(1 Phexros 2: 19, 20 dubbisi.) (Read 1 Peter 2: 19, 20.) (Read 1 Peter 2: 19, 20.) Qabsoon wal irraa hin cinne kun kallattii jireenyaa koo hunda irratti dhiibbaa geessiseera.... This ongoing battle has affected every aspect of my life.... This ongoing struggle affects every aspect of my life.... Namoonni gaarummaa Waaqayyoo isa guddaa irraa fayyadamuu kan dandaʼan akkamitti? To what extent can individuals benefit from God's undeserved kindness? How can those who benefit from God's undeserved kindness benefit from God's undeserved kindness? Ahaab Mooticha isa hamaa sana irraa haala adda taʼeen, Israaʼeloonni yeroo Eliyaas aarsaa dhiheessetti Yihowaan ibidda buusuu isaa argan tokko tokko harka Waaqayyoo hubachuu dandaʼaniiru. Unlike Israel's wicked King Ahab, some Israelites who witnessed Jehovah's response to Elijah's fire test recognized God's hand in matters. Unlike wicked King Ahab, the Israelites could see Jehovah's hand when they saw Elijah offering a fire to him. Fakkeenya kenni. (b) Fakkeenyi kun waaʼee Yihowaafi Yesus maal nu barsiisa? Give some examples. (b) What does this teach us about Jehovah and Jesus? Give an example. (b) What does this teach us about Jehovah and Jesus? Haata'u malee, Yihowaan "ilma koo " jedhee kan beeksise erga cuuphamee hafuura qulqulluudhaan dibamee booda si'a ta'u, yeroo kanattis Yesus Yihowaa wajjin walitti dhufeenya adda ta'e uumeera. But only after his baptism, when he was begotten by the spirit to become a spiritual son of God, did Jehovah announce: "This is my Son. " However, after being baptized "my son, " Jehovah announced that he had been baptized by holy spirit, and Jesus again made a special relationship with Jehovah. Amantiin warra kee maal ture? What did your family believe? What is your parents ' religious background? 2: 25 - 27. 2: 25 - 27. 2: 25 - 27. Kiristiyaanota waan taaneef itti gaafatamummaa akkamii qabna? His friends at work were of little comfort to him. As Christians, what responsibility do we have? Hiriyoonnisaa isaa wajjin hojjetan rakkoo isa mudate kana akka mo'u homaa isa gargaaruu hin dandeenye. [ 1] (paragraph 18) Some names in this article have been changed. His companions were unable to help him deal with the problem. [ 1] (keeyyata 18) Maqaawwan mata duree kana keessa jiran tokko tokko jijjiiramaniiru. 4: 16 - 18. [ 1] (paragraph 18) Some names in this article have been changed. 4: 16 - 18. 13: 15; Luke 19: 41. 4: 16 - 18. 13: 15; Luq. 19: 41. And sadly, there are only too many violent religious fanatics today. 13: 15; Luke 19: 41. Kan nama gaddisiisu, yeroo ammaatti cimsitoonni amantii gocha gara jabinaa raawwatan hedduun jiru. 37: 10, 11. Sadly, there are many religious acts of faith in modern times. 37: 10, 11. In what sense should we not say repetitious prayers? 37: 10, 11. Kadhannaa keenya irra deddeebi'uu hin qabnu jechuun maal jechuudha? To honor a person meant to acknowledge publicly that he behaved in a way expected of him. What does it mean that we should not repeat our prayers? Nama tokko kabajuu jechuun amala gaarii kan qabu taʼuusaa ifatti dubbachuu jechuu ture. Eventually, all my siblings did so and became Jehovah's Witnesses. To honor someone, he was clearly saying that it was good for him to conduct himself. Dhuma irrattis, obbolaan koo hundi Dhugaa Baatota Yihowaa taʼaniiru. He said of "the good figs " that he would" give them a heart to know " him. Finally, all my siblings became Jehovah's Witnesses. Yihowaan warra " harbuu baʼeessa ' taʼaniif, " garaa ittiin isa beekan akka kennu ' dubbateera. Speak to your employer about your work and your priorities. Jehovah said that those who are " good figs " would" give [his] heart to [Jehovah]. " Hojii kee fi wantoota dursa kennituuf ilaalchisee nama si hojjechiisutti himi. 12, 13. (a) Why does God alter his course when individuals respond to his molding? Talk to your employer about your work and your priorities. 12, 13. (a) Waaqayyo warra akka inni isaan tolchu barbaadaniif haalasaa kan jijjiiru maaliifi? She claimed, though, that the literature of Jehovah's Witnesses incites religious enmity. 12, 13. (a) Why does God change the situation of those who want him to mold them? Taʼuyyuu, barreeffamoonni Dhugaa Baatota Yihowaa amantiiwwan gidduutti diinummaa akka babalʼisan dubbatte. It will take time to sort out your emotions and adapt to your new situation. However, she said that the publications of Jehovah's Witnesses promote enmity among religious groups. Gadda keessan moʼuufi haala keessan isa haaraa kana amanuun yeroo dheeraa isinitti fudhachuu dandaʼa. Our spiritual heritage includes the blessing of enjoying accurate knowledge of God's Word and a clear understanding of the truth about him and his purposes. It may take long time to overcome your grief and to accept your new circumstances. Dhaalli hafuuraa keenya, waaʼee Macaafa Qulqulluu, waaʼee Waaqayyoofi waaʼee kaayyoosaa beekumsa sirrii qabaachuu kan dabalatudha. What about us? Our spiritual heritage includes accurate knowledge of God, his Word, the Bible, and his purposes. 11: 7) Nutoo? Therefore, to help all in attendance to benefit fully from this material, the simplified English edition uses a smaller vocabulary with simplified grammar and syntax. What about us? Kanaafuu, namoonni qayyabanicharratti argaman hundi barumsicharraa faayidaa akka argatan gargaaruuf, maxxansi Ingiliffa salphaa taʼeen qophaaʼu, jechoota gaggabaabaafi caasluga salphaa taʼetti fayyadama. A special challenge may arise, however, when personal problems persist despite our earnest prayers. Hence, in order to help people benefit from information, the simplified edition uses simple, small, and simple words so that they can benefit from it. Haa taʼu malee, utuma garaadhaa kadhannuu rakkinni nu mudate yoo itti fufe haalli isaa ulfaataa nutti taʼuu dandaʼa. For decades now, researchers have intensely studied the effect that a parent's religious beliefs have on children. However, the situation can be challenging if we pray fervently while we have to endure trials. Qorattoonni tokko tokko waggoota kudhaniin lakkaaʼamaniif, amantiin warri hordofan ijoolleesaaniirratti dhiibbaa akkamii akka geessisu qorannoo gadi fageenya qabu gochaa turaniiru. Millions have already flocked to the figurative temple in order to worship God "with spirit and truth, " and every year hundreds of thousands of" desirable things of all the nations " continue to stream in. For decades, some researchers have slowed down in research about the impact that parents have on their children's faith. Namoonni miliyoonaan lakkaa'aman " hafuuraafi dhugaadhaan ' Waaqayyoon waaqeffachuuf gara mana qulqullummaa isa fakkeenyaan ibsame kanatti kan yaa'an ta'uusaarrayyuu, waggaa waggaadhaan namoonni 200,000 ol ta'an jechuunis "badhaadhummaan saba lafarraa hundinuu " gara mana kanaatti yaa'aa jiru. Today, many people are likewise moved to show their appreciation for what Jehovah has done for them. Millions of people go to this symbolic temple to worship God "with spirit and truth, " and over 1,000 years, all of the earth will be gathered to worship God. Yeroo harʼaas, namoonni hedduun wanta Yihowaan isaanii godheef dinqisiifannaasaanii ibsuuf kakaʼu. Have I made it my way of life? Today, many are moved to express appreciation for what Jehovah has done for them. Daandii jireenyakoo godhadheeraa? TRY THIS: Review what you eat, when you exercise, and how much sleep you are getting. Identify how you could buy out time from less - important tasks so that you can care for your health. Have I made the way of life? AKKAS GOCHUUF YAALAA: Nyaata akkamii nyaachuu, yoom sochii qaamaa gochuufi hammam rafuu akka qabdaniifi wantoota barbaachisaa hin taanerraa yeroo hirʼisuudhaan fayyaa keessan akkamitti kunuunsuu akka dandeessan yaadaa. Since Jesus viewed the new birth as a matter of such great importance, Christians should make sure that they understand this subject accurately. TRY THIS: Think about the food you eat, the exercise of exercise, and the amount of time you spend caring for unnecessary health. Yesus lammata dhalachuun baay'ee barbaachisaa ta'uusaa waan dubbateef, Kiristiyaanonnis dhimma kana ilaalchisee hubannaa sirrii argachuuf carraaqqii gochuu qabu. " You're married to me, not to your parents, " he says. Since Jesus indicated the importance of being born again, Christians should strive to gain a proper understanding of this subject. " Anatti malee warrakeetti heerumte miti " isheedhaan jedha. How so? She says: "You are not married, but you are also married. " Akkamitti? 12, 13. How? 12, 13. " I feel better when I have expressed my feelings and know that my husband understands me. 12, 13. " Miira koo yommuun ibsuu fi abbaan manaa koo akka na hubate yommuun beeku boqonnaa guddaatu natti dhagaʼama. Not of the earth or humankind, but of the strife, oppression, and suffering that have plagued mankind for millenniums. " When I expressed my feelings and realized that my husband understood me, I was greatly relieved. Dhuma lafaa ykn ilmaan namootaa utuu hin taʼin, dhuma jeequmsaa, hacuuccaa fi rakkina waggoota miliyoonaan lakkaaʼamaniif ilmaan namootaa hubaa turanii ti. What important work did Jehovah invite Jesus to do? The end of the earth, not human or human society, is the end of human suffering, oppression, and suffering for millions of years. Yihowaan Yesus hojii guddaa akkamii akka hojjetu afeeree ture? Your faithful compliance in such matters will bring excellent results. What important work did Jehovah invite Jesus to perform? Dhimmawwan akkasii wajjin haala wal qabateen, amanamummaadhaan ajajamuunkee buʼaa gaarii argamsiisa. This is a simple rule that God set out at the outset of human history - the wage, or penalty, for sin is death. When it comes to such matters, your obedience will result in good results. Kun seera salphaa Waaqayyo jalqaba seenaa ilmaan namootaa irratti baase dha; Beenyaan ykn adabbiin cubbuu duʼa dha. " He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more. " - Revelation 21: 4. This is a simple standard set by God in human history, and the penalty for sin or death is death. " Inni imimmaan hundumaa ija isaaniittii in haqa;... duuni deebiʼee hin argamu. " - Mulʼata 21: 4. We also have to be careful about news or experiences of a spiritual nature that we receive secondhand. " He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more. " - Revelation 21: 4. Oduuwwan ykn muuxannoowwan namoota kaan irraa dhageenyuu wajjin haala wal qabateenis of eeggannoo gochuu qabna. Desiring to have such, we are eager to improve the quality of our faith and to render sacred service zealously. We also need to be cautious when it comes to news or experiences that come from others. Surraa kana argachuuf hawwii waan qabnuuf, amantaa keenya guddisuufi hinaaffaadhaan tajaajila qulqulluu dhiheessuu barbaanna. Fasting, 4 / 1 Because we are eager to receive it, we want to build our faith and be zealous in sacred service. Iitaayi, 5 / 15 If, as the organizer, you guide matters wisely and tactfully, your " reasonableness will become known ' to those present. 4 / 1 Waamicha kan qopheessite hamma taatetti, haalawwan tokko tokko ogummaafi malaan kan qajeelchitu yoo ta'e " gaarummaankee nama hundumaa biratti kan beekame ta'a. ' What insight does Solomon's example offer us as to measuring true success? As soon as you prepare for a gathering, a pioneer will "become known to all your goodness. " Milkaaʼina dhugaa argachuu ilaalchisee fakkeenyi Solomoon maal nu hubachiisa? Read it day and night, in order to observe carefully all that is written in it. What does Solomon's example of success teach us? Macaafni seerichaa kun afaan kee keessaa hin dhabamin! Halkanii fi guyyaas waaʼee isaa yaadi! No. Think, too, of it in your own language day and night! Lakki. A Surprise, Then Disappointment No. Labsiiwwan Hin Eegamneefi Nama Gaddisiisan He puts away false religious practices and undesirable traits of his former way of life and cultivates the Christlike personality. An Un benefit to Man and Man Gochawwan amantii sobaafi amaloota gadhee duraan qabu dhiisee amala Kiristos horachuu jalqaba. A report from the United States says: "Until around 1970, cohabitation [the practice of unmarried couples living together] was illegal in all American states. They start to develop Christlike qualities by abandoning false religion and bad conduct. Gabaasni Yuunaayitid Isteets keessaa argame tokko akkas jedha: "Bara 1970 dura biyyoota Ameerikaa hundaatti utuu wal hin fuudhin waliin jiraachuun akka seeraan alaatti ilaalama ture. If you are a new volunteer, watch the way that the experienced workers do their work, and follow their instructions. One report in the United States states: "In the 1970 ' s, living together was considered to be a requirement for unmarried. Fedhakeetiin kaffaltii malee kan hojjettuufi hojichaaf haaraa yoo taate, akkaataa hojjettoonni muuxannoo qaban hojiisaanii itti hojjetan hubadhu; qajeelfamasaaniis hordofi. Cruelly, they sold Joseph into slavery and tricked their father into believing that Joseph had been killed by a wild beast. - Gen. If you are not free and new, note how experienced workers work out, and apply their instructions. Gara jabinaan garbummaatti kan isa gurguran taʼuusaarrayyuu, Yoseefiin bineensatu nyaate jedhanii abbaasaanii gowwoomsaniiru. - Uma. 6: 4. He courageously sold him as a slave and sold Joseph into slavery. - Gen. 6: 4. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am mild - tempered and lowly in heart, and you will find refreshment for your souls. 6: 4. Waanjoo koo fuudhaatii baadhaa, ana irraas baraa; anoo garraamii dha kanan gad of deebises; boqonnaas lubbuu keessaniif in argattu. From the time we arrived in Ecuador, my wife sent her mother a letter every week until 1990, when her mom passed away at age 97. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am mild - tempered and lowly in heart, and you will find refreshment for your souls. Yeroo Ikuwaador geenyee kaasee hanga haatishee bara 1990 umrii waggaa 97 tti duutetti, haati manaakoo haadhasheetiif torban torbaniin xalayaa ergiti turte. From that day forward, I said yes to many other destructive practices. By the time we arrived in Ecuador until her mother died in 1990, my wife gave a letter to her mother every week. Guyyaa sanaa jalqabee, gocha sirrii hin taane hedduurratti hirmaachuun jalqabe. You will find some practical steps for setting spiritual goals outlined in the article "Use Spiritual Goals to Glorify Your Creator, " published in The Watchtower of July 15, 2004. Since that day, I began sharing in many negative practices. Yaadawwan galmawwan mata duree kana keessatti ibsaman baafachuuf si gargaaran, Masaraa Eegumsaa Adoolessa 15, 2004 irraa mata duree "Uumaa Keetiif Ulfina Kennuuf Galmawwan Hafuuraa Baafadhu " jedhu ilaaluu dandeessa. (Amaariffa) You can be sure that rich blessings await you if you decide to expand your ministry by serving where there is a greater need for Kingdom publishers. The suggestions discussed in this article can help you set goals that will help you to set goals that will help you to set goals that will be considered in the July 15, 2004, issue of The Watchtower. Bakka babalʼistoonni Mootummichaa caalaatti barbaachisan deemuudhaan tajaajilakee balʼifachuuf yoo murteessite eebba akka argattu mirkanaaʼaa taʼuu dandeessa. The apostle Paul wrote these touching words: "I am convinced that neither death nor life nor angels nor governments nor things now here nor things to come nor powers nor height nor depth nor any other creation will be able to separate us from God's love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. " You can be sure that if you are determined to expand your ministry where there is a greater need for Kingdom publishers, you will be blessed. Phaawulos ergamaan jecha armaan gaditti argamuufi garaa nama tuqu barreesseera: "Duuni, jireenyi, ergamoonni waaqa irraa, warri bantii waaqaa keessatti aboo qabu jedhamanii sodaataman, wanti amma jiru, wanti dhufuuf jirus hundinuu, wanti humna argisiisuu danda'us, jaalala Waaqayyoottii gargar akka nu hin baafne ani beeka. Thus, during the modern - day history of Jehovah's Witnesses, relatively few have had to be expelled from the Christian fellowship because they would not conform to God's standards. The apostle Paul wrote: "I know that neither the angels nor the angels in heaven nor the angels who have authority in heaven nor the authority nor the things to come nor the things in the heavens nor the things that are able to draw us closer to God. Kanaaf, seenaa ammayyaa Dhugaa Baatota Yihowaa keessatti, ulaagaa Waaqayyoo wajjin walsimanii waan hin jiraanneef namoonni murtaaʼan gumiidhaa baafamaniiru. (Read John 15: 14 - 16.) Thus, in modern history, Jehovah's Witnesses have been disfellowshipped from the congregation because they do not agree with God's standards. (Yohaannis 15: 14 - 16 dubbisi.) As you do, the official arrives. (Read John 15: 14 - 16.) Erga ati bituu deemtee booda abbaan taayitaa sun ni dhufe. Otherwise, the Romans were usually content to leave the day - to - day administration of the province in the hands of local leaders. After you moved, the authorities arrived. Kanaa achi garuu, warri Roomaa yeroo baayʼee dhimmoota guyyaa guyyaatti isaan mudatan geggeessitoonni Yihudaa akka ilaalan isaaniif dhiisu turan. When Eugenio saw that such a large group of my relatives had an interest in the Bible, he arranged to give personal attention to each family. On the contrary, the Romans often allowed the people of Judah to observe the issues they faced each day. Awukaaniyoon firoottankoo hedduun Macaafa Qulqulluu qayyabachuuf fedhii akka qaban yommuu argu, tokkoo tokkoon maatichaa dhuunfaatti qayyabsiisuuf qophii godhe. Who Is God? When my relatives saw that many of my relatives were interested in studying the Bible, he made arrangements for each family study. Waaqayyo Eenyudha? Because at the time, his disciples were "not able to bear " such knowledge. Who Is God? Yeroo sanatti bartoonnisaa beekumsa akkasii " baachuu waan hin dandeenyeefidha. ' When Jesus walked the earth, Jehovah had already set the "day and hour " for these events to occur. - Matt. His disciples would then "not bear such knowledge " because they would not" carry it out. " Yihowaan, yommuu Yesus lafarra turettiyyuu " guyyaafi yeroo ' wantoonni kun itti raawwataman murteessee ture. - Mat. For personal Bible study to have a powerful impact on us, it should be done in such a way that the Bible's message reaches deep inside us, affecting our inner person. While on earth, Jehovah determined that these "day and hour " would take place while Jesus was on earth. - Matt. Qayyabannaa Macaafa Qulqulluurraa bu'aa gaarii argachuu yoo barbaanne, karaa garaa keenya tuquufi keessa namummaa keenyaarratti jijjiirama fiduun gochuu qabna. Satan is intensifying his attacks on God's people. To enjoy a good study of the Bible, we must adjust our heart and change our inner person. Seexanni lola saba Waaqayyoorratti bane ciminaan itti fufeera. Do they observe this love in my prayers and routine of personal study? Satan stood firm against God's people. Jaalala ani isaaf qabu kana kadhannaafi qayyabannaa dhuunfaa ani yeroo hundaa godhurraa ni arguu? COVER SUBJECT | WHAT IS THE BEST GIFT OF ALL? Do I see his love for him constantly in prayer and personal study? MATA DUREE FUULA JALQABAA | KENNAAN HUNDA CAALU MAALI DHA? " Go,... and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them..., teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " - MATT. COVER SUBJECT WHAT IS THE injury OF ALL? " Dhaqaatii... isaan cuuphuudhaan saba hundumaa keessaa namoota barattoota godhaa; wanta ani isin ajaje hunda akka eeganis isaan barsiisaa. " - MAT. When we are loyal to Jehovah God in the face of challenging situations, we make his heart rejoice - and that gives us the deepest satisfaction possible. " Go... and make disciples of people of all the nations,... teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " - MATT. Haala rakkisaa keessatti Yihowaadhaaf amanamoo yommuu taanu, garaa isaa ciibsina; kun immoo gammachuu guddaa nuuf argamsiisa. (Fak. Two months later, when he was about eight months old, the doctors ' prediction seemed to come true, for Joel's condition deteriorated. When we are loyal to Jehovah under difficult circumstances, we make his heart rejoice, and that brings us great joy. Jiʼa lama booddee yommuu umriinsaa gara jiʼa saddeetii taʼu, haalli Jooʼel itti caalaa waan adeemeef wanti doktooronni dubbatan waan raawwatame fakkaate. 11: 8. Two months later, when Joel was about eight months old, Joel's situation seemed to be worse than Joel's. 11: 8. When someone asked Jesus which is the greatest commandment, he replied: "The first is, " Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our God is one Jehovah, and you must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength. ' 11: 8. Gooftichi Waaqayyo keenya kophaa isaa gooftaa dha. Atis Waaqayyo kee goofticha garaa kee guutuudhaan, jireenya kee guutuudhaan, yaada kee guutuudhaan, humna kee guutuudhaanis jaallachuutu siif ta'a! ' Inni lammaffaan immoo; " Nama, akka mataa keetiitti jaallachuutu siif ta'a '! You will be taken directly to our Web site! You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole mind. ' Achiis Weeb saayitii keenya argatta! 2: 11, 12. Then you will find our Web site! 2: 11, 12. Those fearing Jehovah are trustworthy, even as he is. 2: 11, 12. Namoonni Yihowaa sodaatan akkumasaa amanamoodha. I shall take refuge in him. " Those who fear Jehovah are loyal to him. Bara 1938 tti fooyya'iinsa akkamiitu godhame? What refinement came about in 1938? What organizational adjustments were made in 1938? 22. • Who determined the canon of books comprising the Christian Greek Scriptures? 22. Dargaggummaa keessanitti hiriyoota keessan biratti fudhatama yoo argattanillee, yeroo booda isaan keessaa baayʼeensaanii maqaa keessanillee akka hin yaadanne hubachuun keessan barbaachisaadha. As a youth, you need to realize that even if you were to gain the approval of your peers, years from now most of them likely will not even remember your name. Even when you are young, you need to remember that many of them do not later know your names. Yihowaa kadhachuun jalqabe; waggaa kudhanii oliif garmalee tamboo xuuxaa kanan ture taʼus xuuxuu nan dhiise. I began to pray to Jehovah God and gave up smoking - although I had been a heavy smoker for more than a decade. I prayed to Jehovah, but for more than ten years, I stopped smoking. Dhugumayyuu, " wanti duraa darbeera. ' Truly, " the former things will have passed away. ' Indeed, " the former things have passed away. ' Nuyis Waaqayyo kan nuuf dhugoome yoo taʼe, bohaartii xuraaʼaa taʼe hin ilaallu ykn gocha Yihowaa akka mufachiisu beeknu kamiyyuu dhoksaatti hin raawwannu. Our resolve will be like that of the psalmist who sang: "I shall walk about in the integrity of my heart inside my house. If God is real to us, we will not engage in unclean entertainment or do anything that we know is displeasing to Jehovah. (Mulʼata 21: 3 - 6 dubbisi.) (Read Revelation 21: 3 - 6.) (Read Revelation 21: 3 - 6.) Qocaa Gaalaapaagos I have never been this excited over Bible reading. " As a result of the Importance of Study Dubbisa Kitaaba Qulqulluutti hamma kana gammadee hin beeku " jetteetti. We should never allow excuses and potential problems and difficulties to stop us from doing this work. I don't know how much it is reading the Bible. " Sababiiwwan ykn rakkoowwan akkamiiyyuu hojii kana hojjechuu keenya akka dhaabnu nu gochuu hin qaban. What basis did Abel have for forming a mental picture of the future? They should not let us stop us from doing this work or any other challenge. Abeel wanta gara fuulduraatti taʼu yaadaan ilaaluuf kaʼumsa maalii qaba ture? This school has now been extended to offer instruction to all overseers and ministerial servants. What future prospect did Abel have? Yeroo ammaatti manni barumsaa kun ilaaltota olaanaafi tajaajiltoota gumii hundaaf leenjii kenna. 4, 5. (a) How do many people respond in some parts of the world? Today, this school provides training for overseers and ministerial servants. 4, 5. (a) Biyyoottan tokko tokkotti namoonni hedduun dhugaadhaaf fedhii akkamii qabu? The householder's reaction will determine how much more of the tract you might read and discuss. 4, 5. (a) In some parts of the world, what do many people have the truth? Yaada tiraaktichaa keessaa hammamirratti mariʼachuu akka qabdan kan murteessu haala nama haasofsiistan sanaati. 2: 23. It is the situation to determine how much you should discuss in the tract. 2: 23. How can parents safeguard their children by supervising their social activity? 2: 23. Warri afeerrii ijoolleensaanii irratti argaman to'achuudhaan balaarraa isaan eeguu kan danda'an akkamitti? Its absence makes theos quite different than the definite ho theos, as different as " a god ' is from " God ' in English. " How can parents who attend meetings protect their children from danger? Jechi kun addeessaa kan hin qabne ta'uunsaa, akkuma afaan Oromootiin " waaqa ' jechuufi " Waaqayyo ' jechuun garaa garummaa qabu, maqaa tee'os jedhu isa ho tee'os jedhuufi murtaa'aa ta'erraa adda godha. What a privilege it is to be part of Jehovah's organization! Such a description of the moon, like " heaven, " and" God " separates a new name, which means "God's name, " is different from that of a·gaʹpe. Kutaa jaarmiyaa Yihowaa taʼuun mirga guddaa dha! Historian Will Durant put it this way: "How could a simple sinner dare to take his prayer to so awful and distant a throne? " What a privilege it is to be part of Jehovah's organization! Barreessaan seenaa Wiil Duuraant jedhamu, "Namni cubbamaan tokko akkamitti ija jabaatee Waaqa sodaachisaa taʼeefi nurraa fagoo jirutti kadhannaa dhiheessa? " If you are a parent, you may have the impression that you benefit little from personal study or Christian meetings because much of your time and energy is taken up by young children. " How does a sinner pray in a fear - inspiring and far - off God? " Haadha ykn abbaa yoo taate, yeroofi humnakee gara caalaasaa ijoolleekee kunuunsuuf waan oolchituuf, qayyabannaa dhuunfaarraas ta'e walga'iiwwan gumiirraa baay'ee fayyadamaa akka hin jirre sitti dhaga'amuu danda'a. Upon being released, the two reported to the brothers what had occurred, and they all prayed about the opposition they faced, requesting: "Jehovah,... grant your slaves to keep speaking your word with all boldness. " If you are a parent, you may feel that you are too busy to care for your children's time and energy, not too much for personal or congregation meetings. Ergamoonni lamaan kunis erga gadhiifamanii booda, wanta raawwatame obbolootatti himuudhaan hundisaanii mormii isaanirra ga'e ilaalchisee, "Yaa [Yihowaa]... hojjetoonni kee sodaa malee dubbii kee akka dubbataniif, ija jabummaa kenniif! " jedhanii kadhatan. Did John's letter motivate Gaius to continue being hospitable? After the apostles release, all of them prayed about what happened to the brothers and sisters, saying: "O Jehovah your God, give attention to your word, and grant your slaves to speak your word with boldness. " Xalayaan Yohaannis barreesse, Gaayos keessummoota simachuu isaa akka itti fufuuf isa gargaareeraa? In September 2009, over 80 percent of Manila, Philippines, was flooded by torrential rains. Has John's letter helped Gaius to continue showing hospitality? Fulbaana 2009 tti biyya Filippiinsitti magaalaan Maanilaa harki 80 ol lolaa bokkaa cimaan geessiseen uwwifamee ture. What important lesson can we draw from Hebrews 11: 13? In September 2009, there were a severe storm poured out over 80 percent of the city's hands in the Philippines. Ibroota 11: 13 rraa barumsa barbaachisaa taʼe akkamii argachuu dandeenya? 12: 2, 3. What important lesson can we learn from Hebrews 11: 13? 12: 2, 3. All day long it is my concern. " - Ps. 12: 2, 3. Ani guyyaa guutuu irra - deddeebiʼee itti nan yaada " jedhee qabaachuuf nu gargaara. - Far. Ephesians 4: 31 condemns "abusive speech. " All day long it is my concern. " - Ps. Efesoon 4: 31 (hiika bara 1899) " arrabsoo ' balaaleffata. However, Israel did not obey God's voice. Ephesians 4: 31 condemns "a reproach. " (Baʼuu 19: 5, 6) Haataʼu malee, sabni Israaʼel Waaqayyoof utuu hin abboomamin hafeera. For example, the apocryphal book of Tobit (Tobias), written about the third century B.C.E. and thus extant in Paul's day, is full of superstition and absurd tales of magic and sorcery presented as truth. - See Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 1, page 122. However, the nation of Israel disobeyed God. Fakkeenyaaf, kitaabota appookiriifaa (kitaaba dhugaarratti hin hundoofne) keessaa tokko kan taʼe Xoobbiit (Xoobbiyaas), Dh.K.D. naannoo jaarraa sadaffaatti barreeffameefi bara Phaawulositti ture, amantii sobaafi seenaa hafuura xuraaʼummaa wajjin wal qabateefi akka dhugaatti dhihaateen kan guutamedha. - Insaayit Oon za Iskiriipcharsi, Jildii 1, fuula 122 ilaali. The congregation might have continued to be wary of Paul were it not for a Christian from Cyprus named Joseph. For example, some of the apocryphal books that were not based on the Trinity (in the third century C.E.) were written by the writers of the Christian Greek Scriptures, as well as in the third century B.C.E. - See Insight on the Scriptures and the Scriptures. Kiristiyaanni lammii Qophiros taʼee fi Yoseef jedhamu utuu jiraachuu baatee, obboloonni gumii keessa turan shakkiidhaan isa ilaaluu isaanii itti fufu turan. Why must we be determined every day to obey Jehovah? If there were no Christian named Joseph and Joseph, those in the congregation would continue to look at him with doubts and doubts. Guyyaa guyyaan Yihowaaf abboomamuuf murtoo gochuu kan qabnu maaliifi? (See opening image.) Why should we be determined to obey Jehovah's day of judgment? (Fakkii jalqaba irra jiru ilaali.) Purpose: To train traveling overseers, elders, and, at times, ministerial servants to care for their oversight and organizational responsibilities. (See opening picture.) Kaayyoo: Daawwattoonni olaanaan, jaarsoliin gumiifi al tokko tokkommoo tajaajiltoonni gumii warra isaan jala jiran akka eeganiifi itti gaafatamummaa jaarmiyicha keessatti qaban akka raawwatan leenjisuu. We eagerly look forward to the day when Jehovah will bring to life all his loyal friends who have died. Purpose: To train traveling overseers, elders, and other ministerial servants to care for and care for those under the oversight of the organization. Guyyaa Yihowaan michoota isaa amanamoo taʼanii fi duʼan hunda gara jireenyaatti itti deebisu hawwii guddaadhaan eegganna. Will you recognize that only Jehovah's "perfect law, " the law of the Christ, can lead you to true freedom? We eagerly look forward to the day when Jehovah will restore all his loyal friends to life. Birmadummaa dhugaa kan argamsiisu seera Yihowaa qofa, jechuunis seera Kiristos, "seera birmadummaa isa hirʼina hin qabne " taʼuusaa ni hubattaa? 2: 18. Do you see that true freedom is Jehovah's law, "the perfect law that belongs to freedom "? 2: 18. [ Box / Picture on page 14] 2: 18. [ Picture on page 14] By the third century B.C.E., Alexandria, Egypt, had become the home of numerous Jews who needed a translation of the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek, then an international language. [ Picture on page 14] Dh.K.D. jaarraa sadaffaatti Yihudoonni hedduun biyya Gibxii, Iskindiriyaa keessa turan Caaffanni Qulqullaaʼoon afaan Ibrootaa inni afaan Giriikii isa yeroo sana afaan addunyaa taʼeen hiikame isaan barbaachisa ture. Paul told fellow believers that Jehovah, "for the sake of his good pleasure, is acting within you in order for you both to will and to act. " In the third century B.C.E., many Jews in Egypt needed a translation of the Hebrew Scriptures, which was then translated into the world. Phaawulos, "Waaqayyo akka akeeka isaa isa gaariitti hojjechuudhaaf fedha akka qabaattaniif, akka hojjettaniifis isin gidduutti in hojjeta " jedhee namoota hidhata amantiisaa taʼanitti dubbateera. Should we not show others the same consideration? Paul said to fellow believers: "God is good for you to do his will, and he will also do the will of you. " Nuhoo miira namootaa akka isaaniif hubannu argisiisuu hin qabnuu? The Jeremiah class is determined not to relent in its God - given commission to proclaim Jehovah's judgment messages earth wide. Should we not show empathy to fellow humans? 11: 18) Kutaan Ermiyaas hojii Waaqayyo isaa kenne jechuunis ergaa firdii Yihowaa guutummaa lafaatti labsuurraa duubatti akka hin jenne murteesseera. He then referred to God as his share. Jeremiah's Jeremiah was determined not to hold back from proclaiming God's message to the whole earth, the entire inhabited earth. 73: 23, 25) Sana booda, Waaqayyo qoodasaa akka isaaf taʼe dubbateera. By doing so, we need never be anxious about our material needs. Thereafter, God declared him to be his share. Kana gochuudhaan, wantoota karaa foonii nu barbaachisaniif yaaddaʼuu dhiisuu dandeenya. God's Word describes "faith in God " as part of the" foundation " that is needed for anyone to become and remain a true Christian. By doing so, we may not be anxious about material things that we need. Dubbiin Waaqayyoo, " Waaqayyotti amanuun ' nama Kiristiyaana dhugaa taʼuu barbaaduu fi taʼee itti fufuu barbaadu hundaaf wantoota "buʼuura " taʼan keessaa tokko akka taʼe dubbata. They saw only a high - ranking Egyptian ruler, one whose help they needed. God's Word says that "faith in God " is part of a" solid foundation " for a true Christian who wants to remain a true Christian. Abbaa taayitaa Gibxii keessatti aangoo guddaa qabuu fi gargaarsi isaa isaan barbaachisu akka taʼetti qofa isa ilaalan. Clearly, the fruit must refer to an activity that each of us is able to carry out. They considered him alone to be the highest and assistance in Egypt. Firiin kun sochii hundi keenya gochuu dandeenyu kan argisiisu taʼuu akka qabu ifa dha. (b) In the ministry, how can we demonstrate our concern for foreigners? Clearly, that fruitage requires that all of us do our actions. (b) Tajaajila keenyarratti namoota biyya alaatii dhufaniif akka yaannu argisiisuu kan dandeenyu akkamitti? Our relatives were not pleased with our change. (b) How can we show our concern for strangers in our ministry? Firoonni keenya jijjiirama goonetti hin gammadne. Composed regarding the kingship of David's son Solomon, this song provides foregleams of how the rule of God's Son, Jesus Christ, will relieve mankind of distress. Our relatives would not be touched by the changes we made. Hiika bara 1899, "Loccuun harkasaatiin jabeessee qabata. The apostle Paul warned the Corinthians of the danger of allowing willful sinners to remain in their midst. The meaning of the Christian Greek Scriptures states: "He adds to his hand in hand. Faarfannaan waaʼee mootummaa Solomoon ilma Daawit dubbatu kun, bulchiinsi Yesus Kiristos isa Ilma Waaqayyoo taʼee, ilmaan namootaa dhiphina keessa jiraniif akkamitti boqonnaa akka argamsiisu hamma tokko ni ibsa. How do your children view what they are learning at school? The psalm about David's son Solomon reveals how the rulership of God's Son, Jesus Christ, will bring some relief to mankind's suffering. Phaawulos ergamaan, namoonni taʼe jedhanii cubbuu raawwatan isaan gidduu akka jiraatan heyyamuun balaa akka qabu gumii Qorontos akeekkachiisee ture. Still, Christ Jesus chose a different facet of Christianity to identify his genuine disciples. The apostle Paul warned the congregation in Corinth about the danger of allowing sinners to sin between them. Ijoolleen keessan wanta mana barumsaatti barataniif ilaalcha akkamii qabu? He told the crowds: "I must also declare the good news of the Kingdom of God to other cities, because for this I was sent. " How do your children view education at school? Ta'us, Kiristos Yesus mallattoo bartootasaa warra dhugaa adda baasee beeksisu garabiraa caqaseera. What statement made to the apostle Thomas holds meaning for us? Jesus Christ, however, pointed out another sign that identifys his true disciples. " Misraachoo mootummaa Waaqayyoo mandaroota warra kaanittis lallabuun ana irra jira, kanaaf anuu ergame " jedhee ture. 7 / 1 " Insight Slows Anger, ' 12 / 1 He said: "I must declare the good news of the kingdom of God to other cities, because for this I was sent forth. " Yesus du'uusaa dura, Toomaasitti wanta barbaachisaa akkamii hime? (Read Deuteronomy 10: 12, 13.) Before Jesus died, what important point did Thomas tell? 12 / 15 Ilaalcha Sirrii Qabaachuun Kan Dandaʼamu Akkamitti? How thankful we can be that God offers us insight into the figurative heart! 12 / 1 (Keessa Deebii 10: 12, 13 dubbisi.) 11: 1; Heb. (Read Deuteronomy 10: 12, 13.) Waaqayyo garaa keenya isa fakkeenyaan ibsame akka hubannu waan nu gargaareef guddaa galateeffanna. The Bible refers to Philip the evangelizer who had four unmarried daughters who prophesied. We are grateful that God has helped us to understand our figurative heart. 11: 1; Ibr. The soldiers who were shooting yelled for me to come out from my hiding place. 11: 1; Heb. Michoota akkaataan guddinaasaanii addadda ta'eefi biyya garaagaraatii dhufan argadheera. Coming back to Jesus ' illustration, what did the rich man do when his land produced so well that he had nowhere to store his harvest? I have come from different backgrounds, different backgrounds. Loltoonni dhukaasaa turan sunis iddoon itti dhokadhe keessaa akkan baʼu natti iyyan. Korah and the others must have felt secure about their relationship with Jehovah. The soldiers called me out of a place where I found myself. Fakkeenya Yesus dubbatetti ennaa deebinu, namichi badhaadhaan laftisaa baay'ee waan oomisheef bakka itti midhaansaa naqatu dhabe kun maal godhe? What effect can a child's choice have on others? When we return to Jesus ' illustration, what did the rich man do to fill the earth with food? Qoraahiifi namoonni sun Yihowaa wajjin walitti dhufeenya akka qaban isaanitti dhagaʼamee ture. What effect did God's Word have on the men who took the lead? Korah and those men felt that they had a relationship with Jehovah. Filannoo ijoolleen godhan warra kaanirratti dhiibbaa maalii geessisuu danda'a? I also cut my hair, shaved off my beard, and stopped dressing only in black. What effect can children's choice have on others? Dubbiin Waaqayyoo geggeessitoota kana irratti dhiibbaa akkamii geessisee ture? SONGS: 93, 96 How did God's Word affect those leaders? Rifeensakoo nan muradhe, areedakoo nan haadadhe, akkasumas wayyaa gurraacha qofa uffachuu nan dhiise. It will appear once a month and will contain either four or five study articles. To my hair, I had a beard, and I stopped wearing only black clothing. FAARFANNAA: 45, 44 This heartfelt love strengthens us to maintain integrity under test. SONGS TO BE USED: 45, 44 Barruun kun ji'atti al tokko kan maxxanfamu yommuu ta'u, matadureewwan qayyabataman afur ykn shan qabatee ba'a. 22 You Can Remain Modest Under Test This magazine is printed once a month, and the study articles will include four or five articles. Jaalalli garaarraa maddu akkasii, yeroo qorumsi nurra ga'utti amanamoo taanee itti fufuuf humna nuu kenna. • What should be our attitude with regard to giving? Such love can give us the strength to remain faithful when facing trials. 22 Qorumsa Keessatti Illee Gad Of Deebisuu ni Dandeessu As grateful recipients of God's generous love, we should be moved to do our utmost "to bear thorough witness to the good news of the undeserved kindness of God. " 22 You Can Be Humility even under test • Kennuudhaaf ilaalcha akkamii qabaachuu qabna? Historian Flavius Josephus refers to him as "Joseph, who was called Caiaphas. " • How should we view giving comments? Namoota jaalala Waaqayyo arjummaadhaan nutti argisiise irraa faayidaa argannu waan taaneef, "misiraachoo gaarummaa Waaqayyoo isa guddaa guutummaatti dhugaa baʼuuf " hamma dandeenye gochuuf kakaʼuu qabna. HAVE you ever had to take refuge from a rainstorm or a hailstorm by seeking cover under a bridge? Since we benefit from God's love for us, we should be moved to do our best to "bear thorough witness to the good news of the undeserved kindness of God. " Barreessaa seenaa kan taʼe Filaaviyas Joseefas, nama kanaan, "Yoseef isa Qayyaafaa jedhamee waamamu " jedheera. At James 1: 27, for example, we read: "The form of worship that is clean and undefiled from the standpoint of our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their tribulation, and to keep oneself without spot from the world. " The historian Josephus stated that this man "was called Caiaphas. " BARANDAA ykn riqicha jala dhaabbattee bokkaa cimaa ykn bokkaa yandoo cabbii makate dheessitee beektaa? At times, peace among spiritual brothers has been disrupted because a failed business venture led to loss of money and perhaps to accusations of fraud. HAVE you ever seen rain or stormy rain? Fakkeenyaaf Yaaqoob 1: 27 rratti yaada akkas jedhu dubbisna: "Waaqayyoon sodaachuun inni Waaqayyo keenyaa fi abbaa keenya duratti qullaa'ee fi xurii hin qabne garuu, ijoollota abbaa fi haadha hin qabne, dubartoota abbaan manaa irraa du'es rakkina isaanii ilaalanii gargaaruu dha; xuraa'ummaa biyya lafaa irraas of eeggachuu dha. " Can you decrease the number of possessions you have or are seeking to acquire? For example, at James 1: 27, we read: "The fear of Jehovah is clean and undefiled from the standpoint of our God and Father, but the widow and the widow keep watch over them. Yeroo harʼaattis haalli akkasii uumameera. Obboloonni tokko tokko obboloota isaanii wajjin walii galtee daldalaa erga godhanii booda waan kasaaraniif ykn obboloota isaaniitiin akka gowwoomfaman waan yaadaniif nagaan gidduu isaanii ture booraʼeera. What joy that brings us! This has happened to some today because they have been deceived or deceived by their Christian brothers and sisters after they joined them. Baayʼina miʼa qabduu ykn bitachuu barbaadduu hirʼisuu ni dandeessaa? and says: "We're giving one of these to everyone in the area today. Can you reduce some of your belongings or buy something that you would like to buy? Kun gammachuu guddaa nuuf argamsiisa! 11: 33, 34; Dan. What a cause for joy that is! Achiis, "Namoota hundumaaf barreeffama kana kennaa jirra. In fact, the Bible calls Abraham "the father of all those having faith. " Then we could say: "We are offering this publication to all people. 11: 33, 34; Dan. When they arrived at Lystra, how happy Timothy must have been to see Paul again! 11: 33, 34; Dan. Kitaabni Qulqulluun, Abrahaam " warra amanan ["amantii qaban, " NW] hundaaf abbaa ' akka taʼe dubbata. Paul's words "now is the especially acceptable time " and" now is the day of salvation " still apply. The Bible says that Abraham is "the father of all those having faith. " Yommuu Lisixiraa ga'an, Ximotewos Phaawulosiin lammata arguusaatti baay'ee akka gammade beekamaadha. We must "renounce unrighteousness " and" turn away from what is bad. " How happy Timothy must have been to see Paul again when he ran out of bed! Yaanni Phaawulos, "Yeroon jaallatamee fudhatame amma, "" guyyaan fayyinaa amma! " jechuudhaan dubbate yeroo harʼaas ni hojjeta. Sadly, though, the majority of humans give little thought to God, focusing instead on their own concerns. Paul's words apply today: "The especially acceptable time for salvation is now. " (Far. 34: 14) Akkas gochuun yeroo hunda salphaa akka hin taane beekamaadha. " Be about settling matters quickly with the one complaining against you at law, " said Jesus. Of course, doing so is not always easy. Yihowaafi Ilmisaa namoota gonkummaa hin qabneef dinqisiifannaa guddaa argisiisuunsaanii nama dinqisiisa. The words of a song that King David thereafter composed reveal his heartfelt remorse. How awe - inspiring it is that Jehovah and his Son show deep appreciation for imperfect humans! jedheera. Yesus, " Nama waan ittiin si hadheessu qabu dafii isa firoomfadhu ' jedheera. As a loving husband, you want to make sure that you understand the actual needs of your wife. - Philippians 2: 4. Jesus said: "Keep doing this in remembrance of you. " Faarfannaan Daawit Mootichi sana booda qindeesse tokko hangam garaadhaa akka gadde argisiisa. This plea "speaks to us of more than just the desperation of a labourer to get back [his garment], " says historian Simon Schama. The song of King David later expressed deep sorrow. jechuudhaan barreesseera. Akka abbaa manaa jaalala qabeessa tokkootti, wanta dhugumaan haadha manaakee barbaachisu sirriitti akka hubatte mirkaneessuu barbaadda. - Filiphisiiyus 2: 4. 41: 8. As a loving husband, you want to make sure that you know exactly what your wife really needs. - Philippians 2: 4. Barreessaan seenaa Simoon Shaama jedhamu, Iyyannoon kun, " rakkina hojjetaan tokko uffata isaa deebifachuu irratti isa mudate caalaa waan nutti himu akka qabu ' dubbateera. PAGE 18 " One worker has to tell us more about his face than he should go back to his garment, " says Simon S. 41: 8. And, look! 41: 8. FUULA 18 Cameron: Precisely. PAGE 18 * (Lal. How well Jesus ' words describe the spiritual unity of Jehovah's people today no matter what hope they have for the future! * It is the gift of God. Caalaa: Sirrii dha. For example, in part because of Satan's evil influence before the Flood of Noah's day, God noted that "the badness of man was abundant in the earth and every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time. " Cameron: Right. Jechi Yesuus dubbate kun, sabni Waaqayyoo yeroo harʼaa jiran abdiin isaanii inni gara fulduraa maal iyyuu yoo taʼe, karaa hafuuraa tokko akka taʼan akka gaariitti ibsa! PAGE 20 • SONGS: 90, 135 How well these words of Jesus show that God's people today are spiritually - minded despite their future! Fakkeenyaaf, dhiibbaa hamaa Seexanni hamma tokko geessisaa tureen kan ka'e, Bishaan Badiisaa bara Nohi dura Waaqayyo "jal'inni namaa lafa irratti baay'achuu isaa, wanti namni guyyaa hundumaa garaa isaatti yaadee qopheessu hundinuus jal'aa duwwaa ta'uu isaa " dubbatee ture. As we serve alongside our brothers and sisters, we likely have opportunities to say something encouraging. For example, just before the Flood of Noah's day, God said: "The wickedness of man is great on the earth, and every inclination of the thoughts of his heart is only bad all the time. " FUULA 20 • FAARFANNAA: 4, 24 " Nevertheless, " notes Eduardo's daughter Anna, "when we refuse to sacrifice spiritual things for material advantage, some of our relatives may eventually realize how important our Christian life really is. PAGE 20 • SONGS: 4, 24 Obboloota keenyaa wajjin yommuu tajaajillu, wanta isaan jajjabeessu dubbachuuf carraa argachuun keenya hin oolu. Since then, many of us have proved for years that we are determined to keep our heart complete toward Jehovah. When we accompany our brothers and sisters in the ministry, we will likely have opportunities to speak encouragingly to them. (Fak. 19: 6, 7) Intalli Edwaardoo, Aannaan akkas jetteetti: "Taʼus qabeenyaaf jennee sochii hafuuraa aarsaa gochuu yommuu didnu, dhumarratti firoonni keenya tokko tokko jireenyi Kiristiyaanummaa keenya hammam barbaachisaa akka taʼe ni hubatu. He could have held back his anger. " Even when we stopped making spiritual sacrifices for material things, some of our relatives finally realize how important it is for our lives to be Christian. Erga of murteessinee kaasnee baayʼeen keenya, Yihowaa duratti garaa guutuu qabaachuuf murteessuu keenya mirkaneessineerra. 9: 9. After we dedicated ourselves to Jehovah, we were determined to have a complete heart before him. Aariisaa toʼachuu ni dandaʼa ture. Disasters assault our very sense of justice. He could have control his temper. 9: 9. If the matter was trivial, apologize to each other and consider it settled 9: 9. Balaan, miira haqaa of keessaa qabnu nu keessaa balleessa. " Jehovah Is My Strength " disasters cause us to experience the loss of self - control. Dhimmichi cimaa ture yoo taʼe dhiifama wal gaafachuudhaan bira darbaa She told my parents that chemotherapy could slow down the scleroderma and extend my life by five years, with the possibility that my illness might go into remission. If the matter was serious, do so by asking each other for forgiveness " Yihowaan Humnakooti " We need a small amount of it on our skin to produce vitamin D, which is vital for bone health and evidently for protection from cancer and other diseases. " Jehovah Is My Power " Ogeettiin kun, yaaliin fayyaa keemikaalatti fayyadamuudhaan godhamu (keemooteeraappii) dhibee koo naa fooyyessuu fi umurii koo irratti waggaa shan dabaluu akka dandaʼu, tarii immoo dhukkubichi toʼatamuu akka dandaʼu warra kootti himte. We can do this in three ways: (1) by building up ourselves on our "most holy faith " through diligent study of God's Word and by having a zealous share in the preaching work; (2) by praying" with holy spirit, " or in harmony with its influence; and (3) by exercising faith in what makes everlasting life possible - the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ. - John 3: 16, 36. The sister told my parents that you can improve your immune system by using a medical treatment that can improve my disease and that it can improve when I was five years old, perhaps even in the illness. Fakkeenyaaf vitaamin " D ' isa fayyaa lafee qaama keenyaaf barbaachisaa taʼeefi kaansarii, akkasumas dhibee kaanirraa nu eegu kan argannu carallaa kanarraati. 33: 2, 10 - 13; 1 Cor. For example, it is illustrated by the fact that we have "a perfect body " that is needed to protect our body from cancer, cancer, and other health problems. Karaa sadiin jechuunis: (1) Dubbii Waaqayyoo akka gaariitti qo'achuufi hojii lallabaarratti hinaaffaan hirmaachuun, " amantii keenya isa hundumaa caalaa qulqulluutti ' cimuun, (2) " hafuura qulqulluun geggeeffamanii ' kadhachuudhaan ykn hafuurri kun jireenya keenya akka jijjiiru heyyamuun, akkasumas (3) aarsaa furii Yesus Kiristos isa jireenya barabaraa argamsiisutti amanuudhaan jaalala Waaqayyoo keessatti of eeguu dandeenya. - Yoh. Why, planets in our solar system travel in orbits around the sun as though they were humbly obeying traffic laws! Three ways: (1) By studying God's Word and having a zealous share in the preaching work, we can resist "the holy spirit, " (2) allowing it to transform our faith in Jesus Christ's ransom sacrifice into everlasting life, and (3) we can keep our faith in God's love under the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ. - John's ransom sacrifice. 33: 2, 10 - 13; 1 Qor. And do you make it a point to extend a warm welcome to newcomers at your Kingdom Hall, regardless of their nationality, skin color, or social standing? 33: 2, 10 - 13; 1 Cor. Pilaaneetonni sirna aduu keessa jiran akkuma waan gad of qabuudhaan seera tiraafiikiitiif ajajamanii oorbiitii isaanii irraa utuu hin jalʼatin aduutti naannaʼu! One sister said: "Speculations were made as to what JW stood for - Just Wait, Just Watch, and the correct one. " Just as the birds in the sun are in the sun, so they walk in the sun - just as they humbly follow their laws and swept them away! Sanyiinsaanii, biftisaanii ykn sadarkaa isaan hawaasa keessatti qaban maaliyyuu yoo ta'e, namoonni haaraan yommuu gara Galma Mootummaa dhufan miira ho'aadhaan simachuuf carraaqqii gootaa? Could you help them find a job as a remote worker to enable them to stay in their assignment? Whatever their descendants, their skin, or social status, do you strive to welcome new ones when they arrive at the Kingdom Hall? Obboleettiin tokko, "Namoonni, " JW jechuun Jast Weeyt, Jast Waach, akkasumas Jehoovaas Wiitinasis jechuudha ' jedhanii tilmaamanii turan " jetteetti. Let us take a closer look at what he said. One sister said: "Those who were saying, " This is the Milky Way, the Watch Tower Publications Index, and the Teaching of Jehovah's Witnesses. ' " Tajaajila isaanii akka itti fufan isaan gargaaruuf, hojii fagoo taʼanii hojjechuu dandaʼan akka argatan isaan gargaaruu dandeessuu? Where, then, are the other nine? " Could you help them to find work hard in order to continue their ministry? Mee wanta inni dubbate tokko tokkoon haa ilaallu. In Frankfurt, Germany, in 1951, resourceful brothers rented a locomotive that provided steam for 40 cooking kettles. Let us consider some of his words. Maarree warri kaan salgan eessa buʼan? " jedhe. Let us examine how a desire to work "whole - souled as to Jehovah " affects a number of different areas of life. So where are the nine others? " Bara 1951tti Firaankifarti, Jarmaniitti obboloonni mala qabeeyyii taʼan harkistuu baaburaa hurkaan hojjetu kireeffatanii hurka inni maddisiisuun distii 40tti nyaata bilcheessuu dandaʼaniiru. Not Forget Jehovah, 3 / 15 In 1951, the trained brothers in Germany were able to arrange for 40 - year - old meals. Mee fedhiin " gooftaadhaaf garaa guutuudhaan hojjechuuf ' qabnu kallattii jireenya keenyaa hedduu akkamitti akka tuqu haa qorru. Jesus also pointed to the way Jehovah provides for wildflowers, the beauty of which surpasses that of Solomon in all his glory. Let us see how the desire to "be complete with Jehovah " affects many aspects of our lives. Dinqiidhaan Fayyisuu, 7 / 1 His bride must also be fittingly attired for the occasion. Do You Know? 7 / 15 Yesus itti aansuudhaanis, Yihowaan daraarota Solomoon isa ulfina guddaa qabu caalaa miidhaganiif akkamitti akka kunuunsa godhu isaanitti hime. At age 15, I qualified for higher education, but I really wanted to serve as a full - time minister. Jesus also pointed out how Jehovah cared for Solomon, the most beautiful and dignified Person. Kana malees, misirrottiin uffata cidhichaaf taʼu uffachuu qabdi. For Jeremiah, it was a privilege to represent the true God and preach his word. Moreover, the bride has to put on the clothes of the bride. Yeroo umriinkoo 15 ta'u, barumsa sadarkaa olaanaa barachuuf carraa argadhus, fedhiinkoo inni guddaan tajaajila yeroo guutuurratti hirmaachuu ture. Later, in describing what he had done for Israel on that occasion, Jehovah stated: "I proceeded... to make a sworn statement to you and enter into a covenant with you. " - Ezek. At the age of 15, my desire to pursue higher education was to engage in the full - time ministry. 15: 16) Waaqa dhugaa bakka buʼuufi Dubbiisaa labsuun Ermiyaasiif mirga guddaa ture. We see distressing wars, increasing immorality and lawlessness, religious confusion, food shortages, pestilences, and earthquakes taking place around the world. What a privilege it was for Jeremiah to represent the true God and preach his Word! Yeroo booda Yihowaan Israaʼeloota ilaalchisee akka fakkeenyaatti, "Si kaadhimadhee ati kan koo taatee sii wajjin kakuutti galeera " jechuudhaan dubbateera. - His. The original - language word usually translated "reasonable " in the New World Translation literally means" yielding. " For example, Jehovah later told the Israelites: "You will make my covenant with you. " - Ezek. 12: 4; Mat. 24: 21) Addunyaa maratti waraanota gaddisiisoo, mancaʼina amalaa fi seera dhabummaa dabalaa deemu, barumsawwan amantii nama burjaajessan, hanqina nyaataa, dhukkuboota daddarbanii fi kirkira lafaa argaa jirra. The "mind " relates to our thinking faculties. Worldwide, we are surrounded by wars, corrupt, and moral laws, as well as the world's teachings, food shortages, food shortages, and earthquakes. Macaafa Qulqulluu Hiika Addunyaa Haaraa keessatti jechi "saba qabeessa " jedhamee hiikame kallattiidhaan " akka haalasaatti jijjiiramuu ' kan argisiisudha. In line with what was discussed in paragraph 5, some couples choose to exclude alcoholic beverages from the wedding feast lest the abuse of such mar the happiness and success of the occasion. In the New World Translation, the word translated "one nation " literally refers to" being flexible. " " Yaanni garaa ' dandeettii yaaduu keenyaa wajjin kan walqabatedha. Soon thereafter I left the big city where I lived and moved to the town where Sandra was pioneering. " " The conscience " is closely related to our thinking ability. Yaada keeyyata 5 rratti irratti mari'anneen haala wal simuun, namoonni tokko tokko, afeerriisaaniirratti dhugaatiin alkoolii akka hin jiraanne godhu. What if we become aware that someone is involved in a secret sin, perhaps abusing alcohol, viewing pornography, or living an immoral life? In line with the context of paragraph 5, some find it difficult to keep alcohol in their proper place. Sana booda utuu baayʼee hin turin, magaalaa guddaa ani keessa jiraadhu dhiiseen magaalaa Saandiraan qajeelchituu taatee itti tajaajiltu dhaqe. " And they are joyfully determined to remain such. Soon thereafter, I left home and moved to the city of Sandra, where I served as a pioneer. " Tarii, namni tokko dhoksaatti cubbuu raawwachaa akka jiru, jechuunis alkoolii garmalee akka dhugu, fakkiiwwan fedhii saalqunnamtii kakaasan akka ilaalu ykn jireenya gadhiisii akka jiraatu yoo beekne maal gochuu qabna? The apostle outlines qualifications for appointed men in the congregation. What should we do if someone engages in secret sins, such as viewing pornography, viewing pornography, or living an immoral lifestyle? Karaa kanaan gammachuudhaan itti fufuufis murteessaniiru. He had studied Jewish law with one of the most famous teachers of his day. They are determined to continue in this way joyfully. Phaawulos, namoonni gumii keessatti muudaman ulaagaa akkamii guutuu akka qaban barreesseera. Many scoff at the idea that Satan even exists. Paul wrote that those appointed in the congregation should meet what requirement they should meet. Barsiisaa beekamaa barasaatti turerraa seera Yihudootaa barateera. How will Jehovah respond to satanic attempts to destroy his servants? From his well - known teacher, he learned the Jewish law. Namoonni hedduun yaadni Seexanni jira jedhu illee isaan kolfisiisa. This school would give couples further training so that they can be more useful to Jehovah's organization. Many take offense at Satan's claim. Yihowaan, yeroo Seexanni tajaajiltootasaa balleessuuf kaʼutti tarkaanfii akkamii fudhata? The number eight (one more than seven) sometimes represents an abundance. How will Jehovah react to Satan's attack on his servants? Manni barumsaa kun, hiriyoonni gaaʼelaa jaarmiyaa Yihowaa keessatti caalaatti hojjechuu akka dandaʼan isaan leenjisa. 10: 31. This school teaches married couples that they can do better in Jehovah's organization. Lakkoofsi saddeetimmoo (torba tokkoon kan caalu) yeroo tokko tokko wanti tokko hedduu ta'uusaa argisiisa. While the world remains in dense darkness, the true God continues to shed light upon his people. The eightth verse (a) sometimes refers to a number of things. 10: 31. Ultimately, Joseph realized that the wait was worth it. 10: 31. (Faarfannaa 43: 3) Biyyi lafaa, duukkana limxii keessa deddeebi'eyyuu, Yihowaan sabasaatiif ifa kennuusaa itti fufeera. [ Box / Picture on page 8] Despite the world's dark world, Jehovah continued to give his people light. 50: 19, 20) Dhuma irratti, Yoseef Yihowaa biraa eebba argachuuf eeguun isaa buʼaa guddaa akka isaaf argamsiise hubateera. That was no way to speak to a man who was God's representative. Finally, Joseph realized how rewarding it was for him to wait on Jehovah for blessings. [ Saanduqa / Fakkii fuula 8 rra jiru] 6, 7. [ Box / Picture on page 8] Nama bakka buʼaa Waaqayyoo taʼe tokkotti karaa kanaan dubbachuunsaa sirrii hin turre. The psalmist expressed confidence that Jehovah would take hold of him by the right hand and lead him to genuine glory. He was not right in this way when he spoke to someone who represented God. 6, 7. Through what means can we obtain holy spirit? 6, 7. Faarfatichi, Yihowaan harkasaa mirgaa qabee ulfinatti akka isa geessu amantii qaba ture. How should Christians view freedom? The psalmist had faith that Jehovah would lead him to the right hand of his right hand and lead him to glory. Karaawwan hafuura qulqulluu argachuu itti dandeenyu kamfaʼi? 3: 20. What are some ways that we can receive holy spirit? Kiristiyaanonni bilisummaadhaaf ilaalcha akkamii qabaachuu qabu? Increase magazine distribution. How should Christians view freedom? 3: 20. Why is Satan likened to a birdcatcher? 3: 20. Lakkoofsa barruulee raabsituu guddisi. If so, Sarah's deep faith no doubt made her very convincing when she spoke to others about her God and her hope. Offered magazine for the first time. Seexanni adamsituu simbiraa wajjin kan wal fakkeeffame maaliifi? Think of the anxiety that will no longer trouble our mind and heart. Why is Satan likened to the birdcatcher? Akkas taanaan, amantii cimaa Saaraan qabdu, yeroo waaʼee Waaqa ishii fi abdii ishii namootatti himtu caalaatti kan nama amansiistu akka ishii taasise beekamaa dha. Jehovah's Witnesses are saturating the earth with the Kingdom message If so, Sarah's strong faith made her more convinced by telling others about her God and her hope. Kana malees, yaaddoon sammuu keenyaa fi garaa keenya dhiphisus hin jiraatu. All of us play a role in making sure that the disfellowshipping serves its purpose. Moreover, we will not be anxious about our mind and heart. Dhugaa Baatonni Yihowaa ergaa Mootummichaatiin lafa kana guutaa jiru Along with God - given "power beyond what is normal, " their love for one another helped them survive the ordeal. - 2 Cor. Jehovah's Witnesses fill the earth with the Kingdom message Hundi keenya iyyuu kaayyoon namni sun gumiidhaa itti baafame akka milkaaʼu gumaacha gochuu ni dandeenya. For example, one scholar states: "There was a gap of several decades between the public ministry of Jesus and the writing down of his words by the authors of the Gospels. All of us can contribute to the goal of being disfellowshipped. " Humna humna gararraa ' Waaqayyo isaanii kenne dabalatee jaalalli isaan waliif qaban gidiraa kanarraa akka oolan isaan gargaareera. - 2 Qor. magazines to passersby on the street. Their love for one another, including "the power beyond what is normal, " helped them to survive this trial. - 2 Cor. Fakkeenyaaf, hayyuun tokko akkas jedhaniiru: "Namoonni Wangeela barreessan waa'ee tajaajila Yesus isa lafarraa kan barreessan, Yesus kana raawwatee waggoonni kudhaniin lakkaa'aman baay'een erga darbanii boodadha. But knowing that similar things are being experienced by many others in the whole association of brothers in the world can encourage us to press forward with confidence. For example, one scholar put it this way: "Those who wrote the Gospel writer Jesus ' ministry over a period of decades have passed since the years of their ministry. jedhama) jedhaman namoota daandii irra deemaniif kennaa turre. He has given us his commandments - including those relating to family life and material needs - for our benefit. In fact, it was a gift to those who were walking on the road. Ta'uyyuu, namoonni waldaa obbolummaa addunyaa maraa keessa jiran hedduun, miirri akkasii akka itti dhaga'amu beekuun keenya, amantiidhaan akka itti fufunu nu jajjabeessuu danda'a. How did Joseph keep despair from taking root in his heart and crushing his spirit? Yet, knowing that many in the worldwide brotherhood feel that they have such feelings of faith can encourage us to continue in faith. 16: 9) Abboommii jireenya maatiifi wantoota jireenyaaf nu barbaachisanii wajjin wal qabatan dabalatee, abboommiisaa hunda kan nuuf kenne faayidaa keenyaaf jedheeti. The Roman Governor Pontius Pilate knew that Jesus was an innocent man and apparently did not want to harm him. One way is by obeying his commands, including the command to family and life that we need. Yoseef abdii akka hin kutannee fi miirri isaa garmalee akka hin miidhamne kan isa gargaare maali dha? Why Follow "the Christ "? What helped Joseph not to give up, and what helped him to lose his feelings? Bulchaa warra Roomaa kan ture Phonxos Philaaxos, Yesus balleessaa akka hin qabne beekee kan ture taʼuusaarrayyuu, isa miidhuu akka hin barbaanne haalasaarraa hubachuun ni dandaʼama. Describing the teachings of Origen, Ambrose, and Jerome, The International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia explains: "They sought for types, and of course found them, in every incident and event, however trivial, recorded in Scripture. Evidently, the Roman Governor Pontius Pilate knew that Jesus was innocent and did not want to harm him. Insaayikilooppeediyaan tokko barsiisawwan Oriijan, Embiroosii fi Jeerom ilaalchisee akkana jedha: " Wantoota gaaddidduu taʼan argachuuf carraaqqii kan godhan siʼa taʼu, seenaawwan Caaffata Qulqullaaʼoo keessatti barreeffamanii fi iddoo guddaa hin qabne hunda keessaa wanta gaaddidduu taʼu argataniiru. During the persecution, our brothers carried on the preaching work underground. " They put forth effort to find prophetic pictures, " says one reference work in the Scriptures, "and they have found the most important and most important things in the Scriptures. Yeroo ari'atamni ture sanatti obboloonni keenya, dhoksaadhaan lallabu turan. Shannon relates that when she was 11 years old, she and her 10 - year - old sister attended the "Godly Devotion " District Convention with their parents. During that time of persecution, our brothers were preaching in secret. Shaanan yeroo umuriin ishee waggaa 11 ture obboleettii ishee waggaa 10 taatee wajjin Walgaʼii Koonyaa mata dureen isaa "Waaqayyoof Buluu " jedhu irratti warra isaanii wajjin argamanii akka turan dubbatteetti. We may call it Solomon's temple, but it was not his idea or his way to make a name for himself as an architect or a wealthy benefactor. When she was 11 years old, she said that she was present at the 10 - year - old "God Almighty " at the convention of the convention. 6: 1) Mana kana, mana qulqullummaa Solomoon jennee waamnus, kaayyoon Solomoon itti ijaare, mahandiisa ykn sooressa arjummaa argisiisu jedhamee waamamuuf hin turre. Make an effort to include that lesson to stimulate your family's spiritual growth. Although we refer to Solomon's temple, Solomon's goal was not to build, or generosity. Barumsichi maatii keessan guddina hafuuraatiif kan kakaasu akka ta'u gochuuf carraaqqii godhaa. Still, as Jesus mentioned in the Sermon on the Mount, just as fruits reveal the condition of a tree, so our activities demonstrate the true condition of our heart. Strive to allow your family to grow spiritually. Taʼus, akkuma Yesus Lallabasaa isa Gaaraarratti mukti tokko gaariifi gadhee taʼuusaa kan ibsu ijasaa akka taʼe dubbate, sochiin goonu haalli garaa keenyaa dhugumaan maal akka taʼe argisiisa. The context in which these words are used reveals the propriety of remaining silent in at least three areas of life. Yet, as Jesus indicated in the Sermon on the Mount, our activity demonstrates what our activities really are. Yaadawwan naannoo jechoota kanaa jiran, yeroon callisuun itti barbaachisu sadii akka jiru argisiisu. 16, 17. The context shows that there are three times when silence is needed. 16, 17. Keep strong your love of God and neighbor. 16, 17. Jaalala Waaqayyoofi namootaaf qabdu jabeeffachuukee itti fufi. It further states that Jehovah exercises "loving - kindness toward the thousandth generation in the case of those who love [him] and keep [his] commandments. " Continue to strengthen your love for God and for fellow humans. Itti aansuudhaanis, Yihowaan "dhaloota warra [isa] jaallatanii abboommii [isaa] eeganiitti garuu, kumaatama isaaniitti gaarummaa " akka argisiisu dubbata. A Visit to Spain Furthermore, Jehovah also speaks of "those who love him [his] neighbor as they love him, " but he also speaks of them as" a result of loving - kindness. " Ispeeniin haa Daawwannu Before the Flood came, the animals had to be gathered and brought inside. Spain Bishaan Badiisaa dura, bineensonni hundi walitti qabamuufi gara markabichaatti galfamuu qabu turan. After instituting the Lord's Evening Meal, Jesus made a covenant with his faithful disciples, often referred to as the Kingdom covenant. (Read Luke 22: 28 - 30.) Before the Flood, all animals were to grow together and go into the ark. Yesus Irbaata Gooftaa erga hundeessee booda, bartootasaa amanamoo taʼanii wajjin kakuu galeera; kakuun kun yeroo baayʼee kakuu Mootummichaa jedhama. MATTHEW 24: 5, 11; MARK 13: 6 After Jesus instituted the Lord's Evening Meal, he made a covenant with his faithful disciples, which is often called the Kingdom covenant. MAATEWOS 24: 5, 11; MAARQOS 13: 6 Reports of domestic violence raise the questions: How can a man come to the point of treating anyone - let alone his wife - so outrageously? MATTHEW 24: 5, 11; MARK 13: 6 Namoonni, gabaasawwan yakka mana keessatti raawwatamu ilaalchisee dubbatamu yeroo dhagaʼan gaaffiiwwan akkas jedhan kaasu: Namni tokko haadha manaasaa dhiisiitii nama kan biraayyuu gara jabinaan akkamitti reeba? An Earth - Wide Work When people react to reports about domestic violence, questions arise: How would anyone refuse to go to another person or even to beat his wife? Hojii Addunyaa Maratti Hojjetamu He did so by organizing a teaching campaign that used "the book of Jehovah's Law. " Watching the Worldwide Work " Macaafa seeraa isa kan Waaqayyoo " fayyadamee sabicha barsiisuuf duula qopheessee ture. Matthew 11: 28 - 30 He used "the Law of God " to carry a campaign to teach the people. Maatewos 11: 28 - 30 According to a 2012 survey in the United States, one third of those surveyed thought that astrology was "sort of scientific, " and 10 percent said that it was" very scientific. " Matthew 11: 28 - 30 Akkuma qorannaan bara 2012 Yunaayitid Isteetis keessatti godhamee ture ibsetti, namoota gaafataman harka sadii keessaa harki tokko urjii lakkaaʼuun saayinsii taʼuu dandaʼa kan jedhan siʼa taʼu, parsantii 10 kan taʼan immoo guutummaatti saayinsii akka taʼe dubbataniiru. A teacher's sincere love for his student can more than make up for any lack of natural ability. According to a survey in the United States, about three third men say that science is possible, and 10 percent of them say that science is complete. Jaalalli barsiisichi barataasaatiif qabu, hir'ina inni uumamaan qabu hundaa isaaf guuta. What truth has Jehovah revealed, and how does this show that he loves us? A teacher's father's love for his student will provide him with all his physical limitations. Yihowaan dhugaa kam nuuf ibse? Kun hoo akka inni nu jaallatu kan argisiisu akkamitti? KGB is the Russian abbreviation for Soviet State Security Committee. What truth has Jehovah revealed to us, and how does this show his love for us? KGB is the Russian abbreviation for Soviet State Security Committee. Which group practices love and does not support war? As told by Ruth F.S. H. H. H. H. H. Amantiin jaalala argisiisuufi waraana hin deggerre isa kami? Truly, withholding such discipline amounts to hate; administering it is an act of love. What is faith that does not support love and war? Kanaaf, ijoollee adabuurraa of qusachuun jibba kan argisiisu si'a ta'u, isaan adabuun garuu jaalala isaaniif qabnu argisiisa. Soon, God's angel would pass through the land of Egypt, killing all the firstborn. Therefore, it reflects hatred for children, whereas discipline reflects our love for them. Ergamaan Waaqayyoo Gibxii keessa darbee mana hundumaa keessaa hangafa ajjeesa. They replaced that name with titles such as "God " or" Lord, " expressions applied in the Bible not only to the Creator but also to men, objects of false worship, and even the Devil. - John 10: 34, 35; 1 Corinthians 8: 5, 6; 2 Corinthians 4: 4. God's angel even struck every Egyptian house in Egypt. Maqaa kana maqaawwan ulfinaa "Waaqayyo " ykn" Gooftaa " jedhaniin bakka buusaniiru; maqaawwan ulfinaa kun Kitaaba Qulqulluu keessatti Uumaa tokkicha qofa utuu hin taʼin, namoota, waaqolii tolfamoo, darbees Diyaabilosiin argisiisuuf itti hojjetameera. - Yohaannis 10: 34, 35; 1 Qorontos 8: 5, 6; 2 Qorontos 4: 4. Those who are blessed to live in God's new world will always be young in comparison with the eternity yet to be experienced. It is used as a title "Jehovah " or" Lord "; it is used not only in the Scriptures but also in the Scriptures to describe, even those who worship the Devil. - John 10: 34, 35; 1 Corinthians 6: 5, 4; 2 Corinthians 6: 4. (Iyoob 33: 25; Isaayaas 35: 5, 6) Namoonni addunyaa haaraa Waaqayyo fidu keessa jiraachuuf eebbifaman, jireenya bara baraaf jiraatanii wajjin yeroo walitti ilaalamu yeroo hundumaa dargaggoota ta'anii jiraatu. We do not apply double standards: a relatively lenient standard for our friends and a different, stricter standard for people who are not our friends. Those who are blessed to live forever in God's new world will always enjoy life with young people. Namoota michoota keenya ta'aniif kan yaannu, warra michoota keenya hin taaneefimmoo dantaa kan hin qabne ta'uudhaan ejjennoo garagaraa lama hin qabaannu. The moment Jehovah uttered that prophecy, however, the ransom price was as good as paid from his viewpoint, for nothing can prevent God from fulfilling what he purposes. We should not judge our friends with respect to those we are not interested in our friends, nor do we have a different standing. Haata'u malee, Waaqayyo wanti kaayyoonsaa akka galamaan hin geenye dhowwu waan hin jirreef, yeruma raajii sana dubbate gatiin furichaa akka kaffalametti lakkaa'uu danda'a. • What was the cost of the ransom? However, since there is no record of God's purpose, the value of his prophecy could immediately be applied to the ransom. • Furicha dhiheessuun maal kan gaafatu ture? Never for a moment have we regretted living a simple life. " • What did the ransom require? Jireenya salphaa jiraachuu keenyaan matumaa gaabbinee hin beeknu. " This is another aspect emphasized in the illustration of the leaven. We never regretted our simple life. " Yaanni kunis, fakkeenya waa'ee raacitii dubbatu keessatti ibsameera. As he and his large household traveled into Canaan, he continued to let Jehovah guide him in making decisions, from the small to the great. That expression is explained in the illustration of the leaven. Innii fi maatiin isaa inni balʼaan yommuu gara Kanaʼaan dhaqan, murtoo wantoota xixiqqoos taʼe wantoota guguddaa ilaalchisee godhu irratti Yihowaan akka isa qajeelchu heyyamuu isaa itti fufeera. After all, the temple was to be "exceedingly magnificent, " and Solomon was at the time" young and inexperienced. " As he and his family traveled to Canaan, he continued to allow Jehovah to guide him in small matters and other important matters. Manni qulqullummaa sun "baayʼee guddaa " siʼa taʼu, Solomoon immoo yeroo sanatti" mucaa wallaalaa " ture. " Godliness with contentment is great gain. " That temple was "very great " and Solomon was" a baby " at that time. " Nama Waaqayyoo taʼuudhaan wanta qabanitti gammaduun buʼaa guddaa " qaba. Give an example of how Jehovah blesses those who are concerned about sanctifying his name. " Happy is the joy of being a man of God. " Yihowaan namoota qulqullinni maqaa isaa isaan yaaddessu akkamitti akka eebbisu fakkeenya argisiisu dubbadhu. From among these he will appoint "princes in all the earth. " Give an example of how Jehovah blesses those who are sensitive to his name. Yesus, namoota duʼaa kaasu kana keessaa muraasnisaanii " lafa hundumaatti akka biyya moʼaniif ' isaan muuda. If that happens to you, you may have to choose between being their friend and being God's friend. Jesus will appoint some of these resurrected ones "over all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations. " Taanaan, michuusaanii taʼuu ykn michuu Waaqayyoo taʼuu keessaa isa tokko filachuu si barbaachisa taʼa. 7: 1; Rev. If so, you may need to choose between being friends or friendship with God. Ximotewos Tajaajiluuf Fedhiidhaan Of Qopheessee Ture What do some in divided households face, and why could they endure the mistreatment? Timothy Had a Willing Spirit of Serving 7: 1; Mul. Jesus ' disciples patterned their preaching on their Master's example. 7: 1; Rev. Rakkina isaanirra ga'e danda'uuf kan isaan gargaare maalidha? For that matter, even Jesus Christ could have been known simply as the one who came from heaven and died for our sins. What enabled them to endure trials? Bartoonni Yesus, yommuu lallaban fakkeenya Gooftaasaanii hordofaniiru. (Read Psalm 101: 2.) When Jesus ' disciples preach, they imitate their Master. Yesus Kiristosiinillee, samiirraa akka dhufeefi cubbuu keenyaaf akka duʼetti qofa isa beekuu ni dandeenya turre. We are reminded of the upheaval that has occurred in different elements pictured by "the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry ground. " We can only know that Jesus Christ came from heaven and died for our sins. (Faarfannaa 101: 2 dubbisi.) As I left home for the office that morning, my wife began packing her things. " (Read Psalm 101: 2.) Raajiin kun, socho'iinsa wantoota gara garaa " bantiiwwan waaqaafi lafa, galaanaafi lafa gogaatti ' fakkeeffamanirratti ga'e kan nu yaadachiisudha. Obedience That Stems From Love This prophecy reminds us of various developments that "the heavens and the earth " are" on the surface of the earth and on the ground. " Gaafas ganama manaa baʼee gara biirookoo yommuun deemuu, isheen miʼashee sassaabbachuu jalqabde. " These garments must be worn for several months or even a year after the funeral, and their removal is the occasion for another feast. The next morning, I left my office and started to cry. " Jaalalaan Kaka'anii Abboomamuu Even if unbelievers criticize him, he avoids customs linked with the belief that the dead can influence the living. Obedience to Love Uffanni akkasiimmoo jiʼoota hedduudhaaf ykn waggaa tokkoof uffatamuu kan qabu siʼa taʼu, uffanni kun kan baafamus yeroo cidhi garabiraan qopheeffamu qofadha. " The peace of God " can stabilize us when we are burdened down with distressing emotions. Such clothing has for months or for a year, and the wedding is only one occasion after another. Namoonni Dhugaa Baatota Yihowaa hin taane isa ceepha'anis, aadaawwan namoonni du'an warra lubbuudhaan jiranirratti dhiibbaa godhu jedhu wajjin wal qabaterraa ni fagaata. Of course, we realize that having a close relationship with Jehovah and receiving the support of his spirit are the most powerful sources of strength that we have as true Christians. Although unbelievers may condemn him, the belief that the dead are influenced by the belief that the dead are alive. Yommuu haalli nama dhiphisu nurra ga'u, "Nagaan Waaqayyoo " akka gabii qabaannu nu gargaara. On the other hand, we had what some might call the ideal situation for learning a new language. When we face distressing circumstances, "the peace of God " can bring us inner peace. Dhugaadha, Yihowaa wajjin walitti dhufeenya cimaa qabaachuufi gargaarsa hafuurasaa argachuun, Kiristiyaanota dhugaadhaaf madda jabinaa isa guddaa akka taʼe ni hubanna. (Far. 36: 7; Yoh. Learning Bible Truths Of course, we see that a close relationship with Jehovah and the support of his holy spirit is a major source of courage for true Christians. Gama biraatiin garuu, haalli keessa turre afaan haaraa barachuuf mijaaʼaa ture. (b) How do you feel about the share you have in supporting the Kingdom - preaching work? On the other hand, circumstances in which we lived were able to learn a new language. Dhugaa Macaafa Qulqulluu Barachuu 7: 17 - 24. Learning Bible Truth Hojiiwwan yeroo hundaa hojjetamaniifi namootatti hin mulʼannes jiru. Jesus gave his life as a propitiatory sacrifice in the sense that by doing so, he appeased, or satisfied, the requirement of perfect justice. There are always the works that have not always been visible to people. 7: 17 - 24. Jesus Christ "cured all who were suffering. " 7: 17 - 24. Waaqayyo aarsaa kanarratti hundaa'ee, namoota Yesusitti amananiif cubbuusaanii dhiisuufii danda'a. - Yoh. How did Epaphroditus feel, and why? On that sacrifice, God can forgive those who exercise faith in Jesus. Yesuus Kiristoos, " namoota akka malee dhukkubsachaa turan hunda fayyiseera. ' [ Footnote] " He cured all who were sick, " said Jesus Christ. Ephafrodixositti maaltu dhagaʼamee ture? That can help young ones to look to their parents for valuable advice. How did Epaphroditus feel? [ Miiljalee] Brenda, who has attended the school twice, notes: "It allowed me to be 100 percent absorbed in spiritual things, to strengthen my conscience, and to focus on helping others. [ Footnote] Kunis, dargaggoonni gorsa isaan fayyadu warrasaanii akka gaafatan isaan kakaasuu danda'a. As your student begins to see the need for making changes, you will learn - patiently and discreetly - to help him to apply Bible principles. This may motivate young people to ask their parents for advice that will benefit them. " Hoolonni kan biraan ' miliyoona torbaa ol ta'aniifi "saba hundumaa keessaa, gosa hundumaa keessaa, nama hundumaa keessaa, afaan dubbatamu hundumaa keessaa dhufan, " dibamtootaa wajjin karra tokko ta'aniiru. What example in the Bible shows that prayers at our meetings merit our respectful attention? The "other sheep " are made up of over seven million people from" all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues " of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues. Bireendaa isheen mana barumsaa kanarratti siʼa lama hirmaatte akkas jetteetti: "Wantoota hafuuraa, yaada garaakoo jabeeffachuufi warra kaan gargaaruurratti guutummaatti akkan xiyyeeffadhu na godheera. Would You Welcome a Visit? " I have allowed me to focus fully on spiritual matters, strengthen my conscience, and helping others. Namni ati qayyabsiistu tokko jijjiirama gochuunsaa barbaachisaa akka taʼe hubachaa yommuu adeemu, seerawwan buʼuuraa Macaafa Qulqulluu hojiirra akka oolchu obsaafi hubannaadhaan isa gargaaruu baratta. Thus, if we want to measure how we fare in showing genuine honor, we do well to ask ourselves, " How do I treat those who have no prominent, or responsible, position in the congregation? ' As your student learns how important it is to make changes, you learn to be patient and understanding by applying Bible principles. Kadhannaawwan walga'iiwwan keenyarratti dhihaatan karaa ulfina qabeessa ta'een xiyyeeffannaadhaan dhaggeeffachuun barbaachisaa ta'usaa kan argisiisu fakkeenya Macaafa Qulqulluu isa kamidha? We noticed that Apolonija, who is one of Jehovah's Witnesses, knew her Bible well, and Dalia began to ask her many questions. What Bible example shows the importance of listening carefully at our meetings? Nama dhufee si haasofsiisu ni barbaaddaa? Granted, learning a new language takes time, effort, and humility. Would You Welcome a Visit? Kanaaf, warra kaaniif ulfina kennuu ilaalchisee haala akkamiirra akka jirru beekuuf, akkas jennee of gaafachuu qabna: " Warra gumii keessatti aangoo guddaa ykn itti gaafatamummaa hin qabneef ilaalcha akkamiin qaba? ' For example, consider Brett, a young adult who says that at one point he was playing an online game for up to 16 hours a day. Hence, to determine what we are doing in showing honor to others, we do well to ask ourselves, " How do I view those who have little or responsibility in the congregation? ' Apalyooniyaan Dhugaa Baatuu Yihowaa taʼuusheefi Macaafa Qulqulluu akka gaariitti akka beektu waan hubanneef Daalyaan gaaffilee hedduu ishee gaafachuutti kaate. That means complete destruction. Dalia began to ask several questions because she knew that she was one of Jehovah's Witnesses and was well - acquainted with the Bible. Qooqa haaraa barachuun yeroo, carraaqqii fi gad of qabuu kan gaafatu taʼuun isaa beekamaa dha. Speaking about the time of the end, an angel foretold: "The ones having insight will shine like the brightness of the expanse; and those who are bringing the many to righteousness, like the stars to time indefinite, even forever.... No doubt, learning a new language involves effort and humility. Fakkeenyaaf, haala Birat isa umuriin isaa waggaa 28 taʼee fi yeroo tokko Intarneetiitti fayyadamuudhaan guyyaatti saʼaatii 16 f taphachaa akka ture dubbatee ilaali. 18 Draw Close to God - "He Softened the Face of Jehovah " 19 Did You Know? 24 Imitate Their Faith - He Endured Despite Disappointments For example, consider the case of 28 - year - old Timothy, who once used the Internet to play a part in 16 hours a day. Kana jechuun, guutummaatti ni balleeffamu jechuudha. Why not learn more about this truth and how you and your loved ones can benefit from it? This means that they will be completely destroyed. Ergamaan Waaqayyoo tokko waaʼee guyyoota gara dhumaa akkas jechuudhaan dubbateera: "Warri ogummaadhaan nama geggeessan akka ifa bantii waaqaa, warri namoota baayʼee gara qajeelinaatti deebisanis akka urjootaa, yeroo hundumaaf bara baraan calaqqisuuf jiru.... Let Moses himself tell us: "It came about that at midnight Jehovah struck every firstborn in the land of Egypt. " An angel of God foretold the last days: "Those having insight will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and many will walk in righteousness forever.... 18 Maatii Gammachuu Qabu Ijoolleen Keessan Amala Gaarii Akka Qabaatan Irra Deddeebiʼaa Barsiisaa Let us consider four reasons why we may draw that conclusion. 18 Teach Your Children to Be Good Friends Waaʼee dhugaa kanaa, akkasumas atis taate namoonni jaallattu akkamitti dhugaa kanarraa fayyadamuu akka dandeessan maalif hin barattu? What provision can set us free from death? Why not learn about that truth and how you and your loved ones can benefit from it? Museen akkas jechuudhaan nutti hima: "Halkan walakkaa yommuu ta'e Waaqayyo biyya Gibxii keessaa angafa kan ta'e hundumaa,... in dha'e. " One such person was Abraham. Moses tells us: "It came about in the middle of the night that Jehovah was the firstborn of all the Egyptians... Mee ragaawwan xumura kana irra gaʼuuf nu dandeessisan afur haa ilaallu. Furthermore, we should not let a "rotten saying " come out of our mouth. Let us consider four lines of evidence that will reach that conclusion. Qophiin du'arraa bilisa nu baasu maalidha? 1: 11. What provision does the provision of death free us? [ Fakkii fuula 22 rra jiru] Can you recommend someone she can work with for a while to get some training? " [ Picture on page 22] Namoota akkasii keessaa tokko Abrahaam ture. (b) How did Asa ignore Azariah's counsel, and with what result? One such person was Abraham. Kana malees, "dubbiin tortoraan " afaan keenya keessaa akka ba'u heyyamuu hin qabnu. That cost them their lives. We must also not let "the word of [our] mouth " out of our mouth. 1: 11, NW. Man - made national boundaries, which today in some sense mark every human as a foreigner, will no longer exist. 1: 11. Nama yeroo muraasaaf wajjin hojjechuudhaan ishee leenjisuu danda'u nutti himuu dandeessaa? " It is vital that we never adopt the bigotry so common in this world. Can you tell us that he can training you for some time? " (b) Aasaan gorsa Azaariyaan isaaf kenne hojiirra akka hin oolchine kan argisiisu maalidha? Their prospects for everlasting life are at stake! - 2 Thessalonians 1: 6 - 9. (b) What shows that Asa did not apply his counsel to Azariah? Kun lubbuusaanii isaan dhabsiiseera. From Jesus ' birth to his resurrection, the Word of God gives conclusive proof that he was the Christ. This cost them their lives. Yeroo sanatti daangaan biyyaa namoonni hundeessaniifi namoonni hundi akka ormaatti akka wal ilaalan godhu hin jiraatu. They notice our neat attire, polite behavior, and warm smile. At that time, there will be no force in general and in general that all people view as strangers. Loogiin dubartoota irratti raawwatamuu fi addunyaa irratti babalʼate matumaa dhibbaa akka nu irratti hin geessisne of eeggachuu qabna. Yet, she did not follow their advice. We should be careful that women will never be influenced by women in the world. Abdiin isaan jireenya bara baraa argachuuf qaban balaadhaaf saaxilameera! - 2 Tasaloniiqee 1: 6 - 9. LIFE STORY Their hope of everlasting life is threatened! - 2 Thessalonians 1: 6 - 9. Dubbiin Waaqayyoo, dhaloota Yesusii kaasee hanga du'aa ka'uusaatti, inni Kiristos ta'uusaatiif ragaa amansiisaa kenna. " He gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelizers, some as shepherds and teachers, with a view to the readjustment of the holy ones, for ministerial work, for the building up of the body of the Christ, until we all attain to the oneness in the faith. " - Eph. God's Word provides solid evidence that he is the Christ from the time of his resurrection to the end of Jesus ' resurrection. Uffata qulqulluu uffanne, amala keenya isa gaarii fi garaadhaa seequu keenya ni hubatu. 43: 8 - 12. They appreciate our clean dress, good conduct, and a sincere smile. Isheen garuu gorsasaanii hin fudhanne. (Read Romans 8: 3, 4.) But she rejected their advice. Seenaa Jireenyaa The apostle Paul noted: "Nearly all things are cleansed with blood according to the Law, and unless blood is poured out no forgiveness takes place. " Life Story " Isumatus namootaaf kennaa kenne; kennaan isaas kaan ergamoota, kaan waan Waaqayyo isaanitti mulʼise warra himan, kaan warra wangeela lallaban, kaan eegdota, kaanis barsiisota akka taʼaniif ture. Inni warra Waaqayyoof qulqullaaʼan, hojii isa itti ergaman sanaaf qopheessuudhaaf, waldaa isa dhagna Kristos sanas cimsuudhaaf kana godhe. However, we do well to ask ourselves, " Is my love always genuine, not tainted by selfishness or deception? ' He wrote: "The gift God gave to the apostles, that he gave them, to the other apostles, to minister to them, to minister to the holy ones, to shepherd the body of the Christ, to shepherd the congregation, to minister to the holy ones. 43: 8 - 12. Moreover, the attendance at the Memorial of Jesus Christ's death last year indicates that some ten million people who are not Witnesses of Jehovah were sufficiently interested in the good news to attend this important commemoration. 43: 8 - 12. (Roomaa 8: 3, 4 dubbisi.) This could be likened to a patient who loses out on the benefits of a treatment because he does not like something about the doctor. (Read Romans 8: 3, 4.) Phaawulos ergamaan akkas jedheera: "Akka seerichaatti wanti hundinuu, dhiigaan in qulleeffama jechuun in dandaʼama; dhiiga utuu hin dhangalaasin immoo dhiifamuun cubbuu hin jiru. " The distributor reluctantly returned the Dawns. The apostle Paul said: "All things are cleansed according to the Law; and without blood there is no forgiveness. " Haa taʼu malee, akkana jennee of gaafachuun keenya gaarii dha: " Jaalalli koo dhugaa dhaa moo ani ofittoo fi gowwoomsituu dha? ' What does it mean to be reasonable? However, we do well to ask ourselves, " Is my love real or deceptive? ' Kana malees, namoota waggaa darbe Ayyaana Yaadannoo du'a Yesusirratti argaman keessaa, naannoo miliyoona kudhanii kan ta'aniifi Dhugaa Baatota hin taane ayyaana guddaa kanarratti argamuunsaanii misiraachoo kanaaf fedhii qabaachuusaanii argisiisa. (Read Proverbs 29: 25.) Moreover, during the last ten years of Jesus ' death, some ten million people around the world were interested in the good news of this undeserved kindness. Haalli kun dhukkubsataa doktoorichi hirʼina akka qabu yaaduudhaan dhaqee isa biratti yaalamuu diduutti fakkeeffamuu dandaʼa. What powerful demonstration of faith do we see today, and who deserves the credit for this? The doctor may be compared to a doctor's illness, thinking that he is not immune to the illness. Dhaabbatichis gocha kanatti gammaduu baatus Miileeniiyaal Daawuunii ni deebise. What is evident from the Bible's frequent mention of color? Although they had no pleasure in doing so, they even called Millennial Dawns on the Dawn of Millennial Dawn. Sababa qabeessa taʼuu jechuun maal jechuudha? Giving refugees practical help requires, not a lot of money, but mainly our time and concern. What does it mean to be reasonable? (Fakkeenya 29: 25 dubbisi.) Lives hang in the balance. (Read Proverbs 29: 25.) Yeroo harʼaatti haala amantii akka qabnu argisiisu akkamii argaa jirra? Kanaaf ulfina argachuu kan qabu hoo eenyu dha? One of Jehovah's Witnesses offered to study the Bible with me. What situation do we see today, and who, then, deserve honor? Yihowaan Nohiifi maatiisaa lubbuudhaan eeguuf kan isa kakaase maalidha? Many today would agree with the sentiments of those influential men, stating that they will believe only in what they can see. What moved Jehovah to protect Noah and his family? Wanti isaan caalaatti barbaadan yeroo keenyaa fi jaalala keenya dha. 24: 3. What they want is our time and love. Lubbuun namootaa balaadhaaf saaxilameera. Shortly thereafter, my mother, Estelle, started studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. Mankind's lives are threatened. Dhugaa Baatuun Yihowaa tokko, Macaafa Qulqulluu na qayyabsiisuuf afeerrii naa dhiheesse. What are these gifts, and how do we benefit from them? One of Jehovah's Witnesses offered to study the Bible with me. Yeroo ammaatti namoonni hedduun, wanta ijaan argan qofatti akka amanan dubbachuudhaan, yaada namoonni beekamoo jedhaman qaban kanatti akka walii galan argisiisu. The Bible says that its counsel is inspired and "beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight. " Today, many people agree with these popular characters by saying that they believe only what they see. Lola akkamii gochaa jirra? He was genuinely interested in their spiritual welfare, and he willingly expended himself in their behalf. How are we fighting? 24: 3, NW. Did not the flower already belong to the man? 24: 3. Sana booda baayʼee utuu hin turin haati koo Esteel Dhugaa Baatota Yihowaa wajjin Macaafa Qulqulluu qayyabachuu jalqabde. They have learned not to be timid or embarrassed about their beliefs. Soon thereafter my mother began studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. Sababiin isaas hiikkaa isaa keessatti jechootaa sirrii taʼanii fi garaa namaa tuqan waan fayyadameef irra deddeebiʼanii ilaaluun barbaachisaa dha. " What can help you to maintain your zeal for the ministry? It is important to look repeatedly and see the meaning of the correct words in his translation. " Isaan irraa fayyadamuu kan dandeenyu hoo akkamitti? These are the ones who are "to receive a kingdom that cannot be shaken. " And how can we benefit from them? Kitaabni Qulqulluun gorsi isa keessa jiru geggeessaa hafuura Waaqayyootiin kan kennamee fi " barsiisuuf, balleessaa hubachiisuuf, akkasumas wanta hundumaa sirreessuuf kan fayyadu akka taʼe ' dubbata. We discover how we can best help people, we overcome potential conversation stoppers, and we teach humble ones how they can benefit themselves. The Bible says that God's spirit is inspired and that it is "wise for teaching, for reproving, for reproving, for setting things straight, for setting things straight. " Namoonni Yihowaatti akka dhihaatan barbaada ture; akkasumas isaan gargaaruuf fedhiidhaan of dhiheesseera. If the soul dies and is unconscious, how could it suffer "eternal fire " or even the pain of everlasting separation from God? He wanted people to draw close to Jehovah, and he volunteered to help them. Abaaboon sun duruma iyyuu kan namichaa hin turree? As you reflect on God's thoughts - day or night - and consider how best to use the Bible's practical guidance, you will be greatly strengthened. Was it not that the man had already existed? Waaʼee amantiisaanii dubbachuuf sodaachuu ykn qaanaʼuu akka hin qabne barataniiru. This may remind us of one incident in David's life. They learned that they should not be afraid or ashamed to speak about their beliefs. Hinaaffaa tajaajilaaf qabdu eeguuf maaltu si gargaaruu dandaʼa? Will you use that ability to look for the good in your teenager? What can help you to maintain your zeal for the ministry? " Mootummaa raafamuu hin dandeenye kan fudhatan ' isaan kanadha. We read: "Jehovah was looking with favor upon Abel and his offering. " That is because they "did not receive the Kingdom. " Caalaatti namoota gargaaruu, warra maree dhaabsisaniif deebii gaarii kennuufi namoonni gad of deebisan gargaarsa akka argatan goona. Apparently, the upcoming, inexperienced generation did not prize their heritage as members of a dedicated people, in whose behalf their God, Jehovah, had accomplished mighty acts in the past. - Psalm 78: 3 - 7, 10, 11. The more we help others, the more positive response to conversation, and the humble ones can help them. (Lallaba 9: 5) Lubbuun kan duutuufi waan tokkoyyuu kan hin beekne erga taatee, "ibidda barabaraa " keessatti barabaraaf gubachuu ykn barabaraaf Waaqayyorraa fagaattee jiraachuu kan dandeessu akkamitti? 6: 14. If the soul is immortal and we do not know nothing, how can you live forever in "everlasting hell " or" forever "? Halkan ykn guyyaa yaadawwan Waaqayyoo irratti yommuu xiinxaltan, qajeelfama Kitaaba Qulqulluu hojii irra oolchuun hunda irra kan caalu kan taʼe akkamitti akka taʼe hubadhaa; kun immoo caalaatti isin jabeessa. (Read Hebrews 13: 17.) Another way is by highly esteeming all our brothers and sisters in the faith. As you meditate on the night or the meditation of God's thoughts, note how applying Bible principles will strengthen you, and this will strengthen you. (Lakkoofsa 9) Kun wanta yeroo tokko Daawitirra ga'ee ture nu yaadachiisuu danda'a. (a) With whom may Jesus have traveled to the Passover? This may remind us of one event that David once experienced. Dandeettii kanatti waan gaarii garaa ijoollee keessanii keessa jiru ilaaluuf itti fayyadamtuu? Also available at www.jw.org Do you use this ability to see good in your children? Macaafni Qulqulluun, "Waaqayyo gara Abeelii fi gara qalma isaa faara tolaadhaan in ilaale " jedha. Thereafter, these new Christians "continued devoting themselves to the teaching of the apostles. " The Bible says: "Jehovah saw that he was favoring Abel and the burnt offerings of the burnt offering. " (Abbootii Firdii 2: 7, 10, 11) Dhaloonni haaraa kun, mirga saba murteeffame akka ta'an isaaniif kennameefi dinqii Yihowaan abbootasaaniitiif godhe kan hin dinqisiifanne akka ta'e hubachuun ni danda'ama. - Faarfannaa 78: 3 - 7, 10, 11. (See the box "How to Improve Your Singing. ") (b) What suggestions for overcoming voice problems do you find practical? This new generation evidently did not appreciate the miraculous privilege of being a nation of priests and the miracle that Jehovah performed for their forefathers. - Psalm 78: 3 - 7, 11. 6: 14. Third, holy spirit is at work in bringing Bible truths to light. 6: 14. Karaan inni kaanimmoo, obboloota hidhata amantii keenya ta'an hunda kabajuudha. She explains: "I had been contacted before by Spanish - speaking Witnesses but did not listen to them. Another way is by showing respect for all fellow believers. (a) Yesus gara ayyaana Faasikaa kan dhaqe eenyuu wajjin ta'uu danda'a? Consider the case of Jaime, an atheist and evolutionist who was involved in boxing. (a) To whom might Jesus have accompanied the Passover? www.jw.org / om irrattis ni argama " It is too difficult. " Also available at www.jw.org Qarshiin gumichaa sirriitti faayidaa irra akka oolu kan toʼatanis ergamoota turan. The Power of Listening The apostles were obliged to oversee the well - being of the congregation. (Saanduqa "Akkaataa Itti Faarfattu Fooyyessuu kan Dandeessu Akkamitti? " jedhu ilaali.) (b) Rakkina sagalee kee fooyyessuuf yaadni ati gaarii taʼee argatte isa kami? If so, please consider the following three questions. (See the box "How You Can Say It, ".) (b) What is the best way to improve your voice? jedhu ilaali.) Sadaffaa, Yihowaan dhugaawwan Macaafa Qulqulluu akka hubannu nu gargaaruuf hafuura qulqulluutti fayyadama. Nevertheless, there are obstacles to overcome in living up to our dedication. Third, Jehovah uses his holy spirit to help us understand Scriptural truths. Fakkeenya Gilooriyaa ishee magaalaa Kuweretaaroo jedhamtuufi giddu galeessa Meksikoo jiraattuu ilaali. Jehovah will soon solve that problem of greed by replacing the current political system with the heavenly Kingdom, with his Son serving as King. Take the example of Gloria, a town in the province of Mexico, in Mexico. Dhimmi kun nagaa gumichaa balaadhaaf saaxilee waan tureef rakkina cimaa ture. About 600 years after Job's trials, Solomon was inspired to write: "Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me. " The issue threatened the peace of the congregation, and it was a serious problem. Haala Haayimee isa Waaqayyotti hin amannee fi jijjiirama tirannaatti amanu, akkasumas tapha booksii irratti hirmaachaa turee ilaali. The Bible tells us that Jehovah is "wise alone. " Consider the situation he did not believe in God and in evolution, as well as playing games. " Baayʼee ulfaataadha. " in the Cabecar language " It's too difficult. " Dhaggeeffachuun Faayidaa Qaba These two study articles help us to identify "valueless things, " things that could distract us from serving Jehovah. Listening and Listening Taanaan gaaffilee armaan gadii sadan akka qortu si afeerra. Who were "those of the household of Caesar " who sent Christian greetings through Paul to the Philippians? If so, we invite you to consider three questions. Maaliif? Haata'u malee, murtoo goone wajjin haala wal simuun yommuu jiraannu, wantonni gufuu nutti ta'an lama jiru. Jehovah has established among intelligent creatures arrangements for authority and headship. However, in harmony with our decisions, there are two obstacles that we face. Yihowaan yeroo dhihootti sirna siyaasaa yeroo ammaa jiru Mootummaa samii isa Ilmi isaa Mootii taʼee itti bulchuun bakka buusuudhaan rakkina sababa sassataatiin dhufu kanaaf furmaata kenna. (a) How did Jehovah prove true to his word? Soon Jehovah will address the present political system of things - his heavenly King - and he will handle the suffering caused by greed. Erga Iyoobirra qorumsi ga'ee waggaa 600 booda, Yihowaan Solomoon hafuuraan geggeeffamee, "Yaa ilma ko, nama ana arrabsuuf deebii kennuu akkan danda'utti, ati ogeessa ta'i, garaa na ciibsi! " jedhee akka barreessu isa kakaaseera. (Fak. For centuries, Rome appeared to her enemies to be "fearsome and terrible and unusually strong. " Some 600 years after Job's trial, Jehovah inspired Solomon to write: "Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me. " Macaafni Qulqulluun Yihowaan "ogeessa tokkicha " akka ta'e nutti hima. (Read Romans 15: 7.) The Bible tells us that Jehovah is "wise alone. " Afaan Kaabakaariitiin Jehovah's angels provide us with fine examples of humble service. Those in the Northern tongue Matadureewwan qayyabannaa kun lamaan " wanta waa'ee hin baafneefi ' Yihowaa akka hin tajaajilleef gufuu nutti ta'uu danda'an adda baasnee beekuuf nu gargaaru. Two of the spies, Joshua and Caleb, however, were eager to enter the Promised Land. These two study articles will help us to identify potential stumbling blocks that could hinder us from serving Jehovah. " Warri mana mootii warra Roomaa " keessa jiraniifi Kiristiyaanota Filiphisiiyusitti karaa Phaawulos nagaa dhaaman eenyu turan? How may our thinking become distorted? Who were "the household of Caesar " in Philippi and in Paul's letter to Christians in Philippi? Yihowaan uumamawwansaa yaaduu danda'an gidduutti qophiin aboofi matummaa akka jiraatu godheera. Can our loyalty be split, with some going to Jehovah God and his heavenly government and some going to an earthly government? Jehovah made arrangements for authority and headship within his intelligent creatures. (a) Yihowaan wanta dubbate kan raawwate akkamitti? But Jeremiah's expression "Jehovah is my share " revealed his confidence in divine mercy, and it gave him reason for showing" a waiting attitude. " (a) How did Jehovah accomplish what he said? Roomaan diinotashee biratti jaarraa hedduudhaaf, "sodaachisaa, naasisaa, garmalees jabaa " akka taatetti ilaalamaa turte. With what things are most people occupied today? For centuries, Rome viewed her enemies as "a very strong, very strong, and very strong. " (Roomaa 15: 7 dubbisi.) How delighted Abraham was to get his dear wife back! (Read Romans 15: 7.) Ergamoonni Yihowaa, gad of deebisanii tajaajiluutti fakkeenya gaarii nuu ta'u. [ Blurb on page 13] Jehovah's angels set a fine example of humble service. Haata'u malee, gaaddonni lamaan jechuunis Iyaasuufi Kaaleb Biyyattii Abdachiifamtetti galuuf hawwanii turan. 6, 7. However, the two spies, Joshua and Caleb, were eager to enter the Promised Land. Yaanni keenya jal'achuu kan danda'u akkamitti? Still, we may face issues and situations that are not specifically addressed in God's Word. How can our conscience be treacherous? Amanamummaa keenya walakkaasaa Yihowaafi bulchiinsasaa isa samiitiif, walakkaasaammoo bulchitoota biyya lafaatiif kennuu ni dandeenyaa? This comforted Hannah, "and her face became self - concerned no more. " Can we give our loyalty to Jehovah and his heavenly rulership for the world of the world? (Er. 25: 11) Haataʼu malee, yaanni Ermiyaas "Waaqayyo qooda koo ti " jechuudhaan dubbate araara Waaqayyoorratti amanannaa akka qabu kan argisiisu taʼuusaarrayyuu " isa abdachuuf ' sababii akka qabaatu godheera. " The faithful and discreet slave " has been appointed "over all [Christ's] belongings. " However, Jeremiah's words show that Jeremiah had confidence in God's "Jehovah's mercy. " Namoonni hedduun yeroo harʼaa jiran maaliin kan qabamanidha? In discussing the Passover, what lessons will you help your children learn? What is the majority of people today? (Uumama 12: 17 - 20) Abrahaam haadha manaa isaa deebisee yeroo argatutti hammam gammade laata! Parents can learn from the example of Daniel's parents. How pleased Abraham must have been when he returned his wife! [ Fakkii fuula 13 rra jiru] Also, although a cell phone may sometimes help us to be effective in our ministry, we should take steps to be sure that a phone call will not disrupt our conversation with a householder. [ Picture on page 13] 6, 7. It is of no benefit for a man to gain the whole world if he loses his life, his soul. 6, 7. Ta'us, dhimmoonni kallattiidhaan Dubbii Waaqayyoo keessatti hin caqasamne nu mudachuu danda'u. God's great wisdom is made evident in his use of humans to write the Bible. Yet, there are matters that are not directly mentioned in God's Word. Kunis Haannaa kan jajjabeesse siʼa taʼu, "deebitees nyaara hin guurre. " Her destruction will be final. - Read Revelation 17: 16. This encouraged Hannah, and she "did not murmur. " " Hojjetaan amanamaanii fi ogeessi... qabeenya [Kiristos] hundumaa irratti ajajjuu " godhameera. But what discipline may be required if serious sin is committed? " The faithful and discreet slave... were appointed over all [Christ's] belongings. " Ijoollee keessanii wajjin waa'ee Faasikaa yeroo mari'attan, barumsa akkamii akka argatan gargaaruu dandeessu? How can you help a friend who commits some wrong? As you discuss the Passover with your children, what can you do to help them learn? Warri ijoollee qaban, warra Daaniʼel irra barachuu dandaʼu. PAGE 21 Parents can learn from Daniel's parents. Moobaayiliin al tokko tokko tajaajila keenya raawwachuuf kan gargaaru taʼus, nama haasofsiisaa utuu jirruu bilbilamee akka nu hin jeeqne of eeggannoo gochuu qabna. What expectations do I have? Although sometimes helps to fulfill our ministry, we must be careful not to speak with a householder when we are approaching him. Namni tokko biyya lafaa guutummaatti buufatee, lubbuusaa ykn jireenyaasaa yoo dhabe faayidaa hin qabu. Remember, Jesus spoke well of those who are spiritually hungry, or who are "conscious of their spiritual need. " If a person loses his whole world, his life, or his life, he will not benefit. Ogummaan Waaqayyoo inni guddaan Macaafa Qulqulluu akka barreessan namootatti fayyadamuusaarratti mulʼateera. Jehovah Sustains His People God's great wisdom is evident in his use of the Bible to make it known to others. Badiisni isheerra gaʼu haala kanaan raawwatama. - Mulʼata 17: 16 dubbisi. How have present - day Christians benefited from laws and legal decisions? That is exactly what happens. - Read Revelation 17: 16. Warri Tokko Tokko Gumii Keessaa Kan Baafaman Maaliifi? " I remember one lady coming in who was so badly beaten up I could not even recognise her from the last time I had seen her, " says Chris. Why Some Get Baptized in the Congregation Hiriyaa keessan balleessaa raawwate tokko gargaaruu kan dandeessan akkamitti? 3: 5, 6, 21, 22. How can you help a friend who has done something wrong? FUULA 21 In contrast, a mild - tempered reply often has a calming effect. PAGE 21 Hiriyaa gaa'elaa koorraa maalan eega? Erica says: "In the beginning, I felt left out, but that helped me to consider what my motive was for moving. What can I expect from my mate? Yesus namoota karaa hafuuraa beela'an ykn "karaa hafuuraatti hiyyeessota " ta'an akka jajate yaadadhaa. What vital lessons can we learn from Israel's victory over the Amalekites? Remember, Jesus praised spiritual hunger or "those conscious of their spiritual need. " Yihowaan Sabasaa Ni Kunuunsa Second, "God is faithful. " Jehovah Cares for His People Kiristiyaanonni ammayyaa seera irraa fi murtoowwan mana murtii irraa kan fayyadaman akkamitti? " The love the Christ has compels us, " the Bible says, "because this is what we have concluded, that one man died for all... How do modern - day Christians benefit from laws and judges? Kiriis, "Dubartiin kanaan dura beeku tokko, hangan eenyummaashee addaan baafachuu dadhabutti garmalee reebamtee garakoo dhufuushee nan yaadadha. Notice his further words in that psalm: "Jehovah is listening to the poor ones, and he will indeed not despise his very own prisoners, " or" those of his who are prisoners. " Chris says: "In the past, I remember that a woman was too young to take too too much care of her identity. 3: 5, 6, 21, 22. Taking what measures will help us to make wise choices regarding our inheritance? 3: 5, 6, 22. 26: 21) Faallaa kanaatiin immoo, garraamummaadhaan deebisuun yeroo baayʼee tasgabbiin akka jiraatu godha. Its Hebrew name literally means "awakening one. " In contrast, a mild temper often leads to stability. Eriikaanimmoo akkas jetteetti: "Jalqabarratti kophummaan natti dhagaʼamee kan ture taʼus, yeroo kanatti sababiin itti as dhuferrattan xiinxala ture. 18 Milestones in My Life of Kingdom Service " At first, I felt lonely, but I was reflecting on the reasons when I was here. Injifannoo Israaʼeloonni Amaaleqoota irratti argatan irraa barumsa guddaa akkamii arganna? He repeatedly rejected many acts of human kindness. " What valuable lesson do we learn from Israel's victory on the Amalekites? Lammaffaa, "Waaqayyo amanamaa " dha. In the case of David and Bath - sheba, before the judgment of the death penalty could be softened, there had to be a pardoning of their sin. Second, "God is faithful. " Kitaabni Qulqulluun akkana jedha: "Namni tokko nama hundumaaf akka duʼe waan hubanneef jaalalli Kiristoos nu dirqisiisa... (b) What should we learn from the continuing successful function of DNA? The Bible says: "The love the Christ has compels us to die for all sorts of people... Faarfannaasaa kana keessatti jechoota inni itti fayyadame garabiraa ilaali: "Waaqayyo warra dhabaniif in dhaga'a, saba isaa warra hidhamanis hin tuffatu. " (Far. The Bible associates holiness and spiritual cleanness with physical cleanliness. Consider another psalm in which he used his words: "Jehovah himself has heard the lowly ones, and his people will not despise his people. " Dhaala keenya ilaalchisee filannaa gaarii gochuu kan dandeenyu maalirratti hundoofneeti? Have you ever asked yourself questions like those? On what basis can we make good choices regarding our inheritance? Maqaan muka kanaa afaan Ibrootaatiin kallattiidhaan yommuu hiikamu muka "dammaqaa taʼe " jechuudha. Love moved Jehovah to give hope to the sinful offspring of Adam and Eve, providing them with a means to approach Him and come into an approved relationship with Him. The name translated into the Hebrew form of the tree literally means "the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. " 18 Yeroo Seena Qabeessa Ani Tajaajilarratti Dabarse 6: 8. 18 I Have Seen the Full - Time Ministry Yeroo baayʼee gaarummaa namoonni isaaf gochuuf yaalan hedduu fudhachuu dideera. " Like Shane, Reneé, and their children, many other Witness families have offered themselves willingly to serve as "need greaters. " He often refused to treat the people with kindness. " Daawitiifi Baat - Sheebaan ajjeefamuunsaanii akka hafu murteessuu dura, cubbuunsaanii dhiifamuufii qaba ture. What is one way in which we can discern Jehovah's wisdom? Before David and Bath - sheba decide to be killed, their sins had to be forgiven. (b) DNAn hojiisaa karaa buʼa qabeessa taʼeen kan itti fufe taʼuusaarraa maal baranna? The small group of anointed ones associated with the Kingdom work early in the 20th century had no way of knowing that by the year 2008, about seven million Witnesses would be engaging in this work in over 230 lands. (b) What do we learn from the way DNA continued? Macaafni Qulqulluun qulqullina hafuuraa qulqullina qaamaa wajjin wal qabsiisa. [ Footnotes] The Bible compares the quality of the spirit to the physical clean body. Gaaffilee akkasii of gaafattee beektaa? Although he felt hesitant, he asked permission to correct these false claims, and the teacher agreed. Have you ever wondered about such questions? Jaalallisaa kun, ilmaan Addaamiifi Hewwaan cubbamoo ta'an, Isatti dhihaachuufi isaa wajjin walitti dhufeenya uumuu akka danda'an gochuudhaan abdii akka isaaniif kennu Isa kakaaseera. David felt responsible for their deaths. His love moved Adam and Eve to give them hope, giving him the opportunity to draw close to him and to develop a close relationship with him. 6: 8. He assured King David that he would always guide him, with " his eye upon him. ' 6: 8. jedheera. Akkuma Sheen, Ranee fi ijoollee isaanii, maatiiwwan Dhugaa Baatota taʼan hedduunis naannoo barbaachisutti tajaajiluuf fedhiidhaan of dhiheessaniiru. " We have heard that same reminder for decades, ' they may say. Like Gregorio, Mesha, and their children, many Witness families have volunteered to serve in areas where the need is greater. Yeroo rakkinaan guutame kanattillee waa'ee Waaqayyoo, waa'ee Mootummaasaafi kaayyoo dinqisiisaa inni ilmaan namootaatiif qabu ilaalchisee Macaafa Qulqulluurraa beekumsa sirrii argachuudhaan gammachuu argachuu dandeessa. What made him act the way he did? Even now, you can gain accurate knowledge of God's Kingdom, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. Karaawwan ogummaa Yihowaa itti hubannu keessaa tokko maalidha? Millions of people die every year from breathing contaminated air. What are some ways in which we understand Jehovah's wisdom? (Isa. 60: 22) Kiristiyaanonni dibamoon muraasa turaniifi jalqaba jaarraa 20 ffaatti lallabaa turan, bara 2008 tti Dhugaa Baatonni gara miliyoona torbaa ta'an biyyoota 230 olitti hojii kanarratti ni hirmaatu jedhanii tasumaa hin yaanne. However, we should also endeavor to focus on other forms of prayer. In 2008, the small group of anointed Christians who were preaching in the early 20th century did not even think that in 2008, some seven million Witnesses would share in this work. [ Miiljaleewwan] Rather, full of energy and in perfect health, we will continue serving our loving God, Jehovah, for all eternity! [ Footnotes] Luukaan mamee kan ture taʼus, yaada dogoggoraa kana sirreessuuf heyyama gaafate, barsiistuun isaas isaaf heyyamte. But so is balance. Luca was reluctant, but his teacher allowed him to correct the wrong reasoning. 22: 11, 18, 19) Daawit sababiisaatiin akka duʼan itti dhagaʼameera. " The Tents of Judah " Saved David felt that they were dead for a reason. Fakkeenyaaf, Daawitiif qajeelfama akka kennu ykn " ijasaatiin akka isa toʼatu ' waadaa isaaf galee ture. What other blessings are included in this gift from Jehovah? For example, he promised David that he would guide him or " keep him in his eyes. ' " Waggoota kudhaniin lakkaaʼamaniif yaadachiisni akkasii nuu kennamaa tureera ' jedhu taʼa. Is there an elderly Christian who needs transportation to get to the meetings, to go out in the ministry, or to go to the doctor? Such reminders might be said of us: " Over the decades, such reminders have been given us. ' Tarkaanfii akkasii fudhachuuf kan isa kakaase maalidha? It would be good if he also made a friendly shepherding call on your family. What motivated him to take such a step? Qilleensa faalameen kan kaʼe waggaa waggaadhaan namoonni miliyoonaan lakkaaʼaman ni duʼu. And even until old age and gray - headedness, O God, do not leave me. " Millions die each year because of earthquakes. 65: 2) Haata'u malee, gosa kadhannaa kan biraa dhiheessuufis carraaqqii gochuu qabna. Maybe you lacked confidence during your formative years. However, we should also strive to pray in another type of prayer. Akkasumas, humnaa fi fayyaa guutuu qabaachuudhaan bara baraaf Waaqa keenya isa nu jaallatu tajaajiluu keenya itti fufna!! What are some of the "strongly entrenched things " from which divine education frees people? And we will continue to serve our God forever with energy, strength, and health! Yaadni inni jalqabaa, Saduqoonni gaaffii kana yeroo gaafatanitti sammuutti qabatanii kan turan waaʼee namoota lafarra jiraachuuf duʼaa kaʼanii taʼuu waan hin oolleef, Yesusis kan isaaniif deebise gaaffiisaaniirratti hundaaʼeeti kan jedhu ture. (a) How did Jehoshaphat and Judah receive direction? The first point was that the Sadducees were probably resurrected to life on earth because Jesus was not present when answering that question. (Fakkeenya 13: 4) Haa taʼu malee, madaallii keenya eeggachuu qabna. I thought of Saul and David standing right where I was. However, we need balance. " Dunkaanni Yihudaa ' Ni Oole However, insight will also help you to understand how your child might become curious about pornography. " The tents of Judah " Kennaan Yihowaa biraa argame kun eebbawwan kan biraa kamfaa dabalata? It may require considerable effort for us to fight against such wrong practices; still, it is a fight that we can win. What other blessings come from Jehovah? Obboloonni manguddoon gara walgaʼii, gara tajaajila dirree ykn gara mana yaalaa deemuudhaaf gargaarsi isaan barbaachisu jiruu? Attending the school was a marvelous yet humbling experience. Do older ones need help to go to the meetings, to go to the field ministry, or to the hospital? Akkasumas maatii keetiifis karaa hafuuraa jajjabina kennuun isaa baayʼee gaarii dha. Both our upbringing and our environment powerfully influence our views and choices. And how much better it is to give spiritual encouragement to your family! Dulloomee mataan koo harrii yoo ta'e illee, ati ana hin dhiisin, yaa Waaqayyo! " jedheera. Each year, we look forward to the service report published in the Yearbook. Even until old age and gray - headedness, O God, do not leave me. " Ofitti amanamummaa kan dhabde ijoollummaa keetti taʼuu dandaʼa. He was a loving and caring husband as well as a spiritual man who put the interests of others ahead of his own. You may have lost your confidence in him at an early age. Wantoonni akka "da'oo jajjabaa, " barumsi Waaqayyoo keessaa namoota bilisa baasu tokko tokko maalfa'i? When faced with a problem, we do well to consider what Jehovah's will may be in the matter. What are some of the "strongly entrenched things " that free people from God's teachings? (a) Yoshaafaaxiifi mootummaan Yihudaa qajeelfama kan argatan akkamitti? 10: 16, 17. (a) How did Jehoshaphat and the kingdom of Judah guide them? Anis achuma dhaabadhee waaʼee Saaʼolii fi waaʼee Daawit yaaduun jalqabe. " We firmly believe that it is not important where we serve nor in what capacity but, rather, whom we serve " I started thinking about Saul and David. Haa taʼu malee, hubannaa yoo qabaattan pornoograafiin xiyyeeffannaa mucaa keessanii harkisuu kan dandaʼu akkamitti akka taʼe beekuuf isin gargaara. What good resulted from a brother's gracious speech? If you have doubts, however, you will find out how pornography can attract your child's attention. Gochawwan dogoggoraa kana irraa fagaachuuf carraaqqii cimaa gochuu nu barbaachisa taʼa; taʼus qabsoo kana irratti moʼuu ni dandeenya. He did so in two basic ways: through his teachings and through his conduct. We may need to work hard to avoid them, but we can win the fight. Mana barumsichaarratti hirmaachuun baay'ee gammachiisaa si'a ta'u, muuxannoo gad of deebisuuf gargaaru hedduus irraa arganneerra. The great crowd also share that God - given name, Jehovah's Witnesses. It was a pleasure to attend the school, and we received much experience that helped us to humble ourselves. Akkaataan guddinaafi naannoon keenya ilaalchaafi filannaa keenyarratti dhiibbaa guddaa qabu. Determine How Much Research He Has Done. Our upbringing and environment are deeply influenced by our thinking and choices. Waggaa waggaadhaan, gabaasa tajaajilaa Kitaaba Waggaa ykn Tajaajila Mootummaa Guraandhalaarratti baʼu hawwiidhaan eegganna. What is the connection between Jesus and Bible prophecies? Each year, we look forward to the annual service year or on February 2012. Abbaa manaa jaalala qabeessaafi akka gaariitti nama qabu, akkasumas nama hafuuraa fedhiisaa caalaa fedhii warra kaaniitiif dursa kennu ture. Obviously, Jehovah cares deeply about all those who have expressed love for his name, even if they are not actively serving him at present. He was a loving husband who put the interests of others ahead of his own. Yeroo rakkinni tokko nu mudatu dhimmicha ilaalchisee fedhiin Yihowaa maal akka taʼe tilmaama keessa galchuu qabna. PURPOSE OF STUDY ARTICLES When we face difficulties, we need to consider what Jehovah's will is on the matter. 10: 16, 17. And what good things happened in their world? ' " 10: 16, 17. " Wanti guddaan bakka itti tajaajillu ykn dandeettii qabnu utuu hin ta'in, eenyuun tajaajilla isa jedhu akka ta'e cimsinee amanna " 14: 19. " We believe that the greatest things we serve, not our own or ability, but our ministry " Obboleessi tokko dubbii gurratti tolu dubbachuunsaa buʼaa maalii argamsiise? Convention trip to Kuopio in 1952. What resulted from one brother's gracious speech? " Wanta hadaraa sitti kenname jabeessii eegi! Speaking to his 11 faithful apostles, Jesus stated: "You are my friends if you do what I am commanding you. " " Continue putting up with what you are entrusted. Karaa gurguddaa lamaan, jechuunis barumsaafi gochasaatiin ture. During the Thousand Year Reign, they will be joined by billions of resurrected ones. He was in two important ways - his teachings and actions. Tuutni sonaan baayʼeenis maqaa Yihowaa biraa argataniifi Dhugaa Baatota Yihowaa jedhuun waamamu. Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania The great crowd is also identified by Jehovah's name and by Jehovah's Witnesses. Qorannaa Hangamii Akka Godhe Gaafadhu. BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "The righteous one may fall seven times, and he will get up again. " - Proverbs 24: 16. Toward the end of his research, exercise his authority. Kanaaf hamma dandeenye waa'ee Yesus barachuurra caalaa malli waa'ee Yihowaa barachuuf nu dandeessisu hin jiru. Taking time to reflect on the amazing design of our own body and of other living things fills us with awe at the wisdom of our Maker. So there is no way to learn more about Jehovah than we can learn about Jesus. Yihowaan namoonni yeroo ta'e tokkotti jaalala maqaasaatiif qaban argisiisan, amma isa tajaajilaa kan hin jirre ta'us baay'ee isaaniif yaada. His power is limited when it comes to causing death directly. In some cases, Jehovah has shown his love for his name, but he does not now care for them. KAAYYOO MATADUREEWWAN QAYYABANNAA Satan himself will be abyssed. Purpose of Study Articles Wanti gammachiisaan isaan mudate maalidha? ' How have things turned out for Choong Keon and Julie, mentioned in the introduction? What has happened to them? ' 14: 19. If Jehovah prevented us from facing certain trials because he deemed them to be more than we could bear, would that not add weight to Satan's charge that we serve God out of self - interest? 14: 19. Bara 1952 tti walgaʼii koonyaatiif Kuuppiyoo yommuu deemnu. At that time, no one will go hungry. We arrived at a convention in 1952. Yesus ergamootasaa warra amanamoo taʼan 11n, "Waanan isin abboome yoo gootan, isin firoota koo ti [" michootakooti, " hiika bara 1899] " jedheera. Read Romans 12: 3, 16. Jesus told his 11 faithful apostles: "You are my friends if you do what I am commanding you. " Yeroo Bulchiinsa Waggaa Kumaattis namoonni biliyoona hedduutti lakkaaʼamaniifi duʼaa kaafaman isaanitti dabalamu. Why can we expect that marriage and family life will involve some trials? During the Thousand Year Reign, billions will also include billions who will be resurrected. QAJEELFAMA KITAABA QULQULLUU: "Namni qajeelaan siʼa torba utuma kufee iyyuu, deebiʼee in kaʼa. " - Fakkeenya 24: 16. Paul knew what murmuring can lead to. BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "The righteous one may fall seven times, and he will certainly get up again. " - Proverbs 24: 16. (Faarfannaa 139: 14) Yeroo fudhannee akkaataa qaamni keenya itti ijaarameefi wantoonni lubbu qabeeyyii ta'an kaan itti uumamanirratti xiinxaluun keenya, ogummaa Uumaan keenya qabu akka ajaa'ibsiifannu nu gargaara. instead of raising their hands. As we take time to reflect on how our bodies were designed and how other living things were created, reflecting on the wisdom of our Creator. Humni Seexanni kallattiidhaan namoota ajjeesuuf qabu murtaaʼaadha. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. " Satan's power to kill people directly is limited. Achiis guutummaatti du'aa ka'uun ni jalqabama. Enduring persecution and risking death, they ministered to others and succeeded in preaching the good news. Then the resurrection will begin completely. Chuung Kiyooniifi Juuliin warri seensarratti caqasaman haallisaanii kan jijjiirame akkamitti? Would you consider the Bible to be an amulet, or a good - luck charm, that could protect you from evil? How did Choong Keon and Julie's parents in the introduction to mentioned at the outset change? 1: 9 - 11; 2: 4; Mul. 12: 10) Yihowaan humna keenyaa ol akka taʼe yaaduudhaan qorumsa nu mudatu nu irraa kan dabarsu utuu taʼee, himanni Seexanni Waaqayyoon kan tajaajillu fedhii ofii keenyaaf akka taʼe dubbachuudhaan kaase dhugaa akka taʼu hin godhuu? • What does the leaven in Jesus ' illustration represent, and what truth about Kingdom growth does Jesus highlight? If Jehovah urges us to resist temptation, would he not cause Satan's accusations to go beyond our own desires? Yeroo sanatti namni tokko illee hin beelaʼu. Satan and the world under his rule, as well as our own imperfect flesh, exert a strong pressure to distance us from Jehovah. No one will be hungry at that time. Roomaa 12: 3, 16 dubbisi. Samantha: I never thought of it that way before. Read Romans 12: 3, 16. Gaaʼellii fi jireenyi maatii rakkina tokko tokko akka qabaatu kan eegnu maaliifi? (a) What is the most important reason for us to show brotherly love? Why do we expect marriage and family life to have some problems? Phaawulos guungummiin balaa akkamiitiif akka nama saaxilu beeka ture. The psalmist wrote of God: "He heals the brokenhearted; he binds up their wounds. " Paul knew the dangers of murmuring. jedhu turan. For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom... The former things have passed away. " Namni akeeka jireenya isaatii of harka galfachuu, karaa jireenya isaatiis ofii isaatiin geggeeffachuu akka hin dandeenye ani beeka " jedheera. (Er. (See opening picture.) It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. " Ari'atamni kan isaanirra ga'eefi du'aaf kan saaxilaman ta'us, warra kaan tajaajiluufi hojii misiraachicha lallabuu galmaan ga'aniiru. Moreover, they first gave their testimony in Jerusalem, right under the eyes of their opposers, who were ready to seize upon any excuse to condemn them. Despite persecution and death, they have reached the goal of serving others and sharing the good news. Macaafa Qulqulluu akka kudhaamaatti ykn miʼa milkii ittiin ilaallachuuf gargaaruufi hamaarraa si eeguu dandaʼuutti ilaaltaa? On the other hand, when congregation members do all they can to keep the Kingdom Hall in good condition, this brings praise to Jehovah and saves funds donated by fellow believers. Would you like to help you view the Bible as a model or as a tool we would like to help and protect you from evil? • Raacitiin fakkeenya Yesus keessatti ibsame maal argisiisa? Achirratti Yesus guddina Mootummichaa ilaalchisee maal ibse? 20, 21 - How can we "keep [ourselves] in God's love "? • What does the leaven in Jesus ' illustration represent, and what did Jesus reveal about the growth of the Kingdom? Seexanni, biyyi lafaa inni seerratuufi foon keenya inni cubbamaan Yihowaarraa nu fageessuuf dhiibbaa guddaa nurraan geessisu. Why is it important that we make wise personal decisions each day? Satan, the world, and our sinful flesh influence us to turn away from Jehovah. Gaaddisee: Kana dura karaa kanaan irratti yaadee hin beekun ture. Learn how we can listen to Jehovah's voice despite interference from Satan and from our own sinful inclinations. Samantha: I never thought about my past. Dhugaan Macaafa Qulqulluu maatii lammii Raashiyaa kana tokko godheera Carin's earlier good decision had strengthened her faith, and again she stood firm for Jehovah. Bible truth involved a Witness family in Russia (a) Sababiin akka obbolootaatti akka wal jaallannu itti argisiisnu inni guddaan maali dha? HELP FOR THE FAMILY | MARRIAGE (a) What is the foremost reason why we show brotherly love for one another? Faarfatichi waaʼee Waaqayyoo, "Inni warra garaan isaanii cabe in fayyisa, madaa isaaniis walitti qabee in hidhaaf " jedhee barreesseera. (Far. We have tried everything from communism to the pure market; from the League of Nations to nuclear deterrence. The psalmist wrote of God: "He is healing the brokenhearted; he binds up their wounds. " Sabni saba irratti, mootummaanis mootummaa irratti in kaʼa... Earth Survive? 8 / 1 Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. (Suuraa jalqaba irra jiru ilaali.) I had an itchy sensation in my mouth, and my tongue was swelling. (See opening picture.) Hunda caalaammoo jalqaba dhugaa kan baʼan Yerusaalem bakka mormitoonnisaanii jiraniifi dubbii afaansaanii keessaa baʼu sababeeffachuudhaan isaan miidhuu barbaadan duratti ture. The real problem was that "they took no note, " as Jesus said. More important, their opposers in Jerusalem wanted to harm his people by their witnessing words. Gama biraatiin, miseensonni gumii hundi Galma Mootummaa isaanii haala gaariidhaan qabuuf carraaqqii gochuun isaanii Yihowaadhaaf ulfina fida; akkasumas buusii qarshii obboloonni keenya godhan qusachuuf gargaara. Also gone from the earth was any trace of the original Garden of Eden, which was likely obliterated in the floodwaters. On the other hand, each member of the congregation contributes to the well - being of the Kingdom Hall and helps to save money from our brothers. 20, 21 - " Jaalala Waaqayyoo keessatti of eeguu ' kan dandeenyu akkamitti? Jesus continues to care for us not only through the oversight of loving shepherds but also by providing us with spiritual mothers and brothers and sisters within the congregation. (Read Mark 10: 29, 30.) 20, 21 - How can we " keep ourselves in God's love '? Guyyaa guyyaadhaan murtoo dhuunfaa ogummaarratti hundaa'e gochuun barbaachisaa kan ta'e maaliifi? Is there a particular Bible subject that you have wondered about? Why is personal decisions important each day? Seexanniifi cubbuun keessa keenya jiru utuu dhiibbaa nurraan geessisuu, sagalee Yihowaa dhaggeeffachuu kan dandeenyu akkamitti akka taʼe baradhu. For Gary, from South Africa, "the rising cost of fuel " is a big issue. Learn how we can listen to Jehovah's voice while Satan and our sinful tendencies affect us. Murtoo gaariin kanaan dura goote amantiishee waan cimseef yeroo kanattis Yihowaadhaaf amanamtuu taateetti. Yes, it is! She strongly believed in her past decision, and she remained loyal to Jehovah. MAATIIDHAAF | GAAʼELA The Trinity doctrine runs counter to the commission Jesus gave his followers to "make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit. " HELP FOR THE FAMILY MARRIAGE Koominiizmiidhaa kaasee hamma kaappitaaliizmiitti, waraana hambisuufimmoo Waldaa Mootummoota Addunyaa hundeessuudhaa kaasee hamma nuukileerii walitti kuusuutti waan hundumaa yaalleerra. " You visit the people on that side of the street, " he said, "and I'll take this side. " From the start of the World War I, we tried everything until the United Nations was destroyed. " Hafuura Biyya Lafa Kanaa " Mormaa, 9 / 15 As he grows up, however, he comes to know his father's name and reputation and is likely proud of him. Maintain "the Spirit of the World, " 9 / 15 Afaan koo keessi isaa na nyaate; arrabni koos dhiitaʼuu jalqabe. What aspects of conscience yet merit attention? My mouth ate me inside, and my tongue began to clean up. Akkuma Yesus dubbate rakkinnisaanii inni guddaan "utuu hin beekin " hafuusaaniiti. JEREMIAH KNEW WHAT WAS COMING As Jesus said, their great tribulation "did not get known. " Wantoota Bishaan Badiisaatiin lafarraa balleeffaman keessaa iddoon Dhaabni Eeden itti argamu isa tokkodha. He wrote: "Beloved ones, if this is how God loved us, then we are also under obligation to love one another. " Among the things that will be gone on earth by the Flood was the garden of Eden. Yesus karaa tiksitoota jaalala qabeeyyii ta'an kanaa qofa utuu hin ta'in, haadhota, obbolootaafi obboleettota hafuuraa gumii keessa jiran kennuudhaanis nuu yaaduusaa itti fufeera. The love is in this respect, not that we have loved God, but that he loved us. " - 1 John 4: 9, 10. Jesus continued to care not only for these loving shepherds but also for our spiritual brothers and sisters in the congregation. Yaadni Macaafa Qulqulluu gaaffii sitti uume jiraa? We also used them when going to conventions and visiting our parents, who lived hundreds of miles away. Do you have a particular Bible subject that you have wondered about? Geerii inni Afriikaa Kibbaa jiraatu, "gatiin bobaʼaa dabalaa deemuun isaa " yaaddoo guddaa isatti taʼeera. While some may choose to view one day as more holy than others, the Bible clearly indicates that God does not expect Christians to observe a weekly Sabbath. Gary, who lives in South Africa, was deeply distressed by "the cost of fuel. " Eeyyee! The changing world situation may call for some changes in how the disciple - making work is carried on. Yes! Barumsi Sillaasee ajaja Yesus, "maqaa abbaatii fi ilmaatti, kan hafuura qulqulluuttis isaan cuuphuudhaan, saba hundumaa bartoota koo godhaa " jechuudhaan duuka buutotasaatiif kennee wajjin wal faallessa. After a brief prayer, a qualified speaker delivers a 30 - minute discourse. The Trinity is contrary to Jesus ' command: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit. " " Ati namoota karaadhaa achi jiran haasofsiista, an immoo namoota garana jiranin haasofsiisa " naan jedhe. War Compatible With Christianity? 10 / 1 He said to me, "You are the ones on the road, and I will deliver those around you. " Yeroo guddachaa adeemu garuu maqaafi eenyummaa abbaasaa hubachuu qofa utuu hin ta'in, isatti boonuunsaa hin oolu. 6: 33. As he grew older, though, he was not merely impressed with his own name and his father. Mataduree ittaanurratti halawwan yaada garaa warra kamfaa ilaalla? He is "the beginning of the creation by God. " What thoughts will we consider in the next article? ERMIYAAS WANTA DHUFUUF JIRU BEEKEERA 12: 12. Here is how you can make sure that you keep my way of life. Waaqayyo akkana erga nu jaallatee, nuufis immoo wal jaallachuun in taʼa ["wal jaallachuuf dirqamni nu irra jira, " NW] " jechuudhaan barreesseera. In most cases, menstruation ceases gradually. Since God loves us, we are obligated to love one another. " Jaalala jechuun kana dha; kunis nuti Waaqayyoon akka jaallanne utuu hin taʼin, Waaqayyo akka nu jaallate [dha]. " - 1 Yohaannis 4: 9, 10. How can we show honor to fellow believers? It is this love, not that we have loved God, but that God loved us. " - 1 John 4: 9, 10. Walgaʼii gurguddaarratti argamuufi warra keenya kiilomeetira dhibba hedduutti lakkaaʼamu nurraa fagaatanii jiran gaafachuufis biskileetiidhaan deemna turre. The corporation now known as the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania was chartered in 1884 as Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society. We also traveled by bicycle to visit hundreds of miles away to visit us. Namoonni tokko tokko guyyaa tokko isa kaanirra caalchisanii ilaaluuf kan filatan taʼus, Macaafni Qulqulluun Waaqayyo Kiristiyaanonni guyyaa Sanbataa akka kabajan akka isaanirraa hin eegne ibsa. A pioneer named Jessica relates: "I often encounter people who lack humility and who belittle us and our message. While some choose to view one day in another, the Bible shows that God does not expect Christians to observe the Sabbath. Haalli biyya lafaa jijijjiiramaa deemu, yeroo tokko tokko akkaataa ittiin lallabnurratti jijjiirama akka goonu nu gaafata taʼa. True, "for everything there is an appointed time, " including pleasurable relaxation and secular employment to enable us to fulfill our Christian obligations. A world change may sometimes require that we change the way we preach. Kadhannaa gabaabaan erga godhamee booda, namni ga'eessa ta'e tokko haasawaa daqiiqaa 30 dhiheessa. Waste disposal. After a brief prayer, a mature person provides 30 minutes with a talk. 15: 4) Afeerraa nuuf dhihaateef takkaa tole yoo jenne, sababii amansiisaa hin taaneen hafuu hin qabnu. This prophecy about the great tribulation strengthens us. If we were to accept an invitation, we would not have any reliable reason. 6: 33. As never before, we need to strengthen our sense of urgency. 6: 33. Yesus "isa wanti Waaqayyo uume hundinuu biraa ka'e [dha.] " We can overcome any hurdles that may keep us from the ministry Jesus is "the beginning of the creation by God. " 12: 12. " The air " that Paul spoke about is death - dealing. 12: 12. Yeroo baayʼee dubartii tokkotti laguun dhufuu kan dhiisu suuta suutaanidha. Is this because there are not even ten Jewish males in the city, the number required to form a synagogue? In most cases, a woman has gradually slowed down. " Qabeenya jalʼinaa addunyaa kanaatiin ofii keessaniif michoota horadhaa. " - LUQ. One of the Ten Commandments mandated that no work at all was to be done on the Sabbath. The day was sacred. " Pursue friendship with your friends in this world. " Namoota hidhata amantii keenya taʼanitti ulfina argisiisuu kan dandeenyu akkamitti? Researchers say yes. How can we show honor to fellow believers? Korporeeshiniin yeroo ammaatti Waach Taawar Baayibil endi Tiraakti Soosaayitii oov Pensilvaaniyaa jedhamuun beekamu, bara 1884 Zaayansi Waach Taawar Baayibil endi Tiraakti Soosaayitii jedhama ture. THE apostle John's statement found at 1 John 3: 1 is truly worthy of our deep and appreciative reflection. now The Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania was now known as the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania in 182 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Qajeelchituun Jeesiikaa jedhamtu akkana jetteetti: "Yeroo baayʼee namoota gad of qaboo hin taane, akkasumas namoota nuunis taʼe ergaa keenya tuffatan wajjinan wal arga. What helped William to regain his balance? A pioneer named B.C.E. says: "I often see those who are haughty and despised by others and those who ignore our message. Dhugaadha, bashannanuufi itti gaafatama Kiristiyaanummaa keenyaa raawwachuuf hojii hojjechuu dabalatee, "wanti hundinuu yeroo qaba. " (Lal. Many will say to me in that day [when God executes judgment], " Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name? ' " Of course, "all things, " including recreation and Christian responsibilities. Balfa of biraa fageessuu. George Young arrived in Rio de Janeiro in March 1923 Stay away from another type of water. Raajiin waa'ee rakkina guddaa ibsu kun kan nu jajjabeessudha. (b) What lessons can be gleaned from the box "Keep Testing... The prophecy about the great tribulation comforts us. Loltuun tokko yeroo nagaan jirutti akka yeroo waraanarra jiruutti dhiphinniifi sodaan itti hin dhaga'amu. Satan uses the spirit of the world to control people, but we can break free of its influence A soldier does not feel anxious and intimidated as he is when he is surrounded by peace. Gufuu tajaajilarraa duubatti nu jechisiisu kamiyyuu moʼuu ni dandeenya Clearly, to plan such a calamity would not stand to reason. We can overcome any obstacles that might cause us to lose our ministry " Qilleensi ' Phaawulos caqase duʼaaf kan nama saaxiludha. Moreover, Galatians 6: 8 assures us: "He who is sowing with a view to the spirit will reap everlasting life from the spirit. " " The air " that Paul mentioned was a means of death. Kun kan taʼe dhiironni Yihudii mana sagadaa tokko hundeessuuf barbaachisan kudhan magaalattii keessa waan hin jirreefii? Rather, they contain inaccurate, invented, fanciful accounts that are of no help in getting to know Jesus and his teachings. - 1 Timothy 4: 1, 2. Did that not happen, for there were ten Jewish men in the city to build a synagogue? (Ba'uu 16: 13 - 30) Abboommiiwwan kurnan keessaa inni tokko, guyyaa Sanbataatti hojiin tokkoyyuu akka hin hojjetamne kan ajaju ture. In what way, other than giving of our time, can we show honor to fellow believers? One of the Ten Commandments required that there be no work on the Sabbath. Qorattoonni akka dandaʼamu dubbatu. Not only did Nikolai visit congregations but he also organized the duplication and distribution of our literature. Researchers say that it is possible to do so. Maaliif? WANTA Yohannis ergamaan 1 Yohannis 3: 1 irratti dubbate gadi fageenyaa fi dinqisiifannaadhaan irratti yaaduu qabna. He shed tears out of compassion for the bereaved, as indicated by the context of John's account. - John 11: 36. WE ARE to think deeply and appreciatively about the apostle John 3: 1. Itti aansuudhaanis akkas jechuu dandeessu: "Asirraa hubachuun akka dandaʼamutti Waaqayyoon sodaachuu jechuun abboommiisaa eeguu jechuudha. How did Hezekiah respond when he was threatened by the king of Assyria? Then you might say: "It means that you can keep God in order to fear him. Wiiliyaam ilaalchasaa akka sirreessu kan isa gargaare maalidha? What does this account teach us about Jehovah? What helped William to adjust his thinking? Guyyaa isa dhumaa sanatti namoonni baayʼeen, " Yaa gooftaa, yaa gooftaa, nuyi maqaa keetiin raajii dubbanneerra, maqaa keetiin hafuurota hamoota baafneerra, hojii aangoos maqaa keetiin baayʼee hojjenneerra mitii? ' anaan jedhu " jechuudhaan ifatti dubbateera. This ability to provide optimum protection inspired engineers to study the shape and structure of seashells with a view to designing vehicles and buildings that will protect their occupants. During that time of the end, many would say: "Lord, Lord, Lord, do we not perform many powerful works in your name, in your name? " Joorji Yaangi, Riyoo de Jeneeroo kan dhaqe Bitootessa 1923 tti ture 13 Life Story - Being Deaf Has Not Held Me Back From Teaching Others George Young, Jr., in March 1923 (b) Saanduqa "Of Ilaalaa! Of Qoraa! " (2) What examples will help us to progress in our spirituality? (b) See the box "Keep Yourselves in God's Love! " Seexanni namoota toʼachuuf hafuura biyya lafaatti fayyadama; nuyi garuu dhiibbaa hafuura kanaa moʼuu ni dandeenya It was a wonderful way for us, though we were shy, to learn to speak with others about the Bible. Satan uses the world's spirit to control people, but we can resist it. Waaqayyo wanti gadheen akkasii akka raawwatamu karoora baasa jedhanii yaaduun matumaa waan hin fakkaannedha. Soon it will "come out of the great tribulation " brought upon Satan's world and will joyfully move on into God's new world. It would seem unlikely that God would plan such a bad outcome. Kana malees Galaatiyaa 6: 8, " Namni akka yaada hafuuraatti facaasu yaada hafuuraa irraa jireenya bara baraa in galfata ' jechuudhaan nuu mirkaneessa. How would Elijah conduct himself until then? Furthermore, Galatians 6: 8 assures us: "He that is sowing with a view to the spirit will reap everlasting life. " Kanaa mannaa, yaada sirrii hin taane, yaada sammuun namaa uume, akkasumas dhugaa hin fakkaanneefi Yesusiinis taʼe barumsawwansaa hubachuuf nama hin gargaarre kan qabatanidha. - 1 Ximotewos 4: 1, 2. I also explained Bible texts to her, and she accepted the Bible Teach book. Rather, negative thoughts include the mind, the mind of man, and Jesus and his teachings. - 1 Timothy 4: 1, 2. Yeroo keenya kennuu malees, karaa kan biraa kamiin obboloota keenyaaf ulfina akka kenninu argisiisna? The above principles governing love are not mere theory to Jehovah's Witnesses. In addition to giving of our time, in what other way do we show honor to our brothers? Niikalaay gumiiwwan daawwachuu qofa utuu hin taʼin, hojii barreeffamoota keenya baayʼisuu fi raabsuus qindeesseera. May each of us be determined to follow the examples of our gracious God and his Son. Nikolai also organized the congregations not only by visiting congregations but also by distributing and distributing our literature. Akka seenaan Yohannis barreesse ibsutti, Yesus imimmaansaa kan dhangalaase namoota gaddi irra ga'e sanaaf waan garaa laafeefi. - Yoh. 11: 36. " The higher the promised return, the higher the risk. According to John's account, Jesus was moved by tears and was moved with pity for the victims. - John 11: 36. Hisqiyaas yeroo mootiin Asor isa doorsisetti maal godhe? Therefore, pray for holy spirit, in line with Jesus ' words: "Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you.... How did Hezekiah react when threatened by the Assyrian king? Seenaan kun waa'ee Yihowaa maal nu barsiisa? Jesus ' parable reminds us of one of Jehovah's qualities that is often mentioned in the Bible - his "undeserved kindness. " What does this account teach us about Jehovah? Dandeettiin elellaan balaa irraa eeguuf qabu, injiinaroonni bocaa fi akkaataa inni itti ijaarame qorachuuf isaan kakaaseera. • How was the Servant elevated? To protect their ability to protect the dangers from natural disasters, they were moved to examine the design and the way he dealt with them. 13 Seenaa Jireenyaa Dhagaʼuu kan hin Dandeenye Taʼuun Koo Barsiisuu Irraa Duubatti Akkan Jedhu Na hin Goone " Keep looking, keep awake, for you do not know when the appointed time is. " 13 I don't Hear Life (2) Fakkeenyawwan karaa hafuuraa guddachuuf nu gargaaran kam faʼi? The two midweek meetings were combined, and all were encouraged to use the free evening for family worship or personal study. (2) What examples can help us to grow spiritually? Kana gochuun keenya ija laafeyyii kan turre taʼus, namoota kaanitti waaʼee Macaafa Qulqulluu himuu kan dandeenyu akkamitti akka taʼe beekuuf nu gargaareera. How? We were shy, but it helped us to see how we could tell others about the Bible. Yeroo dhihoo boodas, "rakkina guddaa " biyya lafaa Seexanni seerratu kanatti dhufu" keessaa ba'anii " gammachuudhaan addunyaa haaraa Waaqayyo fidutti galu. Brother Klein later wrote: "When we harbor resentment against a brother, especially for saying something he has a right to say in the line of duty, we leave ourselves open to the Devil's snares. " Soon, "the great tribulation " of Satan's world will be brought into God's new world. Eliyaas hammasitti haala akkamiitiin eeggachuu qaba? This was a result of a four - year global study of Earth's environment, involving more than 1,360 experts from 95 countries. As far as Elijah was in the meantime, what sort of waiting for him? Caqasoota Kitaaba Qulqulluu tokko tokkos kanan ishiidhaaf ibse siʼa taʼu, ishiinis kitaaba Barumsa Macaafa Qulqulluu jedhamu fudhatte. My wife, Jennifer, started studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses and attending their meetings, so I thought that I had better go along with her and check them out. I also mentioned some Bible verses, and she accepted the book The Bible Teach book. Dhugaa Baatonni Yihowaa, waa'ee seerawwan bu'uuraa jaalala ilaalchisee armaan olitti ibsamanii dubbachuu qofa utuu hin ta'in, hojiirras ni oolchu. The Evil Ruler of the World. Jehovah's Witnesses not only speak about love but also apply it. Hundi keenya fakkeenya Waaqa keenyaa isa gaariifi Ilmasaa hordofuuf murtoo haa goonu. They should acknowledge their children's feelings, including negative expressions. - Read Numbers 11: 11, 15. May each of us be determined to imitate our good God and his Son. Buʼaa guddaa akka argannu abdiin yeroo nuu kennamutti hammasumammoo gowwoomfamuu dandeenya. 25: 15. We can be misled by not being misled, as it were, so that our hope is great. Kan kadhatu hundinuu in fudhata, kan barbaadus in argata, balbala kan rukutuufis in banama.... He was to father a race of humans whose home would be the earth. For everyone asking receives, and everyone seeking finds, and to everyone knocking it will be opened.... Fakkeenyi Yesuus dubbate kun amala Yihowaa yeroo baayʼee Kitaaba Qulqulluu keessatti ibsame, jechuunis " gaarummaa isaa isa guddaa ' nu yaadachiisa. Jehovah rewarded Jesus with something that his Son did not have in his prehuman existence - indestructible life in heaven. Jesus ' illustration often reminds us of Jehovah's qualities, such as "the undeserved kindness of his undeserved kindness. " • Garbichi kun ol ol kan qabame akkamitti? What do the Scriptures tell us about the origin of angels? • How was the Servant superior? " Akeekkadhaa, dammaqaas! Yerichi sun yoom akka gaʼu hin beektan. " Then, because Moses erred on that one occasion, he would not get to experience what he had been expecting for so long! " Keep awake, keep awake, and do not know when it is coming. " Walgaʼiiwwan lama guyyaa tokkotti akka geggeeffaman kan godhame siʼa taʼu, hundisaanii yeroo walgaʼiif itti fayyadamaa turan kanatti waaqeffannaa maatii ykn qayyabannaa dhuunfaa akka godhan jajjabeeffamaniiru. • What was it that moved Jesus to work tirelessly throughout his ministry? Two Christian meetings were held each day, and all of them were encouraged to use this time for family worship or personal study. Taanaan akkamitti? They started seven Bible studies. If so, how? Yeroo booda obboleessi keenya Kaarl akkas jechuudhaan barreesseera: "Obboleessa tokkotti haaloo yeroo qabannu, keessumaammoo wanta inni itti gaafatamummaasaa baʼuuf jedhee dubbatutti yeroo aarru, kiyyoo Seexanaatiif of saaxilaa jirra. Do you need to take additional steps to get ready for Jehovah's day? Later, Brother Rutherford wrote: "When we harbor resentment against a brother, we are being caught in the trap of Satan, especially when he tells us what he is doing for his responsibilities. Qorannaan hayyoota 1,360 ta'aniifi biyyoottan 95 rraa walitti qabamaniin addunyaa maratti waggaa afuriif godhame kun, "Ilmaan namootaa lafarratti badiisa guddaa geessisaa waan jiraniif, haalli qilleensaashee dhaloota dhufu jiraachisuu hin danda'u " jechuudhaan akeekkachiisa cimaa kenneera. Sharks as large as the canoe were swimming right alongside us! In fact, over 430 million scholars and a million countries worldwide report that "the sons of mankind will not be able to survive the great tribulation, for all the earth will be destroyed. " Haati manaa koo Jeniifar Dhugaa Baatota Yihowaa wajjin Macaafa Qulqulluu qayyabachuu fi walgaʼii isaanii irratti argamuu jalqabdee turte; kanaaf, anis ishee wajjin dhaqee jara kana ilaaluu akkan qabu natti dhagaʼame. Humility involves having a submissive attitude. My wife, Jennifer, started studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses and attending meetings with them, so I felt that I needed to visit her. Bulchaa Addunyaa Isa Hamaa. You have sayings of everlasting life. " - John 6: 53, 60, 66, 68. He is the Ruler of the universe. Wanti tokko sirrii akka hin taane yeroo dubbatan dabalatee, miira ijoollee isaanii hunda hubachuu qabu. - Lakkoobsa 11: 11, 15 dubbisi. Why would they risk so much to support a mere lie? They should recognize all their children's feelings, including when they say something that is unfair. - Read Numbers 11: 11, 15. 25: 15, NW. Of course, Evelyn and I missed each other very much. 25: 15. Ilmaan namootaa lafarra jiraatan isarraa dhalachuu qabu turan. (a) According to Ezekiel's vision, how does Jehovah lead his organization? Humans were to be born from him on earth. Yihowaan Ilmasaatiif wanta nama ta'uusaa dura hin qabne, jechuunis, samiirratti jireenya baduu hin dandeenye isaa kennuudhaan isa kiiseera. 3: 23. Jehovah rewarded his Son with what he had never before - the prospect of immortal life in heaven. Uumama ergamootaa ilaalchisee Caaffanni Qulqullaa'oon maal jedhu? 73: 2, 14. What do the Scriptures say about angels? Museen yeroo kana qofatti dogoggora raawwachuusaatiin, wanta yeroo dheeraadhaaf eeggachaa ture akka hin arganne godhameera. 6: 40. At that time, Moses did not fall short of what he longed for. • Yesus yeroo tajaajilaa ture hundaatti dadhabe utuu hin jedhin akka hojjetu kan isa kakaase maalidha? We should certainly not give in to our wrong desires; we can gain the mastery over our weaknesses. • What moved Jesus to work hard throughout his ministry? Namoota torba Macaafa Qulqulluu qayyabsiisuu jalqaban. Still, all of us can have a meaningful share in helping foreigners by making good use of our booklet Good News for People of All Nations, which contains a Bible message in many languages. seven people started to study the Bible with them. Guyyaa Yihowaatiif qophaa'uuf, tarkaanfiiwwan dabalataa fudhachuu si barbaachisaa? A married couple said, "Every Thursday night for the last four weeks, something happened in our family that almost stopped us from having our study, but we did not let it interfere. " Do you need to take additional steps to prepare for Jehovah's day? Qurxummiiwwan gurguddaan shaarki jedhamaniifi hammuma bidirichaa gaʼan nu maddiidhaan daakaa turan! POPULATION Each of us was surrounded by large fish on the back of the boat! Amalli gad of deebisuu abbomamuu kan dabalatudha. (a) What may happen if we look back negatively at counsel that we received? Humility involves humility. Gooftaa, dubbii waaʼee jireenya bara baraa nama barsiisu situ qabaʼo " jedhe. - Yoh. 6: 53, 60, 66, 68. Abraham did not allow his abundant material possessions to prevent him from accepting a challenging assignment from Jehovah, and he was blessed with becoming the "father of a crowd of nations. " You have sayings of everlasting life; and you have sayings of everlasting life. " - John 6: 53, 66. Wanta soba taʼe deggeruudhaaf jedhanii lubbuusaanii balaadhaaf kan saaxilan maaliifi? • What are four steps that can help marriage mates solve problems? Why are they risking their lives to support lies? Aniifi Eevliin baayʼee wal yaadna turre. Or perhaps because of certain entrenched erroneous teachings, they feel that God is unloving, even unlovable. Evelyn and I were very close to each other. (a) Akka mulʼanni Hisqiʼel argisiisutti, Yihowaan jaarmiyaasaa kan geggeessu akkamitti? My motto for each day is: "For all things I have the strength through the one who gives me power. " (a) According to Ezekiel's vision, how does Jehovah lead his organization? 3: 23. It is automatic; you do not have to think about it. 3: 23. 73: 2, 14. At some point, young Timothy, his mother, and his grandmother embraced Christianity and became active in one of the congregations. 73: 2, 14. 