9 Oshike tashi ka hula po ngele Uukwaniilwa waKalunga we ya? 9 What Will Go When God's Kingdom Comes? 9 What Will End when God's Kingdom comes? EHULITHODHILADHILO: Omathano giipala ohaga yono po omakwatathano omawanawa nohugunina ohage etele oonaku ga tala oluhodhi nuuwehame. - Omayeletumbulo 6: 27. THE BOTTOM LINE: Pornography poisons loving relationships and ultimately brings heartache and pain. - Proverbs 6: 27. THE PROBLEM: Pornography damages the entire earth and brings pain and pain. - Proverbs 6: 27. epandja 215 - 218. pages 215 - 218. pages 21 - 97. Uunake ayehe mboka haya yono ompango mboka ya popiwa meyele lyiilya nomau taya ka lilagana nokwiikokota komayego? When will lawless ones mentioned in the parable of the wheat and the weeds weep and gnash their teeth? When do all who sin in the parable of the wheat and the weeds weep and weep? (b) Jehova okwe ende ta holola uuyelele wuni kashona nakashona kombinga yoluvalo lwomukiintu? (b) What details did Jehovah gradually reveal about the offspring of the woman? (b) How has Jehovah progressively revealed details about the woman's seed? Katu shi shi kutya otaya ka kala ngiini, nokatu na etompelo lyokukala tatu fekele nenge tu piyaganekwe kiinima mbyoka kaayi shiwike. We just do not know, and there is no point in speculating or being disturbed over those unknowns. We do not know how they will live, and we do not have reason to be distracted or distracted. Molwaashono ihandi vulu okukala ndi shi kutya otandi ka kala ndu uvite ngiini, ihandi vulu okuninga omalongekidho gontumba komeho yethimbo. The unpredictable nature of my disease makes planning ahead very difficult. Since I cannot understand how I feel, I can make certain plans ahead. Gumwe gwomaakonakonimbiimbeli yawo, omukulukadhi e na aanona yane. Among the Bible studies that were started was one with a mother and her four children. One of their sons was their wife, and she had four children. 4: 30) Aalongimpango Aajuda yomethelemumvo lyotango oya li ya popi papuko kutya iikumithalonga mbyoka Jesus a li ta longo oya li tayi zi kuSatana. First - century Jewish scribes sinfully ascribed Jesus ' miracles to Satan. Jews in the first century mistakenly claimed that Jesus ' miracles had come from Satan. Jefta okwa gwanitha po nuudhiginini euvaneko lye ndyoka a ningile Jehova sho a li ta yi kiita oku ka kondjitha Aayammoni mboka ya kala nokutilitha oshigwana shaKalunga. Jephthah faithfully kept the promise that he had made to Jehovah when going out to war against the Ammonites, who had been terrorizing God's people. Jephthah faithfully carried out his promise to Jehovah when he went to war against the Ammonites and join God's people. 13: 1 - 17) Oshilonga shika sheifupipiko osha li she ya longo oshiilongomwa sha simanenena shoka ya li itaaya ka dhimbwa. This humble act left a lasting impression on them. This act of humility taught them a vital lesson that they would not forget. Fantinati okwa ti: "Okwa kala wo a simana e vule okanona Jesus, nokwa kala oye ha simanekwa mo 25 Desemba. " Losing a Father, Finding a Father (G. " She was more important than a child, and Jesus was respected on December 25, " says J. Omolwashike sha simana komukulukadhi opo a ambidhidhe omusamane gwe mokukutha ombinga momaipyakidhilo gegongalo? Why is it important for a wife to support her husband in his active involvement in theocratic activities? Why is it important for a wife to support her husband by engaging in congregation activities? Konima owala yomimvo mbali, okwa ningi omweendi pamwe naPaulus. Two years later he became Paul's traveling companion. Two years later, he became a traveling companion Paul. 1 - 3. (a) Oshike tu na okupititha komeho kutya nduno oonkalo dhetu odha tya ngiini? 1 - 3. (a) Whatever our circumstances, what should be our priority? 1 - 3. (a) What should we put first in our circumstances? Kokutala kunkene ya li ya vulu okumanguluka ko kuumpulile, Joachim naBarbara otaya vulu okukoleka uushili woohapu ndhoka dhi li Episalomi 121: 2: "Ekwatho lyandje otali zi kOMUWA. " Looking back on their liberation from spiritism, Joachim and Barbara wholeheartedly agree with the words of Psalm 121: 2: "My help is from Jehovah. " Looking back on how they could be avoided, Joachim and Barbara can strengthen the truthfulness of Psalm 121: 2: "My help comes from Jehovah. " Poompito dhimwe osho hatu ningi. To some degree. On some occasions we do. Oshike tashi vulika sha li tashi vulu okumakela Josef e ethe po omikalo dhe omiwanawa? What might have made it tempting for Joseph to compromise his morals? What might have test Joseph to give up his good conduct? Oohapu dhaJob otadhi tu longo nkene Jehova e li omunahole: Jehova oku hole lela mboka yi igandja miikaha ye, ye etha e ya zule noku ya me ya kale aantu mboka ye na oshilonga momeho ge, ngaashi Job. Job's words teach us a tender lesson about Jehovah: He has special attachment to those who, like Job, place themselves in his hands, allowing him to mold and shape them into people who are desirable in his eyes. Job's words teach us how Jehovah loves those who give his hand in his hands, allowing them to mold them in his eyes, such as Job. Yi landuleni. " - JESAJA 30: 21. Walk in it. " - ISAIAH 30: 21. Walk in it. " - ISAIAH 30: 21. Aantu oyendji ohaya kala ya limbililwa kepulo lini, nomolwashike? What question has puzzled many, and why? What question do many people question, and why? Gandja oshiholelwa. Give an example. Illustrate. Ayehe mboka yi iyapulila Jehova oye na uuthembahenda wokukala kuume ke nosho wo "aalongi pamwe " naye. All who are dedicated to Jehovah have the privilege of being considered both his friends and his "fellow workers. " All who have dedicated themselves to Jehovah have the privilege of being his friend and his "fellow workers. " 12, 13. 12, 13. 12, 13. Petrus omutiyali ontopolwa 3 ota gandja eitulomo kushike, nomapulo geni tu na okwiipula? What is the focus of 2 Peter chapter 3, and what questions should we ask ourselves? What is Peter's second chapter 3, and what questions should we ask ourselves? Ihe ino itaala owala ngeya shoka yalwe taye ku lombwele. However, do not blindly accept what others tell you. But do not believe what others say. Oye okwa yamukula a ti: " Aawe, opo mwaa vudhile omau mumwe niilya. He said, " No; that by no chance, while collecting the weeds, you uproot the wheat with them. He replied: "No, therefore, that you may not plant the weeds and the weeds. Ilonga sha " mehuku lyoshili ' Learn From " the Framework of Truth ' Learn From "the Most High " Oshitsa shaJesus osho kutya otatu vulu okuulika kutya tse "aainekelwa, " sho tatu longitha nawa eliko lyetu ndyoka tu na. Jesus ' point was that we can " prove ourselves faithful ' with, or control, those riches once we obtain them. The point is that we can show that we "do not use our treasure. " Ohayi ipula kutya oku li kokule unene nayo noita vulu okunwetha mo onkalamwenyo yawo. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS / CHILDREN) They wonder that he is far away from them and can influence their lives. (Kohi yoshipalanyolo KOMBINGA YETU / OMAPULO NGOKA HAGA PULWA OLUNDJI / Iilonga) But the psalmist's words refer to "more general grief and sorrow, " says one scholar. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) Ihe omulongwantu gumwe okwa yelitha kutya oohapu ndhoka dhomupisalomi otadhi ulike "unene kokunika oluhodhi lwakwalukehe. " A New Assignment However, one scholar explained that the psalmist's words show "a mild - tempered heart. " Oshinakugwanithwa oshipe That spirit also helps us individually in our daily activities. A new assignment Ombepo ndjoka ohayi tu kwathele wo pauhandimwe momaipyakidhilo getu gakehe siku. First, he ran out of money. That spirit also helps us to engage in everyday activities. Shotango, iimaliwa ye oya pu po. In the book of Romans, Paul addressed this need. First, the money came. Paulus shika okwa li e shi popi membo lyAaroma. 1 Corinthians 16: 1, 2 Paul knew this in the book of Romans. 1 Aakorinto 16: 1, 2 Out of "all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, " he is also gathering" a great crowd, " who have the hope of living forever on earth. - Rev. 1 Corinthians 16: 1, 2 Okwa gongela wo "ongundu onene " (NW) okuza" maantu yomomihoko adhihe, momaludhi agehe, miigwana ayihe nomomalaka agehe. " Aantu mboka oye na etegameno lyoku ka kala nomwenyo sigo aluhe kombanda yevi. - Eh. This work makes us happy, protects us, and draws us closer to Jehovah and to one another And he has also organized "a great crowd " from all nations and tribes and peoples and tribes and peoples and tongues, who have the hope of living forever on earth. - Rev. Iilonga mbika otayi tu nyanyudha, otayi tu gamene notayi tu hedhitha popepyeelela naJehova nonayalwe SUGGESTION: Try to put yourself in your friends ' shoes. This work makes us happy, and it draws us closer to Jehovah and to others EETOPO: Kambadhala okuuva ko onkalo yookuume koye. 33: 5. SUGGESTION: Try to understand your friend's situation. 33: 5. What a wonderful opportunity we have every week to worship Jehovah! 33: 5. Uuthembahenda owu thike peni sho hatu pewa ompito yoku shi ninga oshiwike kehe! Why, the rendering of sacred service to Jehovah would cease on earth if no humans were left to worship him in the earthly courtyards of his great spiritual temple! What a privilege we have been given to each week! 45: 18; 55: 10, 11) Ngele inali gwanithwa, nena okulongela Jehova iilonga iiyapuki otaku ka hula po kombanda yevi ngele kaku na aantu mboka taye mu longele mehale lyotempeli ye onene yopambepo. Do you have such a desire? If it has not been fulfilled, then Jehovah will end the sacred service on earth if those serving him in the earthly courtyards of his great spiritual temple. Mbela nangoye osho wa hala okuninga ngawo? Explain why human rule is bound to fail. Are you willing to do that? Yelitha kutya omolwashike aapangeli yopantu ihaaye shi pondola. They placed a quarter of a million books and booklets in the hands of the people. Explain why human rulers have failed. Oya li ya gandja omambo nuumbo uushona wuthike poshitine shimwe shomiliyona. In later times, some Jews thought that it would have taken hours to slaughter all the lambs brought to the temple. They gave books and books on one of them at least one of them. Sho pwa piti ethimbo, Aajuda yamwe oya li ya dhiladhila kutya osha li hashi kutha ethimbo okudhipaga oonzi adhihe ndhoka dha li hadhi etwa kotempeli. It was, and those facts were further confirmed when I visited Mormon museums in Utah. As time passed, some Jews thought that it was time for all the sheep to kill us at the temple. Osha li shoshili, nuushili mboka owa li wa kolekwa ishewe sho nda li nda talele po omusiuma yAamormon muUtah. However, we do well to consider: Are these changes all that are needed? It was true, indeed, that I was greatly strengthened when I visited some of my neighbors. (Omayel. 27: 11) Ihe oshi li nawa tu ipule kutya, mbela omalunduluko ngaka ogo owala ga pumbiwa? As he left Bombay, Father said: "Keep sharpening your skills, my girl. However, we do well to ask ourselves that these adjustments are only needed. Tate manga inaa thiga po oBombay okwa ti: "Tsikila nokuhwepopaleka uunkulungu woye mukadhona gwandje. Instead, God's people fasted and were dressed in sackcloth as a sign of mourning. As my father left behind, he said: "I've learned to improve my son's skills and to improve my daughter. Pehala lyaashono, oshigwana shaKalunga osha li shi idhilike iikulya e tashi zala omahahi shoka shi li endhindhiliko lyoluhodhi. To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. Instead, God's people had fast to eat and wear the sign of his presence. Ngele owa hala okugandja omayambidhidho, inda kepandja lyetu lyokointaneta, www.jw.org. Rather, we will want to stick close to our brothers. To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. Pehala lyaashoka, otu na okutula uukuni kumwe naamwatate. His power is limited when it comes to causing death directly. Instead, we have to cooperate with our brothers. 2: 14) Kalunga iha etha yi dhipage kehe gumwe ya hala okudhipaga. This action actually served to spread the Bible's message to other areas. God does not allow anyone to kill them. Shoka osha li sha kwathele opo etumwalaka lyOmbiimbeli li taandele miitopolwa yilwe. Neither is it wrong to make a memorial, such as a tombstone, for a deceased person. That helped to spread the Bible's message in other territories. Inashi puka wo okuninga endhindhiliko kombila, ngaashi okutula ko emanya. Moses had faith. It is not wrong to do the sign, such as the stone itself. Omolweitaalo lye. Tell her to come and help me. " Because of her faith. Mu lombwela, e ye, a kwathe ndje. " Paul gave practical advice to Christians living in Ephesus, a rich city with people from many different backgrounds. Do not give up on him, for he helped me. " Paulus okwa li a gandja omayele ge na oshilonga kAakriste yomuEfeso, oshilando oshiyamba moka mwa li mu na aantu ya za momaputuko ogendji ga yoolokathana. Without a doubt! Paul gave his powerful counsel to Christians in Ephesus, a prosperous city filled with many different backgrounds. Osho lela. " When we saw their spiritual hunger, " says Sakiko, "we began to study Portuguese as a family. " Indeed, it is! Sakiko okwa ti: "Sho twa mono mpoka pu thike ondjala yawo yopambepo, atuhe megumbo otwa tameke okwiilonga Oshiputu. " 37: 36, 37. " When we saw that our spiritual needs were hungry, " says Dustin, "we began to learn Portuguese. " 37: 36, 37. This creates a bond of unity impossible to break. 37: 36, 37. Pokati kadho opu na uukumwe mboka itoo vulu oku wu teya po nuupu. About the time of the international convention at Yankee Stadium and the Polo Grounds in 1958, I saw Lorraine Brookes, whom I had met in 1955 when she was pioneering in Montreal, Canada. There is no basis for unity that you cannot break. Oshikando shotango twa monathanene naye omo 1955, sho a li ta kokola ondjila moMontreal moKanada. What housing conditions do many face today? The first time we learned to draw closer to him in 1955 while serving as a pioneer in Canada. Aantu oyendji oya taalela omukundu guni kunena gu na ko nasha nomagumbo? Tim: At Mom's house, we leave them on the floor and she hangs them up. What challenges do many face today? Tim: Kegumbo lyameme ohatu yi thigi pevi e te yi aneke po. For example, Jesus turned water into wine, he fed thousands of people at once, and he controlled the forces of nature Tim: In my mother's house, we leave it up and threw it away. Pashiholelwa, Jesus okwa shitukithile omeya omaviinu, okwa paluthile aantu omayuvi nokwa li ha pangele eshito Some might even say that Job's severe tests and staunch integrity keeping were of heroic proportions. For example, Jesus restored thousands of people to the bread, sold them, and controling the forces of nature Yamwe otashi vulika nokuli ya tye kutya Job okwe tu tulila po oshiholelwa sha dhenga mbanda sho a li ta makelwa noonkondo, molwaashoka okwa li a kakatela uudhiginini. " Young men and young women... Some may even say that Job set an outstanding example of integrity. Kwaamboka ya yuulukwa okumona oonakusa yawo aaholike ya yumuka, nayo oye na etompelo lyokukala ye na etagameno. Those who long to see their loved ones in the resurrection likewise have no reason to despair. For those who miss their dead loved ones from the dead have reason to find protection. Osha simana kutse okutseya nokuvulika komithikampango dhaJehova dhopamikalo nokuninga shoka itaashi shekitha edhina lye. We view it as an honor to live up to Jehovah's high moral standard, maintaining conduct that in no way brings reproach on his name. It is important to know and obey Jehovah's moral standards and do not bring reproach on his name. Inda manga e to kutha oshigwilo shu udha omalwenya, shi teta e to umbile omalwenya ngoka mombepo. " I realized that I did not need to further my secular education. Going there, clean, clean it, and threw it into the air, and threw it into it. " Onda mono kutya inandi pumbwa elongo lya gwedhwa po lyomuuyuni. 147: 19, 20.) I realized that I did not need additional secular education. 147: 19, 20.) Amelia and Levi 147: 19, 20. Amelia naLevi A third way to stay neutral is to rely on Jehovah. Simeon and Levi Omukalo omutitatu tagu tu kwathele kaatu game ombinga, okukala twi inekela muJehova. How can we protect ourselves against false teachers? A third way to stay neutral is to rely on Jehovah. Mbela ongiini tatu vulu okwiigamena kaatu nwethwe mo kaalongi aafundja? 13, 14. (a) What should be our chief concern now? How can we protect ourselves against false teachers? 13, 14. (a) Otu na okukala tatu ipula unene nashike ngashingeyi? " Jehovah's Offering ' (contributions), 11 / 15 13, 14. (a) What should we be concerned about now? Jesus okwa li e wete kutya itashi wapa He gwomegulu a gandje iikulya koondhila e ta kala ando itaa sile oompumbwe dhaantu oshimpwiyu. For Jesus, it was unthinkable that his heavenly Father would provide food for the birds but not take care of the same basic needs of humans. Jesus felt that it was not possible for his heavenly Father to give food and eat to the needs of the people. Jesus okwa ti euvitho lyetumwalaka lyUukwaniilwa otali yelekanithwa nokuumbila oshiyulitho mefuta. Jesus likened the preaching of the Kingdom message to all mankind to the lowering of a large dragnet into the sea. Jesus told his Kingdom message to the Kingdom message to be likened to a tree of the sea. Aakonakonimbiimbeli mboka, ngaashi ya li yi iyithana, oya li ya ningi omapekapeko mOmanyolo nuukeka pamwe negalikano noneifupipiko. - Mat. With humble hearts and open minds, those sincere Bible Students, as they called themselves, made a careful and prayerful search of the Scriptures. - Matt. Those Bible Students, like Peter, did research in the Scriptures carefully and prayerfully. - Matt. Oshipopiwa shihokitha shi na oshipalanyolo "Oshili oshike? " The intriguing talk entitled "What Is Truth? " FROM OUR COVER " What Does the Truth Really Teach? " 34: 1, 2) Josia okwa li u ulike kutya okwi inekela lela muJehova sho a kutha mo iikalunga moshilongo e ta totulula elongelokalunga lyashili. Josiah demonstrated his trust in Jehovah by cleansing the land of idols and restoring true worship. Josiah showed his complete trust in Jehovah when he entered the land and destroyed true worship. Osha li wo tashi ku ulika kutya Jehova okwa popya oshili kombinga yokugeela ngoka ta yono ompango ye. It would also have proved that Jehovah had told the truth about the penalty for violating his law. It also shows that Jehovah spoke the truth about violence that he committed in his law. EPANGELO ENANKONDO LYUUYUNI LYAANGLO - AMERIKA, OLYO OOMPADHI DHOSHEELA NELOYA THE ANGLO - AMERICAN WORLD POWER AND THE FEET OF IRON AND CLAY THE END OF STUDY ARTICLES - THE EARTH - THE END OF THE EARTH (a) Jehova okwa hogolola oshigwana oshipe shini, nomolwashike? (a) What new nation did Jehovah choose, and why? (a) What new nation did Jehovah choose, and why? Aayapostoli naakuluntugongalo yegongalo lyomuJerusalem oya li taya longo ye li olutuwiliki. The apostles and the elders of the Jerusalem congregation acted as a governing body. The apostles and the congregation elders worked as a governing body. Poompito odhindji, aagundjuka mbaka ohaya yi kokugongala nohaya kutha wo ombinga muukalele. In most cases, these young ones attend congregation meetings and share in the ministry. In many cases, these young ones attend meetings and share in the ministry. Aamwatate otaya dhimbulukwa nawa kutya omutonatelishikandjo okwa li e ya ladhipike petalelopo lya zi ko ya kale haya kongo ethimbo lyokudheula yalwe. The brothers knew that the circuit overseer during his last visit had encouraged them to spend more time training others. Brothers recall that the circuit overseer encouraged them to take the time to train others. Sho nda ka gwanitha oomvula omulongo, onda adhika nale nda tameka okuyaka. By the time I was ten years old, I had already started stealing. When I was ten years old, I had already started stealing. Konima yaashoka okwa popi kutya Osikola yOkudheula mUukalele ngashingeyi otayi kala hayi ithanwa Osikola yOmbiimbeli yOkudheula Aamwatate Inaaya Hokana. He next revealed that the Ministerial Training School would henceforth be known as the Bible School for Single Brothers. Then he said that the Theocratic Ministry School for Single Brothers is now called the Bible School for Single Brothers. Eninginitho lyetu ohali ulike shike? What does our baptism make known? What does our baptism symbolize? Ngele tatu uvu ko omukalo gwokudhiladhila gwaJesus, otashi tu kwathele tu uve ko iitopolwa mOmanyolo mbyoka tashi vulika yi kale iidhigu okuuviwa ko. Gaining insight into Jesus ' way of thinking helps us in understanding passages in the Scriptures that may be difficult to grasp. When we understand Jesus ' way of thinking, it helps us to understand parts of the Scriptures that may be difficult to understand. (Job 1: 9 - 11; 2: 4; Eh. 12: 10) Ando Jehova okwe tu gamenene komamakelo gontumba, molwaashoka e wete kutya itatu vulu oku gi idhidhimikila, mbela ando epopyo lyaSatana kutya ohatu longele Kalunga omolwokwiihola mwene ando inali kala nando li li mondjila? If Jehovah prevented us from facing certain trials because he deemed them to be more than we could bear, would that not add weight to Satan's charge that we serve God out of self - interest? If Jehovah protected us with trials, would we not be tempted by Satan's claims that we would not be selfish? Ndhindhilika kutya Jesus okwa yelekanitha He, Jehova, nomuneyana lyomiviinu. Note that Jesus compared his Father, Jehovah, to a cultivator, or gardener, who grows grapes. Notice that Jesus compared his Father, Jehovah, and the vine. (Eks. 39: 32; 40: 12 - 16) Molwaashoka Moses okwa li a gwanitha po oshinakugwanithwa she nuudhiginini, sigo okunena ohatu mono uuwanawa mokuvulika kwe. Even today, we benefit from his faithfulness in fulfilling that assignment. Because Moses fulfilled his assignment, we still benefit from his obedience. Pashiholelwa, ngele otwa ningi euvathano lyopangeshefa, onawa tu gwanithe po shoka tu uvaneka kutya nduno otatu nana nuudhigu. For example, if we make a business agreement, we will do what we agreed to do, even if this becomes difficult. For example, if we make a business agreement, we do well to make sure that we have a difficult problem. Ayihe mbyoka tashi popi oyi ikolelela kOmbiimbeli. It adheres to the Bible as its authority. It adheres to the Bible as its authority. Mbela aagundjuka oye na okuninginithwa? " O the Depth of God's Wisdom! ', 5 / 15 Should Youths Get Baptized? Ongame nonda ti: "Ongame nguka, otandi ya okulonga ehalo lyoye, Kalunga, ongaashi sha nyolwa membo lyompango tashi popi ndje. " ' " - Heb. I have come (in the scroll it is written about me) to do your will, O God. " ' " - Heb. I am saying to them, " This is my will, and I will do your will, that is, God's law written in the book of law. ' " - Heb. " Ino pumbwa okukala omwiitaali gwelongelokalunga lyontumba opo wu dhiladhile kutya otwa taalelwa konkalo ya nika oshiponga. " - STEPHEN O'LEARY, OMUPROFESOLI GWOUNIVEESITI YACALIFORNIA YOKUUMBUGANTU OSHO A TI NGAAKA. " You don't have to be a religious believer to think that we're headed for disaster. " - STEPHEN O'LEARY, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. " Do not be in a position to think that we are facing a dangerous situation. " - A FROM OUR COVER (Genesis 11: 31) Sara okwa li e na oshinakugwanithwa shokusila oshimpwiyu he ngoka a kulupa. Sarah would no doubt have much to do with caring for this elderly parent. Sarah was responsible for caring for her old age. Aamwatate naamwameme yomoshitopolwa oya nyanyukilwa shili opolohalama yotiivii JW. Our dear local brothers and sisters are very excited about JW Broadcasting. The local brothers and sisters really enjoyed JW Broadcasting. Omumwatate Norman Larson ngoka a longela Jehova ethimbo ele okwa ti: "Onde shi mona okuza kuunona wandje kutya okukala omutalelipo omweendi oshi na oshilonga nohashi eta omauwanawa ogendji. " The value and benefit of the pilgrims was unquestionable, even as I observed as a boy, " said longtime Witness Norman Larson. " I have come to know from my childhood as a traveling overseer and the benefits of many benefits. (Lesha Omuuvithi 5: 12.) (Read Ecclesiastes 5: 12.) (Read Ecclesiastes 5: 12.) Eeno. Not at all. Yes. Oku kaleka esiku ndyoka momadhiladhilo ge, oshe mu kwathele a gwanithe po euvaneko ndyoka u uvanekela Jehova. (1 Sam. It was something that she had decided to do. So imagining that day gave Hannah the strength to keep her promise to Jehovah. He kept his mind in mind, helping him to fulfill his promise to Jehovah. Jehova oha mono okanima kehe ke li momitima dhetu. Okwa li a lombwele Jesaja a tsikile nokulondodha oshigwana, nonando osha li shi na omitse omikukutu. Jehovah, the perfect reader of hearts, told Isaiah to continue proclaiming this warning even though he would be met with a hardening negative response. Jehovah sees everything in our heart, telling Isaiah to deliver the people of Israel even though they had no need for help. Ongundu ontiyali ndjoka ya kwatelwa " mepipi ndika ' aagwayekwa mboka ya li ya gwayekwa nombepo ondjapuki pethimbo mpoka iilyo yimwe yomongundu yotango ya li natango momwenyo kombanda yevi. The second group included in "this generation " are anointed contemporaries of the first group. They were not simply alive during the lifetime of those in the first group, but they were anointed with holy spirit during the time that those of the first group were still on earth. That second group is included in "this generation, " who were anointed with holy spirit at that time when some of the first members of the first century were still alive on earth. AAHINGINDHILA mboka ya pyokoka ohaya konakona tango nawa ondhila manga inaayi tuka, mokulandula omusholondondo ngoka ya pewa taya tala kiinima 30 yondhila. PILOTS who fly one of the most successful aircraft ever built have a preflight inspection checklist consisting of more than 30 items. IN A well - chosen couple do well to examine their checklist before taking a list of time to follow a list of topics that they view as long as they look forward to. ▪ Dhimbulukwa mboka ye li miilonga yethimbo lyu udha ▪ Remember Those in the Full - Time Service ▪ Remember Those in the Full - Time Service Mpoka opo omahunganeko ngeyaka twa lesha muDaniel ga li taga ka gwanithwa. That's when the other prophecies we read about in Daniel would be fulfilled. In recent times, the fulfillment of Daniel's prophecy would come true. 7: 4) Oohapu ndhoka dholupandu odhi na okukala dha li dhi inyengitha shili omitima dhaamwatate megongalo lyaKorinto. Those words of commendation must have warmed the heart of the brothers in Corinth. That appreciation must have moved the brothers in Corinth to Corinth. Mbela itatu vulu oku ya pandula noku ya tsa omukumo? Should we not commend and encourage them? Can we not thank them and encourage them? Jehova okwa kala nokukwathela ndje iikando niikando. Jehovah's caring hand has been very evident to me on several occasions. Jehovah has helped me several times. Opo ihe egongalo olya li hali tseyithilwa kutya omumwatate gwontumba okwa langekwa po. Finally, an announcement was made to the congregation. Then the congregation was informed that a brother was appointed. Ehunganeko 5. Prophecy 5. Prophecy 5. Kahewa ke gumwe gwedhina Ritsuko, omukuluntu lela kuye nokwa li a ningi kuume ke kopothingo. One named Ritsuko is much older than Kaori and offered to be her close friend. She was not one of her friends, and she became his close friend. Oto kwatha ndje wu li leshe? Would you please read that? Would you please read it? Nonando ihatu kutha ombinga momakuyunguto ngoka, ohaga vulu oku tu guma nosho wo aantu yaandjetu, notashi vulika tu ningwe nayi. Even though we do not take part in these conflicts, they can affect us and our family, and we may suffer terrible injustice. Although we do not take sides in these conflicts, it can affect us and family members. 18 Mbela owa "dhiginina owino "? 18 Do You "Safeguard Practical Wisdom "? 18 Did You "Keep seeking wisdom "? Jehova omunahenda shili sho he tu kwathele. " How kind of Jehovah to help us. " - Michael. Jehovah is merciful when he is helping us. " Salomo sho a ningi omukwaniilwa, iinima oye ke mu endela nayi konima yethimbo. And things definitely took a bad turn after he became king. When Solomon became king, he would have hurt him later. Opwa ningwa shike mbela? What was it? What happened? 4: 8) Dhiladhila kaakuluntugongalo, aatonatelishikandjo, Iilyo yOokomitiye dhIitayimbelewa nosho wo iilyo yOlutuwiliki. Think of congregation elders, circuit overseers, Branch Committee members, and the members of the Governing Body. Think of elders, circuit overseers, Branch Committee members, members of the Governing Body, and members of the Governing Body. 5: 22, 23) Okwa li i idhidhimikile omashongo ngoka taga vulu okutalika ko omadhigu noonkondo ge vule ngoka a li a punduka kugo. He endured trials that could be viewed as more severe than the ones he stumbled over earlier. He endured trials that could have been very difficult for them. 1: 19; Eh. 12: 7) Molwaashoka Jehova onyothi kehe okwe yi pa edhina (Eps. 147: 4), oshi li pandunge okudhiladhila kutya aayengeli ye ayehe oye na omadhina, mwa kwatelwa omuyengeli ngoka a ningi Satana. Since Jehovah has named each of the stars, it is reasonable to assume that all of his angelic sons, including the one who became Satan, also have personal names. Since Jehovah has given them a name, it would be wise to think that all angels have the name Satan, including Satan. Pashiholelwa, Ombiimbeli otayi tu lombwele nkene Jehova a li u uvitile Aaisraeli mboka ya li haya yono olundji. For example, the Bible tells us how Jehovah felt about the Israelites, who often disobeyed him. For example, the Bible tells us how Jehovah felt about the Israelites who sinned often sinned. Omuntu ngoka a hala okukoka pambepo, oku na okuholela Jesus, nokuuva ko Ombiimbeli nawa ngaashi tashi vulika. A person who wants to become a mature Christian imitates Jesus ' example and wants to understand the Bible as much as he can. A person who wants to grow spiritually should imitate Jesus ' example and understand the Bible better. 7: 1 - 4. 7: 1 - 4. 7: 1 - 4. Aamwatate yamwe moshilongo shoka sha li ondingandinga yomangeshefelo, oya li aayamba noye na aapika, omanga yamwe ya li aapika noya hepelela. (Ef. In that prosperous trading center, some Christian brothers evidently were wealthy slave owners, while others were slaves and probably very poor. Some brothers in that country were very rich, and some slaves were slaves, while some slaves were slaves and slaves in the country. [ Kehekeleko lyombepo ondjapuki, NW] egongalo olya tungala nolyi indjipala, naayehe oya li haa simaneke Omuwa. " (Iil. Moreover, "as it walked in the fear of Jehovah and in the comfort of the holy spirit it kept on multiplying. " " The comfort and comfort of the holy spirit keeps on walking, and all of us honor Jehovah. " Aakriste yonale oya holele omukalo ngoka. Sigo onena natse osho hatu ningi momagongalo getu. The Christians followed their example, and today we do the same in our congregations. The early Christians imitated those early Christians today. Okwa tameke ti igidha mokule, nelalakano lyokupiyaganeka oshigongi. Another factor that contributed to the weakening of belief in original sin was that philosophers, scientists, and theologians in the 19th century began to question whether accounts in the Bible should be accepted as historically true. She immediately called out loud, and the purpose of the convention was to start a convention. Oshinima shilwe natango shoka sha nkundipaleka eitaalo lyaantu kutya uulunde owa thigululwa osho kutya aafilosofi, aanongononi nosho wo aateologi yomethelemumvo eti - 19 oya tameke okutula momalimbililo omahokololo gOmbiimbeli kutya kage shi goshili. Neither was getting what he or she wanted. Another factor that has affected the belief of inherited sin is that scientists, scientists, and U.S.A., began to question the Bible's doctrines of truth. Ihe kapu na ngoka a li a ningilwa shoka a hala. Do not accept without question speculative or even prejudiced theories that undermine confidence in the Bible. However, no one was aware of what he wanted. Ino taamba ko omalongo gomafekelo nenge nokuli gokayoya ngoka taga nkundipaleke einekelo lyoye mOmbiimbeli. Jesus had said: "When praying, do not say the same things over and over again. " Do not accept unscriptural teachings or even undermine your confidence in the Bible. Jesus okwa tile: "Ngele tamu galikana, inamu endulula iinima ya faathana. " What does the Bible say about riches and poverty? Jesus said: "When you pray, do not repeat things similar to you. " Ombiimbeli oya ti shike kombinga yuuyamba noluhepo? It also allows courts to ban religions that promote hatred. What does the Bible say about poverty and poverty? (Associated Press, 25 Juni 1999) Ompango ndjoka oya li ya ningitha ompangu yi indike iilonga yetu nenge yi hulithe po eitaalo ndyoka tali ningitha aantu ya kale ye tondathane. Why did Communism appeal to me? In fact, the Middle Ages, Russia, Russia's law, which enables the court to eliminate our work or to eliminate prejudice. Omolwashike nda li nda hokwa Uukomonisi? He had to put up with his fleshly - minded brother, Esau, who intended to kill him. Why was I interested in law? Okwa li e na okwiidhidhimikila omumwayina Esau, ngoka a li ha dhiladhila panyama nokwa li nokuli a hala oku mu dhipaga. May all of us " continually remember the faithful work and loving labor ' of those in the full - time service. - 1 Thess. He had to endure his brother Esau, who thought he was fleshly and even wanted to kill him. Onkee ano, atuheni natu tsikileni " okudhimbulukwa iilonga nohole yaamboka taya longo nuupenda ' miilonga yethimbo lyu udha. - 1 Tes. We are living in a competitive world where strength and youth are frequently exalted. May all of us continue to remember "the work of loving - kindness and loving - kindness " in the full - time service. - 1 Thess. Otu li muuyuni moka aantu yi itaala kutya, opo wu pondole owu na okukala wa nyashuka nowa ndjanga. When we assist "the lowly one, " not only do we imitate Jehovah but we also gain his approval. We live in a world where people believe that you can be successful and open. Uuna tatu kwathele " oohepele, ' itatu holele owala Jehova, ihe otatu ka kala wo twa hokiwa kuye. (Eps. 41: 1; Ef. In effect, their stance was to be like that later set forth for God's present - day people by the prophet Micah: "All the peoples will walk, each in the name of its god, but we will walk in the name of Jehovah our God forever and ever. " - Mic. 4: 5. When we help "the lowly one, " we will not imitate Jehovah but also enjoy his approval. Omupolofeti Mika okwa li a popi nkene oshigwana shaJehova kunena shi na okwiihumbata sho a ti: "Oshigwana kehe otashi simaneke nokuvulika kuKalunga kasho shene, ihe tse otatu ka longela nokuvulika kOmuwa Kalunga ketu aluhe sigo aluhe. " - Mika 4: 5. Disease Regarding Jehovah's people today, the prophet Micah said: "Let each nation belong to God, and we will walk in the name of Jehovah our God, but we will obey him forever. " - Micah 4: 5. Omikithi On Monday, we often went to preach in towns where there were no Witnesses, inviting people to a talk planned for the evening. Disease Olundji, momaandaha otwa li hatu ku uvitha miilando mbyoka mwa li kaamu na Oonzapo, tatu ya hiya ye ye ya pulakene koshipopiwa ongulohi ndjoka. Just as Jehovah foretold, Adam eventually died. We often preached in areas where there were no Witnesses, and we invited them to listen to that talk on that evening. Ngaashi Jehova a hunganekele, Adam osho ngaa a ka sa shili. 2: 21. Just as Jehovah foretold, Adam would have died. 2: 21. You might start by asking yourself: " Do the songs I listen to glorify murder, adultery, fornication, and blasphemy? 2: 21. Otashi vulika wu tameke okwiipula to ti: " Mbela omaimbilo ngoka handi pulakene ohaga tanga edhipago, eyonondjokana, oluhondelo nosho wo okusheka Kalunga? Eric: Not really. You might start to ask yourself: " Do I listen to the songs I listen to, immorality, and stealing? Eric: Hanaanaa. Why the concern? Eric: No. Omolwashike tashi ipulwa nasho? [ Picture on page 12] Why would that be? [ Ethano pepandja 12] In 2000, it was purchased by a Swiss antiquities dealer. [ Picture on page 12] Olya li lya landwa po mo 2000 komulandithi gwiikulunima Omuswitse. God will never permit his people to be exterminated It was located in 2000. Kalunga ita ka pitika nando aapiya ye ayehe ya hulithwe po The expense has been covered by the voluntary donations of Jehovah's Witnesses, who have followed Jesus ' instruction: "You received free, give free. " - Matt. God will not permit all his servants to be eliminated Oofuto ohadhi futwa nomaambidhidho gehalo ewanawa ngoka Oonzapo dhaJehova hadhi gandja, tadhi landula elombwelo lyaJesus ndyoka tali ti: "One mwa pewa oshindji omagano, gandjeni wo omagano. " - Mat. " The things in the world " are like the lures of a fisherman. Using money and making voluntary donations, Jehovah's Witnesses follow Jesus ' command: "You give free, give free. " - Matt. " Iinima ayihe yomuuyuni " oya fa uukulya mboka omuyuli gwoohi ha tula kuundjolo we. For reasons we may not readily understand, some privileges may be extended much later than expected. " The things in the world " are like those who have fallen prey to you. Omolwomatompelo ngoka kaatu shi, omauthembahenda gamwe otashi vulika tu ke ga pewe nale, nonando kashi shi pethimbo ndyoka twa li twa tegelela. With the help of yet another gift. For those reasons, some privileges may already be given to us, even if we were not expecting it. Okekwatho lyomagano galwe. Fearing no one, I even collected money for loan sharks. With the help of other gifts. Kanda li ndi na uumbanda washa, oshoka iimaliwa mbyoka te pulwa ohandi yi futile po niimalwa mbyoka ya za mokatowo. God inspired Paul to write a letter to the Ephesians in which unity was a theme. I had no fear because the money I was asked to pay for my savings. Okwa nwethwa mo kuKalunga a nyolele Aaefeso ontumwafo tayi ya ladhipike ya kale muukumwe. (Read Acts 20: 20, 21, 24, 35.) He inspired Ephesians to encourage the Ephesians to be united. (Lesha Iilonga 20: 20, 21, 24, 35.) The situation is the same today. (Read Acts 20: 20, 21, 35.) Shoka osha faathana nokunena. 19 "You Need Endurance " The same is true today. 19 "Omu na okwiidhidhimika " STUDY ARTICLES 19 "You Must Love Your Faith " IITOPOLWA YOKUKONAKONWA They were even saying "shocking things " against Jehovah. STUDY ARTICLES Oya kala nokuli taya popi "oohapu dhomatukano " kombinga yaJehova. (Jud. the influence of the Devil? They even spoke of "the wicked one " about Jehovah. enwethomo lyaSatana? But once we get into a good routine, wholesome habits become easier - especially when we taste the benefits. Satan's influence? Ihe shampa tu na elandulathano ewanawa, otashi ka kala oshipu okukala nondjigilile ombwanawa, unene tuu ngele twa mono mo uuwanawa. Stars Influence Your Life? 6 / 1 But if we have a good schedule, it will be easier for us to have good communication, especially if we benefit from it. Johannes ina nyolela owala Gaius netompelo lyoku mu pandula. John's reason for writing to Gaius was not just to thank him. John wrote not only to Gaius but also to commend him. Pehala lyaashono, otu na okunyanyukwa omolweidhidhimiko lyawo. On the contrary, we should rejoice over their perseverance. Instead, we should be happy for their patience. 11: 20, KB; Mat. 12: 28) Shoka sha shitwa kuJehova okupitila mombepo ye ondjapuki nosho wo " miilonga ye, ' ohashi mu simanekitha. And "the work of his hands " - what Jehovah created by means of his holy spirit - brings him great glory. What Jehovah was created through his holy spirit and "the work of his holy spirit " brings honor to him. 1: 20) Ongiini to vulu okukwathela omuntu ngoka a limbililwa kutya Kalunga oko e li opo a mone kutya oohapu ndhoka dhomuyapostoli Paulus dha nwethwa mo odhoshili? How might you help someone who doubts the existence of God to see the truthfulness of Paul's inspired words? How can you help someone who doubt that God exists in order to discern the apostle Paul's inspired words? Olya li limwe lyomomanyolo gane ga yooloka ngoka ga li membo lyomanenge (oludhi lwomambo gonale) lya nyolwa mOshikopt (elaka lya yama kOshiegipiti shonale). It was one of four separate texts contained in a codex (a type of ancient book) written in Coptic (a language derived from ancient Egyptian). It was one of four texts in the book of ancient Greek and Greek books written in the tongue of ancient Israel. Tse otwi itaala meyumuko, nonando opu kale yamwe taye tu pataneke moshinima shoka. - Mark. Do you allow Jehovah to speak to you every day by reading his Word, the Bible, daily? We believe in the resurrection even if some oppose us. Oho etha ngaa Jehova a popye nangoye esiku kehe okupitila mokulesha Oohapu dhe, Ombiimbeli? He said to them: "Keep doing this in remembrance of me. " Do you allow Jehovah to speak to you each day by reading his Word, the Bible? Oye okwa ti kuyo: "Shi ningeni nokudhimbulukwa ndje. " IMITATE THEIR FAITH | TIMOTHY He said: "Keep doing this in remembrance of me. " NATU HOLELENI EITAALO LYAWO | TIMOTEUS The Scriptures indicate that Christians must literally gather themselves together. IMITATE THEIR FAITH SARAH Ombiimbeli otayi ti kutya Aakriste oye na okukala haya gongala pamwe. (1 Kor. 14: 23; Heb. If you feel this way, strive to put your loyalty to Jehovah ahead of your love for your family. The Bible says that Christians must meet together. Ngele osho wu uvite ngawo, kambadhala okupititha uudhiginini woye wokuhola Jehova komeho gaakwanezimo yoye. (For fully formatted text, see publication) If you feel that way, strive to put your loyalty to Jehovah ahead of your relatives. (Opo wu mone nkene uuyelele wu unganekwa, tala oshileshomwa) " You have carefully hidden these things from wise and intellectual ones and have revealed them to young children. " - LUKE 10: 21. (For fully formatted text, see publication) 10: 21. 10: 24. 10: 21. 10: 24. I said, "China? " 10: 24. Onda ti: "KoChiina? " 19, 20. I said, "Come! " 19, 20. Solomon directed the following words to young ones: "Know that on account of [your actions] the true God will bring you into judgment. " 19, 20. Salomo okwa li a popi oohapu ndhika u ukilila aagundjuka a ti: " Kala u shi shi kutya Kalunga ote ke ku etela iilonga yoye mepangulo. ' (Omuuv. " Become imitators of God, as beloved children. " - EPH. Regarding these words, Solomon said: "You know that God will bring you out of your mouth. " " Kambadhaleni ano okuholela Kalunga, oshoka one oyana aaholike. " - EF. " My funds were dwindling, my meager income did not always cover expenses, and I was physically tired. " Let us imitate God because of his beloved children. " - EPH. Oshimaliwa shandje osha li tashi ende tashi pu po, yo ondjambi yandje onshona kaya li aluhe ya gwana okulanda iipumbiwa ayihe. We communicate regularly every day. My money was covered, and my small reward was not always enough to buy all needs. Ohatu kundathana esiku kehe. Even longtime servants of Jehovah need to maintain their spirituality. - Phil. We discuss every day. Nokuli naapiya yaJehova mboka ye mu longela ethimbo ele, oya pumbwa okukaleka uupambepo wawo wa kola. - Fil. " But, " said the boy, "if I take the gold coin, people will stop playing the game with me. Even servants of Jehovah who have served him for a long time need to keep their spirituality strong. - Phil. Okamati oka ti: "Ngele onda kutha po shoshingoli, aantu itaya ka tsikila we okupa ndje iimaliwa. Why is it vital that Christians stay awake spiritually? The boy said: "If I took gold, the people will not give me money. Omolwashike sha simana Aakriste ya kale ya tonata pambepo? How important is it to do that? Why is it important for Christians to stay awake spiritually? Omolwashike shika sha simana? But what if you cannot attend meetings because of your illness? Why is this important? Ihe ongiini ngele ito vulu okuthika kokugongala omolwuuwehame? ALSO IN THIS ISSUE But what if you cannot attend congregation meetings? SHOKA SHI LI WO MOSHIFO SHIKA But as soon as we watch the various programs on JW Broadcasting, we remember that we are part of an international brotherhood. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Ihe nziya sho twa tala oopolohalama dhi ili nodhi ili dhotiivii JW, oshe tu kwathele tu dhimbulukwe kutya otu li oshitopolwa shuumwayinathana wopaigwana. Four strong and happy marriages resulted. But soon we saw various programs on JW Broadcasting helped us to remember that we are part of our international brotherhood. Ayehe yane oya li ya hokana noya kala yu uvite elago moondjokana dhawo. 23: 3, 5; 25: 7. All four of them married and enjoyed a happy marriage. 23: 3, 5; 25: 7. In what ways? 23: 3, 5; 25: 7. Omomikalo dhini mbela tatu vulu oku shi ninga? For evidence that Bible prophecies have come true, see chapter 2 and chapter 9 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? In what ways can we do so? Opo wu mone uuyelele kombinga yomahunganeko gamwe ngoka ga gwanithwa, tala ontopolwa 2 nosho wo 9 yembo Omalongo gashili gOmbiimbeli ogeni naanaa? I did, and I discovered that God's name is Jehovah. For a detailed discussion of certain prophecies, see chapters 2 and 9 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Onda tala mo nonda mono kutya edhina lyaKalunga oJehova. Jesse, the father of David and grandson of Ruth and Boaz, was likely a devout man. I saw it and realized that God's name is Jehovah. Uunzapo otawu ulike kutya Isai, he yaDavid nomutekulu gwaRut naBoas, okwa li omupiya omudhiginini gwaJehova. PURPOSE: It protects the "offspring " and leads humans to the Messiah The facts show that Jesse's father, Jesse's father, was a faithful servant of Jehovah. ELALAKANO: Okugamena "oluvalo " lwu uvanekwa nokukwathela aantu ya mone kutya Mesiasa olye Similarly, when Titus went to Corinth to minister to the brothers there, Paul wrote back to the congregation, saying: "His spirit has been refreshed by all of you. " PURPOSE: A vision of the "offspring " and helping people to identify the Messiah 16: 17, 18) Sha faathana, sho Titus a li a yi kuKorinto e ku uvithile aamwatate hoka, Paulus okwa li e ya nyolele ishewe a ti: "Ombepo ye oya li ya talalekwa kune amuhe. " (2 Kor. Some have feelings of worthlessness, so they question the idea of belonging to Jehovah. Similarly, when Titus traveled to Corinth to preach to the brothers there, Paul wrote: "All of them were comforted by spirit. " Yamwe oyu uvite kutya kaye na ongushu yasha, nohaya kala tayi ipula ngele otaya vulu ngaa okukala yaJehova. Then, as more and more of those with the earthly hope - symbolically like the stick "for Joseph " - joined the anointed, the two groups became" one flock. " Some feel that they have no value, and they wonder whether they can remain in Jehovah's service. Sho mboka ye na etegameno lyoku ka kala kombanda yevi, ano mboka pathaneko ya fa oshipilangi " shaIsrael ' taya hangana naagwayekwa, kungawo oongundu ndhika mbali odha ninga "oshigunda shimwe. " (Joh. 10: 16; Sak. The principles that we glean from God's Word should move us to avoid wearing clothing that is tight - fitting, revealing, or sexually provocative. When those with the hope of living on earth - those who are like "the stick of the Lamb, " these two groups become" one flock. " Ihe otashi vulika wu leshe oohapu ndhoka dhaJesus e to mono kutya owa pumbwa okweetha po iinima mbyoka tayi ku imbi okugandja eitulomo kokulongela Kalunga. Along the same line, the apostle Paul spoke about Christians who chose to follow his example of singleness "for the sake of the good news. " - 1 Corinthians 7: 37, 38; 9: 23. But you might read Jesus ' words and see that you need to give up material things that will distract you from serving God. Omithikampango ndhoka twi ilonga mOmbiimbeli odhi na oku tu kwathela tu yande oonguwo ndhoka dha ponda kolutu, tadhi imonikila nenge tadhi pendutha omahalo gokuya momilalo. Make eye contact and smile. The Bible's standards that we learn from the Bible help us to avoid clothing that are clean, or identify with immoral desires. (Mateus 19: 12) Omuyapostoli Paulus naye okwa popi kombinga yAakriste mboka ya li ya hogolola okulandula oshiholelwa she shokukala inaaya ya mondjokana, "omolwevaangeli. " - 1 Aakorinto 7: 37, 38; 9: 23. But all, including older publishers, endeavor to cover the local territory thoroughly. The apostle Paul spoke of Christians who chose to follow his example of singleness "in behalf of the Lord. " - 1 Corinthians 7: 37, 38; 9: 23. Mu tala momeho paufupi e twi imemeha. Anyone who makes a dedication vow should take it very seriously, just as did the psalmist who spoke of the vows he had made to God: "With what will I repay Jehovah for all the good he has done for me? Look briefly in the eyes of a smile. Nonando ongawo, oyendji mwa kwatelwa aakokele, ohaya ningi oonkambadhala ya mane ko oshitopolwa shawo. Earlier that year, it had pained him to learn that the brothers there quarreled among themselves. However, many older ones, including older ones, make an effort to complete their territory. (Rom. 14: 8) Kehe gumwe ngoka ta ningi euvaneko lyokwiiyapulila Jehova oku na oku li tala ko li li oshininima sha simana, ngaashi owala omupisalomi ngoka a popi kombinga yomauvaneko ngoka a ningi a ti: "Omuwa otandi mu futu shike moluuwanawa we auhe e u ningile ndje? God sent Jesus to "proclaim liberty to the captives..., to send the crushed ones away free. " Each who makes a vow to dedicate his vow to Jehovah must have considered what was important, just as the psalmist stated: "What has done for me? Petameko lyomumvo ogwo tuu ngono, Paulus okwa li a yemata sho u uvu kutya aamwatate muKorinto oye na oontamanana mokati kawo. How did the resurrection of Jesus differ from earlier ones? At the same time, Paul felt sad when he heard that the brothers in Corinth were among them. (2 Ondjalulo 19: 7; Maleaki 3: 6) Kalunga okwa li a tumu Jesus i "igidhile oonkwatwa emanguluko..., okumangulula oonakuhepekwa. " Because our first parents allowed Satan to distance them from Jehovah, we are all subject to illness. God sent Jesus "to bring relief... to the captives......, to the crushed ones. " Oompito ndhoka aawiliki yelongelokalunga lyOshijuda ya li ya pitike ehangano, No. 4 Adolfo took me to Arbon, about six miles (10 km) from Steinach, where a small group of Witnesses held meetings in Italian. The occasions that Jewish religious leaders allowed the organization, No. 4 Eyumuko lyaJesus olya yooloka ko ngiini kwaangoka ga ningwa manga inee ya? And how can we walk in Jehovah's name? How did the resurrection of Jesus differ from what happened before he died? Atuheni ohatu ehama, omolwaavali yetu yotango mboka ya li ye etha Satana e ya hedhithe kokule naJehova. She might never see her family again. All of us are sick for our first parents, who allowed Satan to distance them from Jehovah. Adolfo okwa li a fala ndje kuArbon, ehala li li ookilometa omulongo lwaampono okuza muSteinach, hoka kwa li ku na ongundu onshona yOonzapo yelaka lyOshiitalia. Moreover, they had allowed others to influence them or even to make decisions for them. Adolfo took me to a surgeon's home about ten miles (100 km) away from the Netherlands, where there was a small group of Witnesses who had a small group of Witnesses. Ongiini ngame nangoye tatu vulu okweenda medhina lyaJehova? No. How can you walk in the name of Jehovah? Otashi vulika uukwanegumbo waandjawo ineeke wu mona we. Of course, our main concern is the effect that our choices will have on our friendship with Jehovah. He may not have seen his family again. (Eps. 25: 12) Oshitiyali, oya li ye etha yalwe ye ya nwethe mo noku ya ningila omatokolo. In the past, Jehovah was pleased to protect his people when they unitedly helped one another to face distressing times. Second, they allowed others to influence and make decisions. Aawe. We need not waver in fear. No. Ihe otu na unene okwiipula kutya omatokolo getu otaga ka guma ngiini ekwatathano lyetu naJehova. How can we show mildness and patience? However, we should be concerned about how our decisions will affect our relationship with Jehovah. Monale, Jehova okwa li a gamene oshigwana she uuna sha li tashi kwathelathana muudhigu sha hangana. Behind the scenes, these sex perverts derive pleasure from the evil and debased actions of those whom they can corrupt on the earth. - Eph. In the past, Jehovah protected his people when they were united. Inatu pumbwa okukala twa tila. (Rev. We do not need to fear. Ongiini tatu vulu okuulika ombili nosho wo eidhidhimiko? Since my mind is mainly involved in an intellectual exercise, my heart is not necessarily touched by the spiritual thoughts I am reading. How can we show mildness and patience? Aantu kaye shi shi kutya oompwidhuli ndhika dha yonuka komilalo ohadhi kala dha nyanyukilwa iilonga iiwinayi noya nyata yaantu mboka tadhi vulu okunwetha mo kombanda yevi. - Ef. That way they have sufficient funds to live and preach full - time in Uganda the rest of the year. People do not know that these wicked spirits enjoy earth's violence and can influence people on earth. - Eph. (Eh. Their self - sacrificing spirit brings him joy and is greatly appreciated by others. - Prov. (Matt. Omutima gwandje ihagu gumwa nando kiinima yopambepo mbyoka tandi lesha, molwaashoka ohandi gandja unene eitulomo kelaka. He barely manages to find a seat in the packed auditorium. My heart is neither touched by the spiritual things I read because I focus on language. Shoka ohashi ya kwathele ya mone okamaliwa ya vule okukala moUganda, nokuuvitha moka uule womvula ayihe. 13: 5. That helps them to get more money than I could and preach for a year. Ombepo yeiyambo yiilyo yuukwanegumbo otayi ke mu nyanyudha nosho wo yalwe otaye ke ya pandula. - Omayel. Such training protects them from conduct that could rob them of happiness. The spirit of self - sacrificing members of the family will please him and others. - Prov. Osha li oshidhigu kuye okumona mpoka ta kuutumba mehala moka sha li sha gandjelwa. You want to guide your children to serve Jehovah. It was hard for him to see where it was in front of him. 13: 5. The Writing Committee of the Governing Body oversees the process of researching, writing, proofreading, illustrating, and translating our printed publications as well as material posted on our Web site. 13: 5. Edheulo lya tya ngaaka ohali ya gamene kaayi ihumbate momukalo ngoka tagu ke ya ningitha ya kale kaaye na enyanyu. If we deal with our imperfect friends in such a loving manner, how much more should we be inclined to trust our heavenly Father, whose ways and thoughts are much higher than ours! Such training protects ungodly ones in a way that leads them to happiness. Owu na oshinakugwanithwa shokukwathela aamwoye ya longele Jehova. On the other hand, by pursuing a theocratic career, you will be pursuing truly worthwhile and lasting goals. You have the responsibility to help your children to serve Jehovah. Okomitiye yOkunyola yOlutuwiliki ohayi tonatele iilonga yokuninga omapekapeko, yokunyola, yokuleshulula, yokugoholola omathano ngoka haga yi miileshomwa, noyokutoloka iileshomwa yetu mbyoka hayi nyanyangidhwa nosho wo iinima mbyoka hayi tulwa kepandja lyetu lyokOintaneta. Others enjoyed a measure of success in this system of things but felt that something was missing in their life. The Writing Committee oversees the work of the Governing Body to do research, reading pictures, and publications that are published in our publications and that are published on our Web site. Ngele ohatu ungaunga nookuume ketu mboka inaaya gwanenena momukalo nguka gwopahole, mbela itatu ka kala tuu twa hala okukala twi inekela Tate yetu gwomegulu, ngoka oondjila dhe nomadhiladhilo ge, ge vule getu! " Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely even if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. " If we treat our imperfect friends in this kind, what would we want to trust in our heavenly Father, whose ways are higher than his ways? Ihe ngele owa yi miilonga yethimbo lyu udha, nena oto lalakanene oshinima shoka shi na ongushu notashi kalelele shili. Moreover, we rejoice over "the good condition of the heart " that results from obeying God's reminders. - Isa. But if you take full advantage of the full - time ministry, you are reaching out for something that is truly valuable and lasting. Yalwe oya li ye na iinima oyindji yomuuyuni mbuka, ihe natango oya li yu uvite pu na shoka sha kambela po moonkalamwenyo dhawo. How can adversities refine us and draw us closer to God? Others had many things in this world, but they still felt that something was missing in their lives. " Kwathathaneni, dhiminathanii po oondjo ethimbo kehe, uuna pe na ngoka a ningathana namukwawo. " (Kol. Should I do more research and talk to some who are well - trained to treat my health problem? ' - Deuteronomy 17: 6. " Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. " 4: 3 - 5; 1 Tim. 6: 6 - 11) Ishewe, otu na "enyanyu lyokomwenyo " molwaashoka ohatu vulika komalombwelo gaKalunga. - Jes. Is the Bible outdated in our modern age? Or does it still have value? Also, we have "the joy of the heart " because we obey God's instructions. - Isa. Omaudhigu otaga vulu ngiini okukoleka eitaalo lyetu noku tu kwathela tu hedhe popepi naKalunga? Karen: Along a similar line, note that after Jesus came up out of the water, someone spoke from heaven. How can we strengthen our faith and help us to draw close to God? Mbela tango ondi na oku yi konakona nawa nokupopya naantu mboka ye shi okupanga uuvu wandje? ' - Deuteronomium 17: 6. Jehovah created us in a way that we can enjoy recreation and benefit from it. Should I first study them well and talk to people who are ill? ' - Deuteronomy 17: 6. Mbela Ombiimbeli oya kwisha, nenge oyi na ngaa ongushu natango? I would grab his Bible and show him various scriptures that revealed the truth about Jehovah God, Jesus, and the last days. Does the Bible have any value, or are they still valuable? Otandi ka pula naanaa omusita gwetu. Karen: Ndhindhilika wo kutya sho Jesus a zi momeya opu na ngoka a li a popi okuza megulu. The Bible describes just such a government - God's Kingdom, the government for which Jesus taught his followers to pray. - Matthew 6: 9, 10. I'm going to ask our pastor, Karen: Note that when Jesus came out water from heaven, there was water from heaven. Jehova okwe tu shita tu kale hatu mono uuwanawa momainyanyudho noku ga nyanyukilwa. There, they beat a teenager to death because he would not give up his leather jacket. Jehovah created us with the ability to enjoy recreation and entertainment. Onda li handi mu ulukile omanyolo gi ili nogi ili mOmbiimbeli ye mwene ngoka taga popi oshili kombinga yaJehova Kalunga, yaJesus nosho wo yomasiku gahugunina. As the steward "in charge of the house " - presumably that of Hezekiah - Shebna had considerable authority. I showed him many different scriptures in the Bible about Jehovah God, Jesus, and the last days. Ombiimbeli otayi popi epangelo ndyoka kutya olyo Uukwaniilwa waKalunga, mboka Jesus a longa aalanduli ye ya galikane wu ye. - Mateus 6: 9, 10, yelekanitha NW. He knew firsthand how much the holy spirit, the angels, and God's Word helped him to take the lead when he was on earth. The Bible describes that government as God's Kingdom, which Jesus taught his followers to pray. - Matthew 6: 9, 10. Kondanisa oya dhenge ko omugundjuka gumwe e ta si, molwaashoka ka li a hala oku ya pa ondjatha ye yomukoya. They generally have many opportunities to teach the truth to others and conduct Bible studies. The Austria beat a young man and died because he did not want to give them a son. Shebna okwa li "omusilishimpwiyu guuwa, " tashi vulika gwomukwaniilwa Hiskia nokwa li e na oonkondopangelo odhindji. (Jes. They ridiculed me, claiming that I would be the loser. Shebna was " equipped for the son of King Hezekiah, "for he may have had many authority. " 28: 20) Okwa li e shi shi kutya ombepo ondjapuki, aayengeli nosho wo Oohapu dhaKalunga oye mu kwathela a kwatale komeho sho a li kombanda yevi. Acquiring faith in Jesus, in turn, makes it possible for an individual to gain forgiveness of sins. He knew that holy spirit, angels, and God's Word helped him to take the lead when he was on earth. Ohaya mono aluhe oompito odhindji okulonga yalwe oshili nokuninga omakonakonombiimbeli. And everything he does will succeed. " - Ps. They always find many opportunities to teach others the truth and conduct Bible studies. Oya li ya sheke ndje, taya popi kutya itandi ka pondola sha. Similarly, for us to see whether Easter is a Christian celebration, it is essential that we take a look at the details related to Easter. They told me that I would not succeed. 6: 44, 65) Okukala neitaalo muJesus oshe shi ningitha oshipu, opo aantu ya dhiminwe po omayono gawo. 28: 19. Faith in Jesus made it easier for mankind to forgive their sins. Ashihe shoka taye shi longo otashi eta eyambeko. " - Eps. He referred to himself as being like a husband to that ancient nation. All of this leads to a blessing. " - Ps. Sha faathana, opo tu mone ngele o - Easter oyi li edhano lyopaKriste, osha simana tu tale kuuyelele mboka wa pamba o - Easter. Instead, they chose the illegitimate freedom offered by Satan, which was moral independence. Similarly, to determine whether Easter is a Christian celebration, it is important for us to consider the information related to the Eastern parts of the Christian Greek Scriptures. 28: 19. I also learned that Jehovah has a loving organization, although I had not yet attended a meeting. 28: 19. Okwa li i ipopi mwene kutya okwa li a fa omusamane gwasho. (Jes. Hutter did not become rich from his translation work; evidently his editions did not sell well. He described himself as being like a father. Oya hogolola emanguluko lyaSatana ya tokole kuyo yene kutya oshike shi li mondjila noshike sha puka. Genuine love identifies true Christians. They chose Satan's freedom to decide what is right and what is wrong. Onda adhika wo ndi ilonga kutya Jehova oku na ehangano enahole, nonando pethimbo mpoka inandi adhika nde enda kokugongala. Why is now especially the time to "put off every weight "? I also learned that Jehovah has a legal organization, even though I had never been attending meetings. Iilonga yaHutter yokutoloka inayi mu ninga omuyamba. MOombiimbeli ndhoka a toloka ina mona mo oshimaliwa oshindji. " Setting the mind on the spirit " does not imply that a person has to live with his head in the clouds, so to speak. The translation of the translation work did not make him rich enough for the translation of the Bible. Ohole yashili ohayi ndhindhilikitha mo Aakriste yashili. Even women and children were not spared the cruelty. Genuine love is the identifying mark of true Christianity. Omolwashike ngashingeyi olyo ethimbo lyokweetha "kehe shoka sha hala oku tu kata "? For instance, some youths begin dating when they are not ready for the responsibilities associated with married life. Why is now the time to "put off every weight "? " Okukala mewiliko lyOmbepo " itashi ti kutya omuntu oku na owala okukala ta popi iinima yopambepo. Today, Jehovah invites us to do all we can to support his Kingdom. " Keeping on the spirit " does not mean that a person must be referring to spiritual matters. Nokuli aakulukadhi naanona kaya li ya hupithwa ko. Still others feel that belonging to a church will make them friends of God. Even children were not saved. Pashiholelwa, aagundjuka yamwe ohaya tameke okweendelathana, nonando inayi ilongekidha okuhumbata iinakugwanithwa yomondjokana. Nonetheless, there is ever - increasing evidence that we are at the conclusion of a unique period in the history of humanity. For example, some young ones start training by choosing to carry out the responsibility of caring for the marital responsibilities. Kunena, Jehova ote tu hiya tu ninge kehe shoka tatu vulu, opo tu ambidhidhe Uukwaniilwa we. So by the time we paid our rent, we had little to live on, and we were not always sure where our next meal would come from. Today, Jehovah invites us to do whatever we can to support his Kingdom. Yo yalwe ohaya kala yu uvite kutya ngele oya kala mongeleka yontumba otashi ke ya ningitha ookuume kaKalunga. 4: 16; Ezek. Others feel that if they were in church, they would make God's friends better. Nonando ongawo, opu na uunzapo wa yela kutya otu li pehulilo lyomathimbo gi ikalekelwa mondjokonona yaantu. " In the past, " admits a single mother named Katia, "I was very impatient with my daughter. Yet, there is clear evidence that we are living at the end of a special period of human history. Otwa li owala hatu hupu po niimaliwa iishona shampa twa futu ondunda yetu, nokatwa li hatu kala tu shi kutya esiku tali landula otatu li shike. Paul's words "now is the especially acceptable time " and" now is the day of salvation " still apply. We spent only a small amount of money caring for our apartment, and we did not know what the next day would be. 4: 16; Hes. In some instances, the parents may choose to make some adjustment in the set time as long as Bible principles are not being jeopardized. 4: 16; Ezek. Katia, omukulukadhi ngoka ta putudha okamwana oye awike ota ti: "Nale kanda li handi idhidhimikile okamwandjekadhona. Those people hated him. On the other hand, a mother who raised her son relates: "In the past, I didn't cope with my daughter. Oohapu dhaPaulus ndhoka tadhi ti kutya "ethimbo lyo opala okutaamba esilohenda lyaKalunga olyo ndika " nosho wo" esiku lyesilohenda onena, " otadhi longo natango. Many of the reasons are highlighted in the 27th Psalm, which is the basis for this article. Paul's words suggest that "the especially acceptable time " is God's undeserved kindness and" the undeserved kindness of his undeserved kindness. " Omathimbo gamwe, aavali otaya vulu okulundulula ethimbo ndyoka ngele kashi li ompinge nomakotampango gOmbiimbeli. For the past 15 years, they have helped José and Rose, who are now in their mid - 80 ' s. At times, parents can change the time when they are not opposed to Bible principles. Aantu oya li ya geya noonkondo noye mu tonda. How can you see Jehovah's hand in your life? The people were angry and hated him. Episalomi 27 ndyoka li li enenedhiladhilo lyoshitopolwa shika otali gandja omatompelo ogendji. 16, 17. Psalm 27 of this article provides a number of reasons. Ombiimbeli otayi ti: "Aaisraeli sho ya mono omukwaniilwa netangakwiita lye taye ya landula, oya haluka e taa kugile OMUWA ekwatho. " I wish I got more of this kind of treatment at home! " " When the Israelites saw the king's king and his troops following them, they began to cry out to Jehovah, " says the Bible. Uule womimvo 15 dha ka pita, oya kala nokukwathela José naRose, mboka ngashingeyi ye na omimvo 80 nasha. From my vantage point at Bethel, I have been blessed to witness outstanding spiritual growth in the Philippines. For 15 years, they have helped José and Rose, now in her 80 ' s. Ongiini to vulu okumona oshikaha shaJehova monkalamwenyo yoye? Remember, Jehovah did not create humans to be robots, incapable of thinking and making choices. How can you see Jehovah's hand in your life? 16, 17. Suggested Bible reading for September: 16, 17. Ando nokegumbo osho nee sha li ngeyi! " " The sons of the wicked one " are tormented by the fact that "the sons of the kingdom " have exposed the spiritually poisonous condition of these weedlike ones. If so, the family and the family were from house to house! " Ethimbo nda kala tandi longo moBetel, onda li nda mono nkene aantu moFilipine taya humu komeho pambepo. Paul did that, which led to opportunities to " defend and legally establish the good news. ' During Bethel service, I saw how people in the Philippines progressed spiritually. Dhimbulukwa kutya Jehova ina shita aantu ya fa omalobota, ihaaya vulu okudhiladhila nokuninga omatokolo. (Read 2 Chronicles 35: 20 - 22.) Remember, Jehovah did not create humans with the ability to think and make decisions. (Mat. 13: 42) "Aana yaMwiinayi " otaye ehamekwa momukalo ngono kutya" aana yUukwaniilwa " oya yaneka pomutenya onkalo ombwinayi yopambepo yaamboka ya fa omau ge na uuzigo. Out of politeness, perhaps we might briefly converse with him, but then we would likely indicate that we prefer to end the conversation. Those "sons of the wicked one " are injured in a way that" the sons of the sons of the Kingdom " expose the spiritual condition of those who are like the weeds. Shoka osho Paulus a li a ningi noshe mu pe ompito a vule "okupopila nokukoleka evaangeli. " (Fil. I was still angry with her. That is what Paul did and gave him the opportunity to " defend and defend the good news. " (Lesha 2 Ondjalulo 35: 20 - 22.) By this time, I too was living in Hong Kong again. (Read 2 Chronicles 35: 20 - 22.) Ihe otashi vulika wu ulike kutya ino hala naanaa okupopya naye. However, the three of us were initially assigned to a congregation in Quezon City, where many of the residents spoke English. But you may show that you do not really want to talk to him. Tandi humu komeho ndi li omusita Elders and some others in the congregation advised her not to move away, but several sisters urged her to go abroad. Being a Shepherd Pethimbo mpoka nangame onda adhika nda galukila moHong Kong. Willie responded, "Your father is in hell! " At that time, I was able to return to Hong Kong. Nonando ongawo, atuhe yatatu otwa tuminwa kegongalo li li moshilando shedhina Quezon City, moka mu na aantu oyendji haya popi Oshiingilisa. The final article in this series will answer those questions. Nevertheless, three of us were assigned to a congregation in Que City, where there were many people speaking English. Aakuluntugongalo nayalwe megongalo oya li ye mu ladhipike kaa ye, ihe oomeme oyendji megongalo oye mu lombwele a ye. Unless we are vigilant and prayerful, we could succumb to an unclean or wrong practice that would constitute a grieving of the spirit. The elders and others in the congregation encouraged him not to leave behind, but many young men in the congregation told him to speak to him. Willie okwe mu yamukula a ti: "Tate gwoye oku li moheli! " (a) Why do meaningful prayers involve more than words? Willie replied: "Your Father is in hell! " Oshitopolwa tashi landula otashi ka yamukula omapulo ngoka. King Zedekiah owed it to Jehovah to live up to the oath that he had sworn in God's name. The next article will answer these questions. Ngele inatu tonata tse ihatu galikana, otashi vulika tu igandje moonyata nenge kiilonga ya puka mbyoka tayi vulu okunikitha ombepo uuthigwa. Is the "road " to your forgiveness open and in good repair? If we are not awake to the point of prayer, we might yield to feelings of guilt or actions that could grieve the spirit. (a) Omolwashike okugalikana tashi zi komutima kwa kwatela mo oshindji kaashi shi owala oohapu? On the next day, the travelers caught the fast mail boat to Liverpool and boarded the famed Lusitania for New York. (a) Why does prayer include more than words? Omukwaniilwa Sedekia okwa li u uvanekele Jehova kutya ota ka kala metsokumwe negano ndyoka a ninga medhina lyaKalunga. The pilgrims excelled at teaching and using charts, models, or whatever they had at hand to make their subject come alive. King Zedekiah promised Jehovah that he would live up to the vow that he made in God's name. Mbela oho shi ningitha ngaa oshipu kuyalwe ye ku pule wu ya dhimine po, noho ya dhimine po ngaa? So the apostles directed the appointment of qualified men who, in turn, made arrangements to ensure that the widows ' needs were adequately and equitably met. Do you make it easier for others to ask for forgiveness, and do you forgive them? Esiku lya landula, aamwatate oya londo mombautu ndjoka ye ya fala meendelelo koLiverpool, nokonima oya londo mombautu yedhina Lusitania ya ye koNew York. Gener often came home late, after playing billiards and violent computer games with his friends. The next day, the brothers ran away from the boat to Mount River, and later they went to New York. Aakalelipo aaendi oya li ya pyokoka mokulonga aantu. Oya li haya longitha omathano, iiholelwa nosho wo kehe shimwe shoka ye na, opo iipopiwa yawo yi kale tayi tungu. Do we see the religious leaders, especially the clergy of Christendom, teaching people to know God by his name and to sanctify, or honor, that name? While traveling overseers were effective in teaching pictures, they used examples, examples, and everything they needed to build up their talks. Onkee aayapostoli oya li ya gandja oshinima shoka momake gaalumentu ya pyokoka, mboka ya li ya ningi omalongekidho ya shilipaleke kutya oompumbwe dhaasalekedhi mboka odha gwanithwa po. Even though he knew that he would resurrect Lazarus, Jesus cried. So the apostles gave something in the hands of experienced men, who made sure that the needs of the animals were being fulfilled. Ihe mokweendela ko kwethimbo okwa ka mona kutya iinima mbi ta ningi, itayi mu nyanyudha nokwa li u uvite a kambela sha. Because those pagan astrologers gave the family such costly gifts, they now had assets that might help them in the sojourn ahead. In time, though, she realized that her job was not satisfying, and she felt that she was missing. 6: 9) Mbela aawiliki yomalongelokalunga, unene tuu aasita yUukwakriste, ohaya longo aantu edhina lyaKalunga nosho wo oku li yapulitha nenge oku li simanekitha? David did not want to rob Saul of the kingship, since Jehovah had not yet removed him. Do religious leaders, especially the clergy of Christendom, teach people God's name and sanctify it? Jesus okwa lili, nonando okwa li e shi kutya ota ka yumudha Lasarus. An earthly paradise awaits survivors of the last days Jesus died, even though he knew that he would resurrect Lazarus. Molwaashoka oya adhika opo ya pewa omagano gondilo kaayanakeli mbeyaka aapagani, oya li ngashingeyi ye na sha shokwiikwatha nasho mondjila. How can you imitate Paul's attitude toward the ministry? Because they had been given a precious gift to the nations, they now had the right thing to do. David ka li a kambadhala a yuge ko oshipundi komukwaniilwa Saul, ihe okwa li a tegelela Jehova oye e shi ninge. " Continue... forgiving one another freely. " David did not try to return to King Saul's king but expected Jehovah to do so. Mboka taya ka hupa pomasiku gahugunina, oyo taya ka kala moparadisa kombanda yevi I came to understand Jesus ' teaching recorded at Matthew 6: 24, which says that "no one can slave for two masters. " Those who survive the last days will live in a paradise on a paradise earth Ongiini to vulu okuholela Paulus muukalele? Instead, repay with a blessing. " - 1 Peter 3: 8, 9. How can you imitate Paul in the ministry? " Dhiminathanii po oondjo. ' Immediately following the convention, I decided to return to the Christian congregation. " Continue forgiving one another freely. " Opo nduno nde ku uva ko oohapu dhaJesus dhi li muMateus 6: 24 ndhoka tadhi ti kutya "kaku na ngoka ta vulu okulongela aawa yaali. " The apostle Paul gives us the reason in his letter to Hebrew Christians. Then I heard Jesus ' words recorded at Matthew 6: 24: "No one can slave for two masters. " Ihe mu shunithileni elaleko nuuyamba. " - 1 Petrus 3: 8, 9. 21 Our Readers Ask... But let him be richly blessed. " - 1 Peter 3: 8, 9. Nziya konima yoshigongi, onda tokola okushuna kegongalo lyopaKriste. Today at age 43, I am only one meter (three feet) tall. Soon after the convention, I decided to return to the Christian congregation. Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa gandja eyamukulo montumwafo ye ndjoka a nyolele Aakriste Aahebeli. Read Isaiah 40: 29. The apostle Paul gave the answer to his letter to the Hebrew Christians. 30 Mei 2011 - 5 Juni 2011 (b) What can help us to stay focused on our journey? ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Ngashingeyi ondi na oomvula 43, ihe omuthika gwandje ogu li owala pometa yimwe. Prophecy 2. Now I am 43 years old, but my feet are only one half feet. Lesha Jesaja 40: 29. SEPTEMBER 3 - 9, 2012 Read Isaiah 40: 29. (b) Oshike tashi ke tu kwathela tu kale twa pwila molweendo lwetu lwopaKriste? Nevertheless, the Israelites saw only what appeared to their physical eyes - the impassable Red Sea in front of them, Pharaoh's swift war chariots behind them, and an 80 - year - old shepherd to lead them! (b) What will help us to stay focused on our journey? Ehunganeko 2. LIFE STORY Prophecy 2. 3 - 9 SEPTEMBA 2012 (Read 1 John 5: 3.) SEPTEMBER 3 - 9, 2012 ONDJOKONONA God created us with the freedom to choose between doing good and doing evil. LIFE STORY (Lesha 1 Johannes 5: 3.) We never had a lot financially, but we always had what we needed. (Read 1 John 5: 3.) (Deuteronomium 32: 5) Kalunga okwe tu shita tu na emanguluko lyokuhogolola okulonga shoka oshiwanawa nenge oshiwiinayi. It greatly saddened Jesus to see his beloved friends stricken with grief. - John 11: 33, 35. God created us with the freedom to choose what is good or bad. Katwa li tu na iinima oyindji yopamaliko, ihe otwa li hatu kala aluhe tu na shoka twa pumbwa. 4, 5. (a) David was sure of what? We did not have a lot of material things, but we always needed what we needed. 11: 33, 35. However, their humility and their trust in Jehovah were likely put to the test by an unexpected turn of events. 11: 33, 35. 4, 5. (a) David okwa li e na uushili washike? We too have choices and decisions to make. 4, 5. (a) What was David convinced? Ihe eifupipiko lyawo nokwiinekela kwawo muJehova otashi vulika ya li tayi ka makelwa okupitila miiningwanima inaayi tegelelwa. For example, what if a member of your family or a close friend sins, is unrepentant, and has to be disfellowshipped? However, their humility and trust in Jehovah may have been tested through events. Natse otu na wo okuninga omahogololo nomatokolo. This article considers questions you may have raised and shows where you can read the answers in your Bible. We too need to make decisions and decisions. Pashiholewa, ongiini ngele oshilyo shuukwanegumbo nenge kuume koye kopothingo ngoka a yona, ina hala okwiiyela ombedhi e ta kondwa? As told by Esa Leinonen For example, what if a member of a family member or a close friend who has sinned, does not want to repent and be disfellowshipped? Moshitopolwa shika omu na omapulo ngoka tashi vulika wi ipula kombinga yago notashi ku ulukile mpoka to vulu okwaadha omayamukulo gago mOmbiimbeli yoye. 16: 24; Mark 10: 29, 30. This article raises questions you may have wondered about and shows where you can read the answers in your Bible. Nakuhokolola: Esa Leinonen However, this time it will not involve an actual flight to a single geographic spot, for true Christians are located all around the globe. As told by Ma 1948 16: 24; Mark. 10: 29, 30. However, you should not fulfill your role as a shepherd at the expense of your role as a husband. 16: 24; Mark 10: 29, 30. Ihe pethimbo ndika itashi ka kwathela okuya ontuku kehala lyontumba, molwaashoka Aakriste yashili oye li muuyuni auhe. And would this not be included in the inspired Bible record for all to see? But at this time, it will not help you to flee to a place where true Christians live worldwide. Ihe ke na owala okukala ha longo nuudhiginini megongalo e ta dhimbwa omukadhi. Give an example. But he should not just work hard in the congregation and forget his wife. Ando inashi nyolwa ngaa mOmbiimbeli, opo aantu ayehe ye shi leshe? How can we avoid the snare of materialism and simplify our life so that we can pursue more important spiritual interests? Would it not have been written in the Bible to all people read it? Gandja oshiholelwa. But if anyone stands settled in his heart, having no necessity, but has authority over his own will and has made this decision in his own heart, to keep his own virginity, he will do well. " Illustrate. Ongiini tatu vulu okuyanda omwigo gwokuhola omaliko nokweetha po iinima mbyoka tayi tu imbi tu konge tango Uukwaniilwa, tse tu lalakanene iinima ya simana yopambepo? Jesus will rescue the poor and bring an end to oppression and violence. - Read Psalm 72: 8, 12 - 14. How can we avoid the trap of materialism and allow our priorities to seek first the Kingdom first? Omumati ngoka u uvite kutya ota vulu okwiikalela itaa hokana, nopwaa na ethiminiko lyomuntu, ne shi ninge. Ngele ota vulu okwiipangela noku na etokolo, nena oto opaleke, ngele ita hokana. Should Christians Worship at Shrines? He feels that singleness is unable to control a person's marriage, to exercise self - control, to exercise self - control, and to clean. (Episalomi 2: 4 - 8) Jesus ota ka hupitha oohepele dhi kale itaadhi thiminikwa we nando nokupiyaganekwa. - Lesha Episalomi 72: 8, 12 - 14. In the Law that God gave to the nation of Israel, we find specific instructions on what needed to be done when an individual sinned. Jesus will save the poor and be distracted. - Read Psalm 72: 8, 12 - 14. Mbela Aakriste oye na oku ka galikana komahala aniwa omayapuki? With similar rationalizing, one might share in extracurricular sports or clubs at school, underreport taxable income, or tell untruths when asked to reveal actions that could be embarrassing. Should Christians worship at shrines? MOmpango ndjoka Kalunga a li a pe oshigwana shaIsraeli, otatu adha mo omalombwelo gokondandalunde gaashoka sha li sha pumbiwa okuningwa uuna omuntu a longo uulunde. The woman producing the offspring is none other than "the Jerusalem above " - the heavenly part of God's organization, made up of loyal spirit creatures. In the Law that God gave to the nation of Israel, we find specific instructions on what was needed when a person commits sin. (1 Kor. 7: 39, KB) Omukriste otashi vulika a kale ta kongo omaipopilo opo a kuthe ombinga momaudhano taga limbilike kosikola, kaa fute iifendela ya gwana po nenge a popye iifundja kombinga yoshinima shoka a ninga tashi sitha ohoni. Having thus reasoned on the Scriptures, why not examine other Bible texts that reveal God's thinking on matters that concern you or your family? A Christian might look for excuses to engage in sports at school, to pay taxes, or to speak outright lies about him. 4: 22 - 25) Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa yelitha kutya oshitopolwa shotango sholuvalo lwaAbraham, oKristus, noshitopolwa oshitiyali Aakriste aagwayekwa mboka ye li 144 000. (Gal. 3: 16, 29; Eh. He was attending meetings at the Kingdom Hall, but he did not want to have a Bible study. The apostle Paul explained that the first part of Abraham's seed, the secondary part of the 144,000 anointed Christians, the secondary part of the 144,000 spirit - anointed Christians. Sho wa lesha omanyolo ngoka gatatu, omolwashike itoo konakona omanyolo galwe wu mone omadhiladhilo gaJehova moshinima shoka she ku pamba nenge sha guma egumbo lyoye? In a world filled with discouragement, we are wise to surround ourselves with our encouraging brothers and sisters. As you read the three scriptures, why not consider other scriptures in the matter of Jehovah's mind or your home? Okwa li ha ka gongala kOshinyanga shUukwaniilwa, ihe ka li a hala okukonakona Ombiimbeli. Could I stumble others? ' He attended meetings at the Kingdom Hall but did not want to study the Bible. 1: 7) Oshi li nawa tu endathane naamwatate naamwameme mboka taya vulu oku tu tsa omukumo, molwaashoka ohashi vulika tu yematekwe kiinima oyindji muuyuni mbuka. He raised the dead. We do well to associate with our brothers and sisters, for we may be encouraged because we may become addicted to this system of things. Mbela itandi ka pundukitha yalwe? ' (2) Why does God become involved? Will I stumble others? ' Okwa li wo a yumudha aasi. After that, we preached throughout that village, and to our delight, the people were very receptive. He also raised the dead. (2) Omolwashike Kalunga ta ka ya mo olunyala? She was encouraged when she read Matthew 6: 1 - 4. (2) Why will God intervene? Konima yaashono, otu uvitha momukunda aguhe ngoka, notwa li twa nyanyukwa, oshoka aantu oya li taya pulakene lela. For example, how grateful you would be to someone who voluntarily paid for a lifesaving medical treatment that you could not afford! After that, we preached in that village, and we were happy because people listened very much. Okwa li a ladhipikwa sho a lesha Mateus 6: 1 - 4. This is the deceiver and the antichrist. " He was encouraged when he read Matthew 6: 1 - 4. Pashiholelwa, ito ka kala tuu wa pandula, ngele omuntu gwontumba okwi iyamba e ku futile epango ndyoka wa li itoo vulu okufuta, opo a hupithe omwenyo gwoye? However, when problems occur with a spiritual brother or sister, the pain can be much deeper. For example, how thankful you would be if someone offered to give you a treatment that could save your life? Aantu mboka oyo aahongololi naakondjithi yaKristus! " The Yearbook contains the report for the preceding service year. Such ones are a master of Christ's enemies! " 8: 12, 13; 12: 13, 14) Ihe ohashi vulika shi tu ehameke unene ngele tu na uupyakadhi nomumwatate nenge nomumwameme. 5: 3, 6; John 6: 44; 10: 14. However, it may be very painful if we have a problem with a brother or sister. Mo - Yearbook nosho wo mUukalele Wetu wUukwaniilwa ohamu kala olopota yiilonga yomumvo gwaya. Why might it be said that Solomon was successful? In the Yearbook of Our Kingdom Ministry, we have been able to report a report report of the year. 5: 3, 6; Joh. 6: 44; 10: 14. In chapter 4, he discussed Abraham. 5: 3, 6; John 6: 44; 10: 14. Omolwashike taku vulu okutiwa kutya Salomo okwa li a pondola monkalamwenyo? We were encouraged to think it over carefully and prayerfully. Why can it be said that Solomon was successful in life? Montopolwa 4, okwa popi kombinga yaAbraham. Thus, after establishing the facts of the case, the elders had to look at the person, not just the action. In chapter 4, he referred to Abraham. Otwa li twa ladhipikwa tu dhiladhile nawa nokugalikana kombinga yasho. At such times, we could easily become overwhelmed and lose sight of our blessings. We were encouraged to think carefully and pray about it. Konima ngele aakuluntugongalo ya konakona ashihe shoka sha kwatelwa mo, oya li ye na wo okudhiladhila komuntu ye mwene, ihe haku tala owala kwaashoka a ninga. The apostle Paul said so. After considering all that included, the elders needed to think about himself, not just what he did. Pomathimbo ngoka oshipu uudhigu wu tu gwilile po e tatu dhimbwa omayambeko ngoka twa mona. How can a husband gain deep respect? At times, it is easy to cope with stress and forget the blessings we have experienced. (1 Kor. Because of the Israelites ' disobedience, Jehovah did not protect them from their enemies. It is similar with us. 5: 33) Omusamane ota vulu ngiini okwiilongela esimaneko ndyoka? Katherine asked Jehovah in prayer to help her find the right sister to whom she could entrust her Bible student. How can a husband gain this respect? Jehova ina gamena Aaisraeli kaatondi yawo, molwaashono inaya vulika kuye. But Peter fell asleep again and later gave in to fear and pressure. Jehovah has not protected the Israelites from their enemies because they disobeyed him. Katherine okwa pula Jehova megalikano e mu kwathele a mone omumwameme ngoka ta vulu oku mu pa omukonakonimbiimbeli gwe. The remnant of the bride class have been particularly grateful to these "virgin companions " for their zealous help in preaching" this good news of the Kingdom " throughout the inhabited earth. Katherine asked Jehovah for help in prayer to find a sister who could offer her Bible study. 14: 38) Ihe Petrus okwa ka kotha natango, lwanimwa, okwi igandja omolwuumbanda nomolwokuthiminikwa. Divinely Qualified to Rule However, Peter still fell asleep in death, succumbed to fear, pressure, and succumbed to pressure. Oshihupe shaagwayekwa mboka ye li iilyo yongundu yomufuko osha kala unene shi na olupandu " omolwiinkumbi ' mbyoka ya kala tayi kwathele nuuladhi mokuuvitha "onkundana ombwanawa yUukwaniilwa " kombanda yevi alihe. (Mat. " He continued steadfast as seeing the One who is invisible. " - HEB. The anointed remnant, who are members of the bride class, have deep appreciation for "the good news of the Kingdom " that have helped them to preach the good news of the Kingdom worldwide. Jesus okwa pewa oonkondo kuKalunga a kale omupangeli 14: 6, 7. Empowered to Fear God " Moses okwa li e na omukumo ongaangoka a mono Kalunga, nando iha monika. " - HEB. Even young ones wanted to be close to Jesus, for the Bible says: "He took the children into his arms. " - Mark 10: 13 - 16. Moses "continued steadfast as seeing the One who is invisible. " - HEB. Ano Jesus okwa li a londodha aalongwa ye a ti: "Ikotokeleni ne yene! Because of my past, I found it difficult to feel worthy of God's love. So Jesus warned his disciples: "Let your name be sanctified. 14: 6, 7. How sad I was when the circuit overseer said that my territory assignment would be right there in the town where I was born! 14: 6, 7. Aagundjuka nayo oya li nokuli ya hala okukala puJesus, oshoka Ombiimbeli otayi ti: " Okwa papata aanona momaako ge. ' - Markus 10: 13 - 16. Satan is extremely proud. Young people even wanted to be known by Jesus, for the Bible says: "Take children into his arms. " - Mark 10: 13 - 16. Omolwonakuziwa yandje, onda li nde shi mono oshidhigu okukala ndi holike kuKalunga. This article raises questions you may have asked and shows where you can read the answers in your Bible. Because of my past history, I found it difficult to love God. Satana oye oshishitwa shimwe shoka shi na uuntsa wamatutu. And if we forgive others, Jehovah will forgive us too. Satan is one of Satan's creatures. Oshitopolwa shika oshi na omapulo ngoka tashi vulika ho ipula kombinga yago noshi na omanyolo ngoka taga yamukula omapulo ngoka. No, those responding to Peter's explanation could see now more than ever that Jehovah was a benevolent Father. This article raises questions you may have wondered about and answers to those questions. (1 Aakorinto 13: 5) Ngele otwa kala hatu dhimine po yalwe, Jehova ote ke tu dhimina po wo. asked the patriarch Job. If we forgive others, Jehovah will forgive us too. (Iil. 4: 24) Ano mboka ya li ya taamba ko efatululo lyaPetrus oya li taya vulu okumona shi vulithe nale kutya Jehova oye He omunahole. ▪ Shepherds, Imitate the Greatest Shepherds So those who responded to Peter's explanation could see more clearly that Jehovah is a loving Father. Tatekululukwa Job okwa tile "oondunge otadhi monika mokati kaakokele; okukala nomwenyo omule otaku ku etele owino. " They are precious gifts from Jehovah. " The wise ones are found among you, " said Job, "and your life will bring you wise. " ▪ Aasita yoonzi, holeleni aasita aanenenene And he punished the Israelites with "sickness or plague " when they were unfaithful to him. ▪ Shepherds, Imitate the Greatest Shepherds 12: 15) Ookuume ye li ngaaka otu na okukala twe ya lenga notu na okukala tu na olupandu sho tu ya na. However, that law also reveals a dangerous internal influence that might lead us away from our destination of everlasting life. Such friends need to appreciate and appreciate how we should be thankful to them. (Genesis 12: 17; Numeri 12: 9, 10; 2 Samuel 24: 15) Okwa geele wo Aaisraeli " nomavu nomalega ' sho inaaya vulika kuye. The flame of envy, fanned by a competitive spirit, blinded her to the fine work she and her husband were doing and made her feel dissatisfied with their life. He also punished the Israelites "with no threat " by disobeying him. Nongele oya li ya hala shili okuhokiwa kuJehova, oya li ye na okukala ya yooloka ko kiigwana yilwe. Is it possible, though, that the idea is untrue? And if they wanted to please Jehovah, they would be different from other nations. Ombepo yethigathanopo oya ningitha Cristina a sile Eric nomukadhi efupa e ta dhimbwa iilonga mbyoka ye nomusamane gwe ya li haya longo. Cristina nomulume kaya li we ya mbilipalelwa monkalamwenyo yawo. They are of fundamental importance and are likely among the first truths we learned when we began to study God's Word. On the other hand, the competitive spirit enabled Eric and his wife to forget the privileges that her husband and her husband shared in their life. Ihe mbela otashi wapa ngaa edhiladhilo ndyoka li kale kaali shi lyoshili? Her lips are said to "drip with comb honey. " Why? But is it possible that the idea of truth is not real? Iinima mbika oyo oshili yopaMbiimbeli ya simanenena ndjoka tashi vulika twi ilonga tango sho twa tameka okukonakona Oohapu dhaKalunga. What does the ransom mean for (a) anointed Christians? These truths are fundamental Bible truth that we may first learn when we started to study God's Word. Okwa ti omilungu dhako " ohadhi ndonda omagadhi goonyushi. Almost immediately, we were directed to report to Bethel! He said: "This is what makes the heart rejoice. Ekulilo otali gandja ompito yashike (a) kAakriste aagwayekwa? Everything we do at Bethel is sacred service. What opportunity does the ransom give to anointed Christians? Nziya, otwa li twa lombwelwa tu kale twa thika kObetel. Those who satisfy that longing through Bible study and who apply Bible teachings have a clean conscience and a purpose in living. Soon, we were told to serve at Bethel. Kehe shimwe tatu ningi moBetel oshi li iilonga iiyapuki. Some try to remember the bereaved on important anniversaries, such as the wedding anniversary or the date of the death. Everything we are at Bethel is sacred service. (1 Pet. 2: 2, yelekanitha OB - 1954.) Mboka hayi ikutha enota ndyoka okupitila mokukonakona Ombiimbeli nohaya tula miilonga shoka tayi ilongo mo, oye na eiyuvo lya yela nosho wo elalakano monkalamwenyo. He had evidently been loyal to Jehovah for years and was subsequently looked up to by many in the camp of Israel. Those who respond to that truth by studying the Bible and applying what they learn have a clean conscience and purpose in life. Aantu yamwe ohaya dhimbulukwa mboka ya silwa, pethimbo lyiituthidhimbuluko ya simana ngaashi oshituthidhimbuluko shondjokana nenge esiku moka omuntu a silwa. Perhaps we could consider the current article for the weekly Watchtower Study or the material that will be covered during the Congregation Bible Study for the week. Some may recall the loss of bereaved ones, such as the anniversary of a marriage or the day of a loved one. 3: 30, 31, KB) Osha yela kutya okwa kala omudhiginini uule womimvo odhindji nokwa li a simanekwa kAaisraeli oyendji. What are two aspects of Christian life that would be affected by "the law of the Christ "? Clearly, he stayed faithful for many years and respected the Israelites. Otatu vulu okulesha pamwe nayo oshitopolwa shOshungolangelo shoka tashi konakonwa oshiwike shoka nenge uuyelele mboka tawu ka kundathanwa pEkonakonombiimbeli lyEgongalo moshiwike shoka. The new covenant relates to the Kingdom in that it produces a holy nation that has the privilege of becoming kings and priests in that heavenly Kingdom. We can read together in The Watchtower of The Watchtower or the weekly Family Worship program that will be discussed during the week. " Mompango yaKristus ' omwa li mwa kwatelwa iipango iyali yini? Most of the congregations were relatively small and new. What two commandments were included in "the Law of Christ "? Ehangano epe olya pambathana ngiini nUukwaniilwa? Mulyo omo mwa za oshigwana oshiyapuki, shoka shi na uuthembahenda woku ka ninga aakwaniilwa naasaaseri mUukwaniilwa womegulu. " Day and night service ' in what sense? How is the new covenant related to the Kingdom covenant? It is related to a holy nation that has the privilege of becoming kings and priests in the heavenly Kingdom. Omagongalo ogendji oga li omape nomashona lela. By your discussing that illustration, she could be helped to see that she is a valuable part of the Christian congregation. Many congregations were new and quite new. 7: 9, 15) Omeityo lini taya " yakula uusiku nomutenya '? What will we consider in this article? In what sense are they " day and night '? Mokukundathana naye eyele ndyoka, ota vulu okukwathelwa a mone kutya oku li oshilyo shegongalo lyopaKriste shi na ongushu. As a governing body, they gave direction to all the congregations. - Acts 15: 2. In the illustration of that illustration, he may be helped to see that he is a member of the Christian congregation. Oshike tatu ka kundathana moshitopolwa shika? However, a wise man once said: "Have you shown yourself discouraged in the day of distress? Your power will be scanty. " What will we consider in this article? 15: 2. The celebration on the 14th was to be followed by a seven - day festival. 15: 2. Ihe nonando oongawo, omulumentu gumwe omunandunge okwa tile: "Ngele to tenguka pethimbo lyuudhigu, nena oonkondo dhoye oonshona ngiini! " This is most effective when each elder prepares for the elders ' meetings, considering the Scriptures and the guidelines from the faithful and discreet slave class. However, a wise man said: "Have you shown yourself discouraged in the day of distress? " Oshituthi shika shomomasiku 14 osha li shi na okulandulwa koshituthi shomasiku gaheyali. It can bring to the surface lovable aspects of our guest's personality, aspects that Jehovah saw when he drew that one to the truth. This meeting was to be set aside for seven days after the seven days. Shika ohashi longo lela uuna omukuluntugongalo kehe hi ilongekidhile nawa okugongala, ta tala kutya Omanyolo otaga ti ngiini nosho wo ewiliko lyongundu yomupiya omudhiginini nomunandunge. In some countries, both conventional and alternative medicine are available. This is especially true when each elder prepares a well - prepared meeting, consider what the Scriptures say about the Scriptures and the direction of the faithful and discreet slave. Shoka otashi vulu oku ku kwathela wu mone muye omaukwatya omawanawa ngoka Jehova a mona muye, sho e mu nanene moshili. (Joh. The Watch Tower said that people would be separated during the Thousand Year Rule of Christ and that those who imitated God's love in everything they did would be called sheep. That can help you to see the good qualities that Jehovah has seen when he has drawn you into the truth. Miilongo yimwe oto vulu oku ka pangwa koshipangelo, koonganga dhakashiluudhe nomomikalo dhilwe. Jesus spoke of Adam and Eve as real people. In some lands you may be able to care for the hospital, with several other Germans, and in other ways. Oshungolangelo oya tile wo kutya aantu otaya ka yoololwa momukokomoko gwElelo lyOomvula Eyuvi lyaKristus. Mboka taye ku ulika mukehe shimwe taya ningi kutya oye hole Kalunga, otaye ki ithanwa oonzi. We believe that his death as the promised Messiah opened the way to salvation for all faithful humans. The Watchtower also said that people would be gathered over the Thousand Year Reign during Christ's Thousand Year Reign. Jesus okwa li a popi kombinga yaAdam naEva ye li aantu yoshili. Yet, Jesus only asked us to do what he himself did, for he added: "Just as I have observed the commandments of the Father and remain in his love. " Jesus spoke of Adam and Eve as the truth. Otwi itaala kutya molwaashoka oye Mesiasa ngoka a li u uvanekwa, eso lye olye tu palela ondjila opo aantu ayehe aavuliki ya ka hupithwe. A "New Heavens and a New Earth " We are convinced that because he was the Messiah, who was the promised Messiah, who made sure that all obedient mankind would be saved. Onkee ano, okwa gwedha ko a ti: "Ngashi ngame he vulika komalombwelo gaTate nonda kala mohole ye. " Odhoshili kutya Jesus okwe tu tulila po oshiholelwa. - Joh. " Sandra and I are happier than we have ever been! " So he added: "When I obey his Father's commandments and remain in love with his love, Jesus Christ! " " Egulu epe nevi epe " Paul learned that the young man had matured admirably since the previous visit. " The new heavens and a new earth " Ngame naSandra inatu nyanyukwa nando onale ngeyi! " Even if you are a close friend, do not overstay your welcome. I am never happy that I have never found it! " Paulus okwa li a mono kutya Timoteus okwa koka pambepo okuza sho a li e ya talele po oshikando shotango. In what ways does Jehovah demonstrate generosity? Paul realized that Timothy was mature as he visited the first time he visited. Nokuli nonando oku li kuume koye kopothingo, ino kala po puye ethimbo lya pitilila. How can I honor my parents while not neglecting my spouse? Even if he is a close friend, do not become overly anxious about him. Jehova ohu ulike momikalo dhini kutya oha gandja? Recollecting how she felt some years ago, Ewa says: "I felt deeply ashamed when, after the divorce was made final, my neighbors and colleagues would label me " a divorcée. ' In what ways does Jehovah demonstrate generosity? ▪ Ongiini tandi vulu okusimaneka aavali yandje nopethimbo opo tuu mpoka otandi gandja eitulomo kukuume kandje kopandjokana? They need to view us as their friends and be assured of our love for them. ▪ How can I honor my parents and at the same time that I focus on your mate? Meme Ewa ota dhimbulukwa nkene a li u uvite oomvula dhontumba dha piti. Ota ti: "Onda li nda sa ohoni sho ondjokana yandje ya teka paveta. Aashiinda naaniilonga oya kala hayu ula ndje kutya " onda hengwa. ' It is quite understandable if she was unable to follow Jesus as he preached throughout his homeland. My mother remembers how she felt some years ago, "I was ashamed of my marriage when my neighbors fell asleep in me. " Oya pumbwa oku tu tala ko tu li ookuume kawo noku ya shilipaleka kutya otu ya hole. " What are these? " They need to view us as friends and assure them that we love them. Oshi shi okuuviwa ko ngele ka li ta vulu okulandula Jesus sho te ende tu uvithile aantu momukunda gwaandjawo. Jesus asked his listeners: "Are you not worth more than [the birds of heaven] are? " Understandably, Jesus could not follow when he came to preach to people in the house of his family. Sakaria okwa li a pula a ti: "Omatembakwiita ngaka otaga holola shike? " Somehow, I kept myself from weeping in front of my mother, but I broke down when I was alone. Zechariah asked: "What do these trees reveal? " Jesus okwa li a pula aapulakeni ye a ti: " Ano hane mboka mu vule oondhila dhokegulu? ' What further steps did Hezekiah take to shore up the spirituality of the nation, and with what result? Jesus asked his listeners: "If you are more than the birds of heaven? " Onda kala tandi ikelele okulila sho ndi li pumeme, ihe sho nda kala ongame awike onda tameke okulila. If you are "reaching out to be an overseer, " you should try to meet these qualifications to the best of your ability. I remained calm when my mother was alone, but when I was alone, I started to cry. Hiskija okwa li a katuka oonkatu dhini dha gwedhwa po opo a hwepopaleke uupambepo woshigwana, noshizemo osha li shini? Happily, he realized the seriousness of the problem and took measures to correct it. What further steps did Hezekiah take to improve spiritually, and with what result? Ngele owa hala "okuninga omuwiliki gwegongalo lyaKalunga, " owu na okuninga ngaashi to vulu, opo wu gwanithe po iitegelelwa mbika. Like Kevin, we can keep improving our personality. If you want to "become overseer of God's congregation, " you must do all you can to meet these requirements. Ihe konima yethimbo okwe shi mono kutya oku uka moshiponga e ta ningi omalunduluko. HOW did that situation come about? Later, however, he realized that he was in danger and making changes. Ngaashi Kevin, natse otatu vulu okutsikila okuhwepopaleka omaukwatya getu. She says: "Later my younger sister and my brother followed me to Togo. " Like Kevin, we can continue to improve our personality. MBELA oshe ende ngiini pu ye onkalo ndjoka? We are confident that as long as we fully trust in Jehovah and put his Kingdom first, we will not be disappointed. - Rom. How did this come about? Ota ti: "Konima yethimbo omumwamemekadhona omushona nomumwamememati oya li ya landula ndje koTogo. " They must monitor the help given by companions and continue to teach their children themselves. " Later my younger brother and my brother, " she says, "and my younger brother and my brother followed me in Togo. " (Mat. 24: 36, 44) Otu na uushili kutya ngele otwa kala twi inekela thiluthilu muJehova nokupitha komeho Uukwaniilwa we, itatu ka sithwa ohoni nenge tu uvithwe nayi. - Rom. Do you make good use of time to do Jehovah's will? We can be sure that if we trust in Jehovah and put his Kingdom first, we will not be disappointed or disappointed. - Rom. Oye na okutala kutya ekwatho lini taya pewa kwaamboka haya kala nayo nokutsikila okulonga oyana yo yene. So ask yourself, " Could my desire to improve or increase my service to Jehovah be tainted by a wish for more personal recognition or authority, as seemed to have been the case when James and John made their request to Jesus? ' They should consider what help they are given to those who continue to teach their children their own. Mbela oho longitha ngaa nawa ethimbo lyoye wu longe ehalo lyaJehova? When a person does not control his feelings and gets upset easily, he may provoke others to anger. Do you take advantage of your time to do Jehovah's will? Onkee ano ipula kutya, " mbela ehalo lyandje lyokutsikila okulonga miilonga yaJehova otali ka yiwa moshipala kokukala nda hala ndi kale ndi shiwike nenge ndi na oonkondopangelo, ngaashi sha li monkalo yaJakob naJohannes mboka ya li ya pula ya ningilwe sha kuJesus? ' Much of this world's media, such as television programs, websites, and books, can harm our relationship with Jehovah. So ask yourself, " Will my desire to continue in Jehovah's service require that I want to be known or that I had no authority in Jacob and John's situation? ' Ngele omuntu iha pangele ongeyo ye noha geye mbala, otashi vulika shi geyithe yalwe. 35: 33, 34. If a person does not control his anger and anger, he may be angry with others. Iikundaneki oyindji muuyuni, ngaashi oopolohalama kotiivii, omapandja gokointaneta nomambo, otayi vulu okuyona po ekwatathano lyetu naJehova. At that time, she gave me a piece of candy and asked if we could be friends. Many of the world, such as television programs, Internet sites, and books can destroy our relationship with Jehovah. 35: 33, 34. SHADOWS OF JESUS ' SACRIFICE 35: 33, 34. Pethimbo mpoka okwa pe ndje okapambu kokaleke e ta pula ndje ngele otatu vulu okuninga ookuume. The way he exposed, judged, and punished Ahab and Jezebel - as well as many like them - gives us confidence in his promises to punish all evildoers one day. At that time, he asked me to draw close to me and asked if we could become friends. OMAYAMBO GONALE GOSHIJUDA OGA LI GA FA ETHANO LYA DHIMEYA LYEYAMBO LYAJESUS And in the congregation, are you improving the quality of your talk assignments? THE BIBLE CHANGES LIVES Momukalo moka a li a yaneke pomutenya, a tokola nokugeela Ahab naIsebel nosho wo yalwe oyendji ngaashi yo, otagu tu ningitha tu kale twi inekela momauvaneko ge kutya mulimwe lyomomasiku ona ka geele aakolokoshi. How can those who teach from the platform make the Scriptures the focus of their teaching? In the way he attacked Ahab, Ahab, and Ahab, like many others, makes us confident that Jehovah will punish him in the days of the wicked one. Mbela oto hwepopala ngaa momukalo moka ho gandja iipopiwa yoye megongalo? Doing so will help us to build the kind of faith that will preserve us alive into the new world. Do you improve your talks in the congregation? Ongiini mboka haya longo aantu megongalo taya vulu okushilipaleka kutya shoka taya longo oshi li metsokumwe nOmanyolo? This publication is not for sale. How can those who teach in the congregation make sure that what they teach is in harmony with the Scriptures? Okuninga ngaaka otaku ke tu kwathela tu tunge eitaalo lyetu ndyoka tali ke tu hupitha tu ye muuyuni uupe. 1, 2. (a) How did Jesus, Paul, and others view singleness? Doing so will help us to build faith that will rescue us in the new world. Oshileshomwa shika ihashi landithwa. We derive similar benefits from our meetings, assemblies, and conventions. This publication is not for sale. 1, 2. (a) Jesus, Paulus nosho wo yalwe oya li ya tala ko yalwe ngiini? * What, though, does Jehovah have in store for Satan himself? 1, 2. (a) How did Paul and others view others? Opo tu kale twa kola pambepo notwa nyanyukwa, natu longithe nawa omasiloshimpwiyu ngaka. - Tit. When you carefully apply the practical suggestions presented at the weekly Service Meeting, you will hone your preaching skills and explore new witnessing opportunities. To remain spiritually strong and happy, let us use these provisions carefully. - Titus 9: 23. * Ihe Jehova ota ka ningila Satana shike? And after considering how Jehovah's purpose with regard to spiritual Israel was being fulfilled in a marvelous way, the apostle Paul exclaimed: "O the depth of God's riches and wisdom and knowledge! " - Rom. * But what will Jehovah do for Satan? Ngele owa tula nawa miilonga omayele ngoka taga ti sha ngoka haga monika pOkugongala kwoPailonga kwokoshiwike kehe, oto ka hwepopaleka uunongo woye wokuuvitha nokumona oompito oompe dhokugandja uunzapo. (2 Tim. Must I Cry for Help? " When you apply the counsel given to the weekly weekly meetings, you will improve your wisdom and give opportunities to give comments. 8: 3, 4) Nokonima sho omuyapostoli Paulus a dhiladhila kunkene elalakano lyaJehova li na ko nasha naIsraeli shopambepo lya li ta li gwanithwa momukalo gwa dhenga mbanda, okwa ti: "Ano [uuwindji] wuuyamba waKalunga ou thike peni! Uunongo noondunge dhe odha hulila peni! " - Rom. Satan claims that no one serves God out of a willing heart. After reflecting on how Jehovah's purpose was fulfilled in the best way of spiritual Israel, the apostle Paul said: "O the depth of God's riches and wisdom and wisdom! " - Rom. " Sigo uunake ndi na oku ku kugila ekwatho? " A man is falsely accused of a capital offense. " How long should I cry for help? " Satana okwa ti kutya kapu na ngoka ta vulu okulongela Kalunga tashi zi komutima. May we all remain ever steadfast in our loyalty to God and to one another. Satan said that no one can serve God with a complete heart. Omusamane gumwe okwa li a lundilwa kutya okwa longa omuyonena gwa kwata miiti. Jesus gave Paul the power that he needed. One father was falsely accused of serious crime. 2: 10, NW) Onkee ano, atuheni natu kale aadhiginini kuKalunga ketu nosho wo kooyakwetu. 3 / 1 Expression "You Yourself Said It, " 6 / 1 May all of us be loyal to our God and our neighbor. Jesus okwa li a pe Paulus oonkondo ndhoka a li a pumbwa. How did those years of service affect them? Jesus gave Paul the strength he needed. Omimvo ndhoka ya kala taya uvithile kondje yoshilongo, odhe ya guma ngiini? On the night before his death, Jesus could say in prayer to Jehovah: "I have made your name known. " How have those who live abroad affected their lives? Uusiku wa tetekele eso lye, okwa galikana kuJehova a ti: "Ongame onde ya tseyithile edhina lyoye. " What are some other ways to strengthen a learner? On the night before his death, he prayed to Jehovah: "I have made your name known to you. " 119: 18) Omikalo dhilwe dhini tadhi vulu okulongithwa mokudheula omumwatate? They teach others not only about God's Kingdom but also about "all the things [Jesus] commanded. " What are other ways that can be used to training a brother? Ihadhi longo owala aantu kombinga yUukwaniilwa waKalunga, ihe okombinga wo " yaayihe mbyoka Jesus e dhi lombwele. ' Instead of drawing away from our brothers when problems arise, we ought to help one another remain among God's people, safe in the embrace of Jehovah's "everlasting arms. " - Deut. They teach people not only about God's Kingdom but also about "all the things Jesus commanded. " Otu na oku kwathelathana uuna pwa holoka uupyakadhi pokati ketu naamwatate, pehala lyokukala kokule nayo, naJehova ote ke tu papatela " momaako ge gaaluhe. ' - Deut. We will also consider how the congregation as a whole can share in making meetings uplifting occasions for all who attend. We should assist each other when problems between our brothers and sisters remain close to Jehovah rather than "with his arms. " - Deut. Otatu ka kundathana wo nkene egongalo alihe tali vulu okukutha ombinga mokukaleka okugongala ku kale taku tungu ayehe mboka ye li po. [ Picture on page 20] We will also consider how all the congregation can have a share in keeping meetings upbuilding. [ Ethano pepandja 20] 18, 19. (a) Why might older Christians not realize how much they encourage others? [ Picture on page 20] 18, 19. (a) Omolwashike Aakriste aakokele tashi vulika kaaya dhimbulule kutya ohaya tsu yalwe omukumo lela? It was my favorite meeting. 18, 19. (a) Why might older Christians not realize that they are encouraging to others? Okugongala hoka onda li ndi ku hole noonkondo. ▪ In the Bible, we find this command of Jesus to his followers: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations,... teaching them. " I enjoyed meeting meetings very much. ▪ MOmbiimbeli omu na elombwelo ndyoka Jesus a li a gandja kaalongwa ye ta li ti: "Indeni ano, ka ningeni aantu ayehe aalongwa yandje,... ne mu ya longe. " To achieve that goal, in June 1523, he published a French translation of the Gospels in two pocket - size volumes. ▪ The Bible contains a command that Jesus gave to his disciples: "Go therefore, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations,...... Opo a adhe elalakano ndyoka, muJuni 1523 okwa nyanyangidha Uumbiimbeli uyali wu na Omavaangeli ga tolokwa mOshifulaanisa. Similar heart - wrenching stories have been reported over and over around the world. To reach that goal, in June 15, 2005, he published two Bible studies with two of the Gospels in French. Ohatu uvu omahokololo ga nikitha oluhodhi ga faathana taga popiwa apuhe muuyuni. Then he puts water into a basin and begins to wash the feet of the disciples and to dry them off with the towel. We hear experiences similar to the world's grief. Opo nduno okwa li a tula omeya moshiyaha e ta tameke okuyoga oompadhi dhaalongwa ye e te dhi pyaanitha oshihanduke. It took me quite some time to clean myself up and get ready for breakfast! Then he carried the water and started to washed the feet of his disciples. Osha kutha ndje ethimbo ndi iyopaleke, opo nawa ndi ki ipyakidhile niilonga yesiku. At first, I thought the idea was ridiculous. It took me the time to clean me so that I would be better off with the world's activities. Petameko, onda li tandi dhiladhila kutya eetopo lye inali iyoga. They Stood Firm in an "Hour of Test " (World War I), 5 / 15 At first, I thought that his job was not at first. Okuza mpono, ngoka ta ka kala e wete okupangela kwaKalunga inaaku opala, ota ka katukilwa onkatu nziya. After that, if anyone ever questions his loving way of ruling, God will act right away. From that time onward, those who will see God's rule will be quick to act quickly. (Iilonga 1: 13 - 15) Omupolofeti Joel okwa adhika a nyola nale kombinga yoshinima shoka, omimvo 800 dha ka pita manga inaashi ningwa. Eight hundred years earlier, the prophet Joel had written about this event. The prophet Joel had already wrote about that subject in the eighth century B.C.E. Onkee ano, omumwatate ngoka ohe ya pula kutya oye na omalalakano gopambepo geni. The brother asks them what spiritual goals they have. So a brother who asks them for spiritual goals. Jehova Kalunga ngoka e ku pa omagano gekulilo, ngoka taga hupitha omwenyo gwoye, ina hala owala wu tseye kutya oye lye. Okwa hala wo wu kale wu na ekwatathano lyopothingo naye. Jehovah God, who gave the lifesaving gift of the ransom, wants you not only to know who he is but also to come into a close relationship with him. Jehovah God, who has given you the gift of the ransom, does not want you to know that he wants you to have a close relationship with him. Jehu ka li " omwanamati gwaNimshi, ' ihe uutumbulilo mbuka owa li ha wu longithwa molwaashoka konima sho Nimshi a ningi omukwaniilwa, kehe omukwaniilwa gwaIsraeli a ka landula ko okwa kala hi ithanwa omwana gwaNimshi, tashi vulika molwaashoka Nimshi a li a simana nomolwaashoka oye a li a tungu Samaria, oshilandopangelo shaIsraeli. Jehu was not a direct "son of Omri, " but this expression was used to designate successive kings of Israel, likely because of Omri's fame and his building of Israel's capital, Samaria. Jehu was not "the son of Israel, " but this expression was used after he became king of Israel, perhaps as the king of Israel, who was known as the capital of Israel. Onda li nda pulwa ndi ka kwathele koBetel moFulaanisa, nonda kala tandi ipula ngele otashi ka za ngaa. So if a man lied in court to take another's inheritance, he stood to lose an equal amount. I was asked to help Bethel in France, and I wondered if it would be possible. (Deuteronomium 19: 18, 19) Onkee ano, omuntu ngele okwa fundju mompangu a kuthe po eliko lyagulwe, okwa li ha pewa egeelo lyokufuta shi thike pwaashoka sha kanithwa. Likewise, it takes loyalty to discontinue association with a friend or relative who is disfellowshipped. - 1 Cor. Hence, when a person lies away from the court's court, he was given a great deal of sin. Natango, ohashi pula uudhiginini okuhulitha po eendathano nakuume nenge nomupambele ngoka a kondwa. - 1 Kor. How pleased Jehovah must be! Furthermore, it takes loyalty to a friend or a disfellowshipped friend who is disfellowshipped. - 1 Cor. Shono itashi nyanyudha tuu Jehova! (See opening picture.) What a joy that is to Jehovah! (Tala kethano lyopetameko.) 34: 10 - 12. (See opening picture.) 34: 10 - 12. At Jesus ' baptism, John the Baptizer saw "the heavens being parted and, like a dove, the spirit coming down upon him. " 34: 10 - 12. Jesus sho a ninginithwa kuJohannes, Johannes okwa mono " egulu lye eguluka, nombepo ya fa onguti oye mu lambele. ' 5: 9, 10. When Jesus was baptized in John's baptism, John saw "the heavens opened and opened his spirit upon him. " 5: 9, 10. How will she pay her bills? 5: 9, 10. Openi ta ka adha iimaliwa yokufuta iipumbiwa ye? Why is encouragement a power for good? Where would she find money? Omolwashike sha simana okutsa yalwe omukumo? However, we need not allow such regrets to paralyze us now in our service to God. Why is it important to encourage others? Ihe ngele opu na epuko ndyoka twa ninga nale, katu na okweetha li tu ethithe po okulongela Kalunga. (Read Hebrews 11: 7.) But if there is a mistake that we have already made, we should not let anything stop us from serving God. (Lesha Aahebeli 11: 7.) SONGS: 95, 13 (Read Hebrews 11: 7.) OMAIMBILO: 95, 13 His life was not about himself but about his heavenly Father. SONGS: 95, 13 Onkalamwenyo ye kaya li yu ukitha eitulomo kuye mwene, ihe okuHe gwomegulu. Nsomba His life was not focused on himself, but his heavenly Father. Nsomba (Read.) Published (Lesha.) But it will also show why you can be confident that life on earth will not end. (Read.) Ihe otayi ka ulika wo kutya omolwashike to vulu okukala neinekelo kutya onkalamwenyo kombanda yevi itayi ka hula po. As upholders of Jehovah's sovereignty, how do our activities compare with those of earlier integrity keepers? But it will also show why you can be confident that life on earth will end. Tu li aadhiginini yuunamapangelo waJehova, ongiini omaipyakidhilo getu taga yelekwa naangoka gaakakateli yuudhiginini yonale? 19, 20. (a) As indicated in Psalm 72, what problem will be solved by Kingdom rule? As loyal to Jehovah's sovereignty, how are our activities tested by the integrity of faithful ones? 19, 20. (a) Ngaashi shu ulikwa mEpisalomi 72, uupyakadhi wuni tawu ka kandulwa po kelelo lyUukwaniilwa? And how might you make any needed adjustments? - Jer. 19, 20. (a) As shown in Psalm 72, what problems will be settled by Kingdom rule? Owu na oku shi enda ngiini wu ninge omalunduluko ngoka ga pumbiwa? - Jer. God's gift enabled her to pay off her debts and after that to have enough money for her and her sons to live on. How should you do that? - Jer. Omagano ngoka omuselekadhi a pewa kuKalunga, oge mu kwathele a vule okufuta oongunga dhe adhihe, nokonima okwa kala e na iimaliwa ye mu gwanena noyanamati. (2 Aak. The other sheep will receive the inheritance that sinful Adam and Eve never received - everlasting life on a paradise earth with no more suffering, death, or mourning. The gift of God's gift of the widow helped her to pay off all her debt, and later she had to pay off her sons. (Eh. 21: 1 - 4) Onkee ano, Jesus okwa li u uvanekele omukolokoshi ngoka a si pamwe naye a ti: " Ongame tandi ku lombwele nena tuu ndjika, oto ka kala pamwe nangame mOparadisa. ' - Luk. What reasons do we have for continuing to serve Jehovah with joy? Hence, Jesus promised an evil one who died with him: "Look! Oshike tashi tu kumike, opo tu tsikile okulongela Jehova nenyanyu? And recognize that the same fundamental principles of preaching apply all over the world. What gives us the strength to keep serving Jehovah with joy? Tseya kutya omakotampango agehe ge na ko nasha nokuuvitha oga faathana muuyuni awuhe. Jehovah appreciates those minutes as the Kingdom publisher's best offering and as an expression of love for Him and appreciation for the inestimable privilege of serving as one of His Witnesses. Know that all principles about the preaching work are unique. Jehova oha pandula iilonga iiwanawa yuudhiginini mbyoka ya longwa komuuvithi ngoka. Oyi li euliko kutya oku mu hole nonokutya okwa lenga uuthembahenda mboka e na wokuuvitha. Opwa li Aaisraeli yamwe mboka ya hepa nokaya li taya vulu okugandja omayambo gondilo. Some feel that they have no need for God because they find many puzzling issues in life incompatible with belief in a loving God. Jehovah appreciates the hard work done, and they show him that he loves him and that he values the privilege of preaching some Israelites with a poor sacrifice. Yamwe oyu uvite kutya inaya pumbwa Kalunga omolwiinima iiwinayi mbyoka haya mono tayi ningwa monkalamwenyo mbyoka itaayi ulike kutya oku na Kalunga omunahole. He used the amazing growth of a mustard grain to illustrate the power of God's Kingdom arrangement to expand, protect, and conquer all obstacles. Some feel that there is no need for God to see the bad things that are common in life. Okwa popi kombinga yomuma yosinapi ndjoka hayi kokelele, u ulike nkene Uukwaniilwa waKalunga wu na oonkondo dhokutamunuka mo, okugamena nokusinda eshongo kehe. So, even though you may not know why Jehovah punished Azariah, you can be sure that Jehovah did what was right. Regarding that mustard grain, he demonstrated the power of God's Kingdom to protect it, to protect it from any challenge. 30: 11) Nonando ino tseya kutya omolwashike Jehova a geele Usia, kala nuushili kutya egeelo ndyoka oli li pauyuuki. Noticing that I was blind, they read Isaiah 35: 5 to me: "At that time the eyes of the blind ones will be opened, and the very ears of the deaf ones will be unstopped. " Although you don't know why Jehovah punished Azariah, be sure that punishment is unfair. Sho dha dhimbulula kutya ihandi mono ko, odha leshele ndje Jesaja 35: 5: "Omeho gaaposi otaga ka tsikuluka, nomakutsi goombolo otaga ka uva ko. " In another era, such a bold move would have cost them dearly. When they realized that I did not see myself, they read Isaiah 35: 5: "The eyes of the blind ones will hear. " Pompito yimwe, oya li taya vulu okukatukilwa onkantu ya kwata miiti omolwomatokolo gawo. 13, 14. At one point, they were able to take on serious action because of their decisions. 13, 14. Yes, not only does Jehovah remember his worshippers but he also longs to restore them to life. 13, 14. Eeno, Jehova iha dhimbulukwa owala aalongeli ye, ihe oha yuulukwa wo oku ya yumudha. If that is so in our case, how we deal with the situation may be a measure of our faith. Yes, Jehovah does not remember not only his worshippers but also the prospect of resurrect them. Oku uvithile wo kehe ngoka e na "omwenyo gwa nyanyagulwa " etumwalaka ndyoka tali mu pe etegameno. Can such a study really make a difference in the way family members treat one another? He also preached to anyone who is "a crushed spirit " that gives hope. Ngele osho shi li ngawo, omukalo ngoka hatu ungaunga nonkalo kehe otagu ulike kutya eitaalo lyetu oli thike peni. * If so, the way we deal with each situation shows how much our faith is. 5: 14, 15) Mbela ekonakono lya tya ngaaka otali vulu okweeta mo lela elunduluko momukalo moka iilyo yuukwanegumbo hayi ya kulathana? Says Marie - Thérèse: "After returning to France, I talked to my employer about my desire to adjust my work schedule, and he was willing to change it. Could such a study contribute to the change of family members? * Then they changed. * Marie - Thérèse ota ti: "Konima sho nda shuna koFulaanisa, onda li nda popi nomuhona gwandje kutya onda hala okuninga omalunduluko miilonga yandje, nokwa li e shi zimine e li lundulule. Let us see. " After leaving France, I explained that I wanted to make changes in my service, and I agreed to change. (Rom. 6: 21) Ihe osha lundulula onkalamwenyo yasho. Jehovah is willing to help you, as he has helped so many of your brothers who, although imperfect, can and do have God's favor and blessing. But it changed. Natu tale. Here, then, is a lesson for single Christians: During courtship, take necessary precautions to keep the relationship chaste. Let us see. Jehova oku na ehalo lyoku ku kwathela ngaashi a li a kwathele aamwaho oyendji, mboka nonando inaya gwanenena, taya vulu okukala ya hokiwa kuKalunga nokwe ya yambeka. What can be learned from the Passover is not just Jehovah's ability to protect his people. Jehovah is willing to help you as he helped many brothers, even though they are imperfect, can gain God's approval and blessing. 1: 6; 2: 10 - 15) Oshiholelwa shika otashi longo Aakriste mboka inaaya hokana nenge inaaya hokanwa kutya, uuna taya endelathana, naya kotoke ya kaleke ekwatathano lyawo lya yogoka. Considering the steps that the elders take to be sure that a person is qualified for baptism, it would be extremely rare for anyone's baptism to be invalid. This example teaches married Christians who are single or unmarried when they have to maintain their relationship with Jehovah. Mehokololo lyOpaasa itatu ilongo mo owala nkene Jehova ha vulu okugamena oshigwana she. Others point out, however, that it was not a simple thing to kindle a fire in ancient times. In Matthew's account, we can learn only how Jehovah can protect his people. Otashi vulika nokuli kee shi popye pomuntu. Who are the domestics, and when did Jesus appoint the faithful slave over them? Such a person may not say anything. Okutala koonkatu ndhoka aakuluntugongalo haya katuka, opo ya shilipaleke kutya omuntu ngoka okwa gwana okuninginithwa, itadhi ulike nando kutya omuntu ngoka ka li a tala ko eninginitho oshinima sha simana. Your Presence Shows You Care Looking back on the steps that elders take to make sure that a person is ready to get baptized is not a matter of baptism. Ihe yalwe otaya ti kutya okutema omulilo methimbo lyonale kasha li oshinima oshipu. Whether they agree or have doubts, at least they have an idea of what Paul meant when he said: "All have sinned. " Others, however, say that a fire in ancient times was not easy. Aalelwa oolye, nuunake Jesus a li a langeke po omupiya omudhiginini e ya tonatele? (Compare Proverbs 3: 27.) Whom, and when did Jesus appoint the faithful slave over them? Okukala po kwoye otaku ku ulika kutya owu na ko nasha naamboka ya silwa We show our deep appreciation and gratitude when we accept Jehovah's generous offer. Your presence will show that you care for the bereaved Kutya nduno otaye shi zimine nenge oya limbililwa, oye na edhiladhilo ngaa lyaashoka Paulus a li a hala okutya sho a ti: "Aantu ayehe oya yona. " (Rom. However, he did more than simply tell his disciples what it meant to be humble - he showed them how. Whether they agree or wonder, Paul said: "All have sinned. " (Yelekanitha Omayeletumbulo 3: 27.) Would he immediately destroy the three rebels - Satan, Adam, and Eve? (Compare Proverbs 3: 27.) (Mal. 3: 10) Ohatu ulike olupandu lwetu olunene uuna twa taamba ko ehiyo ndyoka. It is thought that of the 60 million people living in the empire, over 4 million of them were Jews. We show our gratitude when we accept that invitation. Ihe, okwa li a ningi oshindji pehala lyokulombwela owala aalanduli ye kutya osha hala okutya shike okukala aaifupipiki, ano tu tye, okwa li e ya tulile po oshiholelwa. Since one man, the perfect man Adam, brought sin and death on us through disobedience, a perfect man obedient even till death was needed to release us from that burden. But he did more than just tell his followers what it meant to be humble, so he set a pattern of humility. Mbela okwa li ta ka hanagula po mbala aanashipotha mboka yatatu, Satana, Adam naEva? Even though I loved books and learning, I am grateful that my mother had taught me to love Jehovah more than anyone or anything else. Would he eventually destroy the rebellion against three rebel angels, Satan, Adam, and Eve? Otaku tengenekwa kutya miilongo mbyoka ya li kohi yepangelo lyaRoma omwa li aantu oomiliyona 60. Especially will that be so if you use your mate's shortcomings as an excuse to abdicate your own responsibilities. It is estimated that in the Roman Empire, there were about 60 million people. Okwe tu etela uulunde nosho wo eso omolwokwaavulika kwe, ihe opwa li pwa pumbiwa omuntu a gwanenena ngoka a li omuvuliki sigo omeso lye, opo e tu mangulule mo momutengi ngoka. 2 Because of his disobedience and death, it was necessary for a perfect man to be obedient to his death so that we might be freed from it. Nonando onda li ndi hole omambo nokwiilonga, onda pandula sho meme a longa ndje ndi kale ndi hole Jehova, shi vulithe omuntu nenge oshinima kehe. No, for the door leading to reconciliation with Jehovah is still wide open. Although I enjoyed books and learning, I am grateful that my mother taught me to love Jehovah more than anyone else. Otashi ka kala ngaaka uunene tuu ngele ito gwanitha po iinakugwanithwa yoye molwaashoka owala kuume koye kopandjokana itaa gwanitha po ye. Toward the end of his life on earth, Jesus said in prayer to his Father: "I have glorified you on the earth, having finished the work you have given me to do. " How sad it would be if you did not fulfill your responsibilities just because your mate does not fulfill his or her mate. 2 It will be to take much spoil and plunder, to attack the devastated places that are now inhabited and a people regathered from the nations, who are accumulating wealth and property, those who are living in the center of the earth. ' " 2 Hasho nando, molwaashoka opu na natango ompito yokuhanganithwa naKalunga. What helped these men take up the full - time ministry? No, for there is still an opportunity to be reconciled to God. (Joh. 8: 29) Lwokuuka pehulilo lyonkalamwenyo ye kombanda yevi, okwa ti kuHe megalikano: "Ngame onde ku adhimitha kombanda yevi, onda tsakanitha oshilonga shoka we shi pe ndje, ndi shi longe. " (Joh. At all times, Jesus humbly submitted to his Father's will. About the end of his earthly life, he said: "I have glorified you on the earth, and I will carry you out his commission. " Oto ka hakana nokuyuga aantu mboka ya kala miilando mbyoka ya li ya kumuka po nale. (Read Psalm 73: 23, 24.) You will cry out well and see good people living in the cities of refuge. (Mat. 4: 18 - 22) Oshike sha li sha kwathele aalumentu mboka ya kale haya longo owala iilonga yokuuvitha? Second, we should beware of focusing only on areas in our life in which we are doing well, ignoring aspects that we need to work on. What helped those men to become more effective in the preaching work? Ethimbo kehe, Jesus okwa vulika neifupipiko okulonga ehalo lyahe. HOW heartwarming are those words, apparently penned by King David of ancient Israel! Each time, Jesus humbly obeyed his father's will. (Lesha Episalomi 73: 23, 24.) 17, 18. (Read Psalm 73: 23, 24.) Oshitiyali, otu na okutala wo mpoka itaatu shi enditha nawa monkalamwenyo yetu, pehala owala lyokudhiladhila mpoka tatu shi enditha nawa. I know that he will never abandon me. " Second, we should also consider where we do not get involved in our life rather than think about where we are doing it. OOHAPU ndhoka dha li dha nyolwa komukwaniilwa David gwaIsraeli shonale itadhi nyanyudha tuu omutima! Our race is not a sprint in which speed is the key to victory. WHAT a joyful words recorded by King David of ancient Israel! 17, 18. (See opening image.) 17, 18. Ondi shi shi lela kutya ke na siku e ekelehi ndje. " John, a construction manager, and his wife, Carmen, who serve as temporary volunteers at Warwick, say: "We have seen how Jehovah has cared for our specific needs up to this point. I really know that he will never forsake me. " Katu li methigathano lyoshinano oshihupi moka omuntu ha matuka ondapo yoshidhudhu opo a sindane. Jesus "Takes Away the Sin of the World " We are not about to run the race that is running just a small one in order to win it. (Tala kethano lyopetameko.) I argued in favor of the Trinity and wanted to prove him wrong. (See opening picture.) John, omenindjela yokutunga, nomukadhi Carmen, haya kwathele koWarwick, otaya ti: "Otwa mona nkene Jehova a kala noku tu sila oshimpwiyu sigo oompaka. During this time the number of synapses - the connections that allow learning to take place - increase twenty - fold. " John and his wife, who are serving at Warwick, says: "We have seen how Jehovah has provided us and has taken care of us far away. Jesus okwa "kutha po oondjo dhuuyuni " Does the Babylonian captivity find a parallel in Christian times? Jesus "went away the sin of the world " Onda patana tandi popile Uukwatatu nonda li nda hala ndu ulike kutya okwa puka. I was only nine years old, but I remember listening to my parents ' enthusiastic expressions about their newfound Bible truths. I argued about the Trinity and wanted to prove myself wrong. Pethimbo ndika omwaalu gwoonyapi, ndhoka dhi li omatsakaneno ngoka hage shi ningi tashi wapa opo okanona ka kale taki ilongo iinima, ohadhi indjipala lwiikando omilongo mbali. " At 15 years of age, I was enjoying the realization of my dream - happily performing and traveling with the circus. During this time, the number of stars made it possible for a child to become a child to become a child - and - a number of more than two times. " Mbela shono sha li sha ningilwa mboka ya li muupongekwa muBabilonia osho sha li sha ningilwa Aakriste yopethimbo lyetu? A college graduate in the United States says: "I spent 18 years speaking and writing in the abstract language of higher education. But what happened to the exile in Babylon? Enyanyu lyawo olya li lyi vule lyambishi megumbo mwa tselwa sho yi ilongo kutya edhina lyaKalunga, oJehova, naasho ya manguluka ko kelongo lyUukwatatu. When Arthur received an invitation to attend the 1962 ten - month course at Gilead School, we had a big decision to make. Their joy was superior to them when they learned that God's name, Jehovah, was free from the Trinity. Sho nda li ndi na oomvula 15, onda li handi nyanyukilwa uudhano wokwiiyumbila mombanda nokuninga iinima yilwe yu ukila hoka, notwa li hatu ka dhana kiilongo yi ili noyi ili. When some sisters heard that I wanted to pioneer, they told me that I should wait for my parents to calm down. When I was 15, I enjoyed associating with the people who lived in a foreign country, where we would play various parts of the country. Omwiilongi gumwe ngoka a mana elongo lye mokolidji yimwe muAmerika okwa ti: "Uule womimvo 18 onda kala tandi popi nokunyola elaka lyaalongwantu. * " I used to speak the language for 18 years, " says a mother who has finished his teaching in a U.S.A. Sho Arthur a hiwa a ka hite Osikola yaGilead mo 1962, ndjoka ya li hayi kutha oomwedhi omulongo, otwa li tu na okuninga etokolo lya kwata miiti. It goes beyond what is strictly necessary to maintain life and adds to our joy. When Arthur was invited to attend Gilead School in 1962, which took ten months, we had to make a serious decision. Sho aamwameme yamwe yu uvu kutya onda hala okukokola ondjila, oya lombwele ndje kutya nandi tegelele manga aavali yandje ya fululuke. To be effective, though, they need to imitate Jesus and encourage their children to state freely how they feel. When some sisters learned that I wanted to pioneer, they told me that I would wait before I was driving my parents. * How can we show faith like that of Jephthah and his daughter? * Nonando inatu pumbwa omaviinu opo tu kale nomwenyo, ohage tu nyanyudha wo. (Omuuv. While on earth, Jesus worked hard to help his disciples to overcome their weaknesses. Even though we do not need wine so that we can live forever, it makes us happy. Ihe opo ye shi pondole, oya pumbwa okuholela Jesus nokuladhipika oyana ya popye ya manguluka nkene yu uvite. Since 1914, have we seen evidence that this rider of the black horse has been on the move? But to succeed, they need to imitate Jesus and encourage their children to speak freely about how they feel. Ongiini tatu vulu okuulika kutya otu na eitaalo ngaashi Jefta nomwanakadhona? To appreciate what a "perfect present " it is, let us see how, in surpassing ways, it satisfies the factors that help us to make gifts worthwhile, as discussed in the preceding article. How can we show that we have faith like Jephthah and his daughter? Manga a li kombanda yevi, Jesus okwa li a longo nuudhiginini a kwathele aalongwa ye ya sinde uunkundi wawo. For example, in one country some Witnesses have endured almost 20 years of imprisonment because of maintaining their neutrality. While on earth, Jesus worked hard to help his disciples to overcome their weaknesses. Okuza mo 1914, mbela otu wete uumbangi mboka tawu ulike kutya omukayili gwokakambe okaluudhe ota pula komeho? " When [Jesus] found himself in fashion as a man, " wrote Paul, "he humbled himself and became obedient as far as death, yes, death on a torture stake. " Since 1914, do we see evidence that the rider of this rider takes place? Opo tu kale twa pandula " omagano ngoka ga gwana ga pwa, ' natu taleni komikalo dha dhenga mbanda ndhoka tadhi ga ningitha ga kale ge na ongushu, dha popiwa moshitopolwa sha tetekele. Husbands - Make Your Home Secure 10 Did You Know? To appreciate the "gifts in men " that make up the highest gift, let us focus on what is valuable in the preceding article. Pashiholelwa, moshilongo shimwe Oonzapo dhimwe odha tulwa mondholongo uule woomvula konyala 20, sho inaadhi kutha ombinga miinima yopapolotika. The good news is that God has promised to repair the damage - to restore obedient humans to perfection. For example, some Witnesses in the country have been imprisoned for 20 years when they do not engage in political activities. Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa nyola a ti: " Sho Jesus a holoka molupe lwomuntu, okwi i ifupipike nokwe ende ondjila yevuliko sigo omeso lye lyokomuti gwomahepeko. ' (Fil. 2: 7, 8 yelekanitha NW.) The next day as we went witnessing from house to house, we asked the householders if they knew of a vacant room. The apostle Paul wrote: "When Jesus came into a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to his obedience until his death. " Oonkundathana - Omolwashike wa pumbwa okukonakona Ombiimbeli? Paul called attention to what possible result of the good news? Why do you need to study the Bible? (Deuteronomium 32: 4, 5) Onkundana ombwanawa oyo kutya Kalunga oku uvaneka okukutha po eyonuko ndyoka noku shunitha aantu aavuliki megwaneneno. PAGE 13 The good news is that God promises to remove corruption and desires for obedient humans. Esiku etiyali sho tatu longo egumbo negumbo, otwa li twa pula aanegumbo ngele oye shi mpoka pu na ondunda kaayi na omuntu tu kale mo. As Jesus explained, Jehovah treats us the way we treat others. A second day while working from house to house, we asked the family if they were to stay there. Paulus okwa li a gandja eitulomo koshinima shini shoka tashi vulu okweetithwa kokuuvitha onkundana ombwanawa? For aeons, the angels who joined Satan served in the very presence of God. What aspect of the good news did Paul focus on? EPANDJA 13 By calmly listening to them and being cooperative, you will earn their respect and will establish a reputation as a responsible person. PAGE 13 Jesus okwa ti: "" Inamu pangula yakweni, opo Kalunga kee mú pangule. Let us see how Paul reasoned on these matters when he wrote to the Christians living in Corinth. Jesus said: "Do not judge others, so that you may not be judged. Aayengeli mboka ya wayimine Satana, oya kala taya longele Kalunga omimvo odhindji. Other possible causes may be loneliness or the feeling that other Christian youths are doing better spiritually. The angels who joined Satan have served God for many years. Okupulakena kuyo wa ngungumana nokulongela kumwe nayo, otashi ke ya ningitha ya kale ye ku simaneka noto ki iningila edhina ewanawa lyokukala omuntu e na oshinakugwanithwa monkalamwenyo. Plain red wine should be used, a homemade wine or a commercial wine, such as Beaujolais, Burgundy, or Chianti. Listening to them and cooperate with them will motivate you to respect your good reputation and to make a good name in life. Natu taleni nkene Paulus a li ta tompathana kombinga yaashika sho a nyolele Aakriste yomuKorinto. Should we allow fear of embarrassment to prevent us from singing out at Christian meetings? Consider how Paul reasoned on this matter when writing to the Christians in Corinth. Poompito dhimwe, otashi vulika u uvite uuwike nenge a kale e wete kutya aagundjuka ooyakwawo Aakriste otaye shi enditha nawa pambepo. Thus, by extension, the admonition to take the lead in showing honor applies to all of us today. In some cases, he may feel lonely or even think that young Christians are doing well spiritually. Ohapu longithwa omaviinu ngoka inaaga gwedhwa sha, ngoka ga kolwa megumbo nenge ngoka haga landithwa ngaashi o - Burgundy nenge o - Claret. (b) How did one sister come to realize that she should rejoin her family? The wine are not added to any other wine, such as getting drunk or sold in the home. - Rev. Mbela otu na okweetha uumbanda omolwohoni wu tu ningithe kaatu imbe muule pokugongala kwopaKriste? Such thinking is unrealistic. Should we allow fear to distract us from attending Christian meetings? 1: 7) Kungawo, moku shi tamununa mo, ekumagidho lyokukwatelathana komeho mokusimanekathana otali longo wo kutse atuhe kunena. 8, 9. Thus, by expanding his admonition, taking the lead in showing honor to all of us today. (b) Ongiini omwiitaali gumwe a mono kutya oku na okushuna kegumbo? I went there, learned how to cut hair, and opened a barbershop to support myself. (b) How did one sister realize that she should return home? Okudhiladhila kwa tya ngaaka kaku li pandunge. Similarly, we will receive Jehovah's blessing if we do not "tire out " in doing his will. - Gal. Such thinking is not wise. 8, 9. We are surrounded by evidence that God used his holy spirit in a very orderly way. 8, 9. Onda yi hoka, nondi ilongo okukulula aantu nonda patulula okakululilo opo ndi vule okwiiyambidhidha. For example, are you struggling with a weakness that you would like to overcome but you keep making the same mistake? I went there, and I learned to cut the way to support myself. 14: 30) Sha faathana, Jehova ote ke tu laleka nuuyamba ngele itatu " vulwa ' okulonga ehalo lye. - Gal. When we are confronted with temptations, our Christlike attitude will move us to push them away. Similarly, Jehovah will bless us if we "do not tire out " in doing his will. - Gal. Opu na uunzapo owundji tawu ulike kutya Kalunga okwa li a longitha ombepo ye ondjapuki momukalo gwelandulathano. With the extra training, we were both better equipped to serve the brothers. There is proof that God used his holy spirit in an orderly way. Pashiholelwa, mbela oto kondjo nuunkundi wontumba mboka wa hala okweetha po, ihe natango oto tsikile okuninga epuko olyo tuu ndyoka? Today, Satan still claims that humans worship God for selfish reasons. For example, do you struggle with personal weaknesses, but you still continue to make that mistake? Uuna twa adhika komamakelo, uukwatya wetu yopaKriste otawu ke tu inyengitha tu ga kondjithe. Sadly, this has resulted in many of them competing with one another, hating one another, and at times killing those who are loyal to the opposing side. When we face trials, our Christian personality will move us to fight against them. Otwa li twa kwathele aamwatate nawa omolwedheulo lya gwedhwa po ndyoka twa li twa mono. Take note, though, that Moses did not become irritated with Jehovah for giving that level of detail, as if Jehovah were demeaning him or stifling his creativity or freedom. We were able to help the brothers for further training we had received. (Ehololo 12: 10) Kunena Satana onkee ngaa ta humitha komeho iifundja mbyoka, kutya aantu otaya longele owala Kalunga netompelo lyokwiihola mwene. One example of such a case occurred under the oversight of military commander Claudius Lysias, who took into custody the apostle Paul, a Roman citizen. - Acts 23: 26 - 30. Today, Satan promotes lies that people serve God selfish reasons for selfish reasons. Shi yemateka, shika osha ningitha oyendji yomuyo ya kale taya ningi omathigathano, ye tondathane nomathimbo gamwe ohaya dhipaga nokuli mboka inaaya gama kombinga yawo. Karen: It's what we read about Jesus ' baptism. Sadly, this has led many of them to be killed, and sometimes they even kill those who have not joined them. Moses ka li e wete Jehova te mu ningile nayi sho e mu pe omalombwelo ngoka noka li e wete a fa te mu thiminike nenge a fa ta ngambeke emanguluko lye. As a result, revised editions of the King James Version and other Bibles have removed the erroneous phrase. Moses did not feel hurt by Jehovah for giving him instructions that he could not try to force him or force him to defend his freedom. 23: 26 - 30. " Obey Better Than Sacrifice, ' 2 / 15 23: 26 - 30. Karen: Oshi li moohapu tadhi popi kombinga yeninginitho lyaJesus. Its emphasis on having a good time can be a threat to our spirituality. Karen: That's an expression of Jesus ' baptism. Oshizemo? Etoloko epe lyo - King James Version nolyOombiimbeli dhilwe uutumbulilo mboka wa puka owa kuthwa mo. It read: "Eshba'al Ben [son of] Beda '. " As a result, the New James Version and other Bible translations have been taken away from the wrong. " Hekeleka ayehe mboka taya lili, ' 10 / 15 Most Bible versions with cross - references link Paul's words with the accounts about Abraham and Lot in Genesis chapters 18 and 19. 12 / 1 3: 4) Okukala kwawo wu hole owala omainyanyudho otaku vulu okutula uupambepo wetu moshiponga, ngele natse otwa kala owala tatu ga lalakanene. So he told him a story of a rich man who stole the only lamb that a poor man had. Their love for pleasures could endanger our spirituality if we were to pursue them. Oondanda ndhoka otadhi lesha tadhi ti: "Eshba'al Ben [omwanamati] gwaBeda '. " Now this is their goal. These letters read: "From the middle of the middle of the 15th century C.E., " Oombiimbeli odhindji ndhoka dhu ulika oovelise dha pambathana odha kwatakanitha oohapu dhaPaulus nehokololo lyaAbraham naLot muGenesis ontopolwa 18 nosho wo 19. That report is as true today as it was back then. - From our archives in Central America. Many copies of the Bible are related to Paul's words found in Genesis chapters 18 and 19. Okwa hokololele David kombinga yomulumentu omuyamba, ngoka a kutha po okanzi kamwe komuthigona hono oko akeke a li e na. And as we will soon discuss in our Bible study, all evidence indicates that we are now living in that time period. He told David about the rich man who took one of his largest associates. Ngashingeyi omalalakano ngoka ogo yi itulila po. See Our Kingdom Ministry, April 2010, "Question Box. " Now is the goals that are now set for them. Shoka sha popiwa molopota ndjoka sigo okunena osho shi li ngawo. - Iinima mbyoka ya ningwa mondjokonona yOonzapo dhaJehova moAmerika lyoPokati. In Sabbath years during the Festival of Booths, the men, women, children, and alien residents of Israel were to congregate in the place Jehovah chose " in order for them to listen and in order for them to learn to fear Jehovah and take care to carry out all the words of the law. ' The report here is still the most widely known thing that happened in the history of Jehovah's Witnesses in the U.S.A. Ngaashi tatu ke shi kundathana pekonakonombimbeli lyetu, uunzapo awuhe otawu ulike kutya otu li ngashingeyi pethimbo ndyoka. In 168 B.C.E., Syrian King Antiochus IV tried to seek out the inspired books of the Law to burn them. As we discuss in our study of our Bible study, evidences that we are now living at that time. Lesha "Oshimpungu shepulo " mUukalele Wetu wUukwaniilwa waApilili 2010. PAGE 3 • SONGS: 128, 101 See "Questions From Readers " in the April 2010 issue of Our Kingdom Ministry. Aaisraeli kutya nduno aalumentu, aakiintu, aanona nosho wo aakwiilongo oya li haya gongala momumvo omutiheyali kehe gwEsabati, pehala ndyoka Jehova a hogolola, " opo yi ilonge okutila OMUWA Kalunga kawo nokudhiginina oohapu adhihe dhompango. ' In the month of Nisan, Jesus traveled to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. The Israelites, men, women, and foreign wives attended each year in the seventh year, rather than to learn "the fear of Jehovah God and to give them all the words of their God. " Mo 168 K.E.N., (pwa pita ngashingeyi omimvo 2180 lwaampono), omukwaniilwa gwaAssur, Antiochus IV (omuti - 4) okwa kala ta kongo omambo agehe gOmpango e ga fike po. (Easily Led - A History of Propaganda) The Assyrians, for example, dominated their enemies with "a policy of terror coupled with one of propaganda, " wrote British Professor Philip M. In 107 B.C.E., about 21 years B.C.E., the king of Assyria invaded all the scrolls. EPANDJA 3 OMAIMBILO: 128, 101 They were Jehovah's Witnesses, and they offered me that book. PAGE 3 • SONGS: 128, 101 Jesus okwa yi kuJerusalem momwedhi Nisan, a ka dhane Opaasa. What is God like? Jesus went to Jerusalem on Nisan 14, and he would prepare the Passover for the Passover. (Easily Led - A History of Propaganda) Pashiholelwa, Omuprofesoli Omubritania gwedhina Philip M. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE A History of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, for example, is a professor of Santa Claus. Oya li Oonzapo dhaJehova noya pe ndje embo ndyoka. (Look under ABOUT US > FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS) They were Jehovah's Witnesses and offered me that book. Kalunga okwa tya ngiini? It is a treasure that money cannot buy. " What is God like? SHOKA SHI LI WO MOSHIFO SHIKA So there was no indoor shower or toilet, no washing machine, not even a refrigerator. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE (Tala kohi yoshipalanyolo KOMBINGA YETU > KOMBINGA YETU / OMAPULO NGOKA HAGA PULWA OLUNDJI) Having a meaningful share in the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work is a fine way to serve God and our neighbor and brings us "the blessing of Jehovah. " - Prov. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) Oli li eliko ndyoka itaali vulu okulandwa niimaliwa. " Read 1 Kings 21: 1 - 3. This type of money cannot buy money. " Megumbo kamwa li mu na oshawa, okandjugo, eshina lyokuyoga nokila yokutalaleka. " The tongue of the wise ones is a healing. " - PROVERBS 12: 18. There was no house in the house, water, and water. Ngele ohatu kutha ombinga miilonga yokuuvitha Uukwaniilwa nokuninga aantu aalongwa, Jehova ote ke tu " yambeka, ' molwaashoka okuninga ngaaka oku li omukalo omwaanawa gwoku mu longela nokuningila aantu ooyakwetu uuwanawa. - Omayel. Fight negative thinking. When we share in the Kingdom - preaching work and disciple - making work, Jehovah will bless us, for doing so is the best way to serve others and benefit from serving him. - Prov. Lesha 1 Aakwaniilwa 21: 1 - 3. Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Read 1 Kings 21: 1 - 3. " Elaka lyaanawino olyo ealudho. " - OMAYELETUMBULO 12: 18. 20: 6. " The tongue of a wise one is a tongue. " - PROVERBS 12: 18. Kondjitha omadhiladhilo omawinayi. What a meaningful life a person can enjoy if he allows godly principles to guide his life! Fight negative thoughts. Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of South Africa But does that mean that every person, event, and object described in the Bible represents someone or something? Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania 20: 6. How, then, do we decide what we should do? 20: 6. 