We zijn geneigd te denken dat de meeste honden bijten. We are inclined to think that most dogs bite. We tend to think that most dogs bite. We hebben alleen maar thee. We only have tea. All we have is tea. Ik denk dat ik beter Tom kan helpen. I think I'd better help Tom. I think I better help Tom. We zijn appels aan het eten. We're eating apples. We're eating apples. Mijn stiefvader haatte me. My stepfather hated me. My stepfather hated me. Niemand heeft bestek naar het feest meegenomen. Nobody brought eating utensils to the party. No one took cutlery to the party. Ze is ongeveer even oud als ik. She's about the same age as I am. She's about my age. Gelukkig Nieuwjaar! Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Hij was zo verdrietig dat hij bijna gek werd. He was so sad that he almost went mad. He was so sad, he almost went crazy. Iedereen voelde de aardbeving, behalve ik. Everybody felt the earthquake, except me. Everyone felt the earthquake except me. Tom heeft een zwarte hond, niet? Tom has a black dog, doesn't he? Tom has a black dog, doesn't he? Kleine kinderen zitten graag overal aan. Little children like to touch everything. Little kids like to touch everything. Gaat u met de trein? Will you go by train? Are you taking the train? Spreekt u IJslands? Do you speak Icelandic? Do you speak Icelandic? Zij heeft mij een shirt gegeven. She has given me a shirt. She gave me a shirt. Volgens mij kunnen we dat doen. According to me we can do that. I think we can do that. Die huizen zijn groot. Those houses are big. Those houses are big. Ik denk dat ge haar wat uitleg zult moeten geven. I think you owe her an explanation. I think you're gonna have to explain something to her. Ze ging met hem naar de bioscoop. She went to the cinema with him. She took him to the movies. We zijn verloren. We are lost. We're lost. Is het belangrijk? Is it important? Is it important? Ik onderwijs. I teach. I teach. Tom is een herder. Tom is a shepherd. Tom's a shepherd. Hij at giftige paddenstoelen. He ate poisonous mushrooms. He ate poisonous mushrooms. Tom moet nieuwe schoenen kopen, want zijn oude zijn al versleten. Tom must buy a pair of shoes. His old ones are all worn out. Tom needs to buy new shoes, because his old ones are already worn out. De wiskundeles van vandaag was interessanter dan gebruikelijk. Today's math class was more interesting than usual. Today's math class was more interesting than usual. Zij is een computerexpert. She's a computer expert. She's a computer expert. Hou oud is die kerk? How old is this church? How old is that church? Ik voel me niet zo goed. I'm not feeling too well. I don't feel so good. Jullie studeerden. You were studying. You guys went to college. Hij is niet gek. He is no fool. He's not crazy. De meeste mensen hebben weinig verbeeldingskracht. Most people have very little imagination. Most people have little imagination. Iedereen die hem kende bewonderde hem. Everyone who knew him admired him. Everyone who knew him admired him. Sami denkt dat Layla een spion is. Sami thinks Layla is a spy. Sami thinks Layla's a spy. Tom realiseerde zich iets. Tom realized something. Tom realized something. Ik ben heel gegeneerd. I'm so embarrassed. I'm very embarrassed. De koning en koningin komen eraan. The king and queen are coming. The king and queen are coming. Als je succes wil hebben, moet je veel risico's nemen. If you want to succeed, you have to take a lot of risks. If you want to be successful, you have to take a lot of risks. Ze huilde de hele nacht. She cried all night. She was crying all night. Tot nu toe heb ik nog nooit een echte koe gezien. I've never seen a real cow. So far, I've never seen a real cow. Ik hou van vanille-ijs. I love vanilla ice cream. I like vanilla ice cream. Wil je een plakje ham voor me snijden? Would you slice me a piece of ham, please? Would you cut me a slice of ham? Waarom maakt het uit? Why does it matter? Why does it matter? Zoudt ge graag ruimtevaarder worden? Would you like to be an astronaut? Would you like to be a spaceman? De moeder van onze collega is overleden. Our colleague's mother has died. Our colleague's mother died. Mijn moeder is mij zeer dierbaar. My mother is very dear to me. My mother is very dear to me. Ondanks de regen werd het spel niet afgelast. In spite of the rain, the game was not cancelled. Despite the rain, the game was not cancelled. Ze werd wakker. She woke up. She woke up. Ze is mijn koningin. She is my queen. She's my queen. Hij slaapt waarschijnlijk. He's probably sleeping. He's probably asleep. Tom heeft belangrijkere dingen om zich zorgen over te maken. Tom has more important things to worry about. Tom has more important things to worry about. We hoeven dit niet te doen. We don't have to do this. We don't have to do this. Ken reed Tom naar het ziekenhuis. Ken drove Tom to the hospital. Ken drove Tom to the hospital. Iedereen is tegen mij. Everybody is against me. Everyone's against me. Ik moet mijn taken in kleine stapjes opdelen. I must break my tasks into small steps. I have to divide my tasks into small steps. Dat vind ik erg leuk. I like it very much. I like that very much. Ik zal blijven. I will remain. I'll stay. Zullen we lopend of met de auto gaan? Shall we walk or drive? Shall we walk or go by car? Ik hoop dat je nooit een communist wordt. I hope you'll never turn Communist. I hope you never become a communist. Dat wit gebouw is een ziekenhuis. That white building is a hospital. That white building is a hospital. Dat is niet mijn auto. That's not my car. That's not my car. Heb je ooit een paarse vlinder gezien? Have you ever seen a purple butterfly? Have you ever seen a purple butterfly? Gratis toegang. Free Admission. Free access. Tom grijnsde. Tom grinned. Tom was smiling. Tom zei dat hij iemand had horen schreeuwen. Tom said he heard somebody yelling. Tom said he heard someone screaming. Het Italiaanse eten was heerlijk. The Italian food was delicious. The Italian food was delicious. Kom ons eens bezoeken wanneer je in de buurt bent. Please drop in when you happen to be in the neighborhood. Come visit us when you're around. Ik schreef hem voor iets totaal anders. I wrote to him for quite another reason. I wrote him for something completely different. Probeer niet twee dingen tegelijk te doen. Don't try to do two things at a time. Don't try to do two things at once. Hij was naar muziek aan het luisteren. He was listening to music. He was listening to music. Soms komen dromen uit. Dreams sometimes come true. Sometimes dreams come true. Daniela heeft me thuis opgebeld. Daniela called me at home. Daniela called me at home. De prinses werd op slag verliefd op de prins. The princess fell in love with the prince instantly. The princess fell in love with the prince instantly. Tijden veranderen. Times change. Times change. Is ze niet een beetje jong? Isn't she a little young? Isn't she a little young? Indien het morgen regent, dan ga ik niet. If it rains tomorrow, I won't go. If it rains tomorrow, I won't go. Inkomsten uit deze bron zijn niet belastbaar. Income from this source is non-taxable. Income from this source shall not be taxable. Beide ouders leven nog. Both the parents are still living. Both parents are still alive. Ik ben mijn sleutels kwijt. I've lost my keys. I lost my keys. Hij gaf ieder een pen. He gave each of them a pencil. He gave each one a pen. De telefoon rinkelde opnieuw. The telephone rang again. The phone rang again. Tijdens mijn reis ben ik nooit naar Hiroshima gegaan. I never went to Hiroshima on my trip. During my journey I never went to Hiroshima. Ik ben van plan om Judy een brief te schrijven. I plan to write Judy a letter. I intend to write Judy a letter. Sabrina gleed uit en morste koffie over Mary's jurk. Sabrina slipped and spilled coffee all over Mary's dress. Sabrina slipped and spilled coffee on Mary's dress. Hoe ver is de Eiffel-toren? How far away is the Eiffel Tower? How far is the Eiffel Tower? Ligniet is een fossiele brandstof. Lignite is a fossil fuel. Lignite is a fossil fuel. Ze hielpen elkaar. They helped each other. They were helping each other. Hij spreekt vloeiend Japans. He speaks fluent Japanese. He speaks fluent Japanese. Ik moet vandaag langs de supermarkt. Today I have to drop by the supermarket. I have to stop by the grocery store today. Goedenacht, Dan. Good night, Dan. Good night, Dan. We zijn op weg naar huis. We're on our way home. We're on our way home. Doe het licht aan. Turn on the lights. Turn on the light. Waar is het dichtstbijzijnde restaurant? Where's the closest restaurant? Where's the nearest restaurant? Sorry, het was niet mijn bedoeling u te onderbreken. Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. Luister! Doe niet zo brutaal! Listen up! Don't be so insolent! Don't be rude! U bent hier, omdat we uw hulp nodig hebben. You are here because we need your help. You're here because we need your help. Deze mobiele telefoon is heel duur. This cell phone is really expensive. This cell phone is very expensive. Zal het snel opklaren? Will it clear up soon? Will it clear up soon? Ze sprak. She spoke. She spoke. Lig stil. Lie still. Lie still. Excuseert u me, waar is het herentoilet? Excuse me, where's the Gents? Excuse me, where's the men's room? Tom bood Maria een drankje aan. Tom offered Mary a drink. Tom offered Maria a drink. Zijn jij en Tom ooit eens gaan schaatsen? Have you and Tom ever gone ice skating together? Did you and Tom ever go ice skating? Wij vertrouwen op God. In God We Trust. We trust in God. Wiens auto is dat? Whose car is this? Whose car is that? De olie maakte de vloer glad en veroorzaakte zijn plotse val. The oil made the floor slippery and caused his sudden fall. The oil smoothed the floor and caused his sudden fall. Toen ze de keuken binnenliep, was er niemand. When she entered the kitchen, no one was there. When she walked into the kitchen, no one was there. Tom is arm. Tom is poor. Tom's poor. Hij is vast Toms broer. He must be Tom's brother. He must be Tom's brother. Ze beloven ons gouden bergen, maar ik heb zo het vermoeden dat we op de vervulling van die beloften kunnen wachten tot sint-juttemis. They promise us the moon, but I suspect we can wait for the fulfillment of those promises till hell freezes over. They promise us golden mountains, but I have reason to believe that we can wait for those promises to be fulfilled until the end of the day. Ik ben bedroefd. I'm sad. I'm sad. Ben ik uitgenodigd? Am I invited? Am I invited? Je had moeten blijven waar je was. You should've stayed where you were. You should have stayed where you were. Ik heb nagedacht over uw verzoek. I thought over your request. I've been thinking about your request. Hij is met een verkoudheid wakker geworden. He came down with a cold. He woke up with a cold. Ik verdrink! I'm drowning! I'm drowning! Sami is beter dan Farid. Sami is better than Farid. Sami's better than Farid. Ik ben net zo groot als Tom. I'm as tall as Tom. I'm as big as Tom. U bent Marokkaans. You are Moroccan. You're Moroccan. Het vlees was te lang gebraden. The meat was overfried. The meat was roast for too long. Sommige religieuze personen kunnen zeer veroordelend zijn. Some religious people can be very judgemental. Some religious persons can be very judgmental. Wie is uw favoriete countrymuzikant. Who's your favorite country musician? Who's your favorite country musician? Zeg wat je wilt, maar ik doe toch mijn eigen zin! Whatever you say, I'll do it my way. Say what you want, but I'll do what I want! De trein vanuit Genève zal het station binnenrijden. The train from Geneva will arrive at the station. The train from Geneva will enter the station. Heb je je haren gewassen? Did you wash your hair? Did you wash your hair? Tom heeft zijn mening veranderd. Tom has changed his opinion. Tom changed his mind. We zijn verdwaald. We're lost. We're lost. Ik kan goede verhalen schrijven als ik daar zin in heb. I can write good stories when I feel like it. I can write good stories when I feel like it. Waarom stopte ze? Why did she stop? Why did she stop? Ik hou van kip. I like chicken. I like chicken. Kate was verrast toen ze die grote hond zag. Kate was surprised when she saw that big dog. Kate was surprised when she saw that big dog. Tatoeba is verslavend. Tatoeba is addictive. Tattooba is addictive. Ik ben van Spanje. I am from Spain. I'm from Spain. Tom trok in bij zijn vriendin. Tom moved in with his girlfriend. Tom moved in with his girlfriend. Dit is echt een leuke verrassing! This really is a nice surprise! This is a really nice surprise! We hebben elkaar eerder ontmoet. We met before. We've met before. Ik ben bang dat ik mezelf niet verstaanbaar kan maken in het Engels. I'm afraid I cannot make myself understood in English. I'm afraid I can't make myself understood in English. Het is warm in het vliegtuig. It is hot on the airplane. It's hot on the plane. Ik weet niet wat ik van nu af aan moet doen. I don't know what to do from now on. I don't know what to do from now on. Was jij nerveus? Were you nervous? Were you nervous? Ik kan dit niet uitleggen. I can't explain this. I can't explain this. Ze houdt heel erg van katten. She really likes cats a lot. She loves cats very much. Voor een wijze man is één woord genoeg. A word is enough to a wise man. For a wise man, one word is enough. Tom viel van de trap af en stootte zijn hoofd. Tom fell down the stairs and hit his head. Tom fell down the stairs and hit his head. Iedereen was blij. Everybody was happy. Everyone was happy. De garantie dekt geen normale slijtage. The warranty doesn't cover normal wear and tear. The warranty does not cover normal wear and tear. Laten we doen alsof we buitenaardse wezens zijn. Let's pretend we are aliens. Let's pretend we're aliens. Hij kwam niet op tijd. He didn't come on time. He didn't show up in time. Tom heeft een blauw oog. Tom has a black eye. Tom has a black eye. Ik kom uit Costa Rica. I'm from Costa Rica. I'm from Costa Rica. Ik neem mijn kinderen bijna elke dag mee naar het park. I bring my children to the park almost every day. I take my kids to the park almost every day. Laten we een kortere weg nemen! Let's take a short cut. Let's take a shortcut! Mensen noemen hem Dave. People call him Dave. People call him Dave. Er zijn ook landen waar vrijheid van meningsuiting beperkt is. There are also countries in which freedom of speech is limited. There are also countries where freedom of expression is limited. Waarom zijn flamingo's roze? Why are flamingos pink? Why are flamingos pink? Ik dacht dat je hierin wel geïnteresseerd zou zijn. I thought you might be interested in this. I thought you'd be interested in this. Is dit de eerste keer dat je ooit hebt geschaatst? Is this the first time you've ever ice skated? Is this the first time you've ever skated? Ik heb hem elke maand een keer geschreven gedurende bijna twintig jaar. I have written to him once a month for almost twenty years. I've written it once every month for almost 20 years. Dit is een opensourceproject. This is an open source project. This is an open source project. Tom kan het niet verdragen. Tom can't bear it. Tom can't bear it. Ik wist niet dat Tom vroeger in Boston woonde. I didn't know Tom used to live in Boston. I didn't know Tom used to live in Boston. Het is spijtig om dat te horen. I am sorry to hear that. I'm sorry to hear that. Tom verliet het land. Tom left the country. Tom left the country. Jane is haar huiswerk aan het maken. Jane is doing her homework. Jane's doing her homework. Ik hou niet van oesters. I don't like oysters. I don't like oysters. Laat de fles met rust. Leave the bottle. Leave the bottle alone. Je vergelijkt appelen met peren! You're comparing apples and oranges! You're comparing apples to pears! Boekweit is duurder geworden. Buckwheat has become more expensive. Buckwheat has become more expensive. Mijn batterij staat op het punt dood te gaan My battery is about to die. My battery's about to die. Ik heb je brief aan mijn familie voorgelezen. I read your letter to my family. I read your letter to my family. Zo gezegd, zo gedaan. It's as good as done. So to speak, so to speak. Wat gaan jij en Tom morgen doen? What are you and Tom doing tomorrow? What are you and Tom gonna do tomorrow? Koko koos de boom. Koko chose the tree. Koko chose the tree. Ik heb gewoon een knuffel nodig. I just need a hug. I just need a hug. Ik heb niets meer te doen vandaag. I have nothing more to do today. I have nothing more to do today. Niet elke student heeft een woordenboek. Not every student has a dictionary. Not every student has a dictionary. Wat vindt u van mijn nieuwe hoed? What do you think of my new hat? What do you think of my new hat? Oorlog is slecht. War is bad. War is bad. Veel mooie bloemen bloeien in de lente. Many beautiful flowers bloom in spring. Many beautiful flowers bloom in spring. Roze is niet alleen voor meisjes. Pink is not just for girls. Pink isn't just for girls. Afgelopen maand heeft hij zijn huis wit laten schilderen. Last month he had his house painted white. Last month he had his house painted white. Wist je niet dat Tom een tandarts was? Didn't you know Tom was a dentist? Didn't you know Tom was a dentist? Er is geen oplossing. There is no solution. There's no solution. Wat hebben jullie gekookt? What've you been cooking? What did you guys cook? Tom zegt dat het dringend is. Tom says it's urgent. Tom says it's urgent. De rel was volledig uit de hand gelopen. The riot was completely out of control. The riot was completely out of control. Thomas houdt van schrijven. Tom likes to write. Thomas likes to write. Ik was gek op taart. I was fond of cake. I loved pie. Dat daar is een mooi paar benen. That's a nice pair of legs. That's a nice pair of legs over there. Ik mag niet roken. I can't smoke. I can't smoke. Hardlopen is goed voor de gezondheid. Running is good for the health. Running is good for health. San José is de hoofdstad van Costa Rica. San José is the capital of Costa Rica. San José is the capital of Costa Rica. Hou je van koffie? Do you like coffee? Do you like coffee? Porto-Novo is de hoofdstad van Benin. Porto-Novo is the capital of Benin. Porto-Novo is the capital of Benin. Esperanto is een volledig fonetische taal. Esperanto is a completely phonetic language. Esperanto is a completely phonetic language. Tom was een journalistiekstudent. Tom was a journalism student. Tom was a journalism student. Ze heeft een sterk karakter. She has a strong character. She's got a strong character. Pak een ticket voor me. Get a ticket for me. Get me a ticket. Tom is een vlogger. Tom is a vlogger. Tom's a vlogger. Hij weet bijna niets over dat dier. He knows almost nothing about that animal. He hardly knows anything about that animal. Het lijkt erop dat ik onderbreek. I seem to be interrupting. Looks like I'm interrupting. Ze waren druk. They were busy. They were busy. Tulpen zijn mijn favoriete soort bloemen. Tulips are my favorite kind of flower. Tulips are my favorite kind of flowers. Deze technologie is iets ongelofelijks. This technology is an incredible thing! This technology is unbelievable. Dit is jullie wijn. This is your wine. This is your wine. Wat is jouw lievelingssport? What is your favorite sport? What's your favorite sport? Toms bedrijf importeert thee uit India. Tom's company imports tea from India. Tom's company is importing tea from India. Tom heeft vaak klachten over de kookkunsten van zijn moeder. Tom often complains about his mother's cooking. Tom often complains about his mother's cooking. Ik heb nog een in mijn tas. There's another one in my bag. I got another one in my bag. Tom is gezakt voor zijn rijexamen. Tom failed to pass his driving test. Tom failed his driving test. Arabisch is geen moeilijke taal. Arabic isn't a difficult language. Arabic is not a difficult language. Meen je dat echt? Are you serious? Are you serious? Gaan jullie naar dezelfde school? Do you guys go to the same school? You guys go to the same school? Geef de bloemen alstublieft water. Please water the flowers. Please water the flowers. Wacht eventjes. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Ik weet niet wat ik ze ga vertellen. I don't know what I'm going to tell them. I don't know what I'm gonna tell them. Mijn dochter is nog maar een kind. My daughter is but a child. My daughter's just a kid. Het nieuwe semester begint in april in Japan. The new term starts in April in Japan. The new semester starts in April in Japan. Tom voelde zich ongemakkelijk. Tom felt awkward. Tom was uncomfortable. Tom is in Australië geboren. Tom was born in Australia. Tom was born in Australia. Het geschreeuw van de vogel verbrak de stilte van het bos. The bird's cry broke the silence of the woods. The bird's screams broke the silence of the forest. Morgen zal ik druiven oogsten. Tomorrow I will harvest grapes. Tomorrow I'll harvest grapes. Ik heb geen chauffeur nodig. I don't need a chauffeur. I don't need a driver. Tom en Maria tennisten de hele dag. Tom and Mary have been playing tennis all day. Tom and Maria tennisten all day. In het algemeen zijn mannen langer dan vrouwen. Generally, men are taller than women. In general, men are longer than women. Zijn er kerken in Algerije? Are there churches in Algeria? Are there any churches in Algeria? Het maakt niet uit of er een menigte is. It doesn't matter if there's a crowd. It doesn't matter if there's a crowd. Het was verplicht. It was mandatory. It was mandatory. Het is bijna half drie. It's almost 2:30. It's almost 2:30. "Bedankt voor de hulp." "Geen dank." "Thanks for the help." "Don't mention it." "Thanks for the help." "Thank you." Hij heeft moeite om namen te onthouden. He has trouble remembering names. He's having trouble remembering names. Ik probeerde met je te praten. I was trying to talk to you. I tried to talk to you. Ik zeg het alleen maar! I'm just saying! I'm just saying! Dit is niet veilig. This is not safe. This isn't safe. Wat denken jullie? What do you think? What do you think? Wiskunde neemt de eetlust niet weg. Mathematics is not detrimental to the appetite. Math doesn't take away the appetite. Ga niet weg. Don't leave. Don't go. "Wanneer studeert hij?" "Hij studeert voor het avondeten." "When does he study?" "He studies before dinner." "When is he studying?" "He's studying for dinner." Tom is vrachtwagenchauffeur. Tom is a truck driver. Tom's a truck driver. Hij is in de keuken. He is in the kitchen. He's in the kitchen. Hashimoto vertelde mij het nieuws. I was told the news by Hashimoto. Hashimoto told me the news. Lach niet. Don't laugh. Don't laugh. Geloof jij in ufo's? Do you believe in UFOs? Do you believe in UFOs? Heb je de deur op slot gedaan? Did you lock the door? Did you lock the door? We vervelen ons allemaal. We're all bored. We're all bored. Het zal waarschijnlijk regenen. It will probably rain. It'll probably rain. Wat is jullie thuisadres? What's your home address? What's your home address? Tom en Maria zeiden dat ze niet wisten dat Johan dat zou moeten doen. Tom and Mary said they didn't know John was going to have to do that. Tom and Maria said they didn't know Johan should. Tom blijft in de war. Tom remains puzzled. Tom stays confused. We dronken een beetje. We drank a little. We drank a little. Tanabata wordt gevierd in juli. The Star Festival is in July. Tanabata is celebrated in July. Een dolfijn is een soort zoogdier. A dolphin is a kind of mammal. A dolphin is a species of mammal. Deze sinaasappels rijpen snel. These oranges mature fast. These oranges are ripening fast. Hij is vies. He is nasty. He's dirty. Ik wil hem nooit meer zien. I never want to see him again. I don't ever want to see him again. Hij groette haar vriendelijk. He greeted her with cordiality. He greeted her kindly. Ik ben klaar met eten. I've finished eating. I'm done eating. Laat me het proberen. Let me try it. Let me try. Waarom zou ik mijn geld terug willen? Why would I want my money back? Why would I want my money back? Het is erg moeilijk jezelf te leren kennen. It's very difficult to know yourself. It's very hard to get to know yourself. Houdt ze van oranje? Does she like orange? Does she like orange? Ik wilde gewoon dat ze beter werd. I just want her to get well. I just wanted her to get better. Ik heb hem eens ontmoet toen ik studente was. I met him once when I was a student. I met him once when I was a student. Maria is haar haar aan het wassen. Mary is washing her hair. Maria's washing her hair. Ik heb net gegeten. I've just eaten. I just ate. Hij greep me bij mijn kraag. He grabbed me by the collar. He grabbed me by my collar. Ik hield nooit van je. I never loved you. I never loved you. Ik heb echt wat nieuwe kleren nodig, dacht Dima. "I really need some new clothes," thought Dima. I really need some new clothes, Dima thought. Verwijder zijn naam van de lijst met kandidaten. Delete his name from the list of the applicants. Remove his name from the list of candidates. Sami maakte ook sinaasappelsap. Sami made orange juice, too. Sami also made orange juice. Maria stopte. Mary stopped. Maria stopped. De hel is geplaveid met goede bedoelingen. Hell is paved with good intentions. Hell is paved with good intentions. Ze kookte de eieren. She boiled the eggs. She cooked the eggs. Wat ben je aan het doen? What are you doing right now? What are you doing? Ben je ooit naar Hokkaido geweest? Have you been to Hokkaido? Have you ever been to Hokkaido? Ik kan niet helpen, want ik ben bezig. I can't help you because I am busy. I can't help 'cause I'm busy. Welkom terug! Welcome back. Welcome back! Tom is een limousinechauffeur. Tom is a limo driver. Tom's a limousine driver. Wat heb je Tom verteld? What have you told Tom? What did you tell Tom? Tom houdt van ijskoude drankjes. Tom loves ice-cold drinks. Tom likes ice-cold drinks. Mijn broers! My brothers! My brothers! Ik zal een ambulance bellen. I'll call for an ambulance. I'll call an ambulance. Tom was laat, zoals gebruikelijk. Tom was late as usual. Tom was late, as usual. Ze reisde over heel de wereld. She traveled all over the world. She traveled all over the world. Ik heb gister te veel bier gedronken. I drank too much beer yesterday. I drank too much beer last night. Ga maar. Move. Go on. Er lijkt iets mis te zijn. Something seems wrong. Something seems to be wrong. Hoe zeg je " long " ? How do you say 'lung'? How do you say "long"? We rustten even. We rested for a while. We rested for a while. Ik wil een ijsje. I want an ice cream. I want an ice cream. Hij begroette me met een glimlach. He greeted me with a smile. He greeted me with a smile. Volgens u, hoe doen Tom en Maria dat? How do you think Tom and Mary do that? According to you, how do Tom and Maria do that? Mag ik er even een blik op werpen? May I have a look at it? Mind if I take a look at it? Hoeveel keer per dag voer je je hond? How many times a day do you feed your dog? How many times a day do you feed your dog? Deze scheidingswand scheidt de twee kamers. This partition separates the two rooms. This partition divides the two rooms. Werkt ze in de keuken? Does she work in the kitchen? Does she work in the kitchen? Zij stak haar middelvinger naar hem op. She gave him the middle finger. She put her middle finger on him. Taiwan is een land. Taiwan is a country. Taiwan is a country. De stad ligt duizend vijfhonderd meter boven de zeespiegel. The town is situated 1,500 meters above sea level. The city is a thousand five hundred metres above sea level. Tom zei dat hij van pizza houdt. Tom said that he likes pizza. Tom said he likes pizza. Tom accepteerde mijn verontschuldigingen niet. Tom didn't accept my apologies. Tom didn't accept my apology. Canada grenst aan Alaska. Canada borders Alaska. Canada borders Alaska. Hij maakte friet. Tom was making French fries. He made fries. Het geld ligt op de tafel. The money is on the table. The money's on the table. Ik kom net terug van het postkantoor. I've just returned from the post office. I just got back from the post office. Mary was niet van plan om meer dan twee kinderen te baren. Mary intends not to give birth to more than two children. Mary wasn't planning on giving birth to more than two children. "99 kopeke," verklaarde Dima trots. "Ik heb 99 kopeke nodig." "99 kopeks," Dima stated proudly. "I need 99 kopeks." "99 kopeke," said Dima proudly. "I need 99 kopeke." Ik ben mijn baan kwijt en ik heb geen geld. Ik ben ten einde raad. I lost my job and I have no money. I'm at my wit's end. I lost my job and I don't have any money. Waar is de boter? Where's the butter? Where's the butter? Wil je niet met mij van plaats wisselen? Don't you want to trade places with me? Don't you want to switch places with me? Tom was alleen. Tom was alone. Tom was alone. Tom zei dat hij naar het strand wou gaan. Tom said he wanted to go to the beach. Tom said he wanted to go to the beach. Ik hou van chocoladetaart. I like chocolate cake. I like chocolate pie. Ik wist niet dat Tom vroeger in Boston woonde. I didn't know that Tom used to live in Boston. I didn't know Tom used to live in Boston. Goedendag, waarmee kan ik u van dienst zijn? Good day, how may I help you? Good day. How can I help you? Ze zal morgen naar de bioscoop gaan. She will go to the cinema tomorrow. She'll go to the movies tomorrow. Ze knuffelt bomen. She hugs trees. She hugs trees. Tom ging snorkelen. Tom went snorkeling. Tom went snorkeling. De beroemde auteur schreef nog een goed verkocht boek. The famous author created another best-selling book. The famous author wrote another well-sold book. Ik denk dat ze jou gebruiken. I think they're using you. I think they're using you. Heb ik iets gemist? Have I missed something? Did I miss something? Da's niet gek! Wow! That's not crazy! Tom belde Maria's moeder en vroeg haar of Maria ergens allergisch voor is. Tom called Mary's mother and asked her if Mary was allergic to anything. Tom called Maria's mother and asked her if Maria was allergic to anything. Ik moet ervandoor. I gotta go. I gotta go. Zij komt uit Oostenrijk. She comes from Austria. She's from Austria. Mijn hand is te vol! My hand is too full! My hand is too full! De Nijl is de langste rivier ter wereld. The Nile is the longest river in the world. The Nile is the longest river in the world. Precies! Precisely! Exactly! Ben ik zwanger? Am I pregnant? Am I pregnant? Dit is een feit. This is a fact. This is a fact. Ik heb net met hem ontbeten. I just had breakfast with him. I just had breakfast with him. Ze verkoopt groentes. She sells vegetables. She sells vegetables. Ons hoofdkantoor is in Osaka. Our main office is in Osaka. Our headquarters are in Osaka. De bloem in de vaas is geel. The flower in the vase is yellow. The flower in the vase is yellow. Die hond probeert zowat alles te eten wat hij ziet. That dog tries to eat just about anything he lays his eyes on. That dog's trying to eat just about everything he sees. Was er iemand hier toen ik weg was? Was anybody here while I was out? Was anyone here while I was gone? Ze wilden echt weten wat er gebeurd is. They really wanted to know what happened. They really wanted to know what happened. Ik ben hier absoluut op tegen. I'm firmly opposed to this. I am absolutely against this. Dit is mijn zus. Ze heet Julia. This is my sister. She is called Julia. This is my sister, her name is Julia. Tom maakt regelmatig fouten. Tom frequently makes mistakes. Tom makes mistakes all the time. Waar gaan jullie naartoe? Where are you going? Where are you going? Tom eindigde als laatste. Tom finished last. Tom finished last. Tom is echt heel getalenteerd. Tom really is quite talented. Tom's really very talented. Hij raadde ons aan sportief te spelen. His advice to us was that we should play fair. He advised us to play sports. Ik werk voor u. I work for you. I work for you. Je kan maar beter het licht uitdoen voordat je gaat slapen. You had better turn off the light before you go to sleep. You better turn off the light before you go to sleep. Vanaf het moment dat hij haar zag bleef zijn hart stilstaan. From the moment he saw him, his heart stopped. From the moment he saw her, his heart stopped. Ik kan me leven zonder muziek niet voorstellen. I can't imagine life without music. I can't imagine my life without music. Toms lievelingsgerecht is lasagne. Tom's favourite dish is lasagne. Tom's favorite dish is lasagna. Waarom vraag je je leerkracht niet om raad? Why do you not ask your teacher for advice? Why don't you ask your teacher for advice? Ik heb hem mijn kamer getoond. I showed my room to him. I showed him my room. Ik heb een cadeau voor jou. I have a gift for you. I have a present for you. Het zal breken. It will break. It'll break. Hoe was dat restaurant? How was that restaurant? How was the restaurant? Ik kan Tom niet overtuigen. I can't convince Tom. I can't convince Tom. Tegenwoordig leer ik Esperanto. I am currently learning Esperanto. I'm learning Esperanto these days. Wat zijn je plannen voor het weekend? What're your plans for the weekend? What are your plans for the weekend? Ik hou van niets. I don't like anything. I don't like anything. Drie uur later keerde hij naar huis terug. He returned home three hours later. Three hours later, he returned home. Wegwezen! Get out! Get out of here! Ik spreek geen Frans of Duits. I don't speak French or German. I don't speak French or German. De zeep verpestte onze vakantie, omdat het beneden een allergische reactie veroorzaakte. The soap ruined our vacation because it caused an allergic reaction downstairs. The soap ruined our vacation because it caused an allergic reaction downstairs. Een goede gezondheid is meer waard dan al de rest. Good health is more valuable than anything else. Good health is worth more than anything else. De tweeling ziet er precies hetzelfde uit. The twins look exactly alike. The twins look exactly the same. Waak erover dat niemand binnengaat. Make sure that nobody enters. Make sure no one goes in. Ik berichtte hem door middel van een sms dat hij zo spoedig mogelijk zijn werk moest staken. I reported to him by means of an SMS that he had to stop his work as soon as possible. I texted him that he had to stop work as soon as possible. In Thailand is de opvoeding van de kinderen niet de verantwoordelijkheid van de vader; het is geheel aan de moeder. In Thailand, bringing up the children isn't the father's responsibility; it's entirely up to the mother. In Thailand the education of children is not the responsibility of the father; it is entirely up to the mother. Jij had geen keuze. You had no choice. You had no choice. Was je op weg naar het treinstation toen ik je zag? Were you going to the train station when I saw you? Were you on your way to the train station when I saw you? Ze bekvechtten over wiens beurt het was om het afval buiten te zetten. They disputed about whose turn it was to take the trash out. They were arguing about whose turn it was to take out the trash. Dit is zijn auto. This car is his. This is his car. Ik denk dat Tom dertig is. I think Tom is thirty years old. I think Tom's 30. Ik heb veel van Tom geleerd. I've learned a lot from Tom. I learned a lot from Tom. Zijn jullie Duits? Are you German? Are you German? Maria's wasmachine ging kapot een week nadat de garantie vervallen was. Mary's washing machine broke down a week after the warranty had run out. Maria's washing machine broke a week after the warranty expired. Tom kon de geheime boodschap niet decoderen. Tom couldn't decode the secret message. Tom couldn't decode the secret message. Dus wat wordt het? So what is it going to be? So what's it gonna be? U spreekt heel goed Frans. You speak French very well. You speak French very well. Het is rattenvlees. It's rat meat. It's rat meat. Het is echt speciaal. It's really special. It's really special. We moeten bij het vliegveld zijn. We need to get to the airport. We need to get to the airport. Ze gaf hem een boek. She gave him a book. She gave him a book. Ik was niet zeker. I wasn't sure. I wasn't sure. Waar gaan ze nu naar toe? Where are they going to right now? Where are they going now? Ik vergat. I forgot. I forgot. Mag ik Tom meenemen? Can I bring Tom? Can I take Tom? Welk woordenboek gebruikt u vaak? Which dictionary do you often use? Which dictionary do you often use? Mijn beste vriendin is op dit moment in Rome. My best friend is in Rome now. My best friend is in Rome right now. Ik leer Kantonees. I'm learning Cantonese. I'm learning Cantonese. Iedereen in zijn gezin is groot. Everyone in his family is tall. Everyone in his family is big. Ik ben het met hem eens. I agree with him. I agree with him. Het was magisch. It was magical. It was magical. Hij zingt graag. He likes singing. He likes to sing. Zijn vrouw is onze lerares Italiaans. His wife is our Italian teacher. His wife is our Italian teacher. Je mag daar niet parkeren. You aren't allowed to park there. You can't park there. Onbevoegden zijn niet toegestaan op het terrein. No unauthorised persons will be permitted inside the perimeter. Unauthorized persons are not allowed on site. Vergelijk nooit je vrouw met een andere vrouw. Don't ever compare your wife to another woman. Never compare your wife to another woman. Tom wil niet naar school. Tom doesn't want to go to school. Tom doesn't want to go to school. De ontvangst is niet goed. The reception isn't good. The reception's not good. Het is erg koud deze morgen. It is very cold this morning. It's very cold this morning. Ik ski vaak. I often ski. I ski a lot. Aubergine, wortel, tomaat. Eggplant, carrot, tomato. Eggplant, carrot, tomato. Ik at met mijn kleine broer. I ate with my baby brother. I had dinner with my little brother. Let erop dat die deur op slot blijft. Make sure this door stays locked. Make sure that door stays locked. Er is niemand hier. Nobody's here. There's no one here. Mijn deur is altijd open. My door is always open. My door's always open. We zouden zijn voorbeeld moeten volgen. We should follow his example. We should follow his example. Dit pad is gevaarlijk. This path is dangerous. This path is dangerous. Ik ga op vakantie. I'm taking a vacation. I'm going on vacation. Tom kwam nadat iedereen was vertrokken. Tom came after everybody else had left. Tom came after everyone left. Ober, ik heb een lepel nodig. Waiter, I need a spoon. Waiter, I need a spoon. Kunnen gebruikersnamen veranderd worden? Can usernames be changed? Can usernames be changed? Het is een goede gewoonte om een dagboek bij te houden. It is a good habit to keep a diary. It's a good habit to keep a diary. Ze beslisten een brug te bouwen. They decided to build a bridge. They decided to build a bridge. Mijn grootmoeder is de oudste van deze stad. My grandmother is the oldest in this town. My grandmother is the oldest in this town. Ik drink het water. I drink the water. I drink the water. Ik zal de doodstraf afschaffen. I will abolish capital punishment. I will abolish the death penalty. Toms gezondheid is de laatste tijd erg achteruitgegaan. Tom's health has declined a lot recently. Tom's health has deteriorated a lot lately. Ik weet van waar hij is. I know where he comes from. I know where he is. De grondgedachte achter bepaalde New Age behandelingen kunnen gevaarlijk mis zijn. The rationale behind certain New Age treatments can be dangerously wrong. The rationale behind certain New Age treatments can be dangerously wrong. Ik ben een brave jongen. I am a good boy. I'm a good boy. De politie heeft de inbreker op heterdaad opgepakt. The police caught the burglar red-handed. The police picked up the burglar in the act. De geliefden kusten elkaar. The lovers kissed. The lovers kissed each other. Ik draag niet iedere dag een das. I don't wear a tie every day. I don't wear a tie every day. Roze is geen natuurlijke haarkleur. Pink is not a natural hair color. Pink is not a natural hair color. Welk merk en kleur heeft de auto van de directeur? What brand and what color is the director's car? What brand and color is the director's car? We gaan naar de film. Kom gezellig mee. We're going to the movies. Come with us. We're going to the movies. Ik ga akkoord, maar op één voorwaarde. Agreed, but only on one condition. I agree, but on one condition. Ik wens u veel geluk op het examen. I wish you good luck in the exam! I wish you good luck on the exam. Hoeveel is vier maal zes? How much is four times six? What's four times six? We kennen haar niet. We don't know her. We don't know her. Ik begrijp niet helemaal wat hij zegt. I don't quite understand what he says. I don't quite understand what he's saying. Heeft iemand je daar gezien? Did anyone see you there? Did anyone see you there? Geloof je in engelen? Do you believe in angels? Do you believe in angels? Het is me een raadsel hoe ze aan die geheime informatie zou kunnen gekomen zijn. It beats me how she could have gotten that secret information. It's a mystery to me how she could have gotten that classified information. Tom stopte met roken. Tom quit smoking. Tom quit smoking. De vleesprijs zal spoedig dalen. The price of meat will soon come down. The price of meat will soon fall. Ik ben het eens met Tom. I agree with Tom. I agree with Tom. Ik vind kanoën leuk. I like canoeing. I like canoeing. Ik ben van niets bang. I'm afraid of nothing. I'm not afraid of anything. John wilde volledig onafhankelijk zijn van zijn ouders. John wanted to be completely independent of his parents. John wanted to be completely independent from his parents. Ik ben allergisch voor pollen. I am allergic to pollen. I'm allergic to pollen. Gisteren was ik ziek. I was ill yesterday. Yesterday I was sick. Wat is Toms adres? What's Tom's address? What's Tom's address? Welke soorten wormen zijn er? What kind of worms are there? What types of worms are there? Ik ben thee aan het drinken. I'm drinking tea. I'm drinking tea. Het regent, dus je moet thuis blijven. It's raining, so you should stay at home. It's raining, so you have to stay home. Is dit een bom? Is this a bomb? Is this a bomb? Sneeuw is wit en koud. Snow is white and cold. Snow is white and cold. Mary zit bij het zwemteam. Mary is on the swim team. Mary's on the swim team. Breng haar naar de operatiekamer. Carry her to the operating room. Take her to the O.R. Het sneeuwt buiten. It snows outside. It's snowing outside. Hun geduld begon op te raken. Their patience was about to give out. Their patience began to run out. Ze deed het gemakkelijk. She did it easily. She did it easy. Ik hoop dat we niet al te lang hoeven wachten. I hope we don't have to wait for too long. I hope we don't have to wait too long. Wanneer deed ik dat? When did I do that? When did I do that? Mag ik je mobiele telefoon even lenen? Can I borrow your mobile phone? Can I borrow your cell phone? Telegram is erg populair in de Esperantogemeenschap. Telegram is very populair in the Esperanto community. Telegram is very popular in the Esperanto community. Misschien zwemt Tom graag. Maybe Tom likes swimming. Maybe Tom likes to swim. "Waar ligt mijn kladblok?" "Het ligt op de stoel." "Where is my notebook?" "It is on the chair." "Where's my notebook?" "It's on the chair." Ik ben blij dat jullie er allemaal zijn. I'm glad you're all here. I'm glad you're all here. Tom is raar. Tom is weird. Tom's weird. Repareer dit. Fix this. Fix this. Hou je van zwarte katten? Do you like black cats? Do you like black cats? Dat is mijn Japanse vriend. This is my Japanese friend. That's my Japanese friend. De boete voor spuwen bedraagt vijf pond. The penalty for spitting is five pounds. The penalty for spitting is five pounds. Ik ben dol op Frans. I love French. I love French. De vogels zingen in de bomen. Birds are singing in the trees. The birds sing in the trees. Bent u van plan deel te nemen aan de bijeenkomst? Are you planning to take part in the meeting? Do you intend to participate in the meeting? Tom en Mary zijn allebei vegetariër. Tom and Mary are both vegetarians. Tom and Mary are both vegetarians. Kent er iemand Japans? Does anyone know the Japanese language? Does anyone know Japanese? Waar zijn jouw sokken? Where are your socks? Where are your socks? Ik kan paardrijden. I can ride a horse. I can ride a horse. Mijn moeder is boos dat ik met jou bevriend ben. My mum's angry that I'm friends with you. My mom's upset that I'm friends with you. Hebben jullie tijd om te eten? Do you have time to eat? Do you guys have time to eat? Ik weet dat je rijk bent. I know you are rich. I know you're rich. De naam van Darwin staat in verband met "De oorsprong der soorten." We associate the name of Darwin with The Origin of Species. Darwin's name is related to "The Origin of Species." Ik moet mijn telefoon opladen. I need to charge my cell phone. I have to charge my phone. Ik vrees dat je geen mogelijkheden meer overhoudt. I'm afraid you've run out of options. I'm afraid you're out of options. Wil je graag met mij in het park wandelen? Would you like to take a stroll around the park with me? Would you like to walk in the park with me? Ik maakte een versterker gisteren. I built an amplifier yesterday. I made an amplifier yesterday. 3 maal 5 is 15. 3 times 5 is 15. 3 times 5 is 15. Waarom wil hij zelfmoord plegen? Why does he want to commit suicide? Why would he want to kill himself? Je zou wat geld opzij moeten leggen voor jouw bruiloft. You'd best set some money aside for your wedding. You should put some money aside for your wedding. Tom is een heel aardige vent. Tom is a very nice guy. Tom's a very nice guy. Haar moedertaal is Frans. French is his mother tongue. Her mother tongue is French. Het leven is te kort om Duits te leren. Life is too short to learn German. Life is too short to learn German. In dit café heb ik mijn vrouw voor het eerst ontmoet. This is the coffee shop I first met my wife in. In this bar, I met my wife for the first time. "Wanneer kom je terug?" "Dat hangt helemaal van het weer af." "When will you be back?" "It all depends on the weather." "When are you coming back?" "That depends entirely on the weather." Tom is een zeer getalenteerde drummer. Tom is a very talented drummer. Tom is a very talented drummer. Ik kan niet wachten. I can't wait. I can't wait. We wandelen langs de oever van het meer. We walk along the lakeside. We walk along the shore of the lake. Fantastisch! Fantastic. Fantastic! Tom is gewond geraakt bij een auto-ongeluk. Tom was injured in a car accident. Tom was injured in a car accident. Ze droeg een rode blouse. She wore a red blouse. She was wearing a red blouse. Hij heeft een vingerhoedskruid gekocht. He bought a foxglove. He bought a thimble. Zijn jullie daar geboren? Were you born there? Is that where you were born? De arts heeft de patiënt met antibiotica behandeld. The doctor treated the patient with antibiotics. The doctor treated the patient with antibiotics. Heeft u een klantenkaart? Do you have a rewards card? Do you have a customer card? Ondertussen raakt de tijd op. Meanwhile, time is running out. Meanwhile, we're running out of time. Hij maakte gebruik van het mooie weer om de muur te schilderen. He took advantage of the fine weather to paint the wall. He took advantage of the beautiful weather to paint the wall. Muziek is alles. Music is everything. Music is everything. De vis smaakte als zalm. The fish tasted like salmon. The fish tasted like salmon. Mary nam het strijkijzer van de plank, wikkelde het elektrische koord los, deed de stekker van het strijkijzer in het stopcontact en koos een warmtestand. Mary took the iron off the shelf, unwrapped the electrical cord, plugged in the iron and chose a heat setting. Mary took the iron off the shelf, unwrapped the electric cord, plugged the iron into the socket and picked a heat setting. Ik heb niet genoeg geld om reclame te maken. I don't have enough money to advertise. I don't have enough money to advertise. De bevolking is aan het afsterven. The population is dying off. The population is dying. De slager weegt het vlees. The butcher is weighing the meat. The butcher weighs the meat. Het is belangrijk dat ik dit hoor. It's important that I hear this. It's important that I hear this. In een boom klimmen is voor een aap gemakkelijk. It is easy for a monkey to climb a tree. Climbing into a tree is easy for a monkey. Maria strikte haar veters. Mary tied her shoelaces. Maria's tight on her laces. Mijn naam is Jack. My name is Jack. My name is Jack. Heeft u veel pennen? Do you have a lot of pens? Do you have many pens? Hij stopte met roken en begon met hardlopen. He stopped smoking and started running. He quit smoking and started running. Ik ga meteen een chocoladekoek bakken voor mijn vrouw. I'm going to bake a chocolate cake for my wife right now. I'm gonna bake my wife a chocolate cake right away. Hij wordt ouder. He's getting old. He's getting older. Laat onnodige woorden weg! Omit needless words! Leave out unnecessary words! Ik speel tenorsaxofoon. I play the tenor saxophone. I play tenor saxophone. Tom zei dat hij dat waarschijnlijk niet zou doen. Tom said he'd likely not do that. Tom said he probably wouldn't. Tom beweerde dat hij een ufo zag. Tom claimed he saw a UFO. Tom claimed he saw a UFO. Die gozer is compleet geschift! That guy is completely nuts! That guy's fucking crazy! Waar is de badkamer? Where's the bathroom? Where's the bathroom? Tom kuiste zijn kamer deze ochtend. Tom cleaned his room this morning. Tom cleaned his room this morning. Tom is nog een kind. Tom is still a child. Tom's just a kid. Vandaag is het koud. It's cold today. Today it's cold. Hij begon ermee! He started it! He started it! De koning en de koningin hadden geen kronen. The king and the queen had no crowns. The king and the queen had no crowns. We zijn in gevaar. We're in danger. We're in danger. Tom is balletdanser. Tom is a ballet dancer. Tom's a ballet dancer. Tom is cynisch. Tom is cynical. Tom's cynical. We hebben een hond en een kat. We own a dog and a cat. We have a dog and a cat. Ik word snel verkouden. I tend to catch colds. I'm getting a quick cold. Mijn zusje is beroemd. My younger sister is famous. My sister's famous. Tom bluft. Tom is bluffing. Tom's bluffing. Ik zag hem de straat oversteken. I saw him crossing the street. I saw him crossing the street. "Mijn zus is verliefd op jou." "Wat?" "My sister is in love with you." "What?" "My sister is in love with you." "What?" Kan ik blijven? Can I stay? Can I stay? Ik zou graag drie nachten willen blijven. I'd like to stay for three nights. I'd like to stay three nights. Gisteren heeft mijn oom een hond gekocht. Yesterday my uncle bought a dog. Yesterday, my uncle bought a dog. Laat me een drankje voor je betalen. Let me buy you a drink. Let me buy you a drink. Kom zeker morgen eens langs. Do come and see us tomorrow. Why don't you come by tomorrow? De lucht was grijs. The sky was grey. The sky was gray. "Bedankt." "Graag gedaan." "Thank you!" - "You're welcome." "Thanks." "You're welcome." Als u me zo niet kende, dan kende u me überhaupt niet. If you didn't know me that way then you simply didn't know me. If you didn't know me like that, you didn't even know me. De wereld is veranderd. The world has changed. The world has changed. Hij verbouwt tomaten in de tuin. He grows tomatoes in the garden. He grows tomatoes in the garden. Hij is veel veranderd. He changed a lot. He's changed a lot. Dat is iemand op wie je kan vertrouwen. He's a man you can rely on. That's someone you can rely on. Ik ben niet geregistreerd op deze forums. I do not have an account in these forums. I'm not registered on these forums. Je bent rijk. You're rich. You're rich. Deze bloem is wit. This flower is white. This flower is white. Al deze objecten zijn vergelijkbaar. All these objects are similar. All these objects are similar. Tom was er niet klaar voor om Mary's liefde of vriendschap te aanvaarden. Tom wasn't ready to accept Mary's love or friendship. Tom wasn't ready to accept Mary's love or friendship. Waarom vraagt ge geen dag verlof? Why don't you ask for a day off? Why don't you ask for a day's leave? Ik moet mijn ouders opbellen en ze vertellen dat ik laat zal zijn voor het avondeten. I need to call my parents and tell them I'll be late for dinner. I have to call my parents and tell them I'll be late for dinner. Het gras is geel. The grass is yellow. The grass is yellow. Ik klaag aan. I sue. I'm suing. Wat denk je dat Tom moet doen? What do you think Tom needs to do? What do you think Tom should do? Ken je hem goed? Do you know him well? Do you know him well? Tom is allergisch voor noten. Tom is allergic to nuts. Tom's allergic to nuts. Waar zijn uw ooms? Where are your uncles? Where are your uncles? Ik weet wat ze gaan doen. I know what they're going to do. I know what they're gonna do. Ik weet niet hoe laat het bij ons is. I don't know how much time we have left. I don't know what time it is with us. Skiën is erg leuk. Skiing is very fun. Skiing is a lot of fun. Deze kopie verschilt met het origineel. That copy differs from the original. This copy differs from the original. Hij heeft daar nooit meer over gesproken. He never mentioned it again. He never talked about it again. Tom is afgelopen winter naar Boston verhuisd. Tom moved to Boston last winter. Tom moved to Boston last winter. Maria's wasmachine raakte defect een week nadat de garantie verlopen was. Mary's washing machine broke down a week after the warranty had run out. Maria's washing machine failed a week after the warranty expired. Hij is een man van nobel bloed. He is a man of noble blood. He's a man of noble blood. Tom is beleefd. Tom is polite. Tom's polite. Tom was heel boos en weigerde Maria te spreken. Tom was very angry and refused to speak to Mary. Tom was very angry and refused to speak to Maria. Waar klinkt het naar? What's it sound like? What does it sound like? Ik ging naar het ziekenhuis om mijn vrouw te bezoeken. I went to the hospital to see my wife. I went to the hospital to visit my wife. Ik krijg advies van haar. I'm getting advice from her. I'm getting advice from her. Tom is sterk. Tom is strong. Tom's strong. Dit boek is zwaar. This book is heavy. This book is heavy. Wees discreet. Be discreet. Be discreet. Ze zal niet lang meer leven. She won't live much longer. She won't live long. De boom is gestopt met groeien. The tree stopped growing. The tree stopped growing. Is het populair? Is it popular? Is it popular? Waarom bent u verdrietig, mijn koningin? Why are you sad, my Queen? Why are you sad, my queen? Help je Tom altijd zijn kamer schoon te maken? Do you always help Tom clean his room? Do you always help Tom clean his room? Toon me de weg naar de bushalte. Show me the way to the bus stop. Show me the way to the bus stop. Ik heb jullie net ge-e-mailed I just emailed you. I just e-mailed you guys. We hebben maar twee dollar. We have only two dollars. We only have two bucks. Haar kleinkind woont in Nederland. Her grandchild lives in the Netherlands. Her grandchild lives in the Netherlands. Denk je dat het hier saai is? Do you think it's boring here? You think this place is boring? Tom is allergisch voor katten, toch? Tom is allergic to cats, isn't he? Tom's allergic to cats, right? Doe alsjeblieft het licht uit als je de kamer uitgaat. Please turn off the light when you leave the room. Please turn off the light when you leave the room. Het leven is een seksueel overdraagbare dodelijke ziekte. Life is a fatal sexually transmitted disease. Life is a sexually transmitted deadly disease. Mijn volwassen zoon studeert nu in het buitenland. My grown-up son is studying abroad now. My adult son is studying abroad now. Hij is mijn oudere broer. He's my older brother. He's my older brother. De dief rende weg in de richting van het station. The thief ran away in the direction of the station. The thief ran away in the direction of the station. Heb je haar brief gekregen? Did you get her letter? Did you get her letter? Vindt ze mijn hoed leuk? Does she like my hat? Does she like my hat? Ik kan niet naaien of borduren. I don't know how to sew or embroider. I can't sew or embroider. Mijn broers zoon is mijn neefje. My brother's son is my nephew. My brother's son is my nephew. Is de minister van buitenlandse zaken al aangekomen? Has the Foreign Secretary arrived yet? Has the Secretary of State arrived yet? Ik moet toegeven dat ik een beetje medelijden met mezelf begon te krijgen. I have to admit I was starting to feel a little sorry for myself. I have to admit, I was starting to feel a little sorry for myself. Ik was je aan het zoeken. I have been looking for you. I was looking for you. In welke stad ben je? In which city are you? What city are you in? Zet de radio alsjeblieft harder. Please turn up the radio. Turn up the radio, please. Ik ben een detective. I'm a detective. I'm a detective. John kan niet goed Frans spreken. John can't speak French well. John doesn't speak French very well. Hij weet veel van bloemen. He knows a lot about flowers. He knows a lot about flowers. Waarom was u ontslagen? Why were you fired? Why were you fired? Tom slaagde er niet in om indruk te maken op de jongedame. Tom failed to impress the young lady. Tom didn't manage to impress the young lady. Is deze paraplu van jou? Is this umbrella yours? Is this your umbrella? Probeer dit alsjeblieft niet thuis. Please do not try this at home. Please don't try this at home. Ik heb het idee dat ze vandaag zal komen. I have a feeling that she'll come today. I feel like she's coming today. Ik leer Akkadisch. I'm learning Akkadian. I'm learning Akkadian. Maria is weggegaan. Mary left. Maria left. Tom is een Leeuw. Tom is a Leo. Tom's a Lion. Zet de tv aan. Turn on the TV. Turn on the TV. Laat mij een ding zeggen. Let me say one thing. Let me say one thing. Ik moet dit gedicht van buiten leren. I must learn this poem by heart. I need to learn this poem from outside. Een slapend kind lijkt op een engel. A sleeping child looks like an angel. A sleeping child looks like an angel. Mary ging met een jongere man uit. Mary was dating a younger man. Mary went out with a younger man. Tom gaf zich over. Tom surrendered. Tom surrendered. Jullie zijn helemaal niet veranderd. You haven't changed at all. You haven't changed at all. Hij heeft stuiptrekkingen. He has convulsions. He's convulsing. Tom is kinderachtig. Tom is childish. Tom's a child. Verboden te roken! No smoking. No smoking! Zijn eerste militaire belevenissen vonden plaats in de oorlog tussen het Britse koloniale rijk en de naar vrijheid verlangende Boeren. His first military experiences took place in the war between the British colonial empire and the Boers, who sought independence. His first military experiences took place in the war between the British colonial empire and the peasants longing for freedom. Paul kwam terug met de vader. Paul came back with the father. Paul came back with the father. Zijn muziek heeft een grote populariteit bereikt in het buitenland. His music has attained great popularity overseas. His music has achieved a great popularity abroad. Het begon allemaal op deze plaats. It all started in this place. It all started in this place. Ik moet er zeker van zijn. I need to be sure. I have to be sure. Ik ben zonet gestraft. I've just been punished. I've just been punished. Vandaag is het twee januari. Today is the second of January. Today is January 2nd. Ik denk niet dat er nog meer studenten willen komen. I don't think any more students want to come. I don't think there's gonna be any more students. Ik verwar altijd bakboord met stuurboord. I always confuse which side is port and which starboard. I always confuse port with starboard. Vond je Boston leuk? Did you like Boston? Did you like Boston? Tom en ik waren buren. Tom and I were neighbors. Tom and I were neighbors. Hij schijnt lange tijd ziek te zijn geweest. He seems to have been ill for a long time. He seems to have been ill for a long time. Hij is een bureaucraat. He's a bureaucrat. He's a bureaucrat. Niemand kan overal zijn. No one can be everywhere. No one can be anywhere. Wees niet bang. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. Jij was de reden voor mijn glimlach. Je werd de oorzaak voor mijn tranen. You were the reason for my smile. You became the cause of my tears. You were the reason for my smile, you became the cause of my tears. Ik moet het proberen. I have to try. I have to try. De beer eet een appel. The bear is eating an apple. The bear eats an apple. Kinderen hebben er een hekel aan om leraren te irriteren. Children hate annoying teachers. Kids hate to annoy teachers. Waarom kocht je dat duur woordenboek? Why did you buy that expensive dictionary? Why did you buy that expensive dictionary? Tom heeft een kater. Tom has a hangover. Tom's hungover. Tom zou het Maria niet laten houden. Tom wouldn't let Mary keep it. Tom wouldn't let Maria keep it. Waarom is ze altijd zo gemeen? Why is she always so mean? Why is she always so mean? Maria versnelde. Mary accelerated. Maria accelerated. Ik ben een Leeuw. I'm a Leo. I'm a Lion. Deze koffers zijn zwaar. These suitcases are heavy. These bags are heavy. Ik voel mij slechter dan gisteren. I feel worse today than I did yesterday. I feel worse than yesterday. Ik heb echt niet zo veel honger. I'm really not all that hungry. I'm really not that hungry. Afblijven! Hands off! Don't touch it! Ik stuur je wel een brief. I'll send you a letter. I'll send you a letter. Ik had plezier hier. I had fun here. I had fun here. Zij woont enkele blokken hier vandaan. She lives a few blocks away from here. She lives a few blocks from here. De verdachte werd opgelegd de stad niet te verlaten. The suspect was told not to leave town. The defendant was ordered not to leave town. De klok werkt niet. The clock isn't working. The clock isn't working. "Wie leert jullie Engels?" "Juffrouw Yamada." "Who teaches you English?" "Miss Yamada does." "Who teaches you English?" "Miss Yamada." Mijn broer en ik deelde de kamer. My brother and I shared the room. My brother and I shared the room. Er bleef niets in de koelkast over. Nothing remained in the refrigerator. There was nothing left in the fridge. Sami en Layla bidden vijf keer per dag. Sami and Layla pray five times a day. Sami and Layla pray five times a day. Er zijn 43 prefecturen in Japan. There are 43 prefectures in Japan. There are 43 prefectures in Japan. Ik ben vergeten een paraplu mee te nemen. I forgot to bring an umbrella with me. I forgot to bring an umbrella. Je bent te gevoelig voor kritiek. You are too sensitive to criticism. You're too sensitive to criticism. Waar is mijn prinsesje? Where's my little princess? Where's my little princess? De totale zonsverduistering van morgen zal te zien zijn vanaf het zuidelijk halfrond. Tomorrow's total eclipse of the sun will be visible from the southern hemisphere. The total solar eclipse of tomorrow will be visible from the southern hemisphere. Hij is een dief. He is a thief. He's a thief. Hij landde. He landed. He landed. Ik heb alleen boter in de koelkast. I only have butter in the refrigerator. All I have is butter in the fridge. Ik kom uit Milaan. I'm from Milan. I'm from Milan. Ik wil graag dit pakketje naar Canada sturen. I'd like to mail this package to Canada. I'd like to send this package to Canada. Tom kwam naar Australië. Tom came to Australia. Tom came to Australia. We stelden ons vertrek uit vanwege de storm. We postponed our departure because of the storm. We delayed our departure because of the storm. Ik zal hem vragen of hij komt. I'll ask him if he will come. I'll ask him to come. Wij houden van voetbal. We love football. We love soccer. Heeft u zin om met mij te eten? Would you like to go out for dinner with me? Would you like to have dinner with me? Hij hield op met hen te praten. He stopped talking to them. He stopped talking to them. Kan je lopen? Can you walk? Can you walk? Hij haat zijn buurman. He hates his neighbour. He hates his neighbor. Het is te heet. It is too hot. It's too hot. Je hebt geen koorts. You do not have a fever. You don't have a fever. Ik heb één appel nodig. I need one apple. I need one apple. Deze banaan is groen. This banana is green. This banana is green. Morgen breng ik de boeken naar de bibliotheek. Tomorrow, I'll take the books to the library. Tomorrow I'll take the books to the library. Bent u vergeten? Did you forget? Have you forgotten? Bill, doe de deur open. Bill, open the door. Bill, open the door. Ik heb een massage nodig. I need a massage. I need a massage. Ik ben gek op mijn werk. I love my job. I love my job. We zijn klaar om te gaan. We're ready to go. We're ready to go. Ze hielp een oude man oversteken. She helped an old man cross the road. She helped an old man cross. Tom is uit de gevangenis. Tom is out of prison. Tom's out of jail. Laten we daar een fiets huren. Let's rent a bike there. Let's rent a bike there. Ik ontmoette een wolf in een droom. I met a wolf in a dream. I met a wolf in a dream. Ken je Tom goed? Do you know Tom well? Do you know Tom well? Je hebt een mooie glimlach. You have a beautiful smile. You have a nice smile. Je kan wanneer dan ook op me rekenen. You can count on me any time. You can count on me anytime. Hij speelt elke zondag golf. He plays golf every Sunday. He plays golf every Sunday. Ik heb niet zoveel gestudeerd! I haven't studied that much! I didn't study that much! Ik moet naar het toilet. I need to go the bathroom. I have to go to the bathroom. Ik bel om te zeggen dat ik mijn kredietkaart verloren heb. I'm calling because I've lost my credit card. I'm calling to tell you I lost my credit card. Ik kan u aanleren hoe dat te doen. I can teach you how to do this. I can teach you how to do that. De verwarming werkt niet. The heating doesn't work. The heat's not working. Tom weet niet hoeveel Mary weegt. Tom doesn't know how much Mary weighs. Tom doesn't know how much Mary weighs. Hoelang duurt deze uitverkoop? How long will this sale last? How long is this sale going to take? Hier zijn alle leerlingen verplicht Frans te leren. All the students here must study French. Here all students are obliged to learn French. We zullen nieuwe namen toevoegen aan onze lijst. We will add new names to our list. We'll add new names to our list. Heeft iemand iets vreemds opgemerkt? Did anyone notice anything unusual? Anybody notice anything weird? Een oude vriend kwam bij mij thuis op bezoek. An old friend came to my house for a visit. An old friend came to my house to visit. Tom dronk chocolademelk door een rietje. Tom was drinking chocolate milk through a straw. Tom drank chocolate milk through a straw. Het is me gelukt om de goedkeuring van mijn ouders te krijgen voor mijn huwelijk. I managed to get permission from my parents for my wedding. I managed to get my parents' approval for my marriage. Sorry, ik kan jou mijn naam niet vertellen. Het is te onfatsoenlijk. Sorry, I can't tell you my name. It's too indecent. I'm sorry, I can't tell you my name. Ongeacht wat voor grote geleerde hij is, bij hem ontbreekt het gezonde verstand. Great scholar as he is, he is lacking in common sense. No matter what great scholar he is, he lacks common sense. Waar gaan we naartoe? Where are we going? Where are we going? Het hek is groen geverfd. The fence is painted green. The fence is painted green. Het belangrijkste kenmerk van de moderne beschaving is het offeren van de toekomst voor het heden, en de volle kracht van de wetenschap wordt daarvoor geprostitueerd. The most significant characteristic of modern civilization is the sacrifice of the future for the present, and all the power of science has been prostituted to this purpose. The most important feature of modern civilization is the sacrifice of the future for the present, and the full power of science is prostituted for it. Ik hoor met mijn oren. I hear with my ears. I hear with my ears. We ontbijten binnen. We're eating breakfast inside. We're having breakfast inside. Denk je dat die superhelden begiftigt zijn met talenten die wij niet hebben? Do you think that those superheroes are endowed with talents we don't possess? You think those superheroes are gifted with talents we don't have? Hij reed met de vrachtwagen naar Dallas. He drove the truck to Dallas. He drove the truck to Dallas. Dit is geen wc-papier. This isn't toilet paper. This isn't toilet paper. Jullie hebben gewonnen! You've won! You guys won! Ik heb geen gezin. I have no family. I don't have a family. Ik doe het licht aan. I'll turn on the lights. I'll turn on the light. Zij zijn gevaarlijk. They're dangerous. They're dangerous. Dit is een boom. That's a tree. This is a tree. Hij vroeg me de deur open te doen. He asked me to open the door. He asked me to open the door. Een vreemd idee schoot me te binnen. An odd idea popped into my head. A strange idea came to mind. Wat is dat? What's that? What's that? Als die jongen niet dood was gegaan in het verkeersongeval, was hij nu een student geweest. If that boy had not been killed in the traffic accident, he would be a college student now. If that boy hadn't died in the traffic accident, he'd be a student by now. We waren allemaal geschokt. We were all shocked. We were all shocked. Dick had beloofd voor 3 uur terug te zijn. Dick promised to come back by three o'clock. Dick promised he'd be back by 3:00. Wie is de kapitein van dit schip? Who's the captain of this ship? Who's the captain of this ship? Hij zocht in de kamer naar de verloren sleutel. He searched the room for the lost key. He was in the room looking for the lost key. Het gebeurde precies zo. It happened just like this. It happened exactly like this. Sami vond dat onderwerp niet interessant om over te praten. Sami didn't think that was an interesting thing to talk about. Sami didn't find that subject interesting to talk about. Alsjeblieft, haal dit weg. Please take this away. Please, take this away. Als gevolg van zijn ongeduld is hij zenuwachtig. He's nervous due to impatience. Because of his impatience, he's nervous. Heeft u ooit bloed gedoneerd? Have you ever donated blood? Have you ever donated blood? Wij noemen New York "the Big Apple." We call New York the Big Apple. We call New York "The Big Apple." Ben je ooit naar Boston geweest? Have you ever gone to Boston? Have you ever been to Boston? Ik ben homo. I am gay. I'm gay. Hier is het ziekenhuis. Here is the hospital. Here's the hospital. Eet veel! Eat a lot! Eat a lot! Tom heeft een auto. Tom has a car. Tom's got a car. Sami's laptop verdween. Sami's laptop disappeared. Sami's laptop disappeared. Waarvoor al die opwinding? What's all the fuss about? What's with all the excitement? Mary wil een dozijn eieren. Mary wants a dozen eggs. Mary wants a dozen eggs. Hoe was je biologie-examen? How was your biology exam? How was your biology exam? Ik heb een pasfoto nodig. I need a passport photo. I need a passport photo. Het zal regenen vanmiddag. It is going to rain this afternoon. It'll rain this afternoon. Liefs, Jon. Love, Jon. Love, Jon. Alles is in de as gelegd. Everything was burnt to ashes. Everything's gone to ashes. Maria oefende haar toespraak voor de spiegel. Mary practiced her speech in front of the mirror. Maria was practicing her speech in front of the mirror. Een maanraket wordt vanavond gelanceerd. A moon rocket will be launched tonight. A moon rocket will be launched tonight. Die jongen is slim. That boy is smart. That kid's smart. Je plan is goed. Your plan is a good one. Your plan is good. U kunt mijn woordenboek gebruiken. You can use my dictionary. You can use my dictionary. De waterkwaliteit is erg belangrijk voor de productie van bier. The quality of the water is very important when making beer. Water quality is very important for the production of beer. Tom werkt al ongeveer drie jaar voor ons. Tom has been working for us about three years. Tom's been working for us for about three years. Hij loog tegen ons. He lied to us. He lied to us. Wat kost deze stropdas? How much is this tie? How much is this tie? Kennen jullie haar? Do you guys know her? Do you know her? Het bad liep over terwijl ze aan de telefoon was. The bathtub overflowed while she was talking on the phone. The bath was overflowing while she was on the phone. Hij loopt snel. He walks fast. He's running fast. Een fotograaf nam een foto van mijn huis, A photographer took a photograph of my house. A photographer took a picture of my house, Hoe blijf je gemotiveerd? What keeps you motivated? How do you stay motivated? Het spijt me, maar ik kan niet lang blijven. I'm sorry, I can't stay long. I'm sorry, but I can't stay long. O! Laat eens zien. Oh! Show it to me please. Oh, let's see. Waarom ben je begonnen Frans te studeren? Why did you start studying French? Why did you start studying French? Waar kan ik een kaart van Europa verkrijgen? Where can I obtain a map of Europe? Where can I get a map of Europe? Dit is een boek. It is a book. This is a book. We hebben geen auto. We don't have a car. We don't have a car. Troost Tom. Comfort Tom. Comfort Tom. Met uitzondering van mij was iedereen uitgenodigd. Everyone except me was invited. Except for me, everyone was invited. Ik denk dat het onmogelijk is dat wij hem verslaan. I think it's impossible for us to beat him. I think it's impossible for us to beat him. Tom werd gecremeerd. Tom was cremated. Tom was cremated. Hij was erg geduldig. He was very patient. He was very patient. Ik hoop dat ik hier geen spijt van krijg. I hope I don't regret doing this. I hope I don't regret this. Tom probeert je om de tuin te leiden. Tom is trying to trick you. Tom's trying to fool you. Ik heb slechts één verzoek. I have but one wish. I only have one request. Ik ga hem neerknallen. I'm gonna shoot him. I'm gonna shoot him. Ik wil naar een aantal andere landen reizen als ik ouder ben en Amerika staat zeker op de lijst. I want to travel to some countries when I'm older and America is definitely on the list. I want to travel to a number of other countries when I'm older and America is definitely on the list. Tom had vorig jaar een hartaanval. Tom had a heart attack last year. Tom had a heart attack last year. Veel mensen bewonderen Nikko. Many people admire Nikko. A lot of people admire Nikko. Waar is Tom van plan foto's te nemen? Where is Tom planning to take pictures? Where's Tom planning to take pictures? Tom trok zijn spijkerbroek en T-shirt aan. Tom put on his jeans and T-shirt. Tom put on his jeans and T-shirt. Athene ligt in Griekenland. Athens is in Greece. Athens is in Greece. Raamplaats of gangplaats? Window or aisle? Window or corridor? Oranje is Toms lievelingskleur. Orange is Tom's favorite color. Orange is Tom's favorite color. Ik wil niet meer dan $10 uitgeven. I don't want to spend more than $10. I don't want to spend more than $10. Je bent nog mooier dan Tom zei. You're even prettier than Tom said you were. You're even prettier than Tom said. Ze is jong en mooi. She's young and beautiful. She's young and beautiful. Er loopt een pauw op de binnenplaats. There's a peacock in the courtyard. There's a peacock running in the courtyard. Schoften! Bastards! Bastards! Ik geloof dat verhaal niet. I don't believe that story. I don't believe that story. Er is nog maar één vraagje open. There's only one question left to ask. There's only one question left. Gij zijt mijn prinses. You're my princess. Thou art my princess. Mijn vader is dol op pizza. My father likes pizza very much. My dad loves pizza. Tot mijn verbazing waren de deuren open. To my surprise, the door was open. To my surprise, the doors were open. We gaan het proberen. We'll try. We're gonna try. Hij lag in een doodsstrijd tot de dokter aankwam. He lay in agony until the doctor arrived. He was in a death row until the doctor arrived. We hebben zoveel te bespreken. We have so much to discuss. We have so much to talk about. Ik denk wel dat het Tom niet zou bevallen. I'm sure Tom wouldn't like it. I don't think Tom would like it. Ik heb geen vrienden. I have no friends. I don't have any friends. Iedereen lachte hem uit. Everyone laughed at him. Everyone laughed at him. Je hebt gelijk, denk ik. You're right, I think. You're right, I guess. We vertrekken morgen namiddag. We leave tomorrow afternoon. We leave tomorrow afternoon. Dit waren zijn laatste woorden. Hij sloot zijn ogen, opende zijn mond, strekte zijn benen, en hing daar alsof hij dood was. These were his last words. He closed his eyes, opened his mouth, stretched out his legs, and hung there, as if he were dead. These were his last words. He closed his eyes, opened his mouth, stretched his legs, and hung there as if he were dead. Misschien moet je het ook vragen. Maybe you should also ask. Maybe you should ask. Spreek je Frans? Do you speak French? Do you speak French? Het ijs is gesmolten. The ice melted. The ice has melted. Wilt ge mij voorstellen aan de jongedame die in gesprek is met mevrouw Allen? Will you introduce me to the young woman talking with Mrs. Allen? Would you like to introduce me to the young lady who is talking to Mrs. Allen? Hoe mooi is toch een zonsopgang! How beautiful a sunrise is! How beautiful is a sunrise! Maria speelt piano. Mary plays the piano. Maria plays the piano. Vind jij dat ik alleen zou moeten gaan? Do you think I should go by myself? Do you think I should go alone? Zeg daar niets over aan uw ouders. You mustn't tell that to your parents. Don't tell your parents about that. Het is te vroeg om naar bed te gaan. It's too early to go to bed. It's too early to go to bed. Ik krijg heimwee als ik aan m'n familie denk. I feel homesick when I remember my family. I get homesick thinking about my family. Kan ik spreken? Can I speak? Can I speak? Tom is xenofobisch. Tom is xenophobic. Tom's xenophobic. Trang is net zo mooi als Dorenda. Trang is as pretty as Dorenda. Trang is as beautiful as Dorenda. Ik weet niet hoe ik het deed. Wat belangrijk is, is dát ik het deed. I don't know how I did it. What's important is that I did it. I don't know how I did it, but what's important is that I did it. Hij wil slechte herinneringen uitwissen. He wishes to erase bad memories. He wants to erase bad memories. Ik heb besloten haar te zeggen dat ik van hem hou. I decided to tell her that I love him. I've decided to tell her I love him. Je speelt geen golf, of wel? You don't play golf, do you? You don't play golf, do you? De één zijn dood is de ander zijn brood. One man's meat is another man's poison. One's death is the other's bread. Ik heb een woordenboek nodig. I need a dictionary. I need a dictionary. Met wie was je aan het praten? Who were you talking with? Who were you talking to? Vanuit de verte gezien zag het eruit als een menselijk gezicht. Seen from a distance, it looked like a human face. From afar, it looked like a human face. Deze hond is van mij. This dog is mine. This dog is mine. Veel Amerikanen geloven dat Barack Obama een moslim is. Many Americans believe Barack Obama is a Muslim. Many Americans believe Barack Obama is a Muslim. Je had Toms gezicht moeten zien toen ik het hem vertelde. You should've seen the look on Tom's face when I told him. You should have seen Tom's face when I told him. Nijlpaarden leven in Afrika. Hippos live in Africa. Hippos live in Africa. Ze ging in die richting. She went that way. She went in that direction. Ik ben zo blij voor je. I'm so happy for you. I'm so happy for you. Ik heb de soep en jouw afrekening. I have the soup and your check. I have the soup and your reckoning. Daarom bracht ik het ter sprake. That's why I brought it up. That's why I brought it up. Het gevecht begint nu. The fight begins now. The fight begins now. Ik kan brood bakken. I can bake bread. I can bake bread. Stel je een wereld voor zonder oorlog. Imagine a world without war. Imagine a world without war. Ik heb je drie uur geleden gebeld. I called you three hours ago. I called you three hours ago. Hij is net weggegaan. He left just now. He just left. We zijn nooit even gelukkig of ongelukkig als we onszelf indenken. We are never as happy or as unhappy as we imagine. We are never as happy or unhappy as we imagine ourselves. Dat was geen droom. That wasn't a dream. That wasn't a dream. Tonijn kan heel snel zwemmen. Tuna can swim very fast. Tuna can swim very fast. Hier is het het volledige jaar koud. It is cold all year here. It's cold all year round here. Ik hoorde je niet binnenkomen. I didn't hear you come in. I didn't hear you come in. We hebben geen bier meer. We've run out of beer. We're out of beer. " Mijn biologische vader betekent niks voor mij! " , zei hij. "My biological father means nothing to me!," he said. "My biological father means nothing to me!" he said. Ik ga met je mee. I'm going with you. I'm coming with you. De lucht voelde een beetje koud aan. The air felt a little cold. The air felt a little cold. Tom had zich in de bergen verscholen. Tom was hiding in the mountains. Tom hid in the mountains. Deze fiets is van mij. This bicycle belongs to me. This bike is mine. Natuurkunde interesseert me totaal niet. I'm not at all interested in physics. I don't care about physics at all. Tom neemt pianolessen. Tom takes piano lessons. Tom's taking piano lessons. Hij keerde terug uit Denemarken. He returned from Denmark. He returned from Denmark. Ik ook niet. Neither do I. Me neither. Tom huilt al de hele nacht. Tom has been crying all night. Tom's been crying all night. Dat hoeft u niet meteen te doen. You need not do it at once. You don't have to do that right away. De tijd dringt. Time's running out. We're running out of time. Zij zal voor altijd van haar echtgenoot houden. She'll love her husband forever. She will love her husband forever. Moet ik zout toevoegen? Do I need to add salt? Should I add salt? Je bent geen kind meer. You are not a child anymore. You're not a child anymore. Ze vroeg mij of ze kon telefoneren. She asked me if she could use the phone. She asked me if she could make a phone call. Waar is mijn horloge? Where's my watch? Where's my watch? Ik heb geen zin om zo hard te lopen. I don't feel like walking so fast. I don't feel like running so fast. Hoeveel ramen zijn er in uw slaapkamer? How many windows are in your bedroom? How many windows are in your bedroom? Ik heb zand in mijn haar. I have sand in my hair. I have sand in my hair. Hebt u me bedrogen? Did you cheat on me? Did you cheat on me? Bel de burgemeester. Call the mayor. Call the mayor. Stop met nagelbijten. Stop biting your nails. Stop biting nails. Ik speelde vaak tennis met hem. I would often play tennis with him. I used to play tennis with him. Hoe laat moet ik inchecken? What time should I check in? What time do I have to check in? Ze hebben een beer levend gevangen. They caught a bear alive. They caught a bear alive. Er zijn enkele boten op het meer. There are a few boats on the lake. There are some boats on the lake. Hou je niet van appels? Don't you like apples? You don't like apples? Heel weinig mensen hebben geen angst voor de dood. Very few people aren't afraid of death. Very few people have no fear of death. Ik ben de afwas aan het doen. I'm washing the dishes. I'm doing the dishes. Ierland wordt " Ireland " genoemd in het Engels. Ireland is called "Ireland" in English. Ireland is referred to as " Ireland " in English. Aan wie ging je het verkopen? Who were you going to sell it to? Who were you gonna sell it to? Ik ga je verklaren wat iedere zin betekent, nadat we elk van hen gelezen hebben. I'll explain what each phrase means after we read them. I'm gonna explain to you what every sentence means after we read each of them. Die mannen zijn doorgewinterde soldaten. Those men are seasoned soldiers. Those men are seasoned soldiers. Ik heb al een vriendin. I have a girlfriend already. I already have a girlfriend. Tom droeg alleen zijn adamskostuum. Tom wore only his birthday suit. Tom only wore his adamsko suit. Ik weet niet hoe je dat in het Japans zegt. I don't know how to put it in Japanese. I don't know how you put that in Japanese. Ik ben daar geboren. I was born there. I was born there. Het bad was niet warm genoeg, dus kon ik er niet van genieten. The bath was not hot enough and I was unable to enjoy it. The bath wasn't warm enough, so I couldn't enjoy it. Vul deze fles alstublieft met water. Please fill this bottle with water. Please fill this bottle with water. Kerstmis komt er snel aan. Christmas is rapidly approaching. Christmas is coming soon. Wij houden meer van Bob dan van Tom. We love Bob more than Tom. We love Bob more than Tom. Denk aan je toekomst. Think about your future. Think of your future. De kunstwerken van Picasso zijn vaker gestolen dan die van enig andere kunstenaar. Picasso's art is stolen more frequently than that of any other artist. Picasso's artwork has been stolen more often than any other artist's. Super! Right on! Great! Leef je leven met de precisie van een Samoerai. Live your life with the precision of a Samurai. Live your life with the precision of a Samurai. De woorden "knight" en "night" zijn homofonen. The words "knight" and "night" are homophones. The words "knight" and "night" are gay phones. Boeren zaaien in de lente. Farmers sow seeds in the spring. Sowing peasants in the spring. We hebben veel vrienden. We have a lot of friends. We have a lot of friends. Water is hier niet gratis te krijgen. It's not free to get water here. You can't get water here for free. Ik ga je iets belangrijks vertellen. I'm about to tell you something important. I'm gonna tell you something important. Het Vaticaan is een onafhankelijk land. The Vatican is an independent country. The Vatican is an independent country. Ze neemt een begerenswaardige positie in. She's taking an enviable position. She's in a desirable position. Ik hou van appelsap. I love apple juice. I like apple juice. Ze zijn vegetariërs. They are vegetarians. They're vegetarians. Kernwapens zijn een bedreiging voor de hele mensheid. Nuclear weapons are a threat to all humanity. Nuclear weapons are a threat to all of humanity. Zijn moeder wilde het niet doen. His mother didn't want to do it. His mother wouldn't do it. We moeten ermee beginnen. We have to start. We have to start with it. Tom vond Boston niet leuk. Tom didn't like Boston. Tom didn't like Boston. Ze waren beiden niet aanwezig op de vergadering. Both of them were not present at the meeting. They were both not present at the meeting. Alles is klaar. Everything's ready. Everything's ready. Zijn jullie bang voor mij? Are you afraid of me? Are you afraid of me? Ik ben aardig goed in het koken van spaghetti. I'm pretty good at cooking spaghetti. I'm pretty good at cooking spaghetti. Hij legde zijn hoofd op het kussen. He laid his head on the pillow. He put his head on the pillow. Ik heb altijd van voetbal gehouden. I always liked soccer. I've always loved soccer. Kijk je aandachtig? Are you watching carefully? Are you looking carefully? Ik ben niet in de stemming. I'm not in the mood. I'm not in the mood. Ik heb een kalender nodig. I need a calendar. I need a calendar. Kun je zilver onderscheiden van tin? Can you distinguish silver from tin? Can you tell silver from tin? Tom heeft niets gezien. Tom didn't see anything. Tom didn't see anything. Hij spreekt te snel. He talks too fast. He's talking too fast. Ik ken iemand die in jouw buurt woont. I know someone who lives in your neighborhood. I know someone who lives in your neighborhood. Dat is mijn job, weet je? It's my job, you know. That's my job, you know? Hier zie je weer een bevestiging van een oude waarheid: Oorlog baart nooit nut. Here we see confirmation of an old truth: war is never useful. Here you see again a confirmation of an old truth: War never makes any sense. Ik leer Kazachs. I'm learning Kazakh. I'm learning Kazakhs. Denk aan jouw broer. Think of your brother. Think about your brother. Ik zal voor niemand de tweede viool spelen. I won't play second fiddle for anyone. I won't play the second violin for anyone. Wil je een sinaasappel? Do you want an orange? You want an orange? Ik heb de hele nacht gebrainstormd. I was up all night brainstorming. I've been brainstorming all night. Hoe vernederend! How humiliating! How humiliating! Ik ging via de Verenigde Staten naar Europa. I went to Europe by way of the United States. I went through the United States to Europe. Je bent hier niet eens een student. You're not even a student here. You're not even a student here. Ik heb pijn in de borst. I have a chest pain. I have chest pain. Je moet dubbelklikken op het icoontje van de applicatie om hem te openen. You need to double-click on the application's icon to open the application. You need to double-click the application's icon to open it. Ik moet Tom gehoorzamen. I must obey Tom. I have to obey Tom. Ze is bekend, zowel in Japan als in Amerika. She is well known both in Japan and in America. She's known, both in Japan and in America. Ik zweer bij God. I swear to God. I swear to God. Ik kan hem niet langer vertrouwen. I can no longer trust him. I can't trust him anymore. Lees de aanwijzingen aandachtig. Read the instructions carefully. Read the directions carefully. Ga je morgen uit? Will you go out tomorrow? Are you going out tomorrow? Praat je tegen je hond? Do you talk to your dog? Are you talking to your dog? Wat heb je? What do you have? What do you got? Ze trouwde met een rijke oude man. She married a rich old man. She married a rich old man. Kom en vertel het me in mijn kamer. Come and tell me in my room. Come and tell me in my room. Water is vreemd spul. Water is strange stuff. Water's weird stuff. Paco tekent stadsgezichten Paco draws cityscapes. Paco draws cityscapes Dit is een foto van mijn zus. This is a picture of my sister. This is a picture of my sister. Ik wilde nog een keer naar België gaan, zo lang het land nog bestond. I wanted to go to Belgium again, as long as the country was still there. I wanted to go to Belgium again, as long as the country still existed. Tom heeft een mooie huid. Tom has nice skin. Tom's got nice skin. En weer ging een dag voorbij. And another day went by. And another day passed. De waarheid is de dochter van de tijd. Truth is time's daughter. The truth is the daughter of time. Ik ben een natuurkundige. I'm a physicist. I'm a physicist. Slovenië wordt " Slovenija " genoemd in het Sloveens. Slovenia is called "Slovenija" in Slovene. Slovenia is referred to as " Slovenija " in Slovenian. Gebruik dit! Use this! Use this! Ik kom oorspronkelijk uit Australië. I'm originally from Australia. I'm originally from Australia. Tom heeft grote, blauwe ogen. Tom has big, blue eyes. Tom has big blue eyes. Knuffel me. Hug me. Hug me. Stop met tv kijken en ga studeren! Stop watching TV and start studying! Stop watching TV and study! Als je in Tom zijn schoenen stond, wat zou je dan doen? If you were in Tom's shoes, what would you do? If you were in Tom's shoes, what would you do? Ik stapte per ongeluk op mijn Lady Gaga cd en had het kapotgemaakt. I stepped on my Lady Gaga CD by mistake and broke it! I accidentally stepped on my Lady Gaga CD and broke it. Wilt u dit werkelijk doen? Do you really want to do this? Do you really want to do this? Ze arriveerden al gauw op het maanstation. They soon arrived at the station on the moon. They soon arrived at the moon station. Ik zet wat koffie. I'll make some coffee. I'll make some coffee. Mag ik de haardroger lenen? Can I borrow the hair dryer? Can I borrow the hair dryer? Ze spreekt tegen hem altijd met luide stem. She always speaks to him in a loud voice. She always speaks to him with a loud voice. Fijn. Chill. Fine. Heb je helemaal geen vaardigheden? Don't you have any skills? Don't you have any skills at all? Slaap je, Tom? Are you sleeping, Tom? Are you asleep, Tom? Ik was druk bezig. I was very busy. I was busy. Tom, zich ervan bewust dat hij spoedig de trein naar Boston zou moeten nemen, had zich op het perron hartstochtelijk vastgeklampt aan Maria. Tom, aware that he would soon have to board the train to Boston, had passionately clung to Mary on the station platform. Tom, aware that he should soon take the train to Boston, had passionately clinging to Mary on the platform. Ik weet dat Tom niet kan wachten. I know Tom can't wait. I know Tom can't wait. In Wenen werd een Leica-camera uit 1923 voor 2,4 miljoen euro verkocht. A Leica camera from 1923 was sold for €2.4 million in Vienna. In Vienna, a 1923 Leica camera was sold for 2.4 million euros. Tom heeft last van financiële stress. Tom is suffering from financial stress. Tom's suffering from financial stress. Ik wil met de fiets rijden omdat ik ver van mijn school woon. I want to ride a bicycle, because I live far from my school. I want to ride a bike because I live a long way from my school. Ik maak maar een grapje. I am only joking. I'm just kidding. Roken is verboden. Smoking is prohibited. Smoking is forbidden. Ik kan niet fietsen. I can't ride a bike. I can't ride a bike. Als je honger hebt, smaakt alles goed. When you're hungry, anything tastes good. When you're hungry, everything tastes good. Ik ben dol op spaghetti! I love spaghetti! I love spaghetti! Wat zijn jullie aan het lezen? What are you reading? What are you guys reading? Deze bloem is groen. This flower is green. This flower is green. Zij gaf een wijdlopig antwoord. She gave a diffuse answer. She gave a wide-ranging answer. Hij denkt nog steeds dat we vrienden zijn. He still thinks we're friends. He still thinks we're friends. We hebben geen plan. We don't have a plan. We don't have a plan. Dat kind kan zelfs niet optellen. The child does not even know how to add. That kid can't even add up. Vrolijk kerstfeest, Tatoeba! Merry Christmas, Tatoeba! Merry Christmas, Tatouba! Hallo John! Hoe gaat het? Hello, John! How are you? Hey, John, how are you? Kunt u ons vertellen wat er daarna gebeurde? Can you tell us what happened next? Can you tell us what happened next? Oude mensen worden vroeg wakker. Old people wake up early. Old people wake up early. Hij stopte om te roken. He stopped for a smoke. He stopped to smoke. Het medicament smaakt bitter. The medicine tastes bitter. The medicine tastes bitter. Ze strafte haar kinderen. She punished her children. She punished her children. Ik kan niet. I can not. I can't. Heb je iemand in het koopcentrum gezien? Did you see anyone at the mall? Did you see anyone at the shopping center? Spijtig genoeg heb ik nu te veel te doen. Unfortunately, I'm too busy right now. Unfortunately, I have too much to do right now. Zie ik er bleek uit? Do I look pale? Do I look pale? De yen stijgt en de dollar daalt. The yen is rising and the dollar is falling. The yen is rising and the dollar is falling. De kamer van mijn vader is heel groot. My father's room is very big. My dad's room is really big. Doe je sokken aan. Put on your socks. Put your socks on. U begint. You start. You begin. Tom is nogal openhartig. Tom is quite frank. Tom's being rather frank. Iedereen spreekt goed over hem. He is well spoken of by everybody. Everyone speaks well of him. Je hoeft je niet te verontschuldigen. You don't have to apologize. You don't have to apologize. Tom lijkt agressief. Tom seems aggressive. Tom seems aggressive. Het was zijn schuld niet, want hij deed zijn best. It was not his fault, for he did his best. It wasn't his fault, because he did his best. Tarquinius was de laatste koning van de Romeinen. Tarquinius was the last king of the Romans. Tarquinius was the last king of the Romans. Het metrostation is vandaag gesloten. This metro station is closed today. The subway station is closed today. Laten we Toms voorgeschiedenis controleren. Let's check Tom's background. Let's check Tom's history. Hoeveel pennen hebben jullie? How many pens do you have? How many pens do you have? Onze fabrieken werken op volle capaciteit. Our factories are working at full capacity. Our factories work at full capacity. Een zeshoek heeft zes zijden. A hexagon has six sides. A hexagon has six sides. Uw auto heeft een gebroken achterlicht. Your car has a broken taillight. Your car has a broken taillight. Tranen liepen over mijn wangen. Tears rolled down my cheeks. Tears ran down my cheeks. Dit krantenartikel is interessanter dan het vorige. This newspaper article is more interesting than the previous one. This newspaper article is more interesting than the last one. Tom voelt zich schuldig. Tom feels bad. Tom feels guilty. Dat is de manier. That's the way. That's the way. Wij hebben hun hulp nodig. We need their help. We need their help. Wat doe je hier? What're you doing here? What are you doing here? Canberra is de hoofdstad van Australië. Canberra is the capital city of Australia. Canberra is the capital of Australia. Het is mij verboden deze telefoon te gebruiken. I am forbidden to use this telephone. I'm not allowed to use this phone. Hij sloeg met zijn vuist in mijn gezicht. He struck me in the face with his fist. He punched me in the face with his fist. Tom ving drie vissen. Tom caught three fish. Tom caught three fish. Ik heb mijn huiswerk gemaakt. I did my homework. I've done my homework. Ik heb een hartaanval gehad. I had a heart attack. I had a heart attack. Jullie kennen de uitdrukking, dat we oogsten wat we zaaien. Ik heb de wind gezaaid en hier is mijn storm. You know the phrase, we reap what we sow. I have sown the wind and this is my storm. You know the expression that we reap what we sow. I have sown the wind and here is my storm. Ik heb een brief van haar ontvangen. I received a letter from her. I received a letter from her. Tom heeft in vijf jaar geen boek gelezen. Tom hasn't read a book in five years. Tom hasn't read a book in five years. Ik woon momenteel in Australië. I'm currently living in Australia. I live in Australia right now. Iemand moet de prijs betalen. Someone has to pay the price. Someone has to pay the price. Toen hij jong was voetbalde hij soms. When he was young, he sometimes played soccer. When he was young, he used to play soccer. Ik ben opgegroeid in het land. I grew up in the country. I grew up in the country. Het land valt uit elkaar. The country's falling apart. The country's falling apart. Die muis is duur. That mouse is expensive. That mouse is expensive. De rook liet onze ogen tranen. The smoke made our eyes water. The smoke made our eyes tear. Sami zei dat het spookte in zijn huis. Sami said his house was haunted. Sami said it was haunted in his house. Sami moet plassen. Sami needs to pee. Sami needs to pee. Gaat hij te voet naar school of met de fiets? Does he go to school on foot or by bicycle? Does he go to school on foot or by bike? Snap je hoe dit werkt? Do you understand how this works? Do you understand how this works? De oorlog eindigde. The war ended. The war ended. Mijn foto hangt in alle politiekantoren van het land. My picture's in every police station in the country. My picture is in every police station in the country. Ik ben je vriend. I'm your friend. I'm your friend. Ik denk dat aliens bestaan. I think aliens exist. I think aliens exist. Een buschauffeur is verantwoordelijk voor de veiligheid van zijn passagiers. A bus driver is responsible for the safety of the passengers. A bus driver is responsible for the safety of his passengers. Niemand heeft het probleem opgelost. Nobody has solved the problem. No one solved the problem. Er zijn veel schepen in de haven. There are many ships in the harbor. There's a lot of ships in the harbor. Vind je niet dat we de politie moeten bellen? Don't you think we should call the police? Don't you think we should call the police? Ik zou graag in een ziekenhuis werken. I'd like to work at a hospital. I'd like to work in a hospital. Heeft iemand anders een advies? Does anyone else have any advice? Does anyone else have any advice? Ik zorg voor mijn ouders als ze oud worden. I'll take care of my parents when they get old. I take care of my parents when they get old. We hebben vertrouwen in onze overwinning. We're confident of our victory. We have faith in our victory. Hij heeft een lastig karakter. He has an irksome personality. He's got a tough character. Ze zorgt voor haar zieke moeder. She cares for her sick mother. She's taking care of her sick mother. Haar ogen verduisterden. Her eyes darkened. Her eyes darkened. Ik werkelijkheid was de soep te zout. Actually, the soup was too salty. I reality was the soup too salty. Anne zal niet op ons feest komen. Ann won't be coming to our party. Anne won't be at our party. Herfst is mijn favoriete seizoen. Autumn is my favorite season. Autumn is my favorite season. Tom niest best vaak. Misschien heeft hij hooikoorts. Tom sneezes quite often. He may have hay fever. Tom sneezes a lot, maybe he's got hay fever. Ik hou meer van rijst dan van brood. I like rice more than bread. I like rice more than bread. Honden haten katten. Dogs hate cats. Dogs hate cats. Tom is een ex-gedetineerde. Tom is an ex-con. Tom's an ex-con. De Dominicaanse Republiek wordt "República Dominicana" genoemd in het Spaans. The Dominican Republic is called "República Dominicana" in Spanish. The Dominican Republic is called "República Dominicana" in Spanish. Sami en Layla kwamen langs het park. Sami and Layla passed the park. Sami and Layla came by the park. Ik zal nooit weggaan. I'll never leave. I'll never leave. Ik zal het nooit meer doen. I will not do it again. I'll never do it again. Ik zal u morgen antwoorden. I'll answer you tomorrow. I'll answer you tomorrow. We zijn heel dronken. We're quite drunk. We're very drunk. Ik moet mijn koffer uitpakken. I have to unpack my suitcase. I have to unpack my suitcase. Je doet me dromen. You make me dream. You make me dream. Tom trok een oude schoenendoos uit zijn kast en maakte hem open. Tom pulled out an old shoebox from his closet and opened it. Tom pulled an old shoebox out of his closet and opened it. De methode die wij voorstellen, heeft twee belangrijke voordelen. The method we propose has two major advantages. The method we propose has two major advantages. Hoe goed ken jij Tom? How well do you know Tom? How well do you know Tom? 's Nachts gebruiken ijsberen sterren als hun kompas. By night, polar bears use stars as their compass. At night, polar bears use stars as their compass. Het leven gaat verder. Life goes on. Life goes on. De zeelui zagen land. The sailors saw land. The sailors saw land. Ze liep met gebogen hoofd zoals een oude vrouw. She walked with her head down like an old woman. She walked with her head bent like an old woman. Men kan deze deur op geen enkele manier open krijgen. This door can't be opened in any way. This door cannot be opened in any way. Houdt u van zalm? Do you like salmon? Do you like salmon? Ik maakte een typefout. I made a typing error. I made a typo. Het concert was een succes. The concert was a success. The concert was a success. Ik kan het brengen. I can bring it. I can bring it. Tom vroeg Mary om het hem voor te lezen. Tom asked Mary to read it for him. Tom asked Mary to read it to him. Gebruik uw hersenen. Use your brain. Use your brain. Waarom raakte hij betrokken? Why did he get involved? Why did he get involved? Ook Tom is een student. Tom is a student, too. Tom is also a student. Het park bevindt zich in het stadscentrum. The park lies in the center of the city. The park is located in the city centre. Het mes is niet scherp. The knife is not sharp. The knife isn't sharp. Moeder heeft boterhammen met kaas voor ons klaargemaakt voor het middageten. Mother made us cheese sandwiches for lunch. Mother has prepared cheese sandwiches for us for lunch. De kat is zojuist naast mij overleden. The cat has just passed by beside me. The cat just died next to me. Afgelopen maand heb ik mijn rijbewijs verlengd. I had my driver's license renewed last month. Last month I renewed my driver's license. Ik ga beginnen. I am going to start. I'm gonna get started. Tom was spraakzaam. Tom was talkative. Tom was talkative. Het is een woord waarvoor ik graag een vervanging zou vinden. It's a word I'd like to find a substitute for. It's a word I'd like to find a replacement for. Een glas witte wijn, alsjeblieft. A glass of white wine, please. A glass of white wine, please. Bent u een middelbare scholier? Are you a high school student? Are you a high school kid? Hoe zeg je dat in het Italiaans? How do you say that in Italian? How do you say it in Italian? De lampen zijn aan. The lights are on. The lights are on. Ik vermoedde dat dit uiteindelijk zou gebeuren. I figured that this would happen eventually. I suspected this would eventually happen. Tom is dronken. Tom's drunk. Tom's drunk. Is het restaurant duur? Is the restaurant expensive? Is the restaurant expensive? Ik heb echt genoten van de pretzels en de glühwein met kaneel. I really enjoyed the pretzels and the mulled wine with cinnamon. I really enjoyed the pretzels and the mulledwein with cinnamon. Ze zijn beiden in de kamer. They are both in the room. They're both in the room. Hij keek op zijn horloge. He looked at his watch. He looked at his watch. Ze gaf haar zitplaats aan een bejaarde. She gave her seat to an elderly person. She gave her seat to an elderly person. Kan je mijn software updaten? Can you update my software? Can you update my software? Wiens handschrift is dit? Whose handwriting is this? Whose handwriting is this? Hij bezit veel boeken over geschiedenis. He has many history books. He owns a lot of books on history. Zou u me kunnen zeggen waar de dichtstbijzijnde kerk is a.u.b.? Could you please tell me where the nearest church is? Could you tell me where the nearest church is, please? Ik ben mijn winkel aan het sluiten. I'm closing my store. I'm closing my shop. Zijn er hier restaurants? Are there any restaurants here? Are there any restaurants here? Voetbal is mijn lievelingssport. Soccer is my favorite sport. Football is my favorite sport. Nakido is beter dan Twitter. Nakido is better than Twitter. Nakido's better than Twitter. Ze groeven een graf. They dug a grave. They dug a grave. Ik hou van sinaasappelsap. I like orange juice. I like orange juice. Wie hielp haar? Who helped her? Who helped her? Vanmorgen is ze gaan paardrijden. She went horse-riding this morning. This morning she went horseback riding. Wat heb je afgelopen zondag gedaan? What did you do last Sunday? What did you do last Sunday? Ga aan het einde van die straat naar rechts. Turn right at the end of that street. Turn right at the end of that street. Het heeft veel gesneeuwd. It's snowed a lot. It's snowed a lot. Mary zei dat ze optimistisch is. Mary said she's optimistic. Mary said she's optimistic. Tom houdt van thee. Tom likes tea. Tom likes tea. Ik spreek snel. I speak fast. I'll talk soon. Daaraan is niet de minste twijfel. There is no doubt whatever about it. There is no doubt about that. Ik heb het me vaak afgevraagd. I have often wondered. I've often wondered. In het begin konden we de eindjes aan elkaar knopen maar na verloop van tijd konden we onze kosten niet meer dekken. At first, we could make ends meet, but as it continued we became unable to cover our expenses. In the beginning we could make ends meet but over time we could no longer cover our costs. Niemand kan het boek lezen zonder te huilen. No one can read the book without crying. No one can read the book without crying. Wanneer je een vraag stelt, verwacht je een antwoord. When you pose a question, you expect an answer. When you ask a question, you expect an answer. Geniet van het leven zolang je kan. Enjoy life while you may. Enjoy life as long as you can. De enige manier waarop ik havermout kan eten is met veel suiker. The only way I can eat oatmeal is with a lot of sugar. The only way I can eat oatmeal is with lots of sugar. Hij heeft een nieuwe vriendin. He has a new girlfriend. He's got a new girlfriend. Hij was alleen. He was alone. He was alone. Hoe durf je dat te zeggen. How dare you say that! How dare you say that. Josh vroeg me uit, maar ik zei dat hij naar de maan kon lopen. Josh asked me out, but I told him where to go. Josh asked me out, but I said he could walk to the moon. Ik wil een telefoontje plegen, maar ik heb geen kleingeld. I want to make a phone call, but I don't have any change now. I want to make a phone call, but I don't have any change. Een agenda is een identiteitskaart van de tijd, maar als er geen agenda is, kan er geen tijd zijn. A schedule is an identity card for time, but, if you don't have a schedule, the time isn't there. An agenda is an identity card of the time, but if there is no agenda, there can be no time. Ik heb de video. I have the video. I've got the video. Ik was verrast. I was surprised. I was surprised. Hij kwam zelf. He came in person. He came himself. Het is ongeveer net zo groot als een ei. It's about the size of an egg. It's about the size of an egg. Waarom houdt ze niet meer van me? Why doesn't she love me anymore? Why doesn't she love me anymore? Mijn vader stopte met roken. My father quit smoking. My dad quit smoking. Zij is mijn klasgenoot. She's my classmate. She's my classmate. Ik neem aan dat u dat al hebt proefgelezen. I assume that you've proofread this already. I take it you've already read that. Tom houdt van ijs. Tom loves ice cream. Tom likes ice cream. Ik denk dat je nu beter gaat. I think you should leave now. I think you'd better go now. Hij zei dat hij mij wou helpen. He said that he would help me. He said he wanted to help me. Het spijt me dat te horen. I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sorry to hear that. Mijn medewerker is een wolf in schapenvacht. My co-worker is a wolf in sheep's clothing. My associate is a wolf in sheepskin. De jongen schrijft. The boy is writing. The boy writes. Hij is een goede redenaar. He is a good speaker. He's a good orator. Men kan zeggen dat het Japanse klimaat door de band mild is. It may be said, as a rule, that the climate of Japan is mild. It can be said that the Japanese climate is mild because of the band. Tien jaar is een lange tijd om te wachten. Ten years is a long time to wait. Ten years is a long time to wait. Leeft die slang? Is the snake alive? Is that snake alive? Moslims geloven dat Mohammed Gods boodschapper is. Muslims believe that Muhammad is God's messenger. Muslims believe Muhammad is God's messenger. Wat was je vanochtend aan het doen? What were you doing this morning? What were you doing this morning? Ik scheer de schapen. I am shearing the sheep. I shave the sheep. Tom is schuldig. Tom's guilty. Tom's guilty. Ik wil je gezicht niet meer zien. I don't want to see your face again. I don't want to see your face anymore. Heeft hij nog altijd koorts? Does he still have a temperature? Does he still have a fever? Je kan hier parkeren. You can park here. You can park here. Tom ziet er heel nerveus uit. Tom looks very nervous. Tom looks really nervous. Breng hem naar mij toe. Bring him to me. Bring him to me. Tom zal overmorgen vertrekken. Tom will leave the day after tomorrow. Tom will leave the day after tomorrow. Tom at de restjes op. Tom ate the leftovers. Tom ate the leftovers. Ik houd van de manier waarop je voor me zorgt. I love the way you take care of me. I like the way you take care of me. Het kind, wiens speelgoed ik zoek, is mijn zoon. The child whose toy I am looking for, is my son. The child, whose toys I'm looking for, is my son. Zij is aan het roken. She's smoking. She's smoking. Het is een familietrekje. It's a family trait. It's a family trait. Ik heb schulden die betaald moeten worden. I have a debt to pay. I have debts that have to be paid. Dit shirt moet gestreken worden. The shirt must be ironed. This shirt needs ironing. Ze is Oostenrijks. She's Austrian. She's Austrian. Ik leer Koreaans. I'm learning Korean. I'm learning Korean. Wat is je naam? What is your name? What's your name? Tom drinkt aardig wat. Tom drinks quite a bit. Tom's drinking a lot. Tom is boos. Tom's angry. Tom's angry. Meztli houdt van de maan. Meztli likes the moon. Meztli loves the moon. Kan ik hier studeren? Can I study here? Can I study here? Ben ik de enige? Am I the only one? Am I the only one? Dat is het domste wat ik ooit gezegd heb. That's the stupidest thing I've ever said. That's the dumbest thing I've ever said. Geef hem de microfoon! Give him the microphone. Give him the mic! De twee schrijfwijzen zijn correct. Both spellings are correct. The two writings are correct. Waarom kwam je de kamer uit? Why did you leave the room? Why'd you get out of the room? Tom eet patat uit een zak. Tom is eating french fries out of a bag. Tom eats fries out of a bag. Kies één persoon. Choose one person. Pick one person. Tom en Maria kennen de waarheid. Tom and Mary know the truth. Tom and Maria know the truth. Deze gebroken vaas kan niet gerepareerd worden. This broken vase can't be repaired. This broken vase cannot be repaired. Het koude klimaat had zijn weerslag op zijn gezondheid. The cold climate affected his health. The cold climate had its impact on his health. Ik wil bij jou wonen. I want to live with you. I want to live with you. Wanneer zal ik je morgen afhalen? When should I pick you up tomorrow? When will I pick you up tomorrow? De politie is er heel goed in om te begrijpen dat iemand mijn creditcard gestolen heeft en een heleboel geld heeft opgenomen. Het is veel moeilijker om ze bij te brengen dat "iemand mijn magische zwaard gestolen heeft." The police are really good at understanding "Someone stole my credit card and ran up a lot of charges." It's a lot harder to get them to buy into "Someone stole my magic sword." The police are very good at understanding that someone stole my credit card and took a lot of money. It's much harder to teach them that "someone stole my magic sword." Tom heeft zijn auto in een afgrond gereden. Tom drove his car off a cliff. Tom drove his car into an abyss. Hoe laat waren jullie? How late were you? What time were you guys? Koreaans leren is moeilijk. Learning Korean is difficult. It's hard to learn Korean. In Japan begint het nieuwe schooljaar in april. In Japan, the new school year begins in April. In Japan, the new school year begins in April. Roken is verschrikkelijk voor uw gezondheid. Smoking is terrible for your health. Smoking is terrible for your health. Ik kan om drie uur komen. I can come at three. I can come by at 3:00. Waarom wilt ge weten waaraan wij denken? Why do you want to know what we're thinking about? Why do you want to know what we're thinking? Ik kom morgen niet. I won't come tomorrow. I'm not coming tomorrow. De volgende morgen kwam Dima uit de vuilcontainer en realiseerde zich dat zijn kleren nu allemaal naar vuilnis stonken. The next morning, Dima got out of the dumpster, but only to realize that all of his clothes now smelled like garbage. The next morning, Dima came out of the dumpster and realized that his clothes all smelled like garbage. Hij droeg een bril. He wore glasses. He was wearing glasses. Er stond een grote gouden ster op de deur. There was a big gold star on the door. There was a big gold star on the door. Het is de eerste keer dat ik die muziek beluister. It's the first time I've listened to this music. It's the first time I've listened to that music. Ik ben niet je vijand. I am not your enemy. I'm not your enemy. Dit is geen appel. Het is een peer. This isn't an apple. It's a pear. This isn't an apple, it's a pear. Tom vergat de ketchup. Tom forgot the ketchup. Tom forgot the ketchup. Waar kijk je naar? What're you looking at? What are you looking at? Dit is heerlijke spaghetti, nietwaar? This is delicious spaghetti, isn't it? This is delicious spaghetti, isn't it? Ik denk dat je dit al eerder hebt gezegd. I think you've said that before. I think you've said this before. Deze schat is onschatbaar voor de mensheid. This is a priceless treasure to mankind. This treasure is invaluable to humanity. Dit had niet moeten gebeuren. This was not supposed to happen. This shouldn't have happened. Italië ligt in Europa. Italy is in Europe. Italy is in Europe. Tom zou bij ons hebben moeten zijn. Tom should have been with us. Tom should have been with us. Ik weet dat Tom een redelijk goede snowboarder is. I know that Tom is a pretty good snowboarder. I know Tom's a pretty good snowboarder. Zij is gewend laat op te blijven. She is used to staying up late. She's used to staying up late. De prijzen van bepaalde voedingsmiddelen variëren per week. The prices of certain foods vary from week to week. Prices of certain foods vary per week. Mijn zus gaat elke ochtend onder de douche. My sister takes a shower every morning. My sister takes a shower every morning. Sorry, ik denk niet dat het mij zal lukken. Sorry, I don't think I'm gonna be able to. I'm sorry, I don't think I can do it. Zuid-Afrika werd onafhankelijk in 1961. South Africa became independent in 1961. South Africa became independent in 1961. Waarom bent u thuis? Why are you at home? Why are you home? Mijn moeder haat het schrijven van brieven. My mother hates writing letters. My mom hates writing letters. Ken leerde vele Japanse liedjes uit het hoofd. Ken learned many Japanese songs by heart. Ken memorized many Japanese songs. De volgende week vlieg ik naar Chicago. Next week, I'm taking the plane to Chicago. Next week, I'm flying to Chicago. Wat? What? What? Wanneer komt ge terug? When are you coming back? When are you coming back? De gebeurtenissen waren nauw met elkaar verbonden. The events were closely linked. The events were closely linked. Ik heb een vriend die in Sapporo woont. I have a friend who lives in Sapporo. I have a friend who lives in Sapporo. Iedereen wist. Everybody knew. Everyone knew. Ik weet niet of hij dokter is. I don't know if he's a doctor. I don't know if he's a doctor. Ik probeerde Tom een knuffel te geven, maar hij duwde me weg. I tried to hug Tom, but he pushed me away. I tried to give Tom a hug, but he pushed me away. Iedereen keek zenuwachtig om zich heen. Everybody looked around nervously. Everyone looked nervous. Mijn broers beschermen me. My brothers protect me. My brothers are protecting me. Ze hebben grotere en betere schepen gebouwd. They built bigger and better ships. They've built bigger and better ships. Ik ben een peer aan het eten. I'm eating a pear. I'm eating a pear. Hij was erg blij. He was very happy. He was very happy. Ze heeft geen rijbewijs. She doesn't have a driving licence. She doesn't have a license. Je auto heeft een gebroken achterlicht. Your car has a broken taillight. Your car has a broken taillight. Kunt u mij uw instapkaart laten zien? Can you show me your boarding pass? Can you show me your boarding pass? Ik werk hier al een aantal jaar. I've been working here for a couple of years. I've been working here for a couple of years. Sami wil indruk maken op Layla. Sami wants to impress Layla. Sami wants to impress Layla. Ik kan het. I can do this. I can do it. Ik heb een liter koffie gedronken. I drank a liter of coffee. I had a liter of coffee. De pizza is koud. The pizza is cold. The pizza's cold. Het is de laatste trein. It's the last train. It's the last train. Zijn jullie echt Italiaans? Are you really Italian? Are you guys really Italian? Ik ben op vakantie. I'm on vacation. I'm on vacation. Het is niet gratis. It isn't free. It's not free. Ik denk dat ik nu ophoud. I think I'll stop now. I think I'm gonna stop now. Ik spreek uw taal niet. I don't speak your language. I