jest zrobiony z drewna. Cookie's house is made of wood. Cookie's house is made of wood. Uciekli we wszystkie możliwe kierunki. They fled in all possible directions. They've fled in all possible directions. Tom wie, jak dobrze wykorzystać swój czas. Tom knows how to make good use of his time. Tom knows how to make good use of his time. Łazarz Zamenhof jest Polakiem. Lazarus Zamenhof is Polish. Lazarus Zamenhof is a Pole. Mam w Anglii przyjaciela. I have a friend in England. I have a friend in England. Jestem pewien, że Tom cie nie nienawidzi. I'm certain, that Tom doesn't hate you. I'm sure Tom doesn't hate you. Nie jesteśmy jeszcze przekonani. We're not convinced yet. We're not convinced yet. Chciałbym z tobą zatańczyć. I'd like to dance with you. I'd like to dance with you. Jeśli się rozejrzysz, zobaczysz, że wiele osób robi to samo, co ty. If you look around, you'll see many people doing the same thing. If you look around, you'll see that a lot of people are doing what you're doing. Zaczyna robić się widno. It's starting to get light. It's starting to get light. Życzę jej szczęścia. I wish her happiness. I wish her luck. Gdzie jest Laurie? Where is Laurie? Where's Laurie? Dookoła, jak okiem sięgnąć, był tylko las. There was nothing but forest as far as the eye could see. There was only a forest around, as far as the eye could see. To jest piękne, powiedział John. That's beautiful, said John. It's beautiful, said John. Tom siedział w kradzionym samochodzie kiedy policja wreszcie go schwytała. Tom was in a stolen car when the police finally caught him. Tom was sitting in a stolen car when the police finally caught him. Już o tym rozmawialiśmy. We've already talked about that. We've already talked about this. Mamy tutaj poważny problem. We've got a serious problem here. We have a serious problem here. Tom jeszcze nie wie. Tom doesn't know yet. Tom doesn't know yet. Lubię jeść. I like to eat. I like to eat. Piękne są chmury płynące po niebie. The clouds floating in the sky are beautiful. Beautiful are the clouds flowing through the sky. Co ja mogę o nim powiedzieć? What can I say about him? What can I say about him? Odwiedziła męża w więzieniu. She visited her husband in prison. She visited her husband in prison. Ania pochodzi z Krakowa. Ania is a native of Kraków. Anna's from Cracow. Dlaczego Tom chciał uczyć się francuskiego? Why did Tom want to learn French? Why did Tom want to learn French? Nasza jabłonka kwitnie. Our apple tree is blooming. Our apple tree is blooming. Wystarczyło tylko poprosić i bym ci pomógł. All you had to do was ask and I would have helped you. All you had to do was ask me to help you. Nie zapisuj się. Don't commit yourself. Don't sign up. Nikt nie może być pozbawiony swojej narodowości ani nie może być pozbawiony prawa do zmiany narodowości. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality. No one shall be deprived of his nationality or be deprived of the right to change his nationality. Myślałem, że nie powiesz nauczycielowi, że nie zrobiłem zadania. I thought you wouldn't tell the teacher that I hadn't done my homework. I thought you weren't gonna tell the teacher I didn't do the job. Czyż to nie jest ekscytujące? Isn't that exciting? Isn't that exciting? Władywostok to miasto w Rosji. Vladivostok is a city in Russia. Vladivostok is a city in Russia. Trzymaj za mnie kciuki! Keep your fingers crossed for me! Keep your fingers crossed for me! Nie mogę znieść tego bólu. I can't stand this pain any more. I can't stand the pain. Maciek w grudniu stracił życie. Maciek lost his life in December. Maciek lost his life in December. Zostaw to mnie. Leave it to me. Leave it to me. Zwariowałeś? Are you nuts? Are you crazy? To przerażające. It's creepy. It's scary. Jutro rano musisz wstać wcześnie. You'll have to get up early tomorrow morning. You have to get up early tomorrow morning. W mieście jest wielu turystów. There are many tourists in town. There's a lot of tourists in town. Nie wiedziałem, że psy potrafią dobrze pływać. I didn't know that dogs swim well. I didn't know dogs could swim well. Co Tom miał przez to na myśli? What does Tom mean by that? What did Tom mean by that? Sztuka nie ma granic. Art has no borders. Art has no boundaries. Mam dla ciebie wiadomość od Toma. I have a message for you from Tom. I have a message for you from Tom. Mieszka w dużym domu. He lives in a big house. He lives in a big house. Nic nie możesz z tym zrobić. There's nothing you can do about it. There's nothing you can do about it. Tak, też tak myślę. Yeah. I think so, too. Yeah, I think so, too. Jorge mówi w czterech językach. Jorge is able to speak four languages. Jorge speaks four languages. Nie będę przymuszany. I won't be coerced. I won't be coerced. Zacznij nowy paragraf tutaj. Start a new paragraph here. Start a new paragraph here. Tom oszacowuje, ile pieniędzy będzie mu potrzebne na ukończenie domu. Tom is estimating how much money he'll need to finish the house. Tom estimates how much money he'll need to finish the house. Większość ludzi, jeśli nie wszyscy, lubi jeść. Most, if not all, people enjoy eating. Most people, if not all, like to eat. Znałeś Toma? Did you know Tom? Did you know Tom? Kupiłem wszystkie książki o Japonii jakie udało mi się znaleźć. I bought every book on Japan I could find. I bought all the books I could find about Japan. Zignoruj go. Ignore him. Ignore him. Czy możesz liczyć po włosku? Can you count in Italian? Can you count in Italian? Nie mogę mieć dzieci, więc kupiłem sobie królika. I can't have a child so I bought a rabbit instead. I can't have kids, so I bought a rabbit. Temperatura w różnych miejscach w tej samej porze roku może się mocno wahać. The temperature in different places can vary greatly at the same time of year. Temperatures in different places at the same time of year can vary greatly. Samochód jest niebieski. The car is blue. The car's blue. Tom stał się sławny, bo poślubił sławną aktorkę, która wcześniej była wiele razy zamężna. Tom became famous because he married a famous actress who had been married many times before. Tom became famous because he married a famous actress who had been married many times before. Nie wiedziałem, że to zrobiłeś. I didn't know you did that. I didn't know you did it. Tom jeszcze nie stracił nadziei. Tom hasn't yet given up hope. Tom hasn't lost hope yet. Nie słuchaj zbyt głośno w tych nowych słuchawkach. Make sure you don't listen too loud with these new earphones! Don't listen too loud in those new headphones. To nie jest to czego szukałem. This isn't what I was looking for. This isn't what I was looking for. Czekałam na Toma. I was waiting for Tom. I was waiting for Tom. Tom jest moim partnerem. Tom is my partner. Tom is my partner. Czy nie jesteś zmęczony? Aren't you tired? Aren't you tired? Nie głupio ci teraz? Now don't you feel stupid? Aren't you feeling silly now? Tom i Mary są wściekli na Johna. Tom and Mary are mad at John. Tom and Mary are mad at John. Potrzebuję nowych baterii. It needs new batteries. I need new batteries. Mieszkam tu od dawna. I have lived here a long time. I've lived here a long time. Ta sprawa będzie omawiana na kolejnym spotkaniu. The matter will be brought up at the next meeting. This case will be discussed at the next meeting. Rozejrzałem się. I've had a look around. I looked around. To słoneczny dzień. It's a clear day. It's a sunny day. Okno jest otwarte. The window is open. The window's open. Wydaje się, że pora deszczowa w końcu się skończyła. It seems that the rainy season is finally over. Looks like the rainy season's finally over. Rozmawialiśmy o wielu rzeczach. We talked about many things. We talked about a lot of things. Delegacje obu państw spotkały się w Genewie. The delegations of both countries met in Geneva. The delegations of both countries met in Geneva. Pośpiesz się już! Hurry up already! Hurry up! Właśnie zacząłem uczyć się esperanta. I just started to learn Esperanto. I just started learning the Esperant. Byliśmy wszyscy zaskoczeni tą informacją. We were all astonished to hear the news. We were all surprised by this information. Wiara sprawia, że każda rzecz staje się możliwa... miłość sprawia, że każda rzecz jest łatwa. Faith makes all things possible.... love makes all things easy. Faith makes every thing possible... love makes every thing easy. Nie mogę zadzwonić do Mariki. Ona mieszka w Finlandii! I cannot phone Marika. She lives in Finland! I can't call Marika. Dziś jest ciepło, nieprawdaż? It's warm today, isn't it? It's warm today, isn't it? Susie uwielbia japońską muzykę. Susie loves Japanese music. Susie loves Japanese music. Wczoraj byłem na zebraniu. Yesterday I was in a meeting. I was at a meeting yesterday. Posłuszeństwo nie wystarczy. Obedience isn't enough. Obedience is not enough. Wszystko jest do góry nogami. Everything is upside down. Everything's upside down. Niebo robi się ciemne. The sky is getting dark. The sky is getting dark. To pachnie jak gaz. It smells like gas. It smells like gas. Poszedłem do domu Toma. I went to Tom's house. I went to Tom's house. To już nie ma znaczenia. It doesn't matter anymore. It doesn't matter anymore. Pogodził się z tym, że jest potworem. He accepted that he was a monster. He's accepted that he's a monster. Czy mówi pan po francusku? Do you speak French? Do you speak French? Masz jutro czas? Are you free tomorrow? Do you have time tomorrow? To było niesamowite! That was amazing. That was amazing! W ten sposób został wielkim pianistą. This was how he became a great pianist. That's how he became a great pianist. Ona kocha mnie, a ja kocham ją. She loves me, and I love her. She loves me, and I love her. Myślę, że to szczera kobieta. I think she's an honest woman. I think she's an honest woman. Nic nie czuję. I don't feel anything. I don't feel anything. Jak nazywa się ta ryba po angielsku? What is this fish called in English? What's the name of this fish in English? Oni po prostu czekają aż sztorm się skończy. They are just waiting for the storm to pass. They're just waiting for the storm to end. Było wystarczająco dużo wody na dwa dni. There was enough water for two days. There was enough water for two days. Pościel łóżko. Make your bed. Make the bed. Wygląda na bardzo szczęśliwą. She looks very happy. She looks very happy. Yona Wallach była postmodernistką na 20 lat zanim wymyślono termin "postmodernizm." Yona Wallach had been a postmodernist two decades before the term "Postmodernism" was even conceived. Yona Wallach was a postmodernist for 20 years before the term "postmodernism" was invented. Zrobię to, jeśli nie masz nic przeciwko. I'll do it if you don't mind. I'll do it if you don't mind. On poświęcił swoje życie zachowaniu środowiska naturalnego. He has dedicated his life to the preservation of nature. He sacrificed his life to preserve the environment. Odwołaj to, że jestem skąpy! Take back what you said about me being stingy. Cancel that I'm stingy! Nikomu o tym nie mów. Don't tell anyone this. Don't tell anyone about this. Mam nadzieję, że nikogo nie uraziłem. I hope I haven't offended anyone. I hope I didn't offend anyone. Nie mogę znaleźć moich okularów. I