(Eclesiastes 9: 11) Mahi, okusukalala netyi matyikamoneka muhuka, katyipondola okutupola ombembwa hono, otyo tyipita navana vehena oupanga omuwa na Huku. However, uncertainty about tomorrow need not rob us of peace of mind today, as it often does those who lack the security of a warm relationship with God. But worry about what will happen now, not to bring peace to those who do not have a good relationship with God. (Atos 12: 12; 1 Coríntios 16: 19) Hono, mouye auho muna Onondyuo ononyingi Mbomaliongiyo omu ovanthu va Jeova veliongiya opo velilongese konthele yae nokumufenda. Early Christians met in the homes of members of the congregation. Today, worldwide, there are many Kingdom Halls for Jehovah's people to learn about him and worship him. Tyina tutualako okuivisa, tukala nombembwa mokonda tutyii okuti tukahi nokuhambukiswa Jeova, na Jesus. When we keep preaching, we feel peace because we know that we are making Jehovah and Jesus happy. When we keep preaching, we are happy because we know that we are pleasing Jehovah and Jesus. Ovalume ovo, aveende liwa - liwa noko Masedonia. Without delay, the men sailed for Macedonia. These men immediately went to Macedonia. Ovo, ongeleka ongwa pala onthue. They are good examples for us. They set a good example for us. Mahi, ova Isilayeli ankho vesukisa okulandula onondonga mbumwe tyina nkhele veheneyovolwe. But what were the Israelites to do before being set free? However, the Israelites needed to follow some counsel before they were born. (Gênesis 6: 8) Huku wapandele vali Noe mokonda yatyi? What else caused God to favor Noah? Why did Noah focus on God? Tala mo Sentinela 1 ya Outubro yo 2005, pomafo 26 - 31, konthele yovilinga nokulongeswa monosikola ononene. In regard to higher education and employment, see The Watchtower, October 1, 2005, pages 26 - 31. See The Watchtower, October 1, 2005, pages 26 - 31 of theocratic schools. Tuesukisa okukala nonthumbi mu Huku nga Josue. Oe wati: "Onondaka ambuho onongwa Jeova Huku yenyi emupopilile, naike yaponya. We should therefore have the same trust in God as that expressed by Joshua, who declared: "Not one word out of all the good words that Jehovah your God has spoken to you has failed. We need to have complete confidence in God like Joshua, who said: "All the good news that Jehovah your God has spoken to you has failed. Moluotyo, Jeova katumine ovakoyesi vaipae David na Bateseba, ngetyi ankho tyipopia Ovitumino Viapelwe Moisesi. Rather than have the adulterers condemned to death by human judges according to the Mosaic Law, Jehovah mercifully intervened, dealing with David and Bath - sheba himself. Hence, Jehovah rejected the judges of David and Bath - sheba, as the Mosaic Law required. Hetekela omulongwa Natanaele. Imitate the disciple Nathanael. So ask Nathanael. Jeova ukahi nokutulongesa okulikuata okapandi pahetyino, opo tutyivile okukala nombembwa na vakuetu mouye omupe. Jehovah is teaching us to attain unity now, with the objective of having unity forever. Jehovah is teaching us to be united now so that we can have peace with others in the new world. * - João 3: 16; 1 João 4: 9, 10. * - John 3: 16; 1 John 4: 9, 10. * - John 3: 16; 1 John 4: 9, 10. 14 14 14 Omokonda yatyi alo umwe vana vaumbila Jeova omanima omanyingi navo vesukisa okupamekwa? Why do even those who have served Jehovah for a long time need to be encouraged? Why have even some who have served Jehovah for decades also needed encouragement? Ove kumwii, mahi, ekupulu okuti, okulia patyi ove uhole vali. He is a stranger, but he asks a question about the types of food we prefer. You know you, but do not know what kind of food you have. Nga Ezekia, valekesa okuti ombunga yavo hayoko ivelekesa oñgeni mavakakala komutwe. Like Hezekiah, they show that their family background does not need to determine what kind of person they will become in the future. Like Hezekiah, they show that their family was not the way they would react in the future. Menima 2014 omukanda umwe walingile epulo limwe liati: "Ovanthu veñgapi vapopiwa movihonekwa vio Hebreu, ovanongo vamona okuti tyili vakaleleko umwe? " In 2014 an article in the magazine Biblical Archaeology Review addressed the question: "How many people in the Hebrew Bible have been confirmed archaeologically? " In 2014, a book asked a question: "How many of the people mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures have found that they were living in the Hebrew Scriptures? " Okuti ovilinga ovio viakolela viokuivisa vikahi nokufuisapo eulo lia Jesus? Could this remarkable preaching campaign be a fulfillment of Jesus ' prophecy? Could the preaching work be fulfilled in Jesus ' prophecy? Tupu, kaavelele ondundo ovalanduli vae veliyapule kovanthu, avakakala mo nondyuo mbalingilwa vala ovanthu vongeleya. Nor did he encourage his followers to live insulated lives behind the walls of religious institutions. And he did not encourage his followers to separate themselves from people who would live in a homes where they were invited to live. Andyihinangela etyi elombe limwe liapopile okuti, onondingavivi mavaende mo ifelunu. I remembered once hearing a priest say that the wicked go to hell. I remember that a priest told the wicked people to go to hellfire. Mahi valongesa vala vakuavo nokuvelondola konthele yetyi matyikamoneka komutwe. They simply preach to others and warn them about what will happen in the future. But they teach others not only about the future. Monthele ei, matulilongesa ongeleka ya Jesus. Namphila wehena ovana, upondola okulilongesila konkhalelo Jesus alongesile ovalongwa vae. This article and the next will examine how parents can follow Jesus ' example. In this article, we will learn from Jesus ' example. Omwii wohanyi kelunga ankho ukahi ngondyila yatwa ituala koutakelo. Dolphins playfully swam alongside us, and all you could hear was the sound of our boat cutting through the water. The riders were like a fish that was like the one on the east side of the vast coast. Otyo, matyilekesa okuti tuna ohole nonondyale mbetu, mokonda tuveitilako ku Jeova evekuateseko okupilulula omitima viavo, opo valinge oviwa avapandwa na Jeova. Are you pursuing any unrealities? This will show that we love our enemies because we pray for Jehovah to help them change their hearts so that they can do good things for them. Pahe ankho muna Loide nomona wae Eunise, ovakai Ovakristau ovakuatyili, " vena ekolelo liotyotyili, ' liahuvisile unene Paulu. Such petitions are loving requests that persecutors might have a change of heart and take action that brings them Jehovah's favor. Now that she and her son, Eunice, were loyal Christian women, "the true faith, " and was impressed by Paul. Onondaka ombo mba Jesus, mbelifwa netyi apopia mu Mateus 20: 28 etyi ati: "Omona womulume keile opo aumbilwe, anthi weya okuumbila, nokuava omuenyo wae ngofeto pala okuyovola ovanthu ovanyingi. " There were Lois and Eunice, her daughter, now loyal Christian women, full of that "unhypocritical faith " that Paul so admired. It is similar with Jesus ' words recorded at Matthew 20: 28: "The Son of man came to be saved, but he came to minister and give his soul a ransom in exchange for many. " 7 - 13 ya Kuhuhu PEFO 19 - OVIIMBO: 54, 135 Jesus expressed this thought in similar terms, as recorded at Matthew 20: 28. That verse reads: "The Son of man came, not to be ministered to, but to minister and to give his life as a ransom in exchange for many. " SONGS TO BE USED: 54, 135 (1 Pedro 3: 15) Howard wati: "Ndyipandula unene mokonda omukai wange watualako tyapoleya, nokuhankhondolela! " SONGS TO BE USED: 40, 85 November 7 - 13, 2011 " I am so grateful that my wife kept calm and quiet! " (Tanga Salmo 2: 11, 12.) Howard says, "I am so grateful that my wife stayed calm and did not overreact! " (Read Psalm 2: 11, 12.) Hono, tupondola okukala noupanga na Jeova putyina tuava omalumono etu nononkhono movilinga viae. (Read Psalm 2: 11, 12.) Today, we can draw close to Jehovah when we give our money and energy in his service. (Isaías 48: 17, 18) Moluotyo, onthue tuendela nawa monondonga ombo. Today, we can enjoy Jehovah's friendship and company as we voluntarily sacrifice our resources and energies in his service. So we carefully apply that counsel. 12, 13. Therefore, we adhere closely to those principles. 12, 13. Aveho vena okumufenda kumwe newaneko. 12, 13. All must worship him together and be united. Moluotyo, vetutala ngo mapanga avo. " All must serve him together and be united. So they see us as close friends. " 13, 14. In time, they view us as their friends. " 13, 14. Omuvo watyo oo, o wokankhenda noluembia. 13, 14. This time is compassionate and kind. Onomphange vati ovanthu vasuka vali unene nokutanga, mokonda vetupu omalusu, pala okutala otelevisau ine okutehelela olaliu. The scene is one of tenderness and love. The sisters said that people are more interested in reading, since they do not have enough energy to watch television or watch the telephone. Mahi onthiki imwe, ovalinepi ovo vasoka nawa konondaka mba Jesus mbukahi mu João 8: 31, mbati: "Tyotyili muvalongwa vange, inkha mutualako okukala mondaka yange. " They reported: "There is no radio or TV, so the people are not distracted from their main pastime, which is reading. " However, one day the couple think of Jesus ' words recorded at John 8: 31, which says: "If you remain in my word, you are really my disciples, if you remain in my word. " (Romanos 4: 11) Ovakristau ova Hebreu ankho vei nawa omuenyo wa Abraiau nombunga yae, moluotyo, Paulu wapopia vala ovituwa viae vimwe. It was John 8: 31, where we read Jesus ' words: "If you remain in my word, you are really my disciples. " The Hebrew Christians knew the meaning of Abraham's life and his family, so Paul spoke of certain aspects of his personality. Jesus wetulongesa tutualeko okuovola tete Ouhamba nokuhakala notyiho nokulia nomuvalo. In conjunction with all the sacrifices that Abraham was willing to make for true worship, he was fittingly called "the father of all those having faith. " Jesus taught us to keep on seeking first the Kingdom and to avoid eating and drinking. Okuti tyilityili upondola okukala nohole nomunthu uhevili okunoñgonoka? Recall Jesus ' reminder to his followers not to be anxious about food and clothing but to keep on seeking first the Kingdom. Can you really love someone who cannot know you? Nga Paulu na Sila, nonthue tupondola okuhuva notyipuka tyimwe Jeova apondola okulinga opo etukuateseko. Can you really love someone who is impossible to know or understand? Like Paul and Silas, we may be surprised by something that Jehovah can help us. Ayawisako okuti: "Mahi, onondalawa mavakapiñgana ohi, iya avakakala nombembwa onene. " Like Paul and Silas, we may be surprised by what Jehovah does to help us. Then he added: "But the meek will possess the earth, and they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace. " Ehipululo lielifwa nolio livasiwa mu Números 14: 11 - 20. But the meek will possess the earth, and they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace. " The account found at Numbers 14: 11 - 20. Tupu, otyiwa ove utale nawa apa wakambela onthumbi opo upamekepo. - Atos 17: 11. A similar account appears at Numbers 14: 11 - 20. Furthermore, it is good to examine the steps needed to strengthen and strengthen our faith. - Acts 17: 11. Ankho uhanda okuava etyi una tyo, katale mo www.jw.org. Similarly, it is best for you to address any lack of conviction you may detect in yourself. - Acts 17: 11. To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. Onkhai - hamba ondingavivi Jezabele yatumine okupopila Eliya okuti memuipaa. To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. Queen Jezebel told Elijah that he would punish them. Oe ankho kasete okunumana. Wicked Queen Jezebel sent a message to Elijah that she was arranging for him to be killed. He was quick to get angry. Mongeleka, momutima omo mutunda omalusoke omavi, ngokuipaa, nomaumbalehi, nomaundalelapo, nomaumphulu, nokuava omaumbangi omatutu, nomahingano. " - Mateus 15: 18, 19; Tiago 3: 10, 11. He was hot - tempered. For example, in the heart that comes from wrong thoughts, such as fornication, murder, spiritism, and false stories. " - Matthew 15: 18, 19; Jas. 3: 10, 11. " Tyina ospilitu imutunda, oe ukondoka pohi yae. Monthiki oyo omalusoke ae anyima. " - Salmo 146: 4. For example, out of the heart come wicked reasonings, murders, adulteries, fornications, thieveries, false testimonies, blasphemies. " - Matt. 15: 18, 19; compare James 3: 10, 11. " When the spirit arrives upon him, he returns to the earth. " - Psalm 146: 4. 12 Ove Upondola Okukakala - ko Apeho Pano Pohi " His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground; in that day his thoughts do perish. " - Psalm 146: 4. 12 You Can Do All the Earth Mokueenda kuononkhumbi onene, ovalembulwa vekolelo kamavetyivili okukuatesako nawike wahatuaileko nekolelo. 12 You Can Live Forever on Earth During the great tribulation, faithful anointed ones will not help anyone to remain faithful. Atuvayela ko Moçambique alo mu Pepo Linene yo 1974. During the great tribulation, faithful anointed ones cannot help anyone who became unfaithful. We traveled to Eritrea, June 1974, in June 1974. Ngotyo, tyimoneka nawa okuti omulao wa Huku womuenyo omuwa, maukafuiswapo pano pohi. We stayed in a refugee camp in Mozambique until June 1974. Thus, it is clear that God's promise of a wonderful life on earth will be fulfilled. Ove Upondola Okuhangununa? Clearly, then, God's promise of a better life will be fulfilled right here on earth. Can You Explain? (Apocalipse 7: 9, 14) Ngotyo, matulilongesa omokonda yatyi Jeova atalele ovalume ovo vetatu ngo nongeleka mbovanthu valingile ovipuka oviwa komaiho ae. Can You Explain? So let us discuss why Jehovah saw these three men as examples of good things in his eyes. 17, 18. (a) Oñgeni ove ulitehelela konthele yovakuendye mewaneno liove? So let us learn why Jehovah used these three men as examples of people who did what was right in his eyes. 17, 18. (a) How do you feel about younger ones in your congregation? Etyi namana okulongeswa mo hotele, me anthumu koseketa yosikola yo hotele. 17, 18. (a) How do you feel about the young ones in your congregation? When I finished school, my mother visited me in the school. Mongeleka, oupuka umwe oututu utiwa atomo, uundapa monkhalelo imwe ihapiluluka. After I finished my apprenticeship at the hotel in my hometown of Graz, my mother funded further education for me at a hotel management school. For example, a small piece of small tasks in a way that is not important. Oñgeni vokukahi ngevu vekahi nokulila nokukueka komayo? Atoms vibrate at consistent rates. How are the weeds and the teeth of teeth? (b) Oñgeni Jesus afuisapo otyilinga tyae tyo "Amem "? How do the weedlike ones weep and gnash their teeth? (b) How did Jesus fulfill his role as "the Amen "? Tuesukisa ombatelo ya Jesus Omunene - Nakwa, opo tukale tyasukuka komaiho a Huku. (b) How did Jesus fulfill his role as "the Amen "? We need the help of Jesus, the Greater Solomon, to be clean before God. Namphila nakala kuno omanima omanyingi, nongotyo pamwe nesukisa okulinga omapiluluko ngetyi Jeova ahanda. Mongeleka, momanima ano, tuesukisa okulandula omapiluluko eongano. We need the services of Jesus as High Priest to help us have a right standing with God. Even though I have been here for many years, I still need to make changes as Jehovah wants us to change in recent years. Okulekesa ohole onkhalelo imwe yakolela yokuhetekela Jeova. For example, because of changes that have recently been made in the organization, we have had to be willing to make more adjustments. Showing love is an important way to imitate Jehovah. Ngotyo, tupondola okuundapesa omatuku - tuku nomatapalo opo tukaivise konomphangu mbukahi kokule nomapundaumbo, nokuepuiya okuvasako. Displaying love is an outstanding way for us to imitate our heavenly Father. Therefore, we could use the transportation to preach in places wherever they are used to preach, to travel, and to find them. Okututumuka, tyilekesa onkhalelo onondaka Mbouhamba mbukahi nokuliyandyana mokonda yovilinga viokuivisa. However, even if we lack convenient means of travel and must walk great distances, we put forth the effort needed to make disciples. - Matt. It is estimated that the Kingdom message is spreading because of preaching the good news. Omuenyo wetu ukala vali nawa tyina tuendela movitumino, no monondonga mba Jeova. Whereas the growth of the mustard grain is clearly observable, the spreading of the leaven is initially unseen. Our life becomes better when we live by Jehovah's standards and principles. Omutala ou Womulavi utukuatesako okunoñgonoka ovipuka oviwa Huku makalingila ovanthu pano pohi. Tupu upopia oityi una okulinga opo ukevimone tyina vifuiswapo. Our life improves so much when we apply Jehovah's laws and principles! This issue of The Watchtower helps us to understand what God will do for mankind on earth and also tell you what you must do to know when it comes to true worship. Ñgeni ngotyo? Do you do the same? How so? 8, 9. This issue of The Watchtower will help you to understand God's wonderful purpose for mankind and the earth and what you must do to benefit from that purpose. 8, 9. (Filipenses 4: 5) Okupola pokati matyitukuatesako okutala kefendelo lia Jeova tyipona okutala vali kekongoko. How so? Being reasonable will help us to focus on the worship of Jehovah rather than on our own. Mahi ovanongo vapopia okuti ono DIU ombo mbuundapa monkhalelo tuapopia - le, okuti: Kambuyeke ohonde yomulume nomukai mbulivase. 8, 9. But scientists say that such IUDs have already been mentioned in a way that does not leave the man's blood. Namphila Jesus ankho ukahi nokupopia konthele yonkhali onene, wapopia otyipuka tyimwe tuna okulinga tyina tuna ovitateka nomukuatate ine omphange. Reasonableness also holds us back from devoting so much time to health care that spiritual matters are forced into the background. Although Jesus was talking about a serious sin, he said something that we should do when we have problems with a brother or sister. Lekesa Jeova okuti ukahi ngetyi ankho David ekahi, wapopile okuti: "Ndyihole mondyuo yove yokukala, nomphangu mukala enkhimano liove. " - Salmo 26: 8. So no one can be certain that copper or hormone IUDs never allow an egg to be fertilized. Prove yourself to be like David, who said: "I love your house, O Jehovah. " - Ps. 26: 8. (1 Coríntios 15: 58) Okutehelela komupika, tyihangununa okuundapa kumue nawa no Nonkhalamutue mbo Nombangi mba Jeova. Even though Jesus was mainly talking about serious sins, he described something we can do whenever we have a problem with a brother or a sister. Listening to the slave means working closely with the Governing Body. Okupopia konthele Yovilwa vio Nazista, omulongesi umwe wosikola onene weliyava okuti, "kutupu otyikundyi ine eongano liovanthu liayala omatutu, noonya, novivi ovikuavo. " Show Jehovah that you truly feel like King David, who said: "Jehovah, I love the house where you dwell. " - Psalm 26: 8. Commenting on the Nazi era, one teacher said that "no part of the world is neither a group of people nor a group of evil and unfair and unfair. " (Josué 11: 16, 17; Juízes 7: 7, 22; 1 Samuel 17: 37, 50) Tyayandyuluka nawa okuti, Jeova oe weveavelele ononkhono opo valinge ovipuka ovinene, iya oe vala una okunkhimanekwa. Listening to the slave class means giving our full cooperation to its Governing Body. Clearly, Jehovah gave them the strength to do things, and he gave them great things. Omukanda wa 2 Timóteo 3: 4 upopia konthele yavana vehole unene ovitalukiso iya avahapake Huku momuenyo wavo. Discussing the Nazi Holocaust, a high - school teacher lamented that "no group or organization of regular citizens spoke out against the mass of lies, cruelty, and eventual atrocities. " The book of 2 Timothy 3: 4 speaks of those who love pleasures and do not need God. (Salmo 51: 17) Jeova tyotyili upondola okutukuatesako pomivo opo. Oe "ukahi nokuvelula vokuna omutima watekateka, nokukuta ovipute via vana vaihamenwa. " Clearly, Jehovah was the one who gave them the power to do great things, so only he deserved the praise. Yes, Jehovah can help us in times of distress so that "he can heal the brokenhearted ones and heal their wounds. " SOKA kovipuka aviho oviwa omutumini wepondolo nokuna ohole makalingila ovanthu mokueenda kuomanima ovityita ekwi. Second Timothy 3: 4 speaks of those who love pleasures and leave God out of their lives. IMAGINE all the good things that a powerful ruler and loving government will do for mankind during the thousand years. Mahi movilongo ovikuavo, tyakolela okupopila vana tuhanda okukatalelapo. Jehovah is certainly able to deal with this situation, for "he is healing the brokenhearted ones, and is binding up their painful spots. " But in other countries, it is important to tell those we want to visit. Oe walinga etyi apondola. " CAN you imagine all the good that a powerful government under a just and compassionate ruler could do for its subjects in one thousand years? He did what he could. " Okuhangununa omokonda yatyi nkhele Huku ahahanyaunineko vana valinga ovivi, apostolu Petulu wahoneka okuti: "Jeova kekahi nokuseta konthele yomulao wae, ngetyi vamwe vasoka okuti waseta. Anthi, oe wapua elundo nonwe, mokonda kahande na umwe ahanyueko, mahi uhanda ovanthu aveho velivele. " In others, it is better to make arrangements before we visit. The apostle Peter wrote: "Jehovah is not waiting for his promise; yet, because he is patient with you, because he is patient with all men, but he does not want to be destroyed. " Ankho una okutala " ovakai ovakulu, ngatyina ovo ina, ovakai ovahikuena, ngatyina onomphange, noumphembela. ' She did what she could. " He had to view " older women as mothers, women as mothers, women as sisters, women as sisters in chasteness. " Namphila ovipuka ovio vitukalesa nawa, mahi pena ovipuka viakolela vali momuenyo. Explaining why God has not yet destroyed those who do wrong, the apostle Peter wrote: "Jehovah is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance. " Even though these things make us rich, there are important things in life. Matukala nekoleleyo mokukala ovanthu vetavela. Iya tutualeko nekoleleyo mokutualako okutavela. He was to treat "older women as mothers, younger women as sisters with all chasteness. " By keeping integrity, we will be obedient, and we will remain obedient. PEFO 15 • OVIIMBO: 107, 29 Although these things do bring pleasure, there is more to life than that. PAGE 13 • SONGS: 107, 29 (Tanga Josué 24: 15.) We build integrity by obedience, so we maintain integrity by enduring in an obedient course. (Read Joshua 24: 15.) Mokueenda kuo nohanyi ononyingi, ankho kuatokota omutenya omunene mokonda ombila ankho kailoko. Ovakuatate avasoko okuti otyonge kamatyilingwa vali. PAGE 22 • SONGS: 107, 29 During many years, it was a great deal of rain because the brothers did not care about the convention. (Tala mo Internete posapi yati OMALONGESO OMBIMBILIYA > OMAPULO OMBIMBILIYA AKUMBULULWA) (Read Joshua 24: 15.) (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) Katyesukisile omanima eñgapi tuumbila Jeova, atuho tupondola okutualako okufuena kwe nokukula vali mopamphepo. For months, the whole country had been in the grip of an extreme drought, and it looked as if the convention would be canceled. No matter how long we have been serving Jehovah, all of us can keep drawing closer to him. (Tiago 1: 27) Moluotyo, nawike povaumbili vae wesukisa okuanya ombatelo apewa na vana Jeova alunda opo vaave ombatelo oyo. I came to see him as a real Person and to develop a friendship with him. " Hence, no one of his servants needs to resist the help that Jehovah has given to those who receive it. Oñgeni tupondola okuvekuatesako nokuhevelimbua? (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) How can we help them? Au, ovanthu vatehelela ovakulu vapelwe onondonga na Moisesi. No matter how long we have been serving Jehovah, all of us can continue to draw closer to him and to make spiritual progress. No, people listened to the suggestions given by Moses. (Atos 11: 26 - 28) "Etyi Barnabe na Saulu" vamana okuavununa nawa ombatelo yatumikisilwe ovakuatate mo Jelusalei, " avakondoka ko Antiokia. Hence, none of his servants need to be reluctant to accept help from those who are moved by Jehovah to give such assistance. After " Barnabas and Saul " had returned to Jerusalem, the brothers returned to Antioch. (Salmo 37: 25) Ovakristau ovanyingi vekolelo vehole okulitalelako oñgeni Jeova atekula ovanthu vae. How can we help them and not forget them? Many faithful Christians have seen how Jehovah cares for his people. Hinangela okuti ospilitu ya Jeova ipondola okuyawisa ounongo wove nenoñgonoko nokukukuatesako opo ufuisepo kese tyilinga oe ekuavela. No, they had to listen to the older men of Israel, who in turn received specific instructions from Moses. Remember that Jehovah's spirit can enhance your ability and help you to fulfill any assignment he has given you. " Moluotyo, tualeiko tyalunguka, mokonda onthiki noola kamuii. " - MATEUS 25: 13. " After having fully carried out the relief ministration in Jerusalem, " Barnabas and Saul return to Antioch. " Keep on the watch, for you do not know the day and hour. " - MATTHEW 25: 13. 28 Motetulula Ovitateka Opo Ukale Nombembwa? Many faithful Christians have experienced such evidence of Jehovah's care. 28 For Young People - How to Be Peace and Peace? Oityi Onthiki Ya Jeova Maikahololola Remember, Jehovah's spirit can enhance your knowledge and abilities and help you to fulfill any assignment he gives you. Why Jehovah Sees Its Day? (Ezequiel 21: 26, 27) Etyi Jesus ehenetyitwe, oandyu Gabrieli yapopila Maliya okuti: "Jeova Huku memuavela otyipundi tyoutumini tya David tate yae. 25: 13. Before Jesus was born, the angel Gabriel told Mary: "Jehovah God will give him the throne of David his father. (2 Coríntios 1: 24) Paulu waava ongeleka ongwa pala ovakulu vewaneno hono, konthele yokuliola omutima nokuundapa unene. 28 Will You Resolve Conflicts and Promote Peace? Paul set a good example for elders today, who are humble and work hard. Okuti na hono ononkhono ombo mbupondola okutukuatesako? What Jehovah's Day Will Reveal Can those today help us? Namphila Satanasi ena epondolo, mahi kekukuluminya okulinga ovipuka ove uhahande okulinga. After Zedekiah, Jesus was the only descendant of David to whom kingship was promised. Although Satan is powerful, he does not force us to do things that you do not want to do. " ONTHIKI YA JEOVA MAIYA " Instead, he was a humble fellow worker for their joy. " ALSO IN THIS ISSUE " Onthue tupandula unene tyina tulongwa no votate konthele yotyo. Is that same holy spirit available to help us? We are very grateful when we receive counsel from our parents and grandparents. Ouye wayapuka ku Jeova, ukahi nokutuminwa no huku onkhalavi yetela ovanthu oupika. Although Satan is powerful, he cannot force you to do things that you do not want to do. The world of Jehovah's wicked world is under its control and bringing mankind to slavery. Mongeleka, etyi vaundapa unene movilinga viokuivisa, Jesus evepopila okuti: "Tuendei pomphangu pehena ovanthu opo mukapululukwe - po katutu. " - Marcos 6: 31, 32. " JEHOVAH'S DAY WILL COME " For example, when they work hard in the ministry, Jesus told them: "Let us not take away from anyone in place to rest. " - Mark 6: 31, 32. Jeova tyimuihama unene komutima tyina atala ovivi. - Tanga Gênesis 6: 5, 6. We appreciate this information when it comes from our parents. Jehovah feels deeply hurt when he sees what is bad. - Read Genesis 6: 5, 6. [ Ehangununo liolutalatu pefo 9] The world is alienated from Jehovah and ruled by a cruel god who enslaves people. [ Picture on page 9] Omokonda Onombangi mba Jeova vahanda okupopia onondaka onongwa konthele Youhamba wa Huku novanthu aveho - kese apa vakala. For example, after they had been working very hard in the preaching work, Jesus told them: "Come, you yourselves, privately into an isolated place and rest up a little. " - Mark 6: 31, 32. Because Jehovah's Witnesses want to share the good news about God's Kingdom with all people - wherever they live. Mahi Eduardo wati: "Ankho tuenda apeho komaliongiyo, nomovilinga viokuivisa. " It hurts Jehovah to see such injustice. - Read Genesis 6: 5, 6. " We attended the meetings regularly, and in the ministry, " Eduardo says. (Daniel 9: 26, 27; Atos 2: 22, 23) No nonkhia ombo onombi, Jesus wamona ononkhumbi mbokunumatwa kotyikomeko ngetyi tyapopile Gênesis 3: 15. Purpose of Study Articles With these evil and bad things, Jesus saw the suffering that he had sown in the heel, just as he had foretold at Genesis 3: 15. [ Onondaka Poutoi] [ Blurb on page 9] [ Footnote] Okuti Ove Utala Vana Vahapamene Ngetyi Jeova Evetala? Because the Witnesses wish to share the good news about God's Kingdom with all people - no matter where they live. Do You View Others as Jehovah Does? " Okuava oumbangi wa Jesus otyo ononkhono mbovauli. " " My funds were dwindling, my meager income did not always cover expenses, and I was physically tired. " Bearing witness to Jesus ' powerful prophets. " Moluotyo, etyi tutanga mu Hebreus 4: 12 konthele Yombimbiliya, otyili. By this cruel death, he suffered the "heel " wound foretold at Genesis 3: 15. Hence, what we read at Hebrews 4: 12 about the Bible is true. Ohole tuna na Huku itulunda okulinga tyi? Kala nombili mokupopila vakuenyi "otyili tyonondaka onongwa. " (Gál. [ Footnotes] Our love for God motivates us to do what by sharing the good news with others. O A Sentinela 15 de Setembro de 1958, yalondolele ovakuatate no nomphange opo ovipuka viouye viehevetalule movilinga via Jeova. Do You View Human Weakness as Jehovah Does? The Watchtower of September 15, 1958, warned brothers and sisters to gather things together in Jehovah's service. Au! " The bearing witness to Jesus is what inspires prophesying. " Of course not! Ngotyo, waavele oumbangi ko va Judeu no va Gregu mepundaumbo olio enene. - Atos 19: 1, 8, 9. [2a] Thus, by extension, Paul's words recorded at Hebrews 4: 12 can properly be applied to the Bible. 19: 1, 8, 9. Moluotyo, tukuateseiko ovanthu aveho okuvasa ongeleya yotyotyili. - Tanga Provérbios 3: 27. Love for God moves us to do what in connection with the good news? Therefore, let us help people to find true religion. - Read Proverbs 3: 27. Ine soka komukai weenda okukalanda onombiya mboluma, pahe umbutala nawa. " Never in history has mankind boasted superior means of communication, high speed printing presses, profusely illustrated magazines, the radio, movies, television.... They bombard us daily with fresh distractions... On the other hand, think of a woman who walks to a vessels for clay, perhaps looking at a well - being. 12, 13. No! 12, 13. Mahi, Noe wahambukilwe vali etyi amona omona wae Sem waava ongeleka ongwa yekolelo mombunga yae. - Gênesis 9: 21 - 28; 10: 8 - 11; 11: 1 - 11. He thus bore witness to Jews and Greeks in that large city. - Acts 19: 1, 8, 9. 9: 21 - 28; 10: 8 - 11; 11: 1 - 11. Vapondola okulipula inkha Jeova ankho utyiyale opo atale inkha omulume oo nomukai mavetyivili okukoleleya motyitateka otyo. Hence, do not hold back from giving him or her the opportunity to find it. - Read Proverbs 3: 27. They may wonder if Jehovah asked him to see if this man and woman would be able to endure this difficult situation. Muene Wombimbiliya tyotyili uhanda ove unoñgonoke Ondaka yae! Fascinated by the variety and beauty of these creations, she now and again stoops to examine one. The Bible really wants you to know his Word! Tupu mavakala nehambu liokulilongesa. 12, 13. They will also be happy to learn. ▪ Tyina wamakukunya omunthu wavasa, muavela otratadu iya opopi okuti, "Neya okukutalelapo hono opo ndyikupopile onondaka onongwa mbapopiwa momukanda ou. " On the brighter side, though, Noah got to see his son Shem set a strong example of faith for his family. - Genesis 9: 21 - 28; 10: 8 - 11; 11: 1 - 11. ▪ Whenever you meet someone, offer him a tract and say, "I have come to visit you today as you call the good news of this magazine. " 25 - 31 YA TYITALALE, 2013 | PEFO 22 • OVIIMBO: 123, 53 He wondered whether Jehovah had looked into the future and decided that he and his wife would be able to endure this tragedy. SONGS TO BE USED: 123, 53 Okuti otyo tyilekesa okuti ovalembulwa vahanda okunkhia? The Author of the Bible does, indeed, want you to understand his Word! Does this mean that anointed ones want to die? Melongomona liae lio Komphunda, Jesus wati: "Hambukwei amulombauka nehambu, mokonda ondyambi yenyi keulu onene. " They will also enjoy learning. In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said: "Come and be overjoyed, because your reward is great in heaven. " Onalupi Jesus makoyesa "onongi "" novinkhombo "? ▪ After you greet the householder, you might hand him a tract and say, "My purpose in visiting today is to share an encouraging thought on this important subject. " When does Jesus judge the "other sheep " and the" goats "? Olie watunga ounyama oututu nounongo wokulityita? Bible Questions Answered 16 Who made it possible for birds to acquire the abilities and abilities they have received? Ongotyo yapopia. So does this mean that anointed ones want to die? That is what happened. Ulinga atyiho evila opo ankhuateseko iya ame ndyimuhole mokonda yotyo! In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said: "Rejoice and be overjoyed, since your reward is great in the heavens, for in that way they persecuted the prophets prior to you. " He did everything he could to help him, and I loved him so much! Jesus onkhalamutwe yeongano lia Jeova pano pohi, ukahi nokuhongolela ovilinga viokuivisa, nokulongesa, nokupameka vana vekahi movilinga ovio nokukuatesako vakuavo opo vafende Jeova. When does Jesus " arrive, ' or come? - Matt. Jesus, the Head of Jehovah's organization, is overseeing the preaching work, teaching those who are helping others to worship Jehovah. Eliasibe waavele ongeleka ongwa pokuundapa na Neemia pala okupindulapo ovimato vio Jelusalei. Who created living cells with the ability to do these things? Tobiah set an excellent example for him and Nehemiah to rebuild Jerusalem's walls. (João 10: 16) Jesus wapopile okuti makala novalongwa vae "ononthiki mbatyo ambuho, alo konthyulilo youye uno. " It does say that. Jesus said that he would be with his disciples "all the days until the conclusion of the system of things. " Moluotyo, Jesus wevepopila okuti: "Ame ndyii ovituwa vienyi, nombili yenyi nekoleleyo lienyi, kamuyeke ovanthu valinga ovivi. In my office I am surrounded by many pictures that mean so much to me! Hence, Jesus told them: "I know your conduct, your endurance, and you do not let men do bad things. Ame nomukai wange, tuaimbuka okuti Ombimbiliya ipondola okutukuatesako okupola pokati. Jesus is taking the lead in directing the earthly part of Jehovah's organization to focus on preaching the good news, to care spiritually for those carrying out this work, and to promote the true worship of Jehovah. My wife and I realized that the Bible can help us to be reasonable. Anthi, kese tyiawa ankho tyina okusiwapo inkha omunthu ahinangela okuti una otyitateka nomukuatate wae. Eliashib had set a good example for the people by fully supporting Nehemiah in the rebuilding of Jerusalem's walls. On the other hand, each offering was offended if the person felt that he had offended his brother. (Deuteronômio 32: 47) Omonkhalelo patyi Ombimbiliya itukuatesako okukala nomuenyo omule? Jesus indicated that he would be with his disciples "all the days until the conclusion of the system of things. " In what way can the Bible help us to have a long life? Aveho vana veyele Huku, nokulwisa ovanthu vae, ngetyi tyilinga Satanasi. Hence, Jesus told them: "I know your deeds, and your labor and endurance, and that you cannot bear bad men, and that you put those to the test who say they are apostles, but they are not, and you found them liars. All those who oppose God, who fight against his people, as Satan did. Tupondola okulipula okuti: Pomuvo opo apostolu Paulu tyilityili ankho " onkhembi '? My wife and I have found that the Bible can help us find that balance. We might ask ourselves: At that time, the apostle Paul was "a liar "? Omukulu weuaneno una "okukakatela nawa mondaka yekolelo konthele younongo wae wokulongesa. " Therefore, any offering was to be postponed if a person remembered that his brother had something against him. An elder must "keep on holding fast the word of faith in his teaching. " Ovaumbili aveho vekolelo va Huku vesukisa otyilikutila tyeyovo. Can the Bible really lengthen our days? All of God's faithful servants need the ransom. Jobe, waliko kohale, wakalele nenoñgonoko ngolio. All those who imitate Satan's hatred of God and oppose God's people. Job, a man of ancient times, had such knowledge. Oe una okulinga ononkhono mbokunoñgonoka nawa ombunga yae. We might ask, In these circumstances was the apostle Paul really " viewing the matter lightly '? He must strive to get better acquainted with his family. Etyi Ohamba David aimbuka onkhali yae onene youndalelapo alinga na Bateseba nokuipaa omulume wae, tyotyili wakalele nohonyi onene. A congregation elder must " hold firmly to the faithful word as respects his art of teaching. ' When King David saw his sin against Bath - sheba and Bath - sheba, his husband became very angry. 6, 7. Even the most faithful servant of God needs the gift of the ransom. 6, 7. Omukulu weuaneno upondola okuelekwa nomulimi. Job, who lived in ancient times, had that very experience. An elder may be likened to a farmer. Hetekela Jesus - Okuivisa Nomutima Wakola He should strive to have an intimate knowledge of his family. Imitate Jesus - Preaching With Courage " Onondyila mbouviuki " oityi? When King David recognized the seriousness of his adultery with Bath - sheba and the murder of her husband, he no doubt felt great shame. What are "the tracks of righteousness "? (Tiago 1: 14, 15) Soka oñgeni okulinga otyipuka tyahaviukile tyipondola okuihamesa omutima Jeova, newaneno nombunga yove. 6, 7. Think of how difficult it would be to do something that could hurt Jehovah, the congregation, and your family. Mo nonthiki mbuno kuna ovipuka ovinyingi vituala ovanthu okuhapolo pokati. An elder can be compared to a gardener. Today, there are many things that will not be found among us. Iya otyo ankho tyakutikinya okupopia nomukai omu Samaliya. - João 4: 31 - 34. [ Picture Credit Lines on page 2] 4: 31 - 34. Mokonda Hitoshi wapopiua monthele yo tete, watualako okukala omukuatyili, tyemuetela ouwa. What are "the tracks of righteousness "? As noted in the preceding article, Hitoshi maintained his integrity and benefited from his blessings. Jesus wapopilile Tate yae melikuambelo okuti: " Ame nanoñgonokesa enyina liove,... mandyitualako okulinoñgonokesa. ' Think about the pain that an unfaithful act would bring to Jehovah, to the congregation, and to your family. Jesus told his Father in prayer: "I have made your name known,... and I will make it known. " Moluotyo, omawaneno ankho atualako okupamekwa mekolelo, nokuliyawisa, kese nthiki. " There may be other reasons why people are not modest at times. As a result, the congregations continued to be made firm in the faith, each day. " Mahi, ankho vakemba mo noprova, nokutyinda omapangwe, novihemba vikoleswa. God wanted him to preach, and doing what his Father wanted, even preaching to a Samaritan woman, was like food for him. - John 4: 31 - 34. However, they did not use lies and drugs, drugs, and drug abuse. Oñgeni tyitulunda okuhetekela Kristu Jesus, nokukala nohole novakuatate vetu, nokuveevela nomutima auho? Hitoshi, quoted in the opening article, profited from having a reputation of being an honest worker. How should we imitate Jesus Christ, love our brothers, and forgive them with a complete heart? (1 Pedro 1: 1) Etyi Petulu ati, "vaholovonwa, " ankho ukahi nokupopia vana valembulwa nospilitu sandu ngae," vatyitwa otyivali, pala ekevelelo liomuenyo wo keulu " opo vakatumine na Kristu. Draw Close to God - "The Rewarder of Those Earnestly Seeking Him " 11 When Peter said, " chosen, " he was referring to those who were anointed with holy spirit," a resurrection of life in heaven for Christ's followers. " ETYI Jesus Kristu alinga Elongomona liae Komphunda, wapopia elikuambelo lilekesa nawa osapi yavilapo yondongeso yae. Jesus declared in prayer to his Father: "I have made your name known... and will make it known. " WHEN Jesus Christ made his Sermon on the Mount, he highlights the key of his teaching. HUKU KAHAMBUKWA NONONKHIA MBO VANTHU, ALO UMWE ONONDINGAVIVI. Therefore, indeed, the congregations continued to be made firm in the faith and to increase in number from day to day. " GOD'S WORD AND AND JESUS ' counsel. Tupu hono, inkha mewaneno muyekelwa ononkhali onene, vamwe vapo ndola okuhimbika okutala ovitumino via Jeova ngatyina viehesilivila. " Yet, they cheated on tests and took illegal drugs. Similarly today, if you receive serious sins, some can begin to view Jehovah's laws as if they commits a serious sin. Ovitateka viovakulu vipuilisa vali unene, mokonda kavakengelelwa vala ngo mona ukengelelwa na me yae. How does it motivate us to imitate Christ Jesus, to love our brothers, and to forgive them from the heart? The problems of older ones are more difficult because they do not have enough money to make me feel like his mother. Tupu matyituetela ouwa komutwe wandyila namphila nkhele tumona ononkhumbi mbutundilila konkhali. Clearly, by the term "the ones chosen, " Peter referred to those who, like him, had been anointed by holy spirit and given" a new birth to a living hope " to rule with Christ in the heavens. We will also benefit from the future even if we suffer the consequences of sin. Mahi, tyina tuholovona ovitalukiso, tuesukisa okulipula okuti: " Monohanyi mbokualamba okuti naholovona okutala onosinema, no TV, nono video game, nomikanda ine ovipuka ovikuavo viomaelema viyolesa? WHEN Jesus Christ gave his Sermon on the Mount, he included a model prayer that summarized his main teaching. However, when choosing entertainment, we need to ask ourselves: " Will I view the movies, movies, video games, video games, video games, video games, or so on? Tyina tufuena konthyulilo, tyakolela vali unene tukale nonthumbi yokuti Huku metutekula. - Revelação 13: 17. Though God waged war against the Canaanites, he spared some, such as Rahab and her family 13: 17. Onthele ilandulako, maipopi oñgeni ekolelo lia Moisesi liemukuatesileko okutala "Una uhamoneka komaiho. " - Heb. Similarly today, if the congregation ignores serious sin, some could begin to view Jehovah's standards as unimportant. The next article will consider how Moses ' faith enabled him to see "the One who is invisible. " - Heb. 4 Epulo 1: Omuenyo Wange Walingilua Tyi? Adult problems, sad to say, can rarely be solved with a bandage and a mother's hug. 4 Question 1: My Life - What Is It? Oyo onkhalelo imwe Jeova alekesa okuti utuhole, iya onthue tumuhole "mokonda oe walekesa tete okuti utuhole. " And it gives us much to look forward to, even though we have to endure the consequences of sin. This is one way in which Jehovah loves us, and we love him "because he loves us. " Ovanyingi vaholovona okulinga ehando lia Huku vesukisa okuundapa opo vakamone ondyambi yomuenyo wahapu mouye omupe wa Huku. When selecting entertainment, therefore, each of us should ask himself: " Over the past months, have I chosen to be entertained by films, TV programs, electronic games, books, or comics that feature uncanny practices? Many choose to do God's will in order to attain the prize of everlasting life in God's new world. Jeova uhanda tulitehelele okuti tuapama monkhalelo tutekulwa novakulu vewaneno. 13: 17. Jehovah wants us to feel safe in the way we treat older ones in the congregation. Tupondola okunoñgonoka vala nawa otyilinga tyetu tyokuivisa, inkha tulilongesa nokulikuambela konthele yatyo. In the next article, we will examine how faith helped Moses to see "the One who is invisible. " - Heb. We can get better acquainted with our preaching assignment if we study and pray about it. Otyo tyesukisa mokonda yomahunga aa etatu: (1) opo enyina lia Jeova lihapopiwe omapita, (2) opo otyituwa otyo tyiheliyandyane mewaneno, (3) nokukuatesako una walinga onkhali opo elivele. 4 Question 1: Does My Life Have a Purpose? This is vital for three reasons: (1) Jehovah's name to be disfellowshipped, (2) to find out the spirit of the congregation and to help a sinner who has repented. Oluembia luakutikinya okukala nohole onene novanthu. This is one way that Jehovah shows his love for us, and we love him "because he first loved us. " Love involves deep affection for people. Otyilinga tyokukuatesako ovoho tyina vamakulupa tyipondola okupuiya, nokuponeswa. For the great majority of those who choose to do God's will, the prize worth working for is eternal life in a new world of God's making. The responsibility to help your parents when they are older may be difficult, and it may be difficult for them to care for their elderly parents. ▪ Oñgeni ohi novanthu mavakakala komutwe wandyila He wants us to feel safe under their care. ▪ How will the earth and mankind live in the future Onosimanu mbumwe tyina nkhele onthiki Yehinangelo ihenehike - po, utanga vali ononthele ombo iya asokolola unene omokonda yatyi Ehinangelo liakolela unene. We can gain a correct understanding of our subject only by studying it prayerfully. During the Memorial season, we read these articles and meditate on why this event is very important. 12: 3) " Ovalume ovo ekwi, ' ovomundyila vovalembulwa vatunda mefendelo liomatutu iya pahe vena omuenyo wasukuka. This is necessary for at least three reasons: (1) to keep Jehovah's name free from reproach, (2) to protect the congregation from contamination, and (3) to help the sinner come to repentance if possible. These "ten men " companions from false worship and have a clean life. Tyina weenda, omphai yove kamailingi otyinkhonya - nkhonya, iya inkha uhateka, kumelipunduka. The responsibilities of caring for your parents as they age can be complex and emotionally trying. When you walk, your hands should not be stumbled, and if that is not the case, you will not be stumbled. Osikola oyo ankho ikala kokule neumbo lietu, iya mokonda ankho ndyina vala omanima etano, ankho ndyina owoma. The future of the earth and humans That school was far away from home because I was only five years old, and I was afraid. Filemon waavele omphangu meumbo liae pala okulingila omaliongiyo Ovakristau. In the weeks before the Memorial, he reads these articles again and thinks seriously about why this event is so important. Philemon had a place in his home for Christian meetings. Nkhele soka oityi ankho tyihangununa ko Mona wongunga wa Huku, okusapo ehambu liokuundapa ponthele ya Tate yae, eya pano pohi opo aave omuenyo motyilikutila opo ayovole ovanthu monkhali no mononkhia! These loyal companions of the anointed Christians have purified their lives, becoming spiritual virgins. Imagine what it meant for God's only - begotten Son to continue working along with his Father on earth to save humans from sin and death! Tyapopiwa na Douglas Guest When you walk, your pace will not be cramped; and if you run, you will not stumble. As told by Luis F. Likuambela ku Huku. " Otyipuka tyakolela tuna okulinga opo tuyovoke keliva liokutala ovipuka vihongiliya ovanthu okulinga otyihola, okuita ekuateso lia Jeova melikuambelo. " - Franz. This school was far away from my family, and because I was only five years old, I was terrified. Pray to God, "The most important thing that we must do not prevent us from focusing on pornography and asking Jehovah for help. " - Franz. Ngetyi tyapopia ovihonekua, momukanda umwe utiwa Everyday Writing in the Graeco - Roman East, "onkhalelo ombuingwa yatualako tyihuvisa. " It is a privilege to have a meeting for field service in our home. - Rom. According to the article "It was amazing to be fulfilled in the book of Matthew. " Ana nae walingile omulao ku Jeova puetyi ankho ekahi motyitateka tyimwe otyinene. Just imagine what it must have meant for the only - begotten Son of God to forgo the joy of serving at his Father's side and come to earth to give his life in sacrifice to save mankind from sin and death! Hannah too made a vow to Jehovah when she was in a difficult situation. (Tanga Gálatas 2: 8, 9.) As told by Douglas Guest (Read Galatians 2: 8, 9.) Tundei ponthele yange, onue vokulinga ovipuka ovivi. " " The most important step in overcoming the snare of pornography is to ask for Jehovah's help in prayer. " - Franz. Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness. " (b) Oityi matyikapopia monthele onkhuavo? Consequently, for ancient records, states the book Everyday Writing in the Graeco - Roman East, "survival is the exception rather than the rule. " (b) What will be discussed in another article? (Lucas 10: 22) Etyi eya pano pohi, Jesus wakalele nombili onene yokulekesa oñgeni Tate yae atuwa. Jesus wapopile nokulongesa nolusoke lwike. Hannah also made a vow to Jehovah during a stressful time in her life. When he came to earth, Jesus was eager to reflect his Father's personality and teach them the same lesson. 17 - 23 YA PEPO LINENE, 2013 | PEFO 18 • OVIIMBO: 70, 98 (Read Galatians 2: 8, 9.) 23 Our Readers Ask... Mongeleka, soka ñgeno walinga otyipuka otyivi. Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness. " For example, imagine that you had done something wrong. Mokonda mukahi ngomalangalo atungwa nawa, kondye amoneka okuti afiwa, mahi mokati eyula omankhipa a vana vankhia, novipuka aviho viasila. (b) What will the next article consider? Because they are made clean, they seemed to be thrown into a fiery furnace, but they are full of bones and every sort of bones and every sort of flesh. Omokonda Jeova Ohamba Tatekulu, makatuka liwa - liwa opo ayovole ovaumbili vae. - Ezequiel 38: 9, 18. When on earth as a man, Jesus willingly - yes, eagerly - revealed what his Father is like. Because Jehovah is the Sovereign Lord, he will get up quickly to deliver his servants. - Ezekiel 38: 9, 18. Benjamin, womanima 33, omphange ya Anne - Rakel, mo 2000 velivasile nomisionaliu mo Dinamarca waundapele ko Togo. For example, imagine that you have been involved in a crime. Benjamin, 33 - year - old Anne, a sister in 2000, met the missionaries serving in Togo. Oityi ovakulu kononthiki mba Paulu ankho valingila ononkhono ononene opo valongese ewaneno? Iya oityi hono ovakulu vesukisila okutyilinga? In that way you also, outwardly indeed, appear righteous to men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness. " - Matt. What did the elders in Paul's day do to train the congregation, and why do they need to do so today? Tate ahuvu unene mokonda etyi ononkhalamutwe mbonongeleya mbulongesa, ankho hatyoko mbulinga. Because the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will react promptly in order to deliver his servants. - Ezek. 38: 9, 18. My father was amazed that when the religious leaders taught him, they did not like it. Onthiki imwe, omona umwe ndyilongesa una omanima 12, wafuena pu ame andingi amapulo etatu. Benjamin, aged 33, is Anne - Rakel's brother. In 2000 in Denmark, he met a missionary who served in Togo. One day, a 12 - year - old daughter approached me and three questions. Popila omona wove okuti apeho tyakolela okutyipopia, alo umwe tyina omunthu emulaa okumupa onombongo ine okumuveta. Why was it hard work for the older men in Paul's day to teach the congregation, and why is it that way today? Tell your child that it is important to talk, even if a person does not give up money or money. Ankho omuvia wahikwa nawa ine otyinyanga tyina ondyepelo atyikala no nomavava kononthele ine omapanda. Father was very impressed with what he read. It was as if bad as a lamp came from a mirror, a light, or a wooden horse. Gênesis 1: 27 yati: "Huku atungu omunthu otyifuika tyae, watunga omulume nomukai. " One day, a 12 - year - old student approached me and asked me three questions. Genesis 1: 27 says: "God proceeded to create a man in his image, in his image he created the man and woman. " Mokueenda kuomuvo, ondaka oyo pahe ailekesa omunthu ulikembesa opo ayondye vakuavo, ine alinge nelungavi etyi ahanda. Assure your child that telling is always appropriate - even if the person promises gifts or makes threats. In time, the word is now used to deceive others, to mislead others, or to act in a selfish way. Mounongo wae, wayeka palambe omuwo opo onondaka mbakatulwa mo Endene mbutetululwe lwike tyihawanwa vali. The weapon consisted of an open pocket of leather or cloth attached to two straps or cords. In his wisdom, he allowed time to take place in Eden and the conclusion of the system of things. (Tanga Salmo 1: 1 - 3.) Genesis 1: 27 states: "God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God's image he created him; male and female he created them. " (Read Psalm 1: 1 - 3.) Oñgeni okuundapesa nawa onombongo tyipondola okukuatesako onombunga? In time, the term came to mean anyone who was putting on an act to deceive others or to advance certain selfish goals. How can money help families? (1 Coríntios 11: 25) Omphango omphe yapinga pomphango Yovitumino Viapelwe Moisesi, omu Huku alaele ova Isilayeli okuti inkha vemutavela, mavakala ovanthu vae. Wisely, he allowed time to pass so that the issues raised in Eden regarding his way of ruling would be settled - once and for all. The new covenant made up of the Law covenant under the Law covenant that God had promised the Israelites if they obeyed him, they would become his people. Omapulo OMakuavo Ombimbiliya Akumbululwa (Read Psalm 1: 1 - 3.) Bible Questions Answered 16 Oe utala nawa oñgeni kese waneno liovalongwa vae pano pohi likahi nokueenda hono. How can holding to a budget help families to reduce financial pressure? He examines how each congregation of his disciples on earth today are on earth. Inkha tyipondola, oñgeni tyilingwa? The new covenant replaced the Mosaic Law covenant, in which God had promised the Israelites that if they strictly obeyed him, they would become his people. If so, how could it be? Jeova utumina nohole. Other Bible Questions Answered Jehovah rules with love. Omokonda yatyi Huku apopila novanthu monkhalelo yapepuka? He is attentive to what is going on in each congregation of his disciples on earth today. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: Why did God speak to people in a simple way? Oñgeni ovakulu vewaneno vapondola okutukuatesako okuumbila Jeova nombili? If so, how? How can elders help you to serve Jehovah with zeal? Ovalembulwa vafuapo pala okufuisapo otyilinga tyavo alo konthyulilo. Jehovah's sovereignty is based on love. Anointed ones are to carry out their assignment until the end comes. Ongeleya yo Katolika yalingile ononkhono ononene mbokutyilika ovanthu opo vahatange Ombimbiliya. Ononkhalamutwe mbongeleya oyo, ankho mbupopia okuti inkha ovanthu vatanga Ombimbiliya matyikala otyiponga otyinene. Why does God simplify how he expresses his thoughts to humans? The Catholic Church made great effort to save people from the Bible, and the church said that if they read the Bible, it would be dangerous. Aristóteles ankho upopia okuti ovipuka aviho vikahi - ko, vikala mokati kuovipuka vikahi ngo nombola iya ovipuka ovio vikala mokati kuovipuka ovikuavo iya ohi ikala pokati kavio. How can elders help us to serve Jehovah with zeal? Greek philosophers claimed that everything in the universe has to be done in such a place and that these things will be created inside the earth and that the earth is unique. Okapungulula Kekahi Mouye Auho, 1 / 6 The anointed are prepared to fulfill their assignment until the end. Special Public Discourse, 6 / 1 Okuti Huku utehelela omalikuambelo aeho? Says the Enciclopedia Cattolica (Catholic Encyclopedia): "In 1229, the Council of Toulouse prohibited laymen from using them [vernacular Bibles] in view of the fight against the Albigenses and the Waldenses... Does God hear all prayers? Oityi ova Levita ankho vesukisa okulinga opo Jeova akale epingo liavo? Aristotle taught that all the heavenly bodies were encased in crystalline spheres, each one nested tightly within the next, with the earth innermost. What did the Levites need to do to have Jehovah as their share? Tyotyili tuna ekevelelo ewa komutwe wandyila! - Salmo 37: 29; Lucas 14: 12 - 14. What Can We Learn From a Criminal? 6 / 1 What a wonderful prospect we have for the future! - Psalm 37: 29; Luke 14: 12 - 14. Wevelondola velityilike oluihamo lutundilila komunkhima, mokonda kautualako apeho. Does God listen to all prayers? He warned them against the painful consequences of praise. Okuti ñgeno wayekapo okuumbila Jeova? What was required of the Levites for them to have Jehovah as their share? Would you have stopped serving Jehovah? Mongeleka, onthiki imwe ovanthu ovanyingi aveliongiya opo vatehelele Jesus. He greatly values what we do for the lowly, and he promises to repay us with nothing less than eternal life in a paradise earth - truly a thrilling hope for the future! - Psalm 37: 29; Luke 14: 12 - 14. For example, one day a crowd gathered to listen to Jesus. 1, 2. (a) Oityi ovanthu vekahi nokulinga opo vavase eyovo? He urges them to avoid the inevitable despair that comes with evanescent glory. It doesn't last. 1, 2. (a) What are people doing to find freedom? Tupu, onkhalelo yomunthu, nomalusoke ae apondola okukala vali nawa monthiki imwe tyipona monthiki onkhuavo. Would you have stopped serving Jehovah? Moreover, a person's thoughts and feelings could become better than another day. • Tyina ovakuatate vevali vena otyitateka, oityi tuesukisa okuhinangela? For example, one day a crowd of people gathered on the shore to listen to Jesus. • When two brothers have a problem, what should we remember? Epondolo lia Jeova malikayovola ovanthu momalangalo 1, 2. (a) What are people doing to get freedom? Jehovah's power will bring salvation to those in the memorial tombs Okuti omilao ovio Viombimbiliya konthele Youhamba kavikuhambukiswa? And circumstances and feelings might vary considerably from one day to the next. Do these Bible promises not concern you or your desire to please him? Ovanthu vamwe vapondola okukupopila okuti: "Ame ndyitavela okuti ovipuka vieya vala avike mokonda ovanongo vapopia okuti otyo otyili. • Why is it unwise to take sides in the disputes of others? Some may say: "I believe that evolution is the doctrine of evolution. 5 Okuti Ove Una Oandyu Imwe Ikuyunga? Who [of their gods] among them can tell this? 5 Did You Know? Mokonda tutyii etyi tyimonekapo tyina tunkhia, katuesukisile vali okutila owoma. Jehovah's power reaches even beyond the grave Because we know what happens when we die, we do not need to fear it. Okusuka unene nokuhambukiswa Jeova tyihangununa okupaka tete momuenyo wove ehando lya Jeova. Do the Bible's promises regarding the Kingdom appeal to you? Thanks to Jehovah, it means to put Jehovah first in your life. Namphila katyapengele okusoka kovipuka tuelilongesa kohale ine kuvina tuhole, tuesukisa okupola pokati konthele yovipuka viokonyima. Someone might say to you, "I believe in evolution because scientists have said that it is true. Even if it is not wrong to think about the things we have learned from the past or our loved ones, we need to be modest. Okunoñgonoka nawa otyilinga tyetu, matyikuatesako okulityilika okukuatesako otyikundyi tyimwe tyo pulitika, alo umwe muetyi tusoka. 5 Do You Have a Guardian Angel? Knowing our responsibility will help you avoiding a group of politics, even what we think. B.C.E. Death thereby loses its mystery and no longer needs to cause us dread. B.C.E. Oñgeni matukahateka? Nkhele katutyii nawa - nawa. To focus your life on pleasing Jehovah means to make pleasing Jehovah the most important thing to you. How can we escape it, and we do not know well? Ovakulu vewaneno valongesa vakuavo tupu vapandwa mokonda yononkhono valinga mbokupameka ewaneno. Although it is not wrong to meditate on the lessons we have learned from past experiences or to savor cherished memories, we need to maintain a balanced, realistic view of the past. The elders train others, and they are grateful for their efforts to encourage the congregation. Petulu aihana Jesus emuiti ankho nae upondola okueendela komaande ngae. When we understand what our assignment is, we will avoid supporting any political group, even in our heart. Peter called Jesus and asked him to follow him. (1 Coríntios 11: 2) Mahi ovikando vimwe Paulu kevehilivikile mahi nokankhenda evepopila okuti vesukisa okupiluluka. - 1 Coríntios 11: 20 - 22. B.C.E. But sometimes Paul did not honor them, but he kindly told them that they needed to change. - 1 Corinthians 11: 20 - 22. 1 / 5 Just what form our flight will take remains to be seen. 5 / 1 (Tanga Salmo 131: 1 - 3.) Elders who train others are also valuable because their efforts will help to strengthen the congregation. (Read Psalm 1: 1 - 3.) Anthi, tuna onthumbi yokuti namphila tuvakuankhali, matutyivili okukolela mu Jeova, ngetyi tyalingile David na Jobe. Peter calls out to Jesus, asking if he could walk across the water to his Master. Rather, we can be sure that even though we are imperfect, we can remain loyal to Jehovah, just as Job did. (Revelação 6: 2) Jesus watahela Satanasi pano pohi novilulu viae. But when they needed counsel, he explained the reason to them kindly and clearly. - 1 Corinthians 11: 20 - 22. Jesus was hurled down to the earth and his demons. Ondyivindyivi ike Vala Yelongeso Liopaspilitu 8 / 15 The Source of Prayer is one source of the most important lessons found in God's Word Mahi, mokueenda kuonthiki ya Tatekulu, Ombambilonia Onene yeete okuti omeva ine ovanthu vevekuatesako, vekahi nokutepuluka. (Read Psalm 131: 1 - 3.) However, during the day of the Lord's presence, Babylon the Great sees the waters of water or supporting the people who have fallen asleep. Ohamba Mesiya, Jesus Kristu, wamaneka omutunga wae iya ukahi nokuenda opo akafinde onondyale mbae. On the contrary, we have good reason to trust, as did David and Job, that Jehovah will find us maintaining integrity, imperfect though we may be. The Messianic King, Jesus Christ, was on his sword, and he is walking in his hand to complete his enemies. Ovakuendye vaumbila Jeova velikalela unene na vana vehemuumbila. Jesus threw Satan and his demons out of heaven and down to the earth. Young ones who serve Jehovah are different from those who do not. Olie vali wesukisa okupamekwa? The One Source of Spiritual Instruction Who else else need encouragement? Ombimbiliya itupopila tulityilike ovipuka vituetela ovitateka, nokupola pokati, pokulia no pokunwa. However, during the Lord's day, Babylon the Great has seen the waters, the people who support her, dry up dramatically. The Bible tells us to avoid problems and to protect ourselves. " Opo muhepuile iya amuhasoyo momienyo vienyi. ' - Heb. The Messianic King, Jesus Christ, straps on his sword and rides forth to conquer his enemies. " Do not be misled and fall off your lifestyle. ' - Heb. 1, 2. What a contrast there is between young servants of Jehovah and youths of this world! 1, 2. Oñgeni Jeova maundapesa ospilitu sandu yae mouye omupe? Who else deserve encouragement? How will Jehovah use his holy spirit in the new world? (Mateus 23: 4) Anthi, ankho uvelongesa nokankhenda noupwa - ludo onondyila mba Jeova. The Bible encourages us to avoid harmful practices and to be moderate in habits, such as in eating and drinking. Instead, he taught them and showed them how to live by Jehovah's ways. Tyotyili, ongeleka ombi ya Dina yanumanesile unene Jako. Mahi, oe wanumanene vali unene netyi tyalinga ovana vae. " That you may not get tired and give out in your souls. " - Heb. In fact, Jacob's bad example was greatly distressed, but he was not afraid of his children. (c) Oityi ova Isilayeli vahimbikila okuñgoñga nokuliyava? 1, 2. (c) What started to murmur against the Israelites? Ankho una okukanyauka - mokonda okulikondaula tyipondola okumuetela otyiponga. 139: 7 - 12. How will Jehovah use his holy spirit in the new world? He had to change because the accident could be dangerous. 9, 10. (a) Otyilinga patyi Kristu avela ovakuatate vae ovalembulwa? On the contrary, he kindly and patiently taught others Jehovah's ways. 9, 10. (a) What responsibility did Christ give to his anointed brothers? Putyina upola ouwa kokuundapesa onondonga onongwa Mbombimbiliya, oupanga wove na Huku mauliyawisa. Dinah's tragic experience must have grieved Jacob deeply; yet, he condemned his sons ' vengeful course. As you benefit from applying Bible principles, your relationship with God will be affected. [ Olutalatu pefo 25] (c) Over what did the Israelites begin to grumble and murmur? [ Picture on page 25] Ombimbiliya ipopia okuti: "Tyotyili, kese ondyuo itungwa nomunthu, mahi ou watunga ovipuka aviho o Huku. " Even an instant of uncertainty or hesitation could have meant disaster. The Bible says: "Every house is built by someone, but the one who created all things is God. " Otyo, tyilekesa okuti omutima wetu kawatenene konthele yonondyila mbaviuka mba Jeova. 9, 10. (a) What responsibility did Christ give to his anointed brothers? This means that our conscience does not change Jehovah's way of thinking. OSAPI YOKONDYE | OMOKONDA YATYI OVANTHU OVAWA NAVO VAMONEKELWA NOVIVI? As you benefit from applying the Bible's wise counsel, your devotion to God will deepen. COVER SUBJECT WHY DO B GOOD GOOD PEOPLE? Okukala kumwe navo nokuenda apeho komaliongiyo ewaneno, matyikuhinangelesa apeho ounongo wovitumino viaviuka via Jeova, nokukuavela ondundo yokuendelamo. The Bible reasons this way: "Of course, every house is constructed by someone, but he that constructed all things is God. " By associating with them regularly and attending congregation meetings, you will always remind you of Jehovah's wise principles and will encourage you to follow it. Jeova utuavela onondonga onongwa mbukahi Mombimbiliya mbutukuatesako okutualako nekolelo inkha tualingwa etyi tyihaviukile nomukuatate ine omphange. - Salmo 55: 12 - 14. Such proddings indicate that our conscience has not become seared with respect to Jehovah's righteous ways. Jehovah gives us good advice from the Bible that can help us to remain faithful if we experience injustice from a brother or sister. - Psalm 55: 12 - 14. 6, 7. (a) Oityi matyikuatesako Ovakristau okukala na Huku potyinepo tyavo? COVER SUBJECT | WHY DO BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE? 6, 7. (a) What will help Christians to stay close to God in their marriage? Mokonda ankho vaanya okulinga oviso via vana vahafende Huku, Ovakristau vaihanwa okuti kavetavela ku Huku. Association with them and regular attendance at congregation meetings will continually remind you of the wisdom of Jehovah's righteous standards and will encourage you to live by them. Because they rejected God's traditional practices, Christians did not believe in God. Hono, mokonda movilongo vimwe ovanthu vapondola okupopia etyi vahanda nokuholovona ongeleya vahanda, okupopia okuti ovatumini mavahande okumanako onongeleya ambuho, ngoti hatyiliko. Jehovah has given us practical advice in the Bible to help us remain faithful if we experience injustice from one of our brothers or sisters. - Psalm 55: 12 - 14. Today, in some lands, people may say that they want to choose what religion wants them to do, that is, to end all religions. (a) Movikando vivali, oñgeni Jesus alekesile okuti tyakolela okuliola omutima? 6, 7. (a) What can Christians do to ensure that God is in their marriage? (a) On two occasions, how did Jesus show humility? Oñgeni tutyii okuti "onongi ononkhuavo " tupu mavakahambukwa notyinepo Tyondyona? Because they refused to participate in pagan ceremonies the Christians were dubbed atheists. How do we know that the "other sheep " also delight in the marriage of the Lamb? Namphila tyapepuka okuimbuka elungavi vakuetu vena, lietu muene tyipuiya okuliimbuka. In view of the emphasis on freedom of speech and religion in some countries today, the idea that governments would crack down on or even try to obliterate any religious movement may seem far - fetched. Although it is easy to identify others ' own selfish attitude, it may be difficult for us to recognize it. Mahi, Omukristau uhaholovona nonondunge omulume ine omukai manepe, upondola okukala tyehena ehambu. (a) On two occasions, how did Jesus stress the importance of humility? On the other hand, a Christian who is not wise or married may decide whether to marry or not. Vamue ankho vokuakala Ovakristau, valongokele avakala ovakulu vewaneno. Ovo Paulu apopile navo mo Miletu. How do we know that the "other sheep " will share in the universal rejoicing over the marriage of the Lamb? Some who had become Christians have become members of the congregation who became members of the congregation were members of Paul's letters to them. Omokonda yatyi ovakai Ovakristau hono vaihanenwa okuti "ongombo onene yovita "? - Sal. While greed may be easy to detect in others, it is not so easy to detect in ourselves. Why are Christian women today called "a large army "? - Ps. Omakaya ena vali ovipepe ovinene tyipona ovipuka ovikuavo. On the other hand, a person who makes an unwise decision when choosing a husband or a wife may experience dissatisfaction and grief. It has become more severe than anything else. Nonondaka ombo, Satanasi ankho kekahi vala nokupopia okuti Huku onkhembi, mahi tupu ankho ukahi nokupopia okuti Huku ketyivili okutumina. Some who became Christians qualified in time to be elders, those to whom Paul spoke in Miletus. With those words, Satan was not merely saying that God is a liar, but he also knew that God cannot rule. Mandyikulinge elongo enene, nokukuyamba, iya enyina liove mandyilikalesa enene, iya ove mandyikuyambe. Why can present - day Christian women be referred to as "a large army "? - Ps. And I will bless you a great nation, and your name will certainly bless you, and you will certainly bless you. " - Ps. Otyo atyivekuatesako okukala omapanga a Jeova iya avakala nekevelelo komutwe wandyila Tobacco contains one of the most addictive drugs known - nicotine. This helped them to become Jehovah's friends and to have the hope of the future Mahi, wati: "Mandyende ku Tate, mokonda Tate omunene vali kuame. " By those words, Satan not only asserted that God is a liar but also implied that God's way of governing is unjust. But he said: "I shall go to the Father, for the Father is greater than I am. " Paulu wahonekelele ova Tesalonika omukanda wavali. I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, and I will make your name great, and you will become a blessing. Paul wrote to the Thessalonians a second letter. Ame ndyitavela okuti kuna Huku, mahi hitavela okuti kuna Satanasi. " - ROGELIO. This has allowed them to become friends with Jehovah and have a hope for the future I believe that there is a God, but I don't believe Satan. " - MARK Au! Ovaumbili ovanyingi vekolelo va Huku navo velilingile epulo olio. Tyitupameka okunoñgonoka okuti Jeova kanumanene novaumbili vae vemulingile omapulo. Rather, he said: "I am going my way to the Father, because the Father is greater than I am. " No wonder many faithful servants of God were asked to answer that question, and it is comforting to know that Jehovah was not pleased with his servants. Onalupi " Ondyona mainepe '? Shortly after sending his first letter to the Thessalonian Christians, Paul sent them a second letter. When is "the Lamb's marriage due to take place '? Tupu matutale oñgeni ovituwa ovio vielikalela novituwa oviwa ovaumbili va Jeova vena. I believed in God, but not in Satan. " - ROGELIO. We will also see how these qualities are different from Jehovah's servants. (Isaías 33: 22) Ehipululo liova Isilayeli, lilekesa nawa etyi ankho tyimonekapo tyina ovanthu vetavela, natyina vehetavela ovitumino viaviuka via Huku. No matter the reason, it is encouraging to know that Jehovah did not condemn his faithful servants who asked that question in the past. The account of Israel shows clearly what happened when people obey God's righteous standards. Oñgeni tupondola okulilula omunthu wo kohale? When does "the marriage of the Lamb " take place? How can we strip off the old personality? Otyo otyitateka mokonda yatyi? Then we will see how these are the opposite of the good qualities of Jehovah's servants. Why was that problem difficult? 18 - 24 ya Kapepo The history of Israel provides a record of what happens when God's righteous standards are either observed or ignored. May 24 - 30, 2010 Mahi ngetyi tuamona mongeleka ya Ida, ekolelo lietu kalikahi ngondyakulilo oyo. How can we strip off the old personality? But as we have seen in the preceding illustration, our faith is not like that shield. Tutalei etyi ovanthu ovo vapopia. Why is that an issue? Let us see what those people say. Likuambela Okuita Ounongo 13 What Is in a Name? Pray for Wisdom Opo tuhambukiswe Huku, tuesukisa okulinga omatokolo aviuka, atulingi etyi tuatokola. But as we learn from Ida's experience, our faith is not like that. To please God, we need to make wise decisions. Mahi pamwe ndyinumana unene. Consider what these individuals have to say. But sometimes I'm angry. Iya inkha omuhona wetu nae Omukristau, tuesukisa okukala ovaviuki, atuhakevela okutekulwa monkhalelo yelikalela. Pray for Wisdom And if our master does not have to be righteous, we need to be righteous, and he does not expect us to be treated in a different way. Omulume oo wankhimana unene, omuhona omunene kombanda yoohi, tupu omunongo omunene pokati kovanthu vo kononthiki mbae. Clearly, to please God, decisive action is needed. The high priest was very prominent in the earth, and he was also among the most powerful people in his day. Anthi, mavakahambukwa mokonda vetyii okuti eyovo liavo likahi popepi. - Tanga Lucas 21: 25 - 28. However, I sometimes felt disappointed in him. Instead, they will be happy knowing that their deliverance is near. - Read Luke 21: 25 - 28. * Moluotyo, menima olio liakolela, keulu kuakala ovilwa, na pano pohi apakala ovilwa. And if we are employed by a fellow Christian, we are careful not to take advantage of him by demanding special privileges. * As a result, in that significant year, they became a war in heaven and on earth. (Provérbios 11: 12, 13) "Kanumana liwa. " He is a renowned statesman, one of the richest men on earth, and the greatest intellectual of his generation. He "became discouraged. " ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ On the contrary, they will rejoice because they know that their deliverance is near. - Read Luke 21: 25 - 28. BY G. Paulu ankho kahambukilwe vala okukala nombembwa na vakuavo. * So the same pivotal year saw the outbreak of war on earth and war in heaven. Paul was not happy to have peace with others. David wapopia okuti: "Ame ndyihole okukuatesiwako noove iya omutima wange uhambukwa. " - Salmo 28: 2, 7. He is "slow to anger. " " I love you, " said David, "and my heart rejoice. " - Psalm 28: 2, 7. ATUHO tuvakuankhali iya tupengesa. Paul was not content with just being at peace with others. ALL of us are imperfect and are imperfect. 2: 4 - 6; João 1: 29. David added: "I have received his help, and my heart rejoices. " - Psalm 28: 2, 7. 2: 4 - 6; John 1: 29. no Estados Unidos ALL of us are imperfect and make mistakes. United States and United States Vokuatanga monosikola ononene, vapopia okuti inkha omunthu ulitehelela nawa, una ehambu, nekevelelo, upandula iya wevela, upondola okukala nekongoko likahi nawa. 2: 4 - 6; John 1: 29. Those who find themselves in high school say that if you feel that you feel comfortable, you can be sure that you will have a good health, secure, healthy, healthy, healthy, healthy, healthy, healthy, and healthy health. Ngotyo tyina tuna ovitateka, otyiwa okuenda kovakulu vewaneno. the U.S.A. * So when we have problems, it is wise to go to the elders. Naundapa omanima omanyingi movilinga vialema, omokonda yatyi ndyilitehelela okuti ndyitupu esilivilo? ' Medical researchers and scientists say that positive emotions such as joy, hope, gratitude, and a willingness to forgive have some beneficial effects on health. I have spent many years working hard, and why do I feel worthless? ' Au! So when times are difficult, go to the elders. Of course not! Ita ombatelo yomapanga apondola okupameka etokolo liove liokuliyunga kovikunwa, nokukuetela etyi tyipameka ekolelo liove. " After I put in years of hard work, why does the company feel I am useless? ' Ask friends for help that can strengthen your resolve to control your emotions and to strengthen your faith. Oñgeni matukala tyina tuna "ombembwa ya Huku "? No! How can we gain "the peace of God "? Tupu, evepopila okuti, avei oviawa vienyi viokankhenda " tyiheivala, ' ine tyihamoneka ku vakuenyi. Enlist the help of supportive friends who can reinforce your resolve to control your drinking and can provide spiritual help. On the other hand, he told them that your contributions are "with mildness, " or" wicked one. " " Ounongo wokeulu " utukuatesako okunoñgonoka "eelema liomukai no liotyinyama [otyinkhuhu] tyemutyinda. " What will happen when we receive "the peace of God "? " The wisdom of wisdom " helps us to understand "the identity of a woman [the wild beast] and of the wild beast. " Mahi, mamukaikulilwa omphitilo ongwa yokunyingila mouhamba wahapu wa Tatekulu yetu no Muyovoli Jesus Kristu. ' - 2 Ped. He also told them to make gifts of mercy "in secret, " or discreetly. But in that way you will be given an opportunity to enter into the kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. ' - 2 Pet. Omokonda yatyi otyiwa tutualeko tyalunguka? " The wisdom from above " helps us to understand "the mystery of the woman and of the [scarlet - colored] wild beast that is carrying her. " Why is it good for us to keep on the watch? Veya kuonwe ngatyina onongi, mahi, mokati omahunyu. " In fact, thus there will be richly supplied to you the entrance into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. " - 2 Pet. You will prove to you as sheep, but in the midst of the sheep they will rise. " Aiholovona okutyitukilapo Huku pano pohi. Why is it vital that we continue to be vigilant? He did not rebel against God on earth. Oñgeni Ouhamba wa Huku maukaeta eyovo? They come to you looking gentle like sheep, but they are really dangerous like wolves. " How will God's Kingdom bring salvation? Enga, ekevelelo liokututila, lievepameka unene. Tupu, liungumanesa ovanthu ovanyingi vanyimisa vavo. He succeeded in getting Adam and Eve to rebel against God. Yes, the resurrection of the resurrection makes it possible for many to lose their joy and comfort from their enemies. Omphange welikuambela ku Jeova opo emuvatele, ahinangela onondaka mba Jesus mbati: "Muhakalei nowoma wa vana vaipaa olutu. " And how will God's Kingdom provide deliverance? The sister prayed to Jehovah for help, remembering Jesus ' words: "Never be afraid of the body of the body. " Mongeleka, menima lio 2001, o Papa João Paulo II wahoneka omukanda umwe apopi okuti ovanthu vomongeleya vena okuivisa ono Evandyeliu nokukala nombili nga apostolu Paulu wapopia okuti: "Tatiei inkha hivisa o Evandyeliu. " Yes, the resurrection hope is a real source of comfort to them and countless others who have lost loved ones. For example, in 2001, Milton C.E. wrote that a member of the Gospels had a zealous share in preaching and zealous preaching the Gospel accounts: "Do not be preached if you had not preach the Gospel of the Gospels. " Omulume una oluembia, uhetekela ovituwa via Jesus Kristu. Una okankhenda iya wapola pokati, hamukalaviko. The sister prayed to Jehovah for help and reminded herself of Jesus ' words: "Do not become fearful of those who kill the body. " A husband who imitates Jesus Christ is merciful and reasonable. Katyapengele okulipula ngetyi: For example, in the year 2001, Pope John Paul II said in a letter that church members should preach the Gospel and have the same zeal as the apostle Paul, who said: "Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel. " It is wrong to ask ourselves: Omokonda yatyi Jeova akevela tulinge opo tuluise eyembelo lietu liokulinga ovivi? Still, couples also have to contend with the world's rampant moral decay. Why does Jehovah expect us to try to overcome our weaknesses? (Atos 16: 1; 2 Timóteo 3: 14, 15) Mongeleka, hamwe omulume kayeke omukai wae alongese ovana vavo Ombimbiliya ine okuenda komaliongiyo. It is only natural to ask questions like these: For example, a husband may not let his wife study the Bible with their children or attend meetings. Omokonda yatyi okuliola omutima tyayakulilile ombunga ya Nabote nomapanga ae? Why does God expect us to put forth effort to overcome our weaknesses? Why did humility protect Naboth's family and friends? Ovakristau Hono Vaivisa Nomutima Wakola For example, an unbelieving husband may not want his wife to have a formal Bible study with the children or take them to the meetings. REGULAR FEATURES Ovakuendye Ovakristau vekahi nkhele mosikola vesukisa okulilongesa nombili mokonda yatyi? Why would humility have been a protection to Naboth's family and friends? Why do young Christians still need to learn more? Ovanthu ovo ankho vetupu onthilo na Huku iya Jeova atokola okuvehanyako. Christians Today Preach With Boldness Those people had no godly devotion, and Jehovah decided to destroy them. Wayawisako okuti: "Okulikuambela, nokuyumba onthumbi mu Jeova. " Why should young Christians who are still in school work hard? He added: "In prayer, trusting in Jehovah. " Vamwe vakala movilongo omu ovatumini vevetyilika okuivisa. Those people had no respect for God, and Jehovah decided that they deserved to die. Some live in countries where government officials try to stop us from preaching. Paulu ankho kekahi nokupopia ovipuka viailikwa Mondaka ya Huku. She says, "Prayerful reliance on Jehovah. " Paul was not referring to things that are common in God's Word. Ovakuatate no nomphange vakala navo popepi vapondola okuvekuatesako okuveavela ovipuka. Others live in countries where the government tries to stop them from preaching. The brothers and sisters are close to them who can help them. 4. soka oñgeni Huku elitehelela tyina umwe povaumbili vae alinga onkhali. The answer lies in understanding what Paul meant by "all things. " Think of how God feels when one of his servants sinned. Etyi ahimbika okutumina ngo Hamba Mouhamba wa Huku, oe wafinda Satanasi movilwa, emutahela pano pohi, kumue novilulu viae. Brothers and sisters who live close by can help them with practical things. When he began ruling as King of God's Kingdom, he conquered Satan and hurled him down to the vicinity of the earth, along with his demons. " Petupu Natyike Tyipundukisa " Vana Vehole Jeova " Vana vehole ovitumino viove vena ombembwa onene. 4. Think how God must feel when one of his servants falls into gross sin. " There will be no stumbling block " for those who love Jehovah but who love your law. Ovanthu vokuna ekevelelo liokukala pano pohi, vekahi ngotyimuti "tya Jose. " Shortly after he was installed as King of God's Kingdom, he conquered Satan in battle and hurled him and his demons down to the earth. People who hope to live forever on earth are like " Joseph. " (Tanga Salmo 32: 8.) " Abundant peace belongs to those loving your law, and for them there is no stumbling block. " - PS. (Read Psalm 32: 8.) (a) Onalupi ovohe vena okuhimbika okulongesa ovana vavo okukala nohole Nondaka ya Jeova? These ones with an earthly hope are like the stick "for Joseph. " (a) When should parents start teaching their children to love Jehovah's Word? Mahi Ovihonekwa vitoneka okupopia otyilinga tyomulume okuti, oe "omutwe womukai. " - Efésios 5: 23; 1 Coríntios 11: 3. (Read Psalm 32: 8.) But the Scriptures emphasize the role of a man as "the head of the woman. " - Eph. 5: 23; 1 Cor. 11: 3. (Juízes 11: 4 - 11) Oityi tyakuatesileko Jefete okulinga ngotyo? (a) When should parents begin to inculcate love for God's Word in their children? What helped Jephthah to do this? Inkha ukala apa pena onongangala, upondola okupula omunthu okuti: "Oñgeni mokola inkha wiiva onondaka ombu: " Ohi aiho pahe yapululukwa, yayovoka kovivi. However, the Scriptures place a great deal of responsibility on the husband, assigning him as "head of his wife. " - Eph. 5: 23; 1 Cor. 11: 3. If you live where there is a crime, you might ask the person: "How will you be if you hear these words: " The whole earth's end will be filled with bad results? Okuti ankho makuatesako omulume oo ondingavivi, ine makala konthele ya Jeova, iya aipaa ondyale oyo yovanthu va Jeova? What may have motivated Jephthah to react the way he did? Would he help that wicked man, or would he become Jehovah's enemy, and that enemy killed Jehovah's people? Ove kutavela okuti, "kese onthiki ina ovivi viayo "? - Mateus 6: 34. If you live in a region where peace is often disrupted, you might ask a person: "Could you ever imagine this as being the lead news story of the day: " The whole earth now rests, free of disturbance. 6: 34. Etyi kuatya, pahe Jesus ankho watutilale aende kelunga, otyo evetala. Either she could aid this wicked man or she could throw in her lot with Jehovah and strike a blow against this enemy of His people. When the next morning, Jesus was resurrected to life on the Sea, so he did not think about them. Satanasi uundapesa eongano liae opo atumine omautumini ovanthu. Would you not agree that "each day has enough of its own troubles "? - Matthew 6: 34. Satan uses his organization to rule mankind. 6: 15, 16 - Onondaka ombu mbupopia konthele ya Jeova Huku ine o Jesus Kristu? Now it was morning, and the resurrected Jesus stood on the beach, watching them. 6: 15, 16 - 16 - 16 refers to Jehovah God or Jesus Christ? Tyotyili, etavelo olio hepe ko tupu kalihuvisa. Satan uses his organization to control all human governments. Of course, such belief is not surprising. Okuhambukilwa Etyi Una, 1 / 12 6: 15, 16 - Do these words apply to Jehovah God or to Jesus Christ? " Be Courageous and Very Strong, " 6 / 15 Ihongolela omalusoke ange, nomahando, nomuenyo wange auho. " Of course, this belief is neither new nor surprising. It led me to my mind, my whole life, and my whole life. " Inkha ame vamonesa ononkhumbi, nonwe mavemumonesa ononkhumbi. " Sharing Living Accommodations, 2 / 15 If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you. " (Romanos 15: 4) Omaulo oo ekahi nokufuisuapo alekesa okuti ovitateka tuna hono apa katutu mavikapuako. It is the core of my thinking, goals, morals, and existence. " These prophecies show that we have problems today that will soon end. Tyina wesukisa onondonga, vekupopila noluembia. If they have persecuted me, they will persecute you also. " When you need advice, they kindly tell you. Ovakai ovanyingi Ovakristau, vena ehambu mokonda kumwe novalume vavo valinga ononkhono mbokulandula onondonga Mbombimbiliya motyinepo. The fulfillment of such prophecies means that the troubles we now face will soon end. Many Christian wives are happy because their husbands work hard to apply Bible principles in their marriage. Pamwe tuviukiswa mokupewa onondonga ine okuviyulwa. When you need counsel, they offer it in love. Sometimes we follow counsel or discipline. Omokonda yatyi tyakolela okunoñgonoka omakumbululo omapulo oo? Millions of Christian women are happy because they and their husbands together endeavor to apply Bible principles in their marriage. Why is it important to know the answers to these questions? Oñgeni Jeova atala ovilinga viovakuendye vemuumbila? Some discipline may come our way in the form of instruction or correction. How does Jehovah view the responsibilities of older men? Oe wanyingila movilinga viomuvo auho. Why is it important to know the answers to those personal questions? He entered the full - time ministry. Okusokolola tyilekesa okusoka unene kotyipuka tyimwe. How does Jehovah view the service of his young Witnesses? Reflecting on some of the facts may help us to think deeply about something. Omononkhalelo patyi tupondola okutambula nawa ovaenda? He had become a full - time minister of God's Word. In what ways can we be hospitable? Una Owoma no Vokuankhia? To meditate means to focus your thoughts and to reflect on or ponder over something, be it good or bad. Who Is Fear the Dead? Jeova Huku yove mekuyambe ngetyi ekulaa. " What are some ways that we can be hospitable? Jehovah your God will bless you as you have grown up. " 27 "Panda Ovalume Ovo " Do You Fear the Dead? 27 "Imitate Their men " Otyitateka otyikuavo opuetyi kuehimbika ouvela utiwa gripe espanhola. For Jehovah your God will bless you just as he has promised you. " Another challenge was when he began to suffer a debilitating illness. Pamue tyesukisa okumuavela eviyulo noluembia. 3 "Keep Holding Men of That Sort Dear " At times, it may be necessary to give counsel and discipline. Ondaka yo Gregu Paulu aundapesa ilekesa "oluembia pokati kovanthu velikuai. " A second challenge that same year was the start of the Spanish flu. The Greek word Paul used here refers to "the love of the brothers. " Okuti Otyo Tyotyili Onkhali? Loving discipline may be required. Is Sin Really Possible? (Gênesis 12: 1 - 3, 7; 13: 14 - 17; 15: 5, 18; 21: 12) Jeova walolele Abraiau etyi emutuma aipae omona wae onthyolwa. The original Greek word Paul used literally means "affection for a brother. " Jehovah answered Abraham when he sent his beloved Son. 6, 7. Is This Really Sinful? 6, 7. (Gálatas 3: 29) Ngotyo, omphango omphe ilekesa okuti omphango Huku alingile na Abraiau maikafuiswapo. Then Jehovah put Abraham to a severe test, commanding him to offer up his beloved son. Thus, the new covenant shows that God's covenant with Abraham will be fulfilled. ● Tyina ovana ovatutu ovohe vesukisa okuvelongesa etyi vei konthele ya Huku. 6, 7. ● When children are young, parents need to teach their children what they know about God. Ombimbiliya ikumbulula okuti: "Etyi ovakulu vae vetyimona okuti tate yavo uhole vali Jose tyipona ovakulu vae aveho, avahimbika okumuyala, iya ankho kavapopi vali nae nombembwa. " The new covenant thus reinforces the Abrahamic covenant. The Bible answers: "When his brothers saw that their father loved Joseph more than all his brothers, they threw him into peace. " Mokonda onotestu ombo ononthatu mbupopia otyili, mbuna esilivilo hono ngopuetyi mbahonekwa, iya mbupondola okukuatesako ovanthu mononkhalelo ononyingi. ● While the children are young, parents should pass on their own beliefs about God. Since these three scriptures describe the truth today, they are practical today, and they can help people in various ways. (João 10: 16) Moluotyo, konyima yenima 1935, ovilinga viokuivisa viahimbika okuongiya " otyinyingi otyinene, ' tya vana apostolu João amuene memonekelo, no ñgeni mavakahupa " kononkhumbi ononene. ' - Revelação [Apocalipse] 7: 9, 10, 14. The Bible answers: "When his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers, they began to hate him, and they could not speak peaceably to him. " Thus, in the mid - 1930 ' s, the preaching work began to gather the "great crowd " of those who would survive" the great tribulation. " - Rev. 7: 9, 14. Otyo tyapopia omukainthu umwe una omanima 13 etyi apewa ombuneka yotyimbwa. Finally, because the three verses are set out as basic truths, they are timeless and have a very broad application. This is the case with a 12 - year - old girl, who has been given her a cure. Omonkhalelo patyi Onombangi mba Jeova vapondola okuihanwa okuti onongendi? Hence, after 1935 the thrust of the preaching work turned to the gathering of "a great crowd, " those whom the apostle John saw in vision and who would survive" the great tribulation. " - Rev. 7: 9, 10, 14. In what way can Jehovah's Witnesses be called temporary residents? Oñgeni matukala tyina tuamaviyulwa na Jeova? That is how one 13 - year - old girl felt when she received a pet dog as a gift. How can we respond when we heed Jehovah's discipline? (Tanga Lucas 14: 27 - 30.) In what sense can Jehovah's Witnesses be called aliens? (Read Luke 14: 27 - 30.) Tupu omuuli Daniele wali nemonekelo lia Jeova, muna amuene "ovityita novityita viomakwi [ono andyu] vekahi lutai kolupala lwa [Jeova]. " How should we respond to his discipline? Also, the prophet Daniel had a vision of Jehovah's vision, which is described by "a number of thousands of thousand [Jehovah] stood before [Jehovah] before [Jehovah]. " Omphange umwe ukala ko Àfrica do Sul utiwa o Elaine uhinangela oñgeni ankho ovohe vemuviyula. (Read Luke 14: 27 - 30.) A sister in South Korea remembers how her parents treated him. Otyo, tyilekesa okuti wesukisa okulipongiya pala okukoleleya ononkhumbi, ine pamue okuyalwa, alo umue okuipawa mokonda yokulandula Kristu. The prophet Daniel too had a vision of Jehovah, in which he saw "ten thousand times ten thousand [angelic creatures] that kept standing right before [Jehovah]. " This means that you need to prepare to face persecution, persecution, or even death because of following Christ. Tupu, inkha tutala okuti tuna eyembelo liokulinga onkhali, tuna okulinga liwa tyimwe, tyina nkhele "[Satanasi] ehenetukuate nomuenyo pala okulinga ehando liae. " (2 Tim. " My parents were consistent in giving discipline, " says Elaine, a sister in South Africa. Similarly, if we see that we have a tendency to sin quickly, we must do what is right before "Satan [Satan] does not live in harmony with his will. " Mahi, munthele yetu muakutikinya ou tuelinepa nae, ovakuatate vetu no nomphange vomewaneno, novanthu tuvasa movilinga viokuivisa. And he must "continually follow " Jesus, conforming to His pattern of life. However, our marriage mate includes our brothers and sisters in the field ministry. (Tala pana pati OMALONGESO OMBIMBILIYA > OMAPULO OMBIMBILIYA AKUMBULULWA) As soon as we discover such leanings, it would be wise for us to take immediate action - before we are "caught alive by [Satan] to do his will. " (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) (Revelação 19: 13) Moluotyo, Jesus oe vala upondola okuholololela vakuavo Tate. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) Hence, Jesus is the only one who can reveal the Father to others. Hamue omunthu oo, tyilityili ukahi nokuovola ongeleya yotyotyili. Therefore, Jesus was in a unique position to reveal the Father to others. Such a person really is seeking the true religion. Wati: "Mongeleka, naholovona okulilongesa o Ingelesi. That person may be searching in all sincerity for religious truth. " Shepherd, " he said, "I decided to learn English. Anthi oe wahoneka okuti: "Inkha omulume umwe wovola otyilinga tyomukulu wewaneno, uhanda ovilinga oviwa. " When I left school, I chose part - time work teaching English so that I could pioneer. Rather, he wrote: "If a man search for an elder, he wants to do fine works. " Etyi Jesus ankho etyii okuti maipawa, waitile ku Tate yae okuti: "Aba, Tate, ovipuka aviho uvivila, mphole okopo ei. Instead, he wrote: "If any man is reaching out for an office of overseer, he is desirous of a fine work. " When Jesus knew that he would die, he asked his Father: "Do all things, O Father, take him out of him and throw it away from him. Omokonda yatyi tuesukisa okulunguka tyina tuhangununa ovihonekwa? Imagine how Jesus ' disciples must have felt when they heard, or later learned about, one of his final prayers as a human: "Abba, Father, all things are possible for you; remove this cup from me. Why should we be careful when we explain the Scriptures? Kohale omulume wange wali omukulu weuaneno, mahi konyima elipake movitanda vihaviukile. What care should we exercise when explaining scriptures? In the past, my husband was an elder, but later he later joined a business. YUMBA ONTHUMBI MU JEOVA HONO " Yet, my husband served as an elder before he got involved in some unwise business arrangements. IN JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Mbambavo tualako nokutanga. What counsel did Paul and Peter provide? Please keep reading. (Mateus 13: 22) Jesus wetyiyandyululile nawa etyi ati "nawike " upondola okukala omupika wa Huku no womalumono. - Mateus 6: 24. Please read on. Jesus made this clear when he said that "no one can become a slave of God and of riches. - Matthew 6: 24. Omapulo patyi una okulilinga putyina ulilongesa elikuambelo lia Jesus? David was cut to the heart and accepted counsel. What questions might you ask yourself when you study Jesus ' prayer? Tuahambukwa okukala ovanthu vemutavela nokuihanwa enyina liae. Jesus made it clear that "no one " can successfully serve both God and riches. - Matt. 6: 24. We are happy to see people obey and sanctify his name. Omonkhalelo patyi yakolela owongo wovanthu welikalela no wovinyama? What questions could you ask yourself as you study the model prayer? In what important way is human brain unique? Tala onthele "Enfrentamos uma horrível tragédia " mo Despertai! We are proud to bear his name and to be his obedient name people. See the article "The Bible Changes Lives " in Awake! Ame, pahe nemueta ku Jeova. In what important way do humans differ from animals? I now have brought back to Jehovah. Omuhongi kaundapesa vala omeva opo apolemo oumanya, mahi tupu opo etyivile okuhonga ombiya ahanda, alo umwe ombiya imwe ongwa. See the article "Coping With an Unspeakable Tragedy, " in Awake! A potter does not use water to remove the water, but he also needs a water, even a beautiful rock. Mahi, ku Carlo na Mia, ehambu liavo liatepuluka etyi vapopilwa okuti omona wavo una ouvela ine walemana. I, in turn, now lend him to Jehovah. However, you may have had no joy when they were told that their son or daughter had been sick. Nongotyo, ame ndyihinangela otyikando tyotete napita movilinga viokuivisa umbo na umbo. Note that water is used both in cleansing the clay of impurities and in giving it the right consistency and pliancy for it to be made into a vessel, even a delicate one. Still, I remember first in the house - to - house ministry. Omokonda yatyi otyiwa okulipongiya konthele yetyi matulingi tyina nkhele tuhenelolwe? For parents like Carlo and Mia, however, joy becomes mingled with anxiety when they are told that their child is sick or disabled. Why is it good for us to prepare for what we will do before we are tested? * I still remember the first time I went preaching from house to house. * (1 Pedro 3: 1 - 5) Ovio ovituwa atuho tupondola okuovola okukala navio. Why is it unwise to wait until something worthless confronts us before we decide what to do? All of us can seek to be like that. Okuti pomuvo opo ovakuatate vamwe vayekelepo okukala ovakuatyili mokonda kavetyivilile okukoleleya mononkhumbi iya Jeova eveyale? * Did some of the brothers lose their loyalty because they were not able to endure persecution and Jehovah will not forgive them? 9, 10. That is a kind of beauty that all of us can cultivate. 9, 10. (Ezequiel 33: 11) Monthele ino, matupopi oviponga vitatu. Did some of our brothers during that time compromise their Christian neutrality and lose Jehovah's favor? In this article, we will discuss three dangers. Tupu, omutima wetu omukengeleli upondola okutuhindila okuhetavela Jeova. (Jer. 9, 10. Similarly, our heart can cause us to disobey Jehovah. Omukai apopi okuti ankho uhanda okuliyendya, iya pahe ankho ukahi nokuhonekela omukanda omulume wae, puetyi Kenneth emulikalela kotelefone. In this article, we will discuss three negative influences. She said that she wanted to communicate with me, and now she wrote a letter to her husband, Kenneth. Omulao patyi wakolela vali omukristau apondola okulinga? Moreover, our own " treacherous heart ' could interfere with how well we respond to Jehovah's directives. What is the most important promise that a Christian can do? (Salmo 19: 7) Tupu, inkha tuyumba onthumbi Mombimbiliya, oyo ipondola okutukuatesako okukala nekolelo liapama. The woman explained that she had planned to kill herself that very afternoon, and she was writing a suicide note to her husband when Kenneth's phone call stopped her. Also, if we trust in the Bible, it can help us to have strong faith. Alo umwe Jesus watalele ovipuka vimwe. What is the most important vow that a Christian can make? Even Jesus did some things. Olie Maende Keulu? In addition, once we gain confidence in the Bible, it can help us as no other book can in taking the next step toward having stronger faith. Who Has Go in Heaven? Nafuapo pala okulinga atyiho ndyivila opo ndyitualeko okukala omukuatyili ku Jeova? ' Even Jesus had such things thrust upon him. Am I willing to do whatever I can to remain loyal to Jehovah? ' Mahi, otyipuka otyo Jairo alinga, tyalekesa okuti weiva etyi tate apopia. " Making All Things New, ' 12 / 1 However, Jairo's reaction showed that he heard what my father said. Okuti wesukisa okulivela mokonda yomulao oo walinga wakolela unene? At that time, we will be the only ones following the example of the ancient prophet Daniel by continuing to worship our God no matter what. - Dan. Should you regret the promise you made? Tuna okukala nonthumbi yokuti Jeova metuevela iya Jesus wankhia pala ouwa wetu. But that reaction showed that Jairo understood what Father had said. We can be sure that Jehovah will forgive us and that Jesus died for us. Ombimbiliya yati: "Jeova ukahi popepi novanthu aveho vemuihana. Should you regret making such a serious promise? The Bible says: "Jehovah is near to all those calling on him. Owato Noe atungile, wali omunene unene. We can trust that Jehovah forgives completely and that Jesus ' ransom sacrifice applies to us personally. The ark that Noah built was a great honor. Ngetyi epanda likuta owato opo ihaye kokule, ovitateka vietu vipondola okutusoyesa. Praying really helps. " Just as the head of a boat is near, our problems may discourage us. Jeova Kamayekepo Vana Vemuyumba Onthumbi An Example to Imitate Jehovah will not allow those who trust in him to trust him Okuti Ukahi Nokulekesa Omunkhima wa Jeová? And like an anchor that prevents a boat from moving, anxiety can make us feel weighed down or discouraged. Are You worthy of Jehovah's glory? Okukala Ondalawa Novanthu Aveho Tyieta Ouwa Jehovah Will Not Leave His Loyal Ones The Power of All Comfort Paulu wapopila Ovakristau ovalembulwa okuti: "Ame nkhuatwa ya Tatekulu, ndyimuita unene okuti endei nawa motyilinga muaihanenwa. " Do Not Look at "the Things Behind, " 3 / 15 Paul told anointed Christians: "I am exhorting you to follow the Lord's steps closely. " (Mateus 22: 35 - 40) Ohole itukuatesako okukala novituwa ovikuavo vihambukisua Huku. The Papyrus Rylands 457 (P), a fragment of the Gospel of John dated to the second century C.E., was written only a few decades after the original Love helps us to develop qualities that please God. Ngetyi omona esukisa okulilongesila ko vohe nokuhetekela ongeleka yavo ongwa, onthue tuesukisa okulilongesa nokuhetekela vana vali noupanga wapama na Jeova. Being Gentle Toward All Brings Good Results Just as a child needs to learn from his parents and imitate their example, we need to learn to imitate those who have a close relationship with Jehovah. Okuti uhole okuovola onongeleka mbuhipululwa momikanda vietu, mba vana vapita movitateka ngevi ove ukahi nokumona? Paul told anointed Christians: "I, the prisoner in the Lord, appeal to you to walk worthily of the calling with which you were called. " Have you ever tried to find examples of our publications, such as those of whom you are experiencing? Pahe ankho Maliya upondola okusoka komaulo aeho konthele yomona wae, iya ankho utyii okuti maihanwa okuti "Omona wo Mukulami. " Love helps us to have many other qualities that please God. Now Mary could think about all the prophecies about her son, and she knew that she would be called "the Most High of the Most High. " " Tuakala oviyaya viouye, esilo liovipuka aviho, alo pahe. " - 1 Coríntios 4: 11 - 13. Just as a child needs to learn from his parents and imitate their good example, we need to learn from and imitate those who have a close relationship with Jehovah. 4: 11 - 13. Jesus alingila omphango Youhamba. Have you searched for life experiences that have been published, looking for accounts of those who have gone through something similar to what you face? Jesus made a covenant with the Kingdom. (Mateus 7: 12) Mahi, kuna ehunga liakolela vali lilekesa omokonda yatyi tuesukisila okuevela. After all, Mary must have meditated on all the prophecies about her son, and she knew that he would be called "Son of the Most High. " But there is more reason for forgiveness. Outatu ukola ankho ulongeswa unene monongeleya mbo Mbambilonia. " We have become as the refuse of the world, the offscouring of all things, until now. " - 1 Cor. It was of great value to the religious leaders of Babylon the Great. Ombimbiliya ilekesa okuti otyiwa okutualako notyinepo, namphila omunthu welinepa nae kafende Jeova. the Kingdom covenant. The Bible shows that it is good to maintain a marriage, even if a mate does not worship Jehovah. Pomuvo opo, omuuli Semaías apopila Roboau novakuatesiko vae onondaka mba Huku, mbati: "Mokonda muandyekapo, naame mandyimuyekela pomaoko a Sisaque. " There is, however, a far more important reason for us to be forgiving. At that time, the prophet Shem told Rehoboam and his fellow men: "For this I leave you, I will give you up in his hand. " (Neemias 13: 23 - 26) Jeova utyii okuti etyi etupopila tyituetela ouwa, otyo atumina Ovakristau vanepe vala mu Tatekulu. The religious triad, or trinity, was a prominent feature of worship in Babylon. Jehovah knows that what he tells us will benefit, that is, Christians who marry only in the Lord. Mokonda, Huku utyii okuti onthiki muliako omaiho enyi maaikuka, iya amukala nga Huku, okunoñgonoka otyiwa notyivi. " - Gênesis 2: 16, 17; 3: 4, 5. The Bible shows that there are good reasons for a couple to stay together even when one of the mates does not worship Jehovah. For God knows that in the day you eat from it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and bad. " - Genesis 2: 16, 17; 3: 4, 5. Palambale omanima 30, iya Morena nkhele ukahi movilinga ovio. At this point, the prophet Shemaiah gave Rehoboam and his princes this message from God: "You have abandoned me, so I have also abandoned you to the hand of Shishak. " Some 30 years have passed, and crime still serve as a full - time minister. Ovihonekwa vio Hebreu vipopia onkhalelo oyo yokulinga onowato mu Gênesis 6: 14. Jehovah knows that his reminders are good for us, and that is why he has directed Christians to marry only in the Lord. The Hebrew Scriptures refer to this method of making known Genesis 6: 14. Ngotyo, ankho nawike omu Isilayeli usukisa okuluvelela. - Deuteronômio 15: 1 - 14; Levítico 23: 22. " For God knows that in the very day of your eating from it your eyes are bound to be opened and you are bound to be like God, knowing good and bad. " - Genesis 2: 16, 17; 3: 4, 5. 15: 1 - 14; Lev. 23: 22. Ovanthu ovanyingi vaipaelwe. That was 30 years ago, and Morena is still in full - time service. Many people were killed. Ovola okuhinangela okuti Jesus kanumanene novalongwa vae, na tyina ankho valinga oviponyo. The Hebrew Scriptures make reference to a similar technique at Genesis 6: 14. Seek that Jesus did not get angry with his disciples when they made mistakes. Head wo Universidade yo Cambridge wahoneka okuti: "Ovihonekwa ovio vilekesa ono testu mbahonekwa nono letela ononene [ovihonekwa vio no letela ononene, viahonekwa okupolelela motyita tyakuana] iya tyakuatesako okuhoneka omikanda omikuavo hono. Thus, no Israelite would have to beg. - Deuteronomy 15: 1 - 14; Leviticus 23: 22. " These scriptures have been written by the manuscripts of the great tribulation [the fourth century] and from the fourth century C.E. to the fourth century C.E., " wrote the Catholic Father of the Catholic Church. Pahe uyumba onthumbi momulao wa Jeova uvasiwa mu Mateus 6: 33, 34, iya ayawisako okuti: "Ndyina onthumbi yokuti Jeova manthekula! " Try to keep in mind that Jesus did not become upset with his disciples, even when they showed a measure of spiritual weakness. Now you trust in Jehovah's promise recorded at Matthew 6: 33, 34, and he added: "I trust in Jehovah! " Omuuli Isaia wapopia okuti "kononthiki mbahulilila " ovanthu vovilongo vielikalela maveliwaneka kumwe okufenda Jeova. Head, of Cambridge University, writes: "In general terms these manuscripts confirm the text of the great uncials [manuscripts written in large capitals that date from the fourth century on] which forms the basis of the modern critical editions. The prophet Isaiah foretold that during "the last days, " people from different nations would join in worshipping Jehovah. Ufuisapo Otyilinga Tyae Tyou Mesiya Now she trusts Jehovah's promise at Matthew 6: 33, 34 and says, "I know for sure that Jehovah will take care of me! " 18 Did You Know? Iya inkha tulinga onkhali onene, tupondola okukala nonthumbi yokuti Jeova metuevela inkha tyilityili tulivela nokutavela eviyulo liae nomutima weliola. The prophet Isaiah said that "in the final part of the days, " people from all nations would come together to worship Jehovah. And if we commit a serious sin, we can be sure that Jehovah will forgive us if we truly repent and accept his counsel. Jose akalia navo, mahi alingi ononkhono mbokuliholeka opo vehetyimone okuti wahambukwa unene okumona Benjamim. Completing His Role as the Messiah Joseph did not listen to them, but he tried to hide his excitement so that he could not see Benjamin. Ame ndyihole ava ndyilikuai navo John na Ron, tyina ndyiveivisa ankho ndyivekuluminya okutaveva omatavelo ange. I dearly love my brothers, John and Ron, and forcefully shared the truth with them. My love for me, John, and John when I preached to me, I did not pressure me to accept my beliefs. Etyi Moisesi apewa otyilinga tyokukala onkhalamutwe, kelipakeleko. Moses did not let authority go to his head. When Moses was given the responsibility to be the leader, he did not try to force himself. (Isaías 25: 8) Tupu Ondaka ya Huku yati, "omikanda viawingwa mavikaikulwa, " tyilekesa okuti vana mavakala nomuenyo pomuwo opo, mavakapewa onondonga onomphe. God's Word also says that "scrolls [will be] opened, " indicating that those living at that time will be given new information. Furthermore, God's Word also says that " scrolls will be opened, " indicating that those living in that time will be given new instructions. Mongeleka, omuhona wove upondola okukuita opo uundape vali momuvo upetuka, monthiki ulinga efendelo liombunga ine mononthiki uivisa ine okuenda komaliongiyo. For example, your employer may regularly ask you to work overtime on days that you already set aside for family worship, field service, and congregation meetings. For example, your employer may ask you to set aside more time for you to work at home for the rest of your family worship or to attend congregation meetings. Tyina nesukisa elondolo, ovakulu vewaneno vambatela. If I needed advice, the elders helped me. When I need counsel, the elders helped me. Mokonda omuvo wouye wovivi wa Satanasi ukahi nokupwa, kese nthiki tyalumbanesa unene okunyingila movilinga ovio Viouhamba wa Huku. Since time is running out for Satan's wicked world, entering these avenues of Kingdom service becomes more urgent every day. Because of Satan's wicked world, it is urgent to enter the Kingdom - preaching work every day. Nkhele tala, omphange utiwa o Lynn waimbuka okuti: "Okuyumba onthumbi mu Jeova tyihole okumphuilisa. " For example, a Christian sister named Lynn admits, "Learning to put my complete confidence in Jehovah has been an ongoing struggle for me. " For example, a sister named She noted: "A trust in Jehovah has made it difficult for me to succeed. " ETYI TULILONGESA TYITUNDA MOMBIMBILIYA WHAT ELSE WE LEARN FROM THE BIBLE IN THE BIBLE CHANGES LIVES (Tanga.) (Read.) (Read.) Omalondolo patyi tuvasa Mondaka ya Huku apondola okutukuatesako? What advice do we find in God's Word that can help us? What warnings do we find in God's Word? Jesus wati: "Muetyipewa otyali, nonwe tyavei otyali. " After all, Jesus said: "You received free, give free. " Jesus said: "You received free, give free. " Mongeleka, ove kupandula omunthu wekufetela - ko kosipitali ngwe ankho ove utupu onombongo mbokufeta? For example, how grateful you would be to someone who voluntarily paid for a lifesaving medical treatment that you could not afford! For example, would you thank a sick person who had no money at the hospital? (2 Samuel 12: 1 - 14) Oñgeni apostolu Paulu elitehelele etyi ankho ena okuavela onondonga Petulu, umwe pono apostolu 12, mokonda yonkhalelo ankho atala ova Judeu na vana vehe va Judeu? How did the apostle Paul feel when he had to counsel Peter, one of the 12 apostles, for treating Jewish Christians better than non - Jewish ones? How did the apostle Paul feel when he gave counsel to Peter, one of the 12 apostles because he viewed Jews and proselytes? (Eclesiastes 7: 16) Ovakulu vewaneno veliola omutima, kavasoko okuti ovanene vali kovakuatate vavo no nomphange. Rather, such shepherds "consider others superior " and conduct themselves as lesser ones. - Phil. Elders do not think that they are superior to their brothers and sisters. Mokutyitala, otyo otyili... In a sense, this is true... You may know, though, that the truth is truth... Ankho ekolelo nonthumbi vena mu Jeova. It was their faith and trust in Jehovah. They had faith in Jehovah. Ovanthu ovanyingi vombunga ya Lije vakala omanima omanyingi mo nonthanda mbokutilila. Most of Lije's family spent many years in United Nations refugee camps. Many of my family lived for years in a refugee camp. (Atos 7: 35) Vali, Huku waundapesa onoandyu opo mbuavele Moisesi Ovitumino vio kuhongolela ova Isilayeli. Second, God used angels to give Moses the Law in order to instruct the Israelites. Second, God used angels to give Moses the Law to the Israelites. Onthele oyo ankho ipopia otyinimawe tyimwe otyinene tyaendele ko Sumatra mo 2004. That section was about an earthquake in Sumatra in 2004 that caused the most destructive tsunamis ever recorded. This article described an earthquake that occurred in 2004. (1 Coríntios 4: 7) Omunthu wokueliola omutima ukala "omunene, " mokonda ukala omuumbili wa Jeova una esilivilo enene. The person who conducts himself as a lesser one is "great " in that he becomes more valuable as a servant of Jehovah. A humble person is "great " because he becomes a servant of Jehovah. 7 Omuenyo Una Esilivilo - Pahe Alo Apeho 7 A Meaningful Life - Now and Forever 7 Life Story - Now Ame ndyitavela okuti ove una ohole novanthu nohole na Huku una uhongolela ovanthu monondyila mbomuenyo. " I can only conclude that you have a love for your fellow man and for the God who guides him along the paths of life. " I believe that you love people and love God who guide people in life. " Konondaka ombo Tiagu wayawisako okuti: "Elikuambelo liomulume omuviuki, tyina liamalingwa nomutima auho, lina ononkhono ononene. " To those words, James added: "A righteous man's supplication, when it is at work, has much force. " In those words, James adds: "The prayer of a righteous man is righteous, when it is done with a complete heart. " Ovalongwa ovo vaholovonwa povanthu ovakuankhali iya avaihanwa okuti "ovo tete. " Those disciples have been chosen from among sinful humans and are called "firstfruits. " They were appointed as imperfect humans and called "the first place. " Pahe matutale oñgeni Huku aamena otyili namphila Satanasi aovola okutyihanyako. In part, these include facts about Jehovah's name, his sovereignty, Jesus ' ransom sacrifice, the resurrection, and the Kingdom. Let us now consider how God protected the truth despite Satan's attempts to destroy it. Vana vekahi na Huku ngatyina ovaenda vae, vayakulilwa kovipuka aviho no kovanthu aveho vahanda okunyona ekolelo liavo nohole yavo na Huku. In it, those who lodge with God as his guests are safe from anything and anyone that threatens their faith and their love for God. Those who have God's dealings with his servants have been protected from all kinds of people who want to destroy their faith and love God. Jesus wati: "Momutima, omo mutunda omalusoke omavi, okuipaa, nomaumbalehi, nomaundalelapo. " - Mateus 15: 19. Jesus said: "Out of the heart come wicked reasonings, murders, adulteries, sexual immorality. " - Matt. 15: 19. Jesus said: "Out of the heart come wicked reasonings, murders, murders, sexual immorality. " - Matthew 15: 19. (Mateus 27: 12 - 14) Jesus kapopile omapita onondyale mbae. - Romanos 12: 17 - 21; 1 Pedro 2: 23. 12: 17 - 21; 1 Pet. 2: 23. Jesus did not insult his enemies. - Romans 12: 17 - 21; 1 Peter 2: 23. 5, 6. (a) Oityi Jesus alongesa konthele yokukala nehambu nepamo? 5, 6. (a) What did Jesus teach about happiness and security? 5, 6. (a) What did Jesus teach about happiness and security? Mokonda ovaumbili va Huku vetyii okuti okuhetekela ovituwa via Jeova tyakolela vali tyipona ondiamandi, nopalata, nomalumono. Because God's servants know that imitating Jehovah's qualities is more precious to him than diamonds, gold, or other material things. Because servants of God know that imitating Jehovah's qualities are more important than material things, material things are more important than material things. Mahi okulinga ngotyo tyikuetela ouwa: Uliyumba onthumbi, oupanga wove na Jeova upama iya vana vekuhole vakala nonthilo nove. " But you always get outstanding benefits: You gain confidence, you feel closer to Jehovah, and you earn the respect of those who love you. " But doing so will make you succeed: Do not lean upon your relationship with Jehovah and strengthen those who love you. " Huku alingila omphango Yovitumino. the Law covenant. God's Law covenant. Oñgeni olusoke lwa Jeova konthele yomalumono luelikalela no luomouye? How does Jehovah's view of money differ from the world's? How is Jehovah's view of material things different from the world? Oe uhanda tuyekepo okuivisa onondaka onongwa. (Revelação 12: 17) Oe uhanda tupeselele omuvo wetu movipuka viyapula ovanthu va Jeova ine vieta ovilwa. To that end, he tries to get us to pursue activities that waste time or that cause division among us. He wants us to stop preaching the good news. Ngotyo, ukahi nokutuyakulila opo tukakaleko apeho. He thus protects our eternal future. Thus, he has protected us so that we can live forever. Jeova ankho wanoñgonoka nawa onongembia mba David netyi ankho eivite tyimulilisa. Jehovah was aware of David's pain and remembered what David went through emotionally that caused his tears. Jehovah was keenly aware of David's pain and guilt. Jesus ankho ukahi nokusoka kotyilinga tyakolela pala ovalongwa vae. Jesus had in mind a special assignment for his disciples. Jesus was thinking about how important it was for his disciples. [ Olutalatu pefo 9] [ Picture on page 5] [ Picture on page 9] Oityi upondola okulinga opo ulityilike okulinga ngotyo? To some extent, this is also true of reading. What can you do to avoid this? Kutupu he una oluembia uhanda okunyona omona wae. No caring parent wants to harm a child. There is no loving parent who wants to harm his child. Tyotyili, Huku una ounongo, nehando, nepondolo liokunyimako ononkhumbi ambuho, nokuyovola ovanthu memone litundilila kovinimawe, novipepe ovinene, nombila. As a matter of fact, Jehovah God has the means, the desire, and the power to end all suffering and to bring relief from the effects of natural disasters. Yes, God has the ability, the power and the power to eliminate all suffering and save mankind from natural disasters. Katupondola okuti "" enga, ' tupu atuti " au. ' " (2 Cor. We should never find ourselves saying, as it were, "" yes ' and yet " no. ' " We cannot say, " yes, ' we say, " No. ' " Ovovana ankho " vankhia moviponyo no mononkhali mbavo, ' ine vana ankho vankhia mopamphepo, puetyi nkhele veheneive onondaka onongwa. These were ones who were " dead in their trespasses and sins, ' or who were spiritually dead, before they heard the good news. Those "who died in their sins " were" sinners, " or those who died before they had not seen the good news. Mandyipopi oñgeni enamo nepameko viakalesa omuenyo wange. Let me explain how strength and weakness have shaped my life. Let me explain how he has found comfort and encouragement in my life. Oñgeni Jeova elitehelela netyi Moisesi alingile? How did Jehovah react to what Moses did? How did Jehovah feel about what Moses did? (2 Coríntios 13: 5) Lipula okuti: " Nkhele ndyina ombili onene mospilitu? Ask yourself: " Am I still aglow with the spirit? Ask yourself: " Am I still aglow with the spirit? 1, 2. 1, 2. 1, 2. Tyotyili, nalumwe matukanoñgonoka atyiho konthele ya Huku. Of course, we will never know everything about God. Yes, we will never know all the details about God. Linga Omatokolo Omawa Opo Wamene Epingo Liove Wapeua na Huku (See paragraph 11) " Do what is good " is" cling to what is good. " - ROM. (Tala ono palagrafu 10, 11) That is why Paul gave this warning: "I am afraid that somehow, as the serpent seduced Eve by its cunning, your minds might be corrupted away from the sincerity and the chastity that are due the Christ. " - 2 Corinthians 11: 3. (See paragraph 11) (1 Coríntios 10: 12) Otyo Paulu evelondolela okuti: "Ndyina owoma wokuti ngetyi onyoka yayondya Eva neliva liayo, omitima vienyi vipondola okuyondyua, amuyapuka koukuatyili nousukuki watuka ku Kristu. " - 2 Coríntios 11: 3. What great act of love has Jehovah performed in behalf of sinners? That is why Paul exhorted them: "I am afraid that as a serpent takes away from Eve's mouth, that your hearts may be led astray by the fear of Christ. " - 2 Cor. 11: 3. Oipi onkhalelo Huku alekesa oluembia lwae olunene? Train new ones to love and serve their brothers (See paragraphs 13, 14) What is God's great love? Longesa ovape opo vakale nohole novakuatate nokuvekuatesako (Tala ono palagrafu 13, 14) He was a dutiful son and brother. Train new ones to love their brothers and help them (See paragraphs 13, 14) Jesus ankho utavela kovohe no konondenge mbae. If possible, return what is borrowed to the lender personally so that you can thank him yourself. Jesus obeyed his parents and his brothers. (Jeremias 32: 9, 10) Inkha tyitavela, kondola onombongo ove muene opo upandule hekulu yonombongo. Dignity in worship, then, involves honor and respect. If it is possible, it may be easier for you to give up money so that you can pay it to the owner of money. Opo tuhumbwe, nonthue tuna okukala nonthilo. Why can we be sure that Jesus will comfort us? To be healthy, we must show respect for it. Omokonda yatyi tupondola okukala nonthumbi yokuti Jesus metukuatesako? That sign would mark "the conclusion of the system of things " and lead to the time when" the end will come. " Why can we be sure that Jesus will help us? Enyingilikilo olio, malilekesa okuti "onthyulilo youye " ili popepi. He showed self - sacrificing love by willingly laying down his life for us. It will prove that the end of "the conclusion of the system of things " is near. Walekesa ohole onene etyi aava omuenyo wae opo etuyovole. We can be sure that it is satisfying work. He showed great love by giving his life in behalf of us. Onthue tupondola okukala nonthumbi yokuti ovio ovilinga vihambukiswa. (Read 2 Peter 2: 5.) We can be sure that this work is exciting. (Tanga 2 Pedro 2: 5.) Self - help books abound on how to outsmart others to gain prestige or to become rich. (Read 2 Peter 2: 5.) Omikanda viokuava onondonga vihongiliya unene ovanthu oñgeni mavakala nomunkhima ine okukala ovahona. Not everyone who drinks excessively becomes an alcoholic. Modern - day missionaries have a powerful influence on how people will gain prominence or become rich. Ha aveho vanwa vakala ononkholwa. The apostle Paul reminded Christians in Rome that they "were once the slaves of sin " but had become" slaves to righteousness. " Not all are drinking. Apostolu Paulu wahinangelesile Ovakristau mo Roma okuti vali "ovapika vonkhali " mahi pahe vakala" ovapika vouviuki. " • On what basis will those who will live forever on earth be judged? The apostle Paul reminded Christians in Rome that "the temporary residents " would become" slaves of righteousness. " • Vana mavakakalako apeho mavakoyeswa mokonda tyatyi? When Jesus began his inspection, what did he find? • Those who will live forever because of what will be judged? Etyi Jesus ahimbika okutala nawa, oityi avasile? THE Biblical account about rebellion in the garden of Eden is well - known. When Jesus began to look at them, what did he find? EHIPULULO Liombimbiliya konthele youmphuki wapita motyikunino tyo Endene liiwe nawa. As you consider the following five identifying marks of true Christianity, ask yourself: " Do my conduct and teachings clearly harmonize with God's Word? HISTORY about the rebellion in the garden of Eden. Tyina ulilongesa konthele yomanyingilikilo etano Ovakristau vo tyotyili, lipula ove muene okuti: " Okuti ovituwa viange netyi ndyilongesa, vielikuata nawa Nondaka ya Huku? Are we showing love for others? When you learn about five true Christians, ask yourself: " Do my conduct and what I teach from God's Word? Okuti tukahi nokulekesa okuti tuhole vakuetu? For our prayers to be favorably heard by God, we should also comply with certain requirements. Are we showing love for our neighbor? Opo Huku atehelele nawa omalikuambelo etu, tupu tuna ovitumino tuesukisa okufuisapo. These "inclined his heart to follow other gods; and his heart did not prove to be complete with Jehovah. " To pay attention to our prayers, we also need to pay attention to Bible principles. Ovakai ovo "avemuhindila okulandula ono huku ononkhuavo. As we zealously carry out our ministry, Jehovah blesses our work. These women "continued to follow other gods. " 90: 17) Tyina tuundapa nombili movilinga viokuivisa, Jeova uyamba ovilinga vietu. (Pro. They believe, however, that there are sincere people in all religions and that God sees them and accepts them as his worshippers on earth. When we work diligently in the ministry, Jehovah blesses our ministry. Vamwe vapopia okuti Huku kapande onongeleya ombo mokonda kavalongesa otyili konthele ya Huku, iya valinga ovipuka ovivi. What is the lesson for us? Some say that God does not approve of such false religion because they do not teach the truth about God and do bad things. Oityi tyitulongesa? Similarly, Phil states: "You see how Jehovah is able to change people who were unsuccessful when they tried to change on their own. " What can we learn from this account? Omukokoli - ndyila umwe utiwa o Lisa wapopia okuti povilinga viae, ovanthu vena onkhi navakuavo iya valinga atyiho vevila opo vakale komutwe wavakuavo. What continues to be necessary for God's people to enter into his rest? A pioneer named Lisa says that as a pioneer, people are jealous of others, and they do all they can to help others. Oityi ovanthu va Huku hono vesukisa okulinga opo vanyingile mepululukwo liae? So we find ourselves back at our starting point. What must God's people do now to enter into his rest? Ngotyo okupolela konyima tuavasa apa matuhimbikila. In fact, he wrote: "I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and handed himself over for me. " So after we arrived, we left the door. Wahoneka okuti: "Ndyikahiko mokonda yekolelo Momona wa Huku, una unthyole iya welipakula pala ame. " He and his father were returning home from the field service when their path took them across a stream. A heavy downpour that morning had caused the brook to flood. He wrote: "I am in faith by means of God's Son, who loved me and handed me over for me. " Nthiki imwe vaile na he movilinga viokuivisa, pokukondoka keumbo ankho vena okuyauka omulola weyula omeva, mokonda komuhuka ombila yaloka unene iya ondongi yaeta. In a touching psalm, David answers: "With my voice I call to Jehovah for help; with my voice I plead with Jehovah for favor. On one occasion, he and his father came home home home in the morning because the flood came across the Euphrates River and stuck to the flood of the river River. Mo salmu imwe David wakumbulula okuti: "Nondaka yange nahimbika okuliyavela okuita ombatelo ku Jeova. The calendar commonly used in many parts of the world is based on the year when Jesus is thought to have been born. In one psalm, David answered: "My Word started to cry for help. ▪ Ovikalendaliu vimwe movilongo ovinyingi vihimbikila menima vati omo Jesus atyitwa. When this Son later came to the earth as the man Jesus, he was eager to teach the truth about his Father. ▪ In many lands, it has been said that the birth of Jesus is born. Etyi Omona oo, Jesus eya pano pohi, ankho uhanda unene okulongesa otyili konthele ya Tate yae. • How is Jesus "a light of the nations "? When this Son came to earth, Jesus was eager to teach the truth about his Father. • Oñgeni Jesus oe "otyitei tyomalongo "? (a) What is one of the greatest blessings of free will? • How is Jesus "the light of the nations "? (a) Omphitilo patyi onene tuna? Jesus explained: "The helper, the holy spirit, which the Father will send in my name, that one will teach you all things. " (a) What opportunity do we have? Jesus wahangununa: "Omuvateli, ospilitu sandu, Tate matumikisa menyina liange, maimulongesa ovipuka aviho. " As imperfect humans, we feel discouraged from time to time. Jesus explained: "The true God, the holy spirit, will send me in my name, and the Father will teach you all things. " Mokonda tuvakuankhali, pamwe tupondola okusoya. She says: "In the morning all of us were rushing out the door to get to work or school. Because we are imperfect, sometimes we may feel discouraged. Wati: "Komuhuka atuho tuenda kovilinga ine kosikola. Malachi 3: 6 says: "I am Jehovah; I do not change. " He said: "All of us go at work or at school. 106: 1; 112: 9; 117: 2) Malaquias 3: 6 yati: "Ame Jeova, hapilulukile. " • How can a courting couple prepare for the challenges of marriage? 106: 6 says: "I am Jehovah; I do not change. " • Oñgeni vana velihanda velipongiya pala ovitateka maviya komutwe? (Read John 11: 32 - 35.) • How can young ones prepare for the future? (Tanga João 11: 32 - 35.) How can she arouse his curiosity about the Bible while at the same time respect his feelings and opinions? (Read John 11: 32 - 35.) Oñgeni apondola okukuatesako omulume wae okusuka Nombimbiliya mahi tupu akala nonthilo nomalusoke ae? Tim: That's what I figured. How can a husband help his husband to be interested in the Bible but also respect his thinking? Tim: Naame otyo nasoka. Soon, Jesus will use his power as King to put an end to all suffering and those who cause it. Tim: I feel that way. Apa katutu, Ohamba Jesus makaundapesa ounene wae opo amaneko ononkhumbi ambuho na vana vembueta. It is good to take time during the Memorial season to examine our clothes, movies, and music, as well as what is on our computer, cell phone, or tablet. Soon, Jesus will use his power to eliminate all human suffering. Mokueenda Kuehinangelo otyiwa tupole omuvo wokutala nawa omuvalo wetu, nono vidiu, noviimbo, nokutala nawa ovipuka vikahi mokomputadole yetu, no motelefone ine omo tablet. Those two qualities - humility and mercy - go hand in hand. During the Memorial season, it is good to make sure that our dress, music, music, and video games are on the Internet. (Salmo 86: 5) Ovituwa ovio vivali, okuliola omutima nokankhenda, viendela kumwe. It is not easy to make changes, but God's spirit will help those who want to please him These two qualities are humility and mercy. Katyapepukile okulinga omapiluluko, mahi ospilitu ya Huku ikuatesako vana vahanda okumuhambukiswa However, a number of publishers have lost some of the joy they once had. It is not easy to make changes, but God's spirit helps those who want to please him Mahi, ovaivisi ovanyingi tyipondola pahe vetupu vali ehambu ankho venalio kohale. How is it possible for us to comfort others? However, many publishers have lost their joy in the past. Tupondola okupameka vakuetu mokonda yatyi? (Read Ephesians 4: 26, 27, 31, 32.) Why can we encourage others? (Tanga Efésios 4: 26, 27, 31, 32.) To exercise faith in the Son, we must obey Jesus. (Read Ephesians 4: 26, 27, 31, 32.) (João 3: 36) Opo tukale nekolelo mo Mona, tuesukisa okutavela Jesus. On that day, "one's very eyes... and tongue will rot away " in that the attackers will be able to strike out only blindly and their defiant speech will be silenced. To exercise faith in the Son, we need to obey Jesus. Mahi tutyii okuti kamaveketumonesa vali emone, tupu kamavakapenya vali Huku. The zeal he showed in preaching the Kingdom, as "a light of the nations, " is a reminder to his followers to preach the good news zealously throughout the earth. - Isa. 42: 6. But we know that they will not escape the pain of suffering, and they will not see God again. (Isaías 42: 4) Ombili ali nayo movilinga viokuivisa Ouhamba wa Huku, "ngotyitei tyomalongo, " tyihinangelesa ovalanduli vae okuivisa onondaka onongwa nombili kombanda yoohi aiho. - Isaías 42: 6. Concerning the things that he recorded, he says: "These have been written down that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God, and that, because of believing, you may have life by means of his name. " This zeal for the Kingdom - preaching work is "a light of the nations, " which reminds his followers to preach the good news throughout the earth. - Isaiah 42: 6. Konthele yovipuka ahoneka, oe wati: "Ovipuka evi viahonekwa opo mutavele okuti Jesus oe Kristu, Omona wa Huku, iya tyina muetavela, amukamona omuenyo menyina liae. " So let us work hard to avoid doing things that he says are wrong, even if others do not consider them to be sins. Regarding what he wrote, he wrote: "These things are written that you believe in Jesus Christ, who is God's Son, and you will be saved through him through him through his name. " Ngotyo tulinga ononkhono mbokulityilika okulinga ovipuka Huku apopia okuti viapenga, namphila vakuetu vasoka okuti hankhali. Nevertheless, have we not beheld "the pleasantness of Jehovah " and realized that our heavenly Father is highly pleased with our efforts? So we do our best to avoid doing things that God said wrong, even if others think that they are wrong. (1 Tes. 2: 2) Mahi, okuti katunemone "ouwa wa Jeova " nokuimbuka okuti Tate yetu keulu upanda unene ononkhono tulinga? (Read Jeremiah 31: 34.) But have we not seen that "the blessings of Jehovah " and that our heavenly Father appreciates our efforts? (Tanga Jeremias 31: 34.) " I HAVE been studying with a family from Pakistan for the past 11 weeks, " wrote a sister who is serving with a Hindi - speaking group in the United States. (Read Jeremiah 31: 34.) O MPHANGE umue ukahi nokuundapa no vakuatate vapopia elaka litiwa Hindi, ko Estadu Unidu wahoneka okuti, "mo nosimano 11 mbokualamba nelilongesa nombunga imue yatunda ko Pakistau. " Quite likely, it will be beneficial to remind the inactive one of some of the blessings he once enjoyed as a result of close association with the congregation. A sister who has been serving in the United States wrote that 11 weeks of people in the United States wrote that "the weeks I learned from a family from the U.S.A. " Otyiwa okukuatesako omunthu wayekapo ovilinga opo ahinangele ononkhano mbumue onongwa ankho ena etyi ankho aundapa kumue newaneno. So they say that Satan must have tried to tempt Jesus using a vision. It is good for a person to forget some of the blessings he was working together with the congregation. Vapopia okuti Satansi wahetekela okulola Jesus memonekelo. In Jesus ' day, field workers were paid on a daily basis. They believe that Satan tried to tempt Jesus in a vision. Kononthiki mba Jesus, vana vaundapa momapia ankho vafetwa monthiki. What lesson do we learn from Jesus ' illustration of the two men who prayed at the temple? In Jesus ' day, those who worked in the fields were busy in the morning. Oityi tulilongesila kongeleka ya Jesus yovalume vevali velikuambela mondyuo ya Huku? The tent of God is with mankind,... and he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. What can we learn from Jesus ' example of two men who prayed at the temple? Ekaka lia Huku likahi pokati kovanthu iya oe makakala navo, ovo mavakakala ovanthu vae. Iya Huku muene makakala navo. Huku makasekuna ononkhuka momaiho avo, ononkhia, okulila, no nongembia kamavikakalako vali. However, downplaying doctrines leaves people with a shallow faith and certainly does not unite the divided house of Christendom. The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and God himself will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. Mahi, okuhasuku nomalongeso katyipameka ekolelo liovanthu, anthi tyilingisa ovanthu okuhakala nekolelo liapama, iya otyo tyotyili katyiwaneka onongeleya mbeliyapauka mbo Vakristau vomouye. Indeed, resting our hope on our savings, investments, or ability to earn money in this system amounts to resting our hope on "the god of this system, " Satan. However, rather than allowing faith to weaken people's faith, it does not mean that they have strong faith, and this does not really contribute to the unity of Christendom's churches. (Provérbios 11: 28) Tyotyili, okuyumba onthumbi monombongo, no mounongo wetu wokulinga onondando mouye uno, tyelifwa nokuyumba onthumbi mu Satanasi "huku youye uno. " For example, concerning those in the Christian congregation in ancient Corinth who had once been thieves, drunkards, adulterers, and the like, Paul said: "That is what some of you were. Yes, trusting in money, wisdom, and wisdom in this world are like "the god of this system of things. " Mongeleka, Paulu wapopia konthele yo Vakristau mewaneno lio Korintu kohale ankho vali ovimphulu, nononkholwa, nokulinga omaundalelapo, okuti: "Vamue puonwe otyo muali ngotyo. Moreover, the Bible first mentions some of its most important concepts in connection with Abraham. For example, Paul referred to the Christian congregation in ancient Corinth, thieves, and homosexuality, saying: "That is what some of you were. Anthi, ovipuka vimwe vikahi Mombimbiliya viapopiwa tete konthele ya Abraiau. Humans have a fundamental requirement for sustaining the body - the need for food. However, some similarities between Abraham and Abraham is mentioned in the Bible. Ovanthu aveho vesukisa okulia opo vakale nomuenyo. What will help us to "bear fruit with endurance "? All humans need food to live. Oityi matyitukuatesako "okuava ovinyango nekoleleyo "? ON A Sunday morning in the early 1520 ' s, the inhabitants of Meaux, a small town near Paris, could not believe what they heard in church. What will help us to "bear fruit with endurance "? MO Tyalumingu tyimwe komuhuka yo 1520, ovanthu vakala ko Meaux, epundaumbo limwe etutu mo Paris, ankho kavasoko okuti etyi veiva mongeleya otyili. David's trust in "the Provider of escape " did not waver. One Sunday morning in September 15, 1879, people living in a small town in Paris did not think that what they heard was true religion. Onthumbi ya David mo "Muyovoli " kayatepulukile. When you read the Bible "in an undertone, " it will help you to fix attention on portions that are especially useful and encouraging to you at that moment. David's confidence in "the Lamb of Israel " did not grow up. Otyo matyikukuatesako okutala nawa onoversikulu onongwa, mambukukuatesako. At times, the people of Israel succumbed to the temptation to complain rebelliously, on one occasion speaking against Moses as well as against God himself! This will help you to examine the positive verses that will help you. (Números 25: 1, 9) Pamwe ova Isilayeli vatokelele mehongiliyo lioumphuki wokupopia omapita Moisesi na Huku! Christ has given "gifts in men " to help all to" attain to the oneness in the faith. " - Eph. 1: 10; 4: 8, 13. Sometimes the Israelites fall into the rebellion against Moses ' God! Kristu ukahi "nokuava ovalume " opo vakuateseko aveho" okuvasa ewaneko mekolelo. " - Efésios 1: 10; 4: 8, 13. (b) From Paul, what can we learn about serving God without regrets? A POET wrote: "Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: " It might have been! ' " Christ is "gifts in men " to promote" unity in the faith. " - Eph. 1: 10; 4: 8, 13. Oñgeni ovivi tualingile kohale vipondola okutukalesa? (b) Oityi tupondola okulilongesila ku Paulu? JEHOVAH wants us to enjoy the best way of life. How may past experiences affect us, and what can we learn from Paul's example? JEOVA uhanda tukale nonkhalelo ongwa yomuenyo. (Read Luke 18: 29, 30.) The Bible also says that Jehovah is pleased when we do all we can to praise him, and he wants us to be happy serving him. JEHOVAH wants us to have a better way of life. (Tanga Lucas 18: 29,30) Ombimbiliya tupu ipopia okuti Jeova uhambukwa tyina tulinga atyiho tuvila opo tumuhivilike, iya uhanda tumuumbile nehambu. So use your God - given responsibility to establish and maintain a spiritual routine. (Read Luke 18: 29,.) The Bible also says that Jehovah is pleased when we do everything we can to serve him, and he wants us to serve him joyfully. (Efésios 6: 4) Ngotyo ove una okukala nonthumbi yokuti ukahi nokuvelongesa apeho. Reports from countries around the world show that many honesthearted individuals are responding well to the Bible study aid What Does the Bible Really Teach? So you must be sure that he is teaching you regularly. Omahipululo atundilila kovilongo ovinyingi ouye auho, alekesa okuti ovanthu ovanyingi vomutima omuwa vekahi nokutavela okulilongesa Ombimbiliya nombatelo yomukanda Oityi Ombimbiliya Tyili Ilongesa? If the elders judged that the death was an accident, then the fugitive had to remain in the city of refuge until the high priest died. In many lands around the world, have it proved that many sincere people are willing to study the Bible with the help of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Inkha ovakulu vaimbuka okuti waipaa mukuavo motyiponyo, ankho vena okumuyeka akale mepunda - umbo liokuholama alo omunene - nakwa ankhia. (Read Proverbs 15: 23.) If the elders realized that the fugitive had to let the fugitive be in the city of refuge until the high priest died. (Tanga Provérbios 15: 23.) With the full might of your hand you harbor animosity toward me. " (Read Proverbs 15: 23.) Nononkhono mbokuoko kuove una onyengo naame. " Genuine faith is based on evidence. With the mighty hand of your anger you have with me. " Ekolelo liotyotyili lituka kuetyi tyimoneka. • In what ways can our relationship with Jehovah grow? Faith is based on what it says. Etyi David eliiva ngoti utupu ou memukuatesako, oityi alingile? 27 Questions From Readers When David did not like that, what did he do? • Oñgeni tupondola okuyawisa oupanga wetu na Jeova? Many in Satan's world hate us, so we may be persecuted for our faith. • How can we draw closer to Jehovah? 3 Omapulo Alingwa Novatangi Finally, Jehovah's command came. 3 Questions From Readers " LUPUKA MOWATO " Read Zephaniah 3: 16, 17. " WHAT IS IT? " Tanga Sofonias 3: 16, 17. (Read James 1: 22 - 25.) Read Zephaniah 3: 16, 17. (Tanga Tiago 1: 22 - 25.) We need to be ready for Jesus ' arrival as Executioner to end this system of things. (Read James 1: 22 - 25.) Onthwe tuesukisa okukevelela onalupi Jesus meya okuhanyako ouye wa Satanasi. The "gifts in men " are what Jehovah through Jesus Christ has provided for you. We need to expect when Jesus comes to destroy Satan's world. " Ovakulu vewaneno ' otyali Jeova ekuavela menyina lia Jesus Kristu. PAGE 13 • SONGS: 98, 102 The "gifts in men " Jehovah has given you through Jesus Christ. PEFO 10 OVIIMBO: 98, 102 The apostle John said: "By this the love of God was revealed in our case, that God sent his only - begotten Son into the world so that we might gain life through him. PAGE 10 • SONGS: 98, 102 Apostolu João wapopia okuti: "Moluotyo, Huku walekesa ohole onene nonthue. Mokonda Huku watuma Omona wae wongunga pano pohi, opo tukamone omuenyo menyina liae. I was 24 years old and married with three children. The apostle John said: "By this the love of God was revealed in our case, that God sent his only - begotten Son into the world so that we might gain life through him. Ankho ndyina omanima 24, iya ankho ndyina ovana vetatu. There is no one in all history whose life has been so full of meaning and so closely connected with our eternal welfare as that of Jesus. I was 24 years old, and I had three children. Kutupu vali nawike mehipululo aliho, una omuenyo wakolela unene pala ouwa wetu wahapu, ngo wa Jesus. He does not "judge by any mere appearance to his eyes, nor reprove simply according to the thing heard by his ears. " No one is alive in all parts of the universe, and he is alive for our benefit, as Jesus did. [ Olutalatu pefo 14] One more aspect of the Kingdom remains to be established. [ Picture on page 10] Jesus, ulinga ekoyeso lia Huku, "kakoyesa ngetyi amona nomaiho ae, ine o ngetyi eiva vala nomatwi ae. " 3 Learn the Truth About Jesus Jesus did not judge God's judgment, "not according to his eyes, nor according to his ears. " Omphango omphe, yaikula ondyila opo kuonganenkwe o Isilayeli ya Huku. How is dedication an act of faith? The new covenant opened up the way for us to produce holy spiritual Israel. 3 Lilongesa Otyili Konthele ya Jesus (Read Hebrews 12: 3.) 3 Learn the Truth About Jesus Oñgeni elipakulo lielikuata nekolelo? Abraham's descendants, the Israelites, became numerous and were eventually organized into a nation with a law code and a land. How is dedication related to faith? (Tanga Hebreus 12: 3.) During their early years in Fiji, Thomas and Mary endured severe hardships. (Read Hebrews 12: 3.) Ombuto ya Abraiau, ova Isilayeli, vakalele ovanyingi, ankho elongo liaongana nawa lina ovitumino notyilongo. And since the parable says that these ones help the King's brothers, the separating, or judgment, would need to happen while these anointed brothers of Jesus are still on earth, before the Thousand Year Rule begins. Abraham's seed, the nation of Israel, became a nation in which the nation of Israel lived. Fuisapo Otyilinga Tyove Tyomuivisi For example, it gave the people principles to help them solve family problems, and it guided them to the Messiah. Keep Your Place in Your Place Omanima otete Thomas na Mary vakala mo Fiji, vakalele novitateka ovinene. 4: 7. Because of where we are in the stream of time, it is wise to ask ourselves: " How vigilant am I when it comes to prayer? In the first century, Mary and Mary lived in Fiji, and they had serious problems. Mokonda onthengele - popia ipopia okuti onongi ovo vakuatesako onondenge mbo Hamba, okupunga ine okukoyesa matyikalingwa putyina onondenge mba Jesus ovalembulwa nkhele vekahi pano pohi, tyina nkhele Outumini Womanima Ovityita Ekwi uhenehimbike. " Man must live, not on bread alone, but on every word that comes from Jehovah's mouth, " Jesus said. In view of the Thousand Year Reign, the parable states that these sheep are supporting the King's brothers, whether they will be judged before Jesus ' anointed brothers on earth. Mongeleka, ovitumino ovio vievekuatesileko okutetulula ovitateka mombunga, iya avivehongolela ku Mesia. 