Billi messu b'mod ġentili, Ġesù fejjaq raġel li kien milqut bil - marda kerha tal - ġdiem. With a gentle touch, Jesus healed a man afflicted with the loathsome disease of leprosy. Touching gently, Jesus healed a man who was affected by the sad disease of leprosy. Jekk aħna qed nirsistu għal xi privileġġi fil - kongregazzjoni Kristjana, jalla l - motivi tagħna jibqgħu tajbin u jalla aħna dejjem inkunu mqanqlin mill - imħabba għal Jehovah u għal oħrajn. If we are reaching out for privileges in the Christian congregation, may our motives remain pure and may we always be motivated by love for Jehovah and for others. If we are reaching out for privileges in the Christian congregation, may our motives remain good and may we always be motivated by love for Jehovah and for others. Per eżempju, ikkunsidra l - gwaj li laqat lir - residenti tal - belt taʼ New Orleans, l - Istati Uniti, li ġiet mgħarrqa minn uragan jew id - djar li nqerdu mill - valangi tat - tajn li niżlu mill - muntanji taʼ mal - kosta tal - Venezwela. Consider, for example, the woes that afflicted residents of the hurricane - flooded city of New Orleans, U.S.A., or the houses flattened by mud slides off the coastal mountains of Venezuela. Consider, for example, the calamity that struck the residents of the city of New Orleans, U.S.A., which was flooded by hurricane or the houses destroyed by the mudvalangs that came down from Venezuela's coastal mountains. Il - Babiloniżi b'mod żbaljat ikkonkludew li l - Alla l - veru kien dgħajjef. The Babylonians wrongly concluded that the true God was weak. The Babylonians wrongly concluded that the true God was weak. Bħalma tabib kwalifikat juża diversi tekniki dijanjostiċi sabiex ikun jistaʼ jara x'hemm ħażin f'qalb fiżika taʼ pazjent, Ġesù uża l - Kelma t'Alla sabiex " joħroġ ' u jikxef "il - ħsibijiet u l - intenzjonijiet tal - qalb, " saħansitra anki meta jkunu għadhom ma ġewx notati min - nies in ġenerali. - Proverbji 20: 5; Ebrej 4: 12. Just as a qualified doctor uses various diagnostic techniques to see what is wrong with a patient's physical heart, Jesus used God's Word to " draw up ' and expose the "thoughts and intentions of the heart, " even when they were still hidden from general observation. - Proverbs 20: 5; Hebrews 4: 12. Just as a qualified physician uses various diagnostic techniques to see what is wrong in a patient's physical heart, Jesus used God's Word to "come out " and reveal "the thoughts and intentions of the heart, " even when they have not yet been noticed by people in general. - Proverbs 20: 5; Hebrews 4: 12. Ir - rakkont ikompli: "Ara, ġie raġel minn ulied Israel, u ġab ħdejn ħutu mara Midjanija quddiem għajnejn Mosè u quddiem għajnejn il - ġemgħa kollha taʼ wlied Israel, waqt li kienu qed jibku fid - daħla tat - tinda tal - laqgħa. " the account continues, "a man of the sons of Israel came, and he was bringing near to his brothers a Midianite woman before Moses ' eyes and before the eyes of all the assembly of the sons of Israel, while they were weeping at the entrance of the tent of meeting. " The account continues: "Look! a man came from the sons of Israel, and he brought a Midianite woman to the eyes of Moses and to the eyes of all the congregation of the sons of Israel, while they were crying at the entrance of the tent of the meeting. " John E. John E. John E. Hekk kif taqra u tistudja l - Bibbja, int x'aktarx li se ssib talb li jaqbel mas - sitwazzjonijiet li tiltaqaʼ magħhom. As you read and study the Bible, you are likely to find prayers that fit situations you encounter. As you read and study the Bible, you will likely find prayers that match the situations you meet. Ikunu xi jkunu l - ostakli li tiffaċċja, int ukoll tistaʼ tkun ċert li Ġeħova jimpurtah minnek personalment sakemm tibqaʼ leali lejh. No matter what challenges you face, you too can be sure that Jehovah cares for you personally as long as you remain loyal to him. Regardless of the obstacles you face, you too can be sure that Jehovah cares for you personally as long as you remain loyal to him. Għat - tweġibiet, ejja naraw Ġesù x'għallem lid - dixxipli maħbubin tiegħu fl - aħħar jum taʼ ħajtu fuq l - art. For answers, let us turn to what Jesus taught his beloved disciples on the last day of his life on earth. For the answers, let us see what Jesus taught his beloved disciples on the last day of his earthly life. Kienu x'kienu l - użanzi lokali li żviluppaw, il - Milied issa sar il - festa ewlenija tad - dinja. Whatever local customs have developed, Christmas has now become the world's principal festive occasion. Whatever local customs they have developed, Christmas has now become the world's leading festival. Kif nistgħu nuru rispett għad - deċiżjonijiet t'oħrajn? How can we show respect for the decisions of others? How can we show respect for the decisions of others? Kien biss meta l - appostli rċivew l - ispirtu qaddis li huma fehmu għalkollox dak li Ġesù kien għamel. The apostles did not fully understand what Jesus had done until much later, when they received holy spirit. Only when the apostles received the holy spirit did they fully understand what Jesus had done. 24: 45; Salm 143: 10. 24: 45; Ps. 143: 10. 24: 45; Psalm 143: 10. Sa mir - rabaʼ seklu Q.E.K., it - tabib Grieg Ippokrate nnota l - bidliet psikoloġiċi u drammatiċi li kienu jbatu minnhom xi nisa wara li jildu. As far back as the fourth century B.C.E., Greek physician Hippocrates noted the dramatic psychological changes suffered by some women after childbirth. Since the fourth century B.C.E., the Greek physician Ipocrates noted the psychological and dramatic changes that some women suffered after their birth. Għall - kuntrarju, il - poeżija għandha x'taqsam ħafna maʼ l - iktar affarijiet importanti fil - ħajja - ir - relazzjonijiet, l - imħabba, l - ispiritwalità, in - natura, u t - tifsir tal - ħajja. Poetry has a long association with what matters most in life - relationships, love, spirituality, nature, and the meaning of life. On the contrary, poetry has much to do with the most important things in life - relationships, love, spirituality, nature, and meaning of life. Madankollu, konna deċiżi li mmorru. However, our minds were made up. However, we were decided to go. Iżda, David kemm setaʼ kien jaf dwar il - ġmiel glorjuż taʼ Jehovah, ladarba "Alla huwa spirtu, " u għalhekk hu inviżibbli għal għajnejn il - bnedmin? - Ġwanni 1: 18; 4: 24. Yet, how much could David know about the glorious splendor of Jehovah, since "God is a Spirit " and is therefore invisible to human eyes? - John 1: 18; 4: 24. How much, though, could David have known about Jehovah's glorious beauty, since "God is a spirit, " and is therefore invisible to the eyes of men? - John 1: 18; 4: 24. L - umanità tant qed tiffaċċja problemi fuq skala kbira li pajjiż waħdu, jew saħansitra grupp taʼ pajjiżi, m'għandu l - ebda tama li jsolvihom. The scope of the problems facing mankind is so overwhelming that it far exceeds what any one nation, or even group of nations, can handle. Mankind is facing so many problems on a large scale that a country alone, or even a group of countries, has no hope of resolving them. [ Stampa f'paġna 20] [ Picture on page 20] [ Picture on page 20] Permezz taʼ ispirazzjoni divina, l - appostlu Pawlu kiteb: "Alla mhux inġust biex jinsa għemilkom u l - imħabba li wrejtu għal ismu, peress li qdejtu lill - qaddisin u għadkom taqduhom. " - Ebrej 6: 10. Under divine inspiration, the apostle Paul wrote: "God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name, in that you have ministered to the holy ones and continue ministering. " - Hebrews 6: 10. By divine inspiration, the apostle Paul wrote: "God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name, since you have served the holy ones and continue serving them. " - Hebrews 6: 10. Kienu gustużi, intelliġenti, u setgħu jkollhom suċċess kbir f'Babilonja. They were handsome and smart and could have been very successful in Babylon. They were handsome, intelligent, and very successful in Babylon. Jehovah lil min kien se juża biex imexxi lil dan il - "ġens " il - ġdid? Who was Jehovah going to use to lead this new "nation "? Whom would Jehovah use to lead this new "nation "? Fi kliem ieħor, fi żmien Abraham kien impossibbli għall - bnedmin li jkunu jafu n - numru taʼ dawk li jagħmlu parti minn dan in - nisel. In other words, in Abraham's time it was impossible for humans to know how many would make up this seed. In other words, in Abraham's day it was impossible for humans to know the number of those belonging to that seed. Matul dan iż - żmien, Ġesù tgħallem ħafna dwar il - kwalitajiet taʼ Missieru, u l - imħabba tagħhom għal xulxin kibret. As Jehovah and Jesus worked together, the Son learned much about his Father's qualities and had innumerable reasons to love him. During this time, Jesus learned much about his Father's qualities, and their love for one another grew. Meta ħafna delegati, inkluż iż - żgħar, marru fuqu wara l - konvenzjoni biex jirringrazzjawh tal - kooperazzjoni tiegħu matul is - snin u biex jixtiqulu r - riżq meta jirtira, hu nfaqaʼ jibki. When many delegates, including young ones, approached him after the convention to thank him for his cooperation over the years and to wish him well during his retirement, he broke down in tears. When many delegates, including young ones, went upon him after the convention to thank him for his cooperation over the years and to desire good when he retires, he weeped. Hu Ddefenda l - Qima Pura He Stood Up for Pure Worship He Defined Pure Worship Il - klamar enormi * Colossal squid * The huge moon * Nitgħallmu mill - Eżempju taʼ Pawlu Learning From Paul's Example Learning From Paul's Example Għal xi żmien, Akwila u Prixilla ħadmu wkoll maʼ Pawlu fis - sengħa li kellhom it - tlieta li huma, dik li jagħmlu t - tined. For a time, Aquila and Priscilla also worked with Paul in their common trade, tentmaking. For a time, Aquila and Priscilla also worked with Paul in the trade of all three of them, the tentmakers. Eżempju tipiku hu s - Sultan Manassi taʼ Ġuda. A typical example is King Manasseh of Judah. A typical example is King Manasseh of Judah. Dan meta kien se jiġri? When would that be? When would that happen? Bħal Gary, hi għandha d - dijabete. Like Gary, she has diabetes. Like Gary, she has diabetes. Li nkunu involuti f'attivitajiet spiritwali bħala familja jżid mal - ferħ ġenwin. Being involved in spiritual activities as a family adds to genuine joy. Being involved in spiritual activities as a family adds to genuine happiness. Xi jkun ir - riżultat? The result? What would be the result? It - triq li mit - teatru l - kbir tibqaʼ sejra sal - port tal - belt hija impressjonanti ferm. The street that stretches from the great theater to the city harbor is magnificent. The road from the big theater to the city port is very impressive. Meta Ġeħova ra li Kajjin kien lest li jagħmel xi ħaġa ħażina ħafna, hu pprova jgħin lil Kajjin billi saqsieh: "Għala int mgħaddab għall - aħħar u qarrast wiċċek? When Jehovah saw that Cain was in danger of doing something very bad, he tried to help Cain by asking him: "Why are you so angry and dejected? When Jehovah saw that Cain was willing to do something very bad, he tried to help Cain by asking him: "Why are you angry and bitter? Il - Bibbja twissina: "Stmerru dak li hu ħażin, żommu sod maʼ dak li hu tajjeb. " The Bible admonishes us: "Abhor what is wicked, cling to what is good. " The Bible warns us: "Repute what is bad, stick to what is good. " It - tixbihat taʼ Ġesù għala kienu jisseparaw lin - nies? What was it about Jesus ' illustrations that separated people? Why did Jesus ' illustrations separate people? Int tmur kull fejn nibagħtek, u tgħid kull ma nordnalek. But to all those to whom I shall send you, you should go; and everything that I shall command you, you should speak. You go wherever you send you, and you say everything I command you. Dwar xi wħud minn dawn l - indokraturi, il - Bibbja tgħid: "Fil - bliet li kienu jgħaddu minnhom kienu jagħtu lil dawk t'hemmhekk id - digrieti li kienu ġew deċiżi mill - appostli u l - anzjani f'Ġerusalemm biex josservawhom. " - Atti 15: 6, 19 - 22; 16: 4. Concerning some such overseers, the Bible says: "As they traveled on through the cities they would deliver to those there for observance the decrees that had been decided upon by the apostles and older men who were in Jerusalem. " - Acts 15: 6, 19 - 22; 16: 4. Regarding some of these overseers, the Bible says: "In the cities that passed through them they gave to those there the decrees that had been decided upon by the apostles and the elders in Jerusalem to observe them. " - Acts 15: 6, 19 - 22; 16: 4. Il - mappa f ' "See the Good Land " turi l - postijiet prinċipali li jissemmew u l - karatteristiċi taʼ l - art li huma involuti. That map in "See the Good Land " shows the major places mentioned and the land features involved. The map in "See the Good Land " shows the principal locations mentioned and the characteristics of the land involved. Isaac; paġna 3: Nobel: © Nobelstiftelsen Isaac; page 3: Nobel: © Nobelstiftelsen Isaac; page 3: Nobel: © Nobelstiftelsen " Wieħed minn kull ħamsa mit - tfal [fir - Renju Unit] qed jixtru minn fuq l - Internet mingħajr il - permess tal - ġenituri tagħhom, u nofs it - tfal li jixtru qed jużaw il - kards tal - kreditu tal - ġenituri tagħhom, " tirrapporta The Daily Telegraph taʼ Londra. " A fifth of children [in the United Kingdom] are shopping online without parental permission and half of those who make a purchase are using their parents ' credit cards, " reports The Daily Telegraph of London. " One in five children [in the United Kingdom] are buying online without the permission of their parents, and half of the children they buy are using their parents ' credit cards, " reports The Daily Telegraph of London. Il - parti innoċenti għandha mnejn ma jirnexxilhiex tiekol, forsi titlef il - piż, u tistaʼ tħossha mnikkta emozzjonalment. The innocent mate may be unable to eat, may lose weight, and may become emotionally troubled. The innocent part may fail to eat, perhaps lose weight, and may feel emotionally distressed. Kif il - Ħolma Tiegħi Saret Realtà 20 4 What Are We Doing to Our Food? How My Dream Has Becomed Reality 20 Waqt li tissokta tikber din iż - żjieda mad - dinja kollha, jalla nkomplu nfittxu opportunitajiet biex nuru kemm aħna pronti u ferħanin li nagħtu mis - saħħa, mill - ħin u mir - riżorsi tagħna. As the worldwide expansion proceeds, may we continually look for opportunities to show our cheerfulness and willingness in giving of our strength, our time, and our resources. As this increase continues to grow worldwide, may we continue to seek opportunities to show how good and happy we are to give of our strength, time and resources. Saħansitra f'din id - dinja mimlija inkwiet, int tistaʼ tikseb hena minn għarfien eżatt tal - Bibbja dwar Alla, is - Saltna tiegħu, u l - iskop meraviljuż tiegħu għall - bnedmin. Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. Ħafna nies jagħmlu dak kollu li jkun hemm bżonn biex tgħaddi tagħhom, u dan spiss iwassalhom biex jikkommettu atti krudili. Many will do whatever it takes to get their own way, often resulting in cruel acts. Many people do everything they need to pass on, often leading them to commit cruel acts. Huma jafu li Jehovah jistaʼ jirxoxtahom jekk jippermetti li jinqatlu minn Satana u l - qaddejja tiegħu. They know that Jehovah can resurrect them if he permits Satan and his servants to kill them. They know that Jehovah can resurrect them if he allows them to be killed by Satan and his servants. Agħmilha l - mira tiegħek li teżamina x'tgħallem il - Bibbja. Make it your goal to examine what the Bible teaches. Make it your goal to examine what the Bible teaches. TOTAL SKONT IL - BAĠIT TOTAL ATTWALI BUDGETED TOTAL ACTUAL TOTAL TOTAL BY BUDGET TOTAL ACTUAL Wara din il - laqgħa inkuraġġanti mlejna l - applikazzjonijiet biex immorru Gilegħad. After that encouraging meeting, we filled out applications for Gilead. After that encouraging meeting, we made applications to go to Gilead. Xi ngħidu dwar ġenituri li huma waħedhom? What about single parents? What about single parents? L - istess japplika għal Jehovah. The same applies to Jehovah. The same applies to Jehovah. Din l - imġiba bla qalb tistaʼ tintwera minn ġirien inkejjużi, stranġieri li ma jkunux dħulin, u saħansitra minn ħbieb u membri tal - familja li kultant jaġixxu b'nuqqas taʼ ħsieb. The unkindness could be expressed by spiteful neighbors, unfriendly strangers, even friends and family members who may, at times, act thoughtlessly. Such heartfelt behavior can be manifested by increious neighbors, friendly strangers, and even by friends and family members who sometimes act thoughtlessly. " Il - ħajja taʼ dejjem tfisser dan, " qal Ġesù, "li jieħdu għarfien dwarek, l - uniku Alla veru, u dwar Ġesù Kristu li int bgħatt. " - Ġwanni 17: 3. " This means everlasting life, " Jesus said, "their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. " - John 17: 3. " This means everlasting life, " Jesus said, "to take in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. " - John 17: 3. Il - missier fit - tixbiha dejjem baqaʼ jittama li ibnu jirritorna. The father in the illustration never stopped hoping that his son would return. The father in the illustration always hoped that his son would return. PAĠNA 9 PAGE 9 PAGE 9 Għala hu possibbli li jkun hemm imħabba vera bejn raġel u mara? Why is true love between a man and a woman possible? Why is it possible to have true love between a man and a woman? Ix - xogħol taʼ Noemí kellu effett fuq iktar nies milli qatt setgħet ħasbet. Noemí's work had an impact on many more people than she could possibly have imagined. Noemí's work had an effect on more people than she could ever have thought. Mhux talli ma kienx hekk, talli huma għamlu dan għaliex urew ix - xewqa li jkollhom il - favur taʼ l - Alla taʼ Iżrael. On the contrary, it reflected a desire to have the favor of Israel's God. Rather than that, they did so because they showed the desire to have the favor of the God of Israel. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ . . . . . Il - qaddejja taʼ Ġeħova mad - dinja kollha esperjenzaw premjijiet sbieħ mingħand Missierna. Jehovah's servants around the world have experienced wonderful rewards from our Father. Jehovah's servants worldwide have experienced beautiful rewards from our Father. Żviluppi Ġodda fil - Każ A Break in the Case New Developments in the Case Dawk li jistinkaw biex jilħqu l - aħjar livell għandhom mnejn ikollhom ħtieġa kbira għall - ordni u l - organizzazzjoni u jkollhom livelli għoljin għalihom infushom, imma huma jaċċettaw ukoll l - iżbalji tagħhom u jafu jkampaw magħhom b'attitudni pożittiva.... People who strive for excellence may have a strong need for order and organization and high expectations for themselves, but they also accept their own mistakes and have positive ways of coping.... Those who strive to reach the best standard may have a great need for order and organization and have high standards for themselves, but they also accept their mistakes and can cope with them with a positive attitude.... Dażgur li le! Decidedly no! Of course not! Ġużeppi ma ħalliex l - imperfezzjonijiet u l - azzjonijiet ħżiena t'oħrajn jisseparawh minn Ġeħova Joseph did not allow the imperfections and wrong actions of others to separate him from Jehovah Joseph did not allow the imperfections and wrong actions of others to separate him from Jehovah Is - Sultan David qal: "Minn dan nagħraf li int kuntent bija, li l - għadu ma jifraħx minħabba fija. " King David said: "By this I do know that you have found delight in me, because my enemy does not shout in triumph over me. " King David said: "By this I know that you are pleased with me, that the enemy does not rejoice over me. " Il - kelma Ebrajka sar, tradotta "prinċep, " bażikament tfisser" kap. " The Hebrew word sar, translated "prince, " basically means" chief, " or "head one. " The Hebrew word became, translated "prince, " basically meaning" head. " Imqaddsin minn Alla Sanctified by God Holy by God Din il - ħlejqa hija l - kokka griża u kbira, jew, kif isibuha kultant, il - kokka taʼ Lapland. It is the great gray owl, or, as it is sometimes known, the Lapland owl. This creature is the gray, large owl, or, as they sometimes find, the Lapland owl. Dawn l - eżempji qanqlu lil Tom biex ħajtu jagħmilha iktar sempliċi ħalli jkun jistaʼ jiddedika iktar ħin għall - familja tiegħu u għall - affarijiet spiritwali. Moved by these examples, Tom simplified his own life so that he could devote more time to his family and to spiritual pursuits - a move he has never regretted. These examples moved Tom to make his life simpler so that he could devote more time to his family and to spiritual things. Xi wħud mill - anġli wkoll ċedew għall - influwenza taʼ Satana. Some of the angels also yielded to Satan. Some angels also gave in to Satan's influence. Il - Fariżej jibdew ibaxxuhom: "Intom ukoll tqarraqtu? The Pharisees start to belittle them: "You have not been misled also, have you? The Pharisees begin to lower them: "You too are you deceived? " IL - PANAMA, il - pont tad - dinja. " " PANAMA, bridge of the world. " " THE pANAMA, the bridge of the world. " Il - Kelma t'Alla tgħid: "M'hemm l - ebda ħolqien li hu moħbi quddiemu. " God's Word says: "There is not a creation that is not manifest to his sight. " God's Word says: "There is no creation that is hidden before him. " Dan jagħmluh bit - tama li jgħaddu mill - eżamijiet taʼ l - iskola, li jkollhom ħsad tajjeb, jew li jiġu skansati mill - mard. They do so in hopes of passing examinations in school, reaping good crops, or warding off diseases. They do so with the hope of passing school exams, of having a good harvest, or of being spared from disease. Ħassu wkoll Elija naqra inċert dwar jekk jiddelegax xi ftit mir - responsabbiltajiet tiegħu, jekk jaqsamx il - privileġġi li kellu maʼ ħaddieħor, jew jekk xi darba kienx se jiġi sostitwit? Did Elijah also feel a bit hesitant about delegating some of his responsibilities, sharing his privileges, or someday being replaced? Did Elijah also find it uncertain whether he delegated some of his responsibilities, shared his privileges with others, or would he be replaced? L - imħabba vera "ma ġġibx ruħha b'mod indeċenti, ma tfittixx l - interessi tagħha. " - 1 Korintin 13: 4, 5. True love "does not behave indecently, does not look for its own interests. " - 1 Corinthians 13: 4, 5. True love "not behaves indecently, does not look for its own interests. " - 1 Corinthians 13: 4, 5. Fi studju li involva 200 xjenzat madwar id - dinja "instab li [68 miljun kilometru kwadru] minn wiċċ l - art jaqaʼ fil - kategorija taʼ " xagħri, ' jiġifieri għad fih minn taʼ l - inqas 70 fil - mija tal - veġitazzjoni oriġinali, fih inqas minn [5] minn nies għal kull [kilometru kwadru] ' l barra mill - inħawi tal - belt, u m'huwiex inqas minn [10,000 kilometru kwadru]. " According to Mexico City's Milenio newspaper, the following are signs that you should seek medical examination of a mole: One half of the mole is not equal in size to the other half, the border is irregular, there is a change in color and size, the diameter is larger than 1 / 4 inch [0.6 cm] [the size of a pencil eraser], or the mole bleeds or itches. Dr. In a study involving 200 scientists around the world, "it was found that [68 million square miles [68 million sq km] from the surface of the earth falls into the category of " wilderness, ' i.e. it still contains at least 70 percent of the original vegetation, contains less than [5] people per [sq km] out of the city area, and is not less than [10,000 sq km]. " X'aktarx li huma wkoll kellhom din l - opinjoni żbaljata. Likely they too shared this mistaken opinion. Likely, they too had this wrong view. Minħabba li Abraham kellu l - fidi f'dak li kien wiegħdu Ġeħova, hu baqaʼ jagħmel dak li Ġeħova talbu jagħmel. Because Abraham had faith in what Jehovah had promised him, he kept on doing what Jehovah asked him to do. Because Abraham had faith in what Jehovah had promised, he continued to do what Jehovah asked him to do. L - Effetti fit - Tul taʼ Dieta Nieqsa mill - Karboidrati They also prefer smiling human faces to angry ones. " The Long - Suffering Effects of Carbohydrates Għalija, dan ifisser li niffoka l - attenzjoni tiegħi fuq marti u li ngħinha. " For me, that means focusing my attention on my wife and helping her. " For me, this means focusing my attention on my wife and helping her. " Iċ - ċirkustanzi u l - kwistjonijiet kienu differenti. The circumstances and issues were different. Circumstances and issues differed. Kemm hu tabilħaqq għaref il - parir tal - Bibbja: "Min hu bil - għaqal jara l - għawġ u jwarrab; min hu moħħu ħafif jidħol fih u jħallas għalih. " Wise, indeed, is the Bible's advice: "Shrewd is the one that has seen the calamity and proceeds to conceal himself, but the inexperienced have passed along and must suffer the penalty. " How wise the Bible's counsel is indeed: "He that is wise sees adversity and proceeds away, but the one slow in mind enters into it and pays for it. " " Għamilna l - qalb... biex ngħidulkom l - aħbar tajba. " - 1 TESS. " We mustered up boldness... to speak to you the good news. " - 1 THESS. " We gave heart... to tell you the good news. " - 1 THESS. Pawlu jwieġeb: "Madankollu, hi tinżamm salva billi tiled it - tfal, dment li jibqgħu fil - fidi u l - imħabba u l - qdusija kif ukoll iżommu moħħ f'loku. " Paul answers: "However, she will be kept safe through childbearing, provided they continue in faith and love and sanctification along with soundness of mind. " Paul answers: "It is, however, saved by giving birth to children, as long as they remain in faith and in love and holiness as well as in soundness of mind. " Hu jistaʼ saħansitra jasal għal konklużjoni żbaljata billi jibbaża biss fuq dak li jaf, u b'hekk jaqaʼ għaċ - ċajt. He may even draw wrong conclusions from known facts, making himself look foolish. He can even come to a wrong conclusion by relying solely on what he knows, making fun of it. Din l - abbiltà fit - tagħlim tinvolvi ħafna iktar milli sempliċement ngħinu lil xi ħadd jiftakar il - fatti bl - amment. Such teaching ability involves much more than helping someone to memorize facts. This teaching ability involves much more than helping someone to remember the facts by heart. Bħal Timotju, għandna bżonn noqogħdu attenti għall - parir taʼ dawk li qdew lil Jehovah għal ħafna snin. Like Timothy, we need to heed the counsel of those who have served Jehovah for many years. Like Timothy, we need to pay attention to the counsel of those who have served Jehovah for many years. Alla tagħna dejjem jagħmel dak li hu sew, u aħna rridu nkunu bħalu. Our God always does what is right, and we want to be like him. Our God always does what is right, and we want to be like him. Ġesù ħallielna eżempju billi għallem lis - semmiegħa tiegħu "sakemm setgħu jifhmu " biss. Jesus set the example by teaching his hearers only "as far as they were able to listen. " Jesus set an example by teaching his listeners "as long as they could understand " only. B'hekk, setgħu javviċinaw lil Alla bil - libertà kollha bħalma tifel żgħir javviċina lil missieru. Thus, they could approach God as freely as a child approaches his father. Thus, they could freely approach God as a young child approaches his father. Kien hemm mumenti meta ried biss imut. he must have wondered. There were times when he just wanted to die. There were moments when he wanted only to die. Fis - sena 66 WK, it - tribulazzjoni f'Ġerusalemm " tqassret. ' In the first century, the tribulation in Jerusalem was "cut short. " In 66 C.E., the tribulation in Jerusalem " was cut short. " Hu trabba f'familja Kattolika fil - Ġermanja, imma ma baqax imur il - knisja. Raised in a Catholic family in Germany, he discontinued going to church. He grew up in a Catholic family in Germany, but he stopped going to church. Għal sena sħiħa hi ġiet imfissda bi trattamenti taʼ sbuħija speċjali, flimkien maʼ ħafna tfajliet li kollha kienu qed jikkompetu biex jiġu nnotati mis - sultan. For a year she was pampered with special beauty treatments, together with many young women who were all competing to be noticed by the king. For a year she was fixed with special beauty treatments, along with many women who were all competing to be noticed by the king. L - istess prinċipju japplika għall - immoralità sesswali u għal kwalunkwe vizzju ieħor li l - Kelma t'Alla tikkundanna. - Salm 97: 10, KŻ. The same principle applies to sexual immorality or any other vice that God's Word condemns. - Psalm 97: 10. The same principle applies to sexual immorality and any other addiction that God's Word condemns. - Psalm 97: 10. Fiha, huma stqarrew: "Perijodu twil u iebes taʼ ttestjar issa hu xi ħaġa tal - passat, u dawk li tħallew ħajjin, bħallikieku maħtufin minn forn jaqbad, lanqas biss għandhom ir - riħa taʼ ħruq fuqhom. In it, they stated: "A long hard period of testing lies behind us and those who have been preserved, snatched as it were from the fiery furnace, do not even have the smell of fire on them. In it, they stated: "A long and tough period of testing is now a thing of the past, and those who were left alive, as if kidnapped by a burning furnace, do not even have a burning smell on them. Għaldaqstant, Oriġene ħass li għal din ir - raġuni ħafna nies setgħu jagħtu widen lid - dixxipli meta dawn ippritkaw dwar l - imħabba u l - paċi. So Origen felt that because of this, many had the opportunity to listen to the disciples preach about love and peace. Hence, Origen felt that for this reason many people could listen to the disciples when they preached about love and peace. Hekk kif joqrob il - lejl, is - sema jsir aħmar nar - u mhux taʼ b'xejn! As night closes in, the sky turns fire - red - for good reason! As the night approaches, heaven becomes red with fire - and not for good reason! Rodi Rhodes Rods 11: 28 - 40. 11: 28 - 40. 11: 28 - 40. Madankollu, meta l - Għamalekin attakkaw lil Iżrael ftit wara li l - Iżraelin telqu mill - Eġittu, Mosè talab lil Ġożwè biex jorganizza d - difiża. Yet, when the Amalekites attacked Israel soon after Israel's departure from Egypt, Moses called on Joshua to organize the defense. However, when the Amalekites attacked Israel shortly after the Israelites left Egypt, Moses asked Joshua to organize the defense. L - evoluzzjonisti jistqarru li l - aħjar mekkaniżmi huma magħżulin awtomatikament għaliex l - affarijiet ħajjin li għandhom lilhom jgħixu l - iktar. Evolutionists claim that the best mechanisms are automatically selected because the living things that have them survive better. Evolutionists claim that the best mechanisms are automatically chosen because the living things they have to live most. Jekk trid li Alla jaħfirlek, hemm bżonn li taħfer lil ħaddieħor (Ara paragrafu 11) If you want God to forgive you, you need to forgive others (See paragraph 11) If you want God to forgive you, you need to forgive others (See paragraph 11) Rigward din il - ħarġa speċjali, waħda oħt kitbet hekk lill - uffiċċju tal - fergħa fl - Istati Uniti: "Il - kampanja biex noffru din il - ħarġa speċjali marret tajjeb ferm. Regarding that special issue, one sister wrote the United States branch office: "The campaign to offer this special issue went extremely well. Regarding this special issue, one sister wrote to the branch office in the United States: "The campaign to offer this special issue was very good. Kif tistaʼ tgħinu jħossu komdu? How can you put him at ease? How can you help him feel comfortable? Evidenza waħda li turi li Pietru ma kienx il - kap tal - kongregazzjoni f'Ruma hi li meta l - appostlu Pawlu kiteb l - ittra tiegħu lir - Rumani, hu inkluda lista twila taʼ Kristjani li għexu hemm. One evidence that Peter was not head of the congregation in Rome is that when the apostle Paul wrote his letter to the Romans, he included an extensive list of Christians there. One evidence showing that Peter was not the head of the congregation in Rome is that when the apostle Paul wrote his letter to the Romans, he included a long list of Christians who lived there. Ipprepara appetizer taʼ malajr u b'ħafna kuluri billi tqiegħed it - tadam, il - mozzarella, u l - avokado mqattgħin roti roti fuq xulxin. Prepare a quick and colorful appetizer by overlapping slices of tomato, mozzarella cheese, and avocado. Prepare a quick, colorful appetizer by placing tomatoes, mozzarella, and avocado wheels on each other. Leonidas u martu tgħammdu ftit xhur wara. Leonidas and his wife got baptized some months later. Leonidas and his wife were baptized a few months later. * Aħna naqblu maʼ Proverbji 23: 15, li jgħid: "Ibni, jekk qalbek tħobb l - għerf, lili wkoll tferraħli qalbi. " * We agree with Proverbs 23: 15, which says: "My son, if your heart has become wise, my heart will rejoice, even mine. " * We agree with Proverbs 23: 15, which says: "My son, if your heart loves wisdom, it also makes my heart rejoice. " [ Nota taʼ taħt] [ Footnote] [ Footnote] Bihom nistgħu nisimgħu l - ħsejjes differenti u sbieħ kollha li fiha d - dinja taʼ madwarna. With them we can hear all the varied and beautiful sounds of the world around us. We can hear all the different and beautiful sounds of the world around us. Forsi int oħt li r - raġel tiegħek ma jaqdix lil Ġeħova. Maybe you are a sister whose husband does not serve Jehovah. Perhaps you are a sister whose husband does not serve Jehovah. (Aqra Ġob 1: 6 - 11.) (Read Job 1: 6 - 11.) (Read Job 1: 6 - 11.) " Moħħ il - ġust jaħsibha ["jimmedita, " NW], " jgħid l - għaref Salamun. " The heart of the righteous one meditates, " says the wise man. " The heart of the righteous one is thinking of meditating, " says wise Solomon. Impressjonat b'dawn l - iżviluppi ġodda fit - teknoloġija tar - riġlejn u l - idejn artifiċjali, jien staqsejt lill - prostetiku tiegħi biex jgħidli kif iqabbel il - mod kif jaħdmu huma mal - mod naturali li jaħdmu r - riġlejn u l - idejn. Amazed at these advances in artificial - limb technology, I asked my prosthetist how he would compare their function to the way natural limbs work. I impressed by these new developments in artificial hand and foot technology, I asked my prosthetician to tell me how they compare the way they work with the natural way the legs and hands work. Ma kontx naf kif nipprepara l - introduzzjonijiet jew kif nirraġuna mill - Iskrittura. " I didn't know how to prepare introductions or reason from the Scriptures. " I did not know how to prepare the introductions or how to reason from the Scriptures. " Jingħad li l - Imperatur Montezuma taʼ l - Azteki kien jixrob iktar minn 50 tazza ċikkulata kuljum. It is said that the Aztec Emperor Montezuma drank more than 50 cups of chocolate a day. It is said that Emperor Montezuma of the Aztecs drank more than 50 cups of chocolate a day. U kemm kien kburi b'dak iċ - ċentru tal - qima falza! And how proud he was of that seat of false worship! And how proud he was of that center of false worship! Għalkemm għaddew 12 - il sena, il - ferita għadha m'għalqitx. " The passing of 12 years has not healed the wound. " Although 12 years have passed, the wound has not yet been created. " Wara kollox, miljuni taʼ dixxipli taʼ Kristu jissaportu diversi forom taʼ għawġ, iżda xorta jibqgħu leali. After all, millions of Christ's disciples endure various forms of tribulation, yet they remain faithful. After all, millions of Christ's disciples endure various forms of adversity, but they still remain faithful. " Illaħwa, kont insejt, " qal hu. " Oh, I forgot, " he remarks. " I had forgotten my brothers, " he said. 10, 11. 10, 11. 10, 11. Gidgħon kif wera l - għaqal f'li jwettaq l - inkarigu tiegħu? How did Gideon show discretion in carrying out his assignment? How did Gideon show wisdom in carrying out his assignment? " Lejl wieħed ħassejtni mdejjaq ferm. " One night I found myself in massive depression. " One night I felt very sad. Inħossni ferħana li naf li meta jseħħ l - irxoxt inkunu nistgħu niltaqgħu mal - maħbubin mejtin tagħna. It gives me great joy to know that when the resurrection occurs, we will be able to meet our dead loved ones. I am happy to know that when the resurrection takes place, we can meet our dead loved ones. Mela, fejn nistgħu nduru? Where, then, can we turn? Where, then, can we turn? Ġesù x'riedhom jitgħallmu lis - semmiegħa tiegħu minn din it - tixbiha? What did Jesus want his listeners to learn from this illustration? What did Jesus want his listeners to learn from this illustration? Din l - istqarrija turi b'mod ċar li l - wieħed li sar ix - Xitan oriġinalment kien persuna spirtu perfetta, li xi darba jew oħra kien " żamm sħiħ mal - verità. ' That statement clearly indicates that the one who became the Devil was originally a perfect spirit person, who at one time did "stand fast in the truth. " This statement clearly shows that the one who became the Devil originally was a perfect spirit person, who at one time or another had "became firmly with the truth. " Dan id - diżastru setaʼ kien kaġunat minn żball uman, miż - "żmien u ċ - ċirkustanzi, " jew mit - tnejn - imma żgur li mhux minħabba l - ġudizzju t'Alla. - Koħèlet 9: 11. This disaster may have been the result of human error, "time and unforeseen occurrence, " or both - but assuredly not a result of God's judgment. - Ecclesiastes 9: 11. This disaster may have been caused by human error, "time and circumstances, " or both - but certainly not by God's judgment. - Ecclesiastes 9: 11. (b) Matul l - istorja, Ġeħova lil min għen u appoġġa? (a) Describe the behavior of people in general. (b) Throughout history, to whom has God shown favor? (b) Throughout history, whom did Jehovah help and support? Kull jum tal - festa, il - Leviti qraw il - Liġi t'Alla lin - nies kollha. - Neħ. An important feature of this festival was the public reading of God's Law, "day by day, from the first day until the last day. " - Neh. Each day of the festival, the Levites read God's Law to all people. - Neh. Nidħol fis - Servizz Full - Time Entering Full - Time Service Entering Full - Time Service X'INHI L - QALB FIGURATTIVA? THE FIGURATIVE HEART - WHAT IS IT? WHAT IS THE FIGURATIVE HEALTH? Irsisti għall - Paċi Pursue Peace Resist for Peace Iktar kmieni dakinhar dawk kollha li kienu preżenti għal dik l - okkażjoni kienu marru b'tal - linja sax - Xmara Ġordan, fejn kien hemm 22 ruħ li tgħammdu b'simbolu tad - dedikazzjoni tagħhom lil Jehovah. Early that day all those present for the occasion had gone by bus to the Jordan River, where 22 were baptized in symbol of their dedication to Jehovah. Earlier then, all present on that occasion had gone by bus to the Jordan River, where 22 were baptized in symbol of their dedication to Jehovah. Kemm kont ferħan li sa dak iż - żmien kont tgħallimt mijiet taʼ skritturi bl - amment! What a blessing it was that by then I had learned several hundred scriptures by heart! How happy I was that by then I had memorized hundreds of scriptures! Jekk ħu jew oħt tagħmel xi ħaġa li taħsdek, li timita l - eżempju taʼ rażan taʼ Ġużeppi se jgħinek tevita li tgħid jew tagħmel xi ħaġa li iktar tard jiddispjaċik li għamiltha. If a brother or a sister does something that upsets you, imitating Joseph's example of self - control will help you to avoid saying or doing something you might later regret. If a brother or a sister does something you think, imitating Joseph's example of self - control will help you avoid saying or doing something you later regret. Madankollu, jekk tpoġġi idek quddiem baħrija, din tistaʼ timxi fuq subgħajk. However, if you place your outstretched hand in front of a moth, it may walk onto your finger. If you put your hand in front of a moth, however, it can walk on your fingers. Fil - fatt, għandu hu kwalitajiet li jien nixtieq ikolli? ' In fact, does he have qualities that I would like to have myself? ' Does it really have qualities that I wish to have? ' Sabiex tagħti donazzjoni, jekk jogħġbok żur il - websajt / mt. To make a donation, please visit To make a donation, please visit Huwa kalkulat li erbaʼ miljun Amerikan laqqat il - virus, u bosta mijiet t'eluf minnhom laqqtuh mit - trasfużjonijiet tad - demm. It is estimated that four million Americans contracted the virus, several hundred thousand of them through blood transfusions. It is estimated that four million Americans have crossed the virus, and several hundred thousands of them have met it from blood transfusions. Oħrajn imorru għand sukias lokali (qassisin li jipprattikaw il - maġija li jissejħu xamani) għall - fejqan meta jkunu morda jew iħossu li qed jiġu turmentati minn spirti ħżiena. Others turn to local sukias (shamans) for healing when they are sick or feel that they are being harassed by wicked spirits. Others go to local sukias (priests who practice magic called swords) for healing when they are sick or feel that they are being tormented by bad spirits. Minflok ma ninkwetaw dwar l - ostakli li għandna quddiemna jew dwar kemm jistaʼ jkun diffiċli l - inkarigu li jkollna, dan għandna nagħmluh b'żelu kbir u mill - qalb. Rather than worry about the obstacles that are in our way or about how difficult the assignment may be, we should work at it zealously and wholeheartedly. Rather than worry about the obstacles ahead of us or about how difficult our assignment may be, we should do so with great zeal and heartfeltness. Matul l - aħħar żjara taʼ Pawlu f'Ġerusalemm, il - ġemgħa li tiggverna tagħtu l - parir li jitnaddaf skond ir - riti tal - Lhud biex juri li ma kellu xejn kontra l - Liġi taʼ Mosè. During Paul's last visit to Jerusalem, the governing body counseled him to cleanse himself ceremonially to show others that he harbored no animosity toward the Mosaic Law. During Paul's final visit to Jerusalem, the governing body advised that he be cleaned according to Jewish rites to show that he had nothing contrary to the Law of Moses. Dan kif kien possibbli? How was this possible? How was that possible? F'ħafna kulturi, tgħanniqa jew għafsa taʼ id ġentili lill - persuna hu mod effettiv biex turi li jimpurtak minnha. In many cultures, giving the person a hug or a gentle squeeze of the arm is an effective way to show you care. In many cultures, a gentle hug or rush of hand is an effective way to show that you care about it. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ . . . . . Iseħħu diversi tipi taʼ diżastri f'dan iż - żmien taʼ "l - aħħar. " Disasters of different kinds are common during these "last days. " Several types of disasters occur in this time of "the last. " Biex tinġieb din il - Ġenna taʼ l - art se jkun hemm bżonn taʼ azzjoni drastika, simili għad - Dilluvju taʼ żmien Noè. Bringing about that Paradise will involve drastic action, similar to that of the Flood of Noah's day. Bringing this Paradise to earth will require drastic action, similar to the Flood of Noah's day. Ħa ma jiġix ċirkonċiż. Let him not get circumcised. Let it not be circumcised. Il - wegħda taʼ l - irxoxt li nsibu fil - Bibbja tagħtini tama u faraġ. - Atti 24: 15. The Bible's promise of the resurrection gives me hope and comfort. - Acts 24: 15. The promise of the resurrection found in the Bible gives me hope and comfort. - Acts 24: 15. Pilar Muriedas, waħda mid - diretturi tal - Latin - American and Caribbean Women's Health Network, tgħid li għan - nisa, "waħda mill - ħtiġijiet ewlenin biex ikollhom suċċess hi li jkollhom dehra attraenti. " Pilar Muriedas, one of the directors of the Latin - American and Caribbean Women's Health Network, says that for women, "having a good image is one of the principal requirements for success. " Pilar Muwiedis, one of the directors of Latin - American and Carbbean Women's Health Network, says that for women, "one of the key requirements for success is to have an attractive appearance. " Hu jippretendi li ommu mhux biss tieħu ħsiebu imma tieħu ħsieb ibnu wkoll. He expects his mother to care for him and his son. He pretends that his mother not only cares for him but also cares for his son. Eldar trabba fl - Unjoni Sovjetika bħala ateu. Eldar grew up in the Soviet Union as an atheist. Eldar grew up in the Soviet Union as an atheist. Dawn l - uħud intelletwali kienu maħkuma mill - "ispirtu taʼ din id - dinja " iktar milli mill - ispirtu t'Alla. Such intellectuals were governed by "the spirit of the world " rather than by the spirit of God. These intellectual ones were ruled by "the spirit of this world " rather than by God's spirit. Ovvjament, id - deċiżjonijiet li tieħdu se jkunu differenti minn dawk taʼ koppji oħrajn. Obviously, the decisions you make will be different from those of other couples. Of course, the decisions you make will differ from those of other couples. [ Stampa f'paġna 9] [ Picture on page 9] [ Picture on page 9] Ma nistagħġbux li Ġesù uża l - isem t'Alla u għamlu magħruf lil oħrajn. It is not surprising that Jesus used God's name and made it known to others. It is not surprising that Jesus used God's name and made it known to others. Kif Għandna Nittrattaw lil Nies Imdaħħlin fiż - Żmien? How Should We Treat the Elderly? How Should We Treat Older People? Kull ċellula hija mimlija b'mijiet taʼ miljuni taʼ molekuli taʼ l - emoglobina. Each cell is packed with hundreds of millions of hemoglobin molecules. Each cell is filled with hundreds of millions of haemoglobin molecules. Russell Pate mill - Università taʼ South Carolina jgħid: "Naħseb li ġeneralment kulħadd jitgħaxxaq b'mixja sabiħa u rilassanti madwar il - binja wara l - ikel. " Russell Pate of the University of South Carolina says: "I think we have to officially sanction the idea that a nice, comfortable walk around the block after dinner is a very desirable thing to do. " Russell Pate of South Carolina University says: "I think that everyone usually delights in a beautiful and relaxing walk around the building after food. " L - iktar ħaġa importanti: Il - flus imġemmgħin mhux se jiżguraw il - futur tiegħek. The bottom line: There is more to a secure future than stockpiling money. Most important: Money collected will not secure your future. Alla m'huwiex is - sors taʼ dak li hu ħażin. For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone. " God is not the source of what is bad. F'din is - sistema, dejjem se jkun hemm sitwazzjonijiet li se jittestjaw il - lealtà tagħna lejn Ġeħova. In this system, there will always be situations that test our loyalty to Jehovah. In this system, there will always be situations that will test our loyalty to Jehovah. " Ma jistaʼ jkun hemm xejn iktar stramb u meraviljuż minn dan ir - reġjun romantiku, li la qabel u lanqas wara ma rajt xi ħaġa bħalu. " Nothing can be more strange and wonderful than this romantic region, which is unlike anything I have ever seen either before or since. " There can be nothing more strange and wonderful than this romantic region, which I have not seen before or after. 3 X'INHUMA L - MIRI TIEGĦI? (For fully formatted text, see publication) 3 WHAT ARE MY TARGETS? (Aqra Mħallfin 4: 14 - 16.) (Read Judges 4: 14 - 16.) (Read Judges 4: 14 - 16.) Kemm kien differenti għalkollox mill - allat Kangħanin! How completely unlike the Canaanite gods he was! How completely different he was from the Canaanite gods! Darba minnhom, ommi sellfet qmis lil wieħed pijunier waqt li sewwietlu tiegħu. Once, mother lent a pioneer a shirt while she mended his. On one occasion, my mother greeted a pioneer while he heard him. 20 - 26 taʼ Settembru, 2010 September 20 - 26, 2010 September 20 - 26, 2010 Wara li t - tifel jew it - tifla tiegħek twieġeb, tistaʼ tistaqsi, "Kif tħossok int dwar dan? " - Prinċipju Bibliku: Dewteronomju 6: 6, 7. After your child answers, you could ask, "How do you feel about that? " - Bible principle: Deuteronomy 6: 6, 7. After your child responds, you can ask, "How do you feel about this? " - Bible principle: Deuteronomy 6: 6, 7. (8 taʼ Jannar, 2001) M'huwiex dan il - mod li Satana uża biex iqarraq b'Eva? (January 8, 2001) Isn't this the means Satan used to deceive Eve? (January 22, 2001) Is that not the way Satan used to deceive Eve? [ Stampa f'paġna 18] [ Picture on page 18] [ Picture on page 18] Iva, Ġeħova jistaʼ jaħdem fina u jeffettwa r - rieda, jew ix - xewqat, tagħna. - Flp. Yes, Jehovah can act within us and affect our will, or desires. - Phil. Yes, Jehovah can work in us and affect our will, or desires,. - Phil. Huwa li tissetilja l - kwistjoni fi spirtu taʼ ħbiberija, u jekk inhu possibbli, li terġgħu ssiru ħbieb bħal qabel. It is to settle matters amicably and, if at all possible, to restore the friendship. It is to settle the matter in a spirit of friendship, and if possible, to become friends again as before. KIENET għodwa sajfija u sabiħa fin - naħa taʼ fuq taʼ Queensland, l - Awstralja - ġurnata perfetta biex tgħum fl - ilma rifreskanti u taħrab mis - sħana. IT WAS a beautiful summer morning in northern Queensland, Australia - a perfect day to bathe in balmy waters and escape the heat. IT WAS a beautiful summer morning in northern Queensland, Australia - a perfect day to swim in refreshing water and escape from heat. 27 "Kun kuraġġuż... u aġixxi " 27 "Be Courageous... and Go to Work " 27 "Be courageous... and Act " Kull waħda minn dawn l - erbaʼ referenzi tapplika għall - miġja taʼ Kristu fil - futur bħala Mħallef. Each of these four references applies to Christ's future coming as Judge. Each of these four references applies to the future coming of Christ as Judge. PAĠNA 7 • GĦANJIET: 110, 15 PAGE 7 • SONGS: 110, 15 PAGE 7 • SONGS: 110, 15 Imbagħad naqraw dwar Eliħu, li wkoll kien ġie jżur lil Ġob. Next, we read of Elihu, who had also come to visit Job. Then we read about Elihu, who had also come to visit Job. Ikun hemm ħafna benefiċċji meta nittrattaw lil dawk fit - territorju tagħna bħalma nixtiequ li niġu trattati aħna. Many benefits come from treating those in our territory as we would like to be treated. There are many benefits when we treat those in our territory as we would like to be treated. [ Stampa f'paġna 21] [ Picture on page 21] [ Picture on page 21] Madankollu, hu assigurahom billi qalilhom: "Jiena nitlob lill - Missier, u hu jagħtikom Difensur ieħor [jew, wieħed li jfarraġkom] biex jibqaʼ magħkom għal dejjem. " - Ġwann 14: 16. He reassured them, however, saying: "I will request the Father and he will give you another helper [or, comforter] to be with you forever. " - John 14: 16, footnote. However, he assured them by saying: "I pray to the Father, and he will give you another Defender [or, one comforting you] to stay with you forever. " - John 14: 16. Il - persekuzzjoni tal - Kristjani veri mill - ewwel seklu s'issa tagħti prova kemm Satana hu kattiv. The persecution of true Christians from the first century until now proves just how cruel Satan is. The persecution of true Christians from the first century until now proves Satan cruel. Rigward l - omm li tkun għadha kif wildet iben, il - liġi t'Alla kienet tistqarr: "Jekk hi ma tlaħħaqx biex tagħti ħaruf, tieħu żewġ gamimiet jew żewġt ibċieċen tal - ħamiem, wieħed għall - ħruq u l - ieħor għas - sagrifiċċju tal - purifikazzjoni, u hekk il - qassis jagħmel l - espjazzjoni għaliha u tissaffa. " - Levitiku 12: 8; Luqa 2: 22 - 24. With regard to the mother of a newborn son, God's law stated: "If she cannot afford enough for a sheep, she must then take two turtledoves or two young pigeons, one for a burnt offering and one for a sin offering, and the priest must make atonement for her, and she must be clean. " - Leviticus 12: 8; Luke 2: 22 - 24. Regarding the mother who had just given birth to a son, God's law stated: "If she does not keep on giving a lamb, she will take two baptisms or two doves of doves, one for burning and the other for the purification sacrifice, so that the priest will make the exhibition for her and lay down it. " - Leviticus 12: 8; Luke 2: 22 - 24. 2: 5 - 17 (2: 1 - 13, NW): Turi li Ġerusalemm kienet se tikber u li Ġeħova kien se jsir "ħajt tan - nar madwarha " - protezzjoni. 2: 1 - 13: Indicates that Jerusalem will expand and that Jehovah will become to her "a wall of fire all around " - a protection. 2: 1 - 13: It shows that Jerusalem would grow and that Jehovah would become "a wall of fire around it " - protection. Mid - dehra, ħadd ma setaʼ jagħtih tweġibiet sodisfaċenti għall - mistoqsijiet tiegħu. No one, it seems, could give him reasonable answers to his questions. Apparently, no one could give him satisfying answers to his questions. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ . . . . . MINN MINDU NQASMET L - UNJONI SOVJETIKA FL - 1991, IN - NIES LI JGĦIXU HEMM GAWDEW IKTAR LIBERTÀ BIEX IQIMU LIL ALLA. SINCE THE DISSOLUTION OF THE SOVIET UNION IN 1991, PEOPLE LIVING THERE HAVE ENJOYED GREATER FREEDOM TO WORSHIP GOD. REDUCING THE Soviet UNION IN 1991, THEir LEARN TO LEARN MORE FREEDOM TO TAKE GOD. Anzjani u qaddejja ministerjali kwalifikati li għadhom ma żżewġux jistgħu jiġu mistidnin biex jattendu l - Iskola tat - Taħriġ Ministerjali, u wara jkunu jistgħu jaqdu f'kongregazzjonijiet fejn hemm bżonn l - għajnuna taʼ Kristjani maturi, kemm f'pajjiżhom kif ukoll barra l - pajjiż. Qualified elders and ministerial servants who are not yet married may be invited to attend the Ministerial Training School, thereafter to serve in congregations where there is a need for the help of mature Christians, either in their home countries or abroad. Qualified elders and ministerial servants who have not yet married may be invited to attend the Ministerial Training School, and then they can serve in congregations where the help of mature Christians, both at home and abroad, is needed. Jekk l - ispazju huwa limitat, ikun għaqli li tara jekk jaqbillekx tixtri sodda Murphy, jiġifieri sodda li tingħalaq u tidħol fi gwardarobba. If space is limited, a Murphy, or wall, bed, which folds away into a closet, may be worth considering. If space is limited, it is wise to see if you can buy a Murphy bed, a bed that closes and enters a wardrobe. Ukoll, Ġeħova ta lin - nies taʼ Ninwe, il - belt kapitali tal - Assirja, opportunità biex iwieġbu għat - twissija tiegħu. Jehovah also gave the people of the Assyrian capital of Nineveh an opportunity to respond to his warning. Jehovah also gave the people of Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, an opportunity to respond to his warning. Il - fatt li jinvestu daqshekk emozzjoni, ħin, sforz, u flus jipponta lejn konklużjoni waħda - il - ġenituri jrabbu lil uliedhom biex jgħixu, mhux biex imutu. This tremendous expenditure of emotion, time, effort, and money points to one conclusion - parents raise their children to live, not to die. Investing so much emotion, time, effort, and money points to one conclusion - parents raise their children to live, not to die. Mistoqsijiet Skritturali Mweġbin: Scriptural Questions Answered: Scriptural Questions Answered: Il - gazzetta The Washington Post irrapportat li f'temp taʼ ħamest ijiem mimlijin taħwid, ir - rata taʼ omiċidji li kienu jseħħu kuljum f'din il - belt ħdejn il - baħar ittriplikat. " In five chaotic days in this beachside metropolis, the daily homicide rate has tripled, " reported The Washington Post. The newspaper The Washington Post reported that within five days of confusion, the daily homicides rate in this city near the sea tripled. Jekk jogħġbok aqra l - versi ċitati hawn taħt mill - Bibbja persunali tiegħek, u staqsi lilek innifsek il - mistoqsijiet marbutin magħhom. Please read the verses cited below, using your own copy of the Bible, and ask yourself the related questions. Please read the verses cited below from your personal Bible, and ask yourself the questions related to them. Illum, ħafna wħud mill - poplu taʼ Ġeħova qed ibatu kontinwament minn diffikultajiet minħabba l - gwerer, it - taqlib politiku jew soċjali, id - diżastri naturali, ix - xjuħija, l - għaks, u projbizzjonijiet mill - gvern. Today, many of Jehovah's people suffer unrelenting hardships as a result of wars, political or social upheavals, natural disasters, old age, sickness, dire poverty, and governmental bans. Today, many of Jehovah's people are constantly suffering from war, political or social upheaval, natural disasters, old age, blindness, and government bans. Kif setaʼ joħroġ ġens minn Abraham? How could a nation come from Abraham? How could a nation come out of Abraham? F'dan is - sens ukoll, hi "idolatrija. " In this sense too, it is "idolatry. " In that sense too, she is "idolatry. " MINN KORRISPONDENT TAʼ STENBAĦ! BY AWAKE! BY AWAKE! Ix - Xhieda taʼ Ġeħova jemmnu li sabu r - reliġjon il - vera. Jehovah's Witnesses think that they have found the true religion. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that they have found the true religion. Għal dan, Ġeħova qal hekk dwaru: "Fl - istess post tas - sultan li għamel sultan lil dak li stmerr il - ħalfa tiegħu u li kiser il - patt, miegħu f'nofs Babilonja jmut. " - Eżekjel 17: 16. For this reason, Jehovah said that Zedekiah would "die in Babylon, in the place where the king who made him king lives, the one whose oath he despised and whose covenant he broke. " - Ezekiel 17: 16. To this, Jehovah said of him: "In the same place as the king who made a king the one who despise his oath and who broke the covenant, he will die with him in the midst of Babylon. " - Ezekiel 17: 16. L - għadu għandu mnejn juża tattika differenti, waħda li rnexxiet mhux ħażin. The enemy may try a different tactic, one that has met with a measure of success. The enemy may use a different tact, one that has been quite successful. Oriġinalment, il - kelma għal "post sagru " kienet tirrappreżenta kaxxa li kien ikun fiha relikwi sagri. Originally the word "shrine " represented a case that held sacred relics. Originally, the word for "sacred place " represented a box containing sacred relics. Skond The Korea Herald, mal - ġens kollu għerqu xi 28,100 dar u 849.87 kilometru kwadru għelieqi. According to The Korea Herald, across the nation 28,100 houses and 210,000 acres [85,000 ha] of farmland were submerged. According to The Korea Herald, over the whole nation, some 28,100 houses and 849.87 square miles [84.87 sq km] of fields were drowned. Sikem Shechem Shechem Madwar 4,000 sena ilu, Iżakk u Rebekka kellhom lil Għesaw u lil ħuh it - tewmi Ġakobb. Nearly 4,000 years ago, Esau and his twin brother, Jacob, were born to Isaac and Rebekah. About 4,000 years ago, Isaac and Rebekah had Esau and his twin brother Jacob. Iktar minn hekk, hi kellha parti importanti biex iżżomm lin - nies sottomessi. Moreover, she played an important part in keeping people in subjection. Moreover, she played an important role in keeping people in subjection. Il - problemi bdew jonqsu bil - mod il - mod għax - Xhieda fil - Kanada. Relief came slowly to the Witnesses in Canada. Problems began to slow down for the Witnesses in Canada. Imma mbagħad hu jżid, "Wara dan, l - għana ftit li xejn jgħin biex iżid il - kuntentizza. " But then he adds, "It does little to increase happiness thereafter. " But then he adds, "After this, wealth helps little to increase contentment. " Raġunijiet Biex Nemmnu Reasons to Believe Reasons for Believing Ċertament li bniedem li għandu ħsibijiet mill - agħar huwa mibgħud, l - istess bħalma hu mibgħud il - bniedem taʼ dehen li jeżerċita l - abbiltajiet tal - ħsieb tiegħu u jagħżel li " ma jkunx parti mid - dinja. ' - Ġwanni 15: 19. A man of wicked ideas is, of course, hated. But so is the man of discernment who exercises his thinking abilities and chooses to be "no part of the world. " - John 15: 19. Certainly, a man who has evil thoughts is hated, just as a discerning man hats his thinking skills and chooses to "be no part of the world. " - John 15: 19. Il - kumditajiet moderni ma jiġux mix - xejn, u għalhekk iktar ġenituri qed joħorġu jaħdmu. Modern conveniences come at a cost, so more parents are working. Modern comforts do not come from nothing, so more parents are coming out to work. Hekk kif Ġesù ppriedka, ħafna segwewh - imma mhux ħutu. As Jesus preached, many followed him - but not his own brothers. As Jesus preached, many followed him - but not his brothers. L - imperaturi Rumani kellhom influwenza kbira fuq dawn il - laqgħat. A notable feature of the debates at those councils was the interference of the Roman emperors. Roman emperors had a great influence on these meetings. Luteru qal fuq Copernicus: "Dan l - iblah irid ibiddel ix - xjenza kollha taʼ l - astronomija. " Luther said of Copernicus: "This fool wishes to reverse the entire science of astronomy. " Luther said on Copernicus: "This foolish one wants to change all the science of astronomy. " [ Stampa f'paġna 12] [ Picture on page 12] [ Picture on page 12] Pubblikazzjonijiet bil - Lingwa tas - Sinjali Jagħmlu Differenza Sign - Language Publications Make a Difference Sign Language Publications Make a Difference " Ikkultivaw il - frott taʼ l - ispirtu, u kunu żguri li l - kondotta u l - kliem tagħkom ikunu dejjem kollhom ħlewwa u rispett, " wissa l - kelliemi. " Cultivate the fruitage of the spirit, and make sure that your conduct and speech are always gracious and considerate, " admonished the speaker. " Cultivate the fruitage of the spirit, and make sure that your conduct and speech are always mild and respectful, " warned the speaker. * Sekli ilu, poeta Ebrew ġibed l - attenzjoni lejn l - art u s - smewwiet. * Centuries ago, a Hebrew poet called attention to the earth and the heavens. * Centuries ago, a Hebrew poet drew attention to the earth and the heavens. B'hekk, huma setgħu jkomplu jiżviluppaw kwalitajiet meraviljużi bħala l - qaddejja t'Alla Ġeħova. Thus they were free to grow as servants of Jehovah God, to fulfill the tremendous potential within them. Thus, they could continue to develop marvelous qualities as servants of Jehovah God. Dwar l - għomor tal - bnedmin imperfetti, is - salmista jgħid: "Żmien ħajjitna hu b'kollox sebgħin sena; l - iżjed tmenin, jekk inkunu f'saħħitna; u l - biċċa l - kbira taħbit u niket; malajr jgħaddu, u aħna mmorru magħhom. " Regarding the life span of imperfect humans, the psalmist says: "In themselves the days of our years are seventy years; and if because of special mightiness they are eighty years, yet their insistence is on trouble and hurtful things; for it must quickly pass by, and away we fly. " Regarding the lives of imperfect humans, the psalmist says: "The days of our life are seventy - year - old; the eighty - year - old, if we are healthy; and the great deal and the grief most quickly pass through, and we go with them. " Alla m'għandux bżonn mara letterali biex ikollu t - tfal minnha għax hu l - Ħallieq tal - ħlejjaq ħajjin kollha. God does not have a literal wife with whom he fathered children. He is the Creator of all life. God does not need a literal wife to have children of her because he is the Creator of all living creatures. Saħansitra jekk il - ħalib tat - trab kien ikun b'xejn, xorta jkun hemm il - problema biex isibu ilma nadif sabiex din it - taħlita ssir ikel tat - trabi li ma jagħmilx ħsara. Even if formula were available free of charge, there would still be the problem of finding clean water to make the formula into safe baby food. Even if the milk powder was free, there would still be a problem finding clean water for this mixture to become safe baby food. Kif nistgħu nibbenefikaw meta nikkunsidraw il - ktieb taʼ Koħèlet? How can we benefit from considering the book of Ecclesiastes? How can we benefit from considering the book of Ecclesiastes? Tpinġija taʼ l - iżbroff fl - 1831 A painting of the 1831 eruption A spider drawing in 1831 X'laqatha fix - Xhieda taʼ Ġeħova? What attracted her to Jehovah's Witnesses? What did she meet in Jehovah's Witnesses? Vietata la riproduzione. Vietata la riproduzione. Vietata la riproduzione. Fil - fatt, kliemhom jindika li hu għamel saħansitra iktar atti sopranaturali milli tniżżlu bil - miktub. In fact, their words suggest that he performed even more supernatural feats than those they report. In fact, their words indicate that he has done even more supernatural acts than it has been written down. (Aqra Isaija 35: 5, 6.) (Read Isaiah 35: 5, 6.) (Read Isaiah 35: 5, 6.) Jidher ċar li r - raġel twajjeb Iżakk hekk għamel. Evidently, the godly man Isaac did that. Clearly, the righteous man Isaac did. Eventwalment, it - terroristi se jiksbu arma nukleari. " - Union of Concerned Scientists. Eventually, terrorists will get the bomb. " - Union of Concerned Scientists. Eventually, terrorists will acquire a nuclear weapon. " - Union of Concerned Scientists. Ġesù se jippremja lid - dixxipli tiegħu li jaħdmu iebes fl - ippritkar Jesus will reward all his disciples who work hard in the preaching work Jesus will reward his disciples who work hard in the preaching work Hu ġiegħel li din toktor fina flimkien maʼ kull għerf u għaqal, billi għarrfilna s - sigriet sagru tar - rieda tiegħu. This he caused to abound toward us in all wisdom and good sense, in that he made known to us the sacred secret of his will. He caused it to grow in us along with all wisdom and wisdom, discerning the sacred secret of his will. Minkejja dan, is - servizz tiegħi kompla jġibli l - ferħ u s - sodisfazzjon. Despite that, my service continued to bring me joy and satisfaction. Nevertheless, my service continued to bring me joy and satisfaction. Fittex għal modi kif titgħallem mill - parir minflok ma tfittex għal żbalji fil - parir jew dgħufijiet f'dak li tak il - parir. Look for ways to learn from counsel instead of looking for mistakes in the counsel or weaknesses in the one who gave it. Look for ways to learn from counsel rather than seek mistakes in counsel or weaknesses in what the advice has given you. Macmillan, iktar tard irrapporta li l - gwardjan deputat kien ostili għall - ewwel imma fl - aħħar tqanqal biex jgħid: "X'lezzjonijiet taʼ l - għaġeb qed tagħmlu hemmhekk [mal - priġunieri]! " Macmillan, later reported that the deputy warden was hostile at first but was finally moved to exclaim: "Those lessons you are having there [with the prisoners] are wonderful! " Macmillan later reported that the deputy guardian was at first hostile but finally moved him to say: "What wonderful lessons you are doing there [with prisoners]! " " Ħafna drabi jkolli ngħidilhom, " Se jkollok tbigħ id - dar tiegħek sabiex ikollok biżżejjed flus biex tmantni lilek innifsek. ' " " A lot of times you have to tell them, " You're going to lose your home. ' " " I often have to tell them, " You'll have to sell your house so that you have enough money to support yourself. ' " 11, 12. 11, 12. 11, 12. Maʼ kull ġurnata li tgħaddi, isir iktar urġenti li nżommu lil Ġeħova fuq l - id il - leminija tagħna. With each passing day, it becomes more urgent that we keep Jehovah at our right hand. With each passing day, it becomes more urgent to keep Jehovah on our right hand. [ Stampi f'paġna 20] [ Pictures on page 20] [ Pictures on page 20] Eluf taʼ individwi taʼ qalb onesta qed iwieġbu Thousands of honesthearted individuals are responding Thousands of honesthearted individuals are responding Kurt spjega li l - kuxjenza tiegħu kienet imħarrġa fuq il - Bibbja. Kurt explained that his conscience was molded by the Bible. Kurt explained that his conscience was trained in the Bible. X'inhuma xi modi kif l - anzjani jistgħu jagħmlu dan? What are some of those signs? What are some ways in which elders can do so? Ikun għaqli jekk napplikaw il - parir taʼ Ġesù. We are wise to heed Jesus ' advice. It would be wise to apply Jesus ' counsel. Għalkemm mhux mistenni minna li noffru sagrifiċċji letterali skond kif kienet titlob il - Liġi, xorta waħda sa ċertu punt għad għandna bżonn kbir taʼ dak li s - sagrifiċċji wettqu għall - Iżraelin. Dan hu li jinħafrulna dnubietna u li ngawdu l - favur t'Alla. Though not required to offer literal sacrifices in the manner stipulated by the Law, we are still very much in need of what the sacrifices did to a degree for the Israelites, namely, to have our sins forgiven and to enjoy God's favor. Although it is not expected of us to offer literal sacrifices according to the Law, to some extent we still have a great need of what the sacrifices performed for the Israelites, which is to forgive us our sins and to enjoy God's favor. Għalhekk, nagħmel ukoll l - almu tiegħi issa biex, wara li nitlaq, tkunu dejjem tistgħu tfakkru lilkom infuskom dawn l - affarijiet. " So I will do my utmost also at every time that, after my departure, you may be able to make mention of these things for yourselves. " So I also do my best now so that, after I leave, you can always remind yourselves of these things. " Minħabba f'hekk, ġiet arrestata u sentenzjata tmien snin f'kamp. As a result, she was arrested and sentenced to eight years in a camp. As a result, he was arrested and sentenced to eight years in a camp. Huma jenfasizzaw il - ferħ taʼ li ssir taf lil xi ħadd u li ssib sieħeb fiż - żwieġ. They emphasize the joy of getting to know someone and finding a marriage mate. They highlight the joy of getting to know someone and finding a marriage mate. Il - qaddejja taʼ Ġeħova mhux l - ewwel darba ġarrbu provi tal - fidi u l - motivi tagħhom. Tests of faith and motives are not new for Jehovah's servants. Jehovah's servants have not first tested their faith and motives. Billi qalha, dak l - anġlu sar kalunnjatur. Telling it made that angel a slanderer. By saying, that angel became a slanderer. Huma xorta qegħdin taħt " tagħlim ommhom. ' They are still under the " law of their mother. ' They are still under "the teachings of their mother. " Biex xi ħadd jibbenefika bis - sħiħ mill - faraġ li noffrulu, jeħtieġ li jsir jaf lill - Alla veru, x'tip taʼ Persuna hu, u kemm il - wegħdi tiegħu huma taʼ min jorbot fuqhom. To get the full benefit from the comfort offered, a person needs to know the true God, the kind of Person he is, and the dependability of his promises. To benefit fully from the comfort we offer, we need to get to know the true God, what kind of Person he is, and how reliable his promises are. L - appostlu Pawlu wissa lil sħabu fit - twemmin: "Ħuti għeżież... tafu, l - ewwelnett: li fl - aħħar jiem jiġu nies kollhom tmaqdir u jwaqqgħu kollox għaż - żuffjett, nies li jaġixxu skond ix - xewqat ħżiena tagħhom; u jibdew jgħidu: " Fejn hi l - wegħda tal - miġja tiegħu? The apostle Peter warned fellow believers: "Beloved ones,... you know this first, that in the last days there will come ridiculers with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desires and saying: " Where is this promised presence of his? The apostle Paul admonished fellow believers: "Beloved brothers... know, first of all, that in the last days men will come with reproach and will cause all things to be destroyed, people who act according to their bad desires; and they will begin to say: " Where is the promise of his coming? Kif ġara li Alla kellu tempju grandjuż? How did God come to have a grand temple? How did God have a grand temple? [ Noti taʼ taħt] [ Footnotes] [ Footnotes] Ħaran Haran Carob (st johns bread) " Meta nitkellem mal - ġenituri tiegħi, nirċievi inkuraġġiment u soluzzjonijiet prattiċi " " When I speak with my parents, I receive encouragement and practical solutions " " When I talk to my parents, I receive encouragement and practical solutions " X'ħasra, mela, li l - ewwel ġenituri tagħna ċaħdu l - uniku tip taʼ ħakma li tirnexxi, il - ħakma t'Alla! How tragic, then, that our first parents rejected the only kind of rule that does work - rule by God! What a pity, then, that our first parents rejected the only kind of successful rule, God's rulership! Il - logħob ma jipprovdilkomx biss opportunità biex tieħdu pjaċir flimkien. Play does much more than provide an opportunity to have fun together. The games do not only provide you with an opportunity to enjoy each other. [ Kumment f'paġna 9] [ Blurb on page 9] [ Blurb on page 9] " Wara li tkun tajt id - dixxiplina, huwa importanti li ma tibqax sejjer biha u tfakkar lil ibnek dwar il - ħtijiet tiegħu. " " After you've given the discipline, it's important not to keep going on about it and reminding the child about his faults. " " After you have given discipline, it is important that you stop going with it and remind your son of his sins. " Aġġusta l - mod kif tikkomunika maʼ wliedek skond il - bżonn. Adjust your parenting methods according to the need. Adjust the way you communicate with your children as needed. (Ara l - ewwel stampa.) (See opening picture.) (See opening picture.) Id - dinja donnha li kellha xi ħaġa taʼ valur x'toffrilhom, xi ħaġa li l - mod taʼ ħajja taʼ Kristjan dedikat ma kellux. The world seemed to have something valuable to offer that the dedicated Christian way of life did not. The world seems to have had something valuable to offer, something that a dedicated Christian's way of life did not have. MINKEJJA li għandu ħamsin sena u saħħtu hija dgħajfa, wara li qattaʼ kważi sena l - ħabs inġustament, Joseph F. FIFTY - YEAR - OLD Joseph F. Fifty years of age and health are weak, after spending almost a year in prison unfairly, Joseph F. Xi snin wara, Pawlu, Barnaba, u Marku marru lura Antjokja. A couple of years later, Paul, Barnabas, and Mark were back in Antioch. Some years later, Paul, Barnabas, and Mark returned to Antioch. Minbarra hekk, xi ftit mill - organiżmi li jikkaġunaw il - mard saru reżistenti għall - mediċini li jikkumbattuhom. What is more, some of the organisms that cause disease have become resistant to the drugs that target them. In addition, some disease - causing organisms have become resistant to counter-drugs. Huwa importanti li tirraġuna maʼ wliedek dwar il - manjieri tajbin, iżda dan biss mhuwiex biżżejjed. Reasoning with your child about politeness is important, but that alone is not enough. It is important to reason with your children about good manners, but this alone is not enough. F'dawn iż - żminijiet diffiċli, is - segwaċi taʼ Ġesù kellhom jippritkaw l - aħbar tajba tas - Saltna t'Alla lill - ġnus kollha. - Aqra Mattew 24: 3, 7, 8; 2 Timotju 3: 1 - 5. In these difficult times, Jesus ' followers would preach the good news of God's Kingdom in all nations. - Read Matthew 24: 3, 7, 8; 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 5. In these difficult times, Jesus ' followers were to preach the good news of God's Kingdom to all the nations. - Read Matthew 24: 3, 7, 8; 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 5. Se jirnexxilna " nilbsu l - Mulej Ġesù Kristu ' jekk insiru midħla tal - ħajja tas - Sid u nistinkaw biex ngħixu kif għex hu. We can successfully "put on the Lord Jesus Christ " if we become familiar with the Master's life and strive to live as he lived. We will succeed in " putting on the Lord Jesus Christ " if we become acquainted with the life of the Master and strive to live as he lived. Imma xorta ħassitha mnikkta għal xi żmien. But she still grieved for some time. But she still felt distressed for some time. L - appostlu Pawlu kiteb: "Xi ngħid, mela, quddiem dan kollu? The apostle Paul wrote: "What, then, shall we say to these things? The apostle Paul wrote: "What, then, do I say before all of this? Ipprova ifhem kif iħossuhom il - qraba tiegħek li ma jkollhomx l - istess twemmin. Try to understand how your unbelieving relatives feel. Try to understand how your relatives feel that they do not share the same beliefs. Liema grupp taʼ nies qed jipprietka dan il - messaġġ lil kulħadd? Which group of people are preaching that message to all? What group of people are preaching this message to all? Ċelluli li jifformaw bħal ħjut tal - laħam għal fuq il - ferita jimxu għall - erja milquta u jimmultiplikaw. Cells that form fibers across the wound migrate to the injured area and multiply. Cells that make up fleshly threads over the wound move to the affected area and multiply. Għaldaqstant, l - integrità taʼ individwu hija bażi soda fuqiex jistaʼ jiġi ġudikat. An individual's integrity, then, is a solid basis on which he or she can be judged. Hence, a person's integrity is a solid basis on which he can be judged. Tistaʼ ssibu billi tmur fuq / mt u tikklikkja fuq PUBBLIKAZZJONIJIET > VIDJOWS > IL - BIBBJA You can find it by going to, clicking the Search button, and entering the title. You can find it by going to and clicking on PUBLICATIONS > VIDJOWS > THE BIBLE Ulied li waqfu jaqdu lil Ġeħova (Ara paragrafu 16) Children who have stopped serving Jehovah (See paragraph 16) Children who have stopped serving Jehovah (See paragraph 16) [ Stampi f'paġna 10] [ Pictures on page 10] [ Pictures on page 10] Tant kien jidher ċar li kienu ferħanin bil - ministeru tagħhom li jien xtaqt naqdi lil Alla bl - istess mod. " They were obviously so happy in their ministry that I wanted to serve God in the same way. " It was so clear that they were happy in their ministry that I wanted to serve God in the same way. " 1, 2. 1, 2. 1, 2. Il - mod kif Ġeħova ddisinja ċ - ċelluli tal - ħlejjaq ħajjin kollha hu impressjonanti ferm. Even more impressive is the way that Jehovah designed the cells that make up all living creatures. Jehovah's design of all living creatures is very impressive. Wara li għenu lil xulxin, huma mbagħad għenu lill - ġirien tagħhom, billi ġabru t - terrapien minn ġo l - appartamenti u għalqu t - twieqi mkissrin. After helping each other, they then helped their neighbors, clearing debris out of apartments and sealing up broken windows. After helping one another, they then helped their neighbors, gathering the earth from the apartments and closing the broken windows. Nixxigħat taʼ l - ilma jgelglu mill - għoli ferm, u dawn jisqu x - xmara li tgħaddi minn ġol - wied. Waterfalls tumble from a great height, feeding the river surging through the valley. Waterfalls flow from the very high, robbing the river through the valley. Meta l - affarijiet jidhru li sejrin favurina, ikun naturali li tikbrilna t - tama. When things seem to be going our way, it is only natural that our hopes rise. When things seem to be in our favor, it is natural to raise our hope. Huwa diffiċli timmaġinah jekk ma tesperjenzahx int stess. It's hard to imagine it, if you have not experienced it. It is hard to imagine it if you do not experience it yourself. Hu ta dan il - prinċipju bħala gwida: Ladarba t - tolleranza għall - alkoħol tvarja minn persuna għal oħra, kwalunkwe ammont li jnaqqaslek "l - għerf prattiku u l - abbiltà tal - ħsieb " huwa żżejjed għalik. - Proverbji 3: 21, 22, NW. He gave a guiding principle: Since alcohol tolerance varies from person to person, any amount that impairs your "practical wisdom and thinking ability " is too much for you. - Proverbs 3: 21, 22. He gave this principle as a guide: Since tolerance to alcohol varies from person to person, any amount that reduces "practical wisdom and thinking ability " is too much for you. - Proverbs 3: 21, 22. Meta tqis li d - dinja hi diġà post mill - isbaħ fejn ngħixu, immaġina kif se tkun meta Ġeħova, "l - Alla l - hieni, " jagħmilha ġenna taʼ l - art! - 1 Timotju 1: 11. Since the earth is already such a fine home, imagine what it will be like when "the happy God, " Jehovah, makes it a paradise! - 1 Timothy 1: 11. Considering that the world is already a beautiful place to live, imagine what it will be when Jehovah, "the happy God, " makes it a paradise earth! - 1 Timothy 1: 11. Iktar minn hekk, l - għadd taʼ nies bil - ġuħ qed jikber iktar mill - popolazzjoni tad - dinja. They cannot afford to spend hundreds of dollars a month mooring and maintaining them. Moreover, the number of hungry people is growing more than the world's population. (a) Xi jfisser li tħares kmand? (a) What does it mean to observe a command? (a) What does it mean to observe a command? Robert u Veronica Robert and Veronica Robert and Veronica • Xi jfisser li nitolbu għal "ħobżna taʼ kuljum "? • What things are implied by our request for "bread for this day "? • What does it mean to pray for "our daily bread "? F'kundizzjonijiet tal - biżaʼ, huma kienu sforzati jaħdmu biex jagħmlu l - armamenti għall - Istat Nazist. Under horrific conditions, they were forced to make weapons for the Nazi State. Under frightening conditions, they were forced to work to make armaments for the Nazi State. L - Attitudni tad - Dinja Lejn il - Verità The World's Attitude to the Truth The World's Attitude to the Truth Mela għaliex nimxu bil - qerq bejnietna u nonqsu mill - ġieħ lejn il - patt taʼ missirijietna? " Why is it that we deal treacherously with one another, in profaning the covenant of our forefathers? " Why, then, do we walk treacherously and fall from honor to the covenant of our forefathers? " Ġeħova liema privileġġ ta lil Marija? God gave what privilege to one woman named Mary? What privilege did Jehovah give to Mary? Din is - silta inkuraġġietni biex " ninżaʼ l - personalità l - qadima ' u biex " nilbes il - personalità l - ġdida li nħolqot skond ir - rieda t'Alla. ' That passage encouraged me to "put away the old personality " and to" put on the new personality which was created according to God's will. " This passage encouraged me to " put off the old personality " and to" put on the new personality created according to God's will. " Xorta waħda, ġenituri li ma jafux il - lingwa lokali għandhom mnejn ikollhom bżonn l - għajnuna biex jilħqu qalb uliedhom. Still, parents who do not know the local language may need help to reach their children's heart. Still, parents who do not know the local language may need help to reach their children's hearts. Meta qabbel lid - dixxipli midlukin tiegħu mal - friegħi taʼ dielja, Ġesù qal: "Kull fergħa fija li ma tagħtix frott [Missieri] ineħħiha, u kull waħda li tagħti l - frott inaddafha, biex tagħti iktar frott. " Comparing his anointed disciples to the branches of a vine, Jesus stated: "Every branch in me not bearing fruit [my Father] takes away, and every one bearing fruit he cleans, that it may bear more fruit. " Comparing his anointed disciples with the branches of a vine, Jesus said: "Every branch of me that does not bear fruit [My Father] removes it, and each one that gives fruit cleans it, that it may bear more fruit. " Fl - attendenza ħafna kienu dawk li bdew jibku bil - ferħ. Many in attendance shed tears of joy. In the attendance many were those who began to weep joyfully. Iva, Pietru ċeda għall - biżaʼ mill - bniedem u gideb. Yes, Peter caved in to fear of man and lied. Yes, Peter gave in to fear of man and lies. Il - fidi qanqlet lil mara żienja biex tissogra ħajjitha sabiex tipproteġi żewġ spiji Iżraelin. Faith moved a prostitute to risk her life so as to protect two Israelite spies. Faith moved a fornicators to risk her life in order to protect two Israelite spies. Ix - Xhieda taʼ Ġeħova jagħmlu l - almu tagħhom biex jegħlbu kulma joħloq firda bejn in - nies. Jehovah's Witnesses strive to overcome barriers between peoples. Jehovah's Witnesses do their utmost to overcome everything that creates a division between people. 1: 8. 1: 8. 1: 8. " Ordnalhom biex jagħmlu l - ġid sabiex jaqbdu qabda soda mal - ħajja vera. ' - 1 TIMOTJU 6: 17 - 19. " Tell them to work at good,... so that they may get a firm hold on the real life. " - 1 TIMOTHY 6: 18, 19. " We ordered them to do good in order to get a firm hold on the real life. " - 1 TIMOTHY 6: 17 - 19. Minkejja l - awtorità li kellu, Ġesù kif kien jittrattahom lis - segwaċi tiegħu? Despite the authority he possessed, how did Jesus treat his followers? Despite his authority, how did Jesus treat his followers? Kellna bżonn nagħmlu ħafna aġġustamenti f'ħajjitna. We have had to make numerous adjustments in our lives. We needed to make many adjustments in our lives. Iva, meta wieħed jikber fl - età jkollu bżonn jagħmel aġġustamenti. Yes, adjustments need to be made when someone grows older. Yes, older people need to make adjustments. 7 7 7 Barra minn hekk, ladarba ħafna turisti jivvjaġġaw taʼ sikwit, taʼ spiss ikun hemm kompetizzjoni globali bejn id - destinazzjonijiet. Additionally, since many tourists travel frequently, destinations often compete globally. Moreover, since many tourists travel frequently, there is often global competition between destinations. Għalkemm Ġesù iktar tard sar il - kap fuq l - affarijiet kollha tal - kongregazzjoni, meta ġie fuq l - art, hu "ma ġiex biex ikun moqdi, imma biex jaqdi. " Even though Jesus later became "head over all things to the congregation, " he came to earth," not to be ministered to, but to minister. " Although Jesus later became head over all the things of the congregation, when he came to earth, he "went, not to be served, but to serve. " Ftit wara li fetħu skola żgħira, Jones u Bevan ġabu lin - nisa u lit - tfal tagħhom mill - Mawrizju sa Toamasina. 3 Why Values Are Changing Shortly after opening a small school, Jones and Bevan brought their women and children from Mauritius to Toamasina. Għall - kuntrarju, aħna għandna ninkuraġġuhom biex jibqgħu sejrin fix - xogħol tajjeb tagħhom. Shortly after opening a small school, Jones and Bevan brought their wives and children from Mauritius to Toamasina. On the contrary, we should encourage them to continue in their good work. Hu sellem lill - inkwilina li min - naħa tagħha baqgħet tħares lejja bi stagħġib u mbagħad staqsiet lil sieħbi, "Hi tistaʼ titkellem? " On the contrary, we should encourage them to keep up their good work. He greeted the householder who in turn kept looking to me in awe and then asked my friend, "Is she able to speak? " Il - fdalijiet tiegħu ilhom li spiċċaw u tħalltu mat - trab taʼ kważi 6,000 sena. He greeted the householder who, in turn, just stared at me in amazement and then asked my companion, "Can she talk? " Its remains have been eliminated and mixed with dust of nearly 6,000 years old. Minn mindu bdew l - esperimenti fl - Isvezja fl - 1916, għallinqas 39 pajjiż approvaw il - prattika li jesponu prodotti taʼ l - ikel bħall - patata, il - qamħirrum, il - frott, u l - laħam għal livelli baxxi taʼ radjazzjoni. His remains are long lost, mingled with the dust of nearly 60 centuries. Since the start of the experiments in Sweden in 1916, at least 39 lands have approved the practice of exposing such food products as potatoes, maize, fruit, and meat to low levels of radiation. Min Jagħmel Parti mill - Arblu tar - Razza taʼ Ġesù? Since trials started in Sweden in 1916, at least 39 lands have approved the practice of exposing such foodstuffs as potatoes, corn, fruit, and meat to low levels of radiation. Who Makes a Part of the Aroll of Jesus ' Race? Liema skoperta taʼ l - għaġeb saret fl - 1922, u x'reazzjoni ħolqot? Who Is Part of Jesus ' Family Tree? What amazing discovery was made in 1922, and what reaction did it create? Il - laqgħat u l - ministeru Kristjan huma ż - "żmien " biex inqimu lil Alla, mhux biex nużaw it - telefon. In 1922, what amazing discovery was made, and what was the reaction? Christian meetings and ministry are "the time " to worship God, not to use the telephone. Madankollu, hekk kif għaddew is - snin, waqgħu f'nases oħrajn. Our Christian meetings and ministry are the "appointed time " for worshiping God, not for using the phone. As the years passed, however, they fell into other traps. Ilkoll kienu ddgħajfu minħabba l - ġuħ u l - mard. However, over the years, they fell into other traps. All were weakened by hunger and sickness. Ġesù qal: "Smajtu li ntqal, " Tagħmilx adulterju. ' All had been weakened by starvation and disease. Jesus said: "You heard that it was said, " Do not commit adultery. ' Il - ktieb tal - Lamentazzjonijiet huwa kollezzjoni taʼ ħames poeżiji liriċi. Jesus said: "You heard that it was said, " You must not commit adultery. ' The book of Lamentations is a collection of five lyric poems. Jiddependi minna individwalment li " nkunu żguri mill - affarijiet kollha ' u li " ngħarblu lilna nfusna jekk aħniex fil - fidi. ' - 1 Tessalonikin 5: 21, NW; 2 Korintin 13: 5. The book of Lamentations is a collection of five lyrical poems. It depends on us individually to " make sure of all things " and to" test ourselves whether we are in the faith. " - 1 Thessalonians 5: 21; 2 Corinthians 13: 5. Il - Bibbja Mqaddsa taʼ Karm Żammit tgħid li Stiefnu kien qed "isejjaħ ' l Alla. " It is up to us individually to "make sure of all things " and to " keep testing whether we are in the faith. ' - 1 Thessalonians 5: 21; 2 Corinthians 13: 5. The Holy Bible of Karm Zammit says that Stephen was "calling on God. " Bniedem bħal dan jagħmel kulma jfettillu, u jagħlaq għajnejh għal dak li jistaʼ jiġri. The King James Version says that Stephen was "calling upon God. " Such a person does all he does, and he closes his eyes to what may happen. Jekk għadek tattendi l - iskola, tistaʼ tistudja lingwa barranija bħala preparazzjoni għal dan it - tip taʼ ministeru? Such a person does whatever he wants to, oblivious of the results. If you still attend school, can you study a foreign language as a preparation for this kind of ministry? Ġeħova hu l - fortizza taʼ ħajti. If you are still attending school, could you study a foreign language in preparation for this type of ministry? Jehovah is the fortress of my life. Kemm hu kbir il - ġid tiegħek! " - Salm 31: 15, 20 (31: 14, 19, NW). Jehovah is the stronghold of my life. How great your belongings are! " - Psalm 31: 14, 19. Kont naf minn xiex kienet għaddejja din il - familja, u din hi raġuni waħda għala jien kuntenta li l - familja tiegħi kienet lesta li tgħinhom. How abundant your goodness is! " - Psalm 31: 14, 19. I knew of what this family was going on, and this is one reason why I was happy that my family was willing to help them. Qalbu kienet mimlija tama għal futur aħjar. I knew what this grieving family was going through, and that's one reason why I'm glad our family reached out to them. His heart was full of hope for a better future. Iljunfant - jismaʼ frekwenza baxxa His heart was full of hope for the future. Lionfant - listens to a low frequency Din it - twissija tidher fil - bidu taʼ xi Bibbji Kattoliċi. Elephant - low - frequency hearing This warning appears at the beginning of some Catholic Bibles. " Meta rajnieh jirsisti fil - kongregazzjoni, konna kburin. This warning appears at the beginning of some Bibles owned by Catholics. " When we saw him reaching out in the congregation, we were proud. Kif tibbenefika int: Fit - talba mudell, Ġesù qal: "Missierna fis - smewwiet, ħa jitqaddes ismek. " " When we saw him reaching out in the congregation, we felt proud. How you benefit: In the model prayer, Jesus said: "Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. " Il - prinċipji tajbin taʼ l - Olimpijadi qatt se jitwettqu? How you benefit: Jesus said in his model prayer: "Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. " Will the good principles of the Olympics ever be fulfilled? Liema mistoqsijiet li jġagħluk taħseb nistgħu nistaqsu? Will the Olympic ideals ever be realized? What wonderful questions can we ask? Iktar minn hekk, aħseb dwar kemm aħna mberkin permezz tas - sħubija maʼ ħutna, li ġejjin minn ħafna razez differenti! What thought - provoking questions might we ask? Moreover, think of how blessed we are through association with our brothers and sisters, who come from many different races! Għala ma titgħallimx x'inhi din it - tama billi tikkuntattja lil wieħed mix - Xhieda taʼ Ġeħova? Further, think of the blessing that we have in our multiracial brotherhood! Why not learn what this hope is by contacting one of Jehovah's Witnesses? Fil - passat u fi żmienna twettqu mijiet taʼ profeziji. Why not learn about this hope by getting in touch with one of Jehovah's Witnesses? In the past and in our day hundreds of prophecies have been fulfilled. Hi tgħid: "Iktar tard, konna sorpriżi meta sirna nafu li l - għada tat - terremot, l - indokratur li jżur il - kongregazzjonijiet u ħu ieħor kienu ġew ifittxuna. " Hundreds of prophecies have been fulfilled in the past and in our day. She says: " Later, we were surprised to learn that the next day of the earthquake, the circuit overseer and another brother had come to search for us. " BAĦBUĦA She says: "Later, we were surprised to find that the day after the earthquake, the circuit overseer and another brother had come looking for us. " PARTNERSHIP Adult responsabbli COWRIE Adult responsible Żomm Ħajtek Sempliċi u Mhux Mimlija b'Affarijiet Żejda A responsible adult Keep Your Life Simple and Unfilled With Increased Things Darba wara l - oħra, David setaʼ semagħhom jirripetu kelma waħda. Keep Life Simple and Uncluttered Again, David could have heard them repeat one word. [ Stampi f'paġna 10] Over and over, David must have heard them nervously repeating one word. [ Pictures on page 10] Minkejja dan, żewġi u wliedi saru Xhieda, u kważi l - ħbieb kollha tagħna kienu Xhieda wkoll. [ Pictures on page 10] Nevertheless, my husband and children became Witnesses, and almost all our friends were Witnesses as well. M'għandniex xi ngħidu, hekk għandu jkun. Nevertheless, my husband and children became Witnesses, and soon nearly all our friends were Witnesses. Of course, that should be. Għalkemm jien limitat minħabba l - aċċent Grieg qawwi li għandi, kif ukoll minħabba l - età avanzata, dejjem ipprovajt inkun disponibbli u jkolli l - ispirtu taʼ Isaija, li pproklama: "Hawn jien: ibgħat lili! " That, of course, is the way it should be. Although I am limited by my strong Greek accent, as well as advanced age, I have always tried to be available and have the spirit of Isaiah, who proclaimed: "Here I am; he sends me! " Għala m'għandniex naqtgħu qalbna jekk ma jirnexxilniex nagħmlu bidliet malajr? Even though I have many limitations because of my heavy Greek accent and advancing age, I have always tried to make myself available and have the spirit of Isaiah, who proclaimed: "Here I am! Send me. " Why should we not give up if we fail to make changes quickly? Alla Ġeħova, il - Ħallieq tal - bniedem, ipprepara "sultan, " Mexxej, li dalwaqt se jkollu kontroll sħiħ fuq l - affarijiet tad - dinja. Why should we not be discouraged if we are not able to make changes quickly? Jehovah God, the Creator of man, has prepared "a king, " a Leader, who will soon have full control over the things of the world. L - Iben t'Alla wera attitudni umli u qagħad attent ferm għal dak li Ġeħova għallmu. Jehovah God, man's Creator, has prepared "a king, " a Leader, who will soon take full control of earth's affairs. God's Son showed a humble attitude and paid close attention to what Jehovah taught him. Intqal li "l - Mulej kien ikellem lil Mosè wiċċ imbwiċċ, bħalma bniedem ikellem lil ħabibu. " The Son of God displayed a humble attitude and paid close attention to what Jehovah taught him. It was said that "Jehovah spoke to Moses face - to - face, just as a man speaks to his friend. " " Meta ma tħossokx apprezzata mir - raġel, " tgħid mara miżżewġa jisimha Valerie, "ikun faċli li tinġibed lejn xi ħadd li jġiegħlek tħossok apprezzata. " It was said that "Jehovah spoke to Moses face to face, just as a man would speak to his fellow. " " When you are not appreciated by the husband, " says a wife named Valerie, "it is easy to draw to someone who makes you feel appreciated. " Bejn wieħed u ieħor, 10 fil - mija tan - nies li jistgħu jaħdmu jinsabu bla xogħol. " When you don't feel appreciated by your spouse, " says a wife named Valerie, "it's easy to be drawn to someone who does make you feel appreciated. " On average, 10 percent of people who can work are unemployed. 4: 13 - 16. On an average, 10 percent of the labor force is unemployed. 4: 13 - 16. Imma wkoll twiegħed li Alla se jelimina għalkollox il - ħażen u se "jixxottalhom kull demgħa minn għajnejhom, u ma jkunx hemm iżjed mewt, u la niket u la għajat u lanqas uġigħ. " - Rivelazzjoni 21: 3, 4. 4: 13 - 16. But it also promises that God will eliminate wickedness and "will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. " - Revelation 21: 3, 4. Ulf kien raġel attiv u f'saħħtu. Imma wara li spiċċa pparalizzat qal: "Qabditni dipressjoni kbira. It promises that God will eradicate evil and "will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. " - Revelation 21: 3, 4. Ulf was an active, healthy man, but after he was paralyzed, he said: "I became very depressed. [ Kaxxa f'paġna 19] After becoming physically paralyzed, a once active and healthy man named Ulf said: "I became deeply depressed. [ Box on page 19] Sawl isaħħaħ il - pożizzjoni tiegħu bħala sultan billi jegħleb lill - Għammonin. [ Box on page 19] Saul strengthens his position as king by overcoming the Ammonites. Liema fiduċja jistaʼ jkollna, u għala? Saul strengthens his position as king by defeating the Ammonites. What confidence can we have, and why? Jekk irid jinbidel, hu jistaʼ jfittex l - għajnuna minn jeddu. What confidence can we have, and why? If he wants to change, he can seek help willingly. Meta nħares lura lejn 50 sena taʼ servizz lil Jehovah, nistaʼ biss nismaʼ dan il - kliem tas - salmista jidwi f'widnejja: "Xi nrodd lill - Mulej għall - ġid kollu li għamel miegħi? " - Salm 116: 12. If he wants to change, he is free to seek help. Looking back at 50 years of service to Jehovah, I can only hear these words of the psalmist bowing in my ears: "What do I repay Jehovah for all the good he has done with me? " - Psalm 116: 12. Meta 15 - il raħal f'Samar, fil - Filippini, sofrew minn impestazzjoni enormi tal - firien, sors tal - gvern waħħal fit - tqaċċit tal - foresti tar - reġjun. Looking back on more than 50 years of serving Jehovah, I can only echo the psalmist's words: "What shall I repay to Jehovah for all his benefits to me? " - Psalm 116: 12. When 15 villages in Samar, Philippines, suffered from massive infestation of rats, a government source committed itself to felling forests in the region. Huma jemmnu li l - Bibbja baqgħet teżisti għaliex hi l - Kelma t'Alla unika u għaliex Alla pproteġieha sal - lum. When 15 towns in Samar, Philippines, suffered a massive rat infestation, a government source blamed it on deforestation in the region. They believe that the Bible has continued to exist because it is the unique Word of God and because God has protected her to this day. Id - deċiżjonijiet tagħna jeffettwawna. They believe that the Bible has survived because it is the unique Word of God and because God has preserved it until today. Our decisions affect us. Missieri u ommi bdew jistudjaw il - Bibbja u spiss kienu jitkellmu flimkien dwar is - Saltna t'Alla u l - barkiet li kienu se jiġu. Our decisions affect us. Father and Mother began to study the Bible and often talked together about God's Kingdom and the blessings that would come. L - iżgħar ittra tal - alfabett Ebrajk hi י (jod), li hi l - ewwel ittra tat - Tetragrammaton, l - isem qaddis t'Alla, Ġeħova. Father and Mother began studying the Bible and often talked together about God's Kingdom and the blessings to come. The smallest letter of the Hebrew alphabet is the first letter of the Tetragrammaton, the holy name of God, Jehovah. Issa t - tapp tas - sufra jistaʼ jinqalaʼ faċilment flimkien mat - tartru, u mbagħad il - flixkun ikun lest biex jiġi siġillat b'tapp tas - sufra. " The smallest letter of the Hebrew alphabet is י (yod), which is the first letter of the Tetragrammaton, the sacred name of God, Jehovah. Now the cork cap can be easily removed along with the tray, and then the bottle is ready to be sealed with a cork cap. " 2, 3. (a) Liema obbligu hu enfasizzat fi Proverbji 23: 22? Now the cork can be extracted easily together with the dregs, and the final corking can take place. " 2, 3. (a) What obligation is highlighted at Proverbs 23: 22? Hu stidinha toqgħod mal - grupp taʼ nisa żgħażagħ biex ma tiġix ittrattata ħażin mill - irġiel li kienu qed jaħdmu fl - għalqa. 2, 3. (a) Proverbs 23: 22 highlights what obligation? He invited her to stay with the group of young women not to be mistreated by the men working in the field. Jekk Ġesù hu "Alla sħiħ u kollu kemm hu, " bħalma jistqarr il - Catechism of the Catholic Church il - ġdid, allura bix - xieraq Marija tistaʼ tissejjaħ" Omm Alla. " He invited her to stay with his group of young women so that she would not be mistreated by the men working in the field. If Jesus is "a whole God, " as the Catechism of the new Catholic Church states, then Mary can rightly be called" the Mother of God. " Ir - realtà kienet tiċċentra fuq il - mewt taʼ Ġesù Kristu. If Jesus were "God whole and entire, " as the new Catechism of the Catholic Church states, then Mary rightly could be called the" Mother of God. " The reality centered on the death of Jesus Christ. Lejn l - aħħar tal - Medju Evu, il - Kastiljan, jew l - Ispanjol, beda jieħu s - sura fil - Peniżola Iberjana. Resisting divorce action, 12 / 15 Toward the end of the Middle Ages, Castilian, or Spanish, began taking shape in the Iberian Peninsula. Filwaqt li kien hemm tensjonijiet reliġjużi "f'ħafna minn dawk li qabel kienu repubbliki taʼ l - Unjoni Sovjetika, inkluż ir - Russja, " tgħid it - Times," il - Ġeorġja hija unika fil - ħruxija tal - vjolenza lejn il - minoranzi reliġjużi, u fl - evidenza tal - kompliċità fl - attakki min - naħa taʼ l - uffiċjali. The reality centered on the death of Jesus Christ. While there were religious tensions "in many of the former republics of the Soviet Union, including Russia, " says the Times," Georgia is unique in the harshness of violence toward religious minorities, and in the evidence of accomplice in attacks on the part of officials. Iż - żelu kif jistaʼ jiġi deskritt? During the late Middle Ages, Castilian, or Spanish, began to take shape on the Iberian Peninsula. How can zeal be described? Kristjan għandu jkun konċernat dwar li ma jmurx " ifieri l - kuxjenza dgħajfa taʼ xi ħadd. ' Researchers found that from 1960 to 1999, the rate of deaths from criminal assaults fell nearly 70 percent in the United States, even though there were nearly six times as many criminal assaults during the same time period. A Christian should be concerned about not going "i.e. the weak conscience of someone. " Sentejn wara, fl - 1963, kelli l - pjaċir nieħu sehem fi programm taʼ konvenzjoni fi New York li matulu ħarġet it - Traduzzjoni tad - Dinja l - Ġdida taʼ l - Iskrittura Griega Kristjana bl - Olandiż. How may zeal be described? Two years later, in 1963, I enjoyed sharing in a convention program in New York during which the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures was issued in Dutch. 34,017,000 A Christian ought to be concerned about not " wounding consciences that are weak. ' 34,017,000 Il - molekuli b'xi mod ifformaw is - sekwenzi speċifiċi li hemm bżonn biex jagħmlu kopji tagħhom infushom. Two years later, in 1963, it was my pleasure to take part in a program at a convention in New York during which the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures in Dutch was released. The molecules somehow formed the specific sequences needed to make copies of themselves. Ommi kienet tkanta fil - kor tal - knisja, u zijuwi kien kantant tal - opri u jdoqq il - pjanu. 