6: 40. PAGE 3 6: 40. Hawwii hamaa nu keessa jiruuf matumaa mo'amuu hin qabnu. Haala Yo'aabirraa adda ta'een, dadhabina keenya mo'uu dandeenya. He also became a bold "preacher of righteousness, " publicly confessing his faith in Jehovah. Unlike the bad desires that we may have, we can win our weaknesses. Ta'us, hundi keenya buukleetii Ingiliffaa Guud Niiwus foor Ool Neeshins jedhamutti fayyadamnee namoota biyya alaa gargaaruu dandeenya. Barreeffamni kun matadureensaa Ingiliffa ta'us, afaanota hedduudhaan ergaa Macaafa Qulqulluu qabateera. Yes, unlike the members of the hierarchy, many of the common people were supporting their conclusions by using God's Word. Still, each of us can use the booklet Good News for Good News Translation to help people in a foreign country, but this publication contains many Bible messages in many languages. Haati manaafi abbaan manaa tokko akkas jedhaniiru: "Torban arfan darbanitti Kamisa Kamisa galgala, wanti qayyabannaa keenya akka hin goone nu dhowwu uumamee kan ture taʼus, qayyabannaa keenya akka nu jalaa hambisu hin heyyamne. " However, our efforts to keep on visiting them, no matter how difficult it is to communicate with them, demonstrate that we continue to " take the lead in showing honor ' to our fellow believers. One couple said: "In the last nine days, we did not allow anything to interfere with our study, but we did not allow it to interfere with our study. " BAAYʼINA UUMMATAA " FOR months I kept telling Dad and Mom that I wanted to be baptized, and they often talked to me about it. POPULATION (a) Gorsa nuu kennamee tureef ilaalcha sirrii hin qabnu taanaan maaltu uumamuu dandaʼa? It gives reliable guidance on such matters as family life, employment, morality, and spirituality. (a) What could happen if we maintain a balanced view of the counsel given to us? (Iyoob 1: 1, 3, 20 - 22) Abrahaam, sooressa ta'uunsaa hojii rakkisaa Yihowaan isaa kenne fudhachuurraa duubatti akka jedhu isa hin goone. Inside the passport were some debit cards and a large sum of money. Abraham did not hesitate to accept the difficult assignment that Jehovah had given him. • Miseensonni Qaama Olaanaa koreewwan akkamii keessatti hojjetu? The psalmist David sang: "Jehovah himself will sustain [such a person] upon a divan of illness; all his bed you will certainly change during his sickness. " • What committees of the Governing Body do? Tarii immoo barumsawwan sobaatiin kan kaʼe, Waaqayyo jaalala kan hin qabnee fi jaallatamuu kan hin dandeenye akka taʼe isaanitti dhagaʼama taʼa. Do you know someone whom you would like to tell about God's Kingdom? - Read Psalm 37: 10, 11, 29. Or they may feel that because of false teachings, God is neither loving nor loved. Yeroo hunda dhaadannoon koo, "Karaa isa humna anaaf kennu sanaatiin jabina waan hundumaatiif na barbaachisu qaba " kan jedhu dha. What an unforgettable day that was! My talk is: "For all things I have the strength through the one who gives me power. " Utuu irratti yaaduun si hin barbaachisin battaluma sanatti tarkaanfii fudhata. What challenges might one face when moving to a foreign land to serve where the need is greater? If you do not have to think too quickly, it will take immediate action. Ximotewos dargaggeessichi, haatisaafi akkoonsaa Kiristiyaanota kan ta'an si'a ta'u, gumiiwwan sana keessaa isa tokko keessatti sochii gaarii godhu turan. * When considering on page 16 the two interactive questions about dating, for example, try to recall how you felt when you were your child's age. Young Timothy, his mother, and his grandmother were Christians, who were doing good in one of the congregations. FUULA 3 About a year later, my parents were baptized in symbol of their dedication to Jehovah. PAGE 3 Kan sodaa malee "qajeelummaa lallabu " waan tureef, amantii Yihowaa irratti qabu ifatti dubbata ture. " You should put away the old personality which conforms to your former course of conduct. " - 4: 22. Because he was "a preacher of righteousness, " he openly expressed faith in Jehovah. Eeyyee, namoonni kaan hedduun haala geggeessitoota amantiirraa faallaa taʼeen, wanta dubbataniif Macaafa Qulqulluurraa ragaa dhiheessuu dandaʼu turan. SEE PAGES 12 - 13. Yes, in contrast with the religious leaders, many could reason with what the Bible says. Haata'u malee, isaanii wajjin walii galuun hangamiyyuu rakkisaa yoo ta'e, deddeebinee isaan gaafachuuf carraaqqii gochuun keenya, warra hidhata amantaa keenya ta'aniif " ulfina kennuudhaaf akka wal dorgomnu ' argisiisa. (Read Psalm 145: 18; Isaiah 30: 18, 19.) However, regardless of how difficult it is to communicate, our efforts to ask our fellow believers to "consider one another " indicates that they are" showing honor to one another. " BILOOSAM BIRAANTI yeroo cuuphamuuf murteessitetti haala ture akkana jechuudhaan ibsiteetti: "Jiʼoota hedduudhaaf cuuphamuu akkan barbaadu Abbayyee fi Harmeetti himaan ture; isaanis dhimma kana irratti yeroo baayʼee na haasofsiisaniiru. To understand why there is so much suffering and why human efforts to eliminate it have been unsuccessful, we need to identify the real causes behind it all. " I talked to Father and Mother about my desire to get baptized for several months, and they often talked to me about this subject, " explains the following article. (Faarfannaa 19: 7) Wantoota akka jireenya maatii, hojii, naamusaa fi dhimmoota hafuuraa irratti qajeelfama amansiisaa kenna. YOU get up in the morning and prepare to leave for work. He provides reliable guidance on family life, employment, moral, and spiritual matters. Paaspoortii kana keessa kaardiiwwan qarshii ittin kaffalan tokko tokkoo fi qarshiin hedduun jira ture. He will be in high station and will certainly be elevated and exalted very much. " In the Philippines, there were some money card and money card. Daawit faarfatichi, "Waaqayyo [nama akkasii] siree dhukkubaa irratti ol isa in qaba, fayyisees siree dhukkubaa irraa isa in kaasa " jechuudhaan faarfateera. (Far. In keeping with Jesus ' excellent example, the apostle Paul " reasoned from the Scriptures. ' The psalmist David sang: "[Jehovah] will sustain him on his bed, and he will certainly raise him up from his sickness. " Nama waaʼee Mootummaa Waaqayyoo itti himuu barbaaddu qabdaa? - Faarfannaa 37: 10, 11, 29 dubbisi. Through Isaiah, Jehovah told his people Israel: "Your dead ones will live. A corpse of mine ["my killed ones, " ftn.] - they will rise up. Awake and cry out joyfully, you residents in the dust! Are you willing to tell someone about God's Kingdom? - Read Psalm 37: 10, 11, 29. Guyyaan sun matumaa kan irraanfatamu miti! Through Moses, Jehovah commanded the nation of Israel to appear before Jehovah at three annual festivals. That day will never be forgotten! Namni tokko naannoo babalʼistoonni caalaatti barbaachisanitti tajaajiluuf gara biyya alaa ennaa deemu rakkoowwan akkamii isa mudachuu dandaʼu? " Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely even if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. What challenges might a person face as he move to a foreign country to serve where the need is greater? * Gaaffiiwwan fuula 16 rra jiraniifi waa'ee saala faallaa wajjin wal beellamanii haasa'uu gaafatan lamaan deebisuuf yeroo yaaltan, fakkeenyaaf, umriin keessan hamma mucaa keessanii yeroo turetti wanta isinitti dhaga'amaa ture yaadachuuf yaalaa. And I eagerly look forward to Paolo's being resurrected, in line with Jesus ' words at John 5: 28, 29. * As you try to answer two questions on page 16, try to remember your child's feelings as long as he was about your age. Gara waggaa tokkoo booda, warrikoo Yihowaadhaaf of murteessanii cuuphaman. He well knew that they would be inclined to look at the pagan peoples around them and be seduced by what they saw. About a year later, my parents were baptized in symbol of their dedication to Jehovah. " Yaada namummaa moofaa isa dur itti jiraachaa turtan... of keessaa baasaa! " - 4: 22. Because there is one loaf, we, although many, are one body, for we are all partaking of that one loaf. " " Put away the old personality which you formerly practice. " - 4: 22. (Faarfannaa 145: 18; Isaayaas 30: 18, 19 dubbisi.) We do all we can to assist and support the person, but we humbly admit that ultimately the decision to make a dedication belongs to that person. (Read Psalm 145: 18; Isaiah 30: 18, 19.) Rakkinni kan baay'ateefi carraaqqiin namoonni rakkina balleessuuf godhan milkaa'ina kan dhabe maaliif akka ta'e hubachuuf, sababiiwwan rakkina kanaa beekuun barbaachisaadha. The wisdom of God's Word has helped us to raise our three children. It is vital to recognize why human efforts fail to end suffering and to recognize why human efforts fail to solve suffering. GANAMA barii kaatee hojii deemuuf qophoofta. Why not take a few moments to read that prayer and meditate on it, taking special note of what it tells you about Daniel as a person? WE ARE ready to go early in the morning. 52: 13) Yihowaan, Ilmisaa amanamummaadhaan olaantummaasaatiif kan bitamuufi haala baay'ee rakkisaa ta'e keessattillee amanamaa waan ta'eef, ol ol isa qabeera. Love is best sensed when it is expressed. Because Jehovah loyally submitted to his sovereignty and remained faithful even under difficult circumstances. Phaawulos fakkeenya Yesus hordofuudhaan, " dubbii macaafa qulqulluu dudubbachaa ' akka ture ibsameera. Psalm 127: 4 states: "Like arrows in the hand of a mighty man, so are the sons of youth. " Following Jesus ' example, Paul was described as "the word of the holy writings. " Yihowaan karaa Isaayaas saba Israa'eliin akkas jedheera: "Warri kan keetii garuu in jiraatu, reeffi isaaniis du'aa in ka'a; isin warri awwaala keessa ciiftan, ka'aa, gammadaa faarfadhaa! But in the meantime, there are many opportunities for us to support Jehovah's cause with courage and zeal. Through Isaiah, Jehovah told the nation of Israel: "Your dead ones will live, and their dead bodies will shout joyfully. Yihowaan sabni Israaʼel ayyaanota waggaa waggaatti kabajaman sadi irratti isa duratti akka dhihaatan karaa Musee isaan ajajee ture. Here is scriptural warrant for house to house evangelism as well as that carried on in public meetings. " Jehovah instructed the nation of Israel to gather before Moses on three annual festivals each year. " Namni tokko sababii isa kan biraa itti komatu yoo qabaate illee, wal dandaʼuu keessanii fi tola waliif dhiisuu keessan itti fufaa. For example, the Bible writer David said in prayer to God: "Your eyes even saw me as an embryo; all its parts were written in your book regarding the days when they were formed, before any of them existed. " " Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely even if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. Akkuma Yohannis 5: 28, 29 rratti ibsame, yeroo Paawuloon duʼaa kaʼu hawwiidhaanan eeggadha. " My twin sister and I were happy growing up, even though much of the time we had only enough to get by. " As recorded at John 5: 28, 29, I look forward to the resurrection of Paolo. Saboota Yihowaa hin waaqeffanneefi naannoosaanii jiran ilaaluudhaan gowwoomfamuu akka dandaʼan beekee ture. Overseer of the Christian Congregation He knew that the nations could be deceived by the pagan nations around them. Buddeenni tokkicha waan jiruuf, nus immoo hammam yoo baay'anne iyyuu, hundumti keenya buddeena tokkicha sana irraa waan hirmaannuuf, nuyi dhagna tokkicha. " How so? And we are all members of the body, because we are the only bread and the bread we receive. " Nama kana gargaaruudhaaf hamma humni keenya dandaʼe carraaqqii kan goonu taʼus, of murteessuudhaaf murtoo gochuu kan qabu isa akka taʼe amannee fudhachuu qabna. The same is true for Christians in these "last days. " - 2 Tim. While we can do our best to help that person, we must acknowledge that he is a dedicated person. Ogummaan Dubbii Waaqayyoo, ijoollee keenya sadan guddisuuf nu gargaareera. This reflected Jehovah's thinking on the matter as expressed years later by the apostle Paul when he asked about Jehovah: "Is he the God of the Jews only? God's Word has helped us to raise our three children. Kadhannaa kana dubbisaatii gadi fageenyaan irratti xiinxalaa. " Kadhannaan kun waaʼee Daaniʼel maal na barsiisa? ' jedhaatii of gaafadhaa. That meant restoring friendship or harmony with God. Read that prayer deeply, and ask yourself, " What does this prayer teach me about Daniel? ' Namni tokko jaalala akka isaaf qabdan kan beeku yeroo isaaf ibsitani dha. As in Daniel's case, angels are ever alert to intervene according to God's will When you say that someone knows that you love him, you are talking to him. Faarfannaan 127: 4, "Ilmaan dargaggummaadhaan godhatan, akka xiyya harka jagnaa keessa jiruu ti " jedha. Those experiences remind us of Jesus ' words: "Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need. " " Like arrows in a mighty hand, " says Psalm 127: 4. (2 Sen. 20: 17) Hamma yeroo sanaatti garuu, ija jabinaa fi hinaaffaadhaan bulchiinsa Yihowaa deggeruuf carraa hedduu qabna. Do I long to give Jehovah "a reply to the one who is taunting Him? " ' Until then, however, we have many opportunities to show courage and zeal for Jehovah's way of ruling. Caqasni manaa manattiifi bakka namoonni hedduun argamanitti lallabuuf ragaa ta'u isa kanadha. " See page 30. That is the yeartext for the house - to - house ministry and public witnessing. " Fakkeenyaaf, barreessaa Kitaaba Qulqulluu kan taʼe Daawit, kadhannaa Waaqayyoof dhiheesse irratti akkana jedheera: "Nama taʼuun koo utuu hin beekamin [" garaa haadha koo keessa utuun jiruu, " NW] iji kee na arge, dhaladhee barri jireenya koo lakkaaʼamuu utuu hin jalqabin, guyyoonni anaaf yaadaman guutummaatti macaafa kee keessatti caafaman. " I politely told her that I wished to see the High Commissioner. For example, the Bible writer David said in prayer to God: "Your eyes saw even the embryo of me in my mother's heart, and in your book all its parts were written in them. " Yeroo baayʼee wantoota jireenyaaf nu barbaachisan qofa kan argannu taʼus, aniifi obboleettiinkoo isheen lakkuukoo taate umrii ijoollummaa gammachuudhaan dabarsineerra. " What should guide elders in handling judicial matters? Although we often have everything we need in life, my sister and I have been very young. " Ilaaltuu Olaanaa Gumii Kiristiyaanaa What courageous action did Ebed - melech take? The Governing Body Amalawwan kun maal faʼi? We can also believe the prophetic Word that the ever - growing great crowd will as a group continue to prove itself faithful. What are they? Kiristiyaanonni dhugaa "guyyoota dhumaa " kana keessa jiraatanis akkasuma gochuu qabu. - 2 Xim. God indicated that Jacob would "become a congregation of peoples, " and that occurred. True Christians living in these "last days " need to do the same. - 2 Tim. Phaawulos yeroo booda, "Waaqayyo keenya Waaqayyo warra Yihudootaa duwwaa dha moo? Satan Seeks to Undermine God's Authority The apostle Paul later wrote: "Jehovah is our God only to the Jews or to the Jews? jedhanii namoota akka kadhataniif isaan waamuusaa ibseera. Why should all of us examine our figurative heart? He called them to call upon people asking for it. Ergamoonni akkuma Daani'eliin gargaaran, fedha Waaqayyoo wajjin haala walsimuun nu gargaaruuf dammaqanii eeggatu Imitate the Faith of Moses, 4 / 15 Like Daniel, the angels look forward to assisting us in harmony with God's will Muuxannoowwan kun yaada Yesuus, "Karaa hafuuraatti hiyyeessota warri taʼan haa gammadan " jechuudhaan dubbate nu yaadachiisu. We can appreciate all the more, then, Jesus ' admonition to keep our eye "simple. " Those experiences remind us of Jesus ' words: "Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need. " Yihowaan " nama isa arrabsuuf deebii akka kennu ' nan hawwaa? Clearly, then, loyalty to God had first place in Jonathan's heart. Do I look forward to Jehovah's "Hearer of prayer "? Fuula 31 ilaali. Ever since, Jehovah has been using that anointed congregation to serve his purpose. See page 31. Anis gaarummaadhaan, Komishinara Ol Aanaa haasofsiisuu akkan barbaadun ishiitti hime. And they went with haste and found Mary as well as Joseph, and the infant lying in the manger. " - Luke 2: 8 - 16. I kindly told her that I wanted to speak to the Governing Body. Jaarsoliin, dhimmawwan firdii wajjin wal qabatan yeroo ilaalanitti amala akkamii argisiisuu qabu? It is too late to prepare after disaster strikes. What attitude should elders display when faced with judicial matters? Ebeed Melek gocha ija jabina gaafatu akkamii raawwate? SONGS TO BE USED: 95, 145 What courage did Ebed - melech perform? Akka raajiin Dubbii Waaqayyoo jedhuttis tuutni sonaan baay'ee inni yeroo kamiyyuu caalaa guddachaa jiru, tuutaan amanamaa ta'uusaa akka itti fufu ni amanna. Can you imagine our joy at seeing the family's progress and the eldest boy even taking up the pioneer service? " We are convinced that as foretold in God's Word, the great crowd will continue to remain faithful as a group. Waaqayyo, Yaaqoob gumii "saba guddaa " akka ta'u kan dubbate si'a ta'u kunis raawwatameera. Insurance: A donation made by specifying an entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy or a retirement / pension plan. God said that Jacob would become "a great nation, " and that is what happened. Seexanni, Aangoon Yihowaa Akka Tuffatamu Gochuu Barbaada " I am so grateful to Jehovah for his help and to my wife for her uncomplaining support despite her poor health. " Satan Wants his power to distract Jehovah Hundi keenya garaa keenya isa fakkeenyaan ibsame qoruu kan qabnu maaliifi? Does that make you feel frustrated, as it did Paul? Why should each of us examine our figurative heart? Kanaaf, gorsa Yesus ija "fayyaa " akka qabaannu nuu kenne hordofuun keenya yeroo kamiyyuu caalaa barbaachisaadha. Have it destroyed. ◇ All ladders have a load capacity. Hence, we need more than ever to follow Jesus ' admonition to keep our eye "simple. " Kanaafuu, garaa Yonaataan keessatti iddoo tokkoffaa kan qabu Waaqayyoof amanamaa taʼuu akka taʼe ifatti hubachuun ni dandaʼama. It was during one such period that Jesse sent David to check on the three oldest sons, who were serving in Saul's army. Clearly, Jonathan's heart was their first loyalty to God. Yeroo sanaa kaasee, Yihowaan kaayyoosaa raawwachuuf gumii dibamtootaa sanatti fayyadamaa jira. * "For example, " Eduardo says," I took my children out of private schools and found good public schools for them. " Since then, Jehovah has used that congregation to accomplish his purpose. Ariifachaa yommuu dhaqan Maariyaamii fi Yoseefin, mucichas, siree horiin keessaa nyaatu irra ciisee argatan. " - Luqaas 2: 8 - 16. 10, 11. When she approached Mary and Joseph, they found the infant lying in a manger. " - Luke 2: 8 - 16. Erga balaan gaʼee booda qophaaʼuuf yaaluun, " erga waraabessi darbee booda sareen dutte ' akkuma jedhamu taʼa. " Although I was earning a lot of money, the stress and insecurity on the job made me worried and unhappy. Trying to prepare for a disaster after a disaster, you might say, " A good day after death, you have died. ' FAARFANNAA: 9 (37), 13 (124) Gaining everlasting life is possible only by putting faith in God's loving provision of salvation through Jesus Christ. SONGS TO BE USED: 6, 13 Maatiin kun guddina yeroo godhu, keessumaammoo mucaansaanii inni angafaa qajeelchaa taʼee tajaajiluu ennaa jalqabu arguun gammachuu guddaa nuuf argamsiiseera. " At times, he had lived with plenty and at other times, with little. It was a great joy to see the family progress, especially as their older son, began pioneering. " Inshuraansii: Buusii namni inshuraansii lubbuu seenee jiru maqaa jaarmiyaa Dhugaa Baatota Yihowaa seeraan beekamaa ta'etti fayyadamuudhaan godhu. As you observe their behavior, try to recall the Scriptural metaphors that speak of them. Insurance: A donation made by specifying an entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy or a retirement / pension plan. Yihowaan waan nu gargaareef baay'een isa galateeffadha; haati manaakoos fayyaa utuu hin qabaatin komii malee waan na deggerteef baay'een ishee galateeffadha. " A Kingdom in Their Midst I am grateful to Jehovah for helping us, and I am so grateful that my wife worked without my care. " Akkuma Phaawulositti dhagaʼame, kun isiniinis isin aarsaa? Jehovah does not pick and choose the trials we face. Like Paul, are you too sacrificing for you? ◇ Yaabbannoon hundi hamma baatu ilaalchisee daangaa qaba. Meditating on that illustration and reflecting on how many times Jehovah has freely forgiven us will surely help us when we are trying to settle personal differences with our brother! - Psalm 19: 14. ◇ Each ladder has limits to the limit. Isey, Daawit obboloonni isaa warra angafaa loltoota Saaʼol taʼanii tajaajilan sadan haala akkamii irra akka jiran akka hubatuuf kan isa erge yeroo kanatti ture. How Would You Answer? That was when David sent his three older brothers to see how Saul's three brothers were there. * Edwaardoon, "Fakkeenyaaf, ijoolleekoo mana barumsaa dhuunfaatii baaseen mana barumsaa mootummaa gaarii taʼetti galche " jedheera. We have made so many friends along the way, and we lack nothing. * "To my children, he gave them a fine school, " explains Eduardo. 10, 11. Acts 28: 4 says that the people of Malta thought that the apostle Paul was a murderer. 10, 11. " Qarshii hedduu argachaa kanan ture ta'us, dhiphinaafi tasgabbii dhabuu hojiin narraan geessise, akkan yaadda'uufi gammachuu akkan dhabu na godheera. By means of it, he cultivated a field that had rich potential. " Despite much money, " she says, "I was plagued by stress, anxiety, and anxiety. (Isa. 64: 6) Jireenya barabaraa argachuu kan danda'an fayyinaa Waaqayyo jaalalaan kaka'ee karaa Yesus Kiristos qopheessetti yoo amanan qofadha. Prayer and personal study have been like a life jacket that has kept my head above water. Only if they exercise faith in God's loving way of salvation through Jesus Christ will they receive everlasting life. Yeroo tokko tokko wantoota baayʼee, yeroo kaanimmoo wantoota muraasa qabaachuudhaan jiraateera. " It was never meant to be! " At times, he lived a few things, others, while others were very busy. Amala isaan argisiisan yeroo argitu, fakkeenyota isaaniin ilaalchisee Kitaaba Qulqulluu keessatti dubbataman hubachuuf yaali. THE execution of God's judgment upon Satan's world will break out with striking suddenness. As you see their behavior, try to understand Scriptural examples of them. Mootummaa Gidduusaanii Jiru In this way our children, and later grandchildren, were very much involved in congregation activities. A Kingdom Hall on a Kingdom Hall Yihowaan qorumsa nu mudatu nuuf hin filatu. This is why Paul told Christians that they should "not be planning ahead for the desires of the flesh, " which induce spiritual sleep. - Rom. Jehovah does not choose us to face trials. Fakkeenya kanarratti xiinxaluuniifi Yihowaan yeroo meeqa kaffaltii malee cubbuu keenya akka nuu dhiise yaaduun keenya, waldhabiinsa obboloota keenyaa wajjin qabnu hiikuuf yeroo yaallutti nu gargaara! - Faarfannaa 19: 14. Surely, keeping Christian funerals simple and modest is the best way to avoid what is Scripturally unclean and to maintain a calm atmosphere that is dignified, tasteful, and fitting for those who love God. Meditating on this example and thinking about how many times Jehovah has forgiven our sins can help us to resolve our differences with our brothers! - Psalm 19: 14. Maal Jettee Deebista? 16: 1 - 5. How Would You Answer? Iddoo deemne hundatti michoota hedduu kan arganne siʼa taʼu, wanti nutti hirʼates hin jiru. Consider a few field - tested examples of topics, questions, and scriptures that you might try in your territory. Wherever we went, we found many close friends, and nothing was missing. Haa taʼu malee, hojiin hojjetamuu qabu hedduun akka jiruu fi namoonni hedduun misiraachicha fudhachuu akka dandaʼan beeka ture. By that time, Apollos could correctly explain the meaning of Christian baptism. However, he knew that there was much work to do and that many could accept the good news. Kadhannaanii fi qoʼannaan dhuunfaa uffata bishaaniin akka hin liqimfamne nu eeguu wajjin wal fakkaata. This change occurred, not because Jehovah had erred in choosing Saul, but because Saul acted without faith and became disobedient. Prayer and personal study are like keeping us away from eating water. " Sila isaa iyyuu anaaf hin jenne! " No doubt, every bit of knowledge and experience helped Abraham maintain his close friendship with Jehovah. He said: "No, I said to you! " GUYYAAN Yihowaan biyya lafaa Seexanaan geggeeffamurratti firdiisaa raawwatu akkuma tasaa dhufa. (See opening image 1.) Jehovah's judgment upon Satan's world will come suddenly. Akka kanaan ijoolleen keenya, yeroo booda immoo ijoolleen ijoollee keenyaa sochiiwwan gumii irratti akka gaariitti hirmaachaa turan. Conversation helps children "learn the words they will later need to recognize and understand when reading, " explains a book on the subject of how to help children to become good readers. As a result, our children later had a meaningful share in congregation activities. Phaawulos, " fedhii foonii isaanii [isa karaa hafuuraa akka rafan godhu] raawwachuuf dursanii karoora akka hin baafanne ' Kiristiyaanotatti kan hime kanaaf ture. - Rom. We saw that Jehovah's organization was more than just the little area where we lived, and each visit to Bethel gave us a dose of spiritual energy. " That is why Paul told Christians: "Do not plan ahead for [their fleshly desires] to keep them spiritually awake. " - Rom. Dhugumayyuu, sirna awwaala Kiristiyaanaa salphaafi keessa ba'aa kan hin taane gochuun, wanta Caaffanni Qulqullaa'oon xuraa'aa ta'uusaa ibsanirraa fagaachuuf gargaara. " He [the offspring of the woman] will crush your [Satan's] head, and you will strike him in the heel, " said Jehovah. Indeed, having no simple and burden on the Christian funeral will help us to avoid saying that what the Scriptures say is unclean. 16: 1 - 5. • What prevented the Israelites in Moses ' day as well as some first - century Christians from entering into God's rest? 16: 1 - 5. Matadureewwan, gaaffiiwwaniifi caqasoota tajaajilarratti buʼa qabeessa taʼanii argamaniifi naannoo tajaajilaa keessanitti fayyadamuu dandeessan muraasa ilaalaa. Cherish your hope, ponder over it, make it real in your mind and heart - and share it generously with others! Consider just a few questions, questions, and scriptures that you can use in your ministry. Yesus Masiihicha akka taʼe, macaafota keessaa dhugaa itti baasisuudhaan mulʼinatti afaan Yihudootaa cufe. " Whether we are "domestics, " who are part of the anointed remnant, or we are members of the great crowd, let it be our determination to cooperate fully with the faithful steward and its Governing Body. Jesus declared that he would be the Messiah and that he would pour out the mouth of the Jews as the Messiah. " Jijjiiramni kun kan taʼe Yihowaan Saaʼoliin filachuunsaa dogoggora waan tureef utuu hin taʼin, Saaʼol amantiidhaan deddeebiʼuufi abboomamuu dhiisuusaatiin kan kaʼedha. Although Joshua survived the fire in his workplace, many of his acquaintances did not. Because this change was not because Jehovah had made a mistake on Saul, Saul became disobedient and obedient in faith. Beekumsii fi muuxannoon Abrahaam argate hundi, michummaa cimaa Yihowaa wajjin qabu eegee akka jiraatu akka isa gargaare hin shakkisiisu. AUGUST 19 - 25, 2013 No doubt all his experiences and experiences helped Abraham to maintain his close friendship with Jehovah. (Fakkii jalqabaa 1 ffaa ilaali.) How do you react when the elders find it necessary to give such a talk? (See opening picture.) Kitaabni kun itti fufuudhaan, "sammuun ijoollee xixinnoo beekumsa fudhachuuf banaa waan taʼeef, yeroo hunda isaanii wajjin haasaʼuun barbaachisaadha. It involves not just what we do but, more important, what we are. " It is important to communicate regularly with their young children, " the book continues. Jaarmiyaan Yihowaa naannoo xiqqoo nuti jiraannurra balʼaa akka taʼe hubanneerra. Akkasumas, daawwannaan Betʼelitti goone karaa hafuuraa akka jabaannu nu gargaareera. " " I Am With You All the Days " We have seen that Jehovah's organization has reached a small area in which we live, and the traveling work has helped us to stay spiritually strong at Bethel. " Yihowaan, "Inni [sanyiin dubartittii] mataa kee [kan Seexanaa] in buruqsa, atis koomee isaa in iddita " jedheera. (Uma. Was it unfair to pay the 11th - hour workers the same as those who worked the whole day? Jehovah said: "The head of the woman [the woman] will bruise him in the head and you will bruise him in the heel. " • Israaʼeloota bara Musee turaniifi Kristiyaanota jaarraa jalqabaa tokko tokko boqonnaa Waaqayyootti akka hin galle wanti isaan dhowwe maalidha? When questioned before the Sanhedrin, he boldly affirmed that he was both the Christ and the Son of God, even though he knew that the high priest was looking for an excuse to have him killed. • What prevented some first - century Israelites from entering into God's rest? Abdii isiniif kenname irratti xiyyeeffadhaa, irratti xiinxalaa, sammuu fi garaa keessan keessatti akka isiniif dhugoomu godhaa, akkasumas namoonni kaanis waaʼee abdii kanaa akka beekan gargaaraa! Many are now serving along with the Israel of God Focus on your hope, reflect on your mind and heart, and help others to know that hope! Dibamtoota warra " manasaa ' jedhamnes taane tuuta soonaan baay'ee, hojii adeemsiftuu amanamaafi Qaama Olaanaasaa guutummaatti deggeruuf murtoo haa goonu. Do you find that you are allowing television programs, video games, sports activities, or hobbies to distract you and interfere with your spiritual progress? Let us be determined to support fully the faithful and discreet slave class, whether we are of the anointed or of the "great crowd. " Jooshuwaan balaa ibiddaa bakka hojii isaatti gaʼe irraa kan oole taʼus, namoonni inni beeku hedduun duʼaniiru. 6 Joshua survived the disaster of his work, but many of his contemporaries died. HAGAYYA 19 - 25, 2013 Those with experience as "need greaters " stress the importance of preparing oneself by taking these steps: Plan ahead. Learn to adapt. Stick to a budget. AUGUST 19 - 25, 2013 Jaarsoliin haasaan akkasii akka dhihaatu yoo godhan maaltu sitti dhagaʼama? Zealously apply the things you learn How do you feel if the elders make such talks? Wanta goonu qofa utuu hin taʼin, caalaatti eenyummaa keenya kan dabalatudha. When I heard about the construction needs in South Africa, I applied and was invited to go. It involves more than just doing what we do. " Guyyaa Hundumaa Isinii Wajjin Nan Jira " Through his organization, Jehovah provides an abundance of spiritual food to the whole association of brothers worldwide. " I Am With You All the Days " Warra saʼaatii 11 ffaatti dhufaniif hojjettoota guyyaa guutuu hojjechaa oolanii wajjin qixxee kaffaluun sirrii turee? In February 1984, I was on my way to Lilongwe to deliver reports for the branch office in Zambia. A policeman stopped me and searched my bag. Was it appropriate to get along with the 11 - hour workers who were working all day long? Ennaa yaaʼii Yihudootaa duratti gaaffiidhaaf dhihaatetti, angafni lubootaa sababa itti isa ajjeesu barbaadaa akka jiru kan beeku taʼus, inni Kiristos, akkasumas Ilma Waaqayyoo akka taʼe ija jabinaan dubbateera. We would do well to ask ourselves, " Do I accept Jehovah's authority in the matter of marriage, or has the world's lax attitude affected my thinking? ' On his day before the Sanhedrin, he knew that the high priest was looking for a reason to kill him, but he courageously proclaimed that he was God's Son, Christ, and became God's Son. Namoonni hedduun Israa'el Waaqayyoo wajjin tajaajilaa jiru 7,313,173 He expressed confidence that Jehovah could raise a child from the dead. Many of Israel's fellow workers have been serving God with whom they are serving Sagantaan televijiinii, taphni viidiyoo, sochiin ispoortii garaagaraa ykn wantoonni yeroo boqonnaa keetti raawwattu guddina hafuuraa keerratti dhiibbaa geessisaa jiruu laata? He prayed that Christ's followers "may be filled with the accurate knowledge " of God's will" in order to walk worthily of Jehovah to the end of fully pleasing him " as they "go on bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the accurate knowledge of God. " Could TV programs, video games, sports, or other pursuits affect your spiritual growth? 6 We live in busy and critical times, so it is possible that we might not notice that a fellow believer is drifting away from the congregation. 6 Obboloonni " naannoo labsitoonni caalaatti barbaachisanitti ' tajaajilan, dursanii karoora baafachuun, haala haaraa wajjin walbaruun, qusannaa barachuuniifi Yihowaatti amanamuun barbaachisaa akka taʼe dubbatu. - Luq. Florence - A Wonderful City The brothers and sisters who are "need greaters " speak of putting ahead of planning, learning new circumstances, and relying on Jehovah. Wanta baratte yeruma sana hojii irra oolchuuf carraaqqii godhi Like Job, when we start to understand the mind of Jehovah, we cannot help but exclaim: "Look! Strive to apply what you learn immediately Afriikaa Kibbaatti wanti ijaaramu akka jiru yommuun dhagaʼu achi dhaquufan gaafadhe; achiis nan afeerame. Jehovah does not want his servants to rush through a reading of his Word. When I learned that there was a place in South Africa, I asked to go there, and I was invited. Yihowaan karaa jaarmiyaasaa obboloota addunyaa maratti argamaniif nyaata hafuuraa ga'aa ta'e dhiheessaa jira. Jesus asked his listeners: "Are you not worth more than [the birds of heaven] are? " Through his organization, Jehovah has provided enough spiritual food for the worldwide brotherhood. Guraandhala 1984 tti, gabaasa waajjira damee Zaambiyaatti ergamu geessuuf gara Liiloongiwee deemaan ture. If I want to go outside and view the beautiful scenery, I ask her if she would like to join me. In February 1984, I traveled to the branch office in Zambia to deliver a report to the branch office in Zambia. " Dhimma gaa'elaa wajjin haala wal qabateen, aangoo Yihowaa nan fudhadhamoo, ilaalchi biyya lafaa inni gadheen yaada koorratti dhiibbaa geessisaa jira? ' jennee of gaafachuu qabna. As a member of that congregation, how did Cyril feel? We do well to ask ourselves, " Do I accept Jehovah's authority in connection with marriage, or do I influence the negative thinking of the world? ' Hojichi seera Macaafa Qulqulluu wajjin kan walsimudhaa? And in another sense, those whom God approves truly become rich, even if that is not in a material sense. Does the work harmonize with Bible standards? 17: 4, 5, 13, 14) Yihowaan mucaa tokko duʼaa akka kaasu amantii qabaachuu isaas argisiiseera. What warning lessons can we learn from their experience? - 1 Cor. He exercised faith in Jehovah's promise to resurrect a child. Beekumsa akkasii argachuunsaaniimmoo, "jireenya gooftaadhaaf ta'u jiraachuu, yeroo hundumaa waan isatti tolu gochuu, hojii gaarii ta'e hundumaatti ija godhachuu " akka danda'an isaan gargaara. " On average, " says The Narcissism Epidemic, "materialistic people are less happy and more depressed. Such knowledge also enables them to have "the fruit of every good work and every reason for life in the Lord. " Yeroo muddamaafi rakkisaa ta'e keessa waan jiraannuuf, namni hidhata amantaa keenya ta'e tokko gumiirraa fagaachuusaa hin hubannu ta'a. 23: 16 - 18. Because we live in critical times and in trouble, a fellow believer may not be aware of the congregation. Magaalaa Bareedduu Kan Taate Filooreensi After they had studied the first three chapters of the Bible Teach book, Katherine became concerned. A Those in the city of T. (Iyo. 9: 32) Akkuma Iyoob, yaada Yihowaa hubachuu yeroo jalqabnu nutis, "Kunoo, isaan kun fiixee hojii isaa ti, isa nuyi waaʼee isaaf hasaasa xinnoo hammamii dhageenyu duwwaa dha; qaqawwee humna isaa garuu eenyutu hubata ree? " Since the Bible does not say that humans possess what some call an immortal soul, why do so many religions teach the contrary? Like Job, we begin to understand Jehovah's thoughts, saying: "Look! Yihowaan tajaajiltoonnisaa Macaafa Qulqulluu sardamaan akka dubbisaan hin barbaadu. Mom and Dad were comforted to learn that the Bible says that the dead are asleep and that there will be a future resurrection. - Eccl. Jehovah does not want his servants to read the Bible. Yesuus, "Maarree isin [simbirroota samii] irra hin caaltanii? " Sam has helped me with that over the years. " Jesus asked: "Are you not worth more than the birds of heaven? " Gadi ba'ee akkaataa taa'umsa lafaa bareedaa ta'e ilaaluu yoon barbaade, isheenis naa wajjin dhaquu akka barbaadduufi akka hin barbaannen ishee gaafadha. God's "eyes are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him. " - 2 Chron. If I wanted to look at the beautiful earth, I would ask her to go with me and not want to go with me. Siril miseensa gumii sanaa ta'uusaaniitti maaltu itti dhaga'amee ture? Hannah might have borne her burden with fortitude had it not been for Peninnah. How did they feel about being members of the congregation? Karaa gara biraatiin garuu, namoonni Waaqayyo biratti fudhatama argatan, karaa foonii ta'uu baatus badhaadhummaa isa dhugaa argataniiru. So how is a separating work taking place now? On the other hand, those who gain God's approval enjoy true riches, not material or fleshly. Seenaasaaniirraa barumsa akeekkachiisa nuuf ta'u akkamii arganna? - 1 Qor. 14: 15. What warning can we learn from their examples? - 1 Cor. Kitaabni Za Narsiizim Eeppiidemiik jedhamu akkas jedheera: "Namoonni qabeenya argachuurratti xiyyeeffatan yeroo baayʼee gammachuu kan hin qabneefi dhiphinaaf kan saaxilaman taʼu. Help them to draw closer to their heavenly Father, Jehovah God. " People who focus on material things often become unhappy and depressed, " says the book The Harp of God. 23: 16 - 18. " CHOOSE " is a powerful word. 23: 16 - 18. Kitaaba Barumsa Macaafa Qulqulluu hanga boqonnaa sadiitti erga qayyabatanii booda Kaatriin yaaddaʼuu jalqabde. Clearly, apostates do not have our best interests at heart. After studying the Bible Teach book from three chapters of rest, she began to feel relief. Kitaabni Qulqulluun ilmaan namootaa lubbuu hin duune qabu jedhee kan hin barsiifne taʼus, dhaabileen amantii hedduun faalaa kanaa kan barsiisan maaliifi? Joseph's brothers dealt treacherously with Joseph. Although the Bible does not teach that humans have an immortal soul, why do many churches teach that lesson? Haati koo fi abbaan koo Macaafni Qulqulluun namoonni duʼan hirriiba keessa akka jiranii fi gara fuulduraatti immoo akka kaʼan akka dubbatu beekuu isaaniitiin jajjabaataniiru. - Lal. Aristotle taught that all the heavenly bodies were encased in crystalline spheres, each one nested tightly within the next, with the earth innermost. My mother and Dad are comforted by knowing that the Bible says that the dead are in the dust, and they are sure that they will rise in the future. - Eccl. Gama kanaan Saam waggoota dheeraadhaaf fooyyaʼiinsa akkan godhu na gargaareera. " Some situations involve several Bible principles, and ultimately, the person seeking advice has to make his own decision. Sam has helped me to make progress for many years. " " Waaqayyo guutummaa biyya lafaa in ilaala, warra garaa isaanii guutuu isa amanatan in gargaara. " - 2 Sen. It is not supported by the Bible, and it has its roots in ancient pagan religions and philosophies. " [Jehovah's] eyes are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him. " - 2 Chron. Haannaan utuu Phiniinaan isheetti hammaachuu baattee, haala ishee mudate kana moʼuu dandeessi taʼa. The disciple James urged Christians to pray to God for wisdom when under trial. Peninnah could have won her back, and Peninnah could have dealt with her. Ergasuu, hojiin gargar baasuu kun yeroo ammaatti raawwatamaa kan jiru akkamitti? Many Jews to whom Jesus preached longed for independence from Rome. How is this separating now being fulfilled? 14: 15. FRIENDS 14: 15. Yihowaa abbaasaanii isa samiitti caalaatti akka dhihaatan isaan gargaari. For instance, he sang: "Jehovah is my Shepherd. Help them to draw closer to their heavenly Father. FILANNAA gochuun keenya baayʼee barbaachisaadha. Consider the way he dealt with Jesus. WHAT is the most important step we can pursue? Gantoonni akka nuuf hin yaanne beekamaadha. Nicolas, aged 20, boldly told the military authorities, "I cannot fight because I am a soldier of Christ. " Of course, we do not assume that apostates do not care about us. Obboloonni Yoseef hammina isarratti raawwatanii turan. Why and how did Jehovah demonstrate his appreciation toward Ebed - melech? Joseph's brothers joined him in evil deeds. Aristootil qaamonni samii hundi waan akka geengoo bifa cuquliisaa qabuun haguugamanii akka jiranii fi tokkoon tokkoon isaaniis isa isaanitti aanee jiruun haguugamanii akka jiran, lafti immoo hundumaa gidduu akka jirtu barsiisa ture. Jehovah did not require the manslayer to be judged again for the same case; nor was the avenger of blood permitted to enter the city and take the fugitive's life. It teaches that all parts of the heavens are like a horse, and each one of them is like the other, and the earth is lying in each one. (Kes. 30: 19, 20) Haalawwan tokko tokko seera buʼuuraa Macaafa Qulqulluu hedduu hojiirra oolchuu waan gaafataniif, namni gorsa barbaadu sun dhumarratti isa kam hojiirra akka oolchu murtoo mataasaa gochuu qaba. I would not look to see what she had written. At times, he needs to make his own decision to apply many Bible principles so that he will eventually apply what advice he asks. Deggersa Kitaaba Qulqulluu kan hin qabne, barumsa amantii sobaa fi falaasama bara durii irratti kan hundaaʼe dha. " Do not forget hospitality. " The Bible's support is based on false religion and ancient philosophy. Yaaqoob Kiristiyaanonni yeroo qorumsi isaanirra ga'u ogummaa argachuuf Waaqayyoon akka kadhatan isaan gorseera. The formulation " one God in three Persons ' was not solidly established, certainly not fully assimilated into Christian life and its profession of faith, prior to the end of the 4th century. " - New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967), Volume 14, page 299. The disciple James urged Christians to pray for wisdom in times of trial. Yihudoonni hedduun Yesuus isaaniif lallabaa ture, bulchiinsa Roomaa jalaa bilisa baʼuuf hawwii guddaa qabu turan. He also faced the challenge of supporting his wife and children in a much weaker economy. Many Jews who preached to them were eager to be freed from the Roman Empire. HIRIYOOTA When rebelling against Jehovah's rule, the Devil influenced the first human pair to do the same. REGULAR PIONEERS Fakkeenyaaf Daawit, "Waaqayyo tiksee koo ti, ani homaa hin dhabu! " Today, our brotherhood includes many fine examples of individuals who maintained joy in the face of trials. For example, David said: "Jehovah is my Shepherd; I will lack nothing! " Yesuus wajjin haala wal qabateen wanta inni godhe ilaalaa. The first occurrence of the word "sabbath " in the Bible is in connection with the provision of manna in the wilderness. Consider what Jesus did with regard to matters. Nikoolaas inni umuriin isaa waggaa 20 ture, abbootii taayitaa waraanaatiin ija jabinaan, "Loltuu Kiristoos waanan taʼeef, waraana irratti hirmaachuu hin dandaʼu " jedheera. What does it mean to "incite to love and fine works "? " Because I am a army of Christ, " says 20 - year - old Henry, who was a 20 - year - old man, "it is impossible for me to engage in warfare. " Yihowaan Ebeed - Melekiin kan dinqisiifate maaliifi? Dinqisiifannaasaa kana kan argisiise akkamitti? In view of Asa's record, we should not be surprised that he prayed when confronted with the largest human army mentioned in the Scriptures. Why did Jehovah appreciate Ebed - melech, and how did he show that appreciation? (Iya. 20: 2, 3) Yihowaan namni nama ajjeese sun ammas dhimmuma sanaaf lammata akka itti murteeffamu ykn namni gumaa baasu magaalattii seenee nama baqate sana akka ajjeesu akka isaaf heyyamamu hin ajajne. We recall that Jesus denounced such men of his day as hypocrites and blind guides. Jehovah was not allowed the manslayer to be judged again or to kill the fugitive. Wanta isheen barreeffattes jalaa hin ilaalu. Showing godly fear also results in happiness when facing trials involving respect for the sanctity of life. And he does not look at what she does. " Keessummoota simuu hin dagatinaa! " Because the neural tube in my spine failed to close completely, nerve damage has made it difficult for me to walk and has caused other serious health problems. " Do not forget hospitality. " Dubbiin Waaqayyoo hariiroo michoota keenyaa wajjin qabnuun loogiirraa akka fagaannu nu gargaara. Did some dark conspiracy exclude these books from the Bible? One expert on the apocrypha, M. God's Word helps us to rid ourselves of our friendship with our friends. Barumsi " Waaqa tokkicha qaama sadii qabu ' jedhu bu'uura cimaa kan argate, akkasumas jireenyaafi amantii Kiristiyaanaa keessatti guutummaatti fudhatama kan argate jaarraa arfaffaa boodadha. " - Niwuu Kaatolik Insaayikilooppiidiyaa (1967), Jildii 14, fuula 299. Who is the bridegroom of the parable? The teachings of "the only - begotten God " are solidly based on" the third body of life and Christian faith in the fourth century. " - The New Catholic Encyclopedia of The New Catholic Encyclopedia. Akkasumas, haala dinagdee rakkisaa taʼe keessatti maatiisaa gargaaruu qaba. The psalmist went on to say: "How sweet your sayings are to my palate, more so than honey to my mouth! " He also needs to help his family in challenging circumstances. Diyaabilos bulchiinsa Yihowaa irratti mormii yeroo kaasetti, dhiiraa fi dubartiin jalqabaas akkuma isaa akka godhan dhiibbaa isaan irratti godheera. Could not the One who created the universe, the earth, and all the living things on it keep that vessel intact? When the Devil challenged Jehovah's rulership, he influenced the first man and woman to do the same. Yeroo harʼaattis obboloonni haala rakkisaa taʼe keessatti gammachuu isaanii eeguudhaan fakkeenya gaarii nuuf taʼan hedduun waldaa obbolummaa keenya keessa jiru. What recent reports say: During 2007, a peak of 6,957,854 Witnesses of Jehovah spent more than 1.4 billion hours preaching the good news about God's Kingdom in 236 lands. - 2008 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses. Today, there are many fine examples of brothers and sisters who maintain joy in their difficult situation and who set a fine example for us in our brothers and sisters. Jechi "sanbata " jedhu yeroo jalqabaatiif Macaafa Qulqulluu keessatti kan ibsame maannaa lafa onaa keessatti Israa'elootaaf kennamee wajjin haala wal qabateenidha. Jesus emphasized the all - important quality of love for God when he answered the question: "Which is the greatest commandment in the Law? " The original - language word translated " Revelation " refers to the situation in which the Israelites were given in the wilderness. " Jaalalaafi hojii gaariidhaaf kakaasuu " jechuun maal jechuudha? 5: 8, 9. What does it mean to "love and fine works "? Humni waraanaa hangana baayʼatuufi Caaffata Qulqullaaʼoo keessatti barreeffame yommuu isa mudatetti Aasaan kadhannaa dhiheessuunsaa nu dinqisiisuu hin qabu. What place should Kingdom interests occupy in our lives, and why? It is not surprising that Asa's prayer was answered when powerful forces and recorded in the Scriptures. Yesuus geggeessitoonni amantii bara isaatti turan fakkeessitootaa fi geggeessitoota jaamaa akka taʼan dubbateera. Depending on the matter under discussion, you might say that you used to feel a certain way and explain why. Jesus said that the religious leaders of his day were imitation and blind. Qorumsawwan lubbuudhaaf ulfina kennuu wajjin wal qabatan yeroo nu mudatanittis, Waaqayyoon sodaachuun gammachuu keenya eegnee akka jiraannu nu gargaara. WARNING EXAMPLES FROM THE PAST When we face trials involving life that relate to honoring life, fear of God can help us to maintain joy. Ribuunkoo miidhamuunsaa, deemuu akkan hin dandeenye na godheera; akkasumas dhibee fayyaa gurguddaa kan biraa narraan ga'eera. The holy spirit would thus act as a teacher and as a remembrancer. My neighbors hurt me, and I suffered another serious health problem. Kitaabonni kun kutaa Caaffata Qulqullaa'oo afaan Giriikiitti akka hin dabalamne yaaliin godhameeraa? So Gabriel explains to her: "Power of the Most High will overshadow you, " and" what is born will be called holy, God's Son. " Were these books not part of the Christian Greek Scriptures to be included in the Christian Greek Scriptures? Dhirsi misirroo fakkeenya kana keessatti ibsame eenyu? Let us continue praying to Jehovah for his holy spirit. Who is the Bridegroom's Bridegroom? Faarfatichi itti fufuudhaan akkana jedheera: "Wanti ati jette attam anatti miyaaʼa! Gamaliel, an expert in the Law, stood up and warned his colleagues not to act hastily. The psalmist continues: "How often your words are! (Uumama 6: 18, 19) Uumaan uumama cufaa, lafaafi wantoota lubbu qabeeyyii achirra jiran hunda uume, hubaatiin tokkoyyuu markabicharra akka hin geenye eeguu hin danda'uu? The Jewish leaders compounded their sins by persecuting Jesus and his followers. Could not the Creator of the universe, the earth, and all living things be able to protect the ark from ruining the ark? Gabaasawwan dhiheenyatti ba'an maal ibsu? Bara 2007 tti Dhugaa Baatonni Yihowaa 6,957,854 ta'an, biyyoottan 236 keessatti misiraachoo waa'ee Mootummaa Waaqayyoo ibsu lallabuudhaan, sa'aatii biliyoona 1.4 dabarsaniiru. - Kitaaba Waggaa Dhugaa Baatota Yihowaa 2008. (Ingiliffa) How should we view the stewardship entrusted to us? What recent reports show that in 2007, Jehovah's Witnesses spent 14 billion hours preaching the good news of God's Kingdom in 236 lands, preaching the good news of God's Kingdom in 236 lands, and preaching the good news of God's Kingdom in 236 lands. - 1 / 1, 2008. Yesuus gaaffii, "Seericha keessaa ajajni hunda irra caalu isa kami? " jedhuuf yeroo deebii kennetti, amalli hunda caalaa barbaachisaa taʼe jaalala Waaqayyoof qabnu taʼuu isaa ibseera. How delighted Onesmus was to have as his instructor one of the two brothers who initially called on him! When Jesus answered the question, "What is the greatest commandment in the Law? " 5: 8, 9. " So keep strict watch that how you walk is not as unwise [persons]. " - 5: 15. 5: 8, 9. Fedhiin Mootummichaa jireenya keenya keessatti iddoo akkamii qabaachuu qaba? Moreover, he raised us up together and seated us together in the heavenly places in union with Christ Jesus, so that in the coming systems of things he might demonstrate the surpassing riches of his undeserved kindness in his graciousness toward us in union with Christ Jesus. " - Eph. What place should Kingdom interests have in our lives? Wanta irratti mari'achaa jirtanirratti hundaa'uudhaan, wanti tokko sitti dhaga'amaa akka tureefi akkas kan sitti dhaga'ame maaliif akka ta'e ibsuu dandeessa. He was one of Jehovah's Witnesses, a religion I had never heard of before. By reflecting on what you are discussing, you might explain why something has happened to you and why you feel that way. FAKKEENYOTA DURII AKEEKKACHIISA TAʼAN In his eyes, you are one of "these little ones. " WHAT ELSE CAN WE LEARN FROM US Kanaafuu, hafuurri qulqulluun barsiisaafi yaadachiisaa taʼa jechuudha. This will mark the beginning of the great day of Jehovah. Thus, holy spirit would be a teacher and a reminder. Kanaaf Gabriʼel, "Humni aabbaas si golbooba, kanaafis mucichi si irraa dhalatu kun qulqulluudhaa fi ilma Waaqayyoo jedhamee in waamama " jechuudhaan isheedhaaf ibse. Louis, Missouri, was special. For that reason also what is born will be called holy, God's Son. " jechuudhaan, hafuura kana argachuun akka danda'amu duuka buutotasaatiif mirkaneesseera. (b) What questions should we consider? He assured his followers that it is possible to receive that spirit. Namni hayyuu seeraa ta'eefi Gamaali'el jedhamu, jarjaranii akka murtoo hin gooneef akkas jechuudhaan hiriyootasaa akeekkachiise: "Akeeka kanaa fi hojii isaa namatu yaadee qopheesse yoo ta'eef, baduuf jira. A sovereign generally exercises his authority through an agency that is placed over his subjects. " If it is not easy for him to make a decision, " warns a scholar named Gamaliel, "it would be dangerous for him to do his work and his work. Geggeessitoonni amantii Yihudii, Yesusiifi duuka buutotasaa ari'achuudhaan cubbuusaaniirratti cubbuu dabalaniiru. The way that people resolve these issues, for better or for worse, might touch us or our families personally because we are inescapably a part of human society. The Jewish religious leaders, Jesus and his followers, sinned against their sins. Itti gaafatamummaa hojii adeemsiftuu akka taanu nutti kennameef ilaalcha akkamii qabaachuu qabna? What indicates that the demise of Babylon the Great is near? How should we view our responsibilities as stewards? Obboloota jalqaba isa haasofsiisan lamaan keessaa tokko barsiisaasaa ta'uusaa beekuunsaa baay'ee isa gammachiiseera! Thus they would not " fail to obtain the undeserved kindness of God, ' which sadly could happen if they engaged in sexual immorality. How thrilling it must have been to know that one of the first two brothers was his teacher! " Egaa attamitti akka deddeebitan haleelaa ilaalladhaa!... akka warra ogeessota hin ta'iniitti hin jiraatinaa! " - 5: 15. Why are many rising up against me? " Keep strict watch that how you walk is not as unwise but as wise persons, buying out the opportune time for yourselves. " - 5: 15. Akkuma namoota hedduu yeroo harʼaatti gargaarsa Waaqayyoo barbaadanii, Daawit Mootichis rakkinni hedduun isa irra gaʼee ture. When she began to study the Bible through correspondence with her son living abroad, she readily accepted what she was learning about Jehovah and his promises. As many today seek God's help, King David suffered many hardships. Kana malees, Kiristoos Yesuusii wajjin tokkummaa waan qabnuuf Kiristoosii wajjin nu kaasee, isumaa wajjin iddoowwan samii keessa nu teessise; kana kan godhes, arjummaa isaatiin sirna dhufu keessatti baayʼina gaarummaa isaa isa guddaa hunda irra caalu nu warra Kiristoos Yesuusii wajjin tokkummaa qabnutti argisiisuuf jedhee ti. " - Efe. Some congregations are especially known for showing a warm, loving spirit. Moreover, since we are united with Christ Jesus, he has been with us in heaven and with us in that he has entrusted us with the most generous gift of undeserved kindness that comes from the undeserved kindness of our Lord Jesus Christ. " - Eph. Inni Dhugaa Baatuu Yihowaa kan ture si'a ta'u, anis matumaa waa'ee amantii kanaa isaan dura dhaga'ee hin beeku. Matthew 6: 14 He was one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and I never heard about it before. " Isaan xixinnayyoo " keessaas akka isa tokkootti isin ilaala. Instead, we strive to merit his approval. He considers you as one of them to be like "the least of them. " Guyyaan Yihowaa inni guddaan kan eegalu tarkaanfii isheerratti fudhatamuunidha. 1, 2. Jehovah's great day began to take action seriously. Yeroo sana ijoolleen kumaan lakkaa'aman kitaaba Chiildiran jedhamu argatan. If we are indecisive when Bible standards are involved, our schoolmates or workmates may conclude that we are not really convinced of our beliefs and therefore are easily influenced. At that time, thousands of children received a copy of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? (b) Gaaffiiwwan kamfaa of gaafachuu qabna? Although God has used angels to communicate with humans, he does not permit us to worship angels or pray to them. - 1 Corinthians 13: 1; Revelation 22: 8, 9. (b) What questions should we ask ourselves? Yeroo baay'ee bulchaan olaantummaa qabu, namoota isaaf bitamanirratti aangoosaa kan argisiisu karaa bakka buutotasaatiinidha. Appropriate direction on how best to do this work is provided through God's organization. The steward's authority usually refers to his authority over those who submit to him. Caqasichatti aansee "NW " yoo jedhame, caqasichi kan fudhatame Kitaaba Qulqulluu Hiika Addunyaa Haaraa afaan Ingiliffaa ammayyaatiin qophaaʼe irraa taʼuu isaa argisiisa. What Should Children Learn? If "the next article " is made up of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, it is made up of the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Walitti buʼiinsa akkanaa irratti kan hin hirmaanne taʼus, nuunis taʼe maatii keenya irratti dhiibbaa geessisuu fi yeroo tokko tokko immoo jalʼinni akka nu irratti raawwatamu gochuu dandaʼa. What should elders remember when taking action to protect the flock? Although we may not participate in such conflicts, it can affect us and our family and at times affect us. Badiisni Baabilon Guddittii akka dhihaate kan argisiisu maalidha? What could be done to help all dedicated Christians preach from house to house? What shows that the destruction of Babylon the Great is near? Kana gochuun isaanii, halalee taʼuudhaan "gaarummaa Waaqayyoo isa guddaa utuu hin argatin akka hin hafne " isaan gargaara. Some studies suggest that both adults and children who attach a lot of importance to money and material possessions tend to be less happy, less satisfied with life, and less healthy physically than those who are not materialistic. Doing so will help them to be immoral and to "be without God's undeserved kindness. " Baayʼeen kan ana irratti kaʼan jiru. (b) How might Demas have displayed love for the world? Many of them rebelled against me. Ilmasaanii biyya alaa jiraatuu wajjin xalayaadhaan Macaafa Qulqulluu barachuudhaan waa'ee Yihowaafi abdii inni kenne gammachuudhaan fudhatan. It was Jehovah's purpose that the descendants of Adam and Eve fill the earth. With their son, they accepted a letter from the Bible and gladly accepted the hope of Jehovah and his promises. 19: 35) Yeroo tokko immoo ergamaan Waaqayyoo tokko humna addaa qabuttii fi dandeettii isaatti fayyadamee ergamoota Yesus mana hidhaatii baaseera. Then came the rebellion of Nimrod's day. On one occasion, God's angel used his unique power and abilities to protect the apostles from prison. Gumiiwwan tokko tokko jaalala hoʼaa argisiisuudhaan beekamu. (See opening picture.) (b) What shows that James and John did not fully get the point? Some congregations are known for their warm love. Maatewos 6: 14 In effect, Jehovah is telling us to walk behind Jesus and match our steps to his. Matthew 6: 14 Kanaa mannaa, isa duratti fudhatama argachuuf carraaqqii goona. He accepted the truth and returned home in 1956. Instead, we strive to gain his approval. 1, 2. Some in the congregation would say: "You take an economic risk by moving to a small town. " 1, 2. Seerawwan buʼuuraa Macaafa Qulqulluu wajjin haala wal qabateen walaallammii yoo taane, namoonni wajjin barannu ykn wajjin hojjennu wanta barannerratti amantaa qabaachuu keenya kan shakkan taʼuusaarrayyuu, salphaadhumatti dhiibbaa nurraan gaʼuu dandaʼu. 5, 6. (a) How does our knowledge of the future and of God's purposes affect our need to be watchful? If we are different from Bible principles, our schoolmates or schoolmates may question our beliefs and may easily affect us. Waaqayyo namootatti dubbachuuf maleekotatti fayyadamee kan ture taʼus, maleekota akka waaqeffannu ykn gara isaaniitti kadhannaa akka dhiheessinu nuuf hin heyyamne. - 1 Qorontos 13: 1; Mulʼata 22: 8, 9. I moved out and got a room in nearby Zanesville, Ohio, but I traveled back and forth to encourage the family. God used angels to speak to humans, but he did not allow us to worship angels or to pray for them. - 1 Corinthians 13: 1; Revelation 22: 8, 9. Qajeelfamni hojii kana karaa buʼa qabeessa taʼeen hojjechuuf dandeessisu karaa jaarmiyaa Waaqayyoo ni kennama. Even the best human leaders are unable to solve all problems. The direction provided through God's organization is available in an effective way. Ijoolleen Maal Barachuu Qabu? That was true of many in Corinth to whom Paul wrote. What Should Children Learn? Jaarsoliin yommuu karra hoolotaa eeguuf jecha tarkaanfii fudhatan maal yaadachuu qabu? Jehovah will intervene in their behalf, exercising his right as Universal Sovereign. What should elders remember when they take steps to shepherd the flock? Kiristiyaanonni Yihowaadhaaf of murteessan manaa gara manaatti akka tajaajilan gargaaruuf maaltu godhame? 23 - 24. What happened to help dedicated Christians to go from house to house? Qorannaawwan tokko tokko akka mulʼisanitti, ijoolleenis taʼan gaʼeessonni qarshii fi qabeenyaaf xiyyeeffannaa guddaa hin kennine, warra wantoota kanaaf xiyyeeffannaa guddaa kennan caalaa gammachuu kan qabanii fi fayya buleeyyii taʼu. Table of Contents Some studies suggest that children and adults - young and adults - are more likely to give more attention to money and material things than those who pay attention to them. (b) Deemaas biyya lafaa akka jaallate kan argisiise akkamitti taʼuu dandaʼa? Taking hold of the hand of Brother Young, and looking earnestly into his face, finally she remarked: " Are you a really live Pilgrim? ' " (b) How might Demas have demonstrated his love for the world? Kaayyoon Yihowaa sanyiin Addaamiifi Hewwaan lafa akka guutan ture. Take a Positive View of a Strained Marriage, 5 / 15 Jehovah's purpose was for the offspring of Adam and Eve to fill the earth. (Uma. 11: l) Bara Naamruditti Waaqayyorratti ka'uun ni jalqabame. How to Maintain the Spirit of Self - Sacrifice, 3 / 15 In Nimrod's day, the rebellion against God began. (Fakkii jalqaba irra jiru ilaali.) (b) Yaaqoobii fi Yohaannis barumsa isaa guutummaatti akka hin hubanne kan argisiisu maali dha? Impatience can be dangerous, for it can cause us to behave rashly. (See opening picture.) (b) What shows that James and John did not fully understand his teachings? Karaa biraatiin, Yihowaan Yesus duuba akka deemnuu fi bakka inni ejjete akka ejjennu nutti himaa jira jechuu dha. ANALYZE THE SCENE. - READ MATTHEW 15: 21 - 28. On the other hand, Jehovah is telling us that we are traveling to Jesus and that he is about to die in his place. Innis dhugaa kan fudhate siʼa taʼu, bara 1956 tti gara biyya isaatti deebiʼe. Brother Frost, in his typically enthusiastic manner, began speaking in German about something apparently quite serious. He accepted the truth and returned to his home in 1956. Namoonni gumii keessaa tokko tokko akkas isaaniin jedhan: "Magaalaa xinnoo keessa jiraachuun rakkina dinagdeetiif isin saaxila. The Witness in the First Century Some in the congregation said: "Our living in a small city poses a real challenge for you. 5, 6. (a) Beekumsi yeroo gara fuulduraafi kaayyoo Waaqayyoo ilaalchisee qabnu, fedhii dammaqinaan jiraachuuf qabnurratti dhiibbaa kan godhu akkamitti? Examples of faithful ones like Joseph, who showed mercy to his brothers - even though "they began to hate him " - may also have influenced Jephthah's response. 5, 6. (a) How does knowledge of the future and God's purpose affect our desire to remain watchful? Anis manaa baʼeen kutaa Zaanasviil, Ohaayootti dhihoo jiru tokko kireeffadhe; booda garuu maatii koo jajjabeessuuf nan deddeebiʼan ture. About a hundred of us met at a rented facility to listen to a recording of the lecture "Fascism or Freedom, " delivered by Joseph Rutherford. I bought a room near Ohio, U.S.A., and later I walked to my family. Geggeessitoonni ilmaan namootaa gaarii dha jedhaman illee, rakkina hundaaf furmaata kennuu hin dandaʼan. George, who is deaf and has been a Witness for 38 years, says: "There is no question that the ability to understand a matter for yourself gives you a measure of self - respect and confidence. Even the best leaders of mankind cannot solve every problem. Namoonni Qorontos keessa turanii fi Phaawulos isaaniif barreesse keessaa hedduun isaanii akkana turan. Nonetheless, many seize the opportunity to volunteer in theocratic construction projects around the world. Many in Corinth and Paul's letter to them were like that. Yihowaan yeroo kanatti Olaantummaa Uumama Cufarratti qabutti fayyadamee sabasaa ni oolcha. Gillis and his wife trusted in Jehovah's support as they patiently worked with their son. Jehovah will deliver his people by means of his Universal Sovereign. 23 - 24. What does Sarah mean? 23 - 24. Baafata Mataduree 3, 4. (a) What political expectations did the Jews have in Jesus ' day? Table of Contents Harka obboleessa keenya Joorji Yaangi qabattee, ijasaa keessa ilaalaa erga turtee booda dhumarratti, " Dhuguma kanan ilaalaa jiru Piilgiriimiidhaa? ' isaan jette. " 4: 13 - 15. After observing Brother Young's hands and looking at his eyes, Brother George Young finally said, " Am I really looking at them? ' " Obsa dhabuun tarkaanfii hin taane akka fudhannu waan godhuuf balaa geessisuu danda'a. " I Am With You " Because the lack of patience can lead to disaster. WANTA YEROO SANATTI RAAWWATAMERRATTI GADI FAGEENYAAN YAADI. - MAATEWOS 15: 21 - 28 DUBBISI. The Bible Students later understood that unadulterated red wine is the proper symbol of Jesus ' blood. THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT - MATTHEW 15: 21 - 28. Obboleessi keenya Firoosti, miira hoʼaadhaan wanta baayʼee barbaachisaa fakkaatu tokko afaan Jarmaniitiin dubbachuu jalqabe. Being an amateur boxer, he wondered, " Where can I get a chance to become a sports star and become rich? ' Brother Frost began to speak with enthusiasm something very important in German. Hojii Lallabaa Jaarraa Jalqabaatti Raawwatame The apostle Paul wrote: "[God], for the sake of his good pleasure, is acting within you in order for you both to will and to act. " The Good News of the First Century Yooseef isa obboloonni isaa yoo " isa jibban ' iyyuu dhiifama isaaniif godhe dabalatee, fakkeenyi namoota amanamoo taʼanii deebii Yiftaan kenne irratti dhiibbaa gaarii godhee taʼuu hin oolu. (Uma. If you pay attention to spiritual instruction, you will act on it and be an effective Kingdom proclaimer. Joseph's example of faithful ones, including his brothers, must have had a positive effect on Jephthah's faithful ones, even if he was to forgive him. Namoonni naannoo 100 taanu, haasaa waraabameefi mataduree "Faashizimiimoo Bilisummaa " jedhu qabuufi Joseef Raazarfordiin qophaaʼe dhaggeeffachuuf galma kireeffame tokko keessatti walitti qabamnee turre. We forgive him, but we need to do more. About 100 people gathered in an area in the public talk entitled "The freedom of freedom, " or" Joseph F. F. F. F. F. Rutherford, in a rented hall. Joorji inni gurrisaa hin dhageenyeefi waggaa 38f Dhugaa Baatuu ta'e akkas jedha: "Wanta tokko ofumakeetii hubachuu danda'uunkee hamma tokko ofiif kabaja akka qabaattuufi ofitti akka amanamtu kan si taasisu ta'uunsaa shakkii hin qabu. Worldwide, Jehovah's people speak many different languages. George, an deaf Witness for 38 years, says: "It is not surprising that you can show self - respect and trust in yourself. Haa taʼu malee, obboloonni baayʼeen hojii ijaarsaa addunyaa maratti hojjetamu irratti hirmaachuuf carraa argatanitti ni fayyadamu. (See paragraph 11) However, a number of brothers and sisters have the opportunity to share in the worldwide construction work. Giilasii fi haati manaa isaa yeroo ilma isaanii obsaan gargaaruuf carraaqanitti Yihowaatti amanamaniiru. A financial crisis or uncertainty about employment has an impact on honesty. Gilead and his wife relied on Jehovah for patient efforts to help their son. Saaraa jechuun maal jechuu dha? These scrolls will most likely set forth Jehovah's requirements for mankind at that time. What does Sarah mean? 3, 4. (a) Yihudoonni bara Yesuusitti turan hedduun maal barbaadu turan? We really enjoyed our assignment in the circuit work. 3, 4. (a) What did many Jews in Jesus ' day want? 4: 13 - 15. Willy had diphtheria. 4: 13 - 15. " Isinii Wajjinan Jira ' The grain itself represents the Kingdom message as well as what results from the preaching of that message - the Christian congregation. " I Am With You " Yeroo booda garuu, dhiiga Yesusiif fakkeenya taʼee dhihaachuu kan qabu, waynii diimaa makaa hin qabne akka taʼe hubatan. Peter wrote: "What sort of persons ought you to be..., awaiting and keeping close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah, through which the heavens being on fire will be dissolved and the elements being intensely hot will melt! " - 2 Pet. In time, however, they realized that the blood of Jesus was not a simple wine. Booksii waan jaallatuuf, " Beekamaa taʼuudhaan qarshii hedduu argachuuf eessa utuun deemee wayya? ' Not likely. " Where am I going to get more money and get more money? ' Phaawulos, "Waaqayyo akka akeeka isaa isa gaariitti hojjechuudhaaf fedha akka qabaattaniif, akka hojjettaniifis isin gidduutti in hojjeta " jedhee barreesseera. So "find out for yourself " by being diligent in" carefully examining the Scriptures daily. " - Acts 17: 11. Paul wrote: "God is doing his will to you in order for you to do good and to act in harmony with the will of him. " Atis Kiristiyaana waan taateef seerri bu'uuraa kun tajaajila keetiif ni hojjeta. Now, why does a convention badge often trigger a conversation? As a Christian, you too apply the principle to your ministry. Nuyis dhiifama isaaf gochuu malees wanti gochuu qabnu kan biraan jira. The lyrics of many of the songs have been composed in such a way that when you sing one line, you will almost be able to anticipate what comes next. So when you play the CDs, why not try to sing along with the chorus? In addition to forgiving him, there is something else to do. Waaqeffattoonni Yihowaa addunyaa mara irra jiran qooqa adda addaa hedduu dubbatu. What figurative storm will soon strike mankind? Jehovah's worshippers around the world speak many different languages. Keeyyata 11 ilaali) They will be " revealed ' when they share with Christ in destroying Satan's wicked system of things. (See paragraph 11) Rakkinni dinagdee ykn hojii irraa ariʼamuun dandaʼa jedhanii sodaachuun amanamummaa irratti dhiibbaa ni geessisa. My hearing aids picked up everyone's voice, and I sang along. Fear of money or employment can affect our integrity. Macaafonni kun, wanti Yihowaan yeroo sanatti namoota irraa barbaadu maal akka taʼe kan dubbatan taʼuu hin oolu. That law gave pause to anyone inclined to be careless with his livestock. - Ex. They may have referred to what Jehovah wanted people to do at that time. Hojii aanaa keessatti itti gaafatamummaa nuuf kenname baayʼee jaallanna turre. If you struggle to be moderate in your use of alcoholic beverages, are you willing to steer clear of situations that might tempt you to overdrink? We loved our assignment in the circuit work. Viiliin dhukkuba laagaa, liqimsuufi hafuura baafachuu nama dhowwuun qabamte. (b) What does it mean to forgive our brother "up to seventy - seven times "? If you suffer from epilepsy, Talk to a person, and give in to a spirit of self - control. Iji ykn sanyiin sanaaficaa, ergaa Mootummichaafi buʼaa ergicha lallabuudhaan argamu, jechuunis gumii Kiristiyaanaa argisiisa. In the first century, a Christian woman named Dorcas was well - known for her "good deeds and gifts of mercy " - sacrifices she made to help others. The fruit, the mustard grain, the Kingdom message, and the results of the good news - the Christian congregation. Dhufa guyyaa Waaqayyoo in eeggattu, isaafis ariifattanii in hojjettu. Guyyaa sanaafis bantiiwwan waaqaa ibiddaan gubatanii wal in gad dhiisu; ijoon uumama lubbuu hin qabne hundinuus hoʼa ibiddaatiin in baqa! " - 2 Phe. But the use of those funds does not change how they were obtained - through activities that openly encourage greed and selfishness and that promote the idea of getting something for nothing. Keep close in mind the presence of Jehovah's day, and all the things in the heavens will be dissolved. " - 2 Pet. Akkas akka hin goone beekamaadha. To what historical event does the psalm refer? Of course not. Kanaaf, " guyyuma guyyaadhaan Kitaabota Qulqulluu of eeggannoodhaan qortee, ' " ofuma keetiin barbaaddee bira gaʼuu qabda. ' - HoE. 17: 11. Sharing in the preaching work is an excellent way to demonstrate our faith. Therefore, " daily examining the Scriptures daily, " you need to" search for your own interests. " - Acts 17: 11. Kaardiin walgaʼii koonyaa yeroo baayʼee maree kan kaasu maaliifi? Still, we need to know the answers to three key questions: What is the extent of Satan's influence? Why does the testimony of a convention often raise a conversation? Muuziqaawwan kana yeroo baayʼee birooshura faarfannaa keessan qabattanii manatti kan shaakaltan yoo taʼe, walaloowwansaa salphaatti baruufi Galma Mootummaa keessatti sodaa malee faarfachuu dandeessu. Esther urged Mordecai to gather the Jews in Shushan and fast in her behalf. If you often pour these songs into your songs, you can make them sit home and sing them easily at the Kingdom Hall. Guyyaan rakkinaa yeroo dhihootti ilmaan namootaatti dhufu maalidha? Our trials, then, are common to human experience. What will soon come to human suffering? Kiristosii wajjin taʼanii sirna Seexanaa isa hamaa kana balleessuurratti yommuu hirmaatan ni " mulʼatu. ' 3: 1 - 4. They "will be made manifest " when they share with Christ in destroying Satan's wicked system of things. Meeshaa dhagaʼuuf gargaarutti fayyadamuudhaan sagalee nama hundumaa nan dhagaʼan ture; anis isaan duukaa faarfachaan ture. The Bible expresses disapproval of people who show favoritism, whether by despising the lowly or by "flattering others for their own benefit. " I used to hear anyone's voice, and I followed them. Seerri kun horiisaa wajjin haala wal qabateen namni dantaa hin qabne kamiyyuu amalasaa qoruuf kan isa kakaasudha. - Bau. After all, fair treatment is not always equal, and equal treatment is not always fair. This law should move anyone who is apathetic about his conduct. - Ex. Dhugaatii alkoolii irratti madaallii kee eeguun kan si rakkisu yoo taʼe, haalawwan garmalee dhuguuf akka qoramtu si taasisan irraa fagaachuuf fedhii qabdaa? (b) Years later, what did Esau realize about his choice, and how did he react? If you find it difficult to maintain a balanced view of alcoholic beverages, should you be willing to resist situations that could cause you to become tempted to drink too much? (b) Obboloota keenyaaf "hamma si'a torbaatamii torbaatti " dhiifama gochuu jechuun maal jechuudha? Then Tacitus said: "Christus, the founder of the name [Christian], had undergone the death penalty in the reign of Tiberius, by sentence of the procurator Pontius Pilatus. " - Annals, XV, 44. SUETONIUS (b) What does it mean to forgive our brothers "in seven times "? Jaarraa jalqabaatti, Kiristiyaanni Dorqaa jedhamtu namoota kaan gargaaruuf aarsaa dhiheessuudhaan, jechuunis " hojiiwwan gaggaarii hedduu hojjechuu fi hiyyeeyyii gargaaruudhaan ' beekamti turte. Under the King's direction, God's people have used a variety of methods in order to reach as many as possible with the good news. In the first century, a Christian named Dorcas was a self - sacrificing spirit - offering to help others, "to perform many good works and good works. " Taʼus, galiin kun faayidaa kanaaf kan oolu taʼuun isaa, karaa qarshichi itti argame irratti jijjiirama hin fidu; qarshiin kun kan argamu gocha sassataa fi ofittummaa, akkasumas namoonni homaa utuu hin dhamaʼin qarshii akka argatan ifatti jajjabeessuuni dha. When we guide our steps, not solely by preference, but primarily by Jehovah's thinking and concerns, we show that we love and support his way of ruling. However, the benefits do not change the rock - making process; nor do they encourage people to gain money, greed, and self - worth. 83: 6 - 8) Faarfatichi waa'ee seenaa isa kamii dubbachuusaa ture? According to the Bible, discipline includes loving guidance, training, correction, and sometimes punishment - but never in anger. To what account was the psalmist referring? Hojii lallabaa irratti hirmaachuun, karaa gaarii amantii keenya itti argisiisnu dha. Most microbes do not cause disease. Our sharing in the preaching work is a fine way to show faith. Taʼus, deebii gaaffilee sadan kanaa beekuun nu barbaachisa: Seexanni dhiibbaa hammamii geessisa? Whether we have recently dedicated ourselves to Jehovah or we already have decades of sacred service behind us, it is crucial that we check our spiritual armor every day. Still, we need to know the answers to three questions: How extent does Satan affect us? Asteer Yihudoonni Susaan jiran waaʼeeshee akka soomaniif akka walitti qabu Mordekaayiin ajajje. The brothers at the branch office in Sofia wondered how many from France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, and Spain would respond. Esther demanded that the Jews in general have been warmed to her, so to speak, so to speak, and to speak. Kanaaf, qorumsawwan nu mudatan namoota hunda irra kan gaʼani dha. Jehovah created Adam and Eve with the ability to have perfect children. Thus, the trials we face affect all sorts of people. 3: 1 - 4. This same building now houses Cusa's library of more than 310 manuscripts. 3: 1 - 4. Kitaabni Qulqulluun warra harka qalleeyyii tuffachuudhaanis taʼe, " warra waa irraa abdatan sobanii saaduudhaan ' namoota loogan akka hin deggerre dubbata. I dashed to the sister's house. The Bible shows that neither the poor nor the poor, nor "those who are hoping in Jehovah, " they do not support those who are" unthankful. " Kana malees haqa jechuun, yeroo hunda wanta wal qixa taʼe jechuu miti; wanti wal qixa taʼes yeroo hunda haqadha jechuu miti. Why Must We "Keep on the Watch "? July Furthermore, justice does not always mean what is right; nor does it always mean justice. (b) Waggoota hedduu booda, filannaa godhe ilaalchisee Esaawu maal hubate? But by exercising faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ and being baptized, you now have a relationship with the Father. (b) What did Esau learn about the choices he made? Achiis Taasiitas akkana jedheera: "Kiristas [Kiristoos] inni maqicha [Kiristiyaana] hundeesse, bara bulchiinsa Xibaariyoositti murtoo Phonxiyos Philaaxos isa bulchaa tureen ajjeefameera. " - Annals, XV, 44. " My husband actually shows his love for me more when I show that I respect him, " says a wife named Corrine. Tacitus reports: "The [Christ] [the Christian Church] was put to death in the reign of Pontius Pilate, who was executed during the reign of Pontius Pilate. " - Hab. Sabni Waaqayyoo, qajeelfama Mootichaatiin misiraachicha hamma dandaʼametti namoota hedduudhaan gaʼuuf, malawwan garaa garaatti fayyadamaniiru. (b) How have you benefited from the Theocratic Ministry School? God's people have used various methods to reach as many people as possible with the good news through King's leadership. Yommuu murtoo goonu filannoo keenyaan qofa utuu hin taʼin, adda durummaadhaan akka itti Yihowaan yaaduuf xiyyeeffannaa yoo kennine, akkaataa Yihowaan itti bulchu akka jaallannuu fi akka deggerru argisiisna. In the garden of Gethsemane on the night before he died, Jesus repeatedly used "the same word " in prayer. - Mark 14: 32 - 39. When we consider Jehovah's way of ruling, we show our love and support not only when we make decisions but also Jehovah's way of ruling. Akka Kitaaba Qulqulluu keessatti ibsametti jechi caqasa kana irratti adaba jedhamee hiikame karaa aarii irraa walaba taʼeen qajeelfama, leenjii fi sirreeffama kennuu, yeroo tokko tokko immoo jiilchuu kan dabalatu dha. It was a fabulously wealthy city in which people placed much emphasis on luxuries, leisure, and comfortable living. As used in the Bible, the word translated out of anger includes instruction, correction, and correction, sometimes a month. Maayikroobonni hedduun dhukkuba namatti hin fidan. She gave all that her circumstances allowed her to give. - 2 Cor. Mike says: "Many types of disease do not bring disease. Dhiheenyatti Yihowaadhaaf kan of murteessines taane waggoota kurnan hedduudhaaf kan isa tajaajille, miʼa lolaa hafuuraa keenya guyyaa guyyaadhaan gamaaggamuun keenya baayʼee barbaachisaadha. Jeremiah's reputation for boldness and courage was such that during Jesus ' earthly ministry, some took Jesus to be Jeremiah returned to life! - Matt. Whether we are dedicated to Jehovah or we have served him for decades, it is vital that we examine our spiritual armor daily. Obboloonni waajjira damee Soofiyaa jiran, Faransaay, Jarman, Giriik, Xaaliyaanii, Poolaandiifi Ispeen keessaa namoota meeqatu dhufa laata jedhanii yaadanii turan. In the Christian Greek Scriptures, we also read that resurrections took place in the presence of God's representatives. The brothers at the branch office thought that the large number of people there would come from France, France, Italy, Italy, Italy, and Spain. Yihowaan, Addaamii fi Hewwaan dandeettii ijoollee mudaa hin qabne godhachuu akka qabaatan taasisee isaan uume. Near the end of the day, a person mentioned that the minister's house next to the Presbyterian church was empty and said that we should speak to the deacon. Jehovah created Adam and Eve with the ability to produce perfect children. Manni kitaabaa Kiyusaa inni barreeffamoota durii harkaan qophaa'an 310 qabate yeroo ammaatti kan argamu gamoo kana keessattidha. Whether we realize it or not, it is difficult for us to detect if we harbor certain prejudices in our heart. It is now located in a store containing 350 manuscripts of the oldest manuscripts. Anis fiigeen gara mana obboleettii kanaa dhaqe. Peter wrote: "I consider it right, as long as I am in this tabernacle, to rouse you up by way of reminding you, knowing as I do that the putting off of my tabernacle is soon to be... I ran home and went to the sister. Namni Harka hin Qabne Tokko Dhugaa Kitaaba Qulqulluu Fudhate (B. That lifeless god had failed to light a simple fire in response to the frantic pleas, dances, and ritual bloodletting of his prophets. A Man who does not have hands will share Bible truths with someone who does not trust them. Phaawulos ergamaan akkas jechuudhaan barreesseera: "Isin dur hamaa yaaduu keessaniin, hojjechuu keessaniinis orma, diina Waaqayyoos taatanii turtan. Paul urged the Ephesians to avoid not only the hurtful words but also the feelings behind them. The apostle Paul wrote: "You were once alienated from God because of your actions. Haati manaa Kooriin jedhamtu, "Abbaa manaa koo akkan kabaju yommuun argisiisu, inni immoo caalaatti akka na jaallatu argisiisa " jetteetti. Do not let him succeed! " When I show respect for my husband, he is more loving me, " says a wife named Alex. (b) Mana Barumsaa Tajaajila Ti'ookraasiirraa faayidaa akkamii argatteetta? We are not always patient with those whom we love. (b) How have you benefited from the Theocratic Ministry School? Yesus galgala ajjeefamuusaa dura turetti iddoo dhaabaa Getesemaaneetti, irra deddeebi'uudhaan kadhatuma " isa duraa ' kadhateera. - Mar. 14: 32 - 39. If so, how? On the night before his execution, Jesus repeatedly prayed and prayed "from the beginning. " - Mark 14: 32 - 39. Efesoon magaalaa badhaatuu kan turte siʼa taatu, jiraattonni ishii jireenya qananii, bashannanaa fi jireenya mijataa jiraachuu irratti kan xiyyeeffatan turan. What is the history of marriage from the time of Adam to the Flood? Ephesus was a prosperous city, and her inhabitants focused on a comfortable lifestyle, entertainment, and a comfortable lifestyle. Hamma humnishee heyyame hunda kenniteetti. - 2 Qor. Why did David refer to having his prayer answered from Jehovah's holy mountain? He even accused all her limitations. - 2 Cor. (Er. 20: 11) Ermiyaas ija jabeessa taʼuudhaan waan beekamuuf, Yesus yommuu lafarra tajaajilaa turetti namoonni tokko tokko yeroo isa argan Ermiyaas duʼaa kan kaʼe isaanitti fakkaatee ture. - Mat. Jesus was sent to provide comfort for "the brokenhearted " and" all who mourn. " Because Jeremiah was known as courageous, some felt that he had been resurrected when they saw Jesus on earth. - Matt. Kitaabota Qulqulluu jalqaba Afaan Giriikiitiin barreeffaman keessattis, duʼaa kaʼuun kan raawwatame iddoo bakka buutonni Waaqayyoo argamanitti akka taʼe dubbisna. Before long, David's oldest brother, Eliab, got wind of David's talk. In the early Christian Greek Scriptures, we read that the resurrection took place at the place of God's representatives. Gara galgalaa, namichi tokko manni tajaajilichaa inni waldaa amantii Pirisbiteeriyaanotaatti aanee jiru duwwaa akka taʼeefi diiyaaqonicha akka haasofsiisnu nutti hime. Do all anointed ones on earth make up the faithful slave? In the evening, a man from the house told us that he was serving in the church and that he was the leader of the church. Hubannes hubachuu baannes, halaalatti nama jibbuun hamma tokko keessa keenya jiraachuusaa beekuun rakkisaadha. All youths need what? It is hard to know that we are living in some kind of prejudice, whether we realize it or not. Gaaffiiwwan kam of gaafachuu qabna? Phexros akkas jechuudhaan barreesseera: "Dhagna koo isa akka godoo kana keessa hamma ani jirutti, yaadachiisee isin dammaqsuun koo qajeelaa dha jedhee fudhadheera.... Satan challenged the legitimacy of Jehovah's rulership when he rebelled against Him. We should ask ourselves such questions as the apostle Peter, who wrote: "It is righteous to remind you that I have taken my word to the tabernacle to remind you of my righteousness.... Raajonnisaa dhiphatanii ragadaafi dhiigasaanii dhangalaasaa isa kadhataniyyuu, waaqni lubbuu hin qabne kun ifa ibiddaa xinnoollee uumuu dadhabeera. How may all of us benefit from reading such material? Although his prophets had suffered and prayed to him, they even fell into a small fiery furnace, even a fiery light. Phaawulos Kiristiyaanota Efesoon yommuu gorsu dubbii nama miidhu dubbachuurraa qofa utuu hin ta'in, miira dubbii sana akka dubbatan godherraas akka fagaatan itti himeera. The apostle urged the Corinthians to follow that example. When Paul urged Christians in Ephesus not only to say hurtful words but also to avoid speaking those words. Seexanaaf karaa hin kenninaa! " " They will not cause any harm or any ruin, " God promises, "because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters cover the sea. " - Isaiah 11: 9. Do not give in to the Devil. " Nama jaallannu tokkotti yeroo hundaa obsa akka hin argisiisne beekamaadha. When one of the sheep was missing, the man left the 99 behind in the wilderness and went after the lost sheep " until he found it. ' Of course, we will not always be patient with someone we love. Taanaan akkamitti? Her father was an alcoholic, and her family was poor. If so, how? Seenaan gaaʼelaa bara Addaamii kaasee hamma Bishaan Badiisaatti maal fakkaata? Abraham's descendants, the Israelites, became numerous and were eventually organized into a nation with a law code and a land. What can be said about the account of the Flood from the time of Adam's marriage? Daawit kadhannaan inni dhiheessu tulluu Yihowaa isa qulqulluurraa deebii akka argatu kan dubbate maaliifi? What can man do to me? ' " - Heb. Why did David say that his prayer would be answered from Jehovah's holy mountain? Yesuus kan ergame, " warra garaan isaanii cabee ' fi "warra gaddan hundumaa " jajjabeessuufi. (Isa. He knew Jehovah as a loving Protector and a Keeper of promises. Jesus was sent "to bind up the brokenhearted " and" comfort all who mourn. " Kanaaf, aariidhaan waaʼee Goliyaadiin injifachuu loltootatti dubbachuu jalqabe. Serge Bardet, French historian and specialist in classical literature, has sought to untangle the threads of this debate that have become so knotted over the past four centuries. So I began to speak in anger about Goliath's army. Hojjetaa amanamaa kan ta'u dibamtoota lafarra jiran hundadhaa? The apostle Paul wrote: "All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error. " - 2 Timothy 3: 16, Today's English Version. Are all anointed ones on earth a faithful slave? Dargaggoonni hundi maaltu isaan barbaachisa? For example, avoid becoming the sole confidant of someone of the opposite sex who is experiencing perplexing difficulties in marriage. What needs do all young people need? Seexanni yeroo Yihowaa mormetti mirga inni bulchuuf qaburratti gaaffii kaasee ture. We naturally grieve such a loss. Satan was raised in opposition to Jehovah's right to rule. Hundi keenya iyyuu barreeffamoota akkanaa dubbisuudhaan fayyadamuu kan dandeenyu akkamitti? 8, 9. How can all of us benefit from reading such publications? Phaawulos, obboloonni Qorontos fakkeenya kana akka hordofan isaan gorseera. Does that not imply that, in a sense, Jehovah himself possesses an imagination? Paul urged the Corinthians to follow that pattern. Waaqayyoo, "Nama kan miidhu, yookiis waa kan balleessu hin jiru; akkuma galaanni bishaaniin guutu, lafti beekumsa Waaqayyootiin in guuta " jechuudhaan waadaa galeera. - Isaayaas 11: 9. Once again he turned his eyes to Jehovah for direction. God promises: "There will not be ruining anyone or anyone ruining the sea; and the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters are covering the very sea. " - Isaiah 11: 9. Namni kun yeroo hoolaan tokko baddu, hoolaa badde sana " hamma argatutti, ' 99n isaanii lafa onaa keessatti dhisee deeme. The sister quoted earlier sums up the matter: "I learned that we cannot make someone love Jehovah or love us. On one occasion, the man traveled to the wilderness to " wait until the lost sheep was cut off. ' Abbaan ishii machooftuu ture; maatiin ishiis harka qalleeyyii turan. By recording these prophecies, the Bible writers put their credibility - and that of the Scriptures - on the line. Her father was drunk, and her family was poor. Israaʼeloonni sanyii Abrahaam taʼan baayʼatanii yeroo booda saba seeraafi biyya mataasaa dandaʼe qabu taʼaniiru. (Uma. 48: 4; Kes. Put Your Position in Writing The Israelites who became Abraham's descendants eventually became a nation and his family. jenna. - Ibr. We have discussed certain traits of the Devil that we should not imitate. What can man do to me? ' - Heb. Yihowaan jaalalaan kakaʼee eegumsa akka godhuu fi waadaa gale akka raawwatu hubateera. In modern times, a very small number among God's people have become disgruntled with some aspect of Christian teaching and have murmured against the earthly part of Jehovah's organization. He knew that Jehovah lovingly protected and fulfilled his promises. Faransaay keessatti barreessaa seenaafi barreeffamoota duriirratti qorannoo gochuudhaan kan beekaman Serji Baardaan, falmii jaarraa afuriif ture kanaaf furmaata barbaadaa turaniiru. Marriage is a relationship that requires a high level of commitment. In France, after research and research in ancient manuscripts, gambling was searching for the problem in the past four centuries. Phaawulos ergamaan, "Caaffanni qulqullaa'aan hundinuu geggeessaa hafuura Waaqayyootiin caafame; barsiisuuf, balleessaa hubachiisuuf, qajeelchuuf, qajeelummaattis leejjisuudhaaf dhimma in baasa " jechuudhaan barreesseera. - 2 Ximotewos 3: 16. (a) How did Jesus warn about the natural tendency toward drowsiness? The apostle Paul wrote: "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness. " - 2 Timothy 3: 16. Fakkeenyaaf, nama saallii faallaa tokko rakkina gaa'elasaa keessatti isa mudatu ilaalchisee iccitii sitti himatu ta'uu hin qabdu. The apostle Paul did that by giving a thorough witness. For example, you should not be deceived by someone who is struggling with marital problems. Namni jaallannu yeroo duʼu gadduun waanuma jirudha. At that time, we had enough savings to support ourselves for two months. It is normal to experience grief when a loved one dies. 8, 9. Train Your Teenager to Serve Jehovah 8, 9. 1: 26, 27) Kun, Yihowaanis dandeettii yaadaan ilaaluu akka qabu kan argisiisu mitii? " My mom, my younger sister, my brother, and I decided to make ourselves available to this family. What an expression of Jehovah's thinking ability! Ammas qajeelfama isaa argachuuf gara Yihowaa ilaaleera. But why not? Again, he looked to Jehovah for guidance. Obboleettiin olitti caqasamte akkas jechuudhaan ibsiteetti: "Namni tokko Yihowaas ta'e nuun akka jaallatu gochuun akka hin danda'amne hubadheera. 1, 2. (a) Why did 24,000 Israelites lose out on wonderful blessings? The sister mentioned earlier explains: "I realize that a person cannot do Jehovah and that he loves us. Namoonni Macaafa Qulqulluu barreessan, raajiiwwan kana barreessuunsaanii amanamoo taʼuusaaniifi wanti Macaafni Qulqulluun dubbatu dhugaa taʼuusaa hubachuuf nu gargaara. Jesus ' presence is marked by a global preaching work. Bible writers can help us to see that those prophecies are reliable and that what the Bible says is true. Ejjennookee Barreeffamaan Kaa'i Jesus was concerned about people and showed keen interest in them. Maintain Your Stand Firm Mataduree kana keessatti amalawwan Diiyaabilos irraa fagaachuu qabnu tokko tokko ilaalleerra. How may we listen to Jesus Christ? In this article, we have considered some of the traits of the Devil. Bara keenyattis, saba Waaqayyoo gidduudhaa namoonni muraasni barumsa Kiristiyaanummaa tokko tokkotti waan mufataniif, jaarmiyaa Yihowaa isa lafaarratti guungumaniiru. 2: 17. In our day, a small group of people among God's people have been stumbled by some of the teachings of certain Christian teachings. Gaa'elli michummaa waadaa cimaa galuu gaafatudha. (b) What can we do to build our faith? Marriage vow involves a strong commitment. (a) Yesus dadhabina foon keenyaa ilaalchisee akeekkachiisa akkamii kenne? As long as the present system of things remains and we are imperfect, sickness is a fact that we must face. (a) What warning did Jesus give about our weakness? Phaawulos ergamaan guutummaatti dhugaa baʼuudhaan kana godheera. 41: 10. The apostle Paul did this by bearing thorough witness. Yeroo sanatti qarshii jiʼa lamaaf nu gaʼu walitti qabannee turre. How Jewish Religious Leaders Viewed Common People, 7 / 1 At that time, we met for two months. Ijoolleen Keessan Warri Dargaggoon Yihowaa Akka Tajaajilan Leenjisaa Why so? Train Your Child to Serve Jehovah " Ana dabalatee harmeen koo, obboleettiin koo ishiin quxisuu fi obboleessi koo maatii kana gargaaruu qabna jennee murteessine. Or how can you say to your brother, " Allow me to remove the straw from your eye, ' when look! " My mother, my younger sister, and I decided to help this family. Sababiinsaa maalidha? Also, the armies in heaven were following him on white horses, and they were clothed in white, clean, fine linen. What is behind it? 1, 2. (a) Israaʼeloonni 24,000 taʼan eebba gammachiisaa isaaniif qophaaʼe kan dhaban maaliifi? No. 1, 2. (a) Why did the 24,000 Israelites lose their happy blessing? Argamuun Yesus hojii lallabaa addunyaa maratti godhamuun beekama. They can bless our efforts so that our words have the desired effect on a righthearted person. Jesus ' presence is known worldwide. Yesus namootaaf ni yaada, akkasumas isaan ni jaallata ture. 17, 18. (a) What action will Jehovah soon take against his enemies? Jesus cared for people and loved them. Yesus Kiristosiin kan dhageenyu akkamitti? That is why after saying "be obedient to your parents, " the Bible adds," in union with the Lord. " How do we hear Jesus Christ? 2: 17. There we read about his visit to Athens, Greece. 2: 17. Wanti ilmaan namootaa baay'ee eeggatu maalidha? Even while Adam and Eve were still in the garden of Eden, Jehovah foretold how He would resolve the issues. What lies ahead for mankind? (b) Amantaa keenya guddisuuf maal gochuu dandeenya? • Pray frequently. - Rom. (b) What can we do to build our faith? Sirni kun hamma jiruttii fi nutis cubbamoota hamma taanetti dhukkubsachuun keenya waan hin oolle dha. Yes, the Israelites came to realize that a prophet had been among them. - Ezek. It seems that we too are suffering as long as we are in this system of things and as we are imperfect. 41: 10. The Scriptures clearly indicate that Michael is another name for Jesus Christ. - 1 Thessalonians 4: 16; Jude 9. 41: 10. Akkas kan jennu maaliifi? 3 / 1 Expression "You Yourself Said It, " 6 / 1 Following Christ, Perfect Leader, 5 / 15 Why? Yookiis attamitti obboleessa keetiin, " Lakkii huuba ija kee keessaa siifan baasa ' jetta ree? When we loyally support those appointed to take the lead, we express our appreciation to Jehovah and Jesus for all that they have done for us. Or how would you say to your brother: " Keep on the straw from your eye '? Loltoonni waaqa keessaa immoo uffata quncee talbaa adii fi qullaaʼaa uffatanii, fardeen adaadii irra taaʼanii, isa duukaa in buʼan. Conventions Strengthen Us And the soldiers went out of the heavens with white robes and white horses, and they went following him. Lakki. How can family heads benefit from the example of our heavenly Father and use their tongue to comfort those under their care? No. Wanti barsiisnu namoota garaa qajeelaa qaban akka tuquufi gara dhugaatti akka dhufan gochuudhaan carraaqqii keenya nuu eebbisu. Our primary concern should be, "How will my decision affect my relationship with Jehovah? " What we teach blesses our efforts to reach honesthearted people and draw them to the truth. 17, 18. (a) Yihowaan dhiheenyatti diinotasaarratti tarkaanfii akkamii fudhata? (See opening image.) 17, 18. (a) How will Jehovah respond to his enemies soon? Macaafni Qulqulluun, "Abboota keessanii fi haadhota keessaniif abboomamaa! " erga jedhee booda, "Kun gooftaa duratti qajeelaa dha " jedha. Because of this, we are misunderstood by many and are even hated by some. The Bible says: "This is righteous in the sight of your parents. " Seenaa kanarratti waaʼee daawwannaa inni Ateenaa Giriikitti godhee dubbisna. 6: 4 In this account, we read about the traveling tour of Athens. Addaamiifi Hewwaan iddoo dhaabaa Eeden keessaa utuu hin baafamin mormii kanaaf akkamitti furmaata akka kennu raajii dubbateera. Even if many in the world wear revealing swimwear, we who serve Jehovah are concerned about being a credit to the holy God we love. He foretold how Adam and Eve would handle this challenge without being removed from the garden of Eden. • Yeroo hunda kadhachuu. - Rom. Your eyes even saw me as an embryo; all its parts were written in your book. " • Pray regularly. - Rom. Eeyyee, Israaʼeloonni raajiin isaan gidduu akka jiru hubatanii turan. - His. Through Isaiah, God foretold the release of the ancient Israelites from Babylonian captivity and their return to rebuild Jerusalem and the temple. Yes, the Israelites recognized that prophecy was among them. - Ezek. Kitaabni Qulqulluun, Mikaaʼel maqaa kan biraa Yesuus ittiin beekamu akka taʼe ifatti dubbata. - 1 Tasalonqee 4: 16; Yihudaa 9. * The Bible clearly shows that Michael is another name known by Jesus. - 1 Thessalonians 4: 16; Jude 9. Guutummaatti Yihowaatti Amanamuun Tasgabbii Nuuf Argamsiisa, 5 / 15 However, what was Jesus ' reaction when he saw that a crowd had gathered? Trust in Jehovah, 5 / 1 Amala gaarii bitamuufi ajajamuu gaafatu akkasii kana horachuuf, gama keenyaan carraaqqii guddaa gochuu akka nu barbaachisu hin shakkisiisu. He called me and said: " In Myanmar the basic transportation is the bus. In order to cultivate such fine qualities and obedience, we will no doubt need to make an earnest effort to do so. Dinqisiifannaa wanta Yihowaafi Yesus nuu godhaniif qabnu argisiisuu kan dandeenyu, obboloota itti gaafatamummaa qaban amanamummaadhaan deggeruudhaani. As governor, Nehemiah had to fill positions of responsibility among God's people. By showing appreciation for what Jehovah and Jesus have done for us, we loyally support those taking the lead. Walgaʼiin Koonyaa Nu Jajjabeesseera For example, because Jehovah is reasonable, adaptable, and merciful, he is willing to alter his intended actions toward erring ones in response to their repentance and the changes that they make. - Jer. Conventions Strengthened by Conventions (Far. 119: 105) Abbootiin manaa fakkeenya Abbaasaanii isa samii hordofuudhaan arrabasaanii warra isaan jala jiran jajjabeessuuf itti fayyadamuu kan dandaʼan akkamitti? If so, you are proving that you love your children. How can husbands imitate their heavenly Father and use their tongue to comfort those under their care? Wanti hunda caalaa nu yaaddessuu qabu, "Murtoonkoo walitti dhufeenyan Yihowaa wajjin qabu kan na jalaa tuqu akkamitti? " isa jedhudha. Nevertheless, we should not be unduly fearful about the future. Our main concern is, " How does my decisions affect my relationship with Jehovah? " (Fakkii jalqaba irra jiru ilaali.) The capacity to choose enabled the first human pair to obey Jehovah out of love. - Deuteronomy 30: 19, 20. (See opening picture.) Sababa kanaatiin namoonni hedduun dogoggoraan nu hubatu, warri tokko tokkommoo nu jibbu. Perhaps Pharaoh planned to woo her and impress her with his wealth and then negotiate with her "brother " to obtain her as a wife. - Genesis 12: 14 - 16. For this reason, many people may mistakenly understand us, some even hate us. 6: 4 Imagine how he felt when everything in his life seemed to go wrong. 6: 4 11: 2, NW; Fak. 11: 20) Namoonni addunyaa hedduun uffata daakaa qaama mulʼisu kan uffatan taʼus, nuti warri Yihowaa tajaajillu Waaqa qulqulluu jaallannuuf uffannaa keenyaan ulfina kennuu barbaanna. Clergywomen, particularly of Christendom, assume leadership roles within their congregations, and their main audience is made up of members of the flock. Although many in the world are dressed in clothing, we want to show respect for our holy God, Jehovah. Nama taʼuun koo utuu hin beekamin iji kee na arge. " 4: 8; 5: 23; Heb. Your eyes saw me as a person. " Waaqayyo, Israa'eloonni durii boojuu Baabilonii walaba ba'anii biyyasaaniitti deebi'uudhaan Yerusaalemiifi mana qulqullummaashee deebisanii akka ijaaran karaa Isaayaas dursee dubbatee ture. For more details, see the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? God foretold through Isaiah that the ancient Israelites would return from Babylon and rebuild Jerusalem and its temple. * You are not likely ever to find yourself in that unusual position. * Haata'u malee, Yesus yeroo tuuta namootaa arge tarkaanfii akkamii fudhate? He "is greater than our hearts and knows all things. " But what action did Jesus take when he saw a crowd in the crowd? Achiis akkana jedhee naaf bilbile: " Maayaanmaar keessatti geejjibni buʼuuraa otobusii dha. " Under such circumstances, " says a wife in Germany, "silence can hurt your partner. " Then he received a telephone call: "The transportation in Myanmar is a principle. Nahimiyaan bulchaa waan tureef, namoota saba Waaqayyoo gidduutti itti gaafatamummaa fudhachuu dandaʼan muuduu qaba ture. I felt I had achieved something truly worthwhile. As a ruler, Nehemiah had to appoint men who could take the lead among God's people. Fakkeenyaaf, Yihowaan akka haalasaatti yaadasaa kan jijjiiruufi gaarummaa kan argisiisu waan taʼeef, cubbamoonni yommuu yaada garaasaanii geddaratan wanta gochuuf yaade dhiisuuf fedhii qaba. - Er. In principle, each individual Kingdom proclaimer does not know how this may take place. For example, Jehovah is patient and kind, and he is willing to forgive repentant sinners when they repent. - Jer. Yoo ta'e, ijoollee keessan akka jaallatan mirkaneessaa jirtu jechuudha. 26: 26 - 31. If so, you are assured that you love your children. Ta'us, waa'ee gara fuulduraa garmalee dhiphachuu hin qabnu. She understood that the Kingdom involved rulership with Jesus, and she wanted her sons to have a share in it. Yet, we should not be overly anxious about the future. Mirgi filannaa namoonni jalqabaa kun qaban, jaalalaan kakaʼanii Yihowaadhaaf akka abboomaman kan isaan dandeessisu ture. - Keessa deebii 30: 19, 20. And what makes me really happy is that this living arrangement allows my children to continue their fruitful ministry here. " The first human pair had free will to obey Jehovah out of love. - Deuteronomy 30: 19, 20. Tarii Faraʼoon qabeenya isaatiin ishii hawwachuu fi dinqisiisuudhaan, "obboleessa " ishii amansiisee ishii fuudhuu akka dandaʼu yaadee taʼuu dandaʼa. - Uumama 12: 14 - 16. However, God did not permit the disgraced angels to return to "their original position. " Perhaps Pharaoh thought that she had been attracted to her riches and was able to marry "the brother whom she had studied. " - Genesis 12: 14 - 16. Wantoonni jireenyasaa keessatti isa mudatan hundi furmaata kan hin qabne yommuu fakkaatanitti wanta isatti dhagaʼame yaadaa! PATIENCE Imagine how he must have felt when everything happened that was happening to him! Dubartoonni Saba Kiristiyaanaa luba taʼan waldaasaanii keessatti geggeessitoota waan taʼaniif adda durummaadhaan kan barsiisan miseensotasaaniiti. Time spent together promotes communication. Christendom's Christian women are primarily members of the church because they are members of the church. 4: 8; 5: 23; Ibr. • How can you eliminate potential causes of discouragement? 4: 8; 5: 23; Heb. Odeeffannoo dabalataa argachuuf, kitaaba Macaafni Qulqulluun Maal Barsiisa? Circuit overseers serve a number of congregations, taking the lead in the ministry and assisting the congregations in other ways. For more information, see chapter 7 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Tarii haalli akkasii si mudachuu dhiisuu dandaʼa. Besides training us for the ministry, Jehovah, through his organization, equips us with excellent teaching tools. Perhaps that is not true of you. (1 Sen. 29: 17) Inni, " garaa keenyarra caalaa waan hundumaa ni hubata. ' Reasonably, then, anointed ones who die before Armageddon are resurrected sometime between 1914 and Armageddon. He " knows everything that is in our heart. ' Haati manaa Jarmanii jiraattu tokko, "Haala akkasii keessatti callisuun hiriyaa gaaʼelaa keessan miidha " jetteetti. Clearly, the brothers had no intention of compromising! " It hurts your mate, " says a wife in Germany. Jireenyakoo keessatti wanta gatii guddaa qabu akkan raawwadhe natti dhaga'ama. Chapter 53 of Isaiah's prophecy describes beautifully how Jesus " interposed, ' or interceded, on behalf of sinful mankind, stating: "The chastisement meant for our peace was upon him, and because of his wounds there has been a healing for us. " - Isa. I feel that I did something valuable in my life. Labsitoonni Mootummichaa hundi haala kun itti taʼu beekuu akka hin dandeenye ifadha. 30 "The Naive Person Believes Every Word " Of course, not all Kingdom proclaimers know how to handle that situation. 26: 26 - 31. This fast - moving part of the program is designed to help not only the student but also all in attendance who wish to improve their reading, speaking, and teaching skills. 26: 26 - 31. Mootummichi Yesusii wajjin bulchuu akka dabalatu waan beektuuf, ilmaanshees akka keessatti hirmaatan barbaaddee turte. Parents may wish to consult Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work, Vol. 1, p. 317, and Vol. 2, pp. 136 - 141. She knew that the Kingdom included ruling with Jesus, so she wanted her sons to share with her. Wanti caalaatti na gammachiisu immoo, as jiraachuun koo intalli tiyyaa fi abbaan manaa ishii tajaajila isaanii isa buʼaa qabeessa taʼe kana itti fufuuf akka isaan gargaaru beekuu koo ti. " We came out of a cold, uncaring world, hoping that all in the congregation would treat one another with Christian kindness. My greatest joy is that my daughter and her husband are helping them to see that they are effective in their ministry. " Waaqayyo garuu, maleekonni ulfina isaanii dhaban kun gara " aangoo isaanii isa jalqabaatti ' akka deebiʼan isaaniif hin heyyamne. (b) How does your understanding of the first resurrection make you feel? But God did not allow angels to return to " their original position. ' OBSA What a wonderful privilege we have of helping people to see Jehovah in the way we conduct ourselves! MIRACLE Yeroo waliin dabarsuun carraa itti waliin haasaʼan argamsiisa. Managing Christ's Earthly Belongings Each time you spend together gives them an opportunity to talk. • Wantoota abdii isin kutachiisuu dandaʼan hambisuu kan dandeessan akkamitti? TEENAGERS • How can you avoid discouragement? Ilaaltonni olaanaa aanaa gumiiwwan hedduu keessatti kan tajaajilan siʼa taʼu, tajaajilarratti adda durummaadhaan hirmaachuudhaan, akkasumas karaa gara biraatiin gumiiwwan ni gargaaru. For many of us, daily "putting up with " our brothers and sisters may be a challenge. The circuit overseers serve in many congregations, primarily by sharing in the ministry, and by helping congregations in other ways. Yihowaan tajaajilaaf nu leenjisuu qofa utuu hin ta'in, karaa jaarmiyaasaa barreeffamoota gaarii ittiin barsiisuuf nu gargaaran nuu qopheessuudhaan nu hidhachiisa. " The Spirit Searches Into... the Deep Things of God " Jehovah not only equips us for the ministry but also equips us with the means of his organization through his organization. Kanarraa ka'uudhaan, warri dibamtoonni Armaagedoon dura du'an, bara 1914fi Armaagedoon gidduutti du'aa ka'u jennee yaaduun keenya sirriidha. Even before reading this article, you may have suspected that there is a communication link between your digestive tract and your brain. In view of this, it is reasonable to conclude that the anointed who died before Armageddon will be resurrected between 1914 and Armageddon. Ifatti akka hubannutti, obboloonni kun ejjennoo isaanii laaffisuu hin barbaanne! What did Jesus demonstrate by calming a violent storm? Clearly, they did not want to compromise their position! Isaayaas boqonnaa 53, "Nuyi nagaa akka argannuuf inni in adabame, madaa'uu isaatiinis fayyinni nuuf in argame " jechuudhaan, ilmaan namootaa cubbamoo ta'aniif akkamitti akka " kadhate ' ykn isaan araarse ibsa. - Isa. Under what circumstances will we "have no reward " from our heavenly Father? Isaiah chapter 53 also explains how "he was being forgiven, and he prayed for our sins, namely, " and" for our salvation, that they may be forgiven and that they may be saved. " - Isa. 30 "Namni Wallaalaan Dubbii Hundumaa Amana " O Judah and Jerusalem, do not be afraid or be terrified. " 30 "The Word of every word Is Near " Kutaawwan gaggabaaboon kun kan qophaa'an, baraticha qofa utuu hin ta'in dhaggeeffattoota dubbisuu, dubbachuufi dandeettii barsiisuusaanii fooyyessuu barbaadan hundas gargaaruuf yaadameeti. (Read Hebrews 12: 1.) These brief portions are designed not only to read, read, and teach the audience but also to improve everything they want to improve. Warri kitaaba Gaaffiiwwan Dargaggootaa fi Deebiiwwan Hojii Irra Ooluu Dandaʼan (Amaariffa) jedhamu Jildii 1, ful. 317, akkasumas Jildii 2, ful. 136 - 141 ilaaluu dandaʼu. In God's due time, the complete number - "all Israel " - would be in a saved condition, eventually ruling as kings and priests in the Messianic Kingdom. - Eph. Parents can use the book Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work, Volume 1, pages 3 - 136. Namoonni gumii keessa jiran hundi gaarummaa akka walitti argisiisan abdachuudhaan, addunyaa jaalala hin qabneefi namaa hin yaanne keessaa dhufneerra. Yet, a decade later, Paul could tell the congregation in Philippi: "I am hoping in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you shortly... By hope that all in the congregation will treat one another with kindness, we live in a world without love and consideration. (b) Du'aa ka'uu isa duraa hubachuu keessanitti maaltu isinitti dhaga'ama? The Generation Seeing the Sign (b) How do you feel about the first resurrection? Namoonni akkaataa jireenyaa keenyarraa waaʼee Yihowaa akka hubatan gargaaruuf mirga guddaa arganneerra! He provides for the needs of all humans, including those not yet worshipping him. What a privilege we have to help others see Jehovah's ways in our lives! Qabeenya Kiristos Isa Lafarratti Argamu To'achuu Yes, if a faithful Christian has come to have gray or white hair, such a mature appearance is beautiful in God's sight. The Riches of Christ's Day DARGAGGOOTA Work hard to reach the goals you set for your family. TEENAGERS Baayʼee keenyaaf obbolootaa fi obboleettota keenya guyyaa guyyaadhaan " dandaʼuun ' ulfaataa nutti taʼuu dandaʼa. THIS MAGAZINE, The Watchtower, honors Jehovah God, the Ruler of the universe. Many of us can find it difficult to "keep on the watch " for our brothers and sisters each day. " Hafuurri Qulqulluun Waan Hundumaa... Qoree Bira In Gaʼa " May we never fall into the trap of choosing to rely on our own understanding, as did Adam and the rebellious Israelites. " The Holy Spirit... Keeps On Seeking All Things " Mata duree kana dubbisuu kee dura iyyuu, qaamota sirna bullaaʼiinsa nyaataatiif fayyadanii fi sammuu kee gidduu hariiroon akka jiru tilmaamuun kee hin oolu. With some nations now even being armed with nuclear weapons, humans have the capacity to wipe out huge segments of the world's population. Even before reading this article, you may think of a body that is designed to benefit your body and mind - especially before you can read it. Yesus yeroo qilleensa jabaa cal jechisiisetti maal argisiise? He made a serious mistake when he gave in to drunkenness on one occasion, but that error was compounded when his grandson Canaan committed a more serious sin - a sin that brought grim consequences to Canaan's family. What did Jesus show when saying a strong wind? Abbaa keenya isa samii biraa " gatii kan hin arganne ' yoo maal ta'edha? But I am convinced of Jehovah's love because he has guided me through tears and heartache, and he never let me experience more than I could endure. " What if we have "no reward " from our heavenly Father? " Keessummaa Taʼuudhaan Jiraadhaa ' When confronted with tests and trials, let us remember the example of Nehemiah and immediately turn to God in prayer. " Be Peaceable With All Men " Hin sodaatinaa, hin naʼinaas. " (2 Sen. May heartfelt gratitude to God coupled with deep faith in his promises move us to do now whatever is needed to qualify to be in that new world. Do not be afraid. " (Ibroota 12: 1 dubbisi.) Gerald Grizzle of the Convention Office interviewed three brothers attending the School for Branch Committee Members. (Read Hebrews 12: 1.) Yeroo boodammoo Mootummaa Masiihichaa keessatti mootummootaafi luboota ta'uudhaan bulchu. - Efe. (a) Why do true Christians resist the urge to retaliate? Later, in the Messianic Kingdom, they will rule over kingdoms and priests. - Eph. Taʼus, waggaa kudhan booda, Phaawulos gumii Filiphisiyusiin akkana jedhee ture: "Fedhii Gooftaa Yesuus yoo taʼe Ximotewosiin dafee gara keessanitti akkan ergu nan abdadha. Therefore, it is urgent to meet our refugee brothers as soon as possible after their arrival. Yet, ten years later, Paul told the congregation in Philippi: "I hope that you will send young Timothy to you if you are the Lord's will. Dhaloota Milikkiticha Argu They cling like leeches. As told by Jehovah's Witnesses Warra isa hin waaqeffanne dabalatee, namoota hundaaf wanta isaan barbaachisu ni kenna. The Swaziland High Court has ruled in favor of Jehovah's Witnesses, stating that they should be allowed back to their homes and lands. He provides for all, including those who do not worship him. 16: 31, NW) Eeyyee, Kiristiyaanni amanamaan tokko yommuu mataansaa harrii ykn adii ta'u, namni muuxannoo qabu kun Waaqayyo duratti bareedaadha. Did he care? Yes, when a faithful Christian is white or white, he is beautiful in God's eyes. Galmawwan maatii keessaniif baastanirra gaʼuuf jabaadhaa hojjedhaa. Small Social Gatherings Be determined to reach your family's goals. BARRUUN Masaraa Eegumsaa kun, Yihowaa isa Bulchaa uumama cufaa taʼeef ulfina kenna. What, then, would be required for you to know Jehovah by name? THIS MAGAZINE, The Watchtower, honors Jehovah God, the Ruler of the universe. 10: 23) Akkuma Addaamii fi Israaʼeloonni ajajamuu didan godhan, matumaa kiyyoo hubannaa ofii keenyatti amanamuu filachuutiin akka hin qabamne of haa eeggannu. Yet, all need to muster up boldness in order to meet the challenges of life. Like Adam and Eve, let us never become sidetracked by the snare of our own understanding. Gama saayinsiifi qorichaatiin guddinni argamuyyuu, waggaa waggaatti daa'imman miliyoona shan ta'an beelaan du'aa jiru. - Kitaaba Macaafni Qulqulluu Maal Barsiisa? [ Picture on page 7] Despite scientific and medical advances, there are five million children who die each year. - See the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Yeroo tokko dhugaatii dhugee machaa'uudhaan cubbuu cimaa kan raawwate si'a ta'u, ilma ilmasaa kan ta'e Kana'aan itti dabaluudhaan cubbuu maatiisaarratti miidhaa guddaa geessise raawwateera. What did it mean? On one occasion, he committed a serious sin that resulted in serious consequences for his son, his son, and his sin on the part of his family. Taʼus, Yihowaan yeroo rakkinaatti qajeelfama waan naa kenneef akka na jaallatu mirkaneeffadheera; akkasumas, rakkinni humna kootii ol taʼe akka na irra gaʼu hin godhu. " Christians are admonished "to repudiate ungodliness and worldly desires and to live with soundness of mind and righteousness and godly devotion amid this present system of things. " - Titus 2: 12. But I have found that Jehovah loves me for guidance in times of distress, and I do not allow my problems to overwhelm me. " Warri wanta hamaa hojjettan, qola yaada garaa keessanii haguugu of irraa kutaa! Although our brothers in these countries may speak other local, or indigenous, languages, they often use English for everyday communication at congregation meetings and in the field ministry. Those doing what is bad, turn away from your heart! Qorumsiifi rakkinni yommuu nu mudatu, fakkeenya Nahimiyaa yaadachuudhaan yeruma sana Waaqayyotti kadhannaa haa dhiheessinu! Boat Earth House When we face trials and hardships, let us remember Nehemiah's example and immediately pray to God! Galateeffannaan Waaqayyoof qabnuu fi amantii guddaan abdiiwwan inni kenne irratti qabnu, addunyaa haaraa sana keessa galuuf amma waan dandeenye hunda akka goonu kan nu kakaasu haa taʼu. Scholar Jason David BeDuhn likewise says: "In Greek, if you leave off the article from theos in a sentence like the one in John 1: 1c, then your readers will assume you mean " a god. '... May our gratitude for God and our deep appreciation for his promises move us to do all we can now to enter into that new world. Jeeraald Giriizel inni Waajjira Walga'ii Gurguddaa keessatti hojjetu, obboloota Miseensota Koree Waajjira Damee ta'uuf leenjifaman sadiif gaafannoo godhe. In our course of life. I interviewed three other members of the Branch Committee who were trained to become members of the Branch Committee. (a) Kiristiyaanonni dhugaa ijaa ba'uurraa kan of qusatan maaliifi? Brook and Hans (a) Why are true Christians refraining from retaliating? Kanaaf, hamma dandaʼametti akkuma isaan dhufaniin obboloota keenya godaantota taʼan simachuu qabna. (Read Ruth 2: 12.) Hence, we should welcome our brothers as refugees whenever possible. Dadhabinakee mo'uu akka hin dandeenye ykn warra kaanii gadi akka taate sitti dhaga'ama ta'a. In one night, in October 539 B.C.E., Cyrus the Great conquered Babylon. You may feel that you are unable to overcome your weaknesses or that others are superior to you. Manni Murtii Olaanaa Suwaazilaandi, Dhugaa Baatonni Yihowaa kun gara manasaaniifi qeʼeesaaniitti akka deebiʼan isaaniif murteesseera. We were able to get a ride to Wichita, where a close family friend, E. F. The Court's Court determined that Jehovah's Witnesses return to their home and home. Dhugumaan isheedhaaf ni yaadaa? Like them, Jesus was law - abiding, even paying taxes that he did not really owe. Does he really care about her? Waamicha Xixinnoo Become kind to one another, tenderly compassionate, freely forgiving one another just as God also by Christ freely forgave you. " An Open call Yihowaa maqaasaatiin beekuuf maaltu si barbaachisaree? (b) How can a brother reach out for service privileges? What, then, is needed for you to know Jehovah by name? Ariʼatamni cimaan kan gaʼu Kiristiyaanota hundarra miti. Regularly, every week of every month, dedicated Christians come together to worship Jehovah. Not all Christians face intense persecution. [ Fakkii fuula 7 rra jiru] You can learn a lot from them. " [ Picture on page 7] Kun maal kan argisiisu ture? Jesus ' answer was a masterpiece of balance. What did that mean? Nuyi Kiristiyaanonni, "Waaqayyo malee jiraachuu, kajeellaa biyya lafaa isa hamaas gannee, bara kana keessa of qabuutti [" yaada sirrii qabaachuutti, " NW] qajeelinatti, namoota Waaqayyoo taanee akka jiraannuuf " gorfamneerra. - Tit. 2: 12. Many jobs, though, call for keen focus and alertness, and the Christian ministry is certainly like that. We are told: "God is not partial, but in this system of things we are being declared righteous by [God's] righteousness. " - Titus 2: 12. Obboloonni biyyoota kana keessa jiraatan afaan biyyasaanii kan dubbatan taʼus, yeroo baayʼee walgaʼii gumiifi tajaajilarratti guyyaa guyyaadhaan yeroo waliin haasaʼan Ingiliffa dubbatu. Like Paul, we do not have to give in to our weaknesses and problems. Although brothers and sisters in their own country speak their language, they usually speak English daily at meetings and in the field ministry. Bidiruu Lafa Mana For example, your son or daughter might say, "You always treat me like a child! " A boat on the ground Haaluma wal fakkaatuun piroofeesara amantii kan ta'an Jeesan Deeviid Beeduun akkas jedhaniiru: "Akkuma dhuma Yohannis 1: 1 rratti arginu, afaan Giriikiitiin hima tokko keessatti maqaa tee'os jedhutti addeessaa yoo dabaluu baattan, namni dubbisu tokko, " waaqa ' isa kamiyyuu jechuu keessan akka ta'e hubata.... These can enable us " to see ' our Creator through our eyes of faith. Similarly, a professor of faith named Jason, quoted at 1 John 1: 1 in the end of the Christian Greek Scriptures, said: "If you see someone speaking in the name of the moon..., you realize that it is a name for you.... Akkaataa jireenyaa keenyaan. Peter tells us: "I am arousing your clear thinking faculties by way of a reminder, that you should remember the sayings previously spoken by the holy prophets and the commandment of the Lord and Savior through your apostles. " Our way of life. Biruukii fi Haanzi Our love of neighbor should extend to people other than those of our own race, nationality, or religion. - Luke 10: 25, 29, 30, 33 - 37. Hans and Hans (Ruut 2: 12 dubbisi.) • Why do you consider faithful elderly Christians to be precious? (Read Ruth 2: 12.) Dhaloota Kiristoos Dura, Onkoloolessa 539 tti Qiiros Guddichi halkan tokkotti Baabiloniin injifate. Nausea In October 539 B.C.E., Cyrus conquered Babylon in one night. Konkolaataa gara Wichitaatti nu geessu kan arganne siʼa taʼu, michuun maatii keenyatti baayʼee dhihaatuu fi Everij Firaank Dook Maakaartinii jedhamu qajeelchaa taʼee achi tajaajila ture. After saying that "we have been discharged from the Law, " Paul went on to refer to one of the Ten Commandments. We were on our way to the car, and a friend of our family who had been pioneering there. Yesusis gibira kaffaluun kan isa hin barbaachisne taʼullee kaffaluudhaan, akkumasaanii seera kan kabaju taʼuusaa argisiiseera. SONGS TO BE USED: 53, 48 Jesus showed respect for the law, even though he did not have to pay taxes. Walitti kan toltan, garaas kan waliif laaftan ta'aa; akkuma Waaqayyo karaa Kristos cubbuu keessan isiniif dhiise, isinis akkasuma waliif dhiisaa! " PAGE 11 Imitate Their Faith - He Learned From His Mistakes PAGE 25 Be kind to one another, tenderly compassionate, freely forgiving one another just as God also by Christ freely forgave you. " (b) Obboleessi tokko mirga gumii keessatti itti gaafatamummaa fudhachuuf isa dandeessisurra ga'uu kan danda'u akkamitti? You probably do not know anyone who acts just like her, but there may be a situation in which you can imitate Asa's zeal. (b) How might a brother reach out for privileges in the congregation? Tajaajiltoonni Yihowaa mataasaanii murteessan Yihowaa waaqeffachuuf torban torbaniin walitti qabamu. " You have come to know God. " - GAL. Each week, Jehovah's servants meet together to worship Jehovah. Isaanirraa waan hedduu barachuu dandeessu. " How? Jesus said that it is those "exercising faith " in him who will receive everlasting life. You can learn much from them. " Yesus, "Mootichaaf, kan fudhachuun isaaf taʼu, Waaqayyoofis kan fudhachuun isaaf taʼu kennaa! " The apostle Paul wrote to Hebrew Christians that they "endured a great struggle along with sufferings, " as they sought Jehovah's approval and blessing. Jesus said: "Pay back Caesar's things to Caesar, but God's things to God. " Hojiiwwan hedduun garuu xiyyeeffannaa guddaa kan barbaadan siʼa taʼan, hojiin lallabaa Kiristiyaanonni raawwatan hojii keessaa tokko akka taʼe hin shakkisiisu. As told by Andreas Golec However, many of their tasks are highly interested and are no doubt part of the preaching work. Akkuma Phaawulos, nuyis dadhabbinaafi rakkoowwan keenyaaf mo'amuu hin qabnu. In fact, Jesus warned: "Beware of the scribes who want to walk around in robes and want greetings in the marketplaces. " - Mark 12: 38. Like Paul, we need not be overwhelmed by problems and problems. Fakkeenyaaf, ilmi ykn intallikee, "Yeroo hundumaa akka daa'ima xinnootti na ilaalta! " Again, Nehemiah did not let himself be conquered by evil opposers. For example, your son or daughter said to me: "You always see me as a child! " Wantoonni kun ija amantiitiin Uumaa keenya " arguuf ' nu dandeessisu. In modern times, "the faithful and discreet slave " has provided sign - language publications and has organized congregations as well as assemblies and conventions in sign language. They give us faith in our Creator, "the eyes of our Creator. " Phexros akkas jechuudhaan nutti hima: "Isaan keessatti isin yaadachiisee yaada keessan isa qullaa'aa nan dammaqsa. Wanta raajonni qulqulloonni duraan dursanii dubbatan, abboommii gooftaa keenyaa fi fayyisaa keenyaa isa karaa ergamoota warra isiniif hojjetanii argattan yaadadhaa! " One Christian sister, who was imprisoned for her faith and isolated from fellow believers for years, later recounted what helped her not to succumb to fear. The apostle Peter tells us: "I shall remind you of the holy ones that were set before you in the light of our Lord and Savior Jesus our Savior. " Namoota sanyii keenya, qomoo keenyaafi amantii keenya hordofan qofa jaallachuu akka hin qabne baranna. - Luqaas 10: 25, 29, 30, 33 - 37. Second Chronicles 20: 7 also calls Abraham a friend of God. We learn that we should not merely love those who imitate our race, our race, and our faith. - Luke 10: 25, 29, 33 - 33. • Kiristiyaanota maanguddoota ta'aniif iddoo guddaa kan laattu maaliifi? The material heavens and earth are created. - Genesis 1: 1. • Why do you cherish older Christians? Garaa hammeessaa 15, 16. (a) What thrilling events will take place during the Thousand Year Reign? Beware of the Heart Phaawulos "seerattiis hiikamneerra " erga jedhee booda, Abboommiiwwan Kurnan sana keessaa tokko caqaseera. In those areas, families met at home for their worship. After mentioning "the Law, " Paul referred to one of those Ten Commandments. FAARFANNA: 53, 48 This frustrates my wife. SONGS TO BE USED: 53, 48 Tarii nama wantuma ishiin raawwatte godhu hin beektu taʼa; taʼus atis akkuma Aasaa hinaaffaa akka qabdu argisiisuu dandeessa. 3: 17. Perhaps you do not know why a person would do so, but you too can show that you, like Asa, was zealous. " Waaqayyoon beekuu bira geessaniittu. ' - GAL. So there would be an interval between the two appointments. " Draw close to God. " - GAL. Haaluma wal fakkaatuun, Yihowaan furii kan sii qopheesse yoo ta'eyyuu, furii sana fudhachuuf carraaqqii yoo goote malee, kan keeti jedhamuu hin danda'u. Even missionaries recognize that to remain strong in their foreign assignment, they cannot rely merely on the basic understanding of the spiritual food they get at the meetings. Similarly, Jehovah has provided you with the ransom, but you cannot be called unless you reach out for it. Phaawulos ergamaan, Kiristiyaanonni Ibroota taʼan Yihowaa duratti fudhatama argachuu fi eebba isaa argachuuf, " rakkina guddaadhaan qabsoo cimaa keessa jabaatanii akka dhaabatan ' isaaniif barreesseera. Back row, left to right: D. H. Splane, A. Morris III, D. M. Sanderson, G. W. Jackson, M. The apostle Paul wrote to Hebrew Christians that with Jehovah's approval and blessing, they "stand firm in the great tribulation. " Aandiriʼaas Gooleetis akka dubbatetti The psalmist likens "the sayings of Jehovah " to" silver refined in a smelting furnace of earth, clarified seven times. " As told by Anne C.E. Kana malees Yesuus, "Barsiisota seeraa irraa of eegaa; isaan uffata dhedheeraa uffatanii naannaʼuu jaallatu; iddoo gabaatti nagaa gaafatamuu barbaadu " jedhee isaan akeekkachiiseera. - Maarqos 12: 38. The apostle Paul wrote: "Keep this mental attitude in you that was also in Christ Jesus, who, although he was existing in God's form, gave no consideration to a seizure, namely, that he should be equal to God. Furthermore, Jesus warned them: "Keep watch over the judges of the law; they like to go around, and they seek peace at the market. " - Mark 12: 38. Yeroo kanattis taanaan Nahimiiyaan mormitoota hamoo ta'aniin hin mo'amne. Because under normal circumstances, people find happiness and satisfaction in doing so. Again, Nehemiah did not defeat the rebellious opposers. Bara keenyatti "hojjetaan amanamaanii fi ogeessi " afaan mallattootiin barreeffamoota ni qopheessa, akkasumas walga'ii gumii, addaa, aanaafi koonyaa ni gurmeessa. " A woman told me that soon people will no longer die. In modern times, "the faithful and discreet slave " has provided publications for sign language and has organized meetings, assemblies, and conventions. Obboleettiin, sababii amantiisheetiin namoota hidhata amantiishee taʼanirraa waggoota hedduudhaaf adda baafamtee hidhamte tokko, yeroo booda wanta sodaa moʼuuf ishee gargaare dubbatetti. This article will help us identify five stumbling blocks and will explain how to prevent them from hindering us from winning. A sister who was disfellowshipped for years told her why she was imprisoned for her faith. (Isa. 41: 8, hiika bara 1899) Macaafni Seenaa Baraa Inni Lammaffaa 20: 7 s, Abrahaam michuu waaqayyoo taʼuusaa ibsa. We thus grow in our appreciation for God and for all the provisions he has made for our benefit. The Bible account of 2 Chronicles 20: 7 shows that Abraham was God's friend. Bantiiwwan waaqaafi lafatu uumame. - Uumama 1: 1. Under the Law covenant, God's people offered acceptable sacrifices to gain his favor. The heavens and earth were created. - Genesis 1: 1. 15, 16. (a) Bulchiinsa Waggaa Kumaa keessatti wantoota dinqisiisoo akkamiitu raawwatama? He can pray for holy spirit, bearing in mind that its fruitage includes peace and self - control - qualities needed to dispel anxiety or feelings of inadequacy. 15, 16. (a) What marvelous events will occur during the Thousand Year Reign? Naannoowwan kanatti maatiiwwan mana isaanitti waaqeffannaa isaanii geggeessu turan. (Contemporary English Version) In the Scriptures, however, the expression " deliver from ' is used chiefly with regard to people, and Matthew's Gospel refers to the Devil as "the Tempter, " a person. In these places, families were taking the lead in their homes for worship. Kunimmoo haadha manaakoo baay'ee aarsa. Would you say, then, that true faith is an either - or matter? Is it a question of belief in Jesus versus belief in Jehovah? This hurts my wife. 3: 17. The apostle John, whose feet were also washed by the Lord, wrote: "Little children, let us love, neither in word nor with the tongue, but in deed and truth. " 3: 17. Kanaafuu muudama lamaan gidduutti yeroon darbu jira jechuudha. 8, 9. (a) Having what qualities will help us to win the prize? So the time has passed between two appointments. Misiyoononni illee, naannoo haaraa itti ramadamanii jiranitti cimanii itti fufuudhaaf, beekumsa buʼuuraa walgaʼiiwwan irratti baratan qofatti amanamuu akka hin qabne beeku. Those addresses were the basis for productive return visits. Even missionaries know that to work hard in their new territory, they need not rely solely on basic knowledge at meetings. Toora duubaa, bitaarraa gara mirgaatti: Deevid Ispileen, Antoonii Mooris 3 ffaa, Maark Saandarsan, Jeefrii Jaaksan, Isteefan Leet. Twice Luke's Gospel shows us that Mary paid careful attention to words that had deep spiritual meaning, and later she made time to meditate on what she had heard. Next, right away, Anthony Morris, Anthony Morris of the 3th class, H. Knorr, Stephen, next of the 3th class, delivered Stephen, Stephen, and Stephen. Faarfatichi, "Dubbiin Waaqayyoo dubbii qullaa'aa... akka meetii iddoo ibiddaatti si'a torba baqfamee qullaa'ee " wajjin akka wal fakkaatu ibseera. Men often underestimate a wife's efforts to support the household, whether through working, raising children, or homemaking. The psalmist pointed out that "the word of God... will be like a fiery furnace, " said the psalmist. Inni bifa waaqayyummaatiin utuma jiruu, ulfina waaqayyummaa isa abbaa isaa wajjin wal isa qixxeessu wanta qabatanii itti hafanitti hin lakkoofne. I thought it was enough just to shower her with stolen jewelry. While he was still in the image, he did not take hold of the honor that he had with his father. Yeroo baayʼee namoonni kana gochuudhaan gammachuu waan argataniifi. (Far. That is why God gave this command to Adam and Eve: "Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving upon the earth. " - Genesis 1: 28. Often, they are happy because they do so. Dubartiin tokko yeroo dhihoo booda namoonni matumaa akka hin duune natti himte. Think of the expressions "they were beside themselves with great ecstasy " and" they began to glorify God. " One woman soon told me that people would die. Matadureen kun, gufuuwwan shanan addaan baasnee akka beeknuufi dorgommii keenyarratti akka nu hin gufachiisne gochuu kan dandeenyu akkamitti akka taʼe ibsa. The Bible was recorded for our benefit. This article will show how we can identify five obstacles and prevent us from stumbling in our race. Kunis, dinqisiifannaa Waaqayyoofi qophii inni faayidaa keenyaaf jecha godhe hundaaf qabnu nuu guddisa. The Scenario also became a beloved picture book for Bible Student families. This will deepen our appreciation for God and for all his provisions for our benefit. Sabni Waaqayyoo kakuu Seerichaa jala turan, isa duratti faara tolaadhaan ilaalamuuf aarsaa fudhatama qabu dhiheessu turan. They believe, however, that there are sincere people in all religions and that God sees them and accepts them as his worshippers on earth. Under the Law covenant, God's people offered acceptable sacrifices to him. Iji hojii hafuuraa nagaafi of qabuu, warra miira gaʼumsa hin qabu jedhanii sodaachuu moʼuuf gargaaran kan dabaltu taʼuusaa hubachuudhaan hafuura qulqulluu argachuuf kadhachuu dandaʼa. Do I really need to make an issue of it? ' He can pray for holy spirit, recognizing that the fruitage of the spirit can help those who are not mature enough to overcome feelings of inadequacy. Haata'u malee, jechi "nu oolchi " jedhu Macaafa Qulqulluu keessatti caalaatti kan ittiin hojjetame haala namootaa wajjin wal qabateenidha. Akkasumas Wangeelli Maatewos Diiyaabilosiin, kan "isa qoru " jedhee waama. Pay constant attention to yourself and to your teaching. " However, the word "flee " is also used in the Bible as" the Devil, " and "the ruler of the Devil. " Caqasni kun, namni tokko Yihowaafi Yesus keessaa filate isa tokkotti qofa amanuu akka qabu argisiisaa? What Is Delegating? Does this scripture indicate that a person should trust only in Jehovah and Jesus? Ergamoota Yesus miillasaanii dhiqeef keessaa tokko kan ta'e Yohannisis akkas jechuudhaan barreesseera: "Yaa ijoollee ko! Kottaa dubbiidhaa fi afaaniin utuu hin ta'in hojiidhaa fi garaa dhugaadhaan in jaallannaa! " They got baptized without delay. And one of Jesus ' apostles, John, wrote: "Let us love, not in word or with the tongue, but in deed and truth. " 8, 9. (a) Amalawwan akkamii qabaachuu keenyatu badhaasicha argachuuf nu gargaara? By all means, then, let us accept the loving and consoling expressions of fellow Christians, apply the kind counsel and faith - strengthening reminders heard at Christian meetings, and pour out our heart to Jehovah in prayer. 8, 9. (a) What qualities will help us to attain the prize? Teessoowwan kun, deddeebii gaaffii gochuudhaan maree Macaafa Qulqulluu gochuuf isaan gargaaraniiru. 48,220 They helped them to make return visits and to start Bible discussions. Wangeelli Luqaas bakka lamatti Maariyaam jechoota hafuuraa hiika guddaa qaban xiyyeeffannaadhaan dhaggeeffachuu ishii fi yeroo fudhattee wanta dhageesse kana irratti xiinxaluu ishii dubbata. Forestalling any attempt to get him to list in order of importance the other laws, he concluded: "On these two commandments the whole Law hangs, and the Prophets. " Luke's Gospel focuses on Mary's deepest meaning and taking time to meditate on what she heard. Yeroo baayʼee dhiironni, haadhotiin manaa ijoollee guddisuu dabalatee hojii isaan maaticha deggeruuf mana keessattis taʼe alatti hojjetaniif iddoo hin kennan. Imagine another scenario: A single mother with two children receives an invitation from a couple in her congregation to spend an evening with them. In many cases, men often do not care for their families - including children - to support the work of the family. Faayaan hatee fidu hedduu ishiidhaaf kennuun gaʼaa akka taʼe natti dhagaʼama ture. In line with the free will that he grants us, he respects our responsibility and right to " choose for ourselves ' whether we will serve him. I felt that it was enough for her to give a lot to her. Qurxummii galaanaa irratti, simbirroota qilleensa keessa balali'an irratti, uumama lafa irra munyuuqan hundumaa irrattis mootummaa qabaadhaa! " jechuudhaan kan ajaje kanaaf ture. - Uumama 1: 28. Not surprisingly, countless people are plagued by overwhelming sadness, excessive guilt, and a sense of personal worthlessness. That is why the whole earth will be filled with birds of heaven and all the flying creatures on the earth. " - Genesis 1: 28. Mee jechoota "isaan guddaa gammadanii of wallaalan " akkasumas" Waaqayyoof hooqubaa dhiʼeessan " jedhan hubadhaa! Contrast the sad ending of Adam and Eve with the outcome of the events mentioned earlier regarding Elijah and the widow of Zarephath. Think, too, of the words: "Happy is the one who makes himself rejoice " and called" the glory of Jehovah. " Kitaabni Qulqulluun faayidaa keenyaaf barreeffame. " It is estimated that between 25 million and 30 million men, women, and children were abducted and sold, ' says a UNESCO report. The Bible was written for our benefit. Kitaabni kun, maatiiwwaniif, kitaaba fakkii jaalatamaa taʼee ture. Who preside over the congregation, and what does doing so involve? It was a book for families, a pictures, and a picture of images. Haataʼu malee, amantii hunda keessayyuu namoonni gaariin Waaqayyo isaan arguufi waaqeffattootasaa lafarra jiran akka taʼanitti isaan ilaalu akka jiran amanu. I know that Jehovah excludes no one, single or married, from his tender affections. " Yet, even in all religions, people believe that God exists and views them as his worshippers on earth. Irratti yaaduu koo itti fufuun qabaa? ' How can parents help their children enjoy refreshing recreation? Should I keep on thinking? ' Ofii keetii fi barumsa barsiistuuf yeroo hunda xiyyeeffannaa kenni. " Conscious of the need for guidance, they ask Jehovah for help to find a suitable mate. - Read 1 Corinthians 7: 36. Pay constant attention to yourself and your teaching. " Kana gochuu kan danda'anoo akkamitti? Or you may be grieving over the loss of a child. How can they do so? Utuma hin turin cuuphamaniiru. He willingly accepted his assignment to serve as mankind's Redeemer. Soon they got baptized. Kanaaf, yaada Kiristiyaanonni hidhata amantii keenya taʼan nu jajjabeessuuf jaalalaan kakaʼanii nuu kennan haa fudhannu; gorsa gaariifi barumsa amantii namaa jabeessu isa walgaʼiiwwan Kiristiyaanaarratti argannu hojiirra haa oolchinu; akkasumas wanta nutti dhagaʼamu hundumaa kadhannaadhaan Yihowaatti haa himannu. Obedient Despite Imperfection Therefore, let us give loving encouragement to fellow Christians, and let us heed the wise counsel and faith that we receive at Christian meetings, thus building up our hearts to Jehovah in prayer. Jechoonni geggeessaa hafuuraatiin barreeffaman kun [Yihowaatti akka amanamnu nugargaaru] amanannaa akkamii nuuf kennu! Jesus benefited from trusting implicitly in his Father. What confidence these inspired words give us so that we can trust in Jehovah! 48,220 Interestingly, this conversation took place not long after the occasion when the people wanted to make Jesus king. 482 Faayidaa seerawwan kaan qaban ibsuudhaan seericha tartiibaan akka isaaniif ibsu akka isa hin gaafannetti, "Seerrii fi barsiisi raajotaa hundinuu abboommii kana lamaan irra dhaabatanii jiru " jechuudhaan xumureera. Parents with practical wisdom spend hours learning and applying Jehovah's standards, thus fearing his name. He concluded by explaining the benefits of the Law, saying: "All the law and the Prophets were on the basis of this commandment. " Haala kanammoo ilaali: Hiriyoonni gaaʼelaa tokko haadha qeentee ijoollee lama qabduufi gumiisaanii keessa jirtu tokko galgala tokko isaanii wajjin akka dabarsituuf ishee afeeran. What do you think? Consider this: One couple invited two single girls to work with her in their own congregation on a night. Mirga filannoo waan nuu kenneef, mirgaa fi itti gaafatamummaa isa tajaajiluuf qabnu nuu kabaja. (Iya. 24: 15; Lal. Try to visit the country where you would like to serve. Because he has given us free will, we honor our right and responsibility to serve him. Yeroon keessa jiraannu rakkina dinagdee, goolii haalaan babalʼachaa jiruufi jalʼina garmalee raawwatamuun beekama. How do we prove that we firmly believe that God will "cause justice to be done "? The times in which we live are living are marked by economic hardship, violence, and injustice. Maaliif? Haala gaddisiisaa Addaamiifi Hewwaanirra gaʼe, wanta Eliyaasiifi haati hiyyeessaa Saraaphtaa olitti caqasaman argatanii wajjin walbira qabii ilaali. 20: 5, 6, 12, 15, 17. Compare the sad consequences of Adam and Eve's case with what happened to Elijah and the widow mentioned earlier. Gabaasni Yuuneeskoo, " Dhiironni, dubartoonni fi ijoolleen miliyoona 25 hanga 30 taʼan humnaan akka fudhatamanii fi akka gurguraman tilmaamama ' jedheera. In using this term, Paul was alluding to a very specific area of conduct, that of sexual morality. My report in the United States says: "It is estimated that men, women, women, and children have been taken from 25 million to 30 million. " Gumii kan geggeessu eenyudha? Kana gochuunoo maal dabalata? We are living in a time when human rulership is failing. Who leads the congregation, and what does doing so involve? Yihowaan warra qeentee taʼanis taʼe, warra gaaʼela godhatan akka jaallatu nan beeka. " After graduation, he was eventually assigned to the circuit work in Switzerland. I know that Jehovah loves single and married people. " Warri ijoolleensaanii bohaartii gaarii akka filata gargaaruu kan dandaʼan akkamitti? Jesus was born to be the Ruler of God's Kingdom. How can parents help their children to choose wholesome entertainment? Gama kanaan qajeelfama argachuun akka isaan barbaachisu waan beekaniif nama isaaniif taʼu argachuuf Yihowaan akka isaan gargaaru gaafatu. - 1 Qorontos 7: 36 dubbisi. Beginning at the tender age of eight, "he proceeded to do what was right in Jehovah's eyes... He did not turn aside to the right or to the left. " Knowing that they need guidance in this regard, they ask Jehovah to help them find their guidance. - Read 1 Corinthians 7: 36. Yookiin immoo mucaan kee si jalaa duʼee gadditeetta taʼa. Hence, the proclamation of God's message must continue unabated right to the end. Or you may have lost your child in death. Hojii ilmaan namootaa akka Furuu isaaf kenname gammachuudhaan fudhateera. 2: 6 - 9. He gladly accepted the work that was given to the human family. Cubbuu Kan Dhaalle Taanus Abbomamuu Ni Dandeenya What organization exists in heaven? We Can Be Israel's Sin 3: 5, 6) Yesus guutummaatti Abbaasaatti amanamuusaatiin faayidaa argateera. We need, then, to examine what integrity is. Jesus benefited from his complete trust in his Father. Kan nama dinqisiisu, mareen kun kan geggeeffame namoonni sun erga Yesuusiin mootii gochuu barbaadanii utuu baayʼee hin turini dha. What should be our determination? Interestingly, it was soon after the conversation with the mob wanted to make Jesus king. Haatii fi abbaan ogeeyyii taʼan, yeroo isaanii ulaagaalee Yihowaa barachuu fi hojii irra oolchuudhaan waan dabarsaniif, maqaa isaa ni sodaatu. How might a wife support her husband's headship? When both parents learn and apply Jehovah's standards, they fear his name. Maal sitti fakkaata? Lives were at stake. What do you think? Biyya itti tajaajiluu barbaaddu dhaqxee daawwachuuf yaali. Even if what you do seems menial or is not the type of work you feel you were born for, endeavor to become skillful at it. Try to make a visit to the country where you want to serve. Jaalalli Waaqayyoo " dhugaa nuuf baasuu ' akka ta'e akka amannu akkamitti argisiisuu dandeenya? Matthew continued: "[Jesus] took a cup and, having given thanks, he gave it to them, saying: " Drink out of it, all of you. ' " How can we show that we believe that God's love is "a lover of truth "? 20: 5, 6, 12, 15, 17. How do you view them? 20: 5, 6, 12, 17. Phaawulos jecha kanatti fayyadamuudhaan, addumaan baasee waa'ee addaggummaa saalaa dubbachuusaa ture. " Even though my Christian parents have taught me since I was small, this book has made me reason for myself about the steps I should take in my life. By using that expression, Paul was referring to sexual immorality. Kan jiraannu yeroo bulchiinsi ilmaan namootaa milkaaʼina itti dhabe keessadha. Jehovah's organization has supplied many well - researched aids to help us. We are living in a time of human rulership. Erga eebbifamee booda Siwiizarlaandi keessatti hojii daawwannaa akka hojjetu ramadame. Perhaps we have heard these reminders repeatedly, but it is vital that we now, more than ever, continue to pay attention to these warnings. - Isaiah 34: 1 - 4; Luke 21: 34 - 36. After graduation, I was assigned to work in Switzerland. Yesus Bulchaa Mootummaa Waaqayyoo ta'uuf dhalate. In Matthew's day, Jeremiah may have been placed first in a group of Bible books that included Zechariah. (Compare Luke 24: 44.) Jesus was born as King of God's Kingdom. Umriisaa waggaa saddeetii jalqabee, "Waaqayyo duratti wanta qajeelaa ta'e in hojjete;... gara mirgaatti yookiis gara bitaatti hin jal'anne. " Naturally, we would like to help our relatives to accept the good news. " Jehovah himself did what is right in Jehovah's eyes,... and he did not go back to right or left. " Kanaaf, ergaan Waaqayyoo kun hanga dhumaatti lallabamuusaa itti fufuu qaba. A good shepherd is quick to take helpful action when a sheep is injured or becomes sick. So God's message must have continued until the end. 2: 6 - 9. And as a reminder that human reproduction transmitted imperfection and sin, a woman who gave birth was required to observe a period of uncleanness, after which she was to make atonement by means of a sacrifice. - Lev. 2: 6 - 9. Samiirra qindaaʼina akkamiitu jira? What is the most important thing that you can do now to prepare for any future attack on God's people? What organized organization is being organized? (Kes. 30: 19) Kanaaf, amanamummaan maal akka ta'e qorachuun keenya baay'ee barbaachisaadha. 24: 45 - 47; Acts 15: 22 - 31. How important it is, then, that we examine what loyalty is. Maal gochuuf murteessuu qabna? We used infrared thermometers to check the temperature of those arriving for meetings at our places of worship. What should we be determined to do? Haati manaa matummaa abbaa manaashee akka deggertu argisiisuu kan dandeessu akkamitti? It is true that when Jesus used the word "generation " negatively, he was speaking to or about the wicked people of his day. How can a wife show her respect for her husband? Yeroo kanatti lubbuun namootaa balaarra buʼee ture. His example of loyalty - along with Mother's wholehearted cooperation - has helped me to this day. At that time, human life was threatened. Wanti ati hojjettu xinnoo yoo fakkaate ykn wanta ati yeroo hunda hojjechuu hawwitu yoo taʼuu baate illee, hojicha akka gaariitti beekuuf carraaqqii godhi. What moves elders to shepherd the flock of God willingly? Try to get to know the work well, even if what you are doing seems small or not always working. Maatewos itti fufuudhaan, "[Yesus] xoofoos fudhatee Waaqayyoof galata galchee, isaaniifis kennee, " Hundumti keessan kanattii dhugaa! ' " The apostle knew that his fellow worshippers needed to realize that faith called for courageous action and endurance. Matthew went on to say: "Jesus took a cup and gave thanks to God, and he gave them this cup and said: " This is the truth. ' " Akkamitti isaan ilaaluu qabdu? I prayed to Jehovah about my viewpoints and the intentions of my heart. How should you view them? " Warrikoo Kiristiyaana waan ta'aniif ijoollummaa kootii kaasanii na barsiisanis, kitaabni kun tarkaanfiin jireenyakoo keessatti fudhadhu ilaalchisee ofii kootiif sababii akkan dhiheessu na gargaareera. (b) How did Jehovah state his intentions to crush the rebellion? " My parents taught me from an early age, so this book helped me to understand why I had to accept my own course of life. Jaarmiyaan Yihowaa wantoota qorannaan irratti godhamee fi nu gargaaran nuu qopheesseera. * After all, why did he provide his Word in the first place? Jehovah's organization has provided research and practical tools. Tarii akeekkachiisa kana irra deddeebinee dhageenyee ta'uu danda'a; ta'us, yeroo kamiyyuu caalaatti akeekkachiisa kanaaf xiyyeeffannaa kennuu nu barbaachisa. - Isaayaas 34: 1 - 4; Luqaas 21: 34 - 36. SONGS: 65, 48 Perhaps we have heard about that warning, but we need to pay attention to it ever more closely. - Isaiah 34: 1 - 4; Luke 21: 34 - 36. Bara Maatewositti Macaafni Ermiyaas macaafota kutaa Macaafa Qulqulluu isa raajii Zakaariyaas dabaltu keessatti jalqabarra waan jiruuf taʼuu hin oolu. " You Need Endurance, " 6 / 15 In Matthew's day, Jeremiah's book may have included the books of the Bible in Zechariah's prophecy. Firoonni keenya dhugaa akka fudhatan isaan gargaaruu akka barbaannu beekamaadha. (Iya. 3: 10. Of course, we want to help relatives to accept the truth. Tiksee gaariin hoolaan tokko yommuu miidhamu ykn yommuu dhukkubsatu hatattamaan gargaarsa godhaaf. The next words in Jesus ' prayer provide the answer. When a good shepherd is affected or sick, he is quick to help. (Lak. 19: 1 - 13) Namoonni mudaafi cubbuu dhaalanii kan dhalatan taʼuusaanii akka yaadataniif, dubartiin tokko ennaa deessu hamma yeroon xuraaʼummaashee dhumutti namatti hin makamtu, guyyaanshee gaafa gaʼummoo aarsaa sababa cubbuutiif taʼu dhiheessuu qabdi. - Lew. Our living in harmony with that knowledge also plays a vital part in our showing that we have come to know God intimately. For imperfect humans to be born to sin and imperfection, a woman who does not have to give birth to unclean behavior was to be viewed as a sin offering on the day of her own. - Lev. Miidhaa saba Waaqayyoorra ga'uuf jiru kamiifiyyuu of qopheessuuf wanti guddaan amma gochuu dandeessu maalidha? 35 What is the most important thing you can do now to prepare yourself for any attack on God's people? 24: 45 - 47; HoE. 15: 22 - 31. (a) How was one sister affected by the use of scriptures at a Christian meeting? 24: 45 - 47; Acts 15: 22 - 31. Namoonni gara walgaʼii keenyaa yommuu dhufan, teermoo meetiratti (infrared thermometers) fayyadamnee hoʼa qaama isaanii ilaalla turre. 12, 13. (a) As shown at Ephesians 4: 29, what kind of speech should we avoid? When people came to our meetings, we also used their body to speak to them, using a 25 - foot m) p. Yesus jecha " dhaloota ' jedhu haala balleessaa wajjin walqabateen kan itti fayyadame waa'ee namoota hamoo barasaatti turanii dubbachaa akka ture ifaadha. No, but he emptied himself and took a slave's form and came to be in the likeness of men. Clearly, Jesus used the word "generation " to refer to the wicked in his day. Amanamaa taʼuudhaan fakkeenyi inni argisiiseefi deggersi Harmeen garaa guutuudhaan Abbayyeef gootu hamma harʼaatti na gargaaraa jira. Christian relates: "During our Family Worship evening, we discussed recreation. He is helping me today by his faithful example and support of Father's loving support. Jaarsoliin karra hoolotaa Waaqayyoo fedhiidhaan tiksuuf wanti isaan kakaasu maalidha? Keep Clear - How? What should we do to keep clear of false worship? What moves elders willingly to shepherd God's flock? Phaawulos namoonni hidhata amantiisaa taʼan amantiisaaniitiin dhaabachuuf, ija jabinniifi obsi akka isaan barbaachisu beekuu akka qaban hubatee ture. Jehovah's servants view marriage very seriously. Paul realized that they needed courage and patience to endure because of their faith. Sana booda ilaalchaafi akeeka garaakootii sirreessuuf akka na gargaaru Yihowaan kadhadhe. (b) What is the end for those who prove to be like the foolish virgins? Then I prayed to Jehovah to help me correct my thinking and intentions. (b) Yihowaan akkaataa fincila kaʼe itti balleessu ilaalchisee maal jedhe? Tie the top of the ladder securely to keep it from slipping sideways. (b) What did Jehovah say about the way he would undo rebellion? * Hunda caalaa garuu Yihowaan Dubbii isaa kan nuuf kenne maaliifi? Why, though, did Jesus in his conversation with Nicodemus use the expression "born from water and spirit "? * But why did Jehovah give us his Word? FAARFANNAA: 32, 48 We come to realize ever more that "Jehovah is near to all those calling on him. " SONGS TO BE USED: 65, 48 Qorachuu Kan Qabnu Maaliifi? 10: 36. Why Should We Keep on the Watch? 3: 10. Well - meaning friends and relatives may say things that are painful or even incorrect in your case: " She was no good for you anyway ' or " God hates divorce. ' 3: 10. Yaanni kadhannaa Yesus barsiiserra jiru deebiisaa kenna. The people in the land who were not worshippers of Jehovah influenced the Israelites ' thinking, moving them to follow that pagan crowd. Jesus ' model prayer contains the answer. Beekumsa arganne kanaa wajjin haala walsimuun jiraachuunis, karaa Waaqayyoon akka gaariitti beekuu keenya itti argisiisuu dandeenyudha. Have you ever wondered whether God will take action? To live in harmony with that knowledge, we can show that we are well - acquainted with God's ways. 35 Today, anyone with an Internet connection can become a desktop professor, pretending to be in the know, without even revealing his name. 35 (a) Akkaataan caqasoonni walgaʼii Kiristiyaanaa irratti itti ibsaman obboleettii tokko irratti jijjiirama kan fide akkamitti? 19: 11. (a) How did the scriptures discussed at Christian meetings affect one sister? 12, 13. (a) Akkuma Efesoon 4: 29 rratti ibsame, dubbii akkamiirraa fagaachuu qabna? He sees his modern - day servants as "the precious things of all the nations. " 12, 13. (a) According to Ephesians 4: 29, what words should we avoid? Inni ulfina sana gad dhiisee, akka waan tokkotti hin galle of godhe; bifa garbummaa in fudhate; fakkaattii namummaatiin in dhalate, waan hundumaanis nama ta'ee argame. The year 1931 was particularly noteworthy, for in that year the International Bible Students, as God's people were then called, adopted the Scriptural name Jehovah's Witnesses. He left the glory and took a slave's form and came to be in the likeness of men. Kiristiyaan akkana jedheera: "Yeroo Waaqeffannaa Maatii keenyaatti waaʼee bashannanaa mariʼannee turre. When that happens, what should parents do? He says: "We discussed entertainment during our Family Worship evening. Waaqeffannaa sobaarraa fagaachuu yoo barbaanne maal gochuu qabna? As we follow their direction, therefore, we follow our Leader, Jesus. What must we do if we want to keep clear of false worship? Tajaajiltoonni Yihowaa gaaʼelaaf iddoo guddaa kennu. His father's flocks were threatened on two occasions, once by a lion and once by a bear. Jehovah's servants value marriage. (b) Warra akka durboota gowwaa taʼan irra maaltu gaʼa? Says Ramilo: "My wife and I together conduct 11 Bible studies! (b) What will happen to the foolish virgins? Akka hin mucucaanneef fiixeesaa jabeessii hidhi. Spiritual advancement, on the other hand, does not come automatically with age. To avoid falling prey. Haallisaa erga akkas ta'ee, Yesus Niqoodemos wajjin yommuu dubbatu, jecha " hafuura qulqulluufi bishaanittii dhalachuu ' jedhutti kan fayyadame maaliifi? When I was 24, my mother died, and my rage increased. If that is the case, why did Jesus use the word "spirit and water " when speaking with Nicodemus? Akkasumas yeroo kam iyyuu caalaa, "Waaqayyo warra isa waammatan hundumaatti... dhiʼoo " akka taʼe hubanna. If you are one of those dear brothers, then surely you rejoice in your new privilege of service. We will also see that ever more than ever, "Jehovah is near to all those calling upon him. " 10: 36. When Your Teenage Daughter Is Stressed - Out 10: 36. Fakkeenyaaf, " Duras taanaan nama siif taatu hin turre ' ykn " Waaqayyo wal hiikuu ni jibba ' siin jedhu taʼa. With the road ahead figuratively well - lit, we are able to take into consideration the long - term effects of our decisions. For example, you might say, " If you are not a man, ' or you may say, " God hates a divorce. ' Saboonni Yihowaa hin waaqeffanne ilaalcha Israaʼelootaa irratti dhiibbaa kan godhan taʼuu isaa irraa iyyuu, waaqayyolii isaanii akka waaqeffatan godhaniiru. In fact, he taught them to pray: "Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. Although pagan nations influenced the attitude of the Israelites, they worshipped their gods. Waaqayyo rakkoowwan kana balleessuuf tarkaanfii ni fudhata jettee yaaddee beektaa? In his great prophecy given to his disciples on the Mount of Olives, Jesus foretold specific events and conditions that would immediately precede the coming of that Kingdom. Have you ever thought that God will take action to destroy them? Yeroo harʼaatti, namni Intarneetiidhaan wal qunnamaa jiru tokko eenyuuyyuu waan isa hin beekneef, maqaasaa ibsuun utuu isa hin barbaachisin beekaa fakkaachuu dandaʼa. One evening in 1869, C. T. Russell was returning home from work when he heard singing coming from a basement hall. Today, a person on the Internet may seem reluctant to explain his name, since no one knows him. 19: 11. Jesus ' words indicated that he was now introducing that new covenant, which would replace the Law covenant that Jehovah had established with Israel through Moses. 