2: 5 - 9. How Would You Answer? For example, these laws helped the family to solve problems and to guide them to the Messiah. Mokonda tukahi nokuhika konthyulilo youye wa Satanasi, otyiwa okulipula okuti: " Ndyikahi umwe nokutala nawa oñgeni ndyilikuambela? They failed to recognize that the Law had served its purpose and that Jehovah was leading his people in a different direction. As we draw close to the end of Satan's system, it is good to ask ourselves: " Am I watching how I pray? Jesus wati: "Omunthu kakala vala nomuenyo mokonda yombolo, mahi omokonda yondaka aiho itunda momulungu wa Jeova. " Anointed Christians seized this opportunity to witness, resulting in thousands more anointed ones being gathered to become Christ's joint heirs. Jesus said: "Man must live, not on bread alone, but on every word that comes from Jehovah's mouth. " [ Ehangununo liolutalatu pefo 18] This 30 - minute meeting is designed to help Christians develop the "art of teaching. " [ Picture on page 15] Ankho kavetavela okuti Jeova uhanda ovanthu vae vemufende monkhalelo yelikalela, nokuyekapo okulandula Ovitumino via Moisesi. He was warm, sympathetic, and kind. They did not believe that Jehovah wanted his people to worship him in a different way, and they stopped following Moses ' Law. Ankho vaava oumbangi konthele yepondolo enene liofeto yeyovo, no nondaka onongwa konthele Youhamba wa Huku. Instead of desiring to learn from Jehovah, the angel who became Satan the Devil allowed himself to be influenced by traits opposite to humility - self - importance and pride - and actually rebelled against Jehovah. They gave a powerful witness about the ransom and the good news about God's Kingdom. Onthele oyo ilingwa mono minutu 30, pala okukuatesako Ovakristau okukala "nounongo wokulongesa. " Who, then, will be the subjects of this Kingdom? This magazine is designed for 30 minutes to help Christians to become "a house of teaching. " (Mateus 9: 36) Jesus ankho omunakhenda, ondyandyi, no kuna ohole. The Truth About Armageddon Jesus was not friendly, friendly, and loving. Oandyu yakala Satanasi Eliapu, ankho kaihande okulongeswa na Jeova. Yakala nomalityindailo, aihimbika okusoka okuti ina vali esilivilo tyipona onoandyu ononkhuavo. Ankho itupu omutima weliola, iya aityitukilapo Jeova. Solomon applied God - given wisdom The angel who became Satan the Devil became proud and began to think that he was better than other angels, and Jehovah rejected him. Iya ovalie mavakatuminwa Nouhamba oo? Quitting that job and forfeiting nearly a year's salary, Thomas found other work, repairing radios and mobile phones. But who will be the subjects of that Kingdom? Otyili Konthele yo Armagedom explained that Jesus was referring, not to the wicked, but to his disciples, who were soon to be anointed with holy spirit. The Truth About Armageddon Salomau waundapesile ounongo apewa na Huku What good example did Elihu provide for counselors today? Solomon used godly wisdom Kuna onongeleka ononyingi mbulekesa okuti inkha tuyumba onthumbi mu Jeova, kamatukala nowoma wokuti matukambe etyi tuesukisa. After conquering Babylonia, the Persians released Jewish captives and authorized them to rebuild Jehovah's temple in Jerusalem. Many examples show that if we trust in Jehovah, we will not be afraid of what we need. yapopile okuti Jesus ankho kapopi ono ndingavivi, anthi ankho upopia ovalongwa vae, vana mavalembulwa nospilitu sandu. Then we must respond positively to his Word, striving to eliminate any thoughts that are displeasing to God. Jesus did not say that his disciples would be disappointed, but he was referring to the anointed ones who would be anointed with holy spirit. Ongeleka patyi ongwa Eliuu aava pala vana vakuatesako vakuavo hono? 1870: The First Vatican Council decrees that "the Roman pontiff is the successor of Blessed Peter, Prince of the Apostles, and is true Vicar of Christ, and Head of the whole Church " What good example did Elihu set for those who support others today? Puetyi ova Persia valwisa ova Mbambilonia, ova Persia avayovola ova Judeu koukonde iya avevetumu okukapindulapo ondyuo ya Jeova yokufendela mo Jerusalei. We can and will continue to prove ourselves ready. When the Babylonians attacked the Babylonians, the Jews were delivering the temple in Jerusalem. Ngotyo, tuna okuendela Mondaka yae, nokulinga ononkhono mbokulityilika omalusoke ehemuhambukiswa. Christian maturity will help us to stay focused on where we are in the stream of time. So we must walk in his Word and do our best to control our thinking and make it easier for us to do what is pleasing to him. Mo 1870: Meliongiyo lio Tete lio Vatikanu, muatokolwa okuti " ombisipu yo Roma omphinga ya Petulu, Onkhalamutwe yo no Apostolu. Tupu Omutumwa wo tyotyili wa Kristu, Onkhalamutwe Yongeleya aiho. ' By giving attention to these things, Jesus expresses optimism "that the world may believe that you sent me forth. " - Read John 17: 15 - 21. First - century Christians worked along with holy spirit to maintain unity (See paragraph 13) In 1870 we read: First of the Vatican Council's question that "the bishop of Rome is the successor of Peter, the apostle Peter, and the apostle Paul. " Mahi tupondola okutualako tyafuapo. Actually, proving who is stronger is pretty straightforward. But we can succeed. Ovakristau vokuanoñgonoka nawa mavetukuatesako okukala tyapama tyina tukahi momuwo wovitateka. So Jacob sent Joseph to see how his brothers were. A mature Christian well - acquainted with those who help us to stay strong when we are in times of distress. Jesus ankho una onthumbi yokuti inkha ovalongwa vae valingile ovipuka ovio vitatu, ovanthu ovanyingi ñgeno vetavela onondaka vaivisa. - Tanga João 17: 15 - 21. The names of the anointed become permanent upon their proving themselves faithful to death. Jesus was confident that if his disciples had done these three things, many would accept the message they preached. - Read John 17: 15 - 21. Okutala olie una vali ononkhono katyipuiya. That tract boldly revealed the truth about Christendom. To illustrate, consider the one who is more powerful. Onthiki imue, Jako atumu Jose akatale oñgeni ovakulu vae vekahi. A person may have a tragic accident simply because he happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. On one occasion, Jacob sent Joseph to check on how his brothers were. Omanyina ovalembulwa, maakahonekwa tyihanyimi vali, tyina vamalekesa ekolelo liavo alo pononkhia. We took turns - one presented a meeting part while the other answered all the questions. The names of anointed ones reveal their faith until they die. Otratadu aihololola omatutu onongeleya. 11: 13. The original - language Bible exposes false religion. (Eclesiastes 9: 11) Omunthu upondola okukala novitateka mokonda ukahi momuvo wapenga no pomphangu yapenga. (Read Daniel 2: 1, 19, 31 - 38.) A person may face problems because he is at the right time and in the wrong place. Umwe ankho omuhongoli, tyina umwe alinga onthele omukuavo ukumbulula omapulo. But what about those with the hope of living on earth who supported the anointed in the preaching work? One act of greed was one of another when he answered another questions. " TYALUNGUISEIPO PERSIDE ONTHYOLWE YETU " But I now felt that my eyes were being opened! " FROM OUR COVER " Ombimbiliya ipopia okuti ankho "vapopila ounyingi okuti havatyitwa tyilongoko, onongendi. " - Hebreus 11: 13. How should love for God be expressed? The Bible says that they "continued to tell the crowd that they were not temporary residents. " - Hebrews 11: 13. (Tanga Daniel 2: 1, 19, 31 - 38.) 16: 3 - 15. (Read Daniel 2: 1, 19, 31, 31 - 38.) Mahi, oityi matyikamonekela vana vokuna ekevelelo liokukala pano pohi, vakuatesako ovalembulwa movilinga viokuivisa? In reality, of course, you can never fully repay Jehovah for all he has done for you. But what will happen to those who hope to live forever on earth and support anointed ones in the ministry? Mahi, pahe nelitehelela ngatyina omaiho ange ekahi nokuikuka! What wonderful blessings! But I felt as if my eyes were open! Oñgeni onthue tulekesa okuti tuhole Huku? How? How do we show that we love God? Paulu wapopia konthele yae okuti: "Tyalunguiseipo Perside onthyolwe yetu " - Romanos 16: 3 - 15. At times, organizational adjustments need to be made. Paul said about him: "Let us not forsake our beloved one. " - Romans 16: 3 - 15. Okukola omutima otyituwa tyipondola okutupameka nokutukuatesako okukoleleya movitateka. Second, like a runner at the finish line, we need to stretch forward, keeping focused on what lies ahead. Courage is a quality that can comfort us and help us to endure difficult times. (Eclesiastes 12: 13; Gálatas 5: 16 - 18) Tyotyili, nalumue motyivili okufeta Jeova moluovipuka aviho ekulingila. 24 A Letter From Greece Of course, you will not be able to pay for all that Jehovah has done for you. Ombo ononkhano onongwa ngatyi! Or some of our relatives might keep telling us that we need to marry before we get too old. What a blessing! Ñgeni? To this day, they care for me as if I were a member of their own family. How? Pamwe mo Mbetele mulingwa omapiluluko. Five Decades Near Arctic Circle (A. and A. Sometimes there was a change in Bethel. Vali, ngovahateki vahanda okuhika kombitukilo, onthwe tuesukisa okuhateka okutala vala komutwe. Moses had such a close friendship with Jehovah and was used so powerfully by him that the Bible says that Jehovah knew Moses "face - to - face. " Second, such practices are like a stumbling block, so we need to keep our eyes focused on the future. 17 - 23 YA KAYOVO, 2012 PEFO 28 • OVIIMBO: 63, 125 It is reserved in the heavens for you, who are being safeguarded by God's power through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last period of time. 23 Our Readers Ask... Ine umwe wo mombunga yetu utualako okutupopila okuti tuesukisa okunepa opo tuhelikulupile. TRY THIS: Train your child to respond firmly if anyone attempts to play with his or her sex organs. Or a family member who keeps in mind tells us that we need to marry so that we do not really need to be close to our family. Tunde opo, vekahi nokunthekula nawa ngatyina ndyi - wombunga yavo. Though you do not see him now, yet you exercise faith in him. " - 1 PET. Since then, I have been able to improve my family's lives. Ombimbiliya ipopia okuti Jeova ankho wii nawa Moisesi "motyipala, " mokonda ankho una oupanga omunene nae, iya wemuundapesile pala okulinga ovipuka vihuvisa. (Deut. And we have no doubt that everything God has promised will happen The Bible says that Jehovah was aware of Moses, "the face of his face, " because he was very close to him and used himself to do good things for him. Epingo olio liapakwa keulu pala onwe, mukahi nokupakwa nawa nepondolo lia Huku, menyina liekolelo, pala eyovo maliholololwa momuvo wahulililako. But what if unbelieving relatives still insist on introducing unclean rites into the arrangements? This heavenly inheritance is reserved for you, being arrested by God's power through faith for salvation during the last days. HETEKELA OKULINGA ÑGAA: Longesa omona wove okukumbulula tyehena owoma tyina umwe ahanda okunyana nomuhoyo wae. When Queen Jezebel ordered the slaughter of God's prophets, Obadiah hid 100 of them "by fifties in a cave. " TRY THIS: Teach your child to answer without being afraid whenever he wants to talk with her. Namphila kamumuete pehepano, mahi muna ekolelo mwe. " - 1 PEDRO 1: 8. Rather, Jesus said in prayer to God: "This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ. " Even if you do not see now, you have faith in him. " - 1 PETER 1: 8. Iya tutupu ondima yokuti ovipuka aviho Huku alaa mavikamoneka Of course, you too likely look forward to going to the meetings. And we do not know that all of God's promises will come true (1 Pedro 3: 15) Mahi, inkha onombunga mbove mbuhelilongesa nkhele vatualako okuhanda okuhimbika novituwa viasila? " Although a doctor's work can be satisfying, nothing could compare with the joy I felt when I helped several people to come to know the truth, " he says. But what if your relatives are not living in a religiously divided household? Etyi Onkhai - Hamba Jezabele atuma okuipaa ovauli va Huku, Obadia aholekapo 100 yavo meleva, okuveyapula " ononthumbo onombali mbokuna 50 kese imue. ' 27: 21. What prevented certain Jews from listening to Jesus? When Queen Jezebel ordered Jezebel to kill God's prophets, he hid them into a cave of " two groups. ' Jesus wapopilile Huku melikuambelo okuti: "Omuenyo uhapu oyou, okukala nenoñgonoko liove Huku wike yotyotyili, na Jesus Kristu una watumine. " For example, after they were badly beaten and thrown into prison, they "were praying and praising God with song. " Jesus said to God in prayer: "This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ. " (Atos 2: 42) Tyafuile noove uhole omaliongiyo. Would all anointed Christians "shine "? Perhaps you have attended meetings. Oe wati, "Namphila ovilinga vioundotolo vieta ehambu, natyike tyielekwa nehambu ndyina mokuakuatesako ovanthu ovanyingi okuiwa otyili. But to enter the new world, we must continue to look to Jehovah and always obey him. He says: "Although the work of a surgeon finds pleasure, nothing can be compared to joy by helping many to get to know the truth. (Atos 28: 8) Mahi Paulu kahakulile ovanthu vatyo aveho ankho ei. LIFE STORY But Paul could not heal all people. Oityi tyalingisile ova Judeu vamwe okuhatehelela Jesus? Give an example. (b) Why is it important for those who view pornography to ask for help immediately? What caused some Jews to listen to Jesus? Mongeleka, konyima yokuavetwa unene iya avapakwa mokaleya, Paulu na Sila "ankho vekahi nokulikuambela nokuhivilika Huku noviimbo. " Moses was one. For example, after he visited prison, Paul and Silas "were praying and praising God with song. " Okuti Ovakristau ovalembulwa ankho aveho " mavakaliaima '? Not all the kings who ruled God's people followed God's instructions. Are all anointed Christians to " shine '? Mahi opo tunyingile mouye omupe, apeho tuna okutualako okutala ku Jeova nokumutavela. Famine But to enter into the new world, we must keep looking to Jehovah and obey him. EHIPULULO LIOMUENYO Thus, what God has set down is, not the fate of individuals or the outcome of all events, but certain principles that govern the operation of human affairs in line with his purpose. LIFE STORY Popia ongeleka. (b) Omokonda tyatyi tyakolela vana vatala ovipuka vihongiliya okulinga otyihola vaite liwa - lwa ekuateso? The angel explained to Zechariah that the woman inside the container was "Wickedness. " Illustrate. (b) Why is it important to consider pornography quickly? Umue povanthu ovo o Moisesi. How can elders strive to imitate Jehovah's reasonableness? One of them was Moses. Onohamba ambuho mbatuminine ovanthu va Huku mbumwe kambalandulile ehongolelo lia Huku. When they do so, there is peace in the Christian congregation. All of the kings of God's people did not seek God's guidance. Ondyala On that day, millions of people of many different countries and skin colors meet together around the world and show that they believe that Jehovah sent his Son. hundreds of Contents Ngotyo, Huku haeko uholovona etyi matyikapita momuenyo wovanthu, mahi, wavela ovitumino vihongolela ovilinga viovanthu vielikuata kumue nehando liae. Jesus told his followers that prayer is vital in resisting temptation. Thus, God did not choose to change human affairs, but he gave laws to human governments that are in harmony with his will. Oandyu oyo aipopila Zakaria okuti omukai oo ankho "Ovivi. " Days later they reached a Roman highway leading westward to the most populated region of the district of Asia. That angel told Zechariah that this woman had been cut down. " Oñgeni ovakulu vewaneno vapondola okupola pokati nga Jeova? After the birth and weaning of Samuel, Hannah presented him to Jehovah for sacred service at the tabernacle. How can elders imitate Jehovah's reasonableness? Tyina valinga ngotyo, mewaneno mukala ombembwa. Become an Example in Speaking In this way, the peace of the congregation contributed to peace. Monthiki ike vala, ovanthu ovanyingi - nyingi vovilongo novivala vielikalaila maveliongiya mouye auho opo valekese okuti vena onthumbi yokuti Jeova watumine Omona wae. Jesus said that "the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out. " On one occasion, millions of people from various countries will be gathered together to show that they are convinced that Jehovah sent his Son. Jesus wapopila ovalanduli vae okuti tyakolela okulikuambela opo vaanye omakengelelo. Meditating on his elevated standards equips us to keep free from the snare of pornography. Jesus told his followers that it is important to pray for temptation. Etyi palamba ononthiki mbumwe, avehiki ko Roma koutakelo wo Asia ankho kuna ovanthu ovanyingi. Why We Can Act With Dignity A few days later, he arrived in the Roman Empire where hundreds of people lived. (1 Samuel 1: 19 - 28) Inkha wovola omuvo wokusokolola nawa elikuambelo liae pomuvo opo, matyilundu omalikuambelo ove. [ Picture on page 17] If you take time to meditate on his prayer at that time, it will motivate you to pray for them. Ava Ongeleka Ongwa Kokupopia Because at that time, Jesus began ruling in heaven, not on earth. Guided by God's Word Jesus wapopia okuti: "Makuya oola aveho vekahi momalangalo mehinangelo lia Huku mavekeiva ondaka yae, iya avatundumo. " Zeus was the ruler of the gods in Greek mythology, and his son Hermes was known for his eloquence. Jesus said: "The hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out. " Tuesukisa okusokolola kovitumino viavilapo via Jeova opo tutyivile okulityilika okutala omikanda no nosinema mbovanthu vahavalele. For example, while moving from encampment to encampment in the land of Canaan, faithful worshippers of God "publicly declared that they were strangers and temporary residents. " - Heb. We need to meditate on Jehovah's high standards so that we can avoid viewing pornography. Tupondola Okukala Nonthilo Mokonda Yatyi? The apostle Paul told Timothy to "ponder over [or," meditate on, " ftn.] " the effects of his speech, his conduct, and his teaching. Why Honor God? [ Olutalatu pefo 17] Or a brother who has not actually committed "murders " might let rancor fester in his heart to the point of hating a fellow Christian. [ Picture on page 9] Omokonda pomuvo opo, Jesus wahimbika okutumina keulu, ha popano pohi. For God's Word to produce in us needed transformation, regularly reading and learning from the Bible is but a beginning. Because at that time, Jesus began ruling in heaven, not on earth. Zeu ankho omutumini wo nohuku mbonoñgano mo Gresia. Iya Herme omona wohuku oyo, ankho vati wiiue mokonda omunongo kokupopia. She should not give the impression of feeling self - righteous or superior. Laodicea was the high priest and the false god of Greece, and the son of his daughter knew that he was wise because he was very wise. Mongeleka, etyi ovafendi vekolelo va Huku ankho vailauka motyilongo tyo Kanaa, navo ongotyo ankho velitehelela. However, the qualities that especially endeared him to others were his love, his humility, his respect for righteous laws and principles, and his complete faith in Jehovah. For example, when faithful worshippers of God went out to the land of Canaan, they felt the same way. Apostolu Paulu wapopila Timoteo opo asokolole oñgeni ovipuka apopia, novituwa viae, netyi alongesa vikalesa vakuavo. What a tragic end for Absalom, whose blind ambition prompted him to fight against his own father - Jehovah's anointed - and bring disaster upon himself! - 2 Sam. The apostle Paul told Timothy to meditate on the things he said, conduct his conduct, and what he taught others. Tupu, Omukristau upondola okukala nonyengo onene nomukuatate mukuavo alo ahimbika okumuyala unene momutima wae. Some of the resurrected ones, however, will not want to learn Jehovah's ways. Similarly, a Christian might become angry with a brother until he begins to hurt him in his heart. Inkha tuhanda Ondaka ya Huku itupilulule, katuesukisile vala okuitanga nokulilongesayo. You can be sure that Jehovah will help you to endure. - Read Acts 4: 27 - 31. If we want God's Word to change, it is not enough for us to read and study it. Omukai kamalekesa okuti omalusoke ae aviuka ine akolela vali tyipona omulume wae. They produced and used moving pictures with synchronized sound recordings, even before the movie industry released motion pictures for the public that incorporated sound. A wife does not demonstrate that his thoughts are right or more important than her husband. Mahi ankho ovanthu vemuhole mokonda una oluembia, nonthilo novitumino via Huku no nondonga mbae, ankho weliola omutima, nokuna ekolelo enene mu Jeova. You have considered my thought from far off. " But people loved him because he loved God's laws and principles, his humility, and faith in Jehovah. Absalau wankhia omapita unene, mokonda yelungavi liae enene liemuhindila okulwisa tate yae muene, omulembulwa wa Jeova. At the same time, God's Word highlights that God's people also have the opportunity to give. Absalom died deeply because his selfish greed allowed him to attack his own father, Jehovah's anointed brother. Mahi, puvana mavakatutiliswa, vamwe kamavahande okulilongesa onondyila mba Jeova. That is why I regularly set aside time to study the Bible and other publications in my mother tongue. " However, those resurrected will not want to learn Jehovah's ways. Oe wati: "Yekeipo okukoyesa, opo nonwe muhakoyeswe. " The Father of tender mercies and the God of all comfort " will give us everything we need in order to stay close to him. He said: "Stop judging, that you may not be judged. Kala nonthumbi yokuti Jeova mekukuatesako otyivili okukoleleya. - Tanga Atos 4: 27 - 31. The Devil was angry because of the brothers ' loyalty to God. Be assured that Jehovah will help you to endure. - Read Acts 4: 27 - 31. Tupu, vahimbika okulinga nokulekesa onosinema mbovanthu vapopia, puetyi nkhele ovanthu vouye vehenehimbike okulinga onosinema nokumbulekesa kounyingi. You can find other ideas for your personal study in the article "Young People Ask... In addition, they began associating with people around the world before World War II and in public places. Omalusoke ange weetele kokule. " When Sisera learned that Israel had dared to muster an army against him, he acted quickly. My thoughts are far away from me. " Tupu, ondaka ya Huku itoneka okupopia okuti ovanthu va Huku vesukisa okuaava. Paul urged his fellow believers: "In brotherly love have tender affection for one another. Furthermore, God's Word emphasizes that God's people need something. Otyo ndyiovolela omuvo wokutanga nokulilongesa omikanda vietu melaka liange muene. " The key to success usually lies in his taking small steps and doing so repeatedly. That is why I set time aside for reading and studying our literature in my own language. " (Salmo 65: 2) "Tate yetu wokankhenda tupu o Huku upanda aveho, " metuavela ovipuka aviho tuesukisa opo tufuene kwe. (a) What are we asking God to do when we pray: "Let your Kingdom come "? " Our Father also appreciates all the things we need to draw close to him. Eliapu lianumanene unene mokonda ovakuatate ankho ovakuatyili ku Huku. It is this: Study what Jesus said and did as "the fine shepherd, " and" follow his steps closely. " - 1 Pet. 2: 21. The Devil was so angry that the brothers were loyal to God. Upondola okuvasa vali onondonga ononkhuavo pala elilongeso lioulike monthele yati "Jovens Perguntam... If we are truly humble before God, we will also refrain from estimating ourselves to be above our fellow humans. You can find other suggestions in your personal study by using the article "You Are Young People Ask... Etyi Sisera eiva okuti ova Isilayeli vakatuka opo veveluise, akanyauka okulionganeka. GOD'S NAME: The Bible teaches us that God has given himself a name. When Sisera heard that the Israelites had prevented them from fighting, it was not easy. Paulu walondolele ovakuatate vae okuti: "Nohole youkuatate, kalei noluembia kese umue na mukuavo. Brazil 770,000 Paul urged fellow believers: "In brotherly love have tender affection for one another. Tyina omona elilongesa okueenda, ulihindaika. God also gave Adam the assignment to make the entire earth into a paradise. As a child learns to walk, he continues to walk. (a) Oityi tukahi nokuita Huku alinge tyina tulikuambela okuti: "Ouhamba wove uye "? (b) How did Jehovah complete "the full number " of those who were to become Abraham's seed? (a) Why should we pray to God when we pray: "Let your Kingdom come "? Otyetyi: Una okulilongesa etyi Jesus "omunthita omuwa " alingile netyi apopile," nokulandula onomphai mbae. " - 1 Pedro 2: 21. To do otherwise would be to give up control of your life. Doing this: One must learn what Jesus did about "the fine shepherd " and" follow his steps closely. " - 1 Pet. 2: 21. Mahi tupondola okulilongesa okuliola omutima, inkha tusokolola kounene wa Jeova nokuhetekela ongeleka ya Jesus. Brian: Good. Thank you. But we can learn to humble ourselves by meditating on Jehovah's example and imitating Jesus ' example. ENYINA LIA HUKU: Ombimbiliya itulongesa okuti Huku muene weliluka enyina. You did exactly what the Bible encourages us to do: "Keep searching " for understanding. Nevertheless, the Bible teaches us that God has made known his name. Brazil 770.000 But if he is serious all the time, it is difficult to approach him. " Brazil 77 * Huku tupu waavela Andau otyilinga tyokuviukisa ohi aiho opo ikale omphangu ongwa. How does Jehovah use his absolute freedom? God also gave Adam the responsibility to make the whole earth a beautiful paradise. (b) Oñgeni Jeova atuukisa "omuvalu auho " wa vana ankho mavakala ombuto ya Abraiau? How does the way that Jehovah had sacrifices handled in ancient Israel have meaning for Christians today? (b) How did Jehovah prove to be "the full number " of those who would become Abraham's seed? (Deuteronômio 10: 12, 13) Inkha kutyilingi kumetyivili okuendesa nawa omuenyo wove. However, Tony says, "I especially look forward to Tuesday. " If not, you cannot control your life. Brian: Watanga nawa, napandula. The entire time she was talking to him in a friendly way about the Bible. Brian: Thank you for reading. Ove walinga etyi itulunda okulinga: "Okutualako okuovola " ekungunyiko. " If you live in a war - torn country, you may long for peace. You have done what he urges us to do: "Keep on seeking and understanding. " Anthi, tupu inkha akala apeho tyati tu - tuu ovanthu kavafuene kwe. " MATTHEW 24: 9; LUKE 21: 12 On the other hand, if we regularly talk to people, we do not draw close to him. " Oñgeni Jeova aundapesa ounongo wae wavilapo wokuholovona? Consider what happened in 1973. How has Jehovah used his free will? Oityi tupondola okulilongesila kovilikutila ankho vilingua nova Isilayeli kohale? This greatest expression of God's love opened to mankind the prospect of having a favored standing with Jehovah. What can we learn from the sacrifices offered by ancient Israel? Anthi, Tony wati "haunene ndyiyunga nawa Muvali. " A modest person also respects others and is happy to support them. On the other hand, Tony said, "Those looking at us will be on our side. " Tyina ekahi nokumulingila ovipuka ovio, nouwa - tima otyo atomphola na John konthele yo Mbimbiliya. Clearly, that includes the end of the present wicked system. When you meet such things, kindness and goodness speak to John about the Bible. Inkha ove ukala motyilongo tyina ovita, tyafuile uhanda ombembwa. Seraphs rank very high among the angels in privileges and honor, and they are in attendance around God's throne. - Isaiah 6: 1 - 3. If you live in a land where war is, you may want peace. MATEUS 24: 9; LUCAS 21: 12 Why? MATTHEW 24: 9; LUKE 21: 12 Tala etyi tyaendele mo 1973. Churchgoers in one land are often unaffiliated with those of the same denomination in another land and are thus unable or disinclined to help fellow believers when a need arises. Consider what happened in 1973 B.C.E. Huku wetulekesa oluembia lwae ena nonthue, puetyi Kristu ankhia mokonda yetu, etyi ankho onthue nkhele tuvakuankhali. " Jesus explained that we will either "hate the one and love the other " or" stick to the one and despise the other. " God recommends his love to us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. " Omunthu wapola pokati una onthilo navakuavo iya uhambukilwa okuvekuatesako. When in the door - to - door work, a brother read Daniel 2: 44 to a Catholic man and explained how God's Kingdom will bring about true peace and security. A modest person shows respect for others and wants to help them. 6: 10) Malikumbululwa aliho tyina ouye uno wovivi wamanyimuako. Some have chosen to include time in their family worship or personal study to do research on these matters and to meditate on them. The end of this wicked system of things will be destroyed. Vali, ono Selafim. Onoandyu mbuundapa unene tupu mbuna elao liokuhumba nokuliseta notyipundi tya Huku. - Isaías 6: 1 - 3. The next request in the model prayer turns our attention to something we need to do. Second, the priests were also entrusted with the privilege of serving as God's throne. - Isaiah 6: 1 - 3. Omokonda yatyi? He was so convinced he was right that he stopped serving Jehovah and was inactive for ten years. Why? Vana vaya kongeleya kotyilongo tyimwe, ovikando ovinyingi kavesukile navakuavo vekahi mongeleya yavo kotyilongo otyikuavo, iya ngotyo kavetyivili okuvekuatesako tyina vesukisa. Does David feel that singleness helped him to do so? Those who go to a foreign country often ignore their religious background and may not be able to help them when they need help. Tupu Jesus wahangununa okuti "mayale - po wike, ahumbu - po omukuavo, ine mahulu ku wike ayeke - po omukuavo. " I answered, "Brooklyn Bethel, at $10.00 a month. " Jesus also explained that "he did not hate one another or another. " Puetyi ankho omukuatate umwe aundapa umbo - na - umbo, watangela omulume umwe wo Katolika Daniel 2: 44, emuhangununina oñgeni Ouhamba wa Huku maukaeta ombembwa yo tyotyili nepamo. MARIA'S parents watched as their young daughter stood up with the others who wanted to get baptized. When a brother who worked from house to house read the Catholic Church, Daniel 2: 44 explained how God's Kingdom would bring peace and security. Upondola okulilongesa vali konthele yeongano mefendelo liombunga, no melilongeso liove lioulike, nokusokolola kuetyi ulilongesa. We cannot hope to acquire a good relationship with Jehovah if we ignore those whom Jesus has appointed to care for his belongings. You can learn more about family worship, personal study, and meditation. Okulandulisako melikuambelo olio, tuita otyipuka tyimue tuesukisa okulinga. Jehovah is also our Judge, Statute - Giver, and King, for within himself he combines the judicial, legislative, and executive branches of universal government. The point is that we ask something we need to do. Waimbuka vala okuti ankho wapengesa, etyi ayekapo okuumbila Jeova iya akala omanima ekwi tyahaivisa vali. As his creatures, we look to him for guidance in our lives. He realized that he was wrong when he stopped serving Jehovah and was ten years old. Okuti ku David okukala tyahanepe tyemukuatesile - ko? And they find that they need to use various methods to teach their children to love Jehovah. Did David remain unmarried? Andyikumbulula okuti "oko Mbetele ko Brooklyn, mohanyi mandyifetwa onondolale 10 " (1000 kwanzas). No. I answered, "You gave me enough money to give me ten o'clock in the Bethel family. " VO tate ya Maria vemutala tyina akatuka kumwe na vakuavo mavambatisalwa. In 1950, I moved to Grand Junction, Colorado, where I met Billie. Maria's father thought that after he got baptized, he and others would get baptized. (Gálatas 3: 7 - 9, 14, 16, 26 - 29; 1 Pedro 2: 9) Kamatukala noupanga omuwa na Jeova, inkha tutomba vana Jesus aholovona pala okuyunga omalumono ae. Does the Bible require that we blindly believe in God? We will not be drawn to Jehovah if we reject Jesus and reject his material things. Tupu Jeova oe Omukoyesi, Omuavi Wovitumino, Nohamba, mokonda oe muene uundapesa ovipuka ovio aviho mouhamba wae wouye auho. How did the apostle Paul feel about the good news? Jehovah is the Judge of the Law, the King of the earth, because he uses all these things in his kingdom. Iya mokonda oe wetutunga, oe vala watokala okutuhongolela. It appears in the Greek Codex Alexandrinus of the fifth century, the Latin Vulgate, and elsewhere. And because he created us, he deserves the right direction. Ovohe vapondola okuimbuka okuti vesukisa okuundapesa ononkhalelo ononyingi mbokulongesa ovana vavo opo vakale nohole na Jeova. When he discerned that others were in need, he compassionately found a way to help. Parents can realize that they need to use many ways to teach their children to love Jehovah. Au. Paul mentioned one way that we can show mildness and patience when he wrote: "Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely even if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. No. Mo 1950, andyiilukila ko Grand Junction Colorado, oku navasa omphange Billie. What work will Christ complete before the winds of destruction are unleashed? In 1950, I moved to Colorado, where I met Bill, who was a sister in the 1950 ' s. Okuti Ombimbiliya ihanda tutavele ku Huku, pehena natyimue tyitulekesa okuti tyotyili oe okuekahi? Indeed, early Christians viewed congregation meetings as opportunities to express their faith. - Rom. Does the Bible want us to obey God, no one can prove that he is real? Apostolu Paulu ankho ulitehelela ñgeni konthele yonondaka onongwa? See The Watchtower, July 15, 2013, pages 7 - 8, paragraphs 14 - 18. How did the apostle Paul feel about the good news? Mbumoneka mo Códice Alexandrino yo Gregu yo kotyita tyatano, no mo Vulgata latina, novikuavo. How do we show that we want to remain in Christ's love and have his approval? In the middle of the fifth century B.C.E., Alex and the Latin were divided into the middle of the second century C.E. Tyina ankho Jesus atala okuti vakuavo vesukisa ombatelo, ankho wovola okuvekuatesako. In fact, the idea that God is to blame for suffering is out of harmony with the way that the Bible describes God's personality. When Jesus saw that others needed help, he tried to help them. Paulu wapopia onkhalelo imwe onthue tupondola okulekesa omapole noumphua - lundo etyi ahoneka okuti: "Tualeiko okukoleleya ovipuka vakuenyi vemulinga nokulievela nomutima auho alo umwe ankho pena ou wemulinga otyipuka tyinumanesa. Adam and Eve's rebellion has affected all humans down to this day. Paul described one way we can show mildness and patience when he wrote: "Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely even whenever anyone offends you. Otyilinga patyi Kristu makamanuhula tyina nkhele onomphepo mbehanyu mbeheneyekwe? It means action; to show faith in the ransom requires action. What work will Christ complete before the destruction of the wicked ones? Ankho keya vala pala okutambula, mahi tupu una okuava. " If any show signs of doubt, perhaps by starting to grumble against appointed brothers, do not quickly shun them. He did not receive it, but he also gave it to you. " (2 Samuel 16: 4; 19: 25 - 27) Yatatu oyo Hamba Artaxerxe. (Italics ours.) - REVELATION 16: 14, 16, New Revised Standard Version. It was the third of King Artaxerxes. Tala Omutala Womulavi 1 ya Kakwenye yo 2013, pomafo 13 - 14, ono palagrafu 14 - 18. Perhaps you too have found that life is short and full of problems. See The Watchtower, July 15, 2013, pages 13 - 14, paragraphs 14 - 18. Oñgeni tulekesa okuti tuhanda okutualako okukala mohole ya Kristu, nokupandwa nae? " Upon him the spirit of Jehovah must settle down. " - ISA. 11: 2. How do we show that we want to remain in Christ's love and approval? (Tiago 1: 13 The Bible in Basic English) Tyotyili, olusoke luokuti Huku oe uvelwa onombei mokonda yononkhumbi mbovanthu kaluelikuatele nonkhalelo Ombimbiliya ipopia okutuwa kwa Huku. Satan then accused God of lying. In fact, the Bible describes God as being responsible for the suffering caused by human suffering and the way the Bible describes God's thoughts. Etyi Andau na Eva valinga, tyaetela ovitateka ovanthu vatyo aveho alo vomononthiki mbetu. Absalom's life ends ingloriously - a warning to all who would abuse others, especially God's anointed ones, such as David. When Adam and Eve had done so, they brought mankind back to life until our day. Tyihangununa okuti ovipuka tulinga vina okulekesa okuti tuna ekolelo mofeto yeyovo. Instead, it creates a selfish world and makes life difficult for everyone. Explain that the things we do must show that we have faith in the ransom. Inkha umona umwe uliyava konthele yovakuatate veli komutwe weuaneno, wahayekepo liwa okupopia nae. What is the best kind of recognition? If you feel discouraged about those who are taking the lead, do not give up. (Onthue tuembuyendameka.) - REVELAÇÃO 16: 14, 16, João Ferreira de Almeida. The facts proved otherwise, however. (Compare John 16: 14, 16, English Standard Version. Hamwe ove wetyimona - le okuti omuenyo omusupi iya weyula ovitateka. When the seabed dropped away into a blue abyss, Joe's wife said, "I think we're going out too far. " Perhaps you have seen that life is short and that it is full of problems. " Ospilitu ya Jeova maikakala nae. " - ISAÍAS 11: 2. God's servants cooperate with one another: In the congregation, we follow any direction we receive. 11: 2. Satanasi atendeleya Huku okuti onkhembi. Jesus showed the danger of following man - made traditions when he said to the religious leaders of his day: "You have made the word of God invalid because of your tradition. " Satan did not claim to be a liar. Absalau wankhia monkhalelo ikundisa unene. Olio elondolo pala aveho valavisa vakuavo, haunene okulavisa ovalembulwa va Huku, nga David. Among the many situations that call for displaying Christ's mental attitude, one that can be particularly heartrending is dealing with serious wrongdoing, whether in the family or in the congregation. Absalom died in a terrible state, and this warning was not easy for all of God's anointed servants, especially in the case of David. Mahi, ohole oyo yeta vala ovitateka mouye auho. Luke 3: 15, quoted earlier, indicates that some Jews thought that John the Baptizer might be the Christ. But that love is much more than just the world around us. Onkhalelo patyi ikahi nawa yokupandwa? Also, Nicholas and his wife, Deborah, help with sign - language translation in the Britain branch, and Steven and his wife, Shannan, are part of the sign - language translation team in the United States branch. What is the best kind of recognition? Mahi otyo hatyiliko. David was all these things, but he remained humble his whole life. But this is not true. Kohi oko, omukai wa Joe ati, "Ngoti tukahi nokuenda unene kokule. " For more information see chapter 5 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses " As a result, " says a woman, "was far away from far away. " Ovaumbili va Huku vaundapela kumwe na vakuavo: Mewaneno, tulandula kese ehongolelo tupewa. Why can we say that Jehovah understands feelings of loneliness as well as the happiness possible in marriage? God's servants cooperate with one another: In the congregation, we follow the direction we receive. Jesus walekesile eliva liokulandula oviso viaetuako novanthu etyi apopila ononkhalamutue mbo kononthiki mbae okuti: "Onwe muapola esilivilo ondaka ya Huku mokonda yoviso vienyi. " • The sowing of the seed Jesus emphasized the danger of following the traditional traditional practices of his day when he told the governing body: "You are the wisdom of God because of your tradition. " Povipuka ovinyingi viepuiya, tuesukisa okukala nohole ngo ya Kristu, tyimwe onkhalelo yokukala na vana valinga onkhali onene, mombunga ine omewaneno. I spent all my spare time at the gym, so all my friends were sportsmen. In many cases, we need to love Christ's mental attitude toward those who commit a serious sin, our family, or congregation. Lucas 3: 15, yapopiwa konthyimbi, ilekesa okuti ova Judeu vamwe ankho vasoka okuti João Batista oe Kristu. How do Jesus ' words found at Luke 21: 25 - 28 influence your view of the coming great tribulation? Luke 3: 15, quoted earlier, shows that some Jews thought that John the Baptizer was the Christ. Tupu, Nicholas no mukai wae, Debora, vakuatesako okupitiya elaka lio nompholo mo mbetele yoko Grã - Bretanha, Steven no mukai wae, Shannan, tupu navo vapitiya elaka lio nompholo ko Estados Unidos. Why are we proud of our young people? In the United States, Deborah and his wife, Deborah, helped to translate the deaf from Britain and his wife, Steven, and his wife, as well as the deaf language of the United States. David ankho una ovipuka ovio aviho mahi watuaileko nomutima weliola omuenyo wae auho. This was the third time that Jordan had broken his curfew. David had all of this, but he remained humble in his life. Opo unoñgonoke vali konthele yotyo, tala okapitulu 5 komukanda ou walingwa no Nombangi mba Jeova Family Worship Refreshes For more information, see chapter 5 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses Oityi Jeova aavela otyali tyotyinepo? In order to please Jehovah fully, we also both saw the need to adjust our immoral way of life and provide a stable environment for our son. What is Jehovah's gift of marriage? • Okukuna ombuto That could happen only if he was resurrected. • The sowing of seed Ngotyo omapanga ange aeho ankho ovanthu vovilwa vala. And our love for God grows deeper as we reflect on the ransom sacrifice he provided for our sins. So all my friends were very few. Onondaka mba Jesus mu Lucas 21: 25 - 28, mbukukalesa ñgeni konthele yononkhumbi ononene mambuya? What can we learn from the gecko? How do Jesus ' words recorded at Luke 21: 25 - 28 affect you about the great tribulation? Omokonda yatyi ovakuendye vetuhambukiswa unene? Keys to Family Happiness - Talk to Your Teenager - Without Arguing 8 Why can young ones make us very happy? Otyo tyamoneka ovikando vitatu Jordan ehika meumbo lietaka. [ Footnote] This happened three times when Jordan came home. Elilongeso Liombimbiliya Mombunga Lipameka Why can we say that acts of faith help us to build trust in Jehovah's counsel? Family Worship Mokonda ankho tuhanda okuhambukiswa Jeova, tupu atuimbuka okuti tuesukisa okupilulula onkhalelo yomuenyo wetu iya atuhimbika okukuatesako omona wetu. TODAY, sex is everywhere - on TV, in movies, and plastered all over advertising. Because we wanted to please Jehovah, we realized that we needed to change our way of life and start helping our children. Otyo ankho tyipondola vala okumoneka inkha ututiliswa. Therefore, they know both "the elementary things " and" the deep things " of the truth. This could have seemed impossible if her loved one had died. Tyina tusokolola kotyilikutila tyeyovo otyiawa etuavela, ohole yetu nae iliyawisa. 26 The Bible Changes Lives When we meditate on the ransom, our love for him grows stronger. Oityi tupondola okulilongesila kotyikokolo? True, he knew that he must offer his life as a legal requirement to satisfy his Father's standard of justice. What can we learn from the gecko? [ Onondaka Poutoi] " Like a blossom he has come forth and is cut off, and he runs away like the shadow and does not keep existing. " [ Footnote] Oñgeni onthumbi yetu mu Jeova ipamekwa tyina tulandula onondonga mbae? He humbly "hands over the kingdom to his God and Father. " How do we rely on Jehovah when we follow his instructions? HONO, otyihola tyipopiwa konomphangu ambuho, motelevisau, no mosinema, no momikanda. We can be sure that Jehovah will not deal with us "according to our sins. " JEHOVAH'S Witnesses are available in almost every aspect of the media, on the Internet, in books, and in books. Ngotyo, vanoñgonoka "ovipuka viotete "" novipuka viokuaya kohi " viotyili. For 20 years, the Israelites had been "harshly oppressed " by a Canaanite king named Jabin. Thus, they understood "the first things " and" the deep things of the wicked one. " ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Have you thought about expanding your share in the ministry? BY G. OVIIMBO MAVIIMBWA: 48, 165 Since I came to Wallkill, I have visited over 600 brothers and sisters. 27 The Bible Changes Lives Oe ankho utyii okuti una okuava omuenyo wae opo afuisepo otyitumino tya Tate yae konthele youviuki. QUESTION: Is Jesus actually God? He knew that his life would take place in order to fulfill his Father's command regarding righteousness. Ngatyina tyipita nonthemo, omunthu utyitwa auvuka iya atetuako, katualako nomuenyo, wenda nkholo ngokafi. " I have learned to control my anger, even when I am provoked. Like the flowers that the flowers are cut off, the one who survives it, and the one who does not die will be cut off from the dead. " Nomutima weliola Jesus "mapakula ouhamba ku Huku, He yae. " * Jesus humbly "give the kingdom to God and his Father. " Tupondola okukala nonthumbi yokuti Jeova kemetutekula okutalela "ko nonkhali mbetu. " So mankind continues to be plagued by war, crime, and poverty. We can be sure that Jehovah will not take care of us "our sins. " Mokueenda kuomanima 20, ova Isilayeli ankho "vamoneswa ononkhumbi " no hamba yo ko Kanaa itiwa o Jabim. Yes, Jehovah God is the Bible's Author. For 20 years, the Israelites "were persecuted " by the king of Canaan. Ove wasokale okuyawisa vali ovilinga viove viokuivisa? (Sal. (b) Why can it be said that the foretold seed includes more than Jesus? Have you considered the increase in your ministry? Napamekale ovakuatate no nomphange valamba po 600. (b) How did Jesus react when his disciples showed weaknesses? I have encouraged the brothers and sisters more than 600 years. EPULO: Okuti Jesus hono o Huku? Paul reasoned: "What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? QUESTION: Is Jesus a God today? Nelilongesa okulikondola onyengo, na tyina ndyilewa. They foretold that he would be humble and kind and that under his rule hunger, injustice, and war would end. I learned to control my temper and to control my temper. * He views all humans as one family. * (1 João 5: 19) Moluotyo, ovanthu vatualako okumona ononkhumbi mokonda yovita, noungangala, noluhepo. Warren Buffett, one of the wealthiest people in the world, has been dubbed an oracle for his successful business investments. Thus, people continue to suffer because of war, violence, and poverty. 3: 16) Tyotyili, Jeova Huku oe wetuavela Ombimbiliya. Was Jesus speaking only of life in heaven, or did he also have in mind eternal life in an earthly paradise? Yes, Jehovah God has given us the Bible. (b) Omokonda yatyi tupopila okuti ombuto yalaelwe ha Jesus ko vala? When we die, we pay the penalty only for our own sins. (b) Why can we say that the promised Seed is not unique? (b) Jesus walingile ñgeni etyi ovalongwa vae vehetyivilile okukala tyipahi? 10 - 12. (a) What counsel did the apostle Peter give to Christians who have unbelieving mates? (b) How did Jesus react when his disciples failed to keep awake? Ine otyitei tyina oupanga patyi nenthiki? Take revenge? Or what sharing does light have with darkness? Vaulile okuti Mesiya makala nomutima weliola, noluembia iya moutumini wae kamamukakala vali ondyala, novivi, novita. " This Good News of the Kingdom Will Be Preached " They foretold that the Messiah would be humble, loving, and loving - kindness under his rule would never be eliminated, oppression, and war. (Jeremias 10: 23) Jeova utala ovanthu ngatyina ombunga ike vala. On the other hand, when you discipline with love and self - control, you are likely to get better results. Jehovah views humans as just one family. Warren Buffett, umwe ankho povanthu ovahona mouye, ankho wankhimana mokonda yokupopia etyi matyiya komutwe. An expensive purple dye was extracted from certain mollusks, and various plants, roots, leaves, and insects were used to produce dyes in such colors as red, yellow, blue, and black. He was one of the most prominent people in the world because he spoke about the future. (João 10: 26 - 28) Okuti Jesus ankho ukahi nokupopia vala omuenyo keulu, ine tupu ankho usoka komuenyo wahapu kombanda yoohi? The nation was now settled in Canaan, the land that God had promised to Abraham. Was Jesus merely referring to life in heaven, or on earth? Tyina tunkhia, tufeta vala ononkhali mbetu muene. With good reason, then, Jesus asked: "Who of you by being anxious can add one cubit to his life span? " When we die, we owe only ourselves our own sins. 10 - 12. (a) Elondolo patyi Petulu aavela Ovakristau vena omukai ine omulume uhelilongesa otyili? Why not try one of these approaches? Many have found the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures to be accurate, reliable, and very readable as well. 10 - 12. (a) What warning did Peter give to Christians living in religiously divided households? Ine mevelingi ngetyi vemulingile? Indeed, members of the Christian congregation can provide practical support in many ways. Or should we be tempted to do the same? " Onondaka Ombu Onongwa Mbouhamba Mambukaiviswa " " As soon as we Jews from Dachau came into the block, the other Jews began to hide everything they had so that they would not have to share with us.... " This Is the Good News of the Kingdom " Mahi, tyina ulonga noluembia, nokuatula omutima, mokuatesako omona wove. WHAT DO THE FACTS SHOW? However, when you discipline and discipline, you will help your child. Otinda imwe ankho ilanda onombongo ononyingi, ankho itunda kovinyama vikala melunga, iya vielikalaila. Tupu otyivala otyinkhuhu, notyindumbu, notyinthikovei, notyivala tyeulu, ankho vilingwa novifo vielikalaila, nomii, nomafo, nounyama. Jenny, quoted at the outset, suggests one possibility. Ancient spices were expensive, and most of the trees of the sea and the red trees of the earth were used in different parts of the earth. Elongo ankho likahi mo Kanaa, otyilongo Huku alaele Abraiau. How different from my happy family life back home! The nation was in Canaan, a land that God had promised Abraham. Otyo Jesus apulila okuti: "Olie puonwe, mokonda yokusukalala unene, upondola okuyawisa vali ononthiki komuenyo wae? " Some might question Jeremiah's words, feeling that since Jehovah gave us free will, he can hardly criticize us for using it. That is why Jesus asked: "Who one of you, because I am so anxious that you can add even more time to his life? " Ovanyingi vaimbuka okuti Ombimbiliya Tradução do Novo Mundo das Escrituras Sagradas iivala vali nawa, yayumbwa onthumbi iya ikahi nawa pala okuitanga. Is it love governed by Bible principles? Many have found that the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures is clearer and reliable. Aveho mewaneno lio Vakristau, vapondola okuava ombatelo mononkhalelo ononyingi. The End of the World - Fear, Fascination, and Frustration 4 All in the Christian congregation can give practical help in many ways. " Etyi onthue va Judeu ko Dachau tuapakwa mokaleya omo, ova Judeu vakuetu, avahimbika okuholeka atyiho ankho vena, opo vehetuavele natyike.... What is Jehovah's perspective on our lifespan, and how does his viewpoint differ from that of many today? " When we were Jewish Jews in the prison, the Jews began to hide everything they had to do, so that they could not afford it.... OITYI TYIKAHI NOKUMONEKA? Help Young Ones to Become Familiar With Jehovah's Organization 25 WHAT DO THE FACTS SHOW? Jenny wapopiwa pombanda, upopia ehunga limwe. Well, accepting Jesus and being baptized in his name means recognizing his role in our relationship with the Creator. Jenny, quoted above, explains one reason. Otyo ankho tyelikalela unene nombunga yange yehambu nasapo keumbo! 5, 6. (a) Give examples showing that angels are "mighty in power. " (b) In what way does Satan have" the means to cause death "? How different it was for me and my family to leave home! Vamue kavetavela onondaka mba Jeremia, vasoka okuti mokonda Jeova oe wetuavela epondolo liokuliholovonena, kapondola vali okutukoyesa tyina tuholovona etyi tuahanda. He often talked to individuals, and he did so in a friendly way. Some reject Jeremiah's words, thinking that Jehovah has given us free will, that he cannot choose what we choose when we choose to obey him. Okuti ohole yotyotyili Ombimbiliya itulongesa tukale nayo novanthu aveho? When Sergey was a teenager in Kyrgyzstan, he watched a film that identified God's name as Jehovah. Does genuine love for the Bible teach us how to treat all people? 4 - 10 YA TYITALALE, 2013 PEFO 12 • OVIIMBO: 106, 51 Wahayeke Natyike Tyikuyapule Ku Jeova You start to run to a friend's house nearby. 16 Learn From God's Word - Did You Know? Oñgeni Jeova atala omuenyo wetu? Oñgeni onkhalelo yae yokutala yelikalela no yovanthu ovanyingi hono? For example, Noah's great - grandson Nimrod took opposition to Jehovah's rule to new heights. How does Jehovah view our life, and how does his view affect most people today? Okuti Ulinga Onthele Yove opo Omaliongiyo Ovakristau Aave Epameko? In order for God to listen to our prayers, we must sincerely strive to meet his requirements. Do You Share in Making Christian Meetings Upbuilding? Okutavela Jesus nokumbatisalwa menyina liae tyihangununa okuimbuka otyilinga tyae moupanga wavo no Mupakeko. 12, 13. (a) What did Jehovah tell Zechariah to do next? Accepting Jesus and getting baptized in his name means recognizing his role as the Creator and the Creator. 5, 6. (a) Popia onongeleka mbulekesa okuti onoandyu mbuna "epondolo enene. " (b) Omonkhalelo patyi Satanasi" aetako ononkhia "? You may be sent to prison or punished in some other way because of being loyal to Jehovah. 5, 6. (a) Give examples of angels as "the power of power " (b) In what way has Satan" caused death "? Ovikando ovinyingi ankho upopia na kese munthu iya ankho utyilinga monkhalelo ihambukiswa. Let us discuss some of those situations and what we can do to remain neutral. He often spoke to each one, and he made it very happy. Etyi Sergey ankho ena omanima 15 mo Quirguistão, watalale osinema imwe yalekesa okuti enyina lia Huku o Jeova. Cynthia feels that she will be the next to be let go. When Sergey was 15 years old, he saw a movie that showed that it was Jehovah's name. Ohimbika okuhatekela meumbo liepanga liove likahi popepi. The intention was to intimidate people so that nobody would listen to Jehovah's Witnesses. Then you went to the house of your friend near you. Kapakalele unene, ovanthu avatyitukilapo vali outumini omuwa wa Jeova. If so, before offering your prayer, spend a few moments thinking about what you want to say. Not long afterward, the people rebelled against Jehovah's sovereignty. Opo Huku atehelele omalikuambelo etu, tuesukisa okulinga ononkhono mbokutavela ovitumino viae. What is the divine formula for acquiring peace of mind? To listen to our prayers, we need to work hard to obey his commands. 12, 13. (a) Oityi Jeova atuma Zakaria okulinga? 3, 4. (a) How would you describe someone who is approachable? 12, 13. (a) What did Jehovah require of Zechariah? (Tiago 1: 5) Ove pamwe upondola okupakwa mokaleya mokonda yokutualako noukuatyili ku Jeova. It is God who keeps making it grow You may be in prison because you cannot remain loyal to Jehovah. Matulilongesa ovitateka vimwe netyi tuna okulinga opo tuhelipake mopulitika. I began work at a new job and met Liene, a lovely girl who was always polite to her boss, even though he was terribly rude to her. We will discuss some problems and actions that we must do not take sides in politics. Pahe Cynthia nae una owoma wokuti nthiki imwe mapolwa movilinga. 11 Rulership for Some, Benefits for Many 13 Did You Know? She became afraid that one day she would lose her job. Opo ovanthu ovakuavo vakale nowoma wokutehelela Onombangi mba Jeova, aveveihana veye okutala tyina vavetwa. Some Christians in ancient Corinth were confused about the matter, and others did not believe in the literal resurrection at all. To others to be afraid of listening to Jehovah's Witnesses, they invited them to come to see him. Inkha otyo ulinga, tyina nkhele uhenelikuambele ovola omuvo wokusoka konthele yetyi uhanda okupopia. This was in stark contrast with the burdensome rules that the Pharisees imposed on the people. - Read Matthew 23: 4, 23, 24. If you do, take time to think about what you want to say. Oityi Ombimbiliya itutuma okulinga opo tukale nombembwa komutima? Consider what Paul wrote in his second letter to Timothy: "You have closely followed my teaching, my course of life,... the sort of things that happened to me in Antioch [expulsion from the city], in Iconium [the attempted pelting with stones], in Lystra [the stoning], the sort of persecutions I have borne; and yet out of them all the Lord delivered me. " - 2 Tim. What does the Bible tell us to do to have peace of mind? 3, 4. (a) Kuove omunthu wapepuka omutima ukahi ñgeni? Though it grieves emigrants to leave behind a mate or children, many who go abroad feel that they have no choice. 3, 4. (a) How do you think a person is approachable? O Huku utualako nokuikulisa Adults too need to be encouraged, but often this does not happen. God keeps it grow and makes it grow Nahimbika okuundapa movilinga ovikuavo, omu navasa Liene omufikuena wokuna ohole, wahumba apeho omuhona wae, namphila oe ankho omukalavi unene. However, Eve and her husband discovered that losing God's favor meant losing their lives. I began serving in other ways, where I found a loving mother who always showed honor to his employer, even though he was violent. 11 Ovatumini Kavehi, Mahi Vapolako Esilivilo Ovanyingi Jesus well knew that when humans cease to live, they are "impotent in death. " - Isaiah 26: 14. 11 Myths That Leads to Many INKHA KRISTU KATUTILISILWE ÑGENO TYAKALA ÑGENI? Kohale, Ovakristau vamwe mo Korintu ankho kavetyinoñgonokele nawa, iya ovakuavo ankho kavetavela ketutilo. Before someone who is alienated from God can become a member of God's family of approved servants, he first needs to make a solemn promise to Jehovah. IF JESUS CHRIST FROM THE Bible Times, some Christians in Corinth did not fully understand, and others did not know the resurrection. (Mateus 4: 23; 24: 14) Otyo ankho tyelikalela unene novitumino vialema ova Faliseu ankho vakuluminya ovanthu. - Tanga Mateus 23: 4, 23, 24. Why is this counsel so important in our day? This was very different from the law of the Pharisees. - Read Matthew 23: 4, 23, 24. Tala etyi Paulu apopile etyi ahonekela Timoteo omukanda wae wavali: "Ove walandula nawa okulongesa kuange, nonkhalelo yomuenyo wange. " (b) What questions will we consider in this article? Notice what Paul wrote to Timothy in his second letter: "You have followed my second letter and my way of life. " Namphila tyiihama okusapo ombunga, ovanyingi vakaundapa kovilongo ovikuavo vasoka okuti vetupu vali etyi vapondola okulinga. He asked me if I would leave Gilead School at that point and return to Canada to serve temporarily as Kingdom Ministry School instructor at the branch. Even though it may be difficult for many families to leave other countries, many feel that they do not have enough to do what they can. Tupu, novakulu vesukisa okupamekwa, mahi ovikando ovinyingi petupu omunthu uvepameka. Thus, we are wise to follow Jesus ' counsel about praying for more of that spirit because Jesus assures us that the Father will "give holy spirit to those asking him. " - Luke 11: 13. Also, elders need encouragement, but there are often times when there is no comfort. Mahi, Eva nomulume wae vaimbukile okuti okuhapandwa na Huku tyituala kononkhia. * (See footnote.) However, both Eve and her husband realized that breaking God's favor could lead to death. (João 9: 4) Jesus ankho utyii nawa okuti tyina ovanthu vamankhi, "vetupu vali epondolo na like. " - Isaías 26: 14. We face a subtle enemy that can undermine our self - sacrificing spirit. Jesus knew that when people die, "they have no power over all. " - Isaiah 26: 14. Putyina omunthu wokuli kokule na Huku ehenetavelwe mombunga yovaumbili vapandwa va Huku, tete una okulinga omulao ku Jeova. It often appeared in business documents and carried the idea of a guarantee of future possession of something. As long as a person loses God's approval, he must first make a vow to Jehovah. (1 Pedro 4: 9) Omokonda yatyi hono elondolo olio liakolela unene? Why did Abner try to kill David? Why is this important today? (b) Omapulo patyi matukumbulula monthele ei? In time, Jehovah punished Eli and his two sons. (b) What questions will we consider in this article? Amphulu inkha ndyipondola okusapo Osikola yo Gileade opo ndyikondoke ko Canadá ndyikalongese Osikola Yovilinga Viouhamba. Indeed it is, which brings us back to the aspect of the good news that Paul highlighted in the book of Romans. He asked if I could leave Gilead School so that I could teach the Kingdom Ministry School. Jesus walaa okuti, Jeova "maavela ospilitu sandu vana vemuita. " - Lucas 11: 13. Tuvanongo tyina tulandula onondonga mba Jesus nokuita ospilitu sandu He told " everyone there among them not to think more of himself than it was necessary to think. ' Jesus promised that Jehovah "will give holy spirit to those asking him. " - Luke 11: 13. * (Tala onondaka pokatoi.) How did Jesus ' reaction to temptation differ from that of Eve, and how can we imitate Jesus? * (See footnote.) Tukahi nokulwa nondyale imwe ipondola okunyona ohole yetu yotyotyili. Paul gave a similar warning to his anointed brothers and sisters. We are fighting a vicious enemy that can destroy our self - sacrificing spirit. Ovikando ovinyingi, ankho imoneka momikanda viovitanda, iya ankho tyivatela omunthu okukala nonthumbi yokuti komutue wandyila matambula otyipuka. 11: 6, 11 - 13. In many cases, it was in recent times, and it helped a person to be sure that he would receive something in the future. Omokonda yatyi Abner ahandele okuipaa David? 4, 5. (a) How does Psalm 99 describe the earnest desire of Jehovah's true worshippers? Why did Abner want to kill David? Mokueenda kuomuvo, Jeova ahitisa Eli no vana vae vevali. He wrote the following to his fellow Christians: "You are " a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for special possession, that you should declare abroad the excellencies ' of the one that called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. " In time, Jehovah condemned Eli and his two sons. Tyotyili otyo, tyitukondola konondaka onongwa Paulu apopia unene momukanda wo va Roma. If you are a dedicated Christian, you too were drawn by God to true worship. Of course, it would not be possible for us to return to the good news that Paul mentioned in the book of Romans. (Romanos 14: 13) Oe wevepopila okuti: "Ame ndyipopila kese umwe pokati kenyi okuti ahasoke konthele yae monkhalelo yokulipakako. " How might we be able to help elderly and infirm Christians to share in true worship? He told them: "I tell everyone there among you not to think more of himself than it is necessary to think. " Oñgeni etyi Jesus alinga pokuyondyua, tyelikalela na Eva? Sometime after the Amalekite raid, the Philistines came up against Israel. How did Jesus react to the danger of being different from Eve? Paulu waavela elondolo ngolio ovalembulwa. Does it promise riches or ruin, love or loneliness? Paul gave similar counsel to anointed ones. 11: 6, 11 - 13. The only - begotten Son's role in creation is also unique. 11: 6, 11 - 13. 4, 5. (a) Oityi ovafendi va Jeova votyotyili vahanda okulinga ngetyi tyipopia o Salmo 99? The eagle does not depend on its own strength to soar and glide long distances. 4, 5. (a) What do true worshippers want to do according to Psalm 99? Oe wahonekela ovakuatate vae Ovakristau okuti: "Onwe mumbunga yaholovonwa, no vanakwa vouhamba, elongo liasukuka, ovanthu vae vakolela, opo muivise enkhimano lia una wemuihana menthiki opo muye motyitei tyae tyihuvisa. " PUBLISHERS He wrote to his fellow Christians: "You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for special possession, that you may declare abroad the excellencies ' of the one who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. " Inkha Umukristau welipakula, nove wakokelua na Huku mefendelo liotyotyili. 20,860,000 If you are a dedicated Christian, you too have been dedicated to God in true worship. Oñgeni ewaneno lipondola okukuatesako Ovakristau ovakulu ine vavela okutualako nefendelo liotyotyili? " Pleasantness at Your Right Hand Forever " (L. How can the congregation help older Christians or old to remain loyal to true worship? Etyi palamba vala katutu, ova Filisteu veya okulwisa ova Isilayeli. God's Kingdom under Christ will not rule through human agencies. Shortly thereafter, the Philistines came against Israel. Okuti mamukala vali nohole ine mamukala vala tyeliunga? And you yourselves will become to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. " Will you show loving love, or will you be the only person to suffer? (Revelação 3: 14) Kotyilinga tyae movilinga via Huku viokutunga, Omona wongunga, tupu oe vala aike. Paragraph 4: For more information, see The Watchtower, February 15, 1994, pages 8 - 21 and The Watchtower, May 1, 1999, pages 8 - 20. His role in God's construction work, the only - begotten Son, is unique. Mahi onkhombe kaitei kuotyo opo inthanane iya ayeende ovikambo ovile. [ Blurb on page 14] But the eagle does not have to make it available, and it is not possible for me to break the metal and take them away from it. OVAIVISI These words show that Mary knew the Hebrew Scriptures very well. PUBLISHERS 860.000 Reaching a Multilingual Population 8 Why Be Guided by God's Word " Vahongolelwa Nospilitu Sandu, "1 / 6 However, since that sacrifice was part of God's purpose, this series of articles focuses on God's role as the Provider of the ransom. 9 / 1 " Imitate Their Faith - Imitate Their Faith, " 6 / 15 (João 18: 36) Ouhamba wa Huku pomaoko a Kristu kamaukatuminwa novanthu pano pohi. (Read Romans 8: 14 - 17.) God's Kingdom in the hands of Christ will not be replaced by humans on earth. Iya onwe mamukala ouhamba wovanakua nelongo likola pala ame. " Thus, the Kingdom covenant is made with the 144,000 anointed Christians. And you will become a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. " [ Onondaka Pokatoi] Opalagrafu 4: [1] Opo ulilongese vali, tala Omutala Womulavi, 15 ya Fevereiro yo 1994, pomafo 8 - 21, Nomutala 1 ya Maio yo 1999, pomafo 8 - 20, (moputu). Later, Peter wrote: "You were once not a people, but now you are God's people. " Paragraph 4: To learn more, see The Watchtower, February 15, 1994, pages 8 - 20, pages 8 - 20, 21. [ Onondaka Mbavilapo pefo 21] The key is control. [ Blurb on page 17] Onondaka ombo mbulekesa okuti Maliya ankho wii nawa Ovihonekwa viova Hebreu. Continue to ask Jehovah for wisdom as you try to remove barriers before you. Those words indicate that Mary knew the Hebrew Scriptures well. Vihika Kovanthu Vomalaka Omanyingi In fact, even Daniel himself did not understand some of what he wrote down. They Offered New World Translation (1 João 3: 16) Mokonda otyilikutila otyo tyilinga onthele yomphango ya Huku, omukanda ou upopia vali unene konthele ya Huku mokonda oe Waava otyilikutila otyo. The foretold "time of the end " began in 1914. Since that sacrifice is part of God's covenant, this magazine focuses on the depth of God's sacrifice. (Tanga Romanos 8: 14 - 17.) Their humility impressed us. (Read Romans 8: 14 - 17.) (Revelação 3: 21) Ngotyo, omphango Youhamba, yalingwa novo 144.000, Ovakristau ovalembulwa. We do so as we carry out the work Jesus gave his followers, namely, "to preach to the people and to give a thorough witness. " Thus, the Kingdom covenant is made up of 144,000 anointed Christians. (Romanos 11: 25, 26a) Konyima, Petulu wevehonekelele okuti: "Kohale ankho kamuvanthu va Huku, mahi pahe muvanthu Vae. " Regular pioneers usually dedicate 70 hours a month to the field ministry, serving in their home congregation or in localities where the need is greater. Later, Peter told them: "You were not God's people, but now you are sons of His people. " Kamatuyekepo okundapesa otupia mokonda matuliyoko. 19: 11. We will not stop using the fire just because we eat it. Tualako okuita ounongo ku Jeova putyina wovola okupola mondyila ovipuka vipondola okukutyilika. Starting in 1944, more than a thousand bombs called doodlebugs fell on Kent. Keep on asking Jehovah for wisdom while seeking to protect you from the road that could cause you to lose your way. Alo muene Daniel yatyo kanoñgonokele etyi ankho ahonekele. We may find the time early in the morning, sometime during the day, or later on at night. Even Daniel did not understand what he wrote. " Omuvo wonthyulilo " waulua, wahimbika menima 1914. The apostle Paul told fellow Christians that they could "have an interchange of encouragement by one another's faith. " The "the time of the end " began in 1914. Atuhuvu unene okutala okuti ovalongesi vetu veliola unene omutima. His self - assurance was unfounded, though, for that very night he failed to show a spirit of self - sacrifice. We were surprised to see how humble our teachers were. Tulekesa onthumbi oyo tyina tulinga ovilinga Jesus aavela ovalanduli vae, " viokuivisa kovanthu nokuava oumbangi nombili. ' So we face a choice. We show that trust when we do the work that Jesus gave his followers, "the ministry of the people and give a thorough witness. " Mahi vokuundapa movilinga viomuvo auho, vetavela okuti vena onoola vesukisa okuundapa kese ohanyi movilinga viokuivisa, ine ovilinga ovikuavo vikuatesako okuivisa onondaka onongwa Ovakokoli - ndyila kese ohanyi vaundapa onoola 70 movilinga viokuivisa. For example, many people make prominence or prosperity their goal in life. But they believe that they should devote hours each month to the field ministry or in other field service to assist pioneers in preaching the good news full - time ministry. O proverbio imwe yati, otyiwa tyina tuhasuku notyivi tualingwa. - Provérbios 19: 11. Even so, the Bible contains principles that show us how our modern - day places of worship should be used and respected. 5: 11. Okuhimbikila mo 1944, omatenda alamba pomiliau ankho aihanwa okuti "omatenda okunthanana " atokesilwa ko Kent. They have been ensnared by immorality and have reaped the bitter consequences of immoral conduct. Such ones run the risk of losing out on eternal blessings. Starting in 1944, more than one million people were called "the coastal plain " of Armageddon. Tupondola okutanga komuhuka ine o kounthiki ine o kongulohi. If so, our words and deeds will show that we are walking and living by spirit. - Read Galatians 5: 16, 25. We could read in the morning or at night. (Gênesis 3: 14 - 19) Inkha weveipaele monthiki yatyo oyo, ñgeno ehando liae kaliafuisilwepo. That is what his disciples did in the first century. If he had killed that day, his purpose would be lost. Apostolu Paulu wapopia okuti, Ovakristau vapondola "okulipameka pokati kese umwe nekolelo liamukuavo. " (Romanos 1: 12) Otyo tyihangununa tyi? The truth about the time of the end was what I had been looking for, and I had finally found it. The apostle Paul said that Christians can "keep encouraging one another in faith. " 26: 31 - 33) Petulu ñgeno keliyumbile unene onthumbi, mokonda motyinthiki otyo, wesukile vali nomuenyo wae muene. Jesus said: "The harvest is great, but the workers are few. Peter did not have much confidence, for on that night he focused on his own life. (1 Pedro 4: 3, 4) Moluotyo, tuna okuholovona. He said: "Again the kingdom of the heavens is like a dragnet let down into the sea and gathering up fish of every kind. " - Matt. So we must choose. Mongeleka, ovanthu ovanyingi ehando liavo momuenyo, okuovola enkhimano ine omalumono. 8, 9. For example, many people desire their lives, seeking prominence, or riches. (2 Crônicas 5: 13; 33: 4) Mahi onthue tuna okukala nonthilo onene no nomphangu mbetu mbefendelo. They cultivate a warm, close relationship with their fellow believers by taking time to show personal interest in them. But we must respect our place and place places of worship. Pahe veihamenwa mokonda yetyi valingile, iya inkha kavelivele, vapondola okupumbwa omphitilo yokukakala apeho Momphangu Yombembwa pano pohi. Searching for a reason for this tragedy, the grieving mother said to Elijah: "What do you have against me, O man of the true God? Now, because of what they did and if they repent, they could have the opportunity to live forever in Paradise on earth. (Lucas 11: 13; Gálatas 5: 22, 23) Inkha ongotyo, onondaka mbetu nevi tulinga mavilekesa okuti tuendela mospilitu. - Tanga Gálatas 5: 16, 25. Is it not I, Jehovah? " - Ex. If so, our words and actions will show that we are guided by the spirit. - Read Galatians 5: 16, 25. Otyo ovalongwa vae valingile pomuvo Wovakristau votete. (Read Deuteronomy 32: 9, 10.) That was the case with his disciples in the first century. Ankho ndyikahi nokuovola otyili konthele yomuvo wonthyulilo, iya pahe netyivasa. We also refuse to read their literature, watch TV programs that feature them, examine their Web sites, or add our comments to their blogs. I was looking for the truth about the time of the end, and now I found it. Jesus wati: "Ovilinga viokuteya ovinene, mahi ovaundapi kavehi. Also, most people at that time could not even read. Jesus said: "The harvest is great, but the workers are few. Tupu kavapopila nawike otyilinga valinga. Although we recognize that our actions can influence people for good, the opposite is also possible. They do not tell anyone to do the work. Jesus wapopile konthele oyo yeliyawiso liovilinga Viouhamba wa Huku, puetyi apopia ongeleka onkhuavo, yowanda wokufua. At least one letter written by Paul was not preserved in the Bible. Jesus spoke of this Kingdom by referring to another illustration of the dragnet. 8, 9. First, let us examine what the Bible says death is like. 8, 9. Vesukisa okukala nohole navo, nokulekesa okuti vesuka unene navo. What should we remember when we are helping children? They need to love them and show them how much they really care. Mokonda ketyii omokonda yatyi omona wae ankhila, omukai wapopila Eliya nokulila okuti: "Oityi nekulinga, ove mulume wa Huku yotyotyili? Undoubtedly, most of those Christians of Jewish descent adjusted their thinking and moved ahead spiritually. Because he did not know why his son died, the woman said to Elijah: "What should you do to the true God? Hameko Jeova? " - Êx. A Title Deed and Solid Evidence What was Jehovah? " - Ex. (Tanga Deuteronômio 32: 9, 10.) Humble Paul did not distance himself from his brothers and sisters in the congregations. (Read Deuteronomy 32: 9, 10.) Tupu katutange omikanda viavo, netyi vahoneka mo Internete, katuvetale motelevisau, katupopi konthele yetyi vahoneka mo Internete. Today in Satan's world, sordid images and degraded entertainment have proliferated. We do not read their literature and write down the Internet, so we do not focus on what they say on the Internet. Ovanthu ovanyingi pomuvo opo ankho kavetyivili okutanga. 11: 2. Many people at that time were unable to read. Ngetyi ovituwa oviwa vipondola okukalesa ovanthu nehando liokulilongesa otyili, tupu ovituwa ovivi vipondola okulingisisa ovanthu okuhetavela okunoñgonoka Jeova. Our unbelieving relatives may oppose us because we serve Jehovah. Just as good manners can improve people's desire to learn the truth, bad qualities may cause people to rebel against Jehovah. Pena omukanda umwe Paulu ahonekele wahapakelue Mombimbiliya. More than 30 years later, she is still in the full - time service, together with her husband. There is one reference letter from Paul's letters to the Bible. Tete, tutale oityi Ombimbiliya ipopia konthele yononkhia. When others provoke us, we need to learn to "yield place to the wrath, " or allow room for Jehovah to express his anger. First, consider what the Bible says about death. Oityi tuna okuhinangela tyina tukuatesako omona? Why are the issues the psalmist raised important for you? What should we remember when we help a child? Mavapopi konthele yomunkhima wove. In the Bible, this type of love is described by the Greek word a·gaʹpe. Referring to your glory. 10: 5 - 10) Ovanyingi pova Judeu ovo Ovakristau, vetavelele elondolo lia Paulu avapilulula onkhalelo yavo yokusoka. Its inspired counsel protects you from the deadly effects of practicing sin. Many Jews who followed Paul's counsel changed their thinking. Omukanda Ukuavela Onthumbi Yokuti Mopewa Etyi Walanda, Nelekeso Liapama Your Bible - trained conscience might, for example, impel you to adopt an unpopular course of conduct or one that makes you stand out as different. The New World Bible Changes Lives Nomutima weliola Paulu keliyapulile kovakuatate vae no nomphange momawaneno. No matter how old they are or how long they have been in the truth, your kindness can encourage them to keep preaching with zeal. - Leviticus 19: 32. Paul humbly asked his brothers and sisters in the congregations. Hono omalutalatu alekesa ovivi, novitalukiso vinyona, vieliyandyana mouye wa Satanasi. If we rely on Jehovah and on the training he provides, we can often give a persuasive answer, one that may reach the heart of our listeners. Today, the pictures and entertainment that Satan's world represents. Ngotyo, otyali tyetu matyituetela okupewa unene, haunene tyina tuesukisa. - Eclesiastes 11: 2. Another type of bait that Satan uses is curiosity about the supernatural. 11: 2. Ombunga yetu yehelilongesa itupopia omapita mokonda tukahi nokuumbila Jeova. " Persevere in prayer, " and have faith that our loving heavenly Father can help you to endure hardships of all kinds. - Rom. 12: 12. Our relatives treat us unfairly because we are serving Jehovah. Palamba omanima alamba po 30, mahi nkhele utualako movilinga viomuvo auho kumwe nomulume wae. Yielding to Jehovah's Direction For more than 30 years, she is still in full - time service with her husband. (Provérbios 10: 19; 17: 27; Mateus 5: 22) Tyina vakuetu vetunumanesa, tuna okulilongesa "okuyekapo okunumana, " ine okuyekela otyitateka otyo pomaoko a Jeova. " Those who mourn " are the same kind of people as "those conscious of their spiritual need. " When others offend us, we must learn to "be offended, " or do not give up in Jehovah's hands. Omokonda yatyi omapulo omuhoneki wo salmu alingile akolela pala ove? The clergy hated Wycliffe, his Bible, and his followers. Why did the psalmist ask himself for important questions? Jeova ondyivi - ndyivi yohole oyo iya otyiawa etuavela. Let them rise up if they can save you in your time of calamity... Jehovah is the Source of such love, and he has given us the gift. Muna onondonga mba Jeova mbutukuatesako okuhalingi onkhali ituala kononkhia. " When [Jesus] found himself in fashion as a man, " wrote Paul, "he humbled himself and became obedient as far as death, yes, death on a torture stake. " It contains Jehovah's instructions that help us not to sin and death. Mongeleka, otyili tyo Mbimbiliya, walongesua tyikulunda okukala novituwa vikukalesa tyelikalela novanthu vomouye. 12 / 15 " You Know Neither the Day Nor the Hour, " 9 / 15 For example, Bible truth encourages you to develop a different spirit of self - sacrifice. Namphila ovakuatate ovo nonomphange vena - ale omanima omanyingi motyili, okuvelekesa okuti uvehole tyipondola okuveavela ondundo yokutualako okuivisa nombili. - Levítico 19: 32. We are so happy that we know the truth from the Bible. Although these brothers and sisters have already been in the truth for many years, they show that their love for them may motivate them to continue preaching with zeal. - Leviticus 19: 32. Inkha tuyumba onthumbi mu Jeova, no monondonga ehole okutuavela, matutyivili okulongesa monkhalelo ihika komutima. (Col. Those dealing with marital problems will be strengthened by reviewing such articles on marriage as found in The Watchtower of September 15, 2003, and Awake! If we trust in Jehovah and apply the counsel he has given us, we will be more likely to train our heart. Satanasi tupu uyondya ovanthu nolumbwe luokuhanda okunoñgonoka vali konthele yovilulu. Thus, McClintock and Strong note that "the observance of Christmas is not of divine appointment, nor is it of N [ew] T [estament] origin. " Satan also influences people to know more about the demons. (Salmo 37: 4, 5) "Tualako okulikuambela " nokukala nonthumbi yokuti Tate yetu woluembia keulu mekukuatesako okukoleleya movitateka aviho. - Romanos 12: 12. That happened to some early Christians, which is why James asked them this powerful question: "What is the source of the wars and fights among you? " " Keep praying " and trust that our loving heavenly Father will help you to endure all trials. - Romans 12: 12. Tavela Ehongolelo Lia Jeova If we are experiencing distress, we can draw comfort from such loving assurances as these: "A heart broken and crushed, O God, you will not reject. " Accept Jehovah's Guidance (Mateus 5: 4) "Vana valila " haivo vana" vaimbuka okuti ovahepi mopamphepo. " 9: 7. Why should we obey the Bible - based direction provided by congregation elders? Those "those who mourn " are not" conscious of their spiritual need. " Tete vamonesile ononkhumbi otyikundyi tyo Lolardos. (b) What will help us to cope with distressing circumstances? In the first century, they were persecuted by a group of soldiers. Pokati ka Jeremia, Jeova wati: "Ono huku muelilingila mbuli pi? On page 2 of each issue of The Watchtower, you will find this comment: "This magazine... comforts people with the good news that God's Kingdom, which is a real government in heaven, will soon bring an end to all wickedness and transform the earth into a paradise. Through Jeremiah, Jehovah said: "Where is the gods of the earth? Paulu wahoneka okuti: "Etyi [Jesus] eya okukala omunthu wa pano pohi, weliola omutima oe muene akala omutaveli alo pononkhia, okunkhila momuti wemone. " For example, consider Isabel. Paul wrote: "When [Jesus] came to be a man on earth, he humbled himself and became obedient as far as death on a torture stake. " Yumba Onthumbi Mu Jeova Huku "Yononthiki Nomivo," 1 / 5 So they do not select this hope for themselves, but Jehovah puts his seal, or holy spirit, upon them. - 2 Cor. 1: 21, 22; 1 Pet. 8 / 15 Onthue tuahambukwa unene etyi tuanoñgonoka otyili tyo Mbimbiliya. (Read Zephaniah 3: 14 - 17.) We are happy to learn the truth from the Bible. Vana vokuna ovitateka motyinepo, mavapamekwa inkha vapitulula ononthele mbupopia konthele yotyinepo mo Sentinela 15 ya Setembro yo 2003, no mo Despertai! Reminisce about past joys, encouraging the inactive one to speak about delightful experiences he has had at the meetings, in the preaching work, and at conventions. Those in marriage will be strengthened if they review some articles in the September 15, 2003, issue of The Watchtower, Awake! Tupu ngetyi tyiapopia omukanda Cyclopedia de McClintock e Strong, otyipito tyo Natale katyahindilwe na Huku, tupu katyikahi mo Testamendu Omphe. We are making Bible literature available to people around the earth Also, according to the book The History of C.E., Christmas is not a birthday celebration from God; nor is neither the New Testament nor the same as the New Testament. Otyo tyamonekele Novakristau vamwe potyita tyotete, iya Tiago evelingi epulo limwe liakolela: "Opi kutuka ovilwa pokati kenyi? " Certain Christians failed to recognize that, and they insisted on continuing to observe certain aspects of the Law. That happened to some Christians in the first century, and James asked: "What is the war among you? " (Sal. 119: 105) Tyina tumona ononkhumbi, tupondola okupamekwa nonondaka onongwa ngombu: "Ove Huku, ove kumatombo omutima wateka - teka nokuamiangulwa. " Olive Trees Appreciated, 10 / 1 When we see suffering, we can be comforted by the good news: "You, O God, do not cause the heart of the crushed ones. " Omonkhonda yatyi tuesukisa okutavela ehongolelo tupewa novalulu vewaneno liapolua mo Mbimbliya? What is a third reason for believing that God's Kingdom will "come " soon? There is yet a third reason for confidence. Should we accept the direction we receive from the elders who have been released from the bus class? (b) Oityi matyitukuatesako okukoleleya mononkhumbi? The Greek woman picked up on Jesus ' words and replied: "Yes, Lord, but really the little dogs do eat of the crumbs falling from the table of their masters. " (b) What will help us to endure trials? Pefo 2 lia kese Mutala Womulavi, movasimo onondaka ombu: "Omutala ou Womulavi... uungumanesa ovanthu aveho nonondaka onongwa mbokuti Ouhamba wa Huku, outumini wotyotyili wo keulu, apa katutu maukanyimako ovivi aviho aukapilulula oohi aiho omphangu yombembwa. We have the same need for solitude. " This issue of The Watchtower... comforts all sorts of people with the good news that God's Kingdom will soon end all wickedness and transform the earth into a paradise. Nkhele tala etyi tyapita na Isabel. We are not jealous when others receive praise, but we rejoice with them even if we feel that we should have received some of the praise as well. Consider an example. Ngotyo, havoko veliholovonena ekevelelo olio, mahi Jeova oe upaka oselu yae ine ospilitu sandu yae kuvo. - 2 Coríntios 1: 21, 22; 1 Pedro 1: 3, 4. Viktor E. 1: 21, 22; 1 Pet. 1: 3, 4. (Tanga Sofonias 3: 14 - 17.) (Read Proverbs 22: 7.) (Read Zephaniah 3: 14 - 17.) Vekuatesako okuhinangela ehambu ankho vena puetyi vaumbila Jeova. Veavela ondundo opo vapopie onongeleka onongwa ankho vakala nambo momaliongiyo, movilinga viokuivisa, no movionge viononthiki ononthatu. They will never change, and they help us to know how Jehovah thinks about matters. They help them to remember the joy they had in serving Jehovah, to encourage them to speak fine examples at meetings, assemblies, and conventions. Ovakristau vamwe ankho kavetyinoñgonokele nawa, iya ankho vasoka okuti nkhele vesukisa okutavela ononthele mbumwe Mbovitumino ovio. He will bruise you in the head and you will bruise him in the heel. " - Genesis 3: 15. Some Christians did not fully understand, and they thought they still needed to obey some of these articles. Ehunga patyi liatatu lilekesa omokonda yatyi tutavelela okuti Ouhamba wa Huku apa katutu "mauya "? Jesus helped many while he was alive, but he knew that he would have to die. What third reason why we believe that God's Kingdom will soon "bring to nothing "? Ngotyo omukai una wanoñgonoka etyi Jesus ankho ahanda okupopia, emukumbulula okuti: "Enga, Tatekulu, mahi tyotyili oviwena vilia ovinyanya vitoka komesa ya vahekulu. " Encouraging others involves what? So when she learned what Jesus wanted to say, she replied: "Yes, Lord, but the little dogs do eat the table of the house. " (Mateus 14: 13; Lucas 5: 16; 6: 12) Nonthue pamwe tuesukisa okukala otuike. (b) What should be our determination regarding tribulations? We too need to be here. (Romanos 12: 3) Onthue katulingi onkhi tyina vakuetu vahilivikua, mahi tuvehambukilwa namphila nonthue tuhanda okuhilivikua. However, David also knew what it was like to be low on provisions. We do not become jealous when others praise us, but we are happy even if we want it. Viktor E. " Earnestly endeavor to observe the oneness of the spirit. ' - EPH. 4: 3. Will You Answer? (Tanga Provérbios 22: 7.) They were to leave their stable, comfortable life and live as nomads! (Read Proverbs 22: 7.) Onondonga ombo kambupiluluka iya mbutukuatesako okunoñgonoka onkhalelo Jeova asoka konthele yovipuka. The topic is Jehovah. The image is that of a dwelling, or place of habitation. These principles change and help us to understand Jehovah's way of thinking. Oe mekekumiangula omutwe, iya ove mokemunumata kotyikomeko. " - Gênesis 3: 15. I don't want to look dowdy with that " I'm old; I don't care what I look like ' attitude. " He will bruise you in the head, and you will bruise him in the heel. " - Genesis 3: 15. Jesus wavatelele ovanthu ovanyingi puetyi ankho ena omuenyo, mahi ankho utyii okuti una okunkhia. Jesus said that his faithful apostles would live there. Jesus helped many people when he was alive, but he knew that he had to die. Oityi tyihangununa okuavela ondundo vakuetu? The most important promise that a person can make concerns his or her dedication to God. What does it mean to encourage others? (b) Oityi tuna okulinga? How Does Jehovah Guide Us? (b) What should we do? (2 Samuel 9: 10) Mahi, David ankho tupu utyii oityi tyihangununa okukala nondyala nohunga. However, those days of youth are often marred by painful mistakes that may affect a person's future happiness. But David also knew what it meant to be hungry. " Lingei ononkhono mbotyotyili pala okuendela mewaneko liospilitu. " - EFÉSIOS 4: 3. Happily, David had the courage to do what Jehovah wants his servants to do. 4: 3. Ankho vena okusapo otyilongo tyavo nomuenyo omuwa ankho vena, opo vakakale monohinge! As Sonia began to walk again, her mother told her, "I'm going to the congregation meetings, and you'll have to come with me because I can't leave you on your own. " They had to leave behind their comfortable lifestyle so that they could earn more money! Tyina tusoka eumbo, tusoka komphangu ina oluembia, nombembwa, neameno. Sickness and death will be no more. - Read Revelation 5: 10; 20: 6, 12; 21: 4, 5. When we think about their home, we think about love, peace, and protection. Hihande okuvala omapita mokonda vala yokuakulupa. Hisuku nonkhalelo ndyisoka. " My Life Was Going From Bad to Worse 10 I don't want to wear bad clothes just because I don't care about them. " Jesus wapopile okuti ono apostolu mbae mbekolelo mambukakala keulu. It feels like God is constantly looking out for your best interests. " - CHRISTOPHER, A YOUNG MAN IN GHANA. Jesus said that his faithful apostles would be in heaven. Omulao wakolela vali, elipakulo omunthu alinga ku Huku. What services do those in the Bethel family and at Assembly Halls provide, and how can we be of support? The most important vow, a person made a dedication to God. Oñgeni Jeova Etuhongolela? What if you struggle with feelings of inadequacy? How does Jehovah guide us? Anthi, momanima oukuendye omunthu upondola okulinga ovipuka vipondola okunyona ehambu liae komutwe. Well, Jesus died and was resurrected; then he traveled to the "distant land, " that is, heaven. On the other hand, a young person may have to do things that could lead to his future happiness. Mahi tyihambukiswa okutala okuti David walingile etyi Jeova ahanda ovaumbili vae valinge. Hence, we look forward with intense interest to the fulfillment of that outstanding aspect of Ezekiel's prophecy, trusting that "Jehovah knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial. " But it is good to see that David did what Jehovah wanted his servants to do. Etyi Sonia ahimbika okueenda vali, ina emupopila okuti, "Ame mandyienda komaliongiyo ewaneno, iya ove una okuenda naame, mokonda hipondola okukusa muno awike. " That was some 30 years ago, and I have been bedridden for a long time now. When Sonia began to walk again, she said to her mother, "I will go to the meetings, and you must go to the congregation, because I am not alone. " Ouvela nononkhia kamavikakalako vali. - Tanga Revelação 5: 10; 20: 6, 12; 21: 4, 5. How may elders snatch the sheep from Satan's jaws, figuratively speaking? 5: 10; 20: 6, 12; 21: 4, 5. Omuenyo Wange Ankho Uvila - po Okukala Omapita 10 Most Bible accounts, therefore, do not apply to only the anointed, the "other sheep, " or Christians during one specific time in history. My Life Had Been With My Life 10 Ulitehela ngatyina Huku apeho ekahi nokukuyunga kovivi. " - CHRISTOPHER OMUKUENDYE UMWE KO GANA. Treasures "Concealed in " Christ You will feel as if God is always watching the bad things that are bad. " - JOHN G. Omokonda yatyi ovilinga vilingwa na vana vaundapa mo Mbetele nomo Nondyuo mbo Vionge Ovinene viakolela, iya oñgeni tupondola okuvekuatesako? They ought to show that they want erring ones to return to Jehovah. Why are those who work at Bethel and Assembly Halls important, and how can we help them? Molingi ñgeni inkha ulitehelela ngotyi kuafuilepo okulongesa ovanthu? TONY, mentioned in the opening article, could have enjoyed a very different life - if only he had faced up to his drinking problem. How will you react if you do not teach people? Tyotyili, Jesus wankhia iya atutiliswa, alingi oungendi " kotyilongo tyimue kokule, ' keulu. Elders in wealthy lands may find it difficult to encourage baptized brothers in their 20 ' s or 30 ' s to do more in the congregation. In fact, Jesus died and was resurrected to " distant a distance ' from heaven. (Ezequiel 6: 7; Tala okatoi) Tuhanda unene okutala oñgeni onthele oyo yakolela yeulo lia Ezekiele maikafuiswapo, nokuna onthumbi yokuti "Jeova utyii oñgeni mayovola mononkhumbi ovanthu vokuna onthilo nae. " Religious organizations have given their blessing to the image of the beast and have tried to exert influence over it. We want to see how this precious part of Ezekiel's prophecy will be fulfilled, confident that "Jehovah knows how to deliver people of godly devotion out of trial. " Palambale omanima ehungi po 30 tunde opo, ndyikala vala moula. How is our confidence heightened by contemplating Jehovah's universal organization? Some 30 years have passed since I was about 30 years old. Oñgeni ovakulu vewaneno valinga ngatyina vanana ongi komayo a Satanasi? Romans 6: 7 states: "The one who has died has been acquitted from his sin. " How should elders view those who do not listen to Satan's sheep? Ngotyo, omahipululo omanyingi Ombimbiliya kaapopi vala ovalembulwa, ine "onongi ononkhuavo, " mokueenda kuomuvo umwe. The Bible indicates that poverty has been an ongoing problem among humans. - Read John 12: 8. Thus, many Bible accounts say only about the anointed, or the "other sheep, " during a period of time. Omalumono "Aholekwa mu " Kristu " Jehovah is the examiner of hearts " and is thus able to understand those who are divorced. " The belongings " are found in Christ Mahi, mavahinangela ohole nehumbilo ovakulu vewaneno vevelekesile. But it didn't matter. Instead, they will remember the loving and respectful honor that the elders showed. TONY, wapopiua monthele yotete, ankho upondola okukala nonkhalelo yomuenyo welikalela, inkha etavelele okuti una otyitateka tyokunwa unene. " My husband and I recently moved from a house to an apartment. SOME years ago, mentioned in the opening article, he could have had a different view of life if he believed that he had a problem with alcohol. Ovakulu veuaneno vakala kovilongo viokuamona, vapondola okukala novitateka tyina vaavela onondonga ovakuatate vambatisalwa vena omanima 20 alo 30 opo vaundape vali meuaneno. Rather than being frustrated or disappointed, we find ourselves drawn ever closer to Jehovah, our loving Father, as we immerse ourselves in doing his will. Elders who live in rich countries may face challenges when they are baptized for 30 years until they serve as members of the congregation. Ngetyi ekunga memonekelo liavelama kotyilolo, onongeleya mbomatutu vakuatesako o Liga das Nações no Nações Unidas, nokuovola okuhongolela omaongano oo. Jesus Christ - His Message and You Like the harlot in the vision, false religion supports the United Nations, the United Nations, and the United Nations. Omamonekelo eongano lia Jeova etulunda okulinga tyi? And Jehovah God "cannot lie. " - Titus 1: 2. What does the visions of Jehovah's organization move us to do? Romanos 6: 7 yati: "Una wankhia ononkhali mbae mbanyimuapo. " But we can be sure that our heavenly Father values our honesty and other good qualities more, much more, than any precious gems! Romans 6: 7 says: "The one who died has died has fallen asleep. " Ombimbiliya ilekesa okuti oluhepo, otyitateka tyitualako pokati kovanthu. - Tanga João 12: 8. (a) What is a key responsibility of the "gifts in men "? The Bible shows that poverty is a serious problem among people. - Read John 12: 8. (Mat. 10: 29 - 31) "Jeova oe omutali womitima " iya utyivila okunoñgonoka vana vahengwa. Never forget that your reputation is largely in your own hands. Jehovah is "the examiner of hearts, " and he is able to get to know those who are divorced. Mahi ame ankho hesukile. When under severe hardship, you may feel as did Paul - that you are in or at least very near "the lion's mouth. " But I didn't care. Marie - Paule, una omanima 74, ukala ko Canada, wati: "Ame nomulume wange, tuailuka mondyuo onene, pahe tukala mondyuo onthutu. Even if his own conscience allows him to drink alcohol, he still needs to think about the conscience of others. Says Paul, 74 - year - old Paul, who lives in Canada, says: "My husband and I live a large house now in a small house. Putyina tulinga ehando lia Jeova, Tate yetu woluembia, tyitukuatesako okufuena vali kwe atuhasoyo. Megan: There's another detail in this verse that I would like to draw to your attention. When we do Jehovah's will, our loving Father will draw us closer to him. Jesus Kristu Oñgeni Onondaka Mbae Mbukuvatela The Messiah would be rejected and killed. Jesus Christ - A Man of Love Ngue Jeova Huku "kakembe. " - Tito 1: 2. THE LAW THAT SETS FREE 1: 2. Mahi onthue tuna onthumbi yokuti Tate yetu keulu upanda oukuatyili wetu novituwa ovikuavo oviwa, tyipona omalumono! Mankind's hope of everlasting life on earth was undermined by an idea that prevailed in ancient Babylon and spread worldwide - the idea that man has an immortal soul or spirit that merely inhabits a physical body. But we are confident that our heavenly Father appreciates our loyalty and other good qualities rather than material things! (a) Otyilinga patyi tyakolela " ovalume Huku aava ' vena? 6, 7. (a) What important responsibility do "gifts in men " have? Muhalimbuei - ko okuti okukala nenyina ewa, tyikahi pomavoko enyi muene. He called God "my Father who is in heaven. " Do not forget that being a good name is in your own hands. Ovitateka viove vipondola okukala ovinene olitehela nga Paulu, iya osukisa okuyovolwa "momulungu wonkhulika. " • Why is humility important in accepting Jehovah's authority? Your problems may feel as did Paul, and there is no need to be "a lion. " Namphila omutima wae umuyeka okunwa, no ngotyo una okusoka oñgeni vakuavo vetyitala. Jehovah had commanded them not to do so. Although his heart helped him to drink alcohol, he must think about how others viewed others. Megan: Mo versikulu ei, muna otyipuka otyikuavo nahanda unoñgonoke. Let "the Law of Loving - Kindness " Safeguard Your Tongue PAGE 21 Megan: In that verse, there is another thing that you want to know. Mesiya ankho maanyua iya aipawa. (Read 1 Timothy 1: 3, 4.) The Messiah would be fulfilled and was executed. OVITUMINO VITUYOVOLA In his first letter to the Christians there, the apostle listed the consequences if the resurrection were not a reality. LOVE Lianthikoveleswa ñgeni? Ekevelelo liovanthu liomuenyo wahapu kombanda yoohi, lianthikoveleswa nolusoke ankho lukahi mo Mbambilonia kohale, luayandyana ouye auho. Olusoke luokuti omunthu una ohande ihankhi, ikala molutu luae. Paul did so when Timothy was experiencing stomach problems, perhaps because the local water was polluted. The idea of mankind's hope of everlasting life on earth was based on the idea of the existence of Babylon the Great and the existence of the human soul. 6, 7. They knew the Law regarding the offering of sacrifices but became so shamefully negligent that Jehovah had to give them strong counsel. 6, 7. Oe waihana Huku okuti, "Tate yange ukahi keulu. " There is no better place to look for the answers than in God's inspired Word, the Bible. He called God "my Father in the heavens. " • Omutima weliola wakolela unene pala okutavela okutuminwa na Huku mokonda yatyi? Spiritual and Physical Refuge • Why is humility essential to accepting God's authority? Ombimbiliya ipopia okuti ova Isilayeli kavatyindile okulia mo Jeriko mokonda Jeova wevepopilile opo vahatyindemo natyike. COVER SUBJECT | ANGELS - ARE THEY REAL? WHY IT MATTERS The Bible says that the Israelites did not stop food in Jericho because Jehovah told them to do nothing. Yeka Otyitumino " Tyokankhenda Okanene ' Tyiyunge Elaka Liove People and organizations making up the antichrist still oppose Christ and his teachings. Let "the Law of Undeserved Kindness " Safeguard Your Heart (Tanga 1 Timóteo 1: 3, 4.) Megan: I see some toys here in the front yard. (Read 1 Timothy 1: 3, 4.) Momukanda wotete ahonekela Ovakristau ovo, apostolu Paulu, wapopile oityi ñgeno tyamoneka inkha kakuakalele etutilo. Before coming into the truth, some of our brothers and sisters were angry and even violent. In his first letter to those Christians, the apostle Paul foretold what would happen if he had been resurrected. Mongeleka, Paulu wapopilile Timoteo opo anwe katutu ovinyu. Timoteo ankho uvela meimo, hamwe omokonda ankho unwa omande ehekahi nawa. * (Tala onondaka pokatoi.) But how can the holy and righteous God, Jehovah, view sinful humans as righteous? For example, Paul told Timothy to grow up in the womb of Timothy, perhaps because he had to drink the wine in the womb. Mokonda yotyo, Jeova eveavela elondolo limwe liakolela. We therefore take seriously the Bible's inspired counsel to wear well - arranged and modest clothing. As a result, Jehovah gave them a vital warning. Ombimbiliya Tyina Ipopia Konthele Younongo Wouye Yafuapo * ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Kutupu vali oku tupondola okuvasa omakumbululo aviuka tyihe Mombimbiliya Ondaka ya Huku. No matter what our assignment in God's organization, all of us should have "plenty to do in the work of the Lord. " No longer can we find satisfying answers to the Bible's inspired Word. Otyiholamo Tyopamphepo no Tyopalutu Why is Kingdom preaching more urgent now than ever? REGULAR FEATURES OSAPI YOKONDYE | OITYI OMBIMBILIYA IPOPIA KONTHELE YONOANDYU? Thomson wrote: "The shepherd goes before, not merely to point out the way, but to see that it is practicable and safe.... COVER SUBJECT WHAT IS THE BIBLE ALL ABOUT? Omaongano, novanthu onondyale mba Kristu, na hono kavetavela Kristu, nondongeso yae. 3 Under Christ's enemies, people today do not ignore Christ's teachings and teachings. Megan: Ndyeete ovimphundepu ine ovilolo pepata opo. She was impressed by what Solomon said and by the prosperity of his kingdom. Megan: Well, you will see whether you are bowing down or bowing down to a sacred place. Vamwe povakuatate vetu, nonomphange ankho vanumana unene iya ovakalavi. Meditating on Jehovah's past acts of deliverance can fortify us for what lies ahead. Some of our brothers and sisters were very angry and cruel. Mahi oñgeni Jeova Huku osandu nomuviuki atala ovanthu ovakuankhali ngatyina ovaviuki? Abraham knew that Jehovah had always kept his promises in the past, so he was sure that all of Jehovah's promises for the future would come true as well. But how does Jehovah God and righteous humans view sinful humans as righteous? Otyo pamwe tutyilinga nonkhalelo tuvala. Otyo tuesukisila okutavela etyi Ombimbiliya ipopia. How will training our conscience help us to be more modest? That is sometimes when we do so, at times we need to obey what the Bible says. * Even if we ourselves should face death because of our firm stand as Christians, Jehovah can and will help us to maintain our integrity to him. * Kese tyilinga tuna meongano lia Huku, tuesukisa okutyilinga nombili onene, "okukala apeho novilinga ovinyingi movilinga via Tatekulu. " We may imagine people cowering in the woods and hills, afraid to farm or to live in unwalled villages and terrified to travel on the open roads lest they be attacked, their children taken, and their women raped. Whether we have God's organization, we need to do our utmost to "keep busy in the work of the Lord. " Omokonda yatyi okuivisa Ouhamba tyalumbanesa vali unene hono tyipona kohale? However, God grants women and men equal value and standing before him. Why is preaching more often than ever before? Thomson, muahonekwa okuti: "Omunthita upita komutwe, hapala vala okuhongola ondyila, mahi nokutala inkha yaviuka nokuhena otyiponga.... As this scripture indicates, how you go about addressing the challenge will depend on the circumstances. Historians, quoted in the opening article, notes: "A shepherd is not the way to take the lead, but the way to the right course is by paying attention to what is right and not bad.... 3 Try to understand how the outline and the scriptures are connected. 3 Omukai oo, wahuva netyi Salomau apopia, nenkhimano liouhamba wae. 2: 4 - 9. She was impressed by what Solomon said, the glory of his kingdom. (2 Pedro 2: 9) Okusoka oñgeni Jeova kohale aamenene ovanthu vae, matyitupameka konthele yetyi matyiya. I explained my situation, and we cried together. Thinking about how Jehovah protected his people in the past will strengthen us about what will happen to us. Abraiau ankho utyii okuti Jeova apeho wafuisilepo omilao viae alingile kohale, ngotyo ankho upondola okukala nonthumbi yokuti omilao aviho via Jeova mavikafuisuapo nawa. He is the God to whom Jesus prayed and to whom Jesus taught his followers to pray. - Matthew 6: 9. Abraham knew that Jehovah always fulfilled his promises in the past, so he could have confidence that all of Jehovah's promises would come true. Oñgeni okulongesa omutima wetu tyitukuatesako okupola pokati? And because "there is not a creation that is hidden from [Jehovah's] sight, " we can be sure that he will draw those who are" conscious of their spiritual need " to his organization and provide spiritual food for them. - Heb. How can training help us to be modest? Jeova metukuatesako okukolela mwe, na tyina omuenyo wetu uli motyiponga mokonda yekolelo lietu. But Adam chose to eat the forbidden fruit, and by doing so he ignored the limits that Jehovah had set. Jehovah will help us to remain faithful to him even when we are in danger because of our faith. Ankho vena owoma wokukala momapia avo no momapundaumbo ehena ovimato, nokueenda momatapalo ekahi moluhandya, notyiho tyokuti vapondola okuipawa, ovana vavo vapondola okutyindwa - po, iya ovakai vavo avalalwa navo kononkhono. While at home, though, you have an obligation to obey your parents. - Eph. 6: 1 - 3. They were afraid that they would stay in their fields and flee the city, hoping that their children would be killed in the wilderness, and their wives would be killed by their husbands. Oñgeni ekoleleyo lietu lipondola okukuatesako vakuetu okunkhimanekwa na Huku? While taking reasonable care of our health, of what can we be assured? How can our endurance help others to honor God? Mahi, Huku upanda ovakai monkhalelo ike novalume. Jesus certainly found joy in being able to sanctify God's name. Yet, God appreciates women in a unique way. Ngetyi otestu oyo ilekesa, onkhalelo mokumbulula epulo olio, itei konkhalelo wapulua. Then we can be sure that Jehovah is pleased with us. According to that scripture, the way you answer is by making a question. Ovola okunoñgonoka inkha elongomona lielikuata no notestu. What motivates individuals like Akinori and Mario to turn their life around and find true satisfaction and joy in living? Try to understand whether the talk is related to scriptures. 2: 4 - 9. Why did the Israelites make animal sacrifices and other offerings? 2: 4 - 9. Andyimupopila etyi tyapita naame iya atuhimbika okulila. Can you do more to prepare to participate? I told her what happened when she was upset and began to cry. Oku Huku oo Jesus ankho elikuambela, nokulongesa ovalanduli vae velikuambele kwe. - Mateus 6: 9. The apostle Paul wrote of some Jews in his day who failed to practice what they preached: "Do you,... the one teaching someone else, not teach yourself? " That God prayed and taught his followers to pray to him. - Matthew 6: 9. 2: 3, 4) Mokonda Jeova wii omitima viovanthu aveho, tupondola okukala nonthumbi yokuti maeta meongano liae vana "vaimbuka okuti vesukisa okulongeswa na Huku, " opo vatambule okulia eveavela. - Heb. A study of the fruitage of the spirit can benefit your family Because Jehovah knows the hearts of all people, we can be sure that he will send them out of his organization "in order to receive spiritual food. " - Heb. (Gênesis 1: 28) Mahi Andau aholovona okulia kotyinyango tyailikwa, mokonda yotyo walekesa okuti walambesa apa pehikila ounongo wae wokuholovona. That would create an unwholesome state of affairs - one similar to that once existing among Christians in ancient Corinth. But Adam chose to eat the fruit of the forbidden fruit because he showed that it was not true to have the gift of free will. Mahi, tyina nkhele ukahi meumbo una okutavela ko voho. - Efésios 6: 1 - 3. Will you choose a job that requires only a little training? But before you are at home, you must obey your parents. - Ephesians 6: 1 - 3. Putyina tuovola ekongoko monkhalelo yapola pokati, tupondola okukala nonthumbi yatyi? (See opening picture.) What can help us to maintain a proper view of health, and why can we be sure? (Hebreus 12: 2) Jesus ankho una ehambu liokunkhimaneka enyina lia Huku. " All those who were rightly disposed for everlasting life became believers. " - ACTS 13: 48. Jesus enjoyed praising God's name. Inkha tulinga ngotyo, tupondola okukala nonthumbi yokuti matuhambukiswa Jeova. David calls out with confidence that God will answer him. If we do so, we can be sure that we will please Jehovah. Oityi tyalunda Akinori na Mario okupilulula omienyo viavo, nokuvasa ombembwa nehambu lio tyotyili momuenyo? But the ransom does far more than that. What motivated Pilate to change their lives, and to find real peace and happiness in life? Omokonda yatyi ova Isilayeli ankho valingila ovilikutila vio vinyama noviawa vikuavo? How did Ribeiro break his addiction to pornography? Why did the Israelites offer animal sacrifices and offerings? Okuti ombunga yove ipondola okulinga ngotyo? What evidence is there that Jesus completely trusts his spirit - anointed followers? Can your family do that? Apostolu Paulu wahonekelele ova Judeu vamwe ankho vahalingi ngetyi valongesa vakuavo okuti: "Ove ulongesa mukuenyi, kulilongesa ove muene? " How would Pharaoh react? The apostle Paul wrote to the Jews not to teach others as they taught others: "You teach yourself to your neighbor as yourself. " Okulilongesa otyinyango tyospilitu tyipondola okuetela ouwa ombunga yove Your loyalty to Jehovah may increase the likelihood that the disciplined one will repent and return to Jehovah. Applying the fruitage of the spirit can benefit your family Mokonda otyo, tyieta onkhalelo ombi, yelifwa na ina ankho yali pokati ko Vakristau mo Korintu kohale. He said: "Whenever I get to thinking a great deal of myself, I take myself into the corner, so to speak, and say: " You little speck of dust. As a result, the situation was similar to that of a Christian living in ancient Corinth. Okuti motyivili okuvasa ovilinga inkha ulongeswa vala katutu? Identify issues that cause you to doubt. Could you find a job that will soon pass away? (Tala olutalatu pefo pahimbikila onthele.) True, our fellow believer will need to strengthen his own faith through personal study, prayer, and other Christian activities. (See opening picture.) " Aveho ankho vahanda omuenyo wahapu avetavela '. - ATOS 13: 48. Ephesus was some 30 miles [50 km] away, though the trip was longer over winding roads. 13: 48. David ankho uliyavela ku Huku nonthumbi yokuti memukumbulula. Why have certain conventions proved to be particularly moving? David cried out to God, confident that he would cry out. Mahi otyilikutila tyeyovo tyieta vali oviwa ovikuavo. Things From Which We Must Flee But the ransom brings far more benefits. Oñgeni Ribeiro ayeka otyituwa tyokutala omikanda vihongiliya okulinga oundalelapo? * (See footnote.) How did Ribeiro try to influence pornography? Oityi tyilekesa okuti Jesus una onthumbi onene movalanduli vae ovalembulwa nospilitu? " What Sort of Persons Ought You to Be! " PAGE 7 What shows that Jesus is full of confidence in his anointed followers? 12: 5 - 7) Oityi ñgeno ankho Farao alinga? You young ones really deserve to be commended because despite the difficulties you face, you focus your lives on serving Jehovah. What would Pharaoh do? Ekolelo liove ku Jeova lipondola okukuatesako una walinga onkhali okulivela akondoka ku Jeova. Venting anger without concern for the consequences can cause serious damage to our own and others ' spiritual, emotional, and physical health. Your faith in Jehovah can help a sinner to repent and return to Jehovah. Tyina asoka okuti ñgeno ankho ulinga ovilinga vikahi vali nawa, Omukuatate Thorn ulipopila okuti: "Ame nalingwa vala nonthata. I have seen how Jairo's faith has given him a real purpose in life, despite his difficult situation. " When he thought that he would have been doing more work, the brother told him: "I am no longer organized. Imbuka ovipuka vikunguanguanesa. Then, quoting from the Hebrew Scriptures, he said: "In fact, Moses said, " Jehovah God will raise up for you from among your brothers a prophet like me. Let us see how you can protect yourself. Tuna ehambu liokupopila vakuetu konthele yae no Youhamba wae. Reflect also on various reasons why the person who practices fornication "is sinning against his own body. " We are happy to tell others about him and his Kingdom. Tyotyili, una okulilongesa Ondaka ya Huku, nokulikuambela ku Jeova, nokuenda apeho komaliongiyo opo elipameke. If we do so, we will come to love our brothers for their spiritual beauty, as Jehovah does. - Read Hebrews 6: 10. In fact, you must study God's Word, pray to Jehovah, and regularly pray to him to encourage you. O Efesu ankho ikala ono kilometu 50, ankho palingua oungendi ounene, mokonda omatapalo ankho elisetaseta. Then, as the Bible says, "commit to Jehovah whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. " - Proverbs 16: 3; 20: 18. Ephesus was about 50 miles (50 km) journey across the sea. Omokonda yatyi ovionge vimwe viahambukisilwe unene ovanthu va Huku? And how do Christians respond to what the Scriptures say about their hope? Why did conventions make God's people happy? Ovipuka Tuna Okutila The next day, we were in a much better position to discuss the situation calmly and reach our son's heart. REGULAR FEATURES * (Tala onondaka pokatoi.) Medical personnel, for example, work long shifts in hospitals to help those who are ill or injured. * (See footnote.) " Muesukisa Okukala Ovanthu Patyi! " " You are worthy, Jehovah our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things. " - Revelation 4: 11. " What Should You Learn? " Vakuendye, onwe muatokala okupandulwa mokonda namphila mukahi nokulambela movitateka ovinyingi, no ngotyo mutualako okusuka vali unene nokuumbila Jeova. Jehovah lovingly holds out to them what Adam and Eve lost, namely, the prospect of everlasting life in perfect health on a paradise earth. - Rev. Young ones, you are commended for the challenges you face, so you keep focused on serving Jehovah. Okupopia nonyengo tyihasoko, tyipondola okuihamesa vakuetu omutima, nokunyona ekolelo liavo, nekongoko liavo. That prophecy was to be fulfilled at a time when people in general were godless, obsessed with self and money, and disobedient. Showing anger can cause others to become discouraged, to lose their faith, and to control their health. Tyimoneka nawa okuti ova Mbambilonia ankho vetavela okuti ohande kainkhi. Even if someone is rich, his money cannot really protect him. Clearly, the Babylonians believed that the soul is immortal. Namona oñgeni ekolelo lia Jairo liemukalesa nehambu momuenyo namphila alemana. " Can the ransom apply to sins that were committed before it was paid? I saw how Jairo's faith made him happy, even though he was dead. " OVIIMBO MAVIIMBWA: 123, 174 The term "Father " appears nearly 190 times in the Gospels. SONGS TO BE USED: 123, 17 Tupu, watumbula Ovihonekwa vio Hebreu okuti: "Tyotyili, Moisesi wati, " Jeova Huku makaeta pokati kovakuatate venyi omuuli welifwa naame. Remind them of the close relationship with Jehovah and the wonderful privilege of prayer enjoyed by dedicated Christians. On the other hand, he also quoted from the Hebrew Scriptures: "In fact, Moses said: " Jehovah God will restore you to your brothers as a prophet like me. Tupu soka omokonda yatyi omunthu ulinga oundalelapo "ekahi nokulingila onkhali olutu lwae muene. " How so? Think, too, about why a person commits adultery "with his own own body. " Inkha tulinga ngotyo, matukala nohole novakuatate vetu okuhetekela Jeova, mokonda youwa wavo mopaspilitu. - Tanga Hebreus 6: 10. Actually, this is the very first time that I have been part of a sign - language congregation! If we do so, we will love our brothers and sisters who imitate Jehovah because they are spiritually strong. - Read Hebrews 6: 10. Ngetyi Ombimbiliya ipopia, "ovilinga viove viavela Jeova, opo afuisepo etyi waonganeka okulinga. " - Provérbios 16: 3; 20: 18. It was full of money. As the Bible says, "the works of Jehovah are whatever you do, so that he may fulfill it. " - Proverbs 16: 3; 20: 18. Iya oñgeni Ovakristau valekesa okuti vapanda ekevelelo liavo? Lorraine and I frequently reflect on our more than six decades in dedicated service to Jehovah. And how do Christians show that they value their hope? Etyi kuatya, ankho tukahi vali nawa opo tuhipulule nokuapoleya, monkhalelo imuhika komutima. Using his example, let us examine how we can help men deal with three common concerns today: (1) making a living, (2) fear of popular opinion, and (3) feelings of inadequacy. When the next morning, we had to get rid of it and deal with it in a way that affected the heart. Mongeleka, onondotolo, vaundapa ounthiki auho mo nosipitali, pala okuvatela vana vavela ine veliveta. Who Can Deliver Those Crying for Help? For example, medical physicians serve as a special circuit overseer to help those who are sick or injured. " Jeova, Huku yetu, ove vala watokala okupewa omunkhima nehumbilo noutumini, mokonda ove watunga ovipuka aviho " - Revelação 4: 11. If so, we commend you, because you endure and continue to preach even though it is difficult. 4: 11. Anthi, otyinyingi tyo Vakristau votyotyili hono, vena ekevelelo lielikalela. I was told to report to Fort Hayes again. However, most true Christians today have a different hope. (Salmo 110: 3) Onondaka ombo ankho mbukafuiswapo pomuvo umue tyina ovanthu ovanyingi mavakala onomphuki, nokuhasukile na Huku, nokuasukalala vala nomahando avo muene no nombongo. Jehovah shows interest in us by listening personally to our prayers. Those words were fulfilled at a time when most people would be able to care for God's favor with their own interests and interests. Namphila omunthu omuhona, onombongo mbae kambupondola okumuyovola. Why? Although a rich person is rich, his money could not save him. Okuti otyilikutila tya Jesus tyipata no nonkhali mbalingwa kohale? Why? What is the basis of Jesus ' sacrifice and of sin? (Lucas 2: 49) Ondaka "Tate " mono Evandyeliu imoneka ovikando vihanda okuhika po 190. • How can we imitate Jehovah's view of people when we are in the ministry? The word "Father " appears some 7,000 times in the Gospels. Vehinangelesa okuti Ovakristau vokuelipakula, vena oupanga omuwa na Jeova, nelao liokulikuambela kwe. Jehovah's Word Is Alive They remind themselves that dedicated Christians have a close relationship with Jehovah, the privilege of praying to him. Ñgeni? However, the psalmist sang: "When my disquieting thoughts became many inside of me, your own consolations began to fondle my soul. " How? Etyi otyikando tyotete ndyikahi mewaneno lio nompholo! Each day, we are confronted with choices and decisions that test our loyalty. For the first time I was in the congregation! Mokati, ankho muna onombongo ononyingi. Regarding our time, the Bible foretold: "In the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. " She had a lot of money. Ame na Lorraine apeho tusoka komanima alamba po 60 tuaundapa movilinga via Jeova. What qualities will help elders take good care of the congregation? I have never enjoyed spending more than 60 years in Jehovah's service. Okulandula ongeleka yae, tutalei oñgeni tupondola okukuatesako ovalume konthele yovipuka evi vitatu: (1) okuvasa eteku, (2) owoma wetyi ovanthu mavapopi, (3) nokulitehela okuti kamavetyivili okutyilinga. As you strive to reach your goals, including baptism, you may at times experience anxiety and doubts. Following his example, let us see how we can help men: (1) find these three things: (2) be afraid of people, (2) speak to them, and (3) will be able to do so. Inkha ongotyo, onthue tukupandula mokonda ukahi nokukoleleya iya utualako okuivisa namphila tyihapepukile. A person who is physical, or fleshly - minded, is someone whose thinking is guided by his own desires. If so, we are grateful that you have endured and continue preaching despite difficult circumstances. Andyiihanwa vali koseketa Fort Hayes. IN November 2010, a bid of nearly 70 million dollars was made on a Chinese clay vase in England. I was again called to the Service Department. Jeova ulekesa okuti wesuka nonthue mokutehelela omalikuambelo etu. So modestly accept that you will not excel in every endeavor. - Proverbs 11: 2. Jehovah shows that he cares about us by listening to our prayers. Omokonda yatyi? What did Jehovah invite Adam to do, and why? Why? Omokonda yatyi? The Creator of humans and the earth wants you to know that his time to take action is approaching. Why? • Oityi welilongesa konthele yoñgeni tuna okutala ovakuatate vetu ouye auho? Our spiritual heritage includes the blessing of enjoying accurate knowledge of God's Word and a clear understanding of the truth about him and his purposes. • What have you learned about how we should view our worldwide brotherhood? Ondaka ya Jeova Ina Omuenyo Soon Christ will exercise his authority to destroy Satan's wicked system. Jehovah's Word Is Alive Tupu, Paulu wahoneka okuti: "Muhakalei notyiho notyipuka natyike, mahi, muaviho, itei unene ku Huku nomalikuambelo kumwe nolupandu. 13: 8. Paul also wrote: "Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God. Kese nthiki, tuna ovipuka tuesukisa okuholovona nokutokola, vipondola okulola ekolelo lietu. " If you search for Jehovah, he will let himself be found by you ' Each day, we have a choice and a decision that can test our faith. Ombimbiliya ipopia konthele yononthiki mbetu okuti: "Kononthiki mbahulililako, makukeya omuvo wokuepuiya. " And it was to women that Jesus granted the privilege of being the first witnesses of his resurrection. - Matthew 28: 9, 10. The Bible says of our day: "In the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. " Ovituwa patyi mavikuatesako ovakulu vewaneno okutekula nawa ewaneno? (b) How did Asa ignore Azariah's counsel, and with what result? What qualities will help elders to take care of the congregation? Tupandula ondongeso tutambula monosikola ononyingi Mbombiliya So be balanced. How grateful we are that we receive higher education? Putyina ulinga ononkhono mbokuvasa ovilinga wovola, okukutikinyamo ombatisimu, upondola okukala notyiho, nohuhunia. Good associates encourage us to engage in useful Christian pursuits, such as reading the Bible, attending Christian meetings, and sharing in the field service. As you strive to find employment, including baptism, can be anxious and discouraged. Pahe tuamana okulilongesa ehipululo lio no Evandyeliu, mbapameka etokolo lietu liokukala nohole onene na Jesus, tyipona kese vipuka ovikuavo vipondola okutuyapula. Cameron: Thank you. After studying the account of the Gospels and the Gospel accounts strengthen our determination to love Jesus more than anything else can lead us astray. Omunthu wopahitu una omalusoke ahongolelwa nomahando ae muene. What is the inclination of those "in accord with the flesh "? A physical person has the thinking of himself and his own desires. Mu Kuhuhu yo 2010, ko, Inglaterra kuaawa nondolale onomiliau 70 pala okulinga ombiya yoluma ko China. Certainly, the Bible's advice is still relevant. In November 2010, England and over 70 million dollars were assigned to the Chinese city. Ngotyo, kala nomutima weliola okutavela okuti kumevili okulinga nawa ovipuka aviho. - Provérbios 11: 2. This showed that he is reasonable, humble, and compassionate. 11: 2. Oityi Jeova atumine Andau okulinga, iya omokonda yatyi? IMITATE THEIR FAITH | REBEKAH What command did Jehovah give Adam, and why? Omutungi wovanthu, nohi, uhanda ove unoñgonoke okuti omuvo maeta onthyulilo ukahi unene popepi. But could the desire to receive glory from humans affect even dedicated servants of God? The Creator, the earth, wants you to know that the time will come for the end is near. Mahi epingo tuapewa na Huku liakutikinya ouwa wokukala nenoñgonoko liaviuka Liondaka ya Huku, nenoñgonoko konthele yae, nomavangelo ae. Satan hoped that what Jesus saw would appeal to him and convince him that he could become the earth's most powerful political leader. But God's spiritual heritage includes the benefits of having accurate knowledge of God's Word, understanding, and purpose. Apa katutu Kristu makaundapesa outumini wae okuhanyako ouye wovivi wa Satanasi. This means that things will keep changing. Soon Christ will use his rulership to destroy Satan's wicked system. Ngotyo, otyiwa tulipule okuti, " Onalupi nalekesa nonondaka nevi ndyilinga okuti ndyina ehumbilo enene novakuatate no nomphange mewaneno? ' - Romanos 13: 8. (Read Luke 21: 34.) So we do well to ask ourselves, " When do I show honor to the brothers and sisters in the congregation? ' - Romans 13: 8. " Inkha wovola Jeova, oe mayeke umuvase ' In each congregation, qualified men serve as elders, or overseers. " If you search for Jehovah, he will let himself be found by you. ' (João 4: 7 - 26) Omukai wakalele nelao enene liokukala ombangi yotete, yetutilo lia Jesus. - Mateus 28: 9, 10. One congregation wrote, "The only line that passes near this place is a telegraph line. " His great privilege was to be a part of the first resurrection, Jesus ' resurrection. - Matt. 28: 9, 10. (b) Oityi tyalekesile okuti Asa ketavelele elondolo lia Azaria, iya oityi tyatundililako? After all, the Philistine king and his officials came to visit him in Beer - sheba and sought to make a covenant of peace with him, saying: "We have unmistakably seen that Jehovah has proved to be with you. " (b) What showed that Asa did not heed Azariah's warning, and what was the result? Tupu, tyihanda okupola pokati. Regardless of what we must face, let us always exercise faith in God and follow his Son. - 2 Cor. 4: 16 - 18. It also requires balance. Tuesukisa okukala novanthu vetuavela ondundo yokulinga ovipuka oviwa, ngetyi okutanga Ombimbiliya, nokuenda komaliongiyo, nomovilinga viokuivisa. Although they were at one time very active in the disciple - making work, they are now hampered by ill health or the limitations of old age. We need to encourage people to do good things, such as reading the Bible, attending Christian meetings, and preaching. Cameron: Napandula. * Cameron: Thank you. Vana vaendela "movipuka violutu " vena eyembelo patyi? Psalm 112 contains fine advice for all who want to maintain a clean conscience before God. What are "the works of the flesh "? Tyotyili, onondonga mbo Mbimbiliya na hono nkhele mbakolela. No, they are not. In fact, Bible principles are still relevant today. Otyo tyilekesa okuti Huku wapola pokati, weliola omutima, iya una onkhenda. What will help us to "get up again "? This means that God is modest, humble, and merciful. HETEKELA EKOLELO LIAVO | REBEKA Indeed, cooperating as a family is worth all the effort. IMITATE THEIR FAITH JOSEPH Alo umwe ovaumbili va Huku vapondola okusukalala unene netyi vakuavo vapopia. (b) What did Jesus tell his followers to do if their wait for the end proved to be longer than they had anticipated? Even God's servants may feel anxious about what others say. Satanasi ankho wakevela Jesus ahuve netyi matale, iya atyimupe ondundo yokukala omutumini wavilapo unene kombanda yoohi. Jesus ' disciples recognized that forgiving others requires faith. Satan waited for Jesus to see what he saw, and he was moved to be the greatest ruler of the earth. Otyo tyilekesa okuti mukahi nokulingwa omapiluluko. Then she stopped talking to me altogether. This means that you are making changes. (Tanga Lucas 21: 34.) Do All Good People Go to Heaven? (Read Luke 21: 34.) Kese ewaneno, lina ovalume vaundapa ngovakulu vewaneno. Yes, the Bible revealed the future! Each congregation has the responsibility to serve as elders. Ovakuatate vewaneno limwe vahoneka okuti: "Tyivasiwa vala kuno, onongoi mbo notelefone mbo kohale. " [ Footnote] One brother wrote: "It's only like me that we are here, and let us go back to the truth from time to time. " Ohamba yo Filistia ankho utyii okuti Jeova wakanena nawa Isake movipuka aviho. Etyi aya nomatolopa ae okukatalelapo Isake ko Berseba, alingi omphango nae, oe wati: "Tuetyimona nawa - nawa okuti Jeova ukahi nove. " Even though I had gone to church with my mother every Sunday, I still knew very little about the Bible. The Philistine king knew that Jehovah would bless Isaac and his military forces when he went to visit Isaac, saying: "We have seen that Jehovah is with you. " Namphila tumona ovitateka, tutualeiko okukolela mu Huku nokulandula Omona wae. - 2 Coríntios 4: 16 - 18. This is very important because many refugees have been forced to leave behind everything they were familiar with. Even though we have trials, let us remain loyal to God and follow his Son. - 2 Corinthians 4: 16 - 18. Namphila ankho kohale vaundapa nombili movilinga viokulinga ovalongwa, hono kavetyivili vali mokanda yokuvela ine okuakulupa. Why was Abraham willing to wait, and what blessings will he see as a result of his patience? Even though they worked hard in the disciple - making work, they could no longer suffer old age or old age. * We strive to remain without spot from this world. * O Salmo 112, ina onondonga onongwa pala aveho vahanda okutualako okukala nomutima wasukuka komaiho a Huku. What a fine example that is for young ones, who will be blessed by God for their willing subjection to their parents! Psalm 112 contains good advice for all who want to maintain a clean conscience before God. Au. It was a full month of training for overseers of congregations, circuits, and districts. No. Mahi, oityi matyitukuatesako "okukatuka vali "? 24: 14. But what will help us to "come again "? Tyotyili, tyakolela tyina ombunga ilinga ononkhono mbokuundapela kumue. Instead of looking to God to solve the problems in the world, millions of people look to human organizations. Of course, it is important for family members to work together. (b) Oityi Jesus apopila ovalanduli vae valinge inkha onthyulilo kaiya liwa ngetyi vasoka? Those who satisfy their spiritual need by studying the Bible and applying what they learn find that their life changes for the better. (b) What did Jesus tell his followers to do if the end will not come as quickly as they think? Ovalongwa va Jesus velilongesile okuti ekolelo liesukisa pala okuevela vakuetu. It is our desire that many more men will respond to the deeply satisfying message that is found only in the Bible. Jesus ' disciples realize that faith is needed to forgive others. Konyima ayekepo okupopia naame. Mirrors recovered from archaeological excavations in and around Israel have usually been found with jewelry and other items of feminine adornment. Then he stopped talking to me. Okuti Ovanthu Aveho Onondalawa Venda Keulu? This feature, "Learn From God's Word, " will use the same method to help you. - Read Luke 24: 27, 45. Are All Good People Go to Heaven? Tyotyili, Ombimbiliya ihololola etyi matyiya komutue! For example, Canaanite leaders and their people did terrible things, which included committing incest, homosexuality, bestiality, child sacrifice, and idolatry. In fact, the Bible reveals the future! [ Onondaka Poutoi] For more information, see chapter 3 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses [ Footnote] Namphila ankho ndyenda apeho mokapela na me, mahi ankho ndyii vala ovipuka vihehi konthele Yombimbiliya. 3, 4. (a) When did the Bible Students adopt a new name, and how did they feel about it? Although I often went to church with my mother, I knew little about the Bible. Otyo tyakolele unene mokonda ovanthu ovanyingi vatilila motyilongo vasapo omaumbo avo novipuka viavo. Like Priscilla, Aquila, and Apollos, we can be a blessing to others. This was so strong that many refugees left their homes and possessions. Omokonda yatyi Abraiau ankho ena okukevelela iya oñgeni makayambwa mokonda youmphua - lundo wae? Put yourself in the place of the characters. Why was Abraham to wait, and how will he reward his patience? Mahi, tutualako okulinga nombili ovilinga oviwa. No. Instead, we keep busy in fine works. (Lucas 2: 51) Oyo, ongeleka ongwa ngatyi pala ovakuendye novahikuena. Huku meveyambe inkha vatualako okutavela kovohe! At times, however, congregation elders may need to ask questions about personal matters in order to carry out their assigned duties. What a fine example for young people to be obedient to God if they remain obedient to their parents! Osikola oyo ankho ikala ohanyi iya ankho mulongeswa ononkhalamutwe mbovakulu vewaneno, novatalelipo vomawaneno, novakulu vo distritu. Maintain an Appreciative Attitude That school was a monthly month, and the governing body was taught by the elders, circuit overseers, and elders. Iya ngetyi tuapopiale, ovilinga viokuivisa ouye auho vikahi nokufuisapo nawa onondaka mba Jesus. - Mateus 24: 14. WHAT exactly did the apostle Paul mean when he said that the Bible is "inspired of God "? 24: 14. Ombimbiliya ipopia ovikando ovinyingi okankhenda okanene Omupakeko wovanthu alekesa mokonda yoluembia luae. Yes, Jeremiah principally wrote about men, women, and children who were in a dedicated relationship with Jehovah. The Bible often describes loving - kindness as a loving Creator. Ovanthu ovanyingi kavakevela Huku atetulule ovitateka viouye, mahi vakevela omaongano omouye evitetulule. How happy we are that we have the opportunity to approach our God and Father, the "Hearer of prayer "! - Psalm 65: 2. Many people do not expect God to solve the problems of the world but are looking forward to its end. Vana vakululukisa omasuka - suka avo opamphepo mokulilongesa Ombimbiliya nokuendela muetyi velilongesa, vapilulula omuenyo wavo aukala nawa. The International Space Station - a technological wonder orbiting the earth - is the result of the united efforts of some 15 nations. Those who find satisfying spiritual need to study the Bible and apply what they learn will change their lives. Tuhanda ovalume ovanyingi vetavele onondaka mbuhambukiswa mbuvasiwa vala Mombimbiliya. Therefore, beloved ones, since you are awaiting these things, do your utmost to be found finally by him spotless and unblemished and in peace. " We want many men to accept the message found in the Bible. Ovilivandyelo viavasiwa pomatunthu aheyululwa motyilongo tyo Isilayeli, viavasiwa povipuka ovakai velifiwisa navio. It comforts people with the good news that God's heavenly Kingdom will soon end all wickedness and transform the earth into a paradise. A History of Israel's army in ancient Israel has been discovered by the conduct of women in ancient Israel. Onthele ei yati, "Lilongesa Ondaka ya Huku, " tupu otyo mailingi pala okukukuatesako. - Tanga Lucas 24: 27, 45. How, then, can a husband exercise his authority and at the same time treat his wife as someone worthy of honor? This article considers "to teach God's Word, " and it will also help you to do the same. - Read Luke 24: 27, 45. Mongeleka, ononkhalamutwe mbo ko Kanaa novanthu vavo valingile ovipuka ovivi, okulinepa pombunga, ovalume okulala poyavo, okulala novinyama, nokulinga ovilikutila viovana, nokufenda ovilolo. The benefits of being humble and waiting on Jehovah are security and blessings, solace and satisfaction. For example, the governing body in Canaan and their wives did bad things, homosexuality, and animals. Opo unoñgonoke vali konthele yotyo, tala okapitulu 3 komukanda ou, Oityi Ombimbiliya Tyili Ilongesa? walingua no Nombangi mba Jeova [ Olutalatu pefo 32] (a) What do we need to remember in order to have God's approval and blessing? For more information, see chapter 3 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses 3, 4. (a) Onalupi Ovalilongesi Vombimbiliya vahimbika okuihanwa okuti Onombangi mba Jeova, iya oñgeni vakalele? What do we need to do now before the start of the great tribulation? 3, 4. (a) When did the Bible Students begin to be called Jehovah's Witnesses, and how did they react? Nga Prisila, na Akila, na Apolu, nonthue tukuateseiko vakuetu. Just as friends enjoy two - way communication, we should allow God to speak to us and we should listen to him when he does. Like Priscilla, Aquila, Priscilla, and Apollos, we can help others. Linga ngatyina nove ankho opo ukahi. As a remembrancer, it would help them recall and apply correctly what had been explained. Work as if you were in a position to do so. Au. 4 No. (1 Tessalonicenses 4: 11) Mahi, pamue tyina tyesukisa ovakulu vewaneno valinga omapulo amue ovakuatate, mokonda yotyilinga tyavo. He "went journeying from city to city and from village to village, preaching and declaring the good news of the kingdom of God. " At times, however, it may be necessary for elders to ask some questions because of their responsibilities. Tualako Notyituwa Tyokupandula The Governing Body as a whole considers adjusted explanations. Keep On Doing Good Ombimbiliya Tyilityili Ondaka Yatumwa Okuhonekwa na Huku TYOTYILI oityi apostolu Paulu ahandele okupopia etyi ati Ombimbiliya "yatumwa okuhonekwa na Huku "? Even prior to Jesus ' day, humans were given fulfilling work to do. In fact, the Bible's Word is inspired by God, what did the apostle Paul mean when he said that "God is inspired by God "? Mahi, ovinyingi vipopia konthele yelongo lio Judaa mokueenda kuoutumini wo nohamba ononthano. 12: 5, 6. On the other hand, many of them speak about the nation of Judah during the five kings of Judah. (Tiago 4: 8) Tuahambukwa unene mokonda tuna omphitilo yokulikuambela ku Huku Tate yetu, "Omuteheleli womalikuambelo "! - Salmo 65: 2. [ Olutalatu pefo 29] How wise it is for us to learn to keep personal interests in their proper place while we seek first the Kingdom and focus on the spiritual blessings now available to Jehovah's people! - Matt. 6: 33. How grateful we are that we have the opportunity to pray to our Father, the "Hearer of prayer "! - Ps. 65: 2. Omakina itiwa Estação Espacial Internacional - ikuatesako ovanthu okulilongesa oñgeni ohi iliseta - yevilwa okulingwa mokonda yovanthu vovilongo 15 velipaka kumwe. Megiddo Researchers have helped people learn how the earth's population is being done in many countries because they have joined people together. Moluotyo, nonthyolwe, mokonda mukevelela ovipuka ovio, lingei ononkhono opo emuvase muasukuka tyihena esilo na limwe, nokuna ombembwa. " Jehovah answered those questions, proving to us two things: (1) He wants his Word proclaimed "among the islands far away, " and (2) he wants those whom the world views as" humble and lowly " to take refuge in his name. - Jer. 31: 10; Zeph. 3: 12. Therefore, you do not expect these things to be found in him, do your utmost to approach him in peace and peace. " Uungumanesa ovanthu no nondaka onongwa mbokuti Ouhamba wa Huku uli keulu, apa katutu maukanyimako ovivi aviho iya aukapilulula ohi opo ikale omphangu yombembwa. " But you have been washed clean, " Paul told them. - Read 1 Corinthians 6: 9 - 11. It comforts people with the good news that God's heavenly Kingdom will soon end all wickedness and transform the earth into a paradise. Oñgeni omulume afuisapo otyilinga tyae tyounkhalamutwe apewa, mahi tupu otyo atekula omukai wae nehumbilo? (b) What does Jehovah use to strengthen us and give us power? How did the husband fulfill his headship, but how does he treat his wife with respect? Inkha tuliola omutima nokukevelela ku Jeova, matuyambwa. Tupu otyo matyitupameka, nokutuungumanesa, nokutukalesa nehambu. We need to know our enemy, but we do not need to be terrified by him. If we are humble and wait for Jehovah, we will be rewarded, and we will be happy. (a) Oityi tuesukisa okuhinangela opo tupandwe nokupewa ononkhano onongwa na Huku? The second article shows what effect Jesus ' words recorded at Matthew 7: 12 should have on our preaching activity. (a) What should we remember in order to have God's approval and blessing? Oityi tuna okulinga pehepano tyina ononkhumbi ononene mbehenehimbike? Before coming to earth, Jesus chose to remain loyal to God and not to join Satan and his rebellion What should we do now when the great tribulation starts? Ngetyi ovanthu vevali omapanga vesukisa okutomphola aveho, nonthue tuesukisa okuyeka Huku apopie nonthue iya atumutehelela tyina apopia. But when they start relying on Jehovah's wisdom, the benefits begin right away. " Just as two close friends need to talk to each other, we need to let God speak to us and listen to what he says. Ngomuhinangelesi, maivevatela okuhinangela ovipuka vihole okuhangununwa, nokuendelamo nawa. How can we benefit from Biblical examples of faithfulness? Like me, you will be able to remind you of things that are explained and explain. 4 Imagine this situation: A sister is married to someone who is not a Witness. 