34,017,000 My mother singed in the church chorus, and my uncle was a singer of the opri and played the piano. " Tibżax. The molecules somehow formed the specific sequences required to replicate themselves. " Do not be afraid. * Fil - viżjoni tiegħu tat - tron taʼ Jehovah, l - appostlu Ġwanni ra erbaʼ ħlejjaq ħajjin, li waħda minnhom kellha wiċċha donnu taʼ barri. My mother sang in the church choir, and my uncle was an opera singer and pianist. * In his vision of Jehovah's throne, the apostle John saw four living creatures, one of which seemed like a bull. Dawk li kienu jmorru l - knisja forsi semgħu l - Bibbja tinqara b'leħen għoli bil - Latin, imma din kienet lingwa antika li n - nies komuni ma kinux jifhmu. " Do not be afraid. The churchgoers may have heard the Bible read aloud in Latin, but it was an ancient language that the common people did not understand. Orazju, poeta taʼ l - ewwel seklu Q.E.K., qal li l - kontestanti "kienu jżommu ' l bogħod min - nisa u l - inbid " biex" jilħqu l - mira tant mixtieqa. " * The apostle John's vision of Jehovah's throne depicts four living creatures, one of which had a face like a bull. Oraius, a first - century poet B.C.E., said that the contestants "kept away from women and wine " to" reach the desired goal. " Jekk inżommu f'moħħna li aħna nitkellmu "mill - milja tal - qalb " u li" ħwejjeġ tajba " joħorġu minn "ħażna tat - tajjeb, " naraw ċar li s - sigriet għal tbissima ġenwina jinsab fil - ħsibijiet u l - emozzjonijiet tagħna. Those who went to church may have heard the Bible read out loud in Latin, but that was an old language that ordinary people did not understand. If we bear in mind that we speak "out of the fullness of the heart " and that" good things " come out of "storage of goodness, " we clearly see that the secret to a genuine smile lies in our thoughts and emotions. Għal ħafna ommijiet ir - raġuni għala tnejn min - nies jiżżewġu hi biex ikollhom it - tfal, li ma tmurx tispiċċa r - razza. Horace, a poet of the first century B.C.E., said that contestants "abstained from women and wine " to" reach the longed - for goal. " For many mothers, the reason why two people marry is to have children, who do not go out of the race. Adam u Eva ma setgħux ikollhom tfal perfetti, u lanqas uliedhom ma setaʼ jkollhom tfal perfetti. Bearing in mind that we speak "out of the abundance of the heart " and that" good things " come out of a "good treasure, " it becomes evident that the key to a genuine smile lies in our thoughts and emotions. Adam and Eve could not have perfect children, nor could their children have perfect children. Huwa minnu li fil - preżent ebda sieħeb fiż - żwieġ mhu perfett. To many mothers the reason that a couple gets married is to bear children and to carry on the family line. True, at present no marriage mate is perfect. Pereżempju, tgħallmu li hemm Alla veru wieħed u li dawk li jaqduh għandhom jobdu l - liġijiet tiegħu. Adam and Eve could not have a perfect child, and their children could not have perfect children. For example, they learned that there is one true God and that those who serve him should obey his laws. " Aħna qed nittrattaw maʼ persuna li qed tinbidel u tiżviluppa, " jgħid Greg, li ġie msemmi qabel. Granted, no marriage partner at present is perfect. " We are dealing with a person who is changing and developing, " says Greg, mentioned earlier. U nistgħu nkunu fiduċjużi li " Alla ma jħalliniex niġu ttantati iktar milli nifilħu. ' - Aqra l - 1 Korintin 10: 13. For example, they learned that there is only one true God and that those who serve him must obey his laws. And we can be confident that " God will not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear. " - Read 1 Corinthians 10: 13. Minħabba l - valur u l - abbundanza tiegħu, iż - żejt taż - żebbuġa kien ukoll jintuża flok flus fir - reġjun Mediterranju kollu. " We are dealing with a changing, developing person, " says Greg, quoted earlier. Because of his value and abundance, olive oil was also used instead of money throughout the Mediterranean region. Ir - ritratti jistgħu wkoll jiġu mbagħbsin biex il - pubbliku jiġi mqarraq. And we can be confident that " God will not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear. ' - Read 1 Corinthians 10: 13. Photos may also be tampered with to deceive the public. Dan fejn jistaʼ jinstab? Because of its value and abundance, olive oil even served as useful international currency throughout the Mediterranean region. Where can this be found? Imma matul l - assemblea, iltqajt m'Eric Connell. Photos can also be manipulated to deceive the public. But during the assembly, I met Eric Connell. Il - ferħ isaħħek biex tkampa maʼ problemi u provi. Where can it be found? Happiness strengthens you to cope with problems and trials. Wieħed ħu li m'ilux li tgħammed u li qiegħed fl - istess kongregazzjoni jgħid: "Jien tgħidx kemm nitlob sabiex nikkummenta. " But during the assembly, I met Eric Connell. A newly baptized brother in the same congregation says: "I pray to comment. " Kif rakkontata minn Paul Kushnir Joy gives you the strength to cope with challenges. As told by Paul Kushnir F'ħafna każijiet, il - forom taʼ ħajja li rriżultaw huma differenti mhux ħażin minn xulxin. A newly baptized brother who associates with the same congregation says: "As far as commenting is concerned, I pray a lot. " In many cases, the resulting forms of life differ considerably from one another. Il - Bibbja tistaʼ " tagħti d - dehen liċ - ċkejknin, l - għerf u l - għaqal liż - żgħażagħ. ' As told by Paul Kushnir The Bible can "give insight to young ones, wisdom and wisdom. " Imma skond Luqa 12: 6, 7, Ġesù iktar tard stqarr li jekk wieħed kien jonfoq żewġ muniti, ma kienx jieħu erbaʼ għasafar tal - bejt, imma ħamsa. In many cases, the resulting life - forms are remarkably different from one another. But according to Luke 12: 6, 7, Jesus later stated that if one spent two coins, he would take, not four sparrows, but five. L - Aqwa Mod Kif Niżviluppaw Manjieri Tajbin The Bible can "give to the inexperienced ones shrewdness, to a young man knowledge and thinking ability. " The Best Way to Develop Good Hands Minkejja l - fatt li d - diski tiegħu ferrħu lil oħrajn, hu kien ibati minn dipressjoni kronika. But Jesus later stated, according to Luke 12: 6, 7, that if a person spent two coins, he got, not four sparrows, but five. Despite the fact that his discs made others happy, he suffered from chronic depression. • Kieku kellek turi li t - tagħlim tat - Trinità huwa żbaljat, liema versi Bibliċi tuża? The Best Way to Develop Polite Behavior • If you were to show that the Trinity teaching is wrong, what Bible verses do you use? Hekk kif l - għeruq jinżlu iktar fil - fond u jitbiegħdu iktar mis - siġra, iz - zokk jikber iktar fil - wisaʼ u fit - tul. Even though his songs contributed to others ' pleasure, he suffered from chronic depression. As the roots become deeper and farther away from the tree, the stem grows more in width and length. " M'għandniex xi ngħidu, trid taħdem, imma taħdem biex tgawdi int, u mhux il - kumpanija. " • What Bible texts would you use to refute the teaching of the Trinity? " Of course, you must work, but it works to enjoy you, not company. " * Jistaʼ jkun ukoll li Sawl ngħata l - għajnuna mingħand dawk li saru jemmnu minħabba l - ippridkar tiegħu f'Damasku, għaliex Atti 9: 25 jgħid: "Id - dixxipli tiegħu ħaduh u bil - lejl niżżluh f'qoffa minn ġo fetħa fis - sur. " After the initial growth spurt of such a tree stops, the tree still grows but not as noticeably. * Saul may also have been helped by those who became believers because of his preaching in Damascus, for Acts 9: 25 says: "His disciples took him and at night put him in a basket through an opening in the wall. " Biex is - soċjetà umana tkun stabbli u l - affarijiet jimxu sew, in - nies irid ikollhom pedament sod taʼ livelli aċċettati minn kulħadd, li jistabbilixxu x'inhu tajjeb u x'inhu ħażin. " You have to work, of course, but for yourself, not for the company. " For human society to be stable and things to do well, people must have a solid foundation of commonly accepted standards, which set out what is right and what is wrong. Taʼ interess hu li din l - espressjoni hija simili għal dik li qal Pawlu diversi drabi fil - kitbiet tiegħu, jiġifieri, "raġel taʼ mara waħda " fil - lingwa oriġinali. * Some who had become believers because of Saul's preaching in Damascus may also have helped, for Acts 9: 25 states: "His disciples took him and let him down by night through an opening in the wall, lowering him in a basket. " Interestingly, this expression is similar to what Paul said several times in his writings, namely, "a man of one wife " in the original language. Aqra Isaija 32: 1, 2. In order for human society to be stable and prosperous, the people must have a bedrock of commonly accepted standards that identify what is right or wrong, good or bad. Read Isaiah 32: 1, 2. Għalhekk, il - fatt li nkunu separati mid - dinja ma jfissirx li aħna nisseparaw ruħna kompletament minn kull kuntatt maʼ nies oħrajn. - Ġwanni 17: 15, 16; 1 Korintin 5: 9, 10. In the original language, it literally means "woman of one man. " Interestingly, this expression is similar to one that Paul used several times in his writings, namely, "a husband of one wife, " or" man of one woman " in the original language. Hence, being separate from the world does not mean that we separate ourselves completely from any contact with other people. - John 17: 15, 16; 1 Corinthians 5: 9, 10. Barra minn hekk, il - maġġoranza tan - nies dak iż - żmien lanqas biss kienu jafu jaqraw. Read Isaiah 32: 1, 2. In addition, most people at that time did not even know how to read. Huma kienu jagħmlu ikel li kien jissejjaħ pemmican, li kien jikkonsisti f'taħlita taʼ laħam jew ħut imqadded u mitħun mal - cranberries. Hence, being separate from the world does not mean that we physically withdraw from all contact with other people. - John 17: 15, 16; 1 Corinthians 5: 9, 10. They made food called pemmican, which consisted of a mixture of meat or fish dried and ground with cranberries. Għalkemm aħna Xhieda taʼ Jehovah, xorta għandna l - problemi. Also, most people at that time could not even read. Although we are Jehovah's Witnesses, we still have problems. " Imma jien inbdilt! " They made a food called pemmican, which was a mixture of dried meat or fish ground together with cranberries. " But I have changed! " Id - dieta trid tkun addattata wkoll għal kull individwu, u ċertu fatturi bħall - età, is - sess, u l - istil taʼ ħajja għandhom jiġu kunsidrati. Though we are Jehovah's Witnesses, we still have problems. The diet also needs to be adapted to each individual, and such factors as age, sex, and lifestyle should be considered. Daniel u l - Badge tal - Konvenzjoni, 11 / 1 " But I have changed! " Jehovah's Witnesses, 11 / 15 Biex hu jagħmel ħaġa bħal din irid ikun nieqes mill - imħabba, u aħna nafu mill - istudju tagħna tal - Bibbja in ġenerali li "Alla hu mħabba. " A diet must also be suitable for each individual, and such factors as age, sex, and life - style must be considered. For him to do such a thing, he must lack love, and we know from our study of the Bible in general that "God is love. " Anġlu t'Alla kif sar Satana x - Xitan? Gathering Things in Heaven and Things on Earth, 2 / 15 How did God's angel become Satan the Devil? L - ispirtu t'Alla jistaʼ saħansitra jfakkrek xi versi mill - Bibbja li jistgħu jwiġbulek xi mistoqsijiet jew jgħinuk tkampa maʼ provi. For him to do so would be unloving, and we know from our study of the Bible as a whole that "God is love. " God's spirit can even remind you of Bible verses that can answer questions or help you to cope with trials. * - Atti 2: 22 - 36. How did an angel of God become Satan the Devil? * - Acts 2: 22 - 36. Meta nissieħbu maʼ sħabna fit - twemmin, jistaʼ jkollna ħafna opportunitajiet biex nirrakkontaw esperjenzi inkuraġġanti taʼ kif Ġeħova għenna nissaportu ċirkustanzi diffiċli. God's spirit can even bring back to your mind Bible verses that will help you to answer questions or cope with trials. When we associate with fellow believers, we may have many opportunities to relate encouraging experiences of how Jehovah has helped us to endure difficult circumstances. Ovvjament, ċertu livell taʼ skola jistaʼ jkun utli biex issib xogħol. * - Acts 2: 22 - 36. Of course, a certain school level may be useful in finding a job. ID - DINJA TAL - PUNENT ILLUM MOĦĦHA WISQ FIL - ĦEFFA U L - KUMDITÀ. When associating with fellow believers, we have many opportunities to relate upbuilding experiences of how Jehovah has helped us to endure difficult circumstances. THE WESTERN'S WORLD LEARNED IN EFFACH AND FURNITY. 16, 17. (a) Il - Kristjani miżżewġin x'jistgħu jagħmlu fuq il - post tax - xogħol biex jagħmlu ċert li kulħadd jaf li mhumiex disponibbli għal relazzjoni romantika? Granted, a certain level of schooling may be useful to obtain employment. 16, 17. (a) What can married Christians do at the workplace to make sure that everyone knows that they are not available for a romantic relationship? L - espressjoni "l - affarijiet profondi t'Alla " tinkludi l - fehma taʼ l - għerf t'Alla li hija rivelata lill - Kristjani permezz taʼ l - ispirtu qaddis imma din hija moħbija minn oħrajn. TODAY'S WESTERN WORLD IS INFATUATED WITH SPEED AND CONVENIENCE. The expression "the deep things of God " includes the understanding of God's wisdom that is revealed to Christians by means of holy spirit but that is hidden from others. Il - Kotra Kbira! ' 16, 17. (a) What practical measures can married Christians take at the workplace to send a clear signal that they are not available romantically? The Great Cotra! ' Dawn il - bidliet kif effettwaw il - pubblikazzjonijiet tagħna? The expression "the deep things of God " includes the understanding of God's wisdom that is revealed to Christians by holy spirit but is obscured to others. How have these changes affected our publications? Maż - żmien, spiċċajna fil - belt taʼ Rotterdam, ' il bogħod ħafna mill - post fejn Ferdinand kien qed iwettaq il - ministeru tiegħu bil - moħbi. The Great Crowd! ' In time, we ended up in the city of Rotterdam, far from the place where Ferdinand was carrying out his ministry in secret. 1: 3 - 5. How have these changes affected our publications? 1: 3 - 5. * L - iskop t'Alla Ġeħova kien li t - tfal eventwalment iħallu lill - ġenituri tagħhom. Eventually, we ended up in the city of Rotterdam, far away from where Ferdinand was carrying out his underground ministry. * Jehovah God's purpose was for children to eventually leave their parents. " Kun ħanin miegħek innifsek, " qallu hu. 1: 3 - 5. " Be kind to yourself, " he said. Aħna nosservaw it - Tifkira biex infaħħruh. * Jehovah God intended that children eventually leave their parents. We observe the Memorial to praise him. Kif nistgħu nipproteġu lilna nfusna? " Be kind to yourself, " he said. How can we protect ourselves? • Għala għandna nevitaw li niġġudikaw minn qabel lil dawk li nippridkawlhom? We observe the Memorial to his praise. • Why should we avoid prejudging those to whom we preach? Imma Ġeħova hu Mexxej kollu mħabba. How can we protect ourselves? But Jehovah is a loving Leader. L - irxoxt kif inhu essenzjali għall - iskop taʼ Ġeħova? • Why should we avoid prejudging those to whom we preach? How is the resurrection essential to Jehovah's purpose? Alla jsib l - għaxqa tiegħu fil - ħlejjaq intelliġenti li jagħżlu li jobduh. But Jehovah is a loving Ruler. God delights in intelligent creatures who choose to obey him. Bħal Timotju, se jkollok bżonn " tiġġieled il - ġlieda t - tajba tal - fidi ' sabiex " taqbad qabda soda mal - ħajja taʼ dejjem ' li qed joffrilek Ġeħova. - 1 Timotju 6: 12; 2 Timotju 3: 12. How is the resurrection central to Jehovah's purpose? Like Timothy, you will need to "fight the fine fight of faith " in order to" catch a firm hold on everlasting life " that Jehovah is offering you. - 1 Timothy 6: 12; 2 Timothy 3: 12. Il - biċċa l - kbira tal - pijunieri għandhom skeda mimlija daqs bajda. God finds delight in intelligent creatures who choose to obey him. Most pioneers have a schedule full of white. Kultant, fil - kongregazzjoni tagħna tistaʼ tiżviluppa xi sitwazzjoni li ma nkunux nistgħu nifhmuha jew tistaʼ tidher, fl - opinjoni tagħna, li mhix qed tiġi trattata bl - aħjar mod jew bl - iktar mod organizzat. Like Timothy, you will need to "fight the fine fight of the faith " in order to" get a firm hold on the everlasting life " that Jehovah holds out to you. - 1 Timothy 6: 12; 2 Timothy 3: 12. At times, in our congregation you may develop a situation that we cannot understand or appear, in our opinion, that is not being treated in the best way or in the most organized way. Pereżempju, wieħed ħu għamel żjara lura lil raġel xiħ li kien ilu jaqra r - rivisti tagħna għal ħafna snin. Most pioneers have a very full schedule. For example, one brother made a return visit to an old man who had been reading our magazines for many years. Se jgħinuk ukoll trawwem attitudnijiet u drawwiet tajbin. Sometimes a situation may develop within our local congregation that we do not understand or that does not seem, from our point of view, to be handled in the best or most organized way. It will also help you to foster good attitudes and habits. X'inhu ċ - ċiklu taʼ l - ilma? For example, one brother visited an elderly man who had read our magazines for many years. What is the water cycle? Ħelsuha bil - Ħniena It will also help you to cultivate positive attitudes and habits. Free With Mercy plażma What is the water cycle? plasma Rappreżentanta taʼ l - Istitut Kawkasiku għall - Paċi u d - Demokrazija pprovat tipproteġi d - dokumenti tal - petizzjoni, imma l - invażuri ħabtu għaliha. Narrow Escapes A representative of the Caucasian Institute for Peace and Democracy tried to protect the petition documents, but the invaders kidnapped it. B'riżultat taʼ dan, ħallejna Betel u ġejna assenjati bħala pijunieri speċjali fil - belt taʼ Teresópolis, fir - reġjun muntanjuż taʼ l - Istat taʼ Rio de Janeiro. A representative of the Caucasian Institute for Peace and Democracy tried to protect the petition, but the invaders assaulted her. As a result, we left Bethel and were assigned as special pioneers in the city of Teresópolis, in the mountainous region of Rio de Janeiro State. L - imħabba għal Alla u għall - proxxmu kif inhi murija bl - attività taʼ l - ippridkar u t - tagħlim tagħna? As a result, we left Bethel and were assigned as special pioneers to the city of Teresópolis, in the mountainous region of Rio de Janeiro State. How is love for God and neighbor shown by our preaching and teaching activity? Skont din l - opinjoni, il - ħajja t'individwu fuq l - art hija biss temporanja - prova biex jiġi determinat jekk jistħoqqlux ħajja fis - sema. How is love for God and neighbor demonstrated by our preaching and teaching activity? According to that opinion, an individual's life on earth is only temporary - a test to determine whether he deserves heavenly life. L - applikar tal - Kelma t'Alla x'jistaʼ jipproduċi ġo persuna? According to this view, a person's life on earth is intended to be transitory - a test to determine if he is worthy of life in heaven. What can applying God's Word produce in a person? L - aħwa kellhom jimxu sal - foresta, jaqtgħu s - siġar u jqaċċtulhom il - friegħi, u jġorru l - arbli lura lejn il - post fejn kienu qed jibnu. What can application of God's Word produce in a person? The brothers had to walk to the forest, cut the trees and cut them off the branches, and carry the poles back to the building site. Meta jerġaʼ jitfagħha fil - forn, dawn l - istikek - kollhom kuluri, forma taʼ rakkmu, jew forma taʼ garigor - jeħlu u jsiru parti mill - forma kollha, li mbagħad tistaʼ tintefaħ f'forma taʼ vażun, lampa, jew kwalunkwe forma oħra li jkun jixtieq. The brothers and sisters had to walk to the forest, cut down the trees, trim them, and carry the poles back to the construction site. Once again put it into the oven, these dots - in colors, in shape, or in shape of a garigo - stick to and become part of the whole shape, which can then be blown into the form of a vase, a lamp, or any other form he wishes. Ħallihom jagħtuk prova, kif taw lil John u Mary, li m'hemm l - ebda problema li Alla ma jistax u li mhux se jsolviha fil - futur qarib. When returned to the furnace, these applications - multicolored, lacy, or spiraled - fuse and are incorporated into the mass, which then can be blown into a vase, a lamp, or whatever other form is desired. Let them prove to you, as they gave John and Mary, that there is no problem that God cannot and will not solve in the near future. L - ewwel inkarigu tiegħi kien Três Rios, belt fl - Istat taʼ Rio de Janeiro. Let them prove to you, as they did to John and Mary, that there are no problems that God cannot and will not solve in the near future. My first assignment was Três Rios, a city in Rio de Janeiro State. Dan hu jum meta jagħmlu wegħda qaddisa lil dawk li tassew iħobbu - lill - imseħbin tagħhom u lil Alla Ġeħova. My first assignment was Três Rios, a town in Rio de Janeiro State. This is a day when they make a holy promise to those who truly love - their mates and Jehovah God. Il - popolazzjoni tar - refuġjati fil - kamp taʼ Muyovozi bħalissa tgħodd mas - 37,000 ruħ. It is a day when they make a sacred promise to ones they dearly love - their mate and Jehovah God. The refugee population in the Muyovozi camp currently accounts for 37,000 people. Oħt Mosè qiegħda f'kuntrast maʼ Fargħun, li kkonfoffa mal - kunsillieri tiegħu biex jimxu "bil - għaqal " maʼ l - Ebrej. The refugee population in Muyovozi refugee camp presently has 37,000 inhabitants. Moses ' sister is in contrast with Pharaoh, who conspired with his counselors to walk "wisely " with the Hebrews. fit - Torri tal - Għassa tal - 15 t'Ottubru 2009, paġni 29 - 31. Moses ' sister is set in contrast with Pharaoh, who schemed with his counselors to deal "shrewdly " with the Hebrews. in The Watchtower of October 15, 2009, pages 29 - 31. Pawlu semma lil Abraham u Sara bħala parti mis - " sħaba kbira taʼ xhieda. ' in The Watchtower of October 15, 2009, pages 29 - 31. Paul mentioned Abraham and Sarah as part of the "great cloud of witnesses. " Arias Montano Abraham and Sarah come next in Paul's list of the "cloud of witnesses surrounding us. " Arias Montano Huma jsiru parti minn Israel spiritwali, "l - Israel t'Alla, " u jiddaħħlu fil - " patt ġdid. " Arias Montano They become part of spiritual Israel, "the Israel of God, " and they are brought into the" new covenant. " F'Marzu tas - sena 2005, 10,144 persuna attendew għat - Tifkira tal - mewt taʼ Kristu. They become part of spiritual Israel, "the Israel of God, " and they are taken into the" new covenant. " In March 2005, 10,144 people attended the Memorial of Christ's death. Huma setgħu ħasbu li kien se jkun l - aħjar mexxej. In March 2005, the Memorial of Christ's death was attended by 10,144. They may have thought that he would be the best leader. Wieħed minnhom ipponta senter lejn sidt il - post u ġagħalha tagħtih il - flus u l - ġojjellerija. They must have thought that he would be the best leader. One pointed a senter to the owner and caused her to give him money and jewelry. Il - kondotta nadifa tagħna b'liema modi tistaʼ tirrifletti tajjeb fuq il - qima pura? One of them pointed a gun at the owner of the site and demanded her money and jewelry. In what ways can our clean conduct reflect well on pure worship? L - eżempju tal - ġenituri li jibdlu xogħolhom skond il - bżonn taʼ wliedhom, jispjega ċar kif dan hu possibbli. In what ways might our chaste conduct promote pure worship? The example of parents who change their work according to their children's needs, explains clearly how this is possible. Tgħidx kemm inkwetajt, " qal David. The example of caring parents who shift roles for the sake of their children illustrates how this is possible. I worried, " said David. Bil - kuraġġ, "saħansitra bil - biki, " nies leali bħal dawn qatt ma jieqfu jipprovaw jgħixu ħajja taʼ integrità. It was traumatic, " said David. With courage, "even crying, " such faithful people never stop trying to live a life of integrity. (American Heritage Dictionary) Madankollu, ifisser li din hija r - rimedju għall - obeżità? With courage, "even weeping, " such faithful people never stop trying to live a life of integrity. (American Heritage Dictionary) However, does it mean that it is the remedy for obesity? Oqgħod għassa għall - prużunzjoni - sew jekk tkun murija b'atti taʼ diżubbidjenza u sew jekk b'attitudni taʼ kburija. - Proverbji 11: 2. (American Heritage Dictionary) However, does that mean it is a remedy for obesity? Be watchful for presumption - whether shown by acts of disobedience or by a proud attitude. - Proverbs 11: 2. Kif nistgħu naraw, il - bejjiegħa tat - tempju kienu rgħiba u ħadu vantaġġ mill - klijenti tagħhom. Be on guard against presumptuousness - whether expressed through disobedient acts or a proud attitude. - Proverbs 11: 2. As we can see, the temple vendors were greedy and took advantage of their customers. Imma spiss dan jinvolvi li tagħti taħriġ morali biex jgħin lil ibnek jieħu deċiżjonijiet tajbin mill - ewwel. As we can see, the temple merchants were greedy and took advantage of their customers. But it often involves providing moral training to help your child make good decisions right away. Fuq il - bażi taʼ dan is - sagrifiċċju, Alla setaʼ jestendi l - ħniena, u setaʼ jaħfer id - dnubiet taʼ dawk li jeżerċitaw il - fidi f'Ġesù. - Ġw. Often, though, it involves imparting moral training that helps a child learn to make good choices in the first place. On the basis of that sacrifice, God was able to extend mercy, and he could forgive the sins of those exercising faith in Jesus. - John. L - aħħar vers tal - profezija taʼ Hosegħa jgħid: "Kull min hu għaref, jifhem dawn il - ħwejjeġ; ħa jagħrafhom kull min hu bil - għaqal, għax il - Mulej it - triqat tiegħu dritti, il - ġusti jimxu fihom, iżda jitfixklu fihom il - midinbin. " - Hosegħa 14: 10 (14: 9, NW). Jesus gave his life as a propitiatory sacrifice in the sense that by doing so, he appeased, or satisfied, the requirement of perfect justice. The last verse of Hosea's prophecy says: "Everyone wise will understand these things; let everyone wisely know them, for Jehovah his ways are upright, but the righteous themselves will certainly be stumbled by sinners in them. " - Hosea 14: 9. Spirtu mhuwiex magħmul minn elementi fiżiċi, bħalma huma d - demm u l - laħam, li jistgħu jidhru u jinħassu permezz tas - sensi tal - bniedem. Discreet, that he may know them? For the ways of Jehovah are upright, and the righteous are the ones who will walk in them; but the transgressors are the ones who will stumble in them. " - Hosea 14: 9. A spirit is not made up of physical elements, such as blood and flesh, that can be seen and felt through human senses. Ġeħova Hu l - Mulej Sovran Tagħna! A spirit is not composed of physical material, such as flesh and blood, that can be seen and felt by human senses. Jehovah Is Our Sovereign Lord! .. jippromwovi kwalitajiet Kristjani mill - aħjar, Jehovah Is Our Sovereign Lord! .. promote fine Christian qualities, Mod wieħed kif nistgħu nieħdu azzjoni qawwija kontra Satana u l - forzi taʼ l - ispirti mill - agħar li jaħdmu miegħu hu billi la ninvolvu ruħna fl - okkult jew f'xi prattiċi tal - maġija u lanqas ma ninvolvu ruħna maʼ dawk li jipprattikawhom. .. promotes fine Christian qualities, One way we can take strong action against Satan and the wicked spirit forces that work with him is neither to engage in the occult or magic practices nor to engage with those who practice them. " Triq il - ħżiena bħal dalma kbira, " jgħid Salamun. One way to go on the offensive in opposing Satan and the wicked spirit creatures in league with him is by having nothing to do with occult or magical practices and those indulging in them. " The way of wicked ones is like a great dam, " says Solomon. Kollha bl - għerf għamilthom; mimlija l - art bil - ħlejjaq tiegħek. " - Salm 104: 24. " The way of the wicked ones is like the gloom, " says Solomon. All of them in wisdom you have made. The earth is filled with your creatures. " - Psalm 104: 24. Minn banda waħda, m'aħniex stretti u formali żżejjed, u mill - banda l - oħra, m'aħniex laxki u każwali żżejjed. All of them in wisdom you have made. The earth is full of your productions. " - Psalm 104: 24. On the one hand, we are not too strict and formal, and on the other hand, we are not too loose and random. Ġew ħafna aħwa u dawn ħeġġew lill - aħwa lokali u sabu wħud li tawhom widen. On the one hand, we are not too strict and formal, and on the other hand, we are not too relaxed and casual. Many brothers and sisters came and urged the local brothers and found those who listened to them. Il - ferħ tagħna bħala familja kien jidher li hu komplet. Many came, encouraged the local Witnesses, and found receptive listeners. Our joy as a family seemed to be complete. Salm 8: 9 fin - New World Translation juri għala l - użu taʼ l - isem Jehovah huwa daqshekk sinifikanti: "O Jehovah Mulej tagħna, kemm hu maestuż ismek fl - art kollha! " Our happiness as a family seemed complete. Psalm 8: 9 in the New World Translation shows why the use of the name Jehovah is so significant: "O Jehovah our Lord, how majestic your name is in all the earth! " Is - sultan għaref jagħmel ukoll lista taʼ xi prattiċi li rridu nevitaw, billi jgħid: "Tgħidx lil għajrek: " Mur, u erġaʼ ejja; nagħtik għada, ' meta għandek mnejn tagħtih. Psalm 8: 9 illustrates why the use of Jehovah's name is so significant: "O Jehovah our Lord, how majestic your name is in all the earth! " The wise king also lists some practices we want to avoid, saying: "Do not say to your neighbor: " Go, and come again; I will give you tomorrow, ' when you may give it. * Min jaf kemm stmerrhom Abram dawn ir - rigali! The wise king also lists some practices to shun, saying: "Do not say to your fellowman: " Go, and come back and tomorrow I shall give, ' when there is something with you. * How such gifts must have been despised by Abram! [ Sors] * What contempt Abram must have felt for these gifts! [ Credit Line] Fl - ewwel żewġ kapitli tal - Evanġelju tiegħu, Mattew isemmi isem Ġużeppi sebaʼ darbiet, imma isem Marija erbaʼ darbiet biss. [ Credit Line] In the first two chapters of his Gospel, Matthew mentions Joseph's name seven times, but Mary's name only four times. Wieħed raġel li ġie kwotat fi stħarriġ li sar fl - Istati Uniti dwar l - aħbarijiet fuq it - televixin, bla dubju rrifletta s - sentimenti taʼ miljuni taʼ nies meta qal: " Wara li nara l - aħbarijiet, vera nħossni mnikket. In the first two chapters of his Gospel, Matthew mentions Joseph's name eight times, but Mary's, only four. One man quoted in a U.S. TV news survey, no doubt reflected the feelings of millions when he said: " After seeing the news, I really feel sad. Il - klieb iħobbu jisimgħu isimhom, u dan jiġbed l - attenzjoni tagħhom. One person who was quoted in a survey about television news in the United States no doubt echoed the feelings of millions when he said: " After I watch the news, I'm thoroughly depressed. Dogs love listening to their name, which draws their attention. (b) L - Iskrittura kif turi biċ - ċar dak li jridu l - apostati? Dogs like to hear their name, and it gets their attention. (b) How does the Scriptures clearly show what apostates want? (b) Il - Kristjani taʼ l - ewwel seklu għala rnexxielhom iwettqu tant xogħol? (b) How do the Scriptures clearly show what apostates want? (b) Why did first - century Christians accomplish so much work? 9, 10. (b) Why were first - century Christians able to accomplish so much? 9, 10. L - esperjenza t'Asaf tgħinna nifhmu għala jiswielna taʼ ġid li nattendu l - laqgħat. 9, 10. Asaph's experience helps us to understand why it is beneficial for us to attend meetings. Madankollu, ħafna żgħażagħ donnhom bla ħeġġa biex jagħmlu l - eżerċizzju. One benefit of attending meetings is illustrated by the experience of the psalmist Asaph. Many youths, however, seem to be eager to exercise. Għaliex hu jifhem iktar minn kulħadd kif inhu magħmul il - bniedem. Yet, many young ones don't seem too eager to exercise. Because he understands more than everyone else how man is made. Kemm iktar u iktar jekk fil - proċess tkun tistaʼ tgħin lin - nies isiru iktar midħla tas - Sors tar - rigali tajbin kollha - Alla Ġeħova! Because he understands better than anyone else the makeup of humans. How much more so if you can in the process help people to become more familiar with the Source of all good gifts - Jehovah God! Minn ħarsa militari, għandu mnejn kienet tidher impossibbli li tirbaħ il - battalja kontra l - Etjopjani. And even more so if in the process you help people to become better acquainted with the Source of all good gifts - Jehovah God! From a military point of view, it may have seemed impossible to win the battle against the Ethiopians. Gamblu li jnaddaf From a military standpoint, it may have seemed impossible to win the battle against the Ethiopians. Plucked and drawn, without heads and feet and without necks, hearts, livers and gizzards • It - tifħir sinċier kif jgħin biex tikber l - affezzjoni Kristjana? Cleaner shrimp • How does sincere praise help to deepen Christian affection? 16: 25, 26. • How does sincere commendation promote Christian affection? 16: 25, 26. Il - Bibbja xxebbah il - qerda tad - dinja mal - bidu tal - uġigħ tal - ħlas - l - uġigħ tal - omm hu inevitabbli u jiġi f'daqqa. 16: 25, 26. The Bible likens the destruction of the world to the beginning of the pain of labor - the pain of the mother is inevitable and sudden. Il - fatt li tieħu l - ħin biex timmedita fuq mistoqsijiet bħal dawn se jgħinek titgħallem kif Ġeħova jaħseb u jħossu u x'jirrikjedi minnek. The Bible likens the world's destruction to the onset of labor - the mother's pain is inevitable and comes suddenly. Taking time to meditate on such questions will help you to learn how Jehovah thinks and feels and what he requires of you. Għala le? Taking time to meditate on such questions will help you to learn how Jehovah thinks and feels and what he requires of you. Why not? 3 L - Univers Tagħna Tant taʼ L - Għaġeb - Ġie Dan b'Kumbinazzjoni? Why not? 3 Is Our Universe So Wonderful - Did It Come With Combination? Ilsir mhux akbar minn sidu. 3 Our Awesome Universe - A Product of Chance? A slave is not greater than his master. It - tliet figurini: Photograph taken by courtesy of the British Museum A slave is not greater than his master. Three digits: Photograph taken by courtesy of the British Museum (a) Kif nafu li Jehovah iridek tgawdi ż - żgħożija tiegħek? All three figurines: Photograph taken by courtesy of the British Museum (a) How do we know that Jehovah wants you to enjoy your youth? Il - profeta t'Alla jiddikjara: "Issa isimgħu, kbarat taʼ Ġakobb, u mexxejja tad - dar taʼ Iżrael! (a) How do we know that Jehovah wants you to enjoy your youth? God's prophet declares: "Now listen, great ones of Jacob, and leaders of the house of Israel! Hu kien jafda f'Ġeħova, mhux fl - għerf limitat tiegħu, u ma setaʼ jmur għand ebda sors aqwa minn dan biex jingħata gwida. God's prophet declares: "Hear, please, you heads of Jacob and you commanders of the house of Israel. He trusted in Jehovah, not in his limited wisdom, and could not go to any better source of guidance. Wieħed ħabsi esprima ruħu b'dan il - mod: "Ħafna nies isibu lil Kristu f'dan il - post - imma meta joħorġu minn hawn, iħallu lil Kristu warajhom! " He trusted in Jehovah, not in his own limited wisdom, and he could have looked to no better source for guidance. One prisoner expressed this: "Many people will find Christ in this place - but when they come out of here, they will leave Christ behind them! " Għala? One inmate put it this way: "A lot of people find Christ in this place - but when they leave here, they leave Christ behind! " Why? Mhux kulma jiġi deskritt bħala "perfett " fl - Iskrittura jkun perfett għalkollox. Why? Not all that is described as "perfect " in the Scriptures is completely perfect. Agħżel ħin realistiku li huwa tajjeb għalik, u irranġa l - iskeda tiegħek kif ikun hemm bżonn. Not everything that the Scriptures describe as "perfect " may be so in an absolute sense. Choose a realistic time that is right for you, and adjust your schedule accordingly. L - HENA ma jinkisibx faċilment. Choose a realistic time that works for you, and adapt as needed. HENA is not easily achieved. L - avversarji, minħabba li jkunu taħt pressjoni minn membri reliġjużi tal - Kristjaneżmu, ifittxu mod hekk imsejjaħ legali biex jiġġustifikaw il - ġlieda tagħhom kontrina. HAPPINESS does not come easily. Adversaries, under pressure from religious members of Christendom, seek a so - called legal way to justify their fight against us. F'Mejju tal - 1971, kelli bżonn immur Michigan. Under pressure from religious quarters of Christendom, opposers look for a so - called legal way to justify their fight against us. In May 1971, I needed to go to Michigan. Ladarba Ħenok kellu l - fidi, aħna nafu li hu kien iqim lil Ġeħova bħala l - wieħed li "jippremja lil dawk li jfittxuh bil - ħeġġa. " In May 1971, I needed to go to Michigan. Since Enoch had faith, we know that he worshipped Jehovah as the one who "rewarded those earnestly seeking him. " Barra minn hekk, tħejja programm taʼ tmien sigħat fejn intwerew slides bil - kulur u stampi jiċċaqalqu. Since Enoch had faith, we know that he worshipped Jehovah as the one who "becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him. " In addition, an eight - hour program was prepared in which color slides and moving pictures were displayed. Madankollu, in - nies t'Alla setgħu jaraw kif il - mexxejja leali tagħhom inkuraġġewhom biex iżommu l - qima tagħhom nadifa, ikunu nodfa fiżikament, u jevitaw nuqqas taʼ ndafa sesswali. In addition, an eight - hour program combining color slides and motion pictures was prepared. However, God's people could see how their faithful leaders encouraged them to keep their worship clean, to be physically clean, and to avoid sexual uncleanness. Dawn jinkludu: "X'Nistaʼ Nagħmel biex il - Ġenituri Jagħtuni Iktar Libertà? " However, God's people could see how their faithful leaders encouraged them to keep their worship clean, to be clean physically, and to avoid sexual uncleanness. These include: "What Can I Do to Give Parents More Freedom? " (Korsiv tagħna.) Dwar l - isem divin, Jehovah, Eżodu 3: 15 jgħid: "Dan ikun ismi għal dejjem u dan l - isem ifakkarkom fija minn nisel għal nisel. " These include: "How Can I Get My Folks to Give Me More Freedom? " Regarding the divine name, Jehovah, Exodus 3: 15 says: "This will be my name forever and this name will remind you of me from seed to seed. " [ Kumment f'paġna 8] Concerning the divine name, Jehovah, Exodus 3: 15 says: "This is my name to time indefinite, and this is the memorial of me to generation after generation. " [ Blurb on page 8] • Aħżen il - faqqiegħ frisk f'borża tal - karti jew tad - drapp fil - friġġ tiegħek. • Store fresh mushrooms in a paper or cloth bag in your refrigerator. • Store fresh mushrooms in a paper or fabric bag in your refrigerator. Tistgħu tieħdu letteratura għalikom u għal xi ħadd li tafuh. You may take literature for yourselves and your acquaintances. You can take literature for you and someone you know. " Is - sempliċità taʼ l - ispjegazzjonijiet u t - tixbihat fil - ktieb Il - Bibbja X'Tgħallem? " The simplicity of the explanations and illustrations in the Bible Teach book had a dramatic effect on her, " writes Pat. " The simplicity of explanations and illustrations in the book What Does the Bible Teach? Ma tkunx xi ħaġa raġunevoli li Alla wkoll ikollu isem? Would it not be reasonable for God to have a name? Would it not be reasonable that God too has a name? [ Stampa f'paġna 25] [ Picture on page 25] [ Picture on page 25] Għalkemm Ġeħova ppermettielhom ikollhom sultan uman, hu bagħat lill - profeta tiegħu Samwel biex iwissihom. ; Itoh, M. Although Jehovah allowed them to have a human king, he sent his prophet Samuel to warn them. ; Itoh, M. I lie on top of it in wait. ; Itoh, M. Ninxteħet fuqha u nistenna. Are they not at times hotbeds of political and social unrest? I walked on it and waited for it. In - nies f'dawn il - postijiet spiss iħossuhom liberi li jirribellaw u jipprotestaw kontra l - gvern u awtoritajiet oħrajn. " The wicked is a ransom for the righteous one, " Solomon wrote. - Proverbs 21: 18. People in these places often feel free to rebel and protest against government and other authorities. " Iħallas il - ħażin għall - fidwa tal - ġust, " kiteb Salamun. - Proverbji 21: 18. However, the more problems our brothers have, the more opportunities we have to show how much we love them. " He will repay the wicked one for the ransom of the righteous one, " wrote Solomon. - Proverbs 21: 18. Madankollu, iktar ma ħutna jkollhom problemi, iktar ikollna opportunitajiet biex nuru kemm inħobbuhom. He commissioned the first human couple to "fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection... every living creature that is moving on the earth. " However, the more trouble our brothers and sisters have, the more opportunities we have to show how much we love them. Hu qal lill - ewwel koppja umana biex " jimlew l - art u jrażżnuha, u li ħa tkun sottomessa lejhom kull ħliqa ħajja li titħarrek fuq l - art. ' C. He told the first human couple to "fill the earth and subdue it, and to submit to them every living creature that is moving on the earth. " Ċ. In most cases it would be wise to discontinue the medication prior to surgery. C. F'ħafna każijiet ikun għaqli jekk tieqaf tieħu l - mediċina qabel xi operazzjoni. Jehovah's position as the Universal Sovereign is unaffected by what mere humans may do or refuse to do. In many cases it is wise to stop taking your medicine before surgery. Il - pożizzjoni taʼ Jehovah bħala s - Sovran Universali ma tiġix effettwata minn dak li jagħmlu jew ma jagħmlux il - bnedmin tad - demm u l - laħam. This is the first publication that has made me laugh, cry, sit in awe of what I just read, and pray to Jehovah immediately. Jehovah's position as the Universal Sovereign is not affected by what blood and flesh humans do or do not do. Din hi l - ewwel pubblikazzjoni li ġagħlitni nidħaq, nibki, nibqaʼ mistagħġba b'dak li nkun għadni kif qrajt, u nitlob lil Ġeħova minnufih. Warning was given, but it was largely ignored. This is the first publication that forced me to laugh, cry, remain amazed at what I have just read, and pray to Jehovah immediately. Twissija ngħatat, imma kważi kulħadd injoraha. [ Picture Credit Lines on page 31] A warning was given, but almost everyone ignored it. [ Sorsi taʼ l - Istampa f'paġna 31] what sort of stones and what sort of buildings! " [ Picture Credit Lines on page 31] X'ġebel u x'bini dan! " For example, from time to time, we all face difficult circumstances in our lives. What stones and buildings! " Per eżempju, kultant ilkoll kemm aħna niffaċċjaw sitwazzjonijiet diffiċli f'ħajjitna. Back then she had projects planned for her "spare " time. For example, at times all of us face difficult situations in our lives. Dakinhar hi kellha ħafna proġetti mfasslin għal waqt il - ħin "liberu " tagħha. * So Paul was not referring to God's holy spirit as a person. At that time she had many projects designed for her "free " time. * Għalhekk, Pawlu ma kienx qed jirreferi għall - ispirtu qaddis bħala persuna. For example, in the Hebrew Scriptures, we read: "The plans of the diligent surely lead to success, " and" whatever your hand finds to do, do with all your might. " * Therefore, Paul was not referring to holy spirit as a person. Pereżempju, fl - Iskrittura Ebrajka naqraw: "Il - pjanijiet tal - ħabrieki żgur li jkunu taʼ vantaġġ għalih, " u" kulma idek issib x'tagħmel, agħmlu bil - qawwa tiegħek kollha. " Does it contain anything of significance for us today? For example, in the Hebrew Scriptures, we read: "The plans of the diligent will certainly be advantageous to him, " and" all your hand will find what you do, do with all your power. " Għandu dan xi importanza għalina llum? " A Charming Mountain Goat " Does this matter to us today? " Mogħża Ħelwa tal - Muntanji ' If we are able to "approach with freeness of speech to the throne of undeserved kindness " of the Universal Sovereign, should we not be able to approach the elders, who are to imitate Jehovah? " Mouse of the Mountains ' Jekk aħna nistgħu "nersqu... b'qalbna qawwija lejn it - tron tal - grazzja " tas - Sovran Universali, m'għandniex inkunu nistgħu nersqu lejn l - anzjani, li jridu jimitaw lil Jehovah? Early one morning, Ralph approached a middle - aged man who was sitting on a bench. If we can "advise... with a strong heart to the throne of grace " of the Universal Sovereign, should we not be able to approach the elders, who want to imitate Jehovah? Darba waħda kmieni fil - għodu, Ralph mar ikellem raġel taʼ mezz'età li kien bil - qiegħda fuq bank. Will it be "in Heaven or Earth "? Early in the morning, Ralph went to speak a middle - aged man sitting on a bench. " fis - Sema jew fuq l - Art "? October 19 - 25, 2009 " in Heaven or on earth "? 19 - 25 t'Ottubru, 2009 Perhaps you may also want to visit the attractive branch office of the Watch Tower Society located in this city. October 19 - 25, 2009 Forsi tkun tixtieq iżżur ukoll l - uffiċċju tal - fergħa sabiħ tal - Watch Tower Society li jinsab f'din il - belt. Today, he preaches in men's clubs in Leeds, England, making his ten - minute speech before bingo steals his audience. You may also want to visit the beautiful branch office of the Watch Tower Society in this city. Illum il - ġurnata, hu jippriedka fil - każini taʼ l - irġiel f'Leeds, l - Ingilterra, fejn jagħmel priedka t'għaxar minuti qabel ma n - nies jibdew jilagħbu t - tombla. So if we faithfully continue to preach, we will be available when people are ready to accept the comfort we bring. Today, he preaches in men's caseins in Leeds, England, where he takes a ten - minute sermon before people begin to play the tomb. Allura jekk inkomplu nippritkaw b'lealtà, aħna se nkunu hemm meta n - nies ikunu lesti li jaċċettaw il - faraġ li nġibulhom. ▪ No One Can Serve Two Masters So if we continue to preach faithfully, we will be there when people are willing to accept the comfort we bring to them. ▪ Ħadd ma jistaʼ jkun qaddej taʼ żewġ sidien Next, the territory was expanded to include the Samaritans. ▪ No one can be a servant of two masters Imbagħad, it - territorju żdied biex jinkludi lis - Samaritani. Understandably, the better we know Jehovah's voice, or message, the better we can detect the voice of a stranger. The territory then increased to include Samaritans. Nistgħu nifhmu li iktar ma nkunu nafu leħen Jehovah, jew il - messaġġ tiegħu, iktar se nindunaw bil - leħen barrani. We can become vulnerable and frightened. We can understand that the more we know Jehovah's voice, or message, the more we will see with the foreign voice. L - emozzjonijiet jistgħu jiddgħajfu u tibda tibżaʼ. Heaven, hell, purgatory, Limbo - these and various other destinations range from being incomprehensible to being downright terrifying. Emotions can weaken and become afraid. Hemm minnhom li ħadd ma jifhem x'inhuma u oħrajn li huma verament tal - waħx. Then she was invited to serve at the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses in Mexico. There are others who do not understand what they are and others who are truly foolish. Imbagħad hi ġiet mistiedna biex taqdi fl - uffiċċju tal - fergħa tax - Xhieda taʼ Ġeħova fil - Messiku. The publishers of this magazine or Jehovah's Witnesses in your area will be pleased to show you how to be happy as you satisfy your need for God. She was then invited to serve at the Mexico branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses. Il - pubblikaturi taʼ din ir - rivista jew ix - Xhieda taʼ Ġeħova fl - inħawi tiegħek se jkunu ferħanin juruk kif tkun hieni hekk kif tissodisfa l - bżonn spiritwali tiegħek. They are not lovers of God. The publishers of this magazine or Jehovah's Witnesses in your area will be happy to show you how happy you are as you satisfy your spiritual need. Ma jħobbux lil Alla. More than 400 such volunteers are currently serving in the Dominican Republic. They do not love God. Iktar minn 400 volontier bħal dawn qegħdin iservu fir - Repubblika Dominikana. What do you learn from David's plea that Jehovah examine his kidneys and his heart? Over 400 such volunteers are serving in the Dominican Republic. X'tistaʼ titgħallem mill - fatt li David talab lil Ġeħova biex jeżaminalu l - kliewi u qalbu? ADVERTISING. What can you learn from David's prayer to Jehovah to examine his kidneys and heart? REKLAMAR. It will not be an easy struggle, but it is one that can be won. RECLAMAR. Mhix se tkun ġlieda faċli, iżda hija waħda li tistaʼ tirnexxi. But this time things were much more serious. It will not be an easy fight, but it is one that can succeed. Iżda din id - darba s - sitwazzjoni kienet ħafna iktar serja. Leaf on left shows a trapped fly; leaf on right shows trigger hairs But this time the situation was much more serious. Fil - werqa fuq ix - xellug tidher dubbiena maqbuda; fil - werqa fuq il - lemin jidher ix - xagħar li jġiegħel lin - nassa tingħalaq They readily accepted some magazines and freely gave him their address, which he passed on to the local congregation so that the couple could enjoy a Bible study. The leaf on the left appears a fly caught; the hair that causes the trap to close appears in the leaf on the right Huma kienu lesti li jaċċettaw xi rivisti u kienu kuntenti li jagħtuh l - indirizz tagħhom, li hu għaddieh lill - kongregazzjoni lokali sabiex il - koppja jkollha studju tal - Bibbja. Humans do not have a good record when it comes to wielding power. They were willing to accept some magazines and were happy to give him their address, which he passed on to the local congregation so that the couple could have a Bible study. Ma tantx hemm x'juri li l - bnedmin użawha tajjeb il - qawwa tagħhom. And what better cause could there be than that of sharing wonderful Bible truths with our neighbors? There is little evidence that humans have made good use of their power. U x'kawża iktar ġusta jistaʼ jkollna milli naqsmu l - veritajiet taʼ l - għaġeb tal - Bibbja mal - proxxmu tagħna? " This led to my taking part in wild nightlife and to cheating on my husband. " And what more righteous cause can we have than to share the Bible's wonderful truths with our neighbor? " Dan wassalni għax - xalar bla kontroll billejl u li naqlibha lil żewġi. " It may be, however, that you were relieved of a privilege of service. " This led me to the uncontrolled shingle at night and to the conversion of my husband. " Madankollu, jistaʼ jkun li ttiħidlek xi privileġġ taʼ servizz. The outflow of support was particularly evident at the memorial service for Theresa, which was held on Sunday, October 8. However, some privilege of service may be given to you. L - appoġġ kbir kien jidher b'mod partikulari fil - funeral taʼ Theresa, li sar nhar il - Ħadd 8 t'Ottubru. But as with anything in relation to serving Jehovah, the benefits and satisfaction that result far outweigh any anxiety. The great support was particularly evident at Theresa's funeral, held on Sunday 8 October. Imma bħal kull ħaġa oħra li għandha x'taqsam maʼ li naqdu lil Ġeħova, il - benefiċċji u s - sodisfazzjon li jiġu milli nagħmlu dan huma ħafna ikbar minn kwalunkwe ansjetà. The Austrian authorities offered us the chance to immigrate to Australia. But like anything else that relates to serving Jehovah, the benefits and satisfaction of doing so outweigh any anxiety. L - awtoritajiet taʼ l - Awstrija offrewlna l - opportunità li nemigraw lejn l - Awstralja. Earth's Creator will not allow it. The Austrian authorities offered us the opportunity to migrate to Australia. Il - Ħallieq tal - Art mhux se jħalli xi ħaġa bħal din tiġri. While in high school, Sandra began to drink the wine that her father had at home. The Creator of the Earth will not allow anything like this to happen. Meta kienet l - iskola sekondarja, Sandra bdiet tixrob l - inbid li missierha kien ikollu d - dar. Yet they have no root in themselves, but they continue for a time; then as soon as tribulation or persecution arises because of the word, they are stumbled. When she was high school, Sandra began drinking the wine her father had at home. Iżda m'għandhomx għeruq fihom infushom, imma jkomplu għal xi żmien; imbagħad malli tqum xi tribulazzjoni jew persekuzzjoni minħabba l - kelma, jitfixklu. Also, some families have prepared "go bags " with such items as the following: * But they are not rooted in themselves, but they continue for a time; then as soon as tribulation or persecution arises because of the word, they are stumbled. Apparti minn hekk, xi familji ppreparaw basket b'dawn l - affarijiet li ġejjin: * It is wrong to bribe an official, to give him something valuable so that he will do something illegal, pervert justice, or give preferential treatment. In addition, some families prepared a basket with the following items: * Huwa ħażin li xxaħħam uffiċjal, li tagħtih xi ħaġa taʼ valur sabiex jagħmel xi ħaġa illegali, ma jobdix il - liġi, jew jittrattak bil - preferenzi. Clearly, determined opposition was completely unable to stop Jesus ' followers from publicly ascribing glory to God. It is wrong to cook an official, to give him something valuable in order to do something illegal, to disobey the law, or to treat you with preferences. Jidher ċar li l - oppożizzjoni ħarxa assolutament ma kellhiex il - ħila twaqqaf lis - segwaċi taʼ Ġesù milli jagħtu glorja lil Alla pubblikament. Caution: Gum should not be swallowed, as it can cause intestinal tract and esophageal obstruction. Clearly, severe opposition was absolutely incapable of preventing Jesus ' followers from giving glory to God publicly. Attenzjoni: Iċ - chewing gum m'għandekx tibilgħu, għax jistaʼ jimblokka l - imsaren jew il - passaġġ taʼ bejn ġriżmejk u l - istonku. This is not because of any reluctance on our part. Caution: Chewing gum should not swallow, as it may block the gut or passage between your throat and stomach. Dan m'huwiex għaliex min - naħa tagħna nuru nofs qalb. A financial crisis left them without work or income, so the publishers decided to raise money by selling food to the local fishermen when these came home after a night's fishing. This is not because we show half a heart on our part. Għalhekk, il - pubblikaturi ddeċidew li jaqilgħu xi ħaġa tal - flus billi jbigħu l - ikel lis - sajjieda tal - post meta dawn jidħlu lura wara lejl sħiħ jistadu. Jehovah's Word Is Alive So the publishers decided to earn money by selling food to the local fishermen when they returned after the whole night fishing. Il - Kelma taʼ Ġeħova Hi Ħajja They learn to "remove the rafter " from their own eye before offering to" remove the straw " from their brother's eye. Jehovah's Word Is Alive Huma jitgħallmu " jneħħu t - travu ' minn għajnhom stess qabel ma joffru li " jneħħu t - tibna ' minn għajn ħuhom. In a similar manner, careful examination of the preceding article, which shows what is being accomplished by Jehovah's organization, ought to have done much toward helping us maintain our enthusiasm and endurance. They learn to " remove the beam ' from their own eyes before offering to " remove the straw ' from their brother's eye. Sewwasew bħalma l - eżempju taʼ Kristu inkuraġġixxa lill - Kristjani fl - ewwel seklu, l - eżempju tal - organizzazzjoni taʼ Ġeħova jistaʼ jgħinna llum sabiex nissaportu fis - servizz t'Alla u nżommu ż - żelu tagħna. Only God's undeserved kindness makes it possible. Just as Christ's example encouraged Christians in the first century, the example of Jehovah's organization can help us today to endure in God's service and maintain our zeal. Il - qalb tajba mhix mistħoqqa t'Alla biss tagħmel dan possibbli. [ Picture on page 18] Only God's undeserved kindness makes that possible. [ Stampa f'paġna 18] Sharkskin [ Picture on page 18] Il - Ġilda tal - Kelb il - Baħar Now ask yourself: " What electronic game do I enjoy the most? The Skin of the Sea Dog Issa staqsi lilek innifsek: " Liema logħob elettroniku jogħġobni l - iktar? Humans are resourceful. Now ask yourself: " What electronic games do I most like? Il - bnedmin huma intelliġenti u kapaċi jsibu soluzzjonijiet tajbin għall - problemi. 16, 17. Humans are intelligent and able to find good solutions to problems. 16, 17. Indeed, we must "return evil for evil to no one. " 16, 17. Tabilħaqq, m'għandna " rroddu lil ħadd ħsara bi ħsara. ' Critics, however, insist that irradiation reduces the natural goodness of food and may involve risks that are as yet unknown. Indeed, we should "return evil for evil to no one. " Madankollu, il - kritiċi jinsistu li l - proċess bir - radjazzjoni jnaqqas in - nutriment naturali taʼ l - ikel u jistaʼ jinvolvi riskji li għadhom m'humiex magħrufin. In my zeal, in the fire of my fury, I will speak. ' " However, critics insist that the radiation process reduces the natural nutrition of foods and may involve unknown risks. U fil - ħeġġa tiegħi, fin - nar tal - qilla tiegħi, se jkolli nitkellem. ' " Learning the Art of Being Tactful And in my zeal, in the fire of my anger, I will have to speak. ' " Nitgħallmu s - Sengħa taʼ li Nużaw it - Tattika He will not for all time keep finding fault... Learning the Power of Tactical Use [ "Mhux se jibqaʼ għaż - żmien kollu jsib il - ħtija, " NW]... The second? " It will not continue for all the time to find guilt.. It - tieni? The peerless example of Jesus Christ - who "is the same yesterday and today, and forever " - will help many to continue running the race for life with endurance. - Hebrews 13: 8. Second? L - eżempju sublimi taʼ Ġesù Kristu - li "hu dak li kien, fl - imgħoddi, issa u għal dejjem " - se jgħin lil ħafna biex jibqgħu jissaportu huma u jkomplu jiġru t - tiġrija għall - ħajja. - Lhud 13: 8. Comparing our Scriptural standards and values with the course of action being taken or contemplated, it flashes a warning, as the light on the instrument panel does. The sublime example of Jesus Christ - which "is what was, in the past, now and forever " - will help many to endure as the race for life continues. - Hebrews 13: 8. Meta nqabblu l - livelli u l - valuri Skritturali maʼ l - azzjoni li tkun se tittieħed jew li nkunu qed naħsbu li se nieħdu, tingħatalna twissija, l - istess bħalma twissina l - bozza fuq id - daxxbord. He boarded a ship bound for Tarshish, far away from Nineveh. - Jonah 1: 3. When we compare the Scriptural standards and values with the action that will be taken or that we think we will take, we will be warned, just as the lamp on the dashboard warns us. Hu telaʼ fuq ġifen li kien sejjer Tarsis, ' il bogħod minn Ninwè. - Ġona 1: 3. Although my body has become more and more fragile, Jehovah has made me strong. He ascended on a ship that was going to Tarsis, away from Nineveh. - Jonah 1: 3. Għalkemm ġismi sar iżjed u iżjed fraġli, Ġeħova saħħaħni. Surgery was the unavoidable next step. Although my body became more fragile, Jehovah strengthened me. Il - pass li kien imiss nieħu u li ma stajtx nevitah kien li niġi operata. In view of what is in store for the present system of things, it is dangerous for us to become enamored by the glitter and glamour of the worldly, hedonistic way of life. The next step I took and could not avoid was to be operated. Meta nqisu dak li se jiġri lil din is - sistema dinjija, hu perikoluż li nħallu l - ġibdiet attraenti u t - tlellix taʼ ħajja materjalistika u laxka jħajruna. The children feel totally secure in the presence of caring parents. In view of what will happen to this system of things, it is dangerous to let the attractive attractions and the looseness of a materialistic and loose life entice us. It - tfal iħossuhom fis - sigurtà għalkollox meta jkunu mal - ġenituri li jieħdu ħsiebhom. Another one of the men, Bildad the Shuhite, then added that it is impossible for humans to be considered righteous by God. - Read Job 25: 4. Children feel completely safe when they are with their parents. Bildad is - Suħi, raġel ieħor mit - tlieta, imbagħad żied jgħid li huwa impossibbli għall - bnedmin li jkunu kkunsidrati ġusti minn Alla. - Aqra Ġob 25: 4. PAGE 12 Bildad the Suhi, another of the three, then added that it is impossible for humans to be considered righteous by God. - Read Job 25: 4. PAĠNA 12 " I think if you aren't happy with someone when you're dating him, you probably won't be happy married to him, so breaking up is for the best, " she says. PAGE 12 " Jien naħseb li jekk m'intix kuntenta maʼ xi ħadd meta tkun qed toħroġ miegħu, probabbilment m'intix se tkun kuntenta jekk tiżżewġu, għalhekk ikun aħjar li tinfirdu, " tgħid hi. To be a subject of God's Kingdom, a person must not only say that he follows the Fine Shepherd, Jesus, but also do what he commands. " I think that if you're not content with someone when dating, you're probably not happy to get married, so it's better to separate, " she says. Biex ikun sudditu tas - Saltna t'Alla, individwu mhux biss irid jgħid li jsegwi lir - Ragħaj mill - Aħjar, Ġesù, imma wkoll irid jagħmel dak li jikkmanda. The birds are part of a program that includes crop - dusting planes and microorganisms that kill locusts. To be subject to God's Kingdom, a person must not only say that he follows the Fine Shepherd, Jesus, but also do what he commands. Dawn it - tjur huma parti minn programm li jinkludi ajruplani li minnhom iroxxu l - pestiċidi fuq l - uċuħ tar - rabaʼ u l - mikro - organiżmi li joqtlu l - ġradijiet. Another way to prepare our heart is by prayer. These birds are part of a program that includes airplanes with pesticides on crops and micro - organisms that kill viruses. Mod ieħor kif nistgħu nħejju qalbna hu permezz tat - talb. How did older ones in the congregation help one sister when she was young? Another way we can prepare our heart is through prayer. Aħwa akbar fl - età fil - kongregazzjoni kif għenu lil oħt meta kienet żagħżugħa? Jehovah "felt compassion for his people, " even though" they were continually making jest at the messengers of the true God and despising his words. " How did older brothers in the congregation help a sister when she was young? Jehovah "ġietu ħasra mill - poplu tiegħu, " avolja" huma kienu jiddieħku bil - mibgħutin tiegħu, imaqdru kliemu. " She had many good qualities, and I was drawn to her immediately. Jehovah "was pityd by his people, " even though" they would anoint him with his senders, pity his words. " Kellha ħafna kwalitajiet sbieħ, u jien mill - ewwel inġbidt lejha. " The Roman world [of those days] was a bad and brutal world, " says Bible translator Edgar Goodspeed, "and inns were notoriously likely to be no places for a decent woman, particularly a Christian woman. " She had many beautiful qualities, and I immediately attracted it to her. " Id - dinja Rumana [taʼ dak iż - żmien] kienet ħażina u kiefra, " jgħid traduttur tal - Bibbja bl - isem taʼ Edgar Goodspeed, "u l - lukandi kellhom fama ħażina u wisq probabbli ma kinux post addattat għal mara serja, speċjalment għal mara Kristjana. " This change in personality intrigued me, so I listened to him when he talked to me about God's promise of a paradise earth. " The Roman world [at that time] was bad and cruel, " says an Edgar Goodspeed Bible translator, "and the hotels were not likely a suitable place for a serious woman, especially a Christian woman. " Din il - bidla fil - personalità qanqlitli l - kurżità, allura qgħadt nisimgħu meta kellimni dwar il - wegħda t'Alla t'art magħmula ġenna. IMITATE THEIR FAITH This personality change prompted me to curiously, so I listened when I spoke to me about God's promise of a paradise earth. IMITA L - FIDI TAGĦHOM However, hours spent kneeling took their toll. IMITATE THEIR FAITH Madankollu, peress li persuna kienet tqattaʼ dawk is - sigħat kollha għarkopptejha kienet tagħmel ħsara lil saħħitha. Such texts as Psalm 46: 1 - 3, 8, 9 and Isaiah 2: 2 - 4 might help them to realize that there truly is hope for a peaceful future. However, since a person spent all those hours her knees harming her health. Skritturi bħalma huma Salm 46: 2 - 4a, 9, 10 (46: 1 - 3, 8, 9, NW) u Isaija 2: 2 - 4 jistgħu jgħinuhom jirrealizzaw li veru teżisti tama għal futur mimli paċi. Moreover, they cannot be sure when and where the seeds of truth sown will sprout, grow, and bear fruit. - Ecclesiastes 11: 6; Mark 12: 41 - 44; 2 Corinthians 8: 12. Such scriptures as Psalm 46: 2 - 4a, 9, 10 (46: 1 - 3, 8, 9) and Isaiah 2: 2 - 4 can help them to realize that a real hope exists for a peaceful future. Iktar minn hekk, huma ma jistgħux ikunu ċerti meta u fejn se tinbet, tikber, u tagħti l - frott dik iż - żerriegħa tal - verità li jkunu żergħu. - Koħèlet 11: 6; Mark 12: 41 - 44; 2 Korintin 8: 12. They have no real hope for the future. Moreover, they cannot be sure when and where they will be swallowed, they will grow, and they will bear the fruit of the seed of the truth that they have sown. - Ecclesiastes 11: 6; Mark 12: 41 - 44; 2 Corinthians 8: 12. M'għandhomx tama vera għall - futur. Then I met Bill, who could hear normally and was also in graduate school. They have no real hope for the future. Imbagħad, iltqajt maʼ Bill, li kien jismaʼ normali u li kien f'kulleġġ ukoll. How do we manifest such love? Then I met Bill, who listened normally and was in college too. Kif nistgħu nuru mħabba bħal din? Clearly, those loyal ones were not lifting their hands heavenward for a blessing from some god of luck. - Isaiah 65: 11. How can we show such love? Jidher ċar li dawn l - uħud leali ma kinux qed jgħollu idejhom lejn is - sema għal barka mingħand xi alla tal - fortuna. - Isaija 65: 11. WHAT GOD'S WORD TEACHES: Jehovah looks beneath your imperfections and understands who you really are. Clearly, these faithful ones were not raising their hands to heaven for a blessing from a god of fortune. - Isaiah 65: 11. X'TGĦALLEM IL - KELMA T'ALLA: Ġeħova jara lil hinn mill - imperfezzjonijiet tiegħek u jifhem min int verament. The judge was convinced that he was a mature minor and able to decide for himself. WHAT GOD'S WRIT: Jehovah sees beyond your imperfections and understands who you really are. L - imħallef ikkonvinċiet ruħha li hu kien minorenni matur u kapaċi jiddeċiedi għalih innifsu. Who, though, is to blame when someone gets sick or dies because of old age? The judge convinced herself that he was a mature minor and able to decide for himself. Però, taʼ min hu t - tort meta xi ħadd jimrad jew imut minħabba x - xjuħija? According to the Bible, we live in an age of warfare. Whose blame, though, is for a person to become sick or die because of old age? Skond il - Bibbja, qegħdin ngħixu fi żmien taʼ gwerer. I have derived immense joy from helping a number of individuals to dedication and baptism. According to the Bible, we are living in times of war. Kont ferħana immens li stajt ngħin lil ħafna wħud jiddedikaw lilhom infushom lil Ġeħova u jitgħammdu. And sure enough, Mariví was finally granted permission. I was very happy that I could help many to dedicate themselves to Jehovah and get baptized. U hekk ġara, għax Mariví sa fl - aħħar ngħatat il - permess. But what about today? And that is what happened, for Mariví was finally granted permission. Imma xi ngħidu għal - lum? More than 3,000 people each year went to the emergency room after falling over laundry baskets, more than 10,000 were hospitalized for accidents that occurred while attempting to pull up socks or tights, and more than 13,000 injuries were sustained while preparing vegetables. But what about today? Żagħżugħ mill - Afrika taʼ Fuq jgħid hekk dwar sehmu fil - ġlied li sar fl - 1999 meta kellu 15 - il sena: "Fuq quddiemnett poġġew lil dawk kollha li kellhom 15 u 16 - il sena filwaqt li l - armata rtirat. We began by singing a song or two or three. A young man from North Africa says of his own understanding of the fighting in 1999 when he was 15 years old: "On the front of all those aged 15 and 16 while the army withdrew. Konna nibdew billi nkantaw għanja jew tnejn u ġieli anki tlieta. As a married man, he did not flirt with a single woman or pursue romantic objectives with another man's wife. We started by singing a song or two and sometimes even three. Bħala raġel miżżewweġ, ma tkessaħx maʼ mara mhix miżżewġa jew ma żviluppax ħsibijiet romantiċi għall - mara taʼ ħaddieħor. The Bible explains that Sprout is Jesus Christ. - Isaiah 11: 1; Matthew 2: 23, footnote. As a husband, she does not cool down with a single woman or develop romantic thoughts for someone else's wife. Il - Bibbja tispjega li r - raġel li jismu Rimja hu Ġesù Kristu. - Isaija 11: 1; Mattew 2: 23. Eusebius, who wrote in the late third and early fourth centuries, was the first of many to say that Pilate, like Judas Iscariot, committed suicide. The Bible explains that the man named Shoot is Jesus Christ. - Isaiah 11: 1; Matthew 2: 23. Ewsebju, li kien jikteb fl - aħħar tat - tielet seklu u fil - bidu tar - rabaʼ seklu, kien l - ewwel wieħed minn ħafna li qalu li Pilatu kkommetta suwiċidju, bħalma kien għamel Ġuda l - Iskarjota. How? Eusebius, who wrote at the end of the third century and at the beginning of the fourth century, was the first of many to say that Pilate committed suicide, as Judas Iscariot had done. Kif? This article examines some spiritual highlights of such in Biblical and modern times and focuses on the benefits we receive from attending conventions. How? Dan l - artiklu jagħtina xi eżempji taʼ konvenzjonijiet speċjali fi żminijiet Bibliċi u fi żminijiet reċenti u jfakkarna fil - benefiċċji li nistgħu niksbu meta nattendu l - konvenzjonijiet. [ Picture on page 21] This article gives us some examples of special conventions in Bible times and in recent times and reminds us of the benefits we can gain from attending conventions. [ Stampa f'paġna 21] One father said that his wife always prays with the children before they leave for school. - Psalm 62: 8; 112: 7. [ Picture on page 21] Wieħed missier qal li martu dejjem titlob mat - tfal qabel ma jitilqu lejn l - iskola. - Salm 62: 9 (62: 8, NW); 112: 7. Drug traffickers are now able to launder illicit profits by moving money around the world electronically with few national controls. " One father said that his wife always prays with the children before leaving school. - Psalm 62: 8; 112: 7. It - traffikanti tad - drogi issa jistgħu jirriċiklaw il - qligħ illegali billi jċaqilqu l - flus madwar id - dinja b'mod elettroniku bi ftit kontrolli nazzjonali. " When you learn Bible principles to the point of making them part of yourself, you can usually tell when a certain decision is inappropriate, out of harmony with divine principles. Drug traffickers can now recycle illegal profits by moving money worldwide electronically with few national controls. " Meta titgħallem il - prinċipji Bibliċi sal - punt li jsiru parti minnek, spiss tinduna meta ċerta deċiżjoni ma tkunx xierqa u li m'hijiex f'armonija mal - prinċipji divini. (5) Do not boast about any connection you may have with ones prominent in the Christian congregation. When you learn Bible principles to the point of becoming part of you, you often realize when a certain decision is inappropriate and in harmony with divine principles. (5) Tiftaħarx dwar xi konnessjoni li forsi għandek maʼ wħud prominenti fil - kongregazzjoni Kristjana. The Greek word that Paul used for "tender affection " is made up of two parts, one meaning friendship and the other, natural affection. (5) Do not boast about any connection you may have with prominent ones in the Christian congregation. Il - kelma Griega li uża Pawlu għal "affezzjoni tenera " hija magħmula minn żewġ partijiet, waħda tfisser ħbiberija u l - oħra, affezzjoni naturali. Jesus ' role as a Kingdom proclaimer raises such questions as these: What did Jesus experience on earth? The Greek word Paul used for "tender affection " is made up of two parts, one meaning friendship and the other, natural affection. L - irwol taʼ Ġesù bħala proklamatur tas - Saltna jqajjem ċerti mistoqsijiet, bħal dawn li ġejjin: Ġesù minn xiex għadda meta kien fuq l - art? Usually the animal will bury itself or hide in some other manner to avoid disturbance from predators.... Jesus ' role as Kingdom proclaimer raises certain questions, such as the following: What did Jesus experience when he was on earth? Ġeneralment, l - annimal jidħol fir - ramel jew jistaħba b'xi mod ieħor biex jevita li jinqabad mill - predaturi.... They pertain to "the last days " foretold by the apostle Paul. Generally, the animal enters sand or conceals in some other way to avoid being caught by predators.... Dawn jirreferu għall - "aħħar tad - dinja, " imbassar mill - appostlu Pawlu. A humble person has heartfelt gratitude for Jehovah's provisions, including spiritual food. They refer to "the last days, " foretold by the apostle Paul. Individwu umli jkun verament grat għall - provvedimenti taʼ Ġeħova, inkluż għall - ikel spiritwali. To their own harm, they foolishly rejected the flawless guidance of Jehovah, preferring instead to be like the surrounding nations. - 1 Samuel 8: 19, 20. A humble person is truly grateful for Jehovah's provisions, including for spiritual food. Għall - ħsara tagħhom stess, huma bi bluha ċaħdu l - gwida perfetta taʼ Ġeħova, u ppreferew li jkunu bħan - nazzjonijiet taʼ madwarhom. - 1 Samwel 8: 19, 20. Our first Bible students who came into the truth were Chris and Mary Kanaiya. For their own harm, they foolishly rejected Jehovah's perfect guidance, preferring to be like the nations around them. - 1 Samuel 8: 19, 20. L - ewwel studenti tal - Bibbja tagħna li ġew fil - verità kienu Chris u Mary Kanaiya. " After planning for about a year, " he explained, "I decided to become a street vendor and sell ice cream. Our first Bible students who came into the truth were Chris and Mary Kanaiya. " Wara li kont ili nippjana kważi sena, " hu spjega, "iddeċidejt li nibda nbigħ il - ġelat fit - toroq. In a vision, Jehovah gave Ezekiel a scroll written on both sides with "dirges and moaning and wailing " and told him to eat it, saying:" Son of man, you should cause your own belly to eat, that you may fill your very intestines with this roll that I am giving you. " " After planning almost a year, " he explained, "I decided to start selling ice cream on the streets. F'viżjoni, Ġeħova ta romblu lil Eżekjel, u fuq iż - żewġ naħat tiegħu kellu miktub "tnehid u biki u ħsara " u qallu biex jieklu, billi qal:" Bniedem, ħa jibilgħu l - istonku tiegħek, u jimtela l - ġewwieni tiegħek b'dan il - ktieb li qiegħed nagħtik. " • Why should we not love the world? In a vision, Jehovah gave Ezekiel a scroll, and on both sides he had written "here and tears and hurt " and told him to eat, saying:" Man, let you swallow your stomach, and fill your inside with this book that I am giving you. " • Għala m'għandniex inħobbu d - dinja? The entertainment industry glamorizes teen sex and makes it look like true love. • Why should we not love the world? L - industrija tad - divertiment tpinġi s - sess bejn l - adoloxxenti bħala xi ħaġa sabiħa u tagħmlu jidher bħallikieku hu mħabba vera. Luke may have stayed at the risk of losing his own freedom. The entertainment industry portrays teen sex as beautiful and makes it seem as if it were true love. Luqa setaʼ baqaʼ miegħu minkejja r - riskju li jitlef il - libertà tiegħu stess. What Is More Important? Luke may have stayed with him despite the risk of losing his own freedom. X'Inhu Iktar Importanti? Because of his authority, the Devil could offer Jesus "all the kingdoms of the world and their glory " in exchange for one act of worship. What Is More Important? Minħabba l - awtorità li għandu, ix - Xitan setaʼ joffri lil Ġesù "s - saltniet kollha tad - dinja u l - glorja tagħhom " jekk jagħmillu att wieħed taʼ qima. In so doing, Timothy would not trample on the feelings of others. Because of his authority, the Devil could offer Jesus "all the kingdoms of the world and their glory " if he did one act of worship. Jekk jagħmel hekk, Timotju ma kienx se jweġġaʼ s - sentimenti t'oħrajn. Who can deny that godly wisdom recorded in the inspired Word of God, the Bible, is available to nearly everyone on earth who desires to gain it? If he did, Timothy would not hurt the feelings of others. Min jistaʼ jiċħad li l - għerf divin li nsibu fil - Kelma ispirata t'Alla, il - Bibbja, huwa disponibbli għal kważi kulmin jixtieq jiksbu fid - dinja? Further, the report notes that more than a quarter of the women reported that men had tried to use drugs and alcohol to induce them to have involuntary intercourse. Who can deny that the divine wisdom found in God's inspired Word, the Bible, is available to almost anyone who wants to gain in the world? Il - Professur Alan King minn Queen's University jammetti li "huwa diffiċli għall - missirijiet li jitkellmu maʼ wliedhom, speċjalment matul dawk is - snin taʼ taqlib kmieni fl - adolexxenza, " meta ħafna missirijiet jinjoraw il - kwistjonijiet sesswali u l - imġiba perikoluża. A major function of adolescence is to help prepare your son or daughter for that bittersweet day. Professor Alan King from Queen's University admits that "it is difficult for fathers to talk to their children, especially during those years of upheaval early in adolescence, " when many fathers ignore sexual issues and dangerous behavior. Il - funzjoni prinċipali taʼ l - adoloxxenza hi li tgħin biex tipprepara lil uliedek għal dak il - jum sabiħ imma taʼ niket. In fact, he needed to love his earthly home. The main function of adolescence is to help prepare your children for that beautiful but sad day. Fil - fatt, hu kellu jħobb l - art li hi d - dar tiegħu. God indicated that he would handle matters this way when he told the woman that she would have children. In fact, he had to love the earth that is his home. Alla indika li hu kien se jaġixxi b'dan il - mod meta qal lill - mara li kien se jkollha t - tfal. But Christians aren't "carried hither and thither by every wind of teaching. " God indicated that he would act in this way when he told the woman that she would have children. Imma l - Kristjani mhumiex "imtajrin minn kull riħ taʼ tagħlim. " Jehovah stipulated that if someone in an unclean state partook of a communion sacrifice, which included voluntary offerings, he would be cut off from God's people. But Christians are not "tied by every wind of teaching. " Ġeħova kkmanda li jekk xi ħadd li ma jkunx nadif jieħu mis - sagrifiċċju taʼ sħubija, li kien jinkludi offerti volontarji, dan kien jiġi maqtugħ minn mal - poplu t'Alla. Thousands of letters of appreciation from our brothers and sisters have been received at the headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses at Brooklyn, New York. Jehovah commanded that if someone who was unclean takes out of the sacrifice of association, which included voluntary offerings, this would be cut off from God's people. Ħutna rġiel u nisa bagħtu eluf taʼ ittri taʼ apprezzament lill - kwartieri ġenerali tax - Xhieda taʼ Ġeħova fi Brooklyn, New York. Since then I have not missed a convention of Jehovah's people. Our brothers and sisters sent thousands of letters of appreciation to the world headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses in Brooklyn, New York. Ir - riċerkaturi għamlu testijiet ukoll biex iqabblu kemm jiflaħ pressjoni l - arzell naturali meta mqabbel maʼ arzell artifiċjali b'materjal simili. If you live in a land with a shortage of employment opportunities, you might feel pressured to grasp the best available. Researchers have also performed tests to compare the pressures of natural scallops compared to artificial scallops with similar materials. Minn dak in - nhar ' l hawn ma tliftx konvenzjoni waħda tax - Xhieda taʼ Jehovah. People walked wherever they went, and they spoke Albanian, a language totally incomprehensible to me. Since then, I have not missed one convention of Jehovah's Witnesses. Jekk tgħix f'pajjiż fejn hemm nuqqas t'opportunitajiet għal xogħol, forsi tħossok li għandek taħtaf l - aħjar opportunità li hemm. But our meetings encourage us and give us the strength to keep serving Jehovah. If you live in a country where there is a lack of job opportunities, you may feel that you should seize the best opportunity. In - nies kienu jmorru kullimkien bil - mixi, u kienu jitkellmu bl - Albaniż, lingwa li jien ma kont nifhem xejn minnha. And why do we seek not just to understand living things but to comprehend their purpose and to learn our own place among them? People went everywhere on foot, and they spoke Albanian, a language from which I understood nothing. Imma l - laqgħat tagħna jinkuraġġuna u jagħtuna s - saħħa biex inkomplu naqdu lil Ġeħova. How does remaining in the love of the Father and of the Son help us in our battle with sinful inclinations within us and with the wicked world outside? But our meetings encourage us and give us the strength to continue serving Jehovah. U għalfejn noqogħdu nipprovaw nifhmu mhux biss il - ħlejjaq ħajjin imma nipprovaw nifhmu wkoll l - iskop tagħhom kif ukoll postna f'nofshom? Proverbs 14: 6 states: "The ridiculer has sought to find wisdom, and there is none; but to the understanding one knowledge is an easy thing. " And why do we try to understand not only living creatures but also their purpose and our place in their midst? Il - fatt li nibqgħu fl - imħabba tal - Missier u taʼ l - Iben kif jgħinna fil - ġlieda tagħna kontra l - inklinazzjonijiet midinba li għandna fina u kontra d - dinja ħażina taʼ barra? One day Ann introduced herself as a Bible "mouse " instead of a Bible" teacher. " How does staying in the love of the Father and of the Son help us to fight our sinful inclinations in us and against the wicked outside world? Proverbji 14: 6 jgħid: "Għalxejn l - insolenti jfittex l - għerf, imma ħafif it - tagħlim għal min hu bil - għaqal [" jifhem, " "NW "]. " But as that child becomes mature, he learns how to reason on Bible principles. Proverbs 14: 6 states: "The insolent is seeking wisdom in vain, but the teaching of the understanding of the shrewd one is slow. " Darba minnhom Ann introduċiet ruħha bħala "ġurdien " tal - Bibbja minflok" għalliema. " Some could think that before "the great tribulation, " there will be war in every country and that most people will be sick or starving. One day Ann introduced herself as a "mouse " of the Bible instead of" teachers. " Imma hekk kif it - tifel jimmatura, hu jitgħallem kif jirraġuna fuq prinċipji Bibliċi. The wood was ground into a powder, which was then sold as "aloes. " But as the child matures, he learns how to reason on Bible principles. Xi wħud forsi jaħsbu li qabel "it - tribulazzjoni l - kbira " se jkun hawn gwerra f'kull pajjiż u li l - biċċa l - kbira tan - nies se jkunu morda jew mhux se jkollhom x'jieklu. " Jehovah's Witnesses, here in Mé - Zochi, using a quickly built method! Some may think that before "the great tribulation " there will be war in every country and that most people will be sick or will have nothing to eat. L - injam kien jintaħan fi trab, li mbagħad kien jinbiegħ bħala "sabbara. " published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Wood was crushed into dust, which was then sold as a "cab. " " Ix - Xhieda taʼ Jehovah, hawn f'Mé - Zochi, jużaw metodu taʼ kostruzzjoni li jieħu żmien qasir! This includes some 80 sign languages. " Jehovah's Witnesses, here in Mé - Zochi, use a short - term method of construction! pubblikat mix - Xhieda taʼ Ġeħova. She said: "In three words, sound, clarity, and brilliance. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Dan jinkludi xi 80 lingwa tas - sinjali. We too need to study diligently and be open - minded when there are adjustments in the understanding of God's Word or in our preaching work. This includes some 80 sign languages. Hi qalet: "Fi tliet kelmiet, il - ħoss, iċ - ċarezza, u l - intensità. Still, having a close relationship with Jehovah God - which is a crucial part of the spiritual paradise - means that we can look to him for support. She said: "In three words, sound, clarity, and intensity. Aħna wkoll irridu nistudjaw b'mod diliġenti u jkollna moħħ miftuħ meta jkun hemm aġġustamenti fil - fehma tal - Kelma t'Alla jew fix - xogħol tagħna tal - ippritkar. Sometimes we all would dress up as Bible characters and act out an account as we read from My Book of Bible Stories. We too need to study diligently and have an open mind when there are adjustments to the understanding of God's Word or to our preaching work. Xorta waħda, relazzjoni mill - qrib m'Alla Jehovah, li hi essenzjali għall - ġenna spiritwali, tfisser li nduru lejh għall - appoġġ. What lesson can we learn from the "seal " in Paul's illustration? Still, a close relationship with Jehovah God, who is essential to the spiritual paradise, means turning to him for support. Xi drabi lkoll kemm aħna konna nilbsu kostumi taʼ karattri Bibliċi u nirreċtaw xi rakkont aħna u naqraw mill - Ktieb Tiegħi taʼ Stejjer mill - Bibbja. Awake! At times, we all wore the costumes of Bible characters and record an account as we read from My Book of Bible Stories. X'nistgħu nitgħallmu minn dak li kien imnaqqax fuq "il - pedament sod t'Alla "? The whole atonement arrangement was based on blood. What can we learn from what was on "the solid foundation of God "? Stenbaħ! After he had pioneered for some time, service at the branch office did not seem like an unrealistic goal. Awake! L - arranġament tat - tpattija kollu kien ibbażat fuq id - demm. They may think that the physical heavens and earth will be replaced. The entire return arrangement was based on blood. Wara li kien ilu pijunier għal xi żmien, is - servizz fl - uffiċċju tal - fergħa ma baqax jidher bħala mira li ma setgħetx tintlaħaq. One mental - health professional comments: "It's a sad but common aspect of human dynamics. After pioneering for a time, service at the branch office was no longer seen as an unachievable goal. Forsi jaħsbu li xi ħaġa oħra se tieħu post is - smewwiet u l - art letterali. The Bible account goes on to relate that in the days of Elijah's successor, Elisha, Jehu was anointed to be king of Israel. Perhaps they think that something else will replace the literal heavens and earth. Professjonista tas - saħħa mentali tgħid: "Dan hu aspett ikrah imma komuni fir - relazzjonijiet umani u l - forzi li jinfluwenzaw l - imġiba tan - nies. In the long run, we cannot live without spiritual light any more than we can live without physical light. - Luke 1: 79. A mental - health professional says: "This is a bad but common aspect of human relations and forces that influence people's behavior. Ir - rakkont Bibliku jkompli juri li fi żmien Eliżew, is - suċċessur taʼ Elija, Ġeħu nħatar bħala s - sultan taʼ Iżrael. How can we continue to apply ourselves to teaching, and in what ways will this help us to make advancement, or progress, as teachers of God's Word? The Bible account continues to show that in Elijah's successor Elisha's day, Jehu was appointed king of Israel. Mingħajr id - dawl spiritwali ma nistgħux ngħixu wisq, daqskemm ma nistgħux ngħixu għal ħafna żmien mingħajr id - dawl fiżiku. - Luqa 1: 79. Over 700 miles [1,000 km] long and an average of 95 miles [153 km] wide, the Gulf of California, as well as its surroundings, is both beautiful and rich with life. Without spiritual light we cannot live too much, as long as we cannot live without physical light for a long time. - Luke 1: 79. Kif nistgħu nkomplu nagħtu ruħna għat - tagħlim, u dan b'liema modi se jgħinna nagħmlu avanz, jew progress, bħala għalliema tal - Kelma t'Alla? Although in the Christian Greek Scriptures the word "hope " frequently applies to the heavenly reward of anointed Christians, in this article, hope in the general sense is discussed. How can we continue to contribute to teaching, and in what ways will this help us to make advancement, or progress, as teachers of God's Word? Il - Golf taʼ Kalifornja, li hu twil iktar minn 1,000 kilometru u wiesaʼ bejn wieħed u ieħor 153 kilometru, kif ukoll l - art taʼ madwaru, hu kemm sabiħ kif ukoll mimli ħajja. Life Story The Gulf of California, which is over 1,000 miles [1,000 km] long and about 15 miles [153 km] wide, as well as the land around it, is both beautiful and full of life. Għalkemm fl - Iskrittura Griega Kristjana l - kelma "tama " spiss tirreferi għall - premju tas - sema tal - Kristjani midlukin, f'dan l - artiklu t - tama qed tiġi diskussa fis - sens ġenerali tagħha. Weddings and Wedding Receptions Although in the Christian Greek Scriptures the word "hope " often refers to the heavenly reward of anointed Christians, in this article hope is being discussed in its general sense. Bijografija Many parents read the articles in the Awake! Life Story It - Tiġijiet u r - Riċevimenti On the contrary, we seem to have achieved exactly the opposite. Tips and Receivments Ħafna ġenituri jaqraw is - serje t'artikli "Ġie disinjat? " Echoing author Dworkin's comments, retired FBI agent Roger Young points out that many people "just don't see the big picture of obscenity and the problems that it causes. " Many parents read the series " Was It Designed? " Għall - kuntrarju, donnu r - riżultat kien eżatt l - oppost. Examining creation can build trust in the Creator, but something more is needed if you want to learn about the promises that are part of the "word that goes forth from [his] mouth. " On the contrary, the result seems to have been exactly the opposite. B'kummenti simili għal taʼ Dworkin, l - aġent irtirat taʼ l - FBI, Roger Young, isemmi li ħafna nies "lanqas biss jaraw il - konsegwenzi kollha u l - problemi li tikkaġuna. " When we spend time with our brothers and sisters, we feel encouraged to keep on serving Jehovah with joy. With similar comments to Dworkin, the retired FBI agent, Roger Young, mentions that many people "not even see all the consequences and problems they cause. " Jekk teżamina l - ħolqien tkun tistaʼ tkabbar il - fiduċja fil - Ħallieq, imma hemm bżonn taʼ xi ħaġa iktar jekk trid titgħallem dwar il - wegħdi li huma parti mill - " kelma li toħroġ minn fommu. ' 3: 12. By examining creation, you can increase trust in the Creator, but something more is needed if you want to learn about the promises that are part of " the word that comes out of his mouth. " Meta nqattgħu ħin maʼ ħutna rġiel u nisa, inħossuna inkuraġġiti biex nibqgħu naqdu lil Ġeħova bil - ferħ. At a later time, God issued a judicial decision against the ancient city of Babylon, which may be the city referred to in Isaiah chapter 25. When we spend time with our brothers and sisters, we feel encouraged to keep serving Jehovah joyfully. 3: 12. (Read Joshua 21: 43 - 45; 23: 14.) 3: 12. Fi żmien wara dan, Alla ddikjara l - ġudizzju tiegħu kontra l - belt antika taʼ Babilonja, li jistaʼ jkun li hija l - belt li tissemma f'Isaija kapitlu 25. Solomon, though rejected by her, was inspired to record her story. In a time thereafter, God declared his judgment against the ancient city of Babylon, which may be the city mentioned in Isaiah chapter 25. (Aqra Ġożwè 21: 43 - 45; 23: 14.) I was the only one waiting in the customs shed in one of Europe's sleepiest airports. (Read Joshua 21: 43 - 45; 23: 14.) Salamun, għalkemm ma kienx il - wieħed li għażlet, kien imnebbaħ biex iniżżel l - istorja tagħha bil - miktub. (b) God's Kingdom? Solomon, although not the one he chose, was inspired to write down her story. Kont l - unika waħda li qed nistenna fid - dwana f'wieħed mill - iktar ajruporti kwieti taʼ l - Ewropa. Even for us, some 39 centuries later, it is easy to love Rebekah. I was the only one I was expecting in customs at one of Europe's quietest airports. (b) is - Saltna t'Alla? 7, 8. (a) How did the ancient Israelites demonstrate the hardening effect of a lack of faith? (b) God's Kingdom? Anki għalina, xi 39 seklu wara, huwa faċli li nħobbu lil Rebekka. At Peter's urging, they repented and were baptized. Even for us, some 39 centuries later, it is easy to love Rebekah. 7, 8. (a) L - Iżraelin tal - qedem kif urew li qalbhom kienet ibbieset minħabba n - nuqqas taʼ fidi? Some of the assignments require that they leave home and do work - at Bethel, on construction projects, and so forth - that many might consider menial. 7, 8. (a) How did the ancient Israelites show that their heart had hardened because of lack of faith? It - tħeġġiġ taʼ Pietru qanqalhom jindmu u jitgħammdu. What can you do to cultivate greater appreciation for God's written Word, the Bible? Peter's encouragement moved them to repent and get baptized. Xi inkarigi jirrikjedu li jitilqu mid - dar u jagħmlu xogħol - f'Betel, fuq proġetti taʼ kostruzzjoni, eċċetra - li ħafna forsi jikkunsidrawh żgħir u mhux importanti. Imma ħadd minna m'għandu jaħseb hekk. (b) What questions about faithfulness will we consider? Some assignments require that they leave home and do work - at Bethel, on construction projects, etc. - that many may consider it small and unimportant, but none of us should think so. X'tistaʼ tagħmel int biex tikkultiva iktar apprezzament lejn il - Kelma miktuba t'Alla, il - Bibbja? The wondrous gladiolus family has increased to include more than 2,000 varieties, which come in every imaginable color, hue, and texture. What can you do to cultivate greater appreciation for God's written Word, the Bible? (b) Liema mistoqsijiet rigward il - fedeltà se nikkunsidraw? Although a number of factors may be involved in rebellion, parents may unwittingly encourage it if their rules are inflexible or no longer age appropriate. (b) What questions regarding faithfulness will we consider? Il - familja straordinarja tal - gladjoli żdiedet u saret tinkludi iktar minn 2,000 varjetà. Dawn issibhom taʼ kull kulur, skala, u konsistenza li tistaʼ timmaġina. Following that stupendous accomplishment, Satan and his demons will be confined to an abyss of inactivity. The extraordinary family of gladioli has increased and has come to include more than 2,000 varieties of all colors, scales, and consistency you can imagine. Għalkemm ammont taʼ fatturi jistgħu jkunu l - kaġun taʼ ribelljoni, il - ġenituri jistgħu bla ma jkunu jafu jinkuraġġuha jekk ir - regoli tagħhom ma jkunux flessibbli jew ma jkunux għadhom adattati għall - età li għandu. He added: "Your eyes even saw me as an embryo; all its parts were written in your book regarding the days when they were formed. " - Psalm 139: 13, 16. Although a number of factors may be the cause of rebellion, parents may unwittingly encourage it if their rules are not flexible or are no longer suited to his age. Wara dan it - twettiq stupend, Satana u d - demonji tiegħu se jkunu magħluqin u inattivi ġo abbiss. That country now has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in the industrialized world - some 850,000 each year. After that stupid fulfillment, Satan and his demons will be closed and inactive in abyss. Hu żied jgħid: "Għajnejk rawni meta kont għadni biss embriju, u fil - ktieb tiegħek inkitbu l - partijiet kollha tiegħi, dwar iż - żmien meta ġew ifformati. " - Salm 139: 13, 16. All too soon, however, Jewish opposers arrived, and they used slander to poison the minds of the people. He added: "Your eyes saw me when I was just an embryo, and in your book all my parts were written about the time when they were formed. " - Psalm 139: 13, 16. Dan il - pajjiż issa għandu l - ogħla rata taʼ tqala fost l - adoloxxenti fid - dinja żviluppata - xi 850,000 kull sena. Make sure meats are properly cooked, and never eat spoiled food. This country now has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the developed world - some 850,000 per year. Madankollu, ma damux ma waslu xi opponenti Lhud u dawn użaw il - malafama biex idawru lin - nies kontra Pawlu u Barnaba. Giving even more variety to this astonishing habitat are the cracks and crevices, known as grikes, in the limestone pavements. Soon, however, Jewish opposers arrived and used slander to turn people against Paul and Barnabas. Kun ċert li l - laħam ikun misjur sew, u qatt tiekol ikel li jkun ħżien. Can we spend time with a fatherless boy or girl? Make sure that the meat is well ripe, and never eat perishable food. Tistaʼ tara iktar varjetà f'dan il - post taʼ l - għaġeb minħabba x - xquq u l - qsim fl - art tal - ħaġar tal - ġir. So if someone you do not know well wants to date you, it is a good idea to find out something about him. You can see more variety in this amazing place because of the cracks and the crossing of the limestone floor. Nistgħu aħna nqattgħu ħin maʼ tifel jew tifla bla missier? Our Readers Ask... Can we spend time with a fatherless child? Għalhekk, jekk xi ħadd li ma tantx tafu sewwa jrid joħroġ miegħek, ikun tajjeb li l - ewwel issir taf xi ħaġa dwaru. [ Pictures on page 26] So if someone you do not know very well wants to go out with you, it is good to get to know something about him first. Il - Qarrejja Tagħna Jistaqsu... What organization exists in heaven? Our Readers Ask... [ Stampi f'paġna 30] Thus, during summer in the Northern Hemisphere, the North Pole is tipped toward the sun, while in winter it is tipped away from it. [ Pictures on page 30] L - 1 Suġġeriment - Kul bil - Għaqal 5, 6. 1 Suggestion - Eat Wisely Liema organizzazzjoni teżisti fis - sema? On the other hand, suffering from this visible disorder has given Jezreel opportunities to talk to others about his Bible - based hope. What organization exists in heaven? Għalhekk, matul is - sajf fl - Emisferu tan - Nofsinhar, in - North Pole ikun faċċata tax - xemx, waqt li fix - xitwa jiffaċċja n - naħa l - oħra. I was invited to join the family for breakfast, and then they took me to the meeting. So during the summer in the Southern Hemisphere, the North Pole is facing the sun, while the winter faces the other side. 5, 6. Those words emphasize the need to keep close watch to make sure that our conduct is in harmony with God's requirements and that our life includes works of godly devotion, reflecting our love for Jehovah. 5, 6. Mill - banda l - oħra, it - tbatija li ġarrab minħabba l - marda tiegħu li tant hi ovvja, Jezreel kellu ħafna opportunitajiet biex jitkellem m'oħrajn dwar it - tama tiegħu bbażata fuq il - Bibbja. 3: 15. On the other hand, the suffering of his obvious illness, Jezreel had many opportunities to talk to others about his Bible - based hope. Il - familja stidnitni ningħaqad magħha għall - kolazzjon, u mbagħad mort magħhom il - laqgħa. The earthly part of Jehovah's organization is moving ahead in various ways. The family invited me to join her for breakfast, and then I went with them to the meeting. Dan il - kliem jenfasizza li għandna bżonn nibqgħu għassa sabiex inkunu ċerti li l - kondotta tagħna hi fi qbil mal - ħtiġijiet t'Alla u li l - ħajja tagħna tinkludi għemejjel taʼ devozzjoni lejn Alla, li jirriflettu l - imħabba tagħna għal Ġeħova. This, however, did not stifle David's giving spirit. Those words stress that we need to keep on the watch to make sure that our conduct is in harmony with God's requirements and that our life includes deeds of godly devotion, which reflect our love for Jehovah. 3: 15. Women who had recently given birth were fed blini. 