19: 11. Tajaajiltoonnisaa yeroo harʼaa jiran "miʼa babbareedaa saba lafarraa hundumaa " keessaa walitti qabaman akka taʼanitti ilaala. (Hag. We are told: "The Nephilim proved to be in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of the true God continued to have relations with the daughters of men and they bore sons to them, they were the mighty ones who were of old, the men of fame. " Today, his servants are considered to be among "the desirable things of all the nations. " Sabni Waaqayyoo yeroo sanatti Barattoota Macaafa Qulqulluu jedhaman, maqaa Dhugaa Baatota Yihowaa jedhamuufi Macaafa Qulqulluurratti hundaaʼeen waamamuu kan jalqaban yeroo kanatti waan taʼeef, barri 1931 iddoo guddaa kan qabudha. (Isa. " Stop Judging " At that time, God's people called Bible Students, as Jehovah's Witnesses began to be called Jehovah's Witnesses, were significant because they began to be called Jehovah's Witnesses. Yeroo kun ta'utti warri maal gochuu qabu? It enables us to exchange ideas and share information with others. What should parents do when that happens? Kanaafuu, qajeelfama isaan nuuf kennan yommuu hordofnu, Yesuus isa geggeessaa keenya taʼe hordofaa jirra jechuu dha. That attitude toward life and death was not unique to the Egyptians. So when we follow their guidance, we are following Jesus, our Leader. Hoolonni abbaa isaa takkaa leencaan, takkaa immoo amaaketaan nyaatamanii oolan. As Jehovah equips you to fulfill your assignments, your faith in him will grow and you will appreciate that your privileges in his service are riches greater than any earthly treasure. Once a lion's sheep are found, they will be able to eat the food once again. Raamiloon akkas jedheera: "Aniifi haati manaakoo dimshaashumatti namoota 11 Macaafa Qulqulluu qayyabsiisna. Elders make decisions that affect the congregation. " My wife and I study the Bible in general. (Iyoob 12: 12) Guddinni hafuuraa garuu akkasumatti umriidhaan kan argamu miti. My mother was 17 when I was born in 1960. But spiritual growth is not physical. Umurii koo 24 tti haati koo ni duute; kunis aariin koo akka itti caalu godhe. Jehovah is still inviting people of all nations to be blessed through Abraham's seed. When I was 24 years old, my mother died, which made my anger worse. Obboloota kana keessaa tokko yoo taate, mirga tajaajilaa haaraa argatte kanatti akka gammaddu hin shakkisiisu. Yes, your showing compassion will benefit you. If you are one of these brothers, you no doubt enjoy this new privilege of service. Fakkeenyaan daandii keenyarratti waan nuu ibsuuf, wantoota murtoon keenya yeroo booda nurraan geessisan hubachuuf nu gargaara. Shout in triumph, O daughter of Jerusalem. Our figurative path will help us to discern things that will eventually affect our judgment. Yesus, "Yaa isa waaqa irra jirtu abbaa keenyaa! Paul thus encouraged first - century Christians who possessed the framework of knowledge conveyed by the Mosaic Law to put that knowledge into practice. Jesus said: "Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. Yesus raajii beekamaa Gaara Ejersaarratti bartootasaatti himerratti wantoota Mootummichi dhufuusaa dura raawwataman dubbateera. What role does Christ play, and how does his attitude toward us reflect that of his Father? In his famous prophecy to his disciples on the Mount of Olives, Jesus foretold events that would occur before the Kingdom comes. Bara 1869 gaaf tokko galgala, Chaarlis Teez Raasil hojiidhaa gara manaasaatti yeroo deebiʼu galma lafa jala jiru tokko keessaa faarfannaa dhagaʼe. He relied on his Father's wisdom to ward off temptation, showing the humility that Satan despises and utterly lacks. One evening during Charles Taze Russell's return home to his wife, Charles T. Jechoonni Yesus, Kakuu Seerichaa Yihowaan karaa Musee Israaʼelootaaf kennee ture, amma kakuu haaraatiin bakka buusuusaa kan argisiisan turan. Jesus told his disciples to "pay attention " to whom, and why? Jesus ' words applied to the Law covenant that Jehovah gave to the Israelites by means of the Law covenant that Jehovah had given them to the new covenant. Seenaan kun, "Bara sanatti, isa booddees gootonni hojjaadhaa fi humnaan fagoo nama caalan biyya lafaa irra turan; jagnoonni bara durii maqaa qaban kun, erga warri waaqa irraa " ilmaan Waaqayyoo ' jedhaman durboota namootaa bira ga'anii, isaan irraa ijoollee godhatanii argaman " jedha. Do what God requires of you, and never consider partaking of "the table of demons. " The account tells us: "At that time, after men and women of the earth were superior to the remotest parts of the earth, those who were in the past were "sons of God, " and" the sons of men, " says the account. " Namatti Hin Faradinaa! " Take practical steps. " Do Not Forget Pharaoh " Kennaan kun yaada wal jijjiiruufi odeeffannoo warra kaaniif hiruuf nu gargaara. On that thrilling occasion, which participants no doubt never forgot, Jehovah gave the Israelites a demonstration of his power when he gave them his Law. This gift enables us to communicate and to share information with others. Jireenyaafi duʼa ilaalchisee ilaalcha akkasii kan qaban Gibxoota qofa miti. What, for example, activated specific genes in your cells to set in motion the process of differentiation? Such a view of life and death is not limited to the Egyptians. Yihowaan hojii siif kenname akka raawwattu ennaa si gargaarutti, amantiin isarratti qabdu ni guddata; akkasumas badhaadhummaa lafarraa kamiyyuu caalaa mirgawwan argatteef bakka guddaa kennita. Never has false religion posed a serious threat to true worship. As you help you fulfill your assignment, your trust in Jehovah grows and your trust in him far more valuable than any material treasures on earth. Jaarsoliin murtoo gumiirratti dhiibbaa geessisu ni godhu. Then, his sincere repentance led Jehovah to extend mercy. Elders make decisions that affect the congregation. Haati koo bara 1960 tti yeroo na deessu umuriin ishii 17 ture. You can pursue such in a way that reflects a spirit of self - sacrifice. My mother was 17 years old when she gave me birth. Yihowaan sabni hundi sanyii Abrahaamiin akka eebbifaman ammayyuu afeeraa jira. But after the children left home, she admits, "we were on separate tracks. " Jehovah still invites all of his people to bless Abraham's seed. Eeyyee, gara laafina argisiisuun isin fayyada. Jesus was keenly aware of the pressures associated with the anxieties of this system of things. Yes, compassion will help you. Zakaariyaas, Masiihicha ilaalchisee raajii akkas jedhu barreessee ture: "Isin yaa namoota Xiyoon, guddaa gammadaa! (Look under / ABOUT US / FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS) Concerning the Messiah, Zechariah wrote: "You, O daughter of Zion, will be happy. Kanaaf, Phaawulos Kiristiyaanonni jaarraa jalqabaa beekumsa bifa macaafaatti qophaaʼeefi Seera Musee keessatti ibsame ilaalchisee qaban hojiidhaan akka argisiisan isaan gorseera. Joseph was raised in a God - fearing family, and he understood that sexual relations between people who are not husband and wife are wrong. Hence, Paul urged first - century Christians to display their knowledge of the book of the Law as reflected in the Mosaic Law. Yesus ga'ee maalii qaba? Ilaalchi inni nuuf qabu, ilaalcha Abbaansaa nuuf qabuu kan argisiisu akkamitti? Contrary to what doomsday prophets say, God assures us that our planet Earth will never be destroyed. - Psalm 104: 5; Ecclesiastes 1: 4. What role does Jesus play in us, and how does his view of us reflect his Father's view of us? Qorumsa isaa dhihaate ilaalchisee Abbaansaa qajeelfama akka isaaf kennu gaafachuudhaan, amala gad of deebisuu Seexanni jibbuufi matumaa inni hin qabne akka qabu argisiiseera. Peter could therefore quote what the prophet Joel had foretold and apply it to men and women alike. He showed humility by asking his Father to guide him about the temptation, and he showed a humble attitude toward Satan. Yesus bartootasaatiif gorsa akkamii kenne? Maaliif? John and JoAnn, a married couple serving as regular pioneers, wrote: "Our family Bible study has often been sporadic because we had to sandwich it in between various congregation activities. What admonition did Jesus give his disciples, and why? (Keessa Deebii 1: 34 - 36) Wanta Waaqayyo sirraa barbaadu raawwadhu; matumaa "maaddii hafuurota hamootaa irraa " hin hirmaatin. (b) Why can secular work sometimes be frustrating? He wants you to do what God wants you to do, and he will never "flee from the demons. " Tarkaanfii miirakee toʼachuuf si gargaaru fudhadhu. Even from the physically weakened state brought on by his own poor judgment, Samson was made powerful "through faith. " Take steps that will help you to control your emotions. Walgaʼiin sun walitti dhufeenya Waaqayyo sana booda Israaʼelootaa wajjin godheef buʼuura ture. Sana booda utuma baayʼee hin turin Yihowaan karaa itti sabasaa sassaabu qopheesse. Even though I still have to fight against feelings of guilt and worthlessness, I have learned to lean upon God's mercy and loving - kindness. That meeting was a basis for God's dealings with Israel after that meeting, and Jehovah soon prepared the way for his people. Fakkeenyaaf, jiiniiwwan seeliikee keessa jiran, kutaa qaamaa adda addaa hojjechuuf akka wal qoqqoodan kan taasisu maalidha? (Jer. For example, what enables your cells to cooperate with different organs? Amantiin sobaa waaqeffannaa dhugaa matumaa balaadhaaf saaxilee hin beeku. The Devil's challenge no doubt aroused indignation, anger, and contempt among heavenly creatures loyal to God. False religion has never risked true worship. Garaadhaa qalbii geddarachuunsaa Yihowaan araara akka isaaf godhu karaa baneera. So when she suddenly fell ill and died, the whole congregation sent for Peter to implore him to resurrect their dear sister. genuine repentance opened the way for Jehovah to forgive him. Amala fedhii ofii aarsaa gochuu haala argisiisuun galma kanarra gaʼuuf carraaqqii gochuu qabna. Are we doing all we can, perhaps even seeking ways to expand our share in the work? We must strive to reach out for such a spirit of self - sacrifice. Erga ijoolleen manaa baʼanii booda garuu, "akka nama karaa gara garaa irra deemuu taane " jechuudhaan dhugaa isaa dubbatteetti. How does the ransom accomplish this? " But after children left home, " she admits, "we'll be like a man. " Yesuus dhiibbaa yaaddoon sirna kanaa wajjin wal qabate geessisu sirriitti beeka ture. Our close associates should be those who do God's will. Jesus was keenly aware of the pressures associated with this system of things. / ABOUT US / FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS jalaa ilaali) 1, 2. (Look under ABOUT US > FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS) Yoseef maatii Waaqayyoon sodaatu keessatti waan guddateef abbaa manaafi haadha manaatiin ala saalqunnamtii gochuun dogoggora ta'uusaa beeka ture. At God's direction, Solomon built a magnificent temple for true worship and wrote three Bible books. Joseph knew that it would be wrong for him to have a husband and wife because she had grown up in God's household. Wanta raajonni tokko tokko guyyaa dhumaa ilaalchisee dubbatanirraa haala adda taʼeen, Waaqayyo lafti kun gonkumaa akka hin badne nuu mirkaneessa. - Faarfannaa 104: 5; Lallaba 1: 4. Jesus appeared to him that day - evidently when Peter was alone. Unlike certain prophets, God assures us that the earth will never be destroyed. - Psalm 104: 5; Ecclesiastes 1: 4. Kanaaf, Phexros raajii Yo'el dubbate caqasuudhaan, dhiirotaafi dubartoota kanarratti akka raawwatame dubbachuu danda'eera. Jesus knew that he was going to resurrect Lazarus. Thus, by referring to Joel's prophetic words, Peter could point out that both men and women were fulfilled. Abbaa warraafi haadha warraa qajeelchaa ta'anii tajaajilan Jooniifi Joo'aan akkas jedhanii barreessaniiru: "Sochii gumii addaddaatiin waan qabamneef, qayyabannaa Macaafa Qulqulluu Maatii kan goonu darbee darbee ture. Leaving his men to die in the mire, he slipped past the Israelite soldiers and made his way to firmer ground, heading toward the nearest allies he could think of. John and Joel, who served as pioneers in different congregations, wrote: "Since we kept busy conducting a Bible study in various ways, our family study was sometimes limited. (b) Hojiin abdii nama kutachiisuu kan danda'u maaliif? faithful ones who lived before Christ? (b) Why might secular work discourage discouragement? 15: 14) Murtoo dogoggoraa godheen kan kaʼe humnasaa durii dhabullee, Siimson "amantii " argisiiseen deebisee humna argateera. How can we be sure? Even because of his wrong judgment, Samson was able to regain power, "the faith of the faith. " Miira balleessaa akkan raawwadheefi gatii akkan hin qabne natti dhagaʼamuu wajjin ammayyuu qabsoo gochuun kan na barbaachisu taʼus, araaraafi gaarummaa Waaqayyoorratti amanamuu baradheera. Both of them are his. Although I still struggle with my negative feelings and feelings, I still learned to rely on God's mercy and undeserved kindness. (Er. How many stars are there in the entire universe? (Read 1 Timothy 4: 14, 15.) Mormiin Seexanni kaase uumamawwan samii Waaqayyoof amanamoo taʼan gidduutti aarii guddaanii fi tuffiin akka uumamuu godhee akka ture hin shakkisiisu. Rather, he meant that God's purpose to have 144,000 spiritual Israelites ruling with His Son, Jesus Christ, in heaven would be fulfilled. Satan's rebellion undoubtedly brought Satan great anger and violence among God's loyal creatures. Kanaafuu, yommuu isheen akka tasaa dhukkubsattee duute, guutummaan gumichaa Phexros dhufee obboleettiisaanii jaallatamtuu taate akka duʼaa kaasu namoota itti ergan. Jehovah's molding will help us only if we respond properly to it. So when she suddenly died, the entire congregation invited Peter to return to the resurrection of their beloved sister. Hirmaannaa tajaajila irratti qabnu guddisuuf carraa barbaaduudhaan, waan dandeenye hunda gochaa jirraa? 22: 36 - 40. Are we doing all we can to increase our share in the ministry? Furiin kun kana kan raawwatu akkamitti? Read Ephesians 4: 26. How would that ransom accomplish so? Namoota fedhii Waaqayyoo raawwatan hiriyaa godhachuu qabna. These kings could thus be called anointed ones, or messiahs. We must associate with those who do God's will. 1, 2. What Prayers Are Accepted? 1, 2. Solomoon qajeelfama Waaqayyootiin mana qulqullummaa guddaa ijaareera; macaafota kutaa Macaafa Qulqulluu taʼan sadiis barreesseera. " Be in subjection to your own husbands, " he wrote, "in order that, if any are not obedient to the word, they may be won without a word through the conduct of their wives, because of having been eyewitnesses of your chaste conduct together with deep respect. " Solomon built the temple of God and wrote three books of the Bible. Yesus, Phexros utuu qofaasaa jiruu kan itti mul'ate guyyaa sanatti akka ta'e haalasaarraa hubachuun ni danda'amaa. 11, 12. Jesus evidently appeared to Peter on that very day while he was alone. Yesus Alaazaariin du'aa kaasuuf akka jedhu beeka ture. Feeble limbs? Jesus knew that he would resurrect Lazarus. Loltoonni isaa dhoqqee keessatti akka dhuman isaan dhiisee, loltoonni Israaʼel utuu isa hin argin lafa gogaa irra goree gara namoota michoota isaa akka taʼanitti yaaduu fi dhiheenyatti argamanitti qajeele. In 1987, I came to the United States to pursue doctorate studies at Texas A & M University. He left his soldiers in a furnace, hoping that the soldiers would be destroyed without Israel's army, and soon move ahead to see his friends. - namoota amanamoo bara Kiristos dura jiraatanirraa, " Let all your affairs take place with love. " - 1 CORINTHIANS 16: 14. Faithful people living prior to Christ's presence Akkana jechuu kan dandeenyu maaliifi? Pioneering with our marriage mate can do what for the threefold marital cord? Why can we say that? 14: 4) Tulloonni lamaanuu kansaati. None of these will be destroyed. Both mountains are the two mountains. Akka kanaan uumama cufa keessa urjiiwwan meeqatu jiraree? The first Council of Nicaea (artist's impression) paved the way for the Trinity doctrine How many stars are in the universe? Yeroo Waaqayyo murteessetti, namoonni 144,000 ta'an hundi jechuunis, " Israa'el guutummaatti ' ni fayyifamu. Average age: 33.8 In God's due time, all 144,000 humans - "the Israel of Israel " - will be saved. Carraaqqii Yihowaan nu tolchuuf godhurraa faayidaa argachuu kan dandeenyu deebii sirrii yoo kennine qofadha. In 1965, still single, I was invited to attend the 41st class of Gilead School. Only if we respond only to Jehovah's molding will we benefit from it. 22: 36 - 40. That only comes from spending time with your family and giving them adequate love and attention. - Colossians 3: 18 - 21. 22: 36 - 40. Efesoon 4: 26 dubbisi. They think of sincere people who get involved in government because they want to make the world a better, safer place. Read Ephesians 4: 26. Kanaafuu, mootonni kun kan dibaman ykn masiihota jedhamanii waamamuu ni danda'u. Andrea and Brittney suffer from bouts of loneliness. Thus, these kings can be called anointed or anointed. Kadhannaa Akkamiitu Fudhatama Argata? However, we reject apostates because we know that our lives are saved, not by breaking God's laws, but by keeping them! What Kind of Prayer Do You Pray? Akkas jedhee barreesseera: "Warra dhiiraa keessaa kaan dubbii Waaqayyoo hin amanne yoo taʼan iyyuu, isin waan tokko utuu hin dubbatin, amala isin warri haadhota manaa isaanii taatan argisiiftaniin akka moʼamanitti, abboota manaa keessaniif abboomamaa! The Messiah! God's Means of Salvation He wrote: "If any of the men are not obedient to the word, they will be won without a word through the conduct of their wives, in order that they may be won without a word through the conduct of their wives. 11, 12. As the Levites ' prayer recounts: "You are Jehovah the true God, who chose Abram and brought him out of Ur of the Chaldeans and constituted his name Abraham. 11, 12. Harkaafi miilla hollatuu? We are not born with godly wisdom. Do You Use the Right hands and legs? Bara 1987 tti dooktireetii barachuufan gara Yunivarsiitii Teeksaas A & M jedhamuu fi Ameerikaatti argamu dhaqe. Herbert Senior In 1987, I went to the University of California, U.S.A. " Waan hojjettan hundumaa jaalalaan raawwadhaa! " - 1 QORONTOS 16: 14. Although he had been a rabid persecutor of Christ's followers, he changed course and became "a chosen vessel " to bear Christ's name. " Do everything you do with love. " - 1 CORINTHIANS 16: 14. Hiriyaa gaa'elaa wajjin qajeelchaa ta'anii tajaajiluun, funyoon fo'aa sadiin fo'ame maal akka ta'u godha? Job lived "a long and satisfying life. " - Job 42: 10, 17. What does pioneering together with a couple do about threefold cord? Isaan kana keessaa tokkon isaanii illee hin balleeffaman. Just as a brier or a thorn hedge injures anyone who walks into it, those corrupt Israelites harmed anyone with whom they had dealings. Even some of them will not be destroyed. [ Saanduqa fuula 11 rra jiru] He preached to everyone he encountered, be it a tax collector he passed on the road or a woman he met at a well during a midday pause. [ Box on page 11] Umrii giddu galeessaan: 33.8 Jehovah God used the pillar of fire and cloud to guide his people out of Egypt and through the wilderness. Average age: 33.8 Bara 1965 tti qeentee kanan ture siʼa taʼu, Mana Barumsaa Giilʼaad kutaa 41 ffaarratti akkan hirmaadhun afeerame. Jehovah is the name of God as revealed in the Bible. In 1965, I was single and was invited to attend the 41th class of Gilead School. Maatiinkee tokkummaa qabaachuu kan dandaʼu, isaanii wajjin yeroo yoo dabarsite, akkasumas jaalalaafi xiyyeeffannaa isaan barbaachisu yoo kenniteef qofadha. - Qolosaayis 3: 18 - 21. On top of everything else, she had to care for her husband, who had undergone spinal surgery. Your family will be united only if you regularly spend time with them and give them his love and attention. - Colossians 3: 18 - 21. Namoonni garaa qajeelaadhaan kakaʼanii bulchitoota kan taʼan, addunyaa kana bakka gaarii tasgabbii qabu gochuu waan barbaadaniif akka taʼe isaanitti dhagaʼama. What defense, if any, do we have against them? Those who sincerely submit to human governments feel that they want to make a peaceful environment in this world. Siifanii fi Siddisee miira kophummaatu isaanitti dhagaʼama. The Bible shows that when the end is near, many will belittle the evidence. They feel lonely. Nuyi garuu lubbuu keenya kan oolchu seera Waaqayyoo cabsuu utuu hin ta'in isaaf abboomamuu akka ta'e waan beeknuuf, waan gantoonni jedhan hin fudhannu! Later, the family helped to establish a Portuguese - language congregation. But we do not accept apostates, for we know that we save our lives, not God's laws, but because we disobey him! Masiihichi Karaa Waaqayyo Ittiin Fayyisudha We can only guess. The Messiah - God's Means of Salvation Lewwoonni kadhannaasaaniirratti yaada akkas jedhu ibsanii turan: "Ati Waaqayyo isa Abraamin fo'attee Ur biyya Kaldootaa keessaa baaftee maqaa isaa " Abrahaam ' jettee moggaaftee dha. 24: 45 - 47. In prayer, the Levites expressed this comment: "You were God's chosen chosen woman, who chose to enter Ur's land. " Ogummaan Waaqayyoo dhaalaan kan argamu miti. maintaining a Family Worship evening. God's wisdom is not a inheritance. Harbarti Siiniyar By means of a dream, how did God reassure Jacob? Her Faith in You Inni duuka buutota Kiristos ariʼachaa kan ture yoo taʼeyyuu, yeroo booda jijjiirama gochuudhaan maqaa Kiristos baachuuf " miʼa foʼatame ' taʼuu dandaʼeera. Always Be Grateful for Your Blessings Although he was persecuted by Christ's followers, he later became "a chosen vessel " to bear the name of Christ. 42: 10, NW, 17. What support is assured for us? 42: 10. Akkuma qoraattiin ykn dallaan qoraattii nama itti adeemu tokko waraanu, Israa'eloonni karaa amalaa manca'anis nama isaanii wajjin jiraatu ni miidhu turan. Will my decisions help me to set spiritual goals? The Israelites were like a thorn, or a thorn, and they were in bad company. Namicha qaraxa sassaabuufi utuu karaarra darbuu argeefi dubartii saafaa keessa boolla bishaanii biratti arge dabalatee nama hundumaaf ni lallaba ture. Why do some ignore these reminders? He preached to everyone, including a tax collector who had seen a woman sitting on the water, and he witnessed to all. 13: 21, 22) Yihowaan utubaa ibiddaafi duumessaatti kan fayyadame, yeroo Gibxii baʼaniifi lafa onaa keessa turanitti sabasaa geggeessuuf ture. Yes, they needed to meditate on their missed opportunity to help Jehovah's cause. Jehovah used a pillar of cloud and cloud to lead his people when they left Egypt and the wilderness in the wilderness. Yihowaan maqaa Waaqayyoo Macaafa Qulqulluu keessatti ibsamedha. We need to focus on significant events that are as yet unseen. Jehovah is the name of God as revealed in the Bible. Kana malees, abbaan manaashee yaaliin lafee dugdaa baqaqsanii hodhuun waan isaa godhameef isas kunuunsuu qabdi turte. Since God made man with an innate sense of justice, the decisions that human governments make may offend our sense of what is right and fair. She also had to take care of her husband's surgery and care for his condition. Isaaniin mormuu kan dandeenyu akkamitti? ▪ When the Israelites were about to enter the Promised Land, Jehovah told them to eliminate all the places of worship of the Canaanites who lived there. How can we oppose them? jettee gaafatta taʼa. Macaafni Qulqulluun dhumni dhihaachaa yommuu adeemu namoonni hedduun ragaa dhumni dhihaachuusaa argisiisuuf xiyyeefannaa akka hin kennine dubbata. Would he reveal to the enemy where to find that soldier? The Bible does not say that as the end draws near, so many people do not respond to the evidence that the end is near. Yeroo booda maatiin sun gumii Afaan Poortugaaliin geggeeffamu hundeessuu irratti gargaarsa godheera. What will she do? In time, the family helped to conduct a Portuguese - language congregation. Waaʼee kanaa afaan guunnee dubbachuu hin dandeenyu. In this corrupt world alienated from God, the Messiah is fulfilling his Father's desire to search out all who want to come to know God as he really is and to worship him "with spirit and truth. " We cannot say for sure. 24: 45 - 47. A Representative Governing Body 24: 45 - 47. Waaqeffannaa Maatii qabaachuun kan isaan gargaaru akkamitti? The elders had to render an account about how they kept watch over God's sheep. How can having a Family Worship evening help them? Waaqayyo abjuudhaan Yaaqoobiif maal mirkaneesse? Some think that it is enough simply to participate in religious ceremonies and ritualistic prayers. What assurance did God give Jacob in his dream? Eebbawwan Argattaniif Yeroo Hundumaa Galateeffadhaa Consider what one author wrote about his elderly mother, who suffered from Alzheimer's disease. Be Grateful for Blessings Gargaarsa akkamii akka argannu nuu mirkaneeffameera? [ Footnote] We are assured of what help? Murtoon godhu galmawwan hafuuraa baafachuuf kan na gargaaru dhaa? Likewise, while on earth, Jesus obediently carried out his Father's will. Will my decisions help me to set spiritual goals? Namichis deebii Yesus isaa kenneef isa galateeffateera. (Read Deuteronomy 18: 10 - 12.) The man commended Jesus for his answer. Namoonni tokko tokko akeekkachiisa kanaaf dantaa kan hin qabne maaliifi? The Greek expression rendered "borne along " has the sense" to bear or carry from one place to another, " and it "can be variously rendered: be moved, be driven, let oneself be moved. " Why do some ignore this warning? Eeyyee, carraa Yihowaa deggeruudhaaf argatanii turan irratti xiinxaluun isaan barbaachisa ture. Publications were packed as soap and taken to the railway station in Hirschberg. Yes, they needed to meditate on the opportunity they had to support Jehovah. Wantoota gurguddoo gara fuulduraatti raawwatamaniifi ijaan hin argamnerratti xiyyeeffachuun keenya barbaachisaadha. Consider: What lessons are your sons really learning by receiving " empty praise ' - praise that is doled out just to make them feel good? It is vital that we focus our attention on the unseen things that lie ahead of us. Waaqayyo haqa akka jaallannu godhee waan nu uumeef, murtoon mootummoonni ilmaan namootaa kennan nu gaddisiisuu dandaʼa. (Uma. 1: 27; Kes. 32 Kindness Melts Bitterness Because God created us with the ability to love justice, human governments may hurt us. Ajajaan kun loltuunsaa eessatti akka argamu diinotatti ni himaa? (b) How do we stand to benefit from Abraham's obedience? Do you speak to enemies of his army? Maal gochuu dandeessi? We can dig for rich spiritual treasures in the Watch Tower Publications Index or the Watchtower Library on CD - ROM. What could she do? (Faarfannaa 110: 2) Masiihiichi addunyaa jal'aafi Waaqayyorraa fagaate kana keessatti, namoota Waaqayyoon beekuu akkasumas "hafuuraa fi dhugaadhaan " isa waaqeffachuu fedhan barbaaduudhaan fedha Abbaasaa raawwachaa jira. However, this psalm also indicates that there is a period of time when earth's rulers, along with their subjects, are given an opportunity to submit to Christ's rule. In today's wicked and ungodly world, the Messiah is doing his Father's will to those who seek to know God and worship him "with spirit and truth. " Qaama Olaanaa Hojjetaa Kana Bakka Bu'u Jehovah - Our Provider and Protector, 2 / 15 The Governing Body Akkaataan jaarsoliin hoolota Waaqayyoo itti qaban isaan gaafachiisa. [ Pictures on page 32] One day the elders visited the flock of God. Namoonni tokko tokko sochiiwwan amantiifi sirnawwan kadhannaa baramaa taʼanirratti hirmaachuun qofti gaʼaa akka taʼe godhanii yaadu. Reflecting on and applying such inspired words will surely increase the joys of marriage. Some people believe that sharing in religious activities and prayers is only enough. Barreessaan Jaan Boon jedhamu wanta haadha isaa ishii dhukkubaa Alzaayimeeriin dhiphattu ilaalchisee barreesse ilaalaa. Prayer offers you the opportunity to do more than simply ask Jehovah for help. Consider what happened to Jean, who was distressed by his mother's disease. [ Miiljalee] Despite the hardships we may encounter in carrying out such everyday activities as " buying or selling, ' we should not allow ourselves to be pressured into letting the wild beast rule our lives. [ Footnote] 50: 4 - 6) Yesus yommuu lafarraa turettis ajajamuudhaan fedhii Abbaasaa raawwateera. In this regard, Jesus was a perfect reflection of his Father. While on earth, Jesus willingly submitted to his Father's will. (Keessa Deebii 18: 10 - 12 dubbisi.) Jehovah's Witnesses would be pleased to discuss these answers with you. (Read Deuteronomy 18: 10 - 12.) Jechi afaan Giriikii " hafuuraan geggeeffamuu ' jedhu, "baachuu ykn iddoo tokkoo fuudhanii iddoo biraatti geessuu " jedhamee kan hiikame siʼa taʼu," geeffamuu, oofamuu, akka nama geessu heyyamuu " jedhamees karaa garaagaraa hiikamuu dandaʼa. Markus: Because I had to improve my English, I was invited to go to Brooklyn five months before the start of the school. The Greek word translated "spirit, " or" walking by spirit, " can also be translated" direction, " and it can be translated "to the point that leads to another person. " Barreeffamoota sana akka saamunaatti maruudhaan gara buufata baaburaa Hiriishbargitti geessu. Robert and Mirjam, a married couple in their mid - 40 ' s from Germany, relate that they moved abroad to serve for one year. Using the literature to make the literature available to the police, they loaded it and took it to the police station. Mee yaadi: Ijoollee kee akkasumaan, jechuunis miirri gaariin akka isaanitti dhagaʼamuuf qofa yeroo isaan jajju dhuguma maal baratu? My father came in and out of our lives as a result of his problems with alcohol. Consider: What lesson do your children really learn when they feel that they are merely good? 32 Gaarummaan Aarii Qabbaneessaa Keeping Time at Night, 8 / 1 32 Showing Kindness (b) Abrahaam Yihowaadhaaf abboomamuunsaa faayidaa kan nuuf argamsiisu akkamitti? There are many examples of how God's Word, his spirit, and our Christian publications have helped Christians to overcome wrong desires. (b) How do Abraham's obedience to Jehovah benefit us? Indeeksii Barreeffamoota Waldaa Masaraa Eegumsaa ykn Waachtaawar Laayibirarii siidiidhaan qophaa'etti fayyadamuudhaan beekumsa hafuuraa gad fageenya qabu argachuu dandeenya. Whom would Jehovah call to serve as such replacements? We can gain deeper spiritual knowledge by using the Watch Tower Publications Index or Watchtower Library on the Watch Tower Publications Index. Haata'u malee, caqasni kun bulchitoonni biyya lafaafi namoota isaaniif bitaman, bulchiinsa Kiristosiif bitamuuf yeroon isaaniif kennamuusaas kan argisiisudha. " Qalbii qabaadhaa! " It gives us an opportunity "to reject ungodliness and worldly desires. " However, that verse also refers to the time when governments of this world and their subjects will submit to Christ's rule. " [ Fakkiiwwan fuula 32] Jehovah is an awe - inspiring Creator. [ Pictures on page 32] Yaada geggeessaa hafuura qulqulluutiin barreeffame kana irratti xiinxaluunii fi hojii irra oolchuun keenya, gammachuu gaaʼela keenyaa akka guddisu beekamaa dha. How can we imitate our caring God? Clearly, meditating on this inspired statement and applying it will surely increase our joy in marriage. Kan kadhannu Yihowaa irraa gargaarsa gaafachuuf qofa taʼuu hin qabu. What provisions has Jehovah kindly made for us to develop a strong faith, and what must we do with those provisions? Our prayers should not be limited to seeking Jehovah's help. Jireenya guyyaa guyyaa kan akka " bituufi gurguruurratti ' rakkoon nu mudachuu danda'uyyuu, bulchiinsi bineensichaa jireenya keenyarratti dhiibbaa akka geessisu heyyamuu hin qabnu. How can you apply Paul's counsel recorded at Ephesians 4: 26, 27? Although we may face challenges that could cause us to " buy and sell our lives ' in life, we should not allow the wild beast's rule to influence our lives. Yeroo harʼaa Mootummaa Waaqayyoo ilaalchisee barsiistota amantii gidduu yaada wal faallessu hedduutu jira. Would it not deprive us of the privilege of ministering to fellow believers? - 1 Tim. Today, there is much conflict between teachers of God's Kingdom. Kana ilaalchisee Yesus amala Abbaasaa sirriitti calaqqiseera. Though he felt obligated to bring the matter to the proper authorities, he wanted to protect her and avoid scandal. In this regard, Jesus perfectly reflected his Father's personality. Dhugaa Baatonni Yihowaa gaaffiiwwan kanarratti sii wajjin mariʼachuun isaan gammachiisa. The other couple invest no time or energy in maintaining their vehicle, and they drive recklessly. Jehovah's Witnesses would be pleased to discuss these answers with you. Maarkus: Ingiliffakoo fooyyessuu waanan qabuuf, leenjichi jalqabamuusaa ji'a shan dura Biruukiliin akkan dhaqun afeerame. [ Picture Credit Line on page 10] Markus: Since I had to improve my English, I was invited to go to Brooklyn for five months before I arrived. Hiriyoonni gaa'elaa walakkeessa umrii waggoota 40mmanii keessatti argamaniifi Roobartiifi Miiryaam jedhaman, Jarmanii kan deeman waggaa tokkoof Filippiinsitti tajaajiluuf ture. For example, long before Moses recorded Jehovah's law against adultery, the young man Joseph understood that such conduct was a sin against God. Robert and Miriam, a couple in their mid - 40 ' s, moved from Germany for a year to serve in the Philippines. Abbaan koo araada dhugaatii alkoolii waan qabuuf, yeroo baayʼee maatii keenyaa wajjin hin jiraatu ture. Thus it was that I found myself presenting her baptism talk. My father had alcohol, and he often lived with our family. 8 / 15 Namoota Amanamoo Bara Durii - Hafuura Waaqayyootiin Geggeeffaman, 12 / 15 God sent his prophet Nathan to David with a strong message. 12 / 1 Dubbiin Waaqayyoo, hafuurri qulqulluu fi barreeffamoonni keenya Kitaaba Qulqulluu irratti hundaaʼan, fedhii dogoggoraa akka moʼan Kiristiyaanota akka gargaaran fakkeenyonni argisiisan hedduu dha. 4, 5. God's Word, his holy spirit, and our Bible - based publications are a number of examples that can help Christians to overcome wrong desires. Yihowaan namoota kana bakka buusuuf eenyufaa filata? Jesus sets out on his first preaching tour of Galilee. Whom does Jehovah choose to replace them? " Wanta fedhii Waaqayyoo wajjin wal faallessuu fi hawwii addunyaa irraa akka fagaannu " carraa nuuf bana. Food was scarce. It provides us with the opportunity "to reject ungodliness and worldly desires. " Yihowaan Uumaa dinqisiisaa dha. Jehovah was thus able to use him to preserve the line leading to the promised Seed. Jehovah is a wonderful Creator. Fakkeenya Waaqa keenya isa nuu yaaduu hordofuu kan dandeenyu akkamitti? Tens of thousands of happy pioneers will tell you that full - time service is a rewarding way to remember your Creator during your youth. How can we imitate our loving God? Yihowaan amantii keenya akka guddifannu nu gargaaruuf gaarummaadhaan kakaʼee qophiiwwan akkamii nuu godhe? All of us can learn much from the experiences of well - known Bible characters - Abraham, Sarah, Moses, Ruth, David, Esther, the apostle Paul, and others. What loving provisions has Jehovah made to help us build our faith? Gorsa Phaawulos Efesoon 4: 26, 27 rratti argamu hojiirra oolchuu kan dandeessan akkamitti? Qualities That the Wise Seek to Display How can you apply Paul's counsel found at Ephesians 4: 26, 27? Namoota hidhata amantii keenya taʼan tajaajiluuf mirga arganne nu dhabsiisaa? - 1 Xim. Obviously, he is not talking about separating literal sheep from literal goats. Will we lose the privilege of serving fellow believers? - 1 Tim. Dhimma kana warra aboo qabanitti dhiheessuuf dirqamni akka isarra jiru yoo beekes, eegumsa isheedhaa gochuudhaan ishee qaanessuurraa fagaateera. What is one way that we can give our best to Jehovah? If he knew that he was obliged to give the authority to those in authority, she would reject her protective care. Kanaan kan kaʼes konkolaataansaanii caccabee tajaajilaan ala taʼe. (b) How were such hypocrites "having their reward in full "? As a result, their car became engrossed in the ministry. [ Picture Credit Line on page 26] This article will show how sincere Christians throughout the ages have sought to be guided by God's Word. [ Picture Credit Line on page 26] Fakkeenyaaf, Museen seera Yihowaa ejja dhowwu barreessuusaa waggoota hedduu dura, dargaggeessi Yoseef jedhamu gochi akkasii Waaqayyorratti cubbuu hojjechuu akka taʼe hubatee ture. Some early theologians clung to Aristotle's geocentric view of the universe because they read too much into certain Bible passages, such as Psalm 104: 5. For example, years before Moses wrote Jehovah's law to fornication, a young man named Joseph recognized that such a practice was a sin against God. Yeroo isheen cuuphamte haasawaa cuuphaa kennuu kanan danda'e sababii kanaan ture. Jehovah allowed this injustice to continue for some years. That was why when she was baptized, I was able to give a baptism talk. Waaqayyo, Naataan raajichi ergaa cimaa akka itti himu Daawititti erge. (2 Sam. The unfaithful people of Judah and Jerusalem as well as the oppressive inhabitants of Babylon and Egypt all faced " days of Jehovah ' when they experienced the execution of Jehovah's judgments. God sent Nathan to David to deliver a powerful message. 4, 5. Peter was busy in Babylon, and by the time he wrote his first letter, about 62 - 64 C.E., the activity of the Christians was well - known in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia. 4, 5. Yesus lallabaasaa isa jalqabaa Galiilaatti jalqabe. POPULATION Jesus began his first preaching tour in Galilee. Hunda caalaammoo karaa hafuuraa beela'anii turan. On the other hand, he is puzzled about why some reject certain things that he finds acceptable, such as certain television programs. Moreover, they were spiritually hungry. Kanaan kan ka'es, Yihowaan toorri hidda dhaloota Sanyii isa abdachiifame sanaa eegamee akka turu gochuuf Yoseefitti akka fayyadamu Isa dandeessiseera. The Romans tied or nailed such an individual to the instrument of execution, where he might have continued living for several days before his physical endurance was overcome by pain, thirst, hunger, and exposure to the elements. As a result, Jehovah allowed the line of descent to protect Joseph from the promised Seed. Qajeelchitoonni gammadoo taʼaniifi kuma kudhanitti lakkaaʼaman, tajaajilli yeroo guutuu yeroo dargaggummaa keessanitti Uumaa keessan yaadachuuf karaa hunda caalu akka taʼe isinitti himuu dandaʼu. The country was under the wicked influence of Jezebel, widow of Ahab and mother of the ruling king, Jehoram. Thousands of happy pioneers can tell you that the full - time ministry is the best way to remember your Grand Creator. Hundi keenya muuxannoo namoota beekamoo akka Abrahaam, Saaraa, Musee, Ruut, Daawit, Asteer, Phaawulosiifi warra Macaafa Qulqulluu keessatti ibsaman kaanirraa barumsa hedduu argachuu dandeenya. Why Suffer and Die? All of us can learn much from the examples of such well - known men as Abraham, Moses, Ruth, David, and others mentioned in the Bible. Amaloota Ogeessi Argisiisuu Barbaadu Read Matthew 13: 33. Having a Positive Spirit Hoolota reʼoota irraa adda baasuu ilaalchisee wanti inni dubbate fakkeenya akka taʼe ifa dha. 2: 9 - 11. Clearly, his words about the separating of the sheep from the goats set a pattern. Karaan Yihowaadhaaf hamma humna keenyaa kennuu itti dandeenyu inni tokko maalidha? (b) To get Kingdom blessings, we must recognize what? What is one way that we can give Jehovah our best? (b) Namoonni of argisiistuun kun " gatiisaanii kan argatan ' akkamitti? They considered topics that were relevant to what we were dealing with. " (b) How did those hypocrites gain "the reward of their reward "? Matadureen kun bara duriitii kaasee Kiristiyaanonni dhugaan Dubbii Waaqayyootiin geggeeffamuu akka barbaadan kan argisiisan akkamitti akka taʼe ibsa. " They are puzzled that you [Christians] do not continue running with them in the same decadent course of debauchery, " wrote the apostle Peter, "so they speak abusively of you. " This article shows how true Christians have shown that they want to be guided by God's Word. Tiʼoolojistonni tokko tokko caqasa Kitaaba Qulqulluu akka Faarfannaa 104: 5 dogoggoraan waan hubataniif, ilaalcha Aristootil isa lafti wiirtuu hawaa ti jedhutti cichanii turan. Oh, how wonderful it felt to be there! " - George, age 58. Some scholars assumed that the Bible text is Psalm 104: 5 and that the earth was the center of the universe. Yihowaan dabni kun waggoota muraasaaf akka itti fufu heyyameera. Clouds that formed over the sea would move over the land, where they could produce rain. - 1 / 1, pages 15 - 16. Jehovah has allowed these injustices to continue for some time. Namoota Yihudaafi Yerusaalem warra amanamoo hin taane, akkasumas Baabilon isheen cunqursituu taateefi Gibxi " guyyaa Yihowaatti ' firdiitti dhihaachuuf jiru. After serving God for years, a Christian could begin to set his or her mind on the things of the flesh. There are those who are unfaithful to Judah and to the unfaithful city of Babylon and its "day of Jehovah. " Phexros Baabilon keessatti tajaajilaan qabamee kan ture si'a ta'u, Dh.K.B. bara 62 - 64 tti xalayaasaa isa jalqabaa yeroo barreessetti, hojiin lallabaa Kiristiyaanotaa Phonxos, Galaatiyaa, Qaphadooqiyaa, Asiyaafi Bitiiniyaatti akka gaariitti beekamee ture. He likely wrote these words about 65 C.E. during the persecution by Nero. Peter was a zealous minister in Babylon about 62 - 64 C.E. when he wrote his first letter to Christians in Asia Minor, Bithynia, Asia Minor, Asia Minor, Asia Minor, and Bithynia. BAAYʼINA UUMMATAA Poverty: Jehovah will eliminate it and will provide his people with spiritual and physical prosperity, a quality of life far more valuable than riches. - Ps. POPULATION Karaa garabiraammoo, warri kaan wanta inni sirriidha jedhu kan akka sagantaawwan televijiinii tokko tokko maaliif akka jibban hubachuun isa rakkisa. However, I was able to take correspondence courses at home. On the other hand, he may find it difficult to understand why others reject certain TV programs. Warri Roomaa yakkamaa akkasii mukarratti hidhanii ykn mismaaraan cinqaarsanii dhiphinaan, dheebuudhaan, beelaan, akkasumas aduufi qorraan guyyoota hedduudhaaf akka miidhamu godhu turan. What is it like? The Romans were affected by such a criminal, by hungering for food, food, food, and the heat, which would result in hundreds of days. Yeroo kanatti biyyattiin dhiibbaa Iizaabel ishee hamtuu abbaan manaashee Ahaab irraa duʼeefi haadha Yoraam isa yommus mootii taʼee bulchaa ture jala turte. Earnest effort to overcome prejudiced views regarding those who are of a different background will certainly help us to put on the new personality. - Col. Jezebel's wicked wife, Jezebel, was then under the influence of the king of Jehoram. Biroojiyoon), Lakk. What is highlighted by the illustration of the widow and the judge? Mar. Maatewos 13: 33 dubbisi. And how can we avoid grieving Jehovah's spirit? Read Matthew 13: 33. 2: 9 - 11. Paul's humble and friendly manner built up the congregations. 2: 9 - 11. (b) Eebbawwan Mootummichaa argachuuf maal hubachuu qabna? Despite her limited knowledge of Jehovah, she believed Elijah and did what he asked of her. (b) What must we recognize about Kingdom blessings? Matadureewwan rakkina keenyaa wajjin walitti dhufeenya qaban akka qayyabannu godhu. " Setting the example, Jehovah is willing to forgive They study articles that make it easier for us to study our own problems. " Phexros ergamaan, "Isa isin [Kiristiyaanonni] amma isaanitti dabalamtanii lolaa jireenya ittisa hin qabneetiin fudhatamuu dhiiftan in dinqifatu, maqaa keessanis in balleessu " jedhee barreessera. How can we cope? The apostle Peter wrote: "You [that is, Christians] have left their way of life, and you are being led astray by the name of your name. " Iddoo sanatti argamuun baayʼee kan nama gammachiisu ture! " - Joorji, umurii 58. Numerous arrangements are in place so that we can focus on preaching the good news with our local congregation. What a joy it was to be there! " - George, 58 years old! Duumessoonni galaanaa olitti uumamanii bokkaa kan argamsiisan si'a ta'u, laftis haala kanaan bishaan argatti. - Ama - Bit. ful 15 - 16. In a sense, you "put the practices of the body to death by the spirit. " The earth will bring rain, and the earth will find water in that way. - 1 / 1, pages 15 - 16. Kiristiyaanni tokko waggoota hedduudhaaf Waaqayyoon tajaajilaa kan ture taʼu illee, yaanni isaa wantoota foonii irratti akka xiyyeeffatu gochuu jalqabuu dandaʼa. WHY did the arrival of Jesus Christ * in Jerusalem on that spring day in 33 C.E. cause such commotion? Even if a Christian has served God for years, his thinking could start to focus his mind on material things. Kana kan barreesse, Dh.K.B. naannoo bara 65, yeroo Neeroon ariʼatama geessisaa turetti taʼuu hin oolu. For further information, visit jw.org. That may have been written by Nero during the persecution of Nero in 65 C.E. (Isa. 35: 5, 6) Hiyyummaa: Yihowaan hiyyummaa ni balleessa, akkasumas sabni isaa karaa hafuuraa fi qaamaa nageenya akka argatan, jechuunis jireenya qabeenya caalaa gatii qabu akka jiraatan godha. - Far. Our small vessel had little space for sleeping, cooking, or washing clothes, but we managed. poverty: Jehovah will eliminate poverty, destroy his people's spiritual and physical well - being. - Ps. Haataʼu malee, mana taaʼee barumsa fagoo barachuu dandaʼeera. Throughout my life, Jehovah has strengthened me by means of his Word. But I learned a lot from home. Iddoon kun maal fakkaata? How? What is this place? Namoota akkaataan guddinaa isaanii nu irraa adda taʼe halaalatti jibbuu irraa fagaachuuf carraaqqii cimaa gochuun keenya, namummaa haaraa akka uffannu nu gargaaruu dandaʼa. - Qol. Loving God fully will move us to do what? Trying hard to avoid prejudice from those whose background differs from ours can help us to clothe ourselves with the new personality. - Col. Phaawulos Maal Jechuusaa Ture? Unlike most athletic contests, this race allows for all who enter and who endure to the end to win the prize. What Did Paul Say? Phaawulos kan gad of deebisuufi kan nama jaallatu ta'uunsaa gumiiwwan jajjabeesseera. Seeing this, King Achish rebuked his servants for bringing a "crazy " man before him. Paul's humility and love for the congregations encouraged the congregations. Waaʼee Yihowaa wanti isheen beektu muraasa taʼus, Eliyaasiin amanuudhaan wanta inni ishee gaafate gooteetti. I had no idea of the graphic violence and foul language it contained! Although she knew little about Jehovah, she put faith in Elijah and asked for what he had done. Yihowaan dhiifama gochuuf fedhii qabaachuudhaan fakkeenya taʼeera Before John the Baptist sent messengers to Jesus, he explained to them what he wanted to know and the wording of the inquiry. Jehovah is an example of willingness to forgive Qorumsawwan akkanaa dandamachuu kan dandeenyu akkamitti? They suffered all manner of hostility as a result. How can we cope with such trials? Gumii keenya keessatti misiraachicha labsuurratti akka xiyyeeffannuuf qophiiwwan hedduun godhamaniiru. In fact, these moments of intense emotion could in the future become a source of comfort that you draw upon. Many provisions were made to weaken our focus on preaching the good news in our congregation. Hojii fooniirraa fagaattu jechuun, " hafuuraan hojii namummaa keessan isa foonii ajjeestu ' jechuudha. Once inside the city of refuge, a fugitive no longer needed to look over his shoulder for the avenger of blood. Putting away from the works of the flesh means "the works of the flesh. " YESUS KIRISTOS * birraa bara 33 yeroo gara Yerusaalem dhufe mandarattiin akkas kan raafamte maaliifi? Without those qualities, especially love, no society can be truly free - a fact that is obvious in the world today. WHY are you discouraged when Jesus Christ came to Jerusalem in the spring of 33 C.E.? Odeeffannoo dabalataa argachuuf jw.org ilaali. That alone is staggering to those in the printing industry who understand the cost of presses, paper, ink, and other materials. For more information, see jw.org. Dooniin keenya ishii xinnoon ciisichaaf, nyaata bilcheessuuf ykn uffata miiccuuf gaʼaa taʼuu baattus akkuma taʼetti jiraanneerra. For 33 years, Angie and I enjoyed both circuit and district work, including a good deal of preconvention and convention work. We didn't have enough food, clothing, or clothes, just as our small ship did. Yihowaan guutummaa jireenyakoo keessatti karaa Macaafa Qulqulluu na jajjabeesseera. HOW THE BIBLE CHANGED MY LIFE: In 1994, I met Tim and Virginia, two of Jehovah's Witnesses who were missionaries. Throughout my life, Jehovah comforted me in the Bible. Akkamitti? Eight of her relatives took courage, resumed their Bible studies, and are making good spiritual progress. How? Jaalalli Waaqayyoof qabnu maal akka goonu nu kakaasa? Now let's see why Jesus ' birth causes so much happiness. Love for God motivates us to do what? Dorgommii atleetiksiirraa haala adda taʼeen, namoonni dorgommii kanarratti hamma dhumaatti obsaan hirmaatan hundi badhaasa argatu. The school staff was not happy and tried using intimidation and lies to make me change my mind. Unlike the race, all who share in the race will have the prize of the race to the finish. Akiish Mootichi yommuu kana argu, tajaajiltoonnisaa nama "maraatuu " garasaatti fiduusaaniitti dheekkame. 146: 3. When the king saw that, his servants became angry and tried to bring the man "to him. " Taphawwan kun walirratti ka'uufi jechoota ciiggaasisaa akkasii babal'isu jedhee yaadee hin beekun ture! She made arrangements through the school authorities to have the wallet returned to its owner. I didn't know that these games were violent and harmful! Yohannis Cuuphaan ergamootasaa gara Yesusitti erguusaa dura, waan beekuu barbaaduufi gaaffii Yesusiin gaafachuu qaban ifa godhee itti himeera. After your child answers, you could ask, "How do you feel about that? " - Bible principle: Deuteronomy 6: 6, 7. Before sending the apostles to Jesus, John the Baptizer revealed that they needed to know and to ask questions about Jesus. Kanaan kan kaʼes jibbiinsi guddaan isaanirra gaʼeera. However, the ambassador was merely describing something that was beyond the king's personal experience. As a result, prejudice befalls them. Yeroo kanatti jaalala ho'aa akka isatti argisiiste yaadachuudhaan gara fuulduraatti jajjabina argatta. Recall, though, that Haggai and Zechariah helped the Jews to understand that Jehovah still wanted the temple rebuilt without delay. You will find comfort in the future, remembering that she felt warm affection for him. Namni baqatu sun takkaa magaalaa kooluu itti galan erga seenee booda, of duuba garagalee nama gumaa baasu sana ilaallachuun isa hin barbaachisu. In part, the resolution stated: "We are servants of Jehovah God commissioned to do a work in his name, and, in obedience to his commandment, to deliver the testimony of Jesus Christ, and to make known to the people that Jehovah is the true and Almighty God; therefore we joyfully embrace and take the name which the mouth of the Lord God has named, and we desire to be known as and called by the name, to wit, Jehovah's witnesses. " Once the fugitive took refuge in a city of refuge, he did not need to pull it away from the victim. Akkuma biyya lafaarratti mulʼatu, amalawwan akkasii, keessumaa jaalala utuu hin qabaatin, hawaasni kamiyyuu dhugumaan birmaduu baʼuu hin dandaʼu. how the Bible helped her to improve the quality of her life. As in the world, such qualities cannot be truly free, especially when no human society is free. Namoota hojii maxxansaa hojjetaniifi waaʼee gatii maxxansaa, waraqaa, qalamaafi miʼawwan gara biraa beekaniif kana yaaduunsaayyuu ulfaataadha. However, those adjustments faded into nothing as I enjoyed the wonderful training at Gilead. It is hard for us to think about the printing, printing, paper, and other items that have been discovered. Anii fi Anjeelaan, hojiiwwan walgaʼii guddaa duraa fi yeroo walgaʼichaatti raawwataman dabalatee hojii aanaa fi koonyaa irratti waggoota 33f hirmaanneerra. Allow your child to see your joy and satisfaction as you care for the needs of others. Lorraine and I have been in the circuit work for 33 years, including those at assemblies and conventions. Bara 1994, Dhugaa Baatota Yihowaa misiyoonota turaniifi Tiimiifi Varjiiniyaa jedhamanii wajjinan wal bare. A 17 - year - old named Andreas states: "This is really Jehovah's organization, the best organization in the world. " In 1994, I met Jehovah's Witnesses as missionaries in Britain and Virginia. Waa'ee abdii isin keessa jiruuf, nama isin gaafatee, deebii isin irraa barbaaduuf, deebii ga'u deebisuudhaaf yeroo hundumaa qophaa'oo ta'aa! Since the spoil from Jericho belonged to Jehovah, Achan in effect stole from God, and this cost him and his family dearly. - Josh. Keep ready to make a defense before everyone that demands of you a reason for the hope in you. Tarkaanfii isheen fudhatteen, firoottanshee keessaa namoonni saddeet ija jabina argisiisuudhaan Macaafa Qulqulluu qayyabachuu kan jalqaban si'a ta'u, yeroo ammaatti karaa hafuura guddina argisiisaa jiru. There she unwaveringly explained her Scriptural reasons for refusing to engage in illicit sex. Taking her step, eight of her relatives began to study the Bible with courage and are now making progress in spiritual growth. Yesus dhalachuunsaa gammachuu guddaa akkasii kan argamsiise maaliif akka taʼe haa ilaallu. With Jehovah's backing, David, Nehemiah, and other faithful servants of God succeeded in carrying out their God - given assignments. Let us see why Jesus ' birth gives us so much joy. Barsiisonni mana barumsichaa ejjennoo kootti waan hin gammanneef, yaada koo akkan jijjiiru gochuuf na dorsisuu fi soba dubbachuuf yaalu turan. Thus, by means of the ransom, Jehovah shows his love for the world of mankind. The school teachers did not appreciate my position, so they tried to convince me to change my mind and truth. 146: 3. What have we learned from the Bible account about Jephthah and his daughter, and how can we imitate them? 146: 3. Karaa bulchiinsa mana barumsaa boorsichi abbaasaatiif akka deebifamu goote. These judgments set "a pattern for ungodly persons of things to come. " She gave way to a school school that would be offered to his father. Mucaan keessan erga isinii deebisee booda, "Waaʼee kanaa maaltu sitti dhagaʼama? " jedhaa gaafadhaa. - Qajeelfama Kitaaba Qulqulluu: Keessa Deebii 6: 6, 7. Be Mild - Tempered After your child return, ask, "How do you feel about that? " - Bible principle: Deuteronomy 6: 6, 7. Haataʼu malee, wanti ambaasaaddarri kun dubbate hubannaa mootichaatii ol ture. The next article will help us examine our own hearts so that we can become more like our Father, Jehovah, who is "good and ready to forgive. " - Ps. However, the words were more understanding than the king's understanding. Haageefi Zakaariyaas, Yihowaan yeruma sana manni qulqullummaa akka ijaaramu kan barbaadu taʼuusaa Yihudoonni akka hubatan isaan gargaaruusaanii yaadadhu. Valley of Jezreel Recall that Haggai and Zechariah immediately knew that Jehovah wanted the temple to be built. Gar tokkoon ejjennoo kanaa akkas jedha: "Nuti tajaajiltoota Yihowaa waan taaneef, hojiin maqaasaatiin akka raawwannu nutti kenname jira. Ergaa Yesus lallabe akka labsinu, akkasumas Yihowaan Waaqa dhugaafi Waaqa Hundumaa Danda'u ta'uusaa akka lallabnu hojii nutti kennameef ni abboomamna; maqaa Dhugaa Baatota Yihowaa jedhuufi Waaqayyo Gooftaan moggaase gammachuudhaan kan fudhannu ta'uu keenyarrayyuu, maqaa kanaan beekamuufi waamamuu barbaanna. " * Can you trust that your heavenly Father will give you the fortitude you need to be resolute in abiding by the Bible's direction about disfellowshipping? Each of us says: "We are Jehovah's servants, because we preach in his name, preach the work of Jesus, and accept the name of the Most High God, Jehovah; and we want to be known by the Lord, Jehovah. " himteetti. For our spiritual sacrifices to be acceptable to God, we too must have proper motives and must trust in him completely. - Read Proverbs 3: 5, 6; Hebrews 13: 15, 16. Speak about it. Haa taʼu malee, leenjii gaarii Giilʼaaditti fudhannutti baayʼee gammannee waan turreef wantoota kanatti baruun nu hin rakkisne. Notice that Paul highlights two steps, both necessary. However, we enjoyed the fine training we received at Gilead, and we did not find them. Mucaan keessan namoota kaan yeroo gargaartanitti gammachuu guddaa argachuu keessan akka hubatu godhaa. It includes the plea: "Jehovah, save us, please, we beg!... Let your child know that you can find great joy in helping others. Obboleessi Andiree'aas jedhamuufi umuriinsaa waggaa 17 ta'emmoo akkas jedheera: "Dhugumayyuu, jaarmiyaa addunyaa maratti argaman hundaa kan caalu jaarmiyaa Yihowaati. " PAGE 3 • SONGS: 108, 74 Andrew, who is 17 years old, says: "Truly I am, I am no longer part of Jehovah's organization over all the earth. " Wanti Yerikoodhaa booji'ame kan Yihowaa waan ta'eef, Akaan Waaqayyo jalaa akka hatetti kan lakkaa'amu yommuu ta'u, kunimmoo isas ta'e maatiisaa du'aaf saaxileera. - Iya. We do not give up. " Because of what occurred from Jericho, Jehovah caused Achan to fall apart from his God, which led him and his family to death. - Josh. Achittis saalqunnamtii seeraan ala taʼe raawwachuu kan didde maaliif akka taʼe sodaa tokko malee Macaafa Qulqulluurraa isaaniif ibsite. Setting small, reachable goals can help us to do this. There she explained from the Bible why she was unwilling to engage in sexual misconduct. (Nahimiiyaa 4: 14) Daawit, Nahimiiyaafi tajaajiltoonni Waaqayyoo amanamoo ta'an garabiraan gargaarsa Yihowaatiin hojii Waaqayyo isaaniif kenne raawwachuu danda'aniiru. How did the early Bible Students understand the command to preach? Under Jehovah's help, Nehemiah, Nehemiah, and other faithful servants of God were able to carry out their God - given commission. Karaa kanaan, Yihowaan furichatti fayyadamee guutummaa ilmaan namootaatiif jaalala akka qabu argisiiseera. Stand Up for Convictions! In this way, by means of the ransom, Jehovah has shown his love for the whole human family. Seenaa Kitaaba Qulqulluu waaʼee Yiftaa fi intala isaa dubbatu irraa maal baranna? Fakkeenya isaanii hordofuu kan dandeenyu hoo akkamitti? This can help us to make the necessary adjustments in order to remain in Jehovah's love. What can we learn from the Bible account of Jephthah and his daughter, and how can we imitate them? Murtiin kun " warra Waaqayyo malee jiraatanitti wanta dhufuuf jiruuf fakkeenya ta'a. ' On the contrary, the apostle Peter spoke of the need to "offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. " This judgment is "an example of what is to come upon the ungodly. " Garraamota Ta'aa The brothers can see and hear how you teach others about Jehovah. Be Yielding Matadureen ittaanu Yihowaa Abbaa keenya isa " namaaf cubbuu isaa dhiisu ' akka gaariitti fakkaachuu akka dandeenyutti garaa keenya qoruuf nu gargaara. - Far. From then on, he no longer hid from Jehovah's Witnesses. The next article will help us to examine our heart so that we can imitate our heavenly Father, Jehovah. - Ps. Ta'anaa 31: 3. Modern - Day Now * Abbaan kee inni samii, gumiidhaa baafamuu wajjin haala wal qabateen qajeelfama Macaafa Qulqulluu hojii irra oolchuu akka dandeessuuf cimina akka sii kennu isatti ni amanamtaa? Why can it be said that Hannah prayed and acted in faith? * Do you believe that your heavenly Father will give you the strength to apply Bible principles in the matter of being disfellowshipped? (Isa. 1: 11 - 17) Nuyis aarsaan hafuuraa dhiheessinu Waaqayyo biratti fudhatama akka argatu yoo barbaanne, kakaʼumsa sirrii qabaachuu, akkasumas guutummaatti Waaqayyotti amanamuu qabna. - Fakkeenya 3: 5, 6; Ibroota 13: 15, 16 dubbisi. The New Jerusalem Bible renders the expression "look for opportunities to be hospitable. " If we likewise want our spiritual sacrifices to be acceptable to God, we too must be right and fully relying fully on God. - Read Proverbs 3: 5, 6; Hebrews 13: 15, 16. Phaawulos tarkaanfii barbaachisaa taʼan lama akka caqase hubadhaa. WHAT DO YOU THINK? Note that Paul mentioned two important steps. Faarfannaan kun kadhannaa akkana jedhu qabateera: "Hadaraa yaa Waaqayyo, nu oolchi,... But is that the only warning we find in Solomon's life? The psalm contains this prayer: "Jehovah, please, let us deliver us... FUULA 3 • FAARFANNAA: 14, 24 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. " PAGE 3 • SONGS: 14, 24 Nuyi matumaa abdii hin kutannu. " Jehovah was not real to them. We will never give up. " Galmawwan xixinnaa bira ga'uun danda'amu baasuudhaan, kana gochuun ni danda'ama. What is the occasion? It is possible to do so by making small goals that can lead to small goals. Jalqabarratti barattoonni Macaafa Qulqulluu abboommii hojii lallabaa ilaalchisee kenname akkamitti hubatanii turan? He put off his former ways and worked hard " not to be seeking his own advantage but that of the many. ' At first, how did Bible students understand the command to preach? 19: 5) Israaʼeloonni amanamoo ennaa turanitti, waaqeffannaafi akkaataa jireenyaasaaniitiin saboota kaan hundarraa adda turan. First, we need to be willing to take the time to study and meditate on what Jesus said, to do the necessary research, and to ask the appropriate questions. During their faithful course, the Israelites were separate from all other nations by their worship and ways. MATADUREEWWAN ADDADDAA 8, 9. Have an Organization? Kun immoo jaalala Yihowaa keessatti of eeguuf sirreeffama barbaachisu akka goonu nu gargaaruu dandaʼa. Helping many people to learn precious, lifesaving truths has brought us inestimable happiness. This can help us to make needed adjustments in Jehovah's love. Phexros, "aarsaa hafuuraa isa karaa Yesus Kristos Waaqayyo duratti fudhatamu dhiʼeessuu [n] " barbaachisaa akka taʼe dubbateera. 14, 15. The apostle Peter stated that "a sacrifice of the spirit, which is to be prepared before God through Jesus Christ. " Obboloonni akkaataa ati itti waaʼee Yihowaa namoota barsiistu arguufi dhagaʼuu dandaʼu. A second aspect of the Mosaic Law that reflected God's concern for his people's welfare was the right to glean. Those whom you teach can see and hear about Jehovah. Yeroo sanaa kaasee, Dhugaa Baatota Yihowaa jalaa dhokachuu ni dhiise. Can knowing what the Bible teaches and understanding God's purpose for the earth add real meaning to your life now? Since then, he abandoned Jehovah's Witnesses. 31: 3. That will be in the future, during the great tribulation when the faithful slave receives the heavenly reward. - 7 / 15, page 25. 31: 3. Haannaan, Waaqayyoon yeroo kadhattettis ta'e isa booda, amantii akka qabdu argisiisteetti jechuuf kan nu dandeessisu maalidha? How does Jehovah exercise his sovereignty over humans? What made it possible for Hannah to demonstrate that she was faith in God and later in prayer? Macaafni Qulqulluun afaan Oromoo hiika bara 1899 yaada kana, "keessummoota simuudhaaf kanwaldorgomtanu ta'aa " jechuudhaan hiikeera. Calling one's mate stupid, lazy, or selfish implies that his or her entire character can be summed up by a label - a demeaning one at that! The New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures notes: "You must be known to strangers. " MAAL SITTI FAKKAATA? Priorities WHAT DO YOU THINK? Akeekkachiisni jireenya Solomoonirraa argannu garuu kanuma qofadhaa? chapter 11. But is the only warning we can draw from Solomon's life? Addaam duraan dursee tolfame, Hewwaan immoo ergasii tolfamte " jedheera. Describing Jehovah, the Bible says: "Perfect is his activity, for all his ways are justice. " - Deuteronomy 32: 4. Adam had first been brought to nothing, and Eve grew up. " Yihowaan isaaniif hin dhugoomne ture. Modesty helps us to enjoy giving others due honor and support. - Rom. Jehovah did not bless them. Wanti akkasii kan raawwatamu yeroo akkamiitti? Get to know your children well - their thinking, their feelings, their concerns. When will that happen? Amalasaa isa durii dhiisuudhaan, " waan isaaf waa'ee baasu utuu hin ta'in, waan namoota baay'eedhaaf waa'ee baasu barbaaduuf ' carraaquu jalqabe. Indeed, some of them returned to their native Poland to share the precious truths they had learned. He abandoned his former ways and began to search for many, " not for himself, but for a lot of people. ' Tokkoffaa, wanta Yesus dubbate qayyabachuu, irratti xiinxaluu, qorannaa gochuufi gaaffii barbaachisaa taʼe gaafachuuf yeroo ramaduuf fedhii qabaachuu qabna. ▪ Do You Appreciate Our Spiritual Heritage? First, we should be willing to study Jesus ' words, meditate on them, and seek time to ask important questions. 8, 9. To survive the end of Satan's world, what must we continue to do? 8, 9. Dhugaa gati jabeessaa fi lubbu baraarsaa taʼe akka beekan namoota hedduu gargaaruun, gammachuu hammana hin jedhamne nuuf argamsiiseera. He can't put his phone down. It has brought us much joy to help more people come to know the precious and lifesaving truth. 14, 15. Or he may have argued that Moses practiced nepotism - giving privileges to his relatives. 14, 15. Kutaan Seera Musee Waaqayyo sabasaatiif akka yaadu argisiisu inni lammaffaan hiyyeeyyiin qarmii funaannachuuf mirga akka qabaatan kan ajajudha. We were standing before a livestock watering trough that was partially filled with cold water! The second part of the Mosaic Law required that they have the right to remind others of God's loving concern for his people. Wanta Macaafni Qulqulluun barsiisu beekuufi kaayyoo Waaqayyo lafaaf qabu hubachuun, yeroo ammaatti jireenyikee kaayyoo dhugaa akka qabaatu gochuu dandaʼaa? My desire to give others a hope for the future continued to grow, and my mother and I got baptized in Dover in March 1940. Can knowing what the Bible teaches and understand God's purpose for the earth make your life real now? Gara fuulduraatti, jechuunis yeroo rakkina guddaatti hojjetaan amanamaan badhaasasaa isa samii yommuu argatuttidha. - 7 / 15, fuula 25. Truly, Jehovah's works through the Messianic Kingdom are great and wonderful. In the future, during the great tribulation, the faithful slave will receive his heavenly reward. - 7 / 15, page 25. Yihowaan ilmaan namootaarratti olaantummaasaa kan argisiisu akkamitti? In making such a statement, Satan maligned all of us, including you. How does Jehovah express his sovereignty over mankind? Hiriyaa gaa'elaa ofiitiin, ati doofaadha, dhibaa'aadha, ofittoodha jechuun, abbaan sun nama gatii hin qabne ta'ee akka itti dhaga'amu godha. That will aid him in his spiritual recovery. If you are a married person, you are reasonable, reasonable, and selfish, the father makes him feel that he is worthless. Wanta Dursi Kennamuufii Qabu Colossae, Laodicea, and Hierapolis were cities in the same area of Asia Minor. What Is Early Things jedhamu boqonnaa 11 ilaali. In 1932 the elective elders were replaced with a service committee elected by the congregation to assist an appointed service director. For more information, see chapter 11 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Macaafni Qulqulluun, waaʼee Yihowaa yommuu ibsu, "Wanti inni godhus mudaa hin qabu, karaan isaa hundinuus qajeelaa dha " jedha. - Keessa Deebii 32: 4. 12: 1. Regarding Jehovah, the Bible says: "All his ways are justice. " - Deuteronomy 32: 4. Amalli gad of deebisuu, namoota kaaniif kabaja isaaniif malu akka kenninuu fi akka isaan deggerru nu kakaasa. - Rom. Imagine how closely Jehovah must have listened to his Son's heartfelt expressions! Humility moves us to show respect and support to others. - Rom. Ijoollee keessan sirriitti beekuun yaada, miiraa fi yaaddoo isaanii beekuu dabalata. Therefore, dear elders, as you give training, be more than a teacher - be a friend. - Prov. Knowing your children properly involves knowing their thoughts, feelings, and concerns. Dhugaa dha, isaan keessaa tokko tokko dhugaa baratan namootatti himuuf gara biyya isaanii Poolaanditti deebiʼaniiru. What area of research did you pursue? Of course, some of them returned to Poland to share the truth with others. ▪ Dhaala Hafuuraa Keenya Ni Dinqisiifattaa? Others feel that they will be reborn to live another existence. ▪ Do You Appreciate Our Spiritual legacy? Badiisa sirna Seexanaa jalaa ooluuf maal gochuu keenya itti fufuu qabna? The Devil is ousted from heaven. What must we do to survive the end of Satan's wicked system? Bilbila isaa lafa kaaʼuu hin dandaʼu. The time will finally come for "the last Adam " to act as" a life - giving spirit " toward mankind in general. He cannot put it on the ground. Yookiinimmoo, Museen aboosaatti fayyadamee mirgoota kana firootasaatiif kenneera jedhee falmee taʼuu hin oolu. How can we avoid being "discreet in [our] own eyes "? Or Moses may have used his authority to defend his relatives. Bidiruu horiin bishaan keessaa dhuganii fi bishaan diilallaaʼaan itti guutame fuuldura dhaabannee turre! Being baptized in the name of the Son means acknowledging what Jesus has done for you and accepting his authority as "the Chief Agent of life. " We walked out of a boat that was filled with water and deep water! Fedhiin ani waaʼee abdii gara fuulduraa namootatti himuuf qabu dabalaa kan dhufe siʼa taʼu, anii fi haati koo Bitootessa 1940 tti Doovaritti cuuphamne. See page 30. My desire to share my hope for the future has increased, and my mother and I were baptized in March 1940. 110: 3) Dhugumayyuu hojiin Yihowaan karaa Mootummaa Masiihichaa raawwate guddaafi dinqisiisaadha. He commanded them: "Go... and make disciples of people of all the nations. " Indeed, Jehovah's work through the Messianic Kingdom is truly precious and rewarding. (Iyoob 2: 4) Seexanni kana dubbachuudhaan siinis dabalatee hunda keenya hamateera. 29 "Make Your Way Successful " - How? Satan lied to all of you, including you. Kana gochuunsaa karaa hafuuraa akka fooyya'u isa gargaara. 2. He thus helps him to make spiritual progress. Qolosaayis, Laa'odiiqeyaafi Heraapholis, magaalota naannoo Asiyaa Xinnootti argamanidha. Marriage should be a partnership, with the man and woman supporting each other. Colossae, Laodicea, and Laodicea were among the cities of Asia. Bara 1932 tti jaarsolii utuu hin ta'in koree tajaajilaa filachuun kan jalqabame yommuu ta'u, itti gaafatamummaan koree kanaas dirikteera tajaajilaa muudame gargaaruu ture. Among other things, Peter urged his brothers: "Be hospitable to one another. " In 1932, he began selecting the committee of elders, not the elders, and was appointed to assist the service committee. 12: 1. Our efforts to improve the quality of our ministry also have a good effect on others. 12: 1. Mee Yihowaan kadhannaa Ilmisaa dhiheesse akkamitti akka dhaggeeffachaa ture yaadi! Rather, he stated that these would occur "in one place after another. " Imagine how Jehovah must have listened to his Son ' prayer! Kanaafuu, jaarsolii jaallatamo, leenjii yeroo kennitan barsiisaa qofa utuu hin taʼin michuu gaarii taʼaa. - Fak. 17: 17, hiika bara 1899; Yoh. So it is not necessary to identify every spiritual Jew and then go with him or her. So as you older elders, be a good friend not only when training your teacher but also when teaching. - Prov. 17: 17; John 10: 17. Qorannaa akkamii goote? The noted 19th - century historian Philip Schaff was moved to state of this young man: "Without writing a single line, he set more pens in motion, and furnished themes for more sermons, orations, discussions, learned volumes, works of art, and songs of praise, than the whole army of great men of ancient and modern times. " What did you do? Kaan immoo, haala biraatiin jiraachuuf lammata akka dhalatan yaadu. You would conclude that the manufacturer made it "perfect " and that someone or something else caused the damage. Others think that they will be born again in other situations. Dubartittiin samii, ilma dhiiraa tokko ni deesse. He wrote that in the last days, children would be disobedient to parents. The woman gave birth to a son. Yeroon "Addaam inni lammaffaan " namoota hundaaf" hafuura jireenya kennu " itti taʼu ni dhufa. One time, the apostle Paul was at a meeting in an upper room in Troas, in what is now northwest Turkey. The second time will come when "the last Adam " will be" a spirit of life. " " Nuyi ogeessota ofiin jechuurraa ' of qusachuu kan dandeenyu akkamitti? 3: 12; 1 Pet. How can we avoid becoming " wise '? Kanaan dura Uumaa wajjin hariiroo hin qabdu turte; akkasumas abdii qabatamaa ta'e hin qabdu. 10, 11. (a) Why did Peter loyally stay with Jesus? In the past, you had no relationship with the Creator, and you had no real hope. Fuula 28 ilaali. She has rewarded him with good, and not bad, all the days of her life. " See page 28. " Dhaqaa,... saba hundumaa bartoota koo godhaa! " jedhee isaan ajajeera. And whenever we have a decision to make - be it about recreation, dress and grooming, association, employment, education, or anything else - we act wisely only if we follow Jehovah's guidelines. He instructed them: "Go... and make disciples of people of all the nations. " 29 Milkaaʼina Argachuu Kan Dandeessu Akkamitti? The Bible also promises that the time will come when our problems will be resolved permanently! 29 How Can You Make Your Success? 2. As "imitators of God, " then, let us do our very best to welcome strangers among us. - Eph. 2. (Uma. 2: 18) Gaa'elli, karaa abbaan manaafi haati manaa tokkummaa qabaachuudhaan itti wal gargaaranidha. (Lal. Jehovah continues to use and support his congregation. Marriage can help a husband and wife to cooperate with one another in a way that unites each other in unity. Gorsi Pheexiros obboloota isaatiif kenne, ajaja "Keessummummaa wal simadhaa " jedhu kan dabalatu dha. What will Jehovah do about distressful conditions? Peter's counsel to his brothers included the command: "Be hospitable to one another. " Qulqullina tajaajila keenyaa fooyyessuuf carraaqqii gochuun keenyas warra kaanirratti dhiibbaa gaarii geessisa. Still, Jesus always did the right thing. Our efforts to improve the quality of our ministry can have a positive effect on others. Kanaa mannaa, "iddoo adda addaatti " akka raawwataman dubbateera. All three felt emotional pain when they were in sore straits. Rather, he foretold that they would be fulfilled "in a special place. " Kanaafuu, Yihudii hafuuraa hunda adda baafatanii beekuunii fi isa ykn ishii wajjin deemuun barbaachisaa miti. Though the apostle would have to struggle to regain his spiritual balance, Jesus wanted to use him to help others. Therefore, it is not necessary to identify all spiritual Jews with him or her. Barreessaa seenaa jaarraa 19 ffaa kan ture Filiippi Shaaf waa'ee Yesus Kiristos akkas jedhee barreessuuf kaka'ee ture: " Yesus ofiisaa waan tokkoyyuu kan hin barreessine ta'us, wanti inni godheefi dubbate namoonni kitaabota, faarfannaawwaniifi haasaawwan barreessan, akkasumas artiistonni hojiidhaaf akka kaka'an godheera. Another theory is that these brothers were actually cousins of Jesus, although the Greek Scriptures use distinct words for "brother, "" cousin, " and "relative. " A historian of 19th - century C.E. was moved to write about Jesus Christ: "Even though they did not write any books and talks about himself, he was moved to write the books, talks, and works. Warshaan oomishe sun akka gaariitti kan hojjete taʼus, nama ykn wanta taʼe tokkotu mudaa akka qabaatu godhe jettee yaadda. Of course, we realize that choices in recreation may differ from one person to the next. She made good use of the information, but she wondered whether it was perfect or not. Guyyoota dhumaatti ijoolleen warra isaaniitiif kan hin ajajamne akka taʼan dubbateera. Was the son accepted? He said that during the last days, children would be disobedient to their parents. Yeroo tokko Phaawulos ergamaan Xiroʼaas ishii yeroo ammaatti kaaba dhiha Turkitti argamtutti mana fooqii tokko irratti walgaʼii geggeessaa ture. 5: 17. On one occasion, the apostle Paul was in Troas, now conducting a meeting at a house in the northwest of Spain. 3: 12; 1 Phe. In this regard, Leviticus 20: 2 states: "Any man of the sons of Israel, and any alien resident who resides as an alien in Israel, who gives any of his offspring to Molech, should be put to death without fail. 3: 12; 1 Pet. 10, 11. (a) Phexros Yesusiif amanamaa taʼee kan itti fufe maaliifi? Being "one flesh " implies more than merely living together. 10, 11. (a) Why did Peter remain loyal to Jesus? Bara jireenya ishee hundumaatti, wanta gaarii gootiif malee, wanta hamaa isa irratti hin hojjettu. " SONGS: 65, 26 In all your life, do not do what is bad, but what is bad. " Kana malees bashannana, akkaataa uffannaafi filannaa, hiriyoota, hojii, barumsa ykn wanta kan biraa ilaalchisee murtoo sirrii ta'e gochuu kan dandeenyu qajeelfama Yihowaa yoo hordofne qofadha. Some questions have arisen that this article will answer. Moreover, only if we follow Jehovah's direction on entertainment, dress, grooming, employment, education, or other things. Kitaabni Qulqulluun yeroon rakkoowwan nu mudatan guutummaatti furmaata itti argatan akka dhufus abdii nuuf kenna! What will the coming of God's Kingdom mean for you personally? And the Bible promises that the time will come for us to solve problems completely! Kanaafuu, " Waaqayyoon kan fakkaannu ' waan taaneef, namoota orma taʼanii fi nu gidduutti argaman simachuuf wanta nuu dandaʼame hunda haa goonu. - Efe. Jesus Christ reflected God's mind on matters when he said: "I have come to call, not righteous people, but sinners to repentance. " Therefore, as " imitators of God, " may we do all we can to welcome strangers who are among us and those who are among us. - Eph. Yihowaan gumiisaatti fayyadamuufi gumii kana gargaaruusaa itti fufeera. If he is confused or has a speech impediment and is difficult to understand, we could try to grasp what he means by paying close attention to the tone of his voice. Jehovah continues to use his congregation and help the congregation. • Yihowaan sabasaa akka eegu kan argisiisu maalidha? 8, 9. • What shows that Jehovah protects his people? Yihowaan haalawwan nama dhiphisan irratti tarkaanfii akkamii fudhata? How can I repeat that? ' What will Jehovah do about distressing situations? Taʼus yeroo hunda wanta sirrii taʼe raawwateera. The meaning of words and expressions used in the Bible have changed over time. Yet, he always did what was right. Sadanuu haala rakkisaa keessa yeroo turanitti baayʼee gaddaniiru. " The Council of Nicea in 325 stated the crucial formula for [the yet future Trinity] doctrine in its confession that the Son is " of the same substance... as the Father. ' " - Encyclopædia Britannica. The three were devastated when they were under trying circumstances. Ergamaan kun karaa hafuuraa haala duraaniitti deebiʼuuf carraaquu kan qabu taʼullee, Yesus warra kaan gargaaruuf isatti fayyadamuu barbaadee ture. In actual fact, they can be opportunities for us to be further trained by Jehovah. Although the apostle had to strive to return to his former spiritual condition, Jesus wanted to use it to help others. Haata'u malee, Caaffanni Qulqullaa'oon afaan Giriikii, jechoota "obboleessa, "" durbii, " akkasumas "fira " jedhan adda baasanii ibsu. If you train him to use questions effectively, you will help him to fulfill his role as an evangelizer. However, the Christian Greek Scriptures refer to the expression "our brother " and" his disciples. " (Lal. 3: 12, 13) Bashannana ilaalchisee filannoon namootaa garaa gara taʼuu akka dandaʼu beekamaa dha. And consider how much benefit we can draw from the Bible books that Jehovah inspired Paul to write. Granted, the choice of recreation and entertainment may differ from a different heart. Ilma isaa hoo ni simatanii ree? We have an attitude like that of the apostle Paul, who twice stated: "We do not give up. " - 2 Cor. Did he receive his Son? 5: 17. Likewise, a young woman does well to ask herself if she is prepared for the responsibilities of being a wife and mother. 5: 17. Kana ilaalchisee Lewwoonni 20: 2 akkas jedha: "Namoota Israaʼel keessaa, galaa biyya Israaʼel keessa jiraatu keessaas namni tokko illee dhala isaa keessaa tokko Moleekiif aarsaa yoo dhiʼeesse, mama malee haa ajjeefamu! In our ministry, we may encounter some who respond harshly or even act abusively. Concerning this, Leviticus 20: 2 says: "To the people of Israel, it is as a sacrifice for the people of Israel, that no one in the land of Israel should fall down, and no one was put to death! (Uumama 2: 24) "Foon tokko " taʼuu jechuun akkasumaan waliin jiraachuu caalaa waan dabalatu qaba. He preached to the Jews out of deep concern for them. To be "one man " means more than merely living together. FAARFANNAA: 32, 26 Also, we often talked with fondness about our time in the missionary work. SONGS TO BE USED: 65, 26 Gaaffiiwwan mata duree kana keessatti deebii argatan tokko tokko ni kaʼu. Similarly, we need to be discerning when speaking about the truth to our unbelieving relatives. Some questions will be answered in this article. Mootummaan Waaqayyoo dhufuunsaa faayidaa akkamii siif argamsiisa? What is the greatest source of happiness? How will the coming of God's Kingdom benefit you? Yesuus Kiristoos, ilaalcha Waaqayyo wantootaaf qabu akka qabu yommuu dubbatu, "Ani namoota qajeeloo utuu hin taʼin, cubbamoonni akka yaada geddaratan waamuufan dhufe " jedheera. How does Jehovah equip us to fulfill theocratic assignments? When speaking of God's view of things, Jesus Christ said: "I came to call, not righteous ones, but sinners. " Wantoota tokko tokko kan wal maku yoo ta'e ykn wanta inni jedhu hubachuun rakkisaa yoo nutti ta'e, akkaataa sagaleesaatiif xiyyeeffannaa kennuudhaan wanta inni jechuu barbaade hubachuuf carraaqqii gochuu dandeenya. You will surely agree that you have many good things for which to be grateful. If we find it difficult to understand certain things or to understand what it says, we can strive to understand his voice by giving careful attention to his voice. 8, 9. Because the official Church Bible (the Vulgate) was written in Latin. 8, 9. Ulfinni kan isaaf malu hoo maaliifi? They did so by intensifying their Kingdom - preaching work. Why is honor due? Ammas akkana gochuu kanan dandaʼu akkamitti? ' Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering? How can I do that now? ' Hiikni jechootaa fi ibsawwan Kitaaba Qulqulluu yeroodha gara yerootti jijjiirameera. Just as replacing an inferior material with a superior one denotes improvement, Jehovah's Witnesses have experienced improvements in their organizational arrangements all through "the conclusion of the system of things, " or" the last days. " - Matthew 24: 3; 2 Timothy 3: 1. The meaning and words of the Bible changed times. ▪ " Barumsa Sillaasee isa " Ilmi Abbaa wajjin tokkodha ' jedhuufi yeroo booda fudhatama argateef bu'uurri kan kaa'ame walga'ii bara 325 tti Niiqiyaatti godhamerrattidha. ' - Insaayikilooppiidiyaa Biritaanikaa. The Bible emphasizes that Jehovah, the Great Timekeeper, is not slow. ▪ "The doctrine of the Trinity, " which was later adopted as" the Son of man, " was later laid on the meeting in 315 B.C.E. - The Encyclopædia Britannica. Jijjiiramawwan kun garuu, Yihowaan akka nu leenjisu carraa dabalataa nuuf banuu danda'u. Enoch, the seventh man in the genealogical line from Adam, courageously walked with God by pursuing an upright course amid his wicked contemporaries. Jehovah strengthened Enoch to deliver a powerful message to them because of their ungodly words and deeds. But these changes can open up opportunities for us to train Jehovah to train us. Gaaffiitti akka gaariitti akka fayyadamu yoo isa leenjistan, mucaan keessan lallabaa wangeelaa taʼuudhaan gaʼeesaa akka baʼu isa gargaaruu dandeessu. Accordingly his days shall amount to a hundred and twenty years. " If you train your child properly, you can help him to fulfill his role as an evangelizer. Akkasumas kutaawwan Kitaaba Qulqulluu Yihowaan geggeessaa hafuura isaatiin Phaawulos akka barreessu godhe irraa faayidaa hangamii akka argannu yaadaa. Imitate Jesus - Teach With Love Think also of how much benefit we will benefit from the portions of the Bible that Jehovah inspired Paul to write. Ilaalcha akka Phaawulos ergamaa isa siʼa lama "Abdii hin kutannu " jedhee qabna. - 2 Qor. In fact, we continue to thrive spiritually - a reality that can have only one explanation: Jehovah is still our refuge, "a real dwelling " for us, especially during these last days. We have the attitude of the apostle Paul, who wrote: "We do not give up. " - 2 Cor. Haaluma walfakkaatuun, shamarreen tokko yommuu heerumuu barbaaddu, haadha warraafi haadhaa ta'uuf itti gaafatamummaa qabdu ba'achuuf qophaa'uushee of gaafachuu qabdi. Though I was emotionally distressed and physically drained, I was determined not to leave his bedside. Similarly, when a young woman chooses to marry, she should ask himself to be prepared to care for her mother and mother. Tajaajila irratti, namoonni karaa sirrii hin taaneen nuuf deebisu taʼa; yookiin immoo nutti dheekkamu taʼa. 4: 2 In the ministry, people may abuse us in the wrong way, or they may be angry with us. Yihudootaaf kan lallabe garaadhaa waan isaaniif yaaduuf ture. How can Christians train their mind and conscience regarding questions of loyalty? He was genuinely concerned about the Jews. Akkasumas, yeroo misiyoonii taanee dabarsine akka jaallannu yeroo baayʼee ni dubbanna. Name has been changed. And we often speak about our service as missionaries. Haaluma wal fakkaatuun, waaʼee dhugaa yeroo firoottan keenya Dhugaa Baatota hin taanetti dubbannu hubannaa qabaachuun keenya barbaachisaa dha. Three helpful steps are (1) Quickly averting our view if we are exposed to erotic imagery. Similarly, when it comes to speaking the truth about unbelieving relatives, we need to be discerning. Wanti madda gammachuu taʼe inni guddaan maalidha? In the 1940 ' s, the New World Bible Translation Committee established principles of translation that have been followed in over 130 languages. What is the primary source of happiness? Yihowaan itti gaafatamummaa nuuf kenne akka raawwannu kan nu gargaaru akkamitti? Dan How does Jehovah help us to fulfill our responsibilities? Sababiiwwan akka galateeffattu si godhan hedduun jiraachuusaanii akka amantu beekamaadha. But only eight months later, this Japanese couple decided to divorce. Of course, you believe that there are many reasons why you are grateful. Sababiin isaas Kitaabni Qulqulluun (Vulgeet) Waldaa keessatti itti hojjetamu afaan Laatiiniin kan barreeffame ture. If we do not keep reminding ourselves of the truth, other things will influence our hearts and we may no longer speak the pure language with fluency. Because the Bible was written in Latin. Kana kan godhanis hinaaffaadhaan lallabuudhaani. We give evidence that we are living in it only temporarily. They do so zealously and zealously share in the preaching work. Waaqayyo Hammeenyiifi Dhiphinni Akka Jiraatu Kan Heyyame Maaliifi? 15, 16. (a) Give an example of how a Christian might be "uncircumcised in heart. " (b) Why do you think an " uncircumcised heart ' would be displeasing to Jehovah? Why Does God Allow Suffering and Suffering? (Isaayaas 60: 17) Mi'i jabaa hin taane mi'a baay'ee jabaa ta'een bakka buufamuunsaa fooyya'iinsa akka argisiisu, Dhugaa Baatonni Yihowaas " dhuma bara si'anaa ' yookiin "guyyoota gara dhumaa " kanatti gama hojii jaarmiyaatiin fooyya'iinsa gochaa turaniiru. - Maatewos 24: 3; 2 Ximotewos 3: 1. So please have them there each morning. " In these "last days, " Jehovah's Witnesses have worked hard to make progress, showing that" the last days, " or "the last days. " - Matthew 24: 24; Matthew 3: 1. 6: 17) Macaafni Qulqulluun Yihowaan wanta dubbate raawwachuuf suuta akka hin jenne ibsa. His wife did not like Jehovah's Witnesses. The Bible indicates that Jehovah did not simply say what he said. (Kes. 31: 6 - 8, 23) Addaamirraa kaasee dhaloota torbaffaa kan ta'e Henok, namoonni barasaatti turan hamoota ta'anis daandii qajeelaarra adeemuudhaan Waaqayyoo wajjin deddeebi'eera. How is a thankful spirit in prayer a protection? From the time of Adam, Enoch became the seventh generation, and Enoch walked in the paths of God. Barri jireenya namaas waggaa dhibbaa fi digdama haa taʼu! " jedha. What examples serve as a warning to us, and what lesson can we learn from them? Let the days of man amount to a hundred and a hundred years. " Fakkeenya Yesus Hordofuudhaan Jaalalaan Barsiisaa This series is only one of the many spiritual provisions from Jehovah that help us to accomplish the vital work he has given us to do. Teach Your Children to Follow Jesus ' Example Karaa hafuuraa guddachuu keenya kan itti fufne siʼa taʼu, kunis keessumaa guyyoota gara dhumaa kanatti Yihowaan ammayyuu " iddoo kooluu itti gallu ' taʼuusaa kan argisiisudha. But I still don't see the connection with 1914. We continue to grow spiritually, and this shows that Jehovah is still "a real dwelling " during these last days. Miirrikoo kan jeeqameefi qaamnikoo kan butute taʼus, sireesaa biraa akkan hin sochoone murteesseen ture. Bear in mind, too, that we can approach the "Hearer of prayer " with the confidence that he will give attention to our concerns. My emotions were broken and burned, but I was determined not to get out of his bed. 4: 2 Everything God does benefits others. 4: 2 Amanamummaa wajjin haala wal qabateen Kiristiyaanonni sammuu fi yaada garaa isaanii leenjisuu kan dandaʼan akkamitti? No! How can Christians train their mind and conscience when it comes to integrity? Maqaanshee jijjiirameera. 3: 10. Name has been changed. Bara 1940mmaniitti Koreen Kitaaba Qulqulluu Hiika Addunyaa Haaraa seerawwan hiikkaa afaanota 130 ol taʼaniin itti hojjetamaa ture qopheesseera. As the soldiers tried to flee the onrushing waters, "Jehovah shook the Egyptians off into the midst of the sea. " In 1940 the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures was organized in over 130 languages. Daan Jesus once acted to protect his disciples during a violent storm. Dan Jiʼa saddeet qofa erga waliin jiraatanii booda garuu, hiriyoonni gaaʼelaa biyya Jaappaan kun wal hiikuuf murteessan. Please note that this Bible verse does not say that God has love. But after only eight months together, the couple decided to divorce the country in Japan. Yeroo hunda waa'ee dhugaa of hin yaadachiisnu yoo ta'e, wantoonni garabiraan garaa keenyarratti dhiibbaa geessisuufi Qooqa qulqulluu akka gaariitti akka hin dubbanne nu gochuu danda'u. This can help you to replace any idea that you are worthless to God with a Bible - based assurance: You are precious in Jehovah's eyes. If you constantly remind yourself of the truth, other factors can influence our heart and cause us to slow down in the pure language. Haala kanaan biyya lafaa keessa keessummummaadhaan jiraachaa akka jirru ifatti argisiisna. 2 / 1, 4 / 1 One With Father, 9 / 1 We clearly demonstrate that we are living in this troubled world. 15, 16. (a) Fakkeenya Kiristiyaanni tokko " garaa dhagna hin qabamin ' qabaachuu akka dandaʼu argisiisu caqasi. (b) " Qolli yaada garaa haguugu ' Yihowaa kan hin gammachiisne maaliif sitti fakkaata? 12 The Bible Changes Lives 16 Learn From God's Word - How Do Spirit Creatures Affect Us? 15, 16. (a) Give an example showing why a Christian can have "a heart lacking in heart " and (b) Why do you think that it does not please Jehovah? Kanaaf, maaloo yeroo hundaa ganama qubeessaa qaramaa naa qopheessi " naan jedhe. How can we avoid being ensnared by "hurtful desires "? So every morning, he said, "Be prepared with me in his letters. " Haati manaa obboleessa kanaa Dhugaa Baatota Yihowaa hin jaallattu turte. This was dispatched to the elders there "by the hand of Barnabas and Saul. " The wife had no love for Jehovah's Witnesses. Kadhannaa galataa dhiheessuun eegumsa kan nuuf ta'u akkamitti? After four months, I selected a brother as my pioneer partner. How is prayer a protection for us? Fakkeenyonni akka akeekkachiisaatti nu gargaaran kamfaʼi? Kanarraahoo maal barachuu dandeenya? Contentment is a secret to those who have never taken steps to attain it, but as Paul stated, it can be learned. What examples can help us to be warning, and what can we learn from this? Matadureen walittaansee baʼu kun, qophii Yihowaan hojii lallabaa akka raawwannu nu gargaaruuf nuu godhe hedduu keessa isa tokkodha. (Far. 4, 5. This series of articles serves as part of Jehovah's provisions to help us carry out the preaching work. Garuu, yaanni kun bara 1914 wajjin walitti dhufeenya akkamii akka qabu ammayyuu naaf hin galle. If we openly express our concerns, feelings, and desires in prayer, Jehovah can help us to discern the intentions of our heart. But I still didn't understand how this relates to 1914. Wanta nu yaaddessuuf xiyyeeffannaa akka kennu amanamuudhaan, " isa kadhata namaa dhagaʼutti ' dhihaachuu akka dandeenyus yaadadhaa. To the extent possible, guide, don't dictate. Recall, too, that we can draw close to the "Hearer of prayer " by relying on our concerns. Wanti Waaqayyo hojjete hundi warra kaan kan fayyadu dha. Second, arrangements would be needed to provide spiritual food and to care for those engaged in this work. Everything God does is useful to others. Matumaa! Although we may be very busy with theocratic and secular responsibilities, we all need to make time for personal study and family worship. Not at all! 3: 10. A large cluster of sycamore figs 3: 10. Loltoonni sun bishaan isaanirra garagalaa jiru jalaa baʼuuf ennaa baqatan Yihowaan "warra Gibxii galaana keessatti hambise. " Read Romans 12: 1, 2. When the soldiers fled to the water, Jehovah "took the Egyptians out of Egypt. " Yesus yeroo tokko bubbee hamaarraa bartootasaa oolcheera. A traveling overseer recommended that in the house - to - house ministry, publishers should not conclude their conversation with a householder simply by saying that they would come again another day. Jesus once delivered his disciples from a violent wind. Caqasni kun Waaqayyo jaalala qaba akka hin jenne hubadhu. " Reaching out " requires of Christian men that they develop a strong desire to work hard at acquiring needed spiritual qualities in order to serve their brothers. Notice that this verse does not say that God has love. Akkas gochuunkee, Waaqayyo biratti gatii guddaa akka qabdu mirkanaaʼaa taʼuuf si gargaara. Those who come to serve are the ones who are successful Doing so will help you to be sure that you have value in God's eyes. Caalmaa Barumsi Waaqayyoo Qabu, 9 / 15 Is God cruel, giving us such a desire and then making it impossible to fulfill it? Learn From God's Word, 9 / 15 12 Macaafa Qulqulluurraa Baradhu - Uumamawwan Hafuuraa Nu Fayyaduu Yookiin Nu Miidhuu Dandaʼuu? According to prophecy, how will Judgment Day proceed? 12 Did You Know? " Kajeellaa nama miidhuun ' qabamuurraa fagaachuu kan dandeenyu akkamitti? 15 Bible Questions Answered 16 How can we avoid "the desire of the flesh "? Kunis "harka Baarnaabaasii fi Saa'olitti " maanguddoota achi jiranitti ergame. Rather, it is God's will that "all sorts of people should be saved, " since the ransom" takes away the sin of the world! " - 1 Tim. This was sent to the older men there "at the hands of Saul and Saul. " Jiʼa afur booda, obboleessa qajeelchaa taʼee naa wajjin tajaajilu tokkon argadhe. The Bible records some troubling instances of oppression of the weak by the strong. Four months later, I met a pioneer who was serving as a pioneer. Namoonni waan qabanitti gammadanii jiraachuuf tarkaanfii fudhatanii hin beekne, gammachuu akkasii kana hin beekan; haataʼu malee akkuma Phaawulos jedhe kana barachuun ni dandaʼama. Addressing a large crowd that included his disciples, Jesus used this question to emphasize their need to put themselves in Jehovah's loving hands. Those who do not know how to be content with what they are going to be, but it is possible to learn Paul's words. 4, 5. You will thus fortify your self - control. 4, 5. Yihowaan wanta nu yaaddessu, miira keenyaafi fedha keenya kadhannaadhaan yoo isatti himne, akeeka garaa keenyaa akka hubannu nu gargaaruu dandaʼa. Often he will be able to resolve matters by being mild - tempered and showing respect for his unbelieving mate. If we talk to Jehovah about our concerns, feelings, and desires in prayer, he can help us to discern the intentions of our heart. Hamma dandaʼametti qajeelfama kennaafii malee dhiibbaa irratti hin godhinaa. With God's holy spirit, an open mind, and personal assistance from a qualified Bible teacher, God's Word does not have to be a closed book to you. Do not pressure, as long as possible. Lammaffaa, nyaata hafuuraa dhiheessuufi namoota hojicharratti hirmaatan kunuunsuuf jaarmiyaan barbaachisaadha. Yes, showing kindness to others can be the best thing you can do for yourself when you feel down. Second, the organization is needed to provide spiritual food and care for those taking the lead in the work. Itti gaafatamummaan hafuuraa fi hojiin kan biraan kan nutti baayʼatu taʼus, hundi keenya qoʼannaa dhuunfaa fi waaqeffannaa maatiitiif yeroo ramaduu qabna. Hence, we cannot act, feel, or think after death. While we may have a lot of spiritual and other responsibilities, all of us should set aside time for personal and family worship. Firii harbuu walitti gobbatee jiru He has found that the way the tracts are written prompts people to respond much more readily, and this often leads to stimulating conversations. The fruitage of the olive tree Roomaa 12: 1, 2 dubbisi. Keeping Alcohol in Its Place Read Romans 12: 1, 2. Daawwataan olaanaa tokko, babalʼistoonni yeroo manaa gara manaa tajaajilanitti, nama haasofsiisan sanaan " guyyaa biraa deebinee dhufna ' jechuudhaan qofa mareesaanii xumuruu akka hin qabne dubbateera. And Ananias and his wife lost their lives because of lying. One traveling overseer said that when preaching from house to house, the householder would not have to say, " We'll return. ' Dhiironni ilaaltuu hojii waldaa Kiristiyaanaa " taʼuu fedhan ' obbolootasaanii tajaajiluuf gaʼumsa akka qabaataniif jabaatanii hojjechuuf fedhii qabaachuu qabu. He did not try to build a future in that doomed system. Men who are "reaching out " for Christian overseers should be willing to work hard to qualify to serve their brothers. Obboloota tajaajiluuf dhufantu milkaa'ina argata Let us see. The success of those who come to serve Jehovah results (Lallaba 3: 11) Waaqayyo fedhii akkasii akka qabaannu godhee erga nu uumee booda fedhii kana akka hin guuttanne kan godhu waaqa gara jabeessaaree? There is rejoicing in heaven, however, because of "the marriage of the Lamb. " Is it cruel, then, that God created us with that desire and that he does not want us to do so? Akka raajiidhaan dubbatametti Guyyaan Firdii kan geggeeffamu akkamitti? Do you know how they became his parents? - As foretold, how will the judgment of Judgment Day be applied? Deebii Gaaffii Macaafa Qulqulluu 16 Today, those who have the privilege of advancing Kingdom interests can be confident that the necessities of life will be provided. - 9 / 15, pages 7 - 8, 13. Bible Questions Answered 16 Kanaa mannaa, furiin Yesus " cubbuu biyya lafaa irraa kan fuudhu ' siʼa taʼu, Waaqayyos "namni hundi akka fayyu " barbaada. - Yoh. Even so, being in a hall still makes me uneasy. " Rather, Jesus ' ransom sacrifice "put away the sin of the world, " and God wants us to be" saved. " Macaafni Qulqulluun, seenaa warri dadhaboon namoota cimoo taʼaniin akka hacuucaman ibsu tokko tokko qabateera. (Comment on illustration on page 18.) The Bible contains some accounts of the weak who were oppressed by powerful people. Yesus harka Yihowaa isa jaalala qabeessa taʼee jala of galchuunsaanii barbaachisaa taʼuusaa ibsuuf, bartootasaa dabalatee namoota hedduu walitti qabaman gaaffii kana gaafateera. Hear the voices. To emphasize the importance of taking Jehovah's loving hand, Jesus asked his disciples, including those gathered together to make that request. Kana gochuudhaan of toʼachuu baruu dandeessa. She seduced him. By doing so, you will learn to control your self - control. Yeroo baayʼee garraamii taʼuufi haala hiriyaa gaaʼelaa amantiisaa hin hordofne akka kabaju argisiisuun rakkina uumamuuf furmaata taʼuu dandaʼa. While in London, I met Albert Schroeder. A mild temper and respect for unbelieving mate often leads to problems. Gargaarsa hafuura Waaqayyootiin, yaada walaba ta'e qabaachuufi gargaarsa namoonni Macaafa Qulqulluu barsiisan sii kennan fudhachuudhaan, Dubbii Waaqayyoo hubachuu dandeessa. She added: "My most important goal is to do something really fulfilling for people. " With the help of God's holy spirit, you can discern God's Word by accepting practical help and support from Bible students. Eeyyee, yommuu dhiphinni si mudatu warra kaanitti gaarummaa argisiisuunkee faayidaa guddaa siif argamsiisuu dandaʼa. Who of us would not benefit from developing greater faith, mildness, and self - control? Yes, treating others with kindness can do much to you. Kanaan kan kaʼes, duʼa booda, hojjechuu, dhagaʼuu ykn yaaduu hin dandeenyu. Serving shoulder to shoulder with our brothers and sisters promotes unity. As a result, after death, we cannot hear, hear, or think. Booda garuu akkaataan tiraaktonni kun itti barreeffaman namoonni salphaatti yaadasaanii akka ibsan akka godhuufi kunimmoo mariin akka jalqabamu akka godhu hubateera. As Abel's siblings were born, he no doubt learned that those words came true as well. Later, though, he realized that the tracts were written and that people would easily express themselves and start a conversation. Dhugaatii Alkooliitiif Ilaalcha Sirrii Qabaachuu Again, as with the development of chapters, there was no uniform system. Keeping Alcohol in Its Place Hanaaniyaa fi haati manaa isaas sababii sobaatiin lubbuu isaanii dhabaniiru. The greatest commandment, he said, is to love Jehovah with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. Ananias and his wife lost their lives because of false reasoning. Sirna baduuf jedhu sana keessatti wanta dhaabbataa taʼe qabaachuuf hin yaalle. Witnesses do all of this because they are convinced that they have found the truth. He did not try to create a permanent end in this system of things. Mee haa ilaallu. 5, 6. Let us see. Haata'u malee, "guyyaan gaa'ela hoolichaa " waan ga'eef, samii keessatti gammachuun ta'eera. They imagined that armored giant making short work of them. However, because "the day of the marriage of the Lamb " arrived, it is a joy in heaven. Haata'u malee isaan abbaafi haadhasaa ta'uu kan danda'an akkamitti akka ta'e beektaa? - First, it is Scriptural for "the faithful and discreet slave " through its Governing Body to appoint men to positions of responsibility, and some men are appointed to exercise authority over other appointed men. But do you know how they could become their father and mother? - 7 / 1, pages 19 - 20. Yeroo harʼaattis namoonni hojii Mootummichaa babalʼisuuf mirga argatan, wanti jireenyaaf barbaachisu akka isaaniif kennamu mirkanaaʼoo taʼuu dandaʼu. - 9 / 15, fuula 7 - 8, 13. Even the best speech - recognition software is a far cry from the human brain. Today, people can be confident that they will have the privilege of expanding the Kingdom work. - 9 / 15, pages 7 - 8, 13. Taʼus, yeroo kanattis galma keessa taʼuun na dhiphisa ture. " They have all come true for you. Not one word of them has failed. " - Joshua 23: 14. Still, it was still painful for me to be in the goal. " (Fakkii fuula 18 rra jirurratti yaada kenni.) In the vision given to the apostle John, Jesus is seen riding on a white horse to conquer those rebelling against Jehovah. (See opening picture.) Wanta dubbatamu akka dhageessutti yaadi. After I was released from prison, I avoided my old associates, went to Christian meetings, and was eventually reinstated. Hear the voices. Dubartittiinis isa gowwoomsite. STUDY ARTICLES 3, 4 PAGES 18 - 27 The woman became bitter. Yeroon Landan turetti obboleessa keenya Albarti Shiroodarii wajjin wal arginee turre. When alternatives to blood transfusions were suggested to doctors, the usual reply was that such were not available or were too expensive. When I was in London, I met Brother Albertto. Itti dabaluudhaanis, "Galmikoo inni guddaan wanta gaarii tokko namootaaf gochuudha " jetteetti. (Read 1 Corinthians 2: 14.) She adds: "My main focus is to do good to others. " Namni amantii guddaa qabaachuu, garraamummaafi of qabuu horachuudhaan fayyadamuu hin barbaanne jiraa? In 1870 he and a few other truth - seekers formed a class for Bible study. Who would not want to use his faith, mildness, and self - control? Obboloota keenyaa wajjin harka wal qabannee tajaajiluun tokkummaa akka qabaannu godha. I was told that those bags contained the body parts of soldiers who had been blown apart in battle. Working together with our brothers also unites us. Abeel quxisuuwwansaa yeroo dhalatanitti wanti dubbatame kun siʼa raawwatamu arguu hin oolu. THE Jewish man symbolizes anointed Christians, and the "ten men " represent the" other sheep, " or "Jonadabs, " as they were known back then. Abel likely saw those words fulfilled when his younger brother was born. Akkuma boqonnaawwanii, malli lakkoofsonni ittiin qoqqoodamanis wal hin fakkaatu ture. In Lystra local people mistook Paul and Barnabas for the Greek gods Hermes and Zeus. Like chapters, verses were not similar. Abboommiin inni guddaan Waaqayyoon garaa guutuudhaan, jireenya guutuufi yaada keenya guutuudhaan akkasumas humna keenya guutuudhaan jaallachuu akka ta'e dubbateera. When did that happen? The greatest commandment is to love God with our whole heart and mind and with our whole strength. Dhugaa Baatonni wantoota kana hunda kan godhan, dhugaa akka argatan mirkanaaʼoo waan taʼaniifidha. Look! The sower went out to sow. Because Jehovah's Witnesses do all these things because they are convinced that they have the truth. 5, 6. Why didn't I do something? ' 5, 6. Namni garmalee guddaa taʼee fi meeshaa waraanaa akka gaariitti hidhate kun salphaadhumatti akka isaan injifatu yaadan. (The tribe of Levi was not included in the listing of the 12 tribes of natural Israel.) They think that a huge and well - equipped man will soon defeat them. Tokkoffaa, "hojjetaan amanamaanii fi ogeessi " karaa Qaama Olaanaasaa dhiirota muuduunsaa, deggersa Caaffata Qulqullaa'oo qaba. 14, 15. First, "the faithful and discreet slave " has Scriptural support for the men appointed by the Governing Body. Sammuun namaa, sooftiweerii sagalee addaan baafachuuf gargaaruu fi baayʼee fooyyaʼaa taʼe illee guddaa caala. Isaiah was confident that with Jehovah's backing, he could successfully face any challenge. It is even more effective to improve the mind, to help a sound voice, and to improve the quality of improvement. Kanaaf, wanta ijasaatiin argerraa ka'uudhaan mamii tokko malee akkas jedheera: "Abdii Waaqayyo gooftaan keessan isiniif kenne hundumaa keessaa tokko illee akka hin hafne garaa keessan hundumaan, yaada keessan hundumaanis gaarii gootanii beektu; abdiin inni kenne hundinuu raawwatamaniiru, isaan keessaa tokko illee lafa bu'ee hin hafne. " - Iyaasuu 23: 14. 6: 6 - 9. Thus, he turned away from his eyes and said: "You well know with all your hearts and with all your souls that not one word out of all the good words that Jehovah your God has spoken to you has failed. Not one word out of all the good words that he has spoken to you has failed. " - Joshua 23: 14. Yohannis, Yesus farda adiirra taaʼee warra Yihowaa morman utuu injifatuu mulʼataan argeera. Doubtless, that speech fortified the faith of those who listened to him. John saw a vision in which Jesus would defeat those who oppose Jehovah if he had a white horse. Ergan mana hidhaatii ba'ee hiriyoota gadheerraa kanan fagaadhe si'a ta'u, walga'iiwwan gumiirratti argamuufi booddees gara gumiitti deebi'uu danda'eera. My blunt way of expressing myself often upset my wife. After I was released from prison, I lost bad associations and was able to return to the meetings and return to the congregation. MATADUREEWWAN QAYYABANNAA 3, 4 FUULA 18 - 27 (b) How can you face trials successfully? STUDY ARTICLES 3, 4 PAGES 18 - 27 Bakka dhiigaa filannaa jiru garabiraa doktoorotaaf yaada siʼa dhiheessinu, gosni yaalii fayyaa kun akka hin jirre ykn baayʼee miyaaʼaa akka taʼan nuu ibsu turan. By focusing on Jesus ' example and following his footsteps closely, we can be made firm in the faith (See paragraph 15) At other places of blood, we were told that there was no special treatment or that there were no food for us. (1 Qorontos 2: 14 dubbisi.) Satisfying Our Spiritual Need (Read 1 Corinthians 2: 14.) Bara 1870 tti, inniifi namoonni dhugaa barbaadan muraasni garee qayyabannaa Macaafa Qulqulluu hundeessan. Once more, Jesus maintained his integrity to Jehovah and responded by quoting a scripture. In the late 1800 ' s, he and some interested ones accepted a Bible study. Shaanxaawwan kun kutaa qaamaa loltoota bakka waraanaatti qaamni isaanii ciccitee kan qabatan taʼuu isaa natti himan. when there is no peace. " - Jer. They told me that it was a part of the military team that they were part of their body's army. NAMICHI Yihudii sun Kiristiyaanota dibamoo kan argisiisu siʼa taʼu, " namoonni kurnan ' sunimmoo "hoolota kan biraa " ykn warra yeroo sanatti maqaa" Yonaadaab " jedhun waamamaa turan argisiisa. " By this we have the knowledge that we have come to know [Jesus], namely, if we continue observing his commandments. " The Jewish Jew represents anointed Christians and refers to "the ten horns " of the" other sheep, " or "other sheep, " who were then called by Joel. Namoonni biyya Lisxiraa, Phaawulosiifi Baarnaabaas waaqayyolii Giriikii Hermeesiifi Zeos isaanitti fakkaatanii turan. After he was weaned, Hannah presented him to God at Shiloh, lending Samuel to Jehovah "all the days of his life. " The people of Lystra, Paul, Barnabas, and Barnabas were proud of them. (Uumama 11: 2) Kun kan ta'e yoomi? Now, let us see how the other three horsemen help to confirm that we are, in fact, living during the troubled "last days. " When did that happen? Namichi tokko sanyii facaasuudhaaf ba'e. Students of language need to commit many new things to memory. A man left for sowing the seed. Waan tokko gochuu hin dandaʼun turee? ' By the third century C.E., "the man of lawlessness " was manifest, recognizable in the composite group of the clergy of Christendom. - See The Watchtower, February 1, 1990, pages 10 - 14. Could I not do something? ' (Gosti Lewwii, namoota dhalootaan gosoota Israa'el kudha lamaan ta'an keessatti hin galmeeffamne.) Rather, it denotes their exalted spiritual position resulting from their being "sealed with the promised holy spirit. " - Eph. (See also the Levite Levi in the 12 tribes of Israel.) 14, 15. We have the God - given responsibility to use our abilities and qualities as a means of conveying expressions of God's undeserved kindness to our fellow believers. 14, 15. Gargaarsa Yihowaatiin rakkina kamiyyuu moʼu akka dandaʼu mirkanaaʼaa taʼee ture. (b) What questions will we consider? With Jehovah's help, he was sure that he could cope with any challenge. 6: 6 - 9. " The congregation... entered into a period of peace, being built up. " - ACTS 9: 31. 6: 6 - 9. Haasawaansaa kun amantii namoota isa dhaggeeffatanii akka jabeesse homaa hin shakkisiisu. What of those who will live on earth under his Kingdom? There is no doubt that his talk strengthened the faith of those who listen to him. Arraba laafaadhaan dubbachuu barachuu na barbaachisa ture. " Mankind is experiencing the events and conditions that Jesus and his disciples said would mark "the last days. " I needed to learn to speak with a mild temper. " (b) Karaa buʼa qabeessa taʼeen qorumsa moʼuu kan dandeessan akkamitti? We are able to understand a lot better! (b) How can you successfully resist temptation? Fakkeenya Yesus irratti xiyyeeffachuu fi faana isaa duukaa buʼuudhaan amantiitti jabaannee dhaabachuu ni dandeenya (Keeyyata 15 ilaali) We can learn important lessons from Robert's experience. By keeping focused on Jesus ' example and following his steps, we can stand firm in the faith (See paragraph 15) Fedhii Hafuuraa Keenya Guutuu All are Christians, and all proudly bear the name of the Father - Jehovah. Our Spiritual Need Yeroo kanattis Yesus caqasa caqasuudhaan amanamummaasaatiin akka itti fufu ibseera. I treasure the loving counsel that these brothers gave me and their fine example of loyalty to Jehovah and his organization. Again, Jesus indicated that he would continue to be loyal to his word. in jedhu; nagaan garuu hin jiru " jedhee ture. - Er. Jesus responded: "Persons in health do not need a physician, but the ailing do. For there is no peace at all. " - Jer. " Abboommii isaa eeguudhaan [Yesusiin] beekuu keenya in hubanna. " Jesus emphasized this point when he answered a man who had asked if he could return to his family to say good - bye before becoming a disciple. " By observing his commandments, we understand [Jesus]. " Mucichi erga harma gu'ee booda, Haannaan "guutummaa bara jireenya isaatiitti " Yihowaa akka tajaajilu Shiilootti isa geessite. How wise it is for us to follow Abraham's example by living a simple life and not letting ourselves become overly concerned about material possessions, social positions, or career goals! After the boy was buried, Hannah took Hannah to Shiloh to serve Jehovah "all the days of his life. " Mee amma abboonni fardeenii sadan kaan, "guyyoota dhumaa " rakkinaan guutame keessa akka jiraannu kan mirkaneessan akkamitti akka taʼe haa ilaallu. Having "the same mental attitude that Christ Jesus had " requires our knowing the way he thought and acted and then imitating him. Let us now consider how the other three horsemen prove that we are living in "the last days. " Barattoonni qooqa baratan, wantoota haaraa baay'ee yaadatti qabachuu qabu. 6 / 1 Students who are learning a language need to keep in mind a lot of new things. Dh.K.B. jaarraa sadaffaatti, "inni hamaan seera malee jiraatu, " jechuunis gareen geggeessitoota amantii Saba Kiristiyaanaa ifa ba'e. - Masaraa Eegumsaa, Guraandhala 1, 1990, fuula 10 - 14 ilaali. (Ingiliffa) What helped Joseph to wait patiently? In the third century C.E., "the badness of lawlessness " - the leaders of Christendom's clergy - became clear. - See The Watchtower, February 1, 1990, pages 10 - 14. Kanaa mannaa, jireenya hafuuraasaanii isa ulfina qabeessa ta'eefi " hafuura qulqulluu isa abdachiifameen mallatteeffamuusaaniitiin ' argatan kan argisiisudha. - Efe. " I saw that everything was futile, " he observed. " There was nothing of real value. " Rather, they give evidence of their deep spirituality and their having received "the promised holy spirit, which is to be poured out in their behalf. " - Eph. Waaqayyo, dandeettiifi amalawwan keenyatti fayyadamnee, gaarummaasaa hidhattoota amantaa keenyaaf akka argisiisnu itti gaafatamummaa nuu kenneera. Clearly, he viewed his family as a sacred trust from Jehovah. God has given us the responsibility to show his goodness to fellow believers by using our abilities and qualities. (b) Gaaffiiwwan akkamii qorra? As a result, the New World Translation is now available in whole or in part in over 130 languages. (b) What questions will we consider? " Waldaan [Gumiin, NW] amantootaa... nagaa argattee, ijaaramte. " - HOJII ERGAMOOTAA 9: 31. It is estimated that as much as 120,000 cubic miles (500,000 cu km) of low - salinity water lies beneath the floor of the world's oceans. " The congregation... has built up the peace of the whole association of brothers. " - ACTS 9: 31. Warri bulchiinsa Mootummichaa jala lafarra jiraatanoo? In what special activity have God's people eagerly shared, and with what result? What about those who will live on earth under Kingdom rule? Mallattoo Yesusiifi bartoonnisaa dubbatanii wajjin haala walsimuun, ilmaan namootaa rakkoo " guyyoota gara dhumaa ' kanatti ga'aa jiraniin dhiphachaa jiru. May we therefore resist the urge to forward information quickly and indiscriminately. In harmony with Jesus ' presence and his disciples, mankind is suffering over mankind's problems during these "last days. " Wanta hedduu akka gaariitti hubachuu dandeenyeerra! How important it is, then, that we use every available opportunity to strengthen our relationship with Jehovah! We were able to understand much! Muuxannoo Roobarti irraa barumsa guddaa argachuu dandeenya. Understanding deep things requires study. We can learn much from Robert's experience. Hundisaanii Kiristiyaanota yommuu ta'an, maqaa Abbaa jechuunis Maqaa Yihowaa baachuusaaniitti gammachuutu itti dhaga'ama. How can we protect ourselves? All who become Christians experience the joy of bearing Jehovah's name - the name of their Father. Gorsa jaalalarratti hundaaʼeefi obboloonni kun naaf kennan, akkasumas Yihowaafi jaarmiyaasaatiif amanamoo taʼuudhaan fakkeenya gaarii isaan argisiisan baayʼeen dinqisiifadha. If we fail to control our thinking in such situations, we could become unhappy and feel envious of others. I deeply appreciated the loving counsel they gave me and how they showed loyalty to Jehovah and his organization. Yesus, "Namoonni fayyaan ogeessa qorichaa hin barbaadan, dhukkubsatootatu barbaada malee; inni " Gara - laafinan barbaada malee aarsaa miti ' jedhu maalitti akka hiikamu dhaqaa baraa " jedhee isaaniif deebise. When those "rightly disposed for everlasting life " become believers and get baptized, we have sound reasons to say to them," Welcome to the best way of life! " Jesus replied: "Those who are ill do not need a physician, but he also wants to carry them out, saying: " I am sick. ' " Yesus yommuu nama bartuu taʼuusaa dura maatiisaatti nagaa dhaamuuf isa gaafatee ture tokkoof deebii kennetti yaada kana ifa godheera. 15: 22. Jesus made that clear when he asked a greeting to his family before he was a disciple. Qabeenyaaf iddoo guddaa kennuu, hawaasa keessatti iddoo guddaa qabaachuu ykn hojiirratti garmalee xiyyeeffachuu mannaa, jireenya salphaa jiraachuudhaan fakkeenya Abrahaam hordofuun keenya ogummaa guddaadha. In directing attention to God's Kingdom, Jehovah's Witnesses are endeavoring to follow the example of Jesus. How wise it is to imitate Abraham by pursuing a simple life rather than focusing on material possessions, social status, or secular employment! " Fakkeenya Kiristos duukaa buʼuun ' akkaataa inni itti yaadeefi wanta inni godhe beekuu, akkasumas faanasaa duukaa buʼuu gaafata. As the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob multiplied into the millions, Jehovah made a nation out of them - the nation of ancient Israel. Following "the Christ " requires that we learn and follow his steps and follow his steps closely. 3 / 15 A further consideration of Paul's words recorded at 1 Corinthians 10: 13 leads us to this conclusion: There is no Scriptural reason to believe that Jehovah assesses in advance what we can bear and then, based on such an assessment, chooses which trials will befall us. 3 / 1 Wanti Yoseef obsaan akka eeggatu isa gargaare maal ture? The Bible Changes Lives 8 Keys to Family Happiness - When Your Child Is Disabled 10 What helped Joseph to wait patiently? " Wanti kun hundinuu waaʼee hin baasu,... aduu jala wanti buʼaa qabu hin jiru " jedheera. And since he knows our physical, mental, and emotional limits so intimately, Jehovah will never allow a situation to develop to a point that we cannot remain faithful. He said: "All these things... do not benefit from the sun. " Maatiisaa kunuunsuun hojii guddaa Yihowaan adaraadhaan isatti kenne akka taʼe isatti dhagaʼamee akka ture ifadha. Similarly, to use the Bible to see a defect, such as selfishness, we should do more than read it casually or use it to see someone else's faults. Clearly, he felt that caring for his family was Jehovah's great care for him. Kanaan kan kaʼes, yeroo ammaatti Hiikni Addunyaa Haaraa guutummaatti ykn gar tokkoon isaa afaanota 130 ol taʼaniin argama. Jesus knew that hospitality was a duty. As a result, the New World Translation is now available in whole or in part in over 130 languages. Garbawwan addunyaa irratti argaman jala, bishaan ashaboo muraasa qabuu fi balʼina kiyuub kiloomeetira 500,000 uwwise akka jiru tilmaamama. " But when I reflected on how Jehovah is patient and reasonable with his servants, I thought that it would be better for me to give my daughter a chance to express her feelings before I tried to correct her. It is estimated that in today's world, there are just a few miles of water, some 500,000 m) forested water that is covered with water. Sabni Waaqayyoo hojii addaa akkamiirratti hinaaffaadhaan hirmaatu? Hojiin kunoo bu'aa akkamii argamsiise? Why do we draw that conclusion? What special work have God's people zealously shared, and with what results? Kanaafuu, ariifannee odeeffannoo tokko babalʼisuu fi abbuma argineef erguu irraa of haa eeggannu. Whatever the case, a mild response gives the individual an opportunity to reflect on your fine conduct. - 1 Pet. Let us, therefore, guard against spreading information that spread and spreading information. Kanaaf, carraa arganne hundumaatti hariiroo Yihowaa wajjin qabnu cimsachuun baayʼee barbaachisaadha! If we are busy in Jehovah's service, he will support us. How important it is, then, that we strengthen our relationship with Jehovah every opportunity we have received! Yaada Waaqayyoo isa gad fagoo hubachuuf qayyabannaa gochuun barbaachisaadha. " Without faith it is impossible to please God well, for whoever approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him. " - Hebrews 11: 6. Study of God's deep things is essential. Maarree, akkamitti of eeguu dandeenya? The response was immediate. How can we protect ourselves? Haalawwan akkasii keessatti yaada keenya to'achuu yoo dadhabne, gammachuu dhabuufi warra kaanitti hinaafuu dandeenya. As they did that work, eventually the "good news of the Kingdom [would] be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations. " - Matt. If we fail to control our thinking under such circumstances, we can lose joy and envy. Namoonni "mootummaa Waaqayyootti galuudhaaf yaadataman " amantoota ta'anii yommuu cuuphaman, " Gara karaa jireenyaa isa hundumaa caalutti baga nagaan dhuftan! ' His remains are long lost, mingled with the dust of nearly 60 centuries. When those baptized as believers "for the sake of the kingdom of God " got baptized, " they said:" This is the best way of life. " 15: 22. (Read Isaiah 28: 1, 2.) 15: 22. Dhugaa Baatonni Yihowaa fakkeenya Yesus hordofuudhaan Mootummaa Waaqayyootiif dursa kennuuf carraaqqii godhu. By adjusting our immediate goals, we can stay active and happy. Following Jesus ' example, Jehovah's Witnesses strive to put God's Kingdom first. Sanyiin Abrahaam, Yisihaqiifi Yaaqoob baayʼatanii miliyoonaan kan lakkaaʼaman yeroo taʼanitti, Yihowaan isaan keessaa saba tokko, jechuunis saba Israaʼel durii hundeesse. In view of his counsel found in Romans chapter 12, Paul could hardly have meant that the illustrative coals were to inflict punishment or shame upon an opposer. Among the millions of descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Jehovah formed a nation of Israel, the nation of Israel. Yaada Phaawulos 1 Qorontos 10: 13 irratti galmeeffame caalaatti qoruun keenya xumura kana irra akka geenyu godha: Kitaabni Qulqulluun Yihowaan dursee rakkina baachuu dandeenyu erga qoree booda isa irratti hundaaʼee qormaata nu mudatu filata jedhee hin barsiisu. And as foretold, when they did not put their trust in God's reminders, they reaped bitter fruitage. - Lev. As we examine Paul's words recorded at 1 Corinthians 10: 13, the Bible does not teach us that after examining the Scriptures, Jehovah is selective about a trial that we may have. Maatii Gammachuu Qabu - Mucaan Keessan Dhukkubsataa Yoo Taʼe 8 Unwavering in his confidence, Phinehas, now Israel's high priest, again came to the fore. Keys to Family Happiness Yihowaan karaa qaamaa, sammuu fi miiraa hirʼina akka qabnu sirriitti waan beekuuf, rakkinni nu mudate tokko hamma amanamummaa keenya nu dhabsiisutti akka guddatu matumaa hin heyyamu. What kind of determination is needed? Knowing that Jehovah is fully aware of our physical, mental, and emotional limitations, he will never allow trials to weaken our integrity. Haaluma wal fakkaatuun, Macaafa Qulqulluutti fayyadamnee amaloota kanneen akka ofittummaa qabaachuuf dhiisuu keenya baruu yoo barbaanne, irra keessa qofa dubbisuu ykn dogoggora nama kan biraa ilaaluuf itti fayyadamuu caalaa wanti gochuu qabnu jira. They care for their patients because they want to help them. Similarly, if we want to use the Bible to use such qualities as selfishness, we should do more than simply read or treat someone else in a way that is wrong. Yesus keessummoota simachuun itti gaafatamummaa guddaa akka taʼe beeka ture. All their assigned territory was "lying in the power of the wicked one, " Satan. Jesus knew that being hospitable was an important responsibility. Haataʼu malee, Yihowaan obsaan, akkasumas haalasaanii hubachuudhaan tajaajiltootasaa akkamitti akka qabu yeroon xiinxalu, intallikoo akka dogoggorte itti himuukoo dura miirashee akka ibsituuf carraa isheedhaaf kennuunkoo gaarii akka taʼe natti dhagaʼame. What challenges did he face? However, when I patiently and meditate on how Jehovah has dealt with his servants, I feel that giving her the opportunity to express myself clearly before I make mistakes. Akkas jechuu kan dandeenyu maaliifi? Those who have done so have reaped rich dividends spiritually, as shown by the following experiences. - Proverbs 19: 17. Why can we say that? Haallisaa maaliyyuu yoo taʼe, gaarummaadhaan deebii kennuun keessan, namni sun amala gaarii isin qabdanirratti akka yaadu carraa isaa bana. - 1 Phe. 2: 6 - How can anointed Christians be "in the heavenly places " while still on earth? Whatever the case, respond kindly, giving the person an opportunity to think about your good conduct. - 1 Pet. Tajaajilasaarratti yeroo dheeraa kan dabarsinu yoo ta'e Yihowaan nu gargaara. Many a mother has told a misbehaving child, " Just wait till your father gets home! ' Jehovah will help us if we spend more time in his service. " Amantii malee Waaqayyoon gammachiisuun hin dandaʼamu; sababiin isaas namni Waaqayyotti dhihaatu hundi, inni akka jiruu fi warra cimsanii isa barbaaddataniif gatii isaanii akka kennu amanuu qaba. " - Ibroota 11: 6. How can we listen to Jesus and stop judging by the outward appearance? " Without faith it is impossible to please God well, for everyone who approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him. " - Hebrews 11: 6. Namichi fayyuu akka barbaadu yeruma sana dubbate. Like their father, Satan, apostates target people of integrity. The man immediately said that he wanted to heal. Hojii kana yeroo raawwatanitti, olee bulee, "saba hundumaatti akka dhugaa baʼuuf, wangeelli mootummaa kun guutummaa biyya lafaatti in lallabama. " - Mat. But Sarah did nothing of the kind. As they carried out this work, "this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations. " - Matt. Erga duʼee jaarraan 60mni waan darbeef lafeensaayyuu biyyoo taʼeera. Since the end of World War II, mankind has certainly not learned to avoid war. More than 60 years after his death, he endured sickness and passed on to the dust. (Isaayaas 28: 1, 2 dubbisi.) When a crowd came to see Jesus, how did he show insight? (Read Isaiah 28: 1, 2.) Galma yeroo gabaabaadhaaf baasnerratti sirreeffama gochuudhaan, dammaqoofi gammadoo taanee jiraachuu dandeenya. He perfectly reflected his Father's personality. We can remain alert and happy by making adjustments in our short - term goals. Gorsa Phaawulos Roomaa boqonnaa 12 rratti kenne, giimiin fakkeenyaan ibsame kun nama nu mormu akka gubu ykn akka qaanessu gochuu qabna jechuusaa akka hin taane hubachuu qabna. What are some factors that may affect whether a brother wears a beard? We should take to heart Paul's counsel found in Romans chapter 12, which does not mean that we should murmur against someone who ridicule or disappoints us. Akkuma dursee dubbatame, yaadachiisa Yihowaan isaaniif kennutti amanamuu yommuu dhiisan, rakkina guddaatu isaan mudata ture. - Lew. I have no doubt that Jehovah will bring my husband back in the resurrection. " - Phil. As foretold, they faced great challenges when they failed to rely on Jehovah's reminders. - Lev. Yeroo kanattis Fiinehaas inni angafa lubootaa Israaʼel taʼe amanannaadhaan dura buʼeera. SONGS TO BE USED: 139, 146 Again, Phinehas, the high priest, stood firm against Israel's high priest. Kutannoo akkamiitu barbaachisa? Was the baptism of the anointed connected with this cleansing of Aaron's sons? What response is needed? Dhukkubsattoota isaanii gargaaruu waan barbaadaniif isaan kunuunsu. Explain. He wants to help the sick, so he cares for them. Naannoon tajaajilaasaanii hundi "harka isa hamaa, " jechuunis Seexana jala jira ture. Often, children who grow up in such an environment display similar traits when they become adults. All their territory was under "the wicked one, " Satan. Wantoonni rakkisaan isarra ga'an maalidha? Evidently because Elisha appreciated his God - given privilege of ministering to Elijah. What challenges did he face? Fakkeenyi kanaa gadi jiru akka argisiisutti, namoonni akkas godhan karaa hafuuraa bu'aa guddaa argatu. - Fakkeenya 19: 17. (Read Psalm 103: 10 - 14.) As the illustration shows, those who do so will have great spiritual benefits. - Proverbs 19: 17. jechuudhaan nu gorsuunsaa sirriidha. The apostle Paul counseled all Christians, including married Christians: "Be wrathful, and yet do not sin; let the sun not set with you in a provoked state, neither allow place for the Devil. " How appropriate it is to heed the warning: "Let us eat and drink, for fear Jehovah is good. " 2: 6 - Kiristiyaanonni dibamoon lafarra utuu jiranii "waaqa keessa " jiraachuu kan danda'an akkamitti? In either case, Paul likely explained that he worshipped the God of the Jews and that he urged all people to give the government due honor. 2: 6 - How can anointed Christians live "in the heavens " while on earth? Haadhotii hedduun mucaansaanii yommuu isaan rakkisu, " Afachu abbaankee siif haa dhufu! ' Bible writers use "heart " to describe man's entire inner self. Many mothers have said to their child: " Let your father come. ' Yesuusiin dhaggeeffachuu fi wanta alaan mulʼatu irratti hundoofnee namootatti murteessuu irraa of qusachuu kan dandeenyu akkamitti? Religion Man - Made? How can we avoid judging others based on Jesus ' listening and on the outward appearance? Akkuma abbaasaanii Seexanaa, kaayyoon gantootaa namoota amanamoo ta'an miidhuudha. Consider the example of Irene, a single sister in the United States. Like Satan, Satan's goal is to harm faithful ones. Saaraan garuu akkas hin goone. He must consistently adhere to a healthy diet to gain the most benefit. But Sarah did not. Waraanni Addunyaa Lammaffaan erga dhaabatee booda, ilmaan namootaa waraana irraa fagaachuu hin baranne. Or was it designed? After World War II ended, mankind did not learn to fight. Yesus yeroo namoonni hedduun isa bira dhufanitti hubannaa akka qabu kan argisiise akkamitti? Find Loyal Friends, 7 / 1 First Year of Marriage, 8 / 1 How did Jesus show discernment in coming to him? Yesus amala Abbaasaa sirriitti argisiiseera. When especially do we need to wear appropriate clothing? Jesus perfectly reflected his Father's personality. Obboleessi tokko areeda guddifachuuf dhiisuu kan qabu taʼuu isaa murteessuuf maaltu isa gargaara? Even in difficult economic times, we can promote a generous spirit. What will help a brother decide whether to have a beard? Yihowaan abbaa manaa koo duʼaa akka kaasu shakkii tokko illee hin qabu. " - Filp. Besides love, you may need to show compassion, kindness, mildness, and long - suffering. I have no doubt that Jehovah will resurrect my husband. " - Phil. FAARFANNAA: 21 (191), 11 (85) That irritates me! SONGS TO BE USED: 10, 85 Cuuphaan dibamtootaa, qulqulleeffamuu ilmaan Aaronii wajjin wal qabataa? Lakki. Since the book does not contain paragraph - by - paragraph study questions, how can you use it? Do the baptism of anointed ones involved the cleansing of Aaron's sons? Ibsi. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Explain. Yeroo baay'ee ijoolleen maatii akkasii keessatti guddatan nama guddaa ennaa ta'an amaluma akkasii argisiisu. If you are approaching the end of the schooling required of you, you may find yourself in good health and with few responsibilities. Children often display such traits when they grow up in such a family. Elsaa'i mirga Waaqayyo Eliyaasiin akka tajaajilu isaaf kenne waan dinqisiifatuuf akka ta'e haalasaarraa hubachuun ni danda'ama. Some may not have found a suitable marriage mate. Elisha evidently appreciated God's privilege of serving Elijah. (Faarfannaa 103: 10 - 14 dubbisi.) Instead, loyalty will move us to act humbly and wait on Jehovah to clarify matters. (Read Psalm 103: 10 - 14.) Phaawulos ergamaan warra fuudhan dabalatee Kiristiyaanota hundumaa akkas jechuudhaan gorseera: "Yoo aartan iyyuu aariin keessan gara cubbuutti isin hin geessin! We ourselves can discern God's will by delving into the Scriptures and meditating on the many Biblical accounts of Jehovah's dealings with humans. The apostle Paul urged all Christians, including those who marry: "Be wrathful, and yet do not sin. Kanas taʼe sana, Phaawulos Waaqa Yihudootaa akka waaqeffatu ibsuu fi namoonni hundi mootummaa akka kabajan gorsuu hin oolu. What opportunity do we have during the Watchtower Study? In any case, Paul likely exhorted all to worship the God of the Jews and to respect the government. Barreessitoonni Macaafa Qulqulluu jecha "garaa " jedhu guutummaa keessa nama tokkoo ibsuuf itti fayyadamaniiru. 10 Draw Close to God - What Does Jehovah Ask of Us? Bible writers used the word "heart " to describe a person's" whole heart. " Yeroo Duunu Maal Taana? Consider how a businessman might compose a letter. What Happens When We Die? Mee fakkeenya obboleettii qeentee Ayiriin jedhamtuu fi Yunaayitid Isteetis keessa jiraattuu ilaalaa. Consider: Behind each of a locust's two compound eyes is a motion - sensitive neuron called the lobula giant movement detector (LGMD). Consider the example of I, a single sister in the United States. Caalaatti faayidaa argachuuf yeroo hundumaa nyaata madaalamaa nyaachuu qaba. The second reads: "You must love your neighbor as yourself. " For more benefit, he must regularly eat nutritious meals. Moo qaamni kana tolche jira? One vital factor on your part is perseverance. Or was it designed? Ijoolleen Rakkoowwan Akka Moʼan Gargaaraa, 1 / 15 " Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? " - MATT. Young Ones - "Keep Working Out Your Own Salvation, " 3 / 15 Keessumaa uffata sirrii uffachuu kan qabnu yoomi? And that's why every prayer I offer is said in Jesus ' name. When especially should we wear appropriate clothing? Yeroo haalli dinagdee rakkisaa taʼuttillee hafuura arjummaa qabaachuu ni dandeenya. Your answer will influence the goals and priorities that you set for yourself. Even in trying economic times, we can cultivate a spirit of generosity. Jaalala malees, gara laafina, gaarummaa, garraamummaafi obsa qabaachuun si barbaachisa. Instead, he spoke of God as being his Father. In addition to love, you need to cultivate kindness, kindness, mildness, and patience. Kun baayʼee na aarsa! Follow the person's response with: "Many men earn much more than that, but their families are still not content. How angry that would be! Kitaabichi keeyyata keeyyataan gaaffii qayyabannaadhaaf gargaaru waan hin qabneef, akkamitti itti gargaaramuu dandeessu? Many who have met these challenges have been richly blessed. - 7 / 15, pages 4 - 5. Since the paragraph has no interest in study articles, how can you use them? ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ (a) To what do God's reminders often refer? . . . . . . . Barumsakee xumuruu jala geesseetta taanaan, fayyaa gaarii kan qabduufi itti gaafatamummaa hedduun sirra hin jiru taʼa. When the Israelites were delivered from Egypt, sheep again played a significant role, this time as part of "Jehovah's passover. " If you reach the end of your school, you may not have had much good health and responsibilities. Obboloonni tokko tokko hiriyaa gaaʼelaa isaaniif taʼu argachuu hin dandaʼan taʼa. See pages 22 - 23. Some may not have found a suitable mate. Kanaa mannaa, amanamoo ta'uun keenya, akka gad of deebisnuufi hamma Yihowaan dhimmawwan kana nuu ibsutti akka eeggannu nu kakaasa. What does it mean to "peer " into God's law? Rather, our loyalty will move us to humble ourselves and to wait patiently for Jehovah to care for such matters. Nuyis Caaffata Qulqullaaʼoo qoruufi seenaa Yihowaan ilmaan namootaa wajjin walitti dhufeenya akkamii akka godhe ibsu hedduurratti xiinxaluudhaan fedhasaa hubachuu dandeenya. In view of mankind's imperfect nature, we have to agree when the Bible says: "It is plain to anyone with eyes to see that at the present time all created life groans in a sort of universal travail. " - Romans 8: 22, The New Testament in Modern English, by J. B. We too can see his will by examining the Scriptures and meditating on how Jehovah dealt with mankind. Qayyabannaa Masaraa Eegumsaarratti carraa akkamii qabna? Similarly, if we are to help people accept the good news of the Kingdom, we must master the art of asking effective questions. What opportunity do we have for the Watchtower Study? 10 Barumsa Dogoggoraa 1: Lubbuun Hin Duutu Paul loved Jehovah and desired his approval more than riches and prominence among men. 10 THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT Fakkeenyaaf, hogganaan dhaabbata tokkoo xalayaa akkamitti akka barreessu ilaali. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: For example, consider how a manager wrote a letter. Mee yaadi: Ija kompaawundii awaannisni qabu lamaan boodaan niiwuroonii sochiisaa toʼachuuf isa gargaaruufi loobuulaa jiyaanti muuvmanti ditteektar jedhamutu argama. He wrote: "I have come to know that there is nothing better for them than to rejoice and to do good during one's life; and also that every man should eat and indeed drink and see good for all his hard work. Consider: In time, the two eyes are discovered as to how to control his movement and to control its movement. Inni lammaffaanimmoo, "Nama akka mataa keetiitti jaallachuutu siif taʼa " kan jedhudha. Our hope for the future is guaranteed by the resurrection of Jesus. The second is: "You must love your neighbor as yourself. " Wanti baayʼee barbaachisaan gama keetiin gochuu qabdu obsa qabaachuudha. Take Ephesians chapter 5 as a case in point. The important thing is to exercise patience in your life. " Egaa hojjetaan amanamaanii fi ogeessi, gooftaan isaa naaʼota isaa warra kaaniif yeroodhaan nyaata isaanii akka isaaniif kennuuf mana isaa irra kaaʼate isa kam ree? " - MAT. 12, 13. (a) If a child is disfellowshipped, how do Christian parents show that they obey God? " Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics to give them their food at the proper time? " - MATT. Anis yeroo hunda maqaa Yesusiinan kadhannaakoo dhiheessa. * The wonderful way in which Jehovah would administer things to accomplish his purpose involved a "sacred secret " that would progressively be made known over the centuries. - Ephesians 1: 10; 3: 9, footnotes. I would regularly pray in Jesus ' name. Deebiin gaaffii kanaaf kennitu, galma qabduufi wanta dursa kennituufirratti jijjiirama fida. Can those inspired words be applied to Jehovah's Witnesses today? The answers to that question will affect your goals and priorities. Kanaa mannaa, Waaqayyo Abbaasaa akka taʼe dubbateera. He has thus "blinded the minds of the unbelievers, so that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through. " - 2 Cor. Rather, God said that he is his Father. Yaada nama sanaa erga dhaggeeffattanii booda akkas jechuu dandeessu: "Namoonni hedduun qarshii kana caalu kan argatan taʼus maatiinsaanii gammachuu hin qabu. They are eager to help their brothers to serve Jehovah happily. After listening to the householder's comments, you could say: "Many people have found more money, but their families have no happy. Obboloonni haala rakkisaa taʼe akkasii moʼan hedduun eebba guddaa argataniiru. - 7 / 15, fuula 4 - 5. Thus we will have shown how highly we value the gift of life. Many brothers and sisters who have won such a challenging situation have been richly rewarded. - 7 / 15, pages 4 - 5. (a) Yaadachiisni Waaqayyoo yeroo baay'ee maal argisiisa? Even when inviting just a few people, be guided by "the wisdom from above " (a) What is often indicated by God's reminders? 22: 12, 13) Israa'eloonni Gibxii yeroo gadhiifamanittis, hoolaan "Faasiikaa Waaqayyoo " ta'uudhaan hojii guddaa hojjeteera. (Bau. Paul also discussed dangers that exist down to this day and that can deprive us of the prize. When the Israelites were released from Egypt, they fulfilled their assignment as "the Lamb of God. " Fuula 26 ilaali. We are willing to listen to their opinions and when appropriate yield to their viewpoint. - Phil. See page 26. Seera Waaqayyoo " keessa lixanii ilaaluu ' jechuun maal jechuudha? Studying the Scriptures does more than reveal areas in which we can improve spiritually. What does it mean to " keep on looking ' in God's Law? Ilmaan namootaa cubbamoota ta'uusaanii wajjin haala wal qabateen, yaada Macaafni Qulqulluun, "Uumamni hundinuu hamma ammaatti akka aaduu fi akka ciniinsifatu in beekna " jechuudhaan dubbaturratti walii galla. - Roomaa 8: 22. 2: 5 - 9. In connection with imperfect humans, we are moved to agree with the Bible's statement: "All creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain together until now. " - Romans 8: 22. Haaluma wal fakkaatuun, namoonni misiraachoo Mootummichaa akka fudhatan gargaaruuf dandeettii gaaffiitti akka gaariitti fayyadamuu guddifachuu qabna. (See also the box "A Tool to Help Us Give an Answer. ") Similarly, we should make good use of questions in order to help people accept the good news of the Kingdom. Maaliif? Phaawulos nama Yihowaa jaallatu waan tureef, qabeenya argachuufi namoota biratti beekamummaa argachuu caalaa Waaqayyo duratti fudhatama argachuu barbaada ture. Follow the lead of those who have your best interests at heart, even when you sometimes disagree. As a man who loved Jehovah, Paul wanted to gain riches and to gain God's favor more than wealth and recognition. MATADUREEWWAN DABALATAA: He often stopped what he was doing in order to help a distraught individual. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: " Namni bara jireenya isaatti wanta gaarii hojjetee itti gammaduu irra kan caalu wanta tokko illee gochuu akka hin dandeenye nan beeka; namni hundinuu nyaatee, dhugee, wanta itti dadhabettis gammaduun kennaa Waaqayyooti " jedhee barreesseera. And even if there did seem to be a cure, does the Bible teach that God is responsible for all occurrences that appear to be miraculous healings? ' He wrote: "I know that there is nothing better for a man than to rejoice and to do good during his life; and I have the gift of God. " Jireenyi keenya inni gara fuulduraa du'aa ka'uu Yesusiin mirkaneeffameera. (a) What can be learned from the examples of Moses and Jeremiah? Our future life prospects are assured by Jesus. Mee dhimma kana ilaalchisee Efesoon boqonnaa 5 baasi. How did Jesus show that he forgave Peter? Let us see in Ephesians chapter 5 of this matter. 12, 13. (a) Warri Kiristiyaana taʼan yoo mucaan isaanii gumiidhaa baafame akka Waaqayyoof ajajaman akkamitti argisiisu? 11: 9. 12, 13. (a) How do Christian parents show that they obey God when their child is disfellowshipped? * Yihowaan kaayyoosaa galmaan ga'uuf karaan inni itti wantoota raawwatu "dhoksaa " yeroo ta'u, dhoksaan kunis yeroo gara garaatti suuta suutaan ifa ta'eera. - Efesoon 1: 9; 3: 9, miiljalee, Hiika Addunyaa Haaraa isa hiika jechootaa qabu ilaali. Do they express appreciation for what their teachers are doing for them? * In the outworking of his purpose, Jehovah gradually became "the sacred secret " of God's purpose. - See Ephesians 1: 9; 3: 9, footnote. Yaanni geggeessaa hafuura qulqulluutiin barreeffame kun, Dhuga Baatota Yihowaa yeroo harʼaa jiraniif ni hojjetaa? Alarmed by this response, Jehoram turned to flee. Do these inspired words apply to Jehovah's Witnesses today? Kanaafuu Seexanni, "yaada warra hin amanin sanaa jaamseera; inni ifa ulfina Kristos, isa fakkaattii Waaqayyoo wangeela keessaa ibsu sana, akka hin argineef isaan dhowweera. " - 2 Qor. United with the angels in heaven, they could worship Jehovah forever as part of his universal family. Thus, Satan "has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, namely, the glorious fruit of the good news about the Christ, in God's image. " - 2 Cor. Obboloonnisaanii gammachuudhaan Yihowaa akka tajaajilan isaan gargaaruufis fedhii guddaa qabu. Remember that God draws those whom he loves. They also have a keen interest in helping their brothers to serve Jehovah joyfully. Kana gochuudhaanis, jireenya kennaa ta'e kana akka waan guddaatti ilaaluu keenya argisiisna. 10: 19. In doing so, we show that we view this gift as precious. Amantaakee argisiisuu kan dandeessu akkamitti? Jonathan accepted his situation, and unlike his father, he did not become jealous of David. How can you show your faith? Kana malees, Phaawulos wantoota hamma harʼaatti balaa geessisuu isaanii itti fufanii fi badhaasicha nu dhabsiisuu dandaʼan ibseera. 5 / 1 Furthermore, Paul highlighted events that could cause disaster and could deprive us of the prize. Yaada isaanii dhaggeeffachuuf fedhii ni qabaanna; akkasumas, sirrii hamma taʼetti yaada isaanii ni fudhanna. - Filp. BIBLE Alive Even in Dead Language, 4 / 1 We want to listen to their thoughts and accept their comments as right. - Phil. Caaffata Qulqullaaʼoo qayyabachuun karaa hafuuraa wanta fooyyeffachuu qabnu nu hubachiisuudhaan alattis faayidaa biraa qaba. 7 / 1 In addition to studying the Scriptures, we will have more benefits than simply grasping our spiritual need. 2: 5 - 9. They had heard how beautiful the city of Jerusalem once was. 2: 5 - 9. (Saanduqa, "Meeshaa Deebii Kennuuf Nu Gargaaru " jedhus ilaali.) What were the prospects of those in the new covenant? (See also the box "It Helps Us to Answer. ") Yeroo tokko tokko kan irratti walii hin galle taʼullee, qajeelfama michoota waan gaarii nuu hawwanii hordofuu akka qabnu baranneerra. Eric: Sure. We have learned that even though we do not always agree with our friends at times, we should strive to follow their good guidance. Yeroo baay'ee wanta hojjetu dhiisee namoota dhiphatan gargaara ture. Two feet [0.6 m] of moving water can carry a car away. He often left behind what he was doing and helped those who were depressed. Namni kun kan fayye fakkaatus, Macaafni Qulqulluun wantoonni dinqiidhaan akka fayye fakkeessan hundi Waaqayyorraa qofa kan argamanidha jedhee barsiisaa? The first - century Jewish historian Flavius Josephus said that the practice not only preserved the family name but also kept property in the family and provided for the welfare of the widow. Though the man was healed, did he teach that the Bible is only God? (a) Fakkeenya Museefi Ermiyaasirraa maal barachuu dandeenya? In addition, we want to have as full a share as we can in the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work. (a) What can we learn from Moses and Jeremiah? Yesus, Phexrosiif dhiifama akka godhe kan argisiise akkamitti? Stay in Jehovah's Valley of Protection How did Jesus show forgiveness for Peter? 11: 9. Did he see in Jesus ' gaze some hint of disappointment or reproach? 11: 9. Wanta barsiistonnisaanii isaanii godhaniif ni galateeffatuu? So keep living. " - Gen. Do they appreciate what they have done for their teachers? ʼ " jedhe. 106: 1. Keep doing this in remembrance of me. ' " Kutaa maatii uumama cufaa taʼuudhaan ergamoota samiirraa wajjin tokkummaadhaan barabaraaf Yihowaa waaqeffachuu dandaʼu turan. It is his judgment against hypocritical religion that for so long has taught doctrines contrary to God's will and that has persecuted his servants. As part of the universal family, they could worship Jehovah unitedly with angels in heaven. Yihowaan namoota jaallatu garasaatti akka harkisu yaadadhu. No, Ahab simply "proceeded to go up to eat and drink. " Remember, Jehovah draws people to him. 10: 19. After arriving on the island of Palau in 2007, 22 - year - old Simon quickly found out that he could earn only a fraction of what he had earned in his home country, England. 10: 19. Yonaataan jijjiirama godhame kana amanee kan fudhate siʼa taʼu, haala abbaasaarraa adda taʼeen Daawititti hin hinaafne. However, the church was influenced by such Greek philosophers as Plato and Aristotle, who held that nothing on the earth could be perfect. Jonathan accepted this change, and he did not become jealous of David. 10 / 1 However, only a relatively few human kingdoms have exerted a major influence on God's people, whether the nation of Israel or the congregation of anointed Christians. 10 / 15 Bakka Labsitoonni Mootummichaa Caalaatti Barbaachisanitti Lallabi, 4 / 15, 12 / 15 Satan thus was "a manslayer. " Where the Need for Kingdom Publishers Is Greater, 4 / 1 5 / 15 Indeed, early Christians viewed congregation meetings as opportunities to express their faith. - Rom. 5 / 1 Magaalli Yerusaalem yeroo tokko baayʼee bareedduu akka turte dhagaʼanii turan. However, instead of focusing on this controversial difference between them, Jesus said to the woman: "Believe me, woman, the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father. " They often heard that Jerusalem was beautiful. Namoonni kutaa kakuu isa haaraa taʼan abdii akkamii qabu turan? As a result, the seedlike Kingdom message took root and grew, as it were, into a wheat stalk that, in time, was ready to bear fruit. What hope did those in the new covenant have? Eebbisaa: Tole. Then I was reassigned to Feldbach, southeast of Graz. Eric: Sure. Lolaan meetira 0.6 lafa irraa ol kaʼu konkolaataa fudhatee deemuu dandaʼa. In order to understand prophecy accurately, what do we first need to comprehend, and why? It can take some 900 feet [ hour m] away from the ground and take the car onto the ground. Barreessaa seenaafi nama Yihudii kan taʼe Filaaviyas Joseefas, gochi kun maqaan maatichaa akka itti fufu gochuu qofa utuu hin taʼin, qabeenyisaaniis akka eegamu, akkasumas haati hiyyeessaa abbaan manaa irraa duʼe kunuunsa akka argattu kan godhudha jedheera. " The happy God, " Jehovah, loves to give good things. Josephus, a Jewish historian and Jewish historian, said that this practice not only protects the family but also cares for the widow's needs and care for the widow. Kana malees, hanga dandeenye hojii lallaba Mootummichaafi duuka buutota gochuurratti guutummaatti hirmaachuu barbaanna. If so, Jacob's entreaty may remind you that prayers can allay anxiety. Furthermore, we want to have a full share in the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work. Dachaa Yihowaan Eegumsa Itti Godhu Keessaa Hin Baʼinaa " [God] has made everything beautiful in its time. " - Ecclesiastes 3: 11 Stay in Jehovah's valley of Valley Phexros, Yesus akka isatti gadde itti dhaga'ameeraa? Think of the work that lies ahead! Did Peter feel hurt by Jesus? Inni siif in kadhata, atis in jiraatta. " - Uma. [ Footnote] And he will pray to you, and you will certainly live. " - Gen. 106: 1. 33: 21, 33. 106: 1. Dhaabbilee amantii of hin arginee ta'aniifi yeroo dheeraadhaaf wanta jaalala Waaqayyoo wajjin wal faallessu barsiisaa, akkasumas tajaajiltootasaa ari'achaa turanirratti ni farada. 7 What Do You Know About Jehovah's Witnesses? He has long been teaching his servants about things that are contrary to God's will, and he will punish his servants who have been persecuted. Kanaa mannaa Ahaab, "nyaachuufi dhuguudhaafis ol in ba'e. " 11 / 1 Instead, " Ahab went forth to drink and drink. ' Saayiman inni bara 2007 tti yommuu umriinsaa waggaa 22 turetti gara Paalaawuu dhaqe, utuma hin turin qarshii inni achitti argatu isa Ingilaanditti argachaa turerra baayʼee akka xinnaatu hubate. In dealing with our neighbor, putting into practice what Paul wrote concerning love can prevent many problems, can result in happiness, and can bring us God's blessing. In 2007 when Simon, who was about 22 years old, soon learned that he had found the money he had found in England. Haataʼu malee, ilaalchi falaasota Giriikii, kan akka Pilaatoofi Aristootil, " Samiirra yoo taʼe malee lafa kanarra wanti mudaa hin qabne tokkoyyuu jiraachuu hin dandaʼu ' jedhu Saba Kiristiyaanaarratti dhiibbaa guddaa geessiseera. It is vital to listen to children so as to know them. Strive to feed them spiritually. However, the Greek philosophy, Aristotle, and Aristotle had a profound effect on Christendom's churches, such as Aristotle and Aristotle: " If nothing is perfect, there is nothing in this world. ' Haataʼu malee, saba Israaʼelis taʼe gumii Kiristiyaanota dibamoo taʼanirratti dhiibbaa guddaa kan geessisan mootummoota muraasa qofadha jechuun ni dandaʼama. DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2012 However, only relatively few kingdoms - including the nation of Israel - have exerted a powerful influence on the congregation of anointed Christians and on the congregation of anointed Christians. Kanaaf Seexanni " nama kan ajjeesu ' jedhameera. In each of these situations, we face a choice: Whom will we serve? So Satan has been called "a manslayer. " Dhugumayyuu, Kiristiyaanonni jaarraa jalqabaa walgaʼiiwwan akka carraa amantiisaanii ibsuuf isaan gargaaranitti ilaalu turan. - Rom. That, however, may not be as profitable as they imagine. Indeed, first - century Christians viewed meetings as opportunities to express their faith. - Rom. Yesus garuu garaa garummaa cimaa isaan gidduu jiru irratti xiyyeeffachuu mannaa, "Dubartii nana, yeroon itti isin gaara kana gubbaatti yookiis Yerusaalemitti abbaadhaaf hin saganne dhufuuf jira; na amani! " jedhe. How can we imitate Jehovah's impartiality? Instead of focusing on the contrast between them, however, Jesus said: "You husbands, don't believe that the time is coming on this mountain or the place to which you are going in Jerusalem. " Kanaan kan kaʼes, ergaan Mootummichaa sanyiitti fakkeeffame hidda godhatee guddachuudhaan muka qamadii yeroo booda firii godhachuuf qophaaʼe taʼeera jechuun ni dandaʼama. How does Jesus show that he has confidence in his spirit - anointed followers? As a result, the Kingdom message has produced fruit that produced seeds that would eventually grow into wheatlike wheat. Achiis ani Feltbaak ishii kibba baha Giiraatisitti argamtuttin ramadame. Second, Nehemiah's enemies resorted to spreading false rumors, accusing Nehemiah of "scheming to rebel " against King Artaxerxes. I was assigned to São Paulo in the eastern part of the country. Raajii sirriitti hubachuudhaaf, jalqaba maal beekuutu nu barbaachisa? Maaliif? 29 Did Josephus Really Write It? To understand the prophecy accurately, what first need to understand, and why? Yihowaa inni "Waaqa gammadaa " taʼe, wantoota gaarii kennuu jaallata. The wife does not exercise authority over her own body, but her husband does; likewise, also, the husband does not exercise authority over his own body, but his wife does. " The happy God, Jehovah, "the happy God, " loves good things. Taanaan, kadhannaan Yaaqoob dhiheesse, kadhannaan dhiphina hir'isuuf akka gargaaru hubachuuf si gargaaruu danda'a. On the contrary, he was determined to endure, come what may. If so, the prayer of Jacob can help you to see that prayer can help you to reduce anxiety. " Waaqayyo wanta hundumaa yeroo isaatti miidhagsee uumeera. " - Lallaba 3: 11 Widow's Two Coins, 3 / 1 " God created all things. " - Ecclesiastes 3: 11. Mee hojii gara fuulduraatti nu eegu yaadi! Our parents raised us to be good Catholics. Think of what awaits us in the future! [ Footnotes] Abel did not find any good examples in the human family, but humans were not the only intelligent creatures on the earth at that time. [ Footnote] 33: 21, 33. God's Law to Israel stated: "You must not commit adultery. " 33: 21, 33. 7 Waaʼee Dhugaa Baatota Yihowaa Maal Beekta? Many who have had the privilege of conducting progressive Bible studies will tell you that few things are more rewarding. 7 What Do You Know About Jehovah's Witnesses? 3 / 15 13 - 15. (a) What experience did Dinah have, illustrating what? 3 / 1 Walitti dhufeenya namootaa wajjin qabnu ilaalchisee yaada Phaawulos barreesse hojiirra oolchuun keenya, rakkina hedduu hambisa, gammachuu nuuf argamsiisa, akkasumas eebba Waaqayyoo nuuf argamsiisa. Recall that the inspired words of Haggai and Zechariah had a wonderful effect back at that time. Applying Paul's words about dealing with others brings us much hardship, satisfaction, and blessings from God's blessing. Sirritti isaan beekuuf ijoolleesaanii dhaggeeffachuufi karaa hafuuraa isaan sooruuf carraaqqii gochuu qabu. What kind of model did Jesus leave for his disciples? They need to listen to their children and work hard to feed them spiritually. MUDDEE 17 - 23, 2012 If that person is asked, "Why do you believe? " DECEMBER 17 - 23, 2012 Haalawwan kana hunda keessatti, eenyuun akka tajaajillu filachuu qabna. He is far different from some humans who explode with fury when others do not meet their expectations. In all these situations, we should choose whom we will serve. Taʼus, kun akka isaan yaadan taʼuu dhiisuu dandaʼa. THE "LIVING HOPE " OF ANOINTED CHRISTIANS Yet, they may not be thinking that they care about them. Nama kan wal hin caalchifne taʼuurratti fakkeenya Yihowaa hordofuu kan dandeenyu akkamitti? Rather than rejoicing over her punishment, Moses immediately interceded for her, praying: "O God, please! How can we imitate Jehovah's impartiality? Yesus duuka buutotasaa warra dibamoorratti amantaa akka qabu kan argisiise akkamitti? By contrast, from Job's integrity - keeping course, we learn that even imperfect humans can show that they put Jehovah first by faithfully enduring adversities - even when the cause of such troubles is not fully understood by them. How did Jesus demonstrate his confidence in his anointed followers? Lammaffaa, diinonni Nahimiiyaa "mootummaa [Artashaastaa Mootichaa] irratti ka'uu " akka yaade dubbachuudhaan olola sobaa oofuu jalqaban. EARTHSHAKING events will soon occur. Second, Nehemiah's enemies tried to deceive Nehemiah into saying that "the kingdom [of the King] will rise. " 29 Dhuguma Joseefastu Barreessee? Abraham's willingness to offer up his son teaches us much about Jehovah's far greater sacrifice 29 Did You Know? Haati manaa abbaa manaa ishee malee, dhagna ishee akka jaallatte gochuu hin dandeessu; abbaan manaas akkasuma haadha manaa isaa malee, dhagna isaa akka jaallate gochuu hin danda'u. " The religious opposers hurriedly published an article in their newspaper to warn its readers against the newly arrived "false prophets. " The wife does not love her husband, but the husband does not love his wife as he does himself; nor does he love his wife. " Kanaa mannaa, wanta isa mudatu kamiyyuu dandaʼuuf murteessee ture. God does not now cure us miraculously, but he does give us the fortitude to endure illness. Rather, he was determined to do whatever he could. Yihowaan Iyya Keenya Ni Dhaggeeffata, 3 / 15 Jehovah has "made him head over all things to the congregation " of anointed ones. Jehovah Listens to the C.E., 3 / 15 Warri keenya amantii Kaatolikii akka gaariitti nu barsiisaniiru. What could Paul do? Our parents taught us to become a Catholic. Ilmaan namootaa yeroo sana turan keessaa namni Abeeliif fakkeenya gaarii taʼu hin turre. Haataʼu malee yeroo sana uumamawwan yaaduu dandaʼaniifi lafarra turan namoota qofa hin turre. A husband whose tongue is governed by loyal love does not expose the faults of his wife in public or speak disparagingly of her. However, Abel was not the only human ever to imitate, but he was not the only intelligent creatures on earth. Seerri Waaqayyo Israa'elootaaf kenne: "Hin ejjin! " Some have observed that children who are expected to help out at home are more likely to take on community service as adults. God's Law to Israel said: "You must not commit adultery. " Obboloonni qoʼannaa Kitaaba Qulqulluu guddina argisiisan geggeessuuf mirga argatan hedduun, wanti kana caalaa nama gammachiisu akka hin jirre isinitti himuu dandaʼu. For instance, at Malachi 2: 16, we read God's clear statement: "I hate divorce. " Many brothers and sisters who have the privilege of conducting a Bible study may tell you that there is nothing more satisfying. 13 - 15. (a) Wanti Dhineerra gaʼe maalidha? Kunoo maal kan argisiisudha? They may be afraid to ask for time off to attend all the sessions of a district convention to worship Jehovah with their brothers. 