2: 17, 18) Ngele omuntu okwe etha omakotampango gopakalunga ga wilike onkalamwenyo ye, ita ka tyapula tuu onkalamwenyo ombwanawa! My parents got baptized as Jehovah's Witnesses in 1934. If a person allows God's principles to guide his life, how much better life will be! Ihe mbela kehe omuntu, oshiningwanima nenge oshinima kehe sha popiwa mOmbiimbeli otashi thaneke omuntu nenge oshinima shilwe shi ili? 15 Did You Know? But does every person, object, or event in the Bible represent someone or something else? Ongiini nduno tatu vulu okutokola shoka tu na okuninga? How did Hezekiah respond when King Sennacherib of Assyria sent his representatives - including Rabshakeh - to Jerusalem along with a heavy military force? How, then, can we decide what to do? Aavali yandje oya ninginithwa mo 1934. In the first century, people also watched things that were violent and immoral for entertainment. My parents were baptized in 1934. EPANDJA 15 True, a person may bring reproach on Jehovah as well as injury to innocent people. PAGE 15 (2 Aak. 18: 5, 6) Hiskija okwa li i inyenge ngiini sho omukwaniilwa Sanherib gwaAssur a tumu omukalelipo gwe nosho wo elenga lye ekuluntu Rabsake kuJerusalem pamwe netangakwiita lya homata nokomayego? As a basis for understanding that, recall what resurrections the Bible foretells. How did Hezekiah react when Assyrian King Sennacherib sent his court and his military court to Jerusalem? Methelemumvo lyotango, aantu oya li wo haya tala iinima mbyoka yi na omiyonena niihulo, opo yi inyanyudhe. A third short - term goal you could set is that of preparing an answer for each congregation meeting. In the first century, people were watching with crime and violence. Dhoshili, omuntu otashi vulika a shekithe Jehova nosho wo e ehameke mboka kaaye na ondjo. 5, 6. Of course, a person may succumb to pressure from Jehovah and the painful consequences of guilt. Opo tu uve ko kombinga yeyumuko, natu dhimbulukwe ngoka ga popiwa mOmbiimbeli. What kind of home did Jehovah give us? To understand the resurrection, let us remember what the Bible says. Elalakano etitatu to vulu okugwanitha po muule wethimbo efupi ndyoka to vulu okwiitulila po, olyo okwiilongekidhila okuyamukula pokugongala kehe kwegongalo. Perhaps you think of warfare, pollution, crime, or corruption. A third goal you can set up a short time for setting things for yourself is to prepare for congregation meetings. 5, 6. What a privilege it is to be able to share in this lifesaving work! 5, 6. Tate Jehova okwe tu pa egumbo lya tya ngiini? We also read in the Scriptures: "Husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. What kind of home has Jehovah given us? Otashi vulika wu dhiladhile kiita, kenyateko lyomudhingoloko, komiyonena nenge kuulingilingi. Faithful followers of Jesus continued to make God's name known after Jesus ' death and resurrection. You might think of warfare, poverty, and corruption. Kashi li tuu uuthembahenda okukutha ombinga miilonga mbika yokuhupitha oomwenyo! My friends were always there for me. " What a privilege it is to share in this lifesaving work! Ombiimbeli oya popya wo kutya "aalumentu oye na okuhola aakiintu yawo, naanaa ngashika ye hole omalutu gawo yene. 1: 12. The Bible also says that "the men of their wives should love their wives just as they like their own bodies. " Okwe ke ga mona owala sho a tameke okukonakona Ombiimbeli nOonzapo dhaJehova. Why Learn From? 1 / 1 He saw them only when he began studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. Aalanduli yaJesus aadhiginini oya li ya tsikile okutseyitha edhina lyaKalunga konima yeso lyaJesus nokuyumudhwa kwe. • In what areas might obedience to Scriptural direction become difficult, but why is it essential that we obey? Jesus ' faithful followers continued to send God's name after Jesus ' death and be resurrected. Ookuume kandje oya li aluhe haya kwathele ndje. " Trinity doctrine: Less than 300 years after the Bible was completed, a Trinitarian writer added to 1 John 5: 7 the words "in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. " My friends always helped me. " 1: 12. You no doubt have your favorite Bible accounts that enable you to see the merciful Father as exemplified by Jesus ' actions. 1: 12. Natu lalakaneneni ombili, 8 / 15 Robert: The verse says they'll reside on the earth. 8 / 1 • Omoonkalo dhini hashi vulu okukala oshidhigu tu vulike kuJehova, ihe omolwashike sha simanenena tu vulike kuye? Such genuine love, however, is not to be confused with sentimentality. • In what circumstances might it be difficult to obey Jehovah, but why is it vital that we obey him? Elongo lyuukwatatu: Meni lyomimvo 300 konima sho Ombiimbeli ya pu okunyolwa, omulongi gUukwatatu okwa gwedha muJohannes gwotango 5: 7 uutumbulilo tawu ti: "Megulu omu na Tate, Ohapu nosho wo Ombepo Ondjapuki; ayehe mbaka yatatu omuntu gumwe. " How can John's letter help us to do so? The teaching: About 300 years after the Bible was completed, the Trinity doctrine adds to John 5: 7: "The Father, the Father of heaven and the holy spirit, and all these are holy spirit. " 11: 32 - 35, 40 - 43) Nopwaa na omalimbililo, omahokololo gOmbiimbeli ngoka wu hole otage ku kwathele wu mone ohenda yaHe ndjoka Jesus u ulike miilonga ye. Likely, you would still not notice it. No doubt, Bible accounts can help you to see the Father's compassion that Jesus showed in his work. Robert: Ovelise otayi ti kutya okombanda yevi. Assuring them of the truthfulness of the reason for his change in plans, Paul wrote in his second letter: "I call upon God as a witness against my own soul that it is to spare you that I have not yet come to Corinth. " Robert: It says that heaven is on earth. Ohole yashili kayi na okukala ya pitilila. 9 Set Your Heart on Spiritual Treasures Genuine love should not be excessive. Ongiini ontumwafo yaJohannes tayi vulu oku tu kwathela tu shi ninge? Soon Jehovah removes the mountainlike obstacle of the official ban, and the temple is completed in 515 B.C.E. How can John's letter help us to do so? Natango ito ke shi mona lela. Paragraph 16: See the article "Tell Us, When Will These Things Be? " You cannot see. Montumwafo ye ontiyali okwa li e ya lombwele omatompelo ge kutya omolwashike a lundululile etalelopo lye a ti: "Otandi ithana Kalunga, a ninge onzapo yandje, oshoka okwa tseya omutima gwandje. Ngame onda gama kune, sho itaandi ya we kuKorinto. " (2 Kor. • Why should we recognize Jehovah as our Sovereign Lord? In his second letter to them, he told them why he was making his decision: "I have called a witness to my heart because I have come to you. " 9 Kala wa lenga omaliko gopambepo Walter adds that it was a key step in introducing "Christian commemorations " to the pagan calendar, thus smoothing the way to mass conversion. 9 Maintain Your Spiritual Goals Jehova okwa li a kandula po uupyakadhi mboka wa li wa fa ondundu onene yi li mondjila yawo, notempeli oya li ya pu okutungwa mo 515 K.E.N. Some couples need to adjust their expectations for the future. Jehovah resolved the problem that seemed to be like a large mountain, and their temple was built in 507 B.C.E. Okatendo 16: Tala oshitopolwa " Tu lombwela, uunake ano tashi ka ningwa? ' Moreover, the Bible speaks of death as being a state of unconsciousness, similar to sleep. - Ecclesiastes 9: 5, 10; John 11: 11 - 14. Paragraph 16: See the article "Let Us Come, When? ' • Omolwashike tu na okukala twa tala ko Jehova e li Omuwa Omupangeliawike? (b) What searching questions regarding prayer would we do well to ask ourselves? • Why should we view Jehovah as the Sovereign Lord? Walter okwa gwedha ko ta ti kutya osha li onkatu ya simana okutula "edhano lyopaKriste " mokalindeli koshipagani, shoka she shi ningi oshipu, opo aantu oyendji yi itedhulule. If so, you are urged to speak to the person who brought you this magazine or contact its publishers. Walter adds that it was an important step for "the Christian Church, " which makes it easy for many to repent. Yamwe mboka taye endelathana oya pumbwa okulundulula etaloko lyawo li na ko nasha naashoka ya tegelela monakuyiwa. 15, 16. (a) How does setting one's mind on something affect one's mental attitude? Some who get married need to change their view of what they look forward to in the future. Natango, Ombiimbeli otayi popi kombinga yeso li li onkalo moka omuntu ha kala kee na shoka e shi, ngaashi naanaa hashi kala ngele omuntu a kotha. - Omuuvithi 9: 5, 10; Johannes 11: 11 - 14. (a) How does Jehovah provide for his spiritual household? Furthermore, the Bible speaks of death as a normal person. - Ecclesiastes 9: 5, 11; John 11: 11 - 14. (b) Otashi ka kala shi li nawa twi ipule omapulo geni gokwiikonakona ge na ko nasha negalikano? The Israelites became terrified and began to cry out to Jehovah. " (b) What questions will we do well to ask ourselves about prayer? Esiku kehe owa dhingililwa koluhoko nosho wo komalaka omawinayi. The pain of Jehovah's reprimand would have been mild by comparison. Each day, surrounded by fellow believers. Ngele osho, otatu ku indile wu popye nomuntu ngoka e ku pe oshifo shika nenge wu kwatathane naanyanyangidhi yasho. What a wonderful goal such ones have been invited by God to pursue! If so, we invite you to speak to someone who gives you this magazine or to contact them. 15, 16. (a) Okudhiladhila ohaku nwetha mo ngiini iikala yomuntu? " There have been times when finances, housing, health, and just growing older have made us anxious, " he says. 15, 16. (a) How does thinking influence a person's attitude? (a) Jehova oha sile oshimpwiyu ngiini aanegumbo lye yopambepo? " I [the prophet Daniel] kept watching until thrones were set in place and the Ancient of Days [Jehovah] sat down.... (a) How does Jehovah provide for his family? Eeno, oshoka Jehova okwa li a hunganeke a ti: "Otandi ka kukutika omwenyo gwe note ke mú landula, ihe esindano lyandje lyokusinda iita ye otali ka simanekitha ndje. (b) What promise regarding kingship did God make to David? Yes, Jehovah foretold: "I shall put forth his own soul upon you, and he will rescue you from the war of Armageddon will bring glory to me. 4: 11, 12) Ando Kain okwa pulakenene kuKalunga, ando ini iyadha muudhigu. How do those who have moved to remote regions manage to support themselves financially? If Cain had listened to God, he would not suffer difficulties. 20: 6) Odhoshili kutya ndyoka elalakano ewanawa yi ithanenwa kuKalunga. " The true knowledge " has become abundant for a good purpose. Of course, that purpose is God's way of ruling. Andrew okwa ti: "Omathimbo gamwe otwa kala tatu ipula unene niimaliwa, nehala mpoka tatu ka kala, nuukolele nosho wo nuukulupe. Our sense of humor, our ability to enjoy music, and our capacity for appreciating beauty are not necessary to sustain life - all are gifts from God that enrich our life. " Sometimes we worry too much about money, and where we live, " says Andrew. Ngoka ta kala e na omwenyo aluhe sigo aluhe [Jehova] okwa kuutumba kushimwe shomiipangelapundi.... Then a physician correctly identified the problem, but the diagnosis was rather hard to accept. One who lives forever [Jehovah] is seated on you... (b) Kalunga okwa li u uvanekele David shike shi na ko nasha nepangelo lye? During 1948, Arthur received another three - month prison sentence. (b) What promise did God promise David regarding his rulership? Mboka ya tembukila kiitopolwa yokomikandi ohaya hupu ngiini? I was soon conducting no fewer than eight Bible studies. How do those who have moved to areas survive? " Ontseyo yashili ' oyi indjipala omolwelalakano ewanawa. (b) Why is it possible for us to maintain our integrity to Jehovah? " The true knowledge " has become abundant because it is a wonderful purpose. Nonando uukwatya wetu wokuvula okukala twa nyanyukwa, okunyanyukilwa omusika nosho wo okunyanyukilwa eopalo lyiinima iiwanawa inayi pumbiwa lela opo tu kale nomwenyo, ayihe oyi li omagano ga za kuKalunga ngoka ha ningitha onkalamwenyo yetu yi kale ombwanawa. Mercifully, Jehovah takes into account our inherited sinful condition. Although our ability to enjoy joy, music, music, and good things so that we can enjoy life as a gift from God. Opo nduno ndohotola okwe ku lombwele kutya uupyakadhi wu na owashike, ihe osha li oshidhigu kungoye oku shi taamba ko. SWIFT expressed that thought in the 18th century, but many today would agree with him. Then the doctor told you that you had problems, but it was difficult for you to accept it. Mo 1948, Arthur okwa tokolelwa ishewe oomwedhi ndatu mondholongo. Jesus could have said the latter, but the ones whom he addressed were Israelites and as such were already witnesses of Jehovah. In 1948, Arthur was sentenced to three months in prison. Omathimbo hamale onda li ndi na omakonakonombiimbeli ge vulithe pugahetatu. An angel stood there, evidently unseen by the guards, and urgently woke Peter up. It was not long before I had several Bible studies. Josua nosho wo aakuluntu yomuIsraeli inaya pula Jehova, ihe oya ningi euvathano lyombili nAagibeon. According to the Bible, they had a peaceful, happy existence. Joshua and the older men of Israel did not ask Jehovah to make peace with the covenant. (b) Omolwashike tashi vulika tu kakatele uudhiginini wetu kuJehova? Later, however, she spoke to Jehovah's Witnesses directly and found satisfying answers to her questions. (b) Why might we maintain our loyalty to Jehovah? 51: 1 - 5) Jehova oha dhimbulukwa nohenda onkalo yetu yuuthigululwalunde. Says Choong Keon: "We made up our minds to stop " watching and looking ' and to start " sowing and reaping ' instead. " Jehovah remembered our inherited condition. SWIFT okwa li a popi omadhiladhilo ngoka methelemimvo eti - 18, ihe kunena oyendji otaya tsu kumwe naye. It was sad to see how their lives turned out. THE 17th century B.C.E., many today agree with him. Omolwashike mbela? Mboka a li ta popi nayo Aaisraeli, yo oya adhika nale ye li oonzapo dhaJehova. How Joseph must have suffered to be so mistreated - when he had done nothing to deserve it! However, those who spoke to Israel were already Jehovah's witnesses. Omuyengeli okwe mu ihololele e te mu pendutha mbalambala, ihe aakwiita inaye mu mona. Satan has also implied that no human at heart is loyal to God - that under sufficient pressure, anyone will reject Jehovah's rulership. An angel appeared to him immediately, but the army had not seen him. Ombiimbeli oya popi kutya oya li ye na ombili nenyanyu. Because the problem continues to trouble you, address it kindly at an opportune time. The Bible says that they enjoyed peace and joy. Konima yethimbo onda ka popya nadho mwene, nodha li dha pe ndje omayamukulo nde ga hokwa. She says: "If Jehovah didn't love me, his counsel would not have been so persistent. " In time, I spoke to them, and they gave me the answers to my questions. Choong Keon okwa ti: "Otwa li twa lundulula omadhiladhilo getu. Pehala lyokukala twa " tala ombepo, ' otwa tameke " okukuna nokuteya. ' " What will happen to the weeds, and when will that event occur? " We changed our mind, " relates Choong Keon. Osha li shiyemateka okumona nkene onkalamwenyo yawo ya vundakana. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) How sad it must have been for them to see their life left behind! Josef ka li tuu a mono iihuna sho u ungaungiwa naye nayi ye inaa ninga sha sha puka! How can you make personal application of the warnings contained in the following scriptures? How sad Joseph suffered when he had been treated with him! (Gen. 3: 1 - 5) Satana okwa ti wo kutya kapu na omuntu ta vulu okukala omudhiginini kuKalunga uuna e li monkalo ondhigu. " They continued devoting themselves... to associating together. " - ACTS 2: 42. Satan also claimed that no human can be loyal to God during difficult times. Molwaashoka uupyakadhi otawu tsikile oku ku uvitha nayi, konga ethimbo lyo opala wu wu kandule po. What is surprising is that there are so many conflicting ideas about who live in the spirit realm. Because problems continue to hurt you, look for the right time to settle it. Okwa ti: "Ando Jehova okwa li kee hole ndje, ando ina kala ha pe ndje omayele ethimbo kehe. " What topics would families do well to discuss, and why? He said: "If Jehovah loved me, he would not give me counsel at any time. " Oshike tashi ka ningilwa omau, nuunake shoka tashi ka ningwa? A limited number - 144,000 - will live in heaven. What will happen to the weeds, and when will that happen? (Tala kohi yoshipalanyolo KOMBINGA YETU > OMAPULO NGOKA HAGA PULWA OLUNDJI > SHOKA DHI ITAALA) Find the answers in these articles. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) Ongiini to vulu okuulika kutya oho vulika komalondodho ngoka taga adhika momanyolo taga landula? With regard to a resurrection being foretold long in advance, consider Psalm 118, which some feel that David composed. How can you show that you heed the following scriptures? " Oyo oya kala... taa topola shoka ye shi na naayapostoli. " - IILONGA 2: 42. There, as if a treasure hidden by God, he will be free of hardship and pain. " They... went...... to separate themselves from the things they had with. " - ACTS 2: 42. Shoka tashi kumitha osho owala kutya opu na omadhiladhilo ogendji taga kondjithathana kombinga yedhiladhilo kutya oolye ye li mehala moka hamu kala iishitwa yopambepo. Jon: What sort of events? That is why there are many ideas about who claim to be spirit creatures in the spirit realm. Iitopolwa yini tayi ka kala iiwanawa nokukundathanwa komaukwanegumbo, nomolwashike? FAITH What articles will be beneficial, and why? Aantu 144 000 yomwaalu gwa ngambekwa, otaya ka kala megulu. 5: 23 - 25. The total number of 144,000 individuals will be in heaven. Omayamukulo otatu ke ga mona miitopolwa mbika. The Bible Students spent decades pointing out that the year 1914 would be significant. We will find the answers in these articles. Kombinga yeyumuko ndyoka lya hunganekwa omimvo dha ka pita, natu taleni kEpisalomi 118, ndyoka yamwe yu uvite kutya olya nyolwa kuDavid. It was the outset of the final week of Jesus ' life on earth. Regarding that resurrection, let us consider the meaning of Psalm 118, which some feel that David was written by David. Muwo okwa li ta ka kala a manguluka kokumona iihuna nokuuwehame, a fa eliko lya holekwa kuKalunga. Gratitude to God and his Son should move us to be present at the commemoration of Jesus ' death, thus obeying the command: "Keep doing this in remembrance of me. " - 1 Cor. And she would be free from suffering and suffering like a hidden treasure. Jon: Iiningwanima mbyoka oyini? 6, 7. Jon: What were these events? EITAALO " They will be priests of God and of the Christ, and they will rule as kings with him. " - Revelation 20: 6. FAITH 5: 23 - 25. Along with this wonderful organization, may we be resolved to keep focused on the more important things. 5: 23 - 25. 2: 44, NW) Aakonakonimbiimbeli oya kala nokupopya uule womimvo omilongo kutya omumvo 1914 otagu ka kala omundhindhilikwedhi. The atmosphere, for example, does more than provide us with air to breathe. The Bible Students spoke for decades that 1914 would be remarkable. Marta okwa li a popiwa moshiningwanima shontumba shoka sha li sha ningwa petameko lyoshiwike shahugunina shonkalamwenyo yaJesus kombanda yevi. Love for Jehovah and for his Word impelled Jesus to reject the allurements that the Tempter put before him. Martha was mentioned in an event that took place during the last week of Jesus ' life on earth. 8: 30, 31) Otwa pandula Kalunga nosho wo Omwana. Olupandu nduka nalu tu inyengithe tu kale po pEdhimbuluko lyeso lyaJesus nokuvulika koshipango shika: "Shi ningeni nokudhimbulukwa ndje. " - 1 Kor. We have searched, and he gives us rest all around. " We thank God and his Son, for this reason, should be moved to attend the Memorial of Jesus ' death and obey Jesus ' command: "Keep doing this in remembrance of me. " - 1 Cor. 6, 7. 24: 14. 6, 7. " Otaa ka ninga aayambi yaKalunga noyaKristus notaa ka pangela pamwe naKristus. " - Ehololo 20: 6. If one of Jehovah's Witnesses who is baptized commits a serious sin and does not repent, he will be disfellowshipped. " They will become priests and priests of God, and they will rule with Christ. " - Revelation 20: 6. Natu kaleni twa tokola toko tu kale tu ukitha eitulomo lyetu kiinima mbyoka ya simana tatu endele pamwe nehangano ndika ewanawa. How can God's Word relieve our anxiety? May we be determined to stay focused on the most important things we take in this organization. Pashiholelwa, ewangandjombepo ohali longo oshindji shi vulithe owala oku tu pa ombepo ndjoka hatu fudhile mo. " After these things, " says the Bible account, "the son of the woman who owned the house fell sick, and his sickness became so severe that he stopped breathing. " For example, the atmosphere works more than just giving us the air we make. Ohole yokuhola Jehova nosho wo Oohapu dhe oya li yi inyengitha Jesus a kale inaa pulakena Omumakeli ngoka a li e mu makele. (Mat. In addition to describing his lofty position, the Scriptures show that Jesus, like Jehovah, cares deeply for humans. Love for Jehovah and his Word moved Jesus not to listen to the Pharisee who tried to tempt him. Omathimbo gamwe Ombiimbeli ohayi yelekanitha Jehova niinima mbyoka hatu vulu okumona, opo tu uve ko nuupu uukwatya we. This article explains, and it shows why we should have a like desire to praise our God. At times, the Bible compares Jehovah and the things we can see so that we can understand his qualities. Tse otwe mu konga, nokwe tu pa evululuko koombinga adhihe. " Now, rather than confine my wife to the kitchen, I happily support her in her activities as a full - time evangelizer. We searched for him, and he has given us all comfort. " 24: 14. You planted the seed of truth in me, and although I wasn't then ready to dedicate myself to God, I kept that seed of truth in my mind and heart. " 24: 14. Uuna Onzapo yaJehova ya ninginithwa ya yono eyono lya kwata miiti e tayi kala inaayi iyela ombedhi, ohayi kondwa. John said: "It was in behalf of his name that they went out. " When a baptized Witness of Jehovah commits a serious sin, he is disfellowshipped. Oohapu dhaKalunga otadhi vulu ngiini oku ku kwathele waa kale wu na iimpwiyu oyindji? Let me explain how Bible reading has been a source of strength to me throughout my life. How can God's Word help you to reduce anxiety? Ombiimbeli oya ti: "Konima yethimbo omumati gwomuselekadhi okwa kwatwa koshigombo; uuvu owa geye nohugunina okwa si. " Then an added way that you can demonstrate courage and reliance on Jehovah is by helping your child to do the same. - 1 Sam. " Later, the son of the widow was diagnosed with a disease and died, " says the Bible. Kakele kokupopya kombinga yondondo yopombanda ndjoka Jesus e na, Omanyolo otagu ulike kutya oku na ko nasha lela naantu, ngaashi Jehova. First, they need to make "a thorough investigation and inquiry " to establish if wrong has been done. In addition to speaking about the high priest's position and position, the Scriptures show that he truly cares for people, like Jehovah. Oshitopolwa shika osha yelitha noshu ulika kutya omolwashike tu na okukala twa hala okutanga Kalunga ngaashi omupisalomi. They often thank us for visiting them. This article explains why we should want to praise God as the psalmist. Ngashingeyi okukala owala nde ethela nekulu lyandje pelugo, onda nyanyukwa oku mu kwathela miilonga ye e li omuuvithi gwethimbo alihe. On the other hand, giving a fellow believer commendation and appealing to his love for God can have a lasting, positive effect. - Read Philippians 2: 1 - 4. Now I gave my wife back to my wife's wife, so I am happy to help her in the full - time ministry as a minister. Owa kuna ombuto yoshili mungame, nonde yi kaleke momadhiladhilo nomomutima gwandje, nonando pethimbo mpoka kanda li ndi ilongekidha okwiiyapulila Kalunga. " Initially, the earth was described as "formless and desolate, and there was darkness upon the surface. " You have made the truth with me, and I keep in mind my mind even when I was not ready to dedicate my life to God. " Johannes okwa ti: "Omolwedhina lye oya yi mondjila. " (3 Joh. Jesus ' reaction to all these man - made laws was simple. John said: "For the sake of his name, it is right. " Nandi mu yelithe nkene okulesha Ombiimbeli kwa kala onzo yokunkondopaleka ndje monkalamwenyo yandje ayihe. " I Am Willing to Go " (Rebekah), No. 3 Lessons From Birds, No. Let me explain how reading the Bible has been a source of great comfort to me throughout my life. Omukalo gumwe to vulu okuulika kutya owu na omukumo nowi inekela muJehova, omokukwathela aamwoye ya ninge sha faathana. - 1 Sam. However, considering such a location as a holy place or venerating images or relics there would be completely contrary to Jesus ' words. One way you can show courage and trust in Jehovah is by helping your children to do the same. - 1 Sam. (Eps. 37: 28) Tango oya pumbwa " okukonakona nokupulakena nawa lela, ' opo ya mone ngele eyono ndyoka olya ningwa shili. Today, Katherine happily serves as a special pioneer on the Pacific island of Kosrae. First, they need to "keep well and listen carefully to each other " so that they can discern whether the sin really happens. Olundji ohaye tu pandula, sho hatu ya talele po. These words also apply to God's people today. They often thank us for visiting them. Mepingathano naashoka, otatu ka kwathela ooitaali ooyakwetu ngele tatu ya pandula noku ya dhimbulukitha kombinga yohole yawo yokuhola Kalunga. - Lesha Aafilippi 2: 1 - 4. Rather, hold your songbook up high, lift your head, and sing with heartfelt expression! On the other hand, we will help fellow believers when we appreciate them and remind them of their love for God. - Read Philippians 2: 1 - 4. Petameko, evi otali popiwa kutya olya li "lya vongakana nolya li owala. Omilema odha siikile omeya omale apehe. " The gathering took place in Jerusalem on the 24th day of the seventh Jewish month, Tishri, 455 B.C.E. At first, the earth is described as "a roaring lion, and it was thrown into a deep light. " Jesus okwa li a tala ko ngiini oompango ndhoka dha li dha tulwa po kaantu? Do such promises sound too good to be true? How did Jesus view the rules made by humans? Tatekulu Lefèvre d'Étaples (omutoloki), No. Live in Harmony With the Model Prayer - Part 2 Lefèvre d'Ivoire (center), No. Ihe ngele otwa tala ko omahala ngoka kutya omayapuki nenge tu simanekele ko iikalunga, itashi ka kala metsokumwe noohapu dhaJesus. What enabled Asa to trust fully in God's guidance and protection? But if we view shrines as sacred or sacred worship, it would not be in harmony with Jesus ' words. Kunena, Katherine ota longo nenyanyu e li omukokolindjila gwondjigilile kontuntu Kosrae yi li mefuta lya Mwena. 12, 13. (a) How were some men treating their wives in Malachi's day? Today, Katherine is happy to serve as a regular pioneer on a island in the Pacific Sea. Oohapu ndhoka otadhi longo wo koshigwana shaKalunga nokunena. Interestingly, ten centuries after David's death, a host of angels announced the birth of the Messiah to shepherds who were keeping watch over their flocks in the fields near Bethlehem. - Luke 2: 4, 8, 13, 14. Those words apply to God's people today. Kunena mIinyanga yUukwaniilwa oyindji, oohapu dhomaimbilo ohadhi kala tadhi ulikwa koosikilina, nohashi tu kwathele tu imbe twa manguluka. Yazmin has two children with cystic fibrosis, and she admits, "There have been moments of such intense pressure that I have felt like I was choking to death. " Today, in many Kingdom Halls, the songs are depicted by the songs, and it enables us to sing out freely. 9: 4, 5) Osha li sha gongala muJerusalem mesiku eti - 24 lyomwedhi omutiheyali gwOshijuda, Tishri (Septemba / Kotoba), mo 455 K.E.N. In fact, some scientists say we have entered a new geological epoch called the Anthropocene - an age in which humans are making an increasingly notable impact on the planet. It was gathered in Jerusalem on the 24th day of the seventh day of the seventh day in October 455 B.C.E. (Job 14: 14, 15) Mbela omauvaneko ngoka otaga monika ga fa omawanawa unene nokugwanithwa po? If you share those sentiments and your circumstances permit, you will regularly meet with fellow worshippers of Jehovah. - Heb. Does those promises appear attractive and fulfilling? Natu kaleni metsokumwe noohapu dhomegalikano lyOmuwa, oshitopolwa oshi - 2 But to what else besides divine intervention can we attribute such torrential rains at that precise location and exact moment, so as to swamp 900 war chariots? Live in Harmony With the Prayer of the Lord's Prayer - Part 2 Oshike sha kwathele Asa a kale i inekela thiluthilu kutya Kalunga ote ke mu gamena noku mu wilika? This information helps them to cope with pressures at school and the challenges of growing up. What helped Asa to have complete confidence in God's protection and guide him? 12, 13. (a) Aasamane yamwe oya li haya ungaunga ngiini naakulukadhi yawo pethimbo lyaMaleaki? He thus lost the prospect of endless life and eventually died. 12, 13. (a) How did some husbands deal with their wives in Malachi's time? Shoka shihokitha osho kutya omathelemimvo omulongo konima yeso lyaDavid, ongundu yaayengeli oya li ya lombwele aasita yoonzi mboka ya li taya litha momalundu ge li popepi naBetlehem kutya Mesiasa okwa valwa. - Luk. 2: 4, 8, 13, 14. A small detail, perhaps. In fact, ten centuries after David's death, a group of angels told shepherds who were walking near Bethlehem that the Messiah was born. - Luke 2: 4, 13, 14. Yazmin, ngoka e na aanona yaali ye na uuvu wela ihaali vulu okumyanka nawa iikulya nosho wo uuvu mboka hawu ya fudhitha nuudhigu (cystic fibrosis) ota ti: "Ohapu kala omathimbo gamwe ndu uvite nda gwililwa po e tandi kala ndu uvite nda fa te si oshimpwininika. " Worn out from anxiety, we wept. " My mother, who has two children, will not have enough food to eat, and they are suffering at times, " says Lorraine, who has two children. Nokuli, aanongononi yamwe oya ti kutya otwa thika pethimbo ndyoka iilonga yaantu tayi gumu noonkondo onkalo yuunshitwe kevi. This may have been the occasion to which Paul later referred when he said that Jesus "appeared to upward of five hundred. " - 1 Cor. In fact, scientists say that we have been living at that time deeply affected by the earth's environment. 27: 1 - 4) Ngele owu uvite naanaa ngaashi David a li u uvite nowu li moonkalo dha fa dhe, oto ka kala aluhe to gongala pamwe naalongeli yaJehova ooyakweni. - Heb. As a result, she said, "I stopped praying. " If you feel as did David's experience and experience in his situation, you will regularly gather together with fellow worshippers of Jehovah. - Heb. Kakele kekwatho lyaKalunga, oshike ishewe tashi vulu okweetitha omvula yepoola ndjoka ya loko pethimbo nopehala lyo opala, opo omatembakwiita 900 ga tyuulile? While engaged to Joseph, she miraculously conceived a child by holy spirit. Despite the help of God's help, what else can contribute to a year and at the right time? Uuyelele mbuka ohawu ya kwathele yu ungaunge nomathininiko kosikola nosho wo nomaupyakadhi ngoka haya tsakaneke sho taye ende taya koko. Amen. " This information helps them to deal with pressures at school and to cope with difficulties while they are growing up. Kungawo, Adam okwa kanitha etegameno lyokukala nomwenyo sigo aluhe, nolwahugunina okwa ka sa. An excellent aid in helping families to "keep ready " for the coming of the Son of man is the significant change in the weekly meeting schedule that went into effect on January 1, 2009. Adam thus lost the prospect of living forever, and he eventually died. (Eksodus 12: 46) Otashi vulika elombwelo ndika li kale lya fa kaali na oshilonga. In this study, we will consider four factors highlighted in Nehemiah chapter 13: (1) Avoid bad associations; (2) support theocratic arrangements; (3) put spiritual things first; and (4) preserve your Christian identity. Perhaps this command seems worthless. Molwaashoka otwa li tu na oshimpwiyu, otwa tameke okulila. He had spent much time with his faithful apostles, and they were united by a special bond. Because we had to care for, we started to cry. Ompito ndjika otashi vulika oyo ya li ya popiwa kuPaulus sho a li a ti kutya Jesus okwi "ihololele ishewe aalanduli ye ye vule omathele gatano. " - 1 Kor. There stood a Bible student who brought us three oranges. This opportunity may have been written by Paul when he said that Jesus "was superior to his followers. " - 1 Cor. Oshizemo, okwa ti, "Onde etha po okugalikana. " We should imitate Jesus ' example. As a result, "I quit praying. " Sho a yalekwa kuJosef, okwa ningi etegelelo lyombepo ondjapuki. Those in positions of authority may not find it easy to delegate to younger ones. When Joseph first became pregnant, he became pregnant by holy spirit. Amen. " Saturday morning, I awake with anticipation. Amen. " Oshinima sha dhenga mbanda shokukwathela omaukwanegumbo ga kale " gi ilongekidhila ' okuya kwOmuna gwomuntu osho elunduluko enene ndyoka lya li lya ningwa shi na ko nasha nokugongala kwokoshiwike hoka kwa li kwa ningwa okutameka me 1 Januali 2009. " It is written, " Jesus replied, "" Man must not live by bread alone but by everything proceeding from Jehovah's mouth. ' " - Luke 4: 4, ftn. The highest part of helping families to "keep ready " for the coming of the Son of man is the major change of meeting attendance on January 1. Moshitopolwa shika, otatu ka tala kiinima ine mbyoka ya popiwa montopolwa onti - 13 yaNehemia: (1) Yanda eendathano ewinayi; (2) ambidhidha omalongekidho giinima yopakalunga; (3) pititha komeho iinima yopambepo; noshi (4) kaleka po omuthika gwoye gwopaKriste. • the way Satan deceived Eve? In this article, we will consider four factors mentioned in Nehemiah chapter 13: (1) Avoid bad associations; (2) supporting theocratic arrangements; (3) supporting spiritual matters. Okwa li a longitha ethimbo olindji okukala pamwe naayapostoli ye aadhiginini, noya li ye na ekwatathano lya kola. God's Rest - Have You Entered Into It? He spent much time with his faithful apostles, and they had a strong relationship with him. Tu ka tye ngeyi, omukonakonimbiimbeli e tu etela omalemune gatatu. The reversal of aging. - Job 33: 25. As you will say, the student of the Bible has brought us three steps. (Markus 11: 20 - 24) Onkee ano, otu na okulandula oshiholelwa shaJesus. At the same time, another test case was heard in Edinburgh, Scotland. So we must imitate Jesus ' example. Aakokele mboka ye na iinakugwanithwa otashi vulika shi kale oshidhigu kuyo oku yi gandja po kaagundjuka. The wisdom found in God's inspired Word is "a tree of life " for those who seize and apply it. - Prov. The older ones who have responsibilities may find it difficult to provide younger ones. Ongula yOlyomakaya yimwe, onda li nda penduka ndi na etegameno. Jehovah's written Word can illuminate for us the pathway to improvement. One morning, I got up with hope. Jesus okwa li a yamukula a ti: "Okwa nyolwa: " Omuntu ita kala e na omwenyo koshikwiila ashike, ihe okukehe ohapu tayi zi mokana kaKalunga. ' " - Mat. 4: 4. How can we provide words of comfort to the bereaved? Jesus answered: "He went on to live, not on bread alone, but on every word from Jehovah's mouth. " - Matt. 4: 4. • momukalo ngoka Satana a li a pukitha Eva? Can you imagine how precious that pearl was to him? • How did Satan deceive Eve? Mbela owa ya ngaa mevululuko lyaKalunga? Who could ask for more than that? Have You Entered Into God's Rest? Onkalamwenyo kaayi na uukulupe. - Job 33: 25. Finally, so that he could get a fair hearing, Paul said: "I appeal to Caesar! " - the most powerful ruler of that time. - Acts 25: 11. Life without age. - Job 33: 25. Pethimbo olyo tuu ndyoka, ompangu oya li tokola oshipotha oshikwawo moshilando Edinburgh, muSkotolanda. Such a condition would require them to be secluded during the Passover week and to miss all its observances and celebrations. At that same time, Russia's court decided to take a stand in the city of Circuit C.E. Uunongo mboka wu li mOohapu dhaKalunga dha nwethwa mo owo "omuti gwomwenyo " kwaamboka taye wu dhiginine noku wu tula miilonga. - Omayel. Next, he warned them not to allow their "right to choose " to become" a stumbling block to those who [were] weak. " The wisdom of God's inspired Word is "the tree of life " who stick to and apply it. - Prov. Otwa mangululwa muulunde molwesilohenda lyaKalunga, Des. When something like this is tempting for you, are you able to understand what Jehovah's will is? - Ephesians 5: 17. We have been released from God's undeserved kindness by undeserved kindness. Oohapu dhaJehova otadhi tu kwathele tu tseye nkene tu na okwiimonikila eadhimo lyaKalunga. God has helped me to make good decisions, and now I have a good relationship with him and with my family. Jehovah's Word helps us to know how we can reflect God's glory. Oshike tatu vulu okuninga tu hekeleke mboka ye li moluhodhi? In 1914, for the first time in history, a global war erupted. What can we do to comfort those who are suffering? Mbela sho to dhiladhila okawe hono oka li ke na ongushu yi thike peni kuye? As long as Israel functioned as an independent nation, the high priest held his office for life. How precious would you be to him? 91: 9) Inatu pandula tuu kwaashoka! 8: 6) How grateful we are for that! Omupangeli Omuroma oye a li omupangeli omunankondo pethimbo ndyoka. - Iil. 25: 11. Jehovah urged Cain to "turn to doing good. " The Roman ruler was a powerful ruler at that time. - Acts 25: 11. Omuntu ngoka a guma omudhimba, okwa li ha kala a nika oshidhila omasiku gaheyali, na kehe shimwe ta gumu otashi kala sha nyata. (Num. 19: 11; Hag. We do well to heed the words of the apostle Peter, who urged fellow believers: "Honor men of all sorts, have love for the whole association of brothers. " - 1 Pet. A person who touched the body was touched by seven days, and everyone touched the unclean course. (1 Kor. 8: 8) Olutiyali, okwe ya ladhipike wo yaa ethe " emanguluko lyawo lyokuninga omatokolo ' li fale " aantu mboka ya li aankundi muulunde. ' (1 Kor. There can be no doubt that these things will come to pass right on schedule. Second, he urged them to "put free will free " to" the weak ones who were in sin. " Mbela uuna wi iyadha momamakelo ga tya ngawo, oho vulu ngaa okudhimbulula kutya Jehova okwa hala wu ninge shike? - Aaefeso 5: 17. 73: 28. When you face such trials, can you recognize what Jehovah wants you to do? - Ephesians 5: 17. Okwa pa ndje wo omusamane e li nawa nomulaadhi mokulongela Kalunga. Also, the elders in your congregation are spiritually qualified men who can guide you. He also gave me a good husband and a good husband in serving God. Iita yoTango yUuyuni oya holoka mo 1914, shoka shi li oshikando shotango mondjokonona. Why do Christians have particular regard for the elderly? World War I broke out in 1914, which was the first time in history. Sho oshigwana shaIsraeli sha li shi ithikamena kusho shene, omuyambi omukuluntu okwa li ha kala miilonga sigo okusa kwe. 3: 9. When the nation of Israel rebelled, the high priest remained in his service until his death. 8: 6) (a) How do languages change over time? 8: 7. Jehova okwe mu kumagidha a " longe uuwanawa. ' This part - time job enables him to support himself and his wife financially, and it leaves them enough time to spend in their primary activity - the pioneer ministry, fishing for men. Jehovah exhorted him to " do good. ' Omuyapostoli Petrus okwa li a kumagidha ooitaali ooyakwawo a ti: "Simanekeni aantu ayehe, holeni ooitaali ooyakweni. " (1 Pet. In it we read Jesus ' words about those who remained single, as he did, "on account of the Kingdom of the heavens. " The apostle Peter exhorted fellow believers: "Look! Iinima mbyoka otayi ka gwanithwa shili pethimbo lyo opala. They may think that they are on the cusp of solving major problems. Such things will be fulfilled at the right time. 73: 28. 18 How Can Fathers Stay Close to Their Sons? 73: 28. Natango, aakuluntugongalo yomegongalo lyeni oye li aalumentu ya pyokoka pambepo mboka taya vulu oku ku wilika. Those who served as judges or as witnesses in judicial matters were warned of the danger of " following after the crowd. ' Still, elders in your congregation are spiritually mature men who can guide you. Omolwashike Aakriste ye na okukala ye na ko nasha unene tuu naakokele? Although he thought that Jehovah would not listen to his prayer, he prayed anyway and asked for forgiveness. Why should Christians especially be concerned about the importance of elderly and old? 3: 9. While Bible knowledge can help to control and root out strong emotions, there are two other elements that must be dealt with before prejudice can be completely eliminated. 3: 9. (a) Mokweendela ko kwethimbo, omalaka oga kala taga lunduluka ngiini? They too say, "Come! " (a) In time, how have languages changed? Ohaya kala ye na ethimbo lya gwana okukokolondjila, iilonga mbyoka ya simana noonkondo. Onkee ano, oye li aakalele aakokolindjila, nenge tu tye, aayuli yaantu. You can show your genuine concern for your brothers and sisters by your ongoing interest following the visit. They have enough time to pioneer, so they are able to pioneer, to serve as pioneers, or as pioneers. Otatu lesha oohapu dhaJesus kombinga yaantu mboka ya tokola okwiikalela, kokutya inaaya ya mondjokana, ngaashi ye e shi ningi, "omolwOshilongo shegulu. " Jehovah Has Opened My Eyes (P. Oyeka), 6 / 1 We read of Jesus ' words about singleness, such as singleness, "the sons of the Kingdom. " Otu na okudhimbulukwa kutya kapu na omuntu i ilongela ehupitho, oshoka atuhe inatu gwanenena kutya nduno otwa za moshigwana shini. In the spring of 33 C.E., Jesus the Nazarene was executed. We should remember that no one is worthy of salvation because all of us are imperfect, whether we come from the nation of Israel. Otashi vulika yi ka kale tayi dhiladhila kutya oyi li pokukandula po omaupyakadhi omanene. Soon, he will lead us to everlasting life. They may think that they are close to big problems. 21 Onda li nda hala ndi kale nda fa omwanakadhona gwaJefta [ Footnote] 21 I Wanted to Be Like Jephthah's daughter Okwa li e ya londodha kombinga yoshiponga shokulandula ongundu noshokuninga omatokolo ga puka opo owala yo opalele aantu yalwe. Clearly, by the term "the ones chosen, " Peter referred to those who, like him, had been anointed by holy spirit and given" a new birth to a living hope " to rule with Christ in the heavens. He warned them about the danger of following a crowd and making wrong decisions only to others. Ihe nonando okwa li ta dhiladhila kutya Jehova ita ka pulakena egalikano lye, okwa li a galikana nokupula edhiminopo. Imitating the examples of Ezra and Paul, our organization today follows strict procedures when it comes to handling and spending donated funds. Even though he thought that Jehovah would not listen to his prayer, he prayed for forgiveness. Nonando ontseyo yOmbiimbeli otayi vulu oku tu kwathela tu pangele notu ethe po omadhiladhilo omawinayi, opu na iinima yilwe iyali mbyoka tayi tu imbi tu ethe po okatongo thiluthilu. When on campaign, they carried their own standards bearing icons of the emperor as well as shields, often emblazoned with scorpions, the star sign of Tiberius Caesar. Although knowledge of Bible knowledge can help us to control our thinking and to give up other negative ideas, there are two other factors that allow us to overcome all prejudice. Nayo ohaya ti: "Ila! " How sad to see that these men who had such a promising background and the opportunity to do what was right let it go to waste! They say, "Come! " Oto vulu okuulika kutya owu na ko nasha shili nomumwaho nosho wo nomumwanyoko mokutsikila okukala wu na ohokwe muye konima yetalelopo. After all, from the top of a high mountain or from the window of an airplane, human activity may seem insignificant. You can show that you truly care about your brother and your brother's genuine interest in him after his visit. Natu etheni tu longwe emanguluko lyashili kuJehova, 7 / 15 Whenever I see something in nature that is attractive, my thoughts go to her, and I cannot help wondering how she would have enjoyed seeing what I am seeing. " - Etienne, aged 84. 12 / 1 Pethimbo lyokwenye momumvo 33 E.N., Jesus Omunasareti okwa li a dhipagwa. What did Antiochus IV do? During the year 33 C.E., Jesus was killed by Nazareth. Masiku Jesus ote ke tu wilika noku tu fala momwenyo gwaaluhe. Moreover, that Edenic promise harmonized with the message proclaimed by Enoch, who also foretold God's judgment of the wicked. Soon, Jesus will guide us and lead us to everlasting life. [ Enyolo lyopevi] This spirit influences most humans to adopt a common attitude - simply follow the crowd. [ Footnote] (1 Pet. 1: 1) Osha yela kutya sho Petrus a longitha oshitya "aahogololwa, " okwa li ta popi mboka ye na ondondo ya fa ye, sha hala okutya, aantu mboka ya gwayekwa nombepo ondjapuki noya pewa " omwenyo omupe, ngoka gwe ya pa etegameno lya kola ' lyoku ka pangela pamwe naKristus megulu. By the summer of 1914, millions in large cities had flocked to the "Photo - Drama of Creation, " an eight - hour epic produced by the International Bible Students Association (I.B.S.A.). Clearly, when Peter used the word "little flock, " he was referring to those who were in a position to rule as those who were anointed with Christ, who were anointed in heaven, who were anointed with him who were anointed in heaven. Ehangano kunena ohali longitha omayambidhidho ngoka gopashimaliwa nuukeka, ngaashi Ezra naPaulus ya li ya ningi. In doing that, God had to face the pain of seeing his dear Son suffer and die. The organization today uses the money that is skillfully used by Paul and Silas. Ngele taya yi kolugodhi, ohaya kala ya humbata omapandela ga thanekwa omukeesali nomahuyanza gawo, ngoka haku kala olundji kwa thanekwa oondje. Ondje oya li endhindhiliko lyopahunganeko lyomukeesali Tiberius. The six months I spent at Gilead were unforgettable. When they walk on the battle, they are carrying the armor of a breastplate of iron, which often seems to be a Roman citizen of the Roman Empire. Aalumentu mbaka oya li ye na ompito ombwanawa yokutseya Jehova nokulonga shoka shu uka. Ihe ompito ndjika oye yi hunutha. We need to befriend such individuals and help them to see that they are a valuable part of the congregation. These men had a wonderful opportunity to know Jehovah and do what is right, but this opportunity turned away. (Job 22: 29) Ngele owa thikama kondungu yondundu ondeendeka nenge wa talele mekende lyondhila yi li mombanda, iilonga yaantu otashi vulika yi monike ya fa iishona. We have opportunities to show our brothers that we love them. If you are standing on a Mount Sinai or visiting a window, the work may seem small. Aluhe shampa nda mono oshinima shontumba meshito oshiwanawa, ohandi mu dhiladhila noihe kala te vulu uuna ndi ipula kutya ando opo a li ando ota nyanyukilwa shoka ndi wete. " - Tatekulu Etienne, gwomimvo 84. Does your child obey you? When I saw something beautiful in the universe, I would never think of him when I thought that he would be happy to see what he could have felt as a teenager. " - 84 - 84, 84, 84, U.S.A. Antiochus IV (omuti - 4) okwa li a ningi shike? Obey God and Benefit From His Sworn Promises What did Antioch of Antioch do? Shimwe ishewe, euvaneko ndyoka lya li lya ningwa muEden, olya li metsokumwe netumwalaka ndyoka lya li tali uvithwa kuEnok, ngoka wo a li a hunganeke epangulo lyaKalunga kombinga yaakolokoshi. (Jud. The account gives us this reassuring answer: "Jehovah continued with Joseph and kept showing loyal love to him. " Moreover, that promise in Eden was preserved in harmony with the message foretold by Enoch, who foretold God's judgment against wicked people. (Ef. 2: 2) Ombepo ndjika oya nwetha mo aantu oyendji ya taambe ko iikala mbyoka yi igalala, taya landula shoka tashi ningwa koyendji. But what about you? This spirit influenced many to accept attitudes that were not following many people. Pothinge yomo 1914, aantu omamiliyona miilando iinene oya mbombolokele ya ka tale oshinyandwa "Photo - Drama of Creation, " shoka sha li hashi dhana oowili hetatu, shoka sha nyanyangidhilwe kehangano International Bible Students Association (I.B.S.A.). He will become whatever he needs to become to make his promises come true In the summer of 1914, millions from cities went to the "Photo - Drama " - Drama of Creation, which played eight hours in International Bible Students. Mokuninga ngawo, Kalunga okwa li e na okumona uuwehame wOmwana omuholike sho ta hepekwa naasho ta si. The sign is misleading. By doing so, God had to see the pain of his beloved Son suffer and die. Onda li nda pandula meme noonkondo ngoka a pa ndje ondjatha yuutalala. After his Thousand Year Reign, Jesus will hand over his Kingdom to Jehovah so that "God may be all things to everyone. " - 1 Cor. I was very grateful to my mother who gave me a warm water. Otu na okupanga uukuume nayo, noku ya kwathela ya mone kutya oye na oshilonga megongalo. (1 Kor. Abraham and other loyal ones could clearly imagine the things Jehovah promised, even though these promises did not come true while they were alive. We must make friends with them, helping them to realize that they are valuable in the congregation. Ohatu mono ompito yokuulukila aamwatate ohole yetu. Those offering acceptable sacrifices to Jehovah receive his approval. We find opportunities to show our love for our brothers. Mbela omumwoye oha vulika ngaa kungoye? * - Ecclesiastes 9: 5, 10. Does your child obey you? Vulika kuKalunga wu ka mone uuwanawa momauvaneko ge Why can this world's media be dangerous? Obey God's promises Ehokololo ndyoka otali tu pe eyamukulo tali shilipaleke: "Omuwa okwa li naJosef e te mu yambeke. " 13: 11 - 24. The account gives us the answer: "Jehovah continued to bless Joseph and Joseph. " Ihe mbela ngoye owa ninga etokolo lini? It was quite another thing, though, for Martha to ask Jesus to coerce Mary to miss out as well. But what choice do you make? Oha ningi kehe shimwe shoka sha pumbiwa, opo omauvaneko ge ga gwanithwe po After about eight months in the Bindery, I was assigned to the Service Department to work under the direction of Brother Thomas J. He does everything needed to accomplish the fulfillment of his promises Aantu oyendji ohaye li landula e taya kana. That is not likely. Many people follow and lost it. Konima yElelo lyaKristus lyOomvula Eyuvi, Jesus ota ka shunitha Uukwaniilwa kuJehova, opo Jehova " a ninge oye awike omupangeli gwaayihe. ' - 1 Kor. How Elders Train Others to Become Qualified After Christ's Thousand Year Reign, Jesus will hand the Kingdom to Jehovah "to all things to everyone. " - 1 Cor. Ye nosho wo yalwe mboka aadhiginini oya li ye wete omauvaneko gaJehova ga fa ga gwanithwa po, nonando inashi ningwa pethimbo lyawo. 1, 2. (a) Why did 24,000 Israelites lose out on wonderful blessings? And even those faithful ones felt that Jehovah's promises had not been fulfilled in their time. Mboka haya gandja omayambo ngoka ga taambiwa ko kuJehova okwa li ha kala e ya hokwa. Joshua, Moses ' assistant, wanted to restrain them. Those sacrifices were acceptable to Jehovah. * - Omuuvithi 9: 5, 10. " It is as difficult to repair the damage done by your words as it is to recover the feathers. " The lesson is clear. * - Ecclesiastes 9: 5, 10. Omolwashike iikundaneki yomuuyuni mbuka ya nika oshiponga? It's a struggle between mind and body; our minds tell us that we need to spend time learning about God together, but our bodies crave some rest. " Why is this world's media dangerous? 13: 11 - 24. " When the doctors told me that our son, Santiago, had cerebral palsy, I couldn't believe it, " says Juliana, a mother in Mexico. 13: 11 - 24. Ihe nonando Marta okwa li e na uuthemba wokuhogolola kutya oshike a hala okupititha komeho, ka li nando e na uuthemba wokulombwela Jesus a kondjithe Maria naye a pitililwe po. PAGE 28 Even though Martha had the right to choose what he wanted to put first, he did not have the right authority to resist Mary. Konima sho nda kala mOshinyanyangidho oomwedhi 8, onda tulwa kOshikondo shIilonga, kohi yewiliko lyaThomas J. 4: 1 - 3. After I served for 8 months in the Service Department, I was assigned under the guidance of J. 11: 40 (OB - 1954), 44, 45; Eh. Lee's experience shows how an honest self - examination helped him to abandon bad association. By means of his sacrifice, the Rev. Nkene aakuluntugongalo ye na okudheula yalwe megongalo 3: 13, 14. How elders should train others in the congregation 1, 2. (a) Omolwashike Aaisraeli 24 000 inaaya ka mona we eyambeko ndyoka ya li yu uvanekelwa? Confronting Goliath, young David declared: "You are coming to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I am coming to you with the name of Jehovah of armies, the God of the battle lines of Israel, whom you have taunted. " 1, 2. (a) Why did the first Israelites not receive a blessing promised? Josua ngoka a li omuyakuli gwaMoses okwa li a hala oku yi indika. • In what way did Jacob seek peace when he was about to meet Esau? Joshua, who was the steward of Moses, wanted to punish him. Koonkondo dheitaalo okwa kala a fa omukwiilongo moshilongo shoka Kalunga e shi mu uvanekela. 3: 1 - 5. The Canaanite faith was like a foreigner living in a land that God promised him. Oshiilongomwa osho shika kutya itatu vulu we okuninga po sha ngele otwa lundile yamwe nenge twa taandelitha oluhoko. Once that is done, help your listener to see how the text applies to him personally. The lesson is that we cannot do anything if we accused or spread hurtful things. Omuntu oho kala shili wa nyengwa kutya ninga po shike, ohatu kala twa hala okwiilonga kombinga yaKalunga, ihe olutu olwa hala owala okuthuwa po. " We were in a large cell that had beds along the walls. It is true that you have to decide what to do, but we want to learn about God, but the body wants only to rest. " Juliana, omukulukadhi gwokuMeksiko, ota ti: "Sho ndohotola a lombwele ndje kutya okanona ketu, Santiago, oke ehamekwa kuuluyi (cerebral palsy), kanda li nda hala oku shi itaala. And Jesus taught us to call Jehovah "our Father in the heavens. " Juliana, a wife in Mexico, says: "When the doctor told me that our child, my child was diagnosed with a brain tumor. EPANDJA 28 Also on jw.org, the study guides "What Does the Bible Really Teach? " PAGE 28 4: 1 - 3. Later, when Jesus was on earth, he exercised his free will to reject the temptations of the great Adversary. 4: 1 - 3. Oshimoniwa shaLee otashi ulike nkene okukonakona omutima gwe kwa li kwe mu kwathele e ethe po eendathano ewinayi. They apparently acquired their riches through their monopoly on the sale of essentials for sacrifices in the temple precincts, such as doves, sheep, oil, and wine. Nadia's experience highlights how her heart helped her to stop bad associations. 3: 13, 14. Jehovah also tells us what kind of Person he is. 3: 13, 14. Omugundjuka David sho a li ta ka kondja naGoliat okwa ti: "Oto ya, u kondjithe ndje u na egongamwele, omwele negonga, ihe ngame otandi ku kondjitha medhina lyOMUWA Omunankondoawike, Kalunga komatangakwiita gaIsraeli, ngoka we mu nyana. " (1 Sam. Everyone knows you were here all the time for your mother - in - law. Young David was going to fight against Goliath, saying: "You will stand up against me a sword, but I will stand up against you in the name of Jehovah the God of Israel. " • Jakob okwa li a ningi shike sho e li pokutsakanena naEsau opo a pange ombili naye? You would likely leave that place and look for another restaurant. • What did Jacob do when dealing with Esau to make peace with him? 3: 1 - 5. A simple meal of one or two dishes would be sufficient, especially when a spiritual feast was available. 3: 1 - 5. Konima yaashoka, kwathela omupulakeni a mone kutya enyolo olye mu guma ngiini paumwene. We had to read the whole Bible in English. Then, help the listener to see how the text affects him personally. Otwa li hatu lala mondunda onene mu na oombete odhindji. On the one hand, we are not too strict and formal, and on the other hand, we are not too relaxed and casual. We slept in a nearby room with many towns. (Lukas 3: 38) Jesus okwe tu longo wo tu ithane Jehova ta tu ti: "Tate yetu, ngu u li megulu. " Why are you determined to be present at this year's Memorial? Jesus also taught us: "Our Father in the heavens. " Natango, kepandja ndyoka, oku na iitopolwa yokambo "What Does the Bible Really Teach? " VOLUME 2 Also, the brochure "What Does the Bible Really Teach? " Konima yethimbo sho Jesus a li kombanda yevi okwa li a longitha emanguluko lye lyokuninga omatokolo a tinde okumakelwa komutondi omunene. (Mat. 2: 9. Later, when Jesus was on earth, he used his free will to be tempted to resist the greatest enemy. Osha fa shi li ngeyi kutya uuyamba wawo oye wu likola molwaashoka oyo owala ya li haya landitha poteempeli iinima mbyoka hayi longithwa momafikilondjambo ngaashi oonguti, oonzi, omagadhi nomaviinu. Imagine her surprise when she was directed to a ten - year - old girl! It seems that their wealth is more likely to selling trees, such as water, oil, and wine. Okwe tu lombwela wo kutya ye Omuntu a tya ngiini. One who heard Jesus give the now well - known Sermon on the Mount later wrote: "When Jesus finished these sayings, the effect was that the crowds were astounded at his way of teaching. " - Matthew 7: 28. He also tells us what kind of person he is. Kehe gumwe oku shi shi kutya opo wa kala mpaka aluhe nameemweno gwoye. [ Picture on page 26] Everyone knows that you have always been living by your father - in - law. Pashiholelwa, ngele owa yi kehala hali landitha iikulya ya pya, ihe pokapulakata pondje opwa nyolwa kutya iikulya mbyoka otayi ke ku ehama ngele owe yi li. So God has allowed Satan to rule this world for a time. For example, if you were to sell food, but it is written that food would be written if you were sick. Marta okwa li owala e na okulongekidha iikulya iishona yo oyanathangwa, unene tuu sho pompito mpoka pwa li tapu gandjwa iikulya yopambepo. Undoubtedly his mother, Mary, and his adoptive father, Joseph, played an important role. Martha had just a little meal, especially when she was given spiritual food. Otwa li tu na okulesha Ombiimbeli ayihe mOshiingilisa. Jehovah has given us free will. We had to read the Bible into English. Katu na okukala tatu dhengele unene nokutula po ooveta dhankene tu na okuzala, tse ishewe katu na okukala twa zala twa fa tu li megumbo. After his death, his apostles took the lead in the expansion of this preaching work. Of course, we should not allow ourselves to be overly concerned about how we dress, and we should not wear as if we were in the house. Omolwashike wa tokola toko okukala pEdhimbuluko omumvo nguno? What will life be like when distressing conditions are gone? Why are you determined to be present at this Memorial? EMBO 2 We urge you to pray to God to help you respond to his efforts to draw you to him. DURING 2 / 1 2: 9. For more information about the persecution in Malawi, see the 1999 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, pages 171 - 223. 2: 9. Okwa li a kumwa noonkondo sho a lombwelwa a popye nokakadhona koomvula 10. For example, did you make sacrifices in the past in order to engage in the pioneer ministry or in some other form of expanded service? He was surprised when he was told to talk to a girl about 10. Gumwe ngoka a li u uvu euvitho lye lyokondundu ndyoka lya tseyika nawa, konima okwa nyola a ti: "Jesus sho a mana okupopya oohapu ndhoka, aantu oya kuminwa elongo lye. " - Mateus 7: 28. Hence, Jesus ' cleansing work involved a period of time. One of the famous Sermon on the Mount later, who later wrote: "Jesus, after all his words, all the disciples were amazed by his teaching. " - Matthew 7: 28. [ Ethano pepandja 26] 10: 12. [ Picture on page 26] Onkee ano Kalunga okwe etha Satana a pangele uuyuni mbuka ethimbo lyontumba. (See opening picture.) So God allowed Satan to rule the present system of things. Nopwaahe na omalimbililo, yina Maria nahe ngoka e mu tekula, Josef, oya li ya dhana onkandangala ya simana. David also prayed to Jehovah, confessing his sins and expressing a sincere desire to be restored to Jehovah's favor. Without question, Mary's mother, Joseph, and their father, Joseph, played an important role. Jehova okwe tu pa emanguluko lyokuninga omatokolo. In second place is its companion magazine Awake! Jehovah has given us free will. 5: 42; 6: 7) Aakriste yamwe, ngaashi Filippus, oya li aayevaangeli naatumwa muPalestina. When the seabed dropped away into a blue abyss, Joe's wife said, "I think we're going out too far. " Some Christians, such as Philip, had a good share in the Kingdom - preaching work. Onkalamwenyo otayi ka kala ya tya ngiini uuna oonkalo dhinikitha oluhodhi dha hulu po? By going "in excess " of a simple Yes or No to state their intentions, such people may reveal that they are really untrustworthy and thus under the influence of" the wicked one. " - Read Matthew 5: 33 - 37. What will life be like when such conditions fail? Otatu ku ladhipike wu galikane kuKalunga e ku kwathele wu inyenge omolwoonkambadhala ndhoka ta ningi e ku ete kuye. Before determining a course of action, a family head ought to take the time to research the Scriptures and Christian publications, as well as to consider the opinions or views of others in his family. We urge you to pray for God's help to help you respond to the efforts he has made to you. Ngele owa hala uuyelele wa gwedhwa po kombinga yomahepeko ngoka ga li haga ningilwa aamwatate moMalawi, tala embo 1999 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, epandja 171 - 223. Young Ones - Be Guided by God's Word For more information about the persecution they faced in Malawi, see the Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, pages 17 - 22. Mbela owa ningile ngaa nale omaiyambo monakuziwa, opo wu vule okukutha uukokolindjila nenge wu tamunune mo uukalele woye momikalo dhi ili nodhi ili? Would he give his own daughter to Jehovah to serve at the tabernacle for the rest of her life? Have you already made sacrifices in the past so that you can pioneer or expand your ministry in various ways? 2: 14 - 17) Onkee ano, iilonga yaJesus yokwoopaleka oya li tayi ka kutha ethimbo ele. Most important, you will gain Jehovah's approval and find abundant and everlasting peace in God's new world. - 2 Pet. So Jesus ' work would take a long time. 10: 12. Satan's attempts to divide them permanently had been thwarted. 10: 12. Kalunga okwa tegelela ya ninge shike? PARTIES: Jesus and spiritual Israel What does God require of them? (Tala kethano lyopetameko.) When did the new covenant go into effect? (See opening picture.) 12: 13) David okwa li wo a galikana kuJehova, ta hempulula oondjo dhe note mu tseyithile kutya okwa hala lela a dhiminwe po. (Eps. 15, 16. David also prayed to Jehovah, confessing his sins, and convinced him that he really wanted to forgive him. Omwedhi kehe ohapu taandelithwa oo - Awake! Unlike all the idols representing the lifeless gods of Egypt, Jehovah, the true God, was real to Moses. Each month, Awake! Sho ya li ya mbwindi sigo oompoka pwa fa puule kashona, omukulukadhi gwaJoe okwa ti: "Ondi wete kutya otwa fa tu uka kokule unene. " One of the most obvious ways in which we as Christians do good things for others is through "the public declaration of our hope. " On the other hand, when they crossed the kitchen, the wife said, "I think that we are far off from each other. " Aantu mboka oya li yu ulike kutya kaye shi aainekelwa nosho wo kutya oya nwethwa mo " kuMwiinayi, ' sho haya "gwedha ko " oohapu dhilwe ngele ya ti eeno nenge aawe, opo aniwa yu ulike omalalakano gawo. - Lesha Mateus 5: 33 - 37. Table of Contents Those people showed that they were not courageous and that they were influenced by "the wicked one, "" the wicked one, " adding to other words, " whether their goals or not. - Read Matthew 5: 33 - 37. (1 Tes. 5: 21) Omutse gwegumbo manga inaagu ninga omatokolo, ohagu kutha ethimbo gu konge uuyelele wopamanyolo miileshomwa yopaKriste nohagu pulakene komayele gayalwe muukwanegumbo. That is why John the Baptizer could say of Jesus: "See, the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world! " As family heads make decisions, they take time to look for Scriptural information in Christian publications and listen to Scriptural counsel from others in the family. Aagundjuka, kaleni hamu wilikwa koohapu dhaKalunga Before engaging in a form of entertainment, the first question to ask yourself is, What? - that is, " What is the nature of the leisure activity to which I feel attracted? ' Young Ones - Guided by God's Word Ota ka hala ngaa okugandja omwanakadhona a ka longele Jehova ketsalihangano onkalamwenyo ye ayihe? How appropriate, then, that Jesus set an example of showing sympathy for the bereaved by sincerely shedding tears even though he was about to raise Lazarus. Will he want his daughter to serve at the tabernacle for the rest of his life? Shoka sha simanenena, Jehova ota ka kala wo e ku hokwa noto ka mona ombili ya gwana notayi kalelele, muuyuni we uupe. - 2 Pet. Mature baptized brothers serve others in the congregation as ministerial servants and elders. Most important, Jehovah will be pleased with you and will experience lasting peace and lasting peace in his new world. - 2 Pet. Oonkambadhala dhaSatana dhoku shi topola sigo aluhe odha ponyo. You may feel as did the apostle Paul, who wrote: "We trust we have an honest conscience, as we wish to conduct ourselves honestly in all things. " Satan's attempt to destroy it forever. OLI LI POKATI: KaJesus naIsraeli shopambepo As a child, he no doubt played and had fun. PARTIES: Jesus and spiritual Israel Uunake ehangano epe lya li lya tulwa miilonga? Do you not see this as a secret to his always being spiritually alive and active as well as his being a source of encouragement to many? When was the new covenant applied? 15, 16. By doing so, we can please Jehovah and reap his rich blessings. - Read Malachi 3: 10. 15, 16. Moses okwa li a tala ko Jehova e li Kalunga kashili inaa fa iihongwathano ayihe mbyoka ya li iikalunga yaEgipiti kaayi na omwenyo. They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world. " Moses viewed Jehovah as the true God as not as the gods of Egypt. Omukalo gumwe moka Aakriste tatu vulu okuningila yalwe uuwanawa ogwo "okuhempulula montaneho etegameno lyetu. " Was Jesus excusing serious wrongdoing? One way that Christians can do good for others is to " make public declaration to our hope. " Oshikalimo " You Know Neither the Day Nor the Hour, " 9 / 15 Table of Contents Osho molwaashoka Johannes Omuninginithi a li ta vulu okupopya kombinga yaJesus ta ti: "Tala, Onzigona yaKalunga, tayi kutha po oondjo dhuuyuni! " (Joh. 8 Thus, John the Baptizer could speak about Jesus, saying: "Look! Manga inoo kutha ombinga momainyanyudho gontumba ipula tango to ti: " Oshike sha kwatelwa momainyanyudho ngoka nda hala okukutha ombinga mugo? ' Isaiah, who lived in the eighth century B.C.E., likened Jehovah's judgment on the apostate ten - tribe kingdom of Israel to a "thunderous storm " that people would not be able to prevent. Before engaging in recreation, ask yourself, " What is involved in recreation that I want to share in? ' Kashi li tuu mondjila sho Jesus a tula po oshiholelwa shokuuvila olukeno mboka ya nika oluhodhi sho a lili shili nokuli nonando okwa li ta ka yumudha Lasarus. There, we all listen to the same information. How appropriate it is, then, that Jesus set a pattern in showing compassion for those who grief when he died, even though Lazarus would resurrect Lazarus. Yo mboka ya pyokoka otaya longo momagongalo ye li aayakuligongalo nenge aakuluntugongalo. How can we show that we are "putting up with one another in love "? Those who are experienced in the congregations serve as ministerial servants or elders. (1 Johannes 5: 3) Otashi vulika wu ka kale wu uvite ngaashi omuyapostoli Paulus ngoka a nyola a ti: "Otse otu na eiyuvo lya yela, oshoka otwa hala aluhe okulonga shoka shi li mondjila. " The faithful slave must be made up of anointed Christians on earth. You may feel as did the apostle Paul, who wrote: "We have a clean conscience, because we always want to do what is right. " Sho a li okanona, naye okwa li ha nyanyukilwa uudhano ngaashi owala aanona ooyakwawo. How will he feel? ' When she was a child, she enjoyed spending time with her children. Mbela ku wete kutya shoka osho sha li she mu ningitha a kale aluhe a tonata pambepo nokwi ipyakidhila nosho wo okukala ta vulu okuladhipika yalwe? Then we can talk about what it means. Do you see that this made him stay awake spiritually and that he can encourage others? Ngele otatu tula miilonga oohapu ndhoka, nena otatu ka nyanyudha Jehova note ke tu laleka nuuyamba. - Lesha Maleaki 3: 10. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever. " If we apply those words, we will be pleasing to Jehovah and will bless us. - Read Malachi 3: 10. Ngashika ngame ndaa shi gwomuuyuni, osho wo nayo kaye shi yomuuyuni. " Further, they had to weigh carefully a manslayer's motive, attitude, and previous conduct when deciding whether to show mercy. I have also known the world's name, and I am not part of the world. " 9: 9 - 13) Mbela Jesus okwa li ta popile aalunde? It is the same with the Bible. Was Jesus referring to sinful sinners? " Tu kwathela wu tu thaneke " (Mexico), 3 / 15 Before Moses returned to Egypt, God taught him a vital principle, the same principle that Moses later recorded in the book of Job: "The fear of Jehovah - that is wisdom. " " You Must Love Jehovah Your God, " 6 / 15 8 (b) How is the cleaning of your Kingdom Hall organized, and what honor does each of us have? 8 Jesaja ngoka a li ko methelemimvo etihetatu K.E.N., okwa faathanitha epangulo lyaJehova okupangula omazimo omulongo guukwaniilwa waIsraeli omashinumonima " noshikungulu ' shoka aantu ya li itaaya vulu okukeelela. STUDY ARTICLES 3, 4 PAGES 16 - 24 Isaiah, who lived in the eighth century B.C.E., likened Jehovah's judgment to the ten - tribe kingdom of Israel to prevent mankind from breaking them. Piigongi mpoka ohatu pulakene kuuyelele wa faathana. 1, 2. At the convention, we listen to the information in the same light. Ongiini tatu vulu okuulika kutya otatu " idhidhimikilathana mohole '? Helped to Resist Peer Pressure How can we show that we are "putting up with one another '? Omupiya omudhiginini oku na okukala a thikama po mAakriste aagwayekwa kombanda yevi. The Bible says: "The righteous one may fall seven times, and he will get up again. " The faithful slave must be made up of anointed Christians on earth. Otashi ke mu uvitha ngiini? ' When Jesus arrived at Bethany near Jerusalem, his friend Lazarus had been dead for four days. How would you preach? ' Opo nduno tatu kundathana kombinga yaashoka tayi ti. Moreover, doing that for others helps us to keep our spiritual focus and to feel the reality of what God has in store for us. Then we will discuss what it says. Ihe owo otawu ka nyanyagula notawu ka teyagula omaukwaniilwa agehe noku ga hulitha po, ihe wo wene otawu ka kala sigo aluhe. ' Our assignment was an isolated copper - mining town where there were no Witnesses. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite. " Opo nduno taya konakona nawa omainyengotompelo niikala yanakudhipaga nosho wo nkene a li i ihumbata sho taya tokola kutya ota silwa ohenda nenge hasho. Soon after, our first daughter, Kimberly, was born, and 17 months later, we had Stephany. Then they carefully examine the motives and attitudes of the wicked and how he decided that he was willing to show mercy or not. Osha faathana nOmbiimbeli. God knows our feelings as well. The Bible is similar. Manga Moses inaa shuna kuEgipiti, Kalunga okwe mu longo ekotampango lya simana ndyoka konima Moses a ka nyola membo lyaJob, a ti: "Okutila Kalunga okwo uunongo. " A tragedy unfolded there a few weeks before Jesus ' death. Before Moses returned to Egypt, God taught him an important principle after Moses wrote: "The fear of God is God. " (b) Omalongekidho geni haga ningwa po, opo Oshinyanga sheni shUukwaniilwa shi opalekwe, nakehe gumwe gwomutse oku na uuthembahenda wokuninga shike? Think of what God told Abraham to do with Isaac, the long - awaited heir. (b) What arrangements are made to prepare for the Kingdom Hall, and what privilege do each of us have for doing so? IITOPOLWA YOKUKONAKONWA 3, 4 EPANDJA 16 - 24 Think about some of the things he has given us because of his love for us. STUDY ARTICLES 3, 4 PAGES 16 - 24 1, 2. Aside from his comments about marriage, Vicent also says: "By reading the Bible, I feel much closer to Jehovah now than ever before. " 1, 2. Oya li ya kwathelwa ya kondjithe omathiminiko goomakula Delphine turned to the Bible in her hour of need. They helped to resist peer pressure Ombiimbeli otayi ti: "Oshoka omuyuuki nando ota gwile po luheyali, ota yambuka po, ihe omukeenakalunga ota ka tengukila momupya. " 14, 15. (a) How is it possible for imperfect humans to live up to their dedication? The Bible says: "The righteous one will rise up seven times, and the wicked one will rise up, and the wicked one will rise up. " Sho Jesus a li a thiki muBetania shoka sha li popepi naJerusalem, okwa adha pwa pita omasiku gane okuza sho kuume ke Lasarus a si. 9, 10. When Jesus arrived near Jerusalem, he found four days after his friend Lazarus died. Otatu ya kwathele wo ya kale ye na etaloko ewanawa netegameno lyonakuyiwa. Sleep is an unconscious state and suitably conveys the idea of rest from pain and suffering. We also help them to maintain a positive view of the future. Otwa li hatu ka longa koshitopolwa shi ilile, ku na omina yongopolo hoka kwa li kaaku na Oonzapo. 139: 7 - 12. We were assigned to serve in a remote area where there was no Witnesses there. Ethimbo efupi konima yaashono, omwanakadhona gwetu gwosheeli, Kimberly, okwa valwa. Konima yoomwedhi 17, otwa mono po ishewe Stephany. What is your resolve as a contender? Shortly after that, our oldest daughter, Kim, Kim, was born 17 months later, and we found ourselves again. Kalunga oku shi wo nawa omaiyuvo getu. What is spiritual sleep? God also knows our feelings. (Johannes 11: 18) Okwa li kwa ningwa oshinima shimwe shinikitha oluhodhi iiwike yontumba manga Jesus inaa sa. Do not let anyone discourage you from looking for answers to important questions, such as the following: Why are we here? That event occurred a few weeks before Jesus died. Dhiladhila kwaashoka Kalunga a li a lombwele Abraham shi na ko nasha naIsak, omwanamati ngoka a kala a tegelela ethimbo ele. The Bible does not tell us just what caused Hezekiah's heart to become haughty. Think of what God told Abraham about Isaac, who had been waiting for a long time. Dhiladhila owala kiinima yimwe mbyoka e tu pa, omolwohole ye. When he was on earth as a man, Jesus spoke on many occasions about that Kingdom. Think of some of his love for us. Kakele kwaashoka tate Vicent a ti kombinga yondjokana, okwa ti ishewe: "Sho nda kala tandi lesha Ombiimbeli, ngashingeyi ondu uvite nda hedha popepyeelela naJehova shi vulithe nale. " 12, 13. (a) Why do differences between Christians occur? In addition to what my father says about marriage, "When I read the Bible, I feel closer to Jehovah. " Delphine okwa kwathelwa kOmbiimbeli sho a li muudhigu. Sheeplike people of all ages, especially those who were downtrodden and oppressed, found great comfort in Jesus ' delightful personality and uplifting message. Delphine helped the Bible when she was in distress. 14, 15. (a) Ongiini tashi vulika aantu inaaya gwanenena ya kale metsokumwe neiyapulo lyawo? FROM OUR COVER 14, 15. (a) How might imperfect humans live up to their dedication? 9, 10. Ephesus 9, 10. (Omuuvithi 9: 5; tala oshimpungu shoshitopolwa shika, "Eso olya fa oomposi dhoshitula. ") Because God's Word forbids sexual immorality. This article provides "a deep sleep. " 139: 7 - 12. (b) How can refugees show gratitude? 139: 7 - 12. Owa tokola okuninga shike wu li omukondji? I even worried that she would decide I wasn't good enough and then leave me for someone else. " What are you determined to do? Oomposi dhopambepo oshike? What can we learn from the way Jehovah, Jesus, and Paul encouraged others? What is spiritual treasures? (Aaroma 1: 20; Aahebeli 3: 4) Ino etha gumwe e ku teye omukumo kuu konge omayamukulo gomapulo ga simana, ngaashi ngaka taga landula: Elalakano lyonkalamwenyo olya shike? Instead of allowing the earth to be totally despoiled by humans, God will "bring to ruin those ruining the earth. " - Revelation 11: 18. Do not allow someone to discourage you from seeking answers to important questions, such as these: What is the goal of life? Ombiimbeli inayi tu lombwela shoka sha ningitha Hiskia a kale e na uuntsa. For recreation to benefit us and be pleasing in Jehovah's eyes, it needs to meet specific standards set out in God's Word. The Bible does not tell us what caused Hezekiah to become proud. Sho Jesus a li kombanda yevi e li omuntu, okwa li a popi kombinga yUukwaniilwa mboka lwiikando oyindji. But in this article, we will use the names that Jehovah later gave them. When Jesus was on earth, he spoke about the Kingdom more than three times. 12, 13. (a) Omolwashike pokati kAakriste hapu holoka okwaauvathana? That means that you have told the Sovereign of the universe that you will continue to serve him even if your friends or parents stop doing so. 12, 13. (a) Why do Christians face disagreements? (Mat. 11: 28 - 30) Aantu ayehe yoomvula adhihe mboka ya fa oonzi, unene tuu mboka ya monithwa iihuna, oya mona ehekeleko muukwatya waJesus uuwanawa nosho wo metumwalaka lye tali nyanyudha. However, Jehovah gave this direction to Noah: "You must go into the ark, you and your sons and your wife and your sons ' wives with you. " All of us who are imperfect, especially those who have suffered spiritually, have benefited from Jesus ' endearing qualities and his message. IITOPOLWA YI IKOLELELA KOSHIPALANYOLO SHOKOMBANDA In this wicked world, much entertainment is characterized by activities that flagrantly violate Bible principles or break God's laws. FROM OUR COVER Efeso Therefore, it is logical to conclude that Jehovah would organize his servants on earth. War in Ephesus Oshoka Oohapu dhaKalunga itadhi popile nando oluhondelo. Scientists cannot fully understand just how our brain is able to do these amazing things. For God's Word does not forbid sexual immorality. (b) Ongiini oontauki tadhi vulu okuulika olupandu? Therefore beg the Master of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest. " (b) How can refugees show gratitude? Onda li nokuli handi ipula kutya otashi vulika a tokole kutya inandi mu eleka e ta ka konga po gulwe. " ▪ A survey of 10,000 people on four continents showed that of the respondents who describe themselves as atheists, almost 30 percent pray. I even wondered whether I might have chosen to look for another person. " Oshike tatu vulu okwiilonga momukalo ngoka Jehova, Jesus naPaulus ya li ya tsu yalwe omukumo? God has given us the privilege of being "earthen vessels " containing the treasure of the ministry. What can we learn from the way Jehovah, Jesus, and Paul encouraged others? (Jesaja 45: 18) Pehala lyokweetha evi li yonagulwe po thiluthilu kaantu, Kalunga ota ka " hanagula po mboka taya yonagula evi! ' - Ehololo 11: 18. We find the answer in the apostle Paul's words to fellow Christians in Colossae. Rather than allow the earth to be destroyed, God will "bring to ruin those ruining the earth. " - Revelation 11: 18. Opo tu mone uuwanawa momainyanyudho noga kale ga hokiwa kuJehova, oga pumbwa okukala metsokumwe nomithikampango ndhoka dhi li mOmbiimbeli. There are at least two important reasons why that is not so for Christians. To benefit from recreation and entertainment, they need to live in harmony with God's standards found in the Bible. Moshitopolwa shika otatu ka longitha omadhina Abraham naSara ngoka Jehova e ya pe lwanima. Indeed, Jehovah's purpose to resurrect his faithful servants who have died is so sure of fulfillment that he thinks of them as living. In this article, we will use the names Abraham and Sarah that Jehovah has given them later. Shoka osha hala okutya owa lombwela Omupangeli gweshito alihe kutya oto ka tsikila oku mu longela, nonando ookuume koye nenge aavali yoye oye etha po oku mu longela. The next article will explain how the good news is being preached worldwide today. That means that you will continue serving him even if your friends or parents allow you to serve him. Ihe Jehova okwa li a gandja elombwelo tali landula kuNoowa: "Inda monguluwato nomukiintu gwoye, aamwoyemati naakadhi. " Then, Jesus told the parable of the sheep and the goats, which focuses on those who would have the hope of living on earth. But Jehovah gave Noah the command: "Go into the ark, and your sons and your sons and your sons and your sons and your sons. " Muuyuni mbuka wa yonana, omainyanyudho ogendji ohaga ningwa momikalo omiwinayi noonkondo ndhoka dhi li ompinge nomakotampango gOmbiimbeli nenge dhi li ompinge noompango dhaKalunga. (1 Joh. 97: 10. In this wicked world, many of the entertainment that conflicts with Bible principles or reject God's laws. (Jes. 40: 26) Nena otatu vulu okuthika pehulithodhiladhilo kutya Jehova ohu unganeke wo nawa aapiya ye kombanda yevi. Those who receive this invitation from God do not need anyone else to tell them that they have been anointed. Then we can conclude that Jehovah also organized his servants on earth wide. Aanongononi itaya vulu nokuli okuuva ko kutya uuluyi wetu ohawu ende ngiini, opo wu longe iinima ayihe mbika iiwanawa. One pioneer sister named Shari observed: "Pioneers look strong, being out in service every day. Scientists cannot even understand how our brain works so that you can do all these good things. Galikaneni ano mwene gwiilya, a tume aalongi keteyo lye. " (Luk. 10: 2; Mal. How can we prevent family difficulties from depriving us of the prize? Therefore, beg the Master of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest. " ▪ Maantu 10 000 yomomanenevi gane mboka ya li ya pulwapulwa, oopelesenda 30 lwaampono dhaamboka ya ti kutya inayi itaala muKalunga oya ti ohaya galikana. 7, 8. ▪ Middle Ages, about 30 percent of those who said that they do not believe in God. Kalunga okwe tu pa uuthembahenda wokukala "iiyuma yeloya " yokuhumbata eliko lya simana. Eliko ndyoka olyo uukalele wetu. (2 Kor. Some have great chunks missing. God has given us the privilege of being "a treasure of salvation " to our ministry. Eyamukulo otatu li adha moohapu dhomuyapostoli Paulus ndhoka a li a nyolele Aakriste ooyakwawo yokuKolossa a ti: "Onkee ano tse ohatu mu galikanene aluhe okuza kesiku ndyoka tu uvu sha kombinga yeni. How can we help them? We find the answer in the apostle Paul's words to fellow Christians: "We always pray for him that day. Konyala opu na omatompelo gaali ga simana kutya omolwashike Aakriste ihaaya landula omikalo nomithikampango ndhoka ya putudhwa nadho naandhoka dhi li moshitopolwa shawo. If they told her that she would be punished for disobeying, then that is what they would do. There are two reasons why Christians do not follow these values and standards. (Lukas 20: 38) Elalakano lyaJehova lyokuyumudha aapiya ye aadhiginini mboka ya sa ote ke li gwanitha shili nomolwaashono he ya tala ko ya fa ye na omwenyo. When Andrew left that job, he had two children, no income, and enough money to last just a few months. Jehovah's purpose to resurrect his faithful servants who died so that he will do so and that he views them as if they were alive. 28: 19) Moshitopolwa tashi landula otatu ka kundathana nkene onkundana ombwanawa tayi uvithwa kunena muuyuni awuhe. In their culture, such a lapse of customary hospitality would shame the family, marring the occasion terribly. In the next article, we will discuss how the good news is being preached worldwide today. Eyele ndika olya nuninwa mboka ye na etegameno lyokukala nomwenyo sigo aluhe kombanda yevi. (Read Matthew 5: 27 - 30.) This parable is designed for those who hope to live forever on earth. 97: 10. Therefore, we may safely conclude that the first Christians could read God's name both in their translations of the Hebrew Scriptures and in their copies of the Christian Greek Scriptures. 97: 10. Uuna omuntu a gwayekwa nombepo, kapu na ngoka he mu tseyithile oshinima shoka. Composed regarding the kingship of David's son Solomon, this song provides foregleams of how the rule of God's Son, Jesus Christ, will relieve mankind of distress. When someone is anointed with holy spirit, no one has made known to him. 32: 4) Mpoka ngaa pu thike ontseyo yoye yokutseya kutya Jehova Omuntu gwolela, opo ngaa pu thike ohole yoye yoku mu hola nokukala we mu inekela. 24 Teach Your Children - Those Who Wrote About Jesus 26 Draw Close to God - "You Will Act in Loyalty " The more you know that Jehovah is real to you, the more you love him and trust him. Okwa li a hala aantu ya tse ondumbo naJehova. (b) Sennacherib had what initial success in Judah? He wanted humans to rebel against Jehovah. Omumwameme gumwe omukokolindjila gwedhina Shari okwa ti: "Molwashoka aakokolindjila ohaya kala momapya esiku alihe, ohaya monika ya kola pambepo. 1, 2. A pioneer sister named Rosa observed: "We are very busy in the ministry every day, and the pioneers are found to be spiritually strong. Ongiini tatu vulu okuyanda omashongo ngoka tage tu zile kaanegumbo lyetu, kaage tu imbe oku ka mona ondjambi? How wise it is to avoid having such burdensome feelings by not looking at worthless things! How can we avoid trials that come from our family will not deprive us of the prize? Okupitila mehangano lyOmpango, aasaaseri oya li ya langekwa po mokati koshigwana shaIsraeli. This was the case with Russell's gift to Jordan, mentioned in the preceding article. By means of the Law covenant, the priests were appointed among the nation of Israel. 7, 8. This shows how wise Jehovah is. 7, 8. Yo yimwe iitopolwa yayo oyindji kayi po. How can we show that we are looking to God for guidance? Some parts of this series of articles are no longer available. Ongiini tatu vulu oku shi ninga? Why did Jesus teach us to ask for "our bread " even if we have plenty of food? How can we do that? IITOPOLWA YOKUKONAKONWA 4, 5 I started to study the Bible with the Witnesses. STUDY ARTICLES 4, 5 PAGES 5 Ngele oye mu lombwele kutya otaye ke mu geela uuna a ningi epuko, oya li shili haye shi ningi. Just think! When they tell him that they would punish him when he makes a mistake, they did so. Sho e etha po iilonga mbyoka, okwa li e na oyana yaali, noka li e na onzo yilwe hayi mu etele po sha, niimaliwa mbyoka a li e na otayi vulu owala oku ya hupitha oomwedhi oonshona. [ Blurb on page 6] When he left that job, he had two children, and he had no other source of money, which would save them only a few months. Momuthigululwakalo gwawo, oshinima shoka ngele osha holoka po mokuyakula aayenda osha li hashi sitha ohoni uukwanegumbo, nohashi yono oshituthi sha simana. He was over 80 years old when he came to his first meeting, and after that he never missed a meeting. In their culture, if the hospitality arose, it was embarrassing for the family, and it was serious. (Lesha Mateus 5: 27 - 30.) And by all accounts, they did. A theologian of the period, Gregory of Nyssa, made this derisive comment regarding the common people: "Clothes dealers, money changers, and grocers are all theologians. (Read Matthew 5: 27 - 30.) Onkee ano, otatu vulu okuthika pehulithodhiladhilo kutya Aakriste yotango oya li taya vulu okulesha edhina lyaKalunga momatoloko gawo gOmanyolo gOshiheberi nosho wo mookopi ndhoka ya li ye na dhOmanyolo gopaKriste gOshigreka. [ Edhina lyomuthaneki] All photos: Société Royale de Papyrologie du Caire [ Ethano pepandja 5] They must "put on the new personality which was created according to God's will in true righteousness and loyalty. " - Eph. Hence, we can conclude that first Christians could read God's name in their translations of the Scriptures and the viewpoint of the Christian Greek Scriptures. " Ehalo lyoye nali gwanithwe kombanda yevi wo ngaashi megulu. " Thus we do not take part in political issues and activities or support warfare. " Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth. " Eimbilo ndika lya totwa shi na ko nasha nokupangela kwaSalomo, omwana gwaDavid, otali gandja ethano lyankene elelo lyOmwana gwaKalunga, Jesus Kristus tali ka pa aantu mboka ya lindimana epepelelo. 135: 6; Isa. The song of Solomon's son Solomon provides insight into the rule of God's Son, Jesus Christ. Kala ho kutha ombinga pakuudha miilonga yeteyo enene lyopambepo EPANDJA 24 What promise was given to Abraham, and how did he feel about its fulfillment? 24 Have a Full Share in the Great Spiritual Harvest (b) Sanherib okwa li a pondola shike petameko muJuda? In 1989 the Berlin Wall came down and with it the Communist bloc of Eastern Europe. (b) What success did Sennacherib have in Judah? 1, 2. Nevertheless, Jesus insightfully noted that at least some of these "tax collectors and sinners " wanted to change. 1, 2. Kashi li tuu mbela pandunge tu henuke okukala nomaiyuvo ga dhigupalelwa ngaashi ngaka mokwaahatala kiinima kaayi na oshilonga! Because he knows how our loving Creator feels about His faithful worshippers who have died. How wise it would be to avoid becoming engrossed in such immoral practices as sexual immorality! Ngaashi sha popiwa moshitopolwa sha tetekele, Jordan naye osho a li u uvitile omagano ngoka a pewa kutatekulu Russell. Listen to what Jesus said: "You heard that it was said: " You must not commit adultery. ' As mentioned in the preceding article, Jordan felt the gift given to Russell. Shika otashi ulike kutya Jehova oku na uunongo. How can you avoid being caught in such a downward spiral? This shows that Jehovah has wisdom. Ongiini tatu vulu okuulika kutya otatu kongo ewiliko kuKalunga? 4: 23. How can we show that we are seeking God's guidance? Omolwashike Jesus e tu longo tu pule "oshithima shetu, " nonando otu na iikulya oyindji? [ Blurb on page 9] Why did Jesus teach us to ask for "our bread " despite our food? Onda li nda tameke okukonakona Ombiimbeli nOonzapo. I try to do my best to preach and teach the good news, and I am presently conducting some Bible studies. I started studying the Bible with the Witnesses. (Numeri 27: 5) Dhiladhila owala. Or do we just have different personalities? ' Think of it! [ Oohapu dha simana pepandja 6] Of course, no matter where we reside, foreigners live among us. [ Blurb on page 6] Oshikando she shotango e ya kokugongala, okwa li e na omimvo 80 nasha. Okuza mpono ina faula we okugongala. 7, 8. He first attended the meetings, and he was no longer missing meetings. Omuwiliki gwongeleka gumwe Gregory okwa li a sheke omukalo moka aantu yowala ya tala ko Kalunga nOmwana a ti: " Aalandithi yoonguwo, aapingakanithi yiimaliwa, aahalithi nosho wo aapika ohaya popi aluhe kombinga yelongelokalunga. A sensible person generally refrains from embarking on an endeavor that is doomed to fail. Regarding the way many people view God and his Son, a minister named C.E. said: "It is easy to talk about religion, money, and so often talk about religion. Oye na " okuzala omuntu omupe ngoka a shitwa a fa Kalunga nohi iholola ye mwene mokukalamwenyo ku uka nokwa yapuka. ' - Ef. She was very brave throughout that difficult time. They should "put on the new personality that is made according to God's will in true righteousness and loyalty. " - Eph. Onkee ano, ihatu kutha ombinga miinima yopapolotika noihatu ambidhidha iita. Many older ones in God's organization vividly remember past challenges that called upon them to muster up courage. Therefore, we do not take sides in politics and politics. 135: 6; Jes. I immediately told him, "If you have something to say, rent a hall, and you can say whatever you like. " 135: 6; Isa. Abraham okwa li u uvanekelwa shike, nokwa li u uvite ngiini shi na ko nasha negwanitho lyeuvaneko ndyoka? True, disrespect for fellow humans is not new, but only in "the last days " would that spirit reach such extremes that the era could rightly be described as" critical times hard to deal with. " What was Abraham promised, and how did he feel about the fulfillment of that promise? Mo 1989 ekuma ndyoka lya li lya topola Ndowishi pokati olya teka po, nUukomonisi miilongo yaEuropa lyokUuzilo owa hulithwa po. Then, rephrase your parents ' comments in your own words and respectfully repeat their remarks back to them. In 1989, the German city broke down, and I was killed in the fifth century B.C.E. 4: 17) Onkee ano, Jesus okwa li e shi dhimbulula kutya " aafendelithi naalunde ' yamwe oya li ya hala okuninga omalunduluko. I see us together in our garden as clearly as I saw and loved her the day she was born. " So Jesus recognized that "the tax collector " some wanted to change. Omolwaashoka okwa li e shi nkene Omushiti gwetu omunahole ha kala u uvite shi na ko nasha naalongeli ye aadhiginini mboka ya sa. 5: 21, 22. Because he knew how our loving Creator feels about his loyal worshippers who died. Natu pulakene kwaashoka Jesus a popi, sho a ti: "One omu uvu kwa tiwa: " Ino hondela. ' Satan's world encourages people to be proud and selfish. Let us listen to what Jesus said when he said: "You must not commit adultery. " (Jakob 1: 14, 15) Ongiini tatu vulu okuhenuka omwigo ngoka tagu ende tagu nayipala nokagu shi omupu okuza mo mugo? True, some politicians invoke God's blessing on their efforts to achieve peace and security, but how can God bless those who do not submit to his way of ruling? - Ps. How can we avoid the trap of Satan's trap and become clearer from it? 4: 23. He obviously put faith in Jehovah's promises to him and his forefathers and wanted to act in harmony with God's will and purpose. 4: 23. [ Oohapu dha simana pepandja 9] 16: 9. [ Blurb on page 9] Ohandi ningi oonkambadhala dhokuuvitha nokulonga aantu onkundana ombwaanawa, nongashingeyi ondi na aakonakonimbiimbeli. Then we made tea and hot chocolate. I try to preach the good news to people and to preach the good news, and now I have Bible studies. Nenge otu na owala omaukwatya ga yoolokathana '? He wanted us to be well cared for. Or do we have different qualities? Kapu na oshilongo moka kaamu na aakwiilongo. 10 Is God's Kingdom a Condition of the Heart? There is no land without foreigners. 7, 8. The foremost reason to confess a sin - committed either against a fellow human or against God - is to gain an approved standing with God. 7, 8. Omuntu omunandunge olundji ohi idhilike okutameka oonkambadhala ndhoka itaadhi shi pondola. By the first centuries of our Common Era, Jewish public readers had evidently been instructed, not to read God's name as it appeared in their Holy Scriptures, but to substitute the word ʼAdho·naiʹ, meaning "Lord. " A wise person often starts with the effort that effort to succeed. Okwa li e na lela omukumo pethimbo mpoka a li monkalo ondhigu. The Bible Changes Lives He was so confident that at the time he was in a difficult situation. Oyendji mboka ya kala ethimbo ele mehangano lyaJehova otaya dhimbulukwa nawa omashongo ngoka ya li ya ningilwa nelalakano lyoku ya teya omukumo. They have evidently failed to keep on the watch as to what time it is and what is taking place around them - the chairman is on the platform, the music is playing, and the audience is seated. Many who have spent a long time in Jehovah's organization have remembered the challenges they faced with the goal of becoming discouraged. Onde mu lombwele nziya nda ti: "Ngele owu na shoka wa hala okupopya, oto vulu okupopya kehe shoka wa hala, shampa owala wa futile oshinyanga. " Never put production, finances, or schedules ahead of safety and health. I immediately told her: "If you want to talk, you can talk about whatever you want, just as you want to pay for the hall. " Oyo otaa ka kala yaa na olukeno nohenda, haa lundilathana, aapwidhi naadhudhu; otaa kala ye tonde uuwanawa. Otaa kala aakotokeli, ihaa yawala, haa tuwalala noye hole olundundu peha lyokuhola Kalunga. " Shortly after Israel's Exodus, Jehovah became something new to his people. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self - assuming, haughty, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self - control, without love of pleasures rather than lovers of God. " Opo nduno endulula shoka ya popya niitya yoye mwene, to shi ningi momukalo gwesimaneko. Just as a lamp can illuminate our path and allow us to walk without falling, what we take in through our figurative " eyes of the heart ' can enlighten us, helping us to conduct ourselves without stumbling. - Eph. Then repeat what you say in your own words, do so in a way that you do not respect them. Ihe Kalunga oku ulukile ndje kutya itandi vulu nando okutala omuntu gwontumba e na oshidhila nenge a nyata. " At a later time, the elder would want to inquire about how things are going in the family and offer more help if that is needed. But God showed me that I cannot look at anyone who was unclean or unclean. " Ondi iwete tu li pamwe moshikunino shetu, ndi mu wete nondi mu hole naanaa ngaashi sha li esiku a valwa. " Yet, that does not stop us from speaking. I thought you were born with me in our garden, and I felt loved and loved him just as he was born. " 5: 21, 22. What has "the day of salvation " meant for anointed Christians, past and present? 5: 21, 22. Uuyuni waSatana otawu ladhipike aantu ya kale ye na uuntsa noyi ihole yo yene. " I know indeed how to be low on provisions, I know indeed how to have an abundance. Satan's world encourages people to be selfish and selfish. Dhoshili, aanapolotika yamwe ohaya kongo okulalekwa nuuyamba kuKalunga moonkambadhala dhawo dhokukonga ombili negameno, ihe ongiini Kalunga ta ka laleka nuuyamba mboka inaaya taamba ko omukalo gwe gwokupangela? - Eps. So, then, is it really asking too much of us that we report our share in the preaching work? Of course, some individuals seek God's blessing by seeking peace and security, but how will God bless those who refuse to accept his way of governing? - Ps. 32: 6 - 12) Odhoshili kutya Jakob okwa li i itaala momauvaneko gaJehova, ngoka ga li ge mu uvanekelwa noohekulululwa, nokwa li a hala okukatuka metsokumwe nehalo lyaKalunga nonelalakano lye. Through his Word, the Bible, Jehovah God teaches us to have a proper view of our life, our body, and our faculties. Yes, Jacob exercised faith in Jehovah's promises, which was promised to be fulfilled, and he wanted to act in harmony with God's will. 16: 9. But to Paul's deep disappointment, Titus did not arrive. 16: 9. Opo nduno, otwa ningi otee no - hot chocolate. Occasionally, we may feel that no one cares about the good we do. But Jehovah cares. Then we would do so and make a donation in the kitchen. - Num. Okwa li a hala tu kale twa silwa nawa oshimpwiyu. Consider, for example, the fact that God enabled his Son to heal diseases that doctors could not cure. He wanted us to be well - cared for. EPANDJA 27 OMAIMBILO NGOKA GE NA OKULONGITHWA: 120, 48 He added: "They have not said in their heart: " Let us, now, fear Jehovah our God, the One who is giving the downpour and the autumn rain. ' " PAGE 27 • SONGS: 120, 48 Etompelo lya simanenena kutya omolwashike omuntu e na okuhempulula oondjo dhe, kutya nduno odha ningilwa omuntu nenge oKalunga, olyo okukala a taambiwa ko kuKalunga. Jesus explained that the time that Jonah spent in the belly of the fish represented the time that Jesus would spend in the grave. The foremost reason why a person should confess his sins, whether it is God or someone who is acceptable to God. Momathelemimvo gotango gEyalulo lyoNgashingeyi, osha yela kutya aaleshi Aajuda oya li ya longwa kaaya leshe edhina lyaKalunga ngaashi li li mOmanyolo Omayapuki gawo, ihe oye li pingena po noshitya ʼAdho·naiʹ, shoka tashi ti "Omuwa. " She knows that Jehovah helped her because after she would pray, she felt peaceful and calm. In the first century, the readers of the Jews were now taught not to read God's name, but they replaced the Holy Scriptures as "Lord. " Ombiimbeli ohayi lundulula onkalamwenyo yaantu However, in December 1952, I was called to report for military service. The Bible Changes Lives Ihe ongiini ngele yamwe kaye wete kutya oshigongi oshi li pokutameka, molwaashoka owala taye endaenda nenge taya popi nookuume kawo? Osha yela kutya oya ndopa okukala ya tonata, ano okutala kethimbo nokugandja eitulomo kwaashoka tashi ningwa po. 22 For Young People - A Leper Is Healed! But what if some people do not think that the convention was just two or that their friends have failed to keep on the watch and focus on what will happen. Egameno nuukolele waantu, oya simana shi vulithe iimaliwa nomaipyakidhilo. When the father gets home, he is not pleased with either child and punishes them both for not obeying him. People's health and health are more important than money and activities. Jehova okwa li a hololola oshindji kombinga ye konima owala sho Aaisreali ya li ya tembuka muEgipiti. That reward was no mere illusion. In fact, Jehovah was able to witness more about him shortly after the city of Egypt. Ngaashi owala olamba hayi vulu okuminikila mondjila yetu nohayi tu kwathele tu vule okweenda itaatu ihata po, shoka hatu tala " nomeho ngoka ge li olamba yolutu ' pathaneko, otashi vulu oku tu kwathela kaatu punduke. - Mat. Many today think that to be truly free, they must be able to do anything and everything they want to do, regardless of the consequences. Just as the sea can light our right hand and help us to walk on the sea, "the eyes of the eyes " can help us to avoid stumbling. - Matt. Konima yethimbo, omukuluntugongalo ota vulu okupula aaihokani mboka kutya otashi ende ngiini muukwanegumbo noku ya kwathela natango uuna sha pumbiwa. Starting with the rule of Judean King David, the scepter (royal sovereignty) and the commander's staff (power to command) resided with the tribe of Judah. In time, an elder may ask the couple how he is doing the family and helps them when needed. 3: 2) Ihe nonando ongawo, shoka itashi tu imbi okupopya. This choice involved more than just the welfare of the Israelites. Yet, that does not prevent us from talking to them. " Esiku lyokuhupithwa " otali ti shike kAakriste aagwayekwa yonale nosho wo yokunena? 32: 25 - 29. What does "the day of salvation " mean for anointed Christians and today? Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa nyola a ti: "Nashi kale oshishona nenge nashi kale oshindji. As our faith grew, though, we saw the need to be open about our beliefs. The apostle Paul wrote: "Do not be little or too little. Omolwashike tu na okutalulula omukalo gwetu gwokukonakona iinima yopambepo? Moreover, do not wives generally respond positively to being treated honorably by their husbands? Why should we review our study habits? Jehova Kalunga ote tu longo mOohapu dhe, Ombiimbeli, kutya otwa pumbwa okukala netaloko ewanawa li na ko nasha nonkalamwenyo yetu, nomalutu getu noondunge dhetu. When we visited six months later, the number of regular pioneers had mushroomed to 22. Jehovah God teaches us in his Word, the Bible, that we need to maintain a positive view of life, our bodies, and our bodies. Ihe Titus ine ke ya we, naashoka osha li sha yemateke Paulus noonkondo. Some in that village were soon attending congregation meetings. But Titus did not leave them, and that hurt Paul deeply. Omathimbo gamwe otapeya tu dhiladhile kutya kapu na ngoka e wete uuwanawa mboka hatu ningi. In time, Dad gave up trying to stop her, and she attended the meetings freely. At times, we may think that there is no one who sees what we do. Pashiholelwa, natu taleni kunkene a li a kwathele Omwana a aludhe omikithi ndhoka dha nyenga oondohotola. This publication is not for sale. Consider, for example, how he helped his Son to heal disease. Okwa gwedha ko a ti: "Yo inaa pulathana noomwenyo dhawo, ya tye: " Natu tileni Omuwa, Kalunga ketu, he tu lokithile omvula yokwenye nomvula yothinge. ' " They were like a wayward son ruefully shaking his head as he reflects on the hardships he has brought upon himself and longs for the life he had back home. He added: "Let us not ask one another to ask them, " Let us say, " Let us say, O Jehovah our God, and let us rain on the ground. ' " Okwa tsikile nokuyelitha kutya ethimbo ndyoka Jona a kala mela lyondjambameya, otali thaneke ethimbo ndyoka Jesus a li ta ka kala mombila. Because we offer our Bible - based material without charge, some feel that copying and posting it on other websites or on social media is acceptable. He continues to explain that the timing of Jonah's water would mark the time that Jesus would live in the grave. Oku shi kutya Jehova okwe mu kwathela, oshoka konima yokugalikana, oha kala e na ombili nokwa pepelelwa. He can "do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive. " He knows that Jehovah helped him because after prayer and prayer, he feels calm and calm. MuDesemba 1952, ondi ithanwa ndi ka ninge omukwiita. Be Determined to Take the Lead In December 1952, I was called a soldier. 7 - 13 Febuluali 2011 In the fall of 1965, classes returned to being five months in length, and once again the focus was on training missionaries. February 7 - 13, 2011 Aamwayinathana mboka oya kala ya tegelela uule wethimbo, ihe natango oya ka tameka okukondja. (b) What should be our desire? They had been waiting for some time, but they still started fighting. Ondjambi ndjoka kayi shi owala ondjodhi. In the past, we explained that God's people became captives of Babylon the Great for a short time beginning in 1918. That reward is not just a dream. Aantu oyendji kunena ohaya dhiladhila kutya otaya vulu okukala ya manguluka shili, ngele taya ningi kehe shoka ya hala, nonando otashi ye etele iilanduliko. Differences between individuals occur because we are all imperfect. Many today think that they can truly be truly free if they want to do what they want. Okuza pethimbo lyokupangela kOmukwaniilwa David, ondhimbo yuukwaniilwa ndjoka tayi ulike (kuuthemba wokupangela) nosho wo epangelo (uuthemba wokugandja omalombwelo) oya kala yi niwe kaakwaniilwa yomezimo lyaJuda. She reports: "Later, we were surprised to find that the day after the earthquake, the circuit overseer and another brother had come looking for us. " Since then, during King David's reign, the reign of King David (a) ruled by the king's reign (a) ruled as kings of Judah. Ehogololo ndika olya li lya kwatela mo oshindji kaashi shi owala onkalonawa yAaisraeli. Much of Jehovah's tender care reaches us through these "gifts in men. " This choice included more than the condition of the Israelites. 32: 25 - 29. At that time, Gog will attack "a people regathered from the nations, " Jehovah's people. 32: 25 - 29. Sho eitaalo lyetu tali ende tali koko, otatu ka kala twa hala oku ya lombwela kombinga yaashoka twi itaala. The Governing Body has encouraged all of us to set aside an evening or other period each week for personal or family study. As our faith grows, we will want to tell them about what we believe. Natango, mbela aakiintu ihayi inyenge nawa kunkene aasamane yawo hayu ungaunga nayo? Perhaps from your childhood, your parents showed you illustrations depicting life in Paradise. Furthermore, do women respond well to how their husbands dealt with them? Konima yoomwedhi hamano sho twa galuka, otwa adha mo aakokolindjila yondjigilile ye li 22. These articles will consider three lines of evidence that have always identified God's representatives. After six months we returned, we found regular pioneers. Aantu yamwe momukunda ngoka oya kala haye ya kokugongala. Well, see if you can answer the following questions: Some in the village had attended the meeting. Mokweendela ko kwethimbo, tate okwa sholola. Okuza mpono, meme okwa kala ha yi kokugongala a manguluka. Russell! In time, my father gave up opportunities to attend meetings. Oshileshomwa shika ihashi landithwa. By not allowing envy to control us, we can make our lives happier and can please our heavenly Father, Jehovah. This publication is not for sale. Oya li ya fa omumati ngoka a li tu ulike kutya okwiiyela ombedhi mokwiipuka komutse sho ta dhiladhila kuupyakadhi mboka i iyetela nokwa yuulukwa onkalamwenyo ombwanawa ndjoka a li e na nale sho a li kegumbo. The peace of God protected my heart when I turned to him daily in prayer. They were like a young man who proved to be unrepentant when he thought that the head of the head of a man's head and longed for the better life he had ever had before. Molwaashono ohatu gandja iileshomwa yetu yopaMbiimbeli itaatu pula ofuto yasha, yamwe oyu uvite kutya oku yi tapa noku yi tula komapandja galwe nenge komakwatathano gopaintaneta, oshi li nawa. How? Because we offer our Bible - based publications not to ask for more money, some feel that it is online or even more interesting. Ota vulu "okulonga oshindji shi vulithe pushoka tatu shi indile nenge tatu shi dhiladhila. " (Ef. PUBLISHERS He can "do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive. " Kala wa tokola toko okukwatela komeho mokusimaneka ooitaali ooyakweni (Read Ephesians 4: 22 - 24.) Be determined to take the lead in showing honor to fellow believers Ihe lwopehulilo lyo 1965, ootundi ndhoka odha kala hadhi ningwa uule woomwedhi ntano, opo pu kale ethimbo lyokudheula wo aatumwa. How did the apostle John show that Jesus fulfilled Isaiah 53: 1? But at the end of the end of 1965, there have been five months in order to train missionaries. (b) Otu na okukala twa halelela okuninga shike? (b) How did Paul respond when not everyone accepted the good news? (b) What should we be willing to do? Nale otwa li hatu yelitha kutya oshigwana shaKalunga osha li sha falwa muupongekwa waBabilon oshinene mo 1918. I gleaned much profitable wisdom from his experience in life. Back in 1918, we explained that God's people were captives of Babylon the Great. Okwaauvathana pokati kaantu ohaku holoka po, molwaashoka atuheni inatu gwanenena. It might be changed slightly to make it appear true. Months arise because all of us are imperfect. Meme Yoshiko, ngoka egumbo lye lya faalelwa kotsunami, okwa li ha kala ookilometa 40 lwaampono okuza pOshinyanga shUukwaniilwa. Since "a husband is head of his wife as the Christ also is head of the congregation, " a married man should examine and imitate the type of headship that Jesus provides for the congregation. My mother was about 40 miles (100 km) away from the Kingdom Hall. 6: 1) Esiloshimpwiyu lyaJehova lyopahole olindji ohatu li mono okupitila " maantu mbaka ye li omagano. ' (Ef. Jesus ' disciples asked him how people would know when "the conclusion of the system of things " was at hand. With Jehovah's loving provisions, we receive "the gift of this free gift. " 38: 10 - 12) Eponokelo ndyoka ngele lya ningwa, Jehova ota ka katuka onkatu, opo a hupithe oshigwana she nota ka kondjitha Gog nongundu ye yaakwiita. " Without a doubt, the single greatest challenge for us has been leaving our comfort zone, " says William. During that attack, Jehovah will take action to deliver his people from Gog and his military forces. Olutuwiliki ohalu tu kumagidha atuhe tu ikalekele ongulohi nenge ethimbo lilwe oshiwike kehe omolwekonakono lyopaumwene nenge lyuukwanegumbo. " I will prove to be with you, " said Jehovah. - Ex. The Governing Body urges all of us to set aside a evening or a weekly evening for personal study or family worship. Otashi vulika okuza kuunona weni, aavali yeni ya li ye mu ulukile omathano ngoka tagu ulike nkene onkalamwenyo yomOparadisa tayi ka kala. Even if you are not an alcoholic, do you tend to drink too much? Perhaps your parents were young, and your parents showed him what life will be like in Paradise. " Epangulo lyahugunina " kuGustave Doré, 1832 - 1883 It would be a mistake to conclude that men and women of faith are born that way, that faith comes naturally. " The final judgment of the Lord's wicked system of things " - ACTS 18: 18 - 10. Iitopolwa mbika otayi ka kundathana iinima itatu mbyoka ya kala tayi ulike kutya aakalelipo yaKalunga oyenipo. Closely related to abusive speech is failure to control anger. These articles will discuss three aspects of God's representatives. Tala ngele oto vulu okuyamukula omapulo taga landula: JESUS ' resurrection is not merely an isolated, ancient occurrence that has little meaning for us today. Well, see if you can answer the following questions: Russell. [ Box / Pictures on page 19] Russell. (Gal. 5: 19 - 21) Otatu ka nyanyudha Tate yetu gwomegulu, Jehova, notatu kala twa mbilipalelwa monkalamwenyo yetu ngele itatu ethe efupa li tu pangele. 46: 11. We will be happy to please our heavenly Father, Jehovah, and we will be happy if we do not let ourselves become jealous of him. Ombili yaKalunga oya gamene omutima gwandje sho nda kala handi mu galikana esiku kehe. 3: 29) As the apostle Paul explained, Jehovah "stepped in with an oath, in order that, through two unchangeable things [his promise and his oath] in which it is impossible for God to lie, we... may have strong encouragement to lay hold on the hope set before us. " God's peace protected my heart when I prayed each day. Ngiini mbela? " Commit to Jehovah whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. " - PROV. How? AAUVITHI Use Bible study tools. PUBLISHERS (Lesha Aaefeso 4: 22 - 24.) During these 133 years, there have been several changes to the cover of the magazine. (Read Ephesians 4: 22 - 24.) Omuyapostoli Johannes oku ulike ngiini kutya Jesus okwa gwanitha po ehunganeko ndyoka li li muJesaja 53: 1? The apostle Peter said to Jesus: "Look! How did the apostle John show that Jesus fulfilled the prophecy at Isaiah 53: 1? (b) Paulus okwa li i inyenge ngiini sho aantu yamwe ya li inaaya hala okupulakena konkundana ombwanawa? Evidently, during the time of the Hebrew Scriptures, a person who deserved to die was first put to death and then hung on a stake or a tree (b) How did Paul react when others did not want to listen to the good news? Okwa li e vule ndje nomimvo odhindji, ihe otwa kala tatu longo pamwe nombili. The Bible says: "Jesus... suffered death, so that by God's undeserved kindness he might taste death for everyone. " - Hebrews 2: 9. He was far more than many years old, but we worked together with one another. Otashi vulika li lundululwe owala kashona, opo li kale lya fa lyoshili. How would Sarah respond? It may be quite different, though, that it may be as if the truth is true. Molwaashoka "omulumentu oye omutse gwomukiintu, ngaashi Kristus wo Oye omutse gwegongalo, " omulumentu a hokana oku na okukonakona nokuholela uukwamutse mboka Jesus ha longitha mokuwilika egongalo. (Ef. The family was nice; they were just locked into that system, that way of thinking. Since "the head of the woman is the head of the congregation, " Christ is the head of the congregation, and he is married to a husband who uses Jesus ' headship and headship in the congregation. Aalongwa yaJesus oya li ye mu pula kutya aantu otaya ka mona ngiini kutya " ehulilo lyuuyuni ' oli li popepi? He had intimate knowledge of the spiritual condition of each congregation. Jesus ' disciples asked him how people would see that "the conclusion of the system of things " is near? William ota ti: "Shoka sha li oshidhigu unene, okuthiga po onkalamwenyo yetu ombwanawa. " 7, 8. (a) How are our "perceptive powers " trained, and why is such training more useful than following a host of rigid rules? " That was so difficult to leave our life, " says William. Ihe Jehova okwe mu tsu omukumo kutya ita ka kala oye awike, a ti: "Ondi li pamwe nangoye. " - Eks. What should we do, however, if we commit a serious sin? But Jehovah assured him that he would not be alone, saying: "I am with you. " - Ex. Nonando ku shi ombwiyi, mbela oho kala wa hala okunwa sha pitilila? But the situation of God's people was to change dramatically. Although you are not sick, do you want to drink excessive drinking? Aantu mboka taya popiwa mOmbiimbeli ya li aadhiginini oya li owala " aantu ye tu fa. ' (Jak. For example, Paul suggested that Timothy drink some wine. The Bible characters who were faithful were like "people like us. " Okwaahapangela ondjahi okwa pambathana nokupopya oohapu oombwinayi. All involved, especially the parents, should express their feelings openly and address the facts realistically. Modesty is related to negative speech. EYUMUKO lyaJesus kali shi owala oshiningwanima shonale kaashi na ko nasha natse nenge kaashi na eityo kutse nena. 1235 C.E.), the valley was later transformed into a garbage dump for the city of Jerusalem. DURING Jesus ' illustration of an ancient event, we do not have any meaning or meaning for us today. Elalakano lyiitopolwa yokukonakonwa The effects of old age will be eradicated. Purpose of Study Articles [ Oshimpungu / Omathano pepandja 19] What must we do to keep making changes with the help of the Bible, and what questions might we ask? [ Box / Pictures on page 19] Kakele kaambyoka yu ulikwa shimwe shi ili, iitothwamo yomanyolo moshileshomwa shika oya kuthwa mOmbiimbeli Ondjapuki yomo 2008 (OB - 2008), 1986 (OB - 1986) noyomo 1954 (OB - 1954). How does attending meetings help us to give Jehovah what he deserves? In addition to observing various parts of this publication, the text has been taken from the modern - language edition of the Holy Scriptures. 46: 11. " Pursuing a career is the key to happiness. " 46: 11. 3: 29) Omuyapostoli Paulus okwe shi yelitha kutya Jehova "okwe li koleke negano, opo tu tsuwe omukumo kiinima mbyoka iyali [itaayi] lunduluka, mumbyoka Kalunga ina wapa okufundja, otse... tu dhame etegameno li li komeho. " They needed to keep "a tight grip on the word of life. " The apostle Paul explained that Jehovah "was bringing two things to the true God, so that it is not possible for us to set things straight... " Gandja iilonga yoye kOmuwa, nena oompangela dhoye otadhi ka gwanithwa. " - OMAYEL. Whenever problems appear in their lives, they take God's Word and search in it for a solution.... " Give your service to Jehovah, and your plans will be fulfilled. " - PROV. Longitha iilongitho yokukonakona Ombiimbeli. Tired the next day, I regularly played hooky from school. Use tools to study the Bible. 4: 6) Osha kala nokunyanyangidhwa uule womimvo 133 nosha kala hashi lundululwa mpaka naampeyaka unene tuu kefo lyokombanda. Finally, after the people came back to life, Jehovah gave them their land to live on. This has been published for 133 years, and it has been changed especially for the Watchtower Study. Omuyapostoli Petrus okwa li a lombwele Jesus a ti: "Tala, otse otwa thigi ko iinima ayihe e tatu ku landula. This publication is not for sale. The apostle Peter told Jesus: "Look! Osha yela kutya pethimbo lyOmanyolo gOshihebeli, omuntu ngoka a gwana okusa okwa li ha dhipagwa tango ye ta alelwa nduno koshiti nenge komuti (b) What relief is near? Clearly, during the time of the Hebrew Scriptures, a person who deserved to die was put to death on a stake or a stake Ombiimbeli otayi ti: " Omolwuuwehame wokusa, okesilohenda lyaKalunga Jesus a makele eso omolwaayehe. ' - Aahebeli 2: 9, OB - 1954. That led to many interesting conversations. " Because of sickness and death, " the Bible says, "for God's undeserved kindness to all sorts of people. " - Hebrews 2: 9, footnote. Sara okwa li te ki inyenga ngiini? Marcus: Many would probably interpret the verse that way. How would Sarah react? Oya li aantu aawanawa, ihe oya li owala ya nwethwa mo kaantu yomomudhingoloko. The Bristows pioneered with Harvey and Anne Conrow, whose mobile home had tar - paper walls. They were good people, but they were not influenced by people in the area. Okwa li e shi ashihe shoka sha li tashi ningwa megongalo kehe. The prosecutor answered that she was not competent to comment on the Bible. He knew everything that would happen to each congregation. 7, 8. (a) Ohatu dheula ngiini " oondunge dhetu dhokunongela, ' nomolwashike edheulo ndika li li nawa li vule okulandula owala omusholondondo gwoompango? (b) What do the Scriptures admonish children to do? 7, 8. (a) How do we train "the mind of our perceptive powers, " and why is this training so effective? Mbela otu na okuninga shike ngele otwa yono sha kwata miiti? One is at Proverbs 1: 7, which says: "The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of knowledge. Wisdom and discipline are what mere fools have despised. " What should we do if we commit a serious sin? Onkalo yoshigwana shaKalunga osho nduno ya ka lunduluka shimwe to nyengwa. Challenges that Noah faced. The situation of God's people, though, did not change. Pashiholelwa, Paulus okwa lombwele Timoteus a nwe omaviinu omashona. Levirate Marriage, 3 / 1 For example, Paul told Timothy to drink a few wine. Ayehe ya kwatelwa mo, unene tuu aavali, oye na okuholola omaiyuvo gawo ya manguluka nokupopya sha yela. I thought that I knew a lot about religion, so I set out to prove them wrong. All involved, especially in particular, parents must express their feelings freely and speak clearly. Mehala moka omwa li hamu kala omulilo gwa tema ethimbo kehe opo gu fike po iiyagaya mbyoka ya li hayi umbilwa mo. What is more, if she and Adam fed Cain such ideas as he grew up, they surely did his imperfect human pride no good. They had been burning on a fire every time they were thrown into a fire that was thrown into it. Uukulupe otawu ka hulithwa po. In what ways does an understanding of Jesus ' parable of the wheat and the weeds benefit us personally? She will be wiped out. Oshike twa pumbwa okuninga, opo tu tsikile okuninga omalunduluko kekwatho lyOmbiimbeli, nomapulo geni tashi vulika twi ipule? Your intimate conversations and sincere prayers will strengthen your marriage during periods of intense stress. What can we do to continue making changes in the Bible's help, and what questions might we ask ourselves? Okugongala ohaku tu kwathele ngiini tu pe Jehova shoka e na okupewa? At the time, wives were not assigned to accompany their husbands on those trips. How does meetings help us to give Jehovah what he deserves? " Eithano lyomuuyuni, olyo hali vulu okweetela omuntu enyanyu. " HISTORY: TERRORIST " Such a career can bring happiness. " Oya li ya pumbwa " okudhiginina oohapu dhomwenyo. ' They have also learned that they inherited sin from Adam. They needed to "remember the word of the heart. " Ngele omwa holoka uupyakadhi monkalamwenyo yadho ohadhi kongo omayele mOohapu dhaKalunga.... What test can help us to have a positive viewpoint? When problems arise in their life, they seek advice from God's Word.... Esiku tali landula ohandi kala nda vulwa, nolundji onda li handi iyaka kosikola. 5: 4. The next day, I felt tired, often at school. Hugunina, sho aantu ya yumudhwa, Jehova okwe ya shuna ishewe koshilongo shawo. Have you noticed the mounting evidence that the earth is becoming filled with violence? Finally, when people were resurrected, Jehovah returned to their homeland. Oshileshomwa shika ihashi landithwa. However, by giving his perfect human life as a ransom, Jesus opened the way for mankind to be released from slavery to sin and death through the resurrection. This publication is not for sale. (b) Jehova ota ka ninga po shike masiku, opo tu kale twa pepelelwa? WE LIVE IN MOMENTOUS TIMES (b) What will Jehovah soon do to restore relief? Ndika olya li etameko lyoonkundathana odhindji oohokithi. Lesson: Jehovah God cares about all of us, including small children. This was the beginning of a number of facts. Marcus: Aantu oyendji otashi vulika osho ya fatulule ovelise ndjika ngaaka. What Is God's Purpose for the Earth? Marcus: Many people may explain this verse. Uukwanegumbo womumwatate Bristow owa li wa kokola ondjila pamwe naHarvey naAnne Conrow, mboka ya li ye na egumbo hali ende ndyoka lya tulwa oombapila oonkukutunkukutu. Shortly after the Exodus, the Amalekites launched an unprovoked attack on God's people. As a pioneer, a pioneer couple pioneered together with several islands, who had a house caring for the hills. Omutamaneki gwoshipotha okwa ti kutya kashi na oshilonga kutya okwa li ta dhiladhila shike molwaashoka ye ka li kapyoko mOmbiimbeli. God's Word advises us not "to be among heavy drinkers of wine. " The prosecutor said that she was worthless because she thought of being an unbeliever. (b) Omanyolo otaga ladhipike aanona ya ninge shike? One of my first Bible students was Betty Law (now Remnant). (b) What do the Scriptures encourage children to do? Yotango oyi li mOmayeletumbulo 1: 7, ndjoka tayi ti: "Etilo okutila OMUWA olyo ekota lyuunongo; aagoya ohaa dhini owino neputudho. " As a result, our first parents joined Satan in challenging Jehovah's rightful authority and became sinners in His sight. First, Proverbs 1: 7, which says: "The fear of Jehovah is the stronghold of knowledge; the knowledge of Jehovah is the knowledge of knowledge; and the knowledge of knowledge of wisdom is understanding. " Omashongo ngoka Noa a li a taalela. What does it mean for parents to " know the appearance ' of their children? Challenges that Noah faced. 10 / 1 Omolwashike Kalunga e etha uukolokoshi nokumona iihuna ku kale po? 7 / 1 He was a personal associate of Jesus and had been entrusted with significant responsibilities. 10 / 1 Onda li ndi shi ondi shi oshindji kombinga yelongelokalunga, onkee ano, onda li nda hala oku dhi ulukila kutya odha puka. " Has the Governing Body changed its mind about the closeness of the great tribulation? " I knew more about religion, so I wanted to show them that they were wrong. Ishewe, ngele ye naAdam osho ya kala haya lombwele Kain ngawo sho ta putuka, oya li owala taye mu ningitha a kale e na uuntsa. A handbook for Bible translators says that this expression may be rendered "those who have nothing good to look forward to. " Furthermore, if Adam had told Cain that in his childhood, he would just be proud of him. Omomikalo dhini euvoko li na ko nasha neyele lyaJesus lyiilya nomau tali tu etele uuwanawa paumwene? However, we may have to wait for the resurrection of our loved ones. In what ways does the understanding of Jesus ' illustration of the wheat and the weeds benefit us personally? Oonkundathana ndhoka nomagalikano taga zi komutima otaga ka koleka ondjokana yeni pethimbo ndyoka mu li muudhigu. By using his holy spirit and the elements of the earth. - Gen. The conversation and heartfelt prayers will strengthen your marriage during difficult times. Pethimbo mpoka, aasamane oya li haya yi oyo ayeke. God views them as very precious, and he loves them dearly. - Ps. At that time, fathers were alone. ONDJOKONONA: OSHIKULO How, though, do we do that? HISTORY: HISTORY Oya li wo yi ilongo kutya oya thigulula uulunde kuAdam. (Rom. They didn't understand why I wanted to move to a foreign country to pioneer. They also learned that they inherited sin from Adam. Okatutsu keni taka vulu oku tu kwathela tu kale tu na etaloko ewanawa? Jesus Christ said regarding the sacred writings: "Your word is truth. " - John 17: 17. A YOU might help us to maintain a positive viewpoint. 5: 4. The director listened carefully and said that he once considered undertaking charity work. 5: 4. (Genesis 6: 11 - 13) Mbela owa ndhindhilika nawa kutya evi olyu udha uuwinayi? We often talk about the spiritual paradise, but what is it? Did you notice that the earth is full? Ihe nonando ongaaka, sho a gandja omwenyo gwe gwopantu gwa gwanenena gu li iikulila, Jesus okwe shi ninga tashi wapa, opo aantu ya mangululwe moomango dhuulunde neso okupitila meyumuko. (Read Isaiah 37: 15 - 20.) Yet, when he gave his perfect human life as a ransom sacrifice, Jesus made it possible for mankind to be freed from sin and death through death. OTU LI METHIMBO LITUNTULA (If wheat flour cannot be obtained, it may be made with flour from rice, barley, corn, or a similar grain.) WE NOT FROM OUR COVER Oshiilongomwa: Jehova Kalunga oku na ko nasha natse atuhe, mwa kwatelwa aanona aashona. Or we could allow the weight of our personal trials to eclipse that great issue. Lesson: Jehovah God cares for all of us, including young children. Elalakano lyaKalunga li na ko nasha nevi olini? Whatever the case, Joseph must have felt wretched about that dreadful perversion of justice - but he could do nothing to stop it! What is God's purpose for the earth? Konima sho Aaisraeli ya zi muEgipiti, oya li ya ponokelwa kAayamaleki. His Word encourages us to give him the praise, honor, and obedience he deserves. After the Israelites left Egypt, they attacked the Amalekites. Oohapu dhaKalunga otadhi tu londodha kaatu " kale mokati kaanwi yomaviinu. ' What else can we do to allow holy spirit to operate in our lives? God's Word warns us not to be among the "cloud of wine. " Omukonakoni gwandje gwotango okwa li Betty Law (lya tseyika nawa Remnant). Why is Jehovah the greatest Potter? My first Bible scholar (now known as B.C.E. Oshilanduliko, aavali yetu yotango oya li yi imbwanga mumwe naSatana mokushonga uuthemba waJehova wokupangela wu li pauyuuki noya ningi aalunde koshipala she. (Rom. However, I was able to take correspondence courses at home. As a result, our first parents joined Satan's right to rule and become sinners before him. Ongiini aavali taya vulu " okukoneka iipala ' yoyana? Let us reflect on how this is so. How can parents "go on walking in the way of their children '? Okwa li he ende pamwe naJesus nokwa li i inekelelwa iinakugwanithwa ya simana. (Mat. " He is not far off from each one of us. " He walked with Jesus and entrusted himself with greater responsibility. Omumwatate Pierce okwa pula a ti: "Mbela Olutuwiliki olwa dhimbwa kutya uudhigu uunene owu li popepi? (b) What will we discuss in the next article? Brother Pierce asked: "Are the Governing Body forget that the great tribulation is near? Embo limwe ndyoka hali kwathele aatoloki yOmbiimbeli olya ti kutya uutumbulilo mboka otawu vulu okutolokwa ngeyi "mboka kaaye na etegameno lyasha. " ENCOURAGE A POSITIVE SPIRIT One reference work for Bible translators says that this expression can be rendered "those who have no hope. " Ihe tse, otashi vulika tu na okutegelela okathimbo, opo aaholike yetu ya yumudhwe. Why can Jehovah view us as righteous, even though we are imperfect? However, we may have to wait for a short time so that our loved ones might be raised up. Omokulongitha ombepo ye ondjapuki nosho wo evi. - Gen. Romans 8: 6 answers clearly: "Setting the mind on the spirit means life and peace. " By using his holy spirit and the earth. - Gen. Ohe ya tala ko ye na ondilo momeho ge, noku ya hole noonkondo. - Eps. Like Jehovah, we dearly wish that people would respond to the message and "keep living. " He views them as precious in his eyes, and he loves them very much. - Ps. (Episalomi 16: 8) Ihe ongiini tatu vulu oku shi ninga? During the first six months, just the two of us met for the weekly Bible meetings. But how can we do so? Kaya li yu uvite ko kutya omolwashike ndi na oku ka kokola ondjila koshilongo shilwe. ▪ Help Yourself and Others by Using God's Word They did not understand why I had to pioneer in a foreign country. Jesus Kristus okwa popi kombinga yomanyolo omayapuki a ti: "Oohapu dhoye odho oshili. " - Johannes 17: 17. His timetable is not controlled by world events and human plans. Regarding the holy writings, Jesus Christ said: "Your word is truth. " - John 17: 17. Omuhona omukuluntu okwa li a pakaleka omakutsi nokwa popi kutya opu na oshikando shimwe naye a li ta dhiladhila okulonga iilonga yokwiiyamba. Is our heart "stirred " by the Kingdom message? The director gave in to lying and said that one time she was thinking about a self - sacrificing career. Ohatu kala tatu popi olundji kombinga yoparadisa yopambepo, ihe mbela oparadisa ndjoka oshike? Consider what the Bible states on this subject. We often talk about a paradise paradise earth, but what is the spiritual paradise? (Lesha Jesaja 37: 15 - 20.) Jesus gave his life in our behalf. (Read Isaiah 37: 15 - 20.) (Ngele kapu na uusila woomboloto, otashi vulu okuningwa nuusila wepungu nenge womahangu.) THE BIBLE'S ANSWER: "The hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear [Jesus '] voice and come out. " - John 5: 28, 29. If no flour can be opened, it can be done with water or rain. Nenge tashi vulika tu ethe uupyakadhi wetu wu tu gwilile po e tatu kala kaatu wete kutya okuyukipalitha uunamapangelo waKalunga okwo oshinima sha simana. When opposers tried to stop work on the temple in Jerusalem, for instance, an official search of records in the archives at the Median capital of Ecbatana brought to light a document issued by King Cyrus authorizing such construction. Or we may allow our problems to weigh down and lose sight of the vindication of God's sovereignty. Kutya nduno opo a li nenge hasho, Josef oku na okukala a li u uvite nayi, omolwokwaanuuyuuki hoka kwa ningilwa Jesus. If as a parent or an overseer you must administer discipline, will you imitate Jehovah, hating the wrong while looking for the good in your child or fellow believer? - Jude 22, 23. Whether he or not, Joseph must have felt hurt because of Jesus ' injustice. Oohapu dhe otadhi tu ladhipike tu mu tange, tu mu simaneke notu vulike kuye. With the availability of modern technology, you may enjoy listening to professional singers. His Word encourages us to praise him, honor him, and obey him. Oshike ishewe tatu vulu okuninga opo tu ethe ombepo ondjapuki yi longe monkalamwenyo yetu? Internet search engines might be compared to a legion of mushroom pickers who tirelessly collect all types of mushrooms - edible as well as poisonous - throwing them into a single container and dishing them out for us to eat. What else can we do to allow holy spirit to work in our lives? Omolwashike Jehova oye Omuhongi gwiiyuma kaaku na we? The verse says that at death Adam would return to the dust of the ground, not that he would go to a fiery hell. - 10 / 1, page 13. Why is Jehovah the Potter the best Potter? Ihe nonando ongaaka, onda ka kala handi ilongele pegumbo. Without a doubt, Jehovah God also misses this faithful woman - and he intends to restore her to life on a paradise earth. Even so, I was learning from home. 9: 48) Natu taleni nkene hashi ende. The words in the model prayer "forgive us our sins " remind us that just as we need the ransom, our brothers and sisters do too. Let us see how. " Ke li kokule nomuntu nando ogumwe. " It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. " He is not far off from each one of us. " (b) Oshike tatu ka kundathana moshitopolwa tashi landula? Some older ones have many children; others just one child. (b) What will we consider in the next article? NATU LADHIPIKE EGONGALO LI KALE LI NA IIKALA IIWANAWA 3: 23, 24. HOW THE BIBLE CHANGES LIVES Omolwashike Jehova ta vulu oku tu tala ko aayuuki, nonando inatu gwanenena? The cherubs are angels of high rank. Why can Jehovah view us as righteous even though we are imperfect? Aaroma 8: 6 otaye tu pe eyamukulo lya yela sho taya ti: "Okukala mewiliko lyOmbepo otashi eta omwenyo nombili. " They thus announced to the world that they were proud to be servants of the only true God, to be "a people for his name, " praising that name. Romans 8: 6 gives us a clear answer when they say: "Setting the mind on the spirit means life and peace. " Ngaashi Jehova, natse otwa halelela aantu ya gandje eitulomo ketumwalaka noya tsikile " okukala nomwenyo. ' 13: 4. Like Jehovah, we want people to focus on the message and continue to " live forever. ' Poomwedhi hamano dhopetameko, oshiwike kehe otwa li hatu ningi elongelokalunga tu li owala yaali. Something similar can be said of developing a close relationship with God. During the first six months, we conducted only two religion. ▪ Longitha Oohapu dhaKalunga wu ikwathele mwene nosho wo yalwe ▪ Use the Power of Your Tongue for Good ▪ Use God's Word and Others Iinima yuuyuni nosho wo oompangela dhopantu ihayi vulu okuya moshipala ethimbo lye. The Bible was written over a period of some 1,600 years. The world's affairs and human plans cannot interfere with his time. (Mat 24: 14, NW) Mbela omitima dhetu otadhi fuluka ngaa etumwalaka lyUukwaniilwa? Who can know it? Does our heart depend on the Kingdom message? Natu ka konakoneni shoka Ombiimbeli tayi popi moshitopolwa tashi landula. What protection does the Christian congregation offer, and how? Let us examine what the Bible says in the next article. Jesus okwa gandja omwenyo gwe omolwetu. 7 Jesus gave his life for us. SHOKA OMBIIMBELI TAYI TI: "Ethimbo otali ya, uuna oonakusa ayehe mboka ye li moombila, taa ka uva ewi [lyaJesus]. Yo notaa ka za mo. " - Johannes 5: 28, 29. Some Bible readers struggle to understand that account. THE BIBLE'S ANSWER: "The hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out. " - John 5: 28, 29. Pashiholelwa, sho aatondi yoshigwana shaJehova ya li ya hala okuya moshipala iilonga yokutunga otempeli muJerusalem, opwa li pwa ningwa elongekidho opo miinima yopandjokonona yAamedia mbyoka ya li moshilandopangelo, Ekbatana, mu hadhwe. Certain sacrifices stipulated by the Mosaic Law were considered communion offerings. For example, when enemies of Jehovah's people wanted to interfere with the temple in Jerusalem, an arrangement for worship was established in the capital city of Israel. Wu li omuvali nenge omukuluntugongalo, uuna to gandja egeeloputudho mbela oto ka holela ngaa Jehova, mokutala kuukwatya uuwanawa womumwoye nenge womwiitaali omukweni? - Jud. 22, 23. No, but he was too young to join the army, and he may have been youthful looking. As a parent or an elder, do you imitate Jehovah's discipline by reflecting on your brother or fellow believer? - 22, 23. Otashi vulika ho nyanyukilwa okupulakena kaaimbi ya pyokoka kiikwaelektronika yoshinanena. Despite any misgivings Elijah may have had, he began a conversation with the woman. Perhaps you find pleasure in listening to the latest electronic devices. Ngele omuntu to kongo uuyelele kointaneta owa fa omuntu ngoka ta kutha uuhilili mepya, ihe omu na wo omagege, omuntu ngoka oku na okukala a kotoka opo kaaha tule uuhilili mboka ta ka lya mumwe nomagege. (a) When should parents begin to inculcate love for God's Word in their children? If you search online on the Internet, you should also be careful that the person who will not allow it to be put away with them and who will not be put away with them. (Jes. 33: 24; Eh. 21: 4) - 10 / 1, epandja 7. As you study the Bible, Jehovah will become more real to you and you will draw closer to him. - Psalm 77: 12, 13. It is similar today. - 1 / 1, pages 4 - 7. Kapu na omalimbililo kutya Jehova Kalunga naye okwa yuulukwa omukiintu nguka omudhiginini, nokwa halelela oku mu yumudha a ka kale moparadisa kombanda yevi. Jehovah's eyes search the whole earth for those acting faithfully toward him. No doubt, Jehovah God longed this faithful woman, and he is eager to resurrect him from Paradise on earth. Oohapu ndhoka dhi li megalikano lyOmuwa ndhoka tadhi ti kutya " dhima po oondjo dhetu, ' otadhi tu dhimbulukitha kutya ngaashi tse twa pumbwa ekulilo, aamwatate naamwameme nayo oye li pumbwa. As soon as they discerned the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, they boldly declared to others that God's rule had begun. Those words in the model prayer say that "he forgives our sins, " remind us that we need the ransom, as we need the ransom. Osha nyanyangidhwa, opo shi longithwe miilonga yokulonga aantu Ombiimbeli muuyuni awuhe, mbyoka hayi ambidhidhwa nomayambidhidho gopashimaliwa gehalo ewanawa. These five are found at 1 Samuel 2: 25; 6: 3; 10: 26; 23: 14, 16. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Aakokele yamwe oye na aanona oyendji, omanga yamwe ye na owala okanona kamwe. I lacked confidence that I could again prove myself trustworthy. Some older ones have many children, while others have only one child. 3: 23, 24. [ Pictures] 3: 23, 24. Aakerubi, aayengeli mboka ye na ondondo yopombanda. That was vital if they were to gain and maintain Jehovah's approval. One of the angels, angels, and angels have highest position. Molwaashoka omo oshigwana shaKalunga shoka sha li hashi ithanwa Aakonakoni yOmbiimbeli yoPaigwana pethimbo mpoka, sha taamba ko edhina ndyoka li li pamanyolo, Oonzapo dhaJehova. John described the image of the beast as "an eighth king. " Since God's people were called into a group of Bible Students at that time, they accepted the name Jehovah's Witnesses. 13: 4. In fact, "she had suffered much at the hands of many physicians and had spent all her resources, and she was no better but, rather, had become worse. " - Mark 5: 25, 26. 13: 4. Otashi vulu okukala sha faathana nokukokeka ekwatathano lyopothingo naKalunga. A shorter version - the "Eureka Drama " - was also released in 1914. It can be similar to cultivating a close relationship with God. ▪ Popya oohapu oombwanawa He mentioned the Kingdom more than 100 times during his ministry. ▪ Talk With Gracious Speech Ombiimbeli oya li ya nyolwa muule woomvula dhi vulithe 1 600 dha ka pita. What Is Your Answer? The Bible was written over 600 years ago. Olye ta vulu oku gu uva ko? Check Your Spiritual Armor Who can understand it? Egameno lini hali adhika megongalo lyopaKriste, nongiini? Loving: Effective discipline is founded on love, not anger. What protection is found in the Christian congregation, and how? 7 Those words surely express the sentiments of all loyal Witnesses of Jehovah. 7 (Genesis 22: 2) Aaleshi yamwe yOmbiimbeli ohaya nyengwa okuuva ko ehokololo ndyoka. How can you show your appreciation for the privilege of bearing God's name? Some Bible readers are hard to understand that story. Omayambo gamwe ngoka ga popiwa mOmpango ndjoka ya li ya pewa Moses oga li ekwatathanondjambo. " All unrighteousness is sin, " says the Bible. - 1 John 5: 17. Some of the sacrifices spoken by the Mosaic Law were to sacrifice the sacrifice of Moses. Hasho nando, ihe okwa li omushona nokuya muukwiita notashi vulika a li ta monika omugundjuka natango. Jehoram's question, "Is there peace, Jehu? " Not at all, he was a young soldier, and he may still have been still young. Kakele komalimbililo ngoka tashi vulika Elia a li e na, okwa li a tameke oonkundathana nomukiintu. 14: 11 - 13. In addition to the writings of Elijah, Elijah began a conversation with a woman. (a) Uunake aavali ye na okutameka okuthindila ohole yokuhola Oohapu dhaKalunga moyana? " All the assembly raised their voice, " the account states, "and all the sons of Israel began to murmur. " - Numbers 13: 30 - 14: 9. (a) When should parents begin to instill love for God's Word? 77: 12, 13. Was it David's courage? 77: 12, 13. Jehova ota tonatele uuyuni auhe, a nkondopaleke mboka ye na omitima dhe mu inekela. What are some things you might talk about? Jehovah is roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him. Nziya sho ya dhimbulula kutya ehunganeko ndyoka lyOmbiimbeli olya gwanithwa, oya lombwele yalwe nuuladhi kutya elelo lyaKalunga olya tameka. 16 Did Abraham Really Own Camels? Soon after they realized that the Bible prophecy was fulfilled, others told others that God's rulership began. * Iikando mbika itano oli li mu 1 Samuel 2: 25; 6: 3; 10: 26; 23: 14, 16. Those resurrected to heaven will rule as king - priests with Christ over the earth. * These five psalms were found at 1 Samuel 2: 25; 6: 3; 26: 14, 16. Ngashingeyi ondi li ishewe omukuluntugongalo. " The resulting unity brings praise to God. Now I am again an elder. " [ omathano] Plant gardens and eat their fruit. [ Pictures] Etompelo limwe olyo kutya oya li ya ningi oshigwana shaKalunga shi kale sha yooloka ko kiigwana ayihe yilwe mbyoka ya li ye shi kundukidha. Beware of the Devil's Snares, 8 / 15 One reason is that God's people became different from all nations around them. Oshilikama shoka Johannes okwe shi ithana "omukwaniilwa omutihetatu. " (a) How might a person " deceive himself with false reasoning '? The wild beast called John "the king of Assyria. " 15: 19 - 27) Omukiintu okwa li a halelela ekwatho, molwaashoka " okwa mona iihuna noonkondo mokuya koonganga odhindji noku dhi futa ashihe shoka a li e na, ihe ina kala nando nawa, uuvu owa geye owala. ' - Mark. 5: 25, 26. " I was gripped by feelings of despair, bitterness, and apprehension. " The woman longed for help, for she " suffered many pains and had many pains, but she never got sick. ' - Mark 5: 25, 26. Mo 1914, omwa li mwa pitithwa natango oshinyandwa oshifupi hashi ithanwa "Eureka Drama. " Selma observes: "Even before I got the truth, living with Steve was like walking on eggshells. In 1914, the "Eureka Drama " was still placed in 1914. Okwa li a popi Uukwaniilwa iikando yi vulithe 100 pethimbo lyuukalele we. Ahaz even had some of Hezekiah's brothers burned alive as sacrifices to a false god. He referred to the Kingdom more than 100 times during his ministry. Oto yamukula ngiini? So like Nathan, obey Jehovah but be kind to your brother. How Would You Answer? Konakona iikondjitho yoye yopambepo See Young People Ask - Answers That Work, Volume 2, pages 311 - 318. Study Your Spiritual armor Pahole: Egeeloputudho ndyoka hali kwathele oli ikolelela kohole, ihe hakongeyo. These writings have had a great influence on the way many view the teachings of Jesus Christ and Christianity itself. HISTORY: The discipline that helps us depend on love, not on love. 145: 10 - 12) Osha yela kutya oohapu ndhoka otadhi ulike iikala yOonzapo dhaJehova adhihe oondhiginini. Jesus was admonishing his apostles to be different from people in general. Of course, those words show that Jehovah's Witnesses are at all times. Ongiini to vulu okuulika olupandu lwoye sho wu na uuthembahenda wokwiithana nedhina lyaJehova? At such times, a good question to ask ourselves is, " What would Jesus do? ' How can you show appreciation for the privilege you have received from Jehovah's name? Ombiimbeli otayi ti: "Eyono kehe olyo ondjo. " - 1 Johannes 5: 17. COVER IMAGE: The Bible says: "It is the sin of every man. " - 1 John 5: 17. Sho Joram a pula Jehu kutya "ombili tuu? " Discouraged by the many challenges and difficulties, the people left off building the temple and began looking after their own homes and cultivating their fields. When Jehoram asked Jehu: "What peace do I have? " 14: 11 - 13. Later, we even translated the book The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life into Tuvaluan and printed it on this small machine. 14: 11 - 13. Ehokololo otali ti: " Egongalo alihe olya tameke okunyenyeta. ' - Numeri 13: 30 - 14: 9. In fact, the people had become "expert at doing what is bad. " The account states: "The whole congregation began to complain about each other. " - Numbers 13: 30 - 9. 17: 4) Mbela shoka okwa li e shi ningi omolwuulaadhi we? " They saw [the fulfillment of God's promises] afar off. " Did he do that because of his courage? Otamu vulu okupopya kombinga yashike? Even though Philemon had the legal right to punish Onesimus severely, Paul asked Philemon to "receive him kindly, " on the basis of love and personal friendship. - Philemon 10, 11, 15 - 18. What can you say about it? 16 Mbela Abraham okwa li ngaa shili e na oongamelo? PAGE 9 16 Did Abraham Really Happen? Ngele otatu shi ningi, ota ka kala e tu hokwa note ke tu laleka nuuyamba. An Open Invitation! If we do so, he will be pleased with us and will bless us. (Ehololo 20: 6) Mboka taya ka yumudhwa oku ka kala megulu otaya ka pangela ombanda yevi pamwe naKristus ye li aakwaniilwa naasaaseri. " You, O Jehovah, are good and ready to forgive; and the loving - kindness to all those calling upon you is abundant. " - PS. Those resurrected to heaven will rule with Christ as kings over the earth as kings and priests. 14: 19) Uukumwe otawu simanekitha Kalunga. Jesus ' view of a spiritual shepherd's role differed from that once manifested by James and John. It brings glory to God. Tsikeni iitsambe, mu lye iiyimati yayo. 13, 14. (a) How did Barnabas show discernment in the case of young Mark? Donations of fruit, his fruitage, and its fruitage. Oshitopolwa shaagundjuka, 4 / 1, 7 / 1 But remembering our Grand Creator also involves pondering our obligations to him. For Young People, 3 / 15 (a) Ongiini omuntu ta vulu " okwiifundjaleka '? " [Abraham] came to be called Jehovah's friend. " - JAS. (a) How can one "speak "? Onda li nda teka omukumo, nda yemata nonda li ndi na oshimpwiyu sha pitilila. " Likely, swallows that nested in the temple area each year found it a place of safety, where they could rear their young undisturbed. I was discouraged, disappointed, and I was extremely anxious. " MeeSelma okwa ti: "Manga nokuli inaandi tameka okukonakona, tse natate Steve katwa li hatu tsu tu thithe. Offset printing was invented; thereafter, printing became faster and the quality improved. " Even before I started studying, Steve and I didn't agree with each other, " she says. Ahas okwa li nokuli a yamba po oyana, e ya yambele oshikalunga, sho e ya fike po ye na omwenyo. How does Jehovah respond to those who are "broken at heart " and" crushed in spirit "? Ahaz even offered his sons a god, who had burned them for life. Ngaashi owala Natan, kenukila omumwaho ngoka, ihe kala omudhiginini kuJehova. How do supporters of God's sovereignty make personal decisions? Like Nathan, a brother named Nathan, was loyal to Jehovah. Tala Young People Ask - Answers That Work, embo 2, epandja 311 - 318. Jesus referred to this new covenant on the night before his death when he said: "This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood, which is to be poured out in your behalf. " See Young People - Answers That Work, Volume 2, pages 31 - 31 Omanyolo ngaka oga li ga nwetha mo unene omukalo moka oyendji ya tala ko omalongo gaJesus Kristus nosho wo gUukwakriste. Jesus knew that within hours he would die a slow and painful death. These scriptures were especially influenced by the way many viewed Jesus Christ and Christendom. Jesus okwa li ta ladhipike aayapostoli ye yi iyageke iikala mbyoka ya li apuhe mokati kaantu. We see the answer in Paul's mention of "a declaring of [men of all kinds] righteous for life. " - Rom. Jesus urged his apostles to avoid the extreme attitudes that were common among people. Ngele otwi iyadha monkalo ndjoka, epulo ewanawa tatu vulu okwiipula olyo: " Mbela ando Jesus oye a li mo, ando okwa ningi po shike? ' 14, 15. If we find ourselves in that situation, we could ask ourselves, " What would Jesus have done if he did not? ' ETHANO LYOKOMBANDA: Martha's meal was not the key issue here; rather, it was her priorities. COVER IMAGE: Oge ya teya omukumo noge ya ningitha kaaya tsikile niilonga yawo yokutunga otempeli. Oya tameke okugandja eitulomo kokutunga omagumbo gawo nokokulonga omapya gawo. It is like a man traveling abroad who left his house and gave the authority to his slaves, to each one his work, and commanded the doorkeeper to keep on the watch. They have become discouraged and have slowed down their construction project. They began focusing on building homes and fields. Konima yethimbo, otwa toloka okambo kedhina Oshili ndjoka tayi fala kOmwenyo Gwaaluhe mOshituvalu, neshina ndyoka, nonando eshona. There were fruit - bearing trees from which Adam could freely eat. In time, we translate the brochure The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life in Tuvaluan, although it is small. Aantu oya li ookapyoko " mokulonga uuwinayi. ' Nonetheless, he confessed that he was still guilty of sin. People were " wicked for what is wicked. ' Oya li ya " mono iinima mbyoka Kalunga e ya uvanekele, noye yi talele kokule. ' 16 They "saw the things God promised them, and they came to visit them. ' Nonando Filemon okwa li e na uuthemba wokupa Onesimus egeelo lya kwata miiti, Paulus okwa li a pula Filemon e mu " taambe ngaashi te mu taamba, ' omolwohole nosho wo uukuume mboka ya li ye na. - Filemon 10, 11, 15 - 18. 4 Jesus Christ - The Reach of His Message Though Potiphar had the right to be forgiven of a serious sin, Paul asked him to "be accepted, " just as he accepted him, and his loyal friends were kind to him. - 11 / 15, 11 - 18. Elalakano lyaPaulus olya li okuladhipika Timoteus, noku mu dhimbulukitha kutya Jehova oku na uukwatya wokumona nosho wo okukelela iilonga yaatsindumbo. In fact, the reason David was called away from the pastures to attend to King Saul was that he was skilled on the harp. - 1 Samuel 16: 18 - 23. Paul's goal was to encourage Timothy, remind him of Jehovah's qualities and actions. EPANDJA 9 Only under those circumstances can we uphold our heavenly Father's sovereignty and have the hope of being spared when Jehovah clears his name of reproach and demonstrates that he is the Universal Sovereign. PAGE 9 Mbela itandi vulu okuhwepopala mokuhumitha komeho ombepo ombwanawa megongalo? ' The Bible often uses parts of the human body to illustrate different characteristics or actions. Can I improve the spirit of the congregation? ' Atuheni otwa hiywa! We must act wisely on what we see. All of us are invited! " OMUWA, ongoye omunalukeno noho tu dhimine po; ou na esilohenda kumboka taye ku indile. " - EPS. Timing of circumcision. " O Jehovah, you are merciful and forgiving; you have mercy upon those asking him. " - PS. Etaloko lyaJesus lyonkandangala ndjoka omusita gwoonzi gwopambepo ha dhana olya li lya yooloka ko kwaandyoka lyaJakob naJohannes. While she was studying the Bible, she told her family about the things she was learning. Jesus ' view of the spiritual shepherd was different from James and John. 13, 14. (a) Barnabas okwa longitha ngiini oondunge dhokuyoolola moshinima shaMarkus? They can do so by showing respect for their parents and by helping in material ways. 13, 14. (a) How did Barnabas use discernment in the case of Mark? 143: 5) Ihe okudhimbulukwa Omushiti gwetu okwa kwatela mo wo okudhiladhila kwaashoka a tegelela tu ninge. God called them "the people whom I formed for myself so that they might declare my praise. " But remembering our Creator also involves reflecting on what he expects of us. " Abraham okwi ithanwa kuume kaKalunga. " - JAK. While the Bible is definite about God's disapproval of that lifestyle, we also know that "God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " - John 3: 16. " Abraham called God's friend. " - JAS. Otashi vulika ga li ge wete kutya momingenge dhotempeli omu na egameno notaga vulu okutekulila mo uudhilona wago omumvo kehe nopwaahe na okupiyaganekwa. I am the little girl from Pastillo who had no shoes. " It may have seemed that in the South's temple, its safety can be cut off each year without being distracted each year. Kakele kokweendelela, iinima mbyoka hayi nyanyangidhwa oyi na wo ongushu. Likewise with Noah - why know his name? In addition to being published, such things are also valuable. Johannes okwa nyola a ti: "Aamwandje! Did Solomon reason that Egypt was not one of those listed nations? John wrote: "Look! Ihe mbela Jehova ohi inyenge ngiini uuna ti indilwa ekwatho kwaamboka ya "kanitha etegameno " nosho wo mboka" ya dhengwa pevi "? Striving to keep morally clean also helps us to maintain our spiritual security. But how does Jehovah respond when it means to help those who have "a hope " and" a broken heart "? Aayambidhidhi yuunamapangelo waKalunga ohaya ningi ngiini omatokolo gawo? And people will see that we truly put into practice what we preach about a clean new world. How do upholding God's sovereignty make decisions? Lyotango, otashi vulika Aasadukayi ya li taya dhiladhila kombinga yeyumuko lyokombanda yevi, nomolwaashono kwa li taku dhiladhilwa kutya Jesus oku na okukala e ya yamukula shi ikolelela kwaashoka ya li taya dhiladhila. That same evening, these two disciples returned to Jerusalem. Finding the apostles, they related their experience to them. First, the Sadducees likely thought about the earthly resurrection, and it was clear that Jesus ' response was based on what they thought. Jesus okwa li a popi kombinga yehangano ndika muusiku we wa hugunina manga inaa sa a ti: "Oshitenga shika osho ehangano epe [lyombinzi] yandje ndjoka tayi tilwahi molweni. " (Luk. 22: 20; 1 Kor. Treasure Hidden for Centuries (Georgian Bible), 6 / 1 Regarding this covenant before he died, Jesus said: "This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood. " Jesus okwa li e shi kutya moowili dhi li popepi okwa li ta ka sa eso li uvitha omwenyo omutoye. She has a grateful heart and remains conscious of the blessings she still has. Jesus knew that in the night he was near to die. Eyamukulo otu li wete mwaashoka sha popiwa kuPaulus kombinga " yokumangululwa kwaantu ayehe e taa pewa omwenyo. ' - Rom. How will doing so affect our communication with family members and fellow Christians? We see the answer in Paul's words about "all sorts of men " and" have been given to life. " - Rom. 14, 15. He finds it hard to comprehend how anyone could be without a beginning. 