3: 15. Il - parti tal - organizzazzjoni taʼ Ġeħova fuq l - art miexja ' l quddiem b'diversi modi. Haman is joyful. The earthly part of Jehovah's organization is progressing in various ways. Madankollu, dan ma waqqafx lil David milli juri spirtu ġeneruż. C. However, this did not prevent David from displaying a generous spirit. In - nisa li kien ikun għadhom kif wildu kienu jingħataw jieklu l - blini. After two months of literal blindness, I had my eyes opened to Biblical truths that I had ignored during my entire life. New - childed women were given to eat blini. Ħaman kien ferħan. (a) From what we have learned, how would you describe Jesus? Haman was happy. C. From there, search keywords such as "depression " or" suicide " to find more help. C. Wara li kont ili xahrejn agħma fiżikament, infetħuli għajnejja għall - veritajiet tal - Bibbja li kont injorajt tul ħajti kollha. ◯ Feel more confident After I had been physically blind for two months, my eyes were opened to Bible truths that I had ignored throughout my life. (a) Minn dak li tgħallimna, kieku int kif tiddeskrivih lil Ġesù? Earlier, through Moses and Aaron, Jehovah declared to the nation of Israel: "I am Jehovah your God; and you must sanctify yourselves and you must prove yourselves holy, because I am holy. " - Leviticus 11: 44. (a) From what we have learned, how would you describe Jesus? Minn hemm, fittex kliem prinċipali bħal "dipressjoni " jew" suwiċidju " biex issib iktar għajnuna. What are some present - day false stories, and how did John highlight a need for caution? From there, seek key words such as "depression " or" suicide " to get more help. ◯ Inħossni iktar kunfidenti The book Faces of Latin America, by Duncan Green, reports that police forces there "are widely believed to be riddled with corruption, incompetent, and abusers of human rights. " I feel more confident Iktar kmieni, permezz taʼ Mosè u Aron, Jehovah iddikjara lill - ġens taʼ Iżrael: "Jiena l - Mulej Alla tagħkom, għalhekk għandkom titqaddsu, u tkunu qaddisin, għax jien qaddis. " - Levitiku 11: 44. You assume that there is a hidden message behind your spouse's words, when in fact you may be reading too much into the situation. Earlier, through Moses and Aaron, Jehovah declared to the nation of Israel: "I am Jehovah your God, so you must be sanctified, and you must be holy, for I am holy. " - Leviticus 11: 44. X'inhuma xi ħrejjef fi żmienna, u Ġwanni kif enfasizza l - bżonn li noqogħdu attenti? It is up to each Christian soldier to make use of the loving training provided. What are some modern - day myths, and how did John highlight the need to be careful? Il - ktieb Faces of Latin America, minn Duncan Green, jirrapporta li l - maġġuranza tan - nies jemmnu li l - korpi tal - pulizija f'dawn il - pajjiżi "huma mimlijin korruzzjoni, inkompetenti, u jabbużaw mid - drittijiet tal - bniedem. " But he is angry, not happy. The book Faces of Latin America, by Duncan Green, reports that most people believe that police forces in these countries "are full of corruption, incompetent, and abuse of human rights. " Int tassumi li hemm xi messaġġ moħbi fil - kliem taʼ martek, meta fil - fatt forsi int tkun qed tasal għal konklużjoni żbaljata. How can all Christians, including young ones, resist him? You assume that there is some hidden message in your wife's words, when you may actually come to a wrong conclusion. Huwa f'idejn kull suldat Kristjan li jagħmel użu mit - taħriġ kollu mħabba li qed jiġi provdut. How Long Can People Live? It is up to every Christian soldier to make use of the loving training being provided. Imma Satana hu rrabjat u mhux kuntent. Good Examples - Benefiting From, 7 / 1 But Satan is angry and unhappy. Il - Kristjani kollha, inkluż iż - żgħażagħ, kif jistgħu jibqgħu sodi kontrih? He is not quick to label us as being disloyal. How can all Christians, including young ones, stand firm against him? Kemm Jistgħu Jgħixu n - Nies? " They Talk About Goodness and Love ' How Can People Live? Ismaʼ X'Għandu X'Jgħid l - Ispirtu, 5 / 1 Thank you for him, Jehovah, and for our marriage. Jehovah's Witnesses, 4 / 15 Mhux se jaqtaʼ qalbu minnek malajr. What can help us when we are in a difficult situation? He will not give up on you quickly. " Jitkellmu Dwar it - Tjubija u l - Imħabba ' The water table has now risen to 130 feet [40 m] below the ground level of Trafalgar Square. " Speaking About Goodness and Love " Nirringrazzjak li tajtni lilu, Jehovah, u għaż - żwieġ tagħna. At the Memorial, we commemorate Jesus ' death, a death that upheld Jehovah's sovereignty. I thank you for giving me, Jehovah, and for our marriage. X'jistaʼ jgħinna meta nkunu f'sitwazzjoni diffiċli? One way we could fall into this trap is by viewing our service to God as a competition, comparing ourselves to others. What can help us when we are in a difficult situation? L - Għajta tat - Tigra Thus, "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. " The Tiger Wall Fil - Mafkar, aħna nfakkru l - mewt taʼ Ġesù, mewta li vvindikat is - sovranità taʼ Jehovah. " The blessings and privileges I enjoy far outweigh any money I might have earned. At the Memorial, we remind Jesus ' death, a death that vindicated Jehovah's sovereignty. Mod wieħed kif nistgħu naqgħu f'din in - nasba hu billi nqisu s - servizz tagħna lil Alla bħala kompetizzjoni, billi nqabblu lilna nfusna m'oħrajn. I know you will stick with your code because you have strength of character. " One way we can fall into this trap is by viewing our service to God as a competition, comparing ourselves with others. Għalhekk, "kollha dinbu u jonqsu milli jilħqu l - glorja t'Alla. " • What is the yeartext for 2009, and why do you feel that it is fitting? Therefore, "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. " " Il - barkiet u l - privileġġi li ngawdi jisbqu bil - kbir kwalunkwe ammont taʼ flus li stajt naqlaʼ. MOST PEOPLE COPE WITH THE PRESSURES OF LIFE, BUT FEW COPE JOYFULLY. " The blessings and privileges that I enjoy far exceed any amount of money I could earn. Naf li kapaċi żżommhom għaliex għandek karattru sod. " he asked. I know that you are able to keep them because you have a strong character. " • X'inhi l - iskrittura għas - sena 2009, u għala tħoss li hi xierqa? GOD ALONE DETERMINED WHEN SUCH WARFARE WOULD TAKE PLACE. • What is the yeartext for 2009, and why do you feel fit? IL - BIĊĊA L - KBIRA TAN - NIES JISSAPORTUHOM IL - PRESSJONIJIET TAL - ĦAJJA, IMMA FTIT JISSAPORTUHOM BIL - FERĦ. They have been called petrified tents and bizarre kiosks built among the trees. THE WAY'S CHILD SAYS THE LIFE'S PRESESSIONS, WAY TO EMPLOY. staqsieni hu. First, the Scriptures will provide you with the right motivation. he asked. ALLA BISS IDDETERMINA META GWERER BĦAL DAWN KELLHOM JIĠU MIĠĠIELDA. ◯ Finished the necessary work, perhaps poorly? GOD ONLY DETERMINE WHEN A WAY AS A WAY TO BE GIVEN. Ġew imsejħin tined tal - ġebel u kjoskijiet mhux tas - soltu mibnijin qalb is - siġar. What a blessing that angelic support must have been for Jesus at those crucial times in his life! They were called unusual stone tents and kioskis built among the trees. L - ewwelnett, l - Iskrittura se tipprovdilek il - motivazzjoni xierqa. God's angel spoke these words to Peter and the other apostles after they experienced a miraculous release from prison. First of all, the Scriptures will provide you with the right motivation. ◯ Tkun spiċċajt ix - xogħol neċessarju, forsi b'mod inadegwat? A mother of five living in a poor Caribbean country is able to feed her family one meal a day. Would you have finished the necessary work, perhaps inadequate? X'barka żgur li kien għal Ġesù l - appoġġ li tah dan l - anġlu f'dak iz - żmien kruċjali taʼ ħajtu! Those who had suffered child abuse showed markedly elevated levels of stress hormones and increased heart rates in response to stress. What a blessing it must have been for Jesus the support that this angel gave him at that crucial time of his life! L - anġlu t'Alla qal dan il - kliem lil Pietru u lill - appostli l - oħra wara li nħelsu mill - ħabs b'mod mirakoluż. • Who are some fine examples of courage? God's angel said those words to Peter and to the other apostles after being miraculously released from prison. Omm taʼ ħamest itfal li tgħix f'pajjiż fqir fil - Karibew tistaʼ titmaʼ lill - familja tagħha ikla waħda kuljum. " It is sleeping over there in the distance. " A mother of five children living in a poor Caribbean country can feed her family one meal each day. Huma sabu li dawk li kienu sofrew abbuż fi tfulithom irreaġixxew b'mod differenti għat - tensjoni, u kellhom iktar taħbit taʼ qalb, u livelli ogħla t'ormoni li għandhom x'jaqsmu mat - tensjoni. What a priceless gift! They found that those who had suffered abuse in their childhood responded differently to stress, and they had more heartbeat, and higher levels of stress - related hormones. • Min huma xi wħud li kienu eżempji mill - aqwa taʼ kuraġġ? Children will often do the same. • Who are some who were fine examples of courage? " Hi rieqda hemmhekk ' il bogħod. " The Qumran writings reveal ultrastrict Sabbath regulations and an almost obsessive preoccupation with ceremonial purity. " She is asleep there far away. " X'għotja imprezzabbli! We have "a wrestling " with wicked spirit forces. What a priceless gift! It - tfal spiss jagħmlu l - istess. How can we offer our material things to Jehovah? Children often do the same. Il - kitbiet taʼ Qumran jirrivelaw regolamenti stretti żżejjed dwar is - Sabat u preokkupazzjoni kważi ossessiva dwar is - safa ċerimonjali. They return to Norway two months a year to work. Qumran's writings reveal overly strict Sabbath regulations and almost excessive concern about ceremonial purity. Aħna rridu " nissaraw ' kontra l - forzi taʼ l - ispirti mill - agħar. Others may make the casual remark: "I can resist anything but temptation! " We must "travel " against the wicked spirit forces. Liema affarijiet nistgħu nagħtu lil Ġeħova? What admonition does the disciple James give about becoming "doers of the word "? What things can we give to Jehovah? Huma jmorru lura n - Norveġja xahrejn fis - sena biex jaħdmu. What may help us to conduct effective home Bible studies? They return to Norway two months a year to work. Oħrajn biex jitkessħu forsi jgħidu: "Jien xejn ma jwaqqagħni ħlief it - tentazzjoni! " For example, Paul wrote: "Beloved ones, let us cleanse ourselves of every defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in God's fear. " Others for cooling may say: "I am nothing more than temptation! " Liema parir jagħti d - dixxiplu Ġakbu dwar li nsiru wħud li " jagħmlu l - kelma '? She says: "The students ' reaction to the video What's a Real Friend? What counsel does the disciple James give about becoming "worddoers "? X'jistaʼ jgħinna nikkonduċu studji tal - Bibbja fid - djar b'mod effettiv? How I cherished the lively Bible discussions that ensued! What can help us to conduct home Bible studies effectively? Per eżempju, Pawlu kiteb: "Għeżież tiegħi, ħa nitnaddfu minn kull tidnis [jew, tniġġis] tal - ġisem u tar - ruħ, u ntemmu l - qdusija tagħna fil - biżaʼ taʼ Alla. " Helping People of All Sorts in the Netherlands For example, Paul wrote: "Let us cleanse our dear ones of flesh and soul, and end our holiness in the fear of God. " Hi tgħid: "Ir - reazzjoni tal - istudenti għall - vidjow What's a Real Friend? Unlike "the one in want of heart, " a man of discernment knows when to keep silent. She says: "The students ' reaction to the video What's a Real Friend? Kemm kont ngħożż id - diskussjonijiet ħajjin mill - Bibbja li kien ikolli! 23, 24. How I cherished the lively Bible discussions I had! Għajnuna lil Nies taʼ Kull Xorta fl - Olanda At the same time, these intractable conflicts that plague so many parts of the earth remind Christians of a Bible prophecy. Helping People of All Still The Netherlands Kuntrarju għal dak li hu "bla moħħ, " bniedem taʼ dehen kbir jagħraf meta għandu joqgħod kwiet. To attend Christian meetings, I have to be pushed in a wheelchair to the car and then lifted into it. Unlike what is "unthinkable, " a man of discernment recognizes when to stand quiet. 23, 24. At the time of John's writing, five of those had fallen, one was currently in power, and one had "not yet arrived. " 23, 24. Fl - istess ħin, dawn il - konflitti li ma jistgħux jitranġaw u li jitturmentaw ħafna partijiet tad - dinja jfakkru lill - Kristjani fi profezija tal - Bibbja. [ Picture on page 28] At the same time, these unrepairable conflicts that torment many parts of the world remind Christians of Bible prophecy. Biex nattendi l - laqgħat Kristjani rrid niġi misjuq f'siġġu tar - roti sal - karozza u mbagħad merfugħ minn fuq is - siġġu tar - roti għal ġol - karozza. No power in heaven or on earth can prevent God's expressed purpose from being realized. To attend Christian meetings, I must be driven into a wheelchair to the car and then lifted from the wheelchair to the car. Anġlu qal lil Ġwanni li s - sebat irjus tal - bhima lewn l - iskarlat ifissru "sebaʼ slaten, " jew gvernijiet. After 12 years of marriage, I already knew that Marion was a frugal and meticulous housewife. An angel told John that the seven heads of the scarlet beast mean "seven kings, " or governments. [ Stampa f'paġna 28] (b) How can we profit by considering the choices made by Noah, Moses, Jeremiah, and Paul? [ Picture on page 28] Ebda qawwa fis - smewwiet jew fuq l - art ma tistaʼ żżomm lil Alla lura milli jwettaq dak li jgħid li se jagħmel. He thoroughly understands the nature and inclination of humans; therefore, when he chooses to do so, God can foresee exactly how individuals and entire nations will act. No power in the heavens or on earth can prevent God from accomplishing what he says he will do. Wara 12 - il sena miżżewġin, kont diġà naf li Marion kienet mara tad - dar meqjusa u attenta ħafna. Medieval Münster Seeks Change After 12 years of marriage, I already knew that Marion was a very careful, considered housewife. (b) Kif jistgħu jgħinuna l - eżempji taʼ Noè, Mosè, Ġeremija, u Pawlu? A fine way to help someone struggling with feelings of inadequacy is to encourage him to focus on Jehovah instead of on himself. (b) How can the examples of Noah, Moses, Jeremiah, and Paul help us? Jifhem sew in - natura u l - inklinazzjoni tal - bnedmin; għalhekk, meta jrid, Alla jistaʼ jara minn qabel eżattament kif individwi u popli sħaħ se jaġixxu. What did Jesus teach regarding prayer? He well understands the nature and inclination of humans; therefore, when he wants, God can see in advance exactly how individuals and whole peoples will act. Il - Belt Medjevali taʼ Münster Trid Bidla Regarding all who support God's sovereignty, Satan had made this challenge: "A person will give up everything he has to save his life. " Münster's Medjeval City Jekk student tal - Bibbja jħoss li ma jistax jaqdi lil Ġeħova b'mod tajjeb daqs ħaddieħor, aħna nistgħu ninkuraġġuh biex ma jaħsibx dwar l - abbiltajiet tiegħu stess imma biex ikollu l - fidi li Ġeħova se jgħinu. Jesus had never sinned. If a Bible student feels that he cannot serve Jehovah as well as others, we can encourage him not to think about his own abilities but to have faith that Jehovah will help him. Ġesù x'għallem rigward it - talb? To address wrong conduct or thinking, we took the time to find an appropriate scripture. What did Jesus teach regarding prayer? Rigward dawk kollha li jappoġġaw is - sovranità t'Alla, Satana għamel din l - isfida: "Il - bniedem jagħti kull ma jkollu għal ħajtu! " Fotos: Cortesía de GREFA Regarding all who support God's sovereignty, Satan made this challenge: "All that a man has he will give in behalf of his soul! " Ġesù qatt ma kien dineb. What caused Moses to rebel against Jehovah? Jesus had never sinned. Biex inkunu nafu kif għandna nittrattaw imġiba u ħsibijiet ħżiena, aħna ħadna l - ħin biex insibu skrittura adattata. Although away from his family and his people, Joseph refused to commit adultery with Potiphar's wife. To know how to treat wrong behavior and thoughts, we took time to find a suitable scripture. Ritratti: Cortesía de GREFA It would be unthinkable for a loving parent to do such a thing! Photos: Cortesía de GREFA X'wassal lil Mosè biex jirribella kontra Ġeħova? After learning some very basic phrases, the students immediately began preaching in Chinese in the business district of Mexico City. What led Moses to rebel against Jehovah? Għalkemm kien ' il bogħod minn familtu u niesu, Ġużeppi rrifjuta li jikkommetti adulterju mal - mara taʼ Potifar. The Holiday Season - Will It Be All You Want It to Be? Although far from his family and people, Joseph refused to commit adultery to Potiphar's wife. Ġenitur li jħobb lanqas biss jgħaddilu minn moħħu li jagħmel xi ħaġa bħal din! When we contemplate such examples of zeal, we can be encouraged to imitate the strong faith that impels these older ones in their service to God. A loving parent does not even think of doing such a thing! Wara li tgħallmu ċerti frażijiet bażiċi ħafna, l - istudenti mill - ewwel bdew jippridkaw biċ - Ċiniż fid - distrett tan - negozju f'Mexico City. My wife was a schoolteacher before she joined me in the traveling work, so during the war, she taught the children at home. After learning certain very basic phrases, the students immediately began preaching Chinese in the business district in Mexico City. " Min jagħmel iż - żína jkun qiegħed The European country with the highest percentage of smokers is Greece, where 44 percent of the population smoke. " The one who does fornication is L - Istaġun tal - Festi - Se Jkun Kif Tixtieq Int? You might, for example, want to ask yourself: " Do I want to put a stop to constant teasing about an awkward feature? The Feast Season - How Would You Welcome? Meta nirriflettu fuq eżempji taʼ żelu bħal dawn, nistgħu ninkuraġġixxu ruħna biex nimitaw il - fidi qawwija li tqanqal lil dawn l - uħud imdaħħlin fiż - żmien fis - servizz tagħhom lil Alla. " The skin keeps a memory of the solar radiation received, " Kirkwood noted. Reflecting on examples of such zeal can encourage us to imitate the strong faith that moves these elderly ones to serve God. Marti kienet għalliema taʼ l - iskola qabel ma ngħaqdet miegħi fix - xogħol taʼ l - ippridkar, allura waqt il - gwerra għallmet lil uliedna fid - dar stess. Now 23 assist with the work being done. My wife was a schoolteacher before joining me in the preaching work, so during the war she taught our children in the home. " Din il - figura hija ħafna ogħla mill - għadd taʼ nies li jmutu bil - malarja, u hija daqs l - għadd li jmutu minħabba l - ilma kontaminat u n - nuqqas taʼ sanità. " 3, 4. (a) How can we develop the "art of teaching "? " This figure is much higher than the number of people who die of malaria, and it is equal to the number that die from contaminated water and sanitation. " Per eżempju, forsi tkun trid tistaqsi lilek innifsek: " Irrid jien intemm it - tagħjir li nirċievi kontinwament dwar xi parti kerha f'ġismi? I would like to request the list of references offered at the close of the Awake! For example, you might want to ask yourself: " Do I want to end my crying to receive constantly about a bad part in my flesh? " Huwa prodott kompletament differenti. " At Revelation 12: 10, Satan is called "the accuser of our brothers " - anointed Christians. " It's a completely different product. " Imbagħad kien hemm il - mara mill - Galilija, li isimha mhux magħruf. Later, the United States of America became a nation to be reckoned with. Then was the woman from Galilee, whose name was unknown. Issa 23 jgħinu fix - xogħol li qed isir. IRELAND Now 23 help with the work being done. 3, 4. (a) Kif nistgħu niżviluppaw l - "arti tat - tagħlim "? Why are regular study habits important? 3, 4. (a) How can we develop "the art of teaching "? Nixtieq nitlob għal - lista taʼ referenzi offruta fit - tmiem taʼ l - artiklu taʼ l - Awake! 37, "The End of False Religion Is Near! " I would like to pray for the list of references offered at the end of the Awake! F'Rivelazzjoni 12: 10, Satana jissejjaħ "l - akkużatur taʼ ħutna " - il - Kristjani midlukin. Do You Recall? At Revelation 12: 10, Satan is called "the accused of our brothers " - anointed Christians. Iktar tard, l - Istati Uniti tal - Amerika saret nazzjon b'saħħtu. Like Nehemiah, then, let us make Jehovah's worship and its advancement our prime concern. Later, the United States of America became a powerful nation. INGILTERRA Consider Job. INGILTERRA Drawwiet regulari taʼ studju għala huma importanti? He can fortify you, giving you "the power beyond what is normal. " - 2 Cor. Why are regular study habits important? 37, "It - Tmiem tar - Reliġjon Falza Huwa fil - Qrib! " Eden was on earth, and God purposed that the entire earth be a paradise. 37, "The End of Faithful Religion Is Near! " Tiftakar Int? Consider the following incident. Do You Recall? Mela, bħal Neħemija jalla l - interess primarju tagħna jkun fil - qima taʼ Ġeħova u l - avanz tagħha. All of us, therefore, need to make sure that nothing in Satan's world, no matter how useful or pleasant it may seem to be, holds us back from being wholehearted in caring for Kingdom interests. - 2 Cor. 11: 14; read Philippians 3: 13, 14. Like Nehemiah, then, may our primary concern be in the worship of Jehovah and its advancement. Ikkunsidra lil Ġob. See chapters 4 and 7 of the book Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life, published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. Consider Job. Hu jistaʼ jsaħħek, billi jagħtik "il - qawwa iktar min - normal. " - 2 Kor. [ Picture on page 15] He can strengthen you, giving you "power beyond what is normal. " - 2 Cor. L - Għeden kien fuq l - art, u Alla kellu l - iskop li l - art kollha tkun ġenna. The climate grew harsher, and provisions became sparse. Eden was on earth, and God purposed the whole earth to be a paradise. Ikkunsidra l - istorja li ġejja. Or he can let the movement of the earth and the moon remain undisturbed while refracting the rays from the sun and the moon in such a way that the light from these two luminaries continues to shine. Consider the following story. Għalhekk, anki jekk xi affarijiet fid - dinja taʼ Satana jkunu jidhru utli jew pjaċevoli, irridu nagħmlu ċert li ma nħallu xejn iżommna milli naqdu lil Alla b'qalb sħiħa. - 2 Kor. 11: 14; aqra Filippin 3: 13, 14. 3; Job, chap. So even if some things in Satan's world seem useful or pleasant, we must make sure that we do not let anything prevent us from serving God with a complete heart. - 2 Cor. 11: 14; read Philippians 3: 13, 14. Ara kapitli 4 u 7 tal - ktieb Għarfien Li Jwassal Għall - Ħajja Taʼ Dejjem, pubblikat mill - Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. Soon, however, she left all of that behind. See chapters 4 and 7 of the book Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life, published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. [ Stampa f'paġna 15] Have you ever heard a scripture at a meeting, assembly, or convention that affected you in such a way? - Nehemiah 8: 12. [ Picture on page 15] Il - klima bdiet tiħrax, u l - provvisti bdew jonqsu. The Bible says: "A calm heart gives life to the body. " The climate began to get worse, and supplies began to decline. Jew jekk irid jistaʼ jħalli l - art u l - qamar jibqgħu jduru, imma jġiegħel li b'xi mod ir - raġġi mix - xemx u l - qamar jibqgħu jagħtu d - dawl. No. Or if he wants to let the earth and the moon keep turning, but in some way the rays from the sun and the moon keep giving light. 3; Ġob, kap. (See paragraph 11) 3; Job, head. Madankollu, fi żmien qasir hi ħalliet dan kollu warajha. Thanks to Jehovah, through exercise and other therapies, I have recuperated to a certain point, but parts of my body do not respond as I would like. Within a short time, however, she left all this behind. Int qatt smajt xi skrittura waqt laqgħa, assemblea, jew konvenzjoni li affettwatek b'dal - mod? - Neħemija 8: 12. Samson's story began when Jehovah's angel appeared to the barren wife of an Israelite named Manoah and informed her that she would give birth to a son. Have you ever heard a scripture at a meeting, an assembly, or a convention that affected you in this way? - Nehemiah 8: 12. Il - Bibbja tgħid: "Qalb kalma hija l - ħajja tal - ġisem. " The willing slave desired to continue giving obedient service to his master. The Bible says: "A calm heart is the life of the flesh. " Le. One way is to apply the counsel at Philippians 2: 3: "With humility consider others superior to you. " No. (Ara paragrafu 11) What will we encounter as we sow seeds of Kingdom truth, and why should we nevertheless maintain a positive attitude? (See paragraph 11) Issa grazzi għal Jehovah, għaddieli ftit permezz taʼ l - eżerċizzju u terapiji oħrajn, imma xi partijiet minn ġismi xorta għadhom m'humiex jaħdmu kif nixtieqhom jien. Thus, we will not be like the hypocrites who " have a form of godly devotion but prove false to its power. ' Now thanks to Jehovah, I go through exercise and other therapies, but some parts of my body still do not work as I wish. L - istorja taʼ Sansun bdiet meta l - anġlu taʼ Ġeħova deher lill - mara sterili taʼ wieħed Iżraeli jismu Manuħa, u informaha li kienet se tiled iben. A Bible character, John the Baptizer, was executed on a birthday. " Samson's story began when Jehovah's angel appeared to the sterile wife of an Israelite named Manoah, informing her that she would give birth to a son. Għalhekk, billi tittaqqablu widintu, ilsir kellu juri li ried ikompli jaqdi lil sidu b'ubbidjenza. Clearly, we cannot eliminate all sources of anxiety in this system of things. Thus, by piercing his ear, a slave had to show that he wanted to continue serving his master obediently. Mod wieħed hu billi tapplika l - parir taʼ Filippin 2: 3: " B'umiltà qis lill - oħrajn superjuri għalik. ' And that gives you a " super ' feeling. " One way is by applying the counsel of Philippians 2: 3: "Humblely consider others superior to you. ' Maʼ xiex se niltaqgħu hekk kif niżirgħu ż - żerriegħa tal - verità tas - Saltna, u minkejja dan kollu għala għandna nżommu attitudni pożittiva? There is no Scriptural reason to observe the Memorial more frequently than that. What will we meet as we sow the seed of Kingdom truth, and despite all of this, why should we maintain a positive attitude? B'hekk, m'aħniex se nkunu bħal dawk l - ipokriti li "jkollhom għamla taʼ devozzjoni lejn Alla imma ma jurux bil - fatti l - qawwa tagħha. " According to the World Health Organization, about 1 in 8 hip fractures is attributable to smoking. Thus, we will not be like those hypocrites who "have a form of godly devotion but do not display in fact its power. " Ġwanni l - Għammied, wieħed mill - karattri li jissemma fil - Bibbja, inqatel waqt ċelebrazzjoni t'għeluq is - snin. " They approached Delilah and said to her: "Fool him and see in what his great power is and with what we can prevail over him. " John the Baptizer, one of the characters mentioned in the Bible, was killed during a birthday celebration. " Huwa ovvju li ma nistgħux neħilsu minn kull ħaġa li tikkaġunalna l - ansjetà f'din is - sistema t'affarijiet. Sharks as large as the canoe were swimming right alongside us! It is obvious that we cannot get rid of anything that causes us anxiety in this system of things. U dan hu sentiment tassew fantastiku. " What is presumptuousness, and in what ways has it led to disaster? And this is a truly fantastic feeling. " M'hemm l - ebda raġuni Skritturali biex niċċelebraw il - Mafkar iktar spiss minn hekk. 4: 24 - 27. There is no Scriptural reason to celebrate the Memorial more often. Skont l - Organizzazzjoni Dinjija tas - Saħħa, madwar ksur wieħed tal - ġenbejn minn kull tmienja hu kaġunat mit - tipjip. Shortly before their departure, Ella had an appointment with an optician who was one of Jehovah's Witnesses. According to the World Health Organization, about one out of eight hip fractures are caused by smoking. Huma marru għand Dalila u qalulha: "Żiegħel bih u ara mnejn ġejja s - saħħa kbira li għandu, u tkixxfilna biex inkunu nistgħu norbtuh u nrażżnuh. " Then we should act in harmony with Jehovah's direction regardless of how difficult it may be to accept it. They went to Dalila and told her: "Tain with him and see the very strength he has come, and she scattered us so that we could bind him and subdue him. " Eżatt maġenbna kien hemm jgħumu klieb il - baħar kbar daqs il - kenura tagħna! The apostle Paul believed that true Christian loyalty can be very strong. Just alongside us, there were as large sharks as our canoe! X'inhi l - prużunzjoni, u din b'liema modi wasslet għal diżastru? No. What is presumptuousness, and in what ways did it lead to disaster? 4: 21 - 24 (24 - 27, NW). These kind girls gave me a beautiful gift - their love and friendship. 4: 21 - 27. Ftit qabel it - tluq tagħhom, Ella kellha appuntament maʼ speċjalista taʼ l - għajnejn li nzerta kien wieħed mix - Xhieda taʼ Jehovah. In at least two cases, it was. Shortly before their departure, Ella had an appointment with an eye specialist who happened to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Imbagħad irridu naġixxu fi qbil mad - direzzjoni taʼ Ġeħova tkun kemm tkun diffiċli biex naċċettawha. This is to our advantage, for everything Jehovah says is for our benefit. - Isaiah 48: 17. Then we must act in harmony with Jehovah's direction no matter how difficult it is to accept. L - appostlu Pawlu kien jemmen li l - lealtà Kristjana vera tistaʼ tkun qawwija ferm. Prayers should spring from the heart and be expressed with sincerity; they should not be learned by rote and repeated mechanically. The apostle Paul believed that true Christian loyalty could be very strong. Le. The more we conduct ourselves in harmony with Jehovah's personality, the more we will display wisdom in our actions. No. Dawn it - tfajliet taʼ qalb tajba tawni rigal mill - isbaħ - l - imħabba u l - ħbiberija tagħhom. But Jehovah used him as the agent, or means, to create all other things. These kind girls gave me a wonderful gift - their love and friendship. Minn taʼ l - inqas f'żewġ każi, ir - risposta kienet iva. What unique and effective method of Bible study was used by the early Bible Students? In at least two cases, the answer was yes. Dan huwa taʼ vantaġġ għalina għax dak kollu li jgħid Jehovah huwa għall - ġid tagħna. - Isaija 48: 17. The response came, "Yeah! " This is an advantage to us because all that Jehovah says is for our benefit. - Isaiah 48: 17. It - talb għandu jiġi mqanqal mill - qalb u jintqal bis - sinċerità; m'għandux jiġi mgħallem bl - amment u ripetut b'mod mekkaniku. Maps can also help them increase their understanding, seeing how facts they already know relate to other information. Prayer should be moved from the heart and spoken sincerely; it should not be memorized and mechanically repeated. Iktar ma nġibu ruħna fi qbil mal - personalità taʼ Ġeħova, iktar se nuru għerf fl - għemejjel tagħna. (b) What can be illustrated with a disease like hemophilia? The more we conduct ourselves in harmony with Jehovah's personality, the more wisdom we show in our works. Imma Ġeħova użah bħala l - aġent, jew il - mezz, biex joħloq l - affarijiet l - oħrajn kollha. It is true that among some of the oldest copies of the Bible, there are small mistakes and differences. But Jehovah used him as the agent, or medium, to create all other things. L - Istudenti tal - Bibbja bikrin liema metodu uniku u effettiv taʼ studju tal - Bibbja wżaw? Regarding " the spirit we show, ' what are you personally determined to do? What unique and effective method of Bible study did the early Bible Students use? It - tweġiba kienet, "Tajjeb! " PAGE 3 • SONGS: 125, 66 The answer was, "Good! " Il - mapep jistgħu wkoll jgħinuhom iżidu l - fehma tagħhom meta jaraw kif il - fatti li kienu diġà jafuhom huma marbutin maʼ informazzjoni oħra. Advertisers try to convince us that we are depriving ourselves if we don't buy their latest products. Maps can also help them to increase their understanding when they see how the facts they already knew relate to other information. (b) X'jistaʼ jiġi mxebbah maʼ mard li jintiret? Consider Jehovah, for example. (b) What can be likened to inherited diseases? Huwa minnu li fost xi kopji antiki tal - Bibbja hemm ftit żbalji u differenzi. 9 Comfort the Bereaved, as Jesus Did True, there are few mistakes and differences among some ancient copies of the Bible. X'int determinat li tagħmel personalment fejn jidħol " l - ispirtu li nuru '? " It Seemed as Though Scales Fell From My Eyes " What are you determined to do personally with regard to "the spirit we display "? PAĠNA 3 • GĦANJIET: 125, 66 King Was Delighted! PAGE 3 • SONGS: 125, 66 Dawk li jirreklamaw jipprovaw jikkonvinċuna li qed niċċaħħdu minn xi ħaġa jekk ma nixtrux l - aħħar prodotti fis - suq. Swim where it is safe; stay in the congregation! Advertisers try to convince us that we are denying something if we do not buy the latest products on the market. Pereżempju, ikkunsidra lil Ġeħova. Yet, this does not prevent the " slave ' from allowing qualified overseers from among the "other sheep " to care for legal and administrative responsibilities. For example, consider Jehovah. 9 Huwa l - Qrar Meħtieġ Minn Alla? Yet, some fail to keep their medical doctor informed of what they are doing. 9 Is God's Necessity Required? " Kien Qisu Waqaʼ bħal Qxur minn Għajnejja " When he wore his neighbor's glasses, however, he could read the books just fine and gladly contributed for the books and glasses. " He Was Suffering Like My Eyes " " Ħafna Nies Kienu Jobogħduni " (W. According to the National Post, "the Bible is now available in more than 2,285 different languages. " " Many People Hatred Me " (W. Għum fejn m'hemmx periklu; ibqaʼ fil - kongregazzjoni! The result? Where there is no danger, stay in the congregation! Madankollu, dan ma jżommx lill - " ilsir ' milli jħalli indokraturi kwalifikati minn fost in - "nagħaġ oħra " jieħdu ħsieb ċerti responsabbiltajiet legali u amministrattivi. Are you a confidential friend to your child? However, this does not prevent the " slave " from leaving qualified overseers from among the "other sheep " to care for certain legal and administrative responsibilities. Madankollu, xi wħud jonqsu li jinformaw lit - tabib tagħhom dwar dak li jkunu qed jagħmlu. What demonstrates the condition of our heart? Some, however, fail to inform their doctor about what they are doing. Però, meta libes in - nuċċali tal - ġar tiegħu setaʼ jaqra l - kotba sew u bi pjaċir ta kontribuzzjoni għall - kotba u n - nuċċali. " My son and I worked together on household projects, " Torlief relates. However, wearing the glasses of his neighbor enabled him to read books properly and with pleasure contributed to books and spectacles. " Kieku kien hekk, malajr jixbgħu għax hija biċċa xogħol iebsa li tieħu ħsieb l - anzjani. " Moreover, a couple may have different communication styles. " If that were so, they will soon be satisfied because it is a hard task to care for the elders. " X'kien ir - riżultat? Sue started to pioneer in January 1978. What was the result? Iqisuk uliedek bħala l - ħabib tal - qalb tagħhom? Yes, others observe our deeds and notice if we fail to practice what we teach. Do your children view you as their close friend? Liema affarijiet jikxfu l - kundizzjoni taʼ qalbna? However, if you want a complete account of his life, there is none better - aside from the Gospel accounts themselves - than The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived, which is available in 111 languages. What do the condition of our heart reveal? " Jien u ibni konna naħdmu flimkien fuq proġetti fid - dar, " jgħid Torlief. But I'm used to my family. " My son and I worked together on projects at home, " says Torlief. Iktar minn hekk, koppja jistaʼ jkollha stili differenti taʼ komunikazzjoni. Repentance from the heart produced fruitage in deeds, and Manasseh was forgiven. - 2 Chron. Moreover, a couple can have different communication styles. Sue bdiet taqdi bħala pijuniera f'Jannar taʼ l - 1978. He twice decreed that Gideon scale back the army until the enemy outnumbered Israelite fighters 450 to 1. Sue began pioneering in January 1978. Iva, l - oħrajn josservaw dak li nagħmlu u jinnotaw jekk nonqsu milli nipprattikaw dak li ngħallmu. For instance, loneliness might conquer us if we withdraw into an emotional shell. Yes, others observe what we do and notice if we fail to practice what we teach. Madankollu, jekk trid rakkont komplet taʼ ħajtu m'hemmx aħjar - apparti r - rakkonti taʼ l - Evanġelji stess - mill - ktieb L - Aqwa Bniedem Li Qatt Għex, li huwa disponibbli b ' 111 - il lingwa. (b) What counsel did Peter give? However, if you want a complete account of his life there is no better - apart from the Gospel accounts themselves - from the 111 - language book The Best Man Who Ever Lived. Imma jien imdorrija bħall - familja tiegħi. Such "love is... kind, " and it" does not look for its own interests, " says 1 Corinthians 13: 4, 5. But I am like my family. Indiema mill - qalb wasslet lil Manasse biex jieħu azzjoni ħalli jirranġa l - ħażin, u ġie maħfur. - 2 Kron. Who today call on people in their homes and in public areas to share the Bible's message about God? A heartfelt repentance led Manasseh to take action to correct the wicked, and he was forgiven. - 2 Chron. Hu darbtejn qal lil Gidegħon inaqqas l - armata sakemm l - għedewwa ammontaw għal 450 suldat Midjani għal kull suldat Iżraeli. Forgiveness promotes Christian unity He twice told Gideon to reduce the army until the enemies amounted to 450 Midian soldiers for each Israelite soldier. Per eżempju, is - solitudni tistaʼ tirbaħna jekk nispiċċaw ningħalqu fina nfusna. Titus was to "keep on reproving them. " For example, loneliness can win us if we end up closing ourselves. (b) Pietru x'qalilna nagħmlu? Revelation 6: 3, 4 (b) What did Peter tell us to do? Imħabba bħal din hi "qalbha tajba, " u" ma tfittixx l - interessi tagħha, " jgħid l - 1 Korintin 13: 4, 5. In about 55 C.E., he told the Corinthians: "Concerning the collection that is for the holy ones, just as I gave orders to the congregations of Galatia, do that way also yourselves. Such love is "kind, " and" she does not look for her own interests, " says 1 Corinthians 13: 4, 5. Min illum imur għand in - nies f'darhom u fil - postijiet pubbliċi biex jaqsam il - messaġġ tal - Bibbja dwar Alla? Death is an uncomfortable subject. Who today goes to people in their home and in public places to share the Bible's message about God? Il - maħfra ġġib l - unità Kristjana It enables us to be "fully competent, completely equipped for every good work. " Forgiveness brings Christian unity Titu kellu " jkompli jwiddibhom. ' SCAMPERING about looking for food, the mouse feels safe in the darkness. Titus had to "continue reproving them. " Rivelazzjoni 6: 3, 4 Pollution Kills the Demand for Whales Revelation 6: 3, 4 Għall - ħabta tas - sena 55 E.K., hu qal lill - Korintin: "Dwar il - ġabra għall - qaddisin, agħmlu intom ukoll bħalma ordnajt lill - knejjes tal - Galazja. Every society has its share of the poor, the defenseless, and the vulnerable. About 55 C.E., he told the Corinthians: "On account of the collection for the holy ones, do you also as you have commanded the churches of Galatia. Il - mewt mhix suġġett li tieħu pjaċir titkellem dwaru. But besides all these things, clothe yourselves with love, for it is a perfect bond of union. " - Colossians 3: 12 - 14. Death is not a topic you enjoy talking about. Biex inkunu effettivi fil - ministeru, ma rridux sempliċement naqraw ħafna skritturi. 6 What Jesus Taught About God To be effective in the ministry, we do not just need to read many scriptures. HUWA u jiġri ' l hemm u ' l hawn ifittex l - ikel, il - ġurdien iħossu ' l bogħod mill - periklu fid - dlam. The marriage may end, yet you may suffer emotional and financial hardship afterward. IT IS about to look for food, the mouse feels far from the danger in the dark. Mir - Renju Unit sa l - Azerbajġan, individwi sofrew trattament krudil, inuman u degradanti taħt idejn il - pulizija. In fact, they were able to speak about these things in ten different languages. From the United Kingdom to Azerbaijan, individuals suffered cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment at the hands of the police. Kull soċjetà għandha settur li jinkludi l - foqra, dawk li huma bla difiża, u dawk li huma vulnerabbli. Searching for a reason for this tragedy, the grieving mother said to Elijah: "What do you have against me, O man of the true God? Each society has a sector that includes the poor, the defenseless, and the vulnerable. Imma, minbarra dawn l - affarijiet kollha, ilbsu l - imħabba, għax hi rabta perfetta li tgħaqqad. " - Kolossin 3: 12 - 14. He is the only true God, the Creator. But, besides all these things, clothe yourselves with love, for it is a perfect bond of union. " - Colossians 3: 12 - 14. 6 Dak li Ġesù Għallem Dwar Alla If we openly express our concerns, feelings, and desires in prayer, Jehovah can help us to discern the intentions of our heart. 6 What Jesus Teach About God Iż - żwieġ għandu mnejn jispiċċa, u madankollu int tistaʼ tbati emozzjonalment u finanzjarjament wara. Has Jehovah not promised that " he will not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear '? Marriage may end, yet you can suffer emotionally and financially thereafter. Fil - fatt, irnexxielhom jitkellmu dwar dawn l - affarijiet b'għaxar lingwi differenti. Paul was a person with very strong feelings. In fact, they were able to talk about these things in ten different languages. Minħabba li kienet qed tfittex raġuni għal din it - traġedja, l - omm imnikkta qalet lil Elija: "X'għandi x'naqsam miegħek, O bniedem taʼ l - Alla l - veru? The apostle Paul wrote that "any unbeliever or ordinary person " could come into the Christian congregation and become a believer. Looking for a reason for this tragedy, the distressed mother told Elijah: "What do I have to share with you, O man of the true God? Hu l - uniku Alla veru, il - Ħallieq. The prophetic book of Isaiah also provides hope. He is the only true God, the Creator. Jekk fit - talb nesprimu bil - miftuħ dak li jinkwetana, is - sentimenti, u x - xewqat tagħna, Ġeħova jistaʼ jgħinna nagħrfu x'inhuma l - intenzjonijiet taʼ qalbna. In making that decision, there are significant factors to consider. If we openly express our concerns, feelings, and desires in prayer, Jehovah can help us to discern the intentions of our heart. Ma wegħedniex Jehovah li " mhux se jħallina niġġarrbu iktar milli nifilħu '? Not interested at first, Mother agreed that we all should study the Bible Did Jehovah not promise us to "let us not be put to more than we can bear "? Pawlu kien persuna b'emozzjonijiet qawwijin ħafna. Remember that our fight is, "not against blood and flesh, but... against the wicked spirit forces. " Paul was a person with very strong emotions. L - appostlu Pawlu qal: "Araw x'intom, li Alla sejjħilkom; għax m'humiex ħafna fostkom li huma għorrief skond il - qjies tad - dinja, m'humiex ħafna s - setgħana, m'humiex ħafna n - nobbli. " Keep On Asking, " 4 / 1 The apostle Paul said: "See what you are, that God has called you; for not many among you are wise according to the measure of the world, they are not much mighty, they are not many nobles. Anki l - ktieb profetiku taʼ Isaija jagħtina din it - tama. [ Pictures on page 3] Even the prophetic book of Isaiah gives us this hope. Sabiex tittieħed deċiżjoni bħal din hemm ċerti fatturi sinifikanti li jridu jiġu kunsidrati. Jesus took the time to teach his disciples how to pray, giving them what is commonly called the Lord's Prayer. In order to take such a decision there are certain significant factors that need to be taken into account. Ommi, li għall - bidu ma kinitx interessata, qablet li aħna lkoll għandna nistudjaw il - Bibbja Obedience Instills Hope Mother, who was initially uninterested, agreed that all of us should study the Bible Ftakar li l - ġlieda tagħna mhijiex "kontra d - demm u l - laħam, imma... kontra l - forzi taʼ l - ispirti mill - agħar. " Also, let the peace of the Christ control in your hearts. " Remember that our fight is "not against blood and flesh, but... against the wicked spirit forces. " " Oqogħdu Attenti u Tittraskurawx it - Talb, " 11 / 15 According to that prophecy, by preaching the good news, Jesus would "bind up the brokenhearted. " Highlights From God's Word, 11 / 1 [ Stampi f'paġna 3] If we want to maintain our courage, we must not let our mind dwell on the dangers that frighten us. [ Pictures on page 3] Ġesù ħa l - ħin biex jgħallem lid - dixxipli tiegħu kif jitolbu, u tahom dik li spiss tissejjaħ it - Talba tal - Missierna. Simply put, "the righteous " who will live forever in Paradise are the ones who obey God's commands as outlined in the Bible. Jesus took time to teach his disciples how to pray, and he gave them what is often called the Lord's Prayer. L - Ubbidjenza Tnissel it - Tama News of these victories coupled with stories of Israel's Exodus from Egypt had a powerful effect on individuals living in Canaan. Obedience Creates Hope Ukoll, ħallu l - paċi tal - Kristu jkollha kontroll fi qlubkom. " If you make a thorough search, you can find true worshippers. Also, let the peace of the Christ have control in your hearts. " Skond dik il - profezija, billi jippriedka l - aħbar tajba, Ġesù kien se " jdewwi l - qalb miksura. ' Although the marijuana smokers indulged much less often, it was found that a single joint releases three times as much tar as a cigarette. According to that prophecy, by preaching the good news, Jesus would " delay the broken heart. " Jekk irridu nibqgħu nkunu kuraġġużi, m'għandniex inħallu moħħna jhewden fuq il - perikli li jbeżżgħuna. They were perfect humans who lived in a paradise. If we want to keep on being courageous, we should not let our minds dwell on the dangers of fearing us. Fil - qosor, "il - ġusti " li se jgħixu għal dejjem fil - Ġenna tal - art huma dawk li jobdu l - kmandi t'Alla kif tniżżlu fil - Bibbja. How to Be a Good Father In short, "the righteous " who will live forever in Paradise are those who obey God's commands as recorded in the Bible. L - aħbar taʼ dawn ir - rebħiet flimkien maʼ l - istejjer dwar l - Eżodu taʼ Iżrael mill - Eġittu kellhom effett qawwi fuq dawk li kienu jgħixu f'Kangħan. I have also been influenced in good ways by the hundreds of fine Christian men and women - young and old - who have passed through our lives here at the branch and in the various congregations where we have served. The news of these conquests along with the stories about the Exodus of Israel from Egypt had a powerful effect on those living in Canaan. Jekk tfittex sew, int tistaʼ ssib aduraturi veri. * What if he begins questioning the very faith that he seemed to accept eagerly as a child? - Galatians 5: 7. If you look well, you can find true worshippers. Għalkemm dawk li kienu jużaw il - marijuana kienu jpejpuha ħafna inqas spiss, instab li sigarett wieħed biss tal - marijuana jħalli tliet darbiet iktar qatran minn sigarett komuni. DURING the final months of World War II in Europe, a Nazi blockade stopped all waterway food shipments into the major cities in the west of the Netherlands. Although the marijuana users smoked much less frequently, only one marijuana cigarette was found to leave three times more tar than a common cigarette. Kienu bnedmin perfetti u kienu jgħixu f'ġenna tal - art. As an aid to seeing why that is so, consider some Biblical, historical, and medical background. They were perfect humans and lived in an earthly paradise. Ħut Ġużeppi Kienu Jgħiru Għalih How would you describe the feelings of the writer of the following words of Psalm 63: 1? Joseph's Brothers Weared to Him Tgħallimt ħafna wkoll mill - mijiet t'aħwa mill - aħjar - żgħar u kbar - li ltqajt magħhom hawnhekk fil - fergħa u fid - diversi kongregazzjonijiet li qdejna fihom. This happened to some first - century Christians. I also learned much from the hundreds of fine brothers - young and old - whom I met here in the branch and in the various congregations in which we served. Xi ngħidu jekk jibda jiddubita mill - istess fidi li donnu aċċetta bil - ħerqa meta kien tifel? - Galatin 5: 7. As Christians, our goal is to be "harmoniously joined together, " that is, to work together in unity. What if he comes to question the same faith that he seemed to have eagerly accepted when he was a child? - Galatians 5: 7. Matul l - aħħar xhur tat - Tieni Gwerra Dinjija fl - Ewropa, imblokk tan - Nazi waqqaf il - konsenji kollha taʼ l - ikel bil - baħar għal ġol - bliet prinċipali fil - punent taʼ l - Olanda. The judge who had listened to our case ten years earlier! During the last months of World War II in Europe, a Nazi block stopped all shipments of seafood to the main cities in the west of the Netherlands. Ejja naraw ftit l - isfond Bibliku, storiku, u mediku biex inkunu nistgħu nifhmu aħjar x'inhi r - raġuni għal dan. Imitate Enoch's Faith Let us see some Bible, historical, and medical background so that we can better understand the reason for this. Kif kont tiddeskrivihom is - sentimenti tal - kittieb taʼ dawn il - kelmiet f'Salm 63: 2 [63: 1, NW]? " Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " - JAS. How did you describe the writer's feelings of those words at Psalm 63: 1? Hekk ġralhom xi Kristjani taʼ l - ewwel seklu. Some choose to marry in such a way, possibly asking a few relatives or Christian friends to be present as legal witnesses or just to share in the joy of this important occasion. That is what happened to some first - century Christians. Bħala Kristjani, il - mira tagħna hi li nkunu " magħqudin flimkien b'mod armonjuż, ' jiġifieri, li naħdmu flimkien f'unità. Christians have raised that question for centuries. As Christians, our goal is to be " harmoniously united, " that is, to work together in unity. Ħadd ħlief l - imħallef li kien semaʼ l - każ tagħna għaxar snin qabel! In front of each house is a flat roof made of yotojolo, the woody inside stem of a cactus. No one but the judge who had heard our case ten years earlier! Imita l - Fidi taʼ Ħenok What can happen to our figurative heart if our eye is not kept simple? Imitate the Faith of Enoch " Ersqu qrib lejn Alla, u hu jersaq qrib lejkom. " - ĠAK. He retorted: " You must be crazy! " Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " - JAK. Xi wħud jistgħu jagħżlu li jiżżewġu b'dan il - mod, forsi billi jistaqsu lil ftit qraba jew ħbieb Kristjani biex ikunu preżenti bħala xhieda legali jew sempliċement biex jaqsmu magħhom il - ferħ taʼ din l - okkażjoni importanti. 2, 3. Some may choose to marry in this way, perhaps by asking a few Christian relatives or friends to be present as legal witnesses or simply to share with them the joy of this important occasion. Xi Kristjani ilhom jistaqsu din il - mistoqsija għal sekli sħaħ. For example, we might surpass others in certain fields, but they may excel in aspects of life that are much more important, or our Christian brothers may have certain qualities that we are lacking. Some Christians have been asking that question for centuries. Quddiem kull dar hemm saqaf baxx magħmul mill - yotojolo, iz - zokk iebes li jkun fih il - kaktus. These youths are proud of their faith, and they freely speak to others about it in school. In front of each house there is a low roof made of yotojool, the hard stake containing the chachtus. X'jistaʼ jiġrilha l - qalb figurattiva tagħna jekk għajnejna ma jibqgħux sempliċi? God sent Jesus to "proclaim liberty to the captives..., to send the crushed ones away free. " What can happen to our figurative heart if our eyes are not simple? Hu wieġeb: " Int miġnuna! That is how it will be in the conclusion of the system of things: the angels will go out and separate the wicked from among the righteous and will cast them into the fiery furnace. He answered: " You are crazy! 2, 3. No human can foresee even his own future. 2, 3. Per eżempju, nistgħu nkunu aħjar minn oħrajn f'ċerti oqsma, imma huma forsi jkunu aqwa minna f'ċerti aspetti tal - ħajja li huma ħafna iktar importanti, jew forsi ħutna l - Kristjani għandhom ċerti kwalitajiet li aħna m'għandniex. Imagine a government noted for protecting the loftiest of values and for eradicating war, hatred, crime, poverty, pollution, sickness, and even death! For example, we may be better than others in certain areas, but they may be superior to us in some aspects of life that are much more important, or perhaps our Christian brothers and sisters have certain qualities that we do not have. Dawn iż - żgħażagħ huma kburin bil - fidi tagħhom, u jitkellmu dwarha m'oħrajn fl - iskola. They dried the later crop for use throughout the year. These youths are proud of their faith, talking about it to others at school. Alla bagħat lil Ġesù biex " jippriedka l - ħelsien lill - imjassrin u jeħles lill - imgħakksin. ' You can do the same. God sent Jesus to "preach deliverance to the captives and deliver the oppressed ones. " Hekk se jiġri fil - konklużjoni tas - sistema: l - anġli joħorġu u jifirdu lin - nies ħżiena min - nies sewwa u jixħtuhom fil - forn tan - nar. □ Please contact me concerning a free home Bible study. This will happen at the conclusion of the system of things: angels come out and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the fire oven. L - ebda bniedem ma jistaʼ jara l - futur bil - quddiem, lanqas tiegħu stess. Why, then, do you look at the straw in your brother's eye but do not notice the rafter in your own eye? No human can see the future ahead, not even his own. Immaġina gvern magħruf għall - fatt li jipproteġi l - iktar valuri nobbli u li jelimina l - gwerer, il - mibegħda, il - kriminalità, il - faqar, it - tinġis, il - mard, u saħansitra l - mewt! What trait (s) does Ahab manifest in verse 4? Imagine a government known for protecting the most noble values and eliminating war, hatred, crime, poverty, pollution, sickness, and even death! It - tieni ħsad kienu jnixxfuh biex jużawh matul is - sena. Gayals, huge semidomesticated Indian oxen, can also be seen peacefully pasturing in the steppe. The second harvest dried it to use it during the year. Int tistaʼ tagħmel l - istess. 5 / 15 You can do the same. □ Jekk jogħġobkom ikkuntattjawni rigward studju tal - Bibbja fid - dar bla ħlas. Mind and Heart Cooperate □ Please contact me concerning a free home Bible study. Għala, mela, tħares lejn it - tibna f'għajn ħuk, imma ma tqisx it - travu li għandek f'għajnek? At Ålesund and Trondheim, visitors may even have time for a short excursion, which can include a stroll along streets lined with distinctive local architecture. Why, then, look at the straw in your brother's eye, but do you not consider the beam in your eye? Liema karatteristika / i juri Aħab fil - vers 4? Then, in the letter, she explained in a kind way that her mother was the one who left the family when she sinned and refused to repent. What characteristic does Ahab display in verse 4? Tistaʼ tara wkoll il - gayals, barrin mansi mill - Indja, jirgħu bil - kwiet fil - pjanuri. Many ancient servants of Jehovah took pride in their distinct identity You can also see gayals, barrin mansi from India, shepherding quietly on the plains. Is - Sors tal - Ħażen, 6 / 1 Nothing can prevent him from bringing lasting benefit to mankind. Jehovah's Wiseness, 6 / 15 Il - Moħħ u l - Qalb Jaħdmu Id f'Id And it will certainly occur that from new moon to new moon and from sabbath to sabbath all flesh will come in to bow down before me, ' Jehovah has said. Brain and Heart Work Hands in Hands F'Ålesund u Trondheim, il - viżitaturi jistaʼ anki jkollhom ħin għal ħarġa qasira, li tistaʼ tinkludi mixja tul it - toroq li huma mdawrin b'arkitettura lokali partikulari. At the time, there were only some 800 Kingdom publishers in France. In Ålesund and Trondheim, visitors may even have time for a short release, which may include a walk along the roads surrounded by a particular local architecture. Imbagħad, fl - ittra, spjegat b'qalb tajba li kienet ommha li telqet il - familja meta dinbet u li rrifjutat milli tindem. Answers to questions on page 25 Then, in the letter, she kindly explained that her mother had left the family when she sinned and refused to repent. Ħafna qaddejja tal - qedem taʼ Ġeħova tgħaxxqu bl - identità notevoli tagħhom Even now, Jehovah gives us many friends with whom we can worship him. Many ancient servants of Jehovah delight in their remarkable identity Xejn ma jistaʼ jwaqqfu milli jġib benefiċċji dejjiema lill - umanità. BY AWAKE! Nothing can prevent mankind from bringing lasting benefits. U jiġri li minn xahar għal xahar, u minn Sibt għal Sibt, kulħadd jiġi jinxteħet quddiemi, ' jgħid il - Mulej. Why are so many youths risking their parents ' wrath by sneaking out? And it happens that from month to month, and from Saturday to Saturday, everyone will come before me, ' Jehovah says. Dak iż - żmien, kien hemm biss xi 800 pubblikatur tas - Saltna fi Franza. after David killed Goliath, even though Saul had earlier sent for David to be his attendant? - 1 Samuel 16: 22; 17: 58. At that time, there were only some 800 Kingdom publishers in France. Tweġibiet għall - mistoqsijiet f'paġna 25 Then, in March 2002, the Bethel family moved again - this time to a new complex constructed near Bangalore, in southern India. Answers to Questions on page 25 Anki issa, Ġeħova jagħtina ħafna ħbieb maʼ min nistgħu nqimuh. IS EATING dangerous? Even now, Jehovah gives us many friends to whom we can worship him. MINN KITTIEB GĦAL STENBAĦ! So carefully choose the scriptures you want to use. BY AWAKE! Għala hemm ħafna żgħażagħ li qed jissograw li jinkorlaw lill - ġenituri tagħhom billi joħorġu bil - moħbi? And would you like to enhance your appreciation for your own communication skills and even improve these? Why are many youths risking to anger their parents by secretly coming out? wara li David qatel lil Gulija, minkejja li Sawl iktar qabel kien bagħat għal David biex ikun qaddej tiegħu? - 1 Samwel 16: 22; 17: 58. The 21 nations present pledged to dismantle terrorist groups and agreed on ways to increase global security. after David killed Goliath, despite Saul's earlier sending to David to be his servant? - 1 Samuel 16: 22; 17: 58. Imbagħad f'Marzu taʼ l - 2002, il - familja taʼ Betel reġgħet iċċaqalqet - din id - darba f'kumpless ġdid mibni viċin Bangalore fin - nofsinhar taʼ l - Indja. Hold Fast to Wisdom and Discernment Then in March 2002, the Bethel family moved again - this time in a new complex built near Bangalore in southern India. HEMM xi periklu meta tiekol? Jehovah had never abandoned me, and I could not abandon him. IS THERE a danger when you eat? Allura agħżel b'attenzjoni l - iskritturi li trid tuża. Then, he saw "sinews and flesh come on them. " So carefully select the scriptures you want to use. U tixtieq iżżid l - apprezzament tiegħek għall - abbiltà tiegħek stess tal - komunikazzjoni u saħansitra ttejjibha? How can we imitate the mental attitude that Christ Jesus had? And would you like to increase your appreciation for your own communication ability and even improve it? Il - 21 nazzjon li kien hemm preżenti wiegħdu solennement li jġibu fix - xejn lill - gruppi terroristiċi u qablu bejniethom dwar modi kif jistgħu jżidu s - sigurtà tal - globu kollu. A HORSE (Equus caballus) can gallop at a speed of up to 30 miles per hour (50 km / h). The 21 nations present have solemnly promised to undo terrorist groups and have agreed on ways to increase the security of the entire globe. Żomm Sod maʼ l - Għerf u d - Dixxerniment A five - foot - long [1.5 m] stuffed toy snake wrapped around a broomstick worked well as the copper serpent of Numbers 21: 4 - 9. Hold Firm With Wisdom and Discernment Ġeħova qatt ma kien abbandunani, u jien ma kontx se nabbandunah. 10, 11. Jehovah had never abandoned me, and I would not abandon him. Wara, ra "n - nervituri u trabba l - laħam. " As Jesus later promised, the day will come when all those who are in God's memory will hear Christ's voice and come out of the grave, opening their eyes to a beautiful and peaceful new world. - John 5: 28, 29. Afterward, he saw "the nerves and raised the flesh. " Kif nistgħu nimitaw l - attitudni mentali taʼ Ġesù? Storrs How can we imitate Jesus ' mental attitude? ŻIEMEL (Equus caballus) jistaʼ jiggaloppja b'veloċità taʼ 50 kilometru fis - siegħa. After the final test, in what sense will mankind be comparable to Adam? ZIEMMEL (Equus caballus) can gallope at a speed of 50 miles [50 km] per hour. Serp taċ - ċarruta twil metru u nofs u mdawwar maʼ lasta taʼ xkupa kien iservi bħala s - serp tar - ram aħmar li jissemma f'Numri 21: 4 - 9. The invitation is to "come " and satisfy one's thirst with a very special type of water. A one - and - a - half - foot - long cloth snake surrounded a rifle rod served as the copper snake mentioned at Numbers 21: 4 - 9. 10, 11. Did God Create the Devil? 10, 11. Bħalma aktar tard wiegħed Ġesù, ġej il - jum meta dawk kollha fil - memorja taʼ Alla se jisimgħu leħen Kristu u joħorġu mill - qabar, u se jiftħu għajnejhom f'dinja ġdida sabiħa u taʼ paċi. - Ġwanni 5: 28, 29. Moses referred to the Promised Land as " a land of olives ' likely because the olive was the most commonly cultivated tree in the area. As Jesus later promised, the day is coming when all those in God's memory will hear Christ's voice and come out of the grave, and they will open their eyes in a beautiful and peaceful new world. - John 5: 28, 29. Storrs Thus, on one occasion when Mary and Jesus ' adoptive father, Joseph, found Jesus in God's temple, the young child asked: "Did you not know that I must be in the house of my Father? " Storrs Wara t - test finali, l - umanità f'liema sens se tkun bħal Adam? Without a doubt, the surroundings where we live will look much better and will be more healthful if we all do our part to keep them clean. After the final test, in what sense will mankind be like Adam? L - istedina "ejja " hi sabiex dak li jkun jiġi u jaqtaʼ l - għatx b'tip taʼ ilma speċjali ħafna. Could you adjust your circumstances in order to spend more time, even "considerable time, " in the preaching work, perhaps serving as a pioneer? - Read Hebrews 13: 15. The invitation "come " is for a person to come and give up thirst with a very special type of water. Alla Ħalqu lix - Xitan? Since young children are unaware of the dangers of electricity or city traffic, they can easily have a serious accident. Did God Create the Devil? X'aktarx li Mosè rrefera wkoll għall - Art Imwegħda bħala "art taż - żebbuġ " għax is - siġra taż - żebbuġ kienet l - iktar siġra kultivata f'dawk l - inħawi. A young pioneer named Michelle said: "To be truly effective in the ministry, I have a good schedule for personal study, and I am regular at the meetings. Likely, Moses also referred to the Promised Land as "an olive land " because the olive tree was the most cultivated tree in that area. B'hekk, darba minnhom meta Marija u Ġużeppi, il - missier adottiv taʼ Ġesù, sabu lil Ġesù fit - tempju t'Alla, it - tfajjel staqsa: "Ma kontux tafu li għandi nkun f'dar Missieri? " We have to keep doing whatever is in our power to solve the problem and then have faith in Jesus ' words: "Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you. " Thus, once when Mary and Joseph, Jesus ' adoptive father, found Jesus at God's temple, the boy asked: "Did you not know that I should be in the house of my Father? " Mingħajr dubju, l - inħawi fejn ngħixu se jidhru ħafna aħjar u se jkunu taʼ inqas periklu għas - saħħa jekk kollha kemm aħna nagħmlu l - almu tagħna biex inżommuhom nodfa. But what would we do now? Undoubtedly, the area where we live will be much better and less dangerous to health if all of us do our best to keep them clean. Tistaʼ int taġġusta ċ - ċirkustanzi tiegħek sabiex tqattaʼ iktar ħin, saħansitra "ħafna ħin, " fix - xogħol taʼ l - ippridkar, forsi billi taqdi bħala pijunier? - Aqra Ebrej 13: 15. In either case, be determined to apply yourself to personal study, to preaching, and to showing love for your brothers. Can you adjust your circumstances so as to spend more time, even "a lot of time, " in the preaching work, perhaps by pioneering? - Read Hebrews 13: 15. Peress li t - tfal żgħar ma jkunux konxji tal - perikli li jiġu mill - elettriku jew mit - toroq traffikużi, huma jistgħu faċilment ikollhom xi inċident serju. • What must we do to maintain strong friendships? Because young children are not aware of the dangers that come from electricity or busy roads, they can easily have a serious accident. Pijuniera żagħżugħa jisimha Michelle qalet: "Sabiex inkun verament effettiva fil - ministeru, għandi skeda tajba għal studju persunali, u nattendi l - laqgħat regolarment. Moreover, as it did in Paul's case, endurance brings wonderful fruitage. A young pioneer named Michelle said: "To be truly effective in the ministry, I have a good schedule for personal study, and I attend meetings regularly. Irridu nkomplu nagħmlu dak kollu li nistgħu biex insolvu dik il - problema, u mbagħad irid ikollna fidi fil - kliem taʼ Ġesù: "Ibqgħu itolbu, u se jingħatalkom; ibqgħu fittxu, u se ssibu; ibqgħu ħabbtu, u se jinfetħilkom. " Some days later, after the apostle presents his case before King Herod Agrippa II, that king says: "In a short time you would persuade me to become a Christian. " We must continue to do all we can to solve that problem, and then we must have faith in Jesus ' words: "Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you. " Imma x'konna se nagħmlu issa? (Read Proverbs 2: 1 - 5.) But what would we do now? Fi kwalunkwe każ, kun determinat biex kemm jistaʼ jkun tagħmel studju persunali, tippriedka, u turi mħabba lejn ħutek. Ilqaʼ kwalunkwe parir u dixxiplina li tingħata minn uħud maturi. Can the Bible Help Me to Have a Happy Family? In any case, be determined to conduct as much personal study as possible, preach, and show love for your brothers and sisters as possible; welcome any counsel and discipline given by mature ones. • X'għandna nagħmlu biex inżommu ħbiberiji b'saħħithom? Because the Memorial of Jesus Christ's death was approaching, Samuel wanted to invite Wiesława to this special occasion. • What must we do to maintain strong friendships? Iktar minn hekk, bħalma ġara fil - każ taʼ Pawlu, is - sabar jagħti frott mill - aħjar. There's nothing more that we can do for him. " Moreover, as in Paul's case, endurance bears fine fruit. Ftit jiem wara meta l - appostlu jippreżenta l - każ tiegħu quddiem is - Sultan Erodi Agrippa II, dan is - sultan jgħid: "Dalwaqt tipperswadini biex insir Kristjan. " Jesus ' earthly ministry lasted a mere three and a half years. A few days later when the apostle presents his case before King Herod Agrippa II, this king says: "You soon persuade me to become a Christian. " (Aqra Proverbji 2: 1 - 5.) The Catholic Church in that region resented our presence, and the villagers, urged on by priests, often waited to chase us away. (Read Proverbs 2: 1 - 5.) Tistaʼ l - Bibbja Tgħinni Biex Ikolli Familja Ferħana? N S NORTH AND SOUTH PEDESTRIAN BRIDGES Can the Bible Help Me to Enjoy a Happy Family? Minħabba li t - Tifkira tal - mewt taʼ Ġesù kienet riesqa, Samuel xtaq jistieden lil Wiesława għal din l - okkażjoni speċjali. In doing this, Paul imitated Jehovah. Because the Memorial of Jesus ' death was approaching, Samuel wanted to invite Wiesława to this special occasion. M'hemm xejn iktar x'nistgħu nagħmlu għalih. " I prayed to Jehovah: "I cannot stay in a cell for five years. There is nothing more we can do for him. " Il - ministeru li kellu Ġesù fuq l - art dam sejjer tliet snin u nofs biss. While true Christians today are free from the practice of polygamy, there are nonetheless many blended families among them, with stepparents, stepchildren, and stepsiblings. Jesus ' earthly ministry lasted only three and a half years. Il - Knisja Kattolika f'dan ir - reġjun ma ħamlitniex hemmhekk u, imħeġġin mill - qassisin, in - nies taʼ l - irħula kienu spiss ikunu lesti għalina biex ikeċċuna ' l hemm. When saying, "just as my Father has made a covenant with me, " Jesus was apparently alluding to the covenant that Jehovah had made with him to be" a priest forever in the manner of Melchizedek. " - Heb. The Catholic Church in this region did not mold us there and, urged by the priests, villagers were often ready for us to throw us away. T N PONTIJIET TAL - PEDESTRIANI TAT - TRAMUNTANA U TAN - NOFSINHAR BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. " - Acts 20: 35. T N.P.S.P.S. Billi għamel dan, Pawlu imita lil Ġeħova. Set spiritual goals, and then work hard to pursue them with a positive attitude. By doing so, Paul imitated Jehovah. Tlabt lil Ġeħova u għedtlu: "Ma nistax nibqaʼ ġoċ - ċella għal ħames snin. Golden Wattle - Welcoming Spring Down Under I prayed to Jehovah and said: "I can't stay in the cell for five years. Filwaqt li l - Kristjani veri llum ma jipprattikawx il - poligamija, xorta waħda jeżistu ħafna familji tar - rispett fosthom, b'ġenituri, tfal, u aħwa li ma jiġux minn xulxin mid - demm. King Saul, however, had lost Jehovah's favor and was bitterly jealous of David, whom God approved. While true Christians today do not practice polygamy, there are still many respectful families including parents, children, and brothers and sisters who do not come from one another. Meta qal, "bħalma Missieri għamel [patt] miegħi, " Ġesù milli jidher kien qed jirreferi għall - patt li Ġeħova kien għamel miegħu biex ikun" qassis għal dejjem bl - istess mod taʼ Melkisedek. " - Ebr. Important Decisions When he said, "as my Father made a covenant with me, " Jesus apparently referred to the covenant that Jehovah had made with him to be" a priest forever in the same way as Melchizedek. " - Heb. PRINĊIPJU BIBLIKU: "Hemm iktar hena meta tagħti milli meta tirċievi. " - Atti 20: 35. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: BIBLE PRINCIPLE: "There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. " - Acts 20: 35. Agħmel miri spiritwali, u mbagħad stinka biex tilħaqhom b'attitudni pożittiva. I prayed to God to let me die. Set spiritual goals, and then strive to reach them with a positive attitude. L - Akaċja Dehbija - Il - Bidu tar - Rebbiegħa fl - Awstralja THAT was the subject of a series of three - day district conventions, organized by Jehovah's Witnesses, that began in May 2006. The Golden Acacia - The Start of Spring in Australia Madankollu, is - Sultan Sawl kien tilef il - favur taʼ Ġeħova u kien jgħir ħafna għal David, li kellu l - approvazzjoni t'Alla. Abram may have suffered financial loss in making such hurried preparations, but he was delighted to obey Jehovah. However, King Saul had lost Jehovah's favor and was jealous of David, who had God's approval. Deċiżjonijiet Importanti Sound reasoning does not need to be complicated. Important Decisions UKOLL F'DIN IL - ĦARĠA: I help people both physically and spiritually and show them how to prolong their lives for a few more years in this system of things and for all eternity in the new. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: Tlabt lil Alla biex iħallini mmut. We argued all the time. I prayed to God to let me die. DAN kien is - suġġett taʼ serje taʼ konvenzjonijiet distrettwali taʼ tlett ijiem organizzati mix - Xhieda taʼ Ġeħova, li bdew f'Mejju taʼ l - 2006. [ Footnote] THIS was the subject of a series of three - day district conventions organized by Jehovah's Witnesses, which began in May 2006. Abram setaʼ tilef b'mod finanzjarju biex jagħmel dan kollu malajr malajr, imma hu kien ferħan li qed jobdi lil Jehovah. One of the biggest obstacles on my road to recovery was coping with the stigma associated with postpartum depression. Abram may have lost financially to do so quickly, but he was happy to obey Jehovah. Raġunar bis - sens m'għandux għalfejn ikun komplikat. Can you enter the pioneer ranks? Sense reasoning does not need to be complicated. Qed ngħin lin - nies kemm fiżikament u kemm spiritwalment u nurihom kif itawlu ħajjithom għal ftit tas - snin oħra f'din id - dinja u għall - eternità kollha fid - dinja l - ġdida. Cisneros writes in The Human Face of the Urban Environment: "When poor people become concentrated in precisely defined geographic areas, their problems grow exponentially.... I am helping people both physically and spiritually and showing them how to extend their lives for a few years in this world and for all eternity in the new world. Konna niġġieldu l - ħin kollu. That is why he was special to her, "like an apple tree among the trees of the forest. " - Song of Solomon 2: 3, 9; 5: 14, 15. We fought constantly. [ Nota taʼ taħt] [ Picture on page 26] [ Footnote] Wieħed mill - akbar ostakli li ffaċċjajt matul dan il - proċess taʼ fejqan kien l - istigma marbuta maʼ dipressjoni bħal din. [ Footnote] One of the greatest obstacles I faced during this healing process was the stigma associated with such depression. Tistaʼ ssir pijunier? But are two linear measurements, length and width, enough to ensure a comfortable fit? Can you become a pioneer? Cisneros jikteb li meta jkun hemm ħafna nies fqar f'daqqa f'ċerti nħawi speċifiċi, il - problemi tagħhom jikbru b'mod mgħaġġel ferm. This is because growth is due to God's power, not to human efforts. Cisneros writes that when there are many poor people suddenly in certain specific areas, their problems grow very rapidly. Għalhekk kien speċjali għaliha, "bħal siġra tat - tuffieħ qalb is - siġar tal - foresta. " - L - Għanja taʼ Salamun 2: 3, 9; 5: 14, 15. (a) What is needed besides spending time with children? It was therefore special for her, "like an apple tree among the forest trees. " - Song of Solomon 2: 3, 9; 5: 14, 15. [ Stampa f'paġna 26] [ Picture on page 12] [ Picture on page 26] [ Nota taʼ taħt] Psalms 60 - 86 [ Footnote] Huwa dan il - kejl, tal - wisaʼ u t - tul, biżżejjed biex iż - żarbun jiġik tajjeb? The inspired Christian Scriptures also command: "You must keep clear of idolatry. " - 1 Corinthians 10: 14. Is this measure, of width and length, sufficient for good shoes to come to you? Dan jiġri minħabba li t - tkabbir isir bil - qawwa t'Alla, mhux bl - isforzi tal - bniedem. INTERNATIONAL and district conventions have been a feature of the modern - day history of Jehovah's Witnesses for as long as most of us can remember. This is because growth is made by God's power, not by human efforts. (a) X'inhu meħtieġ minbarra li tqattaʼ l - ħin mat - tfal? What are some examples of harmful proselytism? (a) What is needed in addition to spending time with children? [ Stampa f'paġna 12] What was the experience of Jews who trusted in Jehovah? [ Picture on page 12] [ Kumment f'paġna 13] By searching for "delightful words " of truth, he was able to keep his own feelings from clouding his thoughts. [ Blurb on page 13] L - Iskrittura Kristjana mnebbħa wkoll tikkmanda: "Aħarbu l - idolatrija. " - 1 Korintin 10: 14, Saydon. Rhizome The inspired Christian Scriptures also command: "Flee from idolatry. " - 1 Corinthians 10: 14. IL - KONVENZJONIJIET internazzjonali u distrettwali ilhom parti mill - istorja moderna tax - Xhieda taʼ Ġeħova għal bosta snin. He said: "The harvest is great, but the workers are few. THE international and district conversations have been part of the modern history of Jehovah's Witnesses for many years. X'inhuma xi eżempji taʼ proselitiżmu li ġab il - ħsara? The Soviet authorities came to our home to find out if we knew the dead ones. What are some examples of harmful proselytism? Xi ġralhom il - Lhud li fdaw f'Jehovah? You too can be loyal to Jehovah first and be loyal to others by being kind. What happened to Jehovah's trusted Jews? Billi fittex "kliem pjaċevoli " u veru, hu ma ħalliex is - sentimenti tiegħu stess iċajprulu ħsibijietu. " Keep Free From Murmurings, ' 7 / 15 By looking for "delightful words " and true, he did not allow his own feelings to blur his thoughts. Għeruq Here is how Amy describes her life now: "I believe that I have made the best possible choice in life.... Roots Hu qal: "Il - ħsad hu kbir, imma l - ħaddiema huma ftit. This is hardly surprising, since chores train them to put others ' needs above their own. He said: "The harvest is great, but the workers are few. L - awtoritajiet Sovjetiċi ġew għandna biex jitkixxfu jekk konniex nafu lill - mejtin. In the bindery, the signatures are bound together to produce books. The Soviet authorities came to us to find out whether we knew the dead. Int ukoll tistaʼ tkun leali lejn Ġeħova l - ewwel u leali lejn oħrajn billi jkollok qalb tajba. Opponents of truth have long " framed mischief by law ' to hinder the Christian preaching work. You too can be loyal to Jehovah first and loyal to others by having kindness. 16 It - Tigra Siberjana - Se Tibqaʼ Teżisti? Millions have not yet heard the Kingdom message. 16 The Siberian Tiger - Will There Be? Amy tiddeskriviha hekk il - ħajja li qed tgħix issa: "Inħoss li għamilt l - aħjar għażla li stajt nagħmel f'ħajti.... Why? Amy describes the life that you now live: "I feel that I have made the best choice I could make in my life.... Din mhux sorpriża, ladarba l - faċendi jħarrġuhom biex ipoġġu l - bżonnijiet t'oħrajn qabel tagħhom. The king's servants began searching throughout the land for beautiful young virgins; from among them the king would select a new queen. - Esther 1: 1 - 2: 4. This is not surprising, since chores train them to put the needs of others ahead of their own. Fil - legatorija, il - faxxikli jiġu marbutin flimkien biex jipproduċu l - kotba. Thus, I tell you, joy arises among the angels of God over one sinner that repents. " - Luke 15: 8 - 10. In legatory, facadecles are linked together to produce books. Dawk li huma kontra l - verità ilhom ferm "jagħmlu l - qerq taħt il - libsa tal - liġi " biex ifixklu x - xogħol taʼ l - ippridkar Kristjan. Our discussion lasted a good part of the afternoon. Those who are against the truth have long been "loaning under the covering of the law " to interfere with the Christian preaching work. Miljuni għadhom ma semgħux il - messaġġ tas - Saltna. Do the inmates benefit? Millions have not yet heard the Kingdom message. Għala? How do meditation and prayer help us to remain thankful? Why? Imbagħad il - qaddejja tas - sultan bdew ifittxu madwar l - art kollha għal tfajliet verġni li kienu sbieħ; minn fosthom is - sultan kien se jagħżel sultana ġdida. - Ester 1: 1 - 2: 4. And we will have the hope of enjoying our Maker's wonderful works forever. Then the king's servants began to search all over the earth for beautiful virgin girls; from among them the king would choose a new king. - Esther 1: 1 - 2: 4. Ngħidilkom jien li l - istess ferħ ikun hemm fost l - anġli taʼ Alla għal midneb wieħed li jindem. " - Luqa 15: 8 - 10. Still, pioneering has its challenges. I say to you that the same joy is among God's angels for one repentant sinner. " - Luke 15: 8 - 10. Domna nitkellmu kważi nofs taʼ nhar sħiħ. That year, I attended an assembly in Paris and applied for missionary service. We talked about half a whole day. Jibbenefikaw il - ħabsin? After some decades, though, the Unity of Brethren failed to live up to its name. Do the inmates benefit? Il - meditazzjoni u t - talb kif jgħinuna nibqgħu grati? The day is bright as my two companions and I scan the full length stretching upward before us. How do meditation and prayer help us to remain grateful? (Salm 92: 15, 16 [92: 14, 15, NW]) U aħna se jkollna t - tama li ngawdu l - għemejjel taʼ l - għaġeb tal - Ħallieq tagħna għal dejjem. Therefore, one father, after correcting his son, softened his words by kindly adding: "Your heart only wants to do what my heart wanted to do when I was your age. " And we will have the hope of enjoying the wonderful works of our Creator forever. Madankollu, ix - xogħol taʼ pijunier għandu l - isfidi tiegħu. I want to do this job in the best possible way. " However, pioneering has challenges. Dik is - sena attendejt assemblea f'Pariġi u applikajt biex naqdi fis - servizz bħala missjunarja. • 1967 The EEC merges with the ECSC and Euratom to form the European Community (EC). That year I attended an assembly in Paris and applied to serve as a missionary. Madankollu, wara xi għaxriet taʼ snin, lGħaqda taʼ l - Aħwa ma baqgħetx timxi skond il - prinċipji li kellha fil - bidu. André continued his defense, quoting extensively from the Bible. After some decades, however, the Association of Brothers ceased to follow its principles at the outset. Il - ġurnata hija sabiħa u jien u sħabi qed nagħtu daqqa t'għajn lejn it - triq wieqfa kollha li hawn quddiemna. Jehovah God gave them principles or guidelines by which they could reach correct decisions. The day is beautiful and my friends and I look at all the standing way ahead. Għalhekk, wieħed missier, wara li kkoreġa lil ibnu, rattab kliemu billi b'qalb tajba żied jgħidlu: "Qalbek trid tagħmel sempliċement dak li qalbi riedet tagħmel meta kont daqsek. " " WHAT do we want? So one father, after correcting his son, kindly responded: "Your heart must do just what my heart wanted to do when you were like you. " Irrid nagħmel dan ix - xogħol bl - aqwa mod possibbli. " Likening the Christian life course to a long - distance footrace, under inspiration the apostle Paul recommended: "Let us also put off every weight..., and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. " I want to do this work in the best way possible. " • 1967 L - EEC tingħaqad maʼ l - ECSC u l - Euratom biex jifformaw il - Komunità Ewropea (EC, bl - Ingliż). By cultivating a personal relationship with Jehovah, you can develop the desire to do what he requires of us. - Ps. 25: 14; Jas. • 1967 The EEC joins the ECSC and Euratom to form the European Community (EC, English). André kompla jiddefendi ruħu waqt li kkwota ħafna mill - Bibbja. 12, 13. André continued to defend himself as he quoted much of the Bible. Alla Ġeħova tahom prinċipji jew gwida biex ikunu jistgħu jieħdu deċiżjonijiet tajbin. They imagined that it had always been composed of scholars who met to debate points of Jewish law and held that it dated from the time Moses assembled 70 older men to help him lead Israel. Jehovah God gave them principles or guidance so that they could make good decisions. " XI RRIDU? Nor should it be surprising if family relations, even between the couple themselves, are a little strained at times. " WHAT WONDER? Billi jqabbel il - ħajja taʼ Kristjan maʼ tellieqa twila, taħt ispirazzjoni l - appostlu Pawlu ta l - parir: "Ħa nneħħu aħna wkoll kull piż..., u ħa niġru bis - sabar it - tiġrija li tqiegħdet quddiemna. " Do these expressions of God's goodness through Jesus Christ not stir in you a deep and abiding sense of gratitude and appreciation? By comparing a Christian's life with a long race, under inspiration the apostle Paul counseled: "Let us also remove every burden..., and let us run with endurance the race that was set before us. " Tistaʼ tiżviluppa x - xewqa biex tagħmel dak li Ġeħova jirrikjedi minna billi tikkultiva relazzjoni persunali miegħu. - Salm 25: 14; Ġak. The conference discussed methods of dealing with the growing AIDS crisis, such as education on the prevention of AIDS through the use of condoms; the use of less expensive AIDS treatment, which is now available; and more funding for the development of AIDS vaccines. You can develop the desire to do what Jehovah requires of us by cultivating a personal relationship with him. - Psalm 25: 14; Jas. 12, 13. Psalm 37: 29 says: "The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it. " - Psalm 115: 16; Isaiah 45: 18. 12, 13. Huma immaġinaw li dan minn dejjem kien magħmul minn studjużi li kienu jiltaqgħu biex jiddibattu dwar punti mil - liġi Lhudija u kienu jemmnu li dan beda meta Mosè ġabar 70 raġel ixjeħ biex jgħinuh imexxi lil Iżrael. The Bible shows that Jehovah regularly does what he knows will bring pleasure to his worshippers. They imagined that this was always made up of scholars who met to debate points from Jewish law and believed that it began when Moses gathered 70 older men to help him lead Israel. Lanqas m'għandu wieħed jiħodha bi kbira jekk ir - relazzjoni taʼ bejn il - membri tal - familja, anki taʼ bejn il - koppja stess, tkun mimlija tensjoni. By fearing God, we take a stand on the side of the Almighty, to whom "the nations are as a drop from a bucket. " Nor should one take it hard if the relationship between family members, even between the couple, is tense. Ma tħossx li l - mod kif Alla jesprimi t - tjubija tiegħu permezz taʼ Ġesù Kristu jqanqal fik sens profond u dejjiemi taʼ gratitudni u apprezzament? True, we are engaged in a spiritual warfare to overturn "strongly entrenched things " and" reasonings. " Does it not feel that God's expression of goodness through Jesus Christ moves you to a deep and lasting sense of gratitude and appreciation? Fosthom issemmew l - edukazzjoni fuq il - prevenzjoni taʼ l - AIDS billi jintużaw il - kondoms; l - użu taʼ kura inqas għalja għall - AIDS, li issa tistaʼ tinkiseb; u li jkun hemm iktar fondi għall - iżvilupp taʼ titqib kontra l - AIDS. Thus, trials are likely to afflict everyone on earth, especially Jehovah's faithful servants, who are seeking to do his will. Among them were education on AIDS prevention using condoms; the use of less expensive, now available AIDS treatment; and more funding for the development of AIDS punctures. Salm 37: 29 jgħid: "Il - ġusti se jirtu l - art, u jgħammru fiha għal dejjem. " - Salm 115: 16; Isaija 45: 18. If it seemed general, their conscience would come more into play and they could show their love for God by their decisions. Psalm 37: 29 says: "The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it. " - Psalm 115: 16; Isaiah 45: 18. Il - Bibbja turi li Ġeħova regolarment jagħmel dak li jaf li se jagħti gost lill - aduraturi tiegħu. Indeed, as the Bible says, "there are many " gods ' and many " lords. ' " The Bible shows that Jehovah regularly does what he knows will enjoy his worshippers. Inkunu qed inżommu man - naħa taʼ Dak li Jistaʼ Kollox jekk nibżgħu minn Alla, li għalih "il - ġnus huma bħal qatra minn barmil. " Furthermore, we will learn what blessings are enjoyed by all those who belong to Jehovah. We will be holding to the Almighty's side if we fear God, for whom "the nations are like a drop from a bucket. " Huwa minnu li qed nieħdu sehem fi gwerra spiritwali biex inwaqqgħu xi "raġunar " u xi" affarijiet li jkunu daħlu fil - fond ħafna. " Bible prophecies and world events confirm that his presence as King began in 1914, as did "the conclusion of the system of things. " It is true that we are engaging in spiritual war to overturn some "reasons " and" things that have come to a deep depth. " Għaldaqstant, il - provi x'aktarx li se jiġu fuq kulħadd, speċjalment fuq il - qaddejja leali taʼ Jehovah li qed iħabirku sabiex jagħmlu r - rieda tiegħu. Or you might be facing problems of social injustice or religious prejudice. Hence, trials are likely to be upon all, especially on Jehovah's faithful servants who are striving to do his will. F'dawk l - aspetti li kienu jidhru iktar ġenerali, in - nies kellhom jużaw iktar il - kuxjenza tagħhom u setgħu juru l - imħabba tagħhom lejn Alla bid - deċiżjonijiet li jieħdu. It was a perilous existence, involving a constant battle with drought, insect plagues, and sweltering heat. In those seemingly more general aspects, people had to use their conscience more and could demonstrate their love for God by the decisions they make. Tabilħaqq, sewwa sew bħalma tgħid il - Bibbja, "hemm ħafna allat u ħafna sidien. " Mike Indeed, just as the Bible says, "there are many gods and many masters. " Iżjed minn hekk, se nitgħallmu liema barkiet igawdu dawk kollha li jappartjenu lil Ġeħova. An Epic Ocean Voyage Moreover, we will learn what blessings all those belonging to Jehovah enjoy. Il - profeziji tal - Bibbja u l - ġrajjiet li seħħew fid - dinja jikkonfermaw li l - preżenza tiegħu bħala Sultan bdiet fl - 1914, magħha bdiet ukoll il - "konklużjoni tas - sistema. " Remember, it is only too easy to recognize signs of suicidal feelings after the fact. Bible prophecies and world events confirm that his presence as King began in 1914, with her "the conclusion of the system of things. " Jew forsi qed tiffaċċja problemi taʼ inġustizzja soċjali jew preġudizzju reliġjuż. So we prayed and decided to go on foot. Or perhaps you are facing problems of social injustice or religious prejudice. Ħajjitna kienet mimlija perikli, b'battalji kontinwi man - nixfa, l - invażjonijiet mill - insetti, u s - sħana li taqtagħlek nifsek. It's like taking a beautiful painting that someone gave you and using it as a doormat Our life was full of dangers, with constant battles with droughts, insect invasions, and the heat that breaths. Mike What force such a miracle would add to Moses ' words, proving conclusively that he had Jehovah's backing! Mike Vjaġġ Impressjonanti bil - Baħar Reflecting on the Bible's promise of a new world where tears and pain will be gone forever proved consoling indeed. An Impressive Sea Journey Ftakar, huwa faċli ħafna li tagħraf is - sinjali taʼ sentimenti taʼ suwiċidju wara li jkun ġara. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Remember, it is very easy to recognize signs of suicidal feelings after they have occurred. Għalhekk, tlabna u ddeċidejna li mmorru bil - mixi. (Read Proverbs 2: 1 - 9; 3: 5, 6.) So we prayed and decided to go on foot. Ikun bħallikieku għandek pittura sabiħa li tahielek xi ħadd u tużaha bħala tapit quddiem il - bieb Thomas and Doris had been married for over 30 years when Thomas started to drink heavily. It is as if you have a beautiful painting that has given you someone and use it as a carpet in front of the doorway Dan il - miraklu kien se jagħti prova li Mosè kien il - messaġġier t'Alla u li kellu l - awtorità Mingħandu. Guy Pierce of the Governing Body gave a heartfelt talk that focused on the yeartext for 2011, "Take refuge in the name of Jehovah. " This miracle would prove that Moses was God's messenger and that he had authority. Il - ħsieb dwar il - wegħda fil - Bibbja taʼ dinja ġdida fejn id - dmugħ u t - tbatija se jkunu spiċċaw għal dejjem farraġni mhux ftit. You might remind him of the simple and cost - free pleasures derived from the beauty of a sunset, the sweet smell of a flower, the savory taste of a fruit, or the joy of watching a mother bird feed her young. The thought of the Bible's promise of a new world where tears and suffering will have ended up forever comforted me. ippubblikat mix - Xhieda taʼ Ġeħova. Listen - and be flexible. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. (Aqra Proverbji 2: 1 - 9; 3: 5, 6.) I will never forget when my husband told me that he wanted to come to a meeting with me. (Read Proverbs 2: 1 - 9; 3: 5, 6.) Wara li Thomas u Doris kienu ilhom miżżewġin għal iktar minn 30 sena, Thomas qabad il - vizzju tax - xorb. MATTHEW 14: 23 After Thomas and Doris had been married for more than 30 years, Thomas got into the habit of drinking. Guy Pierce tal - Ġemgħa li Tiggverna ta taħdita mill - qalb li ffokat fuq l - iskrittura għas - sena 2011, " Stkenn fl - isem taʼ Ġeħova. ' • What does dedication to God involve? Guy Pierce of the Governing Body gave a heartfelt talk that focused on the yeartext for 2011, "A refuge in the name of Jehovah. ' Tistaʼ tfakkru fis - sbuħija sempliċi u li ma tqumx flus li tistaʼ tgawdi minn inżul ix - xemx, ir - riħa tfuħ taʼ fjura, it - togħma ħelwa taʼ frotta, jew il - ferħ li tara għasfura żżoqq lill - frieħ tagħha. The panel then selected the best one, the ten second - best, and the ten third - best essays. You can remind yourself of the simple and inexpensive beauty that you can enjoy from a sundown, the sweet smell of a flower, the sweet taste of a fruit, or the joy of seeing a bird feeds its offspring. Agħti widen - u kun flessibbli. Persuaded by similar predictions of disasters, some have built shelters in their backyard or, at considerable expense, have reserved quarters in underground community bunkers. Listen - and be flexible. Qatt m'jien se ninsa meta żewġi qalli li ried jiġi għal xi laqgħa miegħi. If the dead were to come back to life on such an earth, surely any happiness would be short - lived. I will never forget when my husband told me that he wanted to come to a meeting with me. MATTEW 14: 23 Jehovah has blessed our service to him during "favorable times and difficult times. " MATTHEW 14: 23 • X'tinvolvi d - dedikazzjoni lil Alla? Butterfly: Butterfly House, Mittagong, Australia • What does dedication to God involve? Dawn imbagħad għażlu l - aħjar waħda, għaxra oħra li ħadu t - tieni, u jerġaʼ għaxra oħra li ħadu t - tielet. Jesus has placed the weightiest of responsibilities on the faithful and discreet slave - namely, overseeing the domestics and giving out spiritual food at the proper time. They then chose the best one, another ten who took the second, and again another ten who took the third. * Ipperswaduti minn tbassir simili taʼ diżastru, xi wħud bnew xeltrijiet fuq wara tad - dar tagħhom jew nefqu flejjes kbar biex jirriservaw xeltrijiet taħt l - art. We needed to make good use of our time. * Persuaded by similar disaster predictions, some have built shelters at the back of their home or spent huge money to reserve underground shelters. Kieku l - mejtin kellhom jiġu lura għall - ħajja fuq art bħal din, żgur li kwalunkwe ferħ ma jkunx dejjiemi. This gave me a flexible schedule. If the dead were to come back to life on such an earth, any joy would certainly not be lasting. Ġeħova bierek is - servizz tagħna għalih "fi żmien favorevoli u fi żmien taʼ inkwiet. " They did not habitually bleed slaughtered animals, and their eating unbled meat violated God's law on blood. Jehovah blessed our service to him "in favorable times and in times of trouble. " Ġesù ta lill - ilsir leali u għaqli responsabbiltà importanti ferm. Hu ħatar lil dan l - ilsir biex jieħu ħsieb il - qaddejja tad - dar u biex jagħti l - ikel spiritwali f'waqtu. Paul sounded that warning because he sensed a real danger lurking behind the thinking of those attracted by the world. Jesus gave the faithful and discreet slave a very important responsibility, which he appointed to care for domestic servants and to give timely spiritual food. Għalhekk ridna nagħmlu użu tajjeb mill - ħin li kellna. • How can we manifest "the mind of Christ " in our activities? So we wanted to make good use of our time. Dan ippermettieli li jkolli skeda flessibbli. The Sanhedrin "summoned the apostles, flogged them, and ordered them to stop speaking upon the basis of Jesus ' name, and let them go. " This allowed me to have a flexible schedule. Ma kellhomx id - drawwa li l - annimali li joqtlu jneħħulhom demmhom kollu, u peress li kienu jieklu l - laħam bid - demm fih kienu jiksru l - liġi t'Alla dwar id - demm. To what is the growth of God's word linked at Acts 6: 7, and what happened on the day of Pentecost 33 C.E.? They did not have the habit of removing all their blood, and eating meat with blood in them would violate God's law on blood. Pawlu ta din it - twissija għaliex ħass li kien hemm periklu reali moħbi wara l - ħsieb taʼ dawk li nġibdu lejn id - dinja. (Read Job 1: 7 - 10.) Paul gave this warning because he felt that there was a real danger hidden after the thought of those drawn to the world. • Kif nistgħu nuru l - moħħ taʼ Kristu fl - attivitajiet tagħna? How did Christ act as Leader during his earthly ministry? • How can we show Christ's mind in our activities? Il - membri tas - Sinedriju "sejħu lill - appostli, sawtuhom, u ordnawlhom biex ma jibqgħux jitkellmu f'isem Ġesù, u telquhom. " We are facing a health disaster if we do not act. " The members of the Sanhedrin "called the apostles, beat them, and ordered them to stop speaking in the name of Jesus, and left them. " Maʼ xiex huwa marbut it - tkattir tal - kelma t'Alla f'Atti 6: 7, u x'ġara f'jum Pentekoste tas - sena 33 E.K.? Their assignment includes declaring God's holiness and keeping his people spiritually clean. - Isaiah 6: 1 - 3, 6, 7. To what is the growth of God's word at Acts 6: 7, and what happened on the day of Pentecost 33 C.E.? (Aqra Ġob 1: 7 - 10.) Where Christmas means time off from school or work, the holiday offers people an opportunity to relax, to spend time with their families and friends, or simply to enjoy themselves. (Read Job 1: 7 - 10.) Kristu kif aġixxa taʼ Mexxej matul il - ministeru tiegħu fuq l - art? Russell, used God's name, as did Russell himself. How did Christ act as a Leader during his earthly ministry? Qegħdin niffaċċjaw diżastru rigward dik li hija saħħa jekk ma nieħdu l - ebda passi. " Using innovative wind - tunnel testing, they found that if the modified wings were precisely curved at the tip and properly aligned with the airflow, they improved aircraft performance - nowadays by up to 10 percent or more. We are facing disaster with regard to what is health if we do not take any steps. " L - inkarigu tagħhom jinkludi li jiddikjaraw il - qdusija t'Alla u jżommu l - poplu tiegħu nadif spiritwalment. - Isaija 6: 1 - 3, 6, 7. Such ones question the Bible's relevance and authenticity, becoming wise in their own eyes. Their assignment includes declaring God's holiness and keeping his people spiritually clean. - Isaiah 6: 1 - 3, 6, 7. F'pajjiżi fejn il - Milied iġib miegħu l - vaganzi taʼ l - iskola jew tax - xogħol, il - festa toffri lin - nies l - opportunità biex jistrieħu, iqattgħu ħin mal - familja u l - ħbieb, jew sempliċement biex jiddevertu. In verse 20, Jesus is recorded as saying: "I am coming quickly. " In countries where Christmas brings school or work holidays, the festival offers people the opportunity to rest, spend time with family and friends, or simply to change. Russell, li ħadmu flimkien, użaw isem Alla. Even if it is not possible to save a marriage, what good may result from efforts to do so? Russell, who worked together, used God's name. Billi użaw apparat innovattiv biex isir magħruf x'effett ikollha l - arja li tgħaddi b'veloċità minn fuq il - ġwienaħ, sabu li jekk tarf il - ġwienaħ jiġi milwi preċiżament skont ' il fejn tkun sejra l - arja, l - aċċelerazzjoni u l - veloċità tal - ajruplan jitjiebu - illum b'sa 10 fil - mija jew iżjed. Those men could not have guessed that it would take less than a year to establish that their imprisonment was a gross miscarriage of justice. Using innovative devices to detect the effect of speeding air over the wings, they found that the wing's edge is folded precisely according to the air's location, the aircraft's acceleration and speed is improved - today by up to 10 percent or more. Uħud bħal dawn jiddubitaw l - importanza u l - awtentiċità tal - Bibbja, u b'hekk isiru għorrief f'għajnejhom stess. " All the things that were written aforetime were written for our instruction, " states Romans 15: 4. Such ones question the importance and authenticity of the Bible, making them wise in their own eyes. M'għandhomx il - Kristjani jittrattaw lin - nies kollha b'rispett, hi x'inhi l - orjentazzjoni sesswali tagħhom? Rebuilding their relationship with God meant their " spurning sinful idols. ' - Isaiah 31: 6, 7, NAB. Should not Christians treat all people with respect, whatever their sexual orientation? Fil - vers 20 hemm miktub li Ġesù qal: "Jien ġej malajr. " Interestingly, modern medical science has found that the rib has an unusual capacity to heal. In verse 20, it is written that Jesus said: "I am coming quickly. " Anke jekk ma jkunx possibbli li ssalva ż - żwieġ, x'ġid jistaʼ joħroġ mill - isforzi biex tipprova ssalvah? Even so, Peter and John along with the other disciples had proved to be effective teachers, moving many of those who listened to them to become believers. Even if it is not possible to save a marriage, what good can result from efforts to save it? Dawn l - irġiel ma setgħux jobsru li fi ftit inqas minn sena kien se jiġi stabbilit li huma ġew mitfugħin il - ħabs minħabba li s - sistema ġudizzjarja kienet falliet għalkollox li tagħmel ġustizzja. What evidence has convinced me of his existence? These men could not expect that in just under a year it would be established that they were put in prison because the justice system had failed to do justice completely. " Kulma nkiteb minn qabel inkiteb għall - istruzzjoni tagħna, " jistqarr Rumani 15: 4. Since ten can represent completeness of an earthly kind, the "ten men " stand for the" great crowd, " brought into association with "the Israel of God, " with whom they form" one flock. " " All the things that were written in advance were written for our instruction, " states Romans 15: 4. Biex jerġgħu jibnu r - relazzjoni tagħhom m'Alla, huma kellhom " iqaċċtu ' l barra l - idoli midinba. ' - Isaija 31: 6, 7, NAB. • How did Jesus show that he was "mild - tempered and lowly in heart "? To rebuild their relationship with God, they had to " cut off sinful idols. " - Isaiah 31: 6, 7, NAB. Taʼ interess, permezz tax - xjenza moderna fil - qasam mediku nstab li l - kustilja għandha kapaċità mhux tas - soltu li tfiq. These face additional challenges when it comes to rearing children. Interestingly, modern medical science has found that the rib has an unusual ability to heal. Minkejja dan, Pietru u Ġwanni flimkien mad - dixxipli l - oħra taw prova li kienu għalliema effettivi, tant li qanqlu lil ħafna minn dawk li kienu jisimgħuhom biex jibdew jemmnu. The Bloemink family in the town of Amersfoort, for instance, let their living room be used as a warehouse for food, although their house was only a stone's throw from a German army garrison! Nevertheless, Peter and John along with the other disciples proved to be effective teachers, moving many of those who listened to them to believe. X'evidenza kkonvinċietni li jeżisti? The final talk on this part of the program was delivered by Mark Noumair, who served as a missionary in Kenya before becoming a Gilead instructor. What evidence convinced me that it exists? Ladarba n - numru għaxra jirrappreżenta xi ħaġa sħiħa li għandha x'taqsam maʼ l - art, l - "għaxart irġiel " jirrappreżentaw il - " kotra kbira " li ngħaqdet maʼ l - "Iżrael taʼ Alla, " u li flimkien jagħmlu" merħla waħda. " The Scriptures refer to various books that the Bible writers used as source material. Since the number ten represents something that relates to the earth, "the ten men " represent the" great crowd " that united with "the Israel of God, " which together make" one flock. " • Ġesù kif wera li kien " ġwejjed u umli f'qalbu '? Let us consider another example. • How did Jesus show that he was "mild - tempered and lowly in heart "? Dawn jiffaċċjaw sfidi akbar fejn tidħol it - trobbija tat - tfal. Of course, God will not perform a miracle and do everything for us. They face greater challenges when it comes to raising children. Per eżempju, il - familja Bloemink fil - belt taʼ Amersfoort aċċettat li s - salott tagħhom jintuża bħala maħżen għall - ikel, avolja d - dar tagħhom kienet biss tefgħa taʼ ġebla ' l bogħod minfejn kien hemm stakkament taʼ l - armata Ġermaniża! Could we not apply this example to the years in the life of the Creator? For example, the Bloemink family in the city of Amersfoort accepted that their salot be used as a store store for food, even though their home was just a stone suck from where the German army was locked! L - aħħar taħdita f'din il - parti tal - programm ngħatat minn Mark Noumair, li qabel ma sar għalliem taʼ Gilgħad qeda bħala missjunarju fil - Kenja. In the afternoon, "they were making confession and bowing down to Jehovah their God. " The final talk in this part of the program was given by Mark Noumair, who before becoming Gilead instructor served as a missionary in Kenya. L - Iskrittura tirreferi għal diversi kotba li l - kittieba Bibliċi kienu jużaw bħala sors taʼ referenza. In that case you would certainly be striking down Syria to the finishing point, but now it is three times that you will strike down Syria. ' " The Scriptures refer to several books that Bible writers used as a source of reference. Ejja nikkunsidraw eżempju ieħor. " Healing to Your Navel, " 2 / 1 Let us consider another example. M'għandniex xi ngħidu, Alla mhux se jagħmel xi miraklu u jagħmel kollox hu. The following article will examine further questions that may arise in connection with water baptism. Of course, God will not perform a miracle and do everything he does. Ma nistgħux aħna napplikaw dan l - eżempju għas - snin tal - ħajja tal - Ħallieq? How did Moses feel about being honored and having authority? Can we not apply this example to the years of the Creator's life? Waranofsinhar, "stqarrew [dnubiethom] u mielu quddiem Ġeħova Alla tagħhom. " In what way can we imitate Jesus ' balanced example? In the afternoon, "they spoke [their sins] and bowed down to Jehovah their God. " Imma issa tliet darbiet biss tistaʼ tirbaħ lil Aramin. ' " The book 1648 - Krieg und Frieden in Europa (1648 - War and Peace in Europe) describes this confiscation as "one of the greatest shifts in ownership ever in central Europe. " But now only three times you can win Aramin. ' " 7 / 15 A few may miss meetings because they feel that some form of recreation would be more refreshing than association with the congregation. 