4 Oe ankho wenda "momapundaumbo omanene nomatutu, okuivisa onondaka onongwa mbouhamba wa Huku. " What would you say? He went to "from city and from village to village and from village to village, preaching the good news of the kingdom of God. " (Mateus 24: 45; 1 Coríntios 2: 13) Ononkhalamutwe mbo Nombangi mba Jeova aveho kumwe, avelipakelamo konthele yovipuka ovio vanoñgonoka. The book of Acts relates about him: "He went speaking and teaching with correctness the things about Jesus, but being acquainted with only the baptism of John. " The Governing Body, along with all members of the Governing Body, made sure that they were learning about these things. Etyi Jesus nkhele eheneye pano pohi, Jeova waavelele ovanthu ovilinga vihambukiswa. " My mate does not live up to his (or her) obligations. " Before coming to earth, Jehovah gave humans a lot of work. Moluotyo, ankho katyapengele Jesus alinge Motyasapalo ovilinga Jeova emuavela. - Mateus 12: 5, 6. Does God care about me? 12: 5, 6. Ngotyo, onondunge okutualako "okuovola tete Ouhamba " nokutala oviwa vitundilila kokuumbila Jeova. - Mateus 6: 33. Ivisa onondaka onongwa nombili PIONEERS So it is wise to keep "seeking first the Kingdom and the good results " from serving Jehovah zealously. - Matt. 6: 33. Evota lio Jezireele (Read Matthew 23: 27, 28.) Valley of Pennsylvania Jeova akumbulula omapulo oo, etyi etuavela ovipuka vivali: (1) Ankho uhanda ovanthu vakala " povilongo vikala pokati kelunga ' velilongese konthele yae, (2) ankho uhanda " ovanthu vatalwa nouye ngatyina vehesilivila ' vavase eholamo menyina liae. - Jeremias 31: 10; Sofonias 3: 12. Is it? Jehovah answered these two questions: (1) They were to " learn about him ' and (2) to " learn about him, ' and (2) they wanted to be viewed as "the twelve tribes of the world. " - Jeremiah 3: 31; Zephaniah 3: 12. Paulu evepopila okuti "mahi, pahe onwe muasukukiswa. " - Tanga 1 Coríntios 6: 9 - 11. The Devil was " walking about, ' seeking to devour Christians. Paul told them that "I have been washed clean. " - Read 1 Corinthians 6: 9 - 11. (b) Oityi Jeova aundapesa opo etupameke nokutuavela epondolo? In 1 Corinthians chapter 13, which some call the "Psalm of Love, " he explains how love builds up. (b) What does Jehovah use to strengthen us and give us the power we receive? Tuna okunoñgonoka ondyale yetu, mahi katupondola okukala nowoma nayo. They rent one room in a dilapidated adobe building with a leaky tin roof and no electricity. We need to know our enemy, but we must not be afraid. (Col. 4: 6) Onthele yavali ipopia oñgeni tupondola okulinga etyi Jesus apopia mu Mateus 7: 12. Behind the "wild talk " may be a heart in turmoil. The second article discusses how we can do what Jesus said at Matthew 7: 12. Puetyi eheneye pano pohi, Jesus waholovonene okukala omukuatyili ku Huku ahatyitukilapo Huku ngetyi tyalinga Satanasi Paying close attention to its message will strengthen our faith in the true God, his Son, and His promises. - Heb. Before coming to earth, Jesus chose to remain loyal to God and not to rebel against Satan Otyo tyiveavela vali onomphitilo " mbokulipameka otyikati. ' (Romanos 1: 12; tanga Provérbios 27: 17.) Yes, despite the reproach that has been heaped on him, Jehovah remains "the happy God. " - 1 Tim. 1: 11; Ps. 16: 11. This gave them more opportunities to "keep on encouraging one another. " - Prov. 27: 12; read Proverbs 27: 17. Oñgeni ongeleka yovanthu vekolelo vapopiwa Mombimbiliya itukuatesako? ▪ Work to Enhance the Spiritual Paradise How can Bible examples help us? Nkhele soka kuetyi: Omphange umwe wanepua nomunthu Uhembangi ya Jeova. The Law clearly explained how the Levites should care for those utensils, and anyone who did not follow these instructions would be killed. Think about this: A sister is not one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Oityi ove upondola okupopia? The true God really does listen to prayer. What can you say? Omukanda wa Atos upopia okuti Apolu ankho wivisa konthele ya Jesus. Are there areas that you feel you can improve on? The book of Acts says that Apollos preached about Jesus. " Omulume wange ine omukai wange kafuisapo otyilinga tyae. " Rather than seeking God's forgiveness, he confessed his wrongdoing to the chief priests and older men. " My husband or wife does not carry out his assignment. " Okuti Huku wesuka umwe na ame? So if we want to draw closer to him, we must keep trying to imitate him and his Son. Does God care about me? OVAKOKOLI - NDYILA We read: "He never consented. " REGULAR PIONEERS (Tanga Mateus 23: 27, 28.) Christian youths in school may face strong pressure from the crowd to see and do what everyone else is seeing and doing. (Read Matthew 23: 27, 28.) Mahi okuti ounongo oo, welikuata umwe nonkhalelo oyo yokutapesa? The brother said several unkind things and hung up the phone because he was still angry with the previous overseer of the department. But is it wise to believe that such wisdom is hidden? Eliapu ankho " likahi nokuenda - enda ' okuovola okulia Ovakristau. An example of this is the King James Version, first produced in 1611. The Devil was " walking up ' toward Christians. Mu 1 Coríntios kapitulu 13, vamwe veiihana okuti o "Salmu Yohole, " wahangununa oñgeni ohole ipameka. At first the officer did not accept this story and even suspected that Alexandra was involved in human trafficking. At 1 Corinthians chapter 13, some have called "the C.E., " explained how love strengthens love. Vakala mondyuo yakulupa yonondopi vafetela, ina omasingu atiuka nokuhena olusu. Such trust gives us the courage to center our lives on spiritual things rather than on material concerns. They were born in the room of malaria, and the mother said that she would never get out of the room. Motyivili okukuatesako omona wove, inkha unoñgonoka atyiho tyaendapo. The practice of astrology and fortune - telling implies that our future is predetermined. You can help your child if you know what happened. Okunoñgonoka nawa etyi tyahonekwa momukanda oo, matyiyawisa ekolelo lietu mu Huku yotyotyili, no Momona wae, no momilao Viae. - Heb. Jehovah had told the Jews that when they were taken into exile, they were to accept their new situation and live their lives as best they could. Knowing what was written in that book will deepen our faith in the true God, his Son, and His promises. - Heb. (Salmo 104: 31) Tyotyili, namphila Jeova ekahi nokutendeleyua mahi utualako okukala "Huku wombembua. " - 1 Timóteo 1: 11; Salmo 16: 11. A recent book on religion in the United States says: "Christian leaders have regularly revised their teachings to match the beliefs and opinions gaining support among their members and in the larger society. " Yes, although Jehovah is invisible, he keeps "the happy God. " - 1 Tim. 1: 11; Ps. 16: 11. Ovanthu va Jeova valinga atyiho vevila opo eongano lia Jeova pano pohi likale nombembwa. How is the preaching work connected with Jehovah's purpose for mankind? Jehovah's people do all they can to keep Jehovah's organization on earth in peace. Ovitumino ankho vipopia okuti ova Levita, ovo vala vena okuundapesa ovityuma ovio iya una uhalandula onondonga ombo ankho una okuipawa. (See paragraph 17) What reasons do we have to believe that the end could come at any time? The Law stipulated that the Levites were to use such spices and would not follow his instructions. Huku yotyotyili, utehelela umwe tyili omalikuambelo. Really, how could we know in advance? The true God listens to prayers. Okuti una apa wesukisa okuviukisa? • What lessons did you learn from Jehovah's conversations with Moses and with Abraham? Do you need to adjust your schedule? Mokonda kaovolele okuita ku Huku opo emuevele, mahi wakapopile vala otyiponyo tyae kovanene - nakwa no kovakulu. Samuel set an example that his sons, Joel and Abijah, would have done well to imitate. Instead of asking God to forgive him, he asked him not only to forgive him but also to confess his sin against the high priest and the elders. (Salmo 15: 1 - 5) Ngotyo inkha tuhanda okufuena ku Jeova, tuna okutualako okumuhetekela tupu nokuhetekela Omona wae. But to serve him faithfully now is definitely worth it! So if we want to draw close to Jehovah, we must continue to imitate him and imitate his Son. Ombimbiliya yati: "Nalumwe etavelele. " Worldwide Peace and United Worship. The Bible says: "It never happened. " Mongeleka, tyipuiya unene ovakuendye vetu kosikola, mokonda vakuavo apeho vevehongiliya okulinga evi ovo valinga. Likewise, a young woman does well to ask herself if she is prepared for the responsibilities of being a wife and mother. For example, it is difficult for our young ones, since others often work hard to do these things. Omukuatate emukumbulula omapita aiki otelefone, mokonda ankho wanumana nomukuatate ankho uhongolela ovilinga ovio kohale. How vital it is that family members think seriously about how they are fulfilling this responsibility toward God and their children! The brother referred to a cell phone because he was angry with the brother who led this work in the past. Tuna ongeleka Yombimbiliya Versão Rei Jaime, yapitiyua mo Ingilesi, aiawa mo 1611 otyikando tyo tete. But these spectacular things do not happen to all Christians when they are anointed. We referred to the King James Version of King James Version in 16th century. Po tete onkhalamutwe yovayungi aihemutavela, alo umwe aisoko okuti Alexandra nae otyimphulu. Their strong faith, their love, and their concern have been very faith - strengthening. " In the first century, the chief chief officer rejected him, and he even thought that Alexandra had become a thief. Onthumbi oyo itukalesa nomutima wakola opo tusuke vali unene novilinga via Huku tyipona omalumono. To learn more about how to pray and be heard by God, see chapter 17 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? That confidence gives us courage so that we can become more confident in God's service than material things. Vokutalela kononthungululu novitapi, vasoka okuti omuenyo wetu wapangwa - le. I put those questions to some priests I met. On the other hand, many researchers think that our life is cold. Jeova ankho wapopilile ova Judeu okuti tyina vamatualwa koukonde, vena okutavela onkhalelo oyo yomuenyo nokulinga atyiho vevila. What does the love portrayed in the Song of Solomon teach single Christians who want to marry? Jehovah had told the Jews that when they were taken into captivity, they would accept that course and do all they could. Omukanda umwe wonongeleya ko Estados Unidos wati: "Ononkhalamutwe mbonongeleya vekahi nokupilulula omalongeso avo, nonkhalelo yavo yokusoka opo elikuate kumwe nomahando ovanthu vomongeleya, novanthu ovakuavo. " Jesus is the best example. A report in the United States states: "The religious leaders have changed their teachings and their way of thinking so that they are divided by men and others. " Oñgeni ovilinga viokuivisa vielikuata nehando Jeova ena novanthu? So when a situation tries your self - control, be "slow about speaking, slow about wrath. " How is the preaching work connected with Jehovah's purpose for mankind? Tyimoneka nawa okuti omaulo Ombimbiliya ekahi nokufuiswapo iya onthyulilo youye uno ikahi unene popepi. Solomon was also called "the congregator " who" taught the people knowledge continually. " Clearly, Bible prophecies have come true and are nearing the end of this system of things. Oñgeni matutyinoñgonoka? 1 Samuel chapter 25 How can we find out? • Oityi ove welilongesila kuetyi Jeova atomphola na Moisesi na Abraiau? 3 • What have you learned from what Jehovah communicated with Moses and Abraham? (1 Samuel 12: 1 - 5) Samuele waavele ongeleka ongwa, mahi ovana vae Joele na Abiya, kavemuhetekelele. Am I the sort of person Jehovah wants in his new world? ' Samuel set a good example, but his sons rebelled against Abijah. Ononkhono tukahi nokulinga hono mbokuumbila Jeova nekolelo, kambukahi nokupeseka! Twice, he fearlessly cleansed the temple, driving out those who were defiling the worship there. - Matt. We are doing our utmost to serve Jehovah faithfully, not in vain! Ombembwa, Nefendelo Like Vala Ouye Auho. • What challenges might prevent some from conducting Bible studies? Peace, It is a place of pure worship. Tupu, omufikuena nae wesukisa okulipula oe muene, inkha afuapo pala otyilinga tyokunepwa nokutyita ovana. All Christians who are thus baptized are expected to "keep walking by spirit. " On the other hand, a girl should ask himself whether she should be married and train her children. Tyakolela unene onombunga mbusoke nawa oñgeni mavafuisapo otyilinga otyo vapewa na Huku tyokulonga ovana vavo! How has Anna benefited? How important it is for families to think carefully about how to fulfill this responsibility by caring for God's care for their children! (Atos 2: 6 - 12) Mahi otyipuka otyo tyihuvisa katyamonekele Novakristau aveho valembulwa. By humbling ourselves "under the mighty hand of God, " we acknowledge our lowly position. But that was not the case with all anointed Christians. Ekolelo liavo liapama, noluembia luavo nesuko ankho vena naame avimphameka unene. " When Jesus said: "Take my yoke upon you, " he was inviting us to become his disciples, that is, to do the work he did and to follow his example. Their faith and their strong interest were strengthened. " Opo ulilongese vali konthele yoñgeni una okulikuambela opo utehelelwe na Huku, tala okapitulu 17 komukanda Oityi Ombimbiliya Tyili Ilongesa? 19, 20. (a) Who is the promised Seed? To learn more about how you should pray to God, see chapter 17 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Omapulo oo andyielingi ononkhalamutwe mbumwe navasile. So that just as sin ruled as king with death, so also undeserved kindness might rule as king through righteousness leading to everlasting life through Jesus Christ. " - Romans 5: 20, 21. Those questions asked me a few religious leaders whom I met. Inkha tuhanda okunepa ine okunepwa, oityi tupondola okulilongesila komunthita, no ku Sulamita? To find lists of names of brothers who are in prison, see the article on jw.org called "Jehovah's Witnesses Imprisoned for Their Faith - By Location, " which can be found under NEWSROOM > LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS. If we want to marry or get married, what can we learn from the shepherd and the Shulammite girl? Jesus wava ongeleka ongwa. What can help us to follow through on decisions we made? Jesus set a perfect example. (Provérbios 15: 1) Onondaka onombi, mbuyawisa vala ononkhuii potupia, namphila umbupopia nokuapoleya. For an example of one who overcame extreme shyness and became zealous in the ministry, see The Watchtower, September 15, 1993, page 19. The negative words of the wicked ones can add to the fire, even if it is poured out in a spirit of mildness. (Lucas 11: 13) Salomau, tupu ankho wiihanua okuti "omulongesi "" watuaileko okulongesa ovanthu enoñgonoko. " Jehovah's people are well - known for helping others at such times. Solomon also was called "the Grave " who" kept teaching people knowledge. " 1 Samuel kapitulu 25 What can help us to reason effectively on the Scriptures? 1 Samuel chapters 25 ONTHELE MAILILONGESWA 3 - Tukahi momuvo una omautumini ovanthu aponwa. (b) What qualities did Peter encourage us to develop? STUDY ARTICLES 3 PAGES 3 - 20 Ame ndyimunthu umwe Jeova ahandela mouye wae omupe? ' Questions From Readers 6 An Open Invitation! Am I someone whom Jehovah wants in his new world? ' (João 16: 33) Watuaileko nokuivisa namphila ankho eyelwe. As we preach to everyone we meet, we can be confident that those with appreciative hearts will respond favorably. He continued preaching despite opposition. Okuti Ove Utyihinangela? And because it is thoughtful, considerate, patient, and kind, it builds loving families and united congregations. - Colossians 3: 14. Do You Recall? Ovakristau aveho vambatisalwa ngotyo, vena "okutualako okuendela mospilitu. " Answer: All baptized Christians are "keep walking by spirit. " Ouwa patyi otyo tyaetela Ana? Could you show them how you visit elderly brothers and sisters to encourage them spiritually? How did this benefit Hannah? Mahi, tuesukisa okuliola omutima " mombuelo yokuoko kuapama kua Huku, ' okuimbuka okuti tuvatutu unene. Our coming to know "the truth " - the entire body of Christian teachings that has become part of the Bible - and adhering to it are essential for our salvation. - 3 John 3, 4. Instead, we need to humble ourselves under "the mighty hand of God, " knowing that we are very small. Etyi Jesus apopia okuti: "Lipakei okanga yange, " ankho ukahi nokutukonga opo tukale ovalanduli vae, otyo tyihangununa okulinga ovipuka Jesus alingile nokuhetekela ongeleka yae. Though having no tribal share of land in Israel, where would the Levites reside? When Jesus said: "Take my yoke upon you, " he was inviting us to be his followers to imitate Jesus and follow his example. 19, 20. (a) Ombuto yalaelwe olie? Jesus thus taught us to pray to the one who is both his Father and our Father, Jehovah God. - John 20: 17. 19, 20. (a) Who is the promised Seed? Opo ngetyi onkhali itumina kumwe nononkhia, tupu okankhenda okanene tuhatokalele katumine kumwe nouviuki, nokutuala komuenyo uhapu menyina lia Jesus Kristu. " - Romanos 5: 20, 21. There, home life became difficult. 5: 20, 21. (Mateus 7: 12) Opo uvase omanyina ovakuatate vekahi mokaleya mo jw.org monthele yati "Testemunhas de Jeová Presos por causa de sua fé - Por região, " manga pana pati: IMPRENSA > CASOS JURÍDICOS. Keep your word. To find out the names of brothers in the prison in jw.org website, the article "Jehovah Has Opened Me, " published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Oityi matyitukuatesako okulinga etyi tuatokola? It has been said that when love and skill work together, you can expect a masterpiece. What will help us to be determined to do? Pala okutala ongeleka ya umwe wafinda otyitateka tyohonyi nokukala nombili movilinga viokuivisa, tala o Sentinela 15 ya Setembro yo 1993 pefo 19. We need to comfort grieving ones for as long as they need us. - Read 1 Thessalonians 3: 7. For example, consider the example of one who made a difficult decision and is zealous in the ministry, see the September 15, 1993, issue of The Watchtower. Ovanthu va Jeova veiwe nawa mokukuatesako vakuavo kese omuvo. Moreover, "all those listening to him were in constant amazement at his understanding and his answers. " Jehovah's people are well - known to others. Oityi matyitukuatesako okutomphola nawa konthele Yovihonekwa? What does the word picture at Isaiah 40: 11 show us about Jehovah? What will help us to improve our communication with the Scriptures? (b) Ovituwa patyi Petulu apopia tuesukisa okukala navio? How would he do so? (b) What qualities of Peter should we consider? Tupu, sokolola nawa omononkhalelo patyi otyituwa otyo tyihambukiswa Huku, tyipondola okulekeswa mokupopia kuetu kese nthiki. Since Jesus viewed the new birth as a matter of such great importance, Christians should make sure that they understand this subject accurately. Think, too, of the ways that God dealt with such a spirit can be expressed in our daily lives. Putyina tuivisa kese umwe tuvasa, tukalei nonthumbi yokuti ovanthu vokuna omitima viaviuka mavetavela. YEAR BORN: 1951 When we preach to each person, we can be confident that people will accept the right message. (1 Coríntios 10: 24; 13: 5) Mokonda tutyii okuti okukala noumphua - lundo, nokuliola omutima, otyo matyipameka ohole mombunga iya newaneko mewaneno. - Colossenses 3: 14. This scripture tells us that the inspired prayers of God's servants in the past may reflect our feelings and thus find a hearing ear from Jehovah, the "Hearer of prayer. " - Psalm 65: 2. Because we know that being patient and humble will strengthen the love and unity of the congregation. - Colossians 3: 14. Ekumbululo: In this article, we will see how different these qualities are from the qualities of God's people. Answer: Okuti upondola okuvelekesa oñgeni wavela ondundo ovakuatate ovakulu, nonomphange tyina ukevetalelapo? But as soon as the fruit permits it, he thrusts in the sickle, because the harvesttime has come. " Can you show them how to encourage older brothers and sisters when you visit them? Opo tuyovolwe, tyakolela unene tunoñgonoke "otyili, " nomalongeso aeho Ovakristau ekahi Mombimbiliya, nokueundapesa momuenyo wetu. - 3 João 3, 4. Like Paul and the early Christians, we too share the good news with people from house to house, in public places, and wherever else we may find them. To be saved, it is vital that we understand "the truth, " both Christians and Christians in the Bible and in our lives. - 3 John 3, 4. Inkha omuhoko wa Levi ankho utupu epingo motyilongo, opi ankho vala? The church leaders were horrified. If the tribe of Levi did not have any inheritance in the land, where were they? (João 16: 23) Ngotyo, Jesus wetulongesa tulikuambele ku Tate yae, Tate yetu, Jeova Huku. - João 20: 17. But they could still see that I really loved what I was learning about Jehovah. Thus, Jesus taught us to pray to his Father, Jehovah God. - John 20: 17. Meumbo lietu ankho muna ovitateka. Likewise today, genuine Christians imitate Jesus ' example. At home, there was a problem in our home. Fuisapo onondaka mbove. What methods should they use? Listen to your words. Omulume umue wati, tyina ohole nounongo viundapela kumue, upondola okulinga ovilinga oviwa. TAMBA, a young man in West Africa, was about to take a school examination. One husband says that when he is able to work together, he can do good work. (Provérbios 17: 17) Apeho tuesukisa okukuatesako vana vena otyitateka. - Tanga 1 Tessalonicenses 3: 7. Previous to this incident, Jehovah had sent his angel Gabriel to the prophet Daniel to convey to him a prophecy concerning the coming of "Messiah the Leader. " We always need to help those who have a problem. - Read 1 Thessalonians 3: 7. Tupu, "aveho ankho vemutehelela vahuva nenoñgonoko liae nomapulo ae. " To help us, he provides "gifts in men, " the congregation elders. Furthermore, "all those listening to him were listening to his understanding and his questions. " Oityi tulilongesila konthele ya Jeova mu Isaías 40: 11? They had to put up with the heat of the day and the cold of the night in order to tend the flock. What can we learn about Jehovah from Isaiah 40: 11? Ankho metyilingi ñgeni? Second, no one should be overconfident, thinking that he will never give in to temptation. - 1 Corinthians 10: 12. How? Ovakristau vena okunoñgonoka nawa onthele oyo, mokonda ku Jesus, okutyitwa otyivali tyakolela unene. As told by Josef Mutke Christians need to understand this part of that new birth because Jesus is born again. ENIMA ATYITWA: 1951 For one thing, the Gospels were written almost 2,000 years ago. YEAR BORN: 1951 Ovihonekwa ovio vitupopila okuti omalikuambelo ahonekwa novaumbili va Huku kohale, pamue elikuata netyi tuesukisa. Moluotyo, Jeova "Omuteheleli womalikuambelo, " utavela omalikuambelo oo ngatyina oetu. - Salmo 65: 2. Picture a city that has several schools. The Scriptures assure us that prayers written for God's servants in the past may be based on what Jehovah is like as the "Hearer of prayer. " - Psalm 65: 2. (Provérbios 13: 20) Monthele ei, matulilongesa oñgeni ovituwa ovio vielikalela novituwa viovanthu va Huku. In making her decision, it will be wise for her to give prayerful consideration to Bible - based counsel. In this article, we will discuss how these qualities are different from God's people. Mahi, tyina onoñgima mbamakolo nawa, uhimbika okuteya, mokonda omuvo wokuteya wehikapo. " " We continually remember your faithful work, your loving labor. " - 1 THESS. 1: 3. However, as the roots of the wheat grows, it begins to grow because the harvest is coming. " Nga Paulu no Vakristau votete, nonthue tupopila ovanthu onondaka onongwa umbo - na - umbo, no momatapalo no po nomphangu ononkhuavo tuvasa ovanthu. All the sins mentioned at Colossians 3: 5 are related to greediness, which is a type of idolatry. Like Paul and the early Christians, we can share the good news with people from house to house and from other places. Ononkhalamutwe mbonongeleya avatili unene owoma. But why? The religious leaders became frightened. Mahi nongotyo ankho vaimbuka okuti ame ndyihole ovipuka ndyikahi nokulilongesa konthele ya Jeova. What about today? Yet, I realized that I loved learning about Jehovah. (Mateus 22: 16) Tupu, hono Ovakristau votyotyili vahetekela ongeleka ya Jesus. But when a Christian brother or sister or a family member says or does something that hurts us, we may feel devastated. Similarly today, true Christians imitate Jesus ' example. Onkhalelo patyi ankho vaundapesa pokuivisa? (b) How did the apostle Paul muster up boldness to speak to the Thessalonians? What methods were used in the ministry? TAMBA, omukuendye umwe wo Koutakelo ko Afilika, ankho makalinga onopolova kosikola. No. In West Africa, a young man in South Africa did not go to school. Etyi otyo nkhele tyiheneendeko, Jeova watumine oandyu Gabrieli komuuli Daniele emupopile eulo konthele yokuya kwa "Mesiya Omutumini. " " It is good to sing praises to our God. " - PSALM 147: 1. That is why Jehovah sent an angel to speak to the prophet Daniel about the prophecy concerning "the Leader. " Opo etukuateseko okutyilinga nawa, wetuavela "oviawa viovalume, " ine ovakulu vewaneno. He says: "I soon realized that most people did not care about me. To help us do so, he has given us "the gifts of men, " or elders. Ankho vakala momutenya, nokuliwa noutalala kounthiki opo vayunge otyunda. Jesus provided the answer by maintaining perfect integrity to God until his death. They lived in just one night, cold, and cold night so that the flock would take care of the flock. Vali, nawike upondola okuliyumba unene onthumbi, asoko okuti petupu otyivi natyike tyipondola okumuyapula. - 1 Coríntios 10: 12. Moses knew that carrying out this commission would be difficult, even a "reproach. " Second, no one can rely on himself, thinking that nothing could stop him. - 1 Corinthians 10: 12. Tyapopiwa Na Josef Mutke Have you not reserved a blessing for me? " As told by Joseph Okumbatisalwa Menyina Lialie No Liatyi? He was sure that the sister did not mean to offend him. Baptized in the Name of Whom, 2 / 15 Pahe palamba omanima ehungi po 2.000 tunde etyi ono Evandyeliu mbahonekwa. How Would You Answer? Some 2,000 years ago, the Gospels were written. Soka kepundaumbo limue lina onosikola ononyingi. Apart from meditating on your relationship with God, what is essential to maintaining spiritual health? Think of a number of schools that have been published. Omunandunge pokulinga etokolo liae, ulikuambela opo etyivile okutavela onondonga mbo Mbimbiliya. Jehovah has also rescued us from the terrible consequences of sin. Wise King Solomon made his decision, praying to him so that he could obey the Bible's counsel. " Apeho tuhinangela ovilinga vienyi mulinga nekolelo, nononkhono ambuho mulinga mokonda yohole yenyi. " - 1 TESSALONICENSES 1: 3. Was it David's courage? 1: 3. Ononkhali ambuho mbapopiwa mu Colossenses 3: 5 okukemba tyaelekwa nokufenda ovilolo. • How does acquiring boldness benefit us? All the sins mentioned at Colossians 3: 5 are likened to idolatry. Omokonda yatyi? Years later, when Moses and the nation of Israel were near Uz toward the end of their wilderness journey, Moses may have learned about Job's final years. Why? (Salmo 119: 108) Iya hono? We are indebted, for example, to honest scholarship that has helped us to identify the original text of the Bible. What about today? Mahi tyina omukuatate ine omphange ine o umwe mombunga etulinga otyipuka tyituihama, otyo tyipondola okutusoyesa. DRAWN BY GOD But when a brother or a sister or a family member offends us, we may feel discouraged. (b) Oñgeni apostolu Paulu akalele nomutima wakola opo apopie nova Tesalonika? The book of Revelation reveals that this will take place during the thousand - year rule of Christ Jesus. - Read Revelation 20: 4, 11, 12. (b) How did the apostle Paul feel about boldness in speaking to the Thessalonians? Au. How did the resurrection of Jesus differ from the resurrections that preceded it? No. " Otyiwa okuimbila Huku yetu oviimbo. " - SALMOS 147: 1. Stop seeking such things. 147: 1. Wati: "Pakala vala katutu andyiimbuka okuti ovanthu kavanthyande. Many today would readily agree with that statement. She says: "I soon realized that people do not get drunk. OMAPULO OMBIMBILIYA AKUMBULULWA Okuti Huku utehelela omalikuambelo aeho? In time, they overcame their anxiety, and Jehovah richly blessed them. OTHER BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED, Does God hear all prayers? Jesus waava ekumbululo, mokonda watualako nekolelo liae liafuapo mu Huku alo pononkhia mbae. To be accepted back into the congregation, he must humbly repent and turn around. Jesus provided the answer because he maintained his integrity to God until his death. Moisesi ankho utyii okuti otyilinga otyo katyapepukile, alo umwe ankho matyimuetela "ononkhumbi. " 2, 3. (a) What does not stop us from "shining as illuminators "? Moses knew that this assignment was difficult, even "the tribulation. " Kuasilepo ononkhano onongwa pala ame? " When we read this information, we learn about the problems young people have and are better able to help and encourage them. Have you not made a blessing for me? " Emupopila okuti kalingile ngotyo opo emuleve. Your parents may well have started teaching you from your infancy. He told him that he would not do so. [ Ehangununo liolutalatu pefo 8] After all, relying purely on our own understanding can easily misguide us. [ Picture on page 8] Tuesukisa okusokolola nawa koupanga wetu na Huku. While engaging in the ministry, why should we be careful about our conversation? We need to meditate on our relationship with God. Tupu Jeova wetuyovola kononkhumbi mbutundilila konkhali. " Nearly everyone has a theory about who [Jesus] is. Jehovah has also freed us from the effects of sin. (1 Samuel 17: 4, okatoi) Okuti, omokonda David ankho wakola omutima? But we can remain modest even when it is difficult to do so. Was David courageous? • Oñgeni okukala nomutima wakola tyituvatela? (See opening image.) • How does boldness help us? Etyi palamba omanima, puetyi Moisesi nelongo lio Isilayeli vekahi konthyulilo youngendi wavo momaluhandya popepi no Uz, Moisesi tyafuile opo anoñgonoka omanima ahulililako a Job. Just as Israel became God's share among the nations, he can mark you as his and lovingly care for you. - Ps. 17: 8. Years later, when Moses and the nation of Israel were near the end of their journey, Moses may have learned about the final test of Job. Mongeleka, onthue tupandula oukuatyili wavana velilongesa unene kosikola vetukuatesako okunoñgonoka Ombimbiliya. In fact, we feel that exercising faith in Jesus is vital to salvation. For example, we are thankful for the loyalty of those who learn to study the Bible with us. HUKU UTUKOLELA KWE Do you strive to imitate the faithful patriarchs as to your choice of associates and entertainment? GOD'S Word - Why Should We Pray? Omukanda wa Revelação ulekesa okuti otyo matyikamoneka mokueenda kuoutumini wa Kristu Jesus womanima ovityita ekwi. - Tanga Revelação 20: 4, 11, 12. When others feel that you really care about and respect them, it is easier for them to respect you and your beliefs. Revelation 20: 4, 11, 12. Oñgeni etutilo lia Jesus lielikalela nomatutilo omakuavo alingilwe etyi Jesus nkhele ehenetutiliswe? Or you may find answers to your questions by visiting our website, www.jw.org. Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED. How did Jesus ' resurrection differ from the resurrections that preceded it? Uhatualeko okuovola. For instance, he experienced "frequent cases of sickness " because of stomach trouble. Do not keep on seeking. Ovanyingi hono vetavela onondaka ombo. Age of the earth and the universe Many today agree with that statement. Jeova eveyambe unene. During his entire ministry, Jesus lovingly comforted mourning ones, bringing them encouragement and peace of mind. Jehovah blessed them very much. Opo etavelwe okukondoka mewaneno, una okulivela nomutima weliola nokuyekapo otyituwa otyo otyivi. The conduct of others never creates an excuse for our becoming bitter toward God or for abandoning a faithful course. To be quick to return to the congregation, a humble sinner must be humble and repentant. 2, 3. (a) Oityi tyihetutyilika " okuliaima mouye ' uno? " Do not be getting drunk with wine, in which there is debauchery. " 2, 3. (a) Why do we not avoid becoming " light " in this world? Tyina tutanga onondonga ombo, tulilongesa konthele yovitateka vio vakuendye no vahikuena iya atukala nounongo wokuvekuatesako. What we do for Jehovah and his Kingdom will make us truly happy When we read these principles, we learn about the challenges of young and old and have the ability to help them. Hamwe vekulongesa tunde pouna. During the time of the end, the Son of man would send forth his "reapers, " the angels, to separate the symbolic wheat from the weeds. You may have been learning from a youth. (Provérbios 3: 5, 6) Anthi, okuyumba onthumbi menoñgonoko lietu muene, matyituvombesa tyihasete. Was she the only woman there? Nevertheless, rely on our own understanding, and it will not be late. Tyina tukahi movilinga viokuivisa, omokonda yatyi tuna okuyunga nawa etompho lietu? How did Rahab feel about Jehovah and his people? When we engage in the ministry, why should we control our conversation? " Ovanthu aveho vena etyi vasoka konthele yolie [Jesus]. STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: " All humans have what they think about who [Jesus] was. Mahi onthue tupondola okutualako okupola pokati alo umwe tyina tyihapepukile okutyilinga. How do you feel about our meetings, and what are you determined to do? But we can remain modest even when it is difficult to do so. (Tala olutalatu pefo pahimbikila onthele.) THOUSANDS of Bible students dedicate themselves to Jehovah and get baptized. (See opening picture.) Ngetyi o Isilayeli yali epingo lia Huku pokati komalongo omakuavo, oe upondola okukuholovona opo ukale epingo liae nokukutekula noluembia. - Salmo 17: 8. We wait eagerly for that day to arrive and want to be ready for it. Just as Israel had God's inheritance among other nations, he can choose to be his inheritance and treat them with love. - Psalm 17: 8. Onthwe tutavela okuti okukala nekolelo mu Jesus tyesukisa pala eyovo. Bear in mind that full - time servants have significant responsibilities in the most important work the world has ever known. We believe that faith in Jesus is necessary for salvation. Okuti noove ulinga ononkhono mbokuhetekela ovaumbili ovo ovakuatyili va Jeova tyina uholovona omapanga ove novitalukiso? What kind of tears will he wipe out? Do you strive to imitate those loyal servants of Jehovah when choosing your friends or entertainment? Tyina vakuenyi vaimbuka okuti ove wesuka nokuna onthilo navo, tupu navo mavakala nonthilo nove iya netyi utavela. " Why Go to Christian Meetings? " - April 2012 When others see that you are interested in them, they too will respect you and that you believe what you believe. Tupu, upondola okuvasa omakumbululo omapulo ove mo site, www.jw.org / nyk Tala pana pati: OMALONGESO OMBIMBILIYA > OMAPULO OMBIMBILIYA AKUMBULULWA. In line with what Kayla said, you can show that you are approachable by patiently listening to your children. Also, you can find the answers to your questions at www.jw.org: www.jw.org. Mongeleka, ankho una "otyitateka tyokuvela - vela " pomutima. However, we are not alone. For example, he had to "turn away " from the heart. Omanima ohi no ouye auho Following the 2004 tsunami, a warning system was installed in the affected region in an effort to prevent similar loss of life from occurring in the future. Each year, the earth and all the earth (Lucas 4: 16 - 21) Mokueenda kuovilinga viae viokuivisa, Jesus waungumanesa vana ankho valila, nokuvepa epameko nombembwa. * Without hesitation, he runs to meet the visitors, urging them to rest for a bit and enjoy his hospitality. During his ministry, Jesus comforted those who were comforted and comforted and comforted. Ovituwa viavakuetu, vihetuavele ehunga liokunumana na Huku yetu, ine okuyekapo okukala nekolelo. How can we come to know Jehovah better over time? Others have no right to decide for complaint against our God or to break free from faith. " Tupu muhakoluei no vinyu, ituala kovivi. " You can shed the burden of excessive guilt " Also, do not be ignorant of what is bad. " Ovipuka tulingila Jeova Nouhamba wae vituetela ehambu Do you like making your own decisions, or do you want others to decide for you? The things we do for Jehovah and his Kingdom bring us joy Mokueenda kuonthyulilo, Omona womulume ankho matumu onoandyu opo mbuyapule evu kotiliku. Some have said that pride is so ugly that even proud people do not like it when they see pride in others. During the last days, the Son of man would send angels to separate weeds from wheat. Okuti Debora ankho oe vala omukai ukahi - po? As Israel's poorly equipped troops assembled on Mount Tabor, Sisera's army was lured into the valley. Was Deborah alone the woman who was the only woman? Oñgeni Raabe ankho atala Jeova novanthu vae? Careful reading of the Bible gives you what protection? How did Rahab feel about Jehovah and his people? Oityi Tyapita Nonkhali? 2, 3. (a) Christian youths should be careful to avoid what? What Does It Mean? Oñgeni omaliongiyo ekukalesa iya oityi ove watokola okulinga? 3, 4. (a) How does the Bible use the word "hand "? How do meetings affect you, and what are you determined to do? OVALONGWA ovanyingi vo Mbimbiliya velipakula ku Jeova avambatisalwa. He was so impressed that he began to study the Bible and attend meetings with his family. Sadly, many Bible students have dedicated themselves to Jehovah and got baptized. (Isaías 9: 6, 7, okatoi; 56: 10; Daniel 2: 44) Onthue tukevelela noumphua - lundo tupu tuna okulifuiika pala onthiki oyo. The brother stopped his bicycle and asked me to sit down with him on a log. We wait patiently, and we too must prepare for that day. Tuahalimbueiko okuti vana vekahi movilinga viomuvo auho, vaundapa unene opo vakuateseko ovilinga viokuivisa, ovilinga viakolela vali unene hono. " The things in the heavens " that are reconciled to Jehovah by means of Christ's shed blood are the anointed Christians, called to reign with Christ in the heavens. Never forget that those who are full - time servants are working hard to support the preaching work is the most important work today. (Revelação 21: 4) Ononkhuka patyi makasekuna? " You are worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created. " What will he wipe out? " Oityi ndyiendela komaliongiyo Ovakristau? " - Abril 2012 Since Jehovah gave humans the ability to have children, parents need to view the newborn baby as "an inheritance from Jehovah. " " Why Are I going to attend Christian meetings? " - April 2012. Kala noumphua - lundo, iya tehelela noluembia tyina omona wove apopia. Otyo, matyilekesa okuti tyapepuka okutomphola nove. A glorious hope indeed! Be patient, kind, and loving when your child says that it is easy to talk to you. Huku ukahi nonthue. PAGE 16 • SONGS: 60, 51 God is with us. Konyima yotyinimawe tyaedeleko mo 2004, ovatumini avapake onomakina mbokulondola ovanthu ponomphangu vamona okuti mapaende otyinimawe, opo mbulondole ovanthu tyina tyamehiki - po. Has 1 Thessalonians 5: 3 been fulfilled? Before they left the forces in 2004, governmental authorities warned people that there would be a natural disaster in order to bring people back to destruction. * Tyihatale konyima, wahateka ekelivase novaenda ovo, eveyakula nawa, eveiti vapululukuepo katutu. And as time went on, those with this hope increased in number. * On the other hand, he ran back to the camp and welcomed them and asked them for help. PAMEKA OUPANGA WOVE NA HUKU Paul mentions "the solid foundation of God " in the same context in which he quotes Moses ' words about Korah and his supporters, recorded at Numbers 16: 5. You can be sure that you will have God's approval [ Olutalatu pefo 27] Uhasoke unene konkhali walingile In his great wisdom, Jehovah has allowed enough time to pass to expose very clearly the inadequacy of any rule other than his. [ Picture on page 19] Okuti ove ulinga omatokolo ove ine uhanda vakuenyi vekulingileko? It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Do you make decisions or decisions that you want others to do? Ovanthu vamwe vapopia okuti elungavi otyipuka otyivi unene iya alo umwe omunthu una elungavi, unumana unene tyina atala omunthu omukuavo una elungavi. God has given mankind many occupations, or things to do - Solomon listed a number of them. Some people say that it is wrong to be selfish and even hurt when a person sees another person's selfish attitude. Etyi omatolopa o Isilayeli okuhena oviti viotyili eliongiya Komphunda Tabole, omafualali a Sisera ankho eliyala mevota. Prior to baptism, however, there are steps we must take. When the Israelites were delivered from the valley of protection on Mount Tabor, Sisera attacked the valley of soldiers in the valley. Oñgeni okutanga Ombimbiliya matyikuyakulila? Reflecting on such questions may help the inactive ones to see that because of their lack of association with the congregation, their spirituality and happiness have diminished. How can reading the Bible protect you? 2, 3. (a) Olusoke patyi ovakuendye Ovakristau vesukisa okulityilika? Yes, a new world of peace is coming. 2, 3. (a) What view do young Christians need to avoid? 3, 4. (a) Oñgeni Ombimbiliya yuundapesa ondaka "okuvoko "? What kind of life did Moses have as a youth? 3, 4. (a) How is the Bible used by "the hand "? Omulume wae ahimbika okulilongesa Ombimbiliya nokuenda komaliongiyo nombunga yae. That does not mean that we may leave the providing of material needs to chance or that we should refuse to work. Her husband began studying the Bible and attending meetings with her family. Omukuatate atalameka omusikaleta amphopila tupumphame kepundi. He is now using his people to make the true knowledge known throughout the earth. The brother let me stop the car and stop it. " Ovipuka keulu " viaongololelwa vali ku Jeova menyina liohonde yamomeswa ya Kristu, Ovakristau ovalembulwa, vakoyua opo vakaviale na Kristu keulu. 6, 7. (a) Describe the challenges Daniel had when he was in Babylon. (b) How did Daniel prove to be mature? " The things in heaven " will be brought to Jehovah by means of Christ's shed blood, anointed Christians, who have been anointed to rule with Christ in heaven. Jeova, Huku yetu, ove vala watokala okupewa enkhimano nehumbilo noutumini, mokonda ove watunga ovipuka aviho. 12 / 15 Jehovah, our God, is worthy of honor and honor, because you created all things. Mokonda Jeova oe waavela ovanthu epondolo liokutyita, ovohe vesukisa okunoñgonoka okuti olukembe olo "epingo vapewa na Jeova. " Perhaps because of poor health, age, or various responsibilities, we cannot do all we used to. Because Jehovah has given humans the power to raise their parents, parents need to know that this baby is "the inheritance of Jehovah. " (Revelação 20: 7, 8, 11, 12) Tyotyili, ekevelelo lihuvisa unene! Then he had to live with the terrible results. What a marvelous prospect! PEFO 16 • OVIIMBO: 60, 51 Cities of Refuge Sanctuaries for Criminals? 11 / 1 PAGE 16 • SONGS: 60, 51 Okuti 1 Tessalonicenses 5: 3 yafuisuapuale? As we have seen in the preceding article, an especially precious gift of God to mankind is Christ's ransom sacrifice. Is 1 Thessalonians 5: 3 urgent? Mahi mokueenda kuomuvo, ombalulo yavo aihimbika okuliyawisa. If he left the city at any time, the fugitive would show that he did not care that he had killed another human, and he would put his own life in danger. But as time went by, their number began to grow. Paulu wapopia "elisesu liapama lia Huku " etyi apopia onondaka mba Moisesi konthele ya Koraa navana ankho vaama kwe, ngetyi tyahonekwa mu Números 16: 5. How would you explain the significance of the request "let your name be sanctified "? Paul used the expression "the solid foundation of God " when referring to Moses and those who were loyal to him, such as Numbers 16: 5. Mahi tyimoneka nawa okuti tyilinge ovanthu ine Satanasi ha vatumini ovawa. Be Watchful - Satan Wants to Devour You! But it is clear that whether people are influenced by Satan or not. Walingua pala ovilinga viokulongesa ovanthu Ombimbiliya mouye auho. Ovilinga evi vikahi nokuvatelwa no nombongo mbuhole okuawa novanthu votyali. They are " made new by holy spirit ' because they have become "a new creation " as spirit - begotten sons of God. - 2 Cor. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Huku waavela ovanthu ovilinga ovinyingi, ine ovipuka pala okulinga, iya Salomau wapopia ovipuka ovio. Alex tells Steve that he is deeply concerned about what his friend is doing. God gave humans much work, energy, or things to do, but Solomon spoke of those things. (1 Pedro 3: 21) Anthi, tyina nkhele tuhenembatisalwe, kuna ovipuka tuna okulinga. Jesus Christ also emphasized the need to "exercise faith in God " if we are to enjoy God's blessing. However, before we get baptized, there are things we must do. Okusokolola nawa komapulo oo, matyikuatesako vana vayepako okuivisa, okuimbuka okuti ombembwa yavo nekolelo liavo viatepuluka, mokonda kavaende vali komaliongiyo. Am I thinking about moving to another city or country so as to make more money and have a better life? Meditating on these questions will help those who go to preaching and recognize that their peace and faith are strengthened because they refused to attend meetings. Tyotyili, ouye omupe wombembwa ukahi popepi. Is that how you feel about borrowing money from a friend or other sources? Though it might seem advisable at times, is it a good idea? Yes, the new world is near. Moisesi wekulilile mombunga patyi? " Pursue Righteousness " What kind of hatred did Moses have in the family? Mahi, otyo katyilekesa okuti katuesukisile vali okuundapa, mokonda Jeova metuavela etyi tuesukisa. Numerous single elders and ministerial servants have gone through the Ministerial Training School, which equips them to help others in the preaching work. But that does not mean that we need to do more because Jehovah will give us what we need. Hono, ovanthu va Jeova valongesa otyili Tyombimbiliya mouye auho. (Read John 13: 34, 35.) Today, Jehovah's people teach Bible truths worldwide. 6, 7. (a) Popia otyitateka Daniele ali navio etyi eli ko Mbambilonia. (b) Oityi Daniele alingile tyalekesa okuti ankho pahe wakola? Why? 6, 7. (a) Describe Daniel's situation in Babylon. (b) What did Daniel show that he was still courageous? w08 - NK 1 / 11 20 What we learn here will help us show our love and gratitude to our heavenly Father, who teaches us to benefit ourselves. - Isaiah 48: 17. 11 / 15 Hamwe, mokonda youvela, ine okuakulupa, ine ovilinga ovinyingi, katupondola vali okuundapa ngokohale. Jenney, a mother in New Zealand, says, "For a few years after my son was diagnosed with spina bifida, I would be exhausted and weepy if I tried to do anything extra around the home. " Perhaps because of illness, advanced age, or advanced age, we cannot do more. Konyima akala novitateka ovinene viatundililako. And we have good reasons to do so. Sadly, though, his bad experience became very difficult. Onthele yokualamba yapopia okuti ofeto yeyovo yotyilikutila tya Kristu, otyiawa tyakolela Huku aavela ovanthu. It is true that Jesus sometimes wanted to be alone with his thoughts and to pray. The preceding article indicated that the ransom sacrifice of Christ is an important gift that God has given mankind. Inkha omuipai ankho ñgeno utunda vala mepunda - umbo liokuholama tyina ahanda, ngotyo ankho ukahi nokulekesa okuti kesukile nonkhali alinga iya otyo ankho tyipondola okupaka omuenyo wae motyiponga. As newlyweds, we were able to see how happy a couple can be when they serve Jehovah and pursue spiritual goals together. " If he was a criminal in the city of refuge, he was showing that his sin was unfair and that his life would be dangerous. Onondaka "enyina liove linkhimanekwe " mbuhangununa tyi? The wording used in this verse indicates an ongoing process of working by day and sleeping by night over a period of time. What does the expression "let your name be sanctified " mean? Lunguka - Satanasi Uhanda Okukulia! * Be Courageous - Satan wants you to eat! " Valingwa ovape no nonkhono mba Huku, ' mokonda valinga " ovanthu ovape, ' ovana voviveli va Huku mopamphepo. - 2 Coríntios 5: 17. We can take heart by noting that the Bible repeatedly speaks of an end to wickedness. They "be made new by God, " for they" made new ones " - the sons of God. - 2 Corinthians 5: 17. Alex atolela epanga liae Steve okuti wasukalala unene netyi ekahi nokulinga. Thus, young servants of Jehovah find that it takes real effort to avoid it and to accept God's view. Alex told his friend Steve that he was very concerned about what he was doing. (Tiago 2: 23) Tupu, Jesus Kristu wapopia unene esilivilo liokukala "nekolelo mu Huku, " inkha tuhanda okuyambwa na Huku. They look forward to living in heaven. Jesus Christ also referred to the value of "the assured expectation of God, " whether we want God's blessing. Okuti ndyikahi nokusoka okuilukila kotyilongo otyikuavo opo ndyikaovole onombongo, ine opo ndyikale nomuenyo ukahi vali nawa? Of course, we do not preach merely to avoid bloodguilt. Am I thinking about going to another country to pay more money or to live again? Oñgeni ove ulitehela konthele yokulevala onombongo kepanga liove ine omunthu omukuavo, namphila pamwe ovanthu vetyitala okuti tyaviuka? In what ways are we helped to repudiate valueless things? How do you feel about paying money to a friend or a another person, even if you feel that it is appropriate? " Kuama Ouviuki " Some Christians have needs, and we may be able to fill those needs. " Make It Grow " Ovakulu ovanyingi vomawaneno novaumbili movilinga vehenenepe, vapita Mosikola Yovilinga Viokuivisa (Escola do Treinamento Ministerial), ivemanekesa opo vakakuateseko vakuavo movilinga viokuivisa. The Bible teaches that family heads have a measure of authority, so they may choose not to allow certain entertainment in their household. Many elders and ministerial servants have served in the Ministry School for Theocratic Ministry School, which helps them to help others in the ministry. (Tanga João 13: 34, 35.) At Psalm 33: 3, David wrote: "Do your best at playing on the strings along with joyful shouting. " (Read John 13: 34, 35.) Omokonda yatyi? " I honestly didn't know who they were and what they stood for. " - Cecilie, Esbjerg, Denmark. Why? Etyi tukahi nokulilongesa apa matyitukuatesako okulekesa ohole nolupandu ku Tate yetu keulu, utulongesa okupolako ouwa. - Isaías 48: 17. Yes, he turned away from the mirror without acting on what he saw. What we learn will help us to show our appreciation for our heavenly Father and to benefit us. - Isaiah 48: 17. Pamwe upondola okulitehela okuti okutekula omona wove walemana tyikuponeswa. The apostle Paul referred to leaven in this way when speaking of the corrupting influence of a sinner in the congregation in ancient Corinth. Perhaps you feel that your child is ill. Nonthue tuna omahunga omawa okutyilinga. What should the Israelites have done when they saw that God's holy spirit had empowered Moses, Joshua, Gideon, and David? We too have good reasons to do so. (João 15: 15) Tyotyili, pamwe Jesus ankho uhanda okukala aike, na atutulule kovipuka vimwe, nokulinga omalikuambelo. Paul's counsel in this verse can be summed up in two words: Show empathy. In fact, Jesus often wanted to be alone - some of the things we used to do and to pray. Mokonda ankho tuelinepa pahe, tuaimbuka oñgeni otyinepo tyipondola okukala vali nehambu tyina ovalinepi vaumbila kumwe Jeova, nokuovola ononkhalelo ononkhuavo mbokuundapa vali movilinga viae. " However, he did more than simply tell his disciples what it meant to be humble - he showed them how. Because we got married, we learned how to have a happy marriage when a husband and wife serve Jehovah and want to do more in his service. " Onondaka mbaundapeswa moversikulu oyo, mbulekesa ovilinga vitualako okuundapwa komutenya mokueenda kuomuvo umue, otyo omunthu alangalapo kounthiki. * This is particularly impressive, since Jesus foretold that his disciples would be "objects of hatred by all people " because of his name. The expression used in that verse refers to works that continue during time and during the night, someone is asleep in the night. * 22, 23. * Wati: Armagedon, "Omphangu mapalingilwa ovilwa ovinene viahulililako viomasualali ouwa nomafualali ovivi. " Thus, when Paul used expressions such as "the Lord be with the spirit you show, " he was encouraging his brothers to show a spirit in harmony with God's will and the Christlike personality. He said: "There will be a final battle against the forces of Armageddon. " Alo umwe pomuvo wono apostolu, Paulu walondolele Ovakristau konthele yotyituwa otyo. Christian parents also need courage. Even in the first century, Paul warned Christians about this attitude. Mavakakala keulu. (Read Romans 13: 11.) They will live in heaven. Tyotyili, otyo hatyo vala tyitulunda okuivisa. 4: 17, 18. Of course, this is not just what we preach. Omononkhalelo patyi tukahi nokuvatelwa opo tuanye ovipuka viahasilivila? " Carry on as citizens. " - PHIL. 1: 27, ftn. In what ways can we protect ourselves from valueless things? Pamue Ovakristau vamue vena ovipuka vesukisa, iya onthue tupondola okuvekuatesako. They made sure that I never missed a meeting and that I had an active share in the preaching work. Some Christians may have something they need, and we can help them. Mo Salmo 33: 3, David wahoneka okuti: "Lingei ononkhono, tyina muhika konongoi nokukuiilila nehambu. " Talk to a trustworthy friend. In Psalm 33: 3, we read: "Do your utmost to be filled with joy and joy. " " Okupopia otyili, ame ankho hityii okuti ovalie, novipuka vetavela. " - Cecilie Esbjerg, ko Dinamarka. Why are these teachings so attractive that they lull millions into spiritual sleep? " Speaking the truth, I didn't know who they believed and what was going to be. " - R. Tyotyili, omunthu oo wayeka otyilivandyelo ahalingi natyike konthele yetyi amona. How can they separate the good from the bad? Of course, that person has allowed nothing to happen without realizing what he saw. Apostolu Paulu wapopile onkhiso monkhalelo oyo, puetyi apopia konthele yehongililyo lionkhali mewaneno lio va Korintu kohale. " Pouring into the lap ' refers to a custom of some vendors to fill the fold of a purchaser's wide upper garment, which was bound with a girdle and made into a pouch for carrying items. The apostle Paul referred to leaven in this way when he spoke about the discipline of the congregation in Corinth. Oityi ova Isilayeli valingile etyi vaimbuka okuti Moisesi, na Josue, na Gideau, na David ankho vekahi nokukuatesuako nospilitu ya Huku? This is the message God set out through his prophet Isaiah: "Do not be anxious, for I am your God. How did the Israelites respond when they saw Moses, Joshua, Gideon, David, and David benefited from God's help? Onondonga mba Paulu movesikulu ei, mbupondola okuwanekua vala monondaka ombu onombali: Kala nokankhenda. So they stayed loyal to him even when they suffered difficulties or persecution. Paul's counsel in this verse can help us to remain united only at the same time: Be compassionate. Mahi, Jesus ankho kevepopila vala etyi tyihangununa okukala nomutima weliola. Wevelekesile nongeleka yae. THE PROBLEM: The driving forces behind corruption are greed and self - interest. However, Jesus did not simply tell them what it meant for them to be humble. * Otyo tyihuvisa unene mokonda Jesus wapopile okuti ovalongwa vae "mavayalwa novanthu aveho " mokonda yenyina liae. Joseph was an obedient, respectful son who cared deeply for his father's interests. * This is amazing because Jesus said that his disciples would "will be persecuted " for the sake of his name. 22, 23. (b) Explain how truths regarding Jehovah's great spiritual temple were clarified. 22, 23. Ngotyo, etyi Paulu apopia okuti "Tatekulu akale notyituwa onwe muna, " ankho ukahi nokupameka ovakuatate vae vahetekele Kristu, nokukala novituwa vihambukiswa Huku. (2 Timóteo 4: 22; tanga Colossenses 3: 9 - 12.) As "joint heirs with Christ, " 144,000 mild - tempered anointed ones were to share in Jesus ' inheritance of the earth. Thus, when Paul said that "Lord of prayer " had to be" gentle in mind, " he was encouraging his brothers to imitate Christ and to display godly qualities. Ovohe Ovakristau tupu vesukisa okukola omutima. This heartfelt love strengthens us to maintain integrity under test. Christian parents also need courage. (Tanga Romanos 13: 11.) That, I decided, was what I wanted to do! (Read Romans 13: 11.) 4: 17, 18. In order to make their new home available to relief workers. 4: 17, 18. " Tyindei omuenyo ngovatyitua tyilongo. " - FILIPENSES 1: 27, okatoi. He made major changes in his life: he withdrew from his previous violent associates, stopped his petty criminal activities, and gave up smoking marijuana. 1: 27, footnote. Avankhuatesako opo nahapumbwe elingiyo nalike, nokuundapa nombili movilinga viokuivisa. " The spirit and the bride keep on saying: " Come! '... They helped me to hope that we would not give up and give up in the ministry. Popia nepanga uyumba onthumbi. She adds: "I take advantage of different forms of service, such as telephone and informal witnessing. Describe a friend who trusts you. Omokonda yatyi omalongeso oo, ekahi nokutuala ovanthu ovanyingi kolumphoki luopaspilitu? He uses his authority in a perfectly just way. Why has such teachings led many to spiritual sleep? Oñgeni vapondola okunoñgonoka etyi tyaviuka netyi tyapenga? ▪ Meditate on Jehovah's Enduring Love How can they understand what is right and wrong? Mokonda motyieleko mueeleka, nonwe omo mamukaelekelwa. " • Why is pornography dangerous? For with the measure that you are measuring out, you will measure out to them. " Tyotyili mandyikuvatela. That is my name; and to no one else shall I give my own glory. " I will fortify you, yes, I will help you. Avatualako okuyumba onthumbi mwe alo umwe etyi vena ovitateka ine vekahi nokumoneswa ononkhumbi. What does it mean that Jehovah's undeserved kindness is "expressed in various ways "? They continued to trust in him even when they were persecuted or persecuted. OTYITATEKA: Elungavi, nokulipaka kounene, ovio vikahi nokuhongiliya ovanthu okulinga ovivi. (a) Through whom does the spirit reveal deep truths during the last days? THE PROBLEM: Pride, pride, and self - control influence people to do bad things. Ankho Jose wahumba he nokumutavela, iya ankho Jako wemuyumba onthumbi. (Read Numbers 15: 37 - 39.) Joseph honored his father and obeyed him, and Jacob trusted him. (b) Hangununa oñgeni otyili konthele yondyuo ononene yopaspilitu ya Jeova tyayandyululwa. Or an innocuous - looking e - mail, once opened, may explode into a pornographic picture designed in such a way as to make exiting from it difficult. (b) Explain how the truth about Jehovah's great spiritual temple is evident. (Daniel 7: 13, 14, 21, 22, 27) Vomutima wapoleya o 144.000 onomphinga kumue na Kristu, mavapiñgana oohi menyina lia Jesus. How did Jesus feel about submitting to Jehovah's headship and coming to earth? The mild - tempered ones, along with Christ, will inherit the earth through Jesus. Ohole oyo itupameka atutualako nekolelo lietu tyina tulolwa. Some wonder, " Why did God not stamp out evil immediately by simply destroying Satan and the other rebels and starting over again? ' This kind of love strengthens our faith even when we are faced with trials. Naame otyo ankho nahanda okulinga! How can you assist your brothers spiritually and thus build up Jehovah's congregation? I really wanted to do! Ankho vakevelela ovavateli vekahi nokuvetungila onondyuo onomphe. True to those words, in 607 B.C.E., the Babylonians came against Jerusalem and completely destroyed the city and its temple. They looked forward to being filled with new homes and places. Walinga omapiluluko omanene momuenyo wae: Wayekapo okukala epanga lionongangala, nokuenda kovipito iya tupu wayekapo okusipa epangwe. His first task is to rid the heavens of Satan and his demons. - Revelation 6: 2; 12: 9. She made big changes in her life: She stopped associating with the police, and she stopped smoking. " Ospilitu nondombwa vatualako nokuti: " Endyu! '... Learn From His Example - Good and Bad " The spirit and the bride keep on saying: " Come! ' Wapopia vali okuti: "Ame ndyiivisa no telefone tupu ndyiivisa kovanthu veya okunthala. © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania He again said: "I preached to people and to visit them. Uundapesa outumini monkhalelo yaviuka. Clearly, God searched through the hearts of those people and saw the depth of their wickedness. - 1 Chronicles 28: 9. He exercises authority in a right way. ▪ Sokolola Koluembia Lutualako lwa Jeova For example, had you been there with Moses when Aaron made a statue of a golden calf, how would you have felt about Aaron's weak excuses? ▪ Meditate on Jehovah's Love • Omokonda yatyi okutala omikanda no nosinema mbovanthu vahavalele otyiponga? Like Paul, all humanity is afflicted by innate weaknesses - evidence of inherent sin and imperfection. • Why is viewing pornography dangerous? Eli olio enyina liange; iya enkhimano liange hilipe nawike. " How can imitating Jesus ' courtesy improve our relationships with others? That is my name; and my glory is from me. " (1 Pedro 4: 10) Oityi tyihangununa okankhenda ka Jeova "okulekeswa mononkhalelo mbelikalaila "? Jesus is speaking about those who were once spiritually dead but who upon hearing his words put faith in him and discontinue walking in their sinful course. What does it mean to show Jehovah's compassion "in various ways "? (a) Ovalie hono ospilitu yundapesa pala okuhololola otyili tyaya kohi? What a contrast to the world I knew! (a) Who today uses the spirit to reveal deep truths? Tyivasiwa mu Números 15: 37 - 39. The scope of the preaching work refers to the widespread preaching of the good news around the world to all the nations. It is found at Numbers 15: 37 - 39. Ine pamwe, tyina wikula o e - mail yove, upondola okuvasamo omalutalatu ovanthu vekahi muhoyo, alingwa monkhalelo uhevili okutundamo. In the last days of his evil rule, Satan is bent on wiping out the standards of respectful conduct that Jehovah has established. In some cases, when you open your cell cell phone, you can find evidence that pornography is hidden from pornography. Oñgeni Jesus asoka konthele yokutavela etumino lia Jeova nokuya pano pohi? How can we make sure that we always "cling to what is good "? How did Jesus view obedience to Jehovah's authority on earth? Vamwe vapula okuti, " Oityi Huku ahanyiminineko liwa - liwa ovivi, mokuhanyako Satanasi no nomphuki ononkhuavo iya ahimbika vali? ' Their objective in providing such guidance is not to dictate how their brothers should live their lives. Some asked, " Why did God permit wickedness quickly to destroy Satan and the other rebels? ' Oñgeni ove upondola okuvatela ovakuatate vove okutualako okuumbila Jeova nokupameka ewaneno liae? So he proceeded with his test. How can you help your brothers to keep serving Jehovah and to strengthen his congregation? (Jeremias 25: 9 - 11) Iya onondaka ombo tyili mbafuisuapo menima 607 P.K.E., etyi ova Mbambilonia valuisa o Jelusalei aveihanyaunapo kumue nondyuo ya Huku. Success in our preaching work is not measured primarily in terms of how many publications we distribute, how many Bible studies we conduct, or how many people we help to become Jehovah's servants. And that was true in 607 B.C.E. when the Babylonians attacked Jerusalem along with the temple. (Salmo 45: 4) Tete wakala notyilinga tyokutaata Satanasi keulu novilulu viae. - Revelação 6: 2; 12: 9. • 1 Samuel 8: 9 - 18? First, he began to throw Satan and his demons out of heaven and his demons. - Revelation 6: 2; 12: 9. Lilongesila Kongeleka yae Ongwa no Ombi " Those who are crushed in spirit. " Learn From his Word and the Bible © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania I felt a sense of relief and thereafter started to thank Jehovah regularly for such happy memories. © 2014 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania (Gênesis 18: 20 - 33) Tyimoneka nawa okuti Huku watalele momitima viovanthu ovo, amono okuti onondingavivi unene. - 1 Crônicas 28: 9. Those chosen by Jehovah do not wonder about this! Clearly, God took the hearts of those people into the hearts of the wicked ones. - 1 Chronicles 28: 9. Mongeleka, soka ñgeno ankho ukahi na Moisesi etyi Arau ankho ekahi nokutatesa etyi alinga onthane yoolu. Oityi ñgeno wasoka konthele ya Arau? You will find many good reasons in this article and in the next. For example, suppose you were with Moses when Aaron was making a golden calf, what would you think about Aaron? Nga Paulu, ovanthu aveho vaponya, tyilekesa okuti vapiñgana onkhali. Be aglow with the spirit. Like Paul, humans are not perfect, which means that they inherited sin. Oñgeni okuhetekela ovituwa oviwa via Jesus tyituvatela okukala noupanga na vakuetu? We need only look around us. How can imitating Jesus ' fine qualities help us to have a close relationship with others? Jesus ankho upopia konthele ya vana vekahi mononkhia mbopaspilitu, mahi etyi veiva onondaka mbae avakala nekolelo mu Jesus, iya avayekepo okulinga ononkhali. Suddenly I was rolling down a slope out of control, and I crashed into a parked car. Jesus spoke of those who fell asleep in death, but when they heard his words and put faith in Jesus, they lost their sins. Ankho velikalela unene novanthu aveho ndyii! I was shocked. They were very different from all the people I knew! Okuyandyanesa Ovilinga viokuivisa tyihangununa okuivisa onondaka onongwa mouye auho no komalongo aeho. Why is it important for Christians to carry out their service to Jehovah with joy? The preaching work means preaching the good news worldwide and throughout all the earth. Mononthiki mbuno mboutumini wae omuvi, Satanasi watokola okuhanyauna ovitumino via Jeova konthele yovituwa oviwa. 38: 1, 2, 9 - 12. In these last days, Satan has decided to destroy Jehovah's moral standards. Oityi tuna okulinga opo apeho "tukakatele motyiwa "? Maintaining Friendships in a Loveless World What must we do to "keep cling to what is good "? Ovakulu vewaneno kavahande okupopila ovakuatate vavo oñgeni vena okutyinda omuenyo wavo. Then we will learn how we can clearly see Jehovah's hand in our life through our eyes of faith. Elders do not want to tell their brothers how they should live. Moluotyo, atualako okuvelola. 13: 25 - 33. As a result, he kept on looking at them. Oityi tyitukalesa nehambu movilinga viokuivisa? Ehambu kaliya vala mokonda tuaava omikanda ominyingi, ine tualongesa Ombimbiliya ovanthu ovanyingi, ine tuakuatesako ovanthu ovanyingi okukala Onombangi mba Jeova. Books, movies, and magazines, ranging from the comic to the scientific, portray an assortment of doomsday catastrophes. What makes us happy in the ministry, not just because we do not share many publications or Bible literature, or help millions of people to become Jehovah's Witnesses? • 1 Samuel 8: 9 - 18? (a) According to Ezekiel's vision, how does Jehovah lead his organization? • 1 Samuel 8: 9 - 18? " Vana vokuamona ononkhumbi. " [ Picture on page 16] " Those being crushed in spirit are persecuted. " Ndyilitehela nawa, iya apeho ndyipandula Jeova. For recreation to benefit us and be pleasing in Jehovah's eyes, it needs to meet specific standards set out in God's Word. I feel warm, and I always thank Jehovah. Vana vaholovonwa na Jeova kavelipulu ngotyo! Doing so each year is a way of expressing our appreciation for the love shown by God and by Jesus. - Read Luke 22: 19, 20. Those chosen by Jehovah are not like that! Movasi omahunga omawa monthele ei, nei mailandulako. For example, Micah wrote: "In the final part of the days... the mountain of the house of Jehovah will become firmly established above the top of the mountains, and it will certainly be lifted up above the hills; and to it peoples must stream. You have good reasons in this article and in the next. Kalei nombili onene mospilitu. That is not the case with the spiritual things we produce. Be aglow with the spirit. Tuesukisa vala okutala kovipuka vieliseta nonthue. We are exhorted to "keep on doing it more fully. " We need to focus on pornography. Ame andyitualako okukunyuna otyipundi, mokonda ankho palauka atyikunkhunuka andyikelipuma metuku - tuku ankho litai. 11 / 15 Jehovah's Way of Ruling Vindicated! 1 / 15 I kept sitting on the throne, and it was safe for me to break the car. Otyo atyinumanesa unene. They also enjoy "forgiveness of [their] trespasses " because of their faith in Jesus ' ransom sacrifice. This hurt him deeply. (Filipenses 4: 4) Omokonda yatyi tyakolela Ovakristau vaundapele Jeova nehambu? Those who serve God have always been opposed by those who do not. Why is it important for Christians to serve Jehovah with joy? 38: 1, 2, 9 - 12. Still, in a sense they too can at present be considered temporary residents. 38: 1, 2, 9 - 12. Tualako Noupanga Mouye Uhena Ohole That which is made crooked cannot be made straight. " Keep Your friendships Without Love Huku uundapesa epondolo liae opo akuateseko ovaumbili vae nokuveyakulila konondyale mbavo. She was born in 1928 and grew up during the Great Depression. God uses his power to help his servants and protect their enemies. Oityi Josue na Kalebe valingile motyitateka otyo? - Números 13: 25 - 33. Still, Jesus ' reputation and demeanor must have convinced her that he could and would heal her. How did Joshua and Caleb react to this situation? - Num. 13: 25 - 33. Omikanda, no nosinema, vilingwa novanongo vouye vipopia unene konthele yononkhumbi ononene mambukamoneka monthiki yekoyeso. PREACHING the good news is the most important work being done on earth today. The books, movies, and scientists reveal much about the great tribulation that will occur in the day of judgment. (a) Ngetyi tyilekesa emonekelo lia Ezekiele, oñgeni Jeova ahongolela eongano liae? Psalm 119: 21 says that Jehovah will "rebuke the presumptuous. " (a) According to Ezekiel's vision, how does Jehovah lead his organization? [ Omalutalatu liolutalatu pefo 16] As they expressed their fears to him, Joseph "burst into tears " and replied:" Do not be afraid. [ Pictures on page 10] Jeova Wongiya Ovanthu Vae Vehambu According to Revelation 22: 5, "they will rule as kings forever and ever. " Jehovah gathers His People and His People Opo ovitalukiso vietu vipandwe na Jeova nokutukalesa nawa, vina okulikuata nonondonga mbo Ndaka ya Huku. This modern - day development offers strong proof that the end is near. To enjoy recreation and protection from Jehovah, we must take care of ourselves and the principles found in God's Word. Okulinga otyipuka otyo omanima aeho, otyilekeso tyokuti tuapanda oluembia lwa Huku, no lwa Jesus. - Tanga Lucas 22: 19, 20. 3, 4. (a) How did some serve in the first century? Doing this all these things is evidence of God's love and of Jesus. - Read Luke 22: 19, 20. Mongeleka, Mikeia wahonekele okuti: "Kononthiki mbonthyulilo, omphunda yondyuo ya Jeova, maikakulama kombanda yo nomphunda, aikalepa unene tyipona ovipunda. Iya oko ovanthu mavakahatekela. Later, on the evening before his death, Jesus concluded " a covenant for a kingdom ' with his followers. For example, Micah wrote: "In the last days, Jehovah's mountain, the mountain of the mountain of the mountain of the mountain of the mountain of the mountain of the mountain of the mountain of the mountains, and there will be no more than the peoples of the nations. Mahi, esilivilo liovilinga tuundapela Huku kalipu. Clearly, true Christians are living according to the teachings found in the Bible and in imitation of Jesus. - Heb. 13: 18. However, the value of our service to God is not limited. Tuavelwa ondundo opo "tutualeko okulinga vali unene. " Some of them might make fun of our beliefs or accuse us of dividing the family. We are urged to "keep doing more. " (Romanos 2: 4) Tupu "ononkhali [mbavo] mbuevelwa " mokonda yekolelo liavo motyilikutila tya Jesus. COVER SUBJECT | WOULD YOU LIKE TO STUDY THE BIBLE? Moreover, "the sins [they] have forgiven " because of their faith in Jesus ' sacrifice. Apeho vana vaumbila Huku veyelwe na vana vehemuumbila. 6, 7. It is always true that those who serve God and those who do not. Mahi nongotyo nkhele navo vapondola okutiwa onongendi. powerful? Still, they too can be viewed as temporary residents. Tyina tyalingwa tyapenga katyipondola okuviukiswa. " The more we strive to become like Jehovah, the more we can contribute to the spirit of love and unity in the congregation. - Eph. It would not be easy for you to do so. " Oe watyitua mo 1928, iya ekulu mokueenda kuomuvo Weliungo Enene (Grande Depressão). I believe that God's holy spirit gave me renewed strength; without his spirit I would never have overcome my addiction. " - Philippians 4: 6 - 8. He was born in Nigeria, and for a long time he was forced to wait patiently for me. (Levítico 15: 25 - 27) No ngotyo, onkhalelo ankho atekula ovanthu, yapele omukai oo onthumbi yokuti oe upondola okumuvelula. I thought, " This is a spiritual woman! ' Even so, the way he dealt with people was showed that she could trust him. OKUIVISA onondaka onongwa hono, ovilinga viakolela vikahi nokulingwa mouye auho. When exhorting their listeners to become born - again Christians, some preachers quote Jesus ' words: "You people must be born again. " THE good news today is the most important work being done around the world. O Salmo 119: 21 ipopia okuti Jeova uyele ovanthu "vena omalityindailo. " What principle did Jesus give regarding opposers? Psalm 119: 21 says that Jehovah hates "a haughty people. " Avemupopila konthele yotyo, iya oe "eliyavela nokulila " ati:" Muhakalei nowoma. 9, 10. (a) In ancient times, what was God's holy abiding place? Then he turned out to him on this matter, and "he cried out, " and he said:" Do not be afraid. Ngetyi tyipopia Revelação 22: 5, "ovo mavakatumina apeho ngo nohamba. " They show how being directed by God's spirit helps us to speak with boldness, teach with skill, and preach with constancy. According to Revelation 22: 5, "those who will rule as kings forever as kings. " Ovilinga ovio vikahi nokulingwa, vilekesa okuti onthyulilo ikahi popepi. In what ways do God's utterances, that is to say, God's thoughts and instructions as found in the Bible, make it possible for us to live a happy and meaningful life? This work indicates that the end is near. 3, 4. (a) Omononkhalelo patyi mbumwe ovakuatate nonomphange pomuvo wono apostolu ankho vaumbila Jeova? Trust in Jehovah - The God of "Times and Seasons " 3, 4. (a) In what ways did some of the brothers and sisters in the first century serve Jehovah? 17: 21) Konyima, motyinthiki tyahulililako etyi eheneipawe, Jesus walingile " omphango youhamba ' novalanduli vae. In the background are the rocky hills of modern Jaffa, the ancient seaport of Joppa On the final night before he died, Jesus made a "a covenant " with his followers. Tyotyili, Ovakristau votyotyili vaendesila omuenyo wavo monondonga mbo Mbimbiliya okuhetekela Jesus. - Hebreus 13: 18. Notice that she said that Lazarus would come back to life in the future, "on the last day. " 13: 18. Tyipondola vamwe puvo vapopia omapita omatavelo etu nokutupopia okuti tuhanda okuyapuka kombunga. She gave him the two brochures mentioned earlier, and about a week later, he said, "Now I believe in God. " Some of them may talk badly about our beliefs and tell us that we want to be part of the family. OSAPI YO KONDYE | OVE KUHANDE OKULILONGESA OMBIMBILIYA? Why was God's command found at Genesis 2: 17 not unfair, unnecessary, or unreasonable? COVER SUBJECT WHAT IS THE BIBLE ALL ABOUT? 6, 7. " Become Obedient From the Heart ' 6, 7. una epondolo? All who continue to exercise faith in the ransom can expect what future blessing? Does he have the power to do so? Mahi, Jeova utala omunthu watyo wamundindi, novituwa viae aviho oviwa. Some brothers and sisters have considered their circumstances and decided that they could move to an area in their country, or even abroad, where there is a greater need for Kingdom publishers. However, Jehovah examines the person's good qualities and good qualities. Inkha ha nonkhono ombo, ame ñgeno hetyivilile okuyekapo ovituwa viange ovivi. " - Filipenses 4: 6 - 8. Now note what Jesus said to his anointed followers: "Be dressed and ready and have your lamps burning, and you should be like men waiting for their master to return from the marriage. " Without such strength I could not stop my bad conduct. " - Philippians 4: 6 - 8. Andyimono okuti oupanga wae na Jeova wakolela unene kwe. All mankind is mortal, subject to the scourge of sickness, old age, and death. I realized that his relationship with Jehovah was very precious to him. Mokonda ovalanduli va Jesus, "kavalingi onthele youye. " - João 17: 14 " Plans fail when there is no consultation, " says the Bible. - Proverbs 15: 22. Since Jesus ' followers are "no part of the world. " - John 17: 14 Onokhalamutue mbumue, tyina valongesa ovateheleli vavo okutyitwa otyivali opo vakale Ovakristau, vapopia onondaka mba Jesus mbokuati: "Muna okutyitwa otyivali. " What power do God and Jesus have, leading to what questions? For instance, after teaching their audience to be born again to become Christians, they say: "You must be born again. " Oñgeni tuna yokutekula ondyale mbetu? Still, you might worry. How should we treat our enemy? 9, 10. (a) Kohale oityi ankho tyitiwa omphangu yasukuka yokukala ya Huku? They sang: "Because of the people's volunteering, praise Jehovah! " 9, 10. (a) What was a holy place in ancient times? " Ospilitu Nondombwa Vatualako Nokuti: " Endyu! ' " 26 ya Tyikukutu alo 2 ya Kapepo Could a family member learn a new language in order to share the good news with those of other nationalities? " The Spirit and the Spirit Keep On Saying: " Come! ' " (Mateus 4: 4) Omononkhalelo patyi onondaka mba Huku, ine omalusoke ae, no nondonga mbae mbukahi Mombimbiliya, mbupondola okutukalesa nehambu liotyotyili? Jesus willingly divested himself of heavenly glory to become a man and give his life for sinful humans, some of whom would gain riches in heaven as his joint heirs in the Kingdom. In what ways can God's words, or thoughts from the Bible affect us? Yumba Onthumbi Mu Jeova Huku "Yononthiki Nomivo " Why is having respect and showing honor so important? Trust in Jehovah God in "the God of All times " Otyipunda tyononkhanda tyimonekela kohi kuna, okalongo katiwa Jaffa, o Jope yokohale ankho patalamena onombapolo Nor does the Bible teach that all life will be annihilated in a global conflagration. The rock badger is found in a remote area, on the island of California, U.S.A. Tala okuti Marta wapopia okuti Lasalu ankho makatutila komutwe wandyila, "monthiki yahulililako. " They could not move because their feet were bound, and their backs were hurting from the severe beating they had just received. Notice that Martha was resurrected in the future, "the last days. " Omphange emuavela ono mbrochula onombali mbapopiwa pombanda, iya etyi palamba osimano, omukuendye apopi okuti: "Pahe ndyitavela okuti kuna Huku. " " The faithful and discreet slave ": A small group of anointed brothers who are directly involved in preparing and dispensing spiritual food during Christ's presence. The sister gave two brochures mentioned earlier, and one week later the young man said: "Now I believe in God. " Omokonda yatyi otyitumino tya Huku tyivasiwa mu Gênesis 2: 17, ankho katyapengele, tyesukisa iya tyapola pokati? We should be quick to recognize and reject any mistaken kindness displayed by others. Why is God's law found at Genesis 2: 17, being reasonable and reasonable? " Okutavela nomutima auho ' Paul understood what Jehovah told him. " Accepting with a complete heart ' Aveho vatualako nekolelo mofeto yeyovo, vakevelela ouwa patyi? Bedell's work almost perished completely when his home was ransacked and destroyed. What blessings await all who exercise faith in the ransom? Ovakuatate vamwe nonomphange vatala nawa onkhalelo yavo yomuenyo avatokola okuilukila konthele onkhuavo motyilongo tyavo ine o kotyilongo otyikuavo kuna kuesukisa vali ovaivisi Vouhamba. Do you see a lesson for us? Some brothers and sisters view their circumstances and decided to move to another country or another country where the need for Kingdom preachers is greater. Pahe tala etyi Jesus apopila ovalanduli vae ovalembulwa: "Valei amukala tyafuapo amutemesa ovikandiyelo vienyi. Kalei ngomulume ukevelela omuhona wae, utunda kotyipito. " Instead, Jesus used his power to perform miracles because he truly loved people. Consider, for instance, what Jesus told his anointed followers: "Be courageous and ready to eat, just as your master expects you to be in subjection to his master. " Umbila Jeova Tyotyili I'm definitely going to have to go over this again to get it all straight. Serve Jehovah Without hypocrisy Ovanthu aveho vamona ovitateka, nononkhumbi, nokukulupa, nokunkhia. Thereafter, it became increasingly difficult to identify who was truly serving God at his spiritual temple. All mankind suffer, suffering, and death. Ombimbiliya ipopia okuti: "Pana pehena etompho, ovipuka aviho viasokwa kaviende nawa. " - Provérbios 15: 22. A sister in Australia was studying an article in The Watchtower and learned how the Passover is connected to Genesis 3: 15 and the Messiah. The Bible says: "Where no matter what happens, there is no fail. " - Proverbs 15: 22. Oityi Jeova na Jesus vapondola okulinga, iya omapulo patyi matulilongesa? Did you know that their weekly meetings are open to the public? What can Jehovah and Jesus do, and what questions will we consider? No ngotyo, hamwe wasukalala unene. Before long, though, a Witness found the purse and returned it with nothing missing. Still, you may be very concerned about it. Vaimbile okuti: "Mokonda yovanthu veliava hivilikei Jeova! " The answers to these questions are of vital importance to us. They sang: "Because of volunteers praise Jehovah! " Okuti umwe mombunga upondola okulilonga elaka ekuavo, opo akaivise onondaka onongwa kovanthu velaka olio? Gaspar), 5 / 1 Can family members learn another language so that we can preach the good news to people in that language? Tyihakuluminyua Jesus wetavelele okusapo enkhimano liae keulu eya okukala omunthu wopahitu, aave omuenyo wae pala okuyovola ovanthu ovakuankhali. It was his love for the disciples that moved Jesus to render a service usually performed by a slave. Jesus willingly obeyed his glory from heaven to be a human, giving his life for imperfect humans. Omokonda yatyi tyakolela unene okukala nonthilo nehumbilo? As the end of his wicked system of things nears, Satan is bent on turning as many true worshippers as he can away from serving God. Why is it important to respect and respect? (Salmo 104: 5) Tupu, Ombimbiliya kailongesa okuti aviho vina omuenyo pano pohi mavikanyimuako nehanyu malikaenda mouye auho. Each of us does well to ask himself: " How does Jehovah see me? Furthermore, the Bible does not teach that all living creatures on earth will be destroyed and destroyed. Ankho kavetyivili okuliviya mokonda vakutwa konomphai iya omiongo viavo ankho vieihama unene mokonda yokuavetwa. Time and again, we have heard experiences of how individuals prayed for spiritual help and then received it. They could not be thrown into iron because their feet were broken. OKUTI WETYINOÑGONOKA UMWE NAWA? " Omupika wekolelo nokualunguka ": Otyikundyi otyitutu tyovakuatate ovalembulwa valinga, nokuava okulia kuopaspilitu mokueenda kuomuvo wokuya kwa Kristu. Provide valuable help To illustrate: A small group of anointed brothers do well to provide spiritual food during Christ's presence. Omulanduli wa Kristu una okukala tyelipongiya pala " okulianya oe muene. ' Thus, the pagan doctrine of the immortal soul was absorbed into the "Christian " church and became a fundamental part of its beliefs. Being a follower of Christ must be ready to " disown himself. ' Paulu ankho wanoñgonokele etyi Jeova emupopila. If the offerer had set aside more than the stipulated price for an offering, then he deposited the leftover amount in one of the remaining chests. Paul understood what Jehovah had told him. Kuakambele vala katutu ovilinga via Bedell, ñgeno viahanyua aviho, etyi eumbo liae liapundwa alihanyua - po. Miriam says: "We were invited to serve as special pioneers. After all, Bedell's work would not be destroyed, and the whole house would be destroyed. Otyo tyitulongesa - tyi? Can we assume, however, that Jehovah will automatically keep us in his love no matter what we choose to do? What can we learn from this account? Jesus waundapesile epondolo liae opo alinge omahuviso mokonda ankho uhole ovanthu. Consider some examples. Jesus used his power to perform miracles because he loved people. Ame tyotyili mandyikatanga opo ndyityinoñgonoke vali nawa. From this we can see that Shebna probably had learned to be humble and did not feel offended or sorry for himself. I would surely ask them to understand more fully. (Atos 20: 28 - 30; 2 Tessalonicenses 2: 3, 4) Etyi omuvo oo walamba atyipuiya okuimbuka ovafendi votyotyili va Huku. I will not turn my back on him. " That time is hard to understand the significance of true worshippers of God. Omphange umwe woko Austrália watanga onthele imwe Momutala Womulavi iya elilongesa okuti Opasikwa yelikuata kumwe na Gênesis 3: 15 na Mesiya. It is impossible for us to grasp exactly how much the ransom cost our heavenly Father and his beloved Son. A sister in Australia read one article and studied Genesis 3: 15 as the Messiah. Ove utyii okuti kese munthu uhanda, upondola okuya komaliongiyo valinga kese simano? The first - century Christian apostle Paul mentioned people whose philosophy of life was "Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we are to die. " Do you know that each person wants to attend each week? Pakala vala katutu, etyivasi, iya ovipuka aviho ankho omovikahi, natyike tyakambamo. He gave the first human, Adam, the ability not only to speak but also to coin new words and thus expand his vocabulary. Soon, though, they found it, and everything was missing. Inkha ukahi nokupululukwa, oñgeni onthue matunyingila mepululukwo olio? The preface says: "The use of any proper name for the one and only God... is entirely inappropriate for the universal faith of the Christian Church. " If so, how can we enter into it? (João 13: 1) Ankho ohole Jesus ena novalongwa vae yemuhindila okulinga ovilinga ankho vilingwa vala novapika. That stunning statement will come true without fail. He loved his disciples so much that he encouraged them to do the same work with slaves and slaves. (Daniel 12: 4) Putyina onthyulilo youye wae wovivi ihika popepi, Satanasi watokola okuyondya ovafendi votyotyili opo vayekepo okuumbila Huku. Jehovah demonstrated this when he formed the Christian congregation. As the end of this wicked system draws near, Satan is determined to prevent true worshippers from serving God. Kese umwe puonthue una okulipula okuti: " Oityi Jeova asoka konthele yange? We work on our marriage using Bible principles. " Each of us does well to ask himself: " What does Jehovah think about me? Ovikando ovinyingi tuiva onongeleka mbovanthu velikuambela okuita opo Huku evekuateseko iya omalikuambelo avo akumbululwa. How crucial it is to prepare our heart now - well before we find ourselves in situations that test our integrity! We often hear examples of people who pray for God's help, and their prayers are answered. Vekuatesako A Christian husband is to deal lovingly with his wife. Help Others Tupu elongeso olio liomatutu liokuti omunthu una ohande yahankhi alinyingila mongeleya "Yovakristau, " pahe alikala elongeso lio vakristau. He was instructed in his ancestral religion by the famous Law teacher Gamaliel. It also taught that a person with an immortal soul was allowed to enter into "the Christian religion, " and now separate from the teaching of the teaching. Inkha wokuava uhanda okuava vali tyipona etyi tyiitwa, etyi ayauisako katyipolwamo. He cannot shoot an arrow well enough to hit the target at all, but he takes more lessons and keeps on trying. If you want to give more than what is asked, it will not be done. Miriam wati: "Tuapopilwa opo tukale ovakokoli - ndyila vavilapo. The Bible does not say exactly when Jesus was born. Miriam says: "We were told to be special pioneers. Okuti tupondola okulinga etyi tuahanda, mokonda Jeova unale oluembia nonthue? She said: "I know he will rise. " Can we do what Jehovah loves us because he loves us? Tala onongeleka mbumwe. Indeed, the person we are on the inside can either add to or detract from our outward appearance. Consider some examples. Okuapolwa ovilinga tyafuile tyakuatesileko Sebina okuliola omutima, mahi otyo katyemusoyesile. It is important because of the global scope of the work it describes. He may have helped Shebna to be humble, but that is not what happened to him. Himayekepo vali okumuumbila. " Supplied With Sustenance I will not abandon you anymore. " Tyitupuiya unene okunoñgonoka nawa oñgeni ofeto yeyovo yaihama unene Tate yetu keulu no Mona wae onthyolwa. Jesus said: "There will be great earthquakes. " How much better it is to know how the ransom affects our heavenly Father and his beloved Son. Omukristau Apostolu Paulu wapopile konthele yovanthu vana vokuna olusoke luokuti, "tuliei, tunuei, mokonda muhuka matunkhi. " Create the Devil? The apostle Paul referred to the idea of those who think that we are not careful, "Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we are to die. " (Êxodo 4: 11, 12) Oe waavelele omulume wotete, ounongo wokupopia no wokusoka vali onondaka onomphe, opo ayawise enoñgonoko liae. make good decisions? He gave the first man the ability to communicate and new words so that he could increase his understanding. Ovapitiyi ankho vasoka okuti "katyaviukile " okuundapesa enyina lia Huku. So when you play the CDs, why not try to sing along with the chorus? The translators thought that it was "a crown " to use God's personal name. (João 11: 25) Onondaka ombo mba Jesus ombotyotyili. To some religious leaders, he also said: "You are from the realms below; I am from the realms above. " Those words proved true. Jeova wetyilekesa etyi aonganeka ewaneno lio Vakristau. What work will Christ do when he comes? Jehovah indicated this when he formed the Christian congregation. Tupameka otyinepo tyetu nonondonga Mbombimbiliya. " Our commission is to keep on preaching to all "without letup. " - Read Acts 5: 42. We strengthen our marriage by Bible principles and principles. " Moluotyo, tyakolela unene tupongiye omutima wetu pahetyino opo tukale tyapama atuhatoko tyina tuamalolwa! " I felt that it would be boring. " - Queennie How vital it is that we protect our conscience now so that we do not succumb to temptation! Omulume Omukristau utekula omukai wae nohole. (Read Matthew 5: 1 - 12.) A Christian husband treats his wife with love. Oe walongesilue mongeleya yo vakuaukulu vae nomulongesi umue Wovitumino ankho wankhimana utiwa o Gamaliyeli. Note that Rebekah offered not merely to give the ten camels a drink but to water them until they were satisfied. He had learned from his first - century Jewish teacher who was a prominent teacher. Oe ketyivile okunana nawa onkhondyi opo ayahe etyi ahanda, mahi ulongeswa ovikando ovinyingi, atualako okuhetekela. What lesson should we learn from the way Moses reacted when others made mistakes? He does not intend to carry it out, but he keeps imitating them many times. Ombimbiliya kaipopi onalupi Jesus atyitwa. However, consider the Hebrew midwives Shiphrah and Puah, who likely headed the midwife profession. The Bible does not say when Jesus was born. Mahi wapopia okuti: "Ndyityii okuti makatutilisua. " For example, a world - famous physicist claimed that "the absence of evidence for any God who plays an important role in the universe proves beyond a reasonable doubt that such a god does not exist. " But he said: "I know that he will rise in the resurrection. " Tyotyili, onkhalelo tuatuwa momutima, ipondola okuyawisa ouwa wetu kondye ine okuutepulula. In effect, Jehovah was saying to poorer Israelites: " I realize that you cannot offer as much as others can, but I also know that what you are giving me is your best. ' Of course, a person's heart can deepen our appreciation for the welfare of our outside or outside of the congregation. Yakolela mokonda ovilinga ipopia, mavilingwa ouye auho. At death, he has filled that blank sheet with the decisions, actions, and experiences of a lifetime that shaped his individuality and personality. It is provided as part of a worldwide work supported by voluntary donations. Wapelue Eteku " There is going to be a resurrection, " the Bible confirms at Acts 24: 15. What Should You Learn From God's Word? Jesus wati: "Makukaenda ovinimawe ovinene. " For example, at the Council of Trent (1545 - 1563), the church condemned anyone who denied that the newborn need to be baptized for the remission of their sins. Jesus said: "There will be great earthquakes. " Opi Atundile; Oñgeni Atyindile Omuenyo Wae; Omokonda Yatyi Ankhila, 1 / 5 The length of the Creator's existence, the brilliance of his mind, and the depth of his wisdom cannot be measured, quantified, or fathomed Where Did You Know? 5 / 1 okulinga omatokolo omawa? What part, though, could Sarah play? She had always been barren, and she was 75 years old now. Is it wise to make wise decisions? Ngotyo, tyina uhikisa CDs, oityi uhalandulila muvana vekahi nokuimba? the present " heavens and earth '? So, then, what do you do when you are driving? (João 6: 38) Tupu, wapopile ononkhalamutwe mbumue mbonongeleya okuti: "Onwe mukala pohi, ame ndyikala keulu. " Luke's correct use of titles is noteworthy because when the status of a Roman territory changed, so did the title of its administrator. On the other hand, some religious leaders said to some religious leaders: "You have an earthly part of the heavens. " Ovilinga patyi Kristu malingi tyina ameya? When husband and wife are united in the worship of Jehovah, their close relationship with God can strengthen the bond they enjoy in marriage. What activities will Christ do when he arrives? Otyilinga tyetu, okutualako okuivisa otyili kovanthu aveho " tyihatalama '. - Tanga Atos 5: 42. 9: 10, 19. Our assignment is to preach the truth to all people "without hypocrisy. " - Read Acts 5: 42. " Ame ankho ndyisoka okuti inkhisa onyengo. " - Queennie. " The ease with which criminals get away unpunished, " observes the magazine Arguments and Facts, "seems to inspire ordinary citizens to commit the most brutal of crimes. " " I thought I was so angry that I thought I was angry. " - Contemporary English Version. (Tanga Mateus 5: 1 - 12) Ombembwa " onkhalelo ongwa yomuenyo, yeetwa nehambu enene litunda komutima. ' God is generous toward all, including those apparently undeserving. (Read Matthew 5: 1 - 12) Peace gives us great joy. Tala okuti Rebeka keliavele vala opo atapelele omakamelu 10, mahi wati meetapela alo anwa atuuka. Loving - kindness is desirable upon the tongue of a wise woman as well as all others who want to please Jehovah God. Notice that Rebekah did not receive camels but said that his mother would see it all. Oityi tulilongesila konkhalelo Moisesi akalele mokonda yoviponyo vya vakuavo? The Master's slaves inform him of the problem and ask: "Do you want us, then, to go out and collect [the weeds]? " What can we learn from the way Moses reacted because of the imperfections of others? Ankho pena ovakai vevali ova Hebreu Sifrá na Puá ankho vakuatesako ovakai ova Isilayeli okukutula. (Read Genesis 1: 26, 27.) There were two young women in the United States helping the Israelite women to become part of the nation. Mongeleka, omunongo umwe wankhimana mouye auho wapopile okuti: "Petupu etyi tyilekesa okuti kuna Huku wokuna otyilinga tyakolela mouye auho. Moluotyo, tyatamo okusoka okuti kutupu huku. " Earth's Creator will not allow it. For example, one scholar wrote: "There is no evidence that there is a God - fearing God, so there is no work in the universe. " Ongatyina Jeova ankho ekahi nokupopila ova Isilayeli vokuahepa okuti: " Ndyityii okuti kupondola okuava unene ngavakuenyi, mahi tupu ndyityii okuti ukahi nokumpha etyi wevila. ' He did it so that we can come to know him better. It was as if Jehovah had told the poor Israelites: "I know that it is possible to give you a lot of money, but I know that he has given me what I have found. ' Tyina ankhia, opapelo oyo yeyula omatokolo, novipuka aviho alinga mokueenda kuomuenyo wae, vilekesa ankho omunthu patyi, novituwa viae. Thereafter, we build on our relationship with God by drawing close to him through Bible study, heartfelt prayer, and full obedience. In the meantime, the poverty is full of all the decisions he made during his life - his life course, his qualities, and his qualities. (Lucas 23: 42, 43) Mu Atos 24: 15, Ombimbiliya ipopia okuti: "Makukakala etutilo liovaviuki na vana vehevaviuki. " The lives of modern - day Witnesses of Jehovah provide further proof that he will never abandon those who have his approval. - Ps. 34: 6, 7, 17 - 19. At Acts 24: 15, the Bible says: "There is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous. " Mongeleka, Meliongiyo litiwa Concílio de Trento lialingilwe menima (1545 - 1563), onongeleya mbahitisile kese umwe waanya okuti olukembe luesukisa okumbatisalwa opo luyovolwe kononkhali mbae. " Into these very things angels are desiring to peer, " states the Bible. For example, at the mid - 15th century C.E., the church's churches warned each child that he would have to be baptized in order to save his sins. Omuvo Omutungi waviho ekahi - ko kauvilwa okuvalulwa, iya enoñgonoko liae liavilapo, nounongo wae waya kohi, kavivilwa okuelekwa That reputation did not come about by accident. The length of the Creator's existence is short, and his knowledge and wisdom cannot be compared to it. Oñgeni Sara ankho mafuisipo otyilinga tyae tyina ankho ahamono ovana iya ankho una - le omanima 75? God granted man free will. How would Sarah fulfill her role as children when she was old and was 75 years old? oohi neulu " vikahiko hono? Let us continue to read and apply all the information he has given to us. the earth that now exist in "the heavens " today? Omanyina enkhimano Luka aundapesa aviuka, mokonda etyi omanyina omapundaumbo o Roma apiluluka, nomanyina enkhimano ovatumini aapiluluka. Sin, then, is not just a question of feeling bad about ourselves because we may have lost face. The titles Luke used are simple because of the names of Roman cities, governments, and government officials change. (Romanos 12: 12) Putyina omulume nomukai wae aveho vafenda Jeova, oupanga wavo omunene vena na Huku, maupameka oupanga vena motyinepo tyavo. They Waited for the Messiah When both husband and wife worship Jehovah together, their relationship with God will strengthen their marriage. 9: 10, 19. For a more detailed discussion of the evidence of God's existence, see the brochure The Origin of Life - Five Questions Worth Asking and the book Is There a Creator Who Cares About You? 9: 10, 19. Omuivisi oityi? In "the final part of the days, " he wrote," the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. What is a publisher's conscience? Omukanda Arguments and Facts, wati, "Ovivi omakongombanda alinga monkhalelo ihepuilisa, ngoti tyikahi nokuhongiliya ovanthu ovanyingi okulinga ovivi ovinene vali. " She engages in the disciple - making work after taking care of her household duties. " The wicked one, " states The Mosaic Law, "and the works of the wicked one seem to influence most people to do bad things. " Huku una otyali novanthu aveho, alo umwe vana vamoneka ngoti kavatokalele otyali otyo. Earlier, a young man named Elihu had also helped Job adjust his thinking. God is generous toward all, including those who seem to have no gift. (Provérbios 31: 1, 10, 26) Okankhenda okanene, otyituwa otyiwa kelaka liomukai omuna - ndunge no lia vana vahanda okuhambukiswa Jeova Huku. And the leaves of the trees were for the curing of the nations. " Loving - kindness is a good quality from the wife and from those who want to please Jehovah God. Ovapika vomuhona vemupopila otyitateka avemupulu okuti: "Uhanda tuende tukaongiye [evu]? " And it should matter to us. The slaves approached him and asked: "Do you not expect me to go to [the weeds]? " (Tanga Gênesis 1: 26, 27.) Even if you do not have the physical power that you used to have, you have splendid opportunities to train younger ones. (Read Genesis 1: 26, 27.) Omutungi woohi kemetyiyeke. How can you direct attention to the Bible in a way that creates respect for it? The Creator of the earth will not let it go. Oe wetyilinga opo tumuiwe nawa. At Colossians 3: 5 (read), we read about things that could ruin our exclusive friendship with Jehovah. He did this to know us very well. Anthi, tupameka oupanga wetu na Huku mokulilongesa nawa Ombimbiliya nokulikuambela noukuatyili, nokutavela vala kwe. King Artaxerxes was told that the Jews were rebuilding Jerusalem's walls and were about to rebel against the Persian Empire. Rather, we strengthen our relationship with God by studying the Bible and praying and obeying him. Omahipululo omanyingi Onombangi mba Jeova hono, alekesa nawa okuti Jeova nalumwe ayekapo vana vapandwa nae. - Salmo 34: 6, 7, 17 - 19. Yet, he fails to realize that by doing so, he is elevating his standards above those of God and thereby proving himself to be unrighteous in God's sight. Many accounts of Jehovah's Witnesses today prove that Jehovah will never abandon those who have approved him. - Ps. 34: 6, 7, 17 - 19. Ombimbiliya yati: "Ovipuka ovio onoandyu mbesuka nokuvitalela popepi. " Jesus promised that our Father will give us holy spirit when we ask for it. The Bible says: "Those things are clearly recognized by the angels. " (Filipenses 2: 20) Ovituwa ovio oviwa, kavieile vala avike. Similar results have been experienced in other lands. Such qualities are not all of them. Huku watunga ovanthu nepondolo liokuliholovonena. People may ask: "Why are you so strict? God created humans with free will. (Mateus 5: 3) Tutualeiko okutanga nokuendela monondonga ambuho Jeova etuavela. Jesus had promised that God's holy spirit would help them. Let us continue to read and apply all that Jehovah has given us. Onkhali, hakukala vala nohonyi mokonda tuavasiwa nokulinga otyipuka tyimwe otyivi. Daniel 12: 9. Sin, however, is not ashamed to be ashamed of the wrong course. Ankho Vakevelela Mesiya In April 1998, Paul and Stephany were invited to the 105th class of Gilead, and they were assigned to serve in Malawi, Africa. 8 Did You Know? Opo unoñgonoke vali nawa okuti kuna Huku, tanga ombrochula A Origem Da Vida - Cinco Perguntas Que Merecem Resposta nomukanda Existe um Criador Que Se Importa com Você? It was like the appearance of the glory of Jehovah. " - Ezekiel 1: 27, 28. For more information about God, read the brochure The Origin of Life - Five Questions Worth Asking and the book Is There a Creator Who Cares About You? Oe wahoneka okuti: "Konthyulilo yononthiki, Huku yo keulu makavialeka Ouhamba umwe kamaukahanyuako nalumwe. What is an example of worldly thinking, and how can we reject it? He wrote: "From the end of the days, God will set up a Kingdom government that will never be destroyed. Oe ankho ulinga ovilinga aviho peumbo, konyima akaivisa. The secret, then, to being truly free - being able to do what we desire - is to cultivate the right desires, those that harmonize with Jehovah's personality and standards. He worked all the work, and then he was preaching. (Jó 42: 1 - 6) Konyima, omukuendye umwe utiwa Eliuu akuatesako Job okupilulula onkhalelo yae yokusoka. Paul told fellow Christians: "Let the sun not set with you in a provoked state, neither allow place for the Devil. " Later, a young man named Elihu helped Job change his thinking. Iya omafo omiti ovio, o pala okuhakula omalongo. " Likewise, the wonderful bond of love in the congregation will weaken unless we as individual Christians work to strengthen it. And it is written that they should not heal nations. " Nokuonthue tyakolela. On the other hand, God "hurls the wicked to the ground. " We were very important to us. Namphila wehena vali ononkhono ankho una, nkhele una onomphitilo onongwa mbokulongesa ovakuendye novahikuena. The following article will discuss details about this revision, as well as its translation into other languages. Although you have no strength, you still have opportunities to teach younger youths. Oñgeni upondola okutangela ovanthu Ombimbiliya monkhalelo, vakala nonthilo nayo? Knowing those truths about him can have a profound effect on your life - now and in the future. How can you read the Bible in a way that shows respect for it? Mu Colossenses 3: 5 (tanga), tutangamo ovipuka vipondola okupaka motyitateka ehando lietu liokufenda vala Jeova. Consequently, inmates who made and sold items to fellow prisoners used Ignacio to collect debts from those who were slow to pay. At Colossians 3: 15, we read things that could cause us to lose our desire to worship Jehovah. Onondyale mbo va Judeu mbapopila ohamba okuti ova Judeu vekahi nokutunga o Jelusalei, mokonda vahanda okutyitukilapo ohamba. (b) What will we consider in this article? The Jewish enemies told the king that the Jews were to worship Jerusalem because they wanted to rebel against the king. Ngotyo, oe kaimbuka okuti tyina alinga ngotyo ukahi nokupaka ovitumino viae kombanda yo via Huku, okulilekesa oe muene okuti omuviuki komaiho a Huku. How did you feel when we discussed Jehovah's qualities and when you heard how your brothers feel about him? Thus, he does not realize that when he does so, he is walking in accord with God's requirements, he proves that he is righteous in God's eyes. Jesus walaa okuti Tate yetu metuavela ospilitu sandu tyina tumuita. If you keep your family worship consistent, practical, and enjoyable, Jehovah will richly bless your efforts. Jesus promised that our Father will give us his holy spirit when we pray for it. Tupu, no kovilongo ovikuavo vatualako okuliyawisa. Are we making association at Christian meetings a regular part of our life? Also, more and more countries continue to grow spiritually. Ovanthu vapondola okukupula okuti: "Omokonda yatyi ove wehetyilingila? 10, 11. (a) How did one of our sisters react to tests of integrity? People might ask: "Why do you allow me to do so? Jesus walaele okuti ospilitu sandu ya Huku maivekuatesako. (See opening image.) Jesus promised that God's holy spirit would help them. Daniel 12: 9. We learn that Jehovah always keeps his promises. Daniel 12: 9. (Mateus 6: 33) Mu Tyikukutu yo 1998 Paul na Stephany avakongwa vende kosikola 105 yo Gileade, etyi osikola yapwa avatumwa opo vakaundape ko Malauí, mo Africa. If we continue to do those things, Jesus will judge us as sheep and we will see his words come true: "Come, you who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world. " - Matthew 25: 34. In April 1998, Paul and I were invited to attend Gilead School, where they were invited to serve in Africa. Ankho tyikahi nge nkhimano lia Jeova. " - Ezequiel 1: 27, 28. Yes, close association with such individuals back then was especially dangerous and was to be avoided - and that is also true today. - Prov. 1: 27, 28. Ava ongeleka yolusoke luouye iya oñgeni tupondola okuluanya? The apostle Paul speaks of " the tongues of angels, ' a heavenly form of communication superior to human language. - 1 Cor. 13: 1. Give an example of the world's thinking, and how can we reject it? Otyo tyilekesa okuti tuesukisa okulinga etyi Jeova ehole, netyi ahanda kuonthue, nokulilongesa okukala nohole netyi Jeova ehole, nokuyala etyi eyele. Paul was very frank when he wrote to his fellow Hebrew Christians. This means that we need to do what Jehovah loves and what he wants us to love what he loves, what he loves, and hate what he hates. Paulu wapopilile Ovakristau okuti: "Ekumbi lihanyingile otyo muelinumanena. • How is Jehovah training us to be evangelizers? Paul told Christians: "Let the sun not set with you in a provoked state. Tupu, nohole yetu ongwa mewaneno ipondola okutepuluka, inkha kese Mukristau kalingi ononkhono mbokuipameka. For example, when being instructed to observe the Passover each year, the people were told: "When your sons ask you, " What does this observance mean to you? ' In a similar way, our love for the congregation can grow cold if each Christian does not make an effort to please him. Tupu Huku "mahanyeko onondingavivi. " My frequent prayers brought me "the power beyond what is normal " and" the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. " - 2 Corinthians 4: 7; Philippians 4: 6, 7. God also "will destroy the wicked. " Onthele mailandulako, matulilongesa vali unene konthele Yombimbiliya omphe, noñgeni ikahi nokupitiyua momalaka omakuavo. Knowing in advance about this attack on God's people does not make us overly anxious. In the next article, we will learn more about the new Bible and how it has become available in other languages. Okunoñgonoka otyili otyo konthele ya Jesus, matyikukuatesako momuenyo wove hono, no komutwe. And some stop believing in God because they are disappointed with religion. Knowing this truth about Jesus will help you in your life and in the future. Mahi, Ignacio wahimbika okukula mopaspilitu, nokuundapesa momuenyo wae etyi ankho elilongesa. Of course, corruption involves more than just accepting bribes. Instead, he began to grow spiritually and to use what he learned. (b) Oityi matulilongesa monthele ei? The child misses his father and wishes he would come home. (b) What will we discuss in this article? Oñgeni ove wakalele etyi tuelilongesa ovituwa via Jeova? Welitehelela ñgeni etyi weiva ovakuatate vapopia onkhalelo vehole ovituwa via Jeova? What did Jesus do for mourning ones, and why? How did you react when you learned Jehovah's qualities, and how did you feel when you heard brothers express Jehovah's qualities? Inkha ove utualako okulinga efendelo liombunga apeho, nokupopia ovipuka mulinga kese nthiki, nokulinga nehambu, Jeova mekuavela ononkhaneno onongwa mononkhono ulinga. And baptism is needed in order to gain salvation and live forever. - Matthew 28: 19, 20; 1 Peter 3: 21. If you continue to make a regular routine of family worship, you will be happy, happy, and happy that Jehovah will bless you. (Romanos 10: 17) Ngotyo, lipula okuti: " Ndyenda apeho komaliongiyo Ovakristau? ' He was determined to be faithful to Jehovah. So ask yourself, " Do I attend Christian meetings regularly? ' 10, 11. (a) Oityi omphange yetu alinga etyi alolwa? [ Box / Picture on page 9] 10, 11. (a) What did our sister do when he was tested? (Tala olutalatu pefo pahimbikila onthele ei.) The Bible says that he bought it "with the blood of his own Son. " (See opening image.) (Deuteronômio 7: 9) Tuelilongesa okuti omilao via Jeova apeho vitualako. Sadly, she died when I was ten years old. We have learned that Jehovah's promises always come true. Inkha tutualako okulinga ovipuka ovio, tyina Jesus meketukoyesa maimbuka okuti tunongi iya onondaka ombu atukembumona tyina mbufuisuapo mbati: "Endyuei, onwe vokuapewa ononkhano onongwa na Tate yange, piñganei ouhamba wapongiyua pala onwe tunde ponthyimbi youye. " - Mateus 25: 34. Why should we avoid judging other people's motives? If we continue to do these things, when Jesus will be resurrected, we know that we are the remaining sheep and say: "Come, you are blessed with my Father, from the beginning of the world. " - Matthew 25: 34. Ovakuatate ovo, ankho vena okulityilika okulinga oupanga novanthu ovo opo vahanyonwe. One day when Esau came in from the field, he saw Jacob "boiling up some stew. " These brothers had to avoid associating with these people who were not interested in them. (João 1: 14, 17; Colossenses 1: 15) Apostolu Paulu wapopia okuti onoandyu mbutomphola, iya mbupopia elaka, lielikalela unene no liovanthu. - 1 Coríntios 13: 1. I chose never to drink alcohol again. The apostle Paul said that angels speak of angels and speak very different language. - 1 Corinthians 13: 1. Paulu walondolele Ovakristau ova Hebreu. At that, the islanders said: "Surely this man is a murderer, and although he made it to safety from the sea, Justice did not permit him to keep on living. " - Acts 28: 4. Paul warned the Hebrew Christians. • Oñgeni Jeova ekahi nokutulongesa opo tukale ovaivisi? We must not let family ties overshadow Bible principles. • How has Jehovah been teaching us to be evangelizers? muna okuvekumbulula okuti: " Etyi otyilikutila tyo Pasikwa pala Jeova, walambele omaumbo ova Isilayeli ko Egitu etyi aetela ehingano ova Egitu, mahi ayovola omaumbo etu. ' " First, I thought that my feelings would not change in three months ' time. The answer raised this question: " When the Passover was slaughtered for Jehovah, he started to bring Israel back to Egypt, but he brought the Israelites out of our house. ' " Omalikuambelo ndyilinga apeho andyetela "ononkhono mbavilapo "" nombembwa ya Huku, ipona onondunge nomalusoke aeho. " - 2Coríntios 4: 7; Filipenses 4: 6,7. He warned that a person's interest in spiritual matters can be choked by such things as "the deceptive power of riches. " I often tell him that "the power beyond what is normal " is" the peace of God that excels all thought. " - 2 Chron. 4: 7; Phil. 4: 6, 7. Okunoñgonoka okuti ovanthu va Huku mavakautukilwa, katyitukalesa nowoma. Still, Jesus did not start a campaign to rid the world of injustices, although some tried hard to get him embroiled in the controversial issues of the day. Knowing that God's people are war, we are not afraid of it. Ovakuavo vayekapo okutavela okuti kouye kuna Huku mokonda valingwa otyipuka tyevenumanesa mongeleya. How has this rebellion affected women? Others have weakened their belief in God because they have rebelled against religion. Otyo tyilekesa okuti ovanthu venale otyituwa otyo tunde kohale. How do Jehovah's dealings with Jonah and Peter draw you closer to Him? This means that people have the same attitude from the past. Omona weivaluka tate yae iya uhanda akondoke keumbo. Ahaz led his subjects away from Jehovah's pure worship. My son missed his father and wants to return home. Oityi Jesus alingile vana valila? Omokonda yati? May we likewise benefit from keeping Jehovah's reminders. How did Jesus react to those who mourn? Iya ombatisimu yakolela unene tukakale nomuenyo uhapu. - Mateus 28: 19, 20; 1 Pedro 3: 21. 83: 17. 28: 19, 20; 1 Pet. 3: 21. (Juízes 11: 9) Ankho watokola okukala omukuatyili ku Jeova. Then make those changes so that you can keep Jehovah as your Friend. He was determined to be loyal to Jehovah. [ Ehangununo liolutalatu pefo 9] The sun is so big and its core so dense that it takes millions of years for the energy produced within the core to well up to the surface. [ Picture on page 9] Ombimbiliya ipopia okuti welilanda "nohonde yomona wae. " What statement made to the apostle Thomas holds meaning for us? The Bible says that he "came his son's blood. " Etyi natuukisa omanima 10 me anyimi. The Kingdom of God rules from heaven. - Matthew 10: 7; Luke 10: 9. When I was 10 years old, my mother died. Omokonda yatyi tuna okulityilika okukoyesa vakuetu? ▪ Read God's Word daily, and meditate on what you read. - Ps. Why must we avoid judging others? Nthiki imwe etyi Esau ankho atunda kepia, wavasile Jako "uteleka. " Was that command unfair, unnecessary, or unreasonable? On one occasion when Esau left the city, Jacob found Jacob "to compare himself. " Andyitokola okuhanwa - anwa vali ovikunwa vikoleswa. Also, those who help should avoid any conduct that could be misunderstood by some inside or outside the congregation as morally wrong. I decided to stop smoking. Moluotyo, ovanthu vo pokalongo oko avati: "Tyotyili omulume ou omuipai, namphila ahupa melunga, mahi Ouviuki kaumuyeke atualeko nomuenyo. " - Atos 28: 4. The husband who is using the Internet could look at sexually arousing material, but he recalls the principle reflected in Job's words: "A covenant I have concluded with my eyes. Thus, the people on that island said: "It is really a man who has not seen the sea, even though he does not keep living. " - Acts 28: 4. Mahi inkha katulandula onondonga Mbombimbiliya, Jeova mahimbika okututala ngatyina tuasila. Let us therefore continue to take delight in true worship and always "look with appreciation " upon Jehovah's spiritual temple. But if we do not follow Bible principles, Jehovah will start to view them as righteous. Tete, ankho ndyisoka okuti tyina pamalambe onohanyi ononthatu ehando liange liokuumbila Jeova malikulu. They are no longer "adulterers "; they are" having an affair. " First, I thought that three months after my life, my desire to serve Jehovah will grow. (Mateus 5: 3) Oe walondola okuti "ekengelelo liomalumono, " novipuka ovikuavo vipondola okutepulula esuko omunthu ena novilinga via Huku. He gives us all that we need to sustain ourselves - food, clothing, and shelter as well as every breath that we take. He warned that "the deceptive power of riches " and other material things can affect a person's spiritual need. (Marcos 6: 33, 34) Nongotyo, Jesus kalingile natyike opo amaneko ovivi, namphila vamwe vahandele elipake movitateka viopulitika. " Every good gift and every perfect present is from above, coming down from the Father of the celestial lights. " - James 1: 17. Even so, Jesus did not try to eliminate evil, even though some wanted to take sides in political issues. 3: 1 - 6) Oñgeni oumphuki oo wakalesa ovakai? What an immense privilege it is to do what Jehovah asks of us and to work together with our God! " 3: 1 - How did rebellion affect women? Oñgeni elikuambelo lia Jona likukalesa? Jesus chose him to be an apostle. How does Jonah's prayer affect you? (Oversikulu 1) Akasi wahindilile ovanthu moutumini wae okuyekapo efendelo liasukuka lia Jeova. What is the real decision that parents of disfellowshipped children must make? Ahaz conquered the people in his position to break pure worship of Jehovah. Okutehelela omalondolo a Jeova tyitukuatesako okupameka Ondyuo yetu Yomaliongiyo (Tala popalagrafu 11) In a world where many youths are centered on self, why should Christian youths seek unity with God's people? Listening to Jehovah's warnings helps us to strengthen our Kingdom Hall (See paragraph 11) Vakale nohonyi nokunyimako. " - Salmo 83: 17. Humbly, he asked Philip for help. fun and ashamed. " - Psalm 83: 17. Okulinga ngotyo matyikukuatesako okutualako okukala Epanga lia Jeova. 12, 13. Doing so will help you to remain Jehovah's Friend. Moluotyo, palamba omanima omayingi unene opo omutokoto utunda peiva liayo uhike kononthele ambuho mbekumbi. 15, 16. (a) How have our publications built appreciation for Jehovah's creative ability? As a result, some years have passed so much that it has prevented me from being thrown into all over the sun. Onondaka patyi Jesus apopila Tome mbuna ehangununo enene pala onthue? To produce such works of art, a monk might have spent a whole day creating one initial letter or a whole week preparing a title page. What meaning did Jesus use to describe the meaning of what meaning for us? Omukai oo, akala tyahiliya iya atehelela nawa etyi Lula ahangununa ongeleka oyo. He said that when we look to Jehovah, we are like a servant who looks to his master. She was calm and listened carefully to her illustration. Ouhamba wa Huku outumini wo keulu. - Mateus 10: 7; Lucas 10: 9. I no longer have hallucinations, and my mental and physical health have improved. God's Kingdom is a heavenly government. - Matthew 10: 7; Luke 10: 9. (Gênesis 2: 17) Okuti otyitumino otyo ankho katyikahi nawa, katyesukile iya katyapolele pokati? And they did not stop meeting together even when they were persecuted by the Roman government and the Jewish religious leaders. Did this command not make a difference, and did he not need to be balanced and reasonable? Tupu, ovakuatate vakuatesako ovana vavakuavo vena okulityilika ovituwa vipondola okungwangwanesa ovanthu vomewaneno. Brothers - Sow to the Spirit and Reach Out! In a similar way, brothers help their children to avoid the attitudes that may cause them to treat others in the congregation. Omulume una ankho wovola ononthele mbesukisa mo komputadole, ñgeno wamona omalutalatu alekesa omaundalelapo. Mahi, oe wahinangela onondaka mba Job mbati: "Ame nalinga omphango nomaiho ange. If we ever have to deal with a brother's apparent lack of faith, can we figuratively stretch out our hand and help him to gain more faith? The man who looked at the computer may have seen images, but he remembered the words of Job: "I have made a covenant with my eyes. Tutualeiko okuhambukilwa efendelo liotyotyili " nokutala apeho nolupandu ' ondyuo yopaspilitu ya Jeova. We can imitate Abraham by showing warm affection for others, especially for members of our family. We would never want to allow the pressures of life to crowd out time for those who mean the most to us. May all of us continue to be joyful in true worship and "keep your senses " with appreciation for Jehovah's spiritual temple. Okulala nomukai ine omulume wamuene, katyitiwa vali valinga "oumbalehi, " vatiwa vala" weenda na ngandi. " " No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him, " said Jesus. A husband or wife may not see themselves as "a partner, " or a husband who is" walking like a walk. " Oe utuavela atyiho tuesukisa opo tukale nomuenyo, nokulia, nomuvalo, no nondyuo, nomphepo tufima. In every verse of that psalm, the psalmist repeated the words "his loyal love endures forever. " He gives us everything we need to live, food, clothing, shelter, and shelter. " Kese tyiawa otyiwa notyali tyafuapo, tyitunda keulu, tyetyi tyitunda ku Tate yovimimi vio keulu, ku una uhapilauluka ngo kahi. " - Tiago 1: 17. In fact, scholars estimate that by the first century C.E., over 60 percent of Jews lived outside Israel. " Every good gift and every perfect present is from above, because the Father of the celestial lights is from the celestial lights. " - James 1: 17. Tuna elao enene liokulinga etyi Jeova etuita nokuundapa kumwe na Huku yetu! " They, in effect, said what the Moabitess Ruth said to Naomi: "Your people will be my people, and your God my God. " - Ruth 1: 16. What a privilege we have for doing what Jehovah asks us to do with our God! " Jesus wemuholovona opo akale omulongwa wae. (b) How do you feel about the privilege of baptism? Jesus chose him to be his disciple. Oityi ovohe vena okuhinangela pokutokola inkha mavapopi nomona wavo watunda mewaneno? Jehovah evidently searched through Abijah's heart until He found a trace of goodness. What should parents remember if their child is disfellowshipped? Hono, ovakuendye ovanyingi novahikuena vomouye, vesuka vala navo muene, netyi vahanda. Omokonda yatyi ovakuendye Ovakristau vesukisila okuliwaneka novanthu va Huku? Explain how we might act in harmony with Psalm 4: 3. Today, many young people are interested in themselves and on their own, and why do young Christians need to associate with God's people? Nomutima weliola oe waita ombatelo ku Filipe. For example, the Revised Standard Version states in its preface: "The use of any proper name for the one and only God... is entirely inappropriate for the universal faith of the Christian Church. " He humbly asked Philip for help. 12, 13. Do this anytime you are with them, not only when preparing for meetings or during family worship. 12, 13. 15, 16. (a) Oñgeni omikanda vietu vikuatesako ovanthu okulilongesa konthele yovipuka Jeova atunga? What about you? 15, 16. (a) How has our publications helped people to learn about Jehovah's creative works? Pala okulinga Ombimbiliya oyo, ankho vokumbulinga vapondola okuhimama onthiki aiho nokulinga vala efo like ine osimano aiho okulinga efo liosapi. Let us see how the fruitage of the spirit will help us in specific ways. To do that, they could keep the whole day clean and do just one week or week to make a copy of the Law. Wapopia okuti tyina tutala ku Jeova, tukahi ngomuundapi utala komuhona wae. One of these words is used regarding the sacrifices to be offered to Jehovah. He said that when we look to Jehovah, we are like the steward who sees his master. Pahe ndyitupu vali ovililenya, iya ekongoko liange molutu nomutima vikahi vali nawa. Will we pay attention to the prophetic warnings? I have lost some of them, and my physical health has become stronger. (Atos 2: 42) Kavayekelepo okuliongiya, alo umwe tyina vamoneswa ononkhumbi novatumini vo Roma no nonkhalamutwe mbova Judeu. 1, 2. They did not stop associating with them even when they were persecuted by the Romans and the Jewish leaders. (Mateus 14: 28 - 31) Inkha tuimbuka okuti ekolelo liomukuatate umwe ngoti liatepuluka, okuti nonthue tupondola okumuvatela, opo apameke ekolelo liae? Likewise, it is not right for us to allow personal pursuits or time - consuming distractions to prevent us from having a full share in the ministry. If we realize that a brother's faith seems to weaken, can we help him to strengthen his faith? Onthue tuhetekela Abraiau mokukala noluembia olunene na vakuetu, haunene vomombunga yetu.Tuhayekei nalumwe omasukalalo omuenyo atepulule omuvo tukala navana tuhole. In his association with the common people of Israel, Jesus had compassion for them because they were disadvantaged, and he gave loving attention to their needs. We imitate Abraham by showing deep affection for others, especially for our family, and we will never allow the anxieties of life to affect our loved ones. Jesus wati: "Nawike upondola okuya kuame, inkha Tate wanthuma kemukokele. " But with Jehovah's help, I have made progress. Jesus said: "No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him. " (Salmo 136: 1) Mono versikulu ononyingi mbo salmu, omuhoneki wono salmu wawana - wana onondaka mbokuati: "Ohole yae itualako. " It is faith - strengthening to remember that Jehovah chose to use ordinary people - "the weak things of the world " - to accomplish this extraordinary work. - 1 Cor. 1: 26 - 29. Many verses in the Psalms repeat the psalmist's words: "Let his love continue. " Ova Judeu ankho vena onondyuo mbokufendela iya monondyuo ombo ankho vapaka nawa Ovihonekwa. And how will he prove to be the only secure dwelling in the future? The Jews had houses in synagogues and had to put them into the Scriptures. Valingile etyi Ruti woko Moabe apopilile Noemi: "Ovanthu vove mavakakala ovanthu vange, iya Huku yove, makakala Huku yange. " - Rute 1: 16. Why the attack? They did what Ruth had said to Naomi: "Your people will be my people, and your God my God. " - Ruth 1: 16. (b) Oñgeni ove ulitehela konthele yelao liokumbatisalwa? That is evident both from the specific medical language that Luke used in his Gospel and in the book of Acts and from the way he focused on Jesus ' healings of others. (b) How do you feel about the privilege of getting baptized? Otyo tyilekesa okuti Jeova waovola momutima wa Abiya, alo Oe avasamo okapuka okawa. Let us review how the Bible can help us to face our trials and still be joyful. This means that Jehovah found in Abijah's heart until He presented himself as a thief. Hangununa oñgeni matulandula onondaka mbo Salmo 4: 3. 26 Teach Your Children - Have You Ever Felt Like an Outsider? Explain how we will follow the words of Psalm 4: 3. Mongeleka, onondaka mbokuhimbika Mbombimbiliya Revised Standard Version mbati, "katyaviukile " onongeleya okutumbula enyina lia Huku. They are at your bidding for that very purpose. For example, the Bible's message began to be "a good use of the name of God. " Tyilinga apeho, wehetyilinge vala tyina mupongiya omaliongiyo ine tyina mulinga efendelo liombunga. OTHER BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED - Is God an Impersonal Force? So be determined not to prepare for congregation meetings or to participate in family worship. Oityi ove usoka? COVER IMAGE: What do you think? Matutale oñgeni ovinyango viospilitu vitukuatesako mononkhalelo mbelikalela. Why can marriage be successful despite human imperfection? Let us consider how the fruitage of the spirit can help us in different ways. Imue ponondaka ombo yaundapeswa kovilikutila ankho ovanthu valingila Jeova. Maria's father is a widower, and in recent years he has become bedridden. One reference work was used by voluntary offerings to Jehovah. Mahi, matutavela omalondolo omaulo oo? There is no indication that Judas ' remorse was true repentance. How, though, can we apply these prophecies? 1, 2. If we carefully follow his steps, we will reach "the goal " of our faith - salvation. 1, 2. Tupu, katyaviukile tutalukwe nokuovola ovipuka vietu ine okupesela omuvo movitalukiso, iya otyo atyitutyilika okuundapa nawa movilinga viokuivisa. For more information, see chapters 8 and 9 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. It would also be wrong for us to set aside such activities as recreation or entertainment, and that does not prevent us from keeping busy in the ministry. Jesus ankho una okankhenda novanthu vo Isilayeli ankho vena omuenyo wepuiya, alingi atyiho opo evekuateseko. Recall that he likens our relationship with him to that of children with a father. Jesus felt compassion for the people of Israel who lived a hard life, and he did all they could to help them. Mahi, Jeova wankhuatesako okuviukisa omuenyo wange. If someone has doubts about the Bible, how can you reason with him? However, Jehovah helped me to adjust my life. Tyipameka unene ekolelo, okuhinangela okuti Jeova waholovona okuundapesa ovanthu vahankhimanene - "ovipuka viahasilivila viouye, " - pala okulinga ovilinga evi viakolela. - 1 Coríntios 1: 26 - 29. (b) How do you feel about Jesus ' dying as a ransom? How comforting it is to remember that Jehovah has appointed humans to use "the things of the world " - something very important to do. - 1 Cor. 1: 26 - 29. JEOVA WALI "EUMBO LIOTYOTYILI " PALA OVAUMBILI VAE KOHALE This distorted recollection can cause us to long for the good old days. JEHOVAH'SY ARE IN THE BIBLE Omokonda yatyi valwila? An angel opened the doors of a prison and directed the apostles imprisoned there to continue preaching in the temple. - Acts 5: 17 - 21. Why do God's people have a powerful influence? Tupu etyi Luka ahoneka o Evandyeliu yae nomukanda wa Atos, waundapesa onondaka mbo no ndotolo. Mokonda ankho ondotolo, wapopia omahipululo omanyingi pomivo Jesus ahakulile ovanthu. GOD'S WAYS: The Bible teaches that man can "never find out the work that the true God has made from start to finish. " So when Luke wrote his Gospel, Acts, and Luke, he used the words of the doctor, who spoke many times when Jesus healed people. Tutalei oñgeni Ombimbiliya ipondola okutukuatesako okukoleleya emone lietu, mahi otyo tuna ehambu. Under Roman law, someone who hit his father could be punished the way a murderer would be. Let us see how the Bible can help us to endure our trials, but this makes us happy. 22 Lilongesa Ondaka ya Huku - Okuti Kuna Ekevelelo lia Vana Vankhia? She later adopted him. 22 Did You Know? Ovo mavekukuatesako nehambu. 25: 8 - 12. They will be happy and happy. OMAPULO OMAKUAVO OMBIMBILIYA AKUMBULULWA - Okuti Huku Ononkhono Vala Mbahamonwa? If we "widen out, " our circle of friends will grow, intensifying the love that unites us in true worship. OTHER BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED - Is God an invisible force? OLUTALATU LUOKONDYE: Because another force seeks to dominate us, a force that opposes the operation of holy spirit. COVER IMAGE: Jeova watunga Andau na Eva evewaneka kumwe. Through that spirit, we receive continuous help not to tire out in these last days. - Isa. Jehovah created Adam and Eve with unity. Tate ya Maliya wasiuapo nomukai, iya momanima okualamba wavelele unene. The fact that much grain remained in Jericho indicates that the Israelite siege was of short duration, just as the Bible describes it. Mary's father's father suffers from a woman, and in the last century, she suffers very much. Otyo ankho katyilekesa ko okuti welivela tyotyili. How does our God - given work help us to be united? This did not mean that he was truly repentant. (1 Pedro 2: 21) Inkha tulandulila popepi ongeleka ya Jesus, matutyivili okukoleleya alo konthyulilo. At one time, this house was in good condition - but no longer. If we follow Jesus ' example, we will be able to endure until the end comes. Opo unoñgonoke vali konthele yotyo, tala okapitulu 8 no 9 komukanda ou, walingua no Nombangi mba Jeova. Oityi Ombimbiliya Tyili Ilongesa? The ransom, a provision of God's undeserved kindness, can clear our conscience of guilt and give us inner peace. For more information, see chapters 8 and 9 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Ombimbiliya ipopia okuti Jeova o Tate yetu iya onthue tuvana vae. With the help of another gift. The Bible says that Jehovah is our Father and that we are his children. Inkha omunthu umwe ketavela ko Mbimbiliya, oñgeni upondola okusokolola nae? Those who say that things will stay much the same as they have always been are greatly mistaken If someone does not believe in the Bible, how can you meditate on him? (b) Oñgeni ulitehelela konthele yononkhia mba Jesus mbeyovo? But one of their members ran ahead and told me to hide because they were planning to kill me. (b) How do you feel about Jesus ' death? Olusoke olo luhaviukile lupondola okutuhindila okuhanda kononthiki onongwa mbokohale. In the meantime, we find comfort in knowing that Jehovah is well - aware of all the things that afflict us. This idea could cause us to want to look for good in ancient times. Oandyu imwe yaikulile omapito okalavoso, aipopila ono apostolu ankho mbuli mokaleya opo vatualeko okukalongesa mondyuo ya Huku. - Atos 5: 17 - 21. Anyone trying to do so ends up grasping at nothing. An angel opened the doors and told the apostles to continue teaching God's temple. - Acts 5: 17 - 21. ONONDYILA MBA HUKU: Ombimbiliya ilongesa okuti ovanthu kavapondola "okunoñgonoka ovilinga Huku yotyotyili alinga tunde konthyimbi alo konthyulilo. " Never stop going to Christian meetings or spending time with the congregation. GOD'S WORD: The Bible teaches that humans should not "know the work that the true God has made from the start to the finish. " Movitumino vio Roma, omunthu uveta tate yae ankho ukoyesua ngetyi tyikoyesua omuipai. Contrary to Jehovah's instructions, disobedient humans gathered at what later came to be called Babel, determined to remain in one location. Under the Roman Empire, a man who had fallen asleep in his father's revolt had fallen as a murderer. Apopila Joquebede opo emutekulileko alo ekula. And we can be confident that " God will not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear. ' - Read 1 Corinthians 10: 13. He told him to show him how he was treated until he was an adult. 25: 8 - 12. (b) What will we discuss in this study article and in the next one? 25: 8 - 12. Inkha " tulihandyula, ' matukala nomapanga omanyingi, nokuyawisa ohole ina ituwaneka kumwe mefendelo liotyotyili. I started dealing drugs, so I was constantly armed with knives and guns. If we "widen out, " we will draw closer to one another and deepen our love for true worship. Omokonda kuna ononkhono ononkhuavo mbelikalela nospilitu ya Huku mbuhanda okutunyona. Then you will have the strength to resist all of Satan's propaganda. - Philippians 4: 6, 7, 13. Because there is nothing else that God's spirit wants us to do. Tyina Jeova amona okuti tukahi nokuvatela eongano mononkhalelo ombo, utuavela ospilitu sandu yae. In fact, the more he relied on Jehovah, the more his disciples trusted him. When Jehovah sees that we are supporting and supporting the organization in these ways, he gives us his holy spirit. (Josué 3: 15 - 17; 5: 10) Mokonda mo Jeriko muavasilwe onoñgima ononyingi, tyilekesa okuti ankho ovimato ovisupi ngetyi Ombimbiliya ipopia. When we got married on September 16, 1961, we had the honor of having Brother Knorr give our wedding talk. Because in Jericho, it was depicted as if the walls of Jericho were fasted, as the Bible says. Oñgeni otyilinga tyetu tuapewa na Huku tyitukuatesako okukala newaneko? (b) What wonderful future can we look forward to? How can our God - given assignment help us to be united? Mahi kohale ondyuo oyo ankho ikahi nawa. But they may still have wondered how so few people could do so much work. So Zechariah told them something that would take away their fear and doubt. But it was a very good temple in ancient times. Ofeto yeyovo, otyali Huku aava mokonda yoluembia tuahatokalele. Ofeto oyo, ipondola okusukula ononkhali momutima wetu, nokutuavela ombembwa. ▪ Where interest is shown, offer literature and demonstrate a Bible study if possible. The ransom makes it possible for God's undeserved kindness, which can give us peace of mind, peace, and peace. O nekuateso liotyiawa otyikuavo. " If you search for [Jehovah], he will let himself be found by you. " The gift of a different gift. Ovanthu aveho vapopia okuti ovipuka vikahi nokutualako ngetyi ankho vikahiale, vekahi nokupengesa unene. 3 A builder is chosen who will follow the blueprints and perform the restoration. All say that things are continuing and are continuing as they were, and they are making serious mistakes. Umwe puvo ahateka amphopila opo ndyiholame mokonda vapanga okundyipaa. Jesus ' disposition and conduct toward his disciples taught them how they were to treat one another. - Read John 13: 14 - 17. One of them ran out to me because I wanted to see her. (1 João 5: 3) Anthi, tyituungumanesa unene okunoñgonoka okuti Jeova wii nawa ovipuka aviho vituetela ononkhumbi. If you are being plagued by such feelings of guilt and anger, it is important not to bottle up these emotions. Yet, it is comforting to know that Jehovah knows all the causes of suffering. Kese munthu wovola okutyilinga kakuata natyike. If you were at the bus station mentioned at the beginning of the article, would you get on just any bus because the people on it were having a good time? Each person tries to do nothing. Wahayekepo okuenda Komaliongiyo, wahayekepo okukala kumwe novakuatate mewaneno. Of course, as mentioned earlier, simply stating your values does not guarantee that your son or daughter will choose to live by them. Do not allow you to go to the meetings, stop associating with the brothers in the congregation. Ovanthu vaanyene onondonga mba Jeova, iya avatokola okukala pomphangu ike. Omphangu oyo aihihanwa okuti Ombabele. " You must not take up the name of Jehovah your God in a worthless way. " The people rejected Jehovah's instructions, and they decided to live in that place. Iya tupondola okukala nonthumbi yokuti, " Huku kametuyeke tulolwe alo tuhetyivili vali okukoleleya. ' - Tanga 1 Coríntios 10: 13. Paul, however, would never have agreed. And we can be sure that God will "do not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear. " - Read 1 Corinthians 10: 13. (b) Oityi matulilongesa monthele ei, no monkhuavo mailandulako? Maintain good conduct. (b) What will we consider in this article and in the next? Moluotyo, ankho ndyityinda apeho ononkhiki nomauta. Initially, he drank only in the evenings. As a result, I always kept myself involved in sports. Konyima otyo matyikupameka, opo ufinde onondaka ambuho mbounkhembi wa Satanasi. - Filipenses 4: 6, 7, 13. The worshipper would be happy to give Jehovah his very best. 4: 6, 7, 13. Vetyimuene okuti Jesus uyumba onthumbi mu Jeova, iya avemuyumbu vali unene onthumbi. You can be sure that God will bless his faithful ones and help them to reduce their anxiety about the past, the present, and the future. They saw that Jesus relied on Jehovah, and they did not trust him again. Etyi tuelinepa mo 16 ya Tungonkhe yo 1961, atuhambukwa etyi tualingiluako elengomona liotyinepo Nomukuatate Knorr. But who are his people on earth today? When we got married in September 16, we received the privilege of becoming a father of Brother Knorr. (b) Ouwa patyi tukevelela komutwe wandyila? Paul urged Christians to " do their utmost ' to avoid " falling into the same pattern of disobedience ' that the Israelites showed when they were afraid to enter the Promised Land. - Heb. 4: 3, 11. (b) What blessings await us in the future? Mahi ankho vapondola okulipula oñgeni ovanthu vehehi vapondola okulinga otyilinga otyinene. To be "swift about hearing " means being attentive not only to what your child says but also to how he or she says it. But they could ask him how small a small group would be. ▪ Vana valekesa okuti vena esuko, veavela omikanda nokulekesa oñgeni tyilingwa elilongeso lio Mbimbiliya. After conducting many interviews with young people, the authors of the book For Parents Only noted another barrier to communication. ▪ Those who show personal interest in them give them literature and show how the Bible is conducted. " Inkha wovola [Jeova], oe mayeke opo umuvase. " (Read Isaiah 53: 5, 8, 9.) " If you search for [Jehovah], he will let himself be found by you. " 3 Omutungi makalinga ovilinga viokupindulapo ondyuo waholovonuale. The Master, Jesus, will do this toward the end of the great tribulation. 3 The Creator will do the work that he has chosen. (Lucas 8: 1) Onkhalelo ya Jesus novituwa viae, vialongesile ovalongwa vae oñgeni vena okulitekula pokati. - Tanga João 13: 14 - 17. Even though she was another man's wife, he started to desire her and had sexual relations with her. Jesus ' attitude and conduct taught his disciples how to treat one another. - Read John 13: 14 - 17. Inkha ukahi nokulivela onombei nokuna onyengo, otyiwa uhakale vala nomalusoke oo momutima. He told his disciples: "I was not sent to anyone except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. " If you feel guilty and angry, it is good to reject such thoughts. Etyi tuapopia ponthyimbi konthele yokukala apa patalamena omakalela, okuti monyingila vala mekalela limwe mokonda weete okuti vana vanyingilamo vekahi ngoti vahambukwa? So help your children learn its basic teachings. When we discussed the matter about going to the bus station, would you go to the bus station because you saw that those in the bus seemed to be happy? Tyotyili, ngetyi tyapopiwa pombanda, okupopia vala onondonga ove ulandula, katyilekesa okuti omona wove malandula onondonga ombo. Even the desire for sexual pleasure with one's marriage mate is fitting and has its place. In fact, as mentioned above, it does not mean that you follow the advice mentioned above. " Uhatumbule enyina lia Jeova Huku yove tyehena esuko. " How can you enrich your Family Worship evening? " Do not forget the name of Jehovah your God without concern. " Mahi otyipuka otyo, ñgeno Paulu ketyitavelele. How does Jesus ' resurrection testify to God's greatness? But that would not have been possible. Kala notyituwa otyiwa. They are no longer "homosexuals "; they prefer" an alternative lifestyle. " Be a good spirit. Potete, oe ankho unwa vala kokangulohi. Another writer, Augustine of Hippo, explained that the Bible account in which Jesus fed 5,000 men with five barley loaves and two fish had a symbolic meaning. At first, he was alone not just the evening. Oe ankho uhambukwa mokonda waavela otyinyama otyo Jeova. " I listened impatiently to the sound of every passing car. He was happy to give this animal to Jehovah. Upondola okukala nonthumbi yokuti Huku mayambe ovanthu ovakuatyili kwe nokuvekuatesako okutepulula otyiho tyovipuka valingile kohale, novio pehepano, notyiho tyovipuka maviya komutwe wandyila. 9 The Power of God's Word on a Hindu Family You can be sure that God will reward people who are loyal to him and will help them to reduce anxiety now and anxiety now in the future. Mahi ovalie ovanthu vae hono? Then they will be able to learn about Jehovah and to live forever. But who are his people today? (Atos 7: 39 - 41) Paulu walondola Ovakristau " okulinga ononkhono ' okulityilika " otyituwa tyokuhetavela ' ova Isilayeli valekesile etyi vatila owoma pala okunyingila Motyilongo Valaelwe. - Hebreus 4: 3, 11. Worldwide, they enjoy the same program of Bible instruction at their meetings. - Read Hebrews 10: 24, 25. Paul urged Christians to " avoid " against the spirit of the Israelites ' by saying that they were afraid of entering the Promised Land. - Heb. 4: 3, 11. " Okukanyauka okutehelela, " katyilekesa vala okutehelela etyi omona apopia, mahi tupu noñgeni etyipopia. In the conclusion of his book Christianity and the World Religions, theologian Hans Küng wrote: "The most fanatical, the cruelest political struggles are those that have been colored, inspired, and legitimized by religion. " " Let us listen to him, " not just to listen to what the child says but also to see how he gave it. (Tanga Isaías 53: 5, 8, 9.) King Ahaziah, son of Ahab and Jezebel, had a bad fall, so he asked: " Will I recover from this injury? ' (Read Isaiah 53: 5, 8, 9.) (Mateus 25: 19) Omuhona, Jesus, otyo metyilingi konthyulilo yononkhumbi ononene. Full of faith, he said: "Jehovah is the stronghold of my life. The Master, Jesus, will do this at the end of the great tribulation. (2 Samuel 11: 2) Namphila ankho ena omulume wae, David ehimbimaka okumuhanda iya alingi nae oundalelapo. 1980 190 * Although David had his husband, David was able to sell his garment, and he had sexual relations with Bath - sheba. Apopila ovalongwa vae okuti: "Ame hatuminue kovanthu ovakuavo, natumwa konongi mbaomba mbondyuo yo Isilayeli. " Jesus went on to explain it, as recorded at Mark 4: 14 - 20: "The sower sows the word. He told his disciples: "I have no number of people, and I have been sent to the house of Israel. " (Hebreus 4: 12) Ngotyo, kuatesako ovana vove okunoñgonoka onondonga mbotete. He is the one whom Jehovah appointed over His sheep. - Read John 10: 3 - 5. So help your children to understand the suggestions behind the Law. Alo umwe ehando liotyihola ku vana velinepa hatyiviko iya tyina omuvo watyo. (b) Describe Brother Russell's search for truth. Even a strong desire to get married is normal and at the right time. Oñgeni upondola okulinga Elilongeso Liombimbiliya Mombunga monkhalelo ihambukiswa? He knew that if God gave his word, it was as good as done. Yes, Abraham lived his life in harmony with that faith. How can you make a Family Worship evening happy? Oñgeni etutilo lia Jesus lilekesa ounene wa Huku? 27: 11. How does Jesus ' resurrection reveal God's greatness? Katyitiwa vali " ovalume valala poyavo, ' anthi vati vala "onkhalelo onkhuavo yomuenyo. " The manager realized that she had no experience but offered her a job anyway, at almost double the wages she had been earning. It is not a "gifts in men " but said that they are simply" living in a different way. " Waholovonene "okutekulwa onya kumwe novanthu va Huku. " The scholars who produced the Maynooth Bible published some of their preparatory work in 1971. He chose "to be mistreated with God's people. " Omuhoneki omukuavo utiwa Agostinho de Hipona, wahangununa okuti ehipululo Liombimbiliya lipopia Jesus waavelele okulia ovalume 5.000, lina etyi lihangununa. But the Sovereign Ruler of the universe does not depend on this world's media. Another writer of C.E. explained that the Bible account of Jesus ' fed men with enough food to understand. " Ame nokuepuila ndyitehela omuuno wa kese tuku - tuku lilamba. The Bible says that "anxiety in a man's heart weighs it down, but a good word cheers it up. " " I am so glad that I hit you each car for more than a while. Ononthele Mbokulilongeswa Mbalingilwa Tyi THE FIGURATIVE HEART - WHAT IS IT? ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Mavekelilongesa konthele ya Jeova nokukakalako apeho. With that truth in mind, how might you "practice giving " and experience happiness as a result? - Luke 6: 38. They will keep learning about Jehovah and will live forever. Ouye auho, vena oprograma yelifwa yokulilongesa Ombimbiliya momaliongiyo avo. - Tanga Hebreus 10: 24, 25. We are being used by Jehovah to draw people to him. Around the world, there is a time to prepare for Bible study. - Read Hebrews 10: 24, 25. Pokumanuhula omukanda wae, Christianity and the World Religions (Ovakristau no Nongeleya Mbo Mouye), omunongo Hans Küng wahoneka okuti: " Ovilwa viopulitika viaipaele vali unene, ovilwa viahongiliyua nonongeleya. ' Baruch was a professional scribe who faithfully served alongside Jeremiah in what became a difficult assignment - proclaiming Jehovah's judgments to Judah. Finally, in his book The Church and the Religion of Christendom, Hans wrote: "The war is more powerful, more divided than religion. " Mo Mbimbiliya tutangamo konthele yovanthu vamwe vavelele avahande okunoñgonoka inkha mavakala nawa. Most important, regularly spend time together in activities related to worship of Jehovah. In the Bible, we read about some people who wanted to know if they would improve. Nekolelo enene, wati: "Jeova oe otyiholamo tyapama tyomuenyo wange. 13, 14. With great faith, he said: "Jehovah is the stronghold of my life. Ngetyi tyahonekwa mu Marcos 4: 14 - 20, Jesus wahangununa okuti: "Omukuni ukuna ondaka. Whether the sin is grievous or not, the person who committed it has damaged his relationship with his fellow man and with God. As recorded at Mark 4: 14 - 20, Jesus explained: "He is sowing with the word. Ngetyi ongi iimbuka ondaka yomunthita, nonthue tuesukisa okuimbuka ondaka ya Jesus, una Jeova aholovona opo etuhongolele. - Tanga João 10: 3 - 5. All Christians are thrilled about the marriage that is mentioned in Jesus ' parable. Just as a sheep sees the voice of a shepherd, we need to recognize Jesus ' voice, Jehovah has appointed him to guide him. - Read John 10: 3 - 5. (b) Hangununa oñgeni omukuatate Russell aovola otyili. Mary evidently clung to Jesus because she thought that he was about to ascend to heaven and she would never see him again. (b) Explain how Brother Russell tried the truth. Oe ankho utyii okuti omilao via Huku apeho vifuisuapo, iya alekesa okuti una ekolelo nonkhalelo atyindile omuenyo wae. They wanted me to prove the truth to myself. He knew that God's promises always come true, and he showed that he had faith in his life. Tupu vasukukisa enyina lia Jeova kounkhembi we Liapu, etyi ati upondola okuyapula ovanthu aveho ku Huku. - "Kala nonondunge mona wange, hambukiswa omutima wange, opo ndyikumbulule una undinga omukuele. " - Provérbios 27: 11. 1, 2. (a) What were some of the responsibilities of an Israelite shepherd? They also sanctify Jehovah's name from the Devil when he said that he could cause people to rebel against God. " - Proverbs 27: 11. Omuhona amono okuti oe ankho utupu ounongo oo, mahi, emuavela ovilinga ovikuavo, iya emulae okumufeta onombongo mbulamba pumbuna ankho afetwa. How did Abraham show that he trusted in Jehovah's justice? The master saw that he had no wisdom, but he gave him more money and asked him to give him enough money to pay for her. Ovanongo vapitiya Ombimbiliya Maynooth Bible, ononthele mbumwe mbotete vembulinga mo 1971. Forgive Freely 15 Some translations of the Bible include the first series of articles in 1971. 39: 7) Jeova una Onombangi mbuhungi ponomiliau etyinana vekahi nokupopila ovanthu konthele yae ouye auho. A kind person is friendly, gentle, sympathetic, and gracious. Nearly 39 million Witnesses of Jehovah are telling people about his worldwide. Ombimbiliya yapopia okuti "otyiho momutima womunthu tyimusoyesa, mahi ondaka ongwa oyo imuhambukiswa ." " Let us consider one another so as to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking our meeting together. " The Bible says that "all the heart is broken, but the word is good. " OMUTIMA WOTYILEKESO OITYI? This wonderful truth I want to hold on to all my life. WHAT IS IT? (Atos 20: 35) Okusoka kuotyo, oñgeni upondola okukala " notyituwa tyokuava ' opo ukale nehambu litundililako? - Lucas 6: 38. Authorities estimate that if current trends persist, by 2030, the annual death toll from smoking will climb to more than 8,000,000. In view of this, how can you cultivate the spirit of a lesser one? - Luke 6: 38. (2 Coríntios 5: 20) Jeova ukahi nokutuundapesa opo tukuateseko ovanthu okufuena kwe. And to him there were given rulership and dignity and kingdom, that the peoples, national groups and languages should all serve even him. Jehovah is using us to help people draw close to him. Baruke ankho omunongo wovihonekua walongoka nawa. Waundapele na Jeremia nekolelo motyilinga tyepuiya, tyokuivisila ova Judaa omakoyeso a Jeova. Jesus was anointed, or appointed by God, to fill a special role in the fulfillment of God's promises. Baruch was well - trained and acted with Jeremiah in this difficult assignment by preaching to Judah and preaching to Jehovah's judgments. Tyakolela vali, undapelei apeho kumwe movilinga vielikuata nefendelo lia Jeova. Why are both faith and love important? Most important, work together in the worship of Jehovah. 