14, 15. (Lukas 5: 29) Onkee ano, okulongekidha iikulya hako kwa li kwa puka, ihe ooshoka Marta a li a pititha komeho. You have gained a treasured relationship with Jehovah and have established a faithful record with him. So it was not wrong, but Martha's primary concern was that she put her first place. Otaku ningi ngashika omulumentu te ke enda kiilongo e ta thigi po egumbo lye: Oye okwa thigile aamati ye, ya tonatele iinima ye ayihe. Remember, he or she is likely seeking heartfelt empathy, not a quick solution. It does just as a man will leave his home and leave his sons, and they left them all things. Omwa li omiti hadhi imi iiyimati mbyoka Adam a li a manguluka okulya ko kudho. After moving away from home, I began to experiment with drugs, even growing and selling large amounts of marijuana. They produced fruit that Adam was free from eating it. Ihe nonando ongawo, okwa li a zimine kutya ye omulunde. So guards, don't trouble them by asking them for a cigarette and don't send them to collect a burning piece of charcoal to light your cigarette. Yet, he agreed that he was a sinner. 16 A lion hunts stealthily, so we must avoid the spiritual darkness in which Satan seeks his prey. 16 4 Nkene etumwalaka lyaJesus Kristus lya nwetha mo aantu " Show me your faith without the works, " wrote James, "and I will show you my faith by my works. " 4 The Bible Changes Lives Dhoshili, etompelo molwaashoka David a li i ithanwa ko kuusita a ye komukwaniilwa Saul omolwaashoka okwa li onkulungu mokuhika okaharpa. - 1 Samuel 16: 18 - 23. ▪ What the Bible teaches: "You people must not afflict any... fatherless boy. Of course, because David was called to be a king to King Saul because he was a good man. - 1 Samuel 16: 18 - 23. 17: 16; Iil. 5: 29) Ngele otwa ningi ngawo, opo owala tatu ka vula okuyambidhidha uunamapangelo waTate yetu gwomegulu notatu ka kala tu na etegameno lyoku ka hupithwa uuna ta ka yogola edhina lye komasheko nokuulika kutya oye Omupangeli gweshito alihe ngele katu li oshitopolwa shepangelo lyaSatana. " I learned some lessons for my own ministry, " said Johannes from Germany. If we do so, we will be able to support our heavenly Father's sovereignty and if we are to save his name from Satan's sovereignty. Ombiimbeli oya longitha olundji iilyo yolutu, tayi ulike komaukwatya nenge kiilonga ya yoolokathana. " He well knows how we are formed, " says the Bible, "remembering that we are dust. " The Bible often uses a man's body, or parts, to different parts of his organization. Otu na okukala twa kotoka uuna tu wete iiyimbi mondjila yetu. 9, 10. We must be careful when we see things in our way. Ethimbo lyokukenkwa. These kind elders are willing to teach others and are not afraid of sharing some of their privileges in the congregation with the learners. The time came. Sho e li metifa lyokukonakona Ombiimbeli, okwa li a lombwele yaandjawo kombinga yaashoka ti ilongo. Sometimes she was forced to work outside in the freezing cold without enough clothes to keep her warm. During her study of the Bible, she told her family about what she had learned. Otaya vulu oku shi ninga mokusimaneka aavali yawo noku ya kwathela painiwe. How can we be consoled by Jehovah? They can do so by honoring their parents and helping them. Kalunga okwe yi ithana ta ti: "Oyo aantu mboka ndi ishitile ngame mwene, oyo notaa ka imbila ndje omahambelelo. " By putting their own desires ahead of all else - even the needs of their offspring - they lost perfection and eternal life. - Genesis 2: 15 - 3: 24. God called them, saying: "They are those who are making a covenant with me, and they will shout joyfully for my name. " (Aaroma 1: 26, 27; Aagalati 5: 19 - 21) Manga Ombiimbeli ya popya shu ukilila kutya Kalunga ita hokwa okukalamwenyo kwa tya ngaaka, otu shi shi wo kutya " Kalunga okwa kala e hole uuyuni, sho a gandja Omwana awike, opo shaangoka te mu itaale kaa kane, ihe a kale e na omwenyo gwaaluhe. ' - Johannes 3: 16. Our prayers, though, should not be limited to asking God for personal help. Before the Bible says that God is not interested in such a way, we know that "God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, " not only those exercising faith in him but also gave him everlasting life. - John 3: 16. Ongaye okakadhona kokuPastillo heya mwa landelele oongaku. " * So why not turn to Jehovah for help? " The girl's little girl seemed like a girl. " Sha faathana naNoowa, omolwashike tu shi edhina lye? When we realize the true value of a costly gift, we are moved to show our gratitude to the giver. Similarly, why do we know his name? 34: 11 - 16) Salomo otashi vulika a li ta dhiladhila kutya ota vulu okuhokana Aaegipiti molwaashoka inaya kwatelwa mo miigwana mbyoka ya tumbulwa. PAGE 8 • SONGS: 81, 132 Solomon may have thought that he could marry for the Egyptians because they did not include the people mentioned in the nations. 1: 32, 33) Okukala tatu lalakanene okukala twa yogoka pamikalo otaku vulu wo oku tu kwathela tu kale twa gamenwa pambepo. In fact, having one may hinder a brother from bringing glory to God by his dress and grooming and his being irreprehensible. - Rom. Being morally clean can also help us to remain spiritually secure. Aantu otaya ka mona kutya ohatu tula shili miilonga shoka hatu uvitha kombinga yuuyuni uupe, mboka tawu ka kala wa yela. But we can do this only if we are "harmoniously joined together " and cooperate with one another in the congregation. - Ephesians 4: 16. People will see that we really apply what we preach about the new world, which will be clear. Ongulohi yesiku olyo tuu ndyoka aalongwa mbaka oya shuna kuJerusalem noya hokololele aayapostoli shoka ya ningilwa. Nevertheless, as we loyally adhere to the law of freedom, we taste its liberating powers even now. The same day, these disciples returned to Jerusalem and told the apostles what happened. Tashi ulike esiku nosho wo omwedhi gwoshifo moka mu na oshitopolwa What does the Bible say about the number of anointed ones who will be on earth when the great tribulation starts? Changes Lives, 2 / 1, 5 / 1, 6 / 1, 11 / 1, 11 / 1, 11 / 1, 11 / 1, 11 / 1, 11 / 1, 11 / Omolwaashono Sheryl a kala ha pandula nokwa kala ha dhiladhila aluhe komayambeko ngoka e na. And that is what happened. Because she is grateful and always thought about the blessings she has experienced. Ongiini oku shi ninga taku ka guma ekwatathano lyetu niilyo yuukwanegumbo nosho wo nAakriste ooyakwetu? The letter of James was likely written shortly after the apostle Paul wrote his inspired description of faith. How will doing so affect our relationship with family and fellow Christians? Osha kala oshidhigu kuye okuuva ko kutya ongiini omuntu ta kala kee na etameko. The Bible tells marriage mates not to "deal treacherously " with each other. It was hard for her to understand how a person felt without a beginning. Owu na ekwatathano ewanawa naJehova nowu na ngashingeyi ondjokonona yiilonga yuudhiginini. (Heb. The love and unity among the brothers from different countries made a lasting impression. You have a good relationship with Jehovah and are now loyal to him. Dhimbulukwa kutya otashi vulika owala a hala okuulukilwa olukeno, ihe ina hala okukandula po uupyakadhi meendelelo. But they were able to make changes. Remember, he may just want to be kind, but he does not want to solve problems quickly. Sho nda tembuka mo megumbo, onda tameke okulongitha iingangamithi nonda li nokuli nda tameke okukuna nokulanditha epangwe. Giving and helping others bring great joy. When I left home, I started using drugs and even began selling fruit. Onkee ano, inamu dhi pula omakaya nenge mu dhi tume omulilo mu hwameke omakaya geni. As Christians, we have a precious heritage. So do not ask them to smoke or send a fire into smoking. Ngaashi owala onime hayi dhipaga uumpugulugona nenge uungologona ngele wa kotha, Satana naye wo ke na ohenda natse nokwa hala e tu dhipage. We show faith when we endure the challenges of life in this world (See paragraph 14) Just as a lion kills a stone or a goat, Satan will have pity upon us and wants us to kill us. Ngame otandi ku ulukile wo eitaalo lyandje tali holoka miilonga. " (Jak. When Jesus died, there was a violent earthquake, and the Roman army officer in charge of the execution was moved to say: "Certainly this was God's Son. " I also show you my faith in Jehovah's service. " ▪ Shoka Ombiimbeli tayi longo: " Inamu ehameka othigwa kehe. Jehovah has promised to help, protect, and deliver his people, as a group, physically and spiritually, and we trust in him. ▪ What the Bible teaches: "Do not harm anyone. Omumwatate Johannes, gwokoNdowishi, okwa ti: "Moshikonga moka ondi ilonga mo omikalo ndhoka tandi vulu okulongitha muukalele wandje. However, the day before the visit, the couple tell the mother that something unexpected has come up and that they have to cancel the invitation. John, in Germany, says: "In where I learned ways that I can use my ministry. Ombiimbeli otayi ti: "Okwa tseya kutya otwa shitwa nashike; oku shi shi kutya otse ontsi yevi. " Even though I had given up on myself, others had not. The Bible says: "He came to know what we were created; he knows that we are dust. " 9, 10. Jehovah empowered Jesus to perform miracles. 9, 10. Pehala lyaashono, oye wete kutya aamwatate mbaka " aalongi pamwe nayo ' mboka taye ke ya kwathela ya sile egongalo oshimpwiyu. (2 Kor. Absolutely not! Instead, they see that these brothers are "fellow workers " who will help them care for the congregation. Omathimbo gamwe okwa li ha thiminikilwa okulonga pondje muutalala wamemememe, inaa zala oonguwo dhuupyu. A Christian who is content with being single may feel that his family or friends are pressuring him to get married. At times, she was forced to work in the fields in the fields, wearing clothes, and clothing. Ongiini Jehova ta vulu oku tu hekeleka? Noah also succeeded as a family man - and for basically the same reason; he trusted in God's wisdom. How can Jehovah comfort us? Molwaashoka oya li ya tula omahalo gawo komeho giinima ayihe, mwa kwatelwa noompumbwe dhoyana, oya li ya kanitha egwaneneno nosho wo omwenyo gwaaluhe. - Genesis 2: 15 - 3: 24. Other global initiatives were adopted in the decades that followed. Because they put their desires ahead of all things, including their needs, were lost, and they lost perfection. - Genesis 2: 15 - 24. Uuna tatu galikana inatu pumbwa owala okukala tatu pula Jehova e tu kwathele miinima yopaumwene. We would not want to make their fight harder, would we? When we pray, we do not need to ask Jehovah for help in matters of personal matters. * Omolwashike itoo kongo ekwatho kuJehova? Jehovah considers an assault on his servants to be an attack on him. * Why not look for Jehovah's help? Uuna twe shi mono kutya omagano ngoka twa pewa oge na ongushu, ohashi tu inyengitha tu pandule ngoka e ge tu pa. " The Spirit and the Bride Keep On Saying: " Come! ' " When we see that the gift we receive is precious, it motivates us to appreciate the gifts he has given us. EPANDJA 8 OMAIMBILO: 81, 132 If a problem arises, we ought to consider what Bible principles are involved and apply them in a balanced way. PAGE 8 • SONGS: 81, 59 Ngele omumwatate oku dhi na nokuli, kungawo ita simanekitha Kalunga mokuzala kwe nomokwiiyopaleka kwe. Ota kala wo e na oshipo. - Rom. How do they feel about their chosen career? If a brother is there, we will not honor God in his dress and loyalty. - Rom. (Ehololo 22: 17) Shika otatu vulu owala oku shi ninga ngele otwa kala twa "kwatathana kumwe " notatu longele kumwe megongalo. - Aaefeso 4: 16. He may guide us by means of holy spirit. We can do so only if we "go on walking in the congregation " and cooperate with one another in the congregation. - Ephesians 4: 16. Ihe ngele tatu vulika kompango yemanguluko nuudhiginini, otatu vulu okukala twa manguluka nokuli ngashingeyi. We have learned that we can benefit from all parts of the Bible. But if we obey the law of freedom, we can be free even more freedom now. Ombiimbeli otayi ti aagwayekwa yangapi taya ka adhika kombanda yevi sho uudhigu uunene tawu ka tameka? (Read Luke 22: 40.) How many anointed ones will survive the great tribulation? (Job 42: 1, 2) Shika osho Jehova a ningi. His personal request appears toward the end of the book. That is what Jehovah did. Ngaashi Paulus, Jakob okwa yelitha kutya eitaalo lyashili olya kwatela mo wo iilonga. WE ARE living in a time of increasing greed, lawlessness, and violence. Like Paul, James explained that true faith involves a work. Ombiimbeli otayi lombwele aaihokani kaaya "kengelelathane. " But Jehovah can help us to live in a way that pleases him. The Bible tells married couples not to "love one another. " Ohole nuukumwe mboka wa li pokati kaamwatate naamwameme mboka ya za kiilongo ya yoolokathana, kayi shi okudhimbiwa. " Jehovah Knows Those Who Belong to Him, " 7 / 15 Love and unity between brothers and sisters from different countries is not an unforgettable sign. Ihe oya li ya vulu okulundulula. How can we succeed in sacred service as Joshua did? But they could change. Okugandja nokukwathela yalwe ohaku eta enyanyu enene. I next asked to be allowed to work only 36 hours per week, or 6 hours on 6 days, and that request was also granted. Giving and helping others bring great joy. Aakriste atuhe otwa thigulula uuthiga wu na ondilo. Viewing leisure time as part of that gift will move us to use it in a way that will bring pleasure to the Giver. All Christians have inherited a precious inheritance. Uuna tatu idhidhimikile omashongo monkalamwenyo, otatu holola kutya otu na eitaalo (Tala okatendo 14) Morally dangerous situations may also come up when a Christian is away from home on a business trip or when a Christian has to work with someone of the opposite sex. When we endure trials in life, we show that we have faith (See paragraph 14) Sho Jesus a si, opwa holoka ekakamo lyevi edhigu nomukuluntu gwetangakwiita lyAaroma ngoka a li ta kwatele komeho okudhipagwa kwaJesus okwa li i inyengithwa a tye: "Kapu na omalimbililo, nguka okwa li Omuna gwaKalunga. " (Mat. Many other matters were clarified through the inspired writings of John, Peter, James, and Paul. When Jesus died, a massive earthquake in the Roman Empire was moved to put Jesus ' death, he was moved to say: "No man was the Son of God. " Jehova oku uvaneka okukwathela, okugamena nokuhupitha oshigwana she shi li ongundu, palutu nopambepo, notwi inekela kutya ote ke shi ninga. (Eps. As Christianity spread, were Christians to come to terms with the world, conforming to its practices and becoming a part of it? Jehovah promises to help and protect his people physically, spiritually, and he is confident that he will do so. Ihe nonando oongawo, manga esiku ndyoka inaali thika, aaihokani mboka oya li ya lombwele omumwameme ngoka kutya opwa holoka oshinima ombaadhilila noitaya ka tokelwa we pamwe ongulohi ndjoka. He said that I was being brainwashed. However, before that day, the couple told the sister that something unexpected occurred and that it would not be late. Nonando kanda li ndi na we etegameno lyasha, yalwe oya li ye na einekelo mungame. What about us? Although I had no hope, others had confidence in me. Jehova okwa li a pe Jesus oonkondo a longe iikumithalonga. * Jehovah empowered Jesus to perform miracles. Hasho nando! 24: 42; 1 Pet. Of course not! Omukriste ngoka a tokola kaaye mondjokana otashi vulika a thiminikwe kuyaandjawo nenge kookuume ke e shi ninge. PAGE 18 • SONGS: 46, 63 A Christian who is not married may be challenged by family members or friends. Noa okwa li a pondola e li omuvali, molwaashoka okwa li i inekela muunongo waKalunga. Think about this: Before Jesus came to earth, he saw that Jehovah answered the prayers of His human servants. Noah succeeded as a parent, for he relied on God's wisdom. Ooveta dhilwe odha li dha taambwa ko muuyuni awuhe moomvula omilongo ndhoka dha ka landula ko. Trust in Jehovah (E. Other passengers were accepted worldwide for decades. 6: 9, 10) Onkee ano, inatu hala tu ya ningithe ya kale taya kondjo nuudhigu. 22: 13 - 34. So we do not want to make it difficult for them to struggle. Shaashi ngele Satana okwe shi ponokele, nena okwa fa owala ta ponokele Jehova. 16, 17. Since Satan attacks them, it is as if Satan attacks Jehovah. " Ombepo nomuyalekwa otaa ti: " Ila! ' " [ Footnote] " The spirit and the bride keep on saying: " Come! ' " Uuna pwa holoka uupyakadhi, otu na okutala kutya omakotampango gOmbiimbeli geni ga kwatelwa mo, noku ga tula miilonga momukalo gu li pandjele. The Christian race is not easy. When problems arise, we should consider what Bible principles include, apply, and apply them in a balanced way. Mbela oyu uvitile ngiini ehogololo ndyoka ya ninga? Why was the plot of the Syro - Israelite league bound to fail? How do they feel about the choice they make? Ota vulu okulongitha ombepo ondjapuki yi tu wilike. In 1942, I dedicated my life to Jehovah and was baptized in one of our beautiful rivers. He can use holy spirit to guide us. Otwi ilonga kutya otatu vulu okumona uuwanawa mwaashihe shoka sha nyolwa mOmbiimbeli. Would you be willing to take a look at what the Bible can offer you? We have learned that we can benefit from all that is recorded in the Bible. (Lesha Lukas 22: 40.) As you read the scriptures, imagine that you are part of the event. (Read Luke 22: 40.) Shoka a li a pula e etelwe osha nyolwa lwopehulilo lyembo ndyoka. We would not want to become "righteous overmuch. " His request was written on the end of this book. OLWIHO, okwaanompango nosho wo elongithonkondo otayi ende tayi indjipala pethimbo lyetu. Jehovah deserves more than mechanical obedience to specific orders, such as can be performed even by animals or demons. WHO, violence, and violence increase in our time. (Episalomi 12: 8) Ihe Jehova ota vulu oku tu kwathela tu kale nonkalamwenyo ndjoka tayi mu nyanyudha. But He discerned that Aaron was not a bad person or gravely at fault. But Jehovah can help us to live a way that pleases him. 11 / 15 " Ihaa hokana nongaashi ihaa hokanwa "? Something that continues to haunt me is that I killed my unborn child.... 11 / 15 Oshike tashi ke tu kwathela tu pondole miilonga yaKalunga ngaashi Josua? Worthless Things to Avoid What will help us to succeed in God's service as Joshua did? Onda li nda pula natango ndi pitikwe ndi longe oowili 36 moshiwike kehe, nenge oowili hamano momasiku gahamano, okwa li natango e shi pitike. (b) What can we meditate on when we prepare for our ministry? I still had to be allowed to work for 36 hours each week, or six days later, she was still allowing it to go. (Omuuv. 3: 12, 13) Ngele otu shi kutya okwiinyanyudha oku li omagano ga za kuKalunga, otashi ke tu inyengitha tu ga longithe momukalo ngoka tagu mu nyanyudha. Hence, we could say something like this: "Since people have different ideas about hell, may I ask what your thoughts are? " When we know that God's gift is from him, we will be moved to use it in a way that pleases him. 22: 3) Onkalo yimwe ishewe tashi vulika yi kale ya nika oshiponga, ongele Omukriste a yi niilonga kehala lyontumba nenge ta longo nomuntu gwuukashikekookantu wa yooloka ko kuwe. (Omayel. But recall, God takes no pleasure in the death of anyone, including the wicked. Another situation may be dangerous, on the other hand, to a Christian who has sexually committed sexual immorality or to avoid sexual immorality. Iinima oyindji yilwe oya li ya yelithwa okupitila momanyolo ga nwethwa mo gaJohannes, Petrus, Jakob nosho wo Paulus. In 1964 we were invited to live at Bethel. Many other factors were explained through the inspired writings of John, James, James, and Paul. Sho Aakriste ya taandele muuyuni auhe, mbela oya li oshitopolwa shuuyuni nohaya landula omikalo dhawo? My mother died at the age of 86. As Christians spread throughout the world, are they part of the world and follow their ways? Okwa li ta dhiladhila kutya otandi pukithwa. * He thought that I was deceived. Ongiini mbela kombinga yetu? For others, negative feelings might be rooted in a physical disorder that affects the emotions. What about us? * Stay in Jehovah's Valley of Protection * 24: 42; 1 Pet. In time, I won many prizes and awards. 24: 42; 1 Pet. EPANDJA 18 OMAIMBILO: 46, 63 Nevertheless, we cannot go wrong by thanking the Almighty for whatever support he may have provided. - Colossians 3: 15; James 1: 17, 18. PAGE 18 • SONGS: 46, 63 Dhiladhila kwaashika: Manga Jesus inee ya kombanda yevi, okwa li a mono kutya Jehova oha yamukula omagalikano gaapiya Ye. Another example of one who obeyed Jehovah's commands is King Josiah. Think of this: While on earth, Jesus saw that Jehovah answered prayers for his servants. 22: 13 - 34. * 22: 13 - 34. 16, 17. Why is that? 16, 17. Okwa gwedhwa ko a ti: "Oku na esiku ndyoka, uuna eshito alihe tali ka manguluka muupika weyonuuko, li ye memanguluko nomeadhimo lyaana yaKalunga. " At a future time, they will be restored to life with the prospect of living forever in that Paradise on earth. - Luke 23: 43. He added: "There is a day when all creation will be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God. " [ Enyolo lyopevi] That day is also called the end, as discussed in the cover articles of this issue. [ Footnote] Kashi shi oshipu okumatuka methigathanopo lyopaKriste. Today, there are about 216,000 publishers in Japan, and almost half of them are pioneers! It is not easy to run the race for the Christian race. Omolwashike ompangela yaSiria naIsraeli ya li tayi ka ponya? Soon after Gary's return, we became involved in the activities of a loving congregation, and I was baptized in 1974. Why would the army of Israel have been protected? Momumvo 1942, onda li ndi iyapulile Jehova nonda ninginithwa mugumwe gwomomilonga dhetu omiwanawa. Jon: It was something that happened to Nebuchadnezzar himself, right? In 1942, I dedicated myself to Jehovah and got baptized in 1942. Mbela ino hala okumona nkene Ombiimbeli tayi vulu oku ku kwathela? ▪ mind Ps. Would you like to see how the Bible can help you? Sho to lesha omanyolo, kala wa fa wu wete wu na mo ombinga moshiningwanima shoka. God gave what privilege to one woman named Mary? As you read the scriptures, imagine that you have a share in that event. Inatu hala tu kale " aayuuki unene. ' (Omuuv. 4: 6; Luke 11: 9, 13. We do not want to be "an righteous one. " Jehova okwa hala tu vulike kuye nomutima aguhe, ina hala tu kale twa fa iinamwenyo noompwiidhuli mbyoka hayi vulika molwaashoka kaayi na nkene. (Mark. 1: 27; Jak. 17, 18. (a) In what sense could Timothy have closely followed Paul's suffering in Lystra? Jehovah wants us to obey him with all our heart, not like animals that may not be like animals. Ihe okwa mono kutya Aaron ke shi omukolokoshi. They may even have sinned against us personally. But Aaron realized that he was not evil. Oshinima shoka tashi tsikile nokunyenyetela ndje ooshono kutya onda li nda dhipaga okanona kandje hoka ka li inaaka valwa. When Elisha's attendant arose and went outside, he saw the prophet's would - be captors. It goes on to say that I killed my child who was born. Iinima kaayi na oshilonga mbyoka tu na okuhenuka There is also the matter of being economical. The worthless things we must avoid (b) Otatu vulu okutedhatedha kushike, uuna tatu ilongekidhile uukalele? Again, we have to wonder: " Who sent Jesus? (b) What can we meditate on when preparing for the ministry? Onkee ano otatu vulu oku mu pula ngeyi: "Shaashi aantu oye na omadhiladhilo ga yoolokathana ngele tashi ya poheli, ngoye oho ti oheli oshike? " Those rebels continued to dwell among Jehovah's people, endangering the spiritual health of faithful ones. Therefore, we might ask, "What does it mean to be different thoughts about hellfire, and what does it say? " (2 Aatessalonika 1: 8) Dhimbulukwa kutya Kalunga iha kala a nyanyukwa ngele omuntu ta si, mwa kwatelwa nomukolokoshi. Why? Remember that God is not pleased when someone dies, including wicked ones. Mo 1964 otwi ithanwa tu ka kale moBetel. Though the Israelites in Isaiah's day had turned away from Jehovah, He still wanted to help them. In 1964 we were called to serve at Bethel. Tate okwa si e na omimvo 93, omanga meme a si e na 86. In addition to doctrinal discrepancies, I was troubled by the nationalistic ideas taught by the Mormons. My father died 93 years old, and my mother died. * What encouragement did the apostle Paul give the early Christians? * (Omayel. 15: 15) Yalwe oye na uunkundi wopalutu mboka hawu gumu omadhiladhilo gawo. He gave humans the assignment to fill the earth, cultivate it, and care for the fish, the birds, and other living things on it. Others have physical health that affects their mind. Kala molusilu lwegameno lyaJehova They were under great pressure from the Jewish religious leaders, who still wielded powerful influence over the people. Stay in Jehovah's Valley of protection Konima yethimbo, onda ka sindana omapapa noondjambi odhindji. In the next article, we will trace the development of certain false doctrines. In time, I won several attacks. Nonando ongawo, inashi puka okupandula Omunankondoadhihe, uuna e tu yambidhidha musha. - Aakolossa 3: 15; Jakob 1: 17, 18. Then Brother Knorr told me: "I like to have sharpened pencils on my desk. However, it is not wrong to thank the Almighty when he supports us. - Colossians 3: 15; James 1: 17, 18. Oshiholelwa shilwe shagumwe ngoka a li a vulika kiipango yaJehova oshomukwaniilwa Josia. This can be illustrated with a pilot flying an airplane. Another example of one who obeyed Jehovah's commands is Josiah's example. * " What I really appreciate, " relates Margarita, "is when brothers and sisters offer to accompany me and my children in the field ministry. " * Omolwashike mbela? Rejected by godless men, he is "chosen, precious, with God. " - 1 Pet. Why? Otaya ka yumudhwa monakuyiwa, ye na etegameno lyoku ka kala mOparadisa kombanda yevi sigo aluhe. - Lukas 23: 43. With the help of Jesus, have we not come to appreciate our Father in a way that most people today do not? They will be resurrected to life in Paradise on earth. - Luke 23: 43. Esiku ndyoka otali ithanwa wo ehulilo, ngaashi sha kundathanwa petameko lyoshifo shika. Jehovah's words are recorded in the Bible. That day is also called the end, as discussed at the beginning of this magazine. MoJapani ngashingeyi omu na aauvithi 216 000 lwaampo; konyala etata lyaauvithi mboka aakokolindjila. They could not strike out at Enoch's God, Jehovah, but they could certainly strike out at this man! In Japan there are some 3,000 publishers in Japan. Konima owala yethimbo efupi sho Gary a galukile kegumbo, otwa li twi ipyakidhila megongalo, nonda li nda ninginithwa momumvo 1974. ONE facet of the sign that Jesus gave regarding "the conclusion of the system of things " was that" the love of the greater number [would] grow cold. " Shortly after Gary returned home, we were busy in the congregation and got baptized in 1974. Jon: Ndi shi oshinima shoka osha li sha ningilwa Nebukadnezzar ye mwene? Your Family Worship evening can do much to make you and your loved ones fine Kingdom citizens Jon: This happened to Nebuchadnezzar? ▪ omadhiladhilo getu Eps. Some people in the apostle Paul's time thought the same way. ▪ Our thoughts. Kalunga okwa pele Maria uuthembahenda washike? Many have been impelled to simplify their life and have become pioneers. What privilege did God give Mary? 4: 6; Luk. 11: 9, 13. Quoting from the Hebrew Scriptures, the apostle Peter states God's express will for his earthly servants, saying: "In accord with the Holy One who called you, do you also become holy yourselves in all your conduct, because it is written: " You must be holy, because I am holy. ' " 4: 6; Luke 11: 9, 13. 17, 18. (a) Ongiini Timoteus a li a landula nawa iiningwanima yi na ko nasha nokuhepekwa kwaPaulus muListra? As a close relative, John must have known that Jesus was righteous and therefore in no need of repentance. 17, 18. (a) How did Timothy follow the events of Lystra? Otashi vulika nokuli ya li ya yona kutse pauhandimwe. We are sustained by the encouragement we receive They may even have sinned against us personally. Sho omumati gwaElisa a penduka e ta yi pondje, okwa mono po mboka ya li ye ya okukwata po omupolofeti. Consider what the manuscripts of "the holy writings " that were available in Paul's day looked like. When Elisha's son woke up outside the hall, Elisha saw those who had gone to the prophet's house. Opu na wo oshinima shi na ko nasha nomahupilo. So, like the Christians in Paul's time, we need to be alert. There is also a lot of financial security. Natango shika otashi tu ningitha twi ipule kutya, " Olye a li a tumu Jesus? 6: 2, 5, 8. Still, this makes us wonder: " Who sent Jesus? Aanashipotha mboka oya kala nokweendathana noshigwana shaKalunga, noya li ya nwetha mo nayi uupambepo waamboka ya li aadhiginini. The Bible reveals that 144,000 people will be "bought from the earth " and will serve as" priests " and "kings over the earth. " Those people have associated with God's people, and they have influenced spiritually - minded people. Omolwashike mbela? Think, too, of what a powerful weapon the Bible is in our spiritual warfare. Why? Nonando Aaisraeli yopethimbo lyaJesaja oya li ya pilamene Jehova, Okwa li natango a hala oku ya kwathela. There is a limit to each individual's time and energy. Although the Israelites of Isaiah's day turned away from Jehovah, he still wanted to help them. Kakele komalongo ga yoolokathana, onda li tandi ipula kombinga yelongo lyuukwashigwana ndyoka nda longwa kAamormon. SONGS: 101, 84 In addition to different teachings, I wondered about a secular career that I was taught by Mormon teachings. Etsomukumo lini omuyapostoli Paulus a li a pe Aakriste yopetameko? However, selfishness can never conquer love, which is the basis of Jehovah's way of governing. What encouragement did the apostle Paul give early Christians? (Omuuvithi 2: 24) Okwa pa aantu oshinakugwanithwa shoku udha evi, oku li longa nokusila oshimpwiyu oohi, uudhila niinamwenyo yilwe yi li ko. (b) How is it possible for us to continue in this work? He has given humans the responsibility to fill the earth, teach, and care of fish, animals, and other animals. Oya li taya thiminikwa unene kaawiliki yelongelokalunga lyOshijuda, mboka ya li ya nwetha mo aantu noonkondo. During special preaching campaigns, we enjoy auxiliary pioneering together. They were so severe that the Jewish religious leaders could have influenced the people. Moshitopolwa tashi landula ko, otatu ka tala mpoka pwa tamekela omalongo gamwe po giifundja ngoka haga humithwa komeho koongeleka. If we do so, we can look forward to enjoying the blessings Jehovah has promised when the words of this prophecy are fulfilled: "The creation itself will also be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God. " - Rom. In the following article, we will consider some false teachings that promote Christendom. Opo nduno tate Knorr okwa ti kungame: "Ondi hole okukala noopena dhandje dhekala dha hongwa nawa poshitaafula. We should consider the study of God's Word to be part of our worship. Then Brother Knorr said: "I love my shoulders at the table. Shika otashi vulu okufaathanithwa nomuntu ta hingi ondhila. Jehovah's Witnesses in your locality will be pleased to help you learn from your own copy of the Bible what God's will is and how to apply it in your life. This can be likened to a car. Margarita okwa ti: "Ohandi pandula unene ngele aamwatate naamwameme taya yi pamwe nangame naanona yandje muukalele. " " After all, ' they thought, " we live on a 26 - foot (7.9 m) boat, work part - time, attend a foreign - language congregation, and occasionally serve as auxiliary pioneers. ' " I thank my brothers and sisters when they go with me in the ministry, " says Margarita. Nonando olye ekelwahi kaakanakalunga, "Kalunga okwe li hogolola nokwe li tala li na oshilonga. " - 1 Pet. It was great fun! " Even though it was not acceptable to God, "he chose to dwell on the ungodly, and he viewed it as sacred. " - 1 Pet. Aantu oyendji kunena kaye na ontseyo yiinima yopakalunga, ihe Jesus okwe tu kwathela tu yi uve ko. For it to go into operation, Jesus ' blood had to be poured out and its value had to be presented to Jehovah in heaven. Many today have no knowledge of the divine name, but Jesus helped us to understand it. 4: 3, 4) Oohapu dhaJehova otadhi adhika mOmbiimbeli. Consider the words recorded at Judges 2: 11 - 18. Jehovah's Word is found in the Bible. Kaya li taya vulu okuponokela Kalunga kashili, Jehova, ihe osha li oshipu kuyo okuponokela Enok. This is especially evident at international conventions, where our brothers and sisters from many nations, languages, and ethnic groups come together in an atmosphere of peace, unity, and brotherly love. They could not attack the true God, Jehovah, but it was easy to attack Enoch. OMBINGA yimwe yendhindhiliko ndyoka lya gandjwa kuJesus yi na ko nasha " nehulilo lyuuyuni, ' oyo kutya " ohole yoyendji otayi ka huhwa. ' (Mat. Learn From God's Word Some of the sign Jesus gave about "the conclusion of the system of things, " that is, the love of the system of things will grow cold. Omukwaniilwa gwawo "okwa zi ko koshipangelapundi she, a hula mo oonguwo dhe dhuukwaniilwa e ta zala ehahi nokwa kuutumba momutoko. " Hear Jehovah's Voice Wherever You Are, 8 / 15 Their King "did not come out of his throne, and his clothes were thrown down and sat down in the throne and sat down and sat down in the eyes. " Esiku lyElongelokalunga lyUukwanegumbo otali vulu oku mu kwathela lela naaholike yoye mu kale aalelwa yUukwaniilwa haya vulika There are well - thought - out reasons for asking "the whole association of brothers " to consider certain information. Family worship can help you and your loved ones to submit to the Kingdom message (Jesaja 26: 10, 11; 3 Johannes 11) Nopethimbo lyomuyapostoli Paulus, aantu yamwe osho ya li haya dhiladhila ngaaka. In every aspect of our lives, we endeavor to show that we love that Kingdom government and want to be loyal to it. In the days of the apostle Paul, some people thought that way. Oyendji oyi inyengithwa ya ninge onkalamwenyo yawo yi kale paunathangwa noya ninga aakokolindjila. They cultivate a warm, close relationship with their fellow believers by taking time to show personal interest in them. Many are moved to simplify their lifestyle and become pioneers. Omuyapostoli Petrus okwa totha mOmanyolo gOshihebeli noku ulike shoka Kalunga a lalakanena okuningila aapiya ye yokombanda yevi, a ti: "Kaleni aayapuki mwaayihe mbyoka tamu yi ningi, ngaashi Kalunga ngoka e mú ithana, omuyapuki. Oshoka enyolo otali ti: " Omu na okukala aayapuki, oshoka ongame omuyapuki. ' " (1 Pet. 1: 15, 16; Lev. 19: 2; Deut. Brian: This article outlines four steps to solving problems. The apostle Peter quoted the Hebrew Scriptures and shows what God intended for his servants on earth: "You should be holy in all your conduct, for this is holy. " E li omupambele gwe, Johannes okwa kala e shi kutya Jesus omuyuuki nonkee ano ka li a pumbwa okwiiyela ombedhi. Missionaries serving in lands where it is customary to have large families are often asked why they do not have children. His relatives, John, knew that Jesus was righteous and that he did not need to repent. Etsomukumo ndyoka hatu pewa ohali tu kwathele The next article considers that question. The encouragement we receive helps us Natu taleni kutya iinyolwa mbyoka mwa li mwa nyolwa "Omanyolo omayapuki " oya li ya tya ngiini pethimbo lyaPaulus. Prophecy 6. Let us see what the writings contained as "the holy writings " were in Paul's day. Onkee ano, ngaashi Aakriste yopethimbo lyaPaulus, natse otwa pumbwa okukala twa tonata. Since a good attendance is more encouraging to everyone present, your presence makes a difference. Hence, like Christians in Paul's day, we need to keep on the watch. 6: 2, 5, 8. Nevertheless, the Scriptures assure us that those who take refuge in Jehovah do not need to feel overwhelmed by guilt. 6: 2, 5, 8. Ombiimbeli oyu ulike kutya aantu ye li 144 000 otaya ka "kulilwa ko kevi " ya ka " pangele ombanda yevi ' ye li aasaaseri naakwaniilwa. After all, how could Jesus ' listeners understand the truth about Jehovah without even knowing His name and what it stands for? The Bible shows that 144,000 will be "bought from the earth " to rule as kings with kings and kings. Dhiladhila wo nkene Ombiimbeli yi li oshikondjitho shi na oonkondo miita yetu yopambepo. How did Moses react? Think, too, about how the Bible has a powerful weapon in our spiritual warfare. Kehe gumwe gwomuyo oku na ethimbo lya ngambekwa noonkondo dha ngambekwa. If so, you may find it very beneficial to meditate on certain statements of the apostle Paul that have been recorded in the book of Hebrews. Each of them has a limited amount of time and limitations. OMAIMBILO: 101, 84 Stepmother (angrily): Well, she is just teaching you to be lazy. SONGS: 101, 84 Ihe nonando ongaaka, iikala yokwiihola mwene kayi na siku yi sinde ohole, hoka kwa kankamena omukalo gwaJehova gwokupangela. It had its start on the day of Pentecost 33 C.E. However, selfish tendencies cannot conquer love, which is based on Jehovah's way of ruling. (b) Okekwatho lyalye hatu vulu okulonga iilonga mbika? Another example of David's willingness to trust in Jehovah involved Saul - Israel's first king. (b) How can we do this work? Pethimbo lyiikonga yi ikalekelwa yokuuvitha, ohatu nyanyukilwa uukwathelikokolindjila pamwe. The next day I encountered the gang leader by himself. During the special preaching work, we enjoy auxiliary pioneer service together. Ngele otwe shi ningi, otatu ka mona omayambeko ngoka Jehova e tu uvanekela, uuna a gwanitha po ehunganeko ndika tali ti: "Oku na esiku ndyoka, uuna eshito alihe tali ka manguluka muupika weyonuuko, li ye memanguluko nomeadhimo lyaana yaKalunga. " - Rom. He wrote: "You husbands, continue dwelling in like manner with [your wives] according to knowledge, assigning them honor as to a weaker vessel, the feminine one. " If we do so, we will experience the blessings Jehovah has promised us when he fulfills this prophecy: "The creation itself will be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of God. " - Rom. Omolwaashoka okukonakona Oohapu dhaKalunga oku li oshitopolwa shelongelokalunga lyetu. The apostle Peter wrote two letters to anointed Christians, whom he called "the ones chosen. " Because study God's Word is part of our worship. Oonzapo dhaJehova ndhoka dhi li momudhingoloko gwoye odhi ilongekidha oku ku kwathela wu ilonge mOmbiimbeli yoye kombinga yehalo lyaKalunga nonkene wu na oku li gwanitha po. For example, David wrote that God's chief "loyal one " would not be left in the Grave. Jehovah's Witnesses in your community are ready to help you learn about God's will and how you can accomplish it. Katu na okudhiladhila kutya Kalunga ke na siku a ka kale i inekela omuntu ngoka a yona sha kwata miiti. FORTIFIED FOR WHAT LIES AHEAD We should not assume that God will never trust anyone who has committed a serious sin. Oya li hayi itungile uugumbo taya ti: " Ohatu kala mombauto yoometa hetatu, otu na owala iilonga yetatathimbo, otu li megongalo lyelaka ekwiilongo, nomalupita ohatu kutha uukwathelikokolindjila. ' Serving in the South required forethought and ingenuity to get things done. Blacks were not allowed to use Laundromats. They were about eight miles (now km) long ago, and we were serving in a foreign - language congregation, and we served as auxiliary pioneers and served as auxiliary pioneers. ' Osha li enyanyu enene kungame! " Yet, many of us continue in the preaching work year after year, even though this costs us time and money and even though people make fun of us or get angry with us. What a joy that has been to me! " Onkee ano, inali tulwa miilonga sho Jesus a popi kombinga yalyo mongulohi ye yahugunina kombanda yevi. 37: 11; Isa. So it was not until Jesus spoke about the night of his last night on earth. Tala koohapu dha nyolwa mAatokolihapu 2: 11 - 18. [ Picture on page 7] See the words recorded at Judges 2: 11 - 18. Shika ohashi kala shi iwetikile unene tuu piigongi yopaigwana mpoka aamwatate naamwameme okuza miigwana oyindji, omalaka nomihoko haye ya pamwe, haya kala ye na ombili, uukumwe nohole yuumwayinathana. The Bible states about 12 - year - old Jesus: "He continued subject to [his parents]. " This is especially evident at the international convention that brothers and sisters from many nations, tribe, and ethnic groups enjoy peace, unity, and unity. Ilonga sha mOohapu dhaKalunga page 200. Learn From God's Word Jehova okwa kwathela ndje shili (K. In May 1927, enterprising Bible Students launched a public witnessing campaign to advertise a series of Bible lectures. Jehovah has really helped me to reach out. Oku na omatompelo ga konakonwa nawa sho ta pula "ooitaali " ayehe ya konakone uuyelele wontumba. (1 Pet. 2: 17; Kol. 4: 16; Jud. For example, economic woes can put pressure on our emotions. He has good reason for asking "the whole association of brothers " to study specific information. Mombinga kehe yokukalamwenyo kwetu, ohatu kambadhala okuulika kutya otu hole epangelo lyUukwaniilwa mboka notwa hala okukala aadhiginini kulyo. Scripturally, the primary responsibility to teach and train young ones lies with the parents. In each case, we strive to show that we love the Kingdom government and want to be loyal to it. Oye hole ooitaali ooyakwawo nohayu ulike kutya oye na ko nasha nayo pauhandimwe. We pay back "Caesar's things to Caesar " when we obey the laws of the government, treat government officials with respect, and pay taxes. They love their fellow believers and show that they are personal interest in them. Brian: Moshileshwa shika omu na iinima oyindji mbyoka tayi vulu oku ku kwathela wu nyanyukilwe ondjokana yoye. From Our Archives " WHAT are all of those for? " Brian: In this article, there are many things that can help you to enjoy your marriage. (Gen. 30: 1, 2) Aatumwa mboka haya longele kiilongo hoka aantu ya tegelelwa ya kale ye na uukwanegumbo wu na aanona oyendji, ohaya pulwa olundji kutya omolwashike kaaye na aanona. Because such activities as personal and family Bible study, field service, and meeting attendance are the means by which we receive revitalizing holy spirit. Those serving in a foreign country are often asked to have children, and many are often asked why they should not have children. Omolwashike Oonzapo dhaJehova hadhi uvitha tadhi ende egumbo negumbo? I still remember the excellent elders with whom I served. Why do Jehovah's Witnesses preach from house to house? Epulo ndyoka otali ka kundathanwa moshitopolwa tashi landula. He can follow the example of a skillful teacher of the past, the prophet Samuel. That question will be discussed in the next article. Ehunganeko 6. Whether we realize it or not, it is difficult for us to detect if we harbor certain prejudices in our heart. Prophecy 6. Molwaashoka okugongala ku na aantu oyendji ohaku kala taku ladhipike kehe gumwe e li po, okukala po kwoye otaku eta po eyooloko. 9, 10. Since meetings are often encouraged to encourage each one of them, you will be able to make the difference. Omanyolo otage tu shilipaleke kutya mboka haya kongo egameno puJehova, inaya pumbwa okukala tayi ipe uusama unene. It encompasses his desires, thinking, disposition, attitudes, abilities, motivations, and goals. The Scriptures assure us that those seeking refuge in Jehovah need do not need to be disappointed. Aapulakeni ye oya li taya vulu okuuva ko ngiini oshili kombinga yaJehova ngele inaya tseya edhina lye naashoka tali ti? This is the new reality. How could the audience understand the truth about Jehovah if they did not know his name and what it meant? Moses okwa li inyenge ngiini? As regards the wicked, they will be cut off from the very earth; and as for the treacherous, they will be torn away from it. " * - Proverbs 2: 21, 22. How did Moses react? Ngele osho, otashi ke ku etela uuwanawa owundji ngele owa tedhatedha kwaashoka omuyapostoli Paulus a nyola mAahebeli. So as the civil war raged around us, the three of us felt that our consciences would allow us to take care of the sheep. If so, it will benefit you if you meditate on what the apostle Paul wrote in Hebrews. Omukulukadhi ta tekula aanona yomusamane gwe (a geya): Hamba, nyoko ote mu longo nee okukala aananyalo. " Enoch was transferred so as not to see death. " A mother's husband (a) Explains her husband's feelings: Do you feel angry, your mother, and your mother - in - law. Okwa tameke okugongela oshigwana oshipe pehala lyoshigwana shaIsraeli mesiku lyaPentekoste momumvo 33 E.N. One way we can benefit from Jehovah's loving direction is through personal study. He began gathering the new nation of Israel instead of Pentecost 33 C.E. Omukalo moka David a li u ungaunga naSaul, omukwaniilwa gwotango gwaIsraeli, ogu li oshiholewa shilwe shoka tashi ulike kutya okwa li e na ehalo lyokukala i inekela muJehova. Millions are. " David's way of dealing with Saul, the first king of Israel, showed that he was willing to trust in Jehovah. Esiku lya landula onda tsakanene nomuwiliki gwongundu ndjoka. To get the sense of the subject that is considered, we need to prepare well for each Watchtower Study. The next day, I met the leader and the leader of that city. Okwa nyola a ti: "Ne wo aalumentu, mokukalathana kweni naakintu yeni omu na okutseya kutya oyo oya fa iiyuma yeloya, onkee omu na oku ya simaneka. " (1 Pet. It helps us keep a balanced view of secular authorities and motivates us in our witnessing work. He wrote: "You husbands, therefore, keep on walking in the lions, and you must know that you are like a weaker vessel, so that you should respect them. " Omuyapostoli Petrus okwa li a nyola oontumwafo mbali e dhi nyolele Aakriste aagwayekwa mboka i ithana "aahogololwa. " (1 Pet. Have you ever thought of what God must have felt when Jesus was put to death? The apostle Peter wrote two letters to anointed Christians who called "the chosen ones. " Pashiholelwa, David okwa nyola kutya Omunene gwaKalunga, Jesus Kristus, ngoka e li wo omuntu gwe "omuholike, " ite mu ethele moshaasi. Imagine our joy as we worship Jehovah forever with those whom we love! For example, David wrote that God's Greatest Son, Jesus Christ, "will not leave him in the Grave. " OTU NA OMUKUMO OMOLWETEGAMENO NDYOKA LI LI KOMEHO That fact gives us yet another bit of evidence that archaeology repeatedly supports the Bible's historical accuracy. WE ANY REALS OF THE SPIRIT REALM Osha li tashi pula okulonga nuudhiginini momukalo gokulongitha uunkulungu opo omuntu a pondole moshitopolwa shoka shokuumbugantu. Colporteurs seeking a fellow worker, or preaching companion, wore a yellow ribbon. It took hard work to use the ability to succeed in that area. Mekondjithathano naashono, oyendji yomutse otatu tsikile niilonga yokuuvitha oomvula noomvula, mbyoka hayi tu pula ethimbo niimaliwa nonando yamwe ohaye tu yolo nenge ye tu geele. For helpful suggestions in this regard, see the articles "Have You Encouraged Anyone Lately? " In contrast, many of us continue to carry out the preaching work for years that require time and money. 37: 11; Jes. Still, the work they have been assigned has always glorified Jehovah and benefited believing mankind. 37: 11; Isa. [ Ethano pepandja 16] This made me feel normal again. " [ Picture on page 16] Ombiimbeli oya popya kombinga yaJesus sho a li e na oomvula 12 ya ti: " Okwa kala ha vulika kaavali ye. ' (Luk. Therefore, let us continue to laud Jehovah, like the heavenly creatures who exclaim: "You are worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created. " - Rev. Regarding Jesus ' 12 years of age, the Bible says: "He obeyed his parents. " epandja 200. Can you do the same now? [ Picture on page 200] MuMei 1927, Aakonakoni yOmbiimbeli oya ningi oshikonga shokuhiya aantu kiipopiwa yOmbiimbeli. Three times jealous Saul tried to pin David to the wall with a spear, but David moved out of the way each time, refusing to retaliate. In May May 1927, the Bible Students arranged for Bible talks. 3: 1) Pashiholelwa, onkalo yuuhupilo otayi vulu oku tu thininika pamaiyuvo. Our faith is not complete unless we are firmly convinced that God will reward those who earnestly seek him, for "faith is the assured expectation of what is hoped for. " For example, conditions can help us to cope with emotional distress. Omanyolo otagu ulike kutya aavali oyo unene ye na oshinakugwanithwa shokulonga nokuputudha oyana. (Omayel. 23: 22; Ef. The faithful slave also appoints all circuit overseers and Branch Committee members. The Scriptures show that parents are especially responsible for teaching and raising their children. (Mateus 22: 21) Ohatu gandja " shomupangeli komupangeli, ' ngele tatu vulika koompango dhepangelo, tatu ungaunga naakwanepangelo nesimaneko nosho wo ngele tatu futu iifendela. Let us consider two of them. We give to "the ruler of Caesar, " when we obey the laws of the Kingdom, we treat officials with respect and taxes. Iinima mbyoka ya ningwa mondjokonona yOonzapo dhaJehova Some view the arch as a majestic work of art, others as a tribute to imperial Roman power, and yet others as an epitaph to fallen Jerusalem and its temple. From Our Archives Omolwashoka omaipyakidhilo ngaashi ekonakonombiimbeli lyopaumwene nolyuukwanegumbo, uukalele nosho wo okugongala oyo omasiloshimpwiyu ngoka Jehova ha longitha opo e tu nkondopaleke nombepo ye ondjapuki. This service has enriched my life. " Because engaging in personal study and family study, the ministry, and congregation meetings are the provisions that Jehovah uses to strengthen us by means of his holy spirit. Otandi dhimbulukwa natango aakuluntugongalo ya pyokoka mboka twa li hatu longo nayo. This command clearly helps a Christian to understand that he cannot accept medical treatments that involve taking in whole blood or any of its four major components. I still remember the experienced older men we worked with. Ota vulu okulandula oshiholelwa shomupolofeti Samuel, ngoka a li e na uunkulungu wokudheula. The role that Jesus plays in Jehovah's purpose is also compared to a foundation. He can follow the example of the prophet Samuel, who had the abilities of training. Oshidhigu okumona ngele owu na okatongo momutima. 28: 19, 20; 2 Tim. It is difficult to see if there is prejudice in your heart. 9, 10. That raises the question, If the teaching of the immortality of the soul is based on a lie, then what really happens at death? 9, 10. Osha kwatele mo omahalo getu, omadhiladhilo, shoka kaatu hole, iikala yetu, okuvula kwetu, shoka tashi tu inyengitha nosho wo omalalakano getu. No one did; one owner even told us: "Chinese do not sell. It included our desires, thoughts, attitudes, attitudes, and goals. Shika oshinima oshipe noshoshili. The Scriptures commend the exercising of restraint and discretion, or good judgment, when we speak. This is something new and true. Oohapu dhaKalunga otadhi uvaneke tadhi ti: "Aayuuki otaa kala moshilongo, [naakaanashipwe] oyo taa thigala mo, ihe aakaanakalunga otaa ka kombwa mo moshilongo naakaanuudhiginini otaa ka nakulwa mo. " - Omayeletumbulo 2: 21, 22. Of course, not all members of the present - day Christian congregation travel great distances for the sake of the good news. God's Word promises: "The righteous will live in the land of the wicked ones, but they will certainly leave the wicked in the land, and they will not be destroyed. " - Proverbs 2: 21, 22. Sho iita yopashigwana ye ende tayi lulu, atuhe yatatu eiyuvo lyetu olye tu pitike tu ka lithe oonzi. (b) How was Dorcas rewarded for her goodness and kindness? As the civil war increased, three of us have allowed our conscience to shepherd the flock. " Enok okwa kuthwa po kaa mone eso. ' 3, 4. (a) What led up to Paul's statement found at 2 Corinthians 3: 17? " Enoch was taken away from Enoch. " Ekonakonombiimbeli lyopaumwene oli li omukalo gumwe gwokumona uuwanawa mewiliko lyaJehova lyopahole. But something impelled me to call the wife's phone. " Personal study is one way to benefit from Jehovah's loving guidance. " Ngaashi aantu yalwe omamiliyona, nangoye ino pumbwa okwiitaala muKalunga. " Governments will move against false religion. " Like millions of people, you do not need to believe in God. " Opo tu uve ko nawa oshitopolwa shoka tashi kundathanwa, otwa pumbwa okwiilongekidha nawa Oshungolangelo kehe yokukonakonwa. The Genesis account of creation says: "Jehovah God went on to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living person. " To understand the article, we need to prepare well for each issue of The Watchtower. Ohashi tu kwathele tu kale tu na etaloko li li pandjele li na ko nasha nomapangelo, nohashi tu pe oonkondo dhokuuvitha. He slyly accused Job of serving Jehovah, not out of love, but out of selfish interest. It helps us to maintain a balanced view of governments and to give us the strength to preach. Oonkambadhala dholudhi luni dha pumbiwa? Rather, they speak up with boldness. What effort is needed? Mbela owa dhiladhilile ngaa nale nkene Kalunga a li u uvite sho Jesus a dhipagwa? When valiant Israelites living in Jabesh - gilead learned what had happened, they recovered the four bodies, burned them, and then buried the bones. Have you thought about how God felt when Jesus was killed? Enyanyu otali ka kala li thike peni uuna tatu ka longela Jehova sigo aluhe pamwe naamboka tu hole. What knowledge does the Fine Shepherd have of the congregation? How happy it will be to serve Jehovah forever with those who love us! Uushili mboka owe tu pa uumbangi wulwe ishewe kutya uuyelele waalafululi yiinima otawu ambidhidha lela ondjokonona yOmbiimbeli. It seems that later, copyists removed the divine name and substituted Kyʹri·os - the Greek word for "Lord " - in its place. The fact that we have given us further proof that such scenes support the Bible's history. Aataandelithi yiileshomwa oya li haya zala uukalata uushunga, opo yi idhimbulule nuupu. We enjoyed spending time with young ones, which for Paolo usually meant playing soccer The colporteurs wore cards so that they could be better off. Opo wu mone omaetopo ngoka taga vulu oku ku kwathela, tala oshitopolwa "Have You Encouraged Anyone Lately? " (See paragraphs 12 - 14) For suggestions that can help you, see the article "A Conversation With an Organization "? Iilonga mbyoka ohayi simanekitha aluhe Jehova, nohayi etele aantu mboka ye na eitaalo uuwanawa. Was it just another incorrect prediction for the end of the world? Such activities always bring glory to Jehovah, and it brings benefits to people who have faith. Shika osha li sha ningitha ndje ndi kale ndi uvite kutya ondi li ngaashi aantu ooyakwetu. " In the case of the two longtime pioneers, a kind elder helped them to reflect on such questions as these: " Do the two of us have the right to make others sad because of our disagreement? This made me feel that I was as fellow humans. " Onkee ano, natu tsikile okutanga Jehova ngaashi iishitwa yomegulu yi igidha ya ti: "Omuwa, Kalunga ketu! Owa gwana okusimanekwa omolweadhimo, esimano noonkondo, oshoka ongoye wa shiti iinima ayihe, nokehalo lyoye oyi li po noyi na omwenyo! " - Eh. How can we give encouragement that is effective? Therefore, let us continue to praise Jehovah as in heaven: "You are worthy, Jehovah our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the honor and the power, because you created all things and were created. " - Rev. Mbela ngashingeyi ito vulu okuninga sha faathana? " I No Longer Feel I Have to Change the World ' (J. Can you do the same? Omukwaniilwa Saul okwa li a kambadhala lwiikando itatu okwaalela David negonga kekuma, ihe iikando ayihe David okwa li e li yanda noina kambadhala okugalulila Saul uuwinayi. Later, he had oversight of the construction of the printery at the present - day Bethel in Louviers, some distance from Paris. King Saul repeatedly tried three times with David's hand, but he repeatedly avoided sins and refused to turn away from Saul. Eitaalo lyetu itali kala lya kola ngele inatu tompwa shili kutya Kalunga ota ka yambeka mboka taye mu kongo ya mana mo, molwaashoka "eitaalo otashi ti okukala tu na einekelo lya kola miinima mbyoka twa tegamena. " (Heb. Lead your family in spiritual activities and in family worship. Our faith is not strong if we are convinced that God will bless those who earnestly search for him because "put faith in the assured expectation of what is hoped for. " Omupiya omudhiginini oha langeke po wo aatonatelishikandjo niilyo yOkomitiye yOshitayimbelewa. If we make the right decisions, for what do we put ourselves in line, but what is expected of us? The faithful slave also appoints circuit overseers and Branch Committee members. Natu ka tale kwiiyali yomuyo. Today, Jehovah's will is that as many as possible become reconciled to him. Consider two of them. Mboka haya lesha Ombiimbeli nuukeka oya tala ko ondhimbuluthofano yaTitus yi li oshinima sha simana noonkondo. Life was very busy, and we were tired. Those who read the Bible carefully view a sword that was very important to them. Iilonga mbika oye etela ndje omalaleko nuuyamba ogendji. " 10: 1, 36, 37. This work has brought me many blessings. " (Iilonga 15: 29) Oshipango shika ohashi kwathele Omukriste a mone kutya ita vulu okupitika a tulwe ombinzi niitopolwa yayo iinene nenge a pangwe nomuti ngoka gwa longwa mombinzi nenge muyimwe yomiitopolwa ine iinene yombinzi. The Pressure to Conform - How Powerful? This command helps a Christian to see that it is not possible for us to allow blood or treatment or to be taught in any of the four or four parts of the human family. 87: 1, 2) Onkandangala ndjoka Jesus ta dhana yi na ko nasha nokugwanitha po elalakano lyaJehova nayo otayi yelekanithwa wo nekakankameno. (1 Kor. 3: 11; 1 Pet. A relief carving of a large cargo ship (first century C.E.) Jesus ' role in carrying out Jehovah's purpose is compared to it. 28: 19, 20; 2 Tim. Do not be deceived! 28: 19, 20; 2 Tim. Shika osha pendutha epulo kutya: Ngele elongo kombinga yomwenyo ihaagu si olyiifundja, oshike naanaa hashi ningwa po peso? 17, 18. (a) How can you see Jehovah's hand in your life? This raises a question: If the doctrine of the soul does not die, what happens at death? Kapwa li nando gumwe ta landitha, nokuli omunegumbo gumwe okwe tu lombwele a ti: "Aachiina ihatu landitha. The approaching change in family circumstances may cause you to experience unsettling emotions - feelings of loss, shock, or confusion. Nobody selled the householder, even one of them told us: "We don't sell it. Omanyolo otage tu lombwele kutya otu na okwiipangela nokukala tu na oondunge dhokuyoolola uuna tatu popi. What did you learn about our enemy? The Scriptures tell us that we exercise self - control and discernment. Odhoshili kutya haantu ayehe yomegongalo lyopaKriste kunena taya vulu okweenda iinano iileeleeka molwonkundana ombwanawa. The people of the region thought that all of them were fools. Of course, not all in the Christian congregation today can walk long distances on the good news. (b) Ongiini Dorkas a li a lalekwa nuuyamba omolwiilonga ye iiwanawa noyohenda? How does this adjusted view further affect our understanding of the illustration of the faithful slave? (b) How was Dorcas blessed for his good and kind? 3, 4. (a) Paulus okwa popi shike moovelise ndhoka dha tetekele Aakorinto aatiyali 3: 17? These will be given a fresh start, with the prospect of living forever. - Read Psalm 37: 29; Acts 24: 15. 3, 4. (a) What did Paul say in the preceding verses recorded at 2 Corinthians 3: 17? Ihe mungaye omwe ya sha, shoka sha ningitha ndje ndi dhengele omukulukadhi. " To help avoid that outcome, we need to ask our student how he feels about what he is learning. But you approached me, which made me call a wife. " Satana oye ha humitha komeho iifundja, uukolokoshi nomadhipagathano. (In the feet and toes, the iron is mixed with clay.) Satan has promoted lies, violence, and fire. Ehokololo lyaGenesis kombinga yeshito otali ti: "Omuwa Kalunga okwa kutha ontsi yevi e te yi umbu omuntu. Okwe mu fudhile ombepo yomwenyo momayulu, omuntu nokwa ningi omunamwenyo. " The only book that existed in that language was the "New Testament. " Regarding creation, the account of the Genesis account states: "Jehovah God took the dust from the earth and throw it on him, and the spirit of life was filled with life. " Okwa lundile Job meholamo kutya ota longele owala Jehova omolwokwiihola mwene, ihe hamolwaashoka e mu hole. Next, consider treacherous Absalom. He falsely accused Job of serving Jehovah with selfish motives, not because he loves him. Ihaya kala ya tila nenge ya sa ohoni eitaalo lyawo. Why is the vindication of Jehovah's sovereignty an important issue facing mankind? They do not fear or be ashamed of their faith. Sho aalumentu omapenda yokuJabesh muGilead ye shi uvu, oya ka tala omidhimba dhawo noku dhi fika po e taya fumvike omasipa gawo. Think about this: All of us inherited sin from Adam, and the punishment for sin is death. When men nearly indefinite, they heard him and burned them and burned their bones. Ontseyo yini Omusita Omwaanawa e na kombinga yegongalo? You made those decisions on the basis of your deep love for Jehovah and an earnest desire to help others who wanted to serve him. What knowledge does the Fine Shepherd have about the congregation? Osha fa shi li mpono kutya konima yethimbo aanyolululi oye li kutha mo, e taye li pingene po noshitya shOshigreka Kyrios, shoka tashi ti "Omuwa. " Restlessness. It seems that later false copyists took it and replaced the Greek word "Lord, " which means" Jehovah. " Otwa li twa nyanyukilwa okukala naagundjuka, shoka kuPaolo sha li sha kwatela mo okudhana okatanga kokoompadhi THE THREAT: External threats such as decay and opposition have not destroyed the Bible. We enjoyed spending time with young people, Paolos, and I had a lot of money on it (Tala okatendo 12 - 14) Both of your parents are in the truth, and they can support you, " we said to our friend who was serving in the full - time ministry. (See paragraphs 12 - 14) Mbela ndika olimwe owala lyomomatengeneko ngoka ga puka? " Through one act of justification the result to men of all sorts is a declaring of them righteous for life, " wrote Paul. Is this only one of the laws that are wrong? 3: 12 - 14) Shi na ko nasha nuupyakadhi mboka wa li pokati kayaali mboka ya kala aakokolindjila ethimbo ele, omukuluntugongalo gumwe okwe ya kwathele ya dhiladhile komapulo ngaashi: " Mbela tse yaali otu na ngaa okuningitha yalwe ya kale yu uvite nayi omolwokwaauvathana kwetu? Then "the leprosy vanished from him. " Regarding the problems that were not longtime pioneers, an elder helped one elder to consider these questions: " Do we feel hurt by others? Ongiini tatu vulu okutsa yalwe omukumo momukalo ngoka tagu ya kwathele? As a study project, why not do research to find answers to questions that have been posed to you recently? How can we encourage others in a way that helps them? Josephus oye ngaa shili omunyoli gwembo ndyoka? Megan: I see some toys here in the front yard. Is Josephus really the writer of that book? Lwanima, okwa kala ta tonatele iilonga yokutunga oshinyanyangidho shaBetel shoka shi li muLouviers kunena, shi li owala uule wookilometa 100 okuza muParis. We were exactly under the flight path between Nazi - occupied Europe and London. Later, he had been taking the construction work of the Bethel Service Department, which had only about 100 miles (100 km) from Paris in Paris. Kala ho kwatele komeho aanegumbo yoye miinima yopambepo nomelongelokalunga lyuukwanegumbo. PAGE 23 • SONGS: 61, 43 Take the lead in spiritual activities and family worship. Ngele otwa ningi omatokolo ge li mondjila, otatu kala tu na etegameno lyashike? Ihe Jehova okwa tegelela tu ninge shike? • Which Bible writers were present at Pentecost 33 C.E.? If we make good decisions, what hope does Jehovah expect us to do? 10: 7) Kunena, ehalo lyaJehova olyo kutya aantu oyendji ngaashi tashi vulika ya hangane naye. Then he pronounced sentence on the wrongdoers. Today, Jehovah's will is that as many people as possible might become reconciled to him. Otwa li hatu kala twi ipyakidhila noonkondo, notwa li hatu kala twa vulwa. As a prisoner, though, how could he fulfill his desire to declare the good news in Rome? We were very busy, and we stayed tired. 10: 1, 36, 37. Notice the account recorded at Luke 3: 21, 22. 10: 1, 36, 37. Enwethomo lyoomakula oli na oonkondo dhi thike peni? When he told me that only God could help me, I replied bitterly, "Well, if there is a God, why am I in such a situation? " How powerful is peer pressure? Ethano lyosikepa onene yokuhupitha aantu mefuta (momumvo 1 - 100 E.N.) " We... reflect like mirrors the glory of Jehovah. " - 2 COR. THE great city of Babylon the Great was about 100 C.E. Ino pukithwa! Another time, when he was teaching his disciples how to pray, he repeated the prayer but did not use exactly the same words. Do not be deceived! 17, 18. (a) Ongiini to vulu okumona oshikaha shaKalunga monkalamwenyo yoye? He might have enabled you to conduct a new Bible study or helped you to receive "the peace of God that excels all thought. " 17, 18. (a) How can you see God's hand in your life? Omolwelunduluko ndyoka tali ya muukwanegumbo, otashi vulika wu kale wu na omaiyuvo tage ku monitha iihuna, okukala wu uvite wa kanitha sha, wu haluke nenge wu kale wa ngwangwana. Jesus himself said: "He that has seen me has seen the Father also. " - John 14: 9. For a brief change in the family, you may feel overwhelmed by suffering, loss, or worry. Owi ilonga shike kombinga yomutondi gwetu? Example: Jesus expressed gratitude for the way his Father heard and responded to his prayers. - John 11: 41. What Did You Learn About our enemy? Aantu yomoshitopolwa shawo oya li taya dhiladhila kutya oonakutunga mbaka omagoya. Those who imagine things that are the opposite of what Jehovah says will be very disappointed. In their territory, the people in their territory thought that these issues were weighed down on these issues. Euvoko ndika lya lunduluka olya guma ngiini ontseyo yetu yeyele lyomumati omwiinekelwa nenge tu tye lyomupiya omudhiginini? NICARAGUA How does this understanding affect our understanding of the faithful slave or the faithful slave? Otaya ka pewa onkalamwenyo ompe netegameno lyokukala nomwenyo sigo aluhe. - Lesha Episalomi 37: 29; Iilonga 24: 15. What led up to this sad situation? They will receive a new life to live forever. - Read Psalm 37: 29; Acts 24: 15. (Mat. 13: 20, 21) Opo tu yande oshizemo sha tya ngaaka, otwa pumbwa okupula omukonakoni gwetu nkene u uvite kombinga yaashoka ti ilongo. How we use our conscience proves how close our relationship with Jehovah is and shows how much we want to please him. To avoid that outcome, we need to ask our student how he feels about what he learns. Omuyapostoli Paulus okwe tu tulila po oshiholelwa. How did this decision affect those who knew of Ahab's terrible crime? The apostle Paul set an example. (Oompadhi nominwe dhasho odha li osheela oshiluudhe sha kwatakanithwa mumwe neloya.) Yet, none of them seemed to offer anything better. The feet and trees were mixed with iron and clay. " Etestamendi Epe, " olyo owala embo lya li lya tolokwa melaka ndyoka. The canons and declarations that resulted from these meetings hardly even referred to the Scriptures. " The New Testament " is the only book The New Testament. Absalom naye okwa li a kengelele he, David. Certainly not. Absalom betrayed his father, David. Omolwashike okuyukipalitha uunamapangelo waJehova ku li oshinima sha simana kaantu ayehe? WE LIKELY make dozens of them each day. Why is the vindication of Jehovah's sovereignty an important part of all humans? (1 Petrus 3: 18) Dhimbulukwa kutya atuheni otwa thigulula uulunde kuAdam, negeelo lyuulunde mboka olyo eso. Those men were willing to accept Jesus ' invitation - but on certain conditions. Remember, all of us have inherited sin from Adam, the only sin that is death. Owa li wa ningi omatokolo ngoka molwaashoka owu hole shili Jehova nosho wo molwaashoka owu na ohole yomuule yokukwathela yalwe mboka ya hala oku mu longela. The warmth I experienced among Jehovah's Witnesses was exactly what I craved. You made decisions because you truly love Jehovah and because you have deep love for others who want to serve him. Oha kala ta nyulukuta. Resurrection of Jesus - Its Meaning for Us, 11 / 15 She lives in a vehicle - in - law, in - law, and in - law - in - law. OMAPIYAGANEKO: Omakuyunguto gokuhulitha po nokupataneka Ombiimbeli, inaga pondola. Andrés, who is 67, says: "It seems that Jairo gets the sense of some Bible teachings better than I do. " THE PROBLEM: Court's rule has failed, and the Bible does not succeed. Aavali yoye ayehe oye li moshili notaya vulu oku ku ambidhidha, " shoka osho twa li twa lombwele kuume ketu ngoka a li miilonga yethimbo lyu udha. (The Watchtower, March 1, 2006) Their business in Australia was doing well, but they gave it up to enter full - time service. All your parents are in the truth and can support you, " That is what we told our friend in the full - time service. Paulus okwa nyola a ti: "Ngashika okuyona kwagumwe kwe etele aantu ayehe epangulo, osho tuu wo oshilonga shimwe shuuyuuki otashi mangulula aantu ayehe e taa pewa omwenyo. " This would be like using a mirror to admire our new clothes while not noticing some dirt on our face. Paul wrote: "If the error of one man has led to the judgment of all men, then it is the work of righteousness that belongs to all men. " (Lukas 5: 13) Otashi vulika pwa pita ethimbo ele omulumentu ngoka inaa gumwa. Our loving heavenly Father came to the aid of his servants in the past, and today he makes it possible for us to gain considerable relief from distress or anxiety. It may have been a long time for a man who has not been affected. Omolwashike itoo itulile po elalakano lyokuninga omapekapeko opo wu mone omayamukulo komapulo ngoka opo wa pulilwe? Before we review that prayer and examine what happened on this occasion, consider the kind of man Asa was. Why not set out to find out the answers to such questions? Megan: Ondi wete uudhanitho meni lyolugumbo lwoye. If so, consider again the example of those ancient Israelites who not only listened but took to heart what they heard to the extent that they began weeping over their failure as a nation to obey God's Law. - Neh. Megan: I see that it isn't your home. Oondhila dhaNazi uuna tadhi ka mboma London odha li hadhi taakana naanaa moKent. Using his example, let us examine how we can help men deal with three common concerns today: (1) making a living, (2) fear of popular opinion, and (3) feelings of inadequacy. Moreover, during ancient times, a 40 - year - old soldier's legs were running through his car. EPANDJA 23 OMAIMBILO: 61, 43 " Your loyal love, O Jehovah, kept supporting me. PAGE 23 • SONGS: 61, 43 • Mbela Kalunga okwa lenga omuhoko gumwe shi vulithe dhilwe? Holy spirit is needed for us to manifest the fruitage of the spirit. • Does God value one race more than another? (Gen. 3: 9 - 13) Opo ihe okwe ya tokolele eso. The Jewish religious leaders devised rules about leprosy that went beyond what was stated in the Scriptures, making life unnecessarily hard for the victims. Then he sentenced them to death. 28: 15) Paulus okwa li te ku uvitha ngiini onkundana ombwanawa muRoma, ngele ye okwa li onkwatwa? He now serves as an elder. - Prov. How did Paul preach the good news in Rome if he was a prisoner? Tala kehokololo ndyoka li li muLukas 3: 21, 22. Now consider the damage that occurred to mankind some 6,000 years ago when an unseen spirit, Satan, induced Adam and Eve to rebel against God. Consider the account at Luke 3: 21, 22. Sho a lombwele ndje kutya Kalunga oye owala ta vulu okukwathela ndje, onda li nde mu pula nda yemata nda ti: "Ngele oku na Kalunga, omolwashike nee e etha ndi ye monkalo ya tya ngeyi? " Not at all. When he told me that only God could help me, I asked him, "Why should God allow this to happen? " " Tse otwa fa oshiitalelo tashi imonikila eadhimo lyOmuwa. ' - 2 KOR. All the covenants that we have considered in these two articles relate to one or more vital aspects of the Kingdom. " We are like the glory of Jehovah. " - 2 COR. (Mateus 6: 7, yelekanitha NW) Pompito yimwe, sho a li ta longo aalongwa ye nkene ye na okugalikana, okwa li a endulula egalikano ndyoka, ihe ina longitha iitya ya faathana kondandalunde. Some youths have an agreement with their parents that a simple phone call is all that will be needed to get an early ride home. On one occasion, when teaching his disciples how to pray, he repeated the prayer, but he did not specifically use the same words. Otashi vulika a li e ku kwathele wu kale wu na ekonakonombiimbeli nenge " ombili ye, ndjoka yi vule uunongo auhe wopantu. ' They need to know that Jehovah is the "Hearer of prayer. " He may have helped you to have a Bible study or "the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. " 1: 15) Jesus mwene okwa ti: "Kehe ngoka a mono ndje, okwa mona wo Tate. " - Joh. 14: 9. That day should not catch Christian families unawares. Jesus himself said: "Everyone who sees me also has seen me. " - John 14: 9. Oshiholelwa: Jesus okwa li u ulike olupandu omolwomukalo ngoka He e mu uvu nokwa yamukula omagalikano ge. - Johannes 11: 41. PAGE 21 • SONGS: 26, 89 Example: Jesus expressed appreciation for the Father who heard him and answered his prayers. - John 11: 41. 1: 18; 1 Joh. 2: 15 - 17) Osha yela kutya ayehe mboka haya kala tayi itungile uugumbo, notaya tsu oondjodhi dhomutenya, otaya ka lila. 1: 3 - 6. Clearly, all who live up to life will have been healed, and they will be able to imagine their sins. NICARAGUA Phil, married for eight years, admits that he and his wife still have disagreements. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE 7: 15) Mbela oshike she mu gwilitha meyono ndyoka? Both qualities played a vital role in his act of valor. What, though, did he take such a false step? Omukalo moka hatu longitha eiyuvo lyetu, otagu holola mpoka ekwatathano lyetu naJehova li thike, notagu ulike wo kutya otwa hala oku mu nyanyudha. Hence, we have every reason to believe that he will use that same powerful spirit to protect his people during the approaching great tribulation. The way we use our conscience reveals the depth of our relationship with Jehovah, and we show that we want to please him. Mbela etokolo lyaJehova olya li lya gumu ngiini mboka ya li ye shi iilonga iinyanyalithi yaAhab? They are all still serving Jehovah faithfully. How did Jehovah's decision affect those who knew the bad acts of Ahab? Ihe kapu na nando olimwe nda li nda mona lya fa li li hwepo. Brother Leon Weaver, now the coordinator of the United States Branch Committee, was appointed to serve as a circuit overseer at the same time. But none of them seemed better. Omatokolo ngoka haya ningi ihaga kala nando otuu ga kankamena kOmbiimbeli. 3 Those decisions are not always based on the Bible. Aawe. Indeed it has! No. OTASHI vulika hatu ningi omatokolo ogendji esiku kehe. What is an especially vital way in which elders show personal interest in their brothers and add to the congregation's joy? YOU may make many decisions every day. Aalumentu mboka oya li ya taamba ko ehiyo, ihe oya li ye na iinima mbyoka ya hala okuninga tango. What a wonderful example of using their God - given freedom to praise and honor Jehovah, the God of freedom! The men welcomed the invitation, but they had to do what they wanted to do. Ombepo yuukumwe ndjoka nda mono mokati kOozapo dhaJehova, oyo naanaa nda kala nda halelela. We can have similar confidence if we practice righteousness. The spirit I saw among Jehovah's Witnesses is exactly what I wanted to do. (Episalomi 25: 4) * (See footnote.) Why? Elongelokalunga lyUukwanegumbo, 3 / 15 Even when children are very young, you could say to them: "If you ever see something on the Internet that makes you curious about sex and you want to look at it, please come and talk to me. 12 / 1 Omumwatate Andrés, ngoka e na oomvula 67, okwa ti: "Jairo ota monika a fa u uvite ko omalongo gamwe gOmbiimbeli e vule ndje. " Do You Remember? " Jairo seemed to understand some of the Bible's teachings more than I am. " (Oshungolangelo yOshiingilisa, 1 Maalitsa 2006) Oya li ye na ongeshefa tayi ende nawa moAustralia, ihe oye yi etha po, opo ya ye miilonga yethimbo lyu udha. Is that Kingdom real to you? (The Watchtower of March 1, 2006), issue of The Watchtower had a good business in Australia but allowed them to leave the full - time ministry. Shika otashi ka kala sha fa tatu longitha oshitalelo tu itale nkene two opala moonguwo dhetu oompe omanga kaatu wete ekako ndyoka li li miipala yetu. Why not? This will be as if we use a mirror to cover our clothes for life while we do not see the picture on our foreheads. Tate yetu gwomegulu omunahole okwa li a kwathele aapiya ye yonale, kunena natse ohe tu kwathele tu pepelelwe po kuudhigu nenge kiimpwiyu. I have every reason to be happy because drawing near to God has been good for me. - As told by Sarah Maiga. Our loving heavenly Father helped his servants in the past today, and today he helps us to deal with anxiety or anxiety. Manga inaatu lesha kombinga yegalikano lye nokukonakona shoka sha li sha ningwa po, natu taleni tango kutya Asa okwa li omulumentu a tya ngiini. 6, 7. Before reading his prayer and studying what happened, let us first consider what the man was like. Ngele osho, tala ishewe koshiholelwa shAaisraeli yonale mboka kaaya li owala ya tula miilonga shoka yu uvu, ihe oya li wo ya lili molwaashoka ya li inaaya vulika kOmpango yaKalunga ye li oshigwana. - Neh. After six long months, the doctors sent me home. If so, consider the example of ancient Israelites who did not apply what they heard; they were also grieving because they disobeyed God's Law. - Neh. Ngaashi Jesus, natu ka taleni nkene tatu vulu okukwathela aalumentu yu ungaunge niinima itatu mbyoka haya kala tayi ipula unene nayo: (1) uuhupilo (2) uumbanda wokutila aantu nosho wo (3) okukala yu uvite inaaya gwana. * Like Jesus, let us consider how we can help men to cope with three issues: (1) fear of fear and fear of man and (3) feel unworthy. " OMUWA, owa ambidhidha ndje molwohole yoye. But we must do more than just meet together regularly. Paul reminded the Hebrew Christians that they should encourage one another to show love and to do good for one another. " O Jehovah, you have supported me in your loving - kindness. Otwe yi pumbwa opo tu holole iiyimati yombepo. The attackers plundered the wealth of influence that the remnant exercised by banning their literature and restricting their activities as Kingdom proclaimers. We need to display the fruitage of the spirit. Aawiliki yelongelokalunga lyOshijuda oya li ya tulila po aanashilundu oompango kombinga yomukithi gwoshilundu, ndhoka dha ya pombambo naashoka sha popiwa kOmanyolo. Jehovah was training me through his organization. " The Jewish religious leaders made rules about the misuse of leprosy, which were common in the Scriptures. Ngashingeyi oku li omukuluntugongalo. - Omayel. As a result, some develop an uncontrolled desire for material things - a desire that can never be fully satisfied. He is now an elder. - Prov. Ngashingeyi dhiladhila keyonagulo ndyoka lya li lya ningilwa aantu uule woomvula 6 000 ga piti sho oshishitwa ihaashi monika Satana sha li sha heke Adam naEva ya tukulile Kalunga oshipotha. Others, although not searching for it, have found it - perhaps by having it brought to them. Now, now, the effects of the effects of Adam and Eve fall short for 6,000 years when Satan and Eve rebelled against God. Hasho nando. If we put him first, he will make our lives "successful. " - Compare Genesis 39: 3. Not at all. Omahangano ngoka twa kundathana moshitopolwa shika nosho wo shoka sha tetekele oga pambathana, notaga dhana onkandangala ya simanenena mUukwaniilwa. We see God's hand in our life when we recognize his answers to our prayers and recognize how he helps us The organizations discussed in this article and the preceding article are related to a key role in the Kingdom. Aagundjuka yamwe ohaya ningi elongekidho naavali yawo ye ke ya tale ko kuyele. Ngele ethimbo ndyoka olya thiki, ohaye ya dhengele owala ongodhi. (Eps. We gladly do things for those we love and respect Some young ones make the arrangement for their parents to go early in the morning and then call them a phone call. Oya pumbwa okutseya kutya Jehova ohu "uvu omagalikano. " In 1950 we got married, and by 1953 we had two children. They need to know that Jehovah is "Hearer of prayer. " 4: 5) Esiku ndyoka kali na okwaadha omaukwanegumbo gopaKriste ombaadhilila. Over 30 years later, Mirjana is still in full - time service, together with her husband. That day should not reach Christian families suddenly. EPANDJA 21 OMAIMBILO: 26, 89 He served in the Hirschberg Congregation in Silesia. PAGE 21 • SONGS: 26, 89 1: 3 - 6. The other people here are thieves. " 1: 3 - 6. (Aakolossa 4: 6) Phil ngoka a kala mondjokana uule womimvo hetatu, okwa zimine kutya pokati ke nomukulukadhi gwe ohapu holoka natango okwaahauvathana. Some of my classmates also helped me. Phil, who has been married for eight years, admits that she and her wife still have been married. Eeno shili, okwa li a pumbwa uulaadhi neitaalo opo a kondje nuupenda. 4: 4; John 17: 3. Yes, he needed courage and courage in order to maintain integrity. Onkee ano, otu na omatompelo lela okwiitaala kutya ota ka longitha ombepo tuu ndjoka yi na oonkondo opo a gamene oshigwana she pethimbo lyuudhigu uunene mboka wu li popepi. 9, 10. (a) Why did people go to the pool of Bethzatha? So we have every reason to believe that he will use the powerful spirit to protect his people during the great tribulation. Ayehe onkee ngaa taya tsikile okulongela Jehova nuudhiginini. After he was baptized, we became roommates for a time. Even so, they continue to serve Jehovah faithfully. Omumwatate Leon Weaver, ngoka ngashingeyi omuunganeki gwomOkomitiye yOshitayimbelewa moAmerika, okwa li a langekwa po e li omutonatelishikandjo pethimbo mpoka. I had just started my second year at school. We now serves as a circuit overseer in the United States, U.S.A., was appointed as a circuit overseer at that time. 3 Have you ever been hurt so badly that you cried? - * All of us probably have. 3 Eeno, osho lela! Imagine, for example, how difficult it must have been for the prophet Nathan to speak to David after the king tried to cover up his gross sin! Yes, indeed! Aakuluntugongalo otaya vulu okuulika kutya oye na ko nasha naamwahe momukalo gwa simanenena guni, nongiini shoka tashi gwedhele ko kenyanyu lyegongalo? Parents, Help Your Children Build Faith, Sept. In what important way can elders show concern for their brothers, and how does that contribute to the congregation's joy? Odhoshili kutya oye tu tulila po oshiholelwa oshiwanawa, sho ya longitha emanguluko ndyoka Jehova e tu pa, opo ye mu tange noku mu simaneka. Elders, for instance, are appointed by holy spirit. Indeed, they set a fine example of using the freedom that Jehovah has given us to praise and honor him. (Eps. 4: 1) Otatu vulu wo okukala nuushili kutya ote ke tu yamukula ngele otwa longo uuyuuki. She and her husband, Joachim, read books on the occult and became proficient in reading tarot cards. We can also be sure that he will answer us if we practice righteousness. * Ohayi kwathele aantu oyendji, mwa kwatelwa mboka haya nyengwa okulesha nenge kaaye shi nawa elaka. Most of the film footage and many of the glass slides came from commercial studios. * It helps many people, including those who are struggling to read or do not know the language. Nonando aanona aashona, oto vulu oku ya lombwela to ti: "Uuna wa mono oshinima shontumba kointaneta shi na ko nasha niipala noto dhiladhila oku shi tala, ila tu shi kundathane. Table of Contents Although you are young, you might tell them: "When you see something on the Internet and think about it, think about it. Oto dhimbulukwa? And he has guaranteed that its message will endure forever. Do You Recall? Uukwaniilwa mboka owu li ngaa oshinima sholela kungoye? Table of Contents Are you making such a Kingdom Hall known to you? Omolwashike mbela? What were the Israelites in Egypt to do in preparing for and celebrating the first Passover? Why? Ondi na omatompelo ogendji gokukala nda nyanyukwa, oshoka okuhedha popepi naJehova, okwa kwathela ndje noonkondo. - Nakuhokolola: Sarah Maiga. He did not sink because of the wind and the waves hitting him. I have many reasons for drawing closer to Jehovah because she has helped me to draw closer to Jehovah. - Sarah 6, 7. It is a very serious matter to swear an oath in the name of Jehovah. 6, 7. Konima yoomwedhi hamano oonde, oondohotola odha li dha laleke ndje ndi ye kegumbo. (Read Acts 4: 13.) Within six months, the doctors waved me to their home. * The first to die was faithful Abel. * Ihe katu na owala okugongala pamwe pandjigilile, oshoka omuyapostoli Paulus okwa dhimbulutha Aakriste Aahebeli kutya naya ladhipikathane yu ulukilathane ohole nokuningilathana uuwanawa. How have those embracing the truth become "many "? However, we should not regularly spend time together, for the apostle Paul reminded the Hebrew Christians that they should encourage one another to give love and benefit from serving one another. Mboka ya li ya ponokele aagwayekwa oye ya yugu uuyamba wawo mboka ya li ye na, sho ye ya indike ya taandelithe iileshomwa yawo. Oya li wo ya ngambeke iilonga yawo yokuuvitha Uukwaniilwa. Now Venecia says: "Phone witnessing works! " Those who attacked the anointed had a wealth of wealth when they had to put their literature to the Kingdom - preaching work. Jehova okwa li ta dheula ndje okupitila mehangano lye. " For instance, we read of a period when "the congregation throughout the whole of Judea and Galilee and Samaria entered into a period of peace, being built up. " Jehovah trained me through his organization. " 5: 11 - 14) Oshizemo, aantu yamwe ohaya kala itaaya vulu we okupangela omahalo gawo gokuhola iinima yopamaliko, ngoka ge li uuhalu mboka ihaawu gwanenwa. 3: 13. As a result, some people are unable to control their desires, desires, and desires that are not satisfied. Aakadhona omulongo mboka taya popiwa meyele lyaJesus oya penduka sho kwi igidhwa kwa tiwa: "Ombushiki oye ngu! " We went to a hotel and asked for a room. The ten virgins are sleeping in the parable of Jesus ' parable: "The bridegroom is the bridegroom! " Yo yamwe otashi vulika inaaye yi konga, ihe oye yi mono, tapeya nokuli ye yi etelwa. For four years, we served together as special pioneers in the isolated towns of Smithton and Queenstown. Some may not look for it; yet, they may even find it. Ngele Jehova oye twa pititha komeho monkalamwenyo yetu ayihe, ote ke tu yambeka. - Yelekanitha Genesis 39: 3, NW. For example, the day Jim found out that I was living in my car, he introduced me to a sister who rented rooms in her home. If we put Jehovah first in our life, he will bless us. - Compare Genesis 39: 3. Ohatu mono oshikaha shaKalunga monkalamwenyo yetu, ngele otwa mono nkene ha yamukula omagalikano getu nankene he tu kwatha " The Court finds it remarkable that the [Russian] courts did not cite the name of a single individual whose right to freedom of conscience had allegedly been violated by means of those techniques. " - Par. We see God's hand in our life when we see how he answers our prayers and how he helps us Ohatu ningile uuwanawa nenyanyu mboka tu hole notwa simaneka As told by Max Lloyd We do good for those who love us and respect us Otwa hokana mo 1950. Okuthika mo 1953 otwa li tu na aanona yaali. Perhaps you do not comment at the meetings or participate in them because you are shy or you feel you cannot do it. We got married in 1953, and we had two children. Konima yomimvo 30 nasha, natango Mirjana oku li miilonga yethimbo lyu udha, pamwe nomulume. Jesus and Lazarus were dining at the home of Simon the leper, and there we find this last glimpse of our subject: "Martha was ministering. " - John 12: 2. After 30 years of age, Miriam is still in full - time service together with her husband and wife. Okwa li megongalo lyaHirschberg muSilesia. Is this not a form of prejudice? He was in the congregation in Colossae. Aantu yalwe oye li mo molwaashoka ya yaka. " Because she was skilled in her craft, such professionals as doctors and teachers ordered clothes from her. Other people lived because they had come. " Aalongwa yamwe mongundu yetu nayo oya li wo ya kwathele ndje. Jehovah's hand in this arrangement was apparent, as there are now dozens of congregations in the area. Some of my classmates also helped me. 4: 4; Joh. 17: 3. What opportunity do we have because of the ransom? 4: 4; John 17: 3. 9, 10. (a) Aavu oya li haya yile shike kedhiya lyaBetesda? If we believe such lies, we can be misled by "the deceptive power of sin. " - Hebrews 3: 13. 9, 10. (a) What did Jesus go to bed? Sho a ninginithwa, otwa kala uule wethimbo hatu lala mondunda yimwe ayike naye. SONGS: 128, 45 When she got baptized, we spent a long time in a room with her. Ethimbo ndyoka onda adhika ndi li momumvo omutiyali kosikola (mondondo ontiyali). Let us see what we can learn from some of God's servants who in the past successfully faced life with courage. - Rom. At that time, I was in the second year of high school (or) in the second school. Mbela opu na esiku wu uvithilwe nayi noonkondo e to lili nokuli? - * Atuheni otashi vulika twe shi ningilwa. 91: 2. Have you ever felt severely hurt and cry out to all of us? - * Pashiholelwa, dhiladhila owala kunkene tashi vulika sha li oshidhigu komuhunganeki Natan a ka popye naDavid, konima sho omukwaniilwa ngoka a holeke eyono lye. Jacob worked the first 14 years for the hand of Laban's two daughters, and for the remaining 6 years, he was paid in livestock. Think, for example, about how it might have been difficult for Nathan to speak to David after the king killed his sin. 10: 16) Ihe shoka tu na okudhimbulukwa osho kutya ombepo ondjapuki ohayi kwathele oshilyo kehe shegongalo momukalo gwi ili. A Christian bridegroom expresses his love by vowing to be loyal to his bride, come what may. But remember that holy spirit helps each member of the congregation in another way. Ye nomusamane gwe Joachim, oya li haya lesha omambo ge na ko nasha nuulodhi noya li ya ningi ookapyoko mokufatulula uukalata mboka hawu lombwele aantu kutya onkalamwenyo yawo otayi ka kala ngiini. This expression was fitting because those who became followers of Christ adhered to a manner of life that centered on faith in Jesus Christ and on imitating his example. - 1 Pet. She and Joachim and Joachim read books about the occult and arranged to tell the experts how their lives would be. Iitopolwa oyindji mofilima ndjoka oya li tayi ulike omathano gomakende ga ningwa moostudio dhopaipindi. Also see why it is vital for us to remain loyal to the organization that Jehovah is using today. Many articles in the film indicate on the frontal slides. Oshikalimo As told by Marieta Manuel Bacudio Table of Contents Okwe tu shilipaleka kutya etumwalaka lyayo otali kala sigo aluhe. Gehenna a Place of Fiery Torment? He assures us that his message will last forever. Oshikalimo Instill in Children Love for Reading and Studying, 7 / 15 Table of Contents Sho Aaisraeli ya li muEgipiti oya li ye na okuninga shike, opo yi ilongekidhile okudhana Opaasa yotango? Just after we arrived and crossed a bridge, it was blown up. When the Israelites were in Egypt, what should they do to prepare for the first Passover? Ina tameka okuningina molwaashoka ombepo nomakuthithi ngoka oga li tage mu dhenge. No. He did not start to sink because the wind and the air would beat him. Otatu vulu wo kutya olyo euvaneko lya kwata miiti ndyoka omuntu hu uvaneke kutya ota ka ninga oshinima shontumba nenge hasho. The reference is to the kingdoms, or governments, pictured by the various parts of the metal image explained by Daniel. - 6 / 15, page 17. We can also be sure that it is a serious promise to decide whether to do something or not. (Lesha Iilonga 4: 13.) One night, while I was at a meeting of the Witnesses, a group of my friends went to a concert. (Read Acts 4: 13.) Onkee ano eso olya taandele maantu ayehe, oshoka ayehe oya yono. " (Read John 13: 34, 35; 15: 12, 13.) As a result, death spread to all humans because they sinned. " Oshe ende ngiini opo mboka ya taamba oshili ya ninge "oyendji "? The Bible tells us that people were amazed when "they saw the speechless speaking and the maimed being made sound and the lame walking and the blind seeing. " How did those who accepted the truth become " many? ' Ngashingeyi Venecia ota ti: "Okugandja uunzapo mongodhi otaku endele ndje nawa. " Appropriately, Gospel writer John describes Jesus, "the Word, " as being" in the bosom position with the Father. " now " witnessing, " says now, "and the phone keeps me well. " Pashiholelwa, otatu lesha taku ti: "Egongalo alihe lyomuJudea, muGalilea nomuSamaria olya kala li na ombili. ARE you a young person who would like to get baptized? For example, we read: "The whole congregation in Galilee, and there was peace. 3: 13. 28: 19, 20; Mark 13: 10. 3: 13. Otwa yi kohotela e tatu pula ondunda yokulala. [ 1] (paragraph 3) According to Psalm 87: 5, 6, in the future, God may reveal the names of all those who are ruling with Jesus in heaven. - Romans 8: 19. We went to a hotel and asked for a room. Otwa kala tatu longo tu li aakokolindjila yi ikalekelwa, uule woomvula ne, moondoolopa dhokuushayi, moSmithton nomoQueenstown. After all, the Bible says that all imperfect human hearts are treacherous. We have been serving as special pioneers for many years as a special pioneer in northern France, a remote town in northern France, U.S.A., and we served as special pioneers. Pashiholelwa, esiku Jim u uvu kutya ohandi lala mohauto yandje, okwa fala ndje komumwameme ngoka a li e na oondunda dhokuhiilitha megumbo lye. We may find ourselves in a situation that requires that we change our mind and our course. For example, when Jim heard that I was sitting in my car, he took me to a room with a sister who had to go to his home. Oya ti: " Ompangu oya li ya kumwa sho oompangu [dhaRusia] inaadhi gandja nando edhina lyomuntu gumwe ngoka uuthemba we wokuninga omatokolo wa yonwa okupitila moshinima shoka. " - Okat. 11: 33. They said: "The Court was amazed that [the city] [Jehovah] did not give a name for anyone who gave his right to make decisions through the matter of this system of things. " - 2 Cor. Nakuhokolola: tatekulu Max Lloyd Instead, the deputy warden said: "We know who you are, and we respect your stand. As told by Maxwell Otashi vulika ihoo yamukula pokugongala, oshoka nangoye owu na ohoni nenge wu wete itoo shi vulu. Britain and the United States had not yet acted together in a significant way. You may not answer the meetings because you are shy or do not see it. Ihe manga inaaya ya kuJerusalem, Jesus naLasarus oya li ya ka lya omwiha kegumbo lyaSimon omunashilundu, nopompito mpoka opo ihe Marta a tumbulwa oshikando shahugunina mOmbiimbeli kwa tiwa: " Marta okwa li ta yakula. ' - Johannes 12: 2. The King is mounted on a white horse, representing warfare that is clean and righteous in Jehovah's eyes. But before they arrived in Jerusalem, Jesus and Lazarus would eat a meal with Simon, but Martha was mentioned at the same time: " Martha was about to be prepared for the last time. " - John 12: 2. Shika mbela kashi shi okayoya? Today, Jehovah's Witnesses use those same methods to preach to all people. Is this not a feeling of prejudice? Molwaashono okwa li onkulungu miilonga ye, oondohotola naalongi oya li haya landa oonguwo kuye. Twice the angel encouraged Elijah to eat. Thus, the next journey would not "be too much for [him]. " As a good teacher in his work, physicians and teachers bought clothes to him. Odhoshili kutya Jehova okwa li a kwathele melongekidho ndika, nomoshitopolwa shoka ngashingeyi omu na omagongalo ogendji noonkondo. (b) What should we have in mind when making plans? Of course, Jehovah has helped this arrangement, and this article now serves many congregations. Ekulilo olye tu pa ompito yashike? How can we deepen our love for Bible truth? What opportunity does the ransom give us? Ngele otwi itaale omitotolombo ndhono, nena otatu ka "fundjalekwa kuulunde. " - Heb. 3: 13. As a result, they have little or no time for spiritual interests. If we put faith in that expression, we will be "no part of the world. " - Heb. 3: 13. OMAIMBILO: 128, 45 As we studied, their little eyes would light up and they would giggle with excitement and joy. SONGS: 128, 45 Ngashingeyi natu ka kundathaneni kwaashoka tatu ilongo miiholelwa yaapiya yaKalunga yonale mboka ya li yi idhidhimikile omaupyakadhi. - Rom. They deeply appreciate any help you can render. Let us now consider what we can learn from the examples of faithful servants of God who endured trials. - Rom. 91: 2. First, to some extent, most of us owe our knowledge of the truth to faithful ones who were willing to travel in order to make it known to us. 91: 2. Jakob okwa longo tango omimvo 14 omolwoyanakadhona yaLaban yaali, nokonima sho a kala po omimvo hamano okwa futwa iimuna. Because she and her elder brother, Joe, refused to stop studying the Bible, they were expelled from home by zealous Orthodox parents. Jacob first worked with 14 - year - old Jacob and his two daughters, and after six years he spent six years old, Jacob served as a slave. Esiku omulumentu Omukriste ta hokana oha gana kutya ota ka kala omudhiginini kutya nduno otashi pula shike. Jehovah, the Most High, knows what is taking place and will soon deliver lovers of righteousness. On the day of a Christian married man, a married man promises that he will be faithful no matter what happens. (Iil. 9: 2; 19: 23, OB - 1954) Uutumbulilo mbuka owa li tawu opalele molwaashoka mboka ya li ya ningi aalanduli yaKristus oya kala ye na okukalamwenyo kwa kankamena kokukala neitaalo muJesus Kristus nokuholela oshiholelwa she. - 1 Pet. Jesus may have had in mind such lilylike flowers as gladiolus, hyacinths, irises, and tulips - all beautiful in their own way. This expression was fitting for those who became followers of Christ based on faith and faith in Jesus. - 1 Pet. Otatu ka tala wo kutya omolwashike sha simanenena okukala aadhiginini kehangano ndyoka Jehova ta longitha kunena. Even in the account of her family's visit to the temple when Jesus was 12 years old, Luke quotes the words of Mary, not those of Joseph. We will also consider why it is vital to be loyal to Jehovah today. Nakuhokolola: Marieta Manuel Bacudio So to gain a solid foundation of Scriptural knowledge, he needed to learn basic Bible truths, understand what it means to be one of God's servants, and be determined to obey Jesus ' teachings. As told by Potiphar's reaction to REGULAR FEATURES Oto etha ngaa ombepo yaKalunga yi ku wilike? Even if what you say seems to fall on deaf ears, your teenager will probably take away more from the discussion than you expect - or than he will admit. Do You Let God's Spirit Lead You? Uulunde, 7 / 1 Writing about Enoch and other faithful men and women, the apostle Paul stated: "In faith all of these died. " God's Word, 7 / 1 Konima owala sho twa thiki mo, ontopa ndjoka opo twa adhika twa taaguluka, oya mbomwa po. In difficult situations, we think of what he wants us to do and then obey him because we love him more than anyone or anything else Shortly after we arrived, the bridge was devastated. (Mat. What is the greatest gift that God has ever given us? (Matt. Ehunganeko ndyoka otali popi owala omaukwaniilwa ngoka taga thanekwa kiitopolwa yi ili noyi ili yoshiyelekela shoka sha fatululwa kuDaniel. - 6 / 15, epandja 17. Part of Asa's reward was to see many Israelites from the apostate northern kingdom flow into Judah when they observed that Jehovah was with him. That prophecy refers only to the kingdoms depicted in various parts of Daniel's image. - 6 / 15, page 17. Ongulohi yimwe, manga ongenga yetu ya ya kondanisa, ngame onda yi kokugongala kwOonzapo. " I will glorify your name to time indefinite. " - PS. One evening, while we were in the convent, I attended the meeting with the Witnesses. (Lesha Johannes 13: 34, 35; 15: 12, 13.) " Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the killer of the prophets and stoner of those sent to her, " he sighed. (Read John 13: 34, 35; 15: 12, 13.) Ombiimbeli otayi ti kutya aantu oya kumwa sho ya mono "aathitawi sho taa popi, iitiningili ya aluka, iilema tayi ende, naaposi ya tonata. " Had Jesus had a stern, overly serious nature, people certainly would not have been drawn to him. The Bible says that people were amazed when they saw "the lame are getting sick, and the lame are well - fed, and the blind ones are going to the senses of the dead. " Omunyoli gwEvaangeli, Johannes okwa popi Jesus e li "Ohapu " noha kala" mekolo lyaHe. " (Joh. What do you think? The Gospel writer John refers to Jesus as "the Word " and" the Son of God. " MBELA owu li omugundjuka ngoka a hala okuninginithwa? It had been changed! " Does it matter whether or not the Bible has been changed? DO YOU are a young person who wants to get baptized? Jesus okwa tidha mo oompwidhuli momumati, oye nokwa aluka. Christians living in the first century had to put forth effort to maintain their spiritual priorities. Jesus rejected the demons, and he healed them. 28: 19, 20; Mark. 13: 10. Through the pages of the Bible, our heavenly Father " teaches us to benefit ourselves, ' and he strongly cautions us against the abuse of strong drink. 28: 19, 20; Mark 13: 10. [ 1] (okatendo 3) Episalomi 87: 5, 6 otali holola kutya monakuyiwa Kalunga otashi vulika a ka holole omadhina gaayehe mboka taya ka pangela pamwe naJesus megulu. - Aaroma 8: 19. Since 1914, when "the last days " began, conditions in the world have become worse than ever before. [ 1] (paragraph 5, 6 states that in the future, God might use the names of all who will rule with Jesus in heaven. - Romans 8: 19. Kakele kaashono, Ombiimbeli otayi ti kutya aantu ayehe inaaya gwanenena oye na omitima dhi na omakoto. For example, out of the heart come wicked reasonings, murders, adulteries, fornications, thieveries, false testimonies, blasphemies. " - Matt. 15: 18, 19; compare James 3: 10, 11. Moreover, the Bible says that imperfect humans have a treacherous heart. Otashi vulika tu ki iyadhe monkalo yontumba moka twa pumbwa okuninguluka nokulundulula oondjila dhetu. His hair stood for the special relationship that he as a Nazirite had with God. We may face circumstances in which we need to change and change our ways. 11: 33. ▪ Answer: The first book of the Bible reveals that it was God who created humans as both "male and female. " 11: 33. Omunambelewa okwa ti: "Otu shi kutya ne oolye, notwa simaneka etokolo lyeni. He or she will be pleased to discuss such matters with you. The officer said: "We know who we are, and we respect your decision. Pethimbo ndyoka Britania nIilongo ya Hangana kaya li natango ya tameka okulongela kumwe momukalo omundhindhilikwedhi. They did not care that the sacrifices they offered did not please him. At that time, Britain and the United States were no longer serving together in a remarkable way. Omukwaniilwa oku li kokakambe okatokele, hoka taka thaneke olugodhi ndwoka lwa yogoka nolu li pauyuuki koshipala shaJehova. (Eh. That song, recorded in Exodus chapter 15, includes this declaration in verse 18: "Jehovah will rule as king forever and ever. " The king is like a white horse, a white horse, and it represents those who are right before Jehovah. (Johannes 4: 7 - 26; 18: 20; Iilonga 17: 17) Kunena, Oonzapo dhaJehova ohadhi longitha omikalo ngaashi ndhoka opo dhi uvithile aantu ayehe. Consider another example of Jehovah's reasonableness as manifested in the Mosaic Law. Today, Jehovah's Witnesses use such methods to preach to all people. Omuyengeli okwe mu ladhipike lwaali a lye, opo " ondjila yaahe mu vule oonkondo. ' We also see that despite their failures, Jehovah did not give up on the Israelites. The angel urged him to "make the way beyond what is normal. " (b) Uuna tatu ningi omalongekidho monkalamwenyo yetu, oshike tu na okukaleka momadhiladhilo? What is one area of life that we should take seriously? (b) When making plans in our life, what should we keep in mind? Ongiini tatu vulu okukoleka ohole yetu yokuhola oshili yOmbiimbeli? After two months, we still had all our savings, so we applied to pioneer for another two months. How can we strengthen our love for Bible truth? Naashoka oshe ya ningitha ya kale kaaye na ethimbo lyiinima yopambepo. Over seven million "other sheep " companions from" all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues " have been drawn into one united flock with God's anointed. As a result, they lost their spiritual balance. Sho tatu konakona, uumeho wawo owa li tawu tayima notawu imemeha shili wa nyanyukwa. For example: As we study it, their eyes were safe and happy. Ohaya pandula ekwatho kehe taya pewa. Were Jehovah to choose which trials would come upon us, would he not, in effect, be diminishing the gift of free will? They appreciate any help they receive. Shotango, oyendji yomutse otu na ongunga, sho twa tseya oshili omolwaamwatate aadhiginini mboka ya kala hayi iyamba nehalo ewanawa ye ye ye tu longe oshili. (Read Psalm 104: 24.) First, many of us belong to Jehovah because we have come to know the truth because we are willing to offer sincere brothers willingly to teach us the truth. Molwaashoka ye nomumwayinamati omukuluntu, Joe, oya tindi okweetha po okukonakona Ombiimbeli, oya tidhwa mo megumbo kaavali yawo mboka ya li iilyo yongeleka yaOrthodox. Jehovah did that for Asa, and He can do it for us. Since his older brother and sister, Joe and his older brother, refused to study the Bible with their parents, who were members of the church. 5: 8) Jehova, Omukombandambanda oku shi shi shoka tashi ningwa nota ka hupitha masiku mboka ye hole uuyuuki. It was a privilege to be used in the circuit and district work in Australia for a number of years and to teach the Kingdom Ministry School for elders. Jehovah, the Supreme One, knows what lies ahead and will soon rescue those who love righteousness. Jesus otashi vulika a li ta dhiladhila koongala dhi ili nodhi ili ndhoka hadhi mene melundu. Adhihe oombwanawa momikalo dha yoolokathana. Picture him looking around at the darkened village of Bethlehem and patting the flank of the sturdy little beast of burden. Jesus may have thought of various colors that are rooted in various ways. Okwa popi oohapu ndhoka Maria a popi, ihe hadhaJosef, sho ta hokolola sho Maria noyaandjawo ya yile kotempeli pethimbo Jesus e na omimvo 12. • How does our view of taking on responsibility show whether we are serious or not? He referred to Mary's words, but when Mary and her family arrived at the temple at the temple in 12 years of age, Mary spoke to Mary. Opo a mone ontseyo yashili, okwa li e na okwiilonga oshili yOmbiimbeli yopetameko, opo u uve ko kutya okukala omupiya gwaKalunga otashi ti shike, ye a kale wo a tokola lela okuvulika komalongo gaJesus. Despite our pain of heart, we must avoid normal contact with a disfellowshipped family member by telephone, text messages, letters, e - mails, or social media. To gain accurate knowledge, he had to learn Bible truth to understand what it means to be a servant of God, and what did he decide to be true to Jesus ' teachings? Nonando owu kale wu wete omugundjuka a fa inaa taamba ko shoka to ti, otashi vulika a kale i ilonga mo sha moonkundathana, nonando ku wete a za mo nasha nenge itaa zimine. We appreciate this information when it comes from our parents. Although you feel like a young person who does not accept what you say, he may learn from the subject, even if he does not accept it or accept it. Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa nyola kombinga yaEnok noyaalumentu naakiintu yalwe aadhiginini, a ti: "Ayehe oya sile meitaalo. " Without delay, the men sailed for Macedonia. The apostle Paul wrote about Enoch and other faithful men: "All have died in the faith. " Uuna tu li moonkalo oondhigu, ohatu dhiladhila shoka a hala tu ninge nokuvulika kuye, molwaashono otu mu hole komeho giinima ayihe They eagerly adjust to new ways in which our work of preaching God's established Kingdom is to be done. When we face a difficult situation, we think of what he wants us to do and obey him because we love him in all things Omagano geni ge na ondilo Kalunga e tu pa? What lessons can we learn from the account about Paul and the jailer? What precious gift has God given us? Asa okwa li a yambekwa sho Aaisraeli oyendji aashunimonima mboka ya li muukwaniilwa wokuumbangalantu ye ya kuJuda, sho ya mono kutya Jehova oku li pamwe naAsa. Shirley: What's that? Asa was blessed as many apostate Israelites in the northern kingdom of Judah when they saw that Jehovah was with them. " Otandi ku simaneke nokuhambelela edhina lyoye. " - JES. While the demons delight in harassing people, that is not their primary goal. " I honor you and glorify your name. " - ISA. Okwe shi lili a ti: "Jerusalem, Jerusalem! The word "one " in the expression" one Jehovah " also means that his purpose and actions are always reliable. He cried out: " Jerusalem, Jerusalem! Ando Jesus ka li omunambili, ando aantu inaya nanenwa kuye. That being the case, we would do well to ask, What truly is at the root of spiritual fatigue? If Jesus had not been kind, people would not be drawn to him. 45: 3, 5) Oto ti ngiini kwaashoka? But he was not truly old, not in the world of his time. What do you say? Mbela oshi na ngaa mbudhi kutya nduno Ombiimbeli oya lundululwa nenge hasho? One of the commands that its members obey concerns the making of sworn oaths. Does it matter whether the Bible has been changed or not? Aakriste mboka ya li ko methelemumvo lyotango oya li ye na okuninga oonkambadhala dha mana mo opo ya kale ya pititha komeho iinima yopambepo. They need to speak, read, and write English fluently. Christians in the first century needed to put spiritual interests first in order to put spiritual interests first in the first century. Tate yetu gwomegulu " ote tu longo shoka she tu opalela ' okupitila mOmbiimbeli note tu londodha twaaha longithe iikolitha nayi. They water down its pure standards regarding adultery, homosexuality, and divorce. Our heavenly Father teaches us to "do what is good " by means of the Bible and warns us not to misuse alcohol. " Omasiku gahugunina ' oga tameke mo 1914, noonkalo kombanda yevi odha kala tadhi nayipala. As we have seen, Satan has a number of "crafty acts " at his disposal. The last days of "the last days " began in 1914, conditions on earth have become worse. Oshoka momwenyo ohamu zi omadhiladhilo omawinayi, omadhipago, uuholume, oluhondelo, uufuthi, omalundilathano nokusheka. " - Mat. 15: 18, 19, yelekanitha Jakob 3: 10, 11. TAMBA, a young man in West Africa, was about to take a school examination. For with the negative thoughts of fornication, murder, sexual immorality, sexual immorality, murder, and murder. " - Matt. 15: 18, 19, 11. Ihe omafufu ge oga li ge lile po ekwatathano lyi ikalekelwa ndyoka a li e na naKalunga e li Omunasiri. PAGE 3 • SONGS: 108, 74 But his hair symbolized a unique relationship with God. ▪ Eyamukulo: Embo lyotango lyOmbiimbeli otali tu ulukile kutya Kalunga oye a li a shiti aantu, "omulumentu nomukiintu. " HISTORY: DEFRAUDER, GAMBLER ▪ Answer: The Bible book of the Bible shows that God created humans as "a man and a woman. " Ota ka kala a nyanyukwa oku shi kundathana nangoye. The gift of peace. He or she will be pleased to discuss such matters with you. Omayambo gawo kaga li ga hokiwa kuJehova, ihe kaya li ye na ko nasha. Arrangements were made for two congregations of different language or race to be together on some weekends. Their sacrifices failed to please Jehovah, but they did not care about it. Eimbilo ndyoka lya nyolwa montopolwa 15 yaEksodus, olya kwatela mo oohapu ndhika dhi li movelise 18, tadhi ti: "Jehova oye omukwaniilwa gwaaluheluhe. " Imitate such examples. " Always be rejoicing. The song recorded in Exodus chapter 15 includes these words in verse 18, which says: "Jehovah is King and forever. " Tala ishewe koshiholelwa shaJehova sha nkene a li u ulike ondjele ngaashi shu ulikwa mOmpango yaMoses. JESUS CHRIST Consider also Jehovah's example of reasonableness, as shown in the Mosaic Law. Otwe shi mona wo kutya nonando Aaisraeli oya li ya ningi omapuko, Jehova ine etha oku ya kwathela. [ Footnote] We have also seen that even though the Israelites made mistakes, Jehovah did not allow them to help them. Ombinga yimwe yini tu na okukala twa tala ko ya simana monkalamwenyo yetu? Yes. What are some aspects of our life? Konima yoomwedhi mbali, otwa li tu na natango oshimaliwa, onkee otwa li tu udhitha ofooloma yokukokola ondjila oomwedhi mbali ishewe. If not, will you make needed changes and begin praising Jehovah publicly? Two months later, we still had money, so we applied for two months. 7: 9) Shika kashi shi tuu eyamukulo lya dhenga mbanda kegalikano lyaJesus, sho a galikana a ti kutya "opo uuyuni u tseye kutya ongoye [Jehova] owa tuma ndje nou ya hole, ngashika u hole ndje "! - Joh. 104: 1, 2. That is an excellent answer to Jesus ' prayer when he prayed: "You know that the world sent me to know that you have sent me forth, just as you loved me. " - John 3: 8. (Episalomi 34: 7) Pashiholelwa: Georg Kayser went to the battlefront as a soldier and returned home as a servant of the true God. For example, he said: "Look! (Gal. 6: 7) Ngele Jehova oye ha tokola kutya omamakelo geni tage tu adha, mbela ando otu na ngaa shili emanguluko lyokuninga omatokolo? However, she later admitted that Russian law does not require citizens to celebrate Christmas. Russians - including Russian Witnesses of Jehovah - have a choice. If Jehovah determines what trials we face, would we really have real freedom to make free will? (Lesha Episalomi 104: 24.) Now imagine that you are the official and you have selected three capable men to handle some important business. (Read Psalm 104: 24.) Okwa li e shi ningile Asa nota vulu wo oku shi tu ningila. Are you showing love and respect for God if you abuse your God - given body by indulging in a defiling habit? He did this with Asa and can do the same for us. Osha li uuthembahenda kungame okukala ndi li omutonatelishikandjo nomutonateli gwoshitopolwa muAustralia uule womimvo odhindji nosho wo okulonga Osikola yUukalele wUukwaniilwa yaakuluntugongalo. It is unwise to wait until something worthless confronts us before we decide what we will do. It was a privilege to be a circuit overseer in Australia for many years and to teach the Kingdom Ministry School. Kala ando wa fa wu mu wete ongulohi yimwe e li momukunda gwaBetlehem ta lengalenga ye ta thengathenga okasino ke lwomoombati. Notice how Paul identifies Satan's tactics. Imagine that on one evening she was in the village of Bethlehem and ran out of her room in the city of Moab. • Ongiini etaloko lyetu li na ko nasha nokugwanitha po iinakugwanithwa yetu tali ulike kutya otwi itula mo nenge hasho? But we realize that we must remain neutral, never favoring one political party or human leader over another. • How do our view of theocratic responsibilities show that we are focused on or not? Katu na okukwatathana nasho mongodhi, oku shi tumina omatumwalaka, oontumwafo, oo - email nenge tu kwatathane nasho momukalo gulwe. In fact, even some faithful men and women in Bible times wondered about that! We do not contact the telephone, write letters, letters, or contact them in another way. Ohatu kala tu na olupandu lwuuyelele mbuka uuna tawu zi kaavali yetu. My family were Buddhists, like most people in Japan. We appreciate this information when it comes to our parents. Oya yi nziya nosikepa kuMakedonia. " By keeping on guard according to [God's] word "! They immediately arrived in Macedonia, and they soon traveled to Macedonia. Ohaya taamba ko wo nehalo ewanawa omikalo omipe nkene ye na okuuvitha kombinga yUukwaniilwa mboka wa dhikwa po kuKalunga. In addition to being commissioned King and High Priest, Jesus was assigned to "build the temple of Jehovah. " They also accept new ways to preach about God's Kingdom. Oshike tatu vulu okwiilonga kehokololo lyaPaulus nomulangeli gwondholongo? Even if she did at one time, she may have turned away from idols and may have become a true worshipper, as did Rahab and Ruth. What can we learn from the account of Paul and the jailer? Shirley: Owuni mbela? Throughout the centuries, Jehovah inspired faithful men to write down details about how his name will be cleared of reproach, how the damage caused by Satan will be undone, and how humans can regain the opportunities forfeited by Adam and Eve. Shirley: Do you? Nonando oondemoni ohadhi nyanyukilwa okuningila aantu uuwinayi, ndyoka halyo elalakano lyadho lyotango. SONGS: 65, 122 While the spirits enjoy doing bad things, they do not want to do bad things in their first place. Uutumbulilo "oye awike Jehova " otawu ti wo kutya omalalakano ge nomatokolo ge oge shi aluhe okwiinekelwa. Today, when giving counsel on matters involving personal choice, the elders should follow that pattern. The expression "one Jehovah " also means that his purposes are trustworthy. (Jes. 40: 29 - 31) Molwaashoka osho shi li ngawo, otu na okwiipula kutya omolwashike tu uvite kutya omaipyakidhilo giinima yopambepo oge li omutengi? Every day, we need to cultivate loyalty to God through study of his Word, meditation on it, and heartfelt prayer to our heavenly Father. Since that is so, we should ask ourselves why we feel that spiritual activities are weak. Omimvo 5 000 nasha dha ka pita, aantu oya li haya kala nomwenyo ethimbo ele noonkondo shi vulithe kunena. Even though Jesus ' first - century followers had more information about the perfect man Jesus than we do, we are not deprived. Over the first century B.C.E., people lived long ago. Sho Jesus a li kombanda yevi, aantu oya li haya longitha nayi okugana. Instead, he said of the bread: "This means my body. " When Jesus was on earth, people used to make sworn oaths. Naya kale wo haya popi, haya nyola, nohaya lesha nawanawa Oshiingilisa. 5, 6. (a) In what way were Israelite parents to be witnesses of Jehovah? They also speak, write, and read English. Oya hekula omithikampango dhayo dha yogoka dhi na ko nasha neyonondjokana, uushenge nosho wo ehengathano. 12: 9) Satan made an issue of the fact that God's human children were not allowed to eat "from every tree of the garden. " They have watered their moral standards regarding sexual immorality, homosexuality, and divorce. Ngaashi twe shi mono, Satana oha longitha "omakotokelo omawinayi " gi ili nogi ili. Because they walked with God in an ungodly world, Enoch "pleased God well " and Noah" proved himself faultless among his contemporaries. " - Heb. As we have seen, Satan uses "the machinations of the Devil. " TAMBA, omulumentu omugundjuka ngoka a li a kala kUuninginino waAfrika, okwa li e li pokunyola ekonakono. There was also a man with them who was "clothed in linen " and had" a secretary's inkhorn. " Such brothers, a young man living in England, was a former study. EPANDJA 3 • OMAIMBILO: 108, 74 3, 4. (a) What command did God give Adam and Eve? PAGE 3 • SONGS: 108, 74 ONDJOKONONA: OMUKENGELELI NOMUNDOMBOLI Hand mills were used to grind grain into flour to make bread. HISTORY: HISTORY Omagano gombili. Much, then, depends on our attitude. A gift of peace. Opwa li pwa ningwa omalongekidho, opo aamwatate okuza momagongalo gaali gomalaka ga yoolokathana nenge gomihoko dhi ili nodhi ili ya kale haye ya pamwe omahuliloshiwike gamwe. If it is God's will, my family members and friends who have died will return to life in the new world. There were arrangements for our brothers from different groups or ethnic groups to live together on weekends. Omolwoshinima shoka, Kalunga okwa kala aluhe noku mu ambidhidha. Others apparently felt that life would be so much easier if they just went along with the majority of Jews around them. As a result, God has always supported him. [ Enyolo lyopevi] That is a pertinent question today because we live in a lawless, violent, and selfish world. [ Footnote] (Mat. Through what does Abel speak? (Matt. Ngele hasho, mbela oto ka ninga omalunduluko ga pumbiwa opo wu tameke okutanga Jehova montaneho yaantu? Verse 6 says: "They went through Phrygia and the country of Galatia, because they were forbidden by the holy spirit to speak the word in the district of Asia. " If not, would you make adjustments to start praising Jehovah in public? 104: 1, 2. Sascha 104: 1, 2. Georg Kayser, okwa yi kolugodhi e li omukwiita, ihe okwa galukile kegumbo e li omupiya gwaKalunga kashili. Scientists have discovered that it is easier to remember something when we read it aloud. www.jw.org went to the vicious army, but he returned home to the true God. Sho omutamaneki gwoshipotha a li a lundile Oonzapo kutya ohadhi yono po ombili yomaukwanegumbo, okwa ti kutya uunzapo mboka e na moshinima shika owo kutya ihadhi dhana omasiku gomafudho ngaashi Okrismesa. For example, in 1912, Guglielmo Marconi, the inventor of a wireless telegraph, was quoted as predicting: "The coming of the wireless era will make war impossible. " When the prosecutor falsely accused the Witnesses of bringing peace to families, he said that this is the case with the churches of Christendom. Ngashingeyi natu tye ando ngoye omunambelewa, nowa hogolola aalumentu yatatu mboka wi inekela ya longe iilonga yontumba ya simana. We live at a time when the world field of humanity is "white for harvesting. " Let us now say that you are a officer, and you chose three men who rely on certain important work. Mbela oto ku ulika ngaa kutya owu hole Kalunga nowe mu simaneka ngele olutu ndoka e ku pa owe li ikitha iinima mbyoka tayi lu nyateke pandjigilile? 3: 5. Would you show that you love God and respect him if you gave you a figurative body? 119: 101) Kashi li pandunge tu tegelele sigo pwa holoka oshinima kaashi na oshilonga opo tu tokole kutya otatu ka ninga po shike. Proverbs 18: 22 says: "The one who finds a good wife has found something good, and he receives Jehovah's favor. " It is not wise to wait until something else comes to decide what we will do. Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa tumbula omikalo dhimwe ndhoka Satana ha longitha opo e tu ningithe tu gwanithe po ehalo lye. Really Care About You? The apostle Paul mentions some of Satan's methods that Satan uses to cause us to accomplish his will. (Rom. 13: 1 - 4) Ihe otwa pumbwa okudhimbulukwa kutya otu na okukala aadhiginini, nokatu na okwaambidhidha nando ongundu yimwe yopapolotika nenge aawiliki yopantu. The world has nothing that can rightly be compared with our spiritual paradise. However, we need to remember that we must be loyal, never to any political group or political leaders. Nokuli aalumentu naakiintu aadhiginini yamwe yopethimbo lyOmbiimbeli oya li hayi ipula nasho. Anthony: But God made sure that we knew the personal names of those individuals. Even some faithful men and women in Bible times wondered about themselves. Meme natate oyomeitaalo lyAabuddha, ngaashi aantu oyendji moJapani. How can Philippians 4: 5 help us make wise choices regarding health care? My mother and Dad, as many people in Japan, are the most people in Japan. " Ongele taya vulika koohapu dhaKalunga '! (Eps. Jehovah had transferred his Son's life from heaven to earth, causing conception in Mary's womb while she was still a virgin. " By obeying God's word out of your heart. " Kakele kokukala Omukwaniilwa nOmuyambi Omukuluntu, Jesus okwa li a langekwa po a " tungulule otempeli yaJehova. ' When he arrived, he was dismayed to find the two armies locked in the stalemate described at the outset of this article. Despite having been King and High Priest, Jesus was appointed to " rebuild Jehovah's temple. ' Nonando okwa li he shi ningi nale, otashi vulika a li e shi etha po e ta ningi omulongelikalunga gwashili ngaashi owala Rahab naRut ya li ye shi ningi. (Rut 1: 16; 4: 13 - 17; Mat. Never forget that Jehovah cares for you, and he will give you the strength needed to face any circumstance that may arise. - 1 Pet. Although he did so, he likely stopped doing so and became true worshippers just as Rahab and her family did. (Gen. 3: 15) Momukokomoko gwoomvula omathele dha ka pita, Jehova okwa li a nwetha mo aalumentu aadhiginini ya nyole uuyelele kombinga yankene edhina lye ndyoka lya nyatekwa tali ka yelithwa, nkene eyonagulo ndyoka lye etithwa kuSatana tali ka kuthwa po, nosho wo nkene aantu taya vulu oku ka mona omauwanawa ngoka ga li ga kanithwa kuAdam naEva. Jehovah loves those who bring praise to him by imitating his wonderful qualities, including honesty. Over the centuries, Jehovah inspired faithful men to write details about the meaning of his name, the effects of Satan and Eve. OMAIMBILO: 65, 122 Many passengers became angry and threatened the airport staff. SONGS: 65, 122 Kunena, uuna aakuluntugongalo taya gandja omayele miinima ya kwatela mo okuninga omatokolo paumwene, oye na okulandula oshiholelwa shoka. " I AM so happy that my daughter is now a servant of Jehovah, and I know that she is happy too, " said Carlos, * a Christian father in the Philippines. Today, when elders give counsel in matters of personal decisions, they must follow that example. Ngele otwa kala hatu kokonakona Oohapu dhaKalunga esiku kehe, hatu tedhatedha kudho nokugalikana tashi zi komutima otashi ke tu kwathela tu kale aluhe aadhiginini kuye. Johanna says: "People thirst for the truth. Meditating on God's Word daily, meditate on it, and heartfelt prayer will help us to remain faithful to him. (Joh. 21: 25) Nonando aalanduli yaJesus pethimbo ndiyaka oya li ye shi nawa Jesus ye tu vule, natse inatu patelwa pondje. Omolwashike? His efforts to learn the language endeared him to the brothers. Although Jesus ' followers in the time of his followers were well - acquainted with Jesus, we do not know why. Kombinga yomaviinu okwa ti: "Ndjika oyo ombinzi yandje, ombinzi yehangano, ndjoka tayi tilwahi omolwoyendji. " Joseph, a righteous and obedient man, did just that. Regarding the wine, he said: "This means my blood, which is to be poured out in behalf of many. " " Tate,... adhimitha omumwoye, omumwoye opo e ku adhimithe wo. " - JOH. Why is baptism such an important step? " You have glorified your son, so that you may walk with him. " - JOHN. 5, 6. (a) Omomukalo guni aavali Aaisraeli ya li ya gandja uunzapo kombinga yaJehova? " the right to say and write in a responsible way what they think and to give information to others. ' - Article 10. 5, 6. (a) In what way did the Israelites witness about Jehovah? 12: 9) Satana okwa li a pula ngele Adam naEva oya pitikwa okulya "komiti adhihe dhomeyana. " I couldn't believe how much they knew about the Bible! Satan asked if Adam and Eve were allowed to eat "the garden of Eden. " Molwaashoka Henok okwa li e na ekwatathano naKalunga muuyuni wa kolokosha, "okwa li a hokiwa kuKalunga, " na Noowa ka li" e na uusama, okwa li omuyuuki pethimbo lye. " - Heb. Can You Explain? Because Enoch had a close relationship with God in a wicked world, "Noah had no " and" did not regret his righteousness. " - Heb. Puyo opwa li wo omulumentu "a zala oonguwo dholiina " nokwa li e" na okakende kohinga. " Brother Knorr's desire was that the New World Translation would help millions of people come to know Jehovah. " The man's clothing " was also also a man's clothing, " and he was" in the secretary's household. " 3, 4. (a) Oshipango shini Kalunga a pe Adam naEva? In 1963, shortly after we arrived back in Australia to visit my mother, she had a heart attack, seemingly brought on by the excitement of seeing her son after ten years. 3, 4. (a) What command did God give Adam and Eve? Oshikweyithomanya osha li hashi longithwa okunyanyula iilya, opo yi ninge uusila wokuteleka oomboloto. The Bible tells us: "The women should adorn themselves in appropriate dress, with modesty and soundness of mind, not with styles of hair braiding and gold or pearls or very expensive clothing, but in the way that is proper for women professing devotion to God, namely, through good works. " The process was used for wheat grain to make bread bread for bread. Olundji ohashi ikolelele kiikala yetu. " Out of the blue, " relates Roald, "Mario, a pioneer serving in Finnmark, asked us if we would be willing to move to a town named Lakselv to help the congregation of 23 publishers there. " It often depends on our attitude. Kalunga ngele okwe shi hala, aantu yaandjetu nosho wo ookuume kandje mboka ya sa, otaya ka kala nomwenyo muuyuni uupe. " You Will Have to Read It Every Day " God knows that if he wants people, my family and friends will live in the new world. 5: 11 - 14) Yalwe oya li yu uvite kutya onkalamwenyo otayi ka kala tayi ende nawa ngele oya kala taya ningi shoka tashi ningwa kAajuda oyendji mboka ye ya dhingilila. " Happy are the mild - tempered, since they will inherit the earth. " - Matt. Others felt that life would be better better if they did what many Jews did. Oshinima shika osha simana molwaashoka otu li muuyuni mbuka moka ompango kaayi niwe nayo, muuyuni wa kolokosha nosho wo moka mu na aantu yi ihole. Can you imagine how receiving that assignment must have made Timothy feel? This is important because we live in an immoral world, the world, and humans around the world. (Aahebeli 11: 4) Abel ota popi ngiini? You could add, "Actually, that passage says much more. " How does Abel speak? Ovelise ontihamano otayi ti: " Oye ende nokupitila muFrigia nomuGalatia, oshoka ombepo ondjapuki oye ya keelele okuuvitha oohapu dhaKalunga moshitopolwa shaAsia. ' Even if no one else notices the effort you put forth to do what is right, he does. " By means of him and by means of his holy spirit, " says the sixth hour, "for the holy spirit prevented the word from preaching of God in the district of Asia. " Sascha Jehovah created these spirit beings long before the creation of man. - Job 38: 4 - 7. Job's Way of estate Aanongononi oya mona kutya ohashi kala oshipu okudhimbulukwa shoka wa lesha, uuna to lesha mokule kashona. Actually, our honesty should reflect our deep appreciation for God's undeserved kindness. scientists have found that it is easy to remember what you read when you read out loud. Pashiholelwa, mo 1912 Guglielmo Marconi, omunduluki gweshina lyokutuma omatumwalaka ndyoka kaali na oongodhi (wireless), okwa tengenekele a ti: "Okulongithwa kwiinima kaayi na oongodhi (wireless) otaku ka ningitha iita yi hule. " What may families have to do when elderly parents increasingly need assistance? For example, in December 1912, one of the December 1, 2009, Emperor 1945, who lives on the Internet, says: "There will be no threat to war. " Otu li methimbo ndyoka epya lyuuyuni ndyoka lya thikama po maantu, lya "thika okuteywa. " If you believe that God created humans and that the Bible is his inspired Word, then what it says on the subject is worth knowing. We live in a time of the end that is made up of "a Jew. " 3: 5. Standing at God's right hand, Jesus will soon exercise his authority and bring great blessings to obedient humans everywhere. 3: 5. Omayeletumbulo 18: 22 otayi ti: "Nakumona omukulukadhi oku na elago, a likola ohokwe yOmuwa. " The time had come for Moses to carry out a divine commission and to do God's work in God's way. Proverbs 18: 22 says: "The wife of Jehovah is happy. " 54: 13) Uuyuni kawu na sha shoka tashi vulu okuyelekwa noparadisa yetu yopambepo. Daniel foretold: "The kingdom will partly prove to be strong and will partly prove to be fragile. " - Dan. The world is beyond our spiritual paradise. Onda li handi longo kehe shimwe tandi pulwa ndi longe. Play does much more than provide an opportunity to have fun together. I did everything I was asked to do. Anthony: Ihe Kalunga okwa li a shilipaleke kutya otwa tseya omadhina gaantu mboka. 4, 5. Anthony: But God assures us that we have come to know those names. Aafilippi 4: 5 otaya vulu ngiini oku tu kwathela tu ninge omatokolo gomondjila, ngele tashi ya pepango? The overwhelming majority of Jehovah's people are sincere in their devotion. How can Philippians 4: 5 help us make wise decisions about medical treatment? Jehova okwa li a lundululile omwenyo gwOmwana okuza megulu moshivalelo shaMaria, nonando Maria ka li a hokanwa. He also asked that his body would heal and he would get better. Jehovah transferred life from heaven to heaven, although Mary was not married. Sho a thiki mo, okwa li u uvite nayi sho a adha omatangakwiita gaali ga taalelathana ngaashi sha popiwa petemeko lyoshitopolwa shika. So he found a solution that his wife was happy with. When he arrived, he felt hurt when he faced two powerful forces described in this article. Ino dhimbwa nando kutya Jehova oku na ko nasha nangoye note ke ku pa oonkondo ndhoka wa pumbwa opo wu taalele onkalo kehe tayi vulu okuholoka po. - 1 Pet. How was one young brother helped during a time of distress? Never forget that Jehovah cares for you and will give you the strength you need to face any situation. - 1 Pet. Jehova oku hole mboka haye mu simanekitha sho haya holele omaukwatya ge omawanawa ngoka ga kwatela mo okukala omunashili. Because of our imperfect flesh and the efforts of Satan and this wicked world, we are constantly battling negative influences in our lives. Jehovah loves those who honor him by imitating these beautiful qualities involving honesty. Aafalelwa oyendji oya li ya geya noya kala nokuningila aaniilonga pokapale omatilitho. Think, too, of the course Amnon took and the terrible outcome of his behavior. Many have been angry and had to take up a military service. CARLOS, * omusamane gumwe Omukriste gwokuFilipine okwa ti: "Onda nyanyukwa noonkondo sho omumwandjekadhona ngashingeyi a ninga omupiya gwaJehova nondi shi shi kutya naye okwa nyanyukwa wo. " Yes, the Messiah's rule will never become corrupt, and its accomplishments will last forever! " I am so happy that they now become a servant of Jehovah, " says one Christian husband, * in the Philippines. Johanna ota ti: "Aantu oya sa enota lyoshili. Do I value material things more than my relationship with Jehovah and with people? " People were thirsting for truth. 6: 13) Oonkambadhala dhe dhokwiilonga elaka ndyoka odha li dhe mu hedhitha kaamwatate. Imagine that - not just abundantly and not superabundantly but "more than superabundantly "! His efforts to learn the language drew him closer to our brothers. Shaashi Josef okwa li omulumentu omuyuuki nomuvuliki, osho a ningi. (a) What provision may help us maintain a courageous outlook? Joseph was a righteous man and obedient man, so he did. Omolwashike okuninginithwa ku li onkatu ya simana? 3: 1 - 7, 17 - 19. Why is baptism an important step? 6 - 12 Septemba 2010 Am I quick to respond, or do I hesitate to obey? ' - Jas. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE " wokupopya nokunyola momukalo gwesimaneko kombinga yaashoka taya dhiladhila nosho wo wokugandja uuyelele kuyalwe. ' - Okatendo 10. She now participates in preaching the good news and sharing her wonderful Bible - based hope with others. " Pay attention to the things that they think and care about others. " - Paragraph 10. Onda li nda kumwa unene, sho ye shi oshindji kombinga yOmbiimbeli. David did not rely on his past experience. I was especially impressed when they knew more about the Bible. Oto vulu okuyelitha? The article noted that the first - century governing body authorized traveling overseers to make such appointments. Can You Explain? Omumwatate Knorr okwa li a hala Ombiimbeli yo - New World Translation yi kwathele aantu ya tseye Jehova. Like the man who gave his money to his slaves, Jesus gave his anointed followers the work of making disciples. Brother Knorr wanted the New World Translation to help people come to know Jehovah. Mo 1963, otwa yi kuAustralia tu ka talele po meme. Sho owala twa thiki, ye ota kwatwa kuuvu womutima. Otashi vulika wa li we etithwa kenyanyu, molwaashoka opwa pita omimvo omulongo inaa mona ndje. Give an example. In 1963, we went to Australia to visit my mother only when we got sick. Ombiimbeli otayi ti: "Onda hala wo, aakiintu ya dhiladhile nawa kombinga yomizalo dhawo, yo ya zale oonguwo dhi shi kutalwa nodha yogoka. Inaa panda omafufu ya zalekwe oombandi dhiingoli nomagwe taga adhima nenge oonguwo dhi na ondilo. I used to exhaust my resources on lifeless idols that did not benefit me in any way. The Bible says: "I also want to think about clothing, clothing, clothing, and fine clothing. Omumwatate Roald okwa ti: "Nonando kanda li nde shi tegelela, omumwatate Mario, omukokolindjila moFinnmark, okwe tu pula ngele otatu vulu okuya kondoolopa yedhina Lakselv tu ka kwathele egongalo ndyoka li na aauvithi 23. " Allen, the heavy drinker mentioned in the preceding article, explains: "Alcoholism is not just a disease of the body; it's a disease of one's thinking and attitudes. " Although I didn't expect it, " says Roald, "we would ask if we could go to the town where the congregation was 23. " " Oto ke yi lesha esiku kehe " [ Blurb on page 7] " You will read every day " Ombiimbeli otayi ti: "Aanelago oomboka aaifupipiki, oshoka oyo taa ka thigulula evi. " - Mat. This opposition could affect peaceful relations among family members. " Happy are the mild - tempered ones, since they will inherit the earth. " - Matt. 3: 1, 2, 6) Dhiladhila owala kunkene Timoteus tashi vulika a li u uvite sho a pewa oshilonga shoka! What accounts for the remarkable growth in Jehovah's modern - day organization? Think of how Timothy must have felt when he received such assignment! Ompango yaMoses oya li ya yelitha kutya oshike tashi vulu okunyateka omuntu. Why should you always give thanks to Jehovah? The Mosaic Law explained what might be possible. Oto vulu nduno okugwedha ko to ti: "Movelise moka omwa popiwa wo oshinima shilwe. " She raised the lid and to her dismay discovered that there was just hot cheese sauce in the bowl! You can also add to your mind, "What is found in the context of another verse. " Nokuli ngele kapu na ngoka a dhimbulula oonkambadhala ndhoka ho ningi opo wu ninge shoka shi li mondjila, ye oku dhi wete. Can you put forth increased effort to apply the counsel found at Matthew 6: 33? Even if no one knows your efforts to do what is right, remember them. Jehova okwe ya shiti manga nokuli aantu inaaya shitwa. - Job 38: 4 - 7. That man of faith lived before Jehovah gave the Law to Israel and long before Jesus died for our sins. Jehovah created them even before humans were created. - Job 38: 4 - 7. Osha yela kutya okukala aanashili oku na okuulika kutya otwa pandula lela omagano gesilohenda lyaKalunga. What could you do to add power to your words as a representative of the almighty God? Clearly, being honest should reflect our appreciation for God's undeserved kindness. Omaukwanegumbo otaga vulu okuninga shike ngele aavali aakokele oya kala ya pumbwa eyambidhidho? Yet, they had no desire to return to the comforts in Ur! - Read Hebrews 11: 8 - 12, 15. What can families do if elderly parents need support? (2 Timoteus 3: 16) Kutya nduno owi itaala kutya Kalunga oye a shita aantu nenge hasho nosho wo kutya Ombiimbeli oyi li Oohapu dha nwethwa mo nenge hasho, osha simana wu tseye shoka tayi popi. He wrote: Whether you believe that God created humans or not, the Bible is inspired Word or not important to know what it says. (Aaefeso 2: 4, 5) Ngashingeyi Jesus okwa thikama kolulyo lwaKalunga. Ota ka longitha oonkondopangelo dhe masiku, opo e etele aantu ayehe aavuliki omalaleko nuuyamba. what training has been given to Kingdom publishers? Now Jesus is standing at God's right hand, and he will soon use his authority to bring obedient mankind blessings. Ethimbo olya li lya thikana opo Moses a ka longe iilonga yaKalunga pahalo Lye (Eks. One way is to read God's Word. It was time for Moses to do God's will for Moses to do God's will. Daniel okwa ti: "Ombinga yimwe yoshilongo shika otayi ka kala ya kola, nonkwawo inayi kola. " - Dan. It adheres to the Bible as its authority. Daniel says: "In some parts of this land, the other sheep will not be strong. " - Dan. Sho to dhana naye ita mu inyanyudha owala. Disfellowshipping may help the sinner realize he is wrong. As you play with him, you will not merely please him. 4, 5. We repent of our sins. - Acts 17: 30 4, 5. Jehova oku na oshigwana she, noyendji otaye mu longele nomwenyo aguhe. What prevented certain Jews from listening to Jesus? Jehovah has his people, and many will serve him whole - souled. Okwe mu pula wo e mu kwathele a aluke. In some lands, more than half of all marriages end in divorce. He also asked him to help him get well. Okwa ningi etokolo ndyoka lya nyanyudha omukadhi. Everything had become dark in my life. He made the decision to please his wife. Omumwatate gumwe omugundjuka okwa kwathelwa ngiini pethimbo a li a gwililwa po? Chariots and a Crown Safeguard You, Oct. How has one young brother been helped when he was overwhelmed by anxiety? 5: 10, 11) Omolwokwaagwanenena kwetu nosho wo oonkambadhala dhaSatana nosho wo uuyuni mbuka wa kolokosha, ohatu kala aluhe tatu kondjo nomanwethomo omawinayi moonkalamwenyo dhetu. Although Abishai concluded that God had surrendered this enemy into David's hand and offered to pin Saul to the earth with a spear, David did not permit this. Because of our imperfection and Satan's wicked system of things, we have always struggled with negative influences in our lives. Dhiladhila wo kwaashoka Amnon a ningi, niilanduliko iiwinayi mbyoka ye etithwa keihumbato lye. W. Think also of what he did, and with the consequences of his conduct. 89: 34 - 37) Epangelo lyopaMesiasa itali ka longa nando uulingilingi, niilonga yalyo otayi ka kalelela. Jairo always got excited during the talk that was addressed to baptism candidates. The Messianic government will never do corruption, and its fruitage will last forever. Mbela onda lenga iinima yopamaliko shi vulithe ekwatathano lyandje naJehova nonaantu? Imagine trying to learn a new language and to adapt to new laws and expectations regarding manners, punctuality, taxes, bill paying, school attendance, and child discipline - all at once! Do I treasure material things more than my relationship with Jehovah? 3: 20) Jehova ite ke tu pa owala oshindji, ihe ote ke tu pa "oshindji shi vulithe pushoka " tatu mu indile. He addressed the problem of self - righteousness by relating this illustration: "Two men went up into the temple to pray, the one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. Jehovah will not only give us "more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask. " (a) Omasiloshimpwiyu geni tu na taga vulu oku tu kwathela tu kale neidhidhimiko? When you come out, you will be old and alone. " (a) What provisions can help us to endure patiently? 3: 1 - 7, 17 - 19. For instance, on the final night of his earthly life, Jesus urged his faithful apostles: "Keep on the watch with me. " 3: 1 - 7, 17 - 19. Mbela ohandi tula ngaa miilonga shoka tashi popiwa nenge ohandi kala tandi kwatakwata? ' - Jak. " No resident will say: " I am sick. ' " - Isaiah 33: 24. Do I apply what is said or do I hesitate? ' - Jas. Ombiimbeli otayi tu lombwele tayi ti: "Kalunga aantu ayehe ohe ya tala ye thike pamwe. Or you may be one of the thousands who have come to learn the truth through the preaching activity of other servants of Jehovah. - Rom. The Bible tells us: "God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him. " Kali i igameke koondunge dhe mwene. After citing several relevant scriptures, The Watchtower explained why an unrepentant smoker should be disfellowshipped. He does not lean on his own understanding. Oshitopolwa osha ti kutya olutuwiliki lwomethelemimvo lyotango olwa li lwa pitika aatonateli aayendi ya langeke po aakuluntugongalo naayakuligongalo. The ungodly will soon be removed, and lovers of righteousness will no longer experience the distress caused by law - defying people and their evil deeds. The article said that the first - century governing body allowed traveling overseers and ministerial servants to appoint elders. Jesus okwa pe aagwayekwa oshinakugwanithwa shokuninga aantu aalongwa, ngaashi omulumentu gwomeyele a pe aapiya ye iimaliwa. (Mat. 4: 4. Jesus gave his anointed disciples the responsibility to make disciples, just as the man in the parable gave his slaves the talents. Gandja oshiholelwa. But I have made supplication for you that your faith may not give out; and you, once you have returned, strengthen your brothers. " - Luke 22: 31, 32. Illustrate. Onda li nda longitha po iiniwe yandje ayihe miikalunga kaayi na omwenyo mbyoka ya li ihaayi etele ndje nando uuwanawa washa. And consider how much benefit we can draw from the Bible books that Jehovah inspired Paul to write. I used everything I had failed to do with all my belongings. (Omayeletumbulo 23: 33) Allen, ngoka a li ha nu sha pitilila ngoka a tumbulwa moshitopolwa sha tetekela okwa ti: "Iikolitha ihayi yono po owala olutu lwomuntu, ihe ohayi yono po wo omadhiladhilo ge niikala ye. Bethel was in a large, old house surrounded by big trees on a two - and - a - half acre (1 ha) lot. Allen, mentioned in the preceding article, says: "It is not as a body but also a person's thoughts and attitude. [ Oohapu dha simana pepandja 7] " But then, " says a lawyer involved in the case, "something bizarre happened. " [ Blurb on page 7] Jesus okwa ti: "Inamu dhiladhila, ngame onde ya okweeta ombili kombanda yevi. (a) What did the apostle Paul say about encouragement? Jesus said: "Never be anxious, and I will bring peace to the earth. 3: 5 - 7. Omolwashike omwaalu gwOonzapo dhaJehova tagu indjipala? Gideon prepared a meal and served it to the angel. Why is the number of Jehovah's Witnesses growing? Omolwashike wu na aluhe okupandula Jehova? Who will rescue me from the body undergoing this death? " - Rom. Why should you always thank Jehovah? Sho a suukulula ko, okwa haluka, oshoka omwa li owala mu na osopa yehini (cheese). A special pioneer couple preach in a remote area near the city of Balykchy When he gets sick, he was shocked, for he had just the ability to prepare him for the Bethel family. Mbela ito vulu okuninga oonkambadhala wu tule miilonga omayele ngoka ge li muMateus 6: 33? (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) Can you try to apply the counsel recorded at Matthew 6: 33? Omulumentu ngoka a li e na eitaalo, okwa kala ko nale manga Jehova inaa pa Aaisraeli ompango nomanga nokuli Jesus inaa sa omolwoondjo dhetu. So we should not think that God would never again trust a person who made a serious error. A man who had faith before Jehovah gave the Israelites a law code even before Jesus died for our sins. Molwaashoka owu lile po Kalunga Omunankondoadhihe, opo shoka to ka popya shi kale shi na omungundo, oto ka ninga po shike? When thinking about a past mistake, we may feel "crushed to an extreme degree. " Since you are God's almighty Almighty, what can you do? Ihe nonando ongawo, muAbraham nooyandjawo kamu na siku mwi ile edhiladhilo lyokushuna kuUr. - Lesha Aahebeli 11: 8 - 12, 15. Is your health good or fragile? Yet, Abraham never decided to return to his homeland. - Read Hebrews 11: 8 - 12, 15. Okwa nyola a ti: We will enjoy teaching them about God's will so that they can have "everlasting life. " - Acts 24: 15; John 17: 3. He wrote: aauvithi yUukwaniilwa oya kala nokudheulwa ngiini? They showed us the name Jehovah at Psalm 83: 18. How have Kingdom publishers been sharing in the preaching work? Oshinima shimwe osho okulesha Oohapu dhaKalunga. How are faith and love highlighted together in the Scriptures, but which is the greatest, and why? One thing is reading God's Word. Ayihe mbyoka tashi popi oyi ikolelela kOmbiimbeli. The entire universal family will happily praise Jehovah, who will be "all things to everyone. " - Read Psalm 99: 1 - 3. It adheres to the Bible as its authority. Okukondwa ohaku kwathele omuyoni a mone eyono lye. By 1939 there were 6,000 of them in the [concentration camps]. " Disfellowshipping helps a person to get involved in his sin. Ohatu itedhulula omolwuulunde wetu. - Iil. 17: 30 In the invisible realm, spirit creatures are invited into Jehovah's immediate presence at appropriate times. We repent because of our sinful nature. - Acts 17: 30; Acts 17: 30. Oshike sha li sha kata Aajuda yamwe kaa ya pulakene kuJesus? PAGE 28 • SONGS: 95, 100 What had happened to some Jews not to listen to Jesus? Miilongo yimwe, oondjokana dhi vulithe petata ohadhi teka. 4 Jehovah Provides Comfort in All Our Trials In some lands, more than half marriages are lost. Omwenyo gwandje ogwa li gwa luudha shili. Keeping a Balanced View My heart was real. Nonando Abisai okwa li e wete kutya Kalunga okwa gandja Saul miikaha yaDavid nokwa a li a pula e mu tse egonga li tunukile mevi polumwe aluke, David ka li e shi zimine. Many centuries after Abel's time, God used the sacrifice of an unblemished lamb to picture the sacrifice of His own perfect Son, "the Lamb of God, " whose innocent blood would be shed. Although Abishai felt that God had given Saul in David's hand and asked him to bow down to the ground, David did not agree. W. In our old neighborhood, people were used to seeing me next to the fruit stand. W. Jairo okwa li aluhe ha kala a nyanyukilwa oshipopiwa sheninginitho. TO THINK ABOUT: Do you feel that the relationship you have with your own father affects the way you treat your son? Jairo always enjoyed the baptism talk. Dhiladhila koonkambadhala ndhoka hadhi ningi okwiilonga elaka epe, oompango oompe, omikalondjigilile oomipe nosho wo iinima ngaashi: okufuta iifendela, oosikola nokuputudha aanona poshikando shimwe. " Teacher, " said a scribe to Jesus, "I will follow you wherever you are about to go. " Think of the effort they make to learn new language, new laws, customs, and technology. Okwa li u ungaunga nuupyakadhi mbuka wokukala yi ishi uuyuuki moku ya hokololela eyele ndika a ti: "Aalumentu yaali oya yi motempeli, ya ka galikane, gumwe omufarisayi nomukwawo omufendelithi. These brothers are willing to do whatever tasks they are assigned. He dealt with this problem by telling them this illustration: "The two children went to the temple and to pray for a tax collector and a tax collector. Sho to ka za mo, oto adhika wa kulupa nowu na owike. " Why should you be on guard against "the deceptive power of riches "? As you come out, you are no longer old and alone. " Pashiholelwa, muusiku we wahugunina kombanda yevi manga inaa sa, okwa li a lombwele aayapostoli ye aadhiginini a ti: " Kaleni mpaka, mu tonate pamwe nangame. ' I am creating new heavens and a new earth; and the former things will not be called to mind, nor will they come up into the heart. " For example, on his final night before his death, Jesus told his faithful apostles: "Keep on the watch, keep on the watch with me. " " Kapu na nando ogumwe muSioni ta ka tya: " Otandi ehama. ' " - Jesaja 33: 24. " THE WORD OF GOD IS NOT BOUND " " No resident will say: " I am sick. ' " - Isaiah 33: 24. 