can't find my glasses. I can't find my glasses. Mieszkałem w Bostonie. I used to live in Boston. I lived in Boston. Lekarz zalecił ci, abyś rzucił palenie. The doctor recommended that you should give up smoking. Your doctor told you to quit smoking. Leżała w łóżku na brzuchu. She was lying face down on the bed. She was lying in bed on her stomach. Aż do zeszłego tygodnia nie otrzymałem odpowiedzi. Up to last week, I hadn't received a reply. Until last week, I didn't get an answer. Kłamali. They lied. They lied. Działa jak powinno. It's working as intended. It's working as it's supposed to. Chcesz cukierka? Do you want some candy? You want some candy? To pierwszy krok. That is the first step. That's the first step. Pomyśl o tym. Think about this. Think about it. Ty też mógłbyś dotrzymać obietnicy. You may as well keep your promise. You could keep your promise, too. Przekazanie tego, co masz na myśli, jest znacznie ważniejsze, niż próba imitowania rodzimych użytkowników języka. Getting your message across is much more important than trying to say it exactly like a native speaker would say it. Giving what you mean is much more important than trying to imitate native speakers. To nieprawda, że Tom widział potwora. It isn't true that Tom saw a monster. It's not true that Tom saw a monster. Nie wiedziałem w co się pakuję. I didn't know what I was getting into. I didn't know what I was getting into. Nikt nie jest zbyt stary, by się uczyć. Nobody is too old to learn. Nobody's too old to study. Jestem zbyt nieśmiały. I'm overly self-conscious. I'm too shy. Niech cię oświecę. Let me bring you up to speed. Let me enlighten you. Nie jestem tobą. I'm not you. I'm not you. Nie zostawimy cię tu. We're not leaving you here. We're not leaving you here. Żelazo dobrze przewodzi ciepło. Iron transmits heat well. Iron is good for heat. Byłem nauczycielem przez piętnaście lat. I was a teacher for fifteen years. I was a teacher for 15 years. Przez jakiś czas nie będę musiał chodzić do dentysty. I shouldn't have to go to the dentist again for a while. I won't have to go to the dentist for a while. Lubię prostolinijność Toma. I like Tom's straight-forwardness. I like Tom's simplicity. Lubię kawę. I like coffee. I like coffee. Tom i Mary na zmianę wyprowadzali psa na spacer. Tom and Mary took turns taking the dog for a walk. Tom and Mary were taking the dog for a walk. Jesteś przykry. You're harsh. You're upset. Wskazała na niego. She pointed at him. She pointed at him. Jestem czysty. I'm clean. I'm clean. Chciałbym zobaczyć Statuę Wolności. I'd like to see the Statue of Liberty. I'd like to see the Statue of Liberty. Mary czuje, że obserwują ją kosmici. Mary senses the aliens are watching her. Mary feels like she's being watched by aliens. To będzie kosztowało €30 . This will cost €30. It will cost €30. Zrobię to z przyjemnością. I'll do it with pleasure. I'd love to do that. Nie mogę grać w tę grę. Nie lubię jej. I cannot play this game. I don't like it. I can't play this game. Ona nie ma zbyt wielu książek. She doesn't own many books. She doesn't have many books. Nie bój się. Fear nothing. Don't be afraid. Po co komu szklanka, jeśli nie ma się czego do niej nalać? What use is a glass, if you don't have anything to pour into it? Why would anyone need a glass if there's nothing to pour into it? Nie wiedziałem że była chora. I didn't know she was ill. I didn't know she was sick. Nie jest osobą która zawsze krytykuje innych. He's not the kind of person who always criticizes others. He's not the kind of person who always criticizes people. Utrzymuj kontakt z najważniejszymi ludźmi w twoim życiu. Stay in touch with the most important people in your life. Keep in touch with the most important people in your life. Co ubierasz na dzisiejszy wieczór? What are you wearing tonight? What are you wearing for tonight? Chodniki były mokre po deszczu. The sidewalks were wet after the rain. The sidewalks were wet after the rain. Przestań mnie unikać. Stop avoiding me. Stop avoiding me. Trzeba ci wiedzieć, że dużo podróżuję i rzadko bywam w domu. Something you should know about me is that I travel a lot and am seldom home. You need to know that I travel a lot, and I don't come home much. Hiszpański to ich język ojczysty. Spanish is their native language. Spanish is their native language. Jeśli kiedykolwiek przyjedziesz do Bostonu, koniecznie daj mi znać. If you ever do come to Boston, definitely give me a call. If you ever come to Boston, you'll have to let me know. Tom zmarł w wieku trzydziestu lat. Tom died at the age of thirty. Tom died at the age of thirty. Na stole był kot. There was a cat on the table. There was a cat on the table. Dziewczęta dojrzewają szybciej niż chłopcy. Girls mature faster than boys. Girls mature faster than boys. Marcus stał się uzurpatorem. Marcus became a usurper. Marcus became a usurper. Goni ją kojot. She is being chased by a coyote. She's being chased by a coyote. Telefon został wynaleziony przez Bella. The telephone was invented by Bell. The phone was invented by Bell. Powinieneś zostawić mi planowanie. You should leave the planning to me. You should leave me with the planning. Uważam. I'm being careful. I'm paying attention. Przemówienie Toma było wspaniałe. Tom's speech was excellent. Tom's speech was great. Pomyliliśmy się. We've made a mistake. We were wrong. Nie rozumiem tego pytania. I don't understand that question. I don't understand this question. Jest mądrzejsza od Mary, ale nie jest tak piękna jak ona. She's smarter than Mary, but not as beautiful as Mary. She's smarter than Mary, but she's not as beautiful as she is. Jeśli kupisz mi loda, dam ci buziaka. If you buy me an ice cream, I'll give you a kiss. If you buy me a blowjob, I'll give you a kiss. Nie mam czasu, by zrobić to, co chcę zrobić. I don't have time to do what I want to do. I don't have time to do what I want to do. Wynoś się, kundlu! Scram, mutt! Get out, you mutt! Bez wątpienia Wszechświat jest nieskończony. There's no doubt: the universe is infinite. The universe is undoubtedly infinite. Muszę żyć z konsekwencjami wyborów, których dokonałem. I must live with the consequences of the choices I've made. I have to live with the consequences of the choices I've made. Dużo o tobie słyszałam. I've heard a lot about you. I've heard a lot about you. Tom jest nieobecny. Tom is absent. Tom is absent. Nie skończyłem do ciebie mówić. I'm not finished talking to you. I'm not done talking to you. Wszystko tam jest? Is everything there? Is everything in there? Pamiętam, że zeszły grudzień był bardzo śnieżny. I remember that last December was very snowy. I remember last December was very snowy. Jesteśmy tutaj ponad godzinę. We've been here over an hour. We've been here over an hour. Podróżnik przybył do Nowego Jorku wieczorem. The traveler arrived in New York in the evening. The traveler arrived in New York last night. Jest bardzo miły, to dlatego lubię z nim pracować. He's very nice, which is why I like working with him. He's very nice, that's why I like working with him. Co robisz po południu? What do you do in the afternoon? What are you doing this afternoon? Tom użył sposobu, który zaproponowałem. Tom did that the way I suggested. Tom used the way I proposed. Nie mogę obcinać paznokci i jednocześnie prasować! I can't cut my nails and do the ironing at the same time! I can't cut my nails and iron them at the same time! Przepraszam, muszę iść na siłownię. I'm sorry, but I have to go to the gym. Excuse me, I have to go to the gym. Najgłębszym kanionem na świecie jest Tsangpo, biegnący wzdłuż rzeki Yarlung Tsangpo w Tybecie. Kanion jest głęboki na prawie 3,5 mili i nieznacznie dłuższy niż Wielki Kanion. The deepest canyon in the world is the Tsangpo Canyon, along the Yarlung Tsangpo River in Tibet. The canyon is almost 3.5 miles deep and is slightly longer than the Grand Canyon. The deepest canyon in the world is Tsangpo, running along the River Yarlung Tsangpo in Tibet. The canyon is deep on almost 3.5 miles and slightly longer than the Grand Canyon. Chciałbym śpiewać tak jak ty. I wish I could sing like you do. I wish I could sing like you. Czasem myślę, że lepiej byłoby, gdybym nie żył. Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead. Sometimes I think it would be better if I was dead. Dla kogo on pracuje? Who does he work for? Who does he work for? Przyprawia panienki o żywsze bicie serca. He makes young girls' hearts flutter. It gives the ladies a more lively heartbeat. John wyjechał wczoraj do Francji. John left for France yesterday. John left for France yesterday. Muszę wiedzieć, o czym mówili. I need to know what they were talking about. I need to know what they were talking about. Tom jest przepracowany. Tom is overworked. Tom is overworked. Byłem jedynym, który wiedział, że Tom przychodzi. I was the only one who knew Tom was coming. I was the only one who knew Tom was coming. Zamierzam zrobić to sam. I'm going to do this by myself. I'm gonna do it myself. Zegar się popsuł. The watch broke down. The clock's broken. To wydaje się dość rozsądne. That seems reasonable enough. That seems pretty reasonable. Zwyczajnie tego nie pojmują. They just don't get it. They just don't get it. Dlaczego pan o to pyta? Why would you ask that? Why do you ask that? Byłoby mi miło, gdybyś przyszła. I'd be very glad if you'd come. I'd love it if you'd come. Mógłbyś iść z psem? Could you walk the dog? Could you go with the dog? Poprosił mnie, żeby mu towarzyszyć podczas weekendu. He asked me to keep him company on the weekends. He asked me to accompany him over the weekend. Wysłuchaj mnie, proszę. Please listen to me. Please listen to me. Jaki dziś jest dzień? What day is it today? What day is it? Musimy porozmawiać, tylko ty i ja. We need to talk, just you and I. We need to talk, just you and me. Tom pewnie już śpi. Tom must be asleep. Tom's probably asleep by now. Urodziłem się w Australii. I was born in Australia. I was born in Australia. Ktoś za to zapłaci. Someone's going to pay for this. Someone's gonna pay for this. Chciałbym zapłacić gotówką. I would like to pay with cash. I'd like to pay cash. Z pewnością. Certainly. I'm sure you do. Próbuję ją uspokoić. I'm trying to calm her down. I'm trying to calm her down. Ma opinię najlepszego prawnika w tym mieście. He is reputed the best lawyer in this city. He has the reputation of the best lawyer in this town. To jest to co w tobie kocham. That's what I love about you. That's what I love about you. Tom był złym chłopcem. Tom was a bad boy. Tom was a bad boy. Potrzebuję kierowcy, żeby zabrał mnie do domu. I need a driver to take me home. I need a driver to take me home. Powinieneś wykonać swój własny plan. You should carry out your own plan. You should do your own plan. Szukam jakiegoś programu, którym mogę otworzyć te pliki. I'm looking for a program with which I can open these files. I'm looking for some program I can open these files with. Dotarliśmy na wyspę dwa dni później. We arrived on the island two days later. We got to the island two days later. Bilety na piątkowy występ nie były dostępne. The tickets were not available for Friday's performance. Tickets for