13, 14. There was no conflict of loyalties on Jonathan's part. 13, 14. Tyilinge onkhali ononene unene ine onthutu, una weilinga wanyona oupanga wae novanthu vakuavo, no wae na Huku. Note the example Jesus set. Whether serious sin is limited or not, he or she controls his relationship with others and his God. Ovakristau aveho vahambukwa notyinepo tyapopiwa monthengele - popia ya Jesus. Why Be Forgiving? All Christians rejoice in the marriage of Jesus ' parable. Mokutala Maliya ankho wakakatela mu Jesus mokonda ankho wasoka okuti Jesus ukahi nokulonda keulu kamemumona - mona vali. Guests who stay longer: In Bible times, it was common to give some visitors a place to stay. Perhaps Mary was sticking to Jesus because she thought that Jesus was going to heaven with no son. Ekumbululo olio lilekesa tyi? What did Jesus highlight as being very important? What does that answer reveal? Ankho vahanda ndyilitaleleko etyi Ombimbiliya tyilityili ilongesa. David, on the other hand, did not pray for God to heal him miraculously. I wanted to see what the Bible really teaches. 1, 2. (a) Ovilinga patyi ovanthita ova Isilayeli ankho vena? Two Christian sisters share the Bible's message with a merchant in the town of Tipitapa 1, 2. (a) What work did the Israelite shepherds have? Oñgeni Abraiau alekesile okuti uyumba onthumbi mouviuki wa Jeova? Similarly, today a limited number of anointed men have the responsibility of representing the slave class. How did Abraham show that he trusted in Jehovah's righteousness? Evela Tyihakuluminyua 15 Or we may want to achieve "great things " by seeking higher education. SONGS TO BE USED: 15, 15 Omunthu wokankhenda, epanga, ondalawa, ondyandyi, nokuasuka na vakuavo. (Read Psalm 25: 14; Proverbs 3: 32.) A compassionate person is warm, friendly, and forgiving toward others. " Tulipamekei pokati, opo tukale nohole kumwe novilinga oviwa, tuhayekeipo okuenda komaliongiyo. " Noah wanted to be God's friend, so he was not friends with those who did not have faith in Jehovah and who rejected him. " Keep on encouraging one another so as to love and fine works, not allowing ourselves to be at the meetings. " (Salmo 28: 7) Ame nahanda okueendela motyili otyo apeho nkhele tyina ndyina omuenyo. For example, disease causes poverty, and poverty causes disease. I want to live forever in harmony with that truth. Ovatumini vapopia okuti inkha ovanthu vatualako nokupuena alo menima 2030, kese nima makunkhi ovanthu valamba po 8.000.000. Even if we have served Jehovah for many years, we need to keep our relationship with him strong. - Philippians 3: 12, 13. Government officials say that if people continue to go to 20 million people each year, each year over 20 million people would be killed. Iya apewa outumini, nounene, nouhamba, opo ovanthu aveho, novilongo, nomalaka vemuumbile. Israelites in Isaiah's day were in a similar situation. And he received authority, dignity, and kingdom to all people, to serve him. Jesus walembulua, ine waholovonua na Huku pala otyilinga tyimwe tyakolela mokufuisapo omilao via Huku. 11: 24. Jesus was anointed, or chosen by God for a special role in fulfilling God's promises. Omokonda yatyi ekolelo noluembia ovituwa viakolela unene? If you are an elder, perhaps you could listen to a ministerial servant when he practices a talk and help him to improve. - See endnote. Why are faith and love important? Jonatã ankho utyii okulie ena okulekesa oukuatyili. He had been raised as a Catholic and had become a disbeliever like me. Jonathan knew to whom he should show loyalty. Tala ongeleka ya Jesus. (b) Did prison cause the brothers to lose their determination to obey Jehovah? Consider Jesus ' example. Tuna Okukala Ovaeveli Mokonda Yatyi? (b) With what need were all humans created? Why Be Guided by God's Word? Ovaenda vakala omuvo umwe: Kohale, ankho tyakaka unene ovaenda okukala omuvo umwe potyilongo tyimwe. To assist individuals desiring to benefit the worldwide work of Jehovah's Witnesses through some form of charitable giving, a brochure entitled Charitable Planning to Benefit Kingdom Service Worldwide has been prepared in English and Spanish. Behind the time: A long ago, it was common for guests to live in a certain area. Ovituwa vimwe ovipi? God's Kingdom, 1 / 1, 5 / 1 What are some qualities? (2 Reis 20: 1 - 6) Mahi ankho David kakevelela ehuviso. The 215 publishers and 28 pioneers in three congregations there were so happy when 1,600 people attended the Memorial in 2014 But David did not expect a miracle. Onomphange vevali vekahi nokuivisa komukai ukahi nokulandesa mepundaumbo lio Tipitapa. Was his situation hopeless? By no means. Two sisters are preaching with a woman who is outside the city of refuge. Tupu, hono ovalume vehehi povalembulwa vena otyilinga tyokukala komutue wonthumbo yomupika. Of course he will! Similarly today, only a few anointed men have the responsibility to take the lead in the slave class. Pakala vala katutu, omalombe aeya pondyuo yonomisionaliu novanthu ovanyingi vanumana unene. We treasure our memories of over 60 years in Jehovah's service Soon thereafter, his priests came home with thousands of people who were very angry. Ine okulongeswa mo nosikola onene opo tukale "novipuka ovinene. " And if a friend of peace is there, your peace will rest upon him. Or you may be pressured to "look intently at the most distant part of the world. " (Tanga Salmo 25: 14; Provérbios 3: 32.) Anthony: Thank you. (Read Psalm 25: 14; Proverbs 3: 32.) Noe ankho uhanda okukala epanga lia Huku, ngotyo ahalingi oupanga na vana ankho vehena ekolelo mu Jeova tupu vehemutavela. What does Sarah mean? Noah wanted to be God's friend, so he did not draw close to those who did not obey Jehovah. Mongeleka, omauvela aeta oluhepo, iya oluhepo lueta omauvela. The shepherd boy David rescued his flock from wild beasts, including a lion and a bear. For example, sickness can cause poverty, poverty, and poverty. Alo umwe inkha tuumbila - le Jeova omanima omanyingi, no ngotyo tuna okutualako okupameka oupanga wetu nae. - Filipenses 3: 12, 13. Why can we be sure that God can provide the courage and strength that we need in order to cope with depressing problems? Even if we have served Jehovah for many years, we still need to keep our friendship with him strong. - Philippians 3: 12, 13. Ova Isilayeli pononthiki mba Isaia ankho vekahi monkhalelo ngoyo. Interviewing my parents, Ron and Estelle, at a convention in Townsville, Australia, in 2014 The Israelites in Isaiah's day were in a similar situation. 11: 24. Violence, hatred, and greed will be gone forever. 11: 24. Inkha ove umukulu weuaneno, tehelela nawa tyina omukuatesiko wovakulu vewaneno alinga elongomona opo utyivile okumukuatesako okulinga vali nawa. How did the first - century Christians in Ephesus bring glory to God? If you are an elder, listen carefully to a ministerial servant who directs you to help him improve. Oe ankho o Katolika, iya atundumo ngetyi nalinga. As for Jehovah, he made the heavens. " - 1 Chron. He was Catholic, and he left me as I did. (b) Ovakuatate vapakelwe mokaleya vatuaileko okutavela Jeova? What were some of Job's challenges? (b) The brothers in prison continued to obey Jehovah? (b) Ovanthu valingwa nehando patyi? Who is the rider of the white horse? (b) What kind of desire do humans have? Upondola okulinga ngotyo mokuhoneka omukanda ulekesa okuti eongano lio Nombangi mba Jeova olio maliundapesa ovipuka ovio. Epongiyo olio likuatesako una ulinga otyiawa otyo mokonda tyina ena omuenyo utenthekeluako. 2, 3. You can do this by using the book What it means that Jehovah's Witnesses use these things to help you when you make a donation because of your circumstances. Ovaivisi 215 novakokoli - ndyila 28 mo mawaneno 3 vahambukilwe unene etyi ovanthu 1.600 veile Pehinangelo mo 2014 Many such matters are personal and vary from individual to individual. The publishers of 28 congregations in the congregations were happy when they attended the Memorial in 2014 Mahi ankho una ehunga ewa liokukala nekevelelo. We are also victims of our own imperfection. But there was good reason for hope. Tyotyili metyilingi! Will baptism with holy spirit continue indefinitely? Of course not! Onthele ei, mailekesa oñgeni ovaumbili va Huku vahanepele no vokuanepa, mavalandula onondonga mbo Mbimbiliya, mbuvasiwa mokapitulu 7 ka 1 Coríntios, pala ouwa wavo konkhalelo oyo yakolela yomuenyo. How do we know that Jehovah is concerned about our choice of marriage mate? This article shows how single servants of God and married married couples will apply Bible principles in chapter 7 of their life. Oe utala onomphai mbavo ambuho. " When you stand at a stranger's door and hear your companion speak from the heart about his or her love for Jehovah, you cannot help but be drawn closer to that individual. He sees all his steps. " Tuhinangela nehambu omanima alamba 60 tuaundapa movilinga via Jeova There is less wind and background noise at those times. We remember how happy we have been for more than 60 years in Jehovah's service Inkha muna omunthu wombembua, ombembwa yenyi maikala nae. He stated that we would need to work at "doing what is fine. " If there are peace, your peace will be with him. Antonio: Vaketu. Singleness in Youth Anthony: Well. Enyina Sara lihangununa - tyi? A second way that those of the other sheep class can help Christ's brothers is by financially supporting the preaching work. What does Sarah's name mean? Omukuendye omunthita David wayovolele otyunda komanyama ofika, onkhulika nehunyu. ▪ Do You Appreciate Jehovah's Watchful Care? A young shepherd had saved the flock from a lion, a lion, and a lion. Omokonda yatyi tuakalela nonthumbi yokuti Huku metuavela omutima wakola nononkhono, opo tukoleleye tyina tuvasiwa novitateka? In the same Bible book, we read: "In case you should sacrifice a thanksgiving sacrifice to Jehovah, you should sacrifice it to gain approval for you. " Why can we be sure that God will give us courage and strength to cope with trials? Monthiki omo, omukai wange Jenny ankho ndyitupue vali. Wanyima mo 2009 ankho wakala nouvela itiwa o cancer omanima ekwi. Though we may at times get weary of asking for help or favor, we should not give up. On that day, Jenny and I had lost my wife, who had been diagnosed with cancer. Oungangala, noundyale, nelungavi, mavikanyimako apeho. They love money and the things it can buy. Pride, hatred, and greed are eternal forever. Oñgeni Ovakristau votete mo Efesu vaetelele Huku enkhimano? To find out more about what happens at death, see chapter 6 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? How did first - century Christians in Ephesus bring glory to God? Mokonda onohuku ambuho mbovanthu mbutupu esilivilo. By doing that, Rehoboam acted more wisely than he had when he was younger. For all the gods of the peoples are worthless. Ovitateka patyi Job akalele navio? If so, then he must have made us for a reason! What trials did Job face? Olie wavelama konkhambe ongonga? Rather, we will show our appreciation by working hard to stay clean in God's sight. Who is the rider on the white horse? 2, 3. I later came to regret my failure to follow through on what I knew to be right. 2, 3. Mahi ovanthu ovanyingi vena omalusoke elikalaila konthele yetyi tyaviuka netyi tyapenga. The Jewish rebels rejoiced and promptly gave chase. But most people have different opinions about what is right and wrong. (Romanos 8: 22) Tupu, onthue tuvakuankhali. (Read 1 Corinthians 2: 10.) Also, we are imperfect. Okuti okumbatisalwa nospilitu sandu matyitualako apeho? We will display "love out of a clean heart. " Is it possible for holy spirit to be baptized forever? Oñgeni tutyii okuti Jeova usuka tyina tuholovona ou matulinepe? HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? How do we know that Jehovah cares about our choice of marriage mate? Tyina muvasa omunthu muhei, mukuenyi ehimbika okumupopila konthele yohole ena na Jeova, otyo tyimukuatesako okulinga oupanga no munthu oo. Worldwide, there are now more than one and a half billion registered motorized vehicles and millions of miles of good roads. When you find others, explain to them about Jehovah's love for him that helps you to have a close relationship with him. Iya vina ehunga ewa, mokonda ponoola opo kakulingi unene omphepo, tupu kakuviele unene. At the time of the seventh plague, some "among Pharaoh's servants " feared Jehovah's word and doubtless became a part of the mixed company that left Egypt with the Israelites. - Ex. And you have good reason to do so because you do not have enough time and energy to do so. Mahi inkha katuhande "okusoya, " ine okuyekapo ombili yetu movilinga via Huku, tuna okulinga vali tyipona vala okusoka kongeleka yeongano lia Huku. Life apart from God's rule brought pain, suffering, and death to them and their offspring. But if we do not want to "be discouraged " or lose our zeal for God's service, we must do more than focus on the example of God's organization. Okukala Tyahanepele Poukuendye It was time for Jesus ' followers to "begin fleeing to the mountains. " Coping With Youth Onkhalelo ya vali onongi ononkhuavo vakuatesako onondenge mba Kristu, omokuava etyi vena opo vavatele ovilinga viokuivisa. By delivering his worshippers through the coming "great tribulation. " - Rev. 7: 14; 2 Pet. 2: 9. The more the other sheep support Christ's brothers, the more you give them what they have to do in supporting the preaching work. ▪ Okuti Upanda Okuyungwa na Jeova? In his two letters to Timothy, Paul provided exhortation on several areas of conduct. ▪ Do You Appreciate Jehovah's Guidance? Tupu momukanda oo Wombimbiliya, tutangamo okuti: "Inkha mulingila Jeova otyilikutila tyokupandula, muna okutyilinga monkhalelo imupandesa. " He saw Jehovah in full control of his organization, directing its movement through his holy spirit. In the same Bible book, we read: "If you give a sacrifice to Jehovah, you must do so in a way that you may do so. " Namphila pamwe tupondola okusoya okuita ombatelo ine okukuatesuako, mahi katupondola okuyekako. One such person was Charles Taze Russell. Even if we may become discouraged or feel discouraged, we should not let it go. Vena ohole no nombongo novipuka onombongo mbupondola okulanda. Just as Isaiah and Micah prophesied, we are going up to "the mountain of Jehovah " together. They have love money and money that money can buy. Opo ulilongese vali konthele yetyi tyipita mononkhia tala okapitulu 6 komukanda Oityi Ombimbiliya Tyili Ilongesa? God promises to give "holy spirit to those asking him. " To learn more about what happens to death, see chapter 6 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? (Romanos 12: 15) Etyi papita ononthiki, omukai oo etavela okulilongesa Ombimbiliya. He had all Arian books collected and destroyed, including Ulfilas ' Bible. A few days later, she accepted a Bible study. (2 Crônicas 11: 21 - 23) Mokulinga ngotyo, Roboau walekesa ounongo ahalekesile puetyi ankho omukuendye. Jehovah gives this final approval, or final sealing, either before they die or just before the start of "the great tribulation. " - Revelation 2: 10; 7: 3, 14. In doing so, Rehoboam acted wisely when he was young. Inkha ongotyo, Omutungi oo una etyi etutungila! Read, for example, the real - life accounts on pages 18 to 21 of this magazine. If so, that Creator has a purpose! Anthi, matulekesa okuti tuapandula, mokulinga ononkhono mbokukala tyasukuka komaiho a Huku. Could you have real confidence that it truly conveyed the wishes of your friend? Instead, we will show our gratitude by striving to be clean before God. Konyima, andyilivele onombei mokonda yovipuka ankho ndyilinga viapenga, ngwe ankho ndyii etyi tyaviuka netyi tyapenga. There is no middle ground. - Matt. Eventually, I felt guilty because I had done wrong things, and I knew what was right and what was wrong. Ova Judeu onomphuki avalingi otyipito iya konyima avahimbika okutaatesa ova Roma. " To declare all your works " is the third part of my favorite scripture. The Jews made a birthday celebration, and later the Romans began to kill the Romans. (Tanga 1 Coríntios 2: 10.) Yes. (Read 1 Corinthians 2: 10.) Matulekesa "ohole itunda komutima wasukuka. " Paul explained that this was possible by means of another man, a later perfect man - in effect, a second Adam. We will show "love out of a clean heart. " OÑGENI MOKUMBULULA? Why is happiness not out of reach for Christians who live in religiously divided households? HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? Hono, mouye auho muna omatuku - tuku alamba pombiliau notyihupe, nomatapalo omanyingi. This makes the congregation more united. Today, the whole world is full of more than a half hours each year and a half to a year. (Êxodo 12: 38; okatoi.) When appropriate, parents can explain to their children which steps they themselves took to make a certain decision. It is not surprising. (Gên. 3: 1 - 6) Otyo atyieta oluihamo, nononkhumbi, nononkhia palavo muene novana vavo. (Gên. 3: 16 - 19; Rom. This will indeed mean the end of all prejudice, "for there is no partiality with God. " - Romans 2: 11. This has resulted in pain, suffering, and death for them. - Rom. 3: 16 - 19; Rom. 19: 19 - 19; Rom. Pomuvo opo ovalanduli va Jesus "avahimbika okukahatekela konomphunda. " How did he feel about the things he had left behind? At that time, Jesus ' followers "went fleeing to the mountains. " Tyina "ononkhumbi ononene " mbameya. - Revelação 7: 14; 2 Pedro 2: 9. " This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. " - JOHN 17: 3. 7: 14; 2 Pet. 2: 9. Momikanda vivali ahonekela Timoteo, Paulu walondolele konthele yovituwa ovinyingi. Christians who strive to learn another language so as to preach the good news among foreigners who have moved into the territory of their congregation can truly be counted among those who are following the course of hospitality. In two letters to Timothy, Paul warned against many qualities. Wamuene okuti Jeova ukahi nokuyunga eongano liae, nokulihongolela nospilitu sandu yae. The final article in this series takes up this question. He saw that Jehovah is supporting his organization by means of his holy spirit. (2 Timóteo 1: 13) Umue povanthu ovo, ankho Charles Taze Russell. • What will help us to keep following the Christ? One of these people was Charles Taze Russell. Popia ongeleka imue ilekesa okuti ondongeso yo Mbimbiliya kumue nokulinga ononkhono, vieta ouwa omunene. She explains what meditating on this scripture taught her: "It is wise to be practical and to plan ahead. Give an example that shows the value of the Bible's teaching and earnest effort to benefit yourself. Ngetyi Isaia na Mikeia vaulile, tukahi nokulonda "komphunda ya Jeova " atuho. (Isaías 2: 2 - 4; tanga Miquéias 4: 2 - 4.) Soon, our lives will seem to be in peril. 2: 2 - 4; read Micah 4: 2 - 24. Huku walaa okuavela "ospilitu sandu kuvana vemuita. " Again, circumstances had changed. God promises to give "the holy spirit to those asking him. " Etyi Recaredo, ohamba Visigodo akala omu Katolika ayale o Arianismo. The third study article will report on some of the encouraging results that are being obtained by Kingdom proclaimers worldwide. After Those years, the king was arrested by the Catholic Church. Jeova mekeveavela enyingilikilo liahulilila, tyina vehenenkhie ine tyina "ononkhumbi ononene " mbehenehimbike. - Revelação 2: 10; 7: 3, 14. Jehovah wants all kinds of people to learn about him, to worship him, and to live forever. Jehovah will give them the final sealing, before they die or before "the great tribulation " before the start of the great tribulation. - Revelation 2: 10; 7: 3, 14. Mongeleka, tanga ehipululo liotyotyili livasiwa pomago 18 alo 21. In fact, close association evidently caused their mutual love to grow. For example, read the historical story found in 182: 21. Ñgeno wakala nonthumbi yokuti tyotyili omukanda upopia umue ehando liepanga liove? As the context shows, Paul wrote these words to encourage fellow believers to focus on the happy outcome of their faithful course. Would you have been convinced that a book would be true to your friend? Iya inkha tukala konthele ya Satanasi, tuyele Jeova. How can we follow this counsel? And if we live in Satan's world, we hate Jehovah. Onthele yatatu yotestu ndyihole yati: "Opo ndyiivise ovilinga viae aviho. " Therefore, the primary way that those with the earthly hope demonstrate their desire to be friends with Christ is by supporting the faithful slave class. The third of my favorite scripture says: "May they preach all his works. " Eenga. If we are determined to obey God, Satan cannot break our loyalty. - Job 2: 3; 27: 5. Yes. Paulu wahangununa okuti otyo ankho tyipondola okulingwa nomunthu omukuavo, uhena onkhali, Andau yavali. The Bible says: "Keep testing whether you are in the faith; keep proving what you yourselves are. " Paul explained that this could be done away with another human, a perfect man, Adam. Omokonda yatyi Omukristau una ombunga ihelilongesa otyili upondola okukala nehambu? What was Jehovah's reaction? Why should a Christian who is in a religiously divided household be happy? Tupu, otyo tyikuatesako ewaneno okulikuata vali okapandi. No one enjoys being accused of something he has not said or done. This also contributes to the unity of the congregation. (Lucas 6: 40) Tyina tyaviuka, ovohe vapondola okuhangununina ovana vavo etyi ovo muene valingile pokulinga etokolo limwe. Similarly, our love for God should grow. When parents are right, parents can explain to their children what they have done in a certain situation. Oyo tyotyili onthyulilo yononkhalelo ambuho mbokapungulula, "mokonda Huku utupu okapungulula. " - Romanos 2: 11. Good organization helped eight people to survive the Flood (See paragraphs 6, 7) This certainly is the end of all forms of prejudice, "God is not partial. " - Romans 2: 11. (Filipenses 3: 4 - 6) Oñgeni ankho elitehelela konthele yovipuka asapo? • Why is building others up needed in the Christian congregation? How did he feel about what he had left behind? " Omuenyo wahapu oyou, okunoñgonoka ove awike Huku yotyotyili, na Jesus Kristu una watumine. " - JOÃO 17: 3. The boy then tried to do what Jesus did at the synagogue in Nazareth. " This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. " - JOHN 17: 3. Ovakristau vana valinga ononkhono mbokulilongesa elaka ekuavo, opo vaivise onondaka onongwa pokati konongendi veya pofika yewaneno liavo, tyotyili vavalulilwa kumwe na vana valandula otyituwa tyokuyakula ovaenda. " The eastern sea " refers to the Dead Sea, and "the western sea " to the Mediterranean Sea. Christians who strive to learn another language so that they can preach the good news to strangers in their congregation, certainly being hospitable. Ononkhalamutwe Mbondyuo Yokupaka Onombongo Mbouye Auho vapopia okuti ovanthu vokuahepa unene mo Afrika vekahi nokuliyawisa. Its ashes were kept to make "water for cleansing, " which was sprinkled on the person being purified on the third and the seventh day after contamination. The Governing Body continues to convince people that poor people are very poor in Africa. Onthele yahulililako kuombu, maikumbulula epulo olio. " Let your utterance be always with graciousness, seasoned with salt, so as to know how you ought to give an answer to each one. " - Colossians 4: 6. The final article will answer that question. • Oityi matyitukuatesako okutualako okulandula Kristu? More recently, when Witnesses in Jamaica showed a woman there God's name in her own Bible, she too shed tears of joy. • What will help us to remain obedient to Christ? Kelsey wahangununa okuti, okusokolola konondaka ombo tyemukuatesako unene. Wati: "Ounongo okulinga nawa ovipuka nokuvipanga nawa. The article read: "To those so situated that they can give one - half or more of their time exclusively to the work of the Lord, we have a plan to suggest..., viz: That you go forth into large or small cities, according to your ability, as Colporteurs or Evangelists, seek to find in every place the earnest Christians, many of whom you will find possessed of a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge; to these seek to make known the riches of Our Father's grace, and the beauties of His word. " Hitoshi explains that meditating on those words gave him much insight and said: "The wisdom of discernment has helped him to improve your relationships. Apa katutu, nonthue matukala ngoti tukahi motyiponga. But what a blow it is to Satan when we and millions of other imperfect men, women, and children maintain integrity and glorify God! Soon, we may seem to be in danger. Ankho ovipuka viapiluluka. Anything "Separate Us From God's Love "? 8 / 1 In recent times, things changed. Onthele yatatu, maikapopia konthele yovilinga oviwa vipameka, vikahi nokulingwa novaivisi Vouhamba wa Huku ouye auho. When a Christian is anointed, does it mean that he will definitely receive his reward? The third article will discuss fine works that are being done by Kingdom proclaimers around the world. Jeova uhanda ovanthu aveho velilongese konthele yae, nokumufenda, nokukala nomuenyo wahapu. Some reject marriage outright, while others try to redefine it to suit their own desires. Jehovah wants all people to learn about him, worship him, worship him, and live forever. Paulu wahonekele onondaka ombo opo apameke ovakuatate vae vatualeko okusoka kondyambi mavapewa mokutualako okukolela mu Huku. What is courage, and how do we get it? Paul wrote those words to encourage his fellow believers to keep their eyes on the prize by remaining faithful to God. (Mateus 18: 12 - 14) Oñgeni tupondola okulandula onondonga ombo? A basic measure is to have ongoing discussions with your children and to start when they are young. How can we apply that counsel? Ngotyo, onkhalelo yotete yavana vena ekevelo liokukala pano pohi, ilekesa okuti vahanda okukala omapanga a Kristu, omokukuatesako omupika wekolelo. 19, 20. Thus, the first way for those who hope to live on earth shows that they want to become friends of Christ is by means of the faithful slave class. (Atos 3: 17; 17: 30) Inkha tutokola okutavela ku Huku, Satanasi kemetyivili okutuhongiliya okuhakala ovakuatyili. - Jó 2: 3; 27: 5. It is a heart that loves God and is resolved to be sensitive to his will and requirements. If we are determined to obey God, Satan will not prevent us from being honest. - Job 2: 3; 27: 5. Ombimbiliya ipopia okuti: "Tualeiko okutala nawa inkha mukahi mekolelo, tualeiko okulinoñgonoka oñgeni onwe muene mukahi. " Although I had only one girlfriend, I was always involved with other women. The Bible says: "Keep testing whether you are in the faith; keep proving what you yourselves are. " (1 Samuel 15: 2, 3, 21) Oityi Jeova alinga? Consider some examples: What did Jehovah do? Naumue utyihole okutendeleyua otyipuka ahalingile ine ahapopile. As we learn to love righteousness and practice it more fully, we will find more joy in doing what pleases our heavenly Father. No one loves someone who does not know or does not know himself. (Hebreus 6: 7) Tupu, nohole yetu na Huku yesukisa okukula. What Did You Learn? Moreover, our love for God needs to grow. Jeova wahanyeneko "ovipuka aviho vina omuenyo, " mahi ayovola omulume wekolelo Noe, novana vae, novakai vavo. They would invite us to their homes for dinner, but we could only go after it was dark so that nobody would see us together. Jehovah destroyed "the living things of all life, " but he saved Noah and his sons and their wives. • Omokonda yatyi tyesukisa okupameka vakuetu mewaneno lio Vakristau? Think about these words in this way: If you have never met a certain person before, he views you as a stranger. • Why is it necessary to encourage others in the Christian congregation? Omona wetu omukuendye aovola ngetyi tyalingile Jesus mondyuo yokufendela mo Nazare. Jesus made that clear when he told a story about a landowner who sent messengers to the farmers working for him. Our daughter compared Jesus to the synagogue in Nazareth. " Elunga liokoutundilo " lilekesa elunga Mar Morto, iya "elunga liokoutakelo " lilekesa Elunga Mediterrânio. For example, an article entitled "Service Essential " in the Watch Tower of August 15, 1922, reminded anointed Christians of the importance of" actively carrying the printed message to the people and talking to them at their doors, giving the witness that the kingdom of heaven is at hand. " " The sea " represents the Dead Sea, and the Dead Sea " represents the sea. Etwe liatyo, ankho valinga nalio "omeva okusukukisa, " omeva oo aanyanyua komunthu ukahi nokulisukukisa tyina pamalambe ononthiki ononthatu nepandu vali. Over the years, she has faced many pressures that have tested her ability to maintain peace, especially within her own family. The forgive was made up of them, "the waters of silver, " that is, took them three days and three days later. " Onondaka mbenyi mbukale apeho mbahingwa nawa omongwa, opo mutyivile okukumbulula nawa kese munthu. " - Colossenses 4: 6. For more information, see chapter 15 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses 4: 6. Mononthiki mbo hono, Onombangi mbalekesa omukai umwe mo Jamaica enyina lia Huku mo Mbimbiliya yae muene. Iya tupu nae alili nehambu. It reminds me that no matter what the circumstance might be, no matter how bleak the situation might seem, Jehovah will be there for me as long as I remain loyal to him. " In today's modern - day day days, the Witnesses in Santa Ana would be able to sanctify God's name in his own Bible, and he would also rejoice. Onthele oyo ankho iita vana vapondola okuundapa omuvo umwe ine auho movilinga viokuivisa opo vakale ono Colportor ine ovakokoli - ndyila. Vaitwa vaye konomphangu ambuho okukaovola Ovakristau vombili vehole Huku mahi vehena enoñgonoko liafuapo, nokuvelongesa otyili konthele ya Huku, Nombimbiliya. Then he began studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. The article asked those who could devote themselves to a full - time ministry or in order to reach out for special pioneers who had not accepted the truth from God's Word, but they did not have a full knowledge of the truth. Mahi, tumufinda tyina onthue, novanthu ovakuavo ovanyingi ovakuankhali ovalume, novakai, novana vatualako okukolela, nokunkhimaneka Huku. Jehovah is such a friend to you, just as he was to the faithful man Abraham, as noted at Isaiah 41: 8 - 13. Instead, he commanded them when we meet with imperfect humans and many other imperfect men, women, and children who remain faithful to God. Konthele Yokukala na Vakuetu, w08 - NK 1 / 9 18 JESUS said that those falsely professing to serve him would be distinguished from his true followers by their fruits - their teachings and their conduct. 9 / 15 Okuti tyina Omukristau amalembulwa, otyo tyilekesa okuti wapewale ondyambi yae? [ Box / Pictures on page 14] Does it mean that when a Christian is anointed, does it mean that he or she has received his reward? (Romanos 1: 24 - 32; 2 Timóteo 3: 1 - 5) Ovanthu ovo kavasukile nokuti okasamendo otyali Huku aava. As a result, the Governing Body can focus on providing Bible instruction and direction. Such people do not believe in God's gift of marriage. Okukola omutima oityi, iya oñgeni tupondola okukala nomutima wakola? Fearing no one, I even collected money for loan sharks. What courage is courage, and how can we muster up boldness? Otyipuka tyaviuka okuhimbika okutomphola novana vove konthele yotyo tyina nkhele ovatutu. Moreover, God's love for us will be evident in what he will accomplish in our behalf through the Messianic Kingdom. The best way to start conversation with your children is to talk about this matter before they are young. 19, 20. True, the relief from suffering that Jesus provided during his earthly ministry was only temporary. 19, 20. Omutima auho, omutima uhole Huku, uhanda okunoñgonoka ehando liae, nokulilinga. The doctrine, says Edward Oakes, a professor of theology, "is met with either embarrassed silence, outright denial, or at a minimum a kind of halfhearted lip service that does not exactly deny the doctrine but has no idea how to place it inside the devout life. " A complete heart is God, who wants to know his will and avoid it. Namphila ankho ndyinale omuhikuena, mahi ankho ndyikataindya vali ovahikuena ovakuavo. As a widow with five school - age children, Victorine does not have it easy. Even though I had a young girl, I would make other girls again. Tala onongeleka mbumwe: 8: 26, 27. Consider just a few examples: Putyina tulilongesa okukala nohole nouviuki, nokulinga etyi tyaviuka, matukala vali nehambu liokulinga etyi tyihambukiswa Tate yetu keulu. Therefore, parents who succeed in rearing their children to become dedicated Christians truly deserve the warm commendation of all in the congregation. As we learn to love righteousness and do what is right, we will be happy to do what is pleasing to our heavenly Father. Oityi Ove Welilongesa? (b) Why do some men put earning a living ahead of spiritual pursuits? What Did You Learn? Onthyulilo youye uno wovivi: Omuvo wehimbika mo 1914 iya maupu tyina ouye wa Satansi wamahanyuako The elder said: "His example taught me that when a person humbles himself before God by accepting discipline, blessings just pour out! " The end of this wicked system: The last days began in 1914, and when Satan's world comes to an end Ankho vetukonga opo tukalie meumbo liavo, mahi tuna vala okuenda tyina kuamanthikovela opo ovanthu vehetumone. The first human death, in fact, came about through an act of oppression - when Cain murdered his brother Abel. - Genesis 2: 16, 17; 4: 8. We invited us to invite them to their home, but we must go to the convent so that people could not see them. Soka konondaka ombo monkhalelo ei: Inkha omunthu umwe kamulii, tyina muhonyena nae ukutala vala ngongendi. But he was heavily armed, and he was an immensely strong, experienced warrior. Think about these words in this way: If someone comes to you, remembering him as if he does not look at them. Jesus wetyiyandyululile nawa etyi evepopila konthele yomuhona umwe ankho una epia iya atumu ovatumwa - ndaka kovaundapi ankho vekahi nokuundapa mepia liae. They persistently asked for Jesus ' help, but the crowd sternly urged the men to be quiet. Jesus told them exactly what one master had to do and sent the workers in his field. Mongeleka, onthele yokuati "Ovilinga Viakolela " mo Sentinela ya 15 ya Agosto yo 1922, yahinangelesa Ovakristau ovanakwa okuti:" Tyesukisa okulinga omikanda viokulongesa ovanthu nokupopia navo ponombundi momaumbo avo, okuivisa okuti ouhamba wo keulu ukahi popepi. " Why can immoral desires stop us from winning the prize? For example, the article "Keep Yourselves in " in The Watchtower of August 15, 1922, reminds anointed Christians:" They need to work with people in the house of their house and to preach in the heavens, saying that the kingdom is near. " Mokueenda kuomanima, wakalele novitateka ovinyingi, ankho vipondola okumukalesa tyehena ombembwa, haunene mombunga yae. It says: "Borrowing and lending spoil a friendship. " Over the years, he had many problems, so he could not give up, especially in his family. Opo unoñgonoke vali, tala okapitulu 15 komukanda, Oityi Ombimbiliya Tyili Ilongesa?, walingua no Nombangi mba Jeova This unity was very different from what was happening on the island in general, where people were divided because of politics and religion. For more information, see chapter 15 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses Tyanthyinangelesa okuti inkha ndyikala novitateka, tyilinge ovinene ine ovitutu, Jeova mankhuatesako okutualako omukuatyili nae. " My father saw that these Bethel overseers were humble. I remind myself that if I have problems, whether there is small or small, Jehovah will help me to remain loyal to him. " Konyima wahimbika okulilongesa Ombimbiliya no Nombangi mba Jeova. What can we learn from the illustration of the mustard grain? Then he began to study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. Jeova epanga liove enene, wakalele omukuatyili ku Abraiau ngetyi tutyitanga mu Isaías 41: 8 - 13. Jesus here used the word "soul " to mean" life. " Jehovah is very close to Abraham as we read Isaiah 41: 8 - 13. JESUS wati vokukemba okuti vemuumbila mavekelikalela no valanduli vae votyotyili, mokonda yovinyango viavo - omalongeso novituwa viavo. Genesis 2: 7 states that at the first man's creation, he "came to be a living soul. " JESUS said that they would be called followers of his true followers because their teachings and qualities are like that of their teachings. [ Okakasa / Olutalatu pefo 14] In a sense, there is no such thing as a secret sin. [ Box / Picture on page 10] Mokonda yotyo, Ononkhalamutwe mbo Nombangi mba Jeova velipulukwa vali movilinga viokuava ehongolelo nokulongesa Ombimbiliya. Predictions made by different astrologers for the same individual do not match. As a result, the Governing Body asked the publishers of the Governing Body to give direction and Bible studies. Tyihena owoma nomunthu nawike, andyilevala onombongo ononyingi opo pokumbukondola mbutyite ine ndyivandekeko. How can we demonstrate our desire to be friends of Christ? Without fear of anyone, I made a lot of money to return home or buy it. 79: 13) Mahi soka kovipuka oviwa Huku meketulingila komutwe. Ohamba Youhamba wa Huku o Jesus Kristu, iya makamanako oungangala, nonya, novivi pano pohi. But this time, Moses made a serious mistake. But think about what God has done for us in the future, the King of God's Kingdom, Jesus Christ, will eliminate violence and injustice on earth. Tyotyili, ovipuka oviwa Jesus alingilile vana vamona ononkhumbi mokueenda kuovilinga viae viokuivisa, kaviatuaileko. " I am the fine shepherd, " he said. Yes, the blessings that Jesus experienced during his ministry did not go unnoticed. Edward Oakes omulongesi konthele yonongeleya wati, "ovanthu ovanyingi vakala tyanguanguana tyina ongeleya ivelongesa okutavela onkhali. Namphila vamwe vetavela okuti ovakuankhali ine vaovola okuhalingi onkhali, mahi tyotyili onkhalelo yomuenyo vatyinda kailikuate notyo vetavela. " In his early life, he likely worked with his adoptive father, Joseph, as a carpenter. " Many people are puzzled by the religion of the church, " says Professor professor of religious leaders, "but some who claim to admit that they are sinners or who sincerely try to change their lifestyle does not really live in a different way. " Mokonda Victorine omuhepe wesala novana vetano nkhele veli mosikola, onkhalelo yomuenyo wae kayapepukile. Christ will soon complete his conquest of this ungodly society by waging the final war in righteousness. As a widow who had five children, she still had some five children in her school, so her lifestyle could be very successful. 8: 26, 27. As Jehovah's Witnesses, we have been able to endure in the preaching work throughout the last days only because we have Jehovah's holy spirit. 8: 26, 27. Moluotyo, ovo he vokuatekula nawa ovana vavo alo vakala Ovakristau, tyotyili vatokala okupandwa novakuatate aveho mewaneno. [ Picture on page 32] As a result, these parents care well for their children until they become Christians, truly deserve commendation and honor all members of the congregation. (b) Oityi ovalume vamwe vapakela omalumono tete momuenyo tyipona ovipuka viopaspilitu? Let us now consider how God has preserved the truth despite Satan's attempts to suppress it. (b) Why do some men put material things first? Omukulu wewaneno wati: "Ongeleka yae yandongesa okuti tyina omunthu eliola omutima, iya etavela okuviyulwa na Huku, uyambwa unene! " Esteem Christ as Deliverer The elder said: "My example teaches me that when a humble person is humble and accept God's discipline, he will bless you! " Omulume wotete wankhia mokonda yokualingwa onya o Abele, etyi aipawa nomukulu wae Kaim. - Gênesis 2: 16, 17; 4: 8. Jehovah's spirit will help you to cope with any concern you may have in this regard. The first man died because Abel was killed when he was killed by his brother Cain. - Genesis 2: 16, 17; 4: 8. Mahi ankho wamaneka iya ankho wapama unene, tupu ankho omunongo movilwa. Table of Contents But he was tired and was also wise in battle. Ovalume ovo, vatualako okuita Jesus evekuateseko, mahi ovanthu ankho vevepopila vatie filuu. 13 These men kept asking Jesus for help, but the people told them that they would remember them. Omokonda yatyi omahando omavi apondola okutupumbiswa okukamona ondyambi? For years, I have been battling a strong desire for something Jehovah hates. Why can wrong desires prevent us from winning the prize? Yati: "Okulevala onombongo tyinyona oupanga. " Jesus said: "With what are we to liken the kingdom of God, or in what illustration shall we set it out? It says: "Let money be free. " Iya o Irlanda ankho otyilongo tyimwe tyina okapungulula konthele yomalongeso no mautumini. Mahi ovanthu va Jeova ankho velikuata okapandi motyilongo omo. " If any one of you is lacking in wisdom, " wrote James, "let him keep on asking God, for he gives generously to all and without reproaching; and it will be given him. " At the same time, the country was divided by human governments, but Jehovah's people were united in that country. Tate aimbuka okuti ovakuatate ovo voko Mbetele veliola unene omutima. The Last Days Soon to End! My father noticed that the brothers were humble at Bethel. Oityi tupondola okulilongesila kongeleka yoñgima yo mostarda? Peter Lodged With Tanner, 6 / 1 What can we learn from the illustration of the mustard grain? (Marcos 8: 34, 35) "Ohande " Jesus apopia apa, ihangununa" omuenyo. " For example, what will you do if you or someone you love loses an assignment in Jehovah's service? " The soul " Jesus refers to here, meaning" life. " Gênesis 2: 7 ipopia okuti omunthu wotete, " wakala ohande ina omuenyo. ' " Strike the shepherd, " wrote Zechariah, "and let those of the flock be scattered. " Genesis 2: 7 says that the first human was "a soul. " Konyima Paulu ahangununa okuti: "Ovanthu aveho ovakuankhali kavavasi omunkhima wa Huku. How have the anointed applied the counsel of Jesus ' parable about the ten virgins? Paul later explained: "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (Salmo 19: 12) Mahi, kutupu natyike ine onkhali ipondola okuholekwa. To illustrate: The Scriptures at times speak of "the congregation " as taking certain action in handling judicial matters. However, there is no sin or sin that can be viewed as different. Ovanthu ovo velikalaila vatapesa ovipuka vielikalaila pala omunthu wike vala. Did Jehovah continue to give recognition to Mary because she faithfully raised and cared for Jesus? These differs from one person to another. Oñgeni matulekesa okuti tuhanda okukala omapanga a Kristu? What does it mean to be mild - tempered, and why are mild - tempered ones happy? How can we show that we want to become friends of Christ? (Números 20: 1 - 5) Mahi otyikando etyi, Moisesi walingile onkhali onene. Jehovah rewarded his loyalty. But when Moses sinned, he committed a serious sin. Oe wati: "Ame ndyimunthita omuwa. They help us to come to know Jehovah - his loving personality and his purposes. " I am a good shepherd, " he said. Tunde pouna ankho uundapa na Jose he koutekuli okuhonga omavai. He likely will if he does not allow excessive secular work and recreation to sap his strength and rob him of the time he needs to take care of his ministry. From then on, he worked with Joseph and his father. Apa katutu Kristu mamanuhula okufinda, ahanyeko ouye uno wovivi movilwa vio Armagedom. (Rev. Of course, we must not confuse love with sentimentality. Soon Christ will complete his conquest, destroying this wicked system of things. Onthue Nombangi mba Jeova, tutualako okuivisa namphila tukahi kononthiki mbonthyulilo, mokonda tukuateswako nononkhono mba Jeova. For example, it was at Megiddo that Jehovah miraculously defended the Israelites against the invading forces of Canaanite King Jabin and his army chief Sisera. - Judges 4: 14 - 16. As Jehovah's Witnesses, we continue to preach despite the last days, because we have been helped by Jehovah's holy spirit. Onthele ilandulako mailekesa oñgeni tupondola okutyilinga. Then we must use that knowledge to draw others out of spiritual darkness into God's light. The next article will show how we can do so. Vehena oluembia, vokuna omphata, vokutendeleya, vehetyivili okulikondola omutima, ovakalavi, no kuhehole otyiwa. As we preach today, we need to do the same. " The love of righteousness is not open to any agreement, " states the Bible, "but the love of God is righteous. " JEOVA WATYILIKA SATANASI OPO AHAHOLEKE OTYILI Unlike animals, we have an innate need to understand the meaning and purpose of life. JEHOVAH IS SATAN Panda Kristu Omuyovoli? In fact, the Bible refers to him as "the King of eternity. " Appreciate Christ as a Savior? (Lucas 11: 13) Ospilitu sandu ya Jeova maikuvatela okutauluka kese tyitateka una konthele oyo. Ehando liokuumbila o Huku uliava. Before his ascension to heaven, Jesus commanded: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations,... teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " Jehovah's holy spirit will help you to resist any challenge you may have regarding your desire to serve God. Omutete Wetyi (Read Psalm 25: 4, 5.) Table of Contents 13 (M. Kilin), 12 / 1 I Was Drawn to Wise Older Ones (E. 13 Mokueenda kuomanima, nalwa nomahando omavi otyipuka tyimwe Jeova eyele. In November 2000, he was transferred to the United States branch, where he worked in Hospital Information Services and later in the Service Department. For years, I had to fight wrong desires that Jehovah hates. Jesus wati: "Ouhamba wa Huku matuweleka natyi, ine matuuhangununa nongeleka patyi? * (See footnote.) Jesus said: "The kingdom of God will compare what, or what kind of illustration will we discuss? Tiagu wahoneka okuti: "Inkha umwe pokati kenyi wakamba ounongo, atualeko okuita ku Huku, oe meupewa, mokonda Huku wavela aveho otyali, ahakandukila. " She said: "I just cannot understand the truth of your Scriptures. James wrote: "If any one of you is lacking in wisdom, let him keep asking God, for he gives generously to all and without reproaching; and it will be given him. " Ononthiki Mbonthyulilo Apaka Katutu Mambupu! In 44 C.E., Agabus comes to Antioch, where Barnabas and Saul have been teaching "for a whole year. " FROM OUR COVER Mongeleka, oityi molingi inkha ove ine omunthu uhole upolwa ovilinga meongano lia Jeova? How? For example, what will you do if someone loves you or does not serve Jehovah? Zakaria wahoneka okuti: "Ipaa omunthita, iya onongi mbotyunda ambutyandyana. " Not only is Jehovah our King but he is also our Father - our loving, heavenly Father. Zechariah wrote: "The shepherd has shepherd, and the sheep are gathered. " Oñgeni ovalembulwa vekahi nokulandula elondolo lia Jesus monthengele - popia yovamphembela ekwi? JEHOVAH is responsible for the existence of the family arrangement. How do anointed ones follow Jesus ' warning in the parable of the ten virgins? Mongeleka: Ovihonekwa pamue vipopia "ewaneno " ngatyina aliho lina otyilinga tyokukoyesa. But especially noteworthy is Jeremiah 31: 15, 16, where Rachel is depicted as weeping over her sons who were taken to "the land of the enemy. " To illustrate: The Scriptures often refer to "the congregation " as" the whole congregation. " Okuti Jeova watuaileko okulekesa okuti wapanda Maliya mokonda yonkhalelo atekulile Jesus? Many religious groups claim that they are preaching Jesus ' message. Did Jehovah continue to show Mary that she appreciated the way she treated Jesus? Okukala nomutima wapoleya tyihangununa tyi? Iya ovanthu ovo ovana - mbembwa mokonda yatyi? The shepherd knows all about his sheep, and the sheep know and trust the shepherd. What does it mean to be mild - tempered, and why are these peaceable? Jeova wayamba oukuatyili wae. Like fire, our speech has the potential for causing great harm. Jehovah rewarded his loyalty. Tyitukuatesako okunoñgonoka Jeova, Huku yetu woluembia, nevangelo liae. Third, learn to show self - sacrificing love. It helps us to understand Jehovah, our loving God, and his purpose. Oe metyivili inkha kayeke ovilinga viae muene novitalukiso vimumane ononkhono nomuvo esukisa opo afuisepo ovilinga viae viokuivisa. Then, Chris explained that Bible prophecy convinced him personally that the Bible is true. He will be able if he does not allow his secular work to interfere with our time and energy to accomplish his ministry. Anthi, tuhasokei okuti oluembia, okankhenda kapitakana. At first, I couldn't start any Bible studies, but later I moved to another territory, and within a month I started several studies. On the other hand, we should not assume that love is loving and kindness. (Deuteronômio 6: 18, 19) Kehuviso, Jeova waamenene ova Isilayeli komatolopa Ohamba Jabim nongombo yae yovita ankho ihongolelwa na Sisera, mo Megido. - Juízes 4: 14 - 16. Although I believed what Mum had taught me from the Bible, I did not appreciate its value. In the eighth century B.C.E., Jehovah protected the Israelite army of Jabin and his army by means of Sisera. - Judges 4: 14 - 16. Onthele ya vali ilekesa oñgeni matulingi ononkhono mbokukala nombembwa. What should we remember if we experience changes in our service to Jehovah? The second article shows how we can make peace. Iya atuudapesa enoñgonoko olio pala okukuatesako vakuetu vatunde menthiki liopaspilitu opo veye motyitei tya Huku. By the end of Christ's Thousand Year Reign, the Messianic Kingdom will have achieved its purpose. This knowledge made it easier for others to leave spiritual darkness so that they could come into God's light. Mokonda nonthue hono tuivisa, tuesukisa okutualako okulinga ngotyo. Can you imagine Joseph's feelings? As we preach today, we need to keep doing that. Mokonda tuelikalela novinyama, tuna esuko liokunoñgonoka esilivilo liomuenyo netyi walingilua. 7, 8. Because we are different from animals, we need to know the meaning of life. Ombimbiliya yati oe "Ohamba yaapeho. " (1 Tim. Many Witnesses feel compassion for immigrants and try to learn their language. The Bible says that he is "the King of eternity. " Puetyi nkhele eheneende keulu, Jesus watuma okuti: "Moluotyo, endei, kalongesei ovanthu movilongo aviho,... velongesei okutavela ovipuka aviho ame nemutuma. " (Mat. What can we learn from the rock badger? Before ascending to heaven, Jesus commanded them: "Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations,... teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " (Tanga Salmos 25: 4, 5.) Let us imitate Jephthah and obey Jehovah. (Read Psalm 25: 4, 5.) " Ndongese Okulinga Ehando Liove, "1 / 11 What is one important factor that led to the defilement of true worship, and what significant doctrine came to the fore? Learn From God's Word, 11 / 15 Mu Kuhuhu yo 2000, atumwa ko Mbetele yoko Estados Unidos, ahimbika okuundapa movilinga viokupopia no nondotolo mo Nosipitali (Serviços de Informações sobre Hospitais) konyima aundapa Moseketa Yovilinga. 1, 2. In November 2000, he began serving as a member of the United States branch office and began serving as a ministerial servant in the United States. * (Tala okatoi.) Today, we may need to do the same. * (See footnote.) Oe wati: "Ame hanoñgonokele otyili Tyovihonekwa viove. Let us consider just three ways. He said: "I do not know the truth about your writings. Menima 44 P.K., Agabu aende ko Antiokia, kuna ankho Barnabe na Saulu vekahi "enima " nokulongesa. Earlier that year, it had pained him to learn that the brothers there quarreled among themselves. So out of fatherly concern, he had sent a letter to correct them. In 44 C.E., there was Barnabas and Saul who lived "from the dead. " Oñgeni alinga? What helped Jesus to endure humiliating situations, and what can help us to do the same? How did he react? (Sal. 103: 8, 19) Jeova Hahamba vala, mahi tupu o Tate yetu woluembia. We need to be like Jesus and resist such enticements, regardless of how appealing and attractive they are made to appear. Jehovah is not harsh but also our loving heavenly Father. JEOVA oe waetako ombunga. (Efé. Then Paul provided this clear direction: "Do not be depriving each other of it, except by mutual consent for an appointed time. " JEHOVAH is the Originator of a family. (Êxodo 1: 22) Eulo lia Jeremias 31: 15, 16, lipopia konthele ya "Rakele ulila ovana vae, " mokonda onondyale mbaya navo. • How can we benefit from complete trust in God? [ Picture on page 29] Jeremiah's prophecy states: "He cried out to his sons, " and he told them," because they wanted them to go with them. Ovikundyi ovinyingi vio nongeleya vipopia okuti vekahi nokuivisa onondaka mba Jesus. To find out what Jehovah thinks, we should read and study the Bible regularly Many churches claim that they are preaching Jesus ' message. Omunthita wii atyiho konthele yonongi mbae, iya onongi nambo mbwii omunthita nokuna onthumbi mwe. His motto is, "I look forward to striking gold sometime today. " All the sheep know about his sheep, and the sheep know the shepherd and trust in him. Onondaka mbetu mbuna epondolo enene. How, though, can we make sure that our hearts remain open so that we can benefit from Jesus ' teaching? Our words are powerful. Tatu, lilongesa okulekesa ohole yotyotyili. 16, 17. Third, learn to show genuine love. Pahe Chris apopi okuti omaulo Ombimbiliya ankhuatesako okunoñgonoka okuti Ombimbiliya omukanda upopia otyili. Over one third of the people interviewed in one survey said that they had been hit or nearly hit by a vehicle with a driver using a cell phone. Now Chris said that Bible prophecies helped me to understand that the Bible was true. Tete, ame ankho havasile nawike ndyilongesa Ombimbiliya, konyima andyiilukila komphango onkhuavo, etyi nakala - ko ohanyi andyihimbika okulongesa ovanthu ovanyingi Ombimbiliya. Christ went to heaven and prepared for the arrival of some of his disciples. First, I didn't have any Bible study, and after I moved to another covenant, when I began to conduct a Bible study. Namphila ankho ndyityii okuti etyi Me ekahi nokulongeswa tyitunda mo Mbimbiliya, mahi nongotyo ankho hesukile natyo. However, I struggled to change my ways so as to live in harmony with the Bible. Even though I knew that Mom was learning from the Bible, I didn't care about it. Oityi tuna okuhinangela inkha tukala nomapiluluko movilinga via Jeova? See "Five Keys to Better Health " in the March 2011 issue of Awake! What should we remember if we are living in Jehovah's service? Konyima youtumini wa Kristu Womanima Ovityita Ekwi, ehando lia Jeova malikafuiswapo ohi aiho. " Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. " - HEB. 12: 1. After Christ's Thousand Year Reign, Jehovah's purpose will accomplish the earth. Okuti ove upondola okusoka oñgeni Jose elitehelela? " Esau went running to meet him, " the Bible tells us, "and he began to embrace him and fall upon his neck and kiss him. " - Gen. 32: 11 - 20; 33: 1 - 4. Can you imagine how Joseph felt? 7, 8. Mike says: "At times, even the best - laid plans did not work out, but we found that cooperation helped us to get to the meetings on time. " 7, 8. (Gálatas 6: 10) Onombangi ononyingi vena okankhenda no nongendi iya velilongesa elaka liavo. Swallow Many Witnesses have compassion for foreigners and have learned their language. Oityi tulilongesila kekopo? Referring to the tongue, the disciple James wrote: "Not one of mankind can get it tamed. What do we learn from the way he does not exist? Tuhetekelei Jefete, okutavela ku Jeova. 13: 5. Let us imitate Jephthah, obeying Jehovah. Omokonda yatyi omalongeso omatutu anyonena efendelo liotyotyili? Elongeso patyi liakolela lio Vakristau lianyonwa? What you have to contend with may at times leave you feeling lost, as if you were in a long tunnel of problems. Why did false religious teachings lead to true worship, and what vital teaching does the Christian teaching have? 1, 2. Yet, was his situation hopeless? 1, 2. (Jó 31: 32; Filêmon 22) Hono, pamwe nonthue tuesukisa okulinga ngotyo. Did Jehovah insist that his people use only Hebrew? Today, we too need to do the same. Tutalei ononkhalelo ononthanthu. The end was soon coming to the old Law covenant between God and natural - born Israelites. Let us consider a few ways to make a dedication. (1 Coríntios 1: 11; 4: 15) Tupu evetumu Titu ankho uundapela kumwe nae, iya emupopila ekemuvase kepundaumbo lio Troade ekemupopile etyi avasako. Then he hit the crag, or rock, not just once, but twice. - Numbers 20: 10, 11. Titus also sent Titus together to work with him, and he told him to find the city in Troas after he met. Oityi tyakuatesako Jesus okukoleleya movipuka vikundisa alingwa? When we do, we see how he protects and blesses us, and this gives us experience that makes our faith stronger. What helped Jesus to endure in things that were not occurred? Tuesukisa okukala nga Jesus waanyene omakengelelo oo, namphila Satanasi alinga ngoti ovipuka ovio oviwa. * By all means I shall have pity upon him. " We need to be like Jesus to resist such temptations, even though Satan may have tried to do good things. Tupu Paulu waava onondonga mbayandyuluka nawa okuti: " Muehelianyei okulinga otyihola, nkhuali oputyina vala muelitavela pokati okulilalela ononthiki mbehehi. ' Making a Success of Singleness Paul also gave clear counsel: "Do not commit sexual immorality whenever there is no burial among them. " • Oñgeni okuyumba onthumbi aiho mu Huku matyituetela ouwa? So it seems that Paul and other first - century Christians were acquainted with many who had heard that command firsthand. • How can trusting in God benefit us? Opo tunoñgonoke omalusoke a Jeova tuna okutanga nokulilongesa apeho Ombimbiliya Earnest effort is required to rescue lost sheep of God's pasturage. To understand Jehovah's thinking, we must read and study the Bible regularly Oe wati, "Ame ndyihanda okutaindya vana vetavela, nokuesuka notyili. " 4 Jesus - Where He Came From " I want to look for those who believe and care about the truth, " he says. Oñgeni matukala nonthumbi yokuti apeho tuafwapo pala okunoñgonoka etyi Jesus alongesa? Many churchgoers no longer believe that all these things are wrong. How can we be sure that we are always ready to understand what Jesus taught? Otyo tyilekesa okuti nkhele kuna ovilinga ovinene vina okulingwa. However, serious aspects to consider are: " Am I known by God? This shows that there is still much work to do. 16, 17. (Read Zechariah 8: 23.) 16, 17. Ovanthu ovanyingi vapulwa, vapopia okuti vapumwa ine kuakambele katutu vapumwe netuku - tuku limwe mokonda omusingi ankho ukahi nokupopia kotelefone. How Early Christians Measured Up: According to religion writer Jonathan Dymond, the early Christians "refused to engage in [war]; whatever were the consequences, whether reproach, or imprisonment, or death. " According to a recent survey, many people say that it was a little time to get out of a car or to go to a bus that was happening. Kristu waya keulu iya apongiya omphangu pala ovalongwa vae vamwe. Are you searching for and assisting such individuals? Christ has been ruling in heaven and has been raised up as his disciples. Mahi, andyilingi ononkhono mbokupilulula omuenyo wange opo ndyiendele muetyi Ombimbiliya ipopia. Mokonda yokuimba ankho ndyilipakako unene. * However, I made every effort to change my lifestyle so that I could apply what the Bible says and stop it. ya Março yo 2011 ina osapi yati "Cinco Passos Para Melhorar A Saúde. " I also learned that true Christians do not carry out their ministry for financial gain. March 2011 issue of The Watchtower entitled "Do Not Leads to FROM OUR COVER. " " Tuhatekei nekoleleyo movilinga tuapewa. " - HEBREUS 12: 1. Why should we love him? 12: 1. Ombimbiliya yati, Esau ahateka okuhonyena nae, emuhumbakana nokumupa onombesu. - Gênesis 32: 11 - 20; 33: 1 - 4. (Read John 13: 34, 35.) The Bible says that Esau went to meet him and kissed him. - Genesis 32: 11 - 20; 33: 1 - 4. Mike wati: "Pamue, alo umue oprograma yalingwa nawa kayende nawa. Mahi, onthue tuaimbuka okuti okuundapela kumue tyitukuatesako okuhika liwa komaliongiyo. " The brothers built her a modest but comfortable house. Mike explains: "One year, however, has enough time to go, but we realized that it was not enough for us to go to the meetings. " Onkhombe How, then, can you strengthen your resolve to reject bad thoughts? ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Okupopia konthele yelaka, omulongwa Tiagu wahoneka okuti: "Nawike omunthu upondola okulonga elaka. He allowed nothing to sidetrack him. Commenting on the language, the disciple James wrote: "No man can teach the tongue. 13: 5. Read Philippians 4: 6, 7. 13: 5. Ovitateka ulwa navio pamwe vipondola okukusoyesa unene, ngatyina omutengi wove ovitateka vala. (b) If you are tempted to yield to fear of man, on whom should you focus your attention? Even if you do not know how much you will feel, your load may be as if you are overwhelmed by your problems. Okuti onkhalelo yae ankho itupu vali ekevelelo? However, they manage to grab their laptop computers, which they take with them to the refugee camps. Did his situation have lost no hope? Okuti Huku ankho upopia vala novanthu melaka lio Hebreu? What dilemma might some Christians face? Was God merely speaking to people in Hebrew? Otyitumino tyomphango Huku alingile nelongo lio Isilayeli ankho tyihungi kokupwa. In the Bible, we find a record of God's servants praying anytime, anywhere. The Law covenant between God and the nation of Israel was about to be fulfilled. Konyima, avete monkhanda ovikando vivali. - Números 20: 10, 11. Jehovah personally cares for us. 20: 10, 11. Tyina tulinga ngotyo, utuyakulila, nokutuyamba iya atukala nounongo upameka ekolelo lietu. And those who have Satan's thinking may try to infect us with the view that faithless Eliphaz expressed - we are worthless to God. When we do this, we are protected and have a good effect on our faith. * Tyotyili natokola okukala nonkhenda nae. " For I came to call, not righteous people, but sinners. " * I really decided to be kind to her. " Ouwa Wokuhanepe Just as he "feeds " himself, a husband ought to be a good provider for his wife - physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Benefits of singleness Otyo tyimoneka nawa okuti Paulu no Vakristau ovakuavo ankho vei ovanthu ovanyingi veivile otyitumino Jesus aava tyo kukaivisa. Jesus came to earth (1) to teach the truth about God, (2) to set an example in doing God's will, and (3) to give his perfect life as "a ransom. " - Read Matthew 20: 28; John 18: 37. This is evident from Paul and other Christians who heard Jesus ' command to speak to him. Tyesukisa okulinga ononkhono ononene pala okukondola motyunda tya Huku onongi mbavomba. Consider what happened. It takes effort to return to the flock of God's sheep. 4 Jesus - Opi Atundile He was 30 when he was released from prison. - Genesis 37: 2; 39: 6; 41: 46. 4 Jesus - Where Did You Know? Ovanyingi vokuenda kovikapela, kavetavela vali okuti ovipuka ovio viapenga. So he decided to stop playing chess for his school. - Matthew 6: 33. Many who followed the churches do not believe that these are wrong. Mahi kuna omapulo omanyingi tuesukisa okusoka nawa, ati: " Okuti ame ndyiiwe na Huku? Paul was in fact encouraging Christians to avoid giving vent to anger. But there are many questions we need to ask ourselves: " Am I known by God? (Tanga Zacarias 8: 23.) By taking our sins upon himself and dying for us, Christ brought "a righteous standing to many people. " (Read Zechariah 8: 23.) Oñgeni Ovakristau Votete Vetyilekesa: Ngetyi tyapopia Jonathan Dymond omuhoneki wongeleya, Ovakristau votete ankho "vaanya okulipaka [movilwa], namphila ankho vetyii okuti vapondola okupenyua, nokupakwa movikaleya nokuipawa. " " Who Is Wise and Understanding Among You? " 3 / 15 How Early Christians Measured Up: According to Jonathan's first - century Jewish writer, the writer of the first century B.C.E., "they refused to fight [the early Christians], even though they knew that they could be thrown into prison and be killed. " Okuti ukahi nokuovola ovanthu ovo nokuvekuatesako? Questions From Readers 21 Are you looking for such people and helping them? * Why did Jesus tell the illustration of the sower who sleeps? * (Mateus 24: 14) Tupu nelilongesa okuti Ovakristau votyotyili kamavakaovola ovilinga vivekalesa ovahona. Have you dedicated your life to Jehovah and symbolized your dedication by baptism in water? I also learned that true Christians do not want to seek a job that makes them rich. Omokonda yatyi tuesukisila okukala nohole nae? One of the main reasons for the cities of refuge was to protect the Israelites from becoming bloodguilty by shedding innocent blood. Why should we love him? (Tanga João 13: 34, 35.) 37: 32, 36. (Read John 13: 34, 35.) Ovakuatate avemutungila ondyuo yae ongwa unene. He will answer your prayers and help you to train your children. The brothers made him a beautiful temple. Oñgeni upondola okupameka etokolo liove liokuanya omalusoke omavi? The time may well come when the message we declare is like "a great war cry. " How can you strengthen your resolve to reject wrong thoughts? Oe ankho kayekele natyike tyimutalule. How I long to explain to them what a precious gift Jehovah gave me in my old age! He did not allow anything to happen. Tanga Filipenses 4: 6, 7. OTHER BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED Read Philippians 4: 6, 7. (b) Inkha ulitehela okuti uhanda okutila owoma omunthu, oityi una okuhinangela? Who Can Deliver Those Crying for Help? PAGE 28 (b) If you feel that you want to be afraid, what should you remember? Mahi, kavasilepo ono kombutador mbavo mbo peke, avaende nambo kononthanda vakaholama. This article discusses three ways that they can do so and act as spiritual shepherds to their growing children. However, they did not abandon their computer computer screen, so they moved to the camp. Otyitateka patyi Ovakristau vamwe vehole okuvasa? Because they are made in God's image, all humans have the capacity to act with dignity. What problem do some Christians face? Jesus wati: "Tyina ulikuambela, nyingila mondyuo yove oiki epito liove, olikuambela ku Tate yove uhamonwa. The final crushing of the serpent's head occurs after the end of the thousand years when Satan and his demons are hurled into "the lake of fire and sulphur. " - Rev. Jesus said: "When you pray, go to your door and pray to your Father, and pray to your Father. Jeova ututekula nawa. When Jehovah saw that the Ninevites had changed and had stopped doing what was bad, he adjusted his decision Jehovah cares for us. Iya vana vasoka nga Satanasi vapondola okutuhongiliya okutavela kuetyi Elifaz apopile, okuti ku Huku katusilivila. As wonderful as it is that mourning, outcry, and pain will be no more, God's promise even includes doing away with mankind's ultimate enemy - death. And those who think like Satan may try to convince us that God was worthless. Mokonda ame heile okuovola ovaviuki, mahi neya okuovola ovakuankhali. " * The work of so many translators resulted in varied translation styles, from literal to rather free. For I came to find righteous, but I came to seek sinners. " Ngetyi omulume "elitekula " oe muene, tupu wesukisa okutekula nawa omukai wae, molutu, nokumuenga - enga nawa, nokumuvatela okukala noupanga omuwa na Jeova. (a) How important is it to speak with a learner about goals in Jehovah's service? Just as a husband " cares for himself, " he needs to care for his wife, tenderly compassionate, freely forgiving one another. (Lucas 1: 30 - 35) Jesus weile pano pohi, (1) opo alongese ovanthu otyili konthele ya Huku, (2) opo alekese oñgeni tyilingwa ehando lia Huku, iya (3) opo aave omuenyo wae uhena nkhali "ngofeto yeyovo. " - Tanga Mateus 20: 28; João 18: 37. Omokonda yatyi tuesukisila ofeto yeyovo? But Paul wanted to prepare them for what would happen in the future. Jesus came to earth, (1) to teach people the truth about God, (2) to show how God's will, and (3) to give his perfect life as a ransom. " - Read Matthew 20: 18; John 20: 37. Tutalei oityi tyaendelepo. And nard, or spikenard, was an exclusive Indian product from the Himalayas. Let us see what happened. Mahi etyi apolwa mokalavoso ankho una omanima 30. - Gênesis 37: 2; 39: 6; 41: 46. For some, it seems almost unbearable. But when he was about 30 years old, he would be buried. - Genesis 37: 2; 39: 6; 41: 46. Ngotyo atokola okuhayumbu vali xadrez kosikola yae. - Mateus 6: 33. The religious scene around us today is similar - if not worse - than it was in Jesus ' day. 6: 33. (Efésios 4: 31) Paulu ankho ukahi nokulunda Ovakristau okulityilika onyengo. What can happen if someone develops "uncontrolled sexual passion "? Paul was encouraging Christians to avoid anger. Mokuatyindapo ononkhali mbetu nokuankhia mokonda yetu, Kristu waeta "ovanthu ovanyingi monkhalelo youviuki. " Sadly, many people in this world give undue prominence to the desires of the heart while paying little or no attention to the standards set out in God's Word. By surrendering our sins and being dead for our sins, Christ brought "many people into a way of righteousness. " Vatokala Okuhongolelwa ko Nondyivindyivi Mbomeva Omuenyo, w08 - NK 1 / 1 28 Even if you win the argument, will you make him want to serve Jehovah? Why Be Guided by God's Spirit? 12 / 15 Omapulo Alingwa Novatangi ▪ Jehovah Will Sustain You Questions From Readers [ Olutalatu pefo 21] 31 Questions From Readers [ Picture on page 17] Omokonda yatyi Jesus apopila ongeleka yomukuni ulele? As I grew up, my everyday life revolved around drugs, gambling, violence, and association with criminals. Why did Jesus tell the illustration of the sower who sleeps? Okuti wapakula omuenyo wove ku Jeova iya wetyilekesa puetyi wambatisalua? Thus, to listen to God's voice implies learning and obeying what he says. Have you dedicated your life to Jehovah, and when did you get baptized? Ehunga limwe liakolela opo Jeova alinge epongiyo lio mapunda - umbo okuholama, ankho o pala ova Isilayeli vahavelwe onombei mokonda yokunengula ohonde yomunthu wahalingile natyike. Although Jesus was the greatest and most important man who ever lived, he was buried in a discreet and modest manner. One of the most important reasons why Jehovah made the arrangement of the cities of refuge was to blame for Israel because of the blood of blood. Motyinthiki tyike, oandyu ike yaipaa omatolopa 185.000 oko Asiria, aiyovola ovaumbili va Jeova vekolelo. - Isaías 37: 32, 36. How can we resist the temptation to look at pornography? On one night, one angel killed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers and freed Jehovah's faithful servants. - Isaiah 37: 32, 36. Memukuatesako okulongesa ovana venyi. When unanticipated events or accidents happen, whether someone is affected or not depends to a large extent on where he is at the time they occur. He helped them teach your children. Makuya omuvo umue okuti onondaka tuivisa, mambukala ngatyina "onkhuo yovita. " We would use knives and baseball bats to attack a crowd of 20 or more people A time period when we preach the message, it will be like "the war of the earth. " (Atos 24: 15) Ndyihanda unene okukevepopila ovipuka oviwa Jeova ampha puetyi nakulupa! The subtle scheme of the Romans to assimilate the locals was so successful that only half a century after its founding, Timgad was inhabited mostly by North Africans. What a blessing I have received from Jehovah when I was in my late teens! OMAPULO OMAKUAVO OMBIMBILIYA AKUMBULULWA It was early in the morning and bitterly cold. OTHER BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED Olie Mayovola Vana Veliyavela Okuita Ombatelo? 16, 17. (a) What do Jehovah's people experience in many parts of the world? Who Can Help Those Who Should Pray for Help? (Efésios 6: 4) Onthele ei ipopia ononkhalelo ononthatu ovohe vapondola okukala ovanthita vovana vavo, nokuvekuatesako okukala nohole na Jeova. It may take some time before they understand everything you say, but you can kindly help them with their pronunciation. This article considers three ways parents can become shepherds of their children and help them to love Jehovah. ONONTHELE MAMBULILONGESWA 3, 4 - Ononthele ombu mbulekesa oñgeni ovakulu vewaneno vapondola okuyawisa olupandu luavo motyilinga tyavo tyokunthita. Is there a particular Bible subject that you have wondered about? STUDY ARTICLES 3, 4 PAGES 24 - 32 These articles show how the elders can increase their appreciation for their shepherding work. Ovanthu aveho vapondola okukala nehumbilo, mokonda vatungwa otyifuika tya Huku. We need faith to overcome mountainlike obstacles that interfere with our spiritual progress and to cope with difficulties. All humans can show respect for it because they were created in God's image. Omutwe wonyoka maukamiangulwa otyikando tyahulililako konyima yomanima ovityita ekwi tyina Satanasi novilulu viae vamayumbwa "metala liotupia noisofele. " - Revelação 20: 7 - 10; Mateus 25: 41. [ Okakasa / Olutalatu pefo 9] Our loving Father knows that a congregation that values all members, regardless of their limitations, reflects balance and love. The head of the serpent will be brought about a thousand years before Satan and his demons be thrown into "the lake of fire. " - Rev. 20: 7 - 10; Matt. Etyi Jeova amona okuti ova Ninive vapiluluka iya vayekapo ovipuka ovivi ankho valinga, apilulula etokolo liae He then looked forward to the prize of eternal life that was held out to him - that of being an immortal king and priest in God's heavenly Kingdom. When Jehovah saw that the Ninevites had changed and stopped doing bad things, he changed his decision (Revelação 21: 4) Tyihambukiswa unene okusoka okuti kamakukakala vali oluihamo, nononkhumbi. Tupu Huku walaa okuti makamanako ondyale yavilapo yovanthu - ononkhia. What was Peter trying to teach us? How thrilling it is to imagine that there will be no more suffering, suffering, and suffering, God promised that he will eliminate death. Ovapitiyi vamwe vo Vihonekwa vio Hebreu ankho vapitiya vala onondaka, mahi ovakuavo ankho hangotyoko valinga. When they stumble into an unexpected situation and face an immediate dilemma about " how far to go, ' they find themselves mixed up and in real trouble. " Some translators who translated the Hebrew Scriptures were not the same as the rest of the Hebrew Scriptures. (a) Omokonda yatyi tyakolela okupopia nomulongwa konthele yovilinga ahanda okuvasa meongano lia Jeova? An oath is a statement in which a person swears either to do or not to do a certain thing. (a) Why is it important to talk to a student about theocratic goals? (Hebreus 10: 32 - 34) Mahi Paulu ankho uhanda okuvepameka mokonda yovitateka maviya komutwe. Will you ask Jehovah to help you know what to do in that situation? But Paul wanted them to encourage them for the future. Iya o nardo ine o olibano, ankho mbutunda mo Himalaia, iya ankho mbulingwa vala mo Índia. We live in what has been called the age of distraction. And Richard, or secretary, was left in India, and only in India. Vamue vasoka okuti tyalema okukoleleya movitateka ovio. All rights reserved. Some feel that it is too difficult to endure such trials. Hono ovituwa viovanthu vapopia okuti vafenda Huku, viavilapo vali tyipona kononthiki mba Jesus. It is good to remember that unbelieving spouses may feel abandoned or threatened when their mate leaves to participate in Christian activities, but loving reassurances can go a long way in allaying such feelings. Today, people say that they worship God more than Jesus ' day. Oityi tyipondola okumoneka nomunthu umwe inkha "keliyungu komahando okulinga oundalelapo "? A wife has an honorable place as her husband's "partner. " What might happen if someone "does not commit sexual desires "? (Salmo 119: 105) Mahi, ovanthu ovanyingi mouye uno vasuka vali unene nomahando omutima, vetavela vala katutu kovitumino Viondaka ya Huku, ine kavasuku navio. What a kind and impartial decision that was! On the other hand, many people in this world are so interested in the thoughts and desires and desires of God's Word, whether they do so. Okuti otyo matyimuavela ondundo yokuumbila Jeova? 26 The Bible Changes Lives Will that encourage you to serve Jehovah? ▪ Jeova Mekukuatesako Can't you just tell me about it? ' " ▪ Jehovah Helps You 31 OMAPULO OVATANGI For Young People, 1 / 1, 4 / 1, 7 / 1, 10 / 1 31 Questions From Readers Tunde poututu, nahimbika okupuena epangwe, nokuyumba omawela onombongo, nokulwa na vakuetu, nokulipaka kumwe nomakongombanda. 5, 6. From then on, I started smoking, drug drugs, and violent violence. Ovohe vamwe hamwe vanumana tyina vakondoka kombunga yavo. In fact, he immediately went on to say: "The Lord will rescue me from every wicked work. " Some parents may feel hurt when they return to their family. Ngotyo, opo tutehelele ondaka ya Huku, tuna okulilongesa ondaka yae iya atutavela etyi etupopila. Would not teaching the student to pray for God's assistance in overcoming a bad habit help him to experience Jehovah's goodness? So to listen to God's voice, we must study his Word and obey what he tells us. (Efésios 4: 17 - 19) Namphila Jesus ankho omunene nokuankhimana vali tyipona kese munthu, oe wapakua monkhalelo imue yaviuka, kalingililue otyiso natyike tyomouye. 21: 12; 22: 16 - 18; 28: 14; 2 Sam. 7: 12 - 16. Although Jesus was far more powerful than anyone else, he did not appear in a better way, not with any religious practices. Oñgeni tupondola okuvasa ononkhono opo tutyivile okulityilika okutala ovipuka vihongiliya ovanthu okulinga otyihola? Recall that something good was "found in " Abijah. How can we find effort to avoid pornography? (Eclesiastes 9: 11) Tyina ovipuka tuhakevela ine oviponga vimonekela omunthu vimuvasa pomphangu, pomuvo ankho ehei okuti maviendepo. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. When we do not know or do bad things that people do not expect us to do, we would not feel discouraged at that time. Ankho tutyinda ononkhiki no nombonde pala okuluisa ovanthu 20 ine valambapo Indeed, "the large jar of flour did not run out, and the small jar of oil did not run dry, according to Jehovah's word that he had spoken through Elijah. " We would use them and use them to attack 20 or more people. Ova Roma avayondyo umwe ovanthu votyilongo otyo, apalambe vala omanima ahavasi potyita, mo Timgad amuyula ovanthu vo Koutakelo wo Afrika. Furthermore, Jesus did not question Satan's claim to such impressive authority. In the Roman Empire, the Romans attacked the people for almost two years in Timgad, and the Romans were forced to go to Northern Africa. Ankho okomuhuka iya kuatenda unene etyi omukuatate umwe eya okutupola apa patalamena omboyo. I continued to study the Bible for about a year. It was a big day, and when a brother came to pick me up at the police station. 16, 17. (a) Oñgeni ovanthu va Jeova mouye auho valitehelela konthele yovilinga viokuivisa? WHAT comes to your mind when you think of a rubbish heap? 16, 17. (a) How does Jehovah's people worldwide listen to the preaching work? Moluotyo, pwa elundo navo, iya vekuatesako noluembia. When did Jesus tell the parable? So be patient with them, and help them. 5 Otyitateka Konthele Yokunoñgonoka Huku Kenyina Perhaps they deny that Jesus ever lived or they reject that he was anointed with holy spirit. 5 Learn From God's Word Okuti pena otyipuka tyimwe konthele Yombimbiliya uhanda okunoñgonoka vali nawa? Hence, anyone can be Jesus ' follower if he really wants to. Is there a particular Bible subject that you want to understand? Tuesukisa ekolelo opo tutyivile okutetulula ovitateka ovinene vipondola okututyilika okukula mopaspilitu, novitateka ovikuavo vali. Adam ate from the tree that was forbidden to him. We need faith to cope with serious problems that could prevent us from growing spiritually and other problems. Inkha tulinga ngotyo, kamatukevelela valinge etyi vehevili, iya ewaneno malikala vali noluembia. With their powerful wings, they lifted up the container with "Wickedness " inside and flew away. If we do this, we will not expect them to do what they cannot do, and the congregation will be more loving. Oe ankho utala kondyambi yomuenyo wahapu ankho apakelwa, yokukakala ohamba nomunakwa Mouhamba wa Huku keulu. " That you may prove yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heavens, " said Jesus. He looked forward to the reward of everlasting life under God's Kingdom. Oityi Petulu ankho ahanda okutulongesa? At times, why do elders delay training brothers? What did Peter want to teach us? Tyina vavasiwa notyitateka tyimwe konthele yetyi tyaviuka netyi tyapenga, vanguanguana, avakala notyitateka otyinene. " The Issue in the Garden of Eden When they are in a difficult situation about what is right and what is wrong, they may find it hard to accept a serious problem. " Pokuaana omunthu upopia otyipuka tyimwe ahanda okulinga ine otyipuka ahahandele okulinga. Such publications as the "Bible Teach " book help us to maintain unity in our teaching By getting baptized, someone says something that you want to do or want to do. Okuti moiti ku Jeova ekukuateseko opo unoñgonoke etyi una okulinga? On the contrary, such hypocrisy angers him. - Prov. Would you ask Jehovah to help you understand what you should do? Hono kuna ovipuka ovinyingi vipondola okututalula okulinga atyiho tuvila movilinga via Jeova. Recently, a ten - year - old girl named Folake was assigned to write an essay for school on the subject "What I Love Most in This World. " There are many things that can distract us from doing our best in Jehovah's service. All rights reserved. May we continue to find refreshment in spiritual things. All rights reserved. Otyiwa okuhinangela okuti una welinepa nae upondola okukala nounye ine okusoka okuti wemusapo tyina wenda komaliongiyo nokukaivisa, mahi okumulekesa okuti umuhole unene, matyimukuatesako okuyekapo omalusoke oo. Solomon surely meditated on these words, and he did not allow his youth and inexperience to prevent him from doing the work. It is good to remember that a mate may feel lonely or lonely when he is at meetings but show him how much he loves them. Onthele ei maipopi oñgeni tupondola okukuatesako ewaneno litualeko okukala novituwa oviwa. Their love and respect for each other may be eroded by financial difficulties, health problems, or other hardships. This article discusses how we can help the congregation to develop good qualities. Jeova waavela ovakai otyilinga tyimwe otyiwa mombunga. In effect, he said to Eve, " God is lying to you, but I'm telling you the truth. ' Jehovah has given women a fine role in family life. Tupu ukahi mo www.jw.org. (b) How important is it to commend a learner? Also available at www.jw.org Tyotyili, etokolo olio lialekesile nawa okuti Jeova una oluembia, iya utupu okapungulula! Jesus taught that Jehovah responds in a fatherly way to the prayers of His servants, answering their sincere requests made in faith. - Matthew 7: 7 - 11. What a marvelous decision this made Jehovah's love and impartiality! " Ounongo wa Huku Waya Kohi Unene Ngatyi! ' We imitate Jesus ' humility when we willingly accept assignments that might seem lowly. " The wisdom of God keeps him clean! ' Upondola okutyimphopila? ' " Elijah's challenge to the Baal prophets proved that all prayers do not go to the same place You can say to me. ' " Oityi Uhanda Okupula Huku? At the time, they were shepherding Jacob's flock some 60 miles [100 km] north of their home in Hebron. What Should You Question God? 5, 6. Acquire Boldness 5, 6. Paulu ankho una onthumbi oyo, etyi ahoneka okuti: "Tatekulu mandyovola kovilinga aviho ovivi. " And all the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. " Paul had this confidence when he wrote: "Lord will rescue me from all badness. " (Provérbios 23: 20, 21; 2 Coríntios 7: 1; 1 Timóteo 6: 10) Tupondola okulongesa omulongwa okulikuambela ku Huku okuita ombatelo opo ayekepo otyituwa otyivi. Christ's power comes from Jehovah, so we know that Almighty God can control the forces of nature. We can teach a learner to pray to God for help to break free from the wrong course. Oe ankho matundu mombunga ya Abraiau, na Isake, na Jako, no Yohamba David. - Gênesis 21: 12; 22: 16 - 18; 28: 14; 2 Samuel 7: 12 - 16. • How do Jehovah's people find refreshment today? He would come from Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and King David. - Genesis 21: 12; 22: 16 - 16; 2 Samuel 7: 12 - 16. Hinangela okuti "mu " Abiya" muavasiwa " otyipuka otyiwa. Achan did not admit to his theft until he was exposed. Remember, " Abijah " is" something good. " Walingua pala ovilinga viokulongesa ovanthu Ombimbiliya mouye auho. Ovilinga evi vikahi nokuvatelwa no nombongo mbuhole okuawa novanthu votyali. And by preaching the good news, we appeal to the conscience of those to whom we speak. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Tyotyili, "ohinde momulindi omunene ayahapumo, iya omulela momulindi omututu nao auhapumo, ngetyi Jeova apopilile Eliya. " Did this Egyptian woman imitate Ruth by taking up true worship? In fact, "the large jar of flour did not run out, and the small jar of oil did not run out, just as Jehovah had told Elijah to do. " Tupu, Jesus kaanyene okuti Satanasi utupu outumini oo. When Jehovah gives life back to those who have died, he becomes their Father. Moreover, Jesus did not deny that Satan had no authority. Andyitualako okulilongesa Ombimbiliya enima like. Likewise, when Joseph was tempted to commit adultery, his conscience caused him to ask: "How could I commit this great badness and actually sin against God? " - Genesis 39: 9. I continued studying the Bible for a year. OLUSOKO patyi ukala nalo tyina uhinangela konthumbo yovipuka viasila ine olisu? Although hundreds of planets have been identified, scientists are disappointed that not one of those planets has the intricate balance of conditions that makes human life possible, as the earth does. What kind of grief do you feel when you remember world stories or do not? Onalupi Jesus apopia onthengele - popia? What must we do if we want to succeed in fulfilling Christ's commission? When did Jesus describe the parable? Tyafuile kavetavela okuti Jesus wali pano pohi, ine wanakelwe nospilitu sandu. When an unrepentant practicer of gross sin is disfellowshipped from the congregation, he again becomes part of Satan's wicked world. Perhaps they did not believe that Jesus was on earth, or he was referred to by holy spirit. (Lucas 9: 23) Moluotyo, kese umue upondola okukala omulanduli wa Jesus inkha wahanda. (b) Why should elders train those who are still young? Therefore, each one can be a follower of Jesus if he wants to be a follower of Jesus. Andau walile komuti ailikwa. Jesus himself identified this "Elijah " as John the Baptizer. Adam was to eat from a tree. Ovakai ovo avakuate osesu iya nononkhono mbomavava avo avatahela "Ovivi " kokule. (Read Romans 13: 1, 2.) The women cut the container into their wings and were cut down "to the ground. " Jesus wati, "Opo mulekese okuti muvana va Tate yenyi ukahi keulu. " Jesus also showed that Satan was wrong in claiming that humans serve Jehovah for selfish reasons. Jesus said that "you may be called your Father in heaven. " Omokonda yatyi ovakulu vewaneno vesukisa okulongesa ovakuatate tyahasete? Of course! Why should elders train fellow believers without delay? Otyitateka Tyakatulwa Motyikunino tyo Endene So from time to time, we might examine our motives for serving Jehovah. The problem could be compared to the garden of Eden Omukanda "Ombimbiliya Ilongesa " nomikuavo vali vitukuatesako okulongesa ondongeso ike vala atuho Let us see what God has done for us and how his undeserved kindness benefits us now and gives us a hope for the future. The book "The Bible Changes Lives " has helped us to teach with only one teaching. Jeova kahambukilua efendelo liovanthu vaholeka ononkhali mbavo. In the illustration about the separating of the sheep from the goats, Jesus clearly states that he takes personally the way we treat his brothers. Jehovah is not pleased with the worship of the people who hide their sins. Nthiki imwe omukainthu umwe womanima ekwi utiwa Folake kosikola waholovonwa opo ahangunune osapi: "Oityi Ndyihole Vali Mouye Uno. " What a joyful and jubilant time that will be! One ten - year - old girl named F.C.E. told him: "What I love in this world. " Tutualeiko okuvasa epameko mokulinga ehando lia Huku. How did Jesus reflect the Great Potter's patience and skill? Let us continue to find comfort in doing God's will. (1 Crônicas 28: 20) Tyotyili Salomau wasokololele ko nondaka ombo, kayekele eti liae nokuhena ounongo vimutyilike okuundapa. To understand why there is so much suffering and why human efforts to eliminate it have been unsuccessful, we need to identify the real causes behind it all. In fact, Solomon visited those words and did not allow him to interfere with his secular work. Mokonda yeponwa, tyipondola okuvepuiya okukala nomuvo wokupameka otyinepo tyavo. What happened to Moses teaches us this very important lesson. Instead of strengthening them, it can make it easier for them to strengthen their marriage. Ongatyina ankho ekahi nokupopila Eva okuti: " Huku wemukemba, mahi ame ndyikahi nokumupopila otyili. ' The story is told simply - so simply that some are quick to dismiss it as folklore. It was as if he said to Eve: " God said to him, but I am speaking to you the truth. ' (b) Omokonda yatyi tyakolela okuavela onondonga omulongwa? Repentance, however, is an ongoing process. (b) Why is it important to give counsel to a learner? (Mateus 6: 5 - 13) Jesus walongesile okuti Jeova ukumbulula omalikuambelo ovaumbili Vae nohole, tupu ukumbulula omalikuambelo avo valinga nomutima auho. - Mateus 7: 7 - 11. His rulership is an indefinitely lasting rulership that will not pass away, and his kingdom one that will not be brought to ruin. " - Daniel 7: 13, 14; Luke 1: 31, 32; John 3: 13 - 16. Jesus taught that Jehovah answers their prayers and answers their prayers. - Matthew 7: 7 - 11. Onthue matulekesa okuti tuna omutima weliola nga Jesus, tyina tutavela kese tyilinga tupewa. That Sacred Volume explains why we experience so much suffering and how we can cope with it successfully. We can show that we are humble like Jesus, when we accept any assignment we receive. Nthiki imwe, ankho vekahi nokulisila kokule ovipako via Jako, 100 kilometu okutunda peumbo liavo mo Hebron. (b) What are some benefits of teaching children good manners? One day, they were far away from Jacob's livestock, about 100 miles (50 km) from their home. Oñgeni Matukala Nomutima Wakola And what about the new disciples added? How We Can Be courageous Iya omalongo aeho akaongololelwa kolupala lwae, oe ayapula ovanthu pokati, ngatyina omunthita apunga onongi novikombo. " For more information, see chapter 15 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses And all nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people from among them as a shepherd and the goats. " Epondolo lia Kristu liatunda ku Jeova, iya onthue tutyii okuti Huku Wepondolo Aliho utyivila okuyunga ononkhono mbohi. Both classes cooperate with the same holy spirit in accomplishing this work. Christ's power comes to Jehovah, and we know that Almighty God can control the forces of nature. • Oñgeni ovanthu va Jeova vavasa epameko hono? Have you come to remind me of my guilt and to put my son to death? " • How can Jehovah's people find comfort today? Akã ketavelele okuti wavaka, alo aholololwa. Perhaps you can invite a younger couple to join you for family worship. Achan did not believe that he was tempted to steal, and he did not expect them to be misled. Iya tyina tuivisa onondaka onongwa ku vakuetu, tukala nomutima wasukuka. It was Abraham's faith. - Gen. 15: 6; read James 2: 21 - 23. And when we preach the good news to others, we have a clean conscience. (1 Reis 3: 1) Okuti omukai oo woko Egitu wanyingila mefendelo liotyotyili, okuhetekela Rute? (See paragraphs 13 - 17) Did this woman enter into true worship, imitating Ruth? Tyina Jeova amakondolela omuenyo vana vokuankhia, makakala Tate yavo. Pressures and anxieties can cause us to drop our hands down, that is, to feel discouraged. When Jehovah comes back to life those who have died, he will reside with their Father. (Salmo 51: 4) Tupu, etyi Jose ayondyua opo alinge oumbalehi, omutima wae wemuhindila okulipula okuti: "Oñgeni ndyipondola okulinga otyipuka otyo otyivi unene, nokulinga onkhali ku Huku? " - Gênesis 39: 9. In faith, Abraham left his home, his friends, and his possessions to go to a distant land. Moreover, when Joseph refused to commit adultery with his heart, he asked: "How could I commit this badness and commit a sin against God? " - Genesis 39: 9. Ovanongo velilongesa ovipuka ovinyingi Huku atunga mahi kavenevase ohi onkhuavo omu ovanthu vapondola okukala. For comparison's sake, let us imagine a brother who keeps busy in the ministry. Scientists have learned many of God's creative works but have not found another planet to be possible. (Mateus 28: 19, 20) Oityi tuna okulinga inkha tuhanda okufuisapo nawa otyilinga tuapewa na Kristu? We do know that he always did his utmost to give Paul and many others comfort and encouragement. What must we do if we want to fulfill the assignment entrusted to Christ? Tyina omunthu umue wokulinga ononkhali ehelivele apolwa mewaneno, ukondoka vali mouye wovivi wa Satanasi. Millions of people today explain that the problem of human suffering involves Karma. When someone who sins in the congregation does not repent, he will return to Satan's wicked world. (b) Omokonda yatyi ovakulu veuaneno vesukisa okulongesa ovakuendye? In the past, Jehovah dealt patiently with those of his servants who at times were discouraged. (b) Why should elders train younger ones? Jesus wapopia okuti João Batista ankho ukahi nga Eliya. Before we can cultivate love for Jehovah in others, we must know and love him ourselves. Jesus said that John the Baptizer was like Elijah. (Tanga Romanos 13: 1, 2.) He then chose to forget about what had happened. (Read Romans 13: 1, 2.) Jesus walekesa okuti Satanasi wakemba etyi apopia okuti ovanthu vaumbila vala Jeova mokonda yetyi eveavela. For instance, we may have seen that he does not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear. Jesus indicated that Satan lied when he said that people serve Jehovah only because he gave them what he had given them. Enga! He wrote: "But the Lord stood near me and infused power into me. " Yes! 3: 12, 13) Ngotyo, tuna okutala nawa omokonda yatyi tukahi nokuumbila Jeova. " WITH the clouds gone, we can see the crescent of the moon. So we must examine why we serve Jehovah. Tutalei oityi Huku ekahi nokutulingila, noñgeni okankhenda kae okanene ketuetela ouwa pehepano, nokutuavela ekevelelo komutwe wandyila. They would be "a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth. " - Revelation 5: 9, 10. Let us consider what God has done for us and how his undeserved kindness will benefit us now and give us hope in the future. Mongeleka yokupungulula onongi kovikombo, Jesus wapopia monkhalelo yayandyuluka okuti etyi tulinga onondenge mbae ongatyina oe tukahi nokutyilinga. Yet, he never neglected his family's emotional or spiritual needs. For example, the sheep referred to Jesus ' clear way of doing what is right as if his brothers were doing so. Ombunga aiho ya Jeova, keulu no pohi, maikemuhivilika. Two Witness families studied with us, and 11 of us children became Jehovah's Witnesses. The entire family of Jehovah, in heaven, will praise him. Oñgeni Jesus alekesa ounongo nokankhenda Komutungi Omunene? * (See footnote.) How did Jesus reveal wisdom and mercy to the Grand Creator? Opo tunoñgonoke omokonda yatyi ouye weyulila ononkhumbi nomokonda yatyi ovanthu vehetyivilila okumbumanako, tuesukisa okuimbuka oityi tyilityili tyimbuetako. 8, 9. To understand why the world is filled with suffering and why humans are not able to eliminate it, we need to see what really really is. Otyo tulilongesila ku etyi tyamonekele na Moisesi. This royal government is made up of Christ Jesus and his 144,000 corulers, most of whom have received their heavenly reward. We can learn from what happened to Moses. Ehipululo olio otyipuka vala tyipopiwa, iya vamwe vetyitala ngatyina otyiso vala. Be an example in what you say and in what you do. That account is merely a mere lie, and some view it as merely as a traditional form of myths. Outumini wae, maukatualako apeho, kamaukapwa, iya ouhamba wae, kamaukanyonwa. " - Daniel 7: 13, 14; Lucas 1: 31, 32; João 3: 13 - 16. Without it, how could we have learned about the ransom and about our being drawn to Jehovah through Jesus? His rulership will last forever, and his kingdom will not be destroyed. " - Daniel 7: 13, 14; Luke 1: 31, 32; John 3: 13 - 16. Omukanda oo wa Huku, ulekesa omokonda yatyi tumonena unene ononkhumbi, no ñgeni tupondola okumbufinda. ▪ Do You Appreciate What You Have Received? This book of God shows why we are suffering, and how we can protect ourselves. (b) Okulongesa ovana ovituwa oviwa tyieta ouwa patyi? Through the congregation, Jehovah has provided an abundance of spiritual food. (b) What benefits come from teaching children good manners? Veñgapi ovalongwa ovape vayawisuako? David's enemies " loved empty things. ' How do new disciples end up? Opo unoñgonoke vali konthele yotyo, tala okapitulu 15 komukanda Oityi Ombimbiliya Tyilityili Ilongesa?, walingwa no Nombangi mba Jeova They were like a wayward son ruefully shaking his head as he reflects on the hardships he has brought upon himself and longs for the life he had back home. For more information, see chapter 15 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses Aveho kumwe vaundapa nospilitu sandu ike vala pala okulinga ovilinga ovio. When asked about the sign of his presence "and of the conclusion of the system of things, " Jesus replied:" Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes... and because of the increasing of lawlessness the love of the greater number will cool off. " All who work along with holy spirit have the same goal. Weya kuame opo unthyinangelese onkhali yange, nokuipaesisa omona wange? " Yet, Fred had died a few weeks earlier. Are you not going to remind me of my sin and destroy my son? " Hamwe upondola okukonga ovalinepi ovape opo veye pefendelo lienyi liombunga. Seeing men respond positively to such efforts and thus experience the joy that comes from serving others is a source of happiness to the elders. - Acts 20: 35. Perhaps you can invite new ones to join you in your family worship. Ekolelo liapama lia Abraiau. - Gên. 15: 6; tanga Tiago 2: 21 - 23. (a) What was one lesson in humility that Jesus taught his disciples? Abraham's strong faith. - Gen. 15: 6; read James 2: 21 - 23. (Tala pono palagrafu 13 - 17) How exciting it will be to talk to faithful servants like Moses! (See paragraph 16) (See paragraphs 13 - 17) Otyiho nomasuka - suka vipondola okutusoyesa. " There's so much to do in the congregation, " says Sébastien. Anxiety may cause us to feel discouraged. (Gênesis 15: 6; Romanos 4: 11) Mokonda Abraiau wali nekolelo, wetavela okusapo eumbo liae, nomapanga, novilinga viae, atyiho ankho ena akakala kotyilongo kokule. Thinking that Jesus must be hungry by now, the disciples offered him some food. Because of Abraham's faith, he obeyed his home, friends, and had everything they had in their country. Tusokei ñgeno omukuatate uundapa nombili movilinga viokuivisa. In the first century, the apostle Paul sounded this warning: "The inspired word clearly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading inspired statements and teachings of demons. " Let us imagine that a brother would be zealous for the ministry. Mahi, tutyii okuti oe ankho ulinga ononkhono pala okuungumanesa nokupameka Paulu, na vakuavo vali. They recognize that the four angels whom the apostle John saw in a prophetic vision are "holding tight the four winds of the earth, that no wind might blow upon the earth. " Yet, we know that he worked hard to comfort Paul and encourage others. Ovanthu ovanyingi hono vapopia okuti ovitateka vietela ovanthu ononkhumbi viakutikinya o Karma ine okuapambulua. When we get baptized, we ask Jehovah to give us "a good conscience. " Many people today say that the causes of suffering involve suffering, or something similar. Kohale, Jeova wapuile elundo novaumbili vae ankho vasoya. When showing honor, whom in the congregation should we not overlook? In Bible times, Jehovah was very patient with his servants. Tyina nkhele tuhenevatele vakuetu okukala nohole na Jeova, onthue muene tuna okumunoñgonoka nokukala nohole nae. ▪ How important is the new birth? Before we encourage others to love Jehovah, we must get to know him and love him. Aevela omphange. [ Picture on page 31] She kindly apologized for the sister. (1 Cor. 10: 13) Inkha tukala notyiho iya atulikuambela ku Jeova nomutima auho, tupondola okukala "nombembwa ya Huku. " Jehovah "furnishes us all things richly for our enjoyment "; hence, we should want to be" ready to share " with others, thus contributing to their joy. If we feel anxious and pray to Jehovah, we can have "the peace of God. " Paulu hamwe ankho ulipula inkha Ovakuatate vae Ovakristau mavemukuatesako mokonda ankho uhinangela otyikando tyotete etyi pehena ou wemukuatesileko. Finally, he fled from Saul. Paul may have wondered if his fellow Christians were encouraged because he remembered the first time when no one helped him. " KEULU kutupu omakaka, ohanyi imoneka nawa. They often turned their backs on Jehovah and "pained even the Holy One of Israel. " " THE sun is perfect, and the moon is not fully understood. Mavakakala "ouhamba novanakwa pala Huku yetu, opo vakatumine ngo nohamba kombanda yoohi. " - Revelação [Apocalipse] 5: 9, 10. He did not turn aside from following him, but he continued keeping his commandments that Jehovah had commanded Moses. " 5: 9, 10. [ Ehangununo liolutalatu pefo 9] A happy family and good health are among Jehovah's greatest gifts. [ Picture on page 9] Mahi, nalumwe ayekelepo okutekula ombunga yae mopalutu no mopamphepo. We need to take quick action to root out the desire, even if that action may seem as drastic as, in effect, removing a part of our body. Yet, he never stopped providing materially for his family physically and spiritually. Tualongeswa Ombimbiliya no nombunga onombali iya 11 puonthue atukala Onombangi mba Jeova. (a) Who are "the things in the heavens " mentioned by Paul? We studied the Bible with two people, and 11 of us became Jehovah's Witnesses. Okukevela okuti una uhole makondoka ku Jeova, katyapengele The historical record shows that they maintained a position of Christian neutrality. I now feel that you have to return to Jehovah, and it is not wrong to do so * (Tala onondaka pokatoi.) However, since "the world through its wisdom did not get to know God, " what he uses to save people appears foolish to the world. - John 17: 25. * (See footnote.) 8, 9. Consider the way the apostle Paul reasoned on the subject of marriage. 8, 9. (Lucas 21: 24) Ouhamba oo wotyotyili, utuminwa na Kristu kumwe no 144.000, otyinyingi vatambulale ondyambi yavo keulu. It improves family life. That real Kingdom is a heavenly government, Christ, along with 144,000 spirit creatures who have received their heavenly reward. Ava ongeleka muetyi upopia netyi ulinga. My friends and I liked to visit clubs and discos. Give an example. Iya okuti ñgeno tuetyivila okulilongesa konthele yofeto yeyovo, noñgeni Jesus etukuatesako okufuena ku Jeova? Really, gaining and applying wisdom is for your lasting good. And would it have been possible for us to learn about the ransom and how Jesus helped us to draw close to Jehovah? ▪ Okuti Upanda Etyi Wapeua? (b) What will we discuss in the next article? ▪ Do You Appreciate What You Learn? Menyina liewaneno, Jeova ukahi nokuava okulia okunyingi kuopamphepo. He returned two more times to talk about the Bible, but then she never saw him again. Through the congregation, Jehovah has provided plenty of spiritual food. Onondyale mba David " ankho mbuhole ovipuka vihasilivila. ' He then turned his life course around by getting rid of the idolatrous images that he had set up, making efforts to serve Jehovah, and even encouraging his people to do the same. David's enemies "were passing away from worthless things. " Ankho vekahi ngomona omphuki wahulilwa nokuelivela mokonda yetyi alinga, iya tyina asoka kononkhumbi elietela uhanda unene okukondoka keumbo. " The wolf will actually reside for a while with the male lamb, and with the kid the leopard itself will lie down, and the calf and the maned young lion and the well - fed animal all together; and a mere little boy will be leader over them. They were like a criminal who felt hurt by what he had done, and when she wanted to return home. Etyi apulwa konthele yenyingilikilo liokuya kuae "no lionthyulilo youye, " Jesus wakumbulula okuti:" Mokonda otyilongo matyikalwisa otyilongo otyikuavo iya ouhamba maukalwisa ouhamba omukuavo. How can we attune our conscience to Jehovah's standards, and why is it important that we do so? When asked about the sign of his presence, Jesus answered: "By means of the conclusion of the system of things, " there will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. Fred ankho wankhiale mono simano mbumwe konyima. By way of contrast, consider God's dealings with his angelic sons. Fred had just been dead for just a few months. Ovakulu veuaneno vehole unene okukuatesako ovakuatate okulinga nawa ovilinga viavo, mokonda vetyii okuti okuundapela vakuavo mewaneno matyiveetela ehambu. - Atos 20: 35. FAITH is something that not all people have. The elders take the lead in helping fellow believers to do their work well because they know that serving others in the congregation will make them happy. - Acts 20: 35. (a) Oñgeni Jesus alongesa ovalongwa vae okukala nomutima weliola? We should never allow excuses and potential problems and difficulties to stop us from doing this work. (a) How did Jesus train his disciples to be humble? Ekolelo malitukuatesako okutala nawa oñgeni ovanthu mavakakala tyina Ouhamba wamahimbika okutumina. How is it that all runners can win the race for everlasting life? Faith will help us to see how people will react to Kingdom rule. Sébastien wati: "Mewaneno muna ovilinga ovinyingi. I feel that Jesus ' words have proved true in my case. Patrick says: "In the congregation there are many responsibilities. (João 4: 6, okatoi) Iya ovalongwa vae avasoko okuti Jesus waliua nondyala, moluotyo, avemupe okulia. Later leather and vellum scrolls of the Bible book of Esther, from the 18th century C.E. And his disciples thought that Jesus was hungry, so he gave them food. Tyina uvasiwa novitateka, yumba onthumbi kombatelo Jeova ekuavela Of course, there are other young ones associated with the congregation who were not raised by Christian parents. When you face trials, rely on Jehovah to help you Motyita tyo tete, apostolu Paulu walondolele okuti: "Ondaka ya Huku ipopia okuti kononthiki mbo komutwe, vamwe mavakayapuka mekolelo, avakatehelela onondaka mbuveyapula nomalongeso ovilulu. " He is the only one mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures who served as both a king and a priest. In the first century, the apostle Paul warned: "The word of God means that in the last days, some individuals will break firm in the faith by misleading demons and demons. " Vaimbuka okuti onoandyu ononkhuana João amuene memonekelo, "mbakuata nawa onomphepo ononkhuana mboohi, opo mbuhafile kombanda yoohi. " PROFILE They realize that the four angels saw John vision in vision, "took the four winds of the earth to the ends of the earth. " (Romanos 14: 8) Tyina tumbatisalwa, tuita ku Jeova etuavele "omutima omuwa. " " You do not belong to yourselves. " - 1 COR. When we get baptized, we ask Jehovah to give us "a good conscience. " Tyina tulekesa ehumbilo, ovalie tuhapondola okulimbwa? Describe the struggle faced by the writer of Psalm 73. When showing honor, whom should we not forget? ▪ Okuti okutyitwa otyivali tyakolela? The tiny gecko lizard seems to defy gravity. ▪ Are the new birth really important? [ Olutalatu pefo 9] (a) On Atonement Day, whom did the high priest picture, and what did the sacrifices he offered signify? [ Picture on page 9] Jeova "wava ovipuka aviho, pala ehambu lietu, " moluotyo, nonthue tuesukisa okukala" tyelipongiya pala okuavela " vakuetu, opo tuvehambukiswe. Araceli: Because I was treated so badly at the convent, I felt angry and unhappy with my religion. Jehovah "did all things " for us, so we too need to be ready to" be prepared for one another, " so that we may be ready to please others. Okuhulako, aende nkholo okutila Saulu. " They will actually sit, each one under his vine and under his fig tree, and there will be no one making them tremble. " - MICAH 4: 4. Finally, he went to flee from Saul. Mahi, kavetyivilile okufuisapo otyilinga otyo. Even if some of them seem impossible from a human standpoint, we trust that "with God all things are possible. " - Matthew 19: 26. But they were unable to fulfill that responsibility. Kayekelepo okumulandula, watuaileko okuendela movitumino via Jeova atumine Moisesi. " (b) when preparing correspondence? He did not stop following him, and he continued following Jehovah's commands. " Vimwe povipuka oviwa Jeova etuavela, ombunga ina ehambu, nekongoko ewa. We need to remember that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. " One of the many blessings Jehovah has given us is a happy family, healthy, healthy, healthy, and healthy health. (Tiago 1: 14, 15) Tuesukisa okukanyauka okunyima epeleyo olio momutima, ngatyina tuliteta onthele imwe yolutu luetu. (Read Mark 3: 13 - 15.) We need to rid ourselves of that desire, as if we were to separate ourselves from one another. (a) "Ovipuka keulu " viapopiwa na Paulu ovalie? George Young arrived in Rio de Janeiro in March 1923 (a) What are "the things in heaven " described by Paul? Kavelipakele movilwa, no movitateka ovikuavo viopulitika. Because they thereby build a trusting relationship with our Creator, "the happy God, " Jehovah. - 1 Timothy 1: 11. It is not like taking sides in political conflicts and other issues. Anthi, "ovanthu vomouye kavanoñgonokele Huku mokonda younongo wavo. " Moluotyo, etyi Huku aundapesa pala okuyovola ovanthu, vetyitala ngatyina owova. - João 17: 25. If Jesus had already given Peter primacy, or superiority, could there have been any question as to who was the greatest among the apostles? Rather, "people of the nations do not understand God's wisdom, " that is, God uses to deliver people as foolish as unwise. - John 17: 25. Tala onkhalelo apostolu Paulu apopia konthele yotyinepo. What can help you to maintain your peace if a family member leaves Jehovah? Consider the way the apostle Paul described marriage. (1 Coríntios 6: 9 - 11) Tyiviukisa omuenyo wombunga. His point? He can do the same for his family. Ame nomapanga ange, ankho tukatalela - po onondyuo mbovipito no mbokuhikisila. Then, suddenly, everything came crashing down. My friends and friends found it hard to flee home and walk home. Tyotyili, okuovola ounongo matyituetela apeho ouwa. Jehovah leads his humble servants to glory by honoring them in numerous ways. Of course, seeking wisdom will always benefit us forever. (b) Oityi matulilongesa monthele mailandulako? Our brother thought and prayed about the matter. (b) What will we consider in the next article? Omukuatate oo emutalelapo vali ovikando vivali okumupopila Ombimbiliya, okutuka opo kemumuene - muene vali. (See paragraphs 12 - 14) The brother then talked two times to the Bible, and he did not see himself again. Ayekepo okufenda ovilolo, alingi ononkhono mbokuumbila Jeova, iya alo umwe aavela ovanthu ondundo opo vafende Jeova. Many Witnesses in our time have remained neutral. He stopped worshipping idols, worked hard to serve Jehovah, and even encouraged the people to worship him. " Tyotyili, ehunyu malikakala kumue nondyona, tupu onkhapi maikakala kumue notyiketa, nonthane, notyiketa tyonkheyama, novinyama ovikuavo aviho kumue, iya omukuendye omututu oe mekevilisa. • Who recognize the sign of Jesus ' presence and understand what it means? " Of course, the lamb will become like a lamb with a goat, and the calf itself will be broken, and the boy will be a little boy, and the boy will become a little boy. Inkha ukahiale movilinga vioukokoli - ndyila, oityi matyikukuatesako okutualako namphila pamoneka ovitateka? Endured Despite Disappointments (Samuel), 1 / 1 If you have already been pioneering, what will help you to remain faithful despite difficult circumstances? Oñgeni omalusoke etu maelikuate kumue novitumino via Jeova? Omokonda yatyi tyakolela okulinga ngotyo? Making return visits and conducting Bible studies requires diligent effort. How is our thinking related to Jehovah's standards, and why is this important? Mahi, tala oñgeni Huku akala novana vae onoandyu. But we also know that we must remain neutral and never support any political party or human leader. However, consider how God became his sons. EKOLELO otyipuka tyimwe tyina vala ovanthu vamwe. (b) How can appreciation for the ransom be illustrated? FAITH is one thing that some people do not have. Tuhayekei vana vatatesa ine ovitateka nononkhumbi vitutyilike okulinga ovilinga ovio. It became a kind of hole in time, leaving the postwar world permanently disconnected from everything that had come before. " We should not allow those who are of us to cope with trials or persecution to prevent us from doing so. Olie makapewa omuenyo wahapu? Clearly, when the shepherd says to the girl, "you are altogether beautiful,... there is no blemish in you, " he has more than her physical beauty in mind. Who will receive everlasting life? (Revelação 7: 9) Ndyilitehelela okuti onondaka ombu mba Jesus ombotyotyili momuenyo wange. I was just 17 years old and had the concerns and ambitions typical of most teenagers. I feel that Jesus ' words have real meaning in my life. Omukanda Wombandua no Nombuingwa Mbomukanda Wombimbiliya wa Ester, Motyita 18 P. I continued praying for answers. Highlights From the Book of Esther, 18th century B.C.E. Inkha ovo tate yove kavekahi motyili, soka kelao enene una liokunoñgonoka, nokuumbila Omutungi wouye auho! Jehovah really protects us. " If your parents do not have the truth, think of the honor you have to know and serve the Creator of the universe! Puetyi Jesus eheneye pano pohi, o Melkisedeke vala wakalele novilinga ovio vivali. And I continue to rely on Jehovah through prayer. " During his prehuman existence, Jesus lived in such a way. EHIPULULO LIOMUENYO Three Gospel writers - Matthew, Mark, and Luke - all testify that for a second time, Jesus throws out those selling and buying there. LIFE STORY " Onwe kamutei vali kuonwe muene. " - 1 CORÍNTIOS 6: 19. PAGE 3 • SONGS: 33, 133 " You do not belong to you. " - 1 COR. 6: 19. Popia otyitateka tyapitile nomuhoneki wo Salmu 73. In his message to the spirit - begotten elders in the first - century congregation of Philadelphia in Asia Minor, the risen Christ said: "Because you kept the word about my endurance, I will also keep you from the hour of test, which is to come upon the whole inhabited earth, to put a test upon those dwelling on the earth. Describe the situation that happened to the writer of Psalm 73. Okakokolo katiwa geko okuketala ngoti kakaleme. What will the Kingdom do about those who persist in such ways and refuse to change? Let us not be like the gecko. (a) Monthiki yokupata Ononkhali, ankho omunene - nakwa ulekesa tyi? Ovilikutila ankho alinga oityi vihangununa? The superscription to Psalm 18 says that David "spoke to Jehovah the words of this song in the day that Jehovah had delivered him... out of the hand of Saul. " (a) What did the high priest represent, and what did this mean? Araceli: Mokonda natekulilwe onya, etyi ankho ndyikala nono mandre, ankho pahe hihande vali ongeleya. After spending some time single, many of Jehovah's faithful servants decide to look for a marriage partner. Araceli: Because of my prejudice, when I was a nun, I didn't want religion anymore. " Kese umwe makapumphama mombuelo yomuvinyu wae no mombuelo yomukuyu wae, na umwe mekeveetesa owoma. " - MIQUÉIAS 4: 4. Let us see. 4: 4. Namphila vimwe vimoneka ngoti komaiho ovanthu katyivilwa, tuna onthumbi yokuti "ku Huku ovipuka aviho vivilwa. " - Mateus 19: 26. As Jews, the apostles were well - acquainted with animal sacrifices that priests offered to God at the temple in Jerusalem. Even if some seem to be in a sight, we can be sure that "God is all things. " - Matthew 19: 26. (b) tyina vahonekela omikanda vakuavo no kombetele? Consider Jesus ' example. (b) When we send letters to others at the branch office? (1 Pedro 2: 21) Tuesukisa okuhinangela okuti, "ovanthu aveho ovakuankhali kavavasi omunkhima wa Huku. " (a) How should younger ones address their parents? We should remember that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. " (Tanga Marcos 3: 13 - 15.) Even though he knew that the high priest was looking for a pretext to kill him, Jesus fearlessly affirmed that He was both Christ and the Son of God. (Read Mark 3: 13 - 15.) YAPOLWA MOMIKANDA VIETU VIAPAKWA NAWA I worked in the convent hospital. FROM OUR COVER Omokonda ngotyo, valinga oupanga omuwa no Mupakeko wetu, Jeova "Huku wehambu. " - 1 Timóteo 1: 11. " Did the Thessalonian Christians have appreciation for God's Word? ' you may wonder. 1: 11. (Mateus 20: 20 - 27; Marcos 9: 33 - 35; Lucas 22: 24 - 26) Inkha Jesus ankho waholovona Petulu opo akale onkhalamutwe, ine omunene vali, okuti ñgeno ovalongwa ankho vayaya vali, konthele yo olie makala omunene vali pokati ko no apostolu? How so? If Jesus had appointed Peter to be the greatest leader, would he go to the apostles? Oityi tyipondola okukukuatesako okutualako okukala nehambu inkha umwe mombunga yove uyekapo okuumbila Jeova? How have Christians today "died with reference to sin "? What can help you to maintain a positive viewpoint if a family member leaves Jehovah? Oityi alongesa? Let us therefore remain alert and fully aware that this system is rapidly nearing its end. What did he teach? Mahi, nthiki imwe, omuenyo wae wapiluluka. " It is the foolishness of an earthling man that distorts his way, and so his heart becomes enraged against Jehovah himself. " - PROV. Yet, one day his life changed. Mahi, oñgeni Jeova ankhimaneka ovanthu ovataveli? They do not set out endless rules and procedures. Instead, they follow the Scriptures and the leadings of God's holy spirit as they make arrangements that are needed to help the preaching work go forward. How, though, did Jehovah bring glory to obedient humans? Omukuatate wetu wasoka, elikuambela opo etyivile okulinga etokolo. Think of the religious situation of those Jews and proselytes who heard Peter. Our brother thought that he needed to make a decision. (Tala pono palagrafu 12 - 14) " They continued devoting themselves... to associating together. " - ACTS 2: 42. (See paragraphs 12 - 14) Hono Onombangi mba Jeova mononthiki mbuno vatualako tyihelipake mopulitika. (See paragraph 15) Today, Jehovah's Witnesses remain neutral. • Ovalie vala mavaimbuka enyingilikilo lilekesa okuti Jesus weyale, nokunoñgonoka etyi lihangununa? We joined the pages and attached each end to a tube. • Who will recognize the sign of Jesus ' presence and understand its meaning? Okutalelapo ovanthu nokuvelongesa Ombimbiliya, tyihanda ononkhono ononene. His companions led the way as they traversed the fields Timothy knew so well. Help people to conduct Bible studies requires great effort. (Romanos 13: 1 - 4) Tupu, tutyii okuti tuna okutualako okuhelipake mopulitika. Think about this: All of us inherited sin from Adam, and the punishment for sin is death. We also know that we must remain neutral. (b) Ongeleka patyi ilekesa okuti tuesukisa okupandula otyilikutila tyeyovo? The Hebrew word rendered "feel regret " can mean to" change one's mind or intention. " (b) What example shows that we should be grateful for the ransom? Otyo, tyatuala ouye okukala ngetyi ukahi hono, ouye uhena epamo, nokueliyapuka kovipuka aviho vialingilwe puetyi nkhele Ovita Ovinene vio 1914 viehenehikepo. " PAGE 17 • SONGS: 41, 89 This made it possible for the world to live according to the world today, without security and security at all the things fought before the War of the World War II. " Etyi omunthita apopila omuhikuena okuti "ove umuwa unene " iya" utupu otyinthembia, " ankho kekahi vala nokupopia ouwa wae, mahi tupu ankho ukahi nokupopia ovituwa viae oviwa. God honors those loyal to him and his ways. When the shepherd told the young woman that she "was very precious " and was not" warm, " she was talking about her good qualities. Puetyi ndyina omanima 17, ankho ndyisukalala, nokuhanda unene ovipuka ovakuendye ovanyingi vaovola. How might Jehovah help you if you lose your job? When I was 17, I was worried about what many young people wanted me to do. Andyitualako okulikuambela opo ndyivase omakumbululo. We see this in Daniel's humble and sincere prayer found at Daniel 9: 3 - 19. I continued praying for the answers. Ovitumino vya Jeova tyotyili vituyakulila umwe. " Their productions were still in use some 500 years later. Jehovah's laws are truly a protection. " Iya andyitualako okuyumba onthumbi mu Jeova putyina ndyilikuambela. " Later that night, a mob came to arrest Jesus, and Peter became so angry at the injustice that he took out a sword and attacked one of the men. And I kept relying on Jehovah when I pray. " Mateusi, na Marku, na Luka, ovahoneki vetatu vo no Evandyeliu, aveho vapopia okuti Jesus wateletele otyikando tyavali vana ankho valandesila mondyuo ya Huku novalandi. To what was John referring as the "old commandment "? Matthew, Mark, Luke, Luke, and Luke all said that Jesus had done on the second side of the temple. PEFO 3 • OVIIMBO: 33, 133 Such teachings, often wrongly regarded as coming from the Bible, have contributed to much discrimination against women. PAGE 3 • SONGS: 33, 133 Omututiliswa Kristu wapopila ovakulu vewaneno valembulwa nospilitu mewaneno lio Vakristau votete mo Filadelfia, mo Asia Menor, okuti: "Mokonda muetavela ondaka konthele yekoleleyo liange, na ame mandyimuamena moola yokulolwa, maiya kombanda yoohi aiho, pala okulola vana vekahi kombanda yeheke. 16: 21. By means of Christ told the older men of the first - century Christian congregation in Asia, he said: "For the sake of my word I shall protect you from all the nations; I will protect you from the earth. Oityi Ouhamba wa Huku maukalinga vana vatualako novituwa ovio, avehetavela okupiluluka? Do not let mortal man prevail against you. " What will God's Kingdom do to those who remain morally clean? Ankho olie? Osapi yo Salmo 18, ipopia okuti David "wapopia onondaka mbotyiimbo etyi, monthiki Jeova emuyovola... pomavoko a Saulu. " But Ahithophel betrayed David to benefit himself. Who was the key of Psalm 18, which says that David "was referring to the song when Jehovah delivered him on the day of Saul. " Tyina Ombangi ya Jeova amakala ehimbwe tyihanepele, pamwe utokola okunepa. The apostle John counseled fellow believers not to love the world or the things in the world because "the world is passing away and so is its desire, but he that does the will of God remains forever. " - 1 John 2: 15 - 17. When a single Witness dies, he or she may decide to marry. Matulilongesa tyo monthele ei. Many other examples could be cited to show that Bible reading and study can enrich your prayers. We will learn in this article. Mokonda ono apostolu ankho ova Judeu, ankho vei nawa ovilikutila viovinyama ovanakwa ankho valingila Huku mondyuo yae mo Jelusalei. Since we cannot read hearts, we should not judge other people's motives. - Read James 4: 12. As the apostles were well - aware of the sacrifices offered by the priests in Jerusalem in Jerusalem. Tala ongeleka ya Jesus. The apostle Peter told a crowd: "Repent, and let each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the free gift of the holy spirit. " Consider Jesus ' example. (a) Oñgeni ovakuendye novahikuena vesukisa okupopia novohe? What moves single Christians to draw closer to Jehovah? (a) How do young ones need to talk to their parents? Namphila omunene - nakwa ankho aovola omahunga okumuipa, tyihena owoma Jesus wapopile okuti Oe Kristu Nomona wa Huku. When we focus on serving Jehovah, we will see how Jehovah helps us. Although the high priest tried to kill Jesus, he was afraid that He was the Christ and the Son of God. Andyiundapa mosipitali yono mandre. Solid blocks of text! I worked at the hospital. Ove hamwe ulipula, " okuti Ovakristau ova Tesalonika ankho vapanda umwe Ondaka ya Huku? ' In the Bible, we learn that dedication and baptism are the start of a new life for a Christian. You may wonder, " Do the Christians in Thessalonica value the Word of God? ' Ñgeni ngotyo? The Bible calls him the "King of eternity, " meaning that he had no beginning and will never have an end. How so? Oñgeni Ovakristau hono "vankhia mokonda yonkhali "? How can a Christian deal with the shock of losing a loved one in death? How do Christians today " die for sin "? (1 João 5: 19) Ngotyo tuna okutualako okukevelela onthiki ya Jeova maiya apa katutu iya tulinga atyiho tuvila opo tukale tyafuapo. 11, 12. So we must keep in expectation of Jehovah's day coming soon, and we do all we can to be ready. " Wahanumanene Jeova ' " Jehovah's Spirit Enveloped Gideon " " Do not call Jehovah " (Atos 21: 19, 20) Kavalingi ovitumino ovinyingi pala ovanthu va Huku, mahi vesuka vali nokuyandyanesa onondaka onongwa nehongolelo Liombimbiliya no liospilitu sandu. One depicts a torturer wrenching the tongue out of a prisoner who had been pinned to the ground. They do not make many laws for God's people, but they are interested in the good news and direction of the holy spirit. Soka kova Judeu na vana veheva Judeu ankho Vena onongeleya mbavo vatehelela Petulu. Some have fallen so hard that they had to be helped to get up and resume the race toward the finish line. Think about the Jews and non - Jews who were willing to listen to Peter. " Vatuaileko okupanda ondongeso... nokulikuambela kumwe na vakuavo. " - ATOS 2: 42. Shun violence 2: 42. (Tala popalagrafu 15) If we think too much of ourselves, we may well try to minimize our mistake, shift the blame, or even deny that we made it. (See paragraph 15) Tuhonyeka omafo atuewingi nawa. Why is Jesus called "the Word, " or Logos? We stayed warm and friendly. Ovo mundyila yae vahongola ondyila putyina valamba momapia Timoteo ei nawa. 16, 17. They are in his late teens ' s while they are preaching the good news while Timothy was still in his fields. Otyo matyitukuatesako okukala vali nombili movilinga viokuivisa. (Read 1 Thessalonians 2: 7, 8.) This will help us to become more zealous in the ministry. (1 Pedro 3: 18) Soka kuetyi: Atuho tuapiñgana onkhali ku Andau, iya ehitiso lionkhali ononkhia. (b) What should not be used as a charm? Think about this: All of us inherited sin from Adam and fall short of the penalty for sin. Ondaka mo Hebreu yapitiyua "okulivela " ipondola okuhangununa" okupilulula olusoke. " He fell into serious sin. The Hebrew word translated " regret " can mean" change. " PEFO 17 • OVIIMBO: 41, 89 We came into the spiritual paradise, which is filled with peace and unity. - Isa. 48: 17, 18; 60: 18; 65: 25. PAGE 17 • SONGS: 41, 89 Mongeleka, ovituwa ovio viakolela mombunga yo Vakristau, tyina umwe alinga onkhali tyihelivele apolwa mewaneno. He told the crowds from Capernaum: "I must declare the good news of the kingdom of God, because for this I was sent forth. " For example, such qualities are part of the Christian family, so long after unrepentant sinners repent in the congregation. Oityi tyipondola okukukuatesako inkha utaatwa movilinga? During Israel's wilderness trek, Korah, Dathan, and Abiram rebelled against the authority of Moses and Aaron. What can help you if you lose your job? Otyo tutyinoñgonoka melikuambelo Daniele alinga nomutima weliola livasiwa mu Daniel 9: 3 - 19. When I was nine years old, our father got some books that explained how false religion has tricked people. This adds to Daniel's humble prayer found at Daniel 9: 3 - 19. Ovipuka valinga viaundapeswa momanima alamba po 500. These efforts have helped us to spread the Kingdom message and have promoted unity among us worldwide. But we are especially unified because we speak the more important "pure language " of Scriptural truth. - Read Zephaniah 3: 9. The things they were used for more than 500 years. Petulu anumana unene notyo iya autukila umwe povalume ovo nomutunga. In this regard, ask yourself, " Do I regularly set aside time for family worship in my household? ' Peter was angry, and one of those men attacked by the sword. (1 João 2: 7, 8) Oityi João ahandele okupopia etyi ati "otyitumino otyikulu "? They start praying, often battling to speak at first, but every time, within a few sentences, their voice gets stronger and they say the most heartfelt prayer. What did John mean when he said that "the law of old " was" old "? Mokonda omalongeso oo ankho atalwa ngatyina atunda Mombimbiliya, ahongiliya ovanthu ovanyingi okulinga okapungulula kovakai. [ Olutalatu pefo 5] You can imitate Jesus by meditating on the wonderful promises Jehovah has made to you. Since church teachings were common in the Bible, many people were deceived by women. 16: 21. Imagine how Satan rejoiced when Nimrod, Pharaoh, and Absalom showed improper pride by their bragging! 16: 21. Mahi Aitofele walavisile David pala ouwa wae. But what of water baptism in the name of the holy spirit, something that regularly occurs at assemblies and conventions of Jehovah's people in our day? But David did not ask for his benefit. Apostolu João walondolele ovakuatate vae opo vahakale nohole nouye ine novipuka viouye, mokonda "ouye ukahi nokulamba, kumwe nepeleyo liao, mahi una ulinga etyi Huku ahanda makalako apeho. " - 1 João 2: 15 - 17. Maintain good communication in your marriage How can pride affect a marriage? The apostle John warned his fellow believers not to love the world or the world because "the world is passing away and so is its desire, but the one who does the will of God remains forever. " - 1 John 2: 15 - 17. Kuna onongeleka ononyingi mbulekesa okuti okutanga nokulilongesa Ombimbiliya, matyilundu omalikuambelo ove. A desire to please Jehovah should motivate you to pray for wisdom. Many examples show that reading the Bible and studying it will motivate you to pray for them. Onthue katutyii etyi ankho vasoka, ngotyo katupondola okukoyesa vakuetu mokonda yetyi vasoka. - Tanga Tiago 4: 12. IMAGINE that you are a Christian living in the first century. We do not know what they thought, so we should not judge others by what they think. - Read James 4: 12. O apostolu Petulu wapopila ovaunyingi okuti: "Livelei, kese umue puonue ambatisalwa menyina lia Jesus Kristu, opo muevelwe ononkhali mbenyi, amutambula otyali tyospilitu sandu. " How can parents help their children acquire boldness? The apostle Peter told the crowd: "Repent, and let each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the free gift of the holy spirit. " Oityi tyilunda Ovakristau vahanepele okufuena vali ku Jeova? Then, when we got our visas, we rented an apartment. What moves single Christians to draw closer to Jehovah? Tyina tutala kovilinga via Jeova matutyimono oñgeni Jeova etukuatesako. Thus, on one occasion when Mary and Jesus ' adoptive father, Joseph, found Jesus in God's temple, the young child asked: "Did you not know that I must be in the house of my Father? " When we look at Jehovah's work, we will see how Jehovah helps us. Omukanda una onondaka ononyingi mbuli vala kumwe! If we face such a trial, let us not cave in to family pressure. There are many words that are available only to each other! Mombimbiliya, tuelilongesamo okuti okulipakula nokumbatisalwa okuhimbika omuenyo omupe pala Omukristau. Second, we should beware of focusing only on areas in our life in which we are doing well, ignoring aspects that we need to work on. In the Bible, we learned that dedication and baptism start a new life for a Christian. Ombimbiliya imuihana okuti "Ohamba yaapeho, " tyihangununa okuti utupu onthyimbi nonthyulilo. It suggests that all matter, whether heavenly or earthly, tends to decay. The Bible calls him "the King of eternity, " which means that he is not the beginning and the end. Oñgeni Omukristau apondola okukoleleya, nokupama tyina amankhisa umwe ehole alo avasa eungumaneso? Imitate Jesus ' Courage and Discernment How can a Christian endure the death of a loved one? 11, 12. Interestingly, there was a medical school in nearby Laodicea. 11, 12. " Ospilitu ya Jeova Yakuatesileko Gideau " Nothing could prevent that loyal, loving mother from standing by her son to the very last. " Jehovah's Spirit Is Upon Gideon " Olutalatu lumwe, lulekesa omu Asiriu umwe ukahi nokunana elaka lionkhuatwa imwe yakutwa ailangekwapo. For what purpose was Paul "rescued from the lion's mouth "? On the other hand, one of his sisters is a prisoner who is in the city of São Paulo. Inkha otyo tyitumonekela, tuesukisa okukuatesuako opo tutualeko nokuhateka. Having committed "a sin that does incur death, " Judas was rightly overwhelmed with feelings of guilt and despair. If that happens, we need help to stay on the race. Lityilika oungangala After the brothers in Jerusalem heard what Barnabas said, they began to trust Paul and treat him as a brother. Avoid violence Pamwe mokonda yokuhena omutima weliola, tyina tuamapengesa tupondola okuliamena, atupopi okuti etyi tualinga katyapengele unene. Also, if he has committed sins, it will be forgiven him. " Sometimes when we are humble, we may say that what we have done is normal. Omokonda yatyi Jesus aihanenua okuti "Ondaka "? Do not cooperate with a wicked one by becoming a malicious witness. " - Exodus 23: 1. Why did Jesus call him "the Word "? 16, 17. " The scene of this world is changing, " states the Bible. 16, 17. (Tanga 1 Tessalonicenses 2: 7, 8.) Would the responsible older men postpone the decision until the religious climate in Israel improved for them? (Read 1 Thessalonians 2: 7, 8.) (b) Oityi tyahapondola okuundapeswa ngatyina otyilolo tyokuliamena? The mother felt deep compassion for her baby, so she pleaded with the king to let the other woman have him. (b) Why would it not be used as a golden calf? Watokelele monkhali imue onene. Mary preserved in her heart the events and sayings that fulfilled prophecies. He chose to commit sin from a serious sin. Tuanyingila mo palaisu yopaspilitu yeyula ombembwa netokeko. - Isaías 48: 17, 18; 60: 18; 65: 25. What Does Jehovah Ask of Us? We joined him in the spiritual paradise and promote peace and unity. - Isaiah 48: 17, 18; 60: 18; 65: 25. Oe wapopililile ovanthu ovanyingi ko Kafarnau okuti: "Ndyina okukaivisa onondaka onongwa Mbouhamba wa Huku komapundaumbo omakuavo, mokonda etyi, otyo natuminwa. " SONGS: 39, 30 He was told to teach many people in Capernaum: "I must declare the good news of the Kingdom of God to other cities, because for this I was sent forth. " Jeova waholovonene Moisesi na Arau opo vahongolele o Isilayeli moluhandya. When he was barely 24 years old, he was appointed professor of Hebrew in Leipzig. Jehovah chose Moses and Aaron to lead the Israelites into the wilderness. Etyi ankho ndyina omanima etyinana, tate ankho utanga omikanda vipopia okuti, ongeleya yomatutu iyondya ovanthu. " Reflecting on the mistakes of my youth, " says a Christian woman in Australia named Emma, "I can say that just knowing God's standards doesn't mean you agree with them. When I was eight years old, my father read books that false religion deceive people. Mokonda yovilinga ovio, Onombangi mba Jeova mouye auho vapondola okulikuata okapandi nokunoñgonoka "elaka liasukuka, " otyili Tyombimbiliya. - Tanga Sofonias 3: 9. Eating with a fellow integrity keeper in a loving atmosphere will make even a simple meal enjoyable and will surely benefit us spiritually. Because of this work, Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide can promote unity among "the pure language, " the pure language of Bible truth. - Read Zephaniah 3: 9. Moluotyo, lipula okuti: " Ame ndyitaindya omuwo wokulongesa ombunga yange meumbo? ' Clearly, Joseph's conscience had been molded by earlier indications of God's thinking. So ask yourself, " Do I take time to train my family at home? ' Etyi vahimbika, ankho tyivepuilisa unene, mahi katutu - katutu avahimbika okupopia onondaka mbutunda komutima. In this way, Jehovah legally credits them with righteousness. In time, though, it was hard for them to change, but they soon slowed down the words of the heart. (Mateus 4: 8 - 10) Oñgeni tupondola okuhetekela ongeleka ya Jesus? At the appointed time, he would start wielding his power as King of God's Kingdom. How can we imitate Jesus ' example? Nkhele soka ehambu Satanasi akala nalio etyi Nirode na Farao na Absalau valekesa otyituwa tyelungavi. Anyone who is serious about serving Jehovah would do all in his power to rectify the shortcoming, would he not? Imagine the joy that Satan felt when Nimrod and Pharaoh and Absalom showed a spirit of self - control. (Romanos 8: 15 - 17) Iya okumbatisalwa momeva menyina liospilitu sandu, tyikahi nokulingwa apeho movionge viovanthu va Jeova mononthiki mbetu tyihangununa tyi? (b) What should parents not expect of their children? What, then, does it mean to be baptized in the name of the holy spirit, which is being at assemblies and conventions of Jehovah's people in our day? Oñgeni omalityindailo apondola okukalesa otyinepo? Like Jesus, we can make good decisions if we rely on Jehovah to guide us. How can pride affect a marriage? Ehando liokuhambukiswa Jeova likuhindila okulikuambela nounongo. Jehovah was pleased to use mild individuals to fulfill his purpose. A desire to please Jehovah is pleasing to him to pray and wisdom. SOKA ñgeno ove Umukristau kotyita tyo tete. In so doing, we will be responding positively to the request recorded at Proverbs 27: 11: "Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me. " IMAGINE that you are a Christian living in the first century. Oñgeni ovohe vapondola okukuatesako ovana vavo okukala tyihena owoma? Commendably, they do not take advantage of the freedom that singleness brings to pursue selfish interests. How can parents help their children to become afraid? Mahi etyi ovatumini vetuyeka tukale motyilongo, atulukala ondyuo onene. Now is the especially acceptable time. But when our government allowed us to live in a foreign country, we left a large house. Ngotyo, nthiki imwe etyi Maliya na Jose tate ya Jesus koutekuli vemuvasa mondyuo ya Huku, omona Jesus apulu okuti: "Kamutyii okuti ame ndyina okukala mondyuo ya Tate yange? " Perhaps we feel unable to care for a certain Scriptural responsibility or privilege of service. So one day when Mary and Jesus ' father, Jesus asked her: "Do you not know that I should be with my Father at my house? " Inkha tukahi motyitateka ngotyo, tuhayekeipo okukoleleya. February 1, 2011 If we are in such a situation, do not give up. Vali, katupondola vala okutala kuetyi tukahi nokulinga nawa, atutombo ononthele tuesukisa okupilulula. A recent series of studies involving more than 68,000 adults revealed that even mild anxiety increases the risk of premature death. Second, we cannot focus on what we are doing, not on what we are doing, but on what we need to change. Omapiluluko oo alekesa okuti ovipuka aviho vivola tyilinge keulu ine pohi. Paul adds: "After that he appeared to upward of five hundred brothers at one time. " These changes show that everything they are going to heaven or on earth. Kola Omutima, Nokupunga Nawa Ovipuka Nga Jesus But we need not feel powerless or doomed to defeat. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Mahi ipopia okuti Paulu watumine okukukunyapo Luka ko Kolosu. It has given our life purpose and meaning. But it is said that Paul sent Luke to the Colossians in Colossae. Natyike ankho tyipondola okutyilika ina woluembia nomukuatyili okukala ponthele yomona wae monthiki yahulililako yomuenyo wae. This experience taught that God - fearing man a vital lesson: Being among God's people, accepting counsel, and applying it are essential to a close relationship with Jehovah. - Ps. 73: 24. Nothing could prevent a loving mother from having her son on the last day of her life. Omokonda tyatyi Jeova ayovolela Paulu "momulungu wonkhulika "? No, Jehovah alone exists "from eternity to eternity. " Why does Jehovah rescue Paul from "the lion "? Mokonda walinga " onkhali yatokala ononkhia, ' akala notyitamphua - tima ekeliipaa. This expression indicates that he was fully human and not God incarnate. Because he committed "a sin that is death, " he became very angry with his parents. (Atos 9: 26 - 28) Etyi ovakuatate mo Jelusalei veiva etyi Barnabe apopia, avahimbika okuyumba onthumbi Paulu nokumutala okuti omukuatate. This idea gained ground in Judaism early in the second century B.C.E. When the brothers in Jerusalem heard what Barnabas said, they began to trust that Paul was the brother. Tupu, inkha alinga ononkhali, memuevelambo. " • How can we improve in showing godly wisdom? Also, if he has committed sins, it will be forgiven him. " Uhakuateseko ondingavivi mokuava oumbangi wokukemba. " - Êxodo 23: 1. By disobeying God, Adam sinned. You can help a wicked person to bear witness. " - Exodus 23: 1. Ombimbiliya yati "onkhalelo youye uno, ikahi nokupiluluka. " [ 272 languages] The Bible says that "the scene of this world is changing. " Okuti ovakulu ovo vakevelela alo ovipuka mo Isilayeli vipoleya opo vetyivile okutokola? Some of a child's requests may be mere passing whims. Should they wait until things in Israel and be calm? Ina yomona akala nokankhenda okanene, aiti ko hamba opo omona wae akale vala womukai omukuavo. Can a lasting solution to violence be found? The mother's mother felt loving - kindness, so she asked her son to be one of the other women. Maliya wapakele nawa ovipuka ovio aviho momutima wae, nonondaka mbulekesa omaulo afuiswapo. Cameron: Exactly! Mary put all these things in his heart, describing prophecies that were fulfilled. OVIIMBO: 39, 30 How do the anointed bring the "other sheep " to righteousness? SONGS: 39, 30 Puetyi ankho ena omanima 24, akala omulongesi welaka lio Hebreu ko Leipzig ko Alemanha. From that day on, Peter proved that he meant what he said. When he was 24 years old, he became a teacher of the Hebrew Scriptures in Germany. Emma omukai umwe Omukristau ko Australia, wati: "Tyina ndyisoka koviponyo nalingile pouhikuena, ndyipondola okuti okunoñgonoka vala ovitumino via Huku, katyilekesa okuti uvitavela. Why? " When I think about my mistakes, " says a Christian sister in Australia, "I can understand that only God's laws are not perfect. (Provérbios 15: 17) Okulia novakuatate ovakuatyili nohole, alo umwe okakulia okatutu kaeta ehambu enene, nokupameka ekolelo lietu. (Read Mark 10: 28 - 30.) A loyal brotherly love, even a little, does not grow up and strengthen our faith. Jose ankho wanoñgonoka nawa ovipuka viapita kohale vilekesa oityi Huku asoka konthele yomaundalelapo. WHILE giving the composite sign of the last days, Jesus raised this question: "Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time? " Joseph understood the events in the past show what God thinks about sexual immorality. Ngotyo, Jeova uvetavela okuti ovaviuki komaiho ae. Why Have an Organization? 2 / 1 So Jehovah heard that righteous ones were righteous in his eyes. (Colossenses 1: 13) Momuvo wanakua, Jesus mahimbika okulekesa okuti o Hamba Youhamba wa Huku, mokutumina kombanda yoohi aiho. For example, early in Jesus ' ministry, a man named Nathanael approached him. At the appointed time, Jesus will begin to show that he is the King of God's Kingdom, by all the earth. Inkha tyilityili tuhanda okuhambukiswa Jeova, matulingi ononkhono mbokuviukisa etyi tuapengesa. According to the apocryphal book of 2 Maccabees, it caused considerable controversy when, as a Hellenizing effort, the apostate high priest Jason proposed to build a gymnasium in Jerusalem. - 2 Macc. 4: 7 - 17. If we really want to please Jehovah, we will make every effort to please him. (b) Oityi ovohe vahapondola okukevela kovana vavo? Truly, it excels in any and all situations. (b) Why should parents not wait for their children? Nga Jesus, nonthwe tupondola okulinga omatokolo aviuka inkha tuyeka Jeova etuhongolele. 10 Draw Close to God - What Does Jehovah Ask of Us? Like Jesus, we can make wise decisions if we allow Jehovah to guide us. Jeova ankho tyimuhambukiswa unene okuundapesa ovanthu vapoleya opo afuisepo ehando liae. And God certainly was with him, for the major conquest of the Promised Land was completed in only six years - by 1467 B.C.E. Jehovah was pleased to use humans to make his will known. Inkha tulinga ngotyo, matulekesa okuti tukahi nokutavela onondaka mbukahi mu Provérbios 27: 11: "Kala no nondunge mona wange, hambukiswa omutima wange, opo ndyikumbulule una undinga omukuele. " When Daniel was almost 100 years old and near the end of his life, he may have thought about what would happen to him. If we do this, we show that we are obeying the words found at Proverbs 27: 11: "Be wise and make my son rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me. " Kavatokola okukala ngotyo, opo vaovole omalumono. Not only was he born and brought up in humble surroundings but he was poor throughout his life on earth. They do not want to develop such a self - centered view of material things. Ou Pahe omuvo umwe waviuka. Even if we have to make sacrifices, we will always be happy if we obey Jehovah. - Read Isaiah 48: 17. Now is the time for the right time. Pamwe tusoka okuti katukahi nokulinga etyi Jeova akevelela tulinge, ine katukahi nokufuisapo otyilinga tyetu mewaneno. What if you feel responsible for your child's disability? Sometimes we may feel that we do not have to do what Jehovah expects of us or that we are not taking the lead in our congregation. 