6: 6, 7) Nenge tashi vulika wu li gumwe gwomaantu omayuvi mboka yi ilonga oshili okupitila miilonga yokuuvitha yaapiya yalwe yaJehova. - Rom. A child with a puppy, Greek or Roman statuette (first century B.C.E. to the second century C.E.) Or you may have been among thousands of thousands of people who have learned the truth through the preaching work of Jehovah's people. - Rom. Oshungolangelo oya totha mo Omanyolo gontumba e tayi yelitha nawa kutya omolwashike omuntu ngoka ha hili omakaya ini iyela ombedhi e na okukondwa. (1 Kor. 5: 7; 2 Kor. I viewed any South Africans who were not white as inferior, uneducated and untrustworthy and only as servants for the white people. The Watchtower quoted several scriptures and explains why a person who is unrepentant should be disfellowshipped. Masiku aakolokoshi otaya ka hanagulwa po naamboka ye hole uuyuuki itaya ka kala we yu uvite oothina ndhoka hadhi etithwa kwaamboka ihaaya longo ehalo lyaKalunga. (2 Pet. (Read Song of Solomon 4: 7, 11.) Soon the wicked will be destroyed and those who love righteousness will no longer feel the pain that those who do not do God's will. 4: 4. So we planned carefully, and with our children's cooperation, Lidasi was able to begin the full - time service in 1960. 4: 4. Nongele wa galukile kungame, tsa wo ooyakweni omukumo. " - Luk. 22: 31, 32. What it reveals And if you return to me, encourage your brothers. " - Luke 22: 31, 32. 9: 3 - 5, 15; 22: 6 - 8) Tala wo nkene tatu vulu okumona uuwanawa momambo gOmbiimbeli, ngoka Jehova a nwetha mo Paulus a nyole. To be integrity - keepers, we need to fix our eyes on that big issue and comprehend how important it really is. See also how we can benefit from Bible books, who inspired Paul to write. OBetel oya li megumbo enene ekulu, lya kundukidhwa komiti ominene, nolya li pehala enene lyohekta 1. Can you personally identify with one of those cases? The Bethel family was in a large home, surrounded by two trees rather than one of them. Omukalelipo gwomutamaneki gwiipotha okwa ti kutya kapu na uuyelele washa tawu ulike kutya Oonzapo dhaJehova odha longa omuyonena gwasha. Indeed, this parable highlights the superiority of God's righteousness, which is not based on legal regulations and human merit alone. A lawyer said that there is no legal evidence that Jehovah's Witnesses have been victims of crime. (a) Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa li a popi shike kombinga yetsomukumo? That evening she pointed me in the right direction. (a) What did the apostle Paul say about encouragement? Gideon okwa longekidha iikulya e te yi pe omuyengeli. Do many doctors agree that this test or treatment can cure people? Gideon arranged for food and an angel. Olye ta mangulula ndje molutu nduka talu etele ndje eso? " - Rom. See! The place where they laid him. " Who will rescue me from the body? " - Rom. Aaihokani aakokolindjila yi ikalekelwa, taya uvitha moshitopolwa oshishona popepi noshilando Balykchy They believe that prayer simply helps you to think carefully about your problems and to find your own answers. A special pioneer couple are preaching in a small area nearby town (Tala kohi yoshipalanyolo KOMBINGA YETU > OMAPULO NGOKA HAGA PULWA OLUNDJI) Jehovah rejoiced at seeing his beloved Son humbly subject himself to the divine will. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) (Eps. 103: 9) Ricardo ngoka a kuthwa uuthembahenda konima sho a kala nokulonga e li omukuluntugongalo omimvo odhindji okwa popi a ti: "Onda li tandi ili ominwe. (Read Psalm 54: 6.) " I was taken away from the privilege of serving as an elder for many years, " says Margarita, who later served as an elder for many years. Uuna tatu dhiladhila komapuko ngoka twa ninga nale, ohashi vulika tu kale tu uvite twa "dhengwa twa pwa po thilu. " Young people even gave talks on the program! When we think of past mistakes, we may feel "a waiting spirit. " Owu na uukolele nenge owa nkundipala? Did Jeremiah give in to discouragement? Are you weak or weak? Otatu ka nyanyukilwa oku ya longa ehalo lyaKalunga, opo ya ka mone "omwenyo gwaaluhe. " - Iilonga 24: 15; Johannes 17: 3. Actively think about what you are reading. We will enjoy doing God's will so that they can gain everlasting life. " - Acts 24: 15; John 17: 3. Odhe tu ulikile edhina Jehova mEpisalomi 83: 18. What further practical help can you give to newcomers? They showed us the name Jehovah in Psalm 83: 18. Eitaalo nohole oya tsuwa ngiini omuthindo mOmanyolo, noshini po sha simana shi vule oshikwawo nomolwashike? We all need a word of encouragement from time to time. How is faith and love highlighted in the Scriptures, and why is it more important than another? Iishitwa ayihe megulu nokombanda yevi otayi ka tanga Jehova nenyanyu ngoka ta ka kala "oye awike omupangeli gwaayihe. " - Lesha Episalomi 99: 1 - 3. All these dear brothers and sisters from different backgrounds serve Jehovah unitedly. All creatures in heaven and on earth will praise Jehovah, who will be "all things to everyone. " - Read Psalm 99: 1 - 3. Mo 1939, [mookamba dhoonkwatwa] omwa li Oonzapo 6 000. " Be Zealous for True Worship In 1939, the prisoners were thrown into 1939. " Iishitwa yopambepo ohayi holoka koshipala shaJehova pethimbo lyu uthwa, megulu. (1 Aak. 22: 19; Job 1: 6; 2: 1; Dan. To my surprise, I did survive. The spirit creatures appear before Jehovah's appointed spirit in heaven; Job 1: 6; Dan. EPANDJA 28 OMAIMBILO: 95, 100 How are we helped to endure in our preaching work? PAGE 28 • SONGS: 95, 100 4 Jehova ohe tu kwatha muudhigu wetu awuhe " Now, when my son faces problems related to his Down syndrome, I feel guilty. " 4 Jehovah Helps us in all our trials Natu kale tu na etaloko li li pandjele The Bible should be very precious to us. Why? Be balanced Oomvula omathele konima yaashono, Kalunga okwa li a longitha eyambo lyonzi yaa na oshipo yi thaneke eyambo lyOmwana a gwanenena, "Onzigona yaKalunga, " ngoka ombinzi ye yaa na oondjo ya li tayi ka tilwahi. the sower who sleeps? Centuries later, God used a sacrifice that represented the perfect Son of God, "the Lamb of God, " who had a shed blood. Hwiya twa zi, aantu ayehe oya li yi igilila handi landitha iiyimati. Humans could not provide the ransom. A few months later, everyone was used to sell the fruit. DHILADHILA KWAASHIKA: Mbela sho to tala ekwatathano lyoye natate gwoye olya guma omukalo ngoka ho ungaunga nomumoyemati? Decades passed, and the ark gradually assumed its final shape. TO THINK ABOUT: Do you see your relationship with your father affect you? Omulongimpango gumwe okwa li a lombwele Jesus a ti: "Muhongi, onda hala oku ku landula shaa mpoka to yi. " THE RESULT: Despite threats from powerful kings and misguided clergymen, the Bible is the most widely distributed and most translated book in history. The teacher said to Jesus: "Look! I want you to follow you wherever you go. " Oyi ilongekidha okulonga kehe oshilonga shoka taya pewa. 14, 15. (a) What shows that Jehovah wants to remove mankind's suffering? They are prepared to do whatever they receive. Omolwashike wu na okukala wa kotokela " efundjaleko lyuuyamba '? It has been calculated that in Brazil alone "there are at least 30 groups whose beliefs are based on the Apocrypha. " Why should you be careful about "the deceptive power of riches "? Iiningwanima yonale otayi ka dhimbiwa thiluthilu. " Jesus commended some of the congregations for their endurance, faithfulness under trial, loyalty to his word, and rejection of apostates. The former events will not be forgotten. " " OOHAPU DHAKALUNGA INADHI MANGWA " Doing so can go a long way in helping the message of God's Word to reach the mind and heart of our listeners. - Read Luke 24: 32. " GOD'S WORD IN GOD'S WORD " Ethano lya hongwa lyaGreka nenge lyaRoma, lyokanona ke na okambwena (omimvo 2 116 sigo omimvo 1 800 dha ka pita) Important features of the rich spiritual heritage of Jehovah's people are considered in these articles. According to the fifth century B.C.E., a child's child was born in the fifth century B.C.E. Onda li nda dhina Omusouth Africa kehe ngoka kee shi oshilumbu nonda li nde mu tala ko inaa longwa, kee shi ku inekelwa noku li owala omupika gwiilumbu. And he had insight, that is, he understood how they really felt and knew how to help them. I disregarded the Shinto South Africa, and I viewed him as a slave who was not a slave; rather, I viewed you as a slave and a slave girl. (Lesha Ondjimbolela 4: 7, 11.) Yes, Jehovah was real to him. (Read Song of Solomon 4: 7, 11.) Mo 1960, Lidasi okwa li a tameke miilonga yethimbo lyu udha. Set goals in Jehovah's service In 1960, we began serving full - time in the full - time ministry. Shoka tali holola This is clear from 2 Corinthians 1: 15, 16, where we read: "With this confidence, I was intending to come first to you, so that you might have a second occasion for joy; for I intended to visit you on my way to Macedonia, to return to you from Macedonia, and then to have you send me off to Judea. " What it reveals Opo tu kakatele uudhiginini wetu, otwa pumbwa okugandja eitulomo kiinima ya simana nokumona kutya oya simana shi thike peni. This could lead some to wonder whether there might be validity to the Devil's claim. To maintain our integrity, we need to focus on what is important and how important it is. 3: 1) Mbela owa kwatelwa mo maantu mbaka ya tumbulwa metetekelo? This angered David so much that he planned to do away with Nabal and his men. But are these individuals mentioned in the introduction? Dhoshili, eyele ndika otali tsu omuthindo kutya uuyuuki waKalunga owa dhenga mbanda noinawu kankamena owala koompango dhopaveta nosho wo kokukala wi ilongelwa kaantu. Who is their head? Of course, this illustration emphasizes that God's righteousness is not merely based on godly laws and principles. Ongulohi ndjoka okwa li a pe ndje omayele omawanawa. It is followed by "take notice of [Jehovah]. " That night he gave me good advice. Oondohotola odhindji odha zimina ngaa kutya ekonakono nenge epango ndyoka ohali aludha shili? Ask yourself, " Do I really know the truth? Do many doctors accept that treatment or medical treatment really heals the health of many? Nonando oya kala tayu ungaungwa nayo nonyanya, natango oye li aadhiginini. We spend as much time as possible helping others get to know the Bible. Despite being treated, they still remained faithful. Tala, eha olyo ndika mpoka ye mu langekele. " Some brothers and sisters may at one time have been like those in Corinth. Consider, for example, this is where he appointed him. " Oyi itaala kutya egalikano ohali ku kwathele ashike wu dhiladhile nawa kombinga yuupyakadhi mboka wu na, nokumona kutya oto wu kandula po ngiini. Legal scholar Alastair Kerr explains that in 533 C.E., Roman Emperor Justinian published his Digest, a summary of Roman law and excerpts from jurists of the classical period of the law (about 100 - 250 C.E.). They believe that prayer helps you to think carefully about the problem and see how you can solve it. Jehova okwa li a nyanyukwa okumona Omwana omuholike ta vulika nehalo ewanawa kuye. (See opening pictures.) (b) What questions will be answered in this article? Jehovah was pleased to see his beloved Son willingly obeying him. (Lesha Episalomi 54: 6.) (Read Nehemiah 13: 23, 24.) (Read Psalm 54: 6.) Aagundjuka nayo oya li taya gandja nokuli iipopiwa pokugongala. How did God's servants in Britain fare? Young people even gave talks at the meetings. 45: 2, 3) Mbela Jeremia okwa li a teka omukumo? He guarantees: "I will by no means leave you nor by any means forsake you. " - Hebrews 13: 5. Did Jeremiah become discouraged? Dhiladhila muule kombinga yaashoka to lesha. The master said that the slave was wicked and lazy. Think deeply about what you read. Ekwatho limwe lini to vulu oku ya pa? Let us examine Paul's warning regarding harmful gossip. What help can you provide? 12: 25) Oohapu ndhoka otadhi longo kutse. Learn From God's Word Those words teach us. Aamwatate naamwameme ayehe mbaka yomomaputuko gi ili nogi ili, otaya longele Jehova ya hangana. As told by Joseph Ehrenbogen All these brothers and sisters from different backgrounds serve Jehovah unitedly. Kala omulaadhi nelongelokalunga lyashili It offers a considerable amount of comfort. Be Zealous for True Worship Onda li nda kumwa lela sho nda hupu. Each of us should ask himself, " What more can I do to strip off and keep off the old personality? ' I was impressed when I survived. Ohatu kwathelwa ngiini tu uvithe neidhidhimiko? Solomon expressed what view that extended beyond the Israelites? How are we helped to preach with patience and patience? Ngashingeyi ohandi kala tandi ipe uusama sho okamwandjemati ke na uulema wopalutu nowopamadhiladhilo (Down syndrome). " This has enabled them to deepen their love for Jehovah. I now regret having my son's physical health and emotional health. " Omolwashike Ombiimbeli yi na okukala yi na ongushu kutse? 2: 2, 3.) Why should the Bible be precious to us? lyomukuni ngoka a kotha? 15, 16. the sower who sleeps? Aantu kaya li taya vulu okugandja ekulilo. The soldier could see that the man was drunk, so he told him, "Go home and sober up! " Humans could not offer the ransom. Konima yoomvula omilongo dhontumba, onguluwato osho ya pu. How did Abraham and his family keep their faith strong? Some decades later, the ark was completed. OSHIZEMO: Nonando opwa li omapataneko okuza kaakwaniilwa aanankondo nokaawiliki yomalongelokalunga, Ombiimbeli oyo embo ndyoka lya taandela kaaku na we nolya tolokwa unene mondjokonona. Even on the train to and from Balykchy, we were able to witness to passengers. THE SOLUTION: Despite opposition from powerful religious leaders and religious leaders, the Bible is the most widely distributed book in history. 14, 15. (a) Oshike tashi ulike kutya Jehova okwa hala okuhulitha po emono lyiihuna? Yet, he had to fight selfish tendencies. 14, 15. (a) What shows that Jehovah wants to eliminate suffering? Okwa li kwa yalulwa kutya muBrasilia owala "omu na konyala oongundu 30 dhaamboka eitaalo lyawo lya kankamena komambo ngoka go - Apocrypha. " I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things. " - Matthew 28: 19, 20. He was estimated that "there is more than 30 groups based on writings based on the Apocryphal writings. " - Apocryphal writings. Jesus okwa li a pandula omagongalo gamwe omolweidhidhimiko lyago, uudhiginini wago uuna ge li momahepeko, okudhiginina kwago oohapu dhe, nosho wo okukala inaaga taamba ko aashunimonima. As Jehovah's Witnesses, we bear that singular honor. In some congregations, Jesus commended the endurance of their endurance during persecution, upholding his words, and apostates. Okuninga ngawo, otashi ka kwathela aapulakeni yu uve ko nawa Oohapu dhakalunga. - Lesha Lukas 24: 32. • What lessons can we learn from Korah and Moses? Doing so will help the audience to understand better the Word of gods. - Read Luke 24: 32. Iitopolwa mbika iyali otayi kundathana iinima ya simana mbyoka yi li oshitopolwa shuuthiga wopambepo woshigwana shaJehova. How do you react when the elders find it necessary to give such a talk? These two articles discuss important aspects of spiritual heritage as part of Jehovah's people. Okwa li wo e na euvoko, ano a li u uvite ko shoka shi li momitima dhawo nokwa li e shi nkene e na oku ya kwatha. In addition, IUDs that release a hormone came on the market in 2001. He also understood what was in their hearts, and he knew how to help them. 39: 7 - 9) Eeno, Jehova okwa li gwolela kuye. Furthermore, our appropriate attire will reflect well on the organization we represent. Yes, Jehovah was real to him. Itulila po omalalakano miilonga yaTate Jehova For more information see chapter 5 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses Set theocratic goals in Jehovah's service (1 Kor. 16: 3) Shika oshi iwetikile mAakorinto aatiyali 1: 15, 16, moka tatu lesha ngeyi: "Mokwiinekela ayihe mbika onda li nda hala tango okuya kune, opo mu ka mone eyambeko lyetalelopo etiyali. Oshoka onda li nda dhiladhila okupitila pune mokuya nomukugaluka kwandje kuMakedonia, opo mu ka thindikile ndje kuJudea. " He thereby gave some of his faithful disciples the prospect of joining him as kings in God's Kingdom. - Read Luke 22: 28 - 30. This is evident at 2 Corinthians 1: 16, where we read: "For all these things I first wanted to go to you, I began to see you the blessing of my second brother in Macedonia. " Shoka osha ningitha yalwe ya dhiladhile kutya Ondiyapoli oyi li mondjila. But the young woman remained loyal to her beloved shepherd. That caused others to think that the Devil is right. Sho Abigajil e shi uvu, okwa faalele David naamati ye iikulya nomeya, naashika osha keelele David kee shi ninge. For example, keeping the computer in an open area can serve as a protection. When she heard that, she left David's food and water, and this prevented David from doing nothing. Olye omutse gwawo? " There is an appointed time for everything, " explains the Bible. Who is their head? Owa landulwa kwaambuka tawu ti kutya, " Jehova mu mu tseya. ' Eric: Yes. It is followed by the truth that "Jehovah is coming to know him. " Ipula to ti: " Oshili ondi yi shi ngaa lela? Unlike some other religious groups, Jehovah's Witnesses refrain from meddling in politics. Ask yourself: " Do I really know the truth? Ohatu longitha ethimbo olindji ngaashi tashi vulika, tu kwathele aantu ya tseye Ombiimbeli. What will help us to keep ourselves ready? We spend much time as possible helping people to come to know the Bible. Omathimbo gamwe aamwatate naamwameme yamwe otashi vulika ya li ya fa mboka yomuKorinto. We see an indication of that in what Paul wrote earlier in his letter. Sometimes some brothers and sisters may have seemed similar to those in Corinth. Omukonakoni gwiinima yopaveta, Alastair Kerr, okwa yelitha kutya momumvo 533 E.N., Omupangeli gwaRoma gwedhina Justinian okwa li a nyanyangidha embo lyedhina Digest. We will answer three questions about each quality: What does it mean? Regarding the case of the legal entity used by the emperor in 53 C.E., the Roman Emperor Nero published a book. (Tala kethano lyopetameko.) (b) Omapulo geni tatu ka yamukula moshitopolwa shika? If an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is. (See opening picture.) (b) What questions will we answer in this article? (Lesha Nehemia 13: 23, 24.) Eventually, we got married. (Read Nehemiah 13: 23, 24.) 6: 12) Aapiya yaKalunga oya li monkalo ya tya ngiini moBritania? A loving father thinks seriously about the future of his children. What was the situation of God's servants in Britain? Ote tu shilipaleke ta ti: "Itandi ku etha nando; itandi ku thigi po. " - Aahebeli 13: 5. Read Psalm 45: 5. He assures us: "I will never leave you nor abandon you. " - Hebrews 13: 5. Omuwa okwa ti kutya omupiya nguka omwiinayi nomunanyalo. This heavenly government will accomplish God's original purpose for mankind. Jehovah said that this wicked slave is wicked and lazy. Ngashingeyi natu ka kundathaneni kombinga yelondodho ndyoka Paulus a li gandja li na ko nasha noluhoko. For example, long before Moses recorded Jehovah's law against adultery, the young man Joseph understood that such conduct was a sin against God. Let us now consider Paul's warning about clothing. Oshike tashi ka ningwa mEsiku lyEpangulo? Moreover, if we have love, we will not brag or get puffed up with pride. What will happen to life on earth? Nakuhokolola Joseph Ehrenbogen For instance, he explained how to resist immoral desires, handle problems with fellow believers, and deal with family difficulties. As told by Joseph Loved Me Otali gandja ehekeleko kaaku na we. AT ONE TIME, he had a good relationship with Jehovah. It is a source of comfort. Kehe gumwe gwomutse ota vulu okwiipula ta ti: " Oshike ishewe tandi vulu okuninga, opo ndi ihule omuntu omukulu nokwiikaleka kokule naye? ' And how can we avoid grieving Jehovah's spirit? Each of us might ask himself, " What else can I do to get off the old personality and keep off the old personality? ' Salomo okwa li a hiya aantu yomiigwana ayihe ya ninge shike? However, they chose to act ruinously, violating God's reasonable directive, thus rejecting him as Lawgiver and Sovereign. - Deut. What invitation did Solomon invite people from all nations to do? Shika osha li she ya ningitha ya vule okukokeka ohole yawo yokuhola Jehova. The only cost is your time, and the potential benefits are priceless. This led them to develop their love for Jehovah. 2: 2, 3.) Our living contentedly as temporary residents in this system of things helps us to avoid falling into this trap. 2: 2, 3. 15, 16. One theologian writes: "You will find few scholars or leaders in Christian circles who deny that we are supposed to make disciples or apprentices to Jesus and teach them to do all things that Jesus said.... 15, 16. Omukwiita okwa mono kutya ndohotola okwa kolwa, onkene okwe mu lombwele a ti: "Inda kegumbo wu ka thuwe po, wu kololokwe. " That truth can exert its transforming power and can bring about genuine changes in a person. A soldier realized that a doctor got drunk, so he told him: "Go home and get away from your relatives, and you will be thrown into danger. " Abraham naanegumbo lye oya kaleke ngiini eitaalo lyawo lya kola? ▪ What would be the effect on your meeting attendance? How did Abraham and his family keep their faith strong? Nokuli naasho tu li meshina tatu yi koBalykchy nokugaluka ko, otwa li hatu uvithile aafaalelwa. WHEN we study with people, we usually use the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Even when we traveled to neighbor, we preached to the passengers. 5: 3 - 11) Ihe okwa li e na okukondjitha iikala yokwiihola mwene. At meetings: We welcome all who attend our Christian meetings as fellow guests at a spiritual meal. But he had to fight selfish tendencies. Ihe ngame otandi kala pamwe nane omasiku agehe sigo ehulilo lyuuyuni. " - Mateus 28: 19, 20. Conventions had always been a highlight for me, so it was delightful to help organize these events. But I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things. " - Matthew 28: 19, 20. Tu li Oonzapo dhaJehova, otu na uuthembahenda mboka wi ikalekelwa. 4: 16, 17. As Jehovah's Witnesses, we have special privilege. • Oshike tatu vulu okwiilonga kuKora nosho wo kuMoses? Show your compassion for others by offering practical help (See paragraph 12) • What can we learn from Korah and Moses? 7: 39) Mbela oho inyenge ngiini ngele omukuluntugongalo ta gandja oshipopiwa sha fa mpono? That expression reminds us of the literal shepherd who forgoes sleep in order to protect his flock. How do you react when an elder gives a talk like that? Omanga o - IUD ndjoka yi na oholomone, ya ndulukwa po mo 2001. He can read people's hearts, and he knows when compassion is not warranted. While the IUD contains the hormone in the United States, the hormone in 2001. Oshikwawo, okuzala oonguwo tadhi opalele, ohaku gandja edhina ewanawa kehangano lyetu. I Learned That Jehovah Is Merciful and Forgiving 10 Furthermore, clothing arrangements provide a good name for our organization. Opo wu mone uuyelele wa gwedhwa po, tala ontopolwa 5 yembo ndika, lya nyanyangidhwa kOonzapo dhaJehova Along similar lines, we could read Philippians 2: 9, where the apostle Paul describes what God did after Jesus died and was resurrected. For more information, see chapter 5 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses Kungawo okwa li a pe aalongwa ye yamwe aadhiginini etegameno lyoku ka pangela pamwe naye ye li aakwaniilwa mUukwaniilwa waKalunga. - Lesha Lukas 22: 28 - 30. And major world events since then confirm that 1914 was indeed the year that God's Kingdom began ruling in heaven. He thus gave some faithful disciples a hope to rule with him in God's Kingdom. - Read Luke 22: 28 - 30. Omukwaniilwa Salomo okwa li a lombwele okakadhona kutya ote ke ka pa "omagola goshingoli ge na oombandi dhoshisiliveli. " Who is the best example in showing mildness and patience? King Solomon told the girl that she would give to "a son and a son and a son in the son of Jesse. " Pashiholelwa, okupungula okompiuta pehala mpoka tayi monika kuyalwe otashi vulu okukala shi li egameno. 21. For example, a computer computer process may be a protection for others. Ombiimbeli otayi yelitha tayi ti: "Ayihe oyi na otundi yayo. " For example, Satan wants us to believe that we do not live in the last days and that Jehovah does not love us The Bible explains: "All things have come. " Eric: Eeno. Noah's sons evidently appreciated the need to do Jehovah's will. Eric: Yes. Oonzapo dhaJehova ihadhi idhopo miinima yopapolotika dha fa omalongelokalunga gamwe. Yet, Jesus indicated that his disciples would be humble servants, or slaves. Jehovah's Witnesses do not engage in political practices. Oshike tashi ke tu kwathela tu kale twi ilongekidha? Caleb learns that his friend is sick. What will help us to be ready? Shoka otu shi iwetele mwaashoka sha nyolwa nale kuPaulus montumwafo ye. 4: 10. We can see clearly from Paul's letter to them. Otatu ka yamukula omapulo gatatu sho tatu kundathana uukwatya kehe: Uukwatya mboka otawu ti shike? How would you feel? We will answer three questions when we discuss each quality: What does this mean? Osha pumba lela okumona oshimaliwa nuupu, ngele ino za omazigudhe gasha. Experienced elders say that it is important to train brothers while they are still young, perhaps when they are in their early teens. There is no need for money if you do not have to do so. Lwanima, otwa hokana. What feelings did one married couple express about their life in the full - time service? Later, we got married. Omusamane omunahole oha kala ti ipula nonakuyiwa yoyana. Some have chosen to include time in their family worship or personal study to do research on these matters and to meditate on them. A loving father is concerned about his children. Lesha Episalomi 45: 5. What is the relationship between the seventh head of the wild beast and the immense image? Read Psalm 45: 5. Epangelo ndika lyomegulu otali ka gwanitha elalakano lyaKalunga lyopetameko li na ko nasha naantu. The course impressed on our minds that while the traveling overseer offers advice and even correction on occasion, his main goal is to help the brothers to see that Jehovah loves them. " - Joel, 1st class, 1999. This heavenly government will fulfill God's original purpose for mankind. Pashiholelwa, Josef okwa li e shi kutya osha puka koshipala shaKalunga okuya momilalo nomukiintu gwaPotifar, manga nokuli ompango ndjoka yi na ko nasha noluhondelo inaayi nyolwa. Just as Christ, the "head of the congregation, " displays love, a Christian husband is to exercise loving headship. For example, Joseph knew that it was wrong to engage in sexual immorality even before sexual immorality. Niishewe, ngele otu na ohole, itatu ki inoma nenge tu tuwalale kuuntsa. PAGE 22 • SONGS: 133, 131 Furthermore, if we have love, we will not give in to ourselves or do not become puffed up with pride. Pashiholelwa, okwa li a yelitha nkene tatu vulu okukondjitha omahalo ga puka, nkene tatu vulu okuungaunga nomaupyakadhi pokati ketu nooitaali ooyakwetu nosho wo pokati ketu naanegumbo lyetu. To maintain our integrity, we need to be like Job, who was just, humble, and considerate of others. For example, he explained how we can fight wrong desires, how we can deal with our fellow believers and our family. Ihe okwa li a hala aantu ya kale haye mu galikana. If available in your language, the JW Language app can help you learn how to greet newcomers in their mother tongue. - Read Philippians 2: 3, 4. But he wanted people to pray to him. Ongiini tatu vulu okuhenuka okunikitha ombepo yaJehova uuthigwa? Person, 1 / 1 How can we avoid grieving Jehovah's spirit? (Gen. 2: 17) Ihe oya li ya katuka kaashi li pandunge, inaaya vulika kelombwelo lyaKalunga ndyoka li li pandjele, nokungawo oya li ye mu ekelehi e li Omugandjimpango nosho wo Omupangeliawike. - Deut. The psalmist David states: "The eyes of Jehovah are toward the righteous ones, and his ears are toward their cry for help. " But they acted wisely, obeying God's command, and thus rejected him as the Sovereign Lord Jehovah. - Deut. Owa pumbwa owala okugandja ethimbo lyoye, uuwanawa mboka to ka mona mo kawu shi ku yelekwa. After admonishing the older men in the congregation not " to lord it over those allotted to them, ' the apostle Peter exhorted them " to become examples to the flock. ' You need to give your time, benefiting from it. (Mat. 13: 22) Okukala tu li oondjendi muuyuni mbuka otaku tu kwathele kaatu ye momwigo ngoka. But John the Baptizer had already forewarned them that if Jehovah wished to do so, he could raise up children to Abraham from the very stones. - Luke 3: 8. Being zealous in this system of things helps us to avoid being caught in this trap. Omuteolohi gumwe okwa nyola a ti: "Aalongwantu oyendji nenge aakwatelikomeho yUukriste oye shi zimina kutya otwa li tu na okuninga aantu aalongwa nenge aalanduli yaJesus noku ya longa ya ninge ashihe shoka e ya lombwela.... This draws us closer to him. - Jas. One scholar wrote: "Many people, whether we were to become disciples or to become disciples of Jesus, taught them to do all things.... Oshili ndjoka otayi vulu okugandja oonkondo nokulundulula lela omuntu. Verse 19 continues: "And I saw the wild beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage war against the one seated on the horse and against his army. " That truth can give the power to change and change a person's ability to change. ▪ Shika otashi ka guma ngiini okukala kwoye pokugongala? Jehovah and his Son will not leave them bereaved. ▪ How will this affect your meeting? OLUNDJI ohatu konakona naantu membo Omalongo gashili gOmbiimbeli ogeni naanaa? Teenagers are less likely to argue with you when they know that you are consistent. FROM OUR COVER Sho owala nda thiki, metungo moka muuwinayi omo owala mwa teya ndje omukumo. If you have grown accustomed to a white - collar job, doing physical work may appear daunting. When I arrived there, there was only a small blow that hurt me. Kokugongala: Ayehe mboka haye ya kokugongala kwopaKriste, ohatu ya taamba ko ye li aayenda ooyakwetu, opo tu lye pamwe nayo iikulya yopambepo. Furthermore, Jehovah always exercises his freedom in harmony with his attributes of love and justice. We invite all who attend Christian meetings, accept hospitality, and receive hospitality to fellow believers so that we can spend time with them. Ondi hole iigongi yoshitopolwa, onkene osha kala enyanyu kungame okukwathela moku yi unganeka. Make plain how Jehovah has enriched your life, "teaching you to benefit yourself. " I love conventions, so it has been a joy to help me to organize it. 4: 16, 17. How should we view that attack? 4: 16, 17. (1) Ombiimbeli inayi vula okuyonuka po, nonando oya li ya nyolwa miinima mbyoka hayi vulu okuyonuka po nuupu, ngaashi Opapilusa nOpergamendi. I regularly poured out my anxieties to him in prayer. (1) Although they were unable to be printed, the Bible does not depend on such things. Ulukila yalwe olukeno, moku ya kwathela (Tala okatendo 12) How important is "faith in God, " and to what is it likened, and why? Show compassion for others (See paragraph 12) (Heb. 13: 17) Uutumbulilo mboka otawu tu dhimbulukitha omusita ye mwenemwene ngoka ihaa kotha omolwokugamena uusita we. Simply stated, the fulfillment of the promise would take time. This expression reminds us of a shepherd who does not sleep because of his position. Ota vulu okumona shoka shi li momitima dhaantu, noku shi poompito mpoka e na okuulika olukeno. He was keenly interested in the thoughts and feelings of those whom he taught. He can see what was in the hearts of people, and he knows where he should show compassion. Ombiimbeli ohayi lundulula onkalamwenyo yaantu It would be unwise to engage in debates with apostates, whether in person, by responding to their blogs, or by any other form of communication. The Bible Changes Lives Sha faathana, otatu vulu oku mu leshela oohapu dhomuyapostoli Paulus mAafilippi 2: 9 kombinga yaashoka Kalunga a ningi, sho Jesus a yumuka kuusi. Jehovah had decreed that one of David's descendants would occupy His throne permanently, and God's word never goes unfulfilled. - Josh. Similarly, we can read from the apostle Paul's words at Philippians 2: 9 about what God did after Jesus was resurrected from the dead. Okuza mpoka iiningwanima iinene yomuuyuni oyu ulike kutya 1914 ogwa li shili omumvo ngoka Uukwaniilwa waKalunga wa tameke okupangela megulu. If someone who has been disfellowshipped shows that he wants to come back to the congregation, the elders may visit him from time to time to remind him of what he can do to come back to Jehovah. Since then, the major events of the world have proved that 1914 was really a year when God's Kingdom began ruling in heaven. Olye e li oshiholelwa dhingi shokuulika ombili nosho wo eidhidhimiko? This has helped them to remain "clean from the blood of all men. " - Acts 20: 26. Who is the best example of mildness and patience? 21 - 22 13: 5 - 9. 21 - 22 Pashiholelwa, Satana okwa hala e tu kotokele tu dhiladhile kutya katu li momasiku gahugunina nosho wo kutya Jehova ke tu hole Still, his loyal ones had to take decisive action, separating themselves from unrighteous ones. For example, Satan wants us to think that we are not living in the last days and that Jehovah does not love us Oyana yaNoa oya li ya hala okulonga ehalo lyaJehova, nomolwaashono ya longele kumwe nahe mokutunga onguluwato. Also, the cup in the same way after they had the evening meal, he saying: " This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood, which is to be poured out in your behalf. ' " Noah's sons wanted to do Jehovah's will because they served their father and father to build an ark. Jesus okwa li a popi kutya aalongwa ye oye na okukala aapiya aaifupipiki nenge tu tye aapika aaifupipiki. What was the reason? Jesus said that his disciples should be humble or humble. Kaleb sho u uvu kutya kuume ke ote We need to select forms of entertainment that will not hinder us from keeping our eyes on the prize of life. - Prov. Being convinced that his friend would be his friend 4: 10. By means of a dream, he instructed the astrologers to return home by another route. - Matthew 2: 1 - 12. 4: 10. Mbela oto ka kala wu uvite ngiini? What the Bible says How would you feel? Aakuluntugongalo mboka ya pyokoka ohaya ti kutya osha simana okudheula aamwatate manga ye li aagundjuka, tashi vulika sho opo ya gwanitha oomvula omulongo nasha. What are God's servants doing now by means of his spirit? Such experienced elders say that it is important to train brothers while they are young. Aaihokani yamwe oya ti shike kombinga yokukala kwawo miilonga yethimbo lyu udha? November 28, 2011 - December 4, 2011 What have some married couples said about their full - time service? Yamwe oya hogolola okulongitha ethimbo ya kale haya ningi omapekapeko kombinga yiinima mbyoka pelongelokalunga lyuukwanegumbo nenge pekonakono lyopaumwene nokutedhatedha kuyo. * (See footnote.) Some translated from the Hebrew Scriptures word for word, while others did not. Some have chosen time to spend researching material things for family worship or personal study and meditation. Pokati komutse omutiheyali gwoshilikama noshiyelekela oshinenenene opu na ekwatathano lini? Until the great tribulation begins, people still have time to change their thinking and start walking on the cramped road "leading off into life. " What is the relationship between the seventh head of the wild beast and the immense image? Ootundi ndhika odhe tu dhimbulukitha kutya nonando omutonateli omweendi ohe tu pe omayele nosho wo omapukululo omathimbo nomathimbo, elalakano lye lya simanenena olyo okukwathela aamwatate ya mone kutya Jehova oku ya hole. " Might that indicate that they have not yet resolved in their heart that they should have clear spiritual goals? These articles remind us that even if a traveling overseer gives us counsel and correction, his goal is to help the brothers to see that Jehovah loves them. " 2: 18) Ngaashi naanaa Kristus e li "omutse gwegongalo " hu ulike ohole, omusamane Omukriste oku na okulongitha uukwamutse we pahole. Likely not. Just as Christ is "the head of the congregation " and manifests love, a Christian husband should use his headship. EPANDJA 22 • OMAIMBILO: 133, 131 Moreover, to face life's realities while maintaining marital peace and spiritual unity calls for faith in and devotion to God - desirable qualities to look for in a prospective marriage mate. PAGE 22 • SONGS: 133, 95 Opo tu vule okukakatela uudhiginini wetu, otwa pumbwa okukala ngaashi Job, ngoka a li omuyuuki, omwiifupipiki noku na ko nasha nayalwe. Perhaps he saw their imperfections. Or he may have argued that Moses practiced nepotism - giving privileges to his relatives. To maintain our integrity, we need to be like Job, who is humble, humble, and kind toward others. Ngele opolohalama yokwiilonga omalaka, JW Language, omo yi li mekala lyeni, otayi vulu oku ku kwathela wi ilonge nkene wu na okupopitha aakwiilongo momalaka gawo. - Lesha Aafilippi 2: 3, 4. Tree Mention a friend who is not feeling well, and talk to your child about how both of you can encourage that person. If the program is available to learn English language, JW Language can help you to learn how to treat strangers in their own language. - Read Philippians 2: 3, 4. Omupisalomi David okwa ti: "OMUWA oha tonatele aayuuki noha pulakene okulila kwawo. " (Eps. As imperfect humans, can we really follow the perfect example of Jesus? The psalmist David said: "The eyes of Jehovah are toward the righteous ones, and he listens to their tears. " Konima sho a kumagidha aakuluntugongalo kaaya " pangele mboka ya tulwa metonatelo lyawo, ' omuyapostoli Petrus okwe ya ladhipike ya kale " ye shi okuholelwa koshigunda. ' (1 Pet. 5: 3, yelekanitha NW.) When I am prepared, I can talk to them about what will specifically benefit them. " After exhorting elders to "go over the flock, " the apostle Peter encouraged them to be" exemplary in the flock. " Ihe Johannes Omuninginithi okwa li e ya londodha nale kutya ngele Jehova okwa hala shi ningwe, ota vulu okuyumudhila Abraham aanona momamanya ngaka. - Luk. 3: 8. A Christian has a Scriptural obligation to care for his family, and that includes providing for their material needs. However, John the Baptizer warned that if Jehovah wanted to happen, he could keep Abraham and Sarah with Abraham. - Luke 3: 8. Shika ohashi tu hedhitha popepyeelela naye. - Jak. What would you have done? This draws us closer to him. - Jas. Ovelise 19 oya tsikile ko tayi ti: "Nena onda mono oshilikama naakwaniilwa yokombanda yevi nomatanga gaakwiita ya gongala, ya kondjithe ngoka a londa okakambe naakwiita ye. " I realized that this meant leaving my house and enduring people's stares. We read: "I saw also the wild beast and the kings of the earth gathered together to wage war against those seated on him. " Jehova nOmwana itaye ya etha. 4: 13. Jehovah and his Son will not allow them to compromise. (Mateus 5: 37) Omugundjuka ita ka nyenyeta unene nangoye ngele oku shi kutya iho ninguluka nuupu. As an example, take Jesus ' statement about "the faithful and discreet slave. " A young person would not even complain if he knows that he is not easily easy to change. Ngele owi igilila okulonga iilonga yomombelewa otashi vulika iilonga yokomake yi kale tayi monika ya fa iidhigu. They are our brothers and sisters. If you are used to work at world headquarters, work may seem difficult. (Gen. 22: 15 - 18) Oshikwawo Jehova oha longitha aluhe emanguluko lye ti inyengithwa kohole nokuuyuuki we. While David may have been disappointed that he could not fulfill his heart's desire, he fully supported the project. In addition, Jehovah always uses his freedom of love and justice. (Ef. 4: 23, 24) Yelitha kutya molwaashoka Jehova " okwe ku longa wu imonene uuwanawa ' onkalamwenyo yoye oya yambapala. 14 Life Story - Determined to Be a Soldier of Christ Explain how Jehovah has taught you to gain "a rich and rewarding life. " Eponokelo ndyoka otu na okukala tu li uvitile ngiini? What is the "paradise " that the apostle Paul saw in a vision? How should we feel about that attack? Onda li handi mu mbumbulile iimpwiyu yandje ayihe megalikano. The command to love our neighbor as ourself is called "the royal law. " I poured out my anxiety to him in prayer. " Eitaalo okwiitaala Kalunga ' olya simana shi thike peni, notali yelekanithwa nashike nomolwashike? Thus, January 1960 marked the start of a long career at Bethel. How important is faith in God, and why is it compared to it? Omolwaashoka osha li tashi ka kutha ethimbo, euvaneko ndyoka li gwanithwe. But suddenly, someone you do not know volunteers to receive the punishment instead of you. Because it would take place, for that promise would take place. Okwa li e na ohokwe onene mokuuva omadhiladhilo nomaiyuvo gaamboka a longo. Jehovah's covenant to bring forth an offspring who would bless all nations would be fulfilled through Sarah's son! He was interested in hearing the thoughts and feelings of those who taught him. Kashi li pandunge okukala tatu ningi inda mo ndi ye mo naashunimonima. Kutya nduno otatu shi ningi oshipala noshipala nenge okuyamaukula iihapu yawo yaa fele mbyoka haya tula kointaneta. Think of a time, for example, when you held out your arm to an elderly person who was in need of help. How unwise it would be to go to the meetings, whether we are confronted with peer pressure or to get on the Internet. Jehova okwa adhikile a gandja elombwelo kutya gumwe gwomoluvalo lwaDavid okwa li ta ka kala koshipangelapundi She sigo aluhe, noohapu dhaKalunga ihadhi kala nando inaadhi gwanithwa. - Jos. Though he was an apostle and could have been "an expensive burden " on Christians in Thessalonica, he did not" eat food from anyone free. " Jehovah had given the order that one of David's descendants would live forever, and God's word never fail. - Josh. Ngele ngoka a kondwa oku ulike kutya okwa hala okugalukila megongalo, aakuluntugongalo otaya vulu oku ke mu talela po omathimbo nomathimbo. The good news is being preached worldwide by Jehovah's Witnesses If a disfellowshipped person shows that he wants to return to the congregation, the elders can visit him at times. Shika oshe ya kwathele ya kale " kaaye na ondjo yombinzi nando oyomuntu. ' - Iilonga 20: 26, OB - 1954. We have the honor of knowing God's name and of being "a people for his name. " This helped them to "not to be guilty of blood. " - Acts 20: 26, footnote. 13: 5 - 9. In order to do all of that, Jehovah's thoughts and language must be superior to the thoughts and language of humans. 13: 5 - 9. Ihe mboka aadhiginini oye na okukatuka oonkatu, opo yi iyoolole mo mokati kaagoyoki. In the Service Department at Bethel But faithful ones must take steps to separate themselves from the wicked system of things. Osho tuu wo, sho ya mana okulya, okwe ya pe oshitenga e ta ti: " Oshitenga shika osho ehangano epe [lyombinzi] yandje ndjoka tayi tilwahi molweni. ' " (Luk. Show love for Bible truth (See paragraph 14) After eating the meal, he gave them a cup and said: "This cup means the new covenant by virtue of my blood. " Omolwashike twa li tu na okutegelela? David wanted nothing more than to have a share in constructing a temple that would bring praise and glory to God. Why should we expect to wait? Otwa pumbwa okuhogolola omainyanyudho ngoka itaage tu keelele okutala kondjambi yoku ka mona omwenyo gwaaluhe. - Omayel. He looks around but cannot find you. We need to choose entertainment that does not deprive us of the prize of everlasting life. - Prov. Okupitila mondjodhi, okwe ya lombwele ya shune kegumbo nondjila yilwe. - Mateus 2: 1 - 12. Some teenage sons may seem indifferent to a father's attempts to communicate with them. By means of a dream, he told them to return home and other travelers. - Matthew 2: 1 - 12. Shoka Ombiimbeli tayi ti (Read 2 Corinthians 6: 1.) What the Bible says Ombepo ondjapuki ohayi kwathele aapiya yaKalunga ya ninge shike kunena? " Whatever things are of serious concern,... continue considering these things. " - PHIL. What can holy spirit empower God's servants to do today? 28 Novomba 2011 - 4 Desemba 2011 11, 12. November 28, 2011 - December 4, 2011 * Aatoloki yamwe oya tolokele oshitya noshitya okuza mOmanyolo gOshihebeli, ihe yamwe hasho ya toloka ngaaka. What are some of these goals? * Some translators have prepared the Hebrew Scriptures from the Hebrew Scriptures, but some have not translated this translation. Manga uudhigu uunene inaawu tameka, aantu oye na natango ethimbo ya lundulule okudhiladhila kwawo nokutameka okweenda mondjila ya thinana ndjoka " tayi fala komwenyo. ' (Mat. We start with "taking in knowledge " of Jehovah and his Son, Jesus Christ. - John 17: 3 Before the great tribulation begins, people still have time to change their thinking and walk on the road to life. " Mbela shono otashi ti kutya inaya thika natango pehulithodhiladhilo kutya omalalakano gopambepo geni ye na okwiitulila po? What a powerful reminder of God's love for us! Does that mean that they are not yet certain to conclude that spiritual goals should set for them? Otapeya itaashi ku kumitha. But soon after he became king, he carried out a series of presumptuous acts. Perhaps you are not surprised. Shika otashi ka kwathela ngiini ondjokana? Omusamane nomukulukadhi otaya ka adhika kuupyakadhi esiku nesiku. Ihe ngele ayehe oye na ekwatathano lyopothingo naJehova, otaya vulu okukala nombili noya nyanyukwa mondjokana yawo. What do you think of the example that our young ones set? How will this help a marriage mate and wife? Otashi vulika a li a mono okwaagwanenena kwawo nenge tashi vulika a li ta dhiladhila kutya Moses oha ningile owala pondhipi, sha hala okutya, ha gandja owala omauthembahenda kaakwawo. What, though, if you are attracted to certain sports because of their aggressive competitiveness, excessive risk taking, high rates of injury, riotous celebrations, nationalistic fervor, or similar "ingredients "? He may have seen their imperfections or perhaps perhaps even think that Moses made sacrifices for his family. Lombwela okanona koye kombinga ya kuume ngoka te ehama e ta mu popi nkene amuhe tamu vulu oku mu tsa omukumo. Most people would probably say that they want to but that they feel it is unrealistic to consider it. Tell your child about a friend who is sick and speaks of you how you can encourage him. (1 Pet. 2: 21) Mbela aantu inaaya gwanenena otaya vulu ngaa shili okulandula oshiholelwa shomuntu a gwanenena? What liberation are people of all nations experiencing? Can imperfect humans really imitate the perfect example of a perfect human father? Uuna ndi ilongekidha, ohandi vulu okupopya nayo kombinga yaashoka tashi vulu oku ya etela uuwanawa kondandalunde. " (b) What do Deuteronomy 23: 21, 23 and Psalm 15: 4 impress upon you about making a vow to God? When I prepare, I can talk to them about what can mean for them. " Omukriste oku na oshinakugwanithwa shopamanyolo shokusila oshimpwiyu uukwanegumbo we naashoka osha kwatela mo oompumbwe dhawo dhopalutu. (1 Tim. STUDY ARTICLES 3, 4 PAGES 19 - 28 A Christian should have Scriptural responsibility to provide for his family, and that includes their physical needs. Andola ngoye owa ningi po shike? 19: 35. What would you do? Onda li ndi shi kutya ngele onda zi mo megumbo, aantu otaya ka kala ya manena ndje mo omeho. Our wedding day I knew that if I left home, people would be attracted to my eyes. 4: 13. If we obey now, it will be easier to follow directions during the "great tribulation, " when Satan's entire wicked world will be destroyed. 4: 13. Opo tu mone oshiholelwa, natu taleni kwaashoka Jesus a popi kombinga " yomupiya omudhiginini nomunandunge. ' The point is, even though you have different personalities, you and your brother may be able to draw closer by focusing on the positive. To illustrate, consider what Jesus said about "the faithful and discreet slave. " Ombiimbeli otayi ti: "Natu ningileni kehe gumwe uuwanawa, ihe unene tuu mboka tu li nayo meitaalo limwe. " How do some people view foreigners, but how is the Bible's view different? The Bible says: "Let each one do good to each one, but especially those in the faith. " Nonando David okwa li a yemata sho haaye we ta tungitha otempeli ngaashi a li a hala, okwa kala ta yambidhidha iilonga yoku yi tunga. The citizens of ancient Jerusalem were attacked by the Assyrians. Although David was disappointed in his father's temple as he wanted to support his work, he supported the work. 14 Ondjokonona - Onda tokola toko ndi kale omukwiita gwaKristus We should avoid thinking that a personal affliction is evidence of God's displeasure. 14 Life Story - I am determined to be a soldier of Christ Ohole yashili "ihayi dhimbulukwa uuwinayi ye u ningilwa. " And the apostle Paul wrote: "Necessity is laid upon me. True love "does not remember evil. " " Oparadisa ' ndjoka omuyapostoli Paulus a mono memoniko, oshike? Nineteenth - century Bible commentator Adam Clarke speculated that God's establishing a sign as a result of Cain's fear came about because several generations of Adam's descendants already existed - enough "to found several villages. " What is the " Paradise " that the apostle Paul saw in a vision? Oshipango shoka tashi ti otu na okuhola yakwetu ngaashi twi ihole tse yene ohashi ithanwa " ompango yOshilongo shaKalunga. ' (b) Why should we be attuned to the unfolding of Jehovah's purpose? The command to love our neighbor as ourselves is called "the law of God. " MuJanuali mo 1960, omo twa tameke okulonga koBetel. 9, 10. In January 1960, we began serving at Bethel. Oto ka kala wu uvitile ngiini omagano ngaka gi ikalekelwa? What a special privilege it is to be Jehovah's Witnesses! How would you feel about this special gift? Euvaneko lyaJehova lyokweeta po oluvalo ndoka talu ka kala elaleko nuuyamba kiigwana otali ka gwanithwa po okupitila momwanamati gwaSara. And what about those grievous personality conflicts we occasionally experience with someone in the congregation? Jehovah's promise to bring about a blessing to the nations will be fulfilled through the name of Sarah. Pashiholelwa, otashi vulika to dhimbulukwa oshikando shimwe wa kwatele omwiitaali omukokele keti. The answer is in the parable. For example, you may recall one time when an older sister is an older sister. Nonando okwa li omuyapostoli nokwa li ta vulu " okweetela uupyakadhi ' Aakriste yokuTessalonika, ina " taamba nando okulya iikwatha yasha, inee yi futila. ' Jehovah was the first to communicate with his human family, providing clear, unambiguous information on how to lead a meaningful life. Despite being the apostle and could "set things straight " for the Christians in Thessalonica, he did not" take refuge in him. " Onkundana ombwanawa oyi li tayi uvithwa muuyuni auhe kOonzapo dhaJehova Gradually, my attitude changed. The good news is being preached worldwide by Jehovah's Witnesses Otu na uuthembahenda wokutseya edhina lyaKalunga nokukala "oshigwana hashi ithanwa nedhina lye. " Would not teaching the student to pray for God's assistance in overcoming a bad habit help him to experience Jehovah's goodness? We have the privilege of bearing God's name and of being "a people for his name. " Shino oha vulu oku shi ninga, oshoka omadhiladhilo ge oge vule getu kokule, nelaka ndyoka ha popi oli vule lyetu kokule. " Reading that poem really touched me, " says Manon, "and I am so happy that Jehovah helped us to show kindness to her. " This can do so because his thoughts are superior to ours - language language language language language language, languages, and language are far more far than ours. MOshikondo shIilonga moBetel If we have done these things, then we can enjoy the mercy of the One who " forgives in a large way. ' - Isa. Translation in the Service Department Ulika kutya owu hole oshili yOmbiimbeli (Tala okatendo 14) Psalm 45 also gives some details of the order of events. Show that you love Bible truth (See paragraph 14) 22: 7) David okwa li a halelela noonkondo okutunga otempeli ndjoka tayi ka simanekitha nokuhambelelitha Kalunga. Whatever the case, the problem lingered, and he had to deal with the physical or emotional pain it brought. - 2 Cor. David was eager to build a temple that would bring glory to God. Okwa lengalenga, ihe ine ku mona. The apostle Paul declared: "O the depth of God's riches and wisdom and knowledge! He does not find you looking, but he does not see you. Aanona yaamati mboka ye na oomvula omulongo nasha otashi vulika ya kale ya fa kaaye na ko nasha sho oohe taya kambadhala okukundathana nayo. And Revelation 22: 6 reveals that Jehovah "sent his angel to show his slaves the things that must shortly take place. " Children who are in her late teens may feel as if their father tried to discuss the conversation with them. (Lesha 2 Aakorinto 6: 1.) Yes, our weekly participation in the field ministry is another item on our checklist. (Read 2 Corinthians 6: 1.) " Kaleni nokudhiladhila iinima mbyoka... ya gwana okusimanekwa. " - FIL. Valuable too are the reminders and counsel we receive by means of Christian publications and our meetings! " Keep putting up with things that are worthy of honor. " - PHIL. 11, 12. To find the treasure, then, we need to make a diligent study of the Bible, doing so with a sincere heart. - Luke 8: 15. 11, 12. Pula Jehova e ku kwathele wu pondole muukalele woye nowu kale tawu ti sha. Convention trip to Kuopio in 1952. Ask Jehovah to help you succeed in your ministry and make it more meaningful. Ohatu tameke nokumona tango " ontseyo ' yokutseya Jehova nosho wo Omwana Jesus Kristus. - Joh. 17: 3 " No other ancient book has anything like such early and plentiful testimony to its text, " wrote Sir Frederic Kenyon about the Christian Greek Scriptures, "and no unbiased scholar would deny that the text that has come down to us is substantially sound. " We start and experience "the knowledge of Jehovah " and his Son, Jesus Christ. - John 17: 3 (1 Johannes 4: 9) Shika itashi tu dhimbulukitha tuu kutya Kalunga oku tu hole! But the harm was done. How grateful we are that God loves us! 9: 1, 2, 21; 10: 20 - 24) Ihe konima sho a ningi omukwaniilwa okwa li a kwatwa kuuntsa. For instance, Jehovah had delivered him "from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear. " But after he became king, the king became proud. Oto dhiladhila ngiini kombinga yiiholelwa mbyoka aagundjuka ya tula po? A complete pardon for our sins and errors, provided that we manifest a grateful and repentant attitude. How do you think about the examples set by young ones? Ongiini nduno ngele uudhano mboka owa kwatela mo elongithonkondo, wa nika oshiponga, moka tashi vulika wu ehamekwe nuupu, moka aantu haya longo uushadha ngele ya sindana, moka mwa kwatelwa uukwashigwana, niinima ya fa mpoka? (Read Psalm 142: 2.) What, though, if such violence includes violence, which may be dangerous, where people serve in an environment, including those who practice it? Aantu oyendji otashi vulika ya tye eeno, ihe natango otashi vulika ya kale yu uvite kutya shoka kashi shi shoshili noinatu pumbwa okwiipula kombinga yasho. We hate the pride and competition in Satan's world. Many people might say yes, but they may feel that what is true and that we need to ask about it. Aantu yomiigwana ayihe oya mona emanguluko lini? Jesus showed this by rejecting the most massive bribe ever offered - "all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. " What freedom have people of all nations received? (b) Mbela oshike tatu ilongo muDeuteronomium 23: 21, 23 nosho wo mEpisalomi 15: 4 kombinga yokuningila Kalunga euvaneko? Megan: Basically, Jehovah's Witnesses commemorate the death of Jesus because he instructed his followers to do so. (b) What can we learn from Deuteronomy 23: 21, 23, and Psalm 15: 4? OSHITOPOLWA SHOKUKONAKONWA 3, 4 EPANDJA 19 - 28 But what about you? STUDY ARTICLE 3, 4 PAGES 19 - 28 19: 35. Jesus ' Father, of course, is God, whose name is Jehovah, and Jehovah's "house " is in the heavens. 19: 35. Esiku lyohango yetu Why is it important to recognize that? Our wedding day Ngele ohatu vulika kugo ngashingeyi, otashi ka kala oshipu oku ga landula pethimbo " lyuudhigu uunene, ' sho uuyuni waSatana tawu ka hanagulwa po. Today, we face a similar situation. If we obey them now, it will be easier for us to follow the "great tribulation " during Satan's wicked system of things. Ano oshitsa oshi li mpano kutya, nonando omu na omaukwatya ga yoolokathana, ngoye nomumwatate otamu vulu okukala ookuume, uuna tamu gandja eitulomo komaukwatya omawanawa. As long as the branches are attached to it, they receive water and nourishment that flows from the vine. The point is, although you have different personalities, you can stay close friends when you focus on good qualities. Aantu yamwe oya tala ko ngiini aakwiilongo, ihe Ombiimbeli oyi na etaloko lini? Trust Religion? How do some people view foreigners, but what view does the Bible contain? Aakalimo yomuJerusalem shonale oya li ya ponokelwa kAayassur. Has this review been helpful? ancient Israel was attacked by the Assyrians. Katu na okudhiladhila kutya sho tu na uupyakadhi wontumba omolwaashoka Kalunga inee tu hokwa. COVER: Two brothers sharing the Bible's message with a fisherman in Negombo on the west coast of Sri Lanka We should not assume that we have a problem because of some problems that God does not approve of us. Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa li a nyola a ti: "Ondu uvite ethiminiko, ndi shi ninge. Today, we are thrilled to see a beautiful new branch office in Lilongwe and over 1,000 new Kingdom Halls in Malawi! The apostle Paul wrote: "I am making your name known to them. Omugandji gwomauyelele shi na ko nasha nOmbiimbeli Adam Clarke gwomethelemumvo eti - 19 okwa li a tengeneke kutya Kalunga okwa tula po endhindhiliko omolwuumbanda waKain molwaashoka opwa li pu na nale omazimo gontumba goluvalo lwaAdam ndoka lwa li lwa gwana opo lu "tote po omikunda odhindji. " Through whom is he doing so? The inscription on the 19th century B.C.E. made it clear that God set the sign of Cain's face because of Adam's disobedience to Adam's descendants. " (b) Omolwashike tu na okukatuka metsokumwe nelalakano lyaJehova ndyoka itaali kala inaali gwanithwa? But perverted practices certainly do not please God. (b) Why should we act in harmony with Jehovah's purpose? 9, 10. So we are wise to ask ourselves, " Is it my custom to attend all the meetings and benefit from them? ' - Heb. 9, 10. Kashi li tuu uuthembahenda wi ikalekelwa sho tu li Oonzapo dhaJehova! How can we imitate the mental attitude that Christ Jesus had? What a privilege it is to be Jehovah's Witnesses! Nokuli otashi vulika pokati ketu nomwiitaali omukwetu megongalo pu holoke okwaauvathana. She said: "I did not know where or how or what. In fact, it may be possible between a fellow believer and a fellow believer. Eyamukulo otatu li adha meyele. He triumphed over the world, and so can we. - John 17: 16; Jas. We find the answer in the parable. Jehova oye a li tango a popi naantu kombanda yevi, moku ya pa uuyelele wa yela nowu li mondjila nkene ye na okukala nonkalamwenyo tayi ti sha. (Gen. Accordingly, many feel that since there is so much suffering in the world, God cannot possibly care for us. Jehovah first communicated with humans on earth by giving them clear information and correcting them on how to live. Mokweendela ko kwethimbo, onda lundulula iikala yandje. WE WERE born into a farm family of ten children in Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland. In time, I changed my personality. 7: 1; 1 Tim. 6: 10) Ngele otwe mu longo okupula ekwatho kuJehova opo e ethe po iinima mbyoka, otashi ke mu kwathela a mone uuwanawa We. All rights reserved. If we teach him to ask Jehovah for help so that he can benefit him. Omumwameme Manon okwa ti: "Shoka nda lesha mombapila ndjoka, osha li sha gumu ndje komutima nonda nyanyukwa sho Jehova e tu longitha tu mu ulukile ombili. " One reference book says that endurance is a quality that helps us to have strong hope and to avoid giving up when we have trials. " What I read in a letter touched my heart and was so happy that Jehovah used us to show him peace. " 7: 10, 11) Ngele otwa ningi ngaaka, otatu ka nyanyukilwa esilohenda lyaaNgoka ha "dhimi po oondjo odhindji. " - Jes. We can talk to God regularly and express our innermost thoughts and feelings to him. If we do so, we will enjoy the undeserved kindness of someone who "will guard many sins. " - Isa. Episalomi 45 otali gandja wo uuyelele wumwe welandulathano lyankene iiningwanima mbyoka tayi ka ningwa. If we see that we need to cultivate some aspects of the fruitage of the spirit, we can cooperate with holy spirit to a greater degree in producing such qualities. Psalm 45 also provides some details about how events will happen. Kashi na nduno mbudhi kutya uupyakadhi owa li wa shike, kawa li wa zi po nokwa li e na okuungaunga nuuwehame wopalutu nowopamadhiladhilo mboka a li e na omolwokwega hoka. - 2 Kor. It will be a great joy to work together and gradually become perfect under Christ's rule. Regardless of the problem, he had to deal with physical health and emotional distress. - 2 Cor. Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa popi a ti: "Ano [uuwindji] wuuyamba waKalunga ou thike peni! Where are your gods that you made for yourself? The apostle Paul said: "O the depth of God's riches and wisdom! 3: 24) Ehololo 22: 6 otali ulike kutya Jehova okwa li a "tumu omuyengeli gwe, a tseyithile aapiya ye shoka tashi ka ningwa. " Imperfect humans tend to make comparisons, but God's Word tells us to focus on what we personally are able to do. Revelation 22: 6 shows that Jehovah was "by means of his angel, " telling his servants what would happen. 5: 19 - 21) Osha yela kutya momusholondondo gwetu gwiinima yopambepo otu na okutala ngele ohatu kutha ombinga muukalele womomapya oshiwike kehe. She gave her name, Apun, but she was cautious because even in the 1980 ' s, the activities of the Witnesses were banned. Clearly, our list of spiritual matters should be examined in the ministry every week. (Jak. 1: 22 - 25) Ohatu dhimbulukithwa wo iinima mbyoka ya simanenena miileshomwa yetu nosho wo pokugongala kwopaKriste. The apostle Peter said: "For a certainty I perceive that God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him. " - Acts 10: 34, 35. We also remind ourselves of the most important things in our publications and at Christian meetings. (Ovelise 3, 4) Ano opo tu mone eliko ndyoka li li mOmbiimbeli, otu na okukonakona Ombiimbeli twa mana mo, tatu shi ningi nomutima aguhe. - Lukas 8: 15. This time too Isaac proved himself to be a peacemaker. So to find the treasure of God's Word, we must study the Bible with a complete heart. - Luke 8: 15. ("Aagundjuka taya pula... Why? Teach Children to ask... Olweendo lwokuya koshigongi shoshitopolwa koKuopio mo 1952. In time, the couple in South America were weighing leaving their assignment to return home. The trip to a convention at a convention in 1952 " Kapu na embo ekulu lya popya iinima yopetameko noli na uushili wi ihwapo kombinga yomanyolo galyo ngaashi Ombiimbeli. " Shoka osha popiwa komusamane Frederic Kenyon kombinga yOmanyolo gopaKriste gOshigreka, "nokapu na omulongwantu ta vulu okupatana kutya omanyolo ngoka tu na nena oga lunduluka. " What lessons have we learned from the lives of (a) Absalom and Judas and (b) Delilah? " There is no ancient book of old and facts about the Hebrew Scriptures, such as the Bible, " described as the Christian Greek Scriptures as the Christian Greek Scriptures, which has been adopted as "the use of the Scriptures today. " Ihe uuyelele mboka wa taandelithwa owa yonagula nale. David himself composed many of the songs that the Levites performed. However, such information has already been ruined. Pashiholelwa, Jehova okwa li e mu hupitha "koonkoshi nokomamwanka. " In reply, Jesus foretold that there would be large - scale wars, famines, pestilences, and great earthquakes. For example, Jehovah delivered him "in behalf of the Egyptians. " Opo tu dhiminwe po oondjo nomayono getu, otu na okukala tu na olupandu nohatu iyele ombedhi shili. Thereafter, I was able to spend five years in the pioneer service. To forgive our sins, we must appreciate and be truly repentant. (Lesha Episalomi 142: 2.) Holy spirit empowered Jesus to perform miracles, including healing the sick, feeding the crowds, and raising the dead. (Read Psalm 57: 2.) Ngaashi twa zi nokukundathana, molwaashoka ohatu ambidhidha Jehova nuudhiginini nosho wo Uukwaniilwa we, ihatu kutha ombinga momakuyunguto gomuuyuni mbuka. Thus, the Scriptures tell us that a Christian does not receive the gift of singleness in some mysterious way. As we have considered, because we are loyal to Jehovah and his Kingdom, we do not take sides in this world's conflicts. Jesus okwa li e shi ulike sho a tindi ombumbo onene kaaku na we, ndjoka ya li "omapangelo agehe gomuuyuni nomasimano gago. " If we are to come to love righteousness, we need to study diligently and meditate on what we read in God's written Word. Jesus showed that when he rejected the highest order, which was "all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. " Megan: Sho shene, Oonzapo dhaJehova ohadhi dhimbulukwa eso lyaJesus molwaashono okwa li a lombwele aalanduli ye ye shi ninge. How true! Megan: Well, Jehovah's Witnesses remember Jesus ' death because he told his followers to do so. 5: 8) Ongiini kombinga yoye? 14 - 16. (a) In what way were the Israelites to be a nation of witnesses for Jehovah? What about you? He yaJesus, oKalunga nedhina lye oJehova. " Egumbo ' lyaJehova oli li megulu. 4: 5. His Father, Jesus, is God's name, and "Jehovah's house is in heaven. " Omolwashike sha simana oku shi zimina? Evelyn and I, along with Leo and Esther Mahan, arrived in our assignment in El Salvador in June 1946. Why is it important to acknowledge? Kunena, otwa taalela onkalo ya faathana. Encourage him to read every issue of The Watchtower and Awake! Today, we face similar circumstances. Ngele iitayi oyi li kumwe nomuviinu, ohayi mono omeya niitungithi. These are by no means isolated cases. If the branches are joined by the vine, they see the water and the water of the olive tree. Mattila), 4 / 15 Why was Jesus such a fine example in proving true to his word? 12 / 1 Mbela shino twa kundathana oshe ku kwathela? Elsewhere in the Bible, the name Eshbaal is presented as Ish - bosheth, "baal " being replaced with" bosheth. " Have we considered this study helped you? EFO LYOKOMBANDA: Aamwatate yaali taya uvithile omuyuli gwoohi etumwalaka lyUukwaniilwa moNegombo kuuninginino womunkulofuta gwaSri Lanka They were encamped in the highlands east of Bethel, or Luz, as the Canaanites called it. COVER: Two brothers are preaching the message of the Kingdom message to the sun's population Kunena moLilongwe omu na oshitayimbelewa oshipe oshiwanawa nomoshilongo ashihe shaMalawi omu na Iinyanga yUukwaniilwa ya konda peyuvi. And what do you believe? " In today's country, the branch office and the entire country contains over a thousand Kingdom Halls. Ote shi ningi okupitila mulye? He did not say that he would force a change of heart on them. Through whom? Oye na okwiigwanithila po oompumbwe dhawo dhopamaiyuvo nodhopalutu. However, some may feel uncomfortable singing in public. Their needs are emotional and emotional. (Omayel. 18: 1) Onkee ano, oshi li pandunge tu ipule tatu ti: " Mbela oshi li ngaa omukalondjigilile gwandje okukala pokugongala kehe nokumona uuwanawa muko? ' - Heb. You have every reason to do so and to face up to persecution courageously. - 1 Pet. How wise it would be to ask ourselves, " Is my custom at meetings beneficial? ' - Heb. Ongiini tatu vulu okuholela iikala yopamadhiladhilo ya fa yaJesus? PUBLISHERS How can we imitate Jesus ' attitude? Okwa ti: "Kanda li ndi shi hoka tandi tumwa nokanda li ndi shi kutya otandi yi ko ngiini notandi ka ninga ko shike. There the fledgling chicks can also find shelter from the hot sun and heavy rain. She says: "I didn't know where I was going, and I didn't know what I would do. 17: 16; Jak. Over 60 years later, the apostle John wrote: "Jesus loved Martha and her sister. " 17: 16; Jas. Molwaashoka muuyuni omu na okumona iihuna okundji, oyendji ohaya dhiladhila kutya Kalunga ke na ko nasha natse. The second article discusses how those serving in a foreign field can maintain their spiritual health. Because there is so much suffering, many think that God does not care about us. OTWA valelwa muOstrobothnia shokUumbangalantu muSuomi twa valwa tu li omulongo notwa putukila megumbo lyetu lyofaalama. Choose verses that describe the things you especially wish to enjoy in the new world, and imagine yourself there. WHEN we were born in Northern Ireland, we grew up and grew up in our home. All rights reserved. Who knows? - Matt. All rights reserved. Embo limwe otali ti kutya eidhidhimiko ohali tu kwathele tu kale tu na einekelo lya kola nokaatu tyololoke, uuna tu li muudhigu. What needless pain and suffering Cain brought on himself! One reference work says that patience helps us to have strong confidence and not tire out in our trials. Otatu vulu okupopya naKalunga pandjigilile nokuulika omadhiladhilo nomaiyuvo getu gomuule. All three envied someone else. We can regularly communicate with God and show our deepest thoughts and feelings. 5: 25) Ngele otu wete kutya otwa pumbwa okukokeka uukwatya wontumba wiiyimati yombepo, otu na okukala hatu longo metsokumwe nombepo ondjapuki opo tu wu kokeke. If we endure, we will have a reward. When we see that we need to cultivate a spirit of fruitage, we must work in harmony with the holy spirit. Otashi ka kala enyanyu enene okulongela kumwe sho tu uka megwaneneno tu li kohi yepangelo lyaKristus. That involves calling to mind some of the abundant evidence of its inspiration. It will be a joy to cooperate with perfection under Christ's rule. Ihe tala utale, nkene wa tya! How did Christ direct matters with regard to spreading the good news of the Kingdom? But see how you would like that! Aantu inaya gwanenena oye hole okwiiyelekanitha nayalwe. Ihe Oohapu dhaKalunga otadhi tu lombwele tu longe ngaashi tatu vulu miilonga ye. Like Jesus, we always need to be alert, watching for opportunities to share what we know about God's Kingdom. Humans are imperfect, but God's Word tells us to do all we can in his service. Omukiintu okwe mu lombwele kutya oye Apun, ihe okwa li a kotoka, molwaashono nomo 1980 nasha, iilonga yOonzapo oya li yi indikwa. There were three types to choose from, each available in a number of languages: The "Eureka X " set had all the recorded narration and music. The woman told her that she was a daughter, but she was careful about 1980 ' work, and the Witnesses were banned. Ngoka he mu tila noha longo shoka shu uka, Kalunga ote mu taamba, na kale ogwomoshigwana sha tya ngiini. " - Iil. 10: 34, 35. But for the sake of illustration, consider the following possibility. " God is not partial, but in every nation the man who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him. " - Acts 10: 34, 35. Ihe opo a kaleke po ombili, Isak okwa li a tembuka lwiikando yi vulithe pushimwe, pehala lyokukondja. Back then, the special pioneer requirement was 150 hours a month. But to preserve peace, Isaac moved more than ever before. Omolwashike? Faith in the resurrection does not eliminate the deep loss a Christian may feel. Why? Mokweendela ko kwethimbo, aaihokani mboka ya li muAmerika lyokUumbugantu oya li taya dhiladhila ya thige po oshinakugwanithwa shawo ya shune kegumbo. PAGE 12 • SONGS: 97, 101 In time, a couple in South America thought that they would leave their assignment home to return home. Oshike tatu ilongo moshiholelwa (a) shaAbsalom naJudas? (b) shaDelila? Despite the reproach people heap on his name, Jehovah has waited patiently for the right time to act. What can we learn from Absalom's example? (b) What lesson can we learn from Absalom and Judas? Ogendji gomomaimbilo ngoka ga li hagi imbwa kAalevi oga li ga totwa kuDavid. Do you seize every opportunity to give a witness? Many of the songs made up of the Levites were formed in David's form. Jesus okwe ya yamukula ta ti kutya otaku ke ya iita iinenenene, oondjala, omalega nomakakamo gevi omatilithi. In 1140, Peter paid for his beliefs with his life. Jesus answered that there would be great wars, food shortages, earthquakes, and earthquakes. Onkee ano, onda kokola ondjila uule woomvula ntano. It is wise to make such friends. So I pioneered for five years. 1: 32, 33; 4: 16 - 21) Ombepo ondjapuki oya li ya pe Jesus oonkondo opo a longe iikumithalonga, mwa kwatelwa okwaaludha aavu, okukutitha oongundu dhaantu nokuyumudha oonakusa. No doubt you will be present for the one event that Jesus said his followers should commemorate annually. Holy spirit empowered Jesus to perform miracles, including the sick, to heal the dead, and to resurrect the dead. Onkee ano, Omanyolo otage tu kwathele tu mone kutya Aakriste ihaya pewa pashikumithalonga omagano gwokwaaha ya mondjokana. Each body of elders has the solemn duty to review thoroughly the Scriptural qualifications of the brothers they recommend for appointment in God's congregation. Hence, the Scriptures help us to recognize that Christians do not receive a miraculous gift from a married couple. Opo tu kale tu hole shoka shu uka, otu na okukonakona nuulaadhi nokutedhatedha kombinga yaashoka tatu lesha mOohapu dhaKalunga. He felt that he could talk to Jehovah about anything, even asking for help when he struggled with difficult questions. To love what is right, we must study and meditate on what we read in God's Word. Shika kashi shi tuu shoshili! The Resurrection of Jesus - Its Meaning for Us How true! 14 - 16. (a) Omomukalo guni Aaisraeli ya li ye na okukala oshigwana shoka hashi ithanwa nedhina lyaJehova? " My Dream Has Come True " 14 - 16. (a) In what way did Israel need to be a nation that is called Jehovah's name? 4: 5. The Bible tells us that the Creator has "vast dynamic energy. " God's creation shows us that he is "the Almighty " - the One" great in power. " - Job 37: 23. 4: 5. Ngame, Evelyn nomumwatate Leo nomukadhi, Esther Mahan, otwa tumwa tu ka longe koEl Salvador. Otwa thiki ko muJuni 1946. However, all Bible writers were inspired by holy spirit. Evelyn and his wife, Esther, and Esther, were assigned to serve in El Salvador. Mu ladhipika a kale ha lesha oshifo kehe shOshungolangelo nosho wo Awake! What was now important was to have a good time, which included dating several girls at once. Encourage him to read each issue of The Watchtower and Awake! Mbaka hayo owala ye enda moonkalo dha tya ngaaka. What incidents in David's life show that he was concerned about how Jehovah viewed matters? These are not just a few of them. Omolwashike Jesus e li oshiholelwa oshiwanawa shokugwanitha po oohapu dhe? What can man do to me? " Why was Jesus a good example in carrying his word? MOmbiimbeli edhina Eshbaal olya nyolwa Ishboshet, oondanda "baal " odha pingenwa po noondanda" boshet. " (2 Sam. Thus "the peace of God " can triumph over any challenge you may face. In the Bible, the name The letters mention "the letters " were replaced by" the word " and "the letters of the word. " (Genesis 13: 1 - 4) Owa li wu unga ontanda kiikulundundu, kuuzilo waBetel nenge Lus, ngaashi Aakaanan haye yi ithana. The elders need to take care to maintain balance between shepherding responsibilities and obligations to their own family. You were about to cross the hills of the city or to the city of Moab, as did the psalmist who called it. Ngoye owi itaala shike? " To Christians in Rome, Paul wrote: "I tell everyone there among you not to think more of himself than it is necessary to think, but to think so as to have a sound mind, each one as God has given to him a measure of faith. What do you believe? " Ina tya nando ote ke dhi kondjitha dhi lundulule omitima dhadho. Picture the young man speaking those words with earnest intensity. He will never force them to change their heart. Nonando ongawo, yamwe otashi vulika ya kale inaaya manguluka okwiimba montaneho. Satan often uses cleverly disguised traps in an effort to subvert our faith. Still, some may feel awkward about singing. Kala wi inekela kutya Jehova ota vulu oku ku hupitha noku ku pa omwenyo gwaaluhe. - 1 Pet. Never Resort to Devious Methods Trust that Jehovah can save you and give you everlasting life. - 1 Pet. AAUVITHI Joseph was not the only one in this predicament. PUBLISHERS Omo wo hawu yi, ngele ku na omutenya nenge taku lokwa noonkondo. The local Witnesses made us feel at home right away. Also, if you do not have a job or a steady supply of water, it will be yours. Konima yoomvula dhi vulithe 60, omuyapostoli Johannes okwa nyola a ti: " Jesus okwa li e hole Marta naMaria. ' God's Word thus calls death an "enemy. " Over 60 years later, the apostle John wrote: "Jesus loved Martha and Mary. " Oshitopolwa oshitiyali otashi ka kundathana kombinga yankene mboka taya longele miitopolwa moka hamu popiwa elaka ekwiilongo, taya vulu okukaleka uupambepo wawo wa kola. Instead, we should be content with our basic needs for each day. The second article will discuss how those serving in a foreign field can maintain their spirituality. (Aaroma 8: 25) Hogolola oovelise ndhoka dha yelitha iinima mbyoka wa hala oku ka nyanyukilwa muuyuni uupe, nokukala wu iwete wa fa omo wu li. A similar attitude toward warnings prevails today. Choose the verses you would like to enjoy in the new world and imagine yourself living in it. Olye e shi wo ngele otaye ke ya nenge itaye ke ya? - Mat. 3: 13. Who knows whether they will come or not? - Matt. Kain ka li tuu i iyetele uudhigu nokumona iihuna! (Gen. See The Watchtower of September 1, 2006, pages 17 - 21, and January 15, 2007, pages 17 - 20. What a cause for suffering and suffering! Aalumentu ayehe mboka yatatu oya li ya sila yalwe efupa. 4: 4. All three men were jealous of others. Ngele otwi idhidhimikile omahepeko otatu ka pewa ondjambi. The apostle Paul lists peace as the third aspect of "the fruitage of the spirit. " If we endure trials, we will receive the reward. Otu na okukala hatu konakona uushili mboka kutya Ombiimbeli oya nyolithwa kuKalunga. We can empathize with their disappointments, doubts, fears, and imperfections as well as rejoice in their joys and successes. We must be honest with the evidence that the Bible is inspired of God. Ongiini Kristus a li a wilike iinima shi na ko nasha nokutaandelithwa kwonkundana ombwanawa? Frankly, I would worry if she accepted something without asking questions. " How did Christ guide the spread of the good news? Otwa pumbwa okukala twa tonata aluhe nokukonga oompito tu lombwele yalwe kombinga yUukwaniilwa waKalunga ngaashi Jesus. In this context, then, the priests picture the anointed, while Israelites from the nonpriestly tribes picture those with an earthly hope. We need to keep on looking for opportunities to tell others about God's Kingdom. Opwa li pu na iinyandwa itatu iifupi yi li momalaka gi ili nogi ili. Shimwe osha li hashi ithanwa "Eureka X " shoka sha li shi na omawi nomusika. Once you reach this honorable goal, you will want to be regular and effective, never missing a month of service. There were three towns in different languages, and the "Eureka Drama " was called" TheEureka Drama " and music. Natu taleni kethaneko lyaashoka tashi vulu okuholoka megongalo. Although we cannot see them, we can imagine them and have faith that they will happen. - 2 Corinthians 4: 18. Consider what might happen in the congregation. Pethimbo ndyoka, omukokolindjila i ikalekelwa okwa li a tegelelwa a gwanithe po oowili 150 momwedhi. God's spirit also produced highly organized works in the biological sphere of creation. At that time, a special pioneer was required to devote 150 hours a month to the month. Nonando Omukriste oku kale i itaala meyumuko, shoka itashi kutha po oluhodhi ndoka u uvite, omolweso lyaangoka e hole. Johannes Although a Christian does not believe in the resurrection, that does not remove grief from the death of a loved one. EPANDJA 12 OMAIMBILO: 97, 101 Why did the Israelites in Ezekiel's day develop a wrong viewpoint? PAGE 12 • SONGS: 97, 101 Nonando aantu oya kala taya shekitha edhina lye, Jehova okwa kala aluhe a tegelela neidhidhimiko ethimbo lyo opala opo a katuke onkatu. However, Eve and her husband discovered that losing God's favor meant losing their lives. Although people have been led by his name, Jehovah has always been waiting patiently for the right time to act. Mbela oho longitha ngaa ompito kehe to mono wu gandje uunzapo? We know from the Bible that humans have become God's friends. Do you use every opportunity to witness? Okwa dhipagwa mo 1140, molwaashoka itaa tsu kumwe niinima mbyoka. NO MORE PAIN, SORROW, AND DEATH He was killed in 1113 B.C.E. because he did not agree with these things. Oshi li pandunge okupanga uukuume naantu ya tya ngaaka. The core problem is that in imperfect humans, "the heart is more treacherous than anything else and is desperate. " It is wise to make such a friendship with such ones. Nopwaahe na omalimbililo opo to ka kala poshiningwanima shika shimwe shoka Jesus a li a lombwele aalanduli ye ya kale haye shi dhimbulukwa komumvo. Actually, they were taking precautions so that their sister would not come into a tempting situation. No doubt you will have at least one event that Jesus told his followers to remember about the year. Olutu kehe lwaakuluntugongalo olu na oshinakugwanithwa sha kwata miiti shokukonakona nawa ngele aalumentu mboka lwa hala okulangeka po megongalo lyaKalunga oya gwanitha po iitegelelwa yopamanyolo. So we should obey Jesus ' warning: "Pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life, and suddenly that day be instantly upon you as a snare. " Each body of elders has serious responsibility when it comes to examining men who want to take the lead in God's congregation fulfill Scriptural requirements. Okwa li u uvite kutya ota vulu okupopya naJehova kombinga yakehe shimwe. Sho Abraham a li ta tunyadhala nomapulo omadhigu okwa pula Jehova e mu kwathele. Jehovah's Witnesses warmly invite you to meet with them to examine the significance of Jesus ' death. He felt that he could talk to Jehovah about anything else, and when Abraham faced difficult questions, Abraham asked Jehovah to help him. Eyumuko lyaJesus otali ti shike kutse? But when I helped with the cleaning, I met a lot of brothers and sisters! What does the resurrection of Jesus mean for us? " Ondjodhi yandje osho ya tsu " After we arrived at Gilead School, Brother Knorr told us that students enrolled in French - language classes, as we were, would be sent to Africa. " I Have Believed " Ombiimbeli otayi tu lombwele kutya Omushiti oku na " oonkondo oonenenene ' (Jesaja 40: 26) Eshito lyaKalunga otali tu ulukile kutya oye "Omunankondoawike, " ano" omunene gwoonkondo. " - Job 37: 23, OB - 1954. 12, 13. The Bible tells us that the Creator of "the power of God " is" the Almighty, " and "the great power of God. " - Job 37: 23, footnote. Molwaashoka ombepo ondjapuki yaKalunga oyo ya nwetha mo aanyoli yOmbiimbeli, ohayi kwathele Aakriste yashili nena yu uve ko Ombiimbeli. How can we maintain a grateful heart? Because God's holy spirit inspired Bible writers to help true Christians today to understand the Bible. Ngashingeyi shoka sha simana kungame osho okukala tandi inyanyudha, ngaashi okweendela aakadhona yi ili noyi ili poshikando. 12 Eight Kings Revealed Now is the most important thing I would like to live by myself, such as the foolish virgins at different times. Iiningwanima yini monkalamwenyo yaDavid tayi ulike kutya okwa li ha tala ko iinima ngaashi Jehova? Do I face the future with confidence, knowing that God is in full control? ' What events in David's life show that he considered things to be Jehovah's way of life? (Eps. Some names in this article have been changed. Why? " Ombili yaKalunga " otayi vulu okusinda eshongo kehe tali ku adha. But like all your brothers and sisters, you may find it difficult to be at the meetings regularly. " The peace of God " can successfully overcome any challenge you may face. Aakuluntugongalo oye na okusa oshimpwiyu ya kale ye na ondjele mokuungaunga niinakugwanithwa yokulitha noyokusila oshimpwiyu omaukwanegumbo gawo yene. (1 Tim. To make matters worse, he tried to hide the sin by arranging for her husband, Uriah, to be killed in battle. Elders care for their responsibilities in caring for their families. Paulus okwa li a nyolele Aakriste yokuRoma a ti: "Onda hala oku mu lombwela one amuhe: Inamu idhiladhilila pehala mpoka inaamu adha, ihe dhiladhileni pandjele. Kehe gumwe gwomune ni iyeleke pamuthika gweitaalo ndyoka Kalunga e li mu pa. So the Devil employed another tactic, one that had succeeded many times before. Paul wrote to Christians in Rome: "I want you to say to you: Do not think that you are not thinking about anything that you do not think, but keep account of each one of you in faith that God has given you. (Genesis 39: 8, 9) Kala andola wa fa wu wete omulumentu nguka omugundjuka sho ta popi oohapu ndhika i itula mo lela. Give an example of how true friends can bring comfort even when close relatives fail to do so. Can you imagine this young man when he spoke these words? Opo Satana a vule okunkundipaleka eitaalo lyetu, olundji oha longitha oomwigo dhe te shi ningi miineya. (b) Illustrate how compassionate Jehovah is in helping imperfect humans. To weaken our faith, Satan often uses his traps to seduce us. Inatu kala tu na iineya With my parents, going to a convention in Wichita in the 1940 ' s We Must Be Holy Josef haye awike a li a patekena moshinima shoka. Of course, not all these conditions occur in every patient, nor do they necessarily occur in the same order. Joseph was not alone in the matter. Oonzapo moshitopolwa odhe tu taamba ko nehalo ewanawa. God has appointed Jesus to grant justice to both the living and the dead. The Witnesses willingly accepted the invitation. (Aaroma 5: 12) Ombiimbeli otayi ti kutya oli li "omutondi. " The Jewish nation and its Promised Land no longer enjoyed divine protection, nor could the Jews ever again rightly claim to engage in warfare that had God's approval or backing. The Bible says that it is "the enemy. " Pehala lyaashono, otu na okukala twa gwana naashoka hatu mono esiku kehe. (See footnote.) (b) Why may it be difficult for some elders to train others? Instead, we must be content with what we read every day. (Mat. 24: 37 - 39) Iikala ya tya ngaaka yokwiipwililikila omalondodho oyi li maantu kunena. 18, 19. Such attitudes are common today. 3: 13. * 3: 13. Tala Oshungolangelo ye 1 Septemba 2006, epandja 17 - 21 noyo 15 Januali 2007, epandja 17 - 20. (b) How do you feel about Jesus ' dying as a ransom? See The Watchtower, September 1, 2006, pages 17 - 21 and January 15, 2007, pages 17 - 20. 4: 4. (Read 1 Thessalonians 5: 11.) 4: 4. Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa tumbula ombili yi li oshiyimati oshititatu " miiyimati yombepo. ' What does the comparison reveal? The apostle Paul mentioned peace as "the fruitage of the spirit. " Naasho tatu lesha kombinga yenyanyu lyawo, natse ohatu kala twa nyanyukwa. They must have been angelic sons, for humans had not yet been created. And when we read about their joy, we too are happy to read about it. Odhoshili kutya ohandi kala ndi na omaipulo, ngele oka taamba ko oshinima shontumba inaaka pula omapulo. " On the other hand, if we miss the point when it is presented in a talk or fail to make personal application of the written counsel, Jehovah may use a fellow Christian to draw our shortcoming to our attention. - Read Galatians 6: 1. Of course, I wonder if she accepted a question without asking questions. " (Hes. 45: 16, 17) Moshitopolwa shika omusaaseri ota thaneke aagwayekwa, omanga Aaisraeli mboka yomomazimo ngoka kaage na oshilonga shuusaaseri taya thaneke mboka ye na etegameno lyokukala kombanda yevi. Do we resort to human thinking by trying to solve them in our own way? In this article, the nation represents anointed ones, whereas those of the tribes of Israel who represent the earthly priest. Uuna wa adha elalakano ndika lya simana, oto ka kala wa hala oku shi ninga pandjigilile nonomupondo, itoo faula nando omwedhi gumwe. Please, separate from me. When you find this important goal, you will want to make a regular routine of regular association with yourself, never one month. Okwa kala e na eitaalo lya kola lela muye. For example, he publicly denied his Master, not just once, but three times. He had strong faith in him. Nonando itatu vulu oku yi mona ngashingeyi, otatu vulu okukala twa fa tu yi wete nomeho getu gokomutima, nokukala tu na eitaalo kutya otayi ka gwanithwa. - 2 Kor. 4: 18. When Anglo - American World Power Became Seventh, 6 / 15 Although we cannot see it now now, we can imagine our eyes and our eyes. - 2 Cor. 4: 18. Ombepo yaKalunga oya longithwa wo okushita iinima yi na omwenyo. What meaning does the word "honor " carry in the original Bible languages? God's spirit was also used to create life. Johannes Jesus lovingly did this so that he could give his life as "a ransom in exchange for many. " John Omolwashike Aaisraeli yopethimbo lyaHeskiel ya li ya kokeke etaloko lya puka? 3, 4. (a) How would you describe someone who is approachable? Why did the Israelites of ancient times develop a wrong viewpoint? Ihe Eva nomusamane gwe oya li ya mono kutya okukala inaaya hokiwa kuKalunga okwa li kwe ya etele eso. Jehovah not only gave us everything we need to stay alive, but he also made the earth a beautiful, comfortable, and safe place where we can enjoy life. But her husband and her husband realized that singleness was not acceptable to God. Ombiimbeli oya popya aantu mboka ya li ya panga uukuume naKalunga. These are not things that only adult Christians can and should do. The Bible describes those who became God's friends. ITAPU KA KALE WE UUWEHAME, OLUHODHI NESO The Bible encourages each individual to train his "powers of discernment... to distinguish both right and wrong. " NO MORE WAR Oshinima shoka oshi li uupyakadhi uunene maantu inaaya gwanenena. (Jer. 3: 17; 13: 10; 17: 9; 1 Aak. Like all new soldiers, I was allowed one week to adjust to the time difference and the heat. That is a serious problem for imperfect humans. Aawe, oya li owala ya hala okugamena omumwayinakadhona, opo kaa falwe memakelo. (Ondjimb. 11: 1. No, they wanted to protect the sister so that they could not be tempted to resist the temptation. Onkee ano, otu na okuvulika kelondodho lyaJesus, ndyoka tali ti: "Ikotokeleni ne yene! Inamu etha, omadhiladhilo geni ga luudhikwe kiituthi nokuunkolwi nokiimpwiyu yopauyuni, opo esiku ndyoka lyaaye mu adhe ombaadhilila. Oshoka ota li ya ongomwigo. " Looking at events in the lives of King David and the apostle Peter, we can note two such weaknesses - lack of self - control and fear of man. Therefore, we should heed Jesus ' warning: "Let your hearts not allow yourselves to be weighed down with your thoughts and anxieties, so that you may not be weighed down in the day of distress. " Oonzapo dhaJehova otadhi ku hiya nomutima aguhe opo wu ye wu gongale pamwe nadho sho tadhi dhimbulukwa eso lyaJesus, oshiningwanima shoka sha simana. If God's Word is to have an effect on us, we need to read it regularly - daily if possible. Jehovah's Witnesses are pleased to invite you to join together in gathering together when they remember Jesus ' death, the most important event. Ihe sho nda li nda kwathele mokwoopaleka, onda tsakanene naamwatate nosho wo naamwameme oyendji! If that refers to Solomon's situation, he had acquired that many women at that point in his reign. But while I was helping with our brothers and sisters, I met many brothers and sisters! Sho twa thiki koGilead, tate Knorr okwe tu lombwele kutya ayehe mboka haya longwa mOshifulaanisa, ngaashi tse, ohaya tuminwa kuAfrika. The Bible claims that it is "inspired of God and beneficial for teaching. " When we arrived at Gilead, Brother Knorr told us that all those who had been taught in French, as we were assigned to Africa. Kundathana nayo shi ikwatelela koomvula dhawo [ Blurb on page 32] Keys to Family Happiness 12, 13. Soon afterward, I attended the Bethel meeting at a convention in Cincinnati, Ohio. 12, 13. Oshike tashi ke tu kwathela tu kale tu na olupandu? He is the first human the Bible describes in that way. What will help us to maintain our appreciation for it? 12 Aakwaniilwa yahetatu taya hololwa Though teachers may not catch us cheating, we want to be honest before God 12 Kings Revealed Mbela onda taalela onakuyiwa neinekelo, ndi shi kutya oye te yi wilike? ' The talk also mentioned that expanding one's ministry leads to more joy. Do I look to the future with confidence, knowing that he is guiding them? ' Omadhina gamwe moshitopolwa shika oga lundululwa. They are steadfastly putting God's Kingdom and pure worship first in life, even ahead of material concerns. Some names in this article have been changed. Otashi vulika hashi kala oshidhigu omathimbo gamwe okukala po aluhe, ngaashi naanaa hashi kala oshidhigu kaamwatate naamwameme yalwe. Rather, the apostle says that it is impossible to do so. It may at times find it difficult to be at times, just as it may be difficult for other brothers and sisters. Onkalo okwe yi nayipike sho a kambadhala okuholeka eyono lye, mokulongekidha Uria, omusamane gwaBatseba, a dhipagelwe kolugodhi. Clearly, we could easily be deceived by our emotions if we allow them to prevail when we are making important decisions. When he tried to hide his sin, Uriah's husband, Uriah, was killed. Onkee ano Ondiaboli oya li ya longitha omukalo gulwe, ngoka gwa kala nokupondola olundji. She was unable to start a Bible conversation with anyone, so she said to some Bethelites, "The last place on earth I would want to live is Portugal. " So the Devil used another way, which was often successful. Gandja oshiholelwa shankene kuume kashili ta vulu okukala ehekeleko kukuume ke uuna aakwanezimo itaaye shi ningi. On other occasions, he authorized his people Israel to wage war. Give an example of how a true friend can comfort you when unbelieving relatives do not. (b) Gandja oshiholelwa shoka tashi ulike kutya Jehova oku na ko nasha naantu. However, few have followed that encouragement. (b) Give an example showing Jehovah's interest in people. Ndi li naavali yandje, tu uka koshigongi koWichita momumvo 1940 nasha If so, why not try to step up our activities? With my parents at the convention in 1940 ' s Haavu ayehe haya ningi iinima mbyoka, yo ihaye yi ningi momukalo gwa faathana. Often, when we act like this, we may not even be aware that we have crossed the line from modesty to presumptuousness. Not all people do the things they do, and they do not do the same. Kalunga okwa langeka po Jesus, a ninge omupanguli omuuyuki gwaanamwenyo naasi. What is evident from the Bible's frequent mention of color? God has appointed Jesus to be a judge of the dead and of the dead. Aajuda nosho wo Evi lyEuvaneko kaya li we megameno lyaKalunga. Kaya li we taya ka kutha ombinga miita mbyoka ya pitikwa nenge tayi ambidhidhwa kuKalunga. its trunk? The Jews and the Promised Land did not enjoy God's protection. (Tala enyolo lyopevi.) (b) Omolwashike tashi vulika shi kale oshidhigu kaakuluntugongalo yamwe ya dheule yalwe? To resist temptation to view pornography, a person needs to seek Jehovah's help in prayer before starting to go down that route on the Internet. (See footnote.) (b) Why might it be difficult for some elders to train others? 18, 19. I would cry at night as I thought of these children. 18, 19. Onda li nda hala okukala nda fa ndi na iilyo ayihe yolutu. Whatever the problem may be, we do well to heed the words of the psalmist who said: "Commit your way to Jehovah; rely on him, and he will act in your behalf. " - Ps. I wanted to be like a man. * The family wanted to give Haykanush some money as a reward, but she would not accept it. * (b) Owu uvite ngiini Jesus sho a si e li iikulila? Even the challenge that Satan later launched against the rightfulness of Jehovah's sovereignty gave the Son an opportunity to learn how Jehovah would exercise love, justice, wisdom, and power when He was confronted with a difficult situation. (b) How do you feel about Jesus ' death as a ransom? (Lesha 1 Aatessalonika 5: 11.) How rewarding it is for couples to "have tender affection for one another "! (Read 1 Thessalonians 5: 11.) Mbela meyelekanitho ndyoka otatu ilongo mo shike? At times, that may be a special challenge, but we need to accept the counsel and cooperate with the direction from Jehovah's organization. What can we learn from that illustration? Molwaashoka pethimbo ndyoka aantu yopanyama kaya li ya shitwa natango, oye na okukala ya li oyanamati aayengeli. But Jonathan was not afraid. Since humans were not created, they were still sons of angels. Onkee ano, Jehova oha vulu okulongitha aamwatate naamwameme megongalo ye tu pukulule nohole. - Lesha Aagalati 6: 1. Ohatu inyenge ngiini omathimbo gamwe uuna tatu pukululwa, nomolwashike aakuluntugongalo Aakriste ye na okutsikila oku tu pukulula? He is collecting together in true worship "the desirable things of all the nations, " and he is helping his servants to maintain their integrity. Therefore, Jehovah can use our brothers and sisters in the congregation to correct us with love and mercy. - Read Galatians 6: 1, and why should we be corrected? Mbela ohatu igameke koondunge dhopantu tu kambadhale oku wu kandula po kutse yene? The fragments illustrated here are portions of the Greek Septuagint that date from the first century B.C.E. Do we rely on human principles to solve ourselves? Hogolola ombinga yoshilongo ndjoka wa hala. [ Picture on page 3] Choose a foreign country. Ihe nonando ongaaka, okwa li a kala omudhiginini kuJesus naJehova. My family was Catholic, and we were very religious. Yet, he remained loyal to Jesus. 1 / 1 7 - 9. 3 / 1 Momalaka moka Ombiimbeli ya nyolwa petameko, oshitya "esimaneko " otashi gandja edhiladhilo lyashike? However, when they find a requirement to be inconvenient and feel that nobody is looking, they break the law. What does the Bible's original text provide? (Mateus 20: 28; Aafilippi 2: 5 - 8) Sho a li kombanda yevi, Kalunga okwe mu pe oonkondo a longe iikumithalonga. People traveling on this road can clearly see the JW.ORG sign that has been on the site since the brothers began construction When he was on earth, God empowered him to perform miracles. 3, 4. (a) Omuntu ngoka ha popiwa naye nuupu oku li ngiini? [ Pictures on page 15] 3, 4. (a) How is a person approachable? Ihe okwe tu shitila wo evi ewanawa, tali vulu okukalwa noli na egameno, opo tu vule okunyanyukilwa onkalamwenyo. In the introduction to the Gospels, Lefèvre explained that he had translated them into French so that "the simple members " of the church" can be as certain of evangelical truth as those who have it in Latin. " But he created us with a beautiful earth, the Source of safety and protection so that we can enjoy life. Osha simana tu kale tu hole aamwameme, oku ya tsa omukumo pokugongala noku ya kwatela mo momagalikano getu. 119: 98, 99, 130. It is important to love our brothers and sisters, to encourage them at our meetings, and to include them in our prayers. Ombiimbeli otayi ladhipike kehe gumwe a kale e shi "okuyoolola shoka shu uka nenge sha puka. " (Heb. Of what value was being a prince in Egypt compared with being "the Christ, " or anointed of Jehovah? The Bible urges each one to know what is right or wrong. Onda li nda pewa oshiwike ndi igilile oowili dhaVietnam nonkalo yombepo, ngaashi aakwiita ayehe aape ya li haya pewa. Information - Reliable or False? I was given a week to adjust my life course, as the new army had received. 11: 1. Spend a lot of time talking with them, eating with them, and playing with them. 11: 1. David ka li e na eipangelo, omanga Petrus a li e na uumbanda wokutila aantu. By carefully heeding his commands. David did not have self - control, while Peter was confronted with fear of man. Ngele otwa hala Oohapu dhaKalunga dhi tu kwathele, otwa pumbwa oku dhi lesha esiku kehe. (Jos. But she will suddenly discover that she has miscalculated her chances of survival. If we want God's Word to help us, we need to read it daily. (Ondjimb. 6: 1, 8 - 10) Pethimbo ndyoka Salomo okwa li e na nale aakiintu oyendji. At that, the prophet Jehu asked him: "Is it the wicked you should be helping, and is it those who hate Jehovah you should love? " - Read 2 Chronicles 19: 1 - 3. In those days, Solomon had many women. Ombiimbeli otayi ipopi yo yene kutya " oya nyolithwa kombepo yaKalunga noyi na oshilonga shokulonga oshili. ' But the local brothers felt otherwise. The Bible describes himself as "the product of God's spirit and is useful to teaching the truth. " [ Oohapu dha simana pepandja 32] 2,201 [ Blurb on page 32] Konima yaashono, onda yi koshigongi shoshitopolwa moCincinnati, muOhio, nonda li nda kala pokugongala kwaamboka ya hala okuya koBetel. Good communication is essential for a couple to have a happy marriage and an enjoyable family life. After that, I attended a convention in Toronto, Ohio, U.S.A., and I attended meetings at Bethel. Oye gwotango a popiwa mOmbiimbeli e ende pamwe naKalunga. To them, it was clear that they had seen God's power. He was the first Bible record, and he walked with God. Nonando aalongi otashi vulika ya kale inaaye tu kwata tatu yaka, otwa hala okukala aanashili koshipala shaKalunga She will likely be moved to apply your counsel and avoid a disastrous turn in her life. Although teachers may not cause us to be honest, we want to be honest before God Oshipopiwa osha li wo sha popi kutya okutamununa mo uukalele wetu ohaku eta enyanyu olindji, nokwa li e shi kutya shoka oshoshili. Why is it good to yield to my mate's preference whenever Bible principles are not at issue? The talk also stated that expanding our ministry brings much joy, and he knew that it was true. Ohadhi pititha komeho Uukwaniilwa waKalunga nelongelokalunga lyashili, nokuli nuuna tashi ya piinima yopamaliko. " To the One sitting on the throne and to the Lamb be the blessing and the honor and the glory and the might forever. " - REV. They put God's Kingdom first and true worship, even when it comes to material things. Ihe omuyapostoli okwa ti kutya kape na ngoka ta hokiwa kuKalunga ngele ke na eitaalo. 3: 5. But the apostle said that no one has God's approval. (Rom. 7: 25) Osha yela kutya otatu vulu okupukithwa nuupu komaiyuvo getu ngele otwe etha ge tu pangele uuna tatu ningi omatokolo ga simana. He was baptized, and today he serves as an elder. Clearly, we can avoid being distracted by our feelings if we allow us to control our decisions when we make important decisions. Ina vula okutameka oonkundathana dhOmbiimbeli nomuntu nando ogumwe, onkee ano, okwa li a lombwele Aabetel yamwe a ti: "Inandi hala nando okukala moPortugal. " Young ones who learn to love the true God and to follow his counsel can become a source of comfort in a family. It was not easy to start a Bible discussion with one of the Bethel family, so he told some Bethelites: "I don't want to be at home. " Oshikando shimwe okwa li a pitike oshigwana she, Israeli, shi hinge iita. Like his father, Asa, Jehoshaphat maintained his devotion to God even when threatened by an overwhelming enemy force. On one occasion, he allowed his people, Israel, to appear before war. Aantu aashona owala ya li ye shi ningi. Jesus had limited time to carry out his ministry. Only a few people did that. Ngele osho, omolwashike itaatu kambadhala tu ninge oshindji miilonga yetu? Certificate of divorce dated from 71 / 72 C.E. If so, why not try to do more in our service? (1 Kor. 4: 6) Olundji ngele otwa katuka momukalo ngono, otashi vulika eishonopeko lyetu li shituke uuntsa. All who have it should be deeply grateful. Often, if we act in such a way, we may be modest. Omukriste ota vulu " okugeyela Jehova ' ngiini? To illustrate: A driver can direct his car to turn left or right but only if the car is moving. How could a Christian become "enraged against Jehovah "? kekota lyalwo? Consider the example of a family man who felt that his zeal was waning somewhat. its branches? Opo omuntu a kale ihaa tala omathano giipala, oku na okukonga tango ekwatho kuJehova okupitila megalikano, omanga inaa tameka okulongitha ointaneta. 12, 13. To avoid viewing pornography, a person must first seek Jehovah's help through prayer before using the Internet. Uusiku onda li handi lili sho tandi dhiladhila kombinga yaanona mbaka. Why was it appropriate to warn even anointed Christians about walking "according to the flesh "? On the night, I cried out when I thought about these children. Kutya nduno otatu iyadha muupyakadhi wa fa peni, otashi ka kala shi li nawa tu dhimbulukwe oohapu dhomupisalomi ngoka a ti: "Igandja kOmuwa; mu inekela, oye te ku kwatha. " - Eps. How did Mark and Claire do this? Whatever the case, it would be wise to remember the psalmist's words: "O Jehovah, rely on him, and he will help you. " - Ps. Aanegumbo mboka oya li ya hala okupa Haykanush iimaliwa, opo yu ulike olupandu, ihe ine yi taamba. Lorraine and I renewed our acquaintance in 1958, and she accepted my proposal of marriage. Those in the family wanted to give us money so that they could not accept it. Shoka osha li sha ningitha Jesus a kale a hokwa lela omaukwatya gaHe. Konima yethimbo Satana okwa li a tsu ondumbo nuuthemba waJehova wokupangela. Shoka osha li sha pe Jesus ompito i ilonge nkene Jehova hu ulike ohole ye, uuyuuki, uunongo noonkondo dhe uuna a taalelwa konkalo ondhigu. What lesson do you learn from this illustration? That made Jesus highly interested in his Father's qualities, and Satan later rebelled against Jehovah's sovereignty, giving Jesus the opportunity to learn how Jehovah's way of ruling was manifested when he faced with his great love. Ohashi ya nyanyudha ngele taya "lalakanene okusimanekathana. " - Rom. It is only when the shackles of sin are thrown off that we can hope to have the true freedom that our first human parents once enjoyed. It gives them joy when they "be open to one another. " - Rom. Omathimbo gamwe ohashi vulika shi kale eshongo, ihe otwa pumbwa okutaamba ko omayele nokulandula omalombwelo ngoka taga zi kehangano lyaJehova. When Hezekiah became very sick, God gave him a sign indicating that he would recover - a shadow moving backward. At times, it may be challenging, but we need to accept direction from Jehovah's organization. Ye nomwana Jonatan oyo ayeke ya li ye na iikondjitho. What is the primary reason for setting spiritual goals? Jonathan and his son were alone with weapons. Ohe eta " iinima iiwanawa lela yomiigwana ayihe ' melongelokalunga lyashili. O God, you have taught me from my youth on, and until now I keep telling about your wonderful works. He brings "all the good things to people of all nations " into true worship. Efano ndika li li mpaka otali ulike uutopolwa wo - Septuagint yOshigreka mboka wa li wa nyolwa methelemumvo lyotango K.E.N. Have you ever wondered what the future will be for you and your family? Here is also part of the Greek Septuagint written in the first century B.C.E. [ Ethano pepandja 3] What does it mean to know God's name? [ Picture on page 3] Atuhe maandjetu okwa li Aakatoolika notu hole ongeleka. " I like that we can all sit down together and talk. My family was Catholic, and I loved the church. 7 - 9. The negative response of unbelieving relatives to the truth can make life difficult for Jehovah's people. 7 - 9. Ihe ngele itaya tsu kumwe niitegelelwa yadho nenge ye wete kutya kapu na ngoka e ya wete, ohaye dhi taaguluka. This means that when you hear two voices at the same time, you have to choose which one you will focus on. However, if they do not agree with their requirements or feel that no one does not belong to them, they are forced to them. Aantu mboka haye ende mondjila moka ohaya mono endhindhiliko JW.ORG ndyoka lya tulwa po okuza sho aamwatate ya tameke okutunga (b) How did Samuel react when Jehovah told him to anoint Saul? When the brothers began building up the road, they saw the sign of JW Library, which was made to build up the brothers. [ Omathano pepandja 21] Do your conversations show that your mind is set on the spirit or on the flesh? [ Pictures on page 21] Mefalomo lyOmavaangeli, tatekulu Lefèvre okwa yelitha kutya okwe ga toloka mOshifulaanisa, opo "aantu yowala " mongeleka" ya vule okuuva ko oshili yevaangeli ngaashi mboka ye yi na mOshilatina. " Let's examine these verses for a moment. In the Gospels of the Gospels, Lefèvre explained that Lefèvre translated into French so that "people of the church " could understand the truth, such as those who were in Latin. 119: 98, 99, 130. We still do not know the exact day or hour that Jehovah's day will arrive, and do we really need to know? 119: 98, 99. Nokukala " Omugwayekwa ' gwaJehova oku vule okukala omuna gwokombanda muEgipiti. Moses acknowledged this and did what Jehovah commanded him to do. Being " Jehovah's Anointed One " is superior to the firstborn king in Egypt. Mbela uuyelele mboka wa mona kointaneta owu shi okwiinekelwa nenge owiifundja? An inspired psalmist declared: "Remember the word to your servant, for which you [Jehovah] have made me wait. Are you a reliable source of reliable information or a lie? Popya nayo aluhe, lya pamwe nayo nokudhana pamwe nayo. * Or the death or remarriage of one or both mates may complicate things. Share with them regularly with them. Omokuvulika thiluthilu kiipango ye. What did Paul experience as he served God, but what realization gave him the courage to continue? By obeying his commandments fully. Otashi vulika yalwe inaaya popya oohapu ndhika, ihe nonando ongawo, oya gana natango koshipala shaKalunga. As they built the ark, they must have gone in and out of it hundreds of times. Others may not say these words, but they still make sworn oaths before God. Ihe paushili wo wene, iinima itayi ke yi endela nawa ngaashi ya tegelela. The apostle Peter urged Christians in the first century: "Be hospitable to one another. " In reality, though, things are not the way they look forward to. (2 Ondjal. 18: 1 - 32) Omuhunganeki Jehu okwe mu pula a ti: "Oto dhiladhila tuu kutya oshu uka okukwatha mboka aawinayi nokugama kumboka ye tonde Omuwa? " - Lesha 2 Ondjalulo 19: 1 - 3. Paul wrote that "those who practice such things will not inherit God's Kingdom. " The prophet Jehu asked him: "Do you think that it is right to help those who hate Jehovah and hate those who hate you? " - Read 2 Chronicles 19: 1 - 3. Ihe aamwahe megongalo hasho ya li yu uvite ngawo. 12: 7 - 9. But the brothers in the congregation did not feel that way. 2 201 Many Jews began to speak Greek, and eventually the Hebrew Scriptures were translated into Greek. 2 APPRECIATE Okukundathana okwa simanenena kaaihokani opo ya kale ya nyanyukwa mondjokana yawo noya kale ye na onkalamwenyo ombwanawa megumbo. Ask yourself: " Do I have the attitude that these men had? It is vital for a couple to have a happy marriage and to have a comfortable life in the family. (1 Aakwaniilwa 18: 39) Osha li she ya yelela kutya oya mono oonkondo dhaKalunga. Sadly, millions today have not even begun to look for these. They recognized that they had seen God's power. Otashi vulika shi mu inyengithe a tule miilonga omayele ngoka we mu pe e ta henuka iinima mbyoka tayi vulu yi ke mu etele iizemo yinikitha oluhodhi monkalamwenyo ye. Before they make judgments respecting fellow believers, elders need to pray for the help of Jehovah's spirit and depend on its guidance by consulting God's Word and the publications of the faithful and discreet slave class. - Matt. It may move him to apply the counsel he gave to his life and avoid the consequences of grief. ▪ Omolwashike shi li nawa okutaamba ko omahogololo gakuume kandje kopandjokana ngele itaga yono omakotampango gOmbiimbeli? This was fulfilled when Jesus entered Jerusalem before the Passover in the year 33 C.E. ▪ Why is it good to accept the principles of my mate if they do not violate Bible principles? " Ehambelelo, esimano, eadhimo noonkondo kungoka a kuutumba koshipangelapundi nokOnzigona, aluhe sigo aluhe! " - EH. In the Bible, God reveals many things about himself. " Happy is the glory and glory and the glory of the Lamb, the Lamb, forever! " - REV. 3: 5. We don't see much peace in the world today, do we? 3: 5. Okuza mpono, okwa ninginithwa, naasho tatu popi ngeyi oku li omukuluntugongalo. Get up, go to Paddan - aram to the house of Bethuel the father of your mother and from there take yourself a wife from the daughters of Laban. " Since then, she was baptized as an elder. Aagundjuka mboka ye hole Kalunga kashili nohayi iyutha komayele ge, otaya vulu okukala ekwatho enene muukwanegumbo. At that time, they heard several talks about serving where there is a greater need for Kingdom publishers. Young people who love the true God and who live by his counsel can be a great help in the family. Ngaashi he, Asa, Jehosafat okwa kala omudhiginini kuKalunga nokuli naasho a li a tila etanga lyomutondi gwe. • What are some ways in which we can show proper appreciation for our Kingdom songs? Like Asa, Jehoshaphat remained loyal to God even when he was afraid of his enemy. Jesus okwa li e na ethimbo efupi okugwanitha po uukalele we. For like the days of a tree will the days of my people be; and the work of their own hands my chosen ones will use to the full. " - ISAIAH 65: 21, 22. Jesus had a short time to fulfill his ministry. Onzapo yehengano yopomimvo 71 / 72 E.N. [ Picture on page 4] " WHEN Jehovah's Witnesses are disfellowshipped, " 71 / 15 5: 22, NW) Kehe ngoka e na eitaalo na kale lela a pandula. Prayer and Bible study promote in us a love for what is good. Each person who exercises faith is truly grateful. Oku shi thaneka: Omuhingi ota vulu okuveisa kutya okwa hala okugookela kolulyo nenge kolumoho, ihe oku na okutanauna tango oluuli opo ohauto ye yi uke ko. The speaker directed his words to those who could expand their ministry. To illustrate: A driver might claim that he wants to go right or not to correct his car, but he first needs to correct his car. Natu tale koshiholelwa shomusamane gumwe, ngoka a li u uvite a kanitha uulaadhi. But he was always kind, and he waited for the right time and place to correct them. - Mark 9: 33 - 37. Consider one example of a father who felt discouraged. 12, 13. " Then we would wrap ourselves up warmly and, with a cup of tea in hand, observe the night sky. 12, 13. Omolwashike sha li shu uka okulondodha nokuli nAakriste aagwayekwa kombinga yokweenda "pahalo lyuuntu wawo? " Why did Jesus hold back some information about his Father? Why was it right to warn the anointed Christians about "according to the flesh "? Omumwatate Mark nomukadhi Claire, oya li ya landula ngiini oshiholelwa shaPaulus? He may try to get the animal to come out into the open where he can capture it with a noose. How did Mark and Lisbeth follow Paul's example? Mo 1958, otwa panga ishewe uukuume, e tatu tokola tu hokane. I wanted to increase my share in the preaching work. In 1958, we became more friends, and we decided to marry. Oshiilongomwa shini to ilongo methaneko ndika? We can be sure that the Devil will never let his hands drop down in his efforts to stop our Christian activities. What lesson can you learn from this illustration? Ngele otwa manguluka ko thiluthilu kuulunde, opo owala tatu vulu okukala nemanguluko lyashili, ndyoka aavali yetu yotango ya li ye na petameko. " A Time to Keep Quiet and a Time to Speak " If we are truly free from sin, we can only be truly free from true freedom - our first parents. Sho Hiskia a li te ehamenene, Kalunga okwe mu pe endhindhiliko kutya ota ka aluka. In the past, all recommendations involving the appointment of elders and ministerial servants were sent to the local branch office. When Hezekiah was seriously sick, God gave him a sign that would heal him. Etompelo lya simanenena lyokwiitulila po omalalakano gopambepo olini? And the other is at James 1: 5, which states: "If any one of you is lacking in wisdom, let him keep on asking God, for he gives generously to all and without reproaching; and it will be given him. " What is the primary reason for setting spiritual goals? Kalunga, owa longo ndje okuza muugundjuka, sigo onena otandi uvitha iilonga yoye iikumithi. Why is that so necessary for us? O God, you have taught me from youth to generation until I preach your wonderful works. Owi ipulile nale kutya onakuyiwa yoye noyaandjeni otayi ka kala ya tya ngiini? 5. Have you ever wondered what the future will be for you and your family? Okutseya edhina lyaKalunga okwa kwatela mo shike? 17: 17. What does it mean to know God's name? Okwa ti: "Ondi hole ngele atuhe twa kuutumba tatu hapula. When Jesus comes in his glory near the end of the great tribulation, he will gather the faithful anointed ones to heaven. " I like to sit down and sit down, " she says. Uuna aakwanezimo yetu mboka kaaye shi ooitaali taye tu pataneke, omolweitaalo lyetu, otashi vulu okuningitha onkalo yetu ondhigu. Though the Anglo - American World Power is a mixture of iron and clay, the visions that Jesus gave to John show that this power would continue to play a key role during the last days. When our unbelieving relatives oppose us, our faith can lead to a difficult situation. Ihe aakonakoni yiinima oya mona kutya ngele aantu oyendji taya popile mumwe ohashi kala oshidhigu okuyoola mo ewi ndyoka wa hala wu pulakene kulyo. At Pentecost in the year 33, Jehovah showed that he wanted the good news to be preached all over the world. However, researchers have found that if many people defend their voice, it is difficult to listen to a voice that you want to listen to. (b) Samuel okwi inyenge ngiini sho Jehova e mu lombwele a gwayeke Saul a ninge omukwaniilwa? What Mary spoke about. (b) How did Samuel respond to Jehovah's invitation to anoint Saul? Mbela okupopya kwoye otaku ulike kutya omadhiladhilo goye otaga wilikwa kombepo nenge oge li pauntu? Other Bible Questions Answered Would your words indicate that your thoughts are guided by the spirit or flesh? Natu konakone oovelise ndhika paufupi. IN HIS prehuman existence, God's firstborn Son spent countless ages in close association with his Father. Let us examine these brief verses. Sigo opo mpaka katu shi esiku notundi sho Jehova te ya a hanagule po onkalelo ndjika. Ihe mbela otwa pumbwa ngaa shili okutseya kutya ote ke shi ninga uunake? * - Jeremiah 7: 30 - 33; 19: 6, 7. Until we do not know the day when Jehovah comes to execute judgment on this system, do we really need to know when he will do so? Moses okwa li e shi shi, nokwa ningi ngaashi Jehova e mu lombwele. The circuit overseer told him: "I am not here by coincidence. Moses knew this, and he did just as Jehovah told him. Omupisalomi a nwethwa mo okwa popi a ti: "Dhimbulukwa oohapu dhoye [Jehova] ndho wa lombwele omuntu gwoye, oshoka odha pe ndje etegameno. And when we develop joy, we are better able to cope with the stresses of life. The psalmist was inspired to say: "Remember your words [Jehovah], for they have given me hope. * Ohashi vulika natango pu kale pwa kilikita uuna kuume kopandjokana a mana oondjenda, nenge ngele ya hengana, gumwe e ta hokanununa. This could happen because of our imperfect view of matters or because we do not have all the facts. * There may be times when a mate has died, whether he or she has fallen asleep in death. Paulus okwa li a piti moonkalo dha tya ngiini sho ta longele Kalunga, noshike sha li she mu kwathele a tsikile nuulaadhi? (b) What should elders keep in mind when making decisions that affect the congregation? What circumstances did Paul experience in serving God, and what helped him to continue courageously? Sho ya li taye yi tungu, osha yela kutya oya li haya yi mo lwiikando omathele. 11, 12. (a) How should a Christian act if he believes that his brother "has something against " him? As they built it, they evidently went hundreds of times. Omuyapostoli Petrus okwa li a ladhipike Aakriste yomethelemimvo lyotango a ti: "Yakuleni aayenda momagumbo geni. " (1 Pet. They held my hand, so to speak, as I clumsily took my first steps when I began in the ministry. The apostle Peter urged first - century Christians: "Be hospitable to one another. " Paulus okwa nyola kutya "aantu mboka taa longo iilonga ya tya ngeyi, itaa ka thigulula Oshilongo shaKalunga. " What was the point of Jesus ' warning? Paul wrote that "those who do this work will not inherit God's Kingdom. " 12: 7 - 9. 12, 13. 12: 7 - 9. Aajuda oyendji oya tameke okupopya Oshigreka, nokonima Etestamendi Ekulu mOshihebeli olya tolokwa mOshigreka. Food was scarce. Many Jews began speaking Greek, and later the Old Testament was translated into Greek. 6: 19 - 21) Ipula ngeyi: " Mbela nangame ondi na iikala ya fa yaalumentu mbaka? Some of our brothers and sisters were formerly thieves, drug addicts, or sexually immoral. Ask yourself: " Do I have the attitude of these men? Mupyamunene, aantu omamiliyona nena inaya tameka natango okupanga uukuume naKalunga. If you choose to walk with God as Enoch did, letting God's inspired standards guide you in life, you too will give your family a rich legacy - a priceless example for them to imitate. Sadly, millions of people have not yet started to become God's friends. Aakuluntuluntugongalo oya pumbwa okugalikana tango Jehova e ya kwathele ombepo ye, omanga inaaya tameka okupangula mboka ya yona opo yi ya wilike mokutala mOohapu dhaKalunga nosho wo kiileshwomwa mbyoka ya nyanyangidhwa komupiya omudhiginini nomunandunge. - Mat. The 45th Psalm, though, is much more than an exciting story with a happy ending. Christian parents need to pray for Jehovah's spirit before it comes to judge those who sin against God's Word and by meditating on it, as well as the faithful and discreet slave. - Matt. Okwa kala nangame ta sile ndje oshimpwiyu, ndele ngashingeyi owa dhipaga omwana. ' " Are you searching for and assisting such individuals? She kept looking for me, and now you killed my son. ' " 9: 9) Oohapu ndhika odha li dha gwanithwa sho Jesus a yi muJerusalem manga oshituthi shOpaasa shomomumvo 33 inaashi thika. About 75 percent of the students succeeded in picking out the three real criminals. These words were fulfilled when Jesus entered Jerusalem at Pentecost 33 C.E. Kalunga okwa holola iinima oyindji kombinga ye mOmbiimbeli. Who today are special targets of Satan, and how can the world's education cause them difficulty? God revealed many things about him in the Bible. Mbela muuyuni kunena omu na ombili? The Issue in Job's Day Is there a peaceful world today? Inda kuMesopotamia, kaandjahokulu Betuel, u hokane gumwe gwomaana yahokulu Laban. " Happiness Is Possible in a Divided Household Go to your father, your father, a married brother, and a married brother who is in his late teens. " Pethimbo ndyoka oya li ya pulakene kiipopiwa yontumba kombinga yoku ka longa komahala hoka ku na ompumbwe onene yaauvithi yUukwaniilwa. The intimate friendship that Jesus forged with his disciples was an anchor for them as they later cared for weighty assignments. At that time, they listened to specific talks about serving where there was a greater need for Kingdom publishers. • Omomikalo dhimwe dhini tatu vulu okuulika olupandu lwetu lwashili lwomaimbilo gUukwaniilwa? From Prison Back to Dunkerque • What are some ways we can show our appreciation for the truth of our Kingdom songs? Omasiku gaantu yandje otaga ka kala omale ga fa omasiku gomuti. Aahogololwa yandje otaa ka kala ko olule nokunyanyukilwa iilonga yiikaha yawo yene. " - JESAJA 65: 21, 22. Many young brothers and sisters are zealously entering the full - time service. My days will grow as long as my head will be able to enjoy a long period of time and enjoy their hands. " - ISAIAH 65: 21, 22. [ Ethano pepandja 4] Their bickering was discouraging to others. " - GARY. [ Picture on page 4] Sho ndi na oomvula omulongo lwaampono, meme kali we he endathana nOonzapo dhaJehova. One sister who served as a pioneer for more than 70 years recalled the impact of her conversation with Brother Charles T. When I was about ten years old, my mother did not associate with Jehovah's Witnesses. Egalikano nokukonakona Ombiimbeli ohaku humitha komeho mutse ohole yokulonga shoka oshiwanawa. " Those that are broken at heart. " Prayer and study of the Bible contributes to love and fine works. Omupopi okwa li o odheka unene mboka taya vulu okutamununa mo uukalele wawo. All dedicated servants of Jehovah can ask themselves: What is my primary objective in life? The speaker was particularly able to expand their ministry. Okwa li nokuli ha tegelele e shi ninge pethimbo nopehala tali opalele. - Markus 9: 33 - 37. Efforts are being made to reach people missed in our house - to - house preaching work He even waited for doing so at times and at appropriate times. - Mark 9: 33 - 37. Otwa li hatu zala iinima yuutalala tse tatu nu nee mokatee manga twa tala oonyothi. 8: 6; 9: 15. We wore clothes and drank in the air while we looked at the stars. Omolwashike Jesus a li inaa holola uuyelele oundji kombinga yaHe? WHAT, do you think, was the problem with Frederick and Leanne's relationship? Why did Jesus reveal more information about his Father? Ethimbo limwe ohashi vulika e shi kondekele pokuma mpoka ta vulu oku shi kwatela nuupu. The train departed at two o'clock in the morning, and we rode for six hours before disembarking and walking ten kilometers (six miles) to the meeting place. " At times, it may be difficult to take a stand where it is too easy. Hugunina, otwa kala tatu longele Jehova Kalunga, twa manguluka. Especially is this so in these critical "last days " when multitudes have no natural affection, are fierce, and lack a love of goodness. Finally, we served Jehovah God, free. Otatu vulu okukala nuushili kutya Ondiyapoli kayi na siku yi ethe omaako gayo ga yululuke, opo ando kaayi kambadhale okukeelela iilonga yetu yopaKriste. What can we do about it as individuals? We can be sure that the Devil will never let his hands drop down so that we would not try to prevent our Christian activities. " Ethimbo lyokumwena nethimbo lyokupopya " However, Jesus also indicated that because of persecution, his "brothers " might experience hunger. " You Must Be Time to Be Time " Nale, uuyelele waamwatate mboka taya popilwa ya ninge aakuluntugongalo nosho wo aayakuligongalo owa li hawu tuminwa koshitayimbelewa. It encourages us to pursue a life of self - sacrifice and helps us to rely more fully on God and his Word. In the past, the information made up of brothers who were assigned to serve as elders and ministerial servants were assigned to the branch office. Ovelise onkwawo oyi li muJakob 1: 5, ndjoka tayi ti: "Ngele oku na gumwe gwomune a pumbwa oondunge, ne dhi indile kuKalunga, oye note dhi mu pe. Oshoka Kalunga ke shi omundalapata, ihe oha pe ayehe nopwaa na omanyenyeto. " (b) What do we learn from the expression "memorial tombs "? Another verse reads: "If any one of you is lacking in wisdom, let him keep asking God, for he gives generously to all and without reproaching. " Omolwashike natse twa pumbwa oku yi pula? In connection with fulfilling "the righteous requirement of the Law, " Paul also brings out the matter of walking in accord with the spirit. Why do we need to ask for it? 5. Shortly after Jesus was baptized, Satan tempted him to abandon the best way of life - but to no avail. 5. 17: 17. How can study and application of God's Word help us? 17: 17. Lwopehulilo lyuudhigu uunene, Jesus ote ke ya okugongela aagwayekwa ayehe aadhiginini e ya fale megulu. (Mat. 24: 31; 25: 10; Joh. 14: 1 - 3; 1 Tes. 19, 20. (a) How can your God - given hope become a reality? Toward the end of the great tribulation, Jesus will gather all faithful anointed ones to go to heaven. Nonando epangelo enankondo lyuuyuni Anglo - Amerika olya fa osheela sha tulwa mumwe neloya, emoniko ndyoka Johannes a pewa kuJesus otali ulike kutya epangelo ndyoka otali ka tsikila nokudhana onkandangala onene momasiku gahugunina. 12 You Can Live Forever on Earth Although the Anglo - American World Power is like iron and clay, a vision that Jesus received indicates that the government would continue to play the last days. POpentekoste yomomumvo 33, Jehova okwa li u ulike kutya okwa hala onkundana ombwanawa yi uvithilwe aantu ayehe muuyuni. I felt that Judgment Day was coming and that since I was not ready, I would not survive. " - Crystal. At Pentecost 33 C.E., Jehovah showed that he wanted the good news to preach the good news to all over the world. Shoka Maria a popi. As spiritual people, we want nothing to jeopardize our relationship with our heavenly Father. Mary's comments. Omapulo ngoka haga pulwa olundji Eventually, Alice stopped her study. Other Bible Questions Answered OMANGA inee ya kombanda yevi, Omwana omutango gwaKalunga okwa li a kala naHe omimvo odhindjidhindji. But we have promised to be loyal to Jehovah. JEHOVAH'S Son, the firstborn of God, spent many years with his Father. * - Jeremia 7: 30 - 33; 19: 6, 7. Paul exhorted Timothy: "Flee from youthful desires, but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace. " - 2 Tim. * - Jeremiah 7: 30 - 33; 19: 6, 7. Omutonatelishikandjo okwe mu lombwele a ti: "Inandi ya owala kungaye mwene. With the help of God's Word and his holy spirit, we work hard to "strip off the old personality. " In its place, we "clothe [ourselves] with the new personality. " - Col. The circuit overseer told her: "I don't come up for myself. 5: 22) Uuna tu na enyanyu, otashi ke tu kwathela tu ungaunge nomaupyakadhi gonkalamwenyo. How can immoral conduct threaten our unity? When we have joy, it will help us to cope with life's problems. Pompito yimwe, kutya nduno otu na uuyelele wa yela moshinima nenge katu wu na, osha simana tu galikane kuJehova notu igameke kuye. Two groups can be mentioned who will come in line to benefit from that. On one occasion, whether we have clear evidence or not, it is important to pray to Jehovah and rely on him. (b) Aakuluntugongalo oye na okukaleka shike momadhiladhilo uuna taya ningi omatokolo ngoka taga gumu egongalo? That is why, for example, Jehovah's people are not given a list of films, books, and Internet sites to avoid. (b) What should elders keep in mind when making decisions that affect the congregation? 11, 12. (a) Omukriste oku na okwiinyenga ngiini ngele okwa mono kutya omumwahe " okwe mu ninga nayi '? So when you are faced with a daunting task, remember the eagle. 11, 12. (a) How should a Christian respond if he notices that "he has offended him "? Oya li ya kwata ndje moshikaha, oku shi popya pathaneko, nda fa okanona opo taki ilongo okweenda, sho nda tameke iilonga yandje yokuuvitha. Granted, there are times when the elders need to be firm, such as when protecting the flock from "oppressive wolves. " When I started preaching in my hand, they would be like a child, as if I had started walking with my preaching work. 17: 32) Omolwashike Jesus a gandja elondodho ndika? Job had to have his viewpoint corrected. Why did Jesus give this warning? 12, 13. With justice you should judge your fellow man. " 12, 13. Iikulya oya li ya pumba. " Choose which one you want, " they would say. Food was rare. Aamwatate naamwameme yamwe oya li aafuthi, oonkolwi naahondeli. She says, "The treatments made me very ill, and I was left with no self - esteem. " Some of our brothers and sisters were thieves, and some of them were thieves. Omolwashike mbela? Omolwaashono owe etha Kalunga e ku wilike monkalamwenyo yoye ayihe, oshinima shono kaaku na we. What did he do? Why, because you have allowed God to guide you in all your life, that is, you are all the most powerful. MEpisalomi eti - 45 omu na oshindji kaashi shi owala ehokololo ndyoka li na ehulilo tali nyanyudha. Why are we unable to please Jehovah in everything we do? In Psalm 45 of the 45th Psalm, there is more than simply a story that has the end. Mbela oto kongo ngaa oohandimwe mboka noku ya kwathela? To turn people away from what the Bible teaches and to weaken faith and trust in Jehovah. Are you looking for individuals and helping them? Oopelesenda 75 dhaalongwa odha li dha mono kutya oombudhi odhini po naanaa lela. Notice how Moses reacted when certain ones in the camp of Israel began behaving as prophets. Each percent of those percent saw that the disciples would be better off than they were. Oolye unene kunena ye li iihakanwa yaSatana, nongiini elongo lyomuuyuni tali vulu oku shi ya ningila oshidhigu? Although Christians today are not required to observe the Mosaic Law, they must still present sacrifices that are acceptable to Jehovah. Who today are facing Satan's attacks, and how can the teaching of the world make it difficult for them to do so? Ompata ndjoka ya li ya tukululwa pethimbo lyaJob But I say to you that everyone that keeps on looking at a woman... " The issues discussed in Job's day Uukwanegumbo otawu vulu okukala nombili, nonando owa topoka palongelokalunga 2000 B.C.E. Family members can be kind, even in religiously divided households 9: 2 - 8; 2 Pet. 1: 16 - 18) Uukuume wopothingo mboka Jesus a li a panga naalongwa ye owa li we ya ladhipike konima sho ya ka kala niinakugwanithwa iinene. He also realized that Jehovah is a loving God who would have a yearning to resurrect him. The close association that Jesus made when he and his disciples encouraged them after they had been greater responsibilities. Okuza mondholongo onda shuna kondoolopa yedhina Dunkerque I now experience much joy. From prison, I returned to the town of Paris Aamwatate naamwameme aagundjuka oyendji otaya kutha ombinga nuulaadhi miilonga yethimbo lyu udha. What did Jesus say about the "great tribulation, " and how will it start? Many young brothers and sisters are sharing in the full - time ministry. Okunyenyeta kwawo okwa gumu nayi yalwe. " They may also be assigned to visit branch offices as headquarters representatives. Their fields hurt others. " Omumwameme gumwe, ngoka a kala ta kokola ondjila uule womimvo dhi vulithe po 70, ota dhimbulukwa oonkundathana ndhoka ya li ye na nomumwatate Charles T. Sylgren), 7 / 1 One sister who has been pioneering for 70 years remembers that conversation with Charles Charles T. Natango, konima Kalunga okwa li a popi mOmbiimbeli kutya aantu otaya vulu okuya mevululuko lye, sha hala okutya, okukala ye na ombinga mevululuko lye. Each of us does well to ask himself: " Am I content to let others carry the bulk of the workload? Again, God mentioned in the Bible that humans can enter into God's rest - in - law - they must enter into God's rest. " Mboka ya dhengwa pevi '. How was that possible? " Those who are devastated. ' Kehe ngoka i iyapulila Jehova ota vulu okwiipula ta ti: Oshike nda tula pondondo yotango monkalamwenyo? 12 Draw Close to God - A Fulfiller of Promises Each dedicated person can ask himself: What is involved in my life? Otapu ningwa oonkambadhala okuuvithila aantu mboka ihaaya adhika momagumbo uuna taku longwa egumbo negumbo She and her household were preserved when the Israelites took Jericho. Human efforts are made to preach to people who are not being taught from house to house 8: 6; 9: 15. Shortly before Jesus ' death, they send their mother to him to say: "Give the word that these my two sons may sit down, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your kingdom. " 8: 6; 9: 15. MBELA sho to tala Frederick naLeanne oya li ye na uupyakadhi wuni mondjokana yawo? Matthew and others heard Jesus speak at some length during a feast held in Matthew's home. - Matt. DO YOU consider Frederick and Frederick and Leanne have what challenges in their marriage? Meshina otwa kala mo uule woowili hamano notwa heluka mo. Otwe ende natango ookilometa omulongo, opo tu thike pokugongala. " 11: 33. Within six hours, we walked out for ten miles (100 km) to attend the meetings. " Shika ohashi imonikila unene tuu " momasiku ngaka gahugunina ' moka aantu oyendji kaaye na olukeno nohenda, aadhudhu noye tonde uuwanawa. (2 Tim. How might parents impress on their children the value of Bible principles? This is especially evident in these "critical times hard to deal with " in these" men, kindness, and goodness. " Oshike tatu vulu okuninga po kombinga yayo tu li oohandimwe? He first brought up the Trinity doctrine and said that it is not a Bible teaching. What can we do about it as individuals? Ihe Jesus okwa popi kutya omolwomahepeko, " aamwahe ' otashi vulika ya kale kaaye na iipalutha omathimbo gamwe. (Mat. Most of those who will be resurrected will be "the unrighteous, " those who had never learned the truth about Jehovah and Jesus. But Jesus said that persecution, "the brothers, " may not be anxious at times. Kashona nakashona onde ende tandi gwanitha po omalalakano gandje, nokonima yomumvo gumwe onda li nda gwana okuninginithwa. " Our first progressive Bible study was with Chris and Mary Kanaiya. I gradually finished my goals, and after a year, I was qualified to get baptized. " Otashi tu ladhipike tu kale hatu ningi omaiyambo monkalamwenyo notashi tu kwathele tu kale twi inekela thiluthilu muKalunga nosho wo mOohapu dhe. Verse 23 states: "They [the local Jews] now arranged for a day with him, and they came in greater numbers to him in his lodging place. It encourages us to make sacrifices in life and to trust in God and in his Word. Kakele kaambyoka yu ulikwa shimwe shi ili, iitothwamo yomanyolo moshileshomwa shika oya kuthwa mOmbiimbeli Ondjapuki yomo 2008 (OB - 2008), 1986 (OB - 1986) noyomo 1954 (OB - 1954). Our modesty includes making a humble evaluation of ourselves when compared with Jehovah's purity and holiness, for we are completely dependent on him for the best guidance. In addition to observing various parts of this publication, the text has been taken from the modern - language edition of the Holy Scriptures. (b) Oshitya " oombiladhimbuluko ' otashi tu longo shike? Did they receive precise wording or just ideas that they could express in their own words? (b) What does the word "heavens " teach us? Paulus okwa popi wo kutya otu na okukala nuupambepo uuwanawa, opo tu aluke komukithi gwokwaahagwanenena. So instead of sending things that we are not sure of, it would be better to think, "If I am in doubt, I should throw it out! " Paul also pointed out that we must remain spiritually spiritually alert so that we can heal the imperfections of imperfect humans. Konima sho Jesus a li a ninginithwa, Satana okwa li e mu makele e ethe po onkalamwenyo ndjoka ya dhenga mbanda, ihe ine shi pondola. (Mat. You would know what the doctor means, and you would strictly heed his warning. After Jesus was baptized, Satan tried to tempt him to leave the best way of life, but he did not succeed. Okukonakona Oohapu dhaKalunga nokuvulika kudho ohaku tu kwathele ngiini? Much of the suffering on earth, the injustice, the sickness, the poverty, and the wars are results of their influence. How does studying God's Word and obeying it help us? 19, 20. (a) Owu na okuninga shike, opo etegameno ndyoka Kalunga e ku pa li ka gwanithwe po? How many times have you said that to yourself or to others when you opened a new issue of this magazine? 19, 20. (a) What must you do to receive God's hope for you? 12 Oto vulu okukala nomwenyo sigo aluhe kombanda yevi He told Jehovah: "I am no better than my forefathers. " 12 You Can live forever on earth Onda li ndu uvite kutya Esiku lyepangulo otali ya, ihe molwaashoka inandi ilongekidha, itandi ka hupa. " They had recently lost their father in an accident, and the mother was left with five minor children. I felt that day of judgment would come upon me, but because I did not get ready to survive. " Tu li aantu ye na uupambepo wa kola, inatu hala ekwatathano lyetu naTate yetu gwomegulu li yonwe po kusha. How do the discoveries made by scientists make you feel about Jehovah? As a spiritual person, we do not want our relationship with our heavenly Father to be weakened. Alice osho ngaa nee e ke etha po okukonakona. That will help us to have the "fire " to sustain the" boiling " that will keep us "aglow with the spirit. " - Read Acts 4: 20; 18: 25. Alice stopped studying. Ihe tse otu uvanekela Jehova kutya oye tatu ka ambidhidha nuudhiginini. That is why God forgave Manasseh and restored him to the kingship in Jerusalem. But we have promised that Jehovah will support us faithfully. Paulus okwa li a kumagidha Timoteus a ti: "Yanda uuhalu womuugundjuka, lalakanena uuyuuki, eitaalo, ohole nombili. " - 2 Tim. Jehoshaphat should have borne in mind that Jehovah's eyes look for those whose heart is complete toward him. Paul exhorted Timothy: "Remember... the desires of the desires, love, mildness, and peace. " - 2 Tim. Omolwaashono ohatu longo nuudhiginini tu " ihule omuntu omukulu, ' e tatu "zala omuntu omupe, " kekwatho lyOohapu dhaKalunga nombepo ye ondjapuki. - Kol. For the rest of his life, Jonathan was loyal to David. Because we work hard to "put off the old personality, " we are" new personality " by means of God's Word and holy spirit. - Col. Iihole otayi vulu ngiini okuyona po uukumwe? All who desire God's favor must resist such a tendency. How can greed damage unity? 15: 26) Opu na oongundu mbali ndhoka dha tumbulwa tadhi ka mona uuwanawa moshinima shoka. How can we imitate Jesus in helping our Bible students to build their trust in Jehovah? Two groups mentioned in that area benefit themselves. Ngele otwa kala hatu landula omusholondondo ngoka, otatu ka kala twa pumbwa omisholondondo omipe ethimbo kehe. They want to know about God - what his name is, what his purpose is for the earth and humankind, how they can draw close to him. If we follow that list, we will need new notes each time. Uuna wu li muudhigu wontumba, dhimbulukwa ontsa. Much of the danger centers on two aspects - what type you choose and how much time you spend on it. When you are in a difficult situation, remember your car. Dhoshili, opu na omathimbo gamwe ngoka aakuluntugongalo ya pumbwa okukala ya kola, ngaashi uuna taya gamene oshigunda " komambungu haga lyana. ' (Iil. This is in harmony with the fact that he is the very personification of love. He is also a God of peace, who makes his loyal ones "dwell in security. " Of course, there are times when elders need to be strong, such as when they defend "the flock of judgment. " (Job 32: 1, 2) Etaloko lyaJob olya li li na okupukululwa. The Christian apostle Paul acknowledged that fact when he wrote: "When I was a child, I used to speak as a child, to think as a child. " Job's viewpoint was kind and correction. Inamu popila ohepele nenge mu game komuyamba; utheni eutho lyu uka. " Did you notice that in each case it was an accurate understanding of the Bible that convinced these individuals that Jehovah really does hear prayers? Do not let the poor or the other person take the lead among you. " Oya li haye ka pula taya ti: "Oshini po to hogolola po? " Her son, who is now 20 years old, is a baptized brother. They would ask, "What is your choice? " Okwa ti: "Epango olya li lye etele ndje uuwehame uunene, nonda li ndi wete kaandi na oshilonga. " We Do Not Always Have All the Facts " Her health brought me great pain, " she says, "and I felt worthless. " 4: 10, 19) Okwa li a ningi po shike? The marital union is strengthened when husbands and wives "continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely. " What did he do? Omolwashike itaatu vulu okunyanyudha Jehova mukehe shimwe tatu ningi? Since Jesus resurrects people to heavenly life so that they can rule over the earth, we would expect those chosen to be few. Why can we not please Jehovah every thing we do? Onelalakano lyokuningitha aantu ya gamuke ko kwaashoka Ombiimbeli tayi longo nodhi nkundipaleke eitaalo lyaantu muJehova nokaaya kale ye mu inekela. The main Canaanite god was Baal, a false god who the Canaanites believed brought life into existence. The purpose of turning people away from what the Bible teaches and weaken faith in Jehovah and put faith in him. Tala nkene Moses a li i inyenge sho yamwe mokamba yAaisraeli ya li ya tameke okwiihumbata ya fa aapolofeti. We should not think that just because a new publisher goes out in the ministry, he is actually learning how to teach. Consider how Moses reacted when some Israelites in the camp began to conduct themselves as prophets. Aakriste kunena kaye li kohi yOmpango yaMoses. Ihe nonando ongaaka, oye na okugandja omayambo ngoka Jehova a hokwa. The next day, the police chief took me to another room and wanted me to sign a paper that said: "I, Trophim R. Christians today are not under the Mosaic Law, but they should offer sacrifices to Jehovah. Ihe ngame otandi mú lombwele: Okehe tuu ngoka ta tala omukiintu... Of course, having brotherly love involves more than merely having warm feelings toward others. But I say to you: Everyone who keeps looking at a woman... 2000 K.E.N. Many have found that this approach contributes to peace. - Romans 12: 18. 2000 B.C.E. Okwa li wo e shi kutya Jehova oKalunga omunahole ngoka a li ta ka kala e na ondjuulukwe yoku mu yumudha. How can we imitate Jehovah's loyalty? He also knew that Jehovah, a loving God, would be eager to resurrect him. Ngashingeyi onda nyanyukwa noonkondo. There is, however, a dark side to be considered. Now I am very happy. Jesus okwa popi shike kombinga " yuudhigu uunene, ' notawu ka tameka nashike? These new Christians became "a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for special possession. " What did Jesus say about "the great tribulation, " and what will it begin? Otashi vulika wo ya tumwe ya ka talele po iitayimbelewa, ongo aakalelipo yombelewa onene. 11: 7; Phil. They may also visit us by visiting branch offices, as well as the representatives of the world headquarters. 3 / 15 Like a vessel fit for destruction, the northern ten - tribe kingdom was conquered by the Assyrians and the southern two - tribe kingdom was dealt with similarly by the Babylonians. 3 / 1 Onawa kehe gumwe i ipule ngeyi: " Mbela ohandi ethele po owala yalwe oyo ya longe oshindji miilonga yaJehova? If the Israelites had been obedient, what would have been the result? Each of us does well to ask himself: " Do I allow others to do more in Jehovah's service? Ongiini shika sha li tashi wapa? A Treasure Hidden for Centuries 9 How was this possible? IITOPOLWA YOKUKONAKONWA Surely, then, we should look for ways to help preserve the dignity of our aging parents and grandparents. STUDY ARTICLES Ka li a lombwele aatumwa yomukwaniilwa kutya oondaadhi odhi li peni. (Read Acts 20: 28.) He did not tell the king where the spies were. Ethimbo owala efupi manga Jesus inaa sa, oya li ya tumu yina kuye e ke mu lombwele ta ti: "Pitika aamwandje mbaka yaali, ya ka kuutumbe gumwe okolulyo lwoye nomukwawo okolumoho lwoye omOshilongo shoye. " And what meaning should the occasion and the items used have for me? ' Shortly before his death, Jesus sent his mother to him and told him: "Let these two children sit on the front of your Kingdom. " Jesus okwa li wo a popi naantu oyendji pethimbo lyoshituthi shoka sha li megumbo lyaMateus. - Mat. How may we strive to be humble despite the challenges we may encounter? Jesus also spoke with many people at Matthew's home. - Matt. 11: 33. COVER SUBJECT | LIFE AFTER DEATH - IS IT POSSIBLE? 11: 33. Ongiini aavali taya vulu okuthindila omakotampango gOmbiimbeli moyana? Today, our customs regarding marriage may be quite different, but we can still learn much from Rebekah. How can parents inculcate Bible principles? Tango okwa li a popi kombinga yelongo lyUukwatatu nokwa ti kutya kali shi elongo lyopaMbiimbeli. " I drew close to my Bible students and felt the deep joy of seeing them become faithful servants of Jehovah. First, he spoke about the Trinity and said that the Bible is not a doctrine. (Ehololo 21: 4) Oyendji yomwaamboka taya ka yumudhwa, oyo " aawinayi, ' mboka inaaya tseya oshili kombinga yaJehova naJesus. His faith moved him to witness boldly and to warn his contemporaries of God's coming judgment. Many resurrected ones will be "the unrighteous, " who do not know the truth about Jehovah and Jesus. Aakonakonimbiimbeli yetu yotango mboka ya li ya ningi ehumokomeho oya li Chris nomukadhi Mary Kanaiya. After obtaining that, I arrived in Paraguay in March 1959. Our first Bible students made progress in understanding of Mary and his wife, Mary. Ovelise 23 otayi ti: "Onkee ano [Aajuda moshitopolwa shoka] oyu uvathana esiku lyokutsakanena ishewe naPaulus, nomesiku ndyoka ongundu onene yaantu yi vule ndjiyaka yotango, oye ya kehala hoka kwa li Paulus. It may be very difficult for some of Jehovah's servants to earn enough money for their basic needs. That verse 23 says: "Let the Jews in that area call Paul and Barnabas again, and that day they were better than the first - century people in that city where Paul was. 11 - 17 Kotoba 2010 Later, Jehovah's holy spirit empowered other men whom he appointed to lead his people. October 11 - 17, 2010 Eifupipiko olya kwatela mo okuzimina kutya Jehova omuyogoki nomuyapuki nosho wo kutya omithikampango dhe otadhi tu pe ewiliko lya dhenga mbanda. The longer you stay, the greater the chance that you will compromise in some way. Humility involves recognizing Jehovah's unselfish and standards that give us the best guidance. Mbela aanyoli oya li ya lombwelwa oshitya noshitya nenge oya li owala ya pewa omadhiladhilo yo taye ga popi niitya yawo yene? Cameron: OK, let's see if we can make the connection. Could writers have been told to write the word or to speak in their own words? (Aaefeso 5: 15, 16) Onkene, pehala lyokutumina aantu omahokololo kaatu shi ngele ogoshili, natu kale nale twa tokola kutya: "Ngele ehokololo onde li limbililwa, nandi li dhime mo. " 2 Corinthians 8: 12 So instead of telling people that if we never knew them, we should be determined to ask ourselves, "If I was about a story, there was no need for me. " Elombwelo lye ohali kala lya yela nowu na okuvulika owala kulyo. Fatherly W. His command is clear and clear. Okumona iihuna okundji kombanda yevi, okwaahe na uuyuuki, uuwehame, oluhepo niita ohayi etithwa koompwidhuli. 2: 15. The suffering of many around the earth, injustice, poverty, poverty, and war often cause suffering. Kakele kaambyoka yu ulikwa shimwe shi ili, iitothwamo yOmanyolo moshileshomwa shika oya kuthwa mOmbiimbeli Ondjapuki yomo 2008 (OB - 2008), 1986 (OB - 1986) noyomo 1954 (OB - 1954). COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: BRAZIL In addition to observing various parts of this text, the New World Translation was taken from the Holy Scriptures. Iikando ingapi wi ilombwela ngaaka nenge we shi lombwela yalwe sho wa yanuna oshifo shika oshipe? It is the one mentioned in a prayer by faithful Hannah: "My heart does exult in Jehovah. " How often do you know whether you first introduce this new magazine? Okwa lombwele Jehova a ti: "Kandi shi omwaanawa ndi vule ootate. " 5: 28. He told Jehovah: "I don't know better than fathers. " Aanegumbo mbaka oya adhika opo ya silwa he moshiponga, nomukulukadhi okwa thigwa po naanona aashona yatano. Caring for Sick Relative, 5 / 15 This family had lost the death of a loved one, and the wife of five children was left. Uuyelele mboka wa monika kaanongononi otawu ku ningitha wu kale wu uvitile ngiini Jehova? Paul told fellow Christians to "deaden " their" body members " - that is, to eliminate any desires - "as respects sexual immorality. " How does the information found in Leviticus affect you? Shoka otashi ke tu kwathela tu kale twa hwama opo tu vule okukala tatu "fuluka " shoka tashi ke tu kaleka twa" hwama mombepo. " - Lesha Iilonga 4: 20; 18: 25. He even used some of it during the Lord's Evening Meal. That will help us to be burning so that we can be "aglow with the spirit. " - Read Acts 4: 20; Acts 20: 25. Shoka osho sha li shi inyengitha Kalunga a dhimine po Manasse e te mu shuna koshipundi shuukwaniilwa muJerusalem. The Devil would really like to see you give up and drop your hands in defeat. That moved God to forgive Manasseh and return to the throne of Jerusalem. Jehosafat okwa li e na okudhimbulukwa kutya Jehova oha tala mboka ye na omitima dhe mu inekela thiluthilu. Everyone laughed at me. Jehoshaphat had to remember that Jehovah views those who trusted in him completely. (1 Samuel 18: 1 - 3) Jonatan okwa kala omudhiginini kuDavid monkalamwenyo ye ayihe. Adolescents face a long journey, not by bus, but in life. Jonathan stayed loyal to David in all his life. Ayehe mboka ya hala okukala ya hokiwa kuKalunga oye na okutinda egamo lya tya ngaaka. We read a similar description of what Jesus will do at Revelation 19: 11 - 21. All who want to gain God's approval must reject such a course. Ongiini tatu vulu okuholela Jesus mokukwathela aakonakonimbiimbeli yetu ya kale ye na einekelo muJehova? For instance, you may be tempted to look for ways to pay back your unfaithful mate. How can we imitate Jesus in helping our Bible students build trust in Jehovah? Oya hala okutseya Kalunga, sha hala okutya, ya hala okutseya edhina lye, elalakano lye li na ko nasha nevi nosho wo naantu nonkene taya vulu okuhedha popepi naye. One way we can prepare now to remain neutral is to think of human governments the way Jehovah does. They want to know God, knowing his name, and the purpose of the earth and how they can draw close to him. Oludhi lwomainyanyudho ndoka to ka hogolola nosho wo ethimbo ndyoka to ka longitha mugo otashi vulika yi ku etele. The marathon day might end after eight o'clock in the evening! One type of entertainment you choose and the time you spend will likely bring you. 4: 8) Oku li wo Kalunga kombili, ngoka ha ningitha aapiya ye aadhiginini ya kale " yaa na mbudhi, ye li megameno. ' (Eps. Whom do Jehovah's Witnesses recognize as Leader, and why? He also served as a God of peace, who enables his faithful servants to "be secure in security. " Omukriste Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa koleke uushili mboka sho a nyola a ti: "Sho nda li okanona, onda popi, nda dhiladhila nonda yeleke pakanona. " For more information about the Bible's promise of a resurrection, see chapter 7 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? The apostle Paul confirmed the fact that when he wrote: "When I was a child, I used to talk to a child and give up a child. " Mbela owa ndhindhilika kutya moshinima kehe euvoko lyashili lyOmbiimbeli olyo lya li lya tompo oohandimwe mboka kutya Jehova ohu uvu shili omagalikano? I am so happy that I broke free from their influence, just as the servant girl did whom Paul freed from "a demon of divination. " - Acts 16: 16 - 18. Did you notice that every aspect of the Bible's real understanding convinced individuals that Jehovah hears prayers? Omwanamati oku na oomvula 20 ngashingeyi, nokwa ninginithwa. Prove to Be a Real Follower of Christ, 1 / 15 She was 20 years old and got baptized. Katu shi aluhe uushili wi ihwa po In 1933, U.S. home foreclosures peaked at 1,000 per day. We do not know all the facts Shimwe shomiinima ya simanenena opo ondjokana yi kalelele, okudhiminathana po. For what other reasons does our God place such importance on our regularly gathering together? One of the most important things is to be lasting, forgiving, and forgiving. Molwaashoka mboka Jesus ta ka yumudha ya ka kale nomwenyo megulu otaya ka pangela ombanda yevi, osha yela kutya omwaalu gwawo omushona gwowala. How might one who is battling negative feelings gain a more positive viewpoint? Since Jesus resurrects those who will live in heaven will rule as a small number of people on earth, it is clear that their small number will rule as a little boy. Baal oshikalunga shiifundja shoka sha li sha simanekwa unene kAakaanana, noya li yi itaala kutya osho she eta po omwenyo. Longing to be like the swallow that had a permanent home in Jehovah's house, he exclaimed: "How lovely your grand tabernacle is, O Jehovah of armies! Baal was the god of the most prominent gods, and they believed that it was his life. (Luk. 8: 1) Nonena aauvithi aape oye na okudheulwa, opo ya kale haye shi enditha nawa. Ngele omuuvithi oha yi muukalele, itashi ti kutya okwa pyokoka. What can help us choose the right words? Today, new publishers need training to become effective in the ministry. Esiku lya landula ko, omukuluntu gwopolisi okwa fala ndje kokakuma kalwe ki ili, oshoka okwa li a hala ndi shaine ombapila ndjoka ta yi ti: "Ngame, Trophim R. Holding to the Bible's high code of conduct has resulted in a clean Christian congregation that inspires confidence and trust. The next day, the chief officer took me to a different town because he wanted me to play with him, saying: "I am the man's room. Dhoshili, okukala nohole yaamwayinathana osha kwatela mo oshindji kaashi shi owala okukala tu ya uvitile nawa. Of what are we assured if we have a full share in today's spiritual harvest work? Indeed, having love for one another involves more than just feeling grateful for them. Oyendji oya mona kutya omukalo ngoka ohagu eta ombili. - Aaroma 12: 18. I never saw Father again. Many have found that such a way can bring peace. - Romans 12: 18. Ongiini tatu vulu okuholela uudhiginini waJehova? How do our meetings help us to stay spiritually active? How can we imitate Jehovah's loyalty? Ihe opu na natango oshinima sha nika oshiponga shoka tu na okukala twa kotokela kointaneta. The jailer, fearing that the prisoners had escaped, was on the verge of committing suicide when Paul called out to him. But there is still a danger that we must guard against on the Internet. Aakriste mbaka aape oya ningi " ezimo lya hogololwa, aayambi yOmukwaniilwa, oshigwana oshiyapuki, aantu yaKalunga mwene ya hogololwa. ' IT IS awe - inspiring to contemplate that we are part of a vast universal organization. These new Christians became "a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for special possession. " 11: 7; Fil. I quit overdrinking and taking drugs. 