13 - 15. (a) What experience did Dinah face, and what does that indicate? Jechoonni Haageeniifi Zakaariyaas geggeessaa hafuura qulqulluutiin barreessan bara sanatti bu'aa gaarii akka argamsiisan yaadachuu qabna. " A turning point came about 15 years after I was baptized. We should bear in mind that Haggai and Zechariah's inspired words have good results in good results in those days. Yesus bartootasaatiif fakkeenya akkamii ture? • Why should we never slander anyone? What example did Jesus set for his disciples? Namni tokko "Maaliif amanta? " Think of what the faithful and discreet slave has been able to accomplish in giving a worldwide witness about Jehovah God, his Son, and the Kingdom. " Why do you believe? " 86: 15, NW) Yihowaan namoota yommuu warri kaan akka isaan barbaadan utuu hin ta'in hafan aariidhaan finiinan tokko tokkorraa baay'ee addadha. We should never find ourselves saying, as it were, "" yes ' and yet " no. ' " How different Jehovah must have been when others try to treat others as they want them to be! " ABDII JIRAATAA ' KIRISTIYAANONNI DIBAMOON QABAN Working with and observing Jehovah, Jesus cultivated similar compassion for the people in his territory. - John 5: 19. " THE SPIRIT OF THE SPIRIT " ARE BEING FROM THE WORLD Museen adaba isheedhaaf kennametti gammaduu mannaa, yeruma sana, "Yaa Waaqayyo! Under what circumstances did Jesus show patience? Rather than rejoice over the discipline that Moses received, Moses immediately replied: "O Jehovah, you are our Father. Faallaa kanaatiinimmoo, amanamummaa Iyoob argisiiserraa, sababii rakkoowwan sanaa guutummaatti hubachuu baatanillee, ilmaan namootaa mudaa qaban rakkoowwan isaanirra gaʼan obsaan dabarsuudhaan Yihowaadhaaf dursa kennuu akka dandaʼan baranna. Happiness? In contrast, we learn from the record of Job's faithfulness that even though imperfect humans cannot fully understand, they can put Jehovah first by patiently putting matters ahead of human suffering. DHIHEENYATTI guutummaa biyya lafaarratti wanta rifaasisaa taʼe tokkotu raawwatama. 1: 16; 1 Pet. THE world is full of events that will take place earth wide. Abrahaam ilmasaa aarsaa gochuuf fedhii qabaachuunsaa, waa'ee aarsaa guddaa Yihowaa godhee barumsa guddaa nuu kenna Moses ' life, welfare, and future seemed to be in Pharaoh's hands. Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son teaches us a vital lesson about Jehovah jedhu beeksisanii turan. Mormitoonni amantii yeruma sana hordoftoonni isaanii "raajota sobaa " haaraa dhufan irraa akka of eeggatan akeekkachiisuuf mata duree tokko gaazexaa isaanii irratti baasan. After telling of such distressing matters as wars, food shortages, and an increase of lawlessness, Jesus foretold that something positive would also mark the last days. The opposers quickly warned against "the false prophets " who were going to" come from them. " Waaqayyo yeroo ammaatti dinqiidhaan nu fayyisuu baatus, dhukkuba keenya obsaan akka dandeenyuuf jabina nuu kenna. " There exists a friend sticking closer than a brother. " - Prov. Although God does not miraculously cure us today, he gives us the strength to endure our illness. Yihowaan gumii dibamtootaatiif, jechuunis "waldaa kristiyaanaatiif mataa godhee kenne. " How good it is to know, though, that Jehovah is "the God of all comfort "! Jehovah has appointed the congregation of anointed ones, "the congregation of the congregation. " Phaawulos maal gochuu dandaʼa laata? We can have our say in our heart while in bed. What could Paul do? Abbaan manaa dubbiinsaa jaalalaarratti hundaaʼe tokko, hirʼina haadha manaasaa namoota duratti hin dubbatu ykn ishee hin qaanessu. But researchers have found that the task of simultaneously differentiating between many sounds becomes increasingly difficult when it involves listening to human speech. A loving husband does not condemn his wife's imperfections or dishonoring her in front of his wife. Namoonni tokko tokko ijoolleen mana keessa hojjechaa guddachuun isaanii, nama guddaa yeroo taʼan tajaajila hawaasaa irratti hirmaachuun akka isaaniif salphatu hubataniiru. When that day arrives, death will truly be brought to nothing. Some find it easier for their children to grow in the house - to - house ministry to make it easier for them to engage in social activities. Fakkeenyaaf, Miilkiyaas 2: 16 rratti, Waaqayyo " nama haadha manaasaa gad dhiisu baayʼisee akka jibbu ' dubbateera. First, consider conniving Delilah, with whom Judge Samson had fallen in love. For example, at Malachi 2: 16, God said that he "did not hate anyone who loves his wife. " Walga'ii koonyaarratti guyyaa hundumaa argamuudhaan obbolootasaanii wajjin Yihowaa waaqeffachuuf heyyama gaafachuu sodaatu ta'a. By taking firm action, Jesus showed a strong desire to defend true worship. At district conventions, they may be afraid to seek permission to worship Jehovah with their brothers and sisters. " Yeroon itti jijjiirame kan dhufe ergan cuuphamee gara waggaa 15 booda dha. We can also prove our brotherly love by remaining morally chaste. " It was about 15 years after my baptism. • Matumaa maqaa namootaa hadheessuu kan hin qabne maaliifi? Hence, Jehovah said to that nation: "You are a holy people to Jehovah your God, and Jehovah has chosen you to become his people, a special property, out of all the peoples who are on the surface of the ground. " - Deut. • Why should we never deceive anyone? Mee wanta hojjetaan amanamaaniifi ogeessi kun, waa'ee Yihowaa, waa'ee Ilmasaafi waa'ee Mootummichaa addunyaa maratti dhugaa ba'uudhaan raawwate yaadi. As we contemplate what Jehovah has produced, we surely must conclude that he cares for us. Think of what this faithful slave did about Jehovah, his Son, and Kingdom - preaching work worldwide. Wanti nuti dubbannu " "eeyyee " achiis" lakki " jechuudhaan kan jijijjiiramu ' taʼuu hin qabu. Of course, a person might choose to forgive an adulterous but repentant mate, even as the prophet Hosea apparently forgave his immoral wife, Gomer. What we say should not "be silent, " and then" does not become provoked. " 5: 19. But Jesus did more than talk about helping people. 5: 19. Yesus obsa kan argisiise haala akkamii keessatti? Our worldwide Bible educational work and humanitarian activities are supported by voluntary donations. In what way did Jesus show patience? Gammachuudhaa? Then, he addressed those "in union with Christ Jesus " - anointed Christians. Are You Happy? 1: 16; 1 Phe. What lesson do we learn from Baruch? 1: 16; 1 Pet. Jireenyi Musee harka Faraʼoon keessa waan jiru fakkaata ture. Getting Home Moses ' life seemed to be in Pharaoh's hand. Yesus waaʼee waraanaa, hanqina nyaataafi jalʼinni babalʼachuu erga itti himee booda, haalli gaarii taʼe tokko dhuma biyya lafaa adda baasee akka beeksisu raajii dubbate. No matter which hope we have, why can we benefit from considering Romans chapter 8? After giving Jesus a talk about warfare, food shortages, and injustice, Jesus foretold that a positive situation would be different from the end of this world. " Firri [michuun] obboleessa caalaa namatti aanus immoo jira. " - Fak. We owe our existence to love because Jehovah created us out of unselfish love. " A companion is more important than his brother. " - Prov. Haa taʼu malee, Yihowaan "Waaqa jajjabina hundaa " taʼuu isaa beekuun baayʼee gaarii dha! Karen: Nice to meet you too, Samantha. You may wonder, " If Jehovah's Witnesses really do believe in Jesus, why do people say otherwise? ' How good it is to know that Jehovah is "the God of all comfort "! (Far. 4: 4) Wanti gadheen yoo nutti dubbatame ykn gochi hin taane yoo nurratti raawwatame, ijaa baʼuudhaan cubbuu hojjechuurraa haa fagaannu. (b) How did Jesus emphasize the need for endurance? If we have been told or treated unfairly, let us avoid falling into the trap of wrongdoing. Taʼuyyuu qorattoonni, wanta namoonni dubbatan dhaggeeffachuu ilaalchisee, takkaatti sagalee hedduu addaan baafachuun baayʼee ulfaataa taʼaa akka dhufe hubataniiru. Remember what Paul told Timothy: "Take Mark and bring him with you. " Even so, researchers have noted that using a number of sounds can be very difficult at once. Guyyaan sun yeroo dhufu, duuti ni golgoleeffama. His conduct may not yet have escalated to the point of becoming gross uncleanness, but he is not continuing to consider only " whatever things are chaste, well spoken of, virtuous, and praiseworthy. ' When that day arrives, death will be brought to nothing. Jalqaba, Deliilaa ishee haxxee turteefi Siimson inni Abbaa Firdii baayʼee ishee jaallatuu haa ilaallu. They feel that if God exists and is almighty and loving, the evil and suffering in the world cannot be explained. First, let us consider Samson and Samson, who deeply loved her. 69: 9) Yesus tarkaanfii cimaa fudhachuudhaan waaqeffannaa dhugaa cinaa dhaabachuuf fedhii guddaa akka qabu argisiiseera. By using such pronouns as "we " and" us, " Luke indicates that he was present when certain events occurred. Jesus showed great interest in taking a firm stand for true worship. Naamusaan qulqulluu taanee jiraachuudhaanis akka obbolootaatti akka wal jaallannu argisiisuu dandeenya. Consider, for example, what happened when over 80 percent of Manila, Philippines, was flooded by torrential rains in September 2009. We can also show brotherly love by remaining chaste. (Isa. 43: 10; 44: 6 - 8) Kanaaf Yihowaan, "Isin saba Waaqayyo gooftaa keessaniif qulqullooftanii dha; Waaqayyo saba dhuunfaa isaa akka taataniif, saba irra lafaa irra jiran hundumaa keessaa addumaan isin fo'ateera " isaaniin jedhee ture. - Kes. Granted, such an approach requires self - control and determination. Therefore, Jehovah told them: "You are holy, Jehovah your God, a people for special possession, that you should become his special property out of all the earth. " - Deut. Wantoota Yihowaan uumerratti yommuu xiinxallu, inni akka nuuf yaadu mirkanaa'oo ta'uu dandeenya. The apostle John made much the same point when he warned that if anyone loves the things in the world - "the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one's means of life " - then" the love of the Father is not in him. " As we meditate on Jehovah's creative works, we can be sure that he cares for us. Dhugaa dha, namni tokko akkuma Hoseʼaan haadha manaa isaa Gomer ishii halalee taateef dhiifama godhe, hiriyaan gaaʼelaa isaa ejja raawwate yaada yoo geddarate dhiifama isaaf gochuu filachuu dandaʼa. " Soundness of mind " involves being able to think and reason sensibly. Of course, a person may choose to forgive his mate if he has committed adultery, as Hosea did to his wife named Hosea. Haataʼu malee Yesus waaʼee namoota gargaaruu dubbachuurra darbees wanta godhe qaba. (See the box "Love " Does Not Behave Indecently. ' ") Yet, Jesus did more than tell others about it. Hojiin Kitaaba Qulqulluu barsiisuu fi gargaarsi namummaa jaarmiyaan keenya addunyaa maratti raawwatu, buusii qarshii fedhiidhaan godhamuun deggerama. 3 Pray for Wisdom The work of teaching and support of our worldwide organization is organized by voluntary donations. jedhee barreesseera. Achiis waaʼee Kiristiyaanota dibamoo "Kristos Yesusitti qabamanii jiraatan [ii] " dubbateera. Jesus knew of the tendency that imperfect humans have to succumb to the weaknesses of the flesh. Then he said of anointed Christians: "Christ [Christ's anointed ones] will reside in [Christ's] presence. " Baaruk irraa maal baranna? Although we did not know it at the time, that would not be our permanent assignment. What can we learn from Baruch? Gara Manaatti Deebi'uu Such faith is not credulity but is an intelligent conviction based on accurate Bible knowledge. Returning to the House Abdiin keenya isa kam iyyuu yoo taʼe, Roomaa boqonnaa 8 qoruudhaan faayidaa argachuu kan dandeenyu maaliifi? If we want to avoid being caught, we must be alert and heed warning signs indicating that one of Satan's snares, or traps, is nearby. Why can we benefit from considering Romans chapter 8 regardless of our hope? Jaalalli fedhii ilmaan namootaa isa buʼuuraa waan taʼeef, hundi keenya jaalala yommuu argannu akka lalisnu ibseera. But whatever the outcome of such cases, the courage God's servants display under trial makes God rejoice. Because love is the basic human desire, it tells all of us that when we come in love, we will grow in love. Daraartuu: Gaaddisee, Dhugaa Baatonni Yihowaa dhuguma Yesusitti ni amanu erga taʼee, namoonni kaan hin amanan kan jedhan maaliifi? jettee yaadda taʼa. 23 Discipline - Evidence of God's Love Karen: If Jehovah's Witnesses really believe in Jesus, why might you say that others don't believe him? (b) Yesuus jabaatanii dhaabachuun barbaachisaa taʼuu isaa kan addeesse akkamitti? 1: 20. (b) How did Jesus emphasize the need for endurance? Phaawulos Ximotewosiin, "Maarqosin of duukaa fidii kottu! " True prospects for living forever, though, do not hinge on modern science. Paul told Timothy: "Go on walking and abandoning Mark. " Amallisaa hanga ammaatti gara xuraa'ummaa guddaatti kan isa hin geessine ta'us, " waan qulqulluu, waanuma jaallatamaa, waan gurratti tolu, waan gaariifi waan galata qaburratti ' hin yaadu. (Read Proverbs 11: 24, 25.) Although he does not limit his behavior until now, he does not care for "whatever things are clean, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are well spoken, whatever things are well spoken, whatever whatever things are well spoken, whatever things are well spoken, what is good, and praiseworthy. " Waaqayyo utuu jiraatee, akkasumas hundumaa kan danda'uufi jaalala qabeessa utuu ta'ee, hammeenyiifi dhiphinni addunyaarra hin jiraatu ture jedhanii yaadu. If a Christian chooses to get married, he or she should marry a fellow believer. If God had lived and had lived all things, there would have been no injustice and suffering in the world. Luqaas, jechoota "nu " fi" nuyi " jedhaniin fayyadamuudhaan, yommuu wantoonni tokko tokko raawwataman akka achi ture argisiiseera. I stopped at prisons and even placed tracts with men in the restrooms of the rest areas. Luke showed that he was present when he used the word "slave " and" our " bread. " 18: 11) Fakkeenyaaf, Fulbaana 2009 tti Maniillaa, Filippiinsi keessaa harka 80 ol kan taʼu lolaadhaan yeroo badetti wanta taʼe ilaali. Allow no place for covetousness - greedy desire for what belongs to others. For example, in September 2009, consider what happened when more than 80 of the Philippines was lost. Kun, of to'achuufi gara kuteeyyii ta'uu kan gaafatudha. In the days following, you can spend extra time with her. This requires self - control and determination. Yohaannis ergamaan namni wantoota addunyaa keessa jiran, jechuunis " hawwii foonii, hawwii ijaa fi qabeenya ofii argisiifachuu ' jaallatu " jaalalli Abbaa akka isa keessa hin jirre ' akeekkachiisuudhaan yaada kanaa wajjin wal fakkaatu dubbateera. The Law of Moses made safety an official policy of God's people. The apostle John describes the world's things - "the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one's means of love " - the love of the Father. " Yaada sirrii qabaachuun, ' akka gaariitti yaaduu danda'uu kan dabalatudha. In fact, the Bible says that Jesus now possesses "the keys of death. " Having "the mind of mind " involves being sound in mind. (Saanduqa "Jaalalli " Amala Sirrii Hin Taane Hin Argisiisu ' " jedhu ilaali.) Let us consider five reasons. (See the box "Love without hypocrisy. ") 3 Ogummaa Argachuuf Kadhadhu In view of the imminent end of the present system of things, as Jehovah's servants we realize that this is no time to settle down in this dying world. 3 Pray for Wisdom Yesuus, ilmaan namootaa cubbuu dhaalan dadhabina isaaniitiif salphaatti moʼamuu akka dandaʼan beeka ture. God is not cold or aloof. Jesus knew that imperfect humans can easily overcome their weaknesses. Yeroo sanatti beekuu baannus, achitti kan tajaajillu yeroo muraasaaf ture. On that memorable occasion, he conducted, as it were, a study of God's Word. We did not know at that time, but we served there for a time. Amantiin akkasii akkasumaan utuu hin ta'in, Macaafa Qulqulluu sirriitti beekuudhaan kan argamudha. Finding Relief From Youthful Despair Such faith comes from the Bible, not from mere wishful faith. Kiyyoosaatiin qabamuurraa ooluu yoo barbaanne, mallattoowwan kiyyoon Seexanaa jiraachuusaa akeekkachiisan dammaqnee hordofuu qabna. Think about how we can be kind in the following situations: At work, our supervisor is not doing his job well. If we are to avoid being caught alive by him, we must be alert to the warning signs of Satan's snares. Murtoon dabarfamu maal iyyuu yoo taʼe, ija jabinni tajaajiltoonni Waaqayyoo qorumsi yeroo isaan irra gaʼu argisiisan Waaqayyoon ni gammachiisa. Would this regimen help him if he followed it only when he felt a sharp pain in his chest? Whatever the case, boldness of God's servants will be delighted to show God in the face of trials. 23 Adabni Jaalala Waaqayyo Nuuf Qabu Argisiisa Mother recalled the church creed, which in its original form stated that Jesus descended into hell and was raised on the third day. 23 God's Love for Us 1: 20. As important as the preservation of human life is, there is a far greater reason for preaching from house to house. 1: 20. Haa taʼu malee, abdiin bara baraaf jiraachuu saayinsii ammayyaa irratti kan hundaaʼe miti. Do we use suitable occasions to let others know why we love and appreciate them? But the hope of everlasting life is not based on scientific science. (Fakkeenya 11: 24, 25 dubbisi.) 2 (Read Proverbs 11: 24, 25.) Kiristiyaanni tokko gaaʼela dhaabbachuu yoo filate, nama Dhugaa Baatuu taʼee wajjin qofa gaaʼela dhaabbachuu qaba. Does your conduct at school speak well of your faith? If a Christian chooses to marry, he should marry only a Witness. Hamma harʼaatti illee, sanyiiwwan facaafaman sun biqilaniiruu laata? By the same token, Peter's use of "heavens " would also be symbolic. Even today, will the wheat be cut off? Wantoota kan namaa ta'an sassataan hawwuurraa fagaadhu. Clearly, though, if Kingdom Hall maintenance were neglected, such neglect would result in the premature deterioration of the building and would not be a good witness to the local community. Avoid greed. Guyyoota itti aananittimmoo yeroo dabalataa ishee wajjin dabarsuu dandeessu. So while many details are unknown, it is evident that Jesus did not look the way he has often been portrayed. In the following days, you could spend more time with her. Seerri Musee sabni Waaqayyoo seerawwan nageenya eeguu wajjin wal qabatan akka hordofan isaan ajaja. Desiring to understand as much as possible about the physical universe, he studied astrophysics and came to an important conclusion. The Mosaic Law commanded God's people to adhere to laws that relate to safety. Macaafni Qulqulluun aangoon " balbala iddoo warra duʼanii banuu ' Yesusiif akka kenname dubbata. There may be fine results when we give genuine commendation. The Bible says that authority was given to Jesus "to open the door to the dead. " Mee sababiiwwan shan haa ilaallu. But Jesus helps us to realize that the "use of many words " in long and repetitious prayers is of no value from Jehovah's standpoint. Consider five reasons. Tajaajiltoota Yihowaa waan taaneef, biyyi lafaa kun dhiheenyatti kan badu taʼuusaa ennaa yaannu, addunyaa duʼaa jiru kana keessatti yeroo itti haala mimmijeeffannu akka hin taane hubanna. " The saying of Jehovah is what refined him. " As servants of Jehovah in this world, we realize that as Jehovah's servants, we do not allow the time to pass in this dying world. Waaqayyo miira namootaatiif dhimma kan hin qabne ykn ofitti kan nama hin dhiheessine miti. 14: 17. God is not a person who does not care or self - esteem. Guyyaa kanatti qayyabannaa Macaafa Qulqulluu isaaniif geggeessee ture jechuun ni dandaʼama. Additionally, the Bible tells us how God views the veneration of idols in worship. By that day, it was possible for them to conduct a Bible study. Rakkina Dargaggummaan Fidurraa Furmaata Argachuu However, Jesse's son David was not a firstborn. Finding Comfort in God's Undeserved Kindness Haalawwan armaan gadii keessatti gaarummaa argisiisuu kan dandeenyu akkamitti akka taʼe yaadaa: Bakka hojiitti toʼataan keenya hojii isaa sirriitti hin raawwatu. What can help? Consider how we can show kindness in these situations: Although we do not control our work at work, we do not fully accomplish his work. Nyaata madaalamaa kana kan nyaatu yeroo lapheesaa isa waraanu qofa yoo taʼe faayidaa argachuu dandaʼaa? " Keeping Jehovah's righteous standards has been a protection for me. Could it be beneficial only if his heart is filled with food? jetteen. Haati koos kadhannaa mana kadhataa dhaqaa turtetti baratte, jechuunis Yesuus siiʼolitti akka gad buʼee fi guyyaa sadaffaatti akka kaʼe ibsu yaadatte. How did the simplified edition help? My mother said that she had learned to pray at the house of Jesus - that he would sit down and get up on the third day. Manaa gara manaa dhaqnee tajaajiluun keenya, lubbuu namootaa akka oolchu beekamaadha. Haata'u malee, sababii guddaa hojii kana itti hojjennuuf kan biraas qabna. What are ways in which a Christian might simplify his life? Of course, preaching from house to house can save lives, but we have other reasons to do so. Yeroo mijataa yommuu argannu, warri kaan maaliif akka isaan jaallannuu fi akka isaan dinqisiifannu akka hubatan gochuuf ni carraaqnaa? What proof of Jesus ' resurrection did Paul provide? When we find suitable times, do we strive to let others know why we love them and appreciate them? Kun kan nu tuquhoo akkamitti? Indeed, "he continued steadfast as seeing the One who is invisible. " And how does that affect us? Onk. Marc, mentioned in the introduction, heeded the Bible's advice not to use the world to the full. Mar. Amalli mana barumsaatti argisiistu waaʼee amantii keetii waan gaarii dubbataa? How can the experiences of the needy widow, Elijah, and the writer of Psalm 102 help us to cultivate a positive viewpoint? Do you speak positively about your beliefs at school? Phexros yaada "bantiiwwan waaqaa " jedhus fakkeenyumaan itti fayyadame. What does the illustration about the persistent man teach us about our disposition when praying? Peter also used the word "heavens " as a parable. Haa taʼu malee, Galma Mootummaa haaressuuf xiyyeeffannaan hin kennamu taanaan, manichi utuu yeroon isaa hin gaʼin dulloomuu, akkasumas namoota naannoo sana jiraniif fakkeenya taʼuu dhiisuu dandaʼa. Tim: Hmm. I'm not sure. However, if the Kingdom Hall does not give attention to the Kingdom Hall, it may not be time for the home to grow and set a fine example for those in the area. Kanaafuu, waaʼee Yesuus wanti hedduun kan hin beekamne taʼus, bifti isaa isa yeroo baayʼee fakkii irratti mulʼatu akka hin fakkaanne beekamaa dha. I went to a diabetes counselor who explained the relationship between diet, exercise, body weight, and diabetes. So although much of Jesus is not known, it is unlikely that his appearance usually appears in the image of his image. Waaʼee hawaa hamma dandaʼe beekuu waan barbaadeef, barumsa kana barachuudhaan xumura barbaachisaa tokkorra gaʼe. This can be frustrating. He wanted to know more about the universe, so he finally learned an important lesson. Obboloota keenya garaadhaa galateeffachuun buʼaa gaarii argamsiisuu dandaʼa. One woman who accepted the truth 18 years after her husband did says, "I, for one, needed to learn it gradually. " Your sincere commendation for our brothers and sisters can do much good. Haata'u malee Yesus, Yihowaan kadhannaa dheeraa " baay'ina dubbiitiin ' akkasumas jechootuma irra deddeebi'uudhaan dhihaatu kan hin dhageenye ta'uusaa nu hubachiiseera. Yesus itti aansuudhaan akkas jedheera: Now back to the chariots. However, Jesus next reminded us that Jehovah does not listen to prayers "in a large way " and over again. " Dubbiin Yihowaa isa fooyyesseera. " (Far. After reading the brochure and conferring with their own legal or tax advisers, many have been able to help support our religious and humanitarian activities worldwide and maximize their tax benefits while doing so. " Jehovah's Word has enriched him. " 14: 17. How can we show respect for the decisions of others? 14: 17. Kana malees, Kitaabni Qulqulluun waaqeffannaadhaaf waaqolii tolfamootti fayyadamuu ilaalchisee ilaalcha Waaqayyo qabu nutti hima. After all, how can you be close to someone whose name you do not know? The Bible also tells us about God's view of idolatry. Ijoollee saddeet keessaa isa dhumaa ture. After many years in that work, he was called to Kingdom Farm in upstate New York and worked in the henhouse. He was the last of eight children. Namoonni akkasii eessaa gargaarsa argachuu danda'u? How did Paul view his personal share in the race? Where can such ones find help? Ulaagaalee Yihowaa warra qajeeloo taʼan eeguun koo eegumsa naaf taʼeera. " I have come to know that you [Jehovah] are able to do all things, " Job said. I have been protected by Jehovah's righteous standards. Maarree maxxansi haaraan kun kan ishee gargaare akkamitti? The Bible explains: How did this new edition help her? Kiristiyaanni tokko jireenya isaa salphisuu kan dandaʼu karaawwan kamiini? It also applies to unclean activities practiced by an individual in private, such as reading sexually stimulating books or viewing pornography, which may lead to the unclean habit of masturbation. - Col. In what ways can a Christian simplify his life? Phaawulos, Yesus duʼaa kaʼuusaatiif ragaa akkamii dhiheesse? " The pain was physical as well as emotional. What evidence did Paul make clear that Jesus was resurrected? Dhuguma iyyuu, " inni isa hin argamne Sana akka waan arguutti amantiitti cimee itti fufeera. ' It said: "Effects of climate change on health will affect most populations in the next decades and put the lives and wellbeing of billions of people at increased risk. " Indeed, "he continued steadfast as seeing the One who is invisible. " Maark inni seensarratti ibsame, gorsa Macaafni Qulqulluun guutummaatti biyya lafaatti akka hin fayyadamne nuu kennu hojiirra oolcheera. However, he began to think of the Christian way of life as too restrictive. Mark, mentioned at the outset, applied the Bible's counsel not to use the world to the full. Muuxannoon haadha hiyyeessaa, Eliyaasiifi barreessaa Faarfannaa 102, ilaalcha sirrii qabaachuuf kan nu gargaaru akkamitti? Then, as the snowy winter approaches, they bring their flocks down to the warmer lowlands. How can the example of the widow, Elijah, and Psalm 102 help us to maintain a positive viewpoint? Fakkeenyi waa'ee namicha ollaasaa deddeebisee ija jabinaan kadhatee, kadhannaadhaaf ilaalcha akkamii qabaachuu akka qabnu ilaalchisee barumsa akkamii nuu kenna? Moreover, the Scriptures were meticulously copied by scribes. What does the example of a persistent man teach us about prayer, prayer, and prayer? Naaʼol: Ii... ani hin beeku. As a new pioneer, she felt unqualified to make return visits; she felt that she did not know how to capture the householder's interest. Tim: I don't know. Ogeessa dhukkuba sukkaaraa ilaalchisee gorsa kennu tokko bira deemee kanan ture yommuu taʼu, innis hariiroo nyaata, sochii qaamaa, ulfaatina qaamaafi dhukkuba sukkaaraa gidduu jiru naaf ibse. There, home life became difficult. I went to a doctor's advice about diabetes, which he explained to me about food, exercise, and diabetes. Kun abdii nama kutachiisuu danda'a. Unmoved, Peter declared: "Even if I should have to die with you, I will by no means disown you. " This can be discouraging. Dubartiin erga abbaan manaashee Dhugaa Baatuu taʼee waggaa 18 booda dhugaa fudhatte tokko, "Ani suutuma suuta barachuun barbaada ture " jetteetti. May we too imitate our righteous God by always striving to be true to our word. - Matt. A woman who accepted the truth 18 years after her husband was a Witness said, "I wanted to learn gradually. " Amma immoo gara konkolaattota sanatti deebina. • What do you find encouraging about the promise at Acts 24: 15? Now I returned back to the chariots. Obboloonni hedduun birooshuricha erga dubbisanii booda, gorsitoota seeraa ykn qaraxaa wajjin mariʼachuudhaan hojii amantiifi gargaarsa namummaa Dhugaa Baatonni Yihowaa addunyaa maratti raawwachaa jiran deggeruu caalaas haala qaraxaa wajjin wal qabateen faayidaa guddaa argataniiru. He also acknowledged Jehovah's power. After reading the brochure and discussing laws or tax advisers, many have been able to support religious and humanitarian activities worldwide and maximize tax benefits. Murtoo warri kaan godhan akka kabajnu kan argisiisnu akkamitti? Our combined experience of more than 120 years in full - time service moves us to recommend wholeheartedly this course to all who wish to pursue an exciting, joyful, and useful life. How do we show respect for others ' decisions? Nama tokko maqaa isaa utuu hin beekin isatti dhihaachuun hin dandaʼamu. Rather than quickly giving up on the weak, let us "keep hold " of them, as it were, and continue supporting them. It is impossible to draw close to a person without knowing his name. Waggoota hedduudhaaf hojii kana irra erga turee booda, gara lafa qonnaa jaarmiyichaa kaaba Niiwu Yoorki keessatti argamuutti kan waamame siʼa taʼu, bakka indaanqoo itti horsiisan keessa hojjeteera. The Witnesses stayed a little over an hour. After spending many years in this work, he was called to the farm in New York City, where he worked in a field where he worked. Phaawulos hirmaannaa dorgommee fiigicharratti godhuuf ilaalcha akkamii qaba ture? You surely want your sacrifices of praise to be acceptable to Jehovah. How did Paul view participation in the race? Sana booda Iyoob: "Ati waan hundumaa gochuu akka dandeessu nan beeka " jechuudhaan amaneera. (b) Why can baptism be likened to constructing the ark in Noah's day? After that, Job admitted: "I know that you can do all you can. " Kitaabni Qulqulluun akkana jedha: The killer fled to the grounds of a nearby psychiatric clinic. The Bible says: Kana malees, gochawwan xuraaʼoo namni tokko qofaa isaa raawwatu, jechuunis kitaabota saalqunnamtiif nama kakaasan dubbisuu ykn poornoogiraafii ilaaluu isa gocha gadhee qaama hormaataa ofii susukkuumuudhaan gammaduutti nama geessu argisiisuu dandaʼa. - Qol. How did Jehovah use cherubs in connection with the garden of Eden? It can also refer to unclean practices that a person commits - such as reading books as reading books or viewing pornography. - Col. Qaamaanis taʼe miiraan baayʼeen miidhame. Perhaps you would wonder in amazement, " What is it made of? ' I suffer physically and emotionally. Gaazexaan kun, "Waggoota kurnan dhufanitti jijjiiramni qilleensaa fayyaa namoota hedduurratti dhiibbaa akka geessisuufi fayyaa namoota biliyoonaan lakkaaʼaman balaaf akka saaxilu " gabaaseera. 32 Questions From Readers The newspaper reported: "The changes have been made to many people for decades and to threaten the health of billions of people. " Taʼuyyuu, Kiristiyaana taʼanii jiraachuun asiif achi jechuu kan nama dhowwu akka taʼe isatti dhagaʼamuu jalqabe. Jordan River Still, he began to feel that living as a Christian, living there was a turning point. Yeroo ganni caabbii roobu dhihaatutti immoo, horii isaanii gara gammoojjii ooʼa taʼetti geessu. IT IS a precious privilege to serve as a congregation elder. On the other hand, when the story is typical, the animal may lead to their livestock into a vast desert. Akkasumas, namoonni Caaffata Qulqullaa'oo garagalchan hojii kana of eeggannoo guddaadhaan raawwataniiru. Am I easily offended, or do I often offend others? In addition, the writers of the Scriptures were very careful to carry out this commission. Qajeelchituu haaraa waan taateef, deddeebii gaaffii gochuuf ga'eessa akka hin taaneefi karaa xiyyeeffannaa namootaa harkisuun akkamitti akka dubbattu akka hin beekne isheetti dhaga'ama ture. Proper View of Mistakes, No. As a new pioneer, she felt that she was not reaching out for return visits and did not know how to show interest in others. Iddoo kanatti jireenyi maatii keenyaa gaarii hin turre. However, Abel did something far more important. There was no better family life there. Haata'u malee, akkuma Yesus dubbate Phexros isa ganeera. So when writings came from the apostles or their close fellow workers - men who gave clear evidence of being blessed by God's holy spirit - the early Christians naturally accepted such books as authoritative. But Peter was betrayed, as Jesus said. 9: 7, 8) Nutis wanta dubbanne hojiirra oolchuudhaan fakkeenya Waaqa keenya isa qajeelaa hordofuuf carraaqqii haa goonu. - Mat. Conservationists said that the seizure was the largest ever. May we strive to imitate our righteous God by applying what we say. - Matt. • Abdii Hojii Ergamootaa 24: 15 rra jirurraa jajjabina akkamii argatte? He took the initiative to approach Alfredo to discuss the matter, and Alfredo agreed to be repaid in several installments. • What encouragement do you find in the hope recorded at Acts 24: 15? Saaʼol Yihowaan humna guddaa akka qabus amanee ture. (2) How should anointed ones view themselves? Saul also believed that Jehovah had great power. Lamaan keenya dimshaashaan waggaa 120 ol tajaajila yeroo guutuurratti dabarsineerra; namoonni jireenya gaarii, dinqisiisaafi gammachuu qabu hordofuu barbaadan daandii kana akka filatan afaan keenya guunnee isaan jajjabeessuu dandeenya. 3 Angels - Can They Affect Your Life? Both of us have spent over 120 years in the full - time ministry, and we can encourage people to choose to pursue a wonderful, happy life, and happiness. Namoota dadhabanitti dafnee abdii kutachuu mannaa, isaaniif " yaaduufi ' isaan deggeruu keenya itti haa fufnu. Above all, through the preaching of the good news, Jehovah's name is being praised in all the earth. Rather than give in to discouragement, let us continue to " keep on looking ' and supporting them. Dhugaa Baatonni kun sa'aatii tokkoo oliif kan na bira turan ennaa ta'u, gara laafinaan na dhaggeeffataniiru. And consider this: Since "there is no injustice " with God, he will never fail to preserve the group of humans who have been serving him loyally. The Witnesses met me for more than one hour, and they listened to me with compassion. Aarsaan galataa dhiheessitu Yihowaa duratti fudhatama akka argatu akka barbaaddu beekamaadha. Basic human nature does not change. Of course, you want to gain Jehovah's approval by your sacrifice of praise. (b) Cuuphaan bara Nohitti doonii ijaaruu wajjin kan wal fakkeeffame maaliifi? Someone watching a prerecorded sports match has the option to watch the final minutes first in order to know the outcome. (b) Why is baptism likened to building the ark in Noah's day? Dargaggeessi kun baqatee mana qorichaa dhihoo sanatti argamu tokko seene. Jon: What do you mean? The young man fled home and entered a nearby house. Yihowaan haala jannata Eeden wajjin wal qabateen kiruubelotatti kan fayyadame akkamitti? Both baptized and unbaptized worshippers are accountable to God. How did Jehovah use cherubs in the garden of Eden? Atis dinqisiifattee, " Maal irraa tolfame laata? ' jetta taʼa. Still others may even try to go from door to door, but what are they preaching? You may wonder, " What do you think? ' 32 Gaaffii Dubbistootaa This sheds light on the meaning of the expression "those who live according to the flesh, " who Paul said," set their minds on the things of the flesh. " 32 Questions From Readers Laga Yordaanos They have claimed that Isaiah's prophecies were not truly predictive but were written after the fact, a later writer merely recording what had already happened. the Jordan River JAARSA gumii taʼanii tajaajiluun mirga guddaadha. Families benefit by considering this material in their Family Worship sessions. IT IS a privilege to serve as a ministerial servant in the congregation. Dafeen dhiifama godhaa? We might ask ourselves, " Am I, like the Samaritan, "moved with pity " to give a witness? ' Am I quick to forgive? Lakk. What lesson can we draw from Jesus ' parable of the sower? No. Abeel garuu, wanta hojiisaa kana caalaa iddoo guddaa qabu raawwateera. Such meditation will help you to build confidence in your beliefs. Abel, however, did more than that. Kiristiyaanonni jaarraa jalqabaa ergaawwan, ergamoonni Yesus ykn namoonni hidhatasaanii ta'aniifi eebba hafuura Waaqayyoo argatan barreessan kun, geggeessaa hafuura Waaqayyootiin akka barreeffaman ni amanu turan. Soon, though, you run out of fuel. First - century Christians believed that these letters of the apostles, or fellow believers, were inspired by God. Itti gaafatamtoonni eegumsa naannoo, ilki arbaa hamma kana baayʼatu hanga harʼaatti qabamee akka hin beekne dubbataniiru. The entertainment industry seems to become ever more skillful at glamorizing all kinds of wrongdoing while making a mockery of Jehovah's standards of right and wrong. The authorities say that they do not know all this system of things until today. Firaansiiskoon dhimma kanarratti Alfireedoo wajjin mariʼachuuf dursa kan fudhate yommuu taʼu, Alfireedoonis jaluma jalaan akka isaaf kaffalamu walii gale. Do You Share in Making Christian Meetings Upbuilding? Francisco took the matter to discuss the subject and agreed that he was paid to break free from it. (2) Dibamtoonni ofiif ilaalcha akkamii qabaachuu qabu? Your wife must feel cherished. (2) How should the anointed view themselves? 3 Maleekonni Jireenya Kee Irratti Dhiibbaa Gochuu Dandaʼuu? Can You Explain? 3 Can Angels influence Your Life? Hundumaa caalaa, misiraachoon kun lallabamuunsaa maqaan Yihowaa guutummaa biyya lafaarratti ulfina akka argatu godha. (Far. AFTER Anita * was baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, her husband became fiercely opposed. Moreover, the good news will bring glory to Jehovah's name throughout the earth. Dabalataanis Waaqayyo, Waaqa " jalʼinni isa keessa hin jirre ' waan taʼeef, gareen namoota amanamummaadhaan isa tajaajilaa jiranii matumaa akka balleeffaman hin godhu. (Kes. Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. Moreover, since God is "the God of lawlessness, " the group of faithful ones will never be destroyed. Uumamni namaa garuu hin jijjiiramu. Really, then, what better thing could we do for our loved ones than to pray for them? creation, however, does not change. Namni wal dorgommii ispoortii waraabame tokko ilaalu, qabxii isa dhumaa beekuuf wal dorgommii daqiiqaa dhumaarratti godhamerraa jalqabuu dandaʼa. • How did humans come to experience suffering? A competition with a sports game may begin to get out of the last minute in order to get out of the last minute. Yohaannis: Maal jechuukeeti? Danièle, who has been visiting fellow Witnesses in nursing homes for some 20 years, observes, "When the staff of a nursing home notice that a person has regular visits, he or she gets better care. " Jon: What do you mean? Waaqeffattoonni cuuphamanis taʼan hin cuuphamne Waaqayyo duratti itti gaafatamu. Some even traveled to foreign countries. Whether baptized worshippers are baptized or not, they are accountable to God. Kaan immoo manaa gara manaa deemuuf illee ni yaalu taʼa; haa taʼu malee maal lallabu? Would the fact that he smokes and you do not smoke automatically mean that you are prejudiced against him? Others may try to go from door to door, but what do they preach? Kun yaanni Phaawulos, " warri akka fedha fooniitti jiraatan ' "yaadni isaanii wantoota foonii irratti xiyyeeffata " jechuudhaan dubbate maal jechuu akka taʼe hubachuuf nu gargaara. What the Bible says This helps us to understand Paul's words: "Those who are walking according to the flesh keep their minds fixed on the things of the flesh. " Namoonni kun raajiin Isaayaas dursee kan dubbatame utuu hin ta'in, erga wanti kun raawwatamee booda kan barreeffamedha jedhu. In the case of clown fish, protection is skin - deep. They claim that Isaiah's prophecy was foretold rather than foretold. Maatiiwwan, sagantaa Waaqeffannaa Maatiisaaniirratti wantoota kanarratti mariʼachuudhaan faayidaa ni argatu. Contains texts that answer 20 Scriptural questions Family heads benefit by considering these sessions during your Family Worship evening. " "Ooʼaan kakaʼee " lallabuudhaan akka namicha Samaariyaa gaarummaa argisiisaan jiraa? ' Again, "the Provider of escape " has proved true to his promise:" Any weapon... formed against you will have no success. " " DO YOU show kindness to the neighborly Samaritan by preaching "? ' Fakkeenya Yesus waaʼee nama sanyii facaasuu dubbaterraa barumsa akkamii arganna? What must we do to keep our faith strong? What lesson can we learn from Jesus ' illustration of the sower? Akkasitti xiinxaluun keessan wanta barattanirratti amanannaa cimaa qabaachuuf isin gargaara. Varied Reactions Such meditation will help you to build strong confidence in what you believe. Haataʼu malee, utuma hin turin bobaʼaan ni dhume. Let me go up against God's enemies, as I did then. ' Or would David seek Jehovah's direction? Before long, though, the fuel stopped. Bohaartiiwwan addunyaan kun dhiheessu gochawwan dogoggoraatiin kan guutame waan taʼeef, qajeelfama Yihowaan wanta sirrii taʼee fi wanta dogoggora taʼeef baase kan salphisu dha. (Isa. It is key that we apply God's counsel. Because the entertainment industry is filled with wrong practices, it is Jehovah's direction to do what is right and to do what is wrong. Walgaʼiiwwan Gumii Kan Nama Cimsan Akka Taʼan Gumaacha Ni Gootaa? However, the Bible says of God: "The Rock, perfect is his activity, for all his ways are justice. Do You Take the Lead in Helping Others? Haati manaakee akka ishee kunuunsitu itti dhaga'amuu qaba. Study Article 1 PAGES 3 - 7 A wife needs to feel cared for. Ibsuu Dandeessaa? Their concise presentation has at times awakened so much interest that the householder finds that he is not too busy for a brief conversation. Can You Explain? AANIITAAN * cuuphamtee yeroo Dhugaa Baatuu Yihowaa taatetti abbaan manaa ishee gar malee ishee morme. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) WHEN her husband was baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, she bitterly opposed her husband. Waliif danda'aa, namni tokko isa kaan yoo komate waliif dhiisaa; gooftaan akkuma isiniif dhiise, isinis immoo waliif dhiisaa! While Paul's remarks were addressed to anointed Christians, what he said about God's spirit and Christ's ransom sacrifice can benefit all servants of Jehovah regardless of the hope they entertain. Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. Kadhannaan keenya, wanta Yihowaan nama sanaaf gochuuf hin yaadne akka isaa godhu isa kakaasuu dandaʼa. Overall, verbs are rendered in a simpler way, focusing on the action rather than on the incomplete or complete aspects reflected in the Hebrew. Our prayers may move him to do something that Jehovah does not care about the person he does. • Ilmaan namootaa rakkinarra kan bu'an akkamitti? The Hebrew word translated "vanity " refers to something empty, futile, meaningless, of no substance, or of no lasting value. • How will mankind suffer? Obboleessi Daani'el jedhamuufi gara waggaa 20tiif Dhugaa Baatota dhaabbilee kunuunsi itti godhamuuf keessatti argaman daawwate tokko akkas jedheera: "Warri dhaabbata maanguddoota kunuunsan keessaa hojjetan, nama yeroo yeroodhaan gaafatamuuf kunuunsa gaarii godhu. " Almighty God does have both the power and the desire to do just that - and soon. Daniel, who has visited a Witness for 20 years in nursing homes for nearly 20 years, says: "The staff of the nursing home provides practical care while caring for the needs of the elderly. " Isaan keessaa tokko tokko biyya isaaniitii ala illee deemaniiru. Did the faithful apostles succeed in doing this to the end of their earthly lives? Some even moved away from their homeland. Inni tamboo waan xuuxuu fi ati immoo waan hin xuuxneef isa jibbita jechuu dhaa? They have a strange religion. " Did he mean that you would not smoke because he was smoking and you did not change? Kitaabni Qulqulluun maal jedha? Do Not Grieve Jehovah's Holy Spirit What the Bible says Eegumsi kilaawun fiishiin argatu, gogaa isaa irratti kan hundaaʼe dha. For these and other reasons, we made a wise decision when we chose to follow him. The anemone's anemone depend on their skin. Caqasawwan gaaffii Kitaaba Qulqulluu 20 taʼaniif deebii taʼan qabateera What will help us to examine the depth of our love for Christ? Bible verses provide answers to 20 questions Yeroo kanattis Yihowaan inni " nu furu ' abdii, "Si balleessuudhaaf mi'i waraanaa yoo qopheeffame iyyuu, si miidhuu hin danda'u " jechuudhaan kenne raawwateera. I also worked at Assembly Halls in New York City. Again, Jehovah, "the Provider of escape, " has fulfilled his promise:" Any weapon whatever formed against you will have no success. " Amantii keenya cimsuuf maal gochuu qabna? (b) What added stress may we face? What must we do to strengthen our faith? Deebii Garaagaraa As awkward as it may be, talk to your child about all aspects of puberty. - Bible principle: Acts 20: 20. The Answers to the Heart Akkuman kanaan dura godhe mee kaʼeen diinota Waaqayyootti duula ' jedhee yaadamoo, qajeelfama akka isaaf kennu Waaqayyoon gaafata laata? Because what is on the printed page originates from a spoken language. Would he have asked God to guide him or guide him, just as he had previously done? Gorsa Waaqayyoo hojiirra oolchuun keenya murteessaadha. One significant factor that may have a bearing on the timing of Jesus ' impalement is this: Scourging or whipping was considered a part of the impalement process. Applying God's counsel is vital. Haata'u malee, Macaafni Qulqulluun Waaqayyoon ilaalchisee akkas jedha: "Inni kattaa jabaa dha, wanti inni godhus mudaa hin qabu, karaan isaa hundinuus qajeelaa dha, inni Waaqayyo amanamaa dha, jal'innis isa keessa hin jiru, inni dhuga - qabeessaa fi qajeelaa dha. 5: 15 - 17. Regarding God, the Bible says: "The Rock, perfect is his activity, for all his ways are justice, for righteous and upright. Mataduree Qayyabannaa 1 FUULA 3 - 7 Let us, then, be resolved to remain spiritually clean, supporting the King of Peace. Study Article 1 PAGES 3 - 7 Kunis al tokko tokko namoonni fedhii guddaa akka qabaatan kan godhu siʼa taʼu, maree gabaabaa akkasiitiif yeroo akka hin dhabne ni hubatu. Did the supplication of the righteous man Moses have "much force " in Aaron's case? This creates a strong interest in people, and at times they realize that they have no time left for such a conversation. (የመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ትምህርቶች > የመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ጥያቄዎችና መልሶቻቸው jalaa ilaali) What a powerful answer Valentina gave to Satan, who claimed that humans will not remain loyal to God in the face of trials! (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) Phaawulos ergaa kana kan barreesse Kiristiyaanota dibamoodhaaf taʼus, wanti inni hafuura Waaqayyoofi aarsaa furii Kiristos ilaalchisee dubbate, Kiristiyaanota abdii samiirra jiraachuus taʼe lafarra jiraachuu qaban hundaaf faayidaa argamsiisuu dandaʼa. The truth about Jesus can be discerned in his words and actions, which are recorded in the four Biblical Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Paul wrote to anointed Christians, but what he said about God's spirit and the ransom sacrifice of Christ can benefit all Christians, whether they have the hope of living in heaven or on earth. Walumaa galatti, gochimni Afaan Ibrootaatiin ibsame tokko kan xumurame ykn kan hin xumuramne taʼuu isaa irratti xiyyeeffachuu mannaa gochi isaa karaa salphaa taʼeen ibsameera. Will he keep his word and give over his daughter so that she could serve at the tabernacle for the rest of her life? In a general sense, the original Hebrew language is described in a simple way instead of focusing on whether it was completed or not. Jechi afaan Ibrootaa "waa'ee hin baasu " jedhu, wanta duwwaa, gatii kan hin qabne, hiika kan hin qabnefi faayidaa yeroo dheeraa turu kan hin argamsiisne jedhamee hiikameera. (Lal. 11 Is It Possible to Build Faith in a Creator? The Hebrew word rendered "not out of use " conveys the idea of what is worthless, worthless, and lasting value. Waaqni inni hundumaa dandaʼu humnas taʼe fedhii kana gochuuf isa dandeessisu qaba; kana kan godhu immoo yeroo dhihootti dha. Why, "the people began to brace themselves upon the words of Hezekiah "! The almighty God has the power to do so - and he will soon do so. Ergamoonni Yesus warri amanamoo ta'an jireenyasaanii isa lafarraa hamma xumuranitti akkas gochuudhaan milkaa'ina argataniiruu? Like the ancient prophet Jeremiah, Peter and John could not hold back from carrying out their commission to preach. - Acts 4: 18 - 20; Jeremiah 20: 9. Did Jesus ' faithful apostles succeed in doing so until they finished their earthly course? Isaan amantii haaraa ta'e qabataniiru " jedhu kennameefii ture. Years have passed since my husband left, but at times I still feel hollow inside. They were given "a new faith. " Hafuura Yihowaa Isa Qulqulluu Hin Gaddisiisinaa! After Adam observed each animal and assigned it a suitable name, Jehovah did not step in and override Adam's choices. Do Not Forget Jehovah's Holy Spirit! Sababiiwwan kanaafi kaaniin kan ka'e, isa duukaa bu'uuf yommuu filanne murtoo gaarii gooneerra. Consider the case of the apostle Peter. Because of these and other reasons, we made good decisions when we chose to follow him. Jaalalli Kiristoosiif qabnu cimaa taʼuu isaa beekuuf maaltu nu gargaaruu dandaʼa? 17, 18. What can help us to determine whether our love for Christ is strong? Akkasumas, Galmawwan Walgaʼii Guguddaa Niiwu Yoork Siitiitti argaman keessatti hojjedheera. Many times it would get so bad that I did not want to go to school. " I also attended Assembly Halls in New York City. (b) Dhiphinni dabalataa akkamii nurra gaʼuu dandaʼa? A Greek - English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature. (b) What added stress can we experience? Kan nama qaanessu taʼuu illee, ijoollee keessanii wajjin wantoota umurii dargaggummaa wajjin wal qabatan hunda irratti haasaʼaa. - Qajeelfama Kitaaba Qulqulluu: Hojii Ergamootaa 20: 20. He told the Ephesian Christians: "You have heard about the stewardship of God's undeserved kindness that was given to me for your sakes. " Even if it is embarrassing, talk to your children about everything associated with youth. - Bible principle: Acts 20: 20. Sababiinsaa wanti waraqaarratti barreeffamu wanta afaaniin dubbatamurraa kan maddu waan ta'eefidha. Admittedly, Christians would face dangers other than those from apostates and their teachings. Because the written text is a product of what is said. 23: 44. Saʼaatii Yesus itti fannifamerratti yaanni garaagaraa akka jiraatu wanta gochuu dandaʼu keessaa tokko, reebichis kutaa fannifamuu akka taʼetti ilaalamaa kan ture taʼuusaati. 6 / 15 Facing the End of This Old World Together, 12 / 15 The date of Jesus ' death was considered to be a symbol of a variety of factors that were considered to be part of the torture stake. 5: 15 - 17. This is especially true when we talk about a person whom we love. 5: 15 - 17. Kanaafuu, Mootii nagaa deggeruudhaan karaa hafuuraa qulqulluu taanee jiraachuuf haa murteessinu. Therefore, "on seeing the crowds, he felt pity for them, because they were skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd. " Let us, therefore, be determined to maintain spiritual peace by supporting the King. 9: 19, 20) Kadhannaan Museen inni nama qajeelaa ta'e dhiheesse, Aaroniin oolchuuf "humna guddaa " qaba turee? Shirley: OK. Did the righteous man Moses have "great power " to rescue Aaron? Vaalentiinaan, himata Seexanaa isa ilmaan namootaa yoo rakkinni isaanirra ga'e Waaqayyoof amanamoo hin ta'an jedhuuf deebii quubsaa kenniteetti! Are we making association at Christian meetings a regular part of our life? How satisfying it would have been to answer Satan's accusation that he would not remain loyal to God despite the trials of mankind! Dubbiifi gocha Yesusirraa waaʼeesaa beekuun kan dandaʼamu siʼa taʼu, wanti inni dubbateefi godhemmoo Wangeelota arfan, jechuunis Wangeela Maatewos, Maarqos, Luqaasiifi Yohannisirratti galmeeffameera. It took faith and courage to put out Kingdom News. " It is possible to learn from Jesus ' words and actions, and the four Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke, Luke, Luke, and John - are recorded in the Gospels. Waadaa gale eeguudhaan, intalli isaa jireenya ishii guutuu godoo qulqullaaʼaa keessatti akka tajaajiltuuf dabarsee kennaa laata? (c. 69 - a. Did he give his daughter the prospect of serving at the tabernacle, allowing his daughter to serve at the tabernacle? 11 Barumsa Dogoggoraa 2: Hamoonni Barabaraaf Ibiddaan Gubatu Some had a Jewish background. 11 Did You Know? Seenaansaa, "Jarri dubbii Hisqiyaas... dubbateen humna in argatan " jedha. Does the principle still apply when the husband is an unbeliever? The account says: "The people spoke the words of Hezekiah... Akkuma Ermiyaas raajichaa, Phexrosiifi Yohannis hojii akka lallabaniif isaanitti kenname raawwachuurraa duubatti jechuu hin dandeenye. - Hojii Ergamootaa 4: 18 - 20; Ermiyaas 20: 9. A 16th - century Persian carpet, in the Philadelphia Museum of Art, in Pennsylvania, U.S.A., shows a walled garden with trees and flowers woven into its design. Like the prophet Jeremiah, Peter, and John, they could not hold back from carrying out the commission to preach. - Acts 4: 18 - 20; Jeremiah 20: 9. Abbaan manaa koo erga na dhiisee deemee waggoonni hedduun darbaniiru; taʼus amma illee kophaa akkan taʼee fi gatii akkan hin qabne natti dhagaʼama. Do not be afraid or be terrified. " - Deut. My husband left me for many years, but I still felt inferior and worthless. Addaam bineensota sana sirriitti hubatee maqaa isaaniif taʼu erga isaaniif baasee booda, Yihowaan gidduu hin seenne; akkasumas maqaa Addaam isaaniif baase hin jijjiirre. So it must have meant that we should adjust to another and more outstanding way to publish the good news of the Kingdom. " After Adam clearly identified the animals, Jehovah did not let the animals go between them, and Adam did not change the names of Adam. Mee Phexrosiin akka fakkeenyaatti haa ilaallu. Initially, they could not find jobs. Consider Peter. 17, 18. Although we had to leave after spending a few weeks in a certain place, we often asked the most interested people to continue studying with the others until we returned. 17, 18. Doorsisnisaa waan natti cimeef, yeroo baay'ee mana barumsaa dhaquullee hin barbaadun ture. " Through his organization, Jehovah gives us timely counsel about many areas of life - our conduct with the opposite sex, our associations, and our recreation. I didn't want to go to school, so I often didn't want to go to school. " Ee Giriik Ingilish Leeksiikon oov za Niiwu Teestaamanti eendi Aazer Eerlii Kiristiyaan Liitireechar. As we saw, the seven times began when Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 B.C.E. Greek Greece is the Christian Church of the New Testament and of the New Testament. Kiristiyaanota Efesooniin akkana jedhee ture: " Gaarummaa Waaqayyoo isa guddaa irraa faayidaa akka argattan isin gargaaruuf itti gaafatamummaan natti kennamuu isaa dhageessaniittu. ' Jehovah your God is with you. " - Joshua 1: 9. He told the Christians in Ephesus: "You heard that you should be given to help you benefit from God's undeserved kindness. " Kiristiyaanotarra balaan kan ga'u, gantootaafi barumsa isaan barsiisan qofarraa akka hin taane beekamaadha. " THE Romans ' greatest... bequest to those who succeeded them [was] their law and their sense that life should be lived according to law. " Of course, Christians are not immune to dangers, apostates, and teachings. Yihowaa Isa Mootii Barabaraa Taʼe Waaqeffadhaa, 1 / 15 How might this happen? Are You Known by God's Kingdom? Keessumaa waa'ee nama jaallannuu yommuu dubbannu wanti kun dhugaa ta'uunsaa ifatti mul'ata. On the other hand, many men are less inclined to discuss their feelings and are more likely to talk about activities, problems, and solutions. This is especially evident when we speak about someone we love. Kanaafuu, "namoota akka hoolota tiksee hin qabneetti bututanii, gatamanii turan sana yommuu arge isaaniif ooʼe. " To elders in the Ephesian congregation, Paul said: "Pay attention to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the holy spirit has appointed you overseers, to shepherd the congregation of God, which he purchased with the blood of his own Son. " Hence, "he felt pity for them when they were skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd. " Badhaatuu: Tole. It is designed to catch the victim by surprise. Shirley: Sure. Yeroo hunda walgaʼii irratti ni argamnaa? Consider an example - the vision found at Daniel 8: 1 - 7, recorded toward the end of the Babylonian Empire. Do we attend meetings regularly? Tiraaktii Oduu Mootummichaa jedhu raabsuun amantiifi ija jabina kan gaafatu ture. " Illustrate. The news of the Kingdom involved faith and courage. " SIWUTOONIYAS In high school, she won awards because she did well academically and excelled in sports. THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT Tokko tokko Yihudoota turan. • From time to time, watch and discuss a Bible - based video. Some Jews were Jews. Abbaan manaa hidhata amantiishee yeroo hin taanettis seerri bu'uuraa kun ni hojjetaa? As for the reason why a person is identified as a sheep, the article concluded that people would be judged as such because they acknowledged Jesus as their Lord and looked to the Kingdom to bring better conditions. Does the same principle apply when a husband does not share his faith? Muuziyamii Artii Filaadelfiyaa, Pensilvaaniyaa, Yunaayitid Isteetisitti argamu keessa afatni warra Faares jaarraa 16ffaatti hojjetamee fi jannanni mukeetii fi abaaboo garaa gara qabu, akkasumas dallaan itti ijaarame irratti kaafame jira. What achievement would make you genuinely happy? In the 16th century, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., U.S. jechuu dandaʼeera. - Kes. I knew that I had to do something to cheer myself up. Be made clean. " - Deut. Kanaaf haalli kun akkaataa lallabaa caalaatti buʼa qabeessa taʼeefi misiraachoo Mootummichaa itti babalʼisuu dandeenyutti jijjiiruuf nu kakaaseera. ' What is propaganda? So this situation moved us to change the way we preached and to spread the good news of the Kingdom. ' Kanaa mannaa hoʼa guddaafi mukkeen loomiitiin kan guutamedha " jedheera. He kindly gave counsel to his disciples, even repeatedly when necessary. Rather, it is filled with warm heat and structure. " Naannoo taʼe tokko torban muraasaaf erga turree booda achii waan deemnuuf, hamma nuti deebinutti namoonni fedhii qaban, namoota kaan akka qoʼachiisan isaan gaafanna turre. In our teaching, we seek to help our students develop a mind that knows Jehovah and a heart that loves him. After just a few weeks in the territory, we visited interested ones and asked them to study with others. Qajeelfama akkasii gammachuudhaan fudhachuu fi hojii irra oolchuudhaan, galateeffannaa qabnu ibsuu, akkasumas garaadhaa dhugumaan Yihowaa akka jaallannu argisiisuu dandeenya. - Yoh. Jesus himself said: "I have come down from heaven. " By accepting such direction and applying it, we express our gratitude and express our heartfelt love for Jehovah. Akkuma kanaan dura ilaalle, barri torban yeroo Yerusaalem Dh.K.D. bara 607 tti balleeffamtetti jalqabe. At night before retiring, we knelt next to the bed, and he prayed for us. As we have seen, the seven times began in 607 B.C.E. when Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 B.C.E. 1: 9 Obadiah was not superhuman; he was afraid of getting caught and killed, just as we would be. 1: 9 " WANTI warri Roomaa... ijoolleesaaniitiif dhaala godhanii kennan inni guddaan seerasaaniifi jireenyi akka seerasaaniitti akka itti fufu ilaalcha isaan qabanidha. " This article shows what we can learn about the Great Potter from the way he has molded individuals and nations in times past. " THE Romans... gave their children the high code of laws and laws that they should keep their lives alive. " Kun gaʼuu kan dandaʼu akkamitti? These articles will deepen our gratitude for the Bible as well as our love for its Author. How is that possible? Faallaa kanaatiin, dhiironni hedduun miirasaanii balʼinaan ibsuu hin jaallatan, kanaa mannaa, waaʼee hojii, waaʼee rakkinaafi furmaatasaanii dubbachuu jaallatu. Speaking of that time, the Bible says regarding Jesus: "He will send out his angels with a great trumpet sound, and they will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds, from one extremity of the heavens to their other extremity. " In contrast, instead of expressing their feelings too much, many men like to talk about the job, the problem, and the solution. Phaawulos jaarsolii Efesooniin akkas jedhee ture: "Of eeggadhaa, karra hoolota Waaqayyoo warra hafuurri qulqulluun akka eegdaniif isin dhaabeefis, eeggadhaa! waldaa kristiyaanaa isa Waaqayyo dhiiga tokkicha ilma isaatiin kan isaa godhate eegaa! " There was more. Paul told the Ephesian elders: "Pay attention to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the holy spirit has appointed you overseers, to shepherd the congregation of God, which he purchased with the blood of his own Son. " Dhokfamee kan kaʼamus, kiyyichi akka tasaa wanta adamsamu sana akka qabatu yaadameeti. Compared with Pharaoh's military forces in their war chariots, the Israelites moved at a ponderous pace. As a result, we are told that the clown fish suddenly gets ready to get ready for the food. Mee fakkeenya tokko haa ilaallu. Mulʼanni, Daaniʼel 8: 1 - 7 rratti argamu kan barreeffame gara xumura bulchiinsa Baabilonitti ture. 11: 17 - 19. Consider an example from Revelation 8: 1 - 7, which was written at Daniel 8: 1 - 7. Fakkeenya kenni. How can husbands live by the Golden Rule? Give an example. Mana barumsaa sadarkaa lammaffaatti barumsasheetti qabxii guddaa waan fiddeef, akkasumas ispoortiidhaan warra kaanirra waan caalteef badhaafamtee turte. Then, in May 1989, while plans were under way for even larger conventions, the Polish government granted Jehovah's Witnesses legal recognition. She was attached to her higher education in the highest school, and she had been encouraged by others because she was like sports. • Yeroo yerootti viidiyoo Macaafa Qulqulluurratti hundaaʼe ilaaluudhaan irratti mariʼadhaa. motivate you to have a full share in the field ministry? • As you discuss the video What Does the Bible Really Teach? Mata dureen kun, sababiin namoonni hoolota akka taʼanitti isaaniif murteeffamu, Yesus Gooftaa isaanii akka taʼe waan hubatanii fi jireenya gaarii kan fidu Mootummicha taʼuu isaa waan amananiif akka taʼe ibsee ture. So he may feel that he is above the direction and counsel of fellow Christians, the elders, or even God's organization. This article shows that people will be judged as sheep because they recognize Jesus as their Master and are convinced that the Kingdom will bring good results. Gammachuu dhugaa argachuuf kan si dandeessisu maalidha? The apocryphal Acts of Paul and Acts of Peter emphasize complete abstinence from sexual relations and even depict the apostles as urging women to separate from their husbands. What can help you to find true happiness? Of gammachiisuuf waa gochuu akkan qabun hubadhe. Fearing Jehovah's name implies respecting him. I realized that I needed to make a living. Ololli maali dha? Jehovah could have acted long ago to eliminate or even prevent all suffering. What is propaganda? Yeroo barbaachisaa ta'etti, irra deddeebi'ee bartootasaatiif gaarummaadhaan gorsa kenna ture. Also available at www.jw.org When appropriate, he repeatedly gave his disciples counsel. Hojii barsiisuu keenyaan, barattoonni keenya Yihowaa akka beekaniifi garaasaaniitii akka isa jaallatan gargaaruu barbaanna. Unfortunately, even marriage mates who normally are unselfish do not always acknowledge each other's anxieties or value their mate's sacrifices. In our teaching, we want to help our students come to know Jehovah and love him deeply. Yesusis, "Waaqa irraa [n] gad buʼe " jechuudhaan dubbateera. When Anna presented the essay to the class, a girl known to believe in evolution fired questions at her. Jesus said: "I came down from heaven. " Galgala rafuu keenya dura siree keenya biratti jilbeenfannee waliin kadhanna turre. 10: 16; Eph. On the night before we night, we prayed together. Obaadiyaan namuma akka keenyaa qabamuufi du'uu sodaatu ture. STUDY ARTICLE 1 PAGES 3 - 7 Obadiah feared that we would be treated and die. 64: 8) Matadureen kun, akkaataa Suphe Dhooftuun Keenya inni Guddichi namootaafi saboota bara durii itti tolcherraa maal akka barannu ibsa. How, then, can you talk to your children about this important yet admittedly awkward topic? This article considers what we can learn from the way the Great Potter made known to ancient nations and nations. Mata dureewwan kun dinqisiifannaa fi jaalala Kitaaba Qulqulluu fi Abbaa kitaaba kanaa taʼeef qabnu akka guddifannu nu gargaara. We had grown to love the people of Africa and hoped to return someday. These articles will help us to deepen our appreciation and love for the Bible and its Author. Kitaabni Qulqulluun, wanta Yesus yeroo sana raawwatu ilaalchisee akkana jedha: "Inni ergamoota isaa waaqa irraa sagalee malakataa guddaa wajjin in erga, isaan immoo warra Waaqayyoof foʼaman qixa arfanii, andaara bantii waaqaa gar tokkoo hamma gara isa kaaniittis walitti in qabu. " In fact, it involves our entire relationship with God and with fellow humans. Regarding what Jesus will do on that occasion, the Bible states: "He will call his angels out of heaven a great trumpet, and they will gather them together until the four winds of the earth. " Hojiin Nohi kana qofa hin turre. While Paul was there, the holy spirit repeatedly stopped him from preaching in certain areas. Noah's assignment was not limited to that. Adeemsi Israaʼelootaa, humna waraanaa Faraʼoon warra konkolaataadhaan fiiganii wajjin ennaa walbira qabamu daaʼimuu wajjin tokkodha. He then added a further step: "You must make them known to your sons and to your grandsons. " It was like an Israelite girl when the Israelites compared Pharaoh's military forces with the chariots. 11: 17 - 19. [ Picture on page 22] 11: 17 - 19. Abbootiin manaa Seera Isa Beekamaa hojii irra oolchuu kan dandaʼan akkamitti? They may not have examined the question of God's existence carefully, but they are drawn to the idea of being free to do as they please. How can husbands apply the Golden Rule? Achiis, Caamsaa 1989 tti walgaʼiiwwan guguddaa warra kanaan duraa irra caalan geggeeffachuuf qophiin godhamaa utuu jiruu, mootummaan Poolaandi Dhugaa Baatota Yihowaatiif beekkamtii seeraa kenne. (b) What question do we do well to ask ourselves? Then, in May 1989, when the government of Jehovah's Witnesses was making arrangements to take the lead among Jehovah's Witnesses in the past, the government gave the legal recognition of Jehovah's Witnesses. tajaajilarratti guutummaatti hirmaachuuf kan si gargaaru akkamitti? What do you find most challenging about it? How can it help you to have a full share in the ministry? Kanaaf, qajeelfamniifi gorsi Kiristiyaanonni hidhatasaa taʼan, jaarsoliin ykn jaarmiyaan Waaqayyoollee isaaf kennan akka isaaf hin hojjenne itti dhagaʼama taʼa. 33: 13. So fellow Christians may feel that the counsel and counsel they receive from God's organization does not interfere with him. Kitaabonni appookiriifaa Hojii Phaawulosiifi Hojii Phexros jedhaman saalqunnamtii raawwachuurraa fagaachuu kan jajjabeessan yommuu ta'u, ergamoonni Yesusillee dubartoonni abbootii manaasaaniirraa akka adda ba'an gorsaa akka turan ibsu. 113,989 The apocryphal books that Paul and Peter were inspired to encourage men to separate themselves from their husbands. Maqaa Yihowaa sodaachuun, isa kabajuu argisiisa. Christian Elders - " Fellow Workers for Our Joy ' The fear of Jehovah shows respect for him. jedhanii gaafatu ta'a. Yihowaan rakkoowwan hunda balleessuuf ykn hambisuuf yeroo dheeraa dura tarkaanfii fudhachuu danda'a ture. To be fair, sometimes the in - laws are invited to interfere. Jehovah could have done so long before destroying all problems or destroying them. www.jw.org irrattis ni argama 13, 14. www.jw.org Hiriyoonni gaa'elaa ofittoo hin taanellee, al tokko tokko dhiphina isa kaanii ykn aarsaa inni gochaa jiru kan hin hubanne ta'uunsaanii nama gaddisiisa. In the Bible, the title "Christ " is used with reference to Jesus in various ways, such as Jesus Christ, Christ Jesus, and the Christ. Sadly, even those who are selfish may at times have little experience or no sense of self - sacrifice. Yeroo Aanaan yaada barreessite kana barattoota kutaa ishiitiif dhiheessitu, intalli jijjiirama tirannaatti amanuudhaan beekamtu tokko gaaffii hedduu ishii gaafatte. We have left all things and followed you. " When Ana wrote those words to her students, a young girl asked questions about evolution. 10: 16; Efe. So be a good listener. 10: 16; Eph. MATADUREE QAYYABANNAA 1 FUULA 3 - 7 His wisdom was "vaster than the wisdom of all the Orientals and than all the wisdom of Egypt. " STUDY ARTICLE 1 PAGES 3 - 7 Erga akkas taʼee, dhimma rakkisaa taʼus barbaachisaa taʼe kanarratti ijoollee keessanii wajjin haasaʼuu kan dandeessan akkamitti? If possible, stay home when you are sick. The U.S. How, then, can you communicate with your children about this important matter? Uummata Afriikaa baayʼee jaallannee kan turre taʼuu isaa irra iyyuu, guyyaa tokko deebiʼuuf abdannee turre. The report we submit each month is connected with our godly devotion. We had very much love for Africa, and we had the prospect of returning one day. Walitti dhufeenya Waaqayyoofi namootaa wajjin qabnu hundaa kan dabalatudha. And from day one, I legally registered my company and paid all my taxes. " - 2 Cor. It involves our relationship with God and with our fellow man. Utuu inni Galaana Eejiyaan isa Eeshiyaa ishii Xinnootti argamu bira jiruu, hafuurri qulqulluun naannoowwan tokko tokkotti akka hin lallabne irra deddeebiʼee isa dhowwee ture. If I find myself in a situation where changes seem hard to accept, I reflect on Peter's words to Jesus: " Lord, whom shall we go away to? While he was walking near the Sea of Asia, holy spirit repeatedly prevented him from preaching in some area. Itti dabaluudhaanis: "Ijoollee keessan, ijoollee ijoollee keessaniis barsiisaa! " How could full - time preachers manage during such a crisis? He adds: "Continue teaching your children and teaching your children. " [ Picture on page 12] Concerning its King, Isaiah prophesied: "There must go forth a twig out of the stump of Jesse; and out of his roots a sprout will be fruitful. And upon him the spirit of Jehovah must settle down, the spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the spirit of counsel and of mightiness, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of Jehovah. " [ Picture on page 12] Namoonni kun Waaqayyo jiraachuu fi dhiisuu isaa of eeggannoodhaan utuu hin qoratiin, " yaada waanan barbaade gochuuf bilisummaa qaba ' jedhu fudhachuuf murteessu. Thereafter, he made marked improvement. Without carefully examining God's existence, they determine whether he has the freedom to " do what I want to do. ' (b) Gaaffii kam of gaafachuun keenya barbaachisaadha? And just think of our wonderful prospects! (b) What question do we need to ask ourselves? Garuu caalaatti kan sitti ulfaate maalidha? At the temple, the Jews rioted and wanted to kill Paul. But what makes you more serious? 33: 13. With unjustified anger, Potiphar had Joseph thrown into prison. 33: 13. 113,989 Yet, many in the world around us believe that only by devoting themselves to making money can they have a secure future and take it easy later in life. 1136 Jaarsoliin Gumii - " Nu Gammachiisuuf Nu Wajjin Hojjetu ' If that is the case, what will help us to endure? Christian Elders - " Work With Us ' Dhugaa dubbachuuf taanaan, yeroo tokko tokko warri hiriyaa gaaʼelaa gaaʼela ijoolleesaanii keessa kan galan afeeramaniiti. 14, 15. (a) When under pressure, what should youths keep in mind? Of course, at times parents are invited to a married couple. 13, 14. By means of holy spirit, Jehovah helped them to grasp vital spiritual truths while the wise and intellectual ones, who scorned them, remained blinded by Satan and by their own pride. 13, 14. Macaafa Qulqulluu keessatti maqaan ulfinaa "Kiristos " jedhu, Yesusii wajjin haala wal qabateen karaa addaddaa kan itti hojjetame si'a ta'u, isaanis Yesus Kiristos, Kiristos Yesusiifi Kiristos kan jedhanidha. Having "come to know God, " what do you want to do now? In the Bible, the title "Christ " is used in various ways in connection with Jesus Christ, and they claim to be Jesus Christ. Yeroo tokko Phexros Yesusiin: "Kunoo, nuyi hundumaa dhiifnee si duukaa buune " jedhee ture. Why should we be interested in Paul's counsel? On one occasion, Peter said to Jesus: "Look! We have left all things and followed you. " Kanaaf akka gaariitti isaan dhaggeeffadhu. Why is making a living important? So listen carefully. Ogummaansaas, "ogummaa namoota gara baʼa - biiftuu fi namoota Gibxii hundumaa caalaa guddaa ture. " " Even before my parents overcame their difficulties, " Juliza says, "the Bible helped me to improve my outlook. " The wisdom from above was far superior to all the wisdom of the peoples and the Egyptians. " Dandaʼamnaan yeroo dhukkubsattu manaa hin baʼin. I have made your name known to them and will make it known. " - JOHN 17: 6, 26. If possible, do not leave home when possible. Gabaasni jiʼa jiʼaan deebisnu, nama Waaqayyoo taʼuu keenyaa wajjin walitti dhufeenya qaba. Perhaps someone in the congregation hurt you and as a result you stopped associating with Jehovah's organization. The month - month month report has to do with our relationship with our godly devotion. Akkasumas guyyaa jalqabaatii kaasee, kaampaanii koo seeraan kanan galmeessise siʼa taʼu qaraxa hundas kaffaluun jalqabe. " - 2 Qor. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Since the first day, I had been paid by the company of all the tax. " - 2 Cor. Fooyya'iinsa tokko tokko fudhachuun yoo natti ulfaate, jecha Phexros isa akkas jedhurrattan xiinxala: " Si dhiifnee eenyu bira dhaqna ree? Moreover, Job showed love for others, realizing that anyone withholding loyal love from fellow humans will abandon the reverential fear of the Almighty. If I find it hard to accept some refinements, I meditate on Peter's words: "Lord, whom shall we go away to? Tajaajiltoonni yeroo guutuu, yeroo rakkisaa ta'e kanatti akkamitti jiraachaa turan? Such impositions were oppressive, highly unpopular, and bitterly resented by the Jews. How did full - time servants live in these critical times? (Dan. 7: 13, 14) Mootii Mootummaa kanaa ilaalchisee Isaayaas, "Hidda Iseyi keessaa latiin in baʼa, dameenis hundee isaa keessaa baʼee ija in godhata; hafuurri Waaqayyoo isa irra in buufata, innis hafuura ogummaatii fi hafuura hubannaa ti, hafuura gorsaatii fi hafuura humnaa ti, hafuura beekumsaatii fi hafuura sodaa Waaqayyoo ti " jechuudhaan raajii dubbatee ture. (Isa. Why is negative gossip so dangerous? Concerning that Kingdom, Isaiah foretold: "There will come out of Jesse, and there will be a blossom of Jesse, and there will be a spirit of wisdom and of knowledge; and the spirit of Jehovah must be of wisdom and of wisdom and of knowledge. " Sana boodas, jijjiirama gaarii argisiisuu jalqabe. This book promotes communication in other ways as well. Thereafter, he began to make fine changes. Badiisa sirna hamaa kanaa jalaa oolanii addunyaa haaraa Yihowaan fidu keessa jiraachuun hangam akka nama gammachiisu yaadaa! He was interested in you back then, and he is as interested in you today as he ever was. Imagine how wonderful it will be to survive the end of this wicked system of things and live in Jehovah's new world! Yihudoonni mana qulqullummaa keessatti Phaawulosiin mormaniiru; isa ajjeesuufis yaalaniiru. But as individuals, how do we cooperate now with God's administration? The Jews opposed Paul in the temple, and they tried to kill him. Phoxiifaar oduu haatimanaasaa, Yoseef ishee gudeeduuf akka yaale itti himte amaneera. House Desk Potiphar's wife believed that Joseph tried to rape her. Namoonni biyyaa lafaa hedduun, yaaddoorraa walaba taʼuufi yeroo dulloomanitti tasgabbiidhaan jiraachuuf nu gargaara jedhanii waan yaadaniif qarshii argachuurratti xiyyeeffatu. To a large extent, results depend on the heart condition of the hearer. But ultimately, it is God who makes it grow! Many people in the world focus their attention on finding money because they feel that they will be free of anxiety and that they will be able to cope with the aging process. Kana yoo ta'e jabaannee akka dhaabannu maaltu nu gargaaruu danda'a? Nevertheless, he attended a district convention and received a copy of the Bible Teach book. What can help us to endure? 14, 15. (a) Dargaggoonni yeroo dhiibbaan isaan irra gaʼu maal yaadachuu qabu? Racquel and Phillip 14, 15. (a) What should young ones keep in mind when facing peer pressure? Dhiibbaan Seexanaa fi koorri, namoota bartoota kana tuffatanii fi ogeessota taʼan hubannaa dhabsiisee ture; bartoonni kun garuu gargaarsa Yihowaan karaa hafuura qulqulluutiin isaanii godheen dhugaa hafuuraa baayʼee barbaachisaa taʼe hubachuu dandaʼaniiru. 12, 13. Satan's influence, pride, and pride adjusted their understanding of these disciples, but these disciples were able to discern the vital truth about Jehovah's holy spirit by means of his holy spirit. " Waaqayyoon beekuu bira erga geenyee ' booda maal gochuu nu barbaachisa? Why is faith essential if we are to survive the end of Satan's system of things? What do we need to do after "we came to know God "? Gorsa Phaawulosiif xiyyeeffannaa kennuu kan qabnu maaliifi? Which view do you consider more reasonable? Why should we pay attention to Paul's counsel? Hojiin jireenya keenya keessatti barbaachisaa kan taʼe maaliifi? Think of it! Why is secular work important in our lives? Julaayzaan akkana jetteetti: "Maatiin koo rakkina isaanii keessaa utuu hin baʼin dura iyyuu, Kitaabni Qulqulluun ilaalcha koo fooyyeffachuuf na gargaareera. No doctrinal falsehood is "found in their mouths, " and they remain" without blemish " from Satan's world. " Even before my family left their problems, the Bible has helped me to improve my view. Maqaan kee isaan biratti akka beekamu godheera... Ammas akka beekamu nan godha. " - YOHANNIS 17: 6, 26. Kun Hiika Maalii Qaba? When Elijah informed King Ahab of Jehovah's intention to bring about a drought, he confidently declared: "As surely as Jehovah... is living,... there will be no dew or rain except by my word! " I have made your name known to them... and will make it known. " - JOHN 17: 6, 26. Tarii miseensi gumii tokko waan si miidheef walga'ii gumiirratti argamuu dhaabdeetta ta'a. Table of Contents Perhaps a member of the congregation suffers from hurting you, so you may attend congregation meetings. Hojii addunyaa maratti Kitaaba Qulqulluu barsiisuuf adeemsifamu keessaa tokko dha; buusii qarshii namoonni fedhiidhaan kennaniin qophaaʼa. 14, 15. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. 10: 12) Kana malees, Iyoob namni namootaaf jaalala dhugaa hin qabne Waaqa Hundumaa Dandaʼu kan hin sodaanne taʼuusaa waan beekuuf, namootatti jaalala argisiiseera. (Iyo. 4: 2. Moreover, Job showed love for people because he knew that the Almighty is a God of love. Gochi akkasii, Yihudoota biratti akka hacuuccaatti kan ilaalamu, jibbamaafi fudhatama kan hin qabne ture. (b) Give an example of published material that can help Christians to avoid adultery. Such conduct was viewed as a form of oppression, stealing, and unacceptable. Hamiin balaa guddaa qaba kan jennu maaliifi? Doing so will help us to imitate Jesus in manifesting courage and zeal as we share in the work he commissioned his disciples to do. Why can we say that harmful gossip is dangerous? Karaa biraatiinis yaadaan akka wal qunnamtan carraa isinii kenna. Resurrection, 10 / 1 On the other hand, they give you opportunities to communicate with one another. (Mil. 3: 6; Yaq. 1: 17) Inni akkuma kanaan duraa ammas siif yaada. Loedi), 2 / 1 He still cares for you as he once did. Taʼus, dhuunfaadhaan bulchiinsa Waaqayyoo deggeruu kan dandeenyu akkamitti? King Jehoram had been wounded in battle and had withdrawn to the city of Jezreel, hoping to recuperate. But how can we personally support God's rulership? Mana Minjaala Furii Can you imagine Sarah's anguish in asking that of her husband? A Visit to the House Bu'aan argamu, caalaatti haala garaa nama ergicha dhaggeeffatuurratti kan hundaa'e ta'uyyuu, kan guddisu garuu Waaqayyodha! Who benefits from his death? The results are more dependent on the person's heart condition, but God makes it grow! Ta'us, walga'ii koonyaarratti argamuudhaan kitaaba Barumsa Macaafa Qulqulluu jedhu fudhate. " Very little is expected of them. " Yet, he accepted the Bible Teach book at district conventions. Raakeliifi Filiippi It was a hard lesson with a happy outcome. " Raquel and Jennifer 12, 13. Taking a sincere interest in such ones can be of great help to them and can satisfy our own desire to love and be loved. - Luke 6: 38. 12, 13. Badiisa sirna Seexanaatti dhufu jalaa ooluu yoo barbaanne amantaa qabaachuun kan nu barbaachisu maaliifi? Instead, he chose a course that to others - perhaps even to some relatives - seemed to be sheer folly. Why do we need faith if we want to survive the end of Satan's wicked system? Yaada isa kamtu caalaatti amansiisaa sitti fakkaata? When faced with far - reaching decisions, we do not trust in our own wisdom but look to Jehovah and his organization for guidance. Which idea do you think is more reliable? Mee yaadaa! When a couple fail to show appreciation for each other, their marriage is bound to cause them more "tribulation in their flesh " than it would otherwise. - 1 Corinthians 7: 28. Just think! Dibamtoonni lafarratti argaman kun, gara fuulduraatti Hoolichaa wajjin gara samiitti " isa duukaa bu'u. ' - Yoh. It is expansive and affects us all. These anointed ones will " follow him ' with the heavenly hope. Eliyaas Yihowaan ongee fiduuf akka jedhu Ahaab Mootichatti yeroo himetti ija jabinaan, " Dhugaa Waaqayyoo, hamma ani guyyaa isaa himutti fixeensi lafa irratti hin argamu yookiis bokkaan hin roobu! ' jedhee ture. (1 Mot. I was sentenced to a two - year prison term. When Elijah told King Ahab that Jehovah would bring an end to the drought, he boldly said: "The true God will not say or rain until I tell the day of judgment on the earth. " (Amaariffa) Paul set a fine example of respecting his brothers ' right of free will to make decisions. By Way of Review Ittiin Baafata They do not want to give up work that they enjoy. Table of Contents 14, 15. Logically, then, wisdom - the opposite of foolishness - would be one evidence of maturity. 14, 15. 4: 2, NW. The Jews laid the foundation of the temple in 536 B.C.E. 4: 2. (b) Yaada barreeffamarratti baʼeefi Kiristiyaanonni ejjarraa akka fagaatan isaan gargaaruu dandaʼu tokko caqasi. Gone will be the things that cause so much sorrow - strife, violence, poverty, crime, sickness, and even death. (b) Give an example that can help Christians to avoid sexual immorality. Akkas gochuun keenya, hojii Yesus bartoonnisaa akka hojjetan itti kenne yeroo hojjennu hinaaffaafi ija jabina inni argisiise qabaachuuf nu gargaara. This occurs in stages as Jehovah allows the truth to grow in the heart of a person who is rightly disposed. - Acts 13: 48; Heb. Doing so will help us to cultivate zeal and courage as we do the work Jesus assigned his disciples to do. Namoota Akkamii Ta'uu Akka Qabdan Itti Yaadaa, 8 / 15 101: 2. What Kind of Person You Ought to Be, 8 / 1 2 / 15 As you work together in worthwhile pursuits, your interests, priorities, and habits will gradually harmonize with those of your spouse until, like Aquila and Priscilla, you will increasingly think, feel, and act as "one flesh. " 2 / 1 Yoraam Mootichi dirree waraanaarratti waan madaaʼeef hamma fayyutti gara magaalaa Yizreʼel dhaqee ture. 1, 2. King Jehoram was afflicted with battle, so he went to the city of Jezreel to recover. Saaraan wanta kana yommuu abbaa manaa ishii gaafattu hangam dhiphattee akka turte tilmaamuu dandeessaa? Describe the struggle faced by the writer of Psalm 73. Can you imagine how Sarah must have felt when she asked her husband about it? Duʼasaarraa faayidaa kan argatu eenyudha? Commendably, God's servants did not try to conquer the enemy in their own strength. Who benefit from his death? Wanti isaan irraa eegamu waan xinnoo dha. " Faithful to His Promises Their needs are limited. " Muuxannoo gadhee taʼuyyuu, booda gammachuu naaf argamsiiseera. " I also take pleasure in conducting Bible discussions at morning worship before breakfast. Despite negative experiences, I later found joy in my life. " Kana malees, fedhii jaallachuufi jaallatamuuf qabnu nuu guuta. - Luq. 6: 38. Some may hesitate to get baptized out of fear that they may be disfellowshipped at a later time. Moreover, he will satisfy our desire to love and love. - Luke 6: 38. Inni garuu, jireenya tarii firoonnisaa tokko tokkollee akka gowwummaa guddaatti ilaalan jiraachuu filateera. Yes, Christine put into practice the words at 1 Peter 3: 1, and it worked! Instead, he chose to live a very foolish life, perhaps even among some of his relatives. Murtoo guddaa gochuun yeroo nu barbaachisu, ogummaa keenyatti amanamuu mannaa qajeelfama Yihowaafi jaarmiyaasaa barbaanna. Let us examine the examples of two men to see how these qualities endeared them to Jehovah. When we need to make important decisions, we seek Jehovah's guidance and organization rather than rely on our own wisdom. Addaamiifi Hewwaan, akkasumas ijoolleensaanii mirga waan barbaadan filachuuf isaanii kennametti sirriitti fayyadamuudhaan, maatii Yihowaa isa uumama cufaa wajjin tokko ta'anii barabaraaf jannata keessa jiraachuu danda'u turan. What are some aspects needing particular attention? By taking full advantage of their free will and their offspring, Adam and Eve could enjoy life forever in a paradise on earth as Jehovah's universal family. Hiriyoonni gaa'elaa waliisaaniif dinqisiifannaa hin qaban taanaan, "rakkinni " gaa'elasaanii keessatti isaan mudatu baay'ee ta'uu danda'a. - 1 Qorontos 7: 28. Consider the example of Uwe. When marriage mates fail to show appreciation for each other, the "great tribulation " can be very severe. - 1 Corinthians 7: 28. Amalli kun bal'ina kan qabuufi hunda keenya kan tuqudha. Just imagine how he felt when he was asked to visit the home of the uncircumcised Gentile Cornelius! Such behavior will affect all of us. Achiis hidhaan waggaa lamaa natti murame. " The mind has to be empty to see clearly, " said one writer on the subject. I was sentenced to two years in prison. Phaawulos mirga obboloonni isaa murtoo gochuuf qaban kabajuudhaan fakkeenya gaarii nuuf taʼa. Our confidence in Jehovah will help us not only to acknowledge but also to accept our limitations. Paul set a fine example in showing respect for his brothers ' right to make decisions. Taʼus, warra kaan leenjisuun gammachuu argamsiisa. - HoE. Rather than order the Israelites to respect foreigners, Jehovah appealed to their empathy. Still, training others brings joy. Kanaafuu, ogummaan inni faallaa gowwummaa taʼe bilchina akka qabnu argisiisa. It is not without reason that marriage researchers John M. Gottman and Nan Silver state: "It takes courage, determination, and resiliency to maintain a long - lasting relationship. " Thus, the opposite wisdom illustrates our maturity. Yihudoonni, mana qulqullummaa ijaaruudhaaf bu'uura kan kaa'an Dh.K.D bara 536 tti ture. Is that not a manifestation of his care? The Jews laid the foundation for building the temple in 900 B.C.E. Wantoonni gadda nurraan ga'an jechuunis, walitti bu'iinsi, jal'inni, hiyyumni, yakki, dhukkubniifi duuti hin jiraatan. 13 Appointed Men - Learn From Timothy The causes of distress - injustice, injustice, disease, disease, sickness, sickness, and death - are no longer suffering. Yihowaan, dhugaan nama garaa qajeelaa qabu keessatti akka guddatu kan heyyamu si'a ta'u, guddinni kunis sadarkaa sadarkaadhaan raawwatama. - HoE. 13: 48; Ibr. How do true Christians understand the meaning of brotherly love? Jehovah allows truth to grow in a right heart condition, and this growth occurs in stages. - Acts 13: 48; Heb. 101: 2. That Sacred Volume explains why we experience so much suffering and how we can cope with it successfully. 101: 2. Hojiiwwan barbaachisaa taʼan yommuu waliin hojjettan, wanti dursa kennitaniif, fedhiin keessaniifi barsiifanni keessan suutuma suuta kan walsimu taʼa, akkasumas akkuma Aqiilaafi Phrisqiilaa yaanni, miirriifi gochi keessan akkuma kan " foon tokkoo ' taʼa. 19: 32. When you work together, your priorities, your priorities, your desires, and your priorities will gradually and your thoughts, like Aquila and Priscilla, may be "a flesh of your flesh. " 1, 2. What can we learn from Paul's request for "the scrolls, especially the parchments "? 1, 2. Rakkina barreessaa Faarfannaa 73 rra gaʼe ibsi. But the very next day, our joy turned to sadness. Describe the challenges the writer of Psalm 73. 20: 1, 2) Tajaajiltoonni Waaqayyoo, humna ofiisaaniitiin diinasaanii kana moʼuuf hin yaalle. Jehovah Provides for the Levites God's servants did not try to win their enemy's strength. Abdii Kenne Ni Raawwata In a heroic act, the man pushed his wife aside and let the shark take him. A Hope That Leads to Hope Kana malees, waaqeffannaa ganama ciree dura Macaafa Qulqulluurratti hundaaʼee godhamu geggeessuun na gammachiisa. Take, for example, the time when his dear friend Lazarus died. I also enjoy taking up Bible reading early in morning worship. Namoonni tokko tokko, yeroo booda gumiidhaa baafamuu dandeenya jedhanii waan sodaataniif cuuphamuurraa duubatti jedhu taʼa. SUGGESTION: Ask for help. Some may hesitate to get baptized because they fear that we will eventually be disfellowshipped. Kiristiin gorsa 1 Phexros 3: 1 rra jiru hojiirra oolchuunshee buʼaa argamsiiseera. And if the teachers tried to trip Jesus up by asking him controversial questions, they failed. Christine benefited from applying the counsel found at 1 Peter 3: 1. Amalawwan kun akkamitti Yihowaa biratti akka jaallataman akka isaan godhe hubachuuf, namoota lama akka fakkeenyaatti haa ilaallu. We are urged to disown ourselves and gain Jehovah's approval and the blessings he holds out for us. To illustrate how these qualities made them dear to Jehovah, consider two individuals. Wantoota akkamiitiif xiyyeeffannaan addaa kennamuu qaba? Even after they embarked on this long journey, they had the "opportunity to return " to the prosperous city of Ur. What is required of us? Fakkeenya Uuvaa ilaalaa. All 450 Baal prophets were then executed at the foot of Mount Carmel. - 1 Kings 18: 38 - 40. Consider the example. Mana Qorneelewos isa nama Yihudii hin ta'iniifi dhagna hin qabatinii akka dhaqu yeroo ajajame maaltu akka itti dhaga'ame tilmaamuu dandeessa! " Young Americans are about twice as likely as old Americans to say they have consulted psychics, believe in ghosts, and believe in haunted houses. " Imagine how he must have felt when he ordered Cornelius to go to the house of Cornelius, an uncircumcised Gentile! Barreessaan tokko dhimma kana ilaalchisee, "Wanta tokko sirriitti hubachuudhaaf sammuun keenya duwwaa taʼuu qaba " jedheera. (3) How can Christian parents submit to God when molding their children? Regarding this matter, one writer wrote: "We must be alone in our minds to grasp the meaning of something. " (Lal. 8: 16, 17) Amanannaan Yihowaa irratti qabnu, humna keenya akka beeknu qofa utuu hin taʼin, amannee akka fudhannu nu gargaara. Why? Our trust in Jehovah will help us not only to know our limitations but also to acknowledge them. Yihowaan Israaʼelonni namoota biyya biraatii dhufan akka kabajan ajajuu qofa utuu hin taʼin, rakkina isaanii akka kan ofiitti akka ilaalanis isaan yaadachiiseera. One day, death will be no more. Jehovah reminded the Israelites not only of respect for foreigners but also of their suffering. Joon Gootimaaniifi Naan Siilvar warri gaaʼelarratti qorannaa godhan, "Hariiroo cimaafi itti fufiinsa qabu qabaachuun, ija jabina, kutannoofi cimina qabaachuu gaafata " kan jedhan kanaaf taʼuu hin oolu. The Son of God Jehovah has many angelic sons. This is why John, a married couple, said: "It is likely that a strong, strong, and firmness is needed. " 37: 25) Kun, inni akka nuuf yaadu kan argisiisu mitii? Echo the Shepherd when giving advice. Is that not evidence that he cares for us? 13 Dhiironni Muudamtan Ximotewos Irraa Baradhaa Continue to work with him regularly in various aspects of the public ministry, and teach him how to prepare for and make effective return visits. 13 Learn From Timothy's Loving Men Kiristiyaanonni dhugaan yaada akka obbolootaatti wal jaallachuu jedhu akkamitti hubatu? By means of the Seed of his "woman, " or the heavenly part of his organization, Jehovah would answer Satan's challenge and provide Adam's descendants with hope of deliverance and life. - Romans 5: 21; Galatians 4: 26, 31. How do true Christians discern that we have brotherly affection for one another? Macaafni kun, rakkinni baay'een kan nurra ga'u maaliif akka ta'eefi haala kana karaa bu'a qabeessa ta'een akkamitti mo'uu akka dandeenyu nutti hima. To illustrate: Shortly after Jesus ' resurrection, two of his disciples were walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus. It tells us why we face many challenges and how we can successfully deal with them in this regard. 19: 32. Let us, therefore, pray to Jehovah for the promised "helper, " confident that" the Father in heaven [will] give holy spirit to those asking him. " 19: 32. Phaawulos "macaafotas addumaan immoo maraa caaffatoota gogaa duugamaa " sana argachuuf gaafachuusaarraa maal baranna? How can we put needless fears aside? What can we learn from Paul's request for "the scrolls "? Haataʼu malee, guyyaa itti aanutti gammachuun keenya gaddatti jijjiirame. The Canada branch oversees the translation of literature in 12 indigenous languages But the next day, our joy changed. Kanaaf, abdiinkee samiirras taʼe lafa jannata taaturra jiraachuu, inni dhuunfaatti gaʼaakee sii taʼuu dandaʼa. Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. So whether your hope is heavenly or earthly life in a paradise, he may be your personal share. Yeroo kanatti abbaan manaashee haala dinqii ta'een haadha manaasaa oolchuudhaan qurxummichi akka isa qabatu godhe. Anyone touching her would also become unclean. - Lev. During this time, her husband miraculously saved his wife by delivering him into a miracle. Fakkeenyaaf, yeroo Alaazaar inni michuu isaa ture duʼetti wanta taʼe ilaalaa. These are no small tasks, but how joyful it will be to work shoulder to shoulder and to grow to perfection under the Messianic Kingdom! Consider, for example, what happened when Lazarus died as a friend. YAADA FURMAATAA: Gargaarsa gaafadhaa. If black Witnesses preached from door to door in a white neighborhood, they would be arrested - and likely beaten up. TO THINK ABOUT: Ask for help. Tarii, kiyyoo keessa isa galchuuf gaaffii rakkisaa taʼe isa gaafataniiru yoo taʼes isaaniif hin milkoofne. Elderly ones among the survivors will return to the days of their youthful vigor. Perhaps they questioned him for trying to trap him. Nuyis waaʼee ofii keenyaa yaaduu akka dhiisnu, Yihowaa biratti fudhatama akka argannuufi eebba gara fuulduraatti argannu akka eeggannu jajjabeeffamneerra. Perhaps we have been the victim of his or her uncontrolled speech. We too are encouraged to stop thinking about ourselves, to lose Jehovah's favor, and to look forward to the blessings ahead. Karaa dheeraa sana erga deemanii booda illee, magaalaa Ur ishii badhaatuu turtetti "deebiʼuuf carraa qabu turan. " The Bible clearly states: "The living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all... Their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished... Even after traveling long, they had the opportunity to " return to the prosperous city of Ur. ' Raajonni Ba'aal 450 ni qarqara tulluu Qarmelositti ajjeefaman. - 1 Mootota 18: 38 - 40. What has Jehovah done to provide for our deliverance from sin and death? The Baal prophets were executed on Mount Carmel. - 1 Kings 18: 38 - 40. Dargaggoonni Ameerikaa raagdoota bira dhaqan, ekeraatti amananii fi gara manneen jinniiwwan akka jiran yaadaman akka dhaqan dubbatan maanguddoota wantoota akkasii godhan irra harka lama caalu. " Had you been a disciple then, would Peter's actions have affected your loyalty to Jehovah? In the United States, young people say that they believe in spirit and that the demons are more than two such things. " (3) Kiristiyaanonni ijoollee qaban ijoollee isaanii yommuu tolchan Waaqayyoof bitamuu kan dandaʼan akkamitti? " A Lamp to My Foot " (3) How can Christian parents submit to God when preparing their children? Kana kan jennu maaliifi? For us to stay alive spiritually, the help of God's spirit is absolutely necessary. Why? 3: 18) Gara fuulduraatti duuti hin jiraatu. If the person is a talker and you are quiet, think of the ease with which he starts conversations in the ministry. Death will be no more. Ilma Waaqayyoo Yihowaan ilmaan ergamootasaa ta'an hedduu qaba. He told them that if all people were as honest as Jehovah's Witnesses, the whole world would be better and more peaceful. God's Son, Jehovah, has many angels. Gorsa yeroo kennitu fakkeenya Yihowaa isa Tiksee taʼee hordofi. As Jehovah's chosen Servant, Jesus showed compassion for the poor and afflicted When you give advice, imitate the Shepherd, Jehovah. Yeroo hundaa bifa tajaajilaa gara garaarratti isaa wajjin hirmaadhu; akkasumas deddeebii gaaffii bu'a - qabeessa ta'e gochuuf akkamitti qophaa'uu akka qabu itti argisiisi. Merche read our literature with interest, and Mercedes noticed that in her heart Merche still had appreciation for Bible truth. By regularly working with him in various forms of service, and show how to prepare for return visits. (Uumama 3: 15) Yihowaan " dubartiisaa ' jechuunis jaarmiyaasaa ishee samiirratti argamtuun fayyadamee gaaffii Seexanni kaaseef deebii kennuusaarrayyuu, sanyiin Addaam badiisarraa oolanii jireenya akka argatan qophii godheera. - Roomaa 5: 21; Galaatiyaa 4: 26, 31. And I was imagining that I was already there. " By means of "the woman " - the heavenly part of his heavenly organization - Jehovah lovingly provided an answer to Satan's challenge and arranged for Adam's offspring to be saved. - Romans 5: 21; Galatians 4: 26, 31. Fakkeenyaaf, Yesus du'aa ka'ee utuu baay'ee hin turin, bartoonnisaa lama Yerusaalemii gara Emaahus deemu turan. This, in turn, will help them to teach yet others. - 2 Tim. For example, soon after Jesus ' resurrection and resurrection, two disciples traveled to Jerusalem. Kanaaf, " Abbaan inni waaqarraa warra isa kadhataniif hafuura qulqulluu akka kennu ' amantii guutuu qabaachuudhaan, hafuurasaa isa nu " jajjabeessu ' akka nuu kennu Yihowaa haa kadhannu. As a group, we willingly submit ourselves to the direction given by the Governing Body and cooperate with the appointed elders in the congregations. Therefore, let us pray to Jehovah for his holy spirit so that "the Father in heaven will give holy spirit to those asking him. " Sodaa hin barbaachisne ofirraa fageessuu kan dandeenyu akkamitti? (b) Give examples illustrating the zeal of the Bible Students. How can we avoid unnecessary fears? Waajjira damee Kaanaadaa jalatti afaan biyyattiitti dubbatamu 12n barreeffamoonni ni hiikamu A foreigner is basically someone who is in a land that is not his own or is a person who comes into a community or group from outside of it. 12 languages in the Canada branch are printed in 12 languages Addaggummaarraa Fagaachuudhaan Qulqullummaa Ofii Eeguu Since then, Reylene has been a living example of putting faith in Jehovah's promise found at Matthew 6: 33, 34. Keep On Walking in God's Undeserved Kindness Akkasumas namni ishee tuqu kamiyyuu xuraa'aa ta'a. - Lew. One of the most effective subtle tactics Satan uses is discouragement. And anyone who touchs her will be unclean. - Lev. Dhugaa Baatonni Yihowaa dhibee fayyaa qabaatanis, tajaajilarraa gammachuu ni argatu Give Honor to Whom It Is Due, Mar. Despite health problems, Jehovah's Witnesses find joy in the ministry Wantoonni kun hojiiwwan salphaa taʼan miti; haa taʼu malee, Mootummaa Masiihichaa keessatti harka wal qabatanii hojjechuunii fi guutummaatti cubbuu irraa walaba taʼuun gammachuu guddaa argamsiisa! In this regard, consider the words of Proverbs 12: 11: "The one cultivating his ground will himself be satisfied with bread, but the one pursuing valueless things is in want of heart. " Such activities are not easy, but what a joy it is to work hand hand hand hand hand in hand and to perfection fully in the Messianic Kingdom! Dhugaa Baatonni gurraacha taʼan naannoo namoonni adiin jiranitti manaa gara manaatti yoo lallaban hidhamuu, tarii immoo reebamuu dandaʼu taʼa. The enemies of true worship had failed to halt the building work! If the Witnesses were to preach from house to house in a white area, perhaps they would be arrested. Namoonni dulloomaniifi badiisa kanarraa oolan gara dargaggummaatti deebi'u. (a) In whom did David boast, and what kind of people responded? The aged and old alike will return to their youth. Tarii wanta namni sun utuu itti hin yaadin dubbateen miidhamneerra taʼa. (a) Paul was concerned with what two aspects of his service to God? Perhaps we were affected by what the householder said without delay. Macaafni Qulqulluun, "Warri jiran akka du'an beeku, warri du'an garuu waan tokko iyyuu hin beekan,... jaalalli isaanii fi jibbi isaanii, hinaaffaan isaaniis egaa badeera;... In turn, such knowledge makes their love grow even stronger despite their imperfections. The Bible says: "The living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all... Yihowaan cubbuufi du'a jalaa nu oolchuuf maal godheera? What a great privilege it is to have received so much from God! What has Jehovah done to save us from sin and death? Ati utuu yeroo sana barataa Yesuus taatee, gochi Pheexiros amanamummaa Yihowaadhaaf qabdu irratti dhiibbaa ni godha turee? When all the provisions for life through Jesus become fully available to mankind during Christ's Millennial Reign, they are portrayed as "a river of water of life, clear as crystal. " If you had been a disciple at that time, would Peter's actions have influenced your loyalty to Jehovah? " Miilla Kootiif Ibsaa Dha " Are there practical steps we can take to counteract the pull of our sinful flesh? " I Have Made It Grow " Walitti dhufeenya Yihowaa wajjin qabnu eegnee jiraachuu yoo barbaanne, gargaarsa hafuura Waaqayyoo argachuun keenya baay'ee barbaachisaadha. Jehovah Helps - How? How important it is that we receive God's help if we want to maintain a close relationship with him! Namni sun baayʼee kan dubbatuu fi ati garuu kan callistu yoo taʼe, karaa namni sun tajaajila irratti maree itti jalqabu irratti yaadi. Jesus fearlessly exposed the religious leaders If the householder speaks too fast and keeps quiet, think about ways that the householder begins in the ministry. Innis, " Utuu namoonni hundi akka Dhugaa Baatota Yihowaa amanamoo taʼanii, addunyaan bakka gaariifi caalaatti nagaa qabu taati turte ' jedhe. Should Christians pray to Jesus Christ? No. He said, "If you were loyal to Jehovah's Witnesses, the world would be a peaceful and peaceful world. " Yesus, garbicha Yihowaan fo'ate waan ta'eef, namoota rakkataniifi miidhamaniif gaddeera 11, 12. Jesus is Jehovah's chosen servant, and he is distressed and depressed Merchaan barruulee kana dubbisu baay'ee waan jaallattuuf, Marsediis isheen ammayyuu Dhugaa Macaafa Qulqulluutiif dinqisiifannaa akka qabdu ni hubatte. Nobody is good, except one, God. " She enjoyed reading the magazines so much that she realized that she still appreciated the Bible's truth. Waanuman achi keessa jiru natti fakkaata. " Explain how Satan's rule results in Jehovah's glory. It seemed as if I were in it. " Kunimmoo isaanis deebisanii warra kaan akka barsiisan isaan gargaara. - 2 Xim. His example of appreciation is worthy of imitation. - Psalm 19: 7 - 11. That, in turn, helps them to teach others again. - 2 Tim. Akka tuutaatti, qajeelfama Qaama Olaanaatiif kan bitamnu yommuu ta'u, jaarsolii gumii wajjinis walii galteedhaan hojjenna. However, he took time to train others to be shepherds and teachers. As a group, we submit to the direction of the Governing Body and cooperate with the elders. (b) Fakkeenyota Barattoonni Kitaaba Qulqulluu hinaaffaa kan qaban akka turan argisiisan dubbadhu. Servants of Jehovah should view marriage as a binding arrangement whether they were his worshippers at the time of their wedding or not. (b) Give examples showing that the Bible Students were zealous. Orma kan jedhamu nama lammii biyya garabiraa taʼe ykn nama hawaasaafi garee saba kan biraa keessa jiraatudha. Job did not do so, for he declared: "If I used to see the light when it would flash forth, or the precious moon walking along, and my heart began to be enticed in secrecy and my hand proceeded to kiss my mouth, that too would be an error for attention by the justices, for I should have denied the true God above. " - Job 31: 26 - 28. Each country has its own social and other social background. Yeroo sanaa kaasee, Reeliin waadaa Yihowaan galee fi Maatewos 6: 33, 34 irratti argamu irratti amantii qabaachuudhaan fakkeenya guddaa taati. He also exhorted them to strengthen one another, saying: "Keep encouraging one another and building one another up. " - 1 Thess. From that time onward, she set an outstanding example of faith in Jehovah's promise found at Ezekiel 6: 33, 34. Dhiibbaan dhoksaa Seexanni itti fayyadamuufi buʼa qabeessa taʼe tokko abdii kutachiisuudha. Jehovah is the Maker of the new covenant, while Jesus is "the human covenanter. " Satan's subtle influence and effective tactics are discouraging. Gara Laafina Yihowaa Hordofaa, Ful. Unlike them, he could point to proof of his apostleship - to imprisonment, beatings, perilous journeys, other dangers, hunger, thirst, and sleepless nights, as well as deep concern for fellow believers. Imitate Jehovah's Righteousness, 2 / 15 Wantoota kana hordofuutti qabeenya keenya akka hin balleessines nu akeekkachiisa. Kana ilaalchisee yaada Fakkeenya 12: 11 rra jiru ilaali. Akkas jedha: "Namni lafa isaa qotatu buddeena quufa, namni wanta waa'ee hin baafne duukaa bu'u garuu, qalbii hin qabu. " It was most important for them to recognize that the flock belongs to Jehovah and Jesus Christ. In this regard, consider Proverbs 12: 11, which states: "He that does not destroy our material things will not destroy the earth; but the one who does not have the valueless things. " (Nahimiiyaa 4: 6) Diinonni waaqeffannaa dhugaa, yaaliin isaan hojii ijaarsichaa dhaabsisuuf godhan jalaa fashalaa'e! I've sometimes found myself thinking, " Why does he want me to understand him when he does not try to understand me? ' " The enemies of true worship have failed to stop the building project! (a) Daawit eenyutti of jaje? Namoota akkamiitu Waaqayyotti dhihaata? God is aware that the majority of religions have slandered him and ignored the Bible, and he will destroy those institutions. - Revelation 18: 4 - 9. (a) Whom did David boast, and what are those whom God draws close to him? (a) Phaawulos karaawwan lamaan kamiin Waaqayyoon tajaajiluu akka qabu hubatee ture? They also involve our beliefs - the teachings to which we adhere. (a) In what two ways did Paul recognize that he had to serve God? Cubbamoo taʼanillee, beekumsi akkasii jaalallisaanii caalaatti akka cimu godha. 4, 5. (a) What encouragement did Jehovah give to his ancient people? Despite our imperfection, such knowledge deepens their love. Waaqa keenyarraa waan hedduu argachuu dandaʼuun keenya mirga guddaadha! How Would You Answer? What a privilege it is to be able to receive much joy from our God! Bulchiinsa Kiristos waggaa kumaatti qophiiwwan Yesus ilmaan namootaa jireenya akka argatan godhe guutummaatti yommuu hojiirra oolan, qophiiwwan kun " laga bishaan jireenya namaaf kennu, isa akka cabbii addaatutti ' fakkeeffamanii ibsamu. It exists because they have reverential fear of God and " take refuge in the shadow of his wings. ' - Psalm 34: 9; 36: 7. During the Thousand Year Reign of Christ, these provisions will be described as "a river of water of life, " which means" the waters of life. " Dhiibbaa foon keenya inni cubbamaan nurraan geessisu mormuuf tarkaanfiiwwan fudhachuu dandeenyu jiruu? Later, as they showed the coat to their father, he cried out: " A vicious wild beast must have eaten Joseph! ' - Genesis 37: 12 - 36. Are we able to take steps to resist the influence of our sinful flesh? Yihowaan Kan Nu Gargaaru Akkamitti? Hence, said Barnes, "Saul raged against the church like a wild beast. " How Jehovah Helps Us Yesus sodaa tokko malee geggeessitoota amantii saaxileera 146: 3, 4; Rev. Jesus fearlessly exposed the religious leaders Waggaa waggaatti Ayyaana Yaadannoo duʼa Yesus kabajuuf yeroo qophoofnu wanti gochuu dandeenyu maali dha? 8: 23. What can we do when preparing for the annual Memorial of Jesus ' death? 11, 12. This will help to make our home and the Kingdom Hall places where we feel happy and secure. 11, 12. Waaqayyo isa tokkicha duwwaa malee, namni gaariin tokko illee hin jiru " jedhee deebiseera. When disaster strikes or people suffer and die, we may wonder whether God sees it or cares about it. He answers: "No one alone is one alone, and no one alone is one alone. " Bulchiinsi Seexanaa Yihowaadhaaf ulfina kan fide akkamitti akka ta'e ibsi. They were flogged and then released. Explain how Satan's rule has brought glory to Jehovah. Dinqisiifannaa ilaalchisee fakkeenyasaarraa barumsa gaarii argachuu dandeenya. - Faarfannaa 19: 7 - 11. " First, go and gather all the feathers, " the wise man responded. We can learn valuable lessons from his example of appreciation. - Psalm 19: 7 - 11. Haa taʼu malee, yeroo fudhatee warri kaan tiksitootaa fi barsiisota akka taʼan leenjiseera. Jesus went on to make the application, saying: "Therefore, if you, although being wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more so will the Father in heaven give holy spirit to those asking him! " - Luke 11: 11 - 13. But he took time to train others to become shepherds and teachers. Tajaajiltoonni Yihowaa gaaʼela kan godhatan utuu Dhugaa Baatuu hin taʼinis taʼe, erga dhugaa dhagaʼanii booda gaaʼelli yeroo hundumaaf kan itti fufuu godhanii ilaalu. Sex is a gift from God, and in the right circumstance - in marriage - it can be a source of great pleasure. Whether Jehovah's servants are married or not, after hearing the truth, they view marriage as permanent. Iyoob, "Yeroo aduun ibsitutti, yeroo jiʼi ulfinaan adeemtuttis isaaniif sagaduudhaaf gara isaanii ilaaleera yoon taʼe, garaan koo dhoksaadhaan gowwoomfamee, ulfina isaaniif harka koo dhungadheera yoon taʼe, ani gubbasitti Waaqayyo duratti sobduu nan taʼan ture, kunis yakka namatti farachiisu in taʼa " jedhee waan dubbateef waaqeffannaa dhugaarraa hin jalʼanne. - Iyo. 31: 26 - 28. The fortune - teller will then take credit for knowing facts and situations that the client has just unknowingly given away. Job said: "When the sun first appeared to them in glory and praise, my heart would be like a false god, and my heart would be like a false witness before God. " - Job 26: 31 - 28. Akkasumas, "Wal jajjabeessuu fi wal ijaaruu keessan itti fufaa " jechuudhaan akka wal cimsan isaan gorseera. - 1 Tas. Then, sit down and pray to Jehovah for his direction and wisdom. He also urged them to "keep encouraging one another and building one another up. " - 1 Thess. Akkasumas gidduu galee kakuu kana kan dhaabe isa yommuu ta'u, du'asaatiinis aarsaa kakuu kana mirkaneessu dhiheesseera. - Luq. In addition to the Theocratic Ministry School, other Bible schools have been established to train congregation elders, pioneers, single brothers, Christian couples, Branch Committee members and their wives, traveling overseers and their wives, and missionaries. And he entered the covenant and passed it on to his own body. Haala isaanirraa adda taʼeen, hidhaa, reebicha, deemsa rakkisaa, balaawwan gara biraatiif saaxilamuu, beela, dheebuufi hirriba dhabuu, akkasumas namoota hidhata amntiisaa taʼaniif yaaduudhaan ergamaa Yesus taʼuusaa akka mirkaneesse caqaseera. Avoid distractions. On the other hand, he pointed out that he was the apostle Paul's fellow believers, who were in prison, food, and sleep, as if he were to be his fellow workers. Karri hoolotaa kan Yihowaafi kan Yesus Kiristos akka taʼe beekuunsaanii baayʼee barbaachisaa ture. Why do humans no longer speak one common language? It was vital that the sheep know that Jehovah God and Jesus Christ are the sheep. Yeroo tokko tokko, " Inni na hubachuuf carraaqqii hin godhu erga taʼee, akkan isa hubadhu maaliif barbaada? ' jedheen yaada. " What was "Meroz, " and why was it cursed? At times, I wondered, " If he doesn't try to understand me, why would I want to understand him? ' " Waaqayyo dhaabbilee amantii hedduun maqaasaa akka balleessaniifi Macaafa Qulqulluudhaaf xiyyeeffannaa akka hin kennine beeka; kanaafuu dhaabbilee kana ni balleessa. - Mulʼata 18: 4 - 9. Adam's decision resulted in suffering and death. - Read Genesis 3: 1 - 6, 17 - 19. God knows that many religions will destroy his name and that the Bible will destroy it. - Revelation 18: 4 - 9. Amantaa, jechuunis barumsawwan hordofnu kan dabalatudha. 10: 13. Faith involves faith - the teachings we follow. 4, 5. (a) Yihowaan saba isaa bara duriitti turaniif jajjabina akkamii kenne? Background globe: NASA / The Visible Earth (http: / / visibleearth.nasa.gov /); polar bear: © Bryan and Cherry Alexander Photography 4, 5. (a) What encouragement did Jehovah give his people in Bible times? Maal Jettee Deebista? Jesus called us to be his followers, to walk in his footsteps. How Would You Answer? Kun ta'uu kan danda'e uumamasaaniitiin namoota waa hin sodaanne waan ta'aniif utuu hin ta'in, Waaqayyoon waan sodaataniifi " gaaddisa bobaasaa jalatti kooluu waan galaniifidha. ' - Faarfannaa 34: 9; 36: 7. Why are illustrations effective, and how did one mother demonstrate this? This was possible because they feared God, not because of human nature, but because they " refuge in the shadow of the shadow. ' - Psalm 34: 9; 36: 7. Weedduu Weedduu Caalu 8: 6, (NW): "Akka mallattootti garaa keettii fi irree keetti na mallatteeffadhu! Think about the qualities that attracted you to each other. The Song of Solomon 8: 6 states: "Deaden me as a seal upon your heart and as a seal upon your arm. Booda uffaticha abbaasaaniitti yommuu argisiisan innis, " Bineensa hamaatu Yoseefiin nyaate ' jedhee boo'e. - Uumama 37: 12 - 36. We discovered that we had much in common, both of us wanting to pursue the full - time ministry and being willing to serve in any capacity. Later, when the owner showed their father, he cried out: "The wicked beast eat from Joseph. " - Genesis 37: 12 - 36. Saaʼol, Yihudii waan tureef, Kiristiyaanota balleessuun itti gaafatamummaa Waaqayyo isaa kenne akka taʼe ni amana ture. Are you proud to bear the name of your heavenly Father? Because Saul was a Jew, he believed that he was responsible for his God - given responsibilities. 146: 3, 4; Mul. True, Paul acknowledged the importance of "holding fast the traditions, " or Scripturally based practices, given by the apostles and other men who took the lead. 146: 3, 4; Rev. 8: 23. I thought we were best friends. ' 8: 23. Kun immoo, manni keenyas taʼe Galmi Mootummaa keenya bakka gammachuu fi nageenyi itti argamu akka taʼu gochuuf gargaara. Does he feel lonely and friendless in the Christian congregation? That, in turn, helps our home and our Kingdom Hall to be a place of joy and security. Yommuu balaan gaʼu ykn yommuu namoonni dhiphatanii fi duʼan Waaqayyo wanta sana ni argaa? What fine example is being set by appointed men in the congregation? Do you see what God sees when dealing with danger or death? Achiis erga reebamanii booda gadi dhiifaman. What their definition implies: Humans have ultimate control of the future of the earth and all life on it. Then she was thrown down and was thrown down. Ogeessi sun, "Dura dhaqii baallee sana hunda sassaabi " jedhee deebiseef. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. The doctor replied, "It's all the alone. " jedhee gaafateera. Yesus wanta dubbachuu barbaade yommuu ibsu akkas jedheera: "Egaa isin hamoota taatanii utuu jirtanii, ijoollee keessaniif kennaa gaarii kennuu erga beektanii, abbaan keessan inni waaqa irraa immoo, hammam isin caalaa warra isa kadhataniif hafuura qulqulluu kenna! " - Luqaas 11: 11 - 13. I said to myself, " Unless something negative turns up, this looks like the girl I will marry. ' Jesus said: "If you, although being wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more so will the Father in heaven give holy spirit to those asking him! " - Luke 11: 11 - 13. Saalqunnamtiin iddoo sirriitti, jechuunis gaaʼela keessatti itti fayyadamaan kennaa Waaqayyoo madda gammachuu guddaa taʼuu dandaʼu dha. ▪ In ancient Israel, if a man died sonless, it was expected that his brother marry the widow in order to produce offspring to continue the dead man's family line. The proper use of sex - God's gift of marriage - is the source of great joy. Namni hooda dubbatu sun wanta namni isa bira dhaqe sun utuu hin beekin dubbate sanatti fayyadamee waan ofii isaatiin beeke fakkeessa. How does the account of the Flood instill confidence that Jehovah knows when to deliver his people? The fortune - tellers would use those words to describe the man who was not aware of him. Qayyabannicha jalqabuu keessan dura, Yihowaan qajeelfamaafi ogummaa akka isinii kennu kadhadhaa. One day I joined in a discussion with them. Before starting the study, pray for Jehovah's guidance and wisdom. Isaanis manneen barumsaa jaarsolii gumii, qajeelchitoota, obboloota qeentee, hiriyoota gaaʼelaa, miseensota Koree Waajjira Dameefi haadhotii manaasaanii, daawwattoota olaanaafi haadhotii manaasaanii, akkasumas misiyoonota leenjisuuf qophaaʼanidha. I will really help you. I will really keep fast hold of you with my right hand of righteousness. " These are congregation schools, pioneers, pioneers, single brothers, and their wives, traveling overseers, traveling overseers, and their wives. Wantoota yaadakee hihhiranirraa of qusadhu. On June 15, 1942, I was baptized. Avoid distractions. Namoonni qooqa tokko dubbachuu kan dadhaban maaliifi? And what a fine opportunity the arrangement of family worship offers for parents and children to draw close to one another and discuss spiritual matters calmly! Why do people fail to speak the language? " Meroz " kan abaaramte maaliifi? We also learn that Jesus continued to grow in wisdom. Why did "the curse " come upon you? Murtoon Addaam godhes, dhiphinaafi duʼa geessiseera. - Uumama 3: 1 - 6, 17 - 19 dubbisi. Let us see what meaning that should have for us. Adam's decision resulted in suffering and death. - Read Genesis 3: 1 - 6, 17 - 19. 10: 13. In the meantime, you can succeed as the parent of a disabled child. 10: 13. Background globe: NASA / The Visible Earth (http: / / visibleearth.nasa.gov /); polar bear: © Bryan and Cherry Alexander Photography I have a strong desire to talk about his qualities to those considered hopeless cases, for many viewed me as one. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yesusii fi Waaqayyo karaa garaa garaatiin nu deggeruu akka dandaʼan amanuudhaan, isaan irratti amantii haa qabaannu. - Yoh. If evolutionists lack explanations, why do they preach their ideas so loudly? May we have faith in Jesus and in them, trusting that God can support us in various ways. Fakkeenyatti fayyadamuun buʼa qabeessa kan taʼe maaliifi? Haati tokko kana kan goote akkamitti? He was not to blame for the consequences of human sin. Why is use of illustrations effective, and how did one mother do so? Amalawwan akka isin wal jaallattan godhanii turan irratti yaadaa. Both male and female macaws are vividly colored, an oddity among brightly colored avians. Think of such qualities as you love one another. Lamaan keenya iyyuu wantoota itti wal fakkaannu hedduu akka qabnu, jechuunis tajaajila yeroo guutuu itti fufuu fi gosa tajaajilaa kam iyyuu keessatti hirmaachuuf fedhii akka qabnu hubanne. However, you may wonder, " How can I obey the instructions given along with that warning? ' Both of us realized that we should be willing to continue in various aspects of the ministry - the full - time ministry and the field ministry. Maqaa Abbaakee isa samiitiin waamamuu akka ulfinaatti ilaaltaa? Still, when what may have been the original writings of the Mosaic Law were found and read to Josiah, he saw the need to do God's will more fully. Do you view it as an honor to bear your heavenly Father's name? Dhuguma iyyuu, Phaawulos " aadaa sana cimsanii hordofuun ' ykn gochawwan Kitaaba Qulqulluu irratti hundaaʼanii fi ergamoonnis taʼan namoonni geggeessitoota taʼan kennan hordofuun barbaachisaa taʼuu isaa hubatee ture. Failure to accept God's direction has led to suffering, misery, even tragedy. Indeed, Paul saw the need to follow "the tradition of the culture, " or adherence to Scriptural practices of the apostles and older men. Michoota gaarii akka taanettan yaadan ture. ' I said that I had no plans to leave Bethel. I thought I was good friends. ' ▪ Gumii keessaa hiriyaa waan hin qabneef, kophummaan isatti dhagaʼamaa jiraa laata? Faced with such challenges, is it really possible to be content? ▪ Is he lonely because he has no friends outside the congregation? Obboloonni gumii keessatti itti gaafatamummaa qaban fakkeenya gaarii akkamii ta'uu danda'u? Jehovah condemned Jeroboam for his apostate ways. What fine example can brothers set for those taking the lead in the congregation? Wanta hiikni isaan kennan argisiisu: Ilmaan namootaa lafaafi lubbuu lafarra jiru hunda guutummaatti toʼachuu dandaʼu. What characterizes lionlike and cobralike persecution? What they mean: Humans can fully control the earth and all life on earth. Ibsi kan biraan yoo kenname malee, caqasawwan barreeffama kana keessatti argaman Kitaaba Qulqulluu Hiika Addunyaa Haaraa Maatewos - Mulʼata fi Macaafa Qulqulluu afaan Oromoo bara 1997 tti maxxanfame keessaa kan fudhatamani dha. Some of the explanations update our understanding. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Garaa kootti, " Wanti gufuu taʼu yoo jiraate malee, kun intala ani fuudhu taʼuu hin ooltu ' jedheen yaade. The apostle Peter said: "For a certainty I perceive that God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him. " - Acts 10: 34, 35. In my heart, I thought, " If anything happened to me, it would probably be my daughter's life. ' ▪ Bara durii Israaʼel keessatti dhiirri tokko utuu ilma hin godhatin yoo duʼe, hiddi dhaloota namichaa akka itti fufu gochuuf, obboleessisaa haadha manaa nama isa duʼee fuudhee mucaa akka isaaf godhatu irraa eegama ture. It is vital for all in the family to shoulder their Scriptural responsibility. ▪ If a man in ancient Israel died before he was born, his brother was expected to take a wife and take him to the deceased. Seenaan Bishaan Badiisaa, Yihowaan yeroo itti sabasaa oolchu kan beeku taʼuusaarratti amanannaa qabnu kan nuu cimsu akkamitti? Could there be extenuating circumstances that might affect our response? How does the Flood strengthen our confidence that Jehovah knows when he will deliver his people? Guyyaa tokko maree isaan godhan irratti nan hirmaadhe. Indeed, some Israelites had even taken up the worship of Egyptian gods! - Ezek. One day, I joined them in the conversation. Ani sin jabeessa, ani sin gargaaras; irree qajeelummaa koo isa mirgaatiin ol sin qaba " jechuudhaan kenne nu jajjabeesseera. That was an apt description, for reliefs from Sennacherib's palace in Nineveh attest to Assyrian cruelty. I will fortify you, yes, I will help you, I will really hold on to you with my right hand of righteousness. " Kanaaf Waxabajjii 15, bara 1942 nan cuuphame. What should we think of when we look at it throughout the year? So on June 15, 1942, I was baptized. Qophiin waaqeffannaa maatii, warriifi ijoolleen walitti dhihaachuufi tasgabbiidhaan dhimmoota hafuuraarratti mariʼachuuf carraa gaarii isaanii argamsiisa. 12: 15. The arrangement of family worship provides excellent opportunities for parents, parents, and children to draw together and discuss spiritual matters calmly. Yesus ogummaadhaan guddachaa akka deemes caqasa kanarraa ni hubanna. Why not? The same verse shows that Jesus continued to grow in wisdom. Mee kun nuuf hiika maalii qabaachuu akka qabu haa ilaallu. In the first century, there was clear evidence of whom Jesus was using to feed the congregation (See paragraph 12) Let us see what that should mean for us. Hammasitti garuu mucaa dhibee qaamaa qabu kan qabdan yoo taʼellee milkaaʼina argachuu ni dandeessu. 192,942 In the meantime, you can succeed, even if you have physical problems. Namoota abdii akka hin qabnetti ilaalamanitti waaʼee amalawwan Yihowaa himuuf hawwii guddaan qaba; sababiin isaas namoonni hedduun anaafis ilaalcha akkasii qabu turan. If we devote all our efforts merely to feed and cover ourselves, with nothing substantial left for serving Jehovah, we miss the very purpose of living. - Ecclesiastes 12: 13. I have a strong desire to share Jehovah's qualities with those who do not. Namoonni jijjiirama tirannaarratti ibsa kennuu hin danda'an taanaan, yaadasaanii kana oftuulummaadhaan kan babal'isan maaliifi? 11: 3; Heb. If people cannot explain evolution, why would they promote such thinking? Kanaaf, rakkina cubbuu ilmaan namootaatiin dhufeef kan itti gaafatamu Waaqayyo miti. Sonia was paralyzed on one side of her body, and the doctors were not sure that she would ever regain her speech. Thus, God is not responsible for human suffering. Maakaawonni kormaa fi dhaltuun halluu, simbirroota halluu qaban kaan irraa adda taʼe qabu. How can I avoid making similar mistakes in my marriage? Married animals and animals differ from those of other birds. Haa taʼu malee, " Qajeelfama akeekkachiisa kanaa wajjin wal qabatee kennameef ajajamuu kanan dandaʼu akkamitti? ' You will be able to await Jehovah's day with a calm heart if you keep everlasting life in view. But ask yourself, " How can I obey that warning? ' Taʼus, yeroo Seerri Musee (isa jalqabaa taʼuu hin oolu) isaaf dubbifametti, fedha Waaqayyoo caalaatti raawwachuun barbaachisaa akka taʼe hubate. Brian: A lot of people would agree with that statement. Yet, when the Mosaic Law was read to Moses (the original Law), he realized that doing God's will was more important. Ilaalchi akkasii rakkinnii fi haalli gaddisiisaan hedduun akka jiraatu godheera. Not long after Pentecost 33 C.E., an issue of discrimination arose. Such thinking has resulted in countless problems and tragedies. Anis Betʼelii baʼuuf karoora akkan hin qabnen itti hime. When Moses was 80 years of age, God gave him a weighty command: "You bring my people the sons of Israel out of Egypt. " I told him that I was not planning to leave Bethel. Haalawwan rakkisaan akkasii utuu namarra gaʼanii, gammachuu argachuun ni dandaʼamaa? Those procedures are a gross misuse of the sexual organs. - Matt. Could it be possible to experience happiness if such conditions arise? Yihowaan Yerobi'aamiin gocha gantummaasaatiif isa balaaleffateera. Imagine how David must have felt upon realizing that the Creator of the universe had paid attention to his private meditations, the musings of a shepherd boy! Jehovah rejected Jeroboam's apostasy. Ariʼatamni miidhaa leenci geessisuufi marʼataan geessisutti fakkeeffame garaagarummaansaa maalidha? February 9 - 15, 2009 What is the difference between the persecution of a lion and the wild beast? Ibsawwan kennaman tokko tokko hubannaa haaraa nuuf argamsiisu. In time, though, the Kingdom seed may bear fruit. Some suggestions give us new understanding. Saba biyya lafaa hundumaa keessaa namni isa sodaatu, inni waan qajeelaa hojjetus isa biratti fudhatamaa dha " jedheera. - HoE. 10: 34, 35. [ Box on page 18, 19] He said: "God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him. " - Acts 10: 34, 35. Miseensonni maatii hundi itti gaafatamummaasaanii isa Macaafa Qulqulluu keessatti ibsame raawwachuunsaanii barbaachisaadha. When a brother read a scripture to a Greek Orthodox woman, she asked a number of good questions. All members of the family need to fulfill their responsibilities as outlined in the Bible. Haalli deebii kenninurratti dhiibbaa gochuu dandaʼu jiraa? " He is healing the brokenhearted ones, and is binding up their painful spots. " Is there anything that can affect our response? Isaan keessaa tokko tokko waaqayyolii warra Gibxii waaqeffachuullee jalqabanii turan. - His. Ask yourself: " At times, do I let my imperfect body or mind point me in a bad direction and then go there? Some even came to worship the gods of Egypt. - Ezek. Siidaawwan mana mootummaa Senaaheriib isa Nanawweetti argamu keessa dhaabatanii jiran Asoronni gara jabeeyyii akka turan waan mirkaneessaniif, magaalattiin mandara dhiiga namaa dhangalaaftu jedhamuunshee sirriidha. [ Picture on page 19] The cities of Sennacherib's royal court in Nineveh were so cruel that the city was named by the Assyrians. Waggaa kana guutuu caqasicha ennaa ilaallu waaʼee maalii yaaduu qabna? Jesus asked Jehovah to spare him such indignity. What should we think about this entire year? 12: 15. 5: 14, 15. 12: 15. Akkas kan jennu maaliifi? PAGE 28 Why? Jaarraa jalqabaa keessatti, Yesus gumicha sooruuf eenyuutti akka fayyadamu ifa ture (Keeyyata 12 ilaali) Be positive: The key to coping with chronic illness without losing joy is often in your own hands. In the first century, Jesus was clearly aware whom he used to feed the congregation (See paragraph 12) 192,942 We kept preaching, and eventually the battle was won! 1927 Nyaataafi uffata argachuuf qofa carraaqqii cimaa kan goonu yoo ta'eefi Yihowaa tajaajiluuf yeroo kan hin qabne yoo ta'e, kaayyoon jireenyaa inni guddaan maal akka ta'e daganneerra jechuudha. - Lallaba 12: 13. Then, the Witnesses began to study the Bible with the couple. If we put forth effort to find food and clothing and do not have time to serve Jehovah, we have to lose sight of the purpose of life. - Ecclesiastes 12: 13. 11: 3; Ibr. Concerning the cleansing of God's temple, Malachi prophesied: "" Suddenly there will come to His temple the true Lord, whom you people are seeking, and the messenger of the covenant in whom you are delighting. Look! 11: 3; Heb. Gartokkoon qaamashee socho'uu kan dide yommuu ta'u, doktooronnis, gara fuulduraatti dubbachuu danda'uushee shakkanii turan. (b) How does the record of Jehovah's dealings with his servants fortify your courage? Her body was refused, and doctors believed that she could speak in the future. ▪ Anoo gaa'elaakoo keessatti dogoggora wal fakkaatu akka hin uumamne gochuu kanan danda'u akkamitti? But sometimes help came from unexpected sources. How can I avoid making mistakes in my marriage? Qalbiinkee jireenya barabaraarratti kan xiyyeeffate yoo ta'e, guyyaa Yihowaa gabiidhaan eeggachuu dandeessa. Indeed, the spirituality and reputation of his family have a direct bearing on his appointment. If your conscience focuses on everlasting life, you can keep Jehovah's day in expectation. Abeel: Namoonni hedduun ilaalcha akkasii qabu. Their abilities in speaking and explaining Bible truths impressed me. Brian: Many people think that way. Dhaloota Kiristoos Booda bara 33 guyyaa Phenxeqosxee utuma baayʼee hin turin, dhimmi sanyiidhaan wal qoqqooduu kaʼee ture. (a) What reason for preaching is found at John 15: 8? Shortly after Pentecost 33 C.E., the issue of racial prejudice arose. Museen yommuu umriinsaa waggaa 80 taʼu Waaqayyo, "Dhaqi, saba koo Israaʼelin biyya Gibxiitii baasi! " Honor was a person's value not only in his own eyes but in the eyes of others as well. When Moses was 80 years old, God told him: "Go away from the land of Israel. " Waraqaan Waadaa Fuudhaafi Heerumaa kan barbaachisu maaliifi? 8, 9. (a) What was the primary concern of the 12 apostles? Why is it important to marry and divorce? 7: 8) Daawit, Uumaan uumama cufaa, yaadaafi miira tiksee daaʼima taʼe tokkootiif xiyyeeffannaa akka kennu yommuu hubatu wanta isatti dhagaʼamuu dandaʼu yaadaa! No - thankfully, I'm still alive! Imagine how David must have felt when he saw the Creator of the universe, the thoughts, and feelings of a baby! Guraandhala 9 - 15, 2009 Parents, if your children are struggling to fit in, take time to pray with them about this matter. February 9 - 15, 2009 Yeroo booda garuu, sanyiin Mootummichaa ija godhachuu dandaʼa. Instead, they directed people away from "the Chief Agent of life, " Jesus, leading them toward a course that could end in eternal destruction. In time, however, the Kingdom seed can produce fruit. [ Box on page 18, 19] The court asked: "Do these scriptures incite religious enmity? " [ Box on page 18, 19] Obboleessi tokko dubartii amantii Ortodoksii Giriikii hordoftuuf caqasa tokko yommuu dubbisu, gaaffii fedhii qabaachuushee argisiisu hedduu isa gaafatte. When Jehovah appointed Joshua to lead the Israelites, He also commanded Moses to "encourage " and" strengthen " Joshua. When a brother read a Bible text with a Greek woman, she asked him several questions. " Inni warra garaan isaanii cabe in fayyisa, madaa isaaniis walitti qabee in hidhaaf. " Consequently, "the sons of Israel fell to doing what was bad in the eyes of Jehovah and serving the Baals. " " He heals the brokenhearted; he binds their wounds. " jedhu kaʼuu dandaʼa. Akkana jedhaa of gaafadhaa: " Al tokko tokko, qaamni koo ykn sammuun koo inni cubbuu dhaale daandii dogoggoraatti akka na geessu nan heyyamaa? Whatever our personal preferences in this regard may be, we should recognize that other mature Christians may have viewpoints different from our own. - Romans 14: 3, 4. Ask yourself: " Do I allow my body or mind to lead me to the wrong path? [ Picture on page 13] Also, he had not finished his training to become an electrician. [ Picture on page 13] Yesus salphina akkasiirraa akka isa oolchu Yihowaa gaafateera. November 15, 2011 Jesus asked Jehovah to save him from such shame. 5: 14, 15. Jesus ' parable stresses that the discreet virgins, unlike the foolish, were ready for the bridegroom's coming. 5: 14, 15. FUULA 28 " The poor will not always be forgotten. " - Psalm 9: 18. PAGE 28 Ilaalcha sirrii qabaadhaa: Dhukkuba fayyuu hin dandeenye utuma qabanii gammachuu qabaachuuf yeroo baayʼee furmaannisaa isinuma harka jira. During the hours we were there, surrounded by our Christian brothers and sisters, we felt that we were able to place our burden on Jehovah, and we experienced a measure of inner calm. Keep a positive viewpoint: There are times when the problem was settled unable to heal. Lallabu keenya kan itti fufne siʼa taʼu, oolee bulees qabsoo sana irratti injifannoo arganneerra! Why should children listen to their parents? We continued on our back, and in time we won the victory! Achiis Dhugaa Baatonni Yihowaa sun hiriyoota gaaʼelaa sana Kitaaba Qulqulluu qoʼachiisuu jalqaban. Indignant clergymen resented the bold public proclamation of Bible truth and often pressured local authorities to silence the sound car. Jehovah's Witnesses then began conducting a Bible study with the couple. Hammasitti garuu, Yihowaa isa namoonni yaadannoo isaa keessa jiran duʼaa akka kaʼan karaa Yesuusiin nuu mirkaneesse irratti amantii qabnu cimsachuu qabna. We may have assisted some to learn the truth. Meanwhile, we need to strengthen our faith in Jehovah, who assures us that those in his memory will be resurrected. Miilkiyaas waa'ee mana qulqullummaa Waaqayyoo qulqulleessuu yeroo dubbatu akkas jedheera: "" Dingatas gooftichi inni isin barbaaddan sun gara mana qulqullummaa isaa in dhufa; kunoo, ergamaan kakichaa inni isin hawwitan sun in dhufa ' jedha. There are times when God may allow us to demonstrate the depth of our concern about matters for which we pray. Malachi refers to the cleansing of God's temple when he said: "The master of the true God says: " Look! (b) Seenaan hariiroo Yihowaan tajaajiltootasaa wajjin qabu ibsu, ija jabina qabdu kan sii cimsu akkamitti? We persevered in the truth and were always zealous preachers of the good news. (b) How can the record of Jehovah's dealings with his servants strengthen your courage? Haa taʼu malee, yeroo tokko tokko iddoo hin eegamnee gargaarsa arganna turre. As powerful as God's spirit is, however, we need to do our part and work in harmony with our prayers. However, we sometimes found help in unexpected times. Haalli hafuuraafi maqaan maatiinsaa qabu, muudamuusaa wajjin kallattiidhaan kan wal qabatedha. Timothy, a younger man, worked alongside the apostle Paul for many years. The spiritual condition of his family and his family has to do with that. Dandeettii isaan haasaa itti dhiheessanii fi dhugaa Kitaaba Qulqulluu itti ibsan baayʼee na dinqisiisa ture. Rather than being suspicious of our brother, we would do well to consider why we are critical of him. I was amazed at their ability to speak and to explain Bible truths. (a) Yaada Yohaannis 15: 8 irra jiru irraa sababii itti lallabnu isa kam arganna? It is reasonable to believe that Jesus took over as the main breadwinner of the family when Joseph died. (a) What reasons do we find at John 15: 8? Ulfinni, ilaalcha namni tokko ofiif qaburratti qofa utuu hin taʼin, ilaalacha namoonni kaan isaaf qabanirrattis kan hundaaʼe ture. Does spirituality similarly guide your family life? It was not only a person's attitude toward himself but also his view of others. 8, 9. (a) Hojiin ergamoonni 12n adda durummaadhaan irratti xiyyeeffatan maalidha? 18, 19. (a) Name other spiritual gems concealed in Christ. (b) Why should we continue to look to Jesus for spiritual treasures? 8, 9. (a) What was the primary focus of the 12 apostles? Na hin mudanne, kunoo hamma ammaatti lubbuudhaan jira! How have the inspired writings of the apostle John been a source of encouragement for Christians throughout the centuries? I am still alive! Warra kan taatan ijoolleen keessan itti baruuf rakkachaa kan jiran yoo taʼe, waaʼee dhimma sanaa isaanii wajjin kadhannaa dhiheessaa. What challenges do married couples face? Parents, if your children are struggling to find out, pray with them about the matter. Haa taʼu malee, isaan namoota "Bakka Buʼaa jireenyaa Isa Guddaa, " jechuunis Yesuus irraa jalʼisanii daandii badiisa bara baraatti geessu irraa akka deeman isaan godhaniiru. Prioritize the items on your lists, numbering them in the order of importance to you. However, they allowed Jesus to lead them away from "the Chief Agent of life, " that is, from" the Chief Agent of life. " Manni murtichaa, "Caqasoonni kun jibba amantii babalʼisuu? " Now, if we have valid reasons for showing respect to people in general, how much more ought we to have respect for fellow believers! - John 3: 16; Gal. The court said, "Do these verses promote hatred of religion? " Yihowaan, saba Israaʼel akka geggeessuuf yeroo Iyaasuu muudetti, akka isa jajjabeessuuf Musee abboomee ture. ▪ Do all religions lead to God? When Jehovah appointed Joshua to lead the nation of Israel, he instructed Moses to encourage him. Kanaan kan kaʼes, "Israaʼeloonni Waaqayyo duratti waan hamaa in hojjetan, Baʼaal waaqayyolii tolfamoos in waaqessan. " (Abo. Many who believe in evolution say that they also believe in God. As a result, "the sons of Israel went doing what was bad in Jehovah's eyes, and they did what was bad in the eyes of Baal. " Filannoon keenya maaliyyuu yoo ta'e, Kiristiyaanonni muuxannoo qaban kaan ilaalcha nurraa adda ta'e qabaachuu akka danda'an hubachuu qabna. - Roomaa 14: 3, 4. 11, 12. Whatever our choice, we need to recognize that other experienced Christians can have a different view of us. - Romans 14: 3, 4. Kana malees, leenjii ogummaa hojii elektiriikiirratti fudhachaa jiru hin xumurre. Jehovah warned Baruch about ambition Moreover, there is no need for training that is available on energy. Sadaasa 15, 2011 One proverb states: "An inheritance obtained first by greed will not be a blessing in the end. " November 15, 2011 Fakkeenyi Yesus, durboonni warri abshaalli warra gowwaa taʼan irraa haala adda taʼeen dhufaatii dhirsa misirroo qophaaʼanii eegaa akka turan addeessa. Learn Watchfulness From Jesus ' Apostles Jesus ' illustration shows that the foolish virgins were ready to wait for the arrival of the bridegroom. " Warri wanta barbaachisaa dhaban, irraanfatamanii hin hafan. " - Faarfannaa 9: 18. Tony and I are fully occupied with traveling to different congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses each week to encourage them. " Those who lack the necessary things will not be forgotten. " - Psalm 9: 18. (Lak. 29: 1) Kanaaf Nahimiyaan sabichaan akkas jedhe: "Dhaqaatii nyaata fo'amaa nyaadhaa, dhugaatii miyaa'aas dhugaa! The ancient historian Josephus stated that if a person stood there and looked down, he "would become dizzy " because of the height. So Nehemiah told the people: "Go, eat, drink, and drink. Yeroo achitti argamnee obboloonniifi obboleettonni keenya nu marsan, baʼaa keenya Yihowaarra kaaʼachuu akka dandeenyeefi hamma tokko keessa keenyatti tasgabbii akka arganne nutti dhagaʼama. (Far. Designating these cities as cities of refuge was not a human idea. During the time that our brothers and sisters surrounded us, we feel that we have fixed our burden on Jehovah, and we feel secure in our inner calm. Ijoolleen warrasaanii dhaggeeffachuu kan qaban maaliifi? How could a Christian sister win over her unbelieving husband? Why should children listen to their parents? Luboonni aaran dhugaan Kitaaba Qulqulluu ija jabinaan lallabamuu isaatti baayʼee kan dheekkaman siʼa taʼu, yeroo baayʼee abbootiin taayitaa naannichaa konkolaataa meeshaa sagalee guddisu qabu sana akka callisiisan dhiibbaa irratti godhu turan. What do you consider during Family Worship evenings? When the clergy boldly preached the Bible's message, they often influenced local officials to condemn the sound car. 90: 17) Tajaajila keenya hinaaffaadhaan ennaa raawwannu, Yihowaan hojii keenya nuuf eebbisa. At one point, he met with a number of local clergymen in hopes that these men would accept the truths that Russell and his associates had discovered from the Bible and teach them to members of their congregations. When we zealously carry out our ministry, Jehovah blesses our work. Waaqayyo, wanti kadhannu sun baay'ee kan nu yaaddessu ta'uusaa akka argisiisnu yeroon itti barbaadu jira. I realized that I could not quit my harmful habits if I continued to frequent the same places and associate with the same people. God wants us to show that we are concerned about what we pray. Dhugaatti jabaanneerra; misiraachichas yeroo hundumaa hinaaffaadhaan lallabna. How did Matthew deal with that opposition? We endure in the truth, and we zealously preach the good news. Hafuurri Waaqayyoo humna guddaa kan qabu taʼus, nutis gama keenyaan wanta kadhannaa keenyaa wajjin wal simu gochuudhaan gaʼee keenya raawwachuu qabna. (Far. Inhabitants of Jerusalem were familiar with swallows, which customarily build their nests under the eaves of buildings. While God's spirit is powerful, we too should do our part in harmony with our prayers. Ximotewos inni dargaggeessi, waggoota hedduudhaaf Phaawulos ergamaa wajjin hojjeteera. In the end, each did what she wanted to do. Timothy, a young man who worked along with the apostle Paul for many years. 1: 9 - 11) Obboleessa keenya shakkuu mannaa, maaliif ilaalcha gadhee akka isaaf qabaannu qoruun keenya barbaachisaadha. Let your "Yes mean Yes, your No, No. " - Matthew 5: 37. Rather than questioning our brother, we do well to examine why we might have a negative view of him. Yoseef erga du'ee booda, wanta maatichaaf barbaachisu adda durummaadhaan dhiheessaa kan ture Yesusidha jedhanii amanuun sirriidha. As evidence of Jehovah's rich blessing, five of Namangolwa's Bible students have been baptized, and one serves as a congregation elder. It is reasonable to believe that after Joseph's death, Jesus was the primary part of his family's needs. Maatiin keessanoo dhimmoota waaqeffannaa wajjin wal qabataniif dursa ni kennaa? But there were aspects of Jesus ' teachings that remained unclear to him before Pentecost. Do you put spiritual interests first in your family? 18, 19. (a) Badhaadhummaa hafuuraa Kiristos keessa dhokfame kan biraa ibsi. (b) Badhaadhummaa hafuuraa argachuuf waa'ee Yesus barachuu keenya itti fufuu kan qabnu maaliifi? Jesus indicated that such a structure would exist. 18, 19. (a) Explain another aspect of Christ's spiritual treasures. (b) Why should we continue to learn about Jesus? Wantoonni Yohaannis ergamaan hafuuraan geggeeffamee barreesse baroota hedduudhaaf Kiristiyaanotaaf madda jajjabinaa kan taʼan akkamitti? He was delighted that his Father approved of this way of teaching. How did the inspired words of the apostle John prove to be a source of encouragement to Christians for many years? Hiriyoota gaaʼelaa irra rakkoowwan akkamiitu gaʼa? Modern - day examples of our brothers and sisters who stand firm under trial show that the same is true of Jehovah today. What challenges do married couples face? Wanta barreessitu hin daangessin, waan yaaddu hunda achi irratti barreessi. I learned Psalms 23 and 91 by heart and came to trust that Jehovah would always protect me. Put simply, write down everything you are writing there. Akka walii galaatti namoota hundumaa kabajuuf sababii kan qabnu erga taʼee, namoota hidhata amantii keenya taʼan caalaatti kabajuu hin qabnuuree? - Yoh. 3: 16; Gal. Will you face challenges along the way? If we have reason to respect all kinds of people, should we not be more respectful to fellow believers? - John 3: 16; Gal. ▪ Amantiiwwan hundi gara Waaqayyootti nama geessuu? None of these things have anything to do with the resurrection of Jesus, which Easter purports to represent. ▪ Do all religions lead to God? Namoonni barumsa jijjiirama tirannaatti amanan hedduun, Waaqayyottis akka amanan ni dubbatu. Your genuine trust in Jehovah will never lead to disappointment Many who believe in evolution claim to believe in God. Haataʼu malee, Macaafni Qulqulluun guyyaa guyyaadhaan akka isa dubbisnu yeroo nu jajjabeessu akkas jedha: "Macaafni seeraa kun afaan kee keessaa hin dhabamin! When we base our decisions on Jehovah's thinking, we draw closer to him. However, when the Bible urges us to read him daily, it says: "This book of the law should not depart from your mouth. 11, 12. " When anxieties overwhelmed me, you [Jehovah] comforted and soothed me. " - Ps. 11, 12. Yihowaan Baaruk hawwiirraa akka fagaatu isa akeekkachiiseera Draw Close to God - Does Jehovah Really Care About You? Jehovah warned Baruch to reject immoral desires Fakkeenyi tokko, "Qabeenyi dhaalaan dhufu jalqabatti dafee argamuu [ykn sassataan argamuu] in dandaʼa; dhumni isaa garuu eebba hin qabu " jedha. So let us return to the events leading up to Jesus ' death. One proverb states: "The inheritance from the beginning is short to come, but the end is not a blessing. " Dammaqinaan Jiraachuu Ergamoota Yesusirraa Baradhaa Approaching people and endeavoring to persuade them to worship the true God requires that we have deep love for Jehovah. Learn From Jesus ' Example of the Messiah Anii fi Tooniin isaan jajjabeessuuf yeroo hunda torban torbaniin gara gumiiwwan Dhugaa Baatota Yihowaa bakka adda addaatti argamanii ni deemna. It seems likely that some of David's reflections included in his psalms are traceable to his youth. Tony and I regularly traveled to various congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses each week to encourage them. Barreessaan seenaa Joseefas jedhamu akka barreessetti, namni tokko iddoo kana dhaabatee gadi yoo ilaale, gadi fageenya isaatiin kan kaʼe "lafti isaan maruu dandaʼa. " • Why is honest communication between parents and children vital? [ Pictures on page 23] According to Josephus's historian Josephus, if someone caught the altar and looked down at him, it could be "in his shadow. " Magaalota kana, magaalota kooluu itti galan akka taʼan murteessuun yaada namoota irraa madde hin turre. Zedekiah swore by Jehovah that he would remain a loyal vassal to the king of Babylon. These cities were not part of a group of people who decided to be the cities of refuge. Obboleettiin Kiristiyaana taate tokko abbaa manaa ishii hin amanne biratti fudhatama argachuu kan dandeessu akkamitti? That fact was made plain when Satan showed Jesus "all the kingdoms of the inhabited earth " and said:" I will give you all this authority and their glory, because it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. " How can a Christian sister find favor with an unbelieving husband? Yeroo Waaqeffannaa Maatii goonu maal qayyabanna? 37: 25. What study during Family Worship evening? Gaaf tokko, Raasil dhugaawwan Kitaaba Qulqulluu innii fi michoonni isaa bira gaʼan fudhatanii miseensota gumii isaanii akka barsiisan abdachuudhaan geggeessitoota amantii tokko tokkoo wajjin wal qunname. " Witnesses had preached there only every three or four years, " explains Burnett. One day, Russell and his associates joined him in sharing Bible truths with members of the congregation, hoping that they would help them to teach their members. Kanaaf, iddoo kanaan duraatti argamuufi namoota kanaan duraatti michoomuu yoon itti fufe amala gadheerraa walaba taʼuu akkan hin dandeenyen hubadhe. To attribute such a high level of sophistication to an unguided process no longer made sense to me. So I realized that if I continued to associate with people past, I could not break free from bad habits. Maatiwu mormii kana kan mo'e akkamitti? Although mankind's knowledge of many things has increased greatly since Paul wrote those words some 2,000 years ago, that statement still holds true. How did Matthew resist this opposition? Girrifni jiraattota Yerusaalem biratti beekamaa ture; simbirroonni kun manʼee isaanii bantii manaa jalatti ijaarratu. After Joshua's death about 1450 B.C.E., judges administered justice in Israel. The Praetorian Guard was known to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and these birds were set apart in their roof. Dhumarratti lamaanuu fedhiisaaniirratti hundaa'uudhaan filannoo mataasaanii godhaniiru. The loyal angels reside in the heavens and have direct access to God's heavenly presence. - Luke 24: 39; Matthew 18: 10; John 4: 24. Both of them eventually made their own choices based on their own desires. " Eeyyeen keessan eeyyee haa ta'u, waawuun keessanis waawuu haa ta'u! " - Maatewos 5: 37. [ Picture on page 23] " Let your word Yes mean Yes, your No. " - Matthew 5: 37. Namoota isheen Macaafa Qulqulluu qayyabsiiste keessaa shan kan cuuphamaniifi inni tokko jaarsa gumii ta'ee kan tajaajilu ta'uunsaa Yihowaan carraaqqishee akka eebbiseef kan argisiisudha. Jesus explained that a major reason he came to the earth was to teach people about the Kingdom of God. - Luke 4: 43. Five of her Bible students - five baptized and one of them - demonstrated that Jehovah blesses the opportunity to serve as an elder. Taʼus, wantoota Yesus barsiise keessaa hanga guyyaa Phenxeqosteetti kan inni hin hubatin hafe tokko tokko jira ture. In order to answer that question, we must remember the purpose of the seventh day. Yet, there was one aspect of Jesus ' teaching on the day of Pentecost until he did not understand it. Yesus qophiin akkasii akka jiraatu dubbatee ture. Note what the Bible says about such prophecies: Jesus said that this arrangement would exist. Akkaataan barumsaa kun fedha Abbaa isaa taʼuun isaa isa gammachiisee ture. " No resident will say: " I am sick. ' " - ISAIAH 33: 24. This teaching appealed to him as his Father's will. Fakkeenyi obboloota keenyaa yeroo harʼaa jiraniifi qorumsa isaanirra gaʼe moʼaniis Yihowaan sabasaa akka hin gatne mirkaneessa. At the same time, we should do what we can, taking appropriate action to solve problems and help others. The example of our modern - day brothers and sisters who have endured trials prove that Jehovah does not forsake his people. Anis Faarfannaa boqonnaa 23fi 91 sammuutti qabachuu kanan danda'e si'a ta'u, kunis Yihowaan yeroo hundumaa akka na eegu amanuuf na gargaareera. The Canaanites were sure that they would make quick work of the pathetic army of Israel. - Judges 4: 12, 13; 5: 19. I was able to memorize Psalm 23 and 91, which helped me to believe that Jehovah always protects me. Karaarratti rakkoon si mudataa laata? Remember, congregation meetings are part of our worship. Will you face challenges? Kanneen keessaa tokkollee Ayyaana qillee isa namoonni duʼaa kaʼuu Yesus akka argisiisutti ilaalanii wajjin matumaa walitti dhufeenya hin qabu. What do many find it hard to understand about God's permission of suffering, and what knowledge may help them? Of course, none of these are closely related to the fact that Christmas is related to the resurrection of Jesus. Garaadhaa Yihowaatti kan amanamtu yoo taʼe, inni matumaa si hin dhiisu If we prayerfully rely on Jehovah, he will help us to take such a courageous stand. If you trust in Jehovah with all your heart, he will never abandon you Yaada Yihowaa irratti hundoofnee murtoo kan goonu yoo taʼe caalaatti isatti dhihaanna. 1, 2. If we make decisions based on Jehovah's thinking, we will draw closer to him. " Yeroo yaaddoon garaa kootti baayʼatu, ati [Yihowaan] na jajjabeessitee lubbuu koo gammachiifta. " - Far. Instead, they published a series of tracts called The Old Theology. " When anxieties overwhelmed me, you [Jehovah] comforted and soothed me. " - Ps. Halaalatti Nama Jibbuun Kan Hafu - Yoomi? The king becomes furious. He orders his men to seize the messenger. FROM OUR COVER - When? Kanaaf mee wantoota yommuu Yesus du'uu jala ga'etti raawwataman haa ilaallu. For years, I blamed myself for my dad's death. So let us consider events that took place during Jesus ' death. Namoota haasofsiisuufi Waaqa dhugaa akka waaqeffatan isaan amansiisuun, Yihowaadhaaf jaalala guddaa qabaachuu gaafata. Have your child point to: To convince people that they worship the true God, it takes great love for Jehovah. Wantoonni Daawit faarfannaasaa keessatti ibse tokko tokko ijoollummaasaatti kan isa mudatan taʼuu hin oolan. If David were alive today, how would he feel about the great building work that is taking place in our time? One thing that David referred to in his psalm was likely when he was young. • Warraafi ijoolleen ifatti mari'achuunsaanii barbaachisaa kan ta'e maaliifi? When the Ridgeways arrived in Turin, we rented an apartment together. • Why is it important for parents and children to communicate openly? Zedeqiiyaan mootii Baabilon jalatti amanamaa taʼee akka bulchu maqaa Yihowaatiin kakatee ture. She says: "In the morning all of us were rushing out the door to get to work or school. Zedekiah disobeyed Jehovah's name as a faithful king under Babylon. Haalli kun dhugaa taʼuu isaa yeroo Seexanni "mootummoota addunyaa hundumaa " Yesuusitti argisiisetti wanta dubbate irraa hubachuu ni dandeenya:" Aangoo fi ulfina kana hunda siif nan kenna; wantoonni kun anaaf waan kennamaniif, ani abbaan barbaadeef nan kenna. " What do Jesus and his Father observe? This is evident from what Satan said when "all the kingdoms of the world " of Jesus:" I give you all these things, and I will give you glory and glory, because the Father wants you to give me all these things. " 37: 25. Recall that God told Joshua: "This book of the Law should not depart from your mouth, and you must read it in an undertone day and night, in order to observe carefully all that is written in it; for then your way will be successful and then you will act wisely. " 37: 25. Barnet akkana jetteetti: "Bakka kanatti Dhugaa Baatonni waggaa sadii ykn afur keessatti al tokko qofa lallabu turan. Bear in mind that whatever the current response, our preaching honors Jehovah and plays a role in the outworking of his purpose. " There were only about three or four years of preaching in this area. Yaanni uumamawwan akkaataa uumamaa dinqisiisaa taʼan kun qajeelfama malee akkasumaan dhufan jedhu naaf liqimfamuu dide. How are children like "arrows in the hand of a mighty man "? I refused to give the impression that these wonderful creation had come to my mind without the guidance they had received. Phaawulos yaada kana erga barreessee gara waggaa 2000 kan taʼeefi beekumsi ilmaan namootaa wantoota hedduurratti qabanis baayʼee kan dabale taʼus, yaanni kun ammayyuu dhugaadha. In the same letter, Paul said: "Take Mark and bring him with you, for he is useful to me for ministering. " Paul wrote about 3,500 years after he wrote those words, even though the knowledge has increased much of mankind's knowledge. Iyaasuun Dh.K.D. bara 1450 tti erga duʼee booda Israaʼeloonni abbootii firdii jalatti bulu turan. According to one reference work, the latter part of Paul's statement may be rendered idiomatically as "do not treat her like a maid " or" do not make a slave of her. " After Joshua died in 1450 B.C.E., the Israelites were under judges. Maleekonni amanamoon samii keessa kan jiraatan siʼa taʼu, kallattiidhaan Waaqayyootti dhihaachuu dandaʼu. - Luqaas 24: 39; Maatewos 18: 10; Yohaannis 4: 24. Use Name if Pronunciation Uncertain? Faithful angels live in heaven and can approach God directly. - Luke 24: 39; Matthew 18: 10; John 4: 24. [ Fakkii fuula 23] Puberty can bring insecurity. [ Picture on page 23] Yesus, sababiin gara lafaa dhufeef inni guddaan waaʼee Mootummaa Waaqayyoo namoota barsiisuu akka taʼe ibseera. - Luqaas 4: 43. (See the box "Jehovah Gives Me Just What I Need. ") Jesus highlighted the primary reason why he came to earth to teach people about God's Kingdom. - Luke 4: 43. Gaaffii kana deebisuuf, kaayyoon guyyaa torbaffaa maal akka taʼe yaadachuu qabna. They will observe the Memorial of Christ's death, even as Jesus commanded: "Keep doing this in remembrance of me. " To answer that question, we need to remember what the seventh day is. Raajiiwwan akkasii ilaalchisee wanta Kitaabni Qulqulluun jedhu hubadhu: The account says that "the One seated on the throne will spread his tent over them. " Note what the Bible says about such prophecies: " Namni tokko illee, " Na dhukkuba ' kan jedhu hin jiru. " - ISAAYAAS 33: 24. We die because we inherited sin and death from our original parents, not because of some predetermined, unfathomable " plan ' of God. " No resident will say: " I am sick. ' " - ISAIAH 33: 24. Karaa biraatiin immoo, rakkoo keenya furuu fi warra kaan gargaaruuf tarkaanfii sirrii fudhachuudhaan wanta dandeenyu gochuu qabna. Strive to see the wisdom of God's standards. On the other hand, we need to take appropriate steps to solve problems and to help others. Kanaʼaanonni loltoota Israaʼel warra haala nama gaddisiisu keessa jiran salphaadhumatti akka injifatan mirkanaaʼoo turan. - Abboota Firdii 4: 12, 13; 5: 19. Why should we not automatically equate suffering with improper conduct? The Canaanites were confident that the Canaanites would easily defeat the seeming situation of the Israelites. - Judges 4: 12, 13; 5: 19. Walgaʼiiwwan gumii kutaa waaqeffannaa keenyaa akka taʼan hin dagatinaa. To illustrate: Would you ask a dear friend to carry something that you know is too heavy for him to lift? Remember, congregation meetings are part of our worship. Waaqayyo rakkinni akka jiraatu heyyamuusaa ilaalchisee, wanti namoonni baay'een hubachuun isaanitti ulfaatu maalidha? And it gives those without hope a real purpose in life. What may be difficult for many to understand about God's permission of suffering? Kadhannaadhaan isatti kan amanamnu yoo taʼe Yihowaan ija jabina akkasii akka qabaannu nu gargaara. A God of faithfulness, with whom there is no injustice. " If we rely on him in prayer, he will help us to develop similar courage. 