1 Ya Tyitalale Yo 2011 3: 11 - 14. March 1, 2011 Omaovololo alingwa pahetyino movakulu valamba po 68.000, alekesa okuti alo umwe okukala vala katutu notyiho, tyitepulula kononthiki mbomuenyo womunthu. How could someone follow Adam's wrong example? In recent years, more than 6,000 Witnesses have shown that even a few of them have been anxious during the last days of human life. Paulu wayauisako okuti: "Konyima yotyo, amoneka kovakuatate ovityita vitano otyikando tyike vala. " " How loyal and righteous and unblamable we proved to be. " - 1 THESS. Paul then adds: "After that, then, he appeared five brothers just one time. " Mahi, onthue katuesukisile okusoya ine okusoka okuti tutupu ombatelo. In the past, we said that God's people did not have his favor during World War I because they did not preach with zeal. However, we do not need to feel discouraged or discouraged. Otyo, tyituavela omuenyo wokuna ekevelelo. But 365 publishers in 12 congregations use the Garifuna language. This gives us hope of living forever. (Salmo 73: 16 - 18) Otyo atyilongesa otyipuka tyimwe tyakolela omulume oo ankho una onthilo na Huku, okuti: Okukala pokati kovanthu va Huku, nokutavela onondonga, nokumbulandula, tyakolela unene pala okukala noupanga omuwa na Jeova. - Salmo 73: 24. This may refer to the shape of the Agarwood tree, which can reach a height of about 100 feet (30 m) and spreads outward. This practice taught one of the greatest importance of respect for God's people, obedience to God's instructions, and other principles that led to a close relationship with Jehovah. - Ps. 73: 24. Na wike, Jeova ukahiko "tunde komuvo uhapu alo komuvo uhapu. " Sarah had true inner beauty, the kind that Jehovah values. The same is true of Jehovah, who is "the everlasting time indefinite. " Onondaka ombo mbulekesa okuti oe ankho omunthu, ankho ha Huku welityitula omunthu. [ Picture on page 7] Those words indicate that he was a person, not God. Konyima yotyo, olusoke olo lueya okutavelwa nova Judeu motyita tyavali P.K.E. Does David rejoice when he learns what has befallen his son? After that, the idea of being accepted by the Jews was accepted in the second century B.C.E. • Oityi tyiavela Omukristau ounongo? Find Refreshment Through Christian Association • What does giving a Christian wisdom? (Romanos 5: 12) Mokonda Andau waanya okutavela ku Huku, ngotyo walinga onkhali. Before we make important decisions, we should always ask ourselves: " Will this decision show that I love Jehovah? Because Adam refused to obey God, he sinned. [ Omalaka 272] Imagine, then, how you would feel if you learned that you had been lied to about God. [ Pictures on page 27] He utyii okuti omona pamwe uhanda otyipuka iya ha ehetyihande vali. To reach Bethany, Jesus had to travel for about two days, crossing the Jordan River and climbing the steep winding road from Jericho. The father knows that at times he wants a child to be upset and that he is not angry. Okuti mouye mupondola okukala tyehena oungangala? Here, Jesus taught a valuable lesson. Can the world be free of violence? Cameron: Otyo yatyo! After calling Timothy "a fine soldier of Christ Jesus, " Paul told him:" No man serving as a soldier involves himself in the commercial businesses of life, in order to gain the approval of the one who enrolled him as a soldier. " Cameron: That's right! Oñgeni ovalembulwa vakuatesako "onongi ononkhuavo " okukala ovaviuki? For example, Satan's system of things uses economic pressure to rob people of their freedom. How do the anointed help the "other sheep " to become righteous? (João 21: 15) Okuhimbikila monthiki oyo, Petulu alekesa etyi apopia. [ Pictures on page 7] From that day on, Peter pointed out what he said. (Daniel 10: 11) Omokonda yatyi? The one who was Jehovah's first spirit son made clear that he, having been born on earth as a perfect human, would provide a ransom. Why? Jesus ankho utyii okuti otyiponyo tyipondola okututuala kokulinga ononkhali ononene, iya alondola ovalongwa vae. How so? Jesus knew that a serious sin could lead to serious sins, and he warned his disciples. (Tanga Marcos 10: 28 - 30.) Yet the Bible says that "Asa's heart was complete all his life. " (Read Mark 10: 28 - 30.) ETYI aava enyingilikilo lio nonthiki mbo konthyulilo, Jesus wapulile okuti: "Olie tyilityili omuumbili wekolelo, walunguka, una omuhona wae apakulila onthumbo yovaumbili vae, opo evepe ongelo yavo ya kese nthiki? " At the same time, they blew their horns and shouted: "Jehovah's sword and Gideon's! " WHEN giving the sign of the end of the last days, Jesus asked: "Who really is the faithful steward, who is the one who will appoint over his servants each day? " Mongeleka, konthyimbi yovilinga via Jesus viokuivisa, omulume umwe utiwa o Natanayele, eya no pwe. We want to stay up - to - date with the understanding of Bible truth so that we can share accurate knowledge with others. For example, at the beginning of Jesus ' ministry, a man named Nathan came and approached him. Omukanda 2 Macabeus uhe - wovihonekua, wati Omunene - Nakwa Jason ahandele okukala nomphangu mo Jelusalei apa ovanthu mavelilongesila nokulilola okuhateka, ngo va Gregu, iya ova Judeu ovanyingi avanumana. - 2 Macabeus 4: 7 - 17. Why was Joshua courageous and successful? 2: 4 - 17. Tyotyili, yavilapo mononkhalelo ambuho. Some disregard God's Word altogether. In fact, the best way of life is by all means. EFO 10 OVIIMBO MAVIIMBWA: 67, 13 As a protection from their influence, the apostle Paul urged Timothy to " continue in the things that he had learned from infancy through the holy writings ' provided by God. - 2 Timothy 3: 14, 15. 10 Did You Know? Huku ankho ukahi nae, mokonda yotyo, Josue wafindile Otyilongo Valaelwe momanima epandu, menima 1467 P.K.E. Let us now examine five more of these as applied to Jesus in the Christian Greek Scriptures. * As a result, Joshua conquered the Promised Land in 1473 B.C.E. Etyi Daniele ankho ena omanima 100 iya ankho uhungi kokunkhia, tyafuile wasokele kuetyi matyikamoneka nae. The Bible Changes Lives 12 When Daniel was about 100 years old, he may have thought about what would happen to him. Oe katyitilwe vala mepundaumbo liahepa nokutekulwa mombunga yahepa, mahi tupu mokueenda kuomuenyo wae pano pohi kakalele novipuka ovinyingi. The words "by means of your seed " were a clear indication that the Seed would come as a human, a descendant of Abraham. He did not have to be poor in the poor city, but during the rest of his life on earth he did not have much of his life. Namphila pamwe okulinga etyi etuita tyesukisa ononkhono, mahi apeho tukala nehambu tyina tutavela ku Jeova. - Tanga Isaías 48: 17. 7, 8. Even if we want to do what he asks of us, we will always be happy when we obey Jehovah. - Read Isaiah 48: 17. Iya inkha usoka okuti omona wove walemana mokonda yove? For example, elders need courage when they handle cases of serious sin or when they help those whose life is in danger because of a medical emergency. What, though, if you feel that your child is ill because you have lost? 3: 11 - 14. Regarding those who scoff, Peter said: "According to their wish, this fact escapes their notice, that there were heavens from of old and an earth standing compactly out of water and in the midst of water by the word of God; and by those means the world of that time suffered destruction when it was deluged with water. 3: 11 - 14. Oñgeni omunthu apondola okulandula ongeleka ombi ya Andau? Sadly, rather than choosing to obey and live forever, Adam chose to ignore God's command, and he ate the forbidden fruit when his wife, Eve, gave it to him. How can a person follow Adam's bad example? " Pokati kenyi, tuakala ovaviuki, novakuatyili, nokuhena onombei. " - 1 TESSALONICENSES 2: 10. How do parents and children generally feel about one another, but what difficulty do they sometimes face? " Among you are righteous, righteous, and poor. " - 1 THESS. 2: 10. Kohale ankho tusoka okuti mokueenda Kuovita Viotete Viouye Auho, Huku ankho kayambe ovanthu vae mokonda ankho kavaundapa unene movilinga viokuivisa. * (See footnote.) In the past, we thought that during World War I, God rewarded his people for their ministry. (1 Coríntios 11: 3) Mahi Jeova ukevelela omulume akale onkhalamutwe una oluembia, ahakala omukalavi. It did not involve dedication to Jehovah, since Jesus was already part of God's dedicated nation of Israel. But Jehovah expects the husband to be loving, not harsh. Mahi ovaivisi 365 vekahi momawaneno 12 vapopia elaka litiwa Garifuna. * As was normal for young newlyweds in their area, they felt that they had to buy a house. But in the 12 congregations, there are 12 congregations in the original - language language language language. (Números 24: 5, 6) O testu oyo tyafuile ipopia omiti vitiwa Agarwood vikula unene avihiki po nometulu 30. (Read 2 Corinthians 1: 3, 4.) That scripture may have referred to the amazing trees of Hagar that must have been brought about 30 feet. Omokonda ankho una ovituwa oviwa, ovituwa Jeova ehole. Now here is a question worth thinking long and hard about: How could God eliminate suffering without taking away man's freedom? Because he had good qualities, Jehovah loved him. [ Olutalatu pefo 7] Certainly not! [ Picture on page 7] Okuti David wahambukilue etyi eiva okuti omona wae wankhia? One experience that illustrates this positive effect comes from Florida, U.S.A. Did David rejoice when he heard that his son had died? Vasa Epameko Mokuliongiya no Vakristau In addition, family problems and personal dilemmas have brought fear and sorrow. Find Refreshment in Spiritual Meetings and Christian Meetings Tyina tuhenelinge omatokolo akolela, apeho tuesukisa okulipula okuti: " Etokolo eli lilekesa okuti ndyihole Jeova? That year Lorraine and I accompanied Grant and Edith Suiter on visits to branch offices in Germany, Austria, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, and Israel. Before making important decisions, we should always ask ourselves: " What does it mean to love Jehovah? Nkhele soka, oñgeni molitehelela inkha wimbuka okuti wapopilua ounkhembi konthele ya Huku. What will help us to "observe the oneness of the spirit "? Think, for example, about how you would feel if you saw a lie about God. Opo ehike ko Betania, Jesus waenda ononthiki ononthatu, okuyauka Enyana Jordau nokulondeka netapalo lieyula ombuma litunda ko Jerikoo. In many parts of Africa, there is the widespread belief that a funeral must be large and impressive so as not to anger the ancestral spirits. To reach his destination in Bethany, Jesus took three days to the Jordan River and cross the Jordan into Jericho. (Lucas 10: 38 - 42) Ngotyo, Jesus walongesa otyipuka tyimwe tyakolela. Are we seeing great earthquakes, just as the Bible foretold? So Jesus taught an important lesson. Etyi Paulu aihana Timoteo okuti "efualali likahi nawa lia Kristu Jesus, " ayawisako okuti:" Petupu omulume ukala efualali tupu otyo elipaka monondando mbo mouye, opo ahambukiswe omunthu wemupaka koufualali. " Why not? When Paul called Timothy "the fine shepherd of Jesus Christ, " he added:" There is no man who has become a soldier who lives in the world so that he might make him a shepherd. " 5 - 11 YA KWENYE KUNENE, 2013 | PEFO 8 • OVIIMBO: 69, 89 Resentment could build, and the relationship between the lender and the borrower - and even between their families - may become strained. 16 Learn From God's Word - What Is the Good News About Religion? (João 14: 30) Mongeleka, ouye wa Satanasi uundapesa ehongiliyo liomalumono, pala okupaka ovanthu moupika. But he found something that helped him to be more confident. For example, Satan's world promotes materialism, which can lead to corruption. [ Ehangununo liolutalatu pefo 7] Although we are not serving at a literal temple as the priests and Levites did, we can imitate their spirit, having confidence that Jehovah will provide for us. [ Blurb on page 7] Jesus wakumbulula epulo olio etyi apopia okuti weya opo "aave omuenyo wae ngofeto pala okuyovola ovanthu ovanyingi. " They wanted to keep me away from a boy who liked me. Jesus answered this question when he said that he came "to give his soul a ransom in exchange for many. " Ñgeni ngotyo? Even if we find such heartfelt expressions difficult to put into words, we are not without help. How so? Alomwe Ombimbiliya ipopia okuti "Asa walingile ovipuka oviwa nomutima wae auho pononthiki mbae. " We can pray to Jehovah to help us make decisions that will please him. Even the Bible says that "he did good in his day. " Tupu, aveho kumue avahiki ononkhwino mbavo, avaulula onkhwo okuti: "Omutunga wa Jeova no wa Gideau! " All of us are needed. At the same time, all of them were forced to cry out: "Jehovah's presence and Gideon! " Tuesukisa okunoñgonoka ovipuka ovipe konthele yotyili Tyombimbiliya opo tutyivile okulongesa vakuetu enoñgonoko liafuapo. When it was found in Benjamin's bag, all of them were brought back to Joseph. We need to understand new truths about Bible truth so that we can teach others accurate knowledge. Omokonda yatyi Josue ali nomutima wakola novilinga viae aviende nawa? The gift of answers to our prayers. Why was Joshua courageous and his work successful? (2 Timóteo 4: 3, 4) Vamwe kavetavela Ondaka ya Huku aiho. One such Levite was a singer and composer. Some reject God's Word completely. (1 Coríntios 1: 18, 19; Colossenses 2: 4, 8) Opo veliyakulile komahongiliyo avo, apostolu Paulu walondola Timóteo opo " atualeko movipuka elilongesa tunde pouna movihonekwa vikola ' viaawa na Huku. - 2 Timóteo 3: 14, 15. They may need practical help, emotional support, or encouragement from the Bible. To protect themselves from such influences, the apostle Paul admonished Timothy to " keep on teaching from the holy writings. ' - 2 Timothy 3: 14, 15. Pahe, tutalei omanyina etano enkhimano Jesus apewa Movihonekwa vio Gregu. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Let us, then, consider five names that Jesus gave from the Christian Greek Scriptures. Ombimbiliya Ipilulula Omuenyo Wovanthu 12 Jehovah's will for Jesus involved preaching the good news of God's Kingdom, making disciples, and preparing them for future disciple - making work. The Bible Changes Lives 12 Onondaka "menyina liombuto " ankho mbulekesa nawa okuti Ombuto, omunthu meya okutunda mombunga ya Abraiau. As a result, it may be difficult for others to know whether they are Jehovah's Witnesses or not. - James 4: 4. The expression "seed " clearly indicates that the seed would come from Abraham's family. 7, 8. (c) What questions will we consider? 7, 8. Mongeleka, ovakulu vewaneno vesukisa okukola omutima tyina vatomphola nomunthu walinga onkhali onene ine tyina vakuatesako omunthu una otyitateka tyekongoko. Happily, he has made it possible for us to make our mind over and to cultivate soundness of mind. For example, elders need courage when dealing with someone who has committed serious sin or who has a serious health problem. (2 Pedro 2: 5) Konthele ya vana valinga omukuele, Petulu wati: "Mokonda yehando liavo, kavanoñgonokele otyili tyokuti tunde kohale mokonda yondaka ya Huku kuali eulu, noohi yatumbuluka kohi yomeva, aikala pokati komeva. Iya moluotyo, ouye wo kononthiki ombo, auhanyaunwako nomeva ombila onene. For a detailed discussion on this point, see The Watchtower, April 15, 1996, pages 28 - 29. Regarding those who ridicule, Peter said: "Because they did not understand the truth from the beginning of the word of God and of the heavens and the earth, they became filled with water. Andau ketavelele otyitumino tya Huku, walia kotyinyango tyailikwa etyi omukai wae Eva emuavela - tyo. Do you clearly see Jehovah's hand in your life? Adam disobeyed God's command not to eat the forbidden fruit from her wife. Oñgeni ovohe novana pamwe velitehelela? Mahi pamwe tyivepuiya okulinga tyi? Our light is shining brightly! How may parents and children sometimes feel, but what may it be difficult for parents to do? * (Tala onondaka pokatoi.) For instance, critical situations may develop during a natural disaster. * (See footnote.) Ankho kailekesa okulipakula ku Jeova, mokonda Jesus ankho ukahiale melongo lio Isilayeli lielipakulale ku Huku. WHAT DO YOU THINK? He did not prove to be dedicated to Jehovah, for Jesus had already been dedicated to the nation of Israel to God. * Ngetyi tyilinga aveho vokuanepa pahetyino potyilongo tyavo, ankho navo vahanda okulanda ondyuo yavo. Why? * Like all married couples in their area, they also wanted to buy their home. (Tanga 2 Coríntios 1: 3, 4.) When you have that kind of pain, you need to strengthen your own faith. (Read 2 Corinthians 1: 3, 4.) Pahe, pena epulo ekuavo wesukisa okusoka nawa, liati: Oñgeni Huku apondola okumanako ononkhumbi ahapolo ovanthu epondolo liavo liokuliholovonena? Swim where it is safe; stay in the congregation! Now there is another question that we need to think carefully: How could God allow suffering to prevent humans from allowing their free will? Au! Similarly, in modern times, Jehovah's Witnesses scour the earth in search of those who yearn to know and serve God. Of course not! Ongeleka imwe ityilekesa nawa oyo ko Florida, Amelika. 7, 8. (a) Whose side do we take, and why? An example proves this in Florida, U.S.A. Tupu, ovitateka mombunga, novitateka ovikuavo tuna, vikahi nokuetesa owoma, notyiho. A human craftsman uses his hands and tools to make things, but God sends forth holy spirit to accomplish his great works. On the other hand, the challenges of family members and other problems we face, the challenges of dread, anxiety, and anxiety. Menima olio, ame na Lorraine atuende kumwe na Grant na Edith Suiter okukatalelapo ono Filiyale mbo ko Alemanha, Austrália, Grécia, Chipre, Turquia, no Israel. Why would it be wise for you to consider adjusting your schedule or lifestyle in order to pioneer? In that year, I was able to move to Germany, Asia, Greece, Asia, and Israel. Oityi matyitukuatesako okutualako newaneko mewaneno? When Joseph was 17 years old, his brothers kidnapped him and sold him as a slave. What will help us to remain united in the congregation? Kononthele ononyingi mo Afilika, ovanthu vetavela okuti omutambo una okulingwa monkhalelo ihuvisa, no kuankhimana, opo onohande mbovakuaukulu mbahanumane. For example, we need food, clothing, and a place to live. In many parts of Africa, people believe that the funeral should be done in an amazing way, so they should be treated as if they were not treated. Okuti tukahi nokumona ovinimawe ovinene, ngetyi Ombimbiliya yapopia? By the same token, Peter's use of "heavens " would also be symbolic. Do we see great earthquakes, such as the Bible foretold? Omokonda yatyi? We want our relatives to be refreshed by drinking the cool, clear water of truth. Why? Upondola okukala nonkhongo, iya oupanga ankho muna nae upondola okunyonwa, alo umwe oupanga ankho ukahi pokati ko nombunga mbavo. This publication is not for sale. You could become bitter, and you might even have had a close relationship with their relatives. Mahi wavasa otyipuka tyimwe tyemukuatesako okuliyumba vali onthumbi. (Read Isaiah 57: 15; 2 Chron. But she found something that helped her to trust. Ankho vanthuala oko mokonda ankho vahanda ndyikale kokule nomukuendye umwe ankho unthyanda. Secrets of Contentment, 11 / 1 They sent me to the camp because they wanted to distance me from a young boy. 119: 145; Lam. 3: 41) Inkha katutyivili okuvasa onondaka opo tupopie oñgeni tulitehela, tuna ombatelo. Still, what words could convey the pain that Mary felt as she saw her son suffer a terrible death on a torture stake? If we cannot find out how we feel, we need help. (Gênesis 9: 4; Atos 15: 28, 29) Tupondola okuita ku Jeova opo etukuateseko okulinga omatokolo emuhambukiswa. And it seems that she did not have any children. We can ask Jehovah to help us make decisions that please him. Onthue atuho tuakolela. THE BIBLE CHANGES LIVES All of us are precious. Etyi okopo oyo yavasiwa mosako ya Benjamim, aveho avakondolwa ku Jose. Their continuing to receive such blessings, however, was contingent on their obeying God's Law, which included regularly offering to Jehovah "the best of the first ripe fruits " of the land. When the cup was found in Benjamin's camp, all of them came from Joseph. Omakumbululo omalikuambelo etu. WHEN God's people left Babylon in 537 B.C.E., Jehovah took an interest in their route to Jerusalem. Our answers to our prayers. (Lamentações 3: 24) Mongeleka, Ombimbiliya ipopia omu Levita omuimbi nomuhoneki woviimbo ankho uti Jeova epingo liange. Heaven. - HEBREWS 9: 24. For example, the Bible refers to the Levites and the sang of Jehovah as my share. Pamwe vesukisa okupewa otyipuka tyimwe, ine okuvepameka Nombimbiliya. How can we comfort others? At times, they may need something, or they encourage us by means of the Bible. Ono testu mbukahi momukanda ou, mbapolwa mo Mbimbiliya Tradução do Novo Mundo das Escrituras Sagradas. Everything on the earth will perish. " Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Movilinga Jeova ahandele Jesus alinge, ankho muakutikinya okuivisa onondaka onongwa Mbouhamba wa Huku, nokulinga ovalongwa, nokuvepongiya opo vatualeko nokulinga ovilinga ovio komutwe. * Another example is Jacob, who was deceived into believing that his son Joseph had been killed by a wild animal. Jehovah wanted Jesus to do this by preaching the good news of God's Kingdom, making disciples, and preparing them for the future. (1 Timóteo 2: 9, 10) Moluotyo, ovanyingi tyihole okuvepuiya okuimbuka inkha ovanthu ovo Onombangi umwe mba Jeova. - Tiago 4: 4. He lost his livelihood, children, friends, and health, and his wife lost confidence in Jehovah. As a result, many have found it difficult to identify whether these Witnesses are Jehovah's Witnesses. - Jas. 4: 4. (c) Omapulo patyi matulilongesa? What fruitage does pornography produce? (c) What questions will we consider? (Deuteronômio 32: 4) Utuavela etyi tuesukisa opo tupilulule onkhalelo yetu yokusoka, nokulilongesa okukala nonondunge onongwa. They reject it at heart, knowing that as the disciple James wrote, "friendship with the world is enmity with God. " - Jas. He gives us what we need to change our way of thinking and learn about the good news. Opo ulilongese vali nawa konthele oyo, tala O Sentinela 15 ya Abril yo 1996, pomafo 28 - 29. Some parents have noted that communication is more challenging when their children become teenagers - they may tend to withdraw and feel awkward about revealing their thoughts and feelings. For more information on this subject, see The Watchtower of April 15, 1934, pages 28 - 29. Pamwe, omokonda yatyi tuahamonena okuvoko kwa Jeova momuenyo wetu? Christians made good use of the Roman system of roads. In some cases, why do we not see Jehovah's hand in our life? Otyo tyilekesa nawa okuti otyimimi tyetu tyikahi nokuliaima! You likely know someone who is divorced - perhaps a number of such ones. How clearly it is to know that our light is light! Ovanyingi ovakalavi, nokuhena oluembia, no kuhehole otyiwa. (2 Tim. (Read Matthew 13: 11, 12.) Many are cruel, cold, and cold. OITYI OVE USOKA? He refers to it as "old " because Jesus gave it over 60 years before John penned his first inspired letter. WHAT DO YOU THINK? Omokonda yatyi? Additionally, we must maintain our own spirituality. Why? Tyina una oluihamo, wesukisa okupameka ekolelo liove. He will use the power that the Father has given him to restore humans to perfection. When you feel pain, you need to strengthen your faith. Yoela apa pekahi nawa, tualako okukala mewaneno! 18, 19. (a) What kind of attitude does God's holy spirit produce within us? No matter where you are, remain in the congregation! Tupu, mononthiki mbo hono, Onombangi mba Jeova vaivisa onondaka onongwa ouye auho, okuovola vana vahanda okunoñgonoka Huku nokumuumbila. What was meant by the expression "a kingdom of priests "? Similarly today, Jehovah's Witnesses preach the good news worldwide, search for those who want to know God and serve him. 7, 8. (a) Opi tuahula, iya omokonda yatyi? If that woman had acted differently, the loaf of bread that she made from her meager supply of flour and oil may well have been her last meal. 7, 8. (a) Where are we here, and why? Ngetyi omuhongi wonombiya aundapesa amaoko ae, novikuavo opo alinge ovipuka, na Huku uundapesa ospilitu sandu yae opo alinge ovilinga viae ovinene. Is God so distant from humans that he fails to notice us? Just as a potter uses his hands and abilities to accomplish things that God uses his holy spirit to accomplish his great work. Omokonda yatyi otyiwa okusoka nawa inkha upondola okukala omukokoli - ndyila? However, our enemy Satan the Devil is determined to break our integrity. Why is it good to think carefully about whether you can pioneer? Etyi Jose ena omanima 17, ovakulu vae vemulandesa opo akale omupika. (b) What will political leaders do, and who may join them? When Joseph was 17 years old, his brothers sold him as a slave. Tulekesei Okuti Tukahi Nokukula Mopaspilitu He will help all to appreciate what Christ did for us. He died as a ransom that we may live. Make Spiritual Progress Mongeleka, tuesukisa okulia, nomuvalo, nondyuo. (Read Romans 7: 21 - 23.) For example, we need food, clothing, shelter, and shelter. Tupu Petulu wapopia "eulu " ngotyilekeso vala. In outlining this arrangement, the October 2008 Kingdom Ministry stated: "Family heads are encouraged to shoulder their responsibility before Jehovah to ensure that a meaningful, regular program of family Bible study is followed. " Peter also mentions "the heavens " in a figurative sense. (João 4: 13, 14) Tuhanda onombunga mbetu vanwe omeva otyili atenda nawa nokuasukuka. * We want our relatives to drink the water that is clean and clean. Omukanda ou kaulandeswa. We Must Love Jehovah This publication is not for sale. (Tanga Isaías 57: 15; 2 Crônicas 16: 9.) (Read 1 John 4: 7, 8.) (Read Isaiah 57: 15; 2 Chronicles 16: 9.) Omalikumbelo, 1 / 11 The word rendered "amen " is a transliteration of a Hebrew word that means" so be it, " or "surely. " ALSO IN THIS ISSUE, 11 / 1 Anthi, onondaka patyi ankho mbupondola okutepulula oluihamo Maliya akalele nalo etyi omona wae ekahi nokumona ononkhumbi mbokuipawa momuti wemone? If we pursue a habit that hurts those close to us, we are not showing neighborly love. But what message could have caused Mary's grief when her son suffered the death of a torture stake? Ankho kapondola okukala vali novana. So Christian ministers must be alert observers. He could not have children. OMBIMBILIYA IPILULULA OMUENYO WOVANTHU I enjoyed reading the Bible, especially the four Gospels. THE BIBLE CHANGES LIVES Mokueenda kuomanima omanyingi, wevehongolela novitumino viae nokuveavela ovipuka aviho vesukisa momuenyo. How will that active force help us? For many years, he guides them and gave them everything they needed in life. ETYI ova Isilayeli vatunda mo Mbambilonia menima 537 P.K.E., Jeova ankho wesuka unene noungendi wavo wokukondoka ko Jelusalei. This refers to the distress Mary would experience upon seeing the majority of the people reject Jesus as the Messiah and the grief she would feel over his painful death. - John 19: 25. WHEN the Israelites returned from Babylon in 537 B.C.E., Jehovah was especially interested in their journey to Jerusalem. Eulu. - HEBREUS 9: 24. But Peter fell asleep again and later gave in to fear and pressure. The heavens are ours. - HEBREWS 9: 24. Oñgeni tupondola okuungumanesa vakuetu? (b) Why can we be sure that Psalm 16: 10 did not refer to David? How can we comfort others? Atyiho tyikahi kombanda yo ohi matyinkhi. " (b) Why should we be particularly interested in obtaining Jehovah's blessing? All the earth will be brought to nothing. " * Ongeleka onkhuavo o ya Jako, wakembelue etavela okuti omona wae Jose waliwa notyinyama. That is hundreds of millions, perhaps billions, of spirit creatures! * Another example of Jacob's great - grandson Jacob believed that his son Joseph was a wild beast. Oe wakotehile atyiho ankho ena, novana, nomapanga, nokuvela, iya omukai wae ahayumbu vali onthumbi mu Jeova. Here is an important lesson: We can help others understand the Bible's counsel that applies to their situation. He was trapped in all his ways, children, and friends, and his wife did not trust in Jehovah. (Mateus 7: 17) Ovipuka vihongiliya ovanthu okulinga otyihola, vieta ovinyango patyi? Do we trust in Jehovah's promise to provide what we really need? What are pornography, and what fruitage does it produce? Moluotyo, ovalanduli vo tyotyili va Kristu, kavelityilika vala okukala konthele youye. The inspired Bible writer then goes on, as noted in verse 20, to give us a reason for avoiding such an attitude: "For there is no man righteous in the earth that keeps doing good and does not sin. " As a result, Christ's true followers do not simply refrain from taking sides in the world's conflicts. Ovohe vamwe vaimbuka okuti tyipuiya vali unene okutomphola novana vavo, tyina pahe vekahi nokukula. Tyina ovana vekahi nokukula, pamwe kavahande okupopia etyi vasoka. Today, we have the complete written Word of God. Some parents realize that it is difficult to talk to their children when they are growing up, and they may not want to talk about it. Ova Roma valingile omatapalo ena onokilometu mbulamba po 80.000 aya movilongo aviho vatumina. God's Word indicates that he said: "Look! Roman armies traveled over 8,000 miles (900 km) from countries. Omokonda yatyi tyakolela okutualako nokuundapa movilinga via Huku? It does not say how far Jesus was from Jerusalem or how long he was tempted by Satan. Why is it important to keep busy in God's service? Ove hamwe wii ovanthu ovanyingi velihenga, mokonda okulihenga hono tyakaka unene. Clearly, many people wanted what I had to give. You may know many divorce because divorce is common today. (Tanga Mateus 13: 11, 12.) What is revealed in various portions of the Bible? (Read Matthew 13: 11, 12.) (João 13: 34) Wati "otyikulu ," mokonda Jesus ankho wetyiava omanima alamba po 60 puetyi João nkhele ehenehoneke omukanda wae wotete. God's promises will always be fulfilled. He said that they were "old " for more than 60 years before John wrote his first letter. Tupu, tuesukisa okutualako okupameka oupanga wetu na Jeova opo tutualeko okupandwa nae. • Why is it vital that we wear "the breastplate of righteousness "? We also need to keep our relationship with Jehovah strong so that we can maintain his approval. Makaundapesa epondolo Tate yae emuavela opo akondole ovanthu komuenyo uhena nkhali. They found peace only when they began associating with God's people and living in accord with Bible principles. He will use his Father's power to restore humans to perfection. 18, 19. (a) Ospilitu sandu ya Huku itukuatesako okukala novituwa patyi? In addition to the enemy nations, Jephthah also had challenges with his own brothers and the leaders of Israel. 18, 19. (a) God's holy spirit helps us to develop what qualities? Onondaka "ouhamba wovanakua " mbulekesa tyi? " My wife felt that if we didn't live near her parents, she would be disloyal to them, " says a husband in Spain named Luis. What does the expression "a kingdom of priests " represent? (1 Reis 17: 16; 18: 1) Inkha omukai oo ketavelele ku Eliya, ohinde nomulela ñgeno viapuamo iya avankhi kondyala. Later, they constructed a temple for the worship of Jehovah. If the woman did not accept Elijah's flour and oil, she would not get tired and die. Okuti Huku ukahi unene kokule novanthu ketyivili okututala? Is there, then, any reliable source of help? Does God feel that he is far away from people who do not know him? Mahi ondyale yetu Satanasi Eliapu, ulinga atyiho evila opo anyone ekolelo lietu. Meditate on Jesus ' wonderful counsel recorded there. But our enemy, the Devil, does all he can to resist our integrity. (b) Oityi ovatumini vopulitika no nonkhalamutwe vonongeleya mavakalinga? If they succeed in discouraging you, you could begin to wonder whether your sacrifices are worthwhile or if you can really carry out your assignment. (b) What do political leaders and political leaders do they do? Mahangununa okuti ononkhia mba Kristu mbaikula ondyila opo tuyovolwe atukala nomuenyo wahapu. The Israelites were familiar with kings and priests, but Melchizedek was the only man of the past who had held both offices at the same time with Jehovah's approval. It explains that Christ's death opened the way for us to have everlasting life. [ Ehangununo liolutalatu pefo 25] Why was the way Jehovah punished Moses right and fair? [ Picture on page 25] (Tanga Romanos 7: 21 - 23.) Those who view pornography find it difficult to erase the immoral scenes from their minds. (Read Romans 7: 21 - 23.) Omukanda Ovilinga Vietu Viouhamba wa Kulindi yo 2008, wati: "Onohongoi mbo nombunga, vekahi nokupewa ondundo opo vafuisepo otyilinga tyavo vapewa na Jeova, tyokukala no programa yokulilongesa Ombimbiliya apeho nombunga. " The apostles chose men with Greek names, perhaps to make the widows feel more comfortable. - Acts 6: 2 - 6. Our work of Kingdom Ministry of October 2008 says: "The family members are being given the responsibility to fulfill their role as part of Jehovah's organization and to continue regular Bible study with family worship. " * Although Jehovah has declared his anointed ones righteous as sons and the other sheep righteous as friends on the basis of Christ's ransom sacrifice, personal differences will arise as long as any of us are alive on earth in this system of things. * Tuna Okukala Nohole na Jeova If you have recently symbolized your dedication to God by water baptism, you would no doubt appreciate benefiting from the experience of those who have been preaching longer than you have. We Must Love Jehovah (Tanga 1 João 4: 7, 8.) Can any government change human nature? (Read 1 John 4: 7, 8.) Melaka lio Hebreu ondaka yapitiyua "amem, " ihangununa okuti" tyilingwe ngotyo, " ine "otyo yatyo. " His mental prowess? The Hebrew word translated "honor " literally means" yes, " or "let it be it. " (Mateus 22: 39) Inkha tuna otyituwa tyokulinga omapita vana tunavo, tyilekesa okuti tutupu ohole navo. Explain the problem that faces the man in the illustration and how he decides to handle this problem. If we have a negative attitude toward those around us, we do not mean that we do not love them. Moluotyo, ovaivisi Ovakristau vesukisa okutala nawa. 9: 22 - 24. What did Solomon conclude about those who are successful before God? As a result, mature Christians need to be careful. Ankho ndyina ehambu liokutanga Ombimbiliya, haunene ono Evandyeliu ononkhuana. " The living are conscious that they will die, " states God's Word, "but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all. " I enjoyed reading the Bible, especially the four Gospels. Oñgeni ononkhono ombo mambutukuatesako? Do such questions occur to you at times? How can this force help us? Otyo ankho tyilekesa ononkhumbi Maliya makamona, okutala ovanthu ovanyingi vehetavela okuti Jesus oe Mesiya, nomuihamo wokutala ononkhia mbomona wae. - João 19: 25. It's difficult, but I feel much better when I do. This meant that Mary would experience the death of many who refused to see that Jesus was the Messiah, the pain of his death. - John 19: 25. (Marcos 14: 38) Mahi, Petulu alala vali iya konyima akala nowoma, nokuyeka ahongiliyue. How can we imitate Job's faith and obedience? However, Peter became enraged and later became afraid and tried to influence him. (b) Oñgeni onthue tutyii okuti o Salmo 16: 10 kaipopi David? (a) What was noteworthy about the early Christian congregation? (b) How do we know that Psalm 16: 10 does not say about David? (b) Kese umwe una okukala nesuko liokupewa ononkhano onongwa mba Huku mokonda yatyi? King Solomon of ancient Israel summed up the situation very well. (b) Why should each one be interested in receiving God's blessing? Otyo tyilekesa okuti kuna onoandyu ononyingi - nyingi ovityita novityita. BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "A true companion is loving all the time, and is a brother that is born for when there is distress. " - PROVERBS 17: 17. This means that there are billions of angels. Ei ondongeso imwe yakolela: Onthue tupondola okukuatesako vakuetu okunoñgonoka omalondolo Ombimbiliya elikuata nonkhalelo avasiwa. [ Picture on page 9] This is an important doctrine: We can help others to understand the Bible's advice found in the Bible. Okuti tuna onthumbi momulao wa Jeova wokuti metuavela etyi tuesukisa? 23: 1, 2; 24: 1, 15, 21 - 24. Do we trust in Jehovah's promise that he will provide what we need? Ombimbiliya, ondaka yatumwa okuhonekwa na Huku, itualako okutuavela ehunga liokulityilika otyituwa otyo mo versikulu 20, yati: "Mokonda kutupu omunthu na wike omuviuki kombanda yoohi, utualako okulinga oviwa ahalingi onkhali. " If you choose to spend excessive time on recreation and entertainment, you will find that your downtime is not as refreshing as it could be. In fact, the Bible is inspired by God to give us reason to avoid this attitude: "Because there is no righteous man on the earth, he keeps doing good. " Hono, onthue tuna Ondaka ya Huku aiho yahonekwa. If Habakkuk had entertained such ideas, he would have lost his favored position before Jehovah - and possibly his life during the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians! Today, we have God's Word completely. Ondaka ya Huku ilekesa etyi apopia okuti: "Tala! As told by Ronald J. God's Word reveals what he said: "Look! Kaipopi otyikambo aenda okuenda okutunda moluhandya alo ko Jelusalei, tupu kaipopi omuvo akala tyilolwa na Satanasi. Is God's rest day still ongoing? In the wilderness, we moved to Jerusalem from the wilderness to Jerusalem, and it does not refer to the time to Satan's temptations. Tyotyili, ovanthu ovanyingi ankho vetyihanda. She is "holy and without blemish. " In fact, many people were disappointed. Oityi ononthele ononyingi Mbombimbiliya mbulekesa? When might we need to end a friendship? What do many parts of the Bible reveal? Omilao via Huku apeho vifuisuapo. Jonathan even warned David when Saul wanted to kill him. God's promises always come true. • Omokonda yatyi tyakolela tuvale "ondyakulilo yotyivela youviuki monthulo "? There, while Jesus was fasting, praying, and meditating, Jehovah likely instructed and enlightened his Son about what lay ahead for him. • Why is it important to be "the breastplate of righteousness "? Vavasa vala ombembwa etyi vahimbika okuliongiya novanthu va Huku nokulandula ovitumino vio Mbimbiliya. If a young man or woman passes a certain age without getting married, concerned friends and relatives may feel impelled to give him or her some advice. They find peace when they began associating with God's people and follow Bible standards. (Juízes 10: 7, 8) Tupu tyihenondyale ombo vala, Jefete ankho una vali ovitateka ovikuavo nombunga yae nononkhalamutwe mbova Isilayeli. • What is the most precious possession that we have? The same was true of Jephthah's family and his family. Omulume umwe utiwa o Luis ko Espanha, wati: "Omukai wange usoka okuti inkha katukala popepi novohe, otyo tyilekesa okuti katuvehole. Why, city lights make it almost impossible for us to see the light emanating from distant stars! A husband in Spain says: "My wife and I think that if we do not live near their parents, it means that we do not love them. (1 Reis 8: 27, 29) Etyi ovanthu va Huku vakondoka koukonde ko Mbambilonia, apeho ankho veliongiya mondyuo yokufendela. 4: 32. When God's people returned to Babylon, they regularly gathered in the synagogue. (1 Pedro 5: 7) Okuti kuna ou upondola okuava ombatelo yotyotyili? Because during the reigns of David and Solomon, Tyre's king was friendly toward Israel. Is there someone who can give support to the true God? Sokolola nawa konondonga onongwa unene mba Jesus mbuvasiwamo. On what should our faith be based? Reflect on Jesus ' wise advice. (Mat. 10: 34 - 37) Inkha vekusoyesa, upondola okuhimbika okusoka okuti etyi ukahi nokulinga katyisilivilale, ine okusoka okuti kumetyivili okufuisapo ovilinga viove. Yet, he said that he had "learned to be content whatever the circumstances. " - Italics ours; Philippians 4: 11, 12, New International Version. If he works hard, he might begin to feel that he is not doing what he is doing or that he is not capable of carrying out your work. Ova Isilayeli ankho vei nawa ono hamba novanakwa. Mahi, o Melkisedeke vala wapelue na Jeova ovilinga ovio vivali momuvo wike vala. Moreover, being part of a loving international brotherhood is a source of tremendous joy. The Israelites knew of kings and priests, but only Melchizedek, Jehovah had given him this work only one time. Omokonda yatyi onkhalelo Jeova akoyesile Moisesi yaviuka? Of course, in our effort to keep our words crisp and clear, we would not want to be blunt or tactless. - Read 1 Corinthians 14: 8, 9. Why did Jehovah bring Moses the right way? Vana vevitala tyivepuiya unene okuvinyima momitima viavo. [ Footnote] Those who make it difficult for them to break free from their hearts. Ono apostolu vaholovona ovalume vena omanyina o Gregu, tyafuile opo tyipameke ovahepe. - Atos 6: 2 - 6. 1, 2. (a) What can result from thinking and speaking about a loved one? The apostles chose the names of the Greek apostles, evidently to encourage the widows. - Acts 6: 2 - 6. Namphila Jeova apopia ovalembulwa ovaviuki okuti ovana vae, iya onongi ononkhuavo omapanga ae mokonda yofeto yeyovo Kristu aava, mononthiki mbuno mbonthyulilo, pamwe tupondola okukala novitateka navakuetu. Jehovah God has set an "appointed time " to bring an end to wickedness and to install his Kingdom government. Although Jehovah says that his anointed ones are declared righteous and his friends because of Christ's ransom sacrifice in these last days, we may face difficult situations. Inkha wambatisalua pahetyino, upondola okulilongesila kuvana vekahi nokuivisale omanima omanyingi. He adjusted the way he preached, and he spoke in a different way to people of different backgrounds so that he "might by all possible means save some. " - 1 Corinthians 9: 20 - 23. If you are baptized now, you can learn from those who have been preaching for many years. Okuti kuna outumini upondola okupilulula omitima viovanthu? The 2013 Global Corruption Barometer, published by Transparency International, reported that people worldwide have the perception that the five most corrupt institutions are political parties, the police, public officials, the legislature, and the judiciary. Is there any government that can change people's heart? Okuti omokonda yokuakola omutima? How does God's spirit play a key role in helping us to become more effective ministers? Is it because you are mature? Hangununa otyitateka tyakalele nomulume mongeleka no ñgeni atokola okutyitetulula. This can be difficult. Explain what happened in the illustration of a man and how he decided to deal with them. Oityi Salomau apopile konthele yokukala nomuenyo omuwa komaiho a Huku? Both men later expressed how they felt about Jehovah's record in fulfilling his every promise. What did Solomon say about success in God's eyes? Ondaka ya Huku yati: "Ovanthu vokuna omuenyo vetyii okuti mavankhi, mahi vokuankhia, kavei vali natyike, vetupu vali ofeto, mokonda kavasoko vali natyike. " Just before the nation of Israel entered the Promised Land, Jehovah indicated that remarkable prosperity and protection would be theirs if they obeyed his voice. God's Word says: "The living know that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all. " Okuti noove pamwe ulilinga omapulo oo? (b) How does Peter's experience affect you? Do you at times ask yourself such questions? Otyo katyapepukile, mahi ndyilitehelela nawa tyina ndyityilinga. Consider the prize that Jehovah has set before you. This may not be easy, but it is easier for me to do so. Oñgeni tupondola okuhetekela ekolelo notyitwa tyokutavela tya Job? It is vital that you be realistic in your expectations and, at the same time, not justify or condone wrong conduct or attitudes. How can we imitate Job's faith and obedience? (a) Ovakristau potyita tyo tete ankho vaundapa ñgeni? The most important Bible studies you will ever have are those you conduct with your children. (a) How did Christians in the first century serve? Solomau Ohamba yo Isilayeli kohale, wahangununa nawa otyitateka otyo. Then, in the year 36, the territory expanded even more to include uncircumcised Gentiles. Solomon's King Solomon of ancient Israel clearly explained the situation. ONONDONGA MBO MBIMBILIYA: "Epanga liotyotyili una ohole omuvo auho, omukuatate watyitua pala okuvatela pomuvo wononkhumbi. " - PROVÉRBIOS 17: 17. Jesus Christ told the apostle Peter: "Simon, Simon, look! BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "A true friend is loving all the time, and a brother is born for times of distress. " - PROVERBS 17: 17. [ Olutalatu pefo 21] So before calling him, she and her husband would ask Jehovah to help them avoid answering him in an angry way. [ Picture on page 17] Moluotyo, ovanthu avalae okuumbila vala Jeova. - Josué 23: 1, 2; 24: 1, 15, 21 - 24. Jesus invites us to see Jehovah as a caring Father who is eager to respond to the needs of his children. 23: 1, 2; 24: 1, 15, 15 - 24. Inkha uholovona okukala omuvo omunyingi povitalukiso, kamavikuhambukiswa, mahi mavikuponeswa vali. The Bible is always right, and the only way anyone can direct attention to sound counsel on marriage is to stick to the standards set out in the Scriptures. If you choose to spend time with your leisure activities, you will likely find that it will not be too late. Iya inkha kafuilepo etyi onthyulilo yeya, ñgeno wankhia. Millions are struggling to cope with the day - to - day pressures of living in this wicked system of things. And if he did not receive the end, he would have died. Tyapopiwa na Ronald J. More than a century before Daniel's time, Jehovah revealed through the prophet Isaiah details about the world power that would conquer Babylon. As told by J. Konyima, Huku tupu wati ovanthu vapondola okunyingila mepululukwo liae. What might such weights be? Later, God also stated that humans could enter into his rest. " Yakala osandu nokuhena osilo. " • Deuteronomy 7: 7, 8? " It is holy and worthless. " Onalupi tuesukisa okuyekapo oupanga tuna nepanga lietu? How did Jesus apply the illustration? When should we stop associating with our friend? 1 Samuel 18: 1, 3) Jonata alo umue walondolele David puetyi ankho Saulu ahanda okumuipaa. So we make sure that secular work, recreation, and material things have the correct place in our life. He even warned David when Saul wanted to kill him. (Lucas 4: 1) Oko, etyi Jesus ankho elikuambela, nokusokolola, nokuhali, Jeova walongesa nokupongiya Omona wae konthele yetyi matyikapita nae komutwe. And if we do not love our brothers, we cannot love God. There, when Jesus prayed and did not know Jehovah, he prepared and prepared his Son for the future. Tyina omunthu akala ehimbwe tyihanepe, ombunga nomapanga vasukalala nae nokumuavela onondonga konthele yokunepa. So God inspired Jeremiah to tell his secretary: "Look! What I have built up I am tearing down, and what I have planted I am uprooting, even all the land itself. When a person gets married, his family and friends are concerned about marriage. • Otyipuka patyi tyakolela unene onthue tuna? Likely, he will say yes. • What important thing do we have? (1 Coríntios 15: 40, 41) Mahi, momapundaumbo amwe muna omalusi, iya otyo katyimonekesa nawa otyimimi tyo nonthungululu mbuli keulu. Omokonda yatyi? 5 Is God a Real Person? But, then, there are other cities in the cities of the heavens, and there will be no light on the surface of the heavens. Ngotyo, ovalinepi vesukisa okupameka oupanga wavo, mokutomphola noluembia, nokuahiliya, nokankhenda. - Efésios 4: 32. 11, 12. (a) What two appointments does the faithful and discreet slave receive? 4: 32. Omokonda mokueenda kuoutumini wa David no wa Salomau, onohamba mbo Tiru ankho omapanga ova Isilayeli. A person can use a mirror to make sure that he is presentable. Because during David's reign and Solomon's reign, the kings of Israel became friends of Israel. Ekolelo lietu lina okutuka kutyi? Instead, our literature now focuses more on teaching valuable lessons from the Scriptures. Our faith has been taken away from you? Mahi, oe wati, "welilonga okuhambukilwa etyi ena kese muvo. " - Onthue tueiyendameka; Filipenses 4: 11, 12, New International Version. And that means all of us, young and old! Rather, he said, "Let us be content with what is at any time. " - Philippians 4: 11, 12; New International Version. Ohole ovakuatate vetu no nomphange mouye auho vena kese umwe namukuavo, ituhambukiswa unene. The Bible describes the extent of Jesus ' truthfulness in these well - known words: "No matter how many the promises of God are, they have become Yes by means of him. " Our love for our worldwide brotherhood and our brothers and sisters have deep affection for each other. Namphila tuhanda okupopia monkhalelo yayandyuluka nawa, tupondola okutala nawa etyi tupopia, atyahalekesa okuti tutupu onthilo. - Tanga 1 Coríntios 14: 8, 9. They would become a nation that followed only Jehovah's Law. Although we want to be honest in a clear way, we may feel that we are not interested in what we say. - Read 1 Corinthians 14: 8, 9. [ Footnotes] " You Must Love Your Neighbor as Yourself " [ Footnote] 1, 2. (a) Oityi tyimonekapo tyina tusoka nokupopia konthele yaumue tuhole? 17, 18. (a) Why did Jesus perform miracles? 1, 2. (a) What do we think about someone we love? Jeova Huku "momuwo wanakua " makaeta onthyulilo yonondingavivi nokupakako outumini Wouhamba wae. (Read Daniel 12: 4.) Jehovah God is "the appointed time " to bring an end to wickedness and end his Kingdom. (Atos 17: 22, 23) Paulu ankho wivisa mononkhalelo mbelikalaila mokonda ankho uvasa ovanthu velikalaila opo etyivile " okuyovola vamwe. ' - 1 Coríntios 9: 20 - 23. Your good example might even make your husband want to serve Jehovah, and then you both can win the prize. - Read 1 Peter 3: 1, 2. Paul preached in different ways because he met people "to save. " - 1 Cor. 9: 20 - 23. Omukanda walingwa neongano litiwa Transparência Internacional, wapopia okuti ovanthu vakemba vali, ovatumini, nomakakunye, nomafualali, no vokulinga ovitumino, novateti vonomphela. But Jesus was willing to use his power to help others. In fact, the International International Bible Students said that people are superior to government officials, officials, police, and laws. Oñgeni ononkhono mba Huku mbutuvatela opo tukale vali ovanongo pokuivisa? Hope can protect our thinking too. How can holy spirit help us to become more skilled in the ministry? (Efésios 4: 25) Otyo katyapepukile. Have you ever felt oppressed by "mortal man "? This is not easy. Konyima etyi Josue na Kalebe vapopia konthele yekolelo liavo mu Jeova, vapopila aveho okuti Jeova apeho ufuisapo omilao viae. The crowd that survive "the great tribulation " must indeed be great. After Joshua and Caleb spoke about their faith in Jehovah, they told them that Jehovah would always keep his promises. Puetyi nkhele elongo lio Isilayeli lihenenyingile Motyilongo Valaelwe, Jeova walekesile okuti mekeveavela ononkhano onongwa unene neameno, inkha vetavela ondaka yae. It tells us why we are here, why there is so much suffering, and what God expects of us. Before the nation of Israel entered the Promised Land, Jehovah showed that he would bless them and protect them if they obeyed his voice. (b) Oityi ulilongesila kuetyi tyamonekelele Petulu? How should we be affected by knowing that this system's end is near? (b) What have you learned from Peter's experience? Soka kondyambi Jeova ekupakela. Was this temple to be the same as "the true tent " that he later described in his letter to the Hebrews? Think about the reward that Jehovah has for you. Tuna okunoñgonoka okuti ovana ponthyimbi otyo vekahi, iya pamwe, nokuevela oviteto vimwe novituwa vimwe valinga. " The Lamb " whose marriage will be a cause for joy in heaven is none other than Jesus Christ. We need to know that such children are at first, and at times they may be forgiven by forgiveness and qualities. Kala nohole novana vove: Popila ovana vove okuti uvehole unene. Lekesa okuti vakolela unene kuove. In ancient Israel, Jehovah made it clear to his people that physical cleanliness was essential. Show love for your children: Tell your children that you love them very much. Menima 36, ovanthu aveliyawisa vali unene mokonda ankho pahe kuayawisa ovanthu vehe va Judeu. I grew up learning the rules of the streets. In 36 C.E., the number of non - Jews had become abundant in the number of non - Jews. Jesus Kristu wapopilile apostolu Petulu okuti: "Simau, Simau, tala! The issue of your integrity thus makes day - to - day conduct and choices quite important. Jesus Christ told the apostle Peter: " Simon, Simon, look! Iya ame nomulume wange tyina matuende keumbo lia tate - ivi, tete tulikuambela opo Jeova etukuateseko okukala nomapole. THE THREAT: Papyrus and parchment were the primary writing materials used by Bible writers and copyists. And when my husband and I go home, we first pray for Jehovah's help to be mild. Jesus ukahi nokutulongesa opo tutale okuti Jeova o Tate una oluembia, wafuapo pala okukuatesako ovana vae. Most people have never been treated as badly as David was. Jesus has taught us to see that Jehovah is a loving Father, who is willing to help his children. Ombimbiliya apeho ipopia otyili, iya onkhalelo yaviuka yokutehelela onondonga onongwa konthele yotyinepo, okukakatela movitumino vikahi Movihonekwa. The Witnesses are not psychics; nor do they claim to hear spirit voices or to have any special powers of prediction. The Bible always speaks truth, and the best way to hear good counsel about marriage is to stick to Scriptural principles. Ovanyingi hono vekahi nokulwa novitateka kese nthiki mouye uno wovivi. What warning lessons can we learn from the betrayals committed by Delilah, Absalom, and Judas Iscariot? Many today are fighting each day in this wicked world. Etyi ankho nkhele kuakamba omanima omanyingi opo Daniele atyitwe, omuuli wa Jeova Isaia, wapopile ovipuka viakolela konthele youtumini wouye maukafinda Ombambilonia. She had just told him that after she made one more meal for her and her son, they would eat it and die. Many years before Daniel was born, the prophet Isaiah foretold an important issue of Babylon's rulership. Oe wapopia omuvo wa Noe, umwe povanthu vekolelo Paulu apopia. 12: 20 - How do we "heap fiery coals " upon an enemy's head? He spoke of Noah's time, one of the faithful men Paul. • Deuteronômio 7: 7, 8? Rather than simply doing the minimum, look for ways to do more than is required. • Deuteronomy 7: 7, 8? Oñgeni Jesus ahangununa ongeleka oyo? Sharing in the preaching work is an excellent way to demonstrate our faith. How did Jesus use this illustration? Tupu tuna okukala nonthumbi yokuti ovilinga vietu, novitalukiso, nomalumono havipuka viakolela vali momuenyo wetu. Moses We can also be sure that our job, entertainment, and material things are not the most important things in our life. Inkha katukala nohole novakuatate vetu, tupu katupondola okukala nohole na Huku. Make a Frank Appraisal If we do not love our brothers, we cannot love God. Ngotyo, Jeova atumu Jeremia apopile omuhoneki wae okuti: "Mandyihanyauna etyi natunga, nokutukula etyi natuika, alo umwe otyilongo atyiho.... Moses - A Man of Humility 5 Thus, Jehovah inspired Jeremiah to say: "I shall laud you when I am tearing down, and I am tearing out from all the land.... Upondola okukumbulula okuti enga. What does it mean to meditate, and what questions will we consider? You might answer yes. Tualako Okutala Kondyambi Powerful Despite Weaknesses, 6 / 15 Keep Your Eyes on the Sea VOMEUMBO LIAE OVALIE? 11, 12. (a) Ovilinga patyi vivali omupika wekolelo nokualunguka apewa? God was not describing the nutritional benefit of eating figs. 11: 11, 12. (a) What is the work of the faithful and discreet slave entrusted to us? Omunthu upondola okulitalela motyilivandyelo, opo anoñgonoke inkha efiwa nawa. One of those polled said: "Evangelization is different from words, words, words. A person may be in a mirror, so he can discern whether it is appropriate. Mahi pahe omikanda veitu vipopia vali unene kuetyi tulilongesila Kovihonekwa. But what did Jacob think of their conduct? But now they know more about what we learn from the Scriptures. Apa katutu, ovanthu aveho, ovakuendye novakulu, mavesukisa vali unene okulikuatesako. Teams of workers in Bethel's Art Room also did much of the painting, often making replacements for broken slides. Soon, all of us - young and old - will need to care for one another. (João 6: 44) Ombimbiliya ipopia oukuatyili wa Jesus monondaka ombu mbuiwe nawa: "Katyisukisa omilao viñgapi Huku alinga, aviho vifuisuapo menyina liae. " Why does Jehovah sometimes hold off from rescuing us from adversities? The Bible describes Jesus ' loyalty in these words: "Whatever the promises of God do, let him be made known by him. " Ankho ovo vala elongo lilandula ovitumino via Jeova. Let us look at the evidence. Only a nation who obeyed Jehovah's commands. " Una Okukala Nohole na Mukuenyi Ngetyi Ulihole Ove Muene " Daniel's parents must have taught him to love Jehovah and his Word. " You Must Love Your Neighbor as Yourself " 17, 18. (a) Omokonda yatyi Jesus alingilile omahuviso? 43: 10 - 12. 17, 18. (a) Why did Jesus perform miracles? (Tanga Daniel 12: 4.) Helens, Tasmania (Read Daniel 12: 4.) Ongeleka yove ongwa ipondola okulunda omulume wove okuumbila Jeova iya ngotyo ombunga yove aiho ipondola okukamona ondyambi. - Tanga 1 Pedro 3: 1, 2. It was a challenge to translate into Tuvaluan, as we had very few reference works to help us. Your example can move your husband to serve Jehovah, and your entire family can win the prize. - Read 1 Peter 3: 1, 2. (Mateus 4: 2 - 4) Mahi Jesus ankho uhanda okuundapesa epondolo liae pala okukuatesako vakuavo. So the elder cancels his field service arrangement with the young brother in order to provide loving support to a family facing an emergency. But Jesus wanted to use his power to help others. Hinangela okuti Ombimbiliya yeeleka ekevelo no kapasete. • Why is it essential for Christian families to "stay awake "? Remember that the Bible compares our hope to a helmet. (Salmo 56: 1) Nove weliivile okuti ukahi nokumoneswa emone "novanthu "? How can good manners help us to have a productive ministry? Do you see that you are being persecuted "all sorts of people "? (Salmo 37: 28; 91: 1 - 3) Kuna otyinyingi tyovanthu matyikahupa "kononkhumbi ononene. " Baptism is a request for a good relationship with God. There will be a great crowd who will survive the "great tribulation. " Itupopila oityi tuakalela pano, oityi kuakalela emone enyingi, netyi Huku akevelela kuonthue. He uses other times of the week to prepare for congregation meetings. It tells us what we need to do to live on earth, why there is so much suffering and what God expects of us. Okunoñgonoka okuti onthyulilo youye uno wovivi ikahi popepi unene tyitukalesa ñgeni? Though we are far from being sound in body and mind, Jehovah, our heavenly Father, is perfect in every respect. How should knowing that the end of this wicked system is near affect us? (Efésios 2: 20 - 22) Okuti ondyuo oyo ya Huku otyipuka tyike "nekaka lio tyotyili, " lina apopia momukanda wae ahonekela ova Hebreu? Satan has thus become "the ruler of the world. " - Read John 14: 30; Revelation 12: 9. Could this temple be one of "a real dwelling " in his letter to the Hebrews? " Ondyona " yapopiwa motestu oyo o Jesus Kristu. (João 1: 29) Otyinepo tyae matyieta ehambu enene keulu. The apostle Peter explained what had just happened and why it was so important. The " Lamb " mentioned in that verse, Jesus Christ, will bring his marriage great joy in heaven. Mo Isilayeli kohale, Jeova walekesile nawa okuti tyakolela ovanthu vae vatualeko tyasukuka molutu. How did the clergy feel about Wycliffe and his work? In ancient Israel, Jehovah showed that it was important for his people to remain clean. Nekula vala nokutyinda omuenyo wepuiya womomatapalo. Its Ruler will really take care of people. - Read Isaiah 11: 4; Daniel 2: 44. My life revolved around the streets. Ngotyo, mokonda yekoleleyo liove ovituwa viove kese nthiki netyi uholovona, viakolela unene. As you study this article, look for ways to use the material in your ministry. Thus, through your integrity, your everyday conduct, and your choice of entertainment are most important. OMANIMA AEHO: Vokulinga ovipuka ovio ouye auho vamonenamo ONOMBILIAU 8.408 Kz. of Nineveh? THE BIBLE STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: ETYI OVANTHU VALINGILE: O papilu no pergaminho oviti ovahoneki vaundapesa tete opo vahoneke Ombimbiliya. " Those whom Jehovah loves he disciplines, in fact, he scourges everyone whom he receives as a son, " wrote Paul. THE BIBLE CHANGES LIVES: Ancient writers used ancient manuscripts to write down the Bible. Ovanthu ovanyingi nalumwe valambele movitateka ngo via David. How You Can Understand the Bible Many people have never experienced David's trials. Onombangi mba Jeova havitapi; kavapopi okuti vena onohuku mbuvepopila etyi tyikahi komutwe; vetupu epondolo liavilapo pala okutala etyi matyikamoneka komutwe. Those selfish men wanted their brothers to follow them rather than the apostles. Jehovah's Witnesses are not telling them that they have no greater authority in the future; nor are they able to discern what will happen in the future. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Oityi tulilongesila ku Absalau na Juda Iskaliote na Dalila valavisile vakuavo? Marriage is meant to be a lifelong union. What can we learn from the example of Absalom and Judas Iscariot? Omuhepe wapopililiale Eliya okuti tyina amateleka palae nomona wae, mavali iya avankhi. And we ought to bear in mind Paul's counsel to Christians with a heavenly hope that each member of "the body of the Christ " belongs to all the others and needs to remain united with Jesus ' truthful anointed followers. The widow told Elijah that when he returned to meet his son, they would die. 12: 20 - Oñgeni "matuongiya omakala otupia " pomutue wondyale yetu? WHAT ELSE CAN WE LEARN FROM THE BIBLE? 12: 20 - How can we " sow the fire of the wicked one "? Uhalinge vala etyi waitua ine okulinga vala katutu, mahi yawisako vali. As the present system of things moves toward its end, the foretold "pangs of distress " will continue. Do not hold back from doing more or more. Okuivisa onkhalelo imwe ikahi nawa yokulekesa okuti tuna ekolelo. (Read 1 Thessalonians 4: 3 - 8.) Preaching is an excellent way to demonstrate our faith. Moisesi As with the first - century congregation in Rome, what is needed to resolve differences today? Moses Tala Nawa Onkhalelo Yove However, the principles also apply to brothers. Keep Your Mind Moisesi - Ankho Weliola Omutima 5 Overseers set the example in field service (See paragraph 14) Moses - Humility 5 OTYILI: Now Paul was waiting for Titus in Troas, longing to hear how the Corinthians were faring. FACT: Okusokolola tyilekesa tyi, iya omapulo patyi matulilongesa? (Read.) Reflecting on what may be considered, and what questions will we consider? Ankho ukahi nokupopia etyi tyikahi momitima viavo. He loves and appreciates each member. He was talking about what was in their heart. Umwe puovo wati: "Okuivisa tyelikalela monondaka, monondaka, no nondaka. * Thus, the unborn child in the womb is alive and is a living soul. Such ones say: "This is different from the words of the word, in words and words. Mahi, oityi Jako ankho asoka konthele yetyi ovana vae valinga? Israel's opponents refused to acknowledge that God was fighting for Israel, and that led to their defeat. But what did Jacob think about his sons? Ovakuatate vamwe Moseketa Yokulinga Omalutalatu mo Mbetele, tupu vaundapele unene pala okulomba omalutalatu, iya ovikando ovinyingi ankho vapingiyapo omakuavo ahanyauka. " I have fought the fine fight, I have run the course to the finish, I have observed the faith. " - 2 TIM. 4: 7. Some brothers in the branch office of the branch office also worked hard to translate pictures, and there were other gods. Omokonda yatyi Jeova pamwe ayekela tumone ononkhumbi? 19, 20. (a) What can parents of disfellowshipped children do to cope with their grief? Why might Jehovah allow us to suffer? Tutalei elekeso limwe. How do we stay in Jehovah's protective valley, and why is it now more important than ever to do so? Let us look at a few examples. Vo tate ya Daniele vemulongesile okukala nohole na Jeova, Nondaka yae. The disciples poured their hearts and souls into spreading the Kingdom message. Daniel's parents taught him to love Jehovah and his Word. Tupu, okulinga elipakulo nokumbatisalwa tyilekesa okuti tyili - tyili wahanda okukala Ombangi ya Jeova. - Isaías 43: 10 - 12. After I graduated, I was temporarily assigned as a special pioneer in the Bronx in New York City. 43: 10 - 12. Helena, mo Tasmânia Why might some people deserve honor, and what will we learn in this article? Witnesses in Russia, U.S.A. Ankho katyapepukile okupitiya omikanda melaka lio Tuvaluana mokonda tutupu ono dicionaliu ine omikanda omikuavo viokuovolola melaka lio Tuvaluana. Before accepting an invitation or taking on a commitment, he consults with his wife and then decides, taking into consideration their mutual interests. It was not easy to translate the literature in Tuvaluan because it was used in Tuvaluan or in Tuvaluan. Ngotyo, omukulu weuaneno apopila omukuendye okuti kamai vali nae movilinga viokuivisa mokonda makakuatesako ombunga imwe yatumbukilwa notyitateka. Consider two important ways in which Jesus revealed his Father. Thus, an elder told the young man that he would not end up in the ministry because he would help a family who would face severe trials. • Tyakolela onombunga mbo Vakristau " okukala tyipahi ' mokonda yatyi? Was Jesus testing her, as he did Philip, to see how she would react, giving her an opportunity to display her faith? • Why is it important for Christian families to "stay awake "? Oñgeni ovituwa oviwa vitukuatesako movilinga viokuivisa? At that time, my future looked bleak. How does good conduct help us in our ministry? Ombatisimu okuita oupanga omuwa na Huku. So we waited and waited, hoping for an answer, but we kept finding the mailbox empty. Baptism is a personal relationship with God. Mononthiki ononkhuavo mbo simano upongiya omaliongiyo ewaneno. But his death would not mean that they would be without help. Other days prepare for congregation meetings. Namphila tuvakuankhali, Jeova, Tate yetu keulu, wafuapo mononkhalelo ambuho. The chief told him: "This man is refusing to sign that he has stopped witnessing. Although we are imperfect, Jehovah, our heavenly Father, is perfect in all respects. Ngotyo Satanasi wakala "omutumini wouye. " - Tanga João 14: 30; Revelação [Apocalipse] 12: 9. As a spiritually mature youth, you would want to prepare instructive student talks in the Theocratic Ministry School, adhering to the assigned material. Thus, Satan became "the ruler of the world. " - Read John 14: 30; Revelation 12: 9. Apostolu Petulu wahangununa oñgeni tyaendele iya omokonda yatyi otyo ankho tyakolela unene. TRUE peace is hard to find in today's world. The apostle Peter explained how this happened and why this was so important. Oñgeni ononkhalamutwe mbo nongeleya mbakalele pomuvo opo? A ransom is a price paid to release a person from bondage. How were church leaders living at that time? Omutumini watyo, tyotyili makatekula nawa ovanthu. - Tanga Isaías 11: 4; Daniel 2: 44. Why is it important to cultivate Christlike love today? He will certainly care for mankind. - Read Isaiah 11: 4; Daniel 2: 44. (Mateus 6: 33) Putyina ulilongesa onthele ei, tala oityi mokaundapesa movilinga viokuivisa. No doubt the householder in the illustration realized that all these men needed to feed their families. As you study this article, consider what you can use in the ministry. konthele yova Ninive? Like Cain, a Christian today might claim to worship Jehovah but actually be doing things that Jehovah hates. About Nineveh? Jeova utuhongolela nokutuviyula mokonda utuhole. When I was 12, a civil war started in Spain. Jehovah guides us because he loves us. Oñgeni Upondola Okunoñgonoka Ombimbiliya 1. Approach God in full confidence that the ransom guarantees an eternal future of peace, security, and prosperity for all who exercise faith in it! - Hebrews 11: 1. How You Can Understand the Bible. Omokonda ovalume ovo velungavi, ankho vahanda ovakuatate vevelandule, avahalandula mono apostolu. Brothers also have more time to preach. Because of pride, those men wanted the brothers to follow them instead of following the apostles. Otyinepo otyipuka tyimwe tyitualako. A God of faithfulness who is never unjust; righteous and upright is he. " - Deuteronomy 31: 19; 32: 4. Marriage is a sacred bond. (Daniel 6: 4) Onthue tuesukisa okupaka momutima elondolo Paulu aavelele Ovakristau vokuna ekevelelo lio keulu liati kese umwe " molutu lwa Kristu ' ukahi kumue na vakwavo aveho iya wesukisa okutualako okukala tyawana kumwe novalembulwa ovalanduli votyotyili va Jesus. They came down to the earth and took on fleshly bodies to pursue a depraved and immoral course, deviating from the purpose of their existence. - Jude 6; Genesis 6: 1 - 4; 1 Peter 3: 19, 20. We need to keep in mind Paul's counsel to Christians who have the hope of living in heaven with Christ "all those in union with Christ " and who want to remain true followers of Jesus. OITYI VALI TUPONDOLA OKULILONGESA MO MBIMBILIYA? Yes, we need to "listen and get the sense " of what we hear in order to progress in our understanding of the pure language. - Matt. 15: 10; Mark 7: 14. WHAT ELSE CAN WE LEARN FROM THE BIBLE? Putyina ouye uno wenda no konthyulilo, "onongembia mbemone " mbo kuapopiwa mambutualako. How Are You Affected by God's Dignity and Splendor? As this system begins at the end of the system of things, "the distress of distress " will appear. (Tanga 1 Tessalonicenses 4: 3 - 8.) Remember, the apostle John warned: "The world is passing away and so is its desire. " (Read 1 Thessalonians 4: 3 - 8.) Okuhetekela Ovakristau mo Roma, oityi vokuna otyitateka vena okulinga opo vetyitetulule? 7 - 9, "How Did the Book Survive? " Following the Christians in Rome, what situation must those in Rome do to solve problems? Mahi tupu onondonga ombo mbupopia ovakuatate. In this, they are similar to faithful men of old - including Abraham - of whom it is said that "they were strangers and temporary residents in the land. " But the list also applies to fellow believers. " PAMEKEI VOKUATENDA " The Family Worship evening should not be a dry, somber occasion. " Let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works " Konyima, Paulu akakevelela Titu ko Troade, opo emupopile oñgeni ovakuatate ko Korintu vekahi. What if such ones want to return to him? Later, Paul waited for Titus to explain how the brothers in Corinth were in Corinth. (Tanga.) published by Jehovah's Witnesses. (Read.) Jeova upanda kese umue mewaneno no kuna oluembia nae. SONGS: 122, 129 Jehovah appreciates each member of the congregation and shows his love for him. * (Êxodo 21: 22, 23) Moluotyo, olukembe lukahi meimo lia ina, luna omuenyo iya omunthu. How many stars are there in the entire universe? * Hence, the mother of a baby in the womb was a mother of birth and a living person. (Josué 11: 20) Onondyale mbova Isilayeli vatilisilwe mokonda kavetavelele okuti o Jeova ukahi nokuluilako ovanthu vae. (a) What should we reject, and why? The nations of Israel were killed because they did not obey Jehovah as his people. " Ame nalwa ovilwa oviwa, nahateka alo konthyulilo yovilinga viange, naendela mekolelo. " - 2 TIMÓTEO 4: 7. What is one way that we can give our best to Jehovah? 4: 7. 19, 20. (a) Oñgeni ovohe vena ovana vayapuka motyili vapondola okutepulula oluihamo luavo? The old Joe is back. " 19, 20. (a) How can parents raise their children spiritually? Oñgeni tukala meleva lieameno lia Jeova? Omokonda yatyi hono tyakolela vali unene okukala meleva? The Bible says that he looked at "the joy that was set before him. " How is the valley of protection in Jehovah's valley of protection, and why is the most important thing in our day? Ovalongwa vapaka mimitima viavo nomuenyo wavo ovilinga viokuivisa onondaka Mbouhamba wa Huku. The family inheritance was secure because land could not be sold in perpetuity. The disciples put their heart into the Kingdom - preaching work. Etyi osikola yapwa, andyitumwa opo nkhakale omukokoli - ndyila wavilapo ko Bronx mepundaumbo lio Nova York. It lies outside the realm of natural reason or human logic. " After school, I was assigned to serve as a special pioneer in New York City. Omokonda yatyi ovanthu vamwe vankhimanekelwa iya oityi matulilongesa monthele ei? To make the lesson from Jesus ' brief illustration stand out clearly, let us add some color and details to this word picture. Why do some people decide, and what will we consider in this article? Tyina ehenetavele otyipuka tyimue ine okukongwa, omulume nkhele utomphola nomukai wae opo velipakelemo, iya pahe alingi etokolo. Do you agree with young Rogelio? Before accepting a invitation or an invitation, a man is still listening to his wife and then he is able to make a decision. Tala mononkhalelo onombali mbakolela Jesus alekesa oñgeni Tate yae atuwa. 1, 2. (a) How do many people seek divine blessings? Consider two important ways in which Jesus revealed his Father's personality. Okuti Jesus ankho ukahi nokumulola, ngetyi alingile Filipe, opo atale oñgeni otyo matyimukalesa, nokumupa omuvo opo alekese ekolelo liae? Yet, the Israelites were not grateful for the freedom that Jehovah gave them. Was Jesus tempted to test him, just as Philip did, to see how he would give him time to show his faith? Ngoti ankho himahupu. Table of Contents Like me, I would not be able to go. Ngotyo, atukevelela ekumbululo, mahi otyo liheya. The high priest entered the Most Holy compartment of the tabernacle or temple, where only he could go and only on this one day of the year. Then, we look forward to the answer, but that does not happen. Mahi, ononkhia mbae ankho kambulekesa okuti mavakala tyihena ekuateso. Do you also feel that way about worshipping Jehovah? But his death did not prove to be without help. Onkhalamutwe yopulisa aimupopila okuti: "Omulume ou waanya okuhoneka omukanda upopia okuti pahe hambangi vali. And how can those who are contemplating marriage prepare for it? The chief officer told him: "A man who refused to write a letter saying that he now is not a Witness. Mokonda ndyimukuendye wokualongoka nawa, ononthele ndyipewa Mosikola Yovilinga Via Huku, ndyimbupongiya nawa opo mbukuateseko vakuetu. Agonizing over such matters may lead to added frustration and rob us of the many joys associated with true worship. As a mature young person, they were helped to prepare well for the Theocratic Ministry School so that they can help others. HONO ovanthu vouye vetupu ombembwa yotyotyili. Solomon said: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart. " Do not be peaceable. Ofeto yeyovo otyipuka tyifetwa pala okuyovola omunthu moupika. And that accords with the findings of modern science. The ransom makes it possible for a person to free from slavery to sin. Omokonda yatyi hono tyakolela okulekesa ohole yotyotyili? STUDY ARTICLE 4 PAGES 20 - 24 Why is it important to show self - sacrificing love now? Etyi Jeova Huku apopia okuti ovipuka aviho atunga viaviuka nawa, oe wapopia onthyimbi yonthiki yapandu - vali. Someone who has been anointed does not doubt that Jehovah has chosen him When Jehovah God said that everything he created, he revealed the beginning of the seventh day. Tyotyili, omuhona mongeleka oyo waimbuka okuti ovalume ovo aveho ankho vesukisa okutekula onombunga mbavo. In fact, I want to involve them in any relationship I have rather than hide it from them. " In fact, the owner realized that all those men needed to provide for their families. Nga Kaim, hono Omukristau umwe upondola okupopia okuti uumbila Jeova, mahi otyo alinga ovipuka Jeova eyele. He exerted himself untiringly in leading the Israelites out of Egypt to the Promised Land. Like Cain, a Christian might say that he serves Jehovah, but he does what Jehovah hates. Puetyi ndyina omanima 12, mo Espanha amukala ovilwa. Still another temptation that the Devil used in the wilderness involved an offer to give Jesus political power. When I was 12, I was 12 years old in Spain. Huku wapopia okuti aveho vana vayumba onthumbi mofeto yeyovo, komutwe wandyila, mavakala nombembwa, nepamo, nomalumono! - Hebreus 11: 1. Faithful Abraham had a high regard for marriage. God said that all who trust in the ransom will have peace, security, and security! - Hebrews 11: 1. Ovakuatate tupu vaundapa unene movilinga viokuivisa. " THE TRUE KNOWLEDGE " BECOMES "ABUNDANT " The brothers also work hard in the preaching work. Huku yo tyotyili uhena natyike tyahaviukile. " - Deuteronômio 31: 19; 32: 4. (Read Revelation 7: 9, 13, 14.) God is never unjust. " - Deuteronomy 31: 19; 32: 4. Ambuya pano pohi, ambulipilulula omalutu ambo opo mbunepe ovahikuena, ngwe ankho kambalingilwe nehando liokunepa. - Judas 6; Gênesis 6: 1 - 4; 1 Pedro 3: 19, 20. His father, Lamech, had faith in God and was born before Adam died. 6: 1 - 4; 1 Pet. 3: 19, 20. (Mateus 11: 15; 13: 43; Marcos 4: 23; Lucas 14: 35) Enga, tuesukisa "okutehelela nokukoneka " etyi tuiva opo tutualeko okunoñgonoka elaka liasukuka. - Mateus 15: 10; Marcos 7: 14. Surely, Jehovah deserves all the glory and honor, so we want to give our very best to him. Yes, we need to "keep in mind the pure language " so that we can keep our minds fixed on the pure language. - Matt. 10: 15; Mark 7: 14. Enkhimano Nounene wa Huku Vikukalesa ñgeni? Many prophecies concerning Israel's restoration are fulfilled by the congregation of anointed Christians, whose members are "called not only from among Jews but also from among nations. " How do God's dignity affect you? Hinangela okuti apostolu João walondola okuti: "Ouye ukahi nokulamba, kumue nepeleyo liao. " Ask Jehovah to give you the wisdom and self - control to resist temptation Recall that the apostle John warned: "The world is passing away and so is its desire. " Tala o Apendise A3 mo Tradução do Novo Mundo revisada; nomo brochula Um Livro para Todas as Pessoas, pefo 7 - 9, posapi yati, "Como o livro sobreviveu? " Brothers who continue to progress to maturity are gradually able to take on more responsibility in the congregation. See the article "How Can You View People in the New World Translation? " on page 7 - 9," What Does the Bible Really Teach? " Ngotyo, vekahi ngovalume vekolelo vokohale, okukutikinyamo Abraiau, vapopilwe okuti "havatyitwa tyilongo, onongendi motyilongo. " Disorientation. Thus, they are like faithful men of old, including Abraham, who foretold that they were "not temporary residents in the land. " Onthiki Yelilongeso Liombimbiliya mombunga, hamuvo wokupopia ovipuka vinumanesa. Aware that his end is near, Satan has stepped up his efforts to mislead us. At the time of the Bible's family, it is not enough to say things that hurt one another. Iya inkha vamwe vahanda okukondoka kwe? (b) Give an example of what could happen when watchmen fell asleep on the job. What if some want to return to him? walingua no Nombangi mba Jeova. Jehovah, in turn, draws close to humans who use his name. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. OVIIMBO: 32, 154 Jesus explained to his disciples: "The helper, the holy spirit, which the Father will send in my name, that one will teach you all things and bring back to your minds all the things I told you. " SONGS: 1, 7 Ngotyo, mouye auho muna ononthungululu onoñgapi? Self - discipline helps us learn "to reject ungodliness and worldly desires and to live with soundness of mind and righteousness and godly devotion amid this present system of things. " - Titus 2: 12. So, what about the number of stars? (a) Oityi tuesukisa okuanya, iya omokonda yatyi? And when Jehoiada died at 130 years of age, he was buried with the kings "because he had done good in Israel and with the true God and His house. " (a) What should we reject, and why? Onkhalelo patyi imue tupondola okuavela Jeova otyiwa vali tuna? Yet, he willingly and completely forgives repentant sinners even though he knows that he will never need those sinners to return the favor by forgiving him. What is one way we can give Jehovah our best? Joe wakondoka. " Explaining how we can reach out for a close relationship with God, the prologue to the book Draw Close to Jehovah states: "In any friendship we forge, the bond is based on knowing the person, admiring and valuing his distinctive traits. When I returned, I returned home. " Mahi, omunthu omukalavi weetela olutu lwae muene ononkhumbi. " Then, too bad for us! But a cruel person sees his own body. " Ombimbiliya yapopia okuti Jesus tyemukuatesileko "ehambu ankho apakelwa. " " Law Has Become Tutor, ' 3 / 1 The Bible says that Jesus helped him "the joy that was set before him. " Ofika oyo yepingo liombunga ankho kaipondola okulandeswa aikoto. (b) Even though they needed some correction, what would it be wrong to assume? That school could not have been sold to the family's family. Vamwe vatavela okuti ovanthu vatuka kovinyama. Names have been changed. Some believe that evolution exists. Opo tunoñgonoke etyi Jesus apopia mongeleka oyo, tutyihangununei vali nawa. Of course not! To understand what Jesus said in that illustration, it is easier for us to understand. Okuti noove usoka nga Rogelio? " Ah, if only one knew, " he sadly replied. Do you feel the same way? 1, 2. (a) Oñgeni ovanthu ovanyingi vaovola ononkhano onongwa mba Huku? * 1, 2. (a) How do many blessing God's blessing? Mahi ova Isilayeli kavapandulile eyovo Jeova eveavelele. So how might we apply this to ourselves? But the Israelites did not appreciate the freedom Jehovah gave them. Omutete Wetyi What are some of these truths? Table of Contents Omunene - nakwa ankho unyingila mondyuo Ikola Unene yekaka ine yondyuo ya Huku like menima, monthiki oyo vala. (Read Malachi 3: 16 - 18.) The high priest put the priest in the Most Holy or the temple in that year. Okuti nove ongotyo ulitehelela konthele yokufenda Jeova? 11: 33. Do you feel the same way about worshipping Jehovah? Iya oñgeni vana vasoka okunepa mavelipongiya? Let me guess - the seven times ended in 1914? And how should those who think about getting married prepare for life? Okuihamenwa novitateka ovio tyipondola okuyawisa emone nokutupola ehambu enene konthele yefendelo lio tyotyili. However, when a government demands what is in direct conflict with what God commands, the Witnesses do not comply. They "obey God as ruler rather than men. " - Acts 5: 29; Romans 13: 1 - 7. This kind of pain can result in great joy and satisfaction for true worship. Salomau wati: "Yumba onthumbi mu Jeova nomutima wove auho. " 4: 29, 31. Solomon said: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart. " Iya otyo tyelikuata netyi tyipopia ovanongo vomouye. Before becoming a Kingdom citizen, you may have preferred to dress sloppily or provocatively. This is in harmony with what scientists say. ONTHELE 4 - Otyilinga tyimwe tyospilitu sandu, okuovolola ovipuka "viokuaya kohi via Huku. " The Governing Body has the huge responsibility of directing over eight million publishers in the worldwide preaching work. STUDY ARTICLES 4 PAGES 24 - 32 Omunthu walembulua utupu ondima yokuti Jeova wemuholovona The Bible contains many examples of those who were a bad influence on others. A person does not have to doubt that Jehovah has chosen him to be anointed Tyotyili, hihande okuveholeka natyike, inkha onthiki imwe ndyikala nomphunga, mandyivepopila tyo. " He experienced joy as he shared the good news with others and kept his integrity in difficult circumstances. Of course, I did not want them to hide anything but if I got married, I would tell them. " Wati: "Endei, kalongesei ovanthu movilongo aviho opo vakale ovalongwa. These specific instructions, as well as the calendar day of his death, are recorded in the Bible. - Luke 22: 19; 1 Corinthians 11: 25. He said: "Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations. Otyo, otyo tyemukuatesileko okukola omutima nokukoleleya mononkhalelo mbepuiya. The change, however, will not come through human efforts. This helped him to remain courageous and endure difficult times. Iya omona wa Huku akumbulula ñgeni? Tupu Eliapu liayondyele Jesus mehoko nomautumini o pulitika. " MISERABLE man that I am! " wrote the apostle Paul. How did God's son respond, and how did the Devil oppose Jesus in the wilderness? Abraiau, omulume wekolelo, ankho uhumba unene otyinepo. For hardly would anyone die for a righteous man; though perhaps for a good man someone may dare to die. Abraham, a faithful man, had deep respect for marriage. " ENOÑGONOKO LIOTYOTYILI " LIAKALA "ENYINGI " In fact, if the Israelites returned to the custody of their pagan captors, they would never be able to follow the Mosaic Law and benefit from Jehovah's arrangement for forgiveness of their sins. " THE TRUE KNOWLEDGE " (Tanga Revelação 7: 9, 13, 14.) God promises to eliminate suffering and injustice, "making all things new. " - Revelation 21: 4, 5. (Read Revelation 7: 9, 13, 14.) Ankho una tate yae, Lameke, wali nekolelo mu Huku iya watyitua etyi Andau ehenenkhie. Explain. His father, Lamech, had faith in God and died after Adam died. (Apocalipse 4: 11) Tyotyili, Jeova watokala okupewa omunkhima auho iya mokonda yotyo onthwe tuhanda okumuavela ovipuka viakolela tuna. Jews in the first century had the custom of going to the synagogues to read from the Scriptures. Yes, Jehovah deserves all glory, and we want to give him the precious things we have. Omaulo omanyingi apopia konthele yehindunuko lio Isilayeli, ekahi nokufuisuapo mewaneno lio Vakristau ovanakwa. Ovanthu ovo, kavaholovonenwe vala pokati ko va Judeu, mahi vamue vatunda momalongo omakuavo. Would you courageously aid persecuted fellow Christians, as Obadiah helped Jehovah's prophets? Many of the prophecies about Israel have been fulfilled in the Christian congregation, not only by non - Jewish anointed Christians but also by some other nations. Ita ku Jeova ekuavele ounongo likondola omutima opo wanye okulinga ovipuka ovivi The truth is that Jehovah loves and values his worshippers as individuals. - Matt. Ask Jehovah to give you the wisdom and self - control so that you can resist bad influences Ovakuatate vana vatualako okukula nawa mopaspilitu, katutu katutu vakala tyafuapo pala okutambula vali ovilinga mewaneno. Elders, of course, do not accomplish this without Jehovah's help. The brothers who continue to make spiritual progress gradually qualified to receive more responsibilities in the congregation. Okulimbililwa. The Bible says that all of Jehovah's people, even young ones, would serve him "willingly. " G. (Números 25: 1 - 3, 9) Satanasi utyii okuti apa katutu mahanyaunuako, moluotyo ulinga ononkhono ononene opo etuhongiliye okulinga ovivi. Still, sometimes it takes a lot of courage to preach. Satan knows that soon he will soon be destroyed, so he strives hard to do bad things. (b) Popia ongeleka ilekesa etyi tyipondola okumoneka inkha omulavi ulala tyina ekahi kovilinga. (b) Illustrate how God provides for his faithful worshippers. (b) Give an example to illustrate what can be done if it seems that the sun is not at work. Jesus wapopila ovalongwa vae okuti: "Omukuatesiko, ospilitu sandu, Tate matumikisa menyina liange, maimulongesa ovipuka aviho, nokumuhinangelesa ovipuka aviho nemulongesa. " Work hard at any assignment you are given. Jesus told his disciples: "The helper, the holy spirit, which the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and teach you all things. " (Efésios 4: 23, 24) Okuliviyula onthue muene tyitukuatesako "okuanya ovivi nomahando omouye, nokukala nonondunge onongwa, nouviuki, nonthilo na Huku mokati kouye uno. " - Tito 2: 12. What is wisdom, and how do we know that it does not depend on how old a person is? Our self - discipline helps us to "put away ungodliness and worldly desires and to live with soundness of mind and righteousness and godly devotion amid this present system of things. " - Titus 2: 12. Iya Jeoiada wankhia etyi atuukisa omanima 130, apakwa melangalo lio nohamba, "mokonda walingile ovipuka oviwa mo Isilayeli, na Huku yotyotyili, nondyuo Yae. " The Ten Commandments clearly stipulated: "Honor your father and your mother. " And Jehoiada died when he died in the grave of 130 C.E., "for the good things he had done for Israel, the true God, and His house. " Nongotyo, wafuapo pala okuevela ovakuankhali velivela namphila etyii okuti kamesukisa okuevelwa novakuankhali ovo. (b) What happened when women came to the tomb? Still, he is willing to forgive sinners even though he does not need forgiveness from them. Konthyimbi, omukanda Achegue - se a Jeová wapopia okuti, opo tupameke oupanga wetu nomunthu umwe, tuna okumunoñgonoka nawa, nokupanda ovituwa viae. " By keeping on guard according to [God's] word "! Early in the book Draw Close to Jehovah, the book Draw Close to him in order to strengthen our relationship with one another, to get to know him, and to appreciate his qualities. Otyo matyituetela ouvi omunene! (b) How have you benefited from the ransom? How vital it will be for us to survive! (b) Omokonda yatyi katyilekesa okuti ankho ovikonde Mombambilonia Onene? " Since all these things are thus to be dissolved, what sort of persons ought you to be in holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion! " - 2 PET. 3: 11. (b) Why did it not mean that it was not in Babylon the Great? Omanyina apilululwa. Indicating his perfect submission to his Father, he stated: "The Sovereign Lord Jehovah himself has opened my ear, and I, for my part, was not rebellious. Names have been changed. Au! For example, at Deuteronomy 8: 18, we read: "You must remember Jehovah your God, because he is the giver of power to you to make wealth. " Of course not! Elikumbulula okuti: "Hamwe ankho pena ou utyii. " " I found that they helped me even more at that time, " she said. That is why he replied: "It was not the same thing. " * - Tala okatoi. Some wives might wish, at times, that Jehovah would intervene as he did in Sarah's case. * - See footnote. Moluotyo, oñgeni tupondola okulandula elondolo olio? Why did Paul warn anointed Christians against living "according to the flesh "? How, then, can we apply that counsel? Otyipi otyili tyimwe tuelilongesa? As my blood pressure continued to drop, I said, "You've never seen anybody die before, have you? " What is the truth that we have learned? (Tanga Malaquias 3: 16 - 18.) What does this passage reveal about the condition of the dead? (Read Malachi 3: 16 - 18.) Tyina tunoñgonoka vali omavangelo a Jeova ayandyuluka nawa, matyitulundu okuhuva " nounongo wae waya kohi unene. ' - Romanos 11: 33. As Christians, we are in a race - a symbolic footrace. 11: 33. Kevela utale, omivo epandu vali viavituka 1914? They know that he will reward his faithful servants with eternal life in the new world, where there will be no injustice. - Read Psalm 37: 5, 7, 9, 29. Never allow the seven times to be destroyed in 1914 Mahi, tyina ovatumini vevetuma okulinga etyi tyehelikuatele novitumino via Huku, "vetavela ku Huku, tyipona kovanthu. " - Atos 5: 29; Romanos 13: 1 - 7. Jesus "was moved with pity for her, and he said to her: " Stop weeping. ' " 5: 29; Rom. 13: 1 - 7. Mahi, mutunde vala onondaka onongwa pala okupameka, tyitei komasuka - suka, opo mbukuateseko vana vemutehelela. " - Efésios 4: 29, 31. What words of Jesus indicated that "the deep things of God " would be revealed progressively? 4: 29, 31. Etyi nkhele uhenelilongese otyili, hamwe ankho uvala monkhalelo yahaviukile ine ovikutu viokulihandesa. As a result, when we try to tell people that the end of this world is near and that Christ is now ruling, many of them do not want to listen. Before considering the truth, you may have been tempted to dress in a way that is wrong or to wear clothing. Ononkhalamutwe mbo Nombangi mba Jeova vena otyilinga tyokuhongolela ovilinga viokuivisa mouye auho vilingwa novaivisi valamba po nomiliau etyinana. Imagine how thrilled they were when Jesus answered their question: "What will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things? " The Governing Body has the responsibility to oversee the worldwide preaching work with more than eight million Witnesses. Ombimbiliya ina onongeleka ononyingi mbovanthu vovituwa ovivi ankho vahongiliya vakuavo. With Jehovah's backing, we may also help to save those who listen to us. The Bible contains many examples of people who were critical of others. Tyakolela unene tunoñgonoke omakumbululo omapulo oo. When Satan showed Jesus "all the kingdoms of the world, " he probably used a vision, because it is not possible to see all these kingdoms from any mountain on earth. It is vital that we understand the answers to these questions. Ankho upopila vakuavo onondaka onongwa, nokutualako okukoleleya momuvo wepuiya. John is speaking about the commandment regarding self - sacrificing brotherly love. He told others the good news and continued to endure difficult times. Atyiho otyo, aloo umwe onthiki yatyo tyikahi Mombimbiliya. - Lucas 22: 19; 1 Coríntios 11: 25. * 22: 19; 1 Cor. 11: 25. Mahi, kamavikapuako kononkhono mbovanthu. While cultivating humility and respect for authority will help us, we need to be concerned about those with whom we associate. However, they were not forced to take the lead in human society. APOSTOLU Paulu wahoneka okuti: "Ame ndyipongo! " It can mean the same for you! THE apostle Paul wrote: "Look! Mahi, ondalawa, tyafuile, omunthu upondola okumunkhila. It took two years before they were finally relieved of their burden. Rather, it may be possible for a person to die. Tupu, ñgeno kavetyivilile okutavela Ovitumino via Huku, nokuevelwa ononkhali. Former elders who joyfully continue to render sacred service prove to all, including Satan, that their love for Jehovah is genuine. It would also have been impossible for them to obey God's Law and to forgive sins. Huku walaa okumanako ononkhumbi novipuka ovivi, "malingi ovipe ovipuka aviho. " - Apocalipse 21: 4, 5. " Lord, teach us how to pray. " God has promised to eliminate suffering and "all things. " - Revelation 21: 4, 5. Hangununa. As Jesus foretold in a similar illustration, his return in kingly power would come only "after a long time. " - Matthew 25: 19. Explain. (Deuteronômio 31: 10 - 12) Kohale, ova Judeu ankho veliongiya apeho monondyuo mbokufendela opo vatange Ovihonekwa. What do you think? In Bible times, the Jews regularly gathered in synagogues to read the Scriptures. (1 Reis 18: 13; 19: 18) Okuti ove wakola omutima pala okuvatela ovakuatate Ovakristau tyina vamoneswa ononkhumbi, nga Obadia waholekele ovauli va Jeova? Because David kept seeking God's guidance, he did not waver in his determination to act in accord with Jehovah's will despite the urgings of Abishai. Did you muster up boldness to help fellow Christians when they were persecuted, as did Jehovah's prophets? Inkha Satanasi utuhindila okutavela ounkhembi oo, matuyekepo okuumbila Jeova. 5: 14. " Kindly Forgive and Comfort Him " If Satan allows us to believe this lie, we will stop serving Jehovah. Tyotyili, ovakulu vewaneno kavalingi otyilinga otyo tyihakuateswako na Jeova. Theocratic Schools, 9 / 15 Of course, elders do not do this work without Jehovah's help. Ombimbiliya ipopia okuti ovanthu aveho va Jeova, alo umwe ovakuendye vemuumbila "tyahakuluminyua. " And to repeat the illustration we read earlier, the "heart and lungs " of the marriage will remain healthy. The Bible says that all of Jehovah's people, even young people, were "not force. " (Isaías 52: 7; Romanos 10: 15) Mahi, pamwe tyesukisa okukola omutima tyina tuivisa. It takes great moral strength to imitate the greatest man who ever lived, Jesus Christ, and to control one's spirit. At times, however, courage may need to be courageous when we preach. (b) Ava ongeleka ilekesa oñgeni Huku atekula ovafendi vae vekolelo. What situation did Paul describe at Romans 8: 4 - 13? (b) Give an example of how God cares for his faithful worshippers. Undapa nombili mu kese tyilinga upewa. So it was right and fair that when Moses rebelled, Jehovah punished him in the same way. Stay busy doing any assignment you receive. Onondunge oityi iya oñgeni tutyii okuti otyo katyitei keti liomunthu? How have we made use of peaceful conditions and convenient transportation? What is wisdom, and how do we know that it does not depend on a person? Ovitumino Ekwi viapopia nokuandyuluka okuti: "Humba ho na nyoko. " Jehovah will see to it that the "remembrance " of such ones will never be forgotten, nor will their righteous acts be overlooked. Ten Commandments says to him: "Honor your father and your mother. " (b) Oityi tyamonekelepo etyi ovakai vaile peendo? 20: 5, 6, 12, 15, 17. (b) What happened when women came to the tomb? Ombimbiliya ikumbulula okuti: "Omokukala tyalunguka ngetyi ondaka ya [Huku] ilekesa! " More than once, he thought that he had reached his limit. The Bible answers: "Never be watchful as [God's] word means! " (b) Oñgeni mopolo ouwa kotyilikutila tyeyovo? How did Jesus react to all these extra laws made by men? (b) How can you benefit from the ransom? " Mokonda ovipuka evi aviho mavikasengululwa ngotyo, muesukisa okukala ovanthu patyi, konthele yovituwa viasukuka novilinga vilekesa onthilo na Huku! " - 2 PEDRO 3: 11. His example shows us that pride can cause us to defend our wrong conduct. " For all these things will be dissolved, and what sort of persons ought you to be in holy acts of conduct and deeds of godly devotion! " - 2 PET. 3: 11. Pala okulekesa okuti ankho utavela ku Tate yae, wapopile okuti: "Ohamba Tatekulu Jeova, wahitulula omatwi ange, iya ame halingile oumphuki. How so? To show that he was obedient to his Father, he said: "The Sovereign Lord Jehovah himself has spoken to me, and I am not rebellious. Mu Deuteronômio 8: 18 tutangamo okuti: "Ove una okuhinangela Jeova Huku yove, mokonda oe ukuavela epondolo liokukala nolumono. " One encyclopedia estimates that up to 60 million people died in World War II. We read at Deuteronomy 8: 18: "You must remember Jehovah your God, because he gives you the power to gain riches. " Oe wati, "natala okuti omikanda ovio viankhuatesako vali unene pahetyino. As we learned in the preceding article, integrity is absolutely essential. " I saw that these books helped me more than ever, " she says. Vamwe vahanda ñgeno Jeova nae ulipaka potyitateka vena ngetyi tyaendele na Sara. To enhance our appreciation for our heavenly Father, let us consider three important factors: (1) Our Father is our Provider. Some would have wanted Jehovah to deal with situations similar to Sarah. Omokonda yatyi Paulu alondolela Ovakristau ovalembulwa opo "vahasoke kovipuka violutu "? He made it plain that believing children, grandchildren, and other relatives of elderly widows were to be the primary providers. Why did Paul urge anointed Christians to "put on the works of the flesh "? Andyihimbika okusosoloka, andyimupulu okuti: "Nthiki imwe wamueneale omunthu unkhia? " Elders in every land honor traveling overseers, who are appointed by the Governing Body I began to feel hurt, and I asked him: "One day has happened to a man who dies. " Oityi ovihonekwa ovio vilekesa konthele yonkhalelo yo vokuankhia? (Compare Luke 12: 6, 7.) What do these manuscripts reveal about the condition of the dead? Onthwe Ovakristau omuenyo wetu ukahi ngatyina tukahi nokuhateka opo tuvase omuenyo wahapu. The power of choice. As Christians, we are living in a race to gain everlasting life. Vena onthumbi yokuti Jeova makayamba ovaumbili vae vekolelo nomuenyo uhapu mouye omupe, omu ovanthu vahakamona vali ononkhumbi. - Tanga Salmo 37: 5, 7, 9, 29. After mentioning that "the wages sin pays is death, " the verse says:" But the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord. " They will be confident that Jehovah will reward his faithful servants with everlasting life in the new world, where nobody will ever suffer. - Read Psalm 37: 5, 7, 29. Iya Jesus "akala nokankhenda nae, emupopila okuti: " Muta uhalile vali. ' " * Then Jesus "became kind to him and said to him: " You will not die again. ' " Onondaka patyi mba Jesus mbulekesa okuti "ovipuka viokuaya kohi via Huku " mavikaholololwa katutu - katutu? When counsel is needed, it is good for the elders to provide it at the earliest opportunity. - Read Proverbs 27: 9. What words of Jesus indicate that "the deep things of God " would be revealed progressively? (2 Coríntios 4: 3 - 6) Moluotyo tyina onthue tupopila ovanthu okuti onthyulilo youye ikahi popepi nokuti Kristu pahe ukahi nokutumina, ovanyingi kavetutehelela. How can this be done? So when we tell people that the end of the world is near and that Christ is now ruling now, many will hear it. Soka kehambu vakalele nalio etyi Jesus akumbulula epulo liavo liati: "Olipi enyingilikilo malilekesa okuti ove weyale, no lionthyulilo youye? " By receiving God's spirit and by following its direction as outlined in the Bible, we will find contentment, peace, happiness, and the assurance of everlasting life in the new world near at hand. Imagine how happy they were when Jesus answered their question: "What will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things? " Nombatelo ya Jeova, tupu matyitukuatesako okuyovola vana vetutehelela. The spirit, working through the anointed bride class, is extending this invitation regarding life's water. With Jehovah's help, it will also help us to deliver those who listen. Etyi Satanasi alekesa Jesus "omauhamba aeho ouye, " hamwe waundapesa emonekelo, mokonda katyitavela okutalela komphunda omauhamba atyo aeho omouye. How should this special gift make us feel? When Satan depicted Jesus "all the kingdoms of the world, " he may have used a vision that would not be passed on to any other kingdoms. João ankho ukahi nokupopia otyitumino konthele yokukala nohole novakuatate mouye aunho. [ Blurb on page 7] John was referring to the command to love the brothers in the world. * The people are so welcoming! " * Okuliola omutima nokuhumba ovakulu vewaneno, matyitukuatesako okulityilika otyituwa otyo. The question that naturally follows is, as expressed by Paul: "Who will rescue me from the body undergoing this death? " Could anyone? Humility and respect for the elders will help us to avoid this practice. Emonekelo olio nove lipondola okukupameka! In fact, when I won the title, she was the one who crowned me. This vision can strengthen you! Avakala omanima evali nokufeta ongele oyo. In the Christian arrangement, some qualified men were appointed by the laying on of hands. For two years, I had to pay off my debt. OMBIMBILIYA IPILULULA OMUENYO WOVANTHU 18, 19. THE BIBLE CHANGES LIVES (Atos 20: 28 - 30) Vana ankho vaundapa ngovakulu vewaneno iya vatualako nokuumbila Huku nehambu, valekesa kovanthu aveho, noku Satanasi, okuti ohole yavo na Jeova oyotyotyili. The Bible is a door to knowledge about God. Those who served as elders serve as elders and continue serving God with joy, and Satan prove that their love for Jehovah is always true. " Tualeiko Okuita, Opo Mupewe " Could you learn from that person how to be more generous yourself? " Keep On Asking, and It Will Be Given You " Ngetyi Jesus apopile mongeleka oyo, oe ankho makondoka vala nounene wokutumina " tyina palamba omuvo omunyingi. ' - Mateus 25: 19. From that time on, Saul did many other presumptuous things. As Jesus said in this illustration, he would return to rule only "in time indefinite. " - Matthew 25: 19. Oityi ove usoka? Regardless of whether the householder picks "yes, "" no, " or "maybe " in response to that question, turn to the inside page and without adding anything more, say," Here is what the Bible says. " What do you think? (1 Samuel 26: 8 - 11) Mokonda David watuaileko okulandula ehongolelo lia Huku, oe kahandele okulinga omapita ohamba yaholovonwa na Jeova namphila Abisai ankho ahandele okutyilinga. The nations will be forced to do what? Because David kept following God's direction, he did not want to be king even though Abishai wanted to do so. " Muevelei Nouwa - Tima Nokumuungumanesa " It is vital to correct such thinking and suppress the sinful yearning of a treacherous heart. - Jer. 17: 9. " You Can Understand the Good and comforting You " JESUS KRISTU Concerning the divine name, the introduction to The Emphasized Bible, by J. 8 / 1 Ngetyi tuatanga konthyimbi, inkha ovalinepi vatomphola, otyinepo tyavo matyitualako. We could ask: " How has my relationship with Jehovah grown since I was baptized? As we have discussed earlier, if a couple talk to each other, their marriage continues to grow. Mahi Ombimbiliya ipopia okuti: "Hahe vali omunthu uhanumana liwa, tyipona una una epondolo, iya una utyivila okulikondola, hahe vali tyipona una uhanya epundaumbo. " Time is precious. But the Bible says: "A person is better than he is without self - control, and he that is able to show self - control is better than a man without self - control than a city. " Otyipuka patyi Paulu apopia mu Romanos 8: 4 - 13? 5: 23 - What did Paul mean when he prayed that "the spirit and soul and body of [the] brothers be preserved "? What was Paul's point of words recorded at Romans 8: 4 - 13? (Números 14: 26 - 30, 34) Tupu ankho tyaviuka Jeova akoyese Moisesi monkhalelo oyo. But Jehovah God had promised that his people would be freed, and they eventually were. Furthermore, it was right for Jehovah to judge Moses in that way. Oityi tukahi nokulinga momuwo wombembua, iya ovipuka patyi vitukuatesako okulinga oungendi? Such ones are called "a royal priesthood " and have been commissioned to" " declare abroad the excellencies ' of the one that called [them] out of darkness into his wonderful light. " What are we doing in times of peace, and what are some things that help us to do? Jeova " kamalimbwa ' ovanthu ovo novilinga viavo viouviuki. Were we to allow health care to become the main focus of our life, we would run the risk of becoming self - centered. Jehovah "will not forget such ones " and" carry out their duties in righteousness. " Momavai oo emanya, tupu ankho muna ovitumino viakolela apeho, mononkhalelo ambuho, ngo vio kuati, "Humba ho na nyoko, "" wahavake, " notyitumino tyokuaya vali kohi tyiilika okupeleya ovipuka via vakuetu. - Êxodo 20: 5, 6, 12, 15, 17. Consider what he said to his disciples after the rich young man turned away grieved at the invitation to leave all his belongings behind and become a follower of Christ. On the other hand, the stone would also be also important, as in all respects, such as "your father and your mother " and" the law of loving - kindness. " - Ex. 20: 5, 6, 15, 16, 17. Haunene, ankho usoka okuti kametyivili okuenda nokomutue. That was the case when he liberated the Israelites from Egyptian bondage. More important, he felt that he would not get tired. Oityi Jesus ankho asoka konthele yotyitumino otyo tyahindwa novanthu? Still, we can gain it by regular Bible study and meditation. What did Jesus think about this decree of Eden and man? Ongeleka oyo itulekesa okuti omalityindailo apondola okutuhindila okuamena ovivi tulinga. Explain. This example shows us that pride can lead us to reject wrongdoing. Ñgeni ngotyo? No doubt you, like many others, are attracted to the idea of living in a world with no more devastating disasters. How so? Omukanda umue upopia okuti ovanthu valamba ponomiliau 60 vaipawa Movita Ovinene via vali Viouye auho. For what purpose? According to one report, more than 60 million people were killed in World War II. Ngetyi tuelilongesa monthele yotete, ekoleleyo liakolela unene. Are you also willing to make a personal sacrifice to help others? As we learned in the preceding article, integrity is very important. (Sal. 91: 14) Tyotyili, Jeova Huku noluembia uyovola ovanthu vae nokuveyakulila konondyale mbavo, opo vehevenyimeko. His words never fail; they always come true. Yes, Jehovah God lovingly protects his people from their enemies and protects them. Paulu wapopile okuti ovana, novatekula, novakuavo vali mombunga Ovakristau, vena otyilinga tyokutekula ovahepe vakulupa vekahi mombunga. They may feel that if they confess their wrongdoing to the elders, they will be disfellowshipped. Paul said that children, children, and other family members have the responsibility to care for the elderly. Ovakulu vewaneno movilongo aviho vahumba ovatalelipo vomawaneno vaholovonwa no nonkhalamutue mbo Nombangi mba Jeova 19: 5 - 8, 15 - 19. Elders in all nations honor circuit overseers and the Governing Body (Tyieleka na Lucas 12: 6, 7.) Pentecost 33 C.E. marked the start of sowing the fine seed (Compare Luke 12: 6, 7.) Kese Mukristau mo Roma ankho ulwa novitateka, nomasuka - suka atundilila ko, nonthue tuna ovilwa ngovio. Jehovah loves and rewards those who give cheerfully. Each Christian in Rome had to suffer, care for the needs of each one, and needs of us. Epondolo liokulikoyela. Thus, both mates should cultivate a warm personal relationship with Jehovah and find delight in doing his will. Power. Etyi oversikulu yapopia okuti "ofeto yonkhali ononkhia, " aiyawisako okuti:" Mahi otyali tuapewa na Huku omuenyo wahapu, menyina lia Kristu Jesus Tatekulu yetu. " JEHOVAH created us with the ability to understand how other people feel, even if we have never been in their situation. When the verse says that "the wages sin pays is death, " the verse adds:" But the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord. " * The same is true when we prepare our heart to go out in the field service. * (Mateus 18: 21 - 35) Otyiwa ovakulu vewaneno vaave onongonga apeho tyina tyesukisa. - Tanga Provérbios 27: 9. It touches our hearts that "a promise of entering into [God's] rest remains. " It is good for elders to make sure that it is always necessary. - Read Proverbs 27: 9. Oñgeni motyilingi? A Catholic priest later wrote that Capito and his associates "proceeded to discuss in their private capacity, and without appeal, - the profoundest mysteries of religion; [and] rejected that of the most Holy Trinity. " How can you accomplish that? (Romanos 8: 31) Okutambula ospilitu ya Huku, nokulandula ehongolelo liayo ngetyi Ombimbiliya yapopia, matuvasi ehambu, nombembwa, nonthumbi yokupewa omuenyo uhapu mouye omupe ukahi pahe popepi. Today, there are countless experts and specialists ready to offer advice on relationships, love, family life, conflict resolution, happiness, and even the very meaning of life. Following God's spirit and following his guidance, we can find joy, peace, and trust in the new world now. Ospilitu yundapa menyina lionthumbo yondombwa omulembulwa, ikahi nokukonga ovanthu veye okunwa omeva omuenyo. What would the elder do? The spirit that operates through the bride class is inviting people to come to life's water. Oñgeni otyiawa otyo tyakolela tyitukalesa? In order to make the text available in other languages, tireless efforts have been made by sincere translators. How does this gift affect us? [ Ehangununo liolutalatu pefo 7] Why So Long? [ Blurb on page 7] Ovanthu vandyakula nawa! " Jesus said: "By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves. " People welcomed me! " (1 Coríntios 15: 22) Moluotyo, Paulu wapulile okuti: "Olie mandyovola kononkhia ombu? " What else do our publications help young people to do? So Paul asked: "Who will rescue me from the body undergoing this death? " Etyi naholovonwa, oe wamphaka ekolowa. But we do have the mind of Christ. " - 1 COR. 2: 16. When I was chosen, he gave me a crown. (Deuteronômio 34: 9) Mewaneno lio Vakristau, ovalume vamue vafuapo, ankho vapakwa omaoko pala okupewa otyilinga mewaneno. How does that make you feel? In the Christian congregation, some men were ready to lay hands upon their hands in the congregation. 18, 19. No man, no human government, and no wicked spirit can stop this work from being accomplished to God's complete satisfaction. 18, 19. Epito tuna okuikula opo tunoñgonoke Huku, Ombimbiliya. That is why we must regularly check that our "breastplate " is still protecting our heart. The door to get to know God is the Bible. Okuti okulinga ngotyo tyikulongesa okukala vali notyali? The above words of Job, spoken more than three thousand years ago, still hold true today. Does doing so help you to be more generous? (1 Samuel 13: 10 - 14) Okuhimbikila pomuvo opo, Saulu ahimbika okulinga ovipuka ovikuavo ahatuminwe. How? From that time, Saul began to do other things that had not been done. Linga epulo liokondye. Tyilinge omunthu wavasa ukumbulula okuti "enga, "" au, " ine "hamwe, " ikula mokati, iya opopi okuti," Tala etyi Ombimbiliya ipopia. " How can we show our full appreciation for this provision from Jehovah, and what can we individually do to enhance it? Ask the question, "Do not say, " You will not say, " or say," Be here, " and say, " See what the Bible says. " Ovatumini mavakakuluminyua okulinga tyi? For André, it was a terrible blow, and it left a void that he feels will never be completely filled. What will the governments be forced to do? (Mateus 5: 27 - 30) Tyakolela okupilululula olusoke olo nokuyekapo kese ehando liokulinga onkhali. - Jeremias 17: 9. " These things I command you, that you love one another. " - JOHN 15: 17. It is vital that we change the attitude and avoid any wrongdoing. - Jer. 17: 9. (Êxodo 3: 14; 1 Samuel 12: 22) Konthele yenyina lia Huku, onondaka mbokuhimbika mbo mukanda The Emphasized Bible, wa J. This issue of The Watchtower explains how Jesus ' suffering and death can benefit you. Regarding God's name, I began to open the words of the book The Bible, J. Tupondola okulipula okuti: " Tunde apa nambatisalwa oñgeni oupanga wange na Jeova ukahi? Knorr, who wrote: "Your application for Bethel service is at hand. We might ask ourselves: " How has my relationship with Jehovah been with me? Mahi navo omuvo wavo wakolela. He, in effect, says, " Trials come in many different forms, but God's expressions of undeserved kindness come in many different forms as well. ' But their time is very important. 5: 23 - Oityi Paulu ankho mahande okupopia etyi elikuambela okuti " ospilitu, nohande, nolutu [lwo] vakuatate viyungwe nawa '? Toward the south, the platform was extended 105 feet (32 m). 5: 23 - What did Paul mean when he prayed that "the spirit and the body [the body] be made holy "? Mahi Jeova Huku ankho walaa okuti ovanthu vae mavayovoka koukonde, iya konyima avayovoka umwe. It even has physical benefits. But Jehovah God had promised that his people would be freed from captivity and would be released. Omupika wekolelo nae ulinga onthele Yovakristau ovalembulwa vekahi pano pohi. What a joy it is, therefore, for us to observe the zeal with which our brothers worldwide are carrying out Christ's preaching commission! The faithful slave is also part of the anointed remnant who are on earth. Inkha ekongoko likala otyipuka tyakolela vali momuenyo wetu, tuesukisa okulikondola omutima. Their internal clock triggers the urge to return to their summer breeding grounds. If life has become most important in our life, we need self - control. Tala etyi apopilile ovalongwa vae, etyi omukuendye omuhona aya tyanumana, mokonda yetyi emuita asepo ovipuka viae, opo akale omulanduli wa Kristu. " To the followers of Jesus death was a sleep, and the grave a resting - place... for those who had died in the faith, " * states the Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics. Consider what he told his disciples to do when he was offended by the master, who urged him to leave his things to become a follower of Christ. Otyo tyelifwa netyi alingile etyi ayovola ova Isilayeli koupika mo Egitu. When a husband " pours out his heart ' with specific requests unique to their circumstances, it cannot help but strengthen the marriage bond. It is similar with what he did when Israel freed the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. Mahi tupondola okuuvasa mokulilongesa apeho Ombimbiliya nokusokolola nawa kuetyi tulilongesa. A sister named Catherine finds great pleasure in observing creation, especially during the invigorating spring season in Canada. But we can study the Bible regularly and meditate on what we learn. Hangununa. As a group, those with an earthly hope will be preserved through the coming "great tribulation " to form" a new earth " in which "righteousness is to dwell. " Explain. Oityi Una Okulinga? Tyotyili ove, novanthu ovakuavo, muhambukwa nolusoke luokukakala mouye uhena vali oviponga. ▪ Self - respect What, then, do you and others find it difficult to live in a world that will no longer exist? Omokonda yatyi? A symbol of the evil inside a person? Why? (Atos 16: 3; 1 Coríntios 9: 19 - 23) Okuti nove ulinga ononkhono mbokuyekapo ovipuka vimwe uhole, opo ukuateseko vakuenyi? The parable of the sheep and the goats is explained in The Watchtower, October 15, 1995, pages 23 - 28, and in the next article in this magazine. Are you trying to change some of the things you have learned to help others? Onondaka mbae kambuponyo, apeho mbufuiswapo tyotyili. Young ones, how do you feel about bearing Jehovah's name, and how can you prove yourselves courageous? His words are not always true. Tyafuile vasoka okuti inkha vapopia kovakulu vewaneno onkhali yavo, mavatundiswa mewaneno. Even "a large crowd of priests began to be obedient to the faith. " Perhaps they feel that if they tell the elders about their sin, they will be disfellowshipped. Eliya wakuatesilueko na Jeova, iya akala vali nononkhono akondoka motyilinga tyae tyokuula. - 1 Reis 19: 5 - 8, 15 - 19. (Read Psalm 38: 3 - 5, 8.) Elijah supported Jehovah and lost his strength in his assignment. - 1 Ki. 19: 5 - 8, 15 - 19. (Mateus 5: 8) Okuti nonthwe tukahi pokati kovanthu ovo? Some of them were firstborn sons, and some were not. Are we among those people? Okukuna ombuto ongwa tyahimbika mopendekoste yo 33 P.K. Even when being severely tested, Job still said positive things about Jehovah. The sowing of fine seed in 33 C.E. took place in 33 C.E. Jeova uhole nokuavela ondyambi vana vaava nehambu. What could be more satisfying than teaching someone the truth? Jehovah loves and blesses those who give a happy gift. (Salmo 40: 8) Ohole tuna na Huku tupu ituavela ondundo yo kumuumbila nomutima auho. However, we should not give a symbolic meaning to a Bible account when there is no Scriptural reason to do that. Love for God also motivates us to serve him with a complete heart. JEOVA wetutunga nounongo wokunoñgonoka oñgeni vakuetu velitehelela, namphila tuhenekale motyitateka otyo. Unlike epidemics that send doctors racing to discover a cure, this scourge is eminently curable; the solution is well - known. JEHOVAH created us with the ability to understand how others feel, even if we were in a difficult situation. Tupu mopoloko ouwa pokusokolola tyina weheneende movilinga viokuivisa. No human government can completely eliminate violence, injustice, or disease, but God's Kingdom can and will. You too can benefit from meditating on those who are in the ministry. Tyihika komitima vietu okunoñgonoka okuti "omulao wokunyingila mepululuko lia [Huku] utualako. " (a) What statement about trials is made by the apostle Peter? It makes our heart sense that "the promise of [God] keeps entering into [God's] rest. " Elombe lio katolika konyima liahoneka okuti Capito nava aenda navo "vatualako okupopila pokamphengi konthele yomaelema apama ongeleya; nokuyala elongeso Likola unene Lioutatu Ukola. " Let us remember that whatever we are able to do in his service is not because of any ability we have but because Jehovah is humble and willing to help us. The Catholic priests later wrote that Capito and others "went serving in private with them in private places; against the doctrine of the Trinity. " Hono, kuna ovanongo ovanyingi vaava onondonga konthele youpanga, noluembia, nombunga, nehambu, nokutetulula ovitateka, nokukala nomuenyo omuwa. We might ask ourselves, " When I have important decisions to make, do I put my trust in God or in men? ' - Prov. Today, there are many scientists who give counsel about friendship, love, joy, and happiness. Kamaamena nawike, tupu kamapopi etyi oe muene asoka konthele yotyitateka tyavo. In addition, Jesus provided the finest evidence supporting his Father's side in the greater issue of the rightfulness of Jehovah's universal sovereignty. He will not defend any human, nor will he not talk about his own situation. Opo ikale momalaka omakuavo, ovapitiyi ovakuatyili valinga ononkhono ononene. God's spirit and your spirit thus join in bearing witness that you have the heavenly hope. To make it available in other languages, loyal translators have worked hard to do all they can. Oityi Asetela Okutyilinga? They replied: "Lord, if he has gone to rest, he will get well. " Why Learn From it? Jesus wati: "Ovanthu aveho mavaimbuka okuti muvalongwa vange inkha mukala neholelo pokati kenyi. " (b) What is your determination regarding the path that Jehovah wants us to take? Jesus said: "By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves. " Omikanda vietu vikuatesako ovakuendye valinge tyi? Many of these individuals have repented and have regained their relationship with our merciful heavenly Father. What does our literature help young people to do? Mahi, onthue tuna omutima wa Kristu. " - 1 CORÍNTIOS 2: 16. The elders encouraged him not to give up and to keep relying on Jehovah's spirit. But we have the mind of Christ. " - 1 COR. 2: 16. Oñgeni otyo tyikukalesa? Because the foretold "sudden destruction " has not yet occurred. How does that make you feel? Kutupu omunthu, ine outumini wovanthu, ine otyilulu tyipondola okutyilika ovilinga ovio vifuisuepo monkhalelo Huku ahanda. When "the harvest of the earth, " that is, the harvest of those who will be saved, is completed, it will be time for the angel to hurl" into the great winepress of the anger of God " the gathering of "the vine of the earth. " No human, or human government, can prevent this from doing God's will. (Provérbios 3: 5, 6) Otyo apeho tuna okutalela nawa inkha "ondyakulilo yetu yo monthulo " itualako okuyakulila omutima wetu. To whom does the expression "the twelve tribes of Israel " refer in the context of Matthew 19: 28 and Luke 22: 30? That is why we must constantly look for "the breastplate of our heart " to protect our figurative heart. Onondaka mba Jobe mbukahi pombanda, mbapopiuale kohale, mahi nkhele mbakolela unene hono. Bible Questions Answered 16 Job's words are quoted above, but it is still important today. Ñgeni? History, Not Myth How? Iya oityi tupondola okulinga opo tupameke ombembwa oyo? * And what can we do to strengthen that peace? Andre eihamenwa unene, iya asoko okuti kametyivili vali okukala nawa. That name reminds us of the dramatic battles that took place near Megiddo. Andrew was very angry, and he thought that it would be impossible for him to become better. " Ame ndyimutuma ovipuka evi, okuti kalei nohole kese umue na mukuavo. " - JOÃO 15: 17. (b) Do we have to be especially gifted in order to teach effectively? " I am sending these things to love one another. " - JOHN 15: 17. Omutala ou Womulavi upopia oñgeni ononkhumbi mba Jesus netyi aipaelwa tyipondola okukuetela ouwa. His faithful service would not be forgotten. How reassuring that must have been for Asaph! This issue of The Watchtower discusses how Jesus ' suffering and death can benefit you. Knorr, wati: "Omukanda wahoneka pala ovilinga vio Mbetele, tueutambula. In fact, our very prospects for eternal life are dependent on our coming to know the true God and his Son, Jesus Christ. - John 17: 3. Knorr says: "The book of Bethel was designed to receive the Bethel work and to receive it. Oe wati, " ovitateka viya mononkhalelo ononyingi mbelikalaila, mahi tupu Huku ulekesa okankhenda kae tuahatokalele mononkhalelo ononyingi mbelikalaila. ' 9: 36, 37. " Over various forms of distress, " he said, "but God also shows his undeserved kindness in various ways. " Kokumbili kuayo akuyawisa onometulu 32. 15: 29 - What does it mean to be "baptized for the purpose of being dead ones "? And the seventh head was over 100 feet (See paragraphs 32. Tyieta alo umwe ouwa molutu. However, Jehovah is a perfect judge, and his decision to destroy this system is perfectly fair. It even benefits the physical body. Tyituhambukiswa unene, okutala ombili yovakuatate vetu ouye auho vekahi nokufuisapo ovilinga viokuivisa tuapewa na Kristu! I didn't want to argue with him, but I felt that he had treated me unfairly, and I was upset for some time. What a joy it is to see our worldwide brotherhood being involved in preaching the good news with Christ! Ovanthu vokuovolola vapopia okuti omaiila oo ei nawa omuvo wokukondoka oku atundile. What traits should you avoid so that you do not become like hard clay that cannot be molded? Researchers have found that this is the best time to return home. Omukanda umwe utiwa Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, wati: "Kovalongwa va Jesus ononkhia ankho mbukahi ngolumphoki, iya eendo ankho omphangu yokupululukwa... pala vana vankhila mekolelo. " * (a) What contributes greatly to upbuilding meetings, and why? Regarding the death of Jesus, The Encyclopædia Britannica, states: "The disciples of Jesus were being put to death as if they were dead, and they were to die in a place for those who died in faith. " Putyina omulume apopila Huku " etyi tyikahi momutima wae ' konthele otyitateka tyimue vena, tyipameka oupanga wavo motyinepo. I enjoyed learning that Jehovah is interested in individuals, even ungodly ones. When the man spoke to God in "the heart of what is in his heart, " it strengthens the bond of peace in their marriage. (Eclesiastes 9: 7) Omphange umwe utiwa Catherine uhambukilwa ovipuka viatungwa, haunene pomuvo wondyovo ko Canadá. [ Credit Line] A sister named Katherine was happy to find creation, especially at the time of Canada. Aveho, vokuna ekevelo liokukala pano pohi mavakahupiswa "pononkhumbi ononene " avakala" oohi omphe " "muna mamukakala ouviuki. " They damaged your property and stubbornly refused to respond to your efforts to stop them. All who hope to live forever on earth will survive "the great crowd " and enjoy" the new earth " and "the new earth. " ▪ Ulihumba oe muene SONGS TO BE USED: 107, 122 ▪ Honor himself Otyilekeso tyovivi omunthu ena mokati kae? Tamba, mentioned in the introduction, learned firsthand the difference between the false hopes that spirit mediums offer and the truth that Jehovah holds out to us. What is a spirit of evil in his heart? Onthengele - popia yonongi novinkhombo yahangununwa mo A Sentinela 15 de Outubro yo 1995, pomafo 23 - 28, no monthele mailandulako momukanda ou. Most important of all, our "labor is not in vain in connection with the Lord. " The parable of the sheep and the goats in The Watchtower of October 15, 1995, pages 23 - 28, 28 and the next article. Vakuendye, oñgeni tyikukalesa tyina wihanua okuti Umbangi ya Jeova, iya oñgeni molekesa okuti wakola omutima? Then Aaron and Hur, one on each side, supported his hands, so that his hands remained steady until the sun set. " Young ones, how do you feel when you are called by Jehovah's Witnesses, and how can you show courage? (Atos 2: 41, 47) Ovalongwa va Jesus vakalele nehambu movilinga viavo viokuivisa, Ombimbiliya yati: "Ondaka ya Huku yatuaileko okuliyandyana, omuvalu wovalongua auliyawisa unene mo Jelusalei. " To answer, let us compare entertainment with food. Jesus ' disciples were happy in their preaching work, saying: "The Word of God continued to spread the number of the disciples in Jerusalem. " (Tanga Salmo 38: 3 - 5, 8.) He said: "I am so pleased that there are brothers who have been trained to accept greater responsibility and who are doing so well in caring for the work. " (Read Psalm 38: 3 - 5, 8.) Etulongesa okuti vamwe ankho oviveli, ovakuavo ankho haviveli. (Read Zechariah 8: 23.) They taught us that some of them were firstborn, not of the firstborn. (Jó 1: 5) No puetyi amona ononkhumbi ononene, Job wapopile ovipuka oviwa konthele ya Jeova. 20: 13. Even when he saw great tribulation, Job spoke of good things about Jehovah. Oityi vali tyipondola okutukalesa nehambu tyipona okulongesa omunthu otyili? That, in turn, has helped him to avoid even worse troubles. What else can make us more happy than being able to teach the truth? Mahi katuhangununa ehipululo limwe Liombimbiliya tyina Ovihonekwa vihetyipopi. Ecclesiastes 12: 13. But we do not explain Bible accounts when the Scriptures speak. Okupuena tyelikalela nomauvela omakuavo onondotolo valinga ononkhono opo vatale oñgeni maveehakula, okupuena katyipuiya okumanuako. Noah was also a successful parent. Prejudice is different from other doctors who strive to see how they can control smoking, but it is not easy to change. Kutupu omutimini na wike womunthu upondola okumanako ovivi, onya, ine omauvela, mahi Ouhamba wa Huku upondola okutyilinga iya mauketyilinga. This account also gives evidence of Jehovah's desire and ability to resurrect the dead. No human ruler can remove injustice, sickness, or sickness, but God's Kingdom can do so. (a) Onondaka patyi konthele yovitateka Petulu apopia? I make sure that I've read all the material published for young people. (a) What negative feelings did Peter say about Peter? Hinangela okuti matutyivili vala okufuisapo ovilinga vietu, ha mokonda younongo wetu mahi omokonda Jeova weliola omutima tupu wafuapo opo etukuatesako. 15 Why Should We Meet Together for Worship? Remember that we can succeed in carrying out our work, not on our own, but on Jehovah's wisdom, and he is ready to help us. (2 Reis 16: 7 - 10) Akasi ankho wesukisa okuyakulila ovanthu vae, mokonda onkhalamutwe ine omunthita wo Judaa. Mahi ketyilingile. (a) How did The Watch Tower describe the truth back in 1914? Ahaz needed to protect his people because he was a shepherd or a shepherd of Judah. Tupu, Jesus walekesa nawa okuti waama ku Tate yae motyitateka otyinene konthele youtumini waviuka wa Jeova. Therein, Jesus indicated both his awareness of what was happening in each congregation and the depth of his concern for his followers. Jesus also showed that he was obedient to his Father about the rightfulness of Jehovah's sovereignty. Ospilitu sandu ya Huku " ikuavela oumbangi ' wokuti ekevelelo liove oliokuenda keulu. He says: "My father had to divide his land among six of us. God's holy spirit gives you a " bearing witness ' that your hope is to go to heaven. Avemupulu okuti: "Tatekulu, inkha wakapululukuapo, makala nawa. " After answering opposers, he gives final advice to all: "Continue to rejoice, to be readjusted, to be comforted, to think in agreement, to live peaceably. " - 2 Cor. 8: 7; 13: 11. He asked: "Lord, if he is sleeping, he will get well. " (b) Oityi tuna okutokola okulinga? It makes us happy to hear that those whom we helped in the past are remaining faithful. (b) What should we be determined to do? Ovanyingi puvo velivela avakondoka ku Jeova. In lands around the globe, only Jehovah's Witnesses have adopted God's way of thinking as a group. Many of them have repented and return to Jehovah. Ovakulu vewaneno avemuavela ondundo opo atualeko okulikuatesila, nokuyumba onthumbi mononkhono mba Jeova. Food shortages have ended or ruined the lives of tens of millions. The elders encouraged him to continue building up, relying on Jehovah's holy spirit. Mokonda ombembwa yapopiwamo mailandulwa " nehanyauno maliya otyiuhulukila. ' Such trust requires humility, not relying on our own strength or wisdom. Since peace is described as "a destruction of destruction. " Tyina ovilinga " viokuteya, ' ovilinga viokuongiya vana mavakayovolwa viamamanuhuka, oo maukakala omuvo woandyu yokuliata " etala enene liovinyu yonyengo ya Huku, ' okuongiya " ovinyu yopohi. ' Believing that assurance and knowing what is about to take place will strengthen his resolve to continue on, even if he has to face a few more difficulties in the meantime. When "the harvest of the harvest, " the gathering of those who would survive the great day of food, " it would be a period of time when food" the wine [the wine] will be gathered into wine. " Okutala mu Mateus 19: 28 na Lucas 22: 30 ovalie onondaka "omihoko ekwi na vivali vio Isilayeli " mbulekesa? How grateful we can be to our caring heavenly Father, who sees even our hidden sins and corrects us before we go too far! See Matthew 19: 28 and Luke 22: 30 and Luke 22: 30 refers to "the twelve tribes of Israel "? Omapulo Ombimbiliya Akumbululwa 16 How can you protect yourself? Bible Questions Answered 16 Omahipululo Ombimbiliya o Otyotyili, Hanoñganoko Daniel states, "There is much more to life than struggling to care for privileges to the detriment of your own family. " History is not found in the Bible. * Jesus told the religious leaders of his day why God had rejected them: "Isaiah aptly prophesied about you hypocrites, as it is written, " This people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far removed from me. ' " * Enyina olio lituhinangelesa ovita ovinene vialingililwe popepi no Megido. What do you think of the example of our young ones? This name reminds us of the major wars fought near Megiddo. (b) Okuti wesukisa okukala omulongesi omunene opo utyivile okulongesa nounongo? To become rulers, they are raised out of death to heavenly life. (b) Do you need to have a high teacher so that you can teach wisdom? Oe utyii okuti Jeova upondola okuhinangela okuti epanga liae apeho, nokuhalimbwa ovilinga viae viekolelo. Because of Jesus ' profound love of righteousness and hatred of anything that might dishonor his Father, Jehovah anointed him as King of the Messianic Kingdom. He knows that Jehovah can remember his friend regularly and support his faithful work. (Naum 1: 7; Salmo 1: 6) Tyotyili, ekevelelo lietu liomuenyo uhapu litei kokunoñgonoka Huku yotyotyili, Nomona wae Jesus Kristu. - João 17: 3. As Michael the archangel, Jesus did not go beyond his authority when he had " a difference with the Devil about Moses ' body. ' Yes, our hope of everlasting life depends on knowing the true God and his Son, Jesus Christ. - John 17: 3. Iya atyiho ohi yava tyakala pala onohamba wetuavela mbututumine mokonda yononkhali mbetu,... iya tukahi mononkhumbi ononene. " - Neemias 9: 36, 37. In keeping with Psalm 4: 8, how did the Israelites fare when they kept God's Law? 9: 36, 37. 15: 29 - Oityi tyihangununa "okumbatisalwa netokolo liokunkhia "? For a full explanation of how Jesus ' sacrificial death has the power to save obedient mankind, see What Does the Bible Really Teach? 15: 29 - What does it mean to be baptized? Mahi Jeova omukoyesi wavilapo iya etokolo alinga lio kuhanyako ouye uno liaviuka. But when they had the chance to do something for Jehovah, they did nothing. But Jehovah is the greatest judge, and he made a decision to destroy this wicked world. (1 Coríntios 2: 12; Efésios 2: 2; Revelação 12: 12) Ovituwa viouye vinkhimaneka omahando olutu, iya vielikalela unene nospilitu ya Huku notyinyango tyayo. 24: 12 - 14. The spirit of the world brings honor to fleshly desires, and it is very different from God's spirit and its fruitage. Ame ankho hahandele okutañguna, naame andyinumana. " You [Jesus] bought people for God out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth. " - Revelation 5: 9, 10. I didn't want to argue, and I didn't care. Oityi upondola okulityilika inkha wimbuka okuti kukahi nokuendela muetyi ukahi nokulongeswa na Jeova? Keep in mind, too, that Satan will do anything to lure Jehovah's servants off the cramped road leading to life. What can you avoid if you realize that you are living in harmony with what you are learning from Jehovah? (a) Oityi tyivatela unene opo omaliongiyo aave epameko, iya omokonda yatyi? (a) What language did Jehovah use to communicate with Moses, Samuel, and David? (a) What can help you to attend meetings, and why? Nahambukwa unene etyi nelilongesa okuti Jeova wesuka novanthu aveho, alo umue vana vehemuumbila. Many wonder if anyone hears prayers. I am so happy that I learned that Jehovah cares about all people, including those who do not serve him. [ Ehangununo liolutalatu pefo 12] According to one estimate, more than five billion copies of the Bible, in whole or in part, have been distributed. [ Picture on page 8] Avahimbika okunyona ondyuo yove nokuhetavela etyi uvepopila. It is truly an honor to bear the name of the almighty God, Jehovah. They started to destroy your house and rejected what they had told them. 26 ya Kakwenye alo 1 ya Kwenye Kunene PEFO 8 - OVIIMBO: 107 [53], 122 [127] True to his words, the girl rose from the dead! 26 Our Readers Ask... Tamba, wapopiua konthyimbi, tete wanoñgonoka okuelikalela kukahi pokati komakevelo omatutu ovimbanda viava, notyili Jeova etulongesa. If we are to walk in our integrity, we must display such qualities, especially if we serve as elders in the Christian congregation. Tamba, mentioned earlier, came to understand the difference between false spirit and the truth that Jehovah taught us. (Salmo 126: 6) Haunene, " ovilinga vietu mu Tatekulu kaviapesekele. ' If you have asked those same questions, you are not alone. Above all, " our work in the Lord did not work out. ' Arau na Hur, avakala ponthele yae, kese umwe ayake okuvoko kuike kwa Moisesi, iya omaoko ae atualako nokuayelulwa alo ekumbi lianyingila. " What factors, do you think, influenced church leaders of later centuries to ignore the Bible's plain teachings? Aaron and Hur became close to him, each one kept his hand upon Moses, and kept his hands upon the ground until the dry. " Tupu vetyii okuti kuna apa vena okuhulila. What will help us cope at times like that? They also know that there is a place to provide for their material needs. Peter wati: "Ndyihambukwa okunoñgonoka okuti ovakuatate valongeswa opo vakale vali novilinga meongano. Tupu ndyihambukwa vali unene okunoñgonoka okuti vekahi nokufuisapo nawa ovilinga viavo. " But by extension, it can be applied to those who will be the earthly subjects of God's Kingdom. Peter says: "I am happy to learn that brothers are learning more about the spiritual goals they are doing. " (Tanga Zacarias 8: 23.) This fact was reflected in Jehovah's dealings with Achan and with Ananias and Sapphira. (Read Zechariah 8: 23.) 20: 13. Some diagnostic and therapeutic procedures border on the use of the uncanny. 20: 13. Pahe uhole okukuatesuako okulityilika ovitateka. In fulfillment of Bible prophecy, the good news about this Kingdom is now being preached throughout the earth. Now you have practical help to avoid problems. Eclesiastes 12: 13. 14, 15. Ecclesiastes 12: 13. Noe tupu ankho ohe yombunga ukahi nawa. When we are busy doing good things for other people, we often forget about our own problems. Noah was also a family head. 6: 25 - 34) Tupu ehipululo olio, lilekesa ehando lia Jeova nounongo wokututilisa vokuankhia. Both the anointed and the "other sheep " can look forward to everlasting life, whether in heaven or on earth. The account also reveals Jehovah's purpose and ability to resurrect the dead. Ame ndyilinga atyiho opo ndyitange ononthele ambuho mbupopia konthele yovakuendye. What if you want to give an explanation for your speech or actions? I do all I can to read the articles about young people. 15 Omokonda Yatyi Tulingila Omaliongiyo Okufenda? Consider what the Bible promises regarding that time. 15 Why We Worship God's Word? (a) Oñgeni Omutala Womulavi upopia otyili konyima mo 1914? How can the words at Romans 14: 21 help us to respect the conscience of others? (a) How does The Watchtower describe the truth after 1914? (Revelação 2: 1 - 3: 22) Momikanda ovio, Jesus walekesa okuti wii nawa etyi ankho tyipita momawaneno oo, nesuko liae enene novalanduli vae. Paul's counsel does not rule out legal separation in extreme situations. In these letters, Jesus showed that he understood the meaning of those congregations and his concern for his followers. Oe wati: "Tate, onthue ovana vae epandu wetuyapaulila ofika yae. By praying about these things and meditating on them, we can make a decision that is practical in our situation and one that Jehovah will bless. He said: "Our father, we his six children, and he brought him out of his land. Etyi amana okukumbulula onondyale, aavela aveho omalondolo ahulililako, ati: "Tualeiko nehambu, nokupilululwa, nokungumaneswa, nokusoka monkhalelo ike, nokukala nombembwa. " - 2 Coríntios 8: 7; 13: 11. Then you will be happy, and it will seem that time is passing quickly. After answering opposers, he gave all his advice, saying: "Keep on the watch, be overjoyed, and be made known to you in a way that is in peace. " - 2 Corinthians 8: 8; 13: 11. Tyituhambukiswa okuiva okuti vana tuakuatesileko kohale vatualako noukuatyili. He knew that Jehovah would reward him in the future. - Exodus 10: 28, 29. It is a joy to hear that those who have fallen asleep in the past maintain integrity keepers. Movilongo vimwe mouye auho, Onombangi mba Jeova vala vetavela olusoke lwa Huku. This occurred, for example, when he returned from defeating the king of Elam and his allies. In some lands around the world, Jehovah's Witnesses accept God's thinking. Mokonda yokulia kuehehi, ovanthu ovanyingi veli nokunkhia mokonda yondyala. He married his beloved wife, Penny, in 1977 and raised a family. Because of food, many people die because they were hungry. 23 - 29 YA TUNGONKHE, 2013 | PEFO 26 • OVIIMBO: 107, 116 Jehovah gives knowledge, understanding, discernment, and wisdom to those who put forth effort to seek these gifts. 29 Our Readers Ask... (Mateus 6: 25 - 32) Okuyumba onthumbi mu Huku tyihanda omutima weliola, atuhakolela mononkhono mbetu ine omounongo wetu muene. " Where did God come from? ' Trusting in God calls for humility, not our own strength, or our own abilities. Okutavela etyi apopilwa nokuiwa etyi omuhona malingi, matyimupe ononkhono mbokutualako okuundapa, namphila mamono ononkhumbi mokamuvo oko kehehi. VOLUME 1 Accepting the invitation and getting to know what the master will do, he will not let him continue to work hard to keep working, even if he has been persecuted for a short time. Okutala ononthele mbumwe mbomukanda Paulu ahonekela ova Efesu, matyitukuatesako okunoñgonoka oityi outumini oo walingilua, noñgeni matuundapela kumwe nao. What are some common situations that present challenges to a Christian's integrity? Consider some parts of the book of Paul's letter to the Ephesians, which helps us to understand what it means to cooperate with each other and how we can cooperate with it. Tupandula unene mokonda Jeova usuka nonthue! Instead of remaining alert, however, Peter and his companions fell asleep. How grateful we are that Jehovah cares for us! Oñgeni upondola okuliyakulila? Actually, that can be a good sign, for it shows humility on your part. How can you protect yourself? Daniel wati: "Wahasukalale unene nokufwisapo ovilinga viove iya olimbuiko ombunga yove. " Like faithful Hannah, who probably lived during his time, Jephthah had to keep his promise, even though he knew what it meant for his daughter and himself. Daniel says: "He will surely bless your work and will bless your family. " Jesus wapopilile ononkhalamutwe mbonongeleya kononthiki mbae oityi Huku eveanyena. Wati: "Isaia wetyipopia nawa konthele yenyi, vemphinia okuti: " Ovanthu ava vampha vala ehumbilo nomilungu, anthi omitima viavo vikahi kokule naame. ' " The lesser one, who waits patiently for a privilege of service, will continue to serve Jehovah joyfully and will rejoice in whatever assignment he is given. Jesus told religious leaders of his day what God was saying about them: "Just as you hypocrites, they honor me, but their hearts are far removed from me. " Oñgeni ulitehelela konthele yonongeleka mbo vakuendye? What does the Bible say about spiritually - minded people? How do you feel about the examples of young ones? (2 Timóteo 2: 12) Opo vakakale ovatumini keulu, vena yokunkhia avatutila nomuenyo wo keulu. I know God cares for me, and I have many close friends who also make me feel secure. " In order to live in heaven, they had to die a resurrection of life in heaven. Jeova walembula Jesus akale Ohamba Youhamba wa Huku mokonda Jesus uhole unene ouviuki, iya uyele atyiho tyipondola okupenyesa Tate yae. Jesus ' counsel to the Ephesians and to other congregations he addressed in the book of Revelation has been fitting in view of conditions that existed for a time among anointed Christians from 1914 on. Jehovah anointed Jesus as King of God's Kingdom because Jesus loved righteousness and hates all that would bring reproach on his Father. Namphila Jesus o Mingeli o arkandyu, kelipakele kounene etyi " elipatana Neliapu konthele yolutu lwa Moisesi. ' Where can you find reliable answers to these important questions? Even though Jesus is Michael the archangel, he did not reject "the Devil's cause of the body of Moses. " Ngetyi tyipopia Salmo 4: 8 oñgeni ova Isilayeli ankho vakala tyina vetavela Ovitumino via Huku? Marie - Agnès and Michel Eric and Katy, mentioned earlier, served in a foreign - language field in France before moving to Benin. According to Psalm 4: 8, how did the Israelites respond when they obeyed God's Law? Opo unoñgonoke vali nawa oñgeni ononkhia mbotyilikutila tya Jesus mbuna epondolo liokuyovola ovanthu vetavela, tala momukanda Oityi Ombimbiliya Tyili Ilongesa? But an older anointed brother, Eldon Woodworth, worked with us. For more information about the death of Jesus, see the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Mahi puetyi ankho vena omphitilo yokulingila Jeova, kavetyilingile. So when we make a mistake, we should ask Jehovah to forgive us. But when they had the opportunity to serve Jehovah, they did not do so. Iya ngotyo ndekese okuti una oluembia olunene nomuhona wange. " - Gênesis 24: 12 - 14. But as far as God was concerned, I didn't really know that much about him. 24: 12 - 14. " Ove [Jesus] walanda ovanthu pala Huku, momihoko aviho, no momalaka aeho, no momalongo aeho iya wevelinga opo vakale onohamba novanakwa pala Huku yetu, opo vakatumine ngo nohamba kombanda yohi. " - Revelação 5: 9, 10. Why not? " You [Jesus] have been raised out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues and peoples and priests and priests for our kings, that they may rule as kings over the earth. " - Revelation 5: 9, 10. Tupu, hinangela okuti Satanasi malingi atyiho apondola opo ayapule ovaumbili va Jeova mondyila yahita yomuenyo. (Read Joshua 21: 45; 23: 14.) Remember, too, that Satan can do everything he can to put Jehovah's servants on the narrow road to life. (a) Elaka patyi Jeova aundapesa etyi apopia na Moisesi na Samuele na David? 