11: 7; Phil. Ngaashi oshiyuma shoka sha gwana okuhanagulwa po, uukwaniilwa womazimo omulongo gokuumbangalantu owa li wa sindika kAayassur nuukwaniilwa womazimo gaali gokuumbugantu owa li wa ningilwa sha faathana kAababilonia. ▪ Develop a greater longing for God's word. As used to wipe out the destruction of the northern kingdom, the northern kingdom of Israel was defeated and the two - tribe kingdom of Babylon the Great. Ando Aaisraeli oya vulikile, ando oshizemo osha kala ngiini? We invite you to take a careful look at them. How would the Israelites have been obedient? Dhoshili, otu na okuninga oonkambadhala opo tu ulike kutya otwa simaneka aavali yetu nookuku mboka taye ende taya koko. Anyone facing a situation similar to that of Kim would do well to ponder the case of the naive young man described in Proverbs chapter 7. Of course, we should make an effort to show respect for our parents and my younger sister and grandparents. (Lesha Iilonga 20: 28.) (See paragraphs 13, 14) (Read Acts 20: 28.) Jesus okwa li a unganeke pu ningwe omalongekidho gashike opo a dhane Opaasa yahugunina naayapostoli ye? After taking that courageous stand, the sisters were released. What arrangements did Jesus prepare for the last Passover? Ongiini tatu vulu okukondja tu kale aaifupipiki, nonando ohapu kala omashongo? At that time, all mankind will learn Jehovah God's ways and imitate his loving personality. How can we fight humility despite the challenges we face? IITOPOLWA YI IKOLELELA KOSHIPALANYOLO SHOKOMBANDA | AASI OTAYA KA YUMUKA NGAA? In what important ways did the meeting in Jerusalem in 49 C.E. differ from church councils held in later centuries? COVER SUBJECT DOES DEATH END IT ALL? Kunena, shoka hatu ningi shi na ko nasha nondjokana otashi vulika shi kale sha yooloka ko kwaashoka, ihe otatu vulu okwiilonga oshindji kuRebekka. When we are hospitable even to those who may never repay us, we please our heavenly Father. - Matthew 5: 44 - 46; 1 Peter 4: 9. Today, what we do about marriage may differ from what we can learn from Rebekah. Ota ti: "Onda kala ndi na ekwatathano naakonakonimbiimbeli yandje nonda kala nda nyanyukwa lela sho ndi ya wete taya ningi aalongeli yaJehova aadhiginini. Next, the Levites focused on God's dealings with Abram, who by his 99th year had not fathered a single child from his barren wife, Sarai. She says: "I have had a close relationship with my Bible students and am so happy that I could see them as faithful worshippers of Jehovah. Eitaalo lye olye mu inyengitha a gandje uunzapo nuulaadhi nokulondodha aantu kombinga yesiku ndyoka Kalunga ta ka hanagula po uuyuni. Compare the storage capacity of one gram of DNA with that of a compact disc (CD). Her faith moved him to bear witness about the day when God will destroy the world. Sho nde li mono, onda thiki moParagwai muMaalitsa 1959. 15: 30; Ezek. When I saw, I arrived in March 1959. Otashi vulika shi kale oshidhigu kaapiya yaJehova yamwe, okumona oshimaliwa sha gwana oompumbwe dhawo dhakehe esiku. What moves single Christians to draw closer to Jehovah? It may be difficult for some of Jehovah's servants to have enough money to provide for their daily needs. Konima yethimbo ombepo ondjapuki yaJehova oya li ya kwathele aalumentu yalwe, mboka a langeka po ya wilike oshigwana she. Let us resist this world's isolationist spirit and continue to share our joy with our brothers. Later, Jehovah's holy spirit enabled other men to lead his people. Ngele owa kala po ethimbo ele puyo, oshi na uupu wu ki igandje. This prophecy was fulfilled right on time - in 537 B.C.E. after the Medes and Persians freed the Jews from Babylon. If you live longer, you will need to be willing to give up. Cameron: OK, natu tale ngele otatu vulu oku shi kwatakanitha. The landscape is dotted with wooden houses stained brown - black and painted with blue trim. Cameron: OK, let us see whether we can communicate. 2 Aakorinto 8: 12 How do anointed Christians undergo "a new birth to a living hope, " and what is that hope? 2 Corinthians 8: 12 Omumwatate W. For one man in their midst, Charles T. W. 2: 15. The commercial world is doing its utmost to convince us that we cannot live without its many products and every new model that comes on the market. 2: 15. OSHILONGO MOKA A VALELWA: BRASILIA Paul encourages us to be spiritual people. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: MEXICO Omukiintu omudhiginini Hanna okwe shi popi megalikano lye a ti: " OMUWA oku udhitha omutima gwandje enyanyu. ' (1 Sam. Jesus ' leadership is refreshing and uplifting. The faithful woman said in prayer: "Jehovah filled my heart with joy. " 5: 28. After that visit, Diego began pioneering. 5: 28. Kain okwa li a kutha peni omukulukadhi gwe? What two hopes are to be found among Christians today, and why are the "other sheep " interested in the hope the anointed entertain? Where did Cain get his wife? Paulus okwa li a lombwele ooitaali ooyakwawo ya " dhipage uuhalu wawo mboka tawu longo muyo, ' ano ye ethe po omahalo kehe omawinayi, ngaashi okuya " moluhondelo. ' In heaven, he had seen Jehovah's loving way of exercising headship over all His creation and had made that way his own. Paul told his fellow believers to "put away the desires of their flesh, " that is, to" reject immoral desires, " such as sexual immorality. Okwa li nokuli e ga longitha pethimbo lyUulalelo wOmuwa. Over the years, Jehovah's organization has repeatedly encouraged Christians to consider prayerfully whether they could pioneer. He even used the Lord's Evening Meal. Ondiyapoli oya halelela oku ku mona wa teka omukumo nokuu yi kondjithe. After he accepted Jehovah's assignment, Gideon made sure that he thoroughly understood what was required, and he looked to Jehovah for guidance. The Devil is eager to see you get discouraged and fight against them. Ayehe oya li ya yolo ndje. Why Rejected, 12 / 1 Woman's Sins Forgiven, 8 / 15 Both of them liked me. Aagundjuka oya taalela ondjila onde monkalamwenyo, ihe hamombesa. So when translators omit God's name, they do not respect Jehovah. Young people face a way in life, but the bus was limited. 12: 1) Ehokololo lya faathana kombinga yaashoka Jesus ta ka ninga otali adhika wo mEhololo 19: 11 - 21. Consider why the idea may sound appealing, why such thinking is faulty, and how you can refute it. The similar account about what Jesus will do in Revelation 19: 11 - 21. Pashiholelwa, otashi vulika wu kale wa hala okushunithila uuwinayi kuume koye ngoka kee shi omudhiginini. 4 For example, you may want to avoid bad things that your friend does not. Omukalo gumwe tatu vulu okwiilongekidha ngashingeyi kaatu game ombinga, ogwo okutala ko omapangelo agehe ngaashi Jehova he ga tala ko. Similarly, a man who once served as an elder may be able to shoulder that responsibility again and find joy in strengthening fellow believers spiritually. One way we can prepare now to stay neutral is to view all human governments as Jehovah views them. Otu uhala twi ipyakidhila esiku alihe sigo ohetatu yokongulohi. (Read Malachi 2: 13 - 16.) We are busy until we go to the end of the day. Oonzapo dhaJehova odha tala ko lye oye e li Omuwiliki gwadho, nomolwashike? Slowly, things started to change. " Jehovah's Witnesses view his Leader as their Leader, and why? Ngele owa hala uuyelele wa gwedhwa po kombinga yomauvaneko gOmbiimbeli ge na ko nasha neyumuko, tala ontopolwa 7 yembo Omalongo gashili gOmbiimbeli ogeni naanaa? Do not expose your mate's weaknesses or harp on his idiosyncrasies - not even jokingly. For more information about the Bible's promise of resurrection, see chapter 7 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Onda nyanyukwa noonkondo sho nda manguluka ko kudho, ngaashi omupika omukadhona ngoka a li a mangululwa kuPaulus naBarnabas "kombepo ombwinayi, ndjoka ya kala hayi mu longitha okuhunganeka onakuyiwa. " - Iilonga 16: 16 - 18. (b) Why do some not recover after stumbling? I am so excited about them, such as a slave who was set free from Paul and Barnabas, who had been freed from "the bad things that have been used to tell him about the future. " - Acts 16: 16 - 18. Omulumentu ngoka a nwetha mo uuyuni auhe, 5 / 1 In the meantime, we keep busy serving him, knowing that he will give us the strength to endure 3 / 1 Mo 1933, moAmerika omagumbo 1 000 oga li ga patwa esiku kehe. " God... cannot lie. " - Titus 1: 2 In 1933, some 17,000 homes in the United States were on every day. Omolwomatompelo galwe geni Kalunga ta tsu omuthindo okukala hatu gongala pamwe pandjigilile? The Bible contains many warning examples. What are other reasons why God emphasizes our regular meeting attendance? Ongiini tashi vulika gumwe ngoka ta kondjo nomaiyuvo omawinayi ta vulu okukala e na etaloko ewanawa? Demetrius, who attended this school in the 1980 ' s, says: "This course improved my study habits and helped prepare me for a long Bethel career. How might someone struggle with negative feelings? Okwa li a hala okukala a fa evalelanganda ndyoka hali kala aluhe potempeli yaJehova. Okwa nyola a ti: "Otempeli yoye onde yi hokwa ngiini, Omuwa Omunankondoawike! It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. He wanted to live as if he had always been in the temple of Jehovah. Oshike tashi vulu oku tu kwathela tu popye oohapu tadhi opalele? So we dedicate ourselves to God because, in spite of our imperfection, we desire to belong to him and are resolved to be loyal to him, come what may. - Matt. What can help us to say the right words? " Kalunga na hambelelwe molwoondunge dhoye oombwanawa, " Jun. This flow of money tempts some officials to steal, while others accept bribes from individuals who want them to reduce their taxes or other payments due the government. " Be thankful to God for your good, out of wisdom. " Molwaashoka Oonzapo ohadhi wilikwa kOmbiimbeli meihumbato lyadho, egongalo ohali kalekwa lya yela. Naashika ohashi dhi tsu omukumo kutya elongelokalunga lyadho olyo lya hokiwa kuKalunga. What have you detected in your conversations with others? Since Witnesses are guided by the Bible by their conduct, the congregation often encourage the family to make sure that their worship is acceptable to God. Otu na uushili washike ngele otwa kala hatu kutha ombinga pakuudha miilonga yeteyo lyopambepo kunena? Imagine a world without warfare, sickness, or death! (See paragraph 15) How can we be sure if we have a full share in the spiritual harvest work today? Okuza mpono tate inandi mu mona we. How can we show faith with regard to organizational adjustments? From then on, my father did not see him again. Ongiini okugongala kehe haku tu kwathele tu kale twa tonata pambepo? The apostle Paul drew attention to the value of this provision, saying: "Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus. " How do meetings help us to stay awake spiritually? Omulangeli gwondholongo okwa dhiladhila kutya oonkwatwa odha fadhuka po. But in time, she too started to make Bible teachings her own. The jailer thought that the prisoners fled. OSHI li oshikumithi okudhiladhila kutya otu li oshitopolwa shehangano enene. * IT IS amazing to imagine that we are part of a worldwide organization. Onde etha po okunwa sha pitilila nokulongitha iingangamithi. Today, Lowell, Richard, and Ramon are once again serving together at the branch office, now in Selters, Germany. I stopped drinking and abusing drugs. ▪ Kokeka ehalo lyokukala wa sa enota lyoohapu dhaKalunga. How do we even know it really happened? ▪ Cultivate a longing for God's word. Hainima ayihe ya popiwa momamoniko ngaka tu na oku yi tala ko ngaashi yi li lelalela. Josiah "went out against " King Necho of Egypt, although that king told Josiah that he had no dispute with him. Not all material things are described in these visions. Kehe gumwe e li monkalo ya fa yaKim, onawa a dhiladhile kombinga yomulumentu omugundjuka egoya, ngoka a popiwa mOmayeletumbulo ontopolwa 7. What he discovered surprised him. Each of us is like a young man named Proverbs chapter 7. (Tala okatendo 13, 14) Jesus also made known the most important matters about which we should pray. (See paragraphs 13, 14) Aamwameme mboka oya li ya ethiwa konima sho ya kondjitha nuulaadhi emakelo ndyoka. He selected the best, the firstlings, and offered up what seemed to be the choicest pieces. These sisters were abandoned after they fought against that test. (Jesaja 11: 9) Pethimbo mpoka aantu ayehe otaye ki ilonga oondjila dhaJehova Kalunga notaya ka holela omaukwatya ge omawanawa. We certainly cannot cover every kind of hardship here, but let us take a closer look at the four examples that we have already mentioned. At that time, all people will learn Jehovah's ways and imitate his beautiful qualities. Okugongala hoka kwa li muJerusalem momumvo 49, okwa yooloka ko ngiini komitumba ndhoka hadhi ningwa koongeleka? For instance, in November 2013, Super Typhoon Haiyan ripped through the central part of the Philippines, destroying the homes of over 1,000 Witness families. How was the meeting held in Jerusalem in 49 C.E. different from the churches of Christendom? Ngele ohatu yakula aantu nokuli naamboka itaaye tu ningile sha faathana, otatu nyanyudha Tate yetu gwomegulu. - Mateus 5: 44 - 46; 1 Petrus 4: 9. What did he mean by that? When we show hospitality even those who do not do the same, we make our heavenly Father happy. - Matthew 5: 44 - 46; 1 Peter 4: 9. Shoka sha landula ko, Aalevi oya li yu ukitha eitulomo kunkene Kalunga a li u ungaunga naAbram, ngoka sho e na oomvula 99 a li natango kee na okanona nomukulukadhi gwe ontimbe, Sarai. 1: 2; 119: 97. The following year, the Levites focused on how God dealt with a woman who was still a child, who was still 11 years old and his wife, Sarah, and her wife. Natu yelekanithe uuyelele mboka hawu pungulwa mograma yimwe yo - DNA naamboka hawu pungulwa moka - CD. Because the Witnesses wish to share the good news about God's Kingdom with all people - no matter where they live. Let us compare a recent material that can be used in one of DNA and those with modern - day DNA. 15: 30; Hes. Although we now live far away from our children, we are glad that we are able to have frequent conversations with them. " 15: 30; Ezek. Oshike hashi ningitha Aakriste inaaya ya mondjokana ya hedhe popepi lela naJehova? Of course, there have been times when we needed to go to court to defend our right to preach the good news. What makes single Christians draw closer to Jehovah? Natu kondjitheni ombepo yokwiitongola ko kaamwatate e tatu kala aluhe hatu nyanyukilwa pamwe nayo. To express his thanks for all that Alexandra had done for him, the man invited her and those who had traveled to the convention with her to his restaurant. Let us fight the spirit of our brothers and sisters and always enjoy association with them. 25: 11, 12; 29: 10) Ehunganeko ndika olya li lya gwanithwa pethimbo lela, mo 537 K.E.N., sho epangelo lyAamedia naPersia lya mangulula Aajuda muupika waBabilonia. These Christians do not want to die. This prophecy was fulfilled in 537 B.C.E. when Babylon the Great released Babylon the Great. Momudhingoloko omwa li mu udha omagumbo ga tungwa niiti ge na olwaala lyeimbi neluudhe noga paindwa nolwaala olumbulawu koongenge. Train Others to Make Decisions That Honor God In the area, there were houses and houses built in size and colors. Ohashi ende ngiini opo Aakriste aagwayekwa " ya valululwe evalululo ndyoka hali ya pe etegameno lya kola, ' netegameno ndyoka olini? But the headship arrangement remained in effect. How is it possible for anointed Christians to "be transformed into a new birth that gives hope, " which hope? Mokati kaafaalelwa omwa li omumwatate Charles T. But they had fallen far in life, and they knew it. Among the passengers, Charles T. (1 Tim. 6: 8) Aanangeshefa muuyuni oya hala tu itaale kutya onkalamwenyo itayi ke enda nawa ngele katu na iinima oyindji iipe mbyoka opo tayi ndulukwa notayi kondo. Was Peter's pride so wounded that he quit the race for life? People in the world want us to believe that life will not be better if we do not have many new things and try to pioneer. Paulus ote tu ladhipike tu kale tu na uupambepo uuwanawa. " It is well not to eat flesh or to drink wine or do anything over which your brother stumbles. " Paul urges us to cultivate spirituality. (Mat. 11: 28, 29) Ewiliko lyaKristus otali talaleke. 13: 7. Christ's leadership is refreshing. Konima owala yetalelopo ndyoka, Diego okwa tameke okukokola ondjila. To prepare for the Memorial, why not choose some study projects that will help you to draw closer to Jehovah and Jesus? After visiting that visit, Die began pioneering. Aakriste kunena oye na omategameno gopaali geni, nomolwashike "oonzi dhilwe " dhi na ko nasha netegameno ndyoka aagwayekwa ye na? As Armageddon approaches, economic, emotional, and other pressures are mounting. What two hope do Christians today have today, and why do the "other sheep " view the hope of the anointed? Sho a li megulu okwa li a mono omukalo gwaJehova gwopahole gwokulongitha uukwamutse kiishitwa ye ayihe naashoka okwa li e shi ningi okukalamwenyo kwe. See the jw.org article "Do You Ban Certain Movies, Books, or Songs? " When he was in heaven, he saw Jehovah's loving way of exerciseing headship over all his creatures and doing his way of life. Ehangano olya kala nokukuladhipika Aakriste iikando niikando ya pule Jehova megalikano e ya kwathele ya vule okukokola ondjila. Robert Wallen The organization has repeatedly encouraged Christians to pray for Jehovah's help in prayer to pioneer. 6: 15) Konima sho Gideon a taamba ko oshinakugwanithwa shaJehova, okwa li a shilipaleke kutya oshike e na okuninga nokwa li a landula ewiliko lyaJehova. (Aatok. After I was expelled from reform school at age 15, I had nowhere to live. After Gideon accepted Jehovah's responsibility, Gideon made sure that he needed to do what he needed and followed Jehovah's direction. Nkene Jesus a simanekitha uuyuuki waKalunga, 8 / 1 Let us consider some situations involving family opposition and see how we can successfully face the challenges that these bring. 8 / 1 *) Ano sho aatoloki ya kutha mo edhina lyaKalunga, kungawo inaye mu simaneka. Rulers in Canaan considered him to be "a great chieftain " and treated him with respect. * So when translators took God's name, they do not respect him. Tala kutya omolwashike aantu ye hole oku shi popya, omolwashike sha puka nosho wo kutya ongiini to vulu oku shi tinda. Clearly, the dead cannot suffer. So the teaching that God torments people after death is false. Consider why people love it, why it is wrong and how you can reject it. 4 As an example, if we enter some feature of the full - time service, what will happen to us if we get sick? 4 (Gal. 2: 9) Sha faathana, nokunena ngele omumwatate okwa kuthwa oshinakugwanithwa shuukuluntugongalo oha vulu oku shi galulilwa. Ota ka kala a nyanyukwa sho ta kwathele aamwahe ya kale ya kola pambepo. Such open communication with our best Friend will surely bring us comfort and consolation, for Paul adds: "The peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus. " Likewise today, if a brother is taken away from an elder who is reinstated, he will be happy to help his brothers spiritually. (Lesha Maleaki 2: 13 - 16.) It says: "If communication is the lifeblood of a marriage, then love and respect are the heart and lungs of the relationship. " (Read Malachi 2: 13 - 16.) Mokweendela ko kwethimbo, onkalo oye ende tayi lunduluka. " In reality, though, I was not truly happy. In time, the situation changed. " Ino kala ho popi uunkundi wakuume koye kopandjokana nenge ho simonona uukwatya we kehe ethimbo, nando oto ningi omashendjo. Instead, my relationship with him became weak very quickly. Do not talk with your mate or your spouse for all time, for you have been angry with each other. (b) Omolwashike yamwe ihaaya yambuka po ngele ya punduka? We follow the Bible principle that those who have more can help those who do not have enough. (b) Why do some fail to get sick? Manga twa tegelela, otu na okukala tatu mu longele, tu shi kutya ote ke tu pa oonkondo tu vule okwiidhidhimika But this is because they "preside in a fine way " and" work hard in speaking and teaching, " not because they are anointed. While we wait, we need to serve him, knowing that he will give us the strength to endure " " Kalunga iha fundju. ' - Titus 1: 2 Elijah came to her aid. " God cannot lie. " - Titus 1: 2 MOmbiimbeli omu na iiholelwa oyindji mbyoka yi li elondodho kutse. Give a Scriptural example indicating how we should view refinements in our understanding of Bible topics. The Bible contains many examples that are warning to us. Omumwatate Demetrius, ngoka a li mosikola ndjika mo 1980 nasha, okwa ti: "Osikola ndjika oya kwathela ndje ndi hwepopaleke omukalondjigilile gwandje gwokukonakona noya kwathela ndje wo ndi vule okukala ethimbo ele miilonga yaBetel. Marie - Thérèse is one of the some 20 single sisters from abroad who serve as "need greaters " in West Africa. Demetrius, who was in this school in 1980, says: "This school has helped me improve my habit and has helped me to stay in Bethel service. Osha nyanyangidhwa, opo shi longithwe miilonga yokulonga aantu Ombiimbeli muuyuni awuhe, mbyoka hayi ambidhidhwa nomayambidhidho gopashimaliwa gehalo ewanawa. Make it a matter of prayer. You too may develop a "heart's desire " to help build facilities to the glory of Jehovah's name. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations. Iitothwamo yOmanyolo moshileshomwa shika oya kuthwa mOmbiimbeli Ondjapuki yomo 2008 (OB - 2008), 1986 (OB - 1986) noyomo 1954 (OB - 1954). If that has been true in your case, what can you do to free yourself from their influence? Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Onkee ano, nonando inaatu gwanenena, ohatu iyapulile Kalunga molwaashoka otwa hala tu kale aantu ye nokukala aadhiginini kuye kutya nduno otashi pula shike. - Mat. 18, 19. So even though we are imperfect, we dedicate ourselves to God because we want to be loyal to him and remain loyal to him no matter what happens. - Matt. Omukalo nguka gwokugandja oshimaliwa ohagu ningitha aakwanepangelo yamwe ya yake, omanga yalwe haya taamba oombumbo okuza kaakwashigwana opo ya shunithe pevi iifendela yawo nenge iifuta yilwe yepangelo. Where are the dead? This type of money enables some government officials to steal, while others accept public officials from their State or other governmental authorities to break their taxes. Oshike mbela wa ndhindhilika uuna to popi naantu? One woman who saw the poster with the invitation at the school entrance asked whom she should speak to regarding the event. What do you notice when you talk with people? Dhiladhila ando uuyuni waa na iita, omikithi neso (Tala okatendo 15) As a result, the seedlike Kingdom message took root and grew, as it were, into a wheat stalk that, in time, was ready to bear fruit. Imagine the world without war, disease, and death (See paragraph 15) Ohatu ulike ngiini uudhiginini wetu komalunduluko ngoka haga zi kehangano? Little wonder that with this advanced education, Moses became "powerful in his words and deeds. " How do we show our loyalty to organizational adjustments? Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa popi kombinga yesiloshimpwiyu ndika a ti: "Inamu kala mu na nando oshimpwiyu shasha, ihe oompumbwe dheni dhi tseyithileni Kalunga momagalikano geni agehe. Ihe indileni aluhe nomwenyo gu udha ehambelelo. Nombili yaKalunga, ndjoka yi vule uunongo auhe wopantu, otayi gamene oomwenyo dheni nomadhiladhilo geni muKristus Jesus. " (Fil. She survives the earthquake, but her parents do not. Regarding this provision, the apostle Paul wrote: "Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving let your petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that excels all thought will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus. " Ihe konima yethimbo, naye wo okwa li a taamba ko omalongo gOmbiimbeli. The Bible account focuses attention on the family head Noah, but Noah's wife and his sons and their wives were also worshippers of Jehovah. But later, he accepted Bible teachings. * Jehovah loves us: Jehovah feels affection for us because we are his children. * Sho tatu popi ngeyi omumwatate Lowell, Richard naRamon otaya longo ishewe pamwe moshitayimbelewa muSelters, shi li moNdowishi. (a) How can learners today imitate Elisha? When we mention Lowell, Richard, and Richard again serve together with the branch office in Germany, Germany. Otu shi shi ngiini kutya olya ningwa shili? Yet, when their first child was born, they named him Cain, or "Something Produced, " and Eve proclaimed:" I have produced a man with the aid of Jehovah. " How do we know that it really happened? Josia " okwa kambadhala okukeelela ' omukwaniilwa gwaEgipiti, Neko, nonando omukwaniilwa okwa li e mu lombwele kutya iita ta hingi kayi na sha naye. Insight on the Scriptures explains: "The principal application of the term is to all those who not only believe Christ's teachings but also follow them closely. " Josiah " tried to stop "the king of Egypt, " even though the king told him that he had no war with him. Shoka a konakona osha li she mu kumitha. By considering how Jehovah's spirit operated on them, we today will be encouraged to continue in our course of faithfulness, living as we do at this time when our faith is under attack. What she studied was surprised. 5: 19; 11: 41 - 44) Jesus okwa li wo a popi iinima ya simanenena mbyoka tu na okugalikana kombinga yayo. • Loving pleasures more than God Jesus also spoke of vital matters that we should pray for. Okwa hogolola mo ndjoka ombwanawelela e ta yamba po iintimbu mbyoka a li e wete iiwanawelela. Likewise, a Christian may be conscious of the sign of the last days but still become involved in activities not consistent with its implication. He chose to give up one of his belongings, and he was able to sacrifice one of his belongings. Itatu vulu okupopya omaupyakadhi agehe, ihe natu tale nawa kiiholewa ine mbyoka twa kundathana metetekelo. Some get up early in the morning to read, meditate, and pray. We cannot say all the problems we have, but let us look at one of the things we have discussed in the introduction. Pashiholelwa, muNovomba 2013, oshikungulu oshidhigu shedhina Haiyan osha li sha dhenge Filipine, nosha li sha yonagula po omagumbo gOonzapo ge vulithe 1 000. Even so, some brothers might decide not to wear a beard. For example, on November 1, 2013, a storm in Germany hit the Philippines, and they destroyed more than 1 homes of their homes. 12: 7 - 10) Okwa li a hala okutya shike? No matter how hard I fight, they are still there. What did he mean? Oye okwa popi newi enene a ti: " Tileni Kalunga, ne mu simaneke uunene we! Some families agree to limit television viewing or computer use. He said: "Look! 1: 2; 119: 97. " It may be safely said that no other work of antiquity has been so accurately transmitted " 1: 2; 119: 97. Omolwaashoka Oonzapo odhi hole okukundathana naantu ayehe kombinga yonkundana ombwanawa yUukwaniilwa waKalunga, kashi nduno mbudhi kutya oye li peni. OTHER BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED - What Is the Will of God for My Life? Because the Witnesses like to talk about the good news of God's Kingdom, no matter where they live. 6: 13 - 18) Jehova okwa li u ulukile Noa kutya oye Kalunga ngoka ha tsu aantu omukumo. Even if that was the case, it took loyalty to God as well as courage in order for Nathan to speak to the king as he did. Jehovah showed Noah that he is a God who gives encouragement. Nonando ngashingeyi otu li kokule naanona yetu, otwa pandula sho hatu popi nayo aluhe. " What was it like for Rahab to live in such a condemned city? Although we are now far away from our children, we are grateful that we always speak to them regularly. " Ihe omathimbo gamwe ohatu yi koompangu tu ka popile uuthemba wetu mboka tu na wokuuvitha onkundana ombwanawa. Avoid inflammatory speech. But sometimes we forced to defend our right right to preach the good news. Opo u ulike olupandu lwe omolwaashihe shoka Alexandra e mu ningila, omulumentu ngoka okwe mu hiya korestolanda ye. Okwa hiya Alexandra a ye ko pamwe naamboka e ya nayo koshigongi mosheenditho shimwe. On the other hand, if you are yet to be baptized in the name of the holy spirit, Jesus ' assurance that the Father gives holy spirit means that you have real blessings ahead as you receive that spirit. To show appreciation for all that he had done for him, the man invited him to attend a convention with him. (2 Aakorinto 5: 4) Osha yela kutya aagwayekwa ihaya kala ya hala okusa. Although away from his family and his people, Joseph refused to commit adultery with Potiphar's wife. Clearly, the anointed do not want to die. Dheula yalwe ya kale haya ningi omatokolo taga simanekitha Kalunga Follow Jesus ' Example Train Others to Make Decisions About God Ihe elongekidho lyuukwamutse inali lunduluka. Read Ephesians 6: 17. However, the headship arrangement has not changed. Ihe oya li ya ninga epuko lya kwata miiti, nayo yene oya li ye shi shi. I take considerable comfort, though, in what was accomplished in the 45 years we were together. But they made a serious mistake, and they also knew it. 2: 11 - 14) Mbela Petrus okwa li a geye sho a pewa omayele e te etha po okumatuka methigathano lyomwenyo? Yet, I do not look back with sadness and regret, as if my life were a failure. Did Peter become angry when he was given counsel and allowed to run the race for life? Oshinima shoka oshiwanawa okuninga, okukala ihoo li onyama noihoo nu omaviinu nenge okuninga kehe shoka tashi pundukitha mukweni. " How can we show that our forgiveness is genuine? A good thing to do is not to eat the bread and drink each other's wine. " 13: 7. (b) According to 1 Corinthians 15: 28, what will Jesus do in time? 13: 7. Opo wi ilongekidhile Edhimbuluko, omolwashike itoo hogolola iinima mbyoka to vulu okukonakona, yi ku kwathele wu hedhe popepi naJehova nosho wo naJesus? Thus, while serving at Bethel, I met another wise one, whom I have now walked with for 58 years. To prepare for the Memorial, why not choose things that you can study, help you draw closer to Jehovah and Jesus? 3: 1 - 5) Sho Armagedon ta hedha popepi, iinima ngaashi omaupyakadhi gopamahupilo, gopamaiyuvo nosho wo omathiminiko galwe otagi indjipala. Were you encouraged by something you heard at a meeting? As Armageddon draws near to its end, such things, problems, problems, and other pressures are increasing. Tala ko - jw.org yOshiingilisa oshitopolwa "Do You Ban Certain Movies, Books, or Songs? " Why Handwashing an Issue?, Aug. See the December 1, 2010, issue of The Watchtower, published by Our Readers Ask - Our Readers Ask... Robert Wallen Toward the end of 1989, before the fall of Communism in Eastern Europe, the Governing Body invited my wife and me to transfer to world headquarters in New York. Robert Wallen Sho ndi na oomvula 15, onda tidhwa mosikola omolwokwaavulika nokanda li ndi na mpoka te kala. But Jesus promised to give them a family who would love them and look after them. When I was 15, I was expelled from school because I had no choice. 10: 37) Otu na wo okudhimbulukwa kutya Satana ota vulu oku tu ningitha tu kale tu hole aanegumbo lyetu, opo a teye po uudhiginini wetu. What an honor! We should also remember that Satan can cause us to love our family so that he can destroy our integrity. 14: 14) Aapangeli yomuKaanan oya li ye mu tala ko e li "omuwiliki omunankondo, " noya li ye mu simaneka noonkondo. (Gen. Psalm 116: 15 assures us that Jehovah will not allow his loyal servants as a group to be entirely removed from the earth. Those opposers viewed him as "a mighty and powerful ruler, " and they showed him great respect. Osha yela kutya oonakusa ihaya mono iihuna, nelongo ndyoka kutya Kalunga oha hepeke oonakusa momulilo gwoheli kali shi lyoshili. How did Deborah, Barak, and Jael show courage? Clearly, the dead do not suffer suffering, and the teaching of hellfire is not a fiery hell. Pashiholelwa, uuna tatu dhiladhila okuya miilonga yethimbo lyu udha, mbela ohatu ipula kutya oshike tashi ka ningwa po uuna tatu ehama? For instance, Jehovah told the Jews: "Seek the peace of the city to which I have exiled you. " For example, when we think about serving full - time service, do we wonder what will happen when we get sick? Okukundathana kwa tya ngaaka kwa manguluka naKuume ketu kopothingo otaku ke tu hekeleka, molwaashono Paulus okwa gwedha ko a ti: "Nombili yaKalunga, ndjoka yi vule uunongo auhe wopantu, otayi gamene oomwenyo dheni nomadhiladhilo geni muKristus Jesus. " (Fil. 24: 15. Such comments as well as a close Friend will comfort us because Paul adds: "The peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus. " Otaga ti: "Omusamane nomukulukadhi oye na okukala ye holathane noya simanekathana. Why does making a dedication to Jehovah lead to happiness? It says: "The husband and wife should love each other and respect each other. Ihe muushili wowene, kanda li ndi na enyanyu. Satan's rival sovereignty has been totally unable to protect mankind from ongoing calamities, and no human government has been capable of fulfilling the basic needs of all its citizens. But in reality, I was unhappy. Ihe pehala lyaashono, ekwatathano lyandje naye olya nkundipala nziya. Understandably, we want Jehovah to bring an end to this wicked system soon. Instead, my relationship with him was quickly restored. Ohatu landula ekotampango lyOmbiimbeli ndyoka tali ti kutya mboka ye na oshindji otaya vulu okukwathela mboka kaaye na oshindji. Because she suffered from a chronic heart condition, the doctors feared for her life and tried to convince her to have an abortion. We follow the Bible's principle that those who have much more help. Ohaya simanekwa, oshoka " oya monika aadhiginini miilonga yawo nohaa ihepeke mokuuvitha nomokulonga aantu, ' ihe hamolwaashoka ya gwayekwa. It is central to the universal question of divine sovereignty. They are respected because they " are found faithful in their work, not in preaching and teaching, but because they are anointed. ' 17: 8 - 16) Lwanima, okamwanamati oka kwatwa kuuvu e taka si. What does it mean to be one of God's name people? Later, a son got sick and died. Gandja oshiholelwa tashi ulike nkene tu na okukala twa tala ko omalunduluko ngoka haga ningwa meuvoko lyetu lyOmbiimbeli. The zodiac signs are said to give clues to a person's character. Illustrate how we should view adjustments in our understanding of the Bible. Marie - Thérèse oye gumwe gwomaamwameme 20 lwaampoka inaaya hokanwa mboka ya za kondje yiilongo taya longo muAfrika lyokUuninginino moka mu na ompumbwe onene. The apostle Paul wrote: "I tell everyone there among you not to think more of himself than it is necessary to think, but to think so as to have a sound mind. " - Rom. Says Marilyn, a 20 - year - old married couple from Africa to serve in West Africa where the need is greater. Ngele owe shi tula megalikano, otashi vulika nangoye wu kale " wa halelela ' oku ka kwathela okutunga omatungo ngoka taga simanekitha Jehova. Christians, of course, need to be careful to avoid any tendency to isolate themselves. If you put it in prayer, you may want to help with "the desire of the eyes " to build the building of praise that honors Jehovah. Ngele nangoye owu li monkalo ya tya ngaaka, oshike to vulu okuninga opo wu manguluke ko kenwethomo lyoombepo dha nyata? Christians give romantic attention to only their marriage mate or to someone they want to marry. If you are in such a situation, what can you do to break free from the influence of the spirit? 18, 19. How can parents set a good example for their children? 18, 19. Oonakusa oye li peni? As the end of this system of things draws closer, Satan will intensify his attacks upon Jehovah's servants. Where is the dead? Omukulukadhi gumwe ngoka a li a mono okafo kehiyo komweelo gwosikola okwa pula kutya olye ta popiwa naye kombinga yoshiningwanima shoka. The answer: Someone had to offer up, or sacrifice, a life of equal value to Adam's - a perfect human life. One woman who had received an invitation to attend the school asked who was talking about that event. Etumwalaka lyUukwaniilwa ohali mene omidhi e tali koko momuntu, sigo a tameke okwiimika iiyimati. God's inspired Word can serve as a reminder to us every time we read it. The Kingdom message takes root and grow until he begins to bear fruit. Omolwelongo ndyoka a mona, Moses okwa "ningi omuntu omunene mokupopya nomokulonga. " (Iil. For example, years ago a young man in Western Europe began attending Christian meetings. Because he had seen those signs, Moses "continued steadfast in speaking and teaching. " Oka li ka kuthwa ko kohi yomakuma, ihe aavali yako kaya li ya hupu. When called upon to judge, how vital it is that elders not let themselves be deceived by falsehood, clever tactics, or rumors! She would not be taken away from the bus, but her parents did not have to survive. Ehokolo lyOmbiimbeli otali ukitha eitulomo komutse gwuukwanegumbo, Noowa, ihe omukulukadhi gwe noyana nosho wo aakulukadhi yawo oya li wo aalongeli yaJehova. The Bible does not say that the angels "sang " at Jesus ' birth. The Bible's head focuses attention on the head of a family, Noah, his wife, and their wives as worshippers of Jehovah. Tate Jehova oku tu hole: Oku tu hole, oshoka otse oyana. Some things mentioned in the Bible may not be fully understood now because it is not yet Jehovah's due time for making them clear. Jehovah loves us because we are his children. (a) Mboka taya dheulwa otaya vulu ngiini okuholela Elisa? IN THE mid - 1930 ' s, my father and mother - James and Jessie Sinclair - moved to the Bronx, a borough of New York City. (a) How can those who are trained imitate Elisha? Ihe nonando ongawo, sho ya mono okanona kawo kotango oye ka luku Kain nenge "Oshinima sha likolwa, " Eva e ta ti:" Kekwatho lyOMUWA onda pulumutha okamati. " Aware of the principles found at Genesis 9: 6 and the prophecies of Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53, Jesus was able to give wise direction that no doubt saved lives and pleased Jehovah. Even so, when they saw their first child, Cain's first son Cain called Cain "a house of Jehovah, " and Eve said:" I was with the son of Jehovah my son. " Embo Insight on the Scriptures otali yelitha tali ti: "Uutumbulilo mbuka ohawu longithwa unene okupopya shi na ko nasha naayehe mboka haya landula omalongo gaJesus thiluthilu, ihe haku gi itaala owala. " But that is an assault on the sovereignty of Jehovah, making it seem that he is triune - in effect, only one third of a supposed godhead. Insight on the Scriptures explains: "This word is especially used to describe all who follow Jesus ' teachings, not just their beliefs. " (Heb. 11: 34) Iiholelwa yawo otayi ke tu kwathela tu zale onyati, molwaashoka natse kunena ohatu iyadha moonkalo tadhi makele eitaalo lyetu. Ombepo yaJehova ndjoka ya li ye ya kwathele otayi ke tu kwathela wo tu pondole. A sister serving in a foreign land echoes the feelings of many: "Even a note expressing appreciation shows that others are thinking of you and that they are happy about what you are doing. " Their examples will help us to take action because we too face tests of faith in Jehovah's spirit that will help us to succeed. • Okuhola iihulo komeho gaKalunga Though some did not maintain strict neutrality, they still held the fundamental conviction expressed by Bible Student Konrad Mörtter, "I recognized clearly from God's Word that a Christian should not kill. " - Ex. • Love pleasures of God Sha faathana, Omukriste naye ota vulu a kale e wete kutya otu li momasiku gahugunina, ihe iinima mbyoka i ipyakidhila nayo itayi ulike kutya oku shi ethimbo ndyoka tu li mulyo. You will face trials, but Jehovah will help you. Similarly, a Christian might feel that we are living in the last days, but he does not show that he is active in the time that we are living in the last days. Aantu yamwe ohaya meneka ongula onene ya leshe, ya tedhatedhe noya galikane. • How might fear affect us, and how can we overcome our fears? Some people get up early morning reading, meditate, and pray. Nonando ongaaka, aamwatate yamwe otashi vulika ya tokole ya kale kaaye dhi na. If you are a servant of Jehovah, do you have faith that Jehovah can and will preserve his people alive through the great tribulation? Even so, some brothers may decide not to be alone. Kashi na nduno mbudhi kutya ohandi kondjo shi thike peni, omo ge li owala natango. When the Assyrians marched against Jerusalem in the eighth century B.C.E., King Hezekiah told his subjects: "Be courageous and strong. Whatever my struggle, I still have to struggle with it. Momagumbo gamwe aanegumbo oya tokola okukala ye na ongamba mokutala o - TV nomokulongitha okompiuta. They may fail to take action that is in harmony with Scriptural counsel, or they may act in a way that indicates a lack of spiritual maturity. Some families decide to look at television and use computer. " Odhoshili kutya kapu na embo ekulukulu lya kala nokutaandelithwa noli li paushili ngaashi Ombiimbeli " 4 Was There Really a Garden of Eden? " Of course, no other ancient book has become so accurate and easy. " OMAPULO NGOKA HAGA PULWA OLUNDJI KOMBINGA YOONZAPO DHAJEHOVA - Omolwashike ihaamu dhana Opaasa? (See opening image.) OTHER BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED - What Is the Bible? Ihe nonando ongaaka, Natan okwa li e na okukala omulaadhi nomudhiginini kuKalunga, opo a vule oku ka popya nomukwaniilwa. But remembering all that we had studied together, I found the strength to talk to him. Yet, Nathan was courageous and loyal to God so that he could speak to the king. (Genesis 18: 25; 1 Ondjalulo 28: 9) Mbela Rahab okwa li u uvite ngiini sho e li moshilongo shoka shi li pokuhanagulwa po? Many take their blessings for granted. How did Rahab feel when he was in a land that was about to be destroyed? Yanda okupopya omalaka ga tsa. When she finished, I found it easier to speak to her in a loving way. Avoid speaking languages. Mepingathano naashoka, ngele ino ninginithwa natango medhina lyombepo ondjapuki, eshilipaleko lyaJesus kutya He oha gandja ombepo ondjapuki otali ti kutya oto ka lalekwa nuuyamba ngele to mono ombepo ndjoka. To give such personal encouragement, they visit their brothers and sisters in their homes if circumstances allow. On the other hand, if you are not yet baptized in the name of the holy spirit, Jesus assured that his Father gives holy spirit will bless you if you see that holy spirit. Nonando okwa li e li kokule noyaandjawo nosho wo noshigwana she, Josef okwa li a tindi okuya moluhondelo nomukulukadhi gwaPotifar. During the hours we were there, surrounded by our Christian brothers and sisters, we felt that we were able to place our burden on Jehovah, and we experienced a measure of inner calm. " Although he lived far away from his family and his people, Joseph refused to commit adultery. Landula oshiholelwa shaJesus What Noah could not do: Although Noah faithfully preached Jehovah's warning message, he could not force wicked people around him to accept that message, nor could he make the Flood come any sooner. Imitate Jesus ' example Lesha Aaefeso 6: 17. " And it's cool to be helping where there is a greater need. " Read Ephesians 6: 17. Ihe shoka hashi hekeleke ndje unene, osho okutala kwaashoka twa pondola moomvula 45 ndhoka twa kala pamwe. After a while, the children found part - time jobs, " she adds, "and they help us cover the expenses for food and transportation. " But what a source of comfort to me is, to see what we have been doing for 45 years. Ihe nonando ongaaka, ihandi kala nda yemata noihandi ipe uusama ngele tandi dhiladhila shi na ko nasha nonakuziwa yandje, nokandi uvite nda fa inaandi pondola monkalamwenyo. 16 A Meeting Marked by Unity and Thrilling Plans Even so, I don't feel disappointed when I think about the past and I feel that I have no success in life. Ongiini tatu vulu okuulika kutya okudhimina po kwetu okwoshili? He ended up in servitude in a prominent Egyptian home. How can we demonstrate our forgiveness? (b) Aakorinto yotango 15: 28 oya ti kutya pehulilo Jesus ota ka ninga shike? What they accomplish as ambassadors for God and Christ makes it possible for rightly disposed people to be drawn by Jehovah and become believers. - Read 2 Corinthians 5: 18 - 20; John 6: 44; Acts 13: 48. (b) What did 1 Corinthians 15: 28 mean that Jesus will do? Kungeyi, ndi itsu po ishewe okakadhona kamwe ke na owino sho te longo moBetel. Then, when the electricity came back on, she read an article in the Watchtower about a Gilead graduation. Then I found another young girl who was serving at Bethel. Mbela pokugongala opwa popilwe oshinima shoka she ku tsa omukumo? Explain. Has there been a need for you to encourage you? Lwokuuka pehulilo lyomumvo 1989, manga uukomunisi mUuzilo waEuropa inaawu hula po, Olutuwiliki olwa li lwa hiya ndje nomukulukadhi gwandje tu tembukile koombelewa oonene koNew York. Jehovah God assigned him weighty responsibilities. About the end of 1989, before early Eastern Europe, the Governing Body invited my wife and I to move to New York City. Jesus okwe ya uvanekela kutya ote ke ya pa oohe, ooyina naamwayina mboka ye ya hole nohaye ya sile oshimpwiyu. When King David recognized the seriousness of his adultery with Bath - sheba and the murder of her husband, he no doubt felt great shame. Jesus promised that he would give his father his father a father who loved them and cared for them. Esimano oli thike peni! Yet, she did not allow this to keep her away from occasions for worshipping Jehovah. What a glory that is! Episalomi 116: 15 otali tu shilipaleke kutya Jehova ke na siku a pitike aapiya ye ayehe aadhiginini ya kombwe ko kombanda yevi. Why are we drawn to Jehovah's way of ruling? Psalm 116: 15 assures us that Jehovah will never allow his faithful servants to live forever on earth. Debora, Barak naJael oya li yu ulike ngiini uulaadhi? During that time, I had to make an important decision. How did Deborah, Barak, and Barak show courage? Pashiholelwa, Jehova okwa li a lombwele Aajuda a ti: "Longeni uuwanawa wiilando mbyoka nde mu fala kuyo muupongekwa. " (Jer. 2: 23. For example, Jehovah told the Jews: "Look! 24: 15. Political, environmental, and social upheaval is occurring to an extent unprecedented in history. 24: 15. Omolwashike okwiiyapulila Jehova haku eta elago? In Bible times, before molding clay, a potter needed to clean it and remove stones and other material. Why does dedication to Jehovah bring happiness? Uunamapangelo womutondi Satana owa kala inaawu vula nando okugamena aantu kiihuna mbyoka tayi tsikile, nokapu na epangelo lyopantu ndyoka lya vula okugwanitha po oompumbwe dhakehe esiku dhaakwashigwana yalyo ayehe. (1 Joh. SONGS: 103, 101 When Satan's enemies have been unable to protect people from the earth, no human government has ever been able to care for the needs of all human society. Shoka shi shi okuuviwa ko osho kutya otwa hala Jehova a hanagule po masiku onkalelo ndjika ya kolokosha. Moreover, they give the interests of that Kingdom priority in life, proclaiming it worldwide, with the help of Jehovah's spirit. Understandably, we want Jehovah to destroy this wicked system of things. Molwaashoka okwa li e na uuvu womutima, oondohotola odha li dha tila kutya pamwe otashi vulika shi mu etele. This is an accurate translation and makes the text clearer. Since she was sick, the doctors feared that it could bring him harm. Oshi li sha simanenena opo ompata yi na ko nasha nuunamapangelo waKalunga yi kandulwe po. The sacrificial death of Jesus is God's personal gift to you too. It is vital that the issue of God's sovereignty be settled. Osha hala okutya ngiini okukala oshigwana hashi ithanwa nedhina lyaKalunga? A single sister might see that her unbelieving coworkers are always trying to introduce her to some potential mate. What does it mean to be a people called God's name? Otaku tiwa kutya omandhindhiliko goonyothi ohaga gandja uuyelele wontumba kombinga yuukwatya womuntu. Reason from the Scriptures in a way that is convincing. It is said that the ride of the stars provides several details about man's personality. (1 Kor. 4: 7) Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa nyola a ti: "Onda hala oku mu lombwela one amuhe: Inamu idhiladhilila pehala mpoka inaamu adha, ihe dhiladhileni pandjele. " - Rom. As the two men were traveling, Elijah said to Elisha: "Ask what I should do for you before I am taken from you. " The apostle Paul wrote: "I want you to say to each one of you: " Do not think carefully, but think about it. " - Rom. Dhoshili, Aakriste oya pumbwa okukala ya kotoka kaaya kwatwe kegamo lyokwiitongola ko kuyalwe. But in the meantime, there are many opportunities for us to support Jehovah's cause with courage and zeal. Of course, Christians need to be careful not to view a tendency toward jealousy. Omukriste ke na okukala e na ekwatathano lya pitilila nomuntu ngoka kee shi kuume ke kopandjokana nenge kee shi omuntu ngoka a hala okuya naye mondjokana. These indicated that they would earn big money, which they did in business. A Christian does not have to develop a romantic relationship with someone who does not know or who wants to marry. " Oohapu dhaKalunga ketu otadhi kala sigo aluhe, " Sept. 2 " Our God's Word is everlasting, " Sept. Aavali otaya vulu okutulila po ngiini oyana oshiholelwa oshiwanawa? During the preparation of this article, Brother Nsomba died at the age of 83. How can parents set a good example for their children? Sho ehulilo lyonkalelo ndjika tali ende tali hedha popepi, Satana ota ka hila ko komupaya mokuponokela aapiya yaJehova. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism in the United States likewise advises: "Cutting down on your drinking may be difficult at times. As the end of this system draws ever closer, Satan will attack Jehovah's servants by destroying Jehovah's attacks. Otatu ka konakona shoka tu na okuhenuka nosho wo shoka tu na okuninga tu kale twi ilongekidhila esiku enene lyaJehova. All of the 144,000 will share Jesus ' vast heavenly authority (See paragraph 19) We will examine what we must avoid and what we must do to prepare for Jehovah's great day. Eyamukulo: Omuntu gumwe okwa li e na okwiigandja, nenge okuyamba po omwenyo gwe ngoka gu thike pugwaAdam, ano tu tye, omwenyo gwopantu gwa gwanenena. The Bible book of Isaiah comments on the close relationship the Son had with his Father, saying: "The Sovereign Lord Jehovah himself has given me the tongue of the taught ones, that I may know how to answer the tired one with a word. Answer: One person had to sacrifice himself, sacrifice his life, or sacrifice, for Adam's perfect human life. (2 Pet. 1: 12) Ethimbo kehe tatu lesha Oohapu dhaKalunga dha nwethwa mo otatu vulu okwaadha mo omalombwelo, nenge tu tye otadhi vulu oku tu dhimbulukitha. Appropriately, David concludes his inspired composition with the words: "Salvation belongs to Jehovah. Each time we read God's inspired Word can reach out, or remind us of it. Pashiholelwa, omimvo dha ka pita omulumentu gumwe omugundjuka gwomuEuropa lyokUuninginino okwa li a tameke okuya kokugongala. [ Footnotes] For example, a young man in West Africa began attending meetings. Uuna aakuluntugongalo taya pangula osha simanenena ya kotokele oohapu dhiifundja, dhiineya nenge dhomutoto. The typical visit lasted only one or two busy days. When the elders judge them, it is vital that they defend the word, Satan, or the Devil. Ombiimbeli inayi tya kutya aayengeli oya li yi imbi sho Jesus a valwa. Their behavior moved me to examine the basis for my prejudice. The Bible does not say that angels sang when Jesus was born. Iinima yimwe mbyoka ya tumbulwa mOmbiimbeli otashi vulika yi kale inaayi uviwa ko nawa ngashingeyi molwaashoka ka li shi natango ethimbo lyaJehova lyoku yi yelitha. Others have been willing to study the Bible with us but are not willing to make a commitment. Some of the events mentioned in the Bible may not be clear because it is not yet easy to explain Jehovah's time. MOMUMVO 1930 nasha, aavali yandje James naJessie Sinclair, oya tembukile koBronx, okandoolopa ke li moshilando New York City. Later, the preaching work was extended to the Samaritans, with good success. IN THE 1930 ' s, my parents and Father, James, moved to a town in New York City. Molwaashoka okwa li e shi ekotampango ndyoka li li muGenesis 9: 6 nosho wo omahunganeko ngoka ge li mEpisalomi 22 nomuJesaja 53, okwa li a gandja omayele gopandunge ngoka nokuli ga li ga hupitha oomwenyo nokunyanyudha Jehova. The fruitage of God's spirit is not restricted by any law that can limit its growth. Since he knew the principle found at Genesis 9: 6 and Isaiah 22 of Psalm 53 and Isaiah 53: 53 - 53 and Isaiah 53 - 22. Ihe elongo ndika otali ningitha Jehova a kale a fa kee na oonkondo, molwaashoka oku li owala oshitopolwa oshititatu shaKalunga ngoka omukwatatu. Loraini and Jenny had worked together at Bethel in Fiji, and Loraini too was a translator. However, this teaching can make Jehovah appear to be as strong as he is the third part of God's Trinity. Omumwameme gumwe ngoka ta longele koshilongo shilwe okwa ti: "Omuntu nando owa nyolelwa owala ontumwafo yomapandulo, oho kala wa nyanyukwa sho yalwe taye ku dhiladhila noya pandula oshilonga shoka to longo. " Surely we can all benefit from examining our own actions and removing any vestiges of hypocrisy from our heart. A sister who serves in another country said: "One person has written a letter or thanking you for what you think and appreciate what you are doing. " (Jes. 9: 6) Nonando aakonakonimbiimbeli yamwe inaya kaleka po naanaa omuthika gwawo gwokwaakutha ombinga miita, oya kala ya kakatela eitaalo lyawo ndyoka lya popiwa komukonakonimbiimbeli, Konrad Mörtter, ngoka a ti: "Onda yelelelwa nawa okuza mOohapu dhaKalunga kutya Aakriste kaye na okudhipaga. " - Eks. After I had been at Gilead for about three months, Brother Nathan Knorr, who was then taking the lead in the worldwide work, presented me with an extraordinary invitation. Although some Bible Students did not have to be completely involved in the war of the war, they maintained their faith in the Bible Students ' teachings: "I have not been misled by God's Word. " - Ex. Kala wu na uushili kutya Jehova ote ke ku kwathela. Clearly, all to whom Paul wrote needed to recognize that they were sinners and had to put faith in God's means to meet that need. Be assured that Jehovah will help you. • Uumbanda ohawu vulu oku tu guma ngiini, nongiini tatu vulu oku wu sinda? But among all of God's gracious gifts to humankind, why is the ransom especially remarkable? • How can we affect us, and how can we overcome them? Ngele owu li omupiya gwaJehova, mbela owu na ngaa eitaalo kutya ota vulu okuhupitha oshigwana she muudhigu uunene? I then made the pioneer ministry my goal. I began pioneering on January 1, 1952, when I was 15. If you are a servant of Jehovah, do you have faith that he can deliver his people during the great tribulation? Oohapu dha hogololekeka ohadhi vulu okuladhipika gumwe ngoka e li moothina. But only humans pray. Words can encourage one another to find yourself under pressure. Otashi vulika dhi kale inaadhi katuka oonkatu ndhoka dhi li metsokumwe nomayele gopamanyolo, nenge dhi katuke momukalo ngoka tagu ulike kutya inadhi pyokoka pambepo. In eastern Nova Scotia, the day after the talk "The Kingdom, the Hope of the World " was broadcast, Colonel J. They may not take steps in line with Scriptural counsel, or act in a way that shows that they are spiritually mature. 4 Mbela oshikunino shaEden oko sha li shili? We spent most of that night discussing the Bible. 4 Is the garden of Eden real? (Tala kethano ndyoka li li petameko.) An intriguing question therefore arises: Were the Bible Students in the years that led up to 1914 the appointed channel through which Christ would feed his sheep? (See opening image.) Ihe sho nda dhimbulukwa ashihe shoka twa konakona pamwe, onda mono oonkondo dhokupopya naye. In the books of First and Second Thessalonians, we find timely warnings for us. But when I remembered all that we studied together, I felt strength to express myself. 3: 2) Aantu oyendji ihaya dhiladhila ko nokuli nokomayambeko ngoka ya mona. Jesus said: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind " and" you must love your neighbor as yourself. " Many people do not think of such blessings and blessings. Sho a mana okupopya, osha li oshipu kungame okupopya naye nombili. 90,894 When he finished speaking, it was easier for me to talk to him kindly. Opo aakuluntugongalo ya gandje etsomukumo ndyoka lyopaumwene, oye na okutalela po aamwatate naamwameme komagumbo gawo uuna oonkalo tadhi shi pitike. A Witness in Greece said: "I was baptized when I was 12 years old. To give encouragement, elders need to visit our brothers and sisters when circumstances allow them to do so. Pethimbo ndyoka twa li mpoka, tu li mokati kaamwatate naamwameme Aakriste, otwa li tu uvite kutya otu undulila omutengi gwetu kuJehova notwa mona ombili yokomutima. " (Eps. What happened to the first marriage? During that time, we were surrounded by Christian brothers and sisters, we felt that we were throwing our burden on Jehovah and inner peace. " Shoka Noa a li itaa vulu okuninga: Nonando Noa okwa li u uvitha nuulaadhi etumwalaka lyaJehova lyelondodho, ka li ta vulu okuthiminika aantu ya taambe ko etumwalaka ndyoka, noka li ta vulu okuningitha eyelu li ye mbalambala. 8 The Ransom - A "Perfect Present " From the Father What Noah could not do: Although Noah courageously proclaimed Jehovah's warning message, he could not try to force the people to accept that message. Ohashi nyanyudha ndje okukwathela mpoka pu na ompumbwe onene yaauvithi. " JEHOVAH GOD urges Christians to cherish peace, to make peace a key aspect of life. It gives me joy to help where there is a greater need for more workers. " Okwa gwedha ko a ti: "Konima yokathimbo, aanona yetu oya li ya mono iilonga, haya longo omasiku gamwe, noya li ye tu kwathele mokulanda iikulya nosho wo nokwaambidhidha noshimaliwa shomahooli. " While I was in high school, I had a friend who was a prizefighter, and he convinced me to try boxing. She adds: "After long thereafter, our children saw work, working for some days, and helping us to build food and support. " 16 Okugongala hoka kwa li kwa ningwa muukumwe notaku nyanyudha Petition him to open your mind and heart to grasp his wisdom more fully. 16 The meeting held in unity and joy Okwe ki iyadha e li muupika, megumbo lyelenga muEgipiti. Earnestly desiring a victory, Jephthah vowed: "If you give the Ammonites into my hand, then whoever comes out of the door of my house to meet me when I return in peace from the Ammonites will become Jehovah's. " He found himself free from slavery in Egypt. Shoka haya gwanitha po ye li aakalelipo yaKalunga naKristus ohashi shi ningi tashi wapa opo mboka ya hogololwa kuJehova e ya nane yo ya ninge ooitaali. - Lesha 2 Aakorinto 5: 18 - 20; Joh. 6: 44; Iil. 13: 48. What factors will the family head take into consideration? What they carry out God's representatives and Christ makes it possible for those appointed to become believers. - Read 2 Corinthians 5: 18; John 13: 44; John 13: 48. Okwa li u uvite nayi noonkondo sho e shi ningi. Sho a yi mokandunda ke moka mwa li mwa luudha, okwa galikana kuJehova e mu kwathele. 1, 2. (a) What does God's "indescribable free gift " include? When he did so in a cell, he prayed to Jehovah for help. Shi yelitha. In fact, she later took part in composing an inspired song, and it included this comment about her unfaithful people: "They chose new gods; then there was war in the gates. " Explain. Jehova Kalunga okwa li e mu pe oshilonga oshinene. Less well - known, though, is the fascinating link between the arch and the Bible - the Arch of Titus bears silent witness to the remarkable accuracy of Bible prophecy. Jehovah God gave him great work. Nopwaahe na omalimbililo, sho omukwaniilwa David a li a mono kutya okwa yono sha kwata miiti sho a hondele naBatseba nokudhipagitha omusamane gwe, okwa li u uvite ohoni onene. What practical steps can we take in order to provide for our families without living apart from them? No doubt, when King David saw that he had committed a serious sin with Bath - sheba and had committed adultery with Bath - sheba, he felt humiliated. Ihe nonando ongaaka, shoka inashi mu imba a ka galikane kotempeli. How did Jeremiah describe the heart of most Jews in his day? Yet, that would not prevent him from praying to the temple. Omolwashike omukalo gwaJehova gwokupangela gwe tu nanena kuye? What prevented me from reaching out to serve as a ministerial servant? Why should Jehovah's way of ruling draw us to him? Onda li ndi na okuninga etokolo lya simana, pethimbo nda li mosekondele. What do we learn from the way Jehovah cares for the birds of heaven? I had to make an important decision during the second century. 2: 23. He takes note of our emotions and actions. 2: 23. Sho Jesus a yamukula epulo ndyoka aalongwa ye ya li ye mu pula, okwe ya lombwele a ti: "Iigwana otayi ka thikama okukondjithathana, niilongo otayi ka matukilathana. Her persistent denials cut us so deeply that we wept. When Jesus answered that question, he told his disciples: "The nations will rise against nation and kingdom against nation and kingdom. Pethimbo lyOmbiimbeli, manga omuhongi gwiiyuma inaa ma eloya, okwa pumbwa oku li opaleka nokukutha mo omamanya niinima yilwe. Jesus reminded them that they had stuck with him during trying times. In Bible times, before a potter does not get to the clay, he needed to clean and build stones into other animals. OMAIMBILO: 103, 101 What is the purpose of God's administration? SONGS: 103, 101 Kakele kaashono, ohaye wu pititha komeho monkalamwenyo yawo moku wu uvitha muuyuni auhe kekwatho lyombepo yaJehova. (Sak. By inspired visions given to faithful ones of old, Jehovah helps us to picture the heavenly courtyards and to understand our relationship to those who reside there. Moreover, they put their life first by preaching in the worldwide world by means of Jehovah's holy spirit. Shika oshi li mondjila nosha yela nawa. (b) What wonderful work will the anointed do for mankind? This is right and well - chosen. Eso lyaJesus lyopayambo oli li omagano ngoka Kalunga e ku pa wo paumwene. Our work fulfills Jesus ' prophecy: "This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. " - Matthew 24: 14. Jesus ' sacrificial death is a gift that God has given you personally. 7: 39) Omumwameme inaa hokanwa otashi vulika a kongelwe ngoka te mu hokana kaaniilonga pamwe naye mboka kaaye shi ooitaali. So we need to be very careful that we do not choose to watch, read, or listen to anything that could cause us to have "worldly desires. " - Titus 2: 12. A single sister may find someone who is married to an unbeliever. Tompathana okuza mOmanyolo momukalo gu shi okwiitaalwa. 1: 2, 3. To protect myself from the Scriptures in a way that is almost short. Sho aalumentu mbaka ya li mondjila, Elia okwa lombwele Elisa a ti: "Lombwela ndje shoka wa hala ndi ku ningile, manga inaandi kuthwa po. " As the eldest son, Jesus undoubtedly took over the carpentry business and cared for the family until his baptism. When these men were right, Elijah told Elisha: "Stop telling me what you want to do before I was taken away. " (2 Ondjal. 20: 17) Manga twa tegelela ethimbo ndyoka, otu na oompito odhindji dhokwaambidhidha iilonga yaJehova tu na omukumo nuulaadhi. Jehovah and Jesus are perfect Shepherds. While we look forward to that time, we have many opportunities to support Jehovah's work and courage. Uukalata owa li we ya ulukile kutya oya li taya ka kala ye na oshimaliwa, noya li ye shi mono tuu shili okupitila mongeshefa yawo. 8, 9. The cards showed them that they would have money, and they had the high cost by means of their secular business. 2 Think of one fact there mentioned: "We were yet sinners. " 2 Omumwatate Nsomba okwa si mepipi lyomimvo 83, sho oshitopolwa shika tashi longekidhwa. Although there were not even ten righteous people in the area, Jehovah did preserve Lot and his daughters. - Gen. Brother Pierce died at age 83 when this article was prepared. (Omuuvithi 4: 9, 10; Jakob 5: 14, 16) Ehangano lyOpaigwana ndyoka hali ungaunga nOonkolwe nosho wo Oombwiyi mIilongo yaHangana olya gandja omayele tali ti: "Otashi vulika shi kale oshidhigu omathimbo gamwe wu ethe po thiluthilu okunwa. You might hesitate to ask yourself such questions, fearing that you will not have the answers. The Anglo - American World Power offers advice: "It may at times be difficult to remove any alcohol from the United States. Aantu 144 000 ayehe otaya ka pangela megulu pamwe naJesus (Tala okatendo 19) * Imagine how the tenderhearted Jesus, perhaps just in his teens or early 20 ' s, had to deal with his own grief, as well as that of his mother, brothers, and sisters. All 144,000 will rule with Jesus in heaven (See paragraph 19) Jesaja okwa popi kombinga yekwatathano lyopothingo ndyoka lya li pokati kOmwana naHe a ti: "OMUWA Omupangeliawike okwa longo ndje shoka ndi na okutya, opo ndi koleke mboka ya gundila po. What needs will we discuss? Regarding the close relationship between his Son and his Son, Isaiah said: "The Sovereign Lord Jehovah has taught me what I have to have. David okwa popi she eleka sho a hulitha oohapu dhe dha nwethwa mo a ti: "OMUWA, ngoka ha gandja esindano, na yambeke aantu ye! " A Christian desiring to marry, then, is wise to wait patiently for the one he or she can truly love. David referred to his inspired words: "Jehovah is blessing over all his people. " [ Omanyolo gopevi] Accountability to Jehovah is not founded on the act of getting baptized. [ Footnotes] Etalelopo lye okwa li he li ningi owala muule wesiku limwe nenge gaali moka ha kala i ipyakidhila noonkondo. No. Her visit did just one day or two. Eihumbato lyawo olya kwathele ndje ndi ikonakone kutya omolwashike kaandi hole Oonzapo. But when he started to study with Jehovah's Witnesses, his parents wanted him to stop. Their conduct helped me to examine why I did not like the Witnesses. (1 Aak. 18: 21) Opu na wo yalwe nokuli ihaaya gongala we natse. Did Joseph benefit from such training? There are even other people who did not meet us. Aalongwa yaJesus oya tameke okuuvithila Aasamaria. Thus, what may make one sick person feel better may not be helpful to another. Jesus ' disciples began to preach to the Samaritans. Okwa li a hala okutya kapu na ompango ndjoka tayi vulu okwiimba iiyimati yombepo yaKalunga yi koke. (Gal. If we pray for help from Jehovah but he does not answer us right away, let us be patient. He meant that there is no law that can hinder the fruitage of God's holy spirit. Loraini naJenny oya li haya longo pamwe mObetel moFiji. Loraini naye okwa li omutoloki. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. With Jenny and Jenny worked together in Bethel, Germany was serving as a translator. (Eh. 4: 11) Osha yela kutya atuheni otatu ka mona uuwanawa ngele ohatu konakona iikala yetu, nokukutha mo okauzigo kehe kuufudhime hoka ki iyakela momitima dhetu. 1: 17. Clearly, all of us benefit from studying our attitude, putting it into the hearts of each member of our heart. Konima yoomwedhi ndatu moGilead, tate Nathan Knorr, ngoka oye a li ta tonatele iilonga pethimbo mpoka, okwa pula ndje ndi ninge oshinima inaandi shi tegelela. Gaining the right perspective of your parents ' rules and requirements can make it easier for you to abide by them. Three months later, Nathan Knorr, who was taking the job at that time, asked me to do something. (Rom. 3: 23) Osha yela kutya ayehe mboka Paulus a li a nyolele ontumwafo oya li ye na okutseya kutya oye li aalunde nonokutya oye na okukala ye na eitaalo mwaangoka Kalunga a longitha okukandula po onkalo ndjoka. We can do this by inviting others to our home for a meal. Clearly, Paul's letter to the Corinthians needed to know that they were sinners and that they needed to resolve that situation. Kalunga okwa pa aantu omagano ogendji omawanawa, ihe omolwashike omagano gekulilo ogo unene ge na ongushu? 4, 5. (a) What is involved in being patient? God has given many wonderful gifts, but why is the gift of the ransom precious? Elalakano lyandje olya kala okukokola ondjila, nonda tameke me 1 Januali 1952, sho ndi na omimvo 15. Our privilege of bearing God's name comes with what responsibility? My goal was to pioneer, and I started January 1, 1952, when I was 15 years old. (Omuuvithi 3: 19) Ihe aantu oyo owala haya galikana. Victor, an elder and pioneer in Africa, says: "When I was young, an elder asked me a few questions about my goals. But only humans pray. Omukuluntu gumwe gwetangakwiita lyaKanada J. For example, the book Imitate Their Faith discusses the lives of 14 different Bible characters. A brother named J. Konyala uusiku awuhe, otwa tokelwa tatu kundathana kombinga yOmbiimbeli. As our loving Shepherd, he tenderly cares for all our physical and spiritual needs. At the end of the night, we talked about the Bible. Shika osha pendutha epulo ehokithi: Mbela Aakonakonimbiimbeli oyo ya li ya langekwa po ye li uupitilo mboka Kristus a li ta ka longitha okupalutha oonzi dhe okuza poomvula ndhoka dha ya sigo omo 1914? (Read Proverbs 27: 11.) This question raises the question: Was the Bible Students appointed as Christ to feed his sheep from 1914 to 1914? Membo lyoTango nEtiyali lyAatessalonika, otatu adha mo omalondodho ge li pethimbo. Jehovah will empower his Son to bring unbounded joy to those who have mourned the loss of loved ones. In the first book of Romans, we find warnings about time. Jesus okwa ti: "Hola Omuwa Kalunga koye komutima gwoye aguhe nokomwenyo gwoye aguhe nokomadhiladhilo goye agehe. " Okwa ti wo: "Hola mukweni ngaashi ngoye wi ihole mwene. " In what ways can we benefit from such a study? Jesus said: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. " 90 894 If you do these things, you can trust that Jehovah will help you to endure all your trials now and any that may come in the future. 8, 9. Onzapo yimwe muGreka oya ti: "Onda li nda ninginithwa sho nda li ndi na oomvula 12. For many, staying free from pornography is an ongoing battle. One Witness in Greece said: "I was baptized when I was 12 years old. Oshike sha li sha ningilwa ondjokana yotango? By means of God's spirit, what could Peter do during and after Pentecost 33 C.E.? What happened to the first marriage? 8 Ekulilo "omagano ga gwana ga pwa " ga za kuTate Granted, learning a new language takes time, effort, and humility. 8 "The gift of the Father " comes from the Father Okwa hala tu yi lalakanene notu yi tale ko yi li oshinima sha simana. The Pharisees, in contrast, were reluctant to extend mercy. He wants us to pursue it and to view it as important. Sho nda li kosekondele, onda li ndi na kuume ngoka e hole uudhano woongonyo, nokwa ladhipike ndje ndi kuthe ombinga muyo. 19: 35. As I was in high school, I had a friend who loved books, encouraged me, and encouraged me to participate in them. Mu pula a patulule omadhiladhilo goye nomutima gwoye wu uve ko uunongo we muule. We arrived in Lisbon, Portugal, in August of 1964. Ask him to open your mind with the ability to understand his wisdom more fully. (Aatok. 10: 7 - 9) Molwaashoka Jefta okwa li a halelela okusindana, oku uvanekele Kalunga a ti: "Ngele oto sinditha ndje Aayammoni, omuntu ngoka ta ka tsakaneka ndje tango ta zi maandjetu, otandi ke mu gandja kOmuwa omayambo, sho te galuka kiita nda sindana. " Consider the implications of such a view. Since Jephthah was eager to win his heart, God promised: "If you will bring me back to the Ammonites, you will return to Jehovah. " 11: 3) Iinima yini omutse gwuukwanegumbo gu na okudhiladhila komeho gethimbo? God's will did not harmonize with Nathan's judgment with respect to temple construction. What sort of head should a family think about time? 1, 2. (a) Omagano gaKalunga "gaa shi kutumbulwa " oga kwatela mo shike? Modern commercial advertisers well know the age - old power of eye appeal. 1, 2. (a) What does God's "indescribable free gift " include? Okwa wilikwa wo kuKalunga a tote eimbilo, tali popi kombinga yaamboka kaaye shi aadhiginini. Eimbilo otali ti: " Mevi omwa kala nduno iita, sho Israeli a hogolola iikalunga. ' To benefit personally when the drama involving sovereignty ends, what must we do? He was also guided by God to song, referring to those who were not unfaithful. Oya pambathana momukalo omukumithi naashoka sha popiwa mOmbiimbeli, nonando oyendji inaye shi tseya. Ondhimbuluthofano ndjoka otayi koleke kutya omahunganeko gOmbiimbeli oge li paushili. Rahab's house still stood, a solitary monument to one woman's faith. They are related in a marvelous way that is recorded in the Bible, although many do not know the fact that Bible prophecy is true. Oshike tashi vulu oku tu kwathela tu sile yaandjetu oshimpwiyu tu li pamwe nayo? Many sisters have responded like Essly. What can help us to care for our family? Pakupopya kwaJeremia, Aajuda oyendji pethimbo lye oya li ye na oomwenyo dha tya ngiini? (Read Psalm 86: 12.) According to Jeremiah, what was the lives of most Jews in his day? Oshike shi imbi ndje kaandi lalakanene okuninga omuyakuligongalo? They help us to come to know Jehovah - his loving personality and his purposes. What prevented me from becoming a ministerial servant? Oshike tatu ilongo momukalo moka Jehova ha sile oshimpwiyu oondhila dhokegulu? In the near future, godly men and women will transform the earth into a paradise and help millions of resurrected ones to learn about Jehovah's purposes. What can we learn from the way Jehovah cares for the birds of heaven? Oha mono omaiyuvo getu noonkatu dhetu. However, those who fail to listen to God "will make outcries because of the pain of heart and... will howl because of the sheer breakdown of spirit. " - Isa. 65: 13, 14. He sees our feelings and actions. Okwiipatana kwako okwe tu uvitha nayi noonkondo shoka sha li she tu lilitha. In 1979, when we were assigned to serve as missionaries, the Watchtower magazine was available in only 82 languages. But all of them hurt us very much. Jesus okwa li e ya dhimbulukitha kutya oya kala pamwe naye momamakelo ge agehe. Like Joseph, they know that there is no better investment they can make for the sake of their children. Jesus reminded them that they had been with him in his trials. Elalakano lyelelo lyegumbo lyaKalunga olyashike? A few ideas are listed in the box "Set Reasonable Goals. " What is God's purpose for the family? Momamoniko ga nwethwa mo ngoka ga li ga pewa aapiya aadhiginini yonale, Jehova okwe tu kwathela tu kale tu shi kutya megulu omu li ngiini notu uve ko kutya pokati ketu naamboka ya kala mo opu na ekwatathano lini. Cain did not listen. In the inspired visions of faithful servants of old, Jehovah has helped us to understand how we feel between those who have a relationship with us and those who have a relationship with us. (b) Aagwayekwa otaya ka longela aantu iilonga yini iiwanawa? Actually, to be humble, we need to be strong and courageous. (b) What wonderful work will anointed ones serve? Iilonga yetu otayi gwanitha ehunganeko lyaJesus ndyoka tali ti: " Onkundana ndjika ombwanawa yUukwaniilwa otayi ku uvithilwa uuyuni awuhe yi ningile iigwana ayihe onzapo; notaku ya ihe ehulilo. ' - Mateus 24: 14, yelekanitha NW. Humility and modesty help a married person focus on the strengths of his or her mate. Our work is fulfilled in Jesus ' prophecy: "This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. " - Matthew 24: 14. Onkee ano, otwa pumbwa okukala twa kotoka, opo kaatu tale, kaatu leshe nenge kaatu pulakene kiinima mbyoka tayi ka kokeka mutse " uuhalu wuuyuni. ' - Titus 2: 12. This ossuary evidently belonged to one of his relatives. Therefore, we need to be careful not to read or listen to things that will develop in us "the desire of the world. " - Titus 2: 12. 1: 2, 3. Sophia: Yes. 1: 2, 3. Nopwaahe na omalimbililo, shaashi Jesus oye a li omukuluntu oku na okukala oye a li ha wilike ongeshefa yokuhonga iipalangi nokusila yina naamwayina oshimpwiyu sigo oosho a ninginithwa. Timothy learned well and had won Paul's affection, and Paul was confident that Timothy could care for the spiritual needs of those in Corinth. No doubt, Jesus was the high priest to direct his father's business and to care for his mother until he was baptized. Jehova naJesus oye li Aasita yoonzi ya gwanenena. Considering the scope of their preaching commission, the strength of their opponents, and the frailty of the human flesh, it was clear that they needed superhuman power. Jehovah and Jesus are the perfect shepherds. 8, 9. Exerts Power, " Sept. 8, 9. 5: 8) Dhiladhila kombinga yoshinima shimwe sha popiwa menyolo moka tashi ti: "Manga twa li aalunde. " So in May 1957, we timidly applied for two months ' pioneering in Pello, a municipality in Lapland, above the Arctic Circle. Consider one scripture that says: "Before we were sinners, we were sinners. " Nonando kamwa li aayuuki omulongo moshitopolwa shoka, Jehova okwa hupitha Lot noyanakadhona. - Gen. I have derived immense joy from helping a number of individuals to dedication and baptism. Although they were not righteous in that area, Jehovah saved Lot and his daughters. - Gen. Otashi vulika wu kale wu na uumbanda wokwiipula omapulo ngoka molwaashoka wa tila kutya ku ga nine omayamukulo. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE You may also fear of questions that you fear because you are afraid of the answers to your questions. Otaya monitha aantu iihuna noonkondo. Spanish is the official language of Honduras. They cause suffering very much. * Dhiladhila kunkene Jesus a li u uvite, tashi vulika pethimbo ndyono e na owala omimvo 20 nasha. Okwa li e na okwiidhidhimikila onkalo ndjoka yinikitha oluhodhi nosho wo okukwathela yina, aamwayina aamati naakadhona. Of course, children are not born knowing right from wrong. * Think of how Jesus must have felt at that time, perhaps in his early 20 ' s, had to cope with the loss of his mother and daughters. Iinima yini twa pumbwa, tatu ka kundathaneni moshitopolwa shika? They answered all my questions, using the Bible. " What aspects of this article will we consider? Nena otashi ka kala pandunge ngele Omukriste ngoka a hala okuhokana nenge okuhokanwa a tegelele sigo a mono omukiintu nenge omulumentu ngoka e hole shili. They have a much clearer understanding of ancient Bible languages, and they have valuable ancient Bible manuscripts that have been found in recent times. Then it would be wise if a Christian wants to marry or to marry until he is waiting for a woman or a woman who loves it. Omolwaashono okwiihokolola kuJehova inaku ikwatelela konkatu yokuninginithwa. Under the Law covenant, God's people offered acceptable sacrifices to gain his favor. Because they are accountable to Jehovah not according to baptism. No. I prayed to Jehovah as I cried and cried. No. Sho a tameke okukonakona Ombiimbeli nOonzapo dhaJehova, aavali ye oya li ya hala a hulithe po ekonakono lye. Taro okwa li a yemata. However, their children's negative attitude may be largely due to the parents ' having been absent. When she began studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses, her parents wanted to end her study. Mbela Joseph okwa li a mono uuwanawa medheulo lya tya ngawo? Such abuse has a long history. Did Joseph benefit from such training? Kungawo, shoka tashi vulu okuningitha gumwe ngoka te ehama a kale u uvite hwepo otashi vulika shi kale itaashi kwathele gulwe. You really owe it to God, to your parents, and to yourself to confess any wrongdoing. Thus, what can cause someone who is ill may feel better than another. Ngele otwa galikana Jehova e tu kwathele, ihe ine tu yamukula pethimbo mpoka, natu idhidhimike owala. • In Romans chapter 11, what is represented by... If we pray to Jehovah for help, he does not answer us right away. Oye ota ka theta omahodhi agehe momeho gawo. Oko noitaku ka kala we eso, oluhodhi, [elilo] nenge uuwehame. 15 A Trait That Can Poison Our Minds - Envy He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. 1: 17. Because he was working for a nonneutral organization and was determined to put first God's righteousness. 1: 17. Okukala netaloko lyu uka shi na ko nasha noompango dhaavali yoye niitegelelwa yawo, otashi vulu shi ku ningile oshipu wu kale wu na ekwatathano nayo. Professor Howard notes: "When the Septuagint which the New Testament church used and quoted contained the Hebrew form of the divine name, the New Testament writers no doubt included the Tetragrammaton in their quotations. " Having a balanced view of your parents ' rules and standards can make it easier for you to have a relationship with them. (Lukas 6: 38) Otatu vulu oku shi ninga mokuhiya aantu komagumbo getu komwiha nenge kuulalelo. Jehovah can respond to our earnest, heartfelt, and persistent supplications. We can do this by preparing people for a meal or for a meal. 4, 5. (a) Eidhidhimiko olya kwatela mo shike? 1: 7; Acts 15: 14. 4, 5. (a) What does endurance involve? Oshinakugwanithwa shini hashi endele pamwe nuuthembahenda wokukala twa lukilwa edhina lyaKalunga? 21 Called Out of Darkness What responsibility do we have with regard to God's name? Victor, omukokolindjila nomukuluntugongalo moAfrika, okwa ti: "Sho nda li omugundjuka, omukuluntugongalo gumwe okwa li a pula ndje omapulo gontumba kombinga yomalalakano gandje. 11: 6. Victor, a pioneer in Africa, says: "When I was a young elder in Africa, an elder asked me several questions about my goals. Pashiholelwa, embo Natu holeleni eitaalo lyawo oli na omahokololo gaantu 14 mboka ya popiwa mOmbiimbeli. Satan offered Jesus "all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. " For example, the book Imitate Their Faith contains 14 Bible accounts. 1: 17) Oye Omusita omwaanawa ngoka he tu gwanithile po oompumbwe dhetu dhopalutu nodhopambepo. The Sabbath day was to be set aside for family worship, prayer, and meditation on God's Law. He is a fine shepherd who cares for our physical needs and needs. (Lesha Omayeletumbulo 27: 11.) For example, once when Jesus was visiting them, Martha was upset with her sister, Mary, and told Jesus that he should correct her. " Lord, " said Martha, "does it not matter to you that my sister has left me alone to attend to things? (Read Proverbs 27: 11.) Jehova ota ka pa Omwana oonkondo e etele mboka ya silwa enyanyu enenenene. Someone asked whether it was right for the church to meddle in politics, as it had done for centuries. Jehovah will give his Son the strength to bring happiness. Omomikalo dhini tatu vulu okumona uuwanawa mekonakono lya tya ngaaka? The prison was so crowded that 300 prisoners had to sleep on the floor shoulder to shoulder. In what ways can we benefit from that study? Sho to shi ningi, oto vulu okukala wi inekela kutya Jehova ote ke ku kwatha wi idhidhimikile omayeleko agehe ngoka tage ku adha ngashingeyi, naangoka tage ke ku adha monakuyiwa. 15, 16. (a) Why can we relate to what fellow humans feel? As you do, you can trust that Jehovah will help you to endure all the trials you face now and that you will find in the future. Kaantu oyendji, okumanguluka ko kokutala omathano giipala, oku li olugodhi talu tsikile. What do we know about the fifth part of the image that Daniel describes? In view of pornography, there is no need for more people to look down on pornography. Ombepo ondjapuki oya li ya kwathele Petrus a ninge shike mesiku lyaPentekoste 33 E.N. nokonima yalyo? Deep down, I knew that something was missing. What empowered Peter to do on Pentecost 33 C.E.? Odhoshili kutya okwiilonga elaka epe ohashi pula ethimbo, oonkambadhala nosho wo eidhidhimiko. What does the Bible teach us that helps us draw closer to God? Yes, learning a new language takes time, effort, and patience. Aafarisayi kaya li ye hole okuulukila aantu yalwe ohenda. In the parable, all ten virgins responded to the shout: "Here is the bridegroom! " The Pharisees did not love showing compassion for others. 19: 35. He does not just chip away and hope for the best. 19: 35. Otwa thiki moLisbon, moPortugal muAuguste 1964. Well, in the very beginning, God warned mankind that rebellion against him would bring a grim result - death. We arrived in Ukraine in August 1964. Tala koshiholelwa shomuntu ngoka e na etaloko lya tya ngaaka. What is involved in serving Jehovah with "a complete heart "? Consider the example of a person who has a similar outlook. Ano edhiladhilo lyaNatan kutya David oye na tungile Jehova otempeli kalya li metsokumwe nehalo lyaKalunga. And since that time, they have been preaching during these "last days " that are" hard to deal with. " - 2 Timothy 3: 1. So Nathan's use of the temple was not in harmony with God's will. 2: 16, OB - 1954) Aaningi yomatseyitho giipindi kunena oye shi nawa kutya aantu ohaya gumwa kwaashoka haya mono. [ 1] (paragraph 14) See chapter 21 of the book God's Kingdom Rules! Advertisers today know that people are affected by what they see. Opo tu mone uuwanawa uuna oshinyandwa shoka sha kwatela mo uunamapangelo sha hulu, oshike tu na okuninga? Our love for fellow believers goes further. To benefit from the "Creation Drama " - What must we do? Dhiladhila owala kutya okwa li u uvite ngiini sho a mono kutya Jehova okwe mu gamene. " The climax came when our opponents were awarded a penalty shot in one game. Imagine how he must have felt when he realized that Jehovah protected him. Aamwameme oyendji oya li ya katuka oonkatu ngaashi Essly. Although we are not perfect as Jesus was, we can and should strive to follow his example. Many sisters took steps like C.E. (Lesha Episalomi 86: 12.) What a relief this vision must have brought them - a guarantee that Jehovah would keep pure worship clean! (Read Psalm 86: 12.) Oye tu kwathela tu tseye omaukwatya nomalalakano gopahole gaJehova. Will Earth End? They help us to come to know and appreciate Jehovah's loving qualities. Masiku aalumentu naakiintu aatilikalunga otaya ka ninga evi oparadisa notaya ka longa aantu omamiliyona mboka taya ka yumudhwa kombinga yomalalakano gaJehova. HISTORY: WAYWARD TEENAGE MOTHER Soon, godly men and women will be transformed into a paradise and teach millions of people who will be resurrected about Jehovah's purposes. Ihe mboka itaaya vulika kuye " otaa ka ula nomutima gwa nyanyagulwa e taya lili omolwombepo ya tekauka. ' - Jes. 65: 13, 14, yelekanitha KB. How unsearchable his judgments are and past tracing out his ways are! " However, those who refuse to obey him "will be crushed and crushed by spirit. " - Isa. 65: 13, 14. Mo 1979, sho twa ningi aatumwa, Oshungolangelo oya li owala hayi piti momalaka 82. As imperfect humans, we need God's mercy. After all, we sin many times. In 1939, when we became missionaries, The Watchtower was just about 82 languages. Ngaashi naanaa Josef a li e shi shi, nayo oye shi shi kutya kapu na eliko lilwe lya simana ndyoka taya vulu okupungulila oyana kaali shi owala ndyoka. After those wars, mankind worried that the United States and the Soviet Union would direct atomic weapons at each other. As Joseph knew, they too know that no other treasure could provide for their children. Odhoshili kutya ihashi kala aluhe oshipu okuuvitha onkundana ombwanawa. To learn more about why Jesus ' death was necessary and how we can demonstrate our appreciation for it, see chapter 5 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Of course, it is not always easy to preach the good news. Owo wa hala oku ku pangela, ihe ou na oku u pangela. " Also, how can we maintain a sense of urgency, and what does preaching with urgency mean? You want to rule, but you must rule. " Opo omuntu a kale omwiifupipiki oku na okukala e na uulaadhi nomukumo. Still another claims, "They really aren't Christians, because they don't celebrate Christmas. " A humble person needs courage and courage. Eifupipiko ohali kwathele omuntu ngoka e li mondjokana a kale ta gandja eitulomo kuukwatya uuwanawa wakuume ke kopandjokana. This small format - which cost half the price of a standard edition - made it easier for people with little means to obtain a copy of the Bible. Humility helps a person to focus on his mate's fine qualities. Osha yela kutya ondjugombila ndjika oya li yagumwe gwomezimo lyawo. 119: 97. Clearly, this ossuary was one of their relatives. Sophia: Ee. 51: 4, 6, 10, 11. Sophia: Yes. Paulus okwa li e shi nawa Timoteus noku mu hole, nokwa li e na einekelo kutya Timoteus ota ka sila oshimpwiyu pambepo aantu yokuKorinto. All these individuals are dedicated servants of Jehovah. Paul well knew Timothy and loved him, confident that Timothy would provide for others spiritually. Mokutala koshilonga shoka ya li ya pewa, koonkondo dhaapataneki yawo nosho wo kuunkundi wopanyama, osha li sha yela kutya oya li ya pumbwa oonkondo dhi vule dhopantu. In most cases, though, thoughts rather than specific words were miraculously conveyed to the hearts and minds of Bible writers, permitting them to choose their own words to express them. In view of what they had been given, their opposers, and flesh, it was clear that they needed more than human blood. Onkee ano, muMei mo 1957, otwa li tu udhitha ofooloma yokukokola ondjila oomwedhi mbali muPello, shoka shi li muLapland, pombanda yOngonga ya - Arctic. Paul's use of these words can now be found easily at Romans 11: 34 and 1 Corinthians 2: 16. Therefore in May 1957, in May 1957, we applied to pioneer for two months, which was the Arctic Circle. Onda mona enyanyu enene mokukwathela oohandimwe oyendji yi iyapulile Jehova nokuninginithwa. Moreover, the brothers faced opposition related to World War I. I have found great joy in helping many individuals to dedicate their lives to Jehovah and get baptized. SHOKA SHI LI WO MOSHIFO SHIKA Imitating Christ's example, they endeavor to be loving, considerate, humble, and kind in their dealings with the sheep entrusted to their care. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Oshispania osho elaka lyopambelewa moHonduras. We do well to ask, " Could disappointment and frustration over my mistakes cause me to be dissatisfied with Jehovah's standards? ' The Spanish was the official language in Hong Kong. 3: 1 - 5) Odhoshili kutya aanona ihaya valwa ye shi shoka shu uka nenge sha puka. Why, though, should we choose to love him? Of course, children do not know what is right or wrong. Oya li ya yamukula omapulo gandje agehe, taya longitha Ombiimbeli. " When Jacob reached Haran, his uncle Laban extended a warm welcome to him and later gave him Leah and Rachel as wives. They answered all my questions, using the Bible. " Oyu uvite ko nawa omalaka gonale moka Ombiimbeli ya li ya nyolwa. Oye na wo omanyolo omakulu gOmbiimbeli ge na oshilonga ngoka opo ga monika omimvo ndhika. Eventually, I learned sign language and had fun playing with the other children. They understand better the languages of ancient languages where the Bible is written, and they are also relevant to these old manuscripts. Pahangano lyOmpango, oshigwana shaKalunga osha li hashi gandja omayambo opo shi kale sha hokiwa kuye. I first heard the good news when I was young In the Mosaic Law, God's people offered sacrifices to please him. Onda li tandi lili, ngame tandi galikana kuJehova. Have I ever had to apologize to my contacts for sending them wrong information or even lies? I cried, and I prayed to Jehovah. Ihe otashi vulika oyana ye ya geela, molwashoka inaya kala pamwe nayo. How may obedience to your parents benefit you? However, they may be angry with their children because they are not interested in them. Okulongithwa nayi kwoonkondo hoka okwa za nale. There is no shortage of work in God's organization today. This type of energy has already been given to us. 4: 30) Oto ka kala lela wu na oshinakugwanithwa shokuhempulula omapuko goye kuKalunga, kaavali yoye nokungoye mwene. If someone you meet in the ministry seems to be belligerent, would it not be good to give him the benefit of the doubt? You will certainly have the responsibility to confess your mistakes to God, your parents, and your own parents. • MAaroma ontopolwa 11, oshike tashi thanekwa... If so, this is the greatest honor that you could ever have. • In Romans chapter 11, what is represented by... 15 Efupa oshiponga How, then, can we receive God's spirit and be directed by it in our ministry? 15, 9. Omolwaashoka ehangano ndyoka a li ha longele oli na ombinga miita, nokwa li a tokola toko a pitithe komeho uuyuuki waKalunga. For example, when being instructed to observe the Passover each year, the people were told: "When your sons ask you, " What does this observance mean to you? ' Because the organization had a share in warfare, he was determined to put God's righteousness first. Omuprofesoli Howard okwa ti: "Sho o - Septuagint ndjoka ya longithwa kongeleka yopethimbo lyEtestamenti Epe oya li yi na edhina lyaKalunga, osha yela kutya aanyoli yEtestamenti Epe oya li ya kwatele mo o - Tetragrammaton miitothwamo yawo. " So it was that in July 1953, I was on board the ship called Georgic, heading toward New York. " When the Septuagint was used at the time of the Christian Greek Scriptures, the writers referred to the New Testament were referred to as part of the New Testament, " says Professor Lew. Jehova ota vulu okuyamukula omagalikano getu taga zi komutima nogaa na ezimbuko. Some in the congregation made negative comments about the quality of her ministry and her use of time. Jehovah can answer our sincere prayers and heartfelt prayers. 1: 7; Iil. 15: 14. Jesus also recognized the limitations of his followers and did not expect perfection from them. 1: 7; Acts 15: 14. 21 Kalunga okwe mu ithana mo momilema 24: 45. 21 God Called You in darkness 11: 6. For a number of years, Walter and I were not in a position to pioneer. 11: 6. Satana okwa li a hala a pe Jesus "omapangelo agehe gomuuyuni nomasimano gago. " The well - maintained Kingdom Hall serves as a powerful witness to Jehovah Satan wanted Jesus to give Jesus "all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. " Esiku lyEsabati olya li li na okukala li ikalekelelwa okulongela Kalunga muukwanegumbo, okugalikana, nokutedhatedha kOmpango yaKalunga. Hence, not only the kingdoms of the image but also all other human governments will be destroyed at Armageddon. The Sabbath was to continue serving God in the family, pray, and meditate on God's Law. Pashiholelwa, esiku limwe sho Jesus a li te ya talele po, Marta okwa li a geele omumwayinakadhona, Maria, nokwa lombwele Jesus e mu pukulule ta ti: "Omuwa, ku na ko nasha nangame, omumwameme sho e etha ndje, ndi yakule awike? Jesus explained to his disciples: "The helper, the holy spirit, which the Father will send in my name, that one will teach you all things and bring back to your minds all the things I told you. " For example, one day when Jesus visited her sister, Mary, and Jesus told her: "Lord, should you not be alone? Gumwe okwa li a pula ngele oshi li mondjila ongeleka yi kuthe ombinga miinima yopapolotika, ngaashi sha kala hashi ningwa muule womathelemimvo. But the Bible's message has not changed. One asked whether it would be right to take sides in political matters, such as the centuries. Mondholongo omwa li mu udha noonkondo. Aanandholongo 300 oya li haya lala pevi ye li momukweyo. His answers to our prayers prove that his love for us is enduring. The prison was thrown into prison. 15, 16. (a) Omolwashike hatu uvu ko shoka aantu ooyakwetu yu uvite? He knew that his good example would help his disciples. He said: "Take courage! 15, 16. (a) Why do we understand what others feel? Oshitopolwa oshititano shoshiyelekela otashi thaneke shike, noshike ishewe tatu ilongo kombinga yoshiyelekela shoka? How can we show our love for God's Word? What does the fifth part of the image represent, and what else can we learn about that image? Onda li ndi shi shi kutya opu na sha sha kambela po monkalamwenyo yandje. I was the eldest child, so I helped to teach my sister and two brothers. I knew that something was missing in my life. Ombiimbeli ohayi tu kwathele ngiini tu hedhe popepyeelela naKalunga? After all, conviction isn't the result of one large chunk of truth. How does the Bible help us to draw closer to God? 25: 5, 6; 26: 41) Sha faathana, momasiku gahugunina Aakriste aagwayekwa oya pendukile sho kwi igidhwa taku tiwa "ombushiki oye ngu! " When the city finally fell, many others met the same death. Similarly, during the last days, anointed Christians are scattered when the wheat "will be scattered. " Iha thikile owala ta hongo e na einekelo kutya otashi ka kala nawa. " It has created problems that I never imagined, " he says. Not only does he trust that it would be best to reach out. Eeno, okuza petamekweelela, Kalunga okwa li a londodha aantu kutya oku mu tukulila oshipotha okwa li taku ke ya etela oshilanduliko, ano eso. " Their faithfulness encourages me to persevere and to be courageous in my own ministry. " Yes, from the Mosaic Law, God warned the people that he would bring an end to death - death death. Oshike sha kwatelwa mokulongela Jehova "nomutima aguhe "? Her well - thought - out speech can be refreshing and promote peace. What is involved in serving Jehovah with "a heart "? (2 Tim. 3: 1, NW) Ihe nonando ongawo, Aakriste oya kala owala taya pula komeho niilonga yokuuvitha. " Often the help and companionship offered when there is no special anniversary can be very beneficial, " explains Junia. Yet, Christians kept on preaching. [ 1] (okatendo 14) Tala ontopolwa 21 yembo Uukwaniilwa wakalunga otawu pangele! (5) "Afterward, " Cain had intercourse with his wife in" the land of Fugitiveness. " - Genesis 3: 20; 4: 3, 12, 14 - 17. [ 1] (paragraph 14) See chapter 21 of the book What Does the Kingdom rule? Ohole yetu yokuhola ooitaali ooyakwetu oya kwatela mo oshindji. How can we avoid such difficulties? Our love for fellow believers involves much more. " Oshikando shimwe osipana ndjoka tatu dhana nayo oya li ya pewa opelenti. Lesson: God is not an impersonal force, but he is a real Person who has a distinctive personal name. " On one occasion, the team played alongside us. Ihe nonando ongaaka, otatu vulu okuninga oonkambadhala tu landule oshiholelwa she. 24: 14; 25: 40. Yet, we can endeavor to follow his example. Emoniko ndika olya li lye ya etele shili epepelelo. Jehova okwa li e ya shilipaleke kutya ota ka kaleka elongelokalunga lyashili lya yela. They started seven Bible studies. This vision surely brought relief from Jehovah's promise to true worship. ONDJOKONONA: ONDA MITI, OMOLWOKWAAVULIKA KWANDJE Samantha: Yes, I would agree with that. HISTORY: HISTORY, A THAT Olye ta vulu okufatulula omatokolo ge? Olye ta vulu okuuva ko oondjila dhe? " We have learned how a mature Christian can be a powerful support to the congregation. How unsearchable his judgments are and past tracing out his ways are! " Tu li aantu inaatu gwanenena, otwa pumbwa esilohenda lyaKalunga, molwaashoka ohatu yono olundji. Jesus was perfect and certainly did not need a cure, so why was he there? As imperfect humans, we need God's undeserved kindness because we often sin. Konima yiita mbyoka, aantu oya kala ye na uumbanda kutya pamwe Amerika naSoviet Union otaye ki iyumba niilwitho yopalute. Evidence of a Creator After that war, people have been afraid that the United States would be cast off by nuclear weapons and nuclear weapons. Opo wu tseye oshindji kutya omolwashike Jesus a li e na okusa nankene tatu vulu okuulika olupandu lwetu, tala ontopolwa 5 yembo Omalongo gashili gOmbiimbeli ogeni naanaa? " Since death came through a man, resurrection of the dead also comes through a man [Jesus]. " - 1 Corinthians 15: 21. To learn more about why Jesus had to die and how we can show appreciation for our gratitude, see chapter 5 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Otayi kundathana wo kutya ongiini tatu vulu okukala aluhe tu wete kutya iilonga oya endelela, nosho wo kutya otashi ti shike okuuvitha neendelelo. The feelings of these zealous workers are well expressed by Erica, who moved to Guam in 2006 at the age of 19. It also discusses how we can always feel about urgency, what it means to preach, and what it means to preach. Natango gulwe ota ti: "Kadhi shi Aakriste yashili, shaashi ihadhi dhana Okrismesa. " How can we be sure about this? Furthermore, she says: "It is not true Christians, since Christmas is a form of Christmas. " Uumbiimbeli mboka owa li hawu kotha etata lyoshimaliwa shOmbiimbeli ndjoka yi ihwapo. Shoka oshe shi ningitha oshipu kaantu mboka ye na okamaliwa okashona ye wu imonene. PAGE 3 The Bible Students had fallen asleep for half of that evening, which made it easier for people to obtain a little amount of money. 119: 97. Do you notice what else Satan told Eve? 119: 97. 51: 4, 6, 10, 11. Above all, they needed Jehovah's holy spirit, which would enable them to reflect his insight, mercy, and justice. - Ex. 51: 4, 10, 11. Aantu mboka ya popiwa metetekelo ayehe aapiya yaJehova ye mu iyapulila. 17, 18. Those mentioned above are all dedicated servants of Jehovah who dedicated themselves to him. Ihe iikando oyindji, Kalunga okwa li ha tula momadhiladhilo nomomitima dhaanyoli pashikumithalonga shoka a hala sha nyolwa mOmbiimbeli, nokwa li e ya pitike ya longithe iitya yawo yene. • The gift of being declared righteous brought what prospect to you? However, many times God put in mind and inspired writers into the Bible, and he allowed them to use their own words to use their own words. Oohapu ndhoka Paulus a longitha otadhi vulu okumonika nuupu ngaashingeyi mAaroma 11: 34 nosho wo mAakorinto yotango 2: 16. We would not change it for anything. Paul's words can be found at Romans 11: 34 and 1 Corinthians 2: 16. Oshi na okukala sha li oshinima kaashi shi okudhimbiwa shili okumona iinamwenyo omathele tayi mbombolokele monguluwato. Our ministry will be fruitful as we "recommend ourselves as God's ministers... by kindness. " - 2 Cor. It must have been an excellent reason to see hundreds of animals growing into the ark. Oshikwawo, aamwatate oya li taya hepekwa pethimbo lyIita yoTango yUuyuni. What might influence our view of those who need assistance in the congregation? Moreover, our brothers were persecuted during World War I. Mokuholela oshiholelwa shaKristus, ngele tayu ungaunga noonzi, oye na okukala nayo nohole, oye na okukala ye ya yaalela, okukala aaifupipiki nokukala nayo nombili. How can Jehovah's reminders help Christians today? In imitation of Christ's example, when they treat the sheep with love, they must be humble and kind. Otashi ka kala shi li nawa tu ipule tatu ti: " Mbela okuuva nayi nosho wo ongeyo omolwomapuko gandje ohayi ningitha ndje ndi kale inaandi nyanyukilwa omithikampango dhaJehova? ' SONGS: 80, 50 We do well to ask ourselves, " Do my anger and my mistakes make me enjoy Jehovah's standards? ' Ihe omolwashike tu na okuhogolola okukala tu mu hole? Barr, longtime member of the Governing Body, offered a humble and sincere prayer. But why should we choose to love him? Sho Jakob a thiki muHaran, hekulu Laban okwa li e mu taamba ko nombili nokonima okwa li e mu pe Lea naRakel ya ninge aakulukadhi ye. The psalmist mentions several dangers, among them "the pestilence that walks in the gloom,... [and] the destruction that despoils at midday. " When Jacob arrived in Haran, Potiphar's wife kindly welcomed him and then handed him to his wife and Rachel to become his wife. Konima yethimbo ondi ilongo elaka lyokuudhika nonda kala handi dhana pamwe nuunona uukwetu. We do not know why the woman said what she did, because she was not our relative. Later, I learned sign language and played with three children. Shoka osha li oshikando shandje shotango miita. Shirley: No, I guess I haven't. That was the first time in the war. Mbela opu na ethimbo limwe nda gandjele ombili kaantu, molwaashoka nde ya tumine uuyelele wa puka nenge wiifundja? How can we strip off and keep off the old personality? Have I ever been able to make peace with people because I sent a false witness or a false witness? Okuvulika kaavali yoye otaku vulu oku ku kwathela ngiini? She knew that Joseph would have to come inside in order to do his work. How can obeying your parents help you? Mehangano lyaJehova kunena omu na iilonga oyindji. So we must make sure that we do not allow the world to seduce us and make us stop relying on Jehovah. Jehovah's organization today has much work to do today. Ngele owa adha omuntu momapya ta monika a fa a geya, mbela itashi ka kala nawa wu dhiladhile kutya pamwe ina lala po nawa? While it might seem easier to have someone else make decisions for us, doing so would rob us of one of the great blessings of free will. If you find someone in the ministry seems angry, would you not think that it is not best to go to bed? Ngele osho, shoka osho uuthembahenda uunene mboka to vulu okukala wu na. Violence has been called a "growing public health problem across the world. " If so, that is the greatest privilege you can have. Ongiini nduno tatu vulu okumona ombepo yaKalunga nokuwilikwa kuyo muukalele wetu? Jonathan from the United States admits: "Shortly after arriving I became discouraged because of being separated from my friends and family. How, then, can we receive God's spirit and guide them in our ministry? Pashiholelwa, aavali oya li ya pewa omalombwelo nkene ye na okudhana Opaasa omumvo kehe. Oya lombwelwa taku ti: "Aana yeni nge taye mú pula taa ti: " Iinima mbika otayi ti ngiini? ' 15, 16. For example, parents were given instructions on how to prepare for the Passover meal each year: " What are these things like to you? ' Sho nda mangululwa muJuli 1953, onda londo mosikepa yedhina Georgic, ndu uka koNew York. " You, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, the one too little to get to be among the thousands of Judah, " wrote the prophet Micah, "from you there will come out to me the one who is to become ruler in Israel, whose origin is from early times, from the days of time indefinite. " When I was released from July 1953, I was sitting on New York City. Yamwe megongalo oya li ye mu popile muuwinayi, shi na ko nasha nuukalele we nosho wo nomukalo moka ha longitha ethimbo lye. If there is much "joy in heaven over one sinner that repents, " imagine the joy in the heavenly courts when one of Christ's spirit - begotten brothers finishes a life course of integrity. Some in the congregation spoke to him about his ministry and the way he spends his time. Okwa li e ya pe omayele molwaashoka okwa li e ya hole lela. - Joh. So he threw it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from it. He gave them counsel because he loved them. 24: 45. Tatian set about preparing such a harmony. 24: 45. Omimvo odhindji, ngame naWalter katwa li we tatu vulu okukokola ondjila. While "the patience of God was waiting in Noah's days, " Jehovah made preparations to save Noah and his family. In many years, Evelyn and I were able to pioneer. Oshinyanga shUukwaniilwa tashi simanekitha Jehova 6, 7. A Kingdom Hall honors Jehovah (Eh. 16: 14; 19: 19 - 21) Onkee ano, puArmagedon omaukwaniilwa ngoka taga thanekwa koshiyelekela nosho wo omapangelo agehe gopantu otaga ka hanagulwa po. Soon a Bible study was started with Javier and Maru, and they immediately began attending meetings. So at Armageddon, the kingdoms of these kingdoms and all human governments will be destroyed. Jesus okwa lombwele aalongwa ye a ti: " Ihe omupopili ombepo ondjapuki, ngoka Tate te ke mu tuma medhina lyandje, oye ote ke mú longa iinima ayihe, note ke mú dhimbulutha iinima ayihe mbyoka nde yi mú lombwela. ' Some say, however, that God never meant for humans to live on earth forever. Jesus told his disciples: "The helper, the holy spirit, the Father, will send you in my name, and he will teach you all things that I have commanded you. " Onkene etumwalaka lyOmbiimbeli inali lunduluka. It is as if we put Jehovah on trial and judged him by our own standards of right and wrong. So the Bible's message has not changed. Sho ha yamukula omagalikano getu, otashi ulike kutya oku tu hole nohole tayi kalelele. A youth might reason, " Jehovah drew my parents, and I merely followed. ' When he answers our prayers, it shows that he loves us with love and love for us. Okwa li e shi shi kutya oshiholelwa she oshiwanawa otashi ka kwathela aalongwa ye. That is how a husband should deal with his wife. He knew that his fine example would help his disciples. Ongiini tatu vulu okuulika kutya otu hole Oohapu dhaKalunga? 23: 4. How can we show that we love God's Word? " Pungoye opu na enyanyu sigo aluhe ' Ask yourself: " Do my goals and decisions prove that I truly believe Jesus ' words? " There Is Good Things to Be Forever " Ongame nda li omukuluntu kaamwameme ayehe, onkee ano onda li nda kwathele mokulonga omumwamemekadhona, naamwamememati yaali. Finally, in 1963 we received an envelope from the world headquarters in Brooklyn. I was the oldest sisters, so I helped my sister and two older sisters. Onda li ndi shi kutya opo omuntu a tompwe koshili, ina pumbwa okupewa uuyelele owundjiwundji. So let us "follow the course of hospitality. " - Rom. I knew that to reach a person's truth, there is no need for more details. Konima sho Jerusalem sha teka po, aantu yalwe oyendji oya li ya alelwa ngaashi onkwatwa ndjoka. " One body there is, and one spirit, even as you were called in the one hope to which you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all persons. " After Jerusalem was arrested, many others were impaled. Okwa ti: "Oshe etela ndje uupyakadhi mboka nda li inaandi tegelela. The first article explains what it means to strip off the old personality and why doing so is urgent. She says: "I had a problem that I didn't expect. Gulwe okwa ti: "Uudhiginini wawo ohawu kwathele ndje ndi idhidhimike nondi kale ndi na uulaadhi miilonga yandje yokuuvitha. " And unlike us today, he did not have a congregation of fellow worshippers - evidently not even his siblings - to turn to for spiritual support. Another said: "Those loving - kindness helps me to endure and be courageous in the preaching work. " Okupopya kwe kwa dhiladhilwa nawa otaku vulu okutalaleka nokuhumitha komeho ombili. Terror reigned for 20 years, until Jehovah saw evidence that his stubborn people were ready to change or, as the inspired record of the song of Deborah and Barak says, "Until I, Deborah, rose up, until I arose as a mother in Israel. " A well - chosen words can soothe the peace of peace. Omumwameme Junia okwa yelitha a ti: "Okugandja ekwatho nokuulika okunakonasha ethimbo kehe, ohashi kwathele noonkondo ngoka a silwa. Let us consider them one at a time. " Giving help and care for each other is much more important than the loss of a loved one. (5) Konima sho Kain a ka kala " moshilongo shaNod, ' okwa li a lala nomukiintu gwe. - Genesis 3: 20; 4: 3, 12, 14 - 17. The words "eye for eye, tooth for tooth, " found in the Bible, have caused no little contention. (5) After Cain would live in "the land of the country, " he fell asleep in his wife and his wife. - Genesis 3: 20; 4: 3, 12 - 14, 17. Ongiini mbela tatu vulu okuyanda uupyakadhi wa tya ngaaka? Explain. (b) What will help an elder to be encouraging and approachable? How can we avoid such a problem? Oshiilongomwa: Kalunga Omuntu gwolela noku na edhina. God's spirit and your spirit thus join in bearing witness that you have the heavenly hope. Lesson: God is real and has a name. 24: 14; 25: 40. Jesus warned of what he called "the disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy place. " 24: 14; 25: 40. Oya li ya tameke omakonakonombiimbeli gaheyali. And I will bless those who bless you, and him that calls down evil upon you I shall curse. " - Gen. They began conducting seven Bible studies. Samantha: Eeno osha simana lela. " The good news that we are " Jehovah's witnesses ' has thrilled us, and filled us with renewed determination to be worthy of the new name, " wrote one congregation from Canada. Samantha: Yes, it's important. Otwi ilongo nkene Omukriste a koka pambepo ta vulu okwaambidhidha nawa egongalo. 24: 7. We learned how mature a mature Christian can support the congregation well. Omolwashike Jesus a yi kedhiya, nonando ye ka li a pumbwa okwaaludhwa? 3 Angels - Can They Affect Your Life? Why would Jesus go there despite the need for a loved one? Uumbangi mboka tawu ulike kutya oku na Omushiti pages 47 to 54, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. The evidence that there is a Creator Ombiimbeli otayi ti: "Ngaashi eso lye ya muuyuni omolwomuntu gumwe, osho neyumuko wo otali ningwa omolwomuntu gumwe [Jesus]. " - 1 Aakorinto 15: 21. First, it was genuine. " Just as death entered the world through a man, resurrection and resurrection also comes through a man, " says the Bible. - 1 Corinthians 15: 21. Erica ngoka a tembukile kuGuam mo 2006 sho e na oomvula 19, okwa popi nkene aalongi mboka aadhiginini haya kala yu uvite. When we first come upon her in the Bible, she is working; when we leave her, she is still working, doing her best to care for the needs of those around her. Erica, who moved to 2006 for 19 years when she was 19 years old, says how faithful teachers felt. (2 Tim. 3: 1) Otu shi shi ngiini? The Bible itself says: "The green grass dries up, the blossom withers, but the word of our God endures forever. " - Isaiah 40: 8. How do we know that? EPANDJA 3 Magdalena says: "My disease is progressive. PAGE 3 Mbela owa ndhindhilika kutya Satana okwa li a lombwele ishewe Eva shike? Since we are not perfect, we all need to continue making changes. Did you notice what Satan had told Eve? Komeho gaayihe, oya li ya pumbwa ombepo ondjapuki, ndjoka ya li tayi ke ya kwathela ya kale ye na oondunge, ohenda nuuyuuki. - Eks. MEMORIAL ATTENDANCE (2014) Above all, they needed holy spirit, which would help them to be wise, reasonable, and righteous. - Ex. 17, 18. " YOU seem to be too clever to believe in God, " said a fellow student to a young sister in Britain. 17, 18. • Omagano gokukala twa ningwa aayuuki oge ku etela etegameno lyashike? Sincerely saying "I am sorry for hurting you " takes humility and courage, but it goes a long way in solving problems and drawing marriage partners closer together. • What hope do we have for righteous ones? Onkalamwenyo yetu itatu ke yi lundulula niinima yilwe. In some cultures, unexpected guests are welcome; in others, prior arrangements are preferred. Our life will not change other aspects of life. (Ef. 5: 1, 2) Otatu ka pondola muukalele wetu uuna tatu ulike kutya otu li " aayakuli yaKalunga notu na uukumwe. ' - 2 Kor. And no human leader can promise that! We will succeed in our ministry when we show that we are " stewards of God. " - 2 Cor. Oshike tashi vulu okunwetha mo etaloko lyetu li nasha niilyo yegongalo mbyoka ya pumbwa ekwatho? Ask yourself: " How regular is my personal study of the Bible? What may influence our view of congregation members who need help? Omalombwelo gaJehova otaga vulu okukwathela ngiini Aakriste kunena? Arthur knew he must. How can Jehovah's reminders help Christians today? OMAIMBILO: 80, 50 Rather, "there were many of them who were following [Jesus]. " SONGS: 80, 50 Barr gwoomvula 97, oshilyo oshikulu shOlutuwiliki okwa li a hulitha negalikano e shi ningi neifupipiko notashi zi komutima. The elders take the lead in training men to reach out, but others can support their efforts. THE 97 - year - old member of the Governing Body died in prayer and heartfelt prayer. Omupisalomi okwa popi iiponga yimwe ngaashi: "Elega itali ku akele uusiku, nuuvu itau ku kwata omutenya. " (Eps. Jehovah Requires Moral Cleanness One psalmist said: "There will not be no night before you, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be weighed down. " Katwa li tu shi kutya omolwashike omukulukadhi ngoka a tile ngawo, oshoka ke shi omupambele gwetu. It should be noted, however, that the idea of the gnashing of teeth is connected to destruction. - Ps. We did not know why this woman said that. Shirley: Aawe, inandi dhiladhila nale ngawo. Let us see how the Scriptures lead us to this conclusion. Shirley: No, I didn't think that way. Ongiini tatu vulu okwiihula omuntu omukulu nokwiikaleka kokule naye? Nevertheless, my family and friends supported me. How can we put off the old personality and keep it away from him? Okwa li e shi shi kutya Josef ote ke ya mo megumbo a longe iilonga ye. Also distressing was the way her other sons responded to Jesus. He knew that Joseph would come home to do his work. Onkee ano, katu na nando okweetha uuyuni wu tu heke noku tu ningitha tu kale kaatu na einekelo muJehova. Innovations in printing and courageous Bible translators helped loosen Babylon's grip (See paragraphs 12, 13) Therefore, we should never allow the world to seduce us and cause us to trust in Jehovah. Nando otashi vulika tu wete sha fa oshipu okuningilwa omatokolo kugumwe, oku ga ningilwa itashi tu etele eyambeko. " We have to be flexible, " says a father of two in Germany. Even if we may find it easy to make decisions about someone, it is not a blessing to us. Elongithonkondo otali popiwa kutya olya "londa pombanda muuyuni awuhe nolya tula uukolele waantu moshiponga. " What fears did Moses have? violence is described as "the highest part of the world, and it puts an end to human health. " Omumwatate Jonathan, a za kIilongo ya Hangana, okwa ti: "Konima owala sho nda thiki moshilongo moka nde ya okulongela onda li nda teka omukumo sho ndi li kokule nookuume kandje nosho wo noyaandjetu. (Read Colossians 3: 10.) Jonathan, from the United States, says: "After I arrived in a country where I was discouraged from serving with my family and friends, I was discouraged from my family. 15, 16. But some elders may become so busy with important matters that they do not have the time to train others. 15, 16. Omupolofeti Mika okwa nyola a ti: "Betlehem Efrata, ongoye gumwe gwomomikunda omishona muJuda, ihe omungoye tamu ka za omuleli gwaIsraeli, oongoka gwomezimo lya za koohekulululwa yomuuyuni wonale. " Did Jehoshaphat learn from that experience? The prophet Micah wrote: "In Bethlehem, you are among you a few of Judah, but you are one of the sons of Israel, the leader of Israel from ancient Israel. " Ngele " megulu ohamu kala enyanyu omolwomulunde gumwe i itedhulula ' dhiladhila owala kenyanyu ndyoka hali kala mo ngele gumwe gwomaamwahe yaKristus a mana onkalamwenyo ye yokombanda yevi e li omudhiginini. (Luk. As imperfect humans, all of us need to work hard to control our thoughts and actions. If "there is more joy in heaven " than just reflecting on the joy of being one of Christ's earthly life on earth. Moses sho e yi umbile pevi, oya shituka eyoka, nokwa yi ontuku. Instead, Asa immediately turned to Jehovah for help. When Moses threw it on the ground, they knew the serpent, and fled. Tatian okwa li a tameke okulongekidha oku ga tula kumwe membo limwe. The ultimate personification of evil, Satan stands in bitter opposition to Jehovah, who personifies love. THE END began preparing for a book in one book. Nonando " Kalunga okwa li a tegelele neidhidhimiko pomasiku gaNoowa, ' okwa li a ningi omalongekidho, opo a hupithe Noowa negumbo lye. (1 Pet. 21, 22. (a) Why has false religion never posed a serious threat to true worship? Although God was " waiting patiently for Noah in Noah's day, " he arranged to save Noah and his household. 6, 7. Because their spiritual senses are dulled. 6, 7. Nziya Javier naMaru oya tameke okukonakona Ombiimbeli nokuya kokugongala. Juan, another brother who was asked to move to Mexico, says: "It is almost like being born a second time; you must form new bonds. Soon Javier and Javier began studying the Bible and attending meetings. Aantu yamwe ohaya ti kutya Kalunga ka li nando a hala aantu ya kale nomwenyo sigo aluhe kombanda yevi. How does our God - given work help us to be united? Some people say that God did not want humans to live forever on earth. Shika osha fa twa tula Jehova mompangu noku mu pangula pamithikampango dhetu dhaashoka shi li mondjila naashoka sha puka. We stayed in a boardinghouse while awaiting residence authorization. This is as if we put Jehovah's standards of what is right and what is wrong. Iinima mbyoka otayi vulu okuningitha omuntu a kale e na ondjigilile yokwiidhana kiilyo yoluvalo. - Kol. By means of God's undeserved kindness, our sins have been forgiven and can continue to be forgiven. Such factors can lead a person to regular conduct. - Col. Omugundjuka otashi vulika a dhiladhile ta ti: " Molwashoka Jehova okwa nanena aavali yandje kuye, ngaye onda landula mo owala. ' At times, it might seem that our prayers are not being answered - at least not right away or in the way we expect. A young person might think, " Since Jehovah is one of my parents, I was following him. ' Omusamane osho naanaa e na okuungaunga nomukulukadhi gwe ngaaka. God does not favor one face over another because of race, nationality, social standing, or any other external factors. That is exactly how a husband should treat his wife. 23: 4. However, once they are in power, they often find that their efforts are frustrated by infighting and power struggles. 23: 4. Otatu vulu wo okwiipula ngeyi: " Mbela omalalakano gandje nomatokolo gandje otagu ulike ngaa shili kutya ondi itaala oohapu dhaJesus? What example shows us how Jesus kept alert to opportunities to give a witness? We might also ask ourselves: " Do my goals and decisions show that I really believe Jesus ' words? Hugunina, mo 1963 otwa li twa yakula ekutu lya zi koombelewa dhetu oonene muuyuni awuhe koBrooklyn. Jesus says a blessing and passes unleavened bread to the apostles, saying: "Take, eat. " Finally, in 1963 we were welcomed from world headquarters in Brooklyn. Onkee ano, natu " yakule oondjendi momagumbo getu. ' - Rom. If you struggle with feelings of despair or guilt, realize that your reaction is normal. Let us, therefore, "be hospitable to one another. " - Rom. " Olutu olumwe nOmbepo oyimwe, ngashika naanaa etegameno ndyoka Kalunga e mú ithanena, olimwe. Omuwa ogumwe, eitaalo olimwe [neninginitho, NW] olimwe. Kalunga ogumwe, He yaantu ayehe. " Jehovah values your efforts in spreading "the true knowledge " of God " Two flesh and one flesh, just as God has called you, one of them is the Christ. " Oshitopolwa shotango, otashi yelitha kutya okwiihula omuntu omukulu osha hala okutya shike, nomolwashike oku shi ninga sha simana noshe endelela. Since wicked spirits can no longer materialize, in what indirect ways might they try to influence you? The first article explains what it means to put away the old personality - and why it is urgent. (Gen. 7: 11) Noa ka li e na egongalo lyooitaali ooyakwawo nenge aamwayina, opo ye mu ambidhidhe, ngaashi tse kunena hatu kwathelathana pambepo nooitaali ooyakwetu. By keeping their life simple, Andrew and his wife have even had the privilege of being in full - time service. Noah did not have the congregation of fellow believers or brothers in order to support him, as we do today. Epangelo ekwanyanya olya kala nokutyakaleka uule woomvula 20, sigo Jehova a mono kutya oshigwana she shoka sha tangalala, osha hala okulundulula omikalo dhasho. Ehokololo lyOmbiimbeli lyeimbilo lyaDebora naBarak otali ti: " Sigo Debora e ya, u uluka ko ngaashi yina yaIsraeli. ' MEMORIAL ATTENDANCE (2015) In fact, the Roman government acted courageously for 20 years, until Jehovah saw that his people in the land of Canaan wanted to change the song of Deborah and Barak, as it were, "the mother of Deborah and Barak. " Natu ga kundathaneni koolimwe noolimwe. The director was so impressed that he allowed us to use the facilities without cost. Let us discuss one another and one another. Oohapu "eho okeho, eyego okeyego, " ndhoka dhi li mOmbiimbeli, odhe etitha po oompata odhindji. By our being determined to refrain from these negative fleshly desires, we show clearly that we do not want to be a part of Satan's wicked world. " A solid word for eye, " the Bible, set up a number of criminals. Shi yelitha. (b) Oshike tashi ka kwathela omukuluntugongalo a kale eladhipiko kuyalwe noku shi okupopiwa naye nuupu? 3 They Offered Themselves Willingly - In the Philippines Explain. (b) What will help an elder to encourage others to be approachable and approachable? Kungeyi ombepo yaKalunga otayi kwatathana nombepo yoye yi ku lombwele kutya ngoye owu na etegameno lyokuya megulu. When I saw how happy my brother was, I felt deeply moved. Thus, God's spirit is with holy spirit to tell you that you have the heavenly hope. Jesus okwa li a londodha kombinga yaashoka a li i ithana " iihuna yeshunduko, mbyoka ya popiwa komuhunganeki Daniel, yi li meha eyapuki. ' Michelle: Correct. Jesus warned about what he called "the disgusting thing " mentioned by Daniel, a holy prophet. Otandi ku yambeke, edhina lyoye otandi li ningi enene... Otandi ka yambeka mboka taye ku yambeke, ihe otii ka tula omutima mboka taye ku tula omutima. " - Gen. We may have plenty of food, but many of our brothers are poor. I will make your name great, and I will bless you, but I will bless those who put it upon you. " - Gen. Oshungolangelo yimwe oya li ya nyanyangidha oombapila odhindji dha nyolwa kwaamboka taya pandula. Yes, the Law was "a shadow of the good things to come, but not the very substance of the things. " The Watch Tower printed a number of letters written by those who thanked them. 24: 7, OB - 1954. What was their response? 24: 7. 3 Mbela aayengeli otaya vulu okuguma onkalamwenyo yoye? Second, the response from Jehovah God will be of a magnitude greater than any action that he has taken in the past. 3 Can angels affect your life? pepandja 47 sigo 54, lya nyanyangidhwa kOonzapo dhaJehova. But what if interference from your in - laws has become serious enough to cause conflict between you and your spouse? on page 47 of this issue, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Shotango, owa li washili. From the few glimpses of Nathan given to us in the Scriptures, it is clear that he was a humble but vigorous defender of divine arrangements. First, you were truly true. Pompito mpoka Marta a tumbulwa oshikando shotango mOmbiimbeli naampoka a tumbulwa oshikando shahugunina okwa popiwa ta longo, a li ta ningi ngaashi ta vulu opo a ngwanithe po oompumbwe dhaamboka ya li pamwe naye. On the other hand, by being alert and watchful spiritually, we will be ready whenever that day of judgment arrives. - Ps. On that occasion, Martha was mentioned in the Bible and is mentioned in the last days, doing all she could to care for the needs of those who were with him. Ombiimbeli otayi yamukula yoyene tayi ti: "Eeno, omwiidhi otagu kukuta, noongala otadhi ganya, ihe oohapu dhaKalunga ketu otadhi kala sigo aluhe. " - Jesaja 40: 8. Since the words are not difficult and the sentences are shorter, he is not intimidated. The Bible answers: "Yes, it will be rain, but the word of our God endures forever. " - Isaiah 40: 8. Magdalena okwa ti: "Omukithi gwandje otagu ende tagu nayipala. Aksamai came to Elizabeth for some clothing but asked many questions about the meaning of life and the condition of the dead. Magdalena says: "My illness has become worse. 4: 23, 24) Atuheni otwa pumbwa okutsikila okuninga omalunduluko, oshoka inatu gwanenena. Also, could we direct them to local agencies that may help them to obtain suitable housing or employment? All of us need to continue to make changes because we are imperfect. AAKALIPO PEDHIMBULUKO (2014) Shortly thereafter, I found myself on a beach in Portugal. MEMORIAL ATTENDANCE (center) OMUNASIKOLA gumwe ngoka ha sikola pamwe nomumwameme omugundjuka gwokoBritania, okwa ti: "Oto monika wu na oondunge lela noino pumbwa okwiitaala muKalunga. " The "Jew " represents those whom God has anointed by holy spirit. " YOU have strong faith in God and do not need to believe in God, " said a young Christian sister who is working with a young sister in Britain. (Ef. 4: 26, 27) Otashi pula eifupipiko nomukumo okutya "ombili sho nde ku uvitha nayi, " ihe oku shi ninga otaku mu kwathele mu kandule po uupyakadhi notaku koleke ekwatathano lyeni mu li aaihokani. Jesus Christ - The Reach of His Message It takes courage and courage to say "When I hurt you, " it will help him to resolve problems and strengthen your marriage. Momaputuko gamwe, aayenda mboka inaaya hiywa, ohaya taambiwa ko owala, omanga mugalwe wu na okuninga omalongekidho komeho yethimbo. 12: 8 - 13, 29 - 32. In some cultures, guests who are not invited to do more than just make plans for the future. (Eh. 7: 14 - 17) Kapu na omuwiliki gwopantu ta vulu okuuvanekela aantu ngawo. PAGE 15 No human has ever been able to make such a decision. (Josua 1: 8) Ipula to ti: " Ohandi konakona ngaa pandjigilile Ombiimbeli paumwene? HISTORY: PURSUED VIOLENCE, DRUGS, AND A PRESTIGIOUS CAREER Ask yourself: " Do I regularly study the Bible? Arthur oku shi kutya oku na okuza mo, molwaashoka ote ehama mepunda. We all enjoy attending our Christian meetings as well as assemblies and conventions. Arthur knows that he has to get sick because he is sick. Pehala lyaashono, "oyendji yomuyo oya li ye mu landula [Jesus]. " Clearly, then, the main problem with Christmas celebrations lies in their unsavory origins. Instead, "many came following him. " Aakuluntugongalo oyo unene ye na okudheula aalumentu ya kale ya gwana okupewa iinakugwanithwa, ihe yalwe otaya vulu oku ya kwathela wo. When we willingly make changes to please Jehovah, we show that we truly love him Elders especially need to train men to qualify for responsibility, but others can also help them. Jehova okwa hala tu kale twa yogoka pamikalo You were no doubt eager to hold the baby. Jehovah wants us to remain morally clean 13: 38) Ihe, shoka tu na okundhindhilika osho kutya eikokoto lyomayego olya pambathana nehanagulo. - Eps. For instance, The Watchtower, available in over 210 languages, explains Bible prophecy, increases our comprehension of deep spiritual truths, and motivates us to live by Bible principles. However, what we must conclude is that the teeth of the flesh is related to destruction. - Ps. Natu ka taleni nkene Omanyolo tage tu kwathele tu thike pehulithodhiladhilo ndika. At the same time, he reassures her that her thoughts and feelings are important to him. Let us see how the Scriptures help us to conclude this conclusion. Ihe nonando oongawo, uukwanegumbo wetu nosho wo ookuume kandje oya li ya ambidhidha ndje. " How Can I Make Worship of God Enjoyable? " - chapter 38 Still, our family and friends supported me. Shoka wo sha li tashi uvitha nayi oosho oyanamati yalwe inaayi itaala Jesus. To be sure, in the present system of things, we may not be able to eliminate all negative feelings or discouragement. That also hurt his sons because they did not believe Jesus. Einekelo lyetu muJehova oha li gumwa ngiini uuna tatu kongo tangotango Uukwaniilwa naasho tatu mono nkene Kalunga te tu ambidhidha? The Bible thus makes clear that humans are not created as individuals with a soul that is immortal. How is our trust in Jehovah affected when we seek first the Kingdom and when we see how God supports us? Omikalo omipe dhokunyanyangidha Ombiimbeli nosho wo aatoloki yOmbiimbeli aalaadhi oya kwathele okumangulula aantu muupika waBabilonia (Tala okatendo 12, 13) SONGS: 54, 36 Newing new methods of Bible truth and zealous Bible translators have helped people from Babylonian captivity (See paragraphs 12, 13) " Katu na oku li ninga momukalo gwa ponda, " omusamane gwokOndowishi ngoka e na aanona yaali osho a ti ngaaka. I fast twice a week, I give the tenth of all things I acquire. ' " We do not have to do so in a kind way, " the husband who has two children said. Moses okwa li a tila shike? Rather, he cultivates it by remaining unmarried so as to advance Kingdom interests without distraction. What was Moses afraid? (Lesha Aakolossa 3: 10.) (Read 2 Corinthians 8: 12.) (Read Colossians 3: 10.) (Fil. 1: 10) Ihe aakuluntugongalo yamwe otashi vulika ya kale yi ipyakidhila unene niinima yilwe ya simana, e taya kala kaaye na we ethimbo lyokudheula yalwe. When he obtained a new cell phone, his bad craving was reignited. However, some elders may be so busy that they do not have time to train others. Mbela Jehosafat okwa li ngaa i ilongo mo sha mepuko lye? King Solomon observed that "a double handful of hard work " is often accompanied by" striving after the wind. " Did Jehoshaphat learn from his mistake? 4: 30, 31) Tu li aantu inaatu gwanenena, atuheni otwa pumbwa okulonga nuudhiginini tu pangele omadhiladhilo getu nosho wo iilonga yetu. After acknowledging that he had been blinded by a " rafter ' of pride and that his critical attitude was his problem, he began to change quickly for the better. As imperfect humans, all of us need to work hard to control our thinking and actions. Pehala lyaashono, Asa okwa pula ekwatho kuJehova nziya. Do you perhaps need to show more patience, kindness, or self - control? Instead, Asa sought Jehovah's help immediately. Satana ngoka e li omukolokoshi a shiga ko oku li ompinge naJehova, ngoka omunahole kaaku na we. But his two boys were happy to see their parents enjoying something with them. Satan is the greatest one who is fighting against Jehovah, the most loving one. 21, 22. (a) Omolwashike elongelokalunga lyashili kaa li na esiku nando lya li muupyakadhi wu vule oonkondo dhalyo okuza komalongelokalunga giifundja? Satan does not want you to think about such consequences of sin. 21, 22. (a) Why did true worship never have any strength from false religion? Omolwaashoka oya tsika pambepo. He ordered her to conceal his presence from any man who might come looking for him. Because they kept their spiritual balance. Omumwatate Juan ngoka naye a li a pulwa a tembukile koBetel yaMeksiko ota ti: "Osha li sha fa omuntu ta tameke nonkalamwenyo ompe kungame. 9. " It was like a new life like a new life to me. Ongiini iilonga mbyoka Kalunga e tu pa tayi tu kwathele tu kale twa hangana? What will happen to the bundles of weeds? How does God's service help us to be united? Otwa li hatu kala mondunda hayi futilwa yi li megumbo enene sho twa li twa tegelela oovisa dhetu. Those were exciting times because so many had a keen desire to learn Bible truths, and they became our fellow Witnesses. We rented a room in a large house when we expected our bicycle. Kalunga okwe tu dhimina po oondjo dhetu molwomagano gesilohenda lye, nota tsikile oku dhi dhima po. Many jobs, though, call for keen focus and alertness, and the Christian ministry is certainly like that. God has forgiven us for his undeserved kindness, and he continues to forgive us. Omathimbo gamwe, otashi vulika omagalikano getu ga kale ga fa itaaga yamukulwa, sha hala okutya, pethimbo mpoka nenge momukalo moka twa tegelela. What are some ways in which we are united as God's people? At times, our prayers may not be like answering, or when we expect it. Kalunga iha tala aantu ye vule yakwawo molwomuhoko, oshigwana, ondondo nenge eholokopo lyawo lyokombanda. At the same time, when we preach from house to house and in public areas, we warn as many people as possible that God's Kingdom will come and bring an end to this ungodly world. - Ezek. God does not view people as superior to others, position, or position. Ihe nonando ongawo, uuna taya pangele, olundji oonkambadhala dhawo ohadhi yiwa moshipala koontamanana nokokukondjela koshipundi. What is revealed in various portions of the Bible? Even so, when they control their efforts, their efforts often interfered with the throne and its government. Oshiholelwa shini tashi tu ulukile kutya Jesus okwa li ha kongo oompito a gandje uunzapo? The first one is Revelation 12: 10, 11, which says that the Devil is conquered not only through our preaching but also by the blood of Jesus. What example shows that Jesus looked for opportunities to witness? Jesus okwa hambelele e ta gandja oshikwiila inaashi tulwa efulika kaayapostoli ye, ta ti: "Taambeni, lyeni. " For example, they may ask: " Why do good people have to suffer? ' Jesus praised the bread of the apostles, saying: "Keep your little watch. " Ngele oho kala wa teka omukumo nenge to ipe uusama, oshi li paunshitwe. Jesus had the same attitude. If you feel discouraged or regret, it can be natural. Jehova okwa lenga oonkambadhala dhoye dhokutaandelitha " ontseyo yashili ' Does that not demonstrate his loving concern for us as individuals? Jehovah treasures your efforts to spread "the true knowledge " Molwaashoka oompwidhuli itadhi vulu we okwiikongela omalutu gopanyama, omomikalo dhini tadhi vulu oku ku nwetha mo? It comes as no surprise, therefore, that moral standards are being abandoned. Without the influence of the demons, what are some ways that can influence you? (Jes. 59: 1) Ye nomukadhi oya li ya vulu okuya muukokolindjila, molwaashoka onkalamwenyo yawo oyi li paunathangwa. From the age of 15, she began to have sexual relations with different partners in order to relieve her loneliness. He and his wife were able to pioneer because their lives were simple. MBOKA YA LI PEDHIMBULUKO (2015) Will You Make Sacrifices for the Kingdom? MEMORIAL ATTENDANCE (2015) Omukuluntuwiliki gwokapale okwa li lela e shi kuminwa, noshe mu ningitha e tu ethe tu ka longithe nopwaa na ofuto yasha. What must one be cautious of when planning for the future? He was so impressed that he stopped using our money. Ohatu ulike kutya inatu hala okukala oshitopolwa shuuyuni mbuka waSatana, mokukala twa tokola toko tu kale kokule nomahalo gopanyama ngoka ga puka. View of Politics, 5 / 1 We show that we do not want to be part of Satan's world by being determined to distance us from fleshly desires and desires. 3 Oyi igandja nehalo ewanawa ya ka longe - koFilipine It comforts us to know that the dead are asleep in the grave and are not suffering. 3 They Offered Themselves Willingly - In the Philippines Osha li shi inyengitha ndje lela sho nda mono nkene omumwamememati a nyanyukwa shili. Rome was the dominant power when John received the vision of the wild beast. It really moved me to see how happy my brother was. Michelle: Owu li mondjila. Let us analyze this illustration from another viewpoint. Michelle: That's right. Otashi vulika tu na iikulya oyindji, ihe aamwatate oyendji oya hepa. And he rejoices over them down to this day. We may have plenty of food, but many brothers are poor. Onkee ano, Ompango ndjoka oya li "efano lya dhimeya lyiinima iiwanawa tayi ke ya, ihe itali holola onkalo [yo yene] yiinima mbyoka. " (Heb. Has Satan changed since he made that claim? Thus, that Law was "a shadow of the good things to come, but it does not reveal things that will come upon them. " 19: 3 - 6) Mbela aantu oya li yi inyenge ngiini? In both parables, the master (1) refers to Jesus. How did people react? Etiyali, onkatu ndjoka Jehova Kalunga ta ka katuka otayi ka kala yi vule kokule adhihe ndhoka a li a katuka monakuziwa. Consider the example of the Christian disciple Timothy. - Acts 16: 1 - 3. Second, the action that Jehovah God will take will be far beyond all that he has taken in the past. (Aakolossa 3: 13) Ihe mbela ongiini ngele okwiidhopa kwaavali yakuume koye kopandjokana okwa kwata miiti e taku eta eipumomumwe pokati koye nakuume koye kopandjokana? Let us consider four ways that you can do so - by means of heartfelt prayer, by reading God's Word and meditating on it, by tapping into Jehovah's holy spirit, and by sharing your feelings with a trusted confidant. But what if a mate's head has a serious problem with your mate? Ngele tatu dhiladhila kuuyelele uushona mboka twa pewa mOmanyolo kombinga yaNatan, osha yela kutya okwa li omwiifupipiki nokwa li a popile nuulaadhi elongekidho kehe lyopakalunga. Shortly after his triumphant entry into Jerusalem in the spring of 33 C.E., Jesus said: "The hour has come for the Son of man to be glorified. " When we think of little information about what we have received from the Scriptures, it is clear that Nathan was humble and courageously defended God's arrangement for theocratic arrangements. Kaye shi wo kutya olyo tali ke eta epangulo lyiigwana ayihe. What role do family members play if a man is to qualify for appointment as a ministerial servant or an elder? They do not know that it would bring judgment to all the nations. Iha kala e na uumbanda washa, molwaashoka iitya kayi shi iidhigu, go omatumbulo omafupi. For suggestions on how to initiate a discussion with your children about sex and how to share age - appropriate information, see The Watchtower, November 1, 2010, pages 12 - 14. He does not have any fear, for words are difficult for him. Uuna Aksamai i ile oonguwo dhe komumwameme Elizabeth, okwa li he mu pula omapulo ogendji kombinga yeityo lyonkalamwenyo nosho wo onkalo yoonakusa. But I still read the Bible every day, and I go to meetings and out in the ministry whenever I can. When her husband's clothes came to her with her, she asked her many questions about the meaning of life and the condition of the dead. Shimwe ishewe, otatu vulu oku yu ulukila omahangano gomoshitopolwa, ngoka taga vulu oku ya kwathela ya mone omagumbo nenge iilonga yi li nawa. Because the apostle Paul calls them "500 brothers. " On the other hand, we can show them local institutions, which may help them to see their homes or work well. Konima yethimbo efupi, ondi iyadha ndi li komunkulofuta moPortugal. As you look up at the night sky, consider: What is the source of this energy driving the expansion and acceleration of the universe? Shortly thereafter, I found myself at the train of Brooklyn Bethel. Ohayi ithanwa wo " aantu yaKalunga ' nenge " Israel yaKalunga. ' (Read.) It is also called "the people of God, " or" God. " Nkene etumwalaka lyaJesus Kristus lya nwetha mo aantu There are times when we will do well to reconsider a decision and perhaps change it. Jesus Christ - His Message and You 12: 8 - 13, 29 - 32. I remember that Jehovah's Witnesses knocked on my door many times, but I never opened it. 12: 8 - 13, 29 - 32. EPANDJA 15 When that happens, however, there are opportunities to learn from these errors, to be forgiving, and to let love have full sway as "a perfect bond of union. " PAGE 15 ONDJOKONONA: ONDA LI NDI HOLE OKUKONDJA, OKULONGITHA IINGANGAMITHI NOKULALAKANENA ESIMANO Appreciating that Jehovah is the God of "times and seasons " moves us to do what? HISTORY: A LOVED MY, THAT Atuhe ohatu nyanyukilwa okukala pokugongala kwopaKriste nopiigongi iishona niinene. Rather than fostering in people the mind of Christ, the world's spirit causes their thinking and actions to resemble those of the ruler of the world, Satan. We all enjoy attending Christian meetings at assemblies and conventions. Osha yela kutya shoka tashi ningitha Okrismesa yi kale ya puka osho kutya oya za komikalondjigilile dha nyata. He said: "He that receives anyone I send receives me also. " Clearly, Christmas is wrong with moral practices. Ngele otwa ningi omalunduluko nehalo ewanawa, opo tu nyanyudhe Jehova, otatu ulike kutya otu mu hole shili 23: 24, 25. If we make adjustments to please Jehovah, we show that we truly love him Osha yela kutya owa li wa halelela oku ku ukata. Did not providing assistance serve a useful purpose as well as make you feel good? You surely yearned for water. 65: 13) Pashiholelwa, Oshungolangelo ndjoka hayi nyanyangidhwa momalaka ge vulithe 210, ohayi tu yelithile omahunganeko gOmbiimbeli, ohayi tu kwathele tu uve ko muule oshili yOmbiimbeli, nohayi tu tsu omukumo tu vulike komakotampango gOmbiimbeli. Also, Naboth's persecution by Jezebel represented the persecution of the anointed during the last days. For example, The Watchtower is published in over 700 languages, explaining Bible prophecies to help us understand Bible truth, and it encourages us to obey Bible principles. Ye pethimbo opo tuu mpoka, te mu shilipaleke kutya omadhiladhilo nomaiyuvo ge oga simana kuye. (1 Pet. There is also a loving provision for Christians who commit such a sin. At the same time, he assures him that his thoughts and feelings are important to him. " How Can I Make Worship of God Enjoyable? " - Ontopolwa 38 ("Oshike ndi na okuninga, opo ndi kale ndi hole okulongela Kalunga? ") On a number of occasions, the Bible mentions that Jehovah "felt regret. " " How Can I Make Bible Reading Enjoyable? " - chapter 38 Natu kale twa shilipalekwa kutya, monkalelo ndjika yiinima, otashi vulika kaatu vule okukutha po omaiyuvo agehe omawinayi nenge etekomukumo. Jesus said that there was no man greater than John, but then he said that John would not rule as a king in heaven. Let us be assured that in this system of things, we may not be able to remove any negative emotions or discouragement. Kungeyi, Ombiimbeli oye shi yelitha kutya aantu oye na omwenyo hagu si. They clearly show Jehovah's name, represented in the Greek text by the four Hebrew letters יהוה (YHWH), or the Tetragrammaton. Thus, the Bible explains that life is alive. OMAIMBILO: 54, 36 Paul successfully dealt with the challenges he faced, and so can you. SONGS: 54, 36 Iikulya ohandi idhilike omasiku gaali moshiwike kehe nohandi ku pe oshitimulongo shomwaayihe mbyoka nde yi likola. ' What is a major way in which we can take the lead in showing honor, and why is that so? He said: "I will not leave two days each week, and I shall give you the sacred things I have given you. " Ihe ohaye ga kokeke, opo ya humithe komeho iilonga yUukwaniilwa nompwaahe na okupiyaganekwa kusha. Sometimes differences in the congregation involve not just two people but many individuals. However, they develop it in order to promote Kingdom service and not to be distracted. (Lesha 2 Aakorinto 8: 12.) Mary too put her faith in Jesus. (Read 2 Corinthians 8: 12.) Sho a landa ongodhi yopeke, omahalo ge oga koko e ta tameke ishewe okutala omathano ngoka kongodhi ye. In a loud, clear voice, she answered two questions that the speaker posed. Shortly afterward, she got baptized. When he bought a cell, his desires grew up and began to look back on the phone. Omukwaniilwa Salomo okwa li e shi mono kutya "oshilonga oshidhigu " olundji ohashi endele pamwe" nokutidha ombepo. " 133: 1. King Solomon recognized that "the work of the field " often runs along with" a wind. " Konima sho a zimine kutya okwa kala shili e na " endangalati ' lyokukala omwiinenepeki nonokutya iikala yokugandja uusama oyo ya li uupyakadhi kuye, okwa tameke okuninga omalunduluko nziya. Do the other sheep need to know the names of all anointed ones still on earth today? After acknowledging that he had truly had a "simple " and that his attitude had been changed, he began to make changes quickly. Mbela owa pumbwa eidhidhimiko, ohenda nenge eipangelo? Next on the scene appear two women who have strong wings like those of a stork. Do you need patience, self - control, self - control, or self - control? Ihe oyanamati yaali oya li ya nyanyukwa okumona aavali yawo taya nyanyukilwa sha pamwe nayo. What, though, if a child makes a poor decision? But two of their sons were happy to see their parents join them together. Satana iha kala a hala omuntu wu dhiladhile kiilanduliko yokuyona. Do More to Warn Others? Satan does not want you to think about the consequences of evil acts. Sisera okwa anda ko Jael kaa popye kutya omo e li, uuna pwe ya omulumentu te mu pula. (b) Of what are we assured if we act with humility? Sisera could not say that Jael did not call Jael for a man who asked him. 9. While engaging in conversation at the Kingdom Hall, do you keep a firm grip on your belongings lest they disappear? 9. Oshike tashi ka ningilwa iihampi yomau? 14, 15. (a) How did Jehovah mercifully care for his sinful people? What will happen to them? Oyo otaa ka lya po onyama yayo notaa ke yi lungunitha po nomulilo. Finally, at Naomi's urging, Orpah returned to her homeland. But Ruth's No meant No. They will have to eat meat, and they will certainly plant vineyards and eat fire. Osha li ethimbo li nyanyudha noonkondo, oshoka aantu oyendji oya li ye na ehalo lyokwiilonga oshili noya ningi Oonzapo. Jehovah has already appointed a Ruler who loves mankind and is qualified to rule, Jesus Christ. It was a time for many to learn the truth and become Witnesses. Ihe iilonga oyindji ohayi pula omuntu a kale ta gandja eitulomo nokukala a tonata, shika osha faathana nuukalele wopaKriste. (Read 1 Samuel 24: 4 - 7.) However, many secular work require that a person keeps focused on keeping awake and keeping on the watch in the Christian ministry. Tu li oshigwana oshigwana shaJehova otwa hangana momikalo dhini? From the mid - 1930 ' s onward, it became evident that Christ had started to gather millions of his "other sheep, " who would make up a multinational" great crowd. " In what ways are Jehovah's people united? Dhiladhila kuDavid, omukwaniilwa gwaIsraeli ngoka a tumbulwa moshitopolwa shotango shomiitopolwa mbika ya pambathana. What does it mean to be baptized in the name of the holy spirit? Consider David, the first king of Israel, mentioned in this article. (Hes. 18: 23) Sho tatu uvitha egumbo negumbo nosho wo pomahala gaayehe, ohatu londodha oyendji ngaashi tashi vulika kutya Uukwaniilwa waKalunga otawu ya wu hulithe po uuyuni mbuka wa kolokosha. - Hes. One person helped me find a job. As we preach from house to house and in public places, we warn many others that God's Kingdom will bring an end to this wicked world. - Ezek. Oontopolwa dhi ili nodhi ili dhOmbiimbeli otadhi ulike shike? How grateful he was to have such loving and caring friends! What do many Bible accounts show? Lyotango, oli li mEhololo 12: 10, 11, ndyoka tali ti kutya Ondiyapoli oya sindwa keuvitho lyetu nokombinzi yaJesus. Why do some teenagers seem so contentious? First, Revelation 12: 10, which means that the Devil would conquer our blood and Jesus ' blood. Pashiholelwa, otashi vulika ya pule taya ti: " Omolwashike aantu mboka haya longo uuwanawa haya mono iihuna? ' 6: 3, 4, 9. For example, they might ask, " Why do those who do good? ' Jesus ota vulu okuyelekanithwa nomunepya omunandunge. " Definitely, " he says. Jesus could be likened to a wise and wise man. (Heb. 4: 16) Mbela shono itashi ulike kutya oku tu hole pauhandimwe? If someone told you that a man saved your life when you were yet a child, would you not be interested in learning more about that man and why he saved you? Does that not indicate that he loves us personally? 