1, 2. " They will build houses and live in them, and they will plant vineyards and eat their fruitage. 1, 2. Kanaa mannaa, tiraaktota Za Oold Tiʼooloojii jedhaman maxxansan. We must carefully think about its possible connection to any unscriptural teaching, such as the belief that spirits of the dead influence the lives of the living. Rather, they produced the book The Harp of God. Mootichis baay'ee waan aareef, namicha ergamee dhufe kana akka qaban namootasaa ajaje. Ruth, in Malawi, saw several Witnesses do so when they were persecuted in the 1970 ' s. The king was so angry that he ordered his men to be sent. Waggoota hedduudhaaf, abbaan koo duʼuu isaatiif of komachaan ture. Jesus ' point? Over the years, my father had been guilty of guilt for his death. Mucaankee wantoota kana akka sitti argisiisu gaafadhu: True Christians avoid any customs associated with this belief. Really, ask your child to express these points: Utuu Daawit bara keenyatti jiraatee, ijaarsa guddaa raawwatamaa jiru ilaalchisee maaltu itti dhagaʼama laata? When a fire is about to die down, we may need to stir the coals and fan the flames. If David lived in our day, how would he feel about the great building work being done? Yeroo Kaarliifi Joʼaan Tuuriin dhufan, waliin taanee appaartaamaa tokko kireeffanne. Even on the train to and from Balykchy, we were able to witness to passengers. During the first time that we arrived in Ukraine, we rented a apartment. Akkas jetteetti: "Ganama ganama hundi keenya hojii ykn mana barumsaa dhaquuf ariifanna. It demonstrated Jehovah's supremacy over the gods of the nations. " Every morning, " she says, "we all went to work at work or at school. Yesusiifi Abbaansaa maal gochuu keenya hubatu? My wife, Grace, was born in 1930. What did Jesus and his Father discern? Halkanii fi guyyaas waaʼee isaa yaadi! Karaan kee akka siif qajeelutti, wanti ati gootus akka wal siif qixxaatutti, wanta isa keessatti caafame hundumaa gaarii godhii eegi! " (Iya. Orders for his generals? Then you will make your way successful and you will act wisely, and then you will act wisely. " Maatii Gammachuu Qabu What is one field in which questions arise and decisions must be made? Keys to Family Happiness Yeroo ammaa deebiin namoonni kennan maaliyyuu yoo taʼe, lallabni keenya Yihowaadhaaf ulfina akka fiduufi kaayyoosaa galmaan gaʼuuf gumaacha akka godhu yaadadhaa! As a family, what spiritual goals are you pursuing, and what goals would you like to set for the future? Remember, regardless of how people react now, our preaching brings honor to Jehovah and contributes to the fulfillment of his purposes! Ijoolleen akka "xiyya harka jagnaa keessa jiruu " kan ta'an akkamitti? Most opposers do not appreciate the importance of the issues involved in Christian neutrality. How are children like "the mighty one in the hand of the mighty one "? Ergaa sanarratti Phaawulos, "Maarqosin of duukaa fidii kottu! Inni anaaf ergamuudhaan waaʼee anaaf in baasa " jedheera. As "children of wrath, " we once displayed many qualities that displease God, perhaps even some beastlike traits! In that letter, Paul said: "Let go of Mark and take the lead in ministering to me. " Akka kitaabni tokko jedhutti, himni lammataa kun "akka hojjettuu manaatti ishee hin ilaalin " ykn" garbittiikee hin godhatin " jedhamee hiikamuu danda'a. He detests injustice and hates to see people suffer. According to one reference work, this second verse is translated "Do not look like a slave " or" your slave girl. " Dargaggummaan sodaan akka isaanitti dhagaʼamu gochuu dandaʼa. Do you not feel moved to join with myriads of heavenly creatures in proclaiming: "The Lamb who was slaughtered is worthy to receive the power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing. " - Rev. Youth can cause them to feel intimidated. (Saanduqa, "Yihowaan Waanuma Na Barbaachisu Naa Kenne " jedhu ilaali.) Then you will have the hope of surviving into God's new world, where you will be able to enjoy all of God's gifts forever. (See the box "Jehovah Is My Provider. ") Abboommii Yesus: "Kanas seenaa kootiif godhadhaa! " jedheef ajajamuudhaan ayyaana Yaadannoo du'a Kiristos kabaju. 6: 11, 12. By obeying Jesus ' command: "Keep doing this in remembrance of me. " Itti fufuudhaan, "Inni teessoo irra taa'us godoo isaa diriirsee isaan irra in jiraata " jedha. At the same time, we realize that we need to be careful that the daily pressures from Satan's world and from our own inherited fleshly tendencies do not diminish the zeal with which we are carrying out God's service. He goes on to say: "He will sustain them on his throne, but he will sustain them. " Kan duunu warra keenya jalqabaa irraa cubbuu fi duʼa waan dhaalleef malee, Waaqayyo " karoora ' dursee baafamee fi nuti hubachuu hin dandeenye tokko waan qabuuf hin turre. Though Jehovah is the Supreme One, he invites us to approach him in prayer and assures us that he listens to us. Since we have inherited sin and death from our first parents, God did not have something that we could not understand and understand. Seera bu'uuraa Waaqayyo baase hordofuun gamnummaa ta'uusaa hubachuuf carraaqi. However, training others saves time in the long run. - Eph. Try to discern that following God's standards is worthy of understanding. Rakkinni kan nurra ga'e cubbuu waan hojjenneefidha jennee yaaduu kan hin qabne maaliifi? Such a prospect was once raised in order to try to weaken the determination of an imprisoned missionary. Why should we not assume that we are suffering because we have sinned? Kana fakkeenyaan ibsuuf: Michuun baay'ee itti dhihaattan akka inni baachuu hin dandeenye utuu beektanii ba'aa baay'ee ulfaatu akka isinii baatu ni gaafattuu? CAUTIONS REGARDING SACRIFICES To illustrate: If you know that a friend is too heavy to bear him, would you ask him to carry a heavy load? Namoonni abdii dhabanii turan, kaayyoo jireenyaa isa dhugaa akka argatan gargaara. I then made the pioneer ministry my goal. Those who have lost the hope of finding true purpose in life. (Keessa Deebii 32: 4) Jaarraa torba boodammoo, Yihowaan Isaayaasiin, "Ani Waaqayyo, firdii qajeelaa nan jaalladha " jedhee akka barreessu hafuurasaatiin isa kakaaseera. Electricians, plumbers, engineers, pilots, surgeons - all of them depend on these laws in order to do their work. Centuries later, Jehovah inspired him to write: "I am a God of justice. " " Isaan mana ijaarratanii keessa in jiraatu, muka wayniis dhaabbatani ija isaa in nyaatu. Knowing the answer to that question is a key to understanding accurately what it means to be born again. " They will build houses and live in them, and they will plant vineyards and eat their fruitage. Barsiifanni kun, amantii namoonni duʼan warra lubbuudhaan jiranirratti dhibbaa geessisu jedhuu wajjin walitti dhufeenya akka qabuufi akka hin qabne of eeggannoodhaan irratti yaaduu qabna. " A deafening explosion nearly threw me to the floor. In fact, we need to think carefully about the belief that the dead have influenced the dead. Ruut ishiin Maalaawwii keessa jiraattu, Dhugaa Baatonni hedduun bara 1970mmaniitti yeroo ariʼatamni isaan irra gaʼetti ejjennoo isaanii akka laaffisan argiteetti. (Read Isaiah 50: 4 - 9.) Ruth, in Malawi, saw many Witnesses in Malawi compromise on their stand during persecution in the 1970 ' s. Yesus simbirrootarraa maal akka barannu barbaade? " The blessings and privileges I enjoy far outweigh any money I might have earned. What did Jesus want us to learn from the birds? Kiristiyaanonni dhugaan garuu, barsiifatawwan amantii akkasii wajjin wal qabatan kamirraayyuu ni fagaatu. • How can your reasons for coming to love Jehovah be a source of encouragement to you now? True Christians, however, avoid any customs associated with such beliefs. Ibiddi yommuu dhaamuuf jedhus, itti tuqachuufi afuufnee bobeessuu akka qabnu beekamaadha. 12, 13. Of course, when fire is common, we should allow it to touch our mind and smell. Yeroo baaburaan gara Baaliikchii deemnuu fi deebinuttis imaltootaaf dhugaa baʼuu dandeenyeerra. Every part of the thousands of systems that cooperate to keep us alive is ideally designed. We were able to give a witness during train and back home. Waaqolii sabootaa caalaa olaantummaa kan qabu ta'uusaas argisiiseera. There is also abundant spiritual food available in printed form for our use in personal and family study. He also showed that he was more than the gods of the nations. Haati manaakoo Girees bara 1930 tti dhalatte. THE BENEFITS: If you were to list all the benefits of self - control, you would need reams of paper! My wife, Grace, was born in 1930. Geggeessitoota waraanaasaatiif ajaja dabarsuudhaa? After considering a few spiritual treasures from Leviticus, you may be thinking, " I now have a better understanding of reasons why this book has been included in God's inspired Word. ' Is it a command to command his soldiers? Dhimmi gaaffii kaasuu fi murtoon irratti godhamuu qabu maali dha? 4: 18; John 16: 12. What question should be made regarding questions and decisions? Maatiidhaan taatanii galmawwan hafuuraa kam hordofaa jirtu? Gara fuulduraatti galmawwan akkamii baafachuu barbaaddu? When a Pharisee disapproved of what had happened, Jesus spoke to him kindly too. - Luke 7: 36 - 48. Which spiritual goals are you pursuing as a family, and what future goals do you want to set? Namoonni nu morman hedduun Kiristiyaanonni siyaasa irraa walaba taʼuun isaanii barbaachisaa akka taʼe isaanitti hin dhagaʼamu. Abraham's question reflects his deep faith in Jehovah's righteousness. Many opposers who oppose us do not view Christian neutrality as important. Duraan "ijoollee dheekkamsaa " waan turreef, amalawwan Waaqayyoon gaddisiisan hedduu argisiisaa turreerra; tarii amalawwan kana keessaa tokko tokko amalawwan bineensaa fakkaachuu dandaʼu! Many young brothers and sisters share in the work of building and maintaining Kingdom Halls. Since we were "sons of wrath, " we were surrounded by many godly qualities; perhaps some of them might seem to be godly qualities! (Miilkiyaas 3: 6) Inni jal'ina kan jibbu ta'uusaarrayyuu yeroo namoonni rakkatan arguun isa gaddisiisa. And we can review practical suggestions that can help us to strengthen our self - control. He hates injustice and found it hard to see people suffer. Maarree, uumamawwan samii kumaatamaan lakkaaʼamanii wajjin, "Hoolichi inni qalamee ture humna, qabeenya, ogummaa, jabina, kabaja, ulfinaa fi eebba fudhachuun isaaf ni mala " jechuuf hin kakaatuu? - Mul. What do my mate and I most need to do right now? Do you not, then, rejoice with thousands of other heavenly creatures: "Do you not feel moved to accept the power, wisdom, wisdom, wisdom, honor, and blessing? " - Rev. Akkas goonaan, abdii addunyaa haaraa Waaqayyo fiduufi kennaawwansaa hundaatti barabaraan gammadaa jiraachuuf si dandeessisu argatta. That must have strengthened their faith and trust in him, and we can be heartened by the account. - 9 / 15, page 16. Then you will have the hope of living forever in God's new world, and you will have the hope of living forever in all his gifts. 6: 11, 12. It is easy to navigate, and all downloads - audio and video, as well as the Bible and many other publications - are free of charge. 6: 11, 12. Biyyi lafaa Seexanni seerratuufi fedhiin foon keenyaa, hinaaffaa Waaqayyoon tajaajiluuf qabnu akka nu jalaa hin hirʼisne dammaqoo taʼuudhaan of eeggachuu akka qabnus ni hubanna. A Key Quality - Love We realize that we are careful not to allow Satan's world and our fleshly desires to weaken our zeal for God's service. Yihowaan Hundumaa Gararraa taʼus kadhannaadhaan akka isatti dhihaannu nu afeereera; akka nu dhagaʼus nuu mirkaneesseera. The war of Armageddon will occur, followed by the abyssing of Satan and his demons. - 9 / 15, page 4. Jehovah has invited us to draw close to him in prayer, and he assures us that he listens to us. Taʼus, warra kaan leenjisuun oolee bulee yeroo dabalataa akka argatan isaan gargaara. - Efe. For example, was something wrong with the way God created man? Still, training others eventually helps them to get more time. - Eph. Yeroo tokko abdii akkasii kennuudhaan ejjennoo misiyoonii mana hidhaa jiru tokkoo laaffisuuf yaaliin godhamee ture. WHAT comes to mind when you hear the word "pursue "? At one point, he was trying to weaken the integrity of a missionary. AKEEKKACHIISA AARSAA ILAALCHISEE KENNAME Not really. THERE IS FROM THE WORLD Yeroo sanaa kaasee qajeelchaa taʼee tajaajiluufan galma baafadhe. Read Matthew 28: 19, 20. Since then, I had set the goal of serving as a pioneer. Ogeessonni elektiriikii fi hojii boombaa, mahaandisonni, paayileetonnii fi doktooronni baqaqsanii walʼaanan seerawwan kanneen irratti hundaaʼanii hojii isaanii hojjetu. The way you apply what he said will allow you opportunities to express your love for God, your concern for your neighbors, and your appreciation for the hope of everlasting life. Modern - day doctors and women work in harmony with these laws. Deebii gaaffii kanaa beekuun keenya, lammata dhalachuu jechuun maal jechuu akka ta'e sirriitti hubachuuf nu gargaara. It is therefore nothing great if his ministers also keep transforming themselves into ministers of righteousness. But their end shall be according to their works. " - 2 Corinthians 11: 14, 15. Knowing the answer helps us to understand what it means to be born again. Aarri karaa qaawwa qilleensa galchuun ol seenuu jalqabe. How we appreciate such blessings! The infected plant began to take over the wind. (Isaayaas 50: 4 - 9 dubbisi.) Instead, they will imitate Jehovah. (Read Isaiah 50: 4 - 9.) Eebbiifi mirgi ani argadhe qarshii ani argachuu danda'u kamirrayyuu kan caaludha. Think of one fact there mentioned: "We were yet sinners. " The blessings and privileges I have received are far superior to that of any other opportunity I may have. • Wantoonni jalqaba Yihowaa akka jaallattu si godhan, ammas si jajjabeessuu kan danda'an akkamitti? LIFE STORY • How can you strengthen your first love for Jehovah? 12, 13. A friend is getting married. 12, 13. Sirnawwan kumaatamatti lakkaa'amaniifi qaama keenya keessatti walta'anii hojjechuudhaan akka jiraannu nu gargaaran hundi itti yaadamanii kan hojjetamanidha. FRANK and Jerry faced a common problem. All the thousands of rituals that help us to cooperate with our physical body are designed to work together. Akkasumas, nyaanni hafuuraa qayyabannaa dhuunfaafi qayyabannaa maatiirratti itti fayyadamuu dandeenyu barreeffamaan nuuf qophaaʼa. He was to be a descendant of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It is also written for us to use the spiritual food we can use in personal and family study. FAAYIDAA ISAA: Faayidaa of toʼachuun qabu hunda tarreessuu yoo barbaaddee, waraqaa hedduutu si barbaachisa! What evidence is there of his existence? THE THREAT: If you want to add to all the benefits of self - control, you need a number of paper! Barumsawwan hafuuraa gati jabeessa Seera Lewwootaa keessa jiran erga qortee booda, " Kutaan kun Dubbii Waaqayyoo geggeessaa hafuura qulqulluutiin barreeffametti kan dabalame maaliif akka taʼe amma caalaatti hubadheera ' jetta taʼa. Yet, meditating on this incident in the life of Jacob may help us to grasp, to some extent, how God must have felt when his beloved Son was mistreated and cruelly put to death as a man on earth. After examining spiritual gems found in Leviticus, you might say, " Now I understand why this portion of God's Word is now inspired of God. ' 4: 18; Yoh. 16: 12. Who, then, is to have the things you stored up? " - Luke 12: 20. 4: 18; John 16: 12. Fariisichi tokko wanti inni godhe sirrii akka hin taane yeroo yaadetti, Yesus isattis gaarummaadhaan dubbateera. - Luq. 7: 36 - 48. I believe it's the wisdom of God. When a Pharisee did something wrong, Jesus kindly spoke to him. - Luke 7: 36 - 48. Gaaffiin Abrahaam, amantii cimaa inni qajeelina Yihowaarratti qabu kan argisiisu ture. Notes Robert, a pioneer for over 30 years, "To work along with angels who know what is going on in the householders ' lives is exciting. " Abraham's question reflected his strong faith in Jehovah's righteousness. Hedduun isaanii immoo, Galmawwan Mootummaa ijaaruu fi suphuu irratti hirmaatu. You can understand that after a divorce, a person might not want to talk about the details leading up to the divorce. Many share in building and maintaining Kingdom Halls. Akkasumas yaadawwan gaggaarii amala of toʼachuu cimsachuuf nu gargaaran tokko tokko ilaalla. Moses turned his back on the treasures of Egypt, "choosing to be mistreated with the people of God rather than to have the temporary enjoyment of sin. " We will also consider some positive suggestions that can help us to strengthen our self - control. Aniifi hiriyaan gaa'elaakoo yeroo kanatti kan nu barbaachisu maalidha? In carrying out his God - given assignment, Jesus reflected his Father's magnificent qualities. How do my mate and I need that time? Kunimmoo amantii isaan Yihowaarratti qaban isaaniif cimseera; nutis seenaa kanarraa jajjabina guddaa arganna. - 9 / 15, fuula 16. We lived next to a family who was poor and struggling to feed eight children. This strengthened their faith in Jehovah, and we find great encouragement in this account. - 9 / 15, page 16. Weebsaayitichi itti fayyadamuuf salphaa siʼa taʼu, wantoota sagaleedhaan qophaaʼan, viidiyoowwan, Kitaaba Qulqulluu fi barreeffamoota kaan tola garagalfachuun ni dandaʼama. For example, when Jehovah decided to destroy the ungodly world in a deluge, he said to Noah: "Make for yourself an ark out of wood of a resinous tree. " The Web site is simple, and it can be accessed to recordings, videos, and other publications. Amalli Hundarra Caalu Jaalaladha 8: 5. Love - A Love of Love Yeroo kanatti waraanni Armaagedoon kan jalqabu yommuu taʼu Seexanniifi hafuuronni hamoon iddoo isa lafa jalaatti gad darbatamu. - 9 / 15, fuula 4. However, we know that when human teachings contradict what God has revealed, it is always the human teachings that are wrong. Armageddon will begin, and Satan and his demons will be cast into the abyss. - 9 / 15, page 4. Fakkeenyaaf, karaan Waaqayyo ittiin namoota uume rakkina qaba turee? Rom. For example, was God's way of dealing with humans a problem? JECHA "dhama'i " jedhu yommuu dhageessu maal yaadatta? 15: 19, 25. WHAT do you think of when you hear the word "flee "? Matumaa! She gave her name, Apun, but she was cautious because even in the 1980 ' s, the activities of the Witnesses were banned. Not at all! Maatewos 28: 19, 20 dubbisi. Before "the sons of Reuben and the sons of Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh " moved across the Jordan River, they erected" an altar great in conspicuousness. " Read Matthew 28: 19, 20. Akkaataan isin wanta inni jedhe hojiirra itti oolchitan, Yihowaa akka jaallattan, namootaaf akka yaaddaniifi abdii jireenya barabaraatiif dinqisiifannaa akka qabdan argisiisuuf carraa kan isiniif banudha. At that time, my father and my older sister did not serve Jehovah. The way you apply what he says gives you the opportunity to express your love for Jehovah, to be concerned about people, and to show your appreciation for the hope of everlasting life. Taʼus, yaada kana Macaafa Qulqulluu keessaa argachuu waan hin dandeenyeef waldaa dhaquu ni dhaabde; achiis ni cuuphamte. Consider Ramón, the young man quoted earlier who cringed at the thought of identifying himself as a Christian at school. However, she was unable to find it from the Bible, and she was baptized. " Seexanni iyyuu ergamoota ifaa fakkaachuudhaaf waan wallaalchifatuuf,... hojjetoonni isaas hojjetoota qajeelinaa fakkaachuudhaaf yoo wallaalchifatan, kun waan guddaa miti; gara dhumaattis waan hojii isaaniitiif ta'u argachuuf jiru. " - 2 Qorontos 11: 14, 15. He was giving a warning. " If Satan keeps transforming his servants into a course of righteousness, that is not a lot of work for them. " - 2 Corinthians 11: 14, 15. Eebbawwan Yihowaa irraa arganne akkasii guddaa dinqisiifanna! Her mind was on getting water. How we appreciate such blessings from Jehovah! Kanaa mannaa, fakkeenya Yihowaa hordofu. In doing that, God had to face the pain of seeing his dear Son suffer and die. Rather, they imitate Jehovah's example. Yaada, "Utuma nuyi cubbamoota taanee jirruu " jedhu hubadhu. Also, ask the learner to think of the elderly ones in the congregation and how carrying out his assignment will benefit them. Notice what it says: "We are yet sinners. " (Ingiliffaan argama. We have to admit that at one time or another, every person displays one or more of those traits. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED. seenaa jireenyaa I explained that it is God's will that we preach the good news of God's Kingdom. Life Story Michuun keessan tokko gaaʼela godhachuuf jedha. Some time later, I heard a circuit overseer speak on the subject of pioneering. A friend says that you should get married. Achiis wal qoccoluu kan eegalan siʼa taʼu, yerosii kaasee waliin oodan. Make it your goal to give correction when it is needed and commendation when it is genuinely deserved. Then they began to fight, and from then on, they have been arguing about one another. Hidda dhalootaa Abrahaam, Yisihaqiifi Yaaqoobirraa dhufuu qaba ture. One myriad times one myriad is 100 million. He had to come from Abraham's descendants, Isaac, and Jacob. Inni jiraachuu isaatiif ragaa akkamiitu jira? (b) In what situations must we restrain our emotions? What evidence is there that he exists? Taʼus, wanta jireenya Yaaqoob keessatti raawwatame kanarratti xiinxaluun keenya, Waaqayyo Ilmisaa inni jaallatamaan nama taʼee yeroo lafarra turetti, yommuu gidiraan isarra gaʼuufi gara jabinaan ajjeefamu hangam isatti dhagaʼamee akka ture hamma tokko hubachuuf nu gargaara. They Found the Messiah! Yet, meditating on what happened in Jacob's life helps us to see how much God must have felt when his beloved Son suffered and was put to death while he was being put to death. waan isaan jedheef, halkanuma sanatti wanti itti dhama'e sun hundumtuu gatii dhabeera. - Luqaas 12: 20. She explained that there was a job vacancy that needed to be filled as soon as possible. That night, everything was lost was lost. - Luke 12: 20. Ogummaan kunimmoo ogummaa Waaqayyoo akka taʼe nan amana. 1: 26 - 29. I believe that wisdom is God's wisdom. Roobarti inni waggaa 30 oliif qajeelchaa taʼe maal akka jedhe qalbeeffadhaa: "Maleekota wanta jireenya nama tokkoo keessatti raawwatamaa jiru beekanii wajjin hojjechuun nama gammachiisa. " How can we do that? Note what Robert, who has been a pioneer for over 30 years, says: "It's a pleasure to work with someone who knows what is happening in life. " Namni tokko hiriyaa gaaʼelaasaa wajjin erga wal hiikee booda wantoota wal hiikuusaaniitiif sababa taʼan tokko tokkoon dubbachuu hin barbaadu taʼa. • Be willing to take the final responsibility After divorce with a mate, a person may not want to speak about certain reasons for divorce. Museen qabeenya Gibxii dhiisuudhaan, "yeroo muraasaaf cubbuu keessa jiraatee gammachuu argachuu mannaa, saba Waaqayyoo wajjin rakkachuu filate. " How may some invite apostates into their homes? Rather than abandoning wealth in Egypt, Moses chose to suffer "a temporary enjoyment of sin with God's people. " Yesus hojii Waaqayyo isaa kenne yommuu raawwatu amalawwan Abbaasaa warra dinqisiisaa taʼan argisiiseera. (Read 1 Corinthians 13: 11; 14: 20.) When Jesus fulfills his God - given commission, he demonstrated marvelous qualities of his Father. Ollaa keenya, maatii hiyyeessa ijoollee saddeet sooruuf oliifi gadi jedhu tokkotu jiraata. Jehovah loves and cherishes you. We are surrounded by a family of eight poor children and one of the other children. Fakkeenyaaf, biyya lafaa waaqayyo malee jiraatu bishaaniin balleessuuf yommuu murteessetti Nohiin, "Ati muka taʼu irraa markaba tolchi " jedhee ture. Many of them call me Mama or Grandma. For example, in God's due time he told Noah: "You must make a ark out of a tree, that you may eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. " Maxxansa Qayyabannaa Aug. Study Edition 8: 5. Why was timing important in connection with the Flood? 8: 5. Kanaafuu, barumsi namootaa wanta Waaqayyo jedhee wajjin yoo wal faallesse, yeroo hundumaa dogoggorri kan jiru barumsa namootaarra. He listens to things that we can tell no one but him and that no one else would understand. Thus, if human teachings cause conflict with what God says, there is always a lesson in human error. Rom. You Are a Trusted Steward! Rom. 15: 19, 25. What can you do to finish and thus win that race? 15: 19, 25. Maqaan ishii Ooppun akka taʼe kan itti himte taʼus, bara 1980mmanii keessatti sochiin Dhugaa Baatotaa dhorkamee waan tureef of eeggattee turte. (b) What risk does a married couple take if they allow themselves to be separated for long periods of time? Her name was Apun, but in the 1980 ' s, she was convinced that the Witnesses were under ban. " Ilmaan Ruuben, ilmaan Gaadi, walakkaan gosa Minaasees " Laga Yordaanos erga ce'anii booda, "iddoo aarsaa baay'ee guddaa tokko in ijaaran. " He wanted the man and the woman to marry and to form a close bond, as if they were "one flesh. " " After the sons of Reuben and Gad and Gad the half tribe of Manasseh, " the sons of Manasseh "kept building a large altar. " Yeroo sanatti, abbaankoofi obboleettiinkoo isheen angafaa Dhugaa Baatota Yihowaa hin turre. In the case of young ones who have no Christian parents, the elders in the congregation will lovingly help them to count the cost of discipleship. At that time, my father and older sister were not Jehovah's Witnesses. Fakkeenyaaf, Raamoon isa olitti caqasameefi mana barumsaatti Kiristiyaana taʼuusaa dubbachuun isa yeellaasisaa ture haa ilaallu. Although Jesus ' mother, Mary, and his adoptive father, Joseph, lived in Nazareth, a Roman registration decree had taken them to Bethlehem, where Jesus was born in 2 B.C.E. Consider, for example, the threat of Nicodemus, mentioned earlier, who was a Christian at school. Akeekkachiisa kennaa ture. On that occasion, not one of them took the initiative to do the customary menial service of washing the dusty feet of the others. He was a gift of warning. Dubartittiin waa'ee bishaan waraabuu yaaddi turte. In June 1951, both were baptized, and six months later, they began pioneering. The woman was thinking about water. Kunis, Waaqayyo yeroo Ilmisaa inni jaallatamaan gidiraadhaan du'u arguun dhiphina isarraan geessisu danda'uu isa gaafateera. For example, what might indicate that your child's faith is wavering? Perhaps his joy is waning, he is speaking critically of fellow believers, or he has become secretive. As a result, God asked him to see his beloved Son suffer from the pain of death. Akkasumas, barataan sun waaʼee manguddoota gumii keessa jiranii fi hojii isaaf kenname raawwachuun isaa kan isaan fayyadu akkamitti akka taʼe akka yaadu isa jajjabeessaa. How can we close ranks? Also, encourage the student to think about older ones in the congregation and how he will benefit from his assignment. Namni hundi yeroo tokko tokko amala olitti ibsaman kana keessaa tokko ykn isaa ol argisiisuu akka dandaʼu amanuu qabna. Nevertheless, Satan may use the tribulations we suffer to undermine our faith. Each person at times needs to believe that he or she can display that quality. Anis, misiraachoo Mootummaa Waaqayyoo lallabuun keenya wanta Waaqayyo barbaadu akka taʼen ibseef. From both Bible and modern - day examples, what did you learn about I explained that sharing the good news of God's Kingdom is what God wants. Yeroo booda, haasaa ilaaltuun olaanaa aanaa qajeelchaa ta'uu ilaalchisee dhiheessen dhaga'e. Some of its blood too was sprinkled before the cover of the Ark in the Most Holy. In time, I heard an announcement about the circuit overseer's pioneer service. Yeroo barbaachisaa taʼetti sirreeffama kennuuf, yeroo sirrii taʼuttimmoo isaan galateeffachuuf murtoo godhaa. As we examine chapter 4 of Ephesians, we will see why unity requires effort, how Jehovah helps us to unite, and what attitudes will help us to remain united. When adjustments are needed, be determined to commend them at the right time. Kumni kudhan siʼa 10,000 miliyoona 100 dha. Priscilla constantly reminded herself of Jesus ' words at Matthew 6: 34. B.C.E., ten million people were killed. (b) Haalawwan akkamii keessatti miira keenya toʼachuu qabna? I did not recognize him and was curious. (b) In what circumstances should we control our emotions? Masiihicha Argataniiru! Gifts Fit for a King (aromatic spices), 3 / 1 They Found the Messiah! Isheenis hojiin tokko akka jiruufi hojii sanaaf namni hatattamaan akka barbaadamu natti himte. Honesty is basic to Christianity. She told me that she was busy and needed to do the job. 1: 26 - 29. 116: 12, 14. 1: 26 - 29. Kana gochuu kan dandeenyu akkamitti? Why do I feel that living by God's moral standards is better than adopting the lifestyle of the world? How can we do so? • Dhumarratti itti gaafatamummaasaa fudhachuuf of qopheessaa Read Isaiah 40: 29. • Prepare yourself for his responsibility Namoonni tokko tokko gantoota manasaaniitti kan simatan akkamitti taʼuu dandaʼa? Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education, pages 33 through 38, analyzes "How to Do Research " by using the tools that have been provided by" the faithful and discreet slave. " How might some have received hospitality from apostates in their home? (1 Qorontos 13: 11; 14: 20 dubbisi.) " We lived in an abandoned house along with several other dropouts who were interested in Eastern religions. (Read 1 Corinthians 13: 11; 14: 20.) 71: 9) Yihowaan isin jaallata, iddoo guddaas isinii kenna. In the early 1820 ' s, the only written form of Malagasy was called sorabe - Malagasy words written in Arabic characters. Jehovah loves and values you. Baayʼeen isaanii Harmee ykn Akkoo jedhanii na waamu. Soon, she was convinced that she had found the truth, and she was baptized in 1929. Many called me by my mother or habits. Cam. Some of Adam's descendants lived even longer than that. " Be Peaceable With All Men, " May Bishaan Badiisaa wajjin haala wal qabateen yeroo murteeffame eeguun barbaachisaa kan ture maaliifi? He is "loyal in all his works. " Why was it important to wait for the Flood? Inni wantoota nuti isaan alatti nama kamitti iyyuu himuu hin dandeenyee fi namni kam iyyuu nuuf hubachuu hin dandeenye ni dhaggeeffata. Listening to the Messiah He listens to anyone who cannot tell us any other thing and who cannot understand us. Isin Hojii Adeemsiftoota Amanamoodha! (1 Pet. You Are Faithful for the Work! Dorgommee kana xumuruufi moʼuuf maal gochuu dandeessa? I am thankful that those early conventions motivated me to take my stand for true worship, to simplify my life, and to expand my ministry. What can you do to complete the race and win? (b) Hiriyoonni gaaʼelaa yeroo dheeraadhaaf gargar fagaatanii kan jiraatan yoo taʼe balaa akkamiitiif of saaxiluu dandaʼu? Where do you think they get such ideas? " (b) If marriage mates live apart for a long time, what danger can be avoided? Addaamiifi Hewwaan gaaʼela dhaabbachuudhaan "foon tokko " taʼanii akka waliin jiraatan barbaada ture. It might enter the uterus but fail to implant in the less receptive lining. He wanted Adam and Eve to remain married and to remain together "one flesh. " 10: 22; 1 Phe. 5: 8) Kanaafuu warri, duuka buutuu Yesus taʼuuf maaltu akka barbaachisu ijoollee isaanii barsiisuu qabu. It survived (1) the threat of decay of the materials used to write on, such as papyrus and parchment; (2) opposition by political and religious leaders who tried to destroy it; and (3) attempts by some to alter its message. - wp16.4, pp. So parents should teach their children what is required of them to become a follower of Jesus. Haati Yesusiifi abbaan buddeenaasaa Yoseef kan jiraatan Naazireet taʼuyyuu, labsiin mootummaan Roomaa akka galmeeffamaniif baase, gara Betlihem bakka Yesus Dh.K.D. bara 2 tti itti dhalate akka dhaqan isaan dirqisiisee ture. We knew that we would lose the case, but we realized that a great witness would result. Although Jesus ' mother, Joseph, and his father, Joseph, were living in Nazareth, the decree issued by the Roman government ordered them to go to Bethlehem in 2 B.C.E. Yeroo sanatti, isaan keessaa eenyuyyuu hojii gad aanaafi yeroo sanatti beekamaa ture, jechuunis miilla warra kaanii isa awwaara uffate dhiquuf kan of qopheesse hin turre. What Is the Holy Spirit? Of course, none of them were well - known for that time - that of opening the feet of others in the dust of the dust. Waxabajjii 1951 tti, lamaan isaanii iyyuu kan cuuphaman siʼa taʼu, jiʼa jaʼa booda qajeelchaa taʼanii tajaajiluu jalqaban. For example, we do not accept blood transfusions, because the Bible forbids taking in blood. - Acts 15: 20, 28, 29. In June 1951, both were baptized, and after six months they began pioneering. 32: 8) Fakkeenyaaf, ijoolleen keessan amantiin isaanii hirʼachaa akka jiru akkamitti beekuu dandeessu? The first part of Acts is primarily about the activity of the apostle Peter, and the latter part is about that of the apostle Paul. For example, how can you tell your children that their faith is lacking? Walitti dhihaachuu kan dandeenyu akkamitti? Jehovah answered his prayers and directed matters in a way that benefited His people. How can we draw close to one another? Haata'u malee, Seexanni rakkoowwan nurra ga'aniin fayyadamee amantaa keenya laaffisuu barbaada. How did Hezekiah show complete reliance on God? However, Satan seeks to undermine our faith by means of trials. Dhiignisaa hanga ta'e fudhatamee Saanduqa isa iddoo Hundumaa Caalaa Qulqullaa'aa ta'erratti facaafama. A straw could be a small piece of grass. He has served until his blood is completed and the Most Holy of the Holy Scriptures. Efesoon boqonnaa 4 ennaa qoraa deemnu, tokkummaa qabaachuun carraaqqii kan gaafatu maaliif akka taʼe, Yihowaan tokkummaa qabaachuuf akkamitti akka nu gargaaruufi tokkummaa qabaannee itti fufuuf ilaalchi akkamii akka nu gargaaru ilaalla. Why, a love of righteousness! As we examine Ephesians chapter 4, we will see why unity requires effort, how Jehovah helps us to maintain unity, and how he helps us to maintain unity. Pirisilaan gorsa Yesuus Maatewos 6: 34 irratti kenne yeroo hunda of yaadachiisti. But software designers know otherwise. Consider, too, the counsel Jesus gave at Matthew 6: 34. Eenyummaasaa kanan hin beekne taʼuusaarrayyuu, wanta natti himuuf jedhu dhagaʼuuf ariifadheen ture. 27: 38. I did not know who he was, and I was embarrassed to tell him what to say. Fakkeenya Waaʼee Taalaantii Dubbatu Irraa Baradhaa, 3 / 15 Realizing that I needed to adjust my thinking, I prayed to Jehovah to help me be more loving toward Steve. Learn From God's Word, 3 / 15 Amanamummaan ulaagaa Kiristiyaanni tokko guutuu qabu dha. 14, 15. Loyalty is a requirement for a Christian. 116: 12, 14. (b) What admonition does Deuteronomy 6: 5 - 7 give to parents? 116: 12, 14. Ulaagaalee naamusaa Waaqayyo baase eeganii jiraachuun, akkaataa jireenyaa addunyaa kanaa hordofuu irra akka caalu kan natti dhagaʼamu maaliifi? SONGS: 60, 22 Why do I feel that living by God's moral standards is far superior to the world's way of life? Isaayaas 40: 29 dubbisi. Being strongly influenced by Plato's ideas about the soul, Origen "built into Christian doctrine the whole cosmic drama of the soul, which he took from Plato, " observes theologian Werner Jaeger. Read Isaiah 40: 29. Kitaabni Mana Barumsaa Tajaajila Tiʼookraasiirraa Fayyadami jedhamu, fuula 33 hanga 38 rratti mataduree "Qorannaa Gochuun Kan Dandaʼamu Akkamitti? " Walk With God See the book Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School, pages 33 to 38 of this magazine, "How Can I Make It Enjoyable? " " Namoota barumsasaanii addaan kutaniifi amantii biyyoota gara Bahaatiif fedhii qaban hedduu wajjin mana ona taʼe keessa jiraanna turre. Now, with this adjustment, we have an additional evening that allows us to focus on family worship! " " We lived with many of the people who were interested in religion in Eastern Eastern Europe. Jalqaba waggoota 1820mmaniitti qubeen afaan Maalaagaasii barreessuuf itti hojjetamaa ture qubee afaan Arabaa, Suuraabee jedhamu qofa ture. His academic achievements as a high - school student qualified him to attend any of the best universities in his country. In the early 18th century, the Malagasy letter was the only letter used in Malagasy. Dhugaa argachuushee amanuuf yeroo dheeraa kan itti hin fudhanne si'a ta'u, bara 1929 ttis ni cuuphamte. (a) What responsibilities do husbands have? She did not take a long time to believe the truth, and she got baptized in 1929. Sanyiin Addaam tokko tokko immoo kana caalaa umurii dheeraa jiraataniiru. David's life was never the same after that anointing. Some descendants of Adam lived longer than that. " Hojii isaa hundumaattis gaarummaa ["amanamummaa, " NW] in argisiisa. " If Adam and Eve had respected that gift, the whole earth would have become a paradise filled with happy, righteous servants of God. " Through all his works he is loyal to his activity, " he says. Masiihicha Dhaggeeffachuu In these, Jehovah's servants of the past expressed their innermost feelings. Listen to the Messiah (1 Phe. No one may post our copyrighted publications on other Internet sites (1 Pet. Walga'iiwwan koonyaa darban sun, waaqeffannaa dhugaa cina akkan dhaabadhu, jireenya salphaa akka jiraadhuufi tajaajilakoo akkan babal'isu waan na gargaaraniif guddaan galateeffadha. By heeding what warning did first - century Christians escape calamity? I am grateful that those conventions helped me to take a stand for true worship and help me to expand my ministry as a simple life. Namoonni kun yaada akkasii eessaa kan argatan sitti fakkaata? " Sympathetic Concern for Us Where do you think they have found that? " Gadameessa keessa galuu kan dandaʼu taʼus, gidgiddaa gadameessaa isa haphatetti maxxanuu hin dandaʼu. He never even considered disobeying Jehovah when Potiphar's wife tried to entice him to do what was wrong. Although it is possible to enter into the womb, the uterus cannot be compared to the uterus. (1) Wantoota salphaatti tortoruu dandaʼan, kan akka paappiirasii fi gogaa irratti kan barreeffame taʼus, (2) geggeessitoonni siyaasaa fi amantii isa balleessuuf kan yaalan taʼanis, akkasumas fi (3) namoonni ergaa isaa jijjiiruuf kan yaalan taʼanis ooleera. - wp16.3 ful. " Even when David was on the run, living in and out of caves, Jehovah always sustained him. (1) While simple, electricity, and skin, (2) political leaders try to destroy political and religious leaders, (3) those who try to change his message. - wp17.2, pp. Akka injifatamnu beeknee kan turre taʼus, dhugaa baʼiinsi guddaan akka kennamu hubannee turre. We agreed that some ways of having fun are acceptable whereas others are not. We knew that we would be conquered, but we knew that a great witness was given. Hafuurri Qulqulluun MAALIDHA? Ultimately, each child will make his or her own decision about serving God. WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS Fakkeenyaaf, Kitaabni Qulqulluun dhiiga gara qaama ofiitti galchuu waan dhorkuuf, dhiiga hin fudhannu. - Hojii Ergamootaa 15: 20, 28, 29. One publisher, who had stopped giving talks on the school because of nervousness, asked to be enrolled again. For example, we reject blood because the Bible forbids the blood of the body. - Acts 15: 20, 28, 29. Macaafichi jalqabarratti keessumaa waa'ee tajaajila Phexros kan ibsu yommuu ta'u, itti aansuudhaanimmoo waa'ee tajaajila Phaawulos ibsa. " Continue Applying Yourself... to Teaching " 29 The book is particularly related to Peter's ministry, and the next article explains Paul's ministry. Yihowaan karaa sabasaa fayyaduun Nahimiyaadhaaf deebii kenneera. (Nah. Much of what we read or hear on these occasions is not new to us. Jehovah responded by means of Nehemiah's people. Hisqiyaas guutummaatti Yihowaatti akka amanamu kan argisiise akkamitti? After the school was evacuated, paramedics, counselors, and chaplains came on the scene and worked to the point of exhaustion caring for the students. How did Hezekiah demonstrate complete trust in Jehovah? jechuudhaan gaafatee ture. When Mephibosheth was five years old, he "had a fall and was lamed. " • What can man do to me? " Qajeelummaa jaallachuudha! More than that, because of our faith, we will receive a gift no human could ever obtain by his own efforts - everlasting life. - John 3: 16. It is love of righteousness! Diizaayinaroonni sooftiweerii garuu faallaa kanaa yaadu. " " Why don't we go to one of their meetings to find out? ' However, the others think differently. 27: 38. For example, at the synagogue at Antioch in Pisidia, Paul used at least five direct quotations from the Hebrew Scriptures to prove that Jesus was the Messiah. 27: 38. Yaadakoo sirreessuun akka na barbaachisu hubachuudhaan, Yihowaan Istiiviin caalaatti jaallachuuf akka na gargaarun kadhadhe. Moreover, the young man did not share my faith. Knowing that I needed to adjust my thinking, I prayed to Jehovah for help to love Steve better. 14, 15. " Do I unwittingly hinder communication by trying to force my adolescent to talk? ' 14, 15. (b) Keessa Deebiin 6: 5 - 7 warraaf gorsa akkamii kenna? Association of a place with war is not uncommon. (b) What advice does Deuteronomy 6: 5 - 7 give parents? FAARFANNAA: 23, 22 This will allow us to take full advantage of our association with fellow Christians. SONGS TO BE USED: 23, 22 Hayyuu amantii kan ta'an Varnar Yeegar, Oriijan "lubbuu ilaalchisee barumsawwan Pilaatoo hedduu barumsa bu'uuraa Kiristiyaanummaatti dabaleera " jechuudhaan dubbataniiru. And, indeed, overseers have the responsibility to " reprove those who practice sin. ' " The teachings of Aristotle's soul have been added to Christian teachings, " says historian R. Waaqayyoo Wajjin Adeemaa I didn't want to be alone. Keep Working With God Amma garuu, sirreeffamni kun galgala dabalataa waaqeffannaa maatiirratti xiyyeeffachuu dandeessisu nuuf argamsiiseera! " Showing such consideration is not favoritism. But now this adjusted adjustment gave us added meaning to our family worship! " Qabxiin inni barumsa sadarkaa lammaffaatti argate, yunivarsiitiiwwan beekamoo biyyattii keessa jiran kamiyyuu galee barachuuf kan isa dandeessisu ture. You too can ask God to give you holy spirit. - Luke 11: 13. The point he found in a secondary education enabled him to study any university in the country. (a) Abbootiin manaa itti gaafatamummaa akkamii qabu? Duration: Five months. (a) What responsibility do husbands have? Erga dibamee booda jireenyi Daawit ni jijjiirame. • How does Jehovah help us to endure? [ Pictures on page 23] After his anointing, David changed his life. (Uma. 1: 26 - 28) Addaamiifi Hewwaan kennaa kana utuu kabajaniiru taʼee, guutummaan lafaa jannata tajaajiltoonni Waaqayyoo gammadoofi qajeeloo taʼan keessa guutan taati turte. It was a big change. If Adam and Eve had known that gift, the entire earth would be a happy and righteous paradise for God's servants. Kadhannaawwan kana keessatti, tajaajiltoonni Yihowaa durii miira garaasaanii ibsaniiru. The Bible does far more than simply expose lies about God; it reveals the truth about his appealing qualities. In those prayers, Jehovah's servants in ancient times expressed their deep feelings. Namni kam iyyuu barreeffamoota keenya warra mirgi abbummaa isaanii seeraan eegamaa taʼe weeb saayitoota kan biraa irratti maxxansuu hin dandaʼu Aunt Mary and Uncle Talmadge No human can print other Internet sites on the rights of those who are being judged Kiristiyaanonni jaarraa jalqabaa balaarraa kan oolan, akeekkachiisa kam hojiirra waan oolchaniif ture? 12: 1. What warning did first - century Christians receive because of the danger of danger? Yesus Garaadhaa Nuu Yaada How can insight assist elders to act as Phinehas did? Jesus Really Cares Yoseef, haati manaa Phooxifaaraa wanta dogoggora taʼe akka raawwatuuf yeroo isa sossobdetti, Yihowaadhaaf ajajamuu dhiisuu gonkumaa hin yaadne. 10, 11. When Potiphar's wife tried to seduce Joseph into doing wrong, Joseph never thought about obeying Jehovah. Yihowaan yommuu Daawit baqatee holqa keessas taʼe iddoo garabiraa turetti wanta jireenyaaf isa barbaachisu isaa kennee ture. It warns against becoming "unevenly yoked with unbelievers. " When Jehovah was fleeing from David and living in a cave, he provided for David's necessities. Taphawwan tokko tokko fudhatama kan qaban taʼus, kaan garuu fudhatama kan hin qabne akka taʼan irratti walii gallee turre. Jehovah cherished this goodness and rewarded it, granting a measure of mercy to this one member of a wicked family. Although some games were acceptable, we agreed that others were not acceptable. Mucaan tokko Yihowaa tajaajiluu ilaalchisee yeroo booda murtoo mataasaa gochuu akka qabu beekamaadha. Despite advancing years and "days of distress, " they continue to praise God to the best of their ability. Of course, a child should eventually make his own decision regarding serving Jehovah. Babalʼistuun waan sodaattuuf, mana barumsaa kana irratti kutaa dhiheessuu dhaabde tokko deebitee galmaaʼuuf gaafatte. In the long run, a husband and wife do not solve their problems by screaming or by refusing to talk to each other. Because she was a publisher, she asked for a room in the school to return. " Barsiisuuttis Of Kenni! " 29 COVER: To reach as many people as possible, witnessing is done in many locations and situations. " Train Yourself With Teaching " 29 Yaadawwan yeroo akkasiitti dubbisnu ykn dhageenyu baay'eensaanii nuuf haaraa miti. Fact: A teenager is less likely to rebel when parents set reasonable rules and discuss them with him. Many of us are not new when reading such thoughts or hearing them. Namoonni mana barumsaatii erga baqatanii booda, warri yaalii fayyaa godhan, warri gorsa kennaniifi abbootiin amantii, achitti argamanii barattoota gargaaruuf hamma danda'an yaalii godhaniiru. 3: 1 - 6; Rom. After returning from school, doctors, teachers, and fathers have tried their best to help the students there. Mefii - Bosheet yeroo umriinsaa waggaa shan turetti, "kufee in naafate. " That is not the way things are to be among Jehovah's people. When Mephibosheth was five years old, "he was moved to meet me. " Kana malees, amantii qabaachuun keenya, wanta namni tokko iyyuu carraaqqii mataa isaatiin argachuu hin dandeenye, jechuunis jireenya bara baraa nuuf argamsiisa. - Yoh. 3: 16. MEMORIAL ATTENDANCE (2017) Moreover, having faith results in what no human can offer - everlasting life. - John 3: 16. " Isheen kaanimmoo, " Maaliif walgaʼiisaanii dhaqnee hin ilaallu? ' After the last Passover meal with the apostles, Jesus made a covenant with his faithful disciples that can be referred to as the Kingdom covenant. " Why don't we go to meetings? ' Ragaan inni Caaffata Qulqullaa'oorraa caqase kan nama amansiisu waan ta'eef, barumsa dabalataa argachuuf, "Yihudoonni baay'een akkasumas saba garaa garaa keessaa barsiisa Yihudootaa kan fudhatan, Phaawulosii fi Baarnaabaas duukaa bu'an. " After observing that envy and hatred had developed in Cain, God told him: "Turn to doing good. " His reasoning from the Scriptures was so convincing that "many Jews began to learn more and to follow the teachings of the Jews and to follow the teachings of Paul and Barnabas. " Kana malees, dargaggeessi kun Dhugaa Baatuu Yihowaa miti. SONGS: 15, 74 After all, the young man was not one of Jehovah's Witnesses. ▪ " Mucaankoo inni dargaggeessi yaadasaa akka ibsu dirqisiisuudhaan, utuu natti hin beekamin walitti dhufeenya nu gidduu jiru balleessaan jiraa? ' Study Edition ▪ We might ask ourselves, " Is there a difference between the young person's relationship without letting me express his opinion? ' Iddoo tokko waraanaa wajjin haala wal qabateen caqasuun haaraa miti. And the Grave, the common grave of mankind, follows closely, reaping a terrible harvest of lives! - Revelation 6: 1 - 8. There is nothing new about war. Kana gochuun keenya, waldaa obbolummaarraa guutummaatti fayyadamuuf nu gargaara. If so, you can well understand some of the hardships that Mary may have faced in Egypt. Doing so will help us to benefit fully from the brotherhood. Jaarsoliin " warra cubbuu hojjetan, balleessaasaanii itti mulʼisuuf ' itti gaafatamummaa akka qaban beekamaadha. Of course, we have only scratched the surface. Of course, Christian elders have the responsibility to " revealed their sins to those who sin against them. ' Kophaa jiraachuu hin barbaadun ture. Make sure that the Scriptures form the backbone of your talk. I didn't want to live alone. Waan akkasiitiif nama galateeffachuun wal caalchisuu miti. Purpose of Study Articles Showing that kind of commendation is not an act of commendation. Atis hafuura qulqulluu akka siif kennu Waaqayyoon gaafachuu ni dandeessa. - Luqaas 11: 13. And God saw justice done, punishing wicked Cain for his crime. You too can ask God for his holy spirit. - Luke 11: 13. Yeroo fudhatu: Jiʼa shan. How can we continue to apply ourselves to teaching, and in what ways will this help us to make advancement, or progress, as teachers of God's Word? Duration: Five months. • Yihowaan jabaannee akka dhaabannu kan nu gargaaru akkamitti? Thus, for centuries, Jehovah had just a sprinkling of faithful worshippers on the earth but no organized "people for his name. " • How does Jehovah help us to endure? Kun jijjiirama guddaa ture. Despite everything he suffered, and although Satan made an all - out effort to turn him away from Jehovah, Jesus proved faithful to Jehovah God. This was a big change. Macaafni Qulqulluun, soba Waaqayyoon ilaalchisee dubbatamu kan saaxilu taʼuusaarrayyuu, waaʼee amalawwansaa warra nama hawwatanis ni ibsa. The glamour of materialism, the seduction of immorality, the attractiveness of prominence, the flattering appeal of "me first, " and the magnetism of nationalism - these are all traps of Satan and must be identified as such. The Bible exposes lies about God and revealss his appealing qualities. Adaadaakoo Meeriifi Wasiilakoo Taalmaaji So in May 1957, we timidly applied for two months ' pioneering in Pello, a municipality in Lapland, above the Arctic Circle. As told by Mary and me 12: 1. [ Footnote] 12: 1. Hubannaan, jaarsoliin fakkeenya Fiinehaas akka hordofan kan isaan gargaaru akkamitti? MARGARITA and her husband, Raúl, had served Jehovah together as full - time ministers for many years. How can insight help elders to imitate Phinehas? 10, 11. Adam's eating of the fruit that Eve offered him must have been because of his desire for his wife. 10, 11. Nama "hin amannee wajjin walitti hin hidhatinaa! " jechuudhaan akeekkachiisa. In time, my brother married, and so did I. " Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. " Yihowaan, nama maatii hamaa taʼe kana keessaa baʼetti ooʼa guddaa itti argisiisuudhaan, gaarummaasaa kanaaf bakka guddaa kenneera; akkasumas isa kiiseera. He predicted that they would do works greater than his, and he assured them that God had affection for them. By showing mercy to this wicked family, Jehovah showed mercy and rewarded him with his goodness. Dullumniifi "barri hamaan " dhiibbaa kan isaanirraan gaʼu taʼus, hanga humnasaanii Waaqayyoon jajachuusaanii itti fufaniiru. (Lal. It is usually wise to have a family meeting to discuss cooperation, needs, and strategies. Despite the pressures of old age and "the wicked one, " they continue to praise God to the best of their ability. Abbaan manaa fi haati manaa walitti iyyuudhaan ykn waliin ooduudhaan rakkina isaanii furuu hin dandaʼan. 8: 11. A husband and wife cannot solve each other's problems with a smile or a smile. FAKKII QOLASAARRA JIRU: Hanga dandaʼame namoota hedduudhaaf dhugaa baʼuuf bakkaafi haala addaddaatiin lallabama. If the holy spirit is something sacred to us, we will avoid doing anything that might grieve that spirit, or obstruct its action in our lives. - Ephesians 4: 30. COVER: To many, people are in a position to give a witness in various places and circumstances. Dhugaa jiru: Warri seera madaalliisaa eege kan baasaniifi isaanii wajjin kan irratti mariʼatan taanaan, ijoolleen seera cabsuu dhiisuu dandaʼu. The apostle Paul instructed young Timothy: "Do not severely criticize an older man. " Real: When parents set rules and discuss rules with them, children cannot break rules. 3: 1 - 6; Rom. At one time or another, perhaps someone has urged you to do something that you know is wrong. 3: 1 - 6; Rom. Wanti akkasii saba Yihowaa gidduutti ta'uu hin qabu. No doubt he will be delighted to work by the side of his hero and role model, his dad! That should not be among Jehovah's people. NAMOOTA AYYAANA YAADANNOO IRRATTI ARGAMAN (2017) Jehoshaphat did become afraid! MEMORIAL ATTENDANCE (2017) Yesus Irbaata Gooftaa erga hundeessee booda, bartootasaa amanamoo taʼanii wajjin kakuu galeera; kakuun kun kakuu Mootummichaa jedhama. He had not only the power to help people but the desire as well. After Jesus instituted the Lord's Evening Meal, he made a covenant with his faithful disciples, and that covenant was made with the Kingdom. Waaqayyo hinaaffaafi jibbi keessa Qaayinitti guddachaa akka jiru erga hubatee booda, " Wanta gaarii hojjedhu! ' isaan jedhee ture. (Uma. How Would You Answer? After seeing that God was growing up in Cain's envy and hatred, he told them: "Do what is good. " FAARFANNAA: 15, 74 Faithfulness will move him to volunteer for future projects. SONGS TO BE USED: 15, 74 Maxxansa Qayyabannaa Despite having come from rival nations, these worshippers have beaten "their swords into plowshares, " and they refuse to" learn war anymore. " Study Edition Awwaalli immoo namoota duʼan liqimsaa itti dhihaatee isa duukaa buʼa ture! - Mulʼata 6: 1 - 8. Although Namangolwa owns a wheelchair, she often has to walk on her hands and knees when on a sandy dirt road. And the grave fell asleep in death! - Revelation 6: 1 - 8. Taanaan, rakkoowwan Maariyaam Gibxiitti dabarsite tokko tokko hubachuun si hin rakkisu. Yes, having faith gave Enoch the courage to walk with Jehovah and to proclaim His judgment message to a godless world. If so, you may find it hard to understand some of Mary's problems in Egypt. Dhugaadha, wanti baranne muraasa qofadha. Central to that brotherhood is "the faithful and discreet slave " with its representative Governing Body, which issues a constant supply of spiritual food in the form of printed material and programs for meetings and assemblies. Of course, there are only a few things we have learned. Haasaan ati dhiheessituu Kitaaba Qulqulluu irratti kan hundaaʼe taʼuu isaa mirkaneessi. Without this kind of approach, Bible study can quickly become mechanical, and you may lose the desire to continue. Make sure that your talk is solidly based on the Scriptures. Kaayyoo Matadureewwan Qayyabannaa See the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures - With References, Appendix 1A "The Divine Name in the Hebrew Scriptures, " p. Purpose of Study Articles Waaqayyos adaba gocha Qaayin inni hamaan raawwateef malu kennuudhaan murtoo sirrii raawwateera. In his second letter to Timothy, Paul wrote: "I recollect the faith which is in you without any hypocrisy. " God acted wisely in response to Cain's bad course. Barsiisuutti of kennuu keenya itti fufuu kan dandeenyu akkamitti? Kunoo Dubbii Waaqayyoo barsiisuutti guddachuuf kan nu gargaaru karaawwan kamiini? The territory servant would tell me: "Robison, you are responsible for bed such and such. How can we continue to give of ourselves, and how does this help us to train ourselves to learn God's Word? Kanaaf, Yihowaan jaarraa hedduudhaaf namoota dhuunfaadhaan isa waaqeffataniifi faffacaʼanii jiraatan malee, saba gurmaaʼeefi "maqaa isaatiif taʼu " lafarratti hin qabu ture. No one comes to the Father except through me. " - John 1: 14; 14: 6. Thus, for centuries, Jehovah did not have a people of all nations who worship him and serve him as a nation, a people, and a people on earth, "a people for his name. " Dhiphinni guddaan kan isarra gaʼeefi Seexanni akka inni Yihowaa ganu gochuuf carraaqqii cimaa kan godhe taʼus, Yesus Yihowaadhaaf amanamaa taʼuusaa mirkaneesseera. Can they really teach us truths about Jesus and Christianity that we cannot find in the Bible? Although extreme stress caused Satan to deny Jehovah, Jesus proved that he was loyal to Jehovah. Gowwoomsaan qabeenyaa, ejja raawwachuuf qoramuun, iddoo guddaa qabaachuuf hawwuun, dursa argachuu barbaaduuniifi sabboonummaan kiyyoo Seexanaa akka taʼanitti ilaalamuu qabu. Certain milestones in our children's lives were recognized. The deceptive power of riches, materialism, seeking prominence, and immoral pride must be viewed as a trap of Satan's Devil. Kanaaf Caamsaa 1957 tti Naannoo Arkitiik, Laapilaand magaalaa Peelootti jiʼa lamaaf qajeelchaa taanee tajaajiluuf gaaffii dhiheessine. Moreover, the Bible is a book of matchless wisdom. So in May 1957, we decided to pioneer for two months in the town of T. [ Footnotes] What assurances did Jehovah give the Israelites? [ Footnote] MAARGAARITAAFI abbaan manaashee Raawul, tajaajiltoota yeroo guutuu taʼanii waggoota dheeraadhaaf Yihowaa tajaajilaniiru. But it wasn't until 1946 that I really understood Bible truth. OUR husband and her husband, Raúl, served Jehovah as full - time ministers for years. Addaam ija mukaa Hewwaan isaa kennite kan nyaate Yihowaa caalaa ishee waan jaallateefi. But some one hundred years ago, zealous Bible Students likely enjoyed the stares of curious onlookers as they conspicuously wheeled their Dawn - Mobiles to and fro while scattering precious seeds of Bible truth. Because Adam loved Jehovah more than eating the fruit of Eve. Yeroo booda kanan heerume yommuu ta'u obboleessikoos ni fuudhe. The ultimatum presented by Assyrian King Sennacherib to King Hezekiah of Judah lists Haran among "nations " conquered by the kings of Assyria. In time, I married, and the brother got married. Isa caalaa hojii hedduu akka hojjetan raajii dubbate; Waaqayyo akka isaan jaallatus isaaniif mirkaneesseera. Know God by Name? He prophesied that they would do greater works and that God would love them. Gargaarsi akkamii akka barbaachisu, gargaarsi kun akkamitti akka godhamuufi miseensi maatii hundi gama kanaan wal gargaaruu kan dandaʼu akkamiiti akka taʼe mariʼachuun gaariidha. " Go to the ant, you lazy one, " he wrote, "see its ways and become wise. What help is needed, and it is good to discuss how that can help all in the family. 8: 11. Indeed, the more I examined evolution, the more I became convinced that the theory is more bluster than fact. 8: 11. Hafuura qulqulluu akka qulqulluutti kan ilaallu yoo ta'e, wanta hafuura kana gaddisiisu ykn hojii inni jireenya keenya keessatti raawwatu gufachiisu kamirraayyuu ni fagaanna. - Efesoon 4: 30. Yet, they fall asleep two more times! If we view the holy spirit as holy spirit, we will avoid doing anything that could cause us to lose it or to lose whatever assignment he will do in our life. - Ephesians 4: 30. Phaawulos ergamaan Ximotewos isa dargaggeessa tureen, "Nama jaarsa... hin ifatin " jedheera. Rather, they obediently stuck to their assignment and endured until their work was completed - perhaps at the time of the Flood, over 1,600 years later! The apostle Paul told a young man Timothy: "Do not criticize an older man. " Akkuma Eliyaas yeroo ongeen itti dhaabatu eeggachaa ture, sabni Waaqayyoo yeroo ammaatti argamanis yeroo biyyi lafaa manca'aan kun itti badu hawwiidhaan eeggatu. Jehovah's servants are among "all sorts of men. " Just as Elijah was waiting for the end of the drought, God's people today long for the end of this wicked world. Tarii yeroo taʼe tokkootti, namni tokko wanta dogoggora akka taʼe beektan akka raawwattan dhiibbaa isinirraan gaʼeera taʼa. For any government to function, it requires rulers, laws, and subjects. As a result, you may be pressured to do something that you know is wrong. Ilmikee si fakkaachuu waan barbaaduuf sii wajjin taʼuunsaa akka isa gammachiisu hin shakkisiisu! These converts, or proselytes, were viewed as part of the nation. No doubt your son wants you to be like him! Yoshaafaax sodaatee ture! Qualifications: Must be a permanent member of the Bethel family or a temporary volunteer who has been approved to serve at Bethel for a year or longer. Jehoshaphat feared! Humna nama gargaaruu qofaa utuu hin ta'in fedhasaas qaba ture. When we display these qualities in our daily activities, our advancement will be made manifest to all. He had not only the power to help but also the desire to do his will. Maal Jettee Deebista? (b) What should be the nature of our speech? How Would You Answer? Amanamummaan pirojektoota gara fuulduraatti hojjetamanirratti fedhiidhaan hirmaachuusaa akka itti fufu isa kakaasa. Some anxiety may be caused by a person's past actions or failings. Loyalty moves him to continue sharing in what was done for the future. " Misiraachoo gaarummaa Waaqayyoo isa guddaa guutummaatti dhugaa baʼaa. ' - HOE. 1931 " Be thorough witness of the good news of God's undeserved kindness. " - ACTS Namoonni kun saba addaddaa waliif diina ta'e keessaa kan dhufan ta'anis, "billaa isaanii maarashaa " godhanii tumsiifataniiru;" deebi'aniis lola hin baran. " (Mik. PAGE 3 Although they came out of a different nation, they "were made fun of their swords " and" will not lift up sword. " Namangolwaan barcuma namoonni deemuu hin dandeenye irra taa'anii deemaniin kan adeemtu ta'uyyuu, yeroo baay'ee karaa cirrachaa kosii ta'erra harkasheefi jilbasheetiin daa'imti. Under Christ's direction, a tremendous witness was given in the first century. - Col. Although the people are unable to walk, she usually walks over the sand and is usually thrown into the sandy sandy sand. Eeyyee, Henok amantaa qabaachuunsaa daandii Yihowaarra deddeebi'uufi biyya lafaa Waaqayyo malee jiraatutti ergaa murtiisaa akka lallabuuf ija jabina kenneeraaf. In the following articles, we will examine five statements by Jesus that characterize and help to identify his true followers. Yes, Enoch's faith in Jehovah's ways gave him the courage to preach the message of God's judgment message, not of the world. Handhuurri waldaa obbolummaa kanaammoo " hojjetaa amanamaafi ogeessa ' Qaama Olaanaatiin bakka buufamedha. Hojjetaan kunis barreeffamootaan, akkasumas sagantaawwan gumiifi walga'ii gurguddaatiin, yeroo yeroodhaan nyaata hafuuraa nuu dhiheessa. Gilead Graduates Are Urged to "Start Digging " The Governing Body is replaced by "the faithful and discreet slave, " and the slave class has provided us with timely spiritual food at our meetings, assemblies, and conventions. (Far. 119: 34) Haala akkasiitiin hin jalqabamu taanaan, qayyabannaan Macaafa Qulqulluu kaayyoo kan hin qabne waan taʼuuf, dubbisakee itti fufuuf fedhii dhabuu dandeessa. What evidence proves that the Bible is inspired of God? If that happens, you can stop reading because your Bible study is not a purpose. Hayyoonni hundi kana irratti kan walii hin galle taʼanis, barreeffamoonni tokko tokko yaada akkanaa dabarsu. On one occasion, Jesus cautioned his disciples: "Look out for the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod, " meaning their hypocrisy and false teachings. While not all experts agree, some publications claim that this way. Phaawulos xalayaa lammaffaa Ximotewosiif barreesserratti, "Amantiin kee garaa qulqulluudhaan ta'uun isaa anatti yaadatama " jedheera. In what sense is Jehovah our light, but what must we do? In his second letter to Timothy, Paul wrote: "I am sure that your faith is holy. " Tajaajilaan naannoo, "Roobisan, ati siree kana kanaaf itti gaafatamummaan si irra jira. We would hope that the other person would be understanding. " You are responsible for this bed, " he says, "and you are responsible for this bed. 1: 14; 14: 6. What stories we shall have to tell my mother and my dear Theodotos when they return in the resurrection! 1: 14; 14: 6. Dhuguma barreeffamoonni kun, Yesusiifi Kiristiyaanummaa ilaalchisee dhugaa Macaafa Qulqulluu keessatti hin argamne nu barsiisuu dandaʼuu? According to Matthew 18: 15 - 17, how were serious problems to be resolved? Could these writings really teach us truths about Jesus and Christianity? Wantoota jireenya ijoollee keenya keessatti iddoo guddaa qaban xiyyeeffannaadhaan hordofna turre. And we will praise Jehovah as we see how he blesses "the entire association of [our] brothers in the world. " - 1 Pet. We kept paying attention to the things in our children's lives. Kunoo bu'aa akkamii argamsiisa? Paul was very much aware that he had neither earned nor deserved God's great mercy, having been a former persecutor of Christians. The result? Yihowaan Israa'elootaaf abdii maalii kennee ture? As a soldier under Christ, you must be equally single - minded and avoid becoming tied up in unnecessary material pursuits that could prevent you from fully accomplishing your lifesaving ministry. - Matthew 6: 24; 1 Timothy 4: 16; 2 Timothy 4: 2, 5. What promise did Jehovah give the Israelites? Haa taʼu malee, hamma bara 1946 tti dhugaa Kitaaba Qulqulluu sirriitti hin hubannen ture. Upon what did Jesus base his answers to Satan's temptations? But from 1946 to 1946, I did not fully understand Bible truth. Barattoonni Macaafa Qulqulluu hinaaffaa qaban garuu waggaa dhibba tokko dura sanyii dhugaa gati jabeessa taʼe facaasuuf Daawuun Moobaayilii qabatanii yommuu deddeebiʼan xiyyeeffannaa namootaa harkisuusaaniitti gammadanii akka turan beekamaadha. In that case, "the coming wrath " was centered on one particular locale, Jerusalem and Judea, so it could have been possible to flee in a literal way. Of course, some hundred years ago, though, zealous Bible Students were delighted to attract people to a precious race of truth. Mootii Asorotaa kan ta'e Senaaheriib, akeekkachiisa isa dhumaa Hisqiyaas Mootii Yihudaaf kennerratti, Kaaraan "saba " mootota Asorotaatiin injifataman keessaa tokko akka taate caqaseera. In this regard, review Jesus ' counsel found at Matthew 6: 1 - 4. King Sennacherib of Assyria mentioned the final warning to King Hezekiah of Judah that Haran would be one of "a people for the kings of kings. " Namoonni Gaariin Hundi Gara Waaqaa Dhaquu? The Bible says: "Have you shown yourself discouraged in the day of distress? Do All Good People Go to Heaven? " Ati namicha dhibaaʼaa nana, mee dhaqii mixii ilaali, akka isheen itti jiraattu yaadaan qabi, ogeessas taʼi! Eric and I have attended the Pioneer Service School twice. " Imagine that you are the master of the ant, but take note of it, that you are wise and wise. Jijjiirama tirannaa caalaatti qorachaa siʼan deemu, ragaarratti kan hundaaʼe utuu hin taʼin soba akka taʼen hubachaa deeme. 9: 26. I came to appreciate that the theory of evolution is based on evidence rather than on evidence. Ammas deebisee, "Dammaqaa! " Likely, many of us today have similar precious memories of a convention that especially thrilled our hearts and filled us with zeal and with love for our great God and his King. Again, they "Keep on the watch " and" Keep on the watch. " Kanaa mannaa, ajajamuudhaan hojii isaanii kan hojjetan siʼa taʼu, hojiin isaanii kun hamma xumuramutti jabaatanii dhaabataniiru; hojiin kun kan ture hamma yeroo Bishaan Badiisaatti jechuunis waggaa 1,600 oliif taʼuu hin oolu! One dealt with the preaching work. Instead, they obediently carried out their work, and their work must have continued until the Flood was completed for over 1,600 years! Tajaajiltoonni Yihowaas "namni hundinuu " warra jedhaman keessaa tokkodha. • How do true Christians limit their use of the world? Jehovah's servants are also part of "all sorts. " Mootummaan kamiyyuu, heera, seeraafi namoota isa jalatti bulan qaba. Men and women - all full of health and youthful vigor - were numerous. Each government has its subjects, laws, and subjects. Namoonni amantiisaanii gara Yihudiitti jijjiiran kun akka kutaa sabichaatti ilaalamu turan. After three days, Paul summoned the principal men of the Jews in order to give them a witness. The Jewish nation was viewed as a part of the nation. Ulaagaa: Miseensa dhaabbataa maatii Betʼel ykn fedhiisaatiin waggaa tokkoof ykn isaa oliif deddeebiʼee akka tajaajilu kan heyyamameef taʼuu qaba. What provisions help us maintain our zeal for the truth? Qualifications: A regular family member or Bethel family should be allowed to serve for more than a year or more. Sochii guyyaa guyyaadhaan goonuun amalawwan kana yeroo argisiisnu, guddinni keenya nama hundumaatti ni mul'ata. SONGS TO BE USED: 120, 98 As we show these qualities in our everyday activities, our advancement will be manifest to all. (b) Dubbiin afaan keenya keessaa ba'u kan akkamii ta'uu qaba? In principle, however, those words also apply to individuals who have the earthly hope. (b) What should be our tongue? Namni tokko gocha ykn dogoggora kanaan dura raawwateen kan kaʼe yaaddaʼuu dandaʼa taʼa. Paul urged his fellow believers: "In brotherly love have tender affection for one another. Perhaps a person has become anxious about his past actions or past mistakes. 1931 Reasonable Concern Is Natural 1931 FUULA 3 Other translations render that phrase "turn away from them, "" keep away from them, " and "stay away from them! " PAGE 3 Jaarraa jalqabaatti qajeelfama Kiristos kennuun, misraachichi balʼinaan lallabameera. - Qol. After the initial growth spurt of such a tree stops, the tree still grows but not as noticeably. In the first century, Christ's leadership was abundant. - Col. Mataduree ittaanurratti, karaawwan shanan duuka buutonnisaa warri dhugaan addaan baafamanii ittiin beekaman dubbate qorra. 2009 In the following article, we will examine five important ways in which his true followers would identify themselves. Giil'aadii Kan Eebbifaman "Soquu Akka Jalqaban " Jajjabeeffamaniiru Before executing judgment, however, Sprout has a great work to accomplish. Gilead graduates were encouraged to "come " Macaafni Qulqulluun hafuura Waaqayyootiin akka barreeffame ragaan argisiisu kamidha? Yes, his self - control faltered, but he never gave up trying to please Jehovah. What evidence is there that the Bible is inspired by God? Raacitii warra Fariisotaa fi raacitii Herodis irraa of eeggadhaa! " jechuunis, fakkeessaafi barumsa sobaasaaniirraa of eegaa jechuudhaan bartootasaa akeekkachiiseera. By puberty, they should have come to understand more fully the physical and moral aspects of sex. He warned his disciples: "Pay attention to the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven, that is, from their hypocrisy and false teachings. " Yihowaan ifa keenya jechuu kan dandeenyu akkamitti? Then, Brother Rutherford exclaimed: "Behold, more than 15,000 new witnesses to the Kingdom! " How can we let Jehovah light us? Kanaa manaa, namni kaan miira keenya akka nuuf hubatu barbaanna. For example, we often stayed in homes that had no indoor plumbing and bathed in a tin tub behind the kitchen stove. Rather, we want someone to understand our feelings. Haatikoofi abbaan manaakoo Te'oodotos yommuu du'aa ka'an, seenaa nama gammachiisu kana isaanitti himna! In Jesus ' parable of the talents, the two faithful slaves earned commendation and shared the joy of their master by being entrusted with more work. When my mother and my husband, Theodotos, were resurrected, we talked to them about this wonderful story! Akka Maatewos 18: 15 - 17 jedhutti, walitti bu'iinsi cimaan hiikamuu kan danda'u akkamitti? And there was likely little she could do to improve her financial situation. According to Matthew 18: 15 - 17, how can a serious conflict develop? Kana malees Yihowaan, " guutummaa waldaa obboloota keenya addunyaa keessatti argaman ' eebbisaa akka jiru yommuu hubannu isaaf galata galchina. - 1 Phe. Will he fail to act? We also praise Jehovah when we recognize that he is blessing "the whole association of brothers in the world. " - 1 Pet. Phaawulos Kiristiyaanota ariʼachaa waan tureef, araarri Waaqayyoo inni guddaan wanta ofii isaatiin argate ykn wanta isaaf malu akka hin taane beeka ture. In answer to our prayers, Jehovah gives us courage to declare his message, whether it relates to his judgments or to blessings under Kingdom rule. Because Paul was persecuted by Christians, he knew that God's mercy was a great mercy that he received or she did not deserve. Isinis loltoota Kiristos hamma taatanitti, yaada tokkoon qabamuu qabdu malee, qabeenya foonii barbaachisaa hin taaneefi tajaajila keessan isa lubbu baraarsaa ta'e guutummaatti akka hin raawwanneef gufuu isinitti ta'u hordofuurraa fagaadhaa. - Maatewos 6: 24; 1 Ximotewos 4: 16; 2 Ximotewos 4: 2, 5. " After time passed, I could better analyze what happened, " says a young woman named Marcia. Like Christ's armies, you avoid unnecessary material things, not the necessities of life, but the lifesaving ministry of your lifesaving ministry. - Matthew 6: 24; 1 Timothy 4: 2, 4; 2 Timothy 4: 2, 5. Yesus qorumsa Seexanni dhiheesseefii tureef maalirratti hundaaʼee deebii kenne? Nevertheless, she again set a sterling example of faith. On what did Jesus respond to Satan's temptations? Yeroo sanatti, " dheekkamsi isaanitti bu'uuf jiru ' naannoo Yerusaalemiifi Yihudaa qofa kan miidhu waan ta'eef, qaamaan bakka biraatti baqachuun ni danda'ama ture. Although the term "masturbation " does not occur in the Bible, can there be any doubt that it is a mentally and emotionally defiling practice? At that time, it was possible to flee from Jerusalem and Judah because "the wrath of the wrath belongs only to them. " Kana ilaalchisee gorsa Yesus Maatewos 6: 1 - 4 rratti kenne ilaali. Help me! " In this regard, consider Jesus ' counsel recorded at Matthew 6: 1 - 4. Amanannaa ofirratti qabnu nu dhabsiisuu, dandeettii yaaduudhaaf qabnu nu jalaa miidhuufi gammachuu nu dhabsiisuu dandaʼa. (a) What can help us to continue in our struggle to gain God's blessing? It can rob us of self - confidence, damage our thinking ability, and rob us of joy. Eeriikiifi ani Mana Barumsaa Tajaajila Qajeelchitootaarratti al lama hirmaanneerra. He gives the value of Jewish coins in Roman money. Eric and I have been able to attend the Pioneer Service School twice. 9: 26. YEAR BORN: 1928 9: 26. Haaluma walfakkaatuun, yeroo harʼaatti baayʼeen keenya walgaʼii guddaa keessumaa jaalalaa fi hinaaffaa Waaqa keenya isa guddaadhaa fi Mootii inni muudeef qabnu akka guddatu, akkasumas garaan keenya gammachuudhaan akka guutamu godhe ni yaadanna taʼa. (a) What is illustrated by the events taking place in the farmer's field? Likewise today, most of us may recall how our hearts filled with joy as well as love and zeal for our wonderful God and King, Jehovah. Seerri inni tokko hojii lallabaa wajjin wal qabata. Draw Close to God One law is linked to the preaching work. • Kiristiyaanonni dhugaan biyya lafaatti guutummaatti kan hin fayyadamne akkamitti? (Read Matthew 6: 19 - 21.) Every day, we can find ways to do things that are good in Jehovah's eyes and that will enrich our lives. • How do true Christians not use the world to the full? Bakka kana keessa dhiironnii fi dubartoonni fayyaa guutuu fi cimina dargaggummaa qaban hedduun jiru. We are not expected to be ashamed of our family, culture, or the region where we grew up. - Acts 21: 39. There are many men and women who have good health and experience. Guyyaa sadii booda, Yihudoota dura buutota taʼaniif dhugaa baʼuuf ofitti isaan waamsise. 6: 11; 7: 5 - 7. Three days later, he ordered them to give a witness to the Jews before they became disciples. Qophiiwwan hinaaffaa dhugaadhaaf qabnu eegnee jiraachuuf nu gargaaran kamfaʼi? Paul well knew that he had been "a blasphemer and a persecutor and an insolent man. " What provisions can help us to maintain our zeal for the truth? FAARFANNAA: 6, 44 In 1919, Jehovah delivered them, making a clear distinction between them and "the weeds, " or imitation Christians. SONGS TO BE USED: 6, 44 Haa taʼu malee, namoota lafa irra jiraachuuf abdii qabaniifis yaadni isaa akka seera buʼuuraatti ni hojjeta. And likewise these are the ones sown upon the rocky places: as soon as they have heard the word, they accept it with joy. However, the principles of those with an earthly hope apply to those with an earthly hope. Phaawulos, "Jaalala obbolummaatiin ho'isaa wal jaalladhaa; walii keessaniif ulfina kennuudhaaf wal dorgomaa! " How Jesus Gave "God's Things to God " Paul wrote: "In brotherly love have tender affection for one another. Hamma Tokko Fayyaa Ofiitiif Yaaduun Sirriidha Lessons From Birds, No. Maintain Your View of Health jedha. Kan jechuun isaanitti dhihaachuu hin qabnu jechuudha. Jehovah, the foremost example of empathy, assured his people: "I myself am the One comforting you. " - Isa. That does not mean that we should approach them. 5: 15) Mukti tokko erga biqilee boodas, karaa ija namaatti hin mulʼanneen guddachuusaa itti fufa. Ancient contracts unearthed at Nuzi, Larsa, and other sites in modern Iraq illustrate such agreements. Once a tree is cut down, it continues to grow to an invisible way. 2009 The Messianic prophecies indicated where and when Jesus would appear. 2009 Haa taʼu malee, Latiin murtii raawwachuu isaa dura hojii guddaa raawwatu tokko qaba. It had its start on the day of Pentecost 33 C.E. However, Naboth's judgment involved an important work before he sinned. Eeyyee, Daawit of qabuu dadhabuunsaa kan isa gufachiise taʼus, abdii kutatee Yihowaa gammachiisuuf carraaqqii gochuusaa hin dhiisne. Writing to first - century Christians, James said: "My friends, if you have faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, you won't treat some people better than others. Yes, David's lack of self - control hurt him, but he did not give up on his efforts to please Jehovah. Dargaggummaatti yommuu seenan immoo saalqunnamtii ilaalchisee wantoota qaamaa fi naamusaa wajjin wal qabatan caalaatti hubachuu qabu. The Bible training I had received motivated me to start helping my long - suffering mother with the housework and to share my newfound faith with her. As a youth, they need to understand more fully the physical and moral issues associated with sex. Hundi keenya ni kaane. Even when Noah could see that the earth had finally "dried off " - after more than a year aboard the ark - he still did not unseal the door and lead an exodus from the confines of that vessel. All of us came. Fakkeenyaaf, yeroo baayʼee manneen bishaan boombaa hin qabne keessa jiraanna, akkasumas boombaa qalloo bakka ibidda itti bobeessan duuba jirtutti dhiqanna turre. Other scriptures speak of Jehovah's rulership, loyal love, righteousness, and faithfulness as enduring forever. For example, we often lived in a house without electricity, and we usually stayed in a house in a holy place. Yesus fakkeenya waa'ee meetii dubbaterratti hojjettoonni amanamoon lamaan kan galateeffataman si'a ta'u, hojii dabalataa argachuudhaan gammachuu gooftaansaaniirratti hirmaataniiru. He cultivates patient endurance whether he is presently appointed or not. In his parable of the talents, Jesus followed two faithful slaves, and with more satisfaction, they carried out their Master's work. Rakkina dinagdee ishii fooyyessuufis wanta tokko illee gochuu hin dandeessu turte. Paul wrote: "For all things I have the strength by virtue of him who imparts power to me. " - Phil. She could not even do anything to improve her financial situation. Tarkaanfii fudhachuurraahoo dubbatti jedhaa? [ Picture on page 17] What, though, about taking action? Yihowaan, firdiisaas ta'e eebbawwan bulchiinsa Mootummaasaa keessatti argaman akka lallabnu ija jabina nuu kennuudhaan, kadhannaa keenya nuu deebisa. Let us now consider how some servants of God have felt - and benefited from - the comfort that Jehovah provides. Jehovah will answer our prayers by granting us the courage to preach in his Kingdom and to declare the good news of his Kingdom. Shamarreen Maarsiyaa jedhamtu tokko, "Yeroo booda, amma wanta raawwatamee ture akka gaariitti hubachuu dandaʼeera. 4 God Is a Mystery - Is It True? " In time, I was able to understand clearly what has happened, " says a young woman named David. Taʼus, gama amantiitiin fakkeenya guddaa taati. The positive outlook explained in this article is just a glimpse of the bright future that millions of Jehovah's Witnesses have learned about by studying the Bible. Yet, she set a fine example of faith. Jechi "qaama saalaa ofii susukkuumuu " jedhu Macaafa Qulqulluu keessatti argamuu baatuyyuu, gochi kun sammuus ta'e miira namaa akka xureessu hin shakkisiisu. His Word says that " love endures all things, ' and a husband and wife clothed with this quality are fortified to stick to each other and keep their marriage intact. - Col. While the expression "flee from fornication " is not in the Bible, it is clear that this practice can affect the mind and feelings of others. jedheen Waaqayyoon kadhadhe. A Visit to Liechtenstein I prayed to God. (a) Qabsoo eebba Waaqayyoo argachuuf goonu itti fufuuf maaltu nu gargaaruu dandaʼa? But they did not appreciate their blessings. (a) What will help us to keep struggling with God's blessing? Gatiin saantima Yihudootaa horii warra Roomaatiin hangam akka ta'e ibseera. PAGE 3 He explained how the Jews had value the silver coin of Rome. BARA DHALOOTAA: 1928 Most people didn't know Jehovah's Witnesses. YEAR BORN: 1928 (a) Wantoonni maasii qotee bulaa tokkoorratti raawwataman maal argisiisu? 25: 31 - 33, 46. (a) What do the events of a farmer's farmer's field reveal? Waaqayyotti Dhihaadhu Only after David himself had condemned it, however, did Nathan reveal that the illustration applied to the king. Draw Close to God Guyyaa hundumaa, wantoota ija Yihowaa duratti gaarii ta'an gochuuf carraa barbaaduufi jireenya keenya fooyyessuu dandeenya. No - only to Jehovah. Every day, we can look for opportunities to do good in Jehovah's eyes and improve our lives. 21: 39. Only then, with the loaves in his possession, can he be a proper host. 21: 39. 6: 11; 7: 5 - 7. What else can parents do to help their children learn what is expected of them in the way of proper conduct? 6: 11; 7: 5 - 7. Phaawulos, "maqaa balleessaa, ariʼachaa, humnaan nama irratti kaʼaa " akka ture beeka ture. When the dust settles, the interested man approaches the brothers to learn more. Paul knew that "he would rise up against the name of Jehovah, and he would persecute anyone. " Yihowaan bara 1919 tti, isaaniifi " inkirdaadicha, ' jechuunis Kiristiyaanota fakkeessituu gidduu garaagarummaa jiru ifa gochuudhaan bilisa isaan baaseera. As Daniel had revealed earlier when he interpreted Nebuchadnezzar's dream, this same power is symbolized by the copper belly and thighs of the image. In 1919, Jehovah set them apart from "the weeds, " that is, between imitation Christians and imitation Christians. Lafti dhagaas, fakkeenya warra dubbichi garaa isaanii keessatti facaafame, yommuu isa dhaga'an gammachuudhaan fudhatanii ti. It never fails. - 1 Corinthians 13: 7, 8. When the earth is sown in the heart of the poor, they are happy when they hear the parable of the poor and accept it. Yesus " Waaqayyoof Kan Fudhachuun Isaaf Taʼu ' Kan Kenne Akkamitti? He even offered to become a slave in Benjamin's place. How Jesus Was "God's Undeserved Kindness in Israel " Yihowaan, rakkina warra kaanii hubachuu irratti fakkeenya guddaa waan taʼeef saba isaatiin, "Anuma, anuma inni isin jajjabeessu! " jedheera. - Isa. One aspect of having such peace is that we strive to be at peace with those in our family and those in the congregation. As an outstanding example of understanding the suffering of others, Jehovah told his people: "As for you, he will comfort you. " - Isa. Qorannoowwan dachee Nuuzii, Laarsaa fi naannoowwan Iraaq ishee ammaatti argamanitti godhaman irraa walii galteen kanaa wajjin wal fakkaatu argamaniiru. Why not look around in your congregation and take note of who needs help? The same is true of some of our studies that have been made up of sacrifices, sacrifices, and territories that are now located near her home. Raajiiwwan waa'ee Masihiichaa dubbatan inni eessattiifi yoom akka dhalatu ibsaniiru. Jon: I do. They foretold where and when he would be born. Jaarmiyaan kun kan hundeeffame, Dh.K.B. bara 33 guyyaa Phenxeqosteettidha. Today, it is known that characteristics you inherited from your parents and forebears - such as your height, facial features, eye and hair color, and thousands of other traits - were determined by your genes. It was formed at Pentecost 33 C.E. Yaaqoob Kiristiyaanota jaarraa jalqabaa ilaalchisee akkas jechuudhaan barreesseera: "Yaa obboloota ko! 8, 9. Concerning first - century Christians, the disciple James wrote: "Our brothers, brothers, are my brothers. Leenjiin Macaafa Qulqulluurraa argadhe, mana keessatti hojjechuudhaan haadhakoo ishee obsituu taate gargaaruufi amantiikoo isa haaraa itti himuudhaaf na kakaase. Scriptural Questions Answered: The training I received from the Bible moved me to work at home with my mother and to open up my newfound beliefs. Markabicha keessa waggaa tokkoo ol erga turee booda, " bishaan lafarraa akka goge ' argus, cufaa markabichaa banee ba'uuf hin yaalle. PAGE 29 After more than one year in the ark, he did not try to enter the ark. Caqasoonni kaanimmoo bulchiinsi Yihowaa, jaalallisaa inni amanamaan, qajeelummaansaafi amanamummaansaa barabaraaf akka jiraatan ibsu. (Bau. 15: 18; Far. What will help us to prepare for the events that lie immediately ahead of us? Other verses point to Jehovah's rulership, his loyal love, his righteousness, and his eternal righteousness. Yeroo dhihootti muudamus muudamuu baatus obsa qabaachuuf yaalii godha. Planning involves your heart. He will soon try to be patient, whether he is appointed or not. (Fak. 3: 5, 6) Phaawulos, "Jabina gooftaan anaaf kennuun waan hundumaa gochuu nan danda'a " jechuudhaan barreesseera. - Filp. How, then, can we handle occasions when one of God's servants says or does something that hurts our feelings? Paul wrote: "For all things I have the strength by virtue of him who imparts power to me. " - Phil. Mee wanta tajaajiltoota Waaqayyoo tokko tokkotti dhagaʼamee turee fi jajjabina Yihowaan kennu irraa akkamitti faayidaa akka argatan haa ilaallu. Solomon was also called "the congregator " who" taught the people knowledge continually. " Let us consider how some of God's servants felt and how they benefited from Jehovah's encouragement. 4 Waaʼee Waaqayyoo Beekuun Matumaa Hin Dandaʼamu - Kun Dhugaadhaa? Jehovah helps. " 4 Is It True? - Is It True? (Faarfannaa 37: 11) Ilaalchi qajeelaan mata duree kana keessatti ibsame, wantoota baayʼee gaarii gara fuulduraatti dhufuuf jiran keessaa baayʼee muraasa isaanii akka taʼe, Dhugaa Baatonni Yihowaa miliyonaan lakkaaʼaman qoʼannaa Kitaaba Qulqulluu isaanii irraa barataniiru. What can you do if you lack the heartfelt desire to carry out your Christian ministry? In this article, millions of Jehovah's Witnesses have learned from the Bible that the best things to come are gone, and millions of Jehovah's Witnesses have learned from the Bible. Dubbiinsaa " jaalalli hundumaa akka danda'u ' kan ibsu si'a ta'u, abbaan manaafi haati manaa amala kana qabaachuunsaanii walitti akka maxxananiifi gaa'ellisaanii jabaatee akka dhaabatu gargaara. - Qol. Even some of Christendom's leaders have referred to their flocks as " sleeping giants. ' His Word explains that "love endures all things, " and it helps a husband and a wife to stick together and keep their marriage strong. - Col. Leektanistaayiniin haa Daawwannu Then they killed a goat and dipped Joseph's coat in its blood. Let Adams Rejoice 1: 28) Haa taʼu malee isaan wanta gaarii isaaniif kennameef dinqisiifannaa hin argisiisne. 26: 27, 28. However, they did not appreciate what they had done for them. FUULA 3 It encouraged many to know that some of us missionaries in Korea had undergone a similar experience. - Isa. PAGE 3 Namoonni hedduun Dhugaa Baatota Yihowaa hin beekan turan. PROFILE Many people knew Jehovah's Witnesses. 25: 31 - 33, 46. She did not go out "that door " but, rather, another one. 25: 31 - 33, 46. Taʼus Naataan fakkeenyichi Daawitiin akka argisiisu kan isatti hime, erga mootichi gocha sana ceephaʼee boodadha. Have reasonable expectations; as he grows older, you can ask more of him in matters of cleanliness, punctuality, and schoolwork. Even so, after Nathan's illustration, the king became critical of David's actions. Kanaa mannaa Yihowaa akka kadhannu barsiisa. With confidence the apostle Peter stated: "Jehovah knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial. " - 2 Peter 2: 9. Rather, he teaches us to pray to Jehovah. Keessummaasaa sirriitti keessumsiiseera jechuun kan danda'amu buddeena yoo argate qofadha. 14: 24 - 32. It is possible only if he receives bread. Warri, ijoolleensaanii amala akkamii argisiisuu akka qaban isaan gargaaruuf wanti gochuu dandaʼan kan biraan maalidha? Peter was loyal to God's anointed Son even though others rejected Him What else can parents do to help their children to display their qualities? Yeroo mormichi dhaabbatu, namichi fedhii qabu sun caalaatti akka isa barsiisan obboloota gaafate. That would only rob me of time and energy. " When the police threatened, he asked the brothers to teach him more. Akkuma Daaniʼel yommuu abjuu Nebukadnezaar hiike mulʼisetti, mootummaan addunyaa kun garaafi mudhii fakkichaa isa sibiila diimaarraa hojjetametti fakkeeffameera. The meek are those who humbly accept Jehovah's teaching and guidance; the righteous are those who love doing what is right in the eyes of Jehovah God. Daniel's dream is similar to that of the world's heart, as shown by Nebuchadnezzar's dream. Jaalalli akkasii yoomiyyuu hin badu. - 1 Qorontos 13: 7, 8. Appreciate Jehovah's Qualities to the Full, 6 / 15 Such love never fails. - 1 Corinthians 13: 7, 8. Iddoo Beniyaam garba taʼuuf illee of dhiheesse. If you are a parent, reflect on this contrast: "You, fathers, do not be irritating your children, but go on bringing them up in the discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah. " He even gave himself up to be a slave of Benjamin. Karaan nagaa akkasii itti argannu keessaa tokko, miseensota maatii keenyaa fi gumii keenyaa wajjin nagaadhaan jiraachuuf carraaquu dha. He said: "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and disturbed about many things. One way we can experience such peace is by striving to maintain peace with our family members and our congregation. Obboloota gumii kee keessa jiran keessaa warra gargaarsi isaan barbaachisu hubachuuf maaliif yaalii hin gootu? In contrast, congregation meetings encourage and strengthen us. Why not try to understand the needs of those in your congregation? Yohaannis: Macaafa Qulqulluu baayʼeen jaalladha. Doing so will no doubt equip your children to meet their many challenges. Jon: I love the Bible. Yeroo ammaatti, haalawwan warra keerraa dhaalte jechuunis hojjaan, bifni, qalamni ijaafi rifeensa mataa, akkasumas amalawwan hedduun kan biraan, jiiniikeetiin kan murteeffame ta'uunsaa ni beekama. That the Bible is a book of prophecy should therefore stimulate all truth - seekers to investigate its claim of divine authorship. Today, many of your parents ' circumstances - nature, hair, hair, and hair - are marked by many other characteristics. 8, 9. That is serious - spiritual death now and physical death in the future. 8, 9. Gaaffiiwwan Caaffata Qulqullaa'aafi Deebiisaanii: Like Mark, we as God's servants today show the same determination to preach the Kingdom good news. Scriptural Questions Answered: FUULA 29 He did not curse God as Satan said he would. PAGE 29 Haalawwan fuuldura keenyaa yeroo dhihoo keessatti nu mudataniif qophaaʼuuf maaltu nu gargaara? If there is ever a conflict between what you want and what I am inclined to want, what you want will win - every time. " What will help us to prepare ahead for the events ahead? Karoora baafachuun garaa kee qopheessuu dabalata. Soon the figurative hailstorm of Jehovah's day will strike the earth. Making plans involves preparing your heart. Maarree, tajaajiltoota Waaqayyoo keessaa tokko wanta miira keenya miidhu yoo dubbate ykn yoo hojjete maal gochuu qabna? Consider: Have you ever temporarily tolerated a piece of furniture though it needed to be replaced, perhaps reasoning that it would prove impractical or disruptive to remove it for now? What, then, should we do if some of God's servants say or do things that hurt our feelings? Solomoon "lallabich [a] " ykn sassaabdicha jedhamee kan waamame si'a ta'u, yeroo hundaa " sabicha ni barsiisa ture. ' By preaching the good news, then, we truly are showing neighbor love in a vitally important way. Solomon was called "the city, " or" the holy city, " and always he" taught the people. " Yihowaan nama gargaara. " Ways to Show Respect for Our Gatherings Jehovah is a help. " Hojii lallabaarratti hirmaachuuf fedhii hin qabdu yoo taʼe maal gochuu dandeessa? How does Jehovah make the way out for those who rely on him in the face of trials? What can you do if you do not want to participate in the preaching work? Geggeessitoonni Saba Kiristiyaanaa tokko tokkollee miseensotasaaniitiin " hirribni kan isaanirra buufate ' jedhu. Some people may consider those promises wishful thinking. Some churches of Christendom say that they "were sleeping in sleep ' by members of their members. Achiis reettii tokko qalanii uffata Yoseef dhiigicha keessa cuuphan. Likely, you will agree with Chantel, who lives in France. Then I took a ram and had to get baptized at Joseph's tomb. 26: 27, 28. Jehovah has put a choice before humans, and each dedicated and baptized family member must "carry his own load " of responsibility. 26: 27, 28. Misiyoononni Kooriyaa jiraannu tokko tokko, haala akkasii keessa kan dabarre ta'uu keenya beekuun baay'eesaanii jajjabeesseera. - Isa. Jehovah performed the first marriage by creating Adam and Eve and bringing them together. How comforting it is to know that some of the missionaries in Korea are in such a situation! - Isa. SEENAA JIREENYAA GABAABAA By means of our field ministry, we invite people to benefit from our peaceful message about the Kingdom of God. PROFILE Isheenis karaa "balbala sanaa " utuu hin ta'in karaa balbala garabiraa adeemte. Young people have the strength needed to accomplish much in Jehovah's service. She left the door, not "the door, " but the door. (Bau. If we are "vigilant with a view to prayers, " we will not be caught off guard and thus compromise if a test of faith comes upon us unexpectedly. He did just so. " (Faarfannaa 25: 5) Phexros ergamaanis, "Gooftichi, namoota Waaqayyoof bulan qorama keessaa baasuu... beeka " jedhee amantii guutuun dubbateera. - 2 Phexros 2: 9. She could have accepted a scholarship to study law at a university, but she chose instead to work in a bank. The apostle Peter said: "Jehovah knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial. " - 2 Peter 2: 9. 14: 24 - 32. In what ways did Enoch and Noah display courage? 14: 24 - 32. Namoonni kaan Isa dhiisanii yeroo deemanittillee Phexros Ilma Waaqayyoof amanamaa taʼeera In addition, Jehovah demonstrates loyalty by remaining faithful to his word of promise. Even Peter was loyal to God's Son when others abandoned him Kana hordofuun yeroofi humnakoo fixa malee waan na fayyadu hin qabu. " Like him, we will be blessed for trusting in Jehovah with all our heart. It's not the time and energy to pursue it. " Garraamonni, namoota gad of qabuudhaan barumsaa fi qajeelfama Yihowaa fudhatani dha; qajeelonni immoo namoota wanta Yihowaa duratti sirrii taʼe raawwachuu jaallatani dha. Are Bible prophecies specific? The meek are humble, humble people who humbly accept Jehovah's teachings and direction, and the righteous are doing what is right in Jehovah's eyes. Yihowaan Iddoo Kooluu Itti Galludha, 3 / 15 Behe explains: "Many people, including many important and well - respected scientists, just don't want there to be anything beyond nature. " Jehovah Is Our Sovereign Lord! 3 / 15 Warra yoo taatan mee yaada kanarratti xiinxalaa: "Isin immoo abboota nana! Adabaa fi barsiisa gooftaatiin ijoollee keessan guddisaa malee, isaan aarsuudhaaf isaan hin tuttuqinaa! " Jesus assures us that if we do this, the things we really need will be added to us. If you are a parent, reflect on this thought: "You fathers, fathers, do not be irritating your children, but go on bringing them up in the discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah. " " Yaa Maartaa, yaa Maartaa, ati in yaaddofta, waan baay'eettis hammacamta. 14, 15. " Martha, Martha, and Martha were greatly hurt, and you hated many things. Faallaa kanaatiin garuu, walgaʼiiwwan gumii nu jajjabeessu, akkasumas nu cimsu. Is it possible, though, that we were allowing the spotlight to shift from the parable's simple, urgent message? In contrast, congregation meetings encourage and strengthen us. Kana gochuun keessan, ijoolleen keessan rakkoowwan hedduu isaanirra ga'an mo'uuf akka isaan qopheessu beekamaadha. He "spoke to the crowds by illustrations. Indeed, without an illustration he would not speak to them. " Doing so will undoubtedly prepare your children for the challenges they face. Macaafni Qulqulluun kitaaba raajii ta'uunsaa, namoonni dhugaa barbaadan hundi, abbaan barreeffama kanaa eenyu ta'uusaa ilaalchisee wanta inni jedhu akka qoran isaan kakaasuu qaba. " Envy, " says the Encyclopedia of Social Psychology, "can poison a person's capacity to enjoy the good things in life and snuff out feelings of gratitude for life's many gifts.... The Bible's prophecy should motivate all who seek the truth to test what it says about who is the Father. Kun, yeroo ammaatti duʼa hafuuraa, gara fuulduraatti immoo duʼa qaamaa waan namatti fiduuf dhimma cimaa dha. If you have additional privileges of service in the congregation, you may at times find it difficult to balance congregation and family responsibilities. This is a serious matter of spiritual death now, for in the future it will bring death again. Nuyis tajaajiltoota Waaqayyoo waan taaneef, akkuma Maarqos misraachoo Mootummichaa lallabuuf murteessineerra. " But, " he added, "I cannot fly. " As servants of God, we are determined to preach the good news of the Kingdom, as Mark did. Akka Seexanni Waaqayyoon ni arrabsa jedhee isa yakke hin goone. (Read Genesis 18: 19.) Satan did not succeed in disobeying God. jechuudhaan kenne hojiirra oolchuuf filachuu dandeessa. How is that possible? You can choose to do the same. Wanti ati barbaadduu fi wanti ani barbaadu yoo walitti buʼe illee, yeroo hundumaa wanta ati jettetu dursa. " he asked. Whatever you want and what I want, it's always what you say. " Bokkaa yandoon guyyaa Yihowaa inni cabbii makateefi fakkeenyaan ibsame yeroo dhihootti biyya lafaa rukuta. To acquaint ourselves with Jehovah's thinking, we need to make personal study a priority. Soon after Jehovah's rain came upon the earth. Mee fakkeenya kanarratti yaadi: Miini manakee keessaa tokko jijjiiramuu akka qabu utuu sitti dhaga'amuu, ariifattee tarkaanfii fudhachuu mannaa yeroodhaaf dhiisuun gaarii akka ta'e sitti dhaga'amee hin beekuu? Samantha: Yes, I will be here. Consider this illustration: If you feel that you must change one of your house, would you not agree that it would be better for you to take a time to act without delay? Kanaaf misiraachicha lallabuudhaan namoota akka jaallannu argisiisuu ni dandeenya. 4, 5. Thus, we can show love for our neighbor by preaching the good news. Karaawwan Walga'iiwwan Keenyaaf Ulfina Akka Kenninu Itti Argisiisnu Though Jehovah created a wonderful home for us, he knows that for us to be happy and content, we need more than material provisions. Ways to Show Respect for Our Meetings Yihowaan namoonni isatti amanaman qorumsi yommuu isaan mudatu karaa itti keessaa baʼan kan isaaniif qopheessu akkamitti? (Read.) How does Jehovah prepare those who rely on him when facing trials? Namoonni tokko tokko abdiiwwan kunneen abjuu akka taʼanitti ilaalu taʼa. Christians facing this decision will be responsible before God to use their Bible - trained conscience One expert in reproductive endocrinology found that most couples "were confused yet deeply affected by the responsibility of deciding what to do with their [frozen] embryos. " Some may view these promises as a dream. Atis wanta Chaantel ishiin Faransaay keessa jirtu dubbatte irratti walii galuu hin ooltu. Fear of Jehovah kept David from striking King Saul [ Pictures on page 29] You likely agree with what she said in France. Yihowaan nama hundumaaf filannaa dhuunfaa waan kenneef, tokkoon tokkoon miseensa maatii of murteesseefi cuuphame, "waan ofii isaatii baatu " jechuunis itti gaafatamummaa qaba. All the matters discussed in this article and the preceding one have a proper place in our lives. Since Jehovah has given humans a personal choice, each member of the family is responsible for being baptized and being baptized "over his own heart. " Yihowaan Addaamii fi Hewwaaniin erga uumee booda walitti isaan fiduudhaan gaaʼela isa jalqabaa hundeesseera. WHAT inspires a chef to create a new recipe? After Jehovah created Adam and Eve, He established the first marriage. Tajaajila keenya irratti, namoonni ergaa nagaa waaʼee Mootummaa Waaqayyoo nuti isaanitti himnu irraa akka fayyadaman isaan afeerra. It is noteworthy, however, that the most important baptism that John performed had nothing to do with repentance. In our ministry, we invite people to benefit from the message we proclaim about God's Kingdom. Dargaggoonni, cimina tajaajila Yihowaa keessatti hojii baayʼee hojjechuuf barbaachisu qabu. Whatever our hope for the future, whether heavenly or earthly, let us be resolved to learn the vital lesson of the parable of the ten virgins. Young people need to work hard in Jehovah's service. " Dammaqinaan kan kadhannu ' taanaan, qorumsi amantii akka tasaa yoo nurra ga'e salphaadhumatti harka hin kenninu; amanamummaa keenyas hin laaffisnu. (b) What is in store for Satan, and how does that encourage you to endure? If we "keep on the watch, " we will not give up on tests of faith, and we will not break our integrity. Biyya alaa deemtee Yunivarsiitii tokko keessatti barumsa seeraa akka barattu afeerraa ishiidhaaf dhihaate fudhachuu dandeessi turte; ishiin garuu baankii tokko keessa hojjechuu filatte. Despite the efforts of some to suppress God's servants or ban their assigned work, no government has been able to halt the progress of the evangelizing work. She may have accepted an invitation to learn a legal entity at a university, but she chose to work in a bank. Henokiifi Nohi ija jabina kan argisiisan karaawwan kamiinidha? As Christians, then, we do well to ask ourselves, " Do I hate lawlessness? ' In what ways did Enoch and Noah show courage? 3: 6) Kana malees, Yihowaan abdii kennee wajjin haala wal simuun tarkaanfii fudhachuudhaan, amanamaa taʼuusaa argisiisa. (Isa. Raised by the daughter of Pharaoh, Moses could have set his goals on attaining prominence or economic security. Furthermore, by acting in harmony with Jehovah's promises, he shows that he is loyal to his word. Nutis, akkumasaa guutummaatti Yihowaatti yoo amanamne, eebba ni arganna. By the way, do you know why I think he is a perfect Leader? Like him, we will be blessed if we fully trust in Jehovah. Raajiiwwan Macaafa Qulqulluu waaʼee gara fuulduraa balʼinaan ni ibsuu? Even under difficult circumstances, the law of loving - kindness should not depart from our tongue. Do Bible prophecies reveal details about the future? Biihiin: "Saayintiistota kabajamoo dabalatee namoonni hedduun yaada Uumaan jira jedhu fudhachuu waan hin barbaanneef qofadha " jechuudhaan sababiisaa ibsaniiru. In a sense, yes. During the victory: "I don't want to accept the Creator just because there is a Creator. " Yesus, kana yoo goone wanta nu barbaachisu hunda akka argannu nuu mirkaneesseera. He had recently sent out 70 of his disciples to preach the good news of God's Kingdom. Jesus assures us that if we do so, we will have whatever we need. 14, 15. The Bible indicates that long before physical creation began, he created a spirit person by means of whom he formed "all other things. " 14, 15. Haa taʼu malee, ibsi akkasii xiyyeeffannaan keenya ergaa fakkeenyichaa baayʼee salphaa fi ariifachiisaa taʼe irratti akka hin taane godheeraa laata? Peter uses the term "earth " in a figurative sense, referring to human society - in this case wicked human society. But has this thought moved our attention to a simple and urgent message of the parable? " Fakkeenyaan namoota sanatti dubbate; fakkeenya malees waan tokko isaanitti hin dubbanne. " Some of your spiritual brothers and sisters might have been torn to pieces by animals or nailed to a stake and burned alive to serve as nighttime illumination. " He was speaking to those men, " he said, "and he did not say anything to them. " (Uumama 26: 12 - 14) Insaayikilooppeediyaan olitti caqasame akkas jedha: "Hinaaffaan, dandeettii namni tokko wantoota gaggaarii jireenya keessatti argatetti gammaduuf qabu jalaa balleessuu fi kennaawwan hedduu jireenya keessatti argateef galateeffannaa akka hin qabaanne isa gochuu dandaʼa.... Sukhi smiles and says: "Jehovah tells us, " Test me out, whether I shall not empty out upon you a blessing. ' The Encyclopædia Britannica states: "A person's zeal for the good things in life can rob him of the ability to enjoy and to enjoy many gifts he has in life.... Gumii keessatti mirgawwan tajaajilaa dabalataa yoo qabaatte, yeroo tokko tokko itti gaafatamummaa gumiifi maatii wal cina raawwachuun si rakkisuu danda'a ta'a. Have you dedicated your life to Jehovah and symbolized your dedication by water baptism? If you have additional privileges in the congregation, you may at times find it difficult to take the lead in caring for congregation responsibilities and family activities. Itti dabalees, "Balali'uu garuu hin danda'u " jechuudhaan dubbateera. Rather than putting into the mind of your children what you may have wanted to achieve, how wonderful it would be if you could help them make it their goal in life to live in harmony with Jehovah's purposes! He also stated: "I cannot read, but I am not able to do so. " (Uumama 18: 19 dubbisi.) The prophecy also states that many would embrace "the true knowledge. " (Read Genesis 18: 19.) Kun taʼuu kan dandaʼu akkamitti? Says Romans 15: 4: "All the things that were written aforetime were written for our instruction, that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope. " How is that possible? jedhee gaafate. Still, persecution did not stop the expansion of true worship. he asked. Ilaalcha Yihowaa akka gaariitti beekuuf, qoʼannaa dhuunfaatiif dursa kennuu qabna. My parents ' religion was based on both Taoism and Buddhism. To get to know Jehovah's thinking, we must give priority to personal study. Gaaddisee: Eeyyee, jira. We should commend and pray for those who fulfill that responsibility without leaving their mate or children, despite pressure and temptation to do so. Samantha: Yes, it is. 4, 5. Sometimes snow covered the tracks of previous travelers, and in the early spring, the snow was so soft and soggy that we had to trudge through it. 4, 5. Yihowaan bakka jireenyaa dinqisiisaa taʼe kan nuu uume taʼus, gammadoo taʼuuf wantoota akkasii caalaa wanti nu barbaachisu akka jiru beeka. What a blessing it is to have hundreds of Witnesses there now! Jehovah created us with a wonderful home, but he knows that we need more than just that. (Dubbisi.) The path that Jehovah wants us to take may be cramped, but it leads to the best possible destination - everlasting life. (Read.) Namni yaalii qaama hormaataarratti ogeessa taʼe tokko, hiriyoonni gaaʼelaa hedduun, "Micireewwan [meeshaa diilalleessu] keessa kaaʼaman ilaalchisee maal akka godhan murteessuun kan isaan burjaajeessu siʼa taʼu yaaddoo guddaanis isaanitti dhagaʼama " jedheera. She was the young girl who looked aghast when she saw us on our first visit to the Kingdom Hall. A wise person told many couples: "There is a lot of anxiety when they make decisions about how to make ends meet and how to make decisions about their embryos. " • ijoollee keenyaaf dhaala guddaa kan ta'e akkamitti? (b) What can we conclude about the number of toes? • How is it a blessing to our children? Wantoonni mataduree kana keessattis taʼe isa darberratti baranne, jireenya keenya keessatti yeroo itti nu barbaachisan qabu. It was thought that the condition and appearance of these organs indicated whether the gods disapproved of or favored the enterprise at hand. In this article and in the preceding article, we need time to learn from them. NAMNI nyaata qopheessu tokko nyaata haaraa akka hojjetu kan isa kakaasu maalidha? Because Jesus did not deserve to die, his death has been used by God as a legal basis to buy back what Adam and Eve lost, namely, the prospect of everlasting life in an earth - wide paradise. WHAT motivates a householder to do new food? Cuuphaan Yohaannis raawwate inni guddaan garuu, yaada geddarachuu wajjin kan wal hin qabanne taʼuun isaa xiyyeeffannaa namaa kan hawwatu dha. Noah survived the Deluge because of his faith. John the Baptist, on the other hand, is of interest to us that we do not have to repent. Abdiin keenya gara fuulduraa samii irra jiraachuus taʼe lafa irra jiraachuu, fakkeenya waaʼee durboota kurnanii dubbatu irraa barumsa argachuuf murtoo haa goonu. Why Put Jehovah's Service First? Whether our hope is heavenly or earthly, let us be determined to learn from the parable of the ten virgins. (b) Seexana maaltu eeggata? Kun akka obsitu kan si jajjabeessu akkamitti? How should we view the people to whom we preach, and why? (b) What awaits Satan, and how will patience encourage you? Namoonni tokko tokko, tajaajiltoota Waaqayyoo balleessuuf yookiin hojiisaanii ittisuuf yaalii godhanis, mootummaan kamiyyuu hojii wangeela lallabuu kana dhaabsisuu hin dandeenye. Jehovah told him: "I have made your face exactly as hard as their faces and your forehead exactly as hard as their foreheads. Like a diamond, harder than flint, I have made your forehead. " Some have tried to destroy God's servants or do their work, but no government has been able to stop preaching the good news. Kanaaf, Kiristiyaanota waan taaneef, " Jalʼina nan jibbaa? ' August 30, 2010 - September 5, 2010 Therefore, as Christians, we do well to ask ourselves, " Do I hate wickedness? ' Intalli Faraʼoon waan isa guddisteef, galmawwan beekamummaa argachuu ykn qabeenya hedduu kuufachuu baafachuu dandaʼa ture. These threads form layers, each layer set off at a slight angle to the layer below, so that the rising layers form a helical, or spiral, pattern. As the daughter of Pharaoh, Pharaoh's daughter, likely had wealth or many material possessions. Garuu, Yesus Geggeessaa mudaa hin qabne akka taʼetti kanan yaadu maaliif akka taʼe beektaa? Since then, a growing number of the great crowd of true worshippers - over seven million now - have responded to that invitation. But do you know why I think that Jesus is a perfect Leader? Haala rakkisaa taʼe keessattillee, barsiifni gaariin afaan keenya keessaa dhabamuu hin qabu. I Was Bitter and Violent (A. De la Fuente), No. 5 Even under difficult circumstances, the law of loving - kindness should not depart from our mouth. Gama tokkoon yeroo ilaalamu dhufee ture jechuun ni danda'ama. Adam and Eve no doubt felt the same. It was as if he had come at a time. Sana dura misiraachoo Mootummaa Waaqayyoo akka lallabaniif bartoota isaa 70 (Miiljalee Luqaas 10: 1, 17 ilaali.) ergee ture. Jehovah's faithful servants are known and approved by him. Earlier, he sent his 70 disciples to preach the good news of God's Kingdom. (Uma. 1: 1) Macaafni Qulqulluun, Yihowaan wantoota ijaan argaman uumuusaa yeroo dheeraa dura, qaama hafuuraa tokko akka uumeefi isattis fayyadamee " wantoota hundumaa ' akka uume nutti hima. This includes speaking falsehood, being wrathful or lazy, and uttering rotten speech rather than sayings that are good and upbuilding. The Bible tells us that long before Jehovah created the physical universe, he created a spirit creature who created him with "all things. " Phexros jecha " lafa ' jedhu fakkeenyaan hawaasa ilmaan namootaa argisiisuuf kan itti fayyadame siʼa taʼu, caqasa kanarrattimmoo hawaasa ilmaan namootaa hamoo taʼan argisiisa. Will we allow resentment to fester for years? Peter used the word "earth " to refer to human society, meaning human society. Obboloonni kee hafuuraa tokko tokko bineensaan cicciramanii ykn muka irratti fannifamanii halkan akka ibsaatti akka tajaajilaniif gubamanii taʼuu dandaʼa. Some who have been in a situation where their job seemed at risk may have wondered, " How will I fulfill my responsibility to provide for my family? ' Some of your spiritual brothers may have been threatened to collect a wild beast or a tree on the night of the night. Suukeen gammachuudhaan akkas jetteetti: "Yihowaan, " Eebba danuu isin irratti yoon dhangalaasuu dhaabaadheef qoraa ana ilaalaa! ' Our sister is now back in the race. " If I pour out my blessing upon you, " she happily says. Ati hoo jireenya kee Yihowaadhaaf akka murteessite bishaaniin cuuphamuudhaan argisiisteettaa? Each group contributes in its own way to caring for the colony's needs. Have you symbolized your dedication to Jehovah by water baptism? Galmawwan ijoolleen keessan akka irra ga'an barbaaddan sammuusaanii keessa kaa'uu mannaa, karaa kaayyoo Waaqayyoo wajjin walsimuun akka jiraatan utuu isaan leenjisuu dandeessanii baay'ee gaarii ta'a! However, Paul added that there was still "a promise of entering into [God's] rest. " How much better it would be if you were to train your children to live in harmony with God's purpose rather than set goals in their minds! Raajiin kun namoonni baayʼeen " beekumsa dhugaa ' akka fudhatanis ni dubbata. (b) What did Jesus do at the pool, and what does this teach us? It also says that many would accept "the true knowledge. " Roomaan 15: 4 akkas jedha: "Nuyi obsaa fi jajjabina caaffanni qulqullaa'oon nuuf kennaniin abdii akka argannutti, wanti caaffata qulqullaa'oo keessatti caafaman hundinuu nu barsiisuuf caafaman. " Joseph did not know that all of this would serve a purpose. Romans 15: 4 states: "All the things that were written aforetime were written for our instruction, that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope. " Taʼus, ariʼatamni waaqeffannaan dhugaan akka hin babalʼanne gochuu hin dandeenye. Note three ways to do so. Yet, persecution was not limited to the spread of true worship. Warri koo amantii Taaʼoyizimii fi Budiizimii hordofu turan. " Righteousness " implies a state of moral integrity and honesty. My parents lived in a religious and cultural background. Kanaaf, obboloota dhiibbaan utuma isaanirra gaʼuu, hiriyaa gaaʼelaasaanii ykn ijoolleesaanii dhiisanii utuu hin deemin itti gaafatamummaasaanii kana baʼaa jiran galateeffachuufi isaaniif kadhachuu qabna. There the clergy incited young people to throw rocks at our missionary home, which was already not in the best condition. Therefore, we should commend and pray for these responsibilities while under pressure from fellow believers, mate, or children. Yeroo tokko tokko cabbiin karaawwan kana ni dhoksa ture; jiʼa birraattimmoo cabbiin baqee bishaan waan taʼuuf borcaa keessa deemna. The scroll fragment is believed to be one of the many manuscripts discovered in the late 19th century in a synagogue in Cairo, Egypt. At times, the snow was hidden in these ways, and we walked through a river that was full of water. Yeroo ammaatti bakka kana Dhugaa Baatonni dhibbaan lakkaaʼaman jiraachuun isaanii eebba guddaa dha! Remember the history of Israel. What a blessing it is now for hundreds of Witnesses to live there! Karaan Yihowaan akka irra adeemnu barbaadu dhiphaa taʼus, bakka hunda caalaa gaarii taʼe jechuunis jireenya barabaraatti kan geessudha. Pursuing God's Purpose as a Career Although Jehovah wants us to belong to him, he is the best way to live forever. Isheenis intala yeroo jalqabaatiif Galma Mootummaa keessatti yommuu nu argitu naatee turtedha. Nathan - Loyal Advocate of Pure Worship, 2 / 15 When she first saw us in the Kingdom Hall, she approached me. (b) Baayʼina quboota fakkichaa ilaalchisee maal jechuu dandeenya? Constantly reviewing God's standards and principles helps us scrutinize ourselves and counteracts the tendency to be "a forgetful hearer. " (b) What can we say about the number of stars? Haalliifi bifti mi'a garaa, waaqayyoliin sun wanta godhamuuf jedhu tokko jibbuu ykn deggeruusaanii argisiisa jedhamee yaadama ture. But over the next five years, it became obvious that to keep pace with the demand, we would have to build more halls - and build them more quickly. The condition and skin of the gods were thought to hate or uphold something. Yesus, duuti isaaf hin malu ture. Kanaan kan ka'es Waaqayyo du'a Ilmasaatti fayyadamee wanta Addaamiifi Hewwaan nu dhabsiisan, jechuunis abdii lafa jannata taaturra bara baraan jiraachuuf qabnu deebisnee akka argannu godheera. Blue - and - yellow macaw. Thus, Jesus ' death made it possible for us to receive the hope of everlasting life in an earthly paradise - by means of his Son, Adam and Eve. Nohi Bishaan Badiisaa irraa kan oole amantii waan qabuufi. What did Jehovah help Job to appreciate, and how did Job respond? Because Noah survived the Flood. Tajaajila Yihowaatiif Dursa Kennuu Kan Qabnu Maaliifi? With the " populous nation ' of anointed ones taking the lead, we now rejoice as the number of " harvest workers ' keeps growing. Why Keep Jehovah's Service First? Namoota lallabnuuf ilaalcha akkamii qabaachuu qabna? Rather than risking that outcome, we might forgo the opportunity to conduct a study. How should we view those to whom we preach? Yihowaan akkas isaan jedhe: "Ani fuula isaanii duratti ija - jabeessaa fi mata - jabeessa sin godha; adda kees akka dhagaa almaazii isa dhagaa qara qabu caalaa jabaatuu nan jabeessa. " (His. May 26, 2008 - June 1, 2008 Jehovah told them: "I will make them strong before their eyes, and I shall make you strong, like a stone that is stronger than a stone. " Hagayya 30 - Fulbaana 5 " Bad associations spoil useful habits. " - 1 Cor. August 30 - 5 Foʼaawwan kun wal irra namʼanii kan jiran siʼa taʼu, tokkoon tokkoon foʼaa kanaa immoo isa isaa gadi jiru irraa hamma tokko jalʼatee jira; kun taʼuun isaa immoo boci geengoon wal irratti marame ykn mimicciiramaa taʼe akka uumamu godha. Hence, these Samaritans also became spirit - anointed members of spiritual Israel. In each case, the threads are cut off by one, and each of the other is prone to blame, thus making it difficult for his hair or her to drop down. Yeroo sanaa kaasee, waaqeffattoonni dhugaa tuuta sonaan baay'ee lakkoofsisaanii dabalaa jiruufi yeroo ammaatti miliyoona torbaa ol ta'an afeerrii kana fudhataniiru. Hearer of Prayer, 7 / 1 Since then, over seven million true worshippers have now accepted this invitation. Almaazii Caalaa Gatii Guddaa Qaba (amanamummaa), Ama. Jehovah swiftly dispatched Elijah to confront Ahab. B.C.E., No. Addaamii fi Hewwaanis akkuma kana itti dhagaʼamee akka ture hin shakkisiisu. " Has the Governing Body changed its mind about the closeness of the great tribulation? " No doubt Adam and Eve felt the same way. Tajaajiltoonni Yihowaa amanamoo taʼan isa biratti kan beekamaniifi fudhatama kan qaban turan. When Saul Known as Paul? 3 / 1 Faithful servants of Jehovah were known and accepted by him. Kunis soba dubbachuu, aaruu ykn dhibaaʼuu, akkasumas dubbii gaariifi nama ijaaru dubbachuu mannaa dubbii ciiggaasisaa dubbachuu kan dabalatudha. (b) What outcome can there be for individual descendants of the ancient Israelites? That would include lies, anger, or abusive speech rather than telling kind words or doing kind words. Tarii waggoota hedduudhaaf haaloo qabannee ni turraa? Similarly, having love for one another, which moves us to show honor, is already the identifying mark of true Christians. Do we perhaps harbor resentment for years? Namoonni haala hojiisaanii akka dhaban isaan godhu keessatti argaman tokko tokko, " Wanta maatiikootiif barbaachisu dhiheessuuf itti gaafatamummaa narra jiru akkamittan baʼuu dandaʼa? ' Why should we become familiar with the songs in our new songbook? Some who have lost their job may wonder, " How am I able to care for my family's needs? ' Amma obboleettiin keenya kun dorgommii hafuuraatti deebiteetti. Even the Bible acknowledges that it contains "some things hard to understand. " Now our sister was back in the spiritual race. Gareen hundi, wanta tuuticha barbaachisu raawwachuurratti ga'ee qaba. " What things were gains to me, these I have considered loss on account of the Christ, " he said. Each group has a part in caring for the needs of the group. 14: 6 - 10) Haa taʼu malee, Phaawulos itti fufuudhaan " gara boqonnaa Waaqayyootti galuuf amma iyyuu abdiin jira ' jedheera. Marta, who has supported a zealous sister who felt crushed after her divorce, says: "We regularly share in the ministry together. But Paul went on to say: "The hope of entering into God's rest remains. " (b) Bishaanicha biratti Yesus maal godhe? Kun hoo maal nu barsiisa? He invited those who were "toiling and loaded down " to come to him, reassuring them that they would" find refreshment " for themselves. (b) What did Jesus do with the water, and what does this teach us? Yoseef wantoonni kun hundi kan isarra ga'an kaayyoo maaliitiif akka ture hin hubanne. 13: 47 - 50. Joseph did not understand what all of this was going through. Karaawwan kana gochuu itti dandeenyu sadii haa ilaallu. They help us to come to know Jehovah - his loving personality and his purposes. Let us consider three ways. Barumsa Dogoggoraa 3: Namoonni Gaariin Hundi Gara Samii Dhaqu Barumsi dogoggoraa kun eessaa madde? 31 From Our Archives What is the wrong lesson for all who go to heaven? " Qajeelummaan " seerawwan amalaa cimsanii eeguu kan argisiisudha. But he could - and did - honor Jehovah with his lips! " The righteousness of righteousness " is a moral code. Qeesonni mana misiyoonii keenya isa durumaanuu jabina hin qabnetti dhagaa akka darbatan dargaggoota kakaasu turan. But... The clergy urged young people to cast stones into their invisible missionary assignment. Ciccitaan maraa kun barreeffamoota bara durii dhuma jaarraa 19 ffaatti, Gibxii magaalaa Kaayirootti mana sagadaa tokko keessatti argaman hedduu keessaa tokko akka ta'e amanama. As already discussed, you need to know where your life is headed. It was believed that in the late 19th century, ancient manuscripts were part of a synagogue in the city of Egypt. Seenaa Israa'elootaa yaadadhu. Paul's next words explain what has been made possible by Jesus ' resurrection. Recall the history of the Israelites. Kaayyoo Waaqayyoo Kaayyoo Jireenya Keenyaa Godhachuu In doing so, they may sacrifice all modesty. God's Purpose for Life Namoonni " Keessummummaadhaan Jiraatan ' Waaqeffannaa Dhugaatiin Tokko Taʼaniiru, 12 / 15 After getting through that winter, he returned to Japan where he lived a very simple life in order to save enough money to return to Russia - this time for good. What Kind of Person Do You Want to Be? 12 / 1 (Far. 119: 129) Yeroo hunda seerawwaniifi seerawwan bu'uuraa Waaqayyoo irra deebinee qorachuun keenya, akka of gamaaggamnuufi "warra dhaga'uu duwwaadhaan of gowwoomsan " akka hin taane nu gargaara. (b) How does God view adultery? A study of God's laws and principles will help us to keep our senses and not " deceiving ourselves with false reasoning. ' Haata'u malee, waggoottan shanan darbaniif, guddina jiruu wajjin haala wal simuun galmawwan Mootummaa dabalataa atattamaan ijaaruun akka barbaachisu hubatamee ture. I know that after my going away oppressive wolves will enter in among you and will not treat the flock with tenderness, and from among you yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves. " Over the last five years, however, it became evident that in line with progress, more and more Kingdom Halls were needed. Yihowaan Iyoob maal akka dinqisiifatu isa gargaare? Iyoob hoo maal godhe? (b) Of what can we be assured if we pray at every opportunity? What did Jehovah appreciate Job, and what did Job do? " Namoonni midhaan makaran ' lakkoofsisaanii guddachaa deemuusaatiin, dibamtoota " saba baayʼee ' taʼaniifi hojicha geggeessanii wajjin ni gammanna. (Isa. But then sisters approach me, give me a hug, and say I look pretty. Those making up the growing "slave " will rejoice with the anointed remnant and with the" great crowd. " Kanaan kan ka'es, carraa qayyabannaa geggeessuuf arganne of jalaa dabarsuu dandeenya. They do not marry and reproduce their own kind. As a result, we may miss out on the opportunity to conduct a study. Caamsaa 26, 2008 - Waxabajjii 1, 2008 Hence, there is no Scriptural basis for finding a hidden meaning in that incident. - Gen. May 26, 2008 - June 1, 2008 " Hiriyaan gadheen amala gaarii in mancaasa ' " jechuudhaan barreesseera. - 1 Qor. Listening to the slave class means giving our full cooperation to its Governing Body. " Bad associations spoil useful habits. " - 1 Cor. Kanaaf, namoonni Samaariyaa kunis miseensa Israaʼel hafuuraa, hafuura qulqulluudhaan dibaman taʼan. However, much more is involved in the uniqueness of Jesus. Thus, those Samaritans became part of spiritual Israel and became anointed with holy spirit. Piilgiriimota, 8 / 15 The same is true of those who practice gross uncleanness, that is, "uncleanness of every sort with greediness. " - Eph. 12 / 1 Yihowaan yeruma sana Ahaabitti akka dubbatuuf Eliyaasiin erge. However, to receive this gift, the customers must come to the owner and claim it. Jehovah immediately sent Elijah to anoint Ahab. Obboleessi keenya Piirsi itti fufuudhaan, "Kun, Qaamni Olaanaan rakkinni guddaan dhihaachuusaa ilaalchisee yaada qabu jijjiiruusaa kan argisiisudhaa? " Through the ransom, God gives all who exercise faith the opportunity to reach perfection and live forever. Brother Pierce continued, "Is this really an evidence of the nearness of the Governing Body's view of the great tribulation? " " Wanta Waa'ee Hin Baafne " Duukaa Hin Bu'inaa, 4 / 15 17 Do Not Let Your Love Grow Cold Do You Share in God's Word? 4 / 15 (b) Namoonni dhalootaan Israaʼel taʼan dhuunfaadhaan maal argachuu dandaʼu? It would lie desolate. (b) What could natural Israel have received personally? Haaluma wal fakkaatuun, jaalalli inni ulfina waliif kennuuf nu kakaasu, durumayyuu amala Kiristiyaanota dhugaa addaan baasee beeksisu ture. Still others argue that using a proper name for God is inappropriate. Similarly, love motivates us to show honor to one another, but his first qualities identify true Christians. Faarfannaawwan kitaaba faarfannaa keenya isa haaraa keessa jiran sirriitti beekuu kan qabnu maaliif? Such a mature approach proves that you are being guided by God's Word. Why should we take to heart the songs in our new songbook? Macaafni Qulqulluunis "wanti hubachuun isaa nama dhibu tokko tokko " akka isa keessa jiru ibsa. 5, 6. (a) What responsibilities do parents have toward their children? The Bible explains that there is "a man's understanding. " " Kristosiif jedhee, wanta bu'aa anaaf qaba ture hundumaa akka waan gatameetti lakkaa'eera " jedheera. (b) What will we consider in the next two study articles? He said: "I consider all things to be loss on account of the excelling value of Christ. " Maartaa isheen obboleettii abbaa manaashee wajjin erga wal hiiktee booda gadda guddaadhaan liqimfamte gargaarte, "Yeroo hundumaa wal faana tajaajila baana. Every person must make his own decision. " After helping a sister who was divorced with her husband, Martha says: "We regularly go with each other in the ministry. (Isa. 61: 1) " Boqonnaa akka isaaniif kennu ' isaaniif mirkaneessuudhaan, warri " dadhabanii fi baʼaan itti ulfaate ' gara isaa akka dhufan afeereera. In that parable, a young man squanders his inheritance on loose living. He invites those "toiling and loaded down " to come to him. 13: 47 - 50. Summary: Peter imitates God's impartiality by preaching to Cornelius, a Gentile. 13: 47 - 50. jechuudhaan Musee gaafateera. - Bau. Imitate Jesus ' Humility and Tenderness, 2 / 15 asked Moses. - Ex. Yihowaa, amalawwansaa warra jaallatamoofi kaayyoosaa akka beeknu kan nu gargaarudha. Your regular visits to the elderly may influence the quality of care they receive. Jehovah enables us to come to know his endearing qualities and purposes. 31 Kuusaa Keenya Keessaa What can you learn from Abraham? 31 From Our Archives (Fak. 3: 9) Afaansaatiin garuu Yihowaaf ulfina kennuu ni danda'a ture; kanas godheera! As one of his servants, you are probably also busy. But in his own language, he could honor Jehovah, and he did! Garuu... Jesus referred to the holy spirit as a "helper " at John 14: 26. But... Akkuma olitti ibsame jireenyakee kallattii kamiin geggeessuu akka qabdu beekuunkee barbaachisaadha. " Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. " - 1 Peter 1: 3. As mentioned earlier, you need to know where you need to guide your life. Yaadni Phaawulos ittaansuudhaan dubbate duʼaa kaafamuun Yesus maal akka raawwate kan ibsudha. How is this Bible study aid being received? Paul's next words reveal what the resurrection of Jesus accomplished. Kanaan kan kaʼes, warra kaan caalanii argamuuf waaʼee ofii isaanii of tuulummaadhaan dubbatu. This advancement had to do with Timothy's spiritual qualities rather than with any position of authority. As a result, they tell themselves about themselves to be superior to others. Heruun tibba gannaa sana achitti erga dabarsee booda Jaappaanitti deebiʼe; achii qarshii gara Raashiyaa deebiʼuudhaan achi jiraachuuf isa dandeessisu walitti qabachuuf, jireenya baayʼee salphaa taʼe jiraachuu jalqabe. Hence, experts often recommend that people volunteer for public service to enhance their own health and happiness. After the summer in Japan, Lorraine returned to Japan, and then he moved to Russia to make it easier for him to live there. (b) Waaqayyo ejjaaf ilaalcha akkamii qaba? The very prophecy Daniel recorded was "sealed up " until that time. (b) How does God view Babylon? Waldaa kristiyaanaa isa Waaqayyo dhiiga tokkicha ilma isaatiin kan isaa godhate eegaa! Erga ani adeemee immoo warri akka yeeyyii sodaachisoon, hoolota karra keessatti kan hin hambifne akka isin gidduu galan ani beeka. For example, to one there is given through the spirit speech of wisdom,... to another gifts of healings by that one spirit,... to another prophesying,... to another different tongues. " - 1 Corinthians 12: 4 - 11. I know that the congregation of God has set up the blood of his only - begotten Son and that those who do not come in among the flock will enter into the flock. (b) Carraa arganne hundaan kan kadhannu yoo ta'e maal akka argannu abdachuu qabna? Uncontrolled actions always tend to result in less order, not more. (b) What should we look forward to if we pray for all our opportunities? Haa taʼu malee, obboleettonni dhufanii na hammatanii bareedduu akkan taʼe natti himu. However, Erasmus excluded those words from his first two editions of the New Testament because none of the Greek manuscripts he consulted contained them. However, the sisters visited me and told me that I was a beautiful sister. Hin fuudhan, ijoollees hin godhatan. For at least three reasons: First, they cannot preach what they do not understand. No, nor do they marry. Kanaafuu, haalli kun hiika dhokataa taʼe tokko ni qabaata jedhanii yaaduuf deggersi Caaffata Qulqullaaʼoo hin jiru. - Uma. Mildness and long - suffering contribute to peace in the congregation. So there is no Scriptural support to consider whether this was a common meaning. - Gen. Kutaa garbicha kanaa dhaggeeffachuu jechuun, Qaama Olaanaa wajjin guutummaatti walii galanii hojjechuu jechuudha. In that case, the couple would have to decide which life to try to save. Listening to the slave class means being fully cooperating with the Governing Body. Yesus karaawwan kan biraa hedduudhaanis addadha. What will result when death is brought to nothing? In many other ways, Jesus is unique. Warri xuraa'ummaa raawwatan, jechuunis " wanta nama xureessu hundumaa hojjetaniifi in ga'aa hin beekne ' akkasuma ta'u. - Efe. (a) How may excessive concern about how others view us cloud our judgment? The same is true of those who engage in unclean conduct, "do not know every sort of uncleanness or every sort of uncleanness. " - Eph. Maamiltoonnisaa kun kennaa kana fudhachuu yoo barbaadan garuu isa bira dhufanii gaafachuu qabu. " Ministering to one another " benefits not only those who receive God's undeserved kindness but also those who convey it. But if he chooses to accept that gift, he should visit him. Waaqayyo furichatti fayyadamee, namoonni furichatti amanan hundi mudaa kan hin qabne akka taʼanii fi bara baraaf akka jiraatan carraa isaaniif kenna. The king was furious when he learned of the hardheartedness of the slave he had mercifully forgiven. By means of the ransom, God gives all who exercise faith in the ransom an opportunity to be perfect and everlasting life. 17 Jaalalli Keessan Akka Qabbanaaʼu hin Heyyaminaa Because he knew that he would have to rely entirely on another person to push his wheelchair. 17 Do Not Let Your Love C.E. Biyyisaaniis ona taatee turte. Those words strengthened her. Their land was cold. Warri kaanis, Waaqayyoon maqaa dhuunfaa isaatiin waamuun sirrii miti jedhanii falmu. PUBLISHERS Others claim that it is not appropriate to use God's personal personal name. Haala kanaan walitti dubbachuun keessan, Dubbii Waaqayyootiin geggeeffamaa akka jirtan mirkaneessa. Likewise, many Witnesses have suffered at the hands of hostile rulers and their minions because of not betraying their fellow Witnesses nor revealing from where they obtained spiritual food. In this way, you prove that you are guided by God's Word. 5, 6. (a) Warri ijoolleesaanii ilaalchisee itti gaafatamummaa akkamii qabu? My baptism took place on February 27, 1949, in a metal trough that farmers used to water livestock. 5, 6. (a) What responsibility do parents have regarding their children? (b) Matadureewwan qayyabannaa itti aanan lamaanirratti waa'ee maalii baranna? Because unlike your circumstances or your genes - over which you have little or no control - you can control your attitude. (b) What will we consider in the next two study articles? Kana irratti namni adduma addaan akkuma fudhatetti yaada isaa gar tokkotti haa kutatu! " What Is Integrity? In this regard, let each one take his own heart seriously. " Fakkeenya sana keessatti dargaggeessi tokko jireenya gadhiisii jiraachuudhaan qabeenyasaa bittimseera. As we are created in God's image, we have the ability to mirror God's love in our lives. In that illustration, a young man sold his material possessions and sold his possessions. Yaada ijoo: Phexros, Qorneelewos isa warra Saba Waaqayyoo hin taane keessaa tokko taʼeef lallabuudhaan, fakkeenya Waaqayyo isa nama wal hin caalchisnee hordofeera. " There is no longer the quick definition of sex - a husband and wife having intercourse, " says 20 - year - old James. The bottom line: Peter, who was not part of God's Gentile people, followed the example of a God - fearing man. Yeroo hunda maanguddoota gaafachuunkee kunuunsa warri kaan isaaniif godhanirratti jijjiirama fiduu danda'a. The most reliable testimony came from God himself. Praying regularly for older ones may change the way others care for them. Abrahaamirraa maal barachuu dandeessa? What must we do in order to avoid Satan's wicked advice? What can you learn from Abraham? (Far. 100: 2) Tajaajiltootasaa keessaa tokko waan taateef hojiidhaan kan muddamte ta'uu dandeessa. Our Holy, Fear - Inspiring Redeemer As one of his servants, you can be busy in what you are accomplishing. Yesus, Yohannis 14: 26 rratti hafuurri qulqulluun " isa nuuf dubbatu ' akka taʼe caqaseera. Paul also stated: "We are fellow workers for your joy. " Jesus referred to John 14: 26 as "the helper, the holy spirit, which is speaking to us. " ▪ "Waaqayyo abbaa gooftaa keenyaa Yesus Kristosiif galanni haa ta'u! " - 1 Phexros 1: 3. 4 Who Is the Hearer of Prayer? ▪ "Thanks to God our Lord Jesus Christ! " - 1 Peter 1: 3. Namoonni kitaaba Macaafa Qulqulluu qayyabsiisuuf qophaa'e kanaaf ilaalcha akkamii qabu? They opened their homes to us. How do those whom we study the Bible Teach book feel about this? Guddinni asirratti ibsame aangoo Ximotewos wajjin utuu hin ta'in amalawwan gaarii inni argisiisuu qabuu wajjin kan wal qabatedha. As they built the ark, they must have gone in and out of it hundreds of times. The growth described here involves not only the authority that Timothy received but also his good qualities. Kanaaf, hayyoonni yeroo baayʼee fayyaa isaanii fi gammachuu isaanii akka dabaluuf hojii tola ooltummaa akka raawwatan namoota jajjabeessu. After he was resurrected, Jesus ascended to heaven and began to wait at Jehovah's right hand. Thus, scholars often encourage their health and happiness to increase their joy. Raajiin Daaniʼel galmeesse, hamma yeroo sanaatti "mallatteeffamee " ture. (Dan. What has Jehovah time and again demonstrated? Daniel's prophecy, recorded at that time, was " obedience from above all the time. ' Isa tokkoof ogummaadhaan dubbachuutu hafuuraan kennameef,... isa kaaniif immoo kennaa warra dhukkubsatan fayyisuutu hafuura tokkicha sanaan kennameef,... isa kaaniif raajii dubbachuu,... isa kaaniif afaan hin beekamneen dubbachuutu... kennameef! " - 1 Qorontos 12: 4 - 11. " Keep on asking, and it will be given you. " - Luke 11: 9. For he was given one spirit to heal, and to the poor, and to the poor, and to the poor, and to the poor, and to the poor, he was given a prophet..., and there was no tongue to speak. " - 1 Corinthians 12: 4 - 11. Gochi toʼannaan utuu itti hin godhamin raawwatamu, yeroo baayʼee seera qabeessa hin taʼu. Never allow personal tragedies to embitter you against Jehovah. Even if a study does not function, it usually does not function. Haa taʼu malee, barreeffamoota durii Afaan Giriikii Iraasmas qorannaa irratti godhe kam keessatti iyyuu, jechoota kana waan hin argineef maxxansa isaa Kakuu Haaraa jalqabaa lamaan keessatti yaada kana hin daballe ture. Coming from many nations and therefore speaking many different languages, Jehovah's Witnesses strive to uphold the pure language of truth. However, in any ancient Greek manuscripts of Erasmus, he did not ignore these words because he did not see them in the original New Testament. Yoo xinnaate sababii sadiin kan ka'edha: Tokkoffaa, wanta hin hubanne lallabuu hin danda'an. FERNANDO * was nervous. At least three reasons: First, I don't know what to preach. Garraamummaaniifi obsi gumii keessatti nagaan akka jiraatu godha. 12, 13. Mildness and long - suffering promote peace in the congregation. Haalli akkasii ennaa uumamutti hiriyoonni gaaʼelaa eenyuun oolchuu akka qaban murteessuu qabu. Faithful ones before us and modest ones today have proved that it can be done. When problems arise, marriage mates should decide whom to save. Gara fuulduraatti ennaa duuti golgoleeffamu wanta akkamiitu taʼa? Paul learned through experience that sacrificing oneself in behalf of others brings not only personal satisfaction but also - and more important - Jehovah's blessing and approval. - Acts 20: 24, 35. What will happen to time when death will be brought to nothing? (a) Ilaalchi warri kaan nuuf qaban garmalee kan nu yaaddessu taʼuunsaa, ilaalcha keenya jalʼisuu kan dandaʼu akkamitti? You benefit yourself, and you delight Jehovah and your fellow Christians! - Ps. (a) How might the tendency of others to be overly concerned affect our view of lawlessness? " Warra kaaniif waa'ee baasuun ' namoota kennaa ayyaana Waaqayyoorraa gargaarsa argataniif qofa utuu hin ta'in, namoota isaan gargaaraniifis faayidaa argamsiisa. (Fak. Do You Recall? " The law of loving - kindness " is not only for those who benefit from God's undeserved kindness but also for those who benefit from it. Kanaafuu, garbichi mootichi gara laafinaan kakaʼee isaaf dhiise sun mata jabeessa akka taʼe mootichi yommuu hubatu baayʼee aare. Our first major challenge was that of learning the language. So how angry the king must have been when he learned that his compassionate slave had failed him! Gargaarsi nama kan biraa, jechuunis namni wiilcheerii isaaf dhiibu akka isa barbaachisu waan beekuuf ture. This will make it easier for young people to view parental rules in the same light. Because he knew that he needed help from someone else - someone else's condition. Wanti konkolaachisaan kun dubbate ishii jabeesseera. They may need our empathy and support for a long time. The driver's words strengthened her. BABALʼISTOOTA He takes along with him Simon the fisherman and others. He says: "From now on you will be catching men alive. " PUBLISHERS Haaluma wal fakkaatuun, Dhugaa Baatonni hedduun obbolootasaanii dabarsanii kennuu diduusaaniitiin ykn bakka barreeffamoonni jiran saaxila baasuu diduusaaniitiin, bulchitoota hamoofi namoota isaan jala jiraniin gidiraa baay'een isaanirra ga'eera. If we are encountering marital difficulties, we should earnestly seek to resolve them, remembering that those united in wedlock are "no longer two, but one flesh. " In a similar way, many Witnesses who have refused to give up their fellow believers or who are imprisoned for their literature have suffered evil and suffering at the hands of the wicked. Kanan cuuphame Guraandhala 27, 1949, bidiruu sibiilaa qonnaan bultoonni horiisaanii bishaan obaasuuf itti fayyadaman keessatti ture. " The Word of God Is Alive " My baptism was baptized on February 27, 1949, in an effort to plant animals. Haala kee fi jiinii kee guutummaatti toʼachuu kan hin dandeenye taʼus, ilaalcha kee toʼachuu waan dandeessuufi dha. (b) How can we prove our love for God? You cannot fully control your circumstances and genetic makeup, but you need to control your thinking. Amanamummaan Maalidha? How do you feel about what you have received? What is integrity? Bifa Waaqayyootiin waan uumamneef, jaalalasaa jireenya keenya keessatti calaqqisuuf dandeettii qabna. One day, I found out that a workmate was one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Since we are made in God's image, we have the capacity to reflect his love in our lives. Jamsi inni umriinsaa waggaa 20 taʼe akkas jedheera: "Namoonni, saalqunnamtiin wanta abbaa manaafi haadha manaa gidduutti qofa raawwatamu godhanii yaaduu dhiisaniiru. Study Edition " People stop thinking only about what is taking place between a husband and a wife, " says 20 - year - old James. Eenyummaa Yesus ilaalchisee ragaa hunda caalaa amanamaa ta'e kan kenne Waaqayyodha. Over the centuries, this mountain range has formed a natural border between provinces, kingdoms, and states. God's greatest proof of Jesus ' identity was God. Gorsa Seexanaa isa gadheerraa fagaachuuf maal gochuu qabna? They recognize the anointed as members of "the Israel of God. " What must we do to avoid the bad counsel of the Devil? Furii Keenya Isa Qulqulluufi Sodaachisaa Ta'e Yazmin has two children with cystic fibrosis, and she admits, "There have been moments of such intense pressure that I have felt like I was choking to death. " Our Ransom and Integrity Kana malees Phaawulos, "Isin gammachiisuudhaaf isinii wajjin hojjenna " jedheera. 8: 22 - 31. Paul also stated: "We are fellow workers for your joy. " 4 Qaamni Kadhannaa Dhagaʼu Eenyudha? Besides love, what does Jehovah's personality at times allow for, and why? 4 Who Is the Hearer of Prayer? Mana isaanii banaa nuuf godhaniiru. • What blessings come from seeking spiritual goals? [ Picture on page 24] They gave us a firm look at their house. Markaba yommuu ijaaran al dhibba hedduudhaaf gara markabichaatti seenanii baʼanii taʼuu qaba. Also, about 750,000 people visited us at the jamboree, including Queen Elizabeth of England. It must have been when building the ark was over a hundred times. Yesus erga duʼaa kaʼee booda, gara samiitti ol baʼee mirga Yihowaa taaʼuudhaan eeguu jalqabe. Out of love, God's Son " always did the things pleasing to his Father. ' After his resurrection, Jesus returned to heaven and began to wait on Jehovah's right hand. Yihowaan irra deddeebi'ee maal argisiiseera? JESUS CHRIST - UNIQUELY QUALIFIED What has Jehovah shown repeatedly? " Kadhachuu keessan itti fufaa isiniif ni kennama. " - Luq. 11: 9. What can we learn from the illustration of "a large house "? " Keep on asking, and it will be given you. " - Luke 11: 9. Haalli gaddisiisaan yommuu sirra gaʼu matumaa Yihowaa hin komatin. Surrounded as we are by this world's attitudes and conduct, we need courage to resist contamination. Never put Jehovah to the test when tragedy befalls you. Dhugaa Baatonni Yihowaa saboota hedduu keessaa kan dhufaniifi afaan garaagaraa kan dubbatan taʼus, qooqa dhugaa qulqulluu taʼetti fayyadamuuf carraaqqii godhu. We can group those reasons into three categories: how you are affected, how others are affected, and how Jehovah is affected when you attend meetings. Although Jehovah's Witnesses come from many nations and speak different languages, they strive to use the pure language as a pure language. FARNAANDOON * sodaatee ture. " After singing praises, they went out to the Mount of Olives, " walking some distance through the narrow streets of Jerusalem. PSALM * was afraid. 12, 13. There are other verses in the Scriptures that may also appear at first glance to contradict God's stated purpose for the earth. 12, 13. Namoonni amanamoo bara duriitti jiraatan, akkasumas namoonni yeroo harʼaatti amala gad of deebisuu qaban, kun kan dandaʼamu taʼuu isaa mirkaneessaniiru. Regarding him, a Hebrew psalmist wrote: "You, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth. " Those faithful men and women of ancient times proved that this is possible today. Phaawulos, warra kaaniif aarsaa of gochuun isaa gammachuu isaaf argamsiisuu caalaa, Yihowaan akka isa eebbisuu fi fudhatama akka isaaf argamsiisu muuxannoo isaa irraa barateera. - HoE. 20: 24, 35. A Hope Obscured Paul learned from experience that Jehovah would bless and bless him rather than make sacrifices for others. - Acts 20: 24, 35. Kunimmoo kan faayidaa isiniif argamsiisu ta'uusaarrayyuu, Yihowaafi Kiristiyaanota hidhata keessan ta'an ni gammachiisa. - Far. Hence, some Christians choose to remain single for life or they decide to remain single for some years before marrying. This will bring benefits to you and to your fellow Christians. - Ps. Ni Yaadattaa? Find out what we can do to show that we love our neighbor as ourselves. Do You Recall? Hojiin keenya inni jalqabaafi ulfaataan afaan Kooriyaa barachuu ture. Yes, we need to "listen and get the sense " of what we hear in order to progress in our understanding of the pure language. - Matt. Our first assignment was to learn Korean languages. Kunis, ijoolleen seera warrasaaniitiif ajajamuun akka isaanitti salphatu godha. God has established an arrangement by which a faithful and discreet slave class provides spiritual food at the proper time. This makes children more likely to obey their parents ' rules. Tarii yeroo dheeraadhaaf akka isaaniif yaannuufi akka isaan deggerru barbaadu ta'a. Do You Recall? Perhaps they want to care for and support them for a long time. Simoon inni qurxummii qabuufi namoonni kaanis isaa wajjin kan deeman yommuu ta'u: " Si'achi immoo nama kan walitti qabdan in taatuu ' isaaniin jedheera. Its image then becomes stationary on your retina while the background "moves. " Simon, who is accompanied by fish and others, tells them: "You will be one another. " Gaaʼela keenya keessatti rakkinni nu mudachaa jira taanaan, namoonni gaaʼela godhatan, " lama utuu hin taʼin, foon tokko ' akka taʼan yaadachuudhaan rakkina keenya hiikuuf carraaqqii cimaa gochuu qabna. In fact, for the past 17 years in a row, we have spent over one billion hours annually in the preaching and disciple - making work - and we continue with that work. If there are problems in our marriage, we should work hard to resolve problems, remembering that married people are "one flesh, not two. " " Dubbiin Waaqayyoo Jiraataa Dha " Above all, a love for study can help your children to become spiritually - minded people. " The Word of God Is Living " (b) Waaqayyoon akka jaallannu mirkaneessuu kan dandeenyu akkamitti? What are some things being accomplished by Jehovah's organization? (b) How can we prove that we love God? Wanta argatte ilaalchisee maaltu sitti dhagaʼama? While "the festival of Pentecost was in progress, " says the Bible," they were all together at the same place " when God's holy spirit was poured out upon them, granting them the ability to speak in foreign languages. - Acts 2: 1 - 4. How do you feel about what you have found? Gaaf tokko, namni naa wajjin hojjetu tokko Dhugaa Baatuu Yihowaa taʼuusaan beeke. 16: 2. One day, I learned that a workmate was one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Maxxansa Qayyabannaa Is that something that you can have a share in doing? Study Edition Gaarreen kun jaarraa hedduudhaaf, kutaa bulchiinsaa, bulchiinsaafi mootummaa naannoo gidduutti akka daangaa uumamaatti tajaajilaniiru. Consider what you understand now that you did not know 30 or 40 years ago. Over the centuries, the mountains have served as a part of the rulership, rulership, and governmental territory. Dibamtoonni miseensota "Israa'el Waaqayyoo " akka ta'an ni amanu. I really want to help them. The anointed are members of "the Israel of God. " Yaazmiin isheen ijoolleenshee lamaan dhibee sistiik faaybiroosis jedhamu qaban akkas jetteetti: "Yeroo tokko tokko dhiibbaa guddaan waan narra gaʼuuf duʼuu jala akkan gaʼe natti dhagaʼama. During the past ten years, more than 2,700,000 people have made the decision to serve Jehovah and be baptized in symbol of their dedication to him. " At times, I felt that I had a big impact on my two children, " she says. 8: 22 - 31. 19: 32 - 35; Isa. 8: 22 - 31. Yihowaan amala jaalalaa kan qabu taʼus, yeroo tokko tokko maaltu itti dhagaʼama? The Bible is an outstanding example of Jehovah's use of his active force because its writers "spoke from God as they were borne along by holy spirit. " How does Jehovah at times feel about love, but how does he sometimes feel? • Galmawwan hafuuraa hordofuun eebba akkamii argamsiisa? After all, the resurrection of Christ was a key element of the Christian faith, being inseparably linked to some of the Bible's most basic teachings about God's sovereignty, his name, his Kingdom, and our salvation. • What blessings result from pursuing spiritual goals? Akkasumas, Mootuu Ingilaandi Elizaabetiin dabalatee namoonni 750,000 taʼan qophicharratti nuu wajjin argamaniiru. And some adult children may have to care for infirm parents. We also attended a meeting with about 750,000 people, including Elizabeth's daughter, in England. Ilmi Waaqayyoos jaalalaan kaka'ee, " yeroo hundumaa wanta Abbaasaa gammachiisu hojjeta ' ture. Rather, Jehovah forgives those sins and puts them behind him - permanently. - Rom. God's Son lovingly " always did the things pleasing to his Father. ' YESUS KIRISTOS QAAMA KAMIYYUU CAALAA GAʼUMSA QABA If what Jesus preached was completely true and reliable and Paul preached the same message, then the apostle's preaching was reliable too. JESUS CHRIST BY THE WORLD Fakkeenya Phaawulos "mana guddaa tokko " ilaalchisee dubbaterraa maal baranna? Therefore, Moses told them: "You people must take care to do just as Jehovah your God has commanded you. " What can we learn from Paul's illustration of "a large house "? Ilaalchaafi amalawwan biyya lafaa nu marsanii jiraniin akka hin mancaaneef ija jabinni nu barbaachisa. " The generous person will be blessed, " said one inspired writer. We need courage to avoid being corrupted by worldly attitudes and traits. Sababiiwwan kanas kutaa sadiitti qoodnee ilaaluu dandeenya: walgaʼiiwwan irratti argamuun keenya akkamitti akka nu fayyadu, warra kaan akkamitti akka gargaaruu fi Yihowaa kan gammachiisu akkamitti akka taʼe ilaalla. Millions today firmly believe that God shall "cause justice to be done " We might consider three reasons: How we benefit from attending meetings, how to help others, and how to please Jehovah. " Faarfannaa galataa erga faarfatanii " booda, Yerusaalem keessaa ba'anii fageenya muraasa deemuudhaan "gara gaara ejersaatti ol ba'an. " I chose to limit my practice so as to have more time for the spiritual and emotional well - being of our family, which came to include five daughters. After "the song of the song of praise, " they traveled into Jerusalem to" a mountain of the olive trees. " Caqasoonni irra keessa yommuu ilaalaman kaayyoo Waaqayyo lafaaf qabuu wajjin kan wal faallessan fakkaatan kan biraanis jiru. André, a salesman, was told by his employer to charge the same service fee twice to customers ' accounts. There are other scriptures that seem contrary to God's purpose for the earth. Waaqayyoon ilaalchisee faarfataan Ibricha taʼe tokko, "Maqaan kee " Isa Jiraataa ' [" Yihowaa, " NW] akka ta'e, ati kophaa kee guutummaa biyya lafaa irratti gooftaa isa hundumaa gararraa jiru taʼuu kees haa beekan! " jedhee barreesseera. Of course, surviving involves several factors, but one very important requirement is highlighted by the apostle Paul: "Without faith it is impossible to please God well. " Regarding God, a Hebrew psalmist wrote: "Your name is Jehovah, and may you know that you alone are the Most High over all the earth. " Abdii Dhokfame At first, we may feel that the decision to disfellowship the wrongdoer is drastic or even unkind, especially if we have close ties to that person. Christ's Hope Kanaaf, Kiristiyaanonni tokko tokko jireenyasaanii guutuu qeentee ta'uuf ykn gaa'ela utuu hin godhatin waggoota muraasa turuuf murteessaniiru. F. So some Christians decide to remain single or to stay single for a few years without getting married. Namoota akka mataa keenyaatti akka jaallannu argisiisuuf maal gochuu akka dandeenyu hubachuuf yaalii godhaa. No wonder the apostle Peter admonishes us to keep close in mind "the presence of the day of Jehovah "! Try to discern what we can do to show love for our neighbor. Eeyyee, qooqa qulqulluu kana barachuurratti guddina argisiisuu yoo barbaanne, wanta jedhamu " dhaggeeffachuufi hubachuu ' qabna. - Mat. Isaiah foretold: "Truly our sicknesses were what he himself carried; and as for our pains, he bore them. " Yes, if we want to progress in learning the pure language, we must " listen and understand ' what is said. - Matt. Waaqayyo, hojjetaa amanamaafi ogeessi nyaata hafuuraa yeroosaatti akka dhiheessu qophii godheera. The two men could hardly have been more different. God arranged for the faithful and discreet slave to provide timely spiritual food at the proper time. Ni Yaadattaa? Fittingly, the Bible's description of the new personality concludes with this powerful truth: "Besides all these things, clothe yourselves with love, for it is a perfect bond of union. " - Col. Do You Recall? Kanaaf, yeroo kubbichi iddoo tokkoo gara kaanitti rukutamu fakkiinsaa ratiinaa keerratti maxxanfamee taaʼa. Can you rightly condemn another person? Thus, when you are about to another place, your picture may be called onto your head. Waggoottan 17 darbanitti utuu walirraa hin kutin hojii lallabuufi bartoota gochuurratti waggaatti sa'aatii biliyoona tokkoo ol dabarsineerra; gara fuulduraattis hojii kanarratti hirmaachuu keenya itti fufna. Consider first the attitude of a physical individual. Over the last 17 years, we have spent more than one billion hours in the preaching and disciple - making work, and we continue to share in that work. Hunda caalaammoo, ijoolleen keessan qayyabannaaf jaalala qabaachuunsaanii Waaqayyoof kan bulan taʼuuf isaan gargaara. The ministry gives my life purpose. Moreover, having a study will help your children to develop a love for God. Wantoonni jaarmiyaan Yihowaa raawwachaa jiru tokko tokko kamfaʼi? 3: 17; 17: 5. What are some things that Jehovah's organization is accomplishing? Macaafni Qulqulluun, utuu "Ayyaanni Phenxeqostee " godhamaa jiruu, ennaa hafuurri qulqulluun isaanirra bu'eefi dandeettii afaan garaagaraa dubbachuu isaaniif kennetti," hundinuu iddoo tokkotti walitti qabamanii turan " jedha. - Hojii Ergamootaa 2: 1 - 4. Why can this world's media be dangerous? The Bible says that "the day of Pentecost " was" filled with holy spirit and the ability to speak in various languages. " - Acts 2: 1 - 4. 16: 2. When ancient Israel failed to trust in Him, Jehovah asked Moses: "How long will this people treat me without respect, and how long will they not put faith in me for all the signs that I performed in among them? " 16: 2. Ati hoo kana gochuu ni dandeessaa? We see happening what the Bible foretold about these last days. Could you do so? Mee waaʼee wantoota amma hubatteefi waggoota 30 ykn 40 dura hin beeknee yaadi. • What fundamental issue did Satan raise concerning Job's integrity? Think about the things you now see and the things you do not know or about 40 years ago. Anis dhugumaan isaan gargaaruun barbaada. " A relationship has ended, " says a young man named Adam, "and there's always some pain involved in that, even if you know it's for the best. " I really want to help them. Waggoottan kudhan darbanitti, namoonni 2,700,000 ol ta'an, Yihowaa tajaajiluuf kan of murteessan si'a ta'u, kanas cuuphamuudhaan argisiisaniiru. Impressed by John's sound Scriptural reasoning, they began attending meetings of the Bible Students in our village. Over the last ten years, more than 22,000 individuals dedicated themselves to Jehovah, and they symbolized their dedication to him by water baptism. 19: 32 - 35; Isa. 2: 49. 