28 Our Readers Ask 29 How to Be a Successful Missionary (a) What language did Jehovah use when he spoke to Moses and Samuel? Vamwe velipula inkha kuna umwe una utehelela omalikuambelo. God promises: "I, Jehovah, am your God, the One teaching you to benefit yourself, the One causing you to tread in the way in which you should walk. " - Isaiah 48: 17. Some wonder if someone has heard prayers. Nomakina oyo, Ombimbiliya aihimbika okuyandyana unene. Ombalulo imwe yalingwa, ilekesa okuti Onombimbiliya ine ononthele mbayo mbo kuayandyaneswa mbulamba po nombiliau ononthano. It was not long before Jesus ' words began to come true. After all, the translation of the Bible began to be printed, which shows that the number of more than five billion copies of the Bible have been printed. (Atos 15: 14) Tyotyili, ehiviliko enene okutyinda enyina lia Huku wepondolo aliho Jeova. It is "God who makes it grow. " Yes, the great honor to sanctify God's name is Jehovah. (Lucas 8: 41, 42, 49, 50) Tyotyili omukaitu atutila! Why did Barzillai not accept the invitation? No wonder she was resurrected! Inkha tuhanda okuendela moukuatyili wetu, tuna okukala novituwa ngovio, haunene inkha tuvakulu vewaneno mewaneno lio Vakristau. Paul recognized that Jehovah was glorified by means of the congregation's unity. If we want to live up to our integrity, we must display such qualities, especially if we are older in the Christian congregation. Inkha lumwe walingile omapulo ngoo, haveko vala. 4, 5. If you ever ask yourself such questions, you are not alone. Omokonda yatyi ononkhalamutwe mbonongeleya vehetavelela otyili tyayandyuluka Tyombimbiliya? Qualities That Endeared Jesus to People Why are religious leaders not clear Bible truth? (Habacuque 1: 2, 3) Oityi matyitukuatesako okukoleleya pomuvo opo? Jesus told his disciples: "If you have faith the size of a mustard grain, you will say to this mountain, " Transfer from here to there, ' and it will transfer, and nothing will be impossible for you. " What will help us to endure at that time? (Filipenses 3: 20) Mahi, tupu lipondola okulandulwa na vana mavakatuminwa Nouhamba wa Huku pano pohi. He who loves his wife loves himself, for no man ever hated his own flesh; but he feeds and cherishes it, as the Christ also does the congregation. " - Ephesians 5: 25, 28, 29. However, it can also refer to those who will be subjects of God's Kingdom on earth. (Êxodo 34: 6, 7; Hebreus 10: 26) Otyo, tyamoneka nawa monkhalelo Jeova akoyesile Akan na Anania na Safila. What did she do? This was evident in Jehovah's dealings with Ananias and Ananias. (Atos 15: 20) Ononkhalelo mbumue mbokutala omauvela nokuhakula, mbelifwa no mbo maumbanda. What helped Asaph to continue to have Jehovah as his share? In some ways, it is similar with sickness and dangers. (Mateus 6: 9, 10; 1 Coríntios 15: 20 - 28) Okufuisapo etyi Ombimbiliya yapopia, onondaka onongwa konthele Youhamba wa Huku, hono mbukahi nokuiviswa kombanda yoohi aiho. We move forward as spiritual people by getting to know how Jehovah thinks and then trying to imitate him. In carrying out what the Bible says, the good news about God's Kingdom today is being preached throughout the earth. 14, 15. " I saw another angel flying in midheaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare as glad tidings to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people, saying in a loud voice: " Fear God and give him glory. ' " - Revelation 14: 6, 7. 14, 15. Tyina tulingila ovipuka oviwa vakuetu, tupondola okulimbuako ovitateka vietu. Solomon used a very interesting comparison to describe the value of doing good. When we do good things for others, we can forget how serious our problems are. Ovalembulwa "nonongi ononkhuavo, " vakevelela omuenyo wahapu, tyilinge pano pohi ine o keulu. Never Become "Enraged Against Jehovah, " 8 / 15 The anointed and the "other sheep " look forward to everlasting life, whether they will live forever on earth or in heaven. Iya inkha uhanda okuhangununa etyi ove walinga ine wapopia, molingi ñgeni? What kind of worship does Jehovah accept, and why is maintaining this such a challenge today? What, though, if you want to explain what you have done or say, how will you react? Tala omilao Viombimbiliya mavikafuisuapo momuvo oo. It is as if he were already dead. Consider Bible promises that will come true during that time. Oñgeni onondaka mba Romanos 14: 21 mbutukuatesako okukala nonthilo nomutima wa vakuetu? 92: 7. How can Romans 14: 21 help us to respect others? Elondolo lia Paulu kalilekesa okuti ovanthu kavapondola okuliyapuka tyina pena ovitateka ovinene. A special pioneer couple in Norway started a Bible study with a family from Zambia. Paul's counsel does not mean that people should not be separated when there are serious problems. (Salmo 119: 108; 2 Coríntios 9: 7) Tyina tulikuambela konthele yovipuka ovio nokusokolola kuvio, tupondola okulinga omatokolo no nondunge elikuata kumwe nonkhalelo yetu yomuenyo iya Jeova etuyambe. Convenient though the chapter - and - verse divisions are, always keep in mind the importance of getting the big picture - understanding the whole message God gave. When we pray about these things and meditate on them, we can make wise decisions based on how we please Jehovah and enjoy life. Okulinga ngotyo matyikuetela ehambu iya moimbuka okuti omuvo ukahi nokulamba liwa. Jesus later commended the congregation in Ephesus because they could not "bear bad men. " Doing so will make you happy, and you will realize that the time is passing quickly. Panda Oukuatyili wa Jeova Notyituwa Tyae Tyokuevela They have sought to get a clearer understanding of the timing of the fulfillment of Jesus ' words. Appreciating Jehovah's Integrity in His Purpose Ankho utyii okuti Jeova upondola okukemuyamba komutwe. - Êxodo 10: 28, 29. 9: 6; Rom. 8: 21; 1 Cor. 15: 27, 28. He knew that Jehovah would bless you in the future. - Exodus 10: 28, 29. Abraiau waanene ovikando vitatu vielikalela. Jesus himself had this kind of love, and he set the perfect example for us. Abraham did not make up three times. Avelinepe na Penny mo 1977, avakala novana. Proverbs 24: 10 acknowledges: "Have you shown yourself discouraged in the day of distress? She and Miriam were married in 1958, and they began raising children. Jeova wavela enoñgonoko, nonondunge, nounongo wokupunga ovipuka vana valinga ononkhono mbokuviovola. DOES praying do us any good? Jehovah has given us insight, insight, and discernment. Oe ulipula okuti, " Opi Huku atuka? ' The Bible was written under the direction of God's holy spirit. He wondered, " Where does God come from? ' VOLUME 1 By choosing to count my blessings each day, I can see what a privilege it is to be known and loved by our protective heavenly Father. IMITATE THEIR FAITH AND 1 Ovipuka patyi pamue vilola ekoleleyo lio Vakristau? We did everything we could to establish legal reasons why Jehovah's Witnesses should be able to worship freely in Portugal. What situations may test the integrity of Christian integrity? Jesus weveita vakale tyipahi, mahi Petulu navakuavo avalala. So I gave up my business and spent my days in the ministry with this pioneer, as full - time ministers of Jehovah's Witnesses are called. Jesus asked them to stay awake, but Peter and others stayed away. Tyotyili, otyo tyilekesa okuti weliola omutima. WHEN they were created, Adam and Eve had no enemies whatsoever. Of course, this shows humility. (Números 30: 2) Ngetyi tyalingile omukuatyili Ana, wakaleleko omuvo wike na Jefete, na Jefete wafuisilepo omulao wae namphila ankho tyepuiya unene tyilinge kwe tyilinge komona wae. • What results are being obtained with the publication What Does the Bible Really Teach? Like Hannah, she lived for one time, and Jephthah kept his promise to him even though it was very difficult for her to raise her son. Omunthu ulipaka koututu, ukevela noumphua - lundo otyilinga mewaneno, nokutualako okuumbila Jeova nehambu, nokupanda ovilinga apewa. Is there credible evidence that Jesus was resurrected? He expects a lesser one, patiently in the congregation, to serve Jehovah with joy, and to appreciate his privileges. Oityi Ombimbiliya ipopia konthele yovanthu vapama motyili? Why can we say that the apostle Paul emphasized good news in the book of Romans? What does the Bible say about spiritual people? Ndyityii okuti Huku wesuka na ame, tupu ndyina omapanga omanyingi, ankhuatesako okuhakala notyiho. " The Bible tells us that we show genuine love "not in word or with the tongue, but in deed and truth. " I know that God cares about me, and I have many friends and helped me to feel anxious. " Elondolo Jesus aavelele ewaneno lio Efesu nomakuavo atumine okuhonekela momukanda wa Revelação, liatokala nawa Ovakristau ovanakwa, mokonda yononkhalelo mbukahi pokati kavo tunde menima 1914. Imagining such scenes may make some people feel concerned, while others may feel skeptical or even amused. Jesus gave counsel to the congregation in Ephesus and to the congregations in the book of Revelation, which is appropriate for anointed Christians, since in 1914. Opi upondola okuvasa omakumbululo otyotyili omapulo oo akolela? In this article, we will learn how to treasure God's gift of free will by using it in a way that pleases the Giver of that gift. Where can you find satisfying answers to these important questions? Eric na Katy, vapopiwa pombanda, etyi nkhele veheneende ko Benin ankho vekahi mewaneno lipopia elaka ekuavo mo França. As you examine what they say, follow the good example of those who lived during the first century in the city of Beroea. Eric and Eric, quoted earlier, were still serving in a foreign - language congregation in France. Mahi ankho tuundapa nomukuatate umwe omulembulwa, utiwa Eldon Woodworth. Jehovah created two humans, Adam and Eve. But I worked with a anointed brother, who was diagnosed with malaria. Tyina tulinga oviponyo, onthue tuita ku Jeova opo etuevele. (See opening picture.) When we make mistakes, we ask Jehovah to forgive us. Mahi Huku ankho hemunoñgonokele nawa. So Moses understood how much Jehovah loves people. But God didn't care. Mokonda yatyi? I'm glad I planned to share fully in the disciple - making work. " - Ecclesiastes 11: 6. Why? (Tanga Josué 21: 45; 23: 14.) Jesus ' sayings and superlative example promote a giving spirit. (Read Joshua 21: 45; 23: 14.) 29 Efendelo Liombunga - Liakolela Pala Okuhupa! Likely, the Devil's claim caused all of God's loyal servants in heaven to feel shock, anger, and contempt. 29 Family Worship - It Is Good for You! Huku walaa okuti: "Ame, Jeova, ame Huku yove, Una ukulongesa etyi tyakolela, Una ukuhongolela mondyila una okuendela. " - Isaías 48: 17. Those taking the lead in the congregation are imperfect men, and they should constantly be aware of that limitation. God promises: "I, Jehovah, am your God, the One teaching you to benefit yourself, the One teaching you to walk in the way you should walk. " - Isaiah 48: 17. (Mateus 13: 24 - 30, 36 - 43) Kapakalele unene, onondaka mba Jesus ambuhimbika okufuisuapo. [ " Prophecy was at no time brought by man's will, " writes Peter, "but men spoke from God as they were borne along by holy spirit. " Shortly thereafter, Jesus ' words began to be fulfilled. Mokonda "o Huku vala wiikulisa. " [ Picture on page 5] Because "he is the only God who knows it. " Omokonda yatyi Barsilai ehetavelele ku David? They date from the sixth and seventh centuries, and some contain passages from the Psalms and the Gospels. Why did Barzillai disobey David? (Atos 19: 8, 19, 26) Tyimoneka nawa okuti, elongeso lio Vakristau votyotyili liawanekele ovanthu vononkhalelo ononyingi. When the last days began in 1914, there were only a few thousand servants of Jehovah worldwide. Clearly, the teaching of true Christians was one of many ways. 4, 5. When called upon to judge, how vital it is that elders not let themselves be deceived by falsehood, clever tactics, or rumors! 4, 5. Ovituwa Oviwa Viakokelele Ovanthu ku Jesus [ Footnote] Good News About People About Jesus Jesus wapopila ovalongwa vae okuti: "Inkha mukala nekolelo lilifwe poñgima yo mostarda, mamupopila omphunda ei okuti: " Tundapa enda no oko ', aiyende, iya natyike matyimupono. " Now they are our brothers and sisters. Jesus told his disciples: "If you exercise faith in the tree of the mustard grain, you will say to this mountain: " Take away, and you will run out, and nothing will be impossible for you. ' " Mokonda kutupu omunthu wayalele olutu luae muene. Anthi, ulutekula nokuluyunga nawa, ngetyi Kristu ayunga ewaneno liae. " - Efésios 5: 25, 28, 29. But one choice is more important than all others - your decision to serve Jehovah. For no man hated his own body; but he feeds and cherishes it, just as the Christ also does his congregation. " - Ephesians 5: 25, 28, 29. Oityi alingile? I shall lack nothing. " - PSALM 23: 1 What did he do? Oityi tyakuatesileko Asafe okutualako okulinga Jeova epingo liae? [ Footnotes] What helped Asaph to remain in Jehovah's inheritance? Onthue tutualako okukala omunthu wapama motyili mokunoñgonoka oñgeni Jeova asoka noñgeni elitehelela iya atulingi ononkhono mbokumuhetekela. " Oppose the Devil " as Jesus Did We continue to become spiritually - minded in knowing how Jehovah thinks and feels, and we strive to imitate him. " Ame namona oandyu onkhuavo inthanana pokati keulu, ina onondaka onongwa mba apeho pala okuivisa, no nondaka onongwa pala vana vakala kombanda yoohi, nomalongo aeho nomihoko, nomalaka, novanthu. Yapopila peulu okuti: " Tilei Huku, munkhimanekei '. " - Revelação 14: 6, 7. Illustrate. 14: 6, 7. Salomau waeleka nawa esilivilo liokulinga ovipuka oviwa. " They will build houses and live in them, and they will plant vineyards and eat their fruitage. " - Isaiah 65: 21. Solomon compared the importance of doing good. Efendelo patyi Jeova atavela? Okutualako nefendelo olio hono katyapepukile mokonda yatyi? If your son or daughter has been disfellowshipped, will you "trust in Jehovah with all your heart "? What kind of worship does Jehovah accept, and why is it not easy to maintain it today? Otyo vemupopila ngatyina ankhiale. Jehovah transferred his blessing to a dynamic new organization centered on Jesus Christ and his teachings. That is why I told them that he had died. Anthi, Ovakristau vomatutu, valandula onkhalelo yokusoka youye novituwa viao, vikahi nokuliyawisa mokueenda kuononthiki ombu mbahulilila. - Salmo 92: 7. In 1981 the Malawi Young Pioneers found us again. However, false Christians follow the world's thinking and moral standards during these last days. - Ps. 92: 7. Ovalinepi vamue ovakokoli - ndyila vavilapo (pioneiros especiais), ko Norway vahimbika okulilongesa Ombimbiliya nomulume umue nomukai wae ko Zambia. In real terms, though, it is only the elders who take this action in their capacity as representatives of the congregation. A special pioneer couple may begin to study the Bible with their husband in Zambia. Namphila otyiwa okukala Nombimbiliya yatepaulwa ovikapitulu no noversikulu, mahi noñgonoka okuti, tyakolela unene tunoñgonoke ondaka aiho Huku aava. Of course, we realize that having a close relationship with Jehovah and receiving the support of his spirit are the most powerful sources of strength that we have as true Christians. Although it is good for us to become divided by Bible chapters and verses, it is important to understand that the word of God has given us whole. (2 Coríntios 11: 4, 13; Atos 20: 30) Jesus wapandele ewaneno mo Efesu mokonda ankho kavayekela mewaneno "ovanthu valinga ovivi. " He will call attention to a Bible account that describes what Jesus said and did when he instituted this event. Jesus commended the congregation in Ephesus because he did not abandon "people of the nations. " Ankho vahanda okunoñgonoka vali nawa onalupi onondaka mba Jesus mambufuiswapo. God's Word Helps a Former Drunkard They wanted to know more about when Jesus ' words would come true. Mahi konthyulilo youtumini oo, Jesus mekelipakula ku Jeova, iya aveho avakakala ovana va Huku monkhalelo yokuafuapo. - João 10: 16; Isaías 9: 6; Romanos 8: 21; 1 Coríntios 15: 27, 28. For one thing, we can cultivate motives like those of Jesus. But at the end of that time, Jesus will be dedicated to Jehovah, and all of God's children will live in a way that pleases him. - John 10: 16; Isaiah 9: 6; Romans 8: 27, 28. (João 13: 34, 35) Jesus walekesile ohole iya oe ongeleka yetu yavilapo. If praying for a sick animal, they may choose "Saint " Francis of Assisi or to" Saint " Jude Thaddeus if they are at the point of despair over a lost cause. Jesus showed love, and he is our perfect example. Provérbios 24: 10 yati: "Wakala tyasoya monthiki yononkhumbi? This may seem as if it would have been an easy choice to make because serving Jehovah is always best. Proverbs 24: 10 says: "Have you become discouraged in the day of distress? 6 Tyivatela Umwe? And what steps can we take to make sure that the decisions we make honor God? 6 Keys to Family Happiness - How? Tyakolela okuhinangela okuti Huku waundapesa ospilitu yae opo ahongolele ovahoneki Vombimbiliya. Sometime after that, Patsy also died. It is important to remember that God used his spirit to guide Bible writers. Mokonda naholovona okumupandula konthele yovipuka aviho andingila ononthiki ambuho, naimbuka okuti elao limwe enene okunoñgonokwa, nokuhumbwa, nokuyakulilwa na Tate wo keulu. After considering the matter in the light of the Scriptures, she concluded that it was not right to send the baby away. Because I thank him about all his benefits, I know that one of them is the greatest honor and approval of the heavenly Father. Tualinga atyiho tuvila opo Onombangi mba Jeova vafende tyahailikwa novatumini. They have had many sleepless nights, even rushing him to the hospital when he has a diabetic crisis. We do all we can to worship Jehovah's Witnesses and not worship government officials. Moluotyo, andyiyekepo ovilinga viange, andyihimbika okuivisa nomukokoli - ndyila oo, movilinga viomuvo auho vio Nombangi mba Jeova. If so, the meetings will be among "the more important things " that we make room for in our busy lives. As a result, I stopped preaching and started pioneering full - time in the full - time ministry. ETYI Andau na Eva vatungwa, ankho vetupu onondyale. 6, 7. (a) Why do some oppose family members who begin to study with Jehovah's Witnesses? WHEN Adam and Eve were created, they did not have enemies. • Oñgeni omukanda Oityi Ombimbiliya Tyili Ilongesa ukahi nokukuatesako ovanthu? During your school years, you can improve your ability to speak to others about the good news. • How does the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Okuti kuna umwe etyi tyilekesa okuti tyilityili Jesus watutilisua? How do the Scriptures emphasize the need for having love among ourselves? Is there really any evidence that Jesus was resurrected? Oityi ove upopila okuti apostolu Paulu wapopia vali unene "onondaka onongwa " momukanda wo va Roma? Thousands of people around the world have also begun to study the Bible and to learn what God has revealed about his purpose. Why would you say that the apostle Paul emphasizes the "good news " in the book of Romans? Ombimbiliya itupopila okuti tuna okulekesa ohole yotyotyili "hamonondaka vala ine omokupopia, mahi omuevi tulinga no motyili. " Although the parents had eight children, the mother used to say, "What are two more plates at a table set for ten? " The Bible tells us that we should show genuine love "in word or in deed and truth. " Okusoka kovipuka ovio, tyipondola okusukalalesa ovanthu vamwe, ovakuavo vapondola okuhetavela ine okuyola. Paul was a Roman citizen, and he deserved a proper trial. Reflecting on such things may cause some to lose sight of their feelings or feelings. Monthele ei, matulilongesa oñgeni tupondola okuundapesa ounongo wokuliholovonena monkhalelo ihambukiswa Huku Omuavi wotyiawa otyo. However, what they do know is that "whenever [God] is made manifest [they] shall be like him, because [they] shall see him just as he is, " that is," the Spirit. " - 2 Cor. 3: 17, 18. In this article, we will learn how we can use free will in a way that pleases God. Putyina usoka kuetyi ovo vapopia, landula ongeleka ongwa yovanthu vana vo konthiki mbo valongwa votete, mepundaumbo lio Bereia. They set their own course or they may simply be adrift in a sea of moral abandon, as was true of some of those ancient Corinthians before they became believers. As you think about what they said, follow the example set by the early disciples of the Beroeans in the city of Beroeans. Jeova walinga ovanthu vevali, Andau na Eva. Why do many want to go to heaven, but few want to die to get there? Jehovah created two people, Adam and Eve. (Tala olutalatu pefo pahimbikila onthele.) During the course of the evening meal, Jesus gets up and puts aside his outer garments. (See opening picture.) (Jó 14: 14, 15; Hebreus 11: 17 - 19) Ngotyo, ankho Moisesi utyii umwe nawa okuti Jeova uhole ovanthu. As we read the Bible, we can note where and how some of God's people went astray and thus became warning examples. So Moses knew that Jehovah loved humans. Ame ndyina ehambu, liokuaundapa unene movilinga viokulinga ovalongwa. " - Eclesiastes 11: 6. Ancient documents show that while in exile, many Jews learned the art of buying and selling and became good craftsmen. I am happy to have a full share in the disciple - making work. " - Ecclesiastes 11: 6. Onondaka mba Jesus nonkhalelo yae ongwa unene, vilunda ovanthu okukala notyali. 12 Jesus ' gracious words and manner of generosity moved people to be generous. Omatutu a Satanasi anumanesile unene onoandyu mba Jeova keulu. Even after the missionaries returned from the international assembly, I stayed at Bethel. Satan was very angry with Jehovah's angels in heaven. Ovalume aveho vekahi komutwe mewaneno, ovakuankhali, iya ovo muene vesukisa okuimbuka okuti ovakuankhali. This only made me more determined to "obey God as ruler rather than men. " - Acts 5: 29. All men in the congregation are imperfect, and they need to recognize that they are imperfect. Petulu wahoneka okuti, "Mokonda omaulo kaahonekelwe kehando liovanthu. Lessons From the Birds of the Heavens 8 Peter wrote: "Because of the fulfillment of the prophecies that were not revealed in man's history. [ Olutalatu pefo 13] That included being sustained "on his sickbed. " [ Picture on page 10] Viahonekwa motyita tyapandu no motyita tya panduvali, iya vimwe ankho muvasiwa onondaka mbapolwa mo Salmu nomo no Evandyeliu. SONGS: 15, 74 It was seen in the seventh century, and some of the words found in the Psalms and the Gospels. Konthyimbi yononthiki mbahulilila mo 1914, ovaumbili va Huku ankho kavehi. How did God's holy spirit help certain older men in ancient Israel? Early in the last days, God's servants were few. Ovakulu vewaneno vena okulunguka unene pokutetulula otyitateka, opo vahayondyue nounkhembi veiva konthele oyo. (See opening picture.) The elders must be careful not to give in to temptation so that they may not be deceived by them. [ Onondaka Poutoi] No. [ Footnote] Hono valinga ovakuatate vetu no nomphange. Jesus reflects his Father's personality so perfectly that observing the Son is like seeing the Father. Today, they do our brothers and sisters today. Etokolo patyi liakolela molingi? Etokolo liokuumbila Jeova. Always remember that your son or daughter must come to love Jehovah with his or her own heart - not yours. What important decision will you make to serve Jehovah? Natyike matyinkhambela. " - SALMO 23: 1 Imagine how Noah's faith was strengthened when he learned that his name, which means "Rest " or" Consolation, " included the idea of hope. I shall lack nothing. " - PS. 23: 1. Iya ahanye omitala koupunda, kuna ankho ovanthu vafendela ovikahuku. God has entrusted the care of his precious sheep to "the faithful and discreet slave. " Then he destroyed the high places, and then the people worshipped false gods. [ Onondaka Poutoi] Why does Jehovah keep his eyes on you? [ Footnote] " Yala Eliapu Ngetyi " Tyalingile Jesus Among these were points regarding the Lord's Evening Meal that the apostle Paul passed on to Christian congregations. " Take Like the Devil, " Jesus Did Not Know? Ava ongeleka. They must "put on the new personality which was created according to God's will in true righteousness and loyalty. " - Eph. 4: 24. Illustrate. (Revelação 21: 4) "Mavakatunga onondyuo avakalamo, mavakatuika omiti avakalia ovinyango viavio. " - Isaías 65: 21. While this article refers mainly to Kingdom Halls, the same principles apply to Assembly Halls and other facilities that are used for pure worship. " They will certainly build houses and have occupancy; and they will plant vineyards and eat their fruitage. " - Isaiah 65: 21. Inkha omona wove wapolua mewaneno, okuti "moyumbu onthumbi mu Jeova nomutima wove auho "? 9 / 1 Where Is Biblical Paradise? If your child is disfellowshipped, would you not trust in Jehovah with all your heart? " Mahi ankho nkhele una eongano liovaumbili vekolelo, vetavelele Jesus Kristu nomalongeso ae. What can we do to build such godly patience? But he still had the organization of faithful servants who obeyed Jesus Christ and his teachings. Mo 1981, Eongano Liovakuendye vo Malawi avetuvasi vali. Really, though, it seems best to avoid speculation. For example, in 1981, the League of Malawi conquered the again. (Mateus 18: 17) Mahi, otyilinga otyo tyapewa vala ovakulu vewaneno vekahi komutue wewaneno. (Read Matthew 20: 8 - 16.) But this responsibilities applies only to the elders who are taking the lead. Tyotyili, onthue tuimbuka okuti okukala noupanga omuwa na Jeova, nokuvatelwa nospilitu yae, tyitupameka unene onthue Vakristau votyotyili. How so? Of course, we realize that having a good relationship with Jehovah and his spirit can be a source of comfort to us as true Christians. Omulongomoni matange Ombimbiliya, ahangununa etyi Jesus alingile nombolo. It is common for a patient to exhibit some or all of the following symptoms during the final weeks of life *: The speaker will read the Bible, and explain what Jesus did for this. Ondaka ya Huku Yakuatesako Omulume Umwe Ankho Unwa Unene 6 Abraham - A Man of Courage God's Word Helps a man to Die Onkhalelo imue, omokukala novituwa ngo via Jesus. Here the flesh is not necessarily the physical body. One way is by displaying Jesus ' qualities. Inkha vena otyinyama tyimwe tyavela, velikuambela ko "Sandu " Francisco de Assis, iya inkha vehulilwa velikuambela ko" Sandu " Judas Tadeu. Another factor that can hinder us from taking hold of glory from God is our desires. If they have an animal, they pray "without distraction, " and if they pray" the Holy One of the Holy Spirit. " (1 Reis 18: 21) Okulinga etokolo olio ngoti tyapepuka mokonda okuumbila Jeova otyipuka tyikahi vali nawa, ovanthu aveho vapondola okulinga. I read it twice during the following year. Such a decision may seem difficult because serving Jehovah is the best thing to do. Oityi tupondola okulinga opo omatokolo etu ankhimaneke Huku? Also, elders know that for spiritual brothers and sisters, receiving counsel is normally not " joyous but grievous. ' What can we do to make our decisions praise God? Apakala vala katutu omukai wae Patsy nae ankhi. How can we benefit from the illustration of the dragnet? Soon her husband's wife died. Etyi asoka nawa kuetyi Ombimbiliya ipopia konthele oyo, omukai wanoñgonoka okuti katyaviukile okutuma olukembe keumbo. " I was ten years old when I began going out with boys. When she thinks carefully about what the Bible says on that occasion, she understood that it would not be wrong to send a baby home. Pamwe ankho kavalala, iya tyina amankhinduka vahatekela kosipitali. Despite all of this, people continued to learn the truth, and many in those areas now worship Jehovah. Sometimes he was tired of sleep, and when we were not allowed to go to a hospital, he would have to pay attention to the medical treatment of a hospital. Inkha ongotyo, matulingi ononkhono opo tuende komaliongiyo aeho, namphila tuna ovilinga ovinyingi. The apostle Paul in particular traveled throughout Asia Minor and the Mediterranean, organizing congregations and strengthening Christians to stand firm in the face of moral pressures and violent opposition. If so, we will do all we can to attend all the meetings, even if we have many responsibilities. 6, 7. (a) Oityi vamwe vanumanena tyina umwe mombunga ahimbika okulilongesa no Nombangi mba Jeova? This article will discuss how Jesus ' teachings and the example he set while on earth can help husbands, wives, parents, and children to live happy, fulfilling lives. 6, 7. (a) How did some react when a family started to study with Jehovah's Witnesses? Moomanima uli mosikola, upondola okuviukisa vali nawa ounongo wove wokupopila vakuenyi onondaka onongwa. How many people who live in your territory are like the widow of Zarephath? In school, you can improve your ability to share the good news with others. Oñgeni Ovihonekwa vitoneka okupopia konthele yokukala nohole pokati ketu? At 90 years of age, Sarah finally got to relish the moment she had longed for all her adult life. How does the Scriptures emphasize the need to show love among us? Ovanthu ovanyingi mouye auho vekahi nokuhimbika okulilongesa Ombimbiliya, tupu vekahi nokulilongesa okuti Huku ukahi nokuhololola ehando olio. After all, no one will know of our love and affection unless we give out samples, so to speak. Many people around the world have been able to start studying the Bible, and they are learning that God has revealed it. Ina wati, namphila ndyitelekelale ovanthu ekwi, okutelekela vali ovanthu vevali katyipuiya. He respectfully explained: "It is unthinkable, from Jehovah's standpoint, for me to give you the inheritance of my forefathers. " The mother says that even though I worked for ten people, it is easier for us to prepare two more people. Paulu ankho omutyitwa - tyilongo wo Roma iya ankho ukahi nokumoneswa ononkhumbi. In it, we find God's wisdom, which is pure. Paul was Roman citizens, and he was persecuted. (Filipenses 3: 20, 21) Anthi, etyi vei, okuti "tyina [Huku] amamoneka mavakakala ngae, mokonda mavekemumona etyi oe ekahi, " omunthu" Wopamphepo. " - 2 Coríntios 3: 17, 18. So, too, Paul advises us that the congregation's members "should have the same care for one another. " Rather, they know that "those [God] will be like him, because he is the Son of man " and" the man that is God. " - 2 Cor. 3: 17, 18. Valandula ondyila yavo muene, ine valandula ovituwa ovivi via vana vakala kumwe navo, ngetyi tyalingile ovanthu vamwe mo Korintu etyi nkhele vehenekale ovataveli. You made those decisions on the basis of your deep love for Jehovah and an earnest desire to help others who wanted to serve him. They followed their own course, or follow the bad conduct of those associated with them, just as some people in Corinth had before they became obedient. Omokonda yatyi ovanthu ovanyingi vahanda okuenda keulu, mahi, vahanda okunkhia navendeko kavehi? Among those who would not put up with "the healthful teaching " were some in responsible positions. Why do many people want to go to heaven, but they want to die a few? Putyina ankho valia, Jesus wapolamo otyikutu tyae tyo kombanda etyipakela ponthele. For this is what Jehovah the God of Israel has said, " The large jar of flour itself will not get exhausted, and the small jar of oil itself will not fail. ' " - 1 Ki. 17: 13, 14. As Jesus pointed out, his garment was poured out on him in front of a hill. Putyina tutanga Ombimbiliya, tupondola okulilongesa ovivi patyi valinga opo nonthue tuhalinge ovivi ovio. Even though we might admit that fact, our imperfect nature can distort our thinking and cause us to go down a path that eventually leads to disaster. As we read the Bible, we can learn what bad things we do to stay neutral. Omikanda vimwe viokohale vipopia okuti ova Judeu vamwe velilongesile okulinga ovitanda nokupangiya ovipuka puetyi veli koukonde. This growth takes place "on its own, " gradually and in stages. Some ancient books say that some Jews have learned to work hard and to do things while they were in captivity. 12 For example, during the summer of the year 31 C.E., a large crowd traveled with Jesus from Capernaum to Nain. 12 Alo umwe etyi onomisionaliu mbakondoka, natualako okukala mo Mbetele. Our deliverance cost Jehovah dearly! Even after missionaries returned, I continued to serve at Bethel. Otyo atyindyavela vali ondundo "yokutavela ku Huku, tyipona kovanthu. " - Atos 5: 29. God is eternal, and he wants his friends to live forever as well This led me to "be obedient to God rather than to men. " - Acts 5: 29. Oityi Tulilongesila Koviila 8 And she probably also heard that Jesus resurrected Jairus ' daughter. Why Learn From God's Word 8 Ankho ukevela Huku emukukateseko ngetyi akuatesako "una wasuka novahepi. " Instead, he concentrated all his energies on qualifying himself for the future prize of eternal life. He hoped that God would take care of him as he helped "to care for the poor. " OVIIMBO: 15, 74 No. Think about this. SONGS: 15, 74 Oñgeni ospilitu sandu ya Huku yakuatesileko ovakulu vamue kononthiki mbo va Isilayeli? Table of Contents How did God's holy spirit help some elders in Israel? (Tala olutalatu pefo pahimbikila onthele.) That proconsul accepted the truth, "as he was astounded at the teaching of Jehovah. " (See opening picture.) Au. So although genuine Christians live in many societies and under different circumstances, they all obey the same laws of God and live by the same Bible principles. No. Ngotyo, tyina tulilongesa konthele ya Jesus, tukahi nokulilongesa konthele ya Jeova. " He was moved with pity for them, because they were as sheep without a shepherd. So when we learn about Jesus, we are learning about Jehovah. (Colossenses 3: 21) Apeho hinangela okuti omona upondola okuhumba Jeova nomutima wae muene - ha no wovohe. Likewise, if we become absorbed in the exciting work Jehovah has given us to do, that day and hour may well arrive before we realize it. Always remember that a child can honor Jehovah with his own heart rather than a parent. Soka vala oñgeni ekolelo lia Noe liapamene etyi elilongesa okuti enyina liae liava ekevelelo, mokonda lihangununa okuti "Okupululukua - po " ine" Eungumaneso. " How disappointed you are! Think about what Noah's faith did when he learned that his name was based on his hope, for it means "there has been or " comfort. " Huku waavela "omupika wekolelo nokualunguka " otyilinga tyokuyunga nawa onongi mbae mbakolela. For example, David was anointed as king and leader of Israel. God has appointed "the faithful and discreet slave " to care for his sheep. Omokonda yatyi Jeova etuyungila? For everyone asking receives, and everyone seeking finds, and to everyone knocking it will be opened. " - Matt. 7: 7, 8. Why does Jehovah guard our guard? Paulu wapopilile ewaneno etyi Jesus emulongesile konthele Yondalelo ya Tatekulu. That is what comforted her and helped her to be happy despite her trials. Paul told the congregation what Jesus said about the Lord's Evening Meal. Vesukisa "okukala omunthu omupe watungua ngetyi Huku ahanda, mouviuki wotyotyili nekolelo. " - Efésios 4: 24. What call went out in the April 1881 issue of this magazine? 4: 24. ONONDAKA MBUMWE MBAHANGUNUNWA Onthue tuna onthilo nomaliongiyo no Nondyuo Mbomaliongiyo mokonda Jeova oe wetukonga opo tuyemo. Ondyuo Yomaliongiyo omphangu tuliongiyila opo tufende Jeova. I tried to find some answers in all kinds of spiritual books, and I also prayed intensely for God's help, even though I felt that I could never please him. BIBLE STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: We should respect our Kingdom Halls because Jehovah has invited us to worship the Kingdom Hall in order to worship Jehovah. OÑGENI MANDYIHETEKELA OUMPHUA - LUNDO WA HUKU? I felt terrible, so I wrote a brief letter saying that I deeply regretted what I had done and felt that it would be best for me to be transferred out of his office. HOW DID GOD'S WITNESSES? Onthue tuanoñgonoka okuti: Jeova Huku oe utyii etyi makalinga, mokonda una ohole onene, nokankhenda. The resulting wickedness is due, in part, to Satan's continued influence and has gradually revealed a great truth: Man is incapable of governing himself without God. - Jeremiah 10: 23. We know this: Jehovah God knows what he will do, because he is loving, merciful, and merciful. (Tanga Mateus 20: 7 - 16.) When we receive a special assignment in Jehovah's service, we can prove that our love is genuine by "seeking, not [our] own advantage, but that of the other person. " (Read Matthew 20: 7 - 16.) Ñgeni ngotyo? They also enabled Job to see more clearly God's supremacy and the insignificance of man. How so? Ospilitu sandu kayakuatesileko vala Paulu okupopia, mahi pamwe ankho imutyilika okupopila ponomphangu mbumwe. Rather, he stuck to the Source of life - sustaining "water " and took to heart everything Jehovah told him. Holy spirit enabled Paul not only to speak but sometimes to stop preaching in certain areas. Omuvei upondola okukala novitateka vimwe puevi ine aviho monosimanu mbahulilila mbomuenyo wae *: Immediately Peter and those with him "brought the boats back to land and abandoned everything " and followed Jesus. - Luke 5: 1 - 11. Among the problems you may have in life or in the last days: 6 Abraiau - Omulume Wakola Omutima They explain that when Pioneer Service School began in 1977, the students were encouraged to move and serve where there was a greater need. 6 Abraham - A Man of Courage Olutu luapopiwa apa hahituko. Moreover, Jesus drew attention to the fundamental truth that the Creator of all things, Jehovah God, alone has the right to set the standards of good and bad. - Matt. 19: 16, 17; Luke 18: 18, 19. The flesh represents no fleshly body. Otyipuka otyikuavo tyipondola okututyilika okunkhimanekwa na Huku, omahando etu omavi. What may result from failure to follow the counsel found at 1 Peter 3: 7? Another factor that can hinder us from praising God is our wrong desires. Ame neutanga tuvali mokueenda kuenima. Read Psalm 45: 13, 14a. I've read it twice over a year. (1 Reis 8: 46; Tiago 3: 8) Tupu, ovakulu vetyii okuti ovakuatate no nomphange tyina vapewa onondonga pamwe " kavahambukwa, mahi vanumana. ' I myself, Jehovah, will speed it up in its own time. " Also, older brothers and sisters know that when they receive counsel, they are not "lovers of anger, slow to anger. " Oñgeni matupolo ouwa kongeleka yowanda wokufua? Why were the legs of criminals being executed on a stake broken? How can we benefit from the illustration of the dragnet? " Ame nahimbika okukaenda - enda novakuendye etyi ankho ndyina omanima ekwi. For instance, the Scriptures tell us how he dealt with the Israelites, who frequently disobeyed him. " I started traveling with young people when I was ten years old. No ngotyo ovanthu vatuaileko okulilongesa otyili, iya hono ovanthu ovanyingi kotyilongo otyo ovaumbili va Jeova. (Read Ephesians 4: 7, 8.) Still, people continue to learn the truth, and today many of Jehovah's servants live in that land. Apostolu Paulu walingile oungendi motyilongo atyiho tyo Asia Menor, no Mediterrânio, okuonganeka omawaneno nokupameka Ovakristau opo vakale tyapama momuvo wovitateka, natyina vamoneswa emone. But you can and should put a limit on anything over which you have control - like time spent on hobbies or with friends. The apostle Paul traveled throughout Asia Minor to organize the congregations, strengthening them to remain strong during difficult times, and persecuted when they were persecuted. (Mateus 5: 27 - 37; 7: 12) Onthele ei maipopi onondonga mba Jesus noñgeni ongeleka yae ikuatesako ovalume, novakai, novohe, novana opo vakale nehambu lihapu momienyo viavo. That includes "a great crowd " seen by the apostle John in vision. This article will discuss Jesus ' example and how it helps husbands and wives, children, and children to remain happy in their lives. Ovanthu veñgapi potyilongo tyove velifwa nomuhepe woko Salefa? Under the rule of that Kingdom, God's will regarding a paradise earth will "take place. " How many people in your area are like the widow of Zarephath? Puetyi Sara atuula omanima 90, amono otyipuka tyimwe ehenemone momuenyo wae. Why, God's rule will even restore peace between humans and animals! When Sarah was 90 years old, she saw something that happened in her life. Mokonda inkha katuvilekesa muevi tulinga, nawike mamono ohole yetu noluembia luetu. What does this mean? If we do not show our love for him, no one will love our neighbor. Oe muene wetyihangununa nawa okuti: "Katyitavela kuaame nokomaiho a Jeova okukuaavela epingo lio vakuaukulu vange. " The Philistines began to envy him. He himself explains: "You have not come to know Jehovah and give you the inheritance of my forefathers. " Mombimbiliya tuvasamo ounongo wa Huku. In some parts of the world, our house - to - house work is most productive in the late afternoon or early evening. In the Bible, we find wisdom from God. Moluotyo, Paulu tupu utulondola okuti atuho mewaneno " tuesukisa okulitekula nawa kese umue na mukuavo. ' 6: 1, 2. Therefore, Paul warns us that all of us in the congregation should " care for one another. ' Walingile omatokolo oo mokonda uhole unene Jeova iya ankho uhanda unene okukuatesako vana vahanda okumuumbila. This, to be sure, makes Jehovah's heart glad. He made such decisions because he loved Jehovah and wanted to help those who wanted to serve him. Puvana ankho vehetavela "elongeso liotyotyili, " vamwe ankho vena ovilinga mewaneno. 4 / 1 Among those who did not agree with "the true teaching, " some had a place in the congregation. Tyetyi Jeova, Huku yo Isilayeli wati: " Ohinde momulindi omunene kamaipumo, tupu okamulela mokamulindi okatutu kamakapumo, alo Jeova alokesa ombila kombanda yoohi. ' " - 1 Reis 17: 13, 14. There is no way to turn back the clock. " For Jehovah the God of Israel said: " The large jar of flour will not run out, and the small jar of oil will not run out until Jehovah makes rain upon the earth. ' " - 1 Ki. 17: 13, 14. Tupondola okutavela otyili otyo, mahi mokonda tuvakuankhali, tupondola okuhimbika okukala nolusoke luahaviukile konthele yovitateka vietu, iya otyo tyipondola okutuetela otyiponga. Jesus next showed that our prayers do not have to be entirely selfless. We might believe this because we are imperfect, but we may start thinking about our situation, and this can lead to disaster. Ombuto " muene ikula aike, ' katutu - katutu. What truth has Jehovah revealed, and how does this show that he loves us? The offspring "will grow up, " gradually. Mongeleka, ponkhalula menima 31 P.K., ovanthu ovanyingi valingile oungendi na Jesus okutunda ko Kafarnau okuenda noko Naim. This subject will be considered in the following article. For example, about 31 C.E., thousands of people traveled from Jesus to Capernaum and from Capernaum. Eyovo lietu Jeova liemuihama unene! Perhaps they would not be able to feed their family with just one hour's pay; yet, they had been willing to work and had waited the whole day to be employed. Our deliverance from Jehovah must have caused him to suffer! Huku kankhi iya uhanda omapanga ae nao akale - ko nomuenyo uhapu To prepare for this examination, we might ask, " What was the condition of the figurative heart of most Jews in Jeremiah's time? ' God is eternal, and he wants his friends to live forever Tupu, tyafuile weivile okuti Jesus watutilisile omona wa Jailu. Have I not seen that it is the truth? He may also have heard that Jesus resurrected the daughter of Jairus. Mahi, walingile ononkhono ononene mbokutualako nekolelo opo akapewe ondyambi yomuenyo wahapu. Perhaps they have been influenced by the media, which often portrays an "ideal " life as one of luxury and ease. Instead, he worked hard to remain faithful to the prize of everlasting life. Au, otyo hatyili - ko. I have made the Sovereign Lord Jehovah my refuge. " Of course not. Omutete Wetyi 12, 13. Table of Contents Omutumini oo wetavela otyili mokonda "wahuva nelongeso lia Jeova. " Throughout the centuries since his resurrection, Jesus has faithfully supervised the activities of the Christian congregation over which he has been ruling as King. This Ruler accepted the truth because "he was astounded at the teaching of Jehovah. " (Revelação 4: 11) Ngotyo, namphila Ovakristau vakala movilongo vielikalaila, no mononkhalelo mbelikalaila, aveho vetavela ovitumino vike vala via Huku, nokuendela movitumino vike vala vio Mbimbiliya. Never has a closer bond existed between two intelligent beings. So even though Christians live in different places and backgrounds, all obey God's laws and apply Bible principles in their lives. " Jesus wakalele nokankhenda navo, mokonda ankho vekahi ngo nongi mbehena omunthita. Also, Jesus could have impressed others with many stories about his life in heaven or the creation of the universe. " Jesus felt pity for them because they were like sheep without a shepherd. Tupu, inkha tuundapa nombili movilinga Jeova etuavela, onthyulilo ipondola okuya vali liwa tyipona etyi ankho tusoka. You can strengthen others by relating experiences you have enjoyed while serving God. Similarly, if we are zealously engaging in the work Jehovah has given us, the end could become more quickly than what we thought. Osoyo unene! Jehovah himself will sustain him upon a divan of illness; all his bed you will certainly change during his sickness. " What a blessing that is! Mongeleka, David walembulilue opo akale ohamba yo Isilayeli, mahi konyima alingi onkhali. When Peter climbed out of the boat to walk on the water, he did so in faith. For example, David anointed David to be king of Israel, but later he sinned. Mokonda kese munthu wiita utambula, kese una wovola mavasi, iya kese una utotola maikuliluako. " - Mateus 7: 7, 8. 1, 2. (a) Why are good manners important? 7: 7, 8. (Lucas 2: 37) Otyo ankho tyimupameka nokumukuatesako okukala nehambu namphila ankho ena ovitateka. On Nisan 8, Jesus is at Bethany. This helped him to be happy despite her trials. Omutala Womulavi wa Tyikukutu yo 1881 waitile tyi? We need to be the Good News. " U.S. What did the Watchtower Study ask for, and why? Naovolele omakumbululo amwe momikanda aviho vionongeleya. Tupu andyilikuambela unene opo Huku ankhuateseko, namphila ankho ndyilitehela okuti himetyivili okumuhambukiswa. In addition, humans were endowed with thinking and reasoning abilities, coupled with moral and spiritual capacities. I tried to find some answers to all the religious books, and I prayed that God would help me, even though I felt that I couldn't please him. Naame andyilitehelela omapita, moluotyo, andyihoneka omukanda andyiti nelivela unene etyi nalinga, hahe ndyitunde moseketa yove. See the example given in The Watchtower of February 1, 1994, page 9, paragraph 7. I felt bad, so I wrote a letter and told me what I had done in your office. Ovivi vikahi nokumoneka mokonda yehongiliyo litualako lia Satanasi, iya otyili otyinene tyikahi nokuhololola katutu - katutu, tyokuti: Ovanthu vetupu epondolo liokulitumina tyihena ehongolelo lia Huku. - Jeremias 10: 23. Whatever we do in imitation of Christ cannot be compared with what Jesus did when coming to the earth. The causes of injustice because of Satan's influence, the great crowd, and the truth is that humans do not have God's direction. - Jeremiah 10: 23. Tyina tuamapewa otyilinga tyimwe tyakolela meongano lia Jeova, tuna okulekesa ohole yotyotyili "mokuhaovola ouwa [wetu] muene, mahi atuovola ouwa wavakuetu. " Have you read all the recent material published by the faithful slave about the use of social networking sites? When we receive a special assignment from Jehovah's organization, we must show self - sacrificing love "for [our] own interests, but we try to benefit others. " Tupu akuatesileko Job okuimbuka okuti Huku wavilapo vali tyipona ovanthu. 30 From Our Archives He also helped Job to see that God is more important than humans. Anthi, wakakatelele Mondyivi - ndyivi " yomeva ' omuenyo, nokupaka momutima atyiho Jeova emupopila. These precious truths reveal why God permits evil, why we die, how we should pray, and how we can be truly happy. Rather, she clings to the Source of water - "the waters of life " and" the heart of Jehovah. " Okupolela opo Petulu novanthu ovakuavo ankho enavo "avatahela owato koluhimba avasipo ovipuka aviho " iya avalandula Jesus. - Lucas 5: 1 - 11. In time, these were to become the patriarchal heads of the 12 tribes of Israel. 5: 1 - 11. Vapopia okuti etyi Osikola Yovilinga Vioukokoli - ndyila yahimbika mo 1977, ovalongwa ankho vapewa ondundo opo vailukile kuna kuesukisa vali ovaivisi. How did it affect Shannon's feelings about Jehovah God? They said that when the Theocratic Ministry School started, students were encouraged to move to where there was a greater need. Tupu, walekesile otyili tyakolela, tyokuti Jeova Huku Omupakeko wovipuka aviho, oe vala upondola okulekesa etyi tyaviuka netyi tyahaviukile. - Mateus 19: 16, 17; Lucas 18: 18, 19. He said: "[God] rescued us from the authority of the darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son, by means of whom we have our release by ransom, the forgiveness of our sins. " 19: 16, 17; Luke 18: 18, 19. Oityi tyipondola okumoneka inkha omulume kalandula elondolo likahi mu 1 Pedro 3: 7? Because of human imperfection, the bad influence of this lawless world, and the snares of the Devil, even marriages of faithful servants of God can come under great stress. What may happen if a man does not follow the counsel found at 1 Peter 3: 7? Tanga Salmo 45: 13, 14a. He could have spoken directly from heaven to people on earth. Read Psalm 45: 13, 14. Pomuvo watyo ame Jeova mandyityilumbanesa. " Today, in 236 lands, Jehovah's Witnesses obey Jesus ' command to preach the good news of God's Kingdom. At that time I am Jehovah. " Omokonda yatyi ankho tyina onomphuki vaipaelwa momuti vatyokwa ovikalo? 4: 12. Why would the rebels be executed on a stake? Mongeleka, Ombimbiliya itupopila oñgeni Jeova akala etyi ova Isilayeli vehemutavelele. JERUSALEM was bustling with crowds from many lands. For example, the Bible tells us how Jehovah felt when the Israelites rejected him. (Tanga Efésios 4: 7, 8.) (Read Psalm 11: 4.) (Read Ephesians 4: 7, 8.) Mahi, ove upondola tupu nokuesukisa okuteta omuvo upesela movipuka uhole okulinga, nokukala nomapanga. Death and old age were not part of God's original purpose for mankind. But you may also need time and energy to do things that you like to do, friends, and friends. Muakutikinya " otyinyingi otyinene ' tyina apostolu João amuene memonekelo. A BRIEF HISTORY OF HELL It includes the "great crowd " when the apostle John saw in vision. (Daniel 2: 44) Moutumini Wouhamba, ehando lia Huku konthele yomphangu yombembwa "malifuisuapo. " Adam sinned, so he died. Under Kingdom rule, God's purpose for a paradise is fulfilled. (Salmo 46: 9) Tyotyili, outumini wa Huku maukaeta ombembwa pokati kovanthu novinyama! What makes the preaching work deeply satisfying? Yes, God's rule will bring peace to humans and animals! Oityi tyihangununa? What attitudes should we cultivate so as to benefit from it, and how does Jehovah guide us today? What does it mean? Jeova ayambe Isake novilia novipako ovinyingi. It was obvious to me that they try to live by the Bible's high moral standards. Jehovah blessed Isaac and his livestock greatly. Kovilongo vimwe, otyiwa okuenda movilinga viokuivisa umbo na umbo, kekumbi ine oketango, no kokangulohi. Nevertheless, it may take real effort to improve in this area. In some cultures, it is best to go out in the house - to - house ministry or to choose the evening or the evening. 6: 1, 2. On that highly important occasion in 33 C.E., Jesus used unleavened bread left over from the Passover meal. 6: 1, 2. Tyotyili, otyo tyihambukiswa omutima wa Jeova. Some names have been changed. Of course, that is what Jehovah's heart is. Olukembe lunkhia tyina luhenetyitwe ine opokutyitwa, malukatutila 4 / 1 The concert hall at the Drama and Music Conservatory of São Paulo is packed! A baby dies when he dies or dies in a mother's womb 4 / 1 Katyitavela okulityilika okukulupa. " Receiving instructions at our Service Meetings, we have zealously shared in this work. You may not be able to avoid aging. " Okulandulisako, Jesus walekesa okuti tupondola okuita etyi tuesukisa. That made it easier for me to go there. " Jesus explained that we should ask for what we need. Ngotyo, okuti etyi Jeova etulongesa tyilekesa oluembia olunene ena nonthue? However, the blessed unity of the Ephesian congregation was threatened. How, then, does Jehovah teach us his great love for us? Matukelilongesa vali konthele yotyo monthele mailandulako. 3, 4. (a) What ancient manuscripts contain the Tetragrammaton? We will consider this in the next article. Tyafuile ñgeno kavetyivilile okulanda okulia kuombunga yavo nofeto yoola ike. Ankho vahanda okuundapa, iya vakevelela onthiki aiho, okukongwa opo vakaundape. IN CENTRAL ROME, ITALY, STANDS A TRIUMPHAL ARCH THAT ATTRACTS VISITORS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. It would have been impossible for them to buy the food each week, and they longed for a day to serve as an invitation. Opo tutyivile okutala etyi tyikahi momutima wetu, tuna okulipula okuti: " Oityi Jeova ankho asoka konthele yomutima wo va Judeu kononthiki mba Jeremia? ' The Angels - "Spirits for Public Service " To help us see what is in our heart, we must ask ourselves, " What did Jehovah think about the heart of the Jews in Jeremiah's day? ' Namona tyimwe momuenyo wange tyilekesa okuti etyi otyili? On the other hand, there are those who believe that God's love is unconditional and that he loves them regardless of what they do or fail to do. Have I ever seen something in my life that proves the truth? Hamwe vahongiliyua netyi tyipopiwa molaliu no motelevisau, tyokuti omunthu "ukahi nawa " oyouna uundapa movilinga vihemupuilisa. We can and should pray for our brothers. They may be influenced by the news media, which says that it is "a person who is not working hard at work. " Otyiholamo tyange netyipaka Mohamba Tatekulu Jeova. " Yes, those exiles wept when they remembered Zion, and they did not forget Jehovah. In the Sovereign Lord Jehovah I have placed my refuge. " 12, 13. 24: 15. 12, 13. Mokueenda kuomanima tunde petutilo liae, Jesus o Hamba yewaneno lio Vakristau, ukahi nokuhongolela ovilinga vialio. He proved that a perfect human can be loyal to Jehovah even in extremely difficult situations. Throughout his resurrection, Jesus is the King of the Christian congregation and is guiding his work. (Colossenses 1: 13 - 15) Petupu oupanga tupondola okueleka noupanga ukahi pokati kavo. Those people are Jehovah's Witnesses. There is no relationship between them. (Mateus 22: 33 - 40) Tupu, Jesus ankho upondola okuhuvisa ovanthu nomahipululo omanyingi konthele yomuenyo wae keulu ine ovipuka viatungwa vikahi pano pohi. DO YOU agree with the above statement? On the other hand, Jesus could have been resurrected to life in heaven or on earth. Upondola okupopila vakuenyi ovipuka oviwa welilongesa omuvo ukahi nokuumbila Huku. Who Are My Companions? You might share some of the good things you have learned from serving God. Tyotyili ove mopilulula onkhalelo yae aiho tyina avela. " This includes acquiring an understanding of what God requires, training his conscience according to Bible standards, and then living his life in harmony with them. - John 17: 3, 17. In fact, you may change his entire way of life when he gives it. " Petulu wali nekolelo liapama. Omokonda yatyi tupopila ngotyo? He also followed the advice that fellow Christians gave him. Why did Peter have strong faith? 1, 2. (a) Omokonda yatyi ovituwa oviwa viakolela? THE END IS NOT AN EPIC, FLAMING DESTRUCTION OF THE EARTH. 1, 2. (a) Why are good qualities important? Monthiki 8 yohanyi ya Nisan, Jesus ankho ukahi mo Betania. " But I have spiritual brothers and sisters I can turn to for advice, ones who help me see things positively. On Nisan 8, Jesus was in Bethany. Tuesukisa okukala Onondaka Onongwa. " What assignment did a prophet from Judah receive? We need to be good news. " Ovanthu tupu vatungwa nepondolo liokusoka no kusokolola. Such "love " does not involve real sacrifice but amounts to an exchange of favors. Humans also were created with the ability to imagine and meditate on it. Tala ongeleka ikahi Momutala Womulavi 1 ya Fevereiro yo 1994, pefo 9, palagrafu 7. After a brief stay in Egypt, Jesus ' family moved to Nazareth, a city in the province of Galilee about 60 miles (96 km) north of Jerusalem. See The Watchtower, February 1, 1994, page 7. (Filipenses 2: 7) Kese tyimue tulinga okuhetekela Kristu, katyipondola okuelekwa netyi Jesus alinga etyi eile pano pohi. He proved this at the time he protected the Israelite firstborn "when he plagued the Egyptians. " Each of us can be compared with what Jesus did when he was on earth. Okuti watangale ononthele ambuho mbalingwa nomupika wekolelo mbupopia konthele yoñgeni tuna okuundapesa ono site mbono redes sociais? " I CAN resist anything except temptation. " Have you read each issue of the faithful slave class on how we should use the Internet? 30 YAPOLWA MOMIKANDA VIETU VIAPAKWA NAWA (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) 30 FROM OUR COVER Otyili otyo tyakolela, tyilekesa omokonda yatyi Huku ayekelela ovivi, nomokonda yatyi tunkhila, noñgeni tuna okulikuambela, nokuvasa ehambu liotyotyili. World War II is a proof of that. The integrity - keeping course of God's faithful anointed Witnesses spurs on God's servants today to endure whatever trials come their way, including opposition from unbelieving relatives, workmates, or schoolmates who ridicule them for their faith. This fundamental truth explains why God allows wickedness, why we should pray, and how we can pray for real happiness. (Gênesis 35: 10, 22b - 26) Mokueenda kuomuvo, ovana ovo avakala ovohe yomihoko 12 vio Isilayeli. Will You Heed Jehovah's Clear Warnings? During that time, these children became the parents of Israel. Oñgeni vakalele etyi vapewa otyiawa otyo na Jeova? Some called him "a man gluttonous and given to drinking wine, a friend of tax collectors and sinners. " How did they receive this gift? Wapopia okuti: "[Huku] wetuyovola mounene wenthiki iya etueta mouhamba wo Mona wae ehole. Joseph and his younger brother were the only sons of Jacob and Rachel. He said: "[God] gave us a ransom in exchange for us, and he brought us into the kingdom of his Son. (1 Coríntios 7: 28) Mokonda yonkhali yovanthu, nomahongiliyo omavi ouye, nomaliva Eliapu, alo umue ovalinepi vaumbila Huku nekolelo vapondola okukala novitateka ovinene. Anointed Christians have met and will continue to meet severe opposition from Satan's world. Because of inherited imperfection, the world's influence and the influence of Satan the Devil, even married couples can have serious problems. Upondola okupopila ovanthu pano pohi otyo eli keulu. At our meetings, loyal men represent the congregation in public prayer. You can talk to people on earth in heaven. Hono movilongo 236, Onombangi mba Jeova vetavela otyitumino tya Jesus tyokuivisa onondaka onongwa Mbouhamba wa Huku. Indeed, "the sower and the reaper... rejoice together. " Today, in 236 lands, Jehovah's Witnesses obey Jesus ' command to preach the good news of God's Kingdom. " Ondaka ya Huku ina omuenyo. " - HEBREUS 4: 12. Humans could not provide the ransom. " The word of God is alive. " - HEBREWS 4: 12. O JELUSALEI yeyula ovanthu vovilongo ovinyingi. Or is the Bible unique? Abraham's seed lived hundreds of people from many nations. (Tanga Salmo 11: 4.) Jesus was an affectionate companion to his followers, consistently loving and kind, a true friend. (Read Psalm 11: 4.) Ononkhia nokukulupa ankho havioko Huku ahandelele ovanthu. Acknowledging the Role of Holy Spirit Death was not God's original purpose for mankind. EHIPULULO ESUPI LIO IFELUNU 3: 1 - 5. HISTORY: THE BIBLE CHANGES LIVES Andau walinga onkhali, moluotyo ankhi. Association of a place with war is not uncommon. Adam sinned, and he died. Oityi tyieta ehambu enene movilinga viokuivisa? 12, 13. (a) How were some men treating their wives in Malachi's day? What brings great joy in the ministry? Oñgeni Jeova etuhongolela hono? Many have a Bible - based hope similar to that of God's pre - Christian servants. How does Jehovah guide us today? Kuame, ankho tyayandyuluka nawa okuti valinga ononkhono mbokuendela monondonga mbo Mbimbiliya. How good it is, therefore, lovingly to cover over the mistakes of others. I was impressed that they did all they could to apply the Bible's wise advice. Mahi, tyesukisa ononkhono mbotyotyili pala okukala notyituwa otyo. What a self - sacrificing spirit! However, it takes effort to cultivate such a spirit of self - sacrifice. Motyinthiki otyo tyakolela tyo Pasikwa, Jesus nono apostolu mbae valile ombolo yehena onkhiso. Ananias and Sapphira had a different attitude. On the night of the Passover, Jesus and his apostles did not partake of bread. Omanyina amwe apilululwa. There are many more. Some names have been changed. Ondyuo yokulingila Onosinema Noviimbo mo São Paulo, ankho yeyula ovanthu! For instance, Gospel writer Luke relates that people in Jesus ' hometown "began... to marvel at the winsome words proceeding out of his mouth. " The musices and magazines from São Paulo were full of people! (Lucas 22: 19, 20) Tuatambula onondonga Momaliongiyo etu Ovilinga, atulingi ovilinga ovio nombili. However, if we are "shrewd, " we will think about the possible damage this could cause, perhaps to the reputation of a person or an organization. We receive counsel from our publications and work hard to do this work. Otyo tyankhuatesako okuendako. " Satan, however, blinded by feelings of self - importance and pride, turned his back on Jehovah. This has helped me to go on. " Anthi, ewaneko ewa ankho likahi mewaneno lio Efesu lianyonenwe. For example, they go to train stations, bus stations, markets, and parks to find people to talk to. However, the unity that the congregation in Ephesus was broken. 3, 4. (a) Opi tupondola okuvasa o Tetragrama? Today, too, there are many examples of brothers and sisters who have kept their joy despite facing difficulties. 3, 4. (a) Where can we find the Tetragrammaton? MO ITÁLIA KO ROMA, MUNA OTYIMATO TYA TITU TYOKUAFINDA OVANTHU MOUYE AUHO VEHOLE OKUKATALA. How does discipline show God's love even if it means that someone no longer qualifies for an assignment? FROM OUR COVER Onoandyu " Mbuna Otyilinga Tyokukuatesako Ovanthu ' Finally, everyone in heaven and on earth will be united as one family. Angels - What Does It Mean to People? Mokonda yomalongeso omatutu, vamwe alo umwe vasoka okuti Huku omukalavi iya katyitavela akale noluembia novanthu. Rather, it reflects the wise purpose of the Universal Sovereign. Because of false teachings, some may think that God is cruel and that it is impossible to show love for people. Tupondola okuitilako ovakuatate vetu momalikuambelo etu. Ours must be too. We can pray for our brothers. Tyotyili, ova Judeu ovo valilile mokonda ankho vahanda okukondoka kotyilongo tyavo, iya kavalimbilwe Jeova. As a game, he and his wife sometimes asked each other Bible questions. In fact, those Jews were upset because they wanted to return to their country, and they did not forget Jehovah. " Hono holovonei olie mamuumbila. " - JOSUÉ 24: 15. The Bible can help, for many of its commands are reinforced by phrases that set forth the consequences of wrongdoing. 24: 15. Jesus walekesa okuti ovanthu vehena onkhali vapondola okukala ovakuatyili ku Jeova namphila vavasiwa movitateka ovinene. Zechariah asked: "What are these? " Jesus showed that perfect humans can be loyal to Jehovah even in difficult situations. Ovanthu ovo onombangi mba Jeova. Your leg reflexively straightens with a kick. They were witnesses of Jehovah. OKUTI OVE utavela onondaka mbapopiwa pombanda? Why can we trust in Jehovah's promises? DO YOU believe the above above? Omapanga Ange Ovalie? Then Satan claimed that any human would turn away from God if he suffered physically. Who Are My Friends? Otyo tyakutikinya okukala nenoñgonoko konthele yetyi Huku ahanda, nokulonga omutima wae ovitumino vio Mbimbiliya, nokutyinda omuenyo welikuata novitumino ovio. - João 17: 3, 17. Jehoshaphat and Ahaziah built ships together. This includes having accurate knowledge of God's purpose, his conscience, and living according to the Bible's standards. - John 17: 3, 17. Tupu walandula onondonga Ovakristau vakuavo vemuavela. At this point in his kingship, Saul had abandoned true worship. He also followed the counsel given to fellow Christians. ONTHYULILO HEKUNDUNGALA - KO LIOTUPIA MALIYOKO OHI. FROM OUR COVER THE END IS NOT AND THE END OF JESUS ' birth. Haunene, ndyina Tate keulu ndyipopia nae kese nthiki. Did You Know? Above all, I have the heavenly Father talking with him every day. Otyilinga patyi omuuli umue wo ko Judaa apelwe? We also need to bear in mind that anything we are able to do in Jehovah's organization depends on God's undeserved kindness. - Acts 14: 26; Rom. 12: 6 - 8. What role did a prophet from Judah receive? " Ohole " yatyo oyo ha yotyotyili ko, mokonda vana venayo vehole vala vana vevehole. Let us consider some verses from that book and see how we can cooperate with Jehovah's purpose to unite his creation. " This kind of love " is not the same as those who love him but who love them. ▪ Opi ekulila Etyi vakala katutu mo Egitu, ombunga ya Jesus avaende ko Nazare epundaumbo limwe motyilongo tyo Galileia, likala onokilometu 96 kokulio kuo Jelusalei. A husband can show his submission by following Jesus ' example. Where he grew up in Egypt, Jesus ' family moved from Nazareth to Galilee, a town in the northern kingdom of Galilee. Wetyilekesile etyi aamenene oviveli viova Isilayeli mokueenda kuehingano lia tyekwi mo Egitu. How will he be "cast out, " and how has he been" judged "? He showed that when he protected the firstborn son of Israel during the tenth year of the tenth century B.C.E. " A ME ndyityivila okukoleleya ovipuka aviho mahi tyina ndyilolwa hityivili. " What was Satan hoping to accomplish? " Until I am able to endure all things, but I do not know when we are tested. " (Tala pana pati: OMALONGESO OMBIMBILIYA > OMAPULO OMBIMBILIYA AKUMBULULWA) It helps her to remember that the things of this world are temporary. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) Oukuatyili wo Vakristau ovalembulwa upameka ovaumbili va Huku hono opo vakoleleye movitateka aviho vivetumbukila, alo umwe tyina veyelwe no nombunga mbehelilongesa, na vana vaundapa navo, na vana valongeswa navo kosikola, vevepenya mokonda yekolelo liavo. When Jesus came to earth, he made the choice to reject Satan's temptations. The loyalty of anointed Christians today strengthens all of God's servants to endure trials, including opposition, family members, and those who are willing to accept them because of their faith. Vamwe ankho vemuihana okuti "omulume wokulia unene nokunwa ovinyu, epanga liovatanthi vomalilimo, novakuankhali. " Eager to see the fulfillment of all the wonderful events that were foretold, the aged apostle John exclaimed: "Amen! Some called "a man with wine and drinking and drinking the tax collector of the tax collectors and sinners. " Jose nondenge yae ankho ovo vala ovana va Jako na Rakele. 10, 11. (a) What situations might test our sense of justice? Joseph and his brother were only sons of Jacob. Ovakristau vehole okuvasa oundyale mouye wa Satanasi, iya oundyale oo mautualako. (b) How did the Ephesian elders respond to Paul's message, setting what good example? Christians have found true opposition in Satan's world, and this opposition will not be destroyed. Momaliongiyo etu, ovalume valingilako ewaneno omalikuambelo pounyingi. (a) How did Satan try to tempt Jesus with regard to personal desire? At our meetings, men offer prayers to the congregation in public. Moluotyo, "una ukuna na una uteya... vahambukilwa kumue. " " I was ready to dismiss them politely, but then I noticed a brochure they were offering. Therefore, "there is going to be among the birds of heaven... and those who rejoice together. " Ovanthu kavapondola okulifetelako ofeto yeyovo. She also did what she could. Humans should not be paid for the ransom. Ine Ombimbiliya vala? How so? Or is the Bible unique? Jesus ankho epanga ewa liovalanduli vae. For there is not a word on my tongue, but, look! O Jehovah, you already know it all. " Jesus was a good friend of his followers. Okuimbuka Otyilinga Tyospilitu Sandu With its stunning motion pictures, vivid color slides, fascinating narration, and fine classical music, this Bible - based presentation took viewers from creation through human history to the end of Jesus Christ's Thousand Year Reign. - Rev. Gaining Holy Spirit's Role Nokuti, inkha alia kotyinyango otyo, oe makala nga Huku, iya ahatuminwa vali na Huku. - Gênesis 3: 1 - 5. We indicate our choice by the way we live. - Read Job 1: 8 - 11; Proverbs 27: 11. 3: 1 - 5. Okueleka omphangu imwe novita, tyakaka. For instance, many of us have changed our attitudes and practices so drastically that we are almost unrecognizable to those who knew us before. compared to a place of war, which is common. 12, 13. (a) Oñgeni ovalume vamwe pononthiki mba Malakia ankho valavisa ovakai vavo? Jesus did not consider it unmanly to shed tears in front of others. 12, 13. (a) How were some men of Malachi's day jealous of their wives? Ovanyingi vena ekevelelo liapopiwa Mombimbiliya ngo vaumbili va Huku vokohale. What traits could harden our heart? Many have hope described in the Bible as servants of God in the past. Moluotyo, otyiwa vali tukale noluembia nokulimbwa oviponyo viovakuatate vetu. A Godly Woman and a Precious Wife Therefore, it is best for us to show love and forgive our brothers. Otyituwa otyo otyiwa ngatyi! A survey conducted in that same country found that more than one third of men felt that it was acceptable to beat their wives. What a fine spirit that is! Anania na Safila hatyoko valingile. Such principles have helped me to fulfill my role as a wife and mother. Ananias and Sapphira did not do the same. Pena vali omaliva omakuavo. (Read John 6: 40, 48 - 51.) There are other ways that we can do so. Omuhoneki wo Evandyeliu ya Luka wapopia okuti ovanthu mepundaumbo lia Jesus, "vahimbika... okuhuva mokonda yonondaka mbuhika komutima ankho mbutunda momulungu wae. " (Read Psalm 102: 17.) The Gospel writer Luke said that people in Jesus ' city "were astounded... because of his mouth. " Hamwe valinga ngotyo mokonda vahanda okutalwa nawa novanthu iya vahanda okutetekela okuyandyanesa etyi veiva. Yes, Jesus ' faithfulness right up until his death proved beyond a doubt who was the most important Person in his life! Perhaps they did so because they wanted to be hospitable and wanted to spread the good news. Anthi, Satanasi, mokonda yomalityindailo watyitukilapo Jeova. We were extremely happy because our children were using their lives in the best way. Satan, however, is a target of Jehovah's rebellion. Mongeleka, ovanthu ovanyingi vakaivisa pana patalamena omboyo, no makalela na pana pavasiwa ovanthu ovanyingi. God had commanded that all things in that city should be destroyed except for certain things that were to be given to the treasury of Jehovah. For example, many people knocked at the bus station and in a black neighborhood. Hono, tupu tuna onongeleka ononyingi mbovakuatate no nomphange vatualako nehambu namphila valambela movitateka ovinyingi. (Read Colossians 3: 13.) Today, we also have many examples of brothers and sisters who remain happy despite their difficulties. Oñgeni okuviyulwa tyilekesa okuti Huku utuhole, alo umwe tyina omukuatate umwe apolwa ovilinga mewaneno? Something that continues to haunt me is that I killed my unborn child.... How does discipline prove that God loves us, even when a brother is disfellowshipped? Tyotyili aveho vekahi peulu naava vekahi pohi, mavakala vala ombunga ike. But in the new world, there will only be meek and righteous people, and they will make the earth a paradise! Of course, all of them are on the earth, and only one family will be one family. Anthi, omokonda yevangelo liounongo Liohamba Youye Auho. What can we do to stand firm against Satan's bullying? However, because it is the purpose of a World War II. Tupu, nonthue omo tuna okupamena. Am I as well as your mother and your brothers really going to come and bow down to the earth to you? ' " Similarly, we too need to be firm. Robert nomuhikuena wae ankho vanyana otyo velilinga omapulo Ombimbiliya. There is no mention of a third person next to God in this account. Robert and his wife were given similar questions in the Bible. Ombimbiliya ivatela, mokonda ovitumino viayo ovinyingi, vitonekwa nonondaka mbulekesa emone liokulinga ovivi. A good way to get to know our brothers and sisters is by being hospitable to them. In addition to helping them, the Bible has helped them because of its moral standards, which enabled us to do what is bad and what is bad. Zakaria apulu okuti: "Ava ovalie? " He knew that David was in the wilderness at Horesh, so Jonathan went there to encourage him to keep relying on Jehovah. Zechariah asked: "Who were they? " Ove moyepe liwa - liwa ine okukandula okuoko kuae. * You would quickly be tempted to steal or steal his hand. Oityi tuyumbila onthumbi momilao via Jeova? " JEHOVAH could never love me. ' Why do we trust Jehovah's promises? ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ This article considers questions you may have raised and shows where you can read the answers in your Bible. BY G. Tupu, Satanasi wapopia okuti ovanthu inkha vamona ononkhumbi mavayekepo okuumbila Huku. 6: 1, 2, 5, 9, 10. Satan also claimed that people suffer if they suffer from serving God. Jeosafa na Acazias avatungu aveho owato. When we serve God out of love, how does he feel, and why? Jehoshaphat and Jehoshaphat built the ark. Pomuvo opo ohamba Saulu ankho wayekapo efendelo liotyotyili. Should not the unraveling of this mystery move us to be zealous in preaching the good news of God's Kingdom and proclaiming the day of Jehovah's judgment? At that time, Saul's king had abandoned true worship. OKUPOLELELA KOSAPI YO KONDYE (b) How did one family experience the wisdom of following Jehovah's guidance? FROM OUR COVER Okuti Ankho Utyiyale? Such vestiges of the past offer insight into the social and religious life in ancient Rome. Did You Know? Tupu, onthue tuesukisa okuimbuka okuti kese etyi tulinga meongano lia Jeova, tyitei kokankhenda ka Huku tuahatokalele. - Atos 14: 26; Romanos 12: 6 - 8. He always trusted in God rather than in material things. We also need to realize that whatever we do in Jehovah's organization depends on God's undeserved kindness. - Acts 14: 26; Rom. 12: 6 - 8. Matulilongesa ono versikulu mbumwe mbomukanda oo, nokutala oñgeni tupondola okuundapela kumwe nevangelo lia Jeova liokuwaneka ovipuka aviho vina omuenyo keulu no pohi. What does Jehovah think about human governments? Let us consider some of these verses and see how we can cooperate with Jehovah's purpose to gather all things together in heaven and on earth. Omulume malekesa okuti utavela ku Jesus, mokulandula ongeleka yae. (Read Psalm 72: 1 - 4.) The husband will show that he is obedient to Jesus by following his example. Oñgeni "matahuako ," iya oñgeni" akoyeswa "? All of us, young and old, brothers and sisters, can be "a strengthening aid " to fellow believers in need. - Colossians 4: 11, footnote. How will it "bring to Go " and" took place "? (Mateus 4: 5, 6) Oityi Satanasi ankho ahanda? 3 What did Satan want? Otyo tyimukuatesako okuhinangela okuti ovipuka aviho viouye uno mavipu. Eric: Not really. This helps him to remember that everything the present system of things will soon end. Etyi Jesus eya pano pohi, alingi etokolo liokuanya okulolwa na Satanasi. First, prayer is a form of worship, and the Bible says that worship should go exclusively to Jehovah. When Jesus was on earth, he made the decision to resist Satan's temptations. (2 Tessalonicenses 1: 7, 8) Mokonda ankho uhanda unene okutala etyi ovipuka ovio aviho oviwa viaulwa mavifuisuapo, ombuale apostolu João wapopia nehambu okuti: "Amem! You are sure to draw ever closer to Jehovah God as you enrich your prayers through Bible study. Since he was eager to see all these blessings fulfilled, the apostle John said: "The Amen! 10, 11. (a) Ovipuka patyi vipondola okulola onkhalelo tutala ouviuki? I am a good example for my two sons, and I have qualified for privileges in the congregation. 10, 11. (a) What situations can test our view of righteousness? (b) Oityi ovakulu vewaneno mo Efesu valingile etyi Paulu eveihana? Ongeleka patyi ongwa vaava? " The deluge of waters upon the earth [that would] bring to ruin all flesh " was something that Noah had "not yet beheld. " (b) What example did the elders in Ephesus set by Paul, and what example did Paul set? (a) Oñgeni Satanasi ahandele okuhongiliya Jesus nehando liolutu? (Read Psalm 49: 7 - 9; 1 Peter 1: 18, 19.) (a) How did Satan try to influence Jesus and the desire of the flesh? Ankho nahandele okuanya okupopia navo, mahi namona ombruchula imue ankho vekahi nokuava. In this article, we will learn how Jehovah makes known deep Bible truths to humble people today. I wanted to stop talking to them, but I saw a brochure offering. Tupu, nae walingile etyi apondola. 10, 11. He also did what he could. Ñgeni? " Are you people not interested in a Bible study? " How? Elaka liange kalinepopie ondaka naike, mahi ove Jeova atyiho utyiale. " And I will be the one who drives the car, not you. " My tongue never fails, but you do not know everything that Jehovah has done for you. " Osinema oyo yapolwa Mombimbiliya, ankho ina omalutalatu omawa aundaiswa nawa, nehipululo limwe lihuvisa, noviimbo oviwa. Ankho ikuatesako vana veitala okunoñgonoka ovipuka viatungwa, okupolelela ponthyimbi etyi Huku atunga ovanthu alo konthyulilo Youtumini wa Jesus Kristu Womanima Ovityita Ekwi. - Rev. So keep living. " - Gen. It was made possible in the pages of the Bible, with beautiful images, such as music and music that helped those who could understand God's creation from the start of the end of Christ's Thousand Year Reign. - Rev. Onkhalelo tutyinda omuenyo wetu, ilekesa etyi tuaholovona. - Tanga Jó 1: 8 - 11; Provérbios 27: 11. More than 2,900 translators have received specialized training to translate the Bible and Bible literature. Our way of life is to reveal what we choose. - Read Job 1: 8 - 11; Proverbs 27: 11. (Mateus 21: 21, 22) Vamwe puonthue tuapilulula onkhalelo yetu yomuenyo novituwa iya ovanthu ovanyingi ankho vetwi pahe kavetuimbuka vali. He pleaded with Jehovah: "Create in me even a pure heart, O God, and put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one.... Some of us affect our lifestyle and our lifestyle now. (João 11: 33 - 35, 38) Jesus ankho utupu ohonyi yokulilila pokati kovanthu. 119: 105; Matt. 7: 7, 8. Jesus was not ashamed to talk to people about it. Oityi tyipondola okutenesa omutima wetu? That sounds painful and debilitating, but what does it mean? What can hinder us from our conscience? Omukai Uhole Huku Nokuna Ovituwa Oviwa 5, 6. (a) How does our knowledge of the future and of God's purposes affect our need to be watchful? God's View of Good Conduct Ovalume vamwe motyilongo otyo, vapulwa avapopi okuti tyaviuka okuveta ovakai vavo. What can we learn from Jesus ' counsel? Some men in that country said that it was fitting for their wives to express themselves to their wives. Ovitumino viankhuatesako okukala omukai omuwa nokutekula nawa ovana. We do not know for sure, but it is possible that this is how Abraham learned about Jehovah. The Law helped me to have a good wife and to care for children. (Tanga João 6: 40, 48 - 51.) Still, as Jesus mentioned in the Sermon on the Mount, just as fruits reveal the condition of a tree, so our activities demonstrate the true condition of our heart. (Read John 6: 40, 51.) (Tanga Salmo 102: 17.) Regarding the heart, King David reminded Solomon: "My son, know the God of your father and serve him with a complete heart and with a delightful soul; for all hearts Jehovah is searching, and every inclination of the thoughts he is discerning. " (Read Psalm 102: 17.) (Mateus 26: 39) Tyotyili Jesus watualeleko nekolelo alo pononkhia mbae, alekesa nawa olie Omunthu ankho wakolela vali momuenyo wae! Just as a person who is totally blind cannot see shadow or sunlight, we cannot understand Jehovah on our own. Yes, Jesus remained faithful until his death and demonstrated who was the most important Person in his life! Atuhambukwa unene mokonda ovana vetu vekahi nokuundapesa nawa omuenyo wavo. What is the most important Yes spoken by a follower of Jesus Christ? We were very happy that our children are using their lives wisely. Huku watumine okuti ovipuka aviho mepundaumbo olio ankho vina okuhanyaunwa, mahi, ovipuka vimwe vena okuviavela Jeova. The invitation to come and "take life's water free " issues from whom? God commanded that all of those living in that city must wake up, but some of the things they have given to Jehovah. (Tanga Colossenses 3: 13.) When their faith is strong, they will be moved to dedicate themselves to Jehovah and give him their best. (Read Colossians 3: 13.) Otyipuka tyimwe tyitualako okundyihama, omokonda naipaa omona wange ankho uhenetyitwe.... Marriage, of course, is not the only gift Jehovah has given us; nor is it the only road to happiness in life. One thing that happened to my son was to be cut off.... Mahi, mouye omupe mamukakala vala ovahiliyi novaviuki iya aveho makalinga ohi ino ikale omphangu yombembwa! What will we examine in this article? Why? But in the new world, there will be only the meek ones who will live forever on a paradise earth! (Mateus 10: 36) Oityi tupondola okulinga opo Satanasi ehetutilise owoma? COVER IMAGE: What can we do to avoid Satan's attacks? Ame na nyoko, novakulu vove, tyilityili matuya kuove atulinyongamena? ' " Jesus emphasized that the mind must be kept clean of immoral thoughts when he said: "Everyone that keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. " - Matt. What, though, about you and your older brothers and older ones, will we really bow down to you? ' " Anthi, wakala oandyu ine omunthu wopamphepo welikalela. How could all these people get something to eat in such an isolated location? Rather, he became a spirit creature or a spirit creature. Onkhalelo ongwa yokunoñgonoka nawa ovakuatate vetu no nomphange, okuvetambula nawa. Money Changers in Temple, 10 / 1 The best way to get to know our brothers and sisters is to welcome them. Jonatã ankho utyii okuti David ukahi moluhandya popepi no Horesa, ngotyo Jonatã ekemupameka opo atualeko okuyumba onthumbi mu Jeova. For example, you may have got baptized before you became a teenager. Jonathan knew that David was near the wilderness, so Jonathan encouraged him to continue trusting in Jehovah. * When I think about my life from before I got baptized in that cold barn until now, I thank Jehovah for the wise people I have met. * " JEOVA kamakala vali nalumwe noluembia naame. ' You may want to stay loyal to him, especially if he is a close friend or a family member. " JEHOVAH will never be kind to me. ' Monthele ei muna omapulo amwe hamwe uhole okulinga, nokulekesa apa movasi omakumbululo Mombimbiliya yove. Now I had to find a legitimate line of work. This article raises questions you may have asked and shows where you can read the answers in your Bible. Omwii wotyitateka otyo pamue ankho "ohole yonombongo, " ihongiliya omapita kese munthu, tyilinge omuhona ine omuhepi. - 1 Timóteo 6: 1, 2, 5, 9, 10. We do not want to be like Diotrephes, who did not welcome the brothers visiting his congregation because he did not respect them. The root of this situation may have been "lovers of money, " both the poor and the poor. - 1 Timothy 6: 1, 2, 5, 9, 10. Tyina tuumbila Huku mokonda yohole, tyimukalesa ñgeni? But would they have seen things from a human perspective? When we serve God because of love, how can we show love? Okunoñgonoka eelema olio, katyituavela ondundo yokuivisa nombili onondaka onongwa Mbouhamba wa Huku, nonthiki yekoyeso ya Jeova? 1, 2. Does this not move us to preach zealously the good news of the Kingdom of Jehovah's day? (b) Popiapo ongeleka yombunga imwe yalandulile nawa ehongolelo lia Jeova. For making a show of such knowledge some have deviated from the faith. " (b) Give an example of one family who followed Jehovah's guidance. Ovipuka ovio vitukuatesako okunoñgonoka vali nawa oñgeni ovanthu mo Roma yokohale ankho vakala, nokufenda. His aim was to motivate his readers to "that which is becoming and that which means constant attendance upon the Lord without distraction. " These facts help us to understand more clearly how people in ancient Rome lived, worship, and worship. (Hebreus 11: 8 - 10) Apeho ankho uyumba onthumbi mu Huku tyipona okuyumba onthumbi momalumono. Do I treasure the truth in a similar way? He always relied on God rather than on riches. Oityi Jeova asoka konthele yovatumini? A Hebrew slave was to be granted his freedom in the seventh year of his servitude. What does Jehovah think about human governments? (Tanga Salmo 72: 1 - 4.) • How was the house - to - house ministry given emphasis in modern times? (Read Psalm 72: 1 - 4.) Tyilinge ovakuendye tyilinge ovakulu, ovakuatate no nomphange, tupondola "okupameka " ovakuatate vetu. - Colossenses 4: 11. Examine the customs that are adhered to in your community, and use your "power of reason " to determine if they are in harmony with the" will of God. " 4: 11. 3 He said that he was thinking of marriage and wondered about my situation and feelings. 3 Eric: Au. On earth, where, as a group, they would serve as a priesthood, representing Jehovah to people by " declaring abroad his excellencies ' and providing spiritual food. Eric: No. Tete, elikuambelo efendelo, iya Ombimbiliya ipopia okuti o Jeova vala una okufendwa. Meditating on 2 Peter 2: 11 and on personal counsel from the elders made a big difference. " First, prayer is a form of worship, and the Bible says that Jehovah alone deserves exclusive devotion. Tyotyili mopameka oupanga wove na Jeova Huku, inkha ulunda omalikuambelo ove, mokulilongesa Ombimbiliya. That choice would have disastrous consequences not just for Adam and Eve but also for all their offspring. Yes, you will strengthen your relationship with Jehovah God if you encourage your prayers by studying the Bible. Andyiavela ongeleka ongwa kovana vange vevali tupu napewa ovilinga mewaneno. For more information see chapter 2 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses I set a good example for my two children and gave me the privilege of serving in the congregation. " Ombila yahanyeneko ovanthu aveho novinyama, ankho Noe nalumwe eimuene. ' • What do you personally find appealing about the blessings foretold in the 72nd Psalm? " The Flood destroyed all the animals and the animals, and Noah never saw it. ' (Tanga Salmo 49: 7 - 9; 1 Pedro 1: 18, 19.) What would be the course of integrity? (Read Psalm 49: 7 - 9; 1 Peter 1: 18, 19.) Monthele ei, matulilongesa oñgeni Jeova hono anoñgonokesa otyili Tyombimbiliya kovanthu vomutima weliola. 4: 12, 13. In this article, we will learn how Jehovah has made known Bible truths to humble people. 10, 11. Has God's communication with humans been hindered by the use of different languages and minor variations in translation? No. 10, 11. Tate ankho usoka okuti omphange Huntingford una etyi alandesa, iya ankho walinga otyiho tyokuti me malande. I felt that I had been tricked - that my hopes and goals turned out to be futile. " - LUIS. My father thought that when she was about to sell, she was worried about my mother's health. Tupu ame ndyilitaha, haveko. " Right after his baptism, he "went off into Arabia " - either the Syrian Desert or possibly some quiet place on the Arabian Peninsula that was conducive to meditation. I'm not alone. " Anthi pahe, kondola omukai komulume wae mokonda oe omuuli. the man who stood up to the king of Egypt, boldly asking for the Israelites to be freed from slavery? But now let her husband return to her husband because he is the prophet. Ovanthu vapondola okuimbuka Onombangi mba Jeova mokonda ovo vala vaivisa mononkhalelo ombo ambuho. Finally, true worship will be fully restored! People can understand Jehovah's Witnesses only because they preach in all these ways. Aiti ku Jeova okuti: "Huku yange mphevo omutima wasukuka, nokupaka mokati kange omalusoke omape, nokuapama.... Think also about how much we can help our congregation if we are humble and cooperate with the elders. He pleaded to Jehovah: "To me, O God, give me a clean conscience, and to my new personality.... Mokulinga ngotyo, valandula ehongolelo lieongano lia Jeova keulu. - Salmo 119: 105; Mateus 7: 7, 8. Why is it good to talk about the future that Jehovah has promised us? 119: 105; Matt. 7: 7, 8. Otyo tyilekesa onongembia nemone. Mahi, otyo tyihangununa tyi? This is still what he wants for mankind. But does that mean suffering, but what does it mean? 5, 6. (a) Oñgeni etyi twii konthele yetyi matyikapita komutwe netyi Huku makalinga tyitukuatesako okukala tyalunguka? Perhaps you had opportunities for higher education, for prominence, or for financial security, but you decided not to pursue them. 5, 6. (a) How do we know what we know about the future and what God will do helps us to be watchful? Oityi tulilongesila kelondolo lia Jesus? Without the Holy Scriptures, our primary teacher would be personal experience. What do we learn from Jesus ' warning? Katutyii nawa, mahi hamwe opo Abraiau anoñgonoka konthele ya Jeova. God's love motivates us to do what? We do not know well, but it may have been possible for Abraham to come to know about Jehovah. Mahi, ngetyi Jesus apopia Melongomona lio Komphunda, ovinyango vilekesa etyi omuti ukahi, tupu ovipuka tulinga vilekesa oñgeni omutima wetu ukahi. Be made clean. " Then "the leprosy vanished from him. " However, as Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount, the fruit itself represents what we do and see in our heart. Konthele yomutima, Ohamba David wahinangelesa Salomau okuti: "Mona wange, noñgonoka Huku ya tate yove no kumuumbila nomutima auho nomuenyo omuwa. Mokonda Jeova utala momitima aviho nokunoñgonoka kese eyembelo liomalusoke. " Who today are special targets of Satan, and how can the world's education cause them difficulty? Regarding the heart of King Solomon, King Solomon reminded Solomon: "My son, know your father and serve him with a complete heart, because Jehovah examines every inclination of the thoughts of the heart. " Omumphoki kamono okahi ine omutenya, onthue katupondola okunoñgonoka Jeova kuonthue muene. In his second letter, Peter exhorted anointed Christians to " do their utmost to make their calling and choosing of themselves sure. ' A blind person does not know or even get to know Jehovah himself. O Eenga patyi yavilapo vali ipopiwa nomulanduli wa Jesus Kristu? God will act against those who dishonor his name. - Read Psalm 83: 17, 18. What is the most important part of the follower of Jesus Christ? Olie wakonga ovanthu okuti endyu " nokunwa otyali omaande omuenyo '? How grateful we are for Jehovah's loving and wise reminders to be yielding! Who invites people to "take life's water free "? Tyina ekolelo liavo liamapame, mavakala nehando liokulipakula ku Jeova iya nokumuavela atyiho vena. 12: 2, 3; 1 Pet. As their faith grows, they will be eager to dedicate their life to Jehovah and give him everything they have. Tupu, hatyoko vala tyieta ehambu momuenyo. Yet, none of our brothers and sisters lost their life in that case, even though many of them lost all their belongings and their livelihood. It is not the only way in life that brings happiness. Oityi matulilongesa monthele ei iya omokonda yatyi? What is the meaning of the illustration about the traveling merchant and the illustration about the hidden treasure? What will we discuss in this article, and why? OLUTALATU LUOKONDYE: No, Peter humbly recognized that Jesus had "sayings of everlasting life. " COVER IMAGE: Jesus walekesile okuti omutima una okukala tyasukuka komalusoke omaundalelapo etyi ati: "Kese una utualako okutala komukai, nepeleyo lio kumuhanda, ngotyo momutima walingale oumbalehi nae. " - Mateus 5: 28. That will include Abel, the innocent children whom King Herod murdered, and millions of others. Jesus showed humility by saying: "Everyone who keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. " - Matthew 5: 28. Oñgeni ovanthu ovo aveho mavavasi okulia pofika pahakala ovanthu? Would you include your precious relationship with Jehovah? How can all such people find food in a small area? Mongeleka, hamwe ove wambatisalua puetyi ankho umona. We feel that it is important to make known God's personal name and help others call on that name. For example, you may have been baptized when you were a teenager. Pamwe ndyisoka kovipuka viaenda momuenyo wange, okuhimbikila monthiki nambatisalwa momaande ana atenda unene. Both anointed Christians and the "other sheep " benefit from it. - John 10: 16. Sometimes I think about the things I had done in my life, and I gradually got baptized in water. Ove hamwe uhanda okukala omukuatyili kwe, haunene inkha epanga liove ine ombunga yove. Jesus went on to say: "What I say to you I say to all, Keep on the watch. " You may want to be loyal to him, especially if your friend or family member or relative. Pahe, ankho ndyina okuvasa ovilinga vikahi nawa. Her life had been filled with parties, violence, self - hate, and immorality. Now I had a good job. Katuhande okukala nga Diótrefes, ankho wahatambula nawa ovakuatate veya mewaneno mokonda ankho utupu onthilo navo. I will protect you. ' We did not want to be like Katherine, who would not receive hospitality from the congregation because he did not respect them. Mahi onoandyu mbelikalela novanthu. (b) How can a moral collapse be avoided? However, angels differ from humans. 1, 2. Holy spirit can help us to get to know Jehovah. 1, 2. Mokuovola okulekesa enoñgonoko liatyo olio, vamwe vayapuka mekolelo. " Here are three of them. Rather than proving to be such knowledge, some have turned away from the faith. " Oe wahandele vana ahonekela valinge etyi tyaviuka nokutualako okuumbila Huku nomutima auho, tyihatalukwa. (1 Coríntios 7: 35) Onondonga mba Paulu konthele yononkhalelo ombo mbakolela, mbupondola okukukuatesako. The result? He wanted those who sincerely endeavor to do what is right and keep serving God without delay, and Paul's counsel about such practical advice can help you. Okuti ndyitala otyili ngatyina olumono? " Sight is the most seductive sense of all, " states a leading European marketing expert. Do I view the truth as a treasure? Omupika omu Hebreu ankho uyovolwa tyina amaundapela omuhona wae omanima epanduvali. Why? The Hebrew slave was released when he served as his master for seven years. • Omokonda yatyi ovilinga viokuivisa umbo na umbo vikahi nokulingwa vali unene hono? When looking for a marriage mate, you want to find someone you can truly love and then make that love strong and inextinguishable, as shown in the Song of Solomon. • Why is preaching from house to house the most important thing in our day? Noñgonoka nawa oviso vitavelwa potyilongo tyenyi, oundapesa " onondunge mbove mbokupunga ' ovipuka, opo utale inkha vielikuata "nehando lia Huku. " Yet, Justin repeatedly insisted in his writings that the Provider of all things is "a God who is called by no proper name. " Know your traditional practices in your community, using your "power of reason " to see whether they are" according to God's will. " Etyi palamba ohanyi, andyimukumbulula okuti nahanda okumunoñgonoka vali nawa. However, we have full faith that he uses his power in behalf of his people today. A month later, I replied that I wanted to get to know him better. Aveho mavaundapa pano pohi ngo vanakwa, okupopila ovanthu konthele ya Jeova " mokuivisa enkhimano liae ', nokuveavela okulia kuopaspilitu. All of us are imperfect and make mistakes. They all serve as priests on earth, telling people about Jehovah's " glory, ' and he gives them spiritual food. Okusokolola ko testu ya 2 Pedro 2: 11 no konondonga napewa novakulu vewaneno tyankhuatesako unene. " Let us reflect on what this exchange reveals. Meditating on 2 Peter 2: 11 and the counsel given by the elders helped me greatly. " Iya otyo vaholovona, ankho katyietela vala Andau na Eva ovitateka ovinene, mahi tupu novana vavo. He said that if Jehovah takes care of wildflowers, "will he not much rather clothe you, you with little faith? This choice could not only lead Adam and Eve to serious problems, but also their children. Opo unoñgonoke vali konthele yotyo, tala okapitulu 2 momukanda ou, walingua no Nombangi mba Jeova (Read John 17: 20, 21.) For more information, see chapter 2 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses • Konthele youwa wapopiwa mu Salmu 72, oityi tyikuhambukiswa? " They really made me feel loved and secure. " • What comfort do you find in the words of Psalm 72? Oñgeni ovakuatate ovo valekesa ekoleleyo movitateka viavo? (b) Illustrate how being alert and observant can improve our ministry. How did these brothers demonstrate their integrity? Tyina tuundulwa, tulikuambela ." - 1 Coríntios 4: 12, 13. To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. 4: 12, 13. Ovanthu vapopia omalaka omanyingi, mahi otyo hatyitateka ku Jeova. Oñgeni tutyii? Together with his 144,000 corulers in heaven, Jesus will come to the rescue of God's people here on earth. What do we know about people in many languages, but how do we know? Andyilitehelela ngoti nalaviswa, omakevelelo ange nomahando akala tyihena esilivilo. " - LUIS. As Christians, what can we do to avoid being influenced by the prevailing distorted view of marriage? I felt that it was with me the hope and the hope of living forever. " - LUKE (Atos 22: 1 - 3; Filipenses 3: 4 - 6) Etyi Paulu ambatisalwa, "aende mo Arabia " - Mehoko lio Siria ine opomphangu imue pahayuele mo Arabia opo akasokolole nawa. Born into a Roman Catholic family, she went to the local priest for help, but he was unwilling even to speak with her. After Paul got baptized, "he got up in the wilderness " or even asked him to test him. ▪ komulume wakalele nomutima wakola pokuita ohamba yo Egitu opo ayovole ova Isilayeli koupika? Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. the man who acted courageously in behalf of the king of Israel to deliver Israel from slavery in slavery to slavery. Tyotyili, eongano lia Jeova malisukukiswa pala apeho Why is it important to learn to hate lawlessness? Yes, Jehovah's organization will be preserved forever Tupu soka oñgeni matyikuatesako ewaneno lietu inkha tuliola omutima, atuundapela kumwe novakulu vewaneno. War, poverty, sickness, and even the trials of old age or the prospect of death - none of these things will permanently rob you of your peace. Think, too, about how we can help our congregation if we are humble and cooperate with the elders. Omokonda yatyi otyiwa okupopia konthele yomilao Jeova etulaa? They will be imprisoned and will not be able to harm anyone during the Thousand Year Reign of Christ, and after that they will be destroyed. Why is it good to talk about Jehovah's promises? (Gênesis 1: 31; 2: 15 - 17) Otyo, nkhele otyo ahandela ovanthu. An alabaster case was usually fashioned with a narrow neck that could be effectively sealed to prevent the escape of the precious scent. That is why he wanted humans to. Hamwe wali nomphitilo yokulongeswa mosikola onene, opo unkhimane, ine umone onombongo ononyingi, mahi watokola okuviyekapo. All will have plenty to eat, and all will be satisfied! Perhaps you have had the opportunity to learn higher education so that you would never get a lot of money or a lot of money. Tyehena Ombimbiliya, ñgeno tuelilongesa atuike konthele yomuenyo. He encountered a passage that left him stumped. Without the Bible, we could have learned about life. Ohole na Huku itulunda okulinga tyi? Explain. What does love for God motivate us to do? Konyima "otyilundu atyimutundu liwa - liwa. " His cheerfulness was only temporary and was not true joy. - Proverbs 14: 13. Be made clean. " Ovalie Satanasi ehole vali okuhongiliya? Oñgeni onosikola ononene mbupondola okuetela ovitateka ovakuendye Ovakristau? How can we be loyal to Jehovah when we are making major decisions? Who have been the greatest influence on the world's schools, and how can this influence young Christians? Momukanda wae wavali, Petulu walondola Ovakristau ovalembulwa opo " valinge vali ononkhono ononene opo vakamone ondyambi yavo vaihanenwa. ' While Israel and Syria were focusing on Judah, another nation, a militaristic one, had ambitions toward the region. In his second letter, Peter urged anointed Christians to "keep working hard " so that they can" gain their reward. " Huku makahanyako vana vehena onthilo nenyina liae. - Tanga Salmo 83: 17, 18. By Way of Review God will destroy those who dishonor his name. - Read Psalm 83: 17, 18. Tuahambukwa unene mokonda yomahinangeleso Jeova omukualuembia etuavela konthele yokutavela! Pray to God. How grateful we are that Jehovah gives us counsel about obedience! 12: 2, 3; 1 Ped. " By faith Moses, when grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter. " - HEB. 12: 2, 3; 1 Pet. Etyi omukuatate umwe watunda kombala yo nombangi ekevetalelapo iya apulu ovakuatate no nomphange oñgeni vekahi, avakumbulula okuti: "Tukahi vala nawa, tupandula Jeova! " He no doubt understood that intense and painful feelings may well up. When one brother from Canada asked me how brothers and sisters were going to visit our brothers and sisters, he replied: "We are very thankful that we are grateful to Jehovah! " Ongeleka yomulandesi omueenda - vilongo, no yolumono luaholekwa mbuhangununa tyi? It is not always easy for those with authority to delegate work to younger men. What does the illustration of the traveling merchant and the hidden treasure mean? Anthi, Petulu nomutima weliola wanoñgonoka okuti Jesus "una onondaka mbomuenyo wahapu. " As it was already late, the supervisor hurriedly paid the suppliers, including André. On the contrary, Peter humbly learned that Jesus had "the sayings of everlasting life. " (João 5: 28, 29) Povanthu ovo, umue o Abele, novana vana ankho vehena onkhali vaipaelwe no Hamba Herode, na vakuavo ovanyingi. To him, "any sort of blood " is sacred. Among these were Abel, the sons of Herod, and many others were killed by King Herod and many others. Okuti mopopi konthele youpanga wove na Jeova? My strength and my might is Jah, since he serves for my salvation. " - Ex. 13: 14, 21, 22; 15: 1, 2; Ps. 136: 11 - 15. Will you talk about your relationship with Jehovah? Onthwe tusoka okuti tyakolela tunoñgonokese ovanthu enyina lia Huku, natyivekuatesako navo vapopie enyina olio. SONGS: 103, 101 We think that it is important for people to make known God's name and to encourage them to speak this name. Ovakristau ovalembulwa "nonongi ononkhuavo, " aveho vapolako ouwa. - João 10: 16. (a) Why did Paul describe himself as "a man less than the least of all holy ones "? All anointed Christians and the "other sheep " benefit. - John 10: 16. Jesus wati: " Etyi ndyimupopila ndyityipopila aveho, okuti tualeiko okukala nokulava. ' Although you try to deny it - since it seems so unfair - there is nothing you can do. " Jesus said: "What I say to you, I say to all, Keep on the watch. ' Oñgeni Ouye uno Maukapuako However, in recognition of David's repentant spirit - he had "a heart broken and crushed " - Jehovah forgave him. Purpose of Study Articles Omuenyo wae ankho o wovipito vala, noungangala, nokuliyele oe muene, nomaundalelapo. The members of the Governing Body are experienced, spirit - anointed elders. His life was marked by immorality, violence, and immorality. Ame mandyikuamena. ' What difficulty did a Christian mother face, and what helped her to uphold the arrangement for disfellowshipping unrepentant wrongdoers? I will protect you. ' (b) Oñgeni tupondola okulityilika okulinga onkhali ku Jeova? That covenant evidently went into effect in 1943 B.C.E. (b) How can we avoid sinning against Jehovah? (Gálatas 5: 22) Ospilitu sandu ipondola okutukuatesako okunoñgonoka nawa Jeova. You may recall that at the end of our last visit, I left you with a question about why God has allowed suffering to continue if he has the power to end it. Holy spirit can help us to get to know Jehovah better. Vimwe ovievi. For example, if you are a single Christian of marriageable age, are you completely resolved to avoid forming any romantic attachment to someone who is not a baptized Christian? Here are a few of them. Otyo tyakalesa ñgeni omukai oo? Alcohol can undermine our moral defenses, resulting in spiritual disaster. How did this affect the woman? Omulume umwe wovitanda ko Europa wati, "omaiho ena epondolo enene liokuhongiliya. Today we have ample evidence that we are living in what the Bible calls "the last days. " " The eyes of the flesh are powerful, " says a husband in Europe. Omokonda yatyi? 10, 11. (a) What happens to many young ones at school? Why? Inkha uhanda okunepa ine okunepwa, ovola omunthu mohumbu nomutima auho. Seek first the Kingdom by staying busy in the ministry and in your congregation. If you want to marry or get married, try to show honor to someone who is sincere. Mahi, Justin wapitaulula okuhoneka momikanda viae okuti Omuavi wovipuka aviho "o Huku una wiihanwa kenyina liae muene. " Names have been changed. However, he referred to his books as the Giver of "the God who is known by his name. " Anthi, tuna onthumbi onene yokuti Jeova uundapesa epondolo liae opo akuateseko ovanthu vae hono. BIBLE However, we are confident that Jehovah uses his power to help his people today. (Eclesiastes 7: 9) Ovanthu aveho ovakuankhali iya vapengesa. Yet, many in the world around us believe that only by devoting themselves to making money can they have a secure future and take it easy later in life. All humans are imperfect and are imperfect. Omuhepe waimbuka okuti Eliya omu Isilayeli una onthilo na Huku. What is noteworthy about Jacob's prayer when he was about to meet Esau? The widow realized that Elijah had deep respect for God. Jesus wati inkha Jeova uvaleka eholi liohika, "kamemuvaleka vali unene onwe, onwe vekolelo lihehi? After his resurrection, Jesus told hundreds of his followers: "Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them..., teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " Jesus said that if Jehovah treats the weeds, "there will be much more than you and your loyal ones, " do you have little faith? (Tanga João 17: 20, 21.) He readily explained that he and his wife were full - time ministers of Jehovah's Witnesses and wanted to continue as such. (Read John 17: 20, 21.) Tyotyili vankhuatesako okukala tyihena otyiho, andyilitehelela okuti venthyole. " In fact, many people today cannot find a job, and things keep getting more expensive. I really felt overwhelmed with anxiety, feeling that they loved me. " (b) Hangununa oñgeni okukala tyipahi nokutala nawa tyitukuatesako okuivisa vali nawa. As a matter of fact, what is this idea of sin that people today find so objectionable? (b) Explain how keeping awake and watchful helps us to improve our ministry. Ankho uhanda okuava etyi una tyo, katale mo www.jw.org. " Buy this, buy that. ' To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. Ngotyo, Jesus novalembulwa 144.000 onohamba keulu, mavakayovola ovanthu va Huku pano pohi. Of whom shall I be in dread?... Thus, Jesus and his 144,000 corulers in heaven will deliver God's people from the earth. Oityi onthue Vakristau tuna okulinga, opo tulityilike ovituwa ovio ovivi konthele yotyinepo? If disaster does strike, they are better able to cope with the situation because they rely on Jehovah for support. What must Christians do to avoid such bad practices regarding marriage? Iya mokonda ombunga yae ova Katolika Romana, aende kelombe lio potyilongo tyavo opo limuvatele. Mahi, kaliahandele okupopia nomukai oo. This series is only one of the many spiritual provisions from Jehovah that help us to accomplish the vital work he has given us to do. As a Roman Catholic, the Roman Catholic Church went to their territory to protect us, but he did not want to talk to that woman. Onotestu mbukahi momukanda ou, mbapolwa Mombimbiliya yahonekwa monkhalelo ovanthu vapopia hono Tradução do Novo Mundo das Escrituras Sagradas. When Ham showed disrespect for his father after the Flood, Noah said: "Blessed be Jehovah, Shem's God, and let [Ham's son] Canaan become a slave to him. " Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Omokonda yatyi tyakolela okulilonga okuyala okutomba ovitumino? They wanted me to make the military my career. Why is it important to learn to hate lawlessness? Tyilinge ovita, oluhepo, nomauvela, alo umue ovitateka vitundilila kokukulupa ine ononkhia, natyike matyikupolo ombembwa yove apeho. Maybe your child, husband, or wife has died. Whether war is poverty, sickness, sickness, disease, or death, will result in nothing lasting peace and happiness forever. [ Olutalatu pefo 18] What will be discussed in this article? [ Picture on page 15] Mavakapakwa mokaleya, tyihena vali epondolo liokuhongiliya ovanthu Momanima Ovityita Ekwi mokueenda Kuoutumini wa Kristu iya konyima avahanyua - ko apeho. But anyone going in to the king when not summoned was put to death. - Esther 4: 4 - 11. They will be thrown into prison, without power to influence people during the Thousand Year Reign of Christ, and then they will not be destroyed. Omokonda omapindi omulela oo, ankho atungwa noumunyino waheka iya kombanda yotyipato, akuwingilua otyikuavo tyahoteluako opo omuniko uhatundemo. Its execution will not be delayed. Because the perfumed oil was made up of the ground, and there was no electricity on the ground, so that he would not be thrown into pieces. Iya pomalaka oo, 100 apopiwa novanthu ovanyingi mouye auho. I started to go wayward when I was only ten years old. And they are about 100 million people around the world. Aveho mavakakala nokulia, iya aveho mavakahambukwa! To win this battle, we must fight against Satan and keep our faith strong. Everyone will eat food, and everyone will rejoice! Oe wavasa onondaka mbumue mbeulo ahanoñgonokele nawa. Seek righteousness, seek meekness. He found some prophecies that were not fully understood. Hangununa. In fact, they viewed belief in his resurrection as essential to the Christian faith. Explain. Ehambu olio kaliakalele omuvo omunyingi mokonda halioko ehambu liotyotyili. - Provérbios 14: 13. Paul said: "Now that you were set free from sin and became slaves to God, you are producing your fruit in the way of holiness, and the end is everlasting life. " - Romans 6: 22. It did not have much time for him to be happy. - Proverbs 14: 13. Oñgeni tupondola okukala ovakuatyili ku Jeova tyina tulinga omatokolo akolela? But besides faith, we need other important qualities in order to have a friendship with Jehovah and keep it. - Read 2 Peter 1: 5 - 7; Jude 20, 21. How can we be loyal to Jehovah when we make important decisions? Etyi o Isilayeli no Siria ankho vahanda okunyingila mo Judaa, elongo lio Asiria tupu ankho liapanga okunyingila motyilongo otyo. (b) What can we learn from this experience? When Israel and Syria wanted to enter Judah, the nation of Judah would also enter into that land. Omapulo Okupitulula Even if you have become a Witness more recently, on what is your attention focused? By Way of Review ▪ Likuambela ku Huku. Further, the religious leaders had no true love for God. ▪ Pray to God. " Mokonda wali nekolelo, etyi Moisesi ekula ketavelele okuihanwa okuti omona womona wa Farao. " - HEB. Never will he allow the righteous one to totter. " " Because of faith when Moses was young, he refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter. " - HEB. Ankho wii nawa oñgeni veliivite, nomuihamo omunene ankho vena. Might there also be another reason? He understood his feelings and pain as well as the pain they had. Pamwe katyapepukile okuavela ovakuendye ovilinga vietu. Why are we eager to see our Leader come quickly? At times, it may be difficult for young people to give up our job. Mahi, mokonda ankho lietaka, vafeta vala liwa vana veveundapela, okukutikinyamo André. Also see why it is vital for us to remain loyal to the organization that Jehovah is using today. But because it was too late, the workers were quick to pay, including André. Ku Jeova "ohonde " ikola. Fittingly, then, David refers to having his prayer answered from Jehovah's holy mountain. Jehovah is "a holy blood. " Ononkhono mbange nepondolo liange o Jah, mokonda wandyovola. " - Êxodo 13: 14, 21, 22; 15: 1, 2; Salmo 136: 11 - 15. " I was bitterly disappointed by my own failure, " says Ricardo, who lost his privileges as an elder after serving in that capacity for many years. 13: 14, 21, 22; Ps. 15: 1, 2 - 15. Soka kovipuka mamulityilika opo muhalinge natyike tyapenga. Or consider the eye of the dragonfly. Think about what you can do to protect yourself from doing nothing wrong. OVIIMBO: 103, 101 " I Felt Regret " SONGS: 10, 101 (a) Oityi Paulu elipopila okuti "omulume omututu tyipona una wahulilila ko nosandu ambuho "? Like the philosophers of Paul's day who called him an ignorant "chatterer, " most people today think that the hope we preach is sheer nonsense. - Acts 17: 18. (a) Why did Paul say that this "a man less than the least of all holy ones "? Hamwe usoka okuti hatyiliko, mahi otyili umwe iya utupu vali etyi upondola okulinga. " 11, 12. (a) Regarding money, what does God's Word encourage us to do, and why? Perhaps you feel that it is true, but there is nothing you can do. " Mahi, mokonda David wakalele "nomutima wateka nokuamiangulwa, " Jeova wemuevelele. Only now, in this tragic hour, did she fully grasp the truth of those words. Mary was stabbed to the heart by grief But because David had been "broken at heart " and" crushed in spirit, " Jehovah forgave him. Ononkhalamutue mbo Nombangi mba Jeova, aveho ovakulu ovalembulwa vokuanoñgonoka nawa. Now think about this. All of Jehovah's Witnesses, of course, are anointed ones who know him well. Otyitateka patyi tyepuiya tyaendele nomphange umwe Omukristau? Oityi tyemuvatela okuendela motyitumino konthele yovokuhelivele vapolwa mewaneno? • What lessons can we learn from Baruch? What difficult situation did one Christian sister face, and what helped her to break free from the law of the congregation? Omphango yatyo oyo yahimbika okufuisuapo menima lio 1943 Puetyi Kristu Eheneye. The soil is a person's heart. This covenant began in 1943 B.C.E. Hamwe uhinangela okuti osimano yokualamba, tuasilepo epulo konthele yomokonda yatyi Huku ayekelako ononkhumbi inkha una epondolo liokumbumanako. As a result, he "did not respond appreciatively to the good done to him. " Perhaps you remember that in the last week, we made a question about why God allows suffering if he allows suffering to end. Mongeleka, pamue ove Umukristau wahanepele, mahi wekula nawa pala okunepa. Okuti watokola umue okulityilika okulinepa no Mukristau umue uhenembatisalwe? Yet, no such reluctance prevented Joyce from speaking to her brother - in - law. For example, you may have married a Christian couple, but you are determined to avoid becoming a Christian. Okunwa unene tyipondola okutupola omalusoke etu ana omawa atutokela movivi. When I went out preaching with some of the pioneers and saw that many people were seeking the truth, I wanted to move there and help. Overuse of alcohol can hinder our thinking from being misled and misled. Onthue hono tuanoñgonoka nawa etyiOmbimbiliya ipopia okuti "ononthiki mbahulilila. " Likewise, the 3,000 converts were first baptized with water, and then they received the holy spirit. We now understand what the Bible says about "the last days. " 10, 11. (a) Oityi ovakuendye ovanyingi vahongiliyua okulinga kosikola? Because our work was banned, Kingdom Halls were closed up and congregation meetings were held in the homes of the brothers. 10, 11. (a) What pressure do many young people face at school? (Gênesis 24: 16 - 21; Rute 1: 16, 17; 2: 6, 7, 11; Provérbios 31: 10 - 27) Ovola tete Ouhamba mokueenda apeho movilinga viokuivisa, nokukuatesako ewaneno. Instead, she talks about something positive, such as the good results that our preaching has even though some react in a negative way. Keep the Kingdom first in your preaching work and helping the congregation. Omanyina apilululwa. They have done this by means of God - dishonoring teachings, "things that cause stumbling, " such as the doctrine of eternal punishment in hellfire and the confusing and mysterious Trinity. Names have been changed. OMBIMBILIYA Just before his death, Enoch may have received a vision from God, perhaps one showing him the earth as a paradise. 3 / 1 Mahi, ovanyingi mouye vasoka okuti vesukisa okuongiya onombongo ononyingi hono opo vakakale nomuenyo omuwa komutwe. At last I was finding answers to my questions! Yet, many in the world think that they need more money now than ever to have a better future. Oityi tyakolela melikuambelo lia Jako etyi ekalivasa na Esau? What can help us to cultivate a sound mind? How important is Jacob's prayer with Esau? Etyi atutiliswa, Jesus wapopilile ovalanduli vae ovanyingi okuti: "Endei, kalongesei ovanthu movilongo aviho opo vakale ovalongwa. Iya amuvembatisala..., Velongesei ovipuka aviho ame nemutuma. " Ndenguè from Cameroon was 19 years old when she married a man who did not serve Jehovah. After his resurrection, Jesus told his followers: "Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in all the things I have commanded you. " Omukuatate akumbulula okuti oe, nomukai wae, Onombangi mba Jeova vaundapa ngovakokoli - ndyila, iya vahanda okutualako novilinga ovio. What Jesus taught and did was in harmony with God's Word, thus the expression "healthful words " can also by extension refer to all Bible teachings. The brother answered that he and his wife serve as pioneers, and they wanted to continue doing this work. (2 Timóteo 3: 1) Mahi, ovanthu ovanyingi hono kavavasi ovilinga iya ovipuka vikahi nokulanda onombongo ononyingi. To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. On the other hand, many people today do not have a lot of money and have a lot of money. Olusoke patyi konthele yonkhali ovanthu hono veyele? Why should we take to heart Paul's admonition to "go on walking in love "? What view of sin do people today hate? " Landa etyi, landa tyina. ' 5: 24, 25 - Who are those " passing over from death to life '? " Within the full - time service, buy it up. ' Olie mantheketesa?... During these difficult final days of this system of things, we may experience special challenges to our faith. Of whom shall I be in dread?... Jeova utulongesa mononkhalelo ononyingi opo tufuisepo otyilinga tyakolela etuavela. What can we learn from the beauty and order we see in creation? Jehovah teaches us in various ways to fulfill theocratic assignments. (Gênesis 4: 1; 9: 26) Huku ankho utumbula enyina liae tyina apopia novanthu. What are Gary and Karen doing now, some 25 years later? God used his name when he spoke to humans. Ankho vahanda ndyikale efualali omuenyo wange auho. How can you avoid this trap that crushes? They wanted to be a soldier of all my life. Ine hamwe wankhisa omona wove, ine omulume wove ine omukai wove. Here are three lessons we can learn from what happened to Shebna. Or perhaps you have lost your child, your husband or wife. Oityi matulilongesa monthele ino? For nearly a century now, horrendous events taking place around the world testify that we are living in the last days. What will we discuss in this article? Mahi omunthu ukapopia nohamba tyahaihanenwe ankho upondola okuipawa. - Ester 4: 4 - 11. (See opening image.) 4: 4 - 11. (Deuteronômio 32: 4) Petupu omunthu matyilika Jeova okuhanyako ouye uno. " There are new heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to his promise, and in these righteousness is to dwell. " - 2 PETER 3: 13. No human will prevent Jehovah from destroying this present system of things. Etyi ankho ndyina vala omanima ekwi, andyihimbika okukala omphuki. Scriptural Questions Answered: When I was ten years old, I started to live as a criminal. Opo tutyivile okutilisa movilwa ovio, tuna okulwa na Satanasi iya atupameka ekolelo lietu. What will our life be like if we focus on serving Jehovah? To win that battle, we must fight against Satan and strengthen our faith. Ovolei ouviuki, ovolei outendi. How did Jesus handle the unkind words and actions of others? Get away from righteousness, seek it. (Atos 2: 29 - 32; 3: 13 - 15) Tyotyili, ankho vetyii okuti okutavela etutilo olio tyakolela pala ekolelo Liovakristau. 3: 5; 7: 34; 8: 12 - How could Mark have known details about Jesus ' emotional state? Of course, they knew that this resurrection was essential for Christian faith. Paulu wati: "Mokonda muayovolwa konkhali, pahe muakala ovapika va Huku, mukahi nokuava ovinyango viousukuki, komutwe wandyila mamukapewa omuenyo uhapu. " - Romanos 6: 22. Jehovah is a God of purpose, and the Bible speaks of his "eternal purpose. " Paul said: "By sin you became slaves of God, you are bearing witness with the fruitage of the holy ones, and you will receive everlasting life in the future. " - Romans 6: 22. (Hebreus 6: 1) Mahi opo tukale nekolelo liapama, tuesukisa okukala vali novituwa ovikuavo viakolela unene opo oupanga wetu na Jeova utualeko. - Tanga 2 Pedro 1: 5 - 7; Judas 20, 21. Does God pay attention to you? But to have strong faith, we need more and more qualities so that we can maintain our friendship with Jehovah. - Read 2 Peter 1: 5 - 7; Jude 20, 21. (b) Ongeleka oyo itulongesa tyi? But what hurt him the most was the injustice from his own brothers. (b) What does this illustration teach us? Namphila wakala Ombangi pahetyino, oityi wesuka vali natyo? David inquired of Jehovah, saying: "Shall I chase after this marauder band? " Although you are now a Witness, what is your main concern? Tupu, ononkhalamutwe mbonongeleya, ankho vetupu ohole yotyotyili na Huku. As a parent, you have the important responsibility and privilege to bring up your children in "the discipline and admonition of Jehovah. " The religious leaders of Christendom did not have self - sacrificing love for God. Kamayeke omuviuki atengaulwe. ' The emphasis is on what Jesus did rather than what he taught. Never will he allow the righteous one to totter. ' Okuti kuna vali ehunga ekuavo? Do not spend money on things you do not really need Is there any other reason? Omokonda yatyi tuhandela unene Omutumini wetu eye liwa - liwa? And not everyone she meets is unfriendly. Why do we want our Ruler to act quickly? Tupu matutale omokonda yatyi tuesukisila okutualako noukuatyili keongano Jeova ekahi nokuundapesa hono. And what good things he did for people! We will also see why we need to remain loyal to Jehovah's organization today. Iya konyima, David apopi okuti elikuambelo liae liakumbululwa komphunda ikola ya Jeova. Jesus ' identity as the Messiah is supported by two detailed genealogies showing that he descended from King David. Later, David said that his prayer was answered from Jehovah's holy mountain. Ricardo ankho omukulu weuaneno omanima omanyingi, iya pahe wapolua otyilinga otyo, wati: "Nanumanene unene netyi ankho nalinga. Can anyone know? Richard, who served as an elder for many years, now lost his job and said: "I was angry with what I had done. Tupu soka konthele yenkhungwe ine omuhongo wakanimi - nimi. Whenever problems appear in their lives, they take God's Word and search in it for a solution.... Think, too, about the amount of food that was set before them. " Nelivela " Why is the use of questions a good teaching method? " I felt regret " Ovanthu vamwe pononthiki mba Paulu ankho vati "upopia oviyayu, " tupu hono, ovanyingi vasoka okuti ekevelo tuivisa ha liotyotyiliko. - Atos 17: 18. But if we make a promise or a commitment, we should do all we can to keep it. - 3 / 15, page 32. Some of Paul's contemporaries were saying that "the prayers of the Father " and that many today feel that our hope is not true. - Acts 17: 18. 11, 12. (a) Ondaka ya Huku ituavela ondundo yokulinga tyi konthele yonombongo? Omokonda yatyi? " When I was appointed as an elder a year and a half later, it came as a surprise, " he says. 11, 12. (a) What does God's Word encourage us to do about money, and why? (Lucas 2: 25 - 35) Pahe pomuwo oo wepuiya onondaka ombo ankho mbukahi nokufuiswapo. In front of all the people, he prayed to Jehovah and told him how weak they felt. Now that those words were being fulfilled. Pahe soka. Consider, too, the role of humility in following Jehovah's guidance. Think about it. • Oityi tulilongesila kongeleka ya Baruke? Later, look into the subject, using the Watch Tower Publications Index or Watchtower Library on CD - ROM if it is available in your language. • What can we learn from Baruch's example? Eheke omutima womunthu. He looked to Jehovah and then carefully followed his instructions. Man's figurative heart. Mokonda yotyo, "kapandulile ovipuka aviho oviwa alingilwa. " First, you can pray to Jehovah. As a result, "they did not appreciate all the good things that happened. " Otyo, katyatyilikile Joise okupopia na nawa yae. But why? No doubt, he did not stop speaking to her very well. Etyi natunda movilinga viokuivisa novakokoli - ndyila vamwe, namona okuti ovanthu ovanyingi vekahi nokuovola otyili, andyisoko okuilukilako opo ndyivekuateseko. Never forget how cruel he is! When I left the ministry, some pioneers saw that many people were trying to search for the truth, and I wanted to help them. (João 1: 26 - 36) Tupu, ovalongwa 3.000 ovape tete vatambutisalwa momeva, konyima avatambula ospilitu sandu. Remember Jesus ' warning about slaving for two masters. Also, the number of new disciples were first made up of water, which later received holy spirit. Mokonda yovilinga vietu ankho viailikwa, Onondyuo Mbomaliongiyo ankho mbaikwa, iya omaliongiyo ankho tulingila mo nondyuo mbovakuatate. What opportunity will many of God's servants have? Because of our work, we were prepared for Kingdom Halls, and we attended meetings in the homes of brothers. Mahi upopia otyipuka otyiwa, ngetyi ouwa utundilila kovilinga viokuivisa, namphila ovanthu vamwe vehetavela. She says, "My father taught me how to make a budget, and he showed me how important it is to be organized in managing family funds. " But it is good to talk, as it results in the preaching work, even if people do not respond favorably. Ovo vetyilinga nomalongeso ahapande Huku, "ovipuka vipundukisa, " omalongeso okuti kuna o ifelunu yotupia nelongeso lingwangwanesa nokuhaviukile lio Utatu Ukola. The government banned our work and took control of the branch property They do not accept God's teachings, "there is a teaching that hell is a doctrine of hellfire and that hell is a Trinity. " Etyi ehenenkhie, Enoke wamuene emonekelo liatunda ku Huku, liemulekesa ohi ikahi ngomphangu yombembwa. A brother preaches in a village in the mountains of central Ethiopia. He uses the Bible to teach two men about the Kingdom. Before Enoch died, Enoch saw a vision from God and showed him the earth as a paradise. Konyima andyivasi omakumbululo omapulo ange! " The chief punishment of hell, " states that reference, "is eternal separation from God. " Then I found the answers to my questions! Oityi tyipondola okutukuatesako okukala nonondunge onongwa? First, consider some of the tools we have used during the past 100 years. What can help us to acquire the spirit of a sound mind? Ndenguè ukala ko Camarões, ankho una omanima 19 etyi velinepa nomulume wahaumbila Jeova. By meditating on God's dealings with Israel, members of "the Israel of God " and their" other sheep " companions develop greater appreciation for Jehovah and his way of governing. She relates: "I lost my lives in C.E. when I married a husband and wife who did not serve Jehovah. (1 Timóteo 6: 3) Etyi Jesus alongesa netyi alinga ankho tyelikuata kumue Nondaka ya Huku. When Jehovah rescued them from Egyptian slavery and was leading them to the Promised Land, he said this about their dealings with its inhabitants: "You must not bow down to their gods or be persuaded to serve them, and you must not imitate their practices. What Jesus taught was in harmony with God's Word. Opo wave, mbambavo nyingila mo site www.jw.org. 14, 15. To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. Omokonda yatyi tuesukisa okutavela elondolo lia Paulu "Liokutualako okuendela mohole "? Illustrate the creative power of Jehovah's holy spirit. Why should we heed Paul's counsel to "keep on walking in love "? 5: 24, 25 - Ovalie vekahi " nokutunda mononkhia okuenda momuenyo '? She also loves the friends and is very concerned about others. 5: 24, 25 - Who are " getting back to life '? Mokueenda kuononthiki mbuno mbokuepuiya mbonthyulilo, tupondola okukala novitateka mavilolo ekolelo lietu. Even in countries that are not under ban, the Kingdom message may have reached into areas where local Witnesses think that little witnessing can be done. During these difficult last days, we may find it difficult to test our faith. (Gênesis 1: 31; Jeremias 10: 12) Oityi tulilongesila kovipuka oviwa viatungwa nokuaongana nawa? Still, we can imitate Jehovah as we confront our adversities. What can we learn from creation and its inhabitants? Oityi Gary na Karen pahe valinga, mokueenda kuomanima 25 tunde opo? Barak and his men were not troubled by the storm. What have Gary and Karen done for 25 years? Oñgeni molityilika eliva olio limiangula? Let us imitate Jesus, who said: "I have come down from heaven to do, not my own will, but the will of him who sent me. " - John 6: 38. How can you avoid that trap? Etyi tyaendele na Sebina tyitulongesa ovipuka vitatu. Most important of all, we can pray with our student and for our student. What happened to Shebna teaches us three facts. Ovipuka ovivi vikahi nokumoneka mouye okupolelela menima lio 1914, vilekesa nawa okuti tukahi kononthiki mbokuhulilila. But the apostle Paul gives us counsel and warns us not to grieve God's holy spirit. The world events in 1914 indicate that we are living in the last days. (Tala olutalatu pefo pahimbikila onthele.) " They enjoy it because, as they put it, they're " giving something to Jehovah. ' " (See opening picture.) " Kuna eulu epe noohi omphe tukahi nokukevelela ngetyi Huku alaa, muna mamukakala ouviuki. " - 2 PEDRO 3: 13. By contrast, how refreshing it is to receive help from someone who is gracious. " There are new heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to God's promise, in these righteousness is to dwell. " - 2 PETER 3: 13. Omapulo Ombimbiliya Akumbululwa: Not Forget Jehovah, 3 / 15 Scriptural Questions Answered: Okuti tupaka tete momuenyo wetu ovilinga via Jeova? Instead, "he went back with [the old man] that he might eat bread in his house and drink water. " Do we put Kingdom interests first? Oñgeni Jesus ankho alinga tyina vakuavo vemupopia nokumulinga ovipuka ovivi? You will not only please your parents and Jehovah but also enjoy a genuinely happy life. How did Jesus react when others criticize him unfairly? 3: 5; 7: 34; 8: 12 - Oñgeni Marku ankho anoñgonokele ovipuka ovinyingi konthele ya Jesus? Read Revelation 19: 7. 3: 5; 7: 12 - 12; Mark 8: 12 - How did Mark not understand Jesus? Jeova o Huku yelivangelo, iya Ombimbiliya ipopia konthele " yevangelo liae liaapeho. ' Earlier, Jesus had told his followers that as soon as they saw Jerusalem surrounded by soldiers, they would need to flee. - Luke 21: 20 - 24. Jehovah God is a God of love, and the Bible says about "his eternal purpose. ' Okuti Huku ukutehelela? Which religion has a reputation for upholding the Bible's high moral standards? Are you listening to God? Mahi tyemuihamene vali unene etyi alingwa onya novakulu vae. She is a composite bride made up of the members of the congregation headed by Jesus Christ. But he feels deeply sad about the injustice his brothers and sisters. David apulu Jeova okuti: "Ndyipondola okulandula ovifuanga evi? " This was something that the Jews understood and accepted. David asked Jehovah: "Who can I follow them? " Mokonda una ovana, una otyilinga otyinene "tyokuvetekula, nokuveviyula nokuvelongesa ovitumino via Jeova. " " By wisdom a household will be built up, and by discernment it will prove firmly established. " - PROV. 24: 3. Because you have children, you have the great responsibility to " discipline and discipline them with Jehovah's standards. " Upopia vali unene konthele yetyi Jesus alingile tyipona etyi alongesile. No wonder, for the sayings of Christ have Jehovah as their Source! He mentions more than what Jesus did than what he taught. Wahapesele vala onombongo movipuka viehesukisile Concerning such faithful servants of Jehovah, Paul said: "In faith all these died, although they did not get the fulfillment of the promises, but they saw them afar off and welcomed them and publicly declared that they were strangers and temporary residents in the land. " - Heb. 11: 13. Above all, the pursuit of money is not material things Tupu, ha aveho avasa movilinga viokuivisa vemulinga onya. Bearing in mind the Golden Rule, how can we show that we respect those to whom we preach? Furthermore, he did not share in the ministry with all those who were treated unfairly. (Lucas 6: 31) Jesus walingile ovipuka oviwa pala ovanthu! Others can help parents and their teenage children keep the lines of communication open. Jesus did good things for people! (Mateus 12: 3; 22: 43 - 45) Onthuko ya Jesus, Mesiya, yapopiwa ovikando vivali vilekesa okuti watuka mo Hamba David. Shepherds accepted the responsibility of caring for a specified number of animals listed according to their age and sex. Jesus ' offspring, the Messiah, referred to two times as a descendant of King David. Okuti pena ou utyii? Right before Jesus resurrected her, he also described her as being asleep. - Luke 8: 52. Is there someone you know? Ngotyo, tyina vatumbukilwa novitateka momienyo viavo, vaovola Mondaka ya Huku oñgeni mavevitetulula.... Recently, though, I received a phone call from a government worker. So when problems arise in their lives, seek out how God's Word will protect them.... Okuundapesa omapulo onkhalelo ongwa yokulongesa mokonda yatyi? Have a Full Share in the Great Spiritual Harvest PAGE 16 What is the best way to use questions? Mahi tyina tuamalingi omulao, tuesukisa okulinga ononkhono mbokuufuisapo. - 15 / 3, pefo 32. Those who were saved, such as Baruch (Jeremiah's secretary), Ebed - melech the Ethiopian, and the Rechabites, did not have an actual mark on their foreheads. But when we make a vow, we need to do all we can to keep it. - 3 / 15, page 32. Pakala vala katutu, ahimbika okulongesa ovanthu ovanyingi Ombimbiliya. (Read Proverbs 20: 25.) Soon, though, he started to conduct several Bible studies. Komutwe wovanthu aveho, welikuambela ku Jeova emupopila oñgeni elitehelela. Immediately he raised her son. In the future, everyone prayed to Jehovah and said him how he felt. Tala, tupu okuti tyesukisa okukala nomutima weliola opo tulandule ehongolelo lia Jeova. The apostles and the elders of the Jerusalem congregation acted as a governing body. Note, too, that it takes humility to follow Jehovah's direction. Konyima, oende okukatala mo Índice das Publicações da Torre de Vigia ine Watchtower Library mo CD - ROM, inkha vikahi melaka limue ove wii. One Bible scholar explained that Potiphar's wife hoped that if they were alone, Joseph would desire her. Then, go to the Watch Tower Publications Index or the Watchtower Library on whether you know a certain language. Watalele ku Jeova iya alandula onondonga mbae. The first time the people complained about water, Moses did what was right. He looked to Jehovah and followed his instructions. Tete, upondola okulikuambela ku Jeova. But the holy spirit sent Paul to preach to Greeks, Romans, and others who worshipped many gods. - Galatians 2: 7 - 9; 1 Timothy 2: 7. First, you can pray to Jehovah. Ombimbiliya ikahi ngomapa yaviuka ipondola okuvatela omunthu okuvasa ongeleya yaviuka 1, 2. (a) Under what circumstances did Jesus give his Sermon on the Mount? The Bible is like a map that can help a person find the correct religion Mahi omokonda yatyi? He may even refuse to do any further work on the project! But why? Wahalimbueko okuti Satanasi omukalavi! He did not simply say: "We must endure many tribulations. " Never forget that Satan is cruel! Mahi hinangela etyi Jesus apopile okuti katupondola okukala ovapika vo vahona vevali. These two visions give details of further Kingdom judgments connected with the third woe and the blowing of the seventh trumpet. - Rev. 11: 14, 15. But remember what Jesus said that we should not slave for two masters. Elao patyi ovaumbili ovanyingi va Huku vena? But we realize that only Jehovah's Kingdom can solve mankind's problems and remove all injustice. What privilege do many of God's servants have? Oe wati, "Tate wandongesa oñgeni mandyiundapesa onombongo mbange, nokundekesa okuti tyakolela okumbuundapesa monkhalelo yaongana nawa. " As time passed, though, Panayiota became disillusioned. " The Father taught me how to use my money and show them how important it is, " he said. Omukuatate wivisa Nombimbiliya onondaka Mbouhamba povilongo vikala pokati kelunga ko Etiópia. However, many today have had to endure extreme rejection by their family. The brother shares the Kingdom message in several islands in the area where the Witnesses began. " Ononkhumbi mbehitiso lio ifelunu, okuayapulwa apeho ku Huku. " A dead man had even come to life when his body was thrown into a grave and it touched the bones of Elisha. " The punishment of hell is eternal separation from God. " Tete, matulilongesa oviti vimwe tuhole okupewa mokueenda kuomanima 100 okualamba. No. First, we will discuss some tools we have received during the past 100 years. Okusoka konkhalelo Huku atekulile ova Isilayeli, vana valinga onthele yo "Isilayeli ya Huku, "" no nongi onokhuavo, " vakala nolupandu olunene ku Jeova nonkhalelo yae yokutumina. (Read 1 Peter 5: 6, 7.) Reflecting on God's dealings with the Israelites, who became part of "the Israel of God, " the" other sheep, " and "the depth of Jehovah's way of his way. Wevepopilile okuti: "Muahafendei kovi huku viavo ine okuhongiliyua okuviumbila, nokuhalingi natyike tyelifwa novilinga viavo. So, apparently, even some of the clergy will abandon their religious course and deny that they were ever part of those false religions. He told them: "You did not worship their gods or do anything like them. 14, 15. Yet, he did not let fear of what others would think hold him back from doing what he knew was right. 14, 15. Hangununa epondolo liospilitu sandu ya Jeova liokulinga ovipuka. Do you rejoice in your heavenly Father's watchfulness? Explain the power of Jehovah's holy spirit to do things. Uhole omapanga iya usuka unene navakuavo. The imitation, weedlike Christians, the impostors, will be eradicated during the "great tribulation. " - Matt. 24: 21. He loves friends and cares for others. Alo umwe movilongo omu ovilinga viokuivisa viailikwa, onondaka Mbouhamba mbukahi nokuhika apa Onombangi ankho vasoka okuti kamambuvasipo. " GO ON WALKING ORDERLY " Even in countries where the Kingdom message is nearing the Kingdom message, the Witnesses thought that it was not possible. No ngotyo, tupondola okuhetekela Jeova tyina tuvahiwa nemone. Here is scriptural warrant for house to house evangelism as well as that carried on in public meetings. " Even so, we can imitate Jehovah when we suffer. Mahi, ombila oyo kayaetelele Barake novanthu vae ovitateka. Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: " Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says Jehovah. ' " However, the rain did not turn away from Barak and his men. Otyo onthue tuesukisila okuhetekela Jesus, mokonda ngwe muene wati: "Mokonda ame natunda keulu, hapala okulinga ehando liange, mahi opo ndyilinge ehando lia una wanthuma. " - João 6: 38. We symbolize our dedication by water baptism. - 1 Pet. 3: 21 That is why we need to imitate Jesus, for he said: "For I have come down from heaven, not my will, but the will of him that sent me. " - John 6: 38. Tyakolela unene, okulikuambela nomulongwa wetu, no kumuitilako okutumbula enyina liae melikuambelo. On one occasion when he was 12 years old, he was found by his parents in the temple, "sitting in the midst of the teachers and listening to them and questioning them. " It is vital, therefore, that we pray for our student and pray for his name in prayer. (Gálatas 6: 8; Efésios 4: 17 - 24) Iya, apostolu Paulu utuavela onondonga nomalondolo opo tuhanumanese ospilitu sandu ya Huku. * According to author André Séguenny, Campanus believed that "the Bread as a substance remains always bread, but as a sacrament, it represents symbolically the flesh of the Christ. " And the apostle Paul gives counsel to counsel and counsel against God's holy spirit. Vahambukwa, mokonda vetyii okuti ngotyo vekahi " nokuavela Jeova. ' " But they had not caught a single fish. They are happy because they know that they are " giving to Jehovah. ' " Mahi, tyitukengelela okukuateswako nomunthu wonkhenda. But if we are modest, we will ask Jehovah to guide us so that we can avoid making serious mistakes. Rather, it is not possible for us to receive help from someone who loves us. Okuundapela Kumwe Tyivatela Okukula Mopaspilitu 7 / 1 The apostle Paul's loyal companion Timothy had frequent bouts of stomach trouble for which Paul recommended the use of "a little wine. " 7 / 15 Anthi, "wakondoka [nombuale] oyo, opo akalie ombolo nokunwa omeva keumbo liae. " After I had pioneered for two years, Earl Stewart, a brother from Bethel, gave a talk to over 500 people in the town square of Angat. Rather, they "will return to [the older man], to eat bread and drink bread and drink bread at his house. " Ove kumahambukiswa vala ovoho na Jeova, mahi tupu mokala nehambu liotyotyili momuenyo wove. " The booth [or, royal house] of David " fell when King Zedekiah was dethroned. You would like to give your parents your best, but you will also enjoy life in your life. Tanga Revelação 19: 7. 7, 8. Read Revelation 19: 7. Ponthyimbi, Jesus wapopilile ovalanduli vae okuti tyina vamamono omafualali eliseta no Jelusalei, vena okutundamo. - Lucas 21: 20 - 24. 31 Questions From Readers At first, Jesus told his followers that when they saw Jerusalem and its inhabitants, they would be protected. - Luke 21: 20 - 24. [ Olutalatu pefo 6] Ongeleya patyi ina omunkhima wokuti ilandula nawa ovitumino viavilapo Viombimbiliya konthele yovituwa oviwa? How was the transmission of the Bible opposed? [ Picture on page 6] What powerful honor do you have toward following the Bible's high moral standards? Otyikundyi atyiho tyo 144.000 Tyovakristau ovalembulwa. Jesus omutwe weuaneno olio liovalembulwa. I take to heart King David's words: "Hope in Jehovah; be courageous and strong of heart. " A group of 144,000 anointed Christians is Jesus ' role as Head of the anointed. Otyo otyipuka ova Judeu ankho vanoñgonoka iya vetavela. Soon thereafter her mother died. This was something the Jews understood and accepted. " Vo meumbo mavatungwa nounongo, nokupamekwa nonondunge. " - PROVÉRBIOS 24: 3. 3, 4. (a) What command did God give Adam and Eve? " They will be built up with wisdom and strength. " - PROVERBS 24: 3. TUPU MUNA: Why is there a need for a visible part of Jehovah's organization? ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: Otyo katyituhuvisa, mokonda Ondyivindyivi yonondaka mba Kristu o Jeova! Remember that God wants you to see that solution. Why should we not be surprised that the Source of Christ's message is the Source of Jehovah's message! (Hebreus 11: 8, 9) Paulu wapopia konthele yovaumbili ovo vekolelo va Jeova okuti: "Nekolelo, namphila kavatambulile ovipuka vialawa, mahi vevimonena kokule avevitavela, nokuivisa kounyingi okuti havatyitwa tyilongo, onongendi motyilongo. " - Hebreus 11: 13. Likewise, God created the man and the woman to cooperate closely, not to compete with each other. - Genesis 2: 24. Regarding these faithful servants of Jehovah, Paul said: "By faith they have not seen the fulfillment of the promises, but they saw them coming out of the land, not as kings and temporary residents in the land. " - Heb. 11: 13. Oñgeni onondonga mba Jesus mbupondola okutukuatesako okukala nonthilo nomuvo wavakuetu tyina tuivisa? An open invitation has been extended to humans by means of holy spirit. How can Jesus ' instructions help us to respect others when we preach? Ovikuavo opala okukuatesako ovohe novana vekahi nokukola, opo vetyivile okutomphola tyelihandya. What David could not do: David could not undo what he had done. Others find it difficult to help their children and their children find it difficult to talk to them. Ankho ovanthita vetavela otyilinga tyokulisa ovipako ovitwei novindema viavalulwa, nomanima vina ankho ahonekwa. After Joshua's death about 1450 B.C.E., judges administered justice in Israel. They accepted the task of the birds and the goats, which was made up of them at the age of ten. Etyi nkhele ehenemututilise, Jesus tupu wapopile okuti ankho ulele. - Lucas 8: 52. May it be your joy and blessing to find the treasures "carefully concealed in him. " Before resurrecting him, Jesus also said that he was asleep in sleep. - Luke 8: 52. Mahi, mononthiki omu, omulume umwe nae uundapela omutumini, wanthelefonalela. He was so frustrated and angry that he shouted at the people: "Hear, now, you rebels! However, in the days of a man who has been working with him, one of the other things he has been treated. Undapa Unene Movilinga Ovinene Viokuteya Mopaspilitu Even though Jehovah had allowed Paul and Silas to suffer an injustice, those earlier events resulted in "the defending and legally establishing of the good news. " Make Spiritual Progress Vana vayovokele, vamwe puvo o Baruke (omuhoneki wa Jeremia) na Ebede - meleke woko Etíope, nova Recabita, ankho vetupu enyingilikilo monombamba mbavo. " What's the point of my being an elder? " Those whom Baruch, Baruch, Jeremiah, and Ebed - melech, had no mark on their side. (Tanga Provérbios 20: 25.) the man who had a conversation with Jehovah * in front of a burning bush? (Read Proverbs 20: 25.) Iya liwa - liwa atutilisa omona wae. " No Part of the World " Then he resurrected his son immediately. Ono apostolu novakulu vewaneno mo Jelusalei, ankho ovo ononkhalamutwe mbeongano. Yet, such experiences as those of Stanisław and Wanda show that divorced ones can come to realize that their brothers and sisters really do care about them. The apostles and older men in Jerusalem were members of the governing body. (Gênesis 39: 7, 8, 10) Omunongo umwe Wombimbiliya wapopia okuti omukai wa Potifar ankho ukevelela okuti inkha vakala aveke hamwe Jose umutavela. (Read Hebrews 13: 7, 17.) One Bible scholar said that Potiphar's wife would expect him to believe that if they were alone, Joseph would believe in him. " Mbambavo Tuyeke Tukondoke Keumbo " You might occasionally want to help congregations to preach in seldom worked territory. " Please Let Us Come Home " Otyikando tyo tete ova Isilayeli vañgoñgene, Moisesi walingile etyi tyaviuka. • Do I feel uncomfortable when others abstain from alcohol? Early in the first century, Moses did what was right. Mahi ospilitu sandu yatumine Paulu opo akaivise mo Gresia, no ko Roma, no kovanthu ovakuavo ankho vafenda ono huku mbomatutu. - Gálatas 2: 7 - 9; 1 Timóteo 2: 7. He wrote that "in the process of the Christianization of pagan religions, " it was easy to associate the pagan festival that celebrated" the passage from the death of winter to the life of springtime " with Jesus ' resurrection. 