92: 7) Onkee ano, itashi tu kumitha sho aantu inaaya simaneka omithikampango dhopamikalo. I want to get out in the ministry to see how people will react, how I can spark their interest. So it is not surprising that people do not respect God's moral standards. Sho e na omimvo 15, okwa tameke okuya momilalo naantu yi ili noyi ili, opo ando kaa kale we u uvite uuwike. And even in our own congregation, there are many ways we can be like missionaries. When he was 15, he began to sexual immorality with people so that he could not feel lonely. Oto ka ninga ngaa omaiyambo omolwUukwaniilwa? [ Pictures on page 3] Will you make sacrifices for the Kingdom? Owu na okukala wa kotokela shike uuna to ningi omalongekidho gonakuyiwa? David Schafer What must you be careful about when you plan for future arrangements? Kala netaloko ewanawa uuna kaamu uvitathane mondjokana, 5 / 15 A father's absence also erodes his ability to fulfill his role as family head. 12 / 1 Ohashi tu hekeleke okutseya kutya oonakusa oya kotha moombila noitaya mono iihuna. Because of not having all the facts, the Israelites in Ezekiel's day felt that Jehovah's way was "not adjusted right. " It comforts us to know that the dead are sleeping in the grave and that they are suffering. Pethimbo Johannes a mono emoniko ndyoka lyoshilikama, epangelo enankondo lyaRoma olyo lya li koshipundi. David, in turn, acknowledged that Jehovah had used her to restrain him from doing what would have made him guilty before God. During the vision of the wild beast, the Roman Empire was the throne. Natu konakone eyele ndika pataloko lilwe. How can young ones work along with their parents so that the family will "stay awake "? Consider another illustration. Oshihupe shoka okwe shi hokwa sigo okunena. Jehovah has given us the honor of helping to make our spiritual paradise even more beautiful. The same has been true for the end of this day. (Job 2: 4, 5) Mbela Satana okwa lunduluka okuza sho a popi oohapu ndhoka? So the king sent men to find him there and to bring him back. Has Satan changed since he spoke those words? Omulumentu ngoka ta popiwa mo (1) ota thaneke Jesus. 17, 18. The man mentioned (1) represents Jesus. Tala koshiholelwa shomulongwa Omukriste, Timoteus. - Iil. 16: 1 - 3. * Two placards were attached at the shoulders and hung, one in front and one behind, an advertising method that had been in use by Witnesses since 1936. Consider the example of a Christian sister named Timothy. - Acts 16: 1 - 3. Natu taleni komikalo ne ndhoka tadhi tu kwathele kaatu kale tu na iimpwiyu oyindji. Omikalo ndhoka odho: egalikano tali zi komutima, okulesha Oohapu dhaKalunga nokutedhatedha kudho, okupopya nagumwe ngoka wi inekela nokupula Jehova e ku pe ombepo ondjapuki. The title of the book was Did Man Get Here by Evolution or by Creation? Let us consider four ways that help us to avoid anxiety: By reading God's Word and meditating on it, meditate on it, and rely on Jehovah for holy spirit. Nziya konima sho Jesus a li e ya muJerusalem ta hambelelwa e li Omukwaniilwa pethimbo lyokwenye kwokUuzilo woPokati mo 33 E.N., okwa ti: "Ethimbo olye ya, Omuna gwOmuntu a pewe esimano enene. " The Christian congregation was founded, not to function as a social club, but to honor Jehovah and to get a job done - the work of preaching the good news, making disciples, and building up the congregation. Shortly after Jesus arrived in Jerusalem as the Bridegroom - King in 33 C.E. B.C.E., he said: "Who is the glory of the Son of man. " Iilyo yuukwanegumbo ohayi dhana onkandangala yini opo omulumentu a kale a gwana okulangekwa po e li omuyakuligongalo nenge omukuluntugongalo? A total of 36 attended, and 8 were baptized. What role does family members play in providing appointment as a ministerial servant or an elder? Opo wu mone omaetopo gankene to vulu okutameka oonkundathana naamwoye kombinga yomilalo nankene to vulu okulongitha uuyelele mboka tawu opalele epipi lyawo, tala Oshungolangelo, ye 1 Desemba 2010, epandja 12 - 14. What concern for "the things of the world " should a couple expect to have? For suggestions on how to converse with your children about sex, see The Watchtower, December 1, 2010, pages 12 - 14. Onkee ngaa te tsikile okulesha Ombiimbeli esiku kehe, okuya kokugongala nokuya momapya, uuna tandi vulu. But what about the "other sheep "? So he continues to read the Bible daily, attending meetings, and field service when I am able to do so. Omolwaashoka omuyapostoli Paulus okwe ya ithana " aalanduli yaJesus ye vule omathele gatano. ' See the articles "Christians Worship With Spirit and Truth " and" They Keep On Walking in the Truth " in The Watchtower of July 15, 2002. Because the apostle Paul called them "his followers superior to Jesus. " Sho to tala kewangandjo uusiku, ipula kombinga yaashi: Oonkondo ndhoka hadhi ningitha ewangandjo li tamunuke mo noku li endelelitha ohadhi zi peni? The apostle Paul said: "Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you and be submissive, for they are keeping watch over your souls. " As you look at the night and think about it, do you think about the energy that the universe creates in the sky and wherever it comes from it? (Lesha.) We can collect these scriptures and articles so that we can read them again from time to time. (Read.) Omathimbo gamwe oshi li nawa wu li talulule e to li lundulula ngele otashi vulika. This arrangement may provide certain tax advantages. As the term "charitable planning " implies, these types of donations typically require some planning on the part of the donor. At times, it may be good to review and change if possible. Otandi dhimbulukwa kutya Oonzapo dhaJehova odha kala hadhi konkola olundji pegumbo lyandje, ihe ine kala handi dhi egulula. Because Jehovah was not firmly committed to a certain course of action, the inspired record says that he "began to feel regret. " I remember that Jehovah's Witnesses often knocked on my door, but I did not let them leave. Ngele ga holoka po, otaya vulu okwiilonga komapuko gawo ngoka, e taya dhiminathana po nokweetha ohole oyo yi kale "epaya tali vulu okumangela iinima ayihe kumwe. " We were happy to adjust our circumstances to qualify for Gilead. When they arise, they can learn to forgive their mistakes, forgive, and let each other become "a perfect bond of union. " Ngele otu na olupandu kutya Kalunga oye a tula po "omathimbo nomimvo, " oshi na oku tu inyengitha tu ninge shike? Thirty - three years passed, and Judea still chafed under the Roman yoke. When we appreciate God's provision of "times and seasons, " what should it motivate us to do? Ombepo yuuyuni ohayi ningitha aantu ya dhiladhile noya longe iilonga ya fa yomupangeli gwuuyuni mbuka, Satana, pehala lyokuthindila maantu omadhiladhilo gaKristus. What problem did some Christians in the first century have, and what did they need to do? The spirit of the world enables people to think and act as a ruler of this world, Satan, rather than reject Christ's thinking. Okwa popi a ti: "Ngoka ta taamba kehe gumwe ngoka tandi mu tumu, oye ota taamba ndje. " If we are loyal and humble, we will not focus on what we want but on what Jehovah wants us to do He said: "Everyone who sent me will receive me. " 23: 24, 25. Personal weaknesses may be likened to loose stones lying on a racetrack. 23: 24, 25. Mbela ndyoka kalya li ekwatho lya simana ndyoka lye ku uvitha wo nawa? (See opening picture.) Would that not have been the most important help that Jesus preached? Oshikwawo, olya ti okuhepekwa kwaNabot kuIsebel okwa li taku thaneke okuhepekwa kwaagwayekwa momasiku gahugunina. This article also shows how the raising of Christ to immortal heavenly life should affect us and our activity as Kingdom proclaimers. Furthermore, Naboth's execution symbolized the suffering of the anointed during the last days. 5: 4 - 7, 11) Omukriste ohashi vulika wo a dhiminwe po, ngele okwa yono momukalo gwa tya ngaaka. Jesus had to be hanged on a torture stake in order to remove the curse of the Law from the Jews; however, his death had a greater benefit. A Christian may also receive forgiveness when he sinned in such a way. Ombiimbeli oya popya lwiikando yontumba kutya Jehova okwa li " i igaluluka. ' (Jona 3: 10; Gen. 6: 6, 7, NW; Aatok. 2: 18, NW; 1 Sam. The Printed Page. The Bible mentions several times that Jehovah "felt regret. " Jesus okwa li a lombwele aantu kutya kapu na omuntu omunene e vule Johannes, ihe nonando ongaaka okwe shi popi kutya Johannes ita ka pangela e li omukwaniilwa megulu. When Jesus refers to his "coming, " he is referring to the time during the great tribulation when he comes to judge and destroy this wicked world. Jesus told that no one is greater than John, but he said that John would rule as king in heaven. Otawu ulike sha yela edhina lyaJehova, ndyoka lya nyolwa mOshigreka noondanda ne dhOshiheberi יהוה (YHWH), ndhoka hadhi ithanwa o - Tetragrammaton. Moreover, Jesus ' resurrection assured his followers that they too would be resurrected. It clearly indicates Jehovah's name, which was written in Greek and Greek letters (b) The Tetragrammaton), which is called the Tetragrammaton. Paulus okwa li u ungaunga nomupondo nomashongo ngoka ga li ge mu taalela, nangoye oto vulu oku shi ninga. That is a kind of beauty that all of us can cultivate. Paul dealt effectively with the challenges he faced, and you too can do so. Omukalo guni omunene moka tatu vulu okukwatela komeho mokusimaneka yalwe, nomolwashike shi li ngawo? People with a proud attitude - a common trait of "wise and intellectual ones " - tend to misunderstand the Bible. What is the greatest way we can take in showing honor to others, and why is that so? Omathimbo gamwe oontamanana ihadhi kala owala pokati kaantu yaali, ihe ohadhi kala dha kwatela mo iilyo oyindji yegongalo. That perfect man would need to be loyal to Jehovah and be willing to give his life in exchange for doomed humanity. Sometimes differences between two people are not limited, but they include many members of the congregation. Maria okwa li wo e mu itaale. Monique, mentioned earlier, says: "By attending the meetings regularly and by participating in the field service as often as I can, I have been able to endure. Mary also believed her. Sho omupopi a pula omapulo gaali, Maria okwa yamukula mokule newi lya yela, nokonima okwa ninginithwa. The fugitive thus never had to fear reprisal. When the speaker asked two questions, Mary answered a loud voice and got baptized. 133: 1. Do we see such actions on Ahab's part? 133: 1. Mbela oonzi dhilwe odhi na okukala dhi shi omadhina gaagwayekwa ayehe mboka ye li ko? Holy spirit helped him to understand deep things about Jehovah and also directed him to write parts of the Bible. Should the other sheep know the names of all anointed ones who are present? Sakaria okwa mono ishewe aakiintu yaali ye na omawawa ge na oonkondo ga fa gakandoko. How can we show that we appreciate Jehovah's many provisions? Zechariah again saw two women with powerful strength. Ihe mbela ongiini ngele okanona ka ningi etokolo lya puka? To remain blameless in today's complex and wicked world, we must train our "powers of discernment " so that we can distinguish not just right from wrong but also wise from unwise. - Heb. But what if a child makes a mistake? (b) Eshilipaleko lini tu na ngele otu li aaifupipiki? Before long, violent crowds came after Paul, hurling stones at him. (b) What assurance do we have if we are humble? Ngele to popi nagumwe pOshinyanga shUukwaniilwa, oho kala to tala mbalilwali kiinima yoye, molwaashoka wa tila yi yakwe po? COVER SUBJECT | WHY DID JESUS SUFFER AND DIE? If you talk to someone at the Kingdom Hall, do you view two things because you fear them? 14, 15. (a) Ongiini Jehova a li a sile oshimpwiyu pahenda oshigwana she oshilunde? The psalmist David sang: "I have affection for you, O Jehovah, my strength. " 14, 15. (a) How did Jehovah provide for his people? Konima sho Naemi a kala te ya indile ya shune koyaandjawo, Orpa okwa shuna, ihe Rut okwa tindi, noaawe ye oya ti aawe. Life has been compared to a voyage. After she kept asking Naomi to return to Moab, Naomi refused, but Ruth refused. Jehova okwa langeka po nale Jesus Kristus, Omupangeli ngoka e hole aantu nokwa gwana okupangela. He himself said that the way to salvation is open to "everyone exercising faith in him. " Jehovah has appointed Jesus Christ, the Ruler of the One who loves mankind and rules. (Lesha 1 Samuel 24: 4 - 7.) What four horsemen have been on the move since 1914? (Read 1 Samuel 24: 4 - 7.) Okuza pomumvo 1930 nasha wu uka komeho, osha li sha yela mo kutya Kristus okwa tameka okugongela " oonzi dhe dhilwe ' omamiliyona ndhoka dha thikama po " mongundu onene ' yaantu yomiigwana ayihe. What is the attack by "Gog of the land of Magog "? Since the 1930 ' s, it was clear that Christ began gathering his "other sheep " into" the great crowd " of people of all nations. Otashi ti shike okuninginithwa medhina lyombepo ondjapuki? More important, the record of Abel's faith speaks to us today. What does it mean to be baptized in the name of the holy spirit? Gumwe okwa kwathele ndje ndi mone iilonga. In an apple orchard in Grójec, a publisher shares the Bible's message with one of the workers One man helped me to find work. Ka li tuu e na olupandu sho e na ookuume ye mu hole noye na ko nasha naye! He says: "I never did anything wrong, but I was just going through the motions. How grateful he must have been for his friends who loved him and cared for him! Omolwashike aagundjuka oyendji ye na oonkalankongo? We read: "War broke out in heaven: Michael [the resurrected Jesus Christ] and his angels battled with the dragon [Satan], and the dragon and its angels battled but it did not prevail, neither was a place found for them any longer in heaven. Why are many young people ill? 6: 3, 4, 9. Does it involve natural affection - the kind that family members have toward one another? 6: 3, 4, 9. Okwa ti: "Osho lela. Whether people show interest in our message or not, our attitude plays a key role in our finding delight in the ministry. He said: "Yes! (Johannes 17: 3) Ngele owa lombwelwa kutya omulumentu gwontumba okwa li a hupitha omwenyo gwoye sho wa li okanona, mbela ito ka kala wa hala okutseya oshindji kombinga ye nonokutya omolwashike e ku hupitha? To meditate on Jehovah's enduring love: To think carefully and seriously about the many ways Jehovah shows his love for us If you were told that a man saved your child when you were young, would you not want to know and why he saved you? Ohandi kala nda hala okuya muukalele ndi ka tale kutya aantu otayi ki inyenga ngiini, nankene ndi na okupendutha ohokwe yawo. What happened? I want to go out in the ministry and see how people will react to their interest and interest in them. Pashiholelwa, uuna aatumwa ya tembukila koshilongo shilwe, iinima ohayi kala ya yooloka ko kwaambyoka yokiilongo yawo. (Proverbs 11: 2) In this context, "the modest ones " can refer to elderly ones who recognize and come to terms with the limitations of their age, not trying to deny or ignore them. For example, when missionaries move abroad, things differ from their background. [ Omathano pepandja 3] (b) What "queen " will miscalculate her chances of survival? [ Pictures on page 3] David Schafer My own experience moves me to continue loyally testifying about Jehovah, with whom "all things are possible. " - Matt. David and Luis Ngele omusamane okwa kala ihaa kala pamwe nomukadhi noyana, ohashi ka kala oshidhigu kuye okukwatela komeho pegumbo. Still, most patients experience at least some of these changes. If a husband does not live together with his wife and children, it can be difficult for him to take the lead at home. Omolwokwaahe na uushili wi ihwa po, Aaisraeli pethimbo lyaHesekiel oya li yu uvite kutya omukalo gwaJehova kagwa li " gu uka. ' He was fully devoted to Jehovah, for "he continued to keep the commandments that Jehovah had given to Moses. " - 2 Ki. Because of all the facts, at Ezekiel's time, the Israelites felt that Jehovah's way was "Jehovah's way. " David oye a li ta ka ninga omukwaniilwa a landula ko. Who today call on people in their homes and in public areas to share the Bible's message about God? David would be the next king. Ongiini aagundjuka taya vulu okulongela kumwe naavali yawo opo uukwanegumbo wawo wu " kale wa tonata '? Faithful anointed ones will not need to receive this mark to survive. How can young ones cooperate with their parents so that they can "keep on the watch "? Jehova okwe tu pa uuthembahenda wokukwathela tu ninge oparadisa yetu yopambepo ombwanawa shi vulithe nale. Resigned at last, Saul responded: "Go, and may Jehovah be with you. " - 1 Samuel 17: 37. Jehovah has given us the privilege to help us make our spiritual paradise more beautiful than ever before. Onkee ano, omukwaniilwa okwa li a tumu aalumentu ye ke mu tale ko. Sadly, though, even some loyal servants of Jehovah have become infected with pride. So the king sent his men to view him. 17, 18. Hence, if you believe that Jehovah's standards are for your good, you owe it to yourself to live by your convictions. 17, 18. * Kehe yimwe oya li ya zala omapulakata gaali, limwe okomeho na limwe okonima. Omukalo ngoka gwokutseyithila aantu, ogwa kala hagu longithwa kOonzapo okuza mo 1936. That makes me uneasy and reluctant to continue talking. " * Everyone wore two horses, one of them, and one of them was the best way to share it with Jehovah's Witnesses from 1936. Pethimbo opo tuu mpono, ndohotola gwandje gwomayego, ngoka e li meitaalo lyOshibuddha, okwa li a pe ndje embo li na oshipalanyolo Did Man Get Here by Evolution or by Creation? Some are worth millions of dollars. At the same time, my doctor, who was in the faith, gave me a book The Secret of Creation? Egongalo lyopaKriste kalya li lya totwa omolwomainyanyudho, ihe okusimanekitha Jehova nokulonga iilonga yokuuvitha onkundana ombwanawa, okuninga aantu aalongwa noku li tunga pambepo. (Rom. 1: 11, 12; 1 Tes. 5: 11; Heb. How have some parents managed to train their children spiritually while in a foreign field? The Christian congregation was not easy for pleasures but honoring Jehovah and teaching the good news, making disciples, and build up spiritually. Olya li etameko ewanawa shili. I was initially glad to be with people who seemed to enjoy life to the full. It was a beginning. Aaihokani oye na okukala ya tegelela okwiipyakidhila "niinima yomuuyuni " yini? So in God's view, they have the right to ask that it be paid back in the form of taxes. What do married couples need to look forward to "the things of the world "? Ihe ongiini mbela kombinga " yoonzi dhilwe '? Jesus said: "Do not think I came to bring peace to the earth; I came to bring, not peace, but a sword. But what about the "other sheep "? Tala iileshwa "Christians Worship With Spirit and Truth " nosho wo" They Keep On Walking in the Truth " mOshungolangelo yOshiingilisa ye 1 Juli 2002. In fact, there is a strong link between how you pray and how you feel about Jehovah. See the May 1, 2002 - B.C.E. and "Imitate Their Faith " in The Watchtower of July 1, 2002, issue of The Watchtower. Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa ti: "Vulikeni kaawiliki yeni, [ne] mu landule omalombwelo gawo. Oyo ohaa tonatele oomwenyo dheni. " (Heb. The mountains in Zechariah's account are similar to two mountains described in Daniel's prophecy. The apostle Paul said: "Be obedient to those taking the lead in your lives. " Otatu vulu okundhindhilika omanyolo niitopolwa mbyoka, opo tu kale tatu yi lesha ethimbo nethimbo. No. We can identify scriptures and articles so that we can read time and time. Oshitayimbelewa otashi ka tokola ngele etungo nenge evi otali vulu okulongithwa nenge otashi ka kala hwepo oku li landitha po sho oshimaliwa tashi ningi shomayambidhidho giilonga yomuuyuni awuhe. Others were aware of how David had arranged to have Uriah killed. Annuity: Money or securities donated to an entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses as the beneficiary of a brochure entitled Charitable Planning to Benefit Kingdom Service Worldwide has been prepared in English and Spanish. Molwaashoka Jehova ka li a tokola toko shoka ta ka ninga kondandalunde, enyolo lya nwethwa mo olya ti kutya okwa li i "igaluluka. " The tribes of Reuben and Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh built an altar near the Jordan River. Since Jehovah was not determined to do what he would do, it was inspired to say that he "felt regret. " Otwa li twi ilongekidha okuninga omalunduluko nenyanyu opo tu vule okukala twa gwana okuya kosikola ndjoka. Perhaps convinced that her pregnancy made her more important than Sarah, Hagar began to despise her mistress. We were ready to make adjustments so that we could qualify at school. Opwa li pwa piti omimvo 33, nAajuda onkee ngaa natango ye huge okupangelwa kuRoma. No human knows as much. Some 33 years passed by, and so were Jews still subjected to Rome. Uupyakadhi washike Aakriste yamwe methelemumvo lyotango ya li ye na, nAakriste mboka oya li ya pumbwa okuninga shike? Instead, it will be an opportunity for all true worshippers to prove their love for Jehovah and to support the anointed. - Matthew 25: 34 - 40. What problems did some Christians in the first century need to do, and what did those Christians need to do? Ngele otu li aadhiginini nosho wo aaifupipiki, itatu ka komangela owala shoka twa hala, ihe otatu ka tala shoka Jehova a hala tu ninge As heavenly King, Jesus continues to have and show empathy. If we are loyal and humble, we will not only try to do what Jehovah wants us to do but we will look at what he wants us to do Onkalamwenyo yomukwaniilwa David nosho wo yomuyapostoli Petrus, otayi tu kwathele tu dhimbulule uunkundi wopaali mboka ya li ye na. In 1587, Hutter produced a Hebrew edition of what is commonly called the Old Testament. The life of King David and the apostle Peter helps us to identify our weaknesses. (Tala kethano lyopetameko.) Michelle: The second beautiful truth is that God will not allow our suffering to go on indefinitely. (See opening picture.) Otashi ke tu longa wo tu mone kutya sho Kristus a yumudhwa a kale nomwenyo ihaagu si megulu, oshe tu guma ngiini nosha guma ngiini iilonga yetu yokuuvitha Uukwaniilwa. Take your time, and avoid rushing It will also teach us that when Christ was resurrected to heaven, how does it affect our Kingdom - preaching work? Jesus okwa li e na okwaalelwa komuti gwomahepeko opo a kuthe po ethingo lyOmpango mAajuda. Nonando ongawo, eso lye olye eta uuwanawa owundji. (Gal. However, that does not mean that we should refuse to change a decision once we have made it. Jesus faced a torture stake that enabled him to break free from the Law of the Jews, but his death brought many benefits. Miileshomwa. 1, 2. In our publications. Onkee ano, otatu vulu okuthika pehulithodhiladhilo kutya eyele lye otali popi kombinga yomasiku gahugunina, ihe ote ke "ya " pethimbo lyuudhigu uunene. Those with some agricultural experience would also realize that the bearded darnel's root system usually intertwines with that of the wheat. So we can conclude that his illustration about the last days will be "a great tribulation. " Shimwe ishewe, eyumuko lyaJesus olya li lya shilipaleke aalanduli ye kutya nayo otaya ka yumudhwa. What should Jehovah's love and mercy motivate us to do? Moreover, Jesus ' resurrection assured his followers that they would be resurrected. (1 Petrus 3: 1 - 5) Atuheni otwa pumbwa okukala tu na uukwatya mboka. He satisfies the desire of those who fear him; he hears their cry for help, and he rescues them. " All of us need to display that quality. Aanuuntsa, ngaashi "aanongo naanamayele " olundji ihayu uvu ko Ombiimbeli. What blessings I have enjoyed serving Jehovah as Jephthah's daughter did! Instead, such as "wise and older men " often understood the Bible. Omuntu nguka okwa li e na okukala omudhiginini kuJehova nokukala e na ehalo okugandja omwenyo gwe omolwetu. (Rom. Both God and Christ expect us to love our neighbor. This man was to be loyal to Jehovah and was willing to give his life for us. Monique ngoka a tumbulwa metetekelo okwa ti: "Okukala pokugongala aluhe nokukutha ombinga pandjigilile miilonga yomomapya olundji ngaashi tandi vulu osha kwathela ndje ndi idhidhimike. Peter is a businessman. His accountant suggests that he claim a tax deduction for the "purchase " of expensive computer equipment. Rose, mentioned earlier, says: "Being regular and regular in field service often helped me to endure. Kungawo nakudhipaga ka li ha kala a tila okukwatelwa iikonene. He helped people to come to know God. - Read John 17: 26. He would not be afraid to take vengeance. (2 Ondjalulo 33: 1 - 17) Mbela shoka osho ngaa Ahab a li a ningi? After that, we corresponded for a while, and in 1956, we got married. Did Ahab do that? (1 Samuel 16: 13) Oya li ye mu kwathele u uve ko iinima yomuule mbyoka tayi popi kombinga yaJehova. Ombepo oye mu wilike wo a nyole omambo gamwe gOmbiimbeli. I had to choose. " They helped him to understand the deep things that Jehovah inspired him to write some Bible books. Ongiini tatu vulu okuulika kutya otu na olupandu lwomasiloshimpwiyu ogendji ngoka Jehova he tu pe? How can we get the most out of our personal Bible reading? How can we show appreciation for the many provisions that Jehovah gives us? Opo kaatu nwethwe mo kuuyuni mbuka wa kolokosha, katu na owala okwiigilila "okuyoolola shoka shu uka nenge sha puka, " ihe otu na wo okutseya shoka shi li pandunge naashoka kaashi li pandunge. - Heb. We will no longer react to perceived injustices with outbursts of "malicious bitterness and anger and wrath and screaming and abusive speech. " To avoid being influenced by this wicked world, we do not simply need to adjust to " what is right or wrong, " but we must know what is good and what is bad. - Heb. Konima yethimbo, ongundu yaantu oye ya kuPaulus e taye mu dhenge nomamanya. It is apparent from their actions that they remembered their heritage, what they had been taught. Later, a group of people came to Paul and beat him with stones. IITOPOLWA YI IKOLELELA KOSHIPALANYOLO SHOKOMBANDA 3: 1 - 4. FROM OUR COVER Ongoye omupopili gwandje. " (Eps. Yet, as the Bible explains, Jehovah is the one who "created all things. " You are my refuge. " Olundji onkalamwenyo ohayi yelekanithwa nomweendifuta. Do my prayers show that I rely upon him to do his will? Life is often likened to a pregnancy. Ye mwene okwa popi a ti kutya ehupitho " olyashaangoka te mu itaale. ' That includes talking about any uncertainties, or doubts, they may have. He said: "Your salvation is salvation " and" the one who put faith in him. " Eponokelo " lyaGog gwomevi lyaMagog ' oshike? 17, 18. What is "the attack of Magog "? (Genesis 4: 9 - 12) Ihe sha simanenena ooshino kutya Abel ota popi natse kunena. How were all of us drawn by God to true worship? However, it is vital that Abel speaks to us today. Omumwatate tu uvithile omuniilonga gwomoshikunino shomayapula etumwalaka lyOmbiimbeli, mondoolopa Grójec Sing to Jehovah! A brother witnessed a laborer's role in the Bible's message, New York Okwa ti: "Kanda li handi ningi sha sha puka, ihe onda li owala handi ningi shampa tandi ningi. Does my children's conversation reflect the influence of God's spirit or that of the world? ' " I didn't do anything wrong, " she says. Ombiimbeli otayi ti: "Megulu omwa tukuluka olugodhi. Mikael [omuyumudhwa Jesus Kristus] naayengeli ye oya kondjitha oshikoko [Satana] pamwe naayengeli yasho. Oshikoko naayengeli yasho oya sindika yo inaa pitikwa we okukala megulu. Oshikoko oshinene oshu umbwa mo megulu. What were people in Noah's day preoccupied with? The Bible says: "In the heavens there were heavens, [Christ Jesus Christ] and his angels battled with the dragon and its angels, and their dragon and its angels were not taken away from heaven. (1 Joh. 4: 8) Mbela oondjoka hatu kala tu hole nayo aakwanezimo yetu? Often the Lollards read portions of the Wycliffe Bible to those whom they met, and they left handwritten copies behind. Do we love our relatives? Ngele otu na etaloko ewanawa, otatu ka nyanyukilwa uukalele kutya nduno aantu otaya pulakene nenge hasho. Doing so only adds fuel to the fire and works in harmony with the Devil's will, not God's. If we have a positive outlook, we will enjoy the ministry no matter whether people listen or not. Okutedhatedha kohole yaJehova tayi kalelele: Okudhiladhila muule nosho wo nuukeka kombinga yomikalo dhi ili nodhi ili, moka Tate Jehova e tu ulukila ohole ye In the Name of the Son Meditating on Jehovah's love: thinking deeply about various aspects of life, where Jehovah has shown his love for us Mbela oshike sha ningwa po? (b) How did Kathy's prayers help her to draw closer to Jehovah? What happened? (Omayeletumbulo 11: 2) Moshitopolwa shika, oshitya " eishonopeko ' otashi vulu okuukithwa kaakulupe mboka ye wete kutya itaya vulu okuninga iinima ayihe mbyoka ya li haya ningi sho aagundjuka. This part of the vision highlights that Jehovah will not tolerate wickedness of any kind among his people. In this article, the word " modesty " can be applied to the older ones who cannot do all they could to do. (b) "Omukwaniilwakiintu " guni iinima itaayi ke mu endela nawa ngaashi a li a tegelela? Consider the example set by the sons of Korah, who served in ancient Israel. (b) What are "the king's belongings " that he did not expect? Iimoniwa yandje oyi inyengitha ndje ndi tsikile okugandja uunzapo kombinga yaJehova nuudhiginini, ngoka "iha nyengwa kusha. " - Mat. (b) What will help us to cope with distressing circumstances? My experiences have moved me to continue witnessing about Jehovah, "the God of all things. " - Matt. Ihe aavu oyendji ohaya ningi yimwe yomuyo. The Bible Survived Decay 4 But many sick people become one of them. Hiskia okwa li i igandjele Jehova nomutima aguhe, molwaashoka "okwa dhiginine iipango mbyoka Omuwa e yi pele Moses. " - 2 Aak. (Read 3 John 5 - 8.) Hezekiah poured out his heart to Jehovah, for "he continued to observe the commandments that Jehovah had given Moses. " - 2 Ki. Oolye kunena haya yi kaantu komagumbo gawo nosho wo pomahala gaayehe ye ke ya lombwele etumwalaka lyOmbiimbeli kombinga yaKalunga? So I was often asked: "Don't you want to be settled? Who today go out in public homes and in public places to share the Bible's message about God? Aagwayekwa aadhiginini itaya ka pumbwa okundhindhilikwa, opo ya hupe. But with his fleshly bent of mind, Esau gave away all such privileges for a bowl of stew. Faithful anointed ones do not need to sacrifice themselves so that they can survive. Saul okwa li a shilipalekwa e ta yamukula ta ti: "Inda ano; Omuwa na kale nangoye. " - 1 Samuel 17: 37. HOW I HAVE BENEFITED: My four children have benefited by being brought up to live by Jehovah's standards. Saul assured them and replied: "Go, Lord. " - 1 Samuel 17: 37. (1 Tim. 3: 6) Shiyemateka, aapiya yamwe yaJehova aadhiginini ohaya kwatwa kuuntsa. Will anyone have a valid reason to be sad when that grand return to life occurs? Sadly, some faithful servants of Jehovah are drawn to pride. Onkee ano, ngele owi itaala kutya omithikampango dhaJehova otadhi ku etele uuwanawa, owu na oshinakugwanithwa shoku dhi dhiginina. Imagine how she might have felt if she overheard the story Eliezer told her family members! So if you believe that Jehovah's standards are beneficial, you have the responsibility to stand firm. Shoka ohashi ningitha ndje ndi kale inaandi manguluka nokukala inaandi hala okutsikila okupopya. " Such commendation and encouragement can do so much good! That makes me feel free, and I don't want to talk to. " Uuwe wumwe ohawu kotha oodola omamiliyona. It is a manual for human life that God, the manufacturer, as it were, has made available to us, the users. Some sleep with millions of dollars. Aavali yamwe oya pondola ngiini okulonga oyana iinima yopambepo, omanga ye li megongalo moka hamu popiwa elaka ekwiilongo? Third, appreciation for our role in Jehovah's service will grow as we, in imitation of our God, look for the good in others. How have some parents succeeded in teaching their children spiritual things while in a foreign - language congregation? Petameko onda li handi kala nda nyanyukwa sho ndi li naantu mboka taya monika ya fa taya tyapula onkalamwenyo pakuudha. Moreover, true repentance moves a sinner to "turn around, " abandoning his wrong course and pursuing a course that is pleasing to God. At first, I enjoyed spending time with people who seemed to have enjoyed a full life. Onkee ano, pataloko lyaKalunga, oye na uuthemba wokupula yi futwe. To be sure, Jesus sought to teach the truth about Jehovah and the kind of God he is. Therefore, it is God's view of life. Inandi ya okweeta ombili, ihe egongamwele. When Jehovah first spoke to him, Jeremiah tried to beg off. I came to bring peace, not peace, but a sword. Dhoshili, opu na ekwatathano enene pokati kankene ho galikana nankene wu uvite shi na ko nasha naJehova. Yet, Jehovah said "I am " - not" I was " - their God. Of course, there is a great relationship between praying and how you feel about Jehovah. Oondundu ndhoka dha popiwa mehokololo lyaSakaria odha faathana noondundu mbali ndhoka dha yelithwa mehunganeko lyaDaniel. 1, 2. The mountain of Zechariah is similar to the two mountainic mountain that is revealed in Daniel's prophecy. Aawe. How has Jehovah protected his people in the past and in our time? No. Yalwe oya li ye shi kutya David oye a ningi omalongekidho, opo Uria a dhipagwe. My mother soon followed in his footsteps, and they raised me in a warm family environment. Others knew that David had arranged for Uriah to be killed. Ezimo lyaRuben nolyaGad nosho wo etata lyezimo lyaManasse oga li ga tungu oshiyambelo popepi nomulonga gwaJordan. After residing for years as a fugitive, David became king and lived in a comfortable house. However, at the end of the Jordan River and the half of the tribe of Manasseh, the tribe of Manasseh built the Jordan River near the Jordan River. Shoka otashi vulika sha li she mu ningitha a kale e wete a simana e vule Sara. Or do my decisions and priorities indicate that I do not expect the end anytime soon or even that I am not sure if it will ever come? ' It may have seemed that Sarah was more important than Sarah. Kapu na omuntu e na ontseyo yi vule ye. What form of sacred service have many young people enjoyed? No one has knowledge greater than it. Pehala lyaashono, otashi ka pa aalongelikalunga yashili ompito yokwaambidhidha aagwayekwa, noyokuulukila Jehova kutya oye mu hole. - Mateus 25: 34 - 40. God's organization has also provided training through Gilead School. Rather, it will give true worshippers the opportunity to support the anointed and to show Jehovah that they love him. - Matthew 25: 34 - 40. E li Omukwaniilwa gwomegulu, ohe tu ulukile natango ohole. He added: "Clothe yourselves with the tender affections of compassion, kindness, lowliness of mind, mildness, and long - suffering.... As heavenly King, he still shows us love. Mo 1587, Hutter okwa nyanyangidha oshitopolwa shOmbiimbeli mOshihebeli shoka oyendji hayi ithana Etestamendi Ekulu. True, farmers can produce and transport more food than ever before in history. In 1513 B.C.E., Hutter published the Hebrew Scriptures that many called the Old Testament. Michelle: Oshili ontiyali ya dhenga mbanda oyo kutya Kalunga ite ke etha nando okumona iihuna ku kale po sigo aluhe. * "I often thought about escaping, " Blessing explains," but I was afraid of what they would do to my family. Michelle: The second truth is that God will not allow suffering to last forever. Lesha nethimbo, ino pumbwa okweendelela (1) When Elijah told King Ahab that Jehovah would bring a drought, he confidently declared: "As surely as Jehovah the God of Israel whom I serve is living, during these years there will be no dew or rain. " Read yourself, and do not need to be quick to be patient Onkee ano, shoka itashi ti kutya katu na okulundulula etokolo lyetu ndyoka twa ninga nale. I bought some drums, formed a band, and soon became the lead singer of the band. However, that does not mean that we should not change our decision. 1, 2. But these brothers are imperfect. 1, 2. Aalongwa mboka ya li ye na ontseyo yuunamapya oya li ye shi kutya omidhi dheu olundji ohadhi idhingile mwaandhoka dhiilya. Some would prove false to their claim of serving God. The disciples who had accurate knowledge knew that his works often leads to wheat. Ohole nolukeno lwaJehova, oyi na oku tu inyengitha tu ninge shike? According to Matthew 28: 19, 20, what four things must Jesus ' followers do? What should Jehovah's love motivate us to do? Mboka haye mu simaneke, ote ya pe ashihe shoka ye shi pumbwa, notu uvu omaindilo gawo e te ya hupitha. " Everyone who serves Jehovah will face spiritual dangers - influences that may draw him away from Jehovah. Those who honor him will give them everything they need, and they hear their supplication and deliver them. " Inandi lalekwa tuu nuuyamba sho handi longele Jehova ngaashi omwanakadhona gwaJefta! What instructions did Jehovah give to the first married couple? How blessed I have been to serve Jehovah as Jephthah's daughter! 22: 39) Kalunga nosho wo Kristus oya tegelela tu kale tu hole yakwetu. I am certain that Bible principles saved my life. God and Christ are waiting for us to love our neighbor. Peter ngoka e li omunangeshefa okwa li a lombwelwa komuyaluli gwiimaliwa mongeshefa ye opo a pule epangelo li mu futithe iifendela ya gwa pevi molwaashoka okwa landa aniwa iikwakompiuta yondilo. Having the prospect of everlasting life. Peter, who was told to use money to ask whether the government would buy tax tax collectors. Okwa li e ya kwathele ya tseye Kalunga. - Lesha Johannes 17: 26. In early 1946, I began pioneering in an adjacent county. He helped them to come to know God. - Read John 17: 26. Konima yaashono, otwa kala mekwatathano uule wokathimbo, e tatu hokana mo 1956. The great tribulation will begin when the political elements turn against all false religious organizations as represented by the prostitute called Babylon the Great. After that, we had served together for a short time, and we married in 1956. Onda li ndi na okutokola. " We must look for God's hand in our life I had to decide. " Ongiini tatu vulu okumona uuwanawa mokulesha Ombiimbeli paumwene? Then, as we strive to act in harmony with that prayer, we can be confident that Jehovah will "preserve [us] alive in [his] own way. " - Ps. How can we benefit from reading the Bible personally? Nokuli ngele twa ningwa nayi, otatu ka henuka iinima ngaashi "uululu auhe, ondjahi, nonkone, omakudhilo nenge omatukano. " If we view ourselves as slaves working humbly in behalf of Jehovah's dedicated servants, we will treat them with dignity and respect. Even if we have been offended, we will avoid such things as "all things as anger and anger, wrath, abusive speech, and abusive speech. " Ashike inaye shi ninga, oshoka oya kaleke momadhiladhilo uuthiga wawo naashoka ya longwa pegumbo. The original - language word used here implies intensity and concentrated effort. But they did not do so because they kept their inheritance at home. 3: 1 - 4. By doing so, they joined Satan's rebellion. 3: 1 - 4. Ihe Ombiimbeli otayi ti kutya, Jehova oye "a shiti iinima ayihe. " Under Jehovah's wings, she found happiness, protection, and security. But the Bible says that Jehovah "was creating all things. " Mbela omagalikano gandje ohagu ulike ngaa kutya onde mu inekela mokulonga ehalo lye? Something that interferes with our manifesting godly patience is a wait - and - see attitude. Do my prayers show that I trust in him by doing his will? Oshiwanawa okupula aamwoye ya holole omaiyuvo gawo, uuna mwa thuwa po. Nevertheless, a few brave souls refused to be cowed by Babylon the Great. It is good to ask your children to express their feelings when watching. 17, 18. Thus, we can have confidence in Jesus ' leadership as well. 17, 18. Omomukalo guni Jehova e tu eta melongelokalunga lyashili? Scholar Albert Barnes observed: "As a runner would be careful not to encumber himself with a garment which would be apt to wind around his legs in running, and hinder him, so it should be with the Christian, who especially ought to lay aside everything which resembles this. " In what way does Jehovah draw us to true worship? 3: 9, NW) Mbela okupopya kwaamwandje ohaku ulike ngaa kutya otaya wilikwa kombepo yaKalunga nenge oyuuyuni? ' 17: 17; 18: 24. Does the words of their children show that they are guided by God's spirit or by the world? ' Aantu yopethimbo lyaNoowa oya li yi ipyakidhila unene nashike? SONGS: 65, 48 What were the days of Noah so busy? Olundji oya li haya leshele aantu omanyolo mOmbiimbeli yaWycliffe, noku ya thigila ookopi ndhoka dha nyolwa nomake. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: GERMANY They often read Bible texts in the Wycliffe Scriptures, and they offered copies that were printed. Uuna to shi ningi, owa fa owala omuntu ta tile omulilo omahooli. Shimwe ishewe, ito longo ehalo lyaKalunga, ihe olyOndiaboli. (2 Tim. How might parents ' reactions obstruct communication with their children? When you do, you are like a fire, but you are not doing God's will. Okuninginithwa medhina lyOmwana Though recorded some 2,500 years ago, this prophecy touches our very lives. In the Name of the Son (b) Kathy omagalikano ge oge mu kwathele ngiini a hedhe popepi naJehova? 86: 5. (b) How did prayers help her to draw closer to Jehovah? Oshitopolwa shoka shemoniko, otashi ulike kutya Jehova ite ki idhidhimikila nando uuwinayi kehe mokati koshigwana she. In addition to preaching 100 hours a month, each week I had talks to give, three book studies to visit, records to check, and reports to prepare. This article shows that Jehovah will not tolerate any harm among his people. Oyanamati yaKorak mboka ya li haya yakula muIsraeli shonale, oye tu tulila po oshiholelwa oshiwanawa. What about the ancient nation of Israel? The sons of Korah in ancient Israel set a fine example for us. (b) Oshike tashi ke tu kwathela tu idhidhimikile oonkalo dhinikitha oluhodhi? Current situations, trends, and immediate needs of the congregations are covered. (b) What can help us to cope with distressing situations? Ombiimbeli inayi vula okuyonuka po 4 In fact, the love we have among ourselves identifies us as disciples of Jesus and servants of Jehovah. The Bible Changes Lives 4 (Lesha 3 Johannes 5 - 8.) (Read Matthew 4: 10.) (Read 3 John 5 - 8.) Nomolwaashoka aantu oya li haya pula ndje olundji taya ti: "Ano ino hala omusamane? When Jesus said that his yoke was kindly and his load light, did Mary think back on some golden afternoon long ago when she watched Joseph teach a young Jesus how to make and shape a yoke with care so that an animal could bear it in comfort? That is why people often asked me: " Don't want to be a husband? (Gen. 8: 20, 21; 12: 7, 8; Job 1: 4, 5) Ihe molwaashono ka li a lenga uusheeli we, okwa li a gandja po uuthembahenda awuhe mboka, omolwokayaha koshigali. Yet, many single Christians also enjoy a rich and satisfying life. However, because he did not treasure his firstborn, he gave the whole privilege of giving to those who were supporting him. UUWANAWA MBOKA NDA MONA: Aanona yandje yane oya mona uuwanawa sho ya putudhwa taya longwa omithikampango dhaJehova. Jehovah condemns violence and abusive speech, so there is never any legitimate reason for treating a mate with such a gross lack of love and respect. THE four children benefit from being taught Jehovah's standards. Mbela opu na ngaa omuntu ta ka kala e na etompelo lyokukala a pongola sho aantu taya ka galukila momwenyo? Two days later, the time was right for a public confession on the part of Israel for their failure to keep God's Law. Is there reason for a person to doubt that there will be so much reason for humans to return to life? Dhiladhila owala kutya andola okwi inyenge ngiini ngele okwa li u uvu sho Eliaser ta hokololele yaandjawo ehokololo ndyoka! [ 2] (paragraph 15) For information about situations in which one Christian might decide to take legal action against another Christian, see "Keep Yourselves in God's Love, " p. 223, ftn. Imagine how he reacted when he heard Eliezer tells his family story! Etsomukumo nepandulo lya tya ngaka otali vulu oku mu kwathela lela. " THE TRUE KNOWLEDGE " BECOMES "ABUNDANT " Such encouragement can do much to help her. Oyi li okambo kopathaneko konkalamwenyo yaantu hoka Kalunga, omunyoli gwako, e tu pa tu ka longithe. (a) What types of public witnessing do you enjoy most? They are the symbolic brochure The Origin of Life - Giver, the One who gave us the ability to use it. Oshititatu, okukala tu na olupandu lwaashoka tatu ningi miilonga yaJehova otashi ke tu kwathela tu mu holele mokukala hatu tala kuuwanawa wayalwe. Although Hans, her husband, never opposed their faith, it was not until 2006 that he was baptized. Third, having appreciation for what we do in Jehovah's service will help us to imitate him by considering the good news. (2 Kor. 7: 10, 11) Natango ishewe, omuntu ngoka i itedhulula shili, ohi " i igaluluka, ' e te etha po ondjila ye ndjoka ya puka nokukala ta longo shoka tashi nyanyudha Kalunga. This year, the Memorial of Jesus ' death falls on Wednesday, March 23, after sundown. Furthermore, repentant repentance "felt regret " and stopped doing what pleases God and doing what is pleasing to him. Ihe opu na wo oshinima shimwe shoka Jesus a li a halelela okulonga aantu kombinga yaJehova. Why is it important to keep cultivating the quality of love? But there is something that Jesus wanted to teach people about Jehovah. Sho Jehova a li a popi naye tango, Jeremia okwa li a tindi. But Jesus tells his disciples: "You give them something to eat. " When Jehovah first spoke to him, Jeremiah refused. Ihe Jehova okwa ti kutya "Ongame, " pehala lyokutya" Onda li " Kalunga kawo. Manoah begged Jehovah to send his angel again and said: "Please let the man of the true God whom you just sent come again to instruct us about what we should do with the child who will be born. " - Judges 13: 1 - 8. But Jehovah said that "I am speaking " instead of" the word of my God. " 1, 2. Philip could give those Greek people this encouraging message. - John 12: 20 - 26. 1, 2. Tate Jehova okwa li ha gamene ngiini aantu ye nale, nohe shi ningi ngiini pethimbo lyetu? Because the Bible says that loss of faith is "the sin that easily entangles us. " How did Jehovah protect his people, and how does he do so in our day? Nziya konima yaashono meme okwa li a landula moshinkoti shatate, noya li ya putudhile ndje muukwanegumbo wu na ohole. God told them: "Fill the earth and subdue it. " - Genesis 1: 28. Soon my mother was following the following article, and they raised me in a family of love. Konima yokukala ondjendi uule womimvo, David okwa ningi omukwaniilwa nokwa li a kala megumbo ewanawa. 17, 18. After about eight years, David became king and had a beautiful home. Nenge mbela omatokolo gandje niinima mbyoka nda pititha komeho otayi ulike kutya inandi tegelela ehulilo li ye ethimbo kehe nenge nokuli kutya kandi na uushili ngele otali ke ya? ' We can invite new publishers to accompany us when we make return visits and conduct home Bible studies. Or would my decisions and priorities show that I did not expect the end to come at any time or even even if I couldn't really be sure? ' Iilonga iiyapuki yini aagundjuka oyendji ya kala nokunyanyukilwa? How is zealous Kingdom preaching a protection for us? What sacred service has many young people enjoyed? Ehangano lyaJehova ohali dheula wo aauvithi pOsikola yaGilead. 30 For Young People - Rescued From a Fiery Furnace! Jehovah's organization also trains publishers of Gilead School. Momakana geni inamu pita we omasheko nenge oohapu oombwinayi. " Okwa gwedha ko a ti: "Kaleni mu na olukeno, ohenda, eifupipiko, ombili neidhidhimiko.... Euodia and Syntyche may have had distinctly different ways or personalities. What kind of gossip does not cause evil or evil to say: "Let your brotherly love be kind, kindness, mildness, and patience... Odhoshili kutya kunena aanamapya ohaya vulu okulikola nokulanditha iikulya oyindji shi vulithe shito. Is it different from urgency? Of course, fathers today may be able to reach more and more food than ever. * Blessing okwa ti: "Olundji onda li handi kala nda hala okufadhuka po. Ihe onda li nda tila shoka tashi vulu okuningilwa yaandjetu. A fall, however, need not spell complete failure or a serious lack of self - discipline. * "I often wanted to escape, " says Blessing. (1) Sho omupolofeti Elia a lombwele omukwaniilwa Ahab kutya Jehova ote ke eta oshikukuta, okwe shi popi nomukumo a ti: "Medhina lyOmuwa, Kalunga kaIsrael omunamwenyo, ngoka tandi mu longele, otandi ku lombwele kutya omume nenge omvula itayi ka loka momimvo ndhika tadhi ya. " This does not refer to some herbal remedy that we can take now or in the new world to heal us. When Elijah told Ahab that Jehovah would bring about a drought, he said: "The name of Jehovah, the God of the living Lord, I will say to you, " This is what I will say to you in the last days. ' " Onda ningi wo oshilyo shongundu yaahiki yoongalo hadhi hikwa mokulekule nonda li nda hala okuninga omuhikingalo a tseyika nawa. One man told him: "Why did you come here? I also became a member of a gang, and I also wanted to do the same. Omolwokwaahagwanenena, ohashi vulika ya kale kaayu uvite ko kutya omolwashike twa ningile oshinima shontumba. Third, provisions would have to be made so that those preaching the good news could gather together to worship Jehovah and be taught how to carry out the work. Because of imperfection, they may not understand why we have done something. Yamwe otaya ka kala ya fa haya longele Kalunga, ihe otaye mu idhimbike. Jesus said: "You received free, give free. " Some would be like serving God, but they will disown him. MuMateus 28: 19 omwa popiwa iinima yini ine mbyoka aalanduli yaJesus ye na okuninga? I know you're booked up this year. ' According to Matthew 28: 19, what four of Jesus ' followers must do? Kehe gumwe ngoka ha longele Jehova ota ka taalela iinima mbyoka tayi vulu okutula moshiponga uupambepo we, ano omanwethomo ngoka taga vulu oku mu ningitha a thige po Jehova. (1 Kor. 15: 33; Kol. Think of the religious situation of those Jews and proselytes who heard Peter. Each person who serves Jehovah will face dangers that could cause him to leave. Omalombwelo geni ngoka Jehova a li a gandja kaaihokani yotango? That book also discloses that God has made provision for our future happiness. What instructions did Jehovah provide for the first human couple? Ondi shi shi kutya omakotampango gOmbiimbeli oga hupitha onkalamwenyo yandje. As those comments indicate, the more prepared you are to preach, the more securely your "boots " will be bound to your feet. I know that Bible principles have saved my life. Otatu vulu okukala netegameno lyokukala nomwenyo sigo aluhe. Often, all that is needed is your presence along with a simple expression, such as "I am so sorry. " We can hope to live forever. Lwopetameko lyomumvo 1946, onda tameke okukokola ondjila moshilongo shimwe shi li popepi naampoka ye li. And studies have found that many youths do eventually adopt their parents ' values even if during the teen years the children seem to have put them in storage. In the late 1946 ' s, I began pioneering in a country near the country where they lived. Uudhigu uunene otawu ka tameka ngele omapangelo gopapolotika ga pilukile omahangano gopalongelokalunga giifundja ngoka ge li ohonda, hagi ithwanwa Babiloni oshinene. (Eh. 4: 18) All others present will be respectful observers. The great tribulation will begin if governments have been influenced by false religion, Babylon the Great, the Great empire of Babylon the Great. Otu na okukonga oshikaha shaKalunga monkalamwenyo yetu How relieved and elated such a prisoner feels! We need to seek God's hand in our life Natu tsikile aluhe okukala twa fa tu uvite egalikano lyomupisalomi ndika tali ti: "Keelela ndje, ndaa [tale] iinima yaa na oshilonga. " We are all imperfect, so we can expect people to say or do things that may offend us. May we continue to feel as did the psalmist's prayer: "Let me turn away from what is worthless. " Ngele otwi itala ko tu li aapiya notatu longo neidhidhimiko pehala lyaalongeli yaJehova ya ninginithwa, otatu ku ungaunga nayo nesimaneko. Jewish historical records show that temple merchants exploited their customers by charging exorbitant prices. If we do not treat each other as servants of Jehovah and patiently work ahead of us, we will treat them respectfully. Oshitya shomelaka lyopetameko shoka sha longithwa mpaka otashi ti okuninga oonkambadhala dha mana mo nowi itula mo. God may at times provide needed support by means of a comforting fellow believer or by spiritual food at the right time. The original - language word used here means earnest effort and concentrate on it. Sho ye shi ningi, oya landula Satana. All rights reserved. In doing so, they followed Satan. Okwa li e na ompolo, na Jehova okwa li e mu gamene noku mu shiga. When we are associating with our brothers, it is good to rejoice about the witnessing work. He had to make a blessing, and Jehovah protected him and protected him. Ngele katu na iikala yokutegelela otashi vulu okuya moshipala eidhidhimiko lyetu. Today, there is a congregation with over 100 publishers in Tulun. If we do not have a waiting attitude, it could interfere with our endurance. Nonando ongaaka, aantu oyendji mboka ya li omapenda, oya tindi okupangelwa kuBabiloni oshinene. (a) What is the larger fulfillment of Malachi's prophecy? Nevertheless, the majority of mankind who were fighting against Babylon the Great refused to be liberated from Babylon the Great. Onkee ano, otatu vulu okukala wo tu na einekelo mewiliko lyaJesus. For days, he had been " continually fasting and praying before God ' over the plight of the Jews in Jerusalem. We can also have confidence in Jesus ' leadership. Omulongwantu gwOmbiimbeli Albert Barnes okwa ti: "Ngaashi owala omumatuki ihaa zala oonguwo ndhoka tadhi imbi omagulu ge ga kale ga manguluka okutondoka nawa naandhoka tadhi mu piyaganeke, nOmukriste oku na wo okuninga sha faathana molwaashoka naye oku li wo methigathanopo. " Abijah lived in a wicked household. " Just as the runner keeps dressed, " says the Bible scholar Anna, "but just as the legs of water tries to distract him from the air, so he should also try to do the same in the race for a Christian race. " 17: 17; 18: 24. Oppression. 17: 17; 18: 24. OMAIMBILO: 65, 48 Since the death of our parents, Doris has stayed in Chattanooga and serves as a special pioneer. SONGS: 65, 48 OSHILONGO MOKA A VALELWA: GERMANY But should you try to get what you want by telling a lie? - No, you shouldn't. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: HHILE Ongiini tashi vulika einyengo lyaavali li ya imbe ya kundathane noyana? We know that we are living deep in "the time of the end " and that there cannot be much time left before the" great tribulation " begins! How might parents interfere with their children? Nonando ehunganeko ndika olya li lya nyolwa oomvula 2 500 lwaampono dha ka pita, olya guma onkalamwenyo yetu kunena. POPULATION Although this prophecy was written almost 2,000 years ago, it affected our lives today. 86: 5. Note what else we have received from our Creator. 86: 5. Kakele kaashono, onda li ndi na okulonga oowili 100 omwedhi kehe, okugandja oshipopiwa oshiwike kehe, okutalela po oongundu ndatu dhekonakono lyembo, nokutala omapeko gegongalo nosho wo okulongekidha olopota. Our situation is similar to that of a prisoner who regrets his past actions and makes drastic changes as he awaits his execution. Moreover, I had to work 100 hours each week, offering a talk every week, visiting the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Ongiini kombinga yoshigwana shaIsraeli shopethimbo lyonale? I do not know how to go out and how to come in. " What about the Israelites in ancient times? 20: 28) Ohapu kundathanwa oonkalo dhomagongalo, iikala yago noompumbwe ndhoka ge na pethimbo ndyoka. Helping others spiritually makes it easier for us to avoid becoming overwhelmed by personal problems. These circumstances are addressed by congregations of congregations, attitudes, and needs that are at that time. (1 Joh. 4: 16 - 19) Ohole ndjoka tu na mokati ketu ohayi tu ndhindhilikitha kutya otu li aalongwa yaJesus notu li aapiya yaJehova. Think about what it meant for an Israelite family to make that journey. The love we have among us is that we identify as Jesus ' disciples and as Jehovah's servants. (Lesha Mateus 4: 10.) Perhaps some were slaughtered there in the territory of Benjamin where Rachel was buried. (Read Matthew 4: 10.) (Lukas 11: 33; 15: 8, 9; 17: 35) Mbela sho Jesus a li a ti kutya ondjoko ye ombwanawa nomutengi gwe omupu, mbela Maria okwa li ngaa a dhiladhila komathimbo omawanawa gonale sho esiku limwe omutenya a li a tala Josef ta longo Jesus sho omushona nkene e na okuninga ondjoko noku yi honga nuukeka opo oshinamwenyo shi vule oku yi humbata nuupu? That is why Abraham is called "the father of all those having faith. " Did Jesus really think that the yoke of yoke was kindly and that Mary was just one day in order to make the yoke of a young man's yoke? (Omayel. 19: 14) Nonando ongawo, Aakriste oyendji mboka inaaya ya mondjokana ohaya nyanyukilwa wo onkalamwenyo ombwanawa. However, it may well result in spiritual sickness or death. However, many unmarried Christians enjoy a happy life. Jehova ota pangula elongitho lyoonkondo nokupopya nonyanya, onkee ano, kapu na etompelo lyasha ndyoka tali ningitha gumwe u ungaunge nakuume kopandjokana momukalo kaagu shi gwopahole nenge nokwaahenesimaneko. (Eps. How were the Israelites to be a nation of witnesses? Jehovah condemns violence and violence, so no reason to treat someone in a kind way or cruel. Omasiku gaali sho ga piti konima yoshituthi, osha li ethimbo lyo opala kAaisraeli yi ihempulule omolwokwaavulika kwawo kOmpango yaKalunga. But he also said that if we endure, we can win. Two days after the meeting, the Israelites set the right time to confess their rebellion against God's Law. [ 2] (okatendo 15) Shi na ko nasha nuuyelele mboka tashi vulika Omukriste a tokole okufala Omukriste omukwawo kompangu, tala embo " Ikalekeni mohole yaKalunga, ' ep. 223, tala enyolo lyopevi.. Together with their daughter and son, Isabel and Fabian, they faithfully shared in the activities of the congregation. [ 2] (paragraph 15) Regarding the information that a Christian might choose to lead a fellow Christian, see chapter 22 of the book "Keep Yourselves in God's Love. " " ONTSEYO YASHILI ' TAYI "INDJIPALA " How do you feel now about the Bible book of Leviticus? " THE TRUE KNOWS " (a) Owu hole okuuvithila unene pomahala geni uuna to gandja uunzapo womontaneho? (Read 1 Corinthians 3: 6 - 9.) (a) How do you like to witness from public witnessing? Nonando Hans, omusamane gwe, ke na esiku a patanekele eitaalo lyawo, okwa ka ninginithwa owala mo - 2006. On their preaching expedition in the Australian outback, Arthur Willis and Bill Newlands, mentioned in the introduction, once labored for two weeks to travel 20 miles (32 km) because heavy rains had turned the desert into a sea of mud. Although Hans and his husband never opposed their faith, he was baptized only in 2006. - 2006. Nuumvo, Edhimbuluko lyeso lyaJesus otali ka kala ko mEtitatu, 23 Maalitsa, konima ngele etango lya ningine. Follow the discussion closely in case there is a need for you to assist your partner to overcome an objection. This year, the Memorial of Jesus ' death will be on March 23, March 23, after sundown. Omolwashike sha simana tu kale aluhe tatu imike ohole? John also wrote about God's love for the world of redeemable mankind: "God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " - John 3: 16. Why is it important that we always display love? Ihe Jesus okwa lombwele aalongwa ye a ti: "Ya peni iikulya. " The characters they copied were fictional, but the liquor Allen and his friends drank was real. But Jesus told his disciples: "Where food are food. " Manoak okwi indile Jehova a tumunune omuyengeli a ti: "Tumununa omuntu gwaKalunga kutse, opo e tu lombwele kutya okamati otatu ka ningi ngiini, nge ka valwa. " - Aatokolihapu 13: 1 - 8. Your doing so will help you feel closer to God. Manoah asked Jehovah to raise us in an angel who said: "Let us take a man's hand and tell us what we will do when we are born. " - Judges 13: 1 - 8. Filippus otashi vulika a ka lombwela Aagreka mbeyaka etumwalaka ndyoka tali tsu omukumo. - Johannes 12: 20 - 26. The Bible tells us about some of God's servants who said or did things that hurt others. Philip might tell the Greek people that encouraged him. - John 12: 20 - 26. Ombiimbeli otayi ti kutya okukanitha eitaalo oku li " uulunde mboka ihaau lwedha oku tu idhingila. ' After 50 years of pioneer service, we still have our savings left! The Bible says that he lost his faith in "the sin of the wicked one. " Kalunga okwa li e ya lombwele a ti: "Valathaneni, ne mu indjipale nokuudha evi alihe. " - Genesis 1: 28. What was the greatest act of God's love? God told them: "Be fruitful and become many, fill the earth and subdue it. " - Genesis 1: 28. 17, 18. One way is to ask yourself such questions as: " Can I explain basic Bible teachings to others? 17, 18. Otatu vulu okupula aauvithi aape ya ye pamwe natse komaishunoko nokomakonakonombiimbeli getu. As you reason with others, make good use of the tools available in your language (See paragraph 5) We can ask new publishers to join us in traveling with us and study the Bible in our study. Okuuvitha nuuladhi kombinga yUukwaniilwa ohaku tu gamene ngiini? For my own encouragement, I keep a notebook with scriptures and thoughts from our publications that I can consult from time to time. How does preaching about the Kingdom protect us? 32 Hedha popepi naKalunga - Oto vulu okumona " ontseyo yokutseya Kalunga ' One Bible scholar comments: "It is unthinkable that anyone - even Christ - could raise himself. " 32 Draw Close to God - "You Have a knowledge of God " Euodia naSintike otashi vulika ya li ye na omaukwatya ga yooloka thiluthilu. * Adam, who served as a respected elder for 12 years, comments: "I have lost so much of my self - respect that at times I'm filled with anger, and I'm tempted to distance myself from everybody. " Euodia and Syntyche may have had different qualities. Mbela opu na eyooloko pokati kokukala wu uvite ethimbo lye endelela nokukala nuulaadhi? Where did many Jews live in the first century? Is there a difference between feeling of urgency and boldness? 7: 20) Ihe ngele otwa yono, shoka itashi ti kutya katu na eipangelo nenge kutya otu li na owala kashona. This would be the first step to take in working toward a life that fully honors God. But if we sin against sin, that does not mean that we should not be self - control or that we are little. Omuti ngoka kagu shi iihemba mbyoka tayi vulu oku tu aludha ngele otwe yi li ngashingeyi nenge monakuyiwa. Jesus loved God's Word, and he was eager to share it with others. The tree of that tree could heal us if we are now living in the future or in the future. Omulumentu gumwe okwa li e mu pula ta ti: "Omolwashike we ya huka? Our hearts are warmed as we read how he taught his disciples in the preaching and disciple - making work. One man asked him: "Why are they here? (Joh. 21: 15 - 17) Etitatu, opwa li pu na okutulwa omasiloshimpwiyu opo mboka taya uvitha onkundana ombwanawa ya vule okukala haya gongala pamwe ya longele Jehova noya longwe nkene ye na okugwanitha po iilonga mbyoka. (Heb. 10: 32, 33. Third, there were provisions for those who preach the good news so that they could worship Jehovah together and teach them how to preach the good news. Jesus okwa ti: "One mwa pewa oshindji omagano, gandjeni wo omagano. " The numbers are worse in sub - Saharan Africa, where 1 in 3 is considered chronically hungry. Jesus said: "You received free, give free. " Ondi shi shi kutya nuumvo ompito yokukonakona nayo ku yi na. ' That day, about 120 members of the new congregation were filled with holy spirit and started speaking in different languages to Jews and proselytes. I know that now you have the opportunity to study with them. ' Dhiladhila konkalo yelongelokalunga lyAajuda mboka nosho wo mboka kaaye shi Aajuda mboka ya li ya uvu Petrus. We live in Satan's world and we are imperfect, so it is easy for us to start thinking and acting like the world. Think of the situation of Jewish religious and non - Jewish Jews who heard Peter. Oya popya wo kutya okwe tu ningila sha, opo tu kale nonakuyiwa ombwanawa. Despite his inherited imperfection, Cain had a choice in the matter. It also shows that he has done what he has done for us so that we can enjoy the future. Ngaashi aagundjuka ya zi noku shi popya, otu wete kutya ngele owa kala wi ilongekidha okuuvitha, kungawo owa fa wa zala "oongaku " dhe ku gwana nawa. The next article will answer that question. As young ones have said, we feel that if you are ready to preach, you are like "a good person. " Olundji shoka wa pumbwa okuninga, okukala po nokulombwela ngoka e li moluhodhi kutya nangoye owu uvite nayi. At first, Jesus did not say a word in answer to her. That is often what you need to do, and let him know that you are hurting you. Aaningi yomakonakono oya mona kutya aagundjuka oyendji ohaya ka kala ye na omikalo dha fa dhaavali yawo nonando otashi vulika sho ya li ye na oomvula omulongo nasha ya li taya monika ya fa kaaye na ko nasha. Do You Recall? Researchers have found that many young people have high moral values, even if their parents may have been affected by their teenage years. 4: 18) Ayehe yalwe mboka taya kala po oye li aatali nesimaneko. Whether the worshipper realized it or not, these sacrifices - and those later offered at Jehovah's temple - were "a shadow " of Jesus ' perfect sacrifice. - Heb. All those who live among them are dignity and respect. Omunandholongo ngoka ita ka kala tuu a pandula nokwa nyanyukwa shili! The next member of Ahab's house to be eliminated was wicked Queen Jezebel. What a privilege that is to be a prisoner! Onkee ano, aantu otaya vulu okupopya nenge okuninga iinima mbyoka tayi tu uvitha nayi ethimbo kehe. If Noah's mother and siblings were alive when the Flood began, they did not survive it. Therefore, people can say or do things that hurt us personally. Ondjokonona yAajuda otayi ulike kutya mboka ya li taya landithile motempeli oya li haya yugu aalandi moku ya pula ondando yi li pombanda. The Kingdom covenant assured them that they would be with him in heaven and sit on thrones to rule as kings and serve as priests. The Jewish history shows that those selling at the temple had become an abortion. Omathimbo gamwe Kalunga ota vulu a gandje ekwatho lya pumbiwa okupitila momahekeleko gooitaali ooyakwetu nenge miikulya yopambepo yi li pethimbo. You Can Remain Modest Under Test, Jan. At times, God can provide help by means of fellow believers or by means of spiritual food. All rights reserved. However, she did not make much progress, and she did not go to the meetings. All rights reserved. Uuna tatu endathana naamwatate, oshi li nawa tu kale tatu nyanyukilwa iilonga yetu yokuuvitha. Even before the movable - type printing press was invented in the middle of the 15th century, portions of the Bible may have been available in as many as 33 languages. When we associate with our brothers, we do well to enjoy our preaching work. Kunena moTulun, omu na egongalo li na aauvithi ya konda 100. Showing love for God and for others made Jesus happy. Today, there are over 100 publishers in Turkey. (a) Egwanitho enene lyehunganeko lyaMaleaki olini? Soon after this conversation, Nikolai was summoned to KGB headquarters in Kant. (a) What is the fulfillment of Malachi's prophecy? Okwa kala omasiku ogendji i " idhilika iikulya nokugalikana Kalunga ' omolwonkalo ondhigu yAajuda mboka ya li muJerusalem. (Neh. As Jehovah's Witnesses, what are we determined to do, and how can we be sure of success? He spent many days "day and pray " to God that the Jewish Jews in Jerusalem were in Jerusalem. Abija okwa li a kala muukwanegumbo wa kolokosha. (3) Work hard to promote a sense of contentment. - 4 / 15, pages 6 - 7. Abijah lived in a wicked household. Okuthiminikwa. No matter where we live or where we are from, we follow God's standards. He is a generous God. Sho aavali yetu ya si, Doris okwa kala muChattanooga ta longo e li omukokolindjila i ikalekelwa. Of course, the sources of such donations varied. When our parents died, Doris lived in Switzerland and served as a special pioneer. Ihe mbela owu na okukambadhala okumona shoka wa hala mokupopya iifundja? - Aawe, ku na oku shi ninga. See The Watchtower, December 15, 2010, pages 30 - 31. But should you try to find out what you want to say? - No. Otu shi kutya otu li lela " pehulilo lyuuyuni ' nonokutya kaku na we ethimbo ele "uudhigu uunene " wu tameke. Jesus was never tyrannical or harsh but was always loving, kind, reasonable, mild - tempered, and lowly in heart. - Matt. We know that we are living in "the conclusion of the system of things " and that there is no longer a long period of time when" the great tribulation " begins. AAKALIMO They eagerly responded to Jesus ' rousing instructions: Preach the good news of God's established Kingdom in all the earth! POPULATION Ndhindhilika wo oshinima shilwe shoka twa mona okuza kOmushiti gwetu. By doing so, you can have satisfaction in knowing that they are receiving the care and attention they need. Note, too, what else we have seen from our Creator. (Iil. 3: 20) Onkalo yetu otayi yelekanithwa noyomunandholongo ngoka i ipe ombedhi omolwoonkatu dhonale ndhoka a li a katuka e ta ningi omalunduluko omanene sho a tegelela okudhipagwa. Daniel was almost 100 years old and nearing the end of his life. He might have been thinking about what the future held for him. Our situation is likened to a prisoner who regrets himself, making big changes in his life. Onkee ano, okwa li i indile owino nomutima gu na evuliko. It adheres to the Bible as its authority. So he appealed to wisdom with a wise and obedient heart. Okukwathela yalwe pambepo ohaku shi ningitha oshipu kutse tu yande okukala twa gwililwa po komaupyakadhi gopaumwene. It adheres to the Bible as its authority. Helping others spiritually makes it easier for us to avoid being overwhelmed by personal problems. Dhiladhila kwaashoka sha li sha kwatelwa mo opo iilyo ayihe yegumbo muIsraeli yi ye molweendo ndwoka. Just as words spoken at the right time can be very pleasing to the hearer, a gift given at the right time or on the appropriate occasion can contribute greatly to the receiver's happiness. A friend is getting married. Think about what was involved in making all members of the Bethel family back to Israel. 40: 1) Otapeya yamwe ya dhipagelwa moshitopolwa shoka shaBenjamin moka mwa fumvikwa Rakel. " This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come. " - Matthew 24: 14. Some may have been killed in that region where Rachel was buried. Onkee ano, Abraham oti ithanwa "he yopambepo yaayehe mboka yi itaala Kalunga. " That good - hearted man had lost faith in God after observing the hypocrisy of the religious leaders. So Abraham is called "the father of all those having faith. " Ihe shoka ohashi vulu okweeta iizemo iiwinayi, ngaashi okunkundipala nenge okusa pambepo. How do congregation meetings help us to reflect God's glory? But that can cause bad results, such as death or death. Osha li she ende ngiini, opo oshigwana shaIsraeli shonale shi ninge Oonzapo? Paragraph 2: To refresh your memory on the meaning of the other parts of the parable, we encourage you to read the article "The Righteous Ones Will Shine as Brightly as the Sun " in The Watchtower of March 15, 2010. How did ancient Israel become Witnesses? Ashike okwa popi kutya ngele otwi idhidhimike, otatu vulu okusindana. God expelled them from Eden, and they had no hope of ever returning. But he said that if we endure, we can win the fight. Aaihokani mboka oya li haya kutha ombinga lela miilonga yegongalo pamwe nomwanakadhona Isabel nosho wo nomwanamati gwawo Fabian. Therefore, what God has yoked together let no man put apart. " The couple had been very active in the congregation along with Isabel and his son Fabian. Owu uvitile ngiini embo lyaLevitikus ngashingeyi? We can be sure that Jesus firmly rejected such an unscriptural tradition. How do you feel about Leviticus now? (Lesha 1 Aakorinto 3: 6 - 9.) STUDY ARTICLE 5 PAGES 25 - 29 (Read 1 Corinthians 3: 6 - 9.) Molweendo lwawo lwoku ku uvitha kiitopolwa yokuushayi yomuAustralia, Arthur Willis naBill Newlands, mboka ya tumbulwa metetekelo, oya li ye ende iiwike iyali uule wookilometa 32, molwaashoka mombuga omwa li mu udha omanono omolwomvula onene ndjoka ya loko. Many repeatedly cry out to God for relief and wonder if relief will ever come. During their preaching in remote rural villages, Arthur and Arthur Arthur, mentioned five weeks of miles away from the wilderness because of a great earthquake in the wilderness. Landula nawa oonkundathana opo ngele omunegumbo ta patana moshinima shontumba, wu vule okukwathela mukweni. He told them to use it to make more money for him. Follow a discussion of the householder's reaction to a matter, so to help your partner. (1 Johannes 4: 8) Okwa nyola wo kutya Kalunga oku hole aantu mboka ya taamba ko ekulilo a ti: "Osho ngeyi Kalunga a kala e hole uuyuni, oye a gandja Omwana awike, opo shaa ngoka te mu itaale, kaa kane, ihe a kale e na omwenyo gwaaluhe. " - Johannes 3: 16. Why? He also wrote that God loved those who accepted the ransom: "God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " - John 3: 16. Aantu mboka taya yelekele kaya li taya nu iikolitha yolela, ihe Allen nookuume ke oya li taya nu iikolitha yolela. That would be to one's spiritual detriment. People who were not distracted by alcohol, but Allen and his friends would drink more alcohol. Okuninga ngaaka otaku ke ku kwathela wu hedhe popepyeelela naKalunga. What is humility? Doing so will help you draw closer to God. Ombiimbeli otayi tu lombwele kombinga yaapiya yaJehova yamwe mboka ya popya nenge ya ninga iinima mbyoka ye ehameka yalwe. Indeed, single sisters serving abroad have established an outstanding record of Christian service. The Bible tells us about some of Jehovah's servants who speak or do things that hurt others. Nokonima yoomvula 50 dhokukokola ondjila, natango otu na oshimaliwa! She remained barren while Elkanah's other wife, Peninnah, produced offspring. After 50 years of pioneering, we still have money! Kalunga okwa ningi oshinima oshinene shini a holole ohole ye? That thought consoles him. In what great way did God express his love? Omukalo gumwe to vulu oku shi ninga omokwiipula omapulo ngaashi: " Mbela ote vulu ngaa okuyelithila yalwe omalongo gopetameko gOmbiimbeli? Why did Paul experience such feelings? One way you can do this is by asking such questions as: " Can you explain Bible teachings? Uuna to tompathana nayalwe, longitha nawa iilongitho mbyoka wu na melaka lyoye (Tala okatendo 5) " Are you people not interested in a Bible study? " Sister Huntingford asked. When you reason with others, use good tools in your language (See paragraph 5) Opo ndi itse omukumo, onda nyola omanyolo mokambo kandje nosho wo omadhiladhilo okuza miileshomwa yetu moka handi vulu okutala omathimbo nomathimbo. Jehovah inspired him to utter a prophecy about Noah, Lamech's son, and that prophecy came true after the Flood. To encourage me, I wrote the scriptures in the book and from our publications where I could look at and at times. (Aaroma 10: 9) Omulongwantu gumwe gwOmbiimbeli okwa ti: "Itashi vulika omuntu i iyumudhe ye mwene, nokuli naKristus ite shi vulu. " Our future life prospects depend on its fulfillment. One Bible scholar says: "It is impossible for a man to keep himself free from himself, even if he is not able to do so. " * Adam ngoka a li omukuluntugongalo uule woomvula 12, okwa ti: "Ohandi kala ndi isa uunye nomathimbo gamwe ohe kala nda geya nayi. Ohandi kala nda hala okwiikalela. " The apostle Paul urged his coworker Timothy: "Do the work of an evangelizer, fully accomplish your ministry. " * For 12 years, Adam, who was an elder for 12 years, says: "I feel angry and angry. " Aajuda oyendji oya li haya kala peni methelemumvo lyotango? People thronged Ur's narrow, winding streets, ships jostled one another along its wharves, and goods overflowed in its bazaars. Where were many Jews in the first century? 5: 14, 15) Shoka osho tu na okuninga tango ngele otwa hala okukala nonkalamwenyo tayi simanekitha Kalunga. How did Jehovah express his sovereignty over Egypt, and how did this affect his chosen people? That is what we must first do if we want to live in a way that honors God. 24: 32, 45) Jesus okwa li e hole Oohapu dhaKalunga nokwa li e na ehalo oku dhi longa yalwe. His resurrection meant that they too would rise from the dead. Jesus loved God's Word and was willing to teach others. (Joh. 13: 12 - 15) Omitima dhetu ohadhi inyengithwa uuna tatu lesha nkene Kristus a li a longo aalongwa ye okuuvitha nokuninga aantu aalongwa. Your blessing is upon your people. " - Ps. Our hearts are moved when we read how Christ taught his disciples to preach and make disciples. 10: 32, 33. Even when we experience hardships, joyful praise to God wells up in our hearts. 10: 32, 33. Aantu oyendji otaya si kondjala noonkondo miilongo yokuumbugantu waSahara muAfrika, moka to adha omuntu gumwe gwomaantu yatatu miilongo moka a konenwa kondjala. As long as they " keep their senses ' and fight temptation, such ones can count on God's support. Many people die so much that in Africa, there are three million people living in a country where they are sick. Esiku ndyoka aantu 120 yomegongalo epe oya li yu udhithwa ombepo ondjapuki e taya tameke okupopya nAajuda nosho wo naapagani omalaka omakwiilongo. Ask yourself: " Does my way of life indicate that I truly know Jehovah? That day, 120 people in the new congregation were filled with holy spirit and started speaking to Jews and Gentiles. Otu li muuyuni waSatana noinatu gwanenena. What Bible principles can help you to make the best choices in life? We live in Satan's world and are imperfect. Nonando Kain ka li a gwanenena, okwa li ta vulu okuninga ehogololo moshinima shika. Consider, too, the faithful man Job, who said: "I have made a covenant with my eyes. Though Cain was imperfect, Cain could have made a choice in this regard. Epulo ndyoka otali ka yamukulwa moshitopolwa tashi landula. " However, the bullets passed between us. That question will be answered in the next article. Oshikando shotango sho e mu pula, Jesus ine mu yamukula. Thus, Jesus, together with his 144,000 anointed kings in heaven, will rescue God's people here on earth. When Jesus first asked him, Jesus did not answer him. Oto dhimbulukwa? We thank Jehovah for helping us to keep our integrity to him during those difficult times. Do You Recall? Kutya nduno Aaisraeli oya li ye shi shi nenge kaye shi shi omayambo ngoka ga li haga ningwa motempeli yaJehova, oga li " ethano lya dhimeya ' lyeyambo lya gwanenena ndyoka lya li lya gandjwa kuJesus. - Heb. For more information, see chapter 1 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Whether the Israelites knew or not, they were not sacrifices of Jehovah's temple, "the sacrifice of the perfect sacrifice " provided by Jesus. - Heb. Okuza mpono Jehu okwa dhipaga omukwaniilwakiintu omwiinayi Isebel gwomuukwanegumbo waAhab. We do this because we are convinced that Jehovah's Kingdom government under Christ will shortly put an end to imperfect human rulership, replacing it with a righteous new system of things. - Dan. Then Jehu killed wicked Queen Jezebel's wicked Queen Jezebel. Ngele yina yaNoa nosho wo aamwayina oya li ye na omwenyo sho Eyelu lye ya, osha yela kutya kaya li ya hupu. Moreover, he held that the Bible is superior to church tradition. If Noah's mother and his brothers were alive when the Flood came, it was clear that they would not survive. Ehangano lyUukwaniilwa oli li eshilipaleko kuyo kutya otaya ka kala pamwe naye megulu, notaya ka kuutumba kiipangelapundi ya pangele ye li aakwaniilwa naasaaseri. When we do this, Jehovah will reward us with happiness now and everlasting life in his new world. - James 1: 25; Revelation 1: 3. The Kingdom covenant assures them that they will be with him in heaven, and they will sit down on thrones and priests to rule as kings and priests. Ihe ka li a ningi lela ehumokomeho noka li ha yi kokugongala. Failure to control one's anger would give the Devil an opportunity to sow disunity and even conflict in the congregation. But he did not make progress and was attending meetings. Manga eshina lyokutopatopa inali ndulukwa po mokati kethelemumvo eti - 15, iitopolwa yOmbiimbeli oyindji otashi vulika ya li momalaka 33. What is the lesson for us? While the boat was not on the middle of the fourth century C.E., many Bibles may have lived in 33 languages. 4: 31 - 34) Okuhola Kalunga nosho wo aantu, okwa li haku mu etele enyanyu. 8, 9. (a) What is one way to reason with someone who believes that Jesus is equal to God? Love for God and people was a source of joy. Mbala konima yoonkundathana ndhoka, Nikolai okwi ithanwa koombelewa oonene dhehangano lyokutonatela lyo - KGB, moKant. Because of other obligations, however, many grown children do not live near their parents. Soon thereafter, Nancy was called at world headquarters at the right time in the United States and in the United States. Tu li Oonzapo dhaJehova, otwa tokolatoko okuninga shike, nomolwashike tu na uushili kutya otatu ka pondola? Examining the heart and correcting improper desires will lead to blessings As Jehovah's Witnesses, what are we determined to do, and why can we be sure that we will succeed? Okwa li wo e shi kutya Omugandji gwomwenyo ota vulu oku mu yumudha konima yokusa. - 4 / 1, epandja 12. How did Jesus show himself to be encouraging? He also knew that the Life - Giver could resurrect him after death. - 4 / 1, page 12. (1 Johannes 5: 3) Kashi na nduno mbudhi kutya ohatu kala moshilongo shini, ohatu iyutha komithikampango dhaKalunga. What course does Jehovah's Word encourage? - Read Ecclesiastes 12: 1. No matter what we live in a country, we live according to God's standards. Odhoshili kutya omayambidhidho ngoka oga li ga yoolokathana. The evangelizer Philip had four virgin daughters who shared their father's zeal for evangelizing. To be sure, the donations were different. Tala Oshungolangelo yOshiingilisa yo 15 Desemba 2010, epandja 30 - 31. No sooner had the "Creation Drama " exhibitions reached their peak than Europe was engulfed in the storm of Nazism. See The Watchtower, December 15, 2010, pages 30 - 31. Jesus ka li nando omukwanyanya, ihe okwa kala aluhe omunahole, omunambili, e na ondjele, omunahenda nomwiifupipiki. - Mat. Table of Contents Jesus never was harsh, but he always had a loving, compassionate, compassionate, compassionate, compassionate, compassionate, and humble attitude. - Matt. Oya li ya katuka metsokumwe nelombwelo lyaJesus lya yela, yu uvithe kombanda yevi onkundana ombwanawa yUukwaniilwa waKalunga mboka wa dhikwa po. Since there is no cure or effective treatment for the disease, Onesmus expected to spend the rest of his life in pain and confined to a wheelchair. They acted in harmony with Jesus ' clear direction on earth to preach the good news of God's Kingdom. Mokuninga ngaaka, oto vulu okukala wa nyanyukwa molwaashoka owu shi kutya otaya pewa esiloshimpwiyu nekwatho ndyoka ya pumbwa. The Congregation and You By doing so, you can be happy because you know that they receive the help and help they need. Sho Daniel e na omimvo 100 lwaampono nokwa li e li popepi nokusa, otashi vulika a li ta dhiladhila kombinga yaashoka sha li tashi ke mu ningilwa monakuyiwa. She earned her living as a seamstress. When Daniel was about 100 years old and he was close to die, he may have thought about what would happen in the future. Ayihe mbyoka tashi popi oyi ikolela kOmbiimbeli. He relates, "Some people told my wife how much they loved and missed her former husband - right in front of me! " It adheres to the Bible as its authority. Ayihe mbyoka tashi popi oyi ikolelela kOmbiimbeli. He does not want us to make bad choices that will hurt us or make us unhappy. It adheres to the Bible as its authority. Ngaashi owala oohapu dha popiwa pethimbo lyu uka tadhi vulu okunyanyudha ngoka te dhi pulakene, omagano ga gandjwa pethimbo lyu uka nenge pompito tayi opalele otaga vulu okunyanyudha ngoka te ga pewa. The Pharisees sought to fill in such supposed gaps by means of their laws, definitions, and traditions. Just as the right words spoken at the right time can please, the gift provided at the right time or right time can be given appropriate. " Elaka ndika etoye lyOshilongo otali ka uvithilwa aantu ayehe, li ningile iigwana ayihe onzapo; notaku ya ihe ehulilo. " - Mateus 24: 14. It may be that few people in these countries know how to do the work. " This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. " - Matthew 24: 14. Okwa li e na omutima omwaanawa, ihe omolwiihelele yaawiliki yoongeleka okwa kanitha eitaalo muKalunga. When she told Manoah the news, he was very excited. He had a good heart, but he had lost faith in God. Okugongala ohaku tu kwathele ngiini twi imonikile eadhimo lyaKalunga? Michelle: God never scolded Habakkuk for asking those questions, nor did he tell Habakkuk that he simply needed more faith. How does meetings help us to reflect God's glory? Okatendo 2: Opo wu idhimbulukithe eityo lyiitopolwa yilwe yeyele, otatu ku ladhipike wu leshe oshitopolwa "Aayuuki otaa ka adhima ngetango " mOshungolangelo yo 1 Maalitsa 2010. I stopped consulting oracles, and I no longer participated in local rituals and funeral rites. Paragraph 2: To remind you of the meaning of the parable, we urge you to read the article "The righteous ones " in The Watchtower of March 1, 2010. Kalunga okwe ya tidha mo muEden, nokaya li we ye na etegameno lyokushuna mo. They set aside time to approach people at train and bus stations, in marketplaces and parks, and in other public areas. God expeld them out of Eden, and they did not have a hope in return. Ano shono Kalunga e shi tula kumwe, inashi kuthwa kumwe komuntu. " (Lesbian couples sometimes resort to this procedure.) Therefore, what God has yoked together let no man put apart. " Okwa li a lombwele aapataneki ye a ti: " Ongame onde ya medhina lyaTate, one noinamu taamba ndje. Thompson " was the lady of the house. He told opposers: "I have come in the name of my Father, and you do not accept me. OSHITOPOLWA SHOKUKONAKONWA 5 EPANDJA 25 - 29 What did Herod do next? STUDY ARTICLE 5 PAGES 25 - 29 Otaya tsikile nokwiindila Kalunga e ya pe epepelelo, ihe otayi ipula kutya otali ya uunake. 10? They continue to ask God for relief, but they wonder when it will come. Iimaliwa mbika oya li yi na ongushu komulumentu gwomeyele. Rather, He values something of far greater importance - our figurative heart, or the person we are inside. This money was very valuable to the man in the illustration. Omolwashike mbela? " You Have Been Washed Clean " Why? Shoka otashi ka yona po uupambepo we. Seek "Skillful Direction, " 6 / 15 This would damage his spiritual health. Eifupipiko oshike? Insurance: A donation made by specifying an entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy or a retirement / pension plan. What is modesty? Odhoshili kutya aamwameme inaaya hokanwa mboka ya ka longa kiilongo yilwe oya dhana onkandangala onene miilonga yokuuvitha. Anthony: The truth is, Jehovah's Witnesses most certainly believe in Jesus. Of course, single sisters who are serving abroad have played a great role in the preaching work. Ihe Peninna ngoka naye a li omukulukadhi gwomusamane gwe, okwa li e na aanona. (a) How important is it to speak with a learner about goals in Jehovah's service? However, Caesar's wife, however, had children. Oohapu ndhoka odhe mu hekeleke. OUR PRESENT ASSIGNMENT Those words comforted her. 9: 1 - 3) Omolwashike Paulus a li u uvite ngawo? A young girl in India kept a small money box and gradually added coins, even giving up toys to do so. Why did Paul feel that way? Sho tate a ti inatu pumbwa sha, meHuntingford okwa ti: "Inamu hala ekonakonombiimbeli? " The Acts of Paul and Thecla was highly regarded in early centuries, as confirmed by the fact that 80 Greek manuscripts of it exist, as well as versions in other languages. When my father said that we do not need anything, "Would you like to study the Bible? " Jehova okwa nwetha mo Enok a hunganeke sha kombinga yaNoa. Ehunganeko ndyoka olya ka gwanithwa konima yEyelu. The second category of leisure activity consists of forms of entertainment that do not center on practices that are expressly condemned in God's Word. Jehovah inspired Enoch to foretell the fulfillment of Noah's prophecy after the Flood. Etimaumbwile lyonakuyiwa yetu olyi ikolelela kegwanitho lyawo. At one point, an angelic messenger urged Daniel, that "very precious man, " to" have peace " and "be strong. " - Dan. The hope of our future is based on their hope. 28: 19, 20; Iil. 1: 8) Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa li a ladhipike Timoteus omulongi pamwe naye, a ti: " Longa oshilonga shomuuvithi gwevaangeli, gwanitha ayihe mokulongela Kalunga. ' The school taught us that this could be obtained through fasting and prayers. The apostle Paul encouraged Timothy to work as an evangelizer, saying: "Do your utmost to accomplish all things in God's service. " Aantu oya li haye ende ya thinana momapandaanda gaUr, ooskepa odha li dha thinana nodha tegamathana petulilo lyooskepa nomahala gasho gomalandithilo oga li gu udha iinima. " I would hide my drinking, " he admits, "and I would make excuses and try to downplay my overdrinking. The people walked through the streets, pushing the boat, and opened the boat with them in front of several islands. Jehova okwa li u ulukile ngiini Egipiti kutya ye omunamapangelo agehe, naashika osha li sha gumu ngiini oshigwana she oshihogololwa? Help Men to Progress Spiritually How did Jehovah show his dealings with Egypt, and how did this affect his chosen people? Eyumuko lye otali ti kutya nayo otaya ka yumudhwa kuusi. For example, in the village of Potala Pastillo, there were two Witness families with many children, and I used to play the flute for them. His resurrection means that they too will be raised from the dead. Onkee ano, natse natu popye ngaashi omupisalomi tatu ti: "Omuwa, ngoka ha gandja esindano, na yambeke aantu ye! " - Eps. How can we uphold Jehovah's sovereignty now? So let us say to the psalmist: "Jehovah is blessing his people! " - Ps. (Ps. 63: 3, 4) Nokuli nuuna tu li muudhigu, omitima dhetu ohadhi kala tadhi tanga Kalunga nenyanyu. At that time in Israel, the occupying Romans might press a man into service. Even when we are in times of distress, our heart is filled with praise to God. 10: 13) Shampa owala taya kala ya " kotoka ' notaya kondjitha omamakelo, otaya ka vula okukala yi inekela kutya Kalunga ote ke ya ambidhidha. They always shared a Bible message with me too. Just as they "keep on the watch " and resist temptations, they can be confident that God will support them. Ipula ngeyi: " Mbela ohedhi yandje yokukalamwenyo otayi ulike lela kutya ondi shi Jehova? He is the enemy - not Jehovah! - 1 Pet. Ask yourself: " Does my life really show me that I know Jehovah? Omakotampango geni gOmbiimbeli taga vulu oku ku kwathela wu ninge omatokolo ga dhenga mbanda monkalamwenyo? There will be no more wickedness on earth, and the "great crowd " will survive Armageddon. What Bible principles can help you make wise decisions in life? Natu tale wo koshiholelwa shomulumentu omudhiginini Job, ngoka a ti: "Onda ningi etokolo lya kola, ndaa tale omukadhona nde mu haluka. " (b) How did Asa ignore Azariah's counsel, and with what result? Consider also the example of the faithful man Job, who said: "I have made a covenant with a virgin girl. " Ihe ooholo odha li owala dha piti pokati ketu. Jesus promised his disciples that " they would receive power when the holy spirit arrived upon them. ' However, according to modern times, it has been as if we were close to us. Kungeyi, Jesus pamwe naakwaniilwa ye aagwayekwa, 144 000 megulu, otaya ka katuka onkatu ya hupithe oshigwana shaKalunga kombanda yevi. Not at all! Thus, Jesus is with his anointed corulers in heaven, the 144,000 will take action to rescue God's people on earth. Otatu pandula Jehova sho e tu kwathele tu kale aadhiginini momathimbo ngoka omadhigu. (c) What about our ministry may impress people today? We thank Jehovah for helping us to remain faithful during these difficult times. Ngele owa hala okumona uuyelele wa gwedhwa po, tala ontopolwa 1 yembo ndika Omalongo gashili gOmbiimbeli ogeni naanaa?, lya nyanyangidhwa kOonzapo dhaJehova. The destruction continued for a decade. For more information, see chapter 1 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach? published by Jehovah's Witnesses. 22: 39; 24: 14, NW) Ohatu shi ningi molwaashoka otu na uushili kutya Uukwaniilwa waKalunga mboka wu li epangelo tali wilikwa kuKristus, masiku otawu ka hulitha po omapangelo gaantu inaaya gwanenena, notawu ke eta po uuyuni uupe wuuyuuki. - Dan. (a) Upbuilding meetings are the result of what? We do so because we are convinced that God's Kingdom under Christ's rule will soon bring an end to human rule and bring an end to the righteous new world. - Dan. Okwa li wo a popi kutya Ombiimbeli oyo yi na okulandulwa, ihe hamalongo gongeleka. Eric: That sounds as if it would work. He also mentions the Bible as a sacrifice, but he does not belong to the church's church. Uuna tatu shi ningi, Jehova ote ke tu pa enyanyu ngashingeyi nomwenyo gwaaluhe muuyuni we uupe. - Jakob 1: 25; Ehololo 1: 3. An eagle soars by using thermals, or columns of rising warm air. By doing so, Jehovah will give us happiness now in his new world. - James 1: 25; Revelation 1: 3. (Ef. 4: 26, 27) Ngele ihatu pangele ondjahi yetu otashi ka pa Ondiaboli ompito yi teye po uukumwe nokweeta eipumomumwe megongalo. Now that you have given your life to Jehovah, you can say with greater confidence than ever before: "Jehovah is on my side; I will not be afraid. If we do not control our anger, the Devil will allow unity to disrupt the unity of the congregation. Oshike tatu ilongo meyele lyaJesus? No human power can withstand Jehovah. What can we learn from Jesus ' parable? 8, 9. (a) Ongiini tatu vulu okutompathana nomuntu ngoka i itaala kutya Jesus oye Kalunga? What is necessary for us to be known by Jehovah? 8, 9. (a) How can we reason with someone who believes that Jesus is God? Ihe omolwiinakugwanithwa yilwe, aanona oyendji aakuluntu ihaya kala popepi naavali yawo. Moreover, from Jesus ' glorified position in heaven, he continues to help his disciples to make known Jehovah's name throughout the earth. However, for other responsibilities, many parents and adults do not have to stay close to their parents. Okukonakona omutima nokuvudha mo omahalo ga puka otaku tu etele omalaleko nuuyamba They have the loving support of their brothers and sisters, and when they commit themselves to Jehovah, their plans in life will succeed. Studying the heart's heart gives us rich blessings Ongiini Jesus a li a tsu yalwe omukumo? Qualifications: Must be a permanent member of the Bethel family or a temporary volunteer who has been approved to serve at Bethel for a year or longer. How did Jesus encourage others? Oohapu dhaJehova otadhi tu ladhipikile ondjila yini? - Lesha Omuuvithi 12: 1. And the danger is still with us, perhaps even more so. Jehovah's Word encourages us to plan for what way? - Read Ecclesiastes 12: 1. Omweevaangeli Filippus okwa li e na oyanakadhona aakadhoneelela yane mboka ya li ye na uulaadhi wa fa we. The March 15, 1924, Watch Tower stated that "one of the chief commissions " of true Christians" is to give a witness to the kingdom. Might Philip have two young daughters like her? Momimvo ndhoka sho aantu taya tala oshinyandwa "Creation Drama, " ongundu yaNazi oya kala tayi nkondopala muEuropa nokumona aayambidhidhi oyendji noya li tayi piyaganeke. Attendance at the annual festivals meant what for many Israelites? During those years, the "Creation Drama, " a group of people who lived in Europe and became engrossed in Europe. Oshikalimo A second principle is: As stewards, we all adhere to the same basic standards. Table of Contents Molwaashoka uuvu we kawu na epango, Onesmus okwa li a tegelela a kale te ehama onkalamwenyo ye ayihe nokukala mokatemba sigo aluhe. Or would some sort of compromise be worked out, with advocates on each side modifying their position until a consensus of sorts was reached? Because of his illness, Onesmus expected that he would have to live in a wheelchair and live forever on his wheelchair. Egongalo nosho wo ngoye We received additional material to help bring glory to God with the release in 2010 of the brochure Was Life Created? and the congregation and You Okwa li omuhondji. Is he even there? He was a man of hard work. Ota ti: "Aantu yamwe oya li ya lombwele omukulukadhi gwandje kutya oya li ye hole omusamane gwe gwotango nohaya kala nokuli taya ti, " ando opwaa lyee! ', nokuli nando opo ndi li. " I ponder over it all day long. " - Ps. " Some people told my wife that they loved her first husband and even said, " If I thought that I would never be. ' " Jehova ina hala tu ninge omatokolo kaage li pandunge ngoka tage ke tu yemateka. What will it mean for Satan to be in "the abyss "? Jehovah does not want us to make wise decisions that will hurt us. 20: 10) Aafarisayi kOmpango hoka oya li ya gwedha ko iipango noonkuluhedhi dhawo yene, noku yi fatulula ngaashi yu uvite. Being a chosen nation had not excluded Israel from discipline. The Mosaic Law added that the traditions of their own tradition and teachings, and explain them as they felt. Otashi vulika aantu owala aashona miilongo moka ye shi nkene iilonga yi na okulongwa. The two records are complementary, each supplying details not mentioned in the other. It may be only a few people in countries where the work is done. Manoak naye sho e yi uvu, okwa li ta nyata evi. 13: 17. When Manoah heard that, she was immoral. Michelle: Kalunga ka li a ganda Habakuk sho e mu pula omapulo ngaka noine mu lombwela kutya okwa pumbwa eitaalo lya kola. Consider yet another way in which Jehovah draws us to himself. Michelle: God did not condemn Habakkuk's questions when he asked him not to tell him that he needed strong faith. Onde etha po okukwatathana naayanekeli, noihandi kutha we ombinga momikalondjigilile dhopalongelokalunga dhomoshitopolwa nosho wo dhi na ko nasha nomafumviko. How might it be possible for you to increase your sacrifices to Jehovah? I stopped contacting Deut, and I got involved in religious customs and social activities. Ohadhi ka uvitha poosasiona dhomashina, pomathikameno goombesa, pomalandithilo, pooparka nopomahala gaayehe galwe. He was treated as someone special in Babylon. They will preach at the train station, public witnessing, and in public places. (Aakiintu mboka ya hokanathana omathimbo gamwe ohaya longitha omukalo nguka opo ya mone aanona.) At a time, yet future, after the wicked are removed from the earth. (The marriage arrangement sometimes uses this approach to produce children.) Oyendji oya li haya dhiladhila kutya Gerri okwa li ha longo megumbo " lyaMwiishishi Thompson '. Like you, they lived in momentous times. Many thought that Gerri was working at "a house " with Brother Thompson. Herodes okwa li a ningi shike ishewe? 7: 1. What else did Herod do? 10? Help your teenager to make good friends in the congregation (See paragraph 14) 10 Ihe pehala lyaashono, okwa tala ko oshinima shimwe osho sha simanenena, sha hala okutya, omutima gwetu gwopathaneko nenge uuntu wetu womeni. If we are to progress to Christian maturity, we must learn to distinguish right from wrong and then make decisions that reflect our own convictions, not those of someone else. Instead, he views something more important - our figurative heart, our figurative heart, or our inner person. " Omwa yogwa oondjo " Thus, if a mild tongue fails to stop an armed robber, wise Christians heed the principle embodied in Jesus ' words: "Do not resist the one who is wicked. " " You have been washed clean " 1 / 1 We had another frightening experience. 3 / 1 Anthony: Uushili owo kutya, Oonzapo dhaJehova odhi itaala shili muJesus. Are you not thankful to Jehovah, who gave us the sure hope of the resurrection? Anthony: Of course, Jehovah's Witnesses believe in Jesus. (a) Omolwashike sha simana okupula omumwatate omalalakano ngoka i itulila po, sho ta longele Jehova? In this article, we will discuss the example of David and others who lived at that time and learn how we can be loyal to Jehovah more than to anyone else. (a) Why is it important to ask a brother who has set goals in serving Jehovah? OSHINAKUGWANITHWA SHOKA TU NA NGASHINGEYI I will not turn my back on him. " STUDY ARTICLES FOR THE WEEKS OF: Sho okaketha ku udha, iimaliwa oke yi gandja yi ka longithwe miilonga yokuuvitha. 12, 13. (a) When facing a frightening situation, how did Jehoshaphat react? There was no need for money to be used in the preaching work. O - Acts of Paul and Thecla oya li ya simanekwa lela momathelemimvo gotango, ngaashi sha kolekwa kuuyelele mboka tawu adhika momanyolwakaha gomOshigreka ge li 80 nosho wo mOombiimbeli dhomomalaka galwe. Even now, they consider themselves to be citizens of a new world, one of God's making. The New World Translation of Paul's religions was highly respected in the first century, as has been published in 80 languages and in other languages. Omainyanyudho gomongundu ontiyali oga kwatela mo iinima mbyoka inaayi indikwa thiluthilu kOohapu dhaKalunga. Instead, we cherish the resurrection hope and have every reason to heed Jehovah's direction in all things. The second class includes the issues that are not directly forbidden to God's Word. Pompito yimwe, omuyengeli gumwe okwa li a lombwele Daniel ngoka " e holike kuKalunga, ' a kale nombili nenge tu tye kaa " piyaganekwe kusha ' noku kale e na "oonkondo. " - Dan. Four days later, some brothers were finally able to tell her what happened. On one occasion, an angel told Daniel, "the God of love, " not to be ashamed of " and" be" without power. " - Dan. Mosikola otwa longwa kutya, opo tu dhi mone otu na okukala hatu galikana nokwiidhilika iikulya. At that point, it is often easier to get a conversation under way. In the school, we were taught that we should pray for food and food. Okwa ti: "Onda li handi holeke iikolitha mbyoka handi nu nokwiiningitha nda fa ihaandi nu sha pitilila. However, they were generous and showed exemplary love for their fellow believers. She says: "I hid the alcohol I drank and put myself off drinking too much. Kwathela aalumentu ya hume komeho pambepo Earth will become a paradise filled with happy, healthy people blessed with everlasting life. Help Men to Progress Spiritually Pashiholelwa, momukunda gumwe moPotala Pastillo, omwa li mu na omaukwanegumbo gaali gOonzapo ge na aanona oyendji nonda li handi ya hikile ombenda. On the contrary! For example, in one village, two families had two families, and I had a lot of young children in the city. Ongiini tatu vulu okwaambidhidha uunamapangelo waJehova ngashingeyi? Men and women were condemned for heresy because they rejected teachings of the church, some of which were based on the pagan philosophies of Aristotle and Plato - men who lived before Jesus Christ was born. How can we uphold Jehovah's sovereignty now? Pethimbo ndyoka, Aaroma mboka ya li ya kwata ko oshilongo oya li haya thiminike aantu ya longe iilonga yontumba. Read Psalm 45: 4. At that time, the Romans forced people to perform specific tasks. Odha li wo aluhe hadhi lombwele ndje kombinga yOmbiimbeli. How does our conscience encourage us to preach? They always told me about the Bible. (1 Joh. 5: 19; Eh. 12: 9) Oye omutondi ihe ke shi Jehova. - 1 Pet. Significant developments and earthshaking events are ahead of us. They are the enemy, but they do not know Jehovah. - 1 Pet. " Ongundu onene " otayi ka hupa puArmagedon, nokombanda yevi itaku ka kala we uukolokoshi. It is noteworthy that Abraham did not during his lifetime receive the inheritance of the land promised to him. " The great crowd " will survive Armageddon, and the earth will be no more. (b) Asa okwa tindi ngiini omayele gaAsarja, noshizemo osha li shini? However, those ancient observances do have their counterparts in Christian life. (b) How did Asa refuse counsel, and with what result? Jesus okwa li u uvanekele aalongwa ye kutya " otaya ka pewa oonkondo uuna ombepo ondjapuki tayi ka tililwa muyo. ' We have seen hundreds of youngsters grow to physical and spiritual maturity and dedicate themselves to Jehovah, putting Kingdom interests first in their lives. Jesus promised his disciples that they would receive "the power of the holy spirit. " Hasho nando! Christian couples generally enter the marital relationship with much love and affection for each other. Of course not! (c) Oshike hashi vulika shi kumithe aantu kunena kombinga yuukalele wetu? Recall the beautiful words of King David in describing the unique and lofty position that Jehovah alone occupies. (c) What might surprise people today about our ministry? Oshinima shoka osha li sha tsikile uule womimvo omulongo lwaampono. In contrast, God's ancient people saw how their faithful leaders promoted spiritual, moral, and physical cleanness. That continued for about ten years. (a) Oshike hashi ningitha okugongala ku kale taku tungu? Head, of Cambridge University, writes: "In general terms these manuscripts confirm the text of the great uncials [manuscripts written in large capitals that date from the fourth century on] which forms the basis of the modern critical editions. (a) What makes meetings upbuilding? Eric: Osho naanaa. In fact, it could even harm you. Eric: Exactly. (Jesaja 40: 31) Opo ontsa yi kale tayi tengele nuupu, ohayi tuka tayi ileke sigo ya adha mpoka pu na ombepo ompyu. Well, see if you can answer the following questions: To reach the eagle's desire, we travel toward a boat until there is a warm wind. Molwaashoka ngashingeyi owi igandjela Jehova onkalamwenyo yoye ayihe, oto vulu okupopya wu na omukumo lela shi vulithe nale to ti: "Omuwa oku li pamwe nangame, onkee itandi tila sha; aantu otaa ningi ndje shike? " HOW I HAVE BENEFITED: I now have a real purpose in life. As you now have dedicated your life to Jehovah, you can express more confidence than ever: "Jehovah is with me, and what will I do? " Oku na oonkondo e vule aantu. They would receive true forgiveness of their sins. He is stronger than humans. Oshike twa pumbwa okuninga tu tseyike kuJehova? The representative alleged that the Moscow Community of Jehovah's Witnesses violated national and international law. What must we do to protect ourselves from Jehovah? 34: 5 - 7) Shimwe ishewe, e li pondondo ya tumbala megulu, Jesus ota tsikile nokukwathela aalongwa ye ya tseyithile uuyuni awuhe edhina lyaJehova. Jerusalem's Temple Rebuilt After 70 C.E.? 4 / 15 Moreover, in heaven, Jesus continues to help his disciples to make known Jehovah's name. Aagundjuka ngele tayi igandja kuJehova, oompangela dhawo otadhi ka pondola. Jesus was not encouraging his followers to be rude. Young people if they work to please Jehovah, their plans will succeed. Iitegelelwa: Omuntu oku na okukala oshilyo shaBetel nenge a taambwa e li omwiiyambi gwopakathimbo nokwa kala ta kwathele uule womvula yimwe nenge dhi vulithe po moBetel. When couples lash out with "malicious bitterness, anger, wrath, screaming, and abusive speech, " they erode the spiritual defenses of their marriage. Qualifications: Must be invited to serve as a member of Bethel family or to assist for one year or a year at Bethel. Elondodho ndyoka otali longo lela kutse nokunena. No. That warning still applies to us today. Oshungolangelo yo 15 Maalitsa 1924 oya ti kutya "oshinakugwanithwa shimwe sha simanenena " shAakriste yashili" osho okugandja uunzapo kombinga yuukwaniilwa. Paul was an exemplary Christian who had a clean conscience. The Watchtower of March 15, 1924, says that "the most important responsibility of true Christians is to bear witness about the kingdom. " Iituthi mbyoka ya li hayi dhanwa omumvo kehe kAaisraeli oyendji oya li tayi ti shike kuyo? I must admit that when I first learned the truth, I was not always tactful, especially when I talked to my family. What did the festivals in ancient Israel say? Ekotampango etiyali olyo kutya: Tu li aayakuli, atuhe ohatu vulika komithikampango dha faathana. 17, 18. (a) As to our race for life, what can we learn from the "cloud of witnesses "? Second, as stewards, we all obey the same standards. Nenge oya li owala taya ka thika pehulithodhiladhilo moshinima shoka inaaya dhinda nawa, opo shi ya ze momeho? How can he give you something that he does not have? Or would they be able to reason on the matter that they did not get out of it? Mo 2010 otwa li twa mono ishewe okabroshure Was Life Created? ka kwathele aantu ya simaneke Kalunga. In time, Leo became a district attorney and later a court judge. In 2010 we saw again the brochure Was Life Created? Ye oko ngaa e li shili? Similarly, the elders need to give prompt attention to any in the congregation who are suffering or require spiritual assistance. Where is he real? Ohandi yi dhiladhila esiku alihe. " - Eps. Rachel weeping over sons? I will remember all day long. " - Ps. Satana ota ka kala monkalo ya tya ngiini, uuna u umbilwa " molumbogo lwomuule '? As foretold, natural Jews who accepted Jesus as the Messiah were the first members of that new nation. How will Satan remain in such a state when he is thrown into "the abyss "? Okukala kwaIsraeli e li oshigwana oshihogololwa inaku mu ningitha a kale inaa pewa egeeloputudho. In fact, Kevin said that learning to control his temper was actually harder than it was to stop the bad things he was doing before he got baptized! The nation of Israel did not give him discipline. Oontopolwa ndhoka mbali otadhi tsu kumwe, nakehe yimwe oyi na uuyelele mboka inawu tumbulwa monkwawo. What may help pioneers to continue enjoying their privileged service? These two verses cooperate with one another, and each is not mentioned by the other. 13: 17. Beware of satanic influence in entertainment 13: 17. Natu taleni ishewe komukalo gulwe moka Jehova he tu nanene kuye. Under what circumstances may we need to reflect Jehovah's sense of justice? Consider another way that Jehovah draws us to himself. Ongiini to vulu okugwedha ko komayambo ngoka ho pe Jehova? Moses had seen the magic - practicing priests of Egypt duplicate some of God's miracles, such as making a staff appear to turn into a snake. How can you increase your sacrifices of praise to Jehovah? Daniel okwa li a yelwayelwa muBabilonia. To do so, the truth had to overcome a powerful ideology. Daniel was surrounded by Babylon. Omonakuyiwa konima ngele aakolokoshi ya kombwa ko kombanda yevi. Psalm 20: 4 says of Jehovah: "May he grant you the desires of your heart and give success to all your plans. " After the wicked are removed, the wicked will be removed from the earth. 7: 21, 22) Ngaashi owala ngoye, oya li wo pethimbo lituntula. Instead, he chose to listen carefully to Jehovah's prophets, such as Isaiah, Micah, and Hosea. Like you, they were also in momentous times. 7: 1. Let us take to heart the examples that we have considered and stay watchful for opportunities to defend and honor Jehovah as "the God of gods, " yes," the God great, mighty and fear - inspiring. " - Deut. 7: 1. Kwathela aagundjuka yaandjeni ya mone ookuume megongalo (Tala okatendo 14) One day, a workmate suggested that he and the brother move to another company that paid a higher wage and provided more benefits. Help young ones to see friends in the congregation (See paragraph 14) Ngele otwa hala okuninga ehumokomeho lyopambepo, nena otu na okwiilonga okuyoolola shoka shi li mondjila naashoka sha puka nokuninga omatokolo ngoka taga tsu kumwe naashoka twi itaala, ihe hanaashoka shi itaalwa kuyalwe. (Rom. 12: 1, 2; Heb. They Found the Messiah! If we want to make spiritual progress, we must learn to distinguish both right and wrong and to cooperate with what we believe but not with others. Ohaya kaleke momadhiladhilo ekotampango ndyoka li li moohapu dhaJesus, tali ti: "Inamu shunitha uuwinayi kungoka te mu ningile uuwinayi. " Why did David refuse to drink it? They keep in mind Jesus ' principle: "Do not sin against you. " Otwa li ishewe twi iyadha meshongo limwe. Thus, Christians heed what Jesus said about his followers: "They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world. " We faced another challenge. Mbela ino pandula sho Jehova e tu pa etegameno lya kola lyeyumuko? POPULATION Are you not grateful that Jehovah has given us a strong hope of the resurrection? Otatu ka kundathana wo omaukwatya galwe, ngoka tage tu kwathele tu shi ninge. Oshike tatu ilongo mepuko ndyoka Abisai a ale a ye mulyo? The School for Congregation Elders was inaugurated in 2008. We will also consider other qualities that will help us to do so, What can we learn from Abishai's experience? Kandi na esiku ndi mu pilamene. " If so, do not hesitate to ask one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I will never turn away from him. " 12, 13. (a) Jehosafat okwa li i inyenge ngiini sho a li a taalelwa konkalo tayi tilitha? Moses also feared that his own people would not believe that Jehovah had appointed him to lead them out of Egypt. 12, 13. (a) How did Jehoshaphat react when faced with a situation? Shono otashi ke ku kwathela wu koleke eitaalo lyoye nowu yande okuninga omatokolo ga puka. How might we use questions in an effort to help an atheist? Doing so will help you to strengthen your faith and avoid making wrong decisions. Ngashingeyi odhi itala ko dhi li aakwashigwana yuuyuni uupe, mboka Kalunga u uvaneka. Nathan declared. David was then told that as a consequence of his actions, "a sword " would not depart from his house and calamity would strike his family. Now they do not live in a new world that God promises. Pehala lyaashono, otwa lenga etegameno lyeyumuko nokukala tu na omatompelo gokuvulika kewiliko lyaJehova miinima ayihe. As foretold, many people today are "lovers of pleasures. " Instead, we treasure the hope of the resurrection and have reason to submit to Jehovah's direction in all things. Konima yomasiku gane, aamwatate yamwe oye ke mu lombwela kutya oshike sha ningwa po. It is the same with the use of "the sword of the spirit " in our spiritual warfare. Four days later, some brothers told him what happened. Okuza mpoka ohashi kala oshipu okupopya nayo. In recent times, however, confidence in the authority of the Bible has waned. From then on, it is easier to talk to them. Ihe nonando ongaaka, oya li haya gandja nehalo ewanawa noya li ye hole noonkondo ooitaali ooyakwawo. That is evident in situations where Jehovah determines to take action based on his just judgment of people but then changes his mind because of their response. Yet, they willingly gave generously to their fellow believers. Evi otali ka ninga oparadisa yi na aantu ya nyanyukwa, ye na uukolele noya lalekwa nuuyamba nomwenyo gwaaluhe. For example, one time after Jesus ' apostles had traveled a long way to preach, they were tired and needed to rest in a quiet place. The earth will be transformed into a paradise, happy health, and eternal life. Osha pumba lela. We arrive at that conclusion, not by wishful thinking, but by examining the facts and by using our "power of reason. " - Rom. It is rare. Aalumentu naakiintu oya li ya dhipagwa sho taya tindi omalongo gongeleka, ngoka gamwe gomugo ga li ga kankamena kelongo lyoshipagani lyuufilosofi lyaAristotle naPlato, mboka ya li ko manga Jesus Kristus inaa valwa. Unfortunately, you might at times even read without thinking. The men and women were killed when they refused the church's teachings, some of which were based on Greek philosophy and Jesus Christ before he was born. Lesha Episalomi 45: 4. The Dead Sea would well represent those who are in the common grave of all mankind. Read Psalm 45: 4. Eiyuvo lyetu ohali tu ladhipike ngiini tu uvithe? " You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. " - JOHN 8: 32. How does our conscience encourage us to preach? Otwa tegelela iiningwanima iindhindhilikwedhi niihaluthi yi li komeho. Husbands and wives who base their union on Jesus ' example in dealing with his congregation show gratitude for God's gift of marriage. We look forward to the remarkable events of the ungodly people. Shoka oshindhindhilikwedhi osho kutya Abraham ka li a pewa evi ndyoka a li u uvanekelwa a thigulule. I did not know whether I was doing the right thing. That is significant, though, that Abraham did not receive a land that was promised to offer. Ihe nonando ongaaka, miituthi moka otatu ilongo mo oshindji. The people enjoyed the festival so much that it was extended for seven days more. Yet, at these festivals, we learn much from them. Otwa mona nkene aagundjuka omathele ya koko palutu nopambepo noyi iyapulile Jehova, nokupititha komeho iinima yUukwaniilwa moonkalamwenyo dhawo. Did this mean freedom for every literal slave? We have seen hundreds of young people growing up spiritually and have dedicated their lives to Jehovah, putting Kingdom interests first in their lives. Olundji Aakriste mboka opo ya hokana ohaya kala ye holathane noonkondo. (b) How can we deepen our love for Jehovah? Christians often have deep affection for each other. 1: 17; Eh. 4: 11) Dhimbulukwa oohapu oombwanawa dhomukwaniilwa David, ngoka a yelitha ondondo yi ikalekelwa noyopombanda ndjoka Jehova e na. 21: 43. Remember the gracious words of King David, who explained his unique position and glory to Jehovah. (Num. 19: 13) Mepingathano naashono, aapiya yaKalunga yonale oya li ya mono nkene aawiliki yawo aadhiginini taya humitha komeho uuyogoki wopambepo, wopamikalo nowopalutu. However, he wisely chose a way that reminds us of the trust that he originally placed in humans to take care of all the living things on this earth. On the other hand, God's ancient servants saw how their faithful leaders promoted spiritual cleanness, moral, and physical stability. Head okwa nyola a ti: "Moku shi popya paulela, omanyolwakaha ngaka otaga koleke kutya [omanyolwakaha ga simana ngoka ga nyolwa moondanda oonene okuza methelemimvo etine] ngoka ge li ekankameno lyomanyolo gongashingeyi [gopaKriste gOshigreka], oge li paushili. Jehu wanted to rule out the possibility of such resistance. " In fact, " says her father, "the writings of these manuscripts confirm that [the most important writings were written from the fourth century C.E., from the fourth century C.E. Otashi vulika nokuli ge ku fale moshiponga. Today, there is only a remnant of the 144,000 footstep followers of Christ, who "have an anointing from the holy one, " Jehovah. He may even lead you into danger. Tala ngele oto vulu okuyamukula omapulo taga landula: How should we respond to attacks from outside the congregation? Well, see if you can answer the following questions: UUWANAWA MBOKA NDA MONA: Ngashingeyi onkalamwenyo yandje oyi na elalakano. Nathan's story made David furious. HOW I HAVE BENEFITED: I now have a purpose in life. Ohaya dhimwa po thiluthilu omayono gawo. When one has had things from childhood, there is a tendency not to appreciate them fully. They are completely forgiven of their sins. Oyo ye na okunyenyeta kombinga yadho, ihe haapolisi. Nonetheless, parents who have tried their best to impress the truth on a child's heart have a good conscience. They have to talk about their brothers but not to the police. Jehova " okwe mu dhimine po, ' 11 / 1 For instance, the psalmist David wrote that "the eyes of Jehovah are toward " us and that his" right hand keeps fast hold " on us. 11 / 1 Jesus ka li ta ladhipike aalanduli ye ya kale ye na omikalo omiwinayi. ● "Apparently he was a rabbi (teacher) who made his life an example of compassion. " Jesus did not urge his followers to be wicked. Aaihokani kaye na okweetha omalaka " omalulu, ondjahi nonkone, omakudhilo nenge omatukano, ' yi nkundipaleke ondjokana yawo. (Ef. While he was friendly toward people in general, he was a close friend only to those who met specific requirements. A husband and wife should not let the words "be swift about anger, anger, anger, anger, and anger and anger. " Aawe. Furthermore, we now see evidence of the sign of Jesus ' presence and of the conclusion of this wicked system of things. - Matt. No. Paulus okwa li Omukriste e shi okuholelwa ngoka a li e na " eiyuvo lya yela. ' (Read 2 Samuel 22: 26.) Paul was an exemplary Christian who had "a clean conscience. " Sho opo nde ya moshili, kanda li lela ndi shi okupopya naantu, unene tuu aantu yaandjetu. One instructor noticed my work habits and said, "We should teach you to make soap. " When I came into the truth, I didn't really know people, especially my family. 17, 18. (a) Sho tu li methigathanopo lyetu lyoku ka mona omwenyo gwaaluhe, oshike tatu vulu okwiilonga " koshikogo shoonzapo '? Then came the procession led by priests. 17, 18. (a) As we live in our race for everlasting life, what can we learn from the "cloud of witnesses "? Ongiini ta vulu oku ku pa shoka kee na? After that, whenever she saw me, Katie came over to talk to me. How can he give you what he does not have? Momukokomoko gwethimbo, Leo okwa ningi ahende gwoshitopolwa nokonima okwa ka ninga omupanguli. 146: 3. In time, Eunice became a district overseer and later became a judge. Sha faathana, aakuluntugongalo oya pumbwa okugandja eitulomo nziya kukehe ngoka ta mono iihuna nenge a pumbwa eyambidhidho lyopambepo megongalo. But I could see that he was very kind and really wanted to help others in the congregation. Similarly, elders need to concentrate quickly on anyone who suffer or needs spiritual help in the congregation. Mbela otwa pumbwa Kalunga? How important is it to seek Jehovah's righteousness? Do we need God? Kalunga okwe mú ithana mo momilema, mu ye muuyelele we uukumithi. " WHAT moved a young woman to return to the religious upbringing from which she had strayed? God called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. " Kevin okwa ti kutya osha li oshipu kuye okweetha po iinima iiwinayi mbyoka a li ha ningi manga inaa ninginithwa, ihe osha li oshidhigu kuye okupangela ongeyo ye. Nine months later, I was baptized. Kevin says that it was easier for him to let the bad things he did before he was baptized, but it was hard for him to control his temper. Oshike tashi vulu okukwathela aakokolindjila ya tsikile okunyanyukilwa iilonga yawo mbika yi ikalekelwa? 1, 2. What can help pioneers to continue to enjoy this special work? Kala wa kotokela omanwethomo gaSatana ngoka haga zi momainyanyudho What proves that Jesus has deep love for humans? Be careful about the dangers of Satan's schemes Mbela omoonkalo dhini twa pumbwa okukala hatu tala ko iinima pauyuuki ngaashi Jehova he yi tala ko? " Jehovah detests a devious person, " says Proverbs 3: 32, such as one who deliberately puts up a front, feigning obedience while practicing sin in secret. What situations do we need to view Jehovah's view of justice? Moses okwa li a mono oompulile dhaEgipiti tadhi longo uumpulile sho dha li tadhi yelekele yimwe yomiinyengandunge yaKalunga, mokushitukitha oondhimbo dhadho omayoka. 1, 2. (a) At the age of 40, what decision did Moses make? Moses saw the chariots of Pharaoh's face as he put it upon one hand in the hand of God's hand, throwing it out of his hand and hand. Opo shoka shi ningwe, oshili oya li yi na okulyatela pevi omalongo gaakomonisi. Many people struggle to find peace of mind. To accomplish that, the truth had to eat the teachings of the State. Episalomi 20: 4 otayi popi Jehova tayi ti: "Ne ku pe shoka wa hala ye na tsakanithe oompangela dhoye adhihe. " 20: 8, 9. Psalm 20: 4 states: "You will give you what you want to do in all your ways. " Pehala lyaashono, okwa pulakene shoka sha popiwa kaahunganeki yaJehova, ngaashi Jesaja, Mika naHosea. God's Kingdom is also the main message of The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom. Instead, he listened to what was spoken by Jehovah's prophets, such as Isaiah, Micah, and Hosea. Natu kaleke momadhiladhilo iiholelwa mbyoka twa kundathana nokukala twa tonata tu konge oompito ndhoka tatu vulu okupopila nokusimaneka Jehova e li "Kalunga kokombanda yookalunga ayehe noye e vule oonkondo adhihe. " - Deut. There I demonstrated that three - point presentation. Let us bear in mind the examples we have discussed and keep on seeking opportunities to defend Jehovah as "the God of all comfort and power. " - Deut. Esiku limwe omuniilonga pamwe naye okwa li e ya po nedhiladhilo kutya ye naye ya ka longele mofeema yilwe ndjoka hayi futu nawa noyi na omauwanawa ogendji. For one thing, Noah did not walk with God in that wicked pre - Flood world for a mere 70 or 80 years - the life span of many today. One day, a workmate found out that he too had come to serve him with other benefits and benefits. Oya li ya mono Mesiasa Mankind needs good government. They Waited for the Messiah Omolwashike nduno David a li a tindi oku ga nwa? Gloria had a few housekeeping jobs. Why, then, did David reject them? 11: 4 - 9; Dan. 2: 44) Kungawo, Aakriste ohaya pulakene kwaashoka Jesus a popya kombinga yaalanduli ye a ti: "Ngashika ngame ndaa shi gwomuuyuni, osho wo nayo kaye shi yomuuyuni. " (Joh. David saw Goliath's taunts as a direct insult to Jehovah. Thus, Christians listen to what Jesus said about his followers: "I am the one who has no part of the world, and I am also no part of the world. " AAKALIMO Zeynep POPULATION Mo 2008 opwa totwa Osikola yokudheula aakuluntugongalo. While the offspring of the serpent proliferated, the identity of the offspring and the woman remained a mystery for almost 4,000 years after Jehovah gave the Edenic promise. In 2008 the School for Christian elders was formed. Ngele osho, ino ongaonga okupula gumwe gwomOonzapo dhaJehova. Previously, we thought that Jesus ' inspection took place in 1918. If so, do not hesitate to ask one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Okwa li wo a tila kutya Aaisraeli itaye ki itaala kutya Jehova oye shili e mu tumu e ya tembudhe mo muEgipiti. What can you learn about God from what you see in the physical universe? He also feared that the Israelites would not believe that Jehovah really sent him to lead them out of Egypt. Ongiini tatu vulu okulongitha omapulo opo tu kwathele omuntu ngoka inii itaala muKalunga? He acknowledged: "I am the least of the apostles, and I am not worthy of being called an apostle, because I persecuted the congregation of God. " How can we use questions to help someone who does not believe in God? Opo nduno okwa lombwele David kutya "egongamwele " itali ka gamuka egumbo lye, nomezimo lye otamu ka holoka uudhigu shoka shi li iilanduliko yomayono ge. In all modesty, we recognize that such ones, who may seem to be weaker, may be as "rich in faith " as those among us who have more favorable circumstances. - Jas. Then David told David that "the sword of the house " would not turn away from his house, and his family would come through the consequences of his sins. Ngaashi sha hunganekwa, aantu oyendji kunena oye "hole omainyanyudho " (NW). However, before we answer that, we need to understand clearly what the Bible says about spiritual, or spiritually - minded, people. As foretold, many today are "lovers of money. " Osha faathana nokulongitha " egongamwele lyombepo ' miita yetu yopambepo. That would be figurative heart surgery. It is similar with the use of "the sword of the spirit " in our spiritual warfare. Omasiku ngano aantu oyendji inayi inekela we kutya oye na okupulakena kOmbiimbeli. How can we close ranks? Many of these days have no confidence in the Bible. Shoka oshi iwetikile moonkalo moka Jehova ha tokola okukatuka oonkatu dhi ikolelela kokupangula kwe aantu pauyuuki ihe ta lundulula omadhiladhilo ge shi ikolelela kunkene yi inyenge. Arthur Matthews and I met in 1946. That is evident in the circumstances that Jehovah decides according to his actions according to his righteous actions but changes in his mind. Pashiholelwa, esiku limwe sho Jesus naayapostoli ye ya zi molweendo olule lwokuuvitha ya loloka, oya li ya hala okuthuwa po. Assist the sick and the elderly. For example, one day when Jesus and his apostles left behind a long journey of preaching, they wanted to rest. Otatu ka thika pehulithodhiladhilo ndyoka, hamolwaashoka owala twa hala okukala twi itaala moshinima shontumba, ihe omokukonakona uushili mboka kutya oko e li nomokulongitha " oonkondo dhetu dhokudhiladhila. ' - Rom. In 2008, we were baptized as Jehovah's Witnesses. We will conclude that it is not just because we want to believe something in something, but we are convinced that there is "the power of our power of reason. " - Rom. Oho vulu nokuli okulesha itoo dhiladhila poompito dhimwe. Another sacrifice that Jehovah delights in has to do with our power of speech. You can even read some of them at times. Oshe eleka sho Efuta lya sa tali thaneke oombila moka mu na oonakusa. What a wonderful lesson a spiritual shepherd can learn from our heavenly Father! It is fitting that the Dead Sea represents the dead. " One otamu ka tseya ihe oshili, noshili otayi ke mú mangulula. " - JOHANNES 8: 32. 1, 2. " You will know the truth, but the truth will set you free. " - JOHN 8: 32. Aasamane naakulukadhi mboka haya landula oshiholelwa she ohayu ulike kutya oya lenga ondjokana, molwaashoka oyi li omagano ga za kuKalunga. So how could I show improper attention to a virgin? " The examples of husbands and wives show that they appreciate God's gift of marriage. Kanda li ndi shi ngele shoka te ningi oshi li mondjila. Jesus told his followers: "A slave is not greater than his master. I didn't know if he did what was right. Oshigwana osha li sha nyanyukilwa oshituthi shoka noonkondo nomolwaashoka osha li sha lelepekwa nomasiku gaheyali. God has entrusted the care of his precious sheep to "the faithful and discreet slave. " The people enjoyed that occasion and were overjoyed to see the beginning of seven days. (Lukas 4: 18) Mbela shika osha hala okutya emanguluko kuupika wo wenewene? Kingdom Halls, 5 / 1 Does this mean that freedom is the freedom of slavery? (b) Ongiini tatu vulu okukokeka ohole yetu yokuhola Jehova? A 16th - century Persian carpet, in the Philadelphia Museum of Art, in Pennsylvania, U.S.A., shows a walled garden with trees and flowers woven into its design. (b) How can we cultivate love for Jehovah? 21: 43. Who can benefit from a careful consideration of the Song of Solomon, and why? 21: 43. Ihe okwa li a hogolola oku shi ninga momukalo ngoka tagu tu dhimbulukitha oshinakugwanithwa shoka e tu pe petameko, shokusila iinamwenyo ayihe kombanda yevi oshimpwiyu. On the other hand, note how Ana feels when her husband opens up to her. But he chose to do this in a way that reminds us of what he gave us first responsibility to care for all the animals on the earth. Shoka osho sha li sha ningitha Jehu a shilipaleke kutya kapu na ngoka te ke mu ya moshipala. Behold, the King reigns! As a result, Jehu assured Jehu that no one would stop him. Nena kombanda yevi okwa hupa owala aagwayekwa nenge aalanduli yaKristus aashona mboka " ya tililwa ombepo ondjapuki ' kuJehova. (1 Joh. 2: 20; Eh. Homesickness. And on earth he survived only a few anointed followers of Christ, who were "borne out of holy spirit. " Otu na okwiinyenga ngiini komaponokelo ngoka tage tu zilile kondje yegongalo? 13: 20. How should we respond to attacks from the congregation? David okwa geye noonkondo sho u uvu shoka sha ningwa komulumentu omuyamba. " [God] has founded the earth upon its established places, " wrote the psalmist. David became very angry when he heard what had happened. OYENDJI yomutse otu uva omuntu ta ti: "Waa pandula noyaka. " He punished some with sickness, such as the Pharaoh in Abraham's time and later Moses ' sister, Miriam. Many of us hear someone say: "You are grateful and thank you. " Aavali mboka ya kambadhala ngaashi taya vulu ya thindile oshili momitima dhoyana, oye na eiyuvo lya yela. How is he dressed for the wedding? Parents who strive to instill the truth in their children's hearts have a clean conscience. Pashiholelwa, omupisalomi David okwa li a nyola kutya " omeho gOmuwa oge tu taalela ' nosho wo kutya " oshikaha she oshe tu gamena. ' Even before they were reduced to slavery, the Hebrews were likely shunned by the Egyptians because of racial pride or religious prejudice. For example, the psalmist David wrote that "the eyes of Jehovah were facing us " and that" his hand came upon us. " ● "Anuwa okwa li rabbi (omulongi) ngoka a li e na olukeno monkalamwenyo ye. " Otherwise, he or she could become foolish and unfaithful. ● "It was about to be a teacher who had compassion for his life. " Nonando okwa li e na ko nasha naantu ayehe, okwa li owala kuume kopothingo kaamboka ya gwanitha po iitegelelwa yokondandalunde. Think about this: Just as you are quick to protect your eyes because they are precious to you, Jehovah is quick to protect his people because they are precious to him. - Read Zechariah 2: 8. Although he was concerned about all humans, he was only close friends who fulfill specific requirements. Kakele kaashono, otu iwetele endhindhiliko lyokukala po kwaJesus nolyehulilo lyuuyuni mbuka. - Mat. It wasn't long before I was arrested and sentenced to three years in prison for my involvement in bombing activity. Moreover, we see the sign of Jesus ' presence and of the conclusion of this system of things. - Matt. (Lesha 2 Samuel 22: 26.) The King of God's Kingdom is the resurrected Jesus Christ. (Read 2 Samuel 22: 26.) Omulongi gwandje okwa ndhindhilike kutya ohandi longo nuudhiginini, e ta ti: "Otwa hala tu ku longe nkene oothewa hadhi ningwa. " Moreover, the way things worked out fulfilled the words at Psalm 34: 20, which should strengthen our confidence in prophecy. My teacher noticed that I worked hard and said, "We want to teach you how they are doing. " Opo tu li po, opwe ya ishewe aantu ye li momunyanyo ya kwatelwa komeho kaapristeli. 2: 6 - 8. Before long, however, there were more people who were on the computer, including priests and priests. Okuza mpono, aluhe taka mono ndje, ohaka popitha ndje. Instead of famine, there will be plenty of food. At that time, they often see me, greeted me, and greeted me. Okamba ndjoka oya li popepi noshilando Gorkiy (ngashingeyi hashi ithanwa Nizhniy Novgorod) moRusia. Therefore, he requires that "each one " of his worshippers" speak truth with his neighbor " and "not lie. " The moon was close to a remote city (now known), Nov. 146: 3. Gold, silver, and gems will be for adornment, not for investment or hoarding. 146: 3. Ihe onda li ndi wete kutya oku li nawa nokwa halelela okukwathela yalwe megongalo. 1 Peter 5: 5 But I felt that she was better and eager to help others in the congregation. Mbela osha simana shi thike peni okukonga uuyuuki waJehova? Full - time service had taught them that giving is more rewarding than receiving and that personal desires must rightfully be given lower priority than Kingdom interests. How important is it to seek Jehovah's righteousness? OSHIKE sha li shi inyengitha omukadhona omugundjuka a galukile melongelokalunga moka a tekulilwa? Jehovah through the apostles Paul and Peter warns us about false teachers. WHAT moved a young woman return to worship where she was raised? Konima yoomwedhi omugoyi, onda ninginithwa. 1, 2. Within nine months, I got baptized. 1, 2. As they studied the Scriptures, they strengthened their faith in Jehovah and allowed him to mold them. 1, 2. Oshike tashi ulike kutya Jesus oku hole aantu noonkondo? He said: "I do take the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you today, that I have put life and death before you, the blessing and the malediction; and you must choose life in order that you may keep alive, you and your offspring, by loving Jehovah your God, by listening to his voice and by sticking to him. " What shows that Jesus loved people very much? Omayeletumbulo 3: 32 otayi ti: "Omugoyoki oye iihuna koshipala shOMUWA. " Aantu ya tya ngaaka, oyo mboka hayi iningitha ya fa haya vulika kuKalunga, ihe ohaya longo uulunde monanguwi. Gone too will be those who stubbornly refuse to leave their wicked ways. Proverbs 3: 32 states: "You are the one who is wicked before Jehovah, but those who practice sin do not obey him. " 1, 2. (a) Moses okwa ningi etokolo lini sho a gwanitha oomvula 40? Indeed, because of the shortness of life, we need to " exert ourselves vigorously ' to attain salvation. 1, 2. (a) What decision did Moses make when he was 40 years old? Aantu oyendji otaya kondjitha okumona ombili yopamadhiladhilo. I wanted him to feel free to talk to me about anything, even about his pain. " Many people struggle to see the peace of mind. 20: 8, 9. But first, Enoch received "the witness that he had pleased God well. " 20: 8, 9. (1 Aakorinto 1: 10) Etumwalaka lyUukwaniilwa waKalunga olyo etumwalaka lya simanenena ndyoka tali popiwa mOshungolangelo tayi tseyitha Uukwaniilwa waJehova. For example, Noah and his family built the ark together. The Kingdom message is an important message spoken of in The Watchtower of Jehovah's Kingdom. Onda li nda ningi euliko te longitha iitsa mbyoka itatu poshigongi mpoka. That is how one sister expressed her appreciation in a letter to the brothers who work at our world headquarters. I did so by using three points at that convention. Manga Jehova inaa hanagula po uuyuni mboka wa li wa kolokosha nEyelu, Noa ka li owala e ende naKalunga omimvo 70 nenge 80, ndhoka aantu oyendji opo haya hulile kunena okukala nomwenyo. The psalmist expressed confidence that Jehovah would take hold of him by the right hand and lead him to genuine glory. Before destroying that wicked world, Noah no longer walked with God for 70 or 80 years in order to survive today. Aantu oya pumbwa epangelo ewanawa. Jesus meant that we should treat people the way we would like to be treated and not repay unkindness with unkindness. People need a good government. Gloria okwa li ha longo unene iilonga yomomagumbo. What lesson can we draw from Jehovah's persistent efforts to reform the sinful Israelites? Gloria worked very hard for families. David okwa li e wete lela kutya Goliat ota sheke Jehova ye mwene. Finally, I could enjoy the program, and it was wonderful at last to understand Bible truth clearly! David felt that Goliath was Goliath's own brother. Zeynep Thus, we progress, as it were, from a tiny sprout to a mature Christian, a sturdy and well - developed tree. BIBLE STUDIES Nonando oluvalo lweyoka olwi indjipala, omukiintu nosho wo oluvalo lwe oya kala kaaye shiwike konyala uule woomvula 4 000, okuza sho Jehova a ningi euvaneko lyomuEden. Maintain proper roles. Although the serpent's descendants, the woman, and her offspring had not been known for nearly 4,000,000 years since Jehovah made the promise to the Edenic promise. Nale, otwa li tatu dhiladhila kutya Jesus okwa li a konakona otempeli yopambepo mo 1918. Jehovah transferred his blessing to a dynamic new organization centered on Jesus Christ and his teachings. Back in 1918, we thought that Jesus studied the spiritual temple in 1918. Oshike to vulu okwiilonga kombinga yaKalunga kwaashoka wu wete meshito? We're made for heaven. " What can you learn about God from creation? Okwe shi zimine sho a ti: "Ngame ondi vulike kaayapostoli ayehe noinandi gwana, ndi ithanwe omuyapostoli, oshoka onda tidhaganene egongalo lyaKalunga. " She trusted that Jehovah would either put an end to her barrenness or fill the lack in some other way. He admitted: "I am all the apostles, and I am not worthy of being called the apostle Paul, because I persecuted the congregation of God. " Ayehe mboka ya fa aankundi, " aayamba meitaalo ' ngaashi naanaa yalwe mboka ye li moonkalo oombwanawa. - Jak. If we reflect on the challenges that they are facing, such as discrimination or the language barrier, we will look for ways to show them kindness and fellow feeling. - 1 Pet. All who are weak, like others, are " rich in faith. ' - Jas. Ihe manga inaatu yamukula epulo ndyoka, otwa pumbwa okuuva ko nawa shoka Ombiimbeli tayi ti kombinga yomuntu ngoka e na uupambepo uuwanawa. (Read Hebrews 13: 3.) But before we answer that question, we need to understand better what the Bible says about a spiritual person. Shoka otashi kala nduno wa fa to tanda omutima gwoye gwopathaneko. Rather than reprimand her, he cheerfully put the tea back in its place. That seems to be a figurative heart. Ongiini tatu vulu okwiimanga kumwe? We need to know, for we want to work in harmony with the spirit. How can we get closer to each other? Ngame naArthur Matthews otwa tsakanene mo 1946. And bookstores publish a flood of self - help books, fueling a multibillion - dollar industry. Arthur and Arthur met in 1946. Kwathela mboka taye ehama nosho wo aakokele. (Read Proverbs 15: 28.) Help those who are sick and elderly. Mo - 2008, otwa ningi Oonzapo dhaJehova sho twa ninginithwa. However, my relationship with God and the brotherhood that I am a part of will last forever. In 2008, we became Jehovah's Witnesses when we got baptized. Eyambo lilwe ndyoka Jehova ha nyanyukilwa oli na ko nasha nokupopya kwetu. Those reproductive procedures are unacceptable to God's servants out of respect for his direction: "You must not give your emission as semen to the wife of your associate to become unclean by it. " Another sacrifice that Jehovah appreciates is our speech. Aasita yoonzi yopambepo itaya vulu tuu okwiilonga oshiilongomwa oshiwanawa kuTate yetu gwomegulu! Yes, as the psalmist said, "Jehovah has become King! What a fine lesson the spiritual shepherds of our heavenly Father! 1, 2. How, in turn, will they preach unless they have been sent forth? " 1, 2. (Job 31: 1) Omolwashike itoo ningi etokolotoko lya faathana? Jehovah is always there to help us, regardless of our circumstances. " Why not make similar determination? Jesus okwa lombwelele aalongwa ye a ti: "" Omuyakuli ke shi omunene e vule mwene gwe. ' " The things unseen " include Kingdom blessings. Jesus told his disciples: "" It is better than his own appearance. ' Kalunga okwa pa "omupiya omudhiginini nomunandunge " oshinakugwanitha shokusila oshimpwiyu oonzi dhe dhi na ondilo. (Mat. 24: 45 - 47, NW; Eps. He therefore had access to their accounts. God has given "the faithful and discreet slave " to care for his precious sheep. Momumvo 1501 - 1600, mehala lyedhina Philadelphia Museum of Art, moPennsylvania, moAmerika omwa li emate lyaPersia ndyoka lya thanekwa oshikunino shi li molugumbo, shi na omiti noongala. Think! No longer will you struggle to do what is right in God's eyes, for your entire organism will have been perfected and your personality will have been fully transformed according to God's image. In the 16th century, the B.C.E. was placed in the United States, the U.S.A., in the United States, in the United States. Oolye taya vulu okukwathelwa uuna taya konakona Ondjimbolela yaSalomo, nomolwashike? Her husband, Vladimir, and their three sons all serve as elders. Who can help by considering the Song of Solomon, and why? Kombinga yimwe, ndhindhilika shoka Ana ha kala u uvite uuna omusamane gwe e mu mbumbulile omutima gwe. The situation became especially acute each year when the family went to offer sacrifices to Jehovah at Shiloh. In some cases, notice what Ana felt when her husband poured out her heart to her heart. Tseyeni kutya Omukwaniilwa ota pangele nale! * Commenting on the verdict, a longtime Witness observed: "In Soviet times, a Russian had to be an atheist. Be assured that he is ruling as King! Ondjuulukwe. They wrote down direct statements from Jehovah and also wrote about the history of God's relationship with his people. The ransom is designed to lie. Ehokololo ndyoka halyo alike. The ransom provision proves that God loves the world of mankind. That account is not the opposite. 13: 20. When Moses asked God about His name, Jehovah replied: "I shall prove to be what I shall prove to be. " 13: 20. Omupisalomi okwa nyola a ti: "Evi [Kalunga okwe] li tula komakankameno ga kola itali tenguka [sigo aluhe, KB]. " No gift has ever been given by a higher source or motivated by greater love than was the sacrifice of Jesus. The psalmist wrote: "God [God] has established the earth forever. " Pashiholelwa okwa geele Farao pethimbo lyaAbraham nokonima okwa geele Miriam, omumwayinakadhona gwaMoses. We can trust that the earthly resurrection will likewise proceed in an orderly manner. For example, at the time of Abraham's reign, Moses was angry with Moses ' sister. 1: 29) Okwa zala oonguwo dhohango dha tya ngiini? Our prayers need to be in harmony with God's will. What kind of clothes did he wear? Omolwashike mbela? Aaegipiti oya li ye tonde Aaisraeli omolwomuhoko gwawo nomolwelongelokalunga lyawo. (Gen. 43: 32; 46: 34; Eks. Think about what the Bible teaches: For example, the Egyptians hated the Israelites because of their worship and worship. Ngele hasho, ita kala omudhiginini, nota ningi egoya. This aspect is further considered in The Watchtower of February 1, 2012, pages 18 - 21. Otherwise, he did not stay faithful, and he will become foolish. (Episalomi 97: 10) Tate Jehova ohe endelele okugamena aapiya ye, oshoka okwe ya lenga. Shika otashi vulu okuyelekanithwa nomuntu te endelele a shige omeho ge koshiponga, oshoka oge na oshilonga kuye. - Lesha Sakaria 2: 8. How is Christ's direction of congregation elders symbolized, but what arrangement needs to be recognized? Jehovah is quick to protect his servants because he treasures them, for this can be likened to a person's eyes because his eyes are worthwhile. - Read Zechariah 2: 8. Nziya onda tulwa mondholongo uule woomvula ndatu omolwekuthombinga lyandje mokutopitha oomboma. The seventh head of the beast had now emerged as the Anglo - American World Power. Soon I was put in prison for three years. Omukwaniilwa gwUukwaniilwa waKalunga, oye omuyumudhwa Jesus Kristus. • Genesis 22: 18? The King of God's Kingdom, the resurrected Jesus Christ. 10: 1) Shimwe ishewe, oohapu ndhoka dhi li mEpisalomi 34: 20 odha li dha gwanithwa, naashoka oshi na okukoleka einekelo lyetu momahunganeko. According to the Mosaic Law, a person was to help an enemy to free his animal that had fallen under its load. Moreover, the words recorded at Psalm 34: 20 were fulfilled, and that strengthens our confidence in prophecy. 2: 6 - 8. Knowing that my brothers are imperfect, will I let someone's lack of perfection take me out of the race for life? ' 2: 6 - 8. Pehala lyondjala, otaku ka kala iikulya ya gwana. What a marriage feast that will be! - Read 2 Peter 3: 13. Rather than food shortages, there will be food shortages. (Eps. 31: 5) Onkee ano, ota pula "kehe gumwe " gwomaalongeli ye a" lombwele mukwawo oshili, " ihe kayi shi "iifundja. " (Ef. After the apostle Paul described his efforts to pursue a way of life that God could bless, he wrote: "If you are mentally inclined otherwise in any respect, God will reveal the above attitude to you. Therefore, he asks "all sorts of men " to tell his neighbor the truth, not" the truth. " Iingoli, iisiliveli nosho wo uuwe itayi ka landithwa, ihe otayi ka zalwa nokumonikitha nawa momagumbo. The fulfillment of these words still lies ahead. The silver, silver, and kingdom will not be sold, but they will not be left out of their homes. Uuna " itaatu vululukitha iikaha yetu ' mokukuna ombuto yUukwaniilwa, otatu ka mona uuthembahenda uunene wokuuvithila iigwana ayihe nenge tu tye tu "ningile iigwana ayihe onzapo. " Will you allow yourself to be stumbled if an elder thoughtlessly makes a statement that offends or hurts you? When we "do not bring up our hands ' by sharing in the Kingdom seed, we will experience the great privilege of sharing all the nations with them. " 1 Petrus 5: 5 The Bible Survived Opposition 5 1 Peter 5: 5 Iilonga yethimbo lyu udha oya li ye ya kwathele ya mone kutya okugandja oku na ondjambi ku vule okutaamba nosho wo kutya iinima yUukwaniilwa oyo ye na okupititha komeho, nokugandja eitulomo eshona kiinima yopaumwene. How can we protect ourselves against such schemes of Satan and maintain a complete heart toward Jehovah? Full - time service enabled them to see that the prize is greater than accepting Kingdom interests and that they should focus on little things, focusing on personal matters. Jehova okwa londodha aantu kombinga yaalongi aafundja okupitila momuyapostoli Paulus naPetrus. (b) What gift from Jehovah enhances our ability to serve him? Jehovah warned people about false teachers through the apostle Paul and Peter. 1, 2. You may have made big changes before you were baptized. 1, 2. (Aaroma 9: 21; 1 Aakorinto 6: 9 - 11) Sho aantu mboka ya konakona Ombiimbeli, oya koleke eitaalo lyawo muJehova noye mu pitike e ya zule. (b) Which three questions will we consider? As those students studied the Bible, they strengthened their faith and allowed Jehovah to mold them. Okwa li a ti: "Nena otandi ku pe, u hogolole pokati komwenyo neso, pokati keyambeko lyaKalunga netulomutima lye, notandi hiya egulu nevi li ninge onzapo yehogololo ndyoka to hogolola. Hogolola omwenyo. Hola OMUWA Kalunga koye, vulika kuye nou mu dhame, nena ngoye mwene noluvalo lwoye otamu ka kala olule. " (Deut. 30: 21. He said: "I will give you life, the blessing and the heavens and the earth and the earth and the earth that you choose, and you will choose life and you must live forever. " Mboka taya ka kala inaaya hala okweetha omikalo dhawo omiwinayi, nayo itaya ka kala po we. What did he do? Those who refuse to give up their bad ways will not be anymore. 3: 4; 7: 2 - 4) Molwaashoka onkalamwenyo ofupi shili, otwa pumbwa " okukondja ' opo tu ka hupithwe. (Luk. In response, Pilate said to them: "You may have a guard. Go make it as secure as you know how. " Since life is truly short, we need to " keep on fighting for salvation. ' Onda kala nda hala a kale a manguluka okulombwela ndje kehe shimwe, nankene u uvite. " Eating with a fellow integrity keeper in a loving atmosphere will make even a simple meal enjoyable and will surely benefit us spiritually. I wanted to feel free to tell me everything, and how he feels. " Omanga shono inaashi ningwa, Enok "okwa hokololwa, Kalunga e mu hokwa. " (b) What will we consider in the following article? Before that happened, Enoch "was seeing God's favor. " Pashiholelwa, Noa naanegumbo lye oya li ya tungu pamwe onguluwato. By means of His spirit, Word, and organization, Jehovah delivers us "from the wicked one. " For example, Noah and his family built the ark together. Osho omumwameme gumwe a li u ulike olupandu lwe ngaaka montumwafo ndjoka a li a nyolele aamwatate mboka haya longo koombelewa dhetu oonene muuyuni awuhe. In that illustration, he described the opportunity extended to different ones to come in line for the Kingdom of the heavens. So one sister expressed appreciation for this way in his letter to the brothers who serve at world headquarters. Omupisalomi okwa li a popi neinekelo kutya Jehova ote ke mu kwata koshikaha she shokolulyo note ke mu wilika a mone eadhimo nenge esimano lyashili. What role has the New World Translation played in the preservation of the divine name? The psalmist was confident that Jehovah would take hold of his right hand and lead him to gain glory or glory. 6: 31) Jesus okwa hala okutya otu na okuungaunga naantu ngaashi twa hala yu ungaunge natse. Katu na oku ya shunithila uuwinayi. He promises to help us when we tire out. Jesus said that we should deal with people just as we want to treat us. Oshike tatu vulu okwiilonga koshiholelwa shaJehova shokuulukila Aaisraeli olukeno, nonando oya li ya yona? We can also show tenderness by doing practical things to help others. What can we learn from Jehovah's example when the Israelites sinned? Onda li nda nyanyukwa sho te tyapula oshigongi naasho ndu uvite ko oshili yOmbiimbeli nawanawa. Then, only after Paul neared Bithynia did Jesus step in. I was so happy that I was able to understand Bible truths more fully. 