7 / 1 L - artiklu li jmiss se jeżamina iktar mistoqsijiet li jistgħu jinqalgħu dwar il - magħmudija fl - ilma. The desire of those fearing him he will perform, and their cry for help he will hear, and he will save them. The following article will examine further questions that may arise about water baptism. Mosè kif ħassu dwar li jiġi onorat u li jkollu l - awtorità? So Zechariah told them something that would take away their fear and doubt. How did Moses feel about being honored and having authority? B'liema mod nistgħu nimitaw l - eżempju bilanċjat taʼ Ġesù? Can you see yourself living under that just rulership? In what way can we imitate Jesus ' balanced example? Il - ktieb 1648 - Krieg und Frieden in Europa (1648 - Il - Gwerra u l - Paċi fl - Ewropa) jiddeskrivi din il - konfiska bħala "waħda mill - akbar bidliet fil - pussess taʼ proprjetà li qatt kien hawn fl - Ewropa ċentrali. " In some cases the original Hebrew meaning of these names actually included the personal name of God. The book 1648 - Krieg und Frieden in Europa (1648 - War and Peace in Europe) describes this confiscation as "one of the greatest changes in property ownership ever in central Europe. " Xi wħud jistgħu jitilfu l - laqgħat għaliex jaħsbu li xi rikreazzjoni tistaʼ tkun iktar rifreskanti milli jassoċjaw mal - kongregazzjoni. Fervent, specific prayer is not, of course, the only way to help others, especially those near and dear to you. Some may miss meetings because they think that some recreation may be more refreshing than they associate with the congregation. In - nuqqas taʼ rqad qed ikollu effett diżastruż fuq is - saħħa tat - tfal, tgħid ir - rivista U.S.News & World Report. It is not surprising that many people make big changes when they learn the truth. Insomnia is having a disastrous effect on the health of children, says U.S.News & World Report magazine. Jaqtgħalhom xewqathom ' il dawk li jibżgħu minnu, jismaʼ l - għajta tagħhom, u jsalvahom. In 1501, Martin became a student at the University of Erfurt. Their desires are to be taken away by those who fear him, to hear their cry, and to save them. Allura Żakkarija qalilhom xi ħaġa li kienet se tneħħilhom il - biżaʼ u d - dubji li kellhom. When Ahijah was old and blind, Jeroboam sent his wife to inquire of Ahijah about the welfare of their sick son. So Zechariah told them something that would remove their fears and doubts. Tistaʼ tara lilek innifsek tgħix taħt ħakma bħal din? That spirit will be the force behind the new scrolls that will be opened at that time. Can you see yourself living under such rule? F'ċerti każi t - tifsira bl - Ebrajk oriġinali taʼ dawn l - ismijiet fil - fatt kienet tinkludi l - isem persunali t'Alla. " I have not completely lost faith in God, but it sure has changed. " In some cases the original Hebrew meaning of these names actually included God's personal name. M'għandniex xi ngħidu, li nitolbu b'ħeġġa kbira u b'mod speċifiku għal oħrajn m'hijiex l - unika għajnuna li nistgħu nagħtuhom, speċjalment lil dawk li huma qrib tagħna u għeżież għalina. In our time, we can expect a government by God to rule from heaven over all mankind. Of course, praying fervently and specifically to others is not the only help we can give to them, especially to those who are close to us and loved for us. Mhix taʼ sorpriża li ħafna nies jagħmlu bidliet kbar meta jitgħallmu l - verità. Today he is a traveling overseer, visiting and encouraging congregations. It is not surprising that many people make big changes when they learn the truth. Fl - 1501, Luteru sar student fl - Università taʼ Erfurt. He ministered to Moses and was later appointed to lead Israel. In 1501, Luther became a student at the University of Erfurt. Meta Aħija kien xiħ u agħma, Ġerobogħam bagħat lil martu biex tistaqsi lil Aħija dwar x'kien se jiġri minn binhom li kien marid. Harrison. When Ahiah was old and blind, Jeroboam sent his wife to ask Ahiah what would happen to their sick son. Dan l - ispirtu se jkun il - forza wara l - kitba tar - rombli l - ġodda li se jinfetħu f'dan iż - żmien. Christ thus proved Satan the Devil, who had falsely charged that humans serve God only out of selfish motives, to be a liar. This spirit will be the force behind the writing of the new scrolls that will be opened at this time. " Il - fidi tiegħi f'Alla ma tlifthiex għalkollox imma m'għadhiex bħalma kienet. " Clay figures depict the shepherds and the Magi (or "three kings "), as well as Joseph, Mary, and Jesus. " My faith in God was not completely lost but no longer as it was. " Fi żmienna, aħna nistgħu nistennew gvern immexxi minn Alla biex jaħkem mis - sema fuq l - umanità kollha. Cyrus In our day, we can expect a God - led government to rule from heaven over all mankind. Illum hu jaqdi bħala indokratur li jivvjaġġa, iżur u jinkuraġġixxi lill - kongregazzjonijiet. Concerning Jehovah's patience, the apostle Peter wrote: "Let this one fact not be escaping your notice, beloved ones, that one day is with Jehovah as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day. Today he serves as a traveling overseer, visiting and encouraging congregations. Hu għen lil Mosè u iktar tard inħatar biex imexxi lil Iżrael. □ True □ False He helped Moses and was later appointed to lead Israel. Harrison. Relying on his experience, an elder may begin to care for matters involving the congregation without first approaching God in prayer. Harrison. B'hekk, Kristu wera kemm kien giddieb Satana x - Xitan, li kien għamel l - akkuża falza li l - bnedmin jaqdu biss lil Alla minħabba motivi egoistiċi. In such cases, there might seem to be little difference between having faith and being gullible. Christ thus proved to be a liar Satan the Devil, who had made the false accusation that humans serve God only on selfish motives. Jagħmlu wkoll figurini tat - tafal li jirrappreżentaw lir - rgħajja u l - Maġi (jew "it - tliet slaten "), kif ukoll lil Ġużeppi, lil Marija, u lil Ġesù. This may seem as if it would have been an easy choice to make because serving Jehovah is always best. They also make clay figures representing shepherds and Magics (or "the three kings "), as well as Joseph, Mary, and Jesus. Ċiru The name of Jehovah also was a feature of The Bible in Living English, by Stephen T. Cherimoyas Rigward il - paċenzja taʼ Ġeħova, l - appostlu Pietru kiteb: "Madankollu, maħbubin, tagħlqux għajnejkom għal dan il - fatt, li għal Ġeħova jum wieħed hu bħal elf sena u elf sena bħal jum wieħed. However, in the south of England in Wessex, Saxon King Alfred and his successors held the Vikings at bay. Regarding Jehovah's patience, the apostle Peter wrote: "However, beloved ones, do not blind your eyes to this fact, that to Jehovah one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like one day. □ Veru □ Falz This job is not for the faint of heart. □ True □ False Pereżempju, anzjan li għandu ħafna esperjenza jistaʼ jibda jafda wisq fih innifsu minflok ma jitlob lil Alla qabel ma jieħu ħsieb xi kwistjonijiet fil - kongregazzjoni. Later, after we had been back in Ghana for nearly four years, we learned that Mother's health had become very poor. For example, an experienced elder may start to trust too much in himself rather than pray to God before handling matters in the congregation. F'każijiet bħal dawn, jistaʼ jidher li hemm ftit differenza bejn li jkollok il - fidi u li temmen kollox. A Warning to the Israelites In such cases, it may seem that there is little difference between having faith and believing everything. Din setgħet dehret li kienet għażla faċli x'tagħmel, għax li taqdi lil Ġeħova hu dejjem l - aħjar. The Global Positioning System can indicate one's exact location at the push of a few buttons. It may have seemed to be an easy choice to do, for serving Jehovah is always the best. L - isem taʼ Jehovah kien ukoll karatteristika importanti f'The Bible in Living English, minn Stephen T. " The day of Christ's birth cannot be ascertained from the N [ew] T [estament] or, indeed, from any other source, " states McClintock and Strong's Cyclopedia. Jehovah's name was also an important feature in The Bible in Living English, by Stephen T. Madankollu, fin - naħa t'isfel taʼ l - Ingilterra, f'Wessex, ir - Re Sassonu Alfred u s - suċċessuri tiegħu żammew il - Vikingi ' l bogħod. Jehovah's Witnesses warmly invite you to join them in observing the Memorial of Jesus ' death. In the south of England, however, in Wessex, King Saxon Alfred and his successors kept the Vikings far away. Xogħol bħal dan ma jgħoddx għall - beżżiegħa. What a wonderful fellow believer and personal friend Violet became! Such work does not apply to frightening. Iktar tard, meta konna ilna li rritornajna fil - Gana kważi erbaʼ snin, sirna nafu li s - saħħa t'ommi kienet ħażina ħafna. Jehovah says to Zion: "Your gates will actually be kept open constantly; they will not be closed even by day or by night, in order to bring to you the resources of the nations, and their kings will be taking the lead. " Later, when we had returned to Ghana almost four years, we learned that my mother's health was very bad. Twissija lill - Iżraelin Anxiety has overwhelmed some, making them feel unable to continue handling the responsibilities involved in serving Jehovah. A Warning to the Israelites Il - Global Positioning System tistaʼ tindika l - post eżatt taʼ dak li jkun billi jagħfas ftit buttuni. Police are supposed to protect people, but in some cities police corruption and abuse of power are commonplace. The Global Positioning System can indicate its exact location by pressing a few buttons. Is - Cyclopedia taʼ McClintock u Strong tgħid: "Il - ġurnata tat - twelid taʼ Kristu ma tinstabx fit - T [estment] il - Ġ [did] u, jekk niġu f'dan, fl - ebda sors ieħor. " (b) What wonderful fruitage comes from Christian endurance? McClintock and Strong's Cyclopedia states: "The day of Christ's birth is not found in the T [estment] of the [red] and, if it comes to this, in any other source. " Ix - Xhieda taʼ Ġeħova jistiednuk mill - qalb biex tingħaqad magħhom fl - osservanza tat - Tifkira tal - mewt taʼ Ġesù. Gilead School - 60 Years of Missionary Training Jehovah's Witnesses warmly invite you to join them in observance of the Memorial of Jesus ' death. Violet saret sieħba taʼ l - istess twemmin u ħabiba tal - qalb mill - aqwa! What kind of people does Jehovah draw to himself? Violet became a fellow believer and a fine friend! Jehovah jgħid lil Sijon: "Il - bibien tiegħek ikunu miftuħin dejjem, lejl u nhar ma jingħalqux, biex jiġi għandek il - ġid tal - ġnus, u s - slaten tagħhom miexja quddiem. " We also need patience when we are taking care of a family member or a friend who has an illness that lasts for a long time. Jehovah tells Zion: "Your gates will always be open, and you will not be shut down every day, that the good things of the nations may come, and their kings may be walking in front of them. " L - ansjetà ħakmet lil xi wħud, u ġagħlithom iħossuhom m'humiex kapaċi jkomplu jlaħħqu mar - responsabbiltajiet involuti biex jaqdu lil Jehovah. In fact, he knows us far better than we know ourselves. - Psalm 103: 14. Anxiety has dominated some, causing them to feel unable to keep up with the responsibilities involved in serving Jehovah. Il - pulizija suppost li jipproteġu lin - nies, imma f'ċerti bliet il - korruzzjoni u l - abbuż tal - poter mill - pulizija huma komuni. Recently, two young people died from an ecstasy overdose at a rave in Spain. Police is supposed to protect people, but in some cities corruption and abuse of power by police are common. (b) Is - sabar Kristjan jagħti liema frott mill - aħjar? The accompanying box presents a number of ideas that may be used during your periods of family worship or personal study. (b) What fine fruitage does Christian endurance bear? L - Iskola taʼ Gilgħad - 60 Sena taʼ Taħriġ għall - Missjunarji Talk to those who are currently pioneering. Gilead School - 60 Years of Missionary Training Ġeħova liema tip taʼ nies jiġbed lejh? 24: 12; Matt. What kind of people does Jehovah draw to him? Aħna għandna bżonn il - paċenzja wkoll meta nkunu qed nieħdu ħsieb membru tal - familja jew ħabib li għandu marda fit - tul. Movies, electronic games, and other kinds of entertainment can make the supernatural seem exciting. We also need patience when caring for a family member or a friend who has a long -standing illness. Fil - fatt, hu jafna iktar milli aħna nafu lilna nfusna. - Salm 103: 14. And they were eager to share it with others. In fact, he knows us more than we know ourselves. - Psalm 103: 14. Skond dawn ir - riċerkaturi, "dak li nstab jissuġġerixxi li xi wħud mix - xogħlijiet li għandhom x'jaqsmu mad - dar isiru b'mod li tant hu intens li hu biżżejjed biex iservi taʼ benefiċċju għas - saħħa. " At that time, what would happen if they asked for help? According to these researchers, "what has been found suggests that some of the housework are done in such an intense way that it is sufficient to benefit health. " Il - kaxxa taʼ wara dan l - artiklu tippreżenta għadd taʼ ideat li jistgħu jintużaw waqt perijodi tal - qima tal - familja jew l - istudju persunali. Jesus, who could discern what was in their hearts, knew differently. The following box presents a number of ideas that can be used during periods of family worship or personal study. Tkellem maʼ dawk li bħalissa huma pijunieri. According to the Mosaic Law, they deserved to be executed. Talk to those who are currently pioneers. 24: 12; Mt. Therefore, if a Christian couple decide on having a modest reception with a specific number of guests, this should be understood and respected by fellow Christians who are not invited. 24: 12; Matt. Films, logħob elettroniku, u tipi oħra taʼ divertiment jistgħu jagħmlu l - affarijiet sopranaturali jidhru eċċitanti. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Films, electronic games, and other types of entertainment can make supernatural things seem exciting. U kellhom sebaʼ mitt sena biex jaqsmuha m'oħrajn. Jehovah wants us to develop that sort of relationship with him. And they had seven hundred years to share it with others. F'dak il - mument, x'se jiġri jekk jitolbu l - għajnuna? [ Picture on page 11] At that moment, what will happen if they pray for help? Ġesù, li setaʼ jagħraf x'kien hemm f'qalbhom, kien jaf li dan ma kienx veru. Job had no "valuable things " with which to honor Jehovah. Jesus, who could discern what was in their heart, knew that this was not true. Skont il - Liġi Mosajka kien jistħoqqilhom il - mewt. However, relief may come at a high price, as all of these types of drugs can cause serious side effects. According to the Mosaic Law, death was worthy of death. Għalhekk, jekk l - għarajjes Kristjani jiddeċiedu li jagħmlu tieġ żgħir b'numru speċifiku taʼ mistidnin, Kristjani sħabhom li ma jkunux mistidnin għandhom jifhmu u jirrispettaw id - deċiżjoni tagħhom. (a) What happy future awaits all whom God views as righteous? Therefore, if Christian boyfriends decide to make a small wedding with a specific number of guests, uninvited fellow Christians should understand and respect their decision. UKOLL F'DIN IL - ĦARĠA " Tell Us More! " (student in Russia), 3 / 1 ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Jehovah iridna niżviluppaw dan it - tip taʼ relazzjoni miegħu. In addition, many of us were once among those whose minds were "blinded " by Satan; we were once ignorant of Jehovah and his righteous standards. Jehovah wants us to develop this kind of relationship with him. [ Stampa f'paġna 11] Then, indicating his confidence that Jehovah is not constantly scrutinizing our errors, he added: "Hold me clear of unnoticed things! " [ Picture on page 11] Ġob ma kellux iktar "affarijiet prezzjużi " li bihom setaʼ jonora lil Ġeħova. When we have faith in Jehovah's directions and apply the principles he has given us, we can make wise decisions. Job had no longer "valued things " with which he could honor Jehovah. Madankollu, biex wieħed jikseb is - serħan jistaʼ jpattiha qares, minħabba li dawn it - tipi kollha taʼ mediċina jistgħu jikkaġunaw konsegwenzi serji. Because in isolated farming colonies within a 180 - mile [300 km] radius of Santa Cruz, Bolivia, German - speaking Mennonites were showing keen interest in the Bible. For relief, however, it can be ashamed, since all these types of medicine can cause serious consequences. (a) X'futur hieni hemm jistenna lil dawk kollha li Alla jqishom bħala li huma ġusti? He gave the people the Mosaic Law. (a) What happy future awaits all those whom God views as righteous? Punti Prinċipali mis - Salmi, l - Ewwel Ktieb, 5 / 15 15: 34 - Did Jesus ' words "my God, my God, why have you forsaken me? " Highlights From the Psalms, Book One, 5 / 1 Iktar minn hekk, ħafna minna konna fost dawk li moħħhom kien " mogħmi ' minn Satana; darba ma konniex nafu b'Ġeħova u l - livelli ġusti tiegħu. But then the political situation changed in Cambodia, and we had to go to South Vietnam. Moreover, many of us were among those who were " blinded by " Satan; once we did not know Jehovah and his righteous standards. Imbagħad, biex juri l - fiduċja tiegħu li Ġeħova m'huwiex qiegħed jgħarbel in - nuqqasijiet tagħna l - ħin kollu, hu żied jgħid: "Aħfirli għad - dnubiet li għamilt bla ma naf. " " Do not suffer shock or be terrified, " he was told, "for Jehovah your God is with you wherever you go. " Then, to show his confidence that Jehovah is not scrutinizing our shortcomings at all times, he added: "Forgive me for my sins without knowing it. " Meta jkollna fidi fid - direzzjonijiet taʼ Ġeħova u napplikaw il - prinċipji li tana, aħna nkunu nistgħu nieħdu deċiżjonijiet għaqlin. When tempting Eve, Satan insinuated that God withheld something wonderful from her. When we have faith in Jehovah's directions and apply the principles he has given us, we can make wise decisions. Għax xi 300 kilometru madwar Santa Cruz, fil - Bolivja, fil - komunitajiet tal - bdiewa, il - Mennoniti li kienu jitkellmu bil - Ġermaniż urew interess kbir fil - Bibbja. But single parents, do not lose heart! Because about 30 miles [300 km] of Santa Cruz, Bolivia, in farming communities, German - speaking Mennonites showed great interest in the Bible. Lin - nies tahom il - Liġi Mosajka. Like ancient shepherds, Christian elders "bandage " God's wounded sheep With what attitude do Christian elders try to readjust someone? He gave people the Mosaic Law. 15: 34 - Il - kliem "Alla tiegħi, Alla tiegħi, għala abbandunajtni? " (b) How did even Nazi officials recognize our dedication? 15: 34 - Why did the words "my God, my God, abandon me? " Imma mbagħad is - sitwazzjoni politika nbidlet fil - Kambodja, u kellna mmorru l - Vjetnam t'Isfel. [ Picture] But then the political situation changed in Cambodia, and we had to go to South Vietnam. Alla qallu: "Tinħasadx jew titwerwer, għax Ġeħova Alla tiegħek hu miegħek kulfejn tmur. " A humble apology will win you respect, help build a trusting relationship, and enhance your own peace of mind. God said to him: "Do not be shocked or terrified, for Jehovah your God is with you wherever you go. " Meta Satana ttanta lil Eva, hu ta x'jifhem li Alla kien ċaħħadha minn xi ħaġa meraviljuża. Make a firm resolve - a solemn promise to yourself - not to look at things that are bad. When Satan tempted Eve, he understood that God had deprived her of something wonderful. Imma ġenituri li qed trabbu lit - tfal waħedkom, ara ma taqtgħux qalbkom! Likely he will not erect a monument to himself, as King Saul did. But parents who are raising children alone do not give up! L - anzjani Kristjani b'liema attitudni jerġgħu jipprovaw jaġġustaw lil xi ħadd? Ironically, many parents who sow Option A reap Option B. With what attitude do Christian elders try to adjust someone again? (b) Id - dedikazzjoni tagħna kif ġiet rikonoxxuta anki mill - uffiċjali tan - Nazi? You may have heard that Jehovah's Witnesses do not accept blood transfusions. (b) How has our dedication also been recognized by Nazi officials? [ Stampa] Their explanation was enough to convince the other tribes, who dropped the idea of taking action against the two and a half tribes. [ Picture] Jekk b'umiltà titlob apoloġija se tirbaħ ir - rispett, se tgħin biex tibni l - fiduċja fir - relazzjoni, u se żżid il - paċi tal - moħħ tiegħek stess. When there was an economic downturn in Japan, however, he realized how futile it was to pursue money and power. If you humbly apologize will win respect, it will help build trust in the relationship, and it will increase the peace of your own mind. Agħmel l - istess riżoluzzjoni - wegħda solenni miegħek innifsek - li ma tħarisx lejn affarijiet ħżiena. After two days or so, they arrive in Bethany, Lazarus ' hometown. Make the same resolution - a solemn promise to yourself - that you do not look at bad things. X'aktarx li mhux se jibni monument bħala tifkira għalih innifsu, bħalma għamel is - Sultan Sawl. So I applied to be a regular pioneer. Likely, he will not build a monument as a reminder for himself, as King Saul did. Ironikament, ħafna ġenituri li jiżirgħu l - Għażla A jaħsdu l - Għażla B. 68: 11. Ironically, many parents who sow Option A reap Option B. Għandek mnejn smajt li x - Xhieda taʼ Ġeħova ma jaċċettawx trasfużjonijiet tad - demm. However, the one who waited idly received a different treatment. You may have heard that Jehovah's Witnesses do not accept blood transfusions. L - ispjegazzjoni tagħhom kienet biżżejjed biex tikkonvinċi lit - tribujiet l - oħrajn. Dawn kienu biddlu l - ħsieb li jieħdu azzjoni kontra ż - żewġ tribujiet u nofs. Later in life he again did what was bad. Their explanation was sufficient to convince the other tribes, which had changed the thought of taking action against the two and a half tribes. Madankollu, meta kien hemm tnaqqis fl - attività ekonomika fil - Ġappun, hu induna kemm ma kien jiswa xejn li tiġri wara l - flus u l - poter. The Bible is an excellent guidebook in bringing up children. However, when there was a decline in economic activity in Japan, he realized the cost of following money and power. Wara jumejn jew iktar waslu Betanja, ir - raħal taʼ Lazzru. B., Canada After two or more days, Bethany arrived, the village of Lazarus. Allura applikajt biex naqdi bħala pijuniera regulari. " All generations will pronounce me happy, " Mary herself stated. So I applied to serve as a regular pioneer. Alla tabilħaqq ta lin - nisa leali l - privileġġ li jieħdu sehem fit - twettiq tal - kliem tas - salmista: "Ġeħova joħroġ il - kelma; in - nisa li qed ixandru l - aħbar tajba huma armata kbira. " - Salm 68: 11. 3: 6. God indeed gave faithful women the privilege of sharing in the fulfillment of the psalmist's words: "Jehovah himself gives the word; the women preaching the good news are a great army. " - Psalm 68: 11. Iżda l - qaddej li sakemm dam jistenna qagħad jitlef il - ħin ġie trattat b'mod differenti. A Harvard University test compared a group who smoked marijuana daily with a group who used it less often. But the servant who for as long as he expected to lose his time was treated differently. Iktar tard f'ħajtu, reġaʼ għamel dak li hu ħażin. Such would naturally include the sale and repurchase of property. Later in his life, he again did what was bad. Il - Bibbja hija gwida eċċellenti dwar it - trobbija tat - tfal. Margaret, a spirit - anointed sister in her 90 ' s who was baptized over 70 years ago, admits: "When my husband was dying of cancer in 1963, I felt that it would be wonderful if the end came quickly. The Bible is an excellent guide to raising children. S., Stati Uniti It is also important to diversify how you respond. S., United States Marija nfisha qalet: "Il - ġenerazzjonijiet kollha jgħiduli hienja. " How to Remain Joyful Mary himself said: "All generations tell me happy. " 3: 6. He will destroy all existing weapons and will remove from man's heart even the desire for conflict. 3: 6. Test li sar fl - Università taʼ Harvard qabbel grupp li kien ipejjep il - marijuana kuljum maʼ grupp li kien jużaha inqas spiss. [ Picture on page 16] A test carried out at Harvard University compared a group that smoked marijuana daily with a group that used it less frequently. Dawn naturalment kienu jinkludu l - bejgħ u x - xiri lura taʼ proprjetà. Because of fluctuating hormones, a woman may also experience depression and mood swings, resulting in weepiness, as well as poor concentration and lapses in memory. These of course included the sale and repurchase of property. Margaret, oħt midluka bl - ispirtu li għandha ' l fuq minn 90 sena u tgħammdet iktar minn 70 sena ilu, tammetti: "Meta żewġi kien qed imut bil - kanċer fl - 1963, ħassejt li kienet tkun xi ħaġa taʼ l - għaġeb li kieku t - tmiem kellu jasal malajr. He wanted to be ready for any test, be it temptation, opposition, or persecution. Margaret, a spirit - anointed sister aged over 90 and baptized over 70 years ago, admits: "When my husband died of cancer in 1963, I felt that it would be wonderful if the end would come quickly. Huwa importanti wkoll li twieġeb lit - tarbija b'modi differenti. ▪ Do you take enough time to communicate with your family? It is also important to answer the baby in different ways. Kif Jibqgħu Ferħanin Their Grand Instructor, Jehovah God, has educated them and " given them the tongue of the taught ones, that they may know how to answer the tired one with a word. ' How to Keep Happy Hu se jeqred l - armamenti kollha li jeżistu u saħansitra se jneħħi x - xewqa għall - ġlied minn qalb il - bniedem. Without question, Satan the Devil is properly called "the ruler of the world " and" the god of this system of things. " He will destroy all existing armaments and even remove the desire for strife from the heart of man. [ Stampa f'paġna 16] This fact along with recent serious accidents and fires in several European tunnels has made safety a matter of high priority in the Laerdal Tunnel. [ Picture on page 16] Minħabba li l - livell tal - ormoni ma jibqax regulari, mara għandha mnejn ukoll taqbadha dipressjoni u tbati bil - burdati, u b'hekk tibda tibki mix - xejn. With hyperbole, Jesus created mental pictures that were hard to forget. Because the hormone level does not remain regular, a woman may also become depressed and moodful, thus weeping. Hu ried ikun lest għal kwalunkwe prova, kemm jekk tkun tentazzjoni, oppożizzjoni, jew persekuzzjoni. The apostle Paul wrote: "Keep this mental attitude in you that was also in Christ Jesus, who, although he was existing in God's form, gave no consideration to a seizure, namely, that he should be equal to God. He wanted to be ready for any trial, whether tempting, opposition, or persecution. ▪ Qiegħed tuża biżżejjed ħin biex tikkomunika maʼ familtek? The prophet Jeremiah wrote concerning Israel: "We ourselves have transgressed... ▪ Are you using enough time to communicate with your family? L - Istruttur Grandjuż tagħhom, Alla Jehovah, għallimhom u tahom " ilsien taʼ wieħed mgħallem, biex jagħrfu jgħinu lill - għajjien b'xi kelma. ' Nevertheless, Alex got caught up in trading in the stock market, thinking he could soon quit his job and enter the pioneer service. Their Grand Instructor, Jehovah God, taught them and gave them " the tongue of a teacher, to help the tired one with a word. ' Mingħajr dubju, Satana x - Xitan bix - xieraq jissejjaħ "il - ħakkiem tad - dinja " u" l - alla taʼ din is - sistema. " He said: "Learn from the fig tree as an illustration this point: Just as soon as its young branch grows tender and it puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. Undoubtedly, Satan the Devil is rightly called "the ruler of the world " and" the god of this system of things. " Dan il - fatt flimkien maʼ aċċidenti serji u nirien li seħħew dan l - aħħar f'diversi mini taʼ l - Ewropa ġagħlu li s - sigurtà tingħata prijorità kbira fil - Mina taʼ Laerdal. He is the Great Potter, and we are like clay that has been shaped into vessels, for him to deal with as he pleases. This combined with recent serious accidents and fires in various tunnels of Europe has made security a top priority in the Laerdal Tunnel. Permezz taʼ l - iperbole, Ġesù ħoloq stampi mentali li kien diffiċli biex dak li jkun jinsiehom. But because it connects North and South America, Panama also links people. By means of the hyperbole, Jesus created mental images that were difficult to forget. L - appostlu Pawlu kiteb: "Żommu din l - attitudni mentali fikom li kienet ukoll fi Kristu Ġesù, li, għalkemm kien jeżisti fis - sura t'Alla, ma qagħadx jaħseb li għandu jaħtaf, jiġifieri, li għandu jkun ugwali m'Alla. Eventually, I took to heart the Bible's counsel at 2 Corinthians 7: 1 and made up my mind to cleanse myself of "every defilement of flesh and spirit, " which meant giving up marijuana and tobacco. The apostle Paul wrote: "Keep this mental attitude in you that was also in Christ Jesus, who, although he existed in God's form, did not think he should seize, that is, that he should be equal to God. Il - profeta Ġeremija kiteb hekk dwar Iżrael: "Aħna dnibna... Or why did he not authorize them to engage in warfare to free themselves from oppression? The prophet Jeremiah wrote of Israel: "We have sinned... Imma ħaseb li kieku jistaʼ jaqlaʼ iktar flus, hu jkun jistaʼ jieqaf jaħdem u jibda jaqdi bħala pijunier. [ Pictures on page 26] But he thought that if he could earn more money, he could stop working and start pioneering. Hu qal: "Tgħallmu din il - parabbola mis - siġra tat - tin. Meta l - fergħa tirtab u tarmi l - weraq, intom tintebħu li s - sajf fil - qrib. The test revolves around the key issue - are we for God's established Kingdom or for Satan's wicked system of things? He said: "You have learned this parable from the fig tree, and when the branch softens and throws away leaves, you realize that summer nearby. Hu l - Fuħħari l - Kbir, u aħna bħal tafal li ġie fformat f'reċipjenti, sabiex hu jaġixxi magħna kif jogħġbu. For whatever a man is sowing, this he will also reap. " He is the Great Potter, and we are like clay formed in vessels, so that he acts with us as he pleases. Però, peress li tgħaqqad l - Amerika taʼ Fuq maʼ t'Isfel, il - Panama tgħaqqad ukoll popli. He states: "The new generation of Catholics has been educated in relativism and views religion as a matter of secondary importance. " However, by connecting North America with South, Panama also unites peoples. Maż - żmien, il - parir li hemm fil - Bibbja fit - 2 Korintin 7: 1 laqatli qalbi u ddeċidejt li nitnaddaf minn "kull tinġis tal - laħam u taʼ l - ispirtu, " li kien ifisser li naqtaʼ l - marijuana u t - tabakk. This job also required a lot of endurance and perseverance. In time, the Bible's counsel at 2 Corinthians 7: 1 struck my heart and decided to cleanse me of "every defilement of flesh and spirit, " which meant cutting down marijuana and tobacco. Jew għala m'awtorizzahomx jiggwerraw biex jinħelsu mill - oppressjoni? Employers value those who arrive on time for work and meet deadlines. Or why not authorize them to war to get rid of oppression? [ Stampi f'paġna 26] This involved a climb of more than 9,000 feet (3,000 m), which would take us several days. [ Pictures on page 26] Il - prova hija marbuta mal - kwistjoni ewlenija - nappoġġaw aħna s - Saltna stabbilità t'Alla jew is - sistema t'affarijiet mill - agħar taʼ Satana? I find it's good to keep in touch with them, even if they live far away. The test is related to the key issue - do we support God's established Kingdom or Satan's wicked system of things? Dak li bniedem jiżraʼ, dak huwa jaħsad. " Would you like to come? " Whatever a man is sowing, he will reap. " " Iktar minn 300,000 tifel u tifla - xi wħud saħansitra taʼ 7 snin - qed jiġġieldu bħala suldati f ' 41 pajjiż madwar id - dinja, " jgħid rapport taʼ l - Associated Press. They wanted to follow closely in his footsteps. " Over 300,000 children - some even 7 - are fighting as soldiers in 41 lands around the world, " says an Associated Press report. Dan l - inkarigu wkoll kien jeħtieġ ħafna sabar u perseveranza. The best way to dispel negative thoughts, however, is by putting our confidence in the Creator. That assignment also required long - suffering and perseverance. Min jimpjega japprezza lil dawk li jaslu x - xogħol fil - ħin u jlestu fil - ħin. Some outside the Christian congregation may view our ministry as mere distribution of literature. The employer appreciates those who arrive at the job on time and complete it on time. Dan kien ifisser telgħa taʼ iktar minn 3,000 metru, vjaġġ li kien jiħdilna diversi ġranet. 1: 9. This meant a climb of over 3,000 feet [3,000 m], a journey that took us several days. Jien insibha tajba li nibqaʼ nikkuntattjahom, anki jekk joqogħdu ' l bogħod. Of course, it is important to exercise self - control and express oneself in a discreet and loving way. I find it good to keep contacting them, even if they stay far away. Tixtiequ tiġu? " He was about to leave for his foreign assignment. Would you like to come? " Huma riedu jimxu mill - qrib fuq il - passi tiegħu. Why were Jesus ' words about straining out the gnat and gulping down the camel particularly powerful hyperbole? They wanted to follow his steps closely. Però, l - aqwa mod biex inneħħu ħsibijiet negattivi hu billi nqiegħdu l - fiduċja tagħna fil - Ħallieq. Research Reports, a newsletter from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, says that coffee beans contain a cholesterol - raising substance called cafestol. However, the best way to remove negative thoughts is to put our trust in the Creator. Nies li m'humiex parti mill - kongregazzjoni Kristjana għandhom mnejn jaħsbu li l - iskop tal - ministeru tagħna hu sempliċement li nqassmu l - letteratura. In fact, the words "hope, "" hoped, " and "hoping " appear over 160 times in the Bible and refer both to the eager and sure expectation of something good and to the object of that expectation. People outside the Christian congregation may think that the purpose of our ministry is simply to distribute literature. 1: 9. PAGE 16 • SONGS: 51, 91 1: 9. M'għandniex xi ngħidu, huwa importanti li neżerċitaw ir - rażna u nesprimu lilna nfusna b'mod diskret u bi mħabba. PORTRAITS FROM THE PAST Of course, it is important to exercise self - control and express ourselves discreetly and lovingly. Kien wasal biex jitlaq għall - inkarigu tiegħu f'pajjiż ieħor. Are you having difficulty realizing it? He was about to leave for his assignment in another land. Il - kliem taʼ Ġesù dwar li jsaffu n - nemusa u jibilgħu l - ġemel għala kien iperbole partikolarment qawwija? Each of Israel's other tribes got an allotment of land, but the Levites had Jehovah as their "share. " Why were Jesus ' words about mosquitoing and swallowing camel particularly powerful hyperbole? Research Reports, bulettin mill - Organizzazzjoni Olandiża għar - Riċerka Xjentifika, jgħid li l - kafè mhux mitħun fih sustanza msejħa kafestol li żżid il - kolesterol. * Surely, you would resent it. Research Reports, a bulletin by the Dutch Scientific Research Organization, says that unground coffee contains a substance called cholesterol - enhancing coffee. Fil - fatt, kliem bħal "tama, "" ittamajt, " u "nittamaw " jidhru ħafna drabi fil - Bibbja u jirreferu kemm għall - ħerqa u kemm għall - istennija ċerta għal xi ħaġa tajba jew għall - objettiv taʼ dik l - istennija. Proper training of little ones includes reading aloud to them. In fact, such words as "hope, "" I have hoped, " and "we hope " appear many times in the Bible and refer to both eagerness and sure expectation for something good or the objective of that expectation. PAĠNA 16 • GĦANJIET: 51, 91 For example, note the Bible principle at Proverbs 12: 25. PAGE 16 • SONGS: 51, 91 TITWILA LEJN IL - PASSAT What questions logically arise? PORTRAITS FROM THE PAST Qed issibha diffiċli biex tilħaqha din il - mira? Imagine the grief in that area! Do you find it difficult to reach this goal? Kull wieħed mit - tribujiet l - oħra taʼ Iżrael irċieva art bħala wirt imma l - Leviti kellhom lil Ġeħova bħala "s - sehem " tagħhom. Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. Each of Israel's other tribes received an inheritance land but the Levites had Jehovah as their "share. " * Żgur li ma tiħux pjaċir. " What's this nonsense about no blood? ' was one of his first " greetings. ' * You certainly do not enjoy it. It - taħriġ xieraq għaż - żgħar jinkludi li taqralhom b'leħen għoli. 24: 17 - 19; 25: 14. Appropriate training for young ones includes reading aloud to them. Per eżempju, innota l - prinċipju Bibliku fi Proverbji 12: 25. Where is this place? Note, for example, the Bible principle at Proverbs 12: 25. Liema mistoqsijiet iqumu loġikament? He had a sound car - an automobile equipped with a powerful amplifier and a large speaker mounted on the roof. What questions arise logically? Immaġina n - niket f'dawk l - inħawi! [ Picture Credit Line on page 18] Imagine the grief in that area! Saħansitra f'din id - dinja mimlija inkwiet, int tistaʼ tikseb hena minn għarfien eżatt tal - Bibbja dwar Alla, is - Saltna tiegħu, u l - iskop meraviljuż tiegħu għall - bnedmin. Consider this: When you are in the company of those who love Jehovah with all their heart, do you feel afraid? Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. L - ewwel ftit kliem li laqagħni bih kien: " Din xi ħmerija hi li ma tiħdux demm? ' So begins a letter that a 15 - year - old girl named Minnamaria entered in a writing contest for students aged 14 to 21. The first words I received were: " Is it that you will not take blood? ' 24: 17 - 19; 25: 14. Then Shevone remembered Jesus ' words at Matthew 5: 23, 24, which urge Christians to settle such problems immediately. 24: 17 - 19; 25: 14. Fejn hu dan il - post? ZIMBABWE Where is that place? Hu kellu karozza b'sistema qawwija tas - sawnd u speaker kbir imwaħħal mas - saqaf. After many years, Jacob returned. He had a car with a strong sound system and a large speaker attached to the roof. [ Sors tal - Istampa f'paġna 18] What I say to you I say to all, Keep on the watch. " - Mark 13: 32 - 37. [ Picture Credit Line on page 18] Ikkunsidra dan: Meta tkun fil - kumpanija taʼ dawk li jħobbu lil Ġeħova b'qalbhom kollha, tħossok beżgħan? Will you be a part of this future? Consider this: When you are in the company of those who love Jehovah wholeheartedly, do you feel afraid? Hekk tibda ittra li Minnamaria, tfajla taʼ 15 - il sena, bagħtet għall - konkors tal - kitba li sar għall - istudenti taʼ bejn l - 14 u l - 21 sena. In Málaga, southern Spain, a mother and her daughter, both named Ana, got baptized on December 19, 2009. So start a letter that Minamaria, a 15 - year - old girl, sent to the writing contest held for students aged 14 to 21. Imbagħad, Shevone ftakret fil - kliem taʼ Ġesù f'Mattew 5: 23, 24, li jħeġġeġ lill - Kristjani biex jirranġaw problemi bħal dawn mill - iktar fis possibbli. He told his disciples that some of his followers would also "make room for " singleness. Shevone then remembered Jesus ' words at Matthew 5: 23, 24, which urges Christians to correct such problems as soon as possible. ŻIMBABWE Would you not respect someone who lived by those beautiful principles? ZIMBABWE Ġakobb ġie lura wara bosta snin. How might people throughout the district of Asia have heard the truth? Jacob came back after many years. Dak li qiegħed ngħid lilkom, qiegħed ngħidu għal kulħadd: ishru! " - Mark 13: 32 - 37. With Jehovah's blessing, the reign of Solomon resulted in the most remarkable period of peace and prosperity ever realized under any government on earth. What I say to you, I say to all: stay awake! " - Mark 13: 32 - 37. Se tkun int parti minn dan il - futur? Remember, the best results come from doing things Jehovah's way, whereas opposing Jehovah's arrangements can only result in added distress. Will you be part of this future? F'Málaga, fin - Nofsinhar taʼ Spanja, omm u bintha, li t - tnejn li huma jisimhom Ana, tgħammdu fid - 19 taʼ Diċembru, 2009. I often feel that caregiving is overwhelming. " In Málaga, southern Spain, her mother and daughter, both named Ana, were baptized on December 19, 2009. Hu qal lid - dixxipli tiegħu li xi wħud mis - segwaċi tiegħu wkoll kienu se " jagħmlu l - wisaʼ ' għal ħajja mingħajr żwieġ. Peter even denied Jesus three times. He told his disciples that some of his followers too would " make room " for a life without a marriage. Kieku int ma tirrispettahx lil min jgħix b'dawn il - prinċipji mill - isbaħ? In bygone days, grandparents were a foundation stone of family life, particularly among worshipers of Jehovah God. If you did not respect those beautiful principles? In - nies mad - distrett kollu taʼ l - Asja kif x'aktarx li semgħu bil - verità? If Jesus had not been resurrected, he could not be ruling as King in heaven, and our preaching would be useless. How have people throughout the district of Asia likely heard the truth? Bil - barka taʼ Ġeħova, il - ħakma taʼ Salamun irriżultat fl - iktar perijodu rimarkevoli taʼ paċi u prosperità li qatt kien hawn taħt kwalunkwe gvern fuq l - art. Did you notice that Zechariah 5: 3, 4 says that the curse would "enter into the house of the thief " and that it would" remain inside that house and consume it "? With Jehovah's blessing, Solomon's rule resulted in the most remarkable period of peace and prosperity ever under any government on earth. Ftakar li l - aħjar riżultati jiġu meta nagħmlu l - affarijiet kif jgħid Ġeħova, filwaqt li jekk nopponu l - arranġamenti taʼ Ġeħova dan jistaʼ biss iżid man - niket. The half of my belongings, Lord, I am giving to the poor, and whatever I extorted from anyone, I am restoring four times over. " Remember that the best results come from doing things as Jehovah says, whereas opposing Jehovah's arrangements can only add to grief. Li nieħu ħsieb lil żewġi, spiss jaqtagħli qalbi. " [ Picture on page 19] To care for my husband, I often give up. " Pietru saħansitra ċaħad lil Ġesù tliet darbiet. The prosecutor answered that she was not competent to comment on the Bible. Peter even rejected Jesus three times. Fl - imgħoddi, in - nanniet kienu l - pedament fil - ħajja tal - familja, partikolarment fost l - adoraturi t'Alla Jehovah. According to Jewish tradition, there were signs along the roads to help fugitives find the cities. In the past, grandparents have been the foundation in family life, particularly among worshipers of Jehovah God. Li kieku Ġesù ma kienx ġie rxoxtat, ma setax ikun qed imexxi bħala Sultan fis - sema, u l - ippritkar tagħna kien ikun għalxejn. Help Others If Jesus had not been resurrected, he could not be ruling as King in heaven, and our preaching would have been in vain. Innotajt li Żakkarija 5: 3, 4 jgħid li s - saħta kienet se "tidħol f'dar il - ħalliel " u li kienet se" tgħammar f'nofs daru u teqridha "? By their conduct and preaching activity, Paul and other Christians were "making the truth manifest. " Did you notice that Zechariah 5: 3, 4 says that the curse would "enter the house of the thief " and that it would" reside in the midst of his house and destroy it "? Mulej, nofs ġidi se nagħtih lill - foqra, u kulma ħadt b'qerq u b'akkuża falza mingħand xi ħadd se rroddu lura għal erbaʼ darbiet. " The mother of the young man along with his fiancée promptly got busy in the field service. O Jehovah, I will give half of my belongings to the poor, and all that I have taken with treachery and false accusation from someone will return four times. " [ Stampa f'paġna 19] On Sundays I attended Mass, and the priest would speak about the Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. [ Picture on page 19] Il - prosekutriċi qalet li ma kienx jimpurta x'kienet taħseb hi għax ma kinitx esperta tal - Bibbja. Comics, TV, hundreds of movies, and thousands of books weave tales of impending doom. The prosecutor said that she did not matter what she thought because she was not a Bible expert. Skont il - kitba dwar it - tradizzjoni Lhudija, matul it - triq kien hemm tabelli biex jgħinu l - maħrubin isibu l - bliet. PAGE 7 According to the text about Jewish tradition, signs were available along the street to help fugitives find cities. Għin lil Oħrajn King and letter: Collection du Musée de Tahiti et de ses Îles, Punaauia, Tahiti Help Others Ma taqbilx li x - Xhieda taʼ Jehovah qed jagħmlu l - istess u qed jgħallmu l - verità lill - ġnus kollha? In some countries you can also donate using or another website. Do you not agree that Jehovah's Witnesses are doing the same and are teaching the truth to all the nations? Omm dan iż - żagħżugħ flimkien maʼ l - għarusa taʼ binha fil - pront ħarġu b'ruħhom u ġisimhom fis - servizz taʼ l - għalqa. Evidently, Jehovah himself commands these angels to pour out "the seven bowls of the anger of God " on various features of Satan's world. This young man's mother together with her son's bride immediately came out of their soul and bodies in field service. Nhar taʼ Ħadd kont immur il - quddies, u l - qassis kien jitkellem dwar l - Evanġelji - Mattew, Mark, Luqa, u Ġwanni. " We have drawn so much closer as a couple by doing things Jehovah's way " On Sunday, I went to Mass, and the priest spoke of the Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Komiks, programmi tat - televixin, mijiet taʼ films, u eluf taʼ kotba jirrakkontaw stejjer dwar kif id - dinja se tintemm. Both Jehovah and Jesus have unselfishly helped people to learn the way of the truth. Comiks, television programs, hundreds of movies, and thousands of books relate stories about how the world will end. PAĠNA 7 Without a doubt, the results of putting into practice what Jehovah sets forth in the Bible demonstrate that living by true Christianity is the best course in life, providing the best education available. PAGE 7 Re u ittra: Collection du Musée de Tahiti et de ses Îles, Punaauia, Tahiti ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Re and letter: Collection du Musée de Tahiti et de ses Şles, Punaauia, Tahiti F'xi pajjiżi tistaʼ saħansitra tagħti donazzjoni minn fuq jew Websajt oħra. I plan to send her a copy of this magazine. In some lands you may even donate on or another website. B'mod evidenti, Ġeħova nnifsu jikkmanda lil dawn l - anġli biex " iferrgħu s - sebaʼ bwieqi tar - rabja t'Alla ' fuq diversi karatteristiki tad - dinja taʼ Satana. After all, your true value does not depend on what others think. Clearly, Jehovah himself commands these angels to " pour out the seven hulls of God's anger " over various characteristics of Satan's world. " Meta bħala koppja għamilna l - affarijiet kif irid Ġeħova, dan għenna nersqu ħafna eqreb taʼ xulxin " The congregation secretary compiles the monthly and annual field service reports. " When we have done things Jehovah's way as a couple, it has helped us to draw much closer to one another " Jehovah u Ġesù qatt ma fittxew dak li kien jaqblilhom meta għenu lin - nies jitgħallmu t - triq tal - verità. As a result, in a number of prisons throughout the world there are now groups of inmates who worship Jehovah together. Jehovah and Jesus never sought what was better for them when they helped people to learn the way of the truth. Mingħajr ebda dubju, ir - riżultati taʼ li npoġġu fil - prattika dak li Ġeħova jgħidilna fil - Bibbja juru li l - aħjar mod taʼ ħajja hu li ngħixu fi qbil mal - Kristjanità vera, u dan se jipprovdi l - aħjar edukazzjoni disponibbli. This he will shortly do when as King of the Messianic Kingdom, he destroys all political kingdoms and replaces them with his own righteous rule. Undoubtedly, the results of putting into practice what Jehovah tells us in the Bible show that living in harmony with true Christianity is the best way of life, which will provide the best education available. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ In 2,000 years? . . . . . Qed nippjana li nibagħtilha kopja taʼ din ir - rivista. Jehovah's answer was not long in coming - almost immediately I found a part - time job! I am planning to send her a copy of this magazine. Wara kollox, il - valur veru tiegħek ma jiddependix fuq dak li jaħsbu l - oħrajn. Then one day I reflected on Proverbs 19: 11, which says: "The insight of a man certainly slows down his anger, and it is beauty on his part to overlook an offense. " After all, your true value does not depend on what others think. Is - segretarju tal - kongregazzjoni jħejji r - rapporti tas - servizz tal - għalqa taʼ kull xahar u taʼ kull sena. [ Blurb on page 7] The congregation secretary prepares the monthly and annual field service reports. Bħala riżultat, f'xi ħabsijiet madwar id - dinja issa hemm gruppi ġodda taʼ ħabsin li jqimu lil Jehovah flimkien. Awake! As a result, in prisons around the world there are now new groups of prisoners who worship Jehovah together. Dan se jagħmlu dalwaqt meta, bħala Sultan tas - Saltna Messjanika, jeqred is - saltniet politiċi kollha u jissostitwihom bil - ħakma ġusta tiegħu stess. He did not lead street protests against injustice, although he himself was to become the innocent victim of an outrageous miscarriage of justice. That will soon be when, as King of the Messianic Kingdom, he destroys all political kingdoms and replaces them with his own righteous rule. Jew sa 2,000 sena oħra? Do I show that I have the same desire? ' - Colossians 1: 9, 10. Or up to 2,000 more years? It - tweġiba mingħand Jehovah ma damitx biex tasal - kważi mill - ewwel sibt xogħol part - time! 10, 11. The answer from Jehovah soon came - almost immediately I found part - time work! Imbagħad darba ħsibt dwar Proverbji 19: 11, li jgħid: "Id - dehen taʼ bniedem itaffilu r - rabja tiegħu, u hija ħaġa sabiħa min - naħa tiegħu li jħalli nuqqas għaddej. " Flooding damaged more than 20 homes of Jehovah's Witnesses. Then I once thought about Proverbs 19: 11, which says: "The insight of a man certainly slows down his anger, and it is beautiful on his part to leave failure. " [ Kumment f'paġna 7] Evidently, Rahab was a well - informed woman. [ Blurb on page 7] Stenbaħ! [ Footnotes] Awake! Hu ma mexxiex protesti fit - toroq kontra l - inġustizzja, għalkemm hu nnifsu kellu jsir vittma innoċenti taʼ inġustizzji kbar ferm. In today's world the media places undue emphasis on personal appearance. He did not lead protests on the street against injustice, although he himself had to become an innocent victim of gross injustices. Nuri jien li għandi l - istess xewqa? ' - Kolossin 1: 9, 10. But what did they have to do before they could get baptized? Do I show that I have the same desire? ' - Colossians 1: 9, 10. 10, 11. No. 10, 11. L - għargħar ikkaġuna ħsara fuq iktar minn 20 dar tax - Xhieda taʼ Ġeħova. Conditions were not always pleasant, but it helped to have a sense of humor. Floods caused damage to more than 20 homes of Jehovah's Witnesses. B'mod evidenti, Raħab kienet mara li tħobb iżżomm ruħha informata sew. [ Credit Line] Apparently, Rahab was a woman who loved to keep herself well informed. [ Noti taʼ taħt] So I went to my parents. [ Footnotes] Pjanti Qattiela Grazzi taʼ l - artiklu "Periklu - Pjanti Qattiela! " This was a great spiritual temple, an arrangement for approach to God made possible by the sacrifice and priesthood of Jesus Christ. Killer Plants Thank you for the article "Danger - Killer Plants! " Imma x'kellhom jagħmlu qabel setgħu jitgħammdu? Some Hebrew brothers did not treat the Greek widows fairly. But what should they do before they could get baptized? Le. He insisted on ethnic harmony. No. Il - kundizzjonijiet ma kinux dejjem pjaċevoli, imma l - umoriżmu kien t'għajnuna biex inkampa. They might believe that God only makes rules and punishes those who do not obey him. Conditions were not always enjoyable, but humor helped to cope. [ Sors] Our Creator, Jehovah God, also honors mothers. [ Credit Line] Allura mort għand il - ġenituri tiegħi. Some who are learning a new language may hesitate to speak it because they are shy or afraid to make mistakes. So I went to my parents. Dan kien tempju spiritwali kbir li kien mezz biex wieħed javviċina lil Alla. Ġesù Kristu bħala qassis flimkien mas - sagrifiċċju tiegħu għamlu dan possibbli. Moreover, wicked men can influence others to become corrupt. - Proverbs 1: 10 - 16. This was a great spiritual temple that was a means to approach God, and Jesus Christ as a priest together with his sacrifice made it possible. Xi aħwa Ebrej ma ttrattawx lir - romol Griegi b'mod ġust. Let us heed the advice found at 1 Corinthians 10: 12 and not become overconfident. Some Hebrew brothers did not treat Greek widows fairly. Hu insista li jkun hemm armonija bejn grupp etniku u ieħor. Lithuania was then dominated by the Roman Catholic and Russian Orthodox clergy. He insisted that there be harmony between ethnic groups. Huma forsi jemmnu li kulma jagħmel Alla hu li jagħmel regoli u jikkastiga lil dawk li ma jobduhx. " I Felt Dissatisfied, Lonely, and Empty. " - KAZUHIRO KUNIMOCHI They may believe that everything God does is to set rules and punish those who disobey him. Il - Ħallieq tagħna, Alla Ġeħova, ukoll jonora lill - ommijiet. About the same time, an elderly woman walking by stopped and asked, "Why are these people working so hard? " Our Creator, Jehovah God, also honors mothers. Xi wħud minn dawk li qed jitgħallmu lingwa ġdida għandhom mnejn iżommu lura milli jitkellmuha għaliex jistħu jew jibżgħu li jieħdu xi żball. We should worship God with a heart that is not hypocritical. Some of those learning a new language may hesitate to speak because they are ashamed or afraid of making a mistake. Iktar minn hekk, irġiel mill - agħar jistgħu jinfluwenzaw lil oħrajn biex jagħmlu l - ħażen. - Proverbji 1: 10 - 16. Indeed, it can grow stronger over time. Moreover, wicked men can influence others to do bad. - Proverbs 1: 10 - 16. Ejja nagħtu kas il - parir li nsibu fl - 1 Korintin 10: 12 u ma nsirux kunfidenti żżejjed. And the sea gave up the dead in it, and death and the Grave gave up the dead in them, and they were judged individually according to their deeds. " Let us heed the counsel found at 1 Corinthians 10: 12 and do not become overly confident. Il - Litwanja dak iż - żmien kienet dominata mill - kleru Kattoliku Ruman u Ortodoss Russu. Mary's Role in God's Purpose Lithuania was then dominated by the Russian Catholic and Orthodox clergy. " Ma Kontx Sodisfatt, u Ħassejtni Waħdi u Bla Siwi. " - KAZUHIRO KUNIMOCHI The showdown is between Jehovah and the gods of the Philistines. " I wasn't Sorry, and I felt Honesty and Good. " - KAZUHIRO KONIMOCHI Kważi fl - istess ħin, mara anzjana li kienet miexja minn hemm waqfet u staqsiet, "Dawn in - nies għala qed jaħdmu daqshekk iebes? " The apostle Paul shows how effective it is: "The word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than any two - edged sword and pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints and their marrow, and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart. " Almost at the same time, an elderly woman who was walking there stopped and asked, "Why are these people working so hard? " Aħna għandna nqimu lil Alla b'qalb li m'hijiex ipokrita. Did you have a favorite teacher? We should worship God with a heart that is not hypocritical. Fil - fatt, tistaʼ tissaħħaħ maż - żmien. William Dampier In fact, it can be strengthened over time. U l - baħar radd il - mejtin li kienu fih, u l - mewt u l - Qabar raddew il - mejtin li kienu fihom, u ġew ġudikati individwalment skond l - għemejjel tagħhom. " Jesus prayed for his murderers. And the sea gave up the dead in it, and death and the Grave gave up the dead in them, and they were judged individually according to their works. " L - Irwol taʼ Marija fl - Iskop t'Alla Capital: San José Mary's Role in God's Purpose Dan il - konflitt kien bejn Ġeħova u l - allat tal - Filistin. If there is a birthday or Christmas party or an office lottery, fellow workers will often say, "Don't bother with her. This conflict was between Jehovah and the gods of the Philistines. L - appostlu Pawlu juri kemm din hija effettiva: "Il - kelma taʼ Alla hi ħajja u qawwija, taqtaʼ aktar minn xabla b'żewġt ixfar; hija tinfed sa tifred minn xulxin ir - ruħ u l - ispirtu u l - ġogi u l - mudullun; u tgħarbel il - ħsibijiet u l - fehmiet tal - qalb. " 7, 8. (a) What type of conduct do we have to avoid if we are to show genuine kindness in the family? The apostle Paul shows how effective it is: "The word of God is alive and exerts power and is sharper than a two - edged sword; it separates from one another the soul and the spirit and the joints and the bone marrow; and it examines the thoughts and views of the heart. " Kellek xi għalliem favorit? Are you concerned with the seriousness of this privilege today? Did you have a favorite teacher? William Dampier What will happen when we receive "the peace of God that surpasses all understanding "? William Dampier Ġesù talab għal dawk li qatluh. ● "I was angry. Jesus prayed for those who killed him. Belt Kapitali: San José One of such songs exposes the tribes of Reuben, Dan, and Asher as self - sparing, whereas the tribe of Zebulun is praised for its self - sacrificing spirit. Capital: San José Meta dawk li jaħdmu magħna jagħmlu xi festa t'għeluq sninhom jew tal - Milied jew ibigħu xi biljetti tal - lotterija, spiss tismagħhom jgħidu: "Dik taʼ xejn tgħidilha, għax waħda mix - Xhieda taʼ Jehovah. " That is why he can confidently guarantee: "My word that goes forth from my mouth will... have certain success. " When those working with us hold a birthday or Christmas festival or sell lottery tickets, they often hear them say: "That's something you say to her, because one of Jehovah's Witnesses. " 7, 8. (a) X'tip taʼ mġiba għandna nevitaw jekk irridu nuru qalb tajba vera fil - familja? So I bought a used bicycle. 7, 8. (a) What kind of behavior should we avoid if we want to show true family kindness? Konċernat int dwar is - serjetà taʼ dan il - privileġġ illum? If you are a Christian, stay involved in spiritual activities. Are you concerned about the seriousness of this privilege today? X'se jiġri meta nirċievu "l - paċi t'Alla li tisboq kull ħsieb "? What good example did Ahijah set? What will happen when we receive "the peace of God that surpasses all thought "? ● "Kont irrabjat. It is home to a vast collection of priceless antiquities, exquisite works of art, and rare books and manuscripts of almost inestimable value. ● "I was angry. Waħda minn dawn l - għanjiet kixfet li t - tribujiet taʼ Ruben, Dan, u Aser ma kinux lesti li jistinkaw, filwaqt li t - tribù taʼ Żebulun ġie mfaħħar għall - ispirtu taʼ ssagrifikar li wera. We can use this ability in good ways or in bad ways. One of these songs revealed that the tribes of Ruben, Dan, and Asher were not willing to strive, while the tribe of Zebulun was praised for his sacrificing spirit. Għalhekk, hu jistaʼ jiggarantixxi b'fiduċja: "Kelmti li toħroġ minn fommi... żgur tirnexxi. " (Read Hebrews 11: 17 - 19.) So he can guarantee with confidence: "My word coming forth from my mouth... will certainly succeed. " Għalhekk xtrajt rota. How did this come about? So I bought a bicycle. Jekk int Kristjan, ibqaʼ involvi ruħek f'attivitajiet spiritwali. In this vision of heaven, Daniel saw not just one angel but multitudes. If you are a Christian, keep engaging in spiritual activities. Aħija x'eżempju tajjeb ta? He is aware of all that happens and can reward us accordingly. What good example did Ahiah set? Fil - librerija hemm kollezzjoni vasta t'antikitajiet prezzjużi, xogħlijiet taʼ l - arti mill - isbaħ, u kotba u manuskritti rari tistaʼ tgħid imprezzabbli. Rather, choose a time when you are both likely to be less stressed. The library contains a vast collection of precious antiques, beautiful works of art, and rare books and manuscripts. Nistgħu nużaw din l - abbiltà b'modi tajbin jew b'modi ħżiena. " In between them, there is the dread that an attack is going to happen again, " she says. We can use this ability in good ways or in bad ways. (Aqra Ebrej 11: 17 - 19.) He mentioned the Kingdom more than 100 times during his ministry. (Read Hebrews 11: 17 - 19.) Dan kif seħħ? Those questions are addressed in the following article. How did that happen? F'din il - viżjoni tas - sema, Danjel ma rax biss anġlu wieħed imma għadd kbir t'anġli. The Egyptians also detested shepherds. In this vision of heaven, Daniel saw not only one angel but a large number of angels. Hu jaf tajjeb xi jkun qed jiġri u jistaʼ jippremjana kif jixraq. Here are three of them. He well knows what is happening and can reward us properly. Esprimu l - opinjoni tagħkom bl - onestà u bir - rispett. This former partygoer comments: "Young people often do not know what to do, and they end up harming themselves. Express your opinion honestly and respectfully. Hi tgħid: "Bejn attakk u ieħor, ikun hemm il - biżaʼ li jerġaʼ jkolli attakk ieħor. " Take a vacation? " Two attacks, " she says, "there is fear of having another attack again. " Hu semma s - Saltna iktar minn 100 darba matul il - ministeru tiegħu. Jehovah does not command you to strive to equal the power that may be in your brother's hand but to serve Him with what is "in the power of your hand. " He mentioned the Kingdom more than 100 times during his ministry. Dawn il - mistoqsijiet se jiġu diskussi fl - artiklu li jmiss. SIGNS TO WATCH FOR These questions will be discussed in the following article. L - Eġizzjani kienu jobogħdu lir - rgħajja wkoll. 7, 8. The Egyptians hated the shepherds too. Tlieta minnhom huma dawn li ġejjin. A CUNNING VIRUS ENTRAPS THE CELL Three of them are the following. Dan iż - żagħżugħ li kien iħobb imur il - parties jikkummenta: "Taʼ spiss, iż - żgħażagħ ma jkunux jafu x'għandhom jagħmlu, u jispiċċaw jagħmlu l - ħsara lilhom infushom. Although he was wrapped in cloth, concern was shown when the stone closing his tomb was to be rolled away. This loving young man comments: "The young ones often do not know what to do, and they end up harming themselves. Tmur vaganza? What may children learn from listening to their parents ' prayers? Do you go on holiday? Iva, kull wieħed minna - minkejja kemm tkun dgħajfa jew kemm tkun b'saħħitha l - qawwa taʼ jdejna - jistaʼ jaqdi lil Ġeħova b'qalb sħiħa. - Lq. Is there a solution to this problem? Yes, each of us - no matter how weak or strong our hands are - can serve Jehovah with a complete heart. - Luke. SINJALI LI TRID TOQGĦOD ATTENTA GĦALIHOM Acceptance of the ransom arrangement paves the way for an eventual return to perfection. SIGNALS TO BE ATTENTED 7, 8. Hence, the Gospel writers were emphasizing Jesus ' instruction not to go out of the way to get extra supplies for the trip. 7, 8. VIRUS MAKAKK JIDĦAQ BIĊ - ĊELLULA How can Abraham's example help us appreciate what Jehovah has done in our behalf? VIRUS MACHINES CELLE Għalkemm kien imgeżwer f'biċċiet tad - drapp, kien hemm min inkwieta ftit meta kienu se jgerbu l - ġebla tal - qabar tiegħu. Was the leprosy described in the Bible the same as the disease known by that name today? Although he was wrapped in pieces of fabric, there was little worry when he would bear the stone of his tomb. It - tfal x'jistgħu jitgħallmu meta jisimgħu lill - ġenituri tagħhom jitolbu? With much love, I am sending as a donation what I received from selling the pig. What can children learn from listening to their parents praying? Hemm soluzzjoni għal din il - problema? What counsel did one elder give to a ministerial servant, and why was it effective? Is there a solution to this problem? Jekk dak li jkun jaċċetta l - arranġament tal - fidwa se jkun possibbli għalih li maż - żmien jerġaʼ jsir perfett. Why, David even placed one third of his forces "under the hand of Ittai " in the climactic battle against Absalom's forces! - 2 Sam. If a person accepts the ransom arrangement, it will be possible for him to eventually become perfect again. Għaldaqstant, il - kittieba tal - Evanġelji kienu qed jenfasizzaw l - istruzzjoni taʼ Ġesù biex ma joħorġux barra minn triqithom ħalli jġibu iktar provvisti għall - vjaġġ. If we want to consider the Roman constructions that have lasted the longest or that have helped to shape history, we would have to think about the roads. Hence, the Gospel writers were emphasising Jesus ' instruction not to go out of their way to bring more supplies to the journey. L - eżempju t'Abraham kif jistaʼ jgħinna napprezzaw dak li għamel Ġeħova għan - nom tagħna? (b) How are the anointed prepared? How can Abraham's example help us to appreciate what Jehovah has done in our behalf? Kienet il - marda tal - ġdiem deskritta fil - Bibbja l - istess bħall - marda magħrufa bl - istess isem illum? Hours before his death, "an angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. " Was leprosy described in the Bible similar to the disease known under the same name today? B'ħafna mħabba, qed nibgħat bħala donazzjoni dak li qlajt meta begħt il - ħanżir. The sheer number of people who are willing to sacrifice standards of honesty can make cheating appear harmless. With much love, I am sending as a donation what I received when I sold my pig. Anzjan x'parir tah lil wieħed qaddej ministerjali, u għala kien parir effettiv? He sees our good motives and does not judge us if we cannot do all we would like to do. What advice did an elder give to a ministerial servant, and why was it effective counsel? Fil - fatt, David saħansitra poġġa terz mill - qawwiet militari tiegħu "taħt il - kmand taʼ Ittaj " fil - battalja deċiżiva kontra l - qawwiet militari t'Absalom! - 2 Sam. [ Pictures on page 4] In fact, David even put one third of his military forces "under the command of Ittai " in the decisive battle against Absalom's military forces! - 2 Sam. Kieku kellna nikkunsidraw il - kostruzzjonijiet Rumani li damu jeżistu l - iżjed jew li għenu biex jinfluwenzaw l - istorja, ikollna nikkunsidraw it - toroq. Hundreds of millions of people do not have the necessities of life, so think of the good all that money could do if spent on peaceful pursuits. If we were to consider Roman constructions that lasted or helped to influence history, we would have to consider the roads. (b) Il - midlukin kif inhuma preparati? During family worship or on your own, try the following: Choose one of your favorite songs from our songbook. (b) How are the anointed prepared? Sigħat qabel mewtu, "deherlu anġlu mis - sema jqawwilu qalbu. " His mother in China had a Bible, and the doctor had enjoyed reading it. Two hours before his death, "an angel appeared to him from heaven to make his heart strong. " Peress li ħafna nies lesti jissagrifikaw il - livelli taʼ l - onestà, il - qerq jistaʼ jidher li hu bla ħsara. Posters reminded people of the promises of the last three governments. Since many people are willing to sacrifice standards of honesty, treachery may seem to be harmless. Hu jara l - motivi tajbin tagħna u ma jiġġudikaniex jekk ma nkunux nistgħu nagħmlu kulma nkunu nixtiequ nagħmlu. These conversations refreshed Gavin, and he finally accepted a Bible study. He sees our good motives and does not judge us if we cannot do everything we want to do. [ Stampi f'paġna 4] While not necessarily wanting to develop close friendships, he goes to the trouble of exchanging a few words from time to time, perhaps starting just with a friendly smile or gesture. [ Pictures on page 4] Mijiet taʼ miljuni taʼ nies m'għandhomx il - bżonnijiet tal - ħajja, allura immaġina kemm jistgħu jagħmlu ġid dawk il - flus li kieku jintefqu għal skopijiet paċifiċi. Have your children read to you, and urge them to ask questions. - 7 / 15, page 26. Hundreds of millions do not have life's needs, so imagine how much money they could do if they were spent for peaceful purposes. Matul il - qima bħala familja jew waħdek, ipprova dan li ġej: Agħżel waħda mill - għanjiet favoriti tiegħek mill - ktieb tal - għanjiet tagħna. He tried to find excuses, and he even blamed others for his mistake. During family worship or alone, try the following: Choose one of your favorite songs from our songbook. Ommu fiċ - Ċina kellha Bibbja, u t - tabib kien jieħu pjaċir jaqraha. You have to decide what to do with the rest of your life. " His mother in China had a Bible, and the doctor enjoyed reading it. Kien hemm kartelluni li kienu jfakkru lin - nies dwar il - wegħdi li għamlu l - aħħar tliet gvernijiet. An elder of a congregation in the state of Yucatán was moved to say: "I have read in our publications about the relief work carried out in other countries. There were posters who reminded people of the promises made by the last three governments. Għal Gavin, dawn il - konversazzjonijiet kienu rifreskanti, u fl - aħħar hu aċċetta studju tal - Bibbja. Why do some people lose their temper or even become violent at work? For Gavin, these conversations were refreshing, and he finally accepted a Bible study. Dan ma jfissirx li bilfors irid jiżviluppa ħbiberija mill - qrib magħhom, imma jieħu interess billi għall - ewwel isellmilhom jew jitbissmilhom b'mod dħuli, u kultant jgħid erbaʼ kelmiet magħhom. Who might that be? This does not mean that he necessarily wants to develop a close friendship with them, but he takes an interest by initially greeting them or smiling them in a friendly way, sometimes saying four words to them. Madankollu, meta n - nies iddispjaċiehom mill - iżball tagħhom u sejħu lil Alla għall - għajnuna, hu biddel is - sentimenti tiegħu lejhom, jew " iddispjaċieh. ' - 7 / 1, paġna 29. These false teachings, often religious in nature, have blinded the minds of millions to the truth about God. However, when people regretted their error and called on God for help, he changed his feelings to them, or "sorrowed. " - 7 / 1, page 29. Hu pprova jġib l - iskużi, u saħansitra waħħal f'oħrajn għall - iżball tiegħu. Some Jews even became rich. He tried to make excuses, and he even blamed others for his error. Ikollok tiddeċiedi x'tagħmel bil - kumplament taʼ ħajtek. " Did you notice what contributed to the problem? You have to decide what to do with the rest of your life. " Anzjan f'kongregazzjoni waħda fl - istat taʼ Yucatán tqanqal biex jgħid: "Kont qrajt fil - pubblikazzjonijiet tagħna dwar ix - xogħol li jsir biex tingħata għajnuna f'każ taʼ diżastru f'pajjiżi oħra. Surely, then, we should pray for our heavenly Father's name to be sanctified and for his Kingdom to rid the earth of Satan's rule. An elder in one congregation in Yucatán's state was moved to say: "I read in our publications about disaster relief work abroad. Tfal li għandhom bejn sena u erbaʼ snin ħafna drabi jixorbu ftit wisq. Their suggestions were very helpful. Children aged 1 to 4 often drink too little. Min jistaʼ jkun dan? It might still be a bargain, but it is good to know the facts. Who could that be? Dan it - tagħlim falz, li spiss huwa tagħlim reliġjuż, għema l - imħuħ taʼ miljuni taʼ nies biex ma jarawx il - verità dwar Alla. you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a son, and you are to call his name Jesus. These false teachings, often religious teachings, blinded the minds of millions of people not to see the truth about God. Xi Lhud saħansitra saru sinjuri. It was here that Jehovah reduced Gideon's army of thousands to a mere 300 men in order to demonstrate his ability to deliver his people without a mighty military force. Some Jews even became rich. Innotajt xi kkontribwixxa għall - problema? Do not give up. Did you notice what contributed to the problem? Għaldaqstant, żgur li għandna nitolbu bil - ħerqa biex isem Missierna tas - sema jitqaddes u biex saltnatu tneħħi l - ħakma taʼ Satana mill - art. There were four altogether, and it is easy to be confused. Surely, therefore, we should pray eagerly for our heavenly Father's name to be sanctified and for his kingdom to remove Satan's rulership from the earth. Is - suġġerimenti tagħhom kienu tassew t'għajnuna. " You Do Not Know What Your Life Will Be Tomorrow " Their suggestions were very helpful. Forsi dan xorta jkun irħis ħafna, imma tajjeb li tkun taf il - fatti. For our sacred service to be acceptable to Jehovah, our everyday conduct must harmonize with his high standards. It may still be very cheap, but it is good to know the facts. Int tnissel f'ġufek u tiled iben, u ssemmih Ġesù. How do we do that? You will conceive in your womb and give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus. Kien hawnhekk li Jehovah naqqas l - armata taʼ l - eluf taʼ Gidgħon għal 300 raġel biss sabiex juri l - abbiltà tiegħu f'li jeħles lill - poplu tiegħu mingħajr forza militari qawwija. How is it possible for a Christian to be tempted to commit immorality? It was here that Jehovah reduced the army of the thousands of Gideon to only 300 men in order to demonstrate his ability to deliver his people without a powerful military force. Taqtax qalbek. In a similar way, some who are studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses have obstacles that can impede their spiritual progress. Do not give up. Kien hemm erbgħa b'kollox, u faċli tkun konfuż. How did Jonathan react to that development? There were four in all, and it was easy to be confused. " Intom Ma Tafux X'Għad Isir Għada " He frequently thought about committing suicide. " You Do Not Know What Is Tomorrowing " Sabiex is - servizz sagru tagħna jkun aċċettabbli għal Ġeħova, il - kondotta tagħna taʼ kuljum trid tkun fi qbil mal - livelli għoljin tiegħu. Study Edition For our sacred service to be acceptable to Jehovah, our daily conduct must be in harmony with his high standards. Dan kif nagħmluh? Since Jesus used the term without explanation, he evidently referred to what had been the Jewish hope for centuries. How do we do this? Kif inhu possibbli li Kristjan iċedi għall - immoralità? According to the apocryphal book of 2 Maccabees, it caused considerable controversy when, as a Hellenizing effort, the apostate high priest Jason proposed to build a gymnasium in Jerusalem. - 2 Macc. How is it possible for a Christian to give in to immorality? Bl - istess mod, xi wħud li qed jistudjaw il - Bibbja max - Xhieda taʼ Jehovah jsibu ostakli quddiemhom li ma jħalluhomx jagħmlu progress spiritwali. A number of her friends were playing a pretty horrific game. Similarly, some who are studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses find obstacles before them that prevent them from making spiritual progress. X'għamel Ġonatan? For instance, to understand that he is a real spirit Person with a unique name, we need to look into the Bible. What did Jonathan do? Tgħidx kemm - il darba ħaseb biex jikkommetti suwiċidju. Its fulfilled prophecies fortify our faith in Jehovah as the Fulfiller of his promises. I often thought about committing suicide. Edizzjoni għall - Istudju But the Bible says that "the tongue of the wise is a healing. " Study Edition Ladarba Ġesù uża dan it - terminu mingħajr spjegazzjoni, milli jidher kien qed jirreferi għal dik it - tama li kellhom il - Lhud għal sekli sħaħ. My wife, Edith, and I were at a district convention when we heard the announcement that a meeting would be held for those interested in missionary service. Since Jesus used this unexplained term, he was apparently referring to that Jewish hope for centuries. Il - ktieb apokrifu tat - 2 Makkabin jgħid li ħafna Lhud kienu rrabjati meta Ġason, il - Qassis il - Kbir apostata, ried li jinbena Ġinnasju f'Ġerusalemm bħalma kellhom il - Griegi. - 2 Mak. What a surprise to see an old man stretched out on his bunk bed reading the Watchtower magazine! The apocryphal book of 2 Maccabin says that many Jews were angry when the apostate High Priest, Jason, wanted to build a Jenasius in Jerusalem as Greeks had. - 2 Mak. Għadd minn sħabha kienu qed jilagħbu logħba li xejn ma kienet sabiħa. He talked to him several times and promised, "As soon as I am released and allowed to resume my practice, I will be willing to defend Jehovah's Witnesses. " A number of her friends were playing a game that was not beautiful. Per eżempju, biex nifhmu li hu Persuna spirtu reali b'isem uniku, irridu niftħu l - Bibbja. Municipalities provided land for some of those projects. For example, to understand that he is a real spirit person with a unique name, we must open the Bible. Il - profeziji mwettqin li hemm miktubin fih isaħħu l - fidi tagħna f'Ġeħova bħala l - Wieħed li jwettaq il - wegħdi tiegħu. • How does faith promote peace? The prophecies recorded in it strengthen our faith in Jehovah as the Fulfiller of his promises. Imma l - Bibbja tgħid li "lsien l - għorrief hu fejqan. " A few months after Father's conversation with the priest, we attended the Memorial of Christ's death, during which Father was introduced to a group of 30 with the words, "This is a Jonadab. " But the Bible says that "the tongue of the wise ones is healing. " Jien u marti, Edith, konna f'konvenzjoni distrettwali meta smajna l - avviż li kienet se tinżamm laqgħa għal dawk li huma interessati fis - servizz missjunarju. Mandi was pleased to answer Jodi's questions. My wife, Edith, and I were at a district convention when we heard the announcement that a meeting would be held for those interested in missionary service. X'sorpriża ħadna meta rajna raġel xiħ mimdud fuq waħda miż - żewġ sodod tiegħu jaqra r - rivista t - Torri taʼ l - Għassa! August 11 - 17, 2008 What a surprise it took when we saw an old man lying on one of his two beds reading the Watchtower magazine! Hu tkellem miegħu kemm - il darba u wiegħdu, "Hekk kif ninħeles minn hawn u jippermettuli nkompli b'xogħli, irrid niddefendi lix - Xhieda taʼ Ġeħova. " In fact, we have even more reasons to do so than Job had. He spoke to him several times and promised, "As I am freed and allow me to continue my work, I want to defend Jehovah's Witnesses. " L - awtoritajiet taʼ xi postijiet ipprovdew l - art għal xi wħud minn dawn il - proġetti. The meeting we have midweek can teach us how to preach the good news and how to help others understand the truth from the Bible. - Matthew 28: 19, 20. The authorities of some places provided the land for some of these projects. • Il - fidi kif iġġib il - paċi? It is not hard to understand why some Pacific islanders feel a particular affinity for the breadfruit tree. • How does faith bring peace? Ftit xhur wara l - konversazzjoni taʼ missieri mal - qassis, aħna attendejna t - Tifkira tal - mewt taʼ Kristu, fejn missieri ġie mlaqqaʼ maʼ grupp taʼ xi 30 ruħ bil - kliem, "Dan wieħed mill - Ġonadabijiet. " Illustrate how we can maintain integrity to Jehovah under the most trialsome circumstances. A few months after Father's conversation with the priest, we attended the Memorial of Christ's death, where Father was convened with a group of some 30 people with words, "This one of the Jonahs. " Mandi ħadet gost twieġeb il - mistoqsijiet taʼ Jodi. Picture what happened: Suddenly, a bright light filled his cell. Mandi enjoyed answering Jodi's questions. 11 - 17 t'Awissu If Jehovah appreciates it when we pray to him in secret, how he must appreciate it when we obey him in secret! August 11 - 17, 2008 Fil - fatt, għandna saħansitra iżjed raġunijiet minn Ġob biex nagħmlu dan. Although she was transferred from one prison to another, she continued her preaching activity. In fact, we have even more reasons than Job to do so. Il - laqgħa li jkollna fost il - ġimgħa tistaʼ tgħallimna kif nippritkaw l - aħbar tajba u kif ngħinu lil oħrajn jifhmu l - verità mill - Bibbja. - Mattew 28: 19, 20. (For fully formatted text, see publication) Our weekly meeting can teach us how to preach the good news and how to help others understand the truth from the Bible. - Matthew 28: 19, 20. Mhux taʼ b'xejn li xi nies li jgħixu fuq il - gżejjer Paċifiċi tant togħġobhom din is - siġra tal - ħobż! Never think that your theocratic privileges are more important than your spouse. No wonder some people living on the Pacific islands like this bread tree! Uri kif nistgħu nżommu l - integrità lejn Ġeħova anki fl - iktar ċirkustanzi diffiċli. Although the anointed had for decades looked to 1914 as a marked year, they did not clearly understand what would happen. Show how we can maintain integrity to Jehovah even under the most difficult circumstances. Immaġina dak li ġara: F'daqqa waħda, dawl qawwi mela ċ - ċella tiegħu. Life Story Imagine what happened: Suddenly, a bright light filled his cell. Jekk Ġeħova japprezza meta nitolbu lilu fis - sigriet, min jaf kemm japprezza wkoll meta nobduh fis - sigriet! [ Picture Credit Line on page 7] If Jehovah appreciates praying to him in secret, how he may also appreciate him when we obey him in secret! Għalkemm ġiet trasferita minn ħabs għall - ieħor, kompliet bl - attività tagħha taʼ l - ippridkar. Perhaps you may even start thinking about other things while you are reading. Although transferred from prison to prison, she continued her preaching activity. (Ġħall - formazzjoni sħiħa tat - test, ara publikazzjoni) Their shells are also plentiful on Nicaraguan beaches. (For fully formatted text, see publication) Qatt taħseb li l - privileġġi teokratiċi tiegħek huma iktar importanti mir - raġel jew mill - mara tiegħek. For all things I have the strength by virtue of him who imparts power to me. " - Philippians 4: 11 - 13. Never think that your theocratic privileges are more important than your husband or wife. Għalkemm għal għaxriet taʼ snin il - midlukin kienu jqisu l - 1914 bħala sena speċjali ħafna, huma ma kellhomx fehma ċara dwar x'kellu jiġri. Paul handled God's Word skillfully and effectively. Although for decades the anointed viewed 1914 as a very special year, they had no clear understanding of what would happen. Bijografija " There is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus. " - 1 Timothy 2: 5. Life Story [ Sors tal - Istampa f'paġna 7] If your loved one is still able to communicate and is willing to address the matter, it may be wise to ask him who should make decisions for him when he is no longer able to do so. [ Picture Credit Line on page 7] Forsi anki tibda taħseb fuq affarijiet oħra waqt li qed taqra. What responsibility do Christians have toward mankind? Perhaps you even start thinking about other things while you are reading. Il - qxur tagħhom huma abbundanti fix - xtut tan - Nikaragwa. In addition to sign - language publications, Jehovah's Witnesses have organized congregations where meetings are conducted entirely in sign language. Their shells are abundant on Nicaragua's shores. Għal kollox niflaħ bis - saħħa taʼ dak li jqawwini. " - Filippin 4: 11 - 13. Yes, these were specific prayers for Christians in Colossae. For all things I have the strength by virtue of him who strengthens me. " - Philippians 4: 11 - 13. Pawlu mmaniġġa l - Kelma t'Alla bis - sengħa u b'mod effettiv. If her husband is humble and modest, he will not feel challenged by her but will encourage her to use her gifts, thus showing that he values and cherishes her. Paul handled God's Word skillfully and effectively. " Hemm Alla wieħed, u medjatur wieħed bejn Alla u l - bnedmin, Kristu Ġesù, bniedem. " - 1 Timotju 2: 5. Although born imperfect, little children are refreshingly pure in heart and mind. " There is one God, and one mediator between God and men, Christ Jesus, a man. " - 1 Timothy 2: 5. Jekk l - għażiż tiegħek għadu kapaċi jikkomunika u hu lest li jiddiskuti l - kwistjoni, jistaʼ jkun għaqli li ssaqsih lil min irid li jieħu d - deċiżjonijiet għalih meta hu ma jkunx jistaʼ jibqaʼ jagħmel dan. What about more prosperous places? If your dear one is still able to communicate and is willing to discuss the matter, it may be wise to ask whoever wants to make decisions for him when he is no longer able to do so. Liema responsabbiltà għandhom il - Kristjani lejn l - umanità? For example, The Cambridge History of the Bible reports that translators of the famous King James Version, or Authorized Version, of 1611 used the Antwerp Polyglot as a valuable aid for translating the ancient languages. What responsibility do Christians have toward mankind? Minbarra l - pubblikazzjonijiet tal - lingwa tas - sinjali, ix - Xhieda taʼ Ġeħova organizzaw kongregazzjonijiet li fihom il - laqgħat isiru mill - bidu sal - aħħar bil - lingwa tas - sinjali. If he was drowsy, he should have stopped and rested until he was no longer sleepy, or he should have had someone else drive. In addition to sign - language publications, Jehovah's Witnesses organized congregations at which meetings take place from the beginning to the end in sign language. Iva, dan kien talb speċifiku għall - Kristjani f'Kolossi. " But by the time they came to see me many had reached the depths of despair, " reflected one counselor. Yes, this was specific prayers for Christians in Colossae. Jekk żewġha hu umli u modest, mhux se jħossu mhedded, imma jinkuraġġiha tuża l - abbiltajiet tagħha, u juri li japprezzaha u jgħożżha. Experts say that many of these deaths could be avoided if drivers paid more attention to the road. If her husband is humble and modest, he will not feel threatened, but he encourages her to use her skills, showing that she appreciates and values her. Għalkemm jitwieldu imperfetti, it - tfal żgħar għandhom is - safa f'qalbhom u f'moħħhom b'mod li jserrħek. Despite his threat, she decided to get baptized. Although imperfect children are born, young children have chastity in their hearts and minds in a refreshing way. Xi ngħidu għall - pajjiżi iżjed sinjuri? He wants his people to be united, no matter how old they are or what their background is. What about the richer countries? Per eżempju, The Cambridge History of the Bible jirrapporta li l - Poliglotta t'Antwerp kienet għajnuna imprezzabbli għat - tradutturi tal - magħrufa King James Version, jew Authorized Version, taʼ l - 1611 meta ġew biex jittraduċu l - lingwi antiki. The soft background music makes it hard to consider her course to be so bad. For example, The Cambridge History of the Bible reports that the Antwerp Polyglot was a valuable aid for translators of the known King James Version, or Authorized Version, of 1611 when it came to translate ancient languages. Jekk kien għajjien, imissu waqaf jistrieħ sakemm ma jibqax iħossu bi ngħas, jew imissu qabbad lil ħaddieħor biex isuq. See chapters 5 to 7 of the book The Bible - God's Word or Man's? If he was tired, he should stop resting until he no longer feel sleepy, or he should have someone else to drive. " Imma sakemm ġew jarawni, ħafna kienu diġà qatgħu qalbhom milli jkollhom l - hena, " qalet waħda li tagħti l - pariri. Some domestic espresso machines now make this possible. " But until they came to see me, many had already given up on having happiness, " said one counselor. L - esperti jgħidu li ħafna minn dawn l - imwiet jistgħu jiġu evitati kieku s - sewwieqa jagħtu iktar kas tat - triq li jsuqu fiha. He is being forced to wait, and he is not looking forward to that day. Experts say that many of these deaths could be avoided if drivers paid greater attention to the road on which they drive. Minkejja t - theddida tiegħu, hi ddeċidiet li titgħammed. Understandably, then, many individuals wonder whether heavy drinking is really all that bad. Despite his threat, she decided to get baptized. Hu jrid li n - nies tiegħu jkunu magħqudin, hi x'inhi l - età jew it - trobbija tagħhom. • Consider the Watchtower feature "For Young People. " He wants his people to be united, whatever their age or upbringing. Il - mużika rilassanti fl - isfond taljena lin - nies milli jirrikonoxxu l - mod taʼ ħajja immorali li hi tgħix. With fellow pioneers Joe and Margaret Hart Background relaxing music distracts people from recognising the immoral way of life that she lives. Ara l - kapitli 5 sa 7 taʼ Il - Bibbja - Il - Kelma t'Alla jew tal - Bniedem? It is a secret place because unbelievers cannot discern it. See chapters 5 to 7 of the Bible - God's Word or Man's? Dan issa jistaʼ jsir permezz taʼ magni tal - espresso magħmulin biex jintużaw fid - djar. Do you feel at times that God should hurry up and destroy all wicked people right away? This can now be done by means of espresso machines designed for home use. Hu qed jiġi sforzat jistenna, u mhux qed iħares ' il quddiem għal din il - ġurnata. For example, early on, we discovered that trees had fallen on more than 1,000 homes of our brothers. He is being forced to wait, and he is not looking forward to this day. Għalhekk, bir - raġun li ħafna individwi jiddubitaw jekk ix - xorb żejjed huwiex tassew ħażin jew le. ; Johnson, R. Hence, many individuals rightly question whether overdrinking is really wrong or not. • Ikkunsidra s - serje t'artikli fit - Torri tal - Għassa "Għaż - Żgħażagħ. " Another Witness who has helped many to learn Bible truths says, "I have learned that perseverance in making return visits is the key to helping people who want to know Jehovah. " • Consider the series of articles in The Watchtower "For Young People. " Maʼ sħabi l - pijunieri Joe u Margaret Hart All of Jesus ' followers can find fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, and children in the congregation today. With fellow pioneers Joe and Margaret Hart Dan huwa post sigriet għax dawk li ma jemmnux ma jistgħux jifhmu x'inhu. We were outgrowing our small office. This is a secret place because unbelievers cannot understand what it is. Tħossok xi drabi li Alla għandu jħaffef u jfittex jeqred lin - nies il - ħżiena? A clear understanding of death and the hope for the dead can change our outlook on life. Do you at times feel that God should speed up and seek to destroy the wicked? Per eżempju, meta wasalna, skoprejna li waqgħu s - siġar fuq iktar minn 1,000 dar taʼ ħutna. That may result in a warm relationship that will be cherished for many years - even a lifetime. For example, when we arrived, we discovered that trees fell on more than 1,000 homes of our brothers. ; Johnson, R. Instead of continuing at the conservatory, I accepted Mom's invitation to go to the convention of Jehovah's Witnesses in Detroit, Michigan, in July 1940. ; Johnson, R. Xhud oħra li għenet lil ħafna jitgħallmu l - veritajiet tal - Bibbja tgħid, "Tgħallimt li l - perseveranza fiż - żjajjar lura hi importanti ferm biex ngħin lin - nies li jridu jsiru jafu lil Ġeħova. " This real life will come about soon when God's heavenly Kingdom restores Paradise to this earth. - Luke 23: 43. Another Witness who has helped many to learn Bible truths says, "I have learned that perseverance on return visits is very important to help people who want to get to know Jehovah. " Is - segwaċi kollha taʼ Ġesù jistgħu jsibu missirijiet, ommijiet, aħwa subien, aħwa bniet, u wlied fil - kongregazzjoni llum. " Behold! All of Jesus ' followers can find fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, and children in the congregation today. L - uffiċċju kien sar żgħir wisq għalina. Jesus said in his Sermon on the Mount: "Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need. " The office had become too small for us. Fehma ċara tal - mewt u t - tama li hemm għall - mejtin tistaʼ tbiddlilna l - ħarsa tagħna lejn il - ħajja. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. A clear understanding of death and the hope for the dead can change our view of life. Dan jistaʼ jirriżulta f'relazzjoni kollha mħabba li tibqaʼ għażiża għal ħafna snin - saħansitra għal dejjem. 5: 1 - 3, 8, 20, 21. This can result in a loving relationship that remains dear for many years - even forever. Minflok ma komplejt l - istudji tiegħi fil - konservatorju, aċċettajt l - istedina t'ommi biex immur il - konvenzjoni tax - Xhieda taʼ Jehovah f'Detroit, Michigan, f'Lulju taʼ l - 1940. Strange lakes called turloughs are transformed into meadows during the summer months, as the water table falls. Instead of continuing my studies at the conservatory, I accepted my mother's invitation to attend the convention of Jehovah's Witnesses in Detroit, Michigan, in July 1940. Din il - ħajja vera dalwaqt se ssir realtà meta s - Saltna tas - sema t'Alla ġġedded il - Ġenna fuq din l - art. - Luqa 23: 43. In your own words, relate Jesus ' illustration regarding the prodigal son. This real life will soon become a reality when God's heavenly Kingdom renews Paradise on this earth. - Luke 23: 43. Kirurġija Mingħajr Demm, 3 / 1 How much better life will be in the new world when everyone obeys him! Jehovah's Worship, 3 / 15 Fil - Priedka taʼ fuq il - Muntanja, Ġesù qal: "Henjin il - foqra fl - ispirtu, għax tagħhom hija s - Saltna tas - Smewwiet. " Such kindly treatment of a wife would have seemed novel to many. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said: "Happy are the poor in spirit, for they are the Kingdom of the heavens. " ippubblikat mix - Xhieda taʼ Ġeħova. The wise king tells us: "He that is showing insight in a matter will find good, and happy is he that is trusting in Jehovah. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. 5: 1 - 3, 8, 20, 21. In his wisdom, Jehovah recognizes this need. 5: 1 - 3, 8, 20, 21. Għadajjar kbar u strambi jsiru mergħat fix - xhur tas - sajf, hekk kif jonqos il - livell taʼ l - ilma taħt l - art. How was leaven used in Israel of old? Great and strange garbage becomes meadows in the summer months, as the level of groundwater decreases. Fi kliemek, irrakkonta t - tixbiha taʼ Ġesù rigward l - iben il - ħali. They should reach out and seek to attain "the measure of stature that belongs to the fullness of the Christ. " In your words, relate Jesus ' illustration regarding the prodigal son. Kemm se tkun aħjar il - ħajja fid - dinja l - ġdida meta kulħadd jobdih! 5: 9. How better life will be in the new world when everyone obeys it! Għal ħafna, li wieħed jittratta lil martu b'qalb tajba bħal din setaʼ deher xi ħaġa stramba. Are You Imitating Jehovah in Caring for Others? For many, such kind treatment of one's wife may have seemed strange. Is - sultan għaref jgħidilna: "Min qed juri d - dehen fi kwistjoni se jsib it - tajjeb, u hieni hu min qed jafda f'Ġeħova. Then came graduation, and within days we were in New York City, waiting for our ship, the Queen Elizabeth, to take us back to Europe. The wise king tells us: "He that is showing insight in a matter will find good, and he that is trusting in Jehovah is happy. Fl - għerf tiegħu, Ġeħova jifhem din il - ħtieġa. Does the Bible give us the wisdom to resolve such persistent and frustrating problems? In his wisdom, Jehovah understands that need. Il - ħmira kif kienet tintuża f'Iżrael tal - qedem? Secret Communication How was the leaven used in ancient Israel? Għandhom jistinkaw u jirsistu biex jiksbu "l - qjies tal - kobor tal - milja taʼ Kristu. " Those religious leaders were almost as superstitious about discussing certain portions of the Bible as they were about pronouncing the divine name! They should strive and strive to gain "the measure of the greatness of Christ's fullness. " 5: 9. At that point, she wanted to end her life. 5: 9. Qiegħed Int Timita lil Ġeħova Billi Turi li Jimpurtak minn Oħrajn? Prove Yourself Ready Are You Imitating Jehovah by Showing That He Cares for You? Imbagħad waslet il - gradwazzjoni, u wara ftit ġranet konna fil - Belt taʼ New York nistennew il - vapur Queen Elizabeth, biex jiħodna lura fl - Ewropa. How can you make sure that you will remain alive when this wicked world passes away? Then the graduation arrived, and after a few days we were in New York City waiting for Queen Elizabeth, to take us back into Europe. Tagħtina għerf il - Bibbja biex insolvu problemi bħal dawn li jġibu frustrazzjoni? Signal Corps photo Does the Bible give us wisdom to solve such frustrating problems? Komunikazzjoni bil - Moħbi 4: 12. Hidden Communication Dawk il - mexxejja reliġjużi kienu superstizzjużi dwar li jiddiskutu ċerti siltiet mill - Bibbja kważi daqskemm kienu dwar li jippronunzjaw l - isem divin! In spite of our best efforts to avoid dangers and act wisely, all of us make mistakes. Those religious leaders were superstitious about discussing certain Bible passages almost as much as they were about pronouncing the divine name! Wara dan kollu riedet ittemm ħajjitha. This name, as represented by the four Hebrew characters יהוה, is most commonly rendered "Jehovah " in English. After all, she wanted to end her life. Uri li Int Lest I wanted to know the truth about where I would go after death. Show That You Are Ready Kif tistaʼ tagħmel ċert li se tibqaʼ ħaj meta din id - dinja mill - agħar tgħaddi? What does making spiritual advancement involve? How can you make sure that you will survive when this wicked world passes away? Signal Corps photo For that, it is necessary to know " the breadth and depth ' of Bible truth. Signal Corps photo 4: 12. What does the Almighty need from a mere human? 4: 12. Minkejja kull sforz li nagħmlu biex nevitaw il - perikli u naġixxu bl - għaqal, ilkoll kemm aħna nonqsu. Finally, and most important, consider the spiritual damage overdrinking can cause. Despite every effort to avoid dangers and act wisely, all of us fail. Dan l - isem, li huwa rappreżentat minn erbaʼ ittri Ebrajċi יהוה, huwa tradott l - iktar bħala "Ġeħova " bil - Malti. In December 1945, near Nag Hammadi, in Upper Egypt, peasants chanced upon 13 papyrus manuscripts containing 52 texts. This name, which is represented by four Hebrew letters, is translated mainly as "Jehovah " in Maltese. Ridt inkun naf il - verità dwar fejn kont sejra wara li mmut. Affluent Romans imported silk from China or India, although the expense of transport made woven silk as costly as gold. I wanted to know the truth about where I was going after I died. X'jinvolvi li tavanza spiritwalment? (Reread verse 2.) What does spiritual advancement involve? Għal dan, hemm bżonn li nkun naf " il - wisaʼ u l - fond ' tal - verità tal - Bibbja. It certainly does. For this, I need to know "the breadth and depth " of Bible truth. Dak li jistaʼ kollox x'jistaʼ jkollu bżonn mingħand sempliċi bniedem? However, more than the death of an individual is meant by the words just quoted from Psalm 116. What can almighty need from a mere human? Fl - aħħarnett, u l - iktar importanti, ikkunsidra l - ħsara spiritwali li jistaʼ jikkaġuna x - xorb żejjed. He explained that this was against God's commandment to "love your neighbor as yourself. " Finally, and most important, consider the spiritual harm that could cause overdrinking. F'Diċembru tal - 1945, ħdejn Nag Hammadi, fin - naħa taʼ fuq tal - Eġittu, xi raħħala sabu b'kumbinazzjoni 13 - il manuskritt tal - papiru li kien fihom 52 test. " What was forbidden was allowed, and what was allowed was forbidden. " In December 1945, near Nag Hammadi, in northern Egypt, some villagers found by chance 13 papyrus manuscripts containing 52 texts. Ir - Rumani għonja kienu jimportaw il - ħarir miċ - Ċina u l - Indja, għalkemm il - ħarir minsuġ kien jiswielhom daqs id - deheb minħabba n - nefqa biex jittrasportawh. This is not what the world does, but it is what we do when we accept Jehovah as our Ruler. The wealthy Romans imported silk from China and India, although the woven silk cost them as much as gold because of the cost of transporting it. (Erġaʼ aqra vers 2.) Christian truth is embodied in the written Word of God, the Bible. (Reread verse 2.) Dażgur li japplika. Charles Taze Russell knew that light would shine on the book of Revelation in God's due time Of course it applies. Madanakollu, il - kliem kwotat hawn fuq minn Salm 116 ifisser iktar minn sempliċement il - mewt taʼ individwu wieħed. Knorr, who served as a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses until his death, used to tell missionaries: "When you get discouraged, the first thing to do is to get some rest. However, the words quoted above by Psalm 116 mean more than just the death of one individual. Hu spjega li dan kien imur kontra l - kmandament t'Alla biex " tħobb lill - proxxmu tiegħek bħalek innifsek. ' [ Credit Line] He explained that this was contrary to God's commandment to "love your neighbor as yourself. " " Dak li kien projbit kien jiġi permess, u dak li kien permess kien jiġi projbit. " Figures compiled by the National Center for Health Statistics also show that couples who cohabit before marriage and remain married more than ten years are twice as likely eventually to obtain a divorce. " The one who was banned would be allowed, and the one who was allowed would be banned. " Dan mhuwiex dak li tagħmel id - dinja, imma hu dak li nagħmlu aħna meta naċċettaw lil Ġeħova bħala l - Mexxej tagħna. Where do these "kings " fight? This is not what the world does, but it is what we do when we accept Jehovah as our Leader. Il - verità Kristjana hija inkorporata fil - Kelma miktuba t'Alla, il - Bibbja. False prophets and prophetesses are denounced. Christian truth is incorporated into God's written Word, the Bible. Charles Taze Russell kien jaf li d - dawl kien se jiddi fuq il - ktieb taʼ l - Apokalissi meta jasal il - waqt t'Alla The study was conducted over the telephone for ten months, although this cost a lot of money both for the sister and the interested woman. Charles Taze Russell knew that the light would shine on the book of Revelation in God's due time Knorr, li qeda bħala membru tal - Ġemgħa li Tiggverna tax - Xhieda taʼ Jehovah sa mewtu, kien jgħid lill - missjunarji: "Meta tħossukom skuraġġiti, l - ewwel ħaġa li għandkom tagħmlu hu li tieħdu ftit tal - mistrieħ. The book Atmosphere says: "The endless variety of snowflakes is legendary, and although scientists insist that no law of nature forbids their duplication, two identical flakes have never been found. Knorr, who served as a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses until his death, told the missionaries: "When you feel discouraged, the first thing you should do is get some rest. [ Sors] What matters pertaining to others might you take to Jehovah in prayer? [ Credit Line] Ir - riċerkaturi sabu li mill - 1960 sa l - 1999, ir - rata taʼ mwiet minn attakki kriminali naqas bi kważi 70 fil - mija fl - Istati Uniti, avolja kien hemm kważi sitt darbiet iktar attakki kriminali fl - istess perijodu taʼ żmien. According to Revelation 11: 2, 3, and Re 12: 6, 14, three and a half times are 1,260 days long. Researchers found that from 1960 to 1999, the rate of death from criminal attacks decreased by nearly 70 percent in the United States, even though there were almost six times as many criminal attacks in the same period. Dawn "is - slaten " fejn jiġġieldu? We thank Jehovah and you for giving attention to our needs by building more Kingdom Halls. Where do these "kings " fight? Il - profeti foloz u l - profetessi jiġu denunzjati. It is this sense of the word that is discussed in this article. The false prophets and the prophets are pronounced. L - istudju sar fuq it - telefon għal għaxar xhur, għalkemm dan sewa kemxa ġmielha kemm lill - oħt kif ukoll lill - mara li wriet interess. The Israelites would then fall "into the hand of their enemies, " who would come in and pillage the land. - Verse 14. The study was carried out on the phone for ten months, although it was very costly for both the sister and the interested woman. Il - ktieb Atmosphere jgħid: "Il - varjetà li ma tispiċċa qatt tat - trofof tal - borra hija leġġendarja, u għalkemm ix - xjenzati jinsistu li m'hemm ebda liġi fin - natura li tgħid li dawn għandhom ikunu kollha differenti, għadhom qatt ma nstabu żewġ trofof tal - borra bl - istess disinn. Innocuous or Dangerous? The book Atmosphere says: "The endless variety of snowflakes is legendary, and although scientists insist that there is no law in nature to say that they should all be different, they have never found two snowflies with the same design. Jekk il - bieb tat - talb jidher magħluq, uża ċ - ċwievet provduti fil - Kelma t'Alla, il - Bibbja FACTS: When did this occur? If the door of prayer appears closed, use the keys provided in God's Word, the Bible Skond Apokalissi 11: 2, 3, u 12: 6, 14, tliet żminijiet u nofs huma 1,260 ġurnata. Still, we do know that "the time left is reduced " and" the scene of this world is changing. " According to Revelation 11: 2, 3, and 12: 6, 14, three and a half times are 1,260 days. Nirringrazzjaw lil Ġeħova u lilkom talli tajtu kas il - bżonnijiet tagħna billi bnejtu iktar Swali tas - Saltna. But "valuable things and riches are in his house, " says Psalm 112: 3. We thank Jehovah and you for heeding our needs by building more Kingdom Halls. Din hi t - tifsira tal - kelma li se tiġi diskussa f'dan l - artiklu. No, that is not wise. This is the meaning of the word that will be discussed in this article. L - Israelin imbagħad kienu jaqgħu f'idejn l - "għedewwa tagħhom, " li kienu jidħlu u jaħtfulhom l - art. - Vers 14. This article will help us to see where we can find true comfort now and in the future. The Israelites then fell into the hands of "their enemies, " who entered and seized the earth. - Verse 14. Bla Ebda Ħsara jew Perikolużi? Notice that the Bible wisely counsels: "Better is a handful of rest than a double handful of hard work and striving after the wind. " Without Harmful or Harmful? IL - FATTI: Dan meta seħħ? Recently a farmer and his wife showed me the amazing way in which bananas regenerate themselves. ACTS: When did this happen? Xorta waħda, żgur li nafu li "ż - żmien li fadal tqassar " u" x - xena taʼ din id - dinja qed tinbidel. " • What good fruitage can being yielding produce? Still, we certainly know that "the time left is shortened " and" the scene of this world is changing. " Imma "ġid u għana jkunu f'daru, " jgħid Salm 112: 3. (Nehemiah 7: 1 - 13: 31) But "goods and wealth are in his house, " says Psalm 112: 3. Le, dan m'huwiex għaqli. The reader should be satisfied that the couple is together and happy. " No, this is not wise. Dan l - artiklu se jgħinna naraw fejn nistgħu nsibu faraġ veru issa u fil - futur. When she got to know Jehovah, studying the Bible was of great benefit to her as well. This article will help us to see where we can find real comfort now and in the future. Innota l - parir għaqli tal - Bibbja: "Aħjar id mimlija bil - mistrieħ milli tnejn mimlijin bix - xogħol iebes u l - ġiri wara r - riħ. " Approximately 140 members are serving in these offices. Note the Bible's wise counsel: "Better is a handful of rest than a two handful of hard work and pursuit of wind. " Dan l - aħħar, kien hemm bidwi u flimkien maʼ martu wrieni l - mod taʼ l - għaġeb li bih il - banana tnissel lilha nfisha mill - ġdid. And that great love gives prayer its power. Recently, there was a farmer and, along with his wife, he showed me the wonderful way in which bananas regained herself. • Liema riżultati tajbin jistaʼ jkollna meta nkunu lesti li nċedu? More than 100,000 people were murdered in Latin America in one year, and some 50,000 in Brazil alone. • What good results can we have when we are willing to give up? (Neħemija 7: 1 - 13: 31) But he feels that he will never find a mate. (Nehemiah 7: 1 - 13: 31) Il - qarrejja jridu jkunu sodisfatti li l - koppja tinsab flimkien u hi ferħana. The probability that a long - term smoker will eventually be killed by tobacco is 1 in 2. Readers need to be satisfied that the couple are together and are happy. Meta din saret taf lil Jehovah, anki hi bbenefikat ferm billi studjat il - Bibbja. During her 51 years here, she gladly accepted any assignment and never complained. When she learned Jehovah, she too benefited greatly by studying the Bible. Madwar 140 persuna qed jaqdu f'dawn l - uffiċċji. You Can Be God's Friend! About 140 people are serving at these offices. U għandna nkunu fiduċjużi li permezz taʼ din l - imħabba kbira hu se jismaʼ t - talb tagħna. It seems that, in large measure, the land of Canaan had become a sort of Sodom and Gomorrah on a national scale.... And we should be confident that through this great love he will hear our prayers. F'sena waħda, ġew maqtulin ' il fuq minn 100,000 persuna fl - Amerika Latina, u xi 50,000 fil - Brażil biss. Ernst Glück's Daunting Task In one year, over 100,000 people were killed in Latin America, and about 50,000 in Brazil alone. Iżda jaħseb li qatt m'hu se jsib sieħba. The Scriptures state: "Christ Jesus, who, although he was existing in God's form, gave no consideration to a seizure, namely, that he should be equal to God. But he thinks he will never find a partner. Għal min ilu jpejjep żmien twil, il - probabbiltà li fl - aħħar mill - aħħar imut bit - tabakk hija taʼ 1 minn kull 2. Soon the remaining anointed ones will receive the final sealing. For longtime smokers, the probability that they will ultimately die with tobacco is 1 in 2. Matul il - 51 sena li kienet ilha hawnhekk, hi aċċettat bil - ferħ kwalunkwe inkarigu u qatt ma gergret. 