Friday's show were not available. Piramidy są grobowcami. The pyramids are tombs. Pyramids are tombs. Musiałbyś być głupi, żeby ufać Tomowi. You'd be stupid to trust Tom. You'd have to be stupid to trust Tom. Chcę wiedzieć, co muszę zrobić. I want to know what I need to do. I want to know what I have to do. Wiem, że wszyscy to pokochacie. I know you'll all love that. I know you're all gonna love this. Nie spotkaliśmy się. We haven't met. We haven't met. Chcę ci zadać jedno proste pytanie. I want to ask you one simple question. I want to ask you one simple question. Będziemy z powrotem za godzinę. We'll be back in an hour. We'll be back in an hour. David jest bardzo aktywny. David is very active. David's very active. Tkwię w korku. I'm stuck in a traffic jam. I'm stuck in traffic. W samochodzie Dana były ślady krwi. There were traces of blood inside Dan's car. There was blood in Dan's car. Tom chciał skończyć sprzątanie domu, zanim Mary wróci. Tom wanted to finish cleaning the house before Mary got home. Tom wanted to finish cleaning up the house before Mary got back. Nie zgodziłem się z osobistych powodów. I refused for personal reasons. I didn't agree for personal reasons. Wspaniale! Excellent! Great! Wenus jest najbliższą Ziemi planetą. Venus is the closest planet to Earth. Venus is the closest planet to Earth. Większość ludzi uważa, że można jeść mięso. Most people think that it's OK to eat meat. Most people think you can eat meat. Haker zdobył dostęp do sensytywnych plików w bazie danych firmy. A hacker gained access to sensitive files in the company's database. The hacker gained access to sensitive files in the company's database. Przegrałam zakład. I lost the bet. I lost the bet. Kto takiego mógłby mieć o tym tylu wiedzy? Who could possibly have the knowledge to do such a thing? Who could have so much knowledge of this? Zawsze jestem dumny z mojej rodziny. I'm always proud of my family. I'm always proud of my family. Rozumiecie mnie. You understand me. You understand me. Możesz podać mi filiżankę herbaty? Can you give me a cup of tea? Can you pass me a cup of tea? Nie możemy tu tak siedzieć. We can't just sit here. We can't just sit here. Dałem siostrze lalkę. I gave my sister a doll. I gave my sister a doll. Mam dużo cierpliwości. I have a lot of patience. I have a lot of patience. Podejrzany jest uzbrojony i niebezpieczny. The suspect is armed and dangerous. Suspect is armed and dangerous. Nie okłamałem cię. I haven't lied to you. I didn't lie to you. Ile kosztuje przejazd z Osaki do Akity? What is the fare from Osaka to Akita? How much does it cost to travel from Osaka to Akita? Mój ojciec jest w domu. My father is in. My father's home. Wezmę prysznic. I'll take a shower. I'm gonna take a shower. Co ukradłeś? What did you steal? What did you steal? Pewnego razu Zhuangzi śniło się, że był motylem, ale kiedy się zbudził, nie wiedział, czy jest Zhuangzim, któremu właśnie śniło się, że jest motylem, czy że jest motylem, któremu właśnie śni się, że Zhuangzim. Once, Zhuangzi dreamed he was a butterfly, but when he woke up, he wasn't sure whether he was Zhuangzi who had dreamed being a butterfly or if he was a butterfly now dreaming he was Zhuangzi. Once Zhuangzi dreamed that he was a butterfly, but when he woke up, he didn't know if he was Zhuangzi, who was just dreaming that he was a butterfly, or that he was a butterfly who was dreaming Zhuangzi. Powinniśmy podjąć odpowiednie kroki zanim będzie za późno. We should take the necessary steps before it's too late. We should take the right steps before it's too late. To nie są moje reguły, tylko Toma. Those aren't my rules. They're Tom's. Those aren't my rules, they're Tom's. Chyba wreszcie przyszło lato. It seems like summer is finally here. Looks like summer's finally here. Tom na chwilę wstrzymał oddech. Tom held his breath for a moment. Tom held his breath for a while. Koszula, którą mi dałeś, pasuje idealnie. The shirt you gave me fit perfectly. The shirt you gave me fits perfectly. Ten Jedyny, by rządzić wszystkimi. One Ring to rule them all. The One to rule everyone. Siedział tam i palił fajkę. He sat there and smoked a pipe. He was sitting there smoking a pipe. Byłem poruszony do łez. I was moved to tears in spite of myself. I was moved to tears. Pamiętaj, żeby pochwalić jej nową sukienkę. Remember to admire her new dress. Remember to compliment her on her new dress. Cieszę się, że jestem przyjacielem Toma. I'm glad I'm Tom's friend. I'm glad I'm Tom's friend. Ostatecznie mi nie wyszło. I failed after all. It didn't work out for me at the end of the day. Teraz jesteś bezpieczny. Now you're safe. You're safe now. Mogłem tego użyć. I could have used that. I could've used it. Ona ma nade mną przewagę. She has an advantage over me. She's got the upper hand on me. Umyłeś już samochód? Have you washed the car yet? Have you washed the car yet? Masz jakieś inne pomysły? Do you have any other ideas? Do you have any other ideas? Nie mówię po japońsku. I don't speak Japanese. I don't speak Japanese. Nie możesz wyjechać. You can't leave. You can't leave. Byliśmy zdziwieni jego zachowaniem. We were surprised by his behaviour. We were surprised by his behavior. Jestem odpowiedzialny za tą porażkę. I am responsible for this failure. I'm responsible for this failure. Możemy to zrobić. We can do that. We can do this. Mamy trzy minuty. We have three minutes. We've got three minutes. Impreza była wielkim sukcesem. The party was a great success. The party was a huge success. Była bardzo piękna za młodu. She was very beautiful when she was young. She was very beautiful when she was young. Jeśli dobrze rozumiem, byłem zabrany na przejażdżkę. If I understand correctly, I've been taken for a ride. If I understand correctly, I was taken for a ride. Layla jest twoją córką. Layla is your daughter. Layla's your daughter. Słyszałam, że przestałaś palić. I hear you've stopped smoking. I heard you stopped smoking. Naprawdę chcesz zostać kierowcą rajdowym? Are you seriously thinking about pursuing a career as a race car driver? Do you really want to be a race car driver? On jest biedny jak mysz kościelna. He is poor as a church mouse. He's poor as a church mouse. On już tu jest. He is already here. He's already here. Tom nie chce z nikim rozmawiać. Tom doesn't want to talk to anybody. Tom doesn't want to talk to anyone. Zauważyłam to. I've noticed that. I noticed that. Nadal mam parasol Toma. I still have Tom's umbrella. I still have Tom's umbrella. Lubię też ciasto. I also like cake. I like cake, too. Nie mogłem znaleźć strony, której szukałem. I couldn't find the page I was looking for. I couldn't find the page I was looking for. Tom schował pieniądze, które dała mu Mary, do kieszeni. Tom pocketed the money Mary gave him. Tom hid the money Mary gave him in his pocket. Kiedy przybył do Londynu, wysłał mi telegram. On his arrival in London, he sent me a telegram. When he came to London, he sent me a telegram. Muszę się uczyć matematyki. I have to study mathematics. I have to study math. Prawie nic nie widzieli. They could hardly see. They almost didn't see anything. Tom jest wysoki, prawda? Tom is tall, isn't he? Tom is tall, isn't he? Nie wierzę w Boga. I don't believe in God. I don't believe in God. Na szczęście, uniknęli niebezpieczeństwa. Fortunately, they escaped the danger. Luckily, they escaped the danger. Przejmujesz się tym? Do you mind? Are you worried about that? Na wszystko jest odpowiedź. There's an answer to everything. There's an answer to everything. Czemu nie mogę mieć swojego pokoju? Why can't I have my own room? Why can't I have my room? Lubię lody. I love ice cream. I like ice cream. Mogłem stracić pracę. I could have lost my job. I could've lost my job. W zależności od tego, gdzie będziesz siedział, możesz nie widzieć sceny. Depending on where you sit, you might not be able to see the stage. Depending on where you sit, you may not see the scene. Jeśli napiszę przykładowe zdanie, poprawisz mi je? If I write an example sentence, can you correct it for me? If I write an example sentence, will you correct it for me? Ja także. Me, too. Me, too. Nie byłem tu od trzech lat. I haven't been here in three years. I haven't been here in three years. Ona rysuje obraz. She is drawing a picture. She's drawing a painting. Wytrzymywałem z nią tak długo, jak potrafiłem. I put up with her as long as I could. I put up with her for as long as I could. Wyjrzeliśmy przez okno, ale nic nie zobaczyliśmy. We looked out the window, but we didn't see anything. We looked out the window, but we didn't see anything. Tom został tancerzem, mimo że jego rodzice się temu sprzeciwiali. Tom became a dancer even though his parents didn't want him to. Tom became a dancer, even though his parents opposed it. Kot syknął na Toma. The cat hissed at Tom. The cat snapped at Tom. Nie zatrzymuj się tutaj. Don't stop here. Don't stop here. Poszedł do dentysty. He went to the dentist. He went to the dentist. Ktoś wyciągnął sztylet z moich pleców. Someone withdrew the dagger from my back. Someone pulled a dagger out of my back. Teraz pada śnieg. It's snowing now. Now it's snowing. Pokój był pełen ludzi. The room was filled with people. The room was full of people. Zastanawiam się, jak wy w ogóle weszliście na taki temat. I was just wondering how you guys ever got talking about this topic. I wonder how you guys even got in on that. Chciałem być taki jak Ty. I wanted to be just like you. I wanted to be like you. Jest jeszcze jeden powód. There's another reason. There's another reason. Może istnieje lepszy sposób, żeby to zrobić. Maybe there's a better way to do this. Maybe there's a better way to do it. Hotel szuka nowego szefa recepcji. The hotel is looking for a new head receptionist. The hotel's looking for a new reception manager. Toma by to nie obchodziło. Tom wouldn't care. Tom wouldn't care. Tom jest w twoim samochodzie. Tom is in your car. Tom is in your car. Mnóstwo ludzi cierpi teraz na różne alergie. A lot of people are dealing with allergies now. Many people are now suffering from various allergies. Pozwól, że jej to wytłumaczę. Let me explain it to her. Let me explain this to her. Jak zwykle zaczął rozmawiać o swoich ideałach. He started talking about his ideals as usual. As usual, he started talking about his ideals. Lubię sporty takie jak piłka nożna i rugby. I like such sports as soccer and rugby. I like sports like football and rugby. Wiem, że jest piękna. I know that she is beautiful. I know she's beautiful. Obawiam się, że to nie zadziała. I'm afraid it won't work. I'm afraid that won't work. Nie mamy tej książki w sprzedaży. We don't have that book for sale. We don't have that book on sale. Nigdy tu nie byłem od czasu wypadku. I haven't been back here since the incident. I've never been here since the accident. Odłożę moją wycieczkę do Szkocji do czasu gdy będzie cieplej. I'll postpone my trip to Scotland until it's warmer. I'll postpone my trip to Scotland until it gets warmer. Kiedyś piłem dużo coli, teraz piję tylko wodę. I used to drink a lot of cola, but now I drink only water. I used to drink a lot of coke, now all I drink is water. Nawet najzdolniejsi