4: 13) Ngele tatu ningi ehumokomeho tu li Aakriste, otatu ka kala twa fa omuti gwopathaneko, ngoka tagu endele ko tagu koko sigo gwa kala gwa kolelela mo mevi. " The training helped prepare me for the work ahead. When we make progress to true Christians, we will be like a symbolic olive tree that is growing into the soil. Kala netaloko li li nawa shi na ko nasha niinakugwanithwa. Three of David's men forced their way into the city - then occupied by the Philistines - and brought back the water. Maintain a positive view of responsibilities. Ihe shika itashi ti kutya ka li we ta ka kala e na oshigwana oshidhiginini kombanda yevi. The record of a plea in such a case dated to the seventh century B.C.E. However, this does not mean that he would never be faithful to the earth. Otwa shitwa nelalakano lyokukala megulu. " " They did much to mold me in the right way. " We were created in heaven. " 1: 12, 17, 18) Okwa li e na einekelo kutya Jehova ote ke mu pa okanona nenge e mu hekeleke momukalo gwontumba. We will not lie to him, steal from him, or do anything else that would violate Jehovah's laws and principles. He was confident that Jehovah would give him a child or comfort him in a certain way. Omolwashike twa pumbwa oku shi ninga? Omolwaashoka ohaya kala ya taalela omashongo ngaashi okuningwa okatongo noihaya kala yu uvite ko elaka lyetu. - 1 Pet. How was the portable phonograph used? Why do we need to do so? - 1 Pet. (Lesha Aahebeli 13: 3.) Rather, we are convinced that "the things seen are temporary, but the things unseen are everlasting. " - Read 2 Corinthians 4: 16 - 18. (Read Hebrews 13: 3.) Konima yoomvula dhontumba, eidhidhimiko lye olye mu etele iizemo iiwanawa sho omukulukadhi gwe a ninginithwa e li Onzapo yaJehova. Harry Peterson had outstanding zeal for the ministry Some years later, his patience resulted when his wife was baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Shoka otwa pumbwa oku shi tseya, molwaashoka otwa hala tu longe metsokumwe nombepo ndjoka. He was not jealous when David was appointed heir to the throne. We need to know that because we want to act in harmony with that spirit. Oositola dhomambo ohadhi landitha omambo ogendji ngoka aantu taya vulu okulesha ya ninge oshinima shontumba kuyo yene, shoka she dhi ningitha dhi kale tadhi mono iimaliwa oyindji. Second, there is the revised edition of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, released in English at the annual meeting on October 5, 2013. There are thousands of books that can sell a number of people to do something that makes them own. (Lesha Omayeletumbulo 15: 28, KB.) How should we feel while we wait for the end of this wicked world? (Read Proverbs 15: 28.) Ombiimbeli otayi ti: "Uuyuni niinima ayihe yi li mo mbyoka aantu ye yi hokwa, otayi hulu po. Knowing that should urge on those of the Jeremiah class and help their dedicated companions to keep awake to the increasing urgency of their message. The Bible says: "The world is passing away and so is its desire. Omikalo ndhoka Kalunga ine dhi hokwa, onkene aapiya ye kaye na oku dhi longitha. Otadhi kondjithathana nOohapu dhe ndhoka tadhi ti: "Ino [gandja omasita goye goluvalo komukulukadhi, NW] gwamukweni; otashi ku kwatitha oshidhila. " (Lev. 18: 20, 29; Omayel. " Walking by spirit " involves accepting the action of the holy spirit upon you, allowing the holy spirit to influence you. Such methods are not acceptable to God, so his servants are not able to use his Word, which says: "You must not kill your wife. " Ngaashi naanaa omupisalomi e shi nyola, "Omuwa oye omukwaniilwa! Therefore, we should be quick to apologize and quick to forgive, thus maintaining love - the "perfect bond of union " - within our family and within the congregation. - Col. As the psalmist wrote, "Jehovah is the King! " Noohapu otadhi uvithwa ngiini, ngele aauvithi inaa tumwa? " (Rom. " On one particular day, " says Selma, "I didn't want to have a Bible study. How would the words of the word be preached if publishers were not sent? " Jehova ota ka kala aluhe te tu kwathele, kutya nduno onkalo yetu oyi kale ya fa peni. " As you study, you will be convinced that Jehovah can help the living and the dead and that his promises are "faithful and true. " - Revelation 21: 4, 5. Jehovah will always help us, no matter what our situation is like. " " Iinima kaayi wetike ' oya kwatela mo omayambeko gUukwaniilwa. Does holy spirit operate only on special occasions or under extraordinary circumstances? " The things unseen " include Kingdom blessings. Onkee ano, otashi vulika a li a lesha omahokololo gawo. As discussed in the preceding article, the Bible does not specify an age at which a person should get baptized. He may have read their accounts. Iilyo yolutu lwoye ayihe otayi ka kala ya gwanenena noto ka kala nuukwatya wa fa waKalunga lela. End of the World, 1 / 1 All members of your body will be perfect, and you will be like God's personality. Omusamane gwe Vladimir nosho wo oyanamati yawo yatatu, ayehe aakuluntugongalo. " I wondered, " Why did she leave Jehovah? ' Her husband Ved her husband and three sons - all the elders - all the elders. Peninna okwa kala ha hindi aluhe Hanna omumvo nomumvo unene tuu ngele taya fala omayambo ketsalihangano lyaJehova kuShilo. Why? She kept going to Hannah for a year and especially after taking sacrifices to Jehovah at the tabernacle. Shika osha li tashi ti kutya omagongalo moMoskou kage na we ehangano lyopaveta ndyoka tali vulu oku ga kalela po. So I believe that God thinks I can make it. " This meant that there was no legal entity any legal entity used by Jehovah's Witnesses. Oya nyola naanaa shoka Kalunga e ya lombwele mwa kwatelwa wo ondjokonona yankene Kalunga a kala noshigwana she. (Read.) They wrote just what God told them about the history of history and history of his people. Ekulilo otali ulike kutya Kalunga oku hole aantu. (Joh. Michelle: Think of what that means. The ransom reveals God's love for mankind. Sho Moses a li a pula Kalunga kombinga yedhina lye, Jehova okwa li a yamukula a ti: "Ngame nda kala ngu NGAME - NDA - KALA. " Only a small number of the Israelites who left Egypt lived to see the Promised Land. When Moses asked God about his name, Jehovah answered: "I am with you. " - Isa. Kapu na omuntu e na ondondo yi vule yaJehova nenge i inyengithwa kohole onene, e tu pe omagano ngaashi ekuliloyambo lyaJesus. Underlying many of them is your displaying "the fruitage of the spirit... love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self - control. " No one is greater than Jehovah's love or love, as Jesus ' ransom sacrifice. 15: 23) Natse otatu vulu okukala twi inekela kutya eyumuko ndyoka tali ka kala kombanda yevi, otali ka ningwa wo melandulathano. In 2009 the University of Florida published an article that discussed the impact that fathers had on their children. We too can trust that the resurrection will be done on earth, and it will also take place. Omagalikano getu oga pumbwa okukala metsokumwe nehalo lyaKalunga. Learning Cambodian was difficult. Our prayers need to live in harmony with God's will. Dhiladhila kwaashoka Ombiimbeli tayi longo: Periodic help may be all that is required to prevent premature recourse to the services of a nursing home. Think of what the Bible teaches: Opo wu mone uuyelele wa gwedhwa po, lesha oshileshwa "Ekonakono lyuukwanegumbo olya simanenena opo wu ka hupe, " mOshungolangelo ye 1 Kotoba 2009, epandja 29 - 31. What comfort do Paul's words at Philippians 4: 6, 7 provide? For more information, see The Watchtower of October 1, 2009, pages 29 - 31. Ongiini okuwilika kwaKristus aakuluntugongalo taku thanekwa, ihe oya pumbwa okuzimina elongekidho lini? Still no news of Jesus. How does Christ's leadership symbolize, but what arrangement do elders need to acknowledge? Omolweuvathano lyawo oya ningi epangelo enankondo lyomuhanga lyUuyuni, Anglo - Amerika ndyoka tali thanekwa komutse omutiheyali gwoshilikama. And we have no doubt that everything God has promised will happen Because of their rebellion in the world, the Anglo - American World Power represented the seventh head of the wild beast. • Genesis 22: 18 That being the case, they wrote, not their own ideas, but God's thoughts. • Genesis 22: 18 25: 21) Ompango yaMoses oya ti kutya omuntu oku na okukwathela omutondi gwe ngele oshimuna she osha gundikwa komutenge. (Eks. That may particularly be true today because the period in which we live is especially stressful. The Mosaic Law said that a person should help his enemy if it was considered to be sent to the ground. Ngele ondi shi shi nawa kutya aamwatate inaya gwanenena, mbela otandi ka etha ngaa okwaagwanenena kwagumwe ku kuthe ndje methigathano lyoku ka mona omwenyo? ' Is my personality becoming Christlike? If I do well to recognize that our imperfect brothers are imperfect, will I allow the imperfections of one another to take me into the race for life? ' Oshituthi shoka shohango itashi ka kala tuu oshiwanawa shili! - Lesha 2 Petrus 3: 13. He gave his life as "a ransom in exchange for many. " What a fine marriage marriage marriage marriage will be! - Read 2 Peter 3: 13. Konima sho omuyapostoli Paulus a popi oonkambadhala ndhoka a li a ningi, opo a lalakanene onkalamwenyo ndjoka Kalunga ta vulu okulaleka nuuyamba, okwa nyola a ti: " Ngele nani oku na yamwe ye na omadhiladhilo gi ili, nena Kalunga ote ke mú yelithila oshinima shoka. How do we show faith in Jehovah when we forgive others? After referring to those efforts to pursue God's blessing, the apostle Paul wrote: "If some have something else, then, there is nothing else that God has given you. Oohapu ndhika otadhi ka gwanitha monakuyiwa. It is more precious than corals; nothing you desire can compare to it. " These words will fulfill the future. Mbela oto ke etha wu pundukithwe ngele omukuluntugongalo okwa popi sha inaa dhiladhila nawa shoka tashi ku ehameke nenge tashi ku uvitha nayi? In fighting this battle, we need to rely on Jehovah, not on ourselves. Would you abandon an elder if he said something bad or hurt you? Ombiimbeli oya hupu, nonando opwa kala omapataneko 5 In other countries bordering with Germany, such as France, the Netherlands, and Switzerland, Witnesses on both sides took great risks to supply their persecuted fellow believers with spiritual food. The Bible survived despite opposition Ongiini tatu vulu okwiigamena, opo Satana kee tu ende mevi, noshike tashi ke tu kwathela tu kale twi inekela Jehova nomutima aguhe? (2 Kor. To help the many Jews who by then spoke Greek rather than Hebrew to stay close to their "holy writings. " - 2 Timothy 3: 15. How can we protect ourselves against Satan, and what will help us to trust in Jehovah with all our heart? (b) Omagano geni tu na ga za kuJehova taga hwepopaleke okuvula kwetu noku mu longela? A further help is to admit your own need for advice. (b) What gift do we have from Jehovah that ability to improve our abilities and serve him? Otashi vulika wa ninga omalunduluko omanene manga iino ninginithwa. The penalty for lying in court gave pause to all involved: "The judges will thoroughly investigate, and if the man who testified is a false witness and has brought a false charge against his brother, you should do to him just as he had schemed to do to his brother, and you must remove what is bad from your midst. " Perhaps you have made major changes before you got baptized. (b) Otatu ka konakona omapulo gatatu geni? 11: 29. (b) What three questions will we consider? 30: 21. It is hard to imagine the anguish of Abraham or the fears that must have afflicted Sarah. 30: 21. Jesus okwa ningi po shike? EVERY year, thousands die because they get drowsy or even fall asleep while driving a motor vehicle. What did Jesus do? Pilatus okwa ti kuyo: "Aalangeli oyo mbaka, indeni, mu ke yi langele nawa, ngaashi mu shi shi. " 4: 3. Pilate said: "This are the members of the congregation, and let him go, just as you know. " 15: 17) Okulya pamwe naakakateli yuudhiginini ooyakwetu tu na ohole otaku ka ninga nokuli okulya okashona hoka tu na ku kale taku nyanyudha notaku tungu. Just think about that! The fulfillment of integrity and loyal love will even become a small part of which we have to cultivate and maintain it. (b) Oshike tatu ka kundathana moshitopolwa tashi landula? " Let sexual immorality and every sort of uncleanness or greediness not even be mentioned among you, just as is proper for holy people. " - Ephesians 5: 3. (b) What will we consider in the next article? Jehova ohe tu hupitha "muuwinayi " okupitila mombepo ye, mOohapu dhe nomehangano lye. (Mat. The 2011 annual meeting was a time of joy. Jehovah rescues us by means of his Word and his organization. Methaneko ndyoka, okwa li a hokolola ompito ndjoka yi niwe koohandimwe yi ili noyi ili ya mone ompito yokuya mUukwaniilwa womegulu. I want to study the Bible. " In that illustration, he described a number of individuals who have the opportunity to come back to the heavenly Kingdom. O - New World Translation oya dhana onkandangala yini mokugamena edhina lyaKalunga? When asked for help by Christians living in religiously divided households, elders refer to such counsel as that of Paul, who wrote: "To the married people I give instructions, yet not I but the Lord, that a wife should not depart from her husband; but if she should actually depart, let her remain unmarried or else make up again with her husband; and a husband should not leave his wife.... What role has the New World Translation play in the outworking of God's name? Okwe tu uvanekela kutya ote ke tu kwathela uuna twa vulwa. " For example, I chose to take a course in English. He promises that he will help us when we are tired. Oohapu ndhoka okwe dhi popi, molwaashoka aamwatate naamwameme ya li ye mu hekeleke. We gathered at a brother's farm not far from town and heard the rest of the program. He said those words because the brothers and sisters comforted him. Jesus okwa li owala a pe Paulus omalombwelo konima sho e li pokuthika muBitinia. David faced many distressing circumstances in his life. Jesus simply gave Paul instructions shortly after he arrived in Asia. Osikola ndjika oya li ya kwathele ndje ndi ilongekidhile iilonga mbyoka yi li komeho. 1: 3 - 6. This school helped me to prepare for the work ahead. Tala kwaashoka sha li sha ningwa po sho David a li a hala "omeya gokunwa ga za momuthima gwoposheelo shaBetlehem. " And what lesson might this contain for you or for some young friend? Consider what happened when David wanted to "get bread from Bethlehem. " Oonzapo dhe ohadhi tseyitha wo omalaleko nuuyamba ngoka u uvanekela aantu monakuyiwa. 27 "Let the Many Islands Rejoice " His Witnesses also make blessings for mankind in the future. Omukanda gumwe tagu popi kombinga yoshinima shoka, ogwa li gwa nyolwa methelemimvo etiheyali K.E.N. Please go to www.jw.org to make a reservation for your visit. One process was written on the matter, which was written in the seventh century B.C.E. Iilonga mbyoka oya kwathela ndje lela. " Many who have met these challenges have been richly blessed. - 7 / 15, pages 4 - 5. That work really helped me. " Iha lombwele yakwawo iifundja, iha yaka po iinima yawo nenge a ninge oshinima shoka tashi tsu ompinge nomakotampango gaJehova nonoompango dhe. What followed? He does not tell others what they are doing or do with Jehovah's laws and principles. Ongalamathona oya li hayi longithwa ngiini? Singers from the priestly tribe were even exempted from duties that other Levites were required to perform so that they could devote sufficient time to composition and, most likely, to rehearsal. - 1 Chron. How were the phonograph used? Ihe otwi itaala kutya "shoka shi wetike, otashi kala owala okathimbo, ihe shoka itaashi vulu okumonika, otashi kala aluhe. " - Lesha 2 Aakorinto 4: 16 - 18. Should we not seek God's approval? But we believe that "the things unseen are not just a short time, but that can be seen. " - Read 2 Corinthians 4: 16 - 18. Omumwatate Harry Peterson okwa li omulaadhi muukalele Vicious bullies, the Nephilim intensified the world's brutal, ungodly spirit. Brother Allen was zealous in the ministry Sho David a hogololwa a ninge omukwaniilwa, ka li e mu sile efupa. Did Jesus Promise the Evildoer Life in Heaven? When David was appointed to become king, he did not jealously envy. Oshitiyali, Ombiimbeli yOshiingilisa yo - New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures ndjoka ya tolokululwa. Oya li ya piti mo 5 Kotoba 2013, poshigongi shetu shokomumvo. The Genesis account reveals that Jehovah did not have the ark built and then decide when to bring the floodwaters, as if he needed to keep the timing of the start of the Flood flexible in case the construction project ran behind schedule. Second, the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures was available in October 5, 2013. Otu na okukala tu uvite ngiini sho twa tegelele ehulilo lyuuyuni mbuka wa yonana? Unquestionably, Satan and the demons mislead people "with every powerful work and lying signs and portents and with every unrighteous deception for those who are perishing. " - 2 Thessalonians 2: 9, 10. How should we feel when we wait for the end of this wicked system of things? Okukala tu shi kombinga yaashoka oku na okulondodha mboka yongundu yaJeremia nokukwathela ooyakwawo mboka yi iyapulila Kalunga nayo ya kale ya tonata noya tseye kutya etumwalaka lyawo olye endelela noonkondo. That "promise " clearly is part of God's expressed purpose. Knowing what is about the warning about the Jeremiah and helping his fellow Israelites to keep on the watch and to know that their urgency is so urgent. " Okweenda mombepo " okwa kwatela mo okutaamba ko ombepo ondjapuki yi longe mungoye nokweetha ombepo ondjapuki yi ku nwethe mo. What were the responses of Jehovah and of his chosen people to the covenant that had been established between them? " Keep walking by spirit " includes accepting holy spirit and allowing holy spirit to influence you. (Mat. 6: 14, 15; 18: 21, 22, 35) Onkee ano, otu na okukala hatu endelele okugandja ombili nokudhimina po yalwe nziya opo tu kaleke po ohole ndjoka yi li "epaya tali vulu okumangela iinima ayihe kumwe " megongalo nomuukwanegumbo wetu. - Kol. Jehovah favors the humble, not the haughty. Therefore, we should be quick to give up peace and to maintain love for others so that we can maintain "a perfect bond of union. " - Col. Okwa ti: "Opwa li esiku limwe nda li inaandi hala okukonakona, molwaashoka tate Steve okwa li a dhenga ndje ongulohi ya tetekele. Acquisition and Analysis: Unique items are continually being added to the Archives collection. " One day I didn't want to study, " she says. Mokukonakona kwoye Ombiimbeli oto ka tompwa wu itaale kutya Jehova ota vulu okukwathela aanamwenyo noonakusa nosho wo kutya omauvaneko ge " ogoshili noge shi okwiinekelwa. ' - Ehololo 21: 4, 5. How can we be sure? ' By studying the Bible, you will be convinced that Jehovah can help the dead and that his promises are " true and true. " - Revelation 21: 4, 5. Mbela ombepo ondjapuki ohayi longo owala poompito dhi ikalekelwa nenge uuna pu na oonkalo dhi ikalekelwa? Mary and Martha both said to Jesus: "Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. " Does holy spirit operate only on special occasions or on special occasions? Ngaashi sha kundathanwa moshitopolwa sha tetekele, Ombiimbeli inayi popya kondandalunde kutya omuntu oku na okuninginithwa e na omimvo ngapi. And the spirit of Jehovah began to be operative upon David from that day forward. " - 1 Samuel 16: 12, 13. As discussed in the preceding article, the Bible does not say exactly how to get baptized. Onda li tandi ipula kutya " omolwashike a thigile po Jehova? ' (Read Genesis 12: 14 - 20.) " Why did he leave Jehovah? ' Omolwashike ya li inaaya hala okwiitaala? Serving Jehovah is a course to lifelong success. Why did they not want to believe? Onkee ano, ondi na uushili kutya Kalunga oku wete kutya otandi vulu okupita mo memakelo ndika. " What can help us to remember to be generous? So I can be sure that God is able to face this test. " (Lesha enyolo ndyoka.) But does Jehovah hear all prayers unconditionally? (Read.) Michelle: Dhiladhila owala kutya shoka otashi ti shike. It is important that all of us allow the discipline to work. Michelle: Think of what that means. (Eks. 16: 1, 2) Aaisraeli owala aashona mboka ya li ya zi muEgipiti ya thiki mEvi lyEuvaneko. Jesus will crush the serpent's head and erase from the universe all traces of Satan's rebellion. - Gen. Only a few Israelites who were freed from Egypt had arrived in the Promised Land. Opo omayele ngaka ga longe, owa pumbwa okuulika " iiyimati yombepo ngaashi: ohole, enyanyu, ombili, ontalanteni, ohenda, uuwanawa, eitaalo, olukeno neipangelomwene. ' (Gal. 5: 22, 23, yelekanitha NW.) The religious leaders of Israel conspired with Rome against Jesus, and the majority of the nation also rejected him. To teach these counsel, you need to display "the fruitage of the spirit, peace, mildness, mildness, patience, self - control, self - control, faith, patience, and self - control. " Mo 2009 Ouniveesiti yaFlorida oya li ya nyanyangidha oshinyolwa shoka tashi popi kombinga yenwethwomo ndyoka ootate haya nwetha mo nalyo oyana. ONE of Jesus ' Kingdom illustrations describes a farmer who sows fine seed of wheat and an enemy who sows weeds among the fine seed. In 2009, at C.E., they published a copy of the occult account about fathers ' efforts to influence their children. Kasha li oshipu okwiilonga Oshicambodia. Surely, learners will be deeply grateful for the loving care and attention that you give them. It wasn't easy to learn T. Ohashi vulika ya kale ya pumbwa okukwathelwa omalupita opo kaaya ye nziya komagumbo gaakulupe. The people of ancient Israel were a model of organization. They may need help in a small process so quickly that they do not immediately receive hospitality from the older men. Moohapu dhaPaulus ndhoka dhi li mAafilippi 4: 6, 7, otatu adha mo ehekeleko lini? What are some benefits from Jehovah's allowing wickedness to exist for some time? What comfort do we receive from Paul's words at Philippians 4: 6, 7, 6, 4? Ihe Jesus pethimbo ndyoka ka li natango e ya yamukula sha. Because Jacob made this choice that required patience and sacrifice, he became a forefather of the Messiah. But at that time, Jesus did not answer them. Ihatu kala twa limbililwa ngele shoka Kalunga u uvaneka otashi ka gwanithwa Qualifications: Single brothers between 23 and 62 years of age who are in good health and who want to serve wherever there is a greater need. We do not doubt whether God's promises will come true Kalunga okwe yi longitha okupopya nayo, oku ya ladhipika noku ya wilika. It is important that we overcome such obstacles in order to persevere as Christians, share regularly in the ministry, and maintain a good relationship with Jehovah. God has used them to communicate with them, encourage them, and guide them. Shoka otashi vulika shi kale osho shi li nokunena, molwaashoka otu li methimbo lyi lulila noonkondo. What are world leaders helpless to prevent? That may be true today, for we are living in a time of self - control. Mbela ondi na ngaa omaukwatya ga fa gaKristus? It was already packed with people and goods, but the driver stopped anyway. Do I have qualities like Christ? (Johannes 14: 19) Okwa gandja omwenyo gwe gu li iikulila, opo a "hupithe oyendji. " Faith in Jehovah's promises will nurture your desire to share the good news (See paragraph 13) He gave his life as a ransom so that he could "be many. " Ngele ohatu dhimine po yakwetu, otashi ulike ngiini kutya otu na eitaalo muJehova? There would be no foundation for the "new earth " - righteous human society living on our globe under the" new heaven. " How does being forgiving show that we have faith in Jehovah? Oshoka oku dhi likola okuwanawa ku vule oshisiliveli, notadhi etitha ontanitho yi vule ndjoka yoshingoli. Successful pioneers strive to keep their life simple. For it is more valuable than gold and silver, and it has resulted in more gold than gold. Opo tu sindane molugodhi nduno, otu na okukala twi inekela muJehova, ihe hamutse yene. What gives deep meaning to our words of commendation? Then, to win the battle, we must rely on Jehovah, not on humans. Miilongo yilwe mbyoka yi na oongamba dhimwe naNdowishi, ngaashi Fulaanisa, Holanda nosho wo Switzerland, Oonzapo koombinga adhihe odha kala hadhi tula oomwenyo dhadho moshiponga dhi faalele ooitaali ooyakwawo iileshomwa. This growth was beneficial because Jesus tells us that "the birds of heaven " were able to" find lodging among its branches. " In other countries, there are some places in Germany, France, and Switzerland, all the Witnesses put their lives on the literature of their fellow believers. Opo li kwathele Aajuda oyendji mboka ya li haya popi Oshigreka pethimbo mpoka yu uve ko " omanyolo omayapuki, ' yi iyuthe kugo noya kale ye ga hole. - 2 Timoteus 3: 15. Their statements on science, for instance, have been contradicted by new knowledge, provable facts. To help many Jews who spoke Greek at that time, many Jews used Greeks to understand "the holy writings, " who loved them and loved them. - 2 Timothy 3: 15. 6: 7) Shoka ishewe tashi vulu oku ku kwathela, okuzimina kutya owa pumbwa omayele. Have them discuss with you what the Bible says you must do to be among those whom Jehovah God protects. In addition to helping you, admit that you need advice. " Aatokolihapu naa konakone oshinima nawa, nongele omuntu okwa ningi onzapo yiifundja okutamaneka mukwawo, na geelwe negeelo ndyoka lya li li na okugeelwa mukwawo a lundilwa. Pahedhi ndjika oto kombo po uuwinayi mbuka. " ▪ Do You View Human Weakness as Jehovah Does? " Judges must carefully examine the matter, and if a person became a victim of false gods, the punishment that was falsely accused of being accused of this tradition. " 11: 29. What situation tested Asa's reliance on God, and what was the outcome? 11: 29. Osha fa shi Ii ngeyi kutya Sara okwa li u ungaungwa naye ngaashi omuyenda a simana, ihe hangaashi onkwatwa. Meditate on the wonderful promises Jehovah has made. It seems that Sarah had dealt with such an important event; yet, she was the victim of an experienced prison. OMUMVO kehe, aantu omayuvi ohaya si molwiiponga yoohauto mbyoka hayi ningwa molwaashoka omuhingi a li ta hingi ta lendenda nenge a kotha nokuli. Jehovah's view of them was revealed when Paul described them as "the son of destruction. " DURING each year, thousands die for caring for a driver who has fallen asleep in death because he is driving or even sleeping. 4: 3. As a loving Father, Jehovah has been, is, and always will be there for his people. 4: 3. Dhiladhila owala kombinga yaashoka! Some individuals continue to harbor guilt over sins for which they have actually been forgiven. Just think! (Lukas 12: 15) "One aantu yaKalunga, onkee itashi vulika, mokati keni tamu uvika oluhondelo niilonga ya nyata yoludhi kehe nolwiho. " - Aaefeso 5: 3. Jesus also spoke of a man who was working in a field and found "hidden " treasure. " You are God's people, so you may not be among yourselves every sort of sexual immorality and uncleanness. " - Ephesians 5: 3. Okugongala kwokomumvo hoka kwa ningwa mo 2011, okwa li ku tuntula. With a horse - drawn wagon normally used to transport vacationers, he picked up boxes of literature from a nearby town, where the boxes had been sent by railway from Prague. The meeting held in 2011 was very interesting. Onda hala okukonakona Ombiimbeli. " " Now we will actually get to know these dear brothers and sisters personally, ' Lowell remembers thinking. I want to study the Bible. " Uuna aakuluntugongalo ya pulwa ya kwathele Aakriste mboka ondjokana yawo tayi tengauka, ohaya longitha omayele gaPaulus ngoka taga ti: "Mboka ye li moondjokana, otandi ya lombwele oshipango sha zi kOmuwa, kashi shi shandje mwene: Omukiintu ina henga po omulume. Ngele ote shi ningi, oku na okukala itaa yi we moondjokana nenge a hangane ishewe nomulume. Omulumentu ina henga po nando omukadhi.... " When she told me that she was in love with a boy at school, at first I was very angry, " he says. When elders are asked to help a Christian marriage, they use Paul's counsel: "I shall not leave my husband or wife again. Pashiholelwa, onda li nda tokola ndi ilonge Oshiingilisa. Reflect on some evidence of that. For example, I decided to learn English. Otwa ka gongala ishewe pofaalama yOnzapo yimwe e tatu tsikile okupulakena koshipopiwa. [ Chart / Pictures on pages 12, 13] We attended a family meeting and continued to listen to a talk. David okwa pita muudhigu oundji monkalamwenyo ye. (1 Sam. 1: 3, 4. David experienced difficulties in his life. 1: 3 - 6. This famous quip well describes how some people view temptation - deep down they relish it. 1: 3 - 6. Ngoye naagundjuka yalwe otamu ki ilonga mo shike mugo? Keeping this principle in mind helps us answer such questions as: " Should I pursue plans for an advanced education? What will others learn from other young ones? 27 "Ne oontuntu dhomomafuta, ligoleni! " 10: 4; Eph. 27 "Peace and security! " Inda kepandja lyetu lyokointaneta www.jw.org / ng, wu ninge eindilo wu ka talele po. As we shall see in the next article, the key to their integrity was that they truly knew Jehovah. To make a donation, please visit www.jw.org. Aantu oyendji mboka ya sinda omashongo ngaka, oya li ya yambekwa noonkondo. - 7 / 15, epandja 4 - 5. Illustrate. Many who have faced these challenges have been blessed. - 7 / 15, pages 4 - 5. Oshike sha landula ko? (See opening picture.) (b) What reminder did the apostle Paul give, and what questions does this raise? What follows? Aaimbi yomezimo lyaasaaseri oya li nokuli ya kuthwa mo miilonga mbyoka Aalevi yalwe ya li ye na okulonga opo ya vule okukala ye na ethimbo lya gwana oku ga tota nuunene tuu ethimbo lyokwiiyenditha po. - 1 Ondjal. Jehovah treats his friends with kindness, and he expects no less from us. The royal priesthood was even taken from the work that other Levites had to work so that they could spend time with each other. - 1 Chron. 5: 12) Mbela katu na okukala twa hala okukala twa hokiwa kuKalunga? Finally, the Philistine king told Isaac to " move from their neighborhood. ' Should we not want God's approval? Oya li aalongi yiikolokosha ye na onyanya noya li ya nayipaleke noonkondo onkalo yuukwaanakalunga kombanda yevi. He is impartial, merciful, compassionate, and slow to anger. They were cruel and extremely cruel, and they made the situation worse by the inhabitants of the earth. Ehokololo lyaGenesis otali popi kutya Jehova ina tungitha tango onguluwato, opo a tokole kutya Eyelu otali ya uunake, a fa a tila kutya ngele okwa tula po esiku lyokondandalunde pamwe otali ka thikana yo onguluwato inayi pwa okutungwa. In fact, from 1990 to 1995, the number of Witnesses in Moscow jumped from some 300 to over 5,000! As the ranks of new servants of Jehovah in Moscow kept swelling, opposers of religious freedom became alarmed. The Genesis account tells us that Jehovah was not first aware of the ark, so he decided that when the Flood would come, he would be afraid that the next day would not take the ark. Nopwaahe na omalimbililo, Satana noompwidhuli dhe ohaya fundjaleke aantu " niikumithalonga, nomandhindhiliko, niilongankondo yiifundja yoludhi kehe nonokupukitha mboka ye li mondjila ndjoka yu uka mekano. ' - 2 Aatessalonika 2: 9, 10. Violating God's laws on sex, honesty, respect, worship, and so on, damages our personal relationship with him. Without question, Satan and his demons are "critical times hard to deal with, all false stories and falsely misleading them. " - 2 Thessalonians 2: 9, 10. (Heb. 3: 16 - 19; 4: 1) Osha yela kutya "euvaneko " ndyoka oli li oshitopolwa shelalakano lyaKalunga. (b) On what will our deliverance depend? Clearly, "the promise " is part of God's purpose. Omolwashike hatu shi ningile? AT MATTHEW 13: 24 - 26, Jesus is quoted as saying: "The Kingdom of the heavens may be likened to a man who sowed fine seed in his field. Why do we do that? Jehova okwa li a ningi shike sho a hangana nAaisraeli, noshigwana osha li shi inyenge ngiini? Jesus then went on to show that he could do something they had not even imagined. What did Jehovah do when he was united with the Israelites, and how did the Israelites react? Kalunga ota sile ohenda aaifupipiki, ihe haanuuntsa. Honesthearted ones are comforted by the knowledge that Jehovah is always just, for the world is saturated with injustice. God's mercy is merciful, but he does not think that he is better than others. Nkene uuyelele hawu konakonwa nokugongelwa: Iinima mbyoka ya simana ohayi kala nokugwedhwa aluhe mOshikondo shiikulunima. 13: 7; Matt. Enrollment: The important material are common in the Service Department. Uushili wuni tu na? ' Jesus will resurrect the unrighteous criminal who spoke with him, as well as millions, perhaps billions, of others who died in ignorance. What assurance do we have? ' Maria naMarta oya ti kuJesus: "Omuwa, ando owa li po, ando omumwameme ina sa. " 2: 13, 18, 19. Mary and Martha said to Jesus: "If you had been there, you would not have died. " Opo tuu mpoka Ombepo yOMUWA oye ya muDavid noya kala muye okuza esiku ndyoka. " - 1 Samuel 16: 12, 13. Jesus said: "Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you. " Then the spirit of Jehovah began to empower him from that day. " - 1 Samuel 16: 12, 13. (Lesha Genesis 12: 14 - 20.) For example, he went to at least one wedding, where he turned water into very good wine. (Read Genesis 12: 14 - 20.) Okulongela Jehova oko owala haku kwathele omuntu a pondole monkalamwenyo ye ayihe. The Lord would appreciate either, he was told, but giving his time to the Lord directly would bring him greater blessings. Serving Jehovah is the only way to succeed in his life. Oshike tashi ke tu kwathela tu dhimbulukwe okukala hatu gandja? Do restore to me the exultation of salvation by you, and may you support me even with a willing spirit. " What will help us remembering our generous conscience? (Iilonga 2: 21) Ihe mbela Jehova oha pulakene omagalikano agehe nopwaahe na oshitegelelwa shasha? Such young people enjoy life to the full while at the same time learning to follow Jehovah's guidance in all endeavors. But does Jehovah listen to all prayers without any reason? Osha simana kutse atuhe tu ethe egeeloputudho li tulwe miilonga. Indeed, treating others with respect yields many fine benefits - including peace. It is important that all of us allow discipline to be applied. 5: 13; 20: 6) Jesus ota ka nyanyagula omutse gweyoka nota ka kutha po omaupyakadhi ngoka hage etithwa kuSatana. - Gen. " May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and gave everlasting comfort and good hope by means of undeserved kindness, comfort your hearts and make you firm. " - 2 Thess. Jesus will crush the head of the serpent and undo the problems caused by Satan. - Gen. Aawiliki yelongelokalunga lyAaisraeli oya li ya ningi ompangela yomeholeko nAaroma ya ponokele Jesus. As a result, Jehovah struck him with leprosy. - 2 Chron. The Jewish religious leaders did so in order to attack Jesus. LIMWE lyomomayele gaJesus gUukwaniilwa, otali popi kombinga yomunepya ngoka a kunu ombuto ombwanawa yiilya nokombinga yomutondi ngoka a kunu omau mokati kombuto ndjoka. The account recorded in Exodus states: "Jehovah said to [Moses]: " What is that in your hand? ' MY PAST of Jesus ' disciples about the wheat who sowed the fine seed and the weeds among the weeds. Osha yela kutya ota ka kala e ku pandula. Friendship with Jehovah involves two - way communication - listening and talking. Clearly, he will be grateful to you. Aantu yomuIsraeli shonale oya li yu unganekwa nawa. He asked me, "What are you in for, Shorty? " The people of ancient Israel were well - organized. Omauwanawa gamwe geni okweetha kwaJehova uukolokoshi wu kale po uule wokathimbo kwe etele aantu? If advancing age or ill health prevents some faithful ones from doing all they once could, they nevertheless merit all our respect for their years of service. What are some benefits of Jehovah's wickedness for a period of time? (Gen. 27: 46 - 28: 3) Molwaashoka Jakob okwa li a ningi ehogololo ndika lya li lya pumbwa okukala neidhidhimiko neiyambo, okwa li a ningi hekulululwa gwaMesiasa. And when we do all we can to make changes to please him, he will help us to succeed. Since Jacob made this choice, he patiently became the Messiah's disciples. Iitegelelwa: Aamwatate inaaya hokana mboka ye li pokati koomvula 23 no 62, ye na uukolele noya hala okukwathela kehe mpoka pu na ompumbwe onene. If we appreciate our need for "the breastplate of righteousness, " we will not temporarily remove it by choosing to be entertained by what God hates; nor will we allow ourselves to fantasize about engaging in wrongdoing. Qualifications: single brothers are not married between 23 and 62 years of age, and they want to help with good health where there is a greater need. Osha simana tu sinde omaupyakadhi ga tya ngaaka opo tu kale Aakriste aadhiginini, hatu kutha ombinga pandjigilile muukalele nokukala tu na ekwatathano ewanawa naJehova. ONE of the most surprising objections that some scholars raise to the account about Eden is that it is not supported by the rest of the Bible. It is important to overcome such problems so that we maintain a regular share in the ministry and maintain a good relationship with Jehovah. Oshike shoka aawiliki muuyuni itaaya vulu okukeelela? Would you not agree that such behavior is increasingly evident in people today? What could the leaders of the world prevent? Oya li yu udha aantu niinima shimwe to nyengwa, ihe nonando ongawo, omuhingi okwe tu thikamene owala. Job believes otherwise. They were filled with things that were not beyond what others could, but the driver stood only by us. Ngele owa kala wi itaala momauvaneko gaJehova, oto ka kokeka ehalo lyoye lyokuuvitha onkundana ombwanawa (Tala okatendo 13) Within minutes of their first encounter, the three were talking about their families. If you have faith in Jehovah's promises, you will deepen your desire to share the good news (See paragraph 13) Ngele inali gwanithwa nena itapu ka kala we " evi epe, ' aantu aayuuki mboka taya ka wilikwa kepangelo epe lyomegulu, ndyoka tali ithanwa "egulu epe. " (Eh. Clearly, the message that Jeremiah was commissioned to deliver was urgent! Otherwise, there will be no more "new earth, " righteous people who will be guided by a new heavenly government, which is called "new heavens. " " Ino dhimbwa oohapu ndhika tandi dhi ku lombwele nena. Jehovah, "the examiner of hearts, " extended a measure of mercy to Ahab. - Prov. " Do not forget these words to you today. Aakokolindjila mboka haye shi enditha nawa ohaya kambadhala okukaleka onkalamwenyo yawo paunathangwa. Jesus Completes His Conquest pioneers who do well try to keep their life simple. Oshike tashi vulu okuningitha oohapu dhetu dhokupandula dhi kale tadhi ti sha? 15: 14. What might cause our brothers to express appreciation for what? 1: 23) Shika osha li oshiwanawa, oshoka Jesus ota ti kutya "oondhila " odha" tungile iihandhila yadho miitayi " yalyo. The word in the original language implies "standing before " and can be rendered" directing; taking the lead among. " This was good for Jesus because he said that "the sons of the temple " were built and that its " were" built in Egypt. " Pashiholelwa, shoka ya popya kombinga yuunongononi itashi tsu kumwe nuuyelele uupe mboka wa kolekwa kuumbangi mboka wu li po. Sadly, this miraculous unity did not survive the death of the apostles. For example, what says about science does not agree with the new understanding of those prophecies. Dhi pula dhi kundathane nangoye kombinga yaashoka Ombiimbeli tayi ku lombwele wu ninge opo wu ka kale gumwe gwomwaamboka Jehova ta ka gamena. A Nazirite was allowed to marry and have a family. Ask them to discuss what the Bible tells you to do to be one of Jehovah's people. ▪ Tala ko aankundi ngaashi Jehova he ya tala ko • renting out their house, apartment, or business ▪ See Jehovah's view of human weakness Asa okwi iyadhele monkalo yini moka a holola kutya okwi inekela muKalunga, noshizemo oshini? They offer free home Bible studies, using the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? What situation did Asa face in which he showed confidence in God, and with what result? Tedhatedha komauvaneko omawanawa ngoka Jehova u uvaneka. Yes, while he maintained his right standing with God, Solomon proved to be successful. - 2 Chron. Meditate on the wonderful promises that Jehovah has promised. Etaloko lyaJehova kombinga yaantu mbaka olya hololwa sho Paulus e ya ithana " aana yekano. ' (b) How did a young brother benefit from help such as Mark received? Jehovah's view of people is revealed when Paul called them "the sons of the true God. " E li He omunahole, Jehova okwa kala aluhe ha gamene oshigwana she nota ka tsikila oku shi gamena aluhe. The Ransom - A "Perfect Present " From the Father, Feb. As a loving Father, Jehovah has always protected his people and will continue to protect them forever. Aantu yamwe ohaya tsikile okukala tayi ipe uusama omolwomayono ngoka ya ninga nale noye ga dhiminwa po. He has proved to be "our refuge and strength " - especially in times of distress! Some feel regret because of past sins and forgiveness. Jesus okwa popi wo kombinga yomulumentu ngoka a li ta longo mepya e ti itsu uuyamba wa "holekwa. " 75,627,384 Jesus also spoke of a man who was working in the field service and called "the secret one. " Nokatemba koonkambe hoka a li ha longitha okufala nokweeta mboka taye ya komafutho, okwa li ha ka tala iipakete yiileshomwa kondoolopa ndjoka yopopepi, hoka iipakete ya li hayi tumwa neshina okuza koPrague. What work is being spearheaded by anointed Christians, and what opportunity is still open to individuals who are part of Satan's world? There he used to lead the colporteurs, and he looked at the towns that had been sent by the towns, which had been sent by the towns. Omumwatate Lowell okwa ti kutya " ngashingeyi otatu ka tseya aamwatate naamwameme mboka paumwene. ' Forgiving, though, does mean letting go of any resentment for such wrongs and maintaining your own peace. " We will get to know our brothers and sisters personally. " Okwa ti: "Sho omumwandje a lombwele ndje kutya oku hole omumati gumwe gwokosikola yawo, onda li nda thita po. And he described an important third group, the King's "brothers. " - Read Matthew 25: 31 - 46. She says: "When my son told me that he loved a sister from their school, I was furious. Natu taleni kuushili wumwe mboka tawu shi koleke. But people who read the Bible with the attitude of "young children " - humble and eager to learn - are rewarded with a better understanding of God's message. Let us see some proof of that fact. [ omusholondondo / okaalita / oshimpungu / Omathano pepandja 12, 13] Before long, I stopped attending Christian meetings. [ Box / Pictures on page 12] 1: 3, 4. Should we not be diligent in making return visits and conducting Bible studies with interested ones? 1: 3, 4. Oohapu ndhika dhi shiwike nawa otadhi holola nkene aantu haya tala ko omamakelo, shoka tashi ulike okutya aantu ohaye ga nyanyukilwa. How can we do that? Those well - known words reveal how people view temptations, indicating that people enjoy happiness. Okukaleka momadhiladhilo ekotampango ndika, otaku ke tu kwathela tu yamukule omapulo ngaashi: " Mbela nandi lalakanene elongo lyopombanda? What was Israel's response? Keeping this principle will help us answer such questions as: " Do I have to pursue higher education? 10: 4; Ef. Christian love, which is part of the motivation behind self - sacrifice, is the hallmark of true disciples of Jesus. 10: 4; Eph. Ngaashi tatu ke shi mona moshitopolwa tashi landula, shoka sha li sha simanenena kuudhiginini wawo, oosho ya li ya tseya shili Jehova. One of them was Alice Place, the elderly sister who had first called on our family. As we will see in the next article, the most important part of their loyalty to Jehovah was true. Shi thaneka. How can we avoid adopting an unforgiving attitude toward those who sin seriously but manifest genuine repentance? Illustrate. (Tala kethano lyopetameko.) (b) Omuyapostoli Paulus ote tu dhimbulukitha kombinga yashike, nosha pendutha omapulo geni? However, Jehovah made these very ones part of "a nation " that produced Kingdom fruitage. (See opening picture.) (b) What does the apostle Paul remind us of, and what questions arise? Jehova ohu ungaunga nookuume ke nombili nokwa tegelela tu ninge sha faathana. New pioneers flooded into the field in Britain Jehovah treats friends kindly, and he expects us to do the same. Omukwaniilwa gwAafilisti okwa lombwele Isak " a ze mo moshilongo shawo. ' WHAT DOES THE BIBLE TEACH? The Philistine king told Isaac to " throw away from their land. ' (Titus 1: 2) Kuye aantu ayehe oye thike pamwe. Oku na ohenda, olukeno noiha geye mbala. Realizing that Jehovah had healed the woman, Jesus treated her kindly and said: "Daughter, your faith has made you well. To that end, all people are equal, kind, and slow to anger. 4: 2) Okuza 1990 sigo 1995, omwaalu gwOonzapo dhaJehova moMoskou ogwa li gwi indjipala okuza lwopaantu 300 sigo opaantu ye vulithe 5 000. That forceful action made the disciples recall the prophetic words of King David: "Sheer zeal for your house has eaten me up. " From 1990 to 1995, a total of Jehovah's Witnesses in 1995 had grown up with over 500,000 people. Okuyona oompango dhaKalunga dhi na ko nasha nomilalo, uunashili, esimaneko, elongelokalunga nosho tuu, otayi yono po ekwatathano lyetu naye. Mistakes arise from "faulty judgment, inadequate knowledge, or inattention, " explains one dictionary. The law of God's laws, honesty, and religion threatens our relationship with him. (b) Otwa pumbwa okuninga shike, opo tu ka hupithwe? Parents developing practical wisdom will think about the way they discipline their children and the effect this will have on the children in the future. (b) What must we do to be saved? MUMATEUS 13: 24 - 26, Jesus okwa ti: "Oshilongo shegulu osha fa omuntu a kunu ombuto ombwanawa mepya lye. What kind of thinking must we avoid? MATTHEW 13: 24 - 26, Jesus said: "The Kingdom of the kingdom is like a fine seed in his field. Opo ihe, Jesus okwa li e yu ulukile kutya okwa li ta vulu okuninga oshinima shoka inaaye shi dhiladhila nando. What Did You Learn? Jesus then showed that he could do something that he never thought of. Ohashi hekeleke aanamitima omiwanawa okutseya kutya Jehova omuyuuki aluhe, molwaashoka uuyuni mbuka owu udha okwaanuuyuuki. When we are shrewd, we are careful and only believe what we know to be true. It comforts sincere people to know that Jehovah is always righteous because this world is full of injustice. 13: 7; Mat. Do You Feel Close to God? 13: 7; Matt. Jesus ota ka yumudha omukolokoshi ngoka a li a popi naye, mwa kwatelwa aantu omamiliyona, tashi vulika omabiliyona, mboka ya sa kaaye na owino yasha. (b) What practical things can we do to support the weak? Jesus will resurrect a wicked one, including billions of people, billions of people who have died. 2: 13, 18, 19. She prayed to God. 2: 13, 18, 19. Jesus okwa ti: "Ileni kungame amuhe mwa vulwa nomwa humbatekwa uudhigu, ongame notandi mú pe [evululuko]. " (Mat. It seems like only yesterday that I first arrived at Bethel as a shy, inexperienced young man. Jesus said: "Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you. " Pashiholelwa, okwa li a yi kohango yimwe hoka a shitukitha omeya ga ninge omaviinu omatoye. As the Head of the congregation, Christ used this small group of qualified men to settle doctrinal issues and to oversee and direct the preaching and teaching of the Kingdom good news. - Acts 15: 6 - 29; 21: 17 - 19; Col. For example, he traveled to a certain wedding where he made fine water into fine wine. Okwa li a lombwelwa kutya Omuwa okwa hokwa omayambo agehe ngoka, ihe okulongitha ethimbo lye miilonga yOmuwa otashi ke mu etela omayambeko ogendji. The slave who acted irresponsibly with what the master had entrusted to him was judged "wicked, "" sluggish, " and "good - for - nothing. " He was told that Jehovah was pleased with all those sacrifices, but his time in Jehovah's service would benefit many blessings. Pe ndje natango enyanyu lyomehupitho lyoye, ngoye u ninge ndje omuvuliki. " (Eps. He can forgive sins on the basis of the ransom. I still thank you for your salvation, and you will be obedient to me. " Aagundjuka mboka ohaya nyanyukilwa onkalamwenyo pakuudha, nopethimbo opo tuu mpoka, otayi ilongo okulandula ewiliko lyaJehova mukehe shoka taya ningi. The elders should request your emergency contact information so that they can reach you if a disaster strikes. Young ones who enjoy life now and at the same time learn to follow Jehovah's guidance in everything they do. Odhoshili kutya okuungaunga nayalwe nesimaneko, ohaku eta iizemo iiwanawa, mwa kwatelwa ombili. Just as an ambulance must refuel regularly if it is to continue taking patients to the hospital, you must restore your energy with proper nutrition, exercise, and rest so that you can continue giving your child the care he or she deserves. Of course, treating others with respect brings good results, including peace. " Omuwa gwetu Jesus Kristus mwene naKalunga Tate yetu, ngoka e tu hole nokwe tu pa kesilohenda lye omukumo gwaaluhe netegameno ewanawa, ne mu tse omukumo ye ne mu koleke. " - 2 Tes. 11: 1. " Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of our God, who loved us and gave us good hope, hope, and strength. " - 2 Thess. Oshilanduliko osho kutya Jehova okwe mu dhenge nuuvu woshilundu. - 2 Ondjal. * Prosecutor Kondratyeva rehashed the charge that Jehovah's Witnesses promote hatred, but then she added that banning the legal community of Jehovah's Witnesses was a means to protect the rights of the Witnesses in Moscow! As a result, Jehovah struck him with leprosy. - 2 Chron. Ehokololo ndyoka li li muEksodus otali ti: "OMUWA okwe mu pula a ti: " Ou na shike moshikaha? ' Certain versions include additional tools that allow you quickly to check other Bible verses on the same topic or even compare several translations. The account at Exodus states: "Jehovah asked him: " What is there in your hand? ' Okukala kuume kaJehova okwa kwatela mo iinima iyali, okupulakena kuye nokupopya naye. 5, 6. Being Jehovah's friend involves two things, listening to him and speaking to him. Shaashi ngame omufupi, okwa pula ndje a ti: "Shoti, owa kwatelwa shike? " Jehovah Safeguards Us for Salvation Or as a lesser boy, he asked me, "When you get sick, what is involved? " Nonando uukulupe nenge okwaahe na uukolele ohayi imbi aadhiginini yamwe ya longe shoka ya li taya vulu okulonga nale, natango oya gwana okusimanekwa kutse omolwiilonga yawo yoomvula odhindji. To reach the hearts of people, Jesus asked questions, listened, and explained the Scriptures. Although advanced age or advanced age prevents some faithful servants of Jehovah from doing what they could already do, they still deserve to be honored for many years. (Episalomi 25: 14) Ngele otwa ningi ngaashi tatu vulu tu ninge omalunduluko, opo tu nyanyudhe Jehova, ote ke tu kwathela tu pondole. Seven days before the floodwaters fell - just enough time for Noah and his family to load the animals into the ark - Jehovah finally told Noah exactly when the Flood would begin. If we do all we can to make changes so that we can please Jehovah, he will help us to succeed. (Gen. 8: 21) Ngele otu uvite ko kutya otwa pumbwa " ehuyanza lyuuyuuki, ' itatu ke li hula mo pakathimbo opo tu hogolole okunyanyudhwa kwaashoka Kalunga e tonde; noitatu ka pitika tu inyanyudhe nokukutha ombinga miinima ya puka. Why do we all want to stay healthy? When we understand that we need "the breastplate of righteousness, " we will not merely choose to choose what God hates; nor does he allow us to engage in bad things. OSHINIMA shimwe oshikumithi noonkondo shoka aalongwantu oyendji ya popya kombinga yehokololo lyaEden osho kutya oshikunino shoka itashi popiwa mOmbiimbeli ayihe. Will you stop going to the meetings or even abandon Jehovah and his people completely? IT IS so interesting that many scholars spoke about the garden and the garden of Eden are not described in all the Bible. Mbela ito zimine kutya iikala mbyoka oyi iwetikile apuhe kunena? Laws That Govern Universe, 7 / 1 Would you not agree that such a attitude is obvious today? Job hasho a li ta dhiladhila ngawo. Describe how we can keep our faith strong. Job did not think that way. Shika osho oshikando shotango taya tsakanene, ihe muule wokathimbo, oya tameke okupopya kombinga yaakwanezimo yawo. Says Levi: "Jehovah had answered our specific request, so now it was our turn to follow through. " This was the first time they met, but during a short time, they began talking to their relatives about their relatives. Dhoshili, etumwalaka ndyoka Jeremia a li a lombwelwa e li faalele aantu olya li lye endelela. That is our responsibility as Jehovah's Witnesses. Of course, Jeremiah's message was urgent. 21: 27 - 29) Jehova ngoka ha "konakona oomwenyo, " okwa li a sile ohenda Ahab. - Omayel. JONATHAN must have been amazed at how courageous young David was. As a result, "the heart of Jehovah " was shown to Ahab. - Prov. Jesus ota ka sindana 1, 2. (a) What is indicated by a person's dedicating himself to Jehovah? Jesus will complete his conquest 15: 14. Likely you are one of them. 15: 14. (1 Tes. Shortly, we were asked to move to Lawnside, New Jersey; then to Chester, Pennsylvania; and finally to Atlantic City, New Jersey. Not at all! Shinikitha oluhodhi, konima yeso lyaayapostoli, okuhangana huka okukumithi inaku kalelela. To illustrate: A new Bible student named Jay was addicted to tobacco. Sadly, after the death of the apostles, this chariot is not long enough to wait. (1 Samuel 1: 11) Aanasiri oya li ya pitikwa okuhokana nenge okuhokanwa nokumona uunona. So those who are in harmony with the flesh cannot please God. " - Rom. Although they were allowed to marry or to marry, they were allowed to marry and have children. • kaleke aantu momagumbo gawo, moondunda dhawo nenge moongeshefa dhawo mboka haya futu kuyo We can be assured that "the generous person will be blessed. " • keeping people in their homes, either in their homes or in business Ohadhi longo aantu Ombiimbeli oshali pomagumbo gawo tadhi longitha embo Omalongo gashili gOmbiimbeli ogeni naanaa? The Bible was like a mirror that revealed my flaws to me. What Does the Bible Really Teach? (2 Ondjal. 9: 13) Okwa li a pyokoka mokuungaunga naalelwa ye, mokutunga nosho wo miinima yopangeshefa. WHERE do we come from? He was an experienced man in dealing with challenges, employment, and business. (b) Ongiini omumwameme gumwe omulumentu omugundjuka a kwathelwa komukuluntugongalo? Are these not good reasons for being "obedient to those who are taking the lead "? - Read Hebrews 13: 17. (b) How did one young sister help an elder? Onkatu yimwe yolukeno ndjoka ya katukwa kOmukriste, Kot. So he gives us the strength we need. One act of Christian kindness is not a Christian requirement. (Eps. 23: 1 - 3) Oye ha kala "epopilongulu noonkondo dhetu, " unene tuu uuna tu li muudhigu. " If possible, as far as it depends on you, be peaceable with all men. " - Romans 12: 18. He is "strongly entrenched things, " especially when we face trials. 75 627 384 Young men are already pushing their heavily laden chukudus (handmade wooden scooters for transporting loads). 62: 62 Iilonga yini tayi kwatelwa komeho kAakriste aagwayekwa, nompito yini ye egulukila natango oohandimwe mboka ye li oshitopolwa shuuyuni waSatana? However, I sometimes felt disappointed in him. What work is involved in anointed Christians, and what opportunities are still open to individuals who are part of Satan's world? Ihe okudhimina po otaku ti okwaahakwatela onkone nokukala wu na ombili yokomwenyo. What factors should govern the intimate relations of Christian marriage mates? But forgiveness means resentment and feelings. Okwa popi wo kombinga yongundu ontitatu, ongundu " yaamwahe ' yOmukwaniilwa. - Lesha Mateus 25: 31 - 46. Some succumb to temptation because they turn to the wrong person for attention. He also referred to a group of fellow worshippers, "the King of the King. " - Read Matthew 25: 31 - 46. Ihe aantu mboka ye na iikala ya fa " yuunona, ' yi ifupipika noya halelela okwiilonga, ohayu uvu ko etumwalaka lyOmbiimbeli. " First extract the rafter from your own eye, and then you will see clearly how to extract the straw from your brother's eye. " - Matthew 7: 5. However, people who have a attitude like "little flock " are humble and eager to learn from the Bible's message. Konima yethimbo, onde etha po okuya kokugongala kwopaKriste. For example, the disciples knew that sexual immorality was wrong. Later, I stopped attending Christian meetings. Mbela katu na okukala tu na ehalo lyokuninga omaishunoko nomakonakonombiimbeli naamboka ye na ohokwe? He patiently submitted to God's will, though this meant suffering agonizing pain. Should we not be willing to make return visits with interested ones? Ongiini tatu vulu oku shi ninga? I insulted her and beat her. How can we do that? Aaisraeli oya li yi inyenge ngiini? The religious leaders of the sects of the Pharisees and the Sadducees viciously opposed Jesus - even sought to kill him. How did the Israelites react? Ohole yopaKriste, ndjoka hayi inyengitha omuntu a kale e na ombepo yeiyambo, oyo hayi ndhindhilikitha mo aalanduli yaJesus yashili. 68: 11. Christian love, which motivates a self - sacrificing spirit, is the identifying mark of Jesus ' true followers. Gumwe gwomuyo okwa li omumwameme Alice Place, ngoka a li e tu talele po oshikando shotango pegumbo. SOME time ago, criminal courts in a Western land accepted faulty evidence against two men accused of murder and sentenced them to death. One was Alice, who visited us at home. Ongiini tatu vulu okuhenuka iikala yokwaahadhimina po mboka ya yona omayono omanene kutse, ihe oyi iyela ombedhi shili? The offended person should then forgive his brother in order to have peace. How can we avoid the wrong attitude of those who sin against us but are truly repentant? Ihe Jehova okwa li e ya ningi oshitopolwa " shaantu ' mboka ya li yi imike iiyimati yUukwaniilwa. Yet, I felt that the damage had been done and that there was no turning back. However, Jehovah became part of the "other sheep " who produced Kingdom fruitage. Aakokolindjila aape taya yi momapya moBritania While we may not expect to do the same, Solomon's example when he was faithful to God should show us how to evaluate what is real success and should thus help us to achieve it. New pioneers in Britain OMBIIMBELI OTAYI LONGO SHIKE? Staying Active in Jehovah's Service WHAT DOES THE BIBLE TEACH? Mokumona kutya Jehova okwa aludha omukiintu, Jesus okwa li u ungaunga naye nohenda e ta ti: "Mumwandje, eitaalo lyoye lye ku aludha. How Would You Answer? In the meantime, Jehovah healed the woman, Jesus kindly treated her kindly, saying: "Daughter, your faith has made you well. 2: 13 - 17) Onkatu ya kwata miiti ndjoka Jesus a katuka oya dhimbulukitha aalongwa ye oohapu dhopahunganeko dhomukwaniilwa David tadhi ti: "Uulaadhi omolwongulu yoye otawu thiminike ndje. " (Eps. What else can we learn from the Bible? The serious step that Jesus took reminded his disciples of the prophetic words of King David: "My house is for your house. " Embwiitya limwe olya ti kutya omapuko oha ge etwa "kokuthika pehulithodhiladhilo lya puka, kokukala waa na uuyelele wi ihwapo nenge kokukala itoo gandja eitulomo. " We were told that the high school taught agriculture, gardening, carpentry, building, English, and arithmetic to the boys; the girls were taught nursing, household work, and other useful occupations. ' According to one dictionary, his mistakes "s at the start of a wrong course, " says one dictionary," don't focus on material information, or focus on it. " Aavali mboka ye na owino ohaya dhiladhila kombinga yegeeloputudho ndyoka ye na okupa omaluvalo gawo nankene tali ke ya kwathela monakuyiwa. This man was told to go through the city "and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who are sighing and groaning over all the detestable things that are being done in the city. " Parents who have wisdom think about discipline and how they can help them in the future. Otu na okuhenuka okudhiladhila kuni? However, something occurred that threatened their friendship. We must avoid thinking about what? Owi ilonga shike? What effect should our dress and grooming have on others? What Did You Learn? Ngele otu na oondunge, ohatu kala twa kotoka nohatu itaale owala iinima mbyoka tu shi kutya oyoshili. He wants you to be happy forever. If we are wise, we are careful and believe that what we know is true. Mbela owu uvite ngaa wa hedha popepi naKalunga? My greatest support still is "the Ancient of Days " - Jehovah God. Do you feel close to God? (b) Iinima yini tatu vulu okuninga tu kwathele aankundi? " Christ suffered for you, " wrote the apostle Peter, "leaving you a model for you to follow his steps closely. " (b) What factors can we do to help our weak? Alice okwa li a galikana kuKalunga. Even at that time, it seemed that every day there was something new. Alice prayed to God. Ondi wete owala pwa fa inaapu pita ethimbo ele, okuza sho nde ya kObetel ndi li omugundjuka nondi na ohoni. And surely you should not be like the rich man who was invited to sell his belongings, give to the poor, and follow Jesus. It seemed that a long time, since I was serving at Bethel, I felt embarrassed and shy. E li Omutse gwegongalo, Kristus okwa li a longitha okangundu haka kaalumentu ya pyokoka pambepo ka kandule po uupyakadhi wu na ko nasha nomalongo nokutonatela nokukwatela komeho iilonga yokuuvitha noyokulombwela aantu onkundana ombwanawa yUukwaniilwa. - Iil. 15: 6 - 29; 21: 17 - 19; Kol. Give an example. As Head of the congregation, Christ used a small group of mature men to solve the problem of teaching and defend the good news of the Kingdom. - Acts 15: 15 - 29; Acts 17: 17 - 29; Col. Omupiya ngoka a li kee na ko nasha neliko ndyoka mwene gwe e mu inekelela okwa popiwa e li "omwiinayi "" nomunanyalo. " They are part of the world, so it is possible that they will join the political leaders. The slave who was not interested in his own riches is described as "the man of righteousness " and" righteousness. " 21: 5) Longa nuudhiginini wu gwanithe po omalalakano goye. 15: 21 - 28. Work hard to fulfill your goals. Aakuluntugongalo otaye ke ku pula uuyelele hoka to vulu okumonika nuupu, uuna pwa holoka iiponga. What can we learn about God from what happened to Eutychus? - One thing is that Jehovah, our heavenly Father, can bring the dead back to life, including young ones. The elders will ask you where you can be approachable when disasters arise. Ngaashi naanaa oambulansa yi na okukala tayi nwethwa omahooli, opo yi vule okukala tayi fala aavu koshipangelo, nane omwa pumbwa okulya iikulya yi na uundjolowele, okuninga omadhewo nosho wo okuthuwa po, opo mu kale mu na oonkondo dhokugandja esiloshimpwiyu ndyoka okanona keni ka pumbwa. It does not belong to any person or congregation. As we need to be influenced by the police so that you can take care of the sick, you need food, and water so that you need a child needs to care for your child. 11: 1. How can the sheep help Christ's brothers? 11: 1. Omupanguli okwa li Vera Dubinskaya. Natango omutamaneki gwoshipotha Kondratyeva okwa li a lundile Oonzapo dhaJehova kutya ohadhi ningitha aantu ya kale ye tondathane. How? " A British prosecutor also falsely accused the prosecutor of being Jehovah's Witnesses, and the prosecutor falsely accused them of hatred. Opu na dhimwe dhi na iilongitho ya gwedhwa po, mbyoka tayi ku kwathele nziya wu tale oovelise ndhoka dha pamba shoka to lesha. Otayi vulu wo oku ku kwathela wu dhi yelekanithe nomatoloko galwe. I belong to you. " There are some tools that will help you to see verses that you read and other verses that can also help you to compare the meaning of other verses. 5, 6. If we choose Jehovah as our God and we put faith in him as David did, then no challenge, no problem, need daunt us. 5, 6. Jehova ohe tu gamene tu ka mone ehupitho I started to feel out of place at the shrine. Jehovah protects Us Jesus okwa li ha pula omapulo, ha pulakene, nokwa li ha yelitha omanyolo, opo a adhe omitima dhaantu. At that time, I had to prepare for my school exams, so I agreed to do as my parents said for three months. Jesus asked questions, listening, and explained scriptures in order to reach hearts. 6: 22) Lwahugunina, Jehova okwa li a lombwele Noowa kutya Eyelu otali ya uunake sho ku na owala omasiku gaheyali li ye. Jairo also uses his eyes to tell others about his beliefs. Finally, Jehovah told Noah when the Flood would come just seven days. Omolwashike atuheni hatu kala twa hala tu kale tu na uukolele? With those words, Jehovah promised to destroy the instigator of the rebellion in Eden. Why do all of us want to have good health? Mbela oto ke etha po okuya kokugongala nenge nokuli wu thige po Jehova noshigwana she? So Elijah begged: "O Jehovah my God, please, let this child's life come back into him. " - 1 Ki. Will you stop attending congregation meetings or even abandon Jehovah and his people? Mbela oto ka landula ngaa ewiliko lyaJehova lyopahole? 7 / 15 " Throw all your anxiety on [God], because he cares for you. " 12 / 1 Yelitha nkene tatu vulu okukaleka eitaalo lyetu lya kola. Thus, even the poor could joyfully sacrifice to Jehovah. Explain how we can keep our faith strong. Levi okwa ti: "Jehova okwa li a yamukula egalikano lyetu lyaashoka twa li twe mu pula kondandalunde, onkee otse nduno twa li tu na okulonga ko ombinga yetu. " * - See footnote. " Jehovah answered our prayer, " says Levi, "and we were to work on our part, so we were to engage in our assignment. " Shika osho oshinakugwanithwa shetu tu li Oonzapo dhaJehova. Thanks to zealous Witnesses in the lands receiving refugees, thousands of refugees are hearing "the word of the Kingdom " for the first time. This is our responsibility to be Jehovah's Witnesses. JONATAN okwa li a kuminwa uulaadhi womugundjuka David, sho a dhipaga omutongolume Goliat. Take a Positive View of a Strained Marriage Philip was also impressed by young David when he killed Goliath. 1, 2. (a) Omuntu ngoka i iyapulila Jehova oha kala a fa ta ti ngiini? The Bible does not merely list those values. 1, 2. (a) What does a dedicated person say about Jehovah? Otashi vulika ngoye wu li gumwe gwomuyo. But I have been comforted by meditating on two of my favorite scriptures. You may have been one of them. Konima, otwa li twa pulwa tu ye kuLawnside shaNew Jersey; koChester muPennsylvania nolwahugunina okoAtlantic City shaNew Jersey. " Must I keep on trying to save my marriage no matter what happens? ' you might ask. Later, we were asked to join us in New York City, U.S.A., in New York City. Pashiholelwa, omulumentu gwedhina Jay sho a tameke okukonakona Ombiimbeli okwa adhika a pikwa nale komakaya. It was as if God had rubbed out all the national borders with a big eraser, " said Claire from France. For example, when she began studying the Bible, she had already been addicted to tobacco. Mboka haa vulika [konyama, KB], itaa vulu okwoopalela Kalunga. " - Rom. Rebekah, 2 / 1 Those who obey him will not please God. " - Rom. Otatu vulu okukala nuushili kutya omuntu ngoka ha gandja nenge tu tye "omunamutimahenda ota yambekwa. " And he does not always need someone else to tell him to do what is right. We can be sure that a person who gives us a "merciful and compassionate attitude. " Ombiimbeli oya li ya fa esipili, oshoka oya li tayi kwathele ndje ndi mone uunkundi wandje. He will be a Provider, a Protector, and a Friend in order to help you cope with your trial. - Ex. The Bible looked like a mirror because it helped me to see my own weaknesses. AANTU muuyuni ohaya pula omapulo taga landula: Otwa za peni? 4 Sin - What Has Changed? WHAT do we ask ourselves: Where do we come from? 22) Mbela ngaka kage shi ngaa omatompelo omawanawa goku tu ningitha tu " vulike kaawiliki '? - Lesha Aahebeli 13: 17. Who Made God? Will these sound reasons to "be obedient to the leaders of the nations "? - Read Hebrews 13: 17. 103: 14) Onkee ano, ohe tu pe oonkondo ndhoka twa pumbwa. As Paul wrote, " they are keeping watch over our souls. ' So he gives us the strength we need. (Mateus 5: 9) "Ne yene kombinga yeni ningeni ashihe tamu shi vulu, mu kale nombili naantu ayehe. " - Aaroma 12: 18. How did some early Christians abuse God's undeserved kindness? " You must do your utmost to be peaceable with all men. " - Romans 12: 18. Aalumentu aagundjuka oya li tayu undula oondongelwa oondhigu ndhoka ya li ya londeka kuuchukudus (wa ningwa niiti wokuhumbata oondongelwa). 3, 4. Young men were able to jump off the heavy - hairs that were being carried on foot (a) by Hong Kong. Ihe omathimbo gamwe onda li handi kala nda kanitha einekelo muye. Can you now feel calm because you trust that he will help you? But sometimes I lost confidence in him. Ekwatathano lyaaihokani Aakriste oli na okupangelwa koshike? Eventually, some 30 members of a family with whom we studied came into the truth! What is the connection between Christian marriage mates? Yamwe oye etha ya gwile meyono, sho ya tameke okuhokwa aantu mboka kaaye shi ookuume kawo kopandjokana. A baby uses its vocal cords to let us know when it needs comfort. Some have let them fall into a false step when they start to blame those who did not know their mate. Osho molwaashoka Jesus a ti: "Kutha mo tango etangalati meho lyoye mwene, opo ihe u tale, ngele oto vulu okukutha mo [okayayagaya, KB] ke li meho lyamukweni. " - Mateus 7: 5. * - See footnote. So Jesus said: "Keep on the watch first in your own eye, and see whether you can take care of those who will take care of the kingdom. " - Matthew 7: 5. Pashiholelwa, oya li ye shi shi kutya okuhola iipala okwa puka. Now they are prouder than ever to be part of God's organization. " For example, they knew that sexual immorality was wrong. 3: 15; Mat. 16: 21) Okwa li a longo ehalo lyaKalunga neidhidhimiko, nonando okwa li e shi kutya ota ka sa eso ndyoka tali uvitha omwenyo omutoye. " I Needed to Return to Jehovah. " - ELIE KHALIL He worked patiently on God's will, even though he knew that death would be brought to nothing. Onda li handi mu tukagula noku mu dhenga. Will those who died recently be raised near the start of Christ's Thousand Year Reign and be welcomed by loved ones who know them? I got angry and was very angry with him. Aawiliki yomalongelokalunga giimpaga yAafarisayi nAasadukayi oya li ya pataneke Jesus nonyanya, noya li nokuli ya kambadhala oku mu dhipaga. Do you appreciate the many ways in which the elders shepherd the congregation? The religious leaders of the synagogue and the Pharisees opposed Jesus, even trying to kill him. 68: 11, OB - 2008. Should we conclude that Bible accounts have only practical lessons and no other meaning? 68: 11. PWA pita ngashingeyi oomvula odhindji, ompangu yi na ko nasha nomuyonena moshilongo shimwe shokUuninginino oya li yi itaale uunzapo wiifundja kombinga yaalumentu yaali mboka ya li ya lundililwa edhipago e taya tokolelwa eso. Abraham obeyed Jehovah, listened to Sarah, and did what she requested. A number of years ago, court officials in one country believed the testimony of two men who had been sentenced to death by the death of an enemy who had been sentenced to death. Onkene, ina pumbwa okukondwa. In a way, such individuals are like insects that crawl right into a bowl of honey. So there is no need for disfellowshipped ones to be disfellowshipped. Ihe onda li ndu uvite kutya kandi na we siku ndi lunduluke. The qualities that holy spirit produces are a reflection of the very personality of the Source of that spirit, Jehovah God. But I felt that I could never change. Ihe oshiholelwa she sho a li omudhiginini kuKalunga oshi na oku tu kwathela tu konakone kutya okupondola kwashili okwa kwatela mo shike. Otashi ke tu kwathela wo tu mone kutya otu na oku shi enda ngiini opo natse tu pondole. This, in turn, helps us to make decisions that leave us with a clean conscience and God's approval. But his example of loyalty to God should help us to examine the real success of true success, and it will help us to see how we can succeed. Onda kala ndi ipyakidhila miilonga yaJehova Why do you want to cultivate and show compassion? I kept busy in Jehovah's service Oto yamukula ngiini? How do you feel about our meetings, and what are you determined to do? How Would You Answer? Oshike ishewe tatu vulu okwiilonga mOmbiimbeli? Two of my siblings joined me in the same rebellious course. What else can we learn from the Bible? Otwa li twa lombwelwa kutya osikola ndjika yopombanda ohayi longo aamati Oshiingilisa, uunamapya, okulonga miikunino, okuhonga iipilangi, okutunga, nomwaalu; aakadhona oya li haya longwa uupangi, iilonga yomegumbo, nosho wo omaithano galwe ga simana. ' Strive to be faithful whatever your circumstances are. We were told that this high school taught slaves to work for English, to prepare for meals, to build up heavy drinking, and other theocratic goals. ' (Hesekiel 8: 6 - 12; 9: 2, 3) Omulumentu nguka okwa li a lombwelwa e ende noshilando ashihe a "ndhindhilike endhindhiliko moshipala shashaa ngoka ta keme nokwa lulilwa molwiihuna ayihe mbyoka tayi longwa moshilando. " The Mosaic Law stated: "If a man makes a vow to Jehovah or swears an oath to impose on himself a vow..., he must not violate his word. This man was told to walk in the midst of the city and be "filled with violence and pain in all the city. " Nonando ongawo, opwa li pwa ningwa sha shoka sha tula uukuume wawo moshiponga. " My wife's enthusiasm for discussing Bible topics can be a little overwhelming at times, " says Tony, "and in the past I was reluctant to discuss spiritual subjects with her. Still, something happened. Okuzala nokwiiyopaleka kwetu oku na okuguma ngiini yalwe? Despite the many troubles that Paul experienced, including "dangers from robbers, " he lived by his words, never putting personal security above Scriptural principles. How should our dress and grooming affect others? Okwa hala wu kale wa nyanyukwa sigo aluhe. 8, 9. (a) What changes often occur when a parent lives apart from the family? He wants you to be happy forever. Ihe natango omukwathi gwandje a shiga ko oye "Omusamane gwomimvo, " Jehova Kalunga. What gave rise to the idea that God's Law authorized personal acts of revenge? However, my older wife is "the God of truth. " Omuyapostoli Petrus okwa nyola a ti, "Kristus wo okwa hepekwa omolweni nokwe mú thigile oshiholelwa, opo mu landule ondjila ndjoka a li e yi ende. " (1 Pet. If Joseph had witnessed Jesus ' agony on the torture stake, did that awful scene move him to examine his conscience and finally decide that he ought to take a stand for truth? The apostle Peter wrote: "Christ also suffered for you, for he left you in the way he walked. " Pethimbo mpoka, konyala kehe esiku opwa li oshinima oshipe. Will we be loving and forgiving toward one another? At that time, almost every day was new. 12: 16) Nenge wu kale wa fa omulumentu omuyamba ngoka a li a lombwelwa a landithe po iinima ye ayihe, iimaliwa e te yi pe oohepele e ta landula Jesus. After showing that Paul worked as a tentmaker, the record reveals what his life was centered on: He regularly gave attention to the Christian preaching and teaching work. Or you may be like a rich man who was told to sell everything he had given to do and give him the poor. Gandja oshiholelwa. He became ever more engrossed in studying various offerings and market reports. Illustrate. Molwaashoka oye li oshitopolwa shuuyuni, oshi na uupu ye ki imbwange mumwe naawiliki yopapolotika. (Eh. Since we enjoy spiritual light, what should we do? Because they are part of the world, we will have to join the political leaders. 15: 21 - 28. Thorn, who served as a traveling overseer starting in 1894. 15: 21 - 28. Shoka sha li sha ningilwa Eutikus otashi tu longo shike kombinga yaKalunga? - Otatu ilongo mo kutya Jehova, Tate yetu gwomegulu, ota vulu okuyumudha aasi, mwa kwatelwa aagundjuka. What can we learn from Zechariah's sixth vision? What can we learn about God from the death of our heavenly Father, Jehovah, and our heavenly Father, including young ones. Kayi shi yomuntu gwontumba, yo kayi shi yegongalo lyontumba. (a) What is a key responsibility of the "gifts in men "? It is not a person who is not part of a congregation. Oonzi odhi na okukwathela ngiini aamwahe yaKristus? Jesus himself said that the time would come when "all those in the memorial tombs " would" come out. " - John 5: 28, 29. How should the sheep help Christ's brothers? Mbela shi ihi shi vule oshikwawo? " How should we view our stewardship? Is it more than anything else? " Ngashingeyi onda ninga gwoye. " The man was helped by a Samaritan - an individual who belonged to a people who respected the Mosaic Law but for whom the Jews had contempt. - John 4: 9. Now I have done your right now. " Ngele otwa hogolola Jehova oye a kale Kalunga ketu nokukala tu na eitaalo muye ngaashi David, omashongo nomaupyakadhi itage ke tu shololitha. Overseers set the example in field service (See paragraph 14) When we choose Jehovah to be our God and exercise faith in him, the challenges of life will not be worse. Onda tameke okukala ndu uvite kutya kandi shi we oshitopolwa shotempeli yaShinto. " This feature of the typical Mosaic law strongly foreshadowed the refuge which the sinner may find in Christ, " stated the September 1, 1895, issue. I began to feel that I was no longer part of the Shinto shrine. Shaashi pethimbo mpoka onda li tandi ilongekidhile ekonakono, onda tokola ndi vulike kuyo uule woomwedhi ndatu. What will you do to show your respect for the place where you worship Jehovah? Since I was preparing for a study, I decided to obey them for three months. Jairo oha longitha wo omeho ge a lombwele yalwe kombinga yeitaalo lye. Those two men had evidently belonged to Jehovah at one point, but they later deviated from the truth. Jairo also uses his eyes to tell others about his faith. Sho a popi oohapu ndhoka, Jehova oku uvaneke okuhanagula po ngoka a li a tukula oshipotha muEden. Am I heeding Jesus ' advice to follow him continually? When he said those words, Jehovah promised to destroy the rebellion in Eden. Onkee ano Elia okwi indile ta ti: "" OMUWA, Kalunga kandje, tululula omumati nguka omwenyo. ' " - 1 Aak. " Let us pursue the things making for peace. " - ROM. So Elijah asked: "" You, O Jehovah my God, are my God, and you are my boy. ' " - 1 Ki. " [Kalunga] mu tsikeni iimpwiyu yeni ayihe, oshoka oye omusilishimpwiyu gweni. " Let me explain. " [God] cares for you, because he cares for you. " Kungawo, naamboka ya hepa oya li haya vulu okugandja omayambo nenyanyu kuJehova. Such views usually overlook an important fact: Jehovah God "firmly established " the earth; he" did not create it simply for nothing, [but] formed it even to be inhabited. " Thus, poor and poor were able to offer sacrifices to Jehovah joyfully. Otage tu longo eitaalo, eidhidhimiko, etilokalunga nosho wo uukwatya wulwe. * When we work hard for Jehovah, it helps us to focus on our hope for the future. They exercise faith, patience, and other godly qualities. Oonzapo ndhoka hadhi longo nuudhiginini miilando moka hamu ya oontauki, odhi shi okupandulwa, oshoka oontauki odhindji odhu uvithilwa "oohapu dhOshilongo " oshikando shotango. (Mat. I knew I had found a true brotherhood. The Witnesses who work hard in the cities of refugees are commended because many refugees are preaching the "good news of the Kingdom " for the first time. Kala netaloko ewanawa uuna kaamu uvitathane mondjokana They develop enduring friendships with others who also love and serve the true God. Maintain a Positive View of a Marriage Ombiimbeli inayi tumbula owala omakotampango ngoka. We can likely learn much about the art of initiating conversations by observing how experienced publishers do it. The Bible does not mention only those principles. Ihe shoka hashi hekeleke ndje, okutedhatedha komanyolo gaali ngoka ndi hole. When wrong desire coincides with opportunity, however, the battle can be especially challenging. But that comforted me, meditate on two scriptures that I love. Otashi vulika wu ipule to ti: " Ano onda pumbwa ngaa okukaleka po ondjokana yandje ngele kandi shi shoka tashi ka ningwa po? ' (See opening picture.) You might wonder, " So, then, do I need to keep my marriage up if I don't know what will happen? ' Osha li sha fa Kalunga a dhima po oongamba pokati kiigwana noshidhimitho oshinene. " It appears that while she had some knowledge of Israel's God, it was not to the point of using the words "my God " when referring to Jehovah. It was like God to forgive the people of the most destructive world. " Iha kala aluhe a tegelela gumwe e mu lombwele a ninge shoka shi li mondjila. Be wise, and manifest a positive spirit. He does not always expect anyone to do what is right. Ota ka kala Omusilishimpwiyu, Omugameni, nosho wo Kuume e ku kwathe wu idhidhimikile uupyakadhi woye. - Eks. Clearly, humans were not originally meant to go to heaven. He will be the Provider, Protector, and Friend of you. - Ex. 4 Oshike sha lunduluka shi na ko nasha nuulunde? As Jehovah's people, we are not surprised at the unity we enjoy. 4 The Bible Changes Lives 11 / 1 There are about 8,000,000 Witnesses in more than 115,400 congregations around the world, and the number keeps growing. 11 / 1 Ngaashi Paulus a nyola, " ohaya tonatele oomwenyo dhetu. ' About six years later when Peter was staying in Joppa, he was invited to travel northward to Caesarea to visit the house of Cornelius, an army officer. Like Paul, they " keep watch over our souls. ' Ongiini Aakriste yamwe yonale ya li ya longitha nayi esilohenda lyaKalunga? (See paragraph 18) How did some early Christians use God's undeserved kindness? 3, 4. Likewise today, how do we react if we encounter a point in our Christian publications from "the faithful steward " that is hard to understand or that does not match with our thinking? 3, 4. Mbela oto ka kala wa pepelelwa sho wu na einekelo kutya ote ke ku kwathela? If an elder has a family, he must preside over it in an exemplary way, for "if indeed any man does not know how to preside over his own household, how will he take care of God's congregation? " Will you be relief when you are confident that he will help you? Mokweendela ko kwethimbo, aantu 30 yomuukwanegumbo mboka twa konakona nawo, oye ya moshili. " Until my relief comes, " he says. In time, some 30 individuals we studied the truth, and they came to the truth. Okahanona ohaka lili uuna ka hala okuhekelekwa. Have I progressed beyond basics to maturity, becoming full - grown as a Christian? ' A child will cry out when he will find comfort. Omathimbo gamwe etseyitho ndika olyo lya li oshinenenima esiku alihe. Takuya progressed to the point of becoming a regular pioneer and is now serving at a branch office. Sometimes this announcement was the greatest day of all day. Ngashingeyi oyu uvite uuntsa nuunambano shi vulithe nale, sho ye li oshitopolwa shehangano lyaKalunga. " Moses - "by far the meekest " of all men then alive - once let the rebelliousness of the nation of Israel cause him to lose his temper and fail to give glory to God. They are now very proud of being part of God's organization. " " Onda li nda pumbwa okugalukila kuJehova. " - ELIE KHALIL More than that, they have reflected God's great love. " I needed to turn back from Jehovah. " - ROM. Mbela mboka ya adhika opo ya si otaya ka yumudhwa popepi netameko lyElelo lyaKristus lyOomvula Eyuvi nokuhambelelwa kaaholike yawo? Perhaps you know of similar examples in your congregation. Will those who died to be resurrected to life near the beginning of Christ's Thousand Year Reign and their loved ones? Mbela owu na ngaa olupandu lwomikalo odhindji ndhoka aakuluntugongalo haya longitha mokulitha egongalo? You asked why Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the Kingdom began ruling in the year 1914. Do you appreciate the many ways the elders use in shepherding the congregation? Mbela otu na okuthika pehulithodhiladhilo kutya omahokololo agehe gomOmbiimbeli oge lile po owala oku tu longa sha, ihe itaga thaneke sha shilwe? Jehovah is still inviting people of all nations to be blessed through Abraham's seed. Should we conclude that all of the Bible accounts represent only something else but they do not represent? (Gen. 21: 8 - 12) Abraham okwa vulika kuJehova, e ta pulakene kuSara nokuninga shoka a li a popi. Also available at www.jw.org Abraham obeyed Jehovah, listening to Sarah, and said what he said. (Ef. 2: 1 - 3) Oya fa uudhidhi wu uka mokayaha komagadhi goonyushi e tawu kakatele mo. One reference work says that this phrase is "an expressive way of saying that the Lord is attentive and watchful, always ready to help and to save his people. " They are like a lion that is right and rewarding. Omaukwatya ngoka ombepo ondjapuki hayi imike mutse otagu ulike kutya Onzo yombepo ndjoka, Jehova Kalunga, naye oku na omaukwatya ngoka. After reading another life story in the Awake! Such qualities reveal that the Source of the spirit, Jehovah God, is the one who has qualities. Shika otashi ke tu kwathela tu ninge omatokolo ngoka tage tu kaleke tu na eiyuvo lya yela nokukala twa hokiwa kuKalunga. To the once - enslaved Israelites, he proved to be a Deliverer, a Protector, a Guide, and a Provider who satisfied all their material and spiritual needs. This will help us to make decisions that keep our conscience clean and to gain God's approval. Omolwashike wa hala okukala wu na olukeno noku lu ulika? HISTORY: VIOLENT TEMPER Why do you want to be kind and showing tenderness? Owu uvitile ngiini okugongala kwetu, nowa tokola toko okuninga shike? His words must seem puzzling to them, for the provisions at hand are meager at best - five loaves and two small fish. How do you feel about our meetings, and what are you determined to do? Aamwameme yaali nayo oya landula okwaavulika kwandje. A bad decision could damage our friendship with him. Two sisters joined me. Kambadhala wu kale omudhiginini kutya nduno oonkalo dhoye odha tya ngiini. But we also include practice sessions and games in Lingala so that they can learn this language while having fun. " Try to stay faithful no matter what your circumstances may be. (Gen. 14: 22, 23; Heb. 6: 16, 17) Mbela omanyolo otaga ti shike kombinga yesimano lyokukuningila Kalunga omauvaneko? ▪ Maintain Your Loyalty to God's Kingdom What do the Scriptures say about the glory of God? Tony okwa ti: "Omukulukadhi gwandje oha kala aluhe a hwama okupopya kombinga yiinima yopambepo, nokanda li he kala naanaa nda hala okukundathana naye kombinga yayo molwaashoka osha li hashi kala sha dhigupalela ndje. I have conquered the world. " - John 16: 33. " My wife has always been burning with spiritual discussions about spiritual matters, " says Tony. (Rom. 12: 17, 18) Nonando Paulus naye okwa li a piti moonkalo oondhigu odhindji, mwa kwatelwa " iiponga yaayugi, ' okwa kala metsokumwe noohapu dhe noka li a pititha komeho egameno lye, ihe omakotampango gOmbiimbeli. (2 Kor. If our eyes tend to wander where they should not, let us recall the firm resolve of faithful Job, who made a formal agreement with his own eyes - a firm decision not to give romantic attention to a woman not his own wife. Although Paul had experienced many distressing situations, including "the dangers, " he lived in harmony with his words and principles, not in harmony with his principles, but in harmony with Bible principles. 8, 9. (a) Elunduluko lini hali holoka po uuna omuvali e li kokule noyaandjawo? It was Satan who persuaded Eve to disregard the real value of the wonderful life Jehovah had given her and to disdain His approval. 8, 9. (a) What change arise when a parent is far away from his family? Oshike sha ningitha aantu ya dhiladhile kutya Ompango yaKalunga oya li ya pitika aantu ya shunithile uuwinayi? And that is just what we did. Although we were skeptical, some of us continued attending simply because the Witnesses were so friendly. What has led people to think that God's Law allowed humans to be wicked? 15: 44) Ngele Josef okwe shi mona sho Jesus ta si, eso ndyoka tali uvitha omwenyo omutoye komuti gwomahepeko, mbela shino osho she mu inyengitha i iholole montaneho kutya ye omulongwa gwaJesus? Otashi vulika osho. 4, 5. If Joseph had seen Jesus ' death, the death of death on a torture stake, is this moved him to reason that he was a disciple of Jesus? (Iilonga 24: 15) Mbela otatu ka kala ngaa tu hole ooyakwetu noku ya dhimina po? None of us could ever have paid the ransom that was needed to free us from sin and death. Will we love our neighbor and forgive them? Okwa li ha gandja aluhe eitulomo kiilonga yokuuvitha noyokulonga aantu. Are you still with me? He kept focused on preaching and teaching. Okwa kala ta konakona nkene e na okulanda nokulanditha iipambuliko, nokulongitha iimaliwa mbyoka ta mono mo a lande kehe shimwe shoka a hala. The elder continues: "One day, Graham told me something that touched my heart. She studied how she had selling gold and expensives, using money to buy whatever she wanted. Oshike tu na okuninga sho tatu nyanyukilwa uuyelele wopambepo? What lesson did Job learn, and how can we benefit from his experience? What should we do as we enjoy spiritual light? Thorn okwa kala omutonateli omweendi okuza mo 1894. What could cause us to lose appreciation for all that Jehovah has done for us? Jason has been a traveling overseer from the 18th century. Memoniko etihamano lyaSakaria otatu ilongo mo shike? * What lesson can we learn from Zechariah's sixth vision? Opo ihe Satana " oku umbu Job iitumbuka molutu aluhe. ' Consider the apostle Paul. Then Satan "ripped his hand apart from Job forever. " (a) Aamwatate mboka "ye li omagano " oye na oshinakugwanithwa sha simana shini? 21: 17; Josh. (a) What important responsibility do these brothers "gifts in men " have? Jesus mwene okwa ti kutya ethimbo otali ke ya uuna "ayehe mboka ye li moombila " " taa ka za mo. ' - Johannes 5: 28, 29. He gave them valuable personal counsel and extensive training in the ministry. Jesus himself said that the time will come when "all those in the memorial tombs " will come out. - John 5: 28, 29. Otu na okukala tu uvitile ngiini oshilonga shetu shokuyakula? Other angels later joined in the rebellion and became known as demons. How should we feel about our work? 4: 9. There she would sit beneath a palm tree and serve the people as Jehovah directed. 4: 9. Aakuluntugongalo ohaya tula po oshiholelwa miilonga yomomapya (Tala okatendo 14) Recently, an elder asked him why he waited so long before applying for reinstatement. Elders set an example in the field ministry (See paragraph 14) Oshungolangelo ye 1 Septemba 1895, oya li ya ti kutya "iilandoholameno mbyoka ya popiwa mOmpango yaMoses, oya li tayi thaneke kutya omuntu ngoka a yona ota vulu okumona egameno muKristus. Apr. Working Together With God - A Cause for Rejoicing, Jan. In September 1, 2014, The Watch Tower reported that "the cities of refuge " mentioned in the Mosaic Law represented that a person who sinned in Christ's behalf. Owu na okuninga shike, opo wu ulike kutya owa simaneka ehala mpoka hamu longele Jehova? Did a youth give a heartfelt, well - thought - out comment or share in a part on the midweek meeting program? What can you do to show that you respect the place where you worship Jehovah? Aalumentu mboka yaali oya li haya longele Jehova nale, ihe konima oya zi mo moshili. (2 Tim. Hide yourself for a brief moment until the wrath has passed by. " The two men who served Jehovah were already serving him, but later they left the truth. Ohandi landula ngaa shoka Jesus e tu ladhipika tu ninge? PAGE 22 • SONGS: 91, 39 Do I follow what Jesus encouraged us to do? " Otu na okulalakanena aluhe mbyoka tayi tu kaleke tu na ombili. " - ROM. For the seed of righteousness to bear fruit in a family environment, peaceful conditions in the home are essential. " Let us always pursue peace. " - ROM. Andiya ndi mu kuthile ko kashona. In what sense are the "other sheep " temporary residents? Let me tell you a bit. Aantu mboka ye na omataloko ga tya ngaaka oya nyengwa okumona oshili ya simana: Jehova Kalunga okwa " pameka ' evi; "ine li shita li mbugale, ihe ehala lyokukala aantu. " In addition, for two years he followed a regular schedule of "daily giving talks in the school auditorium of Tyrannus. " Such views are hard to find the truth: Jehovah God " proceeded to bring the earth to the earth "; he" did not create it for humans. " Okulongela Jehova nuudhiginini, ohaku tu kwathele tu kale twa tala ketegameno lyetu lyonakuyiwa. When Jacqueline was 16 years old, she studied biology in school. Serving Jehovah faithfully helps us to focus on our hope for the future. Onda li nda mono kutya ondi imonena aamwatate yashili meitaalo. " Some began to believe the things said; others would not believe. " I realized that I had found true brothers in the faith. Ohaya panga uukuume uuwanawa naamboka ye hole wo Kalunga kashili nohaye mu longele. My wife was baptized in 1994, and I in 1998. They enjoy a friendship with those who love the true God and serve him. Otatu vulu okwiilonga oshindji kaauvithi ya pyokoka sho taya tameke oonkundatha naantu. Jesus trained his disciples by providing personal counsel tailored to their needs. We can learn a lot from experienced publishers when they start communicating with people. (Aaefeso 2: 3) Ohashi kala oshidhigu okukondjitha okahalu, unene tuu ngele opu na ompito yoku ka gwanitha po. Is it some aspect of human relations, such as marriage, raising a family, or nurturing a friendship? It is difficult to resist the desires, especially if there is an opportunity to fulfill it. (Tala kethano lyopetameko.) I was a recluse and felt utterly useless. (See opening picture.) Osha fa shi li ngeyi kutya nonando omuselekadhi nguka okwa li e na ontseyo onshona kombinga yaKalunga kAaisraeli, ka li ta vulu okulongitha uutumbulilo "Kalunga kandje " sho a popi kuJehova. Then he went right on speaking confidently about defeating Goliath, until someone repeated his words to Saul. It seems that even though this widow had little knowledge about God, she could not use the words "God " when he spoke to Jehovah. Kala wu na oondunge e to ulike ombepo ombwanawa. What is one important way in which we can be a source of comfort to others? Be humble and manifest a good spirit. (Episalomi 37: 29) Osha yela kutya aantu kaya li ya shitwa nelalakano lyokuya megulu. " That allowed time to converse beyond just saying a simple greeting. " Clearly, humans were not designed to go to heaven. Tu li aapiya yaJehova, ihatu kala twa kuminwa uukumwe mboka hatu nyanyukilwa. [ Footnote] As servants of Jehovah, we are not surprised by the unity we enjoy. Aantu mboka otayi ihilile po 8 000 000, ye li momagongalo ge vulithe 115 400, kongonga yevi alihe. Omwaalu ngoka otagu tsikile okwiindjipala. Still, the Messianic line came down through neither Reuben nor Joseph. Worldwide, nearly 3,000 congregations of Jehovah's people live in over 400 congregations, seeking the total number. Konima yoomvula hamano sho Petrus a li a kala muJoppe, okwa li a hiwa a ye nondjila yokuumbangalantu u uka kuKesarea a ka talele po egumbo lyaKornelius, omukuluntu gwaakwiita. Can you see how Christians in such situations could be vulnerable to committing adultery? About six years after Peter's life in Ephesus, Peter was invited to go to Caesar's way to visit the city of Nazareth. (Tala okatendo 18) The Israelites were told that if they obeyed Jehovah, they would become his "special property out of all other peoples. " (See paragraph 18) Ohatu inyenge ngiini kunena uuna twa lesha oshinima shontumba shoka kaatu uvite ko nando eta nenge shoka shi li kokule nomadhiladhilo getu miileshomwa mbyoka ya nyanyangidhwa " komumati omwiinekelwa '? When I am thinking, " What can I do to help this person? ' How do we react today when we read something that we do not understand or think far away from our publications that are published in publications "the faithful and discreet slave "? Ngele omukuluntugongalo oku na aanegumbo, oku na okukala e shi okukala nayo nawa "oshoka omulumentu ngoka kee shi, nkene e na okukala naanegumbo lye, ota vulu ngiini okulela egongalo lyaKalunga? " (1 Tim. He turned the exception into a rule, instructing Moses: "In case any man should die without his having a son, you must then cause his inheritance to pass to his daughter. " If an elder has a family, he should be aware of "those who does not know how to treat his family, how can he treat God's congregation? " Okwa ti: "Sigo emanguluko lyandje lya thiki. " Lacking the wisdom and experience of older ones, most young people do not have a long - term view of things and may not be able to discern the consequences of certain actions. " A few years later, " he said, "my gift has arrived. " Mbela onda ninga ngaa ehumokomeho mokukala Omukriste a koka lela pambepo? ' (Ef. After we reasoned with them, they would be satisfied with Jehovah's thinking on matters. Am I making progress by becoming a mature Christian? ' Takuya okwa ningi omahumokomeho sigo a ningi omukokolindjila gwondjigilile. In order to enjoy real peace, we must feel safe and have a sense of well - being. Jehoshaphat made progress until he became a regular pioneer. Uunashipotha woshigwana shaIsraeli oshikando shimwe owa li wa ningitha Moses ngoka a li "omwiifupipiki e vule aantu ayehe kombanda yevi, " a nyengwe okupangela ongeyo ye nokaa gandje we esimano kuKalunga. For example, thousands are baptized each year, so some still need to grow to maturity. When dealing with the nation of Israel, Moses once made Moses "the one who was superior to all the earth, " and he" gave up all his anger and glory to God. " Kakele kaashono, oonkatu ndhoka a katuka odhu ulika ohole onene ye. 22: 9. Moreover, he took steps to show his great love. Otashi vulika wu shi yamwe megongalo lyeni mboka nayo taya ningi sha faathana. • The invitation to "come " is extended to whom? You may know of some in your congregation who are doing the same. Mokuninga ngaaka, itatu ka kaleka po owala ohole nosho wo uukumwe megongalo, ihe otatu ka nyanyukilwa uumwayinathana wopaKriste pakuudha. They, however, offer no sure hope for a better future. - Ps. By doing so, we will not only become more loving and united in the congregation but we will enjoy the full - time Christian brotherhood. Owa li wa pula kutya omolwashike Oonzapo dhaJehova dhi itaala kutya Uukwaniilwa owa li wa tameke okupangela momumvo 1914. David might have concluded that Solomon was not qualified to oversee such an important project. You asked why Jehovah's Witnesses believed that the Kingdom began ruling in 1914. Jehova onkee ngaa ta hiya aantu yomiigwana ayihe ye ye ya mone omayambeko okupitila moluvalo lwaAbraham. In such a case, we should avoid speculating about things that simply cannot be answered, lest we get involved in debating "questions for research rather than a dispensing of anything by God in connection with faith. " However, Jehovah invites people from all nations to benefit from Abraham's seed. Oli li wo kepandja lyetu lyokointaneta, www.jw.org / ng But God does not want those who worship him to feel that way about him. Also available at www.jw.org Embo limwe lyomauyelele olya ti kutya uutumbulilo mboka "owa hala okutya Omuwa oha kala ta gandja eitulomo koshigwana she noku shi tonatela noha kala aluhe i ilongekidha oku shi kwathela noku shi hupitha. " (Read 2 Corinthians 1: 3, 4.) One reference work says that the expression "Jehovah is focusing attention on his people ' and that he is ready to help and protect it. " Konima sho nda lesha ishewe moshifo sho - Awake! How did early Christians view congregation meetings? After reading Awake! Okwa li a ningi Omuhupithi, Omugameni, Omuwiliki nosho wo Omusilishimpwiyu gwAaisraeli mboka ya li muupika. Okwa li wo e ya gwanithile po oompumbwe dhawo dhopalutu nodhopambepo. Thus began my lifelong habit of reading God's Word. He became a Leader, a Leader, and the high priest of Israel's highest temple, and he cared for their physical needs and physical needs. ONDJOKONONA ONDA LI OMUHAHU I thought that death ends everything - that no future exists for the dead. " - Fernando. HISTORY: SELF - CONTROL Otashi vulika ya li ya limbililwa oohapu ndhoka, oshoka iikulya mbyoka ya li po oya li iishona noonkondo, ano iikwiila itano noohi mbali. If so, when? They may have wondered about those words, for the food they had suffered was very smaller than two bread and bread. Sho nda tameke okuya kokugongala kwOonzapo dhaJehova, onda kala handi ku nyanyukilwa unene shi vulithe okukala pamwe naantu mboka hatu dhana nayo oomuvi. Are you humble enough to accept sound advice? When I started attending the meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses, I enjoyed spending more time with people who were in movies. Omanga etokolo ewinayi tali vulu okuteya po uukuume wetu naye. No matter how long we have been serving Jehovah, each of us can ask: " Are there changes that I can make to imitate Jesus more closely? Before making a bad decision, a bad decision could weaken our friendship with him. Uuna tatu ningi iinima yilwe yopambepo notatu dhana omaudhano gontumba, otwa li hatu longitha elaka lyOshilingala, opo tu ya kwathele yi ilonge elaka momukalo tagu nyanyudha. " And he inspired the apostle Paul to write to the Hebrew Christians in the first century: "Keep praying for us, for we trust we have an honest conscience, as we wish to conduct ourselves honestly in all things. " - Hebrews 13: 18. When we do other things and play certain games, we used the tongue to help them learn the language in a positive way. " ▪ Tsikila okwaambidhidha nuudhiginini Uukwaniilwa waKalunga * ▪ Keep active in God's Kingdom Okwa ti: "Inamu tila, ngame onda sinda uuyuni! " - Johannes 16: 33. Encouraging Reports and Heartwarming Interviews " Do not be afraid, " he said. - John 16: 33. Okwa li a tokola toko kaa tale nando nokahalu omukiintu ngoka kee shi omukulukadhi gwe. (Job 31: 1) Omukwaniilwa David naye okwa li a ningi etokolo lya faathana. Okwa ti: "Omeho gandje inandi hala oku ga talitha iinima yisitha ohoni. " Strive for balance, setting reasonable boundaries to protect your marriage, while remaining cooperative with the other parent to the extent possible. He was determined never to look at a woman who did not know her wife, King David. Satana oye a li a ningitha Eva a kale a dhina onkalamwenyo yashili ndjoka Jehova a li e mu pa nokwa li inaa hokiwa we kuJehova. And if God prevented all forms of oppression for everyone, would he not be responsible for an even greater falsehood? Satan seduced Eve into accepting the true life that Jehovah had given him and that he did not favor Jehovah. Nonando otwa li tu na omalimbililo, yamwe yomutse oya tsikile okukala haya yi ko, ihe omolwaashoka owala Oonzapo dha li hadhi kala dhi na ombili natse. What should you do if you feel that you have a weak voice or perhaps a voice that is too high - pitched? Although we have no doubt, some of us continue to stay there, but because they were Witnesses of peace with us. 4, 5. And it definitely is not a mere jog with frequent idle moments. 4, 5. Kapu na gumwe gwomutse ta vulu okugandja ekuliloyambo ndyoka lya li lya pumbiwa, opo tu mangululwe mo muulunde neso. The Bible states: "Each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire. None of us can offer a ransom that was needed to release from sin and death. Otu li ngaa pamwe ndi shi sigo oompano? Pride separates people. Are we with me so far? Omukuluntugongalo okwa tsikile ko a ti: "Esiku limwe, Graham okwa lombwele ndje oshinima shoka sha guma omutima gwandje. What are some activities that you look forward to taking part in when this old system of things is gone? The elder continued: "One day, he told me something that affected my heart. Oshiilongomwa shini Job a li i ilongo, nongiini tatu vulu okumona mo uuwanawa moshimoniwa she? This will highlight for you the main points that you should look for as you read and study the article. What lesson did Job learn, and how can we benefit from his experience? Oshike tashi vulu oku tu ningitha tu kale ihaatu pandula Jehova omolwomayambeko ngoka e tu pa? Such informal settings may help adolescents feel at ease and more inclined to open up. What can cause us to maintain our appreciation for Jehovah's blessing? * Because the Israelites left Jehovah to serve other gods, Jehovah abandoned them to their enemies. * Dhiladhila komuyapostoli Paulus. (Read Psalm 16: 10.) Think of the apostle Paul. 21: 17; Jos. How has Satan made clever use of false religion in misleading people, and heeding what warning will help us to avoid being misled? 21: 17; Josh. (Mat. 11: 1; 20: 17) Okwa li e ya pe paumwene omayele noku ya dheula lela muukalele. (Mat. Get More From Reading the Bible, No. He gave them personal advice and training in the ministry. Kungeyi, okwa ningi Satana, ndyoka tali ti "Omupataneki. " Therefore, make yourself available, not just for the first few days when many friends and relatives are present, but in subsequent months when others have returned to their normal routine. He thus became Satan, which means "Resister. " Okwa li ha kuutumba momulunga, ta yakula aantu ngaashi Jehova e mu lombwela. What improvements have been made in the new songbook, and how can you make the best use of it? He sat down a bag, such as serving Jehovah to tell him. Omathimbo opo ga zi ko, okwa pulwa komukuluntugongalo kutya omolwashike she mu pula olule a galuke. 3, 4. (a) When did the Law covenant go into effect, and what did the nation of Israel agree to do? In recent times, an elder asked why he had moved him back to life. Mbela aagundjuka ohaya gandja ngaa omatyokosha omawanawa taga zi komutima nohaya kutha ngaa ombinga pokugongala kwomokati koshiwike? Just as Jehovah and Jesus always speak the truth, so Paul always meant what he said. Do young ones give warm comments from heart and share in congregation meetings week? Holameni okathimbo, manga ondjahi yaKalunga tayi pitilile po. " He recalls: "Worldly people admired me because I was full of initiative and was able to complete each assigned task. To illustrate: A brief time before God's wrath breaks down. " EPANDJA 22 • OMAIMBILO: 91, 39 As Christians, we know we are living in the time of the end. PAGE 22 • SONGS: 91, 39 Opo iilyo yuukwanegumbo yi ye moshili osha simanenena tu kale tu na ombili nayo. Did the supplication of the righteous man Moses have "much force " in Aaron's case? For family members to come into the truth, it is vital that we have peace with them. Omeityo lini " oonzi dhilwe ' dhi li aakwiilongo muuyuni mbuka? An olive tree's roots stretch far beneath the ground, and the tree can be restored even if the trunk has been destroyed. In what sense are the "other sheep " temporary residents? Oshikwawo, oomvula adhihe mbali " okwa kala ha kundathana nayo esiku kehe mosikola yaTirannus. ' (Iil. What does that mean? In addition, at least two years, he "kept sharing in school each day with them. " Sho Jacqueline a li e na oomvula 16, okwa li e na oshilongwa moka hayi ilongo kombinga yaantu, iinamwenyo niimeno mosikola. (b) How can elders help others regain their strength and joy? When she was 16, she was 16 years old and she learned about the animals, living in school. Konima yaashoka, Paulus okwa li a " kundathana naayehe mboka ya li ye ya oku mu talela po. Build your faith by studying his Word. Later, Paul " discuss all those who were visiting him. Omukulukadhi gwandje okwa li a ninginithwa mo 1994, nangame onda ka ninginithwa mo 1998. " The only one who really knows the Father is the Son. My wife was baptized in 1994, and I got baptized in 1998. Jesus okwa li a dheula aalongwa ye moku ya pa omayele ngoka tago opalele oompumbwe dhawo pethimbo lyo opala. By those words, Satan not only asserted that God is a liar but also implied that God's way of governing is unjust. Jesus trained his disciples by giving appropriate advice at the right time. Mbela ondjokana, okuputudha aamwoye nenge okukoleka ekwatathano lyoye nookuume? Marcus: Precisely - and not just for a short time. Is marriage important to your children or to strengthen your relationship with friends? Onda li ndi wete kaandi na oshilonga. [ 1] (paragraph 5) Names have been changed. I felt worthless. Opo ihe David okwa popi nomukumo kombinga yokudhenga Goliat, nomuntu gumwe okwa thikitha oohapu ndhoka kuSaul. What Bible verses helped? Then David spoke about Goliath, a man who delivered the words of Saul. Omomukalo gumwe guni gwa simana tatu vulu okuhekeleka yalwe? Reap Blessings Through God's Spirit - Guided King! What is one important way to comfort others? Shono osha kala hashi tu pe ethimbo lyokupopya nayo, pehala owala lyoku ya popitha. " Surprisingly, not all the skeptics are secular. It took time to talk to them rather than to greet them. " [ Enyolo lyopevi] How did he maintain balance and emotional stability under those trying circumstances? [ Footnote] 5: 1, 2) Nonando ongawo, Mesiasa ina za moluvalo lwaReuben nenge lwaJosef. The heartfelt desire of these anointed brothers is to fulfill their responsibility loyally so that they might hear a "well done " from the Master when he finally arrives. However, the Messiah did not come from Joseph's descendant Joseph or Joseph. Mbela otu wete nee nkene Aakriste tashi vulika ya makelwe ya yone ondjokana? As servants of Jehovah, we certainly do not search for tempting situations that could lead to immoral sexual behavior. Do we see how Christians might be tempted to commit adultery? Jehova okwa li a lombwele oshigwana shaIsraeli kutya ngele otashi vulika kuye, otashi ka ninga " aantu ye mwene ya hogololwa. ' Had he done so, he would not have "refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter, choosing to be mistreated with the people of God rather than to have the temporary enjoyment of sin. " Jehovah told the nation of Israel that if possible, he would become "a chosen people. " Uuna tandi dhiladhila kutya " oshike tandi vulu okuninga opo ndi kwathele omuntu nguka, ' ohandi kala nda nyanyukwa. " Paul's guard also changes regularly. When I think about what I can do to help this person, I'm happy to be happy. " Shoka a yamukula aakadhona mboka, okwe shi ningi ompango sho a lombwele Moses a ti: "Ngele oku na omuntu ta si ye ke na aanona aamati, omwana omukadhona na thigulule eliko lye. " (Num. 27: 6 - 8; Jos. What affected Cain's ability to make a wise decision, and with what result? What he said to the foolish virgins when he said to Moses: "If a man dies, he must die for his son and daughter. " Omolwuunongo nowino yaakuluntu ndjoka aagundjuka oyendji ihaaya kala ye na, oyendji ihaya dhiladhila kiilanduliko yoonkatu dhawo. How, though, can we make sure that our hearts remain open so that we can benefit from Jesus ' teaching? In wisdom and wisdom, many young people do not think of the consequences of their actions. Konima ngele twe ya yelithile oshinima nawa, ohaya kala ya mbilipalelwa komukalo ngoka Jehova ha dhiladhila kombinga yasho. According to the scripture quoted at the outset, Jehovah draws people to him. After we explain the matter, they find satisfaction in the way Jehovah thinks about it. Otwa pumbwa okukala twa gundjila pamadhiladhilo notu uvite twa gamenwa. Today the Arch of Titus is much admired by the hundreds of thousands of people each year who visit the Roman Forum. We need to keep calm and feel secure. Pashiholelwa, aantu omayuvi ohaya ninginithwa omumvo kehe, ihe opu na yamwe natango ya pumbwa okukoka. 27: 11. For example, thousands get baptized each year, but some still need to grow older. 22: 9. MATTHEW 24: 6, 7; REVELATION 6: 4 22: 9. • Ehiyo kutya "Ila " olyu ukithwa koolye? For example, the Bible includes a law prohibiting bribery in judicial cases, showing that the practice was already well - known over 3,500 years ago. • What are the invitation to "come "? Kungawo, itaya pe aantu etegameno lya sha lyonakuyiwa. - Eps. Elders and ministerial servants show honor to others. Thus they do not give people hope for the future. - Ps. David otashi vulika a li a thiki pehulithodhiladhilo kutya Salomo ita vulu okutonatela iilonga ya simana yi thike mpoka. (See John 2: 11.) Jesus is presented as a naughty, irascible, vindictive child, who uses his miraculous powers to take revenge on teachers, neighbors, and other children, some of whom he blinds, cripples, or even kills. David may conclude that Solomon could not neglect such important work. Omolwoshinima shoka, otu na okuyanda okukala hatu tengeneke kombinga yiinima mbyoka kaa tu shi omayamukulo gayo, notayi vulu " okweeta omaludhi, yo inayi opalela edhiladhilo lyaKalunga, ndyoka tali tseyika mokwiitaala. ' (1 Tim. 1: 4; 2 Tim. 2: 23; Tit. Why should we prayerfully consider the effects of our conduct? For that reason, we must avoid telling about such issues as "the things that are acceptable and acceptable to God, not according to the idea of faith. " (Omuuvithi 12: 13) Uushili owo kutya Kalunga ina hala mboka taye mu longele ya kale haye mu tila momukalo ngoka. As he counts down to the end of the present system of things, we can be sure that everything Jehovah has purposed will take place at his appointed time, to the very "day and hour. " - Matt. 24: 36; read Habakkuk 2: 3. Of course, God does not want those who worship him to fear him in a way that they fear him. (Lesha 2 Aakorinto 1: 3, 4.) 8: 12, 22, 30, 31. (Read 2 Corinthians 1: 3, 4.) Aakriste yopetameko oya li ya tala ko ngiini okugongala kwegongalo? Benefiting From the Ransom How did early Christians view congregation meetings? Kungawo, osha ningi omukalondjigilile gwandje gwokulesha Oohapu dhaKalunga monkalamwenyo yandje. When David learned that Bath - sheba was pregnant, he had her husband, Uriah, brought back to Jerusalem in hopes that he would have sexual relations with her. Thus, it became my custom to read God's Word in my life. Onda li handi dhiladhila kutya ngele omuntu a si opuwo ngawo, ke na we etegameno lyasha. " When imperfect humans express such emotions, however, we immediately understand their feelings because we too are mere humans. I thought that if a person died, he had no hope. " Ngele osho, uunake? And their words can be so hurtful, " says Cristina, who is 18 years old. If so, when? Mbela oho taamba ko omayele neifupipiko? Indeed, unity in goals and activities strengthens a marriage. Do you humbly accept counsel? Kutya nduno otwa kala tatu longele Jehova uule woomvula dhi thike peni, kehe gumwe gwomutse ni ipule ta ti: " Mbela opu na omalunduluko ngoka ndi na okuninga, opo ndi holele lela Jesus? Shirley: I have a few more minutes. Whether we have been serving Jehovah for years, each of us should ask himself: " Do I really need to make changes in order to imitate Jesus? (Titus 1: 2) Okwa nwetha mo omuyapostoli Paulus a nyolele Aakriste Aahebeli mboka ya li ko omimvo 2 000 dha ka pita ta ti: "Dhiginineni oku tu galikanena. Tse otu na eiyuvo lya yela, oshoka otwa hala aluhe okulonga shoka shi li mondjila. " - Aahebeli 13: 18. One change I needed to make was in my associations. He inspired the apostle Paul to write to the Hebrew Christians in the first century: "Let us pray continually, because we want to do what is right. " - Hebrews 13: 18. * Bless Jehovah, all you armies of his, you ministers of his, doing his will. " * Oolopota tadhi tsu omukumo nosho wo omapulapulo taga nyanyudha How, though, does God discipline us? The report encouraging and exciting ideas Kala wu na ondjele nokutula po ongamba yi li pandjele opo wu gamene ondjokana yoye, omanga to longele natango kumwe nawa nomuvali gwokanona keni. Abel did offer a living, breathing creature, shedding its precious lifeblood. Be reasonable and reasonable in order to protect your marriage while you are still cooperating with your parent. Nongele ando Kalunga okwa keelelele aantu kaaya thindilwe nando kongudhi, andola shoka inashi etitha oye a kale omupopi gwiifundja yi vule po? Archival research has long played a role in the outworking of Jehovah's purpose. And if God had prevented humans from being oppressed, would that not happen? Oshike to vulu okuninga po, ngele owu wete kutya ewi lyoye inali kola nenge li li muule unene? (b) In what way " is our song about a king, ' and how does our tongue become like a stylus? What can you do if you feel that your voice is not strong or too strong? Tse natango, itatu matuka ngaashi omuntu ngoka ta nyanya ye ha thikama po manga. They needed their bread desperately, just like we, because they were hungry. We are yet not following a person who is standing before him while he is standing before him. Ombiimbeli otayi ti: "Omuntu oha makelwa kuuhalu we mwene, mboka tau mu hekaheka e tau mu yulu. What active role did God's Son play in Israel? " A man is tempted by his own desires, " states the Bible. Uuntsa ohawu topola aantu. Jehovah also lovingly provided humans with a beautiful home containing everything necessary for their happiness. Pride hinders people. Iilonga yimwe yini wa hala oku ka longa ngele uuyuni mbuka uukulu wa hanagulwa po? Such conflict can make you feel guilty, especially because you love your relatives dearly and have always tried to please them. What work would you like to teach if this old world is destroyed? Osha yela kutya omukwatelikomeho gwOshungolangelo oku na natango okukala ha pula omapulo geendululo pehulilo. Babylon is pictured both by the head of the image in the book of Daniel and by the third head of the wild beast described in Revelation. Clearly, the Watchtower Study should still be applied to the Watchtower Study. Poompito ndhoka, aamwoye otashi vulika ya kale yu uvite ya manguluka okupopya shoka yu uvite. 4: 8 - 31. In those cases, your children may feel comfortable expressing their feelings. (Aatokolihapu 5: 8) Molwaashoka Aaisraeli oya li ye etha po Jehova, ya ka longele iikalunga, Jehova okwe ye ethele miikaha yaatondi yawo. I had also just given my first talk at a district convention. Because the Israelites had abandoned Jehovah, they did not worship false gods, Jehovah had abandoned their enemies. (Lesha Omapisalomi 16: 10.) Alert to the difficulties that can arise when surgery is needed, Louise talks to the surgeons, the anesthesiologists, and the management team beforehand to explain her decisions regarding nonblood medical procedures. (Read Psalm 16: 10.) Psarras), Apl. Osha kala eyambeko kungame, okulonga pamwe naalumentu ye na uupambepo uuwanawa (D. Sinclair), Sept. Whether literal or not, the scourge will silence terrifying threats. inheritance, Oct. A blessing has been a blessing to me, working along with men who are spiritual men, No. Satana okwa longitha ngiini omalongelokalunga giifundja opo a pukithe aantu, notu na okuvulika kelondodho lini? Nothing seems to work. How has Satan used false religion to mislead people, and what warning should we obey? Okumona iihuna, No. • In what ways can we avoid grieving the holy spirit? Suffering, No. Owa pumbwa wo oku mu hekeleka nomoomwedhi tadhi landula ko, uuna aantu ya shuna komagumbo gawo. Reactions may range from sorrow, sadness, or shame to feeling motivated, challenged, and involved. You also need comfort and comfort by following the following months when people return home. Omalunduluko geni ga ningwa membo epe lyomaimbilo, nongiini to vulu oku li longitha wu mone mo uuwanawa? When he was reproached, how did faith help him to appreciate his privileges of service? What adjustments made in the new songbook, and how can you benefit from it? 3, 4. (a) Ehangano lyOmpango olya li lya tulwa miilonga uunake, noshigwana shaIsraeli osha li sha zimine okuninga shike? Eden was already ancient history. 3, 4. (a) When was the Law covenant appointed, and what did the nation respond? Ngaashi owala Jesus Kristus naJehova Kalunga haya popi oshili, Paulus naye okwa li aluhe ha kala metsokumwe naashoka a popya. (2 Kor. The Kingdom is based on an unshakable foundation - Jehovah's absolute right to rule. Just as Jesus Christ, Jehovah God spoke the truth, and Paul always lived in harmony with what he said. Aauvithi oyendji oye shi mona kutya ngele oyi itulile po omalalakano ngoka taya vulu okugwanitha po, ohaya nyanyukilwa uukalele. Instead, it clearly states that rather than being immortal, human souls who sin can be "destroyed " and" shall die. " Many publishers have found that if they set goals that they can accomplish, they enjoy the ministry. " Inekela Omuwa e to longo uuwanawa, " Jan. What, though, about all the other corrupt organizations? " Trust in Jehovah and do what is good, " Jan. Okwa ti: "Aantu yomuuyuni oya li ya simaneka ndje molwaashoka onda li ndi na ontseyo oyindji nonda li handi vulu okugwanitha po oshilonga kehe nda pula ndi ninge. Surely, each one of us will want to organize his affairs so as to attend and benefit from every session of each convention. - Prov. " People in the world respected me because I had a lot of knowledge and could fulfill whatever I asked. Tu li Aakriste otu shi shi kutya otu li pethimbo lyehulilo. I was next assigned to the Service Department, which deals with the oversight of the preaching work in a country. As Christians, we know that we are living in the time of the end. (Deut. 9: 19, 20) Mbela egalikano lyaMoses olya li "li na oonkondo " moshinima shaAaron? Do research. Did Moses ' prayer have "the power of Aaron "? Omidhi dhadho ohadhi mene dha ya mevi muule. As heavenly King, Jesus will undo the damage - including sickness, aging, and death - that resulted when humans rebelled against Jehovah, "the source of life. " The lamb begins to grow in the ground. Shoka osha hala okutya shike? She noticed John's injured finger and offered to help. What does that mean? (b) Aakuluntugongalo otaya vulu ngiini okukwathela yalwe ya kale ishewe ye na oonkondo nosho wo enyanyu? At times I felt emotionally suffocated by such repeated comments. (b) How can elders help others to regain strength and joy? Koleka eitaalo lyoye mokukonakona Oohapu dhe. The address can be found on www.jw.org. Strengthen your faith by studying his Word. Shoka Jesus a longo aantu kombinga yaKalunga " Time and unforeseen occurrence " befall us all. What Jesus Taught About God Sho a popi oohapu ndhoka, Satana ina tya owala kutya Kalunga omufundja, ihe okwa ti wo kutya omukalo gwaKalunga gwokupangela kagu li pauyuuki. Consider six features of the Kingdom that guarantee this. When he said those words, Satan did not only claim that God was a liar but also that he also said that God's way of ruling was unfair. Marcus: Osho naanaa, ihe itaya kala ko owala okathimbo okashona. Because they failed to keep exercising faith in Jehovah's promises. Marcus: That's true, but not just a little boy. [ 1] (Okatendo 5) Ngoka hago omadhina gawo. A key step came when my girlfriend and I legalized our marriage. [ 1] (paragraph 5) Names have been changed. Omanyolo geni ge mu kwathele? For example, many Gilead - trained missionaries stay in their foreign assignment for several years before going back to their country of origin for a visit. What scriptures helped him? Pethimbo ndika lyuunongononi, oyendji otaya dhiladhila kutya omahokololo ga tya ngawo oongano dhowala. (See opening picture.) During this time, many people think that such stories are empty. (2 Kor. 11: 23 - 28) Oshike sha li she mu kwathele a kale nondjele noku ngungumaneke omaiyuvo ge sho a li moonkalo ndhoka oondhigu? Explain. What helped him to be reasonable and to correct his feelings during difficult times? Omauwanawa ngoka oge li omagano ga za kuKalunga ngoka tage tu kwathele tu kale aayapuki sho tatu mu longele. We may need to help him to read well. Such benefits are a gift from God that helps us to be holy in our worship. Aamwatate mbaka aagwayekwa oya halelela nomutima aguhe okugwanitha po oshinakugwanithwa shawo nuudhiginini opo ye ku uve Omuwa gwawo te ya pandula uuna e ya e ta ti: "Iyaloo. " Medical researchers have long recognized the curative value of positive thinking. These anointed brothers are eager to fulfill their assignment so that they can hear their Lord and say: "That is good for you. " Tu li aapiya yaJehova katu na okukambadhala okukonga oonkalo ndhoka tadhi vulu oku tu fala moluhondelo. (b) Relate an example. As servants of Jehovah, we should not try to look for situations that could lead us to commit adultery. Okwa ningi shike? Ombiimbeli otayi ti: " Okwa tindi kutya ye ke shi omuna gwomukadhona omuna gwaFarao. Oye okwa hogolola po okuhepekwa pamwe naantu yaKalunga ye ina zimina uutoye wuulunde wokathimbo kowala. ' For example, think about how Jehovah delivered Abraham's nephew Lot and his family when He brought about the destruction of Sodom, the city where they lived. What did the Bible say: "He refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter, and he chose to be ill - treated with the people of God rather than to accept the temporary enjoyment of sin. " Aalangeli yaPaulus nayo oya li haya kulilathana mo aluhe miilonga. AS THE last days near their end, the wicked continue to "sprout like weeds. " Paul's brothers were also deeply affected by their actions. Oshike sha li sha ningitha Kain kaa ninge etokolo lyopandunge, noshizemo osha li shini? We can learn another lesson from this. What made Cain wise, and with what result? Otatu vulu ngiini okulongekidha omitima dhetu, opo tu mone uuwanawa melongo lyaJesus? 11, 12. (a) What can young ones do to prepare to give a witness? How can we prepare our heart to benefit from Jesus ' teaching? Pakupopya kwenyolo ndyoka li li petameko, Jehova ohe eta aantu kuye. Have some in your area experienced "shipwreck of their faith " after choosing a particular type of employment? According to the original text, Jehovah draws people to him. Kunena aantu oyendjiyendji mboka haya ka talela po kuRoma omumvo kehe, oye hole oku ka tala ondhimbuluthofano yaTitus. As a protection from their influence, the apostle Paul urged Timothy to " continue in the things that he had learned from infancy through the holy writings ' provided by God. - 2 Timothy 3: 14, 15. Today, thousands of people visit Rome each year in Rome love him. 27: 11. Why not? 27: 11. MATEUS 24: 6, 7; EHOLOLO 6: 4 On the other hand, the tribes of Reuben, Dan, and Asher were each singled out at Judges 5: 15 - 17 for giving more attention to their own material interests - as represented by their flocks, ships, and harbors - than to the work that Jehovah was having done. MATTHEW 24: 6, 7; REVELATION 6: 4 Pashiholelwa, mOmbiimbeli omu na ompango yi indika okugandja oombumbo miipotha yopampangu, shoka tashi ulike kutya uulingilingi owa kala wu shiwike nale oomvula 3 500 dha ka pita. " High Places, " 8 / 1 Holy Spirit, 10 / 1 For example, the Bible contains a law that determines whether corruption has been known by some 3,500 years earlier. Aakuluntugongalo naayakuligongalo oye na okukala ya simaneka yalwe. How does Jesus ' shed blood affect the damaged relationship between God and sinful mankind? Elders and ministerial servants must respect others. (Tala Johannes 2: 11) Jesus ota popiwa e li okanona okapote, okageyentu, ke na iikonene nohaka longitha oonkondo dhokulonga iikumithalonga okushunithila aalongi uuwinayi, aashiinda naanona ooyakwawo, yamwe yomuyo oke ya posipaleke, yamwe oke ya lemaneke nayalwe oke ya dhipaga nokuli. If this occurs, elders do well to remember Jesus ' words: "Keep on asking [or praying], and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you. " (See footnote.) Jesus is referred to as a child, and he used power to perform mighty miracles, some of his neighbors, and some of them kill others. Omolwashike tu na okukonakona pamwe negalikano nkene eihumbato lyetu tali vulu okuguma yalwe? [ Picture on page 6] Why should we study prayerfully and prayerfully how our conduct can affect others? Onkee ano, sho tu uka pehulilo lyuuyuni mbuka waSatana, natu kaleni nuushili kutya "esiku notundi " ndjoka Jehova ta ka gwanitha po elalakano lye, itali ka shelelelwa. - Mat. 24: 36; lesha Habakuk 2: 3. Eventually, they may start to neglect the more important things involving family, friends, and congregation. Hence, in the end of Satan's system, we can be sure that "the day and hour " will not delay. - Matt. 24: 24; read Habakkuk 2: 3. 8: 12, 22, 30, 31. Why, planets in our solar system travel in orbits around the sun as though they were humbly obeying traffic laws! 8: 12, 30, 30, 31. Nkene tatu mono uuwanawa mekulilo (b) How can God's humility make one "great "? How We Benefit From the Ransom Sho David u uvu kutya Batseba omusimba, okwa tumu elaka kolugodhi opo Urija, omusamane gwaBatseba e ye kuJerusalem opo ando a lale nomukadhi. One complication is that some with whom you once associated may be puzzled at your new way of life and may " speak abusively of you. ' When David heard that Bath - sheba, he sent the woman to Jerusalem to Jerusalem and his wife. Ihe ngele aantu mboka inaaya gwanenena taya popi omaiyuvo ga tya ngaaka, ohatu yu uvu ko nziya, oshoka natse aantu twe ya fa. 3, 4. (a) Where do we find the Tetragrammaton? But when imperfect humans express such feelings, we quickly understand them quickly because we are like us. OMUMWAMEME Cristina, ngoka e na omimvo 18 okwa ti: "Aavali yandje inaya tsa ndje omukumo nando onale, ihe ohayu ula ndje owala omalaka omawinayina ngoka hage ehameke ndje noonkondo. What should we do "day after day, " and why? " My parents did not give up on me, " says a 18 - year - old sister named Cristina, who is 18 years old. Dhoshili, okukala mu na omalalakano nomaipyakidhilo ga faathana ohaku koleke ondjokana. (Omuuv. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Of course, having goals and leisure activities strengthen a marriage. Shirley: Ondi na ko ngaa ominute dhontumba. In his love, Jehovah has made his Word, the Bible, available in hundreds of languages so that " all sorts of people may come to an accurate knowledge of the truth. ' Shirley: I have a few minutes. Elunduluko limwe ndyoka nda li nda pumbwa okuninga olya li li na ko nasha neendathano lyandje nayalwe. God even tells us to pray about those who have authority so that we can worship him in peace. One adjustment that I needed was to do about my association with others. Hambeleleni OMUWA, ne oonakukala megulu; aapiya ye amuhe mbo hamu gwanitha ehalo lye. " 17, 18. (a) Review six covenants that we have considered and that relate to the Kingdom. (b) Why can we have unshakable faith in the Kingdom? Hail Jehovah, you are in heaven; all of his servants are willing to do his will. " Kalunga ohe tu pukulula ngiini? (a) What did Paul mean when he wrote: "We are fellow workers for your joy "? How does God discipline us? Abel okwa li a yamba oshinamwenyo nosho wo ombinzi yasho yi na ondilo. We should recognize our sinfulness, repent of our errors, earnestly beseech Jehovah for forgiveness, and ask him to create in us a pure heart. Abel offered animal blood and blood. Okukonga omauyelele miinima yopandjokonona okwa kala taku dhana onkandangala ya simana mokugwanithwa po kwelalakano lyaJehova. They had to travel without him north through an area notorious for bandits. Doing research has played an important role in fulfilling Jehovah's purpose. (b) Omomukalo guni " ondjimbo yetu tayi popi kombinga yomukwaniilwa, ' nongiini elaka lyetu hali kala lya fa opena yomunyoli onkulungu? When the Roman Empire called on people to participate in a census, Joseph and Mary complied. (b) In what way is our " talking about the King, " and how does our language become like a skilled teacher? Oya li ya pumbwa lela iikulya ngaashi naanaa tse, molwaashoka oya li ya sa ondjala. Alonso was a slave of a different sort. They needed food just as we did, for they were hungry. Onkandangala yini Omwana gwaKalunga a li a dhana muIsraeli? Just as we can use a mirror to check our physical appearance, so we can use the Bible to check our inner person and correct any defects we might find. What role did God's Son play in Israel? Jehova oku ulike wo ohole ye sho a pe aantu ehala ewanawa li na kehe shimwe ya pumbwa opo ya kale ya nyanyukwa. (Gen. As you realize, though, the abilities of our young people are highly valued in the world. Jehovah also showed his love for mankind by giving people everything they need to enjoy happiness. Uuna pwa holoka okwaauvathana, otashi vulika wu kale wu uvite ondjo, molwaashono owu hole noonkondo aakwanezimo yoye noho kambadhala aluhe oku ya nyanyudha. Those verses reminded her that making Jehovah happy is what is most important. When difficulties arise, you may feel guilty because you love your relatives and try to make them happy. Babilonia okwa thanekwa membo lyaDaniel komutse gwoshiyelekela nokomutse omutitatu gwoshilikama shoka sha popiwa mEhololo. If they disobey, they will be left to decide for themselves what is good... and what is not good. " Babylon is depicted in the book of Daniel and the head of the wild beast of Revelation. 4: 8 - 31. And as noted, the firstborn's right was transferred from Reuben to Joseph. 4: 8 - 31. Onda li wo opo nda gandja oshipopiwa shandje shotango poshigongi shoshitopolwa. It was especially faith - strengthening to me to visit in some countries those who had spent years - even decades - in prisons and concentration camps because of their faithful obedience to Jehovah. I also gave my first talk at a convention. Molwaashoka Louise oku shi uupyakadhi mboka hawu vulu okuholoka po uuna pwa pumbiwa etando, oha popi noondohotola ndhoka tadhi mu tanda, nosho wo naatonateli yoshipangelo shi na ko nasha nokupangwa itaapu longithwa ombinzi. Of course, this includes our brothers, for Jesus said: "If... you are bringing your gift to the altar and there you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar, and go away. First make your peace with your brother, and then come back and offer your gift. " Since Louise is aware of the problem when necessary, she speaks to doctors, visitors, and neighbors who are not used by blood. Kutya nduno ote ke shi ninga lelalela nenge hasho, uuvu welega etilithi otawu ka mweneka mboka taye tu tilitha. No less concerned is the Source of such counsel, Jehovah. Whether he will do so or not, his illness will suffer. Kapu na nando oshimwe tashi monika sha fa tashi pondola. Adjacent to this second residence lay a vineyard. Nobody seems to be effective. • Omomikalo dhini tatu vulu okuhenuka okunikitha ombepo ondjapuki uuthigwa? " He makes his sun rise " and "makes it rain, " so that planet Earth produces abundant food for us against a backdrop of beautiful surroundings. - Matt. • In what ways can we avoid grieving the holy spirit? Aantu yamwe ohashi vulika ya nike oluhodhi, ya yemate nenge ya se ohoni, ihe yalwe otashi vulika shi ya inyengithe noku ya ningitha ya kale ye na omukumo nokukala ya hala okulonga uuwanawa. On account of such teachings, the majority of people around the world have come to believe that death opens the door to life in another world. Some may be grieving, selfish, or embarrassed, but others may motivate them to be courageous and encouraging to do good things. Eitaalo lye olye mu kwathele ngiini a kale a lenga oshilonga she, nonando okwa li a dhinika? In the next article, we will see what we can learn from some in David's time who were loyal and from others who were not loyal. How did her faith help her to appreciate her assignment despite her privileges? Eden osha adhika shi li nale mondjokonona yonale. These were not "the wise and intellectual ones " from whom Jesus said that knowledge was to be hidden. Eden was already familiar with ancient history. Otaya ka pangela oolye? Opo iinima mbika yUukwaniilwa yi yele mo, Jehova okwa ningi po omahangano. In our speech. To whom will they rule as Kingdom proclaimers? Pehala lyaashono, otayi ulike sha yela kutya omwenyo gwomuntu ngoka tagu yono otagu vulu " okuhanagulwa po ' " nogu na okusa. ' Doing this requires effort. Rather, it clearly shows that the life of a man who sinned can "bring to ruin ' and " death. ' Ihe ongiini kombinga yomahangano galwe agehe guulingilingi? God is not partial. But what about all corrupt organizations? Onkee ano, kehe gumwe gwomutse na shilipaleke a kale ha kala puyo omasiku agehe, ye a mone uuwanawa pomutumba kehe. - Omayel. No. May each of us make sure that each one of us will get the best benefit of the meetings each day. - Prov. Onda li ishewe nda pewa oshinakugwanithwa mOshikondo shIilonga shokutonatela iilonga yokuuvitha moshilongo. As a shepherd, David spent many a night gazing at the starry heavens and meditating on their incomparable Creator. I again received an assignment in the Service Department as the preaching work in the country. Konga uuyelele. Levi and Amelia from the United States and married for eight years relate how specific prayers helped them to prepare for serving in Mexico. Look for information. Jesus, Omukwaniilwa gwomegulu, ota ka kutha po eyonuko, omikithi, uukulupe neso, iinima mbyoka ye etithwa kaantu sho inaaya vulika kuJehova ngoka e li "oluthithiya lwomwenyo. " She took Samuel to High Priest Eli at the tabernacle in Shiloh and said: "It was for this boy that I prayed, and Jehovah granted my petition that I asked of him. Jesus, the heavenly King, will remove corruption, disease, sickness, and death because they disobeyed Jehovah as "the source of life. " Sho ta taamba ekutu, okwa mono kutya John okwa mona oshiponga komunwe, e te mu kwathele. Why? As he accepted the discipline, John saw that John had suffered in his car and helped him. Omathimbo gamwe, omapulo ga tya ngaaka oga li haga kala ga dhigupalela ndje shili pamadhiladhilo. Does this mean, then, that God does not answer prayers today? At times, such questions have been a real influence on me. Oondjukithi dhiitayimbelewa otadhi adhika ko - www.jw.org / ng. A year or so after Pentecost 33 C.E., someone else received God's gift of the holy spirit. The address of the branch office can be found on www.jw.org. " Ethimbo neuthilo " otali tu adha atuhe. (Omuuv. As the end of the growing season neared, there were strong stirrings of interest in Bible truth. " Time and unexpected events " are all of us. Tala kiinima ihamano mbyoka Uukwaniilwa mbuka tawu ka ninga. Even new Bible students can show discernment in this regard. Consider six things that this Kingdom will do. Omolwaashoka kalwa li we lu na eitaalo momauvaneko gaJehova. After his complete victory, he marries a beautiful bride, who is accompanied by virgin companions. Because we had no faith in Jehovah's promises. Onkatu ya simanenena oye ya sho ngame nomukadhona gwandje twa hokana paveta. She said: "I know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day. " A key step was when my husband and I were married. Pashiholelwa, aatumwa oyendji mboka ya dheulwa kosikola yaGilead, ohaya kala manga omimvo dhontumba miilongo moka ya tuminwa, nokonima opo nee taya shuna ya ka talele po kiilongo yawo. Parents - you play a major role in the spiritual development of your children. For example, many missionaries who are trained at Gilead have been assigned to serve in some countries and then return to their country. (Tala kethano lyopetameko.) Its blazings are the blazings of a fire, the flame of Jah [for it is from him]. (See opening picture.) Shi yelitha. Focus on their positive traits, just as you want them to focus on yours. Explain. Otashi vulika ethimbo limwe twa pumbwa tu mu longe okulesha nawa. Brother Pryce Hughes, who resolutely stuck to God and kept in step with His organization, once wrote: "I am so thankful that I have lived in the knowledge of Jehovah's purposes from those early days just prior to 1914... At times, we may need to do well to read well. 15: 13) Oondohotola odha mona kutya ngele omuvu oku na etaloko ewanawa otashi vulu oku mu kwathela a tye po hwepo. 34: 6. Children have found that if a patient has a positive viewpoint, it may help him to get better. (b) Gandja oshiholelwa. Very likely, he looked for points of counsel in the Scriptures, supplicated Jehovah for help to apply them, and worked hard to improve. (b) Give an example. Pashiholelwa, dhiladhila kombinga yankene Jehova a li a hupitha omutekulu gwaAbraham Lot pamwe nuukwanegumbo we sho a li a hanagula po oshilando Sodom moka ya li ya kala. God is eternal, and he wants his friends to live forever as well For example, think about how Jehovah saved Abraham's grandson Lot and his family when he destroyed the city of Sodom. SHO omasiku gahugunina tage ende gu uka pehulilo, aakolokoshi otaya tsikile " okukala muulinawa ya fa omwiidhi omutalala. ' (Eps. (Read Zephaniah 1: 14 - 18.) DURING the last days, wicked people continue to "be swift about the earth. " (Omuuv. The Bible, however, is our primary tool. It is similar with us. " 11, 12. (a) Oshike aagundjuka taya vulu okuninga, opo ya kale yi ilongekidha okugandja uunzapo? She says: "I feel needed, and I have someone to live for. 11, 12. (a) What can younger ones do to be prepared to give witness? Mbela opu na yamwe moshitopolwa sheni ye etha " omutenge gwolweendo lweitaalo gu teke ' konima sho ya hogolola iilonga yontumba? Jehovah, the happy God, originated marriage. Are some in your territory allowing "the load of faith " after making certain employment? (1 Aakorinto 1: 18, 19; Aakolossa 2: 4, 8) Opo a gamenwe kenwethwomo lyaantu mboka, omuyapostoli Paulus okwa li a ladhipike Timoteus a " kale mwaambyoka yoshili, ngaashi e yi longwa okuza kuunona we okupitila mOmanyolo omayapuki ' ga tulwa po kuKalunga. - 2 Timoteus 3: 14, 15. Thus, it is helpful when going through some anguish that we bear in mind Paul's experience and encouraging words: "We are pressed in every way, but not cramped beyond movement; we are perplexed, but not absolutely with no way out; we are persecuted, but not left in the lurch; we are thrown down, but not destroyed. " - 2 Cor. To protect the crowd of mankind, the apostle Paul encouraged Timothy to "keep on the things that were taught by God through the holy writings. " - 2 Timothy 3: 14, 15. Omolwashike? Have you ever been offended by a brother or sister? Why? 5: 11) Kombinga onkawo, ezimo lyaReuben, lyaDan nolyaAser oga popiwa mAatokolihapu 5: 15 - 17 kutya oga kala owala taga gandja unene eitulomo kiinima yawo yopaumwene, pehala lyokulonga iilonga yaJehova. Iinima mbyoka ongaashi iigunda yoonzi, oosikepa nomatulilo goosikepa. PARTIES: Jehovah and David On the other hand, the tribe of Nazareth, and Judges 5: 15 - 17 stated that they focus more on personal activities rather than on Jehovah's work. " Omu na okwaadhika mwa tya ngiini? " This objection, though, came from an experienced public speaker and Bible teacher called a pilgrim. " What sort of persons ought you to be? " " [Momasiku gahugunina, OB - 1954] otaku ke ya omathimbo omadhigu. He may pray about this problem and may recall Paul's words recorded at Ephesians 4: 30. " In the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. " Ombinzi yaJesus ndjoka ya tika oya ningitha aantu aalunde ya kale ye na ekwatathano lini naKalunga ndyoka lya li lya teka po? What is it appropriate to contemplate on the day of one's baptism? What relationship did Jesus ' shed blood make for sinful humans to have a relationship with God? Ngele shika osha ningwa, oshi li nawa aakuluntugongalo ya dhimbulukwe oohapu dhaJesus ndhoka tadhi ti: "Indileni [nenge galikaneni], e tamu pewa; kongeni, e tamu mono; konkoleni, e tamu egululwa. " (Luk. The holy spirit also moves more knowledgeable Christians to come to the aid of those seeking greater understanding. - Acts 8: 26 - 35. When this happens, it is good for elders to remember Jesus ' words: "Keep on asking, keep on asking, and keep on seeking, keep on seeking; keep on seeking, and keep on seeking, and you will find it; and you will find it. " [ Ethano pepandja 6] We can help them to gain that knowledge by encouraging them to examine creation. [ Picture on page 6] Mokweendela ko kwethimbo ohashi vulika ye ethe po okugandja eitulomo kiinima mbyoka ya simanenena ngaashi uukwanegumbo, ookuume nosho wo egongalo. Having been raised in an agricultural district, I now found myself in Amsterdam, the largest city in the Netherlands. In time, they may allow themselves to focus on what is most important - family, friends, and congregation members. Oopulaneta ndhoka dha dhingoloka etango, ohadhi ende melandulathano dha fa tadhi wilikwa koompango dhomoondjila. When Moses presented Jehovah with potential impediments to the assignment he had been given, Jehovah assured him by saying: "" I shall prove to be what I shall prove to be. ' The planets around the sun are walking according to the sun's order to the laws in some places. (b) Ongiini omuntu ngoka omwiifupipiki ha ningi "omukuluntu "? Then the Witnesses reassured me that God loved me by showing me 1 John 4: 8. (b) How does a humble person become "a leader "? Uupyakadhi wumwe owo kutya yamwe mboka wa li ho endathana nayo nale otaya ka kala ya limbililwa konkalo yoye ompe yonkalamwenyo notaye ke ku " sheka. ' Nineteen - year - old Ida struggles with feelings of unworthiness. One problem is that some who previously associated with them will be worried about your new life and will " stand up for you. ' 3, 4. (a) Openi tatu adha o - Tetragrammaton? Nevertheless, we desire to reflect the glory of Jehovah. 3, 4. (a) Where do we find the Tetragrammaton? Oshike tu na okuninga "esiku kehe, " nomolwashike? Jesus said: "Happy is that slave if his master on arriving [literally," having come, " ftn.] finds him doing so. What should we do "day after day, " and why? 24 - 30 Mei 2010 Most important, what did Christ's death accomplish? 16 Did You Know? Jehova okwa nyolitha Oohapu dhe Ombiimbeli momalaka ogendji, omolwohole ye, opo " aantu ayehe ya tseye oshili. ' (1 Tim. In what other situations should we wait for the right time to speak? Jehovah has preserved his Word in many languages, so that "all sorts of people should come to know the truth. " (Aaroma 13: 3, 4) Kalunga okwe tu lombwela tu kwatele momagalikano getu mboka ye na oonkondopangelo. Omolwashike mbela? Then set specific goals to achieve that aim. Why does God tell us to pray for those who have authority? 17, 18. (a) Tumbula omahangano gahamano ngoka twa kundathana ga pamba Uukwaniilwa. (b) Omolwashike tu na okukala neitaalo lya kola mUukwaniilwa? It is true that sometimes we may feel that we cannot go on anymore. 17, 18. (a) What aspects of the Kingdom have we discussed? (b) Why should we have strong faith in the Kingdom? (a) Paulus okwa li a hala okutya shike sho a nyola kutya "otatu longo pamwe nane, oshoka otashi ke mú nyanyudha "? Whether we are single or married, let us always act courageously and hope in Jehovah. (a) What did Paul mean when he wrote: "You are fellow workers for your joy "? Otu na okuzimina omayono getu, e tatu iyele ombedhi, e tatu pula Jehova twa mana mo e tu dhimine po noku mu pula wo a shitile mutse omutima omuyogoki. (Eps. Do I recognize that I am a sinner and that my salvation depends on Jehovah's undeserved kindness? We must admit our sins, repent, and ask Jehovah to forgive us and ask him to create a pure heart. Oya yi oyo ayeke yu uka kolundume taya piti moshitopolwa sha nika oshiponga. Hence, before engaging in a form of recreation, we need to put it to the test. They went to the islands in a dangerous area. Sho epangelo lyaRoma lya ti kutya aantu ayehe oye na oku ki inyolitha, Josef naMaria oya li ya vulika kelombwelo ndyoka. What can we do to gain a balanced view of our ministry? When the Roman Empire said that all people had a Bible study, Joseph and Mary obeyed that command. Omulumentu gwedhina Alonso okwa li a pikwa kiingangamithi, sho e na omimvo omulongo nasha. Says Ulf, who has been in the full - time service for 45 years, "The preaching work makes me tired, but it brings true satisfaction and real meaning to my life. " A man named Abigail was addicted to drugs and alcohol when he was ten years old. Ngaashi owala hatu vulu okulongitha oshitalelo tu tale kutya otu li ngiini, otatu vulu wo okulongitha Ombiimbeli tu konakone uukwatya wetu womeni nokupukulula kehe shimwe shoka kaashi li nawa tashi vulika tu kale tu na. The Bible's practical guidance can help us avoid some problems Just as we can use a mirror to determine how we are doing so, we can use the Bible to study the Bible with an inner person. Ihe ngaashi wu shi shi, uunkulungu waagundjuka yetu owa lengwa noonkondo muuyuni. New methods of printing have helped us preach the good news to more and more people. But as you know, your skills are highly valued in the world. Oovelise ndhoka odhe mu dhimbulukitha kutya okunyanyudha Jehova osho oshinima sha simana. (b) What are the benefits of being "swift about hearing, slow about speaking, slow about wrath "? Those verses remind him that Jehovah is the most important thing. Iitothwamo yomanyolo moshileshomwa shika oya kuthwa mOmbiimbeli Ondjapuki yomo 2008 (OB - 2008), 1986 (OB - 1986) noyomo 1954 (OB - 1954). Each year, Jehovah's Witnesses gather to commemorate Jesus ' death on its anniversary. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Ngele itaya vulika, ote ye etha oyo ya tokole kuyo yene shoka shi li mondjila... naashoka sha puka. " Let us look at that Law to see whether "all [God's] ways are justice. " - Deuteronomy 32: 4. If they do not obey him, he will let them decide for themselves what is right and what is wrong. " Kain okwa li a tangalala, noina pulakena kelondodho ndyoka Kalunga e mu pe. Van Amburgh that the U.S. Department of Justice had tried to introduce a bill in Congress that would allow the death sentence to be imposed on individuals who refused to take up arms in the war. Cain was stubborn, and he did not heed God's warning. Ngaashi sha popiwa metetekelo, uuthemba waReuben wuusheeli owa li wo wa pewa po Josef. * As mentioned earlier, the right birthright was also given Joseph Joseph. Onda li wo nuuthembahenda wokutalela po iilongo moka aantu oyendji ya kala oomvula mondjedhililo nomookamba dhoonkwatwa omolweitaalo lyawo lya kola muJehova. Yamwe oya kala moonkalo ndhoka uule womimvo omilongo. It seems that Jesus was referring to the fish lying nearby and / or the fishing business. I also had the privilege of visiting countries where many people lived in prison for their strong faith in Jehovah. (Heb. 12: 14) Shika osha kwatela mo aamwameme meitaalo, oshoka Jesus okwa ti: "Ngele to fala omagano goye koshiyambelo, ihe ohaluka wa dhimbulukwa hoka kutya ou na omuntu e ku ninga nayi, nena omagano goye ga thiga ko, u ye manga, mu paathane ombili namukweni, opo u galuke ihe, u gandje omagano goye kuKalunga. " (Mat. Would their repentance soften God's heart? This includes faith in Jesus, for he said: "If you take your gift to the altar, remember that your gift of the altar has come upon you, remember that your gift has made peace with your brother. " Otu na okupandula omayele ngoka, oshoka oga za kuJehova. COVER SUBJECT | WHO ARE JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES? We should thank these counsel because they come from Jehovah. Shoka sha li pooha nasho oshitsambe shomiviinu. Their friendship and support helped me a great deal. That was the vineyard's vineyard. " Etango lye ohe li pititha ' nosho wo " omvula ye ohe yi lokitha ' opo evi li menithe iikulya ya gwana momudhingoloko omwaanawa. - Mat. (Read Matthew 23: 37, 38.) " His sun put his first " and" rain " into the earth so that the earth may be filled with food in an abundance. - Matt. Omalongo ngoka oga ningitha aantu oyendji muuyuni yi itaale kutya ngele omuntu a si, oha ka kala nomwenyo kehala lilwe. (a) In addition to problems that affect all imperfect humans, what type of tribulation do Christians face? Those teachings have caused many to believe that if a person dies, he will live again. Oshike tatu ki ilonga moshitopolwa tashi landula? Iiholelwa yaantu mboka ya li ko pethimbo lyaDavid, yamwe oya li aadhiginini, yo yalwe kaaya li aadhiginini. Who were "broken off " the cultivated olive tree, and who were grafted onto it? What will we learn in the next article from the examples of men who lived in David's day, some remained faithful to others? Aantu mboka kaya li "aanongo naanamayele " mboka Jesus a ti kutya oya holekwa ontseyo yOmbiimbeli. (Mat. Was he cut off from his God? Such ones were not "wise and intellectual, " whom Jesus said that they were hidden from Bible knowledge. (Ef. Build His Self - Confidence It is similar with us. Otu na okukambadhala twa mana mo, opo tu sindane. They should not practice any kind of idolatry. Today, there are many kinds of idolatry, and some of these may be hard to recognize. We must work hard to win the battle. 8: 41, 42) Kalunga aantu ayehe ohe ya tala ko ye thike pamwe. So it is not surprising that there are aspects of Jehovah's nature that escape full human understanding. God is not partial. Aawe. MY PAST: I was born in a refugee camp in Zambia. No. Iitothwamo yomanyolo moshileshomwa shika oya kuthwa mOmbiimbeli Ondjapuki yomo 2008 (OB - 2008), 1986 (OB - 1986) noyomo 1954 (OB - 1954). He knew that Martha was trying to do too much, so he kindly said: "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and disturbed about many things. " Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. E li omusita gwoonzi, David okwa li a kala omausiku ogendji ta tala koonyothi dhokegulu nokutedhatedha kombinga yOmushiti gwadho ngoka itaa vulu okuyelekwa nasha. The Bible's counsel regarding how to deal with them is clear. As a shepherd, David spent many nights observing the stars of heaven and meditating on their Creator, who is beyond compare. Levi naAmelia mboka ya za koAmerika noya kala mondjokana uule woomvula hetatu oya popi nkene omagalikano gokondandalunde ga li ge ya kwathele yi ilongekidhile oku ka longa koMeksiko. " Look! Your King Is Coming " Gloria and George, who come from the United States and have been married for eight years, expressed how prayers helped them to prepare for work in Mexico. Okwa li a fala Samuel kOmusaaseri Omukuluntu Eli ketsalihangano kuShilo e ta ti: "Omuwa onda li nde mu indile, a pe ndje okanona haka, oye nokwa pe ndje shoka ndi indile. So I went to an online Bible and did a search for "1914. " He took Samuel to the tabernacle at the tabernacle and said: "Jehovah, please, gave me a child, and he gave me what I was asking. Omolwashike? We should always remember Proverbs 14: 35, which says: "The king finds pleasure in a servant who acts with insight. " Why? (1 Aakorinto 13: 8 - 10) Mbela shika otashi ti kutya Kalunga iha yamukula omagalikano gaantu kunena? (Read Mark 14: 12 - 16.) Does this mean that God does not answer people today? Saulus ngoka konima yethimbo a ka tseyika nedhina Paulus, okwa li a pewa omagano gombepo ondjapuki. Furthermore, as they grow up, they will have the information they need in accord with their maturity level. Saul, later known as the name Paul, received the gift of holy spirit. Sho ethimbo lyokukoka lya li lyu uka pehulilo, aantu oyendji oya li ye na ohokwe yokwiilonga oshili yOmbiimbeli. These newly converted Christians "suffered at the hands of [their] own countrymen " and needed encouragement. During the time of the end, many interested ones were interested in learning Bible truth. 