don't speak your language. Men kan van hieruit de Fuji zien. Mt. Fuji can be seen from here. One can see the Fuji from here. Kijk! Er is een kat in de keuken. Look! There's a cat in the kitchen. There's a cat in the kitchen. Tony spreekt beter Engels dan ik. Tony speaks English better than I do. Tony speaks English better than I do. Uw Engels is volmaakt goed. Your English is perfect. Your English is perfectly good. Ja. Yes. Yes. Het is vrij donker. It's pretty dark. It's pretty dark. Je had haar gezicht moeten zien toen ze erachter kwam. You should have seen the look on her face when she found out. You should have seen her face when she found out. Hij is detective. He is a detective. He's a detective. Dit is een potlood. This is a pencil. This is a pencil. Deze stad wordt het Japanse Denemarken genoemd. This city is called the Japanese Denmark. This city is called Japan's Denmark. Ik heb Frans op school geleerd. I learned French in school. I learned French at school. Water zet uit met warmte. Water expands with heat. Water expands with heat. Hij heeft niet geheel ongelijk. He is not altogether wrong. He's not entirely wrong. Ik heb gefaald. I have failed. I failed. Mijn moeder kijkt 's avonds zelden tv. My mother seldom watches TV at night. My mom rarely watches TV at night. Ik zou graag een kat hebben. I'd like to have a cat. I'd like to have a cat. Dit is illegaal in de Europese Unie. This is illegal in the European Union. This is illegal in the European Union. Tom vindt het leuk om boeken te lezen. Tom likes reading books. Tom likes to read books. Deze banaan is bedorven. This banana went bad. This banana is corrupted. Ik heb een pen. I have a pen. I have a pen. Ze is koud. She is cold. She's cold. Mijn vader kwam gisteravond laat thuis. My father got home late last night. My dad came home late last night. Ik zag de hond van mijn buurman in de tuin lopen. I saw my neighbor's dog running in my garden. I saw my neighbor's dog walking in the garden. Ze hebben een horloge gerepareerd. They repaired a watch. They fixed a watch. Je kunt winnen of niet. You may or may not win. You can win or you can't. Zoek dat woord op in het woordenboek. Look that word up in the dictionary. Look up that word in the dictionary. Ik geef de voorkeur aan rood. I prefer red. I prefer red. Ik heb een pizza meegenomen. I brought a pizza. I brought you a pizza. Zou je graag beroemd willen zijn? Would you like to be famous? Would you like to be famous? Wiskunde is mijn lievelingsvak. Mathematics is my favorite subject. Math is my favorite subject. Het is noodzakelijk een andere uitweg te vinden uit deze situatie. It is imperative that we find another way out of this situation. It is necessary to find another way out of this situation. Negeer dat. Ignore that. Ignore that. Toms reactie was het tegenovergestelde van wat Maria had verwacht. Tom's reaction was the opposite of what Mary had expected. Tom's reaction was the opposite of what Maria expected. Werkt u daar ook? Do you work there, too? Do you work there, too? Alle kinderen zaten in een kring. All the children were sitting in a circle. All the kids were in a circle. Hebben jullie het nieuws gezien? Have you seen the news? Did you guys see the news? Toms huis is vernietigd door de orkaan. Tom's house was destroyed by the hurricane. Tom's house was destroyed by the hurricane. Ik miste je. I missed you. I missed you. Het leven is prachtig! Life is beautiful. Life is beautiful! Ik repareer de klok. I am fixing the clock. I'm fixing the clock. Wilt ge mij een plezier doen? Leent ge mij een beetje geld? Could you do me a favor? Will you lend me some money? Will you do me a favor? Doen kippen een plasje? Do chickens pee? Do chickens pee? Tom ondertekende alle documenten die Maria's advocaat hem voorlegde. Tom signed all the documents Mary's lawyer gave him. Tom signed all the documents Maria's lawyer presented to him. We hebben de deur groen geverfd. We painted the door green. We painted the door green. Het is precies tien uur. It's ten o'clock sharp. It's exactly 10:00. Dit leek de beste oplossing te zijn. This seemed to be the best solution. This seemed to be the best solution. Ik bel je voor ik kom. I'll give you a call before I come. I'll call you before I come. Tom vroeg toestemming om het fotokopieerapparaat te gebruiken. Tom asked for permission to use the copy machine. Tom asked permission to use the photocopier. Ik wil niet dat Tom ziek wordt. I don't want Tom to get sick. I don't want Tom to get sick. Sami is de naam van Layla vergeten. Sami has forgotten Layla's name. Sami forgot Layla's name. Mijn hond heet Belysh. Deze zomer heb ik hem geleerd om pootje te geven. Iedere morgen sta ik vroeg op en geef hem te eten. Daarna gaan we een eindje wandelen. Hij beschermt me tegen andere honden. Wanneer ik fiets, rent hij naast me. Hij heeft een vriend, haar naam is Chernyshka. Hij vindt het leuk om met haar te spelen. Belysh is een hele vriendelijke en slimme hond. My dog's name is Belysh. This summer I taught him to put out his paw. Every morning I wake up early and feed him. Then we go for a walk. He defends me from other dogs. When I go bike riding, he runs beside me. He has a friend, her name is Chernyshka. He likes playing with her. Belysh is a very kind and clever dog. My dog's name is Belysh. This summer I taught him to paw. Every morning I get up early and feed him. Then we go for a walk. He protects me from other dogs. When I ride, he runs next to me. He has a friend, her name is Chernyshka. He likes to play with her. Belysh is a very friendly and smart dog. Ze leven continu in angst. They live in constant fear. They live in fear all the time. Zijn dokter raadde hem aan te stoppen met roken. His doctor advised him to give up smoking. His doctor advised him to quit smoking. Niemand van ons is onsterfelijk. No one of us is immortal. None of us are immortal. Ik wilde de auto kopen, maar ik ben arm. I would buy the car, but I am poor. I tried to buy the car, but I'm poor. Om die reden vroeg ik u naar werkgelegenheid voor leraren in uw land. That's why I asked you about jobs for teachers in your country. That is why I asked you about the employment of teachers in your country. Ondanks alles wisten we toch nog uit de grot te ontsnappen. Despite everything, we still managed to escape from the cave. Despite everything, we managed to escape from the cave. Hij heeft zich overslapen deze morgen. He overslept this morning. He overslept this morning. Dingen zijn soms mooier als je ze van een andere kant bekijkt. Sometimes, things are more beautiful when you look at them from a different angle. Things are sometimes more beautiful when you look at them from a different angle. Het leven is nu. Life is now. Life is now. Verboden te zwemmen! Bathing prohibited. Forbidden to swim! Het schip zal aanmeren in Yokohama en Kobe. The ship will touch at Yokohama and Kobe. The ship will dock in Yokohama and Kobe. Ik heb geen idee over wie u het heeft. I have no idea who you're talking about. I have no idea who you're talking about. Je hebt een rooskleurige toekomst. You have a bright future. You have a bright future. Welkom in ons land! Welcome to our country! Welcome to our country! Zij gaan akkoord. They agree. They agree. Verkoop het! Sell! Sell it! Ik heb helemaal niet gestudeerd gisteren. I didn't study at all yesterday. I didn't study at all yesterday. Ik moet u helaas mededelen dat uw sollicitatie geweigerd is. I regret to inform you that your application has been refused. I regret to inform you that your application has been refused. Er was niets in de kamer, behalve een oude stoel. There was nothing but an old chair in the room. There was nothing in the room except an old chair. Ik heb nog niet ontbeten. I haven't eaten breakfast yet. I haven't had breakfast yet. Hij had koppijn. He had a headache. He had a headache. Waar is jouw hond? Where's your dog? Where's your dog? Ze zijn beiden erg aantrekkelijk. Both of them are very cute. They're both very attractive. Ik ben blij je te zien. I am pleased to see you. I'm glad to see you. Het is leuk geweest. It's been fun. It's been fun. Dit is een geschenk voor jou. This a gift for you. This is a gift for you. Dat kan Mary niet zijn. Ze ligt nu in het ziekenhuis. That can't be Mary. She is in hospital now. She's in the hospital right now. Ik heb u net gemaild. I just emailed you. I just e-mailed you. Je kan het spel nu niet opslaan. You cannot save the game right now. You can't save the game now. Het zou drie weken moeten duren, plus of min een dag of twee. It should take three weeks, give or take a day or two. It should take three weeks, plus or minus a day or two. Een mening is alleen schokkerend wanneer ze een overtuiging is. An opinion is shocking only if it is a conviction. An opinion is only shocking when it is a conviction. Sami is niet gay. Sami is not gay. Sami's not gay. Neem dit, schat. Take this, honey. Take this, honey. Is Tom nog steeds een student? Is Tom still a student? Is Tom still a student? Heb je een eigen kamer? Do you have a room of your own? Do you have your own room? Hij is een vreemd persoon. He is a strange person. He's a strange person. Mijn huis is dicht bij het park. My house is close to the park. My house is close to the park. Ik heb genoeg van haar klachten. I am fed up with her complaints. I've had enough of her complaints. We hebben ongeveer $300.000 nodig om dit project te voltooien. We need about $300,000 to complete this project. We need about $300,000 to complete this project. Nee, dank u. No, thanks. No, thank you. Fietsen kan men nooit verleren. You can't ever forget how to ride a bicycle. Bicycles can never be lost. We hebben veel druiven. We got many grapes. We have lots of grapes. "Heb je honger?" "Ik heb altijd honger." "Are you hungry?" "I'm always hungry." "Are you hungry?" "I'm always hungry." Jong geleerd is oud gedaan. What is learned in the cradle is carried to the tomb. Young learner is old-fashioned. Ik heb niets om voor te leven. I have nothing to live for. I have nothing to live for. Q.e.d. QED. Q. e. d. Ik wil geen risico nemen. I don't want to take risks. I don't want to take any chances. Of je het ermee eens bent of niet, ik ga het toch doen. Whether you agree or not, I'm going to do it. Whether you agree or not, I'm gonna do it anyway. Ik ben net beter van een ernstige ziekte. I just got over a severe illness. I'm just getting better from a serious disease. Iedereen haat Tom. Everyone hates Tom. Everybody hates Tom. Je bent een ramp in de keuken. You're a disaster in the kitchen. You're a disaster in the kitchen. Er zijn veel boeken in mijn kamer. There are many books in my room. There's a lot of books in my room. Toen Sami klaar was met het lezen van de Koran, huilde hij. When Sami finished reading the Quran, he cried. When Sami finished reading the Koran, he cried. Tom kijkt geen tv. Tom doesn't watch TV. Tom doesn't watch TV. Je gaat om elf uur naar bed. You go to bed at eleven o'clock. You're going to bed at 11:00. Maak je keuze. Make your choice. Make your choice. Er is iets aan Dan veranderd. Something about Dan has changed. Something's changed about Dan. Je vindt dit in een ijzerhandel. You will find this in a hardware store. You'll find this in a hardware store. Wees verstandig. Be sensible. Be sensible. Hij belde me vanuit Tokyo. He called me up from Tokyo. He called me from Tokyo. Hebt u een schoentrekker? Do you have a shoehorn? Do you have a shoe puller? Ik hou van een wandeling na de maaltijd. I like to take a walk after meals. I love a walk after dinner. Het kind bewaarde al zijn geld in een spaarvarkentje. The kid kept all of his money in a piggy bank. The kid kept all his money in a piggy bank. Zou u even kunnen wachten? Would you mind waiting a few minutes? Could you hold on a second? Sami was gewoon erg verwend. Sami was just very spoilt. Sami was just very spoiled. De hond springt. The dog is jumping. The dog jumps. Ik kan nu niets zeggen. I can't say anything now. I can't say anything right now. Ik moet weigeren. I must refuse. I have to refuse. Ik ging naar huis. I went home. I went home. Windhoek is de hoofdstad van Namibië. Windhoek is the capital of Namibia. Windhoek is the capital of Namibia. Ze zullen onderhandelen. They'll negotiate. They'll negotiate. Ze juichten. They cheered. They cheered. Sami is een voormalige moslim. Sami is a former muslim. Sami is a former Muslim. Ik leer Frans te spreken. I'm learning to speak French. I'm learning to speak French. Sommige mensen houden van sport, anderen niet. Some people like sports, and others don't. Some people like sports, others don't. Vertel Tom waarom. Tell Tom why. Tell Tom why. Er ligt een appel op de tafel. There is an apple on the table. There's an apple on the table. Mijn auto is ouder dan ik. My car is older than me. My car is older than me. Al wat ge moet doen, is zijn antwoord afwachten. All that you have to do is to wait for his reply. All you have to do is wait for his answer. Dit liedje doet me denken aan thuis. That song reminds me of my home. This song reminds me of home. Mijn rekenmachine heeft een fout gemaakt. My calculator made a mistake. My calculator made a mistake. Dat is echt een leuk trucje! That's a really cool trick! That's a really nice trick! Ik neem aan dat Tom hiervan weet. I'm assuming Tom knows about this. I assume Tom knows about this. Zijn onderzoek droeg uiteindelijk vrucht. His research bore fruit in the end. His research ultimately bore fruit. Niets verraden! Don't spill the beans. Betrayed nothing! Wie neemt nog tijd voor een lange brief aan een vriend? Who still takes time for a long letter to a friend? Who takes time for a long letter to a friend? Er is een goede kans dat het gaat lukken. There is a good chance of success. There's a good chance it's gonna work. De heren shirts bevinden zich op de tweede verdieping. Men's shirts are on the second floor. The men's shirts are on the second floor. Hij stond daar een tijdje. He stood there for a while. He was standing there for a while. Moeder heeft er anders over beslist. Mother decided otherwise. Mother's made a different decision. Stop met liegen. Stop lying. Stop lying. Ze gaf de opdracht de kamer schoon te vegen. She ordered the room to be swept. She ordered the room to be wiped clean. Zij hielp mij. She helped me. She helped me. Zij houdt ook van chocolade. She loves chocolate, too. She likes chocolate, too. De epicykel maakte het de Grieken mogelijk de beweging van de planeten uit te leggen. The epicycle made it possible for the Greeks to explain the planetary movements. The epicycle made it possible for the Greeks to explain the movement of the planets. Ik haat vroeg opstaan. I hate getting up early. I hate getting up early. De dodentol bedraagt bijna vijf honderd. The death toll is nearly 500. The death toll is almost five hundred. Ik kon niet komen door de hevige regen. I could not come because of the heavy rain. I couldn't come because of the heavy rain. Ik belde Tom. I called Tom up. I called Tom. Ik wist wel dat je dorst zou hebben. I knew you'd be thirsty. I knew you'd be thirsty. U kunt geen bloeddonor zijn. You cannot be a blood donor. You can't be a blood donor. Zij gingen vissen. They went fishing. They went fishing. Maria droeg een piratenkostuum. Mary wore a pirate costume. Maria was wearing a pirate costume. Neem haar ergens mee naartoe. Take her somewhere. Take her somewhere. Ik werd ziek. I got sick. I got sick. Het is hier erg warm in de zomer. It's really hot here in the summer. It's very hot in the summer. Bent u het niet eens? Don't you agree? Don't you agree? Kun je me helpen de afwas te doen? Can you help me with the washing up? Can you help me do the dishes? Hij woont in een woning. He lives in a flat. He lives in a house. U bent behulpzaam. You're helpful. You're helpful. Iedereen die hem kende bewonderde hem. All who knew him admired him. Everyone who knew him admired him. Mijn tenen zijn bevroren. My toes are frozen. My toes are frozen. Spreekt u Japans? Do you speak Japanese? Do you speak Japanese? Het regent daar. It rains there. It's raining over there. De plaats is op een beschamende manier verwaarloosd geworden. The place was shamefully neglected. The place has been shamefully neglected. Heeft ze een piano? Has she a piano? Does she have a piano? Ik denk dat het gisteravond is gebeurd. I think it happened last night. I think it happened last night. Wij moeten bezuinigen. We have to make savings. We need to cut back. Ze zijn in de bibliotheek. They're in the library. They're in the library. Ik dacht dat je zei dat je vroeger in Australië woonde. I thought you said you used to live in Australia. I thought you said you used to live in Australia. Mijn vader staat vroeg op. My father gets up early. My dad's getting up early. Het is zo duidelijk dat het een leugen is! It's so obvious that it's a lie! It's so obvious it's a lie! We zijn vandaag gesloten. We're closed today. We're closed today. Tom spreekt geen Frans. Tom speaks no French. Tom doesn't speak French. Dat is een mooie bloem. This is a beautiful flower. That's a beautiful flower. Niemand wilde mijn land herinneren. Nobody wanted to remember my country. No one wanted to remember my country. Vraag niet wie zij is. Don't ask who she is. Don't ask who she is. Dwazen zijn gelukkig. Fools are happy. Fools are happy. Ze hebben te weinig vrienden. They don't have enough friends. They don't have enough friends. Laten we dat doen. Let's do that. Let's do that. Hij heeft zichzelf omgebracht. He killed himself. He killed himself. Jullie moeten niet komen morgen. You don't have to come tomorrow. You guys shouldn't be here tomorrow. Heb je hem niks gezegd? You didn't tell him anything? You didn't tell him? Controleer dat. Check that. Check that out. Ik hoop dat je gelijk hebt. I hope you're right. I hope you're right. Wij vroegen hoe laat het was. We asked for the time. We asked what time it was. Schaatsen is best leuk. Ice skating is kind of fun. Ice skating's kind of fun. Spreek je Zweeds? Do you speak Swedish? Do you speak Swedish? Ze wisten niet dat het onmogelijk was, dus ze deden het. They did not know it was impossible, so they did it. They didn't know it was impossible, so they did. Haast je. Hurry up. Hurry up. Tom is mogelijk allergisch voor pinda's. Tom might be allergic to peanuts. Tom may be allergic to peanuts. Wie is Tom? Who's Tom? Who's Tom? De man had zijn vrouw al drie dagen niet gesproken. The man had not spoken to his wife in three days. The man hadn't spoken to his wife in three days. Ik hou van Italiaans eten. I like Italian food. I like Italian food. Tom belde. Tom called. Tom called. Tot later. I'll see you later. See you later. Je zal het verschil waarschijnlijk niet merken. You're not likely to notice the difference. You probably won't notice the difference. Ik vind dat jullie Tom zijn gang moeten laten gaan. I think you ought to let Tom do what he wants. I think you should let Tom do his thing. Ik heb hem de procedure uitgelegd. I explained the procedure to him. I explained the procedure to him. Ik wil weg uit Boston. I want to leave Boston. I want to leave Boston. Maria is haar website aan het updaten. Mary is updating her website. Maria's updating her website. Ze was van plan al haar spaargeld van de bank te halen. She intended to withdraw all her savings from the bank. She was planning on taking all her savings off the bank. Ik haat Frans. I hate French. I hate French. Tom bleef de hele nacht op om te studeren. Tom stayed up all night studying. Tom stayed up all night studying. Is er iets nieuws? Is there anything new? Is there anything new? Hoeveel boeken leest ge per maand? How many books do you read per month? How many books do you read a month? Na ons de zondvloed. After us, the Deluge. After us the flood. Kan je deze knopen voor me vastnaaien? Can you sew on these buttons for me? Can you sew these buttons for me? Ze ruimde de tafel af. She cleared off the table. She cleared the table. Als ik je te pakken krijg, sla ik je verrot. If I catch you, I'll fuck your ass up. If I catch you, I'm gonna kick your ass. Zou je mij het wifi-wachtwoord kunnen vertellen? Could you tell me the Wi-Fi password? Could you tell me the Wi-Fi password? Ik zal je een goed advies geven. I'll give you a piece of good advice. I'll give you some good advice. Jij weet dit net zo goed als ik. You know it as well as I do. You know this as well as I do. Ga zeker onmiddellijk naar daar. It is necessary for you to go there immediately. Definitely get over there right now. Dat klinkt als muziek in mijn oren. It's music to my ears. That sounds like music to my ears. Ik denk dat je dat niet had moeten doen. I think you shouldn't have done that. I guess you shouldn't have. Er was niemand in de kamer. There was nobody in the room. There was no one in the room. De zon aan de horizon is prachtig. The sun on the horizon is wonderful. The sun on the horizon is beautiful. Ik ben nog nooit in Engeland geweest. I have never been to England. I've never been to England. Hoe erg is het, dokter? How bad is it, doctor? How bad is it, Doctor? Ik heb dertien katten. I keep thirteen cats. I have 13 cats. Waar heb je dit gevonden? Where did you find this? Where did you find this? Je had je moeten voorstellen. You should've introduced yourself. You should have imagined it. Tom is weg. Tom is away. Tom's gone. Vertel mij iets over jullie gezin. Tell me something about your family. Tell me about your family. Ze ontdekten dat westerlingen eender wat kunnen uitdrukken met ongeveer dertig symbolen, terwijl de oosterlingen een paar duizend ideografische tekens moeten onthouden. They discovered that Westerners can express anything with about thirty symbols, whereas Asians have to memorize a few thousand ideographic signs. They discovered that Westerners can express anything with about thirty symbols, while the Orientals must remember a few thousand ideographic signs. Tom is een grote fan van Chopin. Tom is a big fan of Chopin. Tom's a big fan of Chopin. Er zijn veel aardbevingen in Japan. There are many earthquakes in Japan. There are many earthquakes in Japan. In de rechtzaal worden vrouwen vaker schuldig bevonden aan meineed dan mannen. In a court of justice women are more often found guilty of perjury than men. In court, women are found guilty of perjury more often than men. Kom alsjeblieft terug. Please come back. Please come back. Ik heb uw avondeten voor u in de oven laten staan. I have left you your dinner in the oven. I left your dinner in the oven for you. Hoe was het strand? How was the beach? How was the beach? We waren bang. We were scared. We were scared. Kom daarna bij me langs. Come and see me afterwards. Then come and see me. Tom bewoog. Tom moved. Tom moved. Jim was tijdens het examen betrapt op spieken. Jim was caught cheating in the examination. Jim was caught cheating on the exam. Dit is het interessantste boek dat ik ooit gelezen heb. This is the most interesting book I have ever read. This is the most interesting book I've ever read. Hij zal niet langer dan vier dagen blijven. He will not stay for more than four days. He won't stay more than four days. Italiaanse politici maken me kwaad. Italian politicians make me mad. Italian politicians piss me off. Ik kon niet gaan werken want ik was ziek. I couldn't go to work because I was sick. I couldn't go to work because I was sick. Mijn schoolcijfers waren gemiddeld. My school grades were average. My school grades were average. Dit is het huis dat ontworpen werd door een beroemd architect. This is the house which was designed by a famous architect. This is the house designed by a famous architect. Ik ben een nieuwe student. I am a new student. I'm a new student. Ik heb dit gedaan omdat ik een vriend van Maria ben. I did it because I'm Mary's friend. I did this because I'm a friend of Maria's. Vuurwerk is cool. Fireworks are cool. Fireworks are cool. Hij raakte het water met zijn voet. He touched the water with his foot. He hit the water with his foot. Ik kreeg een bericht van Tom. I got a message from Tom. I got a message from Tom. Tom verraadde zijn land. Tom betrayed his country. Tom betrayed his country. Deze tuin is op zijn mooist in het voorjaar. The garden is at its best in spring. This garden is at its most beautiful in spring. Tom gaf geen uitleg. Tom didn't give an explanation. Tom didn't explain. Sami zei dat hij zijn vrede in de islam vond. Sami said he found his peace in Islam. Sami said he found his peace in Islam. Ik hoop dat je met een beter plan komt. I hope you will come up with a better plan. I hope you come up with a better plan. Net geschilderd. Just painted. Just painted. Tom speelt met zijn zoon. Tom is playing with his son. Tom's playing with his son. In Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea worden 850 verschillende talen door Papoea's gesproken. In Papua New Guinea, there are 850 different languages spoken by Papuans. In Papua New Guinea 850 different languages are spoken by Papua's. Tom kon niet al Mary's vragen beantwoorden. Tom couldn't answer all of Mary's questions. Tom couldn't answer all of Mary's questions. Moeten we onze schoenen uitdoen voor we het huis binnengaan? Are we to remove our shoes before entering the house? Should we take off our shoes before we enter the house? Karel de Grote werd door de paus gekroond. Charlemagne was crowned by the Pope. Charlemagne was crowned by the Pope. Mijn vader komt gewoonlijk om zes uur thuis. My father usually comes home at six. My dad usually comes home at 6:00. Hij is niet dezelfde als voorheen. He is not the same as before. He's not the same as before. Ik kan niet geloven dat ik daaraan zelfs niet gedacht heb. I can't believe I didn't even think of that. I can't believe I didn't even think about that. Met Esperanto kan je op gelijke voet communiceren met mensen uit andere landen. With Esperanto you can communicate equally with people from other countries. With Esperanto you can communicate with people from other countries on an equal footing. Ik weet nog niet welke opleiding ik wil gaan volgen na de middelbare school. I still don't know what I want to study after my A-levels. I don't know what kind of training I want to go to after high school. Ik voel me ziek op dit moment en er is niets dat me echt beter doet voelen. I'm sick right now, and nothing is really making me feel better. I feel sick right now and there's nothing that really makes me feel better. Honden kunnen zwemmen. Dogs can swim. Dogs can swim. Waar is de Chinese ambassade? Where is the Chinese embassy? Where's the Chinese embassy? Dus dat is waarom! So that's why! So that's why! We verontschuldigden ons aan elkaar. We apologized to each other. We apologized to each other. Ik ben onvolledig. I am incomplete. I'm incomplete. Iemand kwam eraan! Someone was coming! Someone's coming! Het ongeval werd door zijn onoplettendheid veroorzaakt. The accident was due to his carelessness. The accident was caused by his inattention. Over wie was Tom aan het praten? Who was Tom talking about? Who was Tom talking about? Is de postbode al gekomen? Has the letter carrier been by yet? Has the mailman come yet? Ik ben arts, Jim. Geen advokaat. I'm a doctor, Jim. Not a lawyer. I'm a doctor, Jim, not a lawyer. Het creationisme is een pseudowetenschap. Creationism is a pseudo-science. Creationism is a pseudoscience. Het water steeg tot het niveau van tien meter. The water rose to a level of 10 meters. The water rose to the level of ten meters. Hij kan niet ouder dan ik zijn. He can't be older than me. He can't be older than me. Daarom werd hij boos. That is why he got angry. That's why he got angry. Ik wil dat je weer mijn vriendin wordt. I want you to be my friend again. I want you to be my girlfriend again. Hoeveel museums heeft u bezocht? How many museums did you visit? How many museums have you visited? De school start de volgende maandag. School will start next Monday. School starts next Monday. Nog één stap en je valt van de klif af. A single step, and you will fall over the cliff. One more step and you'll fall off the cliff. Ben je echt een prinses? Are you really a princess? Are you really a princess? Laat dat maar aan mij over. Let me handle this. Leave that to me. Ik moest te voet naar huis gaan. I had to walk home. I had to walk home. Je bent vergeten je naam uit te gummen. You forgot to erase your name. You forgot to get your name out. Mary sloot zichzelf op in haar kamer en deed alle ramen dicht. Mary shut herself up in the room, with all the windows closed. Mary locked herself in her room and closed all the windows. Ik heb een aquarium. I have a fish tank. I have an aquarium. Echt? Really? Really? Houdt Tom nog steeds van tomaten? Does Tom still like tomatoes? Tom still like tomatoes? Fijne verjaardag, mama. Happy birthday, Mom. Happy birthday, Mama. Wij stellen dat de economie beter zal worden. We hold that economy will soon improve. We say that the economy will get better. Ten minste vier mensen werden er gedood tijdens de explosie van een autobom buiten een politiebureau in de hoofdstad Nairobi. At least four were killed in the explosion of a car bomb outside a police station in the capital, Nairobi. At least four people were killed during the explosion of a car bomb outside a police station in Nairobi capital. Ga bij hem weg. Get away from him. Get away from him. Waar zou u willen zitten? Where would you like to sit? Where would you like to sit? Hoe warm is het? How warm is it? How hot is it? Kom morgen. Come tomorrow. Come tomorrow. Verkoopt u deze lampen? Are you selling these lamps? Are you selling these lights? Zij haten spinnen. They hate spiders. They hate spiders. Zoiets kan toch niet. Surely something like that can't happen. You can't do that. Ik heb maar twee uur geslapen. Het is niet te verworderen dat ik slaperig ben. I slept only two hours. No wonder I'm sleepy. I've only been asleep for two hours, and it's hard to believe I'm sleepy. Dom als een blok hout. Dumb as a block of wood. Stupid as a log of wood. We aten eieren. We were eating eggs. We ate eggs. Ik wil Duits spreken. I want to speak German. I want to speak German. Ik bel je morgen. I'll call you tomorrow. I'll call you tomorrow. Ik ben in dit restaurant. I am in this restaurant. I'm in this restaurant. Het kostte minder dan vijftig dollar. It was less than fifty dollars. It cost less than 50 bucks. Er is niemand gekomen. Nobody came. No one's come. Hij stond achter mij. He stood behind me. He was behind me. Ik kom niet uit Boston. I'm not from Boston. I'm not from Boston. Waar is de geldautomaat? Where is the ATM? Where's the ATM? Ze heeft hem gebeten. She bit him. She bit him. Ik zal u mijn nieuwe auto tonen. I will show you my new car. I'll show you my new car. Ik heb laatst over hermelijnen gedroomd. I dreamt about stoats the other day. I had a dream about hermines the other day. Niet alle elfen zijn gemeen. Not all elves are mean. Not all elves are mean. Waarom is iedereen aan het fluisteren? Why's everyone whispering? Why is everyone whispering? Tom is getrouwd. Tom is married. Tom's married. Ik was net een douche aan het nemen. I was just taking a shower. I was just taking a shower. Hoe kook je aardappelen? How do you cook potatoes? How do you cook potatoes? Zij is opgeleid voor verpleegster. She is qualified as a nurse. She's trained to be a nurse. Ik doe de afwas. I'll wash the dishes. I'll do the dishes. Maak je geen zorgen over mij. Don't worry about me. Don't worry about me. Jij hebt geen honger. You're not hungry. You're not hungry. Ik kijk ernaar uit jou komende zondag te zien. I am looking forward to seeing you next Sunday. I look forward to seeing you next Sunday. Ik draag geen sokken. I'm not wearing socks. I don't wear socks. Ik zoek een baan. I'm looking for a job. I'm looking for a job. Hij verliest altijd zijn gsm. He's always losing his mobile. He always loses his cell phone. Cristiano Ronaldo is een voetballer. Cristiano Ronaldo is a soccer player. Cristiano Ronaldo is a football player. Ook ik ben mijn mobiele telefoon kwijtgeraakt! I also lost my cell phone! I lost my cell phone too! Tory sterft. Tory dies. Tory dies. Het is geen grap. It's not a joke. It's not a joke. We moeten respect hebben voor andere culturen. We must pay regard to other cultures like ours. We have to respect other cultures. Tom opende de deur en deed het licht aan. Tom opened the door and turned on the light. Tom opened the door and turned on the light. Ben je morgen vrij? Are you free tomorrow? Are you free tomorrow? Laten we het proberen. Let's try. Let's try. Ik wil mezelf geen pijn doen. I don't want to hurt myself. I don't want to hurt myself. Het kan gratis zijn. It can be free. It could be free. Hou je van gerookte oesters? Do you like smoked oysters? Do you like smoked oysters? Hij schreef dat boek toen hij 20 jaar was. He wrote this book as he was twenty years old. He wrote that book when he was 20 years old. Ik leef van dag tot dag. I am living from day to day. I live from day to day. Tom zal er zijn. Tom will be there. Tom will be there. Tom is gek. Tom is mad. Tom's crazy. Het is mij gelijk wat hij doet. I don't care what he does. I don't care what he does. Luister naar haar. Listen to her. Listen to her. Ik weet niet wat het antwoord is. I don't know what the answer is. I don't know what the answer is. Hallo? Bent u er nog? Hello? Are you still here? Hello? Als een vrouw de keuze heeft tussen liefde en rijkdom, probeert ze altijd beide te kiezen. If a woman has the choice between love and wealth, she always tries to choose both. When a woman has a choice between love and wealth, she always tries to choose both. Spreekfout. Slip of the tongue. Speaking error. Het is leuk om Esperanto te leren. It's fun to learn Esperanto. It's nice to learn Esperanto. Haar wangen waren rood. Her cheeks were red. Her cheeks were red. Plots was hij dood. He died suddenly. Suddenly he was dead. Ik hou nog steeds van Maria. I still love Mary. I still love Maria. Stephen Hawking gaf ooit eens een party voor tijdsreizigers, maar niemand kwam opdagen. Stephen Hawking once held a party for time travelers, but no one turned up. Stephen Hawking once threw a party for time travelers, but nobody showed up. Maria, ik ben bang dat Tom niet helemaal eerlijk met je is geweest. Mary, I'm afraid Tom hasn't been totally honest with you. Maria, I'm afraid Tom hasn't been completely honest with you. Een hond achtervolgt een kat, en de kat achtervolgt een muis. A dog runs after a cat, and the cat after a mouse. A dog chases a cat, and the cat chases a mouse. Dat klopt. That's true. That's right. De vader van Abraham Lincoln was van beroep schrijnwerker. Abraham Lincoln's father was a carpenter by trade. Abraham Lincoln's father was a carpenter. Je hebt geen hart. You have no heart. You don't have a heart. We hebben ook linzen in ons assortiment. We also have lentils in our assortment. We also have lentils in our assortment. De eigenaar van de boerderij heeft een grote boerderij. The farm owner has a large farm. The owner of the farm has a large farm. Hoe lang ben je al in de stad? How long have you been in town? How long have you been in town? Sommige Duitse woorden zijn uiterst moeilijk uit te spreken voor Engelstalige sprekers, bij voorbeeld: "Streichholzschächtelchen." Some German words are extremely difficult to pronounce for an English speaker, for example: "Streichholzschächtelchen." Some German words are extremely difficult to pronounce for English speakers, for example: 'Streichholzschächtelchen'. Ik weet waarom ze haar werk opgezegd heeft. I know why she quit her job. I know why she quit her job. Ik ben naar Nagasaki gegaan. I went to Nagasaki. I went to Nagasaki. Hoeveel fooi geef je in Spanje? How much do you leave for a tip in Spain? How much do you tip in Spain? Het is vandaag erg warm. Today is very warm. It's very hot today. Is Gibraltar een land? Is Gibraltar a country? Is Gibraltar a country? De stad is vol toeristen. The city is full of tourists. The city is full of tourists. Kalmeer je! Calm down! Calm down! Wat moet ik doen als mijn vrouw snurkt? What should I do if my wife snores? What am I supposed to do when my wife snores? Ik zeg u de waarheid. I tell you the truth. I'm telling you the truth. Goud is duurder dan lood. Gold is more expensive than lead. Gold is more expensive than lead. Mag ik daar een paar van hebben? Can I have some of these? Can I have some of those? Zal ik naar het feest gaan? Should I go to the party? Shall I go to the party? Olifanten in Thailand zijn net zo gebruikelijk als kangoeroes in Australië. Elephants in Thailand are as common as kangaroos in Australia. Elephants in Thailand are as common as kangaroos in Australia. Je bent een slimme jongen. You're a smart boy. You're a smart kid. De kat slaapt op de tafel. The cat sleeps on the table. The cat sleeps on the table. Hoeveel calorieën zitten er in 100 gram boter? How many calories are in 100 grams of butter? How many calories are in 100 grams of butter? Ze zijn niet groen. They're not green. They're not green. Hij gaf zijn ouders antwoord. He replied to his parents. He answered his parents. Aarzel niet advies te vragen. Don't hesitate to ask for advice. Do not hesitate to ask for advice. Wil je graag een glaasje sinaasappelsap bij het ontbijt? Would you like a glass of orange juice with your breakfast? Would you like a glass of orange juice for breakfast? Ik denk niet dat we toestemming nodig hebben om dit te doen. I don't think we need permission to do this. I don't think we need permission to do this. Ik leer Russisch. I'm learning Russian. I'm learning Russian. Ik heb altijd in Boston gewoond. I've always lived in Boston. I've always lived in Boston. Tom was de enige in de stad die een zwembad met een duikplank had. Tom had the only pool in town with a diving board. Tom was the only one in town who had a pool with a diving board. We hebben het opgelost. We figured it out. We solved it. Is dit wijn? Is this wine? Is this wine? Heeft u mijn email gekregen? Did you get my email? Did you get my email? U ziet er echt zenuwachtig uit. You look really nervous. You look really nervous. Kinshasa is de hoofdstad van de Democratische Republiek Congo. Kinshasa is the capital of Democratic Republic of the Congo. Kinshasa is the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Ik hou niet van motorrijden. I don't like riding bikes. I don't like riding a bike. Ik hou niet van het verkeer. I don't like the traffic. I don't like traffic. Sami had ontbijt. Sami had breakfast. Sami had breakfast. Je bent vrij om te zeggen wat je denkt. You're free to say what you think. You're free to say what you think. Ik denk dat zij de waarheid weet. I think that she knows the truth. I think she knows the truth. Maak het kleiner. Make it smaller. Make it smaller. Mijn hele familie maakt het goed. My whole family is doing well. My whole family's fine. Mijn Spaanse woordenboek zegt niet het woord "desgraciado" te gebruiken in Ecuador. My Spanish dictionary says not to use the word "desgraciado" in Ecuador. My Spanish dictionary says not to use the word "desgraciado" in Ecuador. Ga slapen, Tom. Go to sleep, Tom. Go to sleep, Tom. Zij, en ook haar vrienden, zijn gek op muziek. She as well as her friends is fond of music. She, and her friends, love music. Ik ben blij dat je hier bij mij bent. I'm glad you're here with me. I'm glad you're here with me. Weet je, wanneer die kerel drinkt, verandert hij. Hij praat maar door en door, dus ik wil niet echt met hem drinken. You know, when that guy drinks he changes. He keeps talking on and on, so I don't really want to drink with him. You know, when this guy drinks, he changes, he keeps talking and talking, so I don't really want to drink with him. We stopten om een broodje te eten. We stopped for a sandwich. We stopped to eat a sandwich. Een Japanner zou zoiets nooit doen. A Japanese would never do such a thing. A Japanese would never do such a thing. Heb je ooit een egel aangeraakt? Have you ever touched a hedgehog? Have you ever touched a hedgehog? Tom zei dat Maria een goede zwemmer was. Tom said that Mary was a good swimmer. Tom said Maria was a good swimmer. De Tweede Wereldoorlog brak uit in 1939. The Second World War broke out in 1939. World War II broke out in 1939. Mag ik je iets vragen? Can I ask you a question? Can I ask you something? Lijk ik zenuwachtig? Do I look nervous? Do I seem nervous? Tom ontmoette een Australische tijdens een bezoek aan Boston. Tom met a woman from Australia when he was visiting Boston. Tom met an Australian on a visit to Boston. Ik doe dit niet voor het geld. I'm not doing this for money. I'm not doing this for the money. Computers zijn ingewikkelde machines. Computers are complicated machines. Computers are complicated machines. Brazilië is een groot land. Brazil is a large country. Brazil is a great country. Hij is een dokter. He is a doctor. He's a doctor. Ik ben een beetje dronken. I'm a bit drunk. I'm a little drunk. Hoe laat begint het? What time does it start? What time does it start? Wij hebben drie dochters. We have three daughters. We have three daughters. Ik heb vlinders in mijn buik. I have butterflies in my stomach. I've got butterflies in my belly. Ik begrijp niet waarom het voor jou zo belangrijk is. I don't understand why it's so important for you. I don't understand why it's so important to you. Heeft u een Esperanto woordenboek? Do you have any Esperanto dictionary? Do you have an Esperanto dictionary? Zijn fiets is blauw. His bicycle is blue. His bike is blue. Tom zegt dat Maria dat zal doen. Tom says Mary will do that. Tom says Maria will. Tom werkt in een pastafabriek. Tom works in a pasta factory. Tom works in a pasta factory. We hebben geen andere opties. We don't have any other options. We don't have any other options. Ik zal tegen niemand zeggen wat er gebeurd is. I won't tell anybody about what happened. I won't tell anyone what happened. Waar is de lift? Where is the elevator? Where's the elevator? Er liegt iemand. Someone is lying. Someone's lying. Dit gaat niet om geld. This is not about money. This isn't about money. Deze stof is erg zacht. This fabric is very soft. This fabric is very soft. Spreekt u Talossaans? Do you speak Talossan? Do you speak Talossan? Hebt ge al een walvis gezien? Did you ever see a whale? Have you seen a whale yet? Dit is mijn vriend. This is my friend. This is my friend. Pristina is de hoofdstad van Kosovo. Pristina is the capital of Kosovo. Pristina is the capital of Kosovo. Ik leer Occitaans. I'm learning Occitan. I'm learning Occitan. Ik ben verre van gelukkig. I am far from happy. I'm far from happy. Ik spreek Oezbeeks. I speak Uzbek. I speak Uzbek. Jij bent niet jong. You aren't young. You're not young. Wij zijn het met je eens. We're with you. We agree with you. Tom ziet er geweldig uit. Tom looks terrific. Tom looks great. Soms help ik Tom in de tuin. I sometimes help Tom in the garden. Sometimes I help Tom in the garden. De Wit-Russische president Aleksandr Loekasjenko heeft Aleksej Doedarev gefeliciteerd met zijn jubileum. Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko congratulated Alexei Dudarev upon his birthday. Belarusian president Aleksandr Lukashenko congratulated Aleksandr Doedarev on his anniversary. De lift is kapot. The lift is out of order. The elevator's broken. Waar kan ik een kaart van Europa kopen? Where can I go to get a map of Europe? Where can I buy a map of Europe? Update jullie software. Update your software. Update your software. Ik werkte in een restaurant. I worked in a restaurant. I worked in a restaurant. Tom werkt. Tom works. Tom's working. Is dit jouw portemonnee? Is this your wallet? Is this your wallet? Ik zou graag een bus willen huren. I'd like to rent a bus. I'd like to rent a bus. Ik mag je niet langer. I no longer like you. I don't like you anymore. Mike kan niet goed basketballen. Mike can't play baseball well. Mike doesn't play basketball very well. In deze wereld wordt iedereen geregeerd door geld. In this world everyone is ruled by money. In this world, everyone is ruled by money. Dat was een doelgericht schot. It was a well-aimed shot. That was a targeted shot. Volgende zomer wil ik naar Hawaï. Next summer, I want to go to Hawaii. Next summer I want to go to Hawaii. Ze heeft hem nodig. She needs him. She needs him. In 1900 verliet hij Engeland en kwam nooit weer terug. In 1900 he left England, never to return. In 1900, he left England and never came back. Mijn vader kan goed koken. En wat mijn moeder betreft, zij kan goed eten. My father is good at cooking. As for my mother, she is good at eating. My dad's a good cook, and as far as my mom's concerned, she's a good eater. Wat weet je over Tom? What do you know about Tom? What do you know about Tom? Wat zijn je plannen voor het weekend? What are your plans for the weekend? What are your plans for the weekend? Tom is gewoon op mijn geld uit. Tom just wants my money. Tom's just after my money. Tom betaalde. Tom paid. Tom paid. Laat het me weten als iemand iets heeft gezien. If anyone saw anything, I want to know. Let me know if anyone saw anything. Houd je van films? Do you like movies? Do you like movies? Stimuli helpen altijd. Incentives always help. Stimulants always help. Ik hou van vreemde talen. I like foreign languages. I like foreign languages. Ik ben het niet met jou eens. My idea is different from yours. I don't agree with you. Neen, ik heb het nog niet geschreven No, I haven't written it yet. No, I haven't written it yet. Zet de radio zachter. Turn the radio down. Turn the radio down. Maria heeft blauwe ogen net als haar moeder. Mary has blue eyes just like her mother. Maria has blue eyes just like her mother. Het heeft afgelopen jaar veel gesneeuwd. There was a lot of snow last year. It snowed a lot last year. Amerika is erg groot. America is very large. America is very big. We hebben families waar we voor moeten zorgen. We have families we have to take care of. We have families we need to take care of. Zij is mijn vriend niet meer. She is no longer my friend. She's not my friend anymore. Ben je zeker dat je niet gewond bent? Are you sure you're not hurt? Are you sure you're not hurt? Ik ben de sleutel van mijn auto verloren. I've lost my car key. I lost the key to my car. Hoeveel heb je voor hem betaald? How much did you pay for him? How much did you pay for him? Tom maakte een slechte indruk. Tom made a poor impression. Tom made a bad impression. Hoeveel talen spreek je? How many languages do you speak? How many languages do you speak? Ik wil weten wat er met Tom gebeurd is. I want to know what happened to Tom. I want to know what happened to Tom. Wie is het meisje dat op het podium zingt? Who is the girl singing on the stage? Who's the girl singing on stage? Er is geen teken van leven op Mars. There is no sign of life on Mars. There's no sign of life on Mars. Ik bond mijn hond aan de boom in de tuin vast. I tied my dog to the tree in the yard. I tied my dog to the tree in the garden. De perzikbomen zijn in de bloei. Peach trees are in bloom. The peach trees are in bloom. Hij werkt in een fabriek. He works in a factory. He works in a factory. Ik zal je helpen. Let me help you with that. I'll help you. Jullie land is geweldig! Your country is amazing! Your country is awesome! Ik trok mijn schoenen uit en plaatste ze onder het bed. I took my shoes off and put them under the bed. I took off my shoes and put them under the bed. Ik heb gelijk. I am right. I'm right. Zij is de beste vriendin van m'n dochter. She's my daughter's best friend. She's my daughter's best friend. Hawaï is een populaire toeristische bestemming. Hawaii is a popular tourist resort. Hawaii is a popular tourist destination. Dat dacht ik dus ook. That's what I thought. That's what I thought. Ik ging tot aan de post. I went as far as the post office. I went all the way to the mail. Je bent nog net hetzelfde zoals je altijd was. You are just the same as you always were. You're just like you always were. Ik heb slecht nieuws voor jullie. I have bad news for you. I have some bad news for you. Het is niet gezond om zoveel water te drinken als jij doet. It's not healthy to drink as much water as you do. It's not healthy to drink as much water as you do. Heeft Ken voorgoed Japan verlaten? Has Ken left Japan for good? Did Ken leave Japan for good? Ik kocht veel boeken. I bought a lot of books. I bought a lot of books. Zij gaan de zaak onderzoeken. They are going to investigate the affair. They're gonna investigate the case. Iedereen houdt van frietjes. Everybody likes french fries. Everybody likes fries. Wat is hij aan het eten? What is he eating? What's he eating? Hij heeft een auto. He has a car. He's got a car. Mijn vader eet niet veel fruit. My father does not eat much fruit. My father doesn't eat much fruit. Ik woonde twee maanden in Vancouver. I lived in Vancouver for two months. I lived in Vancouver for two months. Ik kan niemand meer geloven. I can't believe anyone anymore. I can't believe anyone anymore. De vrouwen verliezen automatisch hun interesse in hem na een paar woordwisselingen. Women automatically lose interest in him after exchanging a couple of words. The women automatically lose interest in him after a few swings of words. Ik word niet graag op die manier behandeld. I don't like being treated like this. I don't like being treated that way. Ik ben niet jouw vriendin. I'm not your girlfriend. I'm not your girlfriend. Uit ons standpunt is zijn voorstel aanvaardbaar. From our point of view, his proposal is reasonable. From our point of view, his proposal is acceptable. Hoe voelt ge u vandaag? How do you feel today? How are you feeling today? Jullie zijn Marokkaans. You are Moroccan. You're Moroccans. Bent u niet vergeten dit plaatje nu al te bestellen? Have you remembered to pre-order this beauty? Haven't you forgotten to order this picture already? Mag ik dit houden? Can I keep this? Can I keep this? Zij draagt geen string. She doesn't wear thongs. She's not wearing a thong. Het houdt niet op met regenen. The rain's not letting up. It doesn't stop raining. Tom had geen idee waar ik het over had. Tom had no idea what I was talking about. Tom had no idea what I was talking about. Tom ziet er verbaasd uit. Tom looks astonished. Tom looks surprised. Sinds gisteren werkte de lift niet meer. Since yesterday the elevator doesn't work. The elevator hasn't worked since yesterday. Ik zou graag banjo willen leren spelen. I'd like to learn how to play the banjo. I'd like to learn how to play banjo. Tom boog. Tom bowed. Tom bowed. Jullie mogen zwemmen. You may swim. You guys can swim. Uranus is de zevende planeet van de zon. Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun. Uranus is the seventh planet of the sun. Vindt u mijn gele sjaal niet leuk? Don't you like my yellow scarf? Don't you like my yellow scarf? Heeft u al gestemd? Did you vote yet? Have you voted yet? Jane was niet gelukkig. Jane was not happy. Jane wasn't happy. Is het gevaarlijk? Is it dangerous? Is it dangerous? Hoe zeg je "pasta" in het Italiaans? How do you say "pasta" in Italian? How do you say "paste" in Italian? Slapen in de klas mag niet. Sleeping in class is not allowed. You can't sleep in class. Morgen ga ik naar Parijs. Tomorrow I'm going to Paris. I'm going to Paris tomorrow. Ik hou van deze video. I love this video. I love this video. Ze gaat een beetje melk drinken. She's going to drink some milk. She's gonna have a little milk. De reizigers kwamen uit vele landen. The travelers came from many lands. The travelers came from many countries. Ik zal op Tom stemmen. I'll vote for Tom. I'll vote for Tom. U hoeft niet naar de tandarts te gaan. You don't need to go to the dentist's. You don't have to go to the dentist. Heb je nierstenen? Do you have kidney stones? Do you have kidney stones? Wat zijn jullie aan het doen? What are you doing right now? What are you guys doing? Het was niet mijn idee u te huren. It wasn't my idea to hire you. It wasn't my idea to hire you. Jullie zijn onder vrienden. You guys are among friends. You're among friends. Heb je hulp nodig? Do you need help? Do you need help? Als ik opnieuw zou worden geboren, zou ik viool willen leren spelen. If I were reborn, I would want to learn the violin. If I were born again, I'd like to learn how to play the violin. Bent u ooit gaan skiën? Have you ever gone skiing? Did you ever go skiing? Ik kan het niet! I can't! I can't! Wat vond je van de film? What did you think of the movie? What did you think of the movie? Ze is nieuwsgierig naar wie de bloemen stuurde. She's curious to find out who sent the flowers. She's curious about who sent the flowers. Hij wil zich een nieuw woordenboek aanschaffen. He wants to get a new dictionary. He wants to buy himself a new dictionary. Ik ben een baan aan het zoeken. I'm looking for work. I'm looking for a job. Waarom nies je? Why are you sneezing? Why are you sneezing? Deze twee bladeren lijken op elkaar. These two leaves look alike. These two leaves are similar. Evangeline Lilly is Canadees. Evangeline Lilly is Canadian. Evangeline Lilly is Canadian. "Kom je uit Australië?," vroeg de Filippijn. "Are you from Australia?" asked the Filipino. "Are you from Australia?" asked Filipino. Hij dronk drie flessen bier. He drank three bottles of beer. He drank three bottles of beer. Ik wil wiskunde studeren. I want to study math. I want to study math. Ons huis is jullie huis. Our house is your house. Our house is your house. Hij besloot niet langer te wachten. He decided not to wait any longer. He decided not to wait any longer. Zie ik eruit alsof het me wat uitmaakt? Do I look like I care? Do I look like I care? Roze is voor meisjes. Pink is for girls. Pink is for girls. Je kan het spel op dit moment niet opslaan. You cannot save the game at this moment. You can't save the game right now. Ik ga lopend naar school. I go to school on foot. I'm going to school on foot. Tom had ontbijt. Tom had breakfast. Tom had breakfast. Dit is een sinaasappelboom. This is an orange tree. This is an orange tree. Sami vond de Koran in het begin een heel raar boek. Sami found the Quran a very weird book at the beginning. Sami found the Koran at first a very strange book. Ik ga jouw werk niet voortzetten. I'm not going to continue your work. I'm not going to continue your work. Je moet teruggaan. You need to go back. You have to go back. Tom wacht tot zijn dochter van het dansfeest thuiskomt. Tom is waiting for his daughter to come back home from the dance. Tom's waiting for his daughter to come home from the dance. Ik woonde tot 2013 in Australië. I lived in Australia until 2013. I lived in Australia until 2013. Vandaag gaan we gaan dansen. Today, we're going dancing. Today we're going dancing. Tot ziens, Anna! Goodbye, Anna! Goodbye, Anna! De werkloosheid is nog steeds hoog. Unemployment is still high. Unemployment is still high. Zij is met hem getrouwd voor zijn geld. She married him for his money. She married him for his money. Ik ben gek op Noors! I love the Norwegian language! I love Norwegian! Ik spreek Frans met mijn vader en Engels met mijn moeder. I speak French to my father and English to my mother. I speak French with my father and English with my mother. Sami was de imam van de enige moskee in de stad. Sami was the imam of the only mosque in town. Sami was the imam of the only mosque in town. Ik ben daar nog steeds niet zeker van. I'm still not sure about that. I'm still not sure. De oude heeft een grote vis gevangen. That old man caught a large fish. The old one caught a big fish. Zijn geheugenverlies is eerder een psychische dan een fysieke beperking. His loss of memory is a psychological problem rather than a physical one. His amnesia is more of a psychic than a physical limitation. Ik zal niet verliezen! I won't lose! I won't lose! Het bleef de hele dag door regenen. It kept raining all day long. It kept raining all day long. Ik moet je om een kleine gunst vragen. I need to ask you for a little favor. I need to ask you a small favor. Terugblikkend op 2010 denk ik dat ik te veel tijd verkwistte. Looking back at 2010, I think I wasted too much time. Looking back on 2010 I think I was wasting too much time. Spinnen zijn geen insecten. Spiders aren't insects. Spiders aren't insects. Het is buiten pikdonker. It's pitch black outside. It's pitch dark outside. Heb je wat geld? Do you have some money? Do you have any money? Ooit wil ik Boston nog eens bezoeken. I want to visit Boston someday. Someday I'd like to visit Boston again. Ik heb een nieuwe nodig. I need a new one. I need a new one. Ik koop briefpapier, postzegels en papieren zakdoekjes. I'm buying letter paper, some stamps, and some tissue paper. I buy stationery, stamps and paper handkerchiefs. Je hebt pech. You're unlucky. You're out of luck. Veel Amerikanen gaven Spanje de schuld. Many Americans blamed Spain. Many Americans blamed Spain. Waarom was ze ermee eens? Why did she agree? Why did she agree? Een hond loopt. A dog runs. A dog walks. Maar je weet wel goed dat dit negatieve gevolgen zou hebben. But you know well that this would have negative consequences. But you know very well that this would have negative consequences. Probeer niet te wenen. Try not to cry. Try not to cry. Tom heeft twee katten. Tom has two cats. Tom has two cats. Doe je ogen weer toe. Close your eyes again. Put your eyes back on. Woon je hier in de buurt? Do you live around here? Do you live around here? Je hebt gelijk. You're right. You're right. Dit woord is met hoofdletters geschreven. This word is written capitalized. This word is written in capital letters. Tuinieren is leuk. Gardening is fun. Gardening is fun. Het kostte me meer dan twee uur om een paar pagina's in het Engels te vertalen. It took me more than two hours to translate a few pages of English. It took me over two hours to translate a few pages into English. Jullie houden van pindakaas, nietwaar? You like peanut butter, don't you? You like peanut butter, don't you? Er zit een kat in mijn huis. There's a cat in my house. There's a cat in my house. Ik ben in oktober geboren. I was born in October. I was born in October. Ik ben daar vandaag pas achtergekomen. I only found out about that today. I just found out today. Ik ken geen van beide. I know neither of them. I don't know either of them. Waar heb je die oranje sjaal vandaan? Where did you get that orange scarf? Where'd you get that orange scarf? Sami veranderde zijn mening over moslims. Sami changed his opinion of Muslims. Sami changed his mind about Muslims. Iets is oneindig veel beter dan niets. Anything is infinitely better than nothing. Something is infinitely better than nothing. Hebt gij uw huiswerk al af? Have you finished your homework already? Have you finished your homework yet? Voeg vlees toe. Add meat. Add meat. Tom werd aangevallen door een haai. Tom got attacked by a shark. Tom was attacked by a shark. Geloof je in de legendes? Do you believe the legends? Do you believe in the legends? Je moet meer informatie verzamelen. You must gather further information. You need to gather more information. Deze auto's zijn gemaakt in Japan. These cars are made in Japan. These cars are made in Japan. Het was een goed antwoord. It was a good answer. It was a good answer. Hebben Tom en Maria grijs haar? Do Tom and Mary have gray hair? Do Tom and Maria have gray hair? Amman is de hoofdstad van Jordanië. Amman is the capital of Jordan. Amman is the capital of Jordan. Ik kan u niet ontslaan. I can't fire you. I can't fire you. Zijn hoofd was grijs. His head was grey. His head was gray. Water bestaat uit waterstof en zuurstof. Water contains hydrogen and oxygen. Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen. Ik heb geen auto. I have no car. I don't have a car. Heeft Tom je al verteld wat er gedaan moet worden? Has Tom already told you what needs to be done? Did Tom tell you what needs to be done? We dronken. We were drinking. We drank. Gaat u naar de bioscoop? Will you go to the cinema? Are you going to the movies? Goed gedaan! Well done! Well done! Vertaald, betekent "Tokio" "oostelijke hoofdstad." Translated, "Tokyo" means "eastern capital." Translated, "Tokyo" means "eastern capital." Kom hier. Come here. Come here. Ze werkt over de grens. She works across the border. She works across the border. Tom zijn kamer stinkt. Tom's room stinks. Tom's room stinks. Sami had een tweeling. Sami had twins. Sami had twins. Wat zegt u? Pardon me? I beg your pardon? Waarom heb je me gehuurd? Why did you hire me? Why did you hire me? Er gebeuren de hele tijd ongelukken. Accidents happen all the time. Accidents happen all the time. Tom dronk een milkshake. Tom drank a milkshake. Tom had a milkshake. Let erop dat het licht uit is vooraleer je weggaat. Make sure that the lights are turned off before you leave. Make sure the light's out before you leave. Hij is opgevoed door zijn oma. He was raised by his grandmother. He was raised by his grandmother. Dokters weigerden om een tweede operatie uit te voeren. Doctors refused to perform a second operation. Doctors refused to perform a second operation. We hadden het koud. We were cold. We were cold. Wat deed je daar? What did you do there? What were you doing there? Hoe hebben jullie elkaar leren kennen? How did you guys meet each other? How did you two get to know each other? Ik weet niet hoe het met jou is, maar ik sterf van de honger. I don't know about you, but I'm starving. I don't know about you, but I'm starving. Je ziet er niet nerveus uit. You don't look nervous. You don't look nervous. Napoleon werd in 1814 naar het eiland Elba verbannen. Napoleon was exiled to the island of Elba in 1814. Napoleon was exiled to the island of Elba in 1814. Ik wil winnen. I want to win. I want to win. Jim opent de deur. Jim opens the door. Jim's opening the door. Tom kwam laat aan. Tom arrived late. Tom arrived late. Hij ging naar Geok-Tepe. He went to Gokdepe. He went to Geok-Tepe. Ik kan de computer niet repareren. I can't repair the computer. I can't fix the computer. Tom opende zijn laptop. Tom opened his laptop. Tom opened his laptop. In zijn voordracht verwees hij naar de sterkte van de firma. In the speech, he referred to the strength of the company. In his speech he referred to the strength of the firm. Heb je een nieuwe vriendin? Do you have a new girlfriend? Do you have a new girlfriend? De volgende keer zal ik meer doen. Next time I'll make more. Next time, I'll do more. Ik las in de krant dat hij vermoord werd. I read in the newspaper that he had been murdered. I read in the paper that he was murdered. Slaapwel. Droom zoet. Good night. Sweet dreams. Good night, sweet dreams. Het is mijn vriendje niet! He's not my boyfriend! It's not my boyfriend! Wil je erover praten of niet? Do you want to talk about it or not? Do you want to talk about it or not? Wat ga je nu doen? What're you going to do next? What are you gonna do now? Bezitten jullie een apotheek? Do you own a pharmacy? Do you guys own a pharmacy? Dat moet jij nodig zeggen! Look who's talking! That's what you're talking about! Tom ziet er gevaarlijk uit. Tom looks dangerous. Tom looks dangerous. Ik ben net begonnen Esperanto te leren. I just started to learn Esperanto. I just started learning Esperanto. We hebben meer overeenkomsten dan verschillen. There are more similarities than differences between us. We have more similarities than differences. Zalig kerstfeest. Happy Christmas! Merry Christmas. We zijn niet vrij. We're not free. We're not free. Spreek alsjeblieft niet zo snel. Don't speak so fast, please. Please don't speak so fast. Deze vogel kan niet vliegen. This bird can't fly. This bird can't fly. Ik heb jullie een seconde nodig. I need you a second. I need you guys for a second. Dat is de mooiste struisvogel die ik ooit gezien heb. This is the most beautiful ostrich I've ever seen. That's the most beautiful ostrich I've ever seen. Hoe dikwijls gaat u uit eten? How often do you eat out? How often do you go out to dinner? Melk wordt gemakkelijk zuur. Milk easily turns sour. Milk easily gets acidic. Je bent aan vakantie toe. You are in need of a holiday. You need a vacation. Ik hou van deze pizza. I love this pizza. I love this pizza. Rustig. Calm down. Easy. "Zou je het zo kunnen knippen?" "Een beetje korter van voren en wat langer opzij graag." "Can you cut it like this, please?" "A little shorter in the front and a little longer on the sides, please." "Could you cut it like this?" "A little shorter from the front and a little longer from the side." Heb je een gsm? Have you got a mobile phone? Do you have a cell phone? Hebben jullie nog graag wat sinaasappelsap? Would you like some more orange juice? Do you guys like some orange juice? Zaterdag is zijn vrije dag. Saturday is his day off. Saturday's his day off. Ik ben vrienden geworden met hem. I made friends with him. I've become friends with him. Mag ik de rekening? The bill, please. Can I have the check? Waar zijn onze paraplu's? Where are our umbrellas? Where are our umbrellas? Tom zei dat Maria in Australië was. Tom said Mary was in Australia. Tom said Maria was in Australia. Een dichter bekijkt de wereld zoals een man kijkt naar een vrouw. A poet looks at the world as a man looks at a woman. A poet looks at the world the way a man looks at a woman. Ik was het bijna vergeten te doen. I almost forgot to do that. I almost forgot to do it. Hebt ge beroepservaring? Do you have work experience? Do you have any professional experience? Ik ben getrouwd en heb twee kinderen. I am married and have two children. I'm married and I have two kids. Er zit een gat in zijn sok. There is a hole in his sock. There's a hole in his sock. Ze bewonderden het prachtige landschap. They admired the lovely scenery. They admired the beautiful landscape. Aan het eind van het pad stond een brievenbus. Op een dag lag er een spannende brief in en die was voor mij. At the end of the path there was a mailbox. One day, there was an exciting letter in it, and it was for me. At the end of the path there was a mailbox. One day there was an exciting letter and it was for me. Ik wou hen mijn waardering tonen. I wanted to show them my appreciation. I wanted to show them my appreciation. Vertel me hoe ik het spel moet spelen. Tell me how to play the game. Tell me how to play the game. Vanaf morgen kunnen we samen naar het werk gaan. From tomorrow on we can go to work together. Starting tomorrow, we can go to work together. Jullie moeten jullie schulden aflossen. You must pay off your debts. You have to pay off your debts. We vergeten iets. We're forgetting something. We're forgetting something. Waarom heb ik gefaald? Why did I go wrong? Why did I fail? Ik denk dat we nu veilig zijn. I think we're safe now. I think we're safe now. Tom is een goede vriend. Tom is a good friend. Tom's a good friend. Was Tom daar? Was Tom there? Was Tom there? Mijn telefoonnummer is twee, vier, zes, acht. My phone number is 2468. My phone number is two, four, six, eight. Ik betwijfel het echt. I really doubt it. I really doubt it. De man wierp zijn fluit in het meer. The man threw his flute into the lake. The man threw his whistle into the lake. Ik heb dat al gedaan. I have done it already. I've already done that. Sinds dat ongelukkig voorval ben ik hier niet meer geweest. I haven't been back here since that unfortunate incident. I haven't been here since that unfortunate incident. Tom is egocentrisch. Tom is self-centered. Tom is self-centered. Wanneer gaat de winkel open? What time does the store open? When does the store open? Misschien is hij Italiaans of Spaans. Maybe he is Italian or Spanish. Maybe he's Italian or Spanish. Vind je het Engels moeilijk? Do you think English is difficult? Do you find English difficult? Heb jij een snowboard? Do you have a snowboard? Do you have a snowboard? Het is een tikfout. Sorry. It's a typo. Sorry. It's a typo. Er is geen haast. There's no rush. There's no rush. De tv stond de hele nacht aan. The TV set worked all night. The TV was on all night. Ik ben moe en ik wil naar bed gaan. I am tired and I want to go to bed. I'm tired and I want to go to bed. Tom klauterde over de muur. Tom climbed over the wall. Tom scrambled over the wall. Ze besloten om de fabriek te sluiten. They decided to close the factory. They decided to shut down the factory. Tom ging vroeger met Maria naar school. Tom used to go to school with Mary. Tom used to go to school with Maria. Ik neem geschenken aan. I accept gifts. I take gifts. Ik heb haar uitnodiging aanvaard. I accepted her invitation. I accepted her invitation. Hoe lang wil je hier wonen? How long do you want to live here? How long do you want to live here? Welke is uw lievelingskleur? What is your favorite color? Which one's your favorite color? Ik kan alles weerstaan behalve verleiding. I can resist everything except temptation. I can resist anything but temptation. We zijn practisch gezien familie. We are practically family. We're practically family. Tirana is de hoofdstad van Albanië. Tirana is the capital of Albania. Tirana is the capital of Albania. Zijn ouders waren landbouwers. His parents were farmers. His parents were farmers. Gaan jullie ons niet voorstellen? Aren't you going to introduce us? Aren't you guys gonna introduce us? Hij leest veel. He reads a good deal. He reads a lot. De geschiedenis van Rome is erg interessant. The history of Rome is very interesting. The history of Rome is very interesting. Ze zijn niet zeker waarom ze hier zijn. They're not sure why they're here. They're not sure why they're here. Haar oudere broer is twee jaar ouder dan ik. Her older brother is two years older than I. Her older brother is two years older than me. Ik heb al koffie gedronken. I've already had a coffee. I've already had coffee. Stel u voor dat ge begint te hikken en niet meer kunt ophouden. Imagine that you begin to hiccup and can't stop. Imagine you start hiccups and can't stop. Engels wordt in veel landen gesproken. English is spoken in a lot of countries. English is spoken in many countries. Kent een van jullie Tom? Does anyone of you know Tom? Do any of you know Tom? Ik repareer de klok. I'm fixing the clock. I'm fixing the clock. Daarom heb ik het druk. That's why I'm busy. That's why I'm busy. De buurman heeft ons gevraagd de muziek zachter te zetten. The neighbor asked us to turn the music down. The neighbor asked us to turn the music down. Katten kunnen in het donker zien. A cat can see in the dark. Cats can see in the dark. Je blijft altijd in mijn geheugen. You remain always in my memory. You'll always be in my memory. Ken je gebarentaal? Do you know sign language? Do you know sign language? Tom houdt niet meer van Maria. Tom doesn't love Mary anymore. Tom doesn't love Maria anymore. Spreek ik te snel? Am I talking too fast? Am I speaking too fast? Heb je de Toren van Tokio wel eens gezien? Have you ever seen Tokyo Tower? Have you ever seen the Tower of Tokyo? Doe dat alstublieft morgen of overmorgen. Please do that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Please do that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Ik ken zijn naam niet. I don't know his name. I don't know his name. We hebben rechtvaardigheid nodig. We need justice. We need justice. Wacht tot je terugkomt. Wait until you get back. Wait till you get back. Ik reis graag. I love traveling. I like to travel. Tom is een student rechten. Tom is a law student. Tom's a law student. Ze was er zeker van dat ze de liefde van haar leven had gevonden. She was sure that she had found the love of her life. She was sure she'd found the love of her life. Ik zal wel een fout gemaakt hebben. I must have made a mistake. I must have made a mistake. Tevergeefs trachtten we zijn mening te doen veranderen. We tried in vain to make him change his mind. In vain, we tried to change his mind. Ik moet naar de bank. I have to go to the bank. I have to go to the bank. Wat is uw sterrenbeeld? What's your astrological sign? What's your constellation? Ze speelde een wals op de piano. She played a waltz on the piano. She played a waltz on the piano. Ankara is de hoofdstad van Turkije. Ankara is the capital of Turkey. Ankara is the capital of Turkey. Ik weet niet meer waar ik het heb gekocht. I don't remember where I bought it. I don't remember where I bought it. Spreek je Hongaars? Do you speak Hungarian? Do you speak Hungarian? Je bent Esperanto beginnen te leren. You began to learn Esperanto. You've begun to learn Esperanto. Geef mij het nummer. Give me the number. Give me the number. Ik ben je dokter. I'm your doctor. I'm your doctor. Hou jezelf niet voor de gek. Don't fool yourself. Don't fool yourself. Bedankt voor gisteravond. Thanks for last night. Thanks for last night. Allebei mijn broers zijn getrouwd. Both of my brothers are married. Both my brothers are married. Hij wordt vaak verliefd. He often falls in love. He falls in love a lot. De rivier die door Parijs stroomt, is de Seine. The river which flows through Paris is the Seine. The river that flows through Paris is the Seine. Taiwan legaliseerde vandaag het homohuwelijk. Taiwan legalized same-sex marriage today. Taiwan legalized gay marriage today. Ze gaf een boom water. She watered a tree. She watered a tree. Verspreid het Esperanto! Spread Esperanto! Spread out the Esperanto! Tom verdient meer geld dan Mary. Tom makes more money than Mary does. Tom makes more money than Mary. Zij is niet in de keuken en ook niet in de zitkamer. She is neither in the kitchen nor in the living room. She's not in the kitchen, she's not in the living room. Tom en Maria kijken tv. Tom and Mary are watching TV. Tom and Maria are watching TV. Beide beweringen zijn onjuist. Both claims are false. Both claims are incorrect. Ze interesseert zich voor jazz. She is interested in jazz. She's interested in jazz. Een beer verscheurde Tom. A bear mauled Tom. A bear tore up Tom. Hij praat alsof hij alles weet. He talks as if he knows everything. He talks like he knows everything. Japan is het land van de rijzende zon. Japan is the land of the rising sun. Japan is the land of the rising sun. We hebben zes eieren. We have six eggs. We have six eggs. De kerk is toegankelijk voor gehandicapten. The church is handicap accessible. The church is accessible to disabled people. Hoe heet deze boom? What's this tree called? What's the name of this tree? Zijn jullie niet meer samen? Aren't you guys still together? You're not together anymore? Maakt u zich geen zorgen over hem. Don't you worry about him. Don't worry about him. Uit de boeken die in de kast staan mag je in geen geval plaatjes knippen. By no means may you cut out the pictures from the books on the bookshelf. You can't cut pictures from the books that are in the closet. Ik weet niet of hij met ons plan zal instemmen of niet. I don't know whether he will agree to our plan or not. I don't know if he'll agree to our plan or not. Tom kon zien dat Maria bezorgd was. Tom could tell Mary was troubled. Tom could see Maria was worried. Tom wachtte in de rij met Maria. Tom waited in line with Mary. Tom was waiting in line with Maria. Praat alsjeblieft harder. Speak louder, please. Please speak up. Morgen gaan we shoppen. We're going shopping tomorrow. Tomorrow we'll go shopping. Wil je vanavond echt uiteten? Do you really want to eat out tonight? Do you really want to have dinner tonight? Ze zei dat ze gelukkig was. She said she was happy. She said she was happy. Kies één persoon a.u.b. Please choose one person. Please choose one person. Tom en Marie hebben gelachen. Tom and Mary laughed. Tom and Marie laughed. Het is morgen de 30ste verjaardag van Tom. It's Tom's 30th birthday tomorrow. It's Tom's 30th birthday tomorrow. Maria ruikt aan de bloemen. Mary is smelling the flowers. Maria smells the flowers. Singapore is de hoofdstad van Singapore. Singapore is the capital of Singapore. Singapore is the capital of Singapore. Hij sproeit de tuin eenmaal per week. He waters the garden once a week. He sprays the garden once a week. Tom kan er niets aan doen. Tom can't help it. Tom can't help it. Hij kan ons helpen ontsnappen. He can help us escape. He can help us escape. Tom helpt nooit in de keuken. Tom never helps in the kitchen. Tom never helps in the kitchen. Mijn grootmoeder kan vliegen. My grandmother can fly. My grandmother can fly. Heb je zin in iets kouds om te drinken? How about something cold to drink? Would you like something cold to drink? Mag ik uw paspoort even zien? May I look at your passport? May I see your passport, please? De elektriciteitskosten zijn evenredig met de totale weerstand van het circuit. The electricity cost is proportional to the total resistance of the circuit. The electricity costs are proportional to the total resistance of the circuit. Tom was aan het huilen. Tom was crying. Tom was crying. Engels is moeilijk hè? English is difficult, isn't it? English is hard, isn't it? Ze komen in verschillende gedaanten voor. They come in various shapes. They appear in different forms. Kan je een beetje van de prijs afdoen? Could you reduce the price a little? Can you take a little of the price off? Je bent streng. You're strict. You're being strict. Het is jouw boek. It's your book. It's your book. Majoeko heeft vreemd gedroomd. Mayuko had a strange dream. Majoeko had a strange dream. Iedereen telt. Every person counts. Everyone counts. Zodra ik het heb, stuur ik het naar je door. As soon as I have it, I'll forward it to you. As soon as I get it, I'll send it to you. We hebben een goed huis. We have a nice house. We have a good house. Ik barstte in tranen uit. I burst into tears. I burst into tears. Waar is de baas? Where's the boss? Where's the boss? Ze was niet vermaakt door de grap. She was unamused by the joke. She wasn't entertained by the joke. Tussen jou en mij, Toms idee trekt me niet zo aan. Between you and me, Tom's idea doesn't appeal to me very much. Between you and me, Tom's idea doesn't interest me so much. Maria stierf. Mary died. Maria died. Maria had een traumatische ervaring. Mary had a traumatic experience. Maria had a traumatic experience. Deze rivier is de breedste van Europa. This river is the widest in Europe. This river is the widest in Europe. Hij gaf hem een boek. He gave him a book. He gave him a book. Ik had mezelf moeten voorstellen. I should've introduced myself. I should have introduced myself. Jij bent een hond. You are a dog. You're a dog. Wat je ook doet, vergeet dit niet. Whatever you do, don't forget this. Whatever you do, don't forget this. Maak je geen zorgen om mij. Don't worry about me. Don't worry about me. Dit boek is geschreven door Tom. This book was written by Tom. This book was written by Tom. Het is gevaarlijk dicht bij het vuur te spelen. It's dangerous to play around the fire. It's dangerous to play close to the fire. Eet op. Eat up. Eat up. Ik heb een dutje nodig. I need a kip. I need a nap. Layla werd gebeten door een kameel. Layla was bitten by a camel. Layla was bitten by a camel. Maria heeft een brief uit Duitsland gekregen. Mary received a letter from Germany. Maria received a letter from Germany. Weet je waar mijn horloge is? Do you know where my watch is? Do you know where my watch is? Ik had bruin haar voordat ik kaal werd. I had brown hair before I went bald. I had brown hair before I went bald. Iemand haten is heel gemakkelijk. Hating someone is so easy. Hating someone is very easy. Ze speelt gitaar. She plays the guitar. She plays guitar. Wil je een pak rammel? You want to get a beating? You want a kick in the ass? Tom heeft een andere vriendin. Tom has another girlfriend. Tom's got another girlfriend. "Hoe laat is het nu?" "Drie uur twintig." "What time is it?" "It's 3:20." "What time is it now?" "Three o'clock twenty." Ik twijfel aan de waarheid van dit verhaal. I doubt the truth of his story. I doubt the truth of this story. Mocht je willen! In your dreams! You wish! Hij is gek op jou. He is mad about you. He's crazy about you. Tom heeft geen keus. Tom has no choice. Tom doesn't have a choice. Dat moet je ergens anders doen. You have to do that somewhere else. You're gonna have to do that somewhere else. Tom herschreef de alinea. Tom rewrote the paragraph. Tom rewrote the paragraph. Ze deed of ze hem niet hoorde. She pretended not to hear him. She acted like she didn't hear him. Ik ving twee vissen. I caught two fish. I caught two fish. Heeft u ook bier? Have you got any beer? Do you have any beer? Mijn vriend woont in Japan. Ik woon in Duitsland. Heeft onze relatie een toekomst? My boyfriend lives in Japan. I live in Germany. Does our relationship have a future? My friend lives in Japan. I live in Germany. Does our relationship have a future? De teakboom is een grote boom uit Azië. Teak is a tall tree from Asia. The teak tree is a large tree from Asia. Luister alstublieft. Please listen. Please listen to me. Je hebt het juiste gedaan. You did the right thing. You did the right thing. Goede God! Good God! Good God! Ik heb je gemist. I missed you! I missed you. Tom en Maria zijn allebei ouder dan Johan. Tom and Mary are both older than John. Tom and Maria are both older than Johan. Vuur! Fire! Fire! Tom was een loodgieter. Tom was a plumber. Tom was a plumber. Ik hoop dat ik het kan doen. I hope that I can do it. I hope I can do it. Weten jullie hoe ik daar kan komen? Do you know how I can get there? Do you know how to get there? Het regent de hele tijd. It is raining all the time. It rains all the time. Ik heb geen idee wie hij is. I don't have a clue who he is. I have no idea who he is. Ik ben hier om te leren. I'm here to learn. I'm here to learn. Tom heeft voor Maria iets om te eten achtergelaten. Tom left some food for Mary. Tom left Maria something to eat. Zij deed haar skischoenen uit. She took off her ski boots. She took off her ski boots. Wat hebben jullie gevraagd? What have you asked? What did you ask? Ik heb een eeuwigheid nodig om alles uit te leggen. It would take forever for me to explain everything. I need an eternity to explain everything. Mijn moeder kocht een gele paraplu voor mijn broer. My mother bought my brother a yellow umbrella. My mother bought my brother a yellow umbrella. Hij ziet het bos niet door al die bomen. He can't see the forest for the trees. He doesn't see the woods through all those trees. Deze feiten zijn zeker. These facts are certain. These facts are certain. Hij deed het voor geld. He did it for the money. He did it for money. Vraag rond. Ask around. Ask around. Waarom hebben koalaberen geen navel? Why do koalas not have a navel? Why don't koala bears have belly buttons? Dit televisieprogramma is echt heel interessant. This TV program is really quite interesting. This television program is really very interesting. Betty werd door een vleermuis gebeten. Betty was bitten by a bat. Betty was bitten by a bat. De omgeploegde velden waren uitgestrekte besneeuwde kuiltjes. The plowed fields were stretches of snowy dimples. The ploughed fields were vast snowy dimples. Sami bestelde bloemen. Sami ordered flowers. Sami ordered flowers. Ze heeft haar man tien jaar overleefd. She survived her husband by ten years. She survived her husband for ten years. De vriend van Mary heet Tom. Mary's boyfriend's name is Tom. Mary's friend's name is Tom. Daar hoort het thuis. It belongs there. That's where it belongs. Hé, hoe gaat het met je? Hi! How are you? Hey, how are you? Is het waar dat "Bedankt" in het Vietnamees klinkt als "Come on"? Is it true that "Thank you" sounds like "Come on" in Vietnamese? Is it true that "Thank you" in Vietnamese sounds like "Come on"? Tom maakt een goede kans de verkiezing te winnen. Tom has a good chance of winning the election. Tom has a good chance of winning the election. Wie belt er? Who's calling? Who's calling? In zijn garage staan twee auto's. There are two cars standing in his garage. There's two cars in his garage. We hebben alle natuurlijke rijkdommen verbruikt. We have consumed all the natural resources. We've used up all the natural resources. Ik had niet verwacht wat van jou te horen. I wasn't expecting to hear from you. I didn't expect to hear from you. Ik vroeg hem waar hij heen ging. I asked him where he was going. I asked him where he was going. En jij? And you? What about you? Mijn moeder kijkt niet graag tv. My mother does not like watching the television. My mom doesn't like watching TV. Ik lees graag Amerikaanse romans. I like reading American novels. I like to read American novels. We zijn allebei erg trots op je. We're both very proud of you. We're both very proud of you. Tom heeft een kale plek. Tom has a bald spot. Tom's got a bald spot. Onze ploeg heeft onze tegenstander met 5-4 verslagen. Our team defeated our opponent 5-4. Our team beat our opponent by 5-4. U lijkt zenuwachtig. You look nervous. You seem nervous. Kan je het werk over twee dagen gedaan hebben? Can you complete the job in two days? Could you have done the work in two days? Mijn dochter is gek op touwtjespringen. My daughter loves jumping rope. My daughter loves rope jumping. Ze heeft vertrouwen in Tom. She has confidence in Tom. She has faith in Tom. Het oplossen van je probleem zou prioriteit moeten hebben. Solving your problem should be first on the list. Solving your problem should be a priority. Ge hebt uw zakdoek laten vallen. You dropped your handkerchief. You dropped your handkerchief. M'n pa leert me koken. My dad is teaching me how to cook. My dad teaches me how to cook. Je hoeft niet te antwoorden als je dat niet wilt. You don't have to answer if you don't want to. You don't have to answer if you don't want to. Haruko houdt van warme bronnen. Haruko likes warm springs. Haruko likes warm springs. Omkleden. Get changed. Change. Tom is goed in wiskunde. Tom is good at math. Tom's good at math. Is het echt zo moeilijk om Engels te spreken? Is it really that hard to speak English? Is it really that hard to speak English? Hij woont in Tokio. He is living in Tokyo. He lives in Tokyo. Mensen zijn ingewikkeld. People are complicated. People are complicated. Ik heb hem heel lang geleden voor het laatst gezien. It's been a very long time since I saw him last. I last saw him a long time ago. Hoe synthetiseert men aspirine? How do you synthesize aspirin? How do you synthesize aspirin? Eindelijk is het vrijdag. Finally, it's Friday! Finally, it's Friday. Jouw Engels klinkt niet lelijk. Your English doesn't sound ugly. Your English doesn't sound ugly. Kijk je elke dag naar het nieuws? Do you watch the news every day? You watch the news every day? Een olifant heeft een lange neus. An elephant has a long nose. An elephant has a long nose. Ik verlies snel de oriëntatie in een nieuwe omgeving. I can easily get lost in a new environment. I'm rapidly losing orientation in a new environment. Van welke zanger houdt u? Who is your favorite singer? What singer do you like? De broer van een ouder is een oom. The brother of a parent is an uncle. A parent's brother is an uncle. Ik ben een slak en slakken haasten zich nooit. I am a snail and snails are never in a hurry. I'm a snail and snails never rush. Hij had hem nodig. He needed him. He needed him. Sami citeerde een paar verzen uit de Koran. Sami quoted a few verses from the Quran. Sami quoted a few verses from the Koran. Ja, het is daarzo. Yes, it's over there. Yeah, it's right there. Hij kan beter piano spelen dan ik dat kan. He can play the piano better than I can. He can play the piano better than I can. Hoe kan ik in de hemel komen? How can I get to heaven? How can I get to heaven? Veel jonge Romeinen gingen naar Griekenland. Many young Romans went to Greece. Many young Romans went to Greece. Het spijt me, ik heb geen enkel idee. I'm sorry, I have no idea. I'm sorry, I have no idea. Wist je dat Tom gay is? Did you know that Tom was gay? Did you know Tom's gay? We zullen eerst de oorzaak van de ramp vaststellen. We will first ascertain the cause of the disaster. We will first determine the cause of the disaster. Hou je van vis? Do you like fish? Do you like fish? Tom heeft spaghetti voor het avondeten gemaakt. Tom made spaghetti for dinner. Tom made spaghetti for dinner. Wat wil je dat ik doe? What is it that you want me to do? What do you want me to do? Tom vond het niet erg dat Maria kleine borsten had. Tom didn't mind that Mary had small breasts. Tom didn't mind Maria having little breasts. Ze speelt elke zondag tennis. She plays tennis every Sunday. She plays tennis every Sunday. Let op voor zakkenrollers. Beware of pickpockets. Watch out for pickpockets. Jij schrijft. You're writing. You write. Ze worden per week betaald. They are paid by the week. They're paid a week. Tom moet nu al over de dertig zijn. Tom must be over thirty by now. Tom must be over 30 by now. Ze zagen ons terwijl ze bezig waren uit de trein te stappen. They saw us as they were getting off the train. They saw us getting off the train. Men moet zijn plichten vervullen. One should do one's duties. One must fulfil one's duties. Dit is eten. This is food. This is food. Je zeurt te veel. You complain too much. You're bitching too much. Niemand heeft mijn land bestudeerd. Nobody studied my country. No one has studied my country. Er zijn dingen gebeurd. Things happened. Things have happened. Je lijkt beledigd te zijn. You look hurt. You seem offended. Toch? Right? Right? Ze bekeek een aantal jurken en koos de duurste. She looked at several dresses and decided on the most expensive one. She looked at some of the dresses and picked the most expensive. Tot spoedig! I'll see you guys later. See you soon! Respect is de basis van het leven. Respect is the foundation of life. Respect is the basis of life. Hij stuurde me zijn foto. He sent me his picture. He sent me his picture. Deze handschoenen zijn van Tom. These gloves are Tom's. These gloves are Tom's. Carl zag er erg blij uit. Carl looked very happy. Carl looked very happy. Ik moet mijn haar laten kappen. I must get my hair cut. I gotta get my hair cut. Toen ik aankwam op het vliegveld belde ik haar. Arriving at the airport, I called her up. When I arrived at the airport, I called her. Ik wil geen vlees. I don't want meat. I don't want meat. De patiënt zag er gezond uit. The patient seemed to be healthy. The patient looked healthy. Ik geloof niet dat Tom een voltijdse baan heeft. I don't think that Tom has a full-time job. I don't think Tom has a full-time job. We waren erg slaperig de volgende morgen. We were very sleepy the next morning. We were very sleepy the next morning. De vakantie is nu voorbij. The vacation is over now. Holiday's over now. Ze waren willekeurig uitgekozen. They were chosen at random. They were randomly chosen. Ik kan u nog geen antwoord geven. I can't give you an answer yet. I can't give you an answer yet. Tom liep honderd meter binnen twaalf seconden. Tom ran a hundred meters in twelve seconds. Tom walked 100 meters within 12 seconds. Deze kunstcollectie is rijk aan schilderijen van Nederlandse meesters. This art collection is rich in paintings by Dutch masters. This art collection is rich in paintings by Dutch masters. Dit wordt geweldig. This is going to be spectacular. This is gonna be great. Ze kleedde zich rap aan. She dressed herself quickly. She dressed fast. Ik verhuisde. I moved. I moved. We rennen samen. We run together. We run together. Het is onmogelijk het belang te overdrijven van vroeg opstaan. One cannot overestimate the importance of getting up early. It is impossible to exaggerate the importance of getting up early. Wees genadig. Be merciful. Be merciful. Tom laat me geen dingen meer kopen. Tom won't let me buy any more stuff. Tom won't let me buy any more things. Ik dacht niet dat je het ging halen. I didn't think you were going to make it. I didn't think you were gonna make it. Wie veel dreigt, is niet gevaarlijk. He who makes many threats is not dangerous. Those who threaten a lot are not dangerous. Dat is Chinees voor mij. It's double Dutch to me. That's Chinese for me. Ik heb kriebels in de buik. I have butterflies in my stomach. I've got creeps in the belly. Ze wil een grotere keuken. She wants a bigger kitchen. She wants a bigger kitchen. Tony spreekt beter Engels dan ik. Toni speaks English better than me. Tony speaks English better than I do. Mijn temperatuur is normaal. My temperature is normal. My temperature's normal. Bedankt voor het komen. Thanks for coming! Thanks for coming. Ik ben een verslaafde. I'm an addict. I'm an addict. We hebben een reservering om half zeven. We have a reservation for six-thirty. We have a reservation at 6:30. Ik hou niet van Italiaans eten. I don't like Italian food. I don't like Italian food. De tijd vliegt. How time flies! Time flies. Ik heb er geen woorden voor. I'm at a loss for words. I don't have any words for it. Het regende gedurende vier dagen. The rain lasted four days. It rained for four days. Tom en Mary horen bij elkaar. Tom and Mary belong together. Tom and Mary belong together. Iedereen was gelukkig. All were happy. Everyone was happy. Wat weten we over Tom? What do we know about Tom? What do we know about Tom? We hebben het onderzocht. We looked into it. We've been looking into it. Ik hoop dat u daar op voorbereid bent. I hope you're prepared for that. I hope you're prepared for that. Ze is niet eens een wiskundelerares. She's not even a math teacher. She's not even a math teacher. Tom noch Maria stierven in het ongeluk. Neither Tom nor Mary died in the accident. Neither Tom nor Maria died in the accident. Ze is niet meer alleen. She isn't lonely now. She's not alone anymore. Tom is erg snel, vind je niet? Tom is really fast, isn't he? Tom's very fast, isn't he? Hou je iets achter? Is there something you're not telling us? Is there something you're not telling me? Veel Engelse woorden komen uit het Latijn. Many English words are derived from Latin. Many English words come from Latin. Ik hou niet van rijkelui. I don't like rich people. I don't like rich people. Niemand anders kan het. Nobody else can. No one else can. Laat ons een duikje nemen. Let's swim. Let's take a dip. Ik ben zo blij dat jullie hier zijn. I'm so happy that you're here. I'm so glad you're here. Tom deed de lamp op het nachtkastje uit. Tom turned off the lamp on the nightstand. Tom turned off the lamp on the nightstand. Ik heb mijn eigen baan. I have my own job. I have my own job. Ik kan ze niet aan. I can't handle them. I can't handle them. Ik was gewoon wat aan het lezen. I was just doing some reading. I was just reading. Ze zal aankomen in Tokio begin volgende maand. She will arrive in Tokyo at the beginning of next month. She'll be arriving in Tokyo early next month. Ik ben verlegen. I am shy. I'm shy. Mijn vader is rijk. My father is rich. My dad's rich. Waarom schreeuwen jullie? Why are you yelling? Why are you yelling? Jullie zijn nieuwe studenten. You are new students. You're new students. Tom spreekt niet graag Frans. Tom doesn't like speaking French. Tom doesn't like to speak French. Wie is die vent? Who's that guy? Who is this guy? Hoelang moeten we het in de oven laten? How long should we leave it in the oven? How long do we have to leave it in the oven? Ze is mijn rivaal. She's my rival. She's my rival. Hij zit aan tafel. He's sitting at the table. He's at the table. Hebt u een brandverzekering? Do you have fire insurance? Do you have any fire insurance? Ik herinner me wat je gezegd hebt. I remember what you said. I remember what you said. Dit is het oudste restaurant van Boston. This is Boston's oldest restaurant. This is Boston's oldest restaurant. De smeltzekering is doorgeslagen. The fuse has blown. The melting fuse's gone crazy. De echte helden zijn wij. The real heroes are us. The real heroes are us. Deze honden zijn groot. These dogs are big. These dogs are big. Hij is rijk maar hij is niet gelukkig. He is rich but he is not happy. He's rich, but he's not happy. Tot ziens! See you again. Goodbye! Mag ik hier studeren? Can I study here? Can I study here? Het is begonnen te sneeuwen. It began to snow. It's started snowing. Tom zag er erg oud uit. Tom looked very old. Tom looked very old. Tom was toentertijd niet mijn man. Tom wasn't my husband at that time. Tom wasn't my husband back then. Tom en ik hebben elkaar niet meer gezien sinds we klein waren. Tom and I haven't seen each other since we were kids. Tom and I haven't seen each other since we were kids. Leer je iedere dag? Do you study every day? Do you learn every day? Tom weet waar we zijn. Tom knows where we are. Tom knows where we are. Ik heb al in Coimbra gewoond. I've already lived in Coimbra. I've already lived in Coimbra. Tom is een geweldig persoon. Tom is an amazing person. Tom's a great person. Ik zal u het boek geven. I'm going to give you the book. I'll give you the book. He, jij kunt blind tikken. Prachtig! Oh? You can type without looking at the keyboard. That's cool! Hey, you can tap blind. We gingen zonder hem, omdat hij nog niet klaar was. We went without him since he wasn't ready. We went without him because he wasn't ready. Kan je me alsjeblieft vertellen wat er gebeurt? Can you please tell me what's happening? Can you please tell me what's happening? Het glas is vol melk. The glass is full of milk. The glass is full of milk. Zijn jullie niet moe? Aren't you tired? Aren't you tired? Kan je mij wat geld geven? Can you give me some money? Can you give me some money? Vanavond gaan we naar de kerk. This evening we will go to church. Tonight we go to church. We dronken bier. We drank beer. We drank beer. Ik ben het hier niet mee eens. I don't agree with this. I don't agree with this. Eet meer eiwitten. Eat more protein. Eat more protein. Rundvlees, alsjeblieft. Beef, please. Beef, please. Dat is redelijk normaal. That's pretty normal. That's pretty normal. Hij is erg bang van honden. He is much afraid of dogs. He's very afraid of dogs. Spreek duidelijk, zodat iedereen je kan horen. Speak clearly so that everyone may hear you. Speak clearly, so everyone can hear you. Maakt u zich geen zorgen over mij. Don't you worry about me. Don't worry about me. Het gezin kijkt samen een film. The family is watching a movie together. The family's watching a movie together. Ze hebben een open relatie. They have an open relationship. They have an open relationship. Is het een rechtstreekse vlucht? Is it a direct flight? Is it a direct flight? Sami schoot de beer neer. Sami shot the bear. Sami shot the bear. Jullie hielden van chocolade. You liked chocolate. You liked chocolate. Ze deed het licht uit om van het maanlicht te genieten. She turned off the lights so she could enjoy the moonlight. She turned off the light to enjoy the moonlight. Vergeet niet de planten water te geven. Don't forget to water the plants. Don't forget to water the plants. Tom leunde tegen een boom en begon ertegen over zijn huwelijk te praten. Tom leaned against a tree and started to talk to it about his marriage. Tom leaned against a tree and started talking about his marriage. Ze geeft het grootste deel van haar geld uit aan kleren. She spends most of her money on clothes. She spends most of her money on clothes. Hij is de eigenaar van vier heel grote boerderijen in het binnenland van Sao Paulo. He is the owner of four very big farms in the interior of Sao Paulo. He owns four very large farms in the interior of Sao Paulo. Beter een half ei dan een lege dop. Something is better than nothing. Better half an egg than an empty cap. Het is een erg lastige tongbreker. It's a very difficult tongue-twister. It's a very tricky tonguebreaker. Tom gaf met tegenzin waar Mary om vroeg. Tom reluctantly gave Mary what she asked for. Tom reluctantly gave what Mary asked for. Waarom koos ze Yidir? Why did she pick Yidir? Why did she choose Yidir? Het gaat goed met Tom. Tom's well. Tom's fine. Hij stierf voor zijn land. He died for his country. He died for his country. Vandaag heb ik geen geld. I have no money today. I don't have any money today. Ik ben een gymleraar. I'm a gym teacher. I'm a gym teacher. Judy danst graag. Judy is fond of dancing. Judy likes to dance. Rogge werd het armeluisgewas genoemd. Rye was called the grain of poverty. Rye was called the poor thing. Ik dacht dat je jouw nieuwe pak ging dragen. I thought you were going to wear your new suit. I thought you were gonna wear your new suit. Prettig weekend! Have a nice weekend! Have a good weekend! Als ik de armen wat te eten geef, noemen ze mij een heilige. Als ik ze vraag waarom de armen niets te eten hebben, noemen ze mij een communist. If I give the poor something to eat, then they call me a saint. If I ask why the poor have nothing to eat, then they call me a communist. When I feed the poor, they call me a saint, and when I ask them why the poor have nothing to eat, they call me a communist. Je tijd is om. Your time is up. Time's up. Ik leer Schots-Gaelisch. I'm learning Scottish Gaelic. I'm learning Scottish Gaelic. Laten we Tom applaus geven. Let's give Tom a round of applause. Let's give Tom a round of applause. Tom liet me Mary's brief zien. Tom showed Mary's letter to me. Tom showed me Mary's letter. Jullie weten toch hoe hij heet, niet? You know his name, don't you? You know his name, don't you? Ik hou van lasagne. I love lasagna. I love lasagna. Ik ben zes maanden geleden gestopt met roken. I gave up smoking six months ago. I quit smoking six months ago. Sami was super aardig tegen Layla. Sami was super nice to Layla. Sami was super nice to Layla. Je brak je arm. You broke your arm. You broke your arm. Bestaat hij? Does he exist? Does he exist? Maria was niet gelukkig. Mary was not happy. Maria wasn't happy. We hebben het zo druk dat we alle hulp kunnen gebruiken. We are so busy we'll take any help we can get. We're so busy, we could use all the help we can get. De admiraal is nooit tevreden. The admiral is never satisfied. The admiral is never satisfied. Heb je jezelf ooit gewogen? Have you ever weighed yourself? Have you ever weighed yourself? Hij schreef een brief. He wrote a letter. He wrote a letter. Hij was mijn wiskundeleraar. He was my math teacher. He was my math teacher. Hou je van chocolade? Do you like chocolate? Do you like chocolate? Ik stel mijn vader vragen. I am asking questions to my father. I'm asking my dad questions. Heb je kinderen? Do you have kids? Do you have kids? Hij komt waarschijnlijk niet. He probably won't come. He's probably not coming. Hout brandt. Wood burns. Wood burns. Mijn favoriete kleur is oranje. My favourite colour is orange. My favorite color is orange. Het is niet duidelijk of ze zal instemmen. It isn't clear whether she would agree. It's not clear if she'll agree. Tom denkt dat ik een idioot ben. Tom thinks I'm an idiot. Tom thinks I'm an idiot. De hond is slim. The dog is smart. The dog's smart. De prijzen zullen omlaag gaan. The prices will come down. The prices will go down. Gaan jullie naar een feest? Are you going to a party? Are you guys going to a party? Ik moet ervandoor. I need to go now. I gotta go. Kom als ge kunt. Come if you can. Come if you can. Je hoeft je paraplu niet mee te nemen. You do not have to take your umbrella with you. You don't have to bring your umbrella. Ik moet deze boeken terugbrengen naar de bibliotheek. I have to take these books back to the library. I need to get these books back to the library. John is twee jaar ouder dan ik. John's two years older than me. John's two years older than me. Hoeveel geld wil je? How much money do you want? How much money do you want? Ik hou van prei en worst. I like leeks and sausages. I like leeks and sausage. Tom verloor al zijn haar. Tom lost all of his hair. Tom lost all his hair. Ongetwijfeld. No doubt. No doubt. Ben je het daarmee eens of niet? Do you agree with that or not? Are you okay with that or not? Rot op. Beat it. Fuck off. Hij is gay. He is gay. He's gay. Wil jij dat ik antwoord geef? Do you want me to answer? Do you want me to answer? Kijk uit voor de zombies. Watch out for zombies. Watch out for the zombies. Blessures komen vaak voor. Injuries are frequent. Injuries are common. Ik kom uit Polen. I'm from Poland. I'm from Poland. Wees cool. Be cool. Be cool. Hoe zou jij "geluk" omschrijven? How would you define "happiness"? How would you describe "happiness"? Laat me je entertainen. Let me entertain you. Let me entertain you. Vergeet ons. Forget about us. Forget about us. Hou op jezelf de schuld te geven. Stop blaming yourself. Stop blaming yourself. Dat woordenboek is van mij. That dictionary is mine. That dictionary is mine. Vrolijk Halloween! Happy Halloween! Happy Halloween! De romans die hij geschreven heeft zijn interessant. The novels he wrote are interesting. The novels he wrote are interesting. Ik heb een stempel nodig. I need a stamp. I need a stamp. Ik schreef hem dat hij onmiddellijk moest te komen. I wrote to him to come immediately. I wrote him that he should come right away. Hij stak zijn rechterarm uit. He extended his right arm. He stuck out his right arm. Ik liet hen gaan. I let them go. I let them go. Steek je tong uit! Stick out your tongue. Stick out your tongue! Als tom hulp nodig heeft, kunnen we hem dat bieden. If Tom needs help, we can give it to him. If Tom needs help, we can offer him that. Laat maar! Drop it! Never mind! Ik kwam in een regenbui terecht en ben nat geworden. I was caught in the rain and got wet. I ended up in a rainstorm and got wet. Ik huil zelden. I rarely cry. I don't cry very often. Jouw glimlach maakt me altijd blij. Your smile always makes me happy. Your smile always makes me happy. Heb je hem in de universiteit ontmoet? You met him at the university? Did you meet him in college? Meng de rode met de blauwe verf. Blend the red paint with the blue paint. Mix the red with the blue paint. Mary loopt op het ritme van haar eigen trommel. Mary walks to the beat of her own drum. Mary's on the rhythm of her own drum. Zij spijbelen de hele tijd. They skip school all the time. They cut class all the time. Ik kan geen Frans spreken. I can't speak French. I can't speak French. Ben je het niet eens met dit plan? Don't you agree to this plan? You don't agree with this plan? Wie snurkt er? Who's snoring? Who's snoring? Hij is lui. He is lazy. He's lazy. Het volume is afwezig. The volume is absent. The volume is absent. Ik heb dertig jaar in Boston gewoond. I lived in Boston for thirty years. I lived in Boston for 30 years. De storm heeft de hele stad verwoest. The storm destroyed the whole town. The storm destroyed the entire city. Het is "segue," niet "segway." It's "segue," not "segway." It's "segue," not "segway." Die cd-speler werkt niet. That CD player doesn't work. That CD player isn't working. Eindelijk heeft de lente dit deel van Japan bereikt. At last, spring has come to this part of Japan. At last spring has reached this part of Japan. Voelt u zich schuldig? Do you feel guilty? Do you feel guilty? Ik zie hem morgennamiddag. I see him tomorrow afternoon. I'll see him tomorrow afternoon. Ik heb het nu niet druk. I am not busy now. I'm not busy right now. Ik moet mijn mobieltje opladen. I need to charge my mobile. I have to charge my cell phone. Ben je al eens in Parijs geweest? Have you ever been to Paris? Have you ever been to Paris? Tom bleef in Australië. Tom stayed in Australia. Tom stayed in Australia. Houdt je broer van basketbal? Does your brother like basketball? Does your brother like basketball? Hoeveel kosten ze? How much are they? How much do they cost? Maria kwam met haar vrienden. Mary came with her friends. Maria came with her friends. Ik ben heel blij dat ik u kon helpen. I'm so glad I could help. I'm very glad I could help you. Ik heb meer dan een uur naar ze gezocht. I've been looking for them for more than one hour. I've been looking for them for over an hour. Betty zal voor de middag kunnen komen. Betty will be able to come before noon. Betty will be here before noon. Toen ik tien was, ging mijn broer bij ons thuis weg. When I was 10, my brother left our home. When I was 10, my brother left our house. Ik ben alles aan het eten. I'm eating everything. I'm eating everything. Je inspanningen hebben in succes geresulteerd Your efforts resulted in the success. Your efforts have resulted in success. Ik denk niet dat Tom weet dat we hier zijn. I don't think Tom knows we're here. I don't think Tom knows we're here. Zij sprak veel. She talked a lot. She spoke a lot. Het spijt me dat ik je gekwetst heb. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. Zijn jullie niet nerveus? Aren't you nervous? Aren't you nervous? Mag ik gaan? Can I be excused? Can I go? Tom wil wel verder studeren. Tom does want to go on to college. Tom would like to continue his studies. Ik kan auto rijden, maar Tom niet. I can drive a car, but Tom can't. I can drive, but Tom can't. We gaan naar de bioscoop. We are going to the cinema. We're going to the movies. Ons huis is jouw huis. Our house is your house. Our house is your house. Wat een lange komkommer. What a long cucumber. What a long cucumber. De waarheid ligt in het midden van een heelal waarvan niemand de grenzen kent. The truth is at the centre of a universe of which no one knows the borders. The truth lies in the midst of a universe whose limits no one knows. De ballon ging langzaam omhoog. The balloon went up slowly. The balloon went up slowly. Misschien regent het vanmiddag. Perhaps it will rain in the afternoon. Maybe it's raining this afternoon. Zijn je schoenen nieuw? Are your shoes new? Are your shoes new? Tom geeuwt. Tom is yawning. Tom's yawning. Tom is onbetrouwbaar Tom is untrustworthy. Tom's unreliable. Hij weet niet hoe men een brief in 't Engels schrijft. He doesn't know how to write a letter in English. He doesn't know how to write a letter in English. Ik wens dat je hier nu bij me was. I wish you were here with me now. I wish you were here with me now. Tom is bijna drie jaar oud. Tom is almost three years old. Tom's almost three years old. Deze schoenen zijn van haar. These shoes are hers. These shoes are hers. Tom is een kwantitatieve analist. Tom is a quant. Tom's a quantitative analyst. Tom probeerde te vluchten. Tom tried to run away. Tom tried to run. Help hem als hij het druk heeft. If he's busy, help him. Help him when he's busy. Ik vermoed dat hij naar huis is. I suppose he's gone home. I suspect he's gone home. Duits is de beste taal van de wereld. German is the best language in the world. German is the best language in the world. Je kunt niet zeggen dat de beschaving geen vorderingen maakt, want in iedere oorlog doodt men je op een nieuwe manier. You can't say that civilization doesn't advance, however, for in every war they kill you in a new way. You can't say that civilization isn't making any progress, because every war kills you in a new way. Heeft Lucy al getelefoneerd? Has Lucy already called? Has Lucy called yet? Ik hou ook van aardappel cakes. I love potato cakes, too. I also like potato cakes. Ik dook in de rivier. I dived into the river. I dived in the river. Tom zong een duet met Mary. Tom sang a duet with Mary. Tom sang a duet with Mary. Ik hou van deze zin. I love this sentence. I love this sentence. Tom heeft aan Mary alles gezegd wat hij over de situatie weet. Tom has told Mary all he knows about the matter. Tom told Mary everything he knows about the situation. Wat wil je nog meer? What more do you want? What more do you want? De middeleeuwen maakten plaats voor de renaissance. The Medieval Era gave way to the Renaissance. The Middle Ages made way for the Renaissance. Laten we je idee bespreken. Let's discuss your idea. Let's talk about your idea. John woont in New York. John lives in New York. John lives in New York. Als je blauw en rood mengt, krijg je violet. If you mix blue and red, you get violet. When you mix blue and red, you get violet. Ben je gewond? Are you hurt? Are you hurt? Tom is warm. Tom is warm. Tom's warm. Ik geef je een dag om erover na te denken. I'll give you a day to think about it. I'll give you a day to think about it. Is de film je bevallen? Did you enjoy the film? Did you like the movie? Het paar besloot een wees te adopteren. The couple decided to adopt an orphan. The couple decided to adopt an orphan. Tom weet dat Maria van reggae houdt. Tom knows Mary likes reggae. Tom knows Maria likes reggae. Hij is moe van het lezen. He is tired of reading. He's tired of reading. Waarom zijn ze hier? Why are they here? Why are they here? Laten we weggaan. Let's get out. Let's get out of here. Dat klinkt als muziek in mijn oren. That's music to my ears. That sounds like music to my ears. Tom heeft gisteren met Maria gesproken. Tom talked to Mary yesterday. Tom spoke to Maria yesterday. Ik heb een wiskundeknobbel. I have a natural ability in mathematics. I've got a math bnob. Als ik sterf, wil ik als maagd sterven. If I die, I want to die a virgin. If I die, I want to die a virgin. Laat me niet in de steek zoals de vorige keer. Don't let me down like you did the other day. Don't leave me like you did last time. Tom is even lenig als een aap. Tom is as agile as a monkey. Tom's as flexible as a monkey. Regenboogboa's zien er magisch uit. Rainbow boas look magical. Rainbow boas look magical. Het leven kan leuk zijn. Life can be fun. Life can be fun. Tom is verlegen. Tom is shy. Tom's shy. De kans op succes is groter als de zakenman van wanten weet en ook als hij meer geld tot zijn beschikking heeft. The chances of success are greater if the business man knows the ropes, and also has more funds at his disposal. The chances of success are greater if the businessman knows what to do and even if he has more money at his disposal. De hemel is blauw. The sky is blue. The sky is blue. Hij werd blind. He went blind. He went blind. Zijn ze familie van je? Are they your relatives? Are they related to you? Welke browser gebruik je? What browser are you using? Which browser do you use? Moet ik de muur herschilderen? Must I repaint the wall? Do you want me to repaint the wall? Voetbal is de meest populaire sport in Brazilië. Soccer is the most popular sport in Brazil. Football is the most popular sport in Brazil. Wat moet ik doen als een klant met me probeert te flirten? What should I do if a customer tries to flirt with me? What am I supposed to do when a client tries to flirt with me? Mag ik rondkijken? Can I take a look around? Mind if I look around? Tom is onbeleefd. Tom is impolite. Tom's rude. Pas goed op jezelf. Look after yourself. Take care of yourself. Zijn zuster kan vandaag niet met u spreken. His sister can't talk to you today. His sister can't speak to you today. Waar zwemmen ze? Where are they swimming? Where do they swim? Niets zal mijn kwaadaardig plan dwarsbomen. There shall be no hindrances to my malicious plan. Nothing will interfere with my evil plan. We moeten een uniform dragen op school. We have to wear school uniforms at school. We need to wear a uniform at school. Sami kocht een woordenboek. Sami bought a dictionary. Sami bought a dictionary. Tom heeft geen broers, noch zussen. Tom doesn't have any brothers and sisters. Tom doesn't have any brothers or sisters. Ik heb iets gevonden waarvan ik dacht dat ik het verloren had. I found something I thought I'd lost. I found something I thought I'd lost. In de zomer worden eieren rap slecht. In summer, eggs soon go bad. In summer, eggs quickly become bad. Denk je echt dat ik er wat mee te maken had? Do you really think I had something to do with that? You really think I had something to do with it? Waarom is ze gisteren niet gekomen? Why didn't she come yesterday? Why didn't she come yesterday? Ik zie ze. I see her. I see them. Wie deed het? Who did it? Who did it? Hij heeft veel moeilijkheden meegemaakt in zijn jeugd. He had been through a lot of difficulties in his youth. He's been through a lot of trouble in his youth. Waarom was ik hier niet van op de hoogte? Why was I not aware of this? Why wasn't I aware of this? Het regent weer. It's raining again. It's raining again. Ze keek voorzichtig naar de vogel in het nest. She carefully watched the bird in the nest. She looked carefully at the bird in the nest. Waar is de bank? Where is the bank? Where's the bank? Zeer kleine hoeveelheden massa kunnen worden omgezet in een zeer grote hoeveelheid energie en omgekeerd. Very small amounts of mass may be converted into a very large amount of energy and vice versa. Very small amounts of mass can be converted into a very large amount of energy and vice versa. Ik heb een rode das gekocht. I bought a red tie. I bought a red tie. Bezoek ons. Visit us. Visit us. Er was niemand daar. There was nobody there. There was no one there. Echter kent ze daar niemand. She doesn't know anyone there, though. However, she doesn't know anyone there. Ik weet niet zeker hoe lang we moeten wachten. I'm not sure how much we should wait. I'm not sure how long we'll have to wait. Ik hoopte dat je me een stuk pizza zou laten kopen. I was hoping you'd let me buy you a slice of pizza. I was hoping you'd let me buy a piece of pizza. Heb je nieuwe schoenen? Do you have new shoes? Do you have any new shoes? Ik heb slecht nieuws voor je. I have some bad news for you. I have some bad news for you. Hij is een goede kerel. He's a good lad. He's a good guy. Ik drink geen koffie. I don't drink coffee. I don't drink coffee. Ik heb geen zin om hierover te discussiëren. I don't want to argue about this. I don't feel like discussing this. Dit woord is van Latijnse afkomst. This word is of Latin descent. This word is of Latin origin. Dit is gratis. This is free. This is free. Het nieuws verspreidt zich snel. The news spread fast. The news is spreading fast. Zitten we in de stront? Are we fucked? Are we in shit? Wees niet belachelijk! Don't be ridiculous! Don't be ridiculous! Ik zit in de problemen. I am in trouble. I'm in trouble. Hij is mijn halfbroer. He's my half-brother. He's my half-brother. Hij raakte gewond in een verkeersongeluk. He got injured in a traffic accident. He was injured in a traffic accident. Het is spijtig om dat te horen. I'm sorry to hear it. I'm sorry to hear that. Ik zeg "Ik ben Tom." I say "I'm Tom." I say, "I'm Tom." Allen samen zijn ze met vijf. They are five in all. All of them together are five. Tom verveelt zich dood. Tom is bored stiff. Tom's bored to death. Ze haat groene paprika's. She hates green peppers. She hates green peppers. Haar auto is twee jaar oud. Her car is two years old. Her car's two years old. Welke misdaden heb jij begaan? What crimes have you committed? What crimes have you committed? Canada heeft dertien provincies en territoria. Canada has thirteen provinces and territories. Canada has thirteen provinces and territories. Sinaasappels zijn groter dan mandarijnen. Oranges are bigger than tangerines. Oranges are bigger than oranges. Zonder zon zouden we niet kunnen leven. If there was no sun, we would not be able to live. Without the sun, we couldn't live. Volg hen dichtbij. Follow close behind them. Follow them close. Ontspan je. Chill out. Relax. Ze heeft liever bier dan wijn. She prefers beer to wine. She'd rather have beer than wine. Jullie hebben drie woordenboeken. You have three dictionaries. You have three dictionaries. Ik dacht dat je zei dat je vroeger in Boston woonde. I thought that you said that you used to live in Boston. I thought you said you used to live in Boston. Waar is de Israëlische ambassade? Where is the Israeli embassy? Where's the Israeli embassy? Zij is mijn klasgenoot. She is my classmate. She's my classmate. Tom is niet bevoegd. Tom is unqualified. Tom's not authorized. Tot morgen in de bibliotheek. See you tomorrow at the library. I'll see you tomorrow at the library. Ik vroeg Tom me te helpen. I asked Tom to help me. I asked Tom to help me. Ik lees dit boek. I'm reading this book. I'm reading this book. Ik heb twintig wazige geschoten om een bijna goed te hebben. I made twenty blurry shots to have one almost correct! I shot 20 blurry shots to get one almost right. Ik heb geen mes nodig. I don't need a knife. I don't need a knife. Je moet onmiddellijk naar huis. You need to go home right now. You need to go home right now. Ik zal het zo snel mogelijk afleveren. I'll deliver it as soon as I can. I'll deliver it as soon as I can. Mijn broer is naar tv aan het kijken. My brother is watching TV. My brother's watching TV. Je bent nu oud genoeg. You're old enough now. You're old enough now. Dat is een zonnebloem. This is a sunflower. That's a sunflower. Ik weet wat Tom jullie aangedaan heeft. I know what Tom did to you. I know what Tom did to you. Vanaf wanneer? Since when? From when? Tom heeft ervaring. Tom has seniority. Tom's got experience. Tom heeft de Kool-Aid gedronken. Tom drank the Kool-Aid. Tom drank the Kool-Aid. Ik zou graag meer van je zien. I'd like to see more of you. I'd like to see more of you. Tom kruipt. Tom crawls. Tom's crawling. Vandaag is het maandag. It is Monday today. Today is Monday. Sami heeft het gegoogeld. Sami googled it. Sami Googled it. Ik bak brood. I am baking bread. I bake bread. Het is een gemakkelijke keuze. It's an easy choice. It's an easy choice. Heb je verse aardbeien? Do you have fresh strawberries? Do you have any fresh strawberries? Tom heeft een vriendin. Tom has a girlfriend. Tom has a girlfriend. Ik heb helemaal geen zin om te eten. I don't feel like eating at all. I don't feel like eating. Tom is aan het koken in de keuken. Tom is cooking in the kitchen. Tom's cooking in the kitchen. Ik ken het meisje dat tennis speelt. I know the girl playing tennis. I know the girl who plays tennis. De info die je me gaf is van weinig nut. The information you gave me is of little use. The information you gave me is of little use. Ik heb bier. I've got beer. I've got beer. Gezondheid is onmisbaar voor het welbevinden. Health is essential to happiness. Health is indispensable for well-being. Misschien heeft Tom gelijk. Maybe Tom is right. Maybe Tom's right. De politie zoekt de dief. The police are looking for the robber. The police are looking for the thief. Tom zit vast in het verleden. Tom is stuck in the past. Tom's stuck in the past. Tom is een maniak. Tom is a maniac. Tom's a maniac. Ze heeft een kat. De kat is wit. She has a cat. The cat is white. She's got a cat, the cat's white. Als je rechts afslaat, zal je een groot gebouw zien. If you turn right, you will see a big building. If you turn right, you'll see a big building. Ze ving een glimp van hem op terwijl hij door de menigte liep. She glimpsed him running through the crowd. She caught a glimpse of him walking through the crowd. Het is koud vandaag. It is cold today. It's cold today. Lees de Koran. Read the Quran. Read the Koran. Een broer is als een schouder. A brother is like a shoulder. A brother is like a shoulder. Meneer Brown is op zoek naar zijn bril. Mr. Brown is looking for his glasses. Mr. Brown is looking for his glasses. Hij is een soort geleerde. He is something of a scholar. He's some kind of scientist. Hij kon haar verhaal niet geloven. He couldn't believe her story. He couldn't believe her story. Ik wil over 20 minuten iedereen op mijn kantoortje hebben. I want everyone in my office in 20 minutes. I want everyone in my office in 20 minutes. We zijn aan het tekenen. We're drawing. We're drawing. We moeten de bewijzen vernietigen. We must destroy the evidence. We have to destroy the evidence. Volgens wat zij zeggen kan die jongen heel goed zingen. According to what they say, that boy is very good at singing. According to what they say, that boy can sing very well. Ik heb alles gedaan wat ik kan. I have done all that I can. I've done everything I can. Ik bewonder Tom. I admire Tom. I admire Tom. Ze verdient gemiddeld tien pond per week. She earns on average ten pounds a week. She makes an average of £10 a week. Hij scheert de schapen. He is shearing the sheep. He shaves the sheep. Ik wou dat ik meer tijd had om met haar te praten. I wish I had more time to talk with her. I wish I had more time to talk to her. Stel me niet teleur. Don't let me down. Don't let me down. We zouden nog een fles wijn moeten brengen. We should bring another bottle of wine. We should bring another bottle of wine. Ze is erg intelligent. She is very intelligent. She's very intelligent. Ik hielp Tom. I helped Tom. I was helping Tom. Ik weet niet wie dit schilderij heeft geschilderd. I don't know who painted this picture. I don't know who painted this painting. Wat dacht je van Thais eten? How about Thai food? How about Thai food? Hij is acht. He's eight years old. He's eight. Bill was door een inbreker vermoord. Bill was killed by an intruder. Bill was killed by a burglar. Ik nam niet deel aan het gesprek. I didn't take part in the conversation. I didn't participate in the conversation. Zijn dat echte diamanten? Are those real diamonds? Are those real diamonds? Wat zijn hun rechten? What are their rights? What are their rights? Ik denk dat Yumi ziek is. I think that Yumi is sick. I think Yumi's sick. Innerlijke schoonheid, ik zal erin geloven wanneer mijn lul ogen heeft. Inner beauty, I'll believe in it when my dick has eyes. Inner beauty, I will believe in it when my dick has eyes. Ik denk niet dat Tom betrokken was bij dat schandaal. I don't think Tom was involved in the scandal. I don't think Tom was involved in that scandal. Tom was niet in het hotel. Tom wasn't at the hotel. Tom wasn't at the hotel. Hoe hebben Tom en Maria elkaar ontmoet? How did Tom and Mary meet? How did Tom and Maria meet? Ik heb de pc kapotgemaakt. I broke the personal computer. I broke the computer. Hij is zanger. He is a singer. He's a singer. Omdat Tom Frans praatte, kon ik niet begrijpen wat hij zei. Since Tom was speaking in French, I couldn't understand what he was saying. Because Tom was speaking French, I couldn't understand what he was saying. Hij zal zeker slagen. He'll succeed for sure. I'm sure he'll succeed. Het is moeilijk praten tegen hem. It's difficult to speak with him. It's hard to talk to him. Voor zover ik weet is hij geboren in Italië. For all I know, he was born in Italy. As far as I know, he was born in Italy. De krant is van gisteren. This is yesterday's newspaper. The paper's from yesterday. Zijn dochter wil advocaat worden. His daughter wants to be a lawyer. His daughter wants to be a lawyer. Hij liet de ansjovissen vallen. He dropped the anchovies. He dropped the anchovies. Jouw computer is volledig onbeschermd. Your computer is completely unprotected. Your computer is completely unprotected. Jim ging naar Syrië om zich bij IS te voegen. Jim went off to Syria to join ISIS. Jim went to Syria to join ISIS. Kop of let? Head or tail? Heads or heads? Waarom loog ze tegen ons? Why did she lie to us? Why did she lie to us? Ik ga voor een paar dagen de stad uit. I am leaving town for a few days. I'm going out of town for a few days. Kijk goed. Ik zal je laten zien hoe je dit doet. Look carefully. I'm going to show you how it's done. I'll show you how to do this. In die tijd was Engeland niet bereid om oorlog te voeren. Britain was not geared up for war then. At that time, England was not prepared to go to war. Gisteren speelden we voetbal. We played soccer yesterday. Yesterday we played soccer. Sami geniet van chocolade. Sami enjoys chocolate. Sami enjoys chocolate. Dit is een moeilijke taal om te leren. This is a hard language to learn. This is a difficult language to learn. Het is hoog tijd voor bed. It's high time for bed. It's time for bed. Tom heeft een voorschrift nodig. Tom needs a prescription. Tom needs a prescription. De toren is vijftien meter hoog. The tower is fifteen metres tall. The tower is 15 meters high. Tom kon zijn sokken niet aandoen. Tom couldn't put his socks on. Tom couldn't put his socks on. Moet je weggaan? Do you need to go? Do you have to leave? Bangkok is de hoofdstad van Thailand. Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. Het geld groeit me niet op de rug, weet je. Money doesn't grow on trees, you know. The money doesn't grow on my back, you know. Wil je je naam opschrijven? Please write down your name. Do you want to write your name down? Ik wist niet dat u allergisch was voor walnoten. I didn't know you were allergic to walnuts. I didn't know you were allergic to walnuts. Kijk goed. Watch closely. Take a good look. Jullie zijn veilig. You're safe. You're safe. Ik vond het moeilijk om vriendelijk te zijn tegen anderen. I found it difficult to be kind to others. I found it hard to be friendly with others. Ik moest gaan. I had to go. I had to go. Tom is geestig. Tom is funny. Tom's funny. Beide kinderen werden gestraft. Both children were punished. Both children were punished. Van de twee meisjes is zij de jongste. Of the two girls, she is the younger. Of the two girls, she's the youngest. Waarom was je gisteren afwezig? Why were you absent yesterday? Why were you absent yesterday? Mijn oom is niet jong, maar hij is wel gezond. My uncle isn't young, but he's healthy. My uncle's not young, but he's healthy. Hoe hoor ik dit te eten? How should I eat this? How am I supposed to eat this? Telefoneer mij deze avond. Call me this evening. Call me this evening. Hij dronk een biertje. He drank a beer. He had a beer. Je had haar gezicht moeten zien toen ik het haar vertelde. You should have seen the look on her face when I told her. You should have seen her face when I told her. Lawines bewegen sneller dan overstromingen. Avalanches move faster than floods. Lawines move faster than floods. Ik denk dat Tom ontslagen gaat worden. I think Tom is going to get fired. I think Tom's gonna get fired. Kan je me nu horen? Can you hear me now? Can you hear me now? Tom gaat altijd naar de supermarkt waar Mary werkt. Tom always goes to the supermarket where Mary works. Tom always goes to the supermarket where Mary works. Kijk nog eens. Look again. Look again. Ik weet dat u verliefd op mij bent! I know you're in love with me. I know you're in love with me! Ik ben bang om dood te gaan. I'm afraid to die. I'm afraid to die. Er zijn veel toeristen in Venetië. There are many tourists in Venice. There are many tourists in Venice. Heeft Emily groene ogen? Does Emily have green eyes? Does Emily have green eyes? Ik heb geleerd met de pijn in mijn rug te leven. I've learned to live with the pain in my back. I've learned to live with the pain in my back. Men kan deze zin op twee manieren interpreteren. This sentence can be interpreted in two ways. This sentence can be interpreted in two ways. Niemand respecteerde mijn land. Nobody respected my country. No one respected my country. Ik hoop dat de nieuwe versie snel verschijnt. I hope the new version comes out soon. I hope the new version appears soon. Ik neem het. I'll take it. I'll take it. Ik weet niet of hij dokter is. I don't know if he is a doctor. I don't know if he's a doctor. Mijn rijinstructeur zegt dat ik geduldiger moet zijn. My driving instructor says I should be more patient. My driving instructor says I need to be more patient. Ik leer Navajo. I'm learning Navajo. I'm learning Navajo. Ik reis vaak naar andere landen. I often travel to other countries. I often travel to other countries. Ze kan hier zo vroeg niet zijn. She cannot be here so early. She can't be here this early. Pijn, pijn, ga weg. Pain, pain, go away. Pain, pain, go away. Ik ga niets doen. I'm not going to do anything. I'm not gonna do anything. Is er een lift? Is there an elevator? Is there a ride? Ik ga het leven uit hem knijpen. I'll choke the life out of him. I'm gonna squeeze the life out of him. Wat is uw favoriete soort sushi? What's your favorite kind of sushi? What's your favorite kind of sushi? Heeft u het afgelopen jaar een grondige medische controle gehad? Have you had a thorough medical checkup within the last year? Have you had a thorough medical check-up in the last year? Echt? You don't say. Really? De rozen in de tuin staan in bloei. The roses in the garden are blooming. The roses in the garden are in bloom. Ga je tanden poetsen. Go brush your teeth. Go brush your teeth. Ze zwaaide me gedag. She waved good-bye to me. She waved me goodbye. Ik dacht dat je zei dat je vroeger in Boston woonde. I thought that you said you used to live in Boston. I thought you said you used to live in Boston. Tom leek verrast te zijn. Tom sounded surprised. Tom seemed surprised. Hij probeert normaal te zijn. He's trying to stay normal. He's trying to be normal. Ik leer Iers. I'm learning Irish. I'm learning Irish. Ik heb nu niets nodig. I don't need anything now. I don't need anything right now. Pas geleden. Recently. It's been a while. Mijn stropdas is oranje. My tie is orange. My tie is orange. We hebben niet gesproken gisteren. We didn't talk yesterday. We didn't talk yesterday. Groeten uit Brazilië! Greetings from Brazil! Greetings from Brazil! Wacht eventjes. Wait up. Wait a minute. Maria breide deze sjaal. Mary knit this scarf. Maria knitted this scarf. Ik denk niet dat Tom oneerlijk was. I don't think that Tom was being unfair. I don't think Tom was being unfair. Omdat ik niet ontbeten heb, heb ik nu heel erg honger. Since I didn't eat anything for breakfast, I'm very hungry now. Since I didn't have breakfast, I'm really hungry right now. Tom is daar erg trots op, nietwaar? Tom is very proud of that, isn't he? Tom's very proud of that, isn't he? Zij is wat men een genie noemt. She is what is called a genius. She's what they call a genius. Tom woont momenteel met zijn oom samen. Tom currently lives with his uncle. Tom's living with his uncle right now. Tom heeft geen bril nodig. Tom doesn't need glasses. Tom doesn't need glasses. Ik kan me niet herinneren wat er is gebeurd. I can't remember what happened. I don't remember what happened. Eén taal is nooit voldoende. One language is never enough. One language is never enough. Zeg me wat je wil. Tell me what you want. Tell me what you want. Ik kan je niet zeggen wanneer Tom hier zal aankomen. I can't tell you when Tom will get here. I can't tell you when Tom will be here. Ik ben bang voor Poetin. I'm afraid of Putin. I'm afraid of Putin. Ik zou graag iets willen drinken a.u.b. I'd really like to get something to drink. I'd like a drink, please. Ik bel de vergadering af. I'm calling the meeting off. I'm calling the meeting. Ik wil de mijne. I want mine. I want mine. De draak kan worden gedood. The dragon can be killed. The dragon can be killed. Ik ben hier een lange tijd niet geweest. I haven't been here in a long time. I haven't been here in a long time. De prinses verkleedde zich als een eenvoudige herderin. The princess disguised herself as a simple shepherdess. The princess dressed up like a simple shepherdess. Kopenhagen is de hoofdstad van Denemarken. Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark. Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark. Als tom hulp nodig heeft, kunnen we hem helpen. If Tom needs help, we can give it to him. If Tom needs help, we can help him. Ik wil er goed uitzien in mijn blootje. I want to look good naked. I want to look good naked. Wilt u meer pasta? Do you want more pasta? Would you like more pasta? Sami zal de regels verduidelijken. Sami will explain the rules. Sami will clarify the rules. Hij schreeuwt veel. He shouts a lot. He screams a lot. Weet ge hoe oud juffrouw Nakano is? Do you know how old Miss Nakano is? Do you know how old Miss Nakano is? Hij moet zich bewust zijn van het gevaar. He must be aware of the danger. He must be aware of the danger. Laten we iets proberen! Let's try something. Let's try something! De fles die Tom vasthield had een paars etiket. The bottle Tom was holding had a purple label. The bottle Tom was holding had a purple label. Ik kan het niet ontkennen. U bent stijlvol. I can't deny it. You've got style. I can't deny it. Tom was de ster van het voetbalteam. Tom was the star of the football team. Tom was the star of the football team. Ze kon zich moeilijk inhouden van lachen toen ze de jurk zag. She could hardly keep from laughing when she saw the dress. It was hard for her to stop laughing when she saw the dress. Jullie haar is te lang. Your hair is too long. Your hair's too long. Ik denk dat het team tot meer in staat is. I think the team is capable of more. I think the team is capable of more. Tom is een erg slimme jongen. Tom is a very smart boy. Tom's a very smart kid. Mary was onder de indruk van het groot orgel in de kerk. Mary was impressed by the big organ in the church. Mary was impressed by the large organ in the church. Kan je een foto van ons nemen? Can you take a picture of us? Can you take a picture of us? Zij is nergens bang voor. She is not afraid of anything. She's not afraid of anything. Maria werd verkozen tot koningin van het bal. Mary was elected queen of the prom. Maria was elected prom queen. Zij opende de deur. She opened the door. She opened the door. Ik ben opzoek naar het Hilton Hotel. I'm looking for the Hilton Hotel. I'm looking for the Hilton Hotel. Tom werd een veganist. Tom became a vegan. Tom became a vegan. Carols jurk is lang. Carol's dress is long. Carol's dress is long. Ik heb vijf jaar Engels gestudeerd. I've studied English for five years. I studied English for five years. Hij is zijn haar aan het borstelen. He is brushing his hair. He's brushing his hair. Daar komt de bruid! Here comes the bride! Here comes the bride! Ik had grijs haar. I had gray hair. I had gray hair. Ik heb een nieuw notitieboekje en een paar potloden gekocht. I bought a new notebook and a couple of pencils. I bought a new notebook and a couple of pencils. Dat huis is van mij. That house is mine. That house is mine. Ik heb de trein gemist op twee minuten na. I missed the train by two minutes. I missed the train two minutes after. Hij at de appel. He ate the apple. He ate the apple. Tom rijdt. Tom drives. Tom's driving. Dit is eigenlijk oud nieuws. This is actually old news. This is actually old news. Tom was te beleefd om neen te zeggen. Tom was too polite to say no. Tom was too polite to say no. Hij is tandarts van beroep. He is a dentist by profession. He's a dentist by profession. Waar is de Australische ambassade? Where's the Australian embassy? Where's the Australian embassy? Houd het gesprek luchtig wanneer je iemand voor het eerst ontmoet. When meeting a person for the first time, keep the conversation light. Keep the conversation light when you meet someone for the first time. "Wie is dat?" "Dat is Jim." "Who is he?" "He is Jim." "Who's that?" "That's Jim." Vandaag heb ik blijkbaar geen geluk. It seems that I'm not lucky today. Apparently, I'm not lucky today. Ik wil feiten. I want facts. I want facts. Ik denk dat de zaak er wat anders voor staat wanneer je hierover nadenkt op de lange termijn. I suppose it's different when you think about it over the long term. I think the situation is different when you think about this in the long term. Tom heeft Maria onder de tafel gedronken. Tom drank Mary under the table. Tom drank Maria under the table. Een ongeval deed zich juist voor. An accident just happened. An accident just occurred. Ze vechten voor vrijheid. They are struggling for freedom. They're fighting for freedom. Schrijf jullie naam in hoofdletters. Write your name in capitals. Write your names in capital letters. Ik zoek mijn sleutels. Heb jij ze gezien? I'm looking for my keys. Have you seen them? I'm looking for my keys. Ze is bang voor de zee. She's afraid of the sea. She's afraid of the sea. Er was kennelijk geen andere weg. There was obviously no other way. Apparently, there was no other way. Het is heel moeilijk hem te verstaan. It's very difficult to understand him. It's very hard to understand him. Ik heb het vliegtuig gemist. Zou ik het volgende kunnen nemen? I missed my flight. Can I get on the next flight? I missed the plane. Zijt ge gestopt aan het rood licht? Did you stop at the red light? Are you stopped by the red light? Ze heeft een jas nodig. She needs a coat. She needs a coat. Niet opnieuw! Zie hoe die twee elkaar kussen. Ze staan echt in vuur en in vlam voor elkaar. Ik kan dit niet langer aanzien. Not again! Look at those two kissing. They've really got the hots for each other. I can't watch this any more. Not again! See how these two kiss each other. They're really on fire for each other. I can't watch this anymore. Heeft hij jou ten huwelijk gevraagd? Did he propose to you? Did he ask you to marry him? Ik had bruin haar voordat het grijs werd. I had brown hair before it turned gray. I had brown hair before it turned grey. Hou op! Quit it! Stop it! Dit slaat nergens op. This makes no sense. This doesn't make any sense. Shampoo en tandpasta zijn dezelfde prijs. Shampoo and toothpaste are the same price. Shampoo and toothpaste are the same price. Ik weet niet waar je naartoe gaat. I don't know where you're going. I don't know where you're going. Waarom zijt ge zo treurig? Why are you so sad? Why are you so sad? Het is vandaag erg warm, toch? It's very hot today, isn't it? It's very hot today, isn't it? Jullie logen tegen me. You lied to me. You lied to me. Ik heb ervoor gebeden dat mijn vader me zou vergeven. I prayed that my father would forgive me. I prayed for my father to forgive me. Londen is de hoofdstad van het Verenigd Koninkrijk. London is the capital of the United Kingdom. London is the capital of the United Kingdom. Goeiemorgen allemaal. Good morning, everybody. Good morning, everyone. Is dit jouw pen? Is this your pen? Is this your pen? Sami had het koud. Sami was cold. Sami was cold. Tom gaat naar de stad per bus. Tom takes the bus to the city. Tom's going to the city by bus. Is er iemand afwezig vandaag? Is anyone absent today? Is anyone absent today? Ik weet dat Tom en Maria allergisch zijn voor pinda's. I know Tom and Mary are allergic to peanuts. I know Tom and Maria are allergic to peanuts. Woon je in Portugal of Brazilië? Do you live in Portugal or Brazil? Do you live in Portugal or Brazil? Waarom wil ze Algiers verlaten? Why does she want to leave Algiers? Why does she want to leave Algiers? Slaap niet in bad. Don't sleep in the bathtub. Don't sleep in the bathtub. Ik eet niet zoveel. I don't eat that much. I don't eat much. Ik zie de kroon. I see the crown. I see the crown. Ze mist haar familie erg. She misses her family a lot. She misses her family very much. Hij skiet elke winter in Hokkaido. He skis in Hokkaido every winter. He skis in Hokkaido every winter. Er zijn twee grote politieke partijen in de Verenigde Staten: de conservatieve Republikeinse Partij, en de liberale Democratische Partij. There are two major political parties in the United States: the conservative Republican Party, and the liberal Democratic Party. There are two major political parties in the United States: the Conservative Republican Party, and the Liberal Democratic Party. Wij danken jullie voor jullie medewerking. We thank you for your cooperation. We thank you for your cooperation. Ik wachtte een uur op hem op het station, maar hij kwam niet opdagen. I waited for him at the station for an hour, but he didn't show up. I waited an hour for him at the station, but he didn't show up. Ze hebben gegeten. They ate. They ate. Hij zegt dat hij gisteravond een ufo heeft gezien. He says he saw a UFO last night. He says he saw a UFO last night. Kan jij mij wat geld geven? Can you give me some money? Can you give me some money? Goed werk! Well done! Good work! Ik heb genoeg van hem. I'm fed up with him. I've had enough of him. Jullie begonnen een oud liedje te spelen. You began to play an old song. You guys started playing an old song. Laat mij niet alleen! Don't leave me alone. Don't leave me! Deze sleutel past niet in het slot. This key doesn't fit in the lock. This key doesn't fit in the lock. Ik ken hem al lang. I've known him for a long time. I've known him a long time. Te veel rust is roest. Too much rest is rust. Too much rest is rust. Hou je nog steeds van Tom? Do you still love Tom? Do you still love Tom? Ik kleed me aan direct nadat ik heb ontbeten. I'm getting dressed right after I eat breakfast. I'll get dressed right after I've had breakfast. Hij kon ontsnappen. He managed to escape. He got away. Ik ben vanavond vrij. I am free tonight. I'm free tonight. Je tijd is om. Your time is over. Time's up. Sami dacht dat de imam over hem aan het praten was. Sami thought that the imam was talking about him. Sami thought the imam was talking about him. Hou de baby erg voorzichtig vast. Hold the baby very carefully. Hold the baby very carefully. Ze spreekt niet meer tegen ons. She doesn't talk to us anymore. She's not speaking to us anymore. De hond heeft het vlees gevangen. The dog snapped up the meat. The dog caught the meat. Tom heeft een boterham voor Maria gemaakt. Tom made a sandwich for Mary. Tom made Maria a sandwich. Ze glimlacht altijd. She always smiles. She's always smiling. Waarom heeft ze dit dure woordenboek gekocht? Why did she buy this expensive dictionary? Why did she buy this expensive dictionary? Kom snel terug. Come back soon. Come back soon. We zullen alles doen om Tom te vinden. We'll do everything we can to find Tom. We'll do everything we can to find Tom. Wat een harde wind! What a strong wind! What a hard wind! Zij kwam uit de kamer. She came out of the room. She came out of the room. Ik begrijp dat losstaande woord niet. Kan je me de context geven? I do not understand that word in isolation. Could you give me some context? Can you give me the context? Hij raakte mijn schouder aan. He touched my shoulder. He touched my shoulder. Het is lente. It's spring. It's spring. Er zijn veel nieuwe fabrieken geopend. Many new factories have opened. A lot of new factories have been opened. Veel steden waren vernietigd door bommen. Many cities were destroyed by bombs. Many cities were destroyed by bombs. Een rood licht scheen in het duister. A red light was glowing in the dark. A red light shone in the dark. Tom heeft Maria gevraagd om een kop koffie te gaan halen voor hem. Tom asked Mary to get him a cup of coffee. Tom asked Maria to go get him a cup of coffee. Tom gaat vaak naar Boston. Tom often goes to Boston. Tom goes to Boston a lot. Nog een keer? One more time? Again? Ik ben gezegend met een goede gezondheid. I am blessed with good health. I am blessed with good health. Ze zou iedereen gelukkig maken. She would make everyone happy. She'd make everyone happy. Is het niet zwart? Is it not black? Isn't it black? Ik heb geen geld om dat boek te kopen. I don't have the money to buy that book. I don't have any money to buy that book. De Comoren worden " Komori " genoemd in het Comorees. The Comoros is called "Komori" in Shikomoro. The Comoros are called "Komori" in the Comorees. Hier is een leuk weetje. Here's a fun fact. Here's a fun fact. Tom gelooft in magie. Tom believes in magic. Tom believes in magic. Is dat jouw vriend? Is that your boyfriend? Is that your friend? Iemand heeft me verteld dat Tom allergisch was voor tarwe. Somebody told me Tom was allergic to wheat. Someone told me Tom was allergic to wheat. Dit boek is van groot nut voor ons. This book is of great use to us. This book is of great use to us. Ik ben tien jaar geleden lid van de club geworden. I became a member of the club ten years ago. I joined the club ten years ago. Ik kan mijn beste vriend alles vertellen. I can tell my best friend anything. I can tell my best friend anything. Hij was te oud om te zwemmen. He was too old to swim. He was too old to swim. Ik weet niet zeker wanneer hij zal aankomen. I don't know for certain when he will arrive. I'm not sure when he'll arrive. Ik ook. Me too. Me too. Hij was aan het huilen. He was crying. He was crying. Stuur het pakket voor mij maar naar dit adres. Send the package to me at this address. Send the package for me to this address. Boycot Facebook. Boycott Facebook. Boycott Facebook. Kan je mij je telefoonnummer geven? Can you give me your phone number? Can you give me your phone number? Ik hou van hem. I love him. I love him. Hij haast zich om de trein van 8 uur te halen. He is in a hurry to catch the eight o'clock train. He's rushing to catch the 8:00 train. Willen jullie vandaag gaan? Do you want to leave today? You guys wanna go today? Waarom dragen jullie geen jurk? Why don't you wear a dress? Why aren't you wearing a dress? Ze hadden me nodig. They needed me. They needed me. Kan je dat doen? Ik denk het. Can you do that? I think so. Can you do that? Aanvallen! Charge! Attack! Hoeveel appelbomen staan er in jullie boomgaard? How many apple trees are there in your orchard? How many apple trees are in your orchard? Deze kamer is twaalf bij vierentwintig voet. This room is twelve feet by twenty-four feet. This room is 12 by 24 feet. Ik wachtte. I waited. I waited. Kijk me niet zo aan! Ik heb niets gedaan. Don't look at me! I haven't done anything. Don't look at me like that! Niemand ging naar huis. Nobody went home. Nobody went home. Ik werd met dorst wakker. I woke up thirsty. I woke up thirsty. Gebruiken jullie vaak een woordenboek? Do you often use a dictionary? Do you guys often use a dictionary? Tom spreekt goed Frans. Tom speaks French well. Tom speaks good French. Wij horen hier niet. We don't belong here. We don't belong here. De hoofdstad van Italië is Rome. The capital of Italy is Rome. The capital of Italy is Rome. Zij heeft niet geluisterd. She did not listen. She didn't listen. Alsjeblieft, geef mij water! Please, give me water! Please, give me water! Klaarblijkelijk was dat niet het geval. Clearly, that wasn't the case. Apparently, that wasn't the case. Is haar vader leraar? Is her father a teacher? Is her father a teacher? Kan je het licht uitdoen? Could you turn off the lights? Can you turn the light off? Heb je geen honger? Aren't you hungry? Aren't you hungry? Een volmaakt gezonde zin is, inderdaad, uitermate zeldzaam. Men mist voor een groot deel de kleurschakering en het aroma van de gedachte; alsof wij tevreden zouden kunnen zijn met het dauw van de morgen of avond zonder hun kleuren, of met de hemelen zonder het azuurblauw. A perfectly healthy sentence, it is true, is extremely rare. For the most part we miss the hue and fragrance of the thought; as if we could be satisfied with the dews of the morning or evening without their colors, or the heavens without their azure. A perfectly healthy sentence is, indeed, extremely rare. To a large extent one misses the shade of colour and the aroma of thought; as if we could be satisfied with the dew of the morning or evening without their colors, or with the skies without the azure blue. Sorry, ik ben een beetje aangeschoten, dus misschien zeg ik belachelijke dingen. Sorry, I'm a bit drunk, so I may be saying ridiculous things. Sorry, I'm a little tipsy, so maybe I'll say some ridiculous things. Hij moest zijn slaapkamer met zijn broer delen. He had to share his bedroom with his brother. He had to share his bedroom with his brother. De sneeuw is gesmolten. The snow has melted. The snow's melted. Toms vriendin dreigde hem te verlaten. Tom's girlfriend threatened to leave him. Tom's girlfriend threatened to leave him. Tom gelooft Maria. Tom believes Mary. Tom believes Maria. Waarom zeg je dat? Why do you say that? Why do you say that? Nancy speelt geen tennis. Nancy doesn't play tennis. Nancy doesn't play tennis. Hij leegde zijn glas. He emptied his glass. He emptied his glass. De tandenfee wil je tanden stelen. The tooth fairy wants to steal your teeth. The tooth fairy wants to steal your teeth. Dat egoïsme van je stoort me. I'm annoyed at your selfishness. That selfishness of yours bothers me. Het is niet iets om over te lachen. It is not a matter to laugh about. It's not something to laugh about. Rijd je met een manuele of automatische versnellingsbak? Do you drive a manual or automatic? Do you drive a manual or automatic gearbox? Ik zal een nieuwe voor hen kopen. I'll buy them a new one. I'll buy them a new one. Er zit een enorme zwarte weduwe in mijn kamer! There's a huge black widow spider in my room! There's a huge black widow in my room! Van jou had ik dat niet verwacht! From you I didn't expect it! I didn't expect that from you! Dat is een slecht plan. It's a bad plan. That's a bad plan. Er is een satelliet in een baan rond de Aarde gebracht om smeltende gletsjers in de gaten te houden. A satellite was launched into orbit to monitor melting glaciers. A satellite has been orbited around Earth to monitor melting glaciers. Voor die dungeon heb je een voltallige groep nodig. Als je het in je eentje probeert ga je eraan. You need a full party to tackle that dungeon. If you try to solo it, you'll get screwed. For that dungeon, you're gonna need a whole group, and if you try it on your own, you're gonna die. Interesseert het iemand? Does anyone care? Does anyone care? Ik heb zijn hulp nodig. I need his help. I need his help. Het was een moeilijk examen. It was a difficult exam. It was a difficult exam. Ik ben geen slechte student. I'm not a bad student. I'm not a bad student. Ik denk dat Tom koppig is. I think Tom is stubborn. I think Tom's stubborn. Ken jij een goede tandarts? Do you know a good dentist? Do you know a good dentist? Ruim de tafel af. Clear off the table. Clear the table. Heeft hij een vriendin? Does he have a girlfriend? Does he have a girlfriend? Het is uiteraard niet de bedoeling dat je in je schoolboek schrijft. Of course, you are not supposed to write in your textbook. Of course, you're not supposed to write in your school book. Je hebt onze hulp nodig. You need our help. You need our help. Ik moet nu gaan. I have to leave now. I have to go now. Tom weet dat. Tom knows that. Tom knows that. De stad is per spoor bereikbaar. The town is accessible by rail. The city is accessible by rail. We zijn aan het daten. We're dating. We're dating. Nou, ik ben klaar. Okay, I'm ready. Well, I'm done. Je bent nog steeds een tandarts, toch? You're still a dentist, aren't you? You're still a dentist, right? Vecht zoals een man. Fight like a man. Fight like a man. Katten eten brood. Cats eat bread. Cats eat bread. Ik krijg advies van hen. I'm getting advice from them. I'm getting advice from them. Tom is moedig. Tom is brave. Tom's brave. Welterusten, mama. Good night, Mom. Good night, Mama. Spreekt u Klingon? Do you speak Klingon? Do you speak Klingon? Ik heb een nierprobleem. I have kidney trouble. I have a kidney problem. Had ik iets voor je moeten kopen op weg naar huis? Was I supposed to buy something for you on my way home? Should I have bought you something on the way home? De meeste van Toms kinderen werden leraar. Most of Tom's children became teachers. Most of Tom's children became teachers. Wat zijn jullie van plan te doen? What are you planning to do? What are you guys gonna do? We hebben geen thee meer. We're out of tea. We're out of tea. Ik weet hoezeer Tom belangrijk is voor jullie. I know how important Tom is to you. I know how important Tom is to you. We zullen om 12 uur op het station van Tokyo aankomen. We will get to Tokyo Station at noon. We'll be at Tokyo station by noon. De dief was aan handen en voeten gebonden. The thief was bound hand and foot. The thief was tied to his hands and feet. Spreek je Iers? Are you speaking Irish? Do you speak Irish? U heeft drie katten. You have three cats. You have three cats. De soldaten weerstonden de vijandelijke aanval. The soldiers withstood the enemy attack. The soldiers resisted the enemy attack. Mijn nek doet pijn. The back of my neck hurts. My neck hurts. Waarom is dat interessant? Why is that interesting? Why is that interesting? Tom is verwend. Tom is spoiled. Tom's spoiled. Stop met schreeuwen. Stop yelling. Stop yelling. Blijf optimistisch. Stay positive. Stay optimistic. We zaten in het midden van de kamer. We sat in the center of the room. We were in the middle of the room. Waarom droog je je haren? Why are you drying your hair? Why are you drying your hair? Dat was een fluitje van een cent. It was a walk in the park. That was a piece of cake. "Ik denk dat Tom mijn drinken heeft gestolen." "Echt waar? Ik denk niet dat hij zoiets ooit zou doen." "I think Tom stole my drink." "Really? I don't think he'd ever do something like that." "I think Tom stole my drink." "Really? I don't think he'd ever do anything like that." Ik kan deze computer niet herstellen. I can't fix this computer. I can't fix this computer. Ik heb een tweelingzus. I have a twin sister. I have a twin sister. Zei u " dertig euro " ? Did you say "thirty euros"? Did you say "30 euros"? Goedemorgen iedereen. Good morning, everyone. Good morning, everyone. Mijn vader gaat dikwijls vissen in de nabijgelegen rivier. My father often goes fishing in the river nearby. My father often goes fishing in the nearby river. Ik ben hier, ik ben queer, wen er maar aan. I'm here, I'm queer, get used to it. I'm here, I'm queer, get used to it. Hoe gaat het op school? How is school? How's school? Ik heb je gezegd dat je mag komen wanneer het je maar uitkomt. I told you to come whenever it's convenient to you. I told you to come whenever it suits you. Je klinkt bang. You sound frightened. You sound scared. Kus de koningin! Kiss the queen! Kiss the queen! Tom is niet schoon, maar Maria wel. Tom isn't clean, but Mary is. Tom's not clean, but Maria is. Ze is zwanger. She's pregnant. She's pregnant. Het bloed klopt door mijn aderen. The blood throbs in my veins. The blood's beating through my veins. Zijn vader was timmerman. His father was a carpenter. His father was a carpenter. Ik koop een nieuwe auto. I am buying a new car. I'm buying a new car. Ik heb altijd al een sportwagen willen hebben. I've always wanted to own a sports car. I've always wanted a sports car. Ik heb vele jaren in het Rijnland gewoond. I lived in the Rhineland for many years. I lived in the Rhineland for many years. Hij zag haar video. He saw her video. He saw her video. Hij stierf door zuurstofgebrek. He died from lack of oxygen. He died from lack of oxygen. Hoe laat ben je gisteren naar bed gegaan? What time did you go to bed yesterday? What time did you go to bed last night? Geiten hebben kleine plukjes haar op het onderste deel van het gezicht. Een sik is dus gezichtshaar op ongeveer hetzelfde deel van de kin van een man. Het lijkt een beetje op de baard van een mannelijke geit. Goats have small tufts of hair on the lower part of the face. So a goatee is facial hair in about the same part of the chin on a man. It looks a little like the beard on a male goat. Goats have small picks of hair on the lower part of the face. So a goatee is facial hair on about the same part of a man's chin. It looks a bit like the beard of a male goat. Heb je die fles? Do you have that bottle? You got that bottle? Mompel alsjeblieft niet. Please don't mumble. Please don't mumble. Glimlachen. Smile. Smile. Ik wilde u gewoon meedelen hoe verheugd ik ben. I just wanted to tell you how pleased I am. I just wanted to tell you how pleased I am. Ik ben kwaad op je. I'm mad at you. I'm mad at you. De vreemdeling komt uit Schotland. The foreigner comes from Scotland. The stranger is from Scotland. De twee zussen werden meer en meer bekend. The two sisters became more and more famous. The two sisters became more and more famous. Tom speelt vals. Tom cheats. Tom's cheating. Ik heb de hele namiddag verslapen. I slept the whole afternoon away. I overslept all afternoon. Ik denk dat Tom bang is voor spinnen. I think Tom is afraid of spiders. I think Tom's afraid of spiders. Ik ben begonnen Esperanto te leren. I've started learning Esperanto. I started learning Esperanto. Sami houdt van zoete aardappelen. Sami loves sweet potatoes. Sami likes sweet potatoes. Ik heb honger. I am hungry. I'm hungry. Ik dacht dat u in Australië woonde. I thought you lived in Australia. I thought you lived in Australia. Je hebt alles. You have everything. You've got everything. Ik neem bijna elke dag een bad. I have a bath almost every day. I take a bath almost every day. Wil je meer pasta? Do you want more pasta? You want more pasta? Ik ga zelden naar de kerk. I go to church once in a blue moon. I rarely go to church. Waarom is mijn vader in de keuken? Why is my father in the kitchen? Why is my father in the kitchen? De penis ging in de vagina. The penis entered the vagina. The penis went into the vagina. Bedankt voor je antwoord. Thank you for your answer. Thank you for your answer. Eigenlijk vond ze het helemaal niet leuk, maar ze zei niets. Truth be told, she didn't like it in the least, but she didn't say anything. Actually, she didn't like it at all, but she didn't say anything. In veel oude films is de heldin altijd degene die doodgaat. In many old movies the heroine is always the one to die. In many old movies, the heroine is always the one who dies. De man waar ik mee aan het praten was is mijn leerkracht Engels. The man I was talking to is my English teacher. The man I was talking to is my English teacher. De zilveren bollen liggen rondom de rode bol. The silver balls are around the red ball. The silver spheres lie around the red sphere. Hoe weet je dit allemaal? How do you know all this? How do you know all this? Zagreb is de hoofdstad van Kroatië. Zagreb is the capital of Croatia. Zagreb is the capital of Croatia. Waarom huilden jullie? Why did you cry? Why were you crying? Mijn vader wandelt in het park. My father takes a walk in the park. My dad walks in the park. Ik voel me hier alsof ik jullie eigen kamer binnendrong. Here I feel like I have entered your own room. I feel like I invaded your own room. Ik moet naar de wc. I have to go to the toilet. I have to go to the bathroom. Destijds was ik uiterst naïef. I was extremely naive at the time. At the time, I was extremely naive. Het is te mooi om waar te zijn. It's too good to be true. It's too good to be true. Wie heeft de grootste hersenen, een olifant of een mens? Which has the biggest brain, an elephant or a person? Who has the biggest brain, an elephant or a human? Ze hakten de boom om. They cut down the tree. They cut down the tree. Neem wat chocolade. Have some chocolate. Have some chocolate. De Europese Spelen 2015 vonden plaats in Bakoe. The European Games 2015 took place in Baku. The 2015 European Games took place in Baku. Blijf alert. Remain alert. Stay alert. Dat is een woordspeling. This is a pun. That's a pun. Speelt u voetbal? Do you play football? Do you play soccer? Kan je het geluid niet horen? Can't you hear the sound? Can't you hear the sound? Waar is mijn vader? Where's my father? Where's my dad? Ik had het moeilijk met het bericht over het vliegtuigongeval. The news of the air accident left me uneasy. I had a hard time with the message about the plane crash. Layla kleedde zich als een zombie ballerina met Halloween. Layla dressed as a zombie ballerina on Halloween. Layla dressed like a zombie ballerina on Halloween. Nu is het persoonlijk. Now it's personal. Now it's personal. Ik bel om 4 uur terug. I'll call back at four o'clock. I'll call you back at 4:00. "Weet u de landcode van Libanon?" vroeg Dima. "Do you know the country code for Lebanon?" Dima asked. "Do you know the country code of Lebanon?" asked Dima. Ik ben zo druk dat mijn hoofd ervan tolt. I'm so busy it makes my head spin. I'm so busy, my head is spinning. Ik heb geen hond. I don't have a dog. I don't have a dog. Kan ik het proberen? Can I try it? Can I try? Hij zou in staat zijn dat te doen. That he would be able to do. He'd be able to do that. Opnieuw. Once again. Again. Ik geef de voorkeur aan de zwarte. I prefer the black one. I prefer the black one. Wie heeft u dat geleerd? Who taught you that? Who taught you that? Ik hou van jouw land. I love your country. I love your country. Ik haat tl-verlichting. I hate fluorescent lighting. I hate fluorescent lighting. Meneer die-en-die heeft vandaag gebeld. Mr. So-and-so called today. Mr. Those-and-Those called today. Er is dringend behoefte aan water. Water is needed urgently. There is an urgent need for water. Sami is zo gestrest. Sami is so stressed out. Sami's so stressed. Het is ontegensprekelijk de beste methode. It's incontestably the best method. It is undoubtedly the best method. Ik hoef niets te doen op dit moment. I have nothing to do at the moment. I don't have to do anything right now. Ik schaamde me. I was embarrassed. I was embarrassed. Hij hing een afbeelding aan de muur. He hung a picture on the wall. He hung an image on the wall. Tom is humeurig. Tom is moody. Tom's moody. Betty kon beter zingen. Betty could sing better. Betty could sing better. Ze heeft geen woord tegen me gezegd. Not a word did she say to me. She didn't say a word to me. Ik bel vanaf mijn mobiel. I'm calling from my mobile. I'm calling from my cell. Eindelijk ging hij naar Amerika. At last, he went to America. Finally, he went to America. Ze kon altijd op alle vragen antwoorden. She was always able to answer all the questions. She could always answer all the questions. Hij is een buitengewoon persoon. He is an extraordinary person. He's an extraordinary person. Hij heeft zijn huiswerk gemaakt. He's done his homework. He did his homework. Aangenaam kennis met u te maken, mevrouw Jones. Nice to meet you, Mrs Jones. Nice to meet you, Mrs. Jones. Hoe zeg je XXX in het Nederlands? How do you say XXX in Dutch? How do you say XXX in Dutch? Hoeveel symfonieën heeft Beethoven gecomponeerd? How many symphonies did Beethoven compose? How many symphonies has Beethoven composed? Er is geen restje eten in de koelkast. There isn't a scrap of food in the refrigerator. There's no leftover food in the fridge. Ik ben Japans, maar ik woon niet in Japan. I'm Japanese, but I don't live in Japan. I'm Japanese, but I don't live in Japan. Heb je een kind? Do you have a child? Do you have a child? Ik ben zo bang. I am so afraid. I'm so scared. Ze heeft hem verslagen. She defeated him. She beat him. Ze verwacht een kind. She is expecting a child. She's expecting a child. Zing ik dat lied goed? Am I singing that song well? Am I singing that song right? Leg alles in mijn korf. Put everything in my basket. Put everything in my hive. Tom begreep dat. Tom understood that. Tom understood that. Het spijt me dat ik niet meer van dienst kan zijn. I'm sorry I can't be of more help. I'm sorry I can't be of service anymore. Misschien voelt Tom zich ook zo. Maybe Tom feels the same way. Maybe Tom feels the same way. Waar is de wc? Where is the toilet? Where's the bathroom? Heb je een condoom? Do you have any condoms? Do you have a condom? Dat is niet belangrijk. That's not important. That's not important. Ik begrijp hoe je je voelt. I understand how you feel. I understand how you feel. Tom droomt ervan een krijgsheer te zijn. Tom dreams of being a warlord. Tom dreams of being a warlord. Ze heeft werk gevonden. She found a job. She found a job. Ik heb altijd van je gehouden, Tom. I've always loved you, Tom. I've always loved you, Tom. Omdat ik het zo dikwijls gehoord heb, kan ik het gedicht nu uit het hoofd opzeggen. Having heard it so many times, I can recite the poem by heart now. Since I've heard it so many times, I can now cancel the poem by heart. Mars is een rode planeet. Mars is a red planet. Mars is a red planet. Tom schreef zich in. Tom enlisted. Tom signed up. Ik ga naar de dokter. I'm going to the doctor. I'm going to the doctor. Draagt jouw vrouw de islamitische hoofddoek? Does your wife wear the Muslim headscarf? Is your wife wearing the Islamic headscarf? Gaan jullie je gang! Be my guests! Go ahead! Italiaans en Spaans lijken erg op elkaar. Italian and Spanish are very similar. Italian and Spanish are very similar. Ik moet mijn boeken van de bibliotheek terugbrengen voor 25 januari. I've got to take my library books back before January 25th. I have to return my books from the library by January 25th. Ik wou graag je postzegelverzameling zien. I would like to have a look at your collection of stamps. I'd like to see your stamp collection. Ik stuur je een boek. I'm sending you a book. I'm sending you a book. Tom kent Maria beter dan alle andere mensen hier. Tom knows Mary better than anyone else here does. Tom knows Maria better than all the other people here. Hou op met mokken! Stop sulking! Stop sulking! Het is ijskoud. It is freezing cold. It's freezing. Ik heb het over deze pen, niet die daar op het bureau. I'm talking about this pen, not that one over there on the desk. I'm talking about this pen, not that one on the desk. Ze werd een postbode. She became a postman. She became a mailman. Ik wil een nieuwe lamp. I want a new lamp. I want a new lamp. Was er zo-even een boek op het bureau? Was there a book on the desk a moment ago? Was there a book at the station just now? Hij was bang uitgelachen te worden. He was afraid of being laughed at. He was afraid of being laughed at. Frankrijk is een republiek. France is a republic. France is a republic. Sneeuw is wit, maar roet is zwart. Snow is white, but soot is black. Snow is white, but soot is black. Je kunt praten tot je blauw ziet, maar je zult mij nooit overtuigen. You can talk until you're blue in the face, but you'll never convince me. You can talk till you see blue, but you'll never convince me. Kan ik een hapje? Can I have a bite? Can I have a bite? Tom vroeg aan Mary om het licht aan te doen. Tom asked Mary to turn on the lights. Tom asked Mary to turn on the light. De jongen is in staat tot diefstal. The boy is capable of robbery. The boy is capable of theft. Ik ben vrij zeker, dat Tom jou niet zou helpen om dat te doen. I'm fairly certain Tom wouldn't help you do that. I'm pretty sure Tom wouldn't help you do that. Het is ongebruikelijk om rocksterren met een stropdas te zien! It is unusual to see rock stars wearing a tie! It is unusual to see rock stars with a tie! Sami heeft geen baan. Sami doesn't have a job. Sami doesn't have a job. Wat zou er gebeuren als de aarde zou stoppen met draaien? What would happen if the earth stopped turning? What would happen if the Earth stopped spinning? Wie is jouw vriendin? Who is your girlfriend? Who's your girlfriend? Laat mij het op mijn manier doen. Let me do it my way. Let me do it my way. Dit is de mooiste zonsondergang die ik ooit gezien heb. This is the most beautiful sunset that I have ever seen. This is the most beautiful sunset I've ever seen. Ik eet levende ratten. I eat live rats. I eat live rats. Waarom heb je de bank rood geschilderd? Why did you paint the bench red? Why did you paint the couch red? Tom is allergisch voor tarwe. Tom is allergic to wheat. Tom's allergic to wheat. Ik heb dat verhaal in een of ander boek gelezen. I have read that story in some book. I read that story in some book. Wat bevalt je niet aan jouw baan? What don't you like about your job? What don't you like about your job? Ik ben geboren op 10 oktober 1972. I was born on October 10, 1972. I was born October 10, 1972. "Houdt u van slangen?" "Natuurlijk niet." "Do you like snakes?" "Of course not." "Do you like snakes?" "Of course not." Moeder Teresa gebruikte het prijzengeld voor haar werk in India en over de wereld. Mother Teresa used the prize money for her work in India and around the world. Mother Teresa used the prize money for her work in India and around the world. Ik ben geboren op 10 oktober 1972. I was born on October 10th, 1972. I was born October 10, 1972. Mijn nieuwe vriendin is Chinees. My new girlfriend is Chinese. My new girlfriend is Chinese. We keken naar de hemel maar konden geen sterren zien. We looked at the sky, but couldn't see any stars. We looked at the sky but couldn't see any stars. Hij kon zich mijn adres niet herinneren. He couldn't remember my address. He couldn't remember my address. "Ja, sinaasappelsap alstublieft," zei Mike. "Yes, orange juice please," Mike said. "Yes, orange juice please," said Mike. De mens is een wolf voor de mens. Man is a wolf to man. Man is a wolf to man. We spreken allemaal Frans. We all speak French. We all speak French. Ik heb al ontbeten. I've already eaten breakfast. I already had breakfast. De dokters dachten dat hij dood was, maar vandaag is hij gezond en wel en hij heeft werk en een familie. The doctors thought he was dead, but today he is still alive and healthy, and has a job and a family. The doctors thought he was dead, but today he's healthy and well, and he's got work and a family. Ik ben tweehandig. I'm ambidextrous. I'm two-handed. Hij rijdt in een roze Cadillac. He drives a pink Cadillac. He drives a pink Cadillac. Ik heb mezelf verbrand aan kokend water. I burned myself with boiling water. I burned myself in boiling water. Kunnen jullie schaatsen? Can you skate? Can you skate? Alle beschaafde landen zijn tegen oorlog. All civilized countries are against war. All civilized countries are against war. Er zijn ongeveer drie duizend moskeeën in Istanboel. There are around three thousand mosques in Istanbul. There are about three thousand mosques in Istanbul. Waar is de pen? Where's the pen? Where's the pen? Dat is niet uw mes. That's not your knife. That's not your knife. Dit glas bevat water. This glass contains water. This glass contains water. Ik heb een auto gekocht. I have bought a car. I bought a car. Wiskunde is voor mij een makkelijk vak. Mathematics is an easy subject for me. Math is an easy job for me. Ik wil iets eten. I want to eat something. I want something to eat. Zeg kaas. Say cheese. Say cheese. Thimphu is de hoofdstad van Bhutan. Thimphu is the capital of Bhutan. Thimphu is the capital of Bhutan. Wie houdt van oorlog? Who likes war? Who likes war? Het is uw recht. It is your right. It's your right. Ik ben niet met de jongen bekend. I'm not familiar with the boy. I'm not familiar with the boy. Ik kan maar geen vat krijgen op moderne sculptuur. I just don't get modern sculpture. I can't get a handle on modern sculpture. We zijn niet jong meer. We are no longer young. We're not young anymore. Waarom leg je het hier? Why do you put it here? Why are you putting it here? Zaterdag is mijn vader vrij. Saturday is when my father is free. Saturday's my dad's free. Hij heeft aangeboden me te helpen. He offered to help me. He offered to help me. Felipe heeft twee auto's en één motor. Felipe has two cars and one motorcycle. Felipe has two cars and one engine. Dank u wel! Thank you! Thank you! Hij begon de universiteit nadat hij twee maal gezakt was in de examens. He entered the university after failing the examination twice. He started college after graduating twice. Kikkers eten vliegen. Frogs eat flies. Frogs eat flies. Mag ik jouw woordenboek lenen? May I borrow your dictionary? Can I borrow your dictionary? De menigte groeide snel. The crowd grew rapidly. The crowd grew fast. Zij heeft wijn. She has wine. She's got wine. Tom is aan het schudden. Tom is shaking. Tom's shaking. Ik wil weten wie bij ons blijft. I want to know who's staying with us. I want to know who's staying with us. Ik leer Arabisch. I am learning Arabic. I'm learning Arabic. Ben je vrij dit weekend? Are you free this weekend? Are you free this weekend? Ik heb geen fiets. I don't have a bicycle. I don't have a bike. Spreken jullie Zweeds? Do you speak Swedish? Do you speak Swedish? Ze begint om zeven uur met werken. She starts her job at seven o'clock. She starts work at 7:00. Hoeveel besteedt ze per maand? How much does she spend per month? How much does she spend a month? Deze muziek is zeer moeilijk te lezen. This music is very difficult to sight read. This music is very difficult to read. Let op je woorden! Watch your mouth! Watch your mouth! Blijf aan de lijn alstublieft. Ik verbind u door met zijn bureau. Hold the line please. I'll put you through to his office. Please hold, I'll put you through to his desk. Heeft hij gelijk? Is he right? Is he right? Wilt u werkelijk een week hier blijven? Do you really want to stay here for a week? Do you really want to stay here for a week? Tom vulde zijn emmer met zand. Tom filled his bucket with sand. Tom filled his bucket with sand. Een aardbeving kan elk moment gebeuren. An earthquake can happen at any time. An earthquake could happen any minute. Ik ben slaperig. I'm sleepy. I'm sleepy. Tom heeft dit restaurant aanbevolen. Tom recommended this restaurant. Tom recommended this restaurant. Maak dat je hier wegkomt! Ieder van jullie! Get out of here! All of you! Get out of here! Ik heb een chihuahua. I have a chihuahua. I have a chihuahua. Ik wil jouw vijand niet zijn. I don't want to be your enemy. I don't want to be your enemy. Moet deze brief in het Engels geschreven worden? Does this letter have to be written in English? Does this letter need to be written in English? Wat wordt " American football " in het Engels genoemd? What is "American football" called in English? What is called "American football" in English? Ik hou van gratis spullen. I love free stuff. I like free stuff. Mary en ik zijn gewoon vrienden. Mary and I are just friends. Mary and I are just friends. U was gelukkig. You were happy. You were happy. Wat ging er mis? What went wrong? What went wrong? Deze zin is niet erg interessant buiten zijn context. This sentence isn't very interesting out of context. This sentence is not very interesting outside of its context. Tweehonderdvijftig kilo is een uitzonderlijk gewicht, zelfs voor een sumoworstelaar. Two hundred fifty kilograms is an extraordinary weight even for a sumo wrestler. Two hundred and fifty kilos is an exceptional weight, even for a sumo wrestler. We hebben nauwelijks genoeg tijd om te ontbijten. We hardly have time to eat breakfast. We barely have enough time for breakfast. Mary houdt van romantische komedies. Mary likes romantic comedies. Mary likes romantic comedies. De gewassen hebben regen nodig. The crops need rain. The crops need rain. Dit is een ongelofelijk resultaat. This is an amazing result. This is an incredible result. Seth at chocolade en ik pindakaas. Seth ate chocolate and I, peanut butter. Seth ate chocolate and I ate peanut butter. Ik heb het je dikwijls gezegd. I've told you many times. I've told you many times. Maria is twee maanden zwanger. Mary is two months pregnant. Maria's two months pregnant. Dat is de snelste trein ter wereld. That's the fastest train in the world. That's the fastest train in the world. Er zijn niet genoeg sinaasappels. There are not enough oranges. There aren't enough oranges. Ik heb het aan iedereen gevraagd wat dat was. I asked everyone what that was. I asked everyone what that was. Dit is wat u nodig heeft. This is what you need. This is what you need. "Ben je hetero of lesbisch?" "Ik ben hetero" "Are you hetero or lesbian?" "I am hetero" "Are you straight or lesbian?" "I'm straight." Heb je over de brand van gisteren gehoord? Did you hear about yesterday's fire? Did you hear about yesterday's fire? Zijn beslissing redde zijn leven. His decision saved his life. His decision saved his life. Jij hebt mij geholpen. You