2: 7 - 9; 1 Tim. 2: 7. 1, 2. (a) Oityi Jesus ankho alinga etyi ahimbika Elongomona liae lio Komphunda? However, nurturing a "love of money " will unavoidably distance us from Jehovah. 1, 2. (a) What did Jesus do when he began his Sermon on the Mount? Oe pamue wanya alo umue okulinga otyilinga tyimue movilinga ovio viokutunga! One dictionary defines "art " as a" skill that is attained by study, practice, or observation. " He may even have tried to do this work! Paulu kapopile vala okuti: "Tuna okukoleleya mononkhumbi ononyingi. " (Read Matthew 7: 21 - 23.) Paul did not just say: "We have endurance through many tribulations. " (Revelação 15: 1; 16: 1) Omamonekelo oo evali, alekesa vali nawa omakoyeso Ouhamba wa Huku, elikuata nokuhika kuombendo yapandu - vali, nonkhu yatatu. - Revelação 11: 14, 15. Jehovah says: "I shall forgive their error, and their sin I shall remember no more. " These two visions reveal much more clearly God's Kingdom, the seventh head, and the second. - Revelation 11: 14, 15. Mahi onthue tutyii okuti Ouhamba wa Jeova oo vala mautetulula ovitateka viovanthu nokumanako ononkhumbi ambuho. What work is being spearheaded by anointed Christians, and what opportunity is still open to individuals who are part of Satan's world? But we know that only Jehovah's Kingdom can solve all mankind's problems. Mahi, mokueenda kuomuvo, Panayiota ahimbika okusoya. One example of this was at Jesus ' birth when shepherds told Mary about a message from an angel. However, during time, however, he began to feel discouraged. Mahi, hono ovanthu ovanyingi vayekuapo no nombunga mbavo. If the Bible is from God, should it be able to endure any threat to its existence? Today, most people today visit their families and their families. Etyi olutu lwae luayama komankhipa a Eliseu, omulume oo akala vali nomuenyo. Regarding the joy and satisfaction she experienced from growing spiritually, a young pioneer named Daphne said: "I developed a much closer relationship with Jehovah as I began to appreciate him as a Person. When her body touched Elisha's bones, the man came back to life again. Au. Many of the events it identifies are already being fulfilled. No. (Tanga 1 Pedro 5: 6, 7.) Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good. " - Rom. (Read 1 Peter 5: 6, 7.) (Zacarias 13: 4 - 6) Ngotyo ononkhalamutwe mbonongeleya mavakaanya okuti valinga onthele yonongeleya mbomatutu. 1, 2. So church leaders would deny that they were part of false religion. Mahi, oe kayekele owoma wetyi vakuavo mavapopi umutyilike okulinga etyi ankho ei okuti tyaviuka. What bravery! Instead, he refused to let others stop him from doing what was right. (1 Pedro 3: 12) Okuti ove uhambukwa mokonda Tate yove keulu ukuete? While growing up, you have probably seen many people get baptized, perhaps even some of your friends and your siblings. Are you happy because your heavenly Father sees you? (Revelação 20: 14; 21: 8) Ovakristau velifwa nevu, ononkhembi, mavakahanyaunuako mokueenda "kuononkhumbi ononene. " - Mateus 24: 21. The Bible says: "He will make you firm, he will make you strong. " As Christians, we will be destroyed during "the great tribulation. " - Matt. 24: 21. " TUALAKO OKUEENDA NAWA " What sort of issues divide those in Christendom? " KEEP FOR YOU AND THE SPIRIT " Apa pena otyitumino tyo kuivisa umbo na umbo, napana pena ovanthu ovanyingi. " that it will be a global destruction by nuclear weapons or environmental ruin. There is a command to preach from house to house, as many people as possible. " Mokonda tyahonekwa okuti: " Okukondolela ovanthu, otyilinga tyange, ame madyifete kese munthu, otyo tyapopia Jeova. ' " How can you show your appreciation for the privilege of bearing God's name? For it is written: " Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says Jehovah. ' " Tuambatisalwa momeva. - 1 Pedro 3: 21 7, 8. (a) With what dangers did early Christians have to contend? We water baptism. - 1 Peter 3: 21 Nthiki imwe etyi oe ankho ena omanima 12, ovohe vemuvasa mondyuo ya Huku, "ankho wapumphama pokati kovalongesi, ukahi nokuvetehelela nokuvelinga omapulo. " In some cultures, a neatly trimmed beard may be acceptable and respectable, and it may not at all prevent people from listening to our message. On one occasion, when he was 12 years old, his parents found him "in the midst of the teachers and listening to them and listening to them. " Tupu ankho ketavela etyi tyilongesa Lutero okuti ombolo novinyu vikahi molutu nomohonde ya Kristu Tatekulu Wavilapo. Nga André Séguenny, Campanus ankho utavela okuti "ombolo apeho ombolo vala, mahi ongatyina oviso, vilekesa olutu lwa Kristu. " At Nahum 1: 7, he reads in an undertone that Jehovah "is cognizant of those seeking refuge in him " and protects them like" a stronghold in the day of distress. " Furthermore, he did not accept the teaching of the wine and the blood of the Lord's body, as well as the Sermon on the Mount, who believed in "the bread of the flesh, only as the body of the Christ. " Mahi avahakuate ombisi naike. When accompanying someone in the ministry, how can we work as a team? But it is not enough. Mahi, inkha tuapola pokati, matuiti ehongolelo lia Jeova, iya okulinga ngotyo matyitukuatesako okulityilika okulinga omatokolo ahaviukile. The children learned that he is not some vague, abstract deity. But if we are modest, we will pray for Jehovah's guidance, and doing so will help us to avoid making bad decisions. Paulu emupopila okuti nuanuapo "katutu ovinyu. " It can easily get out of control and cause disaster. Paul told them that they were "the wine. " Etyi nakala omanima evali ngomukokoli - ndyila omukuatate womo Mbetele utiwa Earl Stewart, walinga elongomona pala ovanthu ankho valamba po 500 mo Angate. At times, he may remove the trial. When I was two years old, I served as a pioneer in Bethel, who gave a talk to more than 500 people in Russia. " Ekaka lia David lilekesa onohamba mbatunda mombunga ya David, " iya liatoka etyi Zedekia Ohamba yahulililako yo Judaa yapoluako. We understand that "pangs of distress " are part of the foretold sign of Jesus ' presence. " The son of David " represents the royal line of King Zedekiah, and what happened when King Zedekiah of Judah fell down to Judah. 7, 8. You may feel as Moses did when Jehovah commissioned him to talk to Pharaoh. 7, 8. 31 Omapulo Ovatangi So everyone finished the program with an abundance of spiritual and literal water! 31 Questions From Readers Oityi onondyale mbalinga no Mbimbiliya? By means of the Bible, Jehovah God provides the answers we need to remove our doubts. What did the enemies of the Bible do? Ndyihinangela onondaka Mbohamba David mbati: "Kevelela ku Jeova; kala nomutima wakola, nokuapama. " (a) What kind of freedom does the spirit of Jehovah give? I remember King David's words: "Trust in Jehovah; be courageous and strong. " Mahi apakala vali katutu me yae nae ankhi. To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. But soon her mother died. 3, 4. (a) Oityi Huku apopilile Andau na Eva? COVER SUBJECT 3, 4. (a) What did God tell Adam and Eve? Omokonda yatyi pano pohi pesukisila okukala eongano lia Jeova? Seek God's Righteousness Why is it necessary for us to be part of Jehovah's organization? Hinangela okuti Huku uhanda ove utale etyi otyitateka otyo matyitetululwa. What did Solomon ask for, and what did God give him? Remember that God wants you to see what the problem will be. Tyelifwa notyo, Huku watunga omulume nomukai opo vaundapele kumwe, hapala velilole. - Gênesis 2: 24. ▪ Oityi tyilekesa okuti Huku usuka novakai? We want to follow Jesus ' example of showing empathy. In a similar way, God created the man and woman to work together, not to test him. - Genesis 2: 24. Ovanthu aveho vekahi nokukongwa nospilitu sandu. You can avoid whatever led up to the wrong act, thereby preventing future problems. All of us are invited by holy spirit. Etyi David ankho ahapondola okulinga: Ankho kapondola okuholeka etyi alinga. We want to tell others about Jehovah. What David could not do: He could not hide his actions. Etyi Josue ankhia mo 1450 P.K.E., Huku waholovona ovalume vakale ovakoyesi mo Isilayeli. We should be diligent students of God's Word, the Bible, and apply what we learn from it. At the time of Joshua's death in 607 B.C.E., God appointed judges to Israel. Kala nehambu no nonkhano onongwa mbokuvasa omalumono "aholekwa nawa mu Jesus. " 3, 4. (a) What significant request did the writer of Psalm 71 make to Jehovah? Be happy and happy with the blessing of pursuing "the treasure of the riches of Jesus. " Mokonda ankho wanumana unene, apopila ovanthu okuti: "Nomphuki, tehelelei! Consider computers. Because he was angry, he told the people: "Look! Namphila Jeova ayekele Paulu na Sila vamoneswe ononkhumbi, mahi otyipuka otyo "tyayakulila onondaka onongwa nokumbuhonekesa kovatumini. " IT IS not unusual to care about what others think of us. Although Jehovah allowed Paul and Silas to cause suffering, this is something that would protect them from "the good news of the nations. " Wasoka okuti kapondola vali okukala omukulu weuaneno. In fact, there are at least five ways that we benefit from not knowing the exact day or hour when the end will come. She thought that she should not be an elder. ▪ komulume wapopile na Jeova * ponthele yotyinkhondo tyatema? 19: 11 - 16. the man spoke to Jehovah * in front of you. " Kavalingi Onthele Youye " Concerning King Hezekiah of Judah, the Bible says: "He kept sticking to Jehovah. " No Part of the World " Tyotyili, onongeleka ombo, ngetyi ongeleka ya Stanisław, na Wanda, mbulekesa okuti vana velihenga, vapondola okuimbuka okuti ovakuatate vavo nonomphange tyilityili vesuka navo. Focusing on our worries will not extend our life by even a fraction of a second, let alone improve it. In fact, such examples, such as Professor James, C.E., show that those who are genuinely interested in their brothers and sisters are really interested in them. (Tanga Hebreus 13: 7, 17.) How did Aristarchus and Gaius react to persecution? (Read Hebrews 13: 7, 17.) Ovikando vimwe upondola okukuatesako omawaneno okukaivisa povilongo pesukisa vali ovaivisi. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. At times, you may be able to help congregations in the territory where the need is greater. • Okuti katyinkhalesa nawa tyina vakuetu veliteta kokunwa? They could, for example, include various forms of relaxation. • Is it not good for others to drink alcohol? Wahoneka okuti: "Onkhalelo Ovakristau vo mouye vakuluminya vonongeleya mba vana vehe vakristau okuya mo nongeleya mbavo, " yapepukisa okuhonyeka etutilo lia Jesus notyipito" tyokutunda moutalala waelekua nononkhia, okuenda mondyovo yaelekwa nomuenyo. " But the Bible shows that he does not choose to know everything ahead of time. He wrote: "The attitude of Christians in the world has prevented those who do not take part in their religion from "the resurrection of Jesus ' death and the resurrection of Jesus ' death. " (Eclesiastes 7: 12; Lucas 19: 12, 13) Mahi, okukala "nohole nonombongo " tyituyapula ku Jeova. So, what we say either in the door - to - door ministry or at home Bible studies should center on the authority of God's Word. Rather, it is "love for money, " that is, for Jehovah to forgive us. Omukanda umue wahangununa okuti ondaka " ounongo ' ilekesa " enoñgonoko omunthu apondola okukala nalio mokulilongesa, nokuundapesa etyi elilongesa, no mokutala nawa. ' What should we remember when giving honor to elders? One reference work explains that the word "practical wisdom " refers to a person by studying and applying what he learns and by means of his teachings. (Tanga Mateus 7: 21 - 23.) Other Bible Questions Answered (Read Matthew 7: 21 - 23.) Jeova wati: "Mandyievela otyiponyo tyavo, himahinangela vali onkhali yavo. " For further answers to these questions, see chapters 7 and 8 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Jehovah said: "I shall forgive their error, and I shall remember no more. " Tete polamo omuti ukahi meiho liove muene, opo umoneko nawa oñgeni mopolo otyitoi tyikahi meiho liomukuatate wove. " The body of elders carefully considers each situation to determine if a judicial committee is necessary. First put the rafter in your own eye, and then you will see clearly how to remove the straw from your brother's eye. " Ovakristau ovalembulwa vekahi komutwe wovilinga patyi? Iya vana vekahi mouye wa Satanasi nkhele vena omuvo wokulinga tyi? Some couples may feel that their problems are so severe that they need to separate. What responsibility do anointed Christians have, and what time do they still have in Satan's world? Ongeleka imwe, etyi Jesus atyitwa ovanthita avapopila Maliya onondaka veiva koandyu. The Bible, in contrast, describes faith as being neither blind nor illogical. One example is that when Jesus was born, Mary spoke to Mary about the words of an angel. Inkho Ombimbiliya ha ya Huku, okuti ñgeno yatualako tyina ovanthu vahanda okuihanyako? Indeed, whether we are dealing with our fellow believers or with those outside the congregation, we want to strive to apply the admonition: "Honor men of all sorts, have love for the whole association of brothers, be in fear of God, have honor for the king. " - 1 Pet. Could it be that the Bible is not a product of God's holy spirit, would continue to save people from harming them? Konthele yokukala nehambu nomuenyo omuwa utuka kokukula mopaspiliti, omukokoli - ndyila utiwa o Daphne wati: "Okulilongesa unene konthele ya Jeova tyankhuatesako okukala noupanga omunene nae. Imagine that a driver greatly exceeds the recommended speed limit when traveling around a sharp curve and he crashes. Regarding the joy of enjoying a good life, a pioneer named Aaron says: "The learning about Jehovah has helped me to have a close relationship with him. Ovinyingi puvio vikahiale nokufuiswapo. Instead, they think of him as a spiritual man with potential who is performing a valuable service in behalf of the congregation. The letters are being fulfilled. Mokonda tyahonekwa okuti: Okukondolela ovanthu, otyilinga tyange, otyo tyapopia Jeova, ame madyifete kese munthu. Above all, we rejoice because at Armageddon, Jehovah will vindicate his sovereignty and he will sanctify his holy name. - Ps. For it is written: Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says Jehovah. 1, 2. Yet, they are richly blessed by Jehovah. 1, 2. (1 Samuel 17: 34, 35) Ankho wakola omutima ngatyi! David did not simply try to drive off those predators from a safe distance. What courage! Tyipondola uhole okumona ovanthu ovanyingi vambatisalwa, alo umwe vamwe tyafuile omapanga ove ine ovo vana mulikuai navo. The apostle Paul told Peter that he was being a hypocrite. You may have seen thousands of baptized people, even close friends or brothers. Ombimbiliya ipopia okuti: "Oe mekupameka, oe mekukolesa. " Among the Greeks and Romans, the dog was often a beloved pet that lived in its owner's house and played with the children. The Bible says: "He will sustain you. " Ovipuka patyi viyapaula Ovakristau vomouye? He tells them to allow the wheat and the weeds to grow together until the time of the harvest. What are some features of Christendom's divided Christendom? oputyina ohi yamahanyuako aiho nomauta omanene ine o putyina omphepo yamasiliswa unene. How does Jehovah demonstrate reasonableness? It is likely that when the earth is destroyed, it is likely that by the sun's magnetic field or by its magnetic field. Oñgeni upondola okulekesa okuti wapanda elao liokuihanwa okuti Ombangi ya Jeova? If they were truly " trusting in Jehovah with all their heart, ' there would be little reason for believing that they could not avoid a failed marriage. - Read Proverbs 3: 5, 6. How can you show that you appreciate the privilege of being one of Jehovah's Witnesses? 7, 8. (a) Ovipuka patyi vimwe Ovakristau votete ankho vesukisa okulityilika? 1: 4; 3: 1; 4: 5; 5: 6 - What is indicated by the expression "the seven spirits "? 7, 8. (a) What important things did first - century Christians need to avoid? (Levítico 19: 27; 21: 5; Gálatas 3: 24, 25) Kovilongo ovinyingi katyapengele ovalume okuliyekela onondyeli mbakeyua nawa iya otyo katyityilika ovanthu okutehelela onondaka tuivisa. All those who attend meetings do so, in effect, at the invitation of Jehovah and his Son. In many countries, it is normal for men to wear a beard and stop listening to the message we preach. Utanga nawa omukanda wa Naum 1: 7 wati, Jeova wii nawa vana vemuyumba onthumbi iya mekeveamena "monthiki yononkhumbi. " But what does the Bible say about the matter? He reads Proverbs 1: 7: "Jehovah knows those who trust him, and he will protect them in the day of distress. " Tyina ukaivisa Nomukristau mukuenyi, oityi upondola okulinga opo umukuateseko? Because he really loved preaching and he loved people. When sharing with a fellow Christian, what can you do to help him? Tyimwe, otyokuti Jeova utyivila okuamena ovanthu vae. Genesis chapters 24 - 27 One thing is that Jehovah is able to protect his people. Ikafuka liwa iya aiyeta ovivi. 9 / 15 It is quick to change, and it turns away from bad. Pamwe Jeova upolapo otyitateka tyatyo. Note how the apostle Paul emphasized that truth. In some cases, Jehovah may have been affected by the situation. Onthue tutyii okuti "onthyimbi yonongembia " ilinga onthele yenyingilikilo lilekesa okuti Jesus weyale. Not only must we keep our hope alive but we must also live in harmony with our hope. We know that "the wicked one " is part of Jesus ' presence. Pamue ulitehelela nga Moisesi tyi atumwa na Jeova opo akapopie na Farao. When he first girded on his sword to expel Satan and his demons from heaven, Jesus was accompanied by "his angels. " You may feel as did Moses, who was sent by Jehovah to speak to Pharaoh. Pahe ankho tuahambukua nomaande otyili nomaande ombila! Galatians chapter 5 brings out the contrast between being under the influence of the holy spirit and that of the flesh. - Read Galatians 5: 17, 18. We were so happy that the water was filled with water! Mo Mbimbiliya, Jeova Huku utuavela omakumbululo tuesukisa, tyina tuna etyi tuhanoñgonokele nawa. (Read Acts 2: 29 - 32.) In the Bible, Jehovah God gives us the answers to our needs when we do not understand it. (a) Eyovo patyi ospilitu ya Jeova ituavela? Holy spirit is God's free gift to those who sincerely seek it. (a) What freedom does Jehovah's spirit give us? Opo wave, mbambavo nyingila mo site www.jw.org. How do we choose God as Ruler? To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. OSAPI YOKONDYE | KUNA OMUNTHU UTYIVILA OKUTALA KOMUTWE? " You must not steal, " states one of the Ten Commandments. COVER SUBJECT WHY DOES THE WAR? Ovola Ouviuki wa Huku But think for a moment. Seeking God's Righteousness Oityi Salomau aitile? Iya oityi Jeova emuavelele? Then I faced the issue of going to university. What did Solomon ask, and what did Jehovah give him? Onthue tuhanda okuhetekela Jesus, mokukala nokankhenda. Then each day, we can use what we learn in order to make decisions that please Jehovah. We want to imitate Jesus by showing compassion. Soka omokonda yatyi wetyilingilile opo wehetyipaleke vali. In 1949, Billie returned from college in Boston and started to study the Bible seriously. Think about why he did that took care of him. (Provérbios 13: 20) Onthue tuhanda okupopila vakuetu konthele ya Jeova. 27: 11. We want to tell others about Jehovah. Tuesukisa okulilongesa nombili Ondaka ya Huku Ombimbiliya, nokuundapesa momuenyo wetu etyi tulilongesa. (Read Philippians 4: 6 - 9.) We should diligently study God's Word and use it in our lives. 3, 4. (a) Oityi omuhoneki wo Salmo 71 aitile nomutima auho ku Jeova? But it has its proper place within marriage. 3, 4. (a) What did the writer of Psalm 71 ask Jehovah to do? Soka konthele yo nokomputadole. How did Noah's sons set an excellent example? Think about the Internet and the Internet. OVANTHU ovanyingi vesuka unene netyi vakuavo vasoka konthele yavo. Soon, Jehovah will bring an end to this wicked system of things. MANY people are interested in what others think about them. Tyotyili, okuhei onthiki ine oola, tyituetela ouwa mononkhalelo ononthano. According to The New Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible, "things like plot, story, narrative development, and character are not really of prime interest. " Of course, not knowing the day or hour, it benefits us in five ways. Ahanyaunako ouye wovivi wa Satanasi. - Revelação 19: 11 - 16. On those occasions, she at times had the opportunity to explain her beliefs to others. 19: 11 - 16. Ombimbiliya ipopia konthele ya Ezekia Ohamba yo Judaa okuti: "Oe watualako okukakatela mu Jeova. All the new tracts follow the same format. The Bible speaks of King Hezekiah of Judah: "He continued sticking to Jehovah. Tupu, pamwe tukala nowoma notyipuka tyimwe, mahi atyihamoneka ngomu ankho tutyisokela. Jesus has all authority in heaven and on earth, and nothing can snatch you away from his protective care - except you. At the same time, we may be afraid of something, but we did not like them. Oñgeni Aristarku na Gayu vakalele etyi vamoneswa ononkhumbi? 10: 1 - 27. How did Aristarchus and Gaius react when faced with persecution? Onotestu Mbulekesa Okuti Tukahi Kononthiki Mbahulililako " Under such circumstances, " says a wife in Germany, "silence can hurt your partner. " Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Times Onotestu mbukahi momukanda ou, mbapolwa mo Mbimbiliya Tradução do Novo Mundo das Escrituras Sagradas. 24 For Our Young People - Miracle at Pentecost! Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Muakutikinya ovitalukiso ovinyingi. Or what sharing does light have with darkness? " It includes many entertainment. (Isaías 46: 10) Mahi Ombimbiliya ipopia okuti Huku kaovola okunoñgonoka ovitateka aviho mavimoneka komutwe. " Providing for yourself is an accomplishment, " says 25 - year - old Joshua. But the Bible says that God does not look forward to the future. Moluotyo, etyi tupopila ovanthu movilinga viokuivisa ondyuo nandyuo, nokulongesa ovalongwa Vombimbiliya momaumbo, tyina okutunda Mondaka ya Huku. (2 Tim. (b) Did Jehovah's original purpose include the idea of foreigners? So when we preach to people in the house - to - house ministry and teach Bible students from house to house when they leave God's Word. Oityi tuna okuhinangela tyina tulekesa onthilo kovakulu vewaneno? Will they also share in such exultation? What should we remember when we honor the elders? Omapulo Omakuavo Ombimbiliya Akumbululwa They include annihilation by nuclear war, asteroid collision, deadly virus, runaway climate change, or invaders from outer space. Other Bible Questions Answered [ Onondaka Poutoi] Opo ulilongese vali konthele yomapulo oo, tala okapitulu 7 no 8 komukanda Oityi Ombimbiliya Tyili Ilongesa? For the first time in my life, I started to have control over my actions For more information about these questions, see chapters 7 and 8 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Ovakulu vewaneno vena okutala nawa ovipuka viaendapo opo vatokole inkha tyesukisa umwe okuvekuatesako. OTHER BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED - What Does the Bible Say About Easter? The elders must look carefully at events so that they can decide whether to help them. (1 Coríntios 7: 10, 11) Ovalinepi vamwe vasoka okuti vena ovitateka ovinyingi hahe vali okulihenga. • Why does marriage not offer automatic protection against sexual immorality? Some couples think that they have many problems without having to divorce. Mahi, Ombimbiliya ihangununa ekolelo monkhalelo yelikalela. Soon, though, I had to stop for a short time. However, the Bible explains that faith is different. Tyilinge tupopia novakuatate vetu mewaneno ine o novanthu vokondye, tuhanda okulinga ononkhono mbokuendela melondolo liati: "Humbei ovanthu aveho, kalei nohole novakuatate mouye auho, tilei Huku, humbei ohamba. " - 1 Pedro 2: 17. Everywhere you look, it is dark. Whether we talk to our brothers or to those outside the congregation, we want to do our best to apply the admonition: "Have love for the whole association of brothers, be in fear of God. " - 1 Pet. 2: 17. Soka ñgeno omutahi wahatekesa vali unene, tyina ehika pondalai aviluka. In what ways might parents help their children make the truth their own? To illustrate: Imagine that a driver picks up his car on the street. Mahi, vevetala ngatyina ovalume valongoka mopaspilitu, valinga ovilinga viakolela pala ouwa weuaneno. THE weighty message that King Lemuel of ancient times received from his mother included an important qualification of a good wife. Nevertheless, they are viewed as spiritually qualified men who make progress to the congregation. (Revelação 7: 9, 14) Mo Armagedom, Jeova makaamena ouhamba wae, nokusukukisa enyina liae likola. - Salmo 83: 18; Ezequiel 38: 23. Still, Christ found these same faithful anointed Christians doing their utmost to provide timely spiritual food for the household of faith. At Armageddon, Jehovah will sanctify his sovereignty and sanctify his holy name. - Psalm 83: 18; Ezekiel 38: 23. Mahi, Jeova uvepa ononkhano onongwa ononyingi. In time, Tessie got baptized and became a regular pioneer, even while she had young children. Yet, Jehovah blessed him for many blessings. Ononthele Mbokulilongeswa Mbalingilwa Tyi That is why the apostle Paul could write: "The word of God is alive and exerts power. " ALSO IN THIS ISSUE David kahetekelele vala okuvihonga opo viende nokokule. And what temptation materialism, power, and fame hold for the proud and for those inclined to make " a showy display of their means of life '! What Scriptural principles should come to your mind under these circumstances? David did not try to deceive Saul. Apostolu Paulu apopila Petulu okuti etyi alinga emphinia. What challenges might we face as we endeavor to conduct a Bible study? The apostle Paul told Peter that he had done something wrong. (Mateus 15: 21 - 26; Marcos 7: 26) Ova Gregu nova Roma, vehole unene ovimbwa, alo umwe vikala mokati komaumbo, vinyana novana. The Greek expression that Paul used for the word "behave " may also be rendered" carry on as citizens. " The Greeks, Romans, and the Romans have become very angry, even in areas where they live, with children and children. Oe wevepopila vayeke otiliku nevu vikulile kumwe alo pomuwo wokuteya. (Phil. 1: 1 - 4: 23) He urged the wheat and the weeds to remain together until the harvest. Oñgeni Jeova alekesa okuti wapola pokati? Daniel? How does Jehovah demonstrate reasonableness? Inkha ovo vevali tyotyili " vayumba onthumbi mu Jeova nomutima wavo auho, ' mavetyivili okutetulula ovitateka motyinepo tyavo. - Tanga Provérbios 3: 5, 6. And she deeply respects my husband and me because she knows that we obeyed God. If these two "Trust in Jehovah with all their heart, ' they will be able to solve problems in their marriage. - Read Proverbs 3: 5, 6. 1: 4; 3: 1; 4: 5; 5: 6 - "Onospilitu epandu - vali " mbulekesa tyi? According to a conservative estimate, "between a quarter and a half million people perished in Jerusalem and the rest of the country. " 1: 4; 3: 1; 5: 5 - 6; 5: 6 - What do "the seven spirit " represent? Ngetyi tyapitile na Daniele, onondyu mbuvatela ovanthu monkhalelo yelikuata nehando lia Huku [ Olutalatu pefo 25] But Naboth valued his relationship with Jehovah even more than his own life. As noted in Daniel, angels help people in a way that reflects God's will for them. Elao limwe enene okukongwa na Jeova Nomona wae opo tulie "komesa ya Jeova " onosimanu ambuho. The Creator spoke to Adam and instructed him on how to do what is good. It is a great honor to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses and his Son for us to eat "the house of Jehovah " each week. Mahi, oityi Ombimbiliya ipopia konthele yotyo? When I approached the company's executive committee and expressed my desire to pursue the full - time ministry, they hastily offered me generous financial options, hoping I would stay. What, then, does the Bible say on this subject? Omokonda ankho uhole unene ovilinga viokuivisa, novanthu. • Why may the effect of our witnessing be far greater than we know? Because he loved the preaching work, he loved people. Genesis ovi kapitulu 24 - 27 " One reason why Newton saw the Kingdom of God so far in the future was because he was profoundly pessimistic about the deep Trinitarian apostasy he saw around him, " said historian Stephen Snobelen. Genesis chapters 24 - 27 1 / 9 If a brother appears ambitious, an elder might show him how Jesus helped His disciples to see the dangers of seeking prominence. 9 / 1 Tala oñgeni apostolu Paulu atoneka okupopia otyili otyo. We must continue to take our stand with them and remain closely associated with our local congregation. Note how the apostle Paul emphasizes that fact. Onthue katupameka vala ekevelelo lietu, mahi tupu tuenda monkhalelo yelikuata nekevelelo lietu. Four centuries earlier, the Greek philosopher Plato had one of his literary characters say: "It would be a hard task to discover the maker and father of this universe of ours, and even if we did find him, it would be impossible to speak of him to everyone. " We are strengthened not only by our hope but also by our hope. Jesus ankho wali no noandyu etyi tete amanekele omutunga wae, ataata Satanasi novilulu viae keulu. (Rev. Christian wives may have a keen desire that their husbands serve as ministerial servants and perhaps eventually as overseers, or elders. Jesus was a spirit creature when he first left his sword and threw Satan and his demons into heaven. Gálatas okapitulu 5 kalekesa oñgeni okuhongolelwa nospilitu sandu tyelikalela nokuhongolelwa nolutu. - Tanga Gálatas 5: 17, 18. This makes us work harder to resolve problems by discussing them together. " Galatians 5: 17, 18. (Tanga Atos 2: 29 - 32.) He has been described as one of God's instruments "in inculcating a knowledge of the true God and of Christ. " (Read Acts 2: 29 - 32.) Ospilitu sandu otyali Huku aavela vana veyoovola tyotyili. For more information about the Bible's promise of a future resurrection, see chapter 7 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Holy spirit is a gift that God gives to those who sincerely seek it. Oñgeni tuholovona okutuminwa na Huku? Have you not seen that people display such bad traits more than they used to? How should we choose God's rulership? Povitumino Ekwi, tyimwe tyati "Wahavake. " The love is in this respect, not that we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a propitiatory sacrifice for our sins. " In the Ten Commandments, one reference work says: "You must not steal. " Mahi nkhele sokapo katutu. The widow recognized Elijah as a God - fearing Israelite. But think carefully about it. Otyo atyinumanesa unene. 15, 16. This hurt him deeply. Kese nthiki, matuundapesa etyi tuatanga opo tulinge omatokolo ahambukiswa Jeova. In a similar way, when we have "the peace of God, " we do not worry and our hearts and minds can rest. Each day, we will use what we read to make decisions that please Jehovah. Mo 1949, Billie wamana osikola ko Boston akondoka keumbo, ahimbika okulilongesa Ombimbiliya nombili. It is good to work hard to qualify for such privileges, yet we should not become downhearted if they are not offered when we might have hoped they would be. In 1949, Billie was released and began to study the Bible diligently. 27: 11. 10: 18 - What was Jesus referring to when he told the 70 disciples: "I began to behold Satan already fallen like lightning from heaven "? 27: 11. (Tanga Filipenses 4: 6 - 9.) Jehovah is the "Hearer of prayer. " (Read Philippians 4: 6 - 9.) Mahi, tyilingwa vala na vana velinepa. Clearly, then, the holy spirit is not a person. However, only in marriage mates can be applied to each other. Ongeleka patyi ongwa ovana va Noe vaavele? We arrived in our new assignment in January 1979. What good example did Noah's sons give? Apa katutu, Jeova makamanako ouye uno wovivi. The more you learn about Jehovah and his Son, the more your love for them and your fellow humans will grow. Soon, Jehovah will bring an end to this wicked system of things. (Cântico de Salomão 1: 1) Mahi motyiimbo omo, Salomau katumbulile omanyina ovanthu ankho ekahi nokupopia. Near the town of Abel - meholah, Elijah saw a large - scale farming project under way. However, in the song, Solomon did not refer to any names spoken of by Solomon. Pamwe oe ankho ukala nomphitilo yokuhangununa omatavelo ae kuvakuavo. " The undeserved kindness of the Lord Jesus Christ be with the spirit you show. " - PHIL. 4: 23. Sometimes he had the opportunity to explain his beliefs to others. Ono tratadu ombo onomphe ambuho mbalingwa vala otyipuka tyike. Jehovah is the ultimate Source of all true wisdom. These tracts have been made up of all new tracts. Jesus una epondolo aliho, keulu no pohi, iya natyike tyipondola okumutyilika okukuamena inkha utualako nekolelo. There is nothing we can do to make it more holy. Jesus has the power and authority to live in heaven and on earth, and nothing could prevent him if he remained faithful. [ Olutalatu pefo 20] 1 Avoid time - consuming distractions, and focus on helping others. [ Picture on page 1] Omukai umwe wanepua ukala ko Alemanha wati: "Okuhatomphola pamwe tyiihamesa omutima wou muelinepa nae. " Paying attention to that word illuminates our hearts, and we are thus made aware that the Daystar has risen. A wife in Germany says: "It may not be easy for a husband to have a mate's heart. " Okuti otyitei tyina oupanga nenthiki? " Even after he had been a Christian for some time, the brothers "were all afraid of him, because they did not believe he was a disciple. " - Acts 9: 26. Does light shine before darkness? " Joshua, una omanima 25, wati: "Okuliovolela etyi wesukisa tyihambukiswa. (a) In what way is there a connection between faith and patience? Joshua, who is 25 years old, says: "It takes pleasure to find what you need. (b) Okuti potete Jeova wahandele kukale onongendi? COVER SUBJECT (b) Did Jehovah want them to be temporary residents? Okuti navo mavakahambukwa? Now, why would Paul - a spiritual "giant " who likely was a member of the first - century governing body - call himself a" miserable man "? Will he be with them? Mononkhumbi omo muakutikinya ovita viomauta omanene, no nonthungululu mambulivete kumwe, nomauvela maamane ovanthu, nomivo mavipiluluka, ine omamanya maatoko keulu. Was Peter the First Pope? It includes the threat of nuclear war, the stars, disease, and wars that will prevent mankind from going to heaven. Tete ankho nesukisa okuliyunga nawa muatyiho ndyilinga If so, it would not be hard to understand why. First, I needed to control my actions. OMAPULO OMAKUAVO OMBIMBILIYA AKUMBULULWA - OITYI OMBIMBILIYA IPOPIA KONTHELE YA O PASKUA? 7: 8. We can also prepare for life in the new world by exercising patience regarding revealed truth. OTHER BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED - WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY? • Omokonda yatyi vokuelinepa vesukisila okuliyakulila koumbalehi? They are God's people! • Why do marriage mates need to resist sexual immorality? Konyima, andyiviyekepo. Would you not like to live in a place like that? Later, I turned away. Tyina ukuata mevoyo omo natyike weete, muanthikovela vala. 7 / 15 When he sees you, he sees you with the dark air. Omononkhalelo patyi ovohe vapondola okukuatesako ovana vavo okukala noupanga na Jeova? Eventually, it would become clear who was telling the truth and who was lying. In what ways can parents help their children to have a close relationship with Jehovah? ONONDAKA mbakolela Ohamba Lemuele kohale apelwe na ina, ankho muakutikinya ovituwa viakolela viomukai wondalaua. As Paul said, "all Israel will be saved. " THE words of King Jabin's first - century King drew attention to the important qualities he had given. Ngotyo, tupu Jesus wavasa ovalembulwa Ovakristau vekolelo vekahi nokulinga ononkhono mbokuavela okulia kuopaspilitu veumbo liae vekolelo. 9 Why Eden Matters to You Thus, Jesus also found faithful anointed Christians who are working hard to provide spiritual food to the faithful slave. Mokueenda kuomuvo, Tessie ambatisalwa akala omukokoli ndyila, namphila ankho ena ovana ovatutu. Since we now have the complete Word of God, angels may not need to convey divine messages. In time, they got baptized as a pioneer, even though she was very young. Apostolu Paulu wahoneka okuti: "Ondaka ya Huku ina omuenyo nononkhono ononene. " Jehovah does the most important part, drawing the individual to him. The apostle Paul wrote: "The word of God is alive and exerts power. " Tupu uundapesa epeleyo "liokulisapa mokonda yomalumono omunthu ena, " opo alingise ovanthu okukala nelungavi, nokuhanda vali unene omalumono, nounene, nomunkhima! True, he was handsome, resembling "a gazelle "; his hands were strong like" cylinders of gold "; and his legs were beautiful and strong like "pillars of marble. " Moreover, he uses "the showy display of one's means of life " to make people want to be selfish, greedy, and riches! Ovitateka patyi tupondola okuvasa movilinga vietu viokulongesa ovanthu Ombimbiliya? Certain priests specialized in making anointing oil and in supervising the supply of these items. - Numbers 4: 16; 1 Chronicles 9: 30. What challenges can we find in our ministry as a teacher of Bible studies? Ondaka yo Gregu "vakale " Paulu aundapesa, tupu ipondola okupitiyua okuti" tyindei omuenyo ngovatyitua tyilongo. " Neither Elijah nor the widow became rich; Jehovah provided for just their basic needs. - 1 Kings 17: 8 - 16. The Greek word translated "fellow workers " can also be rendered" live as citizens. " (Filipenses 1: 1 - 4: 23) If our initial attempts to make peace seem unfruitful for some reason, we should not give up hope. (Read 1: 1 - 4: 3.) Mahi pahe, mo El Salvador muna ovaivisi valamba po 39.000. They can help him to handle difficult situations without becoming irritated and to endure heartbreaking disappointments without losing hope. However, in El Salvador, there are more than 39 publishers in El Salvador. Daniele When Moses presented Jehovah with potential impediments to the assignment he had been given, Jehovah assured him by saying: "" I shall prove to be what I shall prove to be. ' Daniel Tupu, una onthilo nonthue mokonda utyii okuti tuatuaileko noukuatyili ku Huku. It was as if he had killed the priest who had helped him. You also respect him because you know that we are loyal to God. (Lucas 19: 43, 44) Eongano limwe liapopia okuti, tyafuile ovanthu vankhia mo Jerusalei vakatuka "ponomiliau 250 ine onomiliau 500. " They had doubts, insecurities, and weaknesses but "were made powerful " by God's spirit to face challenges. One recent organization says that people who died in Jerusalem may have been killed "in more than 500 million or 500 million. " Mahi Nabote ankho upanda oupanga wae na Jeova, tyipona omuenyo wae. When talking to my teenager about sex, do I portray it primarily as a gift of God or as a trap of Satan? But Naboth valued his relationship with Jehovah rather than his life. Huku apopila Andau tupu emulongesa oñgeni apondola okulinga etyi tyaviuka. Why not learn more about this loving God and how you can let him mold you into the kind of person who will see His purpose become a reality? God told Adam and taught him how to do what was right. Etyi napopila vana vekahi komutue movilinga ovio, okuti nahanda okuundapa omuvo auho movilinga via Huku, avandyawisila vali unene konombongo ankho ndyifetwa, opo nahatundemo. Cecilia, in the Philippines, relates: "Being a mother, I worry a lot about my daughters and my mother, who is now unable to recognize me. When I told those who were taking the lead, I realized that I wanted to have a full share in the full - time service, which helped me not to do so. • Oumbangi tuava maukaundapa unene tyipona etyi twii mokonda yatyi? " Are they not all spirits for public service, sent forth to minister for those who are going to inherit salvation? " - HEB. 1: 14. • What is the testimony of our witnessing work rather than what we know? Omunongo umue utiwa Stephen Snobelen, wati Newton ankho usoka okuti Ouhamba wa Huku ukahi kokule unene, mokonda welipakele unene melongeso Lioutatu ukola ankho liayandyana pokati kavo. Remembering this will help to give you the strength to tell your schoolmates clearly that you do not want to join them in doing something that you know to be wrong. According to Stephen's scholar Stephen, Newton thought that God's Kingdom was far away from far away because it was one of the most powerful teaching of the Trinity among them. (Mateus 28: 19, 20; Lucas 8: 1) Inkha omukuatate umoneka okuti una elungavi, omukulu umwe weuaneno wesukisa okumupopila oñgeni Jesus akuatesileko ovalongwa Vae okutala otyiponga tyokuhanda okulipaka kounene. (b) What is expected of the "other sheep " as they support" the Israel of God, " and what hope do they have? If a brother seems to be proud, an elder needs to tell His disciples how Jesus helped His disciples to view pride and pride. Inkha tuhanda okuyakulilwa mononkhumbi ononene, tuna okutavela okuti hono Huku una ovanthu pano pohi, iya weveonganeka momawaneno. They raised various objections, but the basic problem was that some felt it beneath their dignity to preach from house to house. If we want protection from the great tribulation, we must believe that God is now here on earth and will take care of them in the congregations. Etyi kuakamba omanima 400 opo Jesus eye pano pohi, Platão omunongo umwe woko Gresia, wahonekele okuti katyapepukile ovanthu okunoñgonoka Omutungi, tupu ankho katyitavela okupopila ovanthu mouye auho konthele yae. Such knowledge assures us that even if we do not know why Jehovah acted as he did toward Azariah, we can trust that His judgment was righteous. About 400 years before Jesus came to earth, Greek philosophers wrote that it was not easy for humans to understand the Creator, and it was impossible for humans to tell him about him all the universe. Tyipondola ovakai Ovakristau vahanda unene ovalume vavo vakale ovakuatesiko vovakulu vewaneno alo vakala ovakulu vewaneno. Consider how Jesus reacted when he saw crowds of spiritually destitute people: "On seeing the crowds he felt pity for them, because they were skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd. " It may be very hard for Christian wives to want their husbands to serve as ministerial servants until they become elders. Otyo tyitukuatesako okutomphola konthele yovitateka, atulingi ononkhono mbokuvitetulula. " People may tell us to focus our time and energy on a career in the world, especially one that can make us famous, powerful, or rich. This helps us to talk about problems, and we try to cope with them. " Ankho ulipopia okuti ukahi nokuundapeswa na Huku "pala okupapeya enoñgonoko lia Huku yotyotyili na Kristu. Because of their culture or their social status, they may feel inferior to people from another race or nationality. He saw that he was being used by God "for the knowledge of the true God and of the Christ. " Opo unoñgonoke vali nawa omulao Wombimbiliya wetutilo, tala okapitulu 7 komukanda Oityi Ombimbiliya Tyili Ilongesa? Yes, by being immersed in God's Word, by praying continually, and by staying absorbed in spiritual activities, let us trust that Jehovah can and will see us through our present circumstances as well as everything else that lies ahead. For more information about the Bible's promise of a resurrection, see chapter 7 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Ovayondyi, no vomphata, vokuna omalityindailo, vehole vali ovitalukiso tyipona Huku. What a blessing it is to live in harmony with Bible truth! Men, lovers of pleasures, haughty, and lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God. Ohole monkhalelo ei, hakuti onthue tuakala nohole na Huku, mahi oe wakala nohole nonthue iya atumu Omona wae opo alinge otyilikutila tyo nonkhali mbetu. " Why and how should we be reliable when we have accepted an invitation? In this way, not all of us love God, but he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice for our sins. " Otyo tyamonekela monondaka mbae "ngetyi Jeova Huku yove ena omuenyo. " By 1914, there were 1,200 congregations of Bible Students worldwide. That is what happened in his words "just as Jehovah your God is living. " 15, 16. In 2006, for example, the September issue was entitled "Is There a Creator? " 15, 16. Tyelifwa notyo, tyina tuna "ombembwa ya Huku " kamatusukalala iya omutima wetu no nondunge mbetu, mavikala nawa. 16, 17. In a similar way, when we have "the peace of God, " we will not be concerned about our heart and our mental powers. Otyiwa okuundapa unene opo tukale tyafuapo pala ovilinga ovio, mahi, katupondola okusoya inkha katuvipewa momuvo tuhanda. It seems appropriate, then, that all who rebel at the end of the 1,000 years be called "Gog and Magog. " We do well to work hard to be willing to do this work, but we do not become discouraged if we are willing to give up at the right time. 10: 18 - Otyityi Jesus ankho ahanda okupopia etyi apopila ovalongwa vae 70 okuti: "Nahimbika okumona Satanasi ukahi nokutoka ngomuliakulo wo keulu "? Each week, Kingdom citizens receive training at their congregation meetings. 10: 18 - What did Jesus mean when he told his 70 disciples: "I began to see Satan like a lion from heaven? " Jeova "Omuteheleli womalikuambelo. " A SPIRIT of cooperation is essential for those who want to make progress in raising a spiritually - minded family. Jehovah is the "Hearer of prayer. " Tyayandyuluka nawa okuti ospilitu sandu hamunthu ko. Did he really need to be watchful? ' Clearly, holy spirit is not a person. Tuehika mokalongo kamwe kakala pokati kelunga katiwa Funafuti, mo Tuvalu, mu Kupupu yo 1979. Jesus variously spoke of Jehovah as "your Father, "" our Father, " and "my Father. " We arrived on one island in Tuvalu, in January 1979, in Jan. Putyina ulilongesa vali konthele ya Jeova, Nomona wae, tupu ohole yove navo, novanthu vakuenyi mailiyawisa. I love to attend our international conventions, where emphasis is put on learning about our heavenly Father, Jehovah, and Bible truth. As you learn more about Jehovah and his Son, your love for them will be stronger than others. Etyi Eliya ehika popepi no pohika patiwa Abel - Meolá, wamuene ovalimi ovanyingi vekahi nokulima. And I enjoyed the leisure activities we shared in as a group. " When Elijah arrived near the vicinity of the earth, he saw a number of farmers working at sea. Okankhenda tuhatokalele ka Tatekulu Jesus Kristu kakale notyituwa mulekesa. " - FILIPENSES 4: 23. Some of the names in this article have been changed. The undeserved kindness of the Lord Jesus Christ will be with the spirit you show. " - PHILIPPIANS 4: 23. Jeova oe vala Ondyivindyivi younongo auho wotyotyili. What does it mean to use the spirit of a sound mind when we make decisions? Only Jehovah is the Source of true wisdom. [ Olutalatu pefo 32] For example, a woman who had done many bad things came to Jesus. [ Picture on page 32] Petupu natyike tupondola okulinga opo lisukuke vali. This means that fewer than one in 100 women who use an IUD will get pregnant in one year. There is nothing we can do to protect our home. Lityilika okumanena omuvo movipuka vikutalula, lipaka unene mokuvatela vakuenyi. Does that not sound like the kind of man whose life had meaning? Avoid distractions and distractions. Okutehelela nawa ondaka oyo maimimikila omitima vietu, atunoñgonoka nawa okuti Onthungululu yo kombimba yatundale. He did not turn aside from following him, but he continued keeping his commandments that Jehovah had commanded Moses. " Listening carefully to that word can lead to our hearts, and we understand that the two of the sun has come from. Alo umwe etyi akala Omukristau, ovakuatate "ankho vena owoma nae, mokonda ankho kavetavela okuti nae pahe omulongwa. " - Atos 9: 26. JESUS CURED A VARIETY OF SICKNESSES. - MARK 1: 32 - 34; LUKE 4: 40. Even when he became a Christian, the brothers "were afraid of him because they did not believe that he was now a disciple. " - Acts 9: 26. (a) Oñgeni oumphua - lundo welikuata nekolelo? Isaiah foretold that the Messiah would be rejected, persecuted, and executed, or pierced, to bear the sins of imperfect humans. - Isa. 53: 4, 5, 7. (a) How is patience related to faith? OSAPI YOKONDYE So when your child tells you that he wants to get baptized because he loves Jehovah and wants to obey him, what can you do? COVER SUBJECT Omokonda yatyi Paulu ankho elitehelela okuti wasoya? Paulu ankho una oupanga omuwa na Jeova, iya tyafuile ankho o umwe pononkhalamutwe Mbovakristau potyita tyotete. Let us consider, therefore, how we can make sure that we keep on following the Christ. Why did Paul feel discouraged, but he probably had a close relationship with Jehovah, perhaps even in the first century? Okuti Petulu Wali Umwe Opapa yo Tete? Think about what he tried to do to Jesus. Was Peter the First Missionary? Inkha otyotyo una etyi anumanena. How can we show that we love Jehovah's name? If so, this would have offended him. Tupu tulipongiya pala ouye omupe tyina tutavela noumphua - lundo omapiluluko enoñgonoko lietu liotyili tyo Mbimbiliya. For example, within a few months, it killed more American soldiers in France than did enemy fire. We also prepare for the new world when we accept patience and patience in our understanding of Bible truth. Mokonda ovanthu va Huku! Repaying what one borrows, therefore, must be given high priority. As God's people! Kuhande okukala momphangu imwe muna vala ovanthu vena otyali? Who can benefit from God's undeserved kindness, and how? Would you like to live in a paradise where people are generous? " Ame Ndyikahi Nonwe Ononthiki Mbatyo Ambuho, " 1 / 7 It is important, therefore, that we first consider the evidence that God really does love us, that God cares. " I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things, " 7 / 15 Mokueenda kuomuvo matyimoneka olie ankho ukahi nokupopia otyili iya olie ankho ukahi nokukemba. If so, can you adjust your circumstances to spend more time together? During that time, who was saying the truth, and who was lying. (Gálatas 6: 16) Ngetyi Paulu apopia, o "Isilayeli aiho maikayovolwa. " That is the same as saying that some people are better than others, and you would be acting like a crooked judge. " - James 2: 1 - 4, CEV. According to Paul, "all Israel will be delivered from enslavement to sin. " 9 Oityi Ove Una Okusukila no Endene Yes, thank Jehovah in prayer for the blessings that you have. 9 Why Do You See the garden of Eden? (2 Reis 19: 35; Daniel 10: 5, 11, 14; Atos 7: 53; Revelação 1: 1) Ngotyo, onthue hono tuna Ondaka ya Huku yelifuilapo iya katyesukisile vali onoandyu mbutualeko nokutupopila ondaka ya Huku. Another menace - even more lethal than the machine gun - followed hot on the heels of the world war. Hence, we are now God's Word, and we are no longer spoken by God's angels. Anthi, okulinga ovalongwa, katyitei vala kononkhono mbetu. Milan, his brother, his parents, and other Witnesses were traveling on a bus from Bosnia to Serbia. Rather, making disciples depends on our efforts. Omavoko ae ankho apama ngo no "cilindro mboolu, " iya ovikalo viae ankho oviwa, nokuapama" ngo nomphandyi mbomamanya akolela. " The inspired record indicates that Noah's sons were already grown and married when God commanded Noah to build the ark. His hands were as precious as "the crown of gold, " and his legs were as beautiful as" the highest tower. " (Êxodo 30: 22 - 25, 34 - 38) Ovanakwa vamwe, ankho ovanongo kokulinga omulela wokulembula, nokuyunga nawa onombao ombo. - Números 4: 16; 1 Crônicas 9: 30. When a fellow Christian is struggling in a difficult situation, we can provide support Some priests were priests who were wise to do such oil and took advantage of these spices. - Numbers 4: 16; 1 Chronicles 9: 30. Tyilinge Eliya, tyilinge omuhepe kavakalele ovahona. Jeova wevepele vala eteku ankho vesukisa. - 1 Reis 17: 8 - 16. As time passes, refinements are made in our understanding of the Scriptures. 17: 8 - 16. Inkha tuaovola okutetulula otyitateka tuna na mukuetu mahi atyahaende nawa, tuhasokei okuti kamatutyivili okutyitelulula. For example, their prayers contribute to the success of the Christian congregation. - Read Psalm 92: 13, 14. If we try to solve disagreements with someone, we should not be quick to let it go of us. Ovituwa ovio vipondola okumukuatesako okukoleleya movitateka ahanumana nokukoleleya tyina ankho akevelela otyipuka ehetyimono. Finally, let us show Christlike love to all our brothers, as Christ himself did, "to the end. " Such conduct can help him to endure trials and prevent him from waiting for something they did not expect. Etyi Moisesi apopila Jeova ovitateka ankho apondola okukala navio pokufuisapo otyilinga Jeova emuavela, Jeova emupameka okuti: "" Ame mandyikala etyi nahanda okukala. " 4: 2. When Moses told Jehovah to carry out his assignment, Jehovah assured him: "I shall prove to be what I shall prove to be. " Ankho ngoti oe waipaa omunakwa una wemukuatesako. Because having the world's approval would indicate that you are living according to Satan's standards - not God's. It seemed that he would kill the priest who had helped him. (Tiago 5: 17) Ankho vetupu onthumbi, nokuhena ononkhono mahi nospilitu ya Huku "vapewa epondolo " opo vetyivile okufinda ovitateka. (a) The faithful slave is charged with what responsibility, and what does this include? They lacked confidence and lacked the power of God's spirit, but they were empowered to cope with problems. ▪ Tyina ndyipopia novana vange konthele yotyihola, ndyityipopia ngatyina otyali tya Huku ine ongatyina eliva lia Satanasi? He began to see that his feelings were not the most important thing. ▪ When I talk with my children about sex, would it be as if I were in Satan's trap? Oityi kulilongesila vali konthele ya Huku woluembia? What challenge do believers in divided households often face, and what help is available? What can we learn more about God's loving love? Cecilia, wo ko Filipina, wati: "Ankho ndyisukalala unene novana vange, na me yange uhetyivili vali okundyimbuka. Of course not! But our strongest love should be for Jehovah. " I was so worried about my children and my mother that I couldn't see me again, " says Jennifer, in the Philippines. " Aveho hanospilitu pala ovilinga viounyingi, vatumwa pala okuivisila vana mavakapiñgana eyovo? " - HEBREUS 1: 14. Possessions are useful only if one is alive to enjoy them. " All spirit and spirit are not created for public service, sent forth to preach to those who are going to inherit salvation. " - HEBREWS 1: 14. Okutyihinangela otyo, matyimupe omafa okupopila vakuenyi kosikola monkhalelo yayandyuluka, okuti kamuhande okulipaka kumwe navo muevi valinga mokonda mutyii okuti ovivi. (b) How can parents help their children to improve their comments at meetings? Remember, he did not want us to speak to others in a clear way, so he did not want them to join them in conduct with them because they knew that they were bad. (b) Elao patyi "onongi ononkhuavo " vena, iya oityi vakevelela nehambu? Persecution has caused some refugees to avoid associating with others, and they may feel ashamed to talk about their suffering, especially if their children are near. (b) What privilege do the "other sheep " have, and what awaits them? Vakatula omahunga omanyingi, mahi tyotyili otyitateka ankho vamue vena, okusoka okuti vakolela unene kavapondola okuivisa umbo na umbo. To my joy, they now read the Bible and attend Christian meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses. They raised a number of reasons, but some of them had no idea that they should not preach from house to house. (Jeremias 30: 11) Ngotyo, namphila wehetyii omokonda yatyi Jeova ayumbila Azaria otyilundu, upondola okukala nonthumbi yokuti Jeova apeho ulinga etyi tyaviuka. Therefore, what God has yoked together let no man put apart. " So even though we did not change Jehovah's view of Azariah, he could be confident that Jehovah always does what is right. Omokonda yatyi ankho tyesukisila okupitiyila mo Gregu? ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Why was it necessary for this Greek? Tala oñgeni Jesus tyemukalesa etyi amona ovanthu ovanyingi vesukisa okuvatelwa mopaspilitu: " Etyi amona ounyingi wovanthu, akala nokankhenda navo mokonda ankho vamoneswa emone nokutahua - tahua ngo nongi mbehena omunthita. ' To remain united, Jesus ' disciples would have to change their way of thinking Notice how Jesus encouraged many spiritually when he saw that they needed spiritual help: "When he saw the crowds, he was moved with pity for them because they were skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd. " Ovanthu ovanyingi vapondola okutupopila okuti tuesukisa okuundapesa omuvo wetu no nonkhono movilinga viankhimana, haunene ovilinga vina mavitukalesa nomunkhima nokutuavela onombongo ononyingi. As soon as Ishbi - benob noticed David's moment of physical weakness, he "got to think of striking David down. " Many people may tell us that we need to use our time and energy, especially if they have a lot of money and a lot of money. Mokonda yotyilongo oku ekulila ine yotyivala tyae pamwe upondola okulitehelela okuti kesilivila kuvakuavo. For example, a woman in Ireland was contacted by a spirit medium who said that the night before, she had a conversation with Fred, the woman's husband. Because of the country they grew up or his background, they may feel inferior. Inkha ulinga ovipuka ovio, upondola okukala nonthumbi yokuti Jeova mekukuatesako opo ukoleleye movitateka aviho unavio pehepano nevi vipondola okuya komutwe. And he surely did his best to instruct his children about Jehovah God. If you do these things, you can be sure that Jehovah will help you to endure any trial you may have now and in the future. Otyiwa unene okutyinda omuenyo welikuata Nombimbiliya! Psalm 70 begins and ends with an urgent cry for God's help. How much better it is to live by the Bible! Omokonda yatyi iya oñgeni tupondola okulekesa okuti tuyumbwa onthumbi tyina tukongwa? Indeed, a husband and wife must work hard in order to obtain "a good reward " in the form of a loving and lasting union that has God's blessing. Why can we show that we are trustworthy when we are invited? Mo 1914 ankho kuna omawaneno 1.200, Ovalilongesi Vombimbiliya ouye auho. * In 1914, the congregations were organized worldwide. Mongeleka, mo 2006, o Despertai! ya Tungonkhe ankho ina osapi yati, "Existe um Criador? " On the other hand, you may feel inclined to blame your spouse. For example, in 2006, Awake! 16, 17. So the sentence of death included us. 16, 17. (Revelação 19: 20, 21; 20: 9) Tyimoneka nawa okuti tyaviuka okuihana "Goge na Magoge, " ovanthu aveho mavakatyitukilapo Huku konthyulilo yomanima 1.000. The second article highlights how Jehovah can do the unexpected by accomplishing things we could never imagine. Clearly, it is appropriate to call out "Gog of Magog, " that is, all people will rebel against God at the end of the 1,000 years. Kese simano, ovanthu va Huku valongwa momaliongiyo avo ewaneno. " GO ON WALKING IN LOVE " Each week, God's people attend meetings at their congregation meetings. OTYITUWA tyokulikuatesako, otyiwa pala vana vahanda okukala nombunga ihole Jeova nokumufenda. " Make sure of the more important things. " - PHIL. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE It is good for those who want to have a good family to worship Jehovah and worship him. Okuti oe ankho wesukisa umwe okukala tyalunguka? ' God specifically promised that through Isaac, great blessings would come to mankind. Did he really need to be watchful? ' Jesus wapopile ovikando ovinyingi konthele ya Jeova okuti "Tate yenyi, "" Tate yetu, " "Tate yange. " Do not let Satan deceive you, as he deceived Eve, into thinking that God's ways are unduly restrictive. Jesus often referred to Jehovah as "my Father, "" our Father. " Ndyihambukwa unene tyina ndyitala ovakuatate vetu ouye auho vekahi nokuyambwa na Jeova. Consider the example of Cain, the firstborn of Adam and Eve. I am happy to see our brothers around the world who are working along with Jehovah's blessing. Iya ankho ndyihambukilwa ovipuka tulinga kumwe. " Was Sarah's laughter evidence that she lacked faith? And I enjoyed doing things together. " Omanyina amwe monthele ei apilululwa. The seventh head of the beast had now emerged as the Anglo - American World Power. Some names in this article have been changed. Okukala nonondunge onongwa tyina tulinga omatokolo tyihangununa tyi? How vital that marriage mates not allow the activities of daily life to rob them of exchanging expressions of affection! What does it mean when we make decisions? Mongeleka, omukai umwe ankho ulinga ovipuka ovivi weile ponthele ya Jesus. (Read 1 Corinthians 10: 31 - 33.) For example, a woman who practiced bad things approached Jesus. Po vakai vena 100 vaundapesa o DIU yalingwa no cobre onyingi, o wike vala upondola okukala omulemi tyina pamalambe enima like. We really enjoyed our assignment in the circuit work. In fact, about 100 percent of women have produced copper, which is only one year after the year a year. Otyo katyilekesa okuti omulume oo ankho una omuenyo omuwa? YEAR BORN: 1960 Does this not mean that the man had a meaningful life? Kayekelepo okumulandula, watuaileko okuendela movitumino via Jeova atumine Moisesi. " 8: 8. He did not stop following him, and he continued following Jehovah's commands. " JESUS WAHAKULILE OMAUVELA ELIKALAILA. - MARCOS 1: 32 - 34; LUCAS 4: 40. In what way will God's love affect the future of those who are rightly disposed and obedient? JESUS LUKE 1: 32 - 34; LUKE 4: 40. (Daniel 9: 24 - 26) Isaia waula okuti ovanthu kamavatavela Mesiya, mamoneswa ononkhumbi, iya aipawa, ine matomwa, pala okupata ononkhali mbovanthu ovakuankhali. - Isaías 53: 4, 5, 7. (Read Romans 12: 1, 2.) Isaiah prophesied that people would not accept the Messiah, oppression, and death for sinners. - Isaiah 53: 4, 7. Ngotyo, tyina omona wove ekupopila okuti uhanda okumbatisalwa mokonda uhole Jeova iya uhanda okumutavela, oityi ove upondola okulinga? So let us see how taking these steps has helped Paul, Janet, and Alona to deal with anxiety. So when your child says that you want to get baptized because you love Jehovah and want to obey him, what can you do? Moluotyo, tutalei oñgeni tupondola okukala nonthumbi yokuti tukahi nokutualako okulandula Kristu. Even so, Christians who cannot attend meetings can share in supporting true worship. So let us see how we can be sure that we keep following Christ. Soka oñgeni ahetekelele okuhongiliya Jesus. As the above quotation shows, the concept of sin appears to be in deep crisis today. Think of how he tried to influence Jesus. Oñgeni tupondola okulekesa okuti tuhole enyina lia Jeova? What is the condition of the dead? How can we show that we love Jehovah's name? Mongeleka, monohanyi mbehehi, epuma olio liaipaele vali omafualali omanyingi oko América ankho eli ko França tyipona vana vaipaelwe no nondyale mbavo. Also, not all Christians are anointed at the time they are baptized. For example, in a few months, the flu killed many more powerful soldiers in France than those who were killed by their enemies. Ngotyo, tyesukisa unene okufeta onongele. Likewise, we may need to cultivate spiritual qualities that will help us to pass through "the great tribulation " into God's righteous new world. Thus, it takes great advantage of the paying of debts. Olie upola ouwa kokankhenda okanene ka Huku iya oñgeni? A number of Witnesses have been able to move to areas where the need for Kingdom preachers is greater. Who benefit from God's undeserved kindness, and how? Anthi, tyakolela nkhele tete tutalei etyi tyilekesa okuti tyotyili Huku una oluembia nokuasuka nonthwe. It is unwise to wait until something worthless confronts us before we decide what we will do. However, let us consider, though, what it means to prove that God truly loves and cares for us. Inkha, otyo, okuti upondola okulinga omapiluluko opo mukale vali kumwe omuvo omunyingi? This article considers questions you may have raised and shows where you can read the answers in your Bible. If so, can you make changes so that you can spend more time together? Kamutyiete okuti ngotyo mukahi nokulinga okapungulula pokati kenyi, nokukoyesa ovanthu nomalusoke apenga? " - Tiago 2: 1 - 4, Tradução interconfessional. Yet, the experience of many shows that pursuing such things often leads to loss of faith and loss of love for God. 2: 1 - 4, Contemporary English Version. Pandula Jeova mokonda yovipuka ekahi nokukulingila. " Learning God's name has helped me to develop a close relationship with him. " Show appreciation for what Jehovah has done for you. Pakala vala katutu okukuame ovita viavali viouye auho. Studying Bible examples can prove motivating. Soon thereafter, they led the war against the world. 1 Ya Pepo Linene Yo 2012 In 1942, I dedicated my life to Jehovah and was baptized in one of our beautiful rivers. Table of Contents Milan nondenge yae, no vo tate yae, no Nombangi ononkhuavo, ankho valinga oungendi nekalela okutunda ko Bosnia okuenda no ko Sérvia. Is there a reliable forecast involving your future and that of your loved ones? Milan and his brother, his parents, and other Witnesses traveled to São Paulo to associate with neighbors. Ombimbiliya itupopila okuti ovana va Noe ankho vekula nokuanepa etyi Huku atuma Noe okutunga owato. Also, many have found that being in full - time service when they were young later helped them in their marriage. The Bible tells us that Noah's sons were young and old when God sent Noah to build an ark. Putyina omuvo ulamba, tutualako okunoñgonoka vali nawa Ovihonekwa. 9 Abraham - A Man of Humility As time passes, we continue to learn more about the Scriptures. Mongeleka, vapondola okulikuambela pala ouwa weuaneno. - Tanga Salmo 92: 13, 14. Now he was serving Jehovah with me! My heart swelled with joy. For example, they can pray for the blessing of the congregation. - Read Psalm 92: 13, 14. Okuhulililako, tukalei nohole ngo ya Kristu novakuatate vetu aveho, ngetyi Kristu akalele nohole "alo konthyulilo. " Similarly, while we engage in the public ministry, a humble view of ourselves can help us to respond to all with "a mild temper and deep respect. " Finally, we must love Christ as our brothers, just as the Christ loved "to the end. " 4: 2. Let us discuss how we can do this. 4: 2. Mokonda inkha ouye upanda etyi ukahi nokulinga, matyilekesa okuti kukahi nokuendela movitumino via Huku - wendela mo via Satanasi. However, other people may praise them for their way of life. If you appreciate what the world is doing, you show that you are living by God's standards. (a) Omupika wekolelo wapeua otyilinga patyi, iya otyo tyakutikinya tyi? Their love for Jehovah and neighbor truly helped me to return to the flock. " (a) What responsibility does the faithful slave receive, and what does that involve? Ehimbika okuimbuka okuti onkhalelo elitehelela, hatyipuka tyakolela vali. Why should we have deep appreciation for God's Word? He began to realize that his feelings are not the most important thing. Vana vakala nombunga ihelilongesa vena otyitateka patyi, iya opi vapondola okuvasa ombatelo? Many brothers and sisters came from isolated villages that were far away from any train lines or even roads. What challenge do those who live in a religiously divided household face, and where can they find help? Etokolo lia Andau litulongesa okuti ohole tuna na Jeova ina okulamba pohole tuna novanthu. For a discussion of Revelation 1: 1 - 12: 17, see "Highlights From the Book of Revelation - I " in the January 15, 2009, issue of The Watchtower. Adam's decision teaches us that we must love Jehovah as our mother. Omalumono ena vala esilivilo tyina omunthu ena omuenyo eeundapesa. In fact, we would probably never have heard of him had he not been resurrected. Money is essential when a person uses his life to use it. (b) Oñgeni ovohe vapondola okukuatesako ovana opo vaave omakumbululo meliongiyo? That was 30 years ago. (b) How can parents help children to receive comments at meetings? (1 Pedro 3: 8) Okumoneswa ononkhumbi tyihindila ovanthu vatilila motyilongo okuhalingi oupanga novanthu, tupu kavahande okupopia ovitateka viavo, haunene inkha ovana vavo opo vekahi. Perhaps your goal is to be a pioneer. You may want to work in a foreign - language territory. Government officials are urged not to associate with people who do not want to talk to them, especially if their children are in danger. Pahe vatanga Ombimbiliya tupu vaya komaliongiyo Onombangi mba Jeova, otyipuka otyo tyinthyambukiswa unene. Instead of allowing the earth to be totally despoiled by humans, God will "bring to ruin those ruining the earth. " - Revelation 11: 18. Now they read the Bible and attend meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses, and this makes me happy. Moluotyo, etyi Huku apaka mokanga ike, omunthu ehetyiyapule. " Who benefit from our "ministering to one another "? Therefore, what God has yoked together let no man put apart. " 21 - 27 ya Tyitalale PEFO 24 - OVIIMBO: 81, 17 " God... will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more. " - Revelation 21: 3, 4. March 24 - 20, 2011 Opo ovalongwa va Jesus vatualeko tyelikuata okapandi, ankho vena okupilulula onkhalelo yavo yokusoka SONGS: 81, 135 To remain united, Jesus ' disciples would have to change their way of thinking Etyi Isbi - Benobe amona okuti David waponwa asoko okuti oyo omphitilo pala okumuipaa. 20: 17 - Why did Jesus tell Mary Magdalene to stop clinging to him? When Jonathan saw David's mistake, he felt that this was the opportunity to kill him. Mongeleka, omukai umwe ko Irlanda, wapopilwa notyimbanda tyemuti motyinthiki tyokualamba, tyatompholele na Fred, omulume womukai oo. Because we are not perfect, we need to keep making changes. For example, a woman in Ireland spoke to a medium on the night before she met her husband, Jael. (Gênesis 2: 24) Tupu Enoke walingile atyiho evila opo alongese ovana vae konthele ya Jeova Huku. " Conflicts continually arose over how we raised our children as well as over such issues as my cooking and cleaning. Enoch also did all he could to teach his children about Jehovah God. O Salmo 70 ihimbika aimanuhuka neliyavelo liomunthu wiita opo Huku ahasete okumuvatela. Keeping integrity at such times was important, for the king needed to set a good example for his people. Psalm 70 begins the trap of a criminal who asks God to help her. (Eclesiastes 4: 9) Ngotyo, omulume nomukai vena okuundapa nononkhono opo vamone "ondyambi ongwa " yokukala notyinepo tyitualako muna oluembia no nonkhano onongwa mba Huku. By contrast, those in Haiʹdes, or Hades, do have the hope of being resurrected. Thus, husbands and wives must work hard to obtain "the fine gift " in marriage and have God's blessing. * What she had in her hands was an almost complete Syriac codex of the four Gospels! * Tupu, hamwe upondola okuhanda okuvela onombei omulume ine omukai wove. Table of Contents You may also want to blame your husband or wife for your mate. Moluotyo, nonthue tuakutikinyua mehitiso liononkhia. Is Jehovah slow to fulfill his promises? As a result, we are cut off from the penalty of death. Onthele mailandulako maipopi oñgeni Jeova apondola okulinga ovipuka onthue ankho tuhakevelela. She said, "Go to school and learn as much as you can, and come back and teach us! " The next article will consider how Jehovah can do the unexpected. " TUALAKO OKUENDELA MOHOLE " Then we will consider events that Jesus and his disciples foretold for our day and beyond. " KEEPKING IN THE TRUTH " " Pungei Nawa Ovipuka Viakolela Vali " Parents, do not distance yourself from Jehovah by putting too much emphasis on your career. " Make Effective Things Among You " (Gênesis 17: 21; 21: 1 - 5) Huku alae okuti menyina lia Isake, ovanthu mavapewa ononkhano ononyingi onongwa. This provision reveals much about Jehovah. God promised that through Isaac, people would receive many blessings. Uhayeke Satanasi ekuyondye ngetyi alingile Eva, osoko okuti ovitumino via Huku vialema unene. As told by Trophim R. Do not allow Satan to do as Eve did, and think that God's standards are too difficult. (Provérbios 1: 22 - 31) Tala ongeleka ya Kaim, omona wotete wa Andau na Eva. What will be discussed in the next article? Consider the example of Cain, the first son of Adam and Eve. Okuti etyi Sara ayola tyilekesa okuti kayumbile onthumbi mu Huku? There is no harm in young children learning to work hard, doing chores in the home that are reasonable for their age and abilities. Did Sarah show that she did not trust in God? Omutwe wa panduvali wenyama pahe wakala Outumini Wouye Anglo - Amelicana. By Jesus ' sacrificial death, God opened the way to endless life in Paradise on earth. The seventh head of the wild beast became the Anglo - American World Power. Movilongo vimwe muna ovanthu vaovolelwa no vohe ou mavelinepe nae, omulume nomukai, hamwe ankho kavelinoñgonokele nawa puetyi vehenelinepe. Suppose we are discussing the topic of hell with someone. In some countries where people can find their parents and their marriage mate, they may not fully understand what they did before they got married. (Tanga 1 Coríntios 10: 31 - 33.) (b) What was of greatest importance to Jephthah? (Read 1 Corinthians 10: 31 - 33.) Tuahambukilwe unene notyilinga otyo tyokutalelapo omawaneno. Nevertheless, the enemy of God's name did not give up. We were very happy with the circuit work. ENIMA ATYITWA: 1960 The water canopy, or heavenly ocean, bursts open, and a torrential downpour pounds the ark. YEAR BORN: 1960 8: 8. Only Jehovah God can fill that need, and he does so through his Word, the Bible. 8: 8. Oñgeni oluembia lwa Huku malukakalesa vana vetavela kwe? The psalmist wrote: "Let anger alone and leave rage; do not show yourself heated up only to do evil. " How does God's love affect those who obey him? (Tanga Romanos 12: 1, 2.) (b) What did Jesus say about marital fidelity? (Read Romans 12: 1, 2.) Tutalei oñgeni Paul na Janet, na Alona, vakuatesilueko okufinda otyiho. For at least two reasons. Let us see how Paul, Janet, James, and James helped to cope with anxiety. Namphila ovakulu Ovakristau kavetyivili okuenda komaliongiyo, nkhele vapondola okuvatela efendelo liotyotyili. As a result, the Bible explains: "The blood of Jesus... cleanses us from all sin. " Although elderly Christians cannot attend Christian meetings, they can still help true worship. Ombimbiliya Yelikalela Mokonda Yatyi? What happened next strengthened Gideon's faith and brought him closer to God. Why Does the Bible Really Teach? Ngetyi onondaka mbapopiwa pombanda mbalekesa, olusoke luonkhali, lukahi motyitateka otyinene. However, as Ignacio made spiritual progress and applied what he was learning, this once violent bully became a kind person. As mentioned above, the idea of sin is the worst test. Vokuankhia vekahi ñgeni? As we draw close to Jehovah and love his Word more and more, this helps us to trust that he knows what is best for us. What about the dead? (Atos 2: 38) Tupu, ha aveho Ovakristau valembulwa momuvo vambatisalwa. They were the first in my family to start studying with Jehovah's Witnesses. Also, not all Christians are anointed Christians at the time of their baptism. (Êxodo 18: 26) Nonthue tuesukisa okukala novituwa mavitukuatesako okuhupa "kononkhumbi ononene, " nokunyingila mouye omupe wa Huku. Satan has corrupted this world over which he holds sway, and he is just as eager to corrupt you, to keep you from developing a close relationship with your Father, Jehovah. We too need to survive the coming "great tribulation " and to enter into God's new world. Onombangi ononyingi, vehole okuilukila povilongo viesukisa unene ovaivisi Vouhamba. Will he be pleased if we rely on things humans turn to for help? Many Witnesses have moved to countries where the need for Kingdom preachers is greater. (Salmo 119: 101) Otyiwa okulipongiya konthele yetyi matulingi tyina nkhele tuhenelolwe. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. It would be wise for us to prepare for what we will do before we are tested. Onthele ei ipopia omapulo hamwe ove wasukalala nao, nokulekesa opi upondola okuvasa omakumbululo Mombimbiliya yove. The historical record states: "He made a feast for [his visitors] and they ate and drank. This article considers questions you may have raised and shows where you can read the answers in your Bible. Ouye ulunda ovanthu valongeswe, mahi monosikola ononene valongeswa mbutepulula ohole yavo mu Huku. As the Levites ' prayer recounts: "You are Jehovah the true God, who chose Abram and brought him out of Ur of the Chaldeans and constituted his name Abraham. The world encourages people to be trained, but higher education can lead to their love for God. " Okunoñgonoka enyina lia Huku, tyankhuatesako okukala noupanga omuwa nae. " What should we do so that Jehovah will "forgive us our debts "? " Knowing God's name has helped me to have a good relationship with him. " Okulilongesa onongeleka onongwa Mombimbiliya matyikukuatesako. The more you get to know it, the more you will grow to trust it. Studying the good examples found in the Bible will help you. Mo 1942, andyipakula omuenyo wange ku Jeova andyimbatisalelwa pu imwe po nondongi mbetu onongwa. All mankind would be at peace with one another and even with the animals. In 1956, I dedicated my life to Jehovah and got baptized at one of our worldly schools. Okuti kuna ovipuka mavikamoneka komutwe muakutikinya ove na vana uhole? Have you ever felt this way? Is there any future future future for you and your loved ones? Tupu, ovanthu ovanyingi vehimbika ovilinga viomuvo auho etyi nkhele ovakuendye, konyima tyevekuatesako motyinepo tyavo. And we know that many of you are dealing with, not just one of these problems, but several of them all at once! Also, many people start full - time service until they were young later serving in their marriage. 9 Abraiau - Omulume Woluembia When wrong desire coincides with opportunity, however, the battle can be especially challenging. 9 Abraham - A Man of Love Andyihambukwa unene etyi nanoñgonoka okuti pahe nae ukahi nokuumbila Jeova. In the throes of misery, he calls out to God: "O that in Sheol [mankind's common grave] you would conceal me! " I was thrilled to learn that now I was serving Jehovah. Tupu, inkha tulitala onthue muene nomutima weliola, matyituvatela okukumbulula aveho "nomutima wapoleya nehumbilo enene, " na tyina tuli movilinga viokuivisa. IN Genesis chapter 22, the Bible says that God told Abraham to travel to a place far away from his home to offer a sacrifice. Similarly, if we view ourselves humbly, we will be able to respond to "a mild temper and deep respect " when we engage in the ministry. (Hebreus 11: 1) Tutalei oñgeni tupondola okutyilinga. It appears, then, that when Jehovah God confused the speech of those rebels, he blotted out all memory of their previous common language. Let us see how we can do so. Mahi, ovanthu ovakuavo vapondola okuvepanda mokonda yonkhalelo yomuenyo wavo. Included too is the work of Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making. However, others may be treated with them because they are their own way of life. Ohole yavo vena na Jeova na vakuavo, tyotyili yambatela okukondoka motyunda. " But how can you determine what a safe limit is for you? Their love for Jehovah and others certainly helped me to return to the flock. " Omokonda yatyi tuna yokupanda unene Ondaka ya Huku? What a tangible proof of impartiality! Why should we appreciate God's Word so much? Ovakuatate ovanyingi vakala kondye yepunda - umbo kuhaende omatuku - tuku ine omboyo. (b) What emotional and moral damage can separation cause? Many brothers who live outside the city could not afford a car or a train. Opo unoñgonoke vali nawa Revelação 1: 1 - 12: 17, tala "Ononthele Mbavilapo Mbomukanda wa Revelação (Apocalipse) - I " Momutala Womulavi wa 1 ya Kupupu yo 2009. In fact, the most important meaning of the word "discipline " involves education, such as the education a parent gives a beloved child. For a detailed discussion of Revelation 1: 1 - 12, see "Questions From Readers " in the January 1, 2009, issue of The Watchtower. Tyotyili, inkha Jesus katutilisilwe, ñgeno katueiviliale okupopia konthele ya Jesus. 9, 10. Of course, if Jesus had not been raised up, we would not have told him about Jesus. Pahe palamba omanima 30. [ Footnote] Two years later, she was about 30 years old. Okuti ononkhalamutwe mbonongeleya valongesa ohole yotyotyili Yovakristau? Today, Jehovah invites us to do all we can to support his Kingdom. Do religious leaders teach true Christians? Hamwe uhanda okukala omukokoli - ndyila ine okukaivisa kuna kuna ovanthu vapopia elaka ekuavo. They were mere idols that were speechless and that needed to be carried around. Perhaps you want to pioneer or preach in another language. (Isaías 45: 18) Huku kamayeke ovanthu vahanyauneko oohi, anthi, "makahanyako vana vekahi nokuhanyauna oohi. " - Revelação 11: 18. 12: 9. God will not allow man to ruin the earth, but he will "bring to ruin those ruining the earth. " - Revelation 11: 18. Olie upola esilivilo kovilinga vietu "viokulivatela otyikati kese umue namukuavo "? God wants us to approach him directly in prayer even if we are burdened down by personal shortcomings. Who has been involved in our work "in ministering to one another "? " Huku... makasekuna ononkhuka momaiho avo, ononkhia, kamambukakala - ko vali. " - Revelação 21: 3, 4. What help is available for young people who are contemplating their choices in life? " God... will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more. " - Revelation 21: 3, 4. OVIIMBO: 81, 135 You can fight Satan and win! SONGS: 81, 135 20: 17 - Omokonda yatyi Jesus apopilile Maliya Mandalena okuti ndyeke? She was ready to do whatever was asked of her, just like a slave girl. 20: 17 - Why did Jesus say to Mary that he would hear him? (Efésios 4: 23, 24) Mokonda tuvakuankhali, tuesukisa okutualako okulinga omapiluluko. he asked as tears welled up in his eyes. Because we are imperfect, we need to keep making changes. Ovitateka vimoneka mokonda ankho maivi upopia konthele yoñgeni tuna okutekula omona wetu, konthele yokuteleka nokusukukisa ondyuo yetu. To be in a position to awaken others, we must be awake ourselves. The problems we used to raise our son depending on how we should treat our daughter, the quality of our home, and the quality of our home. Okukoleleya pomivo viatyo ovio tyakolela. Mokonda ankho ohamba, ankho wesukisa okuavela ovanthu vae ongeleka ongwa. In the vision recorded in Revelation chapters 2 and 3, the glorified Jesus Christ inspects the seven congregations of Asia Minor. Their endurance was important to him, for he needed to give his people an excellent example. Mahi, vana vekahi mo Haiʹdes ine elangalo, vena ekevelo lietutilo. The brochure was written to provide information on a variety of ways that gifts may be made now or later, such as through a bequest at death. However, those who are not of the grave or of a resurrection have the hope of the resurrection. Omukanda oo ankho ena pomavoko, o códice Siríaco aiho yono Evandyeliu ononkhuana! Whether married or single, we must work hard to fight all kinds of sexual immorality. It was the second manuscript manuscript of the four Gospels! Etyi Tyilimo The Bible says: "Far be it from the true God to act wickedly. " - Job 34: 10; read James 1: 13. Table of Contents Okuti Jeova ukahi nokuseta okufuisapo omilao viae? Even from the physically weakened state brought on by his own poor judgment, Samson was made powerful "through faith. " Is Jehovah not quick to keep his promises? Omphange oo amphopila okuti: "Enda kosikola, lilongesa ovipuka ovinyingi opo utulongese tyina wamakondoka! " The answers that satisfy your child's curious mind today may not be enough for him tomorrow. " The sister told me: "Go in school, and learn many things to teach you when you returned! " Konyima atukatala ovipuka Jesus novalongwa vae vaula pala ononthiki mbetu, no mbo komutue. Now is the time to prove that you will be. Then we will see the things Jesus and his disciples foretold for our day and the future. Vohe, muahayekei ovilinga vienyi vimuyapule ku Jeova. Paul further states: "Do not loiter at your business. Parents, do not let your job distance you from Jehovah. Eonganeko olio Jeova alinga, lilekesa ovipuka ovinyingi konthele yae. We all need things such as food, clothing, and shelter. This organization reveals much about him. Tyapopiwa na Trophim R. Picture this scenario, remembering that it is only one possibility. As told by R. Oityi matulilongesa monthele ilandulako? • What events can we expect during the great tribulation? What will we consider in the next article? (Eclesiastes 12: 1) Katyilingi omapita ovana okulilonga okuundapa unene, okulinga ovilinga viomeumbo viatokala meti liavo netyi vapondola. Each of us should ask, " Am I acting in harmony with Jesus ' three requests? ' It is not bad that children learn to work hard, work hard to reach their mother, and what they can say. Mokonda yononkhia mba Jesus, Huku waikula ondyila opo ovanthu vakakale nomueyo wahapu Momphangu Yombembwa pano pohi. 3, 4. (a) Why can we say that Jesus is unique in his role as the only - begotten Son? Because of Jesus ' death, God opened the way for humans to live forever in Paradise on earth. Soka ñgeno tukahi nokupopia nomunthu umwe konthele yoifelunu. He cares more about himself than about anyone else. Imagine that we would talk about someone who is guilty of immorality. (b) Oityi ankho tyakolela vali ku Jefete? When nominal Christians adopted the myth of the immortal soul, this led them to accept another myth - the teaching of hellfire. (b) What was the most important thing in Jephthah's case? Anthi, ondyale yenyina lia Huku kayatalamene. This Promised One would play a key role in fulfilling Jehovah's purpose. However, the reproach of God's name does not fail. Omeva aeho ankho ekahi keulu auyukila pohi, atyindipo owato. 10: 22; 1 Cor. 3: 6, 7. Every water was in heaven, and he took him to the ark. O Jeova Huku vala upondola okutuavela etyi tuesukisa konthele oyo, iya utuavela tyo Nondaka yae Ombimbiliya. STUDY ARTICLE 3 PAGES 21 - 25 Only Jehovah God can give us what we need in this regard, and he gives us his Word, the Bible. Uhatokotelwe vala nonyengo pala okulinga ovivi. " How can we make wise choices? You do not get angry just for doing what is bad. " (b) Oityi Jesus apopia konthele youkuatyili motyinepo? By studying the Scriptures and progressively taking in knowledge of Jehovah, we can grow in appreciation for his attributes - his justice, power, wisdom and, above all, superlative love. (b) What did Jesus say about honesty in marriage? Mokonda yatyi? John Mark, for example, bitterly disappointed the apostle Paul. Why? (Mateus 20: 28) Moluotyo, Ombimbiliya yahangununa okuti: "Ohonde ya Jesus... ituyelesa ononkhali mbetu ambuho. " We need to guard against developing a spirit of independence. Hence, the Bible explains: "Happy are Jesus... our sins. " Etyi tyaendelepo, tyapamekele ekolelo lia Gideau nokumufueneka vali ku Huku. It had an extensive vocabulary and was rich in terms that were useful when spiritual matters had to be explained. After events, Gideon strengthened Gideon's faith and kept drawing close to God. Moluotyo, omunthu wokuali omukalavi, walinga omunthu ondalawa. Nawike vali ankho umutuma okukatantha onongele. One of the men, Eliphaz the Temanite, asked Job some interesting questions: "Can a man be of use to God? As a result, a violent person had a good conscience and had no choice to pay off her debts. Mokonda tuhanda okufuena ku Jeova, tupu tuhole unene Ondaka yae iya otyo tyitukuatesako okukala nonthumbi yokuti wii etyi tuesukisa. 17, 18. Because we want to draw close to Jehovah, we love his Word, and this helps us to be sure that he knows what we need. Mombunga yetu, ovo vatetekela okulilongesa Ombimbiliya Nonombangi mba Jeova. Humans cannot count all the stars, but the Creator can. In our family, they first studied the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. (João 12: 31; 16: 11) Satanasi ukahi nokunyona ouye uno atumina, nokuhanda unene okukunyona opo uhakale noupanga omuwa na Tate yove Jeova. Being considered to be without sin in God's eyes, they would in a sense be like Jesus, the sinless Son of God. Satan has controld the present system of things and is eager to prevent you from rejecting a good relationship with Jehovah. Okuti Huku mahambukwa inkha tuyumba onthumbi movipuka ovanthu valinga opo vetukuateseko? How was Jesus ' public ministry in Galilee foretold? Will God be pleased if we trust in things that people do not need to help us? Iya omalongo aeho maakaongiwa kolupala lwae, iya akapungulula ovanthu, ngetyi omunthita apungulula onongi novinkhombo. Parents can do much to help their children learn how to make decisions that honor God. And all nations of his sheep are standing before him, and as a shepherd of the sheep and the goats he will shepherd them. Netyi ohamba emutalelapo nomatolopa ae, Isake walekesa okuti uhanda ombembwa. (Read Psalm 73: 16 - 19, 27, 28.) A king who came to visit his brother, Isaac, showed that he wanted peace. Ova Levita vapopile oñgeni Jeova afuisapo omulao wae, vati: "Ove, ove Jeova, Huku yotyotyili, waholovona Abrau, iya omupopila atunde mo Ur yova Kaldeu omuavela enyina Abraiau. How can we make sure that we are ready for what is coming in the near future? The Levites said about the fulfillment of Jehovah's promise: "You, O Jehovah, are my God, and you are not chosen to leave Ur and give up the name of Abraham. Oityi tuna okulinga opo Jeova "etuevele ononkhali mbetu " He became a son, which gave him the right to attend the school and to be part of his adoptive father's family. What must we do to please Jehovah "with our sins "? Tyina wameinoñgonoka vali nawa, tupu nonthumbi yove mailiyawisa. Something similar can be said of the disciple - making work. When you get to know more, you will also be more confident. Ovanthu aveho mavakala nombembwa navakuavo novinyama. Why is it dangerous to make decisions when we are angry or discouraged? All humans will have peace with one another and with the animals. Okuti nove ongotyo usoka? What could give rise to " foolish debates, ' and how can Christian elders set a good example? Is that how you feel? Onthwe tutyii okuti ovanyingi puonwe, povitateka ovio mutupu - po vala tyike, mahi mukahi nokulambela movitateka ovio aviho momuvo wike vala. What zealous effort is put forth at Memorial time? We know that most of you are in some cases, not just one thing, but all these problems occur during the same time. (Efésios 2: 3) Tyipuiya vali unene okuanya ehando limwe eevi tyina tuna omphitilo yokulinga ehando olio. The lesson for us? The most difficult thing to reject is when we have the opportunity to do that. Etyi amona ononkhumbi ombo, aiti ku Huku okuti: "Inkha tyetavelele vala, ñgeno wanthyoleka mo Seol [elangalo ine ondyembo kuenda ovanthu aveho]! " 18: 15. Why should we get our own emotions under control before approaching others? When he saw those suffering, he asked God: "If only you accept me, you would actually conceal me in the grave [the grave] or the grave of all men! " Mu Gênesis mo kapitulu 22, Ombimbiliya ipopia okuti Huku wapopila Abraiau ende kokule neumbo liae opo akalinge otyilikutila. " Nevertheless, since he left me, I have felt that God's holy spirit has sustained me. " At Genesis chapter 22, the Bible says that God told Abraham to go to his home so that he could not receive a sacrifice. Otyo, tyilekesa okuti etyi Jeova apililika omupopio wovanthu ovo onomphuki, wanyima momitwe viavo elaka lina evepele. Maturity is also beneficial in that it strengthens our figurative heart and keeps us from being "carried away with various and strange teachings. " This means that when Jehovah did not speak the bad words of those rebels, they died inside their tongue. Tupu, muakutikinya Onondyuo mbo Vionge Ovinene, no Nondyuo mbo Maliongiyo ouye auho, novilinga viokuivisa Ouhamba wa Huku no viokulinga ovalongwa. (b) What actions will engender peace and spiritual prosperity? It also includes Kingdom Halls, Assembly Halls, Kingdom Halls, and the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work. Mahi oñgeni monoñgonoka okuti apa waoyela patuuka? " How Can I Enjoy Studying the Bible? " - February 2012 How, though, can you determine whether you are able to do so? Otyo tyilekesa nawa okuti tutupu okapungulula! How did the brothers taking the lead strengthen the Bible Students during World War I? How good it is to know that we are not partial! (b) Oñgeni okuhakala kumwe novana tyipondola okunyona ombunga? When seeking to assist a sheep who has strayed, the one assigned to help might refer to Jesus ' illustration recorded at Luke 15: 11 - 24. (b) How might association with children affect family members? Tyotyili, otyipuka tyakolela vali mondaka "okuviyulwa " tyakutikinya okulongeswa, ngetyi he woluembia alongesa omona wae. When a husband does this, his wife feels secure and it is easier for her to respect and support him. In fact, the most important expression " discipline " involves training, just as a loving father taught his daughter. 9, 10. As exciting as that may have been, Jesus said to them: "Do not rejoice over this, that the spirits are made subject to you, but rejoice because your names have been inscribed in the heavens. " 9, 10. [ Onondaka Poutoi] Others feel that living forever is possible, but not here on earth. [ Footnote] Hono, Jeova utukonga tulinge atyiho tuvila opo tukuateseko Ouhamba wae. The Bible is a practical guide in at least two ways. Today, Jehovah invites us to do all we can to support his Kingdom. Ankho ovikahuku vala, kavipondola okupopia, nokueenda. At a convention, she was shown personal interest by the wife of a well - known brother. There were only gods, but they could not say, go on walking. " Yalei ovivi, kakatelei motyiwa. " - ROMANOS 12: 9. He was willing to "slave " both for Jehovah and for those who would listen to the message of truth. " cling to what is wicked, cling to what is good. " - ROM. 12: 9. Huku uhanda tulikuambele kwe, namphila tualemenwa noviponyo tualinga. " Happy is the man that has not walked in the counsel of the wicked ones, " wrote a God - fearing psalmist, "but his delight is in the law of Jehovah, and in his law he reads in an undertone day and night.... God wants us to pray to him despite our imperfections. Opi upondola okuvasa etyi matyikukuatesako okulinga omatokolo omawa? For more information about the Bible's promise of a resurrection, see chapter 7 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Where can you find ways to make good decisions? Ove upondola okulwa na Satanasi omutilisa! Then Jehovah fulfilled the promise he made through Elijah. You can fight Satan! Ankho wafuapo okulinga kese etyi aitwa ngomupika. The hope of a heavenly inheritance was a revelation, and it became the focus of the inspired letters in the Christian Greek Scriptures. He was willing to do whatever was necessary to be treated as a slave. Welipula otyo alila ati, "Pahe ndyimukulu weuaneno pala okulinga tyi? Yes. " Now I am serving as an elder to do what? Opo tutyivile okupahulapo vakuetu, tete onthue tuna okukala tyipahi. Let us consider some additional information that will help us answer these last two questions. In order to awaken others, we must first stay awake. Memonekelo likahi mu Revelação o kapitulu 2 na 3, omunkhimanekwa Jesus Kristu watala etyi tyikahi nokuenda momawaneno epanduvali o Asia Menor. Why did Jesus at first refuse to help this woman? In Revelation chapter 3, Jesus Christ saw what he saw in the congregations of the seven congregations in Asia Minor. Ngotyo tyina tukahi momaliongiyo tuhanda okulinga nokupopia ovipuka vinkhimaneka Jeova nokupameka vakuetu tufenda navo Do your friends often boast about the things they own, or do they constantly complain about what they do not have? So when we are at the meetings, we want to give glory to Jehovah and to encourage others Opo unoñgonoke vali oñgeni tyilingwa oviawa pala okukuatesako ovilinga vio Nombangi mba Jeova ouye auho, upondola okutanga ombruchula yati Doações Planejadas para o Benefício da Obra Mundial do Reino yalingwa mo Ingelesi no mo Espanhol. Even today, it is teaching millions of people to love and trust one another. For more information about how donations are used to support the worldwide work of Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide, you can read the brochure The Origin of Nations. Tyilinge tuanepa ine katunenepe, tuesukisa okulikuatesila opo tuluise ononkhalelo ambuho mboundalelapo. How can we imitate Jehovah and avoid becoming like the scribes and Pharisees? Whether we are married or single, we need to fight all forms of fornication. Ombimbiliya yati: "Okulinga ovivi tyikahi kokule na Huku. " - Jó 34: 10; tanga Tiago 1: 13. How did Jehovah set the prime example of giving, and what kind of giving can bring us joy? The Bible says: "Go away from God. " - Job 34: 10; read James 1: 13. Mahi, alo umwe etyi Sansau akala tyihena omafa, " mokonda yekolelo ' wapelue ononkhono otyikando tyahulililako. He said: "I am grateful for Jehovah's overwhelming mercy and forgiveness. " But even after Samson had lost his inheritance, "he was given the last time. " Omakumbululo ahambukiswa omona wove hono, kaemuhambukiswa vali muhuka. " For centuries, members of Judaism, Christendom, and Islam have been taught about the garden of Eden, where God put Adam and Eve to live. The answers to your child will be to him today, and he will bless you again. " Ou omuvo wokutyilekesa. Clearly, to enjoy eternal life in God's new world, we must have faith and we must keep our faith strong. It is the time to show it. Paulu tupu wati: "Muhakalei nondende movilinga vienyi. Latin translations in various forms already existed, so why was a new one needed? Paul also said: "Do not be stumbled in your work. Onthue atuho tuesukisa ovipuka, ngetyi okulia nomuvalo nondyuo. How can we " incite one another to love and fine works '? All of us need things, such as food and clothing. Okusoka kuotyo, tyituhinangesa okuti otyo otyipuka tyamonekele. How did Jesus love them? In view of this, I told them that something happened. • Ovipuka patyi tukevelela mokueenda kuononkhumbi ononene? In the meantime, he had much to do. • What events await us during the great tribulation? Kese umwe ponthue wesukisa okulipula okuti: " Okuti ndyikahi nokulinga ovipuka ovio vitatu Jesus apopia melikuambelo liae? ' Through the publications, Jehovah's servants are given an abundant supply of spiritual things to eat and drink. Each of us needs to ask himself, " Am I doing these things in his model prayer? ' 3, 4. (a) Omokonda yatyi tupopila okuti Jesus Omona wongunga una otyilinga tyimue aike? In order to resist Satan's machinations, we need to take full advantage of the spiritual provisions that Jehovah makes for his household of faith, for those who make him their dwelling. 3, 4. (a) Why can we say that Jesus is the only - begotten Son? Usuka vala unene nae muene, ehesuku na vakuavo. SONGS: 33, 137 He cares more about himself and cares about others. Tyina vokuliti Ovakristau vetavela ounkhembi wokuti ohande kainkhi, otyo tyivetuala kokutavela ounkhembi omukuavo - welongeso liotupia tuo ifelunu. [ Ehangununo liolutalatu pefo 4] The most important reason to "let go " of anger, or stop being angry, is that we want to imitate Jehovah. Those who claim to believe that the soul is immortal, so that no other religions will break free from the doctrine of hellfire. Oe makalinga otyilinga tyakolela pala okufuisapo evangelo lia Jeova. Yet, he would be wise to expect her to be wholehearted in her love for him, that is, to have romantic love for him alone. He will do an important work to fulfill Jehovah's purpose. Tuhinangelei okuti ovilinga vietu vienda vala nokomutue mokonda yononkhano onongwa mba Jeova. - Provérbios 10: 22; 1 Coríntios 3: 6, 7. (b) How does Jehovah view all who engage in the preaching work? 10: 22; 1 Cor. 3: 6, 7. Oñgeni matuholovona nounongo? Parents need to invest similar effort into protecting their children from harmful moral attitudes. How can we choose wisely? Mokulilongesa Ovihonekwa nokutualako okunoñgonoka Jeova, matuyawisa esuko lietu konthele yovituwa viae - oluembia luae luavilapo nouviuki, nepondolo, nounongo. Certificate of divorce dated from 71 / 72 C.E. By studying the Scriptures and keeping our knowledge of Jehovah, we will deepen our appreciation for his qualities - his love, justice, wisdom, and wisdom. Mongeleka, João Marku, wanumanesile unene apostolu Paulu. Life in exile was not as difficult as life had been for the Israelites who were slaves in Egypt hundreds of years before. - Read Exodus 2: 23 - 25. For example, John Mark was very angry with the apostle Paul. (3 João 9, 10) Moluotyo, tuna okulityilika otyituwa tyokulitumina. Is it not a privilege to be united in the worldwide brotherhood? Hence, we must resist the spirit of self - sacrifice. O Gregu ankho ina onondaka ononyingi, ngotyo, ankho elaka liaviuka pala okuhangununa otyili Tyombimbiliya. What is something we can do to encourage those who are serving faithfully? Greek was so common that the Greek language was right to explain Bible truth. Umwe povalume ovo utiwa o Elifaz, omu Temanita, walingile Job omapulo amwe ati: "Okuti omunthu una esilivilo ku Huku? Being halfhearted is displeasing to Jehovah. One of the men named Eliphaz, an old man, asked Job: "Is there any man of God? 17, 18. The answer to that question reveals Jehovah's flexibility in fulfilling his purpose. 17, 18. Ovanthu kavetyivili okuvalula ononthungululu ambuho, mahi Omutingi utyivila. 12: 13 - 15. Humans cannot be able to count all the stars, but the tree is best. Jeova wafwapo opo evetale ngetyi atala Omona wae, Jesus, uhena onkhali. The war of Armageddon is not an act of aggression by God. Jehovah is willing to view his Son as perfect, perfect, and perfect. Oityi Isaia apopia konthele yovilinga via Jesus viokuivisa mo Galileia? How can we do so during "the day of Jehovah's fury " that is soon to begin? What did Isaiah say about Jesus ' ministry in Galilee? Ovohe vapondola okukuatesako unene ovana vavo oñgeni mavalingi omatokolo ahivilika Huku. They kindly and clearly explain what he needs to do to come back to Jehovah and be a part of the congregation again. Parents can do much to help their children learn how to make decisions that honor God. (Tanga Salmo 73: 16 - 19, 27, 28.) " The head of a woman is the man, " wrote Paul. (Read Psalm 73: 16 - 19, 28.) Oñgeni tupondola okukala nonthumbi yokuti tuafwapo putyina tukevela ovipuka maviya komutwe? Perhaps you covered electrical outlets, hid sharp objects, and barricaded stairways - all in an effort to keep your child safe. How can we be sure that we are waiting for the future? Wetavelua okukala omona wombunga yopotyilongo, nokuatokala pahe okulongeswa mosikola. The wallet contained $2,000, far more money than she was used to carrying. It can be a challenge to be a family in the area, a place leading to higher education. Tupu, no movilinga viokulinga ovalongwa otyipuka tyike. Jon: It mentions a kingdom. The same is true of the disciple - making work. 8 Oñgeni Mamulongesa Ovana Konthele ya Huku - Ononkhalelo Patyi Mbokulongesa Mbaviuka? The apostle Paul warned that after his "going away, " men would" rise and speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves. " 8 How to Teach Children About God - What Does It Mean? Omokonda yatyi hatyiwa okulinga omatokolo tyina tuanumana ine tuasoya? This reflects how Jehovah must love us. - Read Job 38: 4, 7; Psalm 8: 3 - 5. Why is it not good for us to make decisions when we are angry or discouraged? Oityi tyipondola okueta " onondaka mbowova, ' iya oñgeni ovakulu vewaneno vapondola okuava ongeleka ongwa? On the other hand, it may be that we need to examine our own conscience, which may need further training in line with divine principles. What can lead to "strongly entrenched words, " and how can elders set a good example for the elders? Ombili patyi ovakulu vewaneno valinga Pehinangelo lia Tatekulu? Jesus drew a parallel between Noah's time and ours. What zeal do elders play at the Memorial? Otyo tyitulongesa tyi? I Thought That I Was Living My Life to the Full 10 What can we learn from this account? Oityi tuesukisila okulikondola omutima tyina tuhenepopie ovitateka vietu na vakuetu? As an ordained minister, you have a ministry to perform. Why do we need self - control when we speak with others? Anthi, tunde etyi anthyapo, ndyilitehelela okuti ospilitu sandu ya Huku ikahi nokumphameka. " But Jesus did more than utter memorable sayings. Nevertheless, from coming to me, I feel that God's holy spirit is strengthening me. " Okukula mopamhepo tupu tyipameka omutima wetu nokutukuatesako okulityilika "okutyindwa nomalongeso elikalaila tuehei. " Regardless of what we may yet face, we will do well to bear in mind the psalmist's comforting words: "Jehovah will not forsake his people. " The growth of growth also strengthens our conscience and helps us to avoid "false teachings. " (b) Oityi tuesukisa okulinga opo tutualeko nombembwa, nokuyambwa na Jeova? • What should be done to pursue peace when we have been wronged? (b) What should we do to maintain peace, and with Jehovah's blessing? " Oityi Ndyina Okulinga Ndyihambukilwe Okulilongesa Ombimbliya? " - Fevereiro 2012 As a teenager, though, he became attracted to the ways of this world. " What Will I Choose to sing in the middle of the November 2012? " - February 2012. Oityi ovakuatate ankho vekahi komutwe valingile opo vapameke Ovalilongesi Vombimbiliya mokueenda Kuovita Viotete Viouye Auho? Or consider 70 - year - old Paula in Canada, who is severely limited by spina bifida, a serious condition of the spine. What were the brothers taking the lead in encouraging the Bible Students during World War I? Una watumua okuvatela ongi yatunda mohambo, upondola okutomphola nae konthele yongeleka ya Jesus ivasiwa mu Lucas 15: 11 - 24. Names have been changed. The one who has been sent to help the sheep comes from the flock may discuss Jesus ' example recorded at Luke 15: 11 - 24. Tyina omulume alinga ngotyo, omukai wae ulitehela okuti wapama iya tyimupepukila okuhumba nokukuatesako omulume wae. Neither our speech nor our actions should stumble others. When a husband does so, his wife feel that it is easier to show honor to her husband. Namphila ankho vahambukwa, Jesus wevepopilile okuti: "Muhahambukilwei etyi ovilulu vietavela kuonue, anthi hambukwei mokonda yomanyina enyi ahonekwa keulu. " THE apostle Paul wrote those words to his fellow Christians in Rome in about the year 56 C.E. Although they were happy, Jesus told them: "Do not rejoice over the demons, but be overjoyed because your names have been written in the heavens. " Nkhele vamwe vetavela okuti tyitavela okukala - ko apeho, mahi ha - popano pohi. Jehovah sent angels to Lot to tell him that Sodom and Gomorrah would be destroyed and that he needed to flee. Still others believe that it is possible to live forever, not on earth. Ombimbiliya ituhongolela mononkhalelo onombali. What inventions have aided us in preaching earth wide? The Bible offers us in two ways. Motyonge omphange umwe alekesa esuko na Sandra. Just as marriage should be undertaken in a responsible manner, parenthood should be viewed as a God - given responsibility and privilege. At the convention, a sister showed me some interest in Sandra. Oe ankho una ehando liokukala "omupika " wa Jeova no wa vana ankho vetavela otyili. The lesson we learn is twofold. He was willing to become "the slave of Jehovah " and those who accepted the truth. JESUS ANKHO UHANDA OKULINGA EHANDO LIA HUKU. Jérôme, a missionary in French Guiana, has helped many young men to qualify for missionary service. JESUS foretold: "I shall make your name known to you. " - Isa. Oñgeni ovaumbili va Jeova kohale vakuatesileko ovilinga viae? * These chapters contain the last 9 of the 16 visions that the apostle John received near the end of the first century C.E. How did Jehovah's servants in the past support his work? Iya oe utangela pombuelo ovitumino viae otyitenya notyinthiki.... All had to remain in the ark for a full year until the waters receded. Then he read and read his laws and night.... Opo unoñgonoke vali nawa omilao Viombimbiliya konthele yetutilo, tala okapitulu 7 komukanda Oityi Ombimbiliya Tyili Ilongesa? Elijah's counsel to those people could help an indecisive Bible student who is holding back from making spiritual progress. For more information about the Bible's promises about the resurrection, see chapter 7 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Iya Jeova afuisapo omulao alingile Eliya. Scriptures to Strengthen Your Faith in God's Loving Care for You Jehovah fulfilled Elijah's promise. (1 Coríntios 15: 49; Colossenses 1: 5; 1 Pedro 1: 3, 4) Ekevelelo lio keulu ankho likahi nokuholololwa. Liahimbika okupopiwa momikanda vio Vihonekwa vio Vakristau mo Gregu. Ninety Years Ago I Began (E. The hope of heavenly life was revealed by the Scriptures in the Christian Greek Scriptures. Enga. Listen so as to know them (See paragraphs 3 - 9) Yes. Matutale vali ovipuka ovikuavo vipondola okutukuatesako okukumbulula omapulo oo evali. Follow Peter's example rather than take personal offense. - Eccl. Let us consider more examples that can help us answer these two questions. Oityi Jesus tete aanyenene okuvatela omukai oo? The lesson? Why did Jesus first refuse to help this woman? Okuti omapanga ove apeho velihapa novipuka vena, ine veliyava apeho mokonda yovipuka vehena? Is there a lasting solution to the scourge of corruption? Are your friends always neutral, or do they often complain about what they do because they do not do? Hono, Ouhamba wa Huku ukahi nokulongesa ovanthu ovanyingi okukala nohole nokuliyumba onthumbi kese umwe na mukuavo. Miscarriages of justice can be avoided when principles in God's Law are followed Today, God's Kingdom has taught many people to love one another and to trust in one another. Oñgeni tupondola okuhetekela Jeova iya atulityilika okukala ngovahoneki vovitumino nova Faliseu? And the battle is not always won! How can we imitate Jehovah and avoid being like the scribes and Pharisees? Oñgeni Jeova aava ongeleka yotete konthele yotyali? Iya otyali patyi tyieta ehambu? After some time, he began coming to the Kingdom Hall and agreed to have a personal Bible study to help strengthen his resolve to come back to the flock. " How does Jehovah set the first example of generosity, and what is a generous gift? Wati: "Ame ndyipandula unene Jeova mokonda o Huku una okankhenda okanene iya omueveli. " Jeremiah is certain that Jehovah will "bow low " over those who truly repent. She says: "I am grateful to Jehovah for his loving - kindness and forgiveness. " Mokueenda kuomanima, ova Judeu, no Vakristau vomouye, no va Islamiku, valongesa konthele yotyikunino tyo Endene muna Huku apakele Andau na Eva. A person who loves money cannot please God. For centuries, Jewish and religious leaders taught about the garden of Eden in which God put the garden of Eden and Eve to Adam and Eve. Tyayandyuluka nawa okuti, opo tukakale nomuenyo uhapu mouye omupe wa Huku, tuesukisa okukala nekolelo nokutualako okupameka ekolelo. Later, about the year 96 C.E., the Revelation given through the apostle John associated that "new earth " with blessings under God's Kingdom. Clearly, to receive everlasting life in God's new world, we need to have strong faith and remain faithful. Tyina Ombimbiliya ankho ikahi - ale melaka lio Latin, omokonda yatyi ankho kuesukisila onkhuavo? And church leaders did not allow God's Word to be translated into the common languages of the people. When the Bible was in Latin, why did they need to be interested in another language? Oñgeni "matulipameka pokati, nokukala nohole novilinga oviwa "? Should we not also keep our fellow believers in mind? How can we " strengthen one another and love the fine works "? Oñgeni Jesus akala nohole navo? They will surely strengthen us in the months ahead, as will the words and actions of other examples of faith and courage. How did Jesus show love for them? Putyina akevelela, oe ankho una ovilinga ovinyingi pala okulinga. Eventually, they will be destroyed. - Rev. 20: 1 - 3. As he waited, he had much to do. (Isa. 65: 13) Mongeleka, Omutala Womulavi ukahi nokupitiyua momalaka alamba po 210. COVER: Sisters preaching in Russian on a Tel Aviv promenade. For example, The Watchtower has been translated into more languages in more than 10 languages. Opo tuahayondyue na Satanasi, tuesukisa okutavela ombatelo aiho Jeova aavela ovaumbili vae. Second, unlike today's natural disasters, which kill good and bad people alike, destruction from God was selective. To resist Satan's attacks, we need to obey Jehovah's help to deliver his servants. OVIIMBO: 33, 137 When a husband and wife love Jehovah and serve him together, they will be happy and united in their marriage SONGS: 33, 34 (Salmo 37: 8) Tyakolela okuhakala nonyengo mokonda tuhanda okuhetekela Jeova. Well, suppose we were planning to move to another country. It is important that we let go of anger because we want to imitate Jehovah. Anthi, oe ukevelela omufikuena akale nohole nae nomutima auho, tyihatale vali kovakuendye ovakuavo. I thought to myself, " They do not have God's spirit. ' " Rather, he expects a young woman to love him with a complete heart, no matter what other youths do. (b) Oñgeni Jeova atala aveho vaundapa movilinga viokuivisa? In all the above ways - and more - Jehovah's Witnesses demonstrate that in a real sense, they are "temporary residents " in Satan's present system. (b) How does Jehovah view all who work hard in the preaching work? Tupu, ovohe vesukisa okulinga ononkhono opo vaamene ovana vavo kovituwa vipondola okuvenyona. If the strain on your marriage makes you feel that you have reached the breaking point, what can you do? Similarly, parents need to work hard to protect their children from bad influences. Omukanda wokulihenga wahonekwa mo 71 / 72 P.K. As Jehovah's dedicated people, we recognize the related issues of divine sovereignty and human integrity. The book Draw Close to God in 71 C.E. Otyo tyilekesa okuti, omuenyo wavo puetyi ovikonde Mombambilonia welikalela unene nomuenyo wova Isilayeli, puetyi ankho ovapika mo Egitu omanima omanyingi okualamba. - Tanga Êxodo 2: 23 - 25. Food! This means that their life in Babylon was different from the life of ancient Israel when slaves in ancient Egypt lived long. - Read Exodus 2: 23 - 25. Okuti helao ko enene okukala tyeliwaneka novakuatate vetu ouye auho? The Bible calls him the Son of God; the lovers of Greek philosophy insisted that he is God. Is it not a special privilege to be united with our brothers around the world? Oityi tupondola okulinga opo tupameke vana vekahi nokuumbila Jeova noukuatyili? That is especially the case when the change and chaos seem hard to explain. However, the Bible prophets who spoke about the end were not trying to explain baffling events of their day. What can we do to comfort those who serve Jehovah faithfully? (Marcos 12: 30) Jeova uhanda tukala nohole nae "nomutima wetu auho. " PAGE 12 • SONGS: 135, 133 Jehovah wants us to love him "with all our heart. " Ekumbululo liepulo olio lilekesa okuti Jeova upondola okupilulula ovipuka opo afuisepo evangelo liae. How Would You Answer? The answer to that question shows that Jehovah can change events to accomplish his purpose. 12: 13 - 15. This article will consider the answers to these important questions. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: Do You Remember? 12: 13 - 15. Huku haeko wahimbika novilwa vio Armagedom. About two years before the Jews left Babylon, God foretold through the prophet Daniel that the Messiah would appear 483 years after the order to rebuild Jerusalem was given. God is not the beginning of Armageddon. Oñgeni matutyivasi mokueenda " kuonthiki oyo yonyengo ya Jeova ' maihimbika apa katutu? People with a proud attitude - a common trait of "wise and intellectual ones " - tend to misunderstand the Bible. How can we find it during "the day of Jehovah's anger " soon? Nokankhenda, vahangununa nawa oityi esukisa okulinga opo akondoke ku Jeova akala vali mewaneno. I prayed about the problem, and then I went to my job as a waitress. Compassion is evident in what you need to do to return to Jehovah and become more part of the congregation. Paulu wahoneka okuti: "Omutwe womukai omulume. " When the fire is started, it may come roaring to life in an intense blaze. Paul wrote: "The head of a woman is head. " Tyafuile ankho umulava kotupia, nokuholeka onongoi mbolusu novipuka viteta. Ankho utyilinga opo uyakulile omona wove. When elders are called upon to give counsel, their goal is to do so "with mildness, " even when speaking with those" not favorably disposed. " Perhaps he threw his garment into the wood and jumped off the ground so that he could protect your child. Motyipapo omo ankho muna 1,290 yo no euro, onombongo ononyingi unene ehenetyinde. Further describing the blessings this royal priesthood will bring, Revelation 22: 1, 2 states: "He showed me a river of water of life, clear as crystal, flowing out from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of [New Jerusalem's] broad way. It was quite quite estimated that I had never seen a lot of money in the town of Egypt. Jon: Liapopia ouhamba umwe. He was not in a prison. He could work, help others, and serve Jehovah in peace. Jon: U.S. (2 Tessalonicenses 2: 7) Apostolu Paulu wapopile okuti tyina "amaende, " ovalume vamwe ankho" mavapopi ovipuka vihaviukile opo vakokele ovalongwa kuvo. " By loving us first, Jehovah has shown us how to love him. The apostle Paul said that after "the abyss, " some men would speak" twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves. " (Isaías 45: 18) Tyina tusoka keumbo Tate yetu, Jeova etuavela, tuimbuka okuti utuhole unene. - Tanga Jó 38: 4, 7; Salmo 8: 3 - 5. COVER SUBJECT | IS THE END NEAR? When we think about our Father, Jehovah provides us with his loving care. - Read Job 38: 4, 7; Psalm 8: 3 - 5. (1 Coríntios 8: 11, 12) Ine hamwe omutima wetu oo wahalongesilwe nawa. Consider another situation. Or we may be in a position to learn from him. Jesus waelekele ouye wo kononthiki mba Noe nouye tukahi. (Compare Proverbs 10: 28.) Jesus likened the world in Noah's day to the world of Noah's world. Ame Ankho Ndyisoka Okuti Omuenyo Natyinda Omuwa Unene 10 Would I be pleased if he viewed me only as a nondescript resident of the neighborhood? I Did Not Know That I Was going to Become 10 Mokonda umuumbili waholovonua, ove una ovilinga pala okufuisapo. What should be the primary focus of our meditation, and why? As a servant of the chosen Servant, you have the responsibility to fulfill it. Mahi, Jesus walinga vali tyipona vala okupopia onondaka. However, because he seemed to be able to consume many drinks without obvious symptoms, he believed that he was in control of his life. However, Jesus did more than say. Tyina tuamavasiwa novitateka, otyiwa tuhinangele onondaka mbupameka mbati: "Jeova kamayekepo ovanthu vae. " You have the privilege of sharing in it. " When we face trials, it is wise to remember the comforting words: "Jehovah will not leave his people. " • Oityi tuna okulinga opo tutualeko nombembwa tyina mukuetu etunumanesa? Everything Jehovah does is influenced by love. • What must we do to maintain peace when offended us? Mahi etyi ekula, aende mouye opo atale oñgeni ouye ukahi, mokonda ankho uhanda okulinga atyiho ahanda. Yes. But when he grew up, he went to see how the world was doing all he wanted to do. Ine tutalei ongeleka ya Paula ukala ko Canada una omanima 70, una ovitateka viekongoko. Instead, we must trust that Jehovah will help us. Or let us consider the example of Paula in Canada, who is 70 years old. Omanyina apilululwa. Instead, we will acknowledge that we are imperfect and should therefore avoid being judgmental and critical of our fellow believers. Names have been changed. Tyilinge omupopio wetu ine ovituwa vietu, viahalingise vakuetu onkhali. 20,923 Whether we use our tongue or our actions, we do not want to cause harm to others. APOSTOLU Paulu wahonekelele onondaka ombo Ovakristau vakuavo mo Roma mokueenda kuenima 56 P.K. That does not have to happen to us. We can and should work at maintaining our appreciation for the Bible and its teachings. THE apostle Paul wrote those words to fellow Christians in Rome during the 56th century C.E. (2 Pedro 2: 7, 8) Jeova atumu onoandyu mbupopile Lote okuti o Sodoma no Gomorra maihanyuako iya ankho vesukisa okutunda - mo. The angel showed this when he immediately put the heavy lid over the container. Jehovah sent angels to tell Lot that Sodom and Gomorrah would be destroyed and that they needed to leave behind. Ovipuka patyi ovipe vikahi nokutukuatesako okuivisa mouye auho? These are very important Bible truths and are likely the first truths we learned when we began to study God's Word. What new things are involved in preaching the good news? Ngetyi otyinepo tyesukisa okuendeswa nonondunge, tupu ovalinepi vesukisa okuimbuka okuti okutyita ovana otyilinga nelao vapewa na Huku. Do you desire good health and a long life for yourself and your family? Just as marriage needs to be trained, marriage mates should also realize that children have the privilege of having God's gift of marriage. Otyo, tyitulongesa ovipuka vivali. published by Jehovah's Witnesses and available online at www.jw.org. This teaches us two facts. Jérôme, omisionaliu ko Guiana Francesa, wakuatesileko ovakuendye ovanyingi okuundapa movilinga vioumisionaliu. He was not merely interested in finding someone who would be a pleasant companion; rather, he sought a spiritually - minded woman who was a worshipper of Jehovah and who would be a good mother to his children. Jr., a missionary in India, helped many young ones in the missionary work. * Movikapitulu ovio, muna omamonekelo 9 okuahulililako pomamonekelo 16 João atambula, konthyulilo yotyita tyotete P.K. We will also discuss what we need to do when Jehovah's organization gives us direction. * There are some chapters 9 of John's final visions that received at the end of the first century C.E. Noe nombunga yae, vakalele mowato enima aliho, alo omeva apuiinina. Unlike Satan, who strips humans of their dignity, Jehovah views all of his servants, including those who seem to be weaker, as "necessary. " Noah and his family lived in a global ark, until the rest of the year, when water was lifted up. Etyi Eliya apopilile ova Isilayeli ovo tyipondola okukuatesako ovalongwa Vombimbiliya nkhele vehenetokole okuumbila Jeova. Sadly, some would not give up their comfortable life. When Elijah told the Israelites that they could help Bible students to serve Jehovah. Ovihonekwa Vipameka Ekolelo Liove Moluembia Huku Ena Nove (b) What situations can the example in Proverbs chapter 7 help us avoid? The Scriptures Make Your Faith in God's Love Uhanumane, mahi hetekela ongeleka ya Petulu. - Ecl. Many would consider distasteful the idea of submitting to the will of another person. Do not anger, but imitate Peter's example. - Eccl. Otyo tyilongesa tyi? What a blessing! What does this teach us? Okuti tyitavela okumanako ounkhembi? COVER IMAGE: Is it possible to eliminate corruption? (Efésios 2: 2, 3) Pamue kavetyivili okufinda ovilwa ovio! • How should we react to attacks from outside the congregation? [ Picture on page 16] At times, they may not win the battle! Etyi pakala katutu, etavela okulilongesa Ombimbiliya, nokuhimbika okuya Kondyuo Yomaliongiyo. Otyo, atyimukuatesako okupameka etokolo liae liokukondoka motyunda. " It starts with respect. Shortly after that, she accepted a Bible study, began attending the Kingdom Hall, and helped her to strengthen her decision to return to the flock. " Otyo tyilekesa okuti tuna okukala kokule navo. For more than 100 years, these words have appeared on large signs at railroad crossings in North America. This means that we must stay away from them. Jeremia ankho una onthumbi yokuti Jeova "manyongamena " vana velivela tyotyili. Throngs of worshippers in the temple area in Jerusalem are excited. Jeremiah was confident that Jehovah "will bow down " to repentant ones. Omunthu wokuhole onombongo kapondola okuhambukiswa Huku. They do not discern Christ's presence in Kingdom power. A person does not want money to please God. Konyima, menima 96 Pomuvo wa Kristu, apostolu João watolelua memonekelo konthele "yoohi omphe, " no nonkhano onongwa mambuetua Nouhamba wa Huku. Jehovah Requires Moral Cleanness Later, in 96 C.E., the apostle John spoke about "the new earth " and the blessings we will enjoy under God's Kingdom. Mahi omalombe no nonkhalamutwe ononkhuavo mbongeleya avahayeke omunthu nawike apitiye Ondaka ya Huku melaka ovanthu vapopia. My former acquaintances had stopped visiting me, but my new friends were warm and caring. " But the priests and other leaders did not allow anyone to interfere with God's Word in the language language of the people spoke. Nonthue katusukisa okusoka apeho kovakuatate vetu? Use these years as an opportunity to add to your child's knowledge gradually. Do we not need to think often about our brothers ' problems? Tyotyili, onondaka ombo kumwe no nongeleka ononkhuavo mbekolelo nokukola omutima, mambutupameka mokueenda kuonohanyi mbulandulako. Many have found that using God's Word can have a powerful effect on people to whom they preach. Of course, those words along with other outstanding examples will strengthen us during the next months. (2 Reis 19: 35; Revelação [Apocalipse] 16: 14, 16) Satanasi novilulu viae, mavakaikilwa menthiki, omanima ovityita ekwi, iya konyima avanyimuako. - Revelação (Apocalipse) 20: 1 - 3. He may have been "the brother " who helped Titus to administer the gift for needy fellow believers in Judea. Satan and his demons will be cast out of darkness for a thousand years, and they will be destroyed. - Revelation 20: 1 - 3. KONDYE: Onomphange vekahi nokuivisa konthele yetapalo po Tel - Aviv mo Rússia. * COVER: The sisters are preaching on the road in Russia. Vali, tyelikalela novinimawe vio hono, viipaa onondingavivi kumwe no nondalawa, ehanyauno lia Huku kaliipaa aveho. Every day, there are many things that we must do and many more that we would like to do. Second, unlike natural disasters, wicked and present - day organizations that have failed to destroy God's judgment. Tyina omulume nomukai vehole Jeova iya vemuumbila kumwe, vakala nehambu newaneko motyinepo tyavo In view of his counsel found in Romans chapter 12, Paul could hardly have meant that the illustrative coals were to inflict punishment or shame upon an opposer. When husbands and wives love Jehovah and serve him together, they are happy and united in their marriage Popia ongeleka. At the dawn of the second century C.E., "the weeds appeared " when imitation Christians became visible in the world field. Illustrate. Andyisoko okuti: " Huku kekahi novanthu ava. ' " [ Box on page 6] I thought, " God is not with the people. ' " Mononkhalelo ombo ambuho mbapopiwa pombanda no mononkhuavo, Onombangi mba Jeova valekesa nawa okuti tyilityili "onongendi " mouye uno wa Satanasi. No. In all these ways, Jehovah's Witnesses show that they really are "the temporary residents " in Satan's world. Inkha ulitehelela okuti wepuila mokonda yovitateka motyinepo tyenyi, oityi molingi? They do not question their brothers ' motives. If you feel that you are tired because of problems in your marriage, what will you do? Tyina tukala ovakuatyili ku Jeova, tulekesa okuti oe vala una okututumina, iya tuna okufenda vala kwe. Our faith in Jehovah makes us confident that drawing close to God is good for us. When we are loyal to Jehovah, we show that he is our Ruler and that we worship only him. Okulia! (b) What may we need to do? FROM OUR COVER Ombimbiliya ipopia okuti oe Omona wa Huku, mahi vana vehole ounongo wo Gresia valongesa okuti oe o Huku. We have many reasons for loving Jehovah without reservation. The Bible says that he is God's Son, but those who have become Greek teach that he is God. Mahi, ovauli Vombimbiliya kavatokolele okuhoneka konthele yonthyulilo opo vahangunune omokonda yatyi ankho kuamonekela ovipuka ovivi. What if children display a bad attitude or are slow to learn some valuable lesson? However, the Bible prophets did not write about the end in order to explain why he was referring to bad things. PEFO 9 • OVIIMBO: 135, 133 On the day of Pentecost 33 C.E., "the spirit of the truth " arrived, being poured out on about 120 Christians gathered together in Jerusalem. PAGE 9 • SONGS: 135, 133 Oñgeni Ove Mokumbulula? [ Footnote] How Would You Answer? Omokonda Yatyi Upondola Okuyumba Onthumbi Mono Evandyeliu Mbombimbiliya He does not abandon them. Why Trust in the Bible Konyima yomanima evali etyi ova Judeu vatunda Kombambilonia, Huku waulile menyina liomuuli Daniele okuti Mesiya mamoneka menima 483 konyima yotyitumino tyokupindulapo o Jelusalei. 2: 18 - 23. About two years after the Jews left Babylon, God foretold the prophet Daniel that the Messiah would be included in Jerusalem. Ovanthu vena elungavi, ngetyi "ovanongo no vokuatonkhoka " vanoñgonoka Ombimbiliya monkhalelo yapenga. or, " What are we to put on? ' People who have selfish pride, as they " learn " and understand the Bible in a wrong way. Andyilikuambela konthele yotyitateka otyo, iya andyiende kovilinga viange, ankho ndyiundapa mombale. Although we may be very busy with responsibilities in the congregation and at work, we all need to make time for personal study and family worship. I prayed about the matter, and I went to work at work. Tyina otupia tuhimbika okutema, tupondola okukala nomutemo omunyingi. SONGS: 127, 88 When a fire begins with a fire, it may be possible for us to fall into a fiery furnace. (1 Tessalonicenses 2: 7, 8) Tyina tyesukisa okuava elondolo, ovakulu vewaneno vesukisa okutyilinga "nepoleyo, " alo umwe tyina vapopia na vana" vehetavela. " Spiritism has been practiced not only by the Babylonians but also by supporters of Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion. When there is a need to give counsel, elders should do so "to be gentle, " even when they speak" to those who do not obey him. " Revelação 22: 1, 2, itupopila vali konthele yononkhano onongwa mambuetwa novanakwa vouhamba. Yati: "Iya oe wandekesa ondongi yomeva omuenyo, akenguluka nawa ngo vitulu, atunda potyipundi tyoutumini tya Huku no Ndyona, pokati ketapalo enene lio [Jelusalei Omphe]. WHAT do you think of when you hear the word "Armageddon "? Revelation 22: 1, 2 tells us about the blessings of a royal priesthood: "They will show you favor as a river of water of water of life, like the Lamb [the Lamb], and the Lamb [God's] sitting down in the blood. Omunthu oo ankho kekahi mokaleya mokonda upondola okuundapa, nokukuatesako vakuavo iya nokuumbila Jeova nombembwa. At the time, we did not have electricity! He was not in prison because he could work, help others, and serve Jehovah in peace. Mokonda walekesa tete ohole yae, Jeova utulongesa oñgeni tuna okukala nohole nae. When the people did what those laws, commonly called the Mosaic Law, required, they were accepted by God as his people and were blessed by him. Because he showed his love, Jehovah teaches us how to love him. OSAPI YO KONDYE | OKUTI ONTHYULILO ILI POPEPI? Last year, 6,957,854 Kingdom publishers " did the work of evangelizers ' in 236 lands. - 2 Tim. 4: 5. COVER SUBJECT IS THE END ALL? Soka kovitateka ovikuavo viepuiya. However, Satan has not given up on us. Think of other difficult situations. (Eleka na Provérbios 10: 28.) What you do when you are alone reveals the values you really treasure. - Luke 6: 45. (Compare Proverbs 10: 28.) Okuti ndyihanda omunthu oo apopie otyipuka tyimwe konthele yange ine okunkhoyesa, mahi ngwe nkhele kendyi? People there worshipped false gods, and his father did too. Do I want anyone to say something about me or to punish me, but he doesn't know me? Oupi omukanda wakolela vali tuna okusokolola, iya oñgeni matyitukuatesako? [ Picture on page 15] Limestone stela of Baal - of - the - lightning, 14th / 13th centuries B.C.E. [ Credit Line] Musée du Louvre, Paris What is the most important book that we can meditate on, and how will it help us? Mahi, mokonda ankho usoka okuti upondola okunwa oukopo ounyingi ahanda, oe ankho usoka okuti ukahi nokuyunga nawa omuenyo wae. At that crucial time, Jehovah will give us lifesaving instructions, and the "inner rooms " might well be connected with our local congregations. However, because she thought that she could drink the cup, she felt that she was taking care of her life. Tuna elao liokuundapa movilinga ovio. " Only if the youth is willing to make a solemn promise will the man admit him into his family. We have the privilege of participating in this work. " Ovipuka aviho Jeova alinga ulundwa noluembia. They may arise from within the congregation. Everything Jehovah does is motivated by his loving - kindness. Enga. Your dedication is a promise to God that you will do his will forever. Yes. Ngotyo, tuna okukala nonthumbi yokuti Jeova metukuatesako. How do false teachers operate? So we can be sure that Jehovah will help us. Anthi, matunoñgonoka okuti tuvakuankhali, tuesukisa okulityilika okupopia ovakuatate vetu. Habits that are not wrong in themselves can sometimes raise barricades to conversation. On the other hand, we will realize that we are imperfect, so we need to avoid speaking to our brothers. 923 Thus, now is the time to give careful consideration to these matters. 9 Who Are You? Tupondola, tupu tuesukisa okulinga ononkhono mbokutualako okupanda Ombimbiliya, nomalongeso ayo. [ Footnote] We can also strive to maintain our appreciation for the Bible and its teachings. (1 Coríntios 5: 13) Otyo tyalekeswa puetyi oandyu yapata kosesu. Others, though, are found to be "unsuitable "; not all those gathered prove to be acceptable to Jehovah. It was depicted as an angel of the container. Otyo otyili tyimwe tyakolela unene tyo Mbimbiliya, tupu otyo tuatetekela okunoñgonoka etyi tuehimbika okulilongesa Ondaka ya Huku. The speaker frequently invites the audience to look up pertinent scriptures and to follow along as the verses are read. This is an important part of the Bible, and we also learned first when we learned about God's Word. Okuti uhanda okukala nekongoko ewa, nomuenyo omuwa pala ove nombunga yove? Some of the topics considered by Jehovah's Witnesses in their Bible study program: Would you like to have good health, a good life for you and your family? walingua no Nombangi mba Jeova tupu uli mo www.jw.org. Guide them on their way (See paragraphs 13 - 18) published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Oe ankho kasukile vala nokuvasa omukai memuhambukiswa. Ankho uhanda omukai una ufenda Jeova, makala ina yovana vae nokuvetekula nawa. Jesus made God's name known. He was interested in providing for a wife who worshipped Jehovah, who wanted her mother to care for her and care for her as well as to care for her children. Tupu matulilongesa oityi tuesukisa okulinga tyina eongano lia Jeova lituavela ehongolelo. In Hebrews chapter 11, we find the names of 16 faithful men and women who chose to respect the limits set by Jehovah. We will also discuss what we need to do when Jehovah's organization gives us direction. Satanasi uhanda tutavele okuti onthue katusilivila, mahi ku Jeova ovaumbili vae aveho "vesukisa, " alo umwe vana vapondola okumoneka ngoti kavapamene. What reminder did Paul give to anointed Christians? Satan wants us to believe that we are worthless, but all of Jehovah's servants "will need to be weaker, " even those who may appear to be weaker. Ovakuatate vamwe avehetavela okuyekapo omuenyo omuwa ankho vena. We can find real peace when we obey Jehovah willingly. - Isaiah 48: 18, 19. Some brothers refused to give up a comfortable life they had. (b) Omukanda wa Proverbios kapitulu 7, utukuatesako okulityika otyitateka patyi? " When I finally got the courage to ask my parents a question about sex, they replied as if accusing me, asking, " Why would you ask about that? (b) Proverbs chapter 7, which helps us to solve what problem? Ovanyingi kavetyihole okusoka okutuminwa nomunthu mukuavo. What helped Joseph to resist temptation? Many do not need to think about human rulership. Otyo ononkhano onongwa ngatyi! Also, elders should know that "time and unexpected events " could suddenly make it difficult for them to care for their responsibilities. What a blessing! OLUTALATU LUOKONDYE: But Jehovah's prophets wrote not only about the good things but also about the bad things that the people of Israel and their kings did. COVER IMAGE: • Oityi tuesukisa okulinga tyina tulingwa ovivi no vokondye yewaneno? " Be wrathful, and yet do not sin; let the sun not set with you in a provoked state, neither allow place for the Devil. " • What should we do when we are outside the congregation? Tyihimbika nonthilo. In a similar manner, what Christians in one part of the world view as pleasant recreation may not be appealing to Christians elsewhere. It begins with respect. Palambale omanima 100 etyi onondaka ombo mbahonekwa, povivai vimwe viapakwa pana papingahanena etapalo liomatuku - tuku nelinya liomboyo ko América. Does that prospect appeal to you? Some 100 years ago, when those words were written onto a bus station, there were about 100 billion miles (U.S.A. Ovanthu ovanyingi vokueya mo Jelusalei okufenda vekahi mondyuo ya Huku, okukevela otyipito. Arrange for younger people to work with them. Many of those who come to Jerusalem have been allowed to worship God at the temple. Ovo kavetyivili okuimbuka okuti Kristu ukahiale Nokutumina. One sister lives a four - hour drive from her parents. They do not realize that Christ has been ruling as a government. Jeova Uhanda Tukale Novituwa Viasukuka For example, before she learned the truth, one sister in Great Britain took social studies classes at a university and developed extreme political opinions. Jehovah wants us to be clean and holy Omapanga ange o kohale vayekapo okunthalelapo, mahi omapanga ange omape ankho vena oluembia nokankhenda. " The Bible clearly reveals God's original purpose for the earth in these words: "As for the heavens, they belong to Jehovah, but the earth he has given to the sons of men. " My friends in the past left me, but my new friends had tender feelings and compassion. " Ovana vahimbika okuenda kosikola: Momanima oo, linga ononkhono mbokutualako okuyawisa enoñgonoko liovana vove. In these two articles, we will find the answers to those questions. The children started school at school: To continue to grow in knowledge of your children. Ovanthu ovanyingi vaimbuka okuti Ondaka ya Huku ina epondolo enene liokukuatesako ovanthu valongesa. " What's this nonsense about no blood? ' was one of his first " greetings. ' Many people have found that God's Word has powerful power to help people teach them. (Atos 20: 2 - 4) Tyafuile Tikiku ankho oe " omukuatate ' wakuatesileko Titu okuonganeka oviawa pala okuvatela ovakuatate ankho vesukisa mo Judeia. She needed a lot of comfort and encouragement. It may have been probably that he was "the brother " who helped to help the brothers in Judea. * During the 17th and 18th centuries, people in Britain, France, and the United States promoted devotion to their State, so that nationalism, in effect, became like a religion. * Ononthiki ambuho, tuna ovipuka ovinyingi tulinga mahi no ngotyo nkhele tuhanda okulinga vali ovipuka ovinyingi. While this is a noble goal, God's Kingdom does more than just promote these qualities - it requires them of its subjects. Each day, we have many things, but we still want to do many things. Okutala konondonga mbae mbuvasiwa mokapitulu 12 ka Romanos, Paulu walekesa okuti ondyale maimono ononkhumbi. The fact that only his speech needed to be restored indicates that Zechariah's hearing had not been affected. - Luke 1: 13, 18 - 20, 60 - 64. See his counsel found in Romans chapter 12, which shows that the enemy is suffering. " Evu liamoneka " konthyimbi yotyita tyavali P.K., etyi Ovakristau vomatutu vamoneka. Others avoid certain types of entertainment that are not in themselves wrong but that can fuel personal moral weaknesses. The weeds were described as "the secondary part of the second century C.E., " that is, apostate Christians. [ Okakasa pefo 6] THE WOMAN [ Box on page 6] Au. ▪ the first mention of putting faith in God. - Genesis 15: 6. No. Kavapulu ovakuatate vavo omokonda yatyi vehevilile okulinga etyi no otyo. Paul's words here echo the first Bible prophecy, recorded at Genesis 3: 15, pointing to the Devil's eventual destruction. They should not ask their brothers why they should not be tempted to do so. Ekolelo lietu mu Jeova lituavela onthumbi yokuti okufuena ku Huku, otyo otyipuka otyiwa pala onthue. Both he and his wife have served as regular pioneers while raising a large family. Our faith in Jehovah gives us confidence that draws us closer to him, and this is good for us. (b) Oityi tuesukisa okulinga? How, though, would people know about that Kingdom in order to accept its rule and become its subjects? (b) What should we do? Tuelilongesale omokonda yatyi tuna okukala nohole na Jeova nomutima wetu auho, nomuenyo wetu auho, nonondunge mbetu ambuho. You might wonder, though, " Does he present any danger to me and my family today in this modern world? ' We have learned why we must love Jehovah with our whole heart, soul, and mind. Iya inkha omona umwe ulekesa ovituwa ovivi ine useta okunoñgonoka onondonga mbumwe mbakolela? After Super Typhoon Haiyan wreaked destruction on the central Philippines in November 2013, the mayor of one large city said: "God must have been somewhere else. " What, though, if a child shows a negative attitude or a weakness? " Ospilitu yotyili " yehika monthiki yo Pendekoste yo 33 P.K., etyi yauyulilwa ko Vakristau 120 ankho veliongiya mo Jelusalei. Therefore, let us consider how we can overcome obstacles that make it challenging to listen to God's voice. " The spirit of truth " came upon Pentecost 33 C.E. when they poured out on Christians in Jerusalem. [ Onondaka Mbavilapo pefo 3] Some in the congregation made negative comments about the quality of her ministry and her use of time. [ Blurb on page 3] Oe keveyekepo. Perhaps harsh economic conditions force you to work long hours to provide for your family. He did not quit. 2: 18 - 23. Each one of us has his own personality. 