24: 45 - 47; Rev. During the 51 years she had been here, she gladly accepted any assignment and never murmured. Int Tistaʼ Tkun il - Ħabib t'Alla! But he was always kind, and he waited for the right time and place to correct them. - Mark 9: 33 - 37. You Can Be God's Friend! Jidher li fil - biċċa l - kbira, l - art taʼ Kangħan kienet saret tip taʼ Sodoma u Gomorra fuq skala nazzjonali.... As I look back now, I realize how much his thoughtful comments meant to me. It seems that for the most part, the land of Canaan had become a kind of Sodom and Gomorrah on a national scale.... Il - Biċċa Xogħol Enormi taʼ Ernst Glück His interest was aroused, and wanting to know more, he requested a Bible and other publications. The Estatistical Work of Ernst Glück L - Iskrittura tgħid: "Kristu Ġesù, li, għalkemm kien jeżisti fis - sura t'Alla, ma qagħadx jaħseb li għandu jaħtaf, jiġifieri, li għandu jkun ugwali m'Alla. I had always wondered why people die. The Scriptures say: "Christ Jesus, who, although he existed in God's form, did not think he should seize, that is, that he should be equal to God. Dalwaqt, il - midlukin li għad fadal fuq l - art se jirċievu l - aħħar immarkar bis - siġill. [ Footnote] Soon, the remaining anointed on earth will receive the final sealing. 24: 45 - 47; Riv. And as we reflect on the blessings that come from "seeking first the kingdom and [God's] righteousness, " our faith will grow. - Matt. 24: 45 - 47; Rev. Imma dejjem kellu qalbu tajba, u stenna għall - aħjar ħin u l - aħjar post biex jikkoreġihom. - Marku 9: 33 - 37. Throwing it over Elisha's shoulders, then, was a gesture full of meaning. But he was always kind, and he waited for the best time and place to correct them. - Mark 9: 33 - 37. X'ħin noqgħod naħseb, nirrealizza kemm għenni b'dawk il - kummenti ġentili li kien ifarraġni bihom. When the Messiah arrived, Jehovah used him and his disciples to reveal much of what we know about Satan and the angels who joined him. As I think, I realize how comforting comments helped me. Dan qajjimlu l - interess, u minħabba li ried ikun jaf iktar staqsa għal Bibbja u xi pubblikazzjonijiet oħrajn. So there was no reason for him to be pained over Lazarus ' death itself. This raised interest, and because he wanted to know more, he asked for a Bible and some other publications. Jien dejjem xtaqt inkun naf għala n - nies imutu. Jehovah's Witnesses deny the universal authority of the pope and wholeheartedly support the primacy of the Bible, yet they reject many unscriptural teachings and practices common in Protestant religions. - 11 / 1, page 19. I always wanted to know why people die. [ Nota taʼ taħt] Their choice was either to obey God and live eternally on a paradise earth or to disobey him and die. [ Footnote] U hekk kif nirriflettu fuq il - barkiet li jiġu meta " nfittxu l - ewwel is - saltna u s - sewwa ' t'Alla, il - fidi tagħna tikber. - Mt. Because it is not possible for anyone to know for sure that these ones will get their reward. And as we reflect on the blessings that come from " seeking first the kingdom and God's righteousness, " our faith grows. - Matt. Mela, il - fatt li tpoġġiet fuq spallejn Eliżew kien ġest li kellu tifsira kbira. A Christian man may have been brought up in an environment where the use of alcohol was frowned upon. So putting it on Elisha's shoulders was a very meaningful gesture. Meta l - Messija wasal, Ġeħova uża lilu u lid - dixxipli tiegħu biex jgħidilna ħafna minn dak li nafu dwar Satana u l - anġli li ngħaqdu miegħu. When did Jesus tell the parable? When the Messiah arrived, Jehovah used him and his disciples to tell us much of what we know about Satan and the angels who joined him. Allura ma kellux għalfejn jitnikket dwar il - mewt taʼ Lazzru. 11, 12. (a) When did the flight to the symbolic valley begin? So he did not have to grieve about Lazarus ' death. L - għażla li kellhom kienet jew li jobdu ' l Alla u jgħixu għal dejjem f'ġenna taʼ l - art jew li ma jobduhx u jmutu. In my letter - Helen kept it until her death nearly 60 years later - I answered: "I am, and I hope I always may be. " The choice they had was either to obey God and live forever in an earthly paradise or to disobey him and die. Għax mhuwiex possibbli għalina biex inkunu nafu fiċ - ċert li dawn se jieħdu l - premju tagħhom. As foretold in Ezekiel chapter 38, Satan will soon complete his role as "Gog of the land of Magog. " Because it is not possible for us to know for sure that they will receive their reward. Raġel Kristjan għandu mnejn trabba f'ambjent fejn l - użu taʼ l - alkoħol ma kienx approvat. Do You Recall? A Christian man may have been raised in an environment where alcohol use was not approved. Ġesù meta qal it - tixbiha? But transport needed to be faster to keep England's Lancashire mills rolling. When did Jesus say the illustration? 11, 12. (a) Il - ħarba lejn il - wied simboliku meta bdiet? Record your thoughts and feelings in a journal - a practice that helped Julia, quoted earlier. 11, 12. (a) When did the escape to the symbolic valley begin? Fl - ittra tiegħi - li Helen żammitha sa mewtha kważi 60 sena wara - weġibtha: "Iva, u nittama li nkun nistaʼ nibqaʼ għal dejjem. " This publication is not for sale. In my letter - that Helen kept her until her death almost 60 years later - I replied: "Yes, and I hope I can stay forever. " Bħalma ġie mbassar f'Eżekjel kapitlu 38, Satana dalwaqt se jwettaq għalkollox l - irwol tiegħu bħala " Gog taʼ l - art taʼ Magog. ' How do you feel when something unfair happens? As foretold in Ezekiel chapter 38, Satan will soon fully fulfill his role as " Gog of the land of Magog. " Tiftakar Int? The effect of such changes can be far more damaging. Do You Recall? Imma sabiex l - imtieħen taʼ Lancashire fl - Ingilterra jibqgħu jaħdmu, it - trasport ried isir iktar bil - ħeffa. And later, King Ben - hadad of Syria was sick and asked if he would get better. - 2 Kings 1: 2; 8: 7, 8. But in order for Lancashire mills in England to continue to operate, transportation needed to be faster. Ikteb dak li taħseb u tħoss fi djarju - prattika li Julia, li ssemmiet qabel, sabitha t'għajnuna. It changed his life. Write down what you think and feel in a diary - a practice that Julia, mentioned earlier, found helpful. Din il - pubblikazzjoni mhijiex għall - bejgħ. And the sting of death is sharp and painful. This publication is not for sale. Kif tħossok meta tiġri xi ħaġa li ma ssirx bil - ġustizzja? Such acts of kindness brought joy both to the giver and to the recipients. How do you feel when something unrighteous happens? L - effett taʼ bidliet bħal dawn jistaʼ jkun taʼ ħsara ferm akbar. He had proved to be sensitive to the needs of God's people and displayed a spirit of self - sacrifice. The effect of such changes can be much greater harm. U iktar tard, is - Sultan Ben - ħadad tas - Sirja kien marid u saqsa jekk kienx se jfiq. - 2 Slaten 1: 2; 8: 7, 8. We wanted the people to know that we were legal and here to stay! And later, King Ben - hadad of Syria was sick and asked whether he would heal. - 2 Kings 1: 2; 8: 7, 8. Din biddlitlu ħajtu. • How should we view Jehovah's moral standards? This changed his life. U n - niggieża tal - mewt tweġġaʼ. C And the sting of death hurts. Dawn l - atti taʼ qalb tajba ġabu ferħ kemm lil min kien jagħti u kemm lil min kien jirċievi. Jehovah punished the unrepentant Israelites. These kind acts brought joy to both the giver and the recipient. Hu wera li kien sensittiv għall - bżonnijiet tal - poplu t'Alla u wera spirtu taʼ sagrifiċċju persunali. Like their ancestors 40 years earlier at the Red Sea, many now crossing the Jordan must have thought, " I will never forget what Jehovah did here. ' - Josh. He showed that he was sensitive to the needs of God's people and showed a self - sacrificing spirit. Ridna li n - nies ikunu jafu li issa konna aċċettati legalment u hawn konna se nibqgħu! Many others play a vital role in the food chain - decomposing dead organic matter and thereby recycling essential elements in a form that plants can use. We wanted people to know that we were now legally accepted and we would stay here! • Kif għandna nqisu l - livelli morali taʼ Ġeħova? Note this law: "You must give soul for soul. " • How should we view Jehovah's moral standards? Ġeħova kkastiga lill - Iżraelin li ma wrewx indiema. Adapting to Another Culture Jehovah punished the unrepentant Israelites. Bħall - antenati tagħhom li 40 sena qabel qasmu l - Baħar l - Aħmar, ħafna li kienu qed jaqsmu l - Ġordan għandhom mnejn ħasbu, " Jien qatt ma se ninsa x'għamel Ġeħova hawnhekk. ' - Ġoż. Moreover, the Bible encourages Christians to be neutral in all political affairs. Like their ancestors 40 years before crossing the Red Sea, many crossing the Jordan may have thought, " I will never forget what Jehovah has done here. ' - Josh. Ħafna oħrajn għandhom irwol vitali fil - katina taʼ l - ikel - dawn iħollu materjal organiku mejjet, u b'hekk jirriċiklaw l - elementi essenzjali b'tali mod li l - pjanti jkunu jistgħu jużawhom. • How is training our perceptive powers related to accepting Jehovah's authority? Many others play a vital role in the food chain - they dissolve dead organic material, recycling essential elements in such a way that plants can use them. Innota x'tgħid din il - liġi: "Trid tagħti ruħ b'ruħ. " • What is Christian sacred service, and where is it performed? Notice what this law says: "You must give a soul with a soul. " Naddattaw Ruħna għal Kultura Oħra What were these ships like? Adapting to Another Culture Iktar minn hekk, il - Bibbja tinkuraġġixxi lill - Kristjani biex ikunu newtrali fil - kwistjonijiet politiċi kollha. The discreet man builds solidly, in view of the possibility of a storm. Moreover, the Bible encourages Christians to be neutral in all political matters. • Li jkollna "s - sensi tagħna mħarrġin " kif inhu relatat maʼ li naċċettaw l - awtorità taʼ Ġeħova? People of all backgrounds have found joy in the pure religion • How is having "our perceptive powers trained " related to accepting Jehovah's authority? • X'inhu s - servizz sagru Kristjan, u dan fejn jingħata? Everyone seemed to find joy in his work. • What is Christian sacred service, and where is it given? Kif kienu dawn l - iġfna? Though the white shark is a dangerous animal, it is not a demon craving human flesh. How were these ships? Ir - raġel għaqli jibni fuq is - sod, billi jżomm f'moħħu li tistaʼ tinqalaʼ maltempata. After the meeting, far from being pressured, we were warmly welcomed, in spite of our clothing and different racial background. The wise man builds on firmness, bearing in mind that a storm may arise. Nies minn kull qasam soċjali sabu l - ferħ fir - reliġjon pura How could Jehovah's counsel help Job after his trials had ended? People from all social fields have found joy in pure religion Kulħadd kien jidher li qed jieħu gost jaħdem. PAGE 5 What was Daniel known for? Everyone seemed to enjoy working. Għalkemm il - kelb il - baħar l - abjad hu annimal perikoluż, dan m'huwiex xi demonju bil - ġuħ għal - laħam uman. If you were asked to leap a wide stream in one bound, you might balk at the suggestion. Although the white shark is a dangerous animal, it is not a hungry demon for human meat. Wara l - laqgħa, minflok ma poġġew pressjoni fuqna, laqgħuna b'qalbhom kollha, minkejja l - ilbies li kellna u li konna taʼ razza differenti. " Why did this have to happen? ' After the meeting, instead of putting pressure on us, we wholeheartedly welcomed, despite the dress we had and were of a different race. Il - parir taʼ Ġeħova kif setaʼ jgħin lil Ġob wara li l - provi tiegħu kienu għaddew? How can we continue to show our appreciation for the hope that is set before us? How could Jehovah's counsel help Job after his trials had passed? PAĠNA 5 Danjel għal xiex kien magħruf? Amid his afflictions, the prophet remembered God's mercies. PAGE 5 What was Daniel known? Kieku xi ħadd kellu jitolbok taqsam xmara wiesgħa f'qabża waħda, x'aktarx li int tirrifjuta. Still, infants certainly could not become believers, exercise faith, or make a dedication to God. If someone were to ask you to divide a wide river into a single jump, you would likely refuse. " Għala kellu jiġri hekk? ' The Witnesses wondered, " Is it wise to continue to hold meetings in this location? " Why would that happen? ' Kif nistgħu nkomplu nuru l - apprezzament tagħna għat - tama li għandna quddiemna? So just having some difficult moments in your relationship does not mean that you have a loveless marriage. How can we continue to show our appreciation for the hope ahead of us? Dan weġġaʼ lil Ġeremija, għalkemm hu ma kellux ħtija. The brothers at Bethel assigned me to do circuit work. That hurt Jeremiah, although he was not guilty. Xorta waħda, it - tfal żgħar żgur li ma jistgħux isiru wħud li jemmnu, jeżerċitaw fidi, jew jagħmlu dedikazzjoni lil Alla. In this way, both the father and the mother can continue working and making money. Still, young children certainly cannot become believers, exercise faith, or make dedication to God. Għalhekk, ix - Xhieda ħasbu, " Huwa għaqli li nkomplu nagħmlu l - laqgħat hawnhekk? He directs their attention to page 249, paragraph 21, of the book Draw Close to Jehovah, * which exposes the lie that Jehovah does not love us as individuals. So the Witnesses thought, " Is it wise to continue holding meetings here? Mela jekk tkun għaddej minn mumenti diffiċli fir - relazzjoni tiegħek ma jfissirx li m'hemmx imħabba fiż - żwieġ tiegħek. I also enjoy preaching with the local brothers each week. So if you are experiencing difficult moments in your relationship, it does not mean that there is no love in your marriage. L - aħwa rġiel taʼ Betel inkarigawni nagħmel xogħol tas - circuit. [ Picture] The brothers at Bethel assigned me to do circuit work. B'dan il - mod, kemm il - missier u kemm l - omm ikunu jistgħu jibqgħu jaħdmu u jaqilgħu l - flus. In a world where the over - 65 population is growing by an unprecedented 795,000 people every month, caring for the needs of the elderly has become one of today's greatest concerns. In this way, both father and mother can keep working and earning money. Hu jidderieġi l - attenzjoni tagħhom lejn paġna 249, paragrafu 21, tal - ktieb Draw Close to Jehovah (Ersaq Qrib Lejn Jehovah), * li juri kemm hi verament gidba li Jehovah ma jħobbniex bħala individwi. The Bible does not give us details, yet it does give us certain indications that can help us to identify who they will be. He directs their attention to page 249, paragraph 21, of the book Draw Close to Jehovah, * which shows how true a lie is that Jehovah does not love us as individuals. Ukoll, nieħu gost nipprietka mal - aħwa tal - lokal kull ġimgħa. How can you be balanced as you take care of your personal needs and the needs of the congregation? I also enjoy preaching with the local brothers each week. [ Stampa] But how did they - and how do we - display "faith in the good news "? [ Picture] F'dinja fejn l - għadd taʼ nies li għandhom iktar minn 65 sena qed jikber b'rata li qatt ma dehret bħalha taʼ 795,000 persuna kull xahar, il - mod kif se nieħdu ħsieb il - bżonnijiet taʼ nies imdaħħlin fiż - żmien sar wieħed mill - iktar affarijiet li aħna konċernati dwaru llum. A true Christian will not divulge confidential matters through unguarded speech. In a world where the number of people over 65 is growing at an unprecedented rate of 795,000 per month, the way we care for the needs of older people has become one of the most concerned today. Il - Bibbja ma tagħtiniex dettalji, iżda tagħtina ċerti indikazzjonijiet li jistgħu jgħinuna nidentifikaw min se jkunu. Says one parent: "When young Jack and Levi fight, we tell them to apologize, and soon they are again playing happily. The Bible does not give us details, but it gives us certain indications that can help us to identify who they will be. Int kif tistaʼ tkun ibbilanċjat hekk kif tieħu ħsieb il - bżonnijiet personali tiegħek u dawk tal - kongregazzjoni? In 1995, congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses discussed an article that included this counsel: How can you be balanced as you care for your personal and congregation needs? Imma huma kif urew - u aħna kif nuru - li nemmnu, jew li għandna fidi, fl - aħbar tajba? An elderly man named Antonis, one of Jehovah's Witnesses, used to visit me at my workplace. But how have they shown - and how do we show - that we believe, or have faith in the good news? Kristjan veru joqgħod attent biex ma jikxifx affarijiet kunfidenzjali. But a Christian minister does not preach a social gospel. A true Christian is careful not to reveal confidential things. Wieħed missier jgħid: "Meta ċċkejknin Jack u Levi jiġġieldu, aħna ngħidulhom biex jitolbu apoloġija lil xulxin, u malajr tarahom jerġgħu jibdew jilagħbu flimkien ferħanin. [ Blurb on page 20] One father says: "When jack and Levi cheat, we tell them to apologize to one another, and soon you see them starting to play together again happy. Fl - 1995, il - kongregazzjonijiet tax - Xhieda taʼ Jehovah ddiskutew artiklu li kien fih dan il - parir: So when I was taught the evolution theory at school, I concluded that life originated by natural processes. In 1995, congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses discussed an article containing the following advice: Raġel anzjan jismu Antonis, li kien wieħed mix - Xhieda taʼ Jehovah, kien iżurni fuq il - post tax - xogħol. I was then 18 and was soon to graduate from high school. An elderly man named Antonis, one of Jehovah's Witnesses, visited me at the workplace. Imma ministru Kristjan ma jippridkax evanġelju soċjali. Why Does He Treat Me So Badly? But a Christian minister does not preach a social gospel. [ Kumment f'paġna 20] To understand why God did not immediately put an end to the Devil's rebellion, see chapter 11 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? [ Blurb on page 20] Għalhekk, meta fl - iskola ġejt mgħallem it - teorija tal - evoluzzjoni, wasalt għall - konklużjoni li l - ħajja oriġinat bi proċessi naturali. If you hold on to resentment, you can harm yourself physically and emotionally - you can also damage your marriage So when I was taught the theory of evolution at school, I came to the conclusion that life originated by natural processes. Jien dak iż - żmien kelli 18 - il sena u daqt kont se nispiċċa mill - iskola. Coping With an Unspeakable Tragedy I was then 18 years old and soon was going to leave school. Għala Jittrattani Daqshekk Ħażin? The Bible said that in "the last days, " men would be" unthankful. " Why Does It Treat Me So Wrong? Sabiex tifhem għala Alla ma waqqafx ir - ribelljoni tax - Xitan mill - ewwel, ara kapitlu 11 tal - ktieb Il - Bibbja X'Tgħallem Verament? 12 Our Readers Ask... To understand why God did not immediately stop the Devil's rebellion, see chapter 11 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Li tibqaʼ żżomm f'qalbek jistaʼ jkun taʼ ħsara għalik fiżikament u emozzjonalment, kif ukoll jistaʼ jkun taʼ ħsara għaż - żwieġ tiegħek In a way, such ones are like a fake brand - name garment or wristwatch that looks genuine but eventually disappoints. Keeping in your heart can harm you physically and emotionally, as well as harm your marriage Nissaportu Traġedja li Ma Tistax Tiddeskriviha Special squads in many parts of the world have been trained to storm parked aircraft. Enduring a Tragedy That Cannot Describe It Il - Bibbja qalet li "fl - aħħar jiem, " in - nies kienu se jkunu" ingrati. " * I knew that what I had done was wrong, and I wanted my declaration to be annulled. The Bible said that "in the last days, " people would be" unthankful. " 12 Il - Qarrejja Tagħna Jistaqsu... Almost in the center of the city stands the great Pyramid of the Sun. 12 Our Readers Ask... Sa ċertu punt, uħud bħal dawn huma bħal flokk li taparsi jkun tad - ditta jew bħal arloġġ li jidher ġenwin imma fl - aħħar mill - aħħar ma jkunx. • Why did Joshua and Caleb bring back a favorable report? In a sense, such ones are like a fiction that paralyzes to the brand or like a seemingly genuine clock but ultimately is not. Skwadri speċjali f'ħafna partijiet tad - dinja ġew imħarrġin biex jidħlu f'leħħa taʼ berqa ġo ajruplani pparkjati u jiħduhom taħt idejhom. Look for ways and make opportunities to do so. Special teams in many parts of the world have been trained to enter a roost in parked aircraft and take them over. * Kont naf li dak li għamilt kien ħażin u ridt inħassar id - dikjarazzjoni tiegħi. A Christian husband and wife should love each other so much that they are willing to die for each other. * I knew that what I did was wrong and wanted to cancel my declaration. Kważi fiċ - ċentru tal - belt tinsab il - Piramida kbira tax - Xemx. [ Map on page 30] Almost in the center of the city lies the vast Piramida of Sun. • Ġożwè u Kaleb għala ġabu lura magħhom rapport favorevoli? • What can we learn about God's view of blood from the accounts involving Abel and Noah? • Why did Joshua and Caleb bring back a favourable report? Fittex modi u oħloq opportunitajiet biex tagħmel dan. Being baptized in the name of the Son means acknowledging what Jesus has done for you and accepting his authority as "the Chief Agent of life. " Look for ways and create opportunities to do so. Raġel u mara miżżewġin u li huma Kristjani tant għandu jkollhom imħabba għal xulxin li jkunu lesti li jmutu għal xulxin. Centuries before Jesus gave the illustration of the wheat and the weeds, Jehovah inspired his prophet Malachi to foretell events that are reflected in Jesus ' illustration. A husband and wife who are Christians should have so much love for each other that they are willing to die for each other. [ Mappa f'paġna 30] Do research in our publications to find practical advice that can help you. [ Map on page 30] • X'nistgħu nitgħallmu dwar il - mod kif Alla jqis id - demm mir - rakkonti dwar Abel u Noè? Just like "oxgoads " - pointed sticks used to guide draft animals - loving and sound advice guides sincere ones in the right direction. • What can we learn about God's view of blood from the accounts of Abel and Noah? Il - magħmudija fl - isem tal - Iben tfisser li tirrikonoxxi dak li għamel Ġesù għalik u taċċetta l - awtorità tiegħu bħala l - "Aġent Ewlieni tal - ħajja. " Regarding what Jehovah sees, Proverbs 5: 21 states: "The ways of man are in front of the eyes of Jehovah, and he is contemplating all his tracks. " Baptism in the name of the Son means that he recognizes what Jesus did for you and accepts his authority as "the Chief Agent of life. " Sekli qabel ma Ġesù qal it - tixbiha tal - qamħ u s - sikrana, Ġeħova nebbaħ lill - profeta Malakija biex ibassar uħud mill - istess ġrajjiet. Levi and Amelia from the United States and married for eight years relate how specific prayers helped them to prepare for serving in Mexico. Centuries before Jesus said the illustration of the wheat and the weeds, Jehovah inspired the prophet Malachi to foretell some of the same events. Agħmel riċerka fil - pubblikazzjonijiet tagħna sabiex issib pariri prattiċi li jistgħu jgħinuk. Violence, hatred, and greed will be gone forever. Do research in our publications to find practical advice that can help you. Bħal "ingiegeż tal - barrin " - lasti ġejjin għall - ponta li jintużaw biex jidderieġu l - annimali tat - tagħbija - pariri siewja u kollhom imħabba jiggwidaw lil uħud sinċieri fid - direzzjoni t - tajba. He wrote: "This is what Jehovah has said: " The unpaid laborers of Egypt and the merchants of Ethiopia and the Sabeans, tall men, will themselves come over even to you, and yours they will become. Like "bars " - poles come to the tip that are used to direct the animals of the load - useful, loving counsel to guide sincere ones in the right direction. Rigward dak li jara Ġeħova, Proverbji 5: 21 jgħid: "Quddiem il - Mulej l - imġiba tal - bniedem; il - Mulej jgħasses il - mixi kollu tiegħu. " 40: 10 - 14, 26, 28. Regarding what Jehovah sees, Proverbs 5: 21 says: "Jehovah himself will guard all his ways. " Levi u Amelia mill - Istati Uniti li ilhom tmien snin miżżewġin jirrakkontaw kif it - talb speċifiku għenhom iħejju ruħhom biex jaqdu fil - Messiku. Yet, as Paul explained, Jesus came that "he might release by purchase those under law. " Levi and Amelia from the United States who have been married for eight years relate how specific prayers helped them to prepare themselves to serve in Mexico. Il - vjolenza, il - mibegħda, u r - regħba se jkunu spiċċaw darba għal dejjem. 11: 27. Violence, hatred, and greed will have ended forever. Hu kiteb: "Dan jgħid il - Mulej: " Il - [" ħaddiema mhux imħallsin, " NW] taʼ l - Eġittu u l - qligħ taʼ Kus, u tas - Sabajin, nies twal, jgħaddu għal għandek u jsiru tiegħek. God does not make mistakes. He wrote: "This is what Jehovah says: " The unpaid workers of Egypt and the profit of Kus, and of the Sabbaths, long men, will be passed on to you and will become yours. 40: 10 - 14, 26, 28. How Would You Answer? 40: 10 - 14, 26, 28. Però, bħalma spjega Pawlu, Ġesù ġie "biex jixtri u jeħles lil dawk li kienu taħt il - liġi. " Many young men offer to support their children financially. However, as Paul explained, Jesus came "to buy and deliver those under law. " 11: 27. Solomon used a very interesting comparison to describe the value of doing good. 11: 27. Minkejja dan, hu " jħenn, ' jew jiddispjaċih, u " jdur lura ' mill - għadab tiegħu. That will be the subject for the next article. Nevertheless, he "is merciful, " or regrets, and" turns back " from his anger. Int Kif Twieġeb? First, there is the restoration to a spiritual paradise under way since 1919. How Would You Answer? Ħafna ġuvintur joffru li jmantnu lil uliedhom finanzjarjament. If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Jehovah's Witnesses, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. Many young men offer to support their children financially. Salamun uża xebh tassew interessanti biex jiddeskrivi l - valur taʼ li nagħmlu l - ġid. The type of close associates someone has tells much about the person himself. Solomon used a very interesting comparison to describe the value of doing good. Dan se jkun is - suġġett għall - artiklu li jmiss. Shamgar (Tribe of Judah) This will be the subject of the following article. L - ewwel hemm it - tiġdid taʼ ġenna spiritwali, li ilu sejjer mill - 1919 ' l hawn. We endeavored to have a regular family Bible study and to keep the lines of communication open, although this was not always easy. The first is the renewal of a spiritual paradise, which has been on the way since 1919. Jekk tixtieq li jkollok iktar tagħrif jew tixtieq li xi ħadd jiġi għandek biex jagħmillek studju tal - Bibbja bla ħlas, jekk jogħġbok ikteb lix - Xhieda taʼ Jehovah, IBSA House, Triq il - Waqqafa, il - Mosta, MST 12, jew fl - indirizz li japplika għalik imniżżel f'paġna 2. Really, who wants us to get so discouraged that we give up? If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Jehovah's Witnesses, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. It - tip taʼ ħbieb li persuna jkollha jgħid ħafna dwar il - persuna nfisha. He had a number of illicit relationships, however, fathering four children with his lifelong mistress and more with other women. The type of friends that a person has to say a lot about the person himself. Eħud Samgar On occasion, though, the sun, moon, and earth line up just right. Sardines, sardinella and brisling or sprats Aħna stinkajna biex ikollna studju tal - Bibbja regulari mal - familja u biex inżommu komunikazzjoni tajba, għalkemm mhux dejjem kien faċli. How different perfect life will be from what you find today! We endeavored to have a regular family Bible study and to maintain good communication, although it was not always easy. Fir - realtà, min iridna tant niskuraġġixxu ruħna li naqtgħu qalbna? Little children rely on their parents to help them and protect them. In reality, who wants us to become so discouraged that we give up? Madankollu, kellu għadd kbir taʼ relazzjonijiet illeċiti, u kellu erbat itfal minn mara li baqgħet miegħu għomru kollu, u iktar tfal minn nisa oħra. Historical Background Yet, he had a large number of illicit relationships, and he had four children from a woman who remained with him all of his life, and more children than other women. Xi drabi però, ix - xemx, il - qamar, u l - art jiġu f'linja eżatt maʼ xulxin. What tests did Jeremiah face, and how did he at times feel? Sometimes, though, the sun, the moon, and the earth come in just line with each other. Kemm se tkun differenti l - ħajja perfetta minn dik li għandna llum! Consider young Mihoko from Japan. How perfect life will differ from what we have today! It - tfal żgħar jistrieħu fuq il - ġenituri tagħhom biex dawn jgħinuhom u jipproteġuhom. What brings "desirable things " in?, 5 / 15 Young children rely on their parents to help and protect them. Sfond Storiku Yet, how precious it is! Historical Background Liema provi ffaċċja Ġeremija, u kif kien iħossu kultant? In it the Roman Catholic Church advised that the Tetragrammaton in its various renderings should be replaced by "Lord. " What trials did Jeremiah face, and how did he feel at times? ● Żomm kuntatt xieraq bl - għajnejn How could David grow in appreciation of " the glorious splendor of Jehovah's dignity '? ● Maintain appropriate eye contact Ikkunsidra lil Mihoko, żagħżugħa mill - Ġappun. Both Martha and her sister, Mary, knew that Jesus could cure the sick. Consider Mihoko, a young woman from Japan. Melito taʼ Sardi, 4 / 15 Il - Milied, 12 / 15 Read Romans 10: 17. Jehovah's Worship, 8 / 15 Iżda, kemm hija prezzjuża din! The Bible tells us: "The one keeping his lips in check is acting discreetly. " - Proverbs 10: 19. How precious that is, though! Fiha, il - Knisja Kattolika Rumana tat il - parir li minflok it - Tetragrammaton bit - traduzzjonijiet diversi tagħha għandha titpoġġa l - kelma "Mulej. " TISHRI (ETHANIM) In it, the Roman Catholic Church advised that instead of the Tetragrammaton with its various translations, the word "Lord. " Min hu bħall - Mulej, Alla tagħna, li qiegħed fl - għoli? However, the effect of Christ's leadership on those who submit to it is quite different. Who is like the Lord, our God, who is high? David kif setaʼ jkabbar l - apprezzament tiegħu għall - " ġmiel glorjuż tad - dinjità taʼ Jehovah '? Almost half of those polled said it was all right for a married person to flirt with a stranger. - APOTHEKEN UMSCHAU, GERMANY. How could David deepen his appreciation for "the glorious beauty of Jehovah's dignity "? Marta u oħtha Marija kienu jafu li Ġesù setaʼ jfejjaq il - morda. They anticipate the day when Bible dramas will also be presented in Wayuunaiki. Martha and her sister Mary knew that Jesus could heal the sick. Aqra Rumani 10: 17. • What are some of the ways in which Jehovah supports us today? Read Romans 10: 17. Il - Bibbja tgħidilna: "Meqjus fi kliemu min hu bil - għaqal. " - Proverbji 10: 19. What better father could I have than him? " The Bible tells us: "Trust in his words who is wise. " - Proverbs 10: 19. TIXRI (ETANIM) In recent years, many have recited this prayer in schools and at public events. TIXRI (ETANIM) Però, l - effett tat - tmexxija taʼ Ġesù fuq dawk li jissottomettu ruħhom għaliha hu ferm differenti. Additionally, Jesus Christ said: "You are my friends if you do what I am commanding you. " - John 15: 14. However, the effect of Jesus ' leadership on those who submit to it is very different. Kważi nofs dawk li ġew mistħarrġin qalu li ma jkun ġara xejn jekk persuna miżżewġa titkessaħ maʼ xi ħadd li ma tafux. - APOTHEKEN UMSCHAU, IL - ĠERMANJA. Most parents would say that eventually they would have no choice but to punish the child. Almost half of those polluted said that nothing would have happened if a married person cooled with someone you do not know. - APOTHEKEN UMSCAU, GERMANY. Huma jħarsu ' l quddiem għal dakinhar li d - drammi Bibliċi wkoll se jkunu preżentati bil - Wayuunaiki. [ Box / Picture on page 27] They look forward to the day the Bible dramas will also be presented in Wayuunaiki. • Liema huma xi modi li bihom Ġeħova jappoġġana llum? After the historic annual meeting in 1944, however, a vital question remained. • What are some ways in which Jehovah supports us today? X'missier setaʼ jkolli aħjar minnu? " It took several years and a good deal of struggling, but the guidance and love of the Witnesses helped me a great deal. What father could I have better than him? " F'dawn l - aħħar snin, ħafna rripetew din it - talba fl - iskejjel u f'okkażjonijiet pubbliċi. Although the churches and monasteries have fallen into disuse, the life - style of the local people has changed little over the centuries. In recent years, many have repeated this prayer in schools and on public occasions. Jerġaʼ, Ġesù Kristu qal: "Intom ħbiebi, jekk tagħmlu dak li jiena nikkmandakom. " - Ġwann 15: 14. There we found a Witness family living in a one - room house. Again, Jesus Christ said: "You are my friends, if you do the things I command you. " - John 15: 14. Ħafna ġenituri jgħidu li eventwalment ma jkollhomx għażla oħra ħlief li jikkastigaw lit - tifel. Regarding this remarkable cycle, the Bible says: "All the winter torrents are going forth to the sea, yet the sea itself is not full. To the place where the winter torrents are going forth, there they are returning so as to go forth. " Many parents say that they eventually have no choice but to punish the child. [ Kaxxa / Stampa f'paġna 27] Also contributing to the positive image of the British bobby was a popular TV series that ran for 21 years about an honest constable who knew everyone on his beat, Dixon of Dock Green. [ Box / Picture on page 27] Madankollu, wara l - laqgħa annwali storika li saret fl - 1944, kien għad baqaʼ mistoqsija importanti ħafna. So I decided to attend that one. However, after the historic annual meeting held in 1944, there was still a very important question. Il - bidla ħadet diversi snin u kelli nissielet ħafna, imma l - gwida u l - imħabba tax - Xhieda għenuni ħafna. Of course, a Christian elder would not be showing kindness if he failed to give Scriptural counsel just to avoid hurting the feelings of someone clearly in danger of abandoning the course of "goodness and righteousness and truth. " - Ephesians 5: 9. The change took several years and had a great struggle, but the guidance and love of the Witnesses helped me a lot. Għalkemm il - knejjes u l - monasterji ma baqgħux jintużaw, l - istil taʼ ħajja taʼ min joqgħod hemm ftit li xejn inbidel matul is - sekli. People, safety, and health are always more important than saving time or money. Although churches and monasteries have become obsolete, the life - style of the person has changed very little over the centuries. Hemm sibna familja taʼ Xhieda li kienu joqogħdu f'dar b'kamra waħda. Has he demonstrated that he is responsible? There we found a family of Witnesses living in a single - room house. Rigward dan iċ - ċiklu mill - aqwa, il - Bibbja tgħid: "Ix - xmajjar kollha lejn il - baħar jiġru, iżda ma jimteliex il - baħar bihom; mnejn ikunu bdew il - mixja tagħhom, ' l hemmhekk ix - xmajjar jerġgħu jmorru. " Finally, in July 1947, I was able to symbolize my dedication to Jehovah by water baptism. Regarding this amazing cycle, the Bible says: "All rivers flow to the sea, but they do not leave the sea with them; they may have begun their way, and the rivers will return. " Din is - serje damet sejra 21 sena u x'aktarx ħeġġet lill - pulizija biex jgħixu fi qbil maʼ dik ir - reputazzjoni. How did matters turn out for them? This series lasted 21 years and likely urged the police to live up to that reputation. Għalhekk iddeċidejt li mmur għal dik. What can we learn from this and other events in Elisha's life? So I decided to go for that. M'għandniex xi ngħidu, anzjan Kristjan ma jkunx qed juri qalb tajba jekk ikun naqas li jagħti parir Skritturali sempliċement biex jevita li jweġġaʼ s - sentimenti taʼ xi ħadd verament fil - periklu li jabbanduna t - triq taʼ "tjubija u ġustizzja u verità. " - Efesin 5: 9. Paul urged his coworker Timothy: "Keep holding the pattern of healthful words that you heard from me with the faith and love that are in connection with Christ Jesus. " Of course, a Christian elder is not kind if he has failed to give Scriptural counsel simply to avoid hurting someone's feelings really in danger of abandoning the way of "goodness and justice and truth. " - Ephesians 5: 9. In - nies, is - sigurtà, u s - saħħa dejjem huma iktar importanti milli tiffranka l - ħin jew il - flus. He stated: "Hope is a Christian virtue. People, security, and health are always more important than saving time or money. Wera li hu responsabbli? After making a temporary withdrawal for no apparent reason, the Romans return in 70 C.E., this time razing the city. Has he shown responsibility? Wara dak iż - żmien kollu, f'Lulju taʼ l - 1947, stajt nissimbolizza d - dedikazzjoni tiegħi lil Jehovah permezz tal - magħmudija taʼ l - ilma. Why should we continue to take in Scriptural knowledge? After all that time, in July 1947, I was able to symbolize my dedication to Jehovah by water baptism. Xi ġralhom? The same reference notes that unlike the teen who experiences occasional loneliness, the chronically lonely teen feels isolated most of the time and over a significant period. What happened to them? Avolja Eliżew kien imdawwar mill - armata Sirjana, hu baqaʼ kalm. The more sensitive we are to God's feelings, the more we will become aware of what we can do to make God's heart rejoice. Even though Elisha was surrounded by the Syrian army, he remained calm. Pawlu ħeġġeġ lil Timotju, sieħbu fix - xogħol: "Żomm quddiem għajnejk l - eżempju tat - tagħlim sħiħ li smajt mingħandi, fil - fidi u fl - imħabba li huma fi Kristu Ġesù. " How does the counsel that Jehovah provides through his servants show the depth of his care? Paul urged Timothy, a associate in the work: "Keep in mind the example of the full teaching that you heard from me, in the faith and in the love that are in Christ Jesus. " Hu stqarr: "It - tama hija virtù Kristjana. he demanded. He stated: "Hope is a Christian virtue. Wara li jirtiraw għal perijodu qasir mingħajr ebda raġuni ovvja, ir - Rumani jerġgħu lura fis - sena 70 E.K. u din id - darba jħarbtu l - belt. FROM OUR COVER After retiring for a short period without obvious reason, the Romans return in 70 C.E. and this time they disrupt the city. Għala għandna nibqgħu nieħdu għarfien Skritturali? What will help us to accept Jehovah's authority? Why should we keep on taking Scriptural knowledge? L - istess referenza tgħid li dawn l - adoloxxenti jħossuhom waħedhom kważi l - ħin kollu u għal żmien twil, u mhux darba kultant bħalma jħossuhom xi adoloxxenti oħrajn. After they touch one, they start to admire the ray's grace and beauty. The same reference says that these adolescents feel on their own almost constantly and for a long time, not at times as some other adolescents feel. Iktar ma nkunu sensittivi għas - sentimenti t'Alla, iktar se nsiru konxji taʼ dak li nistgħu nagħmlu biex inferrħu qalb Alla. Even now we can be made mighty on the inside through the action of holy spirit as we participate in invigorating spiritual activities. The more sensitive we are to God's feelings, the more we will become aware of what we can do to make God's heart rejoice. Meta xi ħadd jagħtina xi parir mill - Bibbja, dan kif juri li Ġeħova jimpurtah minna? Are we doing our utmost to be found "spotless and unblemished and in peace "? - 2 Pet. When someone gives us Bible counsel, how does this show that Jehovah cares for us? staqsieha bil - herra. In a few hours, his beautiful shop was reduced to smoldering ashes. asked her in a horrific way. MINN FUQ IL - QOXRA Nearly ten million soldiers were killed, and more than twice that number were wounded. FROM COVER X'se jgħinna naċċettaw l - awtorità taʼ Ġeħova? CLIMATE: VARIES FROM HOT SUMMERS TO SURPRISINGLY COLD WINTERS What will help us to accept Jehovah's authority? Hu jkompli jgħid hekk: "Malli jmissu waħda minnhom, jibdew jammiraw il - grazzja u s - sbuħija tal - boll. But where we are not so well - known, people often see only that we are midgets; thus, they do not always give us the serious attention that our message deserves. He goes on to say: "As soon as one of them is touched, they begin to admire the grace and beauty of the stamp. Anki issa nistgħu nissaħħu minn ġewwa permezz tal - azzjoni tal - ispirtu qaddis hekk kif nipparteċipaw f'attivitajiet spiritwali li jagħtuna l - enerġija. After a terrorist attack in one country, many were left in a state of shock. Even now, we can be strengthened from the inside by the action of holy spirit as we participate in energy - giving spiritual activities. Qegħdin aħna nagħmlu l - almu kollu tagħna biex inkunu "bla tebgħa u bla difett u fil - paċi "? - 2 Pt. He had stayed in the home of Helen's parents when Helen was a child, so during the convention, he chose to stay with us in our 16 - foot [5 m] - long mobile home, where we had an extra bed. Are we doing our utmost to be "spotless and unblemished and in peace "? - 2 Pet. Fi ftit sigħat, il - garaxx sabiħ li kellu spiċċa rmied. Do we display loving - kindness in our relationships with fellow believers? Within hours, his beautiful garage turned out to be ashes. Inqatlu kważi għaxar miljun suldat, u iktar mid - doppju sfaw feruti. Others think that he was saying: " I was a persecutor like them, and they know that. Nearly ten million soldiers were killed, and more than twice as many as two were injured. KLIMA: TVARJA MINN SAJF SĦUN ĦAFNA GĦAL XITWA KIESĦA LI ĦAFNA MA JISTENNEWHIEX A CONVERSATION WITH A NEIGHBOR TEXT: A TVARY FROM A VERY SAY FOR THE WAY OF WAY TO DO NOT LOOK Imma fejn ma tantx jafuna, in - nies taʼ spiss iqisuna biss bħala nani; u b'hekk, mhux dejjem jagħtu l - attenzjoni xierqa li l - messaġġ tagħna jixraqlu. Jehovah God deemed Cornelius ' personal experience worthy of being included in the Bible record. But where we do not know much, people often view us as mere nans; and thus, they do not always give due attention to our message. Wara attakk terroristiku f'ċertu pajjiż, ħafna nies kellhom xokk kbir fuqhom. The reserve contains herds of Przewalski's horses. After a terrorist attack in a certain country, many people had a severe shock on them. Hu kien qagħad fid - dar tal - ġenituri taʼ Helen meta kienet għadha żgħira, u għalhekk, matul il - konvenzjoni hu għażel li joqgħod magħna fil - karavan tagħna taʼ 5 metri tul, fejn kellna sodda żejda. Such people pretend to worship God, but they behave in a way that proves they do not. He had stayed in the home of Helen's parents while she was young, so during the convention he chose to stay with us in our 5 - foot [5 m] trailer, where we had an extra bed. Nuru aħna qalb tajba bl - imħabba fir - relazzjonijiet tagħna maʼ sħabna taʼ l - istess twemmin? We were overjoyed when we received his letter saying: "I have found the truth. Do we show loving - kindness in our relationships with fellow believers? Oħrajn jaħsbu li kien qed jgħid: " Jien kont persekutur bħalhom, u huma jafuh dan. Manasseh then instituted reforms with a measure of success. - 2 Chronicles 33: 10 - 17. Others think he was saying: " I was a persecutor like them, and they knew it. KONVERSAZZJONI MAʼ ĠAR " Before the Founding of the World " CONVERSATION WITH JAR Alla Jehovah qies l - esperjenza persunali taʼ Kornelju bħala waħda li jixirqilha li tkun inkluża fir - rekord Bibliku. Why did Philo, a Jew with knowledge of these Bible texts, teach that God was nameless? Jehovah God viewed Cornelius ' personal experience as deserving of being included in the Bible record. Fir - riserva hemm imrieħel taʼ żwiemel Przewalski. Why, a nursing mother gladly makes huge sacrifices for her children! In the reserve there are flocks of Przewalski horses. Nies bħal dawn taparsi jaqdu lil Alla, imma l - mod kif iġibu ruħhom juri mod ieħor. His warped idea of greatness was expressed in these words: "Is not this Babylon the Great, that I myself have built for the royal house with the strength of my might and for the dignity of my majesty? " Such people aptly serve God, but the way they behave shows another way. Fraħna fuq li fraħna meta rċivejna ittra mingħandu li kienet tgħid: "Sibt il - verità. (Read 2 Corinthians 6: 1.) We were pleased to receive a letter from him saying: "I found the truth. Imbagħad Manassi beda jagħmel bidliet li ħallew xi riżultati tajbin. - 2 Kronaki 33: 10 - 17. Such detailed Bible accounts about the resurrection of children show grieving parents today what they can look forward to. Then Manasseh began making changes that made some good results. - 2 Chronicles 33: 10 - 17. " Minn Qabel il - Ħolqien tad - Dinja " [ Pictures] " From Before the Creation of the World " Filo, Lhudi li kien jaf dawn it - testi Bibliċi, għala għallem li Alla ma kellux isem? 17, 18. (a) What spirit do we need to guard against? Why did Philo, a Jew who knew these Bible texts, teach that God did not have a name? Tabilħaqq, omm li treddaʼ hija ferħana li tagħmel sagrifiċċji kbar ferm għal uliedha! In addition to distributing Bible literature, Jehovah's Witnesses conduct Bible studies free of charge to assist people to get an in - depth understanding of what God requires. Indeed, a nursing mother is happy to make great sacrifices to her children! Il - ħarsa mgħawġa tiegħu lejn il - kobor dehret fil - kliem: "Hijiex din Babilonja l - kbira li jien, bil - qawwa taʼ setegħti, bnejt bħala għamara taʼ sultan għal sebħ ġieħi? " All three youths are now active in the ministry. His distorted view of greatness appeared in the words: "Is this great Babylon that I am, with my mighty power, built up as a king's furniture for my well - being? " (Aqra t - 2 Korintin 6: 1.) The Bible does not say. (Read 2 Corinthians 6: 1.) Rakkonti Bibliċi dettaljati bħal dawn dwar l - irxoxt tat - tfal juru lejn xiex jistgħu jħarsu ' l quddiem il - ġenituri mnikktin illum. In this regard, Revelation 21: 3, 4 says: "Look! The tent of God is with mankind... Such detailed Bible accounts of the resurrection of children show what distressed parents can look forward to today. [ Stampi] The comforting words in Isaiah chapter 41 were written for the Israelites. [ Pictures] 17, 18. (a) Kontra liema spirtu għandna bżonn ngħassu? The real eyewitness testimony of One who proved perfectly reliable and who gave proof of being the Son of God? 17, 18. (a) Against what spirit do we need to guard? Minbarra t - tqassim taʼ letteratura tal - Bibbja, ix - Xhieda taʼ Jehovah jikkonduċu studji tal - Bibbja bla ħlas sabiex jassistu lin - nies biex jirċievu fehma profonda taʼ dak li Alla jirrikjedi. To add color to a clear - glass gather, the craftsman sprinkles it with fusible colored powders. In addition to the distribution of Bible literature, Jehovah's Witnesses conduct free Bible studies in order to assist people in receiving a deep understanding of what God requires. It - tliet żgħażagħ issa huma attivi fil - ministeru. It was at this time that its ambitious Queen Zenobia crossed swords with Rome and was finally defeated in 272 C.E. The three youths are now active in the ministry. Il - Bibbja ma tgħidx. Khaki - clad William Holmstrom of WCS's Department of Herpetology (the study of reptiles) is here to meet me at the zoo's entrance. Mr. The Bible does not say. Fi qbil maʼ dan, Apokalissi 21: 3, 4 jgħid: "Din hi l - għamara taʼ Alla mal - bnedmin... However, Jesus did not lecture or threaten his disciples. Accordingly, Revelation 21: 3, 4 states: "This is God's furniture with men... Il - kliem taʼ faraġ f ' Isaija kapitlu 41 kien miktub għall - Iżraelin. We know this because in the Bible, God commands his people to "get out of " the world empire of false religion. The comforting words in Isaiah chapter 41 were written for the Israelites. It - testimonjanza reali tal - Wieħed li ra b'għajnejh u li wera b'mod perfett li hu taʼ min joqgħod fuqu u li ta prova li hu l - Iben t'Alla? After the tenth plague struck dead the firstborn of Egypt, Pharaoh ordered the Israelites to leave - and leave they did! - Exodus 12: 29 - 32. Did the Real Testimony of the Eyewitness who perfectly proved to be reliable and proved to be God's Son? Biex iżid il - kulur fil - forma tal - ħġieġ trasparenti, il - ħaddiem iroxx fuqha trab tal - kulur li jeħel. He understood that Jehovah was in control. To increase the color of transparent glass, the worker sprinkled a sticky color powder on it. Kien f'dan iż - żmien li s - Sultana ambizzjuża Żenobja tqabdet maʼ Ruma u fl - aħħar mill - aħħar tilfet kontra tagħha fis - sena 272 E.K. " Even though you may be under the care of a medical team, " says Mary Ann, "you are in the driver's seat. " It was at this time that the ambitious King Zerobia was caught up with Rome and finally lost against her in 272 C.E. William Holmstrom mid - Dipartiment tal - Erpetoloġija tad - WCS (l - istudju tar - rettili), ġie biex jilqagħni fid - daħla tal - ġnien, liebes ħwejjeġ tal - kakί. In directing the apostle Peter to this God - fearing man, Jehovah indicated that Jesus ' command to "make disciples of people of all the nations " was not limited to Jews in various lands. William Holmstrom from the WCS Department of Herpetology (the study of the reptiles), came to welcome me in the garden's entrance, wearing cakί clothing. Madankollu, Ġesù qatt ma kkritikahom jew irrabja magħhom. As you read the Bible, you can learn how to make God rejoice Yet, Jesus never criticized or angry them. Aħna nafu dan għax fil - Bibbja, Alla kkmanda lill - poplu tiegħu biex " joħroġ ' mill - imperu dinji taʼ reliġjon falza. Try not to let your enthusiasm override your discernment. We know this because in the Bible, God commanded his people to "come out " from the world empire of false religion. Wara li l - għaxar kastig qatel l - ewwel imweldin taʼ l - Eġittu, il - Fargħun ordna li l - Iżraelin jitilqu - u hekk għamlu! - Eżodu 12: 29 - 32. They can help you to maintain your joy and your zeal for the ministry. After the tenth plague killed Egypt's firstborn, Pharaoh ordered the Israelites to leave - and so did! - Exodus 12: 29 - 32. Hu fehem li Ġeħova kien qed jieħu ħsieb il - kwistjoni. But what about the "other sheep "? - John 10: 16. He understood that Jehovah was handling the matter. Mary Ann tgħid ukoll li anki jekk forsi tkun taħt il - kura taʼ tim mediku, int trid tiddeċiedi liema kura għandek tieħu. The Bible helps in this regard, for it points out the need for each of us to develop self - control. Mary Ann also says that even if you may be under the care of a medical team, you must decide which treatment you should take. Meta Ġeħova dderieġa lill - appostlu Pietru għand dan ir - raġel li kellu l - biżaʼ t'Alla, Ġeħova wera li l - kmand taʼ Ġesù biex " jagħmlu dixxipli min - nies tal - ġnus kollha ' ma kienx limitat biss għal - Lhud f'pajjiżi differenti. They could listen to the sayings of everlasting life from the Son of God himself! When Jehovah directed the apostle Peter to this God - fearing man, Jehovah showed that Jesus ' command to "make disciples of people of all the nations " was not limited to Jews in different lands. Hekk kif taqra l - Bibbja, tistaʼ titgħallem kif tferraħ lil Alla I understood as never before the words of Proverbs 3: 5: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. " As you read the Bible, you can learn how to make God happy Ipprova tħallix l - entużjażmu jagħmik u ma tużax id - dehen. Borrow gained oral permission to print El Nuevo Testamento, a Spanish New Testament, without its Roman Catholic doctrinal notes. Try not to allow enthusiasm to blind you and not to use insight. Jistgħu jgħinuk tibqaʼ ferħan u żeluż fil - ministeru. When Christian mates work together, many problems can be eliminated. They can help you to remain happy and zealous in the ministry. Għala nistgħu ngħidu li n - nagħaġ oħrajn jitnaddfu permezz tal - Kelma t'Alla? That is what the Gospel states and that is what Christ commissioned his disciples to do - " go and preach in all lands. ' " Why can we say that the other sheep are cleaned through God's Word? Il - Bibbja tgħin f'dan, għax turi l - bżonn li kull wieħed minna jiżviluppa kontroll fuqu nnifsu. Questions From Readers The Bible helps in this, for it shows the need for each of us to develop self - control. Huma setgħu jisimgħu l - kliem tal - ħajja taʼ dejjem mingħand l - Iben t'Alla nnifsu! • Reflecting on the situation in the congregation in Pergamum, how should we view apostate thinking? They could hear the words of everlasting life from God's own Son! Fhimt iktar minn qatt qabel il - kliem taʼ Proverbji 3: 5: "Ittama fil - Mulej b'qalbek kollha, u tafdax fl - għaqal tiegħek. " Comparing the two travelers ' impressions can lead to fascinating insights. I have understood more than ever the words of Proverbs 3: 5: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, and do not lean upon your own understanding. " Borrow kiseb permess bil - fomm biex jistampa l - El Neuvo Testamento, Testment il - Ġdid Spanjol, mingħajr in - noti duttrinali Kattoliċi Rumani. Indeed, apply Paul's admonition to put away "wrath, anger, badness, abusive speech, and obscene talk out of your mouth.... Borrow obtained an oral permission to print El Neuvo Testamento, a new Spanish Testament, without Roman Catholic doctrineal notes. Meta koppja Kristjana taħdem flimkien, ħafna problemi jistgħu jiġu evitati. Each person has weaknesses and strengths. When a Christian couple work together, many problems can be avoided. Dan hu dak li jgħid l - Evanġelju u dak li Kristu inkariga lid - dixxipli tiegħu biex jagħmlu - " morru u ppritkaw fl - artijiet kollha. ' " In contrast to tithing, which was a requirement with a clearly defined commitment, voluntary contributions and the gleaning arrangement did not require a fixed amount. This is what the Gospel says and what Christ commissioned his disciples to do - " go and preach in all the lands. ' " Mistoqsijiet mill - Qarrejja • When we encounter apathy or hostility in our ministry, what should motivate us to persevere? Questions From Readers • Meta nimmeditaw fuq is - sitwazzjoni tal - kongregazzjoni f'Pergamu, kif għandna nħarsu lejn l - ideat apostati? We show that we want to take care of our conscience when we build up love for and faith in God, together with a wholesome fear of him. • When we meditate on the situation of the Pergamum congregation, how should we view apostate ideas? Li tqabbel l - impressjonijiet taż - żewġ vjaġġaturi jistaʼ jwasslek għal ħsibijiet u fehmiet affaxxinanti. Back then, however, the main reason young ones became fatherless was the death of a father. Comparing the impressions of both travelers can lead to fascinating thoughts and views. Tabilħaqq, applika l - parir taʼ Pawlu biex twarrab " il - korla, ir - rabja, il - ħażen, it - tagħjir, u l - kliem oxxen minn fommok... Anthropomorphism (Greek, "man - form ") is the attributing of human characteristics to a nonhuman subject. Indeed, apply Paul's counsel to turn away "anger, anger, badness, abusive speech, and obscene speech from your mouth... Kulħadd għandu d - dgħjufijiet u l - kwalitajiet tajbin tiegħu. If God is real to us, we will not view unclean entertainment or do anything else in private that we know displeases God. Everyone has his weaknesses and good qualities. B'kuntrast għall - ħlas tad - dieċmi, li kien ħtieġa b'rabta preċiża u ċara, il - kontribuzzjonijiet volontarji u l - arranġament tat - tlaqqit ma kinux jirrikjedu ammont fiss. He adds: "Although a little resentment occasionally flares up, I have now controlled my rebellious nature. " In contrast to the tithe payment, which was a requirement with a precise and clear link, voluntary contributions and the gleaning arrangement did not require a fixed amount. • Meta fil - ministeru tagħna niltaqgħu maʼ nies li ma juru ebda interess jew jopponu, liema ħaġa għandha tqanqalna biex ma naqtgħux qalbna? He will not be like a chameleon, the lizard that changes color depending on its environment. • When we meet uninterested or opposed people in our ministry, what should motivate us not to give up? Aħna nuru li nkunu rridu nieħdu ħsieb il - kuxjenza tagħna meta nkabbru l - imħabba tagħna lejn Alla u l - fidi fih, flimkien maʼ biżaʼ bnin minnu. He looks forward to his first task and takes it very seriously. We show that we want to care for our conscience when we deepen our love for God and faith in him, along with a healthy fear of him. Madankollu, dakinhar, ir - raġuni ewlenija għala ż - żgħar kienu jispiċċaw bla missier kien minħabba li dan ikun miet. Why is this adjustment to our understanding necessary? At that time, however, the main reason why young ones would be fatherless was that they died. L - antropomorfiżmu (Grieg, "forma taʼ bniedem ") huwa li wieħed jattribwixxi karatteristiċi umani lil xi ħadd li m'huwiex bniedem. Suppose you determine that it's best to end a relationship. Anthropomorphism (Greek, "human form ") is to attribute human characteristics to someone who is not a human. Jekk Alla hu reali għalina, m'aħniex se naraw divertiment mhux nadif jew nagħmlu xi ħaġa oħra meta nkunu waħedna li nafu li ma togħġobx lil Alla. He was a masterful teacher who influenced the lives of his listeners. If God is real to us, we will not see unclean entertainment or do something else when we alone know that you do not please God. Hu jkompli: "Għalkemm ġieli nerġaʼ nħoss xi ftit stmerrija, issa nistaʼ nikkontrolla l - karattru ribelluż tiegħi. " In 1933 we had a bumper crop, and Mother used the extra income to buy a car. He continues: "Although I may feel contempty again, now I can control my rebellious character. " Mhux se jkun bħal kamaleonte li jbiddel il - kulur skont l - ambjent li jkun fih. God's Word does not discuss gambling in detail, but it does say enough to show that all gambling is incompatible with Bible principles. It will not be like coloring chameleonte depending on its environment. Għandu sebaʼ mitt sena biex jibda l - ewwel biċċa xogħol tiegħu, u tgħidx kemm jiħodha bis - serjetà. Sometimes we may even study with a child whose parents are not in the truth. He is seven hundred years old to start his first job, and she is very serious. Dan l - aġġustament fil - fehma tagħna għala hu neċessarju? Richard Ashe conducted interviews with Bethel family members who work closely with the school. Why is this adjustment in our understanding necessary? Ejja nassumu li ddeċidejt li aħjar jekk ittemm ir - relazzjoni. Indeed, how much better the world would be if all in it were willing to share! Let us assume that you have decided that it is better to end the relationship. Hu kien għalliem tas - sengħa li influwenza l - ħajja tas - semmiegħa tiegħu. Our Awesome Universe - A Product of Chance? He was a skillful teacher who influenced the life of his listeners. Fl - 1933 kellna ħsad tajjeb ħafna, u ommi użat il - qligħ żejjed biex tixtri karozza. Indeed, God does not allow a temptation to become so overwhelming that we would lack sufficient spiritual strength to maintain integrity if we continue to rely upon him. In 1933 we had a very good harvest, and my mother used the extra profit to buy a car. Il - Kelma t'Alla ma tiddiskutix fid - dettall dwar is - suġġett tal - logħob taʼ l - ażżard, iżda tgħid biżżejjed affarijiet biex turi li l - logħob taʼ l - ażżard kollu ma jaqbilx mal - prinċipji tal - Bibbja. Is there any hope for a future without ethnic hatred? God's Word does not discuss in detail the subject of gambling, but it says enough to show that all gambling does not conform to Bible principles. Kultant forsi nistudjaw maʼ tfal li l - ġenituri tagħhom mhumiex fil - verità. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: Sometimes we may study with children whose parents are not in the truth. Richard Ashe intervista lil xi membri tal - familja taʼ Betel li xogħolhom hu marbut direttament maʼ l - iskola. Dewdrops are gentle and refreshing. Richard Ashe interviewed members of the Bethel family whose work is directly linked to school. Tabilħaqq, kemm tkun aħjar id - dinja kieku kulħadd ikun lest li jaqsam maʼ ħaddieħor! Explaining the word translated "show a fondness " in Psalm 119, one dictionary on the Hebrew Scriptures states:" The usage in v. Ps 119: 16 parallels the [verbs] for rejoicing... and for meditation... Indeed, how better the world would be if everyone would be willing to share with others! L - Univers Tagħna Tant taʼ L - Għaġeb - Ġie Dan b'Kumbinazzjoni? 28: 9. Our Universe of Wonder - Did It Come With Combination? Tabilħaqq, jekk nibqgħu nistrieħu fuqu, Alla mhux se jħalli li xi tentazzjoni ssir tant estrema li ma jkollniex biżżejjed saħħa spiritwali biex inżommu l - integrità tagħna. [ Pictures on page 20] Indeed, if we keep relying on him, God will not allow any temptation to become so extreme that we do not have enough spiritual strength to maintain our integrity. Hemm xi tama għal futur mingħajr mibegħda etnika? How can we demonstrate our appreciation for spiritual things? Is there any hope for a future without ethnic hatred? UKOLL F'DIN IL - ĦARĠA: Ultimately, of course, Jehovah will reward his servants with everlasting life. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: Il - qtar tan - nida huwa ġentili u rifreskanti. Such fractures are typically of the hip, ribs, vertebras, or wrist. The dew drops are gentle and refreshing. Dizzjunarju taʼ l - Iskrittura Ebrajka jagħti din l - ispjegazzjoni għall - kelma tradotta "nuri għożża " f'Salm 119:" L - użu taʼ din il - kelma f'v. 16 għandu x'jaqsam mal - [verbi] li jfissru thennija... u dawk li jfissru meditazzjoni... Tribes and Peoples and Tongues " A dictionary of the Hebrew Scriptures gives this explanation for the word translated "loved nuns " in Psalm 119:" The use of this word in v. 16 relates to the [verbs] that mean delight... and those that mean meditation... 28: 9. What causes stuttering? 28: 9. [ Stampi f'paġna 20] They develop enduring friendships with others who also love and serve the true God. [ Pictures on page 20] Kif nistgħu nuru l - apprezzament tagħna lejn l - affarijiet spiritwali? [ Footnote] How can we show our appreciation for spiritual things? M'għandniex xi ngħidu, maż - żmien Ġeħova se jippremja lill - qaddejja tiegħu bil - ħajja taʼ dejjem. (b) With regard to Isaiah 60: 21, to what important fulfillment do the other sheep look forward? Of course, Jehovah will in time reward his servants with everlasting life. Dan il - ksur ġeneralment ikun fil - ġenbejn, fil - kustilji, fl - irkiekel tas - sinsla tad - dahar, jew fil - polz. He was certainly grateful that his personality had been molded by Christ's teaching. These fractures are usually in the hips, ribs, vertebral spines, or wrists. " Minn Kull Tribù, Poplu u Lsien ' They formed the Christian congregation and were under a new covenant. " From Every Tribe, People and Language ' X'jikkaġuna t - temtim? ☞ How did the work of modern - day traveling overseers get started? - Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdom, pages 222 - 227. What causes stuttering? Huma jiżviluppaw ħbiberiji dejjiema m'oħrajn li bħalhom iħobbu u jaqdu lil Alla l - veru. To illustrate, consider the situation in which the Israelites found themselves when Jehovah stated his purpose to deliver them from slavery in Egypt. They develop lasting friendships with others who like them love and serve the true God. [ Nota taʼ taħt] The truth is that during the last days of this system of things, Jehovah has blessed his people beyond their expectations. [ Footnote] (b) F'konnessjoni maʼ Isaija 60: 21, in - nagħaġ oħra jħarsu ' l quddiem lejn liema twettiq importanti? These are (1) Bible chronology and (2) deteriorating world conditions. - Matthew 24: 21; 2 Peter 3: 13. (b) In connection with Isaiah 60: 21, the other sheep look forward to what important fulfillment? Żgur li kien grat li l - personalità tiegħu kienet ġiet magħġuna permezz tat - tagħlim taʼ Kristu. Help your children to enjoy the ministry (See paragraph 11) He must have been grateful that his personality had been molded through Christ's teachings. Huma fformaw il - kongregazzjoni Kristjana u kienu taħt patt ġdid. 5, 6. They formed the Christian congregation and were under a new covenant. ☞ Kif inbeda x - xogħol tal - indokraturi li jivvjaġġaw tal - lum? - It - Torri tal - Għassa tal - 1 taʼ Diċembru, 1996, paġni 8 - 13. For instance, one young person who started as a Kingdom publisher when he was 12 years old became inactive at the age of 15. How did the work of today's traveling overseers begin? - The Watchtower, December 1, 1996, pages 8 - 13. Biex nagħtu tixbiha, ikkunsidra s - sitwazzjoni li sabu ruħhom fiha l - Iżraelin meta Ġeħova stqarr l - iskop tiegħu li jeħlishom mill - jasar fl - Eġittu. " More than all else that is to be guarded, safeguard your heart, for out of it are the sources of life. " - PROVERBS 4: 23. To illustrate, consider the situation in which the Israelites found themselves when Jehovah stated his purpose to free them from slavery in Egypt. Il - verità hi li matul l - aħħar jiem taʼ din is - sistema, Jehovah bierek lin - nies tiegħu iktar milli stennew huma. Do not assume that your mate wants to be spoken to in the same manner that you are used to. The truth is that during the last days of this system of things, Jehovah blessed his people more than they expected. Dawn huma (1) il - kronoloġija tal - Bibbja u (2) il - kundizzjonijiet dinjin li qed jeħżienu. - Mattew 24: 21; 2 Pietru 3: 13. Another example of something useful that can become a valueless thing is secular education. These are (1) Bible chronology and (2) worsening world conditions. - Matthew 24: 21; 2 Peter 3: 13. Għin lil uliedek jieħdu pjaċir fil - ministeru (Ara paragrafu 11) [ Picture on page 26] Help your children to enjoy the ministry (See paragraph 11) 5, 6. (Read Romans 5: 21.) 5, 6. Per eżempju, żagħżugħ li beda bħala pubblikatur tas - Saltna meta kellu 12 - il sena sar inattiv fl - età taʼ 15 - il sena. In fact, from 1990 to 1995, the number of Witnesses in Moscow jumped from some 300 to over 5,000! For example, a young man who began as a Kingdom publisher at the age of 12 became inactive at the age of 15. " Ħares ["għasses, "" NW "] lil qalbek bir - reqqa kollha, għax minnha ġejja l - ħajja. " - PROVERBJI 4: 23. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ " Watch your heart carefully, for out of it are the sources of life. " - PROVERBS 4: 23. X'inhi s - soluzzjoni? Tassumix li martek trid min ikellimha bl - istess mod li mdorri bih int. For many it was sheer greed. Do not assume that your wife wants to speak to her in the same way that you are used to. Eżempju ieħor taʼ xi ħaġa bżonnjuża li tistaʼ ssir frugħa hija l - edukazzjoni sekulari. I do not parade doctrine; but I read those books eleven years ago, and I thank God every day for putting before me such light and such consolation by means of a work that is entirely and solidly founded on the Holy Scriptures. " Another example of something that can become futile is secular education. [ Stampa f'paġna 26] Strengthen your convictions. [ Picture on page 26] (Aqra Rumani 5: 21.) [ Box / Picture on page 24] (Read Romans 5: 21.) Fil - fatt, mill - 1990 sal - 1995, l - għadd tax - Xhieda f'Moska żdied minn xi 300 għal iktar minn 5,000! The bishops around the court - suave, pliant men, accessible to discreet gestures of favor and adroit bargaining - as a rule protested as little as their superior. For instance, when Patriarch Ignatius (c. In fact, from 1990 to 1995, the number of Witnesses in Moscow increased from about 300 to over 5,000! ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ He began to study in earnest, attended a circuit assembly, and now attends meetings at the local Kingdom Hall. . . . . . Għal ħafna ma kienet xejn ħlief ir - regħba li qanqlithom. Become so focused on a wrong that they cannot enjoy life To many, it was nothing more than the greed that moved them. Jien ma niffanfrax bid - duttrina; iżda qrajt dawn il - kotba ħdax - il sena ilu, u nirringrazzja ' l Alla kuljum talli qiegħed quddiemi dawl u konsolazzjoni bħal dawn permezz taʼ xogħol li hu bbażat kompletament u fis - sod fuq l - Iskrittura Mqaddsa. " So Christians are in a position to know what Jehovah requires of them. I do not boast with doctrine; but I read these books eleven years ago, and I thank God every day for facing such light and consolation by means of a work that is fully and solidly based on the Holy Scriptures. " Kun konvint minn dak li temmen. Jesus replied: "Everyone that has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive many times more and will inherit everlasting life. " Be convinced of what you believe. [ Kaxxa / Stampa f'paġna 24] Looking back, I see that if I had just said something like that, we probably could have avoided many of our arguments. " - Kenji, Japan. [ Box / Picture on page 24] Ġeneralment, l - isqfijiet li kienu jkunu maʼ l - imperatur - irġiel sofistikati, flessibbli, u li malajr jiġu influwenzati b'daqsxejn żegħil u tixħim - ftit li xejn kienu jipprotestaw, l - istess bħal dak taʼ fuqhom. Paragraph 2: On an earlier occasion, Jesus related a similar illustration in which he referred to the "slave " as a" steward " and to the "domestics " as" his body of attendants. " - Luke 12: 42 - 44. Generally, bishops who were at the emperor - sophisticated, flexible men who were quickly influenced by sluggish and bribery - had little or nothing to protest, the same as those on them. Hu beda jistudja bil - ħeġġa kollha, attenda l - assemblea tas - circuit, u issa qed jattendi l - laqgħat kollha fis - Sala tas - Saltna lokali. However, Christians who want to please God are careful to avoid any customs or ceremonies that give the impression that they are in agreement with the view that the newborn child is a "visitor " passing from the spirit world of the ancestors to the world of the living community. He began to study eagerly, attended the circuit assembly, and is now attending all meetings at the local Kingdom Hall. Tant jibqgħu jberrnu fuq xi offiża li ma jkunux jistgħu jgawdu l - ħajja Initially, I sold ice cream from a small van. They continue to bless on some of the offenses that are unable to enjoy life Għalhekk, il - Kristjani jinsabu f'pożizzjoni tajba biex ikunu jafu x'jirrikjedi Ġeħova minnhom. We can learn of it from what happened to a group of shepherds in the fields near Bethlehem one night. Therefore, Christians are well placed to know what Jehovah requires of them. Ġesù wieġeb: "Kulmin telaq id - djar tiegħu jew lil ħutu subien jew bniet jew lil missieru jew lil ommu jew lit - tfal jew l - artijiet minħabba ismi jingħata ħafna iktar u jiret il - ħajja taʼ dejjem. " However, Jesus reminded them about the birds. Jesus answered: "Whoever has left his homes or his brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will be given much more and will inherit everlasting life. " Meta nħares lura nara li ħafna mill - argumenti li kellna setgħu jiġu evitati kieku għedt xi ħaġa hekk. " - Kenji, il - Ġappun. I have been able to use any talents or abilities that Jehovah has given me in ways that would never have been possible had I chosen a worldly career. " Looking back, I see that many of our arguments could be avoided if I said something like that. " - Kenji, Japan. Paragrafu 2: F'okkażjoni oħra qabel dan, Ġesù rrakkonta tixbiha simili li fiha rrefera għall - "ilsir " bħala" prokuratur. " - Lq. 12: 42 - 44. In these cases, the Greek word a·menʹ is translated "truly " or" verily. " Paragraph 2: On another occasion before that, Jesus related a similar illustration in which he referred to "the slave " as" a steward. " - Luke 12: 42 - 44. Però, il - Kristjani li jridu jogħġbu lil Alla joqogħdu attenti li jevitaw kwalunkwe drawwa jew ċerimonja li tagħti l - impressjoni li qed jaqblu mal - ħarsa li t - tarbija tat - twelid tinsab fuq "żjara " waqt li qed tgħaddi mid - dinja taʼ l - ispirti taʼ l - antenati għad - dinja tal - komunità ħajja. Hirano), 8 / 1 However, Christians who want to please God are careful to avoid any habit or ceremony that conveys the impression that the newborn is on "visit " while passing through the spirit world of the ancestors to the world of the living community. Fil - bidu kont inbigħ il - ġelati b'vann żgħir. Notice the sequence of events. I initially sold ice cream with a small van. Nistgħu nitgħallmu dwaru minn dak li ġara lejl wieħed lil grupp taʼ ragħajja fl - għelieqi qrib Betlehem. [ Picture on page 10] We can learn about him from what happened one night to a group of shepherds in the fields near Bethlehem. Madankollu, Ġesù fakkarhom fl - għasafar. I devoured the book in one night, and my heart was touched by what I read. However, Jesus reminded them of the birds. Jien stajt nuża kwalunkwe talent jew abbiltà li tani Ġeħova b'modi li qatt ma kienu jkunu possibbli kieku għażilt karriera fid - dinja. " Then Jesus asked the same basic question a third time: "Do you have affection for me? " I could use any talent or ability that Jehovah gave me in ways that would never have been possible had I chosen a career in the world. " F'dawn id - drabi, il - kelma Griega amen hi tradotta "tassew. " But God will do more. At these times, the Greek word amen is translated "forgetfully. " Hirano), 8 / 1 In fact, we had been walking along a major highway. Hirano), 8 / 1 Innota kif imxew l - affarijiet. Several return visits on the train led to a home Bible study. Note how things walked. [ Stampa f'paġna 10] Then, the psalmist's words will be fulfilled: "Behold the activities of Jehovah, how he has set astonishing events on the earth. [ Picture on page 10] Tant kont ħerqan, li qrajt il - ktieb f'lejl wieħed u dak li qrajt messli qalbi. However, concerning the lands east of the Jordan, The Historical Geography of the Holy Land, by George Adam Smith, says: "[They] all roll off, with almost no intervening barrier, upon the great Arabian plateau. I was so eager that I read the book in one night and what I read touched my heart. Imbagħad Ġesù staqsa bażikament l - istess mistoqsija għat - tielet darba: "Għandek int affezzjoni lejja? " When you are upset, you may say more than you mean to - and later regret it. Then Jesus asked basically the same question for the third time: "Do you have affection for me? " Imma Alla se jagħmel iktar minn hekk. Thus it was that I found myself presenting her baptism talk. But God will do more. Fil - fatt, konna mxejna fi triq prinċipali. The relentless destruction of their natural habitat has put such creatures on the list of vulnerable species. In fact, we had walked on a main road. Wara diversi żjajjar lura fuq il - ferrovija hu beda studju tal - Bibbja fid - dar. While attending a large convention in Indianapolis, Indiana, in 1925, I met James Stigers, who was from Chicago. After several return visits to the train, he started a home Bible study. Imbagħad, se jitwettaq il - kliem tas - salmista: "Ejjew, araw x'għamel il - Mulej, għemejjel taʼ l - għaġeb fuq l - art. Last Bible book written Then the psalmist's words will be fulfilled: "Come, see what Jehovah has done, wonderful works on the earth. Madankollu, dwar l - artijiet li jinsabu fil - lvant tal - Ġordan, The Historical Geography of the Holy Land, minn George Adam Smith, jgħid: "[L - artijiet] huma kollha ċatti u jinfirxu, bi kważi ebda barriera li tipproteġihom, għal fuq l - art Għarbija wâtja u għolja. A Visit to a Remarkable Printery However, regarding the lands located in the east of the Jordan, The Historical Geography of the Holy Land, by George Adam Smith, says: "[The lands] are all flat and spread, with almost no barrier to protect them, to the Arab land plain and hill. Meta tkun imdejjaq b'xi ħaġa, tistaʼ tgħid iktar milli jkollok f'moħħok - u mbagħad jiddispjaċik. 10, 11. (a) What bad qualities show that people do not have love for one another? When you're sad about something, you can say more than you're in mind - and then you're sorry. Kien għalhekk li jien sibt ruħi nagħmel it - taħdita tal - magħmudija tagħha. The Scriptures tell us to use our "power of reason " to" prove to [ourselves] the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. " That is why I found myself doing her baptism talk. Ħafna annimali bħal dawn żdiedu mal - lista taʼ speċi li jinsabu fil - periklu minħabba l - qerda kontinwa taʼ l - abitat naturali tagħhom. He told the assembly: " Move away, please, from the tents of these wicked men and do not touch anything that belongs to them, so that you may not be swept away in all their sin. ' Many such animals have been added to the list of endangered species because of the continuing destruction of their natural habitat. Waqt li kont qed nattendi konvenzjoni kbira li saret fl - 1925 f'Indianapolis, Indiana, iltqajt maʼ James Stigers, li kien minn Chicago. Prior to attending Gilead, many of the students demonstrated interest in expanding their ministry. While attending a large convention held in 1925 in Indianapolis, Indiana, I met James Stigers, who was from Chicago. 1200 sena qabel Ġesù ktieb tal - Bibbja Pliny the Elder mentions that the Cypriots designed a small, light ship that was oar propelled and that could carry up to 90 tons. 1200 years before Jesus a Bible book Żjara fi Stamperija Rimarkevoli During World War I, it oppressed God's people, banned some of their publications, and threw representatives of the faithful slave class into prison. A Visit to a Remarkable Pressry 10, 11. (a) Liema kwalitajiet ħżiena juru li n - nies m'għandhomx imħabba għal xulxin? Soon, all the cecropias but one emerged from their cocoons, making the patience and hard work worthwhile. 10, 11. (a) What bad qualities show that people do not have love for one another? L - Iskrittura tgħidilna biex nużaw il - "qawwa tar - raġuni " tagħna biex" [nagħtu] prova [lilna nfusna] dwar x'inhi r - rieda tajba u aċċettabbli u perfetta t'Alla. " 5: 14; 2 Tim. The Scriptures tell us to use our "power of reason " to" prove [our]selves what the good and acceptable and perfect will of God is. " Imbagħad kellem lill - ġemgħa u qalilha: " Jekk jogħġobkom, warrbu minn quddiem it - tined taʼ dawn l - irġiel mill - agħar u tmissu xejn minn tagħhom, biex ma tinqerdux fi dnubiethom kollha. ' All over France huge crowds came out to see "the slaves of the road, " as French reporter Albert Londres called them, and to cheer them on. Then he spoke to the assembly and told her: " Please, take away the tents of these wicked men from the front and touch nothing of them, that they may not be destroyed in all their sins. ' Qabel m'attendew l - iskola taʼ Gilgħad, ħafna mill - istudenti wrew li huma interessati jkabbru l - ministeru tagħhom. Its Author, Jehovah, is "the God of all comfort. " - 2 Corinthians 1: 3. Before attending Gilead school, many of the students showed that they were interested in expanding their ministry. Plinju l - Kbir jgħid li ċ - Ċiprijotti ddisinjaw ġifen żgħir u ħafif li kien jitmexxa bl - imqadef u li setaʼ jġorr sa 90 tunnellata. • Why can we be proud and yet humble? Pliny the Great says that the Cypriots designed a small, light ship that could carry up to 90 tons. Matul l - Ewwel Gwerra Dinjija, din ippersegwitat lill - poplu t'Alla, ipprojbiet ftit mill - pubblikazzjonijiet tagħhom, u tefgħet lil rappreżentanti tal - klassi tal - ilsir leali l - ħabs. europium Eu 63 During World War I, it persecuted God's people, banned some of their publications, and put representatives of the faithful slave class into prison. Malajr, is - cecropias kollha ħarġu mill - fosdoq tagħhom minbarra waħda, u b'hekk il - paċenzja li ħadna u x - xogħol iebes li sar kienu taʼ siwi. Moreover, her words of wisdom and her loving - kindness are greatly appreciated. Soon all cecropias went out of their cocoons except one, making our patience and hard work valuable. 5: 14; 2 Tim. To strengthen your commitment, try the following: 5: 14; 2 Tim. Minn kull parti taʼ Franza kienu jinġabru folol kbar biex jaraw lill - "iskjavi tat - toroq, " kif sejħilhom ir - riporter Franċiż Albert Londres, u biex jissapportjawhom. The inhabitants of those cities made flattering peace overtures, and in response Herod gave a public address. From all parts of France, great crowds were gathered to see "the slaves of the streets, " as called by the French reporter Albert Londonres, and to support them. L - Awtur tagħha, Ġeħova, hu "l - Alla taʼ kull faraġ. " - 2 Korintin 1: 3. He was a Nazirite by divine appointment, and his Naziriteship was for life. Its Author, Jehovah, is "the God of all comfort. " - 2 Corinthians 1: 3. • Għala nistgħu nkunu kburin imma fl - istess ħin umli? Jehovah gives the task to the prophet Malachi. • Why can we be proud but at the same time humble? ewropju Eu 63 I shared in training and helping many young men who later took on greater responsibilities in Jehovah's organization. europe Eu 63 Barra minn hekk, il - kliem mimli għerf tagħha u l - qalb tajba bl - imħabba tagħha huma apprezzati ferm. He declared: "Jehovah is a lover of justice, and he will not leave his loyal ones. To time indefinite they will certainly be guarded. " Furthermore, her wise words and loving - kindness are highly appreciated. Biex issaħħaħ l - impenn tiegħek, ipprova dan li ġej: You can also receive helpful information by visiting our website, To strengthen your commitment, try the following: L - abitanti taʼ dawn il - bliet faħħruh kemm felħu waqt li talbuh biex jagħmlu paċi u Erodi weġibhom billi għamel diskors fil - pubbliku. Only if we allow God's truth to cleanse us in this way will our worship be acceptable to him. The inhabitants of these cities praised him as they asked him to make peace and Herod answered them by making public speech. Hu kien Nażir maħtur minn Alla, u kellu jibqaʼ hekk tul ħajtu kollha. True, there might seem to be little benefit in accumulating facts you may never use. He was a Nazirite appointed by God, and he had to remain so throughout his life. Ġeħova jagħti dan l - inkarigu lill - profeta Malakija. Do Not Follow "Your Hearts and Your Eyes " Jehovah gives this assignment to the prophet Malachi. Stajt inħarreġ u ngħin lil bosta żgħażagħ irġiel li iktar tard ngħataw responsabbiltajiet ikbar fl - organizzazzjoni taʼ Ġeħova. " This is what the love of God means, " says 1 John 5: 3, "that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome. " I was able to train and help many young men who were later given greater responsibilities in Jehovah's organization. Hu ddikjara: "Il - Mulej iħobb is - sewwa [" il - ġustizzja, " NW], u ma jitlaqx it - twajbin tiegħu; hu jħarishom għal dejjem. " 100 ans de Tour de France, L'Équipe, 2002 © L'Équipe / Presse Sports He declared: "Jehovah himself will love righteousness, and he will not leave his righteous ones. He will keep them forever. " Ukoll, tistaʼ tirċievi informazzjoni t'għajnuna billi żżur il - Websajt tagħna, / mt. " He did not stand fast in the truth, " said Jesus Christ. Also, you can receive helpful information by visiting our website, Huwa biss jekk inħallu l - verità t'Alla tnaddafna b'dan il - mod li l - qima tagħna tkun aċċettabbli għalih. This is no small problem, since making a hole in the wrong place can cause excessive bleeding. Only if we allow God's truth to cleanse us in such a way that our worship is acceptable to him. Veru, forsi jidhirlek li ftit li xejn se jkun utli li titgħallem ħafna affarijiet li forsi qatt ma se tużahom. 1, 2. Granted, it may seem to you that it will be very useful to learn many things you may never use. " Timxix Wara Qalbek u Għajnejk ' This part of the illustration refers to individuals who "receive the word with joy " and zealously follow Jesus" for a season. " " Do Not Follow Your Heart and Eye ' L - 1 Ġwanni 5: 3 jgħid: "L - imħabba t'Alla tfisser dan: li nosservaw il - kmandamenti tiegħu; u madankollu l - kmandamenti tiegħu m'humiex tqal. " In Bible times, soldiers used darts made out of hollow reeds having small iron receptacles that could be filled with burning naphtha. 1 John 5: 3 says: "This is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome. " 100 ans de Tour de France, L'Équipe, 2002 © L'Équipe / Presse Sports According to Jesus, what responsibility do Christians have? 100 ans de Tour de France, L'Équipe, 2002 © L'Équipe / Presse Sports Ġesù Kristu qal li dan "ma żammx sħiħ fil - verità. " Obviously, clarifying the issue is the wise thing to do. Jesus Christ said that this "did not stand fast in the truth. " Din m'hijiex xi ħaġa taċ - ċajt, peress li jekk toqba tintgħamel f'post ħażin, jistaʼ joħroġ ħafna u ħafna demm. Could you make it your habit to pray each time you sit down to read the Bible? This is not ridicule, since if a hole is made in a wrong place, it can become very bloody. 1, 2. Jesus often spent extended periods of time in prayer. 1, 2. Din il - parti tat - tixbiha tirreferi għall - individwi li l - kelma "jilqgħuha bil - ferħ " u jsegwu lil Ġesù biż - żelu" għal ftit taż - żmien. " Jesus used similar reasoning when offering counsel on dealing with anxiety about material things. This part of the illustration refers to individuals to whom the word "welcomes with joy " and to follow Jesus zealously" for a while. " Fiż - żminijiet Bibliċi, is - suldati kienu jużaw vleġeġ magħmulin minn qasab vojt li kien ikollhom reċipjenti żgħar tal - ħadid u li setgħu jimtlew bin - nafta taqbad. By accepting responsibility, some youngsters progress to the point where their spiritual qualities enable them to receive weightier assignments. In Bible times, soldiers used arrows made of empty reeds containing small iron containers that could be filled with flash naphtha. Skond Ġesù, liema responsabbiltà għandhom il - Kristjani? The worst affected are those living in war zones and in countries undergoing rapid social and economic change. According to Jesus, what responsibility do Christians have? Ovvjament, l - iktar ħaġa għaqlija li wieħed jistaʼ jagħmel hi li jiċċara l - affarijiet. His approach to God was accepted, for God called Abraham "my friend. " Of course, the wisest thing to do is to clarify things. Tistaʼ tagħmilha d - drawwa tiegħek li titlob kull darba li tkun se taqra l - Bibbja? Moreover, she correctly discerned that Maria's mildness and self - control reflected her religious beliefs. Can you make it your custom to pray every time you read the Bible? Ġesù spiss kien jibqaʼ jitlob għal ħin twil. On those rare occasions when there is total darkness, however, owls must depend exclusively on their acute hearing to locate prey. Jesus often kept praying for a long time. Ġesù uża raġunar simili meta ta parir dwar kif wieħed jittratta l - ansjetà fuq affarijiet materjali. Even if you have all these things, would you not agree that the most precious things in your home are the people - the members of your family? Jesus used similar reasoning when giving advice on how to deal with anxiety on material things. Xi żgħażagħ jaċċettaw ir - responsabbiltà, u b'hekk jimxu ' l quddiem sal - punt li minħabba l - kwalitajiet spiritwali tagħhom jingħataw inkarigi iktar importanti. The feature "Our Readers Ask " will discuss the answers to common Bible questions. Some youths accept responsibility, moving forward to the point that their spiritual qualities give them more important assignments. L - iktar li qed jiġu effettwati huma dawk li jgħixu f'żoni tal - gwerra u f'pajjiżi li qed iġarrbu bidliet soċjali u ekonomiċi kbar. Yes, they act on his direction, being alert to whatever Jehovah indicates through "the faithful and discreet slave. " - Matthew 24: 45 - 47. The most affected are those living in war zones and countries experiencing major social and economic changes. Il - mod kif avviċina lil Alla kien aċċettabbli, għax Alla sejjaħ lil Abraham "ħabibi. " And what ingenuity is involved in creating these dazzling displays? The approach to God was acceptable, for God called Abraham "a friend. " Iżjed minn hekk, għarfet tajjeb li l - ħlewwa u r - rażan taʼ Maria rriflettew it - twemmin tagħha. Are you a coffee drinker? Moreover, Maria's mildness and self - control reflected her beliefs. Madankollu, f'dawk l - okkażjonijiet rari, meta jkun hemm dlam ċappa, il - kokka trid tiddependi biss fuq is - smigħ tajjeb tagħha biex issib il - priża. In addition, he recommended two private investigators, who did much to help with the case. On those rare occasions, however, when there is dark darkness, the owl must depend only on its good hearing to find the prey. Saħansitra jekk għandek dawn l - affarijiet kollha, ma taqbilx li l - iktar affarijiet prezzjużi f'darek huma n - nies - il - membri tal - familja tiegħek? Beekeepers estimate that the site may have produced "as much as half a ton of honey " each year. Even if you have all these things, do you not agree that the most valuable things in your home are people - your family members? L - artiklu "Il - Qarrejja Tagħna Jistaqsu " se jiddiskuti t - tweġibiet għal mistoqsijiet komuni fuq il - Bibbja. What does the Bible teach regarding God's purpose for the earth and for mankind? The article "Our Readers Ask " will discuss the answers to common Bible questions. Iva, huma jaġixxu fuq id - direzzjoni li jagħti hu, billi dejjem joqogħdu għassa għal dak li Jehovah jgħarraf permezz taʼ "l - ilsir leali u diskret. " - Mattew 24: 45 - 47, NW. 9, 10. (a) How have some sought to fulfill their desires? Yes, they act in his direction, always keeping watch for what Jehovah makes known through "the faithful and discreet slave. " - Matthew 24: 45 - 47. U liema sengħa hija involuta biex jinħolqu dawn il - wirjiet spettakolari? To visit one of the branch offices of Jehovah's Witnesses, generally referred to as Bethel. And what skill is involved in creating these spectacular performances? Int tixrob kafè? Yet, God showed compassion and continued to use them in his service, thereby manifesting a real understanding of imperfect humans. Do you drink coffee? Iktar minn hekk, hu rrikkmandalna żewġ investigaturi privati, li għenuna ħafna fil - każ tagħna. 18, 19. (a) Why can you be sure that Jehovah wants you to be happy? Moreover, he recommended two private investigators, who helped us a lot in our case. Dawk li jrabbu n - naħal jikkalkulaw li l - post hemm mnejn li kien jipproduċi "daqs nofs tunnellata għasel " kull sena. appearing in our issue of February 22, 2003. Beekeepers estimate that the place may have produced "half a tonne of honey " each year. Il - Bibbja x'tgħallem rigward l - iskop t'Alla għall - art u għall - umanità? Figuratively speaking, those who serve God faithfully during their old age have much in common with the elegant palm tree. What does the Bible teach regarding God's purpose for the earth and for mankind? 9, 10. (a) Xi wħud kif ipprovaw jissodisfaw ix - xewqat tagħhom? He encouraged the brothers by his courageous actions at Pentecost and afterward. 9, 10. (a) How have some tried to satisfy their desires? Biex iżżur wieħed mill - uffiċċji tal - fergħa tax - Xhieda taʼ Ġeħova, li ġeneralment nirreferu għalihom bħala Betel. (For fully formatted text, see publication) To visit one of the branch offices of Jehovah's Witnesses, to which we usually refer as Bethel. Madankollu, Alla wera ħniena u kompla jużahom fis - servizz tiegħu, u b'hekk wera li hu tassew jifhem il - bnedmin imperfetti. People were evacuated by the thousands - in small airplanes, by road, and by army troopships designed for beach landings. However, God showed mercy and continued to use them in his service, thus demonstrating that he truly understands imperfect humans. 18, 19. (a) Għala tistaʼ tkun ċert li Ġeħova jridek tkun ferħan? Talk to people who know him, such as his local congregation elders. 18, 19. (a) Why can you be sure that Jehovah wants you to be happy? li deher fil - ħarġa tagħna tat - 8 taʼ Marzu, 2003. They were disconsolate following his death. that appeared in our March 8, 2003, issue. B'mod figurattiv, dawk li jaqdu lil Alla lealment sa fi xjuħithom għandhom ħafna affarijiet komuni mas - siġra eleganti tal - palm. (b) What questions deserve our attention? In a figurative way, those who serve God faithfully in their old age have many things in common with the elegant palm tree. Hu inkuraġġixxa lill - aħwa bl - eżempju kuraġġuż tiegħu f'Pentekoste u wara. We have also come to have a treacherous heart. He encouraged the brothers by his courageous example at Pentecost and thereafter. (Għall - formazzjoni sħiħa tat - test, ara pubblikazzjoni) Because God had chosen Saul to be king of Israel. (For fully formatted text, see publication) Kien hemm eluf taʼ nies li ġew evakwati - b'ajruplani żgħar, permezz taʼ vetturi fuq l - art, u permezz taʼ vapuri taʼ l - armata disinjati biex jibqgħu deħlin sax - xatt. As told by Leonard Smith Thousands of people were rescued - by small aircraft, by land vehicles, and by army ships designed to stay on the shore. Tkellem maʼ nies li jafuh, bħalma huma l - anzjani tal - kongregazzjoni tiegħu. I felt that I was used as a benchmark by other parents for how they expected their children to act. Talk to people who know him, such as the elders of his congregation. Dawn kienu qalbhom sewda wara li miet Ġesù. Archaeologists have unearthed the ruins of temples and palaces, along with a host of artifacts and thousands of inscriptions that shed light on ancient civilization. They were downhearted after Jesus died. (b) Liema mistoqsijiet jixirqilhom l - attenzjoni tagħna? Jehovah was not going to save the things that people owned. (b) What questions merit our attention? Aħna writna wkoll qalb qarrieqa. Like his Father, Jesus felt pity for people "because they were skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd. " We also inherited a treacherous heart. Għax kien Alla li għażel lil Sawl biex ikun sultan tal - Iżrael. Bible historian Henry H. Because it was God who chose Saul to be king of Israel. Kif rakkontata minn Leonard Smith • How can you draw close to Jehovah? As told by Leonard Smith © Robert Harding Picture Library / SuperStock All are neatly dressed. © Robert Harding Picture Library / SuperStock Kont inħoss li l - ġenituri l - oħra jużawni bħala eżempju biex jirreferu għalija għaliex jistennew li wliedhom jaġixxu bħali. He who loves his wife loves himself, for no man ever hated his own flesh; but he feeds and cherishes it, as the Christ also does the congregation. " I felt that the other parents used me as an example to refer to me because they expected their children to act like me. L - arkeoloġi skavaw il - fdalijiet taʼ tempji u palazzi, flimkien maʼ ħafna artefatti u eluf taʼ kitbiet li jixħtu dawl fuq iċ - ċivilizzazzjoni antika. To do his Father's will and to bring salvation to mankind, God's Son willingly left his glorious heavenly position and became a lowly human on earth. Archaeologists evoke the remains of temples and palaces, along with many artefacts and thousands of writings that shed light on ancient civilization. Ġeħova żgur li ma kienx se jipproteġi l - affarijiet materjali li kellhom in - nies. But God raised him back to life, and 40 days later, Jesus ascended to heaven. Jehovah would certainly not protect people's material possessions. Bħal Missieru, Ġesù ħass għan - nies "għax kienu maltrattati u mferrxin bħal nagħaġ mingħajr ragħaj. " A brief review of the result can help him. Like his Father, Jesus felt for people "because they were mistreated and spread like sheep without a shepherd. " Henry H. * As you do so, you too will come to feel as did the psalmist who stated: "As for me, drawing near to God is good for me. " - Psalm 73: 28. Henry H. • Kif tistaʼ tersaq qrib taʼ Jehovah? After all, he provides such things richly for man's enjoyment. • How can you draw close to Jehovah? Kollha lebsin pulit. Population: 201,000,000 All dressed neatly. Min iħobb lil martu jħobb lilu nnifsu, għax ebda bniedem qatt ma bagħad lil ġismu stess; imma jitimgħu u jgħożżu, bħalma l - Kristu jagħmel ukoll lill - kongregazzjoni. " Job Held High the Name of Jehovah He that loves his wife loves himself, for no man ever hated his own body; but he feeds and cherishes, just as the Christ also does the congregation. " Sabiex jagħmel ir - rieda taʼ Missieru u jġib salvazzjoni għall - umanità, l - Iben t'Alla minn jeddu ħalla l - pożizzjoni glorjuża tiegħu fis - sema u sar bniedem umli fuq l - art. Serve God "Shoulder to Shoulder " To do his Father's will and bring salvation to mankind, God's Son willingly left his glorious position in heaven and became a humble man on earth. Imma Alla rxoxtah għall - ħajja, u 40 jum wara, Ġesù telaʼ s - sema. If she had cried out, people nearby might have been able to come to her rescue. But God resurrected him to life, and 40 days later, Jesus ascended to heaven. Jekk tirrivedu fil - qosor ir - riżultat, dan jistaʼ jkun t'għajnuna għalih. Therefore, the resurrection of anointed Christians must have begun sometime before 1935. A brief review of the result can help him. * Hekk kif tagħmel dan, int ukoll se tħossok bħas - salmista, li qal: "Min - naħa tiegħi, li nersaq qrib Alla huwa tajjeb għalija. " - Salm 73: 28. Frequently, the evidence will point to the heel seat, behind the heel, and to the ball of the foot. * As you do this, you too will feel like the psalmist, who said: "For my part, drawing close to God is good for me. " - Psalm 73: 28. Wara kollox, hu jipprovdi dawn l - affarijiet bix - xabaʼ sabiex il - bnedmin igawduhom. Because David loved Jehovah. After all, he provides these things richly in order for humans to enjoy them. Popolazzjoni: 201,000,000 Our family enjoyed the company of visiting Witnesses, especially those in the full - time ministry. Population: 201,000,000 Ġob Onora l - Isem taʼ Ġeħova The war of Armageddon will cleanse the earth of all corruption and wickedness and open the way for a righteous new system of things under the rule of God's Messianic Kingdom. Job Honored Jehovah's Name Aqdu lil Alla "Spalla maʼ Spalla " What might occur during "the bloom of youth, " and how can young ones deal with this? Serve God "Alone With a Spall " Li kieku għajtet, in - nies fil - viċin forsi kienu jiġu jagħtuha l - għajnuna. Then came the presentation of the diplomas. If she had shouted, the nearby people might have come to her help. Għalhekk, l - irxoxt tal - Kristjani midlukin bilfors li beda xi żmien qabel l - 1935. Even if some deviate from his righteous ways, they can repent and turn around. Hence, the resurrection of anointed Christians must have started some time before 1935. Ħafna drabi fejn joqgħod l - għarqub, quddiem l - għarqub, u fejn l - għaksa. 3 APPLY WHAT YOU LEARNED. Many times where the heel is located, in front of the heel, and where the ankle is located. Għax David kien iħobb lil Ġeħova. Hebrews chapter 11 tells us the names of 16 men and women who had strong faith in Jehovah's promises. Because David loved Jehovah. Il - familja tagħna kienet tieħu pjaċir bil - kumpanija taʼ Xhieda oħrajn li kienu jiġu jżuruna, speċjalment dawk fil - ministeru full - time. 5 percent Our family enjoyed the company of other Witnesses who visited us, especially those in the full - time ministry. Il - gwerra t'Armageddon se tnaddaf l - art mill - korruzzjoni u l - ħażen kollu u se tiftaħ it - triq għal sistema ġdida taʼ ġustizzja taħt il - ħakma tas - Saltna Messjanika t'Alla. Although many Christians formerly had an immoral lifestyle, they now view sex and marriage as gifts from God. The war of Armageddon will clean the earth from all corruption and evil and open the way for a new system of justice under the rule of God's Messianic Kingdom. X'jistaʼ jiġri matul "il - fjur taż - żgħożija, " u kif jistgħu ż - żgħażagħ ikampaw maʼ dan? The Bible calls these men magi, or "astrologers, " and it does not say how many there were. What can happen during "the bloom of youth, " and how can young ones cope with it? Imbagħad saret il - preżentazzjoni tad - diplomi. Actually, the Bible speaks of God as having a specific place of dwelling - the heavens. Then the presentation of diplomas was made. Anki jekk xi wħud jiżvijaw mill - modi ġusti tiegħu, jistgħu jindmu u jerġgħu jduru lejn Alla. His resurrection on the third day healed that wound and paved the way for decisive action against "the one having the means to cause death, that is, the Devil. " - Hebrews 2: 14. Even if some deviate from his righteous ways, they can repent and return to God. 3 APPLIKA DAK LI TGĦALLIMT. Remember, no one is perfect - including you. - Bible principle: James 3: 2. 3 APPLY WHAT YOU LEARNED. Ebrej kapitlu 11 isemmi l - ismijiet taʼ 16 - il raġel u mara li kellhom fidi soda fil - wegħdi taʼ Ġeħova. If day - to - day things of life have become our chief concern, what should we do? Hebrews chapter 11 mentions the names of 16 men and women who had strong faith in Jehovah's promises. 5 fil - mija Such thinking is erroneous and can turn into an obsession. 