19: 32 - 35; Isa. Namoonni Macaafa Qulqulluu barreessan, " hafuura qulqulluudhaan geggeeffamanii, wanta Waaqayyo biraa fudhatan waan dubbataniif, ' Macaafni Qulqulluun Yihowaan humnasaa isa hojiirra jirutti kan fayyadamu taʼuusaatiif fakkeenya guddaa taʼa. They also enjoy a united brotherhood, a wholesome lifestyle, and a happy hope. The Bible writers set a fine example of Jehovah's power, for "they spoke from God as they were borne along by holy spirit. " Hunda caalaammoo, duʼaa kaʼuun Yesus amantii Kiristiyaanaatiif buʼuura guddaa siʼa taʼu, barumsa Macaafni Qulqulluun olaantummaa Waaqayyoo, maqaasaa, Mootummaasaafi fayyina keenya ilaalchisee barsiisuurraa adda baafamee kan ilaalamu miti. " Almost all in attendance were Japanese, " says Dannykarl, "yet they gave me a warm welcome, as if they were my old acquaintances. " Moreover, Jesus ' resurrection is central to Christian faith, the Bible's main teaching about God's sovereignty, his Kingdom, and our salvation. Gaʼeessonni tokko tokko immoo, warra isaanii dulloomanii fi dhukkubsatan kunuunsuu qabu taʼa. Next, it shows what love involves. Some adults may also have to grow old and sick. Kanaa mannaa, Yihowaan cubbuu keenyaaf erga dhiifama godhee booda, yeroo hundumaatiif irraanfata. - Rom. Inquire about their family. On the contrary, after Jehovah forgives our sins, he has always forgiven our sins. - Rom. Wanti Yesus lallabe hundi dhugaafi kan itti amanamu taanaan, Phaawulosis kan lallabe ergaa walfakkaataa waan taʼeef lallabnisaa kan itti amanamu ture jechuudha. Alice visited the Kingdom Hall and was warmly welcomed by Punjabi - speaking brothers and sisters. If all that Jesus preached was true and trusted, Paul was confident of his preaching message. Kanaaf Museen, "Of eeggadhaatii akkuma Waaqayyo gooftaan keessan isin abboometti isa eegaa " isaaniin jedhee ture. Whether young or old, a person who gives evidence of true discipleship should get baptized. So Moses told them: "Pay attention to yourselves, as Jehovah your God has commanded you. " Barreessaan hafuuraan geggeeffame tokko, "Namni arjaan eebbifamaa in taʼa " jedheera. Many have made similar comments. One inspired writer said: "The generous person will be blessed. " Ijoollee durbaa keenya shanan dabalatee, fedhii hafuuraafi nageenya miira maatii keenyaa guutuuf yeroo nabarbaachisu argachuuf jecha, namoota muraasa qofa yaaluufan filadhe. No doubt, the angels could have written down God's message to mankind. In order to satisfy my spiritual and emotional well - being, I chose fewer people, including our five daughters. Gurgurtuu meeshaa kan taʼe Andireen, namni isa qacare maamiltootasaanii dachaa lama akka kaffalchiisu isatti hime. Why was Jesus such a fine example in proving true to his word? Andrew's pioneer companion, Andrew, told him that he would have to pay their employer doubles twice. Haa taʼu malee Phaawulos ergamaan, "Amantii malee immoo Waaqayyoon gammachiisuun hin dandaʼamu " jechuudhaan ulaagaa baayʼee barbaachisaa taʼe tokko dubbateera. (a) What can mountains symbolize in the Bible? However, the apostle Paul stated an important requirement: "Without faith it is impossible to please God well. " Keessattuu nama gumiidhaa baafame sanaa wajjin walitti dhihaatta taanaan, jalqaba murtoon akkasii cimaa akka taʼe, darbees gaarummaa akka hin taane sitti dhagaʼama taʼa. In what way is Jehovah's power demonstrated? If you are close to a disfellowshipped person, you might initially feel that such a serious decision is not a serious decision; it is neither kind nor kind. F. Our situation is similar to being cured of a serious illness. F. Kun gooftaa duratti qajeelaa dha " jedha. A Christian named Mike showed such love and trust. This is righteous in the eyes of Jehovah. " Phexros "dhufa guyyaa Yihowaa " dhiheessinee akka ilaallu nu akeekkachiisuunsaa nu dinqisiisuu hin qabu. During the course of his Galilean ministry, Jesus performs miracles, gives ministerial instructions to the 12 apostles, denounces the Pharisees, and relates Kingdom illustrations. No wonder Peter warned us that we should "keep close in mind the day of Jehovah "! Isaayaas raajii, "Inni garuu dhugumaan dhiphina keenya of irra in kaaʼe, muddama keenyas in baate " jedhu dubbateera. After returning to the United States, Brother Jaracz married Melita Lasko on December 10, 1956. Isaiah prophesied: "He has put our anxiety upon himself, and he himself has put our burden upon us. " Namoonni lamaan kun baay'ee addadda turan. What earthshaking event will be triggered by the attack on Jehovah's servants? Both men were very different. Yaanni Kitaaba Qulqulluu waaʼee namummaa haaraa dubbatu dhugaa buʼuuraa akkana jedhuun xumuruun isaa sirrii dha: "Wantoota kana hundumaa malees, jaalala uffadhaa; sababiin isaas jaalalli mudaa kan hin qabne godhee tokkummaadhaan nama walitti hidha. " - Qol. 3: 13. The Bible's description of the new personality is fitting: "In addition to all these things, clothe yourselves with love, for love is the perfect bond of union. " - Col. Nama kaanitti faraduu ni dandeenyaa? How Can We Maintain "a Waiting Attitude "? 11 / 15 Can we judge others? Mee jalqaba namni foonii ilaalcha akkamii akka qabu haa ilaallu. How does Jehovah view faithful older ones? First, let us consider the attitude of the flesh. Tajaajilli, jireenyi koo kaayyoo akka qabaatu godheera. Envy can have devastating consequences. The ministry has given my life purpose. 3: 17; 17: 5. Of course, one does not have to be an elder to do good to others. 3: 17; 17: 5. Sabqunnamtiin addunyaa kanaa balaa qabaachuu kan dandaʼu akkamitti? Do you have a burning desire to do Jehovah's will? How can this world's media be dangerous? Yeroo Israa'eloonni Isatti amanamuu dhiisanitti, Yihowaan, "Jarri kun hamma yoomiitti na tuffatu? Utuma ani isaan gidduutti milikkita garaa garaa argisiisaa jiruu, hamma yoomiitti anatti amanuu didu? Draw Close to God, 1 / 1, 2 / 1, 3 / 1, 4 / 1, 5 / 1, 6 / 1, 7 / 1, 8 / 1, 9 / 1, 10 / 1, 11 / 1, 12 / 1 Father, 7 / 1 When the Israelites failed to rely on him, Jehovah said: "How long will this people look upon me, and how long will each one show his heart to me? Dubbii Waaqayyoo barsiisuurratti fakkeenya ta'uunkee baay'ee barbaachisaadha. Explain. Your example in teaching God's Word is vital. Wanti Macaafni Qulqulluun waa'ee guyyoota gara dhumaa kanaa dubbate yeroo raawwatamu argaa jirra. Partaking of the Emblems We see what the Bible says about these last days. • Qajeelummaa Iyoob ilaalchisee Seexanni gaaffii guddaa akkamii kaase? One reason is that he used questions effectively. • What vital issue did Job raise regarding righteousness? Dargaggeessi Addaam jedhamu tokko, "Walitti dhufeenyi keessan addaan cituun isaa caalaatti gaarii akka taʼe yoo beektan illee gadda fiduun isaa waan hin oolle dha " jedheera. If we want our discipline to reach hearts, what must we do? " Even if you know that your relationship is better, " says a young man named Adam. Ragaa amansiisaan Joon Kitaaba Qulqulluu irratti hundaaʼee isaaniif dhiheesse waan isaan dinqisiiseef, walgaʼii Barattoonni Kitaaba Qulqulluu mandara keenyatti argaman godhan irratti argamuu jalqaban. The Canaanites were, in a sense, squatters in a land that did not belong to them. John's Scriptural reasoning impressed them, so the Bible Students in our village began attending meetings in our village. 2: 49. That meant resisting temptation. 2: 49. 133: 1) Kana malees, tokkummaa obbolummaa, jireenya qulqulluu fi abdii gammachiisaa qabaachuudhaan ni gammadu. All of us can contribute to Christian unity and peace by displaying "lowliness of mind and mildness. " And they rejoice with the oneness of the brotherhood, clean life, and happy hope. Daaniikaarli, "Namoonni walgaʼii sana irra turan hundi Jaappaanota jechuun ni dandaʼama; taʼus akka waan duraan na beekanitti miira hoʼaadhaan na simatan " jedheera. 3 Jehovah Shielded Them in the Shadows of the Mountains " All the people were at that meeting, " says Daniel, "but they warmly welcomed me because they knew me. " Ittaanseemmoo jaalalli maalfaa akka dabalatu addeessa. I felt a sense of relief and thereafter started to thank Jehovah regularly for such happy memories. He also points out what love involves. Waaʼee maatii isaanii isaan gaafadhaa. In contrast to humans, God knows all the facts. Ask them about their families. Alees Galma Mootummaa kan dhaqxe yommuu taʼu obboloonniifi obboleettonni afaan Puunjaabii dubbatanis miira hoʼaadhaan ishee simatan. 41: 16, 33, 34. Alice went to the Kingdom Hall, and the brothers and sisters kindly welcomed her. Ijoollees taʼe nama guddaa, namni dhugumaan bartuu akka taʼe argisiisu tokko cuuphamuu qaba. The key is humility. (Read James 4: 10.) Whether young or old, a person needs to get baptized. jedheera. Namoonni hedduun yaada akkasii kennaniiru. Jehovah's support has always given me the strength to endure. Many people have responded that way. Ergamoonni ergaa Waaqayyoo namootaaf barreessuu ni dandaʼu turan. REMAIN SPIRITUALLY HEALTHY Angels could write God's message to people. Yesus wanta dubbate raawwachuudhaan fakkeenya hunda caalu kan taʼu maaliifi? What has Jehovah commanded us to do today? Why is Jesus an outstanding example of what he said? (a) Macaafa Qulqulluu keessatti tulloonni maal argisiisuu dandaʼu? Surely, then, your prayers should come from the heart. (a) What can the mountains represent in the Bible? Humni Yihowaa karaa kamiin mul'ateera? Brother Young soon traveled to São Paulo, then a city of some 600,000 inhabitants. In what way has Jehovah's power been revealed? Haalli keessa jirru nama dhukkuba cimaarraa fayyuuf yaalamaa jiruu wajjin wal fakkaata. " Jehovah is good to all, and his mercies are over all his works. " - PSALM 145: 9. Our situation in which we live is like a man who is trying to recover from a serious illness. Obboleessi Maayik jedhamu tokko, jaalalaa fi amanannaa akkasii akka qabu argisiiseera. The joy we experienced when we first learned the primary Bible teachings can remain with us indefinitely if we continue without letup searching into "the deep things of God. " Mike showed such love and trust. Yesus yommuu Galiilaatti tajaajilaa ture, dinqiiwwan raawwateera, qajeelfama tajaajilaaf isaan gargaaru ergamootasaa 12f kenneera, Fariisota balaaleffateera, akkasumas fakkeenyawwan addaddaa waa'ee Mootummichaa ibsan dubbateera. Some Jews simply may not have understood Jesus and his teaching. During his ministry in Galilee, Jesus gave his 12 apostles a record of Jesus ' miracles, the Pharisees, and various illustrations about the Kingdom. Obboleessi keenya Jaaraaz gara Yunaayitid Isteetisitti erga deebiʼee booda, Muddee 10, 1956 obboleettii Meliitaa Laaskoo jedhamtu fuudhe. He states: "I love telling people about the truth. After he returned to the United States, Brother Jaracz married my sister, U.S.A., on December 10, 1956. Tajaajiltoota Yihowaarratti lolli yommuu banamu wanta rifaasisaa akkamiitu taʼa? In this regard, Jesus ' earthly parents, Joseph and Mary, set an outstanding example. What will happen as Jehovah's servants attack? 3: 13. He girds himself with a towel. 3: 13. Yihowaan obboloota amanamoo dulloomaniif ilaalcha akkamii qaba? 6, 7. How does Jehovah view faithful older ones? Hinaaffaan hubaatii guddaa geessisuu dandaʼa. God will not intervene in earth's affairs. The effects of envy can be disastrous. Namootaaf gaarii gochuuf dirqama jaarsa ta'uun akka hin barbaachisne beekamaadha. Many leave behind a marriage mate and children. Of course, we do not need to be an elder in order to be good to others. Fedha Yihowaa raawwachuuf hawwii guddaa qabdaa? (Read Mark 10: 29, 30.) Are you eager to do Jehovah's will? Miʼawwan Gati Jabeessa Itti Fayyadamaa Turre Kuusuu, 1 / 15 Who will not really fear you, Jehovah, and glorify your name, because you alone are loyal? Do You Take the Lead in Showing Honor? 12 / 15 Ibsi. Instead of telling him what to believe or how to act, we can ask well - thought - out questions that will help him arrive at proper conclusions. Explain. Maxinoofi Wayiniirraa Hirmaachuu Why is opposing God's sovereignty a misuse of free will? From the Memorial of Jesus ' death and wine Karaan inni tokko gaaffiitti akka gaariitti fayyadamuudhaan ture. " Yes, darling, " I said, "Mommy will be home soon. " One way was by using questions effectively. Adabni kenninu garaa kan tuqu akka taʼu yoo barbaanne maal gochuu qabna? Admittedly, though, not everyone who is unmarried is single by choice. What should we do if we want discipline to touch our heart? Kanaʼaanonni biyya kan isaanii hin taane keessa jiraatu turan jechuun ni dandaʼama. How do they feel? The Canaanites lived in their land. Kunimmoo qorumsawwan mo'uus kan dabalatu ture. 4, 5. This included the trials he faced. Hundi keenya "gad of deebisuufi garraamummaa " argisiisuudhaan tokkummaafi nagaa Kiristiyaanotaa cimsuu dandeenya. Many in the world around us are motivated by pride and selfishness. All of us can promote unity and peace by displaying "a mild temper and mildness. " 3 Yihowaan Gaaddidduu Tulluuwwanii Jala Isaan Dhokse So first of all, the new ones need to acquire an accurate knowledge of the truth, which in turn would enable them to develop faith in Jehovah and in his Word. 3 Jehovah threw them out of Mount Tabor Achii, miirri tasgabbii kan natti dhagaʼame siʼa taʼu, yeroo sanaa kaasee yeroo gammachiisaa ani dabarseef yeroo hunda Yihowaa galateeffachuun jalqabe. His Word says: "A threefold cord cannot quickly be torn in two. " Then I felt calm, and I began to thank Jehovah constantly since then. Namootarraa haala adda taʼeen Waaqayyo wanta hundumaa beeka. It is the "inordinate desire for wealth or possessions or for another's possessions, " according to one dictionary. Unlike humans, God knows everything. 41: 16, 33, 34. Concerning a repentant wrongdoer in Corinth, Paul wrote: "You should kindly forgive and comfort him, that somehow such a man may not be swallowed up by his being overly sad. 41: 16, 33, 34. Bantuun kun gad of deebisuudha. He found the nearly intact royal tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamen, containing nearly 5,000 objects. The attendant is humble. Gargaarsi Yihowaa yeroo hundumaa jabaadhee dhaabachuuf cimina akkan argadhu na gargaareera. CAN you recall an occasion when you had to ask someone for directions? Jehovah's help has always helped me to endure. AMANTIITTI JABAADHAA (Tit. Finding them will bring us delight and benefits. FAITH . . . . . Yeroo harʼaatti Yihowaan maal akka hojjennu nu ajajeera? Lowering her head, she said through her tears, "I'm not doing anything anymore. " What has Jehovah commanded us to do today? 8: 48, 58, 61) Kanarraa ifatti hubachuun akka danda'amutti kadhannaankee garaadhaa kan dhihaate ta'uu qaba. How does Jehovah react to such defiance of his sovereignty? Clearly, this should be a heartfelt prayer. Utuma baayʼee hin turin, gara magaalaa Saaʼoo Pooloo ishee jiraattota 600,000 qabduu dhaqe. How can you avoid being deceived by false teachers? Before long, I moved to the city of Saul's town some 6,000 inhabitants. " Waaqayyo nama hundumaaf gaarii dha; hojii harka isaa hundumaafis in ooʼa. " - FAARFANNAA 145: 9. Many who became believers had come from faraway places and were without enough provisions to extend their stay in Jerusalem. " Jehovah is good to all, and his mercies are over all his works. " - PSALM 145: 9. Gammachuu barumsawwan bu'uuraa Macaafa Qulqulluu yeroo jalqabaatiif dhageenye akka hin dhabneef, utuu walirraa hin kutin "yaada Waaqayyoo isa gad fagoo " qoruu keenya itti fufuu qabna. There I met and married Janette, a fine Christian sister, and we raised a son and three daughters in the Christian way. We need to continue to search for "the deep things of God " so that we will not forget the joy of the first Bible teachings. Yihudoonni tokko tokko Yesus masiihii ta'uusaa ykn barumsasaa utuu hin hubatin kan hafan ta'uu danda'u. to draw his attention to God's Word Some Jews may have lost sight of Jesus as a carpenter or of his teachings. Akkas jedheera: "Waaʼee dhugaa namootatti himuu nan jaalladha. Moreover, Paul urges that we earnestly endeavor "to observe the oneness of the spirit in the uniting bond of peace. " He says: "I love sharing the truth with others. Gama kanaan, warra Yesus kan taʼan Yoseefiifi Maariyaam fakkeenya guddaa taʼaniiru. Because he kept studying "the sacred books " in his mother tongue, he maintained his spiritual health while living in a foreign land. In this regard, Jesus ' parents, Mary, and Mary set an outstanding example. Boodas wayyaasaa isa irra keessaa fuudhee uffate. The fulfillment of that promise is certain. Later, he got out of his garment and took him out of his garment. 6, 7. 24 Teach Your Children - A Kingdom That Will Change the Whole Earth 6, 7. 10: 23) Soba lammaffaa: Waaqayyo dhimmawwan biyya lafaa keessa harkasaa hin galchu. She once belonged to the church where the wedding is to take place and knows that during the ceremony all present will be asked to share in religious acts, such as prayer, singing, or religious gestures. second: God will not intervene in the affairs of this world. Baayʼeensaanii kan godaanan hiriyaa gaaʼelaasaaniifi ijoolleesaanii dhiisaniiti. Jesus said: "By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. " Many are abandoning their mate and children. (Maarqos 10: 29, 30 dubbisi.) Honor could be won by performing virtuous deeds or by excelling over others. (Read Mark 10: 29, 30.) Obboloota waajjiroota damee walitti makaman keessatti tajaajilaa turanirraa barumsa guddaa arganna. (See opening image.) We can learn valuable lessons from the brothers who served at branch offices. Yaa gooftaa! Namni si hin sodaanne, maqaa kees kan hin guddifne eenyu? The prophet Isaiah recorded God's view of this unfaithfulness: "You men are those leaving Jehovah, those forgetting my holy mountain, those setting in order a table for the god of Good Luck and those filling up mixed wine for the god of Destiny. " Who does not fear you, O Jehovah, does not fear your name? Maal amanuu akka qabu ykn tarkaanfii inni fudhachuu qabu itti himuu mannaa, gaaffii itti yaadameefi murtoo sirriirra gaʼuuf isa gargaaru gaafachuu dandeenya. She explains: "I communicated with Jehovah every day, even with regard to small decisions. Instead of telling him what he needs to believe or what he will do, we can seek a reliable question that will help him to make a wise and right decision. Ol aantummaa Waaqayyoo mormuun mirga filannaa karaa dogoggoraatiin fayyadamuu kan taʼe maaliifi? Because we regularly study God's Word, we can see that prophecy is being fulfilled right now. Why is it wrong to misuse the freedom of free will of God's sovereignty? Anis, "Eeyyee dammeekoo, Aayyoonkee daftee sii dhufti " jedheen deebiseef. Such lionlike attacks may cause a few to stumble. I replied, "Yes, I'm happy, and you'll come quickly. " Taʼus namoonni gaaʼela hin godhanne hundi, qeentee kan taʼan filannaasaaniitiin akka hin taane beekamaadha. So he urges them: "Make friends for yourselves by means of the unrighteous riches, so that when such fail, they [Jehovah and Jesus] may receive you into the everlasting dwelling places. " Of course, not all married people are single. Maaltu isaanitti dhagaʼama laata? The Bible's counsel regarding how to deal with them is clear. How would they feel? 4, 5. However, the prayers and offerings of those sincerely striving to live in harmony with God's commands were acceptable to him. 4, 5. Namoonni biyya lafaa hedduun, wanta tokko kan raawwatan kooraafi ofittummaadhaan kakaʼaniiti. At Jeremiah 31: 15, we read: "This is what Jehovah says: " A voice is heard in Ramah, lamentation and bitter weeping: Rachel is weeping over her sons. Many in the world have been influenced by pride and selfishness. Kanaaf, namoonni haaraan jalqaba waa'ee dhugaa beekumsa sirrii argachuu kan qaban yommuu ta'u, beekumsi kunis Yihowaafi Sagaleesaarratti amantaa akka qabaatan isaan gargaara. Thus, it is probable that his language was not changed when the rebels had their language confused. Thus, new ones first have an accurate knowledge of the truth, which helps them to build faith in Jehovah and his inspired Word. Dubbiinsaa, "Fo'aan dachaa sadiin walitti fo'ame dafee hin citu. " jedha. (Lal. Why should we appreciate Jehovah's arrangement for shepherding his flock? His Word says: "A threefold cord cannot quickly be torn in two. " Kanaa mannaa, galmeen jechootaa tokko jecha sassata jedhu, "hawwii gadhee horii ykn qabeenya argachuuf qabnu ykn qabeenya warra kaanii hawwuu " jechuudhaan hiikeera. What help can all members of the Christian congregation offer to one another? Rather, a dictionary defines greed as "the desire of money or wealth, or the desire of others. " Phaawulos nama Qorontos keessa tureefi yaada garaa geddarate tokko ilaalchisee, "Namichi gadda baay'ee guddaadhaan liqimfamuu isaa irra, isin yakka isaa dhiiftaniifii isa jajjabeessuun isiniif ta'a. How can we avoid drifting away from following Jesus? Concerning a repentant man in Corinth, Paul wrote: "He that is deeply distressed over you may urge you to forgive him deeply. Hayyuun kun, awwaala Fara'oon isa Tuutaangikaaman jedhamuufi mi'oota 5,000 ta'an of keessaa qabu utuu hin manca'in argatan. Like us, Ana and Delia were assigned to Cuenca, Ecuador's third - largest city. He received no corrupt use of the grave of Pharaoh's large group, which contained over 5,000 men. NAMNI TOKKO karaa akka sitti argisiisu yeroo itti gaafatte ni yaadattaa? 12: 3; 20: 10, 12; Ps. DO YOU remember when someone asked you to show you the way? Wantoota kana argachuun keenya, gammachuufi faayidaa nuu argamsiisa. His own experience as a human and his close association with imperfect people did much to help qualify Jesus as King. Such things bring happiness and benefits. Boquushee buustee, boo'aa, "Carraaqqiin ani godhu homaa gatii hin qabu " jetteetti. 1, 2. " I have nothing to do with my efforts, " she says, "but I have nothing to do. " Yihowaan yommuu olaantummaasaarratti mormiin ka'u kanatti tarkaanfii akkamii fudhata? Hans Hölterhoff used this handcart to advertise The Golden Age How will Jehovah respond when rebellion against his sovereignty? Barsiisota sobduudhaan gowwoomfamuurraa ooluu kan dandeessu akkamitti? Modern science is aware that matter can be changed into energy and energy into matter. How can you avoid being misled by false teachers? Warri dhihootti amantoota ta'an hedduun fagoodhaa kan dhufan yommuu ta'u, qarshii Yerusaalemiin turuuf isaan gargaaru hin qaban turan. Although many today disregard our preaching work, they will soon come to view it in a different light. Soon most of the believers came from far away and had no money to support Jerusalem. Achittis obboleettii gaarii Jaaneet jedhamtuu wajjin kanan wal bare siʼa taʼu, gaaʼela godhachuudhaan ilma tokkoo fi durba sadii karaa Yihowaan barbaaduun guddisuu dandeenyeerra. INTERVIEW | PAOLA CHIOZZI There I met my fine sister Janet, and we were able to raise a son and three daughters by means of Jehovah. jedhutti fayyadamaa jiru. One aid to that end is studying with a receptive mind. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Kana malees Phaawulos, " hidhaa nagaatiin tokkummaa hafuura qulqulluu of harkatti eeggachuudhaaf akka dhamaanu ' nu gorseera. Third, fellow Christians who serve Jehovah loyally despite opposition need to be acknowledged and warmly commended for their faithful course. Paul also exhorts us to " pursue the oneness of the spirit in the uniting bond of peace. ' 1: 8) Afaan dhalootaa isaatiin, "caaffata qulqullaaʼoo " qoʼachuu isaa waan itti fufeef, biyya isaatii ala utuu jiruus fayyaa hafuuraa isaa eeggachuu dandaʼeera. (Dan. In it he discussed experiments into the nature of light, including how light splits into its constituent colors, reflects off mirrors, and bends when passing from one medium into another. In his mother tongue, he continued to study "the holy writings, " so he could wait for his spiritual health while living outside his home. Abdiin kun akka raawwatamu hin shakkisiisu. They were not selected because of years of schooling or technical skills. There is no doubt about that hope. Dhiibbaa Namoota Kaan Wajjin Walbira Akka Of Qabdu Sirra Gaʼu Moʼi 46: 6, 7. Resist the Pressure of Yourself With Others Kanaaf, yommuu sirni gaa'elaa kun raawwatamu namoonni achitti argaman hundi sochiiwwan waaqeffannaa tokko tokkorratti akka hirmaatan, jechuunis kadhannaa, faarfannaafi sochiiwwan qaamaa amantii akka raawwatan kan gaafataman ta'uusaa beekti. The imitation, weedlike Christians, the impostors, will be eradicated during the "great tribulation. " - Matt. Therefore, you know that when the marriage occurs, all present are asked to engage in some form of worship - such as prayer, song, and religious activities. Yesus, "Jaalala yoo waliif qabaattan, kanaan namoonni hundinuu akka isin bartoota koo taatan in beeku " jedheera. (Read Philippians 4: 6 - 9.) Jesus said: "By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves. " Kabajni hojii gaarii hojjechuu ykn warra kaan caaluudhaan argamuu dandaʼa. Treasure Hidden for Centuries (Georgian Bible), 6 / 1 Respect can be a good work or even more rewarding than others. (Fakkii jalqaba irra jiru ilaali.) In recent years, there have been many exciting new initiatives. (See opening picture.) Isaayaas, Waaqayyo gocha kanaaf ilaalcha akkamii akka qabu akkas jechuudhaan barreesseera: "Isin warra ana Waaqayyoon dhiiftanii, tulluu koo isa qulqullaa'aa irraanfattanii, " Gaad ' waaqayyolii milkii fi, " Maanii ' Waaqayyittii Ateeteef [carraatiif] maaddii qopheessitanii, dhibaayyuufis daadhii waynii qodaatti in guuttaniif. " Paul went on to indicate that there would be others raised to heavenly life, adding: "Each one in his own proper order: Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who belong to the Christ during his presence. " - 1 Cor. Isaiah wrote about God's view of those acts: "You must worship Jehovah my God, " and you must" make wine for yourselves, ' and you must not eat or drink wine [the holy ones], ' declares Jehovah. " Akkas jetteetti: "Yeroo hunda, murtoowwan xixiqqoo gochuu yeroon barbaadutti illee Yihowaa nan mariisisan ture. The subsequent famines, earthquakes, and pestilences as well as the fulfillment of other Bible prophecies proved conclusively that Jesus Christ had begun to rule in heaven as King of God's Kingdom in 1914. She says: "I always talked to Jehovah whenever I wanted to make decisions. Macaafa Qulqulluu yeroo hundumaa waan qayyabannuuf, yeroo harʼaa raajiin kun raawwatamaa akka jiru ni hubanna. Many people have marveled at how sign language is able to express even complex thoughts along with every nuance. Because we regularly study the Bible, we understand that this prophecy is being fulfilled today. (Faarfannaa 94: 20) Yeroo baay'ee mormiin akka leencaa fuulleetti namatti dhufu kun namoonni muraasni Yihowaa akka dhiisan gochuu danda'a. Being zealous in the ministry helps us to maintain our enthusiasm for the truth. Often, such vicious attacks could cause some to abandon Jehovah. Kanaaf akkana jedhee isaan gorse: "Yommuu qabeenyi kun dhumu isaan [Yihowaa fi Yesuus] bakka jireenyaa bara baraatti akka isin simataniif, qabeenya jalʼinaa addunyaa kanaatiin ofii keessaniif michoota horadhaa. " He continued to delight to do his Father's will, even in the face of bitter persecution. Therefore, he urged them: "When these treasures fail, take pleasure in the everlasting life of [Jehovah and Jesus], as your friends, by sticking to your own interests, so that they may be content with the present system of things. " Gorsi Macaafni Qulqulluun akkamitti akka irraa of eegnu ilaalchisee kennu ifadha. During a period of 1,000 years, the Kingdom will gradually make the earth a paradise. Clearly, the Bible's counsel on how we can avoid being careful. Haataʼu malee, kadhannaafi aarsaan namoonni abboommii Waaqayyoo wajjin walsimanii jiraachuuf carraaqqii godhan dhiheessan isa biratti fudhatama argateera. • What things weigh us down spiritually? However, the prayers and sacrifices made by those who made an effort to conform to God's commands were acceptable to him. Ermiyaas 31: 15 akkas jedha: "Waaqayyo itti fufee, " Sagaleen Raamaatti dhagaʼame, sagalee booʼichaa fi wawwaannaa guddaa ture; Raahel ijoollee isheetiif in boosse; ijoolleen ishee waan hin jirreef jajjabaachuus in didde. ' " The examples of Jehovah and Jesus Christ indeed teach us what true mercy is. Says Jeremiah 31: 15: "Jehovah continued to hear the voice and tears, and Rachel's sons were not ashamed. " Kanaafuu qooqni namoota hammaatan sanaa ennaa mammakamu, qooqni Nohi kan hin jijjiiramne fakkaata. Maintain Balance - How? So it seems that Noah's language did not change until the language of the common people was over. Qophii Yihowaan hoolotasaa eeguuf godheef dinqisiifannaa qabaachuu kan qabnu maaliifi? Who can be Kingdom citizens? Why should we show appreciation for Jehovah's arrangement for shepherding his flock? Miseensonni gumii Kiristiyaanaa hundi gargaarsa akkamii walii gochuu dandaʼu? We have proof of this in the case of Abraham's oldest servant, likely Eliezer. What help can all members of the Christian congregation provide? Yesus duukaa bu'uurraa akka hin gorre of eeggachuu kan dandeenyu akkamitti? [ Picture on page 25] After Pentecost 33 C.E., Christ's followers had to make a personal dedication to God and symbolize this by baptism How can we avoid following Jesus? Akkuma keenya, Aanaafi Daliyaan magaalaa guddittii Ikuwaador sadarkaa sadaffaarratti argamtuufi Kuniikaa jedhamtutti ramadaman. A parallel account of Jesus ' words makes it clear that he was condemning "the teaching " of the Pharisees. - Matt. Like Anna and Anna, we were assigned to the fifth city of Ecuador, the capital of Ecuador. Museen waggoota 40f Israaʼeloota erga geggeessee booda, Biyyattii Abdachiifamtetti isaan galchuuf mirga hin arganne. - Lak. 12: 3, hiika bara 1899; 20: 10, 12; Far. We might put it this way: They had knocked on the door leading to Asia - but in vain. After leading the Israelites for 40 years, Moses did not have the privilege of bringing them into the Promised Land. - Num. 12: 3, 20; 20: 10, 12; Ps. Muuxannoon inni yeroo lafarra ture argateefi namoota mudaa qabanii wajjin jiraachuunsaa, Mootii gaʼumsa qabu akka taʼu baayʼee isa gargaareera. We have searched, and he gives us rest all around. " The people made use of this situation by fortifying the cities of the kingdom of Judah. His experience on earth and life with imperfect humans helped him to become King. 1, 2. The present "heavens " and" earth " will be replaced by "new heavens [Christ's Kingdom government] and a new earth [a new earthly society]. " 1, 2. Haans Hooltaraaf gaarii harkaan oofamutti fayyadamee Za Gooldan Eej utuu beeksisuu What gives you great delight? adopting a fine hand, Hans G. H. H. H. H. Namoonni baay'een hojii lallabaa keenya kan tuffatan ta'uyyuu, yeroo dhihoo booda ilaalchisaanii ni jijjiirama. LIFE STORY Although many ignore our preaching work, their attitude will soon change. GAAFANNOO | PAAʼOLAA KIYOOSSII What events would force everyone to acknowledge that Jehovah is the only true God? INTERVIEW by H. . . . . . Kana gochuuf wanti nu gargaaru inni tokko wanta qayyabannu fudhachuuf of qopheessuudha. What might be one reason why training at times is postponed? One way to do so is by preparing ourselves for what we study. Sadaffaa, Kiristiyaanonni hidhata amantii keenya taʼanii fi utuma ariʼatamni isaan irra gaʼu amanamummaadhaan Yihowaa tajaajilan, haala isaan keessa jiran hubachuu fi Yihowaadhaaf amanamoo waan taʼaniif garaadhaa isaan galateeffachuu qabna. We all benefit from Jehovah's goodness every day. Third, whether fellow Christians serve Jehovah faithfully despite persecution or persecution, we should appreciate their situation and sincerely commend them for their loyalty to Jehovah. Kitaaba kana keessatti uumama ifaa irratti, jechuunis halluun gara garaa ifa keessa jiru akkamitti akka faffacaʼu dabalatee, daawwitii irraa akkamitti calaqqisee akka deebiʼuu fi wanti ifa dabarsu tokko gara isa kaaniitti yommuu darbu akkamitti kallattii isaa akka jijjiiru ilaalchisee yaalii taasise ibseera. 11: 44; 1 Tim. In the book of this book, he explained how the color of the heart - the color of the heart - began to change the light of a mirror and to change the light of something else. Namoonni kun kan filataman sadarkaa barumsasaaniitiin ykn dandeettii ogummaa qabaniin miti. Jesus went on to give her more reassurance by saying: "Your faith has made you well. They are not chosen with higher education or wisdom. 46: 6, 7. 12, 13. (a) How can you decide which avenues of service to pursue? 46: 6, 7. Kiristiyaanonni fakkeessituun inkirdaadatti fakkeeffamaniifi gowwoomsitoota ta'an, yeroo " rakkina guddaatti ' guutummaatti ni balleeffamu. - Mat. Indulge them! imitation Christians who are part of the wheat and the weeds will be completely destroyed during "the great tribulation. " - Matt. (Filiphisiiyus 4: 6 - 9 dubbisi.) Does it matter whether the person plowing looks momentarily at what is behind or actually puts down the plow and turns around? (Read Philippians 4: 6 - 9.) " Akkuma Qocaa Manashee Keessa Jirtuun Ture ' (Manneen Konkolaataadhaan Harkifaman), 11 / 15 Likewise, those desiring to be Kingdom citizens do well to learn all they can about God's Kingdom. Building Up Your Children, 11 / 1 Waggoota dhihoodhaa asitti sochiiwwan nama gammachiisan baayʼeen godhamaa jiru. What have many secular writers concluded with regard to generosity? In recent years, there are many exciting activities. Phaawulos, "Hundi isaanii dabaree isaaniitiin jireenya argatu: Jalqaba Kiristoostu duʼaa kaʼe; achiis warra yeroo inni argamutti kan Kiristoos taʼantu jireenya argata " jechuudhaan, namoonni samii irra jiraachuuf duʼaa kaʼan kan biraanis akka jiran ibseera. - 1 Qor. These Bible expressions can, but do not always, have the same sense. Paul pointed out that "all of them will first be raised up from the dead, and then they will receive life in Christ's presence. " - 1 Cor. Raajiiwwan Macaafa Qulqulluu keessatti caqasaman kanneen akka beelaa, sochoʼa lafaafi dhukkubaa haala adda taʼeen raawwatamuunsaanii, Yesus Kiristos Mootii Mootummaa Waaqayyoo taʼee bara 1914 tti bulchuu akka jalqabe argisiisu. A seamless tunic would likely have been a rare possession, and the soldiers considered it a desirable one. Bible prophecies such as hunger, earthquakes, and disease show that Jesus Christ began ruling as King of God's Kingdom in 1914. Namoonni hedduun akkaataan afaan mallattoo yaadawwan ulfaataafi gadi fageenya qaban dhamasaa eegee itti dabarsu baay'ee isaan ajaa'ibsiisa. " People Hated Me ' (W. Many people are amazed by how the sign - language sign - language signs make it difficult for them to keep in mind. Tajaajilarratti hinaaffaadhaan hirmaachuun keenya jaalala dhugaadhaaf qabnu eegnee itti fufuuf nu gargaara. Consider: Job knew that he could not profess to love God and at the same time be unkind to his fellow man. Having a zealous share in the ministry will help us to maintain our love for the truth. Ari'atamni cimaan isarra ga'uyyuu, fedha Abbaasaa raawwachuudhaan gammaduusaa itti fufeera. (Far. 40: 8; Mat. 26: 42; Yoh. " At first, " states The Encyclopedia of Religion, "images may have served primarily didactic [teaching] and decorative purposes; at least, they were defended on such grounds. Despite intense persecution, he continued to do his Father's will. Mootummichi waggoota 1,000 keessatti dhawaata dhawaataan lafa gara jannataatti jijjiira. Thus, on account of the very nature of shrines, true Christians refrain from worshipping at them. In the 1,000 years, the Kingdom will transform the earth into a paradise. • Wantoonni karaa hafuuraa nu dadhabsan maalfaʼi? Are we showing gracious hospitality to newcomers from other lands? • What spiritual matters do we have to contend with? Fakkeenyi Yihowaaniifi Yesus Kiristos argisiisan, oo'i dhugaan kan akkamii akka ta'e sirriitti nu barsiia. Alexandra explained that she was not looking for a reward; she was happy to help because she felt it was the right thing to do. The examples of Jehovah God and Jesus Christ clearly teach us what true mercy is. Karaa Hafuuraa Utuu Of Hin Dagatin Kunuunsuu Kan Dandeenyu Akkamitti? Why did Joseph need patience, and what fine attitude did he have? How Do We Do Not Walk in God's Spirit? Lammiiwwan Mootummaa Waaqayyoo kan taʼan eenyufaʼi? ▪ Give Thanks to Jehovah and Be Blessed Who are Kingdom citizens? (Far. 65: 2; 66: 19) Kun dhugaa ta'uusaa hojjetaa Abrahaam isa umriidhaan hojjettoota kaanirra caalurraa mirkaneessuu ni dandeenya; hojjetaan kunis tarii Elii'ezaar ta'uu danda'a. Others serve in such special forms of full - time service as missionaries, traveling overseers, and members of Bethel families throughout the world. We can make sure that this is true of Abraham, who may have proved to be the greatest slave ever greater than the other slaves. • Dh.K.B. bara 33 guyyaa Phenxeqosteetii kaasee, Yihudoonniifi saboonni kan biraan miseensota Israa'el hafuuraa ta'uuf maal gochuu qabu turan? " Happy is everyone who fears Jehovah, who walks in His ways, " sang the psalmist. • Since Pentecost 33 C.E., what did Jews and other nations need to do to become members of spiritual Israel? Seenaa wal fakkaataan Maatewos wanta Yesus dubbate ilaalchisee barreesse, Yesus "barsiisa " warra Fariisotaa akka balaaleffatu kan ibsudha. - Mat. (b) Why should we not give up if the other person does not at first respond in a positive way? According to Matthew's account of Jesus ' words, Jesus condemns "the teaching of the Pharisees. " - Matt. Yaada kana akkasitti kaaʼuu dandeenya: Balbala gara Asiyaatti ol galchu rurrukutanis deebii hin arganne. Not at all! That could be the case: There was no answer to a door leading to Asia. Sabichis nagaa argate kanatti fayyadamuudhaan biyya Yihudaa keessatti mandaroota dallaa dhagaa qaban ijaaruu dandaʼeera. PAGE 18 • SONGS: 35, 90 The people used that peaceful greeting to build houses in Judah. " Bantiiwwan waaqaafi lafti ' yeroo ammaa jiran, " bantiiwwan waaqaa ' [bulchiinsa Mootummaa Kiristos] akkasumas lafa haaraa [hawaasa haaraa lafarra jiraatuun] bakka buufamu. The Bible assures us that God can impart "power beyond what is normal " to those who make a sincere effort to break this habit. - 2 Corinthians 4: 7; Philippians 4: 13. Today, "the heavens and the earth " of Christ's Kingdom will be replaced by" the new heavens " and the new earth [Christ's] new earth. Wanti gammachuu guddaa siif argamsiisu maalidha? Although only one Jew is mentioned here, in both instances the pronoun "you " refers to more than one person. What makes you so happy? SEENAA JIREENYAA Jehovah's servants rejoice at the good things they can do because they are being guided by Jehovah. LIFE STORY Namni hundi Waaqni dhugaa inni tokkichi Yihowaa qofa ta'uusaa amanee akka fudhatu wanti isa dirqisiisu maalidha? The accusation of fickleness might have implied that if Paul could not be relied on to keep his promises in everyday life, neither could he be trusted in his preaching work. However, Paul reminded the Corinthians that he had preached Jesus Christ to them. What impels all to acknowledge that the only true God is Jehovah? Sababiin leenjiin yeroo biraatti itti dabarfamu inni tokko maal taʼuu dandaʼa? 18 What Does It Mean to Be a Spiritual Person? What might be one reason why the training at another time occurred? Hundi keenya guyyaa guyyaadhaan gaarummaa Yihowaarraa faayidaa ni arganna. As David said, Jehovah judges us according to our integrity. All of us benefit from Jehovah's goodness every day. 11: 44; 1 Xim. We build integrity by obedience, so we maintain integrity by enduring in an obedient course. 11: 44; 1 Tim. Yesuus caalaatti ishii jajjabeessuuf, "Amantiin kee si fayyiseera. After his baptism, he said: "The only regret I have is that I lost so much time before I realized that serving Jehovah brings far more happiness than pursuing the entertainment offered by this world. " " Your faith has made you well, " said Jesus. 12, 13. (a) Carraa tajaajilaa isa kamiin akka filannu murteessuu kan dandeenyu akkamitti? This was a fairly common name among the Jews in Bible times. 12, 13. (a) How can we decide which opportunity to serve? Akkuma isaan isin gaafatan godhaafii! How priceless Jesus ' worship was to God! Do so just as you ask them! Namni qotiisarra jiru tokko yeroo muraasaaf wanta duubasaa jiru ilaaluun ykn hordaa gadhiisee of duuba naannaʼuunsaa jijjiirama fidaa? 8, 9. Does it matter whether a person in the field is thinking about things that he or she goes around for a while or is making changes in his mind? Namoonni lammii Mootummaa Waaqayyoo taʼuu barbaadanis hamma isaanii dandaʼame waaʼee Mootummichaa barachuu qabu. 24, 25. Those seeking to become subjects of God's Kingdom must learn as much as possible. Arjummaadhaan kennuu ilaalchisee qorattoonni hedduun xumura akkamii irra gaʼaniiru? God's spirit undoubtedly helped Job and Abraham to understand the state of the dead and to exercise faith in the resurrection. What have many researchers concluded about giving generously? Haataʼu malee, jechoonni Macaafa Qulqulluu keessatti ibsaman kun yeroo hundaa hiika tokko hin qaban. As important as physical food is to us, taking in knowledge of God is, in fact, even more so. However, those words recorded in the Bible do not always mean meaning. Yeroo sanatti kittaan hodhaa hin qabne akkasii baay'inaan waan hin argamneef, loltoonni uffata kana baay'ee kan jaallatan kanaaf ture. How can you be sure of that fact? This was because no garment was too little to be taken, so it was the love of those soldiers. Mee kana yaadaa: Iyoob Waaqayyoon nan jaalladha jechaa namootaaf gara jabeessa taʼuu akka hin dandeenye beeka ture. But we never viewed these as a reason to stop serving our faithful God. Consider this: Job knew that I could not talk to people about God. Kitaabni Za Insaayikilooppiidiyaa oov Riliijin jedhamu akkas jedha: "Jalqabarratti, fakkiiwwan ittiin barsiisuufi akka faayaatti kan gargaaran ta'uu danda'u; bifa fakkeenyaatti fayyadamuun sirrii ta'uusaa amansiisuuf ragaan dhihaachaa ture kanadha. Adam and Eve disobeyed God and lost their close relationship with him. The Encyclopedia of Encyclopedia states: "At first, I was able to teach and use images, and this is evidence of the rightness of the image. Kaayyoo iddoowwan qulqulluu itti hundeeffaman irraa kaʼuudhaan, Kiristiyaanni dhugaa tokko iddoowwan akkasiitti waaqeffachuu irraa ni fagaata. Jesus Respected Governmental Authority As a result of the sacred purpose of the priesthood, a true Christian avoids such places. Namoota haaraa biyya biraatii dhufan arjummaadhaan mana keenyatti ni simannaa? Both groups must be united. Do we extend hospitality to newcomers from a foreign background? Aleeksaandiraan garuu kana kan goote buʼaa argachuuf utuu hin taʼin wanta sirrii gochuu qabdu gochuu ishiitiin gammachuun akka ishiitti dhagaʼamu dubbatte. (Read Daniel 2: 1, 19, 31 - 38.) But Henry said that she was happy to do what she did, not to find the results, but to do what she did. Yoseef obsaan eeguun kan isa barbaachise maaliifi? Ilaalcha gaarii akkamii qaba ture? Sadly, some Christians felt that way even while some of the apostles were still alive. Why did Joseph need to wait, and what positive attitude did he have? ▪ Yihowaadhaaf Galata Galchuudhaan Eebba Argadhaa By being humble and zealous in our ministry and personal Bible study, we will be more Christlike in our thinking. ▪ Grateful for Jehovah Kaanimmoo, misiyoonota, daawwattootaafi miseensota maatii Bet'el isa addunyaa maraatti argamuu ta'uudhaan tajaajila yeroo guutuu addaa tokkorratti hirmaachuu danda'aniiru. We will see that godly fear can bring us happiness by moving us to correct a wrong course, as King David had to do. Others have been able to engage in special full - time service as missionaries, traveling overseers, or Bethelites. Faarfatichi, "Namni Waaqayyoon sodaatu hundinuu, inni karaa isaa irra adeemus gammachuu qaba! " jedhee faarfateera. In either case, our loving, patient assistance may be just what they need. The psalmist sang: "Happy is everyone fearing Jehovah, who is walking in his ways. " (b) Carraaqqiin nama tokkoo wajjin nagaa uumuuf goone jalqabarratti utuu hin milkaa'in yoo hafe abdii kutachuu kan hin qabne maaliifi? Make Decisions That Honor God, 4 / 15 (b) Why should we not be discouraged if our efforts to make peace do not at first work? Eenyuyyuu hin danda'u. Note the reference to our "ways " and" paths. " No man can. FUULA 18 • FAARFANNAA: 35, 4 He mentioned selfish desires, showing favoritism, and so forth. PAGE 18 • SONGS: 77, 77 Macaafni Qulqulluun, Waaqayyo namoota barsiifata kanarraa walaba baʼuuf garaadhaa carraaqaniif " humna humna gararraa jiru ' akka isaanii kennu mirkaneessa. - 2 Qorontos 4: 7; Filiphisiiyus 4: 13. Such questions merit serious consideration. The Bible assures us that God will give them "power beyond what is normal " in order to free those who practice such practices. - 2 Corinthians 4: 7; Philippians 4: 13. As irratti kan caqasame Yihudii tokko qofa taʼus, bakka lamaan irratti iyyuu ibsi maqaa "isin " jedhu galeera. 1, 2. (a) What places of worship have Jehovah's servants used in times past? He referred to only one Jew, but in both places he added to the word "you. " Tajaajiltoonni Yihowaa, inni waan isaan geggeessuuf wanta gaarii hojjetanitti ni gammadu. That view of the power of the Bible's message became muddled, however, when the foretold apostasy took root after the death of the apostles. Jehovah's servants rejoice because they do what is good. Phaawulos nama hin amanamneefi waadaa gale hin eegne akka taʼetti komiin isarratti kaʼe, karaa hojii lallabaas akka inni hin amanamne argisiisuu dandaʼa ture. Are you still with me? Paul could have shown that he was an unbeliever and that he did not trust him in the preaching work. 18 Nama Hafuuraa Taʼuu Jechuun Maal Jechuu Dha? Under inspiration he wrote: "If anyone thinks he is behaving improperly toward his virginity, if that is past the bloom of youth, and this is the way it should take place, let him do what he wants; he does not sin. Let them marry. 18 What Does It Say to Be a Spiritual Person? Akkuma Daawit jedhe Yihowaan akka amanamummaa keenyaatti firdii nuu kenna. " You, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth. " - Psalm 83: 18. As David said, Jehovah will judge us as integrity keepers. Amanamummaa keenya kan cimsinu ajajamuudhaan akka ta'e beekna; kanaafuu amanamummaa kana eegnee jiraachuu kan dandeenyu ajajamuu keenya yoo itti fufnedha. As Rose studied the Bible, however, she discerned the excelling value of the truth about God's Kingdom. We know that we can maintain our integrity, so we can maintain it if we keep our integrity. Erga cuuphamee booda akkana jedheera: "Wanti na gaabbisiisu yoo jiraate, Yihowaa tajaajiluun gammachuu guddaa akka argamsiisu utuu hin hubatin, yeroo koo hedduu bashannana biyyi lafaa kun dhiheessu hordofuudhaan balleessuu koo ti. " Now is the day of salvation. " After baptism, he says: "If my life is worthwhile, it's the most satisfying way of serving Jehovah that I spend most of my time following this world's entertainment. " Yihudoota durii biratti maqaa kanatti fayyadamuun baramaa ture. [ Picture on page 23] It was common for the ancient Jews to use that name. Waaqeffannaan Yesus Waaqayyo biratti bakka guddaa akka qabu beekamaadha! Would you be willing to take advantage of this opportunity to reach out for greater privileges of service? - 1 Cor. Of course, Jesus ' worship is important to God! 8, 9. He felt that there was a strong possibility that Esau would assault him. 8, 9. 24, 25. Many Bible studies resulted from each showing. 24, 25. Hafuurri Waaqayyoo, Abrahaamiifi Iyoob haala namoonni duʼan keessatti argaman akka hubataniifi duʼaa kaʼuutti akka amanan isaan gargaaree akka ture beekamaadha. He strengthened his brothers, as Jesus had commanded on the eve of His death. God's spirit undoubtedly helped Abraham, Abraham, and Job to understand and believe in the resurrection. Akkuma nyaanni nu barbaachisu, waaʼee Waaqayyoo beekuun caalaatti barbaachisaa dha. Let us now consider three more of Jesus ' illustrations - the mustard grain, the leaven, and the dragnet. * Just as we need food, getting to know God is more important than learning about him. (Hisqiʼel 38: 8 - 12; Mulʼata 16: 13, 14, 16) Kun akka taʼu akkamitti mirkanaaʼaa taʼuu dandeessa? Unbelievers would not understand. How can you be sure of this? Garuu rakkoowwan kun Waaqa keenya isa amanamaa tajaajiluu keenya dhiisuuf sababii akka taʼanitti matumaa ilaallee hin beeknu. Her husband, who is not one of Jehovah's Witnesses, displayed very little affection for his family. But we never saw the reason for not giving up on our faithful God. Waaqayyoof ajajamuu waan didaniif walitti dhufeenya gaarii isaa wajjin qabanis ni dhaban. How did David sin seriously, and what did God do about it? Because they disobeyed God, they lost their good relationship with him. Yesus Namoota Aboo Qaban Kabajeera * Jesus Shows Respect for Those Taking the Lead Gareen lamaanuu tokkummaa qabaachuu qabu. For example, some parents have been unduly influenced by the self - esteem movement that has become popular in recent decades. Both groups must be united. (Daaniʼel 2: 1, 19, 31 - 38 dubbisi.) Upon what is our hope founded, and when will Christ be revealed? (Read Daniel 2: 1, 19, 31 - 38.) Kan nama gaddisiisu garuu, Kiristiyaanonni tokko tokko utuma ergamoonni Yesuus tokko tokko lubbuudhaan jiranii illee ilaalcha akkasii qabu turan. (b) How did the resurrection of Jesus make the fulfillment of Genesis 3: 15 possible? Sadly, some Christians still had the same attitude even when some of Jesus ' apostles were still alive. Kan gad of deebisnu, akkasumas tajaajilarrattiifi qayyabannaa dhuunfaarratti hinaaffaa kan qabnu yoo taane, yaada akka Kiristos ni qabaanna. Showing humility calls for strength and courage. If we are humble and zealous in the ministry and in personal study, we will have Christ's mental attitude. Akkasumas, Waaqayyoon sodaachuun dhaala bakki guddaan kennamuufii qabuufi warri ijoolleesaaniitiif dabarsuu danda'an ta'uusaa ilaalla. What scripture do you like to use when you go from house to house? We will also see that the fear of God is a precious heritage that parents can have for their children. Haallisaanii maaliyyuu yoo taʼe, jaalalaafi obsaan isaan gargaaruun barbaachisaa taʼuu dandaʼa. Can you understand that sister's feelings? Whatever their circumstances, it may be necessary to help them with love and patience. 3: 5, 6) Jechoota "karaa " akkasumas" daandii " keenya jedhan hubadhu. Our commission is to keep on preaching to all "without letup. " - Read Acts 5: 42. Note the words "the way " and" the way. " Waaʼee kajeellaa ofittummaa, nama wal caalchisuufi wantoota kana fakkaatanii caqaseera. 43: 33; Deut. He mentioned selfishness, selfishness, and such things as pride. Gaaffiiwwan akkasiirratti gadi fageenyaan yaaduun barbaachisaadha. Jehovah told Jeroboam: "It must occur that, if you obey all that I shall command you, and you do walk in my ways and actually do what is right in my eyes by keeping my statutes and my commandments, just as David my servant did, I will also prove to be with you, and I will build you a lasting house, just as I have built for David, and I will give you Israel. " Such questions are essential to meditation. 1, 2. (a) Tajaajiltoonni Yihowaa bara duriitti iddoowwan waaqeffannaa akkamiitti fayyadamaa turan? He says: "Although it is sad to see my wife's health gradually deteriorate and it has been challenging to care for her, I have not allowed this to rob me of my joy in serving the true God. 1, 2. (a) How were Jehovah's servants used in Bible times? Ergamoonni Yesus hundi erga duʼanii booda garuu, gantummaan raajiidhaan dubbatame kan babalʼate yommuu taʼu, namoonnis humna Macaafni Qulqulluun qabu ilaalchisee yaada dogoggoraa qabaachuu jalqaban. How do Bible principles help us to have the right view of family obligations? After the death of all the apostles, however, apostasy became spread and began to have wrong ideas about the Bible. Na hordofaa jirta mitii? It could be that these attitudes are so ingrained in us that we are not conscious of them. Are you not following me? Geggeessaa hafuuraatiin kakaʼee, "Warri hin fuudhinii fi warri abboonni manaa isaanii irraa duʼan, akka koo fuudhaa fi heeruma malee yoo hafan isaaniif baʼeessa, nan jedha. As he was approaching us, he discovered a thief whom the authorities were looking for. He inspired his inspired Leader to write: "I shall without fail leave the widow and the widow and the widow and the daughters of their forefathers, and if they have died, I will be good to them. " Maqaan kee " Isa Jiraataa ' [Yaahwee ykn "Yihowaa, " NW] * akka ta'e, ati kophaa kee guutummaa biyya lafaa irratti gooftaa isa hundumaa gararraa jiru taʼuu kees haa beekan! " - Faarfannaa 83: 18. They do not even have a Jewish synagogue in their city, unlike so many other cities that Paul has visited. " You, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth. " - Psalm 83: 18. Haa taʼu malee, Rooz Kitaaba Qulqulluu qoʼachuu yommuu jalqabdu, dhugaan waaʼee Mootummaa Waaqayyoo ibsu gatii guddaa akka qabu hubatte. Some individuals may invite us to meet them halfway, so to speak. However, when Rose began studying the Bible with Rose, she realized that the truth about God's Kingdom is of great value. jechuudhaa barreesseera. The result was that anguish over his sins depleted his vigor, just as summer's dry heat saps moisture from a tree. That is why he wrote. [ Picture on page 23] What marvelous blessings obedient mankind will experience under Kingdom rule! [ Picture on page 23] Ati hoo carraa kanatti fayyadamtee caalaatti Yihowaadhaaf hojjechuuf fedhii qabdaa? - 1 Qor. You can find it by going to jw.org, clicking the Search button, and entering the title. Are you willing to use this opportunity to do more in Jehovah's service? - 1 Cor. Esaawu miidhaa irraan ga'uu akka danda'u itti dhaga'amee ture. (b) How is Jehovah an example for us as to impartiality? Esau felt that he would be able to endure the consequences of his life. Yeroo lamaanuu namoota Macaafa Qulqulluu qayyabachuu barbaadan baay'een argamaniiru. Prior to the construction of the temple in Jerusalem, the Israelites worshipped Jehovah at approved sites that the Scriptures call high places. Both times, there were many who wanted to study the Bible. Akkuma Yesus galgala du'uusaa dura turetti itti hime, Phexros obbolootasaa jajjabeesseera. New pioneers flooded into the field in Britain Just as Jesus told his brothers on the night before his death, Peter encouraged his brothers. Ammammoo, fakkeenyawwan Yesus dubbate sadii, jechuunis fakkeenya ija sanaaficaa, fakkeenya raacitiifi fakkeenya kiyyoo qurxummii haa ilaallu. My jewelry! Next, let us consider three examples of Jesus ' illustrations - the mustard grain, the leaven, and the dragnet. Namoonni hin amanne haala kana hubachuu hin danda'an. How grateful we should be for the true - life accounts recorded in the Word of Jehovah, the "God of all encouragement "! People who do not believe in this situation cannot understand it. Abbaan manaashee Dhugaa Baatuu Yihowaa miti; maatiisaatiifis jaalala hin qabu. The right cells must be produced in the right order and at the right places. Her husband is not one of Jehovah's Witnesses; he has no love for his family. Daawit cubbuu cimaa akkamii hojjete? Waaqayyo hoo maal godhe? When we apply such lessons from God's Word, we experience greater peace in our lives. - Prov. What serious sin did David commit, and how did God respond? * You will help your children to feel that Jehovah is part of your family, that he cares deeply about you individually. * Fakkeenyaaf, warri tokko tokko ilaalcha yeroo dhihoodhaa asitti biyya lafaarratti babalʼateef, jechuunis ilaalchi ofiif ulfina guddaa kennuun barbaachisaadha jedhu dhiibbaa isaanirratti godheera. 23: 4. For example, in recent times, some parents have influenced their attitude toward self - respect, such as the self - respect of self - esteem. Abdiin keenya maalirratti kan hundaaʼedha? Kiristos yoom mulʼata? Bible Principle: "Husbands, continue loving your wives... On what does our hope depend, and when will Christ's presence be revealed? (b) Yesus du'aa ka'uunsaa, raajiin Uumama 3: 15 rratti argamu akka raawwatamu kan godhu akkamitti? At that moment, I decided to reject that lifestyle and become one of Jehovah's Witnesses. (b) How will Jesus ' resurrection occur at Genesis 3: 15? Gad of deebisuun ciminaa fi ija jabina gaafata. [ Picture on page 32] Humility takes courage and courage. Yommuu manaa gara manaatti tajaajiltu, caqasa Macaafa Qulqulluu kamitti fayyadamuu jaallatta? By doing this, we will experience the joy of giving and will be helped to "go on bearing fruit in every good work. " - Col. When you go from door to door, what Bible verses do you like to use? Miira obboleettii kanaa hubachuu ni dandeessuu? Otherwise, we might easily become distracted - or even divided in our affections - especially if we enjoy our secular work. Can you understand the sister's feelings? Hojiin nuu kenname namoota hundumaaf utuu " gargar hin kutin ' lallabuu keenya itti fufuudha. - Hojii Ergamootaa 5: 42 dubbisi. 7: 32 - 35. Our commission to preach "with constancy " is to all sorts of people. - Read Acts 5: 42. 43: 33; Kes. Will he allow those without clear spiritual vision to influence his choices in life? 43: 33; Deut. (1 Mot. 11: 29 - 37; 12: 16, 17, 21) Yihowaan Yerobi'aamiin akkas jedhee ture: "Daawit garbichi koo akkuma godhe, atis abboommota koo fi seerrata koo eeguudhaan, wantan si abboome hundumaa yoo goote, karaa koo irra yoo adeemte, wanta ana duratti qajeelaa ta'es yoo goote, yommus ani sii wajjin nan ta'a; akkuman mootummaa Daawit jabeesse mootummaa kees immoo nan jabeessa. Israa'elinis siif nan kenna. " (1 Mot. What was Jesus encouraging his listeners to do when he said: " You must be perfect '? Jehovah told Jeroboam: "My servant David and I will do what I have done, just as my own commandments and my commandments have commanded you, and if you do all that I have commanded you, I will make your kingdom firm before you. " Akkana jedheera: "Haati manaa koo dhukkubni ishii suutuma suuta itti hammaachaa deemuu isaa ilaaluun kan na gaddisiisuu fi ishii kunuunsuun ulfaataa taʼus, haalli kun gammachuu ani Waaqa isa dhugaa tajaajiluudhaan argadhu akka na dhabsiisu hin heyyamne. In addition to giving us the Bible, Jehovah provides us with help to understand it. He says: "My wife felt deeply hurt and cares about her illness, but I did not allow this to rob me of the joy of serving the true God. Seerri buʼuuraa Macaafa Qulqulluu itti gaafatamummaa maatii keessatti qabnuuf ilaalcha sirrii qabaachuuf kan nu gargaaru akkamitti? " How can I keep on doing what I love - pioneering? ' How can Bible principles help us to maintain a balanced view of family responsibilities? Ilaalchawwan akkasii nu keessatti hundee gadi fageeffachuu waan dandaʼaniif, nu keessa jiraachuu isaanii illee hin hubannu taʼa. It was like anointing oil that was both pleasant and refreshing. Such thinking may take root in us, and we may not even recognize them even in our own eyes. Yeroo nu bira gaʼuuf jedhu, hattuu mootummaan barbaadaa jiru tokko argate. Heidi adds: "All of us have a list with spiritual goals we want to meet, and we review these periodically during the family study to see what progress we are making. " When he came to meet us, he found a political group that was looking for. Magaalota hedduu Phaawulos kanaan dura daawwate irraa haala adda taʼeen, mana sagadaa Yihudootaa illee hin qaban turan. Rahab is another example of courage. Unlike many cities in the past, Paul did not have even the Jewish synagogue. Namoonni tokko tokko ejjennoo keenya akka laaffisnu nu afeeru ta'a. And it will actually occur that before they call out I myself shall answer; while they are yet speaking, I myself shall hear. " Some may invite us to compromise. Akkuma ho'i bonaa muka gogsu, cubbuu raawwachuunsaa dhiphina waan isarraan ga'eef Daawitis humna dhabee ture. They are more powerful than humans, and they inhabit the same realm as God himself - a realm inaccessible and invisible to mankind. Like a warm tree, David suffered the loss of sin because of his sin. Ilmaan namootaa bulchiinsa Mootummichaa jalatti eebbawwan dinqisiisaa argatu! As King - Designate, Jesus could declare to his opposers: "The Kingdom of God is in your midst. " What wonderful blessings mankind will experience under Kingdom rule! jedhamu jw.org / om irraa ilaali (WANTOOTA QOPHAAʼAN > VIIDIYOO jalatti argama). True Christians "consider one another to incite to love and fine works. " (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) (b) Yihowaan nama kan wal hin caalchifne taʼuurratti fakkeenya kan nuu taʼu akkamitti? What is the significance of the name meaning "He Causes to Become "? (b) How does Jehovah set an example in showing impartiality? Qajeelchitoota haaraa Biritaaniyaa keessatti tajaajilaa jiran 29: 1 - 19. new pioneers serving in Britain Faaya koo! He foretold, though, that they would all abandon him. I'll leave! Seenaa dhugaa, Dubbii "Waaqayyo jajjabina hundumaa " ta'e keessatti galmeeffamerraa arganneef baay'ee galateeffanna. Even though many worshipped false gods after the Flood, some faithful men continued to honor Jehovah. How grateful we are that we have the true history of "the God of all comfort " found in the Bible! Seelonni barbaachisan duraa duuba sirrii taʼeen iddoo sirriitti oomishamuu qabu. Others may not have said these exact words, but they still made a vow before God. The first cells are to find the right place in the right place. Barumsawwan Dubbii Waaqayyoo keessa jiran akkasii yommuu hojii irra oolchinu, jireenya keenya keessatti nagaa guddaa arganna. - Fak. Following David's battle with Absalom, the Scriptures say nothing more about Ittai. When we apply such teachings found in God's Word, we experience inner peace in our lives. - Prov. Akkas yoo gootan, ijoolleen keessan Yihowaan maatii keessanitti dhi'oo akka ta'eefi hunda keessaniif dhuunfaatti akka yaadu akka isaanitti dhaga'amu gootu. Furthermore, not all anointed Christians receive their anointing at their baptism. If you do, you will feel that Jehovah is close to your family and that he cares for you personally. 23: 4. Jesus loved what he taught. 23: 4. Seera Buʼuuraa Macaafa Qulqulluu: "Abbaan manaas haadha manaa isaa haa jaallatu!... by volunteering and by expanding your service? Bible principle: "Let wives love their wives.... Yeruma sana jireenya akkasiirraa fagaachuuf nan murteesse, achiis Dhugaa Baatuu Yihowaan ta'e. Taking God's Son from heaven and putting his life inside Mary's womb to grow into a baby - that was a great miracle! I quickly decided to avoid such a life, and then I became one of Jehovah's Witnesses. [ Picture on page 32] Jesus promised his disciples: "You will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon you. " [ Picture on page 32] Yoo akkana goone, gammachuu kennuudhaan argamu argachuu fi "hojii gaarii taʼe hundumaatti ija godhachuu " keenya itti fufuu dandeenya. - Qol. For instance, how should we react if tempted to engage in any activity that Jehovah condemns? If we do so, we will experience the joy that comes from giving and "keep bearing fruit in all things. " - Col. Kana ta'uu baannaan garuu, keessumaa hojii keenya kan jaallannu yoo ta'e, salphaadhumatti yaanni keenya hihhiramuu ykn jaalalli Yihowaadhaaf qabnu hir'achuu danda'a. Because of this, problems may occasionally arise, and if that happens, we have been taught to follow Jesus ' advice: "Make your peace with your brother. " Otherwise, we could easily become distracted or lose our love for Jehovah, especially if we love our work. 7: 32 - 35. We need to ask ourselves: " Can I honestly say that I am being modest if I insist on my right to dress in a manner that calls undue attention to me? 7: 32 - 35. Namoonni ilaalcha hafuuraa ifa taʼe hin qabne, filannaasaarratti dhiibbaa akka geessisan ni heyyamaa? But Tacitus wrote that Nero accused the Christians in order to "scotch the rumour. " Would he allow those who have no clear spiritual vision to influence his choices? Yesus, "Warra mudaa hin qabne ta'aa " yommuu jedhu dhaggeeffattoonnisaa maal akka godhan isaan jajjabeessuusaa ture? If he submits to Christ's rulership, he will be able to live on earth forever in perfect health and happiness. What did Jesus encourage his listeners to do when he said: "Be perfect "? Yihowaan Macaafa Qulqulluu nuu kennuu qofa utuu hin taʼin, karaa isa hubachuu itti dandeenyus nuu qopheesseera. How would you answer these questions? Jehovah has provided not only his Word but also the way we can understand him. " Tajaajila qajeelchaa ani jaalladhu itti fufuu kanan dandaʼu akkamitti? ' Surely, each one of us will want to organize his affairs so as to attend and benefit from every session of each convention. - Prov. Ask yourself, " How can I continue my pioneer service? ' Akkuma zayitii dibatamuu kan nama gammachiisuu fi kan namatti tolu ture. As foretold, a rising flood of woes is affecting mankind. Like oil, she was pleasant and happy. Haayidiinis itti dabaluudhaan akkas jetti: "Hundi keenya Yihowaa tajaajiluudhaaf galmawwan hafuuraa baafanne kan qabnu yommuu ta'u, guddina argisiisaa jirru ilaalchisees yeroodhaa gara yerootti qayyabannaa maatii yommuu goonu irratti ni mari'anna. " Do angels help people? Anna adds: "We all have spiritual goals in Jehovah's service, and as time goes on, we will discuss the increase in our family study. " Ija jabina argisiisuu irratti fakkeenyi kan biraan immoo Rahaab dha. Solomon disobeyed, eventually marrying 700 women. Another example of courage is Rahab. Yommus utuu isaan ana hin kadhatin nan deebisaaf; utuma isaan anatti himatanii hin fixinis nan dhaga'aaf. " Let us therefore remain vigilant, readily making use of all forms of prayer. And they will not turn to me, and they will not listen to me, neither will they listen to me nor listen to me. " Uumamawwan kun humna guddaa kan qaban siʼa taʼu, iddoo Waaqayyo jiraatuu fi namoonni itti dhihaachuus taʼe arguu hin dandeenye keessa jiraatu. It is recorded that twice during his ministry, he fed thousands. - Matthew 14: 14 - 21; 15: 32 - 38. They are powerful creatures, and they live in a place where God exists and could not see people draw close to him. Yesus, Mootii Muudame waan taʼeef warra isa mormaniin, "Mootummaan Waaqayyoo gidduu keessan jira " jedheera. Come well - equipped. As King, Jesus told his opposers: "The kingdom of God is in your midst. " Kiristiyaanonni dhugaan, " jaalala argisiisuuf, waan gaarii hojjechuufis tuttuqanii yaada walii kakaasu. ' Or were these individuals simply unaware of all the facts, or were they caught off guard? True Christians "consider one another to incite to love and fine works. " Maqaan hiika "Akka Taʼu Godha " jedhu qabu bakka guddaa akkamii qaba? 4: 13 - 15. What is the meaning of the expression "He Causes to Become "? 29: 1 - 19. Now I really understand what it means to rely on God day by day. " - 2 Cor. 29: 1 - 19. Bishaan Badiisaa booda namoonni hedduun waaqayyolii sobaa kan waaqeffatan taʼus, namoonni amanamoo taʼan tokko tokko Yihowaadhaaf kabaja kennuusaanii itti fufaniiru. How should we respond to the need for more Kingdom proclaimers? After the Flood, many have worshipped false gods, but some faithful ones continue to honor Jehovah. Tarii warri tokko tokko immoo kallattiidhaan akkana jedhanii dubbachuu baatanis, Waaqayyo duratti waadaa galaniiru. In writing to the Christians in Rome, the apostle Paul highlighted a danger we all need to avoid if we are to be successful in seeking first God's righteousness. Some may say this literally, but they have promised before God. Waraana Daawitiifi Abiishaalom booda, waa'een Iitaayi Caaffata Qulqullaa'oorratti hin ibsamne. • How will Jehovah finally answer the prayer expressed in Psalm 83: 18? Following Absalom's armies and Absalom, Absalom was not quoted in the Scriptures. Kana malees, Kiristiyaanonni dibamoon hundi kan dibaman yeroo cuuphamanitti hin turre. When we focus on doing God's will rather than our own, our life becomes meaningful and satisfying. Moreover, not all anointed Christians were present at the time of their baptism. Yesus wanta barsiisu ni jaallata ture. " Stay Awake " and "Keep Ready " Jesus loved what he taught. Yommuu fedhiidhaan of dhiheessitanii fi tajaajila keessan balʼifattan It is the best rulership. When you willingly and give more attention to your ministry Ilma Waaqayyoo samii keessaa fuudhanii garaa Maariyaam keessa kaaʼuudhaan mucaa taʼee achi keessatti akka guddatu gochuun dinqii guddaadha! Jesus ' experience as a human on earth taught him new aspects of obedience. What a miracle it must have been for Mary to take the Son of God out of heaven and grow in Mary's womb! (Miikiyaas 3: 8) Yesus, "Hafuurri qulqulluun yommuu isin irra bu'u, humna in godhattu " jechuudhaan bartootasaatiif waadaa galeera. By means of holy spirit, Jehovah transferred his Son's life to the womb of the Jewish virgin Mary, causing conception to take place. Jesus promised his disciples: "You will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon you. " Fakkeenyaaf, sochii Yihowaa duratti fudhatama hin qabne tokkorratti hirmaachuuf yoo qoramne tarkaanfii akkamii fudhachuu qabna? PAGE 19 For example, what steps should we take if we are tempted to engage in some activities that are not acceptable to Jehovah? Kanaaf, yeroo tokko tokko rakkinni uumamuu dandaʼa; yeroo kanatti, gorsa Yesuus "Jalqaba obboleessa kee wajjin araarami " jechuudhaan kenne hojii irra oolchuu akka qabnu baranneerra. When people who are resilient make mistakes, they do not berate themselves with self - defeating language, such as "I'm a failure " or" I'm useless. " So we may at times face hardships, and we have learned that we should apply Jesus ' counsel: "Give your peace with your brother at first. " Kanaafuu akkas jennee of gaafachuu qabna: " Uffannaa xiyyeeffannaa warra kaanii garmalee harkisu uffachuun mirgakooti jedhee kanan itti cichu yoo ta'e, ani dhuguma naman of qabudha jedhee dubbachuu nan danda'aa? It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Hence, we do well to ask ourselves: " If I are too proud to pay too much attention to others, would I really say that I really have the right to express myself? Taʼus, Neeroon "wanta odeeffamu dhaabsisuuf " Kiristiyaanotatti akka qabates barreesseera. Many of them were anointed Christians. Yet, Nero also wrote to Christians about "the desire of the eyes. " Bulchiinsa Kiristosiif kan bitamu yoo taʼe, fayyaa guutuufi gammachuu argatee barabaraaf lafarra jiraachuu dandaʼa. Bringing "to Ruin Those Ruining the Earth " If we submit to Christ's Millennial Reign, perfect health and happiness can lead to everlasting life on earth. Gaaffiiwwan kanaaf deebii akkamii kennita? However, a few opposers have promoted laws aimed at crippling the Kingdom work. How would you answer those questions? Tokkoon tokkoon keenya kutaa walgaʼii gurguddaarratti dhihaatan hundarratti argamnee fayyadamuuf, haala keenya mijeeffachuu akka barbaannu beekamaadha. - Fak. Natural Israel was hopelessly divided religiously and socially, bringing great reproach on God's holy name. Of course, each of us would want to plan our affairs so that each of us can use every part of the conventions. - Prov. Akkuma raajiidhaan dubbatame rakkoowwan namootarra gaʼan dabalaa jiru. " Christ is the power of God. " - 1 COR. As foretold, human suffering is increasing. Ergamoonni namoota ni gargaaruu? What things are sacred in our lives, and why? Do angels help people? 17: 17) Solomoon ajaja kana cabsuudhaan, suutuma suuta haadhotii manaa 700 fuudheera. Managers of meeting places in Moscow were threatened with dismissal if they continued to rent their halls to the Witnesses. Instead of refusing to obey, Solomon married 700 wives. Kanaaf, dammaqoo ta'uudhaan gosa kadhannaa hundumaa haa dhiheessinu. (b) Give an example that shows how Jesus revealed his Father through his teaching. Let us, therefore, be vigilant with a view to prayers. Yeroo tajaajilaa turetti al lama namoota kumaan lakkaaʼan akka nyaachise galmeeffameera. - Maatewos 14: 14 - 21; 15: 32 - 38. Without the moisture provided by dew, plants wither and die. During his ministry, there were twice as many as thousands of people alive. - Matthew 14: 14 - 21; 15: 32 - 38. Barreeffamoota barbaachisan qabadhuu kottu. As the above - quoted work highlights, it is this that Jehovah examines and that he appreciates in his servants. - 1 Pet. Come well - equipped. Yeroo sanaa kaasee karaa Waaqayyoon gammachiisuun jiraachuuf waan isaanii dandaʼame hunda godhaniiru. It also impressed on them the need for a ransom, a perfect sacrifice that would fully cover sin. Since then, they have done their utmost to please God in a way that pleases him. Yookiin namoonni kun dhimma sana ilaalchisee odeeffannoo utuu hin qabaatin ykn waan dagataniif gocha kana raawwatanii? The need for change is determined, not by your desire for change, but by the needs of the congregation and the direction we receive from Jehovah's organization. Or do they do so because they have little information or no information about the subject? 4: 13 - 15. Leader. - Matthew 23: 10. 4: 13 - 15. Amma guyyaa guyyaadhaan Yihowaatti amanamuu jechuun maal jechuu akka taʼe sirriitti hubadheera. " - 2 Qor. What prospect was placed before Adam and Eve? Now I have come to realize what it means to trust in Jehovah daily. " - 2 Cor. Labsitoonni Mootummichaa hedduun akka barbaachisan beekuun keenya maal gochuuf nu kakaasuu qaba? (b) What do Jehovah's dealings with Job reveal about Him? Knowing that there is a great need for Kingdom proclaimers should move us to do what? Phaawulos ergamaan, Kiristiyaanota warra Roomaatiif yeroo barreessu, duraan dursinee qajeelummaa Waaqayyoo barbaaduurratti milkaaʼina argachuu yoo barbaanne balaa hundi keenya irraa fagaachuu nu barbaachisu ibseera. Yet, little did the crowds know that in their midst was a man whose influence would spread around the world and span the centuries down to our day! When writing to the Romans, the apostle Paul pointed out that if we seek first God's righteousness, all of us need to avoid danger. • Yihowaan kadhannaa Faarfannaa 83: 18 rratti ibsameef deebii isa dhumaa kan kennu akkamitti? Just think of some of the precious truths we have learned from God's Word! • How does Jehovah answer the prayer recorded at Psalm 83: 18? Fedha keenya caalaa fedha Waaqayyoo gochuurratti kan xiyyeeffannu yoo ta'e, jireenyi keenya kaayyoo kan qabuufi gammachuudhaan kan guutame ta'a. Many patients given sugar pills (placebos) have experienced relief of symptoms simply because they thought they were getting help. Our life will be filled with meaning and joy if we focus on doing God's will ahead of our own. " Dammaqaa, ' akkasumas " Qophaaʼaa Taaʼaa ' But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. " Be Ready " and " Keep Ready " Bulchiinsi Waaqayyoo hunduma irra kan caalu dha. For instance, we can strike up conversations about Bible truth with people who happen to sit next to us when we use public transportation. God's way of ruling is superior to all. Jireenyi Yesus nama ta'uudhaan lafarratti dabarse, abboomamuu akka haaraatti akka baratu isa taasiseera. May it also be the resolve of all those who accept a marriage proposal to remain loyal to their husbands and deeply respect them. Jesus ' life as a human made it possible for him to learn to be obedient. Yihowaan hafuura qulqulluutti fayyadamee, lubbuu Ilmasaa gadameessa durba Yihudii Maariyaam jedhamtuu keessa kaaʼe. So does the prospect of everlasting life. By means of holy spirit, Jehovah put his Son's life in the womb of the Jewish virgin Mary. FUULA 19 Paul tells his Christian brothers: "If possible, as far as it depends upon you, be peaceable with all men. " PAGE 19 Namoonni cimina miiraa qaban dogoggora yeroo hojjetan ofitti aaruudhaan, "Ani dadhabaa dha " ykn" Ani gatii hin qabu " ofiin hin jedhan. We might ask: Could not "the conclusion of the system of things " refer to a future time when world conditions will become even worse? When full - time people make mistakes, they say, "I am weak, " or" I am worthless. " Hojii addunyaa maratti Kitaaba Qulqulluu barsiisuuf adeemsifamu keessaa tokko dha; buusii qarshii namoonni fedhiidhaan kennaniin qophaaʼa. A good conversationalist must be a good listener. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Baayʼeensaanii Kiristiyaanota dibamoo turan. HAPPINESS and joy are increasingly difficult to attain. Many were anointed Christians. Warra " Lafa Balleessan Balleessuu ' Far from it! " Those Taking the Earth " Jireenya keenya keessatti karaa nuuf taʼu akka filannu barbaada. Service Committee He wants us to choose our very life course. Ta'uyyuu, mormitoonni tokko tokko hojii Mootummichaa dhaabsisuu yaaduudhaan seerri tokko tokko akka tumamu godhaniiru. Indeed, Jehovah requires that all of his people "cherish loyalty. " - Read Micah 6: 8. Yet, some opposers have done some laws, thinking that the Kingdom work will stop. Sabni dhalootaan Israa'el ta'an, amantiidhaanis ta'e qomoodhaan hiramuudhaan maqaan Yihowaa inni qulqulluun akka arrabsamu godhanii turan. We should have what reasonable desire? By faith and by faith, natural Israel became enslaved by Jehovah's holy name. " Kristos humna Waaqayyoo ti. " - 1 QOR. Sexual harassment is more likely to stop if you know how to react to it! " The power of God is the power of God. " - 1 COR. Wantoonni jireenya keenya keessatti qulqulluu ta'an maalfa'i? Christ's "other sheep, " who are striving to receive a blessing for themselves by means of Abraham's seed, will delight to hear Him say:" Come, you who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world. " What things are sacred in our lives? Namoonni, galmawwan walgaʼii Mooskoo jiranirratti hoggantoota taʼan Dhugaa Baatotaaf kireessuusaanii yoo itti fufan akka ariʼaman doorsifaman. But they did not return there. People were threatened to be threatened if they continued to support the activities of Witnesses at the Moscow convention. (b) Fakkeenya Yesus barumsasaatiin Abbaasaa akkamitti akka mulʼise argisiisu tokko dubbadhu. We know that life in Satan's system is often unfair and that we need to fight against letting evildoers incense us. (b) Give an example showing how Jesus revealed his Father's teaching. Waqtii kanatti biqiltoonni jiidhina fixeensi qabu yoo argachuu baatan, ni gogu ykn ni duʼu ture. When giving Joshua the weighty assignment of leading the Israelites into the Promised Land, Jehovah told him to read the Mosaic Law "day and night " and to be careful to obey what was written in it. If they did not receive rain at this stage, they would have to die or die. Akka barreeffamni olitti caqasame jedhutti, keessi tajaajiltootasaa inni Yihowaan qoruufi dinqisiifatu isa kanadha. - 1 Phe. David desired to build a house for Jehovah. As noted above, this is how Jehovah examines and appreciates his servants. - 1 Pet. Akkasumas furiin, jechuunis aarsaan cubbuu guutummaatti qulqulleessu akka barbaachisu akka hubatan godheera. (Read Matthew 6: 19 - 21.) He also made it possible for them to grasp fully the value of the ransom, the forgiveness of sin. Elsaaʼi malawwan Eliyaas itti fayyadamaa turetti fayyadamuu isaa itti fufuudhaan, raajonni kaan isa irratti amanannaa akka qabaatan kan godhe taʼuu isaa irra iyyuu, barsiisaa isaatiif kabaja akka qabus argisiiseera. The Israelites thus came to know Jehovah in the roles of Savior, Warrior, Provider, and Fulfiller of promises and in other capacities. - Ex. By continuing to use Elijah's methods, Elisha showed confidence in him and showed respect for his teacher. Geggeessaa. - Maatewos 23: 10. Teachers of evolution are often motivated, not by the facts, but by "their own desires " - perhaps a desire to be accepted by a scientific community in which evolution is orthodox doctrine. Leader. - Matthew 23: 10. Addaamiifi Hewwaan abdii akkamii qabu turan? Indeed, Jehovah became King over the new nation. What hope did Adam and Eve have? (b) Wanta Yihowaan Iyoobiif godhe irraa waaʼee Yihowaa maal hubanna? Study Articles 4, 5 PAGES 21 - 29 (b) What do we learn about Jehovah from what he did for Job? Taʼus, namni gidduusaanii ture sun hanga harʼaatti addunyaa maratti dhibbaa geessisuusaa akka itti fufu hin hubanne! At other times, my friend brought up such subjects as the last days or the Trinity doctrine. Yet, that man was not aware that he would continue to affect the world today! Dubbii Waaqayyoo keessaa dhugaa gati jabeessa akkamii akka baranne mee yaadi! This also helped the family to learn new names more quickly. Imagine what precious truths we learned from God's Word! Yeroo baayʼee, nama dhukkubsate tokkoof kan isaaf kenname qoricha sobaa taʼuyyuu, qorichichi akka isa gargaru amaneera taanaan, akka isa fayyise itti dhagaʼama. Under cover of darkness, they started out that evening. On many occasions, he felt that if he believed that he had been given to a sick man, he would heal him. Kanaafis hin sodaatinaa! Consider the issue of consistency. Do not be afraid. Fakkeenyaaf yommuu geejjibaan deemnu, nama nu maddii taaʼuu wajjin waaʼee dhugaa Macaafa Qulqulluu maree jalqabuu dandeenya. • What shows that Abraham had faith in the resurrection? For example, when we go to transportation, we might start discussing Bible truths with someone who is sitting on us. (Weedduu Weedduu Caalu 8: 6, 7) Akkuma Shulaamittii, shamarran heerumaaf waadaa galanis, abbootii manaasaaniitiif amanamoo ta'uufi isaaniif abboomamuuf murtoo gochuu qabu. BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "The shrewd one sees the danger and conceals himself, but the inexperienced keep right on going and suffer the consequences. " - Proverbs 22: 3. Like the Shulammite women, women should be loyal to their husbands and be determined to obey them. Abdiin barabaraaf jiraachuuf qabnus gammachuu nuuf argamsiisa. Moderate to severe depression is usually managed with medication and counseling by a mental - health professional. Our hope for everlasting life brings us joy and satisfaction. Phaawulos Kiristiyaanota obbolootasaa ta'aniin akkas jedhee ture: "Nama hundumaa wajjin nagaatti jiraachuudhaaf karaa keessan wanta danda'amu hundumaa godhaa! " or, " How many times have I told you? ' " Paul told fellow Christians: "If possible, as far as it depends upon you, be peaceable with all men. " " Dhumni barichaa ' yeroo gara fuulduraa haalli addunyaa kana caalaa itti hammaatu kan argisiisu taʼuu hin dandaʼuu? jennee gaafanna taʼa. Paul certainly practiced what he preached, giving up a promising career in Judaism that could have brought him wealth and fame. We might wonder whether "the conclusion of the system of things " could be even worse than the future. Namni haasaa beeku, akka gaariitti kan nama dhaggeeffatu ta'uu qaba. Then, we could have him read Genesis 2: 16, 17, which shows that the penalty for sin is death. A person who knows the talk should be a good listener. GAMMACHUU argachuun yeroodhaa gara yerootti baayʼee ulfaataa dhufeera. Roman Citizenship, 3 / 1 Poverty has become increasingly difficult. Wanti inni dubbate ni raawwatama! " Pay attention to how you listen. " - LUKE 8: 18. His words have come true! Koree Tajaajilaa I believe the Lord will bless you if you put forth an effort to faithfully serve Him. " Service Committee Yihowaan sabni isaa hundi " amanamummaa akka jaallatan ' akka isaan irraa barbaadu beekamaa dha. - Miikiyaas 6: 8, NW dubbisi. " If my son is not responsible enough to keep his room clean, how will he maintain an apartment? " Of course, Jehovah wants all of his people to "love their integrity. " - Read Micah 6: 8. Hawwii sirrii taʼe akkamii qabaachuu qabna? Seven angels receive seven trumpets. What right desire should we have? Deebii akkamii kennuu akka qabdu yoo beekte, balaa kanarraa of eeguu dandeessa! After crossing the dry riverbed, the men kept on "speaking as they walked. " If you find out how you would react, you can avoid it! " Hoolonni kan biraan ' warri kan Kiristos taʼaniifi karaa sanyii Abrahaam eebba argachuuf carraaqqii godhan yommuu Inni akkas jedhu dhagaʼuudhaan gammadu: "Isin yaa warra abbaa kootiin eebbifamtanii, kottaa! Mootummaa isaa isa uumama biyya lafaatii jalqabee isiniif qophaaʼetti galaa! " In this instance, "heart " refers to the emotions, desires, and feelings of the inner person. When Christ's "other sheep " reach out for blessings through Abraham's seed, he will rejoice over them, saying:" Come, you who have been ready to inherit the kingdom from the founding of the world. " Haataʼu malee, achitti hin deebine. My parents argued violently because of their financial problems. Yet, they did not return there. Sirna Seexanni seerratu kana keessatti yeroo baayʼee jireenyi rakkisaa akka taʼeefi namoonni hamoon akka nu hin aarsine of eeggachuu akka qabnu beekna. (Far. 37: 1 - 11; Lal. [ Picture on page 12] We know that life in Satan's system is often difficult and that we should guard against being misled by wicked people. Yihowaan, Iyaasuun Israaʼeloota Biyyattii Abdachiifamtetti akka galchu itti gaafatamummaa guddaa yommuu isaa kenne, Seera Musee "halkanii fi guyyaa " akka dubbisuufi wanta achi keessatti barreeffame of eeggannoodhaan akka hordofu itti himee ture. When he accepted the good news and took up the preaching work, he left all of that behind. When Joshua entrusted the Israelites with weighty responsibilities in the Promised Land, Jehovah told Moses that they should read the Mosaic Law and heed what was written "day and night. " Daawit, Yihowaadhaaf mana ijaaruu barbaadee ture. He then advised them: "Do not let it worry you; but if you can also become free, rather seize the opportunity. " David wanted to build a house for Jehovah. (Maatewos 6: 19 - 21 dubbisi.) Am I an apostate who has rejected spiritual light? ' (Read Matthew 6: 19 - 21.) Kanaan kan ka'es, Israa'eloonni Yihowaan Fayyisaa, kan isaaniif lolu, wanta isaan barbaachisu kan kennu, humna abdiiwwan kenne raawwachuuf isa dandeessisu kan qabuufi karaawwan kan biraa kan isaan gargaaru ta'uusaa hubataniiru. - Bau. The brother's confidence was not misplaced. As a result, the Israelites recognized that Jehovah would give them a Savior, give them the power, strength, and other ways to fulfill his promises. - Ex. Namoonni barumsa jijjiirama tirannaa deggeran, yeroo baay'ee dhugaarratti utuu hin ta'in " hawwa isaaniirratti ' hundaa'u. Hawwiinsaanii kunis, tarii hawaasa saayinsiitti amanuufi barumsa jijjiirama tirannaatiif bakka guddaa kennu biratti fudhatama argachuudha. 41: 13; 49: 15. Those who support the theory of evolution often desire to believe in " their own desires, ' perhaps because they believe in evolution. Yihowaan saba haaraa kanaaf Mootii taʼee akka ture ifadha. " Privilege of Kindly Giving " (contributions), 11 / 15 Clearly, Jehovah became King of that new nation. Matadureewwan Qayyabannaa 4, 5 FUULA 21 - 29 For us to enjoy eternal life, we need someone to pay a ransom for us. Study Articles 4, 5 PAGES 21 - 29 Kanaaf, kakuun Waaqayyo Daawwitii wajjin gale Yesus Kiristosirratti raawwatameera. They were killers whose violent exploits are likely echoed in ancient myths and legends. Thus, God's covenant with David was fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Yeroo kaanimmoo michuunkoo kun waaʼee guyyoota gara dhumaa ykn waaʼee Sillaasee na gaafata ture. They were known for militarism, and their carved reliefs depict them torturing captives. On another occasion, this friend asked me about the last days or about the Trinity. Akkas gochuun isaanii maqaa obbolootaa dafanii baruufis isaan gargaareera. No doubt, you have taken the matter to Jehovah in prayer, perhaps quite often. Doing so also helped them to learn the names of the brothers and sisters quickly. Dukkana dawoo godhatanii dimimmisa galgala sanaa adeemuu jalqaban. Our brother prayed to Jehovah for courage to adhere to Bible principles. They walked on the night of the darkness. Mee yaanni isaanii kan wal simu taʼuu isaa haa ilaallu. 12: 1. Let us see how their thinking is in harmony with them. • Abrahaam du'aa ka'uutti akka amanu maaltu argisiisa? It was built so that in the future all would know that they too were faithful servants of Jehovah. • What shows that Abraham believed in the resurrection? QAJEELFAMA KITAABA QULQULLUU: "Namni hubataan wanta hamaa in arga, jalaas in dhokata, namni wallaalaan garuu itti in adeema, in adabamas. " - Fakkeenya 22: 3. This article discusses three ways in which Christ proved watchful during his life on earth, in each case examining practical ways for us to put his example to use. BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "The shrewd one sees the danger and conceals himself, but the inexperienced keep going and suffer the consequences. " - Proverbs 22: 3. Dhukkubni dhiphinaa salphaanis taʼe baayʼee cimaa taʼe, yeroo baayʼee qorichaa fi gorsa ogeessota yaalii fayyaa sammuutiin walʼaanamuu dandaʼa. Yes, protecting your children from anything that might rob them of their peace, their innocence, or their clean standing before God is an essential way to show that you love them. Whether depression is simple or serious, there is often a health problem that can be effective and effective. Macaafni Qulqulluun Gaaʼela Keenya Nuu Oolcheera One of our brothers, who spent years in prison, later described how he was threatened. The Bible Changes Lives ykn " Al meeqan sitti hima? ' By progressively studying the Bible, we can develop a deep love for it and its Author, and that will become the basis for building more faith. or, " How often will I talk to you? ' Ija Jabinaa fi Hubannaa Argisiisuudhaan Yesusiin Fakkaadhaa, 2 / 15 Never underestimate the power of such wicked angels or that of "the ruler of the demons. " Imitate the Greatest Missionary, 2 / 15 Phaawulos hojii amantii Yihudootaa keessatti qabeenyaa fi beekkamtii isaaf argamsiisuu dandaʼu dhiisuudhaan wanta barsiisu hojii irra oolcheera. He was old by then and quite deaf, yet he faithfully attended all the congregation meetings. Paul applied what he taught by abandoning a career in Judaism that could bring him fame and prominence. Achiis, yaada adabbiin cubbuu duʼa akka taʼe ibsuufi Uumama 2: 16, 17 rratti argamu dubbisuufii dandeenya. Also, numerous local publishers have been willing to move so as to help in spreading the Kingdom message throughout this vast island territory. Then we can read Genesis 2: 16, 17. Kiristos Humna Waaqayyoo Ti, 6 / 15 That friend will be like Nathan and Hushai, who remained loyal even during bad times, and like Jesus, who was willing to forgive. 6 / 1 " Akka itti dhageessanitti akeekkadhaa! " - LUQAAS 8: 18. Again he spoke to several elders, all of whom gave him Scriptural advice. " Keep silent, as you heard. " - LUKE 8: 18. Amanamummaadhaan Isa tajaajiluuf carraaqqii gochuukee yoo itti fufte Gooftaan akka si eebbisu nan amana. " Why consider the accomplishments of faithful older ones? I believe that the Lord will bless you if you continue to serve him faithfully. " ▪ "Ilmikoo, kutaa keessa rafullee qulqulleessuu erga hin dandeenyee, yeroo of danda'ee jiraatutti itti gaafatamummaasaa akkamitti raawwachuu danda'a? " Why do Jesus ' questions have deeper meaning for Christians? ▪ "If my son cannot clean, how can he fulfill his responsibility even when he is still in bed? " Ergamoonni torba malakata torba fudhatan. " We enjoy our time so much that our study usually lasts longer than an hour, " says one of them. seven angels were given seven trumpets. Lafa gogaa irra deemanii lagicha erga ceʼanii booda, "walii wajjin haasaʼaa adeemuu " itti fufan. Who would the offspring be, and in what capacity would that offspring serve? After crossing the river, they continued to "be kind to one another. " Caqasa kanarratti jechi "garaa " jedhu miiraafi fedhii keessa nama tokkoo argisiisa. WHO STARTS THE WAR? In this verse, the word "heart " refers to a person's emotional and desires. Warri koo rakkina qarshiitiin kan kaʼe baayʼee wal lolu turan. But Jesus, the "master " in the illustration, did not say that there would be a multitude of slaves scattered throughout the various sects of Christendom. My parents were severely fighting because of financial problems. [ Picture on page 28] This trying situation faces all Christians. [ Picture on page 28] Misiraachicha fudhachuudhaan hojii lallabaa yommuu jalqabu garuu, wantoota sana hundaa fedhiisaatiin dhiiseera. Roald served as an elder and Elsebeth as a pioneer, while Isabel and Fabian did well as publishers. When the preaching of the good news began, however, he abandoned all of them. jedhee kan gaafate yommuu ta'u, achiis "Kun si hin dhibin! That Bible verse says: "The heavens and the earth that are now are stored up for fire. " " Do not suffer! " he replied. Ani gantuu beekumsa hafuuraa jibbedhaa? ' After reaching this conclusion, Lucy wisely chose to overlook the negative remarks. Am I rejecting apostate knowledge? ' Amanannaa akkasii qabaachuunsaa akkasumaan hin turre. ▪ Why is it important that you face your doubts about God? Such confidence did not work out well. 41: 13; 49: 15. " They will have to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning shears. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, neither will they learn war anymore. " - Isaiah 2: 2 - 4. 41: 13; 49: 15. Jireenya barabaraa argachuu akka dandeenyuuf, qaamni tokko furii nuu kaffaluu qaba. Rather than be apprehensive, cultivate hope. To gain everlasting life, a body has to pay the ransom for us. Jarri kun, warra seenaansaanii mammaaksa durii keessatti ibsameefi gara jabinaan namoota ajjeesan ta'uu hin oolan. But by being willing to face their problems and seek help, both Michael and Maria sent a clear message that they are committed to their marriage, that they are willing to work hard to make it succeed. They may have been the people of ancient times who were courageously killed by those whom they lived. Warri Sooriyaa waraanaan kan beekaman yommuu ta'u, fakkiin bara sanatti dhagaarraa soofamee hojjetame namoota booji'an yommuu cunqursan argisiisa. " In the splendors of holiness, from the womb of the dawn, you have your company of young men just like dewdrops. " The Syrians were known as war, and the image depicted by an image depicted by the captives in those days. Waa'ee dhimma kanaa kadhannaadhaan Yihowaatti akka himtu homaa hin shakkisiisu; tarii irra deddeebitee akkas gooteetta ta'a. The Bible foretold that the League would be replaced, leading to a time of relative peace. You no doubt talked to Jehovah about the matter in prayer, and perhaps you did so. Obboleessi keenya kun, seerawwan buʼuuraa Macaafa Qulqulluu hordofuuf ija jabina akka isaa kennu Yihowaa kadhate. " About the breezy part of the day, " Jehovah approached the couple. Brother Knorr prayed to Jehovah for courage to follow Bible principles. 12: 1. The director told her: "I admire those who unselfishly devote their time to others. " 12: 1. Iddoo aarsaa sana kan ijaaran, gara fuulduraatti namni hundi, isaanis tajaajiltoota Yihowaa amanamoo taʼuu isaanii akka beekaniif ture. But to receive that spirit, you need to learn the truth about him and sincerely seek to do his will. - Isaiah 55: 6; Hebrews 11: 6. He knew that he would build the altar and all his servants would know that they would be faithful servants of Jehovah. Matadureen kun karaa Kiristos yeroo lafarra turetti dammaqinaan jiraachuusaa itti mirkaneesse sadii kan ibsu siʼa, nuyis karaa kana sadaniin akkamitti fakkeenyasaa hordofuu akka dandeenyu qorra. Of even greater concern, though, is that the moral and practical lessons of the Bible accounts under examination may be obscured or lost in all the scrutiny of possible antitypical fulfillments. This article discusses three ways in which Christ shows that he is awake while on earth, and we will examine how we can imitate him in three ways. Eeyyee, ijoollee keessan wanta nagaasaanii, qulqullummaasaanii ykn ejjennoo gaarii Waaqayyo biratti qaban isaan dhabsiisu hundarraa isaan eeguun keessan, akka isaan jaallattan karaa itti argisiistan keessaa isa tokkodha. Being a congregation elder is a goal toward which mature brothers should reach out and thereafter appreciate. - 1 Tim. Yes, it is one way in which you show love for your children by having peace, peace, holiness, or a standing with God. Obboleessi waggoota hedduuf hidhamee ture tokko, akkamitti akka isa sossodaachisan yeroo booda dubbateera. Nonetheless, she persisted. Over the years, a brother who had been imprisoned later told how he was fleeing. Guyyuma guyyaadhaan Macaafa Qulqulluu kan dubbisnuu fi kan qayyabannu yoo taʼe, jaalalli Macaafa Qulqulluu fi Yihowaadhaaf qabnu ni guddata. However, the people were not content to have Jehovah as their invisible Ruler. If we read the Bible daily and study it, our love for Jehovah will grow. Humna ergamoota hamoo akkasiis taʼe, humna "mootii hafuurota hamoo " akka laayyootti hin ilaalinaa. Moreover, a Christian wife would certainly want to avoid contradicting her husband or challenging his opinion in front of their children. Never underestimate the power of these wicked angels or "the ruler of the demons. " Obboleessi kun yeroo sanatti dulloomee akkasumas gurrisaa dhaga'uu dadhabee kan ture ta'us, amanamummaadhaan walga'iiwwan gumii hundarratti argama ture. God's Rulership Over Israel Though he was old and deaf at all congregation meetings, he faithfully attended all the meetings. Namoonni biyya kanaa misiraachichaaf deebii gaarii kan kennan yeroo taʼu, baayʼeen isaaniis Kitaaba Qulqulluudhaaf kabaja qabu. 2: 16. People in this land respond favorably to the good news, and many respect the Bible. Akkuma Naataanii fi Hushaayi yeroo rakkisaa taʼetti amanamummaa isaa kan eeguu fi akkuma Yesuus dhiifama gochuuf fedhii kan qabu dha. PAGE 10 • SONGS: 84, 82 Like Nathan and Hushai, he was willing to maintain his integrity and be willing to forgive as Jesus was. Ammas jaarsolii hedduu kan mariisise siʼa taʼu, isaaniis gorsa Kitaaba Qulqulluu irratti hundaaʼe isaaf kennan. This reminds us of the lampstand and two olive trees described in the prophecy of Zechariah. Once again, he spoke to several elders, and they gave him Scriptural counsel. Wanta namoonni amanamoon dullooman raawwatanirratti kan mari'annu maaliifi? " Ulyana read me the words of the Christian apostle Paul recorded at 2 Corinthians 1: 9. Why will we consider what faithful older ones have done? Gaaffiiwwan Yesus kaase Kiristiyaanotaaf hiika guddaa kan qaban maaliifi? It seems fitting, then, that all those rebels at the end of the Millennium be called "Gog and Magog. " Why should Jesus ' questions have special meaning for Christians? Isaan keessaa isheen tokko akkas jetteetti: "Yeroo waliin dabarsinutti baayʼee waan gammannuuf, qayyabannaan keenya yeroo baayʼee saʼaatii tokkoo ol tura. And there, standing defiantly on the valley floor, was the man himself, perhaps looming larger than any man David had ever seen. One of them says: "We spend more time together, so our study periods often get worse. Sanyiin kun eenyudha? Tajaajilli sanyiin kun kennuhoo kan akkamiiti? To be sure, overseers who joyfully submit to God and to Christ, the head of the congregation, benefit both themselves and those under their care. - Isa. Who is this seed, and what type of service does it provide? WARAANICHA EENYUTU JALQABA? The Christian race is not easy. WHAT DOES THE FACTS SHOW? Haata'u malee, Yesus, inni fakkeenyicha keessatti "gooftaa " jedhame, hojjetaan kun hojjetoota hedduu Saba Kiristiyaanaa addunyaa maratti faffaca'anii jiran kan argisiisudha hin jenne. Should we hold ourselves completely aloof from those who do not share our faith? However, in the illustration, Jesus, the "Lord, " does not mean that the slave class spread worldwide. Haalli rakkisaa taʼe kun Kiristiyaanota hunda mudata. Let us consider how their positive response to these three functions of Kingdom rule sets a good example for us today. All Christians face this challenging challenge. Roʼaal jaarsa gumii taʼee kan tajaajilu yommuu taʼu, Elsaabet qajeelchituu, Isaabeeliifi Faabiyaanimmoo babalʼistoota taʼanii tajaajilu turan. Of course, the same can be said of a contentious husband. Roald served as an elder and served as a pioneer, Isabel, and Fabian. Caqasichi, " Bantiiwwan waaqaafi lafti amma jiran, ibiddaan balleeffamuuf qopheeffamanii jiru ' jedha. " There's nothing shameful about needing to be corrected when you do something wrong. " - Jessica. We read: "The heavens and the earth that are now are stored up for fire. " Luusiin xumura kana irra erga geessee booda, yaada dogoggoraa sana irra darbuu filatteetti. Instead of delaying, they need to take decisive action now and zealously work toward the goal of becoming dedicated, baptized worshippers of Jehovah. After passing that conclusion, the missionaries chose to ignore the wrong reasoning. ▪ Lammata dhalachuun fayyina argamsiisaa? I liked our weekend campouts in the country - sleeping in tents, wearing uniforms, and marching to the sound of drums. ▪ Is it possible to be born again? " Isaan billaa isaanii maarashaa, eeboo isaaniis isa ittiin muka qeexxa'an in tumsiifatu; egaa sabni sabatti billaa hin luqqifatu, isaan deebi'aniis lola hin baran. " - Isaayaas 2: 2 - 4. And for decades, they endured persecution in the former Soviet Union and its satellite nations. " They will not lift up sword against nation, nor will they learn war anymore. " - Isaiah 2: 2 - 4. Abdii keessan cimsachuuf yaalaa malee hin dhiphatinaa. Do you show that you really appreciate Jehovah's gift of marriage? Do not try to strengthen your hope. Rakkina akka qaban amanuufi gargaarsa barbaaduunsaanii, Maayikiliifi Maariyaan waadaa gaa'elasaanii eeganii jiraachuuf galan raawwachuu, akkasumas gaa'ellisaanii milkaa'ina akka argatuuf fedhiisaanii aarsaa gochuuf carraaquu akka qaban kan argisiisudha. Charles Freeman confirmed: "The precedent had now been set that the emperor might intervene not only to strengthen the Church but to influence doctrine. " - Read James 4: 4. Their desire for help and support show that Michael and Maria put forth effort to keep their marriage vow and that they are willing to make a success of their marriage. Dargaggoonni kees akka fixeensa barii ganamaatti simboo qulqulluudhaan siif in ba'u " jechuudhaan faarfateera. (Far. As discussed at the outset, Jacob sought to make peace with his brother, Esau. Your young ones will certainly sit down before you in the morning. " Macaafni Qulqulluun, Waldaan kun dhaabbata biraatiin akka bakka buufamuufi sana booda hamma tokko nagaan akka jiraatu raajii dubbateera. IMAGINE the scene. The Bible foretold that the church would be replaced by another organization and that it would eventually be a part of peace. Tarii Addaam gaafuma sana aduun dhihuushee dura waan duʼu itti fakkaatee taʼuu dandaʼa. No punctuation. Perhaps Adam thought that the sun would die until that day. Qindeessichis akkas jedheen: "Namoota ofittummaa tokko malee yeroosaanii warra kaaniif aarsaa godhan nan dinqisiifadha. " In the Bible, the Christian life course has been compared to a race. The director said: "I appreciate the self - sacrificing efforts of others without self - sacrificing. " Ta'us, hafuura kana argachuuf waa'ee Waaqayyoo beekumsa sirrii argachuufi fedhasaa raawwachuuf carraaqqii gochuunkee barbaachisaadha. - Isaayaas 55: 6; Ibroota 11: 6. View of War, 11 / 1 Still, it is important to have accurate knowledge of God and strive to do his will. - Isaiah 55: 6; Hebrews 11: 6. Hunda irra immoo, wanta seenaan Macaafa Qulqulluu tokko gaaddidduu taʼuuf argachuuf carraaqqiin yeroo godhamutti, barumsi gama amalaatiin irraa argamuu fi hojii irra ooluu dandaʼu dhokatee hafa ture. Army revealed in a conversation with Brothers J. F. Above all, when they put forth effort to obtain prophetic pictures, the teachings of the Bible were far more valuable and more valuable. Jaarsa gumii ta'uu jechuun, sadarkaa obboloonni ga'eessota ta'an irratti argamaniifi dinqisiifannaadhaan itti tajaajilanidha. - 1 Xim. Also, as a result of having true joy, we will reject a materialistic way of life and will instead seek to make greater personal sacrifices in behalf of God's Kingdom. Being an elder is an elder, and mature brothers and sisters serve with appreciative appreciation. - 1 Tim. Isheen garuu gaaffii dhiheessuu ishee ittuma fufte. Imagine what it must have meant to Jesus - even as an adult - to receive such recognition from his Father! But she kept asking questions. (Kes. 33: 5) Haataʼu malee, sabichi Yihowaa isa Bulchaa ijaan hin argamne taʼetti gammadanii jiraachuu hin barbaanne. Cain's descendant Lamech is the first man reported as having two wives. However, Jehovah's people did not want to be content with the invisible Ruler of the universe. Kana malees, haati manaa Kiristiyaana taate, ijoollee duratti abbaa manaasheetiin mormuu ykn yaadasaa fudhachuu diduu hin qabdu. What can I bring to a marriage? ' Furthermore, a Christian wife should not be reluctant to disagree with her husband or to ignore his thinking. Akkaataa Waaqayyo Israa'eloota Itti Bulche 19, 20. (a) What may help those who have fallen into sin to muster up the courage to return to Jehovah? God's way of dealing with the Israelites 2: 16. We can be like that tree. 2: 16. FUULA 10 • FAARFANNAA: 25, 21 [ Blurb on page 10] PAGE 10 • SONGS: 84, 118 Kun, baattuu ibsaafi muka ejersaa lamaan raajii Zakaariyaas keessatti ibsaman nu yaadachiisa. Maybe that's why I did well with principles of accounting! This reminds us of the vision and the two olive trees mentioned in Zechariah's prophecy. Garaan koo dubartiidhaan sossobamee yoo jiraate, balbala namaa ciisee haadha manaa isaa eeggadhee yoon jiraadhe, haati manaa koo nama biraaf haa daaktu, namni biraas ishee wajjin haa ciisu! " There is every reason to rejoice in our ministry when we note how Jehovah's rich blessing has been on the efforts of his people to preach the good news throughout all the earth. If I live in an effort to eliminate a woman's heart from violence, let my wife stay in the house of man, and I will spend another man with her. " " Yuuliyaanaan yaada Phaawulos ergamaa 2 Qorontos 1: 9 irratti argamu naa dubbiste. Photodisc / SuperStock " I read the apostle Paul's words found at 2 Corinthians 1: 9. Kanaafuu, warri dhuma waggaa 1,000 sanatti Yihowaa irratti kaʼan hundi " Googii fi Maagoog ' jedhamuun isaanii sirrii fakkaata. Imagine you were in a group that had to cross a minefield and only one of your number knew how to make it through safely. Thus, all who rebelled against Jehovah at the end of that 1,000 years seem to be called "Gog and Magog. " Namichi kun dirree waraanaa irra dhaabateera; tarii Daawit nama hammana gaʼu argee hin beeku. But they receive an answer like the one that so many goatlike ones receive in that hour of judgment: "I tell you the truth, I do not know you. " He was standing in battle, and David never saw a lot. Ilaaltonni ol aanaan Waaqayyoo fi Kiristoos isa mataa gumichaa taʼeef gammachuudhaan bitaman, ofis taʼe warra isaan jala jiran akka fayyadan beekamaa dha. - Isa. Rejoicing in Our Hope, 3 / 15 God's appointed overseers, who joyfully submit themselves to the Head of the congregation, will surely benefit themselves and those under their care. - Isa. Dorgommeen Kiristiyaanaa salphaa miti. Just as inciting to love and fine works can be likened to stirring up a fire that is about to go out, encouraging others can be likened to putting fuel on the fire to keep it burning or to increase its intensity. The Christian race is not easy. Namoota amantii keenya hin hordofnerraa adda of baafnee jiraachuu qabnaa? He says: "I secretly viewed pornography. Should we distance ourselves from those who do not follow our faith? Namoonni Mootummaa kanaaf bitaman, qabxiiwwan sadan kana hojiirra oolchuunsaanii yeroo harʼaa fakkeenya gaarii kan nuuf taʼu akkamitti akka taʼe haa ilaallu. Wine had not been part of that first meal in Egypt, yet Jesus did not object to its being part of the Passover. Let us consider how these three points set a fine example for us today. Abbaa manaa qoccolaa ta'eefis akkasuma jechuun ni danda'ama. MAY 27, 2013 - JUNE 2, 2013 The same can be said of the husband in the same manner. " Dogoggora tokko yeroo hojjettu sirreeffamni sii kennamuunsaa waan nama qaanessu miti. " - Jeesiikaa. Self - examination is essential. - 2 Corinthians 13: 5. " When you make a mistake, it's not bad for you to be corrected. " - ZECH. (1 Mootota 18: 21) Namoonni kun har'a bor jechuu mannaa ammuma tarkaanfii murteessaa ta'e fudhachuudhaan of murteessuufi tajaajiltoota Yihowaa warra cuuphaman ta'uuf carraaqqii gochuu qabu. We also need to put on "white outer garments, " which proclaim our identity as followers of Christ, and use" eyesalve, " such as counsel published in the Watchtower magazine, to gain spiritual discernment. - Rev. Instead of saying, they need to take decisive action now and strive to be baptized servants of Jehovah. Sanbataafi Dilbata iddoo gara biraa deemnee dunkaana keessa buluu, yuunifoormii uffachuufi muuziqaa dhagaʼamu faana deemuu baayʼeen jaalladha ture. What a surprise when I later discovered that Dad was not raised in a family where hugs and kisses were common! I loved going from the Sabbath and from other places to tent to live in tents, to dress, and to travel with music. Tokkummaa Sooviyeet duriifi biyyoota ishee jalatti bulaa turaniin waggoota kudhaniin lakkaa'amaniif ari'atamni isaanirra ga'eera. Babylon is pictured both by the head of the image in the book of Daniel and by the third head of the wild beast described in Revelation. For decades, the Soviet Union and her neighbors have been persecuted for decades. Gaaʼela isa kennaa Yihowaa taʼeef dinqisiifannaa guddaa akka qabdu ni argisiistaa? Gather all the relevant facts, seek the counsel of those familiar with such things, and determine what Bible principles have a bearing on the matter. Do you show your appreciation for Jehovah's gift of marriage? Chaarlis Firiimaan, "Wantoonni isaan dura raawwataman mootiin moototaa kun Waldicha jabeessuuf qofa utuu hin taʼin, barumsa barsiifamurratti dhiibbaa geessisuuf karaa isaaf baneera " jedhaniiru. - Yaaqoob 4: 4 dubbisi. " Fifty books weigh forty pounds, " (18 kg) admitted The Watch Tower, making deliveries "too great a strain, " especially for sisters. Charles Taze Russell stated: "The events that have already been fulfilled brought not only the king but also the influence of the emperor. " - Read James 4: 4. (Uma. 25: 27) Akkuma jalqabarratti ibsame Yaaqoob obboleessasaa Esaawuu wajjin nagaa uumuu barbaadeera. And Hannah surely treasured his kind assurances of love. As mentioned at the outset, Jacob sought peace with his brother Esau. MEE haala kana yaadaan ilaali. Does Jehovah expect those whom he appoints as servants and elders to carry the extra load by themselves? IMAGINE this situation. Sirna tuqaalee hin qabu. The result is the same, death - whether due to war, famine, or plague. I have no control over the system. Macaafa Qulqulluu keessatti jireenyi Kiristiyaanaa dorgommee fiigichaa wajjin wal fakkeeffameera. The Bible speaks not only of the attack by " Gog of Magog ' but also of the attack by "the king of the north " and of the attack by" the kings of the earth. " In the Bible, Christian life is compared to a race. Buʼaa gaarii wanti kun argamsiisu yommuu ilaallu gammachuun keenya ni guddata, miira nageenyaa ni qabaanna, akkasumas gammachuu namoota kaanii dabaluu ni dandeenya. - HoE. Confirming that early Christians conducted themselves as "aliens and temporary residents " in the Roman world, historian Kenneth Scott Latourette wrote:" It is one of the commonplaces of history that in its first three centuries Christianity met persistent and often severe persecution... As we see the results of such good results, we will grow in joy, and we can increase the joy that comes from sharing it with others. Yesus yeroo sanatti ga'eessa ta'us jecha kana Abbaasaarraa dhaga'uusaatti maaltu akka itti dhaga'ame yaadi. The nations of the UN will plunder the harlot's wealth, expose her real character, devour her, and "completely burn her. " Imagine how Jesus must have felt about these words from his Father despite his maturity. Sanyii Qaayin keessaa haadhotii manaa lama qabaachuudhaan nama jalqabaa kan taʼe Laamek akka taʼe caqasameera. These articles point out how elders can enhance their appreciation for the privilege of shepherding. Two of Cain's wives are mentioned as the first man, Lamech. Itti gaafatamummaa narraa eegamu raawwachuuf of qopheesseeraa? ' SONGS TO BE USED: 108, 14 Am I ready to care for my responsibilities? ' 19, 20. (a) Namoonni cubbuu hojjetan ija jabina gara Yihowaatti deebi'uuf isaan gargaaru argachuu kan danda'an akkamitti? Since Jehovah is holy, all principles and laws that originate with him are holy. 19, 20. (a) How can sinful wrongdoers receive the courage to return to Jehovah? Fakkeenyi Kitaaba Qulqulluu kana nuu mirkaneessu hoo isa kami? Jesus said that our time is similar to the days of Noah. What Bible example assures us? Nuyis akkuma muka kanaa ta'uu ni dandeenya. He never stopped serving Jehovah. We too can be like that tree. [ Yaada gabaabaatti fudhatameefi fuula 10 rra jiru] My four older sisters had already left home to work as schoolteachers. [ Blurb on page 10] Seera akkaawuntiingii wajjin haala wal qabateen milkaaʼina kanan argadhes kanaaf taʼuu dandaʼa! As that baby grew up, he too learned to fear Jehovah, and he is presently serving at one of the branch offices of Jehovah's Witnesses. That may have been so for me to succeed in living up to her law! Yihowaan namoota misiraachoo kana guutummaa biyya lafaatti lallabuuf carraaqqii godhan akka eebbisaa jiru beekuun keenya tajaajila keenyatti akka gammannu nu gargaara. [ Blurb on page 15] Knowing that Jehovah is blessing those who put forth effort to preach the good news throughout the earth makes us happy. Photodisc / SuperStock Leonard is deaf and has been one of Jehovah's Witnesses for over 25 years. God's Word and His Word, 9 / 15 Namootaa wajjin taatee naannoo boombiin awwaalame keessa darbaa jirta haa jennu; isin keessaa akkamitti of eeggannoodhaan achi keessa darbuun akka dandaʼamu kan beeku nama tokko qofadha. Is it because you have been treated unfairly, perhaps discourteously? Suppose you are walking with people in a mine where you live; only one person knows how to get it. jedhanii iyyu taʼa. Haa taʼu malee, deebii yeroo murtootti namoota reʼeetti fakkeeffamaniif kennamuu wajjin wal fakkaatuu fi "Dhuguman isiniin jedha, ani isin hin beeku " jedhutu isaaniif kennama. Yes, greetings that express genuine personal interest and commendation fortify friendships and unite loyal servants of God. However, when it comes to making a decision, they will be given an invitation to the goats, saying: "Look! I am no longer familiar with you, and I will say to you. " Akkuma warra kaan jaalalaafi hojii gaariidhaaf kakaasuun ibidda dhaamaa jiru bobeessuu wajjin wal fakkaachuu danda'u, jajjabeessuunis ibiddichi caalaatti akka boba'uuf, boba'aa itti naquu wajjin wal fakkaachuu danda'a. Through the prophet Zephaniah, Jehovah answers: "That day is a day of fury, a day of distress and of anguish, a day of storm and of desolation, a day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick gloom. " Like others who are in a fiery furnace, encouragement can be compared to a burning fire, such as love and good works. Kiristiyaanni kun akkas jedha: "Fakkiiwwan fedhii saalqunnamtii kakaasan dhoksaatti nan ilaalan ture. Why? He says: "I used to look at pictures of pornography. Israa'eloonni Faasikaa jalqaba biyya Gibxiitti nyaatanirratti wayinii kan hin fayyadamne ta'us, Yesus Ayyaana Faasikaarratti itti fayyadamuun dogoggora akka ta'etti hin ilaalle. Like a piercing light, the truths that Jesus taught exposed what was bad and highlighted what was good. The Israelites did not use wine first in Egypt, but Jesus did not consider it a mistake to be used in the Passover celebration. CAAMSAA 27, 2013 - WAXABAJJII 2, 2013 Thus, death is no certainty for them. MAY 27, 2013 - JUNE 2, 2013 Of qoruun baay'ee barbaachisaadha. - 2 Qorontos 13: 5. 28: 19, 20. Self - examination is vital. - 2 Corinthians 13: 5. Akkasumas, karaa hafuuraa hubannaa argachuudhaaf, gorsa kan akka Masaraa Eegumsaarratti argamuufi " qoricha ijaatti ' fakkeeffametti fayyadamuu qabna. - Mul. After a dispute among the disciples as to who was the greatest, Jesus stood a young child in their midst. He explained: "Whoever receives this young child on the basis of my name receives me too, and whoever receives me receives him also that sent me forth. For he that conducts himself as a lesser one among all of you is the one that is great. " And to gain spiritual insight, we must use the counsel provided in The Watchtower as "the birdcatcher. " - Rev. Yeroo booda abbaan koo kan guddate maatii wal hammachuunii fi wal dhungachuun itti barame keessatti akka hin taane yeroon beeku baayʼeen dinqisiifadhe! Some four years later, he was assigned to serve as branch servant in Australia. How surprised I was later to learn that my father had grown up in a family that was not normal! Baabilon Macaafa Daaniʼel keessatti mataa fakkichaatti, Macaafa Mulʼata keessattimmoo mataa bineensichaa isa sadaffaatti fakkeeffameera. How did Jesus reveal the Father to his disciples and by extension to his future followers? In the book of Daniel, the head of Revelation is depicted as the third head of the wild beast. Ragaawwan qabatamaa dhimma kana ilaallatan walitti qabadhu; namoota hojii kanarratti muuxannoo qaban gorsa gaafadhu; akkasumas seerawwan buʼuuraa Macaafa Qulqulluu dhimma kanaaf si gargaaran kam akka taʼan addaan baafadhu. (Fak. Similarly, God likely ensured that the bodies of Moses and Jesus were beyond the reach of such abuses. - Deuteronomy 34: 5, 6; Luke 24: 3 - 6; Jude 9. Talk about these facts, seek advice about experienced ones, and explain what Bible principles can help you to reason on the matter. Waldaan Masaraa Eegumsaa kitaabota kana raabsuu ilaalchisee, "Kitaabonni shantamni kiilogiraama 18 ulfaatu; kun keessumaa obboleettotaaf rakkisaa ture " jedhee dhugaasaa dubbateera. " Nothing can replace the joy you feel when you share a Scriptural truth with someone and you sense that it has touched that person's heart, " he says. Regarding the books of The Watch Tower, The Watch Tower said: "It was a challenge for the 18,000,000 people, especially for sisters. " Haannaanis akka ishee jaallatu isheef mirkaneessuusaatiif bakka guddaa akka kennitu beekamaadha. What convinces me that the Bible is God's inspired Word? She certainly appreciates Hannah's affection for her. Yihowaan namoota tajaajiltootaafi jaarsolii gumii godhee muude, itti gaafatamummaa isaanitti kenname gargaarsa tokko malee akka raawwatan isaanirraa eegaa? Be helpful in everyday life. Does Jehovah expect those appointed as ministerial servants and elders to care for certain responsibilities? Waraanni, beellii fi golfaan dhuma irratti duʼa geessisuun isaanii hin oolu. David War, famine, and death will likely result in death. Macaafni Qulqulluun, waaʼee waraana " Goog inni biyya Maagoog ' banuu qofa utuu hin taʼin, waaʼee waraana "mootiin biyya gara bitaa [ykn mootiin kaabaa] " banuu fi waaʼee waraana" mootonni biyya lafaa " bananiis ni dubbata. (2) In what ways does the Memorial influence the unity of God's people? The Bible also mentions not only Gog of Magog but also "the king of the north " and" the kings of the north, " or "the kings of the earth. " Kiristiyaanonni jaarraa jalqabaa bulchiinsa warra Roomaa hunda keessa turan, akka " warra ormaatiifi kara deemtuutti ' jiraachuusaanii ilaalchisee hayyuun seenaa Keeneet Iskoot Laatureetee jedhaman akkas jedhanii barreessaniiru: "Jaarraawwan jalqabaa sadanitti Kiristiyaanonni ariʼatamni cimaan walirraa hin cinne isaanirra gaʼee akka ture seenaan akka gaariitti mirkaneessa.... Moreover, we need to perform "deeds of godly devotion " with reverence for God and loyal attachment to him. Regarding all the Roman Empire, the first - century Christians in Rome wrote: "There are foreigners who live as temporary residents in a land where they live.... Biyyoonni miseensa Mootummoota Gamtoomanii, qabeenya ejjituu kanaa in saamu; amalashee in saaxilu; ishee in balleessu; guutummaattis "ishee in gubu. " We might be sidetracked by the glitter and glamour of the entertainment world or by the endless parade of new gadgets. Centuries later, the United Nations will be destroyed by this immoral system of things, and she will completely swallow up her conduct. " Matadureewwan kun, jaarsoliin mirga hojii tiksuu isaaniif kenname ilaalchisee hubannaafi dinqisiifannaa qaban akkamitti guddifachuu akka dandaʼan argisiisu. © 2013 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. These articles show how elders can deepen their appreciation and appreciation for their privilege of shepherding. FAARFANNAA: 30, 14 " Keep Free From Murmurings ' SONGS TO BE USED: 30, 74 Yihowaan qulqulluu waan taʼeef, qajeelfamnii fi seerri inni baasu hundis qulqulluu dha. Jesus was concerned about those "who trusted in themselves that they were righteous and who considered the rest as nothing. " Because Jehovah is holy, all his laws and laws are clean. Yesus yeroon keenya bara Nohii wajjin akka wal fakkaatu dubbatee ture. " Family worship gives us an opportunity to express ourselves in a relaxed setting. Jesus said that our day would be similar to Noah's day. Yihowaa tajaajiluusaa matumaa hin dhiisne. Let us consider one of the resurrections that he empowered his Son, Jesus Christ, to perform. He never left his service to Jehovah. Obboleettonni koo hangafaa afur of dandaʼanii manaa kan baʼan siʼa taʼu, barsiistota taʼanii hojjetu turan. Perhaps it was inconceivable to him that a woman could act or even think differently from her husband. My older sisters left home and worked as teachers. Mucaanshees erga guddatee booda, Yihowaa sodaachuu kan barate si'a ta'u, yeroo ammaatti waajjira damee Dhugaa Baatota Yihowaa keessaa tajaajilaa jira. Jesus is saying that disowning yourself and becoming his follower is something you would want to do. As her child grew older, he learned to fear Jehovah and is now serving at the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses. [ Blurb on page 15] For example, in reply to the question about being a virgin, you might simply say, "Yes I am, " or," That's really a personal matter. " [ Blurb on page 15] Obboleessi Liyoonaardi jedhamaniifi gurrisaanii hin dhageenye, waggaa 25f Dhugaa Baatuu Yihowaa turan. " Because on account of the Lord's work he came quite near to death, exposing his soul to danger, that he might fully make up for your not being here to render private service to me. " A deaf brother named Leo was one of Jehovah's Witnesses for 25 years. Karaa sirrii hin taaneen waan qabataniif, tariimmoo haalli sun waan isin qaanesseefidhaa? [ Picture on page 24] Could it be that you are upset because of the wrong way? Eeyyee, garaadhaa isaaniif yaaduudhaan nagaa gaafachuunii fi isaan galateeffachuun, michummaanii fi tokkummaan tajaajiltoota Waaqayyoo gidduu jiru akka cimu taasisa. This causes rejoicing, not envy, on the part of Jesus ' other sheep and is further proof of the unity that exists among all true Christians on earth today. Yes, sincere greetings and sincere commendation promote a close friendship and unity among God's servants. Yihowaan karaa Sefaaniyaa raajichaa akkas jechuudhaan deebiisaa kenneera: "Guyyaan sun guyyaa dheekkamsaa ti, guyyaa dhiphinaatii fi guyyaa gidiraa ti; guyyaa rakkinaatii fi guyyaa badiisaa ti; guyyaa dimimmisaatii fi guyyaa dukkanaa ti; guyyaa duumessaatii fi guyyaa dukkana limixii ti. " Solomon expressed his confidence that God would not only hear their prayers but also act in their behalf. Through the prophet Zephaniah, Jehovah answers: "This day is a day of wrath and of distress, a day of distress and day after day and day. " Maaliif? Voluntarily contributing our time, effort, and resources in cooperation with this arrangement is a fine way for us to display mercy. Why? Dhugaawwan Yesus barsiise, akka ifa guddaatti, wanta gadhee kan saaxilaniifi wanta gaariimmoo ifatti akka mul'atu kan taasisan turan. How Would You Respond? Jesus ' teachings revealed clearly what was bad, harmful, and obvious. Kanaaf, namoota kanaaf duuti dirqama miti. THE BIBLE SAYS: "The one trusting in his riches will fall. " - Proverbs 11: 28. Thus, death is not a obligation for them. 28: 19, 20. 6, 7. 28: 19, 20. Bartootasaa keessaa eenyu akka guddaa ta'e falmiin erga uumamee booda, Yesus mucaa tokko isaan gidduu dhaabee akkas isaaniin jedhe: "Mucaa kana maqaa kootiin kan simu ana sima, kan na simus isa na erge sima; isin keessaa hundumaa irra kan xinnaatu, inni guddaa in ta'a. " For example: After arguing over who was great among his disciples, Jesus told them: "Whoever receives this young child in my name is the one that sent me, that is, the one who sent me forth, is the one that sent me forth, and the one that is great. " Gara waggaa afurii booda immoo, Awustiraaliyaatti ilaaltuu ol aanaa waajjira damee taʼee akka tajaajilu ramadame. Accordingly, the apostle Paul advised Christians to view such human governmental authorities as "superior authorities " to whom Christians should be in subjection. Some four years later, he was assigned to serve as branch overseer in Australia. Yesus bartootasaafi warra gara fuulduraatti duuka buutotasaa taʼanitti Abbaa kan mulʼise akkamitti? Damaris finished her basic schooling with top grades. How did Jesus reveal the Father to his disciples and his future followers? Haaluma wal fakkaatuun, Waaqayyo reeffa Musee fi Yesuus kan dhokse namoonni karaa dogoggora taʼeen akka itti hin fayyadamne dhowwuuf taʼuu dandaʼa. - Keessa Deebii 34: 5, 6; Luqaas 24: 3 - 6; Yihudaa 9. Through Moses, however, Jehovah gave the Israelites a law code that would distinguish them from all other nations. Similarly, God could have hid Moses ' body and Jesus to turn people away from the wrong path. - Deuteronomy 34: 5, 6; Luke 24: 3 - 6; Jude 6 - 9. " Nama tokkotti dhugaa Caaffata Qulqullaa'oo erga itti himtanii booda, garaansaa yeroo tuqamu arguu caalaa wanti nama gammachiisu hin jiru " jedheera. 4 / 15 " After you have given someone Scriptural truth, " he says, "there is nothing more satisfying than seeing the heart of a person. " Kitaabni Qulqulluun Dubbii Waaqayyoo hafuuraan barreeffame taʼuu isaa kan na amansiise maali dha? The angels also set an example in patience. What convinced me that the Bible is God's inspired Word? Sochii guyyaa guyyaa keessatti gargaarsa kennuuf qophaaʼoo taʼaa. In our conduct, we need to observe righteous principles carefully, mindful that we represent Jehovah at all times. Prepare for help in daily activities. Daawit Many Biblical and modern - day examples bear this out. David? (2) Ayyaanni Yaadannoo kun tokkummaa saba Waaqayyoo kan cimsu akkamitti? First, though, let us consider what life was like for Noah in the days before the Flood. (2) How does this Memorial observance promote unity among God's people? Kana malees, Waaqayyoof ulfina kennuufi amanamummaadhaan isatti maxxanuudhaan " hojii Waaqayyoof akka bulle argisiisu ' hojjechuun keenya barbaachisaadha. It so happened that it was his daughter, his only child, who came out to celebrate his victory with him. Moreover, we need to work "in godly devotion " by showing respect for God and by sticking to him faithfully. Wantoota bohaartiirratti qalbii namaa hawwataniin ykn meeshaawwan elektirooniksii haaraa baʼaniin yaanni keenya hihhiramuu dandaʼa. The Bible can help us to examine our thoughts and evaluate which ones are correct and which ones need to be adjusted. We may become distracted by entertainment or by new electronic devices. © 2013 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. THE apostle Paul encouraged the congregation in Philippi to "behave in a manner worthy of the good news. " © 2013 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. " Guungumuurraa Fagaadhaa ' Like Ur, they had shaky foundations because of their ungodly governments. " Flee From Those Loving Against You " Yesus waaʼeen "warra ofii qajeelummaatti jiraanna jedhanii, of amanatanii, warra kaan hundumaa immoo tuffatani [i] " isa yaaddessa ture. If I were to read the lyrics of certain songs to someone, would that person get the impression that I hate lawlessness, or would the words indicate that my heart is defiled? ' Jesus was concerned about "those who live righteousness, " and he was concerned about all others. " Waaqeffannaan maatii bilisa taanee yaada keenya ibsuuf carraa nuu bana. You have my support. " " The Family Worship evening provides an opportunity to express our thoughts. Mee amma du'aa ka'uu inni ilmasaa Yesus Kiristosiif humna kennuudhaan akka raawwatamu godhe tokko haa ilaallu. Certain sacrifices are fundamental for all true Christians and are essential to our cultivating and maintaining a good relationship with Jehovah. Let us now consider some of his resurrections that led to the power of his son, Jesus Christ. Tarii immoo dubartiin tokko tarkaanfii abbaa manaa ishii irraa adda taʼe fudhatti ykn fudhachuuf ni yaaddi jedhee yaaduu hin dandaʼu. If you are a youth, you may share his opinion. Or perhaps a woman cannot assume that he or she has taken steps different from her husband. Yesus, "Eenyu illee na duukaa bu'uu yoo fedhe, waa'ee ofii isaa dhiisee fannoo isaa baatee, yeroo hundaa ana duukaa haa bu'u " jedheera. Consider some other reasons why we might be critical of others. Jesus said: "If anyone wants to come after me, let him disown himself and pick up his torture stake and follow me continually. " Fakkeenyaaf, gaaffii saalqunnamtii raawwattee hin beektuu jedhuuf salphaadhumatti, "Eeyyee, hin beeku " ykn" Kun dhimma dhuunfaati " jechuu dandeessu. [ Picture on page 6] For example, you might simply say "Yes, "" I don't know, " or "That's a personal matter. " Sababiisaa akkas jechuudhaan ibseera: "Inni sababii hojii Kristosiif du'atti dhi'aate, isa isin anaaf akka hojjetuuf ergitan raawwachuufis jireenya isaa fittee irraan ga'e. " Father told me that if the pressure became too great, I should not be afraid to come home. He explains: "He went near to the end of his life and gave up his life for the sake of Christ, that he might deliver you from the dead. " [ Picture on page 24] As evidence of this, Jehovah used many prophets in the days of Ahab and Jezebel to warn His people of the consequences of Baal worship. [ Picture on page 24] (Yoh. 17: 24) Kun, hoolonni kan biraan akka hinaafan utuu hin ta'in akka gammadan kan godhu ta'uusaarrayyuu, tokkummaa Kiristiyaanota dhugaa yeroo har'aa jiran hunda gidduu jiru kan mirkaneessudha. Instead, why not stimulate your child's imagination? This will not only cause the other sheep to be jealous but also give evidence of unity among true Christians today. Solomoon Yihowaan kadhannaa namoota kanaa dhaggeeffachuu qofa utuu hin ta'in, isaaniin gargaaruuf tarkaanfii akka fudhatu amantaa qabu ibseera. " Teenagers should see that their parents are willing to say yes to a request if a Bible principle isn't violated, " recommends Roberto, a father in Brazil. Solomon expressed confidence that Jehovah would take action not only to listen to those prayers but also to help them. Qophii kana deggaruuf yeroo, humnaafi qabeenya keenya kennuudhaan, oo'a keenya argisiisuu dandeenya. A spokesman for the Protestant - sponsored New International Version, published in English in 1978, wrote: "Jehovah is a distinctive name for God and ideally we should have used it. By supporting this arrangement, we can show mercy by giving our time, energy, and resources to support it. Deebii Maalii Kennita? Therefore, Lefèvre turned away from studying philosophy and devoted all his energy to translating the Bible. How Would You Answer? KITAABNI QULQULLUUN AKKANA JEDHA: "Namni sooruma isaa amanatu in kufa. " - Fakkeenya 11: 28. When our family finishes a day that involved doing chores - perhaps in the yard or in the house - there is a feeling of camaraderie. THE BIBLE SAYS: "The one trusting in Jehovah himself will trust in him. " - Proverbs 11: 28. 6, 7. It seems that Aaron allowed circumstances or the influence of others to turn him away from the right course. 6, 7. Fakkeenyaaf: Suppose a peer asks in disbelief, "Are you still a virgin? " For example: Kanaaf, Phaawulos ergamaan Kiristiyaanonni, bulchitoota namoota taʼan kana, "abbootii taayitaa iddoo ol aanaa qaban " akka taʼanitti ilaaluudhaan isaaniif bitamuu akka qaban gorseera. But later, when she returned for visits, he resented her presence. Hence, the apostle Paul urged Christians to subject themselves to those rulers, to be "the high office. " Damaaris barumsa ishii buʼuuraa qabxii ol aanaadhaan xumurte. For example, some people have been unjustly convicted and imprisoned. Her example of higher education left the circuit work. 1: 4, 5) Haataʼu malee, Yihowaan karaa Musee seera saboota kaan hundarraa adda isaan taasisu Israaʼelootaaf kenne. One way is by being present for the singing of Kingdom songs. However, through Moses, Jehovah gave the Israelites specific laws that made them separate from all other nations. Eessaa Dhufe? (3) At that time, the life - saving direction that we receive from Jehovah's organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint. Where? Obsa ilaalchisees ergamootarraa wanta barannu qabna. (Read 1 Samuel 1: 4 - 8.) We can learn much from the patience of the angels. Amalli keenya seerawwan buʼuuraa qajeelummaarratti hundaaʼan of eeggannoodhaan akka hordofnuufi yeroo hundaa Yihowaa akka bakka buunu kan argisiisu taʼuu qaba. After that, the Devil will be destroyed. Our conduct should be careful carefully and should always reflect Jehovah's place of worship. Fakkeenyawwan Macaafa Qulqulluu keessa jiranis ta'e bara keenyatti argaman baay'een, kun dhugaa ta'uusaa argisiisu. It will not be late. " Many Bible examples and modern - day examples show that this is true. Amma garuu, Nohi Bishaan Badiisaa dura akkamitti jiraachaa akka ture haa ilaallu. Every day I pray to Jehovah to help me to be humble so as to have his approval. " But now consider how Noah lived before the Flood. Injifannoo inni argatetti isaa wajjin gammaduuf jalqaba kan baate intala isaa ishii tokkittii turte. While we wait for the fulfillment of his promises, may we imitate Jehovah, the happy God. His victory with his only daughter was not the first one to rejoice with him. Macaafni Qulqulluun akkaataa itti yaannu, wantoota sirrii ta'aniifi sirreeffamuu qaban akka qorru nugargaara. Sadly, some who once served Jehovah have lowered their guard and have slipped back into their old ways. The Bible helps us to analyze how we think, to correct the right things, and to correct them. PHAAWULOS ergamaan, "Akka warri wangeela Kristos fudhatan jiraachuun taʼutti jiraadhaa " jechuudhaan gumii Filiphisiiyus keessa jiru gorseera. What was Jesus ' primary mission on earth? THE apostle Paul urged the congregation in Philippi: "Become imitators of those who are taking the good news of the Christ. " Magaalaawwan kun akkuma Ur bulchitoota Waaqayyoon hin beekneen waan geggeeffamaniif buʼuura cimaa hin qaban turan. We can only endeavor to count the various manifestations of Jehovah's unfailing love for us. These cities had no solid foundation, as did Ur, who had no foundation for God's rulership. Injiinaroonni roobootota akka konkolaataatti tajaajilaniifi sochoʼi lafaa ykn balaa garabiraan yeroo gaʼutti lubbuu baraaruuf gargaaran fooyyessanii hojjechuuf, eegee agaamaarraa diizaayinii qopheessuu dandaʼu. Recall the misery and pain of conscience that Paul suffered because of feeling captive to sin and death. To make sure that we serve in an effort to save our car and to survive other disasters, the design of an earthquake and other dangerous disasters can be avoided. Walaloo muuziqaa tokkoo nama tokkoof utuun dubbisee, namni sun jalʼina akkan jibbu isatti dhagaʼamamoo, jechoonni walaloo sanaa garaankoo akka xuraaʼe argisiisu? ' One of those whom he brought back to life had been dead for four days. - Mark 5: 35 - 42; Luke 7: 11 - 16; John 11: 3 - 44. If I read the lyrics of a music that I read, would it show that I hate it, or would my heart be unclean? ' Gama kanaan si gargaaruun barbaada " jechuu dandeenya taʼa. What do people need to do to be symbolically marked for survival? I want to help you in this regard. " Aarsaawwan tokko tokko, aarsaa Kiristiyaanonni dhugaan hundi kaffaluu qaban si'a ta'an, Yihowaa wajjin hariiroo gaarii qabaachuufi hariiroo kana jabeeffachuufis baay'ee barbaachisoodha. However, the Bible account says that the river was turned into blood, not red mud. Some sacrifices contain a sacrifice that every true Christian must make, and it is vital that we maintain a good relationship with Jehovah and strengthen it. Atis dargaggeessa taanaan, akkuma Albarti sitti dhaga'ama ta'a. If the part called for a demonstration, both of us would be on the platform with no one in the audience! If you are a young person, you may feel as Albert did. Namoota kaaniif ilaalcha gadhee kan qabaannu maaliif taʼuu akka dandaʼu sababii gara biraa haa qorru. 119: 111. Let us consider another reason why we might have a negative view of others. [ Picture fuula 28] Even if we had a different point of view on a matter, we could express ourselves freely and still have his confidence. [ Picture on page 28] Abbayyeenis dhiibbaan mana barumsaatti narra ga'uu garmalee yoo natti cime gara manaatti deebi'uu akkan hin sodaanne natti hima ture. " I felt I couldn't trust anyone. Father told me that if I was being pressured to attend school, I wouldn't be afraid to return home. (Hisqi'el 18: 32; 2 Phexros 3: 9) Bara Ahaabiifi Iizaabelitti, Ba'aaliin waaqeffachuun balaa akkamii akka geessisu sabasaa akeekkachiisuuf raajota baay'ee garasaaniitti erguunsaa jaalalasaa argisiisa. Well - intentioned friends might insist that we follow their advice. In Ahab's day, Jehu showed his love by sending his prophets to warn his people about the dangers of Baal worship. Haa taʼu malee, dandeettii yaadaan ilaaluu mucichaa kakaasuuf maaliif hin yaaltan? Before World War II broke out, 32 of the 84 congregations in France were Polish - speaking. Why not try to stir the child's imagination? Abbaan Roobartoo jedhamuufi biyya Biraaziil jiraatu, "Warri, ijoolleensaanii seera buʼuuraa Macaafa Qulqulluu hanga hin cabsinetti gaaffii isaan dhiheessan fudhachuuf fedhii kan qaban taʼuusaanii argisiisuu qabu " jechuudhaan dubbateera. Will Sheol become Job's permanent shelter? Robert, a father in Brazil, says: "The parents need to show their children that they are willing to accept Bible principles until they don't agree with them. " Namni hiika Macaafa Qulqulluu Niiwu Intarnaashinaal Varshin jedhamuufi deggersa Pirootestaantiitiin bara 1978 tti maxxanfameef bakka buʼaa taʼe tokko akkas jechuudhaan barreesseera: "Maqaan Waaqayyoo inni Yihowaa jedhu adda kan taʼeefi itti fayyadamuu kan qabnu ture. How have some young ones been deceived? An English translation of the New International Version was represented in 1978: "The name of Jehovah is special and important to us. Kanaaf, Lefeevir kitaabota falaasamaa qorachuu dhiisee guutummaatti Kitaaba Qulqulluu hiikuu irratti xiyyeeffate. But there are even more benefits. So Lefèvre stopped studying the books of the Greek Scriptures and devoted himself to translating the Bible. Maatiidhaan taanee mana keessattis taʼe qeʼee keessatti yeroo hojjennu, miira wal gargaaruu fi michummaatu nutti dhagaʼama. 13, 14. When we work in the family as a family, we feel at home, support, and friendship. Aaron dhiibbaan warri kaan isarraan geessisan wanta gaarii hojjechuurraa akka isa deebisu heyyameera. But can we be confident that God will answer our prayers? Aaron allowed others to turn him away from doing good. Hiriyaan keessan tokko ajaaʼibsiifachuudhaan, "Hamma ammaatti saalqunnamtii raawwattee hin beektuu? " Jesus well knew that he must remain faithful until death at Satan's hand - prophetically foretold as the bruising of the heel of the woman's "seed " - in order to prove the rightfulness of God's sovereignty. " Have you not yet committed sexual relations until now? " Booda garuu, deebitee dhufuusheetti mufate. How is it that "the love the Christ has compels us "? Later, though, she was disappointed by her return. Fakkeenyaaf, namoonni tokko tokko balleessaa isaanii malee itti murteeffamee mana hidhaa seenu. 15, 16. For example, some were thrown into prison without wrongdoing. Karaan inni tokko, yeroodhaan argamanii faarfannaa Mootummichaarratti hirmaachuudha. Compound Heat Shield of Saharan Silver Ant: No. One way is by being busy at the Kingdom songs. (3) Yeroo sanatti, qajeelfamni lubbuu keenya oolchuuf nu gargaaruufi jaarmiyaa Yihowaarraa argannu akka ilaalcha namaatti faayidaa kan hin qabne fakkaachuu danda'a. They do not seek the help of God's holy spirit and his people, or they refuse such help when offered to them. (3) At that time, the guidance we receive from Jehovah's organization may seem worthless, helping us to preserve life and benefit from Jehovah's organization. (1 Saamuʼel 1: 4 - 8 dubbisi.) The Bible reports: "As he got near the gate of the city, why, look! there was a dead man being carried out, the only - begotten son of his mother. (Read 1 Samuel 1: 4 - 8.) Sana booda, Diiyaabilos ni balleeffama. As a result, they are not easily swayed to do what is wrong; nor do they always have to be prodded to do what is right. Thereafter, the Devil will be destroyed. Inni dhuguma in dhufa, hin turus " jedhuuf xiyyeeffannaa kennuu qabna. These include: It will not be late. It will not be late. " Naman gad of qabu ta'ee isa biratti fudhatama akkan argadhu akka na gargaaru, guyyaa hundumaa Yihowaa nan kadhadha. " In fact, the more he relied on Jehovah, the more his disciples trusted him. I pray to Jehovah every day to help me gain his approval. " Yihowaan abdii nuu kenne hanga raawwatutti, fakkeenya Waaqa gammadaa ta'e kanaa haa hordofnu. Had I not changed, I might have been killed, as some of my former boxing friends were. As long as Jehovah fulfills his promises, let us imitate that happy God. Kan nama gaddisiisu, namoonni yeroo tokkotti Yihowaa tajaajilaa turan, of eeggannoo godhan waan laaffisaniif akkaataa jireenyaa isaanii isa duriitti deebiʼaniiru. God's Word warns: "A boy let on the loose will be causing his mother shame. " Sadly, once those who served Jehovah were so careful that they could return to their former way of life. Kaayyoon Yesus itti ergame inni guddaan maal ture? * The world power after Babylon is pictured by the breasts and arms of silver. What was Jesus ' primary mission? Yihowaan jaalala hin badne nuuf qabaachuu isaa karaawwan hedduudhaan argisiiseera. In addition, they widened out by extending hospitality, which strengthened the new bonds of friendship. Jehovah has shown his enduring love for us in many ways. Phaawulos garbummaa cubbuu fi duʼaa jala akka jiru itti dhagaʼamuun isaa rakkinaa fi dhiphina sammuu isatti fidee akka ture yaadadhaa. The Bible reveals that faithful servants in the past often felt that they could not go on. Recall that Paul experienced the pain and anxiety that resulted from being enslaved to sin and death. Namoota inni duʼaa kaase keessaa tokko erga duʼee guyyaa afur taʼee ture. - Maarqos 5: 35 - 42; Luqaas 7: 11 - 16; Yohaannis 11: 3 - 44. These will turn on the harlotlike Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion, and violently destroy her. He was one of those who had been resurrected for four days. - Mark 5: 35 - 42; Luke 7: 11 - 16; John 11: 3 - 44. Haa taʼu malee, namoonni akka oolaniif fakkeenyaan mallattoon akka isaan irratti godhamu maal gochuu qabu? He could correct the matter immediately. What, though, must people do to make sure that they have a symbolic mark of survival? Macaafni Qulqulluun garuu bishaanichi dhiigatti malee, dhoqqee diimaatti akka jijjiirame hin dubbatu. They showed faith in Jehovah when they spied out the Promised Land. However, the Bible does say that the waters have changed, not in red blood. Kutichi hojiin argisiisa qaba yoo taʼe immoo, lamaan keenya waltajjii irra kan baanu siʼa taʼu, namni nu dhaggeeffatu hin jiru ture! The record says: "He was moved with pity. " On the other hand, if the fault had a task, both of us would be on the platform, and no one would listen to us! 119: 111. Yet, as children of immigrants assimilate the local culture and language, some of them may lose much of their desire and even their ability to communicate in their parents ' mother tongue. 119: 111. Dhimma tokkorratti ilaalcha garaagaraa yoo qabaannellee, yaada keenya bilisaan ibsina, innis yaada keenya ni dhaggeeffata. Why could he say that? Even if we have different opinions on a matter, we will be free to listen to our thoughts, and he listens to our thoughts. " Eenyuun iyyuu amanuu akkan hin dandeenye natti dhagaʼama ture. What facts do regulators need to have to ensure that financial markets operate fairly? " I felt that I couldn't trust anyone. Michoonni nuu yaadan gorsasaanii akka fudhannu nu sossobuu dandaʼu. What should be significant features of our prayers? Our friends may encourage us to respond to their suggestions. Waraana Addunyaa Isa Lammaffaa dura, gumiiwwan Faransaay keessatti argaman 84 keessaa 32 Afaan Poolaandiin kan geggeeffaman turan. Proverbs 13: 20 tells us: "The one walking with the wise will become wise, but the one who has dealings with the stupid will fare badly. " Before World War II broke out, some 32 congregations in France were Polish. Iyoob barabaraaf siiʼol keessa jiraata jechuudhaa? However, the qualities that especially endeared him to others were his love, his humility, his respect for righteous laws and principles, and his complete faith in Jehovah. Did Job mean living forever? Dargaggoonni tokko tokko kan gowwoomfaman akkamitti? SONGS: 17, 13 How have some youths been deceived? Haataʼu malee, kana gochuun faayidaa kana caalus ni argamsiisa. See chapter 30, "Am I Ready for Marriage? " But doing so can be even more beneficial. 13, 14. In other words, this Kingdom would have global rulership. 13, 14. Haat'u malee, Waaqayyo kadhannaa keenyaaf deebii akka kennu mirkanaa'oo ta'uu dandeenyaa? 111. Can we be sure, though, that God answers our prayers? Yesus bulchiinsi Waaqayyoo sirrii ta'uusaa mirkaneessuuf, hanga harka Seexanaatiin ajjeefamutti amanamaa ta'uufi akkuma raajiidhaan dubbatame koomeen "sanyii " dubartittii iddamuu akka qabu hubatee ture. Strive to make the Family Worship evening enjoyable To prove that God's rulership is just, Jesus understood that he had to be faithful to Satan's hands and that the woman would be bruised in the heel "in the heel. " " Jaalalli Kiristos kan nu qabu ' ykn kan nu dirqisiisu akkamitti? Jehovah helps him to "get a firm hold on the real life. " How does "the love of Christ " affect us? 15, 16. Of course not! 15, 16. Ulfa baasuu: Lakk. He said of them: "Your Father has approved of giving you the kingdom. " Bible Questions Answered: No. Namoonni akkasii gargaarsa hafuura Waaqayyoofi sabasaa hin barbaadan ykn gargaarsa akkasii hin fudhatan. There she would sit beneath a palm tree and serve the people as Jehovah directed. Such ones do not seek help from God's holy spirit or his people. Macaafni Qulqulluun akkas jedha: "Inni balbala kellaa mandarichaatti yommuu dhi'aate, kunoo namoonni reeffa baatanii itti dhufan; inni du'e immoo haadha hiyyeessaa tokkoof ilma tokkicha ture. Inflexible. The Bible tells us: "When he was near the door of the city, the dead arrived and the dead were dead, and he was dead for only one son. Kanaan kan kaʼes, wanta hamaa hojjechuuf salphaatti hin dogoggorfaman; akkasumas, waan gaarii hojjechuuf yeroo hunda namni isaan kakaasu hin barbaachisu. Also, the constant push for increased production takes a heavy toll on people physically, mentally, and emotionally. As a result, they are not easily deceived into doing bad things, and they do not always need someone to do good. Isaanis: Why should " providing for our own ' not require that we constantly strive for more material things? These include: Yeroo booda isaanis akkuma Yesus kan gad of qaban taʼaniiru. - HoE. My pioneer partner and I were quite different. In time, they became humble, just as Jesus did. Utuun hin jijjiiramne taʼee, akkuma hiriyoota koo warra ani duraan wajjin booksii irratti hirmaachaa ture tokko tokkoo ajjeefamuu nan dandaʼan ture. We have "a future and a hope " - the best possible - and these are guaranteed by our Creator. Had I not changed, I would have been put to death for some of my former friends, as I had previously worked with my former friends. Dubbiin Waaqayyoo: "Mucaan gad - dhiisiitti guddatu garuu, haadha isaa yeellaasisa " jedha. In what way is programmed cell death vital? God's Word states: "A child will grow up, but his mother will be displeased with his mother. " * Mootummaan addunyaa Baabilonitti aansee kaʼu, qomaafi harka fakkichaa meetiirraa hojjetametti fakkeeffameera. 4: 9. * The Anglo - American World Power would be likened to the iron and the silver image of the talents. Dabalataanis, keessummaa simachuudhaan jaalala isaanii balʼifataniiru, kunis michummaa isaanii isa haaraa isaaniif cimseera. I was determined that she concentrate during our study sessions. In addition, hospitality and hospitality continue to deepen their love for them, which strengthened their new friendship. Kitaabni Qulqulluun, tajaajiltoonni amanamoon bara duriitti turan lubbuudhaan itti fufuu illee akka hin dandeenye itti dhagaʼamee akka ture dubbata. (1 Mot. 19: 4; Iyo. In addition, holy spirit produced in Jesus perfect fruitage, including love, joy, and stalwart faith. The Bible shows that even faithful servants of old in Bible times felt that they could not remain alive. Qaamonni kun Baabilon Guddittii ishee ejjituufi bulchiinsa amantii sobaa addunyaa maraa taaterratti kaʼuudhaan ishee balleessu. We can read the Bible regularly and carefully apply its principles to the tests we face. Those kings of Babylon the Great will destroy the harlot and the world empire of false religion. Inni battaluma sanatti rakkoo kanaaf furmaata argamsiisuu ni danda'a. With it, Jehovah can "more than superabundantly " provide the strength that we need to endure any trial. He may immediately find a solution. Biyyattii Abdachiifamte yeroo basaasanitti, Yihowaa irratti amantii qabaachuu isaanii argisiisaniiru. Recently, however, Johan felt that he was near the breaking point emotionally and began thinking that he should no longer serve as a congregation elder. As they entered the Promised Land, they exercised their faith in Jehovah. Seenaansaa, "Yesus garaa laafeef " jedha. How important is the vindication of Jehovah's sovereignty? The account says: "Jesus was tender. " Haa taʼu malee, ijoolleen warri isaanii biyya alaa jiraatanii tokko tokko aadaa fi qooqa biyya keessa jiraatanii barachaa yommuu adeeman, fedhiinii fi dandeettiin qooqa warra isaanii dubbachuuf qaban hirʼachaa adeema. But the local brothers felt otherwise. However, as a parent in a foreign country learns to communicate their parents ' language, the desire and ability to communicate their parents ' language will improve. Yesuus kana kan jedhe maaliifi? Still, he agreed in writing to buy the car as is. Why did Jesus say that? Warri toʼannaa godhan hoo, gabaawwan maallaqa guddaa sochoosan karaa sirrii taʼeen hojjechaa jiraachuu isaanii beekuuf odeeffannoo akkamiitu isaan barbaachisa? Jesus said: "Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those persecuting you; that you may prove yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heavens, since he makes his sun rise upon wicked people and good and makes it rain upon righteous people and unrighteous. " What information do parents need to know about the large market in which they worked properly? Wantoonni kadhannaa keenya keessatti bakka guddaa qabaachuu qaban maal ta'uu qabu? Many emigrants have grown up in cultures that place tradition and duty to family, especially to parents, above all else. What should be our primary concern in our prayers? Fakkeenyi 13: 20, "Namni ogeessaa wajjin adeemu, ogeessa in taʼa; miiltoon gowwootaa garuu in bada " jedha. How so? Proverbs 13: 20 states: "He that is walking with wise persons will become wise, but he that is having dealings with the stupid ones will fare badly. " Taʼus, warra kaan biratti jaallatamaa akka taʼu kan isa godhe keessumaa jaalala qabeessa, kan gad of deebisu, seeraafi seerawwan buʼuuraatiif iddoo guddaa kan kennuufi Yihowaarratti amantii cimaa kan qabu taʼuusaati. At Armageddon, Jehovah will unleash powerful angelic forces Yet, it is his loving concern for others, especially his humility, his principles, and his strong faith in Jehovah. FAARFANNAA: 17, 13 " Let each one do just as he has resolved in his heart, " said Paul, "not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. " SONGS: 17, 13 (Amaariffa) Kitaaba Gaaffii Dargaggootaafi Deebiisaanii Hojiirra Ooluu Danda'an jedhamu boqonnaa 30 mataduree "Gaa'ela Godhachuuf Qophaa'erraa? " The Bible indicates that God's angelic sons are invited into his presence at appointed times. See chapter 30 of the book Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work, Volume 1. Yaadni kun mootummaan kun addunyaa mara akka bulchu kan argisiisudha. I'm back in China. " That statement indicates that this government will rule over all the earth. 111. God's name and sovereignty were also involved, and they were of greater significance. 111. Waaqeffannaan Maatii galgala godhamu kan nama gammachiisu gochuuf tattaafadhaa Your frustration might even make you doubt that serving Jehovah is the best way of life. Make an effort to make the Family Worship evening enjoyable Yihowaan " jireenya dhugaa harka keessa akka galfatu ' isa gargaara. The soldiers quickly entered the suburbs of Jerusalem, and the Jewish rebels retreated to the safety of the temple fortress. Jehovah helps him to "get a firm hold on the real life. " Akkas akka hin taane beekamaa dha! There are so many reasons to do so! Of course not! " Abbaan keessan mootummaa isaa isiniif kennuu jaallateera " isaaniin jedheera. True, Jehovah used Assyria as his instrument to punish the ten - tribe kingdom for their idolatry and rebellion. " Your Father loves you, " he said. Achitti muka meexxii tokko jala teessee, akkuma Yihowaan qajeelfama ishiidhaaf kennutti sabicha tajaajilti turte. He wrote: "Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you and be submissive, for they are keeping watch over your souls as those who will render an account; that they may do this with joy and not with sighing, for this would be damaging to you. " There she found her share in Jehovah's direction, just as she did to the people. Seera asiif achi hin jenne. A common factor linking many funeral customs is the belief that the dead live on in an unseen realm of the ancestors. They didn't say so much. Akkasumas, oomisha guddisuuf dhiibbaan godhamu qacaramtoonni karaa qaamaa, sammuu fi miiraatiin akka miidhaman gochaa jira. How did one brother feel about the visible part of God's organization? Moreover, governmental influence affects people's physical, mental, and emotional health. " Fira keenyaaf jennee ' utuu walirraa hin kutin qabeenya walitti qabachuuf dhamaʼuun kan nu hin barbaachisne maaliifi? One important way in which we show gratitude for the ransom is by dedicating ourselves to Jehovah on the basis of our faith in the ransom and getting baptized. Why do we need not need to make an ongoing effort to store up "our relatives "? Anii fi qajeelchituun anaa wajjin ramadamte garaa garummaa guddaa qabna turre. Starting with what they considered to be obvious truths, they believed that if they reasoned carefully on such truths, they would be able to come to correct conclusions. My pioneer partner and I were very different. Uumaan keenya, " wanta gara fuulduraatti eeggannu ' akka nuu raawwatu mirkaneesseera. (Er. 29: 11, 12; HoE. By doing so, we can have the courage to stand up for what is right and to be honest in all things. Our Creator assures us that he will fulfill "a waiting attitude for the future. " Qophiin seelonni akka duʼan godhu faayidaa maalii qaba? Yet, it certainly is a gift that they accept with deep gratitude. What are the benefits of the provision of living cells? 4: 9. A close bond formed between these men. 4: 9. Yeroo qayyabannaa goonutti yaadashee sassaabbattee akka hordoftu gochuuf murteesseen ture. But like Abraham and Sarah of old, some families move abroad to pursue spiritual goals. During our study, I decided to keep her open. Kana malees hafuurri qulqulluun Yesuus firiiwwan gaggaarii kan akka jaalalaa, gammachuu fi amantii cimaa akka horatu isa gargaareera. If you help him to establish and maintain a routine of regular Bible reading, this habit will benefit him long after he is baptized. Moreover, holy spirit helped Jesus to cultivate love, joy, and strong faith. Yeroo hunda Kitaaba Qulqulluu dubbisuu fi yeroo qorumsi nu mudatutti qajeelfama achi keessa jiru of eeggannoodhaan hojii irra oolchuu dandeenya. The Greek word aʹbys·sos used by John means "very or exceedingly deep. " We can always read the Bible and apply its direction in the face of trials. Yihowaan hafuura kana "safara malee caalchisee " nuu kennuudhaan, jabina qorumsa nurra gaʼu kamiyyuu moʼuuf nu barbaachisu nuu kennuu dandaʼa. 11: 3; Eph. Jehovah can give us the strength needed to cope with any trial we need to face - to - face whatever trial we may have. Haata'u malee, obboleessi kun yeroo dhihoodhaa asitti miirrisaa garmalee waan miidhameef, jaarsa gumii ta'ee tajaajiluusaa dhaabuu akka qabu itti dhaga'amuu jalqabe. Those questions are not designed to create doubts in your mind. Rather, they can help you to follow the apostle Paul's admonition: "Prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. " However, over a recent period of time, the brother felt hurt, and he felt that he should stop serving as an elder. Ol aantummaan Yihowaa mirkanaaʼuun isaa hammam barbaachisaa dha? " With the heart one exercises faith for righteousness, but with the mouth one makes public declaration for salvation. " How important is the vindication of Jehovah's sovereignty? Obboloonni gumii sanaa garuu waaʼeesaa akkas isaanitti hin dhagaʼamu ture. What benefit do we gain when we meditate on the examples of faithful servants of God? But the local brothers did not feel that way about him. Taʼus, konkolaaticha waanuma fedhe haa taʼu jedhee bituuf walii galuu isaa mallatteesse. Jehovah gives not only individuals but also nations the opportunity to respond to his molding. Yet, the car agreed to buy whatever is needed. Yesus, "Diinota keessan jaalladhaa, warra isin ariʼataniifis kadhadhaa! Kana yoo gootan ijoollee abbaa keessanii isa waaqa irraa in taatu; innoo aduu isaa warra hamootaa fi warra gaggaariidhaaf in baasa, bokkaa isaas warra qajeelotaa fi warra jalʼootaaf in roobsa " jedheera. 