2: 18 - 23. ine: " Oityi matuvale? ' The Hebrew word Sheol, which referred to the "abode of the dead, " is translated" hell " in some versions of the Bible. or, " What are we to put on? ' Namphila tuundapa ku kaputu nokuna ovilinga ovinyingi mewaneno, atuho tuesukisa okuovola omuvo vokulinga elilongeso lioulike nefendelo liombunga. When will Jehovah become "all things to everyone "? Even though we are working with many responsibilities in the congregation, all of us need to set aside time for personal study and family worship. OVIIMBO: 127, 88 Although Irina has experienced many tragic circumstances in her life, her joyful spirit continues to sustain her and she is a source of encouragement to others. SONGS: 127, 88 Tupu, ovanyingi hono vekahi monongeleya mbomatutu, vehole owanga, ngetyi kohale ovanthu ankho valinga mo Mbambilonia. During that time, they have had many challenges. In the same way, many today have been separated from false religion, such as in ancient Babylon. OITYI usoka tyina wiva ondaka "Armagedom "? How can we show that we truly love our heavenly Father? We should love him unreservedly. WHAT comes to hear the word "Armageddon "? Pomuvo opo ankho tutupu olusi! My answer was, " None, for he is so difficult to live with. ' At that time, I didn't expect! Ankho vitiwa Ovitumino via Moisesi. Tyina ankho ovanthu valinga etyi ovitumino ovio vipopia, Huku ankho uvetavela okuti ovanthu vange, nokuvepa omuenyo omuwa. Hutter wanted to include a Hebrew - language translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures. When the Mosaic Law was established, people obeyed God's laws and obeyed him as my people and gave them a meaningful life. Jeova utehelela tyina tumuita nomutima auho, iya utunoñgonoka namphila pehena omunthu utyivila [ Picture on page 10] Jehovah listens to our sincere prayers, and he cares for us even when no one is able to do so Enima liokualamba ovaivisi 6.957.852 Vouhamba wa Huku, " valinga ovilinga viokuvisa ' movilongo 236. - 2 Timóteo 4: 5. Being imperfect, you are not able to imitate Jesus fully. Last year, over 6.5 million Witnesses of God have done their preaching work in 236 lands. - 2 Tim. 4: 5. Mahi, Satanasi nkhele wovola okutuhongiliya. Soon, Jesus would die as a ransom sacrifice and would prove that the Devil is a liar. However, Satan still tries to influence us. (Amós 5: 15) Etyi ulinga tyina ukahi awike, tyilekesa olumono patyi tyili ukahi nokupaka nawa. - Lucas 6: 45. When Paul wrote about "those who have never married, " he frankly admitted:" I have no command from the Lord, but I give my opinion. " - Matthew 19: 11; 1 Corinthians 7: 25, footnote. When you are alone, you prove to be a treasure. - Luke 6: 45. Ovanthu ankho vakalamo vafenda ono huku mbomatutu, iya na tate yae ankho otyo alinga. There are many opportunities to serve Jehovah. People of the nations worshipped false gods, and his parents did the same. Jesus ankho ulekesa okuti ononkhalamutwe mbonongeleya ankho vokumuyele, mokati kavo kavasukukile ngetyi vamoneka kondye, iya okukala puvo omunthu usila mopamphepo. Why do we say this? Jesus indicated that the religious leaders hated one another just as they were outside the outside the outside, and they were allowed to grow spiritually. (Isaías 26: 20) Pomuvo opo, Jeova meketupopila etyi tuesukisa okulinga opo etuyakulile. I do not remember the subject being discussed, but I still remember the small children who were turning the pages of their Bibles to locate scriptures. At that time, Jehovah will tell us what we need to do to protect us. Inkha omona oo utavela okulinga omphango oyo, opo vala omulume oo memutavela akale omona wae mombunga. He probably told them exactly what Jehovah had told him: "I have decided to put an end to all flesh, because the earth is full of violence on account of them, " and" I am going to bring floodwaters upon the earth to destroy from under the heavens all flesh that has the breath of life. If that child accepts a covenant, the man would be ordered to obey him as his family. Ovalongesi ovo vomatutu, ovokuayapuka motyili. All in the congregation submit to the arrangement that Jesus made for "the faithful and discreet slave " to provide spiritual food at the proper time. False teachers are apostates. Okulipakula okupopila Huku okuti uhanda okulinga ehando liae apeho. He also knows what kind of person each of them can become. Being dedicated to God means that he wants to do his will forever. Oñgeni ovalongesi vomatutu vayapula ovanthu? How do we worship there? How do false teachers mislead people? Ovituwa vimwe namphila kaviapengele, mahi pamwe vipondola okututyilika okutomphola. JEHOVAH showed his power through Jesus Christ in amazing ways. Some qualities may not be wrong, but it may discourage us from talking. Moluotyo, pahe ou omuvo wokukala tyalunguka konthele yovipuka ovio. Keep in mind what will soon happen to sinful Judah and Jerusalem. So now is the time to keep on this matter. [ Onondaka Poutoi] The apostle John quotes Jesus as saying: "If I had not done among [the people] the works that no one else did, they would have no sin; but now they have both seen and hated me as well as my Father. [ Footnote] Ovakuavo vekahi ngombisi "yehesilivila, " iya Jeova kevetavela. Consider Jean - Claude, in the Central African Republic. Others are like "the hypocrites, " and Jehovah did not accept them. Omulongomoni ukonga ovikando ovinyingi ovateheleli okuikula ovihonekwa nokulandula tyina atanga onoversikulu. As a weapon, Jesus wielded, not a literal sword, but the sword of the spirit, God's Word. The speaker often invites the audience to read scriptures and apply verses when he read verses. [ Caption on page 8] Ombu o nosapi mbumue mbuhole okupopiwa no Nombangi mba Jeova tyina valongesa ovanthu Ombimbiliya: How Would You Answer? [ Pictures on page 8] Ine omokonda vala younye, nokusoka okuti vakuavo kavemuhande? Jehovah, the Creator of marriage, wants each couple to have a happy and successful married life, so he has given wise advice in his Word, the Bible. Or is it just because others are not disappointed? (João 17: 26) Jesus wanoñgonokesile enyina lia Huku. But what may have been some of her fears? Jesus made God's name known. Okapitulu 11 ko mukanda wa Hebreu, tuvasamo omanyina ovalume novakai vekolelo 16 vaimbukile okuti ounongo wokuholovona una apa wehulila. Were he to execute them then and there, his purpose regarding Adam and Eve and their offspring would come to nothing. In chapter 11 of the book of Hebrews, we find the names of 16 faithful men and women who recognized the limits he has set. Ehinangeleso patyi Paulu aavelele Ovakristau ovanakwa? Talk to me after Armageddon; then we will know for sure. " What warning did Paul give to anointed Christians? Okutavela ku Jeova nomutima auho, tyituetela ombembwa. - Isaías 48: 18, 19. How vital it is that we remain vigilant! Accepting Jehovah with all our heart brings us peace. - Isaiah 48: 18, 19. • "Etyi pahe nakala nononkhono mbokupula ovotate konthele yotyihola, vakumbulula ngatyina otyo ndyilinga, vamphula okuti, " Oityi upulila ngotyo? " Go the extra mile. ' - MATTHEW 5: 41. • "When I was going to ask my parents about sex, what would I ask, " What would I ask them? Oityi tyakuatesileko Jose okuanya? During the time of Abraham's nomadic life, he was often surrounded by human kings, many of whom lived in walled cities. What helped Joseph to resist temptation? (Miquéias 6: 8) Tupu, ovakulu vewaneno vesukisa okunoñgonoka okuti "omuvo novitateka viuhuluka vala " vapondola okuhulukilwa novitateka atyivepuiya okufuisapo ovilinga viavo. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Also, elders need to know that "time and unforeseen occurrence " can be challenging to carry out their work. Mahi ovauli va Jeova kavahonekele vala ovipuka oviwa mahi tupu vahoneka ovivi vialingwa nova Isilayeli no Nohamba mbavo. Jesus said: "Happy are the pure in heart, since they will see God. " But Jehovah's prophets did not write good things but also wrote bad things about Israel and their King. ' Numanei mahi muahalingei onkhali. (Read Job 42: 10, 12, 16, 17.) " Be wrathful, but do not sin. ' Tupu, Ovakristau movilongo vielikalaila, vehole ovitalukiso vielikalaila. As the Abrahamic covenant promised, the offspring of the woman would bring blessings to mankind. In a similar way, Christians differ greatly from entertainment. (Salmo 37: 11, 29; Revelação 21: 3, 4) Okuti uhanda okukakala mouye ngoo? Still others are influenced by books, movies, and television programs about angels and demons, ghosts and goblins, gods and goddesses. Would you like to live in such a world? O mokuveavela otelitoliu ikahi nawa, nokuvepunga novakuendye opo vaundape navo. What in particular is now taking place on earth by means of Jehovah's holy spirit? They invite them to a good home, and they help younger ones to work with them. Omphange umwe, pala okuenda peumbo liovohe weenda onoola ononkhuana. They began to discern that the seven times would end in the year 1914. One sister invited her to leave home for four hours. Mongeleka, etyi ankho omphange umwe woko Gra - Bretanha ehenenoñgonoke otyili, welilongesile konthele yovanthu mosikola ononene iya otyo atyimulundu okulipaka mopulitika. The man who had lost it was amazed, and so was his family. For example, when a sister from Britain learned the truth, she learned the truth about man's high school, and this motivated him to join her in politics. Ombimbiliya ipopia nawa - nawa etyi Huku ahandela ohi ino okuti: "Eulu o lya Jeova, mahi, oohi weiyavela ovana vovanthu. " No, it is not. The Bible clearly describes God's purpose for this earth: "The heavens are Jehovah, but the earth he has given the sons of men. " Mononthele ombu onombali, matuvasi omakumbululo omapulo oo. After my baptism, I served for 16 years in Rhode Island, where I developed precious friendships. In these two articles, we will find answers to these questions. Otyipuka tyotete ankho amphopila vala, okuti, " okuanya okupakwa ohonde owova. ' MEMORIAL ATTENDANCE (2016) The first thing to say was to me, " It is not a blood of blood. ' Omona wa Jefete ankho wesukisa okupamekwa. When we preach, we work together with our brothers and sisters. Jephthah's daughter needed encouragement. Mokueenda kuotyita tya 17 no 18, ovanthu vo ko Britania, no França, no Estadu Unidu, vahimbika okufenda outumini. Jehovah has given Jesus a very important role in resurrecting the dead. During the 18th century, Britain, France, and the United States began to worship the government. Putyina ovatumini vasoka okuti otyo otyiwa, Ouhamba wa Huku kaulongesa vala ovituwa ovio, mahi wiita vana mavakatuminwa nao, vakale novituwa ovio. The prophet did so, and the hand was healed. When governments think that this is good, God's Kingdom does not teach them only about these qualities but also those who want to develop such qualities. Mokonda ankho Zakaria wesukisa vala okukondolelwa ondaka yae, tyilekesa okuti ankho hampholo ko. - Lucas 1: 13, 18 - 20, 60 - 64. WHEN I was nine years old, I stopped growing. 1: 13, 20, 20 - 64 - 64. Ovakuavo velityilika ovitalukiso aviho vipondola okuvehongiliya okukala nomahando omavi. (Sal. That spirit, or "air, " pervades Satan's world. Others avoid entertainment that can lead to immoral desires. OMUKAI It is Jehovah's purpose to include people of all nations in his arrangement for worship. THE BIBLE CHANGES LIVES ▪ etyi apopilwa tete okuti wakolela mu Huku. - Gênesis 15: 6. He also says: "Write, for these words are faithful and true. " ▪ When he told him that it was important to believe in God. - Genesis 15: 6. Onondaka ombo mba Paulu mbupitulula eulo Liombimbiliya, likahi mu Gênesis 3: 15, lipopia okuhanyuako kwe Liapu. In the larger fulfillment, the "standing " will occur when the United Nations (the modern - day" disgusting thing ") attacks Christendom (which is holy in the eyes of nominal Christians) and the rest of Babylon the Great. Those words of Paul repeat the prophecy recorded at Genesis 3: 15, which refers to the Devil's destruction. Onthiki imwe, etyi hekulu evepopila okuti kamavakala vali mongalandya omo, avanumana. Why not ask Jehovah's Witnesses to explain their answers to the questions raised in these articles? One day, when the owner told them that they would not stay away, they were killed. Oñgeni ovanthu mavanoñgonoka Ouhamba watyo oo, opo vetavela okutuminwa noutumini oo? Sadly, this could happen if they committed sexual immorality. How will humans know that Kingdom is a government ruled by that government? Ove hamwe upondola okulipula, " Okuti Satanasi upondola okulinga otyivi, ame nombunga yange hono mouye uno? ' " Stop judging that you may not be judged, " said Jesus, "for with the judgment you are judging, you will be judged, and with the measure that you are measuring out, they will measure out to you. You might wonder, " Could Satan have done bad things with my family and my family today? ' Mongeleka, etyi ko Filipina kuamoneka otyipepe tyimwe otyinene tyahanyene onthele imwe yotyilongo otyo mu Kuhuhu yo 2013, omutumini wepundaumbo limwe apopi okuti: "Huku hamwe ukahi komphangu onkhuavo. " 1, 2. For example, when the Philippines in the Philippines was devastated, one of the world's inhabitants said: "The God is in another place. " 17: 9) Monthele ei, matulilongesa oñgeni matulityilika ovipuka vipondola okutulingisisa okuhatehelela ondaka ya Huku. A sister in her mid - 50 ' s spoke for many when she said: "At work I seldom get a compliment. In this article, we will learn how to avoid situations that could cause us to listen to God's voice. Vamwe mewaneno ankho vapopia konthele yovilinga viae viokuivisa nonkhalelo aundapesa omuvo wae. But he believed that the earth was the center of everything. Some in the congregation spoke about his ministry and how he used his time. Hamwe mokonda yovitateka vionombongo uundapa ono ola ononyingi opo utekule ombunga yove. COVER SUBJECT | WHAT IS THE BIBLE ALL ABOUT? Perhaps the problems you spend many hours working to care for your family. Kese umwe puonthue una otyituwa tyae. When Samuel met Saul, the prophet could have immediately anointed him as king by taking the oil and pouring it on his head. Each of us has his dominant attitude toward each of us. Ondaka yo Hebreu Sheol, ipunguhuna "omphangu yo vokuankhia, " mo no Mbimbiliya mbumwe yapitiyua okuti" oifelunu ." Where in particular should the law of loving - kindness rule, and how can it do so? The Hebrew word here means "the dead " in the Bible and in some translations render" hell. " Onalupi Jeova makala "ovipuka aviho kovanthu aveho "? How, then, can we find our place within God's arrangement and treasure, or cherish, it? When will Jehovah become "all things to everyone "? Namphila Irina akalele novitateka ovinene, otyituwa tyae tyokupandula tyemukuatesileko okutyivila okutetulula ovitateka, nokupameka vakuavo. As sinners, we do not deserve to belong to a perfect God. Although I did not have serious problems, his attitude helped him to solve problems and encourage others. Mokueenda kuomanima oo, ankho vakalele novitateka ovinyingi. I yearn to be a teacher again in the promised Paradise earth. During those years, they had many challenges. Ngotyo tuna okukala nohole na Jeova movituwa vietu novipuka tuna. About one hundred years remained before the Flood was to begin, but Jehovah had still not revealed to Noah the special role he would play in preserving the human family. So we must love Jehovah by our conduct and actions. Andyikumbulula okuti, " hinelinge natyike, mokonda upuilisa okukala nae. ' " So that we might gain life through him. " " I didn't have anything, " she replied. Elias Hutter ankho uhanda okupitiya Ovihonekwa vio Gregu evipake mo Hebreu. Consequently, we have abundant reason for heeding the inspired admonition to "quit being fashioned after this system of things " and" be transformed. " Hutter wanted to translate the Hebrew Scriptures into Hebrew. [ Olutalatu pefo 15] By all means, then, take to heart the apostle Paul's exhortation! [ Picture on page 10] Mokonda tuvakuankhali, katutyivili okulandula Jesus monkhalelo yafuapo. You likely have available in your language a translation of the Bible that you can use as a spiritual road map. Because we are imperfect, we cannot follow Jesus in perfect ways. Pakala vala katutu, Jesus aipawa ngotyilikutila tyofeto yeyovo iya alekesa okuti Eliapu onkhembi. Is this true? Soon, Jesus died as a ransom, and he proved that the Devil was a liar. Etyi Paulu apopia konthele ya "vana vehenenepe, " wati:" Ame ndyitupu otyitumino tyatunda ku Tatekulu, mahi ame napopia etyi nasoka. " - Mateus 19: 11; 1 Coríntios 7: 25, okatoi. THE RESULT: Despite threats from powerful kings and misguided clergymen, the Bible is the most widely distributed and most translated book in history. When Paul referred to "those who are single, " he said:" I am not a commandment from the Lord, but I am thinking about what I am thinking. " - Matthew 19: 11; 1 Corinthians 7: 25, footnote. Kuna onomphitilo ononyingi mbo kuumbila Jeova. Lying can include misrepresenting or distorting facts in order to mislead a person, omitting key information to deceive someone, and exaggerating the truth in order to give a false impression. There are many opportunities to serve Jehovah. Omokonda yatyi tupopila ngotyo? (Read.) Why can we say that? Ame hihinangala osapi yonthele mahi ndyihinangela ovana vavasa liwa onotestu mo Nombimbiliya mbavo. Doubtless, Christ will appoint others from among faithful elders of today to take the lead in the new world. - Isa. I don't allow it to interfere with the pages of this article, but I remember the children's scriptures quickly in their Bible. Noe tyafuile wapopile umwe atyiho ankho Jeova emutuma apopie: "Onthyulilo yohitu aiho yehikapo komaiho ange, tyetyi ohi aiho yeyula oungangala mokonda yavo, " iya" ame mandyieta ombila onene kombanda yo ohi, pala okunyimako atyiho tyokuna omuenyo mombuelo yeulu. How can we fight Satan and win? Noah may have spoken of all that Jehovah had commanded him: "The end of all the inhabited earth to come, because I am full of violence, " and I will bring an end to all the earth's inhabitants and bring it down to the earth. Aveho mewaneno vena okutavela "komupika wekolelo nokualunguka " wanakua na Kristu opo aave apeho okulia kuopaspilitu. These angels are powerful spirit creatures in God's service, sometimes being sent by him to guide and protect his servants on earth. All in the congregation must obey "the faithful and discreet slave " and Christ regularly provide spiritual food. Tupu wii omunthu patyi mapiluluka. Of course not! He also knows what kind of person will change. Oñgeni matufendela mondyuo omo? IMAGINE that you are lying in a hospital bed. How can Kingdom Halls be used at the local Kingdom Hall? JEOVA waundapesile Jesus Kristu opo alekese epondolo liae mononkhalelo mbumwe mbuhuvisa. Meanwhile, Noah was also "a preacher of righteousness. " JEHOVAH used Jesus Christ to show his power in different ways. Hinangela etyi matyiya okupita novalingi vonkhali mo Judaa no Jelusalei. Those religious practices surely had health benefits as well. - Numbers 19: 11, 19. Remember what happened to the Israelites in Jerusalem and Jerusalem. (Salmo 69: 4) Jesus wati: "Inkha halingile pokati kavo ovipuka vihuvisa, vihenelingwe vali nomunthu nawike, ñgeno kavakalele nonkhali. Anthi pahe vevimona iya vayala ame na Tate yange. I dropped out of school, got a job, and squandered my early 20 ' s living an immoral lifestyle. Jesus said: "If not any one of these things has not been done, neither will anyone do away with sin but they have rejected my Father. Jean - Claude, ko República Centro - Africana, omukulu wewaneno wanepa, una ovana vetatu. He explained to them why they needed to have "spiritual comprehension, " that is, the ability to see matters as Jehovah does. Jean - Claude, a missionary in Africa, and a three - year - old congregation in Africa. Jesus, kaundapesile omutunga wovanthu, anthi waundapesa omutunga wopamphepo, Ondaka ya Huku. My marriage ended, and my life was in tatters. Jesus did not use a sword, but he used a sword, a sword, and a spirit of God's Word. Oñgeni Ove Mokumbulula? And what about those grievous personality conflicts we occasionally experience with someone in the congregation? How Would You Answer? Jeova Wokuahinda otyinepo, uhanda ovalinepi vakale nehambu nomuenyo omuwa motyinepo, otyo apakela onondonga mbukahi nawa Mondaka yae Ombimbiliya. Some who are in the new covenant serve Jehovah on earth today. Jehovah, the Creator of marriage, wants married couples to enjoy a happy marriage, so he gives good advice in his Word, the Bible. Mahi oñgeni akalele? Adam and Eve's choice led to disaster! But how did he react? Andau hamwe ankho usoka okuti mankhi monthiki yatyo oyo, tyina nkhele ekumbi liehenenyingile. Doing so made Jehovah real to me. Adam may have thought that he would die that day before the sun would go down. Tyimphopile tyina ehanyauno liamalambe; ha matutyinoñgonoka nawa. " This was offensive to the Jews of ancient times. They ask me when the destruction comes; we will not understand it. " Tyakolela unene tutualeko okukala tyipahi! He clearly told his faithful disciples that he was about to prepare a place for them so that they might rule with him in glory. How vital it is that we keep awake! " Ove linga ononthambo ovityita omakui evali. ' - MATEUS 5: 41. Rather, you will likely become convinced that God is "not far off from each one of us. " - Acts 17: 27. 5: 41. (Gên. 11: 31; Heb. 11: 8, 9) Abraiau kayumbile onthumbi momunthu nawike ohamba ine mepundaumbo vapondola okumuavela. No doubt, the majority of people with whom you study the Bible will quickly be able to answer the printed questions, using the information in the corresponding paragraphs. Abraham did not trust anyone or anyone in a city where they could give him. Walingua pala ovilinga viokulongesa ovanthu Ombimbiliya mouye auho. Ovilinga evi vikahi nokuvatelwa no nombongo mbuhole okuawa novanthu votyali. You are stepping back into an ancient world that seems foreign to you. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Jesus wapopia okuti vana "mavamono Huku " vesukisa okukala" nomutima wasukuka. " ON A mountain near Capernaum in the spring of 31 C.E., Jesus Christ taught his followers to pray: "Let your Kingdom come. " Jesus said that those who "have God " need to have" a clean conscience. " (Tanga Jó 42: 10, 12, 16, 17.) BY MEANS OF his Word and his holy spirit, Jehovah is leading his people in "the tracks of righteousness. " (Read Job 42: 10, 16, 17.) (Gálatas 3: 16, 29; Revelação 5: 9, 10; 14: 1, 4) Omukai wapopiua momulao Huku alingila mo Endene, eongano lia Huku keulu. 3, 4. (a) Moses had what fears? The woman mentioned in Eden was God's promise to the organization of God's heavenly organization. Nkhele ovakuavo vahongiliyua netyi vatala momikanda, no mosinema, no mo televisau, konthele yo noandyu, novilulu, no nondele, no nohuku ovakai novalume. Scientists estimate that the earth is about 4 billion years old and that the universe was born some 13 to 14 billion years ago. Still others are influenced by books, movies, TV games, and the demons. Ospilitu sandu ikahi nokukuatesako ovaumbili va Huku hono okulinga tyi? Third, God made a way for innocent people to escape. - Genesis 7: 1, 23; 19: 15 - 17; Numbers 16: 23 - 27. What is the way holy spirit has helped God's servants today? Vetyimona nawa okuti omivo epandu vali mavipu menima 1914. Name has been changed. They know that seven times will end in 1914. Hekulu yonombongo nombunga yae avahuvu. Other people may not know what we think or do, but Jehovah does. The worship of the owner and his family were amazed. Au. Instead of simply praying that the congregation be preserved, he prayed for the preservation of its "spirit, " or mental disposition. No. Ame naundapa omanima 16 mo Rhode Island, oku nalinga omapanga omanyingi. David also wrote: "You have examined my heart, you have made inspection by night... I served in 16th - century B.C.E., where I made many friends. OVANTHU VEILE PEHINANGELO (2016) Melting Opposition With "Fiery Coals " MEMORIAL ATTENDANCE (2016) Tyina tuivisa, tuundapela kumwe novakuatate vetu no nomphange. Some in Bible times rashly made a sacred, or holy, vow without carefully analyzing what was involved. When we preach, we cooperate with our brothers and sisters. (Mateus 6: 9) Jeova waavela Jesus otyilinga tyimwe tyakolela tyokututilisa vokuankhia. Smong! " Jehovah gave Jesus a precious assignment to resurrect the dead. Omuuli emuitilako, iya okuoko kuae akukala nawa. When we reject such practices, some of our friends and relatives may ridicule or oppose us. The prophet Habakkuk prayed for him, and his hand was well - equipped. ETYI natuukisa omanima etyive, anehekulu vali. What he taught about that Kingdom will be discussed later. WHEN I was nine years old, I grew up again. Ospilitu oyo ine "omphepo " ikahi mouye wa Satanasi. Little children may easily be swayed by others. That spirit, or spirit, is "the elements " of Satan's world. (Romanos 2: 11) Jeova uhanda ovanthu vomalongo aeho velihonyeke kumue opo vemufende. Paul realized that there was a limit to what he could do on his own. Jehovah wants people of all nations to join him in worship. Tupu apopi okuti: "Honeka, mokonda onondaka ombu ombotyotyili nokuakolela. " A shepherd in ancient Israel used a long curved staff, or crook, to guide his flock. He also said: "It is written, because these words are faithful and true. " Eulo olio malikafuiswapo otyikando tyavali mouye auho. Hono "otyipuka tyitoyesa " o Nações Unidas, iya Ovakristau vomouye vatalwa novalanduli vavo ngatyina omphangu ikola. As shown earlier in this article, the Head of the Christian congregation, Jesus Christ, made it clear that his followers would be separate from the world, Satan's wicked system of things. That prophecy will be fulfilled during the second century C.E., "the disgusting thing in the United Nations " and is viewed as" a holy place. " Oityi wahaitila Onombangi mba Jeova vekuhangununine omakumbululo avo konthele yomapulo alingwa mononthele ombu? (Read Jeremiah 29: 11.) Why not ask Jehovah's Witnesses to answer their answers to these questions in this series of articles? Otyo ankho tyipondola okumonekapo inkha valingile oundalelapo. However, a major misunderstanding can impact our lives. This could happen if they had sexual relations. Jesus wati: "Yekeipo okukoyesa, opo nonwe muhakoyeswe. Tyetyi ekoyeso mukoyesa nalio, tupu nonwe olio mamukakoyeswa nalio. Iya otyiheteko muheteka natyo, nonwe otyo mamukahetekwa natyo. Or, in the exuberance of youth, we may imagine that the enemy will never come to claim us - a delusion we cling to as long as we can. Jesus said: "Stop judging, that you may not be judged; for with the judgment you judge, you will be judged; and you will not be judged, neither will you be judged. 1, 2. The result of all of this is that many now consider the Bible to be more a reflection of the mentality and traditions of the writers than a divine revelation. 1, 2. Omphange umwe una omanima 50 wati: "Hinepandulue kovilinga mokonda yetyi ndyilinga. Does it really matter, though, what we believe about him? A sister in 50 ' s says: "It is a surprise to me that I'm not surprised about what I'm doing. Mahi, ankho upopia okuti ohi ili pokati - na - kati kovipuka aviho. How could that be? Instead, he said that the earth was the most important part of all things. Etyi Huku Alinga Opo Ayovole Ovanthu In 1970, he was 19 years old and had recently begun serving at Bethel in Britain. God's Purpose Causes to Become Etyi Samuele amona Saulu, liwa - liwa emulembula nomulela emutila pombalanganga opo akale ohamba. We can remind them that Jehovah drew them to his Son, so they must be precious in his eyes. When Samuel saw Saul, he immediately laid oil upon him and told him to become king. Opi haunene okankhenda okanene kesukisa okulekeswa? Oñgeni matutyilingi? Jesus said: "No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends. " Where especially is loving - kindness needed, and how can we do so? Oñgeni tupondola okuvasa ovilinga meongano lia Huku nokuvipanda? Note that the apostle asked: "How... will they hear without someone to preach? " How can we find spiritual goals and appreciate it? Mokonda tuvakuankhali, katuatokalele okukala ovanthu va Huku uhena nkhali. What may result if parents are not approachable? Because we are imperfect, we do not deserve to be God's people perfect. Momphangu Yombembwa pano pohi ndyihanda okukakala vali omulongesi. Cultivating the spirit of a lesser one helps us to wait on Jehovah. In Paradise, I want to live forever on earth as a teacher. (Gênesis 5: 32) Ankho kuakamba omanima 100 opo Ombila Onene ihimbike, mahi Jeova nkhele ankho kenepopile Noe otyilinga tyakolela malingi opo ayovole ovanthu. Sadly, even some Witnesses imitate "the spirit of the world. " About 100 years before the Flood, Jehovah had not given Noah a special commission to save mankind. " Opo tukamone omuenyo menyina liae. " Today, Jehovah's servants are aware that the 69 weeks, or 483 years, of Daniel 9: 25 began in 455 B.C.E. when Persian King Artaxerxes authorized Nehemiah to restore and rebuild Jerusalem. " In order for us to live by him. " Moluotyo, tyilityili tuesukisa okutavela elondolo " liokuyekapo okukala tyelifwa nouye uno ' " atukala ovape. ' Oityi tuesukisa okulinga opo tukale ovape? Did other things become more important in your life? Therefore, we really need to heed the admonition to "put off the present system of things " and to become" new. " (Isaías 30: 20, 21; 32: 1, 2) Ngotyo mononkhalelo ambuho, tavela onondonga mba Paulu nomutima auho! Jehovah knows that the more we learn about him through the pages of the Bible, the more real he will become to us and the closer we will feel to him. So in all respects, accept Paul's counsel with a complete heart! Tupu, kuna Ombimbiliya imwe melaka ove wii, ipondola okukuvatela okuvasa efendelo lio tyotyili. We likewise have a commission. Also, there is a Bible in a language that can help you find true worship. Okuti otyo otyili? Because it is not possible for anyone to know for sure that these ones will get their reward. Is that true? OUWA WATUNDILILAKO: Namphila onohamba no nonkhalamutwe mbonongeleya mbahandele okuinyimako, mahi nongotyo Ombimbiliya omukanda ankho upitiyua vali iya waawa unene. After 40 years, I was happy to be back in Bethel, where I had started my special full - time service. THE SOLUTION: Although the kings and religious leaders wanted to come after me, the Bible was very busy, and the book was made very angry. Okukemba tyakutikinya okupililika onondaka pokupopia, nokutepulula onondaka mbakolela opo ayapule omunthu, nokuyawisa - ko vali unene omatutu opo ovanthu vasoke okuti otyili. ANSWER: Yes. This includes using a Greek word that takes advantage of vital information and can weaken a person's spirituality and increase it so that he can make people think that the truth is true. (Tanga.) For example, on one occasion, the Israelites suffered defeat when they engaged in war with the Amalekites and Canaanites after God had ordered them not to do so. (Read.) Tupu makaholovona vamwe povakulu vewaneno vekolelo hono opo vahongolele ovanthu mouye omupe. - Isa. Blood is sacred because God says that it represents the life, or soul, of a creature. Then he will choose some faithful elders today to take the lead in the new world. - Isa. Oñgeni tupondola okulwa na Satanasi atumutilisa? Since they were still alive on earth, though, how had they "died with reference to sin "? How can we win the fight against Satan and win? Pamwe ankho umbutuma opo mbuhongolele ovaumbili vae pano pohi, nokuveamena. * At times, they even tried to destroy his servants on earth and protect them. Au! " Nighttime is the hardest, when everything is so quiet and my anxious thoughts are so loud. Of course not! SOKA ñgeno ukahi mosipitali wavela. Our goal is to do what we can each day to make Mom and Dad feel as secure as possible. IMAGINE that you are at a hospital. (2 Pedro 2: 5) Noe nomukai wae, novana vae vetatu novakai vovana vae ankho vena oupanga omuwa. Like Sergio and Olinda, there are many faithful brothers and sisters who have been preaching in their home territory for many years, even though most people do not listen. Noah and his wife, his three sons, had a close relationship with him. (Kokumbili) O Akinori etyi ankho omukuavitanda pahe nomukai wae vaivisa otyili tyo Mbimbiliya nehambu This captivity began sometime after the year 100 and continued until God's spiritual temple was cleansed in the time of the end. - Acts 20: 29, 30; 2 Thessalonians 2: 3, 6; 1 John 2: 18, 19. (b) On the other hand, before a young man was sold, his wife and his wife zealously preached Bible truth with joy Ovitumino ovio, ankho vikuatesako okuyunga nawa ekongoko. - Números 19: 11, 19. Jesus, the Head of the congregation, said: "Where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there I am in their midst. " 19: 11, 19. Okuenda kosikola netyiyekapo. Andyivasi ovilinga, iya nomanima 20 andyilipake momuenyo wasila. Heavy drinking impairs the drinker's judgment, so that he " will not be able to think clearly. ' At school, I lost my job, and I joined myself in the past 20 years of life. Omafualali okuna ovipute vakohua, avatualwa liwa - liwa me kotendole muatenda omu vatandelwa. They could not strike out at Enoch's God, Jehovah, but they could certainly strike out at this man! A soldier's flocks were threatened, and they were quickly forced to sell his mother in oxygen. Paulu wapopia omokonda yatyi vesukisila okunoñgonoka "ovipuka viopaspilitu, " iya otyo tyihangununa okutala ovipuka monkhalelo Jeova evitala. " Family worship gives us an opportunity to express ourselves in a relaxed setting. Paul explains why it is important to understand "the things of spiritual things, " and that does not mean focus on Jehovah's way of thinking. Otyinepo tyange atyihanyuka - po, omuenyo wange aukala ngotyikutu tyatandauka. A long time ago, one Bible writer explained how much we need to look to Jehovah when we need help. My marriage was cut down, and my life had become like a white garment. Otyitateka tyipuiya vali unene, oputyina muehelivili na umwe mewaneno. As the example of Aaron shows, peer pressure is not limited to those who are young, nor is it a problem just for those who are inclined toward badness. The most difficult thing you can do is when you reach out to someone in the congregation. Vamwe vekahi momphango omphe, hono vaumbila Jeova pano pohi. The ministry of the reconciliation that Christ has given the anointed is the preaching work. Some in the new covenant today serve Jehovah here on earth. Etokolo lya Andau na Eva liaeta ovitateka! How can we comfort families in the congregation? Adam and Eve's decision to solve the problems of Adam and Eve! Etyi nalinga ngotyo, Jeova akala omunthu wotyotyili pala ame. A child might use this word when addressing his father, for it is a term of endearment that combines the intimacy of "papa " with the respectful word" father. " Even so, Jehovah became real to me. Ova Judeu kohale ankho vasoka okuti otyo tyikundisa unene. What did many first - century Jews and proselytes do in order to have a relationship with God? The Jews in ancient times thought that this was not too late. Oe wevepopila nokuayandyuluka okuti wenda keulu ekevepakele omphangu opo vatumine nae. In the next article, we will consider precious Bible principles that can help Christians to have successful and happy marriages despite the challenges that surround them. He clearly told them that he went to heaven to kill him. Moimbuka okuti, tyotyili Huku kekahi "kokule na kese umue puonthue. " - Atos 17: 27. We should not expect God's organization to give us a list of good and bad entertainment. In fact, God really does not come "to each one of us. " - Acts 17: 27. Moluotyo, ovanthu ovanyingi ulongesa Ombimbiliya, mavetyivili liwa - liwa okuvasa omakumbululo omapulo ekahi momukanda. Mokonda mavatange vala etyi tyikahi po palagrafu. Did Adam's family mourn that profoundly selfish forefather? As a result, many Bible studies will quickly be able to find answers to their questions in the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Mokonda ukahi nokukondoka kouye wovanthu vo kohale ove uhei. If a human overseer in God's organization provides you with instructions that seem extremely detailed, you might at times feel frustrated. As a man of ancient times, you do not know. POPEPI nomphunda yo Kafarnau pondyovo mo 31 P.K., Jesus Kristu walongesile ovalanduli vae velikuambele okuti: "Ouhamba wove uye. " (Mat. As for the sick, the Bible promises: "No resident will say: " I am sick. ' " We saw the mountains in 31 C.E., Jesus Christ taught his followers to pray: "Let your kingdom come. " JEOVA ukahi nokuundapesa Ondaka yae nospilitu sandu yae, pala okuhongolela ovanthu vae "monondyila mbouviuki. " A third treasure that Jehovah has given to us is all the truths that we have learned. JEHOVAH is using his Word and his holy spirit to guide his people in "the tracks of righteousness. " 3, 4. (a) Oityi Moisesi ankho atilila owoma? That may not be easy. 3, 4. (a) What fears did Moses fear? Ovanongo vapopia okuti ohi ina omanima ehungi po nombiliau 4, iya ouye auho una omanima ehungi po nombiliau 13 ine 14. In effect, God used the value of Jesus ' life to buy back, or redeem, the human race from slavery to sin and death. Researchers say that the earth is over 4,000 years old and that the whole universe is about 13 years old or 14. Tatu, Huku ankho uhupisa onondalawa. - Gênesis 7: 1, 23; 19: 15 - 17; Números 16: 23 - 27. What is a key to being approachable? 7: 1, 23; 19: 15 - 17; Numbers 16: 23 - 27. Enyina liapilululwa. Two angels warned Lot and his family to flee. Name has been changed. Hamwe ovanthu kamavanoñgonoka onkhalelo tusoka ine ovipuka tulinga, mahi Jeova utyii. Professor Jonathan Klawans, a specialist in ancient Judaism, noted: "The new day begins with the setting of the sun, so the sacrifice is made on the 14th but the beginning of Passover and the meal are actually on the 15th, although this sequence of dates is not specified in Exodus. " Perhaps people may not understand the way we think or do things, but Jehovah knows. Kelikuambelele vala opo ewaneno olio liamenwe, tupu, welikuambela opo "ospilitu, " ine onkhalelo yalio, yamenwe. Yes, God's rule will undo all the harm that Satan caused when he influenced our first parents to turn away from their Creator. He prayed for his congregation, and he prayed for "the spirit, " or the way he would do it. Tupu David wahoneka okuti: "Ove wanoñgonoka omutima wange, wandyunga nawa kounthiki... We can ask ourselves: " If I did not know the truth, how would I react if Jehovah's Witnesses came to preach to me? ' David also wrote: "You have come to know my heart, and I feel good at night... Sengulula Oundyale "Nomakala Atema " As Christians, we are certain that the active force involved in creation was holy spirit under the intelligent direction of Jehovah. See the article "Look! " Vamue kohale valingile omilao tyahasokele nawa. This would be their home, and it would never be taken away from them. - Psalm 115: 16. Some past experiences have made the same difference. Otyinimawe! " Yes, "the eyes of Jehovah are upon the righteous ones, and his ears are toward their supplication. " It's! " Tyina tuanya ovituwa viatyo ovio, omapanga etu nombunga, pamwe vetulinga omukuele ine okutuyala. 12 / 1 East Asian in Ancient Italy, 1 / 1 End of Poverty, 6 / 1 When we reject such customs, our friends and relatives may ridicule us or oppose us. Iya otyitumino tyove tyikahi mokati kange. " They had been spiritually refined in order to make their service to God even more acceptable to him. And your law is within me. " Etyi alongesile konthele Youhamba oo, matukelilongesa tyo. With his belt fastened tightly, a soldier could feel confident when he went into battle. What he taught about that Kingdom will be examined in our next article. (Efésios 4: 14) Ovana ovatutu vapondola okuhongiliyua liwa navakuavo. We can avoid such a disastrous mistake if we remain alert to any warning signs and act immediately to correct matters. Young children may be affected by peer pressure. Paulu waimbuka okuti ankho pena ovipuka ehevili okulinga kononkhono mbae muene. (b) What do we learn about vows from Deuteronomy 23: 21, 23 and Psalm 15: 4? Paul realized that there were things he could not do in his own strength. Omunthita kononthiki mbo Isilayeli ankho uundapesa omphangoti pala okuhongolela ovipako viae. WHEN the Jews were taken to Babylon, they entered a city filled with idols and with people who worshipped wicked spirits. A shepherd in ancient Israel used a rod to lead his livestock. Ngetyi tyapopiwa monthele yokualamba, Omutwe weuaneno lio Vakristau, Jesus Kristu, walekesa nawa okuti ovalanduli vae vena okuyapuka kouye uno wovivi wa Satanasi. All of them in wisdom you have made "! As mentioned in the preceding article, Head of the Christian congregation, Jesus Christ proved that his followers must be separate from Satan's wicked system of things. (Tanga Jeremias 29: 11.) No wonder, therefore, that Paul preceded his admonition to show honor with the clear - cut statement: "Let your love be without hypocrisy. " - Rom. 12: 9; read 1 Peter 1: 22. (Read Jeremiah 29: 11.) Mahi otyipuka tyimwe tuahanoñgonokele nawa tyipondola okupilulula onkhalelo tuanoñgonoka otyipuka tyimwe. (b) How have you responded to Jesus ' invitation? But something we do not understand may change our attitude toward us. Ine tyina nkhele tuvakuendye, tupondola okusoka okuti kamatunkhi, matukalako omuvo tuhanda. Remember: Holy spirit helps us to have joy. Or before we are young, we may feel that we will never have enough time to wait. Moluotyo atyiho, kovanyingi Ombimbiliya pahe ipopia omalusoke noviso via vana veihoneka, ha ndaka ko ya Huku. But, besides all these things, clothe yourselves with love, for it is a perfect bond of union. " As a result, many of the Bible have become familiar with the ideas and ideas of those who were written in God's Word. Okuti tyilityili etyi tutavela konthele yae tyakolela umwe? (b) In the ministry, how can we demonstrate our concern for foreigners? Does it really matter what we believe about him? Oñgeni vetyivila? Does David feel threatened by such close scrutiny? How were they able to do so? Mo 1970, ankho una omanima 19 tupu ankho wehimbika okuundapa mo Mbetele yo ko Grã - Bretanha. The situation among Jehovah's Witnesses today is much the same. In 1970, 19 years of age began serving at Bethel in Britain. Tupondola okuvehinangelesa okuti Jeova uvepanda, otyo evekuatesilako okuvasa otyili. (b) What will we consider in the following article? We can remind them that Jehovah blesses them and gives them the truth. Jesus wati: "Nawike una ohole ipona ya una waava omuenyo mokonda yomapanga ae. " Then listen carefully to what he says. Jesus said: "No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his soul in behalf of his friends. " Tala etyi apostolu apula okuti: " Oñgeni... mavetyiivi inkha petupu omunthu wiivisa? ' But God would raise the Messiah from the dead and appoint him as King in heaven. Note what the apostle asked him: " How will there be no man to preach? ' Oityi matyimonekapo inkha ovohe kavatomphola novana vavo? God's evaluation of us is what counts. What would happen if parents do not talk to their children? Mahi okukala notyituwa tyokulipaka koututu, tyitukuatesako okukevelela ku Jeova. In the first century, even while some of the apostles were still alive, there were some Christians who had that attitude. But the spirit of a lesser one can help us to wait to Jehovah. Ovakuatate vamwe vahetekela " ovanthu vo mouye. ' Do Not Follow "Unrealities " Some brothers imitate "the people of the world. " Hono, ovanthu va Jeova vetyii okuti onosimano 69 mu Daniel 9: 25 mbutuuka omanima 483, nokuti ahimbika menima 455 etyi Kristu eheneye. In 607 B.C.E., many who heeded such valueless words met an untimely death at the hands of Babylonian soldiers. Today, Jehovah's people know that almost 69 years later, at Daniel 9: 25, they were referred to as Christ's presence in 473 B.C.E. Okuti pena ovipuka ovikuavo ove watala okuti viesukisa vali momuenyo wove? As for the wicked, they will be cut off from the earth, and the treacherous will be torn away from it. " Is there any other factor in your life? Jeova utyii okuti tyina tulilongesa vali konthele yae Mombimbiliya, matumunoñgonoka vali nawa atukala nehando liokufuena kwe. Our faith can grow or shrink, become stronger or weaker. Jehovah knows that when we learn more about him in the Bible, we can come to know more about him and want to draw close to him. Nonthue tuapewa ovilinga. No. We too are assigned to do so. Omokonda katyitavela kese wike okukala umwe nonthumbi oipi ondyambi yae. So in the year 520, Jehovah sent his prophet Zechariah to help the people remember why He had freed them from Babylon. Because it is impossible for each person to have confidence in his reward. Tunde apa natunda mo Mbetele ankho palambale omanima 40, andyihambukwa unene etyi nakondoka mo Mbetele, omu nehimbikile ovilinga viange viomuvo auho. It should come as no surprise to us, then, that fascination with the occult is widespread and is growing. From the time I left Bethel for 40 years, I was excited when I returned to Bethel, and I started my full - time service. EKUMBULULO: Enga. For example, even though King David committed adultery and murder, the prophet Nathan told David that Jehovah had forgiven his sin. - 2 Samuel 12: 13. ANSWER: Yes. Mongeleka, onthiki imwe Huku watyilikile ova Isilayeli okukaluisa ova Amaleke no va Kanaa, iya avehetavela, moluotyo afindwa. " The Bible has helped me to find a purpose in life and hope for the future, " she said, adding: "I no longer feel empty inside. " For example, one day God allowed the Israelites to wage war against the Canaanites, and they ignored them. Ohonde ikola mokonda Huku wati oyo omuenyo ine ohande. How can you avoid becoming a victim? " I go online only while others are around " This blood is sacred because it says that God is alive or immortal. Putyina nkhele vekahi pano pohi, oñgeni "vankhia mokonda yonkhali "? Jehovah is the name of God as revealed in the Bible. As long as they are on earth, how do they " die for sin "? * On the night before he died, Jesus washed their feet, thereby teaching them a lesson in being "lowly in heart " that they would never forget. * Wati: "Omuvo wepuiya vali kuame, okounthiki, putyina ovanthu aveho velele, iya ame ndyitualako nokusoka. Jesus ' example shows that prayers have degrees of intensity. He said: "The times I am getting older to me, when everyone is sleeping, and I keep thinking. Ehando lietu okulinga atyiho tuvila opo tukuateseko ovo Tate na Me okulitehela nawa. How comforting to know that within the congregation, we can find those who will stick closer to us than a literal brother! - Prov. 18: 24. Our willingness to do all we can to help these men and Mom get better. Kuna ovakuatate ovanyingi no nomphange ovakuatyili vatualako okuivisa mo telitoliu yavo nga Sergio na Olinda, namphila ovanthu ovanyingi pamwe vehesukile. Name has been changed. There are many faithful brothers and sisters who continue to preach in their territory like Sergio and Sergio, even though many people are not interested in what they do. Oupika oo tyafuile wehimbika konyima yenima 100 autualako alo etyi ondyuo ya Huku yopaspilitu pahe yasukulwa momuvo wonthyulilo. - Atos 20: 29, 30; 2 Tessalonicenses 2: 3, 6; 1 João 2: 18, 19. Praying for all our Christian associates helps us to develop a Christlike spirit. This kind of slavery may have began sometime after the year 100 until the spiritual temple ended. - Acts 20: 29, 30; 2 Thessalonians 6: 3, 6; 1 John 2: 18, 19. Jesus Onkhalamutwe yewaneno, wati: "Apa pena vevali ine vetatu veliongiya menyina liange, na ame opo ndyikahi. " One parent has even started to study the Bible. Jesus is the Leader of the congregation, saying: "Just two groups are gathered in my name, that I am mine. " Okunwa unene tyinyona onondunge, " ohakala vali nounongo wokusoka nawa. ' Jehovah prophetically describes our vulnerable condition as "the land of unprotected settlements..., unprotected by walls, bars, or gates. " Overuse of alcohol, it is " not the way you think and act wisely. ' Ankho kavapondola okuveta Huku ya Enoke Jeova, mahi ankho vapondola okuveta Enoke. To all who desire to honor the Creator of language, God has given a wonderful gift, the Bible. Of course, they could not bear God's favor, but they could be tempted by Enoch. " Efendelo liombunga lituavela onomphitilo mbokupopia etyi tusoka nomutima wapoleya. In the wake of the loss of his wife, Jacob always had tender feelings for those two boys, his sons by Rachel. - Genesis 35: 18 - 20; 37: 3; 44: 27 - 29. " Family worship gives us opportunities to say what we think about mild - tempered and mild - tempered. Kohale, omuhoneki umwe wo Mbimbiliya wapopile omokonda yatyi tyakolela okutala ku Jeova tyina tuesukisa ekuateso. Please read on. In Bible times, a writer of the Bible explains why it is important to look to Jehovah when we need help. Ngetyi ongeleka ya Arau ilekesa, havakuendye vala vahongiliyua navakuavo. Tupu hatyitateka vala tya vana vayembela okulinga ovivi. Keanu read the answer right from the appendix topic "Should We Celebrate Holidays? " Just as Aaron's example shows, young people are not influenced by others. Ovilinga viokuongiya Kristu avela ovalembulwa ovilinga viokuivisa. If a person were to read the Bible as "a very human book, " then would he not be inclined to discard direction or principles that do not suit his personal taste? This gathering work is gathering Christ's anointed brothers into the preaching work. Oñgeni tupondola okupameka onombunga mewaneno? To answer that question, Jesus told a story. How can we strengthen family members in the congregation? Ondaka "Aba, " mo Aramaico ongatyina uti" tate, " mahi monkhalelo imwe ilekesa okuti una onthilo, nohole. This privilege is attainable only through spiritual growth. The word "holy " may be rendered" Father, " but in a way that shows honor to him. Oityi ova Judeu nava vehe va Judeu kohale valingile opo vakale noupanga na Huku? As I look back on my life, I deeply appreciate that Jehovah has always taken care of me. What did Jews and proselytes do in order to have a close relationship with God? (2 Timóteo 3: 1 - 5) Monthele mailandulako matulilongesa onondonga Mbombimbiliya mbukuatesako Ovakristau okukala notyinepo tyina ehambu namphila pamoneka ovitateka. 10: 8, 11, 12. How can adversities refine us and draw us closer to God? In the next article, we will discuss Bible principles that help Christians to have a happy marriage even when difficulties arise. Onthue katupondola okukevelela eongano lya Huku litupopile ovitalukiso vikahi nawa, nevi viapenga. When they were unexpectedly freed as a result of an earthquake, did they relish the prospect of getting even with that man? We cannot expect God's organization to be free of entertainment, entertainment, and wrong practices. Okuti ombunga ya Andau yañgoñgene mokonda yetyi ankhia? In recent years, publications discussing the books of Isaiah, Daniel, and Revelation have helped those attending this meeting to understand these portions of the Bible. Did Adam's family begin because of his death? (Êxodo 26: 1 - 6) Inkha omukulu uli komutwe meongano lia Huku ekuavela onondonga konthele yatyimwe, pamwe upondola okusoya. Mahi Jeova omuhongoleli uhena nkhali. The Greek word there rendered "welcome " means" to receive kindly or hospitably, admit to one's society and friendship. " If you are an elder in God's organization, you may at times feel discouraged when Jehovah is a perfect man. (Salmo 72: 12 - 14) Konthele yokuvela Ombimbiliya ilaa okuti: "Nawike kombanda yohi makati: " Ame navela. ' " Such people want more than anything to be admired. Regarding health problems, the Bible promises: "No resident will say: " I am sick. ' " Otyipuka tya tatu Jeova etuavela, otyili atyiho tulilongesa. They wrote mostly in Greek, so we call this section the Christian Greek Scriptures, also known as the New Testament. The third aspect that Jehovah has given us is the truth we learn from him. Mahi, tupondola okuikevela nehambu. 8 But we can be happy. (Colossenses 4: 6) Mahi pamwe katyapepukile. Yet, those of the other sheep join in extending this invitation. But it is not always easy. (1 Timóteo 2: 6) Moluotyo, Huku waundapesa omuenyo wakolela wa Jesus, opo ayovole ovanthu aveho moupika wonkhali no nonkhia. A good shepherd also has affection for his sheep. Thus, God used Jesus ' life to save mankind from slavery to sin and death. Oityi omunthu ena okulinga opo akale nomutima wapepuka? This is recorded in all four accounts about his ministry. - Matthew 13: 57; Mark 6: 4; Luke 4: 24; John 4: 44. What should a person do to be yielding? Onoandyu onombali mbalondolele Lote nombunga yae vende nkholo. Reasoning that not all the images could represent the true God, the girl often prayed that she could get to know his real identity. Two angels warned Lot and his family to flee. Ngetyi tyapopia Omulongesi Jonathan Klawans, Opasikwa ankho iliwa monthiki 15 ya Nisã. Sometimes even the most unlikely individuals prove to be receptive. According to Jonathan's teacher, the Passover was located on Nisan 15, Nisan 15. Tyotyili, outumini wa Huku maukamanako ovivi aviho Satanasi aetako etyi ahongiliya ovotate yetu votete okutyindamena Omutungi wavo. He accepted it and supported David even at the risk of his own life. In fact, God's rulership will remove all wickedness from Satan's influence when our first parents rebelled against their Creator. Tupondola okulipula okuti: " Inkha hanoñgonokele otyili, ñgeno nakala ñgeni tyina Onombangi mba Jeova mbuya okumphopila onondaka onongwa? ' How can we use the account about Saul as a mirror to help us maintain the spirit of self - sacrifice? We might ask ourselves, " If I did not understand the truth, how would I feel if Jehovah's Witnesses were able to share the good news with me? ' (Jó 9: 10; Salmo 104: 25) Mahi, onthue Vakristau, tutavela okuti ononkhono ononene, ospilitu sandu, ombo Jeova aundapesa pala okulinga ovipuka aviho. For a truly meaningful life, however, we also need to know what the future holds. However, we believe that holy spirit is the means by which Jehovah uses all things. Ohi ñgeno ankho yakala eumbo liavo iya nalumwe ñgeno vatundamo. - Salmo 115: 16. " Boys and girls at my school are already hooking up, " says 15 - year - old Ana, quoted earlier. The earth would have become their home and would never be away. - Psalm 115: 16. Tyotyili, "omaiho a Jeova atala ovaviuki, iya omatwi ae atehelela omalikuambelo avo. " How important it is that we carefully study Jesus ' life and ministry! Indeed, "the eyes of Jehovah are toward the righteous ones, and his ears listen to their supplication. " " Humbei Vana Vaundapa Nombili Onene Pokati Kenyi, " 1 / 6 7 / 1 " Honor Those Who Are Preaching the Greatest Missionary, " 6 / 15 Valingile omapiluluko opo efendelo liavo litavelwe na Jeova. Another said that he bought some cattle and wanted to examine them. They made changes in order to worship and worship Jehovah. Tyina efualali ankho livala epoha iya elitoneka nawa, ankho lipondola okuenda nonthumbi movilwa. Children - What Will Help You to Follow Jesus ' Example? When a soldier was put on his head, he was well - equipped with confidence that he could go to war. (b) Oityi tulilongesila ku Deuteronômio 23: 21, 23 no ko Salmo 15: 4? (b) How did Paul and Silas help a prison guard in Philippi? (b) What do we learn from Deuteronomy 23: 21, 23 and Psalm 15: 4? ETYI OVA Judeu vatualwa koukonde ko Mbambilonia, vehikila mepundaumbo ankho mueyula ovilolo novanthu vafenda ovikahuku. Who were some champions of God's Word who lived during the Middle Ages? AS THE Jews who lived in Babylon, they were filled with idolatry and false gods. Aviho wevitunga nounongo. " Use your imagination when reading. All wisdom you have made. " Otyo Paulu atualelako nelondolo liae konthele yokulekesa ehumbilo nonondaka mbehehi mbayandyuluka, mbati: " Ohole yenyi ihakale yokulikembesa. ' - Romanos 12: 9; tanga 1 Pedro 1: 22. 3, 4. 12: 9; read 1 Pet. 1: 22. (b) Oñgeni motavela okukongwa na Jesus? You might hesitate to ask yourself such questions, fearing that you will not have the answers. (b) How will you respond to Jesus ' invitation? Hinangela okuti, ospilitu sandu itukuatesako okukala nehambu. Finding his speech shocking, "many of his disciples went off to the things behind and would no longer walk with him. " Remember, holy spirit helps us to be happy. Haunene, livalekei vali ohole, mokonda oyo omuoyo wewaneko. " Our spiritual legacy protects us from the dangers of willing involvement with demons, for we know that God condemned Babylon's spiritistic practices. But besides all these things, clothe yourselves with love, for it is a perfect bond of union. " (b) Oñgeni matulekesa okuti tuasuka no nongendi movilinga vietu viokuivisa? REMAIN LOYAL TO YOUR MARRIAGE MATE (b) How can we show that we help foreigners in our ministry? Okuti otyo ankho David tyimutilisa owoma? Au. • Why is spiritual protection of utmost importance? Was David afraid? Nongotyo vamwe ankho vesukisa okupameka oupanga wavo na Jeova. Her answer showed that she fully trusted that whatever Jehovah asked from her would be good. Even some needed to strengthen their relationship with Jehovah. (b) Oityi matukelilongesa monthele ilandulako? The Levites as a tribe were to have Jehovah as their share. (b) What will we consider in the next article? Konyima, mutehelela nawa tyina apopia. He apparently became too concerned about losing face when his proclamation of destruction did not come true. Later, listen carefully to her voice. Mahi, Huku ankho matutilisa Mesiya emuvialeka opo akale Ohamba keulu. (Read Genesis 6: 5, 6.) However, God resurrected the Messiah to rule as King in heaven. Etyi tyakolela vali kuonthue onkhalelo Huku etutala. Right religion involves right motive, right belief, and right action The most important thing we can do is the way God views us. Potyita tyotete, namphila ono apostolu vamwe nkhele ankho vena omuenyo, Ovakristau vamwe ankho vasoka ngotyo. Second, I want to commend you for turning to the Bible when trying to find an answer to your question. In the first century, even though some of the apostles still had life, some Christians felt that way. Uhalandule "Ovipuka Viomatutu " In the Bible, Jehovah has given parents direction on how to train their children. Do Not Follow "the Things Undeserved Kindness " Aveho vetavelele onondaka mbatyo ombo mbahasilivila, vaipaelwe no matolopa Ombambilonia, menima 607 Puetyi Kristu Eheneye. Another article in La Nación reported: "The whole city saw them. " All who heeded those words were amazed at the destruction of Babylon's army in 607 B.C.E. Anthi, onondingavivi mavakanyimuako kombanda yohi, iya onongangala keheke mavakatukuluako. " (b) What are the arrangements locally for cleaning the hall, and what privilege does each of us have? As for the wicked, they will be cut off from the earth; and as for the treacherous, they will be torn away from it. " Ekolelo lietu lipondola okukula ine okuhekulu, tupu lipondola okupama ine okuhapame. 11: 33 - 36; Ps. Our faith can grow, or a plant, and it can become stronger or even stronger. Au. But she locked me in a cell. No. Menima 520, Jeova atumu omuuli Zakaria akuateseko ovanthu, okuvehinangelesa etyi Jeova eveyovola mo Mbambilonia. At the same time, like all of us, she was not perfect. In 607 B.C.E., Jehovah sent the prophet Zechariah to help the people of Israel remind them of what Jehovah had delivered them from Babylon. (Revelação 12: 9, 10) Moluotyo, okusuka nomaumbanda tyikahi nokuliyandyana, nokuliyawisa unene. As you do this, you will build up "treasure in the heavens, where no thief gets near and no moth consumes. Hence, being interested in spiritism is so widespread. Mongeleka, namphila Ohamba David alingile oumbalehi iya aipaa, omuuli Natan apopila David okuti Jeova waevela onkhali yae. - 2 Samuel 12: 13. Distressing circumstances can have a terrible impact on us. For example, even though King David committed adultery, the prophet Nathan told David that Jehovah had forgiven David for his sins. - 2 Sam. 12: 13. Oe wati: "Ombimbiliya yankhuatesako okuvasa esilivilo liomuenyo, nekevelelo komutwe. " Iya ayawisa - ko okuti: "Pahe ndyilitehelela okuti ndyina esilivilo. " But that is not true. He says: "The Bible has given me the value of life and the hope of the future, and I now feel worthless. " " Kalei Tyalunguka Mokulinga Omalikuambelo " He would only be allowed to pioneer. " Keep Your Prayers " (Provérbios 7: 6 - 23) Oñgeni tupondola okulityilika okutokela meliva? Finally, Jesus ' example teaches us to be willing to suffer shame and not to put too much importance on our personal reputation. How can we avoid falling into the trap of trap? Jeova enyina lia Huku ngetyi tyipopia Ombimbiliya In view of how deep we are in the time of the end, is it not vital to intensify our preaching efforts? Jehovah is the name of God as revealed in the Bible Motyinthiki tyahulilila tyononkhia mbae, Jesus wakohele onomphai mbavo. Ngotyo wevelongesa opo vahalimbueko okukala "nomutima weliola. " When this happens, we may forget to keep focused on how Jehovah has already helped us. On the night before his death, Jesus washed their feet and taught them to "be humble. " Ongeleka ya Jesus ilekesa okuti omalikuambelo amwe apondola okulingwa vali nononkhono tyipona omakuavo. I know what a beautiful woman you are. Jesus ' example shows that some prayers can be done more than any other. (Mateus 10: 36) Tyitupameka unene okunoñgonoka okuti mokati kewaneno matuvasimo omapanga apona puvana tulikuai navo! - Provérbios 18: 24. They have their "loins girded about with truth " in that they allow God's Word to strengthen them until their commissioned work is completed. How comforting it is to know that within the congregation we will find friends better than those around us! - Proverbs 18: 24. Enyina liapilululwa. How does he do that? Name has been changed. Okulikuambela konthele yovakuatate vetu Ovakristau tyitukuatesako okuvetala ngetyi Kristu evetala. Hence, expounding Scriptural truth skillfully in our ministry amounts to being directed by holy spirit. Prayer about fellow Christians helps us to view them as Christ does. Alo umwe vamwe vahimbika okulilongesa Ombimbiliya. There, Judge Barak had earlier gathered 10,000 Israelite troops to confront the army of Jabin, the Canaanite king of Hazor, under the command of his military chief Sisera. Even some started studying the Bible. 17: 16) Jeova waula okuti matukala poluhandya "ngotyilongo tyonofika mbahahondyelwe..., ngomaumbo ehena ovimato, nokuhena omapito nomakumba. " (Eze. (b) Give an example that shows how Jesus revealed his Father through his teaching. Jehovah foretold that they would be no longer "like the land of land... where there may be no land..., such as the walls, and the doors of the house may be destroyed. " Jeova utulekesa oñgeni tuna okumuumbila nokumuhivilika mokuetuavela Ombimbiliya. He even foresaw that Cyrus would find the massive two - leaved doors in the city wall carelessly left open, contributing to Cyrus ' easy victory. - Isaiah 44: 24 - 45: 7. Jehovah shows us how we should serve him and praise him by giving us the Bible. (Lucas 20: 38; Hebreus 11: 17 - 19) Namphila ankho asoya mokonda yokuasiwapo nomukai wae, Jako apeho ankho una okankhenda novana ovo vevali, vavo na Rakele. - Gênesis 35: 18 - 20; 37: 3; 44: 27 - 29. It has been a great source of satisfaction not only to see our children reach spiritual goals but to share the journey with them. " Although he was discouraged because he lost his wife, Jacob often felt pity for these two sons. - Genesis 18: 20 - 20; 20: 44 - 29. Mbambavo tualako okutanga. Jehovah's spirit operates in a variety of ways. Please read. Keanu emutangela ekumbululo mo apendise yomukada Ombimbiliya Ilongesa, posapi yati "Okuti Tyaviuka Ovakristau Okulinga Ovipito Viomouye? " They became anxious and told Aaron: "Make for us a god who will go ahead of us, because we do not know what has happened to this Moses, the man who led us up out of the land of Egypt. " - Exodus 32: 1, 2. She then read the answer in the appendix of the book "Is It Good for Christians? " Inkha omunthu utala Ombimbiliya "ngomukanda wahonekua novanthu " ha na Huku, oe upondola okuyala ehongolelo ine okuanya onondonga oe ehehole. What exclusive prospect did the nation of Israel have? If a person sees the Bible as "a book written by God, " he can reject directions or reject the advice that he does not have. Opo akumbulule epulo olio, Jesus apopi ehipululo limwe. So let us consider some examples that will strengthen our confidence in Jehovah's ability to do the unexpected for us. To answer that question, Jesus spoke a story. Ovilinga ovio, vivasiwa vala na vana vapameka nawa oupanga wavo na Jeova. He still expresses his love for us by sustaining our life by means of his marvelous physical provisions. This work can also strengthen those who have a close relationship with Jehovah. Tyina ndyisoka kuetyi tyaendele momuenyo wange, tyimoneka nawa okuti Jeova apeho undingila ovipuka oviwa. Of course, this kind of problem is not unique to young people. When I think about what happened in my life, it is clear that Jehovah always cares for me. Oñgeni ovitateka vipondola okupameka ekolelo lietu noupanga wetu na Huku? Little by little, Peter learned to think like Christ. And so can we. How can problems strengthen our faith with God? Mahi, okuti etyi omapito okaleya aikuka notyinimawe, vahambukililwe okukondolela omuyungi mokonda wevelingile onya? published by Jehovah's Witnesses. But was the doors of the prison caused by the prison, and was he thrown into the prison because he had been treated unfairly? (Neemias 8: 8) Momanima okuya na kuno, kuelilongeswa omukanda wa Isaia, wa Daniele, no wa Revelação, viavatela vana veya keliongiyo eli, okunoñgonoka ononthele ombo mbo Mbimbiliya. Osikola Yovilinga via Huku So we should try to put the householder at ease. Over the years that I was here, the book of Isaiah, the book of Daniel, helped those who attended the Theocratic Ministry School. Ondaka yo Gregu yapitiyua okuti "liepeiko, " ihangununa" okutambula nohole omunthu umwe wahumbua, nepanga. " Unity Strengthens Marriage The Greek word translated "Lord, " means" to show love to one another, a friend, and a friend. " Ovanthu ovo, vahanda vala okuhuvisa vakuavo. Clearly, bad things happen, and Jehovah feels deeply distressed when they do. - Read Isaiah 63: 9, 10. Such people simply want to be impressed by others. Otyo onthele ei Yombimbiliya ihanenwa okuti Ovihonekwa vio Gregu vio Vakristau, tupu viiwe okuti Otestamendu Omphe. Do you take to heart the meaning of that? This article called the Christian Greek Scriptures, also known as the New Testament. Jeova " wevekuatesileko ' opo vahasukalale nomaumbo avo nomalumono avo ko Mbambilonia. Although it might not be easy to "renounce unrighteousness, " what gives us confidence and comfort? Jehovah helped them to "take care of their homes and possessions in Babylon. " 8 Today, Christians do not have Jesus ' miraculous power to heal, but they do share Jesus ' compassionate attitude toward the sick. 8 Anthi, onongi ononkhuavo, velipaka kumwe navo movilinga viokukonga ovanthu. 9 "Let Endurance Complete Its Work " However, the other sheep attend the invitation to people. Omunthita omuwa tupu una oluembia nonongi mbae. If they touched a dead animal or human, the Israelites had to wash with water. A good shepherd also loves his sheep and his sheep. Ehipululo olio liapopiwa mo no Evandyeliu ononkhuana. - Mateus 13: 57; Marcos 6: 4; Lucas 4: 24; João 4: 44. They may say that they will not allow them to live in the country if they refuse to accept a job that prevents them from attending meetings. Matthew 13: 57; Mark 6: 4; Luke 4: 24; John 4: 44. Etyi asokolola nawa okuti ovilolo haviho vitavelwa na Huku yotyotyili, elikuambela opo anoñgonoke Huku yotyotyili. They said that they were no longer hungry. After meditating on the idols that were not acceptable to the true God, he prayed to the true God. Tuna okupopila alo umue vana tuahasoko okuti mavetavela Ondaka ya Huku. Jehovah had already "found " him. We should speak even to those who believe that God's Word is real. Wetyitavela, iya akuatesako David namphila otyo ankho tyipaka omuenyo wae motyiponga. This was not all that was required, however. He obeyed, and David supported David even though his life was in danger. 15: 30) Oñgeni tupondola okuundapesa ongeleka ya Saulu ngatyina otyilivandyelo opo itukuateseko okutualako nohole yetu yotyotyili? However, individual Canaanites who changed their ways were spared. - Joshua 6: 25; 9: 3 - 27. 15: How can we use Saul's illustration as a mirror to help us maintain our self - sacrificing spirit? Mahi, opo tukale nomuenyo omuwa wotyotyili, tupu tuesukisa okunoñgonoka etyi matyikamoneka komutwe wandyila. Because they showed "faith and patience, " they inherited" the promises. " However, to have real meaning, we also need to know what will happen in the future. Ana womanima 15, wapopiua pombanda wati, "Ovakuendye kosikola yange valalale novafikuena. Joseph thought again of his home in the windswept highlands of Hebron, hundreds of miles away; he was in a different world now. Ana, mentioned earlier, mentioned earlier, says: "My young people went to the school. Ove utyii omokonda yatyi otyitumino otyo ankho tyakolela? (Read Luke 10: 21.) Do you know why this commandment was important? (1 Pedro 2: 21; 4: 1) Moluotyo, tyakolela okulilongesa nawa onkhalelo yomuenyo wa Jesus novilinga viae viokuivisa! But you have sound reasons to be confident of your Bible - based belief in creation. How important it is, then, that we study Jesus ' way of life and ministry! 7 / 1 And how can we today keep life's challenges and setbacks from destroying our faith? 7 / 1 Omukuavo wati walanda onongombe uhanda okuenda ekembutale nawa. So we can expect that world conditions, bad as they are now, will continue to decline. Another said that she would look back and look for a meal. Vana, Oityi Matyimuvatela Okulandula Ongeleka ya Jesus? For all of this, Stephanie feels a great debt of gratitude to Jehovah. What Will Help those to Follow Jesus ' Example? (b) Oñgeni Paulu na Sila vakuatesileko omuyungi wokaleya mepunda - umbo lyo Filipu? Nepotism, ambition, friction, and jealousy persisted despite party members calling each other comrade. (b) How did Paul and Silas help the jailer in Philippi? Soka ngatyina nove opo ukahi. Such a variety of material shows that Jehovah has kept his promise to provide plenty of instruction for all people. - Isaiah 25: 6. Think of yourself as if you were in a similar situation. 3, 4. 3 A Surprise Gift for Japan 3, 4. Uhakale nowoma wokulinga omapulo oo okusoka okuti kumavasi omakumbululo. They asked many questions about her beliefs and her work as a pioneer. Do not be afraid to answer these questions. " Ovalongwa vae ovanyingi vakondoka kovipuka vasapo konyima, iya kavaendaile vali nae " mokonda vasoka okuti onondaka mbae hanongwako. In the same way, Jesus expected his anointed followers to do their best in the preaching work. " Many of his disciples had left behind behind, and they did not stay close to him because they felt that his words were not good. Mahi, Huku utupopila okuti owanga, ine okuovola okupopia novilulu, katyaviukile iya tyituetela ovitateka. Otyili otyo, onthele imwe yepingo tuapewa na Huku. However, that rescuer would suffer along the way, receiving a figurative wound in the heel. On the other hand, God tells us that spiritism is not wrong, nor is it wrong to set us free from God's standpoint. KALA OMUKUATYILI NOU WELINEPA NAE We surely want nothing to result in the loss of our first love for Jehovah. - Rev. BE CLOSE TO GOD • Omokonda yatyi okuamenwa mopaspilitu tyakolela vali? So let us examine some of the loving warnings we find in his letter to the Colossians. • Why is spiritual protection important? Ekumbululo olio aava lialekesa okuti ankho wafuapo iya kese etyi Jeova emuita metyilingi. How can a servant of Jehovah avoid being caught in the trap of materialism? The answer revealed that he was willing and willing to do whatever Jehovah asked him to do. Jeova ankho epingo liomuhoko wa Levi. * Jehovah was the share of the tribe of Levi. Wakalele nowoma wokuti mavasoko okuti omuuli womatutu mokonda wapopile okuti epundaumbo malihanyuapo, mahi alihahanyuapo. They believe that society needs to shake off certain moral fetters and superstitions and reach out to attain mankind's tremendous potential through education. He was afraid that the prophet had been falsely accused of destroying the city, but he did not give up. (Tanga Gênesis 6: 5, 6.) Included in the fear of Jehovah is the need to submit willingly to the divine arrangement of headship. (Read Genesis 6: 5, 6.) Ongeleya yotyotyili, yakutikinya ovituwa viaviuka, nekolelo liaviuka, nokulinga etyi tyaviuka Only through Jesus can faith be perfected, or made complete. The true religion involves right conduct, faith, and right action Tya vali ndyikupandulila otyetyi waovola Mombimbiliya ekumbululo liepulo liove. We may have a legal right to own a gun, but because we love our brothers, we would never do something that we know might stumble them. - 1 Corinthians 10: 32, 33; 13: 4, 5. The more you show appreciation for the Bible's answer to your question. Mombimbiliya, Jeova waavela ehongolelo ovohe lio ñgeni vapondola okulongesa ovana vavo. Whereas the Flood destroyed the ungodly all at one time, the coming destruction will occur in stages during "the great tribulation. " In the Bible, Jehovah gives parents the guidance parents can teach their children. Mahi ovakuatate nonomphange avatualako okuivisa tyihena owoma, okukonga ovanthu veye kotyonge. Christ's "other sheep, " who are striving to receive a blessing for themselves by means of Abraham's seed, will delight to hear Him say:" Come, you who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world. " But the brothers and sisters continued to preach with boldness, and people invited people to attend the convention. Omokonda yatyi tuna okutualako okuisukula? (b) Oñgeni oprograma yokukomba Ondyuo yenyi Yomaliongiyo yaonganekwa? This means that we remain content with our material provisions and give God's service the first place in our life. - Heb. 13: 5. Why should we keep meeting together, (b) How is the transformation of your Kingdom Hall organized? Epingo tuapewa na Huku liakutikinya: Why, though, is it important for a Christian to be modest? Our spiritual heritage includes what we need: Mahi andyikila mondyuo imwe. Moreover, Job showed love for others, realizing that anyone withholding loyal love from fellow humans will abandon the reverential fear of the Almighty. But I went to a room there. Marta ankho utavela ovipuka aviho Jesus alongesa, iya ankho una onthumbi yokuti Jesus o Mesia walaelue. He wrote: "O the depth of God's riches and wisdom and knowledge! Martha believed everything Jesus taught, and she believed that Jesus was the promised Messiah. Tyina ulinga ngotyo, mopake "omalumono keulu, kuna otyimphulu tyihehiki iya ofwa ihali. " You must love your neighbor as yourself, " he said. When you do this, you will store up "the store of riches " in heaven where there is a thief and not a thief. Ovitateka vipondola okutukalesa omapita unene. He said: "They will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock, one shepherd. " This may cause us to become angry. Mahi otyo hatyiliko. Few would have thought that such enormous political changes could happen so quickly. But this is not true. Ankho upondola vala okukala omukokoli - ndyila. The teachers told Birgit that it had been a pleasure to have Witness children in class over the years. He could have become a regular pioneer. (Tiago 5: 11) Okuhulililako, ongeleka ya Jesus itulongesa okuti, tuna okukala tyelipongiya pala okukundiswa, atuhasuku unene nokuhumbwa. It will furnish concrete proof that Christ has moved into action as Jehovah's appointed Judge. Finally, Jesus ' example teaches us that we should be ready for being honored and honored. Tuesukisa okulinga ononkhono mbokuundapa nombili movilinga viokuivisa, mokonda onthyulilo ikahi popepi. help to fulfill God's purpose? We should strive to be zealous in the preaching work because the end is near. Eliya ankho wakola omutima, mahi etyi ankho Onkhai Hamba Jezabele ahanda okumuipaa, atili owoma. Sheeplike people of all ages, especially those who were downtrodden and oppressed, found great comfort in Jesus ' delightful personality and uplifting message. Elijah was courageous, but when Queen Jezebel tried to kill him, he was afraid. Ame ndyityii nawa okuti umuwa unene. 18, 19. (a) How can other Christians help young ones? I know that you are very precious. Ovo " vakutila nawa otyili momalimba avo, ' okuyeka Ondaka ya Huku ivepameke opo vatualeko notyilinga tyavo alo vetyivitula. That question made me think and motivated me to keep working at being peaceable. They "went on walking in the truth, ' putting up with their God's Word to encourage them to continue doing their work. (Isaías 60: 13) Oñgeni Huku ankhimaneka otyiliatelo tyae, ine okutyihiwiswa? Jehovah's counsel continued to benefit Job even after his trials had ended. How did God glorify his precious light, or does it affect us? Moluotyo, okuhangununa otyili Tyovihonekwa nounongo pokuivisa tyesukisa ombatelo yospilitu sandu. He himself said: "Just as the Father taught me I speak these things. " Hence, explain Scriptural truths and abilities that need the help of holy spirit. Komphunda oyo opo Omukoyesi Barake aongiyile omatolopa 10.000 ova Isilayeli, pala okulwisa omafualali a Jabim omu Kanaa ohamba yo Hazole, ankho atuminwa na Sisera. [ Footnote] The Mount Barak gathered 10,000 men of Israel to wage war against Jabin's army, who ruled as king of Sisera's army. (b) Ava ongeleka ilekesa oñgeni Jesus ahololola Tate yae nomalongeso ae? The crown was "a memorial, " or" reminder, " of their contribution to true worship. (b) Give an example of how Jesus revealed his Father's teachings and teachings. Otyo tyavatela Siru okufinda monkhalelo yehepuiyile. - Isaías 44: 24 - 45: 7. " What a Beautiful Woman You Are " This helped Cyrus conquered Cyrus in a way that had never happened. - Isaiah 44: 24 - 45; 45: 7. Ame ndyihambukwa unene tyina ndyitala ovana vange vavasa ovilinga meongano lia Jeova. " Jesus tells them that during that exciting time, his "faithful and discreet slave " would represent him on earth and would give his followers spiritual food at the proper time. - Matthew 24: 45 - 47. I am happy to see my children found spiritual goals. " Ospilitu ya Jeova yundapa mononkhalelo mbelikalaila. And no human leader can promise that! Jehovah's spirit operates in different ways. Avasukalala unene iya avapopila Arau okuti: "Tulingile - ko o huku imwe maituhongolela, mokonda katutyii oityi tyamonekela Moisesi, omulume wokuetupola ko Egitu. " - Êxodo 32: 1, 2. Our sacrifices may be painful, but Jehovah's blessings are always greater. They were so worried about Aaron and told him: "Let us not do anything that will lead Moses, for we do not know what Moses told the man to do in Egypt. " - Exodus 32: 1, 2. Elongo lio Isilayeli ankho olio vala lina ekevelelo patyi? [ Blurb on page 6] What hope did the nation of Israel have? Pahe matutale onongeleka mambupameka onthumbi yetu mounongo wa Jeova wokutulingila ovipuka ankho tuhakevelela. He may be able to look beyond the surface problems and see that the structure is sound and that the house can be restored. Let us now consider examples that can strengthen our confidence in Jehovah's ability to do the unexpected. Utualako okulekesa ohole oyo mokutuavela atyiho tuesukisa opo tukale nomuenyo. (Atos 17: 28; Rev. What does the ransom make possible? He continues to show love by giving us everything we need in order to live. Mahi, tyotyili havakuendye vala vena otyitateka otyo. So whether we are young or old, each of us can keep on "having plenty to do in the work of the Lord. " - 1 Corinthians 15: 58. However, most young people are not alone in this situation. Katutu - katutu, Petulu elilongesa okusoka nga Kristu, iya nonthue tupondola okulinga ngae. Always Trust in Jehovah Gradually, Peter learned to think as Christ did, and we can do the same. walingua no Nombangi mba Jeova. Those desiring God's approval should not be guilty of thievery under any circumstances. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Onthue tuhanda vana tuvasa vakale nehambu liokuhipulula nonthue. Was Elihu also trying to say that our efforts to serve God are worthless? We want to find those we find joy in talking about us. Ewaneko Lipameka Otyinepo (Read Psalm 25: 14.) Unity strengthens Marriage (Jeremias 3: 1 - 10) Tyimoneka nawa, okuti valingile ovipuka ovivi, iya atyinumanesa unene Jeova. - Tanga Isaías 63: 9, 10. THE BIBLE CHANGES LIVES Clearly, they did bad things, and he became very angry with Jehovah. - Read Isaiah 63: 9, 10. Ove utyii oityi otyo tyilekesa? Author Rosanne Kalick, twice a cancer survivor, writes: "In taking your cues from the patient, assume that what is said to you is confidential. Do you know what this means? Namphila katyapepukile "okuyekapo etyi tyihaviukile, " oityi tyitupameka? There is a lesson in that even for us today. Although it is not easy to "turn away " from what is wrong, what can comfort us? Hono, Ovakristau vetupu epondolo liokulinga omahuviso nga Jesus. Mahi, nga Jesus vena okankhenda na vana vavela. Regarding an unhappy marriage, what kind of thinking should be avoided? Today, Christians do not have the power to perform miracles as Jesus did, but Jesus shows compassion for sick ones. Satanasi una elungavi iya kesukile noove Consider: Even before Eve was created, God commanded Adam not to eat the fruit of "the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. " Satan is selfish and does not care about you 9 "Yeka Ekoleleyo Likale Notyilinga Tyalio Tyafuapo " 2: 15, 16 - How are we "a sweet odor of Christ "? 9 "Let Your Integrity Take Place " (Deuteronômio 23: 12, 13) Inkha ova Isilayeli vayama kotyivimbi ine otyinyama tyankhia, vena okulikoha nomeva. Learn From God's Word If the Israelites were touched by a dead animal or animal animal life, they needed to water water water water. Vapondola okupopia okuti kamavatualako okukala motyilongo inkha vaanya ovilinga vivetyilika okuenda komaliongiyo. (b) Why can we say that Jesus ' parable reveals his confidence in anointed Christians? They may say that they will not remain in a foreign land if they do not accept secular work and stop going to the meetings. Iya avati ankho vetupu vali ondyala. At times, we may not know what to say in our private prayers. They said that they were hungry. Jeova ankho " wemuvasale. ' The second article will explain how those serving in a foreign - language congregation can keep their relationship with Jehovah strong. Jehovah was " upon me. ' Anthi otyo, ankho hatyo vala tyesukisa. How we react to a trial shows whether we view Jehovah as the true Ruler of the universe. But that was not just a matter. Mahi, ova Kanaa vokuayekele - po okulinga ovivi, kavaipaelwe. - Josué 6: 25; 9: 3 - 27. About that time, my parents asked me to come back home. 6: 25; 9: 3 - 27. Mokonda vakalele "nekolelo noumphua - lundo, "" vapiñgana omilao. " Jehovah God uses his power to sustain those who do his will. Because they were faithful "with patience and long - suffering, " they were" made firm in the promises. " MOMUTALA OU WOMULAVI MUNA See chapter 9 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? REGULAR FEATURES Jose usoka vali keumbo liavo ko Hebron otyilongo tyonomphunda mbasukulwa nomphepo, kokule unene, pahe ukahi motyilongo tyelikalela unene. A book that has helped many in a topical study of the Scriptures is What Does the Bible Really Teach? Joseph focused on their home from the rocky tree and the water that is far away from it, now in a different land. (Tanga Lucas 10: 21.) Jehovah Will Sustain You (Read Luke 10: 21.) Mahi, ove utavela okuti etyi Ombimbiliya ipopia okuti ovipuka aviho viatungwa, otyili. What about us? However, you believe that the Bible says that all creation is the truth. Iya oñgeni hono tupondola okulikuatehila tyina tuvasiwa novitateka vipondola okunyona ekolelo lietu? That is his promise! And how can we cope with situations that could affect our faith? (2 Timóteo 3: 1, 13; Mateus 24: 21; Revelação 12: 12) Mahi, namphila ouye hono ukahi omapita, onthue tutyii okuti mauvilipo. But he found strength in God's Word, and this helped him to be different from others. But even though the present system of things is bad, we know that it will be very late. Moluotyo atyiho, Stephanie upandula unene ku Jeova. Those who do are viewed by him as "the precious, " or" desirable, " things "of all the nations. " - Hag. 2: 7; ftn. As a result, all of us are grateful to Jehovah for all that he has done for you. Mokonda pokati kavo ankho pena okapungulula, nelungavi, nonkhi, nokuhelitavela pokati, namphila ankho veliihana okuti mbuandye. If we were ever to rebel against those he has put in positions of authority, we would be rebelling against him! Because of prejudice, pride, and pride were all around him, even though they called me guilty. Omikanda ovio aviho, vilekesa okuti Jeova ukahi nokufuisapo omulao wae wokulongesa ovanthu aveho. - Isaías 25: 6. Christian wives are admonished to have deep respect for their husbands. All these letters show that Jehovah is accomplishing his promise to teach people. - Isaiah 25: 6. 27 Otyiawa Tyapewa Voko Japão But was Jesus ' objective merely to build bridges among people of various backgrounds so that they could get along in peace? 27 A Gift From Japan Avemulingi omapulo omanyingi konthele yongeleya yae novilinga vioukokoli - ndyila. Even if we were to stumble by momentarily giving in to unrighteous fleshly thinking, we would get up again with Jehovah's help. - Read Proverbs 24: 16. They asked me many questions about her religion and the pioneer service. Tupu, Jesus ankho uhanda ovalanduli vae ovalembulwa vaundape nomutima auho movilinga viokuivisa. Why? Jesus also wanted his anointed followers to work wholeheartedly in the preaching work. Anthi, omuyovoli oo, ankho una okumona ononkhumbi, ngatyina anumatwa kotyikomeko. We started calling on people at their homes, but at once the local Catholic priest began to oppose our activity. On the contrary, it was as if he had suffered a bruised in the heel. Tyotyili, tuhayekei natyike tyitupole ohole ankho tuna na Jeova etyi tuahimbika okulilongesa konthele yae. - Rev. (See paragraph 11) Surely we should not allow anything to rob us of our love for Jehovah by learning about him. - Rev. Ngotyo, matupopi konthele yomalondolo amwe tuvasa momukanda wa Colossenses. Genesis 1: 27 states: "God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God's image he created him; male and female he created them. " Then we will discuss some warnings we find in the book of Colossians. Oñgeni omuumbili wa Jeova apondola okulityilika okutokela meliva liokukala nohole nomalumono? Turn to Jehovah and your brothers and sisters for help. - Read Psalm 34: 18; Proverbs 13: 20. How might a servant of Jehovah avoid falling victim to materialism? * Covetousness is idolatry because the object of a greedy person's craving diverts attention from Jehovah and thus becomes an idol. * Vetavela okuti ovanthu vesukisa okuyekapo omatavelo okohale, iya avelilongesa ovo muene opo vakale nenoñgonoko enene. In the 15th century, Italian navigator Christopher Columbus wondered if he was close to rediscovering the Edenic garden when he landed on the island of Hispaniola, now the Dominican Republic and Haiti. They believe that people need to break free from the unscriptural beliefs and learn to get to know them well. Okukala nonthilo na Jeova tupu tyesukisa pala okutavela otyitumino tya Huku tyounkhalamutwe. Being Born Again - The Road to Salvation? Having respect for Jehovah also requires that we obey God's law. Oe waeleka ewaneno nondyuo. Back in Bible times, simply reading God's Word was not enough. He compared the congregation to a house. (1 Pedro 1: 10 - 12) Ekolelo lioyeswa ine okufuisuapo vala menyina lia Jesus. Why is it essential that we understand Jesus ' role as "the Chief Agent and Perfecter of our faith "? Faith is based on the fulfillment of Jesus ' name. Ovanyingi puonthue tyipondola tutavelwa novatumini okukala nouta, mahi mokonda tuhole ovakuatate vetu, nalumwe tupondola okulinga tyimwe tyipondola okuvepundukisa. - 1 Coríntios 10: 32, 33; 13: 4, 5. Instead, use this time to make progress so that soon you can qualify to get baptized. Many of us can be accepted as governmental authorities, but because we love our brothers, we could never allow them to be killed. - 1 Corinthians 10: 32, 33; 13: 4, 5. (2 Pedro 3: 7) Namphila Ombila Onene yahanyeneko ovanthu aveho onondingavivi otyikando tyike vala, mahi ehanyauno likahi nokuya malilingwa katutu - katutu mokueenda "kuononkhumbi ononene. " Convention features that have long been part of the program are widely anticipated. Although the Flood destroyed all wicked people at one time, the destruction will soon come during "great tribulation. " (Tiago 1: 12) "Onongi ononkhuavo " mba Kristu, vekahi nokulinga ononkhono opo vapewe ononkhano onongwa menyina liombuto ya Abraiau, mavahambukilwa okumutehelela okupopia okuti:" Endyuei, onwe vokuapewa ononkhano onongwa na Tate yange, piñganei ouhamba wapongiyua pala onwe tunde ponthyimbi youye. " (b) When would we not obey officials? Furthermore, Christ's "other sheep, " who are working hard to receive the blessing of Abraham's seed will rejoice through saying:" Come, you people, you are blessed to inherit my kingdom, and you will receive everlasting blessings from the end of the system of things. " (Mateus 6: 33) Otyo tyilekesa okuti, tuhambukwa netyi tuna mopalutu, iya atupake ovilinga via Huku tete momuenyo wetu. - Hebreus 13: 5. Jesus also spoke in a friendly way to Nathanael, even though Nathanael had said negative things about people from Nazareth. 13: 5. Omokonda yatyi tyakolela Kovakristau okupola pokati? For many years, I went to the cemetery nearly every day. Why is it important for Christians to be modest? (Jó 10: 12) Tupu, Jobe ankho una ohole navakuavo, okuimbuka okuti kese umwe uyekapo ohole yotyotyili novakuatate vae, mayekepo okukala nonthilo no Wepondolo aliho. How was Ruth true to her word? Also, Job was kind to others, recognizing that each one of his love for his brothers would lose his respect for the Almighty. Ahoneka okuti: "Omalumono a Huku nounongo wae nenoñgonoko, viaya kohi unene! Verse 12 "Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time. " He wrote: "O the depth of God's riches and wisdom and knowledge! Oe wati: "Una okukala nohole na mukuenyi ngetyi ulihole ove muene. " At times, Jehovah may come to our aid even before we embark on a wrong course. He said: "You must love your neighbor as yourself. " Jesus wati: "Ovo mavatehelela ondaka yange, iya avakala otyunda tyike vala, nomunthita wike. " Time and again, the Bible describes true worshippers as happy people. Jesus said: "They will listen to my voice, and they will become one shepherd. " Kavehi ovanthu ankho vakevela okuti ovatumini mavalingi liwa - liwa omapiluluko oo omanene. 1, 2. A few people hoped that government will soon make these changes quickly. Ovalongesi avapopila Birgit okuti tyihambukiswa okulongesa ovana vo Nombangi mba Jeova. In response to Thomas ' question about Jesus ' statement concerning going away and preparing a place for them, Jesus said: "I am the way and the truth and the life. The teachers told me that I was happy to teach the children of Jehovah's Witnesses. Otyo matyikalekesa nawa okuti Kristu ukahi nokuundapa Ngomukoyesi waholovonwa na Jeova. If the person acknowledges that he has sinned against God, has ceased to engage in wrongdoing, and is truly repentant, the elders will help him, and he can receive Jehovah's forgiveness. - Isa. This will make it clear that Christ is serving as a judge of Jehovah. tyikuatesako okufuisapo ehando lia Huku? May each of us continue to supplicate God, lean on him, and " muster up boldness ' as we look to him for help. To accomplish God's will, what is the basis for doing so? (Mateus 11: 28 - 30) Ovanthu vokuelifwa nonongi, ovakulu novana, haunene vana vamoneswa emone, vavasa epameko enene mu Jesus no mondaka yae. In our day, how encouraging it is for publishers to preach side by side with elders, to witness the elders ' zeal for this lifesaving work, and to learn from their teaching methods! A sheeplike ones, elderly ones, and elderly ones, find great comfort in Jesus ' words. 18, 19. (a) Oityi Ovakristau vapondola okulinga opo vakuatesako ovakuendye? The housewife would mix the flour with water, knead the dough, and then bake the bread. 18, 19. (a) What can Christians do to help younger ones? Andyisoko unene epulo olio, iya alimphe ondundo yokulinga ononkhono mbokukala omuna - mbembwa. We try to stop worrying and patiently trust in him to care for our needs. I thought that question, and I encouraged me to be peaceable. Onondonga mba Jeova mbatuaileko okukuatesako Job alo umwe etyi ononkhumbi mbae mbukahi nokupwa. Often, people want to know more about the Bible. Jehovah's counsel continued to help Job even after his trials and Bible - based publications. Oe muene wati: "Ame ndyipopia ovipuka Tate andongesa. " Receive God's Spirit, Not the World's He himself said: "I speak the Father's things to me. " Ita Ombatelo ku Muene Anointed Christians have what incentive to maintain their power of reason? Ask the Author for Help Omonkhalelo patyi Akila na Prisila vakuatesileko Apolu? In present - day society, many make their own choice of marriage mate. In what way did Aquila and Priscilla help Apollos? [ Onondaka Poutoi] Consequently, Origen shifted the earthly blessings of the Millennium to the spiritual realm. [ Footnote] Iya ekolowa olio alipakwa mondyuo ya Huku, opo "livehinangelese " otyiawa ankho valinga pala efendelo lio tyotyili. How numerous would that "little flock " be? This crown was poured out on the temple so that "they would carry out a gift " for true worship. " Umuwa Unene " • How did mankind's hope of life on earth become obscured? " ALSO IN THIS ISSUE " Jesus evepopila okuti mokueenda kuomuwo oo, maavela "omupika wekolelo nokualunguka, " otyilinga tyokuavela okulia kuopaspilitu ovalongwa vae momuwo watyo. - Mateus 24: 45 - 47. JUSTICE WILL PREVAIL: Jesus told them that during that time, he would appoint "the faithful and discreet slave " to give spiritual food to his disciples at that time. - Matt. 24: 45 - 47. (Apocalipse 7: 14 - 17) Kutupu vali onkhalamutwe ipondola okulinga omulao ngoo! Why did Jesus use this illustration? No leader can make that promise! Tupondola okupumbwa ovipuka vimwe oviwa, mahi okuyambwa na Jeova otyiwa vali. While he was still praying, the phone rang. We could lose some of the blessings we have received, but Jehovah's blessing is far better. [ Onondaka Mbavilapo pefo 6] The Bible discourages dwelling on negative thoughts and censures "complainers about their lot in life. " [ Blurb on page 6] Oe upondola okutala nawa otyitateka tyondyuo oyo, anoñgonoka okuti omiti viondyuo oyo viakola vina olute, yesukisa vala okuipindulapo aipame nawa. Jehovah God's love and mercy have deeply touched my life. He could look carefully at the issues of that house, knowing that its trees should be built, and he needed to be successful. Otyilikutila tyeyovo tyaava onomphitilo patyi? We should ask Jehovah to give us his holy spirit to heighten whatever abilities we have in his service. What opportunities are there for the ransom? Tyilinge tuvakuendye ine tuakulupa atuho tuna "ovilinga ovinyingi movilinga via Tatekulu. " - 1 Coríntios 15: 58. In a rather comparable way, while our loving brothers are always happy to help us, we need to be balanced and reasonable in what we expect them to give in the way of their time. Whether we are young or old, all of us are " busy in the ministry. " - 1 Corinthians 15: 58. Yumba Onthumbi mu Jeova Apeho During the latter part of the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem, Jeremiah was imprisoned in the Courtyard of the Guard. Trust in Jehovah always Vana vahanda okupandwa na Huku, vesukisa okulityilika okuvaka mononkhalelo mbatyo ambuho. Jesus ' courage was based, not on bravado, but on faith. Those who desire God's approval must avoid any kind of stealing. (Jó 35: 7) Okuti na Eliuu ankho uhanda okupopia okuti ononkhono mbetu mbokuumbila Huku mbutupu esilivilo? Since people said that everything that happens is God's will, I wondered, " Is God just a puppeteer who enjoys watching people suffer? ' Did Elihu and Elihu want us to say that our efforts to serve God is useless? (Tanga Salmo 25: 14.) Analyze the grammar. (Read Psalm 25: 14.) Mongeleka, omukulu, ine ovakuatate ovanongo vapondola okuitwa opo vaavele ovilinga ovakuatate ovakuendye nokuvelongesa opo vafuisepo otyilinga vapewa. We feel the same way Jehovah does about people. For example, an older brother or a qualified brothers may ask young brothers to take the lead in supporting theocratic assignments. Ombimbiliya Ipilulula Omuenyo Wovanthu (Read Colossians 2: 1, 2.) The Bible Changes Lives Omunongo Rosanne Kalick, wali nouvela utiwa cancer ovikando vivali, wahoneka okuti: "Noñgonoka okuti tyina una uvela ekupopila tyimwe, kupondola okutyipopila omunthu nawike. Although I seemed to have everything to make me happy - glamour, wealth, and a loving husband - I was depressed and sad. Rosa, who has been diagnosed with cancer several times, wrote: "When you feel that you are sick, someone can tell you that you have something to speak to someone else. (3 João 9, 10) Otyo, tyituavela elondolo eewa hono. 1, 2. That is a good warning today. Vana vehena ehambu motyinepo, olusoke patyi vesukisa okulityilika? In the Christian Greek Scriptures, only Paul used the Greek term translated "admonish. " What view of marriage should those who are not happy need to avoid? Tala: Alo umwe etyi Eva ehenelingwe, Huku wapopila Andau opo ahalie otyinyango "tyomuti wokunoñgonokesa otyiwa notyivi. " Have a Full Share in the Great Spiritual Harvest, 7 / 15 Notice: Even when Eve ate of the fruit, God told Adam not to eat "the fruit of good and bad. " 2: 15, 16 - Oñgeni tukahi "ngomuniko omuwa wa Kristu "? Each of us needs to close the gap between what we know about Bible principles and what we practice. 2: 15, 16 - How are we "the light of the Christ "? Lilongesa Ondaka Ya Huku What happens when you die? Learn From God's Word (b) Omokonda yatyi tupopila okuti onthengele - popia ilekesa okuti Jesus uyumba onthumbi Movakristau ovalembulwa? For "God proceeded to bless the seventh day and make it sacred. " (b) Why can we say that Jesus ' illustration shows that he trusts the anointed? Pamue, tyipondola katutyi etyi matupopi momalikuambelo etu atuike. What has all of this meant for our work? At times, we may not be able to say what we say in our prayers. Onthele yavali maihangununa oñgeni vana vaundapa momawaneno apopia elaka ekuavo vapondola okupameka oupanga wavo na Jeova. (Read Deuteronomy 10: 12, 13.) The second article will explain how those serving in a foreign - language congregation can strengthen their relationship with Jehovah. Onkhalelo tukala tyina tuna ovitateka, mailekesa inkha tutyii okuti Jeova oe Omutumini wotyotyili mouye auho. Why, though, can humans act with dignity? The way we react will show that we know that Jehovah is the Ruler of the universe. Momuvo oo, votate avandyiti opo ndyikondoke meumbo. In Jesus ' illustration of the wheat and the weeds, what does the fine seed represent? At that time, my parents asked me to return home. Jeova Huku uundapesa epondolo liae opo apameke vana valinga ehando liae. Some Bible versions use the word "hell, " but the notion of a fiery place of torment for the dead is not Scriptural. Jehovah God uses his power to strengthen those who do his will. Tala o kapitulu 9 komukanda Oityi Ombimbiliya Tyili Ilongesa? In the decades after the first members of the congregation of anointed Christians were chosen, Jehovah saw fit to have a permanent record made of the earthly ministry of Jesus as well as His dealings with and counsel to first - century anointed Christians. See chapter 9 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Ovanthu ovanyingi vekahi nokukuateswako okulilongesa konthele Yovihonekwa nomukanda Oityi Ombimbiliya Tyili Ilongesa? Salvatore received that kind of help. Many have been helped to learn about the Scriptures and the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Jeova Mekukuatesako On the other hand, if it was set up as "a sacred pillar " or as" a showpiece, " it became a stumbling block to Jehovah's people. Jehovah Provides Comfort Onthele yavali ilekesa oñgeni tupondola okukala notyituwa tyokulipaka koututu, noñgeni tupondola okutyilekesa momuenyo wetu wa kese nthiki. If you are tempted to commit sexual immorality, what can you do? The second article shows how we can cultivate the spirit of a lesser one and how we can improve our lives. Iya onthue? Some Bible scholars feel that the expression "skin in behalf of skin " may imply that Job would selfishly be willing to allow his children and animals to lose their skins, or lives, as long as he could keep his own skin, or life. What about us? O ngotyo, Huku alaa! What has caused more unwanted tears than the enemy death? How true God has promised! Mahi wapamekelwe Nondaka ya Huku, otyo atyimukuatesako okulikalela kuvakuavo. Does a further consideration of Jesus ' prophecy reveal that our understanding of the timing of other significant events needs to be adjusted? But he was encouraged by God's Word, which helped him to meet others. Inkha tulinga etokolo liaviuka, Jeova "metupande. " - Ageu 2: 7. What Is Bible About? 2: 7. Inkha katutavela ku vana apaka komutwe wetu, tukahi nokuanya ku Huku! Jesus said that the spirit would act as a helper. If we were to rebel against those taking the lead, we refuse to disobey God! Ovakai Ovakristau valundwa okuti, vesukisa okukala nehumbilo enene novalume vavo. Christian elders fulfill a comparably vital function today. Christian wives are moved to show deep respect for their husbands. (Colossenses 3: 14) Mahi okuti Jesus walongesile vala etyi tyeta ombembwa movanthu aveho? [ Picture on page 6] But did Jesus teach only about making peace possible? Tupu, namphila tukala nomalusoke ahaviukile, matulingi ononkhono mbokulityilikao nombatelo ya Jeova. - Tanga Provérbios 24: 16. Little wonder that the majority of mankind are left in ignorance and confusion as to the truth about the Father, the Creator of the universe! - Isa. Also, even if we have negative feelings, we will do our best to resist Jehovah's help. - Read Proverbs 24: 16. Omokonda yatyi? Think about what others have done to help you, and express appreciation for their efforts. Why? EVAI LIEMANYA LIA BAALE YOMITETANENA MOTYITA 14 - 13 P.K.E. So Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society was legally formed in 1884, and Brother Russell became the president. THE 20th century B.C.E. - off B.E. Atuhimbika okuivisa ovanthu po nondyuo mbavo, mahi elombe limwe lio Katolika alihimbika okuyala ovilinga vietu. People who have these qualities often think that they are better than others because of how they look, what they can do, what they have, or what their position in life is. We started preaching in their homes, but one priest began to hate our work. (Tala popalagrafu 11) 8, 9. (See paragraph 11) Omukanda wa Gênesis 1: 27, wati: "Huku watunga omunthu otyifuika tyae, watunga omulume nomukai. " I spoke to you about it, and I am sure you will be more careful in the future. Genesis 1: 27, 27 says: "God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God's image he created the man and woman. " Kala nonthumbi yokuti Jeova, novakuatate no nomphange mbove mavekukuatesako. - Tanga Salmos 34: 18; Provérbios 13: 20. These accounts show that true worshippers are not immune to disagreements. Make sure that Jehovah and your brothers and sisters will help you. - Read Psalm 34: 18; Proverbs 13: 20. Elungavi, efendelo lio vikahuku, mokonda, otyipuka omunthu alungala natyo, tyimuyapula ku Jeova, iya atyikala ohuku yae. Man was created to live forever on earth, and that purpose of God will yet be fulfilled. Pride, idolatry, is idolatry, because something unfair is dishonored to Jehovah, and his god is like a god. Pokati komanima 1401 - 1500, omunthu umwe woko Italia wovola omalumono utiwa Cristóvão Colombo wasokele okuti ankho mavasi otyikunino tyo Endene etyi ankho aya kokalongo kakala pokati kelunga ko Espaniola, pahe katiwa República Dominicana no Haiti. One long - term study even found that men who were optimists were far less likely to suffer from coronary heart disease than were those with a pessimistic view of life. A fifth century B.C.E., a Spanish man who tried to convince me that he was living in the garden of Eden when he was living on the island of Eden. (2 Pedro 1: 21) Onthele ei tupu ipopia oityi matyitukuatesako okutualako okupanda Ovihonekwa Vikola. 28: 8 - 10; Luke 24: 13 - 16, 30 - 36; John 20: 11 - 18. This article also explains what will help us to continue to appreciate the Holy Scriptures. Okutyitwa Otyivali Ondyila Pala Eyovo? As you study, you will be convinced that Jehovah can help the living and the dead and that his promises are "faithful and true. " - Revelation 21: 4, 5. The New Birth - What Does It Mean to Salvation? Kohale ankho katyituuka okutanga vala Ondaka ya Huku. " Is Ephraim a precious son to me, or a fondly treated child? In Bible times, it was not enough just to read God's Word. Omokonda yatyi tyakolela okunoñgonoka otyilinga tya Jesus ngo "Nkhalamutwe Yavilapo no Muoyesi wekolelo lietu "? COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: UNITED STATES Why is it important to understand Jesus ' role as "the Chief Agent and Perfecter of our faith "? Mahi, undapesa omuvo oo opo ukule motyili, ngotyo upondola okukala tyafuapo opo umbatisalwe. Consider and Encourage One Another, 8 / 15 However, use that time to grow older, so you can be ready to get baptized. Tunde kohale, kuna ovipuka vimwe tukevelela apeho nehambu movionge vietu. See "Questions From Readers " on pages 6 and 7. From time onward, there are some things that we hope to enjoy at conventions and assemblies. (b) Onalupi tuanya kovatumini? But this time I was determined to attain the peace of mind that the Bible promises. (b) When do we reject government officials? Jesus tupu wapopia monkhalelo ikahi nawa na Natanaeli, namphila ankho Natanaeli asoka omapita konthele yovanthu vo ko Nazare. " We thanked Jehovah for letting us help this distraught lady, " says Kenneth, "and especially for moving us - perhaps by an angel or by His holy spirit - to make that phone call! " Jesus also spoke in a kind way with Nathanael, even though Nathanael had a negative view of the people of Nazareth. Momanima omanyingi, ankho ndyenda momaendo ononthiki ambuho. That focus becomes clearer when he knows that the goal is near. For many years, I lived in the grave every day. Oñgeni Rute afuisilepo etyi apopia? (a) What test may a Christian experience if he is corrected or disciplined? How did Ruth keep his word? Oversikulu 12 Yati, "Tatiei ove ohi nelunga, mokonda Eliapu lialaukila kuonwe nonyengo onene, mokonda lityii okuti omuwo walio kauhi. " It is the fact that millions of people worldwide today have already enjoyed success in ridding themselves of selfish, immoral, or violent personality traits and have learned to be honest, peaceable, and kind individuals. Verse 12 says, "Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time. " Pamue, Jeova utuvatela alo umue tyina tuhenelinge otyivi. How? David explained: "Jehovah will sustain him on his sickbed; during his sickness you will completely change his bed. " At times, Jehovah can help us even when we are bad. Ovikando ovinyingi, Ombimbiliya ipopia okuti ovafendeli votyotyili, ovanthu vombembwa. But everyone could see that Noah was different. Often, the Bible says that true worshippers are peaceable. 1, 2. As she continued, some students rolled their eyes. 1, 2. Mekumbululo aavela Tome konthele yetyi apopia okuti mekevepakela omphangu, Jesus wati: "Ame ndyila, ame tyili, ame muenyo. For example, many today treat humans as if they were idols. In reply, Thomas told Thomas what he would do in a place where he said: "I am the way and the truth and the life. (Hebreus 12: 7 - 11) Inkha vaimbuka okuti omunthu oo walinga onkhali ku Huku, mahi otyituwa otyo otyivi pahe wetyiyekapo nokuelivela tyotyili, ovakulu vewaneno mavemuvatela. Regularity - not a hit - or - miss approach - should mark our study habits. If they realize that this person commits a sin against God, it would be bad for him to correct him and help the elders. Kese umwe puonthue atualeko okuita ku Huku, nokuyumba onthumbi mwe, " nokukoleswa omutima ' putyina tuovola ombatelo yae. The long record of Bible prophecies that have already been fulfilled provides that assurance. Each of us keeps on asking God and trusting in him "with boldness " while seeking his help. Vatala ombili yavo movilinga ovio viakolela iya velilongesila konkhalelo yavo yokulongesa. The lesson was: Do not worry. They focus on their zeal in this important work and learn how to teach their way of teaching. Ovakai ankho vahonyeka omaande nohinde, enthapi eliyeke lihiluke, iya konyima ehimbika okuyoka onombolo. " Gifts of mercy " were donations made to support the needy. The women made fun of flour, water, and finally began to burn bread. Moluotyo, onthue tuovola okuyekapo okukala tyasukalala, mahi nokuapwa elundo tuyumba onthumbi mu Huku opo atetulule omasuka - suka etu. A person becomes spiritually mature because he fears Jehovah and wants to obey him, not just because he grows older. - Read Psalm 111: 10. Therefore, we ought to be anxious, patient, and patient with God to take care of our needs. Ovikando ovinyingi, ovanthu vahanda vali okunoñgonoka konthele Yombimbiliya. How can Romans 8: 11 be of encouragement to those facing temptation? Often, people want to learn more about the Bible. Tavela Ospilitu Ya Huku, Uhetavele Youye But Jehovah's standards are always the same. - Malachi 3: 6. Obey God's Spirit, Do You Know? Oityi tyiavela ondundo Ovakristau ovalembulwa opo vahayekepo onondunge mbavo onongwa? How did the need to have a simple lifestyle affect him? What moves anointed Christians to avoid being shaken from their reason? Pamwe ovanthu vehole okukuatesako vakuavo okuvasa ou mavanepe. Recall David's words recorded at Psalm 55: 22: "Throw your burden upon Jehovah himself, and he himself will sustain you. At times, people may be able to help others find someone who is ill. Moluotyo, Origene walongesa okuti Outumini oo, maukaeta ouwa keulu, ha kombanda yoohi. The psalmist David also felt insecure at times. Hence, Origen taught that this government will benefit from heaven, not from the earth. (Lucas 12: 32) Ovo "vokahambo okatutu " velifuepi? Some of life's problems tend to persist, sometimes for years; they may take root before we are fully aware of them. What are these "little flock "? • Oñgeni ekevelelo liovanthu liomuenyo wahapu pano pohi lianthikoveleswa? In a sense, it is the opposite of selfishness. • How is mankind's hope of everlasting life on earth manifest? Makukakala Ouviuki: EVERY SECOND: Nearly 30,000 persons view pornographic Web sites. Justice: Omokonda yatyi Jesus apopila ongeleka oyo? 6, 7. (a) As regards prayer, what example did Epaphras set? Why did Jesus tell this illustration? Okutanga konthele yetutilo tyipameka unene What qualities did Job display in dealing with his servants, and how should we act in this regard? Reading about the resurrection is a source of great comfort Ombimbiliya yava ondundo yokulityilika omalusoke ahaviukile, nokuviyula "vokuliyava onkhalelo yavo yomuenyo. " Clearly, God's purpose is for the earth to be inhabited by man forever. The Bible encourages us to avoid negative thoughts and "speak out of their own way of life. " Oluembia lwa Jeova Huku nokankhenda kae, viehika unene momuenyo wange. 7: 12. Jehovah God's love and mercy moved him to come true in my life. Tuesukisa okuita ku Jeova etuavele ospilitu sandu yae, opo itukuateseko okukala ovanongo movilinga viae. Both Moses and Joshua were commanded to remove their sandals when in a holy place. We need to ask Jehovah to give us his holy spirit so that we can help us to become wise in his service. Tupu, tyina ovakuatate vetu ononthyolwa vahambukwa apeho nokutuavela ombatelo, onthue tuesukisa okupola pokati konthele yetyi tukevelela vetuavele. Throughout history, many religious people have committed evil crimes, such as murder, and claimed they did so for God. Similarly, when our dear brothers are happy and always give us the help we need, we need to be modest about what we expect. Mononthiki mbuna etyi ova Mbambilonia veliseta no Jelusalei, Jeremia ankho onkhuatwa ukahi Mepata Liovalavi. Also see the article in this issue entitled "Is It Just a Small Misunderstanding? " In the days of the Babylonians and Jerusalem, Jeremiah was a prisoner who was thrown into the camp. Jesus ankho wakola omutima, mokonda yekolelo, ha kononkhono mbae. What a wonderful inheritance awaited Esau! Jesus was courageous, for faith was not under his authority. Mokonda ovanthu vapopia okuti o Huku weetako ovipuka aviho, pahe ankho ndyilipula okuti: " Okuti Huku weetela ovanthu ononkhumbi mokonda utyihole tyokuvetala no nonkhumbi? ' After a year and a half of repeated visits, the door finally opened! Since people say that God causes everything, I now wondered, " Has God suffer for suffering and suffering? ' Koneka etyi lihonekwa netyi lipopiwa. One of them was arrested, and the other was killed. Unlike them, they are worded up in the way they speak. Nga Jeova, nonthue tuna okankhenda novanthu. The visions will help you to understand those who inhabit the spirit realm's "many dwelling places. " Like Jehovah, we have compassion for people. (Tanga Colossenses 2: 1, 2.) For example, economic woes can put pressure on our emotions. (Read Colossians 2: 1, 2.) Namphila ankho ndyina ovipuka aviho vipondola okumpha ehambu, ngomunkhima, nolumono, nomulume unthyole unene, mahi ankho ndyitupu ehambu. What choice did Jehovah give his people, Israel, and what did they promise to do? Although I had everything that I could have enjoyed, such as gold, the man who loved me, but I was not happy. 1, 2. What has to be done by all who are seeking Jehovah's righteousness? 1, 2. Movihonekwa vio Gregu vio Vakristau, o Paulu vala wapopia ondaka yo Gregu yapitiyua "okulondola. " Understanding her sincerity, Jesus did not condemn the woman for her sins. In the Christian Greek Scriptures, Paul uses the Greek word translated "spirit. " Oityi Onthiki Ya Jeova Maikahololola, 1 / 7 But studying the Bible is not like memorizing facts as you might do for a school exam. 7 / 15 Kese umwe puonthue wesukisa okutualako okulinga ononkhono mbokutyinda omuenyo welikuata netyi tuelilongesa Mombimbiliya. What happens to the souls of the wicked? May each of us continue to work hard to live in harmony with what we learn from the Bible. Oityi tyipita nomunthu tyina ankhia? Rather, the scattered seed lands in various locations. What happens when a person dies? Mokonda "Huku wakanena onthiki yapandu - vali, nokuilinga onthiki ikola. " Just as balm can soothe our skin, God's promises can calm our anxious heart. Because "God proceeded to bless the seventh day and make it sacred. " Oñgeni omapiluluko oo etukuatesako okulinga omikanda? Why? How have these changes helped us to do our magazines? (Tanga Deuteronômio 10: 12, 13.) 1: 21 - Does Jehovah really use "foolishness " to save those believing? (Read Deuteronomy 10: 12, 13.) Ovanthu vapondola okulekesa ehumbilo mokonda yatyi? When God's servants have to decide what to wear, they know that "there is a time for every activity and every action. " Why should people show honor to each other? Mongeleka ya Jesus yotiliku nevu, ombuto ongwa ilekesa tyi? Chapter 15 of the book Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work, Volume 2, can be used as a basis for family discussion. What does Jesus ' illustration of the wheat and the weeds represent? Ono Mbimbiliya mbumwe mbupitiya ondaka oyo okuti "oifelunu. " Mahi, Movihonekwa mutupu olusoke luoifelunu yotupia, pala okumonesa ononkhumbi vokuankhia. Jehovah has provided the ransom sacrifice, making it possible for us to have a joyful life. Some Bible translations render it as "Lord, " but not in the Scriptures, there is no idea of tormenting the dead. Etyi palamba omanima omanyingi tunde etyi Ovakristau votete vaholovonwa, Jeova wasoka okuhonekesa ehipululo liovilinga viokuivisa via Jesus pano pohi, kumue no nondonga mba Jeova novipuka alingila Ovakristau ovanakwa kotyita tyotete. You will recall that the second of this series of articles mentioned that the many terrifying things taking place on the earth today make up a "sign " marking" the conclusion of the system of things. " Centuries after the first century C.E., Jehovah thought of the account of Jesus ' ministry on earth and the instructions that Jehovah set for anointed Christians in the first century. Salvatore wakuatesilueko monkhalelo ngoyo. (b) How are you benefiting from your family worship? She helped her in a similar way. Mahi, tupu inkha liikulwa alikala " omphandyi yokufenda, ' ngotyo emanya olio ankho lipondola okulingisa onkhali ovanthu va Jeova. This symbolic valley represents divine protection, by which Jehovah's servants find safety under his universal sovereignty and his Son's Messianic Kingdom. On the other hand, if it was opened to "a pillar of worship, ' this stone would have brought a stone to Jehovah's people. Inkha ulolwa opo ulinge oundalelapo, oityi upondola okulinga? At the end of his life, in his farewell address, he said: "You must be very courageous to keep and to do all that is written in the book of the law of Moses by never turning away from it to the right or to the left. " If you are tempted to commit sexual immorality, what can you do? Ovanongo vamwe konthele Yombimbiliya vati onondaka "otyikova no tyikova, " ngoti mbulekesa okuti mokonda yelungavi, Job ankho upondola okuyeka ovana vae novipako viae vinkhie, opo ahupise omuenyo wae. Isaiah prophesied: "Many peoples will go and say: " Come, let us go up to the mountain of Jehovah, to the house of the God of Jacob. He will instruct us about his ways, and we will walk in his paths. ' Some Bible scholars say that the expression "sin and red coals " seems to mean that Job could allow his children to kill him and his livestock. (Revelação 21: 4) Okuti kuna otyipuka tyitulilisa vali tyipona ononkhia? " I am creating new heavens [a new heavenly government] and a new earth [a righteous new human society]; and the former things will not be called to mind, neither will they come up into the heart. Is anything worse than death? Inkha tulilongesa vali nawa eulo lia Jesus, okuti tupondola okutala okuti enoñgonoko lietu konthele yovipuka vimwe viakolela mavikamoneka, nalio liesukisa okupilululwa? (Read Isaiah 60: 17.) If we learn more about Jesus ' prophecy, can we see that our understanding of certain important matters will occur? Huku Utiwa Olie? We definitely want to prosper in "good health " and be strong as we serve our great God. We want to prosper and be strong as we serve God (See paragraph 17) Who Is God? Jesus wapopile okuti ospilitu maikaundapa ngomukuatesiko. The secret police were making life very difficult for our brothers there. Jesus said that the spirit will work as a helper. Hono, Jeova uundapesa Ovakristau ovakulu vewaneno opo valinge otyilinga otyo. 16. Today, Jehovah uses Christian elders to do this work. (Atos 8: 5, 40; 21: 8) Paulu ankho nae omisionaliu waivisile onondaka onongwa kovilongo ovinyingi kokule neumbo liae. He'll get tired of running after you. " Paul too preached the good news far from his home. [ Olutalatu pefo 12] See the article "Casiodoro de Reina's Fight for a Spanish Bible, " in the June 1, 1996, issue of this magazine. [ Picture on page 8] (2 Coríntios 4: 4) Moluotyo katyihuvisa okuti ovanthu ovanyingi vangwangwana nokuhei otyili konthele ya Tate, Omutungi wouye! - Isaías 45: 18. He left heaven, became a perfect man *, and died in our behalf. So it is not surprising that most people are not interested in knowing the truth about the Creator, the Creator of the universe! - Isaiah 45: 18. Soka konthele yetyi vakuenyi valinga opo vekukuateseko, nokupandula ononkhono valinga. Changing your mind may result in a blessing Think about what others do to help you and commend them. Ngotyo, mo 1884 avahonekesa otyisangela kovatumini iya omukuatate Russell akala onkhalamutwe. Suppose you are an elder visiting a married couple who are absent from the congregation because the "anxieties of life " have taken a toll. As a result, Germany was ordered to replace governmental authorities and became Brother Russell's leader. Ovanthu vokuna ovituwa ovio vasoka okuti vakolela vali ku vakuavo mokonda yolupe luavo, younongo, novipuka vena iya nonkhalelo yavo yomuenyo. And how can we develop self - discipline? Such qualities feel that they are superior to others because of their background, abilities, and circumstances. 8, 9. " At the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with his powerful angels " all "who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus " will be destroyed. 8, 9. Nekupopililiale konthele yotyo, ndyityii okuti komutwe mokalunguka vali. The family stayed until he died at 205 years of age. Necho said this about the future, and I knew that it was safe for him to see it again. (Atos 15: 37 - 39) Otyo, tyilekesa okuti alo umwe ovafendeli votyotyili pamwe velipatana. Of course, some people look to themselves or to their fellow humans to fill spiritual needs. This means that even true worshippers sometimes ignore such acts. Ovanthu valingwa opo vakale nomuenyo wahapu pano pohi, iya ehando olio lia Huku nkhele kalinefuiswepo. Not all become mature at the same age. Humans were designed to live forever on earth, and that is God's purpose for 1,000 years. Ovanthu ovakuavo vatala okuti tyina tuna olusoke oluwa katukala nouvela womutima. Vana vena olusoke oluvi vapondola okukala nouvela womutima. Let us consider nine ways we can show love that is "free from hypocrisy. " Others see that when we have a balanced view of health problems, it can lead to serious emotions. 28: 8 - 10; Luc. 24: 13 - 16, 30 - 36; João 20: 11 - 18. How do we know if we are completely devoted to Jehovah? 28: 8 - 13; Luke 24: 11 - 18. Putyina ulilongesa, mokala vali nonthumbi yokuti Jeova upondola okuvatela vokuna omuenyo no vokuankhia, nokuti omilao viae " oviotyotyili nokuakolela. ' - Revelação 21: 4, 5. Over the years, Jehovah has helped "the faithful and discreet slave " to become more discreet, or cautious. As you learn, you will be more confident that Jehovah can help those who live and who have died and that his promises are "good and righteous. " - Revelation 21: 4, 5. " Efraim omona ndyihole unene ine omona namotesa? The following Bible accounts well illustrate this point. " Ephraim is a son of Ephraim or a son? OTYILONGO ATYITILWA: ESTADOS UNIDOS Therefore, each of us needs to ask: " Am I still considering just elementary things? COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: UN ORIGIN " Wahanumanene Jeova, ' 1 / 8 He makes it clear that the Pharisees "practiced fasting, " that corban is" a gift dedicated to God, " that the Sadducees "say there is no resurrection, " and that the temple was" in view " from "the Mount of Olives. " 8 / 15 Tala "Omapulo Alingwa Novatangi " pomafo 6 no 7 Where would you wind up if you followed your schoolmates? See "Questions From Readers " pages 6 and 7 Mahi pomuvo opo ame ankho natokola okuovola okukala vali nombembwa momalusoke ange ngaa Ombimbiliya yalaa. Brian: Exactly. But at that time, I decided to find more peace and inner peace as the Bible promises. Kenneth wati: "Atupandula unene Jeova etyi etukuatesako okuyovola omukai una wehulilwa. Atumupandula haunene etyi atuma oandyu yae, ine osipilitu sandu, opo tulikalele kotelefone yomukai una! " Growing numbers of Gentiles were embracing the Christian faith. Kenneth says: "How grateful we are that Jehovah gives us help to save a wife, especially when she sent her angel, or she sent me forth, by means of holy spirit, to produce fruit among us! " Iya tyina etyii okuti onthyulilo ikahi popepi, utokola okuvitula. As a result, the Bible states, "God continued giving Solomon wisdom and understanding in very great measure. " And when he knows that the end is near, he decides to finish it. (a) Otyituwa patyi Omukristau apondola okulekesa inkha uviyulwa? The answer to that question reveals much about the degree of heartfelt respect we have for others. - Read Philippians 2: 3, 4. (a) What attitude could a Christian display if he received discipline? Elekeso olio, ovanthu ovanyingi mouye auho hono vayekapo elungavi, nomaumbalehi, ine noukalavi, iya valinga ovanthu ovakuatyili, vombembwa, neholelo. What questions logically arise? Such proof is that most people in today's world are selfish, greedy, or honest, and kind. (Salmo 41: 3) Jeova wii nawa ovaumbili vae vamona ononkhumbi, iya kevelimbwa. We find the answer to that question in Jesus ' own words, spoken on the final night of his life here on earth. Jehovah knows his servants suffer, and he does not forget them. (Gênesis 6: 2 - 4, 11, 12) Mahi ovanthu aveho ankho vetyii okuti Noe welikalela unene. We must be "the sort who have faith. " But all humans knew that Noah was different. Puetyi atualako nokupopia, vamue avahimbika okulipanena momaiho. Individual circumstances vary. As he continued to talk, some began walking in front of me. Mongeleka, ovanthu ovanyingi valinga ovipuka ngatyina vafenda vakuavo. " Be imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. " - HEBREWS 6: 12. For example, many people do things that they worship others. Tuesukisa okukala notyituwa tyokulilongesa apeho. (Read Psalm 86: 12; Isaiah 43: 10.) We need to cultivate the spirit of conduct. Omaulo aeho apopiwa Mombimbiliya ekahi nokufuiswapo, tyilekesa okuti nomakuavo maafuiswapo. And it may cause trouble in the congregation. All Bible prophecies foretold in the Bible prove that these and other events will be fulfilled. Wevelongesile okuti: Muhasukalalei. (Read 1 John 3: 19, 20.) He taught them: "Do not be anxious. (Mateus 6: 2) Oviwa viokankhenda ankho ovipuka viawa pala " okuvatela ovahepi '. Consider how this proves beneficial when we face questions regarding employment. The benefits of compassion were to " help the poor. ' Omunthu ukahi nokukula motyili una onthilo na Jeova iya uhanda okumutavela, ketyilingi vala mokonda pahe omukulu. - Tanga Salmo 111: 10. We can be confident, just as David was, that our God will sustain us during any time of sickness. A mature person is godly devotion and wants to obey Jehovah, not just because he is now an elder. - Read Psalm 111: 10. Oñgeni onondaka mba Romanos 8: 11 mbupondola okupameka vana valwa nomahando olutu? Some of these elderly Kingdom proclaimers have endured years of persecution or other difficulties. How can Romans 8: 11 strengthen those who struggle with fleshly desires? Mahi ovitumino via Jeova kavipiluluka. - Malaquias 3: 6. (b) With regard to making advancement, how can youths today imitate Timothy? But Jehovah's standards do not always change. - Malachi 3: 6. Oñgeni ehando liokutyinda omuenyo wapepuka liemukalesile? Additionally, Jesus ' resurrection was widely attested to and accepted, as the four Gospels show. - Matthew 27: 62 - 28: 20; Mark 16: 1 - 8; Luke 24: 1 - 53; John 20: 1 - 21: 25. How does a willingness to live a simple life? Hinangela onondaka mba David mo Salmo 55: 22, yati: " Yumba omulemo wove ku Jeova, iya oe mekuvatela. Consider some details of his life that are easily overlooked, and see what warning you find. Recall David's words at Psalm 55: 22, which says: "Throw your burden upon Jehovah himself, and he himself will sustain you. David omuhoneki umwe wo no salmu, tupu nae wakalele notyiho. In the meantime, parents can focus on remaining loyal to Jehovah, hoping that their example will motivate their children to return to him. The psalmist David also felt anxious. Ovitateka vimwe momuenyo wetu vitualako mokueenda kuomanima; vimwe vitualako okuliyawisa tyina nkhele tuhenevinoñgonoke. Within a decade, the number of publishers worldwide increased by 100 percent, the number of return visits by 126 percent, and the number of Bible studies by 150 percent. Some of our trials continue for some time; it continues to grow before we get to know them. Tyotyili, otyo tyelikalela nelungavi. When we are being represented in public prayer, we need to display reverential "fear of God. " Of course, this is different from pride. [ Olutalatu] 4 Shealtiel was likely married to an unnamed daughter of Neri, thus becoming his son - in - law. [ Picture on page 4] 6, 7. (a) Ongeleka patyi ongwa Epafra aava konthele yomalikuambelo? His Word assures us that the day is coming when he will put an end to all injustice for all time! 6, 7. (a) What good example did Epaphras set regarding prayer? Jobe ankho utekula ñgeni ovaumbili vae? Oñgeni tupondola okulinga ngotyo? in the November 1, 2009, issue of The Watchtower. How did Job treat his servants, and how can we do that? (Isaías 45: 18) Tyimoneka nawa okuti Huku uhanda ohi ikalwe novanthu apeho. And we must listen to him too, because soon he will destroy this wicked world. Clearly, God wants the earth to be filled with humans forever. 7: 12. Safeguard it, for it itself is your life. " 7: 12. Moisesi na Josue vatuminwe okupolako ononkhaku mbavo, etyi ankho vekahi pomphangu ikola. No. Moses, Joshua, and Moses were sent to their shoes when they were in holy place. (Atos 6: 8, 12; 7: 54 - 60) Mokueenda kuomanima, ovanthu ovanyingi vonongeleya valinga ovipuka ovivi, ngetyi okuiipaa, otyo vasoka okuti vekahi nokutyilingila Huku. How privileged we are to proclaim the Kingdom message from "the God who gives hope "! - Rom. Over the centuries, many religious people have done bad things, such as killing God. Tupu tala onthele onkhuavo ina osapi yati: "Otyipuka Tyimwe Ankho Tyahanoñgonokelwe Nawa. " Right from the start, Jesus personally directed the worldwide preaching and teaching activity. Consider also another article entitled: "One thing that you consider is looking at. " Esau ankho ukevelela epingo limwe ewa ngatyi! (Read Ephesians 4: 22 - 24.) What a wonderful inheritance Esau expected! Tupu ankho uhoneka omukanda eusipo. He demands complete allegiance from his subjects. He also wrote the letter and did not leave it. Umwe akuatwa, omukuavo aipawa. It robs me of sleep, impacts my health, affects the way I treat others, and sometimes makes me want to give up. " One was arrested and executed. Omamonekelo oo maekukuatesako okunoñgonoka nawa ovipuka vikahi keulu, "kuna onomphangu ononyingi. " Going out in the ministry with Demetrius Papageorge, an anointed brother who began serving Jehovah in 1913 These visions will help you to understand the wonderful things in heaven, where "there is a place in many places. " (2 Timóteo 3: 1) Mongeleka, ovitateka konthele yonombongo vipondola okukalesa ovanthu omapita. Besides his overall concern for the human family, God demonstrates an intense interest in us as individuals. For example, financial problems can affect people. Omphitilo patyi Jeova aavelele ovanthu vae, ova Isilayeli, iya oityi valaa? All my possessions were in a single suitcase, but I was happy and content in serving Jehovah. " What opportunity did Jehovah give to his people, and what was it? Oityi aveho vaovola ouviuki wa Jeova vesukisa okulinga? The Bible tells us: "Anxiety in a man's heart weighs it down, but a good word cheers it up. " What should all who seek Jehovah's righteousness do? Jesus wanoñgonoka okuti omukai oo ankho una ekolelo, ehemuhitisa mokonda yononkhali mbae. The Bible is also unique in that it alone gives satisfying answers to fundamental questions we ask: Jesus realized that this woman had faith and did not punish her for his sins. Mahi, onkhalelo tulilongesa Ombimbiliya yelikalela nonkhalelo tulilongesa pala okulinga ono polova kosikola. She was 17 when she set the goal to preach to each of her workmates. However, the way we study the Bible is different from what we study in school. Iya oityi tyipita no nohande mbonondingavivi? However, this extended life may not represent a cure. And what happens to the wicked spirits? Anthi, ombuto, oyo ikawila ponomphangu mbelikalaila. At that time, about 120 disciples of Jesus were gathered at a place in Jerusalem when "suddenly there was a noise from heaven, just like that of a rushing, stiff breeze, and it filled the whole house. " However, the seed would begin in various forms. Ngetyi omulela ulaimisa olutu, omilao via Huku vipondola okutupola otyiho. 1 - 3. (a) What should always be our priority? As the oil referred to the figurative body, God's promises can result in anxiety. Omokonda yatyi? 6, 7. (a) Who is responsible for the persecution of true worshippers? Why? 1: 21 - Okuti Jeova uundapesa umue tyili "owova " opo ayovole vana vetavela? Pride was apparently a factor that caused her to accept the lie. 1: 21 - Will Jehovah really use "a foolish one " to save those who obey him? Tyina ovaumbili va Huku vaholovona omuvalo vetyii okuti "Kuna omuvo wokulinga ovipuka aviho. " What lesson was Paul teaching them in his letter? When God's servants choose clothing, they know that "there is an appointed time for everything. " Okapitulu 15 komukanda Os Jovens Perguntam - Respostas Práticas, Volume 2, kapondola okuundapeswa pala okutomphola nombunga. However, Paul added that there was still "a promise of entering into [God's] rest. " chapter 15 of the book Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work, Volume 2, which is not used to communicate with families. Jeova waava otyilikutila tyofeto yeyovo, opo tukale nomuenyo wehambu. Saul minimized and rejected counsel. Jehovah provided the ransom so that we can enjoy a happy life. Ovipuka ovinyingi ovivi vikahi nokupita hono pano pohi, vilinga onthele "yenyingilikilo " lilekesa" onthyulilo youye. " They are humble and determined to keep their vow for as long as they remain in special full - time service. Many bad things occur today are part of "the sign " of" the conclusion of the system of things. " (b) Ouwa patyi upola kelilongeso liove liombunga? Spiritual Qualities Made Manifest (b) How do you benefit from your family worship? Lilekesa eameno lia Huku. Ngetyi ovanthu vakala tyapama mokati keleva likahi pokati konomphunda onombali, ovaumbili va Jeova navo vakala tyapama mombuelo youtumini wae no wo Mona wae. Writing under divine inspiration, the prophet Daniel foretold: "In the days of those kings [existing in our day] the God of heaven will set up a kingdom [in heaven] that will never be brought to ruin. Like God's protection, the inhabitants of the mountains reside in two mountains, Jehovah's servants reside in security under his sovereignty under the rulership of his Son. Konthyulilo yomuenyo wae, Josue wapopile okuti: "Muna okukala nomutima wakola opo muendele, nokulinga atyiho tyahonekua movitumino via Moisesi, amuahayapukamo, okuyemba kokulio ine okokumbili. " It expanded beyond all expectations. Toward the end of his life, Joshua said: "You must be courageous in order to carry out all the commandments of Moses and do according to the Law of Moses, not walking at the right hand of Moses or at the right hand of the right hand. " Isaia waulile okuti: "Ovanthu ovanyingi maveya iya avapopi okuti: " Endyuei, tulonde komphunda ya Jeova, ondyuo ya Huku ya Jako, iya oe meketulongesa onondyila mbae, iya onthue atuendela monondyila mbae. ' Genesis 5: 22 tells us: "Enoch continued to walk with the true God. " Isaiah foretold: "The people will come and say: " Come, you people, and we will go up to the mountain of Jehovah, and we will teach us his ways, and we will walk in his paths. ' " Mandyilingi eulu epe [outumini omupe keulu], noohi omphe [ovanthu ovaviuki mouye omupe]; iya ovanthu kamavakahinangela vali ovipuka viokohale, tupu kamavikeya vali komutima. Jehovah's eyes penetrate our heart; we cannot conceal our true inclinations and motivations from him. " I new heavens [the new heavens] and the new earth [the new world] will not be called to mind, nor will they come to mind the former things in the heart. (Tanga Isaías 60: 17.) My mother tried diligently to raise me in the truth. (Read Isaiah 60: 17.) (Atos 15: 29) Namphila ankho onondaka ombo mbehehi onkhalelo imwe yokuvelekela, mahi mbutuhinangelesa okuti katyapengele okuhanda okukala nekongoko ewa. Would you be willing to study with someone even though you may have to give up some of your free time? Although those words had few words, it reminds us that it is normal for us to have healthy health. Opulisa ankho ipaka motyitateka omuenyo wovakuatate vetu. (a) What will happen to today's commercial system? The police prevented me from living in a difficult situation with our brothers. (1 Cor. Those who became Christian disciples in Lystra must have been thrilled to learn of the hope that was held out to Christ's followers. (1 Cor. Maponwa ale okukutaata. " You can avoid much heartache if you wait until you are physically, mentally, and spiritually ready for marriage before you start a romantic relationship with a Christian of the opposite sex. You must not let it go. " Tala onthele yati "A luta de Casiodoro de Reina pela Bíblia em espanhol, " mo Sentinela 1 Junho ya 1996. But when a person learns the truth, he must choose whether he will be on Jehovah's side or on Satan's. See the article "The Bible Changes Lives, " in the June 1, 1994, issue of The Watchtower. Watundile keulu, akala munthu uhena nkhali, * iya aipawa opo etuyovole. And he died for all so that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for him who died for them and was raised up. " - 2 Cor. He became a perfect man, * and he died so that he could deliver us. Soka ñgeno ove umukulu wewaneno utalelapo ovalinepi vamue vayekapo ewaneno mokonda "yomasukalalo omuenyo. " Christians refrain from developing a romantic interest in unbelievers (See paragraph 14) Suppose you are an elder who visits a couple who have left the congregation because of "the anxieties of life. " Iya oñgeni tupondola okuliviyula onthue muene? And how can we discipline ourselves? " Pokuhololoka kua Tatekulu Jesus keulu, kumue no noandyu mbae mbononkhono ononene " aveho "vana vehei Huku, na vana vehetavela onondaka onongwa konthele ya Tatekulu yetu Jesus, " mavakahanyaunuako. " Those who do not know the good news about our Lord Jesus will suffer destruction upon all those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus will be destroyed. " Ombunga aiho ngamo ikala aloo anyima etyi ankho ena omanima 205. The entire family lived until he died for 2 years. Ovanthu vamwe veliyumba onthumbi ovo muene ine vatala muvakuavo opo vafuisepo omasuka - suka avo opamphepo. Some people trust in themselves or feel that they are better interested in their spiritual need. Haaveho vapama motyili monkhalelo ike. Not everyone is spiritually - minded. Matutale ononkhalelo etyive, tupondola okulekesa ohole "yehe yokulikembesa. " Let us consider nine ways in which we can show love "with hypocrisy. " Oñgeni onthue tutyii inkha tukahi nokuumbila Jeova no mutima auho? How do we know if we are serving Jehovah with a complete heart? Mokueenda kuomanima, Jeova ukahi nokukuatesako "omupika wekolelo nokualunguka " okukala vali tyalunguka. For years, Jehovah has helped us to "the faithful and discreet slave " to be watchful. Omahipululo Ombimbiliya malandulako alekesa nawa konthele oyo. The following Bible accounts shed light on this subject. Ngotyo, kese umue puonthue wesukisa okulipula okuti: " Nkhele ndyikahi nokulilongesa ovipuka viotete? Therefore, each of us needs to ask himself: " Am I still learning the first things? Walekesa nawa okuti ova Faliseu ankho vena otyituwa "tyokulia okuleveka. " Wati o korbã ankho "otyiawa tyipewa Huku, " iya ova Saduceu ankho vapopia okuti" kutupu etutilo. " Tupu, vati ankho ondyuo ya Huku " imoneka nawa ' tyina ukahi Komphunda Yomindyambi. He made clear that the Pharisees had a "food at the proper time " and said that there was no" a resurrection of God, " and he said that there was no "in the Mount of Olives. " Inkha ulandula vana mulongeswa navo, matyikuetela tyi? If you follow those who are not taught, what will benefit you? Brian: Ovitateka ngovio viakaka. Brian: That's the same thing. Onosindiyu ononyingi vakala Ovakristau. Many Gentiles became Christians. Moluotyo, Ombimbiliya yati: "Huku watualako okuavela Salomau ounongo nenoñgonoko enyingi. As a result, the Bible states: "God continued to give Solomon the wisdom of wisdom. (João 13: 14, 15) Ekumbululo liepulo olio, malilekesa nawa alo pi tuna ehumbilo liotyotyili navakuetu. - Tanga Filipenses 2: 3, 4. The answer to that question demonstrates how much we honor others. - Read Philippians 2: 3, 4. Omapulo patyi aviuka alingwa? What wise questions arise? Ekumbululo tulivasa monondaka mba Jesus, apopile motyinthiki tyahulilila tyomuenyo wae pano pohi. We find the answer in Jesus ' words, on the night before he spoke to his earthly life. Tuna okukala ovanthu "vekolelo. " We must be "the faithful one. " Tyitei konkhalelo yomuenyo wa kese munthu. Much depends on every human's life. " Kalei ovahetekeli va vana vapiñgana omilao mokonda yekolelo noumphua - lundo. " - HEBREUS 6: 12. " Become imitators of those who have endured because of faith and patience. " - HEBREWS 6: 12. (Tanga Salmo 86: 12; Isaías 43: 10.) (Read Psalm 86: 12; Isaiah 43: 10.) Tupu tyieta ovitateka mewaneno. It also causes problems in the congregation. (Tanga 1 João 3: 19, 20.) (Read 1 John 3: 19, 20.) (Provérbios 15: 28) Tala oñgeni otyo tyitukuatesako konthele yokuovola ovilinga. Consider how this helps us to set goals. Mahi pehepano, tutyii okuti Jeova uhole kese umwe ponthue iya unoñgonoka oñgeni tukala tyina tumona ononkhumbi. But now we know that Jehovah loves each one of us and understands how we react when we suffer. (Mateus 24: 14) Vamwe povaivisi ovo Vouhamba wa Huku vokuakulupa, vakoleleya ononkhumbi vamoneswa, ine ovitateka ovikuavo omanima omanyingi. Some publishers of God's Kingdom have endured persecution, persecution, or other trials for many years. (b) Kontheke yokukula mopamphepo, oñgeni ovakuendye hono vapondola okuhetekela Timoteo? (b) How can young ones today imitate Timothy? (1 Coríntios 15: 6) Tupu, ngetyi tyilekesa ono Evandyeliu ononkhuana, etutilo lia Jesus lianoñgonokelwe, nokutavelwa novanthu ovanyingi. - Mateus 27: 62 - 28: 20; Marcos 16: 1 - 8; Lucas 24: 1 - 53; João 20: 1 - 21: 25. Moreover, just as the four Gospels of Jesus ' resurrection were heard by him, he was moved by many people. - Matthew 27: 28 - 20; Mark 8: 1 - 20; John 1: 1 - 25. Tutalei ovipuka vimwe viaendele momuenyo wae tupondola okulimbwa liwa - liwa, netyi tupondola okulilongesilako. Let us consider some of the things in his life that we can forget and what we can learn from them. (Lucas 15: 20) Pomuvo opo, ovohe vesukisa okutualako okukala ovakuatyili ku Jeova, iya avakevela ongeleka yavo ilunde ovana vavo okukondoka ku Jeova. At that time, parents need to remain loyal to Jehovah, and they wait patiently for their children to return to Jehovah. Mokueenda kuomanima 10, omuvalu wovaivisi ouye auho, auliyawisa unene. Over ten years, the number of publishers have become so widespread. Tyina tulingilwako elikuambelo mouyingi, tuesukisa okukala " nonthilo na Huku. ' When we pray in a prayer, we need to have " deep respect for God. ' (1 Crônicas 3: 17; Mateus 1: 12) Sealtiele ankho omulume womona wa Neri, ngotyo ankho omonaivi yae. She said that she was the son of Christ's daughter, so she heard her son. Ondaka yae itukalesa nonthumbi yokuti onthiki makamanako ononkhumbi ambuho ikahi popepi! His Word assures us that the day will end all suffering! mo A Sentinela 1 ya Novembro yo 2009. in The Watchtower of November 1, 2009, issue of The Watchtower. Nonthue tuna okutavela kwe, mokonda apa katutu mahanyeko ouye uno wovivi. We too must obey him because he will soon destroy this wicked world. Mbukoneka nawa, mokonda ombo omuenyo wove. " Safeguard it, for it is your life. " Au. No. (Mat. 24: 14) Elao limwe enene okuivisa onondaka Mbouhamba wa "Huku wava ekevelelo. " - Rom. It is a great privilege to preach the Kingdom message "with the hope of God. " - Rom. Tunde ponthyimbi, o Jesus muene ukahi komutwe wovilinga viokuivisa ouye auho. From the beginning, Jesus has been responsible for the worldwide preaching work. (Tanga Efésios 4: 22 - 24.) (Read Ephesians 4: 22 - 24.) Atumu ovanthu aveho vetavele vala kwe. He sent all men to obey him. Tyimphola olumphoki, tyindyetela ovitateka viekongoko, tyapilulula onkhalelo ndyitekula vakuetu, ovikando ovinyingi ndyisoya. " I cannot sleep, and I control my health so much that I talk to others about it many times. " Movilinga viokuivisa na Demetrius Papageorge, omukuatate umwe omulembulwa wehimbika okuumbila Jeova mo 1913 During the first century C.E., a anointed brother began serving Jehovah in 1923 Huku uhole ovanthu aveho, mahi tupu wesuka na kese umwe puonthue. God loves everyone, but he also cares about each of us. Atyiho ankho ndyina tyifwa vala momala ike, mahi ankho ndyina ombembua nehambu liokuumbila Jeova. " Everything I had in just a fewer flour, but I had lost my joy and joy in serving Jehovah. " Ombimbiliya ipopia okuti: "Otyiho tyilema momutima womuthu, mahi onondaka onongwa mbuhambukiswa omutima. " The Bible says: "All around a person's heart has a clean heart, but the good news makes the heart rejoice. " Tupu Ombimbiliya yelikalela mokonda oyo vala ikumbulula nawa omapulo aa akolela: Also, the Bible is different because it answers these important questions: Etyi ankho ena omanima 17, watokolele okuava oumbangi ku vana ankho aundapa navo. When he was 17 years old, he was determined to bear witness to those who worked with him. Mahi, otyo katyilekesa okuti omunthu wahakulwa. However, this does not mean that a person is a myth. Ovalongwa va Jesus ankho vena 120 ankho veliongiya etyi "vauhulukilwa nomuuno watunda keulu ukahi ngo womphepo onene, auyula mondyuo aiho. Some 120 disciples of Jesus were gathered together when they "was eaten with a noise in heaven like a noise, full of water, and a house full of rest. 1 - 3. (a) Oityi ovaumbili aveho va Huku vapaka tete momuenyo? 1 - 3. (a) What do all of God's servants put first in life? 6, 7. (a) Olie ukahi nokuetela ononkhumbi ovafendeli votyotyili? 6, 7. (a) Who is responsible for true worshippers? Eva wetavelele kounkhembi oo mokonda yelungavi. Eve listened to it because of greed. Oityi Paulu evelongesile momukanda wae? What did Paul teach in his letter? (Números 14: 30; Josué 14: 6 - 10) Mahi, no ngotyo Paulu nkhele wapopia "omulao wokunyingila mepululuko lia [Huku]. " However, Paul still spoke of "the promise of [God's] rest. " Aveho nomutima weliola valinga ononkhono opo vafuisepo omulao valinga mokueenda kuomanima aeho vekahi movilinga viomuvo auho. All those who strive to fulfill their vow during the full - time service. Oñgeni elondolo liae lituvatela? How does his counsel help us? Omuuli Daniele wahoneka kononkhono mba Huku okuti: "Kononthiki mbovatumini ovo [vekahiko hono], Huku yo keulu makavialeka ouhamba umue [keulu] kamauhanyaunuako vali. The prophet Daniel wrote: "In the days of those kings [the God] will set up a kingdom of God [in heaven] that will never be brought to ruin. Ovanyingi ankho kavasoko okuti ewaneno malikulu liwa - liwa. Many of them did not think that the congregation would become more quickly. Genesis 5: 22 itupopila okuti: "Enoke watuaileko okueenda na Huku yotyotyili. " Genesis 5: 22 tells us: "I kept walking with the true God. " Jeova utyivila okutala etyi tyikahi momutima wetu. Wii omalusoke, nomahando etu, iya katupondola okumuholeka natyike. Jehovah is able to see what our thoughts are and desires, and we cannot hide anything from him. Me wankhuatesileko unene opo ndyikulile motyili. My mother helped me to grow spiritually. Okuti wafuapo opo ulongese omunthu umwe Ombimbiliya momuvo wove wokuomba? Are you willing to give someone a Bible study at your time? (a) Oityi matyikamoneka nouye uno wonondando? (a) What will happen to today's commercial system? Vana vakala ovalongwa Ovakristau mo Listra, vanoñgonoka ekevelelo lihuvisa ankho ovalanduli va Kristu vena. Those who became Christians in Lystra learned the wonderful hope of Christ's followers. Upondola okulityilika okuliihamesa unene omutima, inkha ukevelela alo ukula nawa molutu, no konondunge no mopaspilitu. Tyina pahe wamafupo nawa, otaindya po Vakristau vakuenyi una mamulinepe nae. You could avoid the burden of self - control if you wait for the physical, emotional, and spiritual maturity, you will make it easier for others to get married. Mahi tyina omunthu elilongesa otyili una okutokola inkha mahulu ku Jeova ine o ku Satanasi. But when a person learns the truth, he must decide whether it is Jehovah or Satan. Iya oe wankhila aveho, opo vana vena omuenyo vahakaleko vali pala avo muene, mahi o pala una wevenkhila iya atutiliswa. " - 2 Cor. And he died for all so that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for him who died for them. " - 2 Cor. Ovola ou una ovituwa oviwa, iya uhole umwe Jeova. Seek yourself in a loving way, and you love Jehovah.