studenci mogą robić głupie błędy. Even the cleverest students can make silly mistakes. Even the smartest students can make stupid mistakes. Dlaczego nie możemy tego zrobić? Why can't we do that? Why can't we do it? Muszę zawsze nosić krawat z powodu mojego zawodu. I always have to wear a tie because of my job. I always have to wear a tie because of my profession. Kilka osób mówiło mi, bym tam nie jadł. A bunch of people told me not to eat there. A few people told me not to eat there. Pragniemy, by byli bezpieczni. We are anxious for their safety. We want them to be safe. On mógł to widzieć. He may have seen it. He could have seen it. Zwolnili mnie. I was fired. I got fired. Alain podjął decyzję. Alain made a decision. Alain made a decision. Chciałabyś iść na spacer? Would you like to go for a walk? Would you like to go for a walk? Mogę użyć tego twojego słownika? Can I use this dictionary of yours? Can I use that dictionary of yours? Ja tylko potrzebuję odrobiny snu. I just need some sleep. I just need a little sleep. Nie jesteś moją matką. You are not my mother. You're not my mother. Czy kiedykolwiek się całowałeś? Have you ever been kissed before? Have you ever kissed? Tom kupuje nowy dom w przyszłym roku. Tom is buying a new house next year. Tom is buying a new house next year. Nie zatrzymuj się. Keep walking. Don't stop. Ile kosztowały bilety? How much did the tickets cost? How much did the tickets cost? Chcę wiedzieć, kiedy jedziesz do Bostonu. I want to know when you're going to Boston. I want to know when you're going to Boston. Upokorzył ją. She was humiliated by him. He humiliated her. Ale wieje! How it blows! It's blowing! Czekam aż mi pomożesz. I'm waiting for you to help me. I'm waiting for you to help me. Tom odpowiedział. Tom answered. Tom answered. Boi się wyjeżdżać za granicę. She's afraid of going abroad. He's afraid to go abroad. Czemu miałaby po niego posłać? Why should she have sent for him? Why would she send for him? Zastanawiam się jakie są zalety tej techniki. I wonder what the advantage of this technique is. I wonder what the advantages of this technique are. To dokładnie to, czego chciałem. It's just what I wanted. That's exactly what I wanted. Nie bawiłeś się dobrze? Didn't you have fun? Didn't you have fun? Tom nie był biedny. Tom wasn't poor. Tom wasn't poor. Tom zrobił omlet. Tom made an omelette. Tom made an omelet. Czy lód jest zimny? Is the ice cold? Is the ice cold? Co myślisz o przemowie Toma? What did you think of Tom's speech? What do you think of Tom's speech? Zdejmij swój płaszcz i czuj się jak u siebie w domu. Take off your coat and make yourself at home. Take off your coat and make yourself at home. Kto gotuje w twoim domu? Who does the cooking in your home? Who's cooking in your house? Będę przestrzegać prawa. I will follow the law. I'll abide by the law. Mary jest zniesmaczona ludźmi którzy oglądają porno. Mary is disgusted with people who watch porn. Mary is disgusted with people who watch porn. Nie jedz zbyt dużo. Don't eat too much. Don't eat too much. W przeciwieństwie do ciebie, jestem w stanie zrobić to dla niej. I can do that for her, unlike you. Unlike you, I can do it for her. Jest prawie siódma. Musimy iść do szkoły. It's almost seven. We have to go to school. It's almost 7:00. Podpisałeś umowę? Did you sign the contract? Did you sign the contract? Dobra robota! Well done! Good job! Powiedziałem nie. I said no. I said no. Nigdy nie słyszałam żeby narzekał na swoje jedzenie. I've never heard him complaining about his meals. I've never heard him complain about his food. Nie słyszałem ani słowa z tego, co Tom powiedział. I couldn't hear a word Tom said. I didn't hear a word Tom said. Uczę się francuskiego od bardzo dawna. I've been studying French for a very long time. I've been learning French for a long time. Jesteś protekcjonalny. You're patronizing. You're condescending. Podkradłem się do niego od tyłu. I sneaked up behind him. I sneaked up on him from behind. Widzisz ten obraz? Can you see the picture? You see this painting? To zniszczy uprawę. It will damage the crops. It'll destroy the crop. Mój pies zjadł papierowy ręcznik. Ciekawe, czy mu zaszkodzi. My dog ate a paper towel. I wonder if he'll get sick. My dog ate a paper towel. Potrzebujemy Ciebie. We need you. We need you. Wyjrzał przez okno. He looked out of the window. He looked out the window. Ten artysta jest utalentowany. The artist is gifted. This artist is talented. Spędziłem z nią resztę nocy. I spent the rest of the night with her. I spent the rest of the night with her. Kiedy Tom był nastolatkiem, często siadał z przodu ganku i pisał piosenki wieczorem po kolacji. When Tom was a teenager, he would often sit on the front porch and write songs in the evening after dinner. When Tom was a teenager, he used to sit in front of the porch and write songs tonight after dinner. To jest zbyt drogie. That's too expensive. It's too expensive. Jakie piękne niemowlę! What a beautiful baby! What a beautiful baby! Można pisać w dowolnym języku. W Tatoeba wszystkie języki są równe. You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal. You can write in any language. In Tatoeba all languages are equal. Daj mi jeszcze jedną szansę. Give me another chance. Give me another chance. W Związku Radzieckim to zdanie pisze ciebie. In Soviet Russia, sentence writes you! In the Soviet Union, the sentence writes you. Cierpiał z powodu silnego bólu głowy. He was suffering from a bad headache. He suffered from a severe headache. Chłopie, impreza była zajebista! That party was off the hook, dude! Dude, the party was awesome! Chcesz się znowu spierać? Do you want to argue again? You wanna argue again? Życie nie jest sprawiedliwe, prawda? Life isn't fair, is it? Life isn't fair, is it? Mam psa. I have a dog. I have a dog. Jestem twój. I'm yours. I'm yours. Wojna trwała dwa lata. The war lasted two years. The war lasted two years. Ilu ludzi tam jest? How many people are in there? How many people are there? Jesteśmy w separacji. We're separated. We're separated. Rozumiesz co on mówi? Do you understand what he's saying? Do you understand what he's saying? Umiesz gwizdać? Can you whistle? Can you whistle? Do kogo się odnosisz? To whom are you referring? Who are you referring to? Tom ma łódź. Tom has a boat. Tom has a boat. Druga wojna światowa skończyła się w 1945 roku. World War Two ended in 1945. World War II ended in 1945. Mógłbyś umrzeć. You could die. You could die. Obudź mnie, jak dotrzesz do domu. Wake me up when you get home. Wake me up when you get home. Czy znasz jakichś obcokrajowców żyjących w Twoim kraju? Do you know any foreigners living in your country? Do you know any foreigners living in your country? Są chrześcijanami. They are Christians. They're Christians. Wczoraj wybrałem się do zoo. I went to the zoo yesterday. I went to the zoo yesterday. Chciałbym rosół z kurczaka. I would like chicken soup. I'd like chicken soup. Zobaczymy się później. I'll see you later. I'll see you later. Tom jest księdzem. Tom is a priest. Tom is a priest. Tom do tej pory nie pojawił się w pracy. Tom hasn't shown up at work yet. Tom hasn't shown up for work so far. Potrzebuję snu. I need to sleep. I need sleep. Mamy klucz. We've got the key. We have the key. Próbowali. They tried. They tried. Chyba zima zawitała na dobre. It looks like winter is here to stay. I think winter has come for good. Tom jest moim sąsiadem, ale nie znam go zbyt dobrze. Tom is my neighbor, but I don't know him very well. Tom is my neighbor, but I don't know him very well. Mary mówi, że kocha Toma, ale tak naprawdę chce tylko jego pieniędzy. Mary says she loves Tom, but really she's just after his money. Mary says she loves Tom, but all she really wants is his money. Tom nie chciał o tym mówić. Tom didn't want to talk about it. Tom didn't want to talk about it. Kiedy się obudziłem, padał śnieg. When I awoke, it was snowing. When I woke up, it was snowing. Skłamał mi prosto w oczy. He lied to my face. He lied to my face. Zaopiekujesz się naszymi zwierzętami, kiedy nas nie będzie? Will you look after our pets while we're away? Will you look after our animals while we're gone? Jest ostatnią osobą, którą poprosiłbym o pomoc, gdyż jest całkowicie nieodpowiedzialny. He's the last person I would ask help from, because he is completely unreliable. He's the last person I'd ask for help because he's completely irresponsible. Co studiowałeś? What did you major in at college? What did you study? Mówią, że w tej okolicy jest zakopany skarb. It is said that there is a treasure buried around here. They say there's a treasure buried in this area. Przechadzałem się ulicami, aby zabić czas. I strolled along the streets to kill time. I've been walking the streets to kill time. Masz mundurek szkolny? Do you have a school uniform? Do you have a school uniform? Za co ich karasz? What are you punishing them for? What are you punishing them for? W ogóle nie ogląda telewizji. He doesn't watch television at all. He doesn't watch TV at all. Każdy otrzymał wystarczającą ilość żywności i odzieży. Everyone has received a sufficient amount of food and clothing. Each received enough food and clothing. Nie spóźnisz się, tak? You won't be late, will you? You're not gonna be late, are you? Kazano ci tak zrobić? Were you told to do so? You were told to do that? Co za wspomnienie! What a memory! What a memory! Po południu pogoda zmieniła się na mokrą i mglistą. In the afternoon the weather became wet and foggy. In the afternoon the weather changed to wet and foggy. Ten staw jest bardzo głęboki. The pond is very deep. This pond is very deep. Chodźmy zobaczyć pochód wielkanocny. Let's go and watch the Easter parade. Let's go see the Easter walk. Sprawdź czy nazwa użytkownika i hasło są napisane poprawnie. Check that your username and password are written correctly. Check if the username and password are written correctly. Tom dał Mary swój numer telefonu. Tom gave Mary his phone number. Tom gave Mary his phone number. Ptaki powracają na wiosnę. The birds return in the Spring. Birds return in the spring. Chyba pora deszczowa wreszcie się skończyła. It seems like the rainy season is finally over. Looks like the rainy season's finally over. To będzie dobra pamiątka z mojej podróży dookoła Stanów Zjednoczonych. This will be a good souvenir of my trip around the United States. It'll be a good souvenir of my trip around the United States. Otwórz drzwi i wpuść kota. Open the door to let my cat in. Open the door and let the cat in. To był dopiero początek. That was just the beginning. That was just the beginning. Ona gra z nimi w pokera. She plays poker with them. She's playing poker with them. Tom wygląda na szczęśliwego. Tom seems happy. Tom looks happy. Jestem troszkę ciekawy. I'm a little curious. I'm a little curious. Religia to opium dla ludu. Religion is the opium of the people. Religion is opium to the people. Napotkał nieoczekiwane przeszkody. He encountered unexpected obstacles. He encountered unexpected obstacles. Co za niespodzianka! What a surprise! What a surprise! Jestem tenisistą. I'm a tennis player. I'm a tennis player. Robienie sobie