16: 20) Aakonakonimbiimbeli nayo otaya vulu okulongitha oondunge dhokuyoolola moshinima shika. Since 1935, millions of people have allowed the remnant to " bring them to righteousness. ' The Bible Students too can use discernment in this regard. Sho a sindana, okwa hokana omufuko omwaanawa, ngoka a thindikilwa kiinkumbi ye. Those words took on a deeper meaning after Timothy embraced Christianity. After his victory, he married a fine bride who was fleeing from his companions. Marta okwa ti: "Ondi shi shi kutya ota ka yumuka mesiku lyahugunina. " But just knowing Satan's methods is not enough. Martha said: "I know that he will rise on the last day. " Aavali, otamu dhana onkandangala onene mokukwathela aanona yeni ya koke pambepo. Elijah did not cynically assume that people simply get away with wicked, unjust conduct. Parents, you are involved in helping your children to grow spiritually. (Mat. 28: 20; lesha Johannes 21: 15 - 17.) Remember that the ransom sacrifice of Christ involved the two greatest expressions of love - the love that Jehovah showed in giving his Son in our behalf, and the love that Jesus showed by willingly offering up his life for us. (Read Matthew 15: 15 - 17.) Ehayango lyayo olyo ehayango lyomulilo, ehayango lyOMUWA. Why do we say that? They are the rider of a fiery hell, and they are those who belong to Jehovah. Nonando ongawo, gandja eitulomo komaukwatya gawo omawanawa, ngaashi owala wa hala ya gandje eitulomo komaukwatya goye omawanawa. I prayed every day, nearly every hour, for strength to keep my emotional balance so that I would not give Satan reason to taunt Jehovah because of any unwise decision or unfaithfulness on my part. Yet, focus on their good qualities, just as you want to focus on your good qualities. Tate Pryce Hughes ngoka a kala a dhama muKalunga nokwa kala he endele pamwe nehangano lyaKalunga okwa nyolele a ti: "Ohandi pandula sho nda kala ndi shi omalalakano gaJehova okuza koomvula ndhoka dha tetekele omumvo 1914... Might we also begin to reason that we in some way are better than our fellow believers or are superior to people in general? Pryce Hughes, who lives in God's organization, wrote: "I am grateful for Jehovah's purposes since 1914. 34: 6, Yelekanitha NW. The time had not yet come for the weedlike imitation Christians to be separated from the true Christian wheat. 34: 6. Oku na okukala a li a kongo omayele mOmanyolo, a galikana kuJehova e mu kwathele e ga tule miilonga, ye a longe nuudhiginini a hwepopale. If he was about the same age as Jesus or perhaps somewhat older, he would have been about 50 years old when he met with the other apostles in Jerusalem in the year 49 C.E. He needed to seek the counsel from the Scriptures, praying to Jehovah for help, and work hard to improve. Kalunga oko ta kala sigo aluhe nokwa hala ookuume ke ya kale wo sigo aluhe Remember that Hezekiah's haughtiness became obvious soon after Jehovah defeated Sennacherib and cured Hezekiah's deadly sickness. God is eternal, and he wants his friends to live forever (Lesha Sefanja 1: 14 - 18.) Immediately after the rebellion in Eden, Jehovah God announced his purpose to restore mankind. (Read Zephaniah 1: 14 - 18.) Ihe tangotango otu na okulongitha Ombiimbeli. In the same way, Jesus expected his anointed followers to do their best in the preaching work. But we must keep using the Bible. Okwa ti: "Ohandi kala ndi uvite Jehova a pumbwa ndje nondi na oshilonga. But Peter said: "Lord, whom shall we go away to? " I feel Jehovah's need and practical care, " she says. Jehova, ngoka e li Kalunga omunyanyukwi, oye mwene a tota po ondjokana. They will be directed by Christ and his 144,000 corulers. Jehovah, the happy God, is your own marriage mate. Pomathimbo gamwe otwa hepekwa unene, ihe inatu yonagulwa po. " - 2 Kor. (Read Hebrews 13: 17.) At times, we are severely persecuted, but we are not suffering. " - 2 Cor. (Jeremia 17: 9) Mbela owu uvithwa nale nayi komumwatate nenge komumwameme gwontumba? Second, because Eve believed Satan's lie and Adam disobeyed God, all humans sin and die. Have you ever been hurt by a brother or a sister? OLYA LI POKATI: KaJehova naDavid How important is a Christian's conduct toward others, and why? PARTIES: Jehovah and David Aakonakonimbiimbeli oyendji aape osho haya kala yu uvite ngaaka uuna taya dhiladhila okuninga aauvithi. How did Jehovah restrain David from taking a false step, and what does He do for us today? Many new students feel that way when they think about serving as publishers. 24: 45, KB) Otashi vulika a galikane kombinga yuupyakadhi mbuka nokudhimbulukwa oohapu dhaPaulus dhi li mAaefeso 4: 30. Thus, all Christians should not expect to experience every aspect of the sign. Perhaps he prayed about this problem and remember Paul's words recorded at Ephesians 4: 30. Esiku omuntu ta ninginithwa, oku na okudhiladhila kombinga yashike? How will God respond to satanic efforts to destroy his people? What should a baptized person think about? Ombepo ondjapuki ohayi inyengitha wo Aakriste mboka ye na ontseyo ya kwathele mboka ya hala okuuva ko nawa Ombiimbeli. - Iilonga 8: 26 - 35. As they talked, the woman pointed out a major religious difference between the Jews and the Samaritans. Holy spirit also motivates Christians who have knowledge of the Bible better. - Acts 8: 26 - 35. Otatu vulu oku ya kwathela ya mone ontseyo ndjoka moku ya ladhipika ya konakone eshito. The resurrected Jesus appeared to individuals (including Paul himself), to small groups, and even to a crowd of 500, many of whom had no doubt been skeptical when they heard the news that Jesus had been resurrected! We can help them to see that knowledge by encouraging them to study the creation. Onda putukile moshitopolwa shuunamapya, ihe onda li ndi iyadha muAmsterdam, ondoolopa onene ya shiga ko muHolanda. However, Victorine is not tempted to steal. I grew up in a rural area, but I found a large town in the Netherlands. ARMAGEDON oshike? The majority of anointed ones, though, showed unshakable loyalty and a strong desire to serve their Master even during the difficult war years. What is it? Sho Moses a li a lombwele Jehova uunkundi we wokupopya shi na ko nasha noshinakugwanithwa shoka a li a pewa, Jehova okwa li e mu shilipaleke a ti: "Ngame - nda - kala ngu NGAME - NDA - KALA. Of course, God, who can read the heart, could actually enforce such commands. - 1 Samuel 16: 7. When Moses told Jehovah about the weighty responsibility he received, Jehovah assured him: "I am the man that I am going to live. - Isa. Oonzapo odha shilipaleke ndje wo kutya Kalunga oku hole ndje sho dhu ulukile ndje Johannes gwotango 4: 8. 17 Should You Change Your Mind? The Witnesses also assure me that God loves me when I showed John 4: 8. Omumwameme Ida gwomimvo 19, oha kondjitha omadhiladhilo gokukala u uvite kee na oshilonga. REGULAR FEATURES She and her 19 - year - old sister fightd to feelings of worthless feelings. Kakele kaashono, otwa hala okwiimonikila eadhimo lye. This article raises questions you may have asked and shows where you can read the answers in your Bible. Moreover, we want to reflect his glory. Jesus okwa ti: "Omumati [" omupiya, " NW] omunelago oye ngoka, omuwa gwe ngele te ya, te mu adha ta ningi ngaaka. God, however, "loves justice. " Jesus said: "The happy slave is the man whom the master arrives. Ndyoka lya simana unene olyo: Oshike sha tsakanithwa keso lyaKristus? If you are willing to listen compassionately to your children on every sort of topic, you will likely find that they will open up to you and welcome your guidance. What is the most important fact: What is death of Christ's death? Omoonkalo dhilwe ishewe dhini tu na okutegelela tu mone ethimbo lyo opala okupopya? At that same convention, a missionary couple serving in Taiwan were interviewed. In what other situations should we wait for the right time to speak? Itulila po nduno omalalakano gokondandalunde gokwaadha elalakano ndyoka. I Was Drawn to Wise Older Ones (E. Set specific goals in reaching that goal. Omathimbo gamwe otashi vulika tu kale tu uvite kutya itatu vulu we. Others may be assigned to another country if they make themselves available. At times, we may feel that we are beyond our reach. Uuna twa tsakaneke uupyakadhi mondjokana, otu na okukambadhala nziya tu wu pongolole po. Similarly, though we cannot presently eliminate our imperfection and selfish tendencies, we must be alert to the dangers involved and continue to fight such tendencies. When we meet problems in a marriage, we should try to settle matters quickly. Mbela ondi shi ngaa kutya ondi li omulunde notandi ka hupithwa owala omolwesilohenda lyaJehova? Or why did he not authorize them to engage in warfare to free themselves from oppression? Am I sure that I am a sinner and that I will be saved only for Jehovah's undeserved kindness? Onkee ano, manga inaatu kutha ombinga momainyanyudho gontumba otwa pumbwa okutala ngele ogu uka. Jesus said: "Not everyone saying to me, " Lord, Lord, ' will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will. " So before engaging in recreation, we need to determine whether it is proper. Mbela oshike tatu vulu okuninga, opo tu kale twa nyanyukilwa uukalele wetu? Jehovah has established among intelligent creatures arrangements for authority and headship. What can we do to enjoy our ministry? 5: 3, 4; Kol. 3: 15) Omumwatate Ulf, ngoka a kala miilonga yethimbo lyu udha uule womimvo 45, ota ti: "Okuuvitha ohaku lolodha ndje, ihe ohaku etele ndje ombili yashili nonkalamwenyo yi na eityo. " Otherwise, we would, in effect, be giving from what we do not have. Regarding the full - time service, a brother who has spent 45 years in the full - time service says, "This gives me real meaning, but it gives me real meaning. " Ewiliko lyOmbiimbeli li na oshilonga otali vulu oku tu kwathela tu yande omaupyakadhi gamwe From 1952 to 1956, Maria was put to work in a labor camp near the city of Gorkiy (now Nizhniy Novgorod) in Russia. The Bible's practical direction can help us to avoid some problems Omwanakadhona okwe mu yamukula nziyanziya momukalo omwaanawa, tagu kumike he a dhiginine euvaneko ndyoka u uvanekela Jehova. What could be more satisfying than teaching someone the truth? Her daughter immediately answered her well, and her daughter maintained her vow to Jehovah. Opu na ishewe omikalo omipe ndhoka dhe tu palela ondjila tu uvithe onkundana ombwanawa shi vulithe shito nosho wo kaantu oyendji. Rather, we need to remain alert and work diligently at preaching the good news, which is a source of incomparable satisfaction even now. - Luke 21: 36. There are new ways to preach the good news even greater than many people. (b) Uuwanawa washike hawu zi " mokupulakene mbala, mokwiikwata mokupopya nomokwaahageya mbala '? They will rule over the earth. - Read Luke 22: 28 - 30; Revelation 5: 10. (b) How are the benefits of "How slow to talk, " and what benefits come from speaking? Omumvo kehe Oonzapo dhaJehova ohadhi gongala dhi dhimbulukwe eso lyaJesus. Love will move us to prepare well and to endeavor to be effective in the ministry. Each year, Jehovah's Witnesses gather to commemorate Jesus ' death. Natu ka tale kOmpango ndjoka tu tale ngele " oondjila dhaKalunga adhihe odhu uka ' ngaa. - Deuteronomium 32: 4. What specific acts and deeds does God find acceptable? Let us look at the Law to see whether "all the ways of God are righteous. " - Deuteronomy 32: 4. Van Amburgh kutya Oshikondo shUuyuuki osha kambadhala okutota po ompango ompe ndjoka tayi pitike mboka inaaya hala okukutha ombinga miita ya dhipagwe. 1: 20. THE government of the United States tries to eliminate the new law that allows those who refuse to engage in warfare. * Letting myself dwell on what she experienced while fighting cancer can be very disheartening. " * Jesus okwa fa a li ta popi oohi dhi li popepi naye nenge ongeshefa yoohi. May all of God's servants, young and old, see the seriousness of doing all they can to prove ourselves ready for Jehovah's day as did Noah and his family. Jesus was like a fishing fish or a business. Mbela okwiiyela ombedhi kwawo okwa li ngaa taku ka ningitha Kalunga e ya dhimine po? That was just the encouragement Gary needed, and in 1990 he was appointed. Would their repentance affect God's forgiveness? IITOPOLWA YI IKOLELELA KOSHIPALANYOLO SHOKOMBANDA | OONZAPO DHAJEHOVA ODHO OOLYE? In the first century, Andrew was one of the first ones to identify Jesus as the Messiah. COVER SUBJECT WHO ARE JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES? Uukuume neyambidhidho lyadho olya kwathela ndje noonkondo. Table of Contents Their friends and friends have greatly helped me. (Lesha Mateus 23: 37, 38.) Such wisdom will move us to respond mildly when provoked and will draw us ever closer to the Source of infinite wisdom, Jehovah. (Read Matthew 23: 37, 38.) (a) Kakele kuupyakadhi mboka hawu adha aantu ayehe inaaya gwanenena, uudhigu wulwe wuni hawu adha Aakriste? In illustrations about sowing the seed of Kingdom truth, Jesus emphasized the role of a person's heart condition in accepting the message, as well as the role that Jehovah plays in causing spiritual growth. (a) What other problems do all imperfect humans face, and what other trials do Christians face? Oolye ya li ya "tewa ko " kolumono lwa helelwa, noolye ya li ya tsikwa kulwo? From Our Archives Who were "the tree of the olive tree, " and who were expelled from their tree? Mbela ka li we pamwe naKalunga ke? He girds himself with a towel. Would he be with God? Mu kwathela a kale i iyuvitile uuntsa We hugged each other and agreed to put the matter behind us. Help him to feel proud (Deuteronomium 5: 6 - 10) Kunena, oku na omikalo odhindji dhokulongela iikalunga, nadhimwe dhomudho otadhi vulu okukala omidhigu okudhimbulula. They can even become addicted to pornography. Today, there are many ways to worship gods, and some of them can be weighed down. (Jesaja 40: 22; 55: 8, 9) Onkee ano itashi kumitha sho meshito lyaJehova mu na iinima mbyoka aantu itaaya vulu okuuva ko thiluthilu. How could they help Paul? So it is not surprising that Jehovah has the ability to understand things that humans cannot fully understand. ONAKUZIWA YANDJE: Onda valelwa mokamba yoontauki moZambia. Furthermore, Adam and Eve could no longer have a perfect child; neither could any of their children have a perfect child. MY PAST: I was born in a refugee camp in Australia. Jesus okwa li e shi shi kutya Marta okwa li ta kambadhala okuninga iinima oyindji unene, onkene okwe mu lombwele nombili ta ti: "Marta, Marta, ou na iimpwiyu oyindji nowa piyagana. " 4: 3, 4. Jesus knew that Martha was trying to do many things, so he said to her: " Martha, Martha, you have many worries and anxieties. " Ombiimbeli oya popya kondandalunde shoka tu na okuninga. Certainly. The Bible is specificly specific. " Tala, omukwaniilwa gwoye te ya kungoye " Holy spirit did not produce in him the ability to prophesy or to perform miracles as it had in Moses, but it did enable Joshua to lead Israel in the military campaign that brought about the conquest of Canaan. " Look! Your King comes to you " Onkee onda yi kOintaneta e tandi kongo mOmbiimbeli "1914. " " And the people were strengthened by [his] words. " - Read 2 Chronicles 32: 6 - 8. So I went online and searched for "seven sheep. " Natu dhimbulukweni aluhe Omayeletumbulo 14: 35, ndjoka tayi ti: "Omukwaniilwa okwa hokwa omumati omunamayele. " They had grown spiritually, even though the missionary had no idea of the change that had taken place. Let us always remember Proverbs 14: 35: "He is interested in a discreet man. " (Lesha Markus 14: 12 - 16.) It will be the end of all wickedness and suffering. (Read Mark 14: 12 - 16.) Kakele kaashono, sho taya koko otaya ka kala ye na uuyelele mboka ya pumbwa shi ikolelela koomvula dhawo. When on earth, Jesus said: "Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father. " Moreover, as they grow older, they will have information based on their age. (1 Tes. 2: 14) Lwomomumvo 50 E.N., Paulus okwa li a nyolele egongalo epe lyomuTessalonika, a ti: " Tse ohatu hambelele Kalunga aluhe omolweni nohatu mu dhimbulukwa wo aluhe momagalikano getu. I got baptized in 1989, when I was 61 years old. About the first century C.E., Paul wrote to the new congregation in Colossae: "We always thank God and always remember him. Okuza mo - 1935, aantu omamiliyona oye etha oshihupe shaagwayekwa shi ya " longe uuyuuki. ' 6) What a marvelous provision Jehovah has made for us through the ransom sacrifice of his dear Son! - Isa. Since 1919, millions have allowed the anointed remnant to "make righteousness. " (Omuuvithi 12: 1) Oohapu ndhoka odha li tadhi ti sha noonkondo kuTimoteus sho a ningi Omukriste. Out of the belly of Sheol I cried for help. You heard my voice. " Those words suggest great encouragement to you when he became a Christian. Ihe inashi gwana okukala owala nontseyo ndjoka. But by the same word the heavens and the earth * that are now are stored up for fire and are being reserved to the day of judgment and of destruction of the ungodly men. " - 2 Peter 3: 5 - 7. However, it is not enough to have knowledge of that knowledge. Elia ka li a dhiladhila kutya aantu otaya kala inaaya geelelwa uukolokoshi wawo nosho wo eihumbato kaali li pauyuuki. Han - sik, 72, in South Korea, says: "My wife and I like to invite friends of all ages - elderly ones and teenagers - for a get - together or dinner. " Elijah did not think that people would oppose their wickedness and conduct. Dhimbulukwa kutya ekuliloyambo lyaKristus olya kwatela mo ohole onene ndjoka Jehova u ulika, sho a gandja Omwana omolwetu nosho wo ndjoka Jesus u ulika, sho i gandja nehalo ewanawa opo e tu sile. 13, 14. (a) What gift is mentioned at John 15: 11? Remember, Christ's ransom involves the great love that Jehovah has shown for us by means of his Son and by giving Jesus willingly giving us a willingness to die for us. Omolwashike tatu tile ngawo? Michael established short - term goals and priorities that helped him to reach his larger goal of harmonizing his life with God's standards. Why do we say that? Onda galikana esiku kehe, konyala owili kehe, opo ndi kaleke omadhiladhilo gandje pehala. Kanda li nda hala ndi pe Satana ompito yokusitha Jehova ohoni mokuninga etokolo kaali li pandunge nenge mokwaavulika. Although these events kill good people as well as bad, they are said to be punishment from God. I prayed every day, nearly every hour, so I would not want to give Satan the opportunity to shame Jehovah or make a bad decision. (OB - 1954) Mbela natse otu na okukala hatu dhiladhila kutya otu vule ooitaali ooyakwetu nenge aantu yalwe momikalo dhontumba nodhongandi? Among these hundreds of prisoners are Isaac, Negede, and Paulos, who have been in an Eritrean prison camp for over 20 years! Should we think that we are superior to our fellow believers or others in some way? Ethimbo kalya li natango lya thika ku yoololwe Aakriste mboka ya fa omau mAakriste yashili mboka ya fa iilya. For more information on this subject, see the brochure Spirits of the Dead - Can They Help You or Harm You? It was not yet a time for Christianslike Christians to separate themselves from the wheatlike Christians. Ngele okwa li e thike puJesus nenge tashi vulika e mu vule, otashi vulika a li e na oomvula 50 lwaampono sho a ka tsakanena naayapostoli ooyakwawo muJerusalem momumvo 49 E.N. This is good, for his convictions will help him to cope with pressure from his peers and stand up to them. If he was serving him or perhaps perhaps perhaps 50 years ago, he may have met some of his fellow apostles in Jerusalem in 49 C.E. Dhimbulukwa kutya uuntsa waHiskia owa tameke unene okukala wi iwetikile konima sho Jehova a sindanitha Sennakerib naasho a aludha uuvu waHiskia. For whoever does these things is detestable to Jehovah. " * - Deuteronomy 18: 10 - 12. Recall, too, that pride began to be evident after Jehovah's rebellion in Babylon and when he healed Hezekiah's disease. Mbala konima yoshipotha shoka sha li sha tukulwa muEden, Jehova Kalunga okwa li a popi elalakano lye lyokugalulila aantu monkalo moka ya li. The Bible also speaks of the earth as being round and suspended in space, facts that were not fully understood by science until centuries later. - Job 26: 7; Isaiah 40: 22. Soon after the rebellion in Eden, Jehovah God referred to his purpose for mankind's inhabitants. Shika otashi ulike kutya naJesus okwa tegelela aagwayekwa ya longe ya mana mo sho taya uvitha. (Mat. 22: 37; Kol. Timothy was a young man who made good use of his singleness. This shows that Jesus expects anointed ones to work hard in preaching. Ihe Petrus okwa ti: "Omuwa, otatu yi kulye? Moses told the nation of Israel: "Jehovah will surely bless you in the land that Jehovah your God is giving you to possess as an inheritance, but only if you strictly obey the voice of Jehovah your God and carefully observe all this commandment that I am giving you today. But Peter said: "Lord, whom shall we go? (Eps. 45: 16) Otaya ka wilikwa kuJesus naapangeli pamwe naye 144 000. The provision of having such men appointed is "with a view to the readjustment of the holy ones,... for the building up of the body of the Christ. " They will be led by Jesus and his 144,000 corulers. (Lesha Aahebeli 13: 17.) That stone is now hurtling toward its target - the feet of the image. (Read Hebrews 13: 17.) Oshitiyali, otu li muuyuni mbuka waSatana wu udha uutondwe nelongithonkondo. Iinima mbyoka oyo hayi eta eso. (Rom. You probably do not know anyone who acts just like her, but there may be a situation in which you can imitate Asa's zeal. Second, we live in Satan's world full of violence and violence. Omolwashike okukala nawa nayalwe ku li oshinima sha simana? More than anything, he probably felt keenly how alone he was. Why is having good association with others an important thing? Jehova okwa li a ningi po shike a gamene David kaa gwile meyono, nohe tu ningile shike kunena? Shortly thereafter, I offered a heartfelt prayer to Jehovah, promising to serve him for the rest of my life. What did Jehovah do to protect David from taking a false step, and what does he do today? 21: 34) Shika otashi kwathele Aakriste kaaya kale ya tegelela okumona yo yene iinima ayihe mbyoka ya kwatelwa mendhindhiliko. Table of Contents This helps Christians not to expect themselves to see all the things that are involved in the sign of the sign. Kalunga ota ka ninga po shike sho Satana ta ka kambadhala okuhanagula po oshigwana She? Generally, though, tears reflect the outpouring of an anguished heart. What will God do when Satan will try to destroy His people? Sho ya tsikile noonkundathana, omukiintu okwa popi omahala omayapuki omanene gopalongelokalunga ngoka ga li ge eta uutondwe pokati kAajuda nAasamaria. Daniel was to come to his end in death and then rest. As they continued speaking, the woman spoke to the religious places that led to the nations between the Jews and the Jews. Jesus omuyumudhwa okwa li i ihololele oohandimwe (mwa kwatelwa Paulus ye mwene), uungundu nengathithi lyaantu 500 mboka oyendji yomuyo tashi vulika ya adhika ya limbililwa sho ya li yu uvu kutya Jesus okwa yumudhwa. Even so, the leaders of Babylon the Great feel that they are in no real danger. The resurrected Jesus appeared to some of them (a) including the large crowd, some of whom might wonder whether Jesus was resurrected. Ihe Victorine iha kala e na ehalo okuyaka. Put another way, his knowledge was reinforced with conviction. Victorine, however, does not desire to steal. Ihe aagwayekwa oyendji, oya li ye na eitaalo itaali tengauka noya li ya halelela okulonga iilonga yOmuwa gwawo, nokuli naasho ye li pethimbo edhigu lyiita. June 15, 2011 However, many anointed ones had strong faith and were eager to do their work in Jehovah's service even during war war war. (Mateus 22: 39) Eeno shili, Kalunga ngoka ha vulu okulesha omitima, ota vulu okutula po iipango yi li ngaaka. - 1 Samuel 16: 7. Soon, Bible truth began to transform our lives. Yes, a God who can read hearts can lead to such laws. - 1 Samuel 16: 7. 17 Mbela oto vulu okuninguluka? For such a person, the sound of Jehovah's voice becomes very faint. 17 Can You Explain? IITOPOLWA MBYOKA HAYI PITI ALUHE As the group was walking through the city, an elderly sister handed an issue of The Watchtower to the boy, who was last in line, and asked him to give it to his mother. REGULAR FEATURES Oshitopolwa shika oshi na omapulo ngoka tashi vulika ho ipula kombinga yago noshi na omanyolo ngoka taga yamukula omapulo ngoka. We are moved to "slave " for our brothers out of love. This article raises questions you may have wondered about and answers to those questions. Ihe Kalunga "oku hole shoka shu uka. " However, this was water, not blood. But God " loves righteousness. " Ngele owu na ehalo lyokupulakena nolukeno uuna aamwoye taya popi kombinga yoshinima kehe, otashi vulika wu ka mone kutya oye ku mangulukukila notaya ka taamba ko ewiliko lyoye. Of course, today we do not need to obey all the laws given to the Israelites. If you are willing to listen kindly when your children talk about it, you may find that they are free and accept your direction. Poshigongi mpoka, opwa li pwa pulapulwa aaihokani aatumwa mboka taya kwathele moTaiwan. But we do not have to face such challenges alone. At that convention, there were missionaries serving in Taiwan. Longela Kalunga kemanguluko, 7 / 15 AS SOON AS my son Gary was born in 1958, I sensed that something was wrong. 12 / 1 Yalwe ohashi vulika ya tuminwe kiilongo yilwe ngele oya popi kutya oyi ilongekidha oku shi ninga. Some have at times canceled a previous invitation in order to accept a seemingly better one. Others may be sent to foreign countries if they say that they are ready to do so. Sha faathana, nonando itatu vulu okukutha po ngashingeyi okwaagwanenena kwetu nosho wo egamo lyetu lyokwiihola mwene, otu na okukala twa takamitha oshiponga shoka hashi etwa kiinima mbyoka nokutsikila okukondjitha omagamo ngoka. (1 Kor. It provides a measure of protection. Similarly, although we cannot eliminate imperfection now and our own sinful tendencies, we must be alert to the dangers that we continue to fight. Omolwashike inee ya pitika ya kondjithe mboka ya li taye ya hepeke? Jesus obeyed God. Why did he allow them to fight against those who persecuted them? Jesus okwa ti: "Hakehe ngoka ti ithana ndje " Omuwa, Omuwa ', ta yi [mUukwaniilwa wegulu, KB], aawe, oye tuu ngoka ta gwanitha ehalo lyaTate yomegulu. " (Mat. It was a spirit - a wicked demon pretending to be dead Samuel. Jesus said: "No one who calls me " Lord, Lord, Lord of the kingdom of the heavens, is the one doing the will of my Father, but the one doing the will of my Father. " Jehova okwa tulila po iishitwa ye iinandunge elandulathano lyelongekidho lyoonkondopangelo nosho wo uukwamutse. " [Love] does not keep account of the injury, " states 1 Corinthians 13: 5. Jehovah has set his intelligent creatures for the arrangement of headship and headship of headship and headship. Ngele osho, otashi ka kala owala twa fa tatu gandja shoka kaatu na. In what areas of your life do you lack confidence? If so, it would be like that. Okuza mo 1952 sigo 1956, Maria okwa tulwa mokamba moka a ka kala ta longithwa iilonga iidhigu. Today, too, we know that we must preach, even though we have not heard Jesus ' voice telling us to do this work. From 1952 until 1956, Mary was sentenced to a labor camp where she would be used hard work. Kape na oshilonga shilwe tashi nyanyudha shi vule okulonga omuntu oshili! 9, 10. (a) Explain how Jesus ' words found at John 10: 16 help us to understand why it is important to meet with our brothers. (b) If we are at the meetings regularly, how can we help someone who has been rejected by his family? No greater joy is than teaching the truth! Pehala lyaashono, otu na okukala twa tonata nokulonga nuudhiginini miilonga yokuuvitha onkundana ombwanawa, iilonga mbyoka tayi tu etele enyanyu kaali shi okuyelekwa nasha. - Luk. 21: 36. Jehovah was not blind to what was going on in Canaan. Instead, we must stay alert and work hard to preach the good news, which brings us joy. - Luke 21: 36. Otaya ka pangela ombanda yevi. - Lesha Lukas 22: 28 - 30; Ehololo 5: 10. The existence, work, and growth of the earthly part of Jehovah's organization are truly extraordinary. They will rule over the earth. - Read Luke 22: 28 - 30; Revelation 5: 10. Ohole otayi ke tu inyengitha tu ilongekidhile nawa uukalele, opo tu ka pondole. Significantly, a portion of the taxes that first - century Christians were instructed to pay went to the military. Love will motivate us to prepare well for the ministry so that we can succeed. Oondjenda nenge iilonga yini kondandalunde mbyoka Kalunga a hokwa? If we understand and really believe that "Jehovah our God is one Jehovah, " we will give him our exclusive devotion and serve him the way that he wants. - Hebrews 12: 28, 29. What specific work or specific work does God approve of? 1: 20. " Before gray hair you should rise up, and you must show honor to an older man, and you must be in fear of your God. 1: 20. Ngele onda etha ndi dhiladhile kuuwehame mboka omukulukadhi gwandje a li ha kala u uvite sho ta kondjo nokankela, ohashi teya ndje omukumo. " Oceans. If I stopped thinking about the pain my wife felt when he struggled with cancer, he may discourage me. " (Eh. 18: 4 - 8) Aalongeli yaJehova ayehe, kutya nduno aagundjuka nenge aakokele, naya kale ye wete kutya osha kwata miiti okuninga kehe shimwe taya vulu opo yu ulike kutya oyi ilongekidhila esiku lyaJehova ngaashi Noowa nuukwanegumbo we ya li ya ningi. He was conscripted into the German army soon after World War II broke out in 1939. All of Jehovah's worshippers, young or old, should be aware that they can do whatever they can to prepare for Jehovah's day and his family. Shoka osha li lela eladhipiko ndyoka Gary a li a pumbwa, nomomumvo 1990 okwa li a langekwa po e li omukokolindjila gwondjigilile. Specifically, Jehovah designed the human brain so that we could go on joyfully learning about him and his works forever. That was what Gary needed, and in 1990 ' s he was appointed as a regular pioneer. Methelemumvo lyotango, Andreas oye gumwe gwomwaamboka ya li ya dhimbulula tango kutya Jesus oye Kristus. As you seek it, strive to remain humble and strong in faith. - w16.08, pp. In the first century, Andrew and Andrew first recognized that Jesus Christ was the Christ. Oshikalimo One important way that we show such love for neighbor is by obeying the command to preach the good news of God's Kingdom. Table of Contents Uunongo mboka otawu ke tu inyengitha tu yamukule nombili, uuna twa geyithwa. Otawu ke tu hedhitha wo popepyeelela naJehova, ngoka e li Onzo yuunongo wa shiga ko. Looking at the tree with longing led Eve to disobey God's command. Such wisdom moves us to answer kindly, not only when we are upset but also to draw closer to Jehovah, the Source of wisdom. (Mat. 13: 34) Sho Jesus a popi momathaneko kombinga yokukuna ombuto yoshili yUukwaniilwa, okwa li a tsu omuthindo onkandangala ndjoka onkalo yomutima gwomuntu hayi dhana opo a taambe ko etumwalaka nosho wo onkandangala ndjoka Jehova ha dhana mokuningitha omuntu a hume komeho pambepo. (Mark. Uncle Julius, who was 60 years old, became my pioneer partner. When Jesus mentioned illustrations about the establishment of the Kingdom, he highlighted the role of a person's attitude and role in accepting the message of a spiritual person. Iinima mbyoka ya ningwa mondjokonona yOonzapo dhaJehova Yet, even when we have a measure of peace, we often struggle to keep it. From Our Archives Okwa kutha oshihanduke e te shi imanga mombunda. Hence, The Amplified Old Testament describes Cain's wife simply as "one of Adam's offspring. " She took a ride to the boat and found it out of a car. Otwi ipapatele e tatu kandula po uupyakadhi. Brothers and sisters dressed as hikers carried literature over the Giant Mountains into Germany We decided to resolve problems and to solve problems. Otaya vulu nokuli okupikwa kugo. PUBLISHERS They can even be remembered by them. Ongiini ya li taya vulu okukwathela Paulus? We must drive and work safely, even when we are building, maintaining, or traveling to places of worship. How could they assist Paul? Niishewe, Adam naEva nosho wo oyana kaya li we taya vulu okumona aanona ya gwanenena. Because we take Jehovah's side. Furthermore, Adam and Eve could no longer have children. 4: 3, 4. Do we reason that there are others who are better qualified? 4: 3, 4. Pula Jehova megalikana e ku kwathele. It showed what can be expected by all who rely upon God. Ask Jehovah to help you. 34: 9) Ombepo ondjapuki inayi kwathela Josua a hunganeke nenge a longe iikumithalonga ngaashi Moses. Ihe oya li ye mu kwathele a wilike Aaisraeli molugodhi moka ya li ya sindi Aakaanan. 24: 4, 7, 8. God's holy spirit did not help Joshua or perform miracles, but Moses empowered the Israelites to wage war against the Canaanites. Ombiimbeli otayi ti: "Aantu oya pendapala pahapu dhomukwaniilwa gwawo. " - Lesha 2 Ondjalulo 32: 6 - 8. Prior to baptism, however, there are steps we must take. The Bible says: "The people of Hezekiah gave them insight into the words of Hezekiah. " - Read 2 Chronicles 32: 6 - 8. Oya li taya koko pambepo, nonando omutumwa ka li e shi wete. What help do we have to stay the course? They grew up spiritually, even though the missionary was not aware of it. Otashi ka kala ethimbo lyokuhulitha po uukolokoshi nosho wo okumona iihuna. Thus, I had picked up enough English to interpret that talk and others on later occasions. It will be the time to eliminate wickedness and suffering. Sho Jesus a li kombanda yevi okwa tile: "Esiku notundi ndjoka kaku na ngoka e yi shi, nando aayengeli yomegulu nenge Omwana, Tate oye awike. " But in 2005, she signed a contract to produce two epic films in China, making it necessary for her to return to Hong Kong. When Jesus was on earth, he said: "Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of heaven nor the Son, but only the Father. " Onda ninginithwa mo 1989 sho ndi na omimvo 61. My family and I look forward to learning more about Jehovah and serving him forever. I was baptized in 1989 when I was 61 years old. (Juli 1879, epandja 6) Jehova ine tu ningila tuu esiloshimpwiyu ekumithi okupitila mekuliloyambo lyOmwana omuholike! - Jes. COVER SUBJECT What a blessing it is to receive from the ransom through his beloved Son! - Isa. Omuule, muuyuni wokuusi onda kugile ekwatho, nangoye owu uvu ndje. " In less than a year, she was back in racing form and set a new world record for the women's mile in 1985. I also cried out for help, and you heard me. " Ihe omagulu nevi * sho yi li ko sigo onena, oya gamenwa kohapu tuu ndjoka yaKalunga, yi ka hanagulwe po nomulilo. Oyo oya pungulilwa esiku, uuna aakeenakonasha naKalunga taa ka pangulwa notaa ka yonagulwa po. " - 2 Petrus 3: 5 - 7. JEHOVAH'S service brings us joy. However, when the heavens and earth are now, they are protected by God's word of fire and by means of the present system of things. " - 2 Peter 3: 5 - 7. Tatekulu Han - sik gwokoSouth Korea, ngoka e na omimvo 72, okwa ti: "Ngame nanekulu lyandje otu hole okuhiya ookuume ketu yomapipi agehe, opo tu lye uulalelo pamwe nayo. " We went to Canada for his treatment. " My wife and I love our friends all the time we have been invited to go with them, " says U.S.A., in South Korea., who is in South Korea. 13, 14. (a) Omagano geni ga tumbulwa muJohannes 15: 11? Remember that marriage is not a competition to find out who is stronger, who can shout louder, or who can think of the most cutting remark. 13, 14. (a) What gift is mentioned at John 15: 11? Michael okwa li i itulile po omalalakano ngoka haga vulu okugwanithwa muule wethimbo efupi nosho wo iinima mbyoka e na okupititha komeho mbyoka ya li ye mu kwathele a gwanithe po omalalakano ge omanene gokukaleka onkalamwenyo ye metsokumwe nomithikampango dhaKalunga. Why should we keep up - to - date with published material, and how do you accomplish this? Michael set goals that could be fulfilled during a short period of time and that his priorities helped him to pursue higher goals and live according to God's standards. Aantu ohaya ti kutya iiponga mbyoka oyi li egeelo lya za kuKalunga nonando iiningwanima mbika ohayi dhipaga aantu mboka haya longo uuwanawa nosho wo mboka haya longo uuwinayi. Impressed with her integrity, the soldier gave Victoria a considerable reward from the recovered funds. People say that such dangers are punishment from God even if these events kill people and those who do bad things. 26: 52) Mokati kaamwatate oyendji mboka ya tulwa moondholongo omwa kwatelwa aamwatate ngaashi Isaac, Negede naPaulos, mboka ya kala mokamba yoonkwatwa moEritrea, uule womimvo dhi vulithe 20. " Jehovah knows those who belong to him. " - 2 TIM. Among the brothers who were imprisoned, including our brothers and sisters, who have been in prison for more than 20 years, have been imprisoned for 20 years. Ngele owa hala uuyelele wa gwedhwa po kombinga yaashika, tala okabroshure Oombepo dhOonakusa, Otadhi Vulu Oku Ku Kwathela Nenge Otadhi Ku Etele Oshiponga? (See opening image 3.) (b) Where do the women with wings take the ephah container? If you would like to have more information about this, see the brochure The Spirit's Spirit and the Dead Sea, would you not miss the danger? Shika oshinima oshiwanawa, oshoka ngele oku shi kutya okwa thikama peni, ota ka vula okwiidhidhimikila omathiminiko goomakula noku ga sinda. This arrangement has drawn Bethel families closer than ever. This is a good thing because when he knows what he is standing, he will be able to cope with peer pressure and conquer them. Omuwa Kalunga koye oha tondo aantu mboka haa ningi iinima mbika iinyanyalithi. " - Deuteronomium 18: 10 - 12. [ Footnote] Jehovah your God hates these things. " - Deuteronomy 18: 10 - 12. Ombiimbeli oya ti wo kutya evi oli li ongonga nolye endjelela powalawala. Aanongononi oyendji oye ke shi mona mo owala konima yomimvo omathele ogendji. - Job 26: 7; Omayeletumbulo 8: 31. Very likely, others who have to remain awake all night would agree. The Bible also says that the earth was filled with science and that many centuries later. - Job 26: 26; Proverbs 8: 31. Timoteus okwa li omugundjuka ngoka a li a longitha nawa ethimbo lye sho inaa ya mondjokana. The Kingdom will bring "the end " to all wickedness on earth Timothy was a young man who used his time to marry. Moses okwa lombwelele oshigwana shaIsraeli a ti: "Omuwa Kalunga koye ote ke ku yambeka mevi ndyoka te li ku pe. Moshigwana shoye itamu kala ohepele, ngele oto vulika kOmuwa Kalunga koye e to gwanitha shili ayihe mbyoka tandi ku lombwele nena. What did Jesus mean when he said: "Never be anxious "? Moses told the nation of Israel: "Jehovah your God will bless you in the land that you will not remain poor if you obey Jehovah your God, you will certainly do all things for yourself. Oya langekwa po opo "ya pukulule aayapuki... mokutunga olutu lwaKristus. " (Ef. In a similar way, if you continue to use the Bible - based methods of your teachers, you show respect for experienced elders, and your brothers and sisters will have confidence in you. They are appointed to "be holy...... with holy spirit... in connection with one another. " Emanya ndyoka oli li pokudhenga oompadhi dhoshiyelekela masiku. Table of Contents The stone will soon be thrown into the feet of the image. Otashi vulika kuu shi omuntu ngoka a li a katuka ngaashi Asa, ihe otashi vulika pu na onkalo yimwe moka to vulu okuholela uulaadhi we. In the United States, tobacco use is to blame for 1 out of every 5 deaths. You may not be like Asa, but one of the circumstances you can imitate. Pehala lyaayihe mbyono, otashi vulika a li u uvite uuwike noonkondo. We went to a nearby river, and two of us got baptized on February 15, 1946. Rather than all these things, he may feel lonely. Konima owala sho twa shuna kegumbo, onda galikana kuJehova, e ta ndi mu uvanekele kutya otandi ke mu longela onkalamwenyo yandje ayihe. The Shulammite and a certain shepherd did have special feelings for each other. Shortly after we returned home, I prayed to Jehovah and promised him that I would serve him whole - souled. Oshikalimo Doubtless, Jehovah's new system of things on earth will witness "the surpassing riches of his undeserved kindness. " Table of Contents Ihe olundji ohatu lili omolwoothina ndhoka dhi li moomwenyo dhetu. Yes, among " the weapons of their warfare, ' you will find "the sword of the spirit, " God's Word. - 2 Cor. But we often feel overwhelmed by the pressures we live in our hearts. Ihe okwa li e shi kutya ota ka sa. (Compare Mark 12: 41 - 44.) But he knew that he would die. Ihe nonando oongawo, aawiliki yaBabiloni Oshinene oyu uvite kutya kaye li moshiponga sha sha. They are brothers, sons of Zebedee and his wife, Salome. However, Christendom's religious leaders feel that they were not in danger. Niitya yimwe, okwa li i itaala thiluthilu shoka a longwa. " Christ suffered for you, leaving a model for you to follow his steps closely. " - 1 PETER 2: 21. In other words, he had strong faith in what he taught. Omuntu ngoka a gwanenena, Jesus, omwenyo gwe ogwa li naanaa gu na ongushu yi thike pomwenyo gwaAdam. Consider what one author wrote about his elderly mother, who suffered from Alzheimer's disease. The perfect man Jesus, the life of a perfect man, was far more valuable than Adam's life. 15 Juni 2011 Yet, Sarah bravely went forward, day by day, getting ready for departure. June 15, 2011 (Mat. 24: 14) Nziya, oshili yOmbiimbeli oya tameke okulundulula onkalamwenyo yetu. Those verses say that one having "the tongue of the taught ones " would" not turn in the opposite direction. " Soon, Bible truth began to change our lives. Omuntu a tya ngawo otashi vulika a thige po Jehova e ta kala kee uvite we ewi Lye. In time, he hopes to be spiritually qualified to serve as an overseer. Such a person may leave Jehovah and feel his voice. Sho ongundu ndjoka ya li tayi ende moshilando, omumwameme gumwe omukokele okwa li a gandja Oshungolangelo kokamati, hoka oko ka li ka hugunina momukweyo nokwa li e ka lombwele ke yi gandje kuyina. Why should Jehovah's servants marry "only in the Lord "? When the group came in the city, an elderly sister offered The Watchtower, which was the last night, and he told his mother to go to his mother. Otwi inyengithwa tu " yakule ' yaamwatate omolwohole. Finally, after 13 years, we decided to separate and later to divorce. We were moved to serve "the brothers in love. " Shoka a li e etelwa kashi shi ombinzi, ihe omeya. For example, all of us need to defend our beliefs, control our emotions, reject peer pressure, and avoid bad association and entertainment. His request was not blood but water. 24: 22) Ihe nena inatu pumbwa okuvulika kiipango ayihe mbyoka ya pelwe Aaisraeli. Only after we gain a clear picture of their spiritual condition can we assist them. However, we do not need to obey all the commands that the Israelites received. Ihe katu na okuungaunga nomashongo ngaka otse atuke. Not all religion originates with the true God. However, we should not deal with these challenges. SHO OWALA omumwandjemati Gary a valwa mo 1958, onda li nda dhimbulula kutya opu na sha sha puka. Then, as you see signs and landmarks that match what the directions say, you gain confidence that you are nearing your destination. WHEN Gary was born in 1958, I realized that something was wrong. 5: 37) Yamwe otashi vulika omathimbo gamwe ya li ya hiywa e taya kala inaaya ya ko, molwaashoka ya hiywa hoka ye wete ku li hwepo. 12, 13. (a) As shown at Ephesians 4: 29, what kind of speech should we avoid? Some may at times have been invited to accept an invitation because they felt better. (Omuuv. What examples prove that it is possible for imperfect humans to use their free will in a way that honors God? It is similar with us. " Jesus okwa li ha vulika kuKalunga. Outside [of the concentration camp], we had been there for one another. Jesus obeyed God. Okwa li ombepo ombwiinayi yoompwidhuli, ndjoka ya li tayi iningitha ya fa Samuel ngoka a li a sa. But this does not mean that Jehovah expects us to endure in our own wisdom or strength. He was wicked and wicked, and that would have been like Samuel, who had died. Aakorinto yotango 13: 5 otaya ti: "Ohole ihayi dhimbulukwa uuwinayi ye u ningilwa. " With Jehovah's help, we can meet today's adversities with courage. - Read 2 Corinthians 4: 17, 18. 1 Corinthians 13: 5 states: "Love does not remember his evil works. " Omiinima yini monkalamwenyo yoye ho kala kuu na einekelo mungoye mwene? The nurse, who was a few years older than I was, looked worried. In what areas do you have confidence in your own life? Nokuli oku na aantu oomiliyona hetatu taya longo iilongo mbyoka. When there is a financial crisis or when jobs are hard to find, many do not have a problem with stealing, cheating, or doing other dishonest things. Even there are eight million people doing this work. 9, 10. (a) Yelitha nkene oohapu dhaJesus ndhoka dhi li muJohannes 10: 16 tadhi tu kwathele tu uve ko esimano lyokugongala naamwatate. (b) Ngele ohatu kala pokugongala pandjigilile, otashi ka kwathela ngiini gumwe ngoka ke niwe naye kuyaandjawo? It was a small card with a short and simple Bible message. 9, 10. (a) Explain how Jesus ' words recorded at John 10: 16 help us to understand the importance of meeting attendance (b) When we attend meetings regularly, how will our family worship help us? Jehova iinima mbyoka ya li tayi longwa muKaanan okwa li e yi wete. How comforting it is to know that Jehovah our Potter is reasonable and adaptable, gracious and merciful, willing to change his course based on positive changes that erring ones make! Jehovah took note of what they were doing in Canaan. Oyo otaa kala aakotokeli, ihaa yawala, haa tuwalala noye hole olundundu peha lyokuhola Kalunga. In his dealings with others, he had their best interests at heart. You will be lovers of money, lovers of money, self - assuming, haughty, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, without self - control, without love of pleasures rather than lovers of God. Otashi gandja wo enenedhiladhilo lyenyolo lyokomumvo lyo 2011. Although Moses ' load seemed too heavy, he had, in fact, not been carrying it alone - neither would the 70 who were appointed to assist him carry it alone. It also points out the main theme of 2011. Oshitopolwa shehangano lyaJehova shokombanda yevi otashi kumitha mokukala po kwasho, miilonga nosho wo mokwiindjipala kwasho. But the facts show otherwise. The earthly part of Jehovah's organization is impressed by the work, work, and in the field service. Oshindhindhilikwedhi osho shoka kutya iifendela mbyoka Aakriste yomethelemumvo lyotango ya li ya lombwelwa ya fute, ohayi yi kuukwiita. Are you following such suggestions from Jehovah's organization? It is noteworthy that the taxes that first - century Christians were ordered to pay taxes. Ngele otwa kala tu uvite ko notwi itaala shili kutya "Jehova Kalunga ketu oye awike Jehova, " otatu ke mu longela oye awike momukalo ngoka a hala. - Aahebeli 12: 28, 29. Paul's letter no doubt strengthened Timothy's faith by reminding him of what happened when faithful Aaron was vindicated and hypocritical Korah and his companions were exposed, rejected, and destroyed. If we understand and believe that "Jehovah our God is one Jehovah, " we will worship him in a way that he wants us to worship him. - Hebrews 12: 28, 29. 22: 24 - 26; Omayel. 16: 31; 20: 29) Levitikus 19: 32 ota ti: "Simanekeni aakulupe, ne mu yele aakuluntu yoomvi. How does being dedicated to God benefit us? Leviticus 19: 32 says: "Be a son of old, and you must show him that you are a son of old age. Efuta. Why such inequality? The Dead Sea. Okwa li a kwatwa po a ye metangakwiita lyaNdowishi nziya sho Iita Iitiyali yUuyuni ya tameke mo 1939. They set their own course or they may simply be adrift in a sea of moral abandon, as was true of some of those ancient Corinthians before they became believers. He was arrested by the German military when World War II began in 1939 Oku shi popya kondandalunde, Jehova okwa shita uuluyi womuntu ngawo opo tu vule okwiilonga nenyanyu kombinga ye nosho wo yiilonga ye sigo aluhe. Take, for example, what happened to the Israelites. In a specific way, Jehovah designed human brain to learn about him and his works forever. Sho to wu kongo, kambadhala okukala omwiifupipiki nowu na eitaalo lya kola. - w16.08 ep. Keep in mind, though, that Satan's propaganda is not always subtle. As you search for it, strive to remain humble and strong. - w16.3, pp. (Mat. 22: 37 - 40) Omukalo gumwe gwa simana gwokuulukila ooyakwetu ohole, ogwo oku ya uvithila onkundana ombwanawa yUukwaniilwa waKalunga. [ Picture on page 15] One important way is by showing love for our neighbor is by sharing the good news of God's Kingdom. Mokutala komuti nohokwe yokulya ko, okwa ningitha Eva a yone oshipango shaKalunga. I did my best to support him in his important efforts. In view of the tree of a meal, Eve caused Eve to break God's command. Maandjetu omwa li aanawino oyendji mboka ya li ya kwathele ndje ndi kokole ondjila. In college all my friends were very intelligent young people. In our family, many wise ones helped me to pioneer. Nonando otu kale tu na ombili, olundji ohatu nyengwa oku yi kaleka po. How Jehovah loves to educate his people! Although we maintain peace, we often get it out of control. Onkee ano, etoloko lyOmbiimbeli lyo - The Amplified Old Testament otali popi kutya omukulukadhi gwaKain okwa li "gumwe gwomoluvalo lwaAdam. " (a) How does Zechariah's eighth vision begin? Thus, in the Bible's translation of the New Testament states that Cain's wife was "one of Adam's descendants. " Aamwatate naamwameme ya zala ya fa aalondi yoondundu oya li haya pitithile iileshomwa kOondundu Oonene okuya moNdowishi What does the expression "the desire of the eyes " suggest, and how did Satan appeal to this desire in Eve's case? Brothers and sisters dressed as if I placed literature on the Giant Mountains in Germany AAUVITHI 27 Facing the Loss of Your Mate PUBLISHERS Uuna to lombwele omumwaho a ye kaakuluntugongalo ye ke mu kwathele, otashi ulike kutya owu mu nine olukeno nowu li omudhiginini kuJehova Jehovah's Witnesses everywhere had marveled at the record of faithfulness shown by the Witnesses in Germany from 1933 onward under the Hitler regime. When you tell the elders to help him, you show that you are kind and loyal to Jehovah Otwa pumbwa okuhinga nawa, uuna tatu yi komahala gokugongalela nokulonga tu li megameno, uuna tatu tungu notatu opalekulula omahala ngoka. Because of Jehovah's love, we are confident that he will provide for us as we keep Kingdom interests first in our life. We need to make good use of it when we travel to a place where we are safe and where we build places. Omolwaashoka otwa gama kuJehova. I did not want to die! Because we remain loyal to Jehovah. Mbela ohatu dhiladhila kutya opu na yalwe ya pyokoka ye tu vule? To the Hebrews, the day began at sunset and ended at the next sunset. See Appendix B12 in the New World Translation. Do we think that there are more experienced than others? Shika otashi ulike kutya ayehe mboka ye mu inekela, ote ke ya kwathela. Esther acted courageously, and the book bearing her name shows that God delivered his people. This shows that all who trust in him will help them. 24: 4, 7, 8. Show kindness, and you'll both be happy! 24: 4, 7, 8. 3: 21, NW) Ihe omanga inaatu ninginithwa, otu na okukatuka oonkatu dhontumba. In a very short space of time, Job's life changed dramatically. But before we got baptized, we must take some steps. Oshike tashi ke tu kwathela tu kale methigathanopo? And rise it did - as the United Nations. - Rev. What will help us to keep on the race? Shoka osha kwathele ndje ndi tseye Oshiingilisa, nonda li nokuli nda vulu okutoloka oshipopiwa shoka nayimwe ya ka landula ko. 8 Assist Divorced Fellow Believers - How? That helped me to get to know English, and I even was able to translate a Bible talk from one of them. Momumvo 2005, Cheri okwa li a shaina euvathanotsokumwe a ka tote oofilima mbali dha dhenga mbanda moChina. Opo e shi ninge, okwa li e na okushuna koHong Kong. He even made sure that she would get enough food and water, just like the hired workers. In 2005, Cheri signed a typical contract that had two Dawn - sheba, and she had to return to Hong Kong. Ngame naanegumbo lyandje otwa halelela okwiilonga oshindji kombinga yaJehova noku mu longela sigo aluhe. First, remember that we should give glory to Jehovah. My family and I yearn to learn more about Jehovah and serve him forever. IITOPOLWA YI IKOLELELA KOSHIPALANYOLO SHOKOMBANDA © 2013 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. FROM OUR COVER Konima owala yoomwedhi dhontumba, okwa li a shuna mokumatuka, nomo 1985 okwa li nokuli a matuka ondapo ndjoka inaayi tondokwa nando onale komukiintu muuyuni awuhe. This article raises questions you may have asked and shows where you can read the answers in your Bible. Just a few months later, he returned to fight, and he even ran away from the terrible woman. OKULONGELA Jehova ohaku tu etele enyanyu. Likening the Christian life course to a long - distance footrace, under inspiration the apostle Paul recommended: "Let us also put off every weight..., and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. " DOES Jehovah bring us joy? Otwa yi koKanada a ka pangwe. Yet, Jehovah's view of us is more important than ours, and his thinking is much higher than ours. We moved to Canada to take care of her. Dhimbulukwa kutya ondjokana kayi shi ethigathanopo lyokumona kutya olye e na oonkondo, olye ha vulu okunyenyeta mokule nenge olye ha vulu okugandja omangwanda. As we have seen, working out your own salvation is a serious responsibility. Remember that marriage is not a mystery, who is powerful, or anyone who can offer it or who can offer it. Omolwashike tu na okukala aluhe hatu lesha iileshomwa pethimbo, nongiini to vulu oku shi tsakanitha? About three months later, over 30,000 Roman troops, led by Cestius Gallus, advanced on Jerusalem to crush the rebellion. Why should we always read our publications during the time, and how can you do it? Omukwiita okwa li e mu kuminwa lela nokwe mu pe iimaliwa oyindji omolwuunashili we. Sophia: Yes, she's been paralyzed ever since. A soldier was deeply impressed by him and gave him a lot of money. " Omuwa oku ya shi mboka ye. " - 2 TIM. (Read Psalm 32: 5; Ps. " Jehovah knows those who belong to him. " - 2 TIM. (Tala kethano etitatu lyopetameko.) (b) Aakiintu yaali mboka ye na omawawa oya li ya fala eshungu peni? 18, 19. (See opening picture.) (b) Where did two women take the lead in the container? Elongekidho ndika olya kwathela uukwanegumbo waBetel wu kale wa hangana shi vulithe nale. Two dramatic plays will bring Bible stories and their lessons to life. This arrangement has helped the members of the Bethel family to be united as ever before. [ Enyolo lyopevi] And there were loud voices in heaven, saying: " The kingdom of the world has become the Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will rule as king forever and ever. ' " - Revelation 11: 15. [ Footnote] Otashi vulika yalwe mboka ye na okukala ya tonata uusiku awuhe taye shi zimine. Could that still be true today? Perhaps others need to keep on the watch all the night and admit it. Otadhi holola puuyelele omahalo nomadhiladhilo gomomitima dhaantu. " But in Sarah's day, merchants ' vessels plied the waters and canals of the Euphrates River, bringing precious goods from far and wide to this thriving city. They reveal the intentions of the heart and intentions of the heart. " Uukwaniilwa otawu ka " hulitha po ' uukolokoshi awuhe kombanda yevi 2,858 The Kingdom will "put an end to all wickedness " on earth Jesus okwa li a hala okutya shike sho a ti: " Inamu kala mu na oshimpwiyu '? 31: 19; 32: 4. What did Jesus mean when he said: "Never be anxious "? Nangoye ngele owa kala ho longitha omikalo ndhoka omudheuli gwoye ha longitha, oto ulike kutya owa simaneka aakuluntugongalo mboka ya pyokoka, naamwatate megongalo otaya ka kala ye ku inekela. Because of our sinful inclinations, there is always the potential for inadvertently adopting traits that are less than sincere. If you use your teacher's methods, you show respect for qualified elders in the congregation, in the congregation, will trust in you. Oshikalimo No. Table of Contents Gumwe gwomaantu yatano mboka haya si moAmerika okwa sa komakaya. So Joseph hesitated to confess his faith in Jesus openly. One of five died in the United States died. (Kol. 3: 24) Onkee ano, mo 25 Febuluali 1946, otwa yi komulonga gwopopepi, notwa ninginithwa tu li yaali. Jehovah's Witnesses would be happy to help you learn the answers to those and other questions so that you and your family can draw close to God. - James 4: 8. So in February 1946, we went to the river and got baptized as two people. (Ondjimb. 8: 4) Okakadhona Okashulami nomusita gwoonzi oya li ya hokwathana. COVER: Witnessing to university students from foreign lands in the city of Lviv The Shulammite girl and the shepherd were drawn to one another. Pethimbo ndyoka kehe gumwe kombanda yevi ota ka mona lela "uuwindji wesilohenda lye. " Unlike them, Jesus instructed his apostles not to "lord it over " others. Everyone on earth will truly see "the depth of his undeserved kindness. " (Mika 5: 6) Eeno, " miikondjitho mbyoka taya longitha molugodhi nduka, ' omu na " egongamwele lyombepo, ' Oohapu dhaKalunga. - 2 Kor. They said: "We must enter into the Kingdom of God through many tribulations. " - Acts 14: 20 - 22. Yes, "the weapons of the weapons " of this system of things, "" the sword of the spirit, " and "the sword of God's Word. - 2 Cor. (Yelekanitha Markus 12: 41 - 44.) It will sanctify God's name by exposing Satan's lies and then overthrowing Satan and all his works. (Compare Mark 12: 41 - 44.) Aamwayinathana ya valwa kuSebedeus nomukulukadhi gwe Salome. What similarities as to oversight are there between Israel and "the Israel of God "? A married couple are born with his wife's wife. " Kristus wo okwa hepekwa omolweni nokwe mu thigile oshiholelwa, opo mu landule ondjila ndjoka a li e yi ende. " - 1 PET. 2: 21. (Read Galatians 6: 4, 5.) " Christ also suffered for you and left him so that you might follow his steps closely. " - 1 PET. 2 PET. 2: 21. Tala shoka omunyoli gumwe a ti kombinga yayina ngoka a li a kulupa, nokwa li ta hepekwa komukithi gwomuuluyi hagu ithanwa Alzheimer. Enoch fearlessly proclaimed God's message to a hostile world Consider what one writer said about a old mother who was old, and he suffered a brain tumor. Nonando ongawo, Sara okwa li a pula komeho esiku nesiku, i ilongekidhile etembu. * - Rom. Yet, Sarah took the lead in day - to - day service. Oovelise ndhoka otadhi ti kutya ngoka " a longwa shoka e na okutya ' ita ka "shuna monima. " Maybe sin used to be a problem, but now we've outgrown that. Those verses say that "the works of the flesh " does not mean" the way of life. " Mokweendela ko kwethimbo okwa lalakanene okukala a gwana okuninga omukuluntugongalo. On a more personal level, showing honor to those to whom it is due keeps us from becoming self - centered. In time, he qualified to qualify for an elder. Omolwashike oondjokana dhaapiya yaJehova dhi na "okukala dhopakriste "? But did God abandon the human race after the downfall of Adam and Eve? Why do Jehovah's servants have "only in the Lord "? Hugunina, konima yoomvula 13, otwa topoka nokonima otwa hengana. If you have children, are you helping them to trust in Jehovah as a Deliverer? Finally, 13 years later, we got married and got divorced. Pashiholelwa, atuheni otu na okupopila eitaalo lyetu, okupangela omaiyuvo getu, okukondjitha omathiminiko goomakula, okuyanda eendathano ewinayi nomainyanyudho ga puka. On that occasion, "Peter stood up with the Eleven " and shared lifesaving truths with a large crowd of Jews and proselytes. For example, all of us must defend our faith, control our emotions, resist peer pressure, and avoid bad associations. Otatu vulu owala oku ya kwathela ngele tu uvu ko nawa onkalo yawo yopambepo. Why should training others in Jehovah's service be important to us? We can help them only if we understand their spiritual condition. Hamalongelokalunga agehe ga totwa po kuKalunga kashili. Let your Kingdom come. Not all religions are appointed by the true God. Uuna wa mono omandhindhiliko nosho wo omathano ngoka taga tsu kumwe naampoka wu uka, oho kala wu wete kutya owu li popepi nokuthika. The Bible reveals God not only as an all - powerful, wise, and just God but also as a God who loves us. When you see signs and pictures that agree, you feel that you are close to them and that you are close to them. 12, 13. (a) Ngaashi shu ulikwa mAaefeso 4: 29, oohapu dha tya ngiini tu na okuhenuka? Let us consider two ways in which God's spirit can help us find peace. 12, 13. (a) As shown at Ephesians 4: 29, what kind of words must we avoid? Iiholelwa yini tayi ulike kutya aantu inaaya gwanenena nayo otaya wapa okulongitha emanguluko lyawo lyokuninga omatokolo momukalo tagu simanekitha Kalunga? Because Jehu did not want any Baal worshippers to miss this event, he assembled all of them in the house of Baal and had them dress in distinctive attire. What examples show that imperfect humans are able to use their free will in a way that honors God? Tse mboka kaatwa li [mokamba yoonkwatwa], otwa li hatu kwathelathana. To answer, let us consider a meeting that Jesus conducted shortly after his resurrection. We were not in the camp of the prison, and we were able to help one another. Ombiimbeli otayi ti: "Kalunga oku shi okwiinekelwa. Here's why: Our basic human needs have not changed from the beginning of time. The Bible says: "God is trustworthy. (2 Kor. 4: 9, 16) Kekwatho lyaJehova, otatu vulu okwiidhidhimikila omaupyakadhi ngoka hatu iyadha mugo kunena. - Lesha 2 Aakorinto 4: 17, 18. This occurred, for example, when he returned from defeating the king of Elam and his allies. With Jehovah's help, we can endure the problems we face today. - Read 2 Corinthians 4: 17, 18. Omulumentu ngoka a li owala e vule ndje noomvula oonshona, okwa li a tila shili, oshoka ombinzi yandje oya li tayi ende tayi gu pevi nayi. Father worked in a bakery, and one night a coworker assured him that the Bible does not teach that hell is a place of torment. A man who was only a few years old was afraid because my blood was damaged. (2 Timoteus 3: 2) Uuna uuhupilo tawu nyangwanyangwa nenge iilonga itaayi monika nuupu, aantu oyendji ihaya kala ye wete sha puka okuyaka, okukengelela aantu nokuninga iinima mbyoka kaayi li pauyuuki. PAGE 16 • SONGS: 51, 91 When economic problems arise, many do not feel wrong, steal, and do things that are unfair. Okakalata haka oka li okashona, ke na etumwalaka lyOmbiimbeli efupi nolya yela nawa. One event in Jesus ' life forcefully demonstrated what zeal he had. It was early in his ministry, in the Passover season of 30 C.E. The card was a little boy, and he had a simple Bible message. Itashi hekeleke tuu okutseya kutya Jehova Omuhongi gwetu oku na ondjele noha ningi omalunduluko, omwaanawa noku na ohenda, nokwi ilongekidha okulundulula omatokolo ge shi ikolelela komalunduluko ngoka haga ningwa kwaamboka ye li mepuko! In cases of need, he may motivate others to share what they have. How comforting it is to know that Jehovah is reasonable and reasonable, reasonable, ready to adjust to decisions that have been made! (Gal. 5: 16) Omukalo ngoka a li u ungaunga nayalwe, ogwa Ii gu ulike kutya oku na ko nasha lela noompumbwe dhawo. • How can we seek first God's righteousness? The way he dealt with others shows that he cares deeply about their needs. Aalumentu 70 mboka a li a hogolola nayo kaya li taye ke shi longa koonkondo dhawo yene. SONGS: 136, 139 The 70 men whom he chose were not in their own strength. Ihe opu na uunzapo mboka tawu ulike kutya hasho shi li ngaaka. And since it causes so much pain, why can we say that disfellowshipping is an act of love? But there is evidence that it is not. 2: 7) Mbela oho ga landula ngaa? Table of Contents Do you follow them? Eitaalo lyaTimoteus olya li lya kolo sho Paulus e mu nyolele ontumwafo moka a popya shoka sha ningilwa omudhiginini Aaron ngoka a li kee na oshipo. Circuit overseers often need lodging when they visit the congregations. Timothy's faith was strengthened when Paul wrote a letter that had been unfaithful to Aaron. Oku mu iyapulila ohaku tu etele ngiini uuwanawa? This report also said: "Religion and spirituality appear to be an important part of many children's lives and are vital to family relationships. " How does dedication benefit us? 14: 7) Omolwashike shi li ngawo? And numerous religions of Africa teach stories that bear a remarkable resemblance to that of Adam and Eve. Why is that so? Ohaya katuka ngaashi ya hala, nenge otashi vulika ya tameke okukala nomikalo omiwinayi ngaashi mboka ye ya kundukidha, ngaashi naanaa yamwe yomuKorinto ya li ya ningi manga inaaya ninga ooitaali. (Ef. That is what happened to Caleb and Joshua. They act like them, or they may begin to live in a bad way as some in Corinth did before they became believers. Natu taleni kwaashoka sha ningilwa Aaisraeli, manga inaaya thika mEvi lyeuvaneko. Two Christian sisters share the Bible's message with a merchant in the town of Tipitapa Consider what happened before the Israelites entered the Promised Land. Kaleka momadhiladhilo kutya Satana ohe tu pukitha momikalo moka itaatu vulu oku shi nongela. We just wanted others to be positive. Keep in mind that Satan is misleading us in ways that we cannot look at. [ Ethano pepandja 15] The one persuaded is "so convinced that [he] puts confidence in someth [ing]. " [ Picture on page 15] Onda li nda ningi ashihe shoka tandi vulu opo ndi mu ambidhidhe miilonga ye mbyoka ya simana. Many started thinking about full - time service. I did everything I could to support him in that important work. Sho nda li kokolidji, ookuume kandje ayehe oya li aagundjuka ye na omitse shili. 6: 16 - 19. When I was in France, my friends were very young. Inatu pandula tuu sho Jehova e hole okulonga oshigwana she! No, he wisely held back from sharing many things he knew. How grateful we are that Jehovah loves his people! (a) Emoniko lyaSakaria etihetatu olya tameke ngiini? According to Revelation 14: 6, 7, how do angels assist God's people today? (a) How did Zechariah's eight visions begin? Uutumbulilo "okuhola mbyoka aantu taye yi tala " otawu ti shike, nongiini Satana a li a longitha ehalo ndika moshinima shaEva? Faith does not mean gullibility. What does the expression "the love of the eyes " mean, and how did Satan use this desire in Eve's case? 27 Nkene to vulu okwiidhidhimikila eso lyakuume koye kopandjokana The Court's Judgment 27 Teach Your Children - How Can You Trust Your Life? Oonzapo dhaJehova muuyuni awuhe odha kala aluhe dha kuminwa uudhiginini waamwatate muNdowishi sho ya li kohi yepangelo ekwanyanya lyaHitler, okuza mo 1933. Then, when speaking with your family, acknowledge and accept your share of responsibility for the problem. Jehovah's Witnesses around the world have always been impressed by the loyalty of our brothers under the Roman government in 1933, 1933. Molwaashoka Jehova oku tu hole, otu na einekelo kutya ote ke tu pa shoka twa pumbwa ngele tatu tsikile okukonga tango Uukwaniilwa we monkalamwenyo yetu. Even if a person gets only a glimpse before deleting it, the image has already made an impression on his mind. Because Jehovah loves us, we trust that he will give us what we need if we continue to seek his Kingdom first in our life. Kanda li nda hala okusa. How can you prepare yourself to resist temptations? I didn't want to die. Omasiku gAahebeli oga li haga tameke peningino lyetango sigo okeningino lyetango lyesiku ekwawo. It was almost impossible for anyone to learn the truth or teach it to others. The four days of the Hebrew Scriptures began at sunset right from sunset to sunset. Okwa dhipaga Aaegipiti, ihe okwe tu hupitha. ' " Can you really benefit from the very well - known statement: He killed the Egyptians, but he saved us. ' " 4: 12 - 17) Ester okwa li a katuka nuulaadhi, nembo ndyoka lye mu lukilwa otali popi kutya Kalunga okwa li a hupitha oshigwana she. SONGS: 121, 142 Esther acted courageously, and this book refers to God's saving people. Ngele owu ulukile yalwe olukeno, otamu ka kala amuhe mwa nyanyukwa. 3: 15. If you show kindness to others, you will be happy to all of you. Onkalamwenyo yaJob oya li ya lunduluka thiluthilu ombadhilila. (b) When especially will Jehovah become our salvation? Enoch's life changed completely. Osha anduka shi li Iigwana ya Hangana. - Eh. Our Father, Jehovah, allows us to make our own decisions. Then he came to the United Nations. - Rev. 8 Ongiini tatu vulu okukwathela aamwameme mboka oondjokana dhawo dha teka? But Jehovah kept him "safe with seven others when he brought a deluge upon a world of ungodly people. " 8 How can we help sisters who are divorced? Okwa li nokuli a shilipaleke kutya okwa pewa iikulya ya gwana nomeya, ngaashi owala aaniilonga ye. For instance, by not setting their expectations too high while they were learning Chinese, they did not become overly discouraged when progress was slow. He even made sure that he had enough food to eat, just as his workers were. Shotango, dhimbulukwa kutya otu na okugandja esimano kuJehova. They need to see that we care about them. First, remember that we must give honor to Jehovah. © 2013 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. This means that each star is unique to Jehovah. What about his human creatures on earth? © 2013 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Moshitopolwa muka omu na omapulo ngoka tashi vulika wi ipulile esiku limwe notashi ku ulukile mpoka to vulu okwaadha omayamukulo mOmbiimbeli yoye. Then she asked her husband to become father to children by means of her servant girl, Hagar. There are questions you may have asked one day and shows where you can read the answers in your Bible. (Fil. 1: 10) Mokufaathanitha onkalamwenyo yOmukriste nolweendo olule lwokolupadhi, omuyapostoli Paulus okwa li a nwethwa mo a popye ta ti: "Natse wo tu etheni kehe shoka sha hala oku tu kata,... Therefore be zealous and repent. " In contrast with a long journey of Christ's life, the apostle Paul was inspired to say: "We also want to put off every weight... Ihe, etaloko lyaJehova olya simanenena li vule lyetu, nomadhiladhilo ge hago getu, ano ge li kokule lela nogetu. They work long hours at their separate jobs. However, Jehovah's view was more important than ours, and our thoughts are far off from him. Ngaashi twe shi mono, okukala tatu longo, omolwehupitho lyetu, oshinakugwanithwa sha kwata miiti. That may simply reinforce their reluctance. As we have seen, working out your own salvation is a serious responsibility. Konima yoomwedhi ndatu lwaampono, aakwiita Aaroma ye vulithe 30 000 taya wilikwa kuCestius Gallus, oya ponokele Jerusalem, opo ya hulithe po uunashipotha wAajuda. For example, one lady in a big house took us upstairs to a guest room where a beautiful bed with fresh white lace sheets was waiting for us. About three months later, Roman soldiers led by Cestius Gallus in order to bring an end to the Jewish rebellion. Sophia: Ee, sigo okunena okwa sa ombanda. 10, 11. (a) Why is prayer a special gift from Jehovah? Sophia: Yes, this day has died. (Lesha Episalomi 32: 5; Eps. This may at times mean being given new assignments of work. (Read Psalm 32: 5; Ps. 18, 19. As a result, only the clergy and some other educated people could read the Bible for themselves, although not all of the clergy could read and write well. 18, 19. Otapu ka kala Iinyandwa iyali mbyoka tayi ke tu kwathela tu uve ko nawa omahokololo gOmbiimbeli naashoka tage tu longo. 1 QUESTION: Who is God? There will be two gifts that will help us to understand better Bible accounts and what the Bible teaches. Opo mpoka megulu omwi igidhwa kwa tiwa: " Ngashingeyi oonkondo dhokupangela uuyuni odhOmuwa Kalunga ketu nodhaKristus gwe. Oye ota ka pangela aluhe sigo aluhe! ' " - Ehololo 11: 15. For at least three reasons: First, they cannot preach what they do not understand. If there were no enemies of the heavens, "the world of Jehovah our God and his Christ will rule forever! " - Revelation 11: 15. Mbela shika natango oshoshili kunena? When controlling your speech is especially hard, pray as did King David of Israel: "Do set a guard, O Jehovah, for my mouth; do set a watch over the door of my lips. " - Psalm 141: 3. Is that true today? Ihe pethimbo lyaSara, aahalithi oya li haya endaenda nuuwato wawo momeya nomuunala womulonga gwaEufrat, taye eta iinima yondilo moshilando shoka oshiyamba, okuza komahala gokokule. Your children are facing tremendous pressures to compromise. However, in the days of Sarah, they traveled by boat and watered the Euphrates River, bringing good things far away from the prosperous city's inhabitants. 2 858 When I was born in the southern United States in 1928, segregation of whites and blacks was the law. 2 REGULAR FEATURES 31: 19; 32: 4. A close look at these 456 passages raises questions as to whether some of them are prophetic of Jesus Christ. 31: 19; 32: 4. (Gal. 6: 4) Molwaashoka inatu gwanenena, oshipu kutse tu kokeke iikala ya puka yokulongela Jehova netatamutima. (Heb. As we go about our everyday lives, it might seem difficult to relate our activities to making sacrifices for Jehovah. Because we are imperfect, it is easier for us to cultivate a wrong attitude toward Jehovah and a regular part of the heart. Aawe. Others, even children, were drawn to and comfortable with him. - 4 / 15, page 10. No. Onkee ano, Josef okwa li a kwatakwata oku shi ulika montaneho kutya okwi itaala Jesus. Then we try to spend more time with the brothers and sisters. " So Joseph hesitated to express his faith in Jesus. Oonzapo dhaJehova otadhi ka kala dha nyanyukwa oku ku kwathela wi ilonge okukonga omayamukulo gomapulo ngoka nosho wo galwe opo ngoye nuukwanegumbo woye mu vule okuhedha popepi naKalunga. - Jakob 4: 8. " Do not be afraid. Go in and do as you said. Jehovah's Witnesses would be pleased to help you learn the answers to such questions and other questions so that you can draw close to God. - James 4: 8. EFO LYOKOMBANDA: Aauvithi taya uvuthile aalongwa yomouniveesiti ya za kiilongo yokondje mondolopa yaLviv Would he let them come home? COVER: Publishers heard a local students from several countries in Brazil (Numeri 15: 38 - 40; Mateus 23: 5 - 7) Ihe Jesus okwa li a lombwele aayapostoli ye ya kale ya yooloka ko kuyo mokukala ihaaya "pangele " aantu ooyakwawo. " At times, we all forget the good that we are accomplishing, " observes Ray, an experienced elder. But Jesus told his apostles to be different from theirs. Oya ti: "Mokuya moshilongo shaKalunga otu na okupitila muudhigu owindji. " - Iilonga 14: 20 - 22. In the past, when I slept, I felt that something was constantly pressing down on me. They said: "We must enter into the kingdom of God through many tribulations. " - Acts 14: 20 - 22. (Jesaja 9: 6, 7; Daniel 2: 44) Otawu ka yapulitha edhina lyaKalunga mokutula pomutenya iifundja yaSatana nokuhanagula po Satana niilonga ye ayihe. " As regards the wicked, they will be cut off from the very earth; and as for the treacherous, they will be torn away from it. " - Proverbs 2: 22. It will sanctify God's name and destroy Satan and his works. Omafaathano geni ge na ko nasha nokutonatela ge li pokati kaIsraeli shonale " naIsrael yaKalunga '? Even so, Samuel could maintain his own integrity and please his heavenly Father, Jehovah. What are some aspects of the ancient Israel as "the Israel of God "? (Lesha Aagalati 6: 4, 5.) When Jesus was baptized by John, Jehovah anointed Jesus as the promised Messiah and the future King of God's Kingdom. (Read Galatians 6: 4, 5.) Enok oku uvithile aakolokoshi etumwalaka lyaKalunga, nuulaadhi How should elders deal with the sheep in their care? Enoch preached God's message to the wicked. * - Rom. Why Marry Only Fellow Believer? 7 / 1 Why Do Some Not Celebrate Christmas? * - Rom. Ngiika uulunde owa li nale uupyakadhi, ihe ngashingeyi shoka oshinima twe shi thiga po. On his last visit, in 1965, he said, "You may come to visit me, but I will never come to see you here again. " Maybe you had suffered a problem, but now what we have left. Okusimaneka yalwe mboka ya gwana okusimanekwa otaku tu kwathele tu kale kaatu ihole tse yene. Would it not be easier for the wife to respect her husband when she sees that he manifests humility and gives sincere consideration to her likes and dislikes rather than being concerned only about his own preferences? Honoring honor to others helps us not to be selfish. Ihe mbela Kalunga okwa li e etha aantu konima sho Adam naEva ya yono? By means of the new covenant, the congregation of anointed Christians replaced literal Israel as the nation with whom God was to have a special relationship. But did God allow humans after Adam and Eve sinned? Ngele owu na aanona, mbela oto ya kwathele ngaa ya kale yi inekela muJehova e li Omuhupithi? But by doing so, you may avoid making hasty decisions that lead to unnecessary anxiety. If you have children, do you help them to trust in Jehovah as a Savior? (Iil. 2: 14, 15) Oyendji yomuyo oya ningi Aakriste. Onkee ano, Aakriste mbaka ape "oya kala taa longwa kaayapostoli. " (Iil. * That's how we arrive at 1914 as the year that the seven times ended, the start of Jesus ' rule as King of God's Kingdom. Thus, most of them became Christians, so these Christians "continued devoting themselves to the teaching of the apostles. " Omolwashike okudheulila yalwe iilonga yaJehova ku li oshinima sha simana kutse? There are many more. Why is training others an important part of Jehovah's work important for us? (Mat. For example, Ezra traveled back to Jerusalem with donated items from the Persian king - gold, silver, and other materials worth well over $100 million (U.S.) in today's values. (Matt. Otayi mu popi kutya Kalunga omunandunge a shiga ko, omunankondoadhihe noku li owo omunahole. What must all of Jehovah's worshippers do? It says that God is all - wise, almighty, and loving. Natu taleni omikalo mbali, moka ombepo yaKalunga tayi vulu oku tu kwathela tu mone ombili yashili. Imagine Jesus as a small boy watching his adoptive father at work. Let us consider two ways in which God's spirit can help us find true happiness. Molwaashoka Jehu ka li a hala aalongeli yaBaal ya kale inaaye ya ko koshituthi, okwe ya gongaleke ayehe montempeli yaBaal nokwe ya lombwele ya zale oonguwo dhuuzeko. Another reason why Jehovah has waited patiently is so that more people can have everlasting life. As Jehu did not want the Baal worshippers to go to the meeting, he gathered all the Baal Baal Baal and told them to wear the clothes. Opo tu yamukule epulo ndyoka, natu tale kokugongala hoka Jesus a li a kwatele komeho konima owala yeyumuko lye. Still, the couple kept reminding themselves why they moved, and before long they adjusted. To answer that question, let us consider a meeting that Jesus took the lead after his resurrection. Nandi ku lombwele kutya omolwashike: Ompumbwe yaantu ya simanenena inayi lunduluka okuza petameko. Nicodemus, a member of the Sanhedrin, became interested in Jesus ' teaching. Let me tell you why the need is vital. (Gen. 21: 22 - 24; 24: 2 - 4, 9) Pashiholelwa, shimwe oosho a li a sindi omukwaniilwa gwaElam pamwe niilongo mbyoka ya li tayi ambidhidha omukwaniilwa ngoka. • What six steps can we take to make sure that our decisions honor God? For example, by means of his kingship, he defeated the king and the northern kingdom of Israel. Ongulohi yimwe omuniilonga pamwe naye okwa li e mu lombwele a ti, Ombiimbeli itayi longo nando aantu kutya otaya ka pya moheli. LIFE STORY One night he spoke to her, and the Bible does not teach people that they would be tormented in hellfire. EPANDJA 16 OMAIMBILO: 51, 91 The zeal with which they preach the good news proves where their priorities lie. PAGE 16 • SONGS: 51, 91 Oshiningwanima shimwe shoka sha li sha ningwa petameko lyuukalele waJesus pethimbo lyoshituthi shOpaasa mo 30 E.N., osha li sha gandja uunzapo wa kola kutya okwa li e na uulaadhi wu thike peni. " If population and consumption trends continue, we will need the equivalent of two Earths by 2035, " reports the Australian newspaper Sydney Morning Herald. One event that occurred at the beginning of Jesus ' ministry in 30 C.E. gave evidence of his zeal. Uuna pwa holoka ompumbwe, ota vulu okwiinyengitha yalwe ye tu pe mo mwaashoka ye na. Imitating Jesus ' example requires that his followers love one another just as he loved them. When the need is greater, it can motivate others to give us what they have. • Ongiini tatu vulu okukonga tango uuyuuki waKalunga? 2: 13. • How can we seek first God's righteousness? OMAIMBILO: 136, 139 Others do so during their lunch break. SONGS: 136, 139 Nonando oha ku eta uuwehame owindji, omolwashike tatu vulu okutya okukondwa oku li egeeloputudho lyopahole? (a) How does our cultivating "the fruitage of the spirit " glorify God? Although he brings many pain, why can we say that he is loving discipline? Oshikalimo Such matters are not bad in themselves; they can be normal aspects of life. Table of Contents 22) Pethimbo lyetu, ompito ya tya ngawo ohayi holoka po wo. 14 The Spirit Bears Witness With Our Spirit In our time, such opportunity also arise. Olopota ndjika oya popi wo ya ti: "Omalongelokalunga niinima yopambepo oyi li oshitopolwa sha simana monkalamwenyo yaanona oyendji noya simanenena mekwatathano lyawo nuukwanegumbo. " Before news of Claudius ' death broke, Burrus escorted Nero to the Castra Praetoria and had him proclaimed emperor by the Praetorian Guard, leaving the Senate no option but to accept the choice. This report also stated: "The spiritual and spiritual matters of the most important part of the family and their family. " Omalongelokalunga ogendji gomuAfrica ohaga longo aantu omahokololo konyala ga faathana naandyoka tali popi kombinga yaAdam naEva. Jehovah explained that even when he brings judgment, he searches for good people and saves them. - Genesis 18: 22 - 33. Many religious religions teach people about Adam and Eve. Shoka osho sha li sha ningilwa eitaalo lyaKaleb naJosua. The homes were humble, but the people were friendly and hospitable, and they offered us not only a place to sleep but also something to eat. That was what happened to Joshua and Joshua. Aamwameme yaali tayu uvithile omulandithi etumwalaka lyOmbiimbeli, mondoolopa yedhina Tipitapa 32 Encouragement "Out of the Mouth of Children " Two sisters witness to the Bible's message in the United States, U.S.A. Ihe katwa li twa hala yalwe ya kale ya gwililwa po koluhodhi. Ask him and his family to go with you and your family to preach in areas where there are few or no Witnesses. * - See footnote. But we did not want others to be overwhelmed by grief. Ngoka a tompwa "okwi itaala oshinima shontumba nokwa tula einekelo lye musho. " These reminders will help us to show our love and gratitude to our loving heavenly Father, who teaches us to benefit ourselves. - Isa. " He who is convinced of something that he has faith and put his trust in his hands. " Oyendji oya li ya tameke okudhiladhila kombinga yiilonga yethimbo lyu udha. Clearly, apostates do not have our best interests at heart. Many began thinking about the full - time ministry. 6: 16 - 19. Memorial season: The period of time before, during, and shortly after the Memorial. 6: 16 - 19. Aawe, ine shi ninga. Preserve the Positive Spirit of the Congregation No. Shi ikolelela kEhololo 14: 6, 7, aayengeli ohaya kwathele ngiini oshigwana shaKalunga kunena? Paul understood how a nursing mother felt about her children. According to Revelation 14: 6, 7, how have angels helped God's people today? (Mateus 21: 22) Okukala neitaalo itashi ti kutya omuntu owu na okukala ho itaale nuupu. How can spiritual illness be counteracted? Faith does not mean that you have to be approachable. Shoka ompangu ya tokola Today, many sincere people have chosen to become Jesus ' followers. - Read Acts 8: 26 - 31, 35 - 38. The Court's judgments Oku na wo okuzimina sho ta popi noyaandjawo kutya naye oku na epuko. His holy spirit can help us to obey any direction that the elders give us. She should also admit that she has a mistake. Nonando omuntu oku mone owala oshishona manga inee yi dhima mo, ethano olya guma nale omadhiladhilo ge. He says about his coming back to the congregation: "There are many challenges that still confront me, but the blessings from Jehovah far outnumber them. " Although a person has just a little understanding of it, it has already affected his mind. Ongiini to vulu okwiilongekidhila okukondjitha omamakelo? And when we meditate on his precious gift of the ransom, our love for him grows even deeper. How can you prepare to resist temptation? (Heb. 9: 23 - 25; 10: 1) Sho tatu konakona omahokololo ngaka gomOmbiimbeli naashoka taga thaneke, otashi koleke eitaalo lyetu. 5 As we examine these Bible accounts and what it means to strengthen our faith. Pethimbo mpoka, kasha li oshipu kaantu yi ilonge oshili nenge ye yi longe yalwe. Jehovah's Witnesses around the world understand the "pure language " of Bible truth and are united At that time, it was not easy for people to learn the truth or to teach others. Mbela otatu vulu ngaa okumona uuwanawa moohapu ndhika dha tseyika nawa?: By applying ourselves in the Kingdom - preaching work, we can help others to "come to an accurate knowledge of truth, " and that can mean salvation for them. Can we benefit from this well - known words? OMAIMBILO: 83, 129 in this issue. SONGS: 83, 129 3: 15. In 1976, I was appointed to be a member of the Branch Committee in France. 3: 15. (b) Uunake unene tuu Jehova ta ka hupitha aapiya ye? As a result, we are subject to sickness, old age, and death. (b) When will Jehovah deliver his servants? Tate yetu Jehova, naye ohe etha tu ninge omatokolo tse yene. " Stand firm in the faith,... grow mighty. " - 1 CORINTHIANS 16: 13. Our Father, Jehovah, allows us to make decisions for ourselves. Ihe Jehova sho a tumine uuyuni waakenakonasha naye eyelu, okwa li e mu " hupitha pamwe nooyakwawo yaheyali. ' (2 Pet. Also, some people who would call themselves Christ's disciples would teach lies. However, when Jehovah sent the world of Assyria, he " rescued him and his associates. " Pashiholelwa, sho tayi ilongo Oshichiina inaya kala taya kondjitha unene ye shi tseye meni lyethimbo efupi. Shono oshe ya kwathele kaaya teke omukumo unene sho sha li she ya pula ethimbo ele ye shi ilonge. And there are daily economic difficulties as a result of living in this corrupt world. For example, when learning a Chinese language is not too short, it helped them to become discouraged as they asked for a long time. Oya pumbwa okumona kutya otu na ko nasha nayo. Some of us have been fighting these enemies for many years. They need to see that we care about them. Kalunga ngoka e shi onyothi kehe, oku tu shi wo paumwene. (a) Why did Paul describe himself as "a man less than the least of all holy ones "? God, who knows each star, knows us personally. Opo nduno okwa pula omulume a mone aanona okupitila momupika gwawo, Hagar. Such depictions show that although the location of the original Paradise was unknown, memories of it evidently remained as attractive as ever. Then she asked her husband to raise the children by means of her slave, Hagar. Itedhulula ano wa mana mo. " (Eh. We usually admire people who are loyal. Therefore be zealous and repent. " Nohaya longo oowili odhindji miilonga yokwiikongela omboloto. " It is part of a natural cycle of life and death. ' And they work many hours in the secular work. Shoka otashi vulika shi ya ningithe kaaya taambe ko oshili. So we'll just keep learning one "note, " or one word, at a time. This may cause them to accept the truth. Pashiholelwa, omukulukadhi gumwe e na egumbo enene, okwa li e tu fala kondunda yimwe yaayenda yi li pombanda moka twa adha mo ombete ombwanawa ya yalwa omalapi omatokele gondilo. Encourage the divorced one to strengthen his or her relationship with God through prayer, personal study, and meditation. For example, a mother in a large house took us to a neighboring village in a nearby village. 10, 11. (a) Omolwashike egalikano li li omagano gi ikalekelwa, ngoka Jehova e tu pa? After God's people returned from exile in Babylon, they regularly met in synagogues. 10, 11. (a) Why is prayer a special gift from Jehovah? 13: 47 - 49) Molwaashoka ehangano lyaKalunga olyo tali wilike iilonga yokuuvitha, otashi vulika tu pewe iinakugwanithwa iipe. And when can you find time to spend with him? Since God's organization is directing the preaching work, we may receive new responsibilities. Oshizemo, aakwambepo naantu yamwe mboka ya longwa oyo owala ya li taya vulu okulesha Ombiimbeli, nonando aakwambepo ayehe kaya li haya vulu okulesha nokunyola nawa. As we saw, the seven times began when Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 B.C.E. As a result, a group of people who were taught to read the Bible, even though the church could not read clearly. 1 EPULO: Kalunga oye lye? Over 1,800 trucks from various European countries pass through this city daily 1 QUESTION: Who is God? Omolwomatompelo gatatu: Lyotango, itaya vulu okuuvitha oshinima shoka nayo yene kaye uvite ko. Like many newly married couples, they struggled with adjusting to each other's personality and with having open communication. For three reasons, they cannot preach something that they do not understand. (Omayeletumbulo 29: 11) Uuna to nyengwa okwiipangela mokupopya, galikana ngaashi omukwaniilwa David gwaIsraeli: "OMUWA, tula omulangeli kokana kandje; langeka omukeeleli posheelo shomilungu dhandje. " - Episalomi 141: 3. 6: 33. When you do not exercise self - control, pray like King David of Israel: "Jehovah, put my hand at my right hand, and take my hand upon my hand. " - Psalm 141: 3. Aanona yoye oya taalela omathiminiko omanene gokuninga iinima mbyoka tayi ningwa kuyalwe. What lesson can we draw from that illustration? Your children face great pressure to do things that would happen to others. Onda valelwa kuumbugantu wIilongo ya Hangana momumvo 1928. Others may not have said these exact words, but they still made a vow before God. I was born in the United States in 1928. Okukonakona nawa iinyolwa mbika 456 okwe etitha po omapulo ogendji ngele yimwe yomuyo otayi popi ngaa omahunganeko kombinga yaJesus Kristus. In so doing, they keep their mind off their own problems and keep focused on the more important things. - Phil. A careful study of these texts leads to many questions when some of them say about Jesus Christ. Sho twi ipyakidhila niilonga yetu esiku nesiku, ohashi vulika tu tye iilonga yetu kayi na sha nokuningila Jehova omayambo. See the box "How the Governing Body Cares for Kingdom Interests " in chapter 12 of the book God's Kingdom Rules! As we keep busy in our day and day - to - day activities, we might say that our work is not acceptable to Jehovah. Yalwe, nokuli naanona oya li ya nanenwa kuye noya li haya kala ye mu mangulukila. - 4 / 1, epandja 14. During World War I, what was the relationship between God's people and Babylon the Great? Others, even children, are afraid to listen to him and be open to him. - 4 / 1, page 14. Opo nduno ohatu kambadhala okukala ethimbo olindji naamwatate naamwameme. " Delegates came from 28 lands. Then we try to spend more time with our brothers and sisters. " Okwa ti kuye: "" Ino tila; inda ngaa, u ka teleke. (Read 1 Peter 2: 19, 20.) He said: "Do not be afraid; do not be afraid. Mbela okwa li ngaa te ke ya pitika ya galukile kegumbo? In the Christian congregation today are some who were once "prone to anger " but who are now more thoughtful, kind, patient, and peaceable in their dealings with others. Would he allow them to return home? Ray omukuluntugongalo a pyokoka okwa ti: "Omathimbo gamwe, atuhe ohatu dhimbwa iilonga iiwanawa mbyoka twa ninga. [ 1] (paragraph 3) Abraham and Sarah were originally called Abram and Sarai. " Sometimes, " says a experienced elder, "all of us forget the wonderful things we have done. Nale uuna nda kotha onda li handi kala ndu uvite pwa fa pu na oshinima sha laminina ndje. Common people benefited from Jesus ' humility because they became recipients of his help, his teachings, and his encouragement. When I was sleeping, I felt as if I had been asleep in death. " Aakaanakalunga otaa ka kombwa mo moshilongo naakaanuudhiginini otaa ka nakulwa mo. " - Omayeletumbulo 2: 22. According to Isaiah 25: 8, Jehovah "will actually swallow up death forever. " " The wicked one will be removed from the land, and there will be no forgiveness in the land. " - Proverbs 2: 22. Nonando ongawo, okwa kala omudhiginini nokwa li a nyanyudha He gwomegulu, Jehova. (Omayel. God's Limitless Power Still, he remained loyal and happy to his heavenly Father, Jehovah. (Mat. 3: 2, NW) Sho Jesus a li a ninginithwa kuJohannes, Jehova okwa li a gwayeke Jesus e li Mesiasa omuuvanekwa nosho wo Omukwaniilwa gwomonakuyiwa gwUukwaniilwa waKalunga. As they grow, children need the vital knowledge that God exists and that he has given us standards of right and wrong. When Jesus was baptized in John's baptism, Jehovah anointed Jesus as the promised Messiah and the future King of God's Kingdom. Ongiini aakuluntugongalo ye na okuungaunga noonzi ndhoka dhi li metonatelo lyawo? He answered: " A rod. ' How should elders treat the sheep in their care? Ohayi lundulula onkalamwenyo yaantu, 1 / 1, 4 / 1, 10 / 1 This "Eureka " team used a" Drama wagon " for their equipment, baggage, and camping and cooking gear. 10 / 1 Sho a talele ndje po lwahugunina mo 1965, okwa ti: "Oto vulu okuya wu talele ndje po, ihe ngame kandi na we esiku ndi ye ndi ku talele po huka. " ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ After visiting me in 1965, he said: "You can visit me, but I will never visit you here. " Mbela itashi ka kala oshipu komukulukadhi a kale a simaneka omusamane gwe ngele okwa mono kutya okwi ifupipika nosho wo kutya oha pititha komeho uuwanawa we, pehala lyokukala owala a hala okuninga shoka ye e hole nenge shoka kee hole? (b) What else were Israelite parents commanded to do, and why does the same need apply to parents today? Is it not easy for a wife to respect her husband if he sees that he is humble and that he put his interests ahead of his own instead of seeking what he loves or does not like? Okupitila mehangano epe, egongalo lyAakriste aagwayekwa olya li lya pingene po Israeli shonale, oshigwana shoka sha li shi na okukala nekwatathano lyi ikalekelwa naKalunga. This is especially important when dealing with those of the opposite sex. By means of the new covenant, the anointed Christians replaced ancient Israel, which had a unique relationship with God. Ihe ngele to shi ningi, otashi vulika wu yande okuninga omatokolo meendelelo, ngoka konima yethimbo tashi vulika ge ku etele uupyakadhi niimpwiyu oyindji. 5: 18 - 20. But if you do so, you may become quick to avoid making decisions that may later cause anxiety and anxiety. * Osho she ende ngaaka opo tu thike pomumvo 1914 omumvo moka omathimbo gaheyali ga li ga hulu, etameko lyokupangela kwaJesus e li Omukwaniilwa gwUukwaniilwa waKalunga. Use this period to give serious thought to what being one of Jehovah's Witnesses means to you personally. * This year 1914, the beginning of the seven times ended in the beginning of Jesus ' reign as King of God's Kingdom. Ihe hadho adhike ndhoka, oha longitha wo oomwigo odhindji dhi ili nodhi ili. When we talk to others about God's Kingdom, our words should be "seasoned with salt, " that is, we should speak in a tactful way. But he also uses many traps. Pashiholelwa, Esra okwa li a shuna kuJerusalem nomayambidhidho ngoka a li a pewa komukwaniilwa gwaPersia, ngaashi oshingoli, oshisiliveli nosho wo iinima yilwe yi na ongushu yi vulithe N $1 300 000 000.00. You might suggest that he read portions of the appendix of the What Does the Bible Really Teach? For example, Ezra returned to Jerusalem and was given to the king of Persia, such as gold and silver, more than 30000,000 things. Aapiya yaJehova ayehe oye na okuninga shike? How do the anointed bring the "other sheep " to righteousness? What should all of Jehovah's servants do? Kala ando wa fa wu wete Jesus sho okanona natango, a tala he ta longo. A few will receive life in heaven for a special assignment, and the great majority will receive life on earth in a global paradise. Picture Jesus ' example when he was still a child. Etompelo lilwe ndyoka lya ningitha Jehova a kale hi idhidhimike, omolwaashoka okwa hala aantu oyendji ya ka mona omwenyo gwaaluhe. But they probably wondered, " How can we do what Jesus commanded us? ' Another reason why Jehovah has shown patience is because he wants many to gain everlasting life. Nonando ongawo, aaihokani mbaka oya kala nokwiidhimbulikitha kutya omolwashike ya tembukile nkoka, nomathimbohamale oya li yi igilile onkalo yawo ompe. (See paragraph 17) However, this couple had been diagnosed with why they moved to a new situation, and they were able to adjust their new lifestyle. Otu na okuhenuka uufuthi mboka hawu monika wa fa kaawu wetike mokukutha iinima mbyoka kaayi shi yetu, ngaashi iinima mbyoka yi na uuthembanyanyangidho ngaashi oomusika, omambo nenge oopolohalama dhokompiuta, kashi na nduno mbudhi kutya opambapila nenge oya pungulwa pauelektronika. Let us examine these one at a time. On the other hand, we must avoid stealing - such as social issues as music, social programs, or social programs - whether they are on the Internet or not. Nikodemus ngoka a li oshilyo shOsanhedrin, oku ulike ohokwe melongo lyaJesus. We find genuine pleasure in doing the will of God and experience the satisfaction that comes from accepting additional privileges of service and responsibilities in the congregation. They, who was a member of the Branch Committee, showed interest in Jesus ' teaching. • Oonkatu hamano dhini tatu vulu okukatuka opo tu shilipaleke kutya omatokolo getu otaga simanekitha Kalunga? Because he would not bear arms, he was sentenced to a ten - month term in the Kingston Penitentiary in Ontario, Canada. • What six steps can we take to make sure that our decisions honor God? OONDJOKONONA I still have a vivid picture in my mind of the kind, honest look the Witnesses had in their eyes. FROM OUR ARCHIVES Ngele tayu uvitha nuulaadhi onkundana ombwanawa otayu ulike kutya oya pititha shike komeho. " You who were once alienated and enemies because your minds were on the works that were wicked, " wrote the apostle Paul, "[God] now has again reconciled by means of [Jesus '] fleshly body through his death, in order to present you holy and unblemished. " - Col. By zealously preaching the good news of the Kingdom, they showed what they put first. Oshifonkundaneki shokuAustralia shedhina Sydney Morning Herald osha ti: "Ngele omwaalu gwaantu nosho wo gwiipumbiwa otagu tsikile nokwiindjipala, otatu ka kala twa pumbwa evi etiyali okuthika mo 2035. " Recommendations: With wholesome friends or family; not with problem drinkers. " If the number of people and the earth continues to grow, we will need to be filled with the second earth. " 5: 25) Uuna aalanduli yaJesus taya landula oshiholelwa she, otaya ka kala ye holathane ngaashi naanaa e ya hole. " Go away, Satan! " When Jesus ' followers follow his example, they will love one another just as he loved them. 2: 13. Zeal for fine works in preaching the good news and conducting ourselves in a godly way springs from a deep desire to demonstrate love for God and for fellow humans. 2: 13. Yalwe ohaye shi ningi pethimbo lyomwiha nenge pokafudho. In other words, he might be thinking, " I will wait and see if Jehovah really is true to his word. ' Others do this at the time, or from house to generation. (a) Ongiini okukokeka "iiyimati yombepo " taku simanekitha Jehova? Children may need to take the initiative in this regard. (a) How does "the fruitage of the spirit " glorify Jehovah? Iinima mbyoka inayi puka; oyi li iinima yomonkalamwenyo yetu yakehe esiku. The direction we get from our congregation helps us to do this. Such things are not wrong; they lived in our daily lives. 14 Ombepo yaKalunga oye mwene ta kwatathana noombepo dhetu However, is it a Christian celebration? 14 The Spirit of God's Spirit - Its Spirit and Our Spirit Manga onkundana yeso lyomukeesali Klaudius inaayi uvika, Burrus okwa li a thindikile Nero komulangeli gwomuuwa. Omulangeli gwomuuwa okwa li a popi kutya Nero oye omukeesali, nongundu yelelo kaya li we yi na ehogololo, oya li owala yi na okutula Nero koshipundi. Writer James Parkes observes: "The Jews... had the right to retain their own observances. Before the end of the Sanhedrin's death, Burrus referred to Nero as the Praetorian governor of the Praetorian Guard, claiming that the Praetorian Guard had no choice. Jehova okwa kala i idhidhimikila kuume ke Abraham nokwe mu ulukile kutya ye omunahenda. Jehova okwe mu yelithile kutya sho ta ka pangula, aayuuki ote ke ya hupitha. - Genesis 18: 22 - 33. Adam and Eve suffered the disastrous results of sin Jehovah had patient with Abraham and showed him that when he judges righteous ones, he would save them. - Genesis 18: 22 - 33. Nonando omagumbo oga li ganathangwa, aantu oya li ye na uukuume noya li haye tu taamba ko, yo kaya li owala haye tu pe ehala lyokulala ihe oya li wo haye tu pe sha shokulya. An elder in a branch office who is in touch with many of them explains: "The elders need to speak to them, find out what their circumstances are, and then determine how they can assist them. Although houses were ill, they would not only give us accommodations but also gave us a place but also a meal. 32 Eladhipiko lya za " kaanona ' Where can we find helpful information about our history, and how can we benefit from learning about it? 32 encouragement from "those of children " Mu hiya pamwe noyaandjawo mu ka longe pamwe noyaandjeni kiitopolwa hoka ku na Oonzapo oonshona nenge kaadhi ko nandonando. * JEHOVAH is the only Person with absolute freedom. You invite him and his family to work together where there are few Witnesses or more Witnesses. Omadhimbulukitho ngaka otage ke tu kwathela tu ulike kutya otu hole notwa pandula Tate gwetu omunahole, ngoka te tu longo shoka she tu opalela. - Isa. SONGS: 126, 28 These reminders will help us to show our love and appreciation for our loving Father, who teaches us what he teaches us. - Isa. 2: 1, 3, 13; 3: 16) Aashunimonima kaye na ko nasha natse shili. Had you been Toñi, how do you think you would have reacted? False worshippers are genuinely concerned about us. Oomwedhi dhEdhimbuluko: Omwedhi gwa tetekele Edhimbuluko, omwedhi gwEdhimbuluko naangoka gwa landula ko. By accepting God's love and by exercising faith in the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we can be freed from the condemnation resulting from our inherited sin. Memorial season: The Memorial season, the Memorial, and the next season. Humitha komeho ombepo ombwanawa megongalo Eventually, I even overcame my prejudice against white people. Cherish the Positive Spirit of the Congregation 2: 7, 8) Paulus okwa li e uvite ko nkene omuvali ha kala u uvite shi na ko nasha noyana. Belonging to Jehovah Leads to Happiness Paul understood how a parent felt about children. Uuvu wopambepo otawu vulu okukeelelwa ngiini? 32 Jesus Gave His Life for Many How can spiritual greed be avoided? Kunena, aantu oyendji mboka ye na omitima omiwanawa oya hogolola okuninga aalanduli yaJesus. - Lesha Iilonga 8: 26 - 31, 35 - 38. The Nature of Holy Spirit Today, many sincere individuals have chosen to become followers of Jesus. - Read Acts 8: 26 - 26, 35 - 38. Ombepo ye ondjapuki otayi vulu oku tu kwathela tu vulike komalombwelo kehe ngoka taye tu pe. Knowing this, Jehovah instructed Moses to reassure Joshua. His holy spirit can help us to obey any directions they give. Atuhe otu na okwiipula kombinga yashike, kutya nduno otwa putudhwa kaavali Aakriste nenge hasho? Yet, he was very sorry about what he had done, and God forgave him. What should we all ask ourselves, whether we are raised by Christian parents or not? Nuuna tatu tedhatedha komagano omawanawa gekulilo, ohole yetu yoku mu hola ohayi koko lela. It was as if I had come home. And when we meditate on the fine gift of the ransom, our love for him grows. (Mark 7: 5), Aug. They remember when congregations had a congregation servant rather than a body of elders, when countries had a branch servant rather than a Branch Committee, or when the president of the Watch Tower Society gave direction rather than the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. " Pay back, " Apr. Oonzapo dhaJehova muuyuni awuhe ohadhi popi "elaka lya yogoka, " ano oshili yOmbiimbeli, nodha hangana As holy people, we prove by the way we live our lives that Jehovah's laws are good and that Satan's accusations are false. Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide speak of "the pure language, " that is, the unity of Bible truth, and are united Uuna tatu kutha ombinga miilonga yokuuvitha Uukwaniilwa, otatu kwathele yalwe ya "tseye oshili " noya vule okuhupithwa. Note how quickly Achan's greed progressed. When we share in the Kingdom - preaching work, we help others to "come to the truth " and to be saved. Aajuda ayehe oya li ye shi shi kutya he yaTimoteus Omugreka. For example, giving up marijuana has saved me from wasting hundreds of dollars each month. All Jews knew that his father Timothy was Greek. Mo 1976, onda langekwa po ndi li oshilyo shOkomitiye yOshitayimbelewa muFulaanisa. The same is true today. In 1976, I was appointed as a Branch Committee in France. Oshizemo, atuheni ohatu ehama, hatu kulupa nohatu si. By accepting these and conforming our lives to Jehovah's will, we show that we are seeking first "his righteousness. " - Matt. As a result, all of us get sick and die. Kaleni aanankondo. ' - 1 AAKORINTO 16: 13. Rather, as Peter states, it is ungodly men who will suffer destruction. Make peace with one another. " - 1 CORINTHIANS 16: 13. Oya li wo ye na okukala ya kotokela aantu mboka tayi iti aalongwa yaKristus aniwa, ihe otaya longo omalongo giifundja. Today, among our most treasured blessings is our sure hope of deliverance from everything that causes us pain and distress. They also had to be alert to false teachings, but they taught false teachings. (Mateus 24: 6 - 9) Opu na wo mboka taya hupu shokadhila, omolwuuyuni mbu tu li wa piyagana. * (See footnote.) There are also many who survive the end of Satan's wicked world. Yamwe yomutse otwa kala tatu kondjitha aatondi mbaka omimvo odhindji. We have at times made comments to that effect. Some of us have fightd these enemies for decades. (a) Omolwashike Paulus i popi kutya ye " omufupi e vulike kaantu yaKalunga ayehe '? What traits should you avoid so that you do not become like hard clay that cannot be molded? (a) Why did Paul refer to himself as "a lesser one "? Shono otashi ulike kutya nonando aantu kaya li ye shi kutya Oparadisa ndjoka ya popiwa mOmbiimbeli oya li peni, natango ohaya dhimbulukwa nkene ya li ombwanawa. Unable to read the Bible in later years because of failing eyesight, she spent much of each day in intimate, extended prayers to God. What shows that even though humans were not aware of the Paradise in the Bible, they still remember how beautiful they were. Ohatu kala twa simaneka aantu mboka aadhiginini. The apostle Paul noted that Christians in Thessalonica had accepted the message of truth "under much tribulation " yet" with joy of holy spirit. " We show respect for those loyal ones. Eso oli li oshitopolwa shonkalamwenyo. ' Picture Deborah, her garments rustling in the breeze as she and Barak looked out over a sweeping vista. Death is a part of life. ' " (Mateus 6: 34) Onkee ano, otatu tsikile natango nokwiilonga iitya kooshimwe nooshimwe. My life was carefree and happy. So we continue to learn a few words from one another. Mu ladhipika a koleke ekwatathano lye naKalunga okupitila megalikano, mekonakono lyopaumwene nomokutedhatedha. And how can we show our love for God? Encourage him to strengthen his relationship with God through prayer, personal study, and meditation. (1 Aakwaniilwa 8: 27, 29) Sho oshigwana shaKalunga sha galuka muukwatwa waBabilon, osha kala hashi gongala moosinagoga. Treasure Our Spiritual Paradise When God's people returned from Babylon to Babylon, they gathered together in synagogues. Shika oto vulu oku shi ninga ngiini nuunake to vulu okumona ethimbo lyokukala naye? That statement did not appear in the original text. How can you do so and when you can spend time with him? Ngaashi twe shi mona, omathimbo gaheyali oga li ga tameke sho Jerusalem sha li sha hanagulwa po mo - 607 K.E.N. 1: 18. As we have seen, seven times began when Jerusalem was destroyed in 607 B.C.E. Oololi dha konda 1 800 tadhi zi kiilongo yi ili noyi ili muEuropa ohadhi piti moshilando shoka esiku kehe. Right from the start, I realized that it would be difficult for me to learn English. More than 1,500 countries from Europe have been released from Europe to Europe every day. Osha li oshidhigu kuyo okwiigililathana nokupopya ya mangulukilathana, ngaashi owala hashi kala olundji naamboka opo ya hokana. Oshike she ya kwathele? For example, brothers on Hospital Liaison Committees have been awakened from sleep to respond to a medical crisis. It was hard for them to open up and talk, as often as the couple often did to help them. Otwa pandula sho natse tu na ombinga nando onshona miilonga ye. He wanted the man and the woman to marry and to form a close bond, as if they were "one flesh. " How grateful we are that we have never been involved in his service! 6: 33. I never lost my belief that God existed, and I knew that my course of life had hurt him. 6: 33. 9: 62) Otatu ilongo mo shike methaneko ndika? Making good on his threat, my father left. What lesson can we learn from this illustration? 7: 39) Jesus okwa popi a ti: "Shono Kalunga e shi tula kumwe, inashi kuthwa kumwe komuntu. " Nowhere does the Bible explicitly condemn birth control. Jesus said: "What God has yoked together let no man put apart. " Okuninga ngaaka, ohaku ya kwathele ya kale taya gandja eitulomo kiinima mbyoka yi na oshilonga, pehala lyokukala tayi ipula nomaupyakadhi gawo yene. - Fil. Yet, angels have on occasion materialized human bodies, even eating and drinking with men. Doing so helps them to focus on what is worthless rather than on their own problems. - Phil. Pulakena sho yamwe yomuyo taya ti. Is Jehovah not going out before you? " Hear what some have said. ontopolwa 12, opo wu mone uuyelele owundji kombinga yiilonga yookomitiye dhOlutuwiliki adhihe hamano. The same is true of Oholiab. For more information about the construction project, see chapter 12 of the Governing Body. Pethimbo lyIita yotango yUuyuni oshigwana shaKalunga osha li sha tala ko ngiini Babiloni oshinene? We have what reason not to look at the things behind? During World War I, how did God's people view Babylon the Great? Aakalipo oya li ya zi kiilongo 28. What can a Christian wife do if her unbelieving husband does not respond favorably to her fine conduct? The audience was from foreign countries. (Lesha 1 Petrus 2: 19, 20.) However, rather than give up, they looked to Jehovah for strength. (Read 1 Peter 2: 19, 20.) Megongalo lyopaKriste kunena omu na yamwe mboka ya li nale " aageyentu, ' ihe ngashingeyi ohaya dhiladhila pandjele, aanambili, aaidhidhimiki nohayu ungaunga nawa nayalwe. * (Omayel. EVERY SECOND: Nearly 30,000 persons view pornographic Web sites. In the Christian congregation today, there are some who have already lived in a Christian congregation, but now they are mild - tempered, patient, mild - tempered, mild, and treat others. [ 1] (okatendo 3) Tango Abraham okwa li hi ithanwa Abram, ye Sara okwa li hi ithanwa Sarai. This awesome prospect came with a condition, though: "If you will strictly obey my voice and will indeed keep my covenant. " [ 1] (paragraph 3) Abraham first called Abraham, Sarah. Aantu mboka ya li ya dhinika oya li ya mono uuwanawa meifupipiko lyaJesus, molwaashoka okwa li he ya kwathele, he ya longo noku ya tsa omukumo. The Bible does not teach that each individual has a guardian angel. People who were determined to benefit from Jesus ' humility because he helped them, teach, and encouraged them. Pakupopya kwaJesaja 25: 8, Jehova "ota ka hanagula po eso sigo aluhe. " Our planet is ideally suited to host life. According to Isaiah 25: 8, Jehovah "will destroy death forever. " Oonkondo dhaKalunga inadhi ngambekwa He knew what Jehovah said to the serpent after Adam and Eve sinned: "I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and her offspring. God's power is not limited Sho oyana taya koko, oya pumbwa okutseya kutya Kalunga oko e li nokwe ya pa omithikampango kombinga yaashoka shu uka naashoka sha puka. (b) How were the Israelites to prove themselves "a people holy to Jehovah "? As their children grow older, they need to know that God exists and gave them moral standards about what is right and wrong. Moses okwa yamukula: " Ondhimbo. ' At this time, we have the God - given work of warning people and telling them how they can be saved. Moses replied: "Those things are about me. ' " Aamwatate mbaka oya li haya longitha etemba ya humbate iilongitho, oondjato, oombiga niinima yawo yilwe. Agrippina groomed her young son, Nero, for the role of emperor under the direction of two tutors. These brothers used a chariot to cross the Jordan, a large horn, and other cities. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ When Jesus Christ rides forth to execute Jehovah's judgments at Armageddon, he will accomplish "awe - inspiring things " against his enemies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (b) Aavali Aaisraeli oya li ya lombwelwa ishewe ya ninge shike, nomolwashike aavali Aakriste ye na okuninga sha faathana kunena? And do not forget the importance of prayer. (b) What else did the Israelites have to do, and why should Christian parents do likewise? Shoka osha simana unene tuu ngele tatu ungaunga naamboka yuukashike kookantu wi ili. When I saw how he had changed - now clean - cut and happy - I asked him, " What happened to you, and where have you been? ' Most important, it is important that we deal with those of the opposite sex. Ano tse aatumwa yaKristus. Why did Jesus want to heal the leper? So we are missionaries of Christ. Longitha ethimbo ndika wu dhiladhile muule kutya osha simana paumwene shi thike peni okukala Onzapo yaJehova. In heart harmony with his Father, Jesus taught that one cannot drive away or cast off an innocent mate and act as if nothing has happened. - Read Matthew 19: 3 - 6, 9. Take time to think deeply about how important it is to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Opo tu shi ninge otu na okukokeka uunkulungu wokupopya. (Kol. Some 27 years after Pentecost 33 C.E., it could be said that "the message of truth of the good news " had reached Jews and Gentiles" in all creation under heaven. " - Col. To do so, we must cultivate the ability to speak. Otashi vulika wu mu lombwele a leshe uutopolwa wiigwedhelwako yOmbiimbeli membo Omalongo gashili gOmbiimbeli ogeni naanaa? After that, for the third time, the people vowed: "All that Jehovah has spoken we are willing to do and be obedient. " - Ex. Perhaps you invite him to read a copy of additional Bible study in the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Aagwayekwa oya kwathela ngiini " oonzi dhilwe, ' ano aantu yalwe ya kale aayuuki? I have had the pleasure of seeing my children grow to spiritual maturity with such help. How have anointed ones helped the "other sheep " to become righteous? (Aaroma 6: 23) Aashona owala taya ka mona omwenyo megulu omolwoshinakugwanithwa shi ikalekelwa, ihe ongundu onene otayi ka kala nomwenyo moparadisa kombanda yevi. For many today, the only thing that matters is their personal happiness. Only a small group of people will receive life in heaven for a special assignment, but the great crowd will live on a paradise earth. Onkee ano, otashi vulika ya li tayi ipula kutya " otatu ke shi enda ngiini, opo tu uvithile aantu ngaashi Jesus e tu lombwela? ' HOW CAN WE PROMOTE A HEALTHY SPIRIT IN THE CONGREGATION... So they may wonder, " How can we preach to people as Jesus told us? ' (Tala okatendo 17) They are also truly united and happy because of all that Jehovah is teaching them. (See paragraph 17) Natu ke dhi kundathane koogumwe noogumwe. 1: 27. Let us discuss one of them. Ohatu mono enyanyu lyashili mokulonga ehalo lyaKalunga nohatu mono wo egwaneno ndyoka hali zi mokutaamba omauthembahenda giilonga ya gwedhwa po niinakugwanithwa ya gwedhwa po megongalo. " Boys and girls at my school are already hooking up, " says 15 - year - old Ana, quoted earlier. We find real joy in doing God's will, and we also experience the joy that comes from accepting more responsibilities in the congregation. Sho a li inaa hala okukutha ombinga miita, okwa tokolelwa ondholongo yoomwedhi omulongo moKingston Penitentiary, mOntario, moKanada. In addition, the instruction we receive at the meetings strengthens our faith. When he did not want to participate in war, he was sentenced to ten months in Germany, Canada, Canada. Sigo ongashingeyi otandi dhimbulukwa nawanawa nkene Oonzapo dha li dha tala ndje ko nohenda. Just as Ruth had clung to Naomi, so Elisha stuck with Elijah. I still remember how the Witnesses viewed me in a kind and kind way. Ihe ngashingeyi Kalunga okwe mú hanganitha naye mwene molweso lyOmwana, opo e mú ninge aayapuki [naayelele]. " - Kol. What must people do to survive the great tribulation? But now God has also shown himself toward you by means of his Son, so that he might be holy. " - Col. Omayele: Nwa nookuume tayo opalele nenge niilyo yuukwanegumbo, ihe hanoonkolwe. With personal experience as our teacher, could we ever have the same sentiments as the psalmist had toward "the law of Jehovah "? - Read Psalm 19: 7. Wise counsel: It is appropriate with friends or family members but not to be ill. Okwa lombwele Satana a ti: "Za po, Satana. " You may wonder, " Why would God create us with the potential to enjoy the vigor of youth only to have us end up dreading the effects of old age? ' He told Satan: "Get behind you, Satan. " Uulaadhi wetu wokulonga uuwanawa mokuuvitha onkundana ombwanawa nomokwiihumbata metsokumwe nehalo lyaKalunga ohawu etithwa kokukala twa halelela okuulika kutya otu hole Kalunga nosho wo aantu ooyakwetu. (Mat. In addition, holy spirit can give us the strength to avoid being molded by this wicked world. Our zeal for the good news and acting in harmony with God's will is a strong desire to show love for our neighbor and fellow humans. (Rom. 8: 31, 32) Omauvaneko ge omawanawa ohaga koleke eitaalo lyetu nohage tu kwathele tu kale twi inekela thiluthilu muye. He was likely well - informed about conditions in Israel, and he may have been knowledgeable about neighboring nations as a result of his dealings with traveling merchants. His wonderful promises strengthen our faith and help us to trust in him completely. Otashi vulika a dhiladhile ta ti: " Otandi tegelele naanaa ndi tale ngele Jehova oha gwanitha po tuu shili oohapu dhe. ' " Through the obedience of the one person [Jesus] many will be made righteous. " He might reason, " I just wait to see whether Jehovah really fulfills his word. ' Aanona otashi vulika oyo ya pumbwa okukatuka oonkatu tango moshinima shika. However, during times of discouragement, she persevered in prayer, turning to Jehovah for his help. Children may need to take the initiative in this regard. Ewiliko ndyoka hatu pewa megongalo ohali tu kwathele tu vule oku shi pondola. After four of her children made an exhausting eight - day journey across the desert, they arrived in Sudan. The direction we receive from the congregation helps us to succeed. Ihe mbela Aakriste oye na ngaa shili oku yi dhana? Christian parents display loyalty to Jehovah by training their children according to his Word. But is it really true that Christians should celebrate it? Omunyoli gwedhina James Parkes okwa ti: "Aajuda... oya li ye na uuthemba wokutsikila okudhana iituthi yawo. What example does Jehovah provide regarding self - control? " The Jews... had the right to associate with their churches, " says the author James Version. Adam naEva oya li ya mono iilanduliko iiwinayi yuulunde wawo I accepted an invitation to attend one of their meetings, and I immediately recognized that their teachings had the ring of truth. Adam and Eve had consequences of the effects of sin Omukuluntugongalo gumwe e li koshitayimbelewa ngoka hu ungaunga nayo, ota ti: "Aakuluntugongalo oya pumbwa okupopya nayo, okutseya kutya oye li moonkalo dhini nokumona kutya ongiini taya vulu oku ya kwathela. He stated: "A covenant I have concluded with my eyes. An elder in the branch office wrote: "The elders need to talk to them about what situations they may face and how they can help them. Openi tatu vulu okwaadha uuyelele tawu tu kwathele kombinga yondjokonona yetu, nongiini tatu vulu okumona uuwanawa sho tatu ilongo kombinga yayo? Look again at verse 5. Where can we find information about our history, and how can we benefit from learning about it? Ihe emanguluko lye ohe li longitha momukalo gu uka. Be Comforted - Comfort Others, 3 / 15 But his freedom was limited. OMAIMBILO: 43, 106 This article discusses three lessons about keeping on the watch that we can learn from the apostles and other first - century Christians. SONGS: 43, 106 Mbela ando ongoye wa li Toñi, ando owi inyenge ngiini? Another public instructor, the apostle Paul, preached the good news far beyond Jerusalem. How would you react? Otatu vulu okukala inaatu geelwa omolwuulunde mboka twa thigulula ngele onkalamwenyo yetu otayi ulike kutya otu hole Kalunga notu na eitaalo tali longo mekuliloyambo lyaJesus Kristus. (Joh. James 1: 25 reads, in part: "He who peers into the perfect law that belongs to freedom and who persists in it... will be happy in his doing it. " We can avoid sin from inherited sin if we manifest love for God and exercise faith in Jesus Christ. (Aaefeso 5: 3, 4) Hugunina onda li nokuli nde etha po okukala ndi na okatongotongo niilumbu. Thus, rather than feel jealous, we will be happy when others receive blessings. Finally, I stopped smoking with white people. Okukala yaJehova otashi tu etele elago Along with the political and religious elements, the greedy commercial system, represented by "the merchants " of Revelation 18: 3, constitutes part of Satan's world. Serving Jehovah brings us a happy life OSHITOPOLWA SHOKUKONAKONWA OSHITI - 4 If you detect a measure of selfishness in your heart, ask Jehovah to help you to correct your thinking and feelings; then work harder to concentrate on his glory instead of your own. STUDY ARTICLE 4 PAGES 4 - 4 Ombepo ondjapuki oshike? 10: 13. What is holy spirit? Molwaashono Jehova okwa li e shi kutya Josua okwa tila, okwa lombwele Moses e mu ladhipike. Actually, all redeemable mankind will reap long - term benefits from Jesus ' ransom sacrifice. Jehovah knew that Joshua was afraid, so he told Moses to encourage him. Ihe nonando ongaaka, okwa li e uvitile nayi noonkondo shoka a ningi, Kalunga nokwe mu dhimine po. FROM OUR ARCHIVES Yet, he was deeply hurt by what he did, and God forgave him. Onda li ndu uvite owala nda fa nda galukila kegumbo. Instead, she looks for fruit that smells good and is fresh and ready to eat. It seemed that I would return home. Sho miilongo mwa li owala omutonateli gwoshitayimbelewa, pehala lyOkomitiye yOshitayimbelewa. Naasho omupresidende gwo - Watch Tower Society oye a li ha gandja omalombwelo, oshoka kapwa li Olutuwiliki lwOonzapo dhaJehova. Who are the "stupid ones " he wants me to avoid? When the branch office was only one of the branch office, the Branch Committee of the Governing Body was given instructions to the Governing Body because he was no member of Jehovah's Witnesses. (Mat. 5: 14 - 16) Tu li aayapuki, otatu ku ulika mokukalamwenyo kwetu kutya oompango dhaJehova oombwanawa nomapopyo gaSatana ogiifundja. What helped Jesus to be kind? As holy spirit, we prove in our life that Jehovah's laws and standards are falsely false. Tala nkene olwiho lwaAkan lwa kokelele. They can also hope that the wayward child will one day come "home " to Jehovah. Consider how Achan's greed was well - known. Pashiholelwa, okweetha okuhila epangwe okwa kwathela ndje kaandi kale tandi hepeke oodola omathele kehe omwedhi. Samuelson), Mar. For example, smoking has helped me to break free from several months. Kaleni nekwatathano, mu na edhiladhilo limwe nelalakano limwe. " Today, while caring for her mother in Canada, Maureen still serves as a special pioneer. Be careful, though, about one reason. " 10: 2, NW; 2 Tim. 3: 7, NW) Ngele tatu dhi taamba nokukaleka onkalamwenyo yetu metsokumwe nehalo lyaJehova, otatu ulike kutya otatu kongo tango "uuyuuki we. " - Mat. An apology can help to repair hurt feelings, but it must be sincere. When we accept and live in harmony with Jehovah's will, we show that we first seek his righteousness. " - Matt. (Eks. 15: 1 - 21) Jehova ote tu shilipaleke kutya ote ke tu pititha moluhodhi nomuupyakadhi kehe. Eyambeko ndika olimwe lyomomayambeko ngoka twa lenga unene nena. (Eps. 37: 9 - 11; Jes. Wicked men are advancing from bad to worse. Jehovah assures us that he will put an end to all these blessings and the blessings we treasure today. Oshiningwanima shika otashi ka kala shituntula. This did not mean that he expected to see that happen. This event will be thrilling. Omathimbo nomathimbo otashi vulika twa tya ko sha koshinima shoka. Therefore, caring for my children would be quite a challenge. At times, we may find that something happened. Iikala yini wu na okuyanda, opo kuu kale eloya ndyoka itaali vulu okumewa nandonando? As Christians, we must wage a spiritual war against Satan and the false teachings that he promotes. What attitude should we avoid in order to remain soft clay? Molwaashoka omeho ge oga ka nkundipala, osha kala oshidhigu kuye okulesha Ombiimbeli nomolwaashoka esiku kehe okwa kala ha galikana kuKalunga ethimbo ele. The congregation of spirit - anointed Christians proved to be the spiritual Israel of God. Because his eyes were weak, it was difficult for him to read the Bible daily and daily pray to God for a long time. Omuyapostoli Paulus okwa li a popi kutya Aakriste yomuTessalonika oya li ya taamba ko etumwalaka lyoshili "nenyanyu " nonando oya li" moothina odhindji. " Let us now consider how people in the past have benefited from being dedicated to Jehovah God and how this was far more than just a commitment. The apostle Paul pointed out that the Christians in Thessalonica responded to the message of "the truth of truth " despite" many difficulties. " Kala wa fa wu wete oonguwo dhaDebora tadhi ti fakufaku kombepo, sho ye naBarak taya talatala. The master told each of them: "Well done, good and faithful slave! Visualize the clothes of Deborah and Deborah. Onkalamwenyo yandje kaya li yi na uupyakadhi nonda li nda nyanyukwa. First of all, because he tells us repeatedly that he wants to help us. My life had no problem, and I was happy. Nongiini tatu vulu okuulika kutya otu hole Kalunga? Can you find ways to show similar interest in unbelieving family members? And how can we show that we love God? Embo lyIilonga ndyoka lya nwethwa mo kombepo ondjapuki yaJehova, osho tali hulitha ngaaka nOohapu ndhoka tadhi mbilipaleke. 16, 17. (a) What should we learn from Jesus ' illustration of the king and the slaves? The book of Acts - the inspired book of Jehovah's holy spirit - will bring an end to all those words and those comforting words. Natu kale twa lenga Oparadisa yetu yopambepo Since then, whenever I have problems in life, I do my best to remember my first love for Jehovah. Maintain a Spiritual Paradise Uutumbulilo mbuka kawu mo momanyolo gopetameko. Then we will discuss the hope that God's Word, the Bible, offers. This phrase is not in the original text of the original writings. 1: 18. Another brother told them: "To avoid discouragement, measure your progress in learning Chinese, not from day to day, but from assembly to assembly. " 1: 18. Okuza petameko onda li ndi shi wete nale kutya otashi ka kala oshidhigu kungame okwiilonga Oshiingilisa. All these things helped Christians to continue doing the work that God gave them. From early on, I felt that it would be difficult to learn English. Pashiholelwa, aamwatate mboka ye li iilyo yOokomitiye dhOkukwatathana nIipangelo ohaya pendulwa moomposi opo ya ka kwathele mboka ya pumbwa ekwatho lyopaunamiti. Ilaria says: "One evening, they simply mentioned that they had noticed that I was a bit down, and they asked me what the problem was. For example, brothers who are members of a Branch Committee who are struggling to wake up to help those who need medical help. Okwa li a hala omulumentu nomukiintu ya hokanathane noya kale ye na ekwatathano lyopothingo, ye li "onyama yimwe. " And God himself will be with them. He wanted to marry each other and to be close to each other as "one flesh. " Kanda li nando nda dhimbwa kutya Kalunga oko e li nonda li ndi shi shi kutya onkalamwenyo yandje oye mu henda komutima. No, for he knew that the man's request was merely an excuse to evade responsibility. I never forgot that God exists, and I knew that my life was with him. Tate okwa ningi naanaa ngaashi a ti, e ta yi. 10: 12, 13. Dad did just as he said, and he went there. Ombiimbeli kayi na mpoka yi indika aantu ya longithe iingambeki yoluvalo. Then, ask questions. The Bible does not forbid the use of sex. Ihe omathimbo gamwe aayengeli oya li ya zala omalutu gopantu, noya li nokuli ya nu noya li pamwe naantu. 6: 29, 30. However, angels sometimes materialized human bodies, even drank with humans. Nena ota gandja Sisera miikaha yoye. " Jesus then said to her: "I am the resurrection and the life. And he will give you your hand in your hand. " Ombepo ondjapuki oya li wo ya kwathele Oholiab. 3: 17. Holy spirit also empowered holy spirit to help you. Otu na etompelo lini lyokwaatala konima? Therefore, continue to read the Bible daily and to attend congregation meetings regularly. What reason do we have? Oshike omukulukadhi Omukriste ta vulu okuninga ngele omusamane gwe omwiitaali iti inyenge nawa keihumbato lye ewanawa? motivate you to have a full share in the field ministry? What can a Christian husband do if his unbelieving husband does not respond well to his fine conduct? 19: 4; Job 7: 7) Ihe pehala lyokuteka omukumo, oya li haya kongo ekwatho kuJehova. Rather than lean on our own wisdom, we confidently rely on God's written Word to help us discern right from wrong. But instead of giving up, they sought Jehovah's help. OSEKONDE KEHE: Konyala aantu 30 000 ohaya tala omathano giipala kointaneta. (b) What assurance do we find in Psalm 136? HISTORY: Nearly 30 million people watch pornography. Kalunga okwa ti: "Ngele otamu vulika kungame e tamu dhiginine ehangano lyandje, otamu ningi aantu yandje mwene. " (b) If we want Jehovah's protection, what must we do? God said: "If you obey me and keep my covenant, you will become my special property. " Ombiimbeli itayi popi nando kutya omuntu kehe oku na omuyengeli ngoka he mu gamene. Instead of using our freedom "as an opportunity to pursue fleshly desires, " we want to be determined to make choices that help us to heed the admonition:" Do all things for God's glory. " - Gal. The Bible does not say that anyone has a angel who protects him. Opulanete yetu oyo opalela okukala iinima yi na omwenyo. Then she decided to inform Doris about the change in study conductor. Our planet is the best way of life. Okwa li e shi shoka Jehova a lombwelele eyoka konima sho Adam naEva ya yono. 11, 12. (a) If we feel that something is unfair, what do we need to remember? He knew what Jehovah had commanded the serpent after Adam and Eve sinned. (b) Aaisraeli oya li ye na okuninga shike, yu ulike kutya yo " oshigwana shaKalunga mwene '? Brother Klein later wrote: "When we harbor resentment against a brother, especially for saying something he has a right to say in the line of duty, we leave ourselves open to the Devil's snares. " (b) What did the Israelites need to do, show that they were " God's people '? (Mat. 24: 36) Ihe ngashingeyi, otwa pewa oshilonga kuKalunga shokulondodha aantu noku ya lombwela shoka ye na okuninga, opo ya vule oku ka hupa. In that volatile situation, what did Joshua and Caleb do? - Num. But now we are given God a commission to warn others of what they must do to survive. Yina yaNero Agrippina okwa li a dheula omwanamati ngoka, ta kwathelwa kaagandjimayele ye li yaali, opo omwana Nero a ka ninge omukeesali. But how are we able to do all this work? Mum's mother had trained her son, who was helped to become Nero's son Nero. 45: 5, OB - 1954 [45: 4, OB - 1986]) Sho Jesus Kristus ta ka ya a ka hanagule po uuyuni waSatana puArmagedon, ota ka longela aatondi ye " iilongankumwe. ' It appears that only a few months later, after violent opposition had forced the apostle Paul to leave the newly formed congregation in Thessalonica, Paul entrusted young Timothy with the mission of returning to Thessalonica to strengthen the brothers. When Jesus Christ comes to execute judgment on Satan's world, he will destroy his enemies at Armageddon. Ino dhimbwa kutya okugalikana okwa simana. Think about this: If Jehovah cares for the birds, how much more so does he care for you who love him and have given yourself to him? Never forget how important it is to pray. Onde mu pula nda ti: " Omolwashike wa lunduluka, noho kala peni? ' BIBLE STUDIES I asked her, " Why have you changed, and where have you lived? ' Omolwashike Jesus a li e na ehalo okwaaludha omulumentu omunashilundu? However, "Noah found favor in the eyes of Jehovah " because he" was a righteous man " who "proved himself faultless among his contemporaries. " Why was Jesus willing to heal a sick man? Jesus okwa li a popi oohapu ndhoka dhi li metsokumwe nehalo lyaHe. Jesus okwa ti kutya kapu ngoka te etha po nenge ta thigi po kuume ngoka kee na ondjo e ta kala inaa mona iilanduliko. - Lesha Mateus 19: 3 - 6, 9. What can you do to make the most of your singleness? Jesus said those words that were in harmony with his Father's will, Jesus said that no one would leave his friend or that he had not seen. - Read Matthew 3: 6, 9. Oomvula 27 lwaampono konima yOpentekoste 33 E.N., okwa li taku vulu okutiwa kutya "elaka etoye nolyoshili " olya thika kAajuda nokwaamboka yi itedhululithwa ya ninge yeitaalo lyOshijuda nosho wo " kaantu ayehe yomuuyuni. ' - Kol. When a person does not yield to Jehovah's molding, the fault always lies with that person. About 27 years after Pentecost 33 C.E., it was possible that "the good news of the Jews and proselytes became Jews and proselytes. " - Col. Konima yaashono, oshigwana osha gana oshikando oshititatu tashi ti: "Otatu vulika kOMUWA e tatu ningi ashihe sho ta ti. " - Eks. His face became pale, and he answered, "No, I haven't. " Thereafter, the nation said: "You must obey Jehovah and do all he has done. " - Ex. Osha nika uusama okwiitaala kutya Kalunga okwa shita omihoko dhimwe dhi vule omikwawo. A person who is honored is regarded as being weighty or as amounting to something. It is hard to believe that God created some races more than other races. Uuna nda pumbwa omayele aakuluntugongalo oya li haya kwathele ndje. But is it? Whenever I needed counsel, the elders helped me. Kaantu oyendji kunena, enyanyu lyopaumwene olyo owala oshinima sha simana kuyo. The surge in activity on the part of the reinvigorated true Christians points to that period as the beginning of the harvesttime. Most people today, however, is not the most important thing for them. ONGIINI TATU VULU OKUHUMITHA KOMEHO OMBEPO OMBWANAWA MEGONGALO... Before Jehovah gave the Law to the Israelites, family heads served as priests among them. HOW TO BE WATCHFUL IN HELP... Aapiya yaJehova oya hangana noya nyanyukwa shili, omolwaashihe shoka te ya longo. The chief of police, however, ordered the church officials to make the hall available for the Witnesses by that time. Jehovah's people are united, and they are truly happy for all that they do. 1: 27. But if you allow frustration to make you give up serving Jehovah, you would soon discover that no one else cares for you more genuinely than your God - fearing parents and your congregation. 1: 27. Ana gwoomvula 15 ngoka a tumbulwa metetekelo okwa ti: "Uumati nuukadhona kosikola yetu ohawu yi momilalo naantu mboka kaaye na ekwatathano nayo nenge mboka kaaye shaathane nayo. Before qualifying for baptism, what changes have many made? Ana, mentioned earlier, says: "The younger men with whom they have sexual relations with unbelievers or who are not close to each other. Oshikwawo, omayele ngoka hatu pewa pokugongala ohaga koleke eitaalo lyetu. When we see others experiencing the effects of Adamic sin, we are rightly moved to show compassion. Moreover, the counsel we receive at meetings strengthens our faith. 2: 1 - 6) Ngaashi naanaa Rut a li a kakatele puNaemi, Elisa naye okwa li a kakatele puElia. In 1911, the brothers modified the procedure. Just as Ruth remained faithful to Naomi, Elisha too remained firm in Elijah's Elijah's Elijah's Elijah. Aantu oye na okuninga shike, opo ya ka hupe muudhigu uunene? 8, 9. (a) How can we avoid going to extremes in regard to health? What must humans do to survive the great tribulation? Ngele otatu longo aantu uunongo wetu yene, nena itatu ka vula okupopya ngaashi omupisalomi ngoka a ti: "Ompango yOMUWA " kaku na we. - Lesha Episalomi 19: 7. What do Christian parents want to be sure of before their children get baptized? When we teach our own wisdom, we will not be able to say as did the psalmist who said: "The Law of Jehovah will not be no more. " - Read Psalm 19: 7. Otashi vulika wu ipule to ti: " Omolwashike hatu adhika ishewe kiilanduliko yuukulupe ngele Kalunga okwe tu shita tu nyanyukilwe oonkondo dhuugundjuka? ' Why would God allow us to suffer like this? You might wonder, " Why can we be found again in the aging process if God created us with the strength of youth? ' Ombepo ondjapuki otayi vulu oku tu koleka tu yande okuzulwa kuuyuni mbuka wa kolokosha. Why did first - century Christians find some things difficult to understand? Holy spirit can strengthen us to avoid being molded by this wicked world. Otashi vulika a li e shi shoka tashi ningwa muIsraeli, nokwa li uvu kaahalithi kombinga yiigwana yilwe. At that, Ananias falls down dead! He likely knew what would happen in Israel, and he heard about other nations. " Oyendji otaa ningwa aayuuki koshipala shaKalunga omolwokuvulika kwomuntu gumwe, " Jesus. I also saw the loving support the local congregation gave to my parents. " Many will be declared righteous in the sight of God because of one man Jesus. " Ihe okwe ke shi imonena ye mwene kutya Oohapu dhaKalunga odhi na oonkondo. Uuna a teka omukumo, oha kala ta galikana a mana mo, ta pula Jehova e mu kwathele. Their deep love for Jehovah was evident by their actions and attitudes. But he realized that God's Word is powerful, and he prayed to Jehovah for help. Konima yolweendo luvulitha lwomasiku gahetatu taya taakana ombuga, oya thiki muSudan. The Gospel accounts prove that Jesus was hated, especially by the Jewish religious leaders. After journeying for eight days through the ground, they arrived in B.C.E. Aavali Aakriste ohayu ulike uudhiginini kuJehova mokuputudha oyana metsokumwe nOohapu dhe. The final crushing of the serpent's head occurs after the end of the thousand years when Satan and his demons are hurled into "the lake of fire and sulphur. " - Rev. Christian parents show loyalty to Jehovah by raising their children in harmony with his Word. Jehova okwe tu tulila po oshiholelwa shini, shi na ko nasha neipangelo? What example of self - control does Jehovah set for us? Onda li nda zimine okuya kokugongala kwadho, nonda mono kutya omalongo gadho oge na oshili. I agreed to attend their meetings, and I realized that their teachings have the truth. Omulumentu omuyuuki Job oye gumwe ngoka a li a mono ekwatathano enene ndyoka li li pokati kokutala oshinima nokukala we shi hala. The righteous man Job saw a large relationship between something far and his desire. Tala natango ovelise 5. Look again at verse 5. " Okwa kala mekwatathano naKalunga " (Noowa), 5 / 1 3 / 1 Oshitopolwa shika otashi kundathana iinima itatu mbyoka tayi tu kwathele tu kale twa tonata ngaashi aayapostoli mboka ya li ko omimvo 2000 lwaampono dha pita. This article discusses three factors that help us to keep on the watch like the apostles of the first century. Omuyapostoli Paulus, " omulongi gwoohapu ' gulwe, okwa li wo u uvithile nopondje yaJerusalem. The apostle Paul, "the teacher of another word, " also preached in Jerusalem and in Jerusalem. Jakob 1: 25 ota ti: " Ngoka ti italele mompango ya gwanenena yemangululo note yi pulakene oye ota yambekwa moku shi ninga. ' James 1: 25 says: "He that does not fall into his perfect law and listened to it, and he will be blessed by it. " 12: 16 - 18, 26) Onkee ano, pehala lyokusila yalwe efupa, otatu ka kala twa nyanyukwa, uuna ya mono omayambeko. So instead of being jealous, we will be happy when others receive their blessings. Aayambidhidhi yoopolotika noyomalongelokalunga nosho wo yomahangano omanalwiho mboka taya thanekwa " kaahalithi ' mboka ya tumbulwa mEhololo 18: 3, oye li oshitopolwa shuuyuni waSatana. Such religious and religious organizations are represented by "the nations " mentioned at Revelation 18: 3, 3 are part of Satan's world. Ngele owa ndhindhilike iikala yontumba yokwiihola mwene momutima gwoye, pula Jehova e ku kwathele wu pukulule omadhiladhilo goye nosho omaiyuvo goye, opo nduno longa nuudhiginini nokuukitha eitulomo kesimano lye pehala lyokuukitha kulyoye mwene. (Eps. If you notice a measure of selfishness in your heart, ask Jehovah for help to correct your thinking and to focus on his own interests rather than on it. 10: 13. 10: 13. Kakele kaashono, aantu ayehe mboka ya lenga ekuliloyambo lyaJesus, otaya ka mona uuwanawa tawu kalelele omolwalyo. Moreover, all who value Jesus ' ransom sacrifice will benefit forever. IINIMA MBYOKA YA NINGWA MONDJOKONONA YOONZAPO DHAJEHOVA FROM OUR ARCHIVES Pehala lyaashono, oha kutha iiyimati mbyoka tayi monika nawa, kaayi na iilalo, inaayi ganya, yo oyooloya nawa notayi vulu okuliwa. Rather, he takes note of the fruit that is unseen, no plant, and it can grow well. Oolye " aagoya ' mboka a hala ndi yande? (Eps. Who are "the ones whom I want to avoid? " Oshike sha kwathele Jesus u ulukile aantu olukeno? What helped Jesus to show compassion? Ngele okanona kawo oke etha po okulongela Jehova, otaya vulu wo okukala neinekelo kutya onaka ka galukile "kegumbo, " ano kuJehova. If their child turned away from serving Jehovah, they can be confident that he will return to "the true God, " Jehovah. Kunena, nonando ota sile yina oshimpwiyu moKanada, natango ota longo e li omukokolindjila i ikalekelwa. Today, she is still serving as a special pioneer. Ngele otu uvitha gumwe nayi, otwa pumbwa oku mu pa ombili tashi zi komutima. When someone offends us, we need to give him inner peace. (1 Kor. 7: 31, OB - 1954; 2 Tim. This is true of all of us. Shoka itashi ti kutya omupiya omudhiginini ota ka ninga omwiinayi. That does not mean that the faithful slave will do evil. Onkee ano, okusila oshimpwiyu aamwandje okwa li taku ka kala eshongo lela. Therefore, caring for my children would be a real challenge. 3: 1 - 4) Tu li Aakriste, otwa pumbwa okukondjitha Satana nosho wo omalongo giifundja ngoka ta humitha komeho. (2 Kor. As Christians, we need to fight Satan and false teachings. (Mateus 21: 43) Egongalo lyAakriste aagwayekwa olyo lya ka ninga oshigwana shaKalunga shopambepo, Israeli yaKalunga. The congregation of anointed Christians would become a spiritual nation of spiritual Israel. Ngashingeyi natu taleni nkene aantu methimbo lyonale ya li ya mono uuwanawa mokwiiyapulila Jehova Kalunga nonkene sha li sha li kwatela mo oshindji shi vulithe owala euvathano. Let us now consider how people in ancient times benefited from dedication to God and how it involves more than a commitment. Naangwiyaka a pele iimaliwa omayuvi gaali, okwe yi likolitha iimaliwa yilwe omayuvi gaali. She gave two talents to the slave, and she bought two more money. Shotango, ote tu lombwele lwiikando kutya okwa hala oku tu kwathela. First, he tells us that he wants to help us. Mbela ito vulu okukonga ompito wu ninge oshinima sha faathana? Can you find the opportunity to do something similar? 16, 17. (a) Oshike tatu ilongo methaneko lyaJesus lyomukwaniilwa naapiya ye? 16, 17. (a) What lesson do we learn from Jesus ' parable of his servants? Okuza kesiku ndyoka, uuna ndi li muudhigu, ohandi kambadhala oku li dhimbulukwa, oshoka olyo esiku nda tameke okukala ndi hole lela Jehova. From that time on, I try to remember it because the day I started to love Jehovah. Opo ihe, otatu ka taleni kutya etegameno lini Ombiimbeli tayi tu pe. Then we will consider what the Bible gives us hope. Omumwatate gumwe okwe ya lombwele ta ti: "Opo wu yande etekomukumo, yelekanitha ehumokomeho lyoye sho to ilongo Oshichiina okuza poshigongi shomumvo gwa pita sigo oposhigongi shomumvo tagu landula. One brother told them: "In order to avoid discouragement, compare your progress when you learn from a Chinese convention until the following year. Iinima ayihe mbika oya li ya kwathele Aakriste ya kale nokugwanitha po oshilonga shawo shoka ya pewa kuKalunga. All these things helped Christians to carry out their God - given assignment. Ilaria ota ti: "Ongulohi yimwe oya lombwele ndje kutya oye wete pu na sha shu uvitithe ndje nayi, e taya pula ndje ngele opu na uupyakadhi. Onda tameke okulila. Ilaria says: "One night, they told me that there was something upset, and they asked me if there were problems. Kalunga mwene ota ka kala pamwe nayo nota ka ninga Kalunga kawo. And God himself will be with them. Hasho, molwaashoka okwa li e shi kutya omulumentu ngoka okwa li owala ta ningi omaipopilo opo kaagwanithe po oshinakugwanithwa shoka. No, for he knew that the man was making excuses for making excuses. 10: 12, 13. 10: 12, 13. ") Opo nduno, mu pula ishewe omapulo. " Then ask questions again. 6: 29, 30. 6: 29, 30. Opo nduno Jesus okwe mu lombwele a ti: "Ongame eyumuko nomwenyo. Jesus then told him: "I am the resurrection and the life. 3: 17. 3: 17. Onkee ano, tsikila okulesha Ombiimbeli esiku kehe nokuya kokugongala pandjigilile. Therefore, continue to read the Bible daily and attending meetings regularly. taku ku inyengitha wu uvithe wa mana mo muukalele? motivate you to work hard in the ministry? (Eps. 119: 105) Pehala lyokukala twi inekela uunongo wetu, otu na okukala twi inekela lelalela Oohapu dhaKalunga opo dhi tu kwathele tu mone shoka shu uka naashoka sha puka. Rather than rely on our wisdom, we must fully rely on God's Word to help us discern what is right and what is wrong. (b) Eshilipaleko lini tatu adha mEpisalomi 136? (b) What assurance do we find in Psalm 136? (b) Ngele otwa hala Jehova e tu gamene, otu na okuninga shike? (b) If we want Jehovah to protect us, what must we do? Pehala lyokulongitha emanguluko lyetu "li ninge ompito yuuhalu wopantu, " otwa hala okukala twa tokola toko okuninga omatokolo ngoka tage tu kwathele tu pulakene kekumagidho ndyoka tali ti:" Longeni ayihe nokusimaneka Kalunga. - Gal. Instead of using our freedom to "the desire of the flesh, " we want to be determined to make decisions that will help us to heed the admonition:" Serve God and glorify all glory. " - Gal. Opo nduno okwa li a tokola a lombwele Doris kombinga yaagulwe ngoka ta kala ta konakona naye Ombiimbeli. Then she decided to tell Doris about anyone who was studying the Bible with her. 11, 12. (a) Ngele otu uvite kutya oshinima shontumba kashi li pauyuuki, otu na okudhimbulukwa shike? 11, 12. (a) When we feel that something is unfair, what should we remember? Ihe ngele otwe ya kwatele onkone molwepukululo ndyoka taye tu pe, nena oshipu okugwila momwigo gwaSatana. " But if we harbor resentment, it is easier for us to fall into Satan's trap. " Josua naKaleb oya li ya ningi po shike monkalo ndjoka ondhigu? - Num. What did Joshua and Caleb do in a difficult situation? - Num. Oshike hashi tu kwathele tu longe iilonga ayihe mbika? What helps us to do this work? (Iil. 16: 1 - 3) Osha fa shi li ngeyi kutya konima owala yoomwedhi dhontumba, Paulus okwa li i inekelele omugundjuka Timoteus oshilonga shokushuna kuTessalonika a ka tse aamwatate omukumo, konima sho aapataneki aakwanyanya ya li ya ningitha omuyapostoli Paulus a thige po egongalo lyaTessalonika ndyoka opo lya li lya totwa. (Iil. 17: 5 - 15; 1 Tes. It seems that just a few months later, Paul relied on Timothy to encourage the brothers in Thessalonica after he was formed in Thessalonica after the apostle Paul's presence. (Mat. 7: 7 - 11) Dhiladhila kwaashika: Ngele Jehova oha sile oshimpwiyu uudhila, sho to tala ngoye ngoka wu mu hole nowe mu iyapulila, mbela ite ke ku sila oshimpwiyu? (Mat. Think of it this way: If Jehovah cares for those who love him and who love him, will he not provide for you? AAKONAKONIMBIIMBELI BIBLE STUDIES Ihe "OMUWA okwa li a hokwa Noowa, " oshoka " ka li e na uusama nokwa li omuyuuki pethimbo lye. ' Yet, "Jehovah was favoring Noah because he was not righteous and righteous in his time. " Oshike to vulu okuninga opo wu longithe ompito kehe wu na manga inoo ya mondjokana? What can you do to make every opportunity to get married? (Deut. 32: 4) Uuna omuntu itii iyetha a zulwe kuJehova, epuko ohali kala aluhe lyomuntu ngoka. When appropriate, a person's response to Jehovah's molding is always a personal person. Oshipala she osha lembe sho ta zimine kutya ina mona nale omuntu e li monkalo ndjoka. And the vineyard admits that he had never seen a person in that situation. Omuntu ngoka a simanekwa okwa talika ko e na oshiviha oshidhigu pathaneko nenge e na oshilonga. A respected person is viewed as having a heavy appearance or a valuable career. Osho ngaa? Is that true? 3: 18) Eindjipalo lyiilonga yAakriste yashili mboka ya li ya nkondopalekwa otali ulike kutya eteyo olya tameka pethimbo ndyoka. The growth of true Christians who were strengthened shows that the harvest began at that time. Manga Jehova inaa pa Aaisraeli Ompango, omitse dhomaukwanegumbo odha li dha pewa oshinakugwanithwa shokulonga dhi li onga aasaaseri mokati kawo. Before Jehovah gave the Israelites the Law, the family heads were assigned to serve as priests among them. Ihe omukuluntu gwopolisi okwa lombwele omusita gwongeleka ndjoka a gandje ompito kOonzapo. However, the police told the priest to offer the opportunity for the Witnesses. Ihe ngele owe etha okuuva nayi kwoye ku ku ningithe wu ethe po okulongela Jehova, mokweendela ko kwethimbo oto ka mona kutya kapu na gumwe e na ko nasha nangoye lela e vule aavali yoye aatilikalunga negongalo. But if you allow yourself to be disappointed, you will later realize that there is no one greater concern for you and your parents. Oyendji oya ninga omalunduluko geni manga inaaya thika ponkatu yokuninginithwa? What adjustments have many made before baptism? Uuna tu wete yalwe taya mono iihuna, omolwiilanduliko yuulunde waAdam, ohashi tu inyengitha tu yu ulukile olukeno. When we see others suffer, the consequences of Adam's sin moves us to show compassion. Mo 1911, aamwatate oya li ya toto po omulandu omupe. In 19th, the brothers formed the new covenant. 8, 9. (a) Oshike tashi ke tu kwathela tu kale tu na ondjele miinima yi na ko nasha nuukolele? 8, 9. (a) What will help us to maintain a balanced view of health matters? Aavali Aakriste ohaya kala ya hala okushilipaleka shike, manga oyana inaaya ninginithwa? What do Christian parents want to make sure that before their children get baptized? Omolwashike e tu tala owala tatu mono iihuna ngeyi? Why did he look at these suffering? Omolwashike Aakriste yopethimbo lyaayapostoli ya li kaayu uvite ko iinima yimwe? Why did first - century Christians not understand some of them? Ananias sho e shi uvu okwi ihata pevi nokwa si. Ananias heard that he had fallen asleep and died. Egongalo olya li wo lya yambidhidha aavali yandje pahole. The congregation also supported my parents ' loving parents. Iilonga nosho wo iikala yawo oye shi ulika lela kutya oye hole Jehova shili. Their actions and attitude show that they truly love Jehovah. (Joh. 10: 34; 12: 34) Omahokololo gOmavaangeli otaga ulike kutya Jesus okwa li e tondike, unene tuu kaawiliki yelongelokalunga lyOshijuda. The Gospel accounts show that Jesus was hated by the religious leaders, especially the religious leaders. Omutse gweyoka otagu ka nyanyagulwa po thiluthilu sho Satana noompwidhuli dhe taya ka umbilwa "mefuta lyomulilo nosulufuli " konima yoomvula eyuvi. - Eh. The head of the serpent will completely be destroyed when Satan and his demons are hurled into "the fire of fire and of fire. " - Rev.