12, 13. (a) How should being baptized in the name of the Son affect your reaction if someone offends you? Jesus said: "Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those persecuting you, so that you may prove yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heavens and who makes his sun rise upon wicked people and makes it rain upon righteous people and unrighteous. " Namoonni biyya alaa deeman hedduun kan guddatan aadaa maatiidhaaf keessumaammoo warra gargaaruuf iddoo guddaa kennu keessattidha. The elders are "like a hiding place from the wind, a place of concealment from the rainstorm, like streams of water in a waterless land, like the shadow of a massive crag in a parched land. " Many from abroad have grown up in family culture, especially in the family. Akkamitti? I decided that I would begin full - time service within a month. How? AMANAMAA TAʼUUN BARBAACHISAADHA We can be confident, just as David was, that our God will sustain us during any time of sickness. FROM OUR ARCHIVES Armaagedoonitti, Yihowaan ergamootasaa warra humna guddaa qaban erga And the corruption of the tax collectors increased the sense of being under a heavy burden. At Armageddon, Jehovah has powerful angels Phaawulos, "Namni adduma addaan garaa duuba yookiis giddiidhaan utuu hin taʼin, akka garaa isaatti murtoo godhetti kennuutu isaaf taʼa; Waaqayyo nama gammachuudhaan kennu in jaallata " jedheera. Among these, 288 were "trained in song to Jehovah, all experts. " - 1 Chron. Paul said: "Let each one do just as he has resolved in his heart, not under compulsion or under compulsion, but willingly; and God loves a cheerful giver. " Macaafni Qulqulluun ergamoonni ilmaan Waaqayyoo ta'an, yeroo murtaa'e tokkotti isa duratti argamuuf akka afeeraman ibsa. (Iyo. She had asked herself: " Is Maria too young to get baptized? The Bible shows that angelic sons of God were invited to attend a certain time before him. Chaayinaattan deebiʼe " jedhun dhagaʼe. Many religious groups feel that they are preaching the Gospel, or good news. " Looking back, " I heard Chinese. Maqaa Waaqayyoofi olaantummaasaa kabachiisuu kan dabalatu yommuu ta'u, kunis wanta bakki guddaan kennamuuf ture. When Jehovah disciplines us, the experience may be painful. It included God's name and sovereignty, which was of utmost importance. Abdii kutachuun kee Yihowaa tajaajiluu irraa dubbatti akka jettu si gochuu dandaʼa. CAN YOU FIND THE ANSWERS? Your despair can cause you to hesitate to serve Jehovah. Loltoonni kun naannoo Yerusaalemitti kan marsan siʼa taʼu, Yihudoonni warri jeequmsa kaasan mana qulqullummaatti baqatan. The following article will consider what husbands and wives can do to fortify the spiritual defenses of their marriage. The army surrounded Jerusalem in Jerusalem, and the Jewish rebels fled the temple. Sababiiwwan akkas gochuuf nu kakaasan hedduutu jira! A few months later, I was working in the Shipping Department. There are many reasons why it motivates us to do so! Yihowaan waaqayyolii tolfamoo waaqeffachuufi jalʼina raawwachuusaaniitiin kan kaʼe, Israaʼeloota gosa kurnan adabuuf Asoritti akka fayyadame beekamaadha. We humans have an innate need to be treated fairly. Of course, Jehovah used the ten - tribe nation of Assyria to punish the ten - tribe nation of Assyria because of idolatry and wickedness. Akkas jechuun barreesseera: "Geggeessituun keessan akka warra itti gaafatamanii waan hojjetan himuuf jiraniitti, waa'ee lubbuu keessaniif dammaqanii waan yaadaniif, isin isaaniif abboomamaa karaas kennaaf! Satan has no noble code of ethics. He wrote: "Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you and be submissive, for they are keeping watch over your souls as those who are taking the lead among you. Sirni awwaalchaa hedduun, amantii namni duʼe karaa taʼe tokkoon abbootiisaa warra isa dura duʼan waliin jiraata jedhuu wajjin kan wal qabatedha. JANUARY 14 - 20, 2013 Many funeral customs are related to the belief that a dead person will live before the dead. Obboleessi tokko kutaa jaarmiyaa Yihowaa isa lafarraa ilaalchisee maaltu itti dhagaʼamee ture? How important it is that spiritual shepherds read God's Word daily, for this helps them to impart "healthful teaching "! - Titus 2: 1. How did one brother feel about the earthly part of Jehovah's organization? Karaa guddaa furicha akka dinqisiifannu itti argisiisnu keessaa tokko, amantii furicha irratti qabnu irratti hundoofnee Yihowaadhaaf of murteessuu fi cuuphamuu dha. Some trees take longer than others to become firmly rooted in a new environment. One important way to show appreciation for the ransom is by exercising faith in our faith in the ransom and being baptized in symbol of our dedication to Jehovah. Hayyoonni Giriik durii wanta addunyaa keessa jiru ibsuuf, wanta ilaalan, xumura dhugaa jiru irratti hundaaʼee fi loojikii fayyadamu turan. 4 / 1 To explain what is happening in the world, Greek scholars used what they saw, including what is true, accurate, and based on what is found in it. Kana gochuudhaan, wanta sirrii taʼe deggeruu fi guutummaatti amanamoo taʼuuf ija jabina qabaachuu dandeenya. When Daniel was about 23 years old, a deaf Witness named Josué began to study the Bible with him, first using mime, or gestures, along with drawings. By doing so, we can have the courage to support what is right and to be fully loyal. Taʼus, kennaa kana galateeffannaa guddaadhaan akka fudhatan hin shakkisiisu. Preaching - even to a Samaritan woman - was the will of his Father, and it was like food for him. - John 4: 31 - 34. Still, they will undoubtedly receive this gift with heartfelt gratitude. Yeroo boodas Phaawulosiifi Ximotewos michuu walii ta'aniiru. What moved David to praise Jehovah? Later, Paul and Timothy became close friends. Haa taʼu malee, akkuma Abrahaamii fi Saaraa maatiiwwan tokko tokko galma hafuuraa hordofuudhaaf gara biyya alaa deemu. Thus, in summer and winter alike, tourists come to visit. However, like Abraham and Sarah, some families move abroad to pursue spiritual goals. Yeroo hundaa Macaafa Ququlluu dubbisuu akka amaleeffatu kan gargaartu yoo ta'e, barsiifannisaa kun erga cuuphamee yeroo dheeraa boodas isa gargaaruu danda'a. 12, 13. (a) When will the marriage of the Lamb take place? If you regularly encourage your child to read God's Word, this habit can help him long after his baptism. Kana booda hiriyootaafi firootasaaniitiif xiyyeeffannaa guddaa kennuudhaan maatiisaanii isa haaraa dagachuu hin qaban. Respect Authority Thereafter, they should not neglect their new family, giving attention to friends and relatives. Jechi afaan Giriikii asirratti Yohannis itti fayyadame "boolla baayʼee ykn garmalee gad fagoo " taʼe kan argisiisudha. When we commended them, they would say, "We did it for Jehovah. " The Greek word used here here refers to John as "great or lowly. " 11: 3; Efe. Two Who Did Not Forget 11: 3; Eph. Gaaffiiwwan kun gorsa Phaawulos ergamaan, " Wanta gaarii, wanta fudhatama qabuu fi fedhii Waaqayyoo isa mudaa hin qabne ofuma keessanii mirkaneeffadhaa ' jechuudhaan kenne hojii irra oolchuuf si gargaaru. In fact, one reference work poignantly describes adolescence as "one long goodbye. " These questions will help you to follow the apostle Paul's counsel: "Make sure of what is good, acceptable, and perfect will of God. " " Namni garaa isaatti amanee qajeelaa ta'a, afaan isaatiinis beeksisee in fayya. " 5: 11, 12. " The one who exercises faith in his heart will be saved. " Fakkeenya tajaajiltoota Waaqayyoo amanamoo taʼanirratti yommuu xiinxallu faayidaa maalii arganna? As a result, Jesus was born as a perfect, sinless human. - Matthew 1: 18; Luke 1: 35; John 8: 46. How do we benefit when we meditate on the example of God's faithful servants? Yihowaan namoota qofa utuu hin taʼin, saboonnis isaan akka tolfamaniif carraa isaanii kenneera. Some of life's problems tend to persist, sometimes for years; they may take root before we are fully aware of them. Jehovah has given people not only people but also the nations an opportunity to bow down to them. 12, 13. (a) Yeroo namni tokko si mufachiisu, maqaa Ilmaatiin cuuphamuunkee deebii kenniturratti jijjiirama fiduu kan qabu akkamitti? We read: "By [that] one man's trespass many died. " 12, 13. (a) How should being baptized in the name of the Son affect your response to your baptism? Jaarsoliin, "akka iddoo qilleensa jabaa jalaa itti baqatanii, akka daʼoo bubbee jalaa itti baqatanii, akka bishaan lafa gogaa keessa yaaʼuu, akka gaaddisa kattaa guddaa isa lafa dheebotaa keessa jiruu [ti]. " (Isa. Even if we should succeed in passing over our mistake now, we need to keep in mind that in the long run, "each of us will render an account for himself to God. " - Romans 14: 12. The elders are "like a hiding place from the wind, like a hiding place from the deep shadow of the sea, like a hiding place of water in the dry land. " Jiʼa tokko keessatti tajaajila yeroo guutuu jalqabuufan murteesse. Why should serious sin be confessed? Within a month, I decided to enter the full - time ministry. Nutis akkuma Daawit, Waaqni keenya yeroo dhukkubsannu hundumaatti akka ol nu qabu mirkanaaʼoo taʼuu dandeenya. 83: 18. Like David, we can be confident that our God is superior to us when we are sick. Akkasumas malaanmaltummaan namoonni qaraxa sassaaban raawwatan, namoonni baʼaa guddaan akka isaanitti feʼame akka isaanitti dhagaʼamu godheera. In a spectacular way, they had witnessed Jehovah's power when he brought the Ten Plagues upon haughty Pharaoh and his people. The corruption of tax collectors has also made people feel that they are too burdened with huge burden. Isaan kana keessaa, namoonni 288 " muuziqaa barsiifamanii kan qopheeffaman ' turan. - 1 Sen. Many young ones are preoccupied with their phones, cars, jobs, and so on. Among them were 288 " prepared for music. ' - 1 Chron. Akkana jettee of gaafattee turte: " Maariyaan cuuphamuuf geesseettii? He "became enraged " against the priests. She wondered: " Did Maria get baptized? Gareewwan amantii hedduun, Wangeela ykn misiraachoo lallabaa akka jiran itti dhagaʼama. Yet, since studying the Bible is so important, review the box "Try These Suggestions " for some good tips that can make your study more effective and enjoyable. Many religious groups feel that they are preaching the good news or preaching the good news. Yihowaan nu adabuunsaa nu gaddisiisuu dandaʼa. Listens to Cry of Lowly, 11 / 15 Jehovah can cause us to grieve his discipline. DEEBIISAANII ARGACHUU DANDEESSAA? Gideon was bold and courageous. CAN YOU DO? Mata dureen itti aanu, abbootiin manaa fi haadhotiin manaa gaaʼela isaanii balaa kana irraa eeguuf maal gochuu akka qaban ibsa. Present - day Christians face a similar challenge because the long night of Satan's wicked system of things is now at the darkest point in its history. The next article will consider what husbands and wives must do to protect their marriage. kontiraata galan isteensiliidhaan barreessu turan. In view of Matthew 7: 12, how should we treat others? They wrote to the police. Namoonni karaa sirrii ta'een akka nu qaban akka barbaannu beekamaadha. Obadiah is a fine example for all of us, especially for those who worship Jehovah at the risk of their freedom or even their life. Of course, we want people to treat us properly. Wanti tokko sirrii ykn dogoggora taʼuun isaa isa hin yaaddessu. Holy Spirit and Our Faith in God He does not worry about things that are right or wrong. AMAJJII 14 - 20, 2013 As these examples show, the lessons contained in the Bible can help children to become appreciative, respectful, empathetic adults. JULY 14 - 20, 2013 (Keessa Deebii 17: 14 - 20; Iyaasuu 1: 7, 8) Jaarsoliin gumii keessa jiran, "barsiisa sirrii " warra kaaniif hiruuf guyyaa guyyaan Dubbii Waaqayyoo dubbisuunsaanii baay'ee barbaachisaadhaa! - Tiitoos 2: 1. I will sing and make melody. " How important it is that elders in the congregation read God's Word daily each day to share "the proper education " with others! - Titus 2: 1. Mukoonni tokko tokko naannoo haaraatti hidda isaanii gadi fageefachuuf mukoota kaan caalaa yeroo dheeraa isaanitti fudhata. [ Picture on page 26] Some trees take much longer than they expected to get up in a new environment. 5 / 15 For example, when seas are rough at Norfolk Island, supply ships cannot berth and groceries can become scarce and expensive. 5 / 1 Yommuu umuriin isaa 23 taʼu, Dhugaa Baatuu gurri isaa duudaa taʼee fi Hoosee jedhamu, kan dubbatu fakkeessee ykn sochii qaamaa fi fakkiidhaan Kitaaba Qulqulluu isa qayyabsiisuu jalqabe. Today, he is providing an abundant supply of spiritual food in over 400 languages. When he was 23 years old, he started studying the Bible with a deaf Witness named José, José, and José. 4: 31 - 34. In fact, human achievements are possible only because of the mind and senses with which mankind is endowed. 4: 31 - 34. Daawit, Yihowaa akka jajatuuf wanti isa kakaase maalidha? By their kindness they intended to free Paul of financial worries so that he could devote more time to the ministry. What moved David to praise Jehovah? Kanaafuu, bonas taʼe ganna daawwattoonni gara biyyattii ni dhaqu. He could gradually develop the unclean habit of viewing pornography, with devastating consequences to his conscience and his relationship with God. So in the summer or in the summer, traveling overseers to the country. 12, 13. (a) Cidhi Hoolichaa kan geggeeffamu yoomidha? It hurt him even to contemplate the deed she wanted him to commit. 12, 13. (a) When is the Lamb's marriage due to take place? Aboo Kabajuu In that year, a number of important developments began to unfold. Respect the authorities Yeroo isaan galateeffannu, "Yihowaadhaaf jedheen godhe! " IN THE book of Leviticus, holiness is referred to more often than in any other book of the Bible. When we thank them, they said: "I am Jehovah! " Namoota Yihowaa Hin Irraanfanne Lamaan What instruction, comfort, and hope do we gain from these thrilling events? Two People Who Do Not Know Jehovah Kitaabni tokko barri dargaggummaa, "yeroo warra ofiirraa adda ba'uuf itti qophaa'an " akka ta'e ibseera. Because of where we are in the stream of time, it is wise to ask ourselves: " How vigilant am I when it comes to prayer? One reference work says that adolescence is "a time for parents to be ready to set free from their own age. " 5: 11, 12. But the psalmist is not thinking only of himself. 5: 11, 12. Kanaan kan ka'es, Yesus nama mudaafi cubbuu hin qabne ta'ee dhalateera. - Maatewos 1: 18; Luqaas 1: 35; Yohannis 8: 46. This transformation was beautifully foretold in a Bible prophecy. As a result, Jesus was born a perfect man. - Matthew 1: 18; Luke 1: 35; John 8: 46. Rakkoowwan jireenya keessatti nu mudatan tokko tokko yeroo dheeraadhaaf, tarii waggoota hedduudhaaf kan turan siʼa taʼu, utuu nuti guutummaatti hin hubatin hidda godhachuu dandaʼu. In the next article, we will examine some common pitfalls in this area and see what can help us to avoid them. Some of the problems we face in life have for years, perhaps even for many years, and it can be cultivated without full understanding. Macaafni Qulqulluun, " Namoonni baayʼeen irra - daddarbaa nama tokkootiin duʼu ' jedha. Practical, 6 / 1 The Bible says: "By one man's death many died. " Amma dogoggora keenya namoota kaanitti qabannee yoo jalaa baanne illee, oolee bulee garuu, " hundi keenya waaʼee ofii keenyaa Waaqayyoof deebii akka kenninu ' yaadatti qabachuu qabna. - Roomaa 14: 12. (Read Luke 7: 20 - 22.) As Jehovah's Witnesses, we are delighted to engage in similar Kingdom - preaching activity. Even if we do not view our mistakes now, we need to bear in mind that "we all have a response to [God]. " - Romans 14: 12. • Cubbuu cimaa himachuu kan qabnu maaliifi? When Kingsley completed his assignment, the congregation erupted in enthusiastic applause, and many wept at the determination of this new student. • Why should we confess a serious sin? 83: 18. Constructing all these buildings calls for many willing volunteers who have the experience necessary for the successful completion of such projects. 83: 18. Yommuu Yihowaan Faraʼoon isa mata jabeessaafi namootasaarratti Dhaʼichawwan Kurnan fide, karaa dinqii taʼeen humnasaa arguu dandaʼaniiru. By what means does Jehovah provide us with training? When Jehovah brought the Ten Plagues upon Pharaoh and his men, they could see him perform miracles. Dargaggoonni hedduun bilbila, konkolaataa, hojii fi wantoota kana fakkaataniin muddamaniiru. Imagine that you are driving on a long, straight highway. Many young people are busy sharing in telephone witnessing, car, and these things. Kanaafuu, Yihowaan lamxiidhaan isa rukutuun isaa nama hin dinqisiisu! What did an angel command the apostles to do? No wonder Jehovah struck him with leprosy! Taʼus, Kitaaba Qulqulluu qoʼachuun baayʼee barbaachisaa dha; qoʼannaa keenya caalaatti buʼa qabeessaa fi gammachiisaa gochuuf, yaadawwan gaggaarii tokko tokko saanduqa, "Yaadawwan Armaan Gadii Hojii Irra Oolchuuf Yaali " jedhu irraa dubbisuu dandeenya. What a powerful reason for each of us to imitate the courageous faith of Enoch! However, Bible study is of utmost importance, and we can read some of the suggestions: "We can read in the box "The Word of God to make our study periods more productive and enjoyable. " Amanamummaadhaan Ni Deddeebina! 11 / 15 [ Box / Picture on page 31] 11 / 1 6: 36 - 40) Giidewon gara kuteessaa fi ija jabeessa ture. It was based on what she had resolved to do, and this helped her to focus on her objective. Gideon was determined and courageous. Haaluma wal fakkaatuun Kiristiyaanonni yeroo har'aa jiran, yeroon biyyi lafaa inni hamaan Seexanni bulchu, isa yeroo kamiiyyuu caalaa badiisnisaa dhihaate kanatti dammaqoo ta'uunsaanii barbaachisaadha. And why is now the time to be loyal to "the King " and to those he calls" my brothers "? Likewise today, it is vital for Christians today to be ever alert to the end of Satan's wicked world. Maatewos 7: 12 wajjin haala wal simuun warra kaan akkamitti qabuu qabna? 10 / 15 In line with Matthew 7: 12, how should we treat others? Obaadiyaan hunda keenyaaf, keessumaa namoota lubbuusaanii balaarra buusuudhaan Yihowaa waaqeffataniif fakkeenya gaarii ta'a. An important one! Obadiah set a fine example for all of us, particularly for those who risk their lives, and especially for worshippers of Jehovah. Hafuura Qulqulluufi Amantii Waaqayyorratti Qabnu What was the theme of Jesus ' teaching? Holy Spirit and Faith in God Fakkeenyawwan kanarraa kaʼuudhaan, barumsi Macaafa Qulqulluu, ijoolleen yommuu guddatan dinqisiifannaa kan qaban, kan nama kabajaniifi garaa kan laafan akka taʼan isaan gargaaruu dandaʼa. Or do you think that it is a book that contains purely thoughts from men? As they learn from these examples, Bible teachings can help children to deepen their appreciation, respect, and compassion. Garaan koo hin shakku; sin faarfadha, sagalee miʼa garaa garaas nan dhageessisa " jedheera. In turn, youths respect older ones who have years of experience in serving Jehovah. My heart will not doubt, and I will praise you. " Jaalalli siif qaban jaalala eenyuurrayyuu kan caaludha. Understanding what the beast is helps us so that we neither follow it with admiration nor worship it as mankind in general does. - John 12: 31; 15: 19. Love is stronger than any other human. [ Fakkii fuula 26 rra jiru] Last year we regularly conducted over 10,000,000 Bible studies. [ Picture on page 26] Fakkeenyaaf, yeroo Odoola Noorfokitti galaanni jeeqamu, dooniiwwan miʼa feʼan dhufuu waan hin dandeenyeef wantoonni nyaataaf barbaachisan hin argaman, akkasumas miʼaa taʼu. There will be "new heavens and a new earth..., and in these righteousness is to dwell. " - 2 Pet. For example, while traveling on the island of Island, they may not be able to find food, and there is no need for food. Yeroo har'aa, afaan 400 ol ta'uun nyaata hafuuraa baay'inaan dhiheessaa jira. Table of Contents Today, more than 400 languages are making spiritual food available in over 400 languages. Namoonnis waan tokko hojjechuu kan danda'an, Yihowaan sammuufi miira waan isaanii kenneef qofadha. Jealousy and hatred moved his half brothers to drive him away, illegally depriving him of his rightful inheritance as firstborn. Only Jehovah gives people the ability to do what they can to do. Gaarummaa akkasii kan isatti argisiisan, Phaawulos waaʼee qarshii dhiphachuu mannaa tajaajilasaarratti yeroo dabalataa akka dabarsu waan barbaadaniif ture. A related benefit is that this helps to recapture, to an extent, the terseness of the Hebrew. That kind of kindness was because Paul wanted him to spend more time in his ministry instead of money. Suutuma suuta fakkiiwwan fedhii saalqunnamtii kakaasaniifi xuraaʼaa taʼan ilaaluu amaleeffachuu kan dandaʼu siʼa taʼu, kunimmoo yaada garaasaafi walitti dhufeenya inni Waaqayyoo wajjin qabu balaadhaaf saaxila. 26 Spread the Good News of Undeserved Kindness Gradually, pornography can easily become a habit of viewing pornography, which could endanger his conscience and his relationship with God. Gocha isheen akka raawwatu isa gaafatte yaaduun illee isatti ulfaatee ture. " Why move to preach in an English - language territory? It was not easy for him to think about his actions. Bara sanatti wantoonni barbaachisaa ta'an hedduun ni raawwataman. Jehovah's attitude toward Saul changed from selecting him as king to that of rejecting him. In those days, a number of important events took place. QULQULLUMMAAN, kutaa Macaafa Qulqulluu kamiyyuu caalaa Seera Lewwootaa keessatti balʼinaan ibsameera. When Jehovah finally allowed the Israelites to enter the Promised Land, they were able to conquer kingdoms on the east and west sides of the Jordan River. THE book of Leviticus contains more than any other book in the book of Leviticus. Haalawwan dinqisiisaa ta'an kanarraa barumsa, jajjabinaafi abdii maalii arganna? Many of God's servants have discovered the relief that comes from seeking and receiving help from the elders. What lessons can we learn from these exciting events? Yeroo dhumaa keessa waan jirruuf, akkas jennee of gaafachuun keenya gaariidha: " Dammaqinaan nan kadhadhaa? They wholeheartedly agree with the apostle Paul, who admonished fellow believers: "Now that you have put away falsehood, speak truth each one of you with his neighbor. " Since we are living during the time of the end, we do well to ask ourselves: " Am I vigilant with a view to prayers? Haataʼu malee faarfatichi waaʼee ofiisaa qofa hin yaadne. Why should we humbly submit to Bible counsel? However, the psalmist did not just think of himself. Jijjiiramni kun, raajii Kitaaba Qulqulluu tokko keessatti karaa nama hawwatuun dubbatamee ture. 15, 16. (a) What are some temptations that we need to resist? This change was made evident in a Bible prophecy. Mata duree itti aanu irratti, gama kanaan wantoota baramoo gufuu taʼan tokko tokkoo fi gufuuwwan kana irraa fagaachuu kan dandeenyu akkamitti akka taʼe qorra. Later, King Hezekiah faced an overwhelming force of Assyrian soldiers who threatened to invade Jerusalem. In this article, we will examine how we can avoid some obstacles or obstacles that may arise in our next article. Dhugaa Baatota Yihowaa waan taaneef, nuyis misiraachoo Mootummichaa lallabuun baay'ee nu gammachiisa. The Bible admonishes Christians to stop judging, to forgive others, and to avoid insisting on personal rights. As Jehovah's Witnesses, we also enjoy preaching the good news of the Kingdom. Kiingizliin kutaa isaa erga dhiheessee booda, gumichi miira hoʼaadhaan harka kan walitti isaaf rukute siʼa taʼu, kutannaan barataa haaraa kanaa hedduun isaanii akka booʼan godheera. It takes effort to be honest while living amid those who are " lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self - assuming, haughty, and disloyal. ' After Kingsley's part, the congregation gathered him with a warm smile, and many of them wept over their new student. Hojiiwwan ijaarsaa kana raawwachuuf obboloonni fedhiidhaan of dhiheessanii fi muuxannoo hojichaaf barbaachisu qaban hedduun ni barbaachisu. We will draw closer to Jehovah, and we will grow in our desire to serve him to the greatest extent possible. There are many willing volunteers who need experience in carrying out that building project. Yihowaan karaa kamiin nu leenjisa? The Bible accurately says: "The glory of young men is their strength. " In what way does Jehovah train us? Daandii dheeraa qajeelaa ta'erra konkolaataa oofaa jirta haa jennu. SEE PAGES 13 - 15. Suppose you are driving a path that leads to righteousness. Ergamaan tokko ergamoonni maal akka godhan isaan abboome? They count the cost of faithful service, realizing from the outset that their assignment will mean giving up many of the material advantages available in Satan's world. What did an angel command the apostles to do? Tokkoon tokkoon keenya amantii Henok ija jabinaan argisiise hordofuuf sababii gaʼaa qabna! As told by Bernhard Merten Each of us has every reason to imitate Enoch's courageous example! [ Saanduqa / Fakkii fuula 31 rra jiru] You have available both a reliable map and a compass. [ Box / Picture on page 31] Haala kana yaadaan kan ilaalte murtoo goote irratti hundooftee siʼa taʼu, kun immoo waadaa Yihowaadhaaf galte akka raawwattu ishee gargaareera. (1 Sam. What benefits do children derive from wholesome attention? She looked at the situation and acted on her decision, which helped her to fulfill her vow to Jehovah. Yeroon " mootichaa ' fi warra inni "obboloota koo " jedhee waameef amanamoo taʼuu itti qabnu amma dha kan jennu maaliifi? 1, 2. Why should we now be loyal to the time when he called "the king " and his" brothers "? Akkaataa Warra Kaan Itti Qabnu, 10 / 1 Instead, Jehovah holds out his "right hand of righteousness " and grasps" your right hand, " as if to pull you out of a distressing circumstance in life. 9 / 1 Gaʼee guddaa qabu! 7: 12. What a role that will be! Ijoon barumsa Yesus maal ture? (a) How do Christians, in effect, respond to an invitation similar to one that David extended? What was the theme of Jesus ' teaching? Moo guutummaatti kitaaba yaada namootaa qabate sitti fakkaata? ▪ Jehovah - Our Place of Dwelling Or do you think it is a book that contains all human ideas? Dargaggoonnis, maanguddoota Yihowaa tajaajiluutti muuxannoo waggoota dheeraa qaban ni kabaju. Having Christlike mildness does what for us? Young ones too respect older ones who have years of experience in serving Jehovah. Bineensi kun maal akka ta'e beekuun keenya, akkuma namoota warra kaanii dinqisiifannaadhaan isa duukaa akka hin buuneefi akka isa hin waaqeffanne nu gargaara. - Yoh. 12: 31; 15: 19. When the people did not properly honor the appointed individuals, they were disciplined by Jehovah. - 2 Ki. Knowing what this beast is like helps us not to follow him in showing appreciation for others, as it did others. - John 12: 31; 15: 19. Waggaa darbe qoʼannaa Kitaaba Qulqulluu dhaabbataa 10,000,000 ol taʼe geggeessineerra. Not all past experiences, though, may appear positive. Last year, we conducted more than 10,000,000 Bible studies. Yeroo sanatti " bantiiwwan waaqaa haaraafi lafa haaraa qajeelummaan keessa buufatutu ' jiraata. - 2 Phe. Paul mentioned to Timothy how important it was for Christian women to "adorn themselves in well - arranged dress, with modesty and soundness of mind. " At that time, "there will be new heavens and a new earth in righteousness. " - 2 Pet. Ittiin Baafata Or is he cruel? " Table of Contents Barumsa Dogoggoraa 4: Waaqayyo Sillaaseedha Barumsi dogoggoraa kun eessaa madde? SOME time before Pentecost 33 C.E., Peter and six other disciples were eating a breakfast that Jesus had prepared on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. Lessons: Where does God worship the Trinity? Obboloonni isaa hinaaffaa fi jibbaan kakaʼanii mirga inni akka ilma angafaatti dhaala argachuuf qabu seeraan ala isa dhowwataniiru. (Abo. Then friends in Canada asked her to go with them to Mexico to share in the preaching work for a month. Out of jealousy and hatred, his brothers drew him away from the rights of an old child. Kun immoo yaada Afaan Ibrootaatiin dubbatame hamma dandaʼame gabaabaadhumatti hubachuuf nu gargaara. September 15, 2010 That, in turn, helps us to discern the full scope of the Hebrew text. 26 Misiraachoo Gaarummaa isa Guddaa Babalʼisaa Be Tactful and Impartial 26 Watching the Good News of Good News " Naannoo Ingiliffi dubbatamutti lallabuuf maaliif adeemtu? Cultivating what qualities will help us to that end? " Why are you going to preach in the English - language field? Ilaalchi Yihowaan yommuu Saaʼoliin mootii godhee filate isaaf qabu gara isa jibbuutti jijjiirameera. So she made a vow, saying that if she had a son, she would dedicate the child to a life of service to Jehovah. - 1 Samuel 1: 9 - 11. Jehovah's view of Saul changed when he chose to be king. Yommuu Yihowaan Israa'eloonni Biyyattii Abdachiifamtetti akka galan isaanii heyyamu, mootota bahaafi lixa Laga Yordaanositti argaman injifachuu danda'aniiru. The "What Does the Bible Really Teach? " When Jehovah allowed the Israelites to enter the Promised Land, they conquered the kings and the Jordan River. Tajaajiltoonni Waaqayyoo hedduun, gargaarsa jaarsolii gaafachuu fi argachuun boqonnaa guddaa akka argamsiisu hubataniiru. In Bilbao we did cleaning work. Many of God's servants have found that seeking help and finding relief from Christian elders brings much relief. Gorsa Phaawulos namoota hidhata amantiisaa ta'an akkas jechuudhaan gorsee garaa guutuudhaan fudhatu: "Namni adduma addaan soba of keessaa baasee, dhugaa namatti haa dubbatu! " Jehovah Watches Us for Our Good They take to heart Paul's counsel to fellow believers: "Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor. " Gad of deebisuudhaan gorsa Macaafa Qulqulluu fudhachuu kan qabnu maaliifi? Help Others Reach Their Full Potential, 6 / 15 Why should we humbly accept the Bible's counsel? 15, 16. (a) Qorumsawwan kamfaa of irraa ittisuu qabna? 4: 1 - 3. 15, 16. (a) What trials must we resist? 5: 13 - 15; 6: 2, 21) Yeroo booda immoo, loltoonni Asor hedduun Yerusaalemiin weeraruuf Hisqiyaas Mooticha doorsisanii turan. Consider some examples. Later, many Assyrian armies threatened King Hezekiah to destroy Jerusalem. Macaafni Qulqulluun Kiristiyaanonni namootatti akka hin faranne, akkasumas dhiifama akka godhaniifi mirga kooti jedhanii falmuurraa akka fagaatan gorsa. What is more, because arctic terns experience the summers at both poles, they see "more daylight each year than any other creature, " states the book Life on Earth: A Natural History. The Bible urges Christians not to judge others and to avoid forgiveness. Namoota " ofittoo, sassatoota, of jajoo, afuufamoofi wanta qulqullaaʼaadhaan morman ["amanamoo hin taane " NW] ' gidduu jiraachaa, amanamoo taʼuun carraaqqii gaafata. " I have seen Jehovah provide for me, encourage me, and protect me from bad decisions, " says Matthew. It takes effort to remain honest among those who are "lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self - centered, haughty, disobedient to what is holy. " Yihowaatti ni dhihaanna; akkasumas fedhiin hamma dandeenye isa tajaajiluuf qabnu ni guddata. We each read the chapters ahead of time, the children pick some aspect for research, and then they present their findings. We draw close to Jehovah and grow in our desire to serve him as fully as possible. Macaafni Qulqulluun, "Surraan dargaggootaa jabina isaanii ti " jechuudhaan kan dubbatu kanaafidha. Was Joseph tempted to give in to this pagan woman's bold advances? That is why the Bible states: "The beauty of young men is their strength. " FUULA 17 ILAALI. However, Paul was writing to "those who are in Rome as God's beloved ones, called to be holy ones. " SEE PAGE 17. Jalqabumaa, hojiin isaanii wantoota addunyaa Seexanaa keessaa argachuu dandaʼan dhiisuu akka gaafatu waan beekaniif, aarsaa tajaajilli amanamummaadhaan raawwatamu kaffalchiisu hubataniiru. Relate an experience. At first, they know that their work will not be done away with in Satan's world, so they know that their sacrifices are faithfully involved. Barnhaardi Martan Akka Dubbatetti 144: 15. As told by Jehovah's Witnesses in the United States Kaartaafi koompaasii amansiisaa taʼe qabdu. Although such a person's intentions are not always romantic or immoral, oftentimes they are. You have a reliable, moral, and moral compass. Ijoolleen xiyyeeffannaa sirrii isaanii kennamurraa faayidaa maalii argatu? God is there for you. How can children benefit from appropriate attention? 1, 2. How can we contribute to the congregation's cleanness? 1, 2. Haa taʼu malee, Yihowaan haala dhiphisaa jireenya kee keessatti si mudatu jalaa si baasuuf, " irree qajeelummaa isaa isa mirgaa ' diriirsee "harka kee mirgaa " qaba. Not a single one died of thirst or hunger. However, Jehovah has "the right hand of your right hand " to rescue you from distressing circumstances in life. 7: 12. [ Picture on page 31] 7: 12. (a) Kiristiyaanonni afeerrii Daawit dhiheessee wajjin wal fakkaatuuf deebii kan kennan akkamitti? Their faith is worthy of imitation, and they deserve our loving support. (a) How did Christians respond to David's invitation? ▪ Yihowaan Iddoo Kooluu Itti Galludha That perfect sacrifice would provide real atonement for two groups of people - the priestly class of Christ's 144,000 spirit - anointed brothers and the "other sheep. " ▪ Jehovah - Our Place of Use Akka Kiristos garraamummaa qabaachuun keenya amala keenyarratti jijjiirama maalii fida? 20: 24; 21: 13. How will being mild - tempered affect our conduct? Yihowaan, namoota warra aangoo qaban sirriitti hin kabajne adabeera. - 2 Mot. What is meant by the request, "Do not bring us into temptation "? Jehovah has shown mercy to those who have authority. - 2 Ki. Wantoonni nu mudatanii turan hundi gaarii taʼuu dhiisuu dandaʼu. Whether we are with fellow believers or others, we show humility and apply the counsel: "Do not pay back injury for injury or insult for insult. All the things we have had may not be good. Phaawulos, dubartoonni Kiristiyaana ta'an "uffata qajeelaa fakkaatu akka ta'utti uffachuudhaan maal naan jedhuudhaan, of qabuudhaanis " jiraachuunsaanii barbaachisaa akka ta'e Ximotewosiif ibseera. Who was Esau, and what inheritance awaited him? Paul highlighted the need for Christian women to live "in a clean manner, with modesty and soundness of mind. " Yookiinimmoo gara jabeessadhaa? " Since the work we do is Jehovah's work, we should keep in mind that both Jehovah and his Son back us up and strengthen us to discharge fully our God - given responsibilities. Or is it cruel? " [ Picture on page 26] In what way? [ Picture on page 26] AYYAANNI Phenxeqostee Dh.K.B. bara 33 tti utuu hin kabajamin yeroo muraasa dura, Phexrosiifi bartoonni garabiraan ja'a, ciree Yesus qarqara galaana Galiilaatti qopheesse nyaachaa turan. (a) What conclusion should we not draw regarding narratives recorded in the Bible? Shortly before Pentecost 33 C.E., Peter and the other disciples assembled Jesus on the Sea of Galilee. Yeroo booda, hiriyoonnishee Kaanaadaa jiran isaanii wajjin gara Meeksikoo dhaqxee jiʼa tokkoof akka tajaajiltu ishee gaafatan. Awake! Later, her peers in Canada asked her to go to Mexico for a month. Fulbaana 15, 2010 Josephus states that Ananus (Ananias), the son of Annas, had "servants who were utter rascals and who [would] take by force the tithes of the priests; nor did they refrain from beating those who refused to give. " September 15, 2010 Mala Qabeeyyiifi Kan Hin Loogne Taʼaa Indeed, it is the "evil slave " who concludes that the Master is delaying. Be Peaceable and Strong Galma kana bira ga'uuf amalawwan akkamii horachuu nu barbaachisa? Yet, with Jehovah's help, it is possible to have a strong and happy marriage. What qualities do we need to cultivate in order to reach that goal? Kanaafuu, yoo ilma godhatte mucicha umriisaa guutuu Yihowaa akka tajaajiluuf akka kennitu wareegde. - 1 Saamuʼel 1: 9 - 11. Perhaps knowing that Delilah had no loyal love for Samson, the five Philistine lords offered her a large bribe to find out the secret of his superior strength so that they could eliminate him. So if you give birth to a son, you promised that you would give him the young child his life to serve Jehovah whole - souled. - 1 Samuel 1: 9 - 11. Barreeffamoonni qoʼannaa kitaaba "Kitaabni Qulqulluun Maal Barsiisa? " As an example, examine their course of action during World War II, 1939 - 1945. The study guides "What Does the Bible Really Teach? " Bilbaaʼootti hojiin keenya mana qulqulleessuu ture. 7, 8. Our job was to clean the house. [ Picture on page 31] That day began at sunset because the Hebrew days ran from sunset to sunset. [ Picture on page 31] Yihowaan Faayidaa Keenyaaf Jecha Nu Ilaala There were no special props or flashy displays, and there was no trick lighting. Jehovah Sees Us for Our Good Yihowaan Kan Nutti Dhihaatu Akkamitti? Even a few minutes of study and meditation each day will draw us closer to Jehovah and will contribute to " the exultation and rejoicing of the heart, ' as was true in Jeremiah's case. How Jehovah Draws Close to Us 4: 1 - 3. He was cut to the heart and repented. 4: 1 - 3. Fakkeenyota tokko tokko ilaali. Meditating on his elevated standards equips us to keep free from the snare of pornography. Consider some examples. Kana malees, arkitiik tarniin yeroowwan bonaa waantaa lamaan gidduutti (south and north pole) kan dabarsan waan taʼeef, kitaabni Life on Earth: A Natural History jedhamu, "uumama kan biraa kam iyyuu caalaa waggaa waggaadhaan ifa guyyaa " akka argan dubbateera. Consider some of the activities of Jesus Christ that give us a glimpse of what he will do for mankind in fulfillment of Psalm 72. Moreover, the book Ancient History of Man and Ancient History states: "There is more light than anything other creation that scientists have ever seen. " Kitaaba Macaafni Qulqulluun Maal Barsiisa? Paul's letter no doubt strengthened Timothy's faith by reminding him of what happened when faithful Aaron was vindicated and hypocritical Korah and his companions were exposed, rejected, and destroyed. See the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Akkas jedha: "Yihowaan wanta na barbaachisu naa guutuusaarrayyuu na jajjabeesseera, akkasumas murtoowwan dogoggoraa gochuurraa na eegeera. What strengthened and comforted her during their separation? " Jehovah comforted me and protected me from making wrong decisions, " he says. Hundi keenya dursinee boqonnaawwan kana ni dubbisna, ijoolleen yaada tokko achi keessaa fudhatanii qorannaa irratti godhu; wanta argatan sanas ni dhiheessu. Where a public reading was forbidden, some sent copies to every member of the church. We all read those chapters first, and we all study some of them and offer what they have found. (Uumama 39: 7) Yoseef afeerrii dubartiin Yihowaa hin beekne kun isaaf dhiheessite kanaaf harka ni kennaa laata? See The Watchtower, March 15, 2005, page 13, paragraph 15; August 1, 1997, pages 20 - 25. Would Joseph give this woman such an invitation to Jehovah? Haa taʼu malee, Phaawulos yaada kana kan barreesse, " warra Waaqayyo biratti jaallatamanii fi Roomaa keessa jiran, akkasumas warra qulqulloota taʼuuf waamamaniif ' ture. They also are slaves of sin, driven to do "the things willed by the flesh, " which is a cruel master. However, Paul wrote those words "to those who are loved by God and to be called holy ones in Rome. " Muuxannoo dubbadhu. The new covenant replaced the Mosaic Law covenant, in which God had promised the Israelites that if they strictly obeyed him, they would become his people. Relate an experience. 144: 15, NW. A reasonable person does not insist on always holding to the letter of the law, nor is he unduly strict, stern, or harsh. 144: 15. Namni tokko kan akkas godhu waan si jaallateef yookiin saalqunnamtii raawwachuu waan barbaadeefidha jedhanii dubbachuun rakkisaa ta'us, yeroo baay'ee garuu yaannisaa kanaa ala hin ta'u. In contrast, those who have a balanced view do not put their trust in money. While it is difficult to say that a person has a desire to do so because he loves you or has sexual relations with you, he usually does not. Waaqayyo yeroo hunda na deggera. On the contrary! God always supports me. Qulqullina gumiitiif gumaacha gochuu kan dandeenyu akkamitti? [ Pictures on page 24] How can we contribute to the quality of the congregation? (Kes. 8: 3 - 5, 14 - 16; Iya. Some might be confused about the difference between dedication and baptism. He chose to do so. [ Picture on page 31] That girl came to be in the household of the Syrian general Naaman, who had a loathsome skin disease. [ Picture on page 31] Amantii isaan argisiisan hordofuun barbaachisaa ta'uusaarrayyuu, jaalalaan isaan deggeruun barbaachisaadha. Is it not faith - strengthening to know that Jehovah is capable of delivering his people? - Ps. It is vital that we imitate their faith and cooperate with them in love. Aarsaan cubbuurraa walaba ta'e kun garee lama jechuunis kutaa lubootaa obboloota Kiristos 144,000 warra hafuuraan dibamaniifi "hoolota kan biraa " ta'aniif araara dhugaa argamsiisa. A Superior Gift This perfect sacrifice - the two groups of spirit - anointed brothers of Christ's "other sheep " - will bring true mercy to the remaining ones of Christ's anointed brothers and of the" other sheep. " 20: 24; 21: 13. In that sense, then, there were to be no foreigners in the Christian congregation. 20: 24; 21: 13. Kadhannaan "Qoramattis nu hin galchin " jedhu hiiknisaa maalidha? Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 1, page 1223; Volume 2, page 387; "All Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial, " pages 343 - 344; What Does the Bible Really Teach? What is the meaning of the model prayer: "Do not bring us into temptation "? Kiristiyaanotaa wajjinis taʼe namoota kaanii wajjin haala wal qabateen, gad of deebisuudhaan gorsa, "Hamaa, hamaadhaan, abaarsas, abaarsaan hin deebisinaa! 25: 7 - 13. In connection with fellow Christians and others, we humbly heed the admonition: "Keep your senses, be watchful. Esaawu nama akkamii ture? Dhaala akkamii argachuuf abdii qaba ture? He was wealthy, but he kept money in its proper place. What inheritance did Esau have, and what hope did he have? Hojii nuu kenname hojjechaa waan jirruuf, itti gaafatamummaa kana akka raawwannu Yihowaafi Ilmisaa akka nu gargaaran, akkasumas humna akka nuu kennan yaadachuu qabna. We shared wedding photos, and her photo showed a group outside a place called a Kingdom Hall. Since we have been assigned to do this work, we should remember that Jehovah and his Son have given us the strength to do so and to give us strength. Haataʼu malee, Seexanni kana kan godhu akkamitti? [ Picture on page 23] How, though, does Satan do so? (a) Seenaawwan Macaafa Qulqulluu ilaalchisee maal jennee murteessuu hin qabnu? Especially is this the case, since we are living in the last days when people are "unthankful. " (a) What should we not conclude about Bible accounts? Barruun Dammaqaa! What the Bible says Awake! Ilma Haannaas kan taʼe Anaanas (Anaaniyaas), "hojjettoota garmalee haxxee taʼan, aarsaa kudhan keessaa tokko taʼe isa lubootaaf dhihaatu humnaan fudhataniifi warra isaaniif kennuu didanimmoo reebuurraa duubatti hin jenne " akka qabu Joseefas barreesseera. What is represented by (a) the olive tree, (b) its root, (c) its trunk, and (d) its branches? " Among the most extremest of those who refused to give to the poor, " wrote the son of Judas Iscariot, "and he should not hold back from punishing those who refused to accept the discipline. " Maaliif? Gooftaan ni tura jedhee kan yaadu " hojjetaa hamaa ' akka taʼe beekamaadha. SONGS: 88, 115 Of course, the Lord is long - suffering and is "the master of the wicked one. " Taʼus, gargaarsa Yihowaatiin gaaʼela cimaa fi gammachuu qabu qabaachuun ni dandaʼama. The Bible says: "Jehovah is far away from the wicked ones, but the prayer of the righteous ones he hears. " - Proverbs 15: 29. Yet, with Jehovah's help, it is possible to have a strong and happy marriage. Gootonni Filisxeemotaa shan Deliilaan Siimsoniif jaalala dhugaa akka hin qabne hubatanii taʼuu hin oolu. 1: 3, 4. The Philistines evidently saw that the Philistines had no real love for Samson. Fakkeenyaaf, Waraana Addunyaa Isa Lammaffaa bara 1939 - 1945 tti godhame ilaalchisee tarkaanfii akkamii akka fudhatan ilaali. Since nothing can prevent Jehovah from accomplishing what he has purposed to do, as soon as the words recorded at Genesis 3: 15 were spoken, the ransom was as good as paid from God's viewpoint. Consider, for example, what happened in World War II in 1945. 7, 8. How can children be helped to develop good study habits? 7, 8. Yihudoonni guyyaa kan lakkaa'an aduun erga lixxee kaasee hanga guyyaa ittaanu aduun lixxuutti waan ta'eef, guyyaan sun yommuu aduun lixxu jalqaba. It may not bring material wealth, but it will result in an inner peace and contentment that all the money in the world cannot buy. Since the Jews were at sunset on the next day, the day begins when the sun begins at sunset. Dinqii kana raawwachuuf gola ykn golgaa adda taʼanitti fayyadamuun, akkasumas ibsaa nama burjaajessutti gargaaramuun hin barbaachisne. Before long, though, the United States Supreme Court ruled that flag salute was not mandatory. To perform such miracles, we need not use them in a special or special place, and there is no need to use them to use them. Guyyaa guyyaadhaan daqiiqaa muraasaafillee qayyabachuufi irratti xiinxaluun, akkuma Ermiyaas caalaatti Yihowaatti akka dhihaannu, akkasumas " garaan keenya gammachuufi qannoo ' akka qabaatu gochuu dandaʼa. When Saul died in battle, David mourned his death, referring to him and his son Jonathan as "beloved and cherished " individuals. Even a few minutes of study and meditation can draw us closer to Jehovah and bring our heart "to happiness and happiness. " Baayʼee gadduudhaan yaada garaa geddarateera. To fare well spiritually, what was required of each Christian? He became so angry that he repented. Seera Yihowaa warra sadarkaa olaanaa qabanirratti xiinxaluun keenya, fakkiiwwan fedhii saalqunnamtii kakaasan ilaaluurraa fagaachuuf nu gargaara. We remember that gracious words may open doors - and hearts. Reflecting on Jehovah's high moral standards will help us to avoid viewing pornography. Faarfannaan 72 yommuu raawwatamu Yesus Kiristos ilmaan namootaatiif maal akka godhu hubachuuf, wantoota inni raawwate tokko tokko haa qorru. He spoke of "Jesus Christ the Nazarene, whom you executed on a stake but whom God raised up from the dead. " To understand what the coming of Psalm 72 will do for mankind, let us consider some of Jesus Christ's actions. Ergaan Phaawulos barreesse Ximotewos, Aaron amanamaa taʼuunsaa badiisarraa akka isa oolche, Qoraahiifi deggertonnisaa fakkeessituu taʼuunsaaniimmoo fudhatama akka dhabaniifi akka balleeffaman akka isaan godhe waan isa yaadachiiseef amantiisaa akka isaaf jabeesse hin shakkisiisu. Also available at www.jw.org No doubt, Paul's words strengthened Aaron's faith so that his faithfulness to Jehovah protected him from destruction, Korah, and his works helped him to remain chaste. Yeroo isaa wajjin gargar baʼanii turan sanatti wanti jabina isheedhaaf kenne maali dha? [ Footnote] What gave her the strength to separate from him? Iddoo ummataaf dubbisuun dhowwaa taʼetti immoo, warri tokko tokko xalayaa isaanii miseensota waldichaa hundaaf erganiiru. Music makes you feel a feeling. At the place for the head, some have received a letter to each member of the church. Masaraa Eegumsaa, Bitootessa 15, 2005, fuula 13, keeyyata 15fi Hagayya 1, 1997, fuula 20 - 25 ilaali. (Amaariffa) Later, others replaced Bible teachings with the opinions of the so - called Church Fathers and Roman emperors, spawning many false doctrines. See The Watchtower, March 15, 2005, pages 15 and August 1, 1997, pages 20 - 25. Namoonni kun, " hawwa foonsaanii ' isa gooftaa hamaa taʼe raawwachuuf waan dirqamaniif cubbuudhaaf garba taʼu. It will be a pleasure to be under Jehovah's arrangements in the new world as we work toward beautifying the earth, teaching resurrected ones, and doing Jehovah's will for mankind. They are slaves to sin because they are " fleshly " to do what is bad in the eyes of Jehovah. Kakuu inni haaraan, kakuu seera Musee isa Waaqayyo Israaʼeloonni guutummaatti yoo isaaf abboomaman sabasaa akka taʼan waadaa galeef kan bakka buʼedha. Let us examine Paul's warning regarding harmful gossip. The new covenant represents the Law covenant that God promised to his people if they obey him completely. Namni sababa qabeessa taʼe tokko, yeroo hundumaa seera tokkorratti kan cichu, asiif achi kan hin jenne ykn rincicaa miti. We were sent to the coastal towns of Broadstairs and Ramsgate in the county of Kent, where we rented a room. A reasonable person is not always overly rigid, rigid, or judgmental. Kana irraa haala adda taʼeen garuu, namoonni qarshiidhaaf ilaalcha madaalamaa qaban qarshiitti hin amanaman. Philippians 2: 4 convinced me that I should not center my thoughts on myself and my desire to get a bigger farm. Rather, I should put serving Jehovah first in my life. On the other hand, people lack a balanced view of money. Lakki! And your name? No! Dargaggoonni tokko tokko garaa garummaa of murteessuu fi cuuphamuu gidduu jiru hin beekan. Earnest actions to abandon a sinful course show Jehovah that we are not complacent, that we have not presumed on his mercy. Some youths do not understand the difference between dedication and baptism. Durbi sun, mana ajajaa waraana Sooriyaa Na'amaan jedhamuu kan galte yommuu ta'u, innimmoo nama dhukkuba lamxiitiin qabame ture. A hasty oral response in a trying situation can result in rash speech that is later regretted. The woman had been called Syrian army chief Naaman's army, and he was afflicted with leprosy. 18: 2) Yihowaan sabasaa oolchuu akka danda'u beekuun amantii namaa kan cimsu mitii? - Far. These will survive the great tribulation into Christ's Millennial Reign. Is it not faith - strengthening to know that Jehovah can deliver his people? - Ps. Kennaa Hundarra Caalu In the one to the Colossians, he wrote: "Aristarchus my fellow captive sends you his greetings, and so does Mark the cousin of Barnabas, (concerning whom you received commands to welcome him if ever he comes to you)... The Best Gift Kanaaf, gumii Kiristiyaanaa keessa ormi hin jiru jechuun ni dandaʼama. MORE OF CHRIST'S OUTSTANDING QUALITIES Thus, it is possible that there are no foreigners in the Christian congregation. Insaayit oon za Iskiriipcharsi, Jildii 1, fuula 1223; Jildii 2, fuula 387; "Ool Iskiriipcharsi Iiz Inispaayerdi oov Good eendi Beeneefiishal, " fuula 343 - 344, (Ingiliffa); Macaafni Qulqulluun Maal Barsiisa? 14, 15. Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 1, page 3; Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 2, page 3; and "What Does the Bible Really Teach?, Volume 2, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. " 25: 7 - 13. At first, I couldn't start any Bible studies, but later I moved to another territory, and within a month I started several studies. 25: 7 - 13. (Iyoob 29: 5 - 11) Iyoob sooressa ta'uyyuu, horiidhaaf ilaalcha sirrii ta'e qaba ture. ● "There is no proof that Jesus existed. " Despite his wealth, Job had a balanced view of money. Suuraa cidhaa kan natti argisiiste siʼa taʼu, suuraan tokko namoota iddoo Galma Mootummaa jedhamu biratti kaʼan kan argisiisu dha. " If you are happy and satisfied with your life now, you are more likely to be healthy in the future. " That is what a researcher at the University of Nebraska in the United States wrote after reviewing a number of studies on health. She showed me a wedding, one showing me pictures that I was surrounded by people at the Kingdom Hall. [ Picture on page 23] (Read Daniel 2: 41 - 43.) [ Picture on page 23] Keessumaa, guyyoota gara dhumaa yeroo namoonni, warra "galata hin qabne " ta'an kanatti akkas gochuun keenya murteessaadha. And who of us has not experienced deep pain and emptiness after losing a loved one in death? This is especially important in these last days, especially during the time of the end. Kitaabni Qulqulluun maal jedha? Syntyche may have said: " I cannot believe that Euodia did not invite me! What the Bible says (a) Mukti ejersaa, (b) hiddisaa, (c) jirmisaafi (d) damoonnisaa maal bakka buʼu? Appointed shepherds prove that they too have confidence in the slave class by applying the directions they receive from its Governing Body. (a) What will the olive tree represent (b) the root of the olive tree? (b) the weeds? (b) and its branches? Barri Hamaan Utuu Hin Dhufin Yihowaa Tajaajiluu, 1 / 15 Read Matthew 6: 27. Serving Jehovah Without Hands, 7 / 15 FAARFANNAA: 41, 48 In the 13th chapter of Paul's first letter to the Corinthians - in what has been called the "Psalm of Love " - the apostle explains how love builds up. SONGS: 41, 48 Macaafni Qulqulluun, "Waaqayyo [" Yihowaan, " NW] nama jalʼaattii fagoo dha, kadhata nama qajeelaa garuu in dhagaʼa " jedha. - Fakkeenya 15: 29. As Jesus said, "wisdom is vindicated by its works. " - Matt. 11: 19; ftn. " Jehovah is far off from the righteous one, " says the Bible. - Proverbs 15: 29. 1: 3, 4. The Hebrew word thus rendered is "unquestionably one of the strongest words to express the emotion of longing desires, " says one scholar. 1: 3, 4. Wanti tokkoyyuu Yihowaan kaayyoosaa akka hin raawwanne dhowwuu waan hin dandeenyeef, yaanni Uumama 3: 15 rra jiru akkuma barreeffameen, Waaqayyo furii sana akka kaffalametti ilaala. The man quickly replied, "Not really. " God views the ransom as the ransom, as stated at Genesis 3: 15. Ijoolleen amala qayyabannaa gaarii qabaachuu kan danda'an akkamitti? What Did Jesus Really Look Like? How can children develop good study habits? Walitti dhufeenyi kun qabeenya foonii argamsiisuu baatus, nagaa sammuufi gammachuu qarshiin biyya lafaa hundi bituu hin dandeenye argamsiisa. All the nations of the earth will have aligned themselves against Jehovah's people. It does not bring material things to material things, but it promotes peace and happiness that no amount of money can buy. Nutis dhumarratti mana barumsaatti deebiʼuu dandeenye. Yes, what we see with our "own eyes " can affect us deeply. Eventually, we too could return home at school. (1 Sam. 24: 4 - 7; 26: 8 - 12) Saaʼol waraanarratti yeroo duʼetti, Daawit Saaʼoliifi Yonaataan " namoonni kan isaan jaallataniifi kan isaanitti gammadan ' akka taʼan dubbachuudhaan gaddasaa ibseera. (2 Sam. Jehovah God is answering such prayers in an unprecedented way. When Saul died in battle, Saul and Jonathan said that they were "lovers of pleasures. " Kiristiyaanonni hundi karaa hafuuraa guddina argisiisuuf maal gochuu qabu turan? SEE PAGES 16 - 18. What did each Christian need to do to make spiritual progress? Jechoota gaarii taʼanitti fayyadamuun keenya, namoonni nu dhagaʼuuf fedhii akka qabaatanii fi ergaan keenya garaa isaanii akka tuqu gochuu dandaʼa. As they lend their support to their anointed brothers, members of the great crowd are being trained as the foundation of the new human society that will exist after Armageddon. Using gracious words can move people to be willing to listen and to our message. Pheexiros itti dabaluudhaan, "Kun, " dhagaa isa isin warri ijaartonni tuffattanii fi isa dhagaa buʼuuraa taʼe sana ' dha " isaaniin jedhe. - HoE. She took to heart Jesus ' words: "Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you. " - Matthew 7: 7. Peter added: "This is the stone that you have built upon you and the stone that belongs to him. " Kitaabichi www.jw.org / om irrattis ni argama But there was what seemed to be a hurdle that could not be overcome. Also available at www.jw.org [ Footnotes] Having the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures - an accurate, easy - to - read translation of the Bible - available in more and more languages has made it convenient and possible to do so. [ Footnote] Muuziqaan immoo miira kee kakaasa. Now analyze the reasons, and ask yourself: " Which is the best course to follow? music also moves your emotions. Boodas warri kaan, barumsa Macaafa Qulqulluu yaada namoota Abbootii Waldaa jedhamaniifi yaada mootota Roomaatiin bakka buusuudhaan barumsa sobaa haalaan babalʼisaniiru. So spiritual things came first in her life. Later, others adopted the Bible's teaching of the Church and promoted false teachings. Addunyaa haaraa keessatti qajeelfama Yihowaatiin lafa bareechuun, namoota duʼaa kaʼan barsiisuun, akkasumas hojii Yihowaan nuu kennu kaan raawwachuun baayʼee kan nama gammachiisu dha. " Having honest children is more rewarding than having many material things. " - VICTORINE What a joy it is to teach people about Jehovah's standards in the new world, teach resurrected ones, and do other work that Jehovah gives us! Jette jettee ykn hamii gadhee ilaalchisee akeekkachiisa Phaawulos kenne haa ilaallu. Many of our brothers and sisters have been in situations in which they had to choose between acting either like Esau or like Joseph. Let us consider Paul's warning about the negative or harmful gossip. Bulchiinsa Kaawunti Keentii, magaalaawwan Broodisteersifi Raamisgaat jedhamaniifi qarqara galaanaatti argamanitti akka tajaajillu kan ramadamne siʼa taʼu, achittis mana kireeffannee jiraachuu jalqabne. 18, 19. We were assigned to serve in the towns on the eastern coast, and we moved to a rented apartment there. Filiphisiiyus 2: 4 of irrattii fi fedhiin bakka horsiisaa guddaa qabaachuuf qabu irratti garmalee xiyyeeffachuu akkan hin qabne, kanaa mannaa jireenya koo keessatti tajaajila Yihowaatiif dursa kennuu akkan qabu na amansiise. Like gold, copper is a metal that is highly valued. At Philippians 2: 4, I felt that I had to put Jehovah's service first in my life rather than focusing on my own desires and desires. Atoo? Centuries later, Jesus instituted the Lord's Evening Meal on Nisan 14, 33 C.E. What about you? Cubbuu raawwachuu dhiisuuf carraaqqii cimaa gochuun keenya, gocha keenya salphisne akka hin ilaallee fi araara Waaqayyoo karaa sirrii hin taaneen akka itti hin fayyadamne argisiisa. The credit for this, however, goes to Jehovah God, who teaches us to "hate what is bad " and to" love what is good. " - Amos 5: 15. Our putting forth earnest effort to avoid wrongdoing shows that we do not value our actions and never misuse God's mercy. 14: 29) Haala rakkisaa keessatti ariifatanii dubbachuun, jecha gadhee yeroo booda nama gaabbisiisu dubbachuutti nama geessa. What view of one another do we need to maintain, and why might this be a challenge at times? Being quick to speak in a difficult situation leads to disaster. Achi keessatti namoota biliyoonaan lakkaa'amaniifi du'aa ka'aniin wal argu. Thereafter, Paul " would kindly receive all those who came in to him, preaching (1) the kingdom of God to them and teaching the things concerning (2) the Lord Jesus Christ. ' There they met billions who had been resurrected. Maarqos inni durbiin Baarnaabaas akkasuma nagaa isiniif in dhaama. Waa'ee Maarqos kanaan dura dhaamsi isin ga'eera; inni gara keessan yommuu dhufu simadhaa!... It is quite another matter, though, to socialize with them, even cultivating close friendships with them. Mark Mark, a Mark of Mark, has experienced peace when he comes to you. AMALAWWAN KIRISTOS QABU KAN BIRAA A father needs to prepare and train his children for the dangers they may face in this abusive world. HOW We Can Learn From God's Word 14, 15. However, being a curious person by nature, I agreed to a Bible study. " 14, 15. Jalqaba irratti qoʼannaa Kitaaba Qulqulluu jalqabsiisuu hin dandeenyen ture; bakka kan biraatti ergan jijjiiramee booda garuu jiʼa tokko giddutti qoʼannaa hedduu jalqabsiisuu dandaʼeera. This can make unity more challenging. At first, I could not start a Bible study, but after my change, I started to start several studies in one month. ● "Ragaan Yesus nama lubbuudhaan jiraate taʼuusaa argisiisu hin jiru. " Instead, that life will involve being appreciative and content in any situation as we benefit from submitting to Jehovah's loving sovereignty. ● "There is no indication that Jesus was a living person. " Yuunaayitid Isteetis keessatti qorataan Yunivarsiitii Nabraaskaa tokko qorannoo fayyaa irratti godhame erga ilaalee booda, "Amma jireenya keetti kan gammaddu yoo taʼe, gara fuulduraatti caalaatti fayya qabeessa taʼuu dandeessa " jechuudhaan barreesseera. This is no man - made catastrophe. Rather, it is God acting "to bring to ruin those ruining the earth. " After considering one medical research at the University of U.S. University in the United States, a professor of research wrote: "If you enjoy your life now, you can get better. " (Daaniʼel 2: 41 - 43 dubbisi.) published by Jehovah's Witnesses and available for free download at www.jw.org. (Read Daniel 2: 41 - 43.) Nu keessaa namni michuusaa du'aan dhabuusaatiin gaddi guddaafi abdii kutachuun itti hin dhaga'amne jiraa? What is God like? Who of us does not feel sad and discouraged because of losing a loved one in death? Sinxiikeen akkana jetteetti taʼa: " Ewodiyaan maaliif akka na hin afeerre naaf hin galle! For example, suppose we approach a house and knock on the front door. " I didn't understand why Euodia didn't visit me! Tiksitoonni muudamanis, qajeelfama Qaamni Olaanaan isaaniif kennu hojiirra oolchuudhaan kutaa hojjetaa kanarratti amantaa akka qaban argisiisu. We simply cannot receive the love and forgiveness of God unless we love and forgive others. Shepherds too show their trust in the slave class by applying the direction they receive from the Governing Body. Maatewos 6: 27 dubbisi. Because of our inherited imperfection, obedience does not come naturally. Read Matthew 6: 27. Phaawulos xalayaa warra Qorontosiif barreesse isa jalqabaa boqonnaa 13 ffaa irratti jaalalli akkamitti akka nama ijaaru ibseera. Like him, we need to maintain integrity to Jehovah in matters large and small. In his first letter to the Corinthians, Paul pointed out how love builds up. Akkuma Yesuus jedhe, "ogummaan qajeelaa taʼuun ishii hojii ishiitiin mirkaneeffameera. " - Mat. 11: 19. • Why is the tongue difficult to bridle? " Wisdom is vindicated by its results, " said Jesus. - Matt. 11: 19. Hayyuun tokko jechi afaan Ibrootaa asirratti ibsame, "jechi kun jechoota hawwii guddaa ibsuuf gargaaran keessaa isa tokko akka taʼe beekamaadha " jedhaniiru. Then from Pentecost 33 C.E. onward, he started to sow the fine seed - "the sons of the kingdom. " One scholar noted that the Hebrew word used here is "one of the most eagerness of the words. " Namichis deebisee, "Matumaa " jechuudhaan deebii kenne. The couple should be able to trust that if they cannot invite some fellow Christians, these will be understanding and will not be offended. - Ecclesiastes 7: 9. The man answered: "No. " 3 Abbootii Fardeenii Arfan, Lakk. (Compare Revelation 2: 4.) They no longer walk in the way that pleases Jehovah. 3 The Four Gospels - No. Saboonni lafarraa hundumtuu tokko ta'anii saba Yihowaarratti ka'u. If you pause to consider all that God has done for you and for mankind as a whole, it is clear that he has already done a great deal. All nations will be gathered against Jehovah's people. 9: 6) Eeyyee, wanta tokko ija keenyaan " arguun ' jijjiirama guddaa fiduu dandaʼa. What better example could you set for your children? Yes, it can make a big difference in seeing our eyes "keep on the watch. " Yihowaan kadhannaawwan akkasiitiif karaa adda ta'een deebii kennaa jira. The end was soon coming to the old Law covenant between God and natural - born Israelites. Jehovah answers such prayers in a special way. FUULA 20 - 22 ILAALI. They turned away from Jehovah and worshipped false gods. SEE PAGES 20 - 22. Miseensonni tuuta sonaan baay'ee obbolootasaanii warra dibamoo yommuu deggeran, hawaasa haaraa Armaagedoon booda jiraatuuf bu'uura ta'uuf leenjii argachaa jiru. Compassionate listening can be the key that unlocks a householder's heart, as the following experience shows. When members of the great crowd support their anointed brothers, they are being trained to form the foundation of a new society after Armageddon. Gorsa Yesus, "Kadhadhaa isiniif in kennamaa, barbaadaa in argattuu, balbala rukutaa isiniif in banama " jedhee dubbate hordofteetti. - Maatewos 7: 7. For more information, see Awake! She heeded Jesus ' admonition: "Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you. " - Matthew 7: 7. Haa taʼu malee, gufuun furmaata hin qabne fakkaatu jira ture. Would you notice the difference? There was, however, a challenge that seemed impossible. Macaafa Qulqulluu Caaffata Qulqullaa'oo Hiika Addunyaa Haaraa inni sirriifi dubbisuuf salphaa ta'e afaan hedduudhaan jiraachuunsaa kana gochuuf haalli mijaa'aan akka jiraatu godheera. During the years we served alongside those dear brothers in Amagansett, we learned that being content with the basics results in a satisfying life. The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures has made it a challenge to do so in many languages, using the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures in many languages. Achiis sababiiwwan kanarratti yaaduudhaan akkas jedhaa of gaafadhaa: " Karaa isa kam hordofuutu hunda caalaa gaariidha? [ Blurb on page 6] Then ask yourself: " What is the best way to follow? Kanaaf, jireenyashee keessatti jireenya hafuuraatiif iddoo guddaa kennaa turte jechuudha. Her bitterness welled up within her, and she began to weep. So in her life, she was truly important to her spirituality. " Ijoollee amanamoo taʼan qabaachuun, qabeenya hedduu qabaachuu caalaa kan nama gammachiisudha. " - VIIKTORIIN Likely, you do not yet have weighty family responsibilities. " Having honest children is more satisfying than having many material things. " - DEUT. Obboloonniifi obboleettonni keenya hedduun, haalli filannaa akka Esaawu ykn akka Yoseef gochuuf isaan dirqisiisu mudateenii ture. But things changed when my husband and I started attending meetings at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. Many of our brothers and sisters faced circumstances like Esau or Joseph. 18, 19. These include branch offices, Assembly Halls, Kingdom Halls, Remote Translation Offices, and theocratic school facilities in many countries. 18, 19. Sibiilli boorrajjiin akkuma warqee gatii guddaa qaba. Which will he choose to follow? The copper is priceless just as valuable as gold. Jaarraawwan hedduu booda Dh.K.B. bara 33, Niisaan 14 tti Yesus Irbaata Gooftaa hundeesse. I was impressed by many of the Bible teachings that I learned. Centuries later, on Nisan 14, 33 C.E., Jesus instituted the Lord's Evening Meal. Kanaaf galateeffamuu kan qabu garuu, Waaqa keenya Yihowaa isa " wanta hamaa akka jibbinuu ' fi " wanta gaarii akka jaallannu ' nu barsiise dha. - Amos 5: 15. ▪ Receive Full Benefit From Reading the Bible For good reason, Jesus taught us to " hate what is bad, " to love our God, Jehovah, and to" love what is good. " - Amos 5: 15. Walii keenyaaf ilaalcha akkamii qabaachuu qabna? Kun yeroo tokko tokko rakkisaa kan ta'u maaliif? 2: 15. How should we view one another, and why is this sometimes difficult? Sana boodas Phaawulos, " warra gara isaa dhufan hundumaa simatee, (1) mootummaa Waaqayyoo in lallaba, waaʼee (2) Yesus Kristos Gooftichaas in barsiisa ture. ' How did Jesus demonstrate humility? Then Paul "came to him all those who came to him and preached the good news about (1) the kingdom of God, (2) Jesus Christ. " Taʼus, isaanitti dhihaachuuniifi michoota isaan godhachuun dogoggoradha. [ Picture on page 26] Still, it would be wrong to draw close to them and make friends. Yesus dhiifama gochuun barbaachisaa taʼuusaa fakkeenyaan kan ibse akkamitti? Jehovah promises to give us the necessary strength to do his will, but we must not push ourselves beyond our limits, trying to do things he does not expect of us. How did Jesus illustrate the need to forgive? Abbaan tokko balaa biyyi lafaa inni manca'aan ijoolleesaarraan ga'u mo'uu akka danda'aniif dursee leenjisuu qaba. (b) We will receive what blessings from manifesting patience now? A father needs to train his children to deal with the dangers of this corrupt world. Haataʼu malee, uumama kootiin nama waa beekuu barbaadu waanan taʼeef Macaafa Qulqulluu qayyabachuufan walii gale. " 5: 14; 2 Tim. But because I knew about my nature, I agreed to a Bible study. " Kun taʼuunsaa, tokkummaa qabaachuun caalaatti rakkisaa akka taʼu gochuu dandaʼa. Explain how God has preserved spiritual truth despite assaults on it. This may make unity more difficult. Kanaa mannaa, yeroo ol aantummaa Yihowaa isa jaalala irratti hundaaʼeef bitamuudhaan faayidaa argannutti, haala akkamii keessatti iyyuu wanta arganne dinqisiifachuu fi wanta argannetti gammaduun nu barbaachisa. Why can it be said that everyone who cares for his family is cooperating with God? Instead, when we willingly submit to Jehovah's loving sovereignty, we need to appreciate and be content with whatever situation we may have. Badiisni kun kan namni fidu utuu hin ta'in, tarkaanfii Waaqayyo namoota " lafa balleessan balleessuuf ' fudhatudha. What was your first impression of the Bible? This destruction will come, not by man, but by God's action to "bring to ruin the earth. " Dhugaa Baatota Yihowaatiin kan maxxanfame siʼa taʼu, www.jw.org irraa tola garagalfachuun ni dandaʼama. " God gave us not a spirit of cowardice, but that of power and of love and of soundness of mind. " - 2 TIMOTHY 1: 7. Published by Jehovah's Witnesses but available online at www.jw.org. Waaqayyo maal fakkaata? This Bible study aid is designed to help you fulfill Jesus ' command: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations,... teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " - Matthew 28: 19, 20. What does God think? Fakkeenyaaf, gara mana tokkoo deemnee balbala rurrukunne haa jennu. You may recall that Jesus pitied the crowds because "they were skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd. " For example, suppose we went to the door and knocked on the door. Warra kaan yoo jaallannee fi yoo dhiifama isaaniif goone malee, jaalalaa fi dhiifama Waaqayyoo argachuu hin dandeenyu. The feelings of a happily married husband and wife knit and intertwine. We cannot receive God's forgiveness unless we love others and forgive them. Cubbuu kan dhaalle waan ta'eef, yeroo baay'ee abboomamuun nutti ulfaata. Therefore, as we imitate Jesus, we draw closer to Jehovah, the greatest Personage in the universe. As imperfect humans, we often struggle to obey. Nuyis akkumasaa, wantoota xixinnoos taʼe guddaa taʼanirratti amanamoo taʼuun nu barbaachisa. During his ministry, Jesus tirelessly cared for people physically and especially spiritually. Like Jesus, we need to be honest in small matters, both large and significant. • Arraba luugamuun rakkisaa kan ta'e maaliifi? After Ezekiel saw the wicked things being done in apostate Jerusalem prior to its destruction in 607 B.C.E., he was given a vision of the events leading up to that destruction. • Why is it a challenge to hide the tongue? Achiis, Dh.K.B. bara 33 guyyaa Phenxeqosteetii kaasee sanyii gaarii, jechuunis "ilmaan mootummaa " facaasuu jalqabe. (October 15, 1999, page 23) Then, from Pentecost 33 C.E., starting with the fine seed - "the sons of the kingdom. " Warri wal fuudhan kun obboloota tokko tokko waamuu kan hin dandeenye yoo ta'an, obboloonni sun akka isaaniif hubatan ykn akka isaanitti hin muufanne mirkanaa'oo ta'uu qabu. - Lallaba 7: 9. Perhaps there have been times in your life when you felt that you, like Paul, were following the leadings of God's holy spirit, but then things did not turn out the way you expected. If the couple cannot call certain brothers or sisters, they must be sure that they will not understand or be ashamed of them. - Ecclesiastes 7: 9. Karaa Yihowaa gammachiisurra deddeebiʼuu dhiisaniiru. (Isa. Thereafter, "the spirit impelled him to go into the wilderness. " They stopped walking in Jehovah's ways. Wanta Waaqayyo siifis taʼe ilmaan namootaa hundumaaf godherratti utuu yaaddee, ammayyuu taanaan wanta baayʼee akka inni nuuf godhe hubachuu ni dandeessa. Because the new personality is "created according to God's will in true righteousness and loyalty, " it is a vital part of a married couple's spiritual fortification. If you meditate on all that God has done for you and all mankind, you can still see how much he has done for us. Kana caalaa ijoollee keessaniif fakkeenya akkamii ta'uu dandeessu? [ Footnotes] He will rain down upon the wicked ones traps, fire and sulphur and a scorching wind... What example can you set for your children? Seerri kakuu inni moofaan Waaqayyoofi saba dhalootaan Israa'el ta'an gidduutti hundeeffame diigamuuf jedha ture. Cultivate Love That Never Fails, 12 / 15 The former Law covenant required that the ancient nation of Israel be destroyed between God and natural Israel. Yihowaa irraa garagalanii waaqolii sobaa waaqeffataniiru. On the other hand, when Jesus instructed his disciples to collect the leftovers of miraculously provided food, he left the details to them. They worship Jehovah and worship false gods. Gaazexaa magaalaa Faransaay Seeyint Eteeyin jedhamtutti maxxanfamuufi La Progree jedhamurratti Xalayaan tokko ba'ee ture. The Bible does report that as a human, he experienced what a powerful force God's holy spirit was in his life. A letter was released in the city of St. Petersburg, Mexico. Odeeffannoo dabalataa argachuuf Dammaqaa! By following an approach similar to that taken by one prophet of old. For more information, see Awake! Garaagarummaa humna ibsaa kanaa hubachuu dandeessaa? Why does tribulation come as no surprise to God's servants? Can you discern the difference? Waggoota obboloota jaallatamoo Amaaganseet jiranii wajjin tajaajille hundatti, wantoota bu'uuraa jireenyaaf barbaachisanitti gammadanii jiraachuun gammachuu kan argamsiisu ta'uusaa baranneerra. The problem was not with their physical sight but with their spiritual outlook. We have learned that as long as we work with our dear brothers and sisters in the ministry, living in harmony with the basic needs of living things brings joy and satisfaction. Garaan Keessan Yaadachiisa Yihowaatti Akka Gammadu Godhaa, 9 / 15 What methods are experienced elders using to train brothers to become qualified to care for the flock? Do You Take the Lead in Showing Honor? 8 / 15 [ Yaada gabaabaatti fudhatameefi fuula 6 rra jiru] When the last days began in 1914, there were only a few thousand servants of Jehovah worldwide. [ Blurb on page 6] Gaddi keessasheetti itti dhagaʼamu waan itti caaleef, booʼuu jalqabde. What will contribute to unity in the congregation? Out of her deep sorrow, she began to cry. Tarii itti gaafatamummaan maatii cimaa ta'e sirra hin jiru ta'a. After all, money can be stolen - and it cannot cure disease or prevent death. Perhaps you have no family responsibilities. Aniifi abbaan manaakoo walgaʼii Galma Mootummaa Dhugaa Baatota Yihowaatti godhamurratti argamuu yeroo jalqabnu garuu haallisaa ni jijjiirame. Was It a Problem With a Teaching? When my husband and I began attending meetings at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, the situation changed. 60: 22; An. 2: 3) Kun immoo waajjiroota damee, Galmawwan Walgaʼii Gurguddaa, Galmawwan Mootummaa, Waajjiroota Hojii Hiikkaa fi ijaarsawwan manneen barumsaa tiʼookraasiitiif oolanii fi biyyoota hedduu keessatti ijaaraman kan dabalatu dha. The wandering albatross is an outstanding example. These include branch offices, Assembly Halls, Assembly Halls, and many other theocratic building projects. Yeroo kanatti karaa isa kamirraa deemuu filata laata? After reading the brochure and conferring with their own legal or tax advisers, many have been able to help support our religious and humanitarian activities worldwide and maximize their tax benefits while doing so. Which path would he choose? Barumsawwan Kitaaba Qulqulluu ani baradhe hedduun baayʼee na dinqisiisaniiru. According to Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, the Greek word translated "name " can refer to" all that a name implies, of authority, character, rank, majesty, power, [and] excellence. " Many of the teachings I learned from the Bible impressed me. ▪ Macaafa Qulqulluu Dubbisuudhaan Faayidaa Argadhaa Some 600 attended the funeral talk, and a fine witness was given to the community, where Father was well - respected. ▪ Benefit From Reading the Bible 2: 15. By fixing his sights on "the joy that was set before him, " Jesus was able to remain faithful despite extreme tests. 2: 15. Yesus amala gad of deebisuu kan argisiise akkamitti? Why were those Israelites so easily deceived? How did Jesus show humility? [ Fakkii fuula 26 rra jiru] The Sovereign Lord Jehovah himself will help me. " Jehovah certainly did help his faithful Servant throughout his ministry on earth, as another prophecy of Isaiah shows. [ Picture on page 26] Yihowaan humna jaalalasaa raawwachuuf nubarbaachisu akka nuukennu abdii kennuyyuu, humna keenya malee wanta inni nurraa hin eegne gochuuf of dirqisiisuu hin qabnu. A successful marriage is, indeed, the product of hard work. Although Jehovah gives us the strength to carry out his will, we must not force ourselves to do what he expects of us. (b) Yeroo ammaa obsa qabaachuun keenya eebbaa akkamii nuu argamsiisa? 19 - 21. (b) What blessing do we enjoy now? 5: 14; 2 Xim. Similarly, if we were to start grumbling and murmuring about those whom Jehovah is using to direct the earthly part of his organization, we could by inference be complaining about Jehovah. - Heb. 5: 14; 2 Tim. Balleessuuf yaaliin yoo godhameyyuu, Yihowaan dhugaa hafuuraa kan eege akkamitti akka taʼe ibsi. Even though the clergy had warned people not to read the Bible and few could afford to own a copy, many were hungry for the truth. Explain how Jehovah has kept spiritual truth despite the ban. Namni maatii isaa kunuunsu hundi Waaqayyoo wajjin waltaʼiinsaan hojjechaa jira jechuun kan dandaʼamu maaliifi? When Jesus began teaching, some individuals may have discerned from Daniel's prophecy that the appointed time for Christ's appearance had arrived. Why can it be said that each member of his family is working with God? Jalqaba irratti Kitaaba Qulqulluudhaaf ilaalcha akkamii qabda turte? What must we remember about everyday activities of life? At first, how do you feel about the Bible? " Waaqayyo hafuura humnaa, kan jaalalaa fi kan of qabuu malee, hafuura ija - laafinaa nuuf hin laanne. " - 2 XIMOTEWOS 1: 7. His school had a tradition of winning the championship, and he wanted to put forth his best effort. " God gave us not a spirit of power, but of love and of soundness of mind. " - 2 TIMOTHY 1: 7. Kitaabni Macaafa Qulqulluu qayyabachuuf gargaaru kun, abboommii Yesus: " Egaa dhaqaa, waanan isin abboome hundumaa eeguu isaan barsiisaa saba hundumaa bartoota koo godhaa! ' jechuudhaan kenne raawwachuuf akka si gargaaruuf kan qophaa'edha. - Maatewos 28: 19, 20. The Bible alone tells us where Jesus came from, how he lived, and why he died. This Bible study is designed to help you fulfill Jesus ' command: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in all the things I have commanded you. " - Matthew 28: 19, 20. Yesus, namoota "akka hoolota tiksee hin qabneetti bututanii, gatamanii turan... yommuu arge " akka isaaniif gadde ni yaadattu ta'a. In contrast, a spirit of self - sacrifice could help us to overcome embarrassment and get needed help. You may recall that Jesus felt pity for people who "were thrown about like sheep without a shepherd. " Abbaan manaafi haati manaa gaa'elasaaniitti gammadoo ta'an, miira walii sirriitti beeku. As Rie studied the Bible, she was transformed from an embittered person into a happy, kind lady. Happy married couples know each other's feelings clearly. Kanaafuu, Yesusiin yeroo fakkaannu, Yihowaa isa uumama cufa keessatti hundaa ol taʼetti caalaatti dhihaanna. [ Pictures on page 18] They also spend time with their families both in recreation... .. and in the ministry So as we imitate Jesus, we draw closer to Jehovah God, the Sovereign of the universe. Yesus yeroo hundumaa waa'ee Abbaasaa namoota barsiisuufi gargaaruuf qophaa'aa ture. The next article considers that aspect of the new birth. Jesus regularly prepared to teach and help people about his Father. Hisqiʼel Yerusaalem ishiin gantuun Dh.K.D. bara 607 tti balleeffamuu ishii dura wantoota gadhee ishii keessatti raawwatamaa turan erga ilaalee booda, wantoota badiisa kanatti ishii geessan mulʼataan argeera. In the open - air theater at Ephesus, Paul's coworkers Aristarchus and Gaius faced a mob likely numbering into the thousands. After the destruction of Jerusalem in 607 B.C.E., Ezekiel saw things that took place before the destruction of Jerusalem, and he saw a vision of those events. (Onkoloolessa 15, 1999, ful. 23) (Amaariffa) In Search of Answers (For fully formatted text, see publication) Tarii atis akkuma Phaawulos, yeroo tokko tokko hafuurri qulqulluun akka si geggeessaa jiru sitti dhagaʼamee kan ture taʼus, wanti ati yaadde karaa ati eegdeen hin raawwatamne taʼa. What support did Mary receive from the angel Gabriel? Like Paul, you may at times have felt that the holy spirit is leading you, but what you do does not expect is what you have to do. Sana booda immoo, "hafuurri gara lafa onaatti isa geesse. " What if you must face a situation head - on? After that, "the spirit led him into the wilderness. " Namummaan haaraan, " qajeelummaa fi qulqullummaa dhugaatti fakkaattii Waaqayyootiin waan uumameef, ' hiriyoonni gaaʼelaa karaa hafuuraa jabina akka qabaataniif baayʼee barbaachisaa dha. When their truck broke down, which happened often, they walked or cycled for days to the nearest town and then waited for weeks for replacement parts to arrive. Since the new personality is created according to God's will in true righteousness and loyalty, it is vital for marriage mates to have spiritual strength. Inni barbadaa ibiddaa, dhagaa boba'us jal'oota irratti in roobsa,... How foolish they were to turn away from him and bow down before carved images and sacred pillars! He will wipe out every tear from the fiery furnace... Karaa garabiraammoo, Yesus haala dinqisiisaa ta'een namoota erga nyaachisee booda, nyaata hafe akka kaasan bartootasaa yeroo ajaje, maal gochuu akka qaban tokko tokkoon isaanitti hin himne. Thus, we have no basis for expecting God to perform miraculous healings for us or our loved ones. On the other hand, when Jesus instructed his disciples to eat the meat, he did not tell them what to do. Taʼus, Macaafni Qulqulluun Yesus yommuu nama turetti, hafuura qulqulluu isa humna guddaa qaburraa gargaarsa argatee akka ture ni dubbata. A child can be taught by means of punishment - perhaps sending him to his room or denying him a favorite activity. Yet, the Bible tells us that when Jesus was a man, he was helped by holy spirit. Mala raajiin bara duriitti ture tokko itti fayyadamee wajjin wal fakkaatu fayyadamuudhaani. When the time comes for that to happen, God will "put it into their [the political rulers '] hearts to carry out his thought " to destroy all false religion. Using a method similar to that of ancient times. " Yesus immoo Waaqayyoo fi namoota irraa ayyaana argachaa, namummaadhaa fi ogummaatti in guddata ture. " - LUQ. (Read Matthew 6: 1 - 5.) " Jesus went on progressing in wisdom and in wisdom. " Tajaajiltoonni Waaqayyoo gidiraan isaanirra gaʼuunsaa kan isaan hin dinqisiisne maaliifi? Babylonian armies destroyed Jerusalem in 607 B.C.E., and Jews from Judah were indeed deported to Babylon. Why are God's servants not surprised by the suffering they experience? Rakkinnisaanii ijaan arguu dadhabuu utuu hin taʼin, karaa hafuuraa hubannaa dhabuu ture. Why? Their problems were not blind; they lacked spiritual insight. Gumiidhaaf kunuunsa gochuuf gaʼumsa akka qabaatan obboloota leenjisuuf, jaarsoliin muuxannoo qaban malawwan akkamiitti fayyadamaa jiru? He expressed the hope that this translation would spread its spiritual help to millions of people. How are experienced elders used to train brothers to take care of the congregation? Yeroo barri dhumaa bara 1914 tti jalqabetti, addunyaa mara irra kan jiran tajaajiltoota Yihowaa kuma muraasaan lakkaaʼaman qofa turan. 8 May We All Be One as Jehovah and Jesus Are One During the time of the end in 1914, only a few thousands of Jehovah's servants were on earth. Wanti tokkummaa gumiitiif gumaacha godhu maalidha? We are determined to obey Jesus ' command to display genuine love for one another. What contributes to unity in the congregation? Qarshiin hatamuu kan dandaʼu taʼuusaarrayyuu, dhukkubarraas taʼe duʼarraa nama hin oolchu. How did Jehovah's servants show neighbor love during a recent natural disaster? Money can be lost, and neither will it escape sickness nor survive death. Barumsa Haaraa Tokkotu Isa Gufachiisee? Why should we draw even closer to Jehovah if we experience injustice in the congregation? A New Birth - Does It Take Place? Allaattiin wandariingi albaatroos kanaaf fakkeenya guddaa ta'a. But when the sun rose, it was scorched, and for not having root it withered. The bird's hair is an outstanding example. Obboloonni hedduun birooshuricha erga dubbisanii booda, gorsitoota seeraa ykn qaraxaa wajjin mariʼachuudhaan hojii amantiifi gargaarsa namummaa Dhugaa Baatonni Yihowaa addunyaa maratti raawwachaa jiran deggeruu caalaas haala qaraxaa wajjin wal qabateen faayidaa guddaa argataniiru. At times, we may need to pray quickly for God's help. After reading the brochure and discussing laws or tax advisers, many have been able to support religious and humanitarian activities worldwide and maximize tax benefits. [ Footnotes] Akka Eksipooziitarii Dikshinarii oov Teestaamant Wordis ibsetti, jechi Giriikii "maqaa " jedhamee hiikame" maqaan wantoota karaa kallattii hin taaneen ibsaman hundaa, jechuunis aboo, amala, sadarkaa, surraa, humnaa [fi] dandeettii guddaa " kan argisiisudha. [ Picture on page 23] Barsiifataan utuu hin ta'in "garaa guutuudhaan " kadhachuu qabna [ Box / Picture on page 24] Ga'ee Guddaa Yesus Qabu Of course, we are all imperfect. [ Footnote] According to Vine's Expository Dictionary of Old Testament Words, the Greek word translated "the name of the·osʹ " refers to the abuse of power, power, power, power, and power, not to prayers [of Jesus]. " Haasawaa awwaalchasaarratti namoonni 600 ol kan argaman si'a ta'u, bakka abbaankoo baay'ee kabajamaa ta'etti namootaaf lallaba gaariitu kenname. 19, 20. At the funeral, more than 600 people were present, and my father was given a fine witness to the public. Yesus qorumsi cimaan kan isa irra gaʼe taʼus, "gammachuu fuula isaa dura jiru " irratti xiyyeeffachuudhaan amanamummaa isaa eegeera. Let us review some of the lessons that the Scriptures teach on this topic. Despite his severe trial, Jesus maintained his integrity by focusing on "the joy that was set before [his] eyes. " Israaʼeloonni sun salphaadhumatti kan gowwoomfaman maaliifi? God will confer exceptional dignity upon resurrected anointed Christians, who have faithfully declared "the glory of the splendor of his kingship. " Why were the Israelites easily deceived? 50: 8, 9) Raajiin Isaayaas dubbate kan biraan akka jedhutti, Yihowaan Garbichasaa kana yeroo inni lafarratti tajaajilaa ture hundaatti dhugumaan isa gargaareera. As a result, they reaped rich blessings and a sure hope for the future. As Isaiah's prophecy pointed out, Jehovah truly helped his Servant during his earthly ministry. Gaaʼela gaarii qabaachuun jabaatanii hojjechuu akka gaafatu beekamaadha. How might envy take root? Of course, having a good marriage requires hard work. 19 - 21. As a married man or woman, you should make it clear by your speech and your demeanor that you are simply not available. 19 - 21. (Lak. 17: 10) Haaluma wal fakkaatuun, namoota Yihowaan jaarmiyaasaa isa lafarraa geggeessuuf itti fayyadamutti kan guungumnu yoo ta'e, Yihowaarratti guungumaa akka jirrutti ilaalama. - Ibr. In the beginning of this article, we raised three "when " questions. Similarly, if we murmur against those whom Jehovah uses to lead his earthly organization, we are viewed as murmuring against Jehovah. - Heb. Geggeessitoonni amantii, namoonni Macaafa Qulqulluu akka hin dubbisne akeekkachiisaa turan; akkasumas Macaafa Qulqulluu bitachuuf humna kan qaban namoota muraasa qofa turan; haataʼu malee, namoonni baayʼeen dhugaa dheebotanii turan. " Blessed be Jehovah the God of Israel, who has sent you this day to meet me! " Religious leaders warned not to read the Bible, but only a few people had the power to satisfy the Bible, but many found the truth. Yesus barsiisuu ennaa jalqabu, namoonni tokko tokko yeroon Kiristos ni dhufa jedhame gaʼuusaa raajii Daaniʼelirraa hubatanii taʼuu dandaʼa. Time and again, the Bible describes true worshippers as happy people. As Jesus began teaching, some may have discerned from Daniel's prophecy that Christ's presence would come. Sochiiwwan guyyaa guyyaatti goonu ilaalchisee maal yaadachuu qabna? [ Footnote] What should we keep in mind about our daily activities? Manni barumsaa isaa tapha kanaan shaampiyoonaa waan tureef, Heenariin wanta dandaʼu hunda gochuu barbaade. His initial subjects were spirit - anointed Christians, who made up spiritual Israel, "the Israel of God. " - Galatians 6: 16; Colossians 1: 13. He was so impressed that he wanted to do whatever he could. Yesus eessaa akka dhufe, akkamitti akka jiraateefi maaliif akka duʼe nutti himu kan dandaʼu Macaafa Qulqulluu qofadha. Why They Strive to Be Honest at All Times Only the Bible can tell us where Jesus came, where he lived, and why he died. Faallaa kanaatiin, amalli fedhii ofii aarsaa gochuu qaanii moʼuufi gargaarsa nu barbaachisu argachuuf nu gargaara. (Fak. Why does Jehovah deserve our respect? In contrast, a spirit of self - sacrifice can help us to overcome self - sacrificing spirit and receive the help we need. Raayi Macaafa Qulqulluu qayyabachaa ennaa deemtu, maanguddoo aariin ishee moʼaturraa gara nama gammachuu qabduufi gaariitti jijjiiramte. In what ways did Job's wife and his visitors put pressure on Job? On her way to study the Bible, Mario was able to overcome anger and to regain a healthy and happy life. • Tiksitoonni yeroo gorsa kennan amala garraamummaafi of qabuu kan argisiisan maaliifi? NO ONE is immune to disaster. • Why do shepherds display mildness and self - control when giving counsel? Matadureen ittaanu waa'ee kanaa ibsa. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) That will be the subject of the next article. Efesoonitti bakka tiyaatirri alatti argisiifamutti, namoonni kuma hedduudhaan lakkaa'aman obboloota Phaawulosii wajjin turanirratti jechuunis Arisxaarkosiifi Gaayosirratti ka'anii turan. Before your young one heads out for school, say something encouraging, discuss the daily text, or offer a prayer with your child. In Ephesus, thousands of brothers, brothers and Gaius, were gathered with Paul and Gaius, outside of Ephesus. Gaaffiiwwan Kaʼaniif Deebii Barbaaduu The Bible explains: "The ransom price for their life is so precious that it is always beyond their reach. " Search for Answers Maariyaam Gabri'elirraa gargaarsa akkamii argatte? He twice said concerning Jesus: "This is my Son. " What help did Mary receive from the angel Gabriel? Haala olitti ibsame hambisuu kan hin dandeenye yoo taʼehoo maal gochuu qabdu? PRAYER IS VITAL What if the above situations cannot be avoided? Yeroo baayʼee konkolaataan isaanii ni caba ture; yeroo kanatti, miillaan ykn biskileetiidhaan guyyoota hedduu deemanii magaalaa isaanitti dhihoo jiru dhaquudhaan miʼi bakka buʼu hamma isaanii dhufutti torban hedduudhaaf eegu turan. See pages 102 - 106 of the book "Keep Yourselves in God's Love. " Often, their car hit them, and on foot or bicycle, they were waiting for weeks until they moved to a nearby town. Isarraa goranii bifa qirixameefi utuboota dhagaatiif sagaduunsaanii gowwummaa guddaa ture! Jehovah, however, is perfect in the absolute sense. How foolish it would have been for them to bow down to the One who worshipped God and worshiped him! Kanaaf Waaqayyo dinqii raawwachuudhaan nuunis taʼe namoota jaallannu ni fayyisa jennee eeguuf sababii hin qabnu. (b) What will we consider in this article? So we have no reason to expect that God will cure us and our loved ones. Mucaa xinnoo tokko, tarii kutaasaa keessaa akka hin baane ykn wanta jaallatu tokko akka hin goone dhowwanii adabuudhaan barsiisuun ni danda'ama. Do You Appreciate Jehovah's Watchful Care? It is possible to teach a child to avoid falling into his room or to stop doing something that loved him. Yeroo raawwiin kanaa ga'u, Waaqayyo amantii sobaa hundumaa balleessuuf "akeeka Waaqayyoo hojii irra akka oolchaniif, inni kana garaa isaanii [bulchitoota siyaasaa] keessa " kaa'a. A positive attitude will enable us to enjoy what blessings? When the fulfillment of that prophecy is fulfilled, God will put an end to all false religion "to all the kingdoms of the political powers. " (Maatewos 6: 1 - 5 dubbisi.) It somewhat resembles a large rabbit but has short, rounded ears and short legs. (Read Matthew 6: 1 - 5.) Loltoonni Baabilon Dh.K.D. bara 607 tti Yerusaalemiin kan balleessan siʼa taʼu, Yihudoonnis biyya Yihudaatii gara Baabilonitti geeffaman. These two articles will explain how someone knows that he or she has received the heavenly calling and what it means for that person to be one of the anointed. Babylon's armies destroyed Jerusalem in 607 B.C.E., and the Jews were taken to Babylon. Maaliif? Felisa: In time, I married and moved to Cantabria. Why? Itti dabalees hiikni kun namoota miliyoonaan lakkaaʼamaniif gargaarsa hafuuraa akka kennu abdii qabu ibseera. We were both 20 years old. It also reveals that he has the hope of providing spiritual help to millions. 8 Akkuma Yihowaa fi Yesuus Tokkummaa Qaban, Hundi Keenya Tokkummaa haa Qabaannu " From the German side, it took us about three hours to cross the mountains and reach Špindlerův Mlýn " - a resort some ten miles (16.5 km) away on the Czech side. 8 Just as Jehovah and Jesus promote unity, let all of us promote unity Ajaja Yesus jaalala dhugaa akka waliif qabaannu nuu kenne abboomamuuf murteessineerra. (Read Psalm 34: 18; 56: 8.) We are determined to obey Jesus ' command to love one another freely. Balaa uumamaa dhiheenyatti gaʼerratti Dhugaa Baatonni Yihowaa namoota akka jaallatan kan argisiisan akkamitti? Sadly, he did not receive the counsel well and had to be deleted as a ministerial servant because he no longer met the Scriptural qualifications. How have Jehovah's Witnesses shown love for neighbor in recent disasters? Gumii keessatti jalʼinni haqaa yoo nu mudate caalaatti Yihowaatti dhihaachuu kan qabnu maaliifi? Of course, genuine repentance does not necessarily come easily. Why should we draw closer to Jehovah if we experience injustice in the congregation? Garuu yommuu aduun itti baate coollaganii, hidda gad fagoo waan hin godhatiniif in gogan. Adam, in turn, listened to her voice, the voice of a mortal human. But when the sun does not lie, it will not become deeper. Yeroo tokko tokko, gargaarsa Waaqayyoo argachuuf atattamaan kadhannaa dhiheessuu qabna ta'a. Jehovah's judgment upon Adam and Eve for their willful disobedience made it apparent that their excuses were not acceptable to him. At times, we may need to pray quickly for God's help. Hundi keenya cubbamoota akka taane beekamaa dha. Like the brochure Was Life Created?, this publication encourages young ones to develop their "thinking ability. " Of course, all of us are imperfect. 19, 20. Speaking about the condition of the weed class, Jesus states: "There is where their weeping and the gnashing of their teeth will be. " 19, 20. Dhimma kana ilaalchisee wanta Kitaabni Qulqulluun barsiisu tokko tokko haa ilaallu. Make Adjustments if Needed Let us consider some of what the Bible teaches on this subject. 29: 25) Waaqayyo Kiristiyaanota dibamoo du'aa ka'aniifi "ulfina mootummaasaa isa simbo - qabeessa " amanamummaadhaan beeksisaa turaniif ulfina adda ta'e ni kenna. (Far. Jesus ' statement helps to correct the wrong idea conveyed in the way some Bible versions mistranslate the word "presence. " God values the resurrected anointed Christians, who are loyal to him, "the glorious King of his kingdom. " Kanaan kan kaʼes, eebba hedduu fi abdii amansiisaa argataniiru. God wants us to know him by his name, Jehovah, which literally means "He Causes to Become " As a result, they have many rich blessings and a sure hope. Hinaaffaan nu keessatti guddachuu kan dandaʼu akkamitti? Yes, those conventions shaped the course of my life. How can zeal grow in us? Nama hiriyaa gaaʼelaa qabdu hamma taatetti, dubbii keetiinis taʼe amala keetiin, hiriyaa gaaʼelaa keetiin ala nama kan biraa jaallachuu akka hin barbaanne ifa godhi. Malachi chapter 3 mentions a similar inspection of the spiritual temple, followed by a time of cleansing. As a married couple, make it clear that you do not want to love someone other than your speech or conduct. Jalqaba mataduree kanaarratti gaaffii sadii kaasnee turre. May all who attend our meetings feel similarly encouraged and consoled. At first, we had three questions. Daawitis gochashee kanatti baay'ee tuqamee: "Waaqayyo gooftichi Israa'el inni har'a gara kootti si erge haa jajamu! How should we feel about the love of Christ, and what should it motivate us to do? David was greatly moved by this action: "May Jehovah the God of Israel send you to me today! Macaafni Qulqulluun, waaqeffattoonni dhugaa gammadoo ta'uusaanii irra deddeebi'ee ibsa. Our preaching expresses God's mercy, opening the way for people to change and to get "everlasting life. " The Bible repeatedly mentions true worshippers who are happy. [ Footnotes] " The shrewd one " might reason: " He says that this vitamin, herb, or diet supposedly helped someone, but are there adequate witnesses to establish the matter? [ Footnote] Jalqaba kan inni bulchuu eegale Kiristiyaanota dibamoo, jechuunis Israa'eloota warra hafuuraa "Israa'el Waaqayyoo " jedhamanidha. - Galaatiyaa 6: 16; Qolosaayis 1: 13. 22 Life in Bible Times - Musicians and Their Instruments First, he began to rule as anointed Christians, "the Israel of God. " - Galatians 6: 16; Colossians 1: 13. Yeroo Hundumaa Amanamoo Taʼuuf Kan Carraaqan Maaliifi? " God's Word Is Truth! ' 16 Why Be Honest at All Times? Yihowaadhaaf kabaja kennuun keenya kan isaaf malu maaliifi? If you have left home, perhaps to serve in a foreign land, you likely understand Jacob's range of emotions. Why is Jehovah worthy of honor? Haati manaa Iyoobiifi namoonni isa gaafachuu dhufan dhiibbaa kan isarratti godhan karaa kamiini? At times, an aged parent may say unkind things or show a lack of gratitude. In what way did Job's wife and those who came to visit him affect him? BALAAN hunda keenya irra iyyuu gaʼuu dandaʼa. What, then, is the most valuable thing we should strive to possess? THE same can happen to all of us. (BARUMSAWWAN KITAABA QULQULLUU > DEEBII GAAFFII KITAABA QULQULLUU jalaa ilaali) Thus began a career of full - time service that spanned 71 years. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) Ijoolleen keessan mana barumsaa deemuusaanii dura, wanta nama jajjabeessu tokko isaanitti dubbadhaa, caqasa guyyaa guyyaa waliin mariʼadhaa ykn waliin kadhadhaa. The ransom is based on what correspondence? Before you go to school, talk to your children about something encouraging, discuss a day, or pray together. Kitaabni Qulqulluun, "Gatiin furee lubbuu isaanii sonaan guddaa dha, bara baraanis utuu hin baafamin in hafa " jedha. Abraham and Sarah stayed focused on the things ahead, not getting dragged down by the world around them. The Bible says: "The ransom sacrifice is great, and it will be no more, neither will they be released. " Yesusiin ilaalchisee al lama, " Inni kun ilma kooti ' jedheera. What questions will be considered in the next study article? On two occasions, Jesus said: "This is my Son. " KADHANNAAN BAAYʼEE BARBAACHISAADHA Yet, man also has to care for his "spiritual need. " FROM OUR ARCHIVES Kitaaba "Jaalala Waaqayyoo Keessatti Of Eegaa " jedhamu fuula 102 - 106 ilaali. We do not want to be like some in the first century who did not practice what they preached. See "Keep Yourselves in God's Love. " Yihowaan, "Ati iddoo kanatti niitii hin fuudhin, ilmaan, intalootas hin godhatin! " jedheen. Yes, Jesus ' words remind us that we have a choice as to what we will pursue. Jehovah told him: "You must not marry, and you must not become pregnant. " Yihowaan guutummaatti mudaa kan hin qabnedha. * Is it not apparent that Jesus was alluding to the text in Isaiah chapter 66? Jehovah is perfect. (b) Mataduree kana keessatti waa'ee maalii baranna? What different resurrections does the Bible mention, and which will be discussed in this article? (b) What will we consider in this article? Nama [ Yaada gabaabaatti fudhatameefi fuula 5 rra jiru] The difference in the meaning of these two words can be illustrated by describing a talk given at the Kingdom Hall. [ Blurb on page 5] Eegumsa Yihowaa Ni Dinqisiifattuu? Yet, "how... will they hear without someone to preach? " Do You Appreciate Jehovah's Care? Wantoota gara gaariitti yaaduun eebbawwan akkamii nuuf argamsiisa? A terrorist attack in our city frightened me so much that I withdrew into a shell. What blessings come to us? Osoleen, hamma tokko illeettii kan fakkaattu si'a ta'u, gurra gabaabaa geengoo fakkaatuufi miilla gabaabaa qabdi. Our heartfelt love for Jehovah and for Jesus is an important reason why we preach the Kingdom message. The rock tree seemed to fall to some extent, and a brief car had a short legs. Mata dureewwan lamaan kun, namni tokko waamicha samii argachuu isaa kan beeku akkamitti akka taʼee fi namni sun dibamtoota keessaa tokko taʼuun isaa hiika akkamii akka isaaf qabaatu ibsu. When praying to God for help, let us keep our mind focused on Jehovah, the sanctification of his name, and the vindication of his sovereignty. These two articles show how a person knows his heavenly calling and what it means to be one of the anointed. Feliisaa: Yeroo booda gaaʼela godhadheen gara Kantabriyaa dhaqe. Although your eye, for example, may be more prominent than your heart, are not both valuable to you? Felisa: Later, I moved to Belgium. Lamaan keenyayyuu umriin keenya waggaa 20 ture. Before we consider these topics, however, it would be good to review just why our times are so critical. Both of us were 20 years old. Jarmanirraa kaasee gaarreen sanarra ba'uudhaan bakka Ispiindilaruuv Maalyiin jedhamu ga'uuf sa'aatii sadii nutti fudhata. " Eventually, the Witnesses arrived at their destination in time for the final part of the dedication program. From Germany to the mountains, it took us three hours to stand up for what they were going to do. " (Faarfannaa 34: 18; 56: 8 dubbisi.) Tim: Through Jesus. (Read Psalm 34: 18; 56: 8.) Fakkeenyi Philaaxosiifi Phexros barumsa barbaachisaa taʼe gara biraas nu barsiisuu dandaʼa. Regardless of our age, we need to keep Jehovah before us constantly. Pilate's example and Peter can teach us another vital lesson. Kan nama gaddisiisu, dargaggeessi kun gorsa kana fudhachuu diduudhaan ulaagaa Caaffata Qulqullaaʼoo utuu hin guutin waan hafeef, mirga tajaajilaa gumii taʼuudhaan qabu dhabe. (Far. He is the principal promoter of false worship. Sadly, the young man failed to accept this Scriptural counsel and lost his privilege of service as a ministerial servant. Ta'us, yaada garaa geddarachuun salphaadhumatti dhufa jechuu miti. The passing of time is relative. However, genuine repentance does not come easily. Addaam immoo, sagalee ishii, jechuunis sagalee nama bor duʼuu dhaggeeffate. For example, if a person has had a drinking problem in the past, he may decide not to have alcoholic beverages on hand in his home. Adam listened to her voice - the sound of death. Murtoon Yihowaan, Addaamiifi Hewwaan taʼe jedhanii ajajamuu diduusaaniitiin isaanirratti dabarse, sababiin isaan dhiheessan isa biratti fudhatama akka hin arganne ifatti kan argisiisu ture. (Uma. And as respects unity, how does true Christianity differ from Christendom? Jehovah's judgment of Adam and Eve clearly indicated that their disobedience was not acceptable to him. Kaayyoon isaanii inni dhugaan garuu ofittummaa dha. - Rom. 1: 1 - 3; 77: 12. Their true purpose, however, is selfish. - Rom. jedhamuu, birooshurri kunis dargaggoonni dandeettii "hubannaa " akka guddifatan isaan gargaara. (Fak. Joshua followed that counsel, and " his way was successful. ' According to one brochure, this brochure can help young people develop "the discernment of understanding. " Yesus waa'ee haala inkirdaadichaa ennaa dubbatu, "Achitti boo'ichii fi ilkaan qaruun isaan irra in ga'a " jedheera. Cybercrime costs the victims - and society as a whole - billions of dollars. Speaking of the weeds, Jesus said: "There will come to be tears of weeping and teeth. " Yoo Barbaachisaa Ta'e Sirreeffama Godhi Immediately after the rebellion in Eden, he gave Adam's future descendants reason to take courage. When necessary Wanti Yesus dubbate yaada dogoggoraa hiikawwan Macaafni Qulqulluun tokko tokko jecha "argamuu " jedhuuf kennan sirreessuuf nugargaara. Why is it vital to avoid immoral thoughts and acts? Jesus ' words can help us to correct the meaning of certain Bible translations that give us "the presence of [his] presence. " Waaqayyo, maqaasaa isa Yihowaa jedhamuufi kallattiin yommuu hiikamu "Akka Ta'u Godha " jedhu akka barannu barbaada Like Micah, we too need to have "a waiting attitude. " God wants us to learn that his name, Jehovah, is "He Causes to Become " Eeyyee, walga'iiwwan koonyaa sun jireenyaakoo jijjiiraniiru. God's Kingdom will put an end to all human governments. Yes, that convention changed my lifestyle. Miilkiyaas boqonnaa 3 rrattis manni qulqullummaan hafuuraa erga sakattaʼamee booda akka qulqulleeffamu ibsameera. (Mal. However, they passed him by without doing anything for him. Malachi chapter 3 also speaks of a spiritual temple that will be sanctified. 55: 22) Namoonni walgaʼiiwwan keenyarratti argaman hundis akkasuma ciminaafi jajjabina akka argatan barbaanna. 12: 1 - 14. We want all those attending our meetings to receive strength and encouragement. Jaalala Kiristos ilaalchisee maaltu nutti dhagaʼamuu qaba? Jaalalli Kiristos maal akka goonu nu kakaasuu qaba? Now in her early 60 ' s, she served as a missionary in Ivory Coast (now Côte d'Ivoire) for 20 years. How should we feel about Christ's love, and what should Christ's love move us to do? Hojiin lallabaa keenya ooʼa Waaqayyoo kan argisiisuufi namoonni jijjiiramanii "jireenya bara baraa " akka argatan kan gargaarudha. It would be good if the elders also verified that your medical directive card is updated. Our preaching work contributes to the mercy of God's mercy and helps people to gain "everlasting life. " " Namni hubataan " akkana jedhee yaada: " Namichi kun vaayitaaminiin, baalli ykn nyaanni kun nama tokko gargaareera jedhee dubbata; haa taʼu malee namoonni wanti kun dhugaa taʼuu isaa mirkaneessan jiruu? Centuries later, Jesus acknowledged: "You always have the poor with you. " " The shrewd man helped the man, " he said, "but are these people true? Deebii Gaaffii Macaafa Qulqulluu 16 Do you " raise your partner up ' with expressions of appreciation? Bible Questions Answered 16 Tarii iddoo gara biraatti tajaajiluuf naannookee dhiistee kan deemte yoo taate, Yaaqoob maal akka isatti dhagaʼame hubachuu dandeessa. What about those who hear the invitation to "come "? If you move to another area to serve in your territory, you can see how Jacob felt. Namoonni dullooman yeroo tokko tokko dubbii hin taane dubbachuu ykn galateeffachuu dhiisuu dandaʼu. " We exchanged phone numbers, " she adds, "so we could be reached and included in spiritual and other activities. " Older ones may at times be unable to speak or be thankful at times. Egaa wanti hunda caalaa faayida qabeessa ta'eefi argachuuf carraaquu qabnu maalidha? But it is wise to have realistic expectations. What is the most important benefit to us, and why should we strive to find it? Yeroo sanaa jalqabee waggaa 71f tajaajila yeroo guutuurratti hirmaateera. In the spring of 33 C.E., Jesus the Nazarene was executed. From that time onward, he shared in the full - time ministry for 71 years. Furiin wanta wal gitu kamirratti kan hundaaʼedha? Parents usually work hard to make sure that their children are clean. What is the basis of the ransom? Abrahaamiifi Saaraan saboota naannoosaanii jiranii fakkaatanii jiraachuu manaa, wantoota gara fuulduraarratti xiyyeeffataniiru. More than 360 million copies in over 100 languages! Abraham and Sarah kept their eyes focused on the future. Mataduree qayyabannaa ittaanurratti waaʼee maalii qoranna? It was late summer, and the gymnasium became stiflingly hot. What will we consider in the next study article? Haata'u malee ilmaan namootaa fedhii "karaa hafuuraa " qabanis guutuu qabu. They are harvested from among all "peoples, national groups and languages. " Humans, however, should fill their needs with "a spiritual need. " Akka namoota jaarraa jalqabaa wanta dubbatan hojii irra hin oolchine tokko tokkoo taʼuu hin barbaadnu. And we make Jehovah's heart rejoice. We do not want to be like those in the first century who did not practice what they said. Eeyyee, wanti Yesus dubbate wanta hordofnu ilaalchisee filannaa akka qabnu nu yaadachiisa. Here again, ask yourself these questions: " Why is that command wise? Yes, Jesus ' words remind us of our choice of what we follow. Wantoota Yihudoonni Yesus Masiihii ta'uusaa amananii akka hin fudhanne taasisan keessaa inni tokko Masiihichi battaluma sanatti bulchiinsa warra Roomaa jalaa nu baasee mootummaa karaa hidda dhaloota Daawit hundeeffame deebisee lafarratti hundeessa jedhanii dogoggoraan yaaduusaaniiti. However, what if some obstacles seem to sap you of spiritual energy? Among other things that the Jews failed to acknowledge that Jesus was the Messiah, they mistakenly assumed that the Messiah would quickly remove the Roman Empire from the northern kingdom of David. * Yesus yaada raajii Isaayaas boqonnaa 66 rra jiru caqasuusaa akka ture ifa mitii? It is more precious than corals; nothing you desire can compare to it. " * Does Jesus not mean that he was referring to the prophetic words found in Isaiah chapter 66? Macaafni Qulqulluun waa'ee du'aa ka'uu adda addaa akkamii ibsa? Mataduree kana keessatti waa'ee du'aa ka'uu isa kamii baranna? This task likely involved his spending long, lonely days and nights in the open fields. What different description of the resurrection will we consider in this article, and what will we learn about the resurrection? Garaagarummaa jechoota kanaa hubachuuf haasawaa sabaa Galma Mootummaatti dhihaatu akka fakkeenyaatti fudhachuun ni danda'ama. (Read Psalm 2: 5 - 9; 110: 1, 2.) It can be viewed as a public talk at the Kingdom Hall. Haata'u malee Phaawulos, "Namni utuu isaanitti hin lallabin, attamitti waa'ee isaa dhaga'u ree? " jedhee gaafatee ture. If available in your country, the brochure may be obtained by requesting a copy from the secretary of the local congregation. However, Paul asked: "How will they hear without someone to preach? " Ijoolleen keessan umrii waggoota kurnaniirra yeroo gaʼan garuu balaarraa isaan eeguun salphaa miti! STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: But it is not easy for your teenage children to wait when they reach adulthood! Shororkeessaan magaalaa keenya keessa jiru tokko akkan manaa hin baane hamma na dhowwutti na sossodaachisee ture. What can result when a conscience is not properly trained? It was a threat to me from a town where I was out of town that I was out of town. Sababii guddaan ergaa Mootummichaa itti lallabnu, Yihowaa fi Yesuusiin garaadhaa kan jaallannu waan taaneefi. At the wedding feast in Cana, for example, we see Mary actively involved and even taking some initiative, but there is no sign of Joseph. Because the main reason why we preach the Kingdom message is that we love Jehovah and Jesus. Waaqayyo akka nu gargaaru yeroo kadhannu, Yihowaarratti, maqaansaa qulqulluu taʼee eegamuusaarratti, akkasumas olaantummaansaa mirkaneeffamusaarratti haa xiyyeeffannu. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. When we pray for God's help, let us focus on the sanctification of Jehovah's name, his sovereignty, and the vindication of his sovereignty. Fakkeenyaaf, iji keessan onnee keessan caalaa kan mulʼatu taʼus, lamaanuu isin hin barbaachisanii? The brochure was written to provide information on a variety of ways that gifts may be made either now or through a bequest at death. For example, although your eyes are higher than your heart, do you not need both of you? Haata'u malee, matadureewwan kanarratti mari'achuu keenya dura sababii yeroon keessa jirru kun baay'ee sodaachisaa itti ta'erratti mari'anna. One dictionary defines pride as "a sense of dignity and self - respect " and" a feeling of satisfaction which you have because you or people close to you have done something good or possess something good. " However, before we discuss these articles, we will discuss why we are living in dangerous times. Dhumarratti, Dhugaa Baatonni bakka yaadan yommuu gaʼan, kutaa sagantichaa isa xumuraatu geggeeffamaa ture. Looking them up makes a mental impression that the holy spirit can help us recall. Finally, when Witnesses reached their destination, the final part of the program was completed. Naaʼol: Karaa Yesusiin. Later, Jesus became a preacher and devoted himself to his ministry to the extent of sacrificing personal comforts. Tim: By means of Jesus. Maaliif? Umrii akkamiirrayyuu yoo jiraanne yeroo hundumaa Yihowaa fuula keenya dura kaa'achuu qabna. Who will understand God's messages? Whether we are young or not, we should always set our face before Jehovah. Eenyuyyuu caalaatti waaqeffannaa sobaa kan babal'isu isadha. To the surprise of his listeners, Jesus also foretold the destruction of Jerusalem with its temple. Especially does anyone promote false worship. Yeroon, sochii godhamurratti hundaaʼuudhaan dheeraa ykn gabaabaa fakkaachuu dandaʼa. What else do we learn from the experience of the psalmist? During a period of time, it may seem relatively short - term or short - term activities. Fakkeenyaaf, namni tokko dhugaatii wajjin haala wal qabateen rakkoo yoo qabaate, dhugaatii manasaa keessa kaa'uu dhiisuuf murteessuu danda'a. In some places, though, elected elders put up considerable resistance to the idea that everyone in the congregation should participate in the public ministry. For example, if a person has a problem with alcohol, he might decide not to leave his home. Tokkummaa wajjin haala wal qabateen, Kiristiyaanonni dhugaan saba Kiristiyaanaarraa adda kan taʼan akkamitti? Think about how Jehovah exercised self - control in dealing with Satan's brazen rebellion. In connection with unity, how do true Christians differ from Christendom? 1: 1 - 3; 77: 12. Siobhan from Ireland remembers: "It was hard for me not to be able to express myself. 1: 1 - 3; 77: 12. Karaan kee akka siif qajeelutti, wanti ati gootus akka wal siif qixxaatutti, wanta isa keessatti caafame hundumaa gaarii godhii eegi! " (Iya. 1: 3; Titus 2: 2. Then you will be successful and you will act wisely. " Yakki intarneetiidhaan raawwatamu, nama miidhame sanas taʼe guutummaa hawaasaarratti kasaaraa doolaara biliyoona hedduutti lakkaaʼamu geessisa. The wisdom contained in God's Word is "first of all pure. " Internet violence can cause billions of dollars - both the victim and the entire social media. Akkuma Eeden keessatti fincilli kaʼeen, sanyiiwwan Addaam warra gara fuulduraatti dhufaniif sababa itti jajjabaatan isaaniif kenneera. (Read Proverbs 15: 23.) Immediately after the rebellion in Eden, Adam's descendants gave them reasons for the future offspring of those to come. Yaadawwaniifi gochawwan sirrii hin taanerraa fagaachuun barbaachisaa kan ta'e maaliifi? To learn the name of the primary legal entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses in your country, please contact the branch office. Why is it important to reject wrong thoughts and actions? 7: 7) Akkuma Miikiyaas, nutis obsaan " eeggachuu ' qabna. POWERFUL ANTIDOTES! Like Micah, we need to " keep on waiting. ' Mootummaan Waaqayyoo bulchiinsota ilmaan namaa hunda ni balleessa. Although at first I found it hard to accept their encouraging words, the Bible has helped me to understand that love "believes all things. " God's Kingdom will eliminate all human governments. Haataʼu malee, namoonni kun gargaarsa tokkollee utuu hin godhiniif bira darbanii deeman. It simply meant that Jehovah would resurrect them to life on a paradise earth. - John 5: 28, 29; Acts 24: 15. However, they went by without any help. 12: 1 - 14. We have seen the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. 12: 1 - 14. Amma umuriin ishii jalqaba waggoota 60mmannii keessa kan jiru siʼa taʼu, misiyoonii taatee Ayiivoorii Koosti (yeroo ammaatti Koot Diivuwaar jedhamtu) keessatti waggaa 20f tajaajilteetti. Remain faithful. Now, in her early 60 ' s, she has served as a missionary in Côte d'Ivoire (now Côte d'Ivoire). Kun immoo yeroo balaan gaʼutti si argachuu akka dandaʼan godha. Among the results she experienced were an unwanted pregnancy and an abortion. That, in turn, will result in disaster relief. (Kes. 15: 11) Yesusis jaarraawwan hedduu booda, "Warra hiyyeessota yeroo hundumaa of biratti argattu " jedheera. If you do not feel like eating, have a number of healthful snacks throughout the day instead of full meals - at least until your appetite returns to normal. Centuries later, Jesus said: "You will find yourself among the poor. " Jecha nama jajjabeessu dubbachuudhaan " hidhatakee ol ni kaastaa? ' The more we apply these principles in our lives, the more we will appreciate them, the more we will come to love them, and the happier we will be. " Do you put your fellow believers up with words? ' Warri afeerrii "kottu " jedhu kana dhaga'anoo maal godhu? Jesus came to earth and died "once for all time. " What about those who hear the invitation to "come "? Itti dabaluudhaan, "Lakkoofsa bilbilaa waan walii kennineef, wal gaafachuu, akkasumas sochiiwwan hafuuraa fi kan biraa irratti waliin hirmaachuu dandeenyeerra " jetteetti. (Matt. She adds: "We enjoyed visiting each other, visiting each other, and sharing in other spiritual activities. " - Kiristiyaanota jaarraa jalqabaarraa, On the other hand, a person who makes an unwise decision when choosing a husband or a wife may experience dissatisfaction and grief. First - century Christians 32: 1, 2) Ta'uyyuu dhugaasaa amananii fudhachuun barbaachisaadha. The Devil was originally a holy angel, but "he did not stand fast in the truth. " Still, it is important to accept the facts. Yesus inni nama Naazireet ture Dh.K.B. arfaasaa bara 33 tti ajjeefame. February 28, 2011 - March 6, 2011 Jesus of Nazareth was killed in the spring of 33 C.E. Yeroo baay'ee warri qulqullina ijoolleesaanii eeguuf carraaqqii cimaa godhu. Brian: Jehovah's Witnesses have a Web site that has some good information on marriage and family life. Parents often work hard to maintain the quality of their children. Afaan 100 oliin koppiin miliyoona 360 raabsameera! For what fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have? In more than 100 million languages! Yeroon isaa yeroo bonaa waan tureef, iddoon jimnaaziyamii sun baayʼee hoʼa ture. Did she think that her son's death was divine retribution and that Elijah was God's messenger of death? It was during the summer of the summer, so it was full of heat. Isaanis, " saba, gosaafi afaan ' hundumaa keessaa kan sassaabamanidha. The apostle Paul urged fellow believers to offer to God "a sacrifice of praise. " They were "a people... out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues. " Garaa Yihowaa ni ciibsina. When my father read those books, his faith in God was awakened. We make Jehovah's heart rejoice. Ammas, " Gorsi kun gaarii kan ta'e maaliifi? 6, 7. Again, ask yourself: " Why is this practical advice? Haata'u malee, gufuuwwan tokko tokko tajaajilatti akka hin jabaanne humna yoo si buusan maal gochuu dandeessa? Then, during our family study and in our daily conversations, we share points that we found interesting or motivating. " But what can you do if you cannot endure certain obstacles in the ministry? Ogummaan meetii caalaa buʼaa qabdi, iji isheen godhattus kan warqee irra in wayya; isheen calleewwan caalaa gati - jabeettii dha, wanta ati caalaatti hawwitu keessaa kan isheedhaan qixxaatu hin jiru. " 148: 12 - 14. The tree of silver is better than gold; it is worth more than gold; it is worth more than silver. " Hojiin kun, kophaasaa halkaniifi guyyaa bakkee keessatti yeroo dheeraa dabarsuu kan gaafatu taʼuu hin oolu. " I WAS nervous about moving here, " says Allen. Such work may involve spending excessive time in private and day out in the fields. (Faarfannaa 2: 5 - 9; 110: 1, 2 dubbisi.) In some ways, the first - century Roman world brought benefits to Christians. (Read Psalm 2: 5 - 9; 110: 1, 2.) Birooshurri kun biyyakee keessa kan jiru taanaan barreessaa gumii keerraa argachuu dandeessa. So we should try to put the householder at ease. If available in your country, the brochure may be obtained by requesting a copy from the secretary of the local congregation. TORBAN MATADUREEWWAN ITTI QAYYABATAMAN: David might have concluded that Solomon was not qualified to oversee such an important project. STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: Qalbiin keenya sirriitti leenjiʼuu baannaan miidhaa akkamii geessisuu dandaʼa? " Agnes, if you go out that door, don't come back in! " If our conscience is not properly trained, what can result? Fakkeenyaaf Maariyaam cidha Qaanaatti godhamerratti kan argamteefi wantoota tokko tokko raawwachuurratti adda durummaadhaan kan hirmaatte si'a ta'u, waa'een Yoseef garuu iddoo kanatti hin ibsamne. He has concluded that Bardet's work is the reason for that change. For example, Mary attended a wedding and was primarily interested in some of the things involved, but Joseph was not present. Hojii addunyaa maratti Kitaaba Qulqulluu barsiisuuf adeemsifamu keessaa tokko dha; buusii qarshii namoonni fedhiidhaan kennaniin qophaaʼa. They worship the one true God, whose name is Jehovah, as revealed in the Bible. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Birooshurri kun namoonni kennaa kennuuf ykn yeroo duʼanitti dhaamsa dhaalaa karaawwan addaddaa gochuuf isaan dandeessisu jiran ilaalchisee ragaa kennuuf yaadamee kan qophaaʼedha. Her smile reflected her great joy and satisfaction. The brochure was written to provide information on a variety of ways that gifts may be made either now or through a bequest at death. Galmeen jechootaa tokko jecha koora jedhu, "ulfinaa fi kabaja ofiif qabaachuu, " akkasumas" miira gammachuu ati ykn namni ati itti dhihaattu tokko wanta gaarii gochuu isaatiin ykn qabaachuu isaatiin sitti dhagaʼamu " jechuudhaan hiikeera. To avoid isolation, we need to spend time with others who fear God's name and respect his standards. One dictionary defines pride as "the showy and self - respect " and" you feel that you are happier or more inclined to do good or to make someone close to you. " Caqasoota kana dubbisuun, yaannisaanii sammuu keenya keessaa akka hin badne godha; yeroo barbaachisaa taʼettimmoo hafuurri qulqulluun akka isaan yaadannu nu gargaara. In what ways can we treat others impartially? Reading these scriptures will keep our minds fixed on the mind, and it will help us to remember that holy spirit is at the right time. Boodas, Yesus yeroosaa guutummaa hojii lallabaarratti dabarsuudhaan mataasaa gammachiisuurraa of qusateera. 17, 18. Later, Jesus refrained from pleasing his head by having a full share in the preaching work. Ergaa Waaqayyoo kan hubatu eenyu ree? Both Moses and Jeremiah initially felt incapable of handling the assignments Jehovah gave them. Who recognize the message of God's message? Yesus Yerusaalemiifi manni qulqullummaashee akka balleeffaman raajii dubbachuunsaa dhaggeeffattootasaa ajaa'ibsiisee ture. Satan's world was not kind to them. Jesus was amazed that Jerusalem and the temple would be destroyed. Wanti muuxannoo faarfatichaarraa barannu kan biraanoo maalidha? Unlike arrogant individuals who disdain obedience, Jesus humbly submitted to God's will for him, becoming "obedient to the point of death. " What else can we learn from the experience of the psalmist? Naannoowwan tokko tokkotti garuu, jaarsoliin gumiidhaan filataman yaada miseensonni gumii hundi hojii lallabaarratti hirmaachuu qabu jedhu ni morman. We should have a view like that of the apostle Paul, who admonished his fellow anointed Christians that they were "no longer strangers and foreigners, but... members of the household of God. " In some areas, however, congregation elders refuse to agree with the fact that each member of the congregation has the privilege of sharing in the preaching work. Mee Yihowaan yommuu Seexanni fincila kaasetti akka of toʼatu kan argisiise akkamitti akka taʼe yaadaa. David prayed to Jehovah God: "Teach me to do your will. " Think of how Jehovah exercised self - control when Satan rebelled. Shaabuu isheen Ayerlaandii deemte akkas jetteetti: "Yaadakoo ibsuu dadhabuun na gaddisiisa ture. 18: 21 - 34. " I found it hard to express my thoughts, " she from Ireland. 1: 3; Tit. 2: 2. As Jehovah's worshippers on earth, we can "see God " by observing him act in our behalf. 1: 3; Titus 2: 2. Ogummaan Dubbii Waaqayyoo keessa jiru "hundumaa dura qullaaʼaa dha. " Fellow believers: When we are in company with our fellow believers, we are encouraged and consoled. The wisdom found in God's Word is "a holy thing. " (Fakkeenya 15: 23 dubbisi.) How is God's name being honored today? (Read Proverbs 15: 23.) Maqaa seeraan beekamaa taʼee fi Dhugaa Baatonni Yihowaa biyya kee keessatti itti fayyadaman beekuuf, waajjira damee gaafachuu dandeessa. " This brought me so much relief! " To learn the name of the primary legal entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses in your country, please contact the branch office. WANTOOTA HINAAFFAARRAA FAGAACHUUF GARGAARAN Finally, God's patience with that wicked world ran out. - Genesis 6: 3; 1 Peter 3: 20. LANDS AND PEOPLES Jalqabarratti wanta isaan ana jajjabeessuuf dubbatan fudhachuun kan natti ulfaate ta'uyyuu, Macaafni Qulqulluun jaalalli " hundumasaa akka amanu ' akkan hubadhu na gargaareera. What did this vision reveal? At first, I found it difficult to accept what they said, but the Bible helps me to understand that love "is all things. " Kanaa mannaa gabaabumatti Yihowaan lafa jannata taatu keessa akka jiraataniif duʼaa isaan kaasa jechuu dha. - Yoh. 5: 28, 29; HoE. 24: 15. A key element of that purpose was for married people to have children and "fill the earth. " - Gen. Rather, Jehovah would bring them back to life in a paradise earth. - John 5: 28, 29; Acts 24: 15. Raajiin Macaafa Qulqulluu yommuu raawwatamu argineerra. We might ask ourselves: " Do I apply that counsel in my life? We experienced the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Kanaaf amanamummaadhaan itti fufi. Joy in Singleness, 6 / 15 So continue to be honest. Kanaan kan kaʼes utuu hin barbaadin kan ulfoofte siʼa taʼu, ulfa sanas baasisteetti. Note Jesus ' use of the word "supplication, " which is a very earnest form of prayer. As a result, she was pregnant without delay, and she became pregnant with the abortion. Fedhii nyaataa yoo dhabde, fedhiin nyaataa kee hanga iddootti deebiʼutti, takkaatti baayʼee nyaachuu mannaa, xinnoo xinnoo garuu immoo daftee daftee nyaata salphaa nyaachuu dandeessa. Schneider Chafen in their report published in The Journal of the American Medical Association. If you fail to eat food, you may eat a little more food at once than once. Seerawwan bu'uuraa kana hojiirra yoo oolchine, isaan hubachaafi jaallachaa, akkasumas gammachuu argachaa deemna. We can therefore have full confidence in the Scriptural insight, understanding, and guidance that we receive from the slave. If we apply these principles, we will learn to love them and will be happy. Yesuus gara lafaa dhufee "yeroo hundumaaf akka taʼutti al tokkicha " duʼeera. Recall that when Noah and his family emerged from the ark after the Flood, Jehovah told them: "A fear of you and a terror of you will continue upon every living creature of the earth. " Jesus came to earth only once "for all time. " (Mat. Do not ignore your feelings. (Matt. Karaa garabiraammoo namni abbaa manaa ykn haadha manaa filachuurratti murtoo ogummaarratti hin hundoofne godhu gammachuu dhabuufi gaddi isarra gaʼuu dandaʼa. Will they hit the target - that is, will the children continue to love and serve God after they leave home? On the other hand, a person who is neither wise nor wise to choose a marriage mate may lose his joy and sorrow. Diiyaabilos jalqaba ergamaa qulqulluu ture; taʼus "dhugaa irra hin dhaabanne. " Clearly, Jesus intended for his disciples to have a solid foundation for their faith before they would get baptized. The Devil was the first angel, but he "did not stand fast in the truth. " Guraandhala 28, 2011 - Bitootessa 6, 2011 Jehovah enabled Jesus to perform powerful miracles, providing further proof that Jesus was the Messiah. - Acts 10: 38. February 28, 2011 - March 6, 2011 Abeel: Dhugaa Baatonni Yihowaa Weeb saayitii gaaʼelaa fi jireenya maatii ilaalchisee barumsa gaarii qabate qabu. First, he strives to qualify as a ministerial servant. Brian: Jehovah's Witnesses have valuable lessons about marriage and family life. Qajeelinnii fi jalʼinni maal walitti qabu? Months earlier when John the Baptizer came preaching, many were saying: "May he perhaps be the Christ? " What connection do righteousness and lawlessness have? Mucaanshee duʼuunsaa, Waaqayyo cubbuu isheen raawwatteef akka ishee adabaa jiruufi Eliyaasimmoo ergamaa kana raawwachiisuuf dhufe akka taʼe gootee yaaddee turtee laataa? So we do well to ask ourselves, " Where am I looking for help and direction? ' Did she have thought that God was punishing her child for her sin and that Elijah was the angel who came to existence? Phaawulos ergamaan "aarsaa galataa " Waaqayyoof akka dhiheessaniif amantoota hidhatasaa taʼan jajjabeesseera. Second, he reminds you that his promises are trustworthy: "I have spoken, and I will bring it about. The apostle Paul encouraged fellow believers to offer "a sacrifice of praise " to God. Abbaan koo kitaabota kana yeroo dubbisu amantiin inni Waaqayyo irratti qabu ni cime. Some might reason that areas such as entertainment and dress and grooming are personal matters. When my father read those books, his faith in God became stronger. 6, 7. Further, make sure to commend the learner for the effort he makes to apply your suggestions. 6, 7. Achiis, yaadawwan gaggaarii ta'aniifi hojiidhaaf nama kakaasan, yommuu qayyabannaa maatii goonuufi yommuu waliin haasofnu kaasnee mari'anna " jedhaniiru. It stated: "The singing of the truth is a good way to get it into the heads and hearts of God's people. " Then we discussed interesting and upbuilding ideas that build up our family and conversations as we discuss family study and discuss it together. " 148: 12 - 14. Between 41 and 98 C.E., Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John wrote down "the history of Jesus Christ. " 148: 12 - 14. ALAN, * "yeroon waaʼee as dhufu yaadu sodaadheen ture. But God did not purpose that we spend a few decades growing up and gaining some wisdom and experience, only to spend the next few decades breaking down and descending into illness and death. " I was afraid about the timing of the day. Bulchiinsi Roomaa jaarraa jalqabaatti ture karaa tokko tokkoon Kiristiyaanota fayyadeera. The Bible says that humans were created in God's image, that is, with the ability to reflect God's qualities. The Roman Empire in the first century benefited Christians in some way. jedhee gaafachuu dandaʼa. In a similar way, we are admonished: "It is necessary for us to pay more than the usual attention to the things heard by us, that we may never drift away. " he might ask. Daawit, Solomoon hojii guddaa kana toʼachuuf gaʼumsa hin qabu jedhee yaaduu dandaʼa ture. But like eroded old monuments, most old writings have been badly damaged by the passage of time. David could have thought that Solomon was not qualified to control this important work. Abbaan manaashee, "Agnas, karaa balbala sanaa yoo baate, as hin deebi'in! " Our "godly devotion " should prompt us to be content with" food and clothing, " or "sustenance and shelter. " - 1 Tim. 6: 6 - 8; ftn. Her husband says: "If she does not leave the door, do not return. " Yaadasaanii kana akka jijjiiran kan isaan godhe qorannoo Baardaa akka taʼe isaanumtuu dubbataniiru. 4 Prayer - To Whom? They say that they have changed their thinking and that they are responsible for their study. Waaqa dhugaa tokkicha, Kitaaba Qulqulluu keessatti ibsamee fi maqaan isaa Yihowaa jedhamu waaqeffatu. Yes, and many have experienced the truthfulness of his words. The only true God, the Bible, and its name is Jehovah. Akkaataan itti seeqxe gammachuu guddaan akka isheetti dhaga'ame kan ibsu ture. (See opening image.) The way she was treated indicates that she was so happy. Yoo of eeggachuu baanne, Yihowaa fi saba isaa irraa of fageessuu dandeenya. In turn, they became very involved in helping Joel to make progress - and with surprising results. If we are not careful, we could distance ourselves from Jehovah and his people. Nama akka wal hin caalchifne karaawwan kamiin argisiisuu dandeenya? The precious unity described in Ezekiel is clearly evident each year as the anointed remnant and the "other sheep " gather to observe the Memorial of Christ's death! In what ways can we show impartiality? 17, 18. MOTIVATED BY LOYALTY TO JEHOVAH 17, 18. Museefi Ermiyaas hojii Yihowaan akka hojjetaniif isaanitti kenne raawwachuuf ga'eessota akka hin taane itti dhaga'amee ture. Jehovah - "The God Who Gives Peace " Moses and Jeremiah felt inadequate to carry out the task that Jehovah had assigned them to do. Biyyi lafaa Seexanni seerratu isaaniif gaarii hin turre. Explain how Isaiah 53: 7 was fulfilled. Satan's world was not good for them. Namoota of tuuloo ajajamuu hin barbaadne irraa haala adda taʼeen, Yesus " hamma duʼaatti abboomamuudhaan ' gad of deebisee wanta Waaqayyo isa irraa barbaadu raawwateera. At the wedding, he miraculously changed water into wine, adding to the supply, which had run short. Unlike those who did not want to obey, Jesus humbly submitted to what God wanted him to do "as far as death. " Nutis ilaalcha akkuma Phaawulos isa obboloota isaa warra dibamoo taʼan "isin kana booda keessummaa fi orma miti; kanaa mannaa... miseensota maatii Waaqayyoo ti " jechuudhaan gorsee qabaachuu qabna. We see the answer in Paul's mention of "a declaring of [men of all kinds] righteous for life. " - Rom. Like Paul, who urged his anointed brothers: "You are not strangers and strangers, but they are members of God's household. " jechuudhaan Yihowaatti kadhannaa dhiheesseera. What does it mean to have a self - sacrificing spirit? I prayed to Jehovah. 18: 21 - 34. The idea of exerting strenuous effort to obtain God's blessing may well bring to mind the patriarch Jacob. 18: 21 - 34. Waaqeffattoota Yihowaa waan taaneef, tarkaanfii inni nuuf jecha fudhatu ilaaluudhaan " Waaqayyoon arguu ' dandeenya. Why do we need reminders? As worshippers of Jehovah, we can "see " Jehovah by taking action in our behalf. Namoota hidhata amantii keenya taʼan: Yeroo namoota hidhata amantii keenya taʼanii wajjin taanu jajjabina arganna. Why did the apostle give this admonition? Fellow believers: We receive encouragement when we are with fellow believers. Yeroo harʼaa maqaan Waaqayyoo ulfina argachaa kan jiru akkamitti? They failed to keep the vow that their forefathers had made to Jehovah. How is God's name being glorified today? Kun immoo boqonnaa naaf argamsiiseera! " Because of peer pressure, some men may hesitate to follow Christ fully. That gave me relief! " Dhumarrattis obsi Waaqayyo biyya lafaa isa hammeenyaan guutameef qabu ni dhume. - Uumama 6: 3; 1 Phexros 3: 20. " How long, O Jehovah, must I cry for help, but you do not hear? Finally, God's patience was released from a world filled with wickedness. - Genesis 6: 3; 1 Peter 3: 20. Yihowaan, tajaajiltoonni isaa yeroo ammaa jiran itti gaafatamummaa tiʼookraasii qaban raawwachuuf akka leenjiʼan barbaada. How did Jehovah restrain David from taking a false step, and what does He do for us today? Jehovah wants his servants today to be trained to fulfill theocratic responsibilities. Mul'anni kun maal argisiisa? Clearly, Jesus ' life was focused on his ministry. What does this vision reveal? Yeroo sanatti kaayyoon Yihowaan abbaa manaafi haadha manaatiif qabu inni guddaan, ijoollee godhatanii akka " lafa guutan ' ture. - Uma. Young people search in vain for employment. At that time, Jehovah's primary purpose for a husband and a wife was to "fill the earth. " - Gen. Akkana jennee of gaafachuu dandeenya: " Gorsa kana jireenya koo keessatti hojii irra nan oolchaa? COVER IMAGE: We might ask ourselves: " Do I apply this counsel in my life? Yesus " gaafa hundumaa kadhadhaa ' yommuu jedhu, kadhannaatti cimuu akka qabnu dubbachuusaa akka taʼe hubadhaa. Rather than focusing on ourselves on our birthday, wouldn't it be good to thank God, to think of others, and to do good to them? Notice that Jesus meant that we should be strong in prayer when he said: "Keep on the watch. " Haa taʼu malee, wantoonni adda durummaadhaan alarjiin akka uumamu godhan, dandeettii qaamni dhukkuba of irraa ittisuuf qabuu wajjin kan wal qabatan akka taʼan hayyoonni hedduun ni amanu. Use the World but Not to the Full However, many scholars believe that the primary cause of food is the ability to protect themselves from disease. Kanaaf beekumsa, hubannaafi qajeelfama Caaffata Qulqullaa'oorratti hundaa'aniifi hojjetaa kanarraa argannutti guutummaatti amanuu dandeenya. " if only I had a great marriage " Therefore, we can have full confidence in the knowledge, understanding, and Scriptural direction we receive from the slave class. Wanta Yihowaan Bishaan Badiisaa booda Nohiifi maatiinsaa markaba keessaa erga baʼanii booda, " Surraan keessan bineensa lafaa hundumaa haa sodaachisu, haa naasisus! ' 6, 7. After Jehovah left Noah and his family out of the Flood, "let your hand rise upon every sort of ruin. " Miirakee dhaggeeffadhu. [ Picture on page 3] Listen. Yeroo mana gadhiisanii deeman Yihowaa jaallachuufi tajaajiluusaanii itti fufuudhaan alaamaasaanii ni rukutuu laataa? The lesson we can learn from Hezekiah involves the heart. Will they leave home so as to love Jehovah and carry out their service to him? Yesus bartoonnisaa cuuphamuusaanii dura amantaa jabaa akka qabaatan kan barbaade ta'uusaa kanarraa hubachuun ni danda'ama. 6: 1. Clearly, Jesus wanted his disciples to build strong faith before getting baptized. Yihowaan, Yesus Masiihii taʼuusaatiif ragaa dabalataa akka taʼutti, dinqiiwwan gurguddaa akka raawwatu isa gargaareera. - Hojii Ergamootaa 10: 38. You realize that skilled help is absolutely necessary. Jehovah enabled Jesus to perform great miracles as the Messiah. - Acts 10: 38. Jalqaba, tajaajilaa gumii taʼuuf carraaqqii godha. ▪ You may have many Bible translations to choose from in your language. First, he strives to be a ministerial servant. Jiʼoota muraasa dura Yohannis Cuuphaan yommuu lallabaa dhufu, namoonni hedduun, "Yohannis kun Kristos taʼinna laataa? " jechaa turan. 16, 17. A few months earlier when John the Baptizer was preaching, many would say, "Is this Christ the Christ? " Kanaaf, " Gargaarsaa fi qajeelfama argachuuf eessa ilaalaan jira? ' ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: So ask yourself, " Where am I looking for help and guidance? ' (Isa. 41: 10) Lammaffaa, "Wantan dubbadhe iddoodhaan nan gaʼa, akeeka koos nan raawwadha " jechuudhaan abdiin inni kenne amanamaa taʼuusaa siif mirkaneesseera. A modest person will imitate Jesus. Second, he assured you of his promise: "I shall go and do what I say, and I will do. " Namoonni tokko tokko bashannanni, akkaataan uffannaafi miidhaginaa filannoo dhuunfaatiif kan dhiifamedha jedhanii sababii dhiheessu ta'a. Limited in How Much We Can Do Some may excuse entertainment, dress, and grooming to make personal choices. Kana malees, barataan kun yaada isin isaaf kennitan hojii irra oolchuuf carraaqqii inni godhuuf isa galateeffadhaa. Thinking deeply about what we read in the Bible does still more for us. Also, commend your student for applying his thoughts. Barruun kun, "Dhugaa faarfachuun karaa gaarii dhugaan garaafi sammuu saba Waaqayyoo keessa akka galu godhudha " jedheera. * "I wanted to lighten his load and to help buy our son, Jimmy, some of the nice things his schoolmates enjoyed. " It says: "The singing of the truth makes the heart of the truth and the mind of God's people. " Maatewos, Maarqos, Luqaasiifi Yohannis Dh.K.B. bara 41 hanga 98 gidduutti "seenaa Yesus Kiristos " barreessaniiru. • Who is responsible for sickness, and who will relieve us of the effects of sin? Matthew, Mark, Luke, Luke, and John wrote about 98 C.E. that "they also became Jesus Christ. " (Faarfannaa 103: 15; 144: 3, 4) Kaayyoon Waaqayyoo, bara jireenyaa keenya keessaa waggoota kudhaniin lakkaa'aman muraasaaf guddannee, beekumsaafi muuxannoo erga argannee booda isa hafetti gara dullumaafi du'aatti akka deemnu hin turre. Therefore, let us continue to laud Jehovah, like the heavenly creatures who exclaim: "You are worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created. " - Rev. For decades after we had grown up in our lives, God's purpose was not to bring about knowledge and experience to the end of old age and death. Macaafni Qulqulluun namoonni akka bifa Waaqayyootti uumamuusaanii dubbata. Moreover, when we give our valuable things to Jehovah, we honor him. - Prov. The Bible says that humans would be made in God's image. Haaluma wal fakkaatuun nuufis gorsi, "Karaa irraa akka hin gorreef, dubbii isa dhageenye kana caalchifnee yaadaan duukaa bu'uun in barbaachisa " jedhu nuu kennameera. A person's zeal for God's work and enduring loyalty to theocratic order will build up a fine record with Jehovah and serve as a good example to his brothers. Similarly, we are told: "We need to follow this pattern of saying so that we may not drift away. " Haa taʼu malee, akkuma siidaawwan moofaa qaamni isaanii irraa caccabeetti baayʼeen isaanii tura keessa akka malee miidhamaniiru. 6: 1 - 3. However, like old bodies, they are surrounded by the oldest parts of their body and are lying in them. " Waaqayyoof kan bulle ' taʼuun keenya, "nyaataa fi uffata " ykn" waan ittiin jiraatanii fi mana " qabaachuu keenyatti akka gammadnu gochuu qaba. - 1 Xim. 6: 6 - 8; mil. " Let's face it, " says Harry, "any task in life becomes more difficult with age. " Our "holy acts of godly devotion " should bring joy to our home because we live" food and clothing. " - 1 Tim. 6: 6 - 8; ftn. 4 Gara Eenyuutti? And it is not only that he can remember but that he and his Son want to do so. 4 Whom? Dubbateera, namoonni baay'een kun dhugaa ta'uusaa wanta isaanirra ga'erraa hubataniiru. In the final analysis, if we really want to avoid hurting others with our speech, we have to do what Proverbs 16: 23 says: "Intelligent [that is, wise] people think before they speak; what they say is then more persuasive. " " Many have found this to be true, and they have experienced the truthfulness of what has happened. (Fakkii jalqaba irra jiru ilaali.) OUR PRESENT ASSIGNMENT (See opening picture.) Isaanis gamasaaniitiin Jooʼel fooyyaʼiinsaa akka godhu gargaaruurratti hirmaachuunsaanii buʼaa dinqisiisaa argamsiiseera. * What a fine effect it has been for them to share in helping Joel improve! (His. 37: 24, 25) Dibamtoonni lafa irra jiranii fi " hoolonni kan biraan ' waggaa waggaadhaan Ayyaana Yaadannoo duʼa Kiristoos kabajuuf walitti qabamuun isaanii, tokkummaan kitaaba Hisqiʼel irratti caqasame dhugaa taʼuu isaa argisiisa! The problem? How true are the unity of the anointed remnant and their "other sheep " who observe the Memorial of Christ's death each year! AMANAMUMMAA INNI YIHOWAADHAAF QABU ISA KAKAASEERA * HOW TO BE USED OF JEHOVAH'S FROM THE FAMILY Yihowaan " Waaqa Nagaa Kennudha ' By means of fellow Christians. Jehovah - "The God Who Gives Peace " Isaayaas 53: 7 akkamitti akka raawwatame ibsi. Higher Education? Explain how Isaiah 53: 7 was fulfilled. Cidha irratti argame sana irratti, daadhiin wayinii waan hanqateef dinqiidhaan bishaan gara daadhii wayiniitti jijjiireera. " A PREOCCUPATION with the future... prevents us from seeing the present as it is, " noted one American philosopher. During the wedding feast, wine miraculously changed the wine miraculously and changed wine. Utuu Macaafni Qulqulluun hin jiru taʼee Uumaa keenyatti dhihaachuu akka dandeenyu akkamitti beekuu dandeenya turre? The Hebrew word ʼa·menʹ has the basic meaning of "surely. " How could we be sure that we could draw close to our Creator without the Bible? Deebii kanaa yaada Phaawulos, "qajeelummaa argachiisee [sanyii namoota hundumaa] in jiraachisa " jechuudhaan dubbaterraa arganna. - Rom. Just imagine how eager Jesus was to receive the help of God's spirit while residing in the environment that he faced here on earth! We find the answer in Paul's words: "He [the seed] sees the righteousness of all men. " - Rom. Amala fedhii ofii aarsaa gochuu qabaachuu jechuun maal jechuudha? 15, 16. What does it mean to be self - sacrificing? Yaanni eebba Waaqayyoo argachuuf carraaqqii cimaa gochuu jedhu, abbaa amantii kan taʼe Yaaqoobiin nu yaadachiisa. Professor F. Dale Bruner writes of such treasures: "It is well known that fame is fickle. The thought of seeking God's blessing reminds us of the patriarch Jacob. Yaadachiisni kan nu barbaachisu maaliifi? What contrast exists between the Governing Body and Christendom's leaders? Why do we need reminders? Phaawulos gorsa akkasii kan isaaniif kenne maaliifi? Then our speech will not hurt and tear down but heal and build up those whom we love. - Romans 14: 19. Why did Paul give such counsel? Dhumarrattis, walitti dhufeenya addaa Yihowaa wajjin qaban dhabaniiru. 5: 22, 23. Finally, they lost their special relationship with Jehovah. Dhiironni tokko tokko dhiibbaa hiriyaatiin kan kaʼe guutummaatti Kiristos duukaa buʼuu sodaatu taʼa. One inspired psalmist said to Jehovah: "Every false path I have hated. " Some men may be afraid to follow Christ fully because of peer pressure. " Yaa Waaqayyo! Hamma yoomiittan gargaarsaaf gara keetti iyya? Indeed, the model prayer assures us that nothing can stop the will of God from taking place. - Ps. He asked: "How long will I cry for help, O Jehovah? Yihowaan, Daawit tarkaanfii dogoggoraa akka hin fudhanne kan isa dhowwe akkamitti? Today, 40 percent of Cameroon's inhabitants claim to be Christian, 20 percent are Muslim, and the remaining 40 percent practice traditional African religions. How did Jehovah prevent David from taking a false step? Jireenyi Yesus tajaajilasaarratti kan xiyyeeffate akka ture ifadha. But the great interest shown in the Dawns brought with it a dilemma. Clearly, Jesus ' life centered on his ministry. Dargaggoota hedduudhaaf hojii argachuun baayʼee rakkisaa dha. " I am reserved by nature, " says Rachel, who moved far away from where she grew up. For many, finding a job is a challenge. Macaafni Qulqulluun maqaan Waaqayyoo Yihowaa akka ta'e ibsa. " Give genuine consideration to what your mate is saying. The Bible shows that God's name is Jehovah. FAKKII QOLA ISAA IRRA JIRU: PAGE 25 COVER IMAGE: Guyyaa dhalootaa keenyatti ofii keenyarratti xiyyeeffachuu mannaa, Waaqayyoon galateeffachuu, warra kaaniif yaaduufi isaaniif waan gaarii gochuun baʼeessa mitii? Other laws require that subjects of God's Kingdom refrain from certain actions. Rather than focusing on our birth, would it not be wise for us to thank God for others, to commend them, and to do good? Biyya Lafaatti Guutummaatti Dhimma Hin Ba'inaa As Christians, we follow Jesus ' example by being kind and helpful. Do Not Use the World to the Full gaaʼela gaarii When we learned to walk, we met strangers who towered over us like giants. A good marriage 6, 7. How Would You Answer? 6, 7. [ Picture on page 3] All that your hand finds to do, do with your very power, for there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol [mankind's common grave], the place to which you are going. " - Eccl. [ Picture on page 3] Hisqiyaas irraa immoo garaa keenyaa wajjin haala wal qabateen barumsi argannu jira. The son finally came to his senses, repented, and took the initiative to return to his family. Hezekiah's example teaches us a lesson in our heart. 6: 1. " I am grateful to those in the congregation who continued helping me, " says Natalya. 6: 1. Nama gama kanaan leenjii argate akka si gargaaru beekta. 15 Draw Close to God - You Can Find "the Very Knowledge of God " You know that training can help you. ▪ Afaan keetiin hiikawwan Macaafa Qulqulluu hedduutu jira taʼa. Those charges could lead to his being sentenced to death. ▪ In your language, there are many translations. 16, 17. Details of the Messiah's Death. 16, 17. MATADUREEWWAN DABALATAA: And how can we "remember those who are taking the lead " among us, especially those who make up" the faithful and discreet slave "? - Heb. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: Namni gad of deebisu garuu fakkeenya Yesuus hordofa. (b) How might a return to Egypt have affected the Israelites ' worship? But a humble person imitates Jesus ' example. Humni Keenya Daangeffamaa Yeroo Taʼutti They add to our joy by showing personal interest in us. When Faced With Our Heart Wanta Macaafa Qulqulluurraa dubbisnerratti gadi fageenyaan yaaduun keenya, faayidaa garabiraas nuuf argamsiisa. Christian family heads today follow a similar pattern. Taking into consideration what we read in the Bible can benefit us further. Itti gaafatamummaasaa isarraa salphisuufi mucaa keenya Jiimiidhaaf wantoota gaggaarii ijoolleen isaa wajjin baratan qaban bituufiin barbaade " jechuudhaan dubbatteetti. With her is Ruth, who faces what may be the most important decision of her life. I wanted to reduce his responsibilities and buy some good things from our children. " Waaqayyo keenyaa! Guddina, ulfina, aangoos fudhachuun siif in taʼa " jennee isa faarsuu keenya itti haa fufnu. - Mul. The first ones that he listed were mercy and compassion. May we continue to praise Jehovah, for he is our glory and glory. " - Rev. Hunda caalaa immoo, qabeenya keenya warra gatii guddaa qaban Yihowaadhaaf yommuu kenninu isa kabajuu keenya argisiisna. - Fak. He wants to keep you in darkness so that your heart will not be illuminated with "the glorious knowledge of God. " Above all, we show respect for Jehovah when we give our precious possession. - Prov. Hinaaffaan namni tokko hojii Waaqayyoorratti argisiisuufi qajeelfama Yihowaatiif amanamaa ta'uunsaa, Yihowaa biratti maqaa gaarii isaaf argamsiisa; obbolootasaatiifis fakkeenya gaarii ta'uuf isa gargaara. When Peter looked at the storm and started to sink, he could have tried to make it back to the boat on his own. A person's zeal for God's work and his loyalty to Jehovah contributes to his good reputation and help him to set a good example for his brothers. 6: 1 - 3. So the seventh day was ongoing in Paul's day. 6: 1 - 3. Haariin, "Dhugaasaa dubbachuuf, hojiin dulluma keessa hojjetan hundumtuu ulfaataadha " jedheera. Your day has hardly begun, and you already have benefited from the influence of a few notable men. " Of course, all work hard in old age is not easy, " says Paolo. 40: 26) Isaan yaadachuu dandaʼuu isaa qofa utuu hin taʼin, innii fi Ilmi isaa kana gochuuf fedhiis qabu. " Now when he entered into Jerusalem, the whole city was set in commotion, saying: " Who is this? ' Not only did he remember them but he and his Son were willing to do so. Akkaataa dubbii keenyaan namoota kaan miidhuurraa fagaachuu yoo barbaanne, gorsa Fakkeenya 16: 23 rratti argamuufi akkas jedhu hojiirra oolchuu qabna: "Namoonni ogeeyyiin itti yaadanii in dubbatu, dubbiin afaan isaaniis nama in amansiisa. " Paul's statement "now is the especially acceptable time " is still true. If we want to avoid hurting others in our speech, we need to apply the counsel found at Proverbs 16: 23: "Those wise men express their thoughts, and their speech will be convincing. " HOJII YEROO AMMAA HOJJECHAA JIRRU Also, some programs at the university relied on businesses for funding, so researchers might feel inclined to favor those businesses. HOW TO BE USED: THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT * These false friends abandoned Jesus when they misunderstood something he said. * Sababiinsaa maalidha? Regarding the King Jesus Christ, Isaiah 9: 7 foretells: "To the abundance of the princely rule and to peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and upon his kingdom in order to establish it firmly and to sustain it by means of justice and by means of righteousness, from now on and to time indefinite. The very zeal of Jehovah of armies will do this. " What is behind it? * The angel gives us a clue when he says that it is " the One who made the heaven and the earth. ' * Karaa Kiristiyaanota hidhata keenya ta'aniiti. However, unlike barnacles, which fasten themselves tightly to a surface, marine mussels dangle by a network of thin filaments called byssus threads. Through fellow Christians. Barumsa Sadarkaa Olaanaa? We know that Jesus did not come to earth to give us health, wealth, and a long life in this world. The Governing Body? FALAASAAN Ameerikaa tokko, "Waa'ee gara fuulduraa garmalee dhiphachuun... yeroo keenya isa har'aa akka gaariitti akka itti hin fayyadamne nu dhowwa " jechuudhaan dubbateera. Still others feel that belonging to a church will make them friends of God. " concern for the future... does not prevent us from using our time wisely, " says one American U.S.A. (Faarfannaa 72: 19; 89: 52) Jechi afaan Ibrootaa ameen jedhu kun "haata'u " jechuudha. We will then be less likely to blame Jehovah when bad things happen. This Hebrew word means "He Causes to Become. " 11: 2) Yesus haalawwan lafarratti isa mudatan keessa yommuu turetti gargaarsa hafuura qulqulluu argachuuf hammam hawwee akka ture yaadaa! How can you cultivate tender feelings for others? Imagine how eager Jesus must have been to receive God's holy spirit when he was on earth! 15, 16. Read Isaiah 40: 28. 15, 16. Piroofeesara kan taʼan Daal Biraanar badhaadhummaa akkasii ilaalchisee yaada akkas jedhu barreessaniiru: "Beekamummaan amansiisaa akka hin taane akka gaariitti hubatameera. As we do that, the urgings of our conscience will likely come ever closer to our Father's thinking. Regarding such treasures, Professor R. Garaa garummaan Qaama Ol Aanaa fi geggeessitoota Saba Kiristiyaanaa gidduu jiru maali dha? Table of Contents What is the difference between the Governing Body and the leaders of Christendom? Akkas kan goonu taanaan, dubbiin keenya namoota jaallannu kan miidhuufi hamileesaanii kan cabsu utuu hin ta'in, kan isaan fayyisuufi kan isaan ijaaru ta'a. - Roomaa 14: 19. Thus, the Bible does not say that all modern languages can be traced to a single "mother tongue. " If we do so, our speech will be warm, not for those who love their loved ones, but for the healing and building them up. - Romans 14: 19. 5: 22, 23. and then read one scripture - Psalm 83: 18. 