tatuażu to głupi pomysł. Getting a tattoo is a stupid idea. Getting a tattoo is a stupid idea. Kościół był zatłoczony. The church was crowded. The church was crowded. Idź podlać trawnik. Go water the lawn. Go water the lawn. Czy muszę robić, co mówi Tom? Do I have to do what Tom says? Do I have to do what Tom says? Tom wiedział, po co Mary jedzie do Bostonu. Tom knew why Mary went to Boston. Tom knew why Mary was going to Boston. Nie zostało mi wiele czasu. I don't have much time left. I don't have much time left. To nie takie proste. It's not that simple. It's not that simple. Jaka jest płaca minimalna we Włoszech? What's the minimum salary in Italy? What is the minimum wage in Italy? Już zacząłem. I already begun. I've already started. Dałem Tomowi wszystko, czego chciał. I gave Tom everything he wanted. I gave Tom everything he wanted. Już wystarczy! Enough already! That's enough! Czy masz zwierzątko domowe? Do you have a pet? Do you have a pet? Wiesz co powiedzieli? Do you know what they said? You know what they said? W kamieniu wyryto datę jego śmierci. The stone was inscribed with the date of his death. The date of his death was carved in the stone. Ufasz Tomowi? Do you trust Tom? Do you trust Tom? Więzień był za kratkami przez dwa miesiące. The prisoner was behind bars for two months. The prisoner was behind bars for two months. Fizyka kwantowa jest zbyt trudna do zrozumienia dla zwykłego śmiertelnika. Quantum physics is too difficult for a mere mortal to understand. Quantum physics is too difficult to understand for a mere mortal. Ojciec potrafi pływać, a matka nie. Father can swim, but Mother cannot. My father can swim and my mother can't. Czujesz się teraz bardziej zachęcony? Do you feel more encouraged now? Do you feel more encouraged now? Mam w ręku książkę. I have a book in my hand. I have a book in my hand. Jak działają magnesy? How do magnets work? How do magnets work? Pojechaliśmy do Londynu. We went to London. We went to London. Czy to jest pizza? Is that pizza? Is that pizza? Czy możemy ci pomóc? Can we help? Can we help you? Jakie kraje graniczą ze Słowenią? What countries border on Slovenia? What countries border Slovenia? Mówisz do mnie? Are you speaking to me? Are you talking to me? Ulice są zamiatane każdej nocy. The streets are swept clean every night. The streets are sweeping every night. Brzoskwinie są słodkie. Peaches are sweet. Peaches are cute. Poproś, proszę, kogoś innego. Please ask someone else. Ask someone else, please. Słuchały radia. They were listening to the radio. They were listening to the radio. Nikt nie widział jak to zrobiliśmy. Nobody saw us do it. Nobody saw us do it. Nigdy tego nie zapomnisz, jestem pewien. You'll never forget it, I'm pretty sure. You'll never forget it, I'm sure. Szczygieł jest barzo ciekawym ptakiem. The goldfinch is a very interesting bird. The pike is a barzoly interesting bird. Jesteśmy razem w szkole. We are at school together. We're at school together. Powinienem był z nimi zostać. I should've stayed with them. I should have stayed with them. Ona często przyjeżdża do tego kraju. She's a frequent visitor to this country. She often comes to this country. Ilekroć tam idę, spotykam ją. Every time I go there, I meet her. Every time I go there, I meet her. Czy wierzysz w boga? Do you believe in a god? Do you believe in God? Zignorował rady swojego ojca. He ignored his father's advice. He ignored his father's advice. Tom nie mógł nadążyć. Tom couldn't keep up. Tom couldn't keep up. Jak minęła podróż? How was a trip? How was your trip? Chcę czasu, nie pieniędzy. I want time instead of money. I want time, not money. Brzydzę się sobą. Chcę umrzeć. I hate myself and I want to die. I disgust myself, I want to die. Znasz jakiegoś lekarza, który zna japoński? Do you know any doctor who speaks Japanese? Do you know a doctor who speaks Japanese? Tom jest tam z Mary i Johnem. Tom is in there with Mary and John. Tom is there with Mary and John. Problem w tym, że to jest zbyt drogie. The problem is in that it's too expensive. The problem is, it's too expensive. Czemu nie przyprowadziłeś żony na imprezę? Why didn't you bring your wife to the party? Why didn't you bring your wife to the party? Przypuszczam, że jesteś głodny. I suppose you're hungry. I suppose you're hungry. Co to za zapach? What's this smell? What's that smell? Powinnaś była pokazać mu urządzenie. You should have shown him the device. You should have shown him the device. Zróbmy to, zanim się rozmyślę. Let's do this before I change my mind. Let's do this before I change my mind. Przedawkował kokainę. He OD'd on cocaine. He overdosed on cocaine. Masz jakieś zdjęcia Toma? Do you have any pictures of Tom? Do you have any pictures of Tom? Nie mam mowy! No way! No way! Gdybyś miał znowu się urodzić, wolałbyś być mężczyzną czy kobietą? If you were born again, would you want to be a man or a woman? If you were to be born again, would you rather be a man or a woman? Nie mogę dzisiaj zapłacić Tomowi. I can't pay Tom today. I can't pay Tom today. Zdziwiłbyś się, czego można się nauczyć w ciągu tygodnia. You'd be surprised what you can learn in a week. You'd be surprised what you can learn in a week. Czy to twój dom? Is that your house? Is this your house? Ich praca polega na przesłuchiwaniu podejrzanych. Their job is to interrogate suspects. Their job is to interrogate suspects. Poproszę sok pomarańczowy. I'd like an orange juice. Orange juice, please. Zapomniałem, że Tom umie grać na akordeonie. I forgot Tom knew how to play the accordion. I forgot Tom can play accordion. Nóż nie jest ostry. The knife is not sharp. The knife isn't sharp. Przede wszystkim niepokoi mnie zdrowie córki. First of all, he is very worried about his daughter's health. First of all, I'm concerned about my daughter's health. Widziałem samolot. I saw a plane. I saw the plane. Mamy zasadę, że nie ujawniamy danych osobowych. It is our policy not to give out personal information. We have a rule that we don't disclose personal information. Po dziesięciu minutach od nokautu bokser odzyskał świadomość. A boxer regained his consciousness ten minutes after he was knocked-out. Ten minutes after the knockout, the boxer regained consciousness. Pamiętam, że spotkałem Toma w Bostonie. I remember meeting Tom in Boston. I remember meeting Tom in Boston. Zdejmij krawat. Take off your tie. Take off your tie. Jeśli jutro będzie ładnie, zrobimy piknik. If the weather is nice tomorrow, we will have a picnic. If it's nice tomorrow, we'll have a picnic. Wdrapał się na ogrodzenie. He climbed over the fence. He climbed the fence. Mogę żyć bez wody. I can live without water. I can live without water. W jej pokoju wszystko jest małe. Everything in her room is small. Everything's small in her room. Pstrąg płynął w górę rzeki. The trout swam upstream. The trout went up the river. Jestem zadowolony z mojej pracy. I am satisfied with my job. I'm happy with my work. W drodze do teatru widziałem wypadek drogowy. On my way to the theater I saw a traffic accident. I saw a traffic accident on my way to the theater. To była niespodzianka. It was a surprise. It was a surprise. Kto wynalazł karaoke? Who invented karaoke? Who invented karaoke? Mogę prosić o przepis na twoją sałatkę? Will you give me the recipe for your salad? Can I get a recipe for your salad? Upokorzy cię. He will make you eat dirt. He'll humiliate you. To chyba nie jest ostatni pociąg? This isn't the last train, is it? This isn't the last train, is it? Czuję wiosnę w powietrzu. I feel spring in the air. I feel spring in the air. Ile razy w miesiącu myjesz swój samochód? About how many times a month do you wash your car? How many times a month do you wash your car? Proszę nie oddychać. Hold your breath, please. Don't breathe. Nie masz pojęcia. You don't have a clue. You have no idea. Samochody mają cztery koła. Cars have four wheels. Cars have four wheels. Zawsze. Always. Always. Myślisz, że jestem kopalnią pieniędzy? Do you think I'm made of money? You think I'm a money mine? Mam brata bliźniaka. I have a twin brother. I have a twin brother. Rzeka, która płynie przez Londyn, to Tamiza. The river that flows through London is the Thames. The river that flows through London is the Thames. Nie chcę Toma w swoim samochodzie. I don't want Tom in my car. I don't want Tom in my car. Komputery to maszyny. Computers are machines. Computers are machines. Nie mogłem powstrzymać łez. I couldn't control my tears. I couldn't stop the tears. Zaczęli rozmawiać. They started talking. They started talking. Idź się umyj. Go clean yourself up. Go wash up. Przystawił mu broń do głowy. He put the gun to his head. He put a gun to his head. Posłuchaj mojej rady i pogadaj z nią. Take my advice and talk to her. Take my advice and talk to her. Kto jest winny wypadkowi? Who's to blame for the accident? Who's to blame for the accident? Książki to pszczoły przenoszące pyłek z jednego umysłu na drugi. Books are the bees that carry pollen from one mind to another. Books are bees that carry pollen from one mind to another. Wyszła bez pożegnania. She left without saying goodbye. She left without saying goodbye. Słowo nie jest krystaliczne, przejrzyste i niezmienne, ono jest skórą żywej myśli i może się znacznie różnić w kolorze i treści zależnie od okoliczności i czasu w których zostaje użyte. A word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanging, it is the skin of a living thought and may vary greatly in colour and content according to the circumstances and time in which it is used. The word is not crystal, clear and unchanging, it is the skin of living thought and may vary considerably in color and content depending on the circumstances and time in which it is used. Musisz ćwiczyć, by być w czymś dobry. To get good at something, you have to practice. You have to practice to be good at something. Powtórz to, proszę. Please say it one more time. Say it again, please. Wyślesz to komuś do naprawy tak szybko jak to możliwe? Will you send someone to fix it as soon as possible? Will you send it to someone for repair as soon as possible? Dzięki twojej pomocy udało się nam. Thanks to your help, we were successful. Thanks to your help, we made it. Tom jest znacznie wyższy od Mary. Tom is much taller than Mary. Tom is much taller than Mary. Jaki piękny widok! What a beautiful sight! What a beautiful sight! Uwielbiam tego filmu. I adore this film. I love this movie. Pozwól, że ci pomożemy. Let us help you. Let us help you. Zanim przejdziemy do interesów, chciałbym przez chwilę pogadać na luzie. Shall we shoot the breeze for a while before talking business? Before we get down to business, I'd like to talk to you for a second. Wierzę w tę metodę nauczania. I believe in this method of teaching. I believe in this method of teaching. Myślę, że to kompetentna osoba. I think he's a competent person. I think she's a competent person. Tom powie Mary. Tom will tell Mary. Tom will tell Mary. Mogłeś pomylić Jane z jej siostrą. You may have mistaken Jane for his sister. You could have confused Jane with her sister. Nie traktuj mnie w ten sposób. Don't treat me like that. Don't treat me like that. Ludzie w