5 percent Għalkemm ħafna Kristjani qabel kellhom ħajja immorali, issa jqisu s - sess u ż - żwieġ bħala għotjiet mingħand Alla. Instead of progressing to the point of teaching others, the Hebrews needed to have someone teach them. Although many Christians previously had an immoral life, they now view sex and marriage as gifts from God. Il - Bibbja ssejjaħ lil dawn l - irġiel "maġi, " jew astroloġi, u ma tgħidx kemm kienu. Can Satan force us to do anything that we do not want to do? The Bible calls these men "magin men, " or astrologers, and it does not say how much they were. Fil - fatt, il - Bibbja titkellem dwar Alla bħala li għandu post speċifiku fejn jgħammar - is - smewwiet. Her brother Julio Julián was a renowned opera tenor in Europe, while his Spanish wife, Conchita Domínguez, sang soprano. In fact, the Bible speaks of God as having a specific place of dwelling - the heavens. L - irxoxt tiegħu fit - tielet jum fejjaq dik il - ferita u witta t - triq għall - azzjoni deċiżiva kontra "dak li jistaʼ jikkaġuna l - mewt, jiġifieri, ix - Xitan. " - Ebrej 2: 14. Jesus Christ showed that our worship is unacceptable to Jehovah if we have not made peace with others. His resurrection on the third day healed that wound and paved the way for decisive action against "the things that can cause death, that is, the Devil. " - Hebrews 2: 14. Ftakar, mis - sema ' l isfel kulħadd imperfett - inkluż int. - Prinċipju Bibliku: Ġakbu 3: 2. The righteous man Job, described in the Bible, opened up to others during his period of turmoil. Remember, from heaven down imperfect everyone - including you. - Bible principle: James 3: 2. Jekk ħsiebna l - iktar fl - attivitajiet normali taʼ kuljum, x'għandna bżonn nagħmlu? Worldly standards and guidelines on this matter sway to and fro as though buffeted by winds. If we think most of our normal daily activities, what do we need to do? Dan il - mod taʼ ħsieb hu żbaljat u jistaʼ jsir ossessjoni. On the contrary, Jesus repeatedly showed that he was subordinate to Jehovah. This thinking is wrong and an obsession can be held. Minflok ma kienu qed jagħmlu progress sal - punt li setgħu jgħallmu lil oħrajn, l - Ebrej kellhom bżonn lil xi ħadd biex jgħallem lilhom. For instance, why not help the student to prepare simple, reasonable, Bible - based replies to the questions and objections his fellow employees and others may bring up? Rather than making progress to the point that they could teach others, the Hebrews needed someone to teach them. Jistaʼ Satana jisforzana nagħmlu xi ħaġa li ma rridux nagħmlu? Told in various forms, the gist of the story is as follows. Could Satan force us to do something we do not want to do? Ħuha, Julio Julián, kien tenur operistiku magħruf fl - Ewropa, filwaqt li mart Julio, li kienet Spanjola u kien jisimha Conchita Domínguez, kienet sopran. Where would you wind up if you followed your schoolmates? Brother Julio Julián, was a well - known operatic tenur in Europe, while Julio's Spanish wife, Conchita Domínguez, was supern. Ġesù Kristu wera li l - qima tagħna ma tkunx aċċettabbli għal Ġeħova jekk ma nkunux għamilna paċi m'oħrajn. First, remember that when we continue to serve Jehovah faithfully despite difficulties, we prove our love for him. Jesus Christ showed that our worship would not be acceptable to Jehovah if we had not made peace with others. Ir - raġel ġust Ġob, li nsibu r - rakkont dwaru fil - Bibbja, fetaħ qalbu m'oħrajn matul il - perijodu diffiċli tiegħu. But they did know that it was wrong to kill The righteous man Job, whom we find the account of in the Bible, opened his heart to others during his difficult period. Il - livelli u l - linji taʼ gwida li toffri d - dinja fuq dan is - suġġett huma bħal qasba tixxejjer mar - riħ. PAGE 22 • SONGS: 33, 45 The standards and guidelines offered by the world on this subject are like a scatter with the wind. Għall - kuntrarju, Ġesù darba wara l - oħra wera li kien inferjuri għal Ġeħova. First, though, consider two factors that may contribute to the challenge. On the contrary, Jesus repeatedly proved to be inferior to Jehovah. Pereżempju, sħabu fuq ix - xogħol u oħrajn għandhom mnejn ma jaqblux mat - twemmin ġdid tiegħu, jew forsi jkollhom xi mistoqsijiet dwar dak li jemmen. I pondered, " How could God allow that to happen on his birthday? ' For example, his workmates and others may disagree with his new beliefs, or they may have questions about what he believes. Raġel lil ħafna nies qalilhom gideb dwar l - iktar raġel għaref fir - raħal tiegħu. Many believe that only light - skinned people like Martin need to fear exposure to sunlight. A man told many people lying about the wiseest man in his village. Kif se tispiċċa jekk tagħmel bħal sħabek taʼ l - iskola? Why did God view them that way, and how can we imitate them? How will it end if you are like your schoolmates? L - ewwel, ftakar li meta nkomplu naqdu lil Ġeħova fedelment minkejja d - diffikultajiet, inkunu qed nagħtu prova taʼ l - imħabba li għandna għalih. A new Canadian study of mothers with colicky babies reveals that more than 85 percent of colic cases abated by the time babies were three months old. First, remember that when we continue to serve Jehovah faithfully despite difficulties, we prove our love for him. Imma kienu jafu li kien ħażin li toqtol Meanwhile, violence was erupting all around us. But they knew that it was wrong to kill PAĠNA 22 • GĦANJIET: 33, 45 Regarding humans who will live under the rulership of God's Kingdom, that verse promises: "They will build houses and live in them, and they will plant vineyards and eat their fruitage. " PAGE 22 • SONGS: 33, 45 Imma, l - ewwel ikkunsidra żewġ fatturi li jistgħu jagħmluha iktar taʼ sfida. And I enjoyed the leisure activities we shared in as a group. " First, though, consider two factors that could make it more challenging. Jien ħsibt, " Kif jistaʼ Alla jippermetti dan f'jum twelidu? ' Trying to comfort us, the doctor said that a fairly successful treatment could be administered, involving chemotherapy along with several blood transfusions. I thought, " How can God allow this in his birthday? ' Ħafna jemmnu li nies b'karnaġġjon bjond biss, bħal Martin, għandhom joqogħdu attenti għal kemm iqattgħu ħin fix - xemx. At Jehovah's direction, Moses warned the Israelites to pull back from the tents of the rebels. Many believe that people with only a blond canon, such as Martin, should be alert to how much time they spend in the sun. Alla għala qieshom b'dan il - mod, u kif nistgħu nimitawhom? According to Harvard Women's Health Watch of April 2000, recent studies suggest that a standardized German commercial black cohosh extract may be effective "in relieving menopausal symptoms. " Why did God view them in this way, and how can we imitate them? Dan l - aħħar, fil - Kanada, sar studju fuq l - ommijiet bi trabi li għandhom din il - kundizzjoni u nstab li iktar minn 85 fil - mija minn dawn il - każijiet battew sakemm it - trabi għalqu t - tliet xhur. Further, many people thought that the disciples were "uneducated and ordinary. " Recently, in Canada, a study was carried out on mothers with babies who have this condition and found that more than 85 percent of these cases covered until the babies had reached three months of age. Sadanittant, il - vjolenza kienet qed tiżdied madwarna. Why a Priest Left His Church In the meantime, violence was increasing around us. Dwar bnedmin li se jgħixu taħt it - tmexxija tas - Saltna t'Alla, dak il - vers iwiegħed: "Se jibnu djar u jgħammru fihom; u jħawlu għelieqi bid - dwieli u jieklu frotthom. " Solomon increased his assets far beyond those of all who had preceded him. Regarding humans who will live under the rule of God's Kingdom, that verse promises: "They will build houses and reside in them; and they will plant fields with vines and eat their fruitage. " U kont nieħu pjaċir inqattaʼ l - ħin liberu magħhom f'attivitajiet bħala grupp. " Exiled to life outside the garden, Adam and Eve found their existence hard. And I enjoyed spending free time with them in group activities. " Biex jipprova jfarraġna, it - tabib qalilna li kellha ċans tfiq jekk tingħata kura li kienet tinkludi l - kemoterapija flimkien m'għadd taʼ trasfużjonijiet tad - demm. (The Irish Examiner, April 4, 2000) Aid agencies large and small certainly do make a huge difference in the lives of the countless victims of war and disaster. To try to comfort us, the doctor told us that she had a chance of being healed by a treatment that included chemotherapy plus a number of blood transfusions. Bid - direzzjoni taʼ Jehovah, Mosè wissa lill - Iżraelin biex jitbiegħdu mit - tined tar - ribelli. For the past 20 years, they have traveled to many parts of Africa to help build Kingdom Halls. Under Jehovah's direction, Moses warned the Israelites to abstain from the tents of the rebels. Skond Harvard Women's Health Watch t'April 2000, studji reċenti jissuġġerixxu li prodott taʼ ċertu livell maħruġ mill - black cohosh u li jinbiegħ bħala prodott Ġermaniż jistaʼ jkun effettiv biex "itaffi s - sintomi tal - menopawsa. " Even so, the United States was allowed to grow mighty, protected by British naval power. According to Harvard Women's Health Watch of April 2000, recent studies suggest that a product of a certain level released by black cohosh and sold as a German product can be effective in "relieving the symptoms of the menopause. " Iktar minn hekk, bosta wħud ħasbu li d - dixxipli kienu nies "komuni u taʼ ftit skola. " In just one year, we had a zealous group of Kingdom publishers in Bauru Moreover, many thought that the disciples were "common, low - school people. " Għala saċerdot biddel ir - reliġjon tiegħu He always gives us the things we need. " Why a priest changed his religion Ħadd iktar qabel Salamun ma żied il - ġid materjali tiegħu daqskemm żiedu hu. [ Credit Line] No one earlier Solomon increased his material possessions as much as he did. Issa li kienu eżiljati biex jgħixu barra l - ġnien, Adam u Eva sabu l - ħajja diffiċli. The unique bond between shepherds and sheep has been observed by visitors to Bible lands. Now exiled to live outside the garden, Adam and Eve found life difficult. (The Irish Examiner taʼ l - 4 t'April, 2000) Organizzazzjonijiet umanitarji, kbar u żgħar, ċertament li għandhom effett kbir fuq il - ħajjiet taʼ numru bla għadd taʼ vittmi taʼ gwerer u diżastri. (a) What erroneous idea troubles some who face trials? (The Irish provisions of April 4, 2000) Humanitarian organizations, large and small, certainly have a major impact on the lives of countless victims of war and disasters. Għal dawn l - aħħar 20 sena, ivvjaġġaw f'ħafna partijiet tal - Afrika biex jgħinu fil - bini taʼ Swali tas - Saltna. When I told Eric about this, he clearly explained to me that I could not establish a good relationship with God while being armed and seeking vengeance. For the past 20 years, they have traveled in many parts of Africa to help build Kingdom Halls. Il - Britannja ma waqqfitx lill - Istati Uniti milli ssir pajjiż b'saħħtu u saħansitra pproteġietha bil - flotta Britannika (British Navy). Who Will Lead Gog's Attack? Britain did not stop the United States from becoming a strong country and even protected it with the British Navy fleet. F'sena waħda biss, kellna grupp żeluż taʼ pubblikaturi tas - Saltna f'Bauru The combination of compassion and experience makes a truly desirable friend. In just one year, we had a zealous group of Kingdom publishers in Bauru Hu dejjem jagħtina dak li għandna bżonn. " Is it not because people are often motivated by greed and ambition to get ahead or to reach out for wealth, power, or position to which they are not entitled? He always gives us what we need. " [ Sors] Absalom was an exceptionally good - looking man. [ Credit Line] Uħud li żaru pajjiżi Bibliċi setgħu josservaw ir - rabta unika bejn ir - rgħajja u n - nagħaġ. And 130 million children - two thirds of them girls - do not attend school. Visitors to Bible lands could observe the unique bond between shepherds and sheep. (a) Liema idea żbaljata tinkwieta lil xi wħud li jiffaċċjaw il - provi? Evidently, those individuals feel that things never really change but continue the same as they always have from the world's creation. (a) What misconception worries some who face trials? Meta għedt lil Eric dwar dan, hu spjegali b'mod ċar li ma stajtx nistabbilixxi relazzjoni tajba m'Alla jekk inġorr l - armi miegħi u nfittex li nagħmel vendetta. [ Picture on page 21] When I told Eric about this, he clearly explained that I could not establish a good relationship with God if I carried weapons with me and sought a vengeance. Min Se Jmexxi l - Attakk taʼ Gog? Yes Who Will Lead Gog's Attack? Dak li tassew inkunu nixtiequ hu li ħabib ikollu kemm il - mogħdrija u kemm l - esperjenza. When Less Is Better What we really want is that a friend has both compassion and experience. M'huwiex minħabba li spiss in - nies huma mqanqlin mir - regħba u l - ambizzjoni biex javanzaw jew jirsistu għall - għana, il - qawwa, jew għal xi pożizzjoni li ma jkunux intitolati għaliha? 21 How the Ancient Kingdom of Lydia Affects Us Today Is it not because people are often moved by greed and ambition to advance or reach out for wealth, power, or a position to which they are not entitled? Absalom kien raġel tassew attraenti. Feel the emotions of the characters. Absalom was a truly attractive man. Għalhekk il - gvern suppost li jagħtihom il - protezzjoni. Considering the many sources of guidance so prevalent today, why should anyone look to the Bible? So the government is supposed to give them protection. B'mod evidenti, dawn l - individwi jħossu li l - affarijiet qatt ma nbidlu tassew iżda għadhom l - istess bħalma dejjem kienu sa mill - ħolqien tad - dinja. Mob Rule Goes Unpunished Clearly, these individuals feel that things have never changed really but remain the same as they have always been since the world's creation. [ Stampa f'paġna 21] (The New English Bible) Although God is primarily concerned with our spiritual purity, he also considers physical hygiene to be important. [ Picture on page 21] Iva The first published report of Christian witnessing work on Saba appeared in the 1966 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses. Yes Meta l - Ftit Ikun Aħjar Summary: Jehovah commissions Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. When the Little Is Better 18 Kif Tistaʼ Tagħżel Traduzzjoni Tajba tal - Bibbja? Christendom's commentators often view these words of Jesus as referring to those who have positions of responsibility among professed Christians. 18 How Can You Choose a Good Translation of the Bible? Ħoss l - emozzjonijiet tal - karattri. ; Johnson, B. Feel the emotions of the characters. Meta tqis il - ħafna sorsi taʼ gwida li huma daqstant komuni llum, għala għandu xi ħadd ifittex fil - Bibbja? The good news has to do with what Paul called "the life now and that which is to come. " In view of the many sources of guidance that are so common today, why should anyone search the Bible? L - Attakk tal - Marmalja Jitħalla Mingħajr Kastig However, when the city was selected as the site for a 1994 political conference, it enjoyed a rebirth of sorts with a major renovation of the city's center. Marbiding Without Punishment (The New English Bible) Għalkemm Alla jimpurtah l - iktar mill - indafa spiritwali tagħna, hu jimpurtah ħafna wkoll mill - indafa fiżika. • Why should we be "faithful in what is least "? (The New English Bible) Although God cares most about our spiritual cleanliness, he also cares deeply about physical cleanliness. L - ewwel rapport pubblikat dwar ix - xogħol taʼ l - għoti taʼ xiehda Kristjana li sar f'Saba, deher fin - 1966 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses. (a) In what ways do some people use their riches? The first published report on the Christian witnessing work in Saba appeared in 1966 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses. Sommarju: Ġeħova jinkariga lil Mosè biex joħroġ lill - Iżraelin mill - Eġittu. 65: 2. Summary: Jehovah assigns Moses to bring the Israelites out of Egypt. Xi kummentaturi tal - Kristjaneżmu spiss iqisu dan il - kliem taʼ Ġesù bħala li jirreferi għal dawk li għandhom pożizzjonijiet taʼ responsabbiltà fost l - hekk imsejħin Kristjani. Jesus ' half brothers now urge him: "Pass on over from here and go into Judea. " Some commentators of Christendom often view those words of Jesus as referring to those who have positions of responsibility among so - called Christians. ; Johnson, B. As stated earlier, keep in mind your destination. ; Johnson, B. L - aħbar tajba għandha x'taqsam maʼ dik li Pawlu sejħilha " l - ħajja taʼ issa u dik li għad trid tiġi. ' There is, therefore, no reason to be skeptical about the Bible's statements regarding the extraordinarily long lives of some people in ancient times. The good news relates to what Paul called "the life now and that to come. " Madankollu, meta l - belt intgħażlet bħala l - post fejn kellha ssir konferenza politika fl - 1994, din bħallikieku ħadet ir - ruħ minħabba li sar xi tibdil kbir fiċ - ċentru tal - belt. Also, there were prominent Judeans who looked down on Jesus because he came from Galilee. However, when the city was chosen as the location for a political conference in 1994, it was as if it had been taken as a result of major changes in the city's center. • Għala għandna nuru "fedeltà fl - inqas ħaġa "? He then remorsefully wrote: "Look! With error I was brought forth with birth pains, and in sin my mother conceived me. " • Why should we show "fellowness in the least thing "? (a) Xi nies b'liema modi jużaw ir - rikkezzi tagħhom? (Read Philippians 4: 7.) (a) In what ways do some people use their riches? Kemm kienu ferħanin li "Semmiegħ it - talb " kien qrib! - Salm 65: 2. [ Pictures on page 30, 31] How happy they were that the "Hearer of prayer " was near! - Psalm 65: 2. Ħut Ġesù mill - omm issa jħeġġuh: "Itlaq minn hawn u mur il - Lhudija. " After observing Ruth's diligence at work and learning of her loyalty to Naomi, Boaz gives Ruth special gleaning status. Jesus ' half brothers now exhort him: "Go from here and go to Judea. " Bħalma ssemma qabel, żomm f'moħħok id - destinazzjoni tiegħek. Soon, Jehovah's servants will be attacked by the forces of Gog of Magog. As mentioned earlier, keep your destination in mind. Għalhekk, m'hemm l - ebda raġuni għala għandna niddubitaw l - istqarrijiet li tagħmel il - Bibbja dwar xi nies tal - qedem li għexu ħajja twila ħafna. At the height of the siege, Jehovah said to the Jews: "Here I am putting before you people the way of life and the way of death. Hence, there is no reason to doubt the Bible's statements about some ancient people who lived a very long life. Ukoll, kien hemm Lhud prominenti li ħarsu b'disprezz lejn Ġesù għax kien mill - Galilija. They said that in Japan an arts graduate would be considered unacceptable as a bride. Also, there were prominent Jews who viewed Jesus with contempt because he was from Galilee. Imbagħad hu kiteb b'sogħba: "Ara, jiena ssawwart fil - ħtija, u fid - dnub nisslitni ommi. " Josef Groll Then he sadly wrote: "Look! I was formed in guilt, and in sin my mother was brought to me. " (Aqra Filippin 4: 7.) In addition to the coloured triangle Jewish prisoners were made to wear a yellow triangle sewn on to the coloured triangle in such a way as to form the hexagonal Star of David. " (Read Philippians 4: 7.) [ Stampi f'paġna 30, 31] Paul arranged to send Epaphroditus home, informing the local congregation that this faithful man had also become depressed. [ Pictures on page 30, 31] Wara li osserva x - xogħol iebes taʼ Rut u sar jaf dwar il - lealtà li wriet lejn Nagħomi, Bogħaż għamel arranġamenti speċjali għal Rut biex tlaqqat is - isbul. They have also gained the support of a large spiritual family, the local Christian congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. After observing Ruth's hard work and learning about his loyalty to Naomi, Boaz made special arrangements for Ruth to bring the bull together. Dalwaqt, il - qaddejja taʼ Jehovah se jiġu attakkati mill - forzi taʼ Gog taʼ Magog. Has the Old Testament been replaced? Soon, Jehovah's servants will be attacked by the forces of Gog of Magog. Fl - eqqel taʼ l - assedju, Jehovah qal lil - Lhud: "Se nqiegħed quddiemkom it - triq tal - ħajja u t - triq tal - mewt. Similar words may bolster our own courage and that of other Christians when we are being hounded by persecutors. At the height of the siege, Jehovah told the Jews: "I shall set before you the way of life and the way of death. Qalu li fil - Ġappun lawrjata fl - arti ma kinitx tiġi aċċettata bħala għarusa. This is hardly a surprise to students of the Bible, though, because it predicted that these would be "critical times hard to deal with. " - 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 5. They said that in Japan an art degree would not have been accepted as a bride. Josef Groll Yet, what about grinding poverty, child abuse, and oppressive discrimination based on background or skin color? Josef Groll Flimkien mat - trijanglu kulurit, il - priġunieri Lhud kienu mġagħlin jilbsu trijanglu isfar meħjut fuq it - trijanglu kulurit b'tali mod li jifforma l - Istilla taʼ David b'sitt ponot. " " There is an appointed time for everything. " - Ecclesiastes 3: 1 In addition to the colored triangle, the Jewish prisoners were forced to wear a yellow triangle sewn on the colored triangle in such a way as to form David's star with six points. " Pawlu rranġa biex Epafroditu jmur lura d - dar, u informa lill - kongregazzjoni lokali li dan ir - raġel leali kien qed iħossu dipress. [ Picture on page 26] Paul arranged for Epaphroditus to return home, informing the local congregation that this faithful man was feeling depressed. Kisbu wkoll l - appoġġ taʼ familja spiritwali kbira, il - kongregazzjoni Kristjana lokali tax - Xhieda taʼ Ġeħova. In one special pioneer assignment, we came to understand the full import of Paul's words recorded at 1 Timothy 6: 8: "Having sustenance and covering, we shall be content with these things. " They also gained the support of a large spiritual family, the local Christian congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. Huwa minnu li t - Testment il - Ġdid ħa post it - Testment il - Qadim? For what were Philip's four daughters particularly known? Is it true that the New Testament replaced the Old Testament? Kliem simili jistaʼ jqawwilna qalbna u qalb Kristjani oħrajn meta nkunu persegwitati. In 1542 the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V himself promised 100 guilders as a reward for Menno's arrest. Similar words can warm our heart and other Christian hearts when we are persecuted. Iżda, dan ma jissorprendix lil dawk li jistudjaw il - Bibbja, għax din bassret li dawn kellhom ikunu "żminijiet kritiċi li diffiċli biex issib tarfhom. " - 2 Timotju 3: 1 - 5. 5 This, though, does not surprise those who study the Bible, for it foretold that these would be "critical times hard to deal with. " - 2 Timothy 3: 1 - 5. Madankollu, xi ngħidu dwar il - faqar u l - għaks, l - abbuż fuq it - tfal, u d - diskriminazzjoni oppressiva minħabba l - ambjent soċjali jew il - kulur tal - ġilda? 7, 8. What, though, about poverty and blindness, child abuse, and oppressive discrimination because of the social environment or skin color? " Għal kollox hemm żmien stabbilit. " - Ekkleżjasti 3: 1 The report adds: "The 21 countries with the highest incidence of HIV infection are all in Africa, and in 10 of those countries, at least 10 percent of the population is infected. " " For all things there is an appointed time. " - Ecclesiastes 3: 1 [ Stampa f'paġna 18] Most of those learning Bible truth back then had the heavenly hope. [ Picture on page 18] F'wieħed mill - inkarigi bħala pijunieri speċjali, stajna nifhmu sew l - importanza kbira tal - kliem taʼ Pawlu mniżżel fl - 1 Timotju 6: 8: "Sakemm għandna x'nieklu u x'nilbsu, dan għandu jkun biżżejjed għalina. " If we do not devise some greater and more equitable system, Armageddon will be at our door. " In one of the special pioneer assignments, we could well understand the great importance of Paul's words recorded at 1 Timothy 6: 8: "Until we have sustenance and clothing, this should be enough for us. " L - erbat ibniet taʼ Filippu għalxiex kienu partikolarment magħrufin? HAVE you ever tried to sketch a human face? What were Philip's four daughters particularly well - known? Fl - 1542, l - Imperatur Ruman Qaddis Karlu V innifsu wiegħed 100 munita Olandiża bħala premju għal min jaqbad lil Menno. Having resident status, I could obtain entry permits, which proved invaluable when representatives from the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses visited. In 1542, Holy Roman Emperor Karlus V himself promised 100 Dutch coins to reward Menno. 5 When your parents did not give in to your every demand, did you ever accuse them of not loving you? 5 7, 8. I asked my sister - in - law. 7, 8. Fl - 1999 is - servizz postali Franċiż qassam għadd li qatt ma ntlaħaq qabel taʼ 25 elf miljun ittra. More than 30 years later, John wrote his Gospel and three letters. In 1999 the French postal service distributed an unprecedented number of 25 billion letters. Il - maġġuranza minn dawk li tgħallmu l - verità lura f'dan iż - żmien kellhom it - tama għas - sema. My enthusiasm was fortified by being with such a highly motivated group. Most of those who learned the truth back then had the heavenly hope. Jekk ma nivvintawx sistema akbar u iktar imparzjali se nsibu lil Armageddon wara biebna. " Zechariah 6: 12, 13 foretold Jesus ' comparable role in bringing true worship to its perfected state: "This is what Jehovah of armies has said: " Here is the man whose name is Sprout. If we do not invent a larger and more impartial system, we will find Armageddon at our door. " ĠIELI pprovajt tpinġi wiċċ taʼ bniedem? • What did the ark of the covenant contain? HAVE you ever tried to draw a man's face? Minħabba li kont resident taʼ dawk l - inħawi, jien stajt nikseb il - permessi biex nidħol, u dawn kienu taʼ valur li ma bħalu meta r - rappreżentanti mill - uffiċċju tal - fergħa tax - Xhieda taʼ Ġeħova kienu jiġu jżuru l - post. I would carry more than 35 pounds of supplies - some of it on my head, some on my back, and the rest in my arms. Being a resident of that area, I was able to obtain permits to enter, and these were of similar value when representatives from the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses came to visit. Meta l - ġenituri tiegħek ma kinux jagħtuk dak kollu li kont tkun trid mill - ewwel, kont int takkużahom li ma jħobbukx? A man should always speak gently to his wife When your parents did not give you everything you wanted right away, would you accuse them that they did not love you? staqsejt lill - mara taʼ ħija. It is always important to keep an eye on the weather. I asked my brother's wife. Iktar minn 30 sena wara, Ġwanni kiteb l - Evanġelju tiegħu u tliet ittri. Because they want to look their best. More than 30 years later, John wrote his Gospel and three letters. L - entużjażmu tiegħi ssaħħaħ bis - sħubija tiegħi maʼ dak il - grupp hekk imqanqal għax - xogħol. The spirit, of course, is eager, but the flesh is weak. " - Matthew 26: 41. My enthusiasm strengthens my association with that group so moved to work. Żakkarija 6: 12, 13 bassar l - irwol simili li għandu Ġesù biex iġib il - qima vera għall - istat perfezzjonat tagħha: "Hekk jgħid il - Mulej taʼ l - eżerċti: " Ara l - bniedem li ismu hu r - Rimja; mill - post fejn qiegħed hu għad jinbet u jibni s - santwarju tal - Mulej. " Make Your Way Successful " - How? Zechariah 6: 12, 13 foretold Jesus ' similar role in bringing true worship to its perfect state: "This is what Jehovah of armies says: " Look! • X'kien fiha l - arka tal - patt? As English writer Jeremy Taylor put it: "Habits are the daughters of action. " • What did the ark of the covenant contain? Kont inġorr iktar minn 15 - il kilo taʼ provvisti - ftit fuq rasi, ftit fuq dari, u l - kumplament f'idejja. 18, 19. I carried over 30 pounds [15 kg] of supplies - a little on my head, a little on my house, and the rest on my hand. Raġel dejjem għandu jkellem lil martu bil - ġentilezza For example, what if a part of the Bible does not seem practical for our situation? A husband should always speak gently to his wife Huwa dejjem importanti li wieħed joqgħod attent għall - ajru. Even when God's requirements seem to go contrary to human reasoning, we can be confident that his instructions are always for our lasting good. It is always important to pay attention to the air. Għax iridu jidhru l - aħjar li jistgħu. The spiritually mature brother selected to give the talk will inform all attending that the couple are married by reason of the registration that just took place. Because they want to be the best they can. L - ispirtu, iva, irid; imma l - ġisem dgħajjef. " - Mattew 26: 41. It would be good to ask, " Am I taking to heart Solomon's example of treasuring divine wisdom? ' The spirit, yes, wants; but the flesh is weak. " - Matthew 26: 41. " Tirnexxi fi Triqtek " - Kif? " Happy is the man in fear of Jehovah. " - PSALM 112: 1. " Succeed in Your Way " - How? Bħalma poġġieha l - kittieb Ingliż Jeremy Taylor: "Id - drawwiet huma wlied l - azzjoni. " When I need medical attention, a Christian brother takes me to the hospital. As the English writer Jeremy Taylor put it: "The habits are the sons of action. " 18, 19. Albert, mentioned in the preceding article, heard the Kingdom message when his wife and son began to study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. 18, 19. Pereżempju, xi ngħidu jekk parti mill - Bibbja ma tidhirx prattika għas - sitwazzjoni tagħna? As a single mother and full - time evangelizer, I have a very demanding schedule. For example, what if a part of the Bible does not seem practical for our situation? Anki meta dak li jirrikjedi Alla jidher li jmur kontra r - raġunar tal - bnedmin, aħna nistgħu nkunu fiduċjużi li l - istruzzjonijiet tiegħu huma dejjem għall - ġid dejjiemi tagħna. Their love continues to grow cold. Even when God's requirements seem to be contrary to human reasoning, we can be confident that his instructions are always for our lasting benefit. Il - ħu matur spiritwalment li jintgħażel biex jagħti t - taħdita se jinforma lil kulmin jattendi li l - koppja huma miżżewġin minħabba r - reġistrazzjoni li tkun għadha kif saret. How is that possible? The spiritually mature brother who is chosen to give the talk will inform everyone attending that the couple are married because of the registration that has just been made. Ikun tajjeb li tistaqsi, " Qed nieħu bis - serjetà l - eżempju taʼ Salamun dwar li ngħożż l - għerf divin? ' He continued: "Whoever will humble himself like this young child is the one that is the greatest in the kingdom of the heavens. " It would be good to ask, " Am I taking Solomon's example of cherishing divine wisdom seriously? ' " Hieni l - bniedem li jibżaʼ mill - Mulej. " - SALM 112: 1. Jehovah's "eyes are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him. " " Happy is the man who fears Jehovah. " - PSALM 112: 1. Meta jkolli bżonn l - attenzjoni medika, ħu Kristjan jiħodni l - isptar. WHAT do Delilah, Absalom, and Judas Iscariot have in common? When I need medical attention, a Christian brother takes me to the hospital. Albert, li ssemma fl - artiklu taʼ qabel, semaʼ l - messaġġ tas - Saltna meta martu u ibnu bdew jistudjaw il - Bibbja max - Xhieda taʼ Ġeħova. " It's a piano! " Albert, mentioned in the preceding article, heard the Kingdom message when his wife and son began to study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. Personalment għaddejt minn diversi katastrofi, inkluż l - għargħar u t - terremoti. Casablanca in the 1940 ' s I personally experienced a variety of disasters, including floods and earthquakes. L - imħabba tagħhom tkompli tibred. C Their love continues to cool down. Dan kif inhu possibbli? So fill your heart with good things. How is that possible? Hu kompla jgħidilhom: "Għalhekk, kulmin jumilja ruħu bħal dan it - tifel hu l - akbar fis - saltna tas - smewwiet. " First remove the rafter from your own eye, and then you will see clearly how to remove the straw from your brother's eye. " He added to them: "All those humiliating himself like this boy are therefore the greatest in the kingdom of the heavens. " " Għajnejn Ġeħova jiġru ' l hemm u ' l hawn maʼ l - art kollha biex juri s - saħħa tiegħu għan - nom taʼ dawk li qalbhom hi sħiħa lejh. " He could not bear the way the clergy kept people in ignorance, so he never missed an opportunity to share Bible truths. " The eyes of Jehovah are roving about all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him. " DALILA, Absalom, u Ġuda l - Iskarjota x'kellhom komuni bejniethom? [ Picture on page 21] What did DALILLA, Absalom, and Judas Iscariot have in common? " Dak pjanu! " Personally teaching others the way to salvation will bring us happiness that cannot be compared with any other activity. " That's his plan! " Casablanca matul is - snin 40 If you are uncomfortable in a conventional bed, an adjustable bed offers a range of different sleeping positions. Casablanca during the 1940 ' s Ċ This tranquillity was abruptly broken when the mandrill troop drew near. C Għalhekk, imla qalbek b'affarijiet tajbin. Since HD is inherited, it often afflicts more than one member of the family. So fill your heart with good things. L - ewwel neħħi t - travu minn għajnek, u mbagħad tara ċar kif tneħħi t - tibna minn għajn ħuk. " [ Box on page 20] First remove the beam from your eye, and then see clearly how to remove the straw from your brother's eye. " Ma kienx jiflaħ jara l - mod kif il - membri tal - kleru kienu jżommu lin - nies fl - injoranza, u għalhekk kien jaħtaf kull opportunità biex jaqsam il - veritajiet tal - Bibbja m'oħrajn. Do you easily become upset, angry, or frustrated? He could not see how the clergy kept people in ignorance, so he seized every opportunity to share Bible truths with others. [ Stampa f'paġna 21] The sun has not yet risen, but we are not alone. [ Picture on page 21] Li ngħallmu personalment it - triq għas - salvazzjoni lil oħrajn iġibilna hena li ma jistaʼ jitqabbel m'ebda attività oħra. What had caused them such grief? Personal teaching others the way to salvation brings us incomparable happiness with no other activity. Jekk m'intix komdu f'sodda normali, sodda li togħla jew tinżel minn quddiem u minn wara toffrilek varjetà taʼ pożizzjonijiet differenti kif torqod. Hemm ukoll is - sodda bis - saqqu taʼ l - ilma. The call of wisdom is universal. If you are not comfortable in a normal bed, a bed that gets up or down from the front and then offers you a variety of different positions as you sleep, and there is also the bed with the water toilet. Dik it - trankwillità li kien hemm intemmet ħesrem hekk kif beda joqrob il - grupp tal - mandrilli. Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. That upset ended suddenly as the group of mandrills approached. Peress li l - HD tintiret, spiss tolqot lil iktar minn membru wieħed tal - familja. Such discipline from Jehovah made him think deeply. Since HD is inherited, it often affects more than one member of the family. [ Kaxxa f'paġna 27] On the other hand, if we make sure that our leisure activities meet the Bible - based standards in all three aspects, our recreation will bring honor to Jehovah and benefits to us. - Ps. 119: 33 - 35. [ Box on page 27] Għandek it - tendenza li malajr tħossok imdejjaq, irrabjat, jew frustrat? The elders can kindly reassure them that Jehovah loves them for giving their best. - Mark 12: 41 - 44. Do you tend to quickly feel sad, angry, or frustrated? Ix - xemx għadha ma telgħetx, imma m'aħniex waħedna. Her love for God, her trust in him, and her " simple eye ' have made her a truly capable wife and mother. The sun has not yet risen, but we are not alone. X'ġegħelhom jitnikktu b'dan il - mod? There is more. What caused them to grieve in this way? L - għajta taʼ l - għerf hija waħda universali. [ Picture on page 10] The cry of wisdom is universal. Jekk mhux indikat mod ieħor, il - kwotazzjonijiet mill - Iskrittura huma meħudin mit - Traduzzjoni tad - Dinja l - Ġdida taʼ l - Iskrittura Mqaddsa li għandha lingwa moderna. That's " seeing by the eyes. ' Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from the modern - language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Dixxiplina bħal din minn Ġeħova ġegħlitu jaħseb bis - serjetà. In what ways was Jesus a perfect pattern of humility? Such disciples from Jehovah made him think seriously. Min - naħa l - oħra, jekk nagħmlu ċert li l - attivitajiet taʼ gost tagħna jilħqu l - livelli bbażati fuq il - Bibbja fit - tliet aspetti kollha, id - divertiment tagħna se jġib unur lil Ġeħova u jkun taʼ benefiċċju għalina. - Salm 119: 33 - 35. Will the earth really expire someday? On the other hand, if we make sure that our fun activities meet Bible - based standards in all three respects, our entertainment will bring honor to Jehovah and benefit us. - Psalm 119: 33 - 35. L - anzjani jistgħu b'qalb tajba jaċċertawhom li Ġeħova jħobbhom talli jagħtu l - aħjar tagħhom. - Mk. 12: 41 - 44. Although almost 3,500 Witness families suffered material losses as a result of Isidore, it turned out that none of Jehovah's Witnesses were missing or dead. Elders can kindly assure them that Jehovah loves them for giving their best. - Mark 12: 41 - 44. L - imħabba tagħha għal Alla, il - fiduċja tagħha fih, u l - " għajn sempliċi ' tagħha għamluha verament mara u omm kapaċi. How can the groom effectively shoulder his responsibility? Her love for God, her trust in him, and her " simple eye " made her really a capable wife and mother. Hemm iktar x'ngħidu. I myself, Jehovah, will speed it up in its own time. " There is more to do. [ Stampa f'paġna 10] God's personal name, Jehovah, appeared several times on both scrolls. [ Picture on page 10] Dan ifisser li " tara b'għajnejk. ' May we never let money or the things it can buy become more important than our friendship with Jehovah. This means that you "see with your eyes. " Ġesù kif kien mudell perfett t'umiltà? Can You Explain? How was Jesus a perfect model of humility? Tassew li l - art se tintemm xi darba? God's Means of Salvation Will the earth really come to an end at one time? Għalkemm kważi 3,500 familja tax - Xhieda tilfu l - affarijiet materjali minħabba Isidore, ħadd minnhom ma kien nieqes jew mejjet. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: Although nearly 3,500 Witness families lost material possessions because of Isidore, none of them were missing or dead. Kif jistaʼ l - għarus jieħu ħsieb ir - responsabbiltà tiegħu b'mod effettiv? Born Again, 4 / 1 How can the bridegroom effectively take care of his responsibility? Jien innifsi, Ġeħova, se ngħaġġlu f'waqtu. " It also says: "He is... hanging the earth upon nothing. " I myself, Jehovah, will rush at the right time. " L - isem persunali t'Alla, Ġeħova, jidher diversi drabi fuq iż - żewġ skrolli. Commuters who drive the same route each day often do so without using the part of their brain where conscious thinking takes place, says traffic scientist Michael Schreckenberg of the University of Duisburg - Essen, Germany. God's personal name, Jehovah, appears several times on both scrolls. Jalla qatt ma nħallu l - flus jew l - affarijiet li nistgħu nixtru bil - flus isiru iktar importanti mill - ħbiberija li għandna maʼ Ġeħova. He and his wife were baptized in 1998. May we never allow money or money to become more important than our friendship with Jehovah. Tistaʼ Tispjega? Many of the Aboriginal people responded well to my preaching, and I started several Bible studies. Can You Explain? il - Mezz taʼ Salvazzjoni t'Alla Because, particularly regarding our day, Jesus warned: "Pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life, and suddenly that day be instantly upon you as a snare. " God's Means of Salvation UKOLL F'DIN IL - ĦARĠA: I prayed to Jehovah for courage and stood still with the sign. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: Danner), 6 / 15 He wrote: "From time to time, Jehovah's Witnesses come to my home. Jehovah's Witnesses, 6 / 1 Tgħid ukoll: "Hu qed... idendel l - art fuq ix - xejn. " We invite their friends over, give them snacks, and let them play games. It also says: "He is... hanging the earth upon nothing. " Ix - xjenzat tat - traffiku Michael Schreckenberg, mill - Università taʼ Duisburg - Essen, fil - Ġermanja, jgħid li dawk li jsuqu fl - istess rotta kuljum jagħmlu dan mingħajr ma jużaw il - parti tal - moħħ li biha jaħsbu u jkunu konxji taʼ li qed jagħmlu. That includes everything that might prevent us from giving our full attention and best effort to the race we are running. Traffic scientist Michael Schreckenberg, University of Duisburg - Essen, Germany, says that those who drive on the same route each day do so without using the part of the brain with which they think and are aware of what they are doing. Hu u martu tgħammdu fl - 1998. What does one encyclopedia say about the human body? He and his wife were baptized in 1998. Ħafna mill - Aboriġini wieġbu għall - ippridkar tiegħi, u bdejt diversi studji tal - Bibbja. [ Footnotes] Many of the Aborigines responded to my preaching work, and I began various Bible studies. Għaliex, dwar żmienna b'mod partikulari, Ġesù wissa: "Oqogħdu attenti għalikom infuskom li qlubkom qatt ma jitqalu b'ikel u xorb żejjed u ansjetajiet tal - ħajja, u f'daqqa waħda dak il - jum jiġi fuqkom għal għarrieda bħal nassa. " A loving teacher imparts knowledge because he genuinely cares for his students. Because, concerning our day in particular, Jesus warned: "Pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating and heavy drinking and anxieties of life, and suddenly that day will come upon you suddenly as a snare. " Tlabt lil Ġeħova għall - kuraġġ u bqajt dritt bil - wieqfa bit - tabella. In time, however, Memphis lost its status as Egypt's capital. I prayed to Jehovah for courage and remained upright with the sign. Fiha kiteb: "Minn żmien għal żmien, ix - Xhieda taʼ Jehovah jiġu jżuruni d - dar. Do my actions clearly show that I am doing my best to prove my faith by all I do, even in the areas not directly related to the preaching work or congregation meetings? ' It wrote: "From time to time, Jehovah's Witnesses come to visit me at home. Aħna nistiednu lill - ħbieb tagħhom, nagħtuhom xi ħaġa żgħira x'jieklu, u nħalluhom jilagħbu xi logħob. " Hey, Jess, try this! " We invite their friends, give them something small to eat, and allow them to play games. Dan jinkludi kull ħaġa li tistaʼ żżommna milli nagħtu l - attenzjoni sħiħa u l - aħjar sforz tagħna lit - tiġrija li qegħdin fiha. Relatives and friends of the couple are directed to the appropriate store to purchase an item from the couple's registry list. This includes anything that can prevent us from giving our full attention and effort to the race in which we are in it. X'tgħid ċerta enċiklopedija dwar il - ġisem uman? " He would say, " There you go with that Bible! What does a certain encyclopedia say about the human body? [ Noti taʼ taħt] If their life revolves around these things, they are missing the most important thing, which is their relationship with God. [ Footnotes] Għalliem li jħobb, jgħaddi l - għarfien lill - istudenti tiegħu għaliex jimpurtah ġenwinament minnhom. Compounding his problems, a traffic accident caused by a drunk driver left Harold permanently disabled. A loving teacher conveys knowledge to his students because he genuinely cares about them. Madankollu, maż - żmien Memfi ma baqgħetx il - belt kapitali taʼ l - Eġittu. Why Is Pornography So Widespread? In time, however, Memphi was no longer the capital of Egypt. L - azzjonijiet tiegħi juru ċar u tond li qed nagħmel l - almu tiegħi biex nagħti prova tal - fidi tiegħi b'dak kollu li nagħmel, anki f'aspetti li m'humiex konnessi direttament max - xogħol taʼ l - ippridkar jew mal - laqgħat tal - kongregazzjoni? ' SONGS TO BE USED: 168, 21 Do my actions clearly show that I am doing my best to prove my faith by whatever I do, even in aspects that are not directly related to the preaching work or congregation meetings? ' " Haw, Jess, ipprova dan! " Concerning them, Hebrews 13: 7 states: "Remember those who are taking the lead among you, who have spoken the word of God to you, and as you contemplate how their conduct turns out imitate their faith. " " Haw, Jess, try this! " Il - qraba u l - ħbieb tal - koppja jirċievu stedina biex imorru f'dan il - ħanut partikulari ħalli jixtru oġġett mil - lista li tkun għamlet il - koppja. He said to his opposers: "I have come in the name of my Father, but you do not receive me; if someone else arrived in his own name, you would receive that one. " The couple's relatives and friends receive an invitation to go to this particular shop to buy an item from the couple's list. " Hu kien jgħid, " Hemm int ġej bil - Bibbja! December 8 - 14, 2008 " He would say, " There you are coming with the Bible! Jistaʼ Jkun Diffiċli Tgħix ' il Bogħod mid - Dar Jesus Christ is Michael the archangel. It Can Be Hard to Live From Home Jekk ħajjithom tikkonċentra fuq dawn l - affarijiet, ikunu qed jonqsu milli jaraw l - iktar ħaġa importanti, ir - relazzjoni tagħhom m'Alla. In other words, feel free to pick and choose among the published rituals and ritual textbooks to decide what feels right. " If their lives concentrate on these things, they fail to see the most important thing, their relationship with God. (a) Xi nies b'liema modi jipprovaw jaqilgħu ħafna flus malajr? The Bible says about "the last days ":" Wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse. " (a) In what ways do some people try to earn a lot of money quickly? Iktar minn hekk, Harold kien ukoll spiċċa mmankat għal għomru f'inċident tat - traffiku kaġunat minn sewwieq xurban. * Moreover, Harold had also been coded for life in a traffic accident caused by a drunk driver. Għala Hija l - Pornografija Daqshekk Mifruxa? The promise of huge profits can blind one to the risks of an unsound business venture. Why Is Pornography So Disturbed? GĦANJIET LI JINTUŻAW: 168, 21 I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things. " SONGS TO BE USED: 168, 21 Dwarhom, Ebrej 13: 7 jgħid: "Ftakru f'dawk li qed imexxu fostkom u li ħabbrulkom il - kelma t'Alla, u imitaw il - fidi tagħhom, waqt li tosservaw bir - reqqa r - riżultat tal - kondotta tagħhom. " The Amplified Bible reads: "On His law... he habitually meditates... by day and by night. " Regarding them, Hebrews 13: 7 says: "Remember those who are taking the lead among you, who have declared to you the word of God, and imitate their faith, carefully observing the outcome of their conduct. " Hu qal lill - opponenti tiegħu: "Jien ġejt f'isem Missieri, imma intom ma tilqgħunix; kieku ġie ħaddieħor f'ismu stess, kontu tilqgħuh. " How important it is that we take time to meditate on what we read, so that Bible truths sink deep down into the heart! He told his opposers: "I have come in the name of my Father, but you will not welcome me; if others had come in his own name, you would have welcomed him. " 8 - 14 taʼ Diċembru He donated a lot of coconuts to the Malayalam remote translation office. December 8 - 14, 2009 Ġesù Kristu hu Mikiel l - arkanġlu. Jehovah truly is faithful and carries out his every promise - at times, he might even do so in ways that surprise us into amazed or incredulous laughter! Jesus Christ is Michael the archangel. Fi kliem ieħor, int liberu li tagħżel x'jogħġbok fost ir - ritwali pubblikati u l - kotba taʼ gwida dwar ir - ritwali biex tiddeċiedi dak li tħoss li hu tajjeb. " Love also moves us to do what is right. In other words, you are free to choose what you like among the published rituals and ritual - guide books to decide what you feel is right. " Il - Bibbja tgħid hekk dwar "l - aħħar jiem ":" Nies mill - agħar u l - impusturi jibqgħu sejrin mill - ħażin għall - agħar. " His mild manner had touched them. The Bible says of "the last days ":" The wicked and the impostors will go from bad to worse. " * The conviction of the Witnesses today is like that voiced by this journal in 1879. * Il - wegħda taʼ qligħ kbir tistaʼ tagħmi lil dak li jkun mir - riskji taʼ intrapriża taʼ negozju li ma tkunx daqshekk għaqlija. Remember that whether we are right or wrong, saying something hurtful will never improve a situation. The promise of great gain can blind one from the risks of an unwise business enterprise. Jien magħkom il - jiem kollha sal - konklużjoni tas - sistema. " Additionally, Daniel was a diligent and rightly motivated student of God's Word, which helped him to keep God's glorious purpose in focus. I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things. " Kemm hu importanti li nieħdu l - ħin biex nimmeditaw fuq dak li naqraw sabiex il - veritajiet tal - Bibbja jinżlu fil - fond taʼ qalbna! See "Questions From Readers " in the April 15, 2009, issue of The Watchtower, which discusses Bible principles relating to the possibility of a resurrection for an unborn baby that dies. How important it is to take time to meditate on what we read so that Bible truths get deep into our heart! Hu ta ħafna coconuts bħala donazzjoni lill - uffiċċju tat - traduzzjoni fil - Malayalam. For example, Jehovah expects each of us to be reasonable and to use good judgment. He donated many coconuts to the translation office in Malayalam. Ġeħova verament hu leali u jwettaq kull wegħda li jagħmel - kultant, jagħmel dan b'mod li tant jissorprendina li nispiċċaw nidħqu daqskemm ma nkunux nistgħu nemmnu! • What is the main message that we preach? Jehovah is truly faithful and fulfills every promise he does - at times, so surprising that we end up laughing as much as we cannot believe! L - imħabba tqanqalna wkoll nagħmlu dak li hu tajjeb. • Leprosy, which includes what is now called Hansen's disease, figured in what Bible account involving a young girl? Love also moves us to do what is right. Hu kien laqathom ħafna bil - ħlewwa tiegħu. A. He had greatly affected them with his mildness. Il - konvinzjoni tax - Xhieda llum hija bħal dik imniżżla f'din ir - rivista fl - 1879. The evidence points to its being a religious entity. The conviction of the Witnesses today is similar to that recorded in this magazine in 1879. Ftakar li għandekx raġun jew le, li tgħid xi ħaġa li tweġġaʼ qatt mhu se jagħmel sitwazzjoni aħjar. Historical, religious, legal, scholarly, and literary texts were being produced in Mesopotamia four thousand years ago. Remember that you are right or not, saying something that hurts you will never do better. Barra minn hekk, Danjel kien jistudja l - Kelma t'Alla b'mod diliġenti u b'motiv xieraq, u dan għenu biex jibqaʼ ffokat fuq l - iskop glorjuż t'Alla. For more suggestions on how to improve your singing voice, see the December 2014 monthly program on JW Broadcasting (video category FROM OUR STUDIO). In addition, Daniel diligently and properly studied God's Word, helping to keep his focus on God's glorious purpose. Ara l - artiklu "Mistoqsijiet mill - qarrejja " fil - ħarġa tat - Torri tal - Għassa tal - 15 t'April 2009, li jiddiskuti prinċipji Bibliċi li għandhom x'jaqsmu mal - possibbiltà li jkun hemm irxoxt taʼ trabi li jmutu fil - ġuf. In turn they paid it out to the workers in wood and to the builders that were working at the house of Jehovah, and to the masons and to the hewers of stone, and to buy timbers and hewn stones for repairing the cracks of the house of Jehovah and for all that was expended upon the house to repair it. " - 2 Kings 12: 9 - 12. See the article "Questions From Readers " in the April 15, 2009, issue of The Watchtower, which discusses Bible principles related to a possible resurrection of unborn babies. Pereżempju, Ġeħova jistenna minna lkoll li nkunu raġunevoli u li nagħmlu ġudizzju tajjeb. This advice may seem impossible for us to apply. For example, Jehovah expects all of us to be reasonable and to make good judgment. • X'inhu l - messaġġ ewlieni li nippridkaw? Do You Do What God Asks? • What is the key message we preach? • X'nistgħu nitgħallmu mill - fatt li Aron ċeda għall - pressjoni minn dawk taʼ madwaru? Regular communication builds up the marriage • What can we learn from Aaron's giving in to peer pressure? A. What a reward for doing what we knew was right! A. L - evidenza turi li din hija entità reliġjuża. The knowledge gained by paying close attention is invaluable in averting faulty judgment - and avoiding a mistake. Evidence shows that it is a religious entity. Erbat elef sena ilu kienu qed jinkitbu kitbiet storiċi, reliġjużi, legali, akkademiċi, u letterarji fil - Mesopotamja. Our prayers can help our grieving brothers and sisters. Four thousand years ago, historical, religious, legal, academic, and literary writings were being written in Mesopotamia. Għal iżjed suġġerimenti dwar kif ittejjeb il - vuċi tiegħek biex tkanta, ara l - programm taʼ kull xahar taʼ Diċembru 2014 bl - Ingliż fuq il - JW Broadcasting (kategorija tal - vidjows FROM OUR STUDIO). 26: 39. For further suggestions on how to improve your voice to sing, see the December 2014 monthly program on JW Broadcasting. Mbagħad kienu jgħaddu l - flus magħduda f'idejn l - imgħallmin li kienu jieħdu ħsieb ix - xogħol tat - tempju tal - Mulej; u dawn kienu jħallsu l - ħaddiema taʼ l - injam, u l - bennejja li kienu jaħdmu f'dar il - Mulej, il - bennejja tal - ħitan u n - naġġara għax - xiri taʼ l - injam u tal - ġebel għat - tiswija tal - ħsarat fil - ħitan u għall - ispejjeż għal tiswijiet oħra f'dar il - Mulej. " - 2 Slaten 12: 10 - 13 (12: 9 - 12, NW). When Naomi recommended that Ruth return to her Moabite family and friends, Ruth replied with one of the most touching expressions of loyalty ever recorded: "Where you go I shall go, and where you spend the night I shall spend the night. They then handed over to the employers who cared for the work of Jehovah's temple; and they paid the wooden workers, and the builders who worked in the house of Jehovah, the builders of walls and navy for the purchase of wood and stone for the repair of wallal damage and for the costs of other repairs in the house of Jehovah. " - 2 Kings 12: 9 - 12. Dan il - parir jistaʼ jidher impossibbli għalina biex napplikawh. In striking contrast with his deceitful adversary Satan the Devil, Jehovah is ever truthful. This counsel may seem impossible for us to apply. Tagħmel int dak li jitlob Alla minnek? In 1975, Jean's wife gave birth to a good - looking baby boy, whom they named Marc. Do you do what God asks of you? Komunikazzjoni regulari ssaħħaħ iż - żwieġ How the Ransom Saves Us, 8 / 15 Regular communication strengthens marriage Xi ħlas kellna talli għamilna dak li hu tajjeb! A businessman who is one of Jehovah's Witnesses was cheated out of a very large sum of money, leaving him practically bankrupt. What a payment we had for doing what was right! L - informazzjoni li tikseb għax tkun qgħadt attent tistaʼ tiswa mitqlu deheb biex ma tiġġudikax ħażin - u b'hekk tevita li tagħmel żball. Absalom even won over David's trusted confidant Ahithophel, who turned traitor and joined the coup. The information you obtain because you have been careful can cost you not to judge wrong - thus avoiding making a mistake. It - talb tagħna jistaʼ jgħin lil ħutna mnikktin. For example, when we visited Poland, two sisters were whispering to each other in my presence. Our prayers can help our distressed brothers and sisters. 26: 39. * Those claiming to represent God and his true worship on earth were duly examined. 26: 39. Maż - żmien, Rut uriet li kienet "aħjar minn sebaʼ wlied, " għal Nagħomi, mhux biss minħabba l - imħabba profonda li kellha lejn Nagħomi, imma wkoll minħabba l - imħabba li kellha lejn Alla. Executions came next in the program. In time, Ruth showed that she was "better than seven sons, " for Naomi, not only because of her deep love for Naomi, but also because of her love for God. F'kuntrast li jispikka maʼ l - avversarju qarrieqi tiegħu, Satana x - Xitan, Jehovah dejjem jgħid il - verità. Some of the good works accomplished by charitable workers include paying for the medical bills of low - income families, mentoring children of single parents, funding immunization programs in developing countries, giving children their first book, supplying breeding animals to farmers in poor countries, and delivering relief supplies to victims of natural disasters. In contrast to his misleading adversary, Satan the Devil, Jehovah always says the truth. Fl - 1975, mart Jean wildet tifel il - ġmiel tiegħu, li semmewh Marc. They say that you will suffer in your old age. In 1975, Jean's wife gave birth to a beautiful son named Marc. Wieħed negozjant li hu Xhud taʼ Jehovah daħqu bih meta ħadulu somma enormi taʼ flus, u minħabba f'hekk, kważi falla. How Would You Answer? A businessman who is one of Jehovah's Witnesses laughed when they received a huge sum of money, and as a result, he nearly failed. Absalom saħansitra rnexxielu jikkonvinċi lil Aħitofel, il - ħabib fdat taʼ David, biex jittradixxi lil David u jingħaqad fl - irvell. A T C G Absalom even succeeded in convincing David's trusted friend Ahithophel to betray David and join the rebellion. Per eżempju, meta żorna l - Polonja, kien hemm żewġ aħwa nisa jfesfsu f'widnejn xulxin quddiemi. In time, translations of the Bible appeared in other African languages. For example, when we visited Poland, there were two sisters in each other's ears before me. * Dawk li kienu qed jgħidu li jirrappreżentaw lil Alla u l - qima vera tiegħu fuq l - art ġew eżaminati kif jixraq. " Losing a parent is devastating, and you never get over it. * Those claiming to represent God and his true worship on earth have been properly examined. Imbagħad fil - programm kien imiss li jinqatlu l - bnedmin. We are God's name people, and we can be found in more than 230 lands. Then in the program it was next that humans would be killed. Xi ftit mill - affarijiet tajbin li twettqu mill - ħaddiema tal - karità jinkludu l - ħlas tal - kontijiet mediċi għall - familji bi qligħ baxx, it - taħriġ u l - gwida għat - tfal b'ġenitur wieħed, il - provvediment taʼ fondi għall - programmi tat - tilqim f'pajjiżi li qed jiżviluppaw, jagħtu lit - tfal l - ewwel ktieb tagħhom, jipprovdu annimali għat - tnissil lill - bdiewa f'pajjiżi foqra, u jwasslu l - provvedimenti biex jgħinu lill - vittmi tad - diżastri naturali. And we can be sure that our loving Father values every effort we make to obey him. Some of the good things performed by charitable workers include paying medical bills for low - income families, training and guidance for single - parent children, providing funding for vaccination programmes in developing countries, giving children their first book, providing breeding animals to farmers in poor countries, and delivering provisions to help victims of natural disasters. Jgħidu li meta tixjieħ se tbati. • What public service do Christians perform? They say that old age will suffer. Int Kif Twieġeb? Even more important, what can we do to keep ourselves separate from unclean rites and practices that can damage our relationship with Jehovah? How Would You Answer? A T C G of February 8, 1994; February 8, 1997; May 22, 2000; and January 22, 2001. A T C G Maż - żmien, it - traduzzjonijiet tal - Bibbja bdew jidhru b'lingwi Afrikani oħrajn. Daniel also saw a vision that well describes not only the Roman Empire but also the next world power that would grow out of Rome. In time, Bible translations began to appear in other African languages. " Li titlef ġenitur hu wġigħ taʼ qalb kbir, u hi xi ħaġa li qatt ma tinsieha. What else will help us to deepen our love for Bible truth? " To lose a parent is a great heartache, and it is something that never forgets her. [ Stampi f'paġna 12] As a consequence, they may fail to see the stark contrast between our spiritual paradise and Satan's corrupt world. [ Pictures on page 12] Aħna l - poplu li nġorru l - isem t'Alla, u ninsabu f'iktar minn 230 pajjiż. By this time, though, John's health had begun to puzzle us. We are the people who bear God's name, and we are in more than 230 lands. U nistgħu nkunu ċerti li l - Missier kollu mħabba tagħna japprezza kull sforz li nagħmlu biex nobduh. One reason Jesus called it a vision was that long - dead Moses and Elijah were not literally present. And we can be sure that our loving Father appreciates every effort we make to obey him. • Il - Kristjani jwettqu liema servizz pubbliku? " The inclination of the heart of man, " the Bible says, "is bad from his youth up. " • What public service does Christians perform? U saħansitra iktar importanti minn hekk, x'nistgħu nagħmlu sabiex inżommu lilna nfusna separati minn riti u prattiki mhux nodfa li jistgħu jħassru r - relazzjoni tagħna maʼ Ġeħova? We do not indulge in unreasonable extremes of grieving because we are not confused as to the condition of the dead. And even more important, what can we do to keep ourselves separate from unclean rites and practices that can damage our relationship with Jehovah? bl - Ingliż tat - 8 taʼ Frar 1994; tat - 8 taʼ Frar 1997; tat - 22 taʼ Mejju 2000; u tat - 22 taʼ Jannar 2001. The Bible clearly describes the heartwarming nature of this attribute. in English, February 8, 1994; February 8, 1997; May 22, 2000; and January 22, 2001. Danjel ra wkoll viżjoni li tiddeskrivi tajjeb mhux biss l - Imperu Ruman imma wkoll il - qawwa dinjija li jmiss li kienet se toħroġ minn Ruma. Obviously, conflicting beliefs like these cannot all be true. Daniel also saw a vision that describes not only the Roman Empire but also the next world power that would come out of Rome. X'hemm iżjed li se jgħinna nkabbru iktar imħabbitna għall - verità tal - Bibbja? " Noah had no boat - building experience, " recalled Victor Blackwell, "and I had no experience in or knowledge of building a house trailer. " What else will help us to deepen our love for Bible truth? Minħabba f'hekk, ma jkunux jistgħu jaraw il - kuntrast kbir li hemm bejn il - ġenna spiritwali tagħna u d - dinja korrotta taʼ Satana. In what ways can we be peacemakers in the family? As a result, they cannot see the great contrast between our spiritual paradise and Satan's corrupt world. Però, f'dan il - perijodu s - saħħa taʼ John bdiet tħassibna xi ftit. Indeed, we are told: "By faith Noah, after being given divine warning of things not yet beheld, showed godly fear and constructed an ark for the saving of his household; and through this faith he condemned the world, and he became an heir of the righteousness that is according to faith. " - Hebrews 11: 7. In this period, however, John's health began to worry us a little. Raġuni waħda għala Ġesù sejħilha dehra kienet għaliex Mosè u Elija, li kienu ilhom mejtin, ma kinux preżenti letteralment. The hanbok is composed of a bolero - style blouse and a long skirt, uniquely proportioned. One reason why Jesus called us an appearance was why long-term dead Moses and Elijah were not literally present. " Qalb il - bniedem, " tgħid il - Bibbja, hija "miġbuda għall - ħażen sa minn ċkunitu. " In 66 C.E., Roman armies under Cestius Gallus arrived in Jerusalem to quell a Jewish rebellion. " The heart of man, " says the Bible, "is drawn to wickedness from his youth. " Aħna ma nixhrux bin - niket kemm nifilħu bla ebda kontroll għax m'aħniex imħawdin dwar il - kundizzjoni tal - mejtin. But besides faith, we need other important qualities in order to have a friendship with Jehovah and keep it. - Read 2 Peter 1: 5 - 7; Jude 20, 21. We do not think of grief as uncontrollably as we are not confused with the condition of the dead. Il - Bibbja tiddeskrivi b'mod ċar kemm din il - kwalità hi taʼ natura tenera. Isaiah and other Bible writers could not have foretold future events based solely on their own insight. The Bible clearly describes the tender nature of this quality. Ovvjament, verità waħda biss hemm. Ma jistax ikun li twemmin imur kontra twemmin ieħor u t - tnejn li huma jkunu tajbin. The Role of Family Of course, only one truth there is, believers cannot go against other beliefs and both of them are good. " Noè ma kellu ebda esperjenza f'li jibni arka, " jiftakar Victor Blackwell, "u jien ma kelli ebda esperjenza jew għarfien f'li nibni karavan. " Jehovah loved them as his "special property " and wanted to show his strength in their behalf. " Noah had no experience in building an ark, " recalls Victor Blackwell, "and I had no experience or knowledge in building a caravan. " B'liema modi nistgħu aħna nġibu l - paċi fil - familja? He contracted Marburg from the miners he tried to save. In what ways can we bring peace to the family? Tabilħaqq, il - Bibbja tgħidilna: "Kien minħabba fil - fidi tiegħu li Noè, mgħarraf minn Alla dwar ħwejjeġ li kienu għadhom ma jidhrux, mimli b'biżaʼ qaddis bena arka biex isalva l - familja tiegħu; u b'dik il - fidi kkundanna d - dinja u sar werriet tal - ġustizzja li tinkiseb bis - saħħa tal - fidi. " - Lhud 11: 7. Confession of Sins, 9 / 1 Indeed, the Bible tells us: "It was because of his faith that Noah, informed by God of things that were not yet seen, filled with holy fear, built an ark to save his family; and by that faith he condemned the world and became an heir of righteousness obtained by the strength of faith. " - Hebrews 11: 7. Il - hanbok huwa fformat minn ġakketta forma taʼ bolero u dublett twil taʼ proporzjonijiet uniċi. " People don't usually come to see you when they're happy. " The hanbok is formed by a bolero - shaped jacket and a long skirt of unique proportions. Fis - sena 66 E.K., armati Rumani mmexxija minn Ċestju Gallu waslu Ġerusalemm biex iwaqqfu ribelljoni mil - Lhud. This was written by Luke, who was a physician and keenly interested in the physical well - being of others. In 66 C.E., Roman armies led by Cestius Gallus arrived in Jerusalem to stop a rebellion from the Jews. Imma minbarra l - fidi, għandna bżonn kwalitajiet importanti oħrajn biex ikun jistaʼ jkollna ħbiberija maʼ Ġeħova u nżommuha. - Aqra t - 2 Pietru 1: 5 - 7; Ġuda 20, 21. [ Picture on page 28] But apart from faith, we need other important qualities so that we can have friendship with and maintain Jehovah. - Read 2 Peter 1: 5 - 7; Jude 20, 21. Isaija u kittieba oħrajn tal - Bibbja ma setgħux ibassru ġrajjiet futuri bbażati biss fuq l - għarfien tagħhom. If you were to ask someone from a Hindu or Buddhist background the question posed on the cover of this magazine, you would likely hear this answer: "Bad things happen to good people because of the law of Karma. Isaiah and other Bible writers could not predict future events based solely on their knowledge. L - Irwol tal - Familja Little wonder that evil snowballed! The Family's Role Jehovah ħabbhom bħala l - "poplu maħtur " tiegħu, jew propjetà speċjali, u ried juri l - qawwa tiegħu f'isimhom. Hence, even during the severest of droughts, there is an acacia "seed bank " lying safe in the ground, just waiting to regenerate. Jehovah loved them as his "elected people, " or special property, and he wanted to demonstrate his power in their name. Hu ħa l - marda Marburg mill - ħaddiema tal - minjieri li pprova jsalva. We show our gratitude by telling others about Jehovah's name and his wonderful gift of the ransom. He took Marburg's disease from the miners who tried to survive. " In - nies ġeneralment ma jiġux għandek meta jkunu ferħanin. " On Monday, January 21, we are able to encourage and console the victims in Gisenyi, as well as determine their needs. " People usually do not come to you when they are happy. " Dan inkiteb minn Luqa, li kien tabib u kien interessat ferm fis - saħħa t'oħrajn. In the afternoon a third three - part symposium will highlight the theme "Work Hard at Cultivating Spirituality, " during which practical suggestions will be provided on how to develop spirituality. It was written by a doctor, Luke, who was very interested in the health of others. [ Stampa f'paġna 28] 7, 8. [ Picture on page 28] Li kieku kellek tistaqsi lil xi ħadd minn sfond Ħindu jew Buddist il - mistoqsija fuq il - qoxra taʼ din ir - rivista, x'aktarx kont tieħu din ir - risposta: "Affarijiet ħżiena jiġru lil nies tajbin minħabba l - liġi tal - Karma. Remember, your parents love you and have your best interests at heart, so it is wise to listen to them and obey them. If you had to ask someone from an Hindu or Buddhist background the question on the cover of this magazine, you would likely have had the following answer: " Bad things happen to good people because of the law of the Karma. Mhux taʼ b'xejn li l - ħażen kiber b'ħeffa kbira! We need to understand it. No wonder badness has grown very fast! B'hekk, anki fl - agħar żmien taʼ nixfa, fl - art dejjem hemm ħażna protetta taʼ żrieragħ, lesti biex inisslu mill - ġdid. One of the sons of Jesse evidently died without having any children. Thus, even in the worst times of drought, there is always a secure stock of seeds on the ground, ready to reforget again. Nuru l - gratitudni tagħna billi ngħidu lil oħrajn dwar l - isem taʼ Ġeħova u l - għotja tal - għaġeb tiegħu tal - fidwa. In 1952, during his tenure as prime minister, he asked me to work as a diplomat in China. We show our gratitude by telling others about Jehovah's name and his wonderful gift of the ransom. It - Tnejn, 21 taʼ Jannar, nistgħu nħeġġu u nfarrġu lill - vittmi f'Gisenyi, kif ukoll naraw x'għandhom bżonn. Of course not! On Monday, January 21, we can encourage and comfort the victims in Gisenyi, as well as see what they need. Imma dawn l - għemejjel tal - bnedmin huma daqs tikka x'ħin tqabbilhom maʼ dak li wettaq Alla! So he must see many good reasons to love them. But these works of mankind are as much as a dot as they compare them with what God has done! 7, 8. " With those consulting together there is wisdom, " says the wise king. 7, 8. Ftakar, il - ġenituri tiegħek iħobbuk u jixtiqulek il - ġid; għalhekk ikun għaqli li tismagħhom u tobdihom. Is not his mother called Mary, and his brothers James and Joseph and Simon and Judas? Remember, your parents love you and want your good; so it is wise to listen and obey them. Għandna bżonn nifhmuha. They provided extensive and fair coverage of the convention. We need to understand it. Jidher ċar li wieħed mit - tfal taʼ Ġesse miet mingħajr ma kellu tfal. During childhood our tendency to smile, our ability to develop emotionally, and even our desire to master communication skills are influenced by the amount of affection we receive from our parents. Clearly, one of Jesse's children died without having children. Fl - 1952, matul iż - żmien li qeda bħala prim ministru, hu talabni naħdem bħala diplomatiku fiċ - Ċina. Shackleton realized that their only hope of survival lay in sending for help from a whaling station on the island of South Georgia. In 1952, during the time he served as a prime minister, he asked me to work as a diplomat in China. Dażgur li le! Euphrates River Of course not! Allura hu żgur li għandu ħafna raġunijiet validi biex iħobbhom. " What We Learn From Jesus " will feature basic Bible teachings in a simple format. So he certainly has many valid reasons to love them. " Imma dawk li jieħdu l - parir, l - għerf magħhom, " jgħid is - sultan għaref. When I don't eat junk food and I do drink a lot of water, my acne pretty much goes away. " " But those who seek advice, wisdom with them, " says the wise king. Ommu m'hijiex dik li jisimha Marija, u ħutu Ġakbu u Ġużeppi u Xmun u Ġuda? Why? Is not his mother, Mary, and his brothers James and Joseph and Simon and Judah? Huma taw rapporti onesti u dettaljati dwar il - konvenzjoni. What else can we learn from Israel's Exodus from Egypt? They gave honest and detailed reports on the convention. Fit - tfulija, it - tendenza tagħna li nitbissmu, l - abbiltà li niżviluppaw emozzjonalment, u saħansitra x - xewqa tagħna li niksbu l - abbiltà li nikkomunikaw jiġu influwenzati mill - ammont t'affezzjoni li nirċievu mill - ġenituri tagħna. If we are to have Jehovah's favor and blessing as individuals, we must support his organization and accept adjustments in our understanding of the Scriptures. In childhood, our tendency to smile, our ability to develop emotionally, and even our desire to gain the ability to communicate are influenced by the amount of affection we receive from our parents. Shackleton irrealizza li l - unika tama li kellhom biex isalvaw kienet li jibagħtu lil xi ħadd jitlob għall - għajnuna fil - gżira taʼ South Georgia, fejn kien hemm bażi tal - vapuri li joħorġu għall - kaċċa tal - balieni. The book The Epic of Medicine, edited by Dr. Shackleton realized that their only hope to save was to send someone to pray for help on the island of South Georgia, where there was a ship base for whale hunting. Ix - Xmara Ewfrat 4, 5. The Euphrates River " Dak li Nitgħallmu minn Ġesù " se jippreżenta tagħlim Bibliku bażiku b'mod sempliċi. Joseph tactfully said to his brothers: "Please listen to this dream that I had. " " What We Learn From Jesus " will present basic Bible teachings in a simple way. Meta ma nikolx minn dan it - tip taʼ ikel u nixrob ħafna ilma, il - ponot normalment imorruli. " * When I don't eat this kind of food and drink plenty of water, the tips usually go to me. " Għala? Jehovah can use his angels to help us. - Hebrews 1: 14. Why? X'nistgħu nitgħallmu iktar mill - ħruġ taʼ Iżrael mill - Eġittu? Jesus reasoned: "If you, although being wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more so will the Father in heaven give holy spirit to those asking him! " - Luke 11: 13. What else can we learn from the exit of Israel from Egypt? Biex ikollna l - approvazzjoni u l - barka taʼ Ġeħova bħala individwi, irridu nappoġġaw l - organizzazzjoni tiegħu u naċċettaw aġġustamenti fil - fehma tagħna tal - Iskrittura. Remember that Jehovah "does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance. " To have Jehovah's approval and blessing as individuals, we must support his organization and accept adjustments to our understanding of the Scriptures. Il - ktieb The Epic of Medicine, li l - editur tiegħu huwa Dr. Another way to do good was set out in the Sermon on the Mount when Jesus told his listeners to stop judging others and then used a powerful illustration to emphasize this point. The book The Epic of Medicine, whose editor is Dr. 4, 5. But if we are interested only in getting more things for ourselves, our life will have no meaning. 4, 5. Ġużeppi bit - tattika qal lil ħutu: "Jekk jogħġobkom, isimgħu din il - ħolma li ħlomt. " SONGS TO BE USED: 38, 8 Joseph tactfully told his brothers: "Please listen to this dream that I have created. " * Jesus and Paul thus acknowledged the right of a king or a government to mete out punishment to those who violated their demands. * Ġeħova jistaʼ juża lill - anġli tiegħu biex jgħinna. - Ebrej 1: 14. Georgia is one of the 123 states that are party to the United Nations Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Jehovah can use his angels to help us. - Hebrews 1: 14. Ġesù rraġuna: "Jekk intom, nies ħżiena bħalkom, tafu tagħtu lil uliedkom ħwejjeġ tajba, kemm aktar il - Missier mis - smewwiet jagħti spirtu qaddis lil dawk li jitolbuhulu! " - Luqa 11: 13. In 1399, King Richard II of England allowed two Venetian galleys moored in the port of London to sell glassware. Jesus reasoned: "If you, as you are, know how to give good things to your children, how much more so will the Father from the heavens give holy spirit to those asking him! " - Luke 11: 13. Ftakar li Jehovah "ma jridx li xi ħadd jintilef, imma li kulħadd jersaq għall - indiema. " [ Blurb on page 8] Remember that Jehovah "does not desire any to be lost, but desires all to attain to repentance. " Fil - Priedka taʼ fuq il - Muntanja, Ġesù semma mod ieħor kif nistgħu nagħmlu l - ġid meta qal lis - semmiegħa tiegħu biex ma jibqgħux jiġġudikaw lil oħrajn, u mbagħad uża tixbiha qawwija sabiex jenfasizza dan il - punt. Meanwhile, Swedish researchers have linked the rapidly rising incidence of non - Hodgkin's lymphoma, a form of cancer, to the widespread use of several crop sprays. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus mentioned another way we can do good when he told his listeners not to continue to judge others, and then he used a powerful illustration to highlight this point. Imma jekk moħħna jkun biss f'li nakkwistaw aktar affarijiet għalina nfusna, ħajjitna ma jkollhiex skop. Look for points you can include in your prayers. But if our mind is only about acquiring more things for ourselves, our life does not have purpose. GĦANJIET LI JINTUŻAW: 38, 8 For many of the elderly, the disturbing question, "When will it be me? " SONGS TO BE USED: 38, 8 B'dan il - mod, Ġesù u Pawlu rrikonoxxew id - dritt li sultan jew gvern għandu biex jikkastiga lil dawk li jiksru l - ordnijiet tiegħu. The Bible record contains several accounts of occasions when messages of divine origin were made audible to human ears. In this way, Jesus and Paul recognized the king or government's right to punish those who violate his orders. Il - Ġeorġja hija waħda mill - 123 stat li huma membri tal - Konvenzjoni tal - Ġnus Magħquda Kontra t - Tortura u Kull Trattament jew Kastig Krudil, Inuman u Degradanti. The angels also set an example in patience. Georgia is one of 123 states that are members of the United Nations Convention Against Torture and Any Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Fl - 1399, ir - Re Rikkardu II taʼ l - Ingilterra ħalla lil żewġ xwieni Venezjani ankrati fil - port taʼ Londra jbigħu l - affarijiet tal - ħġieġ. Elephants and gazelles graze on lush pastures that carpet an area formerly stripped bare by excavators. In 1399, King Riccardius II of England allowed two Venetian firs anchored in the London port to sell glass. [ Kumment f'paġna 8] Evidently, they held that the only resurrection was a spiritual one and that it had already occurred for Christians. [ Blurb on page 8] Raġunevolezza fil - Mod kif Nieklu Bejn wieħed u ieħor, il - bniet jitwalu 25 ċentimetru u jżidu minn 18 - il kilogramma sa 22 kilogramma bejn l - 10 u l - 14 - il sena, waqt li s - subien jikbru madwar 30 ċentimetru u jżidu minn 22 kilogramma sa 27 kilogramma bejn it - 12 u s - 16 - il sena. A family in the congregation offered to help care for her children after school when needed. A reasonableness in the way We eat about 30 inches [25 cm] in length and increase from 30 pounds [18 kg] to 22 pounds [22 kg] between the ages of 10 and 14, while boys grow about 30 inches [30 cm] and increase from 30 pounds [22 kg] to 27 pounds [27 kg] between the ages of 12 and 16. Fittex punti li tistaʼ tinkludi fit - talb tiegħek. Another privilege I have enjoyed through the years is that of attending international conventions of Jehovah's people. Look for points that you can include in your prayers. Spiss, il - mistoqsija inkwetanti, "Meta se jmiss lili? " Bringing the Good News to Those in Prison Often, the disturbing question, "When will it touch me? " Il - Bibbja fiha diversi rakkonti dwar okkażjonijiet fejn kien possibbli li xi nies jisimgħu b'widnejhom stess messaġġi t'oriġini divina. The phrase "resisted as far as blood " implies going to the extreme point of dying, literally shedding one's lifeblood. The Bible contains several accounts of occasions where it was possible for some people to hear messages of divine origin with their own ears. L - anġli jagħtuna wkoll eżempju fil - paċenzja. In directing this unique work, Jehovah uses his angels. Angels also set an example in patience. L - iljunfanti u l - għażżiela jirgħu fi pjanuri li jħaddru, li qabel kienu jitħammlu u jitħallew vojta. Worldwide Unity in Our Time! Elephants and lazydoers sprout in ploughing plains, which were previously uncleaned and left empty. Milli jidher kienu jemmnu li l - uniku rxoxt kien wieħed spiritwali u li għall - Kristjani kien diġà seħħ. ▪ Hear Jehovah's Voice Wherever You Are They apparently believed that the only resurrection was a spiritual one and that it had already taken place for Christians. Familja fil - kongregazzjoni offritilha li tieħu ħsieb it - tfal tagħha wara l - iskola meta kien hemm bżonn. When a sheep heard that voice, you could just see that it felt safe. A family in the congregation offered her to care for her children after school when needed. Privileġġ ieħor li gawdejt matul is - snin huwa li nattendi l - konvenzjonijiet internazzjonali tan - nies taʼ Jehovah. This inspired statement helps us to acknowledge that many humans do not deserve our confidence. Another patent that I have enjoyed over the years is attending the international conventions of Jehovah's people. Titwassal l - Aħbar Tajba lil Dawk fil - Ħabs Logically, modern - day ridiculers are kept out, even as such ones found no place in Noah's ark. Delivering Good News to Those in Prison L - appostlu Pawlu kien jaf li l - fidi li kellhom xi Kristjani Lhud kienet diġà għenithom " iġarrbu bis - sabar taqbida ħarxa. ' [ Picture on page 5] The apostle Paul knew that the faith of some Jewish Christians had already helped them "to endure with endurance a severe struggle. " Ġeħova juża l - anġli tiegħu biex jidderieġi dan ix - xogħol uniku. As Christians, we certainly respect the authority of secular governments. Jehovah uses his angels to direct this unique work. L - Unità mad - Dinja Kollha fi Żmienna! The reason? Worldly Unity in Our Day! ▪ Ismaʼ leħen Ġeħova kull fejn tkun Others have never had many of this world's goods. ▪ Listen to Jehovah's voice wherever you are Meta nagħġa kienet tismaʼ dak il - leħen, kont tistaʼ tara li ħassitha fis - sigurtà. Both prejudice and fears that the Moriscos would eventually turn traitor contributed to the decision of Philip III to expel them in 1609. When a sheep heard that voice, you could see that she felt secure. Din l - istqarrija mnebbħa tgħinna nirrikonoxxu li ħafna mill - bnedmin ma jixirqilhomx li nuru fiduċja fihom. God blessed Jephthah for his devotion, using him and his daughter to promote pure worship. This inspired statement helps us to recognize that many humans do not deserve to be confident in them. Loġikament, dawk li jwaqqgħu kollox għaċ - ċajt illum ma jitħallewx isiru parti mill - kongregazzjoni Kristjana, l - istess bħalma wħud bħal dawn ma tħallewx jidħlu fl - arka taʼ Noè. (a) What group makes up the royal priesthood today? Logically, ridiculers today are not allowed to become part of the Christian congregation, just as such ones were prevented from entering Noah's ark. [ Stampa f'paġna 5] Peoples and ethnic groups struggling to establish their own identity and sovereignty have increasingly divided the world. [ Picture on page 5] Bħala Kristjani, aħna ċertament nirrispettaw l - awtorità tal - gvernijiet sekulari. 1: 18; 55: 7; Jas. As Christians, we certainly respect the authority of secular governments. Għala? " Praise Jehovah from the earth,... you young men and also you virgins. " - PSALM 148: 7, 12. Why? Oħrajn lanqas qatt ma kellhom xejn. God's name, Jehovah, Others never had anything. Kien hemm preġudizzju kontra l - Mori u biżaʼ li eventwalment kienu se jittradixxu lil Spanja. Dan wassal biex Filippu III jiddeċiedi li jkeċċihom fl - 1609. Apples or hazelnuts, both viewed as products of sacred trees, were used to divine information concerning marriage, sickness, and death. There was prejudice against the Moriscos and fear of eventually betraying Spain, which led Philip III to decide to expel them in 1609. Alla bierek lil Ġeftaħ għad - devozzjoni tiegħu, billi uża lilu u lil bintu biex jippromwovi l - qima pura. Likely, many of us do. God blessed Jephthah for his devotion, using him and his daughter to promote pure worship. (a) Illum liema grupp jifforma s - saċerdozju rjali? With his questions, Jesus gently reached and touched their hearts. (a) What group does the royal priesthood make up today? Popli u gruppi etniċi li qed jitħabtu biex jistabbilixxu identità u sovranità għalihom infushom qed ikomplu jifirdu d - dinja. [ Diagram / Pictures on pages 16, 17] People and ethnic groups struggling to establish an identity and sovereignty for themselves continue to divide the world. 1: 18; 55: 7; Ġak. Our brother prayed to Jehovah for courage to adhere to Bible principles. 1: 18; 55: 7; Jas. " Faħħru l - Mulej minn fuq l - art,... iż - żgħażagħ u x - xbejbiet ukoll. " - SALM 148: 7, 12. While pearls grown in many parts of the world reach a size of 11 millimeters in diameter, South Sea pearls can grow to 18 millimeters in size. " Jehovah is praised from the earth,... the young ones and the virgins also. " - PSALM 148: 7, 12. Isem Alla, Ġeħova, Source: Arthritis Foundation God's name, Jehovah, It - tuffieħ u l - ġellewż, li t - tnejn li huma kienu jitqiesu bħala l - prodotti taʼ siġar sagri, kienu jintużaw biex in - nies jitkixxfu b'mod soprannaturali dwar iż - żwieġ, il - mard, u l - mewt. Luke reports that when Paul was in Ephesus about 52 - 55 C.E., he " gave talks and used persuasion ' in the synagogue. Apples and hazelnuts, both of which were considered sacred tree products, were used to detect supernaturally about marriage, sickness, and death. X'aktarx li lkoll kemm aħna hekk nixtiequ. He, in turn, did not let me down. Likely, all of us would like to. Permezz tal - mistoqsijiet tiegħu, Ġesù b'mod teneru laħqilhom u messilhom qalbhom. The details in the Bible deepen our appreciation for the sacrifice that Jesus made Through his questions, Jesus tenderly reached them and touched their heart. [ Dijagramma / Stampi f'paġni 16, 17] Referring to Jesus ' unique position, the Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature says: "The object of prayer is God alone, through Jesus Christ as the Mediator. [ Diagram / Pictures on page 16, 17] Ħuna talab lil Ġeħova għall - kuraġġ biex jobdi l - prinċipji tal - Bibbja. So the disciple was not asking to be taught something that he knew nothing about or that he had never done. Brother prayed to Jehovah for courage to obey Bible principles. Filwaqt li l - perli li jikbru fil - parti l - kbira tad - dinja jilħqu dijametru taʼ 11 - il millimetru, il - perli tal - Baħar tan - Nofsinhar jistgħu jikbru sa 18 - il millimetru. What are some of the problems we must endure, but why is Jehovah pleased with his faithful servants? While the pearls that grow in most parts of the world reach a diameter of 11 millimeters, the pearls of the South Sea can grow to a height of up to 30 millimeters. Sors: Arthritis Foundation When we make donations, or contributions, to support the work of Jehovah's organization, we are giving to Jehovah. Source: Arthritis Foundation Luqa jirrapporta li meta Pawlu kien Efesu madwar il - perijodu taʼ bejn is - sena 52 u s - sena 55 E.K., hu kien "jagħti taħditiet u jipprova jipperswadihom " fis - sinagoga. Our tender feelings. Luke reports that when Paul was Ephesus about the period between 52 and 55 C.E., he "gave talks and tried to persuade them " in the synagogue. Hu, min - naħa tiegħu, ma ddiżappuntanix. We had grown to love our aunt and were happy that she was to remain with us. He, in turn, did not disappoint me. Id - dettalji fil - Bibbja jkabbru l - apprezzament tagħna għas - sagrifiċċju li għamel Ġesù During World War II, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels proved themselves to be master propagandists. The details in the Bible deepen our appreciation for Jesus ' sacrifice Filwaqt li tirreferi għall - pożizzjoni unika taʼ Ġesù, is - Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature tgħid: "L - iskop tat - talb hu Alla waħdu, permezz taʼ Ġesù Kristu bħala l - Medjatur. These men could also vote on matters of concern to the congregation and thereby have some control of its affairs. Referring to Jesus ' unique position, the Cyclopesa of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature says: "The purpose of prayer is God alone, through Jesus Christ as Mediator. Għalhekk, id - dixxiplu ma kienx qed jgħidlu biex jgħallmu xi ħaġa li ma kien jaf xejn dwarha jew li qatt ma kien għamilha qabel. By the time they finished their three months of pioneering in the area, they were conducting many home Bible studies. Thus, the disciple was not telling him to teach something he didn't know about or that he had never done before. Liema huma xi problemi li għandna nissaportu, imma Ġeħova għala hu ferħan bil - qaddejja leali tiegħu? So let us discuss three areas in which we must keep our love strong: (1) love for Jehovah, (2) love for Bible truth, and (3) love for our brothers. What are some problems we should endure, but why is Jehovah happy with his faithful servants? Meta aħna nagħtu kontribuzzjonijiet, jew donazzjonijiet, biex nappoġġjaw ix - xogħol tal - organizzazzjoni taʼ Ġeħova, aħna nkunu qed nagħtu lil Ġeħova. Today, it is heartwarming to note the same fatherly and motherly concern in our older Christian brothers and sisters as they freely share their knowledge and wisdom with younger ones. When we make contributions, or donations, to support the work of Jehovah's organization, we are giving to Jehovah. Is - sentimenti teneri tagħna. " So much wonderful food - country ham, fried chicken, breads of many kinds, pie, and cake! Our tender feelings. Konna sirna nħobbuha liz - zija tagħna, u għalhekk konna ferħanin li kienet se tibqaʼ magħna. I am deeply grateful that I found peace with God and with my mother. We came to love our aunt, so we were happy to stay with us. Matul it - Tieni Gwerra Dinjija, Adolf Hitler u Joseph Goebbels urew kemm kienu propagandisti taʼ prima kwalità. After Israel's victory, Deborah and Barak sang praises to Jehovah. During World War II, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebels showed how high - quality propagandists they were. Dawn l - irġiel setgħu jivvotaw ukoll fi kwistjonijiet importanti tal - kongregazzjoni, u b'hekk setgħu xi ftit jew wisq jikkontrollaw kif kienu jsiru l - affarijiet. They were all called by Jesus when they were at their workplace. These men were also able to vote on important congregation issues, so they could more or less control the way things were done. Sakemm spiċċaw it - tliet xhur tagħhom taʼ pijunier f'dawk l - inħawi, huma kienu qed jikkonduċu ħafna studji tal - Bibbja fid - djar. To reconcile this internal conflict and to satisfy the natural yearning to live on, humans have fabricated all sorts of beliefs, from the doctrine of the immortality of the soul to the belief in reincarnation. By the end of their three months of pioneering in that area, they were conducting many home Bible studies. Allura, ejja niddiskutu tliet oqsma fejn għandna nżommu mħabbitna b'saħħitha: (1) imħabba għal Ġeħova, (2) imħabba għall - verità tal - Bibbja, u (3) imħabba għal ħutna. Hundreds of millions of people around the globe who are not Jewish have some knowledge of the event behind what might be called the first Passover. So let us discuss three areas where we should keep our love strong: (1) love for Jehovah, (2) love for Bible truth, and (3) love for our brothers and sisters. Illum, hija xi ħaġa verament taʼ ferħ meta ħutna Kristjani mdaħħlin fiż - żmien, bħallikieku ommijiet u missirijiet, juru l - istess interess hekk kif jaqsmu l - għarfien u l - għaqal li għandhom maʼ wħud iżgħar. Then in 1995, just as my wife and I were planning to move away from my bad associates, she was stabbed to death by a homicidal maniac. Today, it is very happy when our elderly Christian brothers and sisters, as if mothers and fathers, show the same interest as they share their knowledge and wisdom with younger ones. " Kemm kien hemm ikel tajjeb - perżut, tiġieġ moqlijin, ħobż taʼ kull xorta, torti, u kejkijiet! They can serve to correct one if inspired advice from God's Word has penetrated the innermost aspects of one's personality. " How good there was food - hams, fried chickens, bread of all sorts, torts, and cakes! Jien grata ħafna li sibt il - paċi m'Alla u m'ommi. In this instance, though, Stephen had a vision of "the Son of man standing at God's right hand. " I am so grateful that I have found peace with God and my mother. Wara r - rebħa tal - Iżrael, Debora u Barak kantaw tifħir lil Ġeħova. Big Changes in My Life After Israel's victory, Deborah and Barak sang praise to Jehovah. Ilkoll kemm huma ġew imsejħin minn Ġesù waqt li kienu fuq il - post tax - xogħol tagħhom. Witnesses were severely admonished regarding the seriousness of spilling innocent blood. All of them were called by Jesus while at their place of work. Biex itemmu dan il - konflitt ġewwieni u biex jissodisfaw din ix - xewqa naturali li jkomplu jgħixu, il - bnedmin ivvintaw minn kull xorta taʼ twemmin, mid - duttrina taʼ l - immortalità tar - ruħ sat - twemmin fir - riinkarnazzjoni. A GIRL skates around an ice rink. To end this inner conflict and to satisfy this natural desire to continue living, humans have invented from all sorts of beliefs, from the doctrine of immortality of the soul to the belief in reincarnation. Tmexxija Tajba, 11 / 1 The commute to work gives Helen time to reflect on the reality of motherhood. Jehovah's Witnesses, 4 / 15 Mijiet taʼ miljuni taʼ nies madwar il - globu li mhumiex Lhud jafu xi ħaġa dwar x'ġara qabel l - ewwel Qbiż. When I began to study the Bible, I would tell him: "Bill, we can live forever in God's new world! " Hundreds of millions of people around the non - Jew globe know something about what happened before the first Passover. Imbagħad, fl - 1995, hekk kif jien u marti konna qegħdin nippjanaw biex nitbiegħdu mill - ħbieb ħżiena li kelli, kriminal marid bil - ġenn tal - moħħ qatel lil marti bid - daqqiet taʼ sikkina. But after a short search of just three months, the project came to an abrupt end. Then, in 1995, as my wife and I were planning to move away from my bad friends, a mad - minded criminal killed my wife with stabs. Il - ġewwieni jistaʼ jservi biex jikkoreġi lil dak li jkun, dment li dan iħalli l - pariri ispirati tal - Kelma t'Alla jidħlu fil - fond tal - personalità tiegħu. God's Word tells us to honor whom? The inside can serve to correct a person, provided that it allows the inspired counsel of God's Word to deepen his personality. Iżda, f'dan il - każ, Stiefnu kellu viżjoni taʼ "Bin il - bniedem fuq il - leminija t'Alla. " JESUS forewarned his followers: "The Devil will keep on throwing some of you into prison that you may be fully put to the test. " In this case, though, Stephen had a vision of "the Son of man at God's right hand. " Bidliet Kbar f'Ħajti At the first circuit assembly we attended while there, 13 persons from our group were baptized. Major Changes in My Life Ix - xhieda kienu jiġu mwissijin bl - aħrax dwar is - serjetà tat - tixrid taʼ demm innoċenti. The result? Witnesses were severely warned of the seriousness of innocent bloodsheds. TIFLA tiskejzja fuq is - silġ. Jesus said: "Then the end will come. " THINK a skating on the ice. Hi u sejra x - xogħol, toqgħod taħseb dwar xi jfisser verament l - irwol taʼ l - omm. Why God Permits Evil On going to work, you wonder what the mother's role really means. Meta bdejt nistudja l - Bibbja, kont ngħidlu: "Bill, nistgħu ngħixu għal dejjem fid - dinja l - ġdida t'Alla! " Small Sacrifices Brought Us Great Blessings When I began studying the Bible, I told him: "Bill, we can live forever in God's new world! " Imma wara tfittxija qasira taʼ tliet xhur biss, il - proġett spiċċa ħesrem. And don't give in to the temptation to keep looking! But after just a short three - month search, the project was overthrown. Il - Kelma t'Alla lil min tgħidilna biex nonoraw? Clearly, in the matter of protection, Jehovah's words have proved true. Whom does God's Word tell us to honor? ĠESÙ wissa lis - segwaċi tiegħu minn qabel u qalilhom: "Ix - Xitan jibqaʼ jixħet lil xi wħud minnkom il - ħabs sabiex tiġu provati bis - sħiħ. " Nevertheless, Jesus said those surprising words for good reason. JESUS warned his followers in advance and told them: "The Devil keeps throwing some of you into prison so that you may be fully tried. " Fl - ewwel assemblea tas - circuit li attendejna meta konna hemmhekk, tgħammdu 13 - il persuna mill - grupp tagħna. Spiritually speaking, Elisha was evidently claiming a double portion such as that given to a firstborn son. At the first circuit assembly we attended when we were there, 13 people were baptized from our group. Ir - riżultat? I cleaned up my appearance, cut my dreadlocks, stopped viewing pornography and violent movies, and held back from using vulgar speech. The result? Ġesù qal: "Imbagħad jiġi t - tmiem. " The Awakening preachers enthusiastically encouraged distribution of the Bible. Jesus said: "The end will come. " Għala Alla Jippermetti l - Ħażen Search for the True God Why God Allows Evil Sagrifiċċji Żgħar Ġabulna Barkiet Kbar Awake!: "Can a wife play a positive role in bringing down weight? " Small Sacrifices Bring Us Great Blessings U ċċedix għat - tentazzjoni biex tkompli tara! The wrath was expressed when Jerusalem and its temple were destroyed by Roman armies in 70 C.E. And do not give in to the temptation to keep on seeing! Jidher ċar li fejn tidħol il - protezzjoni, il - kliem taʼ Ġeħova wera li hu minnu. Statuette of Baal and rhyton in the shape of an animal's head: Musée du Louvre, Paris; painting of the royal palace: © D. Clearly, as far as protection is concerned, Jehovah's words have proved to be true. Minkejja dan, Ġesù qal dak il - kliem mhux mistenni għal raġuni tajba. [ Picture Credit Lines on page 16] Nevertheless, Jesus said those unexpected words for good reason. F'sens spiritwali, Eliżew milli jidher kien qed jitlob għal sehem doppju bħal dak li kien jingħata lill - ewwel imwieled. Gently picking up one of the eggs, the farmer places it in a hole in the top of a box that has a bright light bulb inside it. In a spiritual sense, Elisha was apparently praying for a double share like the one given to the firstborn. Irranġajt id - dehra tiegħi, qtajt xagħri, ma bqajtx nara l - pornografija u l - films vjolenti, u żammejt lura milli nuża kliem baxx. [ Blurb on page 29] I reacted to my appearance, cut my hair, stopped seeing pornography and violent movies, and held back from using foolish words. Il - predikaturi tal - Qawmien bil - ħeġġa kollha inkuraġġew it - tqassim tal - Bibbja. Why not ask viewpoint questions and let him express himself? The preachers of the Awake! eagerly encouraged the distribution of the Bible. It - Tfittxija għal Dak Alla Veru It may take more time, but hearing out those who have taken false steps makes it easier for them to accept any needed counsel. The Search for the True God Stenbaħ!: "Tistaʼ l - mara tilgħab parti pożittiva biex tgħinek tnaqqas il - piż? " [ Picture on page 23] Awake!: "Can the woman play a positive role in helping you to lose weight? " Il - korla ġiet meta Ġerusalemm u t - tempju tagħha nqerdu mill - armati Rumani fis - sena 70 E.K. As a result, that person might withdraw from the congregation or not fully support arrangements for Jehovah's worship. The wrath came when Jerusalem and its temple were destroyed by Roman armies in 70 C.E. Statwetta taʼ Bagħal u kontenitur li jixorbu minnu fil - forma taʼ ras t'annimal: Musée du Louvre, Paris; painting of the royal palace: © D. Bible truth just had not reached my heart. Statuette of Baal and a drinking container in the form of an animal's head: Musée du Louvre, Paris; painting of the royal palace: © D. [ Sorsi taʼ l - Istampa f'paġna 24] How should I approach them? [ Picture Credit Lines on page 24] Bil - ġentilezza kollha, il - bidwi jaqbad bajda minnhom u jpoġġiha f'toqba fil - wiċċ taʼ kaxxa li fiha jkollha bozza li titfaʼ dawl qawwi. So was God's Kingdom a familiar concept to those people? Gently, the farmer catchs a white egg and places it in a hole on the surface of a box with a bright light - emitting lamp. [ Kumment f'paġna 29] Learning a new language is another challenge that requires effort and humility. [ Blurb on page 29] Għala ma tistaqsix mistoqsijiet li jitolbu l - opinjoni tiegħu u tħallih jesprimi ruħu? It is truly a textbook for living. Why not ask questions that ask his opinion and allow him to express himself? Forsi jiħodlok iktar ħin, imma jekk int toqgħod tismaʼ lil dawk li ħadu xi pass falz, se tagħmilha eħfef biex huma jaċċettaw xi parir meħtieġ. " A Jewel in the Community " Perhaps it takes more time, but if you listen to those who have taken a false step, it will make it easier for them to accept any needed advice. [ Stampa f'paġna 23] We must understand that it is possible to lose our faith. [ Picture on page 23] B'hekk, dan l - individwu għandu mnejn ma jibqax jattendi l - laqgħat jew ma jibqax jappoġġa l - arranġamenti tal - qima taʼ Ġeħova bis - sħiħ. Do You Really Appreciate Your Blessings? Thus, this person may no longer attend meetings or no longer fully support Jehovah's arrangements of worship. Il - verità Biblika sempliċement ma kinitx messitli qalbi. But that relationship is being attacked by Satan's world and can also be weakened by our own imperfections. Bible truth simply did not touch my heart. Kif għandi nkellimhom? Scripturally, then, Jehovah is God Almighty, and Jesus is his Son. How should I speak to them? Mela kienet is - Saltna t'Alla twemmin familjari maʼ dawk in - nies? However, those reaching out for privileges of oversight will maintain a good balance if they keep in mind the purpose of such a privilege. So was God's Kingdom a familiar belief with those people? Il - fatt li trid titgħallem lingwa ġdida huwa sfida li teħtieġ sforz u umiltà. Privileges in the Congregation Learning a new language is a challenge that needs effort and humility. Tassew li hija ktieb li jistaʼ jiggwidana fil - ħajja. Jesus provided comfort by teaching, by healing, and by resurrecting the dead Truly, it is a book that can guide us in life. " Ġawhra fil - Komunità " It is a vital part of true worship. " A Jaw in the Community " Irridu nifhmu li huwa possibbli li nitilfu l - fidi tagħna. As our love for Jehovah and for our Christian brothers deepens, we can more closely imitate Jehovah in the way we view others. We need to understand that it is possible to lose our faith. Tassew Tapprezzahom Int il - Barkiet li Għandek? Now 40 percent do. Do You Really Appreciate Your Blessings? Imma din ir - relazzjoni qed tiġi attakkata mid - dinja taʼ Satana u tistaʼ wkoll tiddgħajjef mill - imperfezzjonijiet tagħna stess. I asked my boss whether he would allow me to work 60 hours instead. But this relationship is being attacked by Satan's world and may also be weakened by our own imperfections. Għalhekk, skond l - Iskrittura, Jehovah hu Alla li Jistaʼ Kollox, u Ġesù hu Ibnu. Scott pointed to one kind of good work, saying: "Not only were Christians to obey authority, but they must be ready for any good work.... Therefore, according to the Scriptures, Jehovah is Almighty God, and Jesus is his Son. Madankollu, jekk dawk li qed jistinkaw għal privileġġi taʼ indokrar iżommu f'moħħhom x'inhu l - iskop taʼ privileġġ bħal dan, huma se jżommu l - bilanċ xieraq. Perhaps these men forgot what the Bible says at 1 John 5: 19: "The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. " However, if those who are striving for privileges of oversight bear in mind the purpose of such a privilege, they will maintain the right balance. Privileġġi fil - Kongregazzjoni Responsible Parenthood Privileges in the Congregation Ġesù pprovda faraġ billi għallem, fejjaq, u rxoxta lill - mejtin Even before going up to the temple to pray, he instructed the people not to respond to Rabshakeh's taunts. Jesus provided comfort by teaching, healing, and resurrected the dead L - isem t'Alla hu parti vitali mill - qima vera. * It further showed that Jehovah God does not approve of abusive speech or conduct and that victims should not accept such misbehavior as normal or as something that is their fault. God's name is a vital part of true worship. Hekk kif l - imħabba tagħna għal Jehovah u għal ħutna l - Kristjani tkompli tikber, nistgħu nimitaw iktar mill - qrib lil Jehovah fil - mod kif hu jqis lill - oħrajn. I was born in 1926, in Vermelles, a coal - mining village in northern France. As our love for Jehovah and for our Christian brothers and sisters grows, we can imitate Jehovah more closely in his view of others. Bħalissa 40 fil - mija jemmnu dan. The Faithful Slave Appears At present 40 percent believe this. Għalhekk, tlabt lill - imgħallem tiegħi biex nibda naħdem 60 siegħa. While making a visit to the United States branch office, a couple sensed the happiness of the Bethelites who serve Jehovah there. So I asked my employer to start working 60 hours. Scott enfasizza tip wieħed t'opri tajbin, u qal: "Il - Kristjani mhux biss kellhom jobdu lill - awtorità, imma għandhom ikunu mħejjija għal kull opra tajba.... Delaying in Galilee for some time, Jesus goes up to Jerusalem "not openly but as in secret. " Scott highlighted one kind of good works, saying: " Christians not only had to obey authority, but they should be prepared for every good work.... Forsi dawn l - irġiel insew dak li tgħid il - Bibbja fl - 1 Ġwanni 5: 19: "Id - dinja kollha qiegħda taħt idejn il - Ħażin. " When he was on his deathbed in Eisleben in February 1546, friends asked Luther if he remained steadfast as regards the beliefs he had taught others. Perhaps these men forgot what the Bible says at 1 John 5: 19: "The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. " Kun Responsabbli fit - Trobbija tat - Tfal © R.E. Be Responsible in Childhood Saħansitra qabel ma mar it - tempju biex jitlob, hu qal lill - poplu biex ma jwiġibx għall - insulti taʼ Rabsake. Consider the following suggestions. Even before going to the temple to pray, he told the people not to respond to Rabshakeh's insults. * Wera wkoll li Alla Jehovah ma japprovax kliem jew imġiba abbużiva, u li min ikun vittma tagħhom m'għandux jaċċetta mġiba ħażina bħal din bħala li hi normali jew bħala li hi t - tort tiegħu. Like a machine, the body is made up of many parts. * It also showed that Jehovah God does not approve of abusive words or behavior, and that the victim should not accept such misconduct as normal or as guilty. Jien twilidt fl - 1926, f'Vermelles, raħal fejn kienu jħaffru għall - faħam fit - Tramuntana taʼ Franza. Nevertheless, it is good to keep an eye out for cancerous moles. I was born in 1926, in Vermelles, a coal village in northern France. Jidher l - Ilsir Leali Faizal, quoted in the opening article of this series, eventually decided to investigate those claims for himself by studying the Bible. The Faithful slave Appears Waqt li kienu qed iżuru l - uffiċċju tal - fergħa tal - Istati Uniti, koppja ndunaw kemm kienu ferħanin il - Beteliti li kienu qed jaqdu lil Ġeħova hemmhekk. Seek medical advice While visiting the United States branch office, a couple noticed the happiness of Bethelites serving Jehovah there. Wara li jdum ftit ieħor fil - Galilija, Ġesù jitlaʼ Ġerusalemm "mhux bid - dieher, imma bil - moħbi. " Think again, though, about what Peter said to the crowd. After a while longer in Galilee, Jesus goes up to Jerusalem "not in fiery, but in secret. " Meta kien qed imut f'Eisleben fi Frar taʼ l - 1546, ħbiebu staqsew lil Luteru jekk kienx għadu jżomm mat - twemmin li hu kien għallem lil oħrajn. He later added: "My kingdom is no part of this world. " - John 17: 16; 18: 36. While dying in Eisleben in February 1546, his friends asked Luther whether he still adhered to the belief that he had taught others. © R.E. In time, however, the important role of these organs came to light. © R.E. Ikkunsidra s - suġġerimenti li ġejjin. For example, he kept his life simple so that he could use his time and energy in the ministry. Consider the following suggestions. Bħal magna, il - ġisem hu magħmul minn ħafna partijiet. If we do that, we also become friends of Jesus. Like a machine, the body is made up of many parts. " Minkejja li għal seklu sħiħ ġarrbet theddid ambjentali li dejjem jiżdied, 46 fil - mija minn wiċċ l - Art għadu xagħri li ħafna minnu mhux mimsus, " tirrapporta l - pubblikazzjoni World Watch. Wealth and prestige beckoned. " Despite an increasing environmental threat for the whole century, 46 percent of the surface of the Earth is still a wild, much of which is untouched, " reports the World Watch publication. Faizal, li ssemma fl - artiklu tal - bidu taʼ din il - ħarġa, fl - aħħar iddeċieda li jeżamina dawn l - istqarrijiet għalih innifsu billi jistudja l - Bibbja. It is predicted that in the future some 50 million Chinese men will be unable to find mates when they reach a marriageable age. Fazal, mentioned in the early article of this issue, finally decided to examine these statements for himself by studying the Bible. Fittex għajnuna medika CYRIL OF ALEXANDRIA - A CONTROVERSIAL CHURCH FATHER Seek medical help Hu enfasizza l - fatt li rridu naċċettaw lil Ġesù. The prophet Ezekiel denounced the way the poor were being treated. He stressed the fact that we want to accept Jesus. Iktar tard żied: "Is - saltna tiegħi m'hijiex taʼ din id - dinja. " - Ġwann 17: 16; 18: 36. On December 24, 1990, I arrived home in Betoko II on vacation. He later added: "My kingdom is no part of this world. " - John 17: 16; 18: 36. Madankollu, maż - żmien skoprew l - irwol importanti taʼ dawn l - organi. The researchers found that "nations participating in WWI and WWII, especially nations on the winning side in these wars, show increases in homicide after the war is over. " In time, however, they discovered the important role of these organs. Pereżempju, hu żamm ħajja sempliċi ħalli jkun jistaʼ juża l - ħin u l - enerġija tiegħu fil - ministeru. A shark's tooth? For example, he kept a simple life so that he could use his time and energy in the ministry. Jekk nagħmlu hekk, aħna nsiru wkoll ħbieb taʼ Ġesù. How does the work of Jehovah's Witnesses improve individuals? If we do, we also become Jesus ' friends. L - għana u l - prestiġju għoġbuh. Each "family " receives a set monthly allowance to cover expenses. The riches and prestige appealed to him. Wells iwaħħal ukoll fiż - żjieda tal - familji b'ġenitur wieħed mingħajr nanniet, kif ukoll fil - fatt li issa ftit ġenituri għadhom jaqraw xi ħaġa lil uliedhom. If so, how is it possible? Wells also blame for the growth of single - parent families without grandparents, as well as the fact that now few parents still read something to their children. ĊIRILLU TAʼ LIXANDRA MISSIER KONTROVERSJALI TAL - KNISJA 5'2 " 135 or less 136 - 163 164 or more KNISIA'S CONTRIBUTIONAL BUILDING OF LIXANDRA Il - profeta Eżekjel ikkundanna l - mod kif il - foqra kienu qed jiġu trattati. How Paradise Was Lost, 11 / 1 The prophet Ezekiel condemned the way the poor were being treated. Fl - 24 taʼ Diċembru, 1990, wasalt lura d - dar f'Betoko II għall - vaganzi. At an immigrant shelter in New York City, she met a Swedish sailor. On December 24, 1990, I arrived home in Betoko II for holidays. Ir - riċerkaturi sabu li "l - ġnus li ħadu sehem fl - Ewwel u t - Tieni Gwerra Dinjija, speċjalment ġnus li kienu fuq in - naħa rebbieħa f'dawn il - gwerer, juru żjieda fl - omiċidji wara li spiċċat il - gwerra. " Rain is often accompanied by lightning, but man cannot cause it to fulfill his wishes. Researchers have found that "the nations that shared in World War I and II, especially nations that were on the winning side in these wars, show an increase in homicides after the war ended. " B'sinna taʼ kelb il - baħar? The disappearance of these peoples as distinct national groups testifies to the accuracy of God's prophetic Word. With a shark tooth? Ix - xogħol tax - Xhieda taʼ Jehovah kif itejjeb lill - individwi? * Researchers have proved that albumin from the plasma is also transported, though less efficiently, across the placenta from a mother into her fetus. How does the work of Jehovah's Witnesses improve individuals? Kull "familja " tirċievi paga fissa kull xahar biex tkopri l - ispejjeż. It was still a dangerous place, but I knew that few of the ten million people living in Cambodia had heard the good news of the Kingdom. Each "family " receives a monthly fixed wage to cover expenses. Jekk iva, kif nistgħu nkunu onesti? The sixth vision of Zechariah helps us to understand that if we love Jehovah, we will not steal or break our promises. If so, how can we be honest? 