helped me. You helped me. Ik heb nog nooit een roman in het Frans gelezen. I've never read a novel in French. I've never read a novel in French. Xochipepe houdt van bloemen. Xochipepe likes flowers. Xochipepe likes flowers. Is je vader streng? Is your father stern? Is your dad tough? Waarom moeten we ons daarin mengen? Why should we get involved? Why do we have to get involved in that? Tom en Maria zullen hier op John wachten. Tom and Mary are going to wait here for John. Tom and Maria will wait here for John. Ik wil geen klachten horen. I don't want to hear any complaints. I don't want to hear any complaints. Elke dag is een feest voor Fadil. Every day is a party for Fadil. Every day is a party for Fadil. Malé is de hoofdstad van de Malediven. Malé is the capital of the Maldives. Malé is the capital of the Maldives. Ik luister naar berbermuziek. I am listening to Berber music. I listen to Berber music. Miles Davis was een Amerikaanse jazzmuzikant. Miles Davis was an American jazz musician. Miles Davis was an American jazz musician. Hoe was uw verblijf? How was your stay? How was your stay? Begrepen. Understood. Copy that. Er staat niets interessants in de krant. There is nothing interesting in the newspaper. There's nothing interesting in the paper. Tom heeft meteen geantwoord. Tom responded immediately. Tom answered right away. Heb je al eens kalkoen gegeten? Have you ever eaten turkey? Have you ever eaten turkey? Dit is niet uw bureau. This isn't your office. This isn't your desk. Ze trok onze aandacht. She attracted our attention. She drew our attention. Hij verschijnt wel. He does appear. He'll show up. Kunt u dat herhalen, alstublieft? Could you please repeat that? Could you repeat that, please? lk moet gaan. Gotta go. I gotta go. Hoe is het water? How's the water? How's the water? Ervan afgezien dat de omstandigheden wat anders waren, was het resultaat van ons experiment hetzelfde als dat van Robinson. Ignoring the fact that the conditions were slightly different, the results of our experiment were identical with Robinson's. Apart from the fact that the circumstances were somewhat different, the result of our experiment was the same as Robinson's. Ze groetten me met een glimlach. They greeted me with a smile. They greet me with a smile. Hij leest. He's reading. He reads. Tom heeft een hart van goud. Tom has a heart of gold. Tom has a heart of gold. Slapen in de klas is niet toegestaan. Sleeping in class is not allowed. Sleeping in class is not allowed. Ik wil dat je haar vindt. I want you to find her. I want you to find her. Ik kan mijn gevoelens niet met woorden uitdrukken. Words cannot convey my feelings. I can't express my feelings with words. Kun je alsjeblieft iets zachter praten? Could you keep it down a bit please? Could you please keep your voice down? Wat voor spel denk je dat dit is? What kind of game do you think this is? What kind of game do you think this is? Een gouden sleutel maakt alle deuren open. A golden key opens all doors. A gold key opens all the doors. Dat is de zijne. That's his. That's his. Ik ga dood van de honger! I'm dying of hunger. I'm starving! Er zitten een paar fouten in uw compositie. There are few mistakes in your composition. There are some errors in your composition. De arbeiders hadden er moeite mee terwijl de fabrieken gesloten werden. Workers struggled as factories closed. The workers struggled with it while the factories were closed down. Ze sneed de appel in twee. She cut the apple in two. She cut the apple in half. Felicja's moeder is een Poolse van Roemeense afkomst. Felicja's mother is a Polish of Romanian origin. Felicja's mother is a Polish of Romanian descent. Je hebt mijn vraag niet beantwoord. You did not answer my question. You didn't answer my question. Iedereen vertrok, behalve wij. Everyone left, except for us. Everyone left, except us. Wat gaan wij doen? What are we going to do? What are we gonna do? Ik zal nooit iemand zoals hem vinden. I'll never find someone like him. I'll never find anyone like him. Hij is tot alles in staat. He's capable of anything. He's capable of anything. Ik was ziek. I was sick. I was sick. Ik denk dat Tom zal winnen. I think Tom is going to win. I think Tom will win. Velen in Hamburg spreken Missingsch, een mix van Nedersaksisch en Duits. Many in Hamburg speak Missingsch, a mix of Low Saxon and German. Many in Hamburg speak Missingsch, a mix of Lower Saxony and German. Er zijn veel hotels in de binnenstad. There are many hotels downtown. There's a lot of hotels downtown. Als u deze schakelaar aanraakt, zullen de gordijnen automatisch geopend worden. If you touch this switch, it will open the curtains automatically. If you touch this switch, the curtains will be opened automatically. Tom wil piloot worden. Tom wants to be a pilot. Tom wants to be a pilot. Zij is mijn lief niet meer. She is no longer my girlfriend. She's not my love anymore. Dit is de koffie. This is the coffee. This is the coffee. De voorbije zomer heb ik deeltijds op de boerderij gewerkt. Last summer, I worked part time on the farm. Last summer, I worked part-time on the farm. Ik kom uit de toekomst. I'm from the future. I'm from the future. Honden zijn trouwe dieren. Dogs are faithful animals. Dogs are loyal animals. Spreekt u Estisch? Do you speak Estonian? Do you speak Estonian? Je moet alleen hard werken. You only have to work hard. You just have to work hard. Iedereen hoort alleen datgene, wat hij begrijpt. Everyone only hears what he understands. Everyone only hears what he understands. Ik moest echt weg. I really needed to go. I really had to go. Als ik het alfabet kon herschikken, dan zette ik nog steeds T voor U. If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put U and I together. If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd still put T for you. Smartphones zouden tien jaar geleden net sciencefiction zijn. Smartphones would have seemed like science fiction ten years ago. Smartphones would be like science fiction ten years ago. Maria zat alleen op de sofa. Mary was sitting on the couch alone. Maria was alone on the couch. Sami wist niet wat lhbt betekende. Sami didn't know what LGBT meant. Sami didn't know what Ihbt meant. Zo nu en dan doen jongens vreemd. Boys are strange sometimes. Every now and then, guys act weird. Tom is te kieskeurig. Tom is too picky. Tom's too picky. Hij is best wel slim, maar heeft te veel zelfvertrouwen. He's pretty wise but too self-confident. He's pretty smart, but he's too confident. De oude man werd overreden en onmiddellijk naar het ziekenhuis gebracht. The old man was run over and immediately taken to hospital. The old man was run over and taken to the hospital immediately. Ik liet mijn haar knippen bij de kapper. I had my hair cut at a barber's shop. I got my hair cut at the barber's. Ik kan je niet volgen als je zo snel wandelt. I can't keep up with you if you walk so fast. I can't follow you if you're walking so fast. Tik je naam in, alsjeblief. Type your name, please. Type in your name, please. Bill houdt zijn woord vaak niet. Bill often fails to keep his word. Bill often doesn't keep his word. Waar is de geldautomaat? Where is the cash machine? Where's the ATM? Ze beloofde me te komen. She promised me that she'd come. She promised me she'd come. Dat was genoeg voor vandaag, ik ben moe. That's enough for today. I'm tired. That was enough for today. I'm tired. Hij viel en verzwikte zijn enkel. He fell, twisting his ankle. He fell and twisted his ankle. Ik werk voor een rederij. I work for a shipping company. I work for a shipping company. We moeten nog tien mijl lopen voor zonsondergang. We have another ten miles to walk before sunset. We still have to walk ten miles before sundown. Misschien zal je slagen. Maybe you'll succeed. Maybe you'll succeed. John is goed in wiskunde. John is good at math. John's good at math. De politie is hier. The police are here. The police are here. Volg hem. Follow him. Follow him. Vis is vandaag goedkoop. Fish is cheap today. Fish is cheap today. Ik wacht op een zeer belangrijk telefoontje. I'm waiting for a very important call. I'm waiting for a very important call. Hij heeft tweeduizend Engelse woorden uit het hoofd geleerd. He memorized two thousand English words. He memorized two thousand English words. Sami bestelde frietjes, kippenvleugels en oesters. Sami ordered French fries, wings, and oysters. Sami ordered fries, chicken wings and oysters. Je hebt drie katten. You have three cats. You have three cats. Je zal niet geloven wat ik heb. You won't believe what I've got. You won't believe what I have. Haar oudste dochter ging trouwen. Her oldest daughter got married. Her eldest daughter was getting married. Ze heeft mooie ogen. She has pretty eyes. She's got beautiful eyes. Toms moeder koopt nog zijn kleren. Tom's mother still buys his clothes for him. Tom's mom still buys his clothes. Termieten eten hout. Termites eat wood. Termites eat wood. Wat heb je vandaag gedaan? What did you do today? What did you do today? Noorwegen wordt " Norge " genoemd in het Noors. Norway is called "Norge" in Norwegian. Norway is referred to as " Norge " in Norwegian. Ik ben een bakker. I'm a baker. I'm a baker. Ik kom niet uit Kabylië. I'm not from Kabylie. I'm not from Kabylia. Hij had me nodig. He needed me. He needed me. Zijn taal staat me niet aan. His language does not please me. I don't like his language. Ik heb een douche nodig. I need a shower. I need a shower. Had ik dit gewoon moeten negeren? Was I supposed to just ignore it? Should I have just ignored this? Hoe noem je dit dier in het Japans? What is this animal called in Japanese? What do you call this animal in Japanese? Ooit wilde ik astrofysicus worden. I once wanted to be an astrophysicist. I once wanted to be an astrophysicist. Ze staat te popelen om jou te ontmoeten. She is anxious to meet you. She's dying to meet you. "Hoe oud ben je?" "Ik ben 16 jaar." "How old are you?" "I'm sixteen." "How old are you?" "I'm 16 years old." Boter, brood en groene kaas; wie dat niet zeggen kan, is geen oprechte Fries. Butter, bread and green cheese; whoever can't say that is not an upright Frisian. Butter, bread and green cheese; those who cannot say this are not sincere Frisians. Hij is aansprakelijk voor dat auto-ongeval. He is responsible for that car accident. He's responsible for that car accident. Tom en ik hebben een sneeuwpop gebouwd. Tom and I built a snowman. Tom and I built a snowman. Weet u wie dit schilderij heeft geschilderd? Do you know who painted this picture? Do you know who painted this painting? Een belofte is gauw vergeten. A promise is quickly forgotten. A promise will soon be forgotten. Jij bent de grootste. You are tallest. You're the biggest. Ik heb Frans geleerd in plaats van Duits. I learned French instead of German. I learned French instead of German. Tom zal zich afvragen waar we zijn. Tom will wonder where we are. Tom's gonna be wondering where we are. Ik heb veel dromen. I have a lot of dreams. I have a lot of dreams. Ze steekt haar hoofd in het zand. She is burying her head in the sand. She stabs her head in the sand. Ik kom uit Winschoten. I'm from Winschoten. I'm from Winschoten. De wind is gaan liggen. The wind has died down. The wind's down. Maria is mijn halfzuster. Mary is my half-sister. Maria's my half-sister. Ik heb een uitdaging nodig. I need a challenge. I need a challenge. Zijn jullie niet allergisch voor pinda's? Aren't you allergic to peanuts? Aren't you allergic to peanuts? Zij zeiden dat ze van pizza hielden. They said that they liked pizza. They said they liked pizza. Ik hou van pizza. I love pizza. I love pizza. Ik ben afgevallen. I have lost weight. I've lost weight. Er sterven elke dag goede mensen. Good people die every day. Good people die every day. Kan Mars gekoloniseerd worden? Can Mars be colonized? Can Mars be colonized? Het klimaat van de aarde is sneller aan het veranderen dan in enig andere tijd in de geschiedenis. The earth's climate is changing faster than at any other time in history. Earth's climate is changing faster than in any other time in history. Ik praat niet graag over mezelf. I don't like talking about myself. I don't like talking about myself. Hoe is deze banaan? What is this banana like? How's this banana? De kat speelde met de speelgoedmuis. The cat played with the toy mouse. The cat was playing with the toy mouse. Bedankt voor de uitleg. Thanks for the explanation. Thanks for the explanation. Ze moest haar zus verzorgen. She had to take care of her sister. She had to take care of her sister. Ze verkoopt groenten. She sells vegetables. She sells vegetables. Een hoop hiervan is van mij. A lot of these are mine. A lot of this is mine. Tom is een slimme zakenman. Tom is a shrewd businessman. Tom's a smart businessman. Hoe gaat het vandaag met je? How are you doing today? How are you today? Toms familie woont in Boston. Tom's family lives in Boston. Tom's family lives in Boston. Zij zijn gelukkig. They are happy. They're happy. Tom verzocht Mary dringend om op te stappen. Tom urged Mary to resign. Tom urged Mary to quit. Het leven is oneerlijk. Life isn't fair. Life is unfair. Krijg de tering! Fuck you! Fuck you! Tom is slimmer dan Maria denkt. Tom is smarter than Mary thinks. Tom's smarter than Maria thinks. Goede wijn behoeft geen krans. Good wine needs no bush. Good wine doesn't need a wreath. Ik heb iets dat van jou is. Waarom kom je niet hierheen om het terug te krijgen? I've got something of yours. Why don't you come here to get it back? Why don't you come over here and get it back? Het sneeuwt hard. It snows hard. It's snowing hard. De thee kost twee euro. The tea costs two euros. The tea costs two euros. Zij kunnen vissen. They can fish. They can fish. Ik kom bij. I'm gaining weight. I'm coming to. Ik hou van snoep. I like candy. I like candy. Kunnen we praten? Can we have a talk? Can we talk? Sami waste zijn haar niet. Sami didn't wash his hair. Sami didn't wash his hair. Duitsland grenst aan Nederland. Germany borders the Netherlands. Germany borders on the Netherlands. Ik ben helemaal in mijn eentje. I'm all by myself. I'm all alone. Dit is geen vis. This is not a fish. This isn't fish. Deze vraag is niet makkelijk. This question is not easy. This question isn't easy. Tom is zeer oud. Tom is really old. Tom's very old. Reken maar uit. Do the math. You do the math. Ik heb een kleinzoon die in Boston woont. I have a grandson who lives in Boston. I have a grandson who lives in Boston. Tom zei dat Maria in Australië was. Tom said that Mary was in Australia. Tom said Maria was in Australia. Sami was bang voor de islam. Sami was afraid of Islam. Sami was afraid of Islam. Ik ben thee aan het zetten. I'm making tea. I'm making tea. Iemand heeft mijn tennisracket gestolen. Someone has stolen my tennis racket. Someone stole my tennis racket. Ik blijf thuis. I stay home. I'm staying home. Wat is ze aan het doen? What's she doing? What is she doing? Hier, een gemakkelijke zetel waarin ge kunt zitten. Here's a comfortable chair you can sit in. Here, an easy seat for you to sit in. Leven en laten leven. Live and let live. Live and let live. Op een tapijt slapen is geweldig. Sleeping on a carpet is great. Sleeping on a carpet is great. Als ik jonger en rijker was, dan zou je met me trouwen. Were I younger and richer, you'd marry me. If I were younger and richer, you'd marry me. We kunnen doen alsof dit nooit gebeurd is. We could pretend like this never happened. We can pretend this never happened. Tom zit er vaak naast. Tom is frequently wrong. Tom's wrong a lot. Ik heb een liniaal nodig. I need a ruler. I need a ruler. Ze heeft me ge-sms't. She sent me a text. She texted me. Heeft u verse aardbeien? Do you have fresh strawberries? Do you have any fresh strawberries? Wil je daar frietjes bij? Want fries with that? You want fries with that? Hij houdt erg van zijn school. He likes his school a lot. He loves his school very much. Lincoln bevrijdde de slaven. Lincoln set the slaves free. Lincoln freed the slaves. We weten beiden dat jullie allebei liegen. We two know that you two lie. We both know you're both lying. Ik ben geen professional. I am not a professional. I'm not a professional. Heb je een goede Dankdag voor het Gewas gehad? Did you have a good Thanksgiving? Did you have a good Thanksgiving for the Crop? Het is tegenwoordig bijna onmogelijk een meisje zonder tatoeage te vinden. Nowadays it is nigh on impossible to find a girl who does not wear a tattoo. It's almost impossible to find a girl without a tattoo these days. Hebt u geld nodig? Do you need money? Do you need money? Is Tom nog steeds de kapitein van jouw schip? Is Tom still the captain of your ship? Is Tom still the captain of your ship? Kunt u dat nog eens zeggen? Can you say that again? Can you say that again? Hun bendekleur is paars. Their gang color is purple. Their gang color is purple. Ik heb jullie drie dagen geleden nog gezien. I just saw you guys three days ago. I saw you three days ago. Waarom e-mail je me niet? Why don't you email me? Why don't you e-mail me? Wij willen Tom. We want Tom. We want Tom. We konden niemand zien op straat. We could not see anyone in the street. We couldn't see anyone on the street. Ik ken Tom niet. I don't know Tom. I don't know Tom. Hebt u Maria gevraagd waarom ze wegging? Did you ask Mary why she was leaving? Did you ask Maria why she left? Onderbreek ons gesprek niet. Don't interrupt our conversation. Don't interrupt our conversation. Toms haar begon uit te vallen. Tom has started losing his hair. Tom's hair started falling out. Je bent aan het kijken. You're watching. You're watching. Ik schreef aan mijn leraar Frans in het Frans. I wrote to my French teacher in French. I wrote to my French teacher in French. Ga even wat brood halen bij de bakker! Run and get some bread from the baker's! Go get some bread at the bakery! Dit is echt een leuke verrassing! This really is a nice surprise. This is a really nice surprise! Haar huid is wit, zo wit als sneeuw. Her skin is white like snow. Her skin is white, white as snow. Hoe zou ik je gaan noemen? What should I call you? What would I call you? Je staart. You're staring. You're staring. Kunt ge het u voorstellen? Can you imagine? Can you imagine? Fred schreef aan zijn moeder een lange brief. Fred wrote his mother a long letter. Fred wrote a long letter to his mother. Tom begon te eten. Tom started to eat. Tom started eating. "Wacht even," zei Dima, terwijl hij zijn telefoon tevoorschijn haalde, "ik weet iemand die me wel wat geld zou kunnen lenen." "Hold on," Dima said, taking out his phone. "I know someone who could lend me some money." "Wait a minute," said Dima, pulling out his phone, "I know someone who could lend me some money." Tom heeft nieuwe schoenen. Tom has new shoes. Tom's got new shoes. Doe wat je wilt. Suit yourself. Do what you want. Neen, ik ben Engels. No, I am English. No, I'm English. Zelfs een kind zou kunnen begrijpen wat ik je vertel. Even a child could understand what I'm telling you. Even a child could understand what I'm telling you. Het eten is hier niet bijster goed. The food isn't very good here. The food isn't very good here. Daag de conventie uit. Defy convention. Challenge the convention. Glenn is mijn knappe vriend. Tom is my handsome boyfriend. Glenn is my handsome friend. Ik heb hetzelfde woordenboek als je broer. I have the same dictionary as your brother. I have the same dictionary as your brother. Polen is een buurland van Oekraïne. Poland is a neighbor of Ukraine. Poland is a neighbouring country of Ukraine. Je moet naar huis. You need to go home. You have to go home. We zijn vandaag thuis. We are at home today. We'll be home today. Tom is allergisch voor pollen. Tom is allergic to pollen. Tom's allergic to pollen. Iedereen spreekt een taal. Everyone speaks a language. Everyone speaks a language. De sterren kwamen tevoorschijn. The stars were beginning to appear. The stars came out. Nu weet ik waarom. Now I realize why. Now I know why. Ik las gisteren een artikel over zure regen. I read an article about acid rain yesterday. I read an article yesterday about acid rain. Heb je het hem nog niet verteld? Haven't you told him yet? You haven't told him yet? Tom en Maria zeiden dat ze Frans willen studeren. Tom and Mary said they want to study French. Tom and Maria said they want to study French. "Heeft het geholpen?" "Een beetje." "Did it help?" "A little." "Did it help?" "A little." Het symbool "&" staat voor "en." The sign '&' stands for 'and'. The symbol "&" stands for "and." Ik weet dat je heel hard hebt gestudeerd. I know you've been studying very hard. I know you studied really hard. Het brood is bruin. The bread is brown. The bread is brown. We kennen haar niet. We do not know her. We don't know her. De kat eet brood. Cat eats bread. The cat eats bread. Maak mij een klutsmelk alstublieft. Please make a milkshake for me. Make me some milk, please. Zestig procent van de Europeanen kan de Melkweg niet meer zien. Sixty percent of Europeans can no longer see the Milky Way. Sixty percent of Europeans can't see the Milky Way anymore. De ijskappen zijn aan het smelten. The ice caps are melting. The ice caps are melting. Welke zin heb je liever? Which sentence do you prefer? What would you prefer? Zijn naam is erg moeilijk te onthouden. His name is very difficult to remember. His name is very hard to remember. Eet u vlees? Do you eat meat? Do you eat meat? Ik wist niet dat je allergisch was voor pinda's. I didn't know you were allergic to peanuts. I didn't know you were allergic to peanuts. Maak alstublieft niet veel lawaai. Please don't make much noise. Please don't make much noise. Ik heb vandaag een spreeuw gezien. Today, I saw a starling. I saw a starling today. Ik heb waarschijnlijk meer honger dan jij. I'm probably hungrier than you are. I'm probably more hungry than you are. Tom is onhandig. Tom is awkward. Tom's clumsy. Kijk hier tv. Watch TV here. Watch TV here. Marie heeft een lening aangevraagd bij haar familie. Mary asked her family for a loan. Marie has applied for a loan from her family. Het is overduidelijk. It's abundantly clear. It's obvious. Mijn horloge loopt iedere dag twee minuten achter. My watch loses two minutes a day. My watch is two minutes behind every day. Tom heeft kraamverlof. Tom is on paternity leave. Tom's on maternity leave. Zij komt uit Oostenrijk. She's from Austria. She's from Austria. Amerika is geen land, het is een continent. America isn't a country, it's a continent. America is not a country, it is a continent. Ik kon een toren onderscheiden in de verte. I made out a tower in the distance. I could tell a tower in the distance. Jullie zijn grappig. You're funny. You guys are funny. Een momentje, alsjeblieft! Give me a second, please. One moment, please! Hij lijkt een slechterik te zijn, op z'n zachtst gezegd. To say the least, he seems to be a bad person. He seems to be a bad guy, to say the least. Layla overleefde de ijskoude nacht. Layla survived the ice-cold night. Layla survived the freezing night. Je zit in de verkeerde trein. You are on the wrong train. You're on the wrong train. De mensen die in dat land woonden, waren niet in staat om hun leiders tegen te spreken. The people who lived in that country were not able speak out against their leaders. The people who lived in that country were unable to contradict their leaders. Wat is jullie favoriete kasteel in Japan? What's your favorite castle in Japan? What's your favorite castle in Japan? Hij werd gedood met een zwaard. He was killed with a sword. He was killed with a sword. Ze schreef me snel terug. She wrote me back soon. She wrote me back soon. Tom was overtuigd, maar ik niet. Tom was convinced, but I wasn't. Tom was convinced, but I wasn't. Spreek je Umbundu? Do you speak Umbundu? Do you speak Umbundu? Waarom heeft ze slechts een handschoen aan? Why does she have only one glove on? Why is she only wearing a glove? Tom stapte in de auto, en startte de motor. Tom got in the car and started the engine. Tom got in the car, started the engine. Ik ben blij dat Tom hier is. I'm glad that Tom is here. I'm glad Tom's here. Wiens thee is dit? Whose tea is this? Whose tea is this? Tom at alle gummiberen. Tom ate all the gummy bears. Tom ate all the gummy bears. Waar is het onthaal? Where is the check-in counter? Where's the welcome? Zij houdt van vissen. She loves to fish. She likes fishing. Waar is de boom? Where is the tree? Where's the tree? Je zit op de goede weg. You're on the right track. You're on the right track. Jim is geneigd om te ver te gaan. Jim tends to go too far. Jim tends to go too far. Mary slaapt met een mes onder haar kussen. Mary sleeps with a knife under her pillow. Mary sleeps with a knife under her pillow. Ik zou graag met jou iets bespreken. I want to talk to you about something. I'd like to talk to you about something. Sami zei dat de islam een prachtige religie is. Sami said that Islam is a beautiful religion. Sami said Islam is a beautiful religion. Maak alsjeblieft je bed. Please make your bed. Please make your bed. Hij weet niet wie deze huizen gebouwd heeft. He doesn't know who built those houses. He doesn't know who built these houses. Ik hou van pistache-ijs. I love pistachio ice cream. I like pistachio ice cream. Dat ziet er uit als thee. That looks like tea. That looks like tea. Ik heb fantastische lasagne gemaakt. I made some fantastic lasagna. I made great lasagna. Hij heeft de hele wereld afgereisd. He traveled all over the world. He's traveled all over the world. Waarom bent u boos? Why are you angry? Why are you angry? Uw ouders zijn niet gekomen zeker? Your parents didn't come, did they? Your parents didn't come, did they? Tom liep om zijn laatste trein te halen Tom ran to catch the last train. Tom walked to catch his last train. Hoe laat ga je gewoonlijk naar bed? What time are you used to going to bed? What time do you usually go to bed? Kun je me iets over jezelf vertellen? Could you tell me something about yourself? Can you tell me something about yourself? Je kan vannacht bij mij blijven. You can stay tonight with me. You can stay with me tonight. Maar in ieder geval zien we ons morgen. Anyway, we'll see each other tomorrow. But at least we'll see ourselves tomorrow. Heb je mijn brieven ontvangen? Did you receive my letters? Did you get my letters? Veroordeel de goddelozen niet. Laat dat aan God Zelf over. Do not judge the ungodly. Leave that to God himself. Do not condemn the wicked, leave it to God Himself. Tom kan goed harmonica spelen. Tom plays the harmonica well. Tom's a good harmonica player. Komt ze? Is she coming? Is she coming? Hij moet onmiddellijk komen. He should come right away! He needs to come right away. Ik hou niet van spruitjes. I don't like Brussels sprouts. I don't like Brussels sprouts. Dankzij dit is dit spel een absoluut genot om te spelen. This is what makes this game an absolute joy to play. Thanks to this, this game is an absolute pleasure to play. Tom blaast een ballon op. Tom is inflating a balloon. Tom's blowing up a balloon. Je hebt vier honden. You have four dogs. You have four dogs. De hel zal openbarsten als je vrouw dit te weten komt. You're going to catch hell from your wife if she finds out. Hell will burst if your wife finds out. Tom en Mary werden veganisten. Tom and Mary became vegans. Tom and Mary became vegans. Heeft u hier familieleden? Do you have relatives here? Do you have any relatives here? Ik sliep met mijn kleren aan. I slept with my clothes on. I slept with my clothes on. Je verkoopt je ziel. You are selling your soul. You sell your soul. De taak is zo moeilijk dat ik ze niet kan volbrengen. The task is so difficult that I cannot accomplish it. The task is so difficult that I can't accomplish it. Op dezelfde plaats werden ook een groot aantal ivoren voorwerpen en zeeschelpen opgegraven. Additionally, a great number of ivory objects and seashells were unearthed from the same site. In the same place a large number of ivory objects and seashells were excavated. Waar zijn ze? Where are they? Where are they? Zijn er nog enige kaartjes over? Are there any tickets left? Are there any tickets left? Tom ziet er sterk uit. Tom looks strong. Tom looks strong. Ondertussen is er niet veel tijd meer. Meanwhile, time is running out. In the meantime, there's not much time left. Waarom kwamen jullie niet? Why didn't you come? Why didn't you come? Tom had een verschrikkelijke kater. Tom had a hideous hangover. Tom had a terrible hangover. U bent te zenuwachtig. You're too nervous. You're too nervous. Ik zal sowieso mijn ramen en deuren dicht houden. I'll definitely keep my windows and doors locked. I'll keep my windows and doors closed anyway. Mike is beneden aan het wachten. Mike is waiting downstairs. Mike's waiting downstairs. Ze zegt dat ze ons kan helpen. She says she can help us. She says she can help us. Zet je hoed af. Remove your hat. Take off your hat. We hebben genoeg dingen om te eten. We have enough food. We've got plenty of things to eat. Haar handschrift was zo klein, dat het haast niet te lezen was. Her handwriting was so tiny it was barely legible. Her handwriting was so small, it was almost impossible to read. Ik was je aan het zoeken. I was looking for you. I was looking for you. Drink je altijd koffie bij het ontbijt? Do you always have coffee with your breakfast? Do you always drink coffee at breakfast? Het regenseizoen begon vroeg dit jaar. The rainy season set in early this year. The rainy season started early this year. Hij werd verkozen tot voorzitter. He was elected chairman. He was elected president. We zetten vallen om kakkerlakken te vangen. We set out traps for catching cockroaches. We set traps to catch cockroaches. Ik kook water. I am boiling water. I'm boiling water. Sami werkte in de keuken. Sami worked in the kitchen. Sami worked in the kitchen. De volgende persoon a.u.b. Next person, please. The next person please. Tom houdt er niet van dat Mary daar op haar eentje woont. Tom doesn't like Mary's living there alone. Tom doesn't like Mary living there on her own. Maria floot. Mary whistled. Maria whistled. Je weet van niets. You know nothing. You don't know anything. Gooi dit tijdschrift niet weg. Don't throw away this magazine. Don't throw this magazine away. Ik wil geen verpleegster meer zijn. I don't want to be a nurse any more. I don't want to be a nurse anymore. De bioscoop was gevuld met mensen. The cinema was filled with people. The cinema was filled with people. Morgen hebben we huiswerk voor Engels, nietwaar? We have English homework due for tomorrow, don't we? We'll have English homework tomorrow, won't we? De vrouw is aan het lezen. The woman is reading. The woman's reading. Ga uit het water. Get out of the water. Get out of the water. We hadden allebei veel dorst. We were both very thirsty. We were both very thirsty. De hoofdstad van Zimbabwe is Harare. The capital of Zimbabwe is Harare. The capital of Zimbabwe is Harare. Ik weet niet waarom ik deze morgen in een slechte bui ben. I don't know why I'm in a bad mood this morning. I don't know why I'm in a bad mood this morning. Overwinning is onwaarschijnlijk, maar niet onmogelijk. Victory is unlikely but not impossible. Victory is unlikely, but not impossible. Waarom schreeuwde ze? Why did she yell? Why was she screaming? Ik had geen andere keuze dan het aanbod te accepteren. I had no choice but to accept the offer. I had no choice but to accept the offer. Ik hou van Ierse muziek. I love Irish music. I love Irish music. Ik denk dat het waar is. I think that it's true. I think it's true. De duif is een symbool van de vrede. The dove is a symbol of peace. The pigeon is a symbol of peace. Om het allemaal nog wat erger te maken begon het ook nog eens te regenen. To make matters worse, it began to rain. To make things worse, it started raining again. Ze had geen broer. She had no brother. She didn't have a brother. Ik kan dat niet drinken, omdat ik niet weet wat het is. I cannot drink this. I don't know what it is. I can't drink that because I don't know what it is. Wil je eten? Do you want to eat? Do you want to eat? Mary is de meest aantrekkelijke van de twee. Mary is the more attractive of the two. Mary is the most attractive of the two. Ik hou van schilderen en van tekenen. I love to paint and draw. I like painting and drawing. We hebben besloten om ze niet te ontslaan. We've decided not to fire them. We decided not to fire them. Heeft hij opnieuw gefaald? Has he failed again? Has he failed again? Volgens Tom heeft het haast. Tom says it's urgent. Tom says it's in a hurry. Welk gewricht heb je verstuikt? Which joint did you dislocate? What joint did you sprain? Mijn moeder gaat elke dag naar de markt om dingen te kopen. My mother goes to the market every day to buy things. My mom goes to the market every day to buy things. Mag ik de rekening alstublieft? The bill, please. Can I have the bill, please? Ik kan maar niet geloven dat Tom nog vrijgezel is. I can't believe Tom is still single. I can't believe Tom's still single. Dit touw is stevig. This rope is sturdy. This rope is solid. Tom is meestal op tijd en Maria te laat. Tom is usually on time and Mary is usually late. Tom's usually on time and Maria's late. Ik zou liever thuis blijven. I would rather stay at home. I'd rather stay home. Hier is hij! Here he is! Here he is! Deze gassen kunnen leiden tot de opwarming van de aarde. These gases can lead to global warming. These gases can lead to global warming. Ik weet niet hoe ik zijn woorden moet opvatten. I don't know how to interpret his words. I don't know how to take his words. Als ik je wilde bang maken, zou ik je vertellen waar ik een paar weken geleden over gedroomd heb. If I wanted to scare you, I would tell you what I dreamt about a few weeks ago. If I wanted to scare you, I'd tell you what I dreamed about a few weeks ago. We komen hier eenmaal per week bijeen. We gather here once a week. We meet here once a week. Hij kan niet zwemmen. He cannot swim. He can't swim. Tom is heel gevaarlijk. Tom is very dangerous. Tom is very dangerous. Tom is bang voor honden, nietwaar? Tom is scared of dogs, isn't he? Tom's afraid of dogs, isn't he? Ze is ongeveer even oud als ik. She is about my age. She's about my age. De Space Needle bevindt zich in Seattle. The Space Needle is in Seattle. The Space Needle is in Seattle. Kijk me aan als ik tegen je praat! Look at me when I'm talking to you! Look at me when I'm talking to you! Hij hield niet van school. He didn't like school. He didn't like school. Het gaat hem niet best af, maar je moet toch toegeven dat hij zijn best doet. He's not doing a very good job. All the same, you've got to admit that he's doing his best. He's not doing well, but you have to admit he's trying. Probeer eens deze saus. Try this sauce. Try this sauce. Paarse haaien zijn gevaarlijke dieren. Purple sharks are dangerous animals. Purple sharks are dangerous animals. Ik maakte me er zorgen over. I was worried about this. I was worried about it. We zullen contact met hem opnemen. We'll contact him. We'll contact him. Ik woon niet meer in Boston. I don't live in Boston anymore. I don't live in Boston anymore. Griekenland wordt " Hellas " genoemd in het Grieks. Greece is called "Hellas" in Greek. Greece is called " Hellas" in Greek. Verdedig jezelf. Defend yourself. Defend yourself. Denkt u werkelijk dat het onmogelijk is? Do you really think it's impossible? Do you really think it's impossible? Sommige mensen lezen een boek om de tijd te doden. Some read books to kill time. Some people read a book to kill time. Maria en Natalia gaan winkelen. Ze willen iets voor henzelf kopen. Maria and Natalia are going shopping. They want to buy something for themselves. Maria and Natalia are going shopping, and they want to buy something for themselves. Als je die film wil zien dan moet je de IMAX versie zien. If you're going to watch that movie, you should watch it in IMAX. If you want to see that movie, you should see the IMAX version. Ik kom uit Noord-Holland. I'm from North Holland. I'm from North Holland. De man droeg een tijgermasker. That man was wearing a tiger mask. The man was wearing a tiger mask. Tom schreef iets op de achterkant van de brief. Tom wrote something on the back of the letter. Tom wrote something on the back of the letter. De professor die het woord nam, is van de Universiteit Boekarest. The professor that took the floor is from the University of Bucharest. The professor who took the floor is from Bucharest University. We praatten over poëzie en literatuur. We talked about poetry and literature. We talked about poetry and literature. Toms vader heet Jean. Tom's dad is named Jean. Tom's father's name is Jean. Een vlieger oplaten kan gevaarlijk zijn. Flying a kite can be dangerous. Leaving a kite on can be dangerous. Op het feest was iedereen goed gekleed. At the party, everybody was well-dressed. At the party, everyone was well dressed. Maria heeft een dochter gebaard. Mary gave birth to a daughter. Maria gave birth to a daughter. Ik wil heet water. I want hot water. I want hot water. Ik zou er iets van gezegd hebben. I would've said something. I would have said something. Alles heeft zijn tijd. Everything has got its time. Everything has its time. Berlijn is een Duitse stad. Berlin is a German city. Berlin is a German city. Ik heb niet genoeg geld voor het ogenblik. I don't have enough money at the moment. I don't have enough money for the moment. Wat jammer! What a pity! What a shame! Hij zal het werk niet aankunnen. He will not be able to do the work. He won't be able to handle the job. Ik hoop dat je met een beter plan voor de dag komt. I hope you will come up with a better plan. I hope you come up with a better plan. Ik ben moe. Het was een lange dag. I'm tired. It's been a long day. I'm tired. lt's been a long day. We hebben heel weinig tijd. We have very little time. We don't have much time. Deze boeken zijn mijn boeken. These books are my books. These books are my books. Tom verzamelt antieke klokken. Tom collects antique clocks. Tom collects antique clocks. Vroeg in de morgen heb ik een wandeling gedaan. I went for a walk early in the morning. Early in the morning I took a walk. Ik denk dat dat verschrikkelijk is. I think that's awful. I think that's terrible. Mijn wens is om deze berg te bedwingen. My wish is to conquer this mountain. My wish is to control this mountain. Sami is niet getrouwd met Layla. Sami is not married to Layla. Sami's not married to Layla. Er is geen water. There's no water. There's no water. Duitse auto's zijn erg populair. German cars are very popular. German cars are very popular. Waar jullie ook naartoe gaan, vergeet me niet te schrijven. No matter where you may go, don't forget to write to me. Wherever you're going, don't forget to write to me. Hij zwemt graag. He is fond of swimming. He likes to swim. Lima is de hoofdstad van Peru. Lima is the capital of Peru. Lima is the capital of Peru. Op welke leeftijd hadt ge uw eerste regels? At what age did you have your first period? At what age did you have your first rules? Ik mag Tom, omdat hij eerlijk is. As Tom is honest, I like him. I like Tom because he's honest. Zijn deze echt? Are these real? Are these real? Tom heeft me leren lezen. Tom taught me to read. Tom taught me how to read. Kanker is een grote vijand van de mensheid. Cancer is a great enemy of mankind. Cancer is a great enemy of humanity. Ik kan geen fluit spelen. I can't play the flute. I can't play a flute. Ik ga er vanuit dat je Frans spreekt. I assume that you can speak French. I assume you speak French. Hij zou ook China bezoeken. He, too, would visit China. He would also visit China. De hond volgt me overal heen. The dog follows me wherever I go. The dog follows me everywhere. Hoeveel meren zijn er in Finland? How many lakes are there in Finland? How many lakes are there in Finland? Hij veinsde de twee vreemdelingen niet op te merken. He feigned not to notice the two strangers. He feigned not to notice the two strangers. Mary is een beroemde popster. Mary is a famous pop star. Mary is a famous pop star. Ik ben blut. I'm all out of money. I'm broke. Hoelang geleden was dat? How long ago was that? How long ago was that? Ik moet wel dingen zien. I must be seeing things. I need to see things. Sysko verkeert 's nachts in geheime kroegen. Sysko hangs around in secret pubs at night. Sysko spends the night in secret bars. Geef mij een kans. Give me a chance. Give me a chance. Ik wil niet dat ze me zien. I don't want them to see me. I don't want them to see me. Maria haat spinnen. Mary hates spiders. Maria hates spiders. Velen verloren hun huis na de aardbeving. Many lost their homes after the earthquake. Many lost their homes after the earthquake. We moeten ons plan veranderen. We must alter our plan. We need to change our plan. Uw antwoord is juist. Your answer is right. Your answer is correct. Ik was de brieven die je me gestuurd hebt aan het herlezen. I was rereading the letters you sent to me. I was rereading the letters you sent me. Bedankt voor de inlichting. Thank you for the information. Thanks for the heads-up. Af en toe komt zij te laat naar school. She's sometimes late for school. Every once in a while, she comes to school too late. Plotseling was ik genoodzaakt een gedrag aan te nemen dat mijn leven voorgoed zou veranderen. All at once, I was forced to take an attitude that would change my life forever. Suddenly I was forced to assume a behavior that would change my life forever. Ik ben dikker geworden. I have gained weight. I'm getting fatter. Belachelijk! Ridiculous! Ridiculous! Mannen moeten werken. Men should work. Men have to work. Hartelijk proficiat aan allen die de naam van een bloem dragen! Many happy returns to all who bear the name of a flower! Congratulations to all who bear the name of a flower! Ik heb hier geen verstand van. I don't know anything about this. I don't know about this. Tom deed dat goed. Tom did that well. Tom did a good job. We brachtten de nacht door in Hakone. We stayed overnight in Hakone. We spent the night in Hakone. Tom heeft een hoop werk te doen. Tom's got a tremendous amount of work to do. Tom's got a lot of work to do. Het meisje dat in de bakkerij werkt, is knap. The girl who works at the bakery is cute. The girl who works at the bakery is pretty. Hier ken ik niemand. I don't know anyone here. I don't know anyone here. Ik haat het Frans. I hate French. I hate French. Wat heb je haar aangedaan? What've you done to her? What did you do to her? Je hoeft niet te antwoorden. You don't have to answer. You don't have to answer. Mijn hond kijkt ook tv. My dog is also watching TV. My dog's watching TV, too. Je verstaat geen Britse humor. You don't understand British humour. You don't understand British humor. Kan je Frans spreken? Can you speak French? Can you speak French? Hij heeft een achtergrond in zaken. He has a background in business. He's got a background in business. Tom hield zijn adem in. Tom held his breath. Tom held his breath. Ik heb schrik van honden. I am afraid of dogs. I'm afraid of dogs. U bent heel slim. You're very clever. You're very clever. De nieuwe E10-brandstof bestaat voor tien procent uit bioethanol. The new E10 gas contains ten percent bioethanol. The new E10 fuel is 10% bioethanol. Ook het meisje zag het. The girl saw it as well. The girl saw it too. Ik vrees dat hij ziek is. I'm afraid he is ill. I'm afraid he's sick. Je moet de bluts met de buil nemen. It goes with the territory. You're gonna have to take the shit with the bump. Dat smaakt naar thee. This tastes like tea. That tastes like tea. Eerlijk gezegd denk ik dat hij een goede baas is. Frankly speaking, I think he's a good boss. Honestly, I think he's a good boss. Ze houden niet van mij. They don't like me. They don't love me. Mijn laarzen zijn modderig. My boots are muddy. My boots are muddy. Alle bladeren aan de boom zijn geel geworden. All the leaves on the tree have turned yellow. All the leaves on the tree have turned yellow. Ik ben rijk. I am rich. I'm rich. Je zou beter zonder mij gaan. You'd better go without me. You'd better go without me. Ze is Engels. She's English. She's English. Ze proefden het brood. They tasted the bread. They tasted the bread. Tom vluchtte naar Australië. Tom fled to Australia. Tom fled to Australia. Het is me gelukt. I nailed it. I did it. Elk land heeft zijn eigen gewoontes. Each country has its own customs. Each country has its own habits. Maria deed haar sokken uit. Mary took her socks off. Maria took off her socks. Ik was aan het roken. I was smoking. I was smoking. Laat geen sigarettenas op het tapijt vallen. Don't drop cigarette ash on the carpet. Don't drop cigarette ash on the carpet. Neem dit medicijn. Je zult je snel beter voelen. Take this medicine. You'll soon feel better. Take this medicine, you'll feel better soon. De kelder staat onder water. The basement is full of water. The basement's underwater. Het is zeven uur. It is seven o'clock. It's 7:00. Brr! Ik bevries! Brr! I'm freezing! I'm freezing! Goud is kostbaarder dan zilver. Gold is more precious than silver. Gold is more precious than silver. Ik ben doodmoe. I am shattered. I'm exhausted. Ik woon in Boston, maar ik kom uit L.A. I live in Boston but I'm from L.A. I live in Boston, but I'm from L.A. Ik spreek geen Koreaans. I don't speak Korean. I don't speak Korean. Hebt u dorst? Are you thirsty? Are you thirsty? Hij heeft de laatste bladzijde leeg gelaten. He left the last page blank. He left the last page blank. Heeft u nierstenen? Do you have kidney stones? Do you have kidney stones? Mijn man is een heel goede kok. My husband is a very good cook. My husband is a very good cook. Sami had lang haar en blauwe ogen. Sami had long hair and blue eyes. Sami had long hair and blue eyes. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Waarom heb je mij niet verteld dat je allergisch was voor pinda's? Why didn't you tell me that you were allergic to peanuts? Why didn't you tell me you were allergic to peanuts? In plaats van groenten te eten, doet hij ze in een blender en drinkt ze. Instead of eating vegetables, he puts them in a blender and drinks them. Instead of eating vegetables, he puts them in a blender and drinks them. Ik doe niets. I do nothing. I'm not doing anything. Raad eens waar ik geweest ben? Guess where I've been. Guess where I've been? Toms vreemde logica leverde onverwachte resultaten op. Tom's strange logic gave unexpected results. Tom's strange logic produced unexpected results. Veel studenten werken deeltijds. Many students have part-time jobs. A lot of students work part-time. Duits, Nederlands, Noors en Engels zijn Germaanse talen. German, Dutch, Norwegian and English are Germanic languages. German, Dutch, Norwegian and English are Germanic languages. Nee! Uitgesloten! No! Absolutely not! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Japan heeft regelmatig aardbevingen. Japan has frequent earthquakes. Japan regularly has earthquakes. Tom wilde schaken. Tom wanted to play chess. Tom wanted to play chess. Hij had me beloofd hier te komen. He promised me to come here. He promised me he'd come here. Tom is niet echt in een goede conditie. Tom isn't in very good shape. Tom's not exactly in good shape. Ik heb een muis van Microsoft gekocht. I bought a Microsoft mouse. I bought a mouse from Microsoft. God heeft altijd gelijk. God is always right. God's always right. Nu weet ik waarom. Now I know why. Now I know why. Is dat jouw vader? Is that your father? Is that your dad? Ik heb een hekel aan maandagen. I hate Mondays. I hate Mondays. Hou op met pruilen! Stop pouting! Stop pouting! Ik hou van mijn fiets. I like my bike. I love my bike. Tom woont in Australië. Tom lives in Australia. Tom lives in Australia. Layla beschermde Sami. Layla protected Sami. Layla was protecting Sami. Waar is je auto? Where's your car? Where's your car? Ik maakte warme chocolademelk voor mezelf. I made myself a cup of hot chocolate. I made myself some hot chocolate. Wiskunde heeft te maken met getallen. Arithmetic deals with numbers. Math has to do with numbers. Zodra ik opsta, zet ik koffie. As soon as I get up, I fix the coffee. As soon as I get up, I'll make coffee. De sterke muistroom sleepte Tom ver weg van de kust. The powerful rip current carried Tom far away from the shore. The strong muid current dragged Tom far away from the coast. Sami is gay Sami is gay. Sami is gay Zet dat niet op tafel. Don't put that on the table. Don't put that on the table. Het gaat bij hem het ene oor in, het andere weer uit. For him, it always goes in one ear and out the other. It goes into one ear, it goes out the other. Heel erg bedankt, dokter. Thank you very much, doctor. Thank you very much, Doctor. Heb je zin om naar een film te gaan morgenavond? Would you like to go to a movie tomorrow night? Would you like to go to a movie tomorrow night? Hij is Italiaans. He's Italian. He's Italian. De rivier is breed. The river is wide. The river is wide. Jullie zijn zwanger. You're pregnant. You're pregnant. Hij keek in de doos. He looked into the box. He looked in the box. Als je een tweede taal wilt leren, moet je veel oefenen. Learning a second language requires a lot of practice. If you want to learn a second language, you have to practice a lot. Ik stond toen onder de douche. I was taking a shower then. I was in the shower. Ik heb hen gezegd meer te studeren. I told them to study harder. I told them to study more. Denkt ge dat tv-kijken slecht is voor kinderen? You think that TV is bad for kids? Do you think watching TV is bad for kids? Ik nam een taxi naar het treinstation. I took a taxi to the train station. I took a cab to the train station. Hij is de Chopin van onze tijd. He is a Chopin for our times. He's the Chopin of our time. Ze bedreigde hem. She threatened him. She threatened him. Wat heb je geantwoord? What did you answer? What did you say? Tom heeft twee schildpadden. Tom has two turtles. Tom has two turtles. Ik begrijp uw vraag niet. I don't understand your question. I don't understand your question. Iedereen houdt van mijn kat. Everybody loves my cat. Everyone loves my cat. Ik heb maar drie flessen bier gedronken. I only drank three bottles of beer. I only drank three bottles of beer. Wat zijn de alternatieven, als we afwijzen? If we decline, what are the alternatives? What are the alternatives if we reject them? Je hebt iets gevonden. You found something. You found something. Misschien is hij niet jong. Maybe he's not young. Maybe he's not young. Je speelt vals. You're cheating. You're cheating. Tom kan Maria niet vergeven voor wat zij heeft gedaan. Tom can't forgive Mary for what she did. Tom can't forgive Maria for what she's done. Ik versta geen woord van wat hij zegt. I don't understand a word of what he's saying. I can't understand a word he's saying. Het kan wel even duren. It might take a little while. It could take a while. Ga maar gewoon die lijst halen. Just get me the list. Just go get that list. Tom schoot op Mary. Tom shot at Mary. Tom shot Mary. "Kan je me een plezier doen?" "Dat hangt ervan af." "Can you do me a favor?" "It depends." "Can you do me a favor?" "That depends." Ze was jong. She was young. She was young. Ik ben Turkse. I'm Turkish. I'm Turkish. Ik heb geen zin om uit eten te gaan vanavond. I don't feel like eating out this evening. I don't feel like going out to dinner tonight. Er stond een verlaten auto naast de rivier. There was an abandoned car by the river. There was an abandoned car next to the river. Ik kijk uit naar uw beslissing. I eagerly await your decision. I look forward to your decision. Dit zijn mijn boeken, die zijn van hem. These are my books; those are his. These are my books, they're his. Tom heeft het tegendeel bewezen. Tom proved otherwise. Tom proved otherwise. Sami gaf Layla haar eerste koran. Sami gave Layla her first Quran. Sami gave Layla her first Qur'an. Dat is een prachtige halsketting. That's a beautiful necklace. That's a beautiful necklace. Het kantoor van de burgemeester is in het stadhuis. The mayor's office is in the city hall. The mayor's office is at City Hall. De kamer rook naar tabak. The room smelled of tobacco. The room smelled like tobacco. Luister terwijl ik praat. Listen while I talk. Listen to me while I'm talking. Ik wil niet met u praten. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to talk to you. Leve de keizer! Long live the Emperor! Long live the Emperor! Mary houdt van Japan, of niet? Mary likes Japan, doesn't she? Mary loves Japan, doesn't she? Doe ik ook eens een keer een goede daad... haalt het niks uit. For once in my life I'm doing a good deed... And it is useless. For once, I do a good deed... it doesn't matter. Een dergelijke methode is verouderd. Such a method is out of date. Such a method is outdated. Ik kan perfect een kaart van Brazilië tekenen. I can draw a map of Brazil perfectly. I can perfectly draw a map of Brazil. Misschien. Maybe. Maybe. De hoefsmid bracht het hoefijzer op de hoef van het paard aan, terwijl het hoefijzer heet was. The farrier fitted the shoe to the horse's hoof while the shoe was hot. The blacksmith put the horseshoe on the horse's hoof, while the horseshoe was hot. Hallo? Ben je er nog? Hello? Are you still here? Hello? Er is een kasteel op de achtergrond van de foto. There is a castle in the background of the picture. There's a castle in the background of the photo. In de Nederlandse stad Maastricht zouden er 53 kerken moeten zijn; enkelen daarvan worden inmiddels als winkel, café of museum gebruikt. In the Dutch town of Maastricht there ought to be 53 churches; some of them are already used as shops, cafés or museums. In the Dutch city of Maastricht there should be 53 churches; some of them are now used as shops, cafés or museums. Mijn broer studeert andrologie. My brother studies andrology. My brother's studying andrology. Ik heb het onmiddellijk nodig. I need it immediately. I need it right away. Ik heb een secretaresse nodig. I need a secretary. I need a secretary. Zij kocht een haarborstel en een tandenborstel. She bought a hairbrush and a toothbrush. She bought a hairbrush and a toothbrush. Ik denk dat ik gehersenspoeld ben. I think I've been brainwashed. I think I've been brainwashed. Roger werkt van 's morgens vroeg tot 's avonds laat. Roger works from dawn to dusk. Roger works from early in the morning to late at night. Het strand is een ideale plek voor kinderen om te spelen. The beach is an ideal place for children to play. The beach is an ideal place for children to play. Wat is er onder je bed? What's under your bed? What's under your bed? Twee koffie, graag. Two coffees, please. Two coffees, please. Bedankt voor het helpen. Thank you for the help. Thanks for helping. We kunnen Israël boycotten. We can boycott Israel. We can boycott Israel. Hij is een vriendelijk persoon. He is a friendly person. He's a nice person. Hallo? Ben je er nog? Hello? Are you still there? Hello? Tom heeft ons gevraagd de muziek zachter te zetten. Tom asked us to turn the music down. Tom asked us to turn the music down. Dit kan nierfalen veroorzaken. This can cause kidney failure. This can cause kidney failure. De kat is heel lief. The cat is very cute. The cat is very sweet. Deze morgen heeft hij een goede eetlust. He has a good appetite this morning. This morning, he's got a good appetite. Ik mag niet in slaap vallen. I can't fall asleep. I can't fall asleep. Kan ik je een seconde spreken? Can I talk to you for a second? Can I talk to you for a second? Er zijn een aantal problemen. There are a few problems. There are a number of problems. Ik zou graag Picasso zijn. I would like to be Picasso. I'd like to be Picasso. Ze was een ervaren bruiloftsfotograaf. She was an experienced wedding photographer. She was an experienced wedding photographer. Dit is mijn lievelingsliedje. This is my favourite song. This is my favorite song. Hoelang heb je deze tandenborstel gebruikt? How long have you been using this toothbrush? How long have you been using this toothbrush? Dit is een perzik. This is a peach. This is a peach. Ik heb er net zo een. I've got one just like that. I've got one just like it. Ik heb de doos leeg gevonden. I found the box empty. I found the box empty. Ik heb een uur op haar gewacht. I waited for her for one hour. I waited an hour for her. Veel mensen denken dat vleermuizen vogels zijn. A lot of people think that bats are birds. A lot of people think bats are birds. Ik begrijp jullie probleem. I understand your problem. I understand your problem. Het zou kunnen dat je hem gaat ontmoeten. You may meet him. You might meet him. Ik heb al twee uur gewacht, ik ga niet nog langer wachten. I've waited two whole hours. I can't wait any longer. I've waited two hours. I'm not gonna wait any longer. Geen meisje in mijn klas is mooier dan Linda. No girl in my class is prettier than Linda. No girl in my class is prettier than Linda. Ken je Tom? Do you know Tom? Do you know Tom? Doei. Bye. Bye. Mijn vader gaat soms naar Australië voor zaken. My dad sometimes goes to Australia for business. My dad goes to Australia sometimes on business. Tom eet graag schildpadden. Tom likes to eat turtles. Tom likes to eat turtles. Zit het weer wat tegen? Are you feeling under the weather? What's wrong with the weather? Hoe was je relatie met je vader toen je een kind was? What was your relationship with your father like when you were a kid? How was your relationship with your father when you were a child? Hij heeft een witte kat. He has a white cat. He's got a white cat. Tom vroeg om meer koffie. Tom asked for more coffee. Tom asked for more coffee. De os is het mannetje van de koe. The ox is the male of the cow. The ox is the cow's male. Roken is schadelijk voor je gezondheid. Smoking is harmful for your health. Smoking is harmful to your health. Heeft Tom blauwe ogen? Does Tom have blue eyes? Does Tom have blue eyes? Waar is het museum? Where's the museum? Where's the museum? Je moet je kamer opruimen. You must clean your room. You need to clean up your room. "Ken ik jou niet ergens van?" vroeg de student. "Haven't we met somewhere before?" asked the student. "Don't I know you from somewhere?" asked the student. Hamilton stierf de volgende dag. Hamilton died the next day. Hamilton died the next day. Richard zei dat zijn moeder ziek was, wat gelogen was. Richard said his mother was ill, which is a lie. Richard said his mother was sick, which was a lie. Ik kan Frans lezen noch spreken. I can't read French, nor can I speak it. I can neither read nor speak French. Frankrijk wordt " France " genoemd in het Frans. France is called "France" in French. France is called " France " in French. Ze bekritiseerden elkaar. They criticized each other. They criticized each other. Wiskunde en Engels waren mijn favoriete vakken. Math and English were my favorite subjects. Mathematics and English were my favorite subjects. Hij kwam een half uur te laat opdagen. He turned up half an hour late. He showed up half an hour late. Ja, waarom? Yes, why? Yeah, why? Hij kan zijn eigen familie niet beheren, laat staan een natie! He can't run his own family, let alone a nation! He can't manage his own family, let alone a nation! Moet men dat in uurwijzerzin of in tegenuurwijzerzin draaien? Do you have to turn it clockwise or counter-clockwise? Should this be turned into an hour's pointer or counter-clockwise? Alvast bedankt voor uw samenwerking. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Zij is helemaal niet eerlijk. She is not honest at all. She's not fair at all. Wil je iets eten? Would you like to eat something? You want something to eat? We waren beste vrienden. We were best friends. We were best friends. Waarom gaan we niet naar huis? Why don't we go home? Why don't we go home? Overdrijf niet! Don't exaggerate! Don't exaggerate! Hij had het niet duidelijker kunnen zeggen. He couldn't have put it more plainly. He couldn't have said it more clearly. Ik ga niet met de bus naar school. I don't go to school by bus. I'm not taking the bus to school. Mensen met agrafie kunnen wegens een hersenletsel niet schrijven. People with agraphia can't write due to a brain injury. People with artifacts can't write because of a brain injury. Is Tom in Boston geboren? Was Tom born in Boston? Tom was born in Boston? Ik moet naar het postkantoor lopen. I have to walk to the post office. I have to walk to the post office. De honden zijn in de tuin. The dogs are in the garden. The dogs are in the garden. In China leert men ook Engels. English is studied in China, too. People also learn English in China. Laat het achter. Leave it behind. Leave it. Wie heeft hen tafelmanieren geleerd? Who taught them table manners? Who taught them table manners? Vijf plus drie is gelijk aan acht. Five and three is eight. Five plus three equals eight. Je kan niet alles van de scholen verwachten. One can't expect everything from schools. You can't expect everything from the schools. Wil je iets moois zien? Do you want to see something cool? Do you want to see something beautiful? Willen jullie vandaag dineren? Do you want to go to dinner today? You guys want to have dinner today? Je kunt een lied zingen. You can sing a song. You can sing a song. Voorzichtig! Careful! Careful! Kunnen jullie ook in het Italiaans tellen? Can you also count in Italian? Can you count in Italian, too? Tom heeft het graag over zijn jeugd. Tom likes talking about his youth. Tom likes to talk about his childhood. Verkoop je wijn? Do you sell wine? Are you selling wine? Tom zei dat Mary kwaad is. Tom said Mary is mad. Tom said Mary was angry. De doos is bijna leeg. The box is almost empty. The box is almost empty. We praten regelmatig. We talk frequently. We talk all the time. Sami staarde naar de zolderdeur. Sami stared at the attic door. Sami was staring at the attic door. Ik sta normaal op rond zes. I usually get up at six. I usually get up around six. Enkele meisjes waren aan het tennissen. Some girls were playing tennis. Some girls were playing tennis. De zomers in Boston zijn warm en vochtig, terwijl de winters koud, winderig en sneeuwig zijn. Summer in Boston is warm and humid, while winter is cold, windy, and snowy. Summers in Boston are warm and humid, while winters are cold, windy and snowy. Vertaal dit naar het Frans, alsjeblieft. Please translate this into French. Translate this into French, please. Meer dan 100 mensen waren op het feest. Over 100 people were present at the party. More than 100 people were at the party. Heb je een auto? Do you have a car? Do you have a car? Hij is een echte ritselaar. He is a real wheeler-dealer. He's a real hustler. Hij hoort alles wat je zegt. He hears everything you say. He hears everything you say. Ik voeg zinnen toe. I add sentences. I'll add sentences. We vonden het vanzelfsprekend dat hij mee zou gaan. We took it for granted that he would join us. We took it for granted that he would go with us. Hou het wisselgeld! Keep the change! Keep the change! Ik heb het verhaal niet gelezen. I didn't read the story. I didn't read the story. Eén biertje, alstublieft! One beer, please! One beer, please! Deze tegenstrijdigheid was duidelijk. This was a clear contradiction. This contradiction was clear. Heb je dit gerecht ooit gegeten? Have you ever eaten this dish? Have you ever eaten this dish? Zij verstaat de straattaal van jongeren niet. She doesn't understand the slang used by young people. She doesn't understand the street language of young people. De hele wereld kijkt toe. The whole world is watching. The whole world is watching. Ik heb boterkoekjes gebakken. I baked butter cookies. I baked butter cookies. Ik heb interesse voor muziek. I am interested in music. I'm interested in music. Het spreekt voor zich dat onze plannen afhangen van het weer. It goes without saying that our plans depend on the weather. It goes without saying that our plans depend on the weather. Tom leunde op zijn skistokken. Tom leaned on his ski poles. Tom leaned on his ski poles. Het spijt me dat ik je niet eerder kon schrijven. I'm sorry I couldn't write to you sooner. I'm sorry I couldn't write to you sooner. Ik dacht dat je in Australië woonde. I thought you lived in Australia. I thought you lived in Australia. Ik kom uit Overijssel. I'm from Overijssel. I'm from Overijssel. "Zal het regenen?" "Ik hoop van niet." "Will it rain?" "I hope not." "Will it rain?" "I hope not." Heb je enig idee wie dit zou doen? Do you have any idea who would do this? Do you have any idea who would do this? Het maakte geen verschil. It made no difference. It didn't make a difference. Tom liet z'n mes vallen. Tom dropped his knife. Tom dropped his knife. Ik kan Bill en zijn broer nooit uit elkaar houden. I never can tell Bill from his brother. I can never tell Bill and his brother apart. Ze houdt van aandacht. She loves attention. She likes attention. Ik leer Devanagari te lezen. I'm learning to read Devanagari. I'm learning to read Devanagari. Ik heb de liefde van mijn leven gevonden. I found the love of my life. I found the love of my life. Tom houdt van sportevenementen. Tom loves sports events. Tom loves sporting events. Een verbrand kind is bang voor het vuur. A burnt child fears the fire. A burnt child is afraid of the fire. Vraag het opnieuw aan Tom! Ask Tom again. Ask Tom again! We moeten mensen naar Mars sturen. We must send people to Mars. We need to send people to Mars. Wat ben je aan het lezen? What are you reading? What are you reading? Ik kan je beschermen. I can protect you. I can protect you. Er was daar geen kat. There was not a bloody soul. There was no cat there. Ze zei niet eens dankjewel. She didn't even say thanks. She didn't even say thank you. Zij gaf hen een paar appels. She gave them some apples. She gave them some apples. Wat hebben jullie gedaan? What've you guys been doing? What did you do? Het bijhouden van een dagboek geeft ons ook de kans om op ons dagelijks leven te reflecteren. Keeping a diary also gives us a chance to reflect on our daily life. Keeping a diary also gives us the opportunity to reflect on our daily lives. Technologie loste veel van de problemen op. Technology solved many of the problems. Technology solved many of the problems. Ik heb mijn fiets laten repareren. I got my bicycle repaired. I had my bike repaired. Veel van mijn vrienden spreken Frans. Many of my friends can speak French. A lot of my friends speak French. Ik wou graag jullie postzegelverzameling zien. I would like to have a look at your collection of stamps. I'd like to see your stamp collection. De president van Frankrijk zal volgende maand Japan bezoeken. The President of France will visit Japan next month. The President of France will visit Japan next month. Heb je ooit de symptomen gehad dewelke juist werden beschreven? Did you ever have the symptoms which have just been described? Have you ever had the symptoms that were correctly described? Tom is erg geïnteresseerd in Amerikaanse literatuur. Tom is very interested in American literature. Tom is very interested in American literature. Deze fabriek is bijna volledig geautomatiseerd. This factory is almost fully automated. This factory is almost completely automated. Ik zal je roepen wanneer ik tijd heb. I'll call you when I have time. I'll call you when I have time. Zeg je dat mijn leven in gevaar is? Are you saying my life is in danger? Are you saying my life is in danger? Zeg iedereen dat het me spijt, alsjeblieft. Please tell everyone I'm sorry. Tell everyone I'm sorry, please. Waarom komt ge niet met ons mee? Why aren't you coming with us? Why don't you come with us? Het is te warm voor mij. It is too warm for me. It's too hot for me. Gaat het nog steeds regenen vandaag? Is it still going to rain today? Is it still raining today? Dat moet je niet nu doen. You do not have to do it now. You shouldn't do that now. Tom lijkt dikker te worden. Tom seems to be getting fatter. Tom seems to be getting fatter. Je weet wat ik bedoel. You know what I mean. You know what I mean. Kom voor zeven uur naar hier. Come here before seven o'clock. Come here for seven hours. De nieuwe film was een topper. The new movie was a big hit. The new movie was a great one. Weet je die dag nog, dat we dat ongeluk gezien hebben? Do you remember the day when we saw the accident? Remember that day we saw that accident? De bakkerij bevindt zich in de Pinostraat. The bakery is on Pino Street. The bakery is located in Pinostraat. Dit is mijn geliefde zoon. This is my dearest son. This is my beloved son. Ik lust thee. I like tea. I like tea. Ik heb geen kamers om te verhuren. I don't have any rooms for rent. I don't have any rooms to rent out. Hij had een rode broek aan. He wore red trousers. He was wearing red pants. De lessen beginnen volgende week. Classes begin next week. Lessons start next week. Ik werk 's zondags niet. I don't work on Sundays. I don't work Sundays. Wij zijn de besten. We are the best. We're the best. Zij kan niet skiën. She can't ski. She can't ski. Die verdomde computer doet het niet. This damned computer won't work. That fucking computer isn't working. Elke appel is rood. Every apple is red. Every apple is red. Je bent drie keer in Londen geweest. You've been to London three times. You've been to London three times. Vraag het niet aan Tom. Hij weet niks. Don't ask Tom. He doesn't know anything. Don't ask Tom, he doesn't know anything. Er heerst paniek op de Titanic. Panic rules on the Titanic. There's panic on the Titanic. Ik kan dat hier niet doen. I can't do that here. I can't do that here. Zij houdt van haar vriend. She loves her boyfriend. She loves her boyfriend. Sami is meestal het zwarte schaap van de familie. Sami is usually the black sheep of the family. Sami is usually the black sheep of the family. Tom staat onder de douche. Tom is in the shower. Tom's in the shower. Tom kwam er na zijn moeders dood pas achter dat ze zijn erfenis opgegokt had. Tom only found out after his mother's death that she had gambled away his inheritance. Tom didn't find out until after his mother died that she gambled up his inheritance. Tom vindt je leuk. Tom thinks you're cute. Tom likes you. Ik heb er genoeg van spelletjes te spelen. I'm tired of playing games. I'm tired of playing games. Dat heb ik één keer gedaan. I did that once. I did it once. Ik ben Iers. I'm Irish. I'm Irish. Tegen het einde van de excursie hadden we al erg veel dorst. By the end of the trip we were very thirsty. By the end of the excursion we were already very thirsty. Ze lijdt aan een ongeneeslijke ziekte. She suffers from an incurable disease. She's suffering from an incurable disease. Ik heb een nieuwe vriendin. I have a new girlfriend. I have a new girlfriend. Wat drinkt hij? What is he drinking? What's he drinking? We hebben het voor Tom. We got it for Tom. We got it for Tom. Welke talen worden in Korea gesproken? What languages do they speak in Korea? What languages are spoken in Korea? Er is niemand van ons die zijn eerlijkheid niet respecteert. There are none of us who do not respect his honesty. There isn't one of us who doesn't respect his honesty. De code is niet te kraken. The code cannot be cracked. The code can't be cracked. Wat heb je in je hand? What do you have in your hand? What's in your hand? Ik schreef haar een lange brief. I wrote a long letter to her. I wrote her a long letter. Pfirsichbaeumchen komt uit Duitsland. Pfirsichbaeumchen is from Germany. Pfirsichbaeumchen is from Germany. Is de postbode al gekomen? Has the mailman already come? Has the mailman come yet? Hoe laat is het? What is the time? What time is it? Deze roos is prachtig. This rose is beautiful. This rose is beautiful. Dat is zijn paard. That's his horse. That's his horse. Waarom gebruik je Tatoeba? Why do you use Tatoeba? Why are you using Tatoeba? Ik weet dat jullie vegetariërs zijn. I know that you're vegetarians. I know you're vegetarians. Ik ben sprakeloos. I have no words. I'm speechless. Dat is een grote hond. That is a big dog. That's a big dog. Ze hebben het over muziek. They are talking about music. They're talking about music. Er zit bijna geen water in deze fles. There is almost no water in this bottle. There's hardly any water in this bottle. Wat is mijn kamernummer? What's my room number? What's my room number? Je mag niet naar de stad gaan. You can't go to town. You can't go to town. Dat is Chinees voor mij. It's Greek to me. That's Chinese for me. Wat was je aan het plannen? What were you planning? What were you planning? Spijtig genoeg denk ik dat ik niet veel zou kunnen helpen. Unfortunately I don't think I'd be of much help. Unfortunately, I don't think I could help much. Denk na vooraleer je je mond opendoet. Think before you open your mouth. Think before you open your mouth. Ze verkozen hem tot president van de VSA. They elected him President of the USA. They elected him president of the U.S.A. Hoe heet uw zoon? What's your son's name? What's your son's name? Jullie zullen lachen. You will laugh. You'll laugh. Laten we stoppen bij het volgende benzinestation. Let's stop at the next gas station. Let's stop at the next gas station. Ik had geen andere keuze dan te blijven. I had no choice but to stay. I had no choice but to stay. Plotseling zag hij mij. Suddenly he saw me. Suddenly he saw me. Begrijp jij deze taal? Can you understand this language? Do you understand this language? Ik heb een nieuwe trui gekocht en ik ben er zó groos mee! I bought a new sweater and I'm as pleased as Punch with it! I bought a new sweater and I'm so brittle with it! Dit is zo gevaarlijk. This is so dangerous. This is so dangerous. "Hoe hebt u dat in vredesnaam afgeleid?" Vroeg ik. "How in the world did you deduce that?" I asked. "How the hell did you distract that?" I asked. Wie heeft jullie Frans geleerd? Who taught you French? Who taught you French? Sluit je ogen niet. Don't shut your eyes. Don't close your eyes. Ik heb gedaan wat ik moest doen. I did what I needed to do. I did what I had to do. Tom is echt goed bezig. Tom is really killing it. Tom's doing really well. Hij gaf erom. Tom cared. He cared. Stort het geld in een bank a.u.b. Please deposit the money in a bank. Please deposit the money into a bank. Ik had het leuk gevonden om "Casablanca" gezien te hebben, toen er over die film gesproken werd. I would have liked to have seen 'Casablanca' when the movie was discussed. I would have liked to have seen "Casablanca" when they talked about that movie. Het is onmogelijk te voorkomen dat deze situatie weer zal voorkomen. It is impossible to prevent this situation from occurring again. It is impossible to prevent this situation from happening again. Tom is zijn paraplu vergeten. Tom forgot his umbrella. Tom forgot his umbrella. Ik werk alleen. I work alone. I work alone. Maria is van mij. Mary is mine. Maria's mine. Ben je ooit in het buitenland geweest? Have you ever been abroad? Have you ever been abroad? De term neuraal netwerk werd traditioneel gebruikt voor het benoemen van een netwerk of biologisch circuit. The term neural net was traditionally used to name a network or circuit of biological neurons. The term neural network was traditionally used for naming a network or biological circuit. Excuseert u mij, kunt u mij de weg naar het postkantoor wijzen? Excuse me, but would you please tell me the way to the post office? Excuse me, could you show me the way to the post office? Er komt iets aan. Something is coming. Something's coming. Laten we van plaats wisselen. Let me exchange seats with you. Let's switch places. Hoe wist je dat zij ziek was? How did you get to know she was ill? How did you know she was sick? Wat ik zag, was schokkend. What I saw was shocking. What I saw was shocking. Het is drie dagen geleden. It's been three days. It's been three days. Er zijn weinig sites in het Tataars op het internet. There are few sites in the Tatar language on the Internet. There are few sites in the Tatars on the internet. Spreek je Farsi? Do you speak Farsi? Do you speak Farsi? De dokter zei dat ik niet te veel moet eten. The doctor told me not to eat too much. The doctor said I shouldn't eat too much. Sommigen geloven dat zeven een geluksgetal is. Some believe that seven is a lucky number. Some believe that seven is a lucky number. Ik ben gestopt met koffie drinken. I stopped drinking coffee. I quit drinking coffee. Vind je mijn gele sjaal niet leuk? Don't you like my yellow scarf? Don't you like my yellow scarf? Wij komen uit Duitsland. We are from Germany. We're from Germany. Je bent geen kind meer, je kunt voor jezelf zorgen. You're not a kid anymore, you can take care of yourself. You're not a child anymore. You can take care of yourself. Ik vind mijn Japans erg slecht. I think my Japanese is really bad. I think my Japanese is very bad. Laat maar. Don't bother. Never mind. Op de markt waar ik de groenten heb gekocht kan je ook bloemen kopen. At the market where I bought the vegetables, you can also buy flowers. At the market where I bought the vegetables you can also buy flowers. Mam, wat is het adres van de kerstman? Ik wil hem een brief schrijven. Mummy, what is Santa Claus's address? I want to send him a letter. Mom, what's Santa's address? Het is helemaal mijn schuld. It's entirely my fault. It's all my fault. Ik kon mijn oren niet geloven. I couldn't believe my ears! I couldn't believe my ears. Wil iemand mijn huiswerk maken voor mij? Does somebody want do my homework for me? Will someone do my homework for me? Dat kan ik niet uitsluiten. I can't exclude it. I can't rule that out. Ze zitten aan tafel. They are sitting at the table. They're at the table. Tom eet zelden Italiaans eten. Tom seldom eats Italian food. Tom rarely eats Italian food. De appel valt niet ver van de boom. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Tom stoort de koude niet, maar Maria kan ze niet verdragen. Tom doesn't mind the cold, but Mary can't stand it. Tom doesn't bother the cold, but Maria can't bear them. We schatten zijn verliezen op 100 dollar. We estimated his losses at 100 dollars. We estimate his losses at $100. Wat wil je precies gaan doen met dit geld? What exactly do you want to do with this money? What exactly are you gonna do with this money? Ik wist niet dat u hooikoorts had. I didn't know you had hay fever. I didn't know you had hay fever. Zij is veel gelukkiger dan hij. She's much happier than him. She's much happier than he is. Het loopt tegen zessen. It's almost six o'clock. It's 6:00. Ik deed mijn hoed op. I put my hat on. I put my hat on. Meg heeft een klavertjevier gevonden. Meg found a four leaf clover. Meg found a four-leaf clover. Tom speelt heel goed piano. Tom plays the piano very well. Tom plays a very good piano. Het pad is glad. The path is slippery. The path is slippery. Mijn oom bezoekt mij af en toe. My uncle comes to see me from time to time. My uncle visits me occasionally. Texas grenst aan Mexico. Texas borders on Mexico. Texas borders on Mexico. Het lijkt mij dat de beelden voor zich spreken. It seems to me that the pictures speak for themselves. It seems to me that the images speak for themselves. Ik ben vanmorgen laat opgestaan. I got up late this morning. I got up late this morning. Kan je de hond even uitlaten? Could you walk the dog? Can you walk the dog? Ik wil niet rijden. I don't want to drive. I don't want to drive. Wij zijn geen engelen. We are not angels. We're not angels. Betrek mij daar niet bij. Don't get me involved. Don't involve me in that. Hij vertelde me de waarheid. He told me the truth. He told me the truth. Er zijn ratten in de keuken. There are rats in the kitchen. There are rats in the kitchen. Ik woon in Hyogo. I reside in Hyogo. I live in Hyogo. Zondags ga ik naar de kerk. I go to church on Sundays. Sundays I go to church. U bent een prins, Tom. You're a prince, Tom. You're a prince, Tom. Beschadigde mensen beschadigen mensen. Hurt people hurt people. Damaged people damage people. Laten we hier wachten totdat hij terugkomt. Let's wait here until he comes back. Let's wait here until he gets back. Geen stad in Europa is zo dichtbevolkt als Tokio. No city in Europe is as populous as Tokyo. No city in Europe is as densely populated as Tokyo. Er waren twee taarten. There were two cakes. There were two pies. De lift is buiten werking. The lift is out of order. The elevator's out of action. Iedereen maakt fouten. Everybody makes mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. Tom zal me volgende week terugbetalen. Tom will pay me back next week. Tom will pay me back next week. Ze vreesden dat het geschil de economie zou schaden. They feared that the dispute would hurt the economy. They feared the dispute would harm the economy. Vertel mij iets over jullie familie. Tell me something about your family. Tell me about your family. Ik ben vijfentachtig jaar oud. I am eighty-five years old. I'm eighty-five years old. Hij boft maar. He's a lucky guy. He's lucky. Mijn kamergenoot is gek. My roommate is crazy. My roommate's crazy. Tom was bij de CIA. Tom is former CIA. Tom was with the CIA. Dat is Tom niet. That isn't Tom. That's not Tom. U zou dit moeten weggooien. You should throw this away. You should throw this away. Tom at restjes voor het avondeten. Tom ate leftovers for dinner. Tom ate leftovers for dinner. Hij doet alsof hij gay is. He pretends to be gay. He's pretending to be gay. Deze diamant kost een fortuin. This diamond costs a fortune. This diamond costs a fortune. Ik denk, dus ik ben. I think therefore I am. I guess, so I am. Fiji wordt " Viti " genoemd in het Fijisch. Fiji is called "Viti" in Fijian. Fiji is referred to as " Viti" in Fiji. Een woordenboek legt woorden uit. A dictionary explains words. A dictionary explains words. Tom heeft nog steeds een hekel aan Maria. Tom still despises Mary. Tom still hates Maria. Er is niks om bang voor te zijn. There is nothing to fear. There's nothing to be afraid of. Ik werd bijna timmerman. I almost became a carpenter. I almost became a carpenter. Zoals ik al zei, geen probleem. Like I said, no problem. Like I said, no problem. Zij is veel zwaarder dan hij. She's much heavier than him. She's a lot heavier than he is. Heeft Tom een woordenboek? Does Tom have a dictionary? Does Tom have a dictionary? Tom spreekt even goed Frans als ik. Tom speaks French as well as I do. Tom speaks French as well as I do. Als hij hier was, wat zou hij gezegd hebben? If he were here, what would he say? If he was here, what would he have said? Ik hou van sinaasappels. I like oranges. I like oranges. Prins Charles zal de volgende koning van Engeland zijn. Prince Charles will be the next king of England. Prince Charles will be the next king of England. Als je wilt dat ik je help, moet je mij helpen. If you want me to help you, you've got to help me. If you want me to help you, you have to help me. Soms haat ik mezelf. Sometimes I hate myself. Sometimes I hate myself. Je woont te ver weg. You live too far away. You live too far away. Ze zijn allebei bezig. Both of them are busy. They're both busy. De zee is blauw. The sea is blue. The sea is blue. Kan je rauwe oesters eten? Can you eat raw oysters? Can you eat raw oysters? Laten we thuis blijven als het morgen regent. If it rains tomorrow, let's stay home. Let's stay home when it rains tomorrow. Lang niet gezien. It's been a long time. Long time no see. Ik neem aan dat u weet wie Tom is. I assume you know who Tom is. I assume you know who Tom is. Mijn naam is Tom. My name's Tom. My name is Tom. Wiens idee was dit? Who had this idea? Whose idea was this? Ze heeft voor mij een cake gebakken. She baked me a cake. She baked me a cake. Mijn moeder is een lerares. My mother is a teacher. My mom's a teacher. Vergeet het feest van volgende week niet. Don't forget about the party next week. Don't forget next week's party. Zij drinkt koffie. She drinks coffee. She drinks coffee. Jullie leerden. You learned. You guys learned. Sami kon met het verlies van zijn vrouw en kinderen leven. Sami was OK with losing his wife and children. Sami could live with the loss of his wife and children. Ik ben bang. I'm afraid. I'm scared. Het geweld nam daarna snel toe. Violence increased soon afterward. The violence grew rapidly after that. Het heeft geen zin om nog langer na te denken. It's useless to keep on thinking any more. There's no point in thinking anymore. Hij is mijn leider. He's my leader. He's my leader. Lucy is een student uit Amerika. Lucy is a student from America. Lucy's a student from America. Je kunt daar niet met de trein komen. You can't get there by train. You can't get there by train. Europa is een continent. Europe is a continent. Europe is a continent. Hij is altijd op tijd. He's always on time. He's always on time. Tom eet na elke training eiwitten. Tom eats protein after every workout. Tom eats protein after every training. Ik eet rijst. I am eating rice. I eat rice. Als je het wilt, kan ik terug komen. If you want, I can come back. If you want, I can come back. Je hebt mooie ogen. You have beautiful eyes. You have beautiful eyes. Je bent niet eens in de buurt van het goede antwoord. You're not even close to the right answer. You're not even close to the right answer. Mag ik jullie helpen? May I help you? Can I help you? Dit is nieuw. This is new. This is new. Wat kan ik doen? What can I do? What can I do? Alsjeblieft! Please! Please! Ik geloof dat hij hierheen komt. I believe that he comes here. I think he's coming here. Vind je haar aantrekkelijk? Do you think she's attractive? Do you find her attractive? Het muggenziften is net zo vaak een teken van onwetendheid als een teken van begrip. Nitpicking is just as often a sign of ignorance as it is a sign of understanding. Muggling is as often a sign of ignorance as a sign of understanding. Ik zou mijn vader willen zien. I wish to see my father. I'd like to see my father. Hij is hier altijd tussen vijf en zes. He is always here between 5 and 6 o'clock. He's always here between five and six. Wij zaaien. We're planting seeds. We sow. Je moet je schulden aflossen. You must pay off your debts. You need to pay off your debts. Het eiland ligt ten westen van Japan. The island lies to the west of Japan. The island is located west of Japan. Wat kan ik voor je doen? What can I do for you? What can I do for you? Er is een school dicht bij mijn huis. There is a school near my house. There's a school near my house. We wachten op uw bestelling. We're awaiting your order. We're waiting for your order. Je moet zaterdag niet komen werken. You don't need to come to work Saturday. You don't have to come to work Saturday. Ze heeft ons leren zingen. She taught us singing. She taught us how to sing. Hoeveel hebt ge ervoor betaald? How much did you pay for that? How much did you pay for it? Ik reis liever per trein dan per vliegtuig. I prefer traveling by train to flying. I'd rather travel by train than by plane. Ze hoorde hem huilen. She heard him cry. She heard him crying. Hoe heb je het verloren? How did you lose it? How did you lose it? Doe maar mee. Join us. Come on, let's go. Ik was voorzichtig. I was careful. I was careful. Ik ben mij vrij zeker dat zowel Tom als Marie dat al gedaan hebben. I'm fairly certain that both Tom and Mary have already done that. I'm pretty sure both Tom and Marie have already done that. In de straat waren de meeste winkels gesloten. The shops in the street were for the most part closed. Most of the shops in the street were closed. Hij verliest steeds zijn paraplu. He is always losing his umbrella. He keeps losing his umbrella. De schoonbroer van een ouder is een oom. The brother-in-law of a parent is an uncle. A parent's brother-in-law is an uncle. De toegang tot fietsen is beperkt. Bicycle access is limited. Access to bicycles is limited. Houdt u van dit land? Do you love this country? Do you love this country? Ik dacht dat je wist dat Tom en Maria beide allergisch waren voor pinda's. I thought you knew Tom and Mary were allergic to peanuts. I thought you knew Tom and Maria were both allergic to peanuts. Ik ben allergisch voor jullie hond. I'm allergic to your dog. I'm allergic to your dog. Om de een of andere reden werkte de microfoon daarnet niet. For some reason the microphone didn't work earlier. For some reason, the microphone just didn't work. Wat wil je dat we doen? What would you have us do? What do you want us to do? Gezondheid! Bless you. Cheers! Vind je dat ik weg moet? Do you think I need to go? Do you think I should go? Hij zingt graag in bad. He likes to sing in the bathtub. He likes to sing in the bathtub. Tom eet langzaam. Tom eats slowly. Tom eats slowly. Er waren dit jaar minder ongelukken dan vorig jaar. There were fewer accidents this year than last. There were fewer accidents this year than last year. Plaatjes zijn boeken voor analfabeten. Images are the books of the illiterate. Pictures are books for illiterates. Wat soort muziek hoort u liefst? What kind of music do you like the most? What kind of music do you like to hear? Die jongen is een grote pestkop. That boy's a big bully. That boy's a big bully. Haar oma werd 88 jaar oud. Her grandmother lived to be 88 years old. Her grandmother was 88 years old. Ik ga het klokhuis van de appel niet opeten. I won't eat the apple's core. I'm not gonna eat the apple core. Wanneer stierf Mozart? Weet u dat? When did Mozart die? Do you know? When did Mozart die? Ik heb veel van je geleerd. I've learned a lot from you. I've learned a lot from you. Hij heeft er niks tegen. He has nothing against it. He's got nothing against it. Pasta bevat veel koolhydraten. Pasta is high in carbohydrates. Pasta contains a lot of carbohydrates. Mag ik uw krant even zien? Can I have a look at your newspaper? Can I see your paper? Welke taal wordt er in Malta gesproken? What language is spoken in Malta? What language is spoken in Malta? Wij molken de koe. We milked the cow. We'll kill the cow. Doe je eigen werk. Do your own work. Do your own job. Ik wil niet dat iemand dit mist. I don't want anyone to miss this. I don't want anyone to miss this. Tegenwoordig spelen kinderen niet buiten. Nowadays children do not play outdoors. Kids don't play outside these days. Tom heeft Maria in Boston ontmoet. Tom met Mary in Boston. Tom met Maria in Boston. Blijf graven. Keep digging. Keep digging. Tom goot de melk in de kom. Tom poured the milk in a bowl. Tom poured the milk into the bowl. Hij maakte haar een nieuwe jas. He made her a new coat. He made her a new coat. Nee, de stoelen zijn naast de tafel. No, the chairs are next to the table. No, the chairs are next to the table. Brazilië werd bezocht door de paus. Brazil was visited by the Pope. Brazil was visited by the Pope. Kom jij niet ook uit Boston? Aren't you from Boston as well? Aren't you from Boston, too? Ik moet veel woorden en zinnen uit mijn hoofd leren. I have to learn many words and phrases by heart. I have a lot of words and phrases to memorize. Ik woon niet hier in Boston. I don't live here in Boston. I don't live here in Boston. Tom fluistert iets tegen Mary. Tom is whispering something to Mary. Tom's whispering something to Mary. Veronderstel dat het morgen regent, gaan we dan nog steeds picknicken? Suppose it rains tomorrow, shall we still go on the picnic? Suppose it rains tomorrow, are we still gonna have a picnic? Leer deze zinnen. Learn these sentences. Learn these sentences. Mahjong is één van de meest interessante spelletjes. Mahjong is one of the most interesting games. Mahjong is one of the most interesting games. Ik wil niet zwemmen. I don't want to swim. I don't want to swim. Is er een bank niet ver van hier? Is there a bank near here? Isn't there a bank far from here? Bent u geen student? Aren't you a college student? Aren't you a student? We waren zo bang. We were so afraid. We were so scared. Een ezel is grijs. A donkey is gray. A donkey is gray. Vibeke is een mooi meisje uit Noorwegen. Vibeke is a beautiful girl from Norway. Vibeke's a pretty girl from Norway. Een jaar geleden zijn wij getrouwd. We got married one year ago. A year ago, we were married. Ik heb hem ertoe gebracht mijn kamer schoon te maken. I got him to clean my room. I got him to clean my room. Ik woon gelijkvloers. I live on the bottom floor. I live on the ground floor. Dat was geen ongeval. It was not an accident. That wasn't an accident. Ben je vermagerd? Have you lost weight? Have you lost weight? Bied Tom je verontschuldigingen aan. Apologize to Tom. Apologize to Tom. Ik werd uitgelachen vandaag op school. I got laughed at at school today. I was laughed at at school today. Er was niemand. There was nobody. There was no one there. Tom heeft zijn huis gebouwd van zeecontainers. Tom built his house out of shipping containers. Tom built his house out of sea containers. Tom heeft een perenboom in zijn achtertuin. Tom has a pear tree in his backyard. Tom has a pear tree in his backyard. Wees niet verlegen. Don't be shy. Don't be shy. Luxemburg wordt "Luxemburg" in het Duits genoemd. Luxembourg is called "Luxemburg" in German. Luxembourg is called "Luxembourg" in German. Ik ben Julius. I am Julius. I'm Julius. Ik ben geen dokter. I am not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. Hoe gaat het met je vrouw, Tom? How's your wife, Tom? How's your wife, Tom? Tom klaagt voortdurend. Tom is constantly complaining. Tom complains all the time. Ik maak me zorgen over haar. I'm worried about her. I'm worried about her. Niemand wil mijn land bekritiseren. Nobody wants to criticize my country. No one wants to criticize my country. Ik ben een stabiel iemand. I'm a level-headed person. I'm a stable person. We moeten altijd het beste van onszelf geven. We should always give our best. We must always give the best of ourselves. De zomerartikelen zijn nu te koop. The summer goods are now on sale. The summer items are now for sale. Is dat een nieuwe lamp? Is that a new lamp? Is that a new lamp? Niet alles kan worden verklaard. Not everything can be explained. Not everything can be explained. Waar kan ik een vertaler vinden? Where can I find a translator? Where can I find a translator? Die jurk staat u goed. That dress looks good on you. That dress looks good on you. Tom is niet te stoppen. Tom is unstoppable. Tom's unstoppable. "Mama, mag ik een koekje eten?" "Nee, dat mag je niet. Je hoort niet tussen de maaltijden te eten." "Mom, please can I have a biscuit?" "No, you can't; you shouldn't eat between meals." "Mama, can I have a cookie?" "No, you can't. You shouldn't be eating between meals." Tom weet niet hoe hij een snorkel moet gebruiken. Tom doesn't know how to use a snorkel. Tom doesn't know how to use a snorkel. Ik ben bang van wilde dieren. I'm afraid of wild animals. I'm afraid of wild animals. Ik heb haar geholpen. I helped her. I helped her. Naar mijn mening zijn jullie allemaal gestoord! In my opinion, all of you are crazy! In my opinion, you're all insane! We liepen langzaam langs de weg. We walked slowly along the road. We walked along the road slowly. Tom heeft geen idee waar Mary is. Tom has no idea where Mary is. Tom has no idea where Mary is. Ik heb Tom gezegd niet die daar te gebruiken. I told Tom not to use those. I told Tom not to use that one. Ik ben het zat over Tom en Maria te horen. I'm tired of hearing about Tom and Mary. I'm tired of hearing about Tom and Maria. Layla pleegde zelfmoord. Layla committed suicide. Layla killed herself. Goedenacht. Goodnight! Good night. Ze waren één van mijn favoriete bands toen ik op de middelbare school zat. They were one of my favorite bands in high school. They were one of my favorite bands when I was in high school. Laten we ons wel bewust zijn van het belang van deze dag, want vandaag kwamen binnen de gastvrije muren van Boulogne-sur-Mer geen Fransen samen met Engelsen, geen Russen met Polen, maar mensen met mensen. Let us consider the gravity of this day, for today inside the hospitable walls of Boulogne-sur-Mer, the French are not meeting the English, nor are Russians meeting Poles, but people are meeting people. Let us be aware of the importance of this day, because today, within the welcoming walls of Boulogne-sur-Mer, no French came together with Englishmen, no Russians with Poland, but people with people. De appel viel. The apple fell. The apple fell. Ik heb hem gevraagd ons het boek op te sturen. I asked her to send us the book. I asked him to send us the book. Ze kwamen in New Delhi aan op 9 juli. They arrived in New Delhi on July 9th. They arrived in New Delhi on July 9th. Nonsens! Nonsense! Nonsense! Is er een volgnummer voor het pakket? Is there a tracking number for the package? Is there a serial number for the package? Ik ben 19 jaar. I am nineteen years old. I'm 19 years old. Bent u ooit al in Frankrijk geweest? Have you been to France before? Have you ever been to France? Het had gelijk wie kunnen overkomen. It could've happened to anyone. It could have happened to whoever. Iemand is overleden. Someone has died. Someone died. Is je man thuis? Is your husband at home? Is your husband home? Ik dacht dat je thuis ging blijven. I thought you were going to stay home. I thought you were gonna stay home. Zij had ontbijt. She had breakfast. She had breakfast. Iemand heeft me verteld dat Tom allergisch was voor tarwe. Someone told me that Tom was allergic to wheat. Someone told me Tom was allergic to wheat. Als mijn huis een herenhuis was, zou ik iedereen die ik ken uitnodigen voor mijn verjaardagsfeest. If my house were a mansion, I would invite everyone I know to my birthday party. If my house were a mansion, I'd invite everyone I know to my birthday party. Tom houdt van je. Tom loves you. Tom loves you. Zij zijn vrij. They're free. They're free. Het is heel vermakelijk. It's very entertaining. It's very entertaining. Wil je iets drinken? Do you want something to drink? Can I get you something to drink? Hoeveel kosten de sinaasappels? How much do the oranges cost? How much are the oranges? Ik ben mij vrij zeker dat Tom geen broers en zussen heeft. I'm fairly certain Tom doesn't have any siblings. I'm pretty sure Tom doesn't have any brothers and sisters. Dacht u dat Marseille de hoofdstad van Frankrijk was? Did you think Marseilles was the capital city of France? Did you think Marseille was the capital of France? Je hebt vandaag een vreemd humeur. You're in a strange mood today. You're in a weird mood today. Gewoonlijk doe ik de afwas. I usually do the dishes. I usually do the dishes. Ik wist dat Tom allergisch was voor pinda's, dus heb ik geen pinda's in deze koekjes gedaan. I knew Tom was allergic to peanuts, so I didn't put any peanuts in these cookies. I knew Tom was allergic to peanuts, so I didn't put peanuts in these cookies. Tom begint kaal te worden. Tom is starting to go bald. Tom's getting bald. Ik denk we Tom moeten roepen. I think we should call Tom. I think we should call Tom. Wij geloven in God. We believe in God. We believe in God. Wanneer heb je voor het laatst op de grond geslapen? When was the last time you slept on the ground? When was the last time you slept on the floor? Eén voor allen, allen voor één. One for all, all for one. One for all, all for one. U ruikt naar gefrituurde aardappelen. You smell like fried potatoes. You smell like fried potatoes. Ik spreek uit ervaring. I'm speaking from experience. I speak from experience. Jullie hebben druiven. You have grapes. You have grapes. Tom vertelde me dat Maria in Boston was. Tom told me that Mary was in Boston. Tom told me Maria was in Boston. Januari is de eerste maand van het jaar. January is the first month of the year. January is the first month of the year. Waar wonen je ouders? Where do your parents live? Where do your parents live? Keulen ligt aan de Rijn. Cologne lies on the Rhine. Cologne is located on the Rhine. Jullie fluisterden. You whispered. You guys were whispering. Zegen me, vader, ik heb gezondigd of ik zal zondigen. Bless me, Father, for I have sinned or will sin. Bless me, Father, I have sinned or I will sin. Tom is niet zo arm als de meeste mensen denken. Tom isn't as poor as most people think he is. Tom's not as poor as most people think. In het Esperanto ligt de klemtoon altijd op de op een na laatste lettergreep. In Esperanto, the main stress always falls on the second-to-last syllable. In the Esperanto the emphasis is always on the second last syllable. Ik zou graag meekomen. I'd like to come along. I'd like to come with you. Houdt u van peren? Do you like pears? Do you like pears? Hij is een man van vele talenten. He is a man of many talents. He's a man of many talents. Het was duidelijk dat de bestuurder niet genoeg had opgelet. It was obvious that the driver had not been careful enough. It was clear the driver hadn't paid enough attention. Vincent van Gogh was een Nederlandse schilder. Vincent van Gogh was a Dutch painter. Vincent van Gogh was a Dutch painter. In hoeverre werd het plan gewijzigd? How much has the plan been changed? To what extent was the plan changed? Het is me hierbinnen te rokerig. It's too smoky in here for me. It's too smoky in here. Koffie of thee? Coffee or tea? Coffee or tea? Ik voel me machteloos. I feel powerless. I feel powerless. Vientiane is de hoofdstad van Laos. Vientiane is the capital of Laos. Vientiane is the capital of Laos. Mercurius was de boodschapper van de goden. Mercury was the messenger of the gods. Mercury was the messenger of the gods. Hoe eindigt de film? How does the film end? How does the movie end? De kelder zit vol met water. The basement is full of water. The basement's full of water. Dit spel heeft een prachtige overworld. This game has a beautiful overworld. This game has a beautiful overworld. Fadil raakte geïnteresseerd in de islam. Fadil became interested in Islam. Fadil became interested in Islam. Tom is erg geïnteresseerd in biologie. Tom is very interested in biology. Tom is very interested in biology. Ik maakte het uit met Tom. I broke up with Tom. I broke up with Tom. Als je geliefd wilt zijn, heb dan lief! If you want to be loved, love! If you want to be loved, love! Lomé is de hoofdstad van Togo. Lomé is the capital of Togo. Lomé is the capital of Togo. Ze werkte in België. She worked in Belgium. She worked in Belgium. Hij heeft een eigen huis. He owns his own house. He's got his own house. Zijn man is rijk. His husband is rich. His husband's rich. Wist je niet dat Tom allergisch was voor noten? Didn't you know Tom was allergic to nuts? Didn't you know Tom was allergic to nuts? Ik zal gaan. I'm going. I'll go. Tom merkte dat de deur niet op slot was. Tom noticed the door was unlocked. Tom noticed the door was unlocked. Hij zei dat hij het niet koud had. He said he wasn't cold. He said he wasn't cold. Ik heb niets te klagen. I have nothing to complain about. I have nothing to complain about. Ik ga elke zomer naar het platteland. I go to the country every summer. I go to the country every summer. Je gaat de problemen van het leven gewoon uit de weg. You're just running away from life's problems. You just get out of the way of life's problems. Mijn ouders komen uit China. My parents come from China. My parents are from China. Ga Tom halen. Go and fetch Tom. Go get Tom. Geef me een biertje. Give me a beer. Give me a beer. Ik leer Baskisch. I'm learning Basque. I'm learning Basque. Hij is drie dagen geleden vertrokken. He left three days ago. He left three days ago. Ik ben de halfbroer van Tom. I'm Tom's half brother. I'm Tom's half-brother. Mijn geduld raakt op. My patience is running out. I'm running out of patience. De boter smaakte zuur. The butter tasted sour. The butter tasted sour. Ik eet niet elke dag rijst. I don't eat rice every day. I don't eat rice every day. Ze leunde op zijn schouder. She leaned on his shoulder. She leaned on his shoulder. Blijf hier bij ons. Stay here with us. Stay here with us. Ik had mijn horloge laten repareren, maar het ging weer kapot. I had had my watch repaired, but it broke again. I had my watch repaired, but it broke again. Welk serpent in het vlugste op aarde? Which snake is the fastest in the world? What serpent in the fastest place on earth? Er zijn zes mensen, inclusief hem. There are six people including him. There are six people, including him. Ik zal het proberen te onthouden. I'll try to remember that. I'll try to remember. Alle treurspelen eindigen met een dood. All tragedies end with a death. All the grievances end with a death. Aangezien mijn moeder ziek was, kon ik er niet heen. Since my mother was sick, I couldn't go there. Since my mother was sick, I couldn't go. Sucre is de hoofdstad van Bolivia. Sucre is the capital of Bolivia. Sucre is the capital of Bolivia. De leraar gaf ons huiswerk. The teacher gave us homework. The teacher gave us homework. Zijn ze Frans aan het spreken? Are they speaking French? Are they speaking French? Heb je gisteren de maansverduistering gezien? Did you see the lunar eclipse yesterday? Did you see the lunar eclipse yesterday? Maria huilde niet. Mary did not cry. Maria didn't cry. Ik heb alleen een beetje frisse lucht nodig. I just need some fresh air. I just need a little fresh air. Tom maakt me altijd aan het lachen. Tom always makes me laugh. Tom always makes me laugh. Ik heb mijn sleutel verloren. I have lost my key. I lost my key. Sami had nog nooit een moslim ontmoet in zijn leven. Sami had never met a Muslim in his life. Sami had never met a Muslim in his life. Niemand wil mijn land steunen. Nobody wants to support my country. No one wants to support my country. Ze doorzochten het huis, maar vonden geen aanwijzingen. They searched the house, but found no clues. They searched the house, but found no leads. Er is geen enkele wolk aan de hemel. There isn't a cloud in the sky. There is no cloud in the sky. McKinley eiste een onmiddellijk staakt-het-vuren in Cuba. McKinley demanded an immediate ceasefire in Cuba. McKinley demanded an immediate ceasefire in Cuba. Mijn laptop draait Linux. My laptop is running Linux. My laptop is running Linux. Tom werd bleek. Tom turned pale. Tom turned pale. Neem contact op met haar als je vragen hebt. Contact her if you have any questions. Contact her if you have any questions. Die kat is bruin. That cat is brown. That cat's brown. Zij heeft een oom die bij een bank werkt. She has an uncle who works in a bank. She has an uncle who works at a bank. Houden jullie van peren? Do you like pears? Do you guys like pears? Ze vroeg om hulp, maar er kwam niemand. She requested help, but no one came. She asked for help, but no one came. Ren je iedere dag? Do you run every day? Do you run every day? Ik heb geen pak. I don't have a suit. I don't have a suit. Ik woon in een houten huis. I live in a wooden house. I live in a wooden house. Missie volbracht. Mission accomplished. Mission accomplished. Gisteren was het mijn verjaardag. Yesterday was my birthday. Yesterday was my birthday. Ik huil gemakkelijk. I cry easily. It's easy for me to cry. De struisvogel is een loopvogel. The ostrich is a flightless bird. The ostrich is a walking bird. Hij zag houtblokken voor de open haard. He sawed logs for the fireplace. He saw logs in front of the fireplace. Dat is een ander probleem. That is another matter. That's another problem. Ik ben zeker dat je gelijk hebt. I'm sure you're right. I'm sure you're right. Het moet gewassen worden. It needs washing. It needs to be washed. Italiaans is mijn moedertaal. Italian is my native language. Italian is my native language. Tom helpt Maria nooit in de keuken. Tom never helps Mary in the kitchen. Tom never helps Maria in the kitchen. We moeten vaker met elkaar praten. We need to talk to each other more often. We need to talk more often. Hij kan geen auto kopen. He can't buy a car. He can't buy a car. Hou hem in het oog. Keep an eye on him. Keep an eye on him. Castries is de hoofdstad van Saint Lucia. Castries is the capital of Saint Lucia. Castries is the capital of Saint Lucia. Waarom ben je te laat? Why are you late? Why are you late? Ik hoor een kat aan het venster krabben. I can hear a cat scratching at the window. I hear a cat scratching the window. Als je alles wat onmogelijk is hebt geëlimineerd dan moet dat wat overblijft, hoe onwaarschijnlijk ook, de waarheid zijn. When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. If you have eliminated everything that is impossible, then whatever remains, however unlikely, must be the truth. Tom is heel gevaarlijk. Tom's very dangerous. Tom is very dangerous. Ik kan je aanleren hoe dat te doen. I can teach you how to do this. I can teach you how to do that. U was mijn favoriet. You were my favorite. You were my favorite. Doe wat u wil. Do what you wish. Do what you want. Wat zijn uw plannen voor vanavond? What are your plans for tonight? What are your plans for tonight? Waar is jouw kat? Where's your cat? Where's your cat? Dat is allemaal goed en wel, maar u vergeet iets. That's fine, but you're forgetting something. That's all well and good, but you're forgetting something. Arabisch wordt van rechts naar links gelezen. Arabic is read from right to left. Arabic is read from right to left. Ik verkoop de paarden niet. I'm not selling the horses. I'm not selling the horses. We hebben genoeg tijd. We have plenty of time. We have plenty of time. Wat was Toms reactie op het nieuws? What was Tom's reaction to the news? What was Tom's reaction to the news? Mijn vader is een zakenman. My father is a businessman. My father's a businessman. Deze kaas is gemaakt van geitenmelk. That cheese is made from goat's milk. This cheese is made of goat's milk. Mijn slaapkamer is kleiner dan die van Tom. My bedroom is smaller than Tom's. My bedroom is smaller than Tom's. Ik heb een afschuwelijke fout begaan. I made a nightmarish mistake. I made a terrible mistake. Om geen risico's te nemen, ging ze naar het ziekenhuis. To be on the safe side, she went to hospital. In order not to take any chances, she went to the hospital. Ze zaten in de schaduw van die grote boom. They sat in the shade of that big tree. They were in the shadow of that big tree. Bent u Duits? You are German? Are you German? Brood wordt gemaakt van tarwe. Bread is made from wheat. Bread is made from wheat. Vergeleken met Tokio is Londen klein. Compared to Tokyo, London is small. Compared to Tokyo, London is small. Zij kwamen samen. They came together. They came together. Ieder zijn ding. To each his own. Everyone's thing. Ik hou heel veel van je. I love you very much. I love you very much. Sami is ook transgender. Sami is transgender, too. Sami is also transgender. Zeewater drinken kan dodelijk zijn voor mensen. Drinking seawater can be deadly to humans. Drinking seawater can kill people. Bekijk dit huis. Look at this house. Look at this house. Tom heeft een enorme lul. Tom has a huge cock. Tom's got a huge dick. Dit is een Hebreeuws woord en het betekent "vriend." This is a Hebrew word and it means "friend." This is a Hebrew word and it means "friend." Uw ticket, alstublieft. Please show your ticket. Your ticket, please. Gezondheid! Bless you! Cheers! Kan ik zien? Can I see? Can I see? Iemand heeft mijn paspoort gestolen. Someone stole my passport. Someone stole my passport. Wacht even, ik moet naar de wc. Hang on, I need to go to the bathroom. Wait a minute, I have to go to the bathroom. Het bleek dat hij haar vader was. He turned out to be her father. Turns out he was her father. Wanneer heb je voor de laatste keer een check-up gehad? When was the last time you had a checkup? When was the last time you had a check-up? Ik hou van mijn vader. I love my dad. I love my father. Tom sloeg Mary dood met een baseballknuppel. Tom beat Mary to death with a baseball bat. Tom beat Mary to death with a baseball bat. Hij zal voor altijd van haar houden. He will love her forever. He'll love her forever. Wij willen helpen. We want to help. We want to help. Ik nies veel. I sneeze a lot. I sneeze a lot. Natuurlijk moet een acrobaat een perfect evenwichtsgevoel hebben. Of course, an acrobat must have a perfect sense of balance. Of course, an acrobat must have a perfect sense of balance. Ik heb overgegeven. I vomited. I threw up. Spreekt u Grieks? Do you speak Greek? Do you speak Greek? Peter improviseert graag op zijn gitaar. Peter likes to improvise on his guitar. Peter likes to improvise on his guitar. Ik ben Fins. I'm Finnish. I'm Finnish. Ik ben geheel teneergeslagen. I'm completely cast down! I'm completely depressed. We zijn niet zo gelukkig of ongelukkig dan we onszelf inbeelden. We are not as happy or unhappy as we imagine ourselves to be. We're not as happy or unhappy as we imagine ourselves. Ik ben hier. I am here. I'm here. Tom zei dat hij een alibi had. Tom said he had an alibi. Tom said he had an alibi. Tom en Maria bekeken elkaar en stonden op. Tom and Mary looked at each other and stood up. Tom and Maria looked at each other and got up. Zijn ouders gaan elke zondag naar de kerk. His parents go to church every Sunday. His parents go to church every Sunday. Mag ik alsjeblieft een tandenborstel? Can I have a toothbrush, please? Can I have a toothbrush, please? Droog je tranen. Wipe your tears. Dry your tears. Als hij doorgaat zo te drinken, heeft hij straks een probleem. If he carries on drinking like that, he's going to have a problem. If he keeps drinking like that, he's gonna have a problem. Dat zal niet al te moeilijk zijn. It won't be that hard. That won't be too hard. Tom kocht zichzelf een nieuwe sportauto. Tom bought himself a new sports car. Tom bought himself a new sports car. Het is de goedkoopste van de twee. This is the cheaper of the two. It's the cheapest of the two. Ik kan je niet vertellen hoe het is gebeurd. I can't tell you how it happened. I can't tell you how it happened. Tom was kaal. Tom was bald. Tom was bald. Hij zweeg tijdens de vergadering. He kept silent during the meeting. He kept quiet at the meeting. Het maanlicht is zwak. The moonlight is weak. The moonlight is weak. Tom is nog steeds buiten. Tom is still outside. Tom's still out there. Hoe ging het bij de sollicitatie? How did it go at the job interview? How'd it go with the interview? Mijn vader zal vlug weer gezond zijn. My father will get well soon. My father will soon be well again. Soms kan ik mijn emoties niet bedwingen. Sometimes I can't hold my emotions. Sometimes I can't control my emotions. Ik kon niet in slaap komen. I couldn't fall asleep. I couldn't get to sleep. Hebt ge al een walvis gezien? Have you ever seen a whale? Have you seen a whale yet? Kathmandu is de hoofdstad van Nepal. Kathmandu is the capital of Nepal. Kathmandu is the capital of Nepal. Hij maakte misbruik van mijn jeugd. He took advantage of my youth. He took advantage of my childhood. Begrepen. Roger that. Copy that. Ik weet niet waarom Tom het niet wilde doen. I don't know why Tom didn't want to do that. I don't know why Tom wouldn't do it. Ik heb mijn besluit genomen. I've made my decision. I've made my decision. Het leven gaat niet altijd over rozen. In life there are ups and downs. Life isn't always about roses. Ik wordt niet graag beoordeeld. I don't like being judged. I don't like being judged. Vandaag wordt ze tien. Today she turns ten years old. Today she's gonna be ten. Onze school is aan de andere kant van de rivier. Our school is across the river. Our school is on the other side of the river. Haar vader is vorige week overleden. Her father passed away last week. Her father died last week. Ik ben aan het stikken. I'm suffocating. I'm choking. Het is ongelooflijk. It's unbelievable. It's unbelievable. Zij heeft mij geholpen. She helped me. She helped me. Ik wil bruine schoenen, geen zwarte. I want brown shoes, not black ones. I want brown shoes, not black ones. Geloof het of niet, het is de waarheid. Believe it or not, that is true. Believe it or not, it's the truth. Dit half jaar was heel succesvol. This half-year was very successful. This six months was very successful. Hij is zo'n onbedachtzame jongen dat hij heel vaak fouten maakt. He is such a careless boy that he makes mistakes very often. He's such a thoughtless boy that he makes mistakes all the time. Tom heeft deze keer gelijk. Tom is right this time. Tom's right this time. Sorry, ik zag je niet. Sorry, I didn't see you. Sorry, I didn't see you. Ze zag een muis. She saw a mouse. She saw a mouse. Wees alstublieft stil! Please be quiet. Please be quiet! Wat is jullie favoriete soort sushi? What's your favorite kind of sushi? What's your favorite kind of sushi? Waar heb je ze weggegooid? Where did you throw them away? Where did you throw them? Mijn nieuwe jurk is rood. My new dress is red. My new dress is red. Tom is een vriend van mij. Tom is a friend of mine. Tom's a friend of mine. Ge zult morgen moeten komen. You'll have to come tomorrow. You'll have to come tomorrow. De stad werd gebombardeerd door vijandelijke vliegtuigen. The city was bombed by enemy planes. The city was bombed by enemy planes. Ik heb je hulp nodig. I need your help. I need your help. De enige vingerafdrukken die de politie op de deurknop vond waren die van Tom. The only fingerprints that the police found on the doorknob were Tom's. The only fingerprints the police found on the doorknob were Tom's. In Australië spreken ze Engels. In Australia, they speak English. In Australia, they speak English. Dat lost niets op. This won't solve anything. That doesn't solve anything. Wil je nog een kop koffie drinken? Will you drink another cup of coffee? Would you like another cup of coffee? Als ik jou was, zou ik het niet doen. I wouldn't do that if I were you. If I were you, I wouldn't. Mama kocht een mooie pop voor mij. Mom bought a pretty doll for me. Mommy bought me a nice doll. Er was geen begroting beschikbaar. No cost estimate was available. There was no budget available. Deze klok is van mij. This clock is mine. This clock is mine. Stel je even voor: hij is arts en toch rookt hij. Just imagine: he is a doctor, and yet he is a smoker. Imagine, he's a doctor, and yet he smokes. Ik heb koffie nodig. I need coffee. I need coffee. Spreekt u alstublieft langzamer. Could you please speak a little bit more slowly? Please speak more slowly. Heeft u mijn brieven ontvangen? Did you receive my letters? Did you receive my letters? Tom schoor. Tom shaved. Tom shaved. Ik heb een hulpkreet gehoord. I heard a call for help. I heard a cry for help. Ik denk dat je dit nodig zal hebben. I suppose you'll be needing this. I think you're gonna need this. Wees stil. Be quiet. Be quiet. Vlees bevat eiwitten. Meat contains proteins. Meat contains proteins. Zijn ogen zijn rood. His eyes are red. His eyes are red. Ik kan niet wachten tot school begint. I can't wait for school to start. I can't wait for school to start. Tom heeft drie honden. Tom has three dogs. Tom has three dogs. Ik denk dat zijn naam Tom is. I think his name is Tom. I think his name is Tom. Ik voel dat ik u moet helpen. I feel that I should help you. I feel I have to help you. Je vraag is heel moeilijk te beantwoorden. Your question is very hard to answer. Your question is very difficult to answer. Ik heb niks gedaan. I did nothing. I didn't do anything. Naast een dokter, was hij ook