Brazylii byli z niego dumni. People in Brazil were proud of him. The people in Brazil were proud of him. Mam przy sobie dużo pieniędzy. I have plenty of money with me. I've got a lot of money on me. Martwisz się? Are you worried? Are you worried? Graliśmy na tej plaży. We have played at this beach. We played on that beach. Coś jest dziwnego. Something's strange. Something's weird. Kontynuuj! Proceed! Go on! Samochód rozbił się o ścianę. The car crashed into the wall. The car crashed into a wall. Według badań przeprowadzonych przez uniwersytet Cornell, brzydcy oskarżeni mają o ponad 22 proc. większe szanse na wyrok skazujący niż atrakcyjni. According to a Cornell University study, unattractive defendants are 22 percent more likely to be convicted than good-looking ones. According to a study conducted by Cornell University, ugly defendants are more than 22 percent more likely to be convicted than attractive. Był w krytycznym stanie. He was in critical condition. He was in critical condition. "Kto to jest?" "To jest twoja matka." "Who is it?" "It's your mother." "Who is this?" "This is your mother." Sami zmywał naczynia. Sami was washing dishes. He was washing his own dishes. Przyjdź jutro rano. Come tomorrow morning. Come back tomorrow morning. Proszę chwilkę zaczekać. Please wait a bit. Wait a minute. Tom zdjął Mary opaskę z oczu. Tom took the blindfold off Mary. Tom took Mary's blindfold out of his sight. Myślę, że dobrze zrobiłam. I think I did well. I think I did the right thing. Niektórzy mówią, że Ramzes II miał sześć żon i ponad setkę dzieci. Some say that Ramses II had six women and more than 100 children. Some say Ramses II had six wives and over a hundred children. Zamknij się i posłuchaj. Shut up and listen. Shut up and listen. Czemu rozdarłeś tkaninę zamiast uciąć ją nożyczkami? Why did you tear the cloth instead of cutting it with scissors? Why did you tear the fabric instead of cutting it with scissors? Ona jest pięnkną kobietą. She is a beautiful woman. She's a beautiful woman. Czy mogę rozmawiać z Billem? May I speak to Bill? Can I talk to Bill? Jak okiem sięgnąć, wszędzie widać szkody spowodowane trzęsieniem ziemi. No matter where you look you can see damage caused by the earthquake. As far as the eye can see, there's damage to the earthquake everywhere. Wspinaj się! Climb! Climb up! Jej ojciec umarł, gdy miała trzy lata. Her father died when she was three. Her father died when she was three. Nie jestem aresztowany, prawda? I'm not under arrest, am I? I'm not under arrest, am I? Przetłumacz podkreślone zdania. Translate the underlined sentences. Translate the underlined sentences. Tak się cieszę, że to zrobiłem. I'm so glad I did that. I'm so glad I did. Wszyscy poczekali. Everybody waited. Everyone waited. Żyrafy mają bardzo długie szyje. Giraffes have very long necks. Giraffes have very long necks. Tom ma trzy byłe żony. Tom has three ex-wives. Tom has three ex-wives. Czy oni są nowi? Are they new? Are they new? Było potwornie gorąco. It was extremely hot. It was so hot. Nie mam wątpliwości, że ona tu przyjdzie. I don't doubt that she will come here. I have no doubt she'll come here. Wyłączyła komputer. She switched off the computer. She turned off the computer. Od rana mam lekką gorączkę. I have had a slight fever since this morning. I've had a mild fever all morning. Ktoś pokrzyżował nam szyki. Someone's put a spanner in the works. Someone's thwarted us. Będzie burza. There's going to be a storm. There's gonna be a storm. Możemy to sprawdzić. We can look it up. We can check it out. Od jak dawna jesteś w Szanghaju? For how long are you in Shanghai? How long have you been in Shanghai? On się myje. He washes himself. He's washing up. To już nie jest idealny okrąg. It no longer seems to be a perfect circle. It's not the perfect circle anymore. Gdzie mieszkają twoi rodzice? Where do your parents live? Where do your parents live? Dlaczego to robią? Why do they do it? Why are they doing this? Tom będzie gotowy za kilka minut. Tom will be ready in a few minutes. Tom will be ready in a few minutes. On jest jedynym przyjacielem, któremu mogę naprawdę zaufać. He is the only friend I can really trust. He's the only friend I can really trust. Kiedy wróciła do biura, wzięła do ręki telefon i wybrała numer Charlie'ego. Back in her office, she picked up her phone and dialled Charlie's number. When she came back to the office, she took the phone in her hand and dialed Charlie's number. Jesteśmy pewni jego sukcesu. We are sure of his success. We're sure of his success. Trudno przerwać złe nawyki. Bad habits are not easily broken. It's hard to stop bad habits. Człowiek jest bezsilny wobec przyrody. Human beings are powerless before nature. Man is powerless against nature. Gdzie mieszka twój dziadek? Where does your grandfather live? Where does your grandfather live? Chcę adwokata. I want a lawyer. I want a lawyer. Minęło zaledwie kilka miesięcy odkąd ten Francuz przyjechał do Japonii. It is only a few months since that Frenchman came to Japan. It's only been a few months since this Frenchman came to Japan. Oddychaj. Breathe. Breathe. Nie podobają mi się tamte buty. I don't like those shoes. I don't like those shoes. Czekałem na nią naprawdę dlugo. I waited for her for a really long time. I've been waiting for her for a really long time. Mogę sobie wyobrazić jak się czułeś. I can imagine how you felt. I can imagine how you felt. Zaczęło padać właśnie kiedy wychodziłem z domu. It started raining just as I was leaving home. It started raining just when I left the house. Świat jest niebezpieczny. The world is dangerous. The world is dangerous. Powinnaś słuchać uważnie. You should pay attention. You should listen carefully. Cena wzrasta. The price is going up. The price is rising. Nie otrzymasz ode mnie żadnego współczucia. You won't get any sympathy from me. You won't get any sympathy from me. Daj mi swoje ręce. Give me your hands. Give me your hands. Elektrownia zaopatruje w prąd odległą dzielnicę. The power plant supplies the remote district with electricity. The power plant supplies electricity to a remote district. Coś nowego? Anything new? Anything new? To za dużo kosztuje. It costs too much. It costs too much. Tom ożenił się w wieku 26 lat. Tom got married at 26. Tom got married when he was 26. Jeśli potrzebujesz mojej pomocy, wystarczy poprosić. If you need my help, all you have to do is ask. If you need my help, all you have to do is ask. Ja muszę zdążyć na tamty pociąg. I have to catch that train. I have to make that train. Pamiętasz Toma? Do you remember Tom? Remember Tom? Przypominasz mi kogoś, kogo znałem. You remind me of somebody I used to know. You remind me of someone I knew. Jak tylko się czegoś dowiemy, skontaktujemy się z nim. As soon as we find out anything, we will contact him. As soon as we know anything, we'll contact him. Twoja koszula ma plamę. Your shirt is stained. Your shirt has a stain. Kiedy zamierzasz powiedzieć Tomowi? When are you going to tell Tom? When are you gonna tell Tom? Tom chce się nauczyć jakichś francuskich piosenek. Tom wants to learn some French songs. Tom wants to learn some French songs. Próbowałem zapomnieć, że płakała. I tried to forget that she had cried. I tried to forget she was crying. To jest zatrute. It's poisoned. It's poisoned. Lubię tego psa. I like that dog. I like that dog. Pojedziesz z nami w przyszłym roku do Bostonu? Will you be going to Boston with us next year? Will you come with us to Boston next year? Nie tęsknisz za mną? Don't you miss me? Don't you miss me? Jane i ja dobrze gramy na fortepianie. Jane and I play the piano very well. Jane and I play the piano well. Tom i ja pracujemy w tym samym szpitalu. Tom and I work at the same hospital. Tom and I work at the same hospital. Gdzie pracujesz? Where do you work? Where do you work? Zadajesz dużo pytań, czyż nie? You ask a lot of questions, don't you? You ask a lot of questions, don't you? Ona jest podobna z charakteru do matki. She is her mother's match in character. She's a lot like her mother's character. Umyj zęby. Brush your teeth. Brush your teeth. Nie chciałem sprawiać ci kłopotów, chciałem ci pomóc. I didn't mean to trouble you, I wanted to help you. I didn't want to cause you any trouble. I wanted to help you. Tom powiedział, że jesteś dobry w szachach. Tom said you were good at chess. Tom said you were good at chess. Nie jesteś kobietą. You're not a woman. You're not a woman. Cóż, sprzątam pomieszczenia. Well, I clean the rooms. Well, I'm cleaning rooms. Jajko jest uniwersalnym symbolem życia i odrodzenia. The egg is a universal symbol of life and rebirth. The egg is a universal symbol of life and rebirth. Z mojego powodu wpadł w wiele kłopotów. He put himself to much trouble on my behalf. I'm the reason he got into a lot of trouble. Słucham radia. I am listening to the radio. I'm listening to the radio. Dał drapaka. He did a runner. He gave me a scratch. Tom nie chciał, żeby Mary myślała, że jest głupkiem. Tom didn't want Mary to think he was a fool. Tom didn't want Mary to think he was stupid. To okno się nie otworzy. This window won't open. This window won't open. Właśnie kupiłem te buty. I just bought these shoes. I just bought those shoes. Tom zakochał się w Mary. Tom fell in love with Mary. Tom is in love with Mary. Moją ulubioną porą roku jest jesień. My favourite season is autumn. My favorite time of the year is autumn. Ten nóż jest bardzo ostry. This knife is very sharp. This knife is very sharp. Tom pozwolił Mary iść samej. Tom allowed Mary to go by herself. Tom let Mary go alone. Te drzewa mają bujne listowie. The trees have exuberant foliage. These trees have lush leaves. Jaka koszula jest różowa? What shirt is pink? What's the pink shirt? Bob zobaczył go ponownie. Bob saw him again. Bob saw him again. Tom wygląda na zadowolonego. It looks like Tom is pleased. Tom seems happy. Bank jest otwarty od dziewiątej rano. Banks open at nine o'clock. The bank's been open since 9:00 a.m. Zapomnij Tom. Forget Tom. Forget it, Tom. Może mnie nie zrozumiałeś. Maybe you didn't understand me. Maybe you misunderstood me. W jego skarpetce jest dziura. There is a hole in his sock. There's a hole in his sock. Nie śpiewam. I do not sing. I don't sing. Tom zgubił swoją ulubioną zabawkę. Tom lost his favorite toy. Tom lost his favorite toy. To jest pomysł. That's the idea. That's an idea. Drodzy bracia i siostry! Dear brothers and sisters! Dear brothers and sisters! Mówisz moim językiem. You speak my language. You speak my language. Ludzie boją się wojny. People are afraid of war. People are afraid of war. Tom wzdrygnął się. Tom flinched. Tom flinched. Musimy być ostrożni. We have to be careful. We have to be careful. Tom pożyczył mi trochę pieniędzy. Tom lent me some money. Tom lent me some money. Na następnej stacji mamy przesiadkę. We're changing at the next stop. There's a transfer at the next station. Jak okropnie! How horrible! How awful! Nie powinieneś był mówić jej takiej rzeczy. You shouldn't have said such a thing to her. You shouldn't have said that to her. Tamten film był pokazywany w telewizji. That movie was shown on television. That movie was