5: 22, 23. Faarfataan tokko hafuura qulqulluudhaan geggeeffamee Yihowaadhaan, "Karaa sobaa hundumaas nan jibba " jedheera. (Far. 4 How to Harness Your Habits: No. 4 An inspired psalmist was inspired to write to Jehovah: "I hate all false paths. " Dhuguma iyyuu, kadhannaan Yesuus akka fakkeenyaatti barsiise, qaamni kam iyyuu fedhiin Waaqayyoo akka hin raawwatamne dhowwuu akka hin dandeenye nuuf mirkaneessa. - Far. He was one of the first investigators to test theories by experimentation, and he was not afraid to question accepted wisdom if the evidence did not back it up. Indeed, Jesus ' model prayer assures us that no human can stop God's will. - Ps. Yeroo harʼaatti namoonni Kaameruun dhibbeentaa 40ni Kiristiyaanota akka taʼan dubbatu; dhibbeentaa 20ni Musiliimotadha; dhibbeentaa 40ni hafanimmoo amantiiwwan Afriikaa aadaarratti hundaaʼan hordofu. A few ideas are presented in the accompanying box. Today, about 40 percent of Christendom's population claim to be Christian, 20 percent of which follow local religions based on local customs. Taʼus, fedhii namoonni Daawiniif qaban dabaluunsaa rakkina uumeera. Why do God's sheep especially need the care of shepherds today? Yet, the common people in Rome had a problem. (Fak. 15: 30) Richeel ishiin naannoo itti guddatte irraa fagaatee deemte akkana jetteetti, "Ija laafettiin ture. BIBLE STUDIES " I was shy, " says Rachel, who moved away from her homeland. Wanta hiriyaan gaaʼelaakee dubbachaa jirtu garaadhaa dhaggeeffadhu. They actually happened to real people like us, living at a real time and in a real place. Listen to your mate's heartfelt comments. FUULA 25 Youths - Make Your Advancement Manifest PAGE 25 Seerawwan kaanimmoo namoonni Mootummaa Waaqayyootiif abboomaman gochawwan tokko tokkorraa fagaachuu akka qaban kan ibsanidha. He sought solace in drugs, and he also obtained professional help. Other laws show that subjects of God's Kingdom must avoid certain practices. Nutis Kiristiyaanota waan taaneef, gaarummaa argisiisuufi namoota gargaaruudhaan fakkeenya Yesus hordofna. For example, Revelation 1: 3 says: "Happy is he who reads aloud and those who hear the words of this prophecy. " As Christians, we imitate Jesus ' kindness and help others. Miillaan deemuu yeroo jalqabnu, namoonni baayʼee nu irra dheeratan nu mudatu turan. They could not go for help, so they prayed to Jehovah to send a brother with a knife. As we begin to walk on foot, many of us had to deal with it. Maal Jettee Deebista? And because my speech is difficult to understand, it is reassuring to know that Jehovah understands everything, whether I say it silently in my mind or with stumbling speech. - Ps. How Would You Answer? Wanta harki kee hojjechuu beeku hundumaa humna kee guutuudhaan hojjedhu! Iddoo lafa jalaa lafa dhaquuf jirtu sana, hojjechuun, itti yaadanii waa qopheessuun, beekumsi, ogummaanis hin jiru. " - Lal. Clearly, each couple have to analyze their own situation, and nobody should criticize the decisions that others may make. There is no work nor knowledge nor wisdom in knowing where your hands are working. " - Eccl. Achii, gara qalbii isaatti kan deebiʼe siʼa taʼu, qalbii geddaratee gara maatii isaatti deebiʼe. Then open your Bible, and read all of 2 Timothy 3: 16, 17. Then he returned to his senses, repented, and returned to his family. Nataaliyaan akkana jetteetti: "Miseensota gumichaa na gargaaruu isaanii itti fufan baayʼeen galateeffadha. ▪ Have You Been Transformed? " I am very grateful that the congregation continued to help me, " says Natalya. Qulqulluu! Qulqulluudha Yihowaan " 13 Maatii Gammachuu Qabu - Hiriyoonni Gaaʼelaa Namoota Hafuuraa Taʼuuf Carraaqaa! But I learned that fervent prayer can help us overcome our fears and become more encouraging. " Jehovah - "Keep Yourselves in God's Love " - A Christian Marriage! Himatawwan kun immoo duuti akka isatti murteeffamu gochuu kan dandaʼan turan. Many respond, " That's not fair! ' Such charges were possible for them to be judged by God. Ibsawwan Bal'aa Du'a Masiihichaa Wajjin Walitti Dhufeenya Qabu. Many who take that important step are young people - some not yet in their teens. Details of the Messiah's Death. " Warra nu gidduutti geggeessitoota taʼan, ' keessumaa immoo namoota miseensota " garbicha amanamaa fi ogeessaa ' taʼan akka yaadannu argisiisuu kan dandeenyu akkamitti? - Ibr. For this to be accomplished, a newly acquired printing press will run on double shifts, totaling 16 hours a day. How can we show that we remember "those taking the lead among us " and especially" the faithful and discreet slave "? - Heb. (b) Israaʼeloonni Gibxiitti utuu deebiʼanii waaqeffannaansaanii kan miidhamu akkamitti? In the face of an impending battle, what occupies Asa more than anything else? (b) If the Israelites returned to Egypt, how would their worship be affected? Dhuunfaatti xiyyeeffannaa nuu kennuudhaan gammachuu akka argannu nu gargaaru. Appropriately, after Malachi mentioned the "book of remembrance, " Jehovah spoke of" the distinction between a righteous person and a wicked person, between one serving God and one not serving him. " - Mal. Giving personal attention can help us to find happiness. Yeroo harʼaas Kiristiyaanonni mataa maatii taʼan wanta kanaa wajjin wal fakkaatu raawwatu. Have Women Ministers? Christian family heads today do something similar. Ruut gara saba ishii biyya Moʼaabitti argamanitti deebiʼuuf ykn amaatii ishii Naaʼomiitti maxxanuudhaan gara Betlihem deemuuf murteessuu ni dandeessi. - Rut. The desire for riches may begin innocently. Ruth may have decided to return to the city of Moab or to visit her mother - in - law, Naomi. - Ruth Amalawwan isaa warri inni jalqaba irratti ibse araara qabeessaa fi gara laafessa taʼuu isaa ti. This publication is not for sale. His first qualities are mercy and compassion. Inni, garaankee " beekumsa ulfina Waaqayyootiin ' akka hin ifne dukkana keessa akka jiraattu barbaada. Mexico is a Spanish - speaking country but has sizable indigenous groups speaking other languages. He wants you to live in darkness so that your heart does not become "the glory of Jehovah. " Phexros qilleensa jabaa sana ilaaluudhaan bishaaniin liqimfamuu yeroo jalqabetti ofuma isaatii gara bidirichaatti deebiʼuuf carraaqqii gochuu ni dandaʼa ture. This is the spirit behind Paul's words when he admonished Timothy to "flee from youthful desires. " Peter could begin to sink into the storm and try to return to the boat when he began to sinking into the air. Kanaafuu, guyyaa torbaffaan bara Phaawulosittis itti fufee ture. Even so, like the elders mentioned in the introduction, you may find it hard to do so. So the seventh day continued in Paul's day. Kanaaf, akkuma lafti bari'een, wanta namoonni beekamoon hojjetanirraa faayidaa argachuu jalqabdeetta. As we "put forth all earnest effort " to develop such qualities as self - control, endurance, and brotherly affection, we will be helped to continue to move ahead as spiritually - minded individuals. So you came to benefit from what people were doing, even as the sun was early in the morning. " Yerusaalemitti yommuu inni gale, mandarichi guutummaatti raafame; namoonnis, " Inni kun eenyu? ' The extreme brevity of life. " When he entered Jerusalem, the people began to rebel against him, and the people began to wonder: " Who is this? ' Yaanni Phaawulos, "Yeroon jaallatamee fudhatame amma " jechuudhaan dubbate ammas ni hojjeta. When we arrived, it was bitterly cold in upstate New York, where the school was located. Paul's words still apply to "the especially acceptable time. " Kunimmoo, qorattoonni qarshii sana argachuurratti akka xiyyeeffatan gochuu dandaʼa. In 2013 the Memorial attendance was 570 This may cause researchers to focus on obtaining money. Michoonni sobaa kun yommuu wanta inni jedhe tokko dogoggoraan hubatan isa dhiisanii deemaniiru. Savior. - Luke 2: 11. These false friends abandoned him when he said something. Isaayaas 9: 7 Yesus Kiristos Mooticha ilaalchisee akkas jechuudhaan raajesseera: "Guddinni mootummaa isaatii fi guddinni nagaa isaatii dhuma hin qabu; inni teessoo Daawitii fi mootummaa isaa irratti in mo'a, isa in ijaaras; firdiidhaa fi qajeelummaadhaan ammaa hamma bara baraatti isa in eega, hinaaffaan Waaqayyo gooftaa maccaa kana in godha. " Disobedience to Jehovah cost Saul his kingship. - 1 Samuel 10: 8; 13: 5 - 13. Isaiah 9: 7 foretold regarding King Jesus Christ: "There will not be an end to his kingdom and its prosperity; and he will certainly rule as king over the throne and his throne; and he will stand up to time indefinite, to time indefinite he will stand forever, to time indefinite, to time indefinite, to time indefinite, to time indefinite, to time indefinite, to time indefinite, to time indefinite he will stand firm in righteousness and to time indefinite. " Ergamaan kun " Isa waaqaafi lafa uume ' sodaachuu akka qabnu dubbateera. A lot of people are going to be upset. " The apostle said that we must fear "the One who made the heavens and the earth. " Haa taʼu malee, uumamawwan galaana keessaa wanta tokko irratti akka gaariitti of maxxansan irraa haala adda taʼeen, maariin maasil wantoota akka foʼaa qaqalloo baayisis jedhamaniin wanta tokko irratti rarraʼa. If we speak the truth at all times, we should not have to take an oath to make our words more believable. However, unlike any of the earth's most intelligent creatures, the earth's elements are divided into a number of species. Yesus gara lafaa kan dhufe, biyya lafaa isa ammaa kana keessatti fayyaa, qabeenyaafi umrii dheeraa nuu kennuuf akka hin taane beekna. Those trusting in God enjoyed peace even when neighboring nations were hostile. We know that Jesus did not come to earth to give us health, health, material, and life in this present system of things. Tokko tokkommoo miseensa waldaa amantii tokkoo taʼuu qofti michoota Waaqayyoo akka isaan godhu isaanitti dhagaʼama. " My parents raised me to live simply, " says 24 - year - old Tanya. Some feel that being part of a church is God's friends. 3: 7; Lal. 7: 16) Akkas taanaan, wanti gadheen yommuu nurra ga'u Yihowaa komachuurraa of qusachuu dandeenya. Why must we have complete confidence in God's Word? If we do so, we could avoid offending Jehovah when bad things befall us. Miira gara laafinaa qabaachuu kan dandeessu akkamitti? Consider this: God's name, written with four Hebrew consonants known as the Tetragrammaton, appears in the original text of the Hebrew Scriptures nearly 7,000 times. How can you cultivate tender feelings? Isaayaas 40: 28 dubbisi. Brian: Exactly. Read Isaiah 40: 28. Kana yoo goone, sagaleen yaada garaa keenyaa, yaada Abbaan keenya qabuu wajjin caalaatti walfakkaachaa adeema. For example, what if you arrive at a gathering arranged by such a person and discover that there is no adult supervision? As we do so, the voice of our conscience draws closer to our Father. Ittiin Baafata After God's Kingdom was set up in heaven, Jehovah delivered the faithful remnant of anointed ones from spiritual captivity to Babylon the Great. Table of Contents (Uumama 11: 8, 9) Macaafni Qulqulluun afaan hundi " afaanuma tokkorraa ' akka dhufe hin dubbatu. But when I started to study the Bible, I began to see things from a different perspective. The Bible does not say that every language came "in one language. " jedhee ishee gaafate; achiis Faarfannaa 83: 18 (NW) dubbiseef. What was required of the Levites for them to have Jehovah as their share? he asked, and then he read Psalm 83: 18. Qorattoota jalqabaa yaadrimee gochaan yaalan keessaa tokko dha; ragaan argame wanta kanaan dura fudhatama argate hin deggeru taanaanis gaaffii gaafachuu hin sodaatu ture. John Locke (1632 - 1704) related this story about the Dutch ambassador and the king of Siam: While describing his country, Holland, to the king, the ambassador mentioned that at times it was possible for an elephant to walk on water. One of the first men who tried to defend himself was the case, and no doubt he was afraid to ask questions if the evidence had been found in the past. Yaadawwan tokko tokko saanduqa fuula kana irra jiru irratti caqasamaniiru. There are over 50 congregations in Lviv, 21 of which use a big Kingdom Hall complex. Some suggestions are listed on the page. Hoolonni Waaqayyoo keessumaa yeroo ammaatti kunuunsa jaarsolii argachuun kan isaan barbaachisu maaliifi? When observing creation, we are impressed with the way all of Jehovah's creative works, small and large, serve a beneficial purpose. Why are God's sheep especially needed elders today? QAYYABANNAA MACAAFA QULQULLUU It was early in the morning and bitterly cold. BIBLE STUDIES Namootuma akka keenya yeroo tokkotti jiraachaa turanirratti, bakka beekamaa ta'etti kan raawwatamanidha. 1: 26 - 28. Modern - day people living at one time came to be a prominent place. Dargaggootaa - Guddinni Keessan Akka Argamu Godhaa " Our two children had different needs when it came to discipline, " recalls Pam. Young Ones - Make Your Progress Gaddasaa kana irraanfachuuf jechas qoricha sammuu namaa hadoochu kan fudhatu yommuu ta'u, namoonni yaalii fayyaa godhanis gargaarsa isaa godhu turan. Holy spirit can help you to cultivate godly qualities. He also took drugs and helped by means of illicit drugs. Fakkeenyaaf, Mulʼanni 1: 3, "Namni isa inni dhugaa baʼe kana dhageessisee dubbisu, warri dubbii raajii dubbatame kana dhagaʼan... haa gammadan! " There you will find friends who will encourage you in your efforts to please God. - Read Hebrews 10: 24, 25. For example, Revelation 1: 3 states: "Happy are those hearing this prophecy, and those hearing it. " Karaa ittiin gad buʼan waan hin qabneef, Yihowaan obboleessa halbee qabu akka isaaniif ergu kadhatanii turan. (a) What did Jesus pray for on the night of the first Lord's Evening Meal? They did not have a humble way, so they prayed to Jehovah to send a brother to his care for his brother. Wantan dubbadhu hubachuun ulfaataa taʼus, Yihowaan wantan sagalee utuun hin dhageessisin ykn rakkachaa dubbadhu hundumaa akka hubatu beekuunkoo baayʼee na jajjabeessa. - Far. * It is hard to understand what I say, but it is comforting to know that Jehovah understands everything I say or do not say. - Ps. Haati manaafi abbaan manaa hundumtuu haala dhuunfaasaanii gamaaggamuu akka qabaniifi eenyuyyuu murtoo warri kaan godhan morumuu akka hin qabne beekamaadha. In Hebrews chapter 11, we find Paul's masterful discussion of faith, which includes a concise definition and a list of such exemplary men and women of faith as Noah, Abraham, Sarah, and Rahab. Of course, not all husbands and wives need to examine their personal circumstances and make decisions. Achii Macaafa Qulqulluu keessan banaatii 2 Ximotewos 3: 16, 17 dubbisaafii. Jesus often used the word "generation " negatively when speaking to or about wicked people. Then read 2 Timothy 3: 16, 17. ▪ Jijjiirama Gootaniittuu? 13: 20. ▪ Have You Been transformed? Haata'u malee, kadhannaa garaadhaa madde dhiheessuun sodaa keenya akka moonuufi warra gaafannu jajjabeessuuf akka nu gargaaru hubadheera. " He continued having the privilege of serving Jehovah as a prophet. - Read Lamentations 3: 22 - 24. But I have learned that heartfelt prayer can help us to pray for those asking for it. " Yeroo kanatti baay'eensaanii " kun sirrii miti ' jedhanii itti iyyu. As true Christians, we strive to show love toward all. Most of them said, " This is not the right thing. ' Namoota tarkaanfii barbaachisaa kana fudhatan keessaa hedduun isaanii dargaggoota yeroo taʼan, tokko tokko immoo umurii waggoota kurnanii keessa illee hin seenne. " Domestic violence is acknowledged as one of the most chronically under - reported crimes in society. Many of those who took that important step did not even become teenagers. Kana galmaan gaʼuuf, maashiniin maxxansaa inni haaraan, guyyaatti dabaree lama jechuunis saʼaatii 16 akka hojjetu godhama. " You Are My Friends " To achieve that goal, new printing operation is made up of 16 hours a day - to - day operation. Yommuu waraanni cimaan kaʼuuf jedhu kanatti Aasaan wanta akkamiitiif bakka guddaa kenna laata? Do not overlook how Jehovah has blessed your efforts up till now. What do Asa value during this serious war? Miilkiyaas waaʼee " macaafa seenaa ' erga ibsee booda, wanta Yihowaan "garaa garummaa warra qajeelotaa fi warra jalʼoota gidduu jiru, warra ana Waaqayyoof hojjetuu fi warra anaaf hin hojjenne gidduu jiru [in argitu] " jechuudhaan dubbate caqasuun isa sirrii dha. - Mil. His motto is, "I look forward to striking gold sometime today. " After describing "the book of history, " Malachi wrote of Jehovah:" You see the distinction between a righteous one and a wicked one, between one serving God and one who has not served him. " - Mal. Of Eeggadhaa, " 5 / 15 Jesus rejected the most massive bribe ever offered 5 / 1 Sooressa taʼuuf hawwuun utuu itti yaadin jalqabuu dandaʼa. Satan would like to have us think so. It could take a long time to become rich. Barreeffamni kun hin gurguramu. Similarly, if we do not rely on the sure, unchanging guidance of God's Word, the Bible, our conscience might be nearly useless. This publication is not for sale. Meeksikoo keessatti kan dubbatamu afaan Ispeen taʼus, namoonni afaan kan biraa dubbatan baayʼeen jiru. ▪ "Who Really Is the Faithful and Discreet Slave? " Although Spanish is Spanish, there are many spoken languages. Kunis gorsa Phaawulos, "Kajeellaa yeroo dargaggummaatti hammaatu irraa baqadhu " jechuudhaan Ximotewosiif kennee wajjin kan walsimudha. Teenagers have endured opposition from unbelieving parents. This is in line with Paul's counsel to Timothy: "You must flee from the temptation of youth. " Abbootiin manaas karaa baʼaa haadhotii manaa isaanii itti salphisan barbaaduu qabu. In this article, we will consider four concerns that have hindered some Christian parents from helping their children progress to baptism. Husbands need to search for their wives in a way that dishonors them. Haa taʼu malee akkuma jaarsolii seensa irratti caqasamanii, obboloota dhiiraa leenjisuun ulfaataa sitti taʼuu dandaʼa. Suppose, for example, that the only son of an exemplary Christian couple leaves the truth. However, like the elders mentioned at the outset, you may find it difficult to train brothers. Amalawwan kan akka of toʼachuu, jabaatanii dhaabachuu fi jaalala obbolummaa jiranii horachuuf " wanta dandeenyu hunda gochuun ' keenya nama hafuuraa taanee itti fufuuf nu gargaara. Persian history establishes the date as 455 B.C.E. Cultivating such qualities as self - control, endurance, and brotherly love will help us to remain spiritually - minded. Jireenyi baayʼee gabaabaa taʼuusaati. Others, like Elijah, "wandered about in deserts and mountains and caves and dens of the earth. " Life is very short. Kaaba Niiwu Yoorki bakka manni barumsichaa itti argamu ennaa geenyu garmalee qorra ture. There the psalmist implored God: "Turn your face to me and show me favor, for I am alone and helpless. When we arrived at the school in New York City, we were very low. Bantii markabichaatiin ifniifi qilleensi waan seeneef, carraaqqiin isaan godhan akka isaan kiise hin shakkisiisu. 5, 6. (a) To strengthen the unity among God's people in one country, what arrangements were made? No doubt the efforts they made to fill the ark through the ark were rewarded, so they no doubt rewarded them for their efforts. Namoota bara 2013tti Ayyaana Yaadannoorratti Argaman 570 The apostle Peter wrote: "The end of all things has drawn close. At the Memorial in 2013, a total of 50,000 people attended the Memorial Fayyisaa. - Luqaas 2: 11. " Listen to This Dream " (Joseph), 8 / 1 Man Ruin Earth Beyond Repair? 9 / 1 The Savior. - Luke 2: 11. Yihowaadhaaf abboomamuu dhiisuun mootummaasaa isa dhabsiiseera. - 1 Saamu'el 10: 8; 13: 5 - 13. Why is man helpless in the face of death, but what can Jehovah do about it? By obeying Jehovah, he cost him the kingship. - 1 Samuel 10: 8; 13: 5 - 13. Namoota baayʼees aarsuu dandaʼa. " While still young, he volunteered to fight the Philistine giant Goliath. It can also disappoint many. " Yeroo hunda dhugaa kan dubbannu yoo taʼe, wanta dubbanne caalaatti mirkaneessuuf kakachuun nu hin barbaachisu. Because Jehovah's holy spirit is involved. If we always speak the truth, we do not need to make a sworn oath. (1 Mot. 4: 25) Warri Waaqayyorratti amanannaa qaban, saboonni ollaasaanii yommuu isaanirratti kaʼanittillee nagaa qabu turan. Now he made it clear that they too would experience brutal opposition. Those who had confidence in God also enjoyed peace even when the people of the nations rebelled against their neighbor. Taaniyaan isheen umriinshee waggaa 24 taʼe akkas jetteetti: "Warrikoo jireenya salphaa jiraachuu kanan dandaʼu akkamitti akka taʼe na barsiisaniiru. Brother Barr made clear that the gathering would not continue indefinitely. " My parents taught me how to simplify my life, " says 24 - year - old Sarah. Macaafa Qulqulluurratti amanannaa guutuu qabaachuu kan qabnu maaliifi? Instead of focusing on whether it is right or wrong to have an abundance, Jesus was making the point that a man's life does not result from "the things he possesses, " that is, the things he already has. Why should we have full confidence in the Bible? Mee yaadi: Maqaan Waaqayyoo inni qubee dubbifamaa Ibrootaa Teetiraagiraamaatan jedhaman afuriin barreeffame, Caaffata Qulqullaaʼoo Afaan Ibrootaa (Kakuu Moofaa) isa jalqabaa keessatti gara siʼa 7,000 argama. Water Bubbling Up to Impart Life, 6 / 1 Consider: The divine name, the Tetragrammaton, is found in the Hebrew Scriptures, some 7,000 times in the original Hebrew. Abeel: Sirrii dha. " When I was a child, I used to... reason as a child. " - 1 Corinthians 13: 11. Brian: That's right. Fakkeenyaaf, afeerrii namni akkasii qopheesserratti erga argamtanii booda, namni gaʼumsa qabuufi haalasaa toʼatu akka hin jirre yoo hubattan maal gochuu dandeessu? Such homes were usually built around a courtyard, with a gate in the front. For example, what can you do if you realize that there is no need for a person to handle such an invitation? Mootummaan Waaqayyoo samii keessatti erga hundeeffamee booda, Yihowaan dibamtoota amanamoo lafarra jiran boojuu hafuuraa Baabilon Guddittii jalaa baaseera. Our goal should be more than merely repressing our strong feelings. After God's Kingdom was established in heaven, Jehovah delivered faithful anointed ones from spiritual captivity to Babylon the Great. Macaafa Qulqulluu qayyabachuu yommuun jalqabu garuu ilaalchikoo ni balʼate. What if the work would involve us in an unscriptural practice, such as answering phones at a gambling establishment? But when I began to study the Bible, my attitude became abundant. Lewwoonni, Yihowaa gaʼaasaanii godhachuuf maaltu irraa eegama ture? That this is possible is evident from what David said after he had sinned in connection with Bath - sheba. What was required of the Levites to be Jehovah's share? Joon Lok (1632 - 1704) ambaasaaddara biyya Neezarlaandiifi mootii biyya Siyaam ilaalchisee akkas jechuudhaan dubbateera: Ambaasaaddarichi, biyyasaa Hoolaanditti yeroo tokko tokko arbi bishaanirra deemuu akka dandaʼu mootichaaf ibse. 6 God Is Vengeful - Is It True? John's writings about the state of the Netherlands and the king of the Netherlands state: In some cases, John tells of his plan to walk on the water, as well as on the water. Laaviiv keessa gumiiwwan 50 ol kan jiran siʼa taʼu, isaan keessaa 21 Galma Mootummaa guddaa kutaa hedduu qabu tokkotti fayyadamu. God's Purpose for the Earth In Mexico there are more than 50 congregations, and 21 of them use a large Kingdom Hall. Wantoota Yihowaan uume yommuu ilaallu, xinnoos taʼe guddaa uumamni Yihowaa hundi faayidaa kan qabu akka taʼe hubanna. Analysis of this artifact and its inscription confirms its authenticity. As we consider Jehovah's creative works, we will see that all creation - and all of Jehovah's creation - are valuable. Yeroonsaa ganama barii taʼuusaarrayyuu baayʼee qorra ture. " " You [plural] are my witnesses [plural], ' is the utterance of Jehovah, " even my servant [singular] whom I have chosen. ' " It was early morning and very cold. 1: 26 - 28. Jehu in Secular History 1: 26 - 28. Paam akkas jechuudhaan waan yaadattu dubbatti: "Ijoolleen keenya lamaan adaba addaddaatu isaan barbaachisa ture. " Consequently I entreat you by the compassions of God, brothers, " says Paul, "to present your bodies a sacrifice living, holy, acceptable to God. " " Our two children needed various discipline, " recalls José. Hafuurri qulqulluun, amalawwan Waaqayyoon gammachiisan horachuuf si gargaaruu danda'a. After the angels bundle the weeds, what happens? Holy spirit can help you to cultivate godly qualities. Achitti michoota carraaqqii Waaqayyoon gammachiisuuf gootu akka itti fuftu si jajjabeessan argatta. - Ibroota 10: 24, 25 dubbisi. August 1 - 7, 2011 There you will find comfort in your efforts to please God. - Read Hebrews 10: 24, 25. (a) Yesuus guyyaa Irbaata Gooftaa isa jalqabaa kabajetti waaʼee maalii kadhate? Thus, they are loving, kind, and mild when dealing with others. (a) What did Jesus pray about the first Lord's Evening Meal? * Then she got off the bus. * Phaawulos, Ibroota boqonnaa 11 rratti amantii ilaalchisee ibsa cimaa kenneera. Achirratti ibsa gaggabaabaa kan kenne yommuu ta'u, namoota akka Nohi, Abraham, Saaraafi Rahaab, amantiidhaan fakkeenya gaarii ta'an tarreesseera. Pointing to the hearer's responsibility to say, "Come! " The Watchtower of August 15, 1934, page 249, stated: "Those of the Jonadab class must go along with those who are of the antitypical Jehu company, that is, the anointed, and announce the message of the kingdom, even though they are not the anointed witnesses of Jehovah. " In Hebrews chapter 11, Paul gave a powerful description of faith, such as Abraham, Noah, Rahab, Rahab, and Rahab. Yesus yeroo baay'ee jecha " dhaloota ' jedhuun kan fayyadame namoota hamoo yeroo sana turan argisiisuuf ture. What can you do if you have personal differences with a fellow Christian? Jesus often used the word "generation " to refer to the wicked men at that time. 13: 20. He and his wife established a budget based on what material things they really needed. 13: 20. Kanaaf, mirga raajii taʼee Yihowaa tajaajiluuf argate itti fufuu dandaʼeera. - Faaruu 3: 22 - 24 dubbisi. But how is this possible in view of the tragic consequences of Adam's disobedience? So he was able to continue serving Jehovah as a prophet. - Read Exodus 3: 22 - 24. Kiristiyaanota dhugaa waan taaneef, nama hundaa jaallachuuf carraaqna. (Read Nehemiah 9: 26 - 28, 31.) As true Christians, we strive to love everyone. " Miidhaan mana keessaa yakka raawwatamuufi bakkee baʼee hin beekamne keessaa isa guddaa akka taʼe hubatameera. According to the Gospel writer Luke, Jesus said: "I say to you who are listening, Continue to love your enemies, to do good to those hating you, to bless those cursing you, to pray for those who are insulting you. " " It is thought that the damage of domestic violence and the outside of the house will be great. " Isin Michootakooti " Even if you didn't, you can be gracious and express thanks for the effort the person took to approach you. " - Carla. " You Are My Friends " Yihowaan carraaqqii hamma yoonaatti gootan akkamitti akka isinii eebbisaa jiru hin dagatinaa. And what about the danger of developing an easygoing attitude, which could lead to our becoming inactive in Jehovah's service? Never forget how Jehovah is blessing your efforts to this day. Akeekasaa, "Har'a yeroo ta'e tokkotti akkan warqee argadhu abdiin qaba " jechuudhaan ibseera. Do you think that this mother felt that Jehovah answered her heartfelt prayer? He explains: "I have the hope of giving me gold at one time. " Yesus mattaʼaa hanga harʼaatti namootaaf dhihaate caalu fudhachuu dideera For instance, a prominent witch doctor in Madagascar observed the harmony enjoyed by Jehovah's Witnesses. Jesus rejected the highest bribe ever more than ever Seexanni akkas jennee akka yaannu barbaada. In Jesus ' day, some religious leaders had the wrong view of recognition. Satan wants us to think that way. Nutis, qajeelfama Dubbii Waaqayyoo keessatti argamu isa sirriifi hin gegeeddaramneen hin geggeeffamnu taanaan, yaanni garaa keenya qofti faayidaa nuu argamsiisu hin qabu. Upon leaving the earth, Jesus delegated heavier responsibilities, including the worldwide preaching work, to his trained disciples. - Matt. If we do not follow the wise direction found in God's Word, our conscience will not benefit us. ▪ " Hojjetaan Amanamaaniifi Ogeessi Isa Kami? ' The reality, though, is that humans do not live forever. ▪ "Who Is Faithful and discreet? " Ijoolleen umrii waggoota kurnanii keessatti argaman, warrasaanii Dhugaa Baatota hin taanerraa mormiin isaanirra ga'eera. • What can help a Christian decide whether some type of recreation is beneficial or not? In determining if a type of recreation will be beneficial and be pleasing in God's eyes, it is useful to ask: What does it include? Young people in their teens have faced opposition from their parents. Mata duree kana keessatti, wantoota warri Kiristiyaanota taʼan tokko tokko ijoolleen isaanii guddina argisiisanii akka cuuphaman gargaaruu dhiisuuf sababa taʼan afur irratti mariʼanna. (Read.) In this article, we will consider four reasons why Christian parents should not help their children to progress toward baptism. Hiriyoonni gaaʼelaa fakkeenya taʼaniifi ilma tokko qofa qaban, ilmisaanii kun dhugaa dhiise haa jennu. Satan the Devil does not want us to seek God's approval. Imagine that a married couple with only one son left the truth. Seenaan warra Faares guyyaan kun Dh.K.D. bara 455 tti akka taʼe dubbata. Satan, though, will settle for just one act of worship, as he sought from Jesus. The Bible account of Persia indicates that this day was about 455 B.C.E. Warri akka Eliyaas immoo, "lafa onaa keessa, gaarota irra, akkasumas holqaa fi boolla keessa jooraniiru. " • What did Jesus say about hypocritical prayers? Others, like Elijah, "were thrown into the wilderness, in the midst of the mountains, and in a cave. " Achi irratti faarfatichi akkana jedhee Waaqayyoon kadhateera: "Fuula kee gara kootti deebisi, araara anatti argisiisi! (b) Why is forgiveness a test of humility? There the psalmist prayed to God: "Father, glorify me with your face. 5, 6. (a) Tokkummaa saba Waaqayyoo biyya tokko keessa jiran cimsuuf, qophiin akkamii godhamee ture? Imagine how people viewed him when he began to build the ark! 5, 6. (a) What arrangement was made to strengthen the unity of God's people in the country? Phexros, "Dhumni waan hundumaa dhi'aateera. Early Bible Students were humble people who sincerely desired to do God's will " The end of all things has drawn close, " wrote Peter. " Isa Ijaan Hin Argamne " Arguu Ni Dandeessuu? What helps her? Can You See "the One Who Does Not See "? Namni du'a ofirraa ittisuu kan hin dandeenye maaliifi? Ta'us Yihowaan namoota du'an maal godha? The overwhelming majority of Jehovah's people are sincere in their devotion. Why cannot resist death, but what does Jehovah do for the dead? Utuma umriinsaa xinnoo ta'ee jiruu Goliyaad Filisxeemicha baay'ee guddaa ture loluuf of qopheesseera. I feel that praying together helped us to resolve our problems and to regain joy in our marriage. " While still young, he prepared himself to deal with Goliath's giant Goliath. Yihowaan hafuurasaatti waan fayyadamuufidha. Still, in Jehovah's strength, we can come off the winner! - Ephesians 6: 11 - 18; Proverbs 27: 11. Because Jehovah uses his spirit. Isa dura garuu innumtiyyuu akka ajjeefamu isaanitti himee ture. 14: 1, 2. But he earlier told them that he would be put to death. Obboleessi keenya Baar, hojiin sassaabbii kun barabaraaf akka itti hin fufne ibseera. Jehovah's words " trickled as the dew ' in that he spoke kindly, gently, and considerately to his people. Brother Barr explained that this work did not last forever. Yesus qabeenya baay'ee qabaachuun sirriidha ykn dogoggoradha jechuurratti xiyyeeffachuu mannaa, jireenyi nama tokkoo " baay'ina qabeenyasaarratti ' jechuunis wanta inni qaburratti kan hundaa'e akka hin taane ifa godheera. A short dictionary that explains words and expressions used in the Bible Rather than focusing on the fact that material things are appropriate or wrong, Jesus made it clear that a person's life on "many things " - he did not depend on his material interests. 10 / 15 Before his trial, he was "the greatest of all the people of the East. " 10 / 1 " Mucummaa kootti... akka mucaattis sababii nan kennan ture. " - 1 Qorontos 13: 11. The Bible contains practical spiritual guidance that can help you to avoid, reduce, or deal with anxiety. " My childhood... made excuses for a child. " - 1 Corinthians 13: 11. Manneen akkasii yeroo baay'ee dallaan kan itti ijaaramu yommuu ta'u, fuulduraanis karri itti tolfama. 5: 13. Such homes are often built, and the future is built. Kaayyoon keenya aarii keenya ukkaamsuurra kan darbe taʼuu qaba. Jesus ' love extends to individuals Our goal should be to overlook anger. Hojiin tokko bakka qumaarri itti taphatamutti mana bilbilaa keessaa hojjechuu kan gaafatu yoo ta'e maal goona? The early Christians abstained from violent and immoral entertainment What if a job is required to work outside the home? Kun kan danda'amu ta'uunsaa, wanta Daawit Baat - Sheebaa wajjin cubbuu erga hojjetee booda dubbaterraa ifatti hubachuun ni danda'ama. They take "very much delight " in studying God's Word and in obeying his commandments. This is clear from what David later said after he sinned with Bath - sheba. 6 Waaqayyo Haaloo Qabata - Kun Dhugaadhaa? Joseph set a vital example for young people who serve God today. 6 God - Is It True? Kaayyoo Waaqayyo Lafaaf Qabu Exports: Oil, cocoa, coffee, cotton, wood, aluminum God's Purpose for the Earth Qorannaan saanduqa kanarratti godhameefi barreeffamni achirra jiru seenaan kun sirrii taʼuusaa mirkaneessa. Jesus ' listeners likely recognized that statement as a reference to compulsory service, which an authority could demand from citizens. A study published in the box proves that this story is correct. " Yaa saba nana, isin dhuga - baatuu koo ti, garbichi ["hojjetaa, " NW] ani fo'adhes isinuma. " (Isa. These were not celibate marriages, for the Bible candidly states that a "husband [ought to] give to his wife her due " and that married couples should" not deprive each other " of sexual intimacies. " You are my witnesses, my servant whom I have chosen. " Seenaan Waaʼee Yehuu Ni Dubbataa? A couple in the United States helped their children set spiritual goals. Did You Know? Phaawulos, "Ammas yaa obboloota ko, araara Waaqayyoof jedhaatii namummaan keessan qulqullaa'aadhaa fi Waaqayyo duratti fudhatamaa akka ta'utti, aarsaa jiraatu gootanii akka isa dhi'eessitan isin nan gorsa " jedheera. Thus, we may succeed in escaping Jehovah's judgment against those who deliberately violate his law. Paul said: "I exhort you, brothers, to present your bodies a sacrifice holy, acceptable to God, holy, acceptable to him. " Ergamoonni inkirdaadicha erga walitti hidhanii booda maaltu ta'a? Shirley: Yes, I have two - a boy and a girl. What will happen after the apostles gathered the weeds? Hagayya 1 - 7, 2011 11: 33. August 1 - 7, 2011 Kanaaf, hariiroo namoota kaanii wajjin qabaniin jaalala akka qaban, garraamii akka taʼaniifi obsa akka qaban argisiisu. As this scripture makes clear, timing is often the key. Thus, they show love, mildness, and patience when dealing with others. Achiis konkolaatichaarraa ni buute. Can we not do the same? Then she broke off the car. Namoonni afeerrii kana dhaga'an itti gaafatamummaa "Kottu " jechuuf qaban ilaalchisee, Masaraan Eegumsaa Hagayya 15, 1934 fuula 249 rratti akkas jedhee ture:" Warri kutaa Yonaadaab ta'an, dhugaa baatota Yihowaa warra dibamoo yoo ta'uu baataniyyuu, warra kutaa Yehuu ta'an, jechuunis dibamtootaa wajjin ta'uudhaan ergaa mootummichaa labsu. " Diabetes is a condition that causes a person to have an excessive level of blood sugar. Regarding the privilege of saying, "Come! " in the August 15, 1934, issue of The Watchtower said:" Those who listen to this invitation will be part of Jehovah's anointed, whether they are part of the Kingdom message, whether they are part of the anointed or not. " Inniifi haati manaasaa wantoota dirqama isaan barbaachisanirratti hundaaʼuudhaan baasii hammamii akka baasan murteessaniiru. However, he was out of favor with the Nazis. He and his wife are determined to reduce the cost of their responsibility. 3: 13) Haataʼu malee, wantoonni sababii cubbuu Addaamiin dhufan utuu jiranii kun taʼuu kan dandaʼu akkamitti? " When I learned that God is not part of a Trinity, " says Marco, "I was finally able to establish a personal relationship with him. " But how would that be possible if there were something in Adam's case? (Nahimiyaa 9: 26 - 28, 31 dubbisi.) Think of the religious situation of those Jews and proselytes who heard Peter. (Read Nehemiah 9: 26 - 28, 31.) Luqaas inni Wangeela barreesse Yesus akkas jechuusaa ibseera: "Ani garuu isin warra na dhageessaniin, diinota keessan jaalladhaa warra isin jibbaniifis gaarii godhaafan isiniin jedha. This magazine highlights what we should do before, during, and after a disaster. Luke, the Gospel writer Luke, explains: "I tell you to love those whom I have seen, to love those hating you, to love your enemies, to love those hating you. Gorsi si hin barbaachisne yeroo sii kennamuttillee, carraaqqii namni sun sitti dhihaatee si gorsuuf godheef isa galateeffachuu dandeessa. " - Kaarlaa. A careful reading of Exodus 7: 14 - 21 shows that this miracle occurred at the time that Aaron, at Moses ' direction, struck the Nile River with his rod. Even when you receive counsel, you can commend the person for his efforts to encourage you. " - missionaries. Amalli giddii qabaachuu dhiisuu inni tajaajila Yihowaarratti hinaaffaa akka dhabnu gochuu dandaʼuhoo balaa akkamii geessisa? No matter how bad the situation was at school, I knew that when I came home, everything would be all right. " How might a lack of self - control affect a person's zeal in Jehovah's service? Abbaan manaa ishii akkaataa gumiin ishiis taʼe mucicha itti gargaare yommuu argu, baayʼee ajaaʼibsiifamee qoʼannaa Kitaaba Qulqulluu kan jalqabe siʼa taʼu, haadha manaa fi mucaa isaa wajjin gumii irratti argamuu eegale. 4, 5. When her husband saw how the congregation had helped him and helped the child, he started studying the Bible with his wife and child. Fakkeenyaaf, falfalaan Maadaagaaskaar keessatti beekamaa taʼe tokko tokkummaa Dhugaa Baatonni Yihowaa qaban hubatee ture. How precious your eyes are to you! For example, he discerned the unity of Jehovah's Witnesses in Madagascar. Bara Yesuusitti, geggeessitoonni amantii tokko tokko beekamummaa ilaalchisee ilaalcha dogoggoraa qabu turan. When the Israelites remained faithful to Jehovah, the nation benefited and enjoyed many blessings. In Jesus ' day, some religious leaders had a wrong view of prominence. Yeroo samiitti ol ba'us, bartoota leenjise sanaaf hojii lallabaa addunyaa maraa dabalatee, itti gaafatamummaa guddaa kenneera. - Mat. He was, in fact, the father - in - law of Israel's high priest, Caiaphas, and he himself had served as high priest from about 6 or 7 C.E. until about 15 C.E., when he was removed from office by the Roman procurator Valerius Gratus. When Jesus ascended to heaven, he entrusted himself with weighty responsibilities, including training the disciples to the worldwide preaching work. - Matt. Haa taʼu malee, namoonni bara baraaf jiraachaa hin jiran. Some 360 years after David began to rule, Manasseh became king of Judah. People, however, are not living forever. Bohaartiin tokko faayidaa kan qabuufi Waaqayyoon kan gammachiisu taʼuusaa murteessuuf akkas jennee of gaafachuun keenya gaariidha: Qabiyyeen bohaartichaa maalidha? To me, God was an abstract entity without feelings. " - Marco, Italy. We do well to ask ourselves: What are some aspects of recreation that please God, and what aspects of his organization do we have? (Dubbisi.) Jehovah himself examines the righteous one as well as the wicked one. " - Psalm 11: 4, 5. (Read.) Seexanni, Waaqayyo duratti fudhatama akka argannu hin barbaadu. " Being immersed in this course allowed Jehovah's spirit to make changes deep within me, " says Rick, from the 23rd class in the United States. Satan does not want us to gain God's approval. Seexanni garuu, akkuma Yesusiin qore takkaa qofa akka isaaf sagannu barbaada. Also take note of how we can show appreciation for God's patience. But Satan wants us to find him alone just as he tempted Jesus. • Yesus kadhannaa warra of argisiistuu ilaalchisee maale jedhe? " Through one act of justification the result to men of all sorts is a declaring of them righteous for life, " wrote Paul. • What did Jesus say about the prayers of those who showed humility? (b) Dhiifama gochuun amala gad of qabuu keenya kan qoru maaliifi? He could use what has happened in mankind's history as the just reason to remove such rebels quickly, not allowing them to establish wickedness once again. (b) Why will forgiveness test our modesty? Yommuu markaba ijaaruu jalqabe, namoonni akkamitti isa ilaalaa akka turan mee yaadi! Therefore, Satan tries to use literature, movies, music, and electronic games - some of which incite players to simulate gross immorality and brutality - to appeal to our fleshly desires. Imagine how people must have been seeing him when he started building the ark! Barattoonni Macaafa Qulqulluu jalqabaa namoota gad of deebisanii garaa qulqulluudhaan fedha Waaqayyoo raawwatan turan But what about the warning at Exodus 20: 5, part of the Ten Commandments? The early Bible Students humbly did God's will Rakkoo kana dandamachuuf maaltu ishee gargaareree? He did not turn aside from following him, but he continued keeping his commandments that Jehovah had commanded Moses. " What helped her to cope? Maaliif? Dhugaa Baatonni Yihowaa hedduunsaanii garaadhaa isa jaallatu. Lydia Affects Us Today, 4 / 1 Mark Did Not Give Up, 2 / 1 Many of Jehovah's Witnesses love him deeply. Waliin kadhachuun rakkoo nu mudate hiikuufi gaaʼela keenya gammachiisaa gochuuf akka nu gargaare natti dhagaʼama. " But his circumstances on earth did not make it easy for him to be obedient. I feel that prayer has helped us deal with problems and helped us to make our marriage happy. " Haata'u malee, humna Yihowaan nuuf kennuun mo'uu dandeenya! - Efesoon 6: 11 - 18; Fakkeenya 27: 11. 1, 2. But we can win Jehovah's strength! - Ephesians 6: 11 - 18; Proverbs 27: 11. 14: 1, 2. In fact, Jewish men were to say little to women. 14: 1, 2. Yihowaan, saba isaatti gaarummaadhaan, suuta jedhee fi karaa akka isaaniif yaadu argisiisuun waan dubbatuuf, dubbiin isaa " akkuma fixeensaatti gad buʼa ' ture. But when they left Haran, Abraham was 75 and Sarah 65, and they were childless. Because Jehovah kindly spoke to his people in a kind, kind manner, and considerate manner, his word "will be like dew. " Galmee jechootaa gabaabaa jechootaa fi gaaleewwan Kitaaba Qulqulluu keessatti itti hojjetaman ibsu My "friends " abandoned me, fearing that they too would be caught. The short meaning of the words and words used in the Bible? Iyoob qoramuu isaa dura, "Namoota gara baʼa - biiftuu jiraatan hundumaa keessaa inni nama guddaa ture. " (Iyo. What do we learn about mercy from Jesus ' miracles? Before Job was tested, he was "a great man out of all the peoples who were going out of the sun. " Kitaabni Qulqulluun qajeelfamoota hafuuraa hojii irra ooluu dandaʼanii fi dhiphina hambisuu, hirʼisuuf ykn damdamachuuf gargaaran qabateera. A husband can strive to allay any feelings of insecurity his wife may have. The Bible contains practical principles that can help us to avoid suffering, to cope with anxiety, or to cope with anxiety. 5: 13. Would such a move lead to the severing of our ties with the congregation? 5: 13. Kiristiyaanonni jaarraa jalqabaa, bohaartii hammeenyaafi ejja raawwachuu argisiisurratti hin hirmaatan turan Doing so each year is a way of expressing our appreciation for the love shown by God and by Jesus. - Read Luke 22: 19, 20. First - century Christians were not involved in violent entertainment and sexual immorality Dubbii Waaqayyoo qayyabachuufi abboommiisaatiif ajajamuun " guddaa isaanitti tola. ' What the apostle Paul had foreseen centuries before in a vision began to be fulfilled in a limited way. By studying God's Word and obeying his commands, they are "lovers of themselves. " Yoseef, dargaggoota yeroo harʼaa Waaqayyoon tajaajilaniif fakkeenya gaarii taʼa. In the first century, representatives of the slave class were authorized to train and appoint overseers in the congregations, and they, in turn, trained the sheep. Joseph set a fine example for young people today who serve God. Meeshaawwan biyya alaatti ergaman: Bobaʼaa, kookowaa, buna, jirbii, mukaafi alumiiniyamii Ask the work overseer if you have questions about working on high locations. Translation: In other parts of the country, my feet, my feet, my feet, and my long - smell Namoonni isa dhaggeeffachaa turan, Yesus kana jechuunsaa waaʼee tajaajila dirqamaa abbaan taayitaa tokko lammiiwwan biyyattii akka hojjetan irraa barbaaduu dubbachuusaa akka taʼe hubachuu hin oolan. Your children will benefit from making friends with longtime servants His listeners likely understood that Jesus was referring to the ministry of a government official who wanted to do the country's work. Dubbiin Waaqayyoo "abbaan manaa wanta haati manaa isaa argachuu qabdu ishiidhaaf [kennuu akka qabu], " akkasumas hiriyoonni gaaʼelaa gama saalquunnamtiitiin " wal dhowwachuu akka hin qabne ' ifatti waan dubbatuuf Kiristiyaanonni kun hiriyaa gaaʼelaa isaanii wajjin saalqunnamtii raawwachaa turan. Why should we observe the Lord's Evening Meal? God's Word clearly stated that she should have "a wife " and that marriage mates should not" treat each other with sexual immorality. " Hiriyoonni gaaʼelaa Yuunaayitid Isteetis jiran tokko ijoolleen isaanii galmawwan hafuuraa akka baafatan gargaaran. God also told John that the secondary part of the seed would be revived to increased spiritual activity. Some couples in the United States have helped their children to set spiritual goals. Akkas gochuudhaan murtii Yihowaan warra taʼe jedhanii seera isaa cabsan irratti fidu jalaa ooluu dandeenya. " He continued steadfast as seeing the One who is invisible. " - HEB. By doing so, we can escape Jehovah's judgment of those who ignore his law. Badhaatuu: Eeyyee, dhiira tokkoo fi durba tokkon qaba. Within two months, Brother Rutherford and his associates were unjustly convicted of conspiracy and given long prison sentences. Shirley: Yes, I have a male and a virgin. 11: 33. They may have been raised in the truth. 11: 33. (Fakkeenya 25: 11) Caqasni kun, yeroo baay'ee wanta tokko yoom akka dubbannu filachuun keenya barbaachisaa akka ta'e ibsa. 5, 6. This verse often shows the importance of choosing what to say. Nuhoo akkas gochuu ni dandeenyaa? (See opening picture.) Can we do the same? Sukkaarri dhiiga nama tokkoo keessa jiru yommuu baayʼatu dhukkuba sukkaaraa fida. Like Jesus, we understand that our loving heavenly Father desires that people acquire the knowledge that leads to everlasting life. And when a person's blood is deep inside a man's blood, it causes diabetes. Haa taʼu malee, warra Naazii biratti fudhatama dhabee ture. Nevertheless, Jehu "did not take care to walk in the law of Jehovah the God of Israel with all his heart. " However, the Nazis lost his favor. Maarkoon itti fufuudhaan, "Dhumarratti Waaqayyo Sillaasee akka hin taane yommuun bare, isaa wajjin walitti dhufeenya uumuu dandaʼeera " jedheera. But now that I have admitted it, I feel that a huge weight has been taken off my shoulders. Marco continues: "When I learned that God was not a Trinity, I developed a close relationship with him. " Yihudoonnis ta'e namoonni amantii Yihudiitti jijjiiramaniifi wanta Phexros dubbate dhaga'an, haala amantii akkamii keessa akka turan yaadaa. We have endeavored to accept whatever we perceived to be Jehovah's will, and this has been a most satisfying way to live. Think of the religious background of both Jews and proselytes who listened to Peter's words. Barruun kun balaan gaʼuu isaa dura, yeroo gaʼuu fi erga gaʼee booda maal gochuu akka qabnu ibsa. 11, 12. Before a disaster strikes, this journal explains what we should do about time and after the disaster. Baʼuu 7: 14 - 21 of eeggannoodhaan dubbisuudhaan, dinqiin kun kan raawwatame yeroo Aaron ajaja Museetiin uleesaatiin Laga Abbayyaa rukutetti taʼuusaa hubachuun ni dandaʼama. " There's so much to learn from such a simple insect as the locust, " says Professor Shigang Yue at the University of Lincoln in the United Kingdom. By carefully reading Exodus 7: 14 - 21, we find that those miracles occurred when Aaron under the direction of Moses under the waters of the Nile. Haalli mana barumsaa hammamiyyuu gadhee yoo ta'e, yommuun manatti deebi'u wanti hundi akka na gammachiisu nan beekan ture. " Yet, Jehovah helped him, and in time, Moses developed courage to accomplish the work. Whatever the case, I knew that whatever happened when I returned home was home. " 4, 5. In the light of those Scriptural truths, some might see it as inconsistent to argue that there is no hope for a resurrection of an unborn child that dies. 4, 5. Ija keessaniif bakka guddaa akka kennitan beekamaa dha! 2 The Pharisees sought to impress others by public displays of their righteousness. Surely you treasure your eyes! Haata'u malee, namoonni cubbuu hojjetan Yihowaa wajjin walitti dhufeenya gaarii qabaachuu yoo barbaadan, gorsa jaarsoliin Macaafa Qulqulluurratti hundaa'uudhaan isaanii kennan fudhachuufi dhugumaan qalbii geddarachuusaanii hojiidhaan argisiisuu qabu. Should we not seek God's approval? However, those who wish to have a good relationship with Jehovah must accept Scriptural counsel and display genuine repentance. Israa'eloonni Yihowaadhaaf yommuu amanamoo ta'an, sabichi faayidaafi eebbawwan hedduu argata ture. (Lew. But in order for our conscience to be an effective guide, it must be properly adjusted, or calibrated. When the Israelites proved faithful to Jehovah, the nation would benefit and enjoy many blessings. Haannaas, abbiyyuu Qayyaafaa isa angafa lubootaa Israaʼel turee siʼa taʼu, Dh.K.B. naannoo bara 6 ykn 7tii jalqabee hanga abbaan taayitaa biyya Roomaa Vaaleriyuus Giraatuus jedhamu Dh.K.B. naannoo bara 15 tti aangoorraa isa buusetti angafa lubootaa taʼee tajaajileera. They are united by a common history, culture, and language in which the local people take great pride. Caiaphas was high priest in Israel from 6 or 7 C.E. to 7 C.E. until the time of the Roman high priest was appointed by the Roman high priest in 15 C.E. Minaaseen mootii Yihudaa kan taʼe, Daawit erga mootii taʼee gara waggaa 360 booda ture. Pursuing a career in Jehovah's service is a truly satisfying way of life and a course that results in rich blessings. - Read Ecclesiastes 12: 1. Manasseh, king of Judah, had been king for some 3 years after David's kingship. Akkasumas, qaama iccitii taʼeefi miira hin qabne akka taʼettan isa ilaalan ture. " - Maarkoo, Xaaliyaanii. Doing so only adds fuel to the fire and works in harmony with the Devil's will, not God's. I also viewed him as a physical person who did not feel that he was a mystery. " - Marco, Italy. Waaqayyo, nama qajeelaa, nama jal'aas in qora. " - Faarfannaa 11: 4, 5. How were scrolls made? Jehovah himself examines the righteous one as well as the wicked one. " - Psalm 11: 4, 5. Riik inni Yunaayitid Isteetisitti kutaa 23 ffaarratti hirmaate akkas jedheera: "Leenjii kanarratti hirmaachuunkoo, hafuurri Yihowaa na keessa seenuudhaan jijjiirama guddaa akkan godhu na gargaareera. Understandably, few real women can live up to this illusion. " The help of Jehovah's holy spirit helps me to make a big difference in my life, " says 23th class of the United States. Akkasumas obsa Yihowaatiif dinqisiifannaa argisiisuu kan dandeenyu akkamitti akka ta'e ilaalla. Later we came to a river, but the bridge was under repair. We will also consider how we can show our appreciation for Jehovah's patience. Phaawulos, "Qajeelchuun nama tokkoo immoo namoota hundumaa firdii qajeelummaa argachiisee in jiraachisa " jedhee barreesseera. After I talk about it, I'm over it - usually within just minutes after the conversation. " - Sirppa. Paul wrote: "The one who sees all the justice of the righteous. " Hamminni deebiʼee akka hin jiraanneef, mormitoota akkasii yeruma sana balleessuuf wanta seenaa ilmaan namootaa keessatti raawwatame akka ragaatti dhiheessuu ni dandaʼa. " The Elements... He could try to convince opposers that they will not be removed and that they will soon do what has happened in human history. (Far. 11: 5) Kanaaf, Seexanni fedha foonii keenya kakaasuuf, barreeffamoota, fiilmii, muuziqaafi tapha meeshaalee elektirooniksiitti kan fayyadamu siʼa taʼu, meeshaalee kana keessaa tokko tokko namoonni tapha kanarratti hirmaatan ejjaafi hammeenya argan sana akka raawwatan kan kakaasanidha. 2010 C.E. Thus, Satan uses our fleshly desires, movies, games, games, and electronic games as well as some of those who engage in such violence and immorality. Haata'u malee, akeekkachiisni Ba'uu 20: 5 rra jiruufi kutaa Abboommii Kurnanii ta'ehoo maal argisiisa? The fact was, though, that his course of wisdom in serving God disproved the claims that he was a wrongdoer. What, though, about the warning found at Exodus 20: 5? Inni Waaqayyoof amanamee in jiraate, isaaf amanamuu isaa irraas hin kufne; abboommii Waaqayyo Museetti kennes in eege. " (2 Mot. " The virgin will... give birth to a son " He continued to trust in Jehovah, and he kept his commandments. " Karaa Hundumaan Qajeelfama Waaqayyoo Barbaadaa, 4 / 15 For a list of some Bible prophecies regarding the Messiah and their fulfillments, see page 200 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? 4 / 1 Haata'u malee, haalawwan yeroo inni lafarra ture isa mudatan abboomamuun akka isaaf salphatu kan godhan hin turre. Unemployment and other economic hardships affect millions. However, they did not make it easier for him to obey him when he was on earth. 1, 2. Why regrettably? 1, 2. Dhiironni Yihudoota taʼan, dubartootaa wajjin hin haasaʼan turan. [ Footnote] Jewish men did not communicate with women. (Uumama 12: 2 - 4) Taʼus, Abrahaamii fi Saaraan yommuu Haaraaniin gadi dhiisanii baʼan inni umuriin isaa 75, ishiin immoo waggaa 65 kan turte siʼa taʼu, ijoollees hin qaban turan. Since then, Aaron has enjoyed pioneering, working with others in connection with disaster relief, and preaching in a foreign land. Nevertheless, when Abraham and Sarah left Haran, he was 75 years old and had no children. " Hiriyoonnikoos " ni qabamna jedhanii waan sodaataniif narraa baqatan. Who laid its cornerstone, when the morning stars joyfully cried out together, and all the sons of God began shouting in applause? " " My friends have also feared me, " she says. Biyya alaa dhaquun keenya walitti dhufeenyi gumii wajjin qabnu akka citu kan godhudhaa? We too want to keep feeding our mind with the faith - strengthening Word of God. Does moving to a foreign country cause our relationship with the congregation to lose its risk? Waggaa waggaadhaan akkas gochuun keenya karaa dinqisiifannaa jaalala Waaqayyoo fi Yesus nutti argisiisaniif qabnu itti mulʼisnu dha. - Luqaas 22: 19, 20 dubbisi. God's purpose was clearly explained to Adam and Eve, but they failed to cooperate with it. Our doing so is an expression of our appreciation for God and Jesus ' love for us each year. - Read Luke 22: 19, 20. 3: 1 - 4) Wanti Phaawulos jaarraawwan hedduu dura mulʼataan arge hamma tokko raawwii isaa argachuu jalqabe. 3: 1. What Paul saw centuries earlier began to be fulfilled in a vision. Jaarraa jalqabaatti bakka buutonni kutaa hojjetaa kanaa ta'an, namoota gumii keessatti jaarsolii ta'anii tajaajilan akka muudaniifi akka leenjisaniif aboon kan isaaniif kennamee ture yommuu ta'u, isaanis gamasaaniitiin hoolota ni leenjisu turan. ▪ Reading the Bible from Genesis to Revelation can work well, but you might find other approaches to be refreshing. In the first century, representatives of the slave class were assigned to appoint men to serve in the congregations and to train the sheep. Bakka ol dheeraarra dhaabbattee hojjechuu ilaalchisee gaaffii yoo qabaatte nama hojichaaf itti gaafatamaa taʼe gaafadhu. These critical last days are filled with conflict, and countless people have contentious attitudes. If you have questions about working on a remote building, ask the person who is responsible for the work. Ijoolleen keessan obboloota waggoota hedduudhaaf tajaajilanii wajjin michoomuudhaan faayidaa argatu To help us sharpen our spiritual vision so that we can see "the One who is invisible, " let us consider Moses. Your children benefit from association with those who have served for years Ayyaana Yaadannoo irratti akka fakkeenyaatti maaltu dhihaata? Concerning his disciples, Jesus prayed: "They are in the world and I am coming to you. What will be considered at the Memorial, and why? Waaqayyo sanyiin dubartittii warri lammaffaan bayyaannatanii sochii hafuuraa gochuusaanii akka itti fufanis Yohannisitti himee ture. Of what was Paul convinced, and how did he express his conviction to Timothy? God also told John that the secondary seed of the woman would continue their spiritual activities. " Inni... isa ijaan hin argamne akka waan arguuttis yaada isaatti jabaate. " - IBR. What does the Bible say about riches and poverty? " He continued steadfast as seeing the One who is invisible. " - HEB. Mormitoonni kun, mana murtiitti fayyadamanii hojii lallabaa kana guutummaatti dhaabsisuu danda'aniiruu? Think of how Jesus ' actions shed light on God's cardinal attributes. Were the opposers able to stop the preaching work in court? Ijoolleen kun dhugaa keessatti guddatan taʼa. Why can we believe the miracles recorded in the Bible? They may have been raised in the truth. 5, 6. Moreover, Jehovah is the rightful Sovereign because he has the knowledge and wisdom needed to care for the universe. 5, 6. (Fakkii jalqaba irra jiru ilaali.) Jehovah Knows How to Deliver His People (See opening picture.) Akkuma Yesus nutis Abbaan keenya inni samii jaalala qabeessa ta'e, namoonni beekumsa jireenya barabaraa argamsiisu akka argatan akka barbaadu beekna. The Bible says that mature people "have their powers of discernment trained to distinguish both right and wrong. " Like Jesus, we know that our loving heavenly Father wants people to gain everlasting life. Haataʼu malee Yehuun, "garaa isaa guutuudhaan seera Waaqayyo goofticha Israaʼel itti yaadee hin eegne. " Do you appreciate their love and concern for you? - Prov. However, Jehu "did not wait for Jehovah's law to Israel. " Amma ergan isaanitti himee booda garuu, baʼaa guddaan tokko gatiittii koorraa waan buʼe natti fakkaate. Jonathan probably admired David for his courage. But after I told them that a big burden had come off from my shoulders. Wanta fedha Yihowaa akka taʼe nutti dhagaʼame kam iyyuu fudhachuuf carraaqqii gochaa turreerra; kun immoo jireenya gammachuu qabu jiraachuuf nu gargaareera. 4: 14. We put forth effort to accept whatever we feel is Jehovah's will, which helped us to enjoy a happy life. 11, 12. All God's people are eager for this wicked system to end. 11, 12. Yunivarsiitii Yuunaayitid Kingidam, magaalaa Liinkoonitti Piroofeesara kan taʼan Shiigaangi Yooyi, "Ilbiisa xinnoo akka awaannisaarraa barumsa guddaa arganna " jedhaniiru. The apostle Paul gave a vivid description of his own fight against sin, saying: "I really delight in the law of God according to the man I am within, but I see in my body another law warring against the law of my mind and leading me captive to sin's law that is in my body. " - Romans 7: 22, 23. The U.S.A., U.S.A., states: "If we are in a small town, it is a big lesson for us to use it. " Amos jechoota salphaa taʼaniifi ergaa cimaa dabarsanitti fayyadamuu qofa utuu hin taʼin, wantoota walbira qabuudhaan, akkasumas fakkeenyatti fayyadamuudhaan barreesseera. How appropriate that all false religion is likened to a prostitute! Amos not only used simple words but also used contrasts, illustrations, and illustrations. (Bau. 3: 11) Taʼus, Yihowaan yeroo booda Museen ija jabina hojii isaa raawwachuuf isa dandeessisu akka horatu isa gargaareera. Today, we have ample reasons for putting trust in Jehovah's reminders, contained in his infallible Word, the Bible. Yet, Jehovah later helped Moses to muster up courage to carry out his assignment. Namoonni tokko tokko, mucaan garaa keessatti du'e abdii du'aa ka'uu hin qabu jedhanii yaaduun, dhugaawwan Macaafa Qulqulluu keessatti ibsamanii wajjin wal faallessa jedhanii yaadu. 2: 5, 6. Some people conclude that there is no hope of a resurrection in the heart of a child who has no hope for a resurrection. 2 Fariisonni qajeeloo taʼuusaanii namootatti argisiisuudhaan isaan ajaaʼibsiisuu barbaadu turan. But what happened next? 2 The Pharisees wanted to impress people that they were righteous. 5: 12) Kanaafuu, Waaqayyo duratti fudhatama argachuuf barbaaduu hin qabnuuree? How should you treat someone who partakes of the Memorial emblems? Should we not seek God's approval? Qalbii keenya sirriitti yoo leenjisne akka gaariitti nu qajeelchuu dandaʼa. When he was suffering, he did not go threatening. " If our conscience is properly trained, it can guide us. Seenaa, aadaa fi afaan tokko isaan godhu kan qaban siʼa taʼu, kun taʼuu isaattis ni boonu. She was raised in the truth from the time she was five years old. They have their culture, culture, and languages, and they are proud to be proud of. Tajaajila Yihowaarratti hirmaachuuf carraaquun keenya, daandii jireenyaa gammachiisaafi eebba hedduu nuu argamsiisa. - Lallaba 12: 1 dubbisi. Self - improvement guides are very different from instruction manuals that teach skills like photography, accounting, or language. Keeping busy in Jehovah's service leads to a happy and rewarding way of life. - Read Ecclesiastes 12: 1. Kana gochuun ibiddatti bobaʼaa naquudhaan fedha Waaqayyoo utuu hin taʼin, fedha Seexanaa wajjin walsimanii deddeebiʼuun ala waan fayyadu hin qabu. They found secular work to support themselves as pioneers, and today they serve in a congregation in the province of Veraguas, Panama. Doing so would not be in a fiery furnace; rather, it would be useful to conform to God's will rather than conform to Satan's will. Maraan macaafotaa kan hojjetamu akkamitti? We invite you to read it carefully. How were the scroll written? Dubartoonni muraasni dhugumaan kana gochuu danda'an akka jiran beekamaadha. Of course not! Granted, relatively few women can do that. Utuma deemnuu laga riqichisaa suphamaa jirutti baane. What proclamation did the angel Gabriel make to Mary? While we arrived in the river, we stayed on the mountains. Geggeessitoonni amantii lallaba ergamootaatti aaranii isaan hidhuudhaan isaan doorsisuusaniirrayyuu, isaan reeban. Do You Recall? Although the religious leaders became angry with the apostles and threatened to preach, they beat them and beat them. Wanta natti dhagaʼamu ergan dubbadhee booda, jechuunis yeroo baayʼee maree sana erga goonee daqiiqaa muraasa keessatti caalaatti boqonnaa akkan argadhe natti dhagaʼama. " - Sirpaa. ▪ Are these consuming time you previously devoted to spiritual pursuits? After listening to what I felt, I often felt more relief after a few minutes. " - Phil. " Ijoon Uumama Lubbuu Hin Qabne... The Bible refers to six primary covenants that relate to the Messianic Kingdom in the hands of Christ Jesus. " There Is No Way of Life... Dh.K.B. bara 2010 J. Meyer, published in 2006. 2010 C.E. Taʼus, Waaqayyoon tajaajiluudhaan ogummaa akka qabu argisiisuunsaa oduu sobaa hammina akka hojjetu dubbatamu fashaleesseera. Why can it be said that Jesus was a good listener? Yet, his wisdom in serving God has hindered the spread of false stories. " Durbii... ilma in deessi " If you let the principles of God's Word help you to set your personal limits rather than allow your associates or "this system of things " to do so, you will enjoy a way of life that will be acceptable to God. " The woman will give birth to a son. " Raajiiwwan Macaafa Qulqulluu waaʼee Masiihichaa dubbatanii fi raawwii isaanii ilaaluuf, kitaaba Macaafni Qulqulluun Maal Barsiisa? jedhamu fuula 200 ilaali. Feared Death - Now Await " Life in Abundance ' (P. See chapter 200 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Hojii dhabuufi rakkinni dinagdee kaan, namoota miliyoonaan lakkaaʼamanirratti miidhaa geessisu. Jesus explained why when he said: "God is a Spirit. " - John 4: 24. The danger of losing a job and other economic conditions affects millions of people. Asirratti dhaabachuunsaa nama gaddisiisa kan jennu maaliifi? 5 Hebrew's Smallest Letter, No. Why is that sad? [ Footnotes] As we saw in the preceding article, the Bible reveals God's purpose for the earth. [ Footnote] Aaron, gammachuu argachuu kan jalqabe siʼa taʼu, yeroo sanaa kaasee qajeelchaa taʼee tajaajiluu, yommuu balaan uumamutti warra kaanii wajjin gargaarsa gochuu fi naannoo haaraa deemee lallabuu jalqabe. He said to them, " An enemy, a man, did this. ' Aaron began finding joy and began preaching with others when problems arose from then on. Yeroo sanatti urjoonni gara barii in faarfatan, warri waaqa irraa " ilmaan Waaqayyoo ' jedhamanis guddisanii sagalee gammachuu in dhageessisan. " Bank Accounts: Bank accounts, certificates of deposit, or individual retirement accounts may be placed in trust for or made payable on death to Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, in accord with local bank requirements. In the early part of that year, the stars sang: "The sons of the true God began shouting in applause. " Nuyis Dubbii Waaqayyoo isa amantii jabeessuun sammuu keenya sooruu barbaanna. Likely, Onesimus also stole from his master to finance this 900 - mile [1,400 km] journey. We too want to feed our mind on God's Word. Waaqayyo kaayyoosaa Addaamiifi Hewwaanitti ifatti kan hime taʼus, kaayyoo kanaa wajjin walsimuu didaniiru. Because Satan is "the god of this system of things, " human society displays the same basic characteristics that he does - pride, contentiousness, jealousy, greed, deception, and rebelliousness. God clearly revealed his purpose to Adam and Eve, but they refused to act in harmony with that purpose. 3: 1. Shortly after Jerusalem's destruction, Jehovah told his prophet Daniel that God would choose a king who would rule from heaven. 3: 1. ▪ Macaafa Qulqulluu Seera Uumamaarraa jalqabanii hamma Mulʼataatti dubbisuun gaarii taʼus, malawwan kan biraatiin dubbisuunkee, dubbisnikee caalaatti gammachiisaa akka taʼu si gargaaruu dandaʼa. Reflecting on how they expend themselves deepens our "respect for those who are working hard " among us. ▪ While reading the Bible book of Genesis may be best to read from Genesis to Revelation, your reading methods can help you to make your reading more enjoyable. Guyyoonni dhumaa rakkisoo taʼan kun walitti buʼiinsaa fi namoota goolii jaallatan hedduudhaan kan guutamani dha. David knew that obeying and trusting in God would bring happiness and many blessings, while ignoring God would earn him God's disfavor. These critical last days are marked by conflicting strife and violence. " Isa ijaan hin argamne " ilaalchisee amantii keenya guddifachuuf akka nu gargaarutti fakkeenya Musee haa qorru. Still, many have maintained loyalty to God even under very harsh conditions. Let us consider Moses ' example of building faith in "the One who is invisible. " Yesus bartootasaa ilaalchisee akkas jedhee kadhateera: "Isaan... biyya lafaa keessa jiru; ani immoo gara kee nan dhufa. After much trial and error, Cameron managed to print a portion of Genesis chapter 1 on December 4, 1827. Jesus prayed about his disciples: "They are in the world, and I am coming to you. Phaawulos amanannaa akkamii qaba ture? Amanannaa qabu Ximotewosiif kan ibse akkamitti? 10, 11. Paul had what confidence, and how did he express confidence to Timothy? Kitaabni Qulqulluun badhaadhummaa fi hiyyummaa ilaalchisee maal jedha? Wanting to stay sober, I stopped going to parties and nightclubs where I would be tempted to get drunk. What does the Bible say about material prosperity and poverty? Gochi Yesus, amalawwan Waaqayyoo warra gurguddaa hubachuuf akkamitti akka nu gargaaru yaadaa. When was Satan cast out of heaven? - Rev. Think of how Jesus ' actions can help us to understand God's great qualities. Kana malees, Yihowaan beekumsaa fi ogummaa uumama cufa kunuunsuuf isa dandeessisu waan qabuuf uumama cufa bulchuuf mirga qaba. How important it was that Christine never gave up hope! Moreover, Jehovah has the right to rule over the universe because he has knowledge and wisdom to care for him. " [Yihowaan], namoota isaaf bulan qorama keessaa akkamitti akka baasu beeka. As a result of so many speaking this figurative language, a growing number are " calling upon the name of Jehovah ' and " serving him shoulder to shoulder. ' " [Jehovah] knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial. Kitaabni Qulqulluun, namoonni gaʼeessota taʼan "sammuun isaanii hojiidhaan itti baree hamaa fi gaarii gargar baasuu " akka dandaʼan dubbata. Loyal servants of God will be in a position to become permanent residents of the earthly Paradise. The Bible says that adults can have "their perceptive powers trained to distinguish both right and wrong. " Jaalala warri keessan isinii qabaniifi kunuunsa isaan isinii godhan ni dinqisiifattuu? - Fak. 12 / 15 Central America's Largest Lake, 9 / 1 Do you appreciate your loving care and care for your parents? - Prov. 17: 57) Yonaataan tarii Daawitiin kan dinqisiifate ija jabina isaatiif taʼuu dandaʼa. Of course, none of us are perfect. Jonathan may have appreciated David's courage. 4: 14. Why do we all want to stay healthy? 4: 14. Tajaajiltoonni Waaqayyoo hundi badiisa sirna hamaa kanaa hawwiidhaan eegu. Surely, the lascivious viewing of such sexually immoral acts is significantly more offensive to God than obscene speech. All of God's servants long for the destruction of this wicked system of things. Seerri kan biraa immoo buʼaa dhagna kootii keessaa, seera isa yaadni garaa kootii fudhatee wajjin utuu wal loluu nan arga; lola kanaanis seera cubbuu, isa buʼaa dhagna kootii keessatti hojjechaa jiru jalatti na boojisiisa. " - Roomaa 7: 22, 23. María Isabel is a zealous young publisher in the city of San Bernardo in the South American country of Chile. I behold in my members another law warring against the law of my mind and leading me captive to sin's law, which is in my members. " - Romans 7: 22, 23. Amantiin sobaa hundi ejjituutti fakkeeffamuun isaa sirrii dha! No, we cannot. How fitting it is that all false religion is like a harlot! Yeroo har'aa, sababii ga'aa yaadachiisa Yihowaa Macaafa Qulqulluu isa mudaa hin qabne keessatti argamutti amanamuuf nu gargaaru qabna. When discouraging thoughts creep into my mind, I reflect on the many reasons I have to be happy. " Today, we have every reason to trust in Jehovah's perfect reminders found in his perfect Word. 2: 5, 6. In that letter, God reveals his personality and provides moral guidance for all of his children, both young and old. 2: 5, 6. Haa taʼu malee sana booda maaltu taʼe? New York was a good choice for yet another reason. But what happened next? Yihowaan sochii isaan godhanis taʼe hojii waajjira damee keessatti hojjetamaa tureef eegumsa godheera. • What can help Christians to manifest kindness and goodness at home? Jehovah protected them for their work and for the branch work in the branch office. Kanaafuu, mormiin ykn ari'atamni, dhugaa Caaffata Qulqullaa'oorra jiru akka dhoksinu ykn ofuma keenyaa qabannee akka hafnu nu gochuu hin qabu; kanaa mannaa, ifni keenya akka ifu gochuu qabna. My parents, who were of modest means, were usually near the bottom of the list, and the church elders pressured them to give more. Therefore, we should not let opposition, opposition, or persecution affect us, but we should let our light shine rather than let our light shine. Nama Ayyaana Yaadannoo irratti maxinoo fi wayinii irraa hirmaatuuf ilaalcha akkamii qabaachuu qabda? ( When giving discipline, how can we imitate Jehovah and his Son? How should you treat someone who partakes of the Memorial emblems? Phexros: "Inni yommuu arrabsame deebisee hin arrabsine;... warra isa dhiphisan hin doorsifne " jechuudhaan barreesseera. It is not difficult to see how that proverb applies in a literal sense. Peter wrote: "When he was being reviled, I did not go reviling in return... Umriishee waggaa shanii jalqabee mana dhugaa keessatti guddatte. Do we pray from the heart rather than repeat a set form of expressions? From her five years of age, she grew up in the truth. Kitaabonni ofiin of gargaaruuf qophaa'an, kitaabota waa'ee ogummaa suura kaasuu, akkaataa herrega itti qabaniifi waa'ee afaanii barsiisanirraa baay'ee addadha. Consider the example of the Ethiopian proselyte who was returning home after going to Jerusalem to worship. The self - help books of wisdom are quite different from what they teach about wisdom, practical wisdom, and the use of language. Innis siif in raawwata " jechuudhaan kennametti amanamaniiru. Hojii qajeelchaa taʼanii tajaajilaa of deggeranii jiraachuuf isaan dandeessisu kan argatan siʼa taʼu, yeroo ammaatti gumii godina Beeraagwaas ishii Paanaamaatti argamtu keessa tajaajilaa jiru. Still, we should look eagerly to the reward. He will do so, and they will be able to support themselves as pioneers in the pioneer work, and they are now serving in the congregation as a ministerial servant. Caqasicha xiyyeeffannaadhaan akka dubbistu si jajjabeessina. 8 By Undeserved Kindness You Were Set Free We urge you to read the Scriptures carefully. Hin turre! They may tell you what you want to hear, but their advice may not help you at all. Of course not! Gabri'el ergamaan Maariyaamiin maal jedhe? " Not only do they feel more secure, " says Paul, "but they are being shielded to a large extent from bad influences during their early years. " What did the angel Gabriel say to Mary? Ni Yaadattaa? How is the fulfillment of Ezekiel's prophecy in evidence each year at the Memorial? Do You Recall? ▪ Yeroo kanaan dura sochiiwwan hafuuraarratti dabarsitu si jalaa fudhachaa jiruu? As in the first century, some relatives today need considerable time before they get onto the way to life. ▪ Are you absorbed in your past time of spiritual pursuits? Macaafni Qulqulluun kakuuwwan Mootummaa Masiihichaa Kiristos Yesusiin bulfamuu wajjin wal qabatan jaʼa ni ibsa. Later, I specialized in research into the human brain. The Bible describes six covenants associated with the Messianic Kingdom that applied to Jesus Christ. Kitaabni Ee Worlid Andan jedhamuufi bara 2006 tti Jeeraaldi Jee. Work in harmony with your prayers by searching out the counsel found in God's written Word, the Bible - a product of holy spirit. As a result, the World Book of World War I was released in 2006. Yesus akka gaariitti dhaggeeffata ture jechuu kan dandeenyu maaliifi? Why will we consider examples of worldly thinking? Why can we say that Jesus was well - listening? Jaalalli Waaqayyoo immoo waan gaarii taʼe, waan isa duratti fudhatamaa taʼe, waan akeeka isaa fiixaan baasus hubachuu dha. " Michoonnikee ykn " jireenyi inni darbu kun ' utuu hin taʼin seerri buʼuuraa Dubbii Waaqayyoo keessa jiru hamma dhuguu qabdu akka sii murteessu yoo heyyamte, jireenya Waaqayyo duratti fudhatama qabu jiraachuu dandeessa. My parents responded to the house - to - house ministry and were baptized in 1948 God's love, however, is a good thing and a good way to discern what is acceptable to him, not because your friends "will pass away, ' but God's Word. Hafuura Waaqayyootiin Geggeeffamuu Kan Qabnu Maaliifi? Similarly, upon learning the truth about inherited sin, many have accepted the Bible's "diagnosis " and have come to understand that God is offering the" cure. " Why Be Guided by God's Spirit? Yesus sababiisaa yeroo ibsu, "Waaqayyo hafuura " jedheera. - Yohannis 4: 24. Faithful angels are keenly interested in human affairs and are actively involved in carrying out Jehovah's will. Jesus explains why: "God is a Spirit. " - John 4: 24. Jannata Lafarraa - Abjuu moo Dhugaa Dha? Lakk. THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT Earth's Purpose, No. Akkuma mataduree darberraa ilaalletti, Macaafni Qulqulluun kaayyoo Waaqayyo lafaaf qabu nuu ibsa. The righteous will include faithful men and women such as Noah, Abraham, and Sarah. As we considered in the preceding article, the Bible reveals God's purpose for the earth. jedhaniin. We lived in a small trailer with only one bed. On the other hand, the woman was born. Herrega Baankii: Seerri baankii biyyichaa heyyamnaan, herrega baankii, ragaa qarshii kuufatanii qaban mirkaneessu ykn herrega soorama itti ba'an adaraadhaan ykn gaafa du'an Waldaa Masaraa Eegumsaa Macaafa Qulqulluufi Tiraaktii Pensilvaaniyaatiif akka kennamu gochuun in danda'ama. PEACE Bank Accounts: Bank accounts, certificates of deposit, or individual retirement accounts may be placed in trust for or made payable on death to Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Oneesimos, qarshii karaa kiilomeetira 1,400 fagaatu sana ittiin deemu gooftaasaa jalaa hatuu hin oolu. As we go about our preaching assignment, may others become impressed not only with what we teach from the Bible but also with our glowing conviction. Hitoshi probably sold his master's money away from the bus area and got caught up in his master's hands. Seexanni "waaqayyicha bara si'anaa kana [a] " waan ta'eef, ilmaan namootaa amala akkasaa, jechuunis of bokoksuu, ofittummaa, hinaaffaa, sassata, gowwoomsaafi hammeenya argisiisu. [ Picture on page 24] Since Satan is "the god of this system of things, " humans display pride, pride, envy, and violence. Yerusaalem baddee yeroo muraasa booda, Yihowaan Daaniʼel raajichatti mootii samiirra taʼee bulchu filachuuf akka jedhu itti hime. Children were at ease with him. Shortly after the destruction of Jerusalem, Jehovah told Daniel to choose to rule as king in heaven. Aarsaa hammamii akka kaffalan yaaduun keenya, " kabajni warra nu gidduutti jabaatanii hojjetaniif ' qabnu akka dabalu godha. However, the facts show otherwise. Reflecting on how much sacrifices we make will increase our endurance of "those who are working hard among us. " Daawit, Waaqayyoof abboomamuunis ta'e isatti amanamuun gammachuufi eebba akka argamsiisu, kana dagachuunimmoo eebbasaa akka nama dhabsiisu beeka ture. 25: 24 - 30; Luke 19: 22, 23. David knew that obedience to God and obedience would result in joy and blessings, and he knew that it would rob him of his blessing. Ta'us, namoonni hedduun haalawwan baay'ee rakkisaa ta'an keessattillee, Waaqayyoof amanamoo ta'aniiru. • How could the first - century disciples find the Messiah? Nevertheless, many have proved faithful to God even under difficult circumstances. Yaalii dheeraa boodas, Jamsi Muddee 4, 1827 kitaaba Seera Uumamaa boqonnaa tokko keessaa kutaa muraasa maxxansuu danda'e. He bathed, neatly trimmed his beard, and put on the better clothes that Don offered him. After spending a long time, James was able to print a portion of Genesis chapters 4, 4 free of the book of Genesis. 10, 11. See the example given in The Watchtower of February 1, 1994, page 9, paragraph 7. 10, 11. Machaaʼuu waanan hin barbaanneef, gara bakka afeerrii fi gara iddoo halkan itti sirban warra akkan machaaʼu na qoran dhaquu nan dhiise. People then were not the cavemen that many envision - hairy, dim - witted creatures who slouched about with clubs in their hands. I did not want it, so I stopped going to parties and inviting others to the night. Seexanni samiirraa kan gad darbatame yoomi? - Mul. The most important promise that a person can make concerns his or her dedication to God. When did Satan appear down from heaven? - Rev. Kiristiin abdii kutachuu dhiisuunshee buʼaa guddaa argamsiiseera! Should Alex be afraid of losing his friend? What a fine outcome when Christine did not give up! Namoonni hedduun qooqa fakkeenyaan ibsame kana dubbachuusaaniitiin kan kaʼe, namoonni lakkoofsisaanii dabalaa jiru " maqaa gooftaa waammachaafi ' " harka wal qabatanii isaaf hojjechaa ' jiru. The Bible contains numerous other examples that instruct us to be peacemakers. As a result of this figurative language, the growing number of people are growing up "on the name of Jehovah " and are" working hand " to him. Namoonni amanamummaadhaan Waaqayyoon tajaajilan lafa ishee Jannata taaturra barabaraaf jiraachuuf mirga argatu. Jacob uttered a prayer in the form of a vow. Those who faithfully serve God will have the privilege of living forever in Paradise on earth. Yihudoonni "Utuu Hin Hubatin " Hafaniiru, 6 / 15 In addition, in 2015 the Governing Body published the brochure Return to Jehovah, which has proved to be a rich source of encouragement to many throughout the world. " Do Not Let Your Hands Be Like the Most High, " 6 / 15 Hundi keenyayyuu cubbamoota akka taane beekamaadha. SOME 30 years after Jesus ascended to heaven, the apostle Peter addressed a letter to "the temporary residents scattered about in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, to the ones chosen. " Of course, all of us are imperfect. Hundi keenya fayya buleessa taʼuu kan barbaannu maaliifi? JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES enjoy discussing the Bible with their neighbors. Why do all of us want to be healthy? Waaqayyo, poornoogiraafii akkasii ilaaluun dubbii gurra namaatti hin tolle dhagaʼuu caalaa akka jibbu beekamaadha. They were in "deep poverty, " yet they begged for the privilege of helping with the project at hand. Clearly, God hates such pornography more than listening to the ears of someone. Maariyaa Isaabeel, shamarree babalʼistuu taateefi Ameerikaa Kibbaa, biyya Chiilii magaalaa Barnaardoo keessatti hinaaffaadhaan tajaajiltudha. 20: 12; Eph. Maria, Isabel, a young sister in South America, was zealous in the field ministry in the South Pacific, U.S.A. Matumaa akkana gochuu hin qabnu. " I became convinced that I was useless, since that is what my mother told me time and time again, " explains Ana. Not at all. Yaadni abdii nama kutachiisu yeroo gara sammuu kootti dhufu, wantoota hedduu gammachuu kootiif sababa taʼan irrattan xiinxala. " What are some benefits of giving honor to those to whom it is due? When negative thoughts come to my mind, I meditate on many reasons for my happiness. " Kitaabni Qulqulluun maal jedha? Regarding the far - reaching benefits of Christ's ransom, the apostle John wrote: "[Jesus Christ] is a propitiatory sacrifice for our sins, yet not for ours only but also for the whole world's. " What the Bible says Waaqayyo xalayaa kanarratti ijoolleesaa hundaaf, jechuunis dargaggootaafi maanguddootaaf amalasaafi qajeelfama ittiin jiraachuu qaban ibseera. 14: 1 - 9. In this letter, God reveals to all his children - young and old, young and old. Sababii gaarii magaalaan Niiwu Yoorki itti filatamte garabiraanis jira. I prayed to God, asking him to give me just one year of peace and happiness. There are other reasons why the city of New York was chosen. • Kiristiyaanonni manasaanii keessatti arjummaafi gaarummaa akka argisiisan maaltu isaan gargaaruu dandaʼa? Satan has no weapon that can weaken the faith or quench the zeal of God's people worldwide. • What can help Christians to be generous and kind in their homes? Warrikoo galii xinnoo waan qabaniif yeroo baayʼee maqaansaanii kan barreeffamu gara dhumaarratti siʼa taʼu, jaarsoliin waldichaa qarshii dabalataa akkasaan kennaniif dhiibbaa isaanirraan gaʼu turan. You would also do well to help them reason on such questions as: " Why does the Bible forbid things that can be appealing to the flesh? My parents often handed their names over a small income, and the elders were pressured to send them more money to the church. Yommuu adaba kenninu fakkeenya Yihowaa fi Ilma isaa hordofuu kan dandeenyu akkamitti? Has God's communication with humans been hindered by the use of different languages and minor variations in translation? How can we imitate Jehovah and his Son when we discipline? Caqasni kun jireenya fooniitiif kan hojjetu ta'uusaa hubachuun rakkisaa miti. Hence, David poured out his heart to Jehovah and continued to look to God for direction. That verse is not difficult to understand. Jechoota wal fakkaatan irra deddeebiʼuu mannaa garaadhaa ni kadhannaa? " My Father is glorified in this, that you keep bearing much fruit. " - JOHN 15: 8. Do they sincerely pray, rather than repeat the words? Mee fakkeenya xuʼaashii Itoophiyaa amantii Yihudii fudhatee fi waaqeffannaadhaaf Yerusaalem deemee gara mana isaatti deebiʼaa ture tokkoo haa ilaallu. After Jehovah destroys wickedness and those who cause it, if anyone ever again would challenge Jehovah's way of ruling in love, there would be no need for God to permit the challenge to stand. Consider the example of the Ethiopian Ethiopian who moved to Jerusalem to worship his home. Ta'uyyuu eebba argannu hawwiidhaan eeggachuu dandeenya. Heaven is a subject of both wild speculation and heated controversy. Yet, we can look forward to the blessings we receive. 8 Gaarummaa Guddaadhaan Bilisa Baataniittu Would you like to read it, Eric? 8 Benefit From God's Undeserved Kindness Wanta isin dhagaʼuu barbaaddan isinitti himuu kan dandaʼan taʼus, gorsisaanii matumaa isin fayyaduu dhiisuu dandaʼa. © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania They may tell you something you want to hear, but their counsel will never benefit you. Pool akkas jedha: "Caalaatti tasgabbii akka argatan gochuusaa malees, dhiibbaawwan gadhee umriisaanii kanatti isaanirra ga'urraa eegumsa guddaa argataniiru. " He does! " In addition to the security that made them secure, " says Paul, "they received great protection from the bad influences they experienced during this age. " Ayyaanni yaadannoo waggaa waggaadhaan kabajamu raajiin Hisqiʼel raawwatamuu isaa kan mirkaneessu akkamitti? Love moves us to honor the name of Jehovah, no matter how limited we may feel. How is the annual observance of Ezekiel's prophecy fulfilled each year? Akkuma jaarraa jalqabaatti ture, firoonni keenya tokko tokko dafanii dhugaa hin fudhatan. Understandably, if we are to help others reach their full potential, we need to be discerning. As in the first century, some of our relatives did not quickly accept the truth. Yeroo boodas, leenjii qorannaa addaa sammuu namootaa irratti xiyyeeffaten fudhadhe. Scriptural Questions Answered: In time, I took a special study course to focus on the human brain. Gorsa Macaafa Qulqulluu isa geggeessaa hafuura qulqulluutiin barreeffame keessa jiru qoruudhaan kadhannaa keessanii wajjin haala walsimuun jiraadhaa. Consider: The day of Jesus ' birth is unknown. Act in harmony with the inspired counsel found in God's inspired Word. Yaadawwan ilaalcha addunyaatiif fakkeenya taʼan qoruu kan qabnu maaliifi? • Deuteronomy 7: 7, 8? Why should we examine the thinking of the worldly thinking? Warrikoo manaa gara manaatti yeroo isaaniif lallabamu dhugaa fudhatanii bara 1948 tti cuuphamaniiru For example, some scholars suggest that language groups did not appear suddenly but evolved gradually from one "mother tongue. " My parents accepted the truth when preaching from house to house Haaluma wal fakkaatuun, namoonni hedduun cubbuu dhaaluusaanii sirriitti erga hubatanii booda, "yaalii " Macaafa Qulqulluu fudhataniiru; akkasumas Waaqayyo" qoricha " akka isaaniif dhiheesse hubataniiru. Three months after King's speech, on November 20, 1963, over 100 countries adopted the United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. Similarly, after fully aware of the sin of sin, many have accepted the Bible and recognized that God had given them "the holy writings. " Maleekonni amanamoon sochii namootaatiif xiyyeeffannaa kan kennan siʼa taʼu, fedha Yihowaa raawwachuu irrattis dammaqinaan hirmaatu. Why did Satan dare Jesus to hurl himself off the battlement of the temple? Angels take seriously human activity and participate in doing Jehovah's will. MACAAFNI QULQULLUUN MAAL JEDHA? what training has been given to Kingdom publishers? THE BIBLE'S VIEWPOINT Qajeelota kan jedhaman dhiirotaafi dubartoota amanamoo kanneen akka Nohi, Abrahaamiifi Saaraa jiran kan dabalatudha. He has come here with his faithful apostles. The righteous include faithful men, such as Noah, Abraham, and Sarah. Mana xinnoo siree tokko qofa qabdu keessa jiraanna turre. He would be horrified if I asked him about it. " - Ken, Canada. We lived in a small house. NAGAA Therefore, advertise, advertise, advertise. " PEACE Akkasumas, waaʼee misiraachoo Mootummaa Waaqayyoo namootatti himuun mirga guddaa taʼuusaa beekna. For example, the teenage son of a single mother was leading a double life. We also know that it is a privilege to share the good news of God's Kingdom with others. Ijoolleenillee isaa wajjin ta'uun isaan gammachiisa ture. " BROTHERS, I cannot begin to count the times you have put into my hands articles that contained just what I needed when I needed it most. " Even children enjoyed associating with him. Dhugaansaa garuu kana miti. " There is going to be a resurrection. " - ACTS 24: 15. But that is not the case. 25: 24 - 30; Luq. 19: 22, 23. Then she learned about Jehovah. 25: 24 - 30; Luke 19: 22, 23. • Bartoonni jaarraa jalqabaatti turan Masiihiicha argachuu kan danda'an akkamitti? Or, husband, how do you know whether you will save your wife? " • How could the early disciples find the Messiah? Qaama isaa dhiqate, areeda isa gaggabaabfate, akkasumas uffata gaarii Doon kenneef uffate. Have I even considered how Jehovah might feel about my choice of entertainment? He wore his body, bought him with a beard, and gave Don good clothes. Fakkeenya Masaraa Eegumsaa Guraandhala 1, 1994, fuula 10, keeyyata 7 rratti kenname ilaali. (Amaariffa) Some 16 weeks after conception, an unborn baby might begin to hear. See The Watchtower of February 1, 1994, page 10, paragraph 7. Akka namoonni baay'een yaadanitti, namoonni bara sanaa bosona keessa kan jiraatan, qaamnisaanii rifeensaan kan uwwifameefi beekumsa kan hin qabne hin turre. What incomparable gift has Jehovah offered humans? According to many, people in those days lived in the forest, their hair was burned and burned with no knowledge. Waadaa namni tokko galu keessaa inni hunda caalu, waadaa Waaqayyoof of murteessuudhaan inni galudha. We could ask ourselves, " Should it surprise me that this wicked system of things has lasted longer than I expected? ' The greatest vow that a person can make is that of making a dedication to God. Boonaan hiriyaasaa kana akka dhabu itti dhagaʼamaa laata? The other was the philosopher Seneca, who developed Nero's intellect. Would Alex feel betrayed? Macaafni Qulqulluun nagaa uumuu ilaalchisee fakkeenyota barumsa nuu kennan hedduu qabateera. PAGE 19 The Bible contains many examples of making peace. Yaaqoob akkaataa kakuu fakkaatuun kadhannaa dhiheesseera. Although only one brother or sister may find the person who eventually becomes a disciple, all shared in the search and all can share in the joy. Jacob also prayed in a similar way. Dabalataanis birooshurri Qaamni Ol Aanaan bara 2015tti qopheessee fi Gara Yihowaatti Deebiʼi jedhamu namoota hedduu addunyaa maratti argamaniif madda jajjabinaa taʼeera. Teresa, a mother with two young boys, explained why she does not seek secular employment. In addition, a brochure published by the Governing Body in 2015 was a source of encouragement to many people worldwide. YESUS samiitti erga ol baʼee gara waggaa 30 booda, Phexros ergamaan, "Warra foʼamanii, isaanis warra biyyaa baafamanii kutaa biyya Phonxositti, Galaatiyaatti, Qaphadooqiyaatti, Asiyaatti akkasumas Bitiiniyaatti tamsaʼanii jiranii [f] " ergaa barreessee ture. The question - and - answer discussion continued for 40 minutes. About 30 years after Jesus ' ascension to heaven, the apostle Peter wrote: "The chosen ones, who were chosen to be part of the district of Pontius Pilate, the inhabitants of Asia, in Asia Minor, Asia Minor, and Bithynia. " DHUGAA BAATONNI YIHOWAA waaʼee Macaafa Qulqulluu namootaa wajjin mariʼachuun isaan gammachiisa. Blaise knew few in attendance at the meeting, but he did know that they were his Christian brothers and sisters, who try to be honest at all times. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES enjoy discussing the Bible with their neighbors. Kiristiyaanonni sun, " deegnisaanii baddu baasa yoo ta'eyyuu, ' hojii yeroo sana hojjetamaa turerratti gargaarsa gochuuf kadhatanii turan. Gradually, some brochures and even some books became available in Tuvaluan. Those Christians prayed to help with the work that was being done at that time, despite the fact that "the poor one will be cut short. " 20: 12; Efe. Like the Galatian Christians to whom Paul wrote, we too need to avoid slaving for "the weak and beggarly elementary things " of this world, including seeking its acclaim. 20: 12; Eph. Aanaan akkana jetteetti: "Haati koo gatii akkan hin qabne irra deddeebitee natti himaa waan turteef, anis akkasuma akkan taʼe natti dhagaʼamuu jalqabe. 18, 19. Anna relates: "My wife kept telling me that I was worthless, so I felt the same way. Warra ulfinni isaaniif maluuf ulfina kennuun faayidaawwan kamfaa qaba? The sister discovered that she had misunderstood a matter that did not even involve Janet. What are some benefits of showing honor to those to whom it is due? Furii Kiristosirraa Ni Fayyadamtaa? Yohannis faayidaa guddaa furii Kiristosirraa argamu ilaalchisee, "[Yesus Kiristos] furee cubbuu keenyaa ti, cubbuu keenya duwwaafis miti cubbuu guutummaa biyya lafaatiifis malee " jechuudhaan barreesseera. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Regarding the precious benefits of Christ's ransom sacrifice, John wrote: "Jesus Christ is a propitiatory sacrifice for our sins, not for our sins, but for the whole world. " 14: 1 - 9. He respectfully explained: "It is unthinkable, from Jehovah's standpoint, for me to give you the inheritance of my forefathers. " 14: 1 - 9. Achiis, waggaa tokkoof qofa nagaa fi gammachuu naaf kenni jedheen Waaqayyoon kadhadhe. To the extent possible, without violating Bible principles, we should endeavor to live peaceably with all men. Then I prayed to God for peace and happiness just for a year. Seexanni mi'a waraanaa, amantaa saba Waaqayyoo addunyaa mararra jiranii ittiin laaffisuu ykn hinaaffaasaanii ittiin qabbaneessuu danda'u hin qabu. How can we manifest love within the family? Satan has no weapon to undermine or undermine the faith of God's people throughout the earth. Fakkeenyaaf, gaaffiiwwan kanneen kanaa gadii jiran irratti akka yaadan isaan gargaaruu dandeessu: " Kitaabni Qulqulluun wantoota kan namatti tolan fakkaatan akka hin raawwanne kan dhowwu maaliifi? Of course, those who died and went to "the land of the enemy " death may return from the grip of that enemy when the dead are resurrected. - Jer. For example, you might help them to think about such questions as these: " Why does the Bible prevent distractions from being appealing? KEESSA JIRAN Her family is very expressive, and she has no problem letting me know how she feels. " As told by Jehovah's Witnesses Namoonni qooqa adda addaa dubbachuun isaanii ykn hiikkaa keessatti garaa garummaa xixiqqoon jiraachuun isaa Waaqayyo namootaaf yaada isaa akka hin ibsine isa dhowweeraa? How did knowledge and experience strengthen Abraham's faith? Does the difference between speaking different languages or translation prevent God's communication with humans? 16: 1, 13) Kanaaf, Daawit wanta garaasaa keessa jiru hundaa Waaqayyotti dhangalaasuudhaan qajeelfama akka isaa kennu eeggachuusaa itti fufeera. Willful nonsupport, extreme physical abuse, and the absolute endangerment of one's spiritual life are exceptional situations that some have viewed as reasons for separation. Thus, David kept on waiting for God's direction with all his heart. 15: 8. On the contrary, he spoke highly of her for doing all that her circumstances allowed in support of true worship. - Luke 21: 1 - 4. 15: 8. Yihowaan hammeenyaa fi warra madda hamminaa taʼan erga balleessee booda, qaamni kam iyyuu karaa inni jaalalaan kakaʼee itti bulchu irratti gaaffii yoo kaase obsa argisiisuun isa hin barbaachisu. In such assignments, we "learned the secret of both... how to have an abundance and how to suffer want. " Once Jehovah destroyed wickedness and wickedness, no human body would need to be patient if he challenged his loving way of ruling. Samiin ykn waaqni, mata duree yaadawwan buʼuura hin qabne irratti kennamanii fi baayʼee wal falmisiisu dha. Eduardo had been thinking about what we read at 1 Corinthians 7: 28: "Those who [marry] will have tribulation in their flesh. " The Heaven, the Creator, or the topic of this article, is a serious matter of putting up with each other's needs. Himoota lamaan xumura keeyyatichaa irratti argaman nuu dubbistaa maaloo? Although he on occasion used questions to silence his critics, most often his purpose was to reach his listeners ' hearts, moving them to reflect on their own spiritual condition. What can you read to us at the end of the two verses? © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania I was financially successful but was increasingly unhappy and couldn't understand why. © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Eeyyee ni barbaada! Consider some ways that we can do so. Yes, he wants! Waan baay'ee gochuu akka hin dandeenye nutti dhaga'amus, jaalalli, maqaa Yihowaatiif ulfina kennuuf nu kakaasa. Moses knew that carrying out this commission would be difficult, even a "reproach. " While we may feel that we cannot do many things, love motivates us to honor Jehovah's name. Obboloonni dandeettii qabanitti guutummaatti akka fayyadaman gargaaruuf, haalasaanii sirriitti hubachuun keenya barbaachisaadha. In faith, we put full trust in the outworking of God's purposes. To help those who have the full potential, we need to become thoroughly aware of their circumstances. Gaaffiiwwan Caaffata Qulqullaa'oorratti Hundaa'aniifi Deebiisaanii: Romans 7: 2 states that a married woman comes under "the law of her husband. " Scriptural Questions Answered: Mee yaadi: Guyyaan Yesus itti dhalate hin beekamu. When we show humility, people may be drawn to Jehovah. Consider: The day of Jesus ' birth was not known. • Keessa Deebii 7: 7, 8 A PSALMIST exclaimed: "How many your works are, O Jehovah! • Deuteronomy 7: 7, 8 Fakkeenyaaf, hayyoonni tokko tokko afaan hedduun yeruma tokkotti akka tasaa akka hin uumamne, kanaa mannaa " afaanuma tokkorraa ' suuta suuta jijjiiramaan akka argame dubbatu. The more I use this approach, the easier it gets. For example, some scholars say that rather than immediately learning a language, there have been a gradual change of "in one language. " Luutar haasaasaa erga dhiheessee jiʼa sadii booda Sadaasa 20, 1963, biyyoonni 100 ol taʼan Labsii Dhaabbanni Mootummoota Gamtoomanii Jibbiinsa Sanyii Kamiyyuu Hambisuuf baaserratti walii galaniiru. Faith cannot be just at the corners of our life; it needs to be at the center of it. On November 20, 1963, by November 20, 1963, more than 100 countries joined the United Nations to spread any traces of prejudice. Seexanni, Yesus fittee mana qulqullummaarraa akka gad of darbatu kan isa qore maaliifi? (Read Romans 12: 3.) Why did Satan tempt Jesus to fall away from the temple? babalʼistoota Mootummichaatiif leenjiiwwan akkamiitu kenname? When I went to college, I was told that there are times when society can be improved only by violence. What training have been given to Kingdom publishers? Yesus iddoo jaallatu, jechuunis gara dhaabaa Getesemaanee, isa baha Yerusaalemitti argamu kan dhaqe ergamootasaa amanamoo taʼanii wajjin ture. What happens, though, when nations go to war? Jesus was with his faithful apostles in the garden of Gethsemane, the garden of Gethsemane. Waaʼee kanaa utuun isa gaafadhee in naʼa. " - Keen, Kaanaadaa. * As we cultivate "the fruitage of the spirit, " the results are plain to see in the way we speak and act; this, in turn, brings praise to our God. If I asked him about it, I would be able to raise him in Canada. " - Canada, Canada. Kanaaf, Mootichaa fi Mootummaa isaa beeksisaa, beeksisaa, beeksisaa. " The word rendered "amen " is a transliteration of a Hebrew word that means" so be it, " or "surely. " Therefore advertise, advertise, advertise, advertise, the King and his Kingdom. " (Fak. 15: 1) Fakkeenyaaf, ilmi umurii waggoota kurnanii keessatti argamuu fi haadha qeentee taate qabu tokko jireenya bifa lamaa jiraata ture. Care About Women? 9 / 1 For example, a teenager and a single mother lived in two forms of life. " OBBOLOOTAA, barreeffamoota isin yeruma na barbaachisanitti baastan lakkaa'ee fixuu hin danda'u. ' " Jehovah is good to all, " says Psalm 145: 9, "and his mercies are over all his works. " " THE literature can no longer pass over to you, and it's as soon as you have needed it. ' " Du'aa ka'uun jira. ' - HOJII ERGAMOOTAA 24: 15. How would he obtain food? " There is going to be a resurrection. " - ACTS 24: 15. Booddee waa'ee Yihowaa baratte. Interestingly, Genesis 37: 25 - 28 mentions Ishmaelite merchants who used camels to transport incense to Egypt about a hundred years after the time of Abraham. Later, she learned about Jehovah. Yookiin ati yaa abbaa manaa nana, haadha manaa kee ni fayyifta yoo taʼe maal beekta? " 6: 4. Or what if you are a husband who will save your wife? " Bohaartii ani filadhu ilaalchisee wanta Yihowaatti dhagaʼamuu dandaʼurratti yaadeeraa? 9: 9 - 15. Does my choice of entertainment reflect on how Jehovah feels about my choice of entertainment? Mucaan tokko gadameessa keessatti erga uumamee gara torban 16 booda dhagaʼuu dandaʼa. What about those who accept the invitation, become disciples of Jesus Christ, and extend the invitation to still others? A baby may hear a vision about 16 weeks later in the womb. Yihowaan namootaaf kennaa guddaa akkamii qopheesseera? As Christians, we have a precious heritage. What precious gift has Jehovah provided for humans? " Sirni biyya lafaa inni hamaan kun yeroon eege caalaa turuusaatti dinqisiifamuun qabaa? ' Here are some examples: Perhaps you feel that the way you received the truth was clearly at God's direction. " Should it surprise me that the end of this wicked system of things is longer than the time for the end of this wicked system of things? ' Inni lammaffaanimmoo Seenekaa isa abbaa falaasamaa siʼa taʼu, innis beekumsi Neeroo akka guddatu godheera. David's Flight From Saul The second line, the father of a father, grew to be known as Nero. FUULA 19 Then, "sinews and flesh " were added. PAGE 19 Nama yeroo booda barataa taʼu kan argatan obboleessa ykn obboleettii tokko taʼu illee, barbaacha irratti kan hirmaatan hunda waan taʼaniif gammachuu isaa kan hirmaatan hunda dha. What fundamental principle underlies Christian unity? Even if they later found a disciple or a sister in the congregation, they shared in all they wanted to get. (Fakkeenya 6: 21, 22) Ijoollee dhiiraa lama kan qabdu Teereezaan, qacaramtee hojjechuu kan hin barbaanne maaliif akka ta'e ibsiteetti. Are you curious about any of the beliefs or religious practices of Jehovah's Witnesses? If so, do not hesitate to ask one of Jehovah's Witnesses. She explains why she did not want to work with two boys. jechuudhaan gaafatte. Mareen gaaffiifi deebiidhaan godhamu kun daqiiqaa 40f itti fufe. Why should the topic of compassion interest you? The conversation and the answers continued 40 minutes. Gaaʼelli gammachuu qabullee rakkinarraa walaba kan taʼe miti. The apostle Paul exhorted his Christian brothers in Colossae: "Keep on... admonishing one another with psalms, praises to God, spiritual songs with graciousness. " A successful marriage is not a problem. Biileez namoota walgaʼii sanarratti argaman keessaa kan beeku muraasa taʼaniyyuu, obbolootasaa yeroo hundumaa amanamoo taʼuuf carraaqan taʼuusaanii beeka ture. Walking was painful. Although he knew only a few of the delegates at that convention, he knew that they always wanted to be loyal to his brothers. Yeroo booda Afaan Tuvaaluutiin birooshuroonnii fi kitaabonni tokko tokko qophaaʼuu dandaʼaniiru. 5: 11 - 13. In time, a brochure in Tuvaluan could be made available. Akkuma Phaawulos Kiristiyaanota Galaatiyaaf barreessetti, nutis beekamummaa addunyaa barbaaduu dabalatee, " wantoota dadhaboo taʼanii fi faayidaa hin qabneef ' garboota taʼuu irraa fagaachuun nu barbaachisa. What important question did Jesus raise while giving the composite sign of the last days? As Paul wrote to the Galatians, we need to avoid "the weak and empty things of the flesh, " including the pursuit of prominence. 18, 19. Two years later, I was invited to serve as a special pioneer. 18, 19. Obboleettiin sun, dhimmicha keessa Jaaneet akka hin jirree fi ilaalchi ishii dogoggora akka ture hubatte. Christian dedication is a serious matter. The sister realized that she was not in the case of Janet and that her attitude was wrong. Ibsi kan biraan yoo kenname malee, caqasawwan barreeffama kana keessatti argaman Kitaaba Qulqulluu Hiika Addunyaa Haaraa Maatewos - Mulʼata fi Macaafa Qulqulluu afaan Oromoo bara 1997 tti maxxanfame keessaa kan fudhatamani dha. BEING imperfect, we are prone to make mistakes. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Karaa kabaja qabuun, "Dhaala abbaa kootii siif kennuu, Waaqayyo ana haa oolchu " jedhee ture. We missed you. ' " On the other hand, he respectfully said: "I will give you my Father, and Jehovah will save me. " Seerawwan bu'uuraa Macaafa Qulqulluu utuu hin cabsin, hamma nuu danda'ametti namoota hundaa wajjin nagaadhaan jiraachuuf yaalii gochuu qabna. His entourage may have included wealthy women. We should try to live with all people as long as possible without compromising Bible principles. Maatii keessatti jaalala argisiisuu kan dandeenyu akkamitti? David did not have the same privilege of service as the Levites, but he had already been anointed to perform another type of service, eventually to be the king of God's people. How can we show love within the family? Warri duʼan, jechuunis warri gara "biyya diinaa " deeman kun yeroo duʼaa kaʼanitti, diina kana harkaa akka baʼan beekamaadha. - Er. Let us consider these two aspects. When the dead are brought back to life - "the land of the enemy, " that is, the enemy's hand. - Jer. Isheen maatii yaadasaanii rakkoo tokko malee ibsan keessatti waan guddatteef, wanta isheetti dhaga'ame naa ibsuun ishee hin rakkisu ture. " If we sit down to talk, she gets irritable or even gives me the silent treatment. She adds: "It wasn't hard to explain how she felt, for she was unable to explain how she felt. " Beekumsii fi muuxannoon Abrahaam amantii isaa kan cimse akkamitti? What is yet another way to show our gratitude for the ransom? How did Abraham's knowledge and experience strengthen his faith? " Yaa ijoollee ko! The Gospel writers Matthew and Luke state that Mary was a virgin who became pregnant through the operation of God's spirit. - Matt. " My sons, my daughter, " he said. Namoonni tokko tokko, taʼe jedhanii gargaarsa gochuu dhiisuun, akkasumas miidhaan qaamaa cimaa taʼee fi jireenyi nama tokkoo karaa hafuuraa balaa irra akka buʼu gochuun gargar baʼuudhaaf sababa gaʼaa akka taʼetti ilaalu. All who want to benefit from God's Kingdom should learn how to become followers of the King, Jesus. - Read Luke 21: 7, 10, 11, 31, 34, 35. Some people view it as a valid reason to give help and to avoid serious physical dangers and to separate one's life from spiritual dangers. Haala kanarraa faallaa ta'een, waaqeffannaa dhugaa deggeruuf hamma haallishee heyyamu hunda gochuusheetiin ishee jajeera. - Luq. 21: 1 - 4. Weddings and Wedding Receptions In contrast, she commended her every situation for supporting true worship. - Luke 21: 1 - 4. Iddoowwan akkasiitti tajaajiluun keenya, "waan hundumaatti,... irraa hafaa qabaachuutti, dhabuuttis " akka beeknu nu godheera. How did David show that he was loyal to God? Serving at such places has given us "a living thing... and a loss. " Eeduwaardoon wanta 1 Qorontos 7: 28 irratti "Warri [gaaʼela godhatan] foon isaanii irratti rakkina fidu " jedhamee barreeffame irratti yaadaa ture. How can you introduce Matthew 5: 3 in a conversation? Recall what is said at 1 Corinthians 7: 28: "Those who are married [are] tribulation in their flesh. " Yeroo tokko tokko gaaffiiwwanitti kan fayyadame, mormitootasaa cal jechisiisuuf taʼus, yeroo baayʼee garuu, garaa dhaggeeffattootasaa tuquudhaan haala hafuuraasaanirratti akka yaadan gochuuf ture. Maybe At times, he used questions, but he often had to let his listeners think about the spiritual condition of his listeners. Gama qarshiitiin milkaa'us, gammachuunkoo kan hir'atu maaliif akka ta'e hubachuu hin dandeenye. What will happen to the weeds, and when will that event occur? I couldn't understand why I was financially happy, but I couldn't understand why I was less happy. Mee karaawwan kana itti gochuu dandeenyu tokko tokko haa ilaallu. We had been conducting a Bible study with her sister. Let us consider some ways in which we can do so. Hojii isaaf kenname raawwachuun ulfaataa taʼuusaarrayyuu, akka " arrabsamu ' isa gochuu akka dandaʼu beeka ture. I was working 14 to 15 hours each day. He knew that it would be difficult for him to carry out his assignment, and he knew that it could make him "with wine. " Amantii qabaachuun kaayyoon Waaqayyoo akka raawwatamu guutummaatti amanamuuf nu gargaara. How, then, can we show that we value that deliverance? Faith helps us to have complete confidence in God's purpose. Roomaa 7: 2 irratti dubartiin heerumte tokko, " seera abbaa manaa ishee ' jala kan jirtu taʼuu ishee dubbata. That was likely also true of some in the Roman congregation. At Romans 7: 2, a married woman says that she is "a husband's law. " Gad of qabuun keenya, namoonni gara Yihowaa akka dhufan gochuu dandaʼa. They also send me encouraging letters. Our humility can cause people to come to Jehovah. FAARFATAAN tokko akkas jedheera: "Yaa Waaqayyo, wanti ati hojjette maal maal baayʼee dha! Unforeseen events - such as serious illnesses, accidents, or disasters - can strike anyone, anywhere, at any time. " HOW many your works are, O Jehovah! Mala kanatti fayyadamaa yeroon deemu, lallabuun salphaa naa taʼaa dhufe. * Such hope is superior to a mere wish, which may have no foundation or prospect of fulfillment. When I went through this method, I found it easier to preach. Amantiin jireenya keenya keessatti iddoo guddaa qabaachuu qaba. Jewish tradition has it that he married Hannah first and that Peninnah came along some years later. Faith must be important in our lives. (Roomaa 12: 3 dubbisi.) The Golden Age, "a Journal of Fact, Hope, and Conviction, " would be used to open up a new method of spreading the truth - a door - to - door subscription campaign. (Read Romans 12: 3.) Yommuun koolleejii turetti, yeroon hawaasni tokko fincilaan qofa itti fooyyaʼu jira ennaa jedhamu dhagaʼeen ture. Though the Israelites in Isaiah's day had turned away from Jehovah, He still wanted to help them. While I was growing up, I heard that there was only a time when a violent society had improved. Yommuu biyyoonni waraanaatti hirmaatan gochawwan akkamii argina? 136: 11 - 15. What practices do we see as the soil engage in? * " Ija hojii hafuuraa ' horachaa yommuu adeemnu, buʼaansaa akkaataa dubbiifi hojii keenyaan kan mulʼatu siʼa taʼu, kunimmoo Waaqa keenyaaf ulfina fida. If we allow Jehovah to guide our steps in life, nothing will prevent us from being faithful to him. * As we cultivate "the fruitage of the spirit, " the results reflect our words and deeds, which honor our God. Jechi "amiin " jedhu afaan Ibrootaarraa kan fudhatame ennaa ta'u, hiiknisaas" haata'u " ykn "walii galeera " kan jedhudha. They were like good figs. The word "congregation " is translated from a Hebrew word that means" Let, " or "let, " ftn., mean" One. " Maxxansa Qayyabannaa (Masaraa Eegumsaa), 1 / 15 The apostle Peter urged Christians in the first century: "Be hospitable to one another. " Study Edition, 2 / 1, 5 / 1, 9 / 1, 9 / 1, 9 / 1, 9 / 1, 11 / 1, 11 / 1, 11 / 1, 12 / 1, 11 / 1, Faarfannaa 145: 9, "Waaqayyo nama hundumaaf gaarii dha; hojii harka isaa hundumaafis in oo'a " jedha. Mario was also strengthened by the Kingdom hope. Psalm 145: 9 states: "Jehovah is good to all, and his mercies are over all his works. " Nyaata argachuu kan danda'e akkamitti? The rejoicing of Jehovah's earthly worshippers will know no bounds when they hear Jesus ' words: "Come, you who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world. " - Matt. How did he find food? Kan nama dinqisiisummoo, Uumamni 37: 25 - 28 Ishmaaʼeloonni daldaltoota turan, bara Abrahaam turerraa naannoo waggaa dhibbaa booda gara Gibxiitti ixaana geessuuf gaalotatti fayyadamaa akka turan ibsa. " God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " - John 3: 16. Interestingly, Genesis 37: 25 - 28 shows that the Egyptian merchants of Abraham's day used incense in Egypt for about 28 years after the time of Abraham's time. 6: 4, NW. Since the brother was my personal friend, it would have been easy for me to speak to him. 6: 4. 9: 9 - 15. As the Scriptures show, modesty is always the right course. 9: 9 - 15. Hafuurichi, warra afeerricha fudhatanii bartoota Yesus Kiristos ta'uudhaan afeerrii kana warra kaaniif dhiheessaa jiranoo ni gargaaraa? By washing their feet, Jesus provided an object lesson in humility, a quality that Christian overseers need to display. - Read John 13: 12 - 15; 1 Pet. Do the spirit help those who accept the invitation to become disciples of Jesus Christ to extend this invitation? Kiristiyaanota waan taaneef, dhaala gati jabeessa taʼe qabna. Theocratic schooling As Christians, we have a precious heritage. Fakkeenyota tokko tokko haa ilaallu: Tarii dhugaa akka dhageessuuf haala kan mijeesse Waaqayyo akka taʼe sitti dhagaʼama taʼa. We too have been entrusted with the precious privilege to "declare good news of good things. " Consider some examples: Perhaps you feel that God arranged for you to hear the truth. Daawit Saa'ol Jalaa Baqate What can help us to keep on listening to Jehovah's voice? David Fleeed From Saul Achiis, "ribuu " fi " foontu ' itti dabalame. They claim that there is no Creator. Then, there is "a flesh " and" flesh. " Dhugaan buʼuuraa tokkummaa Kiristiyaanotaatiif hundee taʼuu dandaʼu isa kami? SEE PAGES 3 - 7. What principle can be a foundation for true Christians? Matadureen walitti aansee baʼu kun, yeroo ittaanutti caqasoota " bara torba ' inni jedhame kun dheerina yeroo hammamii akka qabu ibsan qabatee baʼa. [ Picture on page 20] This series of articles will consider the length of time that the "seven times " mentioned in the following article. Mata dureen gara laafina jedhu kun xiyyeeffannaa kee harkisuu kan qabu maaliifi? Note the contrast between her and Orpah, who "returned to her people and her gods. " Why should this compassionate article show interest in you? Phaawulos ergamaan, "Qooqa garaa garaatiin, faarfannaa galataatiin, weedduu hafuuraatiinis... Waaqayyoof faarfadhaa! " jechuudhaan Kiristiyaanota Qolosaayis jiran gorsee ture. Matthew's account quotes Jesus as saying regarding the wine: "This means my " blood of the covenant, ' which is to be poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins. " - Matt. The apostle Paul urged Christians in Colossae: "In various parts of the world, singing praises to God... Miilaan yeroon deemu baayʼee na dhukkuba ture. (b) How would you apply these Scriptural principles? Milan was shocked when I left. 5: 11 - 13. (Read 1 Timothy 1: 12 - 14.) 5: 11 - 13. Yesus guyyoota gara dhumaa ilaalchisee gaaffii barbaachisaa akkamii kaaseera? Will we be considerate? What important question did Jesus raise regarding the last days? Waggaa lama booda qajeelchaa addaa taʼee akkan tajaajilun afeerame. As the eldest son, Jesus undoubtedly took over the carpentry business and cared for the family until his baptism. Two years later, I was invited to serve as a special pioneer. Waaqayyoof of murteessuun wanta akka laayyootti ilaalamu miti. How? Dedication to God is not a serious matter. CUBBAMOOTA waan taaneef, dogoggora ni raawwanna. 4, 5. (a) Like Paul, what struggle do we have? IF YOU were far away, we make mistakes. Baayʼee isin yaadne ' nuun jedhan. " Sleep deprivation, however, impedes learning and contributes to accidents, errors, and irritability. They said, " You really care about you. ' " Namoota isa hordofan keessaa tokko dubartoota sooreyyii taʼuu dandaʼu. (a) What does the psalmist pray that Jehovah will do? Some who followed him may be rich women. Mirga tajaajilaa Lewwoonni qaban kan hin qabne taʼus, tajaajila gara biraa raawwachuuf, jechuunis gara fuulduratti mootii saba Waaqayyoo taʼuuf dibamee ture. (1 Sam. It includes trusting in Jehovah God as a person - a person who wants us to get to know him and to maintain a good relationship with him. Although the Levites had no privilege of service, he was about to be anointed as King of God's people - a future king. Qabxiiwwan lamaan kana mee haa ilaallu. These religions spread throughout the empire. Let us consider these two points. Mariʼachuuf yoo gad teenye, daftee aarti ykn naan ooddi. He fills our "hearts to the full with food and good cheer, " said Paul. If we were to take care of her children, they would quickly break down or kiss him. Karaa kan biraan furicha akka dinqisiifannu itti argisiisnu hoo isa kami? Does that apply only to the anointed? What else shows that we appreciate the ransom? Barreessitoota Wangeelaa kan taʼan Maatewosiifi Luqaas, Maariyaam durba akka turteefi hafuura qulqulluutiin akka ulfoofte dubbataniiru. - Mat. So non - Israelite Nethinim were given more to do in helping the Levites. Gospel writers and Luke claim that Mary was pregnant and produced by holy spirit. - Matt. Namoonni Mootummaa Waaqayyoorraa faayidaa argachuu barbaadan hundi, akkamitti duuka buutota Yesus Mootichaa taʼuu akka dandaʼan barachuu qabu. - Luqaas 21: 7, 10, 11, 31, 34, 35 dubbisi. But her parents knew that such a move would not be in their children's best spiritual interest. All who want to benefit from God's Kingdom need to learn how to become Jesus ' followers. - Read Luke 21: 7, 10, 11, 34, 35. Cidhaafi Waamichasaa It was time for Jesus ' followers to "begin fleeing to the mountains. " wedding and wedding calls Daawit Waaqayyoof amanamaa taʼuu isaa kan argisiise akkamitti? If we allow ourselves to be guided by "the wisdom from above, " we will treat others in a peaceable way. How did David show loyalty to God? Nama tokkoo wajjin yeroo mariʼannu Maatewos 5: 3 tti fayyadamuu kan dandeenyu akkamitti? Their deep love for Jehovah was evident by their actions and attitudes. How can we use Matthew 5: 3 when talking with someone? Lakki WHITEBOARD ANIMATIONS Maybe Inkirdaadichi maal ta'a? Kun kan ta'uhoo yoomi? A pioneer sister in Colorado, U.S.A., found part - time employment at a bank. What will be the weeds, and when will this happen? Manakoo akka isin dhuftan eegeen ture " nuun jette. The sincere Ethiopian had already gone to Jerusalem to worship, and he likely prayed for guidance. I really wanted you to be my home. " Guyyaa guyyaadhaan saʼaatii 14 hanga 15iin hojjedha. In 1942, I dedicated my life to God and was baptized in one of our scenic rivers. Every day, I worked about 14 hours a day. Kanaaf, fayyina kana dinqisiifachuu keenya akkamitti argisiisuu dandeenya? Today as well, "what is expected of stewards is that they be found faithful. " How, then, can we show appreciation for this deliverance? Warri gumii Roomaa keessa turan tokko tokkos kan akkasii taʼuu hin oolan. Laurie just had a fight with her husband. That may have been true of some in the congregation in Rome. Xalayaawwan nama jajjabeessanis naaf ergu. She admitted that she felt devastated, for she realized that her desire would not be satisfied in this system of things. They also send me encouraging letters. Wantoonni utuu hin yaadamin gaʼan, dhukkubni cimaan, balaan tasa gaʼu ykn balaan uumamaa, eessattii fi yeroo kamitti iyyuu nama kam irra iyyuu gaʼuu dandaʼa. Only then will we be able to make the best personal application of its timeless wisdom. Even unexpected events, such as sickness, disasters, or natural disasters can happen to anyone at any time. * Abdiin akkasii kun, hawwii bu'uura hin qabnee ykn guutamuu hin dandeenye miti. How different their condition is from that of Jehovah's servants! * Such a hope is not a basis for wanting to be filled, or filled. Akka aadaan Yihudootaa ibsutti, jalqaba kan fuudhe Haannaa siʼa taʼu, waggoota muraasa boodammoo Phiniinaa fuudhe. Whether we are baptized Christians or we are working toward that goal, we have every reason to be thankful for the privilege of associating with the worldwide congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. According to Jewish tradition, Anna first married Hannah and married Peninnah some years later. Barruun the Golden Age jedhamu "Barruu Haqaa, Barruu Dhugaa fi Barruu Amantii " duula manaa gara manaatti deemnee namoota maamiltoota barruu kanaa taʼan argachuuf goonuun, karaa haaraa dhugaa babalʼisuuf itti fayyadamnu taʼee ture. 25: 32) The Watch Tower Publications Index, magazine, and the magazine "The Truth for the house - to - house campaign to spread the truth in a new way to spread the truth. " Israa'eloonni bara Isaayaasitti turan Yihowaarraa kan garagalan ta'us, inni garuu isaan gargaaruu barbaada ture. Does that prospect appeal to you? The Israelites in Isaiah's day turned to Jehovah, but he wanted to help them. 136: 11 - 15. But Peter may also have been anxious. 136: 11 - 15. Yihowaan adeemsa keenya akka nuu qajeelchu yoo heyyamne, wanti tokkoyyuu isaaf amanamaa akka hin taane nu dhowwuu hin danda'u. Various loyal servants of God have perished in explosions or in other ways that left no trace of their remains. If we let Jehovah guide our steps, nothing will prevent us from becoming unfaithful to him. Isaan kun ija harbuu isa baʼeessatti fakkeeffamaniiru. (b) those with the earthly hope? A few feel Jehovah's enduring love in a very special way. They are likened to good figs. Pheexiros ergamaan Kiristiyaanota jaarraa jalqabaa, "keessummummaa wal simadhaa " jedhee gorseera. Then Doris told Katherine: "Jehovah uses you to help me. The apostle Peter urged first - century Christians: "Be hospitable to one another. " Maariyoon abdii Mootummaa Waaqayyootiinis jajjabaateera. Rather than frightening him, this knowledge moved him to praise Jehovah and say: "The heavens are declaring the glory of God; and of the work of his hands the expanse is telling. " Mario also strengthened the hope of God's Kingdom. Waaqeffattoonni Yihowaa lafa irra jiraatan yommuu sagalee Yesuus armaan gadii dhagaʼan baayʼee gammadu: "Isin warri Abbaan koo eebbise kottaa; Mootummaa isa yeroo addunyaan hundeeffamee jalqabee isiniif qophaaʼe sana dhaalaa. " - Mat. Attendance at the annual festivals meant what for many Israelites? When Jehovah's worshippers are on earth, they are thrilled to hear the voice of Jesus, who said: "Come, you who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world. " - Matt. ▪ "Waaqayyo, akkasitti tokkicha ilma isaa hamma kennuufitti biyya lafaa jaallate; kun immoo isatti kan amanu hundinuu jireenya bara baraa haa qabaatuuf malee, haa baduuf miti! " - Yohannis 3: 16. What point did Jesus make with this illustration? ▪ "God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " - John 3: 16. Obboleessi sun michuukoo waan tureef, dhimma sana isa gaafachuun anaaf salphaa ture. When was the last time we prayed together as a couple? The brother was a friend, so it was easy for me to ask him about the matter. Akkuma Kitaabni Qulqulluun ibsu, amala gad of deebisuu qabaachuun ogummaa dha. In fact, he immediately went on to say: "The Lord will rescue me from every wicked work. " As the Bible shows, humility is the course of wisdom. Miillasaanii isaaniif dhiquudhaan, amala ilaaltonni olaanaan hundi horachuu qaban, jechuunis amala gad of deebisuu isaan barsiiseera. - Yohannis 13: 12 - 15 dubbisi; 1 Phe. This proves that its real Author is the almighty God. By washing their feet, Jesus taught them the qualities that all overseers need to cultivate - humility. - Read John 13: 12 - 15; 1 Pet. Mana barumsaa tiʼookraasii A Conversation With a Neighbor - Is Jesus God? Theocratic Hall Nuyis "oduu gaarii " akka lallabnuuf mirgi guddaan nuu kennameera. Is God to blame when tragedy strikes? We have the wonderful privilege of preaching "good news. " Sagalee Yihowaa dhaggeeffachuu keenya akka itti fufnuuf kan nu gargaaru maalidha? Continue to Benefit From Jesus ' Sayings What will help us to keep on listening to Jehovah's voice? Uumaan hin jiru jedhanii falmu. Satan the Devil is also portrayed as "a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone. " They argue that there is no Creator. FUULA 3 - 7 ILAALI. Because he believed God's promises. SEE PAGES 3 - 7. [ Picture on page 20] " I learned to pray for anyone who hurt me, " said the sister just mentioned. [ Picture on page 20] Garaagarummaa ishii fi Orphaa ishii "gara saba isheetti, gara waaqayyolii isheettis deebite " gidduu jiru hubadhu. (Rut. Have there been times when you sensed the help of his spirit as you were presenting the good news? Note the difference between her and her " return to her people and her gods. ' Wangeelli Maatewos, Yesus wayinicha ilaalchisee, "Kun dhiiga koo ti, dhiigni kun kakuu dhaabate sana cimsuudhaaf, dhiifamuu cubbuu namoota baayʼeetiif dhangalaʼa " akka jedhe dubbata. - Mat. Not content to donate anonymously, they blatantly exaggerated their offering and suffered disaster for their hypocrisy. According to Matthew's Gospel, Jesus said: "This is my blood, which is to be poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins. " - Matt. (b) Seera buʼuuraa caqasoota kanaa hojiirra kan oolchitu akkamitti? During his entire ministry, Jesus lovingly comforted mourning ones, bringing them encouragement and peace of mind. (b) How do you apply these principles? (1 Ximotewos 1: 12 - 14 dubbisi.) Employers or others may try to coerce us into being dishonest or may seek to induce us to engage in sexual immorality. (Read 1 Timothy 1: 12 - 14.) Akka isaaf yaadnu ni argisiisnaa? A couple of Jehovah's Witnesses called at my home in 1991, and I asked them why we die. Do we show that we care about him? Yesus ilma angafaa waan taʼeef, hanga gaafa cuuphameetti hojii mukaa hojjechuudhaan maaticha kunuunsaa akka ture hin shakkisiisu. What did Jesus say about the emblems he used? As firstborn son, Jesus no doubt cared for the family until his baptism. Akkamitti? I told her that Jehovah's Witnesses could show her the truth from the Bible. How? 4, 5. (a) Akkuma Phaawulos maalii wajjin qabsoo gochaa jirra? Read James 3: 17. 4, 5. (a) Like Paul, what struggle do we have with? Karaa garabiraammoo, hirriba gaʼaa dhabuun, dandeettiin waa barachuu akka hirʼatu gochuu, akkasumas balaan akka uumamu, dogoggora akka hojjennuufi amala akka dhabnu nu gochuu dandaʼa. What is righteousness? On the other hand, a lack of sleep can rob us of the ability to learn about money and cause us to miss a wrong course. (a) Faarfatichi Yihowaan maal akka godhu kadhate? Do we find it difficult to yield, or are we known as those who are "making peace "? - Jas. (a) What did the psalmist pray that Jehovah would do? Yihowaan, qaama akka isa beeknuufi isaa wajjin walitti dhufeenya gaarii akka uumnu barbaadu ta'uusaa hubachuudhaan isatti amanamuu kan dabalatudha. Paul gives another compelling reason why we should not retaliate; it is the modest course to follow. It includes trusting in Jehovah that he wants us to come to know him and to make a personal relationship with him. Amantiiwwan kun bulchiinsa sana keessatti babal'atanii turan. The context of verse 17 shows that the Israelites were not to eat the layers of fat found around the intestines and the kidneys of sacrificial animals nor the fat upon the loins because "all the fat belongs to Jehovah. " These religions spread throughout the empire. Inni " soora akka nuuf kennuufi garaa keenya gammachuudhaan akka guutu ' Phaawulos dubbateera. Because Asa's grandmother Maacah had made "a horrible idol to the sacred pole, " Asa faced the difficult task of removing her from her royal position as" lady. " He said that he would " food for us and fill our hearts with joy. ' Yaadni kun Kiristiyaanota dibamaniif qofa kan hojjetu dhaa? These were performed by Witnesses who were legally recognized as religious ministers, which was unthinkable in the country years ago. Does this mean that only anointed Christians are anointed? Kanaan kan ka'es, Naataaniimoonni lammii Israa'el hin taane, Lewwoota akka gargaaran hojiin dabalataa ni kennameef. They had come to the right place! As a result, the non - Israelites were given further work to assist the Levites. Haa taʼu malee, warri ishii ijoolleen isaanii gara gumii kanaa deemuun isaanii karaa hafuuraa guddina gochuuf akka isaan hin gargaarre hubatan. But Jehovah used him as the agent, or means, to create all other things. However, her parents realized that moving their children to this congregation helped them not to make spiritual progress. Yeroon kun yeroo duuka buutonni Yesus " gara gaarotaatti itti baqatanidha. ' Responsible shepherds may be used to correct matters that may need to be readjusted. - Psalm 43: 5; Colossians 1: 18; Titus 1: 5. That will be the time for Jesus ' followers to " fleeing to the mountains. ' " Ogummaa waaqarraatiin ' kan geggeeffamnu yoo ta'e, gama keenyaan warra kaanii wajjin nagaadhaan jiraanna. Roman thinking could not conceive of a religion that demanded exclusive devotion from its adherents. If we are guided by "the wisdom from above, " we will be peaceable with others. Jaalalli cimaan isaan Yihowaadhaaf qaban gochaa fi ilaalcha isaanii irraa ni mulʼata ture. Jewish historian Josephus states that this Judas "incited his countrymen to revolt, upbraiding them as cowards for consenting to pay tribute to the Romans. " Their intense love for Jehovah and their attitude were evident in their attitude. ANIMEESHINII GABATEE ADII Jesus repeated the invitation to Matthew, and he too accepted it. FROM THE WORLD Obboleettiin qajeelchitu taatee fi Koloraadoo Yuunaayitid Isteetis keessa jiraattu mana baankii keessaa hojii saʼaatii muraasaaf hojjettu argattee turte. Soon, his stress - induced ailments began to disappear. A pioneer sister in the United States found work part - time at work in the bank bank. jedhee gaafate. Namichi Itoophiyaa garaa qajeelaa qabu kun, waaqeffannaadhaaf gara Yerusaalem kan dhaqe si'a ta'u, gargaarsa argachuufis kadhatee ta'uu danda'a. [ Picture on page 5] This honesthearted Ethiopian may have moved to Jerusalem for worship, and he may have prayed for help. Bara 1942 tti Yihowaadhaaf of murteesseen lageen keenya babbareedoo keessaa isa tokko keessatti cuuphame. " Oppose the Devil, and he will flee from you. " - JAS. In 1942, I dedicated myself to Jehovah and was baptized in one of our beautiful rivers. (Nah. 7: 2; 13: 12, 13) Harʼas taanaan, "bulchitoonni amanamoo taʼuutu isaan irraa eegama. " The Grave gathers up the victims. Today, "the nations are expected to be faithful. " Looreen abbaa manaa ishii wajjin wal lolteetti. " Those who are crushed in spirit. " Lorraine joined her husband in battle. Hawwiin ishii kun sirna kana keessatti akka ishiidhaaf hin guutamne yommuu hubattu abdii kutattee akka turte ifatti dubbatteetti. (a) Peter's exclamation found at 2 Peter 3: 11, 12 emphasizes what need? She admits that she was very discouraged when she realized that she would not give her request in this system of things. (Far. 1: 1 - 3) Ogummaa achi keessatti argamuu fi yeroon itti hin darbine, dhuunfaatti hojii irra oolchuu kan dandeenyu yoo akkas goone qofa dha. If we judge others on the basis of their material wealth, we could create class distinctions in the congregation. Only then can we personally apply the wisdom found in that wisdom and the time to apply it. Haalli tajaajiltoota Yihowaa garuu kanarraa addadha! 17, 18. How different it is for Jehovah's servants! Kiristiyaanota cuuphamne yoo taane ykn galma kanarra gaʼuuf carraaqqii gochaa jirra yoo taʼe, sababii gaʼaa Dhugaa Baatota Yihowaa addunyaa maratti argaman keessaa tokko taʼuu keenyatti galateeffachuuf nu kakaasu qabna. At first, I lived under their roof. If we are baptized Christians or are striving to reach that goal, we should be motivated to commend us for being one of Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide. 25: 32) " When we saw him reaching out in the congregation, we felt proud. (Read Acts 25: 32 - 32.) (Faarfannaa 37: 11, 29; Mulʼata 21: 3, 4) Addunyaa kana fakkaatu keessa jiraachuu barbaadaa? In his own due time, he appointed someone who would be superior to any of the men he had used thus far. Does he search for life in this world? Yesus lubbuudhaan akka jiru hubachuunsaa baay'ee akka isa gammachiise homaa hin shakkisiisu. Yet, he remains "kind toward the unthankful and wicked. " How pleased Jesus must have been to see that he was alive! Tajaajiltoonni Yihowaa amanamoo taʼan garaagaraas dhoʼiinsa taʼe tokkoon ykn wanta kan biraatiin duʼaniiru. Unlike any other book, it is indeed "inspired of God and beneficial for teaching. " Faithful servants of Jehovah died in some form or something else. Namoonni muraasni Yihowaan karaa adda taʼeen jaalala hin badne akka isaaniif qabu itti dhagaʼama. If we have an earthly hope, our hunger and thirst for righteousness will be fully satisfied when we enjoy everlasting life under righteous conditions on earth. A few feel Jehovah's love for them in a special way. Achiis Dooriis akkas isheedhaan jette: "Yihowaan sitti fayyadamee na gargaaraa jira. As you submit to the cleansing water of Bible truth, you will produce even more fruit. Then Kenneth says: "Jehovah is helping me by means of you. Kun akka rom'u isa gochuu mannaa, akkas jedhee Yihowaa akka galateeffatu isa kakaaseera: "Bantiiwwan waaqaa ulfina Waaqayyoo himaa jiru, wanti bantii waaqaa jalaan mul'atus hojii harka isaa in labsa. " Professionals who try to predict the future have met with some successes but also many failures. Instead of thanking Jehovah for doing so, he praised Jehovah, saying: "The heavens are declaring the glory of God; and the works of his hands are declaring the good news about his hands. " Yeroofi bakka fedhe kamittiyyuu wanta barbaade ni raawwata. A letter from headquarters in Brooklyn eventually advised well - meaning sisters that it would be better for all concerned to provide the pilgrim with "every - day, plain cooking " and" undisturbed sleep. " He will do anything at any time and place. Israaʼeloota hedduudhaaf ayyaanota waggaarratti argamuu jechuun maal jechuu ture? Let Jesus ' Sayings Affect Your Attitude, 2 / 15 Look! What did it mean for many Israelites to attend the annual festivals? Yesus fakkeenya kanatti fayyadamee waaʼee maalii barsiise? This renewed emphasis on the ministry thrilled many. What did Jesus teach about this illustration? ▪ Yeroo dhumaatiif kadhannaa kan waliin dhiheessine yoom ture? Minor transgressions in day - to - day life are best handled in this way, for this contributes to a peaceful relationship with fellow worshippers and gives us peace of mind. ▪ When did you first pray together? " Gooftaan hamaa ana irratti hojjetamu hundumaa irraa na oolcha " jedheera. What has happened to them? He said: "The Sovereign Lord Jehovah will save me from all that is bad. " Kun immoo, Kitaaba Qulqulluu kan barreessise Waaqayyo isa Hundumaa Dandaʼu taʼuu isaa mirkaneessa. What convinced them that Jesus Christ was the one through whom Jehovah was leading his people? This shows that the Bible is the Author of the Almighty God. Maree Macaafa Qulqulluurratti Hundaaʼe Yesus Waaqayyodhaa? A malicious lie is told with a view to harming someone; its purpose is to make the person suffer in some way or experience distress. A Conversation With a Neighbor - Is Jesus God? Balaa gaddisiisaa gaʼuuf Waaqayyotu itti gaafatamaa? Even if we have been removed from a position of responsibility in the congregation, we still have an opportunity to examine the quality of our faith and demonstrate our love for Jehovah. Is God responsible for the danger? Barumsawwan Yesusirraa Fayyadamuu Keessan Itti Fufaa Happily, Jesus had stayed in the one place in the world where he felt the closest to his heavenly Father, Jehovah, eagerly soaking up anything he could learn. Continue to Benefit From Jesus ' teachings Kana malees, Seexanni "akka leenci yeroo beela'utti aadaa naanna'utti, nama liqimsuu barbaadee in naanna'a " jedhamee ibsameera. He added: "They will no more teach each one his companion and each one his brother, saying, " Know Jehovah! ' After all, Satan is described as "like a roaring lion, seeking to devour someone. " Abdii Waaqayyo kennetti waan amaneef ture. Eventually, he and his daughters were reduced to living in a cave. He believed in God's promises. Obboleettiin olitti ibsamte, "Nama na miidhe hundaaf kadhachuun baradhe. The natural cover of the highlands consisted mainly of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis), evergreen oak (Quercus calliprinos), and terebinth (Pistacia palaestina). " I learned to pray for everyone who has hurt me, " says the sister mentioned earlier. Misiraachicha yommuu labsitu hafuurri Yihowaa akka si gargaare sitti dhaga'amee hin beekuu? These accounts prove that Satan is a real person. - 11 / 1, pages 4 - 5. Who were the "people for his name " that James spoke of, as stated at Acts 15: 14? Do you not sense that Jehovah's spirit has helped you when you preach the good news? Dhoksaadhaan buusii gochuu mannaa, kennaa isaanii arbeessanii kan dubbatan siʼa taʼu, fakkeessitoota taʼuun isaanii miidhaa guddaa isaan irraan geessiseera. Actually, this is the very first time that I have been part of a sign - language congregation. Instead of making contributions, they used their donations to represent their gift, causing disastrous consequences. Yesus yeroo tajaajilaa ture hundaatti namoota gaddan jajjabeessuudhaan nagaa sammuu akka argatan godheera. They even wanted to kill him. Throughout his ministry, Jesus made peace of mind a source of comfort to mourning ones. Namoonni nu hojjechiisan ykn warri kaan amanamoo akka hin taane ykn ejja akka raawwannu dhiibbaa nurratti gochuu dandaʼu. Old or new, such truths are, indeed, priceless treasures. People may pressure us to be dishonest or to engage in sexual immorality. Bara 1991 Dhugaa Baatonni Yihowaa lama manakoo yommuu dhufan, maaliif akka duunun isaan gaafadhe. And how will God's Kingdom provide deliverance? When two of Jehovah's Witnesses came home in 1991, I asked them why we die. Yesus wayiniifi maxinoo itti fayyadame ilaalchisee maal jedhe? Some years later, I faced another painful test. What did Jesus say about the bread and the wine? Dhugaa Baatonni Yihowaa Macaafa Qulqulluu keessaa dhugaasaa isheetti argisiisuu akka dandaʼanin isheetti hime. According to the apostle John, how has God shown us the way to love him? She told her that Jehovah's Witnesses can show her the truth from the Bible. Yaaqoob 3: 17 dubbisi. If you give way to tears, you are in fact giving your dying companion the opportunity to act as a comforter. Read James 3: 17. Qajeelummaa jechuun maal jechuudha? PUBLISHERS What is righteousness? Warra kaanii wajjin walii galuun nutti ulfaata moo, "warra nagaa uuman " taʼuu keenyaan beekamna? - Yaq. For instance, as babes, both Moses and Jesus escaped death at the hands of a tyrannical ruler. Are we known for being "the peaceable, " or" peaceable " to others? - Jas. Phaawulos sababii quubsaa ijaa ba'uu hin qabneef kan biraa ibseera; akkas gochuu dhiisuun amala gad of qabuu qabaachuu keenya kan argisiisudha. Used improperly, they can come between us and our heavenly Father. Paul pointed out another reason not to retaliate, and this shows humility. Warri, ijoolleesaanii bartoota taasisuuf, xiyyeeffannaan barsiisuu, gorsuu, jajjabeessuu, adabuufi fakkeenya gaarii ta'uufii qabu. Kanas, utuu walirraa hin kutin waggoota hedduuf jaalalaan raawwachuu qabu. A symbolic silence occurred in heaven so that "the prayers of the holy ones " on earth could be heard. In order to make disciples, parents need to pay attention to teaching, encourage, and set a good example for their children. Akkoo Aasaa kan taate Maʼakaan "fakkeenya Asheeraa waaqayyittii tolfamtuu isa jibbisiisaa " waan dhaabbatteef, iddoo ulfinaashee jechuunis," mootii " taʼuusheerraa ishee buusuun Aasaadhaaf hojii cimaa ture. Aquila and Priscilla accompanied him as far as Ephesus, where they remained. Asa's wife, Asa, had a strong influence on her to reject "the sacred secret of the goddess of the goddess " - Asa's position as" king. " Cidhawwan kana, Dhugaa Baatota Yihowaa mootummaan barsiistota amantii taʼuusaaniitiin isaanii heyyametu geggeesse; kunimmoo waggoota hedduu dura biyya sana keessatti matumaa kan hin yaadamne ture. 14 Do You Highly Esteem Jehovah's Own Book? In those cases, Jehovah's Witnesses allowed the government to set them up as teachers of religious teachers, which may have been impossible many years ago. Bakkuma dhufuu qaban dhufan! How Would You Answer? • What responsibility do Christian shepherds have with respect to sheeplike ones who have strayed from the flock? • How may you be able to help those who are not now associating with the congregation? They came there! Ta'uyyuu Yihowaan wantoota kaan hunda uumuuf akka bakka bu'aatti itti fayyadameera. If possible, learn a few signs. Yet, Jehovah used him to replace all other things. Wantoota sirreeffamuu qaban sirreessuuf obboloota itti gaafatamummaa qabaniin gargaaramu ta'a. - Faarfannaa 43: 5; Qolosaayis 1: 18; Tiitoos 1: 5. Caution and Balance Needed He may serve as an instrument to correct the needs of the brothers. - Psalm 43: 5; Colossians 1: 18; Titus 1: 5. Warra Roomaatiif, amantiin tokko hordoftoonnisaa guutummaatti akka isaaf bulan irraa barbaada yaanni jedhu hin liqimfamuuf. As a result, "Jehovah got very incensed [at Aaron] to the point of annihilating him; but [Moses] made supplication also in behalf of Aaron at that particular time. " To the Romans, there is no reason to conclude that a religious religion requires exclusive devotion. Barreessaa seenaa Yihudootaa kan ture Joseefas Yihudaa ilaalchisee akkana jedheera: "Namoonni biyya isaa fincila akka kaasan gochuuf, warra Roomaatiif gibira kaffaluuf tole jechuu isaaniitiin sodaattota jedhee isaan arrabse. " Another way for family members to strengthen their faith and contribute to the spiritual well - being of the entire family is for them to set spiritual goals and pursue them. Regarding Judas Iscariot, the Jewish historian Josephus stated: "The people of the land were afraid that they might be willing to subject themselves to the Roman authorities. " Yesus afeerrii akkasii Maatewosiifis kan dhiheesse yommuu ta'u, innis afeerrii kana fudhateera. Unwarranted anxiety often results if a Christian agonizes over possible future problems. Jesus also gave such an invitation to Matthew and Matthew, and he accepted that invitation. Dhibeen fayyaa sababii dhiphinaatiin isa mudatee tures suuta suuta isatti fooyya'aa dhufe. Love Both the Flock and Each Individual Sheep The health problem also affected him gradually. [ Picture on page 5] It may seem that there could be nothing more for Jesus to learn about serving Jehovah. [ Picture on page 5] " Seexanaan immoo mormaa! Innis isin dhiisee in baqata. " - YAQ. (b) What relevance do communion sacrifices have to modern - day pure worship? " Stand firm against the Devil, and he will flee from you. " - JAS. Awwaalli immoo namoota duʼaaf saaxilaman kana sassaabaa jira. We need to be absolutely convinced of the rightfulness of Jehovah's requirements. And we have to be determined to follow them, come what may. There is still a memorial for those who have fallen asleep in death. " Warra yaadni isaanii caccabee bullaaʼe. " Dad and Mom were so disillusioned that they did not speak with that priest again. " Those who are crushed in spirit " are" crushed in spirit. " (a) Yaanni 2 Phexros 3: 11, 12 rra jiru maal nu hubachiisa? Why must dedication and baptism be a personal decision? (a) What does 2 Peter 3: 11, 12 reveal? Qabeenya isaanii irratti hundoofne namoota kaan irratti kan murteessinu yoo taʼe, gumii keessatti namoota wal caalchisuun akka uumamu gochuu dandaʼa. To illustrate: In an attempt to cover up his adultery with Bath - sheba, David had Abishai's brother Joab arrange to have her husband, Uriah, killed in battle. Abishai may have known something about this, but he continued to respect David as the king appointed by God. If we are determined to make decisions based on material things, it can cause us to get along with others in the congregation. 17, 18. Many Jewish scholars of the past associated those words with the Messiah. 17, 18. Jalqabarratti, isaanii wajjin jiraachuu eegaleen ture. What does meditation on Jehovah's creative works reveal? At first, I began living with them. Caaffata hojii adeemsisuu keetii, anaaf dhiʼeessi! 30 Questions From Readers The Scriptures commend me for your work. Gumii keessatti itti gaafatamummaa fudhachuuf carraaqqii gochuusaa yommuu arginu baayʼee boonna. What assignment did Jehovah give Moses, and what assurance did He provide? How proud we are when we see an effort to reach out in the congregation! (1 Sam. 13: 13, 14) Yihowaan, yeroo isaa eegee geggeessaa namoota hanga yeroo harʼaatti turan hunda caalu muudeera. The practice of giving names that are rich in meaning is not new. Jehovah has appointed the best leader ever to guide his people today. Taʼus, inni "warra hin galateeffannee fi hamootaaf " gaarummaa argisiisuu isaa itti fufeera. So let us return to that faithful man as he trudged up the slope in the land of Moriah. Yet, he continued to show mercy "to the unthankful and wicked. " Haala kitaabota kaanirraa adda ta'een, " geggeessaa hafuura Waaqayyootiin kan caafameefi barsiisuuf dhimma kan baasudha. ' My dad always has things to do, but he keeps it all in balance. " - Alannah. Unlike other books, "all Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching. " Abdii lafarra jiraachuu kan qabnu yoo ta'e, beelliifi dheebuun qajeelummaadhaaf qabnu guutummaatti kan nuu ba'u, addunyaa haaraa qajeelummaan keessa buufaterra barabaraaf yommuu jiraannudha. What Does the Bible Say? If we have an earthly hope, there will be plenty of hunger and thirst for righteousness in God's righteous new world. Bishaan dhugaa Macaafa Qulqulluu akka si qulqulleessu yoo of dhiheessite, caalchistee ija ni godhatta. Understanding the real source of injustice can especially help us when hardship hits close to home. If you pour out water of Bible truth to you, you will bring you into more fruit. Gara fuulduraa ilaalchisee wanta ogeeyyiin raajan keessaa, muraasni kan raawwatame taʼus, baayʼeensaa hin raawwatamne. The symptoms may sometimes recur every 48 to 72 hours, depending on the type of parasite involved and how long the person has had the disease. A few wise prophets foretold the future, but a few of them did not. Xalayaan yeroo booda waajjira muummee Biruukiliinii dhufe, obboleettonni namaaf yaadan warra piilgiriimii taʼan hundaaf "yeroo hunda nyaata salphaa " fi" irriba nama hin dhowwanne " akka qopheessan gorsee ture. But it is definitely worth our effort to put into practice what the Bible indicates about rendering honor. In time, a letter from Brooklyn headquarters urged mature sisters to prepare "food at the proper time " and" not to eat " at all times. Xiyyeeffannaa haaraan tajaajilaaf kenname kun obboloota hedduu gammachiisee ture. It allows us to make wise plans and to look forward to good things. This new feature of the ministry was happy to many. Namoota hidhata amantii keenya taʼanii wajjin nagaa qabaachuufi nagaa sammuu argachuuf gumaacha waan godhuuf, irra daddarbaa guyyaa guyyaadhaan raawwataman haala kanaan hiikuun baayʼee gaariidha. What can we do to imitate the teachers who went through the land in Jehoshaphat's day? It would be wise to resolve such a situation each day because it contributes to peace with fellow believers and contributes to the peace of mind. Wanti namoota kanarra ga'e maalidha? When hard times come, will we not depend on one another? What happened to these people? Yihowaan, Yesuus Kiristoositti fayyadamee saba isaa geggeessaa akka ture kan isaan amansiise maali dha? Such self - sacrificing sisters are of great help. What convinced them that Jehovah was leading his people through Jesus Christ? Ta'e jedhanii hamminaan soba dubbachuun nama tokko miidhuuf dubbatama; kaayyoonsaas namni sun akka dhiphatu ykn akka gaddu gochuudha. Strive to Make Your Advancement Manifest In fact, lying is said to harm someone, and his purpose is to cause him to suffer or to feel hurt. Mirga gumii keessatti qabnu yoo dhabnellee, amantiin keenya hammam cimaa akka taʼe qoruufi jaalala Yihowaadhaaf qabnu argisiisuuf ammayyuu carraa qabna. The answer is no. Even if we have lost our privileges in the congregation, we still have opportunities to examine our faith and to show our love for Jehovah. Gaarummaansaa, Yesus iddoo kamiyyuu caalaa bakka itti Yihowaa Abbaasaa isa samiitti caalaatti akka dhihaatu isa godhu keessatti hawwiidhaan beekumsa horachaa ture. Jehovah's response to Moses and the events that followed can teach each one of us a powerful lesson. His loving - kindness was filled with knowledge of Jehovah God, the most important Person in his heavenly Father's hands. Kana malees, Yihowaan " garaa ittiin isa beekuu ' dandeenyu waan nuu kennuuf isa wajjin hojjechuu dandeenya. In time, his mother arranged for an elder to contact her son in prison, and Hans began to study the Bible. We can also work along with Jehovah because he gives us "a heart to know him. " Dhumarrattis inniifi ijoolleensaa durbaa holqa keessa jiraachuuf dirqamaniiru. Concerning one of the temptations Jesus experienced in the wilderness, the Scriptures state: "The Devil took him along into the holy city, and he stationed him upon the battlement of the temple and said to him: " If you are a son of God, hurl yourself down; for it is written," He will give his angels a charge concerning you, and they will carry you on their hands, that you may at no time strike your foot against a stone. " ' " Eventually, he and his daughters were forced to live in a cave. Naannoowwan ol kaʼoon kun uumamaan garri caalaan isaanii muka gaattiraa Aleeppoo (Pinus halepensis) jedhamu, qilxuu magariisa (Quercus calliprinos) fi muka tarbiinz (Pistacia palaestina) jedhamuun kan guutaman turan. Looking forward to God - given joys that surpass those of harvesttime, David sings to Jehovah: "You will certainly give a rejoicing in my heart greater than in the time when their grain and their new wine have abounded. " Although the majority of these are the natural condition of nature, most of them are still the old tree of the old tree (b) can be traced into a single tree. Hojii Ergamootaa 15: 14 rratti (NW) akka ibsametti, Yaaqoob "saba maqaa isaatiif taʼu " kan jedhe eenyuuni? • How does Jehovah measure the faithfulness of a Kingdom preacher? According to Acts 15: 14, whom did James describe as "a people for his name "? Miseensa gumii afaan mallattoo kanan taʼe yeroo jalqabaatiifi. Beware of an Independent Spirit For the first time, I was part of a sign - language congregation. Kanarrayyuu darbee isa ajjeesuu barbaadanii turan. In that vision, Ezekiel sees six men with weapons in their hands as well as a seventh man clothed in linen with a secretary's inkhorn at his side. They wanted to kill him once. Dhugaawwan kun haaraas ta'an moofaa nuuf gati jabeessadha. She might well respond with observations about her day. These truths are precious to us, whether we have new or old. Mootummaan Waaqayyoo fayyina kan argamsiisu akkamitti? Jesus said: "Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you. How will God's Kingdom bring salvation? Waggoota muraasa boodammoo, qorumsi guddaan miirakoo miidhu narra gaʼeera. Such tests may have to do with marriage, health issues, or employment. Some years later, the big test came to my heart. Yohaannis ergamaan akka ibsetti, Waaqayyo akka isa jaallannu kan nu barsiise akkamitti? Besides, she had arranged for me to study the Bible, although she did that as a gentle way to refuse a study for herself. According to the apostle John, how did God teach us to love him? Yoo boosse, michuunkee inni du'uuf jedhu akka si jajjabeessu carraa laattaaf. If you cry, you will have the opportunity to encourage your friend to die. BAAYʼINA UUMMATAA POPULATION Fakkeenyaaf, daa'imummaasaaniitti Museenis ta'e Yesus mootii hamaa ta'een ajjeefamuu jalaa oolaniiru. (Bau. 1: 22 - 2: 10; Mat. For example, Moses and Moses escaped the death of a wicked king. Faallaa kanaan yoo itti fayyadamne garuu Abbaa keenya isa samiirraa nu fageessuu dandaʼu. On the other hand, using that way could distance us from our heavenly Father. Bantii waaqaa keessatti gabiin kan ta'e, " kadhanni warri Waaqayyoof qulqullaa'an ' lafarraa dhiheessan dhaga'amuu akka danda'uuf ture. A calm atmosphere in heaven could have felt that "the prayers of the holy ones " were" the Most High over all the earth. " Sana booda, Aqiilaafi Phrisqiilaan hanga Efesoonitti isa geggeessanii achumatti hafan. After that, Aquila and Priscilla left Ephesus until they were assigned to Ephesus. 14 Dubbii Yihowaatiif Iddoo Guddaa ni Kennituu? 14 Will You Follow Jehovah's Word? Hoolonni Yihowaa warri jaallatamoon karra hoolotaa keessaa badan akka deebi'an gargaaruuf, garaa guutuufi atattamaan carraaqqii yommuu gootu, qabxiiwwan kana yaadatti qabadhu. As you try to help those who have strayed from the flock, keep these points in mind as you strive to help those who have strayed from the flock. Dandeenyaan mallattoowwan muraasa baradhu. Learn a few signs. Of Eeggachuufi Ilaalcha Sirrii Qabaachuun Barbaachisaadha Maintaining Self - Control and Maintaining a Positive Viewpoint (Bau. 20: 3 - 5) Kanaan kan ka'es, "Yommus Waaqayyo baay'isee Aaronitti dheekkame, isa ajjeesuus in barbaade; Museen garuu Aaroniif in kadhate. " (Kes. As a result, "the sons of Jehovah began to anger Aaron and to kill him, but Moses prayed. " Karaa gara biraan miseensonni maatii amantiisaanii itti jabeeffataniifi nageenya hafuuraa guutummaa maatichaatiif gumaacha itti godhan, galma hafuuraa baafachuufi hordofuudha. Another way in which family members promote faith and contribute to the spiritual well - being of the entire household is by setting spiritual goals and goals. Yeroo baayʼee, Kiristiyaanni tokko rakkoowwan gara fuulduraatti taʼuu dandaʼan ilaalchisee kan dhiphatu yoo taʼe, yaaddoo hin barbaachisneef saaxilama. In many cases, if a Christian is struggling with problems that may arise in the future, there is no need to suffer anxiety. Walitti Qabaattis Ta'e Dhuunfaatti Hoolota Jaalladhaa A Personal Concern for the little or for the little sheep Yesus, Yihowaa tajaajiluu ilaalchisee barumsi dabalataa kan isa hin barbaachisne fakkaachuu danda'a. Jesus may have no further education about serving Jehovah. (b) Qalmi araaraa waaʼee waaqeffannaa qulqulluu bara keenyatti raawwatamu maal nu hubachiisa? (b) What does mercy reveal about pure worship in our day? Ulaagaawwan Yihowaa qajeeloo ta'uusaanii guutummaatti amanuufi kan akkamiiyyuu yoo ta'an hordofuuf murteessuu qabna. We must be fully convinced that Jehovah's righteous standards are righteous and therefore be determined to follow it no matter what. Abbaan koo fi haati koo sana booda qeesii sana haasofsiisuu akka hin qabne hubatan. Dad and Mother soon realized that they should not speak to the priest. Of murteessuufi cuuphamuun murtoo dhuunfaa ta'uu kan qabu maaliifi? Why should dedication and baptism be a personal decision? Fakkeenyaaf, Daawit ejja Baat - Sheebaa wajjin raawwate dhoksuuf, obboleessa Abiishaayi kan taʼe Yoʼaabitti fayyadamee abbaan manaa ishii Uriyaan dirree waraanaa irratti akka ajjeefamu godheera. For example, to hide the sin of Bath - sheba with Bath - sheba, David used a brother named Bath - sheba to have her husband killed in battle. 49: 10) Hayyoonni Yihudootaa durii hedduun raajiin kun Masiihicha argisiisa jedhanii amanu turan. Many ancient Jewish scholars believed that this prophecy was the Messiah. Wantoota Yihowaan uume irratti yoo xiinxalle maal hubanna? What if we meditate on Jehovah's creative works? 30 Gaaffii Dubbistootaa 30 Questions From Readers Yihowaan Museedhaaf hojii akkamii kenne? Maal isaaf mirkaneesse? What assignment did Jehovah give Moses, and what assurance did he give him? Maqaa hiika qabu moggaasuun waan haaraa miti. Because you give your name a new name. Mee amma immoo yaada olitti ibsamee fi namni amanamaan kun tulluu biyya Moriyaatti argamutti ol baʼuuf tirachaa akka jiru dubbatutti haa deebinu. Let us now return to the account quoted earlier, stating that this faithful man is nearing the northern kingdom in northern France. Abbaan koo yeroo hundaa wanta hojjetu qaba, taʼus wanta hundumaa irratti madaallii isaa ni eeggata. " - Alaanaa. My father has always done what he does, but he is right in everything. " - Alan. Kitaabni Qulqulluun Maal Jedha? What Does the Bible Say? Madda jalʼinaa beekuun keenya keessumaa yeroo rakkinni nurra gaʼu nu gargaaruu dandaʼa. Knowing the Source of injustice can help us especially when we face hardships. Mallattoowwan kun akkuma gosa dhortuu sanaatti, akkasumas hamma yeroo namni sun dhukkubichaan qabamee ture irratti hundaaʼuudhaan saʼaatii 48 hanga saʼaatii 72 gidduutti deddeebiʼanii mulʼachuu dandaʼu. Those signs may appear, as it were, between 48 and 7 hours until the illness became evident. Taʼus, wanta Kitaabni Qulqulluun ulfina kennuu ilaalchisee dubbatu hojii irra oolchuun carraaqqii guddaa gaafata. However, applying what the Bible says about honor requires diligent effort. Dandeettiin kun, karoora gaarii baafachuu fi wanta gaarii abdachuuf nu gargaara. This ability enables us to plan well and to hope for good. Barsiisota bara Yoshaafaaxitti guutummaa biyyattii keessa adeemanii wajjin haala wal fakkaatuun maal gochuu dandeenya? How can we do the same in the days of Jehoshaphat's teachers throughout the country? Yeroo rakkinni nu mudatutti, kan nu cina dhaabbatan isaan mitii? When we face problems, are we not going to take our stand for them? Obboleettonni fedhiisaanii aarsaa godhan kun gargaarsa guddaa kennaa jiru. Such self - sacrificing sisters are offering great assistance. Guddina Keessan Argisiisuuf Carraaqaa Reach Out for Your Progress Lakki, sodaachuu hin qabnu. No, we should not fear. Namoonni tokko tokko gorsa kana hojiirra kan oolchan akkamitti? How have some applied it? Deebiin Yihowaan Museedhaaf kenneefi wantoonni sana booda raawwataman hunduma keenyaaf barumsa guddaa qabataniiru. Jehovah's answer to Moses and all the events that followed were valuable lessons for all of us. Yeroo booda, haati isaa jaarsi gumii tokko mana hidhaa dhaqee ilma ishii akka gaafatu qophii goote; Haansis Kitaaba Qulqulluu qoʼachuu jalqabe. In time, his mother arranged for an elder to go to prison and accepted a Bible study. Qorumsa lafa onaa keessatti Yesusiin mudate ilaalchisee, Caaffanni Qulqullaa'oon akkas jedhu: "Seexanni ammoo gara mandara qulqullaa'aatti isa geessee, fittee guutuu mana qulqullummaa irras dhaabachiisee, " Ati dhugumaan ilma Waaqayyoo yoo taate kana irraa gad of darbadhu," Inni ergamoota isaa siif in abbooma, miilli kee dhagaatti akka hin buunettis isaan harka isaanii irratti si in baatu " kan jedhu caafameera ' ittiin jedhe. " Regarding Jesus ' temptation in the wilderness, the Scriptures tell us: "If the Devil went into the holy city and took him up into the holy city, he would actually say: " This is what Jehovah your Son has commanded you, and you will not go out of your hand. ' " Gammachuu Waaqayyo kennu, isa gammachuu yeroo midhaan sassaabamu argamurra caalu hawwiidhaan eeggachuudhaan Daawit, "Isa warri kaan midhaan isaanii fi daadhii waynii isaanii baayʼee irraa argatan caalaatti, ati gammachuu caalu garaa koof kenniteetta " jedhee Yihowaa faarfateera. (Far. David sang to Jehovah: "The one who looks forward to the happiness of the harvest is greater than the one who looks forward to the abundance of grain and wine. " • Yihowaan namni Mootummicha lallabu tokko amanamaa ta'uusaa kan madaalu akkamitti? • How does Jehovah show that a person is loyal to the Kingdom? Yaada Ofiitiin Geggeeffamuurraa Of Eegaa Beware of Self - Control Mul'ata sanarratti, Hisqi'el namoota mi'a waraanaa harkatti qabatan ja'a, akkasumas nama uffata quncee talbaarraa hojjetame uffateefi qodaa qalamaa ittiin caafan mudhiitti hidhate tokko arge. In that vision, Ezekiel saw six men who were wearing weapons, and he saw a man sitting on a wrapped in linen and wearing a wrapped with a garment. Akkas yoo gootan, waaʼee oolmaashee sirriitti isinitti himuu dandeessi taʼa. If you do, you may be able to tell you clearly about her day. Yesus akkas jedheera: "Isin warri itti dhamaatanii dadhabdan, baʼaanis kan isinitti ulfaatu hundinuu gara koo kottaa; ani boqonnaa isiniifan kenna. Jesus said: "Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you. Qorumsawwan kun gaaʼela, fayyaa ykn hojii wajjin kan wal qabatan taʼuu dandaʼu. These trials may be related to marriage, health, or employment. Kana malees, akka ani Kitaaba Qulqulluu qoʼadhu qophii kan godhe ishii dha; haa taʼu malee kana kan goote ofii ishiitiif qoʼachuu akka hin barbaanne malaan diduuf jettee ti. She also arranged for me to study the Bible, but she tactfully refused to study it.