een erg beroemde romanschrijver. Besides being a doctor, he was a very famous novelist. Besides a doctor, he was also a very famous novelist. Niemand ging staan. Nobody stood up. Nobody stood up. Jullie willen niet te laat komen. You don't want to be late. You don't want to be late. Er is een telefoon in de keuken. There's a phone in the kitchen. There's a phone in the kitchen. Valentijnsdag valt dit jaar op een zondag. Valentine's Day is on Sunday this year. Valentine's Day is on a Sunday this year. Tom wil nergens heen gaan met jou. Tom doesn't want to go anywhere with you. Tom doesn't want to go anywhere with you. Dat is een duur restaurant. That's an expensive restaurant. That's an expensive restaurant. Ze is getrouwd toen ze zeventien was. She got married at the age of seventeen. She was married when she was 17. Misschien kan hij morgen komen. He may be able to come tomorrow. Maybe he can come tomorrow. Hij kan trots zijn op zijn vader. He can be proud of her father. He can be proud of his father. Ze ging haar kamer in. She entered her room. She went into her room. Ze ging met de taxi naar het ziekenhuis. She took a taxi to the hospital. She took a cab to the hospital. Ben je er al aan gewend geraakt om in Boston te wonen? Have you gotten used to living in Boston? Have you gotten used to living in Boston? Maria en ik zijn verloofd. Mary and I got engaged. Maria and I are engaged. Er wordt vaak gezegd dat Japanners harde werkers zijn. It is often said that the Japanese are hard workers. It is often said that Japanese workers are hard workers. De leeuw is vlees aan het eten. The lion is eating meat. The lion is eating meat. Hij is knapper dan ooit tevoren! He's even more handsome than ever! He's prettier than ever before! Zeg haar dat ge haar graag ziet. Heb geen schrik. Ze zal u niet bijten. Tell her you like her. Don't be afraid. She won't bite you. Tell her you like her, don't worry, she won't bite you. Ik heb nog nooit een gaatje gehad. I've never had a cavity. I've never had a hole in my life. Dit is de keuken. This is the kitchen. This is the kitchen. Tom had geen mannelijke erfgenaam. Tom had no male heir. Tom didn't have a male heir. Jullie zijn nu vrij. You're free now. You're free now. Ik zoek boeken over de Romeinse geschiedenis. I'm looking for books on Roman history. I'm looking for books on Roman history. Ik maak maar een grapje. I'm only kidding. I'm just kidding. De meeste slangen op dit eiland zijn ongevaarlijk. Most snakes on this island are harmless. Most snakes on this island are harmless. Je weet nergens van. You know nothing. You don't know anything. Ik zal hier het hele jaar blijven. I'll stay here all year. I'll be here all year. Ik kwam dat restaurant toevallig tegen. I found that restaurant by accident. I just happened to run into that restaurant. De Comoren worden " Juzur al-Qamar " genoemd in het Arabisch. The Comoros is called "Juzur al-Qamar" in Arabic. The Comoros are called "Juzur al-Qamar" in Arabic. Heb je je vriend in Canada opgebeld? Did you call your friend in Canada? Did you call your friend in Canada? Ze hebben een jaar gespaard voor de reis. They had been saving money for the trip for a year. They saved a year for the trip. Zou u een ufo willen zien? Would you like to see a UFO? Would you like to see a UFO? Ik hou niet van lezen, ik ben er dol op. I don't just like reading, I absolutely love it. I don't like reading. I love reading. Hij is goed in wiskunde. He is good at mathematics. He's good at math. Dit is niet grappig. This isn't funny. This isn't funny. Is dit jouw wijn? Is this your wine? Is this your wine? Hij vertaalde een Japanse roman naar het Frans. He translated a Japanese novel into French. He translated a Japanese novel into French. De muur staat vol met graffiti. The wall is covered with graffiti. The wall is full of graffiti. Drink minder en slaap meer. Drink less and sleep more. Drink less and sleep more. Je begint me stilaan op de zenuwen te werken. You're starting to piss me off. You're starting to get on my nerves. Maak u geen zorgen. Ik doe dat wel. Don't worry. I'll do it. Don't worry, I'll do it. Dat was het juiste ding om te doen. That was the right thing to do. That was the right thing to do. Jij koopt brood. You buy bread. You buy bread. Hij gaat vaak met haar naar de bioscoop. He often goes to the cinema with her. He takes her to the movies a lot. Tom en Mary denken niet echt dat zij dat kunnen doen, toch? Tom and Mary don't really think they can do that, do they? Tom and Mary don't really think they can do that, do they? Tom moet heel fier zijn. Tom must be very proud. Tom must be very proud. Tom heeft het probleem gevonden. Tom has found the problem. Tom found the problem. Moroni is de hoofdstad van de Comoren. Moroni is the capital of the Comoros. Moroni is the capital of the Comoros. Ze omhelsden hem. They hugged him. They hugged him. Arm zijn is geen schande. There is no shame in being poor. Being poor is no shame. Ik ben Maria's zoon. I'm Mary's son. I'm Maria's son. Deze fabriek produceert auto-onderdelen. This factory manufactures automobile parts. This factory produces car parts. Blijf lopen. Keep running. Keep moving. Het is te lang geleden. It's been too long. It's been too long. Praten jullie tegen jullie hond? Do you talk to your dog? Are you talking to your dog? Waarom nam ze een taxi? Why did she take a cab? Why did she take a cab? Gisteren heb ik voetbal gespeeld. I played soccer yesterday. Yesterday I played soccer. We hebben vanmiddag een afspraak. We're to meet at noon. We have an appointment this afternoon. Je mag mijn jacht gebruiken. You are welcome to the use of my yacht. You can use my yacht. U moet de knoop strakker maken. You must tighten the knot. You need to tighten the knot. Wij zijn Toms klaskameraadjes. We're Tom's classmates. We're Tom's classmates. Heeft u overmorgen tijd? Do you have time the day after tomorrow? Do you have time the day after tomorrow? Tom sprong het zwembad in. Tom jumped into the swimming pool. Tom jumped into the pool. Tom wist niet dat je een grapje maakte. Tom didn't know that you were joking. Tom didn't know you were kidding. Mag ik deze sinaasappel? Can I have this orange? Can I have this orange? Hij kon de inrichting van kantoor van zijn belastingen aftrekken. He could write off his work room's furnishing from his taxes. He was able to subtract the office from his taxes. Ik weet de naam van die man niet meer. I can't remember that guy's name. I don't remember that man's name. Komt hij vanavond? Will he be coming this evening? Is he coming tonight? Uw halsketting is prachtig. Your necklace is beautiful. Your necklace is beautiful. Let op je woorden! Be careful what you say! Watch your mouth! Waar zijn de parkeermeters? Where are the parking meters? Where are the parking meters? Mijn programma is niet compatibel met Windows. My software isn't compatible with Windows. My program is not compatible with Windows. De productie in deze fabriek steeg met 20%. The output at this factory has increased by 20%. Production in this factory increased by 20%. Verrader! Traitor! Traitor! Ben je vóór of tegen het voorstel? Are you for or against the proposal? Are you in favour or against the proposal? Kraaien houden van onze watermeloen. Crows love our watermelon. Crows love our watermelon. Sami moet een moslim worden. Sami has to become Muslim. Sami must become a Muslim. Er komt een zandstorm aan. A sandstorm is coming in. There's a sandstorm coming. Iedereen is aan het lachen. Everyone's laughing. Everybody's laughing. Kan je dat nog eens doen? Can you do that again? Can you do that again? Jij verrader! You traitor! You traitor! Hoe gaat het met Tom? How's Tom doing? How's Tom? Ik heb hoofdpijn. My head aches. I have a headache. Niemand wilde mijn land bezoeken. Nobody wanted to visit my country. No one wanted to visit my country. Allebei de meisjes hoestten tegelijkertijd. Both girls coughed at the same time. Both the girls coughed at the same time. Haal het fototoestel. Get the camera. Get the camera. Schrijf iets. Write something. Write something. Tom zei dat hij weet waar Mary naartoe ging. Tom said he knew where Mary was going. Tom said he knows where Mary was going. Ik heb vandaag geen ontbijt gegeten. I didn't eat breakfast today. I didn't eat breakfast today. Je ruikt naar kak. You smell like shit. You smell like shit. Ik zal je aan hem voorstellen. I'll introduce you to him. I'll introduce you to him. Misschien moet je de tv uitzetten en iets anders gaan doen. Maybe you should turn off the television and do something else. Maybe you should turn off the TV and do something else. Sami was op vakantie met zijn familie. Sami was on vacation with his family. Sami was on vacation with his family. Mijn televisie is kapot. My television is broken. My television's broken. Ik hou niet van muziek. I do not like music. I don't like music. Yitzhak is joods en hij heeft veel moslimvrienden. Is dat verkeerd? Yitzhak is Jewish and he has many Muslim friends. Is that wrong? Yitzhak is Jewish and he has a lot of Muslim friends. Hij helpt haar. He helps her. He's helping her. Kan je het naar New York versturen? Can you ship it to New York City? Can you send it to New York? Niet vechten. Don't fight. Don't fight. Ik voel me onoverwinnelijk. I feel invincible. I feel invincible. Haar naam zegt me iets. Her name rings a bell. Her name tells me something. Waar is de schaar? Where are the scissors? Where's the scissors? Toms jacht is een van de grootste jachten die ik ooit heb gezien. Tom's yacht is one of the largest yachts I've ever seen. Tom's yacht is one of the biggest yachts I've ever seen. Gisteren miste hij de trein naar Sapporo. Yesterday he missed the train to Sapporo. Yesterday he missed the train to Sapporo. Kan je de defecte radio maken? Can you fix the broken radio? Can you fix the faulty radio? Deze armzalige kerk is het oudste gebouw van ons land. This miserable old church is the oldest building in our country. This poor church is the oldest building in our country. Ik ben allergisch voor pollen. I have an allergy to pollen. I'm allergic to pollen. Ik moet deze vaardigheden aanleren. I need to learn these skills. I need to learn these skills. Het is twee uur. It's two o'clock. It's 2:00. Ik zag de hond. I saw the dog. I saw the dog. Geef je over aan de vijand. Surrender to the enemy. Surrender to the enemy. De Normandische overwinning tegen Engeland heeft een grote invloed gehad op de Engelse taal. The Norman victory over England had a big impact on the English language. The Norman victory against England has had a great influence on the English language. De klok is in Zwitserland gemaakt. The clock is made in Switzerland. The clock was made in Switzerland. Tom is aan het zweten. Tom is sweating. Tom's sweating. Ik heb twee broers. I have two brothers. I have two brothers. Spanje ranselt Nederland af. Spain wallops Netherlands. Spain rattles the Netherlands. Zij heeft mij haar album laten zien. She showed me her album. She showed me her album. Hij had geluk en was op tijd voor de trein. Being lucky, he was in time for the train. He got lucky and got there in time for the train. Was je handen met zeep. Wash your hands with soap. Wash your hands with soap. Nederland wordt " Nederlân " in het Fries genoemd. The Netherlands is called "Nederlân" in Frisian. The Netherlands is called " Nederlân " in the Frisian language. Hij heeft nog nooit een leugen verteld. He has never told a lie. He's never told a lie before. Ik kom uit Tokio. I'm from Tokyo. I'm from Tokyo. Mannen praten de hele tijd over vrouwen. Men talk about women all the time. Men talk about women all the time. Dus, wat vind je eigenlijk zo interessant aan dinosaurussen? So, what do you find so interesting about dinosaurs? So, what do you find so interesting about dinosaurs? Hij is Oostenrijks He's Austrian. He's Austrian. Dat zijn mijn ouders. Those are my parents. Those are my parents. Zo gezegd, zo gedaan. No sooner said than done. So to speak, so to speak. Barack Obama is de president van de Verenigde Staten. Barack Obama is the President of the United States. Barack Obama is the President of the United States. Ik ben vroeg opgestaan. I woke up early. I got up early. De zon smolt de sneeuw. The sun melted the snow. The sun melted the snow. Tom is niet meer zo kwiek als vroeger. Tom isn't as spry as he used to be. Tom's not as spicy as he used to be. Tom gaf me een vieze blik Tom gave me a dirty look. Tom gave me a dirty look. Dat deed je in 2013. You did that in 2013. You did that in 2013. Vond u het slaatje lekker? Did you enjoy the salad? Did you like the salad? De muis at de sprinkhaan. The mouse ate the grasshopper. The mouse ate the grasshopper. Waarom heeft ze maar één handschoen aan? Why does she have only one glove on? Why is she only wearing one glove? Ik hoorde een vrouw schreeuwen. I heard a woman scream. I heard a woman screaming. Ik draag nooit witte sokken. I never wear white socks. I never wear white socks. Het was mijn schuld niet. It wasn't my fault. It wasn't my fault. Hij voerde het plan uit. He carried out the plan. He carried out the plan. Dit heb jij gedaan. You did this. This is what you did. We redden het nooit op tijd. We're never going to make it on time. We'll never make it in time. Wek me om zeven uur. Wake me up at seven. Wake me up at 7:00. Tom was de enige in de kamer. Tom was the only one in the room. Tom was the only one in the room. Ik zal daar persoonlijk voor zorgen. I'll take care of it personally. I'll take care of that personally. Het regende hard in Boston. It was raining hard in Boston. It was raining hard in Boston. Ik heb de film al eens gezien. I have seen the film before. I've seen the movie before. Tom zal overmorgen vertrekken. Tom will be leaving the day after tomorrow. Tom will leave the day after tomorrow. Dokter, ik heb buikpijn. I have a stomachache, doctor. Doctor, I have a stomachache. Hoe hoog kunnen vogels vliegen? How high can birds fly? How high can birds fly? Het is Tokio. It's Tokyo. It's Tokyo. Ik kan op jullie wachten. I can wait for you. I can wait for you. Mijn man is zijn baan verloren. My husband lost his job. My husband lost his job. Tom en Mary hebben geen kinderen. Tom and Mary have no children. Tom and Mary don't have kids. Het is goed je te zien. It's nice to see you. It's good to see you. Ik heb haar ERG goed leren kennen. I got to know her REAL well. I got to know her very well. Ik ben lelijk. I'm ugly. I'm ugly. Ik dacht dat u vroeger Frans gaf. I thought you used to be a French teacher. I thought you used to give French. Kan ik hem naar huis brengen? Can I take him home? Can I take him home? Ik ben linkshandig. I'm left-handed. I'm left-handed. Ik vind het leuk om vliegen te vangen. I like to catch flies. I like catching flies. Waarom zou hij liegen? Why would he lie? Why would he lie? Hij staat vroeg op. He gets up early. He's getting up early. Ik zou graag die stad verlaten en nooit meer terugkeren. I'd like to leave this town and never come back. I'd like to leave that city and never return. Hij lijkt wel een skelet. He looks just like a skeleton. He's like a skeleton. Picasso is een beroemd kunstenaar. Picasso is a famous artist. Picasso is a famous artist. Vorige week at ik elke dag pizza. I ate pizza every day last week. Last week, I ate pizza every day. Waar wil je heen? What are you driving at? Where do you want to go? Ik zou nooit lid worden van een geheim genootschap. I would never join a secret society. I would never become a member of a secret society. Ze renden Tom voorbij. They ran past Tom. They ran past Tom. De broer schrijft. The brother is writing. The brother writes. Geef me een pen en een paar bladen papier, alstublieft. Please give me a pen and some sheets of paper. Give me a pen and a few sheets of paper, please. Ik wil u weer zien. I want to see you again. I want to see you again. Ze was bang om de straat over te steken. She was afraid to cross the road. She was afraid to cross the street. In vergelijking met Tokio is Londen klein. In comparison with Tokyo, London is small. Compared to Tokyo, London is small. Sami bezocht veel landen in de regio. Sami visited many countries in the region. Sami visited many countries in the region. Het reisagentschap heeft ons alle details over de trip bezorgd. The travel company furnished us with all the details of the tour. The travel agency provided us with all the details of the trip. Ze kwam meer dan eens klaar. She orgasmed repeatedly. She came more than once. Ik eet om te leven. I eat to live. I eat to live. Hij houdt van brood en boter. He likes bread and butter. He likes bread and butter. Het restaurant was bijna leeg. The restaurant was almost empty. The restaurant was almost empty. We zullen paraffine voor hen kopen. We'll buy some paraffin for them. We'll buy them paraffin. Het moet worden gewassen. It needs washing. It needs to be washed. Het sneeuwt. Snow is falling. It's snowing. Ze heeft een knoop op haar jas vastgenaaid. She sewed a button on her coat. She sewed a button on her coat. De soep is koud. The soup is cold. The soup's cold. Beide meisjes hebben blauwe ogen. Both girls have blue eyes. Both girls have blue eyes. Ik ben Paul, jouw flatgenoot. I am Paul, your flatmate. I'm Paul, your flatmate. Wanneer heb je hem ontmoet? When did you meet him? When did you meet him? Ik heb "Star Wars" twee keer gezien. I have seen "Star Wars" twice. I've seen Star Wars twice. Tom weet niet wanneer Marie zal komen. Tom doesn't know when Mary will come. Tom doesn't know when Marie's coming. Zowel Tom als Maria schijnen niet in staat om dat te doen. Tom and Mary both seem unable to do that. Both Tom and Maria seem unable to do so. Ik heb een pijnstiller nodig. I need a painkiller. I need a painkiller. Sommige van mijn vrienden kunnen goed Engels spreken. Some of my friends can speak English well. Some of my friends can speak English well. Vroeger reed mijn vader een Kever. My dad used to drive a Beetle. My dad used to drive a beetle. Hij is getrouwd en heeft twee kinderen. He is married with two children. He's married and has two children. Nu weet ik waar ik aan toe ben! Now I know my situation! Now I know what I'm up to! Niemand ging naar mijn land. Nobody went to my country. Nobody went to my country. Tom voelde zich slaperig. Tom felt sleepy. Tom felt sleepy. Ze verzamelde de stukken van het gebroken bord. She gathered the pieces of the broken dish. She collected the pieces from the broken board. We hebben voetbal gespeeld gisteren. We played football yesterday. We played soccer last night. Heb je daar informatie over? Do you have any information about that? Do you have any information on that? Ik hou van aardappelen. I like potatoes. I like potatoes. Tom oefent op de piano. Tom is practicing piano. Tom's practicing on the piano. Blijf uit de problemen. Stay out of trouble. Stay out of trouble. Mijn vriend is een journalist. My boyfriend is a journalist. My friend's a journalist. Ze is alles behalve een zangeres. She is anything but a singer. She's anything but a singer. Tom was de hele dag buiten. Tom was out all day. Tom was out all day. Washington is de hoofdstad van de Verenigde Staten. Washington is the capital of the United States. Washington is the capital of the United States. Ze moet ergens zijn. She must be somewhere. She's gotta be somewhere. Het meer is vervuild. The lake is polluted. The lake is polluted. Hij is maar een man. He is only a man. He's just a man. Ik was agressief. I was aggressive. I was aggressive. Ik wil iets om te lezen. I want something to read. I want something to read. Ik ben een aardappel. I am a potato. I'm a potato. Wat zoudt ge doen in mijn plaats? What would you do in my place? What would you do in my place? Tom zal naar Boston gaan, denk ik. Tom will go to Boston, I think. Tom will go to Boston, I think. Het ijs op het meer is te dun om uw gewicht te dragen. The ice on the lake is too thin to bear your weight. The ice on the lake is too thin to carry your weight. Dit zijn geen vissen. These aren't fish. These aren't fish. De regio is enorm, maar dunbevolkt. The region is enormous, but sparsely populated. The region is huge, but sparsely populated. Zijn broer is een heel bekwame arts. His brother is a very capable doctor. His brother's a very capable doctor. Denk je echt dat Tom kleurenblind is? Do you really think Tom is colorblind? You really think Tom's color blind? Ik werk niet op zondag. I do not work on Sunday. I don't work on Sundays. Ik denk dat je daar spijt van zult krijgen. I think you'll regret doing that. I think you'll regret that. Als u niet bezig bent, kan u me dan helpen? If you're not busy, could you please help me? If you're not busy, can you help me? Mijn vader is voor het ogenblik in de tuin. Father is in the garden now. My dad's in the garden right now. Dit vindt u in een doe-het-zelfzaak. You will find this in a hardware store. You'll find this in a DIY case. Dat maakt momenteel niet uit. That's not important right now. It doesn't matter right now. Ik heb met mijn ouders gesproken. I spoke to my parents. I talked to my parents. Heeft u een aansteker? Have you got a lighter? Do you have a lighter? Ga je met mij naar het concert? Will you come with me to the concert? Are you going to the concert with me? Ik zou graag mijn ouders zien. I'd like to see my parents. I'd like to see my parents. Ben je nu bezig? Een ogenblik, ik kom meteen. "Are you busy right now?" "One moment, I am coming immediately." Wait a minute, I'll be right there. We hebben schonere energiebronnen nodig. We need cleaner sources of energy. We need cleaner energy sources. Uw vrouw is kwaad op u. Your wife is mad at you. Your wife is mad at you. Ik pwn noobs. I pwn noobs. I pwn noobs. Volgens de Italianen zijn vertalers verraders. The Italians say that translators are traitors. According to the Italians, translators are traitors. Tom zat in een rolstoel. Tom was in a wheelchair. Tom was in a wheelchair. Het kan een hele tijd duren voor u me weer ziet. It might be a long time before you see me again. It could be a long time before you see me again. Niemand loofde mijn land. Nobody praised my country. No one praised my country. Ik spreek drie talen. I speak three languages. I speak three languages. Er zijn ook leveranciers die Linux ondersteunen. There are also vendors who support Linux. There are also suppliers who support Linux. Sami had blauwe ogen. Sami had blue eyes. Sami had blue eyes. Ik zou graag in China willen wonen. I'd like to live in China. I'd like to live in China. Kijk geen televisie. Do not watch TV. Don't watch television. Ze werd verkozen tot balkoningin. She was voted prom queen. She was elected prom queen. Heb je de aankondiging gehoord? Did you hear the announcement? Did you hear the announcement? Wacht in de wachtzaal. Wait in the lobby. Wait in the waiting room. Ik zal je over Japan vertellen. I will tell you about Japan. I'll tell you about Japan. Dit is een houten huis. This is a wooden house. This is a wooden house. Ik hou altijd mijn woord. I always keep my word. I always keep my word. Tom is een rabbijn. Tom is a rabbi. Tom's a rabbi. Ze spreken Iers. They're speaking Irish. They speak Irish. Ik heb hem een keer ontmoet. I met him once. I met him once. Sami is mogelijk ergens allergisch voor. Sami might be allergic to something. Sami may be allergic to something. Misschien heeft Tom problemen. Maybe Tom has problems. Maybe Tom's in trouble. Ze keek tv met tranen in haar ogen. She was watching TV with tears in her eyes. She was watching TV with tears in her eyes. Zorg dat ze gelukkig blijven. Keep them happy. Make sure they're happy. Mijn moeder is altijd onderweg. My mother is always on the go. My mom's always on her way. Alice heeft echt bestaan maar Wonderland is een fictief land. There really was an Alice, but Wonderland is a figment of the imagination. Alice really existed, but Wonderland is a fictional country. Ik ga biologie en Spaans studeren. I'm going to study biology and Spanish. I'm going to study biology and Spanish. Hallo, Tom! Hello, Tom! Hello, Tom! Volgend jaar ga ik naar Mainz en dan naar Keulen. I'm going to Mainz and then to Cologne next year. Next year I'm going to Mainz and then Cologne. Waarom nu? Why now? Why now? Ik kreeg problemen met de politie omdat ik te hard reed. I got into trouble with the police for driving too fast. I got into trouble with the police because I was speeding. Gefeliciteerd mijn vriend! Happy birthday, my friend! Congratulations, my friend! Ik moest het voor half drie doen. I had to do it before 2:30. I had to do it before 2:30. Komaan! Je moet op z'n minst de nacht doorbrengen. We hebben je al zo lang niet meer gezien. Oh, come on! You gotta at least spend the night. We haven't seen you for so long. You should at least spend the night, we haven't seen you in so long. De vergadering duurde tot vijf uur. The meeting lasted until 5. The meeting lasted until 5 a.m. De hoofdstad van Japan is Tokio. The capital of Japan is Tokyo. The capital of Japan is Tokyo. Water bestaat uit zuurstof en waterstof. Water is composed of oxygen and hydrogen. Water consists of oxygen and hydrogen. Marie heeft een dozijn eieren nodig. Mary needs a dozen eggs. Marie needs a dozen eggs. Tom is boos. Tom's mad. Tom's angry. Ik ben er, wil je praten? I'm here. Do you want to chat? I'm here. You want to talk? Waar heb je je camera laten repareren? Where did you get your camera repaired? Where'd you get your camera fixed? Er kraait geen haan naar. Nobody cares about that. There's no rooster crow. Mijn favoriete zangeres is Thalía. Thalia's my favorite singer. My favorite singer is Thalía. "Juist," zuchtte Dima. "Sorry voor de verwarring dan. Geniet van je Fanta en prettige dag." "I see," Dima sighed. "Sorry for the confusion, then. Enjoy your Fanta, and have a good day." "Right," sighed Dima. "Sorry for the confusion then. Enjoy your Fanta and have a good day." Aan dit drama ontbreekt iets. Het is alleen maar een eenvoudig waarschuwend verhaal zonder echte diepte. This drama is missing something. All it is is a simple cautionary tale with no real depth. There's something missing from this drama, it's just a simple warning story with no real depth. Woon je in Duitsland, Yidir? Do you live in Germany, Yidir? Do you live in Germany, Yidir? Ze trouwde hem. She married him. She married him. Wanneer keert ge terug naar Italië? When are you returning to Italy? When do you return to Italy? Hij heeft een dienstmeid. He has a maid. He's got a maid. Ik heb een muis nodig. I need a mouse. I need a mouse. Alle parkeerplaatsen zijn bezet. All the parking spots are taken. All parking spaces are occupied. Hij houdt van de Italiaanse keuken. He likes the Italian cuisine. He likes Italian cuisine. De kamer van mijnheer Johnson was een grote. Mr. Johnson's room was a large room. Mr Johnson's room was a big one. In het drama heeft ze een belangrijke rol gespeeld. She played an important part in the drama. She played an important role in the drama. Deze bank neemt te veel ruimte in. This sofa takes up too much space. This bank is taking up too much space. Regent het? Is it raining now? Is it raining? Vergeven en vergeten. Forgive and forget. Forgive and forget. Tom eet niet alleen meer dan Mary, maar ook veel sneller. Tom not only eats more than Mary does, but he also eats much faster. Tom doesn't just eat more than Mary, he eats much faster. Meng de blauwe verf met de gele verf. Blend the blue paint with the yellow paint. Mix the blue paint with the yellow paint. Iedereen raakte in paniek. Everybody panicked. Everyone panicked. Wees niet bang. Die ziekte is niet besmettelijk. Don't be afraid. That disease isn't contagious. Don't be afraid, it's not contagious. Tom deed het licht aan. Tom turned on the light. Tom turned on the light. Geef me een tas melk, als je wilt. Please give me a cup of milk. Give me a bag of milk, if you want. Ze heeft een nieuwe vriend. She has a new boyfriend. She's got a new boyfriend. Ik wil Tom mijn sleutel niet geven. I don't want to give Tom my key. I don't want to give Tom my key. Het mes is niet scherp. The knife isn't sharp. The knife isn't sharp. Layla's getuigenis schokte het hof. Layla's testimony shocked the court. Layla's testimony shocked the court. Yaren is de hoofdstad van Nauru. Yaren is the capital of Nauru. Yaren is the capital of Nauru. Ik speel korfbal. I play netball. I play basketball. We hebben het boek eindelijk gepubliceerd. We finally published the book. We finally published the book. Veel mensen houden van chocolade. Many people like chocolate. A lot of people like chocolate. Tom is jong. Tom's young. Tom's young. Er ontbreken twee bladzijdes uit dit boek. This book is missing two pages. There are two pages missing from this book. Ik weet niet waar het is. I don't know where it is. I don't know where it is. Hij kan beter pianospelen dan ik. He can play the piano better than I. He's better at playing the piano than I am. Ze zagen niets. They didn't see anything. They didn't see anything. Wat hij ook zegt, vertrouw hem niet. No matter what he says, don't trust him. Whatever he says, don't trust him. Hoe kun je Tom helpen? How can you help Tom? How can you help Tom? Hou je waffel dicht, idioot! Shut up, dumbass! Shut up, you idiot! Je zou nogal dom moeten zijn om dat te doen. You'd have to be pretty stupid to do that. You should be pretty stupid to do that. Nu ben ik aan het lezen. I'm reading now. Now I'm reading. Hij ging de kamer binnen. He entered the room. He went into the room. De letterlijke vertaling van het Spaanse woord "chupacabra" is "geitenlikker." The literal translation for the Spanish word "chupacabra" is "goat sucker." The literal translation of the Spanish word "chupacabra" is "goat-licker." Wij wonen in Belfast. We live in Belfast. We live in Belfast. Willen jullie naar de film of naar het theater? Do you want to go to the movies or to the theater? Do you want to go to the movies or the theater? 100 euro voor de hele dag. 100 euros for the whole day. 100 euros for the whole day. Ik kon zijn huis niet vinden. I couldn't find his house. I couldn't find his house. Ik ben geen echte vis, ik ben maar een knuffelbeest. I'm not a real fish, I'm just a mere plushy. I'm not a real fish, I'm just a stuffed animal. Politici vertellen niet altijd de waarheid. Politicians don't always tell the truth. Politicians don't always tell the truth. Ik denk het niet. I don't think so. I don't think so. Maputo is de hoofdstad van Mozambique. Maputo is the capital of Mozambique. Maputo is the capital of Mozambique. Papa moedigt hem altijd aan. Dad's always encouraging him. Daddy always encourages him. Wij komen beiden uit Tampa. Both of us are from Tampa. We're both from Tampa. Ze bakte brood. She baked bread. She baked bread. Hoop brengt geen brood op de plank. Hope doesn't put food on the table. Hope doesn't bring bread on the shelf. Je had kunnen verdrinken! You could have drowned. You could have drowned! Laten we het vragen. Let's ask. Let's ask. Ik heb schrik van wilde beesten. I'm afraid of wild animals. I'm afraid of wild beasts. Ik beloofde. I promised. I promised. Hij erfde het kasteel. He inherited the castle. He inherited the castle. Doe alsof u thuis bent! Make yourself at home! Make yourself at home! Mijn slee is wit. My sleigh is white. My sleigh is white. De fantasie heeft invloed op alle facetten van ons leven. Imagination affects every aspect of our lives. The fantasy affects all facets of our lives. Hij is geboren in een klein stadje in Italië. He was born in a small town in Italy. He was born in a small town in Italy. Drink uw melk. Drink your milk. Drink your milk. Stop het geld in je zak. Put the money in your pocket. Put the money in your pocket. Tom vergat. Tom forgot. Tom forgot. Hij werd wegens moord opgehangen. He was hanged for murder. He was hanged for murder. Ik kreeg een paar nieuwe schoenen. I got a pair of new shoes. I got some new shoes. Doe je best en het zal je lukken. Do your best, and you will succeed. Do your best and you'll do it. Het is een beschamende vraag. It's an embarrassing question. It's an embarrassing question. Ik ben blij dat ik je eindelijk heb gevangen. I'm glad I've finally caught you. I'm glad I finally caught you. De leerlingen zitten in een kring. The students are sitting in a circle. The students are in a circle. Ik zou je willen laten kennismaken met een vriend van mij. I would like you to meet a friend of mine. I'd like to introduce you to a friend of mine. Zal het vanavond sneeuwen? Will it snow tonight? Will it snow tonight? Je zal me nooit meer zien. You'll never see me again. You'll never see me again. Waar ontbijt Tom? Where does Tom eat breakfast? Where's Tom's breakfast? Hij kon het probleem gemakkelijk oplossen. He was easily able to solve the problem. He could easily solve the problem. Fijne vakantie. Happy holidays. Have a nice vacation. Deze zaak heeft me veel slapeloze nachten gekost. The affair cost me many sleepless nights. This case has cost me a lot of sleepless nights. Jij begrijpt me. You understand me. You understand me. Ze is ongeveer veertig. She is about forty. She's about 40. We vieren 28 november als Tatoebadag, omdat het de dag is waarop Turks, Esperanto en Grieks werden toegevoegd. We celebrate November 28 as Tatoeba day because it is the day when Turkish, Esperanto and Greek were added. We celebrate 28 November as Tatoubadag, because it is the day on which Turkish, Esperanto and Greek were added. Dit is een ei. This is an egg. This is an egg. Dit is geen zilver. This isn't silver. This isn't silver. Er ligt een kat op de sofa. A cat is lying on the sofa. There's a cat on the couch. Dit is de laatste wedstrijd. This is the last game. This is the last game. Wanneer begint de tentoonstelling? When will the show begin? When does the exhibition start? Ik heb met haar gepraat. I talked with her. I talked to her. Tom heeft een rugblessure. Tom has a back injury. Tom's got a back injury. "Waarom ga je naar Japan?" "Om een conferentie in Tokio bij te wonen." "Why are you going to Japan?" "To attend a conference in Tokyo." "Why are you going to Japan?" "To attend a conference in Tokyo." We zijn er klaar voor. We're ready to do that. We're ready. Ik moet slapen. I have to sleep. I need to sleep. Ik gaf om hem. I cared about him. I cared about him. De tuinier moest het gras maaien. The gardener had to mow the lawn. The gardener had to mow the lawn. Sinaasappels bevatten veel vitamine C. Oranges contain lots of vitamin C. Oranges contain a lot of vitamin C. Het dak is lek. The roof leaks. The roof's leaked. De tv stond de hele nacht aan. The TV was on all night. The TV was on all night. Wat wilde Tom? What did Tom want? What did Tom want? Ik heb dorst. Ik had graag een kopje koffie. I am thirsty. I would like to have a cup of coffee. I'm thirsty, I liked a cup of coffee. Toen ik op straat liep, ontmoette ik een oude vriend. Walking along the street, I met an old friend. When I was walking on the street, I met an old friend. Wetenschap is leuk. Science is fun. Science is fun. Ik ben geduldig. I'm patient. I'm patient. Het is vandaag minder benauwd dan het gisteren was. It is less muggy today than it was yesterday. It's less stuffy today than it was yesterday. Jij reed. You drove. You were driving. Kan ik die lenen? Can I borrow those? Can I borrow it? De Verenigde Staten zijn een republiek - het Verenigd Koninkrijk is dat niet. The United States is a republic, the United Kingdom is not. The United States is a republic - the United Kingdom is not. Het is gestopt met sneeuwen. It's stopped snowing. It stopped snowing. Ik zie Dana. I see Dana. I see Dana. De rechter legde hem een jaar gevangenisstraf op. The judge sentenced him to one year's imprisonment. The judge put him in jail for a year. Edward is jonger dan Robert. Edward is younger than Robert. Edward is younger than Robert. De hoofdstad van Polen is Warschau. The capital of Poland is Warsaw. The capital of Poland is Warsaw. Geef ons die koekjes. Give those cookies to us. Give us those cookies. Ongeveer zeven miljard mensen wonen op onze planeet. Approximately seven billion people inhabit our planet. About seven billion people live on our planet. De morrende Britten zijn voor goed vertrokken. God zegene de Europese Unie die hier sterker zal uitkomen. The grumbling Brits have left for good. God bless the European Union, which will become stronger as a result of this. The morbid British have left for good, and God bless the European Union that will come out stronger here. Ik moest de hele dag in bed blijven. I had to stay in bed all day. I had to stay in bed all day. Ik word ouder. I'm getting old. I'm getting older. We kunnen misschien samenwerken. Maybe we could collaborate. We might be able to work together. Ik heb aan jou gedacht. I thought about you. I've been thinking about you. Wie bleef er? Who stayed? Who stayed? We kunnen hem missen als kiespijn. We need him here like we need a hole in the head. We can spare him as a toothache. Hij is mijn collega. He is my colleague. He's my colleague. Welkom, iedereen. Welcome, everyone. Welcome, everyone. We kunnen leveren binnen een week. We can deliver within a week. We can deliver in a week. Sarah gaat het aan Aaron geven. Sarah's going to give it to Aaron. Sarah's gonna give it to Aaron. Als je van de trap afvalt, ben je gauw beneden. When you fall off the stairs, you're downstairs quickly. If you fall down the stairs, you'll be down soon. Ik had je op het vliegveld kunnen treffen. I could've met you at the airport. I could have met you at the airport. De trein bewoog zich voort met 500 mijl per uur. The train was moving at 500 miles per hour. The train moved at 500 miles an hour. Tom, kan ik even met je spreken? Tom, could I have a word with you? Tom, can I talk to you for a second? Je moet geen mensen discrimineren op basis van hun gender. You should not discriminate against people based on their gender. You shouldn't discriminate against people on the basis of their gender. Mary heeft gelogen over haar leeftijd. Mary lied about her age. Mary lied about her age. Hoeveel zussen hebben jullie? How many sisters do you have? How many sisters do you have? Ik maakte haar gelukkig. I made her happy. I made her happy. Dit is zo saai. It is so boring. This is so boring. Dat is echt een goed idee. That's a really great idea. That's a really good idea. De school ziet er uit als een gevangenis. The school looks like a prison. The school looks like a prison. Ze zal niet op tijd zijn voor de vergadering. She won't be in time for the meeting. She won't be in time for the meeting. Ik kan niks bedenken. I can't think of anything. I can't think of anything. Ze hebben besloten deze fabriek te sluiten. They've decided to shut down this factory. They've decided to shut this factory down. Ik zei dat alleen maar om te lachen. It was just a joke. I just said that to laugh. Ik word boos. I'm getting angry. I'm getting mad. Zijn manier van praten irriteert me. His way of speaking gets on my nerves. His way of talking annoys me. Heb je later een rit naar huis nodig? Do you need a ride home later? Do you need a ride home later? Deze tafel is gammel. This table is wonky. This table is crazy. Muren hebben oren, papieren schuifdeuren hebben ogen. Walls have ears, sliding paper doors have eyes Walls have ears, paper sliding doors have eyes. Anna kent de eerste duizend cijfers van π van buiten. Anna knows the first thousand decimal places of π by heart. Anna knows the first thousand digits of π from the outside. Kunt u alstublieft plaats voor mij maken? Could you please make room for me? Could you please make room for me? Schaatsen is mijn favoriete wintersport. Ice skating is my favourite winter sport. Skating is my favorite winter sport. Ik ren. I run. I'm running. Er is niks om bang voor te zijn. There's nothing to be afraid of. There's nothing to be afraid of. Ik ben in de stad. I'm in the city. I'm in town. Bedek je ogen. Cover your eyes. Cover your eyes. Het hoost. It's pouring down. The hustle. Kinderen willen vruchtensap. Children want fruit juice. Kids want fruit juice. Voor zover ik weet was hij een goede student. As far as I know, he used to be a good student. As far as I know, he was a good student. Ik ben jullie vriend. I'm your friend. I'm your friend. Versta je wat ik wil zeggen? Do you know what I mean? Do you understand what I'm saying? Je moet iets vroeger opstaan. You must get up a little earlier. You need to get up a little early. Tom vulde de ballon met helium. Tom filled the balloon with helium. Tom filled the balloon with helium. Je werkt te hard, doe het een tijdje rustig aan. You're working too hard. Take it easy for a while. You work too hard, take it easy for a while. Hebt u condooms? Do you have any condoms? Do you have any condoms? Ik zit in de kamer hiernaast als je me nodig hebt. I'll be in the next room if you need me. I'll be in the next room if you need me. Waarom is mijn zus zo gemeen tegen me? Why is my sister so mean to me? Why is my sister so mean to me? Blijf positief. Stay positive. Stay positive. Tegenover het museum zult ge twee gebouwen zien, en het restaurant is het grootste van beide. You'll see two buildings right opposite the museum, and the restaurant is in the taller of the two. In front of the museum you will see two buildings, and the restaurant is the largest of both. Een vriend is moeilijk om te vinden en makkelijk om te verliezen. A friend is hard to find and easy to lose. A friend is hard to find and easy to lose. De winter was koud en sneeuwig. The winter was cold and snowy. Winter was cold and snowy. Wat had je gisteravond aan? What did you wear last night? What were you wearing last night? Wie wil er ijs? Who wants ice cream? Who wants ice cream? Kan iemand de deur openmaken alsjeblieft? Can someone open the door please? Can somebody open the door, please? Ik heb nog nooit zoveel mensen op één plek gezien. I've never seen so many people in one place. I've never seen so many people in one place. We lenen Duits woordenboeken van Pfirsichbaeumchen. We borrow German dictionaries from Pfirsichbaeumchen. We borrow German dictionaries from Pfirsichbaeumchen. We hebben geen bewijs. We don't have any proof. We don't have any proof. Dat is de krant van gisteren. Waar is die van vandaag? This is yesterday's newspaper. Where's today's? That's yesterday's paper. Ze doet dat soms. She does that sometimes. She does that sometimes. Tom stak geen poot uit om Mary te helpen. Tom didn't do anything to help Mary. Tom didn't stick a finger to help Mary. De Maya's maakten hun ballen van rubber. The Mayas made their balls out of rubber. The Mayans made their balls out of rubber. Het is in de garage. It's in the garage. It's in the garage. Tom is degene die me dit boek heeft gegeven. Tom is the one who gave me this book. Tom's the one who gave me this book. Wilde je me over vrijheid vertellen? You wanted to tell me about freedom? Were you gonna tell me about freedom? Twitter is niet goed genoeg. Twitter is not good enough. Twitter's not good enough. Een van de lampen werkt niet. Denk je dat je eens kan komen kijken? One of the lights is not working. Do you think you could come take a look? One of the lights isn't working. Eindelijk gaf hij toe. At last he yielded. Finally, he gave in. Ze hielp haar vader bij het werk in de tuin. She helped her father with the work in the garden. She was helping her father work in the garden. Tom bood me een koekje aan, maar ik sloeg het af. Tom offered me a cookie, but I refused. Tom offered me a cookie, but I turned it down. De twee wegen kruisen daar. The two roads cross there. The two roads cross there. Wacht alsjeblieft vijf minuten. Please wait five minutes. Please wait five minutes. Waarom stottert u? Why are you stuttering? Why are you stuttering? Het is maar tien graden, en hij loopt in een T-shirt buiten. Ik krijg het al koud als ik naar hem kijk. It's just ten degrees, and he is walking around outside in a T-shirt. I get cold from just looking at him. It's only 10 degrees, and he's walking out in a T-shirt. Vanavond ben ik vrij. Tonight I'm available. I'm free tonight. Ik kan Engels spreken. I can speak English. I can speak English. Ik zal jou persoonlijk bezoeken. I'll personally visit you. I'll visit you personally. Je was de liefde van mijn leven You were the love of my life. You were the love of my life Had je graag suiker en melk? Would you like sugar and milk? Do you like sugar and milk? Wat heb je met hem gedaan? What've you done to him? What did you do to him? Waarom nemen we geen korte pauze? Why don't we take a short break? Why don't we take a short break? Heeft u afgelopen winter geskied? Did you ski last winter? Did you ski last winter? De figuurlijke betekenis is niet meer gangbaar. The figurative meaning is no longer in current use. The figurative meaning is no longer common. Dit is goede sushi. This is good sushi. This is good sushi. Vandaag word je vier jaar oud. Today you turn four years old. Today you're gonna be four years old. Vinden jullie het erg als ik erbij kom zitten?' You mind if I join you? Do you mind if I join you?' Ik ben pas net begonnen met het gebuiken van deze site. I just started using this site a little while ago. I just started using this site. Weet iedereen het? Does everybody know? Does everyone know? Is alles op zijn plek? Is everything in position? Is everything in place? Opa spreekt heel traag. Grandfather speaks very slowly. Grandpa speaks very slowly. De tijd leest boeken om mensen te doden. The time reads books to kill people. Time reads books to kill people. Zijn jullie nog samen? Are you guys still together? Are you guys still together? Ik heb mijn belastingen betaald. I paid my taxes. I paid my taxes. Tom brak elk bot in zijn lichaam. Tom broke every bone in his body. Tom broke every bone in his body. Uw plan zal zeker lukken. Your plan is sure to succeed. I'm sure your plan will work. Je kan nog niet vertrekken. You can't leave yet. You can't leave yet. Waarom zou ik dat doen? Why would I do that? Why would I do that? Waar je ook heen gaat, zullen mensen je verwelkomen. Wherever you go, you'll be welcomed. Wherever you go, people will welcome you. Waar werk je? Where do you work? Where do you work? Tom tekent goed. Tom draws well. Tom's drawing well. Naast wat fruit heeft hij niks gegeten. Apart from some fruit, he hasn't eaten anything. Besides some fruit, he didn't eat anything. Caracas is de hoofdstad van Venezuela. Caracas is the capital of Venezuela. Caracas is the capital of Venezuela. Is het jouw of onze schuld? Is it your fault or ours? Is it your fault or ours? Wees stil en luister. Be quiet and listen. Be quiet and listen. Sami wist niet dat Layla lesbisch was. Sami didn't know Layla was lesbian. Sami didn't know Layla was a lesbian. Geef hen niet de schuld voor wat er in Boston gebeurde. Don't blame them for what happened back in Boston. Don't blame them for what happened in Boston. Tom komt oorspronkelijk uit Australië. Tom originally comes from Australia. Tom's originally from Australia. Dit woord komt uit het Grieks. That word is of Greek origin. This word comes from Greek. Layla dacht dat Sami gay was. Layla thought Sami was gay. Layla thought Sami was gay. Tom heeft geen koorts. Tom doesn't have a fever. Tom doesn't have a fever. Na de winter komt de lente. After winter, spring comes. After winter, spring comes. Zijn zijn erg geïnteresseerd in astronomie. They are very interested in astronomy. Are very interested in astronomy. Tom en ik gaan akkoord. Tom and I agree. Tom and I agree. Wees aardig. Be kind. Be nice. Ik zal het onthouden. I'll remember that. I'll keep that in mind. Het woord 'cliché' komt uit het Frans. The word "cliche" comes from French. The word 'cliché' comes from French. Dit ei stinkt. This egg smells bad. This egg stinks. Welke landen heb je bezocht? Which countries have you visited? Which countries have you visited? Tom is vriendelijk. Tom's friendly. Tom's friendly. De maan stond boven de horizon. The moon was above the horizon. The moon was above the horizon. Ze hebben allemaal gesproken. They all talked. They've all spoken. Ze las een leuk verhaal aan de kinderen voor. She read an amusing story to the children. She read a nice story to the kids. Maak jullie keuze. Make your choice. Make your choice. Louisiana behoorde tot Frankrijk. Louisiana belonged to France. Louisiana belonged to France. Waar gaan jullie naartoe? Where are you headed for? Where are you going? Tom is aan het rolschaatsen. Tom is rollerblading. Tom's roller-skating. De namen van mijn broers zijn Axel, Hatus en Arthur Kalel. My brothers' names are Axel, Hatus and Arthur Kalel. My brothers' names are Axel, Hatus and Arthur Kalel. Ik heb een puntenslijper nodig. I need a pencil sharpener. I need a pencil sharpener. Ik was het niet, commissaris! It wasn't me, commissioner! It wasn't me, Commissioner! Ik ben in Berlijn. I'm in Berlin. I'm in Berlin. Tom is verdwenen. Tom disappeared. Tom's gone. Jij was mijn favoriet. You were my favorite. You were my favorite. Waar zijn ze aan het zwemmen? Where are they swimming? Where are they swimming? Doe uw schoenen uit. Take off your shoes. Take off your shoes. Laat zien. Let me see. Show me. Dat geldt voor alles. That includes everything. That goes for everything. Dat zou het geval kunnen zijn. That could be the case. That could be the case. Mis deze geweldige kans niet. Don't miss this amazing opportunity. Don't miss this great opportunity. Jij bent de eerste. You're the first. You're the first. Wacht een beetje. Wait a minute. Wait a bit. Ik weet niet of dat zal helpen. I'm not sure if that'll help. I don't know if that'll help. Tom schreef een bericht op een stukje papier. Tom wrote a message on a slip of paper. Tom wrote a message on a piece of paper. Planten groeien naar het zonlicht. Plants grow towards sunlight. Plants grow into sunlight. Heb je het altijd druk? Are you always busy? Are you always busy? Dat was nogal eens een feest hé? That was some party, eh? That was quite a party, wasn't it? Tom heeft me beloofd dat hij dat zou doen. Tom promised me he'd do that. Tom promised me he would. Spring zo hoog als ge kunt. Jump as high as you can. Jump as high as you can. Bent u allergisch voor iets anders? Are you allergic to anything else? Are you allergic to anything else? Ik vraag me af of hij nog een andere heeft. I wonder if he has another. I wonder if he's got another one. Tom was gezond. Tom was healthy. Tom was healthy. Verlaag je niet naar Toms niveau. Don't stoop to Tom's level. Don't lower yourself to Tom's level. Tom kan auto rijden. Tom is able to drive a car. Tom can drive a car. Ik kan niet uitmaken wat de schrijver probeert te zeggen. I can't figure out what the writer is trying to say. I can't decide what the writer's trying to say. "Weet jij waar mijn sleutel is? Ik zie hem nergens." "Dan kijk je zeker met je neus, want hij ligt gewoon op tafel." "Do you know where my key is? I don't see it anywhere." "You must be looking for it with your eyes closed, then, cause it's on the table as always." "Do you know where my key is? I don't see him anywhere." "You'll certainly look with your nose, because he's just lying on the table." Nee, ga zitten. No, sit down. No, sit down. Deze paarden zijn van hen. These horses are theirs. These horses are theirs. Het is hoog tijd dat de communisten hun opvattingen, hun oogmerken, hun tendensen openlijk voor de gehele wereld ontvouwen en tegenover het sprookje van het spook van het communisme een manifest van de partij zelf plaatsen. It is high time that communists should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the Specter of Communism with a manifesto of the party itself. It is high time that the Communists openly unfold their views, their aims, their tendencies to the whole world and put a manifesto of the party itself in front of the fairy tale of the ghost of communism. Mijn moeder kocht vorige zondag een mooie jurk voor me. My mother bought me a nice dress last Sunday. My mom bought me a nice dress last Sunday. Hier mijn album. Here is my album. Here's my album. Ik heb er de hele dag aan gedacht. I've been thinking about it the entire day. I've been thinking about it all day. Naast een woonkamer in het huis, waren er ook twee slaapkamers en, natuurlijk, een keuken en een badkamer. Besides a living room in the house, there were also two bedrooms and, of course, a kitchen and a bathroom. Next to a living room in the house, there were also two bedrooms and, of course, a kitchen and a bathroom. Ik zie wat je bedoelt. I see what you mean. I see what you mean. Sami was altijd hol vanbinnen. Sami was always empty inside. Sami was always hollow inside. Ik reis veel. I travel a lot. I travel a lot. We horen met onze oren. We hear with our ears. We hear with our ears. Ik ben gek op jou. I'm crazy for you! I love you. Iedereen wenst voor geluk Everybody wishes for happiness. Everyone wishes for happiness Ik heb haar al drie dagen niet meer gezien. I haven't seen her in three days. I haven't seen her in three days. Spreken jullie Berber? Do you speak Berber? You guys talk to Berber? Er zit geen water meer in de fles. There is no water left in the bottle. There's no more water in the bottle. De Angelsaksen verdrongen de Kelten. The Anglo-Saxons overran the Celts. The Anglo-Saxons repressed the Celts. Haar enige genoegen is naar muziek te luisteren. Her only pleasure is listening to music. Her only pleasure is listening to music. Sami is een Afro-Amerikaanse man die zich op 26-jarige leeftijd tot de islam bekeerde. Sami is an African-American man who converted to Islam at age 26. Sami is an African-American man who converted to Islam at the age of 26. Sommige onderwerpen zijn tijdloos. Some topics are timeless. Some topics are timeless. Ik heb al mijn examens gehaald. I have passed all my exams. I passed all my exams. Ik ben altijd fier over mijn familie. I am always proud of my family. I'm always proud of my family. Dat is nodig. It's necessary. It's necessary. Sami's keuken was gerenoveerd. Sami's kitchen was renovated. Sami's kitchen was renovated. Iedereen doet dit. Everybody does this. Everyone's doing this. Ze zeggen dat Mary vorige week ziek was, maar nu ziet ze er goed uit. Mary is said to have been ill last week, but she looks well now. They say Mary was sick last week, but now she looks good. Welke taal spreken ze in jouw land? What language do they speak in your country? What language do they speak in your country? Ik speel in een groep. I play in a band. I play in a group. De tv werkt niet. The television isn't working. TV's not working. Hij is een vrouwenhater. He is a woman hater. He's a misogynist. Je hebt hulp nodig. You need help. You need help. Zou dat niet zonde zijn? Wouldn't that be a shame? Wouldn't that be a shame? Ik kan je boek zien. I can see your book. I can see your book. Kijk niet zo naar me. Don't look at me that way. Don't look at me like that. Het zou leuk zijn als je kon zingen. It would be great if you could sing. It would be nice if you could sing. De eerste vrouw, die Esperanto als moedertaal sprak, werd in 1904 geboren; vandaag zijn er meerdere duizenden Esperanto-moedertaalsprekers. The first native speaker of Esperanto was born in 1904; today there are several thousand Esperanto native speakers. The first woman, who spoke Esperanto as a mother tongue, was born in 1904; today there are several thousands of Esperanto mother tongue speakers. Kan ik daar lopen? Can I walk there? Can I walk there? Tom wacht nog steeds op een antwoord. Tom is still awaiting an answer. Tom's still waiting for an answer. Ik snij, jij kiest. I cut, you choose. I cut, you choose. Ik kom overmorgen terug naar Australië. I'll come back to Australia the day after tomorrow. I'll be back in Australia the day after tomorrow. Maria bloosde. Mary blushed. Maria blushed. Waar is je vader? Where's your father? Where's your father? Ten slotte heeft Jane het niet gekocht. In the end, Jane didn't buy it. After all, Jane didn't buy it. Toen Tom wakker werd was alles bedekt met sneeuw. When Tom woke up, everything was covered with snow. When Tom woke up, everything was covered in snow. Spreek je Portugees? Do you speak Portuguese? Do you speak Portuguese? Het is vrij lastig om in het donker te zien, is het niet? It's kind of difficult to see in the dark, isn't it? It's pretty hard to see in the dark, isn't it? Ik ben op mijn huwelijksreis. I'm on my honeymoon. I'm on my honeymoon. Tom is een student aan de universiteit. Tom is a university student. Tom's a student at the university. Wie is jouw favoriete countryzanger? Who's your favorite country singer? Who's your favorite country singer? Zag je de cowboyfilm gisteravond op tv? Did you see the cowboy movie on TV last night? Did you see the cowboy movie on TV last night? Ik verveel me, ben alleen thuis, zonder tekenfilms of een computer. I'm bored, home alone, without cartoons or a computer. I'm bored, home alone, without cartoons or a computer. Ieder zou meester moeten zijn over zijn eigen lot. Everyone ought to be a master of his own destiny. Each should be master of his own destiny. Ik ben sarcastisch. I'm sarcastic. I'm being sarcastic. Hout brandt gemakkelijk. Wood burns easily. Wood burns easy. Het maakt me niet meer uit. I don't care anymore. I don't care anymore. Ik ben op reis naar Spanje. I'm traveling to Spain. I'm on a trip to Spain. Ik hou van paars. I love purple. I like purple. Als ik jou was, zou ik solliciteren naar de baan. If I were you, I would apply for the job. If I were you, I'd apply for the job. Tom probeerde de bewakers af te leiden, zodat Mary een kans zou krijgen om te ontsnappen. Tom tried to distract the guards so Mary would have a chance to escape. Tom was trying to distract the guards so Mary would have a chance to escape. Hij is bewusteloos. He's unconscious. He's unconscious. Ik wist dat het slechts een misverstand was. I knew it was just a misunderstanding. I knew it was just a misunderstanding. Spreekt er hier iemand Japans? Does anyone here speak Japanese? Does anyone here speak Japanese? Hoe laat? At what time? What time? Iedereen zong uit volle borst. Everybody sang at the top of their lungs. Everyone was singing out of their breasts. Mijn naam is Roemeens, de zijne is Amerikaans. My name is Romanian; his is American. My name is Romanian, his is American. Italië is ver weg van Brazilië. Italy is far from Brazil. Italy is far from Brazil. Tom maakt misbruik van zijn gezag. Tom abuses his authority. Tom's taking advantage of his authority. Dank je wel dat je het geprobeerd hebt. Thank you for trying. Thank you for trying. Kan je me helpen? Can you help me? Can you help me? Zij waren aan het eten. They were eating. They were eating. Normaal lopen we naar school. We usually walk to school. We usually walk to school. Ik heb een sigaret nodig. I need a cigarette. I need a cigarette. Ik schrijf dagelijks in mijn dagboek. I write daily in my diary. I write in my diary every day. Dat is niet waar. That's not true. That's not true. We hebben behoefte aan properdere energiebronnen. We need cleaner sources of energy. We need more clean energy sources. Hebben jullie dat gezien? Did you see that? Did you guys see that? Brazilië wordt " Brasil " genoemd in het Portugees. Brazil is called "Brasil" in Portuguese. Brazil is called " Brasil " in Portuguese. Wat een geweldige herinneringen! What incredible memories! What wonderful memories!