on TV. Jedno z czasopism jest dla chłopców, drugie - dla dziewcząt. One magazine is for boys, and another for girls. One of the magazines is for boys, the other is for girls. Mój ojciec pali paczkę papierosów na dzień. My father smokes a pack of cigarettes a day. My father smokes a pack of cigarettes a day. Proszę wypełnić ankietę. Complete the questionnaire. Please fill out the questionnaire. Szyja mnie trochę boli. My neck hurts a little. My neck hurts a little. Boli mnie głowa. My head hurts. My head hurts. On ma mniej chleba. He has less bread. He's got less bread. Jesteśmy wszyscy po tej samej stronie. We're all on the same side. We're all on the same side. Piorę bluzę. I wash the blouse. I'm washing my sweatshirt. Jego ojciec nie przyjdzie - jest bardzo zajęty. His father won't come, he is very busy. His father won't come - he's very busy. Wcale nie jestem zmęczony. I'm not tired at all. I'm not tired at all. Stolicą Szwecji jest Sztokholm. The capital of Sweden is Stockholm. The capital of Sweden is Stockholm. Zamiast owijać w bawełnę, Jones przeszedł do sedna. Instead of beating around the bush, Jones got straight to the point. Instead of beat the crap out of him, Jones got to the point. Zdobył wiedzę z różnych książek. He has gleaned knowledge from various books. He's learned from a variety of books. Od wczoraj jest zimno. It has been cold since yesterday. It's been cold since yesterday. Jim zachowywał się dziwnie przez cały dzień. Jim acted very strangely all day. Jim's been acting weird all day. Jest trochę nieśmiała. She is a little shy. She's a little shy. To jest słownik kieszonkowy. This is a pocket dictionary. This is a pocket dictionary. Minęły dwa tygodnie, a cię nie widziałem. Two weeks have passed and I haven't seen you. It's been two weeks and I haven't seen you. Powinienem odpowiedzieć? Should I reply? Should I answer that? Nie podoba mi się mój wygląd. I don't like the way I look. I don't like the way I look. Jestem kiepski w pływaniu. I'm not much of a swimmer. I'm bad at swimming. Zachowywała się, jakby nic o tym nie wiedziała. She acted as if she knew nothing about it. She acted like she didn't know anything about it. Przestań się opierać! Stop resisting! Stop resisting! Przyjeżdżam tutaj zawsze czwartego lipca. I come here every Fourth of July. I always come here on the fourth of July. Gdzie leży Paryż? Where is Paris? Where's Paris? Niestety, musisz nauczyć się znosić ból. I'm afraid you'll have to learn to live with the pain. Unfortunately, you must learn to endure pain. "Na zachodzie bez zmian." "All Quiet on the Western Front" "No change in the West." Nie mam nic więcej do dodania. I can't add anything else. I have nothing more to add. Tom zjadł kanapkę z kurczakiem. Tom ate a chicken sandwich. Tom ate a chicken sandwich. Uciekli dzięki niebywałemu szczęściu. By good fortune, they escaped. They escaped because of unbelievable happiness. Czy wszystko w porządku? Are you OK? Is everything okay? Miałam operację. I had an operation. I had surgery. Tony nie znał ich imion. Tony did not know their names. Tony didn't know their names. - Pamiętasz, jak na imię ma twoja babcia? - Nie, zawsze mówiłem do niej po prostu "babciu" Do you remember the first name of your grandmother? - No, I just always called her granny. - Do you remember your grandmother's name? Zasnąłem odrabiając lekcje. I fell asleep while I was doing my homework. I fell asleep doing my homework. Umyli uszy. They washed their ears. They washed their ears. Czasem sam sobie imponuję. Sometimes, I impress myself. Sometimes I impress myself. Tom ma młodszą siostrę imieniem Maria. Tom has a younger sister named Mary. Tom has a little sister named Maria. Będziesz z nimi rozmawiał? Will you talk to them? Are you gonna talk to them? To książka. That's a book. It's a book. Matka Johna wygląda bardzo młodo, więc często jest brana za jego starszą siostrę. John's mother looks very young, so she is often mistaken for his older sister. John's mother looks very young, so she's often taken after his older sister. Czy twój wujek nadal jest zagranicą? Is your uncle still abroad? Is your uncle still overseas? Nie czułem się zbyt szczęśliwy. I didn't feel particularly happy. I didn't feel very happy. Wątpię czy jest szczery. I doubt whether he is honest. I doubt he's honest. Zostaw mnie samą! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! Pokój będzie jutro pomalowany. The room will be painted tomorrow. The room will be painted tomorrow. Nie może chodzić, a cóż dopiero biegać. He cannot walk, let alone run. He can't walk, let alone run. Tom zapytał Mary i jej przyjaciółki, czy chcą zagrać w rozbieranego pokera, ale odmówiły. Tom asked Mary and her friends if they wanted to play strip poker, but they refused. Tom asked Mary and her friends if they wanted to play strip poker, but they refused. Tom zapukał do drzwi, a Mary mu otworzyła. Tom knocked on the door and Mary answered it. Tom knocked on his door, and Mary opened it for him. Powiedział, że obawia się deszczu. He said that he was afraid it would be rainy. He said he was afraid of the rain. Wracam do Rzymu. I'm returning to Rome. I'm going back to Rome. Jest Kanadyjczykiem. He is Canadian. He's Canadian. Myślę, że jest dobry czas na wprowadzenie tego produktu. I think the time is right to introduce this product. I think there's a good time to introduce this product. Powiedz, co podsłuchałeś. Tell me what you overheard. Tell me what you overheard. Musimy szanować lokalne obyczaje. We have to respect local customs. We must respect local customs. Zdjął książkę z półki. He got down the book from the shelf. He took the book off the shelf. Muszę iść do miasta. I need to go into town. I have to go to town. Nie wiedziałem, że tyle wypił. I didn't know he drank so much. I didn't know he drank so much. Jaki kolor ma twoja sukienka? What color is your dress? What color is your dress? Mówi, jak gdyby był Amerykaninem. He speaks as if he were an American. He talks like he's an American. Ja też lubię jabłka. I also like apples. I like apples, too. Sami jest potworem. Sami is a monster. Sam is a monster. Tom planuje popływać, jak tylko skończy robić lekcje. Tom plans to swim as soon as he finishes his homework. Tom plans to swim as soon as he finishes his lessons. Tom zsiadł z konia. Tom dismounted the horse. Tom got off the horse. Przy okazji, czy byłeś kiedyś w Hokkaido? By the way, have you ever been to Hokkaido? By the way, have you ever been to Hokkaido? Powiedziałem usiądź. I said sit down. I said sit down. Obawiam się, że muszę poprosić cię o wyjście. I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave. I'm afraid I have to ask you to leave. Nie, nie i jeszcze raz nie! No, no, and furthermore, no! No, no, and no! Co pan wtedy robił? What were you doing then? What were you doing back then? To było o wiele łatwiejsze niż myślałem, że będzie. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be. It was so much easier than I thought it would be. Mary powiedziała, że chciałaby, bym był bardziej jak Tom. Mary said she wished I was more like Tom. Mary said she'd want me to be more like Tom. Wracam do mojego biura. I'm going back to my office. I'm going back to my office. To nie jest twój nóż. That is not your knife. It's not your knife. Tom nie chciał stracić Mary. Tom didn't want to lose Mary. Tom didn't want to lose Mary. Dziewczyna jest samotna. The girl is lonely. The girl is lonely. Czy Tom ci powiedział, kto to jest? Did Tom tell you who that was? Did Tom tell you who this is? Nienawidzę prasowania. I hate ironing. I hate ironing. Czemu nie możemy tego powtórzyć? Why can't we do it again? Why can't we do it again? Jutro są moje urodziny i będę mieć siedemnaście lat. Tomorrow is my birthday and I will be seventeen. It's my birthday tomorrow and I'm 17 years old. Tom podsunął mi ten pomysł. Tom gave me that idea. Tom gave me this idea. Chcemy tylko zadać mu kilka pytań na temat tego, co zrobił w ostatni weekend. We just want to ask him a few questions about what he did last weekend. We just want to ask him a few questions about what he did last weekend. Nie byłeś chory. You weren't ill. You weren't sick. Nigdy nie przekręciłem niczyich słów. I never distorted anyone's words. I've never twisted anyone's words. Nie mam nic do powiedzenia Tomowi. I don't have anything to say to Tom. I have nothing to say to Tom. Tom ukradł twój rower. Tom stole your bike. Tom stole your bike. Ten człowiek ma konia. This man has a horse. This man has a horse. On będzie tu znowu. He'll be here again. He'll be here again. Przestałbyś, proszę, pytać mnie o to? Would you please quit asking me that? Would you please stop asking me that? Gotowali obiad. They were cooking dinner. They were cooking dinner. Jestem spragniony. I'm thirsty. I'm thirsty. Jesteś bez skrupułów. You're unscrupulous. You're unscrupulous. Jaki jest twój ulubiony telekucharz? Who's your favorite TV chef? What's your favorite telecoacher? Jakie to szczęście, że pogoda jest tak piękna. It is fortunate that the weather is so nice. How fortunate the weather is so beautiful. Przepłynąłbym ocean by jeszcze raz zobaczyć twój uśmiech. I would swim through the ocean just to see your smile again. I'd swim across the ocean to see you smile again. On nie umie grać na gitarze. He cannot play guitar. He can't play guitar. To sknera. He is cheap. He's cheap. Przeczytałem książkę. I have read the book. I read the book. To wszystko, co mam do powiedzenia. That's all I'm going to say. That's all I have to say. To jest wielkie! It's big! This is huge! Czy napotkałeś jakieś problemy? Did you encounter any problems? Have you encountered any problems? Chciałbym wiedzieć, co robisz. I'd like to know what you're doing. I'd like to know what you're doing. Mary jest przedszkolanką. Mary is a kindergarten teacher. Mary's a kindergarten teacher. Ach, kiedy znów się spotkają? Ah, when will they meet again? Ah, when will they meet again? Wczoraj było trzęsienie ziemi. There was an earthquake yesterday. There was an earthquake yesterday. Mamy tylko jedną możliwość. We've only got one option. We only have one option. Chciałem tylko sprawdzić pocztę. I just wanted to check my email. I just wanted to check my mail. Nie ma tu nic do roboty. There's nothing to do here. There's nothing to do here. Oni potrzebowali prywatności. They needed privacy. They needed privacy. Ktoś tam był. Someone was there. Someone was there. Tom musi się ubrać do pracy. Tom has to dress up for work. Tom needs to get dressed for work. Dobry wieczór, co słychać u pana? Good evening, how are you? Good evening, how are you? Zjedliśmy kilka, ale całkiem sporo zostało. We ate several, but a good few were left. We ate a few, but there's quite a lot left. Wąż syczy. The snake hisses. Snake's hissing. Jest zbyt ciemno by cokolwiek zobaczyć. It's too dark to see. It's too dark to see anything. Tom myśli, że jest zabawny. Tom thinks it's funny. Tom thinks he's funny. To było bardzo głupie. That was very foolish. It was very stupid. To jest za darmo. This one's free. It's free. Ktoś mi to ukradł. Somebody stole it from me. Someone stole it from me. Gdzie się znajduje stacja Hakata? Where is Hakata station located? Where's the Hakata station? Chcesz powiedzieć Tomowi? Do you want to tell Tom? You want to tell Tom? Zostawił swój parasol w autobusie. He left his umbrella on the bus. He left his umbrella on the bus. Zaufaj mi, jestem lekarzem. Trust me, I'm a doctor. Trust me, I'm a doctor. Ona robi z igły widły. She is making a mountain out of a molehill. She's making a big deal out of it. Komunikacja jest niemożliwa bez podstawowego zrozumienia pewnych norm. Without a basic understanding of certain norms, communication is impossible. Communication is impossible without a basic understanding of certain standards. Musisz pamiętać, żeby powiedzieć mu wszystko, co wiesz. You must remember to tell him all that you know. You have to remember to tell him everything you know. Wrócił z Ameryki. He came back from the States. He's back from America. Kazałam jej to dla mnie zrobić. I got her to do it for me. I told her to do it for me. Są duże szanse na sukces. There is every promise of success. There's a good chance of success. Jesteś rozsądny. You're sensible. You're reasonable. Jutro wyjeżdżam do Paryża. I leave for Paris tomorrow. I'm leaving for Paris tomorrow. Tom jest oczywiście czymś zdenerwowany. Tom is obviously upset about something. Tom is obviously upset about something. Oni powiesili pranie. They hung up the laundry. They hung the laundry. Podczas letnich wakacji spotkałem piękną kobietę. During the summer holidays I met a beautiful woman. During summer holidays, I met a beautiful woman. Myślę, że Tom nie zda testu na prawo jazdy. I think Tom will fail his driving test. I don't think Tom's gonna pass the driver's test. Tom nie zrobi tego na czas. Tom won't make it in time. Tom won't do it in time. Smakuje bardzo dobrze, nie? It tastes very good, doesn't it? Tastes very good, doesn't it? W ogóle się nie uczyłem. I didn't study at all. I didn't study at all. On potrafi bardzo szybko pływać. He is able to swim very fast. He can swim very fast. Znów się zaczyna. It's starting again. Here we go again. Udobruchaj Toma. Humor Tom. Make Tom feel better. Przyjdę jutro. I'll come tomorrow. I'll come tomorrow. Tom strzelił gola. Tom scored a goal. Tom scored a goal. Tom ma spotkanie z klientem. Tom is meeting with a client. Tom has a meeting with a client. Mógłbym to zrobić sam. I could do this myself. I could do it myself. Zdrowy rozsądek powinien zwyciężać. Common sense should prevail. Common sense should prevail. Miałem zwyczaj siedzieć do późna w nocy. I used to sit up late at night. I used to stay up late at night. Tom nie wygląda na szczególnie zainteresowanego. Tom doesn't seem very interested. Tom doesn't seem particularly interested. Właśnie spotkałem ją na ulicy. I just met her on the street. I just met her on the street. Tom, wiem, że jesteś zajęty. I know you're busy, Tom. Tom, I know you're busy. Zostawiła dzieci pod opieką ciotki. She left her children in her aunt's care. She left her children in the care of her aunt. Tom życzył Mary dobrej nocy i wyszedł. Tom said good night to Mary and left. Tom said good night to Mary and left. Jeszcze nie. Not yet. Not yet. Dwaj bracia nie umieli się ze sobą dogadać. The two brothers couldn't get along with each other. Two brothers couldn't get along. Masa nieskutecznych programów oświatowych obniżyła notowania prezydenta wśród zwolenników dyscypliny fiskalnej. A plethora of ineffective education programs made the president unpopular amongst fiscal conservatives. A number of ineffective educational programs have lowered the president's ratings among fiscal discipline supporters. Podzieliliśmy się pieniędzmi pomiędzy sobą. We divided the money between us. We shared the money between us. Musisz jedynie zadzwonić do Jean. You only have to call Jean. All you have to do is call Jean. Nie chce mi się z tobą gadać. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to talk to you. Ostrzegano go wielokrotnie. He has been warned on several occasions. He's been warned many times. Czy masz rodzeństwo? Do you have brothers and sisters? Do you have siblings? Jesteś tak wysoki, jak moja siostra. You are as tall as my sister. You're as tall as my sister. Mam wrażenie, że widziałam już gdzieś te buty. I have the feeling that I've seen these shoes somewhere before. I feel like I've seen these shoes before. Pobiegłem do mojej mamy. I ran to my mother. I ran to my mom. Kot nie zdechł. The cat is not dead. The cat's not dead. Twój plan zadziałał. Your plan worked. Your plan worked. Zostawiłem portfel w samochodzie. I left my wallet in the car. I left my wallet in the car. Powtarzaj za mną. Repeat after me. Repeat after me. Sam tak powiedziałeś. You said so yourself. You said so yourself. Wczoraj widziałem się z przyjaciółmi. I met my friends yesterday. I saw my friends yesterday. Wygląda na to, że nie są dawane na własność, ale pożyczane. Apparently they aren't given, but loaned. Looks like they're not being owned, but borrowed. Tom jest za młody, żeby iść tam samemu. Tom is too young to go there alone. Tom is too young to go alone. Ładnemu we wszystkim ładnie. Good-looking people are good-looking no matter what they wear. It's nice in everything. Z przyjemnością graliśmy w baseball. We enjoyed playing baseball. We were happy to play baseball. Czemu to się tak często dzieje? Why does this happen so often? Why does this happen so often? Zastanawiam się gdzie jest Tom i kto z nim jest. I wonder where Tom is and who he's with. I wonder where Tom is and who's with him. Śledź go. Follow him. Follow him. Uderzyliśmy w coś? Did we hit something? Did we hit something? To wymaga czasu. It takes time. It takes time. Moje serce zna prawdę. My heart knows the truth. My heart knows the truth. Przyjmujemy zamówienia telefonicznie. We take telephone orders. We take orders by phone. Czy to prawda, że poprawiłyście wszystkie te zdania? Is it true that you corrected all these sentences? Is it true you've improved all those sentences? Wiosną kwitnie wiele pięknych kwiatów. Many pretty flowers bloom in the spring. A lot of beautiful flowers bloom in the spring. Maluję pisanki. I'm painting Easter eggs. I'm painting eggs. Na co mu kolejny rower? Why does he need another bicycle? Why does he need another bike? Mogłem to zrobić lepiej. I could have done it better. I could have done better. Dołączę do was. I'll catch up with you. I'll join you. Otwórz usta! Open your mouth! Open your mouth! Demokracja jest formą rządów. Democracy is one form of government. Democracy is a form of government. Chcę, żebyś tu była. I want you to be here. I want you here. Tom pracuje dla agencji tłumaczeniowej. Tom works for a translation agency. Tom works for the translation agency. Skunks nie boją się ani psów, ani ludzi. Skunks fear neither dogs, nor men. Skunks aren't afraid of dogs or people. Waniliny często używa się podczas pieczenia. Vanillin is often used in baking. Vanillin is often used during baking. Wtedy przyszedł mi do głowy świetny pomysł. A good idea occurred to me then. That's when I thought of a great idea. Muszę spadać/ I've gotta go. I gotta go. Okręt zniknął za horyzontem. The ship disappeared beyond the horizon. The ship has disappeared beyond the horizon. Nie mogę już dłużej chodzić. I can walk no farther. I can't walk anymore. Negocjację się zaczęły. The negotiations have begun. Negotiation has begun. Jesteś mało precyzyjny. You're cultured. You're being vague. Wejdź do środka. Come on inside. Come inside. Niestety to nie takie proste. Unfortunately, it's not that simple. Unfortunately, it's not that simple. Tom je kanapkę. Tom is eating a sandwich. Tom is eating a sandwich. Pytanie nie dotyczy tego, co mogę dla ciebie zrobić, ale co ty możesz zrobić dla mnie. The question is not what I can do for you, but what you can do for me. The question isn't what I can do for you, it's what you can do for me. Jestem w drużynie hokejowej. I'm on a hockey team. I'm on the hockey team. On mnie nie pokona. He won't beat me. He can't beat me. Sami wiedział o romansie Layli z Faridem. Sami knew about Layla's love affair with Farid. Sam knew about Layla's affair with Farid. Wstał i sięgnął po kapelusz. He stood up and reached for his hat. He got up and reached for his hat. Dostała najwyższy stopień bo nauczyła się całej lekcji na pamięć. She got full marks by memorizing the whole lesson. She got the highest degree because she learned the whole lesson by heart. On pływa jak ryba. He swims like a fish. He swims like a fish. Widziałeś mojego syna? Have you seen my son? Have you seen my son? Nasz plan nie zadziałał w praktyce. Our plan didn't work in practice. Our plan didn't work in practice. Też tak myślałam. I thought so, too. That's what I thought. Rząd został obalony po rewolucyjnym puczu. The government was overthrown in a revolutionary coup. The government was overthrown after a revolutionary coup. Okazało się to prawdą. It turned out to be the truth. It turned out to be true. Nie puszczę cię. I'm not letting you go. I'm not letting you go. Tom postanowił wziąć dzień wolny. Tom decided to take a day off. Tom decided to take the day off. Tom myśli, że to niemożliwe aby Mary pobiła rekord. Tom thinks it impossible for Mary to break the record. Tom thinks it's impossible for Mary to break the record. Nie znasz ich? Don't you know them? Don't you know them? Tom był wciąż głodny. Tom was still hungry. Tom was still hungry. Kim jest ten chłopak? Who is that boy? Who's the boy? Akurat byłem tam w tym samym czasie, co Tom i Mary. I just happened to be there at the same time Tom and Mary were. I was there at the same time as Tom and Mary. Pocałowała ją na pożegnanie. She kissed her farewell. She kissed her goodbye. Tom próbował mi coś powiedzieć, ale Mary przeszkodziła mu, zanim zdążył cokolwiek powiedzieć. Tom tried to tell me something, but Mary interrupted before he could say anything. Tom tried to tell me something, but Mary interrupted him before he could say anything. To najlepsze, co można powiedzieć komuś, kto próbuje się czegoś nauczyć. This is the best thing to tell to someone who tries to learn something. It's the best thing to say to someone who's trying to learn something. Weź dupę w troki! Get your arse into gear! Get your ass out of here! Nagle samolotem zaczęło trząść i zapalił się znak "zapiąć pasy." Suddenly the plane begins to rock and the seat belt signs come on. Suddenly the plane started shaking and the sign "fasten your seatbelts" lit up. Co pomyślą sąsiedzi? What will the neighbors think? What will the neighbors think? W Paryżu pada śnieg. It's snowing in Paris. It's snowing in Paris. Kiedy ostatni raz ją widzieliście? When was the last time you saw her? When was the last time you saw her? Nadrobimy to. I'll catch up with you. We'll catch up. Jesteś wojowniczy. You're belligerent. You're a fighter. Zignorowała radę swojej matki. She ignored her mother's advice. She ignored her mother's advice. Przegraliśmy. We lost. We lost. Chodź mi tu pomóc. Come here and help me. Come here and help me. Tom jest w poważnych kłopotach. Tom is in serious trouble. Tom is in serious trouble. Wiem kim ona jest. I know who she is. I know who she is.