57m 61 jew inqas 62 - 73 74 jew iktar " May he kiss me with the kisses of his mouth, for your expressions of endearment are better than wine. " 57 m 61 or less 62 - 73 74 or more F'post fejn jingħata kenn lill - immigranti fil - belt taʼ New York, hi ltaqgħet maʼ baħri Svediż. By the time Alexander the Great conquered the Middle East in 332 B.C.E., Greek philosophers had popularized the teaching, and it soon spread throughout the Greek Empire. In a place where immigrants in New York City are sheltered, she met a Swedish sailor. Ix - xita spiss tkun akkumpanjata mis - sajjetti, imma l - bniedem ma jistax iġagħalhom iwettqu x - xewqat tiegħu. This was a great surprise for us. The rain is often accompanied by lightning, but man cannot cause them to fulfill his desires. L - għibien taʼ dawn il - popli bħala ġnus distinti jagħti prova taʼ kemm il - Kelma profetika t'Alla hija eżatta. Before reading it, fix in mind the setting - when this material was written and what situation it dealt with. The greed of these peoples as distinct nations proves that God's prophetic Word is accurate. * Ir - riċerkaturi għandhom il - provi li l - albumina mill - plażma tgħaddi wkoll, għalkemm b'mod inqas effiċjenti, minn ġol - plaċenta mill - omm għat - tarbija f'ġufha. Mariví was the third. * Researchers have trials that plasma albumin also passes, although less efficiently, through the placenta from mother to child in her womb. Kien għadu post perikoluż, imma kont naf li mill - 10 miljun persuna li kienu qed jgħixu fil - Kambodja, ftit kienu li semgħu bl - aħbar tajba tas - Saltna. I also drank too much vodka and homemade wine. He was still a dangerous place, but I knew that of the 10 million people living in Cambodia, few heard the good news of the Kingdom. Is - sitt viżjoni taʼ Żakkarija tgħinna nifhmu li jekk inħobbu lil Ġeħova, mhux se nisirqu jew niksru l - wegħdi tagħna. " The Holy One, " Jehovah, expects anointed ones and the "other sheep " to do their utmost to become holy in all their conduct - not just some of their conduct. - John 10: 16. Zechariah's sixth vision helps us to understand that if we love Jehovah, we will not steal or break our promises. " Ħa jiġi jbusni bil - bewsiet taʼ fommu. Mħabbtek hija oħla mill - inbid. " We should likewise strive to be forward - looking as we worship our God. " Let your love come to be kissed with the kiss of his mouth, and your love is familiar with the wine. " Imma sakemm Alessandru l - Kbir rebaħ il - Lvant Nofsani fis - sena 332 QK (qabel Kristu), il - filosfi Griegi kienu taw spinta lil dan it - tagħlim, u b'hekk dan malajr infirex mal - Imperu Grieg kollu. He knew that Jehovah is a righteous God, with whom there is no injustice. But until Alexander the Great won the Middle East in 332 B.C.E. (prior to Christ), Greek philosophers had boosted this teaching, quickly spreading throughout the Greek Empire. Dan kien taʼ sorpriża kbira għalina. He will certainly come, ' Jehovah of armies has said. This was a great surprise to us. Qabel taqraha, żomm tajjeb f'moħħok l - isfond - meta nkiteb il - materjal u liema sitwazzjoni qed tiġi trattata. You likely know what is included in the fruitage of God's spirit: love, joy, peace, long - suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self - control. Before reading it, keep the background in mind - when the material was written and what situation is being treated. Mariví kienet it - tielet waħda. Some ten years ago, their hatred would have been hard to control. Mariví was the third. Ukoll, kont nixrob ħafna vodka u nbid magħmul fid - djar. The Bible calls this "tribulation in their flesh. " I also drank a lot of vodka and a wine made in the homes. " Il - Qaddis, " Ġeħova, jistenna li l - midlukin u n - "nagħaġ oħrajn " jistinkaw biex ikunu qaddisin fil - kondotta kollha tagħhom, u mhux biss fi ftit mill - kondotta tagħhom. - Ġw. 10: 16. Did You Know? " The Holy One, " Jehovah, expects the anointed and the "other sheep " to strive to be holy in all their conduct, not just in some of their conduct. - John 10: 16. Bl - istess mod, mil - lum ' il quddiem aħna għandna nistinkaw biex niffokaw fuq il - qima tagħna lejn Ġeħova. It was about nine in the evening, and we knocked on the door. Likewise, from now on we should strive to focus on our worship of Jehovah. Hu kien jaf li Ġeħova hu Alla ġust, li miegħu m'hemm ebda inġustizzja. Consequently, God acted against the fallen angels. He knew that Jehovah is a righteous God, with whom there is no injustice. Jiġi żgur, ' qal Ġeħova taʼ l - armati. Before the end comes, that worldwide preaching work must be accomplished. Surely, ' Jehovah of armies said. X'aktarx li taf f'hiex jikkonsisti l - frott taʼ l - ispirtu t'Alla: l - imħabba, l - hena, il - paċi, is - sabar, il - ħniena, it - tjieba, il - fidi, il - ħlewwa, u r - rażan. In what ways does the world's spirit enslave those who submit to it? You likely know the fruitage of God's spirit: love, happiness, peace, endurance, mercy, goodness, faith, mildness, and self - control. Xi għaxar snin ilu, kien ikun diffiċli għalihom biex jikkontrollaw il - mibegħda tagħhom. In many lands, corrupt officials demand money before performing their duties and willingly accept payment in exchange for special treatment. Some ten years ago, it would have been difficult for them to control their hatred. Il - Bibbja dan issejjaħlu "tribulazzjoni f'laħamhom. " for Heaven and Earth proclaim his wondrous pow'r.... The Bible calls it "tribulation in their flesh. " Kont taf? Why should we be forgiving? Did you know? Kienu xi d - disgħa taʼ bil - lejl, u ħabbattna fuq il - bieb. A clean conscience and personal satisfaction are the rewards of hard work. - Ecclesiastes 5: 12. They were about nine o'clock at night, and we knocked on the door. B'riżultat taʼ dan, Alla ħa azzjoni kontra dawk l - anġli li waqgħu. Sometimes, when the child is truly sorry, we feel that it's best to be reasonable and lighten the discipline. " - Matthieu, France. As a result, God acted against those falling angels. Mbagħad jiġi t - tmiem. " In addition, the Scriptures tell us that "righteousness and judgment are the established place of [God's] throne. " Then the end will come. " L - ispirtu tad - dinja b'liema modi jassar lin - nies? Amaziah falsely accused Amos of treason. In what ways does the spirit of the world foretell people? F'ħafna pajjiżi, uffiċjali korrotti jitolbu l - flus qabel ma jwettqu dmirhom u minn jeddhom jaċċettaw ħlas biex jittrattaw lil dak li jkun b'mod speċjali. " When she returned it, " says Sandra, "it was dirty and there was a little rip in the sleeve. In many countries corrupt officials ask for money before carrying out their duty and willingly accept a fee to treat a person in a special way. għax is - Smewwiet u l - Art ixandru s - setgħa taʼ l - għaġeb tiegħu.... [ Pictures on page 20] because the Heavens and the Earth proclaim his wonderful power.... Għala għandna naħfru? BABYLON Why should we forgive? Il - premju għax - xogħol iebes tagħna huwa li jkollna kuxjenza nadifa u sodisfazzjon persunali. - Koħèlet 5: 11 [5: 12, NW]. But he lost his appetite and had a high fever. The reward for our hard work is for having a clean conscience and personal satisfaction. - Ecclesiastes 5: 12. Kultant, meta t - tifla jiddispjaċiha verament, inħossu li l - aħjar ħaġa tkun li nkunu raġunevoli u ntaffu d - dixxiplina. " - Matthieu, Franza. The number of genuine anointed Christians is dwindling, yet it seems that some of them will still be on earth when the great tribulation begins. - 1 / 15, pages 12, 13. At times, when the girl truly regrets, we feel that the best thing is to be reasonable and to ease discipline. " - Matthieu, France. Barra minn hekk, l - Iskrittura tgħidilna li "fuq id - dritt u l - ġustizzja mibni t - tron [t'Alla]. " [ Pictures on page 19] In addition, the Scriptures tell us that "he [God's] throne builds upon righteousness and righteousness. " Amasija akkuża b'mod falz lil Għamos bi tradiment. ▪ Have Unshakable Faith in the Kingdom Amaziah falsely accused Amos of betrayal. " Meta tathuli lura, " tgħid Sandra, "kien maħmuġ u kellu l - komma ftit imqattgħa. For the boab, this occurs in the long dry season. " When he gave it back, " says Sandra, "it was dirty and had a little torn comfortable. [ Stampi f'paġna 20] Whenever we find that wrong or negative thoughts are creeping into our mind, we need to resist them by focusing our minds on Jehovah's love. [ Pictures on page 20] BABILONJA appearing in the January 22, 2001, issue of Awake! BABILONIA Imma mbagħad inqatagħlu l - ġuħ u telagħlu deni qawwi. But Jesus submitted to God's will. But then a famine was cut and a severe fever occurred. L - għadd taʼ Kristjani midlukin li huma ġenwini qed jonqos, għalkemm jidher li xi ftit minnhom se jkunu għadhom fuq l - art meta tibda t - tribulazzjoni l - kbira. - 1 / 15, paġni 12, 13. Colporteurs seeking a fellow worker, or preaching companion, wore a yellow ribbon. The number of genuine anointed Christians is decreasing, although some of them seem to be still on earth when the great tribulation begins. - 1 / 15, pages 12, 13. [ Stampi f'paġna 19] SAHARA [ Pictures on page 19] ▪ Għandek fidi li ma titħarrikx fis - Saltna? Eventually, this unbalanced thinking rubbed off on me. ▪ Do you have unwavering faith in the Kingdom? Il - bowab tagħmel dan fl - istaġun twil tan - nixfa. Still, new issues arise because blood can now be processed into four primary components and fractions of those components. The boab does so in the long drought season. Meta nintebħu li qed nibdew nirraġunaw ħażin jew b'mod negattiv, ma rridux inħallu lilna nfusna nagħmlu dan billi niffokaw il - ħsibijiet tagħna fuq l - imħabba taʼ Ġeħova. The picture is no less bleak in mainland Europe. When we realize that we are starting to reason wrong or negative, we must not allow ourselves to do so by focusing our thoughts on Jehovah's love. li deher fil - ħarġa taʼ Stenbaħ! tat - 8 taʼ Frar, 2001. As their appreciation for the truth grew, they felt the need to meet in various homes to study the Bible as a group. that appeared in the February 8, 2001, issue of Awake! Imma Ġesù ssottometta ruħu għar - rieda t'Alla. © G.M.B. But Jesus submitted himself to God's will. Il - colporteurs li kienu qed ifittxu lil xi ħadd biex jaqdi bħala colporteur magħhom libsu żigarella safra. Jesus and these anointed ones unite to form God's Kingdom, the instrument with which God will crush Satan. - Luke 12: 32; Rom. The colporteurs who were looking for someone to serve as a colporteur with them put on a yellow zipgarella. SAĦARA But what about people's material aspirations? CROSS-BORDER Fl - aħħar mill - aħħar, din il - mentalità żbilanċjata effettwat lili wkoll. The purpose of the printing has always been to further the good news of God's Kingdom. Ultimately, this unbalanced mentality also affected me. Madankollu, ikomplu jqumu kwistjonijiet ġodda għaliex id - demm issa jistaʼ jiġi proċessat f'erbaʼ komponenti primarji u frazzjonijiet taʼ dawn il - komponenti. What have we learned about our priorities and our choices in life? However, new issues continue to arise because blood can now be processed into four primary components and fractions of these components. Is - sitwazzjoni hija mwiegħra wkoll fil - biċċa l - kbira mill - Ewropa. Lena Trindade / BrazilPhotos The situation is also bad for most of Europe. Hekk kif l - apprezzament tagħhom għall - verità kiber, huma ħassew il - bżonn li jiltaqgħu f'diversi djar biex jistudjaw il - Bibbja bħala grupp. During the centuries leading up to the birth of Jesus, the primary part of Abraham's seed, holy spirit must have been involved in protecting Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and the temple - all of which would play a part in the fulfillment of the prophecies about Jesus. As their appreciation for the truth grew, they felt the need to meet in various homes to study the Bible as a group. © G.M.B. Some like the Gospels because they show Jehovah's beautiful personality through Jesus. © G.M.B. Alla se juża lil din is - Saltna biex jeqred lil Satana. - Lq. 12: 32; Rum. Yet, the Bible encourages us: "Let us not give up in doing what is fine, for in due season we shall reap if we do not tire out. " - Galatians 6: 9. God will use this Kingdom to destroy Satan. - Luke 12: 32; Rom. Imma xi ngħidu għax - xewqat materjali tan - nies? For thousands of years after the perfect man Adam sinned, the question could be raised, "Can any human display perfect godly devotion? " But what about people's material desires? L - iskop taʼ l - istampar dejjem kien għall - avanz taʼ l - aħbar tajba tas - Saltna t'Alla. See the article "Coping With an Unspeakable Tragedy, " in Awake! The purpose of the printing has always been to advance the good news of God's Kingdom. X'tgħallimna dwar il - prijoritajiet u l - għażliet tagħna fil - ħajja? He began to lie to his wife about his secret activities. What do we learn about our priorities and choices in life? Lena Trindade / BrazilPhotos Despite all the efforts that have been made toward greater unity, there is, both inside and outside Europe, concern over the developments on the Continent. Lena Trindade / BrazilPhotos Matul is - sekli taʼ qabel it - twelid taʼ Ġesù, li huwa l - parti primarja min - nisel taʼ Abraham, l - ispirtu qaddis bilfors kien involut f'li jipproteġi lil Ġerusalemm, lil Betlehem, u t - tempju. Dawn il - postijiet kollha kellhom ikunu involuti fit - twettiq tal - profeziji dwar Ġesù. 23: 10. During the centuries before Jesus ' birth, which is the primary part of Abraham's seed, holy spirit must have been involved in protecting Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and the temple, all these places being involved in the fulfillment of Jesus ' prophecies. Xi wħud iħobbu l - Evanġelji għax juru l - personalità sabiħa taʼ Ġeħova permezz taʼ Ġesù. As you undertake a study of the Bible, you need to realize that Satan may use opposition or persecution to get you to stop learning the truth from God's Word. Some love the Gospels because they show Jehovah's beautiful personality through Jesus. Madankollu, il - Bibbja tinkuraġġixxi: "Ma negħjew qatt nagħmlu l - ġid; għax jekk ma naqtgħux qalbna, naħsdu fi żmienu. " (Korsiv tagħna.) - Galatin 6: 9. In other cases, children succumb to their dire circumstances or have accidents and die. However, the Bible encourages: "Let us never give up doing good; for if we do not give up, we will reap in his day. " - Galatians 6: 9. Għal eluf taʼ snin wara li dineb ir - raġel perfett Adam, setgħet titqajjem il - mistoqsija: "Jistaʼ xi bniedem juri devozzjoni perfetta lejn Alla? " One was Yvonne, a gifted 800 - meter runner. For thousands of years after Adam's perfect man sinned, the question could be raised: "Can a man show perfect godly devotion? " Ara l - artiklu "Nissaportu Traġedja li Ma Tistax Tiddeskriviha, " fi Stenbaħ! At that point, the temptation is over, and you are the victor. See the article "Tragedy That You Cannot Describe, " in Awake! Lil martu beda jigdbilha dwar l - attivitajiet sigrieti tiegħu. " Why " Pray Incessantly ' " was the theme of the next talk. His wife began to tell her about his secret activities. Saru partita sforzi biex tikber l - unità. Minkejja dan, sew fl - Ewropa u sew barra, hemm tħassib kbir dwar l - iżviluppi f'dan il - kontinent. * We are confident that as you do, you will come to know the truth about God. Even so, both inside and outside Europe, there has been great concern about developments on this continent. 23: 10. In many respects, such calamities have increased in scope and severity. 23: 10. Hekk kif tibda studju tal - Bibbja, għandek bżonn tirrealizza li Satana jistaʼ juża l - oppożizzjoni jew il - persekuzzjoni biex iġagħlek tieqaf tistudja l - verità mill - Kelma t'Alla. Meanwhile, many Catholics disobey church teachings on sexual morality, contraception, and divorce. As you start a Bible study, you need to realize that Satan can use opposition or persecution to cause you to stop studying the truth from God's Word. F'każijiet oħra, tfal jiffaċċjaw ċirkustanzi traġiċi jew aċċidenti u jmutu. As we would expect of a conscientious servant of Jehovah, "Noah proceeded to do according to all that God had commanded him. " In other cases, children face tragic circumstances or accidents and die. Waħda minnhom kienet Yvonne, ġerrejja tas - sengħa li kienet tikkompeti fit - tlielaq taʼ 800 metru. They were young and healthy. One of them was Yvonne, a skilled trainer who competed in 800 - foot [800 m] racing. F'dak il - ħin, it - tentazzjoni tkun għaddiet, u int tkun ħriġt rebbieħ! How disappointed you are! At that time, the temptation is over, and you are winning! " Għala " Titlob bla Heda ' " kienet it - tema tat - taħdita li kien imiss. That will soon occur, paving the way for a global paradise of righteousness, peace, and prosperity. " Why " You Pray incessantly ' " was the theme of the next talk. * Aħna fiduċjużi li hekk kif tagħmel dan se ssir taf il - verità dwar Alla. " The salvation of the righteous ones is from Jehovah; he is their fortress in the time of distress. " - PSALM 37: 39. * We are confident that as you do this, you will learn the truth about God. B'ħafna modi, dawn id - diżastri kibru fl - iskala u fil - qilla tagħhom. Is Published, " Awake! In many ways, these disasters have grown in their scale and anger. Sadanittant, ħafna Kattoliċi ma jobdux it - tagħlim tal - knisja dwar il - moralità sesswali, il - kontraċezzjoni, u d - divorzju. (b) What three aspects of learning did Paul point out to Timothy? Meanwhile, many Catholics disobey church teachings about sexual morality, contraception, and divorce. Bħalma nistgħu nistennew minn qaddej leali taʼ Ġeħova, Noè "għamel kull ma ordnalu Alla. " In one essay a promoter of witchcraft warns: "The Shadows are out there: They exist, in the invisible world that parallels our own, living creatures.... As we can expect from a faithful servant of Jehovah, Noah "did all that God had commanded him. " Huma kienu għadhom żgħar u jbigħu s - saħħa. 6: 11. They were still young and sell strength. Kemm tkun diżappuntat! As in the first century, situations in which it is appropriate to exercise caution may present themselves today. How disappointed to be! Dan dalwaqt iseħħ u se jiftaħ it - triq għal Ġenna taʼ l - art globali taʼ ġustizzja, paċi, u prosperità. Why can Jehovah view us as righteous, even though we are imperfect? This will soon come and open the way for a global Paradise of justice, peace, and prosperity. " Is - salvazzjoni tal - ġusti mill - Mulej; hu l - kenn tagħhom fi żmien l - għawġ. " - SALM 37: 39. Such a notion would attribute many negative traits to God. " The salvation of the righteous one from Jehovah is their refuge in the days of adversity. " - PSALM 37: 39. Huwa Pubblikat, " Stenbaħ! It further states that "gamblers or players usually bet money on... such games of chance as lotteries, card games, and dice. " It is Published, " Awake! (b) Pawlu għal liema tliet aspetti taʼ tagħlim ġibidlu l - attenzjoni lil Timotju? The result was a rapidly expanding global tourism industry. (b) To what three aspects of teaching did Paul draw attention to Timothy? F'artiklu li kiteb, wieħed li jinkuraġġixxi l - prattika tas - seħer iwissi: "Il - fantażmi qegħdin hemm barra: Dawn jeżistu, fid - dinja inviżibbli simili għal dik li ngħixu fiha aħna, kreaturi ħajjin.... Some have found that they can increase their powers of concentration while studying by starting out with shorter periods of study and gradually lengthening them. In an article that wrote, one encouraging the practice of witchcraft warns: "Fantisms are outside: They exist, in the invisible world similar to that in which we live, living creatures.... 6: 11. ABOUT the year 1910, my parents moved from Tbilisi, Georgia, to Canada. 6: 11. Bħal fl - ewwel seklu, illum jistgħu jqumu sitwazzjonijiet li fihom ikun xieraq li noqogħdu attenti. Practicing voluntary giving has brought Genival true joy. As in the first century, situations may arise in which caution is appropriate. Ġeħova għala jistaʼ jqisna ġusti, minkejja li aħna imperfetti? Walking in the ways of the world will only distance us from Jehovah. Why can Jehovah view us righteous, even though we are imperfect? Ħaġa bħal din kienet tagħti x'tifhem li Alla għandu karatteristiki negattivi. [ Picture on page 26] Such a thing meant that God has negative traits. Tkompli tgħid li " dawk li jilagħbu l - logħob taʼ l - ażżard ġeneralment jilagħbu l - flus fuq... logħob taċ - ċans bħalma huma l - lotteriji, il - logħob tal - karti, u d - dammi. ' He adds: "The greatest challenge we now face is securing the little penguin's food supply..., and this is tied in with the fate of the oceans and mankind as a whole. " It goes on to say that " gambling players usually play money on... games of chance such as lotteries, card games, and dams. ' Ir - riżultat kien industrija globali tat - turiżmu li bdiet tespandi b'ħeffa kbira. See the article "Young People Ask... The result was a global tourism industry that began to expand rapidly. Xi wħud sabu li jistgħu jżidu l - konċentrazzjoni tagħhom waqt l - istudju billi jibdew bi ftit ħin taʼ studju u mbagħad iżiduh bil - mod il - mod. Just when that outcome seems certain, soldiers appear and with difficulty snatch the victim from the violent crowd. Some have found that they can increase their concentration during the study by starting with a little time of study and then gradually increasing it. MADWAR is - sena 1910, il - ġenituri tiegħi telqu minn Tbilisi, il - Ġeorġja, u marru joqogħdu l - Kanada. More than a few parents find the subject of sex a bit awkward to discuss with children. IN THE year 1910, my parents left Tbilisi, Georgia, and moved to Canada. Il - fatt li Genival kien jagħti b'mod volontarju regolarment ġablu ferħ veru. asked David. Genival's voluntary giving regularly brought true happiness to him. Jekk nimxu bħalma timxi d - dinja, inkunu biss qed nitbiegħdu minn Ġeħova. In turn, this "city " sheds its spiritual light and favor down upon redeemed people out of all the nations for their guidance. - Revelation 21: 22 - 25. If we walk as the world walks, only we are departing from Jehovah. [ Stampa f'paġna 26] He will use his unique position and authority "to the glory of God. " - Matt. [ Picture on page 26] Hu jżid: "L - akbar sfida li niffaċċjaw issa hija biex jirnexxilna naċċertaw li jkun hemm ikel biżżejjed għall - pingwini ż - żgħar..., u dan huwa marbut b'mod ġenerali mal - futur taʼ l - oċean u l - bniedem. " Near the branch, the streets had turned into raging rivers with water up to our chest. He adds: "The greatest challenge we now face is to make sure that there is enough food for young penguins..., and this is generally linked to the future of the ocean and man. " Ara l - artiklu "Iż - Żgħażagħ Jistaqsu... The man in charge of the proceedings was a medical doctor, a high - ranking Russian official. See the article "Young People Ask... Sewwa sew meta jidher li kien se jirnexxilhom, jiġu xi suldati u b'diffikultà kbira jaħtfu lill - vittma minn idejn dik il - folla vjolenti. One service overseer in Hawaii, U.S.A., wrote: "Little did we realize how effective these new tools would be both in the house - to - house work and in public witnessing. " Well, when it seems that he would succeed, soldiers come and with great difficulty take the victim away from the hands of that violent crowd. Ħafna ġenituri jsibu li s - suġġett tas - sess hu daqsxejn imbarazzanti biex jiddiskutuh maʼ wliedhom. [ 1] (paragraph 7) For example, Jesus told his disciples (1) to preach about the Kingdom; (2) to rely on God to give them the food and clothing they need; (3) to avoid arguing with people; (4) to trust in God when people persecute them; and (5) to be unafraid of what people might do to them. Many parents find the subject of sex somewhat embarrassing to discuss it with their children. staqsa David. " Prophecy was at no time brought by man's will, " writes Peter, "but men spoke from God as they were borne along by holy spirit. " David asked. Min - naħa l - oħra, din "il - belt " titfaʼ dawl spiritwali u favur fuq dawk in - nies li huma mifdijin mill - ġnus kollha sabiex ikunu bħala gwida għalihom. - Rivelazzjoni 21: 22 - 25. Human governments may provide health alerts regarding foods and medicines. On the other hand, this "city " sheds spiritual light and favor on those people who are trusted by all nations in order to guide them. - Revelation 21: 22 - 25. Se juża l - pożizzjoni u l - awtorità uniċi tiegħu "għall - glorja t'Alla l - Missier. " - Mt. Moreover, millions of Bible study aids continue to be published in over 300 languages. He will use his unique position and authority "for the glory of God the Father. " - Matt. Qrib il - fergħa, it - toroq kienu nbidlu fi xmajjar b'kurrenti kbar taʼ ilma li kien ilaħħqilna sa sidirna. Lonely often connotes painful awareness of being alone... Close to the branch, the roads had been transformed into rivers with large streams of water that warmed us to our breasts. Il - bniedem li kien inkarigat minn dawn il - proċeduri kien tabib mediku, uffiċjal Russu taʼ grad għoli. This is especially true in countries where the news is controlled by the government. The man in charge of these procedures was a medical doctor, a high - grade Russian official. Hu jħoss li huma faċli minħabba l - mistoqsija u l - għażla taʼ tweġibiet li hemm fuq quddiem. A little girl's fanciful ideas about where clouds come from may be just a small misunderstanding. He feels that they are easy because of the question and the choice of answers that lie ahead. [ 1] (paragrafu 7) Pereżempju, Ġesù qal lid - dixxipli tiegħu (1) biex jippritkaw dwar is - Saltna; (2) biex jistrieħu fuq Alla ħalli jagħtihom l - ikel u l - ilbies li għandhom bżonn; (3) biex jevitaw li jargumentaw man - nies; (4) biex jafdaw f'Alla meta n - nies jippersegwitawhom; u (5) biex ma jibżgħux minn dak li n - nies jistgħu jagħmlulhom. For instance, she has reduced the amount of time she spends behind the wheel, especially at night. [ 1] (paragraph 7) For example, Jesus told his disciples (1) to preach about the Kingdom; (2) to rely on God to give them the food and clothing they need; (3) to avoid arguing with people; (4) to trust in God when people persecute them; and (5) not to fear what people can do to them. " Il - profezija qatt ma ġiet bir - rieda tal - bniedem, " jikteb Pietru, "imma xi bnedmin tkellmu minn Alla skond kif tmexxew mill - ispirtu qaddis. " No doubt some of them grew up in an environment comparable to that of ancient Canaan, where immorality was rife and even viewed as normal. " The prophecy never came with the will of man, " Peter writes, "but some men spoke of God as they were led by holy spirit. " Il - gvernijiet umani għandhom mnejn joħorġu avviżi tas - saħħa rigward ikel u mediċini. When the Roman Empire foundered, the ecclesiastical structures survived and grew to be dominant in the Middle Ages. Human governments may issue health warnings regarding food and medicines. Iktar minn hekk, qed ikomplu jiġu pubblikati miljuni t'għajnuniet oħra għall - istudju tal - Bibbja b'iktar minn 300 lingwa. " Tell Us, When Will These Things Be? " Moreover, millions of other Bible study aids continue to be published in over 300 languages. Imma ma jfissirx li jekk inkunu waħedna bilfors se nħossuna waħedna. (See endnote.) But it does not mean that if we are alone, we will feel alone. Dan hu speċjalment minnu f'pajjiżi fejn l - aħbarijiet huma kkontrollati mill - gvern. What Many Nations Claim This is especially true in countries where the news is controlled by the government. Madankollu, dak li l - Bibbja tgħallem hu taʼ importanza kbira għalik. On occasion, all your efforts with friendly greetings and waves to your neighbors may elicit only a reluctant nod in return. What the Bible teaches, however, is of great importance to you. Per eżempju, naqqset l - ammont taʼ ħin li ddum issuq, speċjalment bil - lejl. Also, train your children to go out in field service regularly. For example, it reduced the amount of driving time, especially at night. Bla dubju, xi wħud minnhom trabbew f'ambjent li jistaʼ jitqabbel maʼ dak taʼ Kangħan tal - qedem, li fih l - immoralità kienet komuni u saħansitra meqjusa bħala xi ħaġa normali. How does disobedience affect the Creator? Of course, some of them grew up in an environment comparable to that of ancient Canaan, in which immorality was common and even viewed as normal. Meta waqaʼ l - Imperu Ruman, l - istrutturi ekkleżjastiċi baqgħu jeżistu u saru dominanti fiż - żmien tal - Medju Evu. But economics finally gained the upper hand. When the Roman Empire fell, ecclesiastical structures continued to exist and became dominant in the time of the Middle Ages. " Il - Kelma t'Alla Hi l - Verità! ' So, then, while acknowledging Jonah's weaknesses, let us not overlook his qualities of faithfulness and endurance as he preached to the faithless Israelites. " God's Word Is Truth! ' (Ara n - nota fl - aħħar.) You need to rush off to purchase some. (See endnote.) Dak li Jsostnu Ħafna Ġnus In brief, Paul meant that Satan, personally or through his agents, can cause the physical death of humans. What Many Nations Support Xi drabi tagħmel kull sforz biex issellem u xxejjer lill - ġirien tiegħek, imma kulma tieħu lura tkun tislima bir - ras b'nofs qalb. We feel sure that our regular and heartfelt prayers helped the children to view Jehovah as their loving heavenly Father. Sometimes you make every effort to greet your neighbors and stories, but everything you take back will be a halfhearted greeting. Ukoll, ħarreġ lil uliedek biex joħorġu b'mod regulari fis - servizz. Still, God's Word assures us that with Jehovah's help, we can avoid succumbing to fear. Also, train your children to go out regularly in service. Id - diżubbidjenza kif teffettwa lill - Ħallieq? " Twenty years ago, people had to remember only their Social Security number and maybe a phone number or two, " says The New York Times. How does disobedience affect the Creator? Imma fl - aħħar mill - aħħar, il - finanzi ġagħlu lill - kumpaniji taʼ l - ajru jwaqqfu s - servizz tal - Concorde. In Romans chapter 15, Paul shows that meditating on historical examples can help us to adjust our attitude. But in the end, finance forced airlines to stop the Concorde service. Mela, allura, waqt li nagħrfu d - dgħjufijiet taʼ Ġona, ejja ma ninjorawx il - kwalitajiet tiegħu taʼ fedeltà u ssaportar li wera meta ppriedka lill - Iżraelin taʼ bla fidi. I was accused of being a spy. So, then, while we recognize Jonah's weaknesses, let us not ignore his qualities of faithfulness and endured his preaching to the faithless Israelites. Jeħtieġ tħaffef biex tmur tagħtiha l - petrol. People are systematically calling into question ethical and doctrinal positions. " It is necessary to speed up the delivery of petrol. Fi ftit kliem, Pawlu ried ifisser li Satana, personalment jew permezz taʼ l - aġenti tiegħu, jistaʼ jikkaġuna l - mewt fiżika tal - bnedmin. Their emotions run deep and yet are very different. In short, Paul meant that Satan, either personally or through his agents, can cause mankind's physical death. Inħossuna ċerti li t - talb regulari u minn qalbna għen lit - tfal jaraw lil Jehovah bħala l - Missier maħbub tagħhom li qiegħed fis - sema. The Maya made extensive use of astrological observations We feel sure that regular and heartfelt prayers helped children to see Jehovah as their beloved Father who is in heaven. Iżda l - Kelma t'Alla tassigurana li bl - għajnuna taʼ Ġeħova nistgħu nevitaw li ninħakmu mill - biżaʼ. The faithful prophet trusted in Jehovah. But God's Word assures us that with Jehovah's help we can avoid being ruled by fear. " Għoxrin sena ilu, in - nies kellhom jiftakru biss in - numru tagħhom tas - Sigurtà Soċjali u forsi xi numru tat - telefon jew tnejn, " tgħid The New York Times. A swindler chooses easy targets, those inclined to believe his every word. " Twenty years ago, people had to remember only their Social Security number and perhaps a telephone number or two, " says The New York Times. F'Rumani kapitlu 15, Pawlu juri li jekk nimmeditaw fuq eżempji tal - passat, dan jistaʼ jgħinna nirranġaw l - attitudni tagħna. Perhaps the most underreported form of abuse is sibling incest, where an older or more powerful child bullies or seduces a younger or weaker brother or sister into sexual acts. In Romans chapter 15, Paul shows that meditating on past examples can help us to adjust our attitude. Ġejt akkużat li kont spija. In his teenage years, his conduct and choice of associates left much to be desired. I was accused of being a spy. In - nies għal darba wara l - oħra qed jesprimu d - dubji tagħhom dwar l - opinjonijiet etiċi u duttrinali. " In Germany "more couples than ever are separating after a long - term marriage, " reports Berliner Morgenpost. People are repeatedly expressing their doubts about ethical and doctrinal opinions. " L - emozzjonijiet tagħhom huma qawwijin, però huma differenti ħafna. For there is great value in getting to know your grandparents - especially if they are God - fearing. Their emotions are powerful, but they are very different. Il - komunità tal - Maja użat ħafna l - osservazzjonijiet astroloġiċi Thus, it is logical to conclude that Abraham's son Ishmael and Moses ' brother, Aaron, both went to Sheol at their death, there to await a resurrection. The Maya community used astralogical observations widely Il - profeta leali kien jafda lil Ġeħova b'għajnejh magħluqa. In this article, we will review a few areas in which our willingness to fit in with God's purpose - to be obedient from the heart - could be put to the test. The faithful prophet trusted Jehovah with his eyes closed. L - imbroljuni jagħżlu lil xi mazzun, bniedem li jkun lest li jiblaʼ kulma jgħidulu. " The Righteous Ones Will Shine as Brightly as the Sun " Scrollons choose a man who is willing to swallow everything they say to him. Forsi l - inqas forom t'abbuż li jiġu rapportati huma l - inċest bejn l - aħwa, fejn tifel akbar jew iktar b'saħħtu jhedded jew jisseduċi lil ħuh jew oħtu iżgħar jew iktar dgħajfa biex tieħu sehem f'atti sesswali. Observes Bate: "When we played them the sound a mother hen makes after chicks hatch, which to my ear sounds identical to the feeding call, the chicks became immobile. " Perhaps the least reported forms of abuse are incest between brothers and sisters, where an older or stronger child threatens or seduces his younger or weaker brother or sister to engage in sexual acts. Meta kien żagħżugħ, hu ma tantx kien eżemplari fil - kondotta tiegħu u l - ħbieb li kien jagħmilha magħhom ma kinux kumpanija tajba. Among the lessons he taught was the one mentioned above. When he was a young man, he was not very exemplary in his conduct and his friends were not good friends. Meta l - għeneb ġie mbill fl - istess sustanza, ma kellux l - istess riżultati, imma xorta dam tajjeb ġimgħa iktar mis - soltu. " Like what? When the grapes were converted into the same substance, it did not have the same results, but it lasted a week longer than usual. " Għax li ssir taf lin - nanniet tiegħek huwa ferm taʼ siwi - speċjalment jekk huma għandhom il - biżaʼ t'Alla. Jehovah "will wipe out every tear..., and death will be no more. " - Rev. Because getting to know your grandparents is very valuable - especially if they are God - fearing. Għaldaqstant, huwa loġiku li tikkonkludi li kemm bin Abraham, Ismagħel, u kemm ħu Mosè, Aron, marru f'Xeol meta mietu, fejn qed jistennew l - irxoxt. Do we see this kind of generosity today? It is logical, therefore, to conclude that both Abraham's son, Ishmael, and Moses ' brother, Aaron, went to Sheol when they died, where they await the resurrection. F'dan l - artiklu, se nitkellmu dwar xi sitwazzjonijiet li jagħtuna opportunità nuru jekk aħniex verament lesti li nobdu dejjem. 108th Graduating Class of the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead In this article, we will talk about situations that give us an opportunity to show whether we are truly willing to obey always. " In - Nies Sewwa Jiddu bħax - Xemx " As a devout proselyte who had knowledge of Jehovah, the Ethiopian eunuch first accepted Philip's statements about the fulfillment of Messianic prophecy, and then he got baptized. " The Righteous Ones Rejoice Like the Sun " It - tfal jeħtieġ li jitgħallmu jobdu r - regoli tal - familja, u hija falza l - idea li huwa naturali li jibdew jikkooperaw inqas iktar ma jikbru, jgħid Morrish. We can have faith that he can do anything he wills. - Genesis 18: 12 - 14. Children need to learn to obey family rules, and it is false that it is natural to start cooperating less as they grow up, says Morrish. Fost l - affarijiet li għallem insibu dak li semmejna hawn fuq. Another person added: "We are not in agreement that you resign by yourself. Among the things we have taught are what we mentioned above. Bħal xiex? Let us consider three key factors that will help us to do so. Like what? Ġeħova se " jixxotta kull demgħa... u ma jkunx hemm iżjed mewt. ' - Riv. We learn in the Bible that after the Thousand Year Reign of Christ, some will rebel against Jehovah's sovereignty. Jehovah "will wipe out every tear... and death will be no more. " - Rev. Għadna llum naraw dan it - tip taʼ ġenerożità? What is one tactic the Devil uses to try to turn us away from Jehovah? Do we see this kind of generosity today? Il - 108 Klassi li Ggradwat mill - Iskola taʼ Gilgħad " Come on John, " they urged a companion as he headed toward the walkway above. 108th Graduating Class of Gilead School Bħala proselita devot li kellu għarfien dwar Jehovah, l - ewnuku Etjopjan l - ewwel aċċetta dak li qallu Filippu dwar it - twettiq tal - profezija Messjanika, u mbagħad tgħammed. Teach Your Children As a devout prosely with knowledge of Jehovah, the Ethiopian eunuch first accepted what Philip told him about the fulfillment of Messianic prophecy, and then he was baptized. Nistgħu nkunu fiduċjużi li hu jistaʼ jagħmel kulma jrid. - Ġenesi 18: 12 - 14. Today, Satan eggs people on to believe that nothing is to be gained by doing God's will. We can be confident that he can do whatever he wants. - Genesis 18: 12 - 14. Xi ħaddieħor żied: "Ma naqblux li tirriżenja int biss. When self - sacrificing love exists between parents, any children in the family benefit greatly. Some others added: "We do not agree to resign just you. Ejja nikkunsidraw tliet fatturi ewlenin li se jgħinuna nagħmlu dan. God's Son, Jesus Christ, taught his followers to pray for God's will to be done. Let us consider three main factors that will help us to do so. Il - Bibbja tgħallimna li wara r - Renju taʼ Elf Sena taʼ Kristu, xi wħud se jirribellaw kontra s - sovranità taʼ Ġeħova. Jehovah is a "happy God. " The Bible teaches us that after Christ's Thousand Year Reign, some will rebel against Jehovah's sovereignty. X'inhi tattika waħda li juża x - Xitan biex jipprova jġagħalna nitilqu lil Jehovah? (a) What became like "a burning fire " in the heart of Jeremiah, and why? What is one tact used by the Devil to try to cause us to leave Jehovah? " U ejja John, " bdew iħeġġu huma lil wieħed li kien miexi magħhom hekk kif kien sejjer lejn dan il - passaġġ li kien jgħaddi minn fuq it - triq. • Why can we say that faith gives us a rewarding life? " And come to John, " they began to encourage one who walked with them as he was going to this roadway. Għallem lil Uliedek ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Teach Your Children Illum il - ġurnata, Satana kontinwament jipprova jipperswadi lin - nies biex jemmnu li mhuma se jiggwadanjaw xejn jekk jagħmlu r - rieda t'Alla. ▪ Always Trust in Jehovah! Today, Satan constantly tries to persuade people to believe that they will gain nothing if they do God's will. Meta l - ġenituri jkunu jħobbu lil xulxin u lesti li jagħmlu sagrifiċċji għal xulxin, uliedhom jibbenefikaw bil - kbir. A month later, Jacob offered to serve Laban for seven years for Rachel's hand in marriage. When parents love one another and are willing to make sacrifices for one another, their children benefit greatly. L - Iben t'Alla, Ġesù Kristu, għallem lis - segwaċi tiegħu jitolbu biex issir ir - rieda t'Alla. With the first recorded lie, Satan slyly induced the first human pair to join him in rebelling against their loving Creator. - Gen. God's Son, Jesus Christ, taught his followers to pray for God's will to be done. Ġeħova hu "l - Alla l - hieni. " How is our view of authority different from that of the world? Jehovah is "the happy God. " (a) Liema ħaġa saret bħal "nar jaqbad " f'qalb Ġeremija, u għala? A good legend maker would likely have had Jesus stage a spectacular comeback, deliver a momentous speech, or be bathed in light and splendor. (a) What has become like "a burning fire " in Jeremiah's heart, and why? • Għala nistgħu ngħidu li l - fidi tagħtina ħajja sodisfaċenti? We were eager to expand our share in the preaching work. • Why can we say that faith gives us a satisfying life? ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ God made humans in his image. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ▪ Dejjem afda f'Ġeħova! He felt pity for the people "because they were skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd. " - Matt. ▪ Always Trust in Jehovah! Xahar wara, Ġakobb offra biex jaqdi lil Laban għal sebaʼ snin biex ikun jistaʼ jiżżewweġ lil Rakel. (See paragraph 13) One month later, Jacob offered to serve Laban for seven years to marry Rachel. Bl - ewwel gidba dokumentata, Satana b'makakkerija ħajjar lill - ewwel koppja umana biex jingħaqdu miegħu fir - ribelljoni kontra l - Ħallieq maħbub tagħhom. - Ġen. In 1986, Dr. With the first documented lie, Satan swayly tempted the first human couple to join him in rebellion against their beloved Creator. - Gen. Il - mod kif aħna nqisu l - awtorità kif inhu differenti minn dak tad - dinja? An Italian politician who was a member of Catholic Action, a church - controlled organization, said: "I went on to politics, feeling that a person should contribute actively to the political and social development of society. " How does our view of authority differ from that of the world? Wieħed tas - sengħa f'li jivvinta l - leġġendi x'aktarx kien jippreżenta r - ritorn taʼ Ġesù b'xi wirja spettakolari, waqt li jagħti xi diskors importanti. At the time, people termed it the "Great War. " One skillful in inventing legends likely presented Jesus ' return with a spectacular display, giving some important speech. Konna ħerqanin biex inkabbru s - sehem tagħna fix - xogħol taʼ l - ippridkar. Diligent Search (Ireland), 3 / 1 We were eager to expand our share in the preaching work. Alla ħalaq lill - bnedmin fuq ix - xbieha tiegħu. If God were the ruler of this world, would there be so much suffering? God created humans in his image. Hu tħassarhom lin - nies "għax kienu maltrattati u mferrxin bħal nagħaġ mingħajr ragħaj. " - Mt. The answer comes from me - not anyone else. " - Anita. He felt pity to the people "because they were mistreated and poured out like sheep without a shepherd. " - Matt. (Ara paragrafu 13) Rather than try to make excuses for oral sex, they understand that Scripturally it is fornication, por·neiʹa, and they train their conscience accordingly. (See paragraph 13) Fl - 1986, Dr. * (See footnote.) In 1986, Dr. Għallem lil Uliedek Juru Rispett, 2 / 15 So fellow Christians in Vienna would secretly produce literature. Jehovah Is Jehovah, 4 / 15 Politikant Taljan li kien membru taʼ l - Azzjoni Kattolika, organizzazzjoni kontrollata mill - knisja, qal: "Jien bdejt nieħu sehem fil - politika għax ħassejt li individwu għandu jikkontribwixxi b'mod attiv għall - iżvilupp politiku u soċjali tas - soċjetà. " Thus, Christians are encouraged to be generous. - Hebrews 13: 16; Luke 6: 38. An Italian politician who was a member of the Catholic Action, a church - controlled organization, said: "I began to engage in politics because I felt that a person should actively contribute to the political and social development of society. " Dak iż - żmien, din il - gwerra kienet tissejjaħ "Il - Gwerra l - Kbira. " His right of appeal (provocatio) was "real, comprehensive and effective. " At that time, this war was called "The Great War. " It - Talb Tiegħek X'Jirrivela Dwarek? " I'd like to understand the Bible. What Does Your Prayer Reveal About You? Kieku Alla kien il - ħakkiem taʼ din id - dinja, kien ikun hawn daqshekk tbatija? The Real Jesus If God were the ruler of this world, would there be so much suffering? It - tweġiba tiġi mingħandi - u mhux mingħand xi ħadd ieħor. " - Anita. How is that possible? The answer comes from me - not from anyone else. " - Anita. tat - 8 taʼ Frar, 2004, paġni 13 - 15. Uniqueness, 6 / 1 of February 8, 2004, pages 13 - 15. Minflok ma jipprovaw iġibu l - iskużi għas - sess orali, huma jifhmu li skond l - Iskrittura dan hu żína, pornea, u jħarrġu l - kuxjenza tagħhom biex ma tapprovax din il - prattika. He will even restore his loyal ones to their youth so that they can benefit from his care forever. - Job 33: 25; read Hebrews 6: 10. Rather than trying to make excuses for oral sex, they understand that according to the Scriptures it is fornication, pornea, and train their conscience to disapprove this practice. * (Ara n - nota taʼ taħt.) Like the psalmist, wise Christians never cease to look to God for guidance. * (See footnote.) Għalhekk, sħabna l - Kristjani minn Vjenna kienu jipproduċu l - letteratura bil - moħbi. People ran to the lifeboats on each side of the deck. So fellow Christians from Vienna secretly produced literature. B'hekk, il - Kristjani huma inkuraġġiti biex ikunu ġenerużi. - Lhud 13: 16; Luqa 6: 38. Nor were they equipped to fulfill Isaiah 61: 1 - 3, which Jesus read aloud and applied to himself. Thus, Christians are encouraged to be generous. - Hebrews 13: 16; Luke 6: 38. Id - dritt taʼ l - appell (provocatio) kien "reali, jiġbor kollox fil - qosor, u effettiv. " (Read Galatians 5: 13.) The right of appeal (produocato) was "real, summary, and effective. " " Nixtieq nifhimha l - Bibbja. Why did Jesus enjoy teaching people about Jehovah? " I would like to understand the Bible. Min Kien Tassew Ġesù The Dead Sea - so called because its high salt content makes it impossible for aquatic creatures to live in it - is the earth's lowest body of water, 1,320 feet [400 m] below sea level. Who Really Jesus Was Dan kif inhu possibbli? Macmillan, who had been in the pilgrim (traveling overseer) work in the days of Brother Russell. How is that possible? Aqdi lill - Alla tal - Libertà, 7 / 15 On a later occasion, Saul was encamped for the night, and he and all his men fell into "a deep sleep from Jehovah. " Highlights From God of Freedom, 7 / 1 Hu saħansitra se jreġġaʼ lura għaż - żgħożija lil dawk leali lejh biex ikunu jistgħu jibbenefikaw mill - protezzjoni tiegħu għal dejjem. - Ġob 33: 25; aqra Ebrej 6: 10. Let us be wise as we work hard to beautify the spiritual paradise! He will even return to youth those loyal to him so that they can benefit from his protection forever. - Job 33: 25; read Hebrews 6: 10. (Salm 48: 15 [48: 14, NW]) Bħas - salmista, Kristjani għaqlin qatt ma jieqfu jfittxu lil Alla għall - gwida. He performed the surgery in two stages two weeks apart. Like the psalmist, wise Christians never stop seeking God for guidance. In - nies bdew jiġru lejn kull naħa tal - vapur għad - dgħajjes tas - salvataġġ. Even Bible texts were scraped off vellum pages so that these could be reused to record other information. People rushed to each side of the ship for the rescue boats. Lanqas ma kienu armati biex iwettqu l - profezija taʼ Isaija 61: 1 - 3, li Ġesù qara b'leħen għoli u applikaha għalih innifsu. • What motive should we have in our personal study? Nor were they equipped to fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah 61: 1 - 3, which Jesus read aloud and applied to himself. (Aqra Galatin 5: 13.) Read Isaiah 53: 7, 8. (Read Galatians 5: 13.) Ġesù għala kien jitgħaxxaq jgħallem lin - nies dwar Ġeħova? When There Is "Tribulation " Why did Jesus delight in teaching people about Jehovah? Il - Baħar il - Mejjet - imsejjaħ hekk peress li l - ammont għoli taʼ melħ li għandu jagħmilha impossibbli għall - ħlejjaq tal - baħar biex jgħixu fih - hu l - iktar medda taʼ ilma baxx fid - dinja, 400 metru taħt il - livell tal - baħar. The first one that may come to mind is found at 1 Corinthians 15: 33, which says: "Bad associations spoil useful habits. " The Dead Sea - so - called because the high amount of salt that should make it impossible for marine creatures to live in - is the world's lowest stretch of water, 500 feet [400 m] below sea level. Macmillan, li kien qeda bħala indokratur li jivvjaġġa fi żmien Ħuna Russell. Jehovah is the very essence of love, and he is eternal. Macmillan, who had served as a traveling overseer in Brother Russell's day. F'okkażjoni oħra iktar tard, waqt li Sawl u l - irġiel tiegħu kienu kkampjati bil - lejl, waqaʼ fuqhom " ngħas tqil mingħand il - Mulej. ' This extremely demanding situation was to continue for 30 years. On another occasion later, while Saul and his men were camped at night, they fell on them "heavy sleep from Jehovah. " Ejja nkunu għaqlin hekk kif nistinkaw biex insebbħu l - ġenna spiritwali! I had in fact interrupted a court case, and I was talking to the judge. Let us be wise as we strive to beautify the spiritual paradise! Hu għamel l - operazzjoni f'darbtejn, waħda ġimagħtejn wara l - oħra. That is what many today ask. He had surgery two weeks after two weeks. Anki versi Bibliċi kienu jinbarxu biex jitneħħew minn fuq parċmina fina ħalli terġaʼ tintuża biex titniżżel bil - miktub informazzjoni oħra. I cannot thank Jehovah enough for his compassion and forgiveness. " - Psalm 103: 9 - 13; 130: 3, 4; Galatians 6: 7, 8. Bible verses were also scrapped to remove a fine pair from us to be used to record other information in writing. • X'għandu jkun il - motiv għall - istudju persunali tagħna? Haman, however, sat drinking with the king, unmoved by the grief he had stirred up among the many Jews and their friends in Shushan. - Esther 3: 12 - 4: 1. • What should be the motive for our personal study? Aqra Isaija 53: 7, 8. The apostle Paul's life differed greatly from King Solomon's. Read Isaiah 53: 7, 8. Meta Jkun Hemm it - "Tribulazzjoni " There were no dictionaries or language courses, so we decided to try to learn from 10 to 20 new words each day. When There Is "Tribulation " Lewwel wieħed li jistaʼ jiġik f'moħħok jinsab fl - 1 Korintin 15: 33, fejn naqraw: "Kumpanija ħażina tħassar id - drawwiet siewja. " Sad to say, occasionally some Christians lose their sense of urgency and come to believe that by serving God they are missing out on something good. The first to bear in mind is found at 1 Corinthians 15: 33, where we read: "Bad associations spoil useful habits. " Ġeħova huwa l - essenza tal - imħabba, u huwa etern. It is always wise to follow God's standards Jehovah is the essence of love, and he is eternal. Din is - sitwazzjoni li kienet titlob ħafna attenzjoni u enerġija damet sejra 30 sena. Tim: I never thought of it that way before, but that makes sense! This much - attentioned, energy situation lasted 30 years. Fil - fatt kont interrompejt każ tal - qorti, u kont qed nitkellem maʼ l - imħallef. Without my knowledge, he took the initiative to send a CD player to my house. I had actually interrupted a court case, and I was talking to the judge. Ħafna llum hekk jistaqsu. ▪ It is estimated by some that 100,000 Internet sites include material on child pornography. Many today ask. Ma nistax nirringrazzja lil Ġeħova biżżejjed għall - mogħdrija u l - maħfra tiegħu. " - Salm 103: 9 - 13; 130: 3, 4; Galatin 6: 7, 8. Rather than focusing on our mistakes, he focuses on our good points. I cannot thank Jehovah enough for his compassion and forgiveness. " - Psalm 103: 9 - 13; 130: 3, 4; Galatians 6: 7, 8. Madankollu, Ħaman qagħad jixrob mas - sultan, u ma tqanqalx min - niket li kien ikkaġuna fost il - ħafna Lhud u l - ħbieb tagħhom f'Susan. - Ester 3: 12 - 4: 1. It adds that "80 percent of [Polish] schoolchildren do not like their school because they feel lonely and find it difficult to get along with teachers and other students. " However, Haman drank with the king, and he was not moved by the grief he had caused among the many Jews and their friends at Susan. - Esther 3: 12 - 4: 1. Il - ħajja tal - appostlu Pawlu kienet differenti ferm mill - ħajja tas - Sultan Salamun. Why? The apostle Paul's life was very different from King Solomon's life. Ma kien hemm l - ebda dizzjunarju u lanqas korsijiet tal - lingwa, allura ddeċidejna li nipprovaw nitgħallmu bejn 10 kelmiet u 20 kelma ġdida kuljum. A fragment of the "Septuagint " dating from the first century C.E. There was no dictionary nor language courses, so we decided to try to learn between 10 and 20 new words a day. B'dispjaċir ngħidu, kultant xi Kristjani jitilfu s - sens t'urġenza u jibdew jemmnu li minħabba li qed jaqdu lil Alla qed jitilfu xi ħaġa tajba. Laws may have a limited application and may be just temporary. Sadly, some Christians sometimes lose their sense of urgency and begin to believe that serving God is losing something good. Huwa dejjem għaqli li nsegwu l - livelli t'Alla " He Leads Me Beside Quiet Waters " It is always wise to follow God's standards Tim: Qatt ma ħsibt dwar dan, imma jagħmel sens! You do not fling it with such force that you injure your partner. Tim: I never thought about it, but it makes sense! Mingħajr ma kont naf, qabad u bagħat CD plejer id - dar tiegħi. A Prophetic Woman Sheds Forth Light I didn't know, and she sent a CD player to my home. ▪ Huwa stmat minn xi wħud li 100,000 site taʼ l - Internet jinkludu materjal dwar il - pornografija bit - tfal. By all means, then, let us be determined to show in our daily life and in the decisions we make that the leadership of the Christ is real to us. ▪ It is estimated by some that 100,000 Internet sites include child pornography material. Minflok ma jiffoka fuq l - iżbalji tagħna, hu jiffoka fuq il - kwalitajiet tajbin tagħna. Many worship the gods of their religion, but these may simply be lifeless gods that can no more save than could Baal in Elijah's day. Rather than focusing on our mistakes, he focuses on our good qualities. Kendrick u t - tim tiegħu sabu li wara li n - nagħaġ kienu raw l - uċuħ għal ftit ġimgħat, dawn baqgħu jiftakru s - 60 wiċċ "għal minn taʼ l - inqas sentejn. " Articles on health have also become popular. Kendrick and his team found that after the sheep had seen the faces for a few weeks, they kept remembering the 60 faces "for at least two years. " Għala? * Why? Framment mis - "Settanta " li jmur lura għall - ewwel seklu E.K. You can do the same. Fragment from the "Senior " dating back to the first century C.E. Il - Liġijiet jistgħu japplikaw għal affarijiet speċifiċi biss u jistgħu jkunu temporanji. As individuals, we know that our immediate physical protection is not guaranteed. Laws can apply to specific matters only and may be temporary. " Ħdejn Ilmijiet taʼ Serħan Imexxini " " There is an appointed time for everything. " - ECCLESIASTES 3: 1. " Next to Waters of Rejoicing Leads Me " M'intix se twaddbu b'tant saħħa li tkorri lil min ikun qed jilgħab miegħek. When the two brothers were alone, the offended brother started to complain about the sister. You will not be hurled with such strength as to cause the player to become injured. Mara Profetika Tixħet id - Dawl * (See footnote.) A Prophetic Wife Crushes Light Ċertament, mela, ejja nkunu determinati li nuru li t - tmexxija taʼ Kristu hija reali għalina fil - ħajja tagħna taʼ kuljum u fid - deċiżjonijiet li nagħmlu. In time, your children will have to make a personal decision as to whom they will serve. Surely, then, let us be determined to show that Christ's leadership is real to us in our daily life and in our decisions. Ħafna jqimu l - allat tar - reliġjon tagħhom, imma dawn sempliċement jistgħu jkunu allat bla ħajja li ma jistgħu jsalvaw lil ħadd, l - istess bħalma kien Bagħal fi żmien Elija. The disease has already been eradicated in the Americas and the Western Pacific. Many worship the gods of their religion, but they can simply be lifeless gods that cannot save anyone, just as Baal was in Elijah's day. L - artikli dwar is - saħħa wkoll saru popolari. Thus, this scripture does not mean that in every case a child "will not turn aside from it " but that generally speaking this would be the result. Health articles have also become popular. * Do you share that view of life? * Int tistaʼ tagħmel l - istess. Proverbs 21: 5 says: "The plans of the diligent surely lead to success. " You can do the same. Bħala individwi, aħna nafu li l - protezzjoni fiżika u immedjata tagħna mhix garantita. Jehovah's Witnesses in Germany suffered brutal and prolonged persecution under both of the 20th - century totalitarian regimes As individuals, we know that our physical and immediate protection is not guaranteed. " Għal kollox hemm żmien stabbilit. " - EKKLEŻJASTI 3: 1. " This Is the Way. " For all things there is an appointed time. " - ECCLESIATES 3: 1. Meta ż - żewġ aħwa kienu waħedhom, il - ħu li ħa għalih beda jgerger dwar l - oħt. Of the more than 600 laws that made up the Mosaic Law, which was the most important? When the two brothers were alone, his brother began to complain about the sister. * (Ara n - nota taʼ taħt.) God blessed him, and as stated at Genesis 39: 23, "Jehovah was with Joseph. " * (See footnote.) Hekk kif jikbru, uliedek għandhom jiddeċiedu għalihom infushom jekk humiex se jaqdu lil Ġeħova. Another Reformer called for Campanus ' execution. As they grow older, your children should decide for themselves whether they will serve Jehovah. Il - marda diġà ġiet meqruda kompletament fl - Amerika taʼ Fuq u t'Isfel u fil - Paċifiku tal - Punent. Remember that even if no other human is monitoring us, we are not unobserved. The disease has already been completely eradicated in North and South America and the Western Pacific. B'hekk, l - iskrittura ma tfissirx li f'kull każ it - tifel, jew it - tifla, "ma joħroġx minnha " imma b'mod ġenerali dan ikun ir - riżultat. What are some of the dangers that are of particular concern to Christians? Thus, the scripture does not mean that in every case the child, or the child, " does not come out of it " but is generally the result. Tħares int lejn il - ħajja bl - istess mod? Women, who have traditionally worked at home, find themselves in offices or along roadways selling fruits, vegetables, fish, and woven baskets. Do you similarly view life? Proverbji 21: 5 jgħid: "Il - pjanijiet tal - ħabrieki żgur li jkunu taʼ vantaġġ għalih. " Right there in Leicester, I filled in my application to join the ranks of the pioneers. Proverbs 21: 5 states: "The plans of the diligent will certainly be advantageous to him. " Ix - Xhieda taʼ Jehovah fil - Ġermanja sofrew persekuzzjoni ħarxa u għal perijodu twil taħt iż - żewġ reġimi totalitarji tas - seklu 20 You see, I don't like to start something and not finish it. " Jehovah's Witnesses in Germany have suffered severe and long - term persecution under the two 20th - century totalitarian regimes " Din Hi t - Triq. Names in this article have been changed. " This Is the Way. Ladarba l - Liġi Mosajka kienet tikkonsisti f'iktar minn 600 liġi, liema waħda kienet l - iżjed importanti? What Patricia learned taught her that having lasting happiness and a sure hope for the future depend not on location or money but on having insight into God and his purpose for us. Since the Mosaic Law consisted of more than 600 laws, which one was most important? Alla bierku, u kif jgħid Ġenesi 39: 23, "il - Mulej kien miegħu. " Funds are used to operate branch offices, translate and produce Bibles and Bible literature, arrange for large Christian gatherings, train and send out traveling overseers and missionaries, provide disaster relief, as well as for many other essential purposes. God blessed him, and as Genesis 39: 23 says, "Jehovah was with him. " Riformista ieħor talab li Campanus jiġi maqtul. True, there is nothing wrong with eating, drinking, and engaging in wholesome forms of entertainment when done in moderation. Another reformer asked that Campanus be killed. Ftakar li anki jekk l - ebda bniedem ieħor ma jkun qed josservana, hemm xi ħadd jarana. Well, the children started whispering among themselves, and then everyone got hold of his money box and emptied it onto the table. Remember that even if no other human is observing us, there is someone who sees us. Liema huma xi ftit mill - perikli li huma taʼ interess partikulari għall - Kristjani? New Zealand boasts an odd assortment of wildlife, with more species of flightless birds than anywhere else in the world. What are some of the dangers that are of particular interest to Christians? In - nisa, fejn qabel kienu jaħdmu d - dar, issa qed isibu xogħol f'xi uffiċċju jew inkella ssibhom maʼ xi ġenb tat - triq ibigħu l - frott, il - ħaxix, il - ħut, u l - basktijiet magħmulin mill - qasab. Associate their experiences with specific circumstances in your life. Women, where they previously worked at home, are now finding work in an office or find them on a street side sell fruits, vegetables, fish, and cane bags. Kien f'Leicester stess li applikajt biex naqdi bħala pijunier. Her husband adds: "Through persistent prayers together, we have drawn closer to God and to each other, and that has provided the needed comfort. " It was in Leicester himself that I applied for pioneering. Għamilt hekk għax niddejjaq nibda xi ħaġa u ma nkomplihiex. " Regular prayer for Jehovah's direction is essential if we are to exercise good judgment and act wisely. I have done so because I get tired of something and do not continue it. " L - ismijiet f'dan l - artiklu ġew mibdulin. Highlights From John, 4 / 15 Highlights From Acts, 5 / 15 Names in this article have been changed. Patricia tgħallmet li l - ferħ dejjiemi u t - tama żgura għall - futur ma jiddependux mill - pajjiż jew mill - flus imma milli jkollok għarfien dwar Alla u dwar l - iskop tiegħu għalina. Many sincere Tinggians have since begun glorifying Jehovah "from the top of the mountains. " Patricia learned that lasting happiness and a sure hope for the future do not depend on land or money but on knowledge of God and his purpose for us. Il - flus jintużaw għax - xogħol fl - uffiċċji tal - fergħa, għat - traduzzjoni u l - pubblikazzjoni taʼ Bibbji u letteratura Biblika, għall - organizzar taʼ laqgħat Kristjani kbar, għat - taħriġ taʼ l - indokraturi li jivvjaġġaw u l - missjunarji li mbagħad jintbagħtu fl - inkarigi tagħhom, għall - għoti t'għajnuna f'każ taʼ diżastru, kif ukoll għal ħafna skopijiet essenzjali oħra. They are satisfied as long as they feel secure, despite the threatening situations that may surround them. Money is used for work at branch offices, for the translation and publication of Bibles and Bible literature, for the organization of large Christian meetings, for the training of traveling overseers and missionaries who are then sent to their assignments, for disaster relief, as well as for many other essential purposes. Veru, m'hemm xejn ħażin meta nieklu, nixorbu, jew nieħdu sehem f'xi forom taʼ divertiment li jibnu jekk isiru bil - moderazzjoni. ▪ Why is ALS also called Lou Gehrig's disease? True, there is nothing wrong when we eat, drink, or engage in some forms of upbuilding entertainment if they are done in moderation. Sewwa, it - tfal bdew ifesfsu bejniethom, imbagħad kulħadd qabad il - karus tiegħu u battlu fuq il - mejda. For the benefit of those suffering anxiety, Jehovah's prophet was told: "Say to those who are anxious at heart: " Be strong. Do not be afraid. Look! Well, the children began to walk among themselves, then everyone picked up his carus and hurled him on the table. Il - pajjiż taʼ New Zealand hu kburi li għandu diversi annimali u pjanti fl - abitat naturali tagħhom u li għandu iktar speċi t'għasafar li ma jtirux minn kwalunkwe post ieħor fid - dinja. Yet, when we raise our eyes and telescopes heavenward, what do we see? The land of New Zealand is proud to have various animals and plants in their natural habitat and to have more species of ratites than anywhere else in the world. Qabbel l - esperjenzi tagħhom maʼ ċirkustanzi speċifiċi f'ħajtek. I wondered. Taking a Stand for Bible Truth Compare their experiences with specific circumstances in your life. Żewġha jżid: "It - talb kontinwu li tlabna flimkien ressaqna iktar qrib lejn Alla u lejn xulxin, u dan ipprovdielna l - faraġ li kellna bżonn. " The washing of the anointed is accomplished "by means of the word, " and this requires that they wholeheartedly apply Christ's teachings in their lives. Her husband adds: "The constant prayer that we prayed together brought us closer to God and to one another, and it provided us with the comfort we needed. " Talb regulari għad - direzzjoni taʼ Jehovah huwa essenzjali jekk irridu li naġixxu bil - għaqal u bl - għerf. Our families and congregations will be peaceful, and everyone will feel loved, valued, and safe. Regular prayer for Jehovah's direction is essential if we are to act wisely and wisely. Dawk b ' "Attitudni Xierqa " Qed Iwieġbu, 1 / 15 FEAR has many facets. Jehovah's Witnesses, 1 / 15 Minn dakinhar ' l hawn ħafna Tingjani sinċieri bdew jigglorifikaw lil Jehovah minn "qċaċet il - muntanji. " But has not God foreordained at least some individuals to be rulers with Jesus Christ? Since then, many sincere Tingians have come to glorify Jehovah from "the peaks of the mountains. " Huma jinsabu sodisfatti sakemm iħossuhom fis - sigurtà, minkejja li madwarhom jistaʼ jkun hemm sitwazzjonijiet li huma taʼ theddida. By now you may have identified a few realistic options. They are satisfied as long as they feel secure, even though there may be threat situations around them. ▪ L - ALS għala tissejjaħ ukoll il - marda taʼ Lou Gehrig? In a similar way, when pressures are heavy or our problems seem insurmountable, it is most comforting to turn to Jehovah in prayer and open our hearts to him. ▪ Why is ALS also called Lou Gehrig's disease? Għall - benefiċċju taʼ dawk li jġarrbu l - ansjetà, Ġeħova qal lill - profeta tiegħu: "Għidu lil dawk b'qalbhom imbeżżgħa: " Agħmlu l - ħila, la tibżgħux! Your donations help our worldwide work (See paragraphs 14 - 16) For the benefit of those suffering anxiety, Jehovah told his prophet: "Speak to those who are afraid: " Do not be afraid. Madankollu, meta nerfgħu ħarsitna lejn is - sema u nifluh permezz taʼ teleskopji, x'naraw? However, some were hypocrites because in secret they were committing theft or adultery. However, when we walked to heaven and looked at him by means of telescopying, what do we see? Il - Waqfa Tiegħi għall - Verità tal - Bibbja In 845 C.E., Vikings even plundered Paris. My Stop for Bible Truth Il - midlukin jitnaddfu "permezz tal - kelma. " Dan ifisser li jridu japplikaw b'qalbhom kollha t - tagħlim taʼ Kristu f'ħajjithom. 1: 3, 4. The anointed are cleaned "by means of the word, " which means that they must apply with all their heart the teachings of Christ in their lives. Il - familji u l - kongregazzjonijiet tagħna se jkunu fil - paċi, u kulħadd se jħossu maħbub, apprezzat, u protett. Let us "do [our] utmost to be found finally by [God] spotless and unblemished and in peace. " - 2 Peter 3: 14. Our families and congregations will be at peace, and everyone will feel loved, appreciated, and protected. IL - BIŻAʼ għandu ħafna wċuħ. The Bible chronicler Ezra writes: "[Josiah] proceeded to do what was right in Jehovah's eyes and walk in the ways of David his forefather; and he did not turn aside to the right or to the left. " BODY has many faces. Imma mhux Alla stess iddetermina minn qabel li xi individwi se jkunu ħakkiema maʼ Ġesù Kristu? When Jesus Christ taught in his hometown, the astounded audience asked: "Is this not the carpenter's son? But did not God himself determine in advance that some individuals will be rulers with Jesus Christ? Għandek mnejn li s'issa ħsibt f'xi għażliet realistiċi. My family worked a lonely grain farm near the remote country town of Kimba, situated at the midpoint of the vast Australian continent and on the southern edge of the great desert outback. You may have thought of realistic choices so far. B'mod simili, meta l - pressjonijiet huma diffiċli biex nissaportuhom jew il - problemi tagħna jidhru li ma jistgħux jissolvew, huwa taʼ faraġ li nduru lejn Jehovah fit - talb u niftħu qalbna miegħu. Why do some policemen become corrupt? Similarly, when pressures are difficult to endure or our problems seem to be unsolvable, it is comforting to turn to Jehovah in prayer and open our heart to him. Il - kontribuzzjonijiet tagħkom jgħinu fix - xogħol tagħna taʼ madwar id - dinja (Ara paragrafi 14 - 16) [ Footnotes] Your contributions help with our worldwide work (See paragraphs 14 - 16) Madankollu, xi wħud kienu ipokriti għax kienu qed jisirqu jew jagħmlu adulterju bil - moħbi. Only when that occurs can God's will be done on earth as it is being done in heaven. However, some were hypocritical because they were stealing or committing adultery in secret. Fit - 845 E.K., il - Vikingi saħansitra attakkaw lil Pariġi. How may we determine whether our view of success matches God's view? In 845 C.E., the Vikings even attacked Paris. 1: 3, 4. And it wants you to believe that you can have its form of fun without pain. 1: 3, 4. Ejja " nagħmlu ħilitna biex fl - aħħar inkunu misjubin minn [Alla] fis - sliem, bla tebgħa u bla dnub. ' - 2 Pietru 3: 14, NW. I was entrusted with the task of providing congregations with Bible literature. Let us " do our utmost to be finally found by [God] in peace, without spot and without sin. " - 2 Peter 3: 14. Esdra, li kien iżomm il - kronoloġija tal - Bibbja, jikteb: "[Ġosija] għamel is - sewwa f'għajnejn il - Mulej, u mexa fit - triqat kollha taʼ David, missieru, u ma kisirx la lejn il - lemin u lanqas lejn ix - xellug. " But soon I became fully aware of man's thirst for power. Ezra, who kept the Bible chronology, writes: "[Josiah] did what was right in the eyes of Jehovah and walked in all the ways of David, his father, and did not break neither to the right nor to the left. " Meta Ġesù Kristu għallem fil - belt fejn twieled, dawk fl - udjenza baqgħu mbellhin u staqsew: "Dan m'huwiex bin il - mastrudaxxa? But then, Jesus performed a miracle. When Jesus Christ taught in the city where he was born, those in the audience were delighted and asked: "Is that not the carpenter's son? Il - familja tiegħi kienet tkabbar il - qamħ f'post iżolat viċin Kimba, raħal maqtugħ għalih waħdu f'nofs il - kontinent vast Awstraljan u fin - naħa t'isfel tad - deżert il - kbir, f'parti magħrufa bħala l - buxx. Another evidence that Jehovah appreciates and values our expressions of godly devotion can be seen in what the Bible says about prayer. My family grew the wheat in an isolated area near Kimba, a single village in the midst of the vast Australian continent and in the south of the great desert, in a part known as the bush. Għala jsiru korrotti xi wħud mill - pulizija? Jesus showed discernment by the way he lived his life. Why do some policemen become corrupt? [ Noti taʼ taħt] Epaphras was from that area. [ Footnotes] Hu biss wara li jiġri dan li r - rieda t'Alla se sseħħ fuq l - art bħalma qed isseħħ fis - sema. The Bible shows that the apostle Paul knew that prayer can affect the outcome of such crises. Only after this happens will God's will take place on earth as is happening in heaven. Kif nistgħu nkunu nafu jekk inqisux is - suċċess bħalma jqisu Alla? As Christ's modern - day disciples, we recognize this truth when engaging in our ministry. How can we know if we view success as God does? U din tridek temmen li int tistaʼ tgawdi t - tip taʼ divertiment li toffri hi mingħajr ebda tbatija. Millions who exercise faith in Jesus and obey him will enjoy life in a paradise on earth. - Read Psalm 37: 9 - 11. And it wants you to believe that you can enjoy the type of entertainment you offer without any suffering. Ngħatajt l - inkarigu li nipprovdi l - letteratura Biblika lill - kongregazzjonijiet. To appreciate fully the import of this illustration, read Luke 17: 22 - 33. I was assigned to provide Bible literature to the congregations. Imma ma domtx ma indunajt bil - kilba tal - bniedem għall - poter. The psalmist David noted the importance of integrity on occasions when he may have been alone. Soon, though, I realized the human craving for power. Imma mbagħad, Ġesù wettaq miraklu. She has had two major operations and deals with severe pain every day. But then, Jesus performed a miracle. Evidenza oħra li Ġeħova japprezza u jqis l - espressjonijiet tagħna taʼ devozzjoni lejh nistgħu narawha minn dak li tgħid il - Bibbja dwar it - talb. Our capacity for being joyful even in times of trouble will also be considered. Other evidence that Jehovah appreciates and takes into account our expressions of devotion to him can be seen from what the Bible says about prayer. Ġesù wera d - dixxerniment mill - mod kif għex ħajtu. And what is the consensus of those who serve where the need is greater? Jesus showed discernment from the way he lived his life. Epafra kien minn dawk l - inħawi. An arrow will not reach its target by accident. Epaphras was from that area. Il - Bibbja turina li l - appostlu Pawlu kien jaf li t - talb jistaʼ jeffettwa r - riżultat taʼ xi kriżi. Illustrate. The Bible shows that the apostle Paul knew that prayer can affect the outcome of a crisis. Aħna, bħala d - dixxipli taʼ Ġesù f'dan iż - żmien, nagħrfu kemm dan huwa minnu meta nieħdu sehem fil - ministeru tagħna. Pleasing our greatest Friend, Jehovah, is always the right thing to do. As Jesus ' disciples at this time, we recognize how true this is when we share in our ministry. Miljuni li jeżerċitaw il - fidi f'Ġesù u jobduh se jgawdu ħajja f'Ġenna fuq l - art. - Aqra Salm 37: 9 - 11. Jesus was aware that his Father would be greatly pained to see his beloved Son treated in such a barbaric fashion. Millions who exercise faith in and obey Jesus will enjoy life in Paradise on earth. - Read Psalm 37: 9 - 11. Sabiex tifhem bis - sħiħ l - importanza taʼ din it - tixbiha, aqra Luqa 17: 22 - 33. Why? To fully understand the importance of this illustration, read Luke 17: 22 - 33. Is - salmista David wera l - importanza taʼ l - integrità f'okkażjonijiet meta hu forsi kien waħdu. The second article shows how we can pursue peace. The psalmist David showed the importance of integrity on occasions when he may have been alone. Hi għamlet żewġ operazzjonijiet serji u kuljum tkampa maʼ wġigħ qawwi. [ Chart] She has undergone two serious operations and copes with severe pain every day. Se jiġi kunsidrat ukoll l - abbiltà tagħna li nkunu ferħanin anki fi żminijiet t'inkwiet. IT CAN happen to the best of friends. Our ability to be happy even in times of trouble will also be considered. U dawk li jaqdu fejn il - bżonn ikun akbar, kif iħossuhom dwar l - istil taʼ ħajja li jgħixu? After that we sailed across the Mediterranean Sea, the Suez Canal, and the Indian Ocean to Malaysia and then to Hong Kong. And how do those who serve where the need is greater feel about the lifestyle they live? Vleġġa mhix se tolqot il - mira b'kumbinazzjoni. We have amazing examples of faith among our brothers and sisters today A arrow will not hit the goal by chance. Agħti eżempju. These words were striking. Give an example. Li nogħġbu lill - akbar Ħabib tagħna, Ġeħova, hu dejjem l - aħjar ħaġa li nistgħu nagħmlu. We find an important warning at Hebrews 6: 1. To please our greatest Friend, Jehovah, is always the best thing we can do. Hu kien konxju li Missieru kien se jħoss uġigħ kbir meta jara lil Ibnu l - maħbub jiġi trattat b'dan il - mod barbariku. Some young people have learned the truth of God's Word on their own, without the help of their parents. He was aware that his Father would feel great pain when he saw his beloved Son be treated in this barbaric way. Għala? NOVEMBER 26, 2012 - DECEMBER 2, 2012 Why? It - tieni artiklu juri kif nistgħu nirsistu għall - paċi. These references leave little doubt as to the historical reality of this Bible character. The second article shows how we can pursue peace. [ Tabella] * "I often thought about escaping, " Blessing explains," but I was afraid of what they would do to my family. [ Chart] TISTAʼ tiġri lill - iktar ħbieb intimi. Although not really interested in what the elderly sister had to say and not thinking she would hear from her again, Renata gave her her telephone number. YOU CAN happen to the closest friends. Wara, qsamna l - Baħar Mediterran, għaddejna mill - Kanal tas - Swejz u l - Oċean Indjan għall - Malasja, u mbagħad għal Ħong Kong. In all your ways take notice of him, and he will make your paths straight. " Afterward, we crossed the Mediterranean Sea, passing through the Swiss Channel and the Indian Ocean to Malaysia, and then to Hong Kong. Għandna eżempji eċċellenti taʼ fidi fost ħutna rġiel u nisa llum Malwina preparing the presentation a few days before giving it at school We have excellent examples of faith among our brothers and sisters today Dan il - kliem kien taʼ importanza primarja. I learned a lot about legal work during those days. These words were of primary importance. Aħna nsibu twissija importanti f ' Ebrej 6: 1. Indeed, a lax attitude toward work may bring not only poverty and dissatisfaction but also God's disfavor. We find an important warning at Hebrews 6: 1. Xi żgħażagħ tgħallmu l - verità tal - Kelma t'Alla waħedhom, mingħajr l - għajnuna tal - ġenituri tagħhom. Jehovah himself is the Originator of the family. Some youths have learned the truth of God's Word alone, without the help of their parents. 26 TAʼ NOVEMBRU, 2012 - 2 TAʼ DIĊEMBRU, 2012 A balanced plate favors a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains over meats and starches. NOVEMBER 26, 2012 - DECEMBER 2, 2012 Dawn ir - referenzi ma tantx iħallu dubju dwar ir - realtà storika taʼ dan il - karattru Bibliku. Both men had amazing stamina. These references leave little doubt about the historical reality of this Bible character. " Kemm - il darba ħsibt li naħrab, " tispjega Blessing, "imma kont nibżaʼ minn dak li setgħu jagħmlu lil familti. They tend to perform better in school, at work, and even on the athletic field. " I often thought I fled, " explains Blessing, "but I was afraid of what my family could do. Għalkemm ma tantx kellha interess f'dak li kellha x'tgħidilha l - oħt anzjana u ħasbet li ma kinitx se terġaʼ tismaʼ mingħandha, Renata tatha n - numru tat - telefon. Both have proved unfaithful. Although she had little interest in what the elderly sister had to say and thought she would not hear from her again, Renata gave her the telephone number. Agħti kasu fil - mogħdijiet tiegħek kollha, u hu jiddrittalek triqatek. " We need to allow God's Word to mold our understanding of Jehovah's mind. In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight. " Katarzyna tagħżel l - iskritturi għall - preżentazzjoni We should definitely bear in mind this aspect of the good news as we carry out our Christian ministry. Katarzyna selects scriptures for presentation Matul dak il - perijodu, tgħallimt ħafna dwar ix - xogħol legali. Occasionally, Christians who have confessed their serious sin and who have received spiritual help from congregation elders may still be plagued by concern over past transgressions of God's law. During that period, I learned much about legal work. Tabilħaqq, li wieħed ikun għażżien biex jaħdem jistaʼ jwassal mhux biss għall - faqar u nuqqas taʼ sodisfazzjon imma wkoll għad - diżapprovazzjoni t'Alla. Similarly, if we were to step back and look at the many instances where "heart " is used in the Bible, we could discern that taken together these references form a pattern, or picture. Indeed, being lazy to work can lead not only to poverty and dissatisfaction but also to God's disapproval. Ġeħova nnifsu hu l - Oriġinatur tal - familja. Heredity? Jehovah himself is the Originator of the family. Ikla bilanċjata jkun fiha iktar varjetà taʼ frott, ħaxix, u ikel magħmul minn qamħ sħiħ milli ikel bil - lamtu bħal, pereżempju, patata, ross, ħobż, u għaġin. In the evening, we often studied as a group, and then Paolo helped the children with their homework, especially if it was mathematics. A balanced meal contains more variety of fruits, vegetables, and foods made from whole grain than starchy foods such as potatoes, rice, bread, and pasta. Iż - żewġt irġiel kellhom ħafna enerġija. Yet, the Social Issues Research Centre claims that less than 5 percent of the female population can achieve the media ideal of weight and size. Both men had a lot of energy. Dawn għandhom it - tendenza li jmorru aħjar fl - iskola, fix - xogħol, u saħansitra fil - qasam atletiku. On the contrary, it is part of "the works of the Devil. " They tend to do better at school, at work, and even in the athletic field. It - tnejn li huma wrew li m'humiex leali. Such evangelizers as Philip and his daughters have joyful modern - day counterparts Both showed that they are unfaithful. Għandna bżonn inħallu l - Kelma t'Alla ssawwar il - fehma tagħna dwar moħħ Ġeħova. Who was the Annas mentioned in the Gospel accounts? We need to allow God's Word to shape our understanding of Jehovah's mind. Ċertament għandna nżommu f'moħħna dan l - aspett tal - aħbar tajba hekk kif inwettqu l - ministeru Kristjan tagħna. Consider how some men of faith mourned over the death of a loved one. We certainly should bear in mind this aspect of the good news as we carry out our Christian ministry. Kultant, xi Kristjani li jistqarru d - dnub serju tagħhom u li jirċievu għajnuna spiritwali mingħand l - anzjani tal - kongregazzjoni għandhom mnejn ikunu għadhom inkwetati minħabba li jkunu naqsu li jobdu l - liġi t'Alla fil - passat. Paul wrote: "Let a man so appraise us as being subordinates of Christ and stewards of sacred secrets of God. " At times, some Christians who confess their serious sin and receive spiritual help from congregation elders may still be worried about having failed to obey God's law in the past. B'mod simili, kieku kellna nersqu ftit lura, biex ngħidu hekk, u nħarsu lejn il - ħafna drabi meta tintuża l - kelma "qalb " fil - Bibbja, inkunu nistgħu nifhmu li meta jiġu kunsidrati flimkien dawn ir - referenzi jifformaw disinn, jew stampa. Unquestionably, it is his heartfelt desire to undo death by means of the resurrection. Similarly, if we were to move back a little, so to speak, and we would look at many times when the word "heart " is used in the Bible, we would be able to understand that when considered together these references form a design, or picture. Ereditarja? He does not tire out or grow weary. There is no searching out of his understanding. " - Isaiah 40: 28. Hereditary? Filgħaxija, spiss konna nistudjaw bħala grupp, u mbagħad Paolo kien jgħin lit - tfal fil - ħowmwerk, speċjalment fil - matematika. Why is prayer important when we are trying to resist temptations? In the evening, we often studied as a group, and then Paolo helped children in homework, especially in mathematics. Madankollu, iċ - Ċentru tar - Riċerka taʼ l - Affarijiet Soċjali jsostni li inqas minn 5 fil - mija biss tal - popolazzjoni femminili jistaʼ jkollha l - ideal kif jidher fil - mezzi tax - xandir. ; Papaya, S. However, the Social Affairs Research Center claims that only less than 5 percent of the female population can have the image as seen in the media. Għall - kuntrarju, hi parti mill - "għemejjel tax - Xitan. " Knowing this might prevent you from bringing up an emotional subject when your mate is tired or stressed out. On the contrary, it is part of "the works of the Devil. " Uħud ferriħija llum jixbhu lil evanġelizzaturi bħal Filippu u t - tfal bniet tiegħu Later in the day, a public meeting was scheduled. Happy ones today resemble evangelizers like Philip and his daughters Min kien Anna, imsemmi fir - rakkonti tal - Evanġelju? Eventually, rigid tablets were replaced by sheets of foldable material. Who was Anna, mentioned in the Gospel accounts? Ikkunsidra kif xi rġiel taʼ fidi tnikktu minħabba l - mewt taʼ xi ħadd li kienu jħobbu. Later Jesus explained that he, as God's Son, had no obligation to pay such tax. Consider how some men of faith were grieved by the death of a loved one. Pawlu kien jaf li kien responsabbli mis - "sigrieti sagri, " jew il - veritajiet tal - Bibbja, u li kellu jgħallimhom lil oħrajn. [ Credit Line] Paul knew that he was responsible for "the sacred secrets, " or Bible truths, and that he would teach others. Mingħajr dubju taʼ xejn, hija x - xewqa mill - qalb tiegħu li jneħħi l - effetti tal - mewt permezz taʼ l - irxoxt. " The Kingdom of the Heavens Has Drawn Near " Undoubtedly, it is his heartfelt desire to remove the effects of death by means of the resurrection. Ma jegħja qatt, u ma jinkeddx, l - għerf tiegħu ma ssibx tarfu. " - Isaija 40: 28. Yet, the people of that city persisted in their wickedness. He will not become tired, and he will not grow down, and his wisdom you will not know. " - Isaiah 40: 28. Għala għandna bżonn nitolbu meta nkunu qed niġġieldu kontra t - tentazzjonijiet? You must view your relationship with Jehovah as more precious than some form of entertainment. - 2 Corinthians 6: 17, 18. Why do we need to pray when we are fighting temptations? Ħafna żgħażagħ Kristjani jsibu li l - aħjar ħaġa li jistgħu jagħmlu biex ma jħossuhomx waħedhom hi li jerġgħu jaqbdu r - rutina spiritwali tagħhom. And when judges and juries in those courts tried to take away our right to preach, we went to higher courts where we often won. Many young Christians find that the best thing they can do not feel lonely is to get back on their spiritual routine. ; Papaya, S. Also, those who help should avoid any conduct that could be misunderstood by some inside or outside the congregation as morally wrong. ; Papaya, S. Dan l - għarfien jistaʼ jgħinek biex ma tqajjimx xi suġġett emozzjonali meta l - parti l - oħra tkun għajjiena jew stressata. He may insist on stereotyping thousands or even millions of people, assuming that they all share certain bad qualities. Such knowledge can help you not to raise an emotional subject when your mate is tired or stressed. Għaldaqstant, stajna nibdew nippridkaw kmieni. Understanding, 4 / 1 So we could start preaching early. Maż - żmien, folji taʼ materjal li setaʼ jiltewa ħadu post it - twavel riġidi. [ Box on page 15] In time, sheets of material that could be pierced replaced the rigid tablets. Iktar tard, Ġesù spjegalu li hu, bħala l - Iben t'Alla, ma kienx obbligat iħallasha din it - taxxa. • How does a human learn to love? Later, Jesus explained that he, as God's Son, was not obliged to pay this tax. [ Sors] Studying chapters 12 to 16 of the book, I found clear answers to my questions: " Why do I get so depressed and feel lonely? ' [ Credit Line] " Is - Saltna tas - Smewwiet Waslet " Jehovah chose him to oversee the building of the temple in Jerusalem, one of the most important construction projects of all time! " The Kingdom of the Heavens Has Arrived " Xorta waħda, in - nies taʼ dik il - belt komplew bil - ħażen tagħhom. In addition, if a person knows that his or her mate was immoral and chooses to resume sexual relations with the guilty mate, this means that he or she has forgiven the mate. Still, the people of that city continued their wickedness. Int trid tqis ir - relazzjoni tiegħek maʼ Jehovah bħala xi ħaġa iktar prezzjuża minn xi tip taʼ divertiment. - 2 Korintin 6: 17, 18. Some believers were disturbed when it seemed that God had not responded to their prayers. You must view your relationship with Jehovah as something more precious than some kind of entertainment. - 2 Corinthians 6: 17, 18. U meta l - imħallfin u l - ġuriji f'dawk il - qrati pprovaw ineħħulna d - dritt li nippritkaw, appellajna lill - qrati superjuri u ħafna drabi rbaħna. The King Completes His Conquest And when judges and juries in those courts tried to remove our right to preach, we appealed to the superior courts and often won us. Ukoll, dawk li qed jgħinu għandhom jevitaw kwalunkwe kondotta li tistaʼ tidher moralment ħażina f'għajnejn uħud barra jew ġewwa l - kongregazzjoni. Linda was afraid of what others might think or say whenever she went out in the ministry. Also, those who are helping should avoid any conduct that might seem morally wrong in the eyes of people outside or within the congregation. Hu forsi jinsisti li jittimbra eluf jew saħansitra miljuni taʼ persuni, billi jassumi li kollha għandhom l - istess kwalitajiet ħżiena. It is reasonable to conclude that like his parents, he went to Gehenna when he died. He may insist on stamping thousands or even millions of people, assuming that they all have the same bad qualities. " Ħallu lil Alla Jkun Jaf X'Teħtieġu, " 9 / 1 Those who support the Kingdom arrangement through Christ, the Son of the living God, will live to enjoy eternal blessings. " Let God Know What You Need, " 9 / 1 [ Kaxxa f'paġna 15] " Early exposure to maternal voice, " concluded the study, "exerts a beneficial effect on preterm infants. " [ Box on page 15] • Bniedem kif jitgħallem iħobb? In the last five years, more than 250,000 have started pioneering, and now there are over 1,100,000 regular pioneers. • How does a man learn to love? Meta studjajt kapitli 12 sa 16 tal - ktieb, sibt tweġibiet ċari għall - mistoqsijiet tiegħi: " Għala nħossni daqshekk dipressa u waħdi? ' How did the spirit that Satan promotes become so pervasive? When I studied chapters 12 to 16 of the book, I found clear answers to my questions: " Why do I feel so depressed and lonely? ' Ġeħova għażlu biex jieħu ħsieb il - bini tat - tempju f'Ġerusalemm, wieħed mill - iktar proġetti taʼ kostruzzjoni importanti li qatt kien hawn! And that includes cities in the prosperous industrialized world. Jehovah chose to care for the construction of the temple in Jerusalem, one of the most important construction projects ever! Iżjed minn hekk, jekk oħt issir taf li s - sieħeb tagħha għamel xi att immorali u tagħżel li jerġaʼ jkollha x'taqsam miegħu sesswalment, dan ifisser li l - oħt ħafret lis - sieħeb tagħha. " We expect children to build their academic knowledge cumulatively each year. Moreover, if a sister learns that her mate has committed an immoral act and chooses to have sexual relations again, this means that the sister has wasted her mate. Xi kredenti tnikktu meta dehrilhom li Alla ma kienx wieġeb it - talb tagħhom. Budny set to work on the project about 1567. Some believers grieved when it seemed to them that God had not answered their prayers. Is - Sultan Iwettaq Għalkollox il - Konkwista Tiegħu Then, as recorded at Psalm 56: 8, David makes these intriguing statements: "My being a fugitive you yourself have reported. Do put my tears in your skin bottle. King Completely Fulfills His Conquest Linda kienet tibżaʼ minn dak li oħrajn għandu mnejn jaħsbu jew jgħidu kull meta kienet toħroġ fil - ministeru. Paul called attention to what possible result of the good news? Linda feared what others might think or say whenever she went out in the ministry. Huwa raġunevoli li nikkonkludu li bħall - ġenituri tiegħu, hu mar f'Geħenna meta miet. Ancient inscriptions indicate that they were held in Babylon as early as the third millennium B.C.E. It is reasonable to conclude that like his parents, he went to Gehenna when he died. Dawk li jappoġġaw l - arranġament tas - Saltna permezz taʼ Kristu, l - Iben taʼ dak Alla ħaj, se jgħixu u jgawdu barkiet eterni. It has also been shown that recovering alcoholics who help others become significantly less depressed and can improve their odds of avoiding a relapse. Those who support the Kingdom arrangement through Christ, the Son of the living God, will live and enjoy eternal blessings. " Li jisimgħu l - vuċi tal - omm minn kmieni, " jikkonkludi l - istudju, "iħalli effett pożittiv fuq trabi li jkunu twieldu qabel iż - żmien. " " Experiencing how their brothers elsewhere had come to their aid increased their confidence in Jehovah. " " Listening the mother's voice early on, " concludes the study, "it has a positive effect on premature babies. " Fl - aħħar ħames snin, iktar minn 250,000 persuna bdew ix - xogħol taʼ pijunier, u issa hemm ' il fuq minn 1,100,000 pijunier regolari. The 90th Psalm, where we find that plea, certainly merits our careful consideration. Over the last five years, more than 250,000 people have started pioneering, and now there are over 1,500 regular pioneers. L - ispirtu li jippromwovi Satana kif sar daqshekk mifrux? How true are those words today in a world plagued with potentially dangerous diseases! How did the spirit Satan promote become so widespread? U dan jinkludi bliet fid - dinja industrijalizzata li hija mimlija bil - ġid. In addition, BMJ (The British Medical Journal) reports: "People who profess stronger spiritual beliefs seem to resolve their grief more rapidly and completely after the death of a close person than do people with no spiritual beliefs. " And that includes cities in the industrialized world that is rich in wealth. F'esperimenti simili, il - flieles tad - dundjani u l - ħnieżer żgħar setgħu jiġu inkuraġġiti biex jieklu iktar spiss. " People will deliver you up to tribulation and will kill you, " he said. " And you will be objects of hatred by all the nations on account of my name. " In similar experiments, turkey chicks and young pigs could be encouraged to eat more frequently. Budny beda jaħdem fuq dan il - proġett bejn wieħed u ieħor fl - 1567. Which individuals in this story displayed strong conviction, and which one did not? Budny began working on this project in approximately 1567. Imbagħad, bħalma hemm imniżżel f'Salm 56: 9 (56: 8, NW), David jagħmel dawn l - istqarrijiet mill - isbaħ: "Int għaddejt kull ċaqliqa tiegħi; iġmaʼ fi flixkun id - dmugħ tiegħi. Have you signed a business contract or filled out an application form for theocratic privileges? Then, as recorded at Psalm 56: 8, David makes these beautiful statements: "You have gone through every movement of myself. Pawlu ġibed l - attenzjoni lejn liema riżultat possibbli tal - aħbar tajba? he warned. Paul drew attention to what possible result of the good news? Iskrizzjonijiet antiki jindikaw li dawn kienu jsiru f'Babilonja sa mit - tielet millennju Q.E.K. On occasion, true worshipers were moved to provide material help to fellow believers, as when Christians in Macedonia and Achaia showed eagerness to help their needy brothers in Jerusalem. Old inscriptions indicate that these were held in Babylon since the third millennium B.C.E. L - istudji wrew ukoll li dawk li jgħinu lil ħaddieħor waqt li jkunu qed jirkupraw mill - problema tal - alkoħol, ikunu inqas dipressi u jistgħu jnaqqsu l - possibbiltà taʼ li jerġgħu jibdew jixorbu. Għala jiġri hekk? What did the apostle Paul mean when he wrote: "When I am weak, then I am powerful "? Studies have also shown that those who help others while recovering from the alcohol problem are less depressed and can reduce the chance of resuming drinking - why does that happen? " Il - fatt li esperjenzaw kif għenuhom ħuthom f'postijiet oħrajn żied il - fiduċja tagħhom f'Ġeħova. " People's thinking is gradually becoming distorted. " The experience of their brothers and sisters in other places has increased their confidence in Jehovah. " Din it - talba nsibuha f'Salm 90, u żgur li jkun xieraq li dan is - salm nikkunsidrawh b'attenzjoni. Carson wrote that the Greek word for "temple " used in Matthew and Luke probably referred to the entire temple area and not just to the sanctuary, an area where only Levites were allowed to go. This prayer is found in Psalm 90, and it is certainly appropriate for this psalm to consider it carefully. Kemm hu minnu dan il - kliem illum li qed ngħixu f'dinja mimlija b'mard li jistaʼ jkun perikoluż! First and foremost, they must make time for them. How true these words today that we are living in a world filled with dangerous illness! Minbarra dan, il - ġurnal BMJ (li qabel kien magħruf bħala The British Medical Journal) jirrapporta: "Nies li għandhom twemmin spiritwali iktar b'saħħtu donnhom li jneħħu n - niket tagħhom iktar malajr u b'mod komplet wara li jmutilhom xi ħadd qrib tagħhom milli jagħmlu nies li m'għandhomx twemmin spiritwali. " ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ In addition, the BMJ journal (formerly known as The British Medical Journal) reports: "People who have stronger spiritual beliefs seem to remove their grief more quickly and completely after death by someone close to them than by people who do not have spiritual beliefs. " Hu qal: "Jagħtukom f'idejn min iġagħalkom issofru u joqtlukom, u tkunu mibgħudin mill - ġnus kollha minħabba ismi. " He was only ten years old when rebel troops captured him and trained him to fight with an AK - 47 assault rifle. He said: "Give you up to the one that will cause you to suffer and kill you, and you will be hated by all the nations for the sake of my name. " Liema individwi f'din l - istorja wrew twemmin sod, u liema wieħed ma weriex? [ Pictures on page 19] What individuals in this history showed strong belief, and what did one not show? Iffirmajt xi kuntratt tan - negozju jew imlejt xi formola biex tapplika għal xi privileġġ teokratiku? " Be of good courage and say: " Jehovah is my helper. ' " - HEB. Have you signed a trade contract or filled in a form to apply for a theocratic privilege? wissieha. The large shield of faith. He warned her. Kultant, l - aduraturi veri ġew imqanqla jipprovdu għajnuna materjali lil sħabhom fit - twemmin, bħal meta l - Kristjani fil - Maċedonja u l - Akaja wrew il - ħeġġa biex jgħinu lil ħuthom f'Ġerusalemm li kienu fil - bżonn. In the second century C.E., certain Jews believed that the 70 weeks covered the period from the destruction of the first temple in 607 B.C.E. to the destruction of the second temple in 70 C.E., while others connected the fulfillment of the prophecy with the Maccabean period of the second century B.C.E. At times, true worshippers have been moved to provide material help to fellow believers, such as when Christians in Macedonia and Achaia were eager to help their needy brothers and sisters in Jerusalem. L - appostlu Pawlu x'ried ifisser meta kiteb: "Meta nkun dgħajjef, inkun setgħan "? Although we are not " busybodies in other people's matters, ' perhaps we know that a family member or a friend is experiencing a severe test of faith. What did the apostle Paul mean when he wrote: "When I am weak, I am mighty "? Il - mod kif jaħsibha l - bniedem bil - mod il - mod qed jinqaleb taʼ taħt fuq. Most important, our ministry and good conduct glorify Jehovah, the very fountainhead of goodness. - Matthew 19: 16, 17. Man's thinking is gradually overturning. Carson kiteb li l - kelma Griega għal "tempju " li ntużat f ' Mattew u Luqa probabbilment tirreferi għal kull parti tat - tempju u mhux biss għas - santwarju, parti fejn kienu jitħallew jidħlu l - Leviti biss. " My friend and I prepared effective introductions, and we learned how to overcome objections and how to make return visits. Carson wrote that the Greek word for "a temple " used in Matthew and Luke probably refers to every part of the temple and not only to the sanctuary, a part where only the Levites were allowed to enter. L - ewwel u qabel kollox, iridu jsibu l - ħin għalihom. Matthew and Darline First and foremost, they need to find time for them. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ In doing so, they reflect Jehovah's mercy and love to unbelieving humankind. . . . . . Kellu biss għaxar snin meta truppi ribelli qabduh u ħarrġuh biex jiġġieled bi xkubetta AK - 47. And Jehovah's long - suffering can mean our lives too. He was only ten years old when rebel troops took him and trained him to fight with a rifle AK - 47. [ Stampi f'paġna 19] What did all of this mean? [ Pictures on page 19] " Kun mimli kuraġġ u għid: "Ġeħova hu dak li jgħinni. " ' - EBR. Was there a time when "the Israel of God " was lying in darkness, as foreshadowed by that prophetic woman? " Be courageous and say: " Jehovah is the one who helps me. " - HEB. It - tarka kbira tal - fidi. Concerning Christ's coming, the Bible states: "Look! The great shield of faith. Anke jekk użawha, ma tantx hu probabbli li l - ideat taʼ grupp tant iżolat kienu se jinfluwenzaw lil ħafna Lhud oħra. Fit - tieni seklu EK, ċerti Lhud emmnu li s - 70 ġimgħa koprew perijodu mill - qerda tal - ewwel tempju fis - sena 607 QEK sal - qerda tat - tieni tempju fis - sena 70 EK. Father told me that I had to go to my uncle in Thessalonica. Even if they used it, it is unlikely that the ideas of such an isolated group would influence many other Jews, some Jews believed in the second century C.E. that the 70 weeks covered a period from the destruction of the first temple in 607 EQF to the destruction of the second temple in 70 C.E. Għalkemm ma " nindaħlux fi ħwejjeġ ħaddieħor, ' forsi nafu li xi membru tal - familja jew xi ħabib qed jesperjenza prova iebsa tal - fidi. How unwise to make such a commitment hastily in behalf of others! Although we do not "indulge in other things, " we may know that a family member or a friend is experiencing a hard test of faith. Iktar importanti, bil - ministeru u bil - kondotta tajba tagħna aħna nigglorifikaw lil Jehovah, is - sors prinċipali tat - tjubija. - Mattew 19: 16, 17. He borrowed from us children a toy frog that made a clicking sound. More important, by our ministry and good conduct we glorify Jehovah, the main source of goodness. - Matthew 19: 16, 17. " Jien u seħibti ppreparajna introduzzjonijiet effettivi, u tgħallimna kif negħlbu l - oġġezzjonijiet u kif nagħmlu żjajjar lura. Anointed ones should think seriously about the warning found at 1 Corinthians 11: 27 - 29. " My friend and I prepared effective introductions, and we learned how to overcome objections and make return visits. Matthew u Darline Do you know the significance of this today? Matthew and Darline Billi jagħmlu hekk, huma jkunu qed jirriflettu l - ħniena u l - imħabba li għandu Jehovah għall - umanità li ma temminx fih. A true friend recognizes when you are the weaker one and then steps up to the plate and helps you. By doing so, they reflect Jehovah's mercy and love for unbelieving mankind. U llum ħajjitna wkoll tiddependi mis - sabar taʼ Jehovah. (b) How can we allow "the mind of Christ " to affect us? And our life also depends on Jehovah's long - suffering. Dan kollu xi jfisser? In the second part of the 12th chapter of the Bible book of Proverbs, King Solomon of ancient Israel provides valuable counsel that helps us safeguard our speech. What does all of this mean? Kien hemm xi żmien meta l - "Iżrael taʼ Alla " kien mixħut fid - dlam, bħalma ġie ffigurat bil - quddiem minn din il - mara profetika? Now, though, things were different. Was there any time when "the Israel of God " was hurled in darkness, as foreshadowed by this prophetic woman? Rigward il - miġja taʼ Kristu, il - Bibbja tgħid: "Ara! Those who have come to know and serve Jehovah are not like those who have an appearance of godliness but prove false to its power. Regarding Christ's coming, the Bible says: "Look! Missieri qalli biex immur għand iz - ziju tiegħi f'Tessalonika. It was hoped that in this way many more people would be able to make use of the drugs. My father told me to go to my uncle in Thessalonica. Kemm ma jkunx għaqli li naqbdu u nintrabtu għan - nom taʼ ħaddieħor! Pittillo How unwise it would be to catch and commit in behalf of others! Hu ssellef mingħandna t - tfal żrinġ tal - logħob li kien jagħmel ħoss li jfaqqaʼ. For Timothy, as for all Christian elders, the pattern of healthful words was a "fine trust " that had to be guarded. He lent children of games that made a clicking sound from us. Il - midlukin għandhom jaħsbu bis - serjetà dwar it - twissija li nsibu fl - 1 Korintin 11: 27 - 29. Although the imagery presented here is symbolic, it tells us much about God's dwelling place. The anointed should think seriously about the warning found at 1 Corinthians 11: 27 - 29. Taf x'inhu s - sinifikat taʼ dan illum? Out of the riverbed, they climb; into the city, they enter. Do you know the significance of this today? Ħabiba vera tagħraf meta int id - dgħajfa u immedjatament tagħmel xi ħaġa biex tgħinek. An officer pointed to the chimney of the crematorium and told Harald, "You will be ascending there to your Jehovah within 14 days if you stick to your faith. " A true friend recognizes when you are weak and immediately do something to help you. (b) Kif nistgħu nħallu "l - moħħ taʼ Kristu " jeffettwana? Indeed, many highly educated people - including leaders in business and government - cheat, defraud, and steal, resulting in "a serious crisis of confidence, " according to a global study published by Edelman, a public relations firm. (b) How can we allow "the mind of Christ " to affect us? Fit - tieni parti taʼ kapitlu 12 tal - ktieb Bibliku tal - Proverbji, is - Sultan Salamun taʼ Iżrael tal - qedem jipprovdi pariri siewja li jgħinuna noqogħdu attenti għal kliemna. We mentioned things that we knew would interest him, including the oppression of the Israelites and their deliverance from Egypt by Moses. In the second part of chapter 12 of the Bible book of Proverbs, King Solomon of ancient Israel provides valuable counsel that helps us to pay attention to our words. Iżda issa l - affarijiet kienu differenti. One thing Peter urged his brothers to do was to "be hospitable to one another. " Now things were different. Dawk li saru jafu lil Ġeħova u bdew jaqduh mhumiex bħal dawk li għandhom għamla taʼ devozzjoni lejn Alla imma ma jurux bil - fatti l - qawwa tagħha. Yielding to the sinful human tendency to resent reproof, he degrades himself to the level of an unreasoning animal - a brute - lacking moral discrimination. Those who came to know Jehovah and began to serve him are not like those who have a form of godly devotion but do not display the facts of its power. Kien ittamat li b'dan il - mod ħafna iktar nies setgħu jużaw il - mediċini. Malachi 3: 6 says: "I am Jehovah; I do not change. " It was hoped that much more people could use drugs in this way. Pittillo Her sickness had affected every part of her life, including her worship. Pictogrammus aeglefinus Għal Timotju, kif ukoll għall - anzjani Kristjani kollha, l - eżempju tat - tagħlim sħiħ kien "teżor sabiħ " li kellu jiġi mħares. The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it. " - Psalm 37: 3, 4, 10, 11, 29. For Timothy, as well as for all Christian elders, the example of full teaching was "a beautiful treasure " to be preserved. Għalkemm id - dehra murija hawn hija simbolika, tgħidilna ħafna dwar il - post fejn jgħammar Alla. What are the rewards of being humble? Although the appearance shown here is symbolic, we tell us much about God's dwelling place. Joħorġu mix - xmara u jidħlu fil - belt. Rather than cultivating self - sufficiency, they prefer to put their trust in money and what money can buy. They leave the river and enter the city. Uffiċjal ippontalu lejn iċ - ċumnija tal - krematorju u qal lil Harald, "Int minn hemm se titlaʼ għand Ġeħova tiegħek 14 - il ġurnata oħra jekk tibqaʼ żżomm mal - fidi tiegħek. " (December 22, 1999) I really think many will enjoy that article. An official pointed to the flue of the creamtory and said to Harald, "You from there will go up to Jehovah another 14 days if you keep sticking to your faith. " Tabilħaqq, ħafna nies taʼ skola għolja - inkluż mexxejja fin - negozju u fil - gvern - jiċċijtjaw, jingannaw, u jisirqu, u dan iwassal għal "kriżi serja fil - fiduċja, " skont studju globali li sar minn Edelman, kumpanija taʼ relazzjonijiet pubbliċi. Then we can pray that he will forgive us. - Matthew 6: 14; Mark 11: 25; 1 John 4: 11. Indeed, many high - school people - including business and government leaders - cheat, deceive, and steal, leading to a "serious crisis in trust, " according to a global study conducted by Edelman, a public relations company. Semmejna affarijiet li konna nafu li kienu se jinteressawh, inkluż il - ħakma ħarxa li kienu taħtha l - Iżraelin u l - ħelsien tagħhom mill - Eġittu permezz taʼ Mosè. Hope - Where Can You Find It? We mentioned things we knew would interest him, including the harsh rule under which the Israelites were and their deliverance from Egypt through Moses. Fost affarijiet oħra, Pietru ħeġġeġ lil ħutu biex " juru l - ospitalità maʼ xulxin. ' In fact, Jehovah has already installed Jesus Christ as his chosen Messianic King on heavenly Mount Zion. - Revelation 14: 1. Among other things, Peter urged his brothers to "show hospitality to one another. " Jekk iċedi għat - tendenza umana u midinba li ġġagħlu ma jaċċettax it - twiddib, hu jkun qed jinżel fil - livell t'annimal bla raġuni jew bhima li m'għandha ebda valuri morali. She calls her son and asks him to translate what Ben has to say. If he succumbs to the human and sinful tendency that caused him not to accept reproof, he is falling to the level of an unreasonable animal or a beast that has no moral values. Malakija 3: 6 jgħid: "Jien Ġeħova; jien ma nbdiltx. " This implicit criticism of the church's official interpretation was likely considered a provocation, leading the Roman Inquisition to condemn the scientist. Malachi 3: 6 says: "I am Jehovah; I have not changed. " Il - marda tagħha kienet effettwat kull aspett taʼ ħajjitha, inkluż il - qima tagħha għax lanqas setgħet tmur it - tempju biex taqdi lil Alla. When he learned that his trusted friend Ahithophel was advising his traitorous son Absalom, David prayed: "Turn, please, the counsel of Ahithophel into foolishness, O Jehovah! " Her illness had affected all aspects of her life, including her worship because she could not even go to the temple to serve God. Il - ġusti jirtu l - art, u jgħammru fiha għal dejjem. " - Salm 37: 3, 4, 10, 11, 29. Higher education, with its emphasis on academic study, often produces graduates who have few or no practical skills, leaving them unprepared to deal with the realities of life. The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it. " - Psalm 37: 3, 4, 10, 11, 29. X'inhuma l - barkiet li jiġu milli nkunu umli? The apostle Paul referred to an additional reason when he wrote: "Let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together,... but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you behold the day drawing near. " What are the blessings that result from being humble? Minflok ma jitgħallmu jgħaddu b'dak li jkollhom, jippreferu jpoġġu l - fiduċja tagħhom fil - flus u f'dak li jistgħu jixtru bihom. Do you think that some day this world could completely disappear? Instead of learning to pass on what they have, they prefer to put their trust in money and what they can buy with. Imbagħad inkunu nistgħu nitolbuh biex jaħfer lilna. - Mattew 6: 14; Mark 11: 25; 1 Ġwann 4: 11. This device tracks the movements of his iris so that he can activate icons on the screen. Then we can ask him to forgive us. - Matthew 6: 14; Mark 11: 25; 1 John 4: 11. It - Tama - Fejn Tistaʼ Ssibha? Each step requires the production of millions of specialized molecules and cells in a cascade of events. Hope - Where Can You Find It? Fil - fatt, Jehovah diġà ħatar lil Ġesù Kristu bħala s - Sultan Messjaniku magħżul tiegħu fuq il - Muntanja Sijon tas - sema. - Apokalissi 14: 1. How does Satan deceive people? In fact, Jehovah has already appointed Jesus Christ as his chosen Messianic King on heavenly Mount Zion. - Revelation 14: 1. Hi ssejjaħ lil binha u tgħidlu biex jittraduċi dak li jrid jgħidilha Ben. A prudent person acts with knowledge even when he possesses very little. She calls on her son and tells him to translate what Ben wants to say to her. Din il - kritika indiretta taʼ l - interpretazzjoni uffiċjali tal - knisja x'aktarx ġiet kunsidrata bħala provokazzjoni li wasslet lill - Inkwiżizzjoni Rumana tikkundanna lix - xjenzat. Among the brass and wind instruments were the pipe, the flute, the horn, as well as trumpets, which were " loudly sounded. ' This indirect criticism of the official interpretation of the church was likely considered a provocation that led the Roman Inquisition to condemn the scientist. Meta sar jaf li Aħitofel, il - ħabib tiegħu tant fdat, kien qed jagħti l - pariri lil ibnu Absalom li kien traditur, David talab: "Ġib fix - xejn, Mulej, il - fehma taʼ Aħitofel! " The Israelites were warned, however, not to become greedy; they were to take only enough for their immediate needs. When he learned that his trusted friend Ahithophel was giving counsel to his traitor son Absalom, David prayed: "Get to nothing, O Jehovah, the understanding of Ahithophel! " L - edukazzjoni ogħla, li spiss tkun tinkludi dan it - tagħlim, mhux dejjem tipprovdi l - abbiltajiet prattiċi lill - istudenti, u jistgħu ma jkunux imħejjijin biex jiffaċċjaw il - ħajja taʼ kuljum. (For fully formatted text, see publication) Higher education, which often includes such teachings, does not always provide practical skills to students, and may not be prepared to face everyday life. L - appostlu Pawlu rrefera għal raġuni oħra meta kiteb: "Naraw kif nistgħu nħajjru lil xulxin għall - imħabba u għall - għemil tajjeb. Ma ninqatgħux mil - laqgħat tagħna flimkien,... agħmlu l - qalb lil xulxin; u dan wisq aktar għandkom tagħmluh, aktar ma taraw li qiegħed joqrob il - Jum. " They took great care to prepare and burn incense in the way prescribed by Jehovah. The apostle Paul referred to another reason when he wrote: "We see how we can encourage one another to love and fine works; and we do not give up in our gatherings together,... be bolder to one another; and much more so should you do to him, the more you see that the Day is drawing near. " Taħseb int li din id - dinja għad xi darba tgħib għalkollox? The older men of Gilead urge Jephthah: "Do come and serve as our commander. " Do you think that this world ever disappears completely? Dan l - apparat isegwi l - movimenti tal - ħabba t'għajnejh, biex hekk ikun jistaʼ jipponta lejn l - icons fuq l - iskrin. [ Picture on page 19] This apparatus follows the movements of his iris, so that he can point to the cones on the screen. Kull pass jirrikjedi l - produzzjoni taʼ miljuni taʼ molekuli speċjalizzati u ċelluli f'serje taʼ passi. Jehovah wants us to use his name. Each step requires the production of millions of specialised molecules and cells in a series of steps. Satana kif iqarraq bin - nies? The same Bible verse says that Enoch continued to walk with Jehovah after he fathered his son Methuselah. How does Satan deceive people? Persuna prudenti taġixxi bl - għarfien anki meta ma jkollhiex ħafna affarijiet. Today, the harlot teeters on the back of the scarlet - colored beast. A prudent person acts with knowledge even when he does not have much. Fost l - istrumenti tar - ram u tan - nifs kien hemm il - fifra, il - flawt, il - qarn, kif ukoll it - trumbetti, li kellhom "ħoss qawwi. " Are we keeping our garments of Christian conduct and personality spotless, not tainted by the world? Among the copper and breath instruments were the yellow, the fluting, the horns, as well as the trumpets, which had "a strong sound. " Madankollu, l - Iżraelin ġew imwissijin, biex ma jsirux rgħiba; kellhom jieħdu biss daqs kemm setgħu jieklu. (b) What are you determined to do? However, the Israelites were warned, not to become greedy; they had to take just as much as they could eat. Għall - formazzjoni sħiha tat - test, ara pubblikazzjoni They complied and pulled in a great catch of 153 fish! For fully formatted text, see publication Huma qagħdu attenti ħafna li jippreparaw u jaħarqu l - inċens bil - mod kif ordnalhom Jehovah. Every day, we face the painful reality of our sinful nature and our imperfections. They were very careful to prepare and burn incense in the way Jehovah commanded them. Ix - xjuħ taʼ Gilgħad iħeġġu lil Ġeftaħ: "Ejja, u kun il - kap tagħna. " Jesus describes this severe pruning: "If anyone does not remain in union with me, he is cast out as a branch and is dried up; and men gather those branches up and pitch them into the fire and they are burned. " Gilead's elders urge Jephthah: "Come, be our head. " [ Stampa f'paġna 19] In addition, walking with God is the most beneficial course possible. [ Picture on page 19] Ġeħova jridna nużawh ismu. That was not long before Jerusalem was destroyed in the year 607. Jehovah wants us to use his name. L - istess vers tal - Bibbja juri li Enok kompla miexi maʼ Ġeħova wara li kellu lil ibnu Metuselaħ. Unlike his father, godly Abel exercised faith in the first prophecy. The same Bible verse shows that Enoch continued walking with Jehovah after having his son Metuselah. Għoxrin jew tletin sena ilu, il - biċċa l - kbira min - nies kienu jaħsbu li r - reliġjon dejjem se tkun rispettata u b'saħħitha. 6, 7. (a) How can those teaching the congregation make good use of the Bible? Twenty to thirty years ago, most people thought that religion would always be respected and strong. Qegħdin aħna nżommu l - ilbies taʼ kondotta u personalità Kristjani tagħna bla tebgħa, u mhux imċappsin mid - dinja? (John 11: 55 - 21: 25) Are we keeping our dress of Christian conduct and personality unblemished, not blessed by the world? (b) X'int determinat li tagħmel? Approved in 1968, this treaty forbids the development of nuclear weapons in lands that do not have them and limits their spread in lands that do. (b) What are you determined to do? Hekk għamlu u tellgħu qabda ġmielha taʼ 153 ħuta! What a vital role Jesus has in our being close to God! That is what they did and picked up a huge catch of 153 fish! Kull ġurnata li tgħaddi nħabbtu wiċċna mar - realtà kiefra tan - natura midinba tagħna u taʼ l - imperfezzjonijiet tagħna. Soon "every breathing thing " will raise its voice in praise to Jehovah. Each day we face the cruel reality of our sinful nature and of our imperfections. Ġesù jiddeskrivi dan il - ħafna żbir b'dan il - mod: "Jekk xi ħadd ma jibqax f'unjoni miegħi, jintrema bħal fergħa u jinxef; u n - nies jiġbru dawk il - friegħi u jitfgħuhom fin - nar biex jinħarqu. " None of us like to see fellow Christians suffer or struggle. Jesus describes this many glooms in this way: "If anyone does not remain in union with me, he will be thrown away like a branch and dried up; and the people will gather those branches and put them into fire to burn. " Barra minn hekk, il - mixi m'Alla hu l - iktar mod taʼ ħajja li hu taʼ ġid għalina. How can you avoid this trap that crushes? In addition, walking with God is the most beneficial way of life for us. Dan kien ftit qabel ma nqerdet Ġerusalemm fis - sena 607. What if your marriage mate, your son or daughter, or your close friend is disfellowshipped and you do not agree with the elders ' decision? This was shortly before Jerusalem was destroyed in the year 607. Kuntrarju għal missieru, Abel kien devot lejn Alla u wera fidi fl - ewwel profezija. Are you at a loss for words? Unlike his father, Abel was devoted to God and showed faith in the first prophecy. 6, 7. (a) Dawk li jgħallmu lill - kongregazzjoni, kif jistgħu jużaw tajjeb il - Bibbja? Child murder was part of the Canaanite worship inherited by the Carthaginians. 6, 7. (a) How can those who teach the congregation make good use of the Bible? (Ġwanni 11: 55 - 21: 25) Why are faith and courage needed to keep a simple eye? (John 11: 55 - 21: 25) Dan it - trattat li ġie approvat fl - 1968 jipprojbixxi l - iżvilupp t'armi nukleari f'pajjiżi li m'għandhomx armi u jillimita t - tqassim tagħhom f'pajjiżi li għandhom l - armi. We may also succeed in building respect and appreciation for Jehovah's organization. This treaty approved in 1968 prohibits the development of nuclear weapons in countries without weapons and limits their distribution to countries with weapons. Xi rwol vitali għandu Ġesù biex aħna nkunu qrib t'Alla! Primarily in order to magnify his holy name and vindicate his sovereignty. What a vital role Jesus plays in being close to God! Dalwaqt "kull ma jieħu n - nifs " se jgħolli leħnu u jfaħħar lil Jehovah. Do your prayers reflect your burning desire to remain wide awake spiritually? Soon "all that you breathe " will raise his voice and praise Jehovah. Ħadd minna ma jħobb jara lil sħabu l - Kristjani jsofru jew jitħabtu. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > CHILDREN) None of us like to see fellow Christians suffer or struggle. Kif tistaʼ tevita din in - nasba li tfarrak? Goliath, perhaps close behind his shield - bearer, advanced toward David. How can you avoid this crushing trap? Xi ngħidu jekk is - sieħeb jew sieħba fiż - żwieġ, ibnek jew bintek, jew ħabib kbir tiegħek jiġi maqtugħ mis - sħubija u int ma taqbilx mad - deċiżjoni tal - anzjani? In reply Jesus told him, not who his neighbor was, but what makes a real neighbor. What if your spouse, son or daughter, or close friend is disfellowshipped and you disagree with the decision of the elders? Issib diffikultà dwar x'taqbad tgħid? But Jehovah said to Samuel: "Don't think Eliab is the one just because he's tall and handsome. He isn't the one I've chosen. Do you find it difficult to say about what to say? Il - qtil tat - tfal kien parti mill - qima Kangħanija li wirtu l - Kartaġiniżi. A girl in her mid - teens from Sinaloa, Mexico, requested ten copies of the book for some friends. The murder of children was part of Canaanite worship inherited by the Carthaginians. Għala hemm bżonn il - fidi u l - kuraġġ biex inżommu għajn sempliċi? Perhaps knowing that Delilah had no loyal love for Samson, the five Philistine lords offered her a large bribe to find out the secret of his superior strength so that they could eliminate him. Why is faith and courage needed to keep a simple eye? Jistaʼ wkoll jirnexxilna nibnu rispett u apprezzament għall - organizzazzjoni taʼ Jehovah. Evidently that is what was read to Timothy. We can also succeed in building respect and appreciation for Jehovah's organization. L - ewwel u qabel kollox sabiex ikabbar l - isem qaddis tiegħu u jivvindika s - sovranità tiegħu. Donald Gordon First and foremost in order to expand his holy name and vindication his sovereignty. Jirrifletti t - talb tiegħek ix - xewqa kbira li għandek biex tibqaʼ mqajjem għalkollox spiritwalment? To appear before the king unsummoned meant a death sentence. Does your prayers reflect your strong desire to keep awake spiritually? (Ikklikkja fuq TAGĦLIM TAL - BIBBJA > TFAL) Why? (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > CHILDREN) Gulija, forsi miexi eżatt wara r - raġel li kien iġorrlu t - tarka, resaq lejn David. The provision of communion sacrifices, part of the Law's framework of truth, pointed to the fact that by means of Jesus ' greater sacrifice, all those of mankind who desire to attain an intimate, peaceful relationship with their Creator can do so. Goliath, perhaps just after the man to whom the shield carried, approached David. Ġesù wieġbu, iżda ma qallux min kien il - proxxmu jew il - ġâr tiegħu, imma qallu minn xiex jintgħaraf ġâr veru. Some said that they would go to this website whenever they needed advice. " Jesus responded, but he did not tell him who was his neighbor or neighbor, but he told him what a true neighbor would know. Iżda Ġeħova qal lil Samwel: "Tħarisx lejn is - sura tiegħu, jew it - tul taʼ persuntu, għax jien diġà warrabtu. " The birth was a little harder than the first two, but there were no major complications, " relates Mary. But Jehovah told Samuel: "Do not look at his form, or the length of his staff, for I have set aside it. Tfajla adoloxxenti minn Sinaloa, il - Messiku, xtaqet li nibagħtulha għaxar kopji tal - ktieb għal xi ħbieb tagħha. However, Paul pointed to something else that we need when he said: "We are walking by faith, not by sight. " A young girl from Sinaloa, Mexico, wanted to send her ten copies of the book to her friends. Forsi minħabba li kienu jafu li Dalila ma kinitx leali fi mħabbitha lejn Sansun, il - ħames sidien Filistin xaħħmuha b'ammont ġmielu taʼ flus. However, God appointed Amos to be a prophet and blessed him richly in that assignment. Perhaps knowing that Delilas was unfaithful in her love for Samson, the five Philistine masters warmed her with a large amount of money. Jidher ċar li lil Timotju lilha kienu jaqrawlu. Still, some feel that cleanliness is a personal matter and should be of no concern to anyone else. Clearly, they read to Timothy. Donald Gordon Let Moses himself tell us: "It came about that at midnight Jehovah struck every firstborn in the land of Egypt. " Donald Gordon Jekk xi ħadd jidher quddiem is - sultan mingħajr ma jsejjaħlu kien jingħata s - sentenza tal - mewt. " Jehovah Knows How to Deliver People " If someone appeared before the king without calling him the sentence of death was given. Għala? In 1991 when the ban was lifted, there were 34,421 Witnesses of Jehovah in Ghana. Why? Dawn kienu juru li kull min ried ikollu relazzjoni paċifika mal - Ħallieq tiegħu setaʼ jagħmel dan permezz tas - sagrifiċċju akbar taʼ Ġesù. Recent studies reveal that heredity is a significant risk factor. They showed that anyone who wanted to have a peaceful relationship with his Creator could do so by means of Jesus ' greater sacrifice. li huwa stampat fi 83 lingwa. Faith Gives Us Courage which is printed in 83 languages. ʼ Xi wħud qalu li kienu se jidħlu f'din il - Websajt kull darba li jkollhom bżonn xi parir. " Another said that he bought some cattle and wanted to examine them. Some said that they would enter this website every time they needed advice. " " It - twelid kien kemxejn iżjed diffiċli mill - ewwel tnejn, iżda ma kien hemm ebda komplikazzjonijiet serji, " tirrakkonta Mary. In short, if we heed God's direction, we will live well. " The birth was somewhat more difficult than the first two, but there were no serious complications, " relates Mary. Madankollu, Pawlu semma xi ħaġa oħra li għandna bżonn meta qal: "Aħna nimxu bil - fidi, mhux b'dak li jaraw għajnejna. " What distinguished voluntary offerings from tithing? However, Paul mentioned something else we need when he said: "We walk by faith, not by sight. " Minkejja dan, Alla ħatar lil Għamos biex ikun profeta u bierku bil - kbir f'dan l - inkarigu. But there was a problem. Nevertheless, God appointed Amos to be a prophet and blessed deeply in this assignment. Xorta waħda, xi wħud iħossu li l - indafa hi kwistjoni persunali u m'għandha tkun affari taʼ ħadd. The police, instigated by religious opposers, approached us and threatened to arrest us if we were seen preaching publicly again. Still, some feel that cleanliness is a personal matter and should not belong to anyone. Ħa jgħidilna Mosè stess: "Ġara li f'nofs il - lejl il - Mulej darab ' l ulied il - kbar fl - art taʼ l - Eġittu. " The boxcars were equipped with two - man cells. Let Moses himself tell us: "Jehovah came about that in the midst of the night the great sons in the land of Egypt have turned away. " " Ġeħova Jaf Kif Jeħles " lin - Nies And when its fruit is harvested, it rewards its owner with abundant oil that can be used for cooking, lighting, hygiene, and cosmetics. " Jehovah Knows How to Deliver " People Fl - 1991, meta tneħħiet il - projbizzjoni, kien hemm 34,421 Xhud taʼ Jehovah fil - Gana. More than that, God's gift of the ransom through Jesus, who died for us, can mean even greater blessings, as we learn from John 3: 16. In 1991, when the ban was lifted, there were 34,421 Jehovah's Witnesses in Ghana. Studji reċenti juru li l - mard ereditarju huwa fattur taʼ riskju sinifikanti. It is possible that the cities Solomon gave to Hiram were inhabited by non - Israelites, although lying within the boundary of the Promised Land. Recent studies show that hereditary diseases are a significant risk factor. Il - Fidi Tagħtina l - Kuraġġ We might become discouraged or feel that God is slow to fulfill his promises. Faith Gives Us Courage Ieħor qal li xtara xi barrin u ried jipprovahom. This sincere interest in others was shown by his deep concern that all be treated fairly and mercifully. Another said that he bought some bulls and wanted to try them. Fi ftit kliem, jekk nobdu d - direzzjoni t'Alla se ngħixu tajjeb. PAGE 21 In short, if we obey God's direction, we will live well. X'kienet id - differenza bejn l - offerti volontarji u d - dieċmi? These articles show that the correct answer differs from the way the world views the matter. What was the difference between voluntary offerings and tithes? Imma kien hemm problema. " Yes, " replied André. But there was a problem. Il - pulizija, imxewxin minn opponenti reliġjużi, avviċinawna u heddew li jarrestawna jekk jerġgħu jarawna nippridkaw pubblikament. Would you like to sow in your mind and heart such noxious thoughts as those mentioned above, even if they are sugarcoated with music? The police, walked by religious opponents, approached us and threatened to arrest us if they saw us preaching publicly again. Il - vaguni kien fihom ċelel għal tnejn min - nies. Still, do not forget that free will is a responsibility as well as a gift. The wagons contained cells for two people. U meta jasal żmien il - ħsad tal - frott tagħha, hi tagħti lil sidha abbundanza taʼ żejt li jkun jistaʼ jintuża għat - tisjir, għad - dawl, għall - iġjene, u għall - kosmetiċi. In fact, he promised that the next time the Witnesses called at his home, he would invite them in and carefully listen to them. And when the harvest time comes, she gives her master an abundance of oil that can be used for cooking, light, hygiene, and cosmetics. Iktar minn hekk, l - għotja t'Alla tal - fidwa permezz taʼ Ġesù, li miet għalina, tistaʼ tfisser barkiet ikbar, bħalma nitgħallmu minn Ġwanni 3: 16. Drugs Moreover, God's gift of the ransom through Jesus, who died for us, can mean greater blessings, as we learn from John 3: 16. Huwa possibbli li l - bliet li Salamun ta lil Ħiram kienu abitati minn uħud li ma kinux Iżraelin, minkejja li kienu fit - truf taʼ l - Art Imwiegħda. " That is not fair, " someone might say. It is possible that the cities that Solomon gave to Hiram were inhabited by non - Israelites, despite being at the ends of the Promised Land. Għandna mnejn nibdew inħossuna skuraġġiti jew naħsbu li Alla qed idum ma jwettaq il - wegħdi tiegħu. The response could have increased his prospect of happiness and lasting life. We may begin to feel discouraged or think that God is slow to fulfill his promises. Dan l - interess sinċier f'oħrajn intwera bit - tħassib profond tiegħu f'li jara li kulħadd jiġi trattat b'mod ġust u bi ħniena. Abraham repeatedly pleaded with God regarding possible righteous ones in Sodom. This sincere interest in others was shown by his deep concern at seeing that everyone is treated fairly and mercifully. PAĠNA 21 When the first words of the Bible drama came over the sound system, the audience was astounded. PAGE 21 Dawn l - artikli juru li suċċess veru mhuwiex dak li n - nies fid - dinja jaħsbu li hu. Their statements on science, for instance, have been contradicted by new knowledge, provable facts. These articles show that true success is not what people in the world think it is. " Iva, " wieġeb André. At the same time, the offerings were graded according to the offerer's ability. " Yes, " replied André. Tixtieq int li tiżraʼ f'moħħok u f'qalbek ħsibijiet li jagħmlulek ħsara bħal dawk li ssemmew hawn fuq, anki jekk ikunu mżejnin bil - mużika? The elders cannot make decisions for you, but they can help you make choices that will lead to happiness in the long run. - 2 Cor. Would you like to sow harmful thoughts like those mentioned above in your mind and heart, even if they are decorated by music? Xorta waħda, m'għandekx tinsa li l - libertà taʼ l - għażla hija għotja li ġġib magħha wkoll ir - responsabbiltà. A Christian wife does well to imitate Jesus by supporting her husband's headship. Still, you should not forget that free will is a gift that also brings responsibility. Fil - fatt, hu wiegħed li meta x - Xhieda jerġgħu jħabbtulu, hu kien se jistidinhom ġewwa u jismagħhom b'attenzjoni. I also gain strength through daily Bible reading and from my spiritual brothers and sisters. In fact, he promised that when the Witnesses met him again, he would invite them inside and listen carefully to them. Drogi David Ussishkin concurs: "The Bible says that Solomon built up Megiddo - it doesn't say that he built those exact gates. " Drugs " Dan m'huwiex ġust, " jistaʼ jkun hemm min jgħid. He went to his priest and asked him the same two questions. " This is not righteous, " it can be some who say. L - adoratur l - ieħor li tagħżel biex tiddiskuti miegħu dawn il - versi mhux se jkun l - istess bħal Ġesù. The Berlin Wall came down, signaling a new era for Europe. The other worshiper whom he chooses to discuss with him these verses will not be the same as Jesus. Abraham għal darba wara l - oħra talab lil Alla rigward nies li forsi kienu ġusti f'Sodoma. The sower carried the seed in a fold of his garment or in a container and scattered it with a long sweeping motion. Abraham repeatedly prayed to God regarding people who may have been righteous in Sodom. Meta nstemgħu l - ewwel ftit kliem tad - drama Biblika, dawk fl - udjenza baqgħu mbellha. We too can show Jehovah that we love him by giving him our "valuable things. " When the first words of the Bible drama were heard, those in the audience were stunned. Infatti, dak li jgħidu fuq ix - xjenza ħafna drabi ġie provat li mhuwiex minnu hekk kif kien hemm iktar għarfien. When he was shown literature in his own language, he could hardly believe his eyes! In fact, what they say on science has often been proved untrue as there was more knowledge. Fl - istess ħin, l - offerti kienu jiġu klassifikati skond kemm ikun jiflaħ min joffrihom. We often see alligators, ostriches, and big snakes while we visit outlying areas on our motorcycles. At the same time, offerings were classified according to the strength of the offeror. L - anzjani ma jistgħux jieħdu deċiżjonijiet għalik, imma jistgħu jgħinuk tagħmel għażliet li maż - żmien iwasslu biex ikollok ħajja ferħana. - 2 Kor. Insight on the Scriptures - A two - volume Bible encyclopedia that includes explanations of people, places, and terms found in the Bible Elders cannot make decisions for you, but they can help you to make choices that eventually lead to a happy life. - 2 Cor. Mara Kristjana tagħmel tajjeb jekk timita lil Ġesù billi tappoġġa lil żewġha bħala l - kap tagħha. To care for the needs of our growing family, I had to take up secular work. A Christian wife would do well to imitate Jesus by supporting her husband as her head. Nikseb ukoll is - saħħa mill - qari tal - Bibbja kuljum u mingħand ħuti spiritwali. After considering this evidence in the light of indications in the Hebrew Scriptures and with the help of holy spirit, the governing body made a decision. We also gain strength from daily Bible reading and from my spiritual brothers and sisters. David Ussishkin jaqbel: "Il - Bibbja tgħid li Salamun bena Megiddo - ma tgħidx li hu bena eżattament dawk il - bibien. " F. David Ussishkin agrees: "The Bible says that Solomon built Megiddo - it does not say that he built exactly those doors. " Hu mar għand il - qassis tiegħu u staqsieh l - istess żewġ mistoqsijiet. It means that God exists. He went to his priest and asked him the same two questions. Il - Ħajt taʼ Berlin waqaʼ, u għall - Ewropa dan kien ifisser era ġdida. What a contrast to those in Laodicea, who boasted of worldly wealth but who were actually impoverished! The Berlin Wall fell, which meant a new era for Europe. Iż - żerriegħ kien iġorr iż - żerriegħa f'parti mil - libsa taʼ fuq tiegħu jew f'kontenitur u jferrixha billi jxejjer idejh ' il barra. Then Marilou was promoted to manager in the bank where she was working. The sower carried the seed in a part of his upper garment or in a container and spread it by swinging his hands out. Aħna wkoll nistgħu nuru lil Ġeħova li nħobbuh billi nagħtuh "l - affarijiet prezzjużi " tagħna. No doubt, they had kept Jesus ' warning close in mind. We too can show Jehovah that we love him by giving him our "valuable things. " Meta wrewh letteratura bil - lingwa tiegħu, bilkemm ried jemmen lil għajnejh! A Time for Renewal When he showed him literature in his language, he hardly wanted to believe his eyes! Bosta drabi naraw kukkudrilli, ngħam, u sriep kbar waqt li nkunu għaddejjin fuq il - mutur inżuru l - inħawi ' l bogħod mill - belt. He also said: "Stop storing up for yourselves treasures on the earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal. Many times we see big crocodiles, ostrich, and snakes while on the motorcycle visiting the area away from the city. Insight on the Scriptures - Enċiklopedija tal - Bibbja f'żewġ volumi li fiha spjegazzjonijiet dwar in - nies, il - postijiet, u t - termini li nsibu fil - Bibbja The 1596 index was even more restrictive. Insight on the Scriptures - Two - Volume Bible Encyclopedia containing explanations about people, places, and terms found in the Bible Sabiex nieħu ħsieb il - bżonnijiet tal - familja tagħna li kienet qiegħda tikber, kelli nibda naħdem. Suddenly, it rose sharply, and we were all startled by a terrible noise from below. To care for the needs of our growing family, I had to start working. Wara li ġiet kunsidrata din l - evidenza flimkien maʼ dak li ngħad fl - Iskrittura Ebrajka, u bl - għajnuna tal - ispirtu qaddis, il - ġemgħa li tiggverna ħadet deċiżjoni. In 1940, when I was 21 years old, I married William Horle, a young man who enjoyed drawing anything related to the military - airplanes, soldiers, guns, ships. After considering this evidence along with what was said in the Hebrew Scriptures, and with the help of the holy spirit, the governing body made a decision. F. A beautiful Shulammite girl of ancient Israel did not want her friends to pressure her to become one of King Solomon's many wives. F. Ifisser li Alla jeżisti. Jehovah's Word Is Alive It means that God exists. X'kuntrast maʼ dawk f'Laodiċija li ftaħru bl - għana materjali meta fil - fatt kienu fqar! Sometimes people would respond with a letter of appreciation, which made him very happy. What a contrast to those in Laodicea who boasted with material riches when they were actually poor! Imbagħad Marilou laħqet meniġer fil - bank fejn kienet taħdem. All who survive on the earth will enjoy God's favor and experience his great love and generosity. Then Marilou reached a manager at the bank where she worked. Bla dubju kienu żammew it - twissija taʼ Ġesù qrib f'moħħhom. Jesus had a marvelous hope set before him. No doubt they had kept Jesus ' warning close in mind. Żmien taʼ Tiġdid The athletes march onto the field. A Time of Renewal Hu qal ukoll: "Tibqgħux taħżnu teżori fuq l - art, fejn jittieklu mill - kamla u s - sadid, u fejn jidħlu l - ħallelin biex jisirqu. PARTIES: Jehovah and Abraham He also said: "Stop storing up treasures on earth, where moth and rust are eaten, and where thieves enter to steal. L - indiċi taʼ l - 1596 kien saħansitra iktar strett. A number of interviews with longtime Witnesses of Jehovah showed how doing God's will under varied circumstances adds meaning to our lives. The 1596 index was even stricter. Fid - daqqa u l - ħin, telaʼ f'salt u lkoll inħsadna bil - ħoss qawwi li kien ġej minn taħtna. More than that, he is willing to help. Suddenly, he picked up in a kingdom and all harvested us with the loud sound that came from underneath us. Fl - 1940, meta kelli 21 sena, iżżewwiġt lil William Horle, żagħżugħ li l - hena tiegħu kienet li jpinġi kwalunkwe ħaġa li kellha x'taqsam mal - militar - ajruplani, suldati, xkubetti, vapuri. Millions lured into gambling have found themselves ensnared by a vicious gambling addiction. In 1940, when I was 21 years old, I married William Horle, a young man whose happiness was to picture anything related to the military - airplanes, soldiers, rifles, ships. Tfajla Sulamija mill - isbaħ minn Iżrael tal - qedem ma riditx li ħbiebha jagħmlulha pressjoni biex issir waħda mill - ħafna nisa tas - Sultan Salamun. SUCH a prayer sums up the feelings of millions of men and women devoted to Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. A beautiful Shulammite girl from ancient Israel did not want her friends to pressure her to become one of King Solomon's many wives. Il - Kelma taʼ Ġeħova Hi Ħajja Toward the end of that chapter, Paul admonished his readers: "You have need of endurance, in order that, after you have done the will of God, you may receive the fulfillment of the promise. Jehovah's Word Is Alive Kultant in - nies kienu jibagħtu lura ittra t'apprezzament, u dan kien iferrħu ħafna. Children's Picture Search Sometimes people sent back a letter of appreciation, which was very happy. Dawk kollha fuq l - art li jibqgħu ħajjin se jgawdu l - approvazzjoni t'Alla u se jesperjenzaw l - imħabba u l - ġenerożità kbira tiegħu. By ten o'clock, many congregations have distributed over half of their tracts. All on earth who survive will enjoy God's approval and will experience his great love and generosity. Ġesù kellu tama meraviljuża mpoġġija quddiemu. What can you do to show love for your brothers? Jesus had a wonderful hope placed before him. L - atleti joħorġu fil - grawnd. Ben points out that when missionaries from different backgrounds live together, minor differences of opinion are inevitable, but the spiritual provision of the family study helps them maintain a peaceful, united atmosphere. Athletes go out in the field. BEJN: Ġeħova u Abraham 5: 14. BETWEEN: Jehovah and Abraham Inkluż magħhom hemm il - membri tal - familja li jħallu warajhom u dawn ibatu telf emozzjonali u finanzjarju. And for good reason. Including with them are family members who leave behind and suffer emotional and financial loss. Numru taʼ intervisti maʼ wħud li ilhom Xhieda taʼ Jehovah għal ħafna żmien urew kif li nagħmlu r - rieda t'Alla taħt ċirkustanzi differenti jagħti iktar sens lil ħajjitna. The public display of the corpse of a vile person "accursed of God " would surely have had an effect on the Israelites. A number of interviews with longtime Witnesses of Jehovah have shown how doing God's will under different circumstances gives more sense to our lives. Jerġaʼ iktar minn hekk, hu lest li jgħinna. James too, after giving firm counsel on the proper use of the tongue and the need to avoid jealousy and contentiousness, wrote: "The wisdom from above is first of all chaste, then peaceable, reasonable, ready to obey, full of mercy and good fruits, not making partial distinctions, not hypocritical. Still more, he is willing to help us. Miljuni taʼ nies li waqgħu fin - nassa tal - logħob għall - flus sabu lilhom infushom maqbudin f'vizzju mill - agħar tal - logħob. Allen), 10 / 1 Millions of people who have fallen into the trap of gambling have found themselves trapped in a evil gambling habit. TALBA bħal din tiġbor is - sentimenti taʼ ħafna miljuni taʼ rġiel u nisa devoti lejn Marija, omm Ġesù Kristu. That will motivate us to use our freedom in a good way and accept the limits Jehovah has given us. Such a prayer gathers the feelings of many millions of devoted men and women toward Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. Lejn it - tmiem taʼ dan il - kapitlu, Pawlu ħeġġeġ lill - qarrejja tiegħu: "Teħtieġu s - sabar sabiex, wara li tkunu għamiltu r - rieda t'Alla, tirċievu t - twettiq tal - wegħda. After only five months, he was ready to be baptized. Towards the end of this chapter, Paul urged his readers: "You need endurance so that, after you have done God's will, you will receive the fulfillment of the promise. Sa l - għaxra, ħafna mill - kongregazzjonijiet kienu qassmu iktar min - nofs il - fuljetti li kellhom. The decision would be hers to make. By ten, many of the congregations had distributed more than half of their tracts. X'tistaʼ tagħmel biex turi mħabba għal ħutek? For example, when Solomon became king of ancient Israel, he humbly prayed to God for understanding and discernment so that he could judge His people correctly. What can you do to show love for your brothers? Ben jgħidilna li meta missjunarji minn sfond differenti jgħixu flimkien, huwa normali li jinqalgħu xi differenzi żgħar. Madankollu, il - provvediment spiritwali taʼ l - istudju tal - familja jgħinhom iżommu atmosfera paċifika u magħquda. But you do not need to worry about things that have not yet happened. Ben tells us that when missionaries from different backgrounds live together, it is normal for minor differences to arise, but the spiritual provision of family study helps them to maintain a peaceful, united atmosphere. 5: 14. " It Is Finished " 5: 14. U bir - raġun. In fact, not only did the Egyptians finally allow the Israelites to go free but the Egyptians urged them to go, giving them so much gold and silver that it could be said that God's people "stripped the Egyptians. " And rightly. Il - wiri fil - pubbliku tal - ġisem mejjet tal - bniedem vili " misħut minn Alla ' żgur li ħalla effett fuq l - Iżraelin. When Jesus finally reached Bethany, Lazarus had been dead for four days. The public display of the dead body of the vile man "acquired of God " must have had an effect on the Israelites. Ġakbu wkoll, wara li ta parir sod dwar l - użu xieraq tal - ilsien u l - bżonn li jiġu evitati l - għira u spirtu ġellied, kiteb: "L - għerf li ġej minn fuq hu l - ewwelnett safi, imbagħad iġib il - paċi, hu raġunevoli, lest li jobdi, mimli ħniena u frott tajjeb, ma jagħmilx distinzjonijiet parzjali, mhux ipokrita. Get to the underlying issues. James too, after giving firm advice on the proper use of the tongue and the need to avoid jealousy and a fighty spirit, wrote: "The wisdom from above is first of all pure, then peaceable, reasonable, willing to obey, full of mercy and good fruitage, not making partial distinctions, not hypocritical. Għala Ma Jkollhomx Tfal? The book of Proverbs outlines a series of steps that enable us to develop godly fear. Why Do They Have No Children? Dan se jqanqalna nużaw il - libertà tagħna tajjeb u naċċettaw il - limiti li tana Ġeħova. Walking in the African veld can be tiring, especially during the heat of the day, but I soon found that in this climate, my physical limitations were easier to cope with, and for that I was grateful. This will move us to use our freedom well and accept the limits Jehovah has given us. Wara biss ħames xhur, kien lest biex jitgħammed. " When asked about reasons for going to college during the 1960s and early seventies, most students placed the highest value on " becoming an educated person ' or " developing a philosophy of life. ' After just five months, he was ready to get baptized. Id - deċiżjoni hi trid tiħodha. " You can't get away! ' The decision she wants to make. Per eżempju, meta Salamun sar sultan taʼ Israel tal - qedem, hu b'umiltà talab lil Alla għall - abbiltà biex jifhem u għad - dixxerniment sabiex ikun jistaʼ jiġġudika lill - poplu Tiegħu b'mod korrett. They began their service to Jehovah in a world dominated by Satan. For example, when Solomon became king of ancient Israel, he humbly prayed to God for the ability to understand and discernment so that he could judge His people correctly. Imma m'għandekx għalfejn tinkwieta dwar affarijiet li għadhom ma ġrawx. Dr. Davey Loos is a biochemist in Belgium. But you do not have to worry about things that have not yet happened. " Tlestiet " His work assignment was changed from the Service Department to the Mail Room and then to working in the garden. " Completed " U tant tawhom deheb u fidda li setaʼ jingħad li n - nies t'Alla "neżżgħu lill - Eġizzjani. " That way, books become their friends and a part of their life. " And he gave them so much gold and silver that it could be said that God's people "we fear the Egyptians. " Meta Ġesù finalment wasal Betanja, Lazzru kien ilu mejjet erbat ijiem. So how was your spiritual hunger satisfied? When Jesus finally arrived in Bethany, Lazarus had been dead for four days. Sib x'kienet il - qalba tal - kwistjoni. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES. AS A PARENT, you are thus the first line of defense in the war against drug abuse. Find out what was the heart of the matter. Fil - ktieb tal - Proverbji nsibu diversi passi li bis - saħħa tagħhom inkunu nistgħu niżviluppaw il - biżaʼ minn Alla. By the end of 2000, that figure was conservatively estimated to have risen to 700,000. In the book of Proverbs, we find several steps that enable us to develop godly fear. Il - mixi fl - art Afrikana kien jegħjina, speċjalment fis - sħana tal - jum, imma malajr skoprejt li f'din il - klima stajt inkampa aħjar mal - limitazzjonijiet fiżiċi tiegħi, u kont grat għal dan. In addition, if we personally received little or no recognition while growing up, we may find it hard to commend others. Walking on the African earth was bright, especially in the heat of the day, but I soon discovered that in this climate I could better cope with my physical limitations, and I was grateful for this. " Meta staqsewhom għala riedu jmorru l - università, matul is - sittinijiet u l - bidu tas - snin 70, il - biċċa l - kbira tal - istudenti poġġew l - ogħla valur fuq li " jsiru persuni taʼ skola ' jew " jiżviluppaw filosofija fil - ħajja. ' What help God's Word is in enabling us to recognize our problems! " When asked why they wanted to go to university, during the 1960 ' s and early 1970 ' s, most students put the highest value on " becoming schoolmates ' or " developing philosophy in life. ' " Ma tistax taħrab! ' [ Picture on page 10] " You cannot escape! ' Huma bdew is - servizz tagħhom lil Ġeħova f'dinja dominata minn Satana. Certainly " much is demanded ' of those who have been blessed with the precious knowledge of God. They began their service to Jehovah in a world dominated by Satan. Il - bijokimiku Belġjan Davey Loos xi darba kien jiddubita jekk jeżistix Ħallieq, u minflok kien jemmen fl - evoluzzjoni. But what if they still do not obey? Belgian biochemical Davey Loos at one time questioned the existence of a Creator, and instead he believed in evolution. L - inkarigu tiegħu nbidel mid - Dipartiment tas - Servizz għas - sezzjoni tal - posta u mbagħad għal xogħol fil - ġnien. Its unfailing prophecy and deep wisdom demonstrate that it is what it claims to be - God's communication to mankind. His assignment was changed by the Service Department to the post section and then to work in the garden. B'hekk, il - kotba jsiru bħal ħbieb għalihom u jsiru parti minn ħajjithom. " Above all, both of us now have a much closer relationship with Jehovah, who truly strengthened us during our trials. Thus, the books become like friends to them and become part of their lives. " Allura l - ġuħ spiritwali tiegħek kif inqataʼ? Since God is abundant in truth, we can always trust in his promises. So how was your spiritual hunger cut off? BĦALA ġenitur, inti għandek l - iktar irwol importanti biex tipproteġi lil uliedek f'din il - ġlieda kontra l - abbuż tad - drogi. Justin Martyr, one of the most famous of these Christians, believed that God's Spokesman had manifested himself to Greek philosophers long before the arrival of Jesus. AS A parent, you have the most important role to play in protecting your children in this fight against drug abuse. Miri Spiritwali, 7 / 15 Now, years later, I am happy that I focused much of my youth on Jehovah's service. Jehovah's Worship, 7 / 1 Sa l - aħħar taʼ l - 2000, ġie kalkulat li dik iċ - ċifra telgħet minn taʼ l - inqas għal 700,000 ruħ. " Yet, my husband served as an elder before he got involved in some unwise business arrangements. By the end of 2000, it was estimated that figure rose from at least 700,000 people. Iktar minn hekk, jekk aħna personalment ngħatajna ftit jew xejn tifħir meta konna qegħdin nikbru, nistgħu nsibuha iebsa biex infaħħru lil oħrajn. Other researchers seek a biological explanation for human aggression. Moreover, if we personally received little or no praise when we were growing up, we may find it hard to praise others. Kemm tgħinna l - Kelma t'Alla biex inkunu nistgħu nirrikonoxxu l - problemi tagħna! Do you have similar loyalty? How God's Word helps us to recognize our problems! [ Stampa f'paġna 10] (Read Romans 1: 20.) [ Picture on page 10] Żgur li "jfittxu li jieħdu ħafna " mingħand dawk li tbierku bl - għarfien prezzjuż t'Alla. Like Jezebel, Christendom's clergy spearhead the persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses. Surely they "seek to receive much " from those who have been blessed with God's precious knowledge. Imma xi ngħidu jekk xorta ma jobdux? But because I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses and because the truth of God's Word fills me with joy and happiness, for these reasons I can paint. But what if they still disobey? Il - profezija infallibbli u l - għerf profond li fiha juru li l - Bibbja hija l - komunikazzjoni t'Alla mal - bnedmin bħalma ssostni li hi. Number of countries represented: 6 The infallible prophecy and its deep wisdom show that the Bible is God's communication with mankind as it claims. Fuq kollox, it - tnejn li aħna issa għandna relazzjoni eqreb maʼ Jehovah li verament saħħaħna matul dawn il - provi. I loved my father and mother very much, and I just could not accept that they and God were at fault for my condition. Above all, both of us now have a closer relationship with Jehovah that has truly strengthened us during these trials. Ladarba Alla huwa kbir, jew abbundanti, fil - verità, jistaʼ dejjem ikollna fiduċja f'dak li jwiegħed. In its entirety it comes for mere violence. The assembling of their faces is as the east wind, and it gathers up captives just like the sand. Since God is great, or abundant, in the truth, we can always have confidence in what he promises. Ġustinu Martri, wieħed mill - iktar famużi fost dawn il - Kristjani, kien jemmen li Ġesù, il - Kelliemi t'Alla, kien wera lilu nnifsu lill - filosfi Griegi ferm qabel ma ġie fuq l - art. Fermentation. Justin Marri, one of the most famous of these Christians, believed that Jesus, God's Spokesman, had shown himself to the Greek philosophers long before coming to earth. Issa, snin wara, jien ferħana li stajt inqattaʼ ħafna minn żgħożiti fis - servizz taʼ Ġeħova. Little did I realize that we would cross paths later in life and that he would become a lifelong friend! Now, years later, I am happy that I could spend much of my youth in Jehovah's service. Fil - passat, żewġi kien qeda bħala anzjan imma sar involut f'xi attivitajiet tan - negozju mhux għaqlin, beda jitlef il - laqgħat, u waqafna nikkomunikaw. A sister in South Africa named Elaine remembers the way her parents disciplined her. In the past, my husband had served as an elder but became involved in some unwise business activities, began to miss meetings, and we stopped communicating. Xi riċerkaturi oħrajn jgħidu li teżisti spjegazzjoni bijoloġika għala l - bnedmin ikunu aggressivi. Saul also spared the best of their livestock as something that could be sacrificed to Jehovah. Other researchers say that there is a biological explanation why humans are aggressive. Għandek int lealtà simili? Even so, I encouraged those in attendance, including many young ones, to think about taking up the full - time ministry. Do you have similar loyalty? (Aqra Rumani 1: 20.) His "good spirit " will help you make the right decision. (Read Romans 1: 20.) Bħal Ġeżabel, il - kleru tal - Kristjaneżmu huwa minn taʼ quddiem biex jippersegwita lix - Xhieda taʼ Ġeħova. The apostle Paul tells us: "Not all are apostles, are they? Not all are prophets, are they? Not all are teachers, are they? Like Jezebel, the clergy of Christendom take the lead in persecuting Jehovah's Witnesses. Imma peress li jien Xhud taʼ Jehovah u peress li l - verità tal - Kelma t'Alla timlieni bil - ferħ u bl - hena, jien nistaʼ npitter. He said: "For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. But because I am a Witness of Jehovah and because the truth of God's Word fills me with joy and happiness, I can painting. Numru taʼ pajjiżi rappreżentati: 6 The "Eureka Drama " became a useful tool in" Class Extension Work, " in which Bible Student classes sent out speakers to start new study classes. Number of countries represented: 6 Kont inħobbhom ħafna lil missieri u lil ommi, u sempliċement ma stajtx naċċetta li huma u Alla kienu jaħtu għall - qagħda tiegħi. Detailed presentations were provided in the Bulletin (now Our Kingdom Ministry). I loved my father and my mother very much, and I simply could not accept that they and God were guilty of my situation. Ilebbtu r - rikkieba tiegħu, ġejjin mill - bogħod ir - rikkieba tiegħu, itiru b'ħeffa t'ajkla tfittex l - ikel. If you have sinned seriously, Jehovah is ready to forgive you. He likened his riders, his riders coming from far away, flying quickly with an eagle looking for food. Il - fermentazzjoni. We encourage you to read the Bible daily, for its message can help you to "stand complete and with firm conviction in all the will of God. " - Colossians 4: 12. Fermentation. Mur għidli li konna se nerġgħu niltaqgħu iktar tard fil - ħajja u nsiru ħbieb għal għomorna! Might spectators at some of today's sports events be similarly affected, becoming "more cruel and inhuman "? Go to tell me that we would meet again later in life and become lifelong friends! Oħt mill - Afrika t'Isfel li jisimha Elaine tiftakar il - mod kif il - ġenituri tagħha ddixxiplinawha. Since Jehovah allows human governments to rule, we do not oppose them. A South African sister named Elaine recalls the way her parents disciplined her. Sawl ħalla wkoll l - aħjar annimali ħajjin biex jissagrifikahom lil Ġeħova. Archaeologist's Fraud Saul also left the best animals alive to sacrifice them to Jehovah. Minkejja dan, inkuraġġejt lil dawk fl - udjenza, inkluż lil ħafna żgħażagħ, biex jaħsbu dwar jekk jistgħux jidħlu fil - ministeru full - time. A member of the Governing Body announced the release of a revised New World Translation in English. Nevertheless, I encouraged those in the audience, including many youths, to think about whether they could enter the full - time ministry. " L - ispirtu tajjeb " tiegħu se jgħinek tieħu d - deċiżjoni t - tajba. Success as a mother depends on your ability to stay balanced throughout demanding times. His "good spirit " will help you make the right decision. L - appostlu Pawlu jgħidilna: "M'humiex ilkoll appostli jew profeti jew għalliema, hux hekk? Pay Attention to Your "Art of Teaching " The apostle Paul tells us: "They are not all apostles or prophets or teachers, are they not? Hu qal: "Jien għalhekk twelidt, u għalhekk ġejt fid - dinja, biex nixhed għall - verità. He concludes that "Peter almost surely caught a barbel. " He said: "I have thus been born, so I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. L - "Eureka Drama " kienet għodda utli għal programm tal - Istudenti tal - Bibbja li fih kienu jibagħtu kelliema biex jibdew klassijiet taʼ studju ġodda. How can a wife show that she is submissive? The "Eureka Drama " was a useful tool for a Bible Students ' program to which they sent speakers to start new classes of study. Preżentazzjonijiet dettaljati kienu provduti fil - Bulletin (issa l - Ministeru tas - Saltna). They will help us to "stand firm in the faith " during these very difficult times. Detailed presentations were provided in the Bulletin (now the Kingdom Ministry). Jekk għamilt dnub serju, Ġeħova lest li jaħfirlek. 10: 7. If you have committed a serious sin, Jehovah is willing to forgive you. Aħna ninkuraġġuk biex taqra l - Bibbja kuljum, għax il - messaġġ tagħha jistaʼ jgħinek " tieqaf sħiħ u b'konvinzjoni soda fir - rieda kollha t'Alla. ' - Kolossin 4: 12, NW. A closer examination of their claimed status, however, reveals that their present life - style is not an improvement over their former village life; they are struggling financially like most other city dwellers. We encourage you to read the Bible daily, for its message can help you to "stand complete and with firm conviction in all the will of God. " - Colossians 4: 12. Huwa possibbli li l - ispettaturi taʼ xi wħud mill - ġrajjiet sportivi taʼ llum jiġu effettwati bl - istess mod, imorru d - dar " iktar kefrin u inqas umani '? And for this to happen, you need to do more than merely seek information from the Bible. Is it possible for spectators of some of today's sporting events to be affected in the same way, going to "the more cruel and less human " home? Ladarba Ġeħova jippermetti lill - gvernijiet umani biex imexxu, aħna ma nopponuhomx. [ Pictures on page 15] Since Jehovah allows human governments to rule, we do not oppose them. L - Ispiża li Dejjem Tielgħa tal - Kriminalità " The generous soul will itself be made fat [prosperous], " continues the king, "and the one freely watering others will himself also be freely watered. " The Always Spouse of Crime Membru tal - Ġemgħa li Tiggverna ħabbar il - ħarġa tar - reviżjoni bl - Ingliż tat - Traduzzjoni tad - Dinja l - Ġdida. Our love for him will grow as we reflect on the third aspect of our Father's care for us - his friendship. A member of the Governing Body announced the issue of the revision of the New World Translation. Is - suċċess tiegħek bħala omm jiddependi minn kemm għandek ħila żżomm bilanċ f'mumenti diffiċli. 2: 11. Your motherly success depends on your ability to maintain balance at difficult times. Oqgħod Attent għall - "Arti tat - Tagħlim " Tiegħek When you are doing public witnessing using a literature cart, have you ever noticed that if you smile and greet people in a friendly way, they feel more comfortable coming and taking a publication? Beware of Your "Art of Teaching " Hu jikkonkludi li "Pietru x'aktarx li qabad barbju. " " Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " - James 4: 8. He concludes that "Peter is likely to have caught a buoy. " Mara kif tistaʼ turi li hi sottomessa? Indulge them! How can a woman show that she is in subjection? Dawn se jgħinuna " nżommu sod fil - fidi ' matul dawn iż - żminijiet diffiċli ħafna. With my wife in Brooklyn, New York They will help us to "stand firm in the faith " during these very difficult times. 10: 7. Why should we seek opportunities to commend others? 10: 7. Huma qed jissieltu finanzjarjament bħalma qed jagħmlu l - biċċa l - kbira taʼ dawk li jgħixu fil - belt. • What will help us to benefit from personal Bible study and meditation? They are struggling financially as most city dwellers do. U biex dan iseħħ, trid tagħmel iktar milli sempliċement tfittex l - informazzjoni fuq il - Bibbja. In early 1944, the big day came! And for this to happen, you must do more than just seek information on the Bible. [ Stampi f'paġna 15] Would you be like Esau and say: " Quick! Give it to me! ' [ Pictures on page 15] " Min jagħti bil - qalb ikollu l - barka, " ikompli jgħid is - sultan, "u min ixabbaʼ l - oħrajn ikollu bix - xabaʼ. " Moving to the rhythm of squeaking pulleys and creaking levers, the craftsman concentrates on the colorful strip of cloth that lies before him. " The one giving with the heart will have the blessing, " the king continues to say, "and the one who hears others will have blessed. " L - imħabba tagħna għalih tikber hekk kif nirriflettu fuq it - tielet aspett taʼ kif Missierna jieħu ħsiebna - il - ħbiberija tiegħu. Could there be extenuating circumstances that might affect our response? Our love for him grows as we reflect on the third aspect of our Father's care - his friendship. 2: 11. 13, 14. (a) What should be our chief concern now? 2: 11. Meta tkun qed tipprietka f'postijiet pubbliċi permezz tat - trolley, ġieli nnotajt li jekk titbissem u ssellem lin - nies bil - ħlewwa, iħossuhom iktar komdi biex jersqu u jieħdu l - letteratura? (b) When was the hope to be part of the Kingdom arrangement opened up? When preaching in public places through the trolley, have you ever noticed that smiling and greeting people kindly makes them more comfortable to approach and take literature? " Ersqu qrib lejn Alla, u hu jersaq qrib lejkom. " - Ġakbu 4: 8. Who but God could have predicted the details of those historical events? " Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " - James 4: 8. Ikkuntentahom! In the days of Noah, some angels were also influenced by what they saw. Beware of them! Maʼ marti fi Brooklyn, New York Jehovah called Sarah "Princess, " but she did not expect to be treated like royalty With my wife in Brooklyn, New York Għala għandna nfittxu opportunitajiet biex infaħħru lil oħrajn? BY AWAKE! Why should we look for opportunities to praise others? • X'se jgħinna nibbenefikaw mill - istudju persunali tal - Bibbja u l - meditazzjoni? When Jehovah gave the Law to Israel, he told the people that if they were obedient, they would become "a holy nation " and that the nation could remain holy as long as they accepted Jehovah's arrangement. • What will help us to benefit from personal Bible study and meditation? Kmieni fl - 1944 wasal il - jum importanti! Micah knew that he could not change that situation. Early in 1944 the important day arrived! Se tkun bħal Għesaw, li malajr ċeda għat - tentazzjoni? But what favorable and lasting effects it can have! Will you be like Esau, who quickly gave in to temptation? Hu u jiċċaqlaq mar - ritmu tat - taljoli u l - lievi jżaqżqu, in - nissieġ tas - sengħa jikkonċentra fuq l - istrixxa kulurita tad - drapp li għandu quddiemu. Changes at Home As he moves around the rhythm of the talols and the levers he spits, the craftsmen concentrate on the colored strip of the cloth ahead of him. Jistaʼ jkun hemm affarijiet dwar is - sitwazzjoni tiegħu li ma nafux bihom u li jistgħu jeffettwaw il - parir tagħna? Consider also what Jehovah had Isaiah write about himself. Could there be things about his unknown situation that can affect our counsel? 13, 14. (a) Fuq xiex għandna niffokaw issa? One who chooses to drink should set definite limits, learning to say no. - 1 / 1, pages 7 - 9. 13, 14. (a) What should we focus now on? (b) Meta saret disponibbli t - tama li wieħed ikun parti mill - arranġament tas - Saltna? Jesus described such procrastination as " looking at the things behind. ' (b) When did the hope of being part of the Kingdom arrangement become available? Min ħlief Alla setaʼ bassar id - dettalji taʼ dawk il - ġrajjiet storiċi? Everyone who attended was happy to be there! Who but God could have foretold the details of those historical events? Fi żmien Noè, xi anġli wkoll ġew influwenzati minn dak li raw. Why may we feel discouraged when we preach in an area where most people do not listen? In Noah's day, some angels were also influenced by what they saw. Ġeħova lil Sara sejħilha "Prinċipessa, " imma hi ma kinitx tippretendi li tiġi trattata bħal xi ħadd irjali For example, a sister named Renee had a stroke, was in constant pain, and also had cancer. Jehovah called Sarah "Principess, " but she did not pretend to be treated like a royal person MINN KITTIEB GĦAL STENBAĦ! " There will be... pestilences " BY AWAKE! Meta Jehovah ta l - Liġi lil Iżrael, hu qal lin - nies li jekk jobdu, kienu se jsiru "ġens qaddis " u li l - ġens setaʼ jibqaʼ qaddis sakemm kien se jaċċetta l - arranġament taʼ Jehovah. In 1925, Father became a Bibelforscher, or Bible Student, as Jehovah's Witnesses were then known. When Jehovah gave the Law to Israel, he told people that if they obeyed, they would become "a holy nation " and that the nation could remain holy until he would accept Jehovah's arrangement. Mikea kien jaf li hu ma setax ibiddel din is - sitwazzjoni. Taking in blood in any of those ways would violate God's law. - 1 Samuel 14: 32, 33. Micah knew that he could not change this situation. Imma kemm jistaʼ jkollha effetti tajbin u fit - tul! Coping Joyfully in a Hectic World But how far - reaching and long - term effects can be! Bidliet fil - Familja As Christians, what can we do to avoid being influenced by the prevailing distorted view of marriage? Changes in the Family Ikkunsidra wkoll dak li Ġeħova qabbad lil Isaija jikteb dwaru nnifsu. By resisting Solomon's enticements, the Shulammite, though imperfect, proved herself to be without moral defect. Consider, too, what Jehovah had Isaiah write about himself. Mosè tkellem bħallikieku kienu hu u Aron li pprovdew l - ilma b'miraklu u mhux Alla. • What precautions can help one to keep from forming a romantic attachment outside the marriage? Moses spoke as if he and Aaron provided water miraculously and not God. Ġesù spjega li min joqgħod lura b'dan il - mod ikun qed "iħares lejn dak li hemm warajh. " For example, he sought worship from Jesus in exchange for giving him "all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. " Jesus explained that he who returns in this way is "looking at the things behind. " Dawk kollha li attendew kienu ferħanin li kienu preżenti! Note how Nicole, mentioned at the beginning of this article, was helped by her mother, Michelle, in a way that went beyond simply mending the rift with her friend Gabrielle. All those who attended were happy to be present! Għala għandna mnejn inħossuna skuraġġiti meta nippritkaw f'territorju fejn il - biċċa l - kbira min - nies ma jridux jisimgħu? Love of neighbor, like love of God, is not merely a feeling; it involves action. Why might we feel discouraged when we preach in a territory where most people do not want to listen? Pereżempju, oħt jisimha Renee tatha puplesija, kienet muġugħa l - ħin kollu, u kellha kanċer ukoll. If we unrepentantly practice "vile things, " what attitude are we betraying? For example, a sister named Renee gave her a stroke, was constantly painful, and also had cancer. " Ikun hemm... mard li jittieħed " That is so because God did not create humans to be selfish but, rather, to reflect his own precious qualities. - Genesis 1: 27. " There will be... contagious diseases " Fl - 1925, missieri sar Bibelforscher, jew, Student tal - Bibbja, kif kienu magħrufin ix - Xhieda taʼ Ġeħova dak iż - żmien. [ Picture on page 15] In 1925, Father became Bibelforscher, or Bible Student, as Jehovah's Witnesses were then known. Li jieħdu d - demm b'xi mod minn dawn kien ifisser li qed jiksru l - liġi t'Alla. - 1 Samwel 14: 32, 33. There, Jesus presented to God the value of his perfect human life to redeem what Adam had lost for himself and his offspring. Taking blood in any of these ways meant breaking God's law. - 1 Samuel 14: 32, 33. Nissaportu bil - Ferħ f'Dinja Mgħaġġla Sharing Living Accommodations, 2 / 15 Enduring Happily in a Rapid World Bħala Kristjani, x'għandna nagħmlu biex nevitaw li niġu influwenzati mill - idea żbaljata dwar iż - żwieġ li tant hija popolari llum? EDELMIRA, a 15 - year - old girl in the United States, put Awake! As Christians, what should we do to avoid being influenced by the wrong idea of marriage that is so popular today? Billi rreżistiet il - kummenti taʼ Salamun, is - Sulamija, għalkemm imperfetta, tat prova li kienet bla difett morali. He spoke of the patriarch Abraham in that way. By resisting Solomon's comments, the Shulammite, though imperfect, proved to be without moral defect. • Liema prewkazzjonijiet jistgħu jgħinu biex iżommu lil dak li jkun milli jifforma rabta romantika barra ż - żwieġ? How did Erna come off triumphant in a special way? • What prerequisites can help to prevent a person from forming a romantic bond outside a marriage? Per eżempju, hu fittex li jingħata qima minn Ġesù u kien lest li jagħtih "is - saltniet kollha tad - dinja u l - glorja tagħhom. " A mythological Ugaritic poem may provide background on Exodus 23: 19 For example, he sought to be worshipped by Jesus and was willing to give him "all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. " Innota kif Nicole, li ssemmiet fil - bidu taʼ dan l - artiklu, ġiet megħjuna minn ommha, Michelle, b'mod li mhux sempliċement rebħet lura l - ħbiberija mal - ħabiba tagħha Gabrielle. And all must work to keep the peace in the congregation. Note how Nicole, mentioned at the outset of this article, was helped by her mother, Michelle, in a way that did not just win back her friendship with her friend Gabrielle. L - imħabba għall - proxxmu, bħall - imħabba għal Alla, m'hijiex sempliċi sentiment; din tinvolvi azzjoni. Every meeting helps us to learn more about Jehovah. Love of neighbor, such as love of God, is not just a feeling; it involves action. Jekk bla ndiema nipprattikaw "affarijiet vili, " x'attitudni nkunu qed nuru li għandna? [ Credit Line] If we unrepentantly practice " vile things, " what attitude do we show? Dan jiġri għaliex Alla ma ħalaqx lill - bnedmin biex ikunu egoisti, imma pjuttost, biex jirriflettu l - kwalitajiet prezzjużi tiegħu. - Ġenesi 1: 27. In other lands many expend most of their energy chasing wealth and material possessions. This is because God did not create humans to be selfish, but rather, to reflect his precious qualities. - Genesis 1: 27. [ Stampa f'paġna 15] He said that the people were so influenced by propaganda that it was as if they were hypnotized by it. [ Picture on page 15] Hemmhekk, Ġesù ppreżenta lil Alla l - valur tal - ħajja umana perfetta tiegħu biex jifdi dak li Adam kien tilef għalih u għal uliedu. Thus, minding the spirit means being controlled, dominated, and impelled by Jehovah's active force. There Jesus presented to God the value of his perfect human life to redeem what Adam had lost for him and his children. EDELMIRA, tfajla taʼ 15 - il sena fl - Istati Uniti taʼ l - Amerika, użat ir - rivista Stenbaħ! osmium Os 76 EDELMIRA, a 15 - year - old girl in the United States of America, used the Awake! Hu tkellem dwar il - patrijarka Abraham b'dan il - mod. All faithful Christians benefit from the holy spirit's role in revealing the deep things of God. He spoke of the patriarch Abraham in this way. Erna kif ħarġet rebbieħa b'mod speċjali? Today, the principal part of Babylon the Great is Christendom, whose clergy take the lead in opposing the Kingdom - preaching work of Jehovah's people. How did Erna come out in a special way? Poeżija tal - mitoloġija Ugaritika li tistaʼ tipprovdi bażi għal Eżodu 23: 19 Really, in the same way that the trees, sea creatures, and animals do. Ugaritic mythology poems that can provide a basis for Exodus 23: 19 U kollha għandhom jistinkaw biex iżommu l - paċi fil - kongregazzjoni. I was baptized in Blackpool, England, in 1943 when I was ten years old. And all should strive to maintain peace in the congregation. Kull laqgħa tgħinna nitgħallmu iktar dwar Ġeħova. While no one can accurately judge another's motives, Jehovah "is making an estimate of hearts. " Each meeting helps us to learn more about Jehovah. [ Sors tal - istampa] Here, the modern seems to dominate over the ancient. [ Credit Line] F'pajjiżi oħrajn, ħafna jagħmlu minn kollox biex jiksbu l - ġid u l - affarijiet materjali. Left to right: My grandson Jonathan and his wife, Mirjam; Erika, me, my son Wolfgang and his wife, Julia In other lands, many do their utmost to gain wealth and material possessions. Hu qal li n - nies tant kienu influwenzati mill - propaganda li kien bħallikieku ġew ipnotizzati minnha. David survived on each occasion because Jehovah was with him. - 1 Samuel 18: 6 - 12, 25; 19: 10, 11. He said that people were so influenced by propaganda that it was as if they had been notied by it. B'hekk, li titfaʼ ħsiebek fuq l - ispirtu jfisser li tkun kontrollat, dominat, u mqanqal mill - forza attiva taʼ Jehovah. Jehovah Richly Rewards Those Who Keep His Way Thus, putting your mind on the spirit means being controlled, dominated, and moved by Jehovah's active force. osmju Os 76 If the son has not, she should discuss the matter with her husband before anything is decided. osmium Os 76 Il - Kristjani leali kollha jibbenefikaw mill - irwol tal - ispirtu qaddis li jirrivela l - affarijiet profondi t'Alla. TOWARD the end of his third missionary journey, the apostle Paul called a meeting of the older men of the congregation in Ephesus. All faithful Christians benefit from the role of the holy spirit in revealing God's deep things. Illum, il - parti prinċipali taʼ Babilonja l - Kbira hija l - Kristjaneżmu, li l - kleru tiegħu huwa minn taʼ quddiem f'li jopponi x - xogħol taʼ l - ippridkar tas - Saltna li jwettaq il - poplu taʼ Jehovah. In the process, they distracted people from worshipping the one to whom Jesus always directed attention - his Father, Jehovah. Today, the main part of Babylon the Great is Christendom, whose clergy is at the forefront of opposing the Kingdom - preaching work performed by Jehovah's people. Jagħmlu dan bħalma jagħmlu s - siġar, il - ħlejjaq tal - baħar, u l - annimali. [ Picture on page 23] They do so as do trees, marine creatures, and animals. Tgħammidt fi Blackpool, l - Ingilterra, fl - 1943 meta kelli 10 snin. Some Successes, Many Failures 3 I was baptized in Blackpool, England, in 1943 when I was 10 years old. Waqt li ħadd ma jistaʼ jiġġudika bir - reqqa l - intenzjonijiet taʼ l - oħrajn, Ġeħova "jiżen il - qlub. " In the court's decision, Justice Crepeau stated: "Visits by the Jehovah's Witnesses are a Christian community service and... the publications offered by Witnesses to interested citizens are serious literature, dealing with subject matters such as religion, the Bible, drugs, alcoholism, youth education, marital problems and divorce. " While no one can carefully judge the intentions of others, Jehovah "is weighing up hearts. " Hawnhekk jispikkaw iktar l - aspetti moderni milli dawk antiki. He has promised to bring an end to sickness, sorrow, and death. Here modern aspects are more prominent than old ones. Mix - xellug għal - lemin: In - neputi tiegħi Jonathan u martu Mirjam; Erika u jien, u ibni Wolfgang u martu Julia Clearly, many people wanted what I had to give. From left to right: My grandson Jonathan and his wife, Miriam; Erika and I, and my son, Wolfgang and his wife, Julia David salva kull darba minħabba li Ġeħova kien miegħu. - 1 Samwel 18: 6 - 12, 25; 19: 10, 11. How does the Bible enlighten us about the cause of worsening world conditions since 1914? David survived each time because Jehovah was with him. - 1 Samuel 18: 6 - 12, 25; 19: 10, 11. Ġeħova Jbierek bil - Kbir lil Dawk li Jħarsu Triqtu This portion of the psalm has been rendered: "You sweep men away in the sleep of death. " Jehovah Greatly Blesss Those Keeping His Ways Jekk le, hi għandha tiddiskuti l - kwistjoni mar - raġel tagħha qabel ma tiddeċiedi xi ħaġa. Reading the Bible with an open mind thus lays a basis for faith and hope. If not, she should discuss the matter with her husband before deciding something. LEJN tmiem it - tielet vjaġġ missjunarju tiegħu, l - appostlu Pawlu laqqaʼ lill - irġiel ixjeħ tal - kongregazzjoni t'Efesu. We were still drawn to the "plain " religions, for we felt that a simple way of life and plain clothing were indications that a religion was no part of the world. TOWARDS the end of his third missionary journey, the apostle Paul gathered older men of the Ephesus congregation. B'din id - duttrina huma aljenaw lin - nies milli jaqdu lill - wieħed li Ġesù dejjem idderieġa l - attenzjoni lejh - Missieru Ġeħova. The hour was late, probably after midnight, and "their eyes were heavy " with sleep. With this doctrine they distracted people from serving the one whom Jesus has always directed attention to - his Father, Jehovah. [ Stampa f'paġna 23] But we never tithe, take up collections, or charge a fee for our services or publications. [ Picture on page 23] It - tbassir - Iżjed ifalli milli jseħħ! 3 Imitate Jesus ' example by helping them to enjoy teaching God's Word to others. Foretelling - More Fifteens From Fifty! 3 Fid - deċiżjoni tal - qorti, l - Imħallef Crepeau qal: "Iż - żjajjar mix - Xhieda taʼ Jehovah huma servizz Kristjan fil - komunità u... il - pubblikazzjonijiet li joffru x - Xhieda lil ċittadini interessati huma letteratura serja, li tittratta dwar suġġetti bħalma huma r - reliġjon, il - Bibbja, id - drogi, l - alkoħoliżmu, l - edukazzjoni taż - żgħażagħ, il - problemi fiż - żwieġ u d - divorzju. " He could not see the heavenly hosts. In the court ruling, Judge Crereau said: "The visits by Jehovah's Witnesses are a Christian service in the community and... the publications that the Witnesses offer to interested citizens are serious literature, dealing with such topics as religion, the Bible, drugs, alcoholism, youth education, marital problems and divorce. " Hu wiegħed li jtemm il - mard, in - niket, u l - mewt. How can you progress spiritually without growing weary? He promised to end sickness, grief, and death. B'mod ċar, ħafna nies riedu dak li bdejt nagħti. How will they benefit? Clearly, many people wanted what I began to give. Il - Bibbja x'turina dwar il - kaġun tal - kundizzjonijiet dinjin li baqgħu jeħżienu mill - 1914 ' l hawn? interviewed Diane, a dietitian, and Ellen, a registered nurse, who have both specialized in working with overweight and obese patients. What does the Bible show about the cause of worsening world conditions since 1914? Din il - parti tas - salm ġiet tradotta: "Int tiknes lill - bniedem fir - raqda tal - mewt. " In response, some murmured against him, especially when he spoke this illustration: "Most truly I say to you, Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in yourselves. This part of the psalm was translated: "You sweep man into the sleep of death. " B'hekk, jekk naqraw il - Bibbja b'moħħ miftuħ inkunu qed inqiegħdu pedament għall - fidi u t - tama. Then write your answers next to the questions. Thus, reading the Bible with an open mind would lay a foundation for faith and hope. Xorta bqajna miġbudin lejn ir - reliġjonijiet "sempliċi, " għax konna nħossu li stil taʼ ħajja u lbies sempliċi kienu juru li r - reliġjon ma kinitx parti mid - dinja. However, some members of the congregation in ancient Corinth were creating factions. We were still drawn to religions "simple, " feeling that a simple lifestyle and clothing showed that religion was no part of the world. Kien tard bil - lejl, x'aktarx wara nofs il - lejl, u "għajnejhom kienu tqal bin - ngħas. " Nevertheless, a fifth - century church patriarch named Theophilus once cautioned: "The works of Origen are like a meadow of every kind of flower. It was late at night, likely after midnight, and "their eyes were sleepy. " Imma qatt ma nitolbu dieċmi, nagħmlu ġbir, jew inżommu l - flus għas - servizzi jew pubblikazzjonijiet tagħna. Futility indeed! But we never ask for tithing, collection, or keeping money for our services or publications. Imita l - eżempju taʼ Ġesù billi tgħinhom jieħdu pjaċir jgħallmu l - Kelma t'Alla lil oħrajn. The wicked surrounded him, and his very life was endangered. Imitate Jesus ' example by helping them to enjoy teaching God's Word to others. Lill - qtajjaʼ tas - sema ma setax jarahom. Good Health for All - Soon! He could not see the heavenly hordes. Kif tistaʼ tagħmel progress spiritwali mingħajr ma tegħja? Questions From Readers How can you make spiritual progress without getting tired? Kif se jibbenefikaw minn dan? The meek and spiritually hungry were also drawn to him. How will this benefit? intervistat lil Diane, esperta tad - dieta, u lil Ellen, infermiera kwalifikata, li t - tnejn li huma jispeċjalizzaw fix - xogħol tagħhom maʼ pazjenti li għandhom piż żejjed u li jbatu bl - obeżità. Turning at intersections can be deadly, especially if your path takes you across lanes of oncoming traffic. interviewed Diane, a diet expert, and Ellen, a qualified nurse, who both specialize in their work with overweight, obese patients. Minħabba f'hekk, xi wħud ilmentaw kontrih, speċjalment meta qal din it - tixbiha: "Tassew, tassew, ngħidilkom, Jekk ma tiklux il - laħam taʼ Bin il - bniedem u ma tixorbux demmu, m'għandkom ebda ħajja fikom infuskom. Rather than impulsively jumping to conclusions when faced with choices, we ought to take time to search for godly principles and exercise our thinking ability in applying them. As a result, some have complained against him, especially when he said this illustration: "Truly I say to you, If you do not eat the flesh of the Son of man and do not drink his blood, you have no life in yourselves. Imbagħad ikteb it - tweġibiet tiegħek ħdejn il - mistoqsijiet. How did Jesus show himself to be a real friend to his disciples? Then write your answers next to the questions. Madankollu, xi membri tal - kongregazzjoni f'Korintu tal - qedem kienu qed joħolqu l - firdiet. How tragic that humans rejected it! However, some members of the congregation in ancient Corinth were creating divisions. Minkejja dan, patrijarka tal - knisja li għex fil - ħames seklu u li kien jismu Teofilu, darba wissa: "Ix - xogħlijiet taʼ Oriġene huma bħal mergħa b'kull tip taʼ fjura. A History of the Bible. Nevertheless, a five - century church patriarch named Theophilus once warned: "Origen's works are like pastures with all kinds of flowers. Verament frugħa! It said that the brothers and sisters were "transformed into advertising " sandwiches. ' " Truly futile! Il - ħżiena għalquh dawramejt, u saħansitra ħajtu kienet fil - periklu. Serving With the Watchman The wicked came around, and even his life was in danger. Saħħa Tajba għal Kulħadd - Dalwaqt! " The stars of God " are the kings of the royal line of David. Good Health for All - Soon! Mistoqsijiet mill - Qarrejja All of them would follow "one shepherd. " Questions From Readers Anki l - ġwejdin u dawk bil - ġuħ spiritwalment ħassew li setgħu jmorru għandu. Sisera himself sought refuge in the tent of Jael, but she killed him while he slept. Even the meek and spiritually hungry felt that they could go to him. Dawrien f'salib it - toroq jistaʼ jwassal għall - mewt, speċjalment jekk tkun se taqsam xi triq fejn it - traffiku jkun ġej fuqek. Zipped Wounds Lights at a crossroads can lead to death, especially if you are going to cross a road where traffic is coming on you. Minflok ma naqbdu u naslu għal konklużjonijiet meta niffaċċjaw xi għażliet, aħna għandna nieħdu l - ħin biex infittxu dwar prinċipji Bibliċi u nużaw l - abbiltà tal - ħsieb hekk kif napplikawhom. So study the Bible carefully. Instead of reaching conclusions when faced with choices, we should take time to look for Bible principles and use thinking ability as we apply them. Ġesù kif kien ħabib tajjeb għad - dixxipli tiegħu? These expressions paint a vivid picture of self - sacrifice and may well remind us of pioneers who give their ministry first place in life while supporting themselves financially. How was Jesus a good friend for his disciples? X'ħasra li l - bnedmin ċaħduha! As the prophet explained his fears, Jehovah listened and then displayed His great power. What a pity it was for humans to reject it! A History of the Bible. We have faith that we are living in the last days, that the good news is the most important message being sounded on earth, and that it is vital for people to hear it. A History of the Bible. Qalet li l - aħwa kienu "nbidlu f ' " sandwiches ' taʼ reklamar. " Whatever your circumstances may be, never forget that Jehovah understands your problems better than anyone else - including you! She said that the brothers had "converted into advertising sandwiches. " Naqdu maʼ l - Għassies On the other hand, the otherworldliness of certain politicians is much more of a threat to the peace of citizens and the harmony of society. " Serving With the Guardian Il - "kwiekeb taʼ Alla " huma s - slaten mil - linja rjali taʼ David. [ Picture on page 20] The "stars of God " are kings of David's royal line. Ilkoll kemm huma kienu se jsegwu lir - "ragħaj wieħed. " God's spirit helps those who receive it to reflect Jehovah's generous personality. All of them would follow "one shepherd. " Sisera nnifsu pprova jistkenn fit - tinda taʼ Ġagħel, imma hi qatlitu waqt li kien rieqed. • Exercise regularly Sisera himself tried to take refuge in the tent of Jael, but she killed him while he was asleep. Feriti Magħluqin b'Żipp The alphabet called Cyrillic is based closely on the Greek alphabet, with a dozen or so additional characters invented to represent Slavonic sounds not found in Greek. Zipp-enclosed wounds Għalhekk, studja l - Bibbja sew. But as time went by, some of those words began to sound old - fashioned, and today they are difficult to understand. So he studied the Bible properly. Dawn l - espressjonijiet jagħtu stampa ċara taʼ sagrifiċċju persunali u għandhom mnejn ifakkruna fil - pijunieri li jpoġġu l - ministeru tagħhom l - ewwel post f'ħajjithom waqt li jmantnu lilhom infushom finanzjarjament. Walking in Jehovah's name does not mean merely saying that he is our God. These expressions give a clear picture of self - sacrifice and may remind us of the pioneers who put their ministry first in their lives while maintaining themselves financially. Hekk kif il - profeta kien qed jitkellem dwar il - biżaʼ tiegħu, Ġeħova qagħad jisimgħu, u mbagħad wera l - qawwa kbira Tiegħu. " Using my talents at Bethel makes me feel content and at peace because they are being used for Jehovah and for the brothers. " As the prophet spoke of his fear, Jehovah listened, and then he showed His great power. Aħna għandna fidi li qed ngħixu fl - aħħar jiem, li l - aħbar tajba hija l - iktar messaġġ importanti li qed jingħata fid - dinja, u li hu vitali li n - nies jisimgħuh. Prophecy 5. We have faith that we are living in the last days, that the good news is the most important message given in the world, and that it is vital that people listen to it. Huma x'inhuma ċ - ċirkustanzi tiegħek, qatt tinsa li Jehovah jifhem il - problemi tiegħek iktar minn kwalunkwe persuna oħra - inkluż int stess! Why are study and meditation so important if you want to cultivate the fruitage of the holy spirit? Regardless of your circumstances, never forget that Jehovah understands your problems more than anyone else - including you yourself! Mill - banda l - oħra, il - mod kif ċerti politikanti huma maqtugħin mid - dinja huwa ferm iktar taʼ theddida għall - paċi taċ - ċittadini u għall - armonija tas - soċjetà. " We do not simply say that we love others. We show it by what we do. On the other hand, the way in which certain politicians are cut off from the world is more and more a threat to the peace of citizens and to the harmony of society. " [ Stampa f'paġna 20] That endorsement for "Christianity " comes from English writer and broadcaster Melvyn Bragg. [ Picture on page 20] L - ispirtu t'Alla jgħin lil min jirċivih biex jimita l - personalità ġeneruża taʼ Ġeħova. ON March 11, 2004, the city of Madrid, Spain, was shaken by the sound of ten bombs exploding in three different railway stations. God's spirit helps the recipient to imitate Jehovah's generous personality. • Agħmel eżerċizzju b'mod regulari Instead, they heeded it and brought woe to themselves and their offspring. - Romans 5: 12, 14. • Exercise regularly L - alfabet imsejjaħ Ċirilliku huwa bbażat ħafna fuq l - alfabet Grieg, minbarra xi tnax - il ittra oħra li ġew ivvintati biex jirrappreżentaw ħsejjes fis - Slavoniku li ma jeżistux fil - Grieg. It matters to us. And more important, it matters to God. The script called Cyrillic is highly based on the Greek alphabet, with the exception of some twelve other letters invented to represent sounds in the Slavonic that do not exist in Greek. Imma hekk kif għadda ż - żmien, xi ftit minn dan il - kliem beda jinstemaʼ antikwat, u llum hu diffiċli biex jinftiehem. They can approach the great "Hearer of prayer, " trusting that he will give them help. But as time went by, some of these words began to sound old, and it is difficult to understand today. Li nimxu f'isem Jehovah ma jfissirx sempliċement li ngħidu li hu Alla tagħna. 16, 17. (a) Why is accepting Jehovah's invitation to be part of his organization the best decision we can make? Walking in Jehovah's name does not simply mean saying that he is our God. " Il - fatt li nuża t - talenti tiegħi f'Betel jagħmilni kuntenta u nħossni fil - paċi għaliex qed nużahom għal Jehovah u għall - aħwa. " Table of Contents " Using my talents at Bethel makes me happy and feel peaceable because I am using them for Jehovah and for the brothers. " Il - 5 Profezija. But what about scriptures like Jude 7? Prophecy 5. L - istudju u l - meditazzjoni għala huma daqshekk importanti jekk trid tikkultiva l - frott tal - ispirtu? Clearly, their faith in God and their personal relationship with him helped them run the race with endurance. Why is study and meditation so important if you want to cultivate the fruitage of the spirit? Aħna mhux sempliċement ngħidu li nħobbu lil oħrajn, imma nuruh b'dak li nagħmlu. (a) To whom has Jehovah assigned the responsibility of raising children? We do not simply say that we love others, but we show him what we do. Din l - istqarrija pubblika favur il - "Kristjanità " saret minn Melvyn Bragg, li hu kittieb Ingliż u preżentatur tat - televixin. * Jesus responded: "The children of this system of things marry and are given in marriage, but those who have been counted worthy of gaining that system of things and the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage. This public statement in favour of "Cristianity " was made by Melvyn Bragg, an English writer and a TV presenter. FIL - ĦDAX taʼ Marzu, 2004, il - belt taʼ Madrid, fi Spanja, theżżet bil - ħoss minn splużjonijiet t'għaxar bombi fi tliet stazzjonijiet tal - ferrovija differenti. " I could not find real satisfaction and happiness in my former career. ON THE March 22, 2004, the city of Madrid, Spain, shaken by sound from explosions of ten bombs at three different train stations. Minflok, huma taw kasu u ġabu n - niket fuqhom infushom u fuq nisilhom. - Rumani 5: 12, 14. How does the avenue of prayer illustrate Jehovah's personal interest in us? Instead, they took note of him and brought grief on themselves and their offspring. - Romans 5: 12, 14. Huwa importanti għalina, u iktar minn hekk, hu importanti għal Alla. I became increasingly restless, searching for a purpose in life. It is important for us, and more, it is important to God. Jistgħu javviċinaw lill - kbir Alla li " jismaʼ talbna, ' fiduċjużi li se jgħinhom. gadolinium Gd 64 They can approach the great God who "hears our prayers, " confident that he will help them. 16, 17. (a) Il - fatt li aċċettajna l - istedina taʼ Ġeħova biex inkunu parti mill - organizzazzjoni tiegħu, għala kienet l - aħjar deċiżjoni li qatt ħadna? 7, 8. 16, 17. (a) Why was accepting Jehovah's invitation to be part of his organization the best decision we have ever made? Imma xi ngħidu dwar skritturi bħal Ġuda 7? (5) Lemaitre, W. But what about such scriptures as Jude 7? B'mod ċar, il - fidi tagħhom f'Alla u r - relazzjoni persunali li kellhom miegħu għenuhom jiġru t - tiġrija bis - sabar. The next happiness outlined by Jesus when he was speaking on that Galilean hillside was: "Happy are those hungering and thirsting for righteousness, since they will be filled. " Clearly, their faith in God and their personal relationship with him helped them run the race with endurance. (a) Ġeħova lil min ta r - responsabbiltà biex irabbu lit - tfal? One day I made a promise to my wife that I was unable to fulfill. (a) Whom did Jehovah give the responsibility to raise children? * Ġesù wieġeb: "Ulied din is - sistema jiżżewġu u jingħataw fiż - żwieġ, imma dawk li tqiesu denji li jiksbu s - sistema li ġejja u l - irxoxt mill - imwiet la jiżżewġu u lanqas jingħataw fiż - żwieġ. However, he conquered his envy by going to "the grand sanctuary of God. " * Jesus answered: "The sons of this system of things marry and are given in marriage, but those who were considered worthy of obtaining the coming system of things and the resurrected from the dead are neither married nor given in marriage. " Ma stajtx insib sodisfazzjon u ferħ veru fil - karriera li kelli qabel. At the time of this same Festival of Dedication, however, Jesus said: "I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; those also I must bring. " " I could not find real satisfaction and joy in my previous career. L - aspett tat - talb kif juri l - interess persunali li Jehovah għandu fina? One day, Jehovah commanded Jonah to leave Israel and travel to Nineveh, the capital of the mighty Assyrian Empire. How does the aspect of prayer show Jehovah's personal interest in us? Sirt iżjed bla sabar, dejjem infittex skop fil - ħajja. We arrived as the meeting was ending, and there I met Isabel, a young woman my age. I became more impatient, always looking for a purpose in life. gadolinju Gd 64 What Is Wrong With This Picture? gadolinium Gd 64 7, 8. Then Jehovah said to Baruch: "Look! 7, 8. 18 Nitgħallem mill - Bibbja Regularly studying God's Word and the publications of "the faithful and discreet slave " may require great effort on our part. 18 Learning From the Bible (5) Lemaitre, W. How do the people you spend time with affect your relationship with Jehovah? (5) Lemaitre, W. L - hena li jmiss, imsemmi minn Ġesù meta kien qed jitkellem fuq dik l - għolja fil - Galilija, kien: "Henjin dawk li huma bil - ġuħ u bil - għatx għas - sewwa, għax għad jimtlew. " The temperature dropped to minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit [- 40 ° C]. The next happiness, mentioned by Jesus when speaking about that mountain in Galilee, was: "Happy are those hungry and thirsty for righteousness, because they will be filled. " Darba għamilt wegħda lil marti u ma kontx kapaċi nwettaqha. He did not curse God as Satan said he would. Once I made a vow to my wife and was unable to fulfill her. Madankollu, hu għeleb l - għira li kellu billi mar "fis - santwarju grandjuż t'Alla. " (Read Matthew 6: 9, 10.) Yet, he overcame his jealousy by going to "the grand sanctuary of God. " Madankollu, fi żmien din l - istess Festa tad - Dedikazzjoni Ġesù qal: "Għandi nagħaġ oħrajn, li m'humiex minn dan il - maqjel; lil dawn ukoll irrid inġibhom. " Subjects that concern young people will be discussed. " However, at the time of this same Festival of Dedication Jesus said: "I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; I also want to bring them. " Darba waħda, Jehovah ikkmanda lil Ġona biex jitlaq minn Iżrael u jmur Ninwè, il - belt kapitali taʼ l - Imperu setgħani taʼ l - Assirja. If it was attacked by insects or disease, they could lose everything. On one occasion, Jehovah commanded Jonah to leave Israel and go to Nineveh, the capital of the mighty Assyria Empire. Wasalna waqt li l - laqgħa kienet qed tispiċċa, u hemmhekk iltqajt maʼ Isabel, żagħżugħa taʼ l - età tiegħi. As you travel down the "information superhighway, " you can pick up facts, statistics, and opinions on a wide variety of subjects. We arrived while the meeting was ending, and there I met Isabel, a young man of my age. X'Hemm Ħażin f'Din l - Istampa? in our issue of May 8, 2004. What Is Wrong in This Picture? Imbagħad Ġeħova qal lil Baruk: "Ara! Let us not forget that adjusting to the rigors of nomadic life could not have been easy for either Abram or Sarai. Then Jehovah told Baruch: "Look! Biex nistudjaw b'mod regulari l - Kelma t'Alla u l - pubblikazzjonijiet taʼ "l - ilsir leali u għaqli " għandu mnejn ikollna nagħmlu sforz kbir. You have considered my thought from far off. To regularly study God's Word and the publications of "the faithful and discreet slave " may have to make great effort. In - nies li tqattaʼ ħin magħhom kif qed jaffettwaw ir - relazzjoni tiegħek maʼ Ġeħova? Then we attended an assembly that was held in a theater in Santiago. How are people who spend time with them affecting your relationship with Jehovah? It - temperatura niżlet għal 40 ° C taħt iż - żero. As Jesus was reclining at a meal in the house of a Pharisee named Simon, a woman " took a position behind Jesus at his feet. ' The temperature fell to below 40 °C. Hu ma seħitx lil Alla, kif Satana qal li se jagħmel. Furthermore, overseers need to assist them to apply spiritual "eyesalve " - to accept and conform to Jesus ' teaching, counsel, example, and mental attitude. He did not share God, as Satan said he would do. (Aqra Mattew 6: 9, 10.) In September 1993, I visited a maximum - security prison. (Read Matthew 6: 9, 10.) Se jiġu diskussi suġġetti li jinteressaw liż - żgħażagħ. " Fornication (Greek, por·neiʹa) applies to illicit sexual relations outside Scriptural marriage. Subjects of interest to young people will be discussed. " Jekk kienet tiġi attakkata mill - insetti jew xi marda, setgħu jispiċċaw jitilfu kollox. Thus, what was once an everyday casual outfit was relegated to the closet, coming out only for weddings, holidays, and other special occasions. If she was attacked by insects or a disease, they could end up losing everything. Hekk kif tuża din l - għodda, tistaʼ ssib fatti, statistiki, u opinjonijiet fuq varjetà kbira taʼ suġġetti. Not one of the 12 tribes of Israel back then had reason to revolt. As you use this tool, you can find facts, statistics, and opinions on a wide variety of subjects. tat - 8 taʼ Mejju, 2004. Why did the shepherd say that his Shulammite girl was like "a locked garden "? of May 8, 2004. Ejja ma ninsewx li ma kienx faċli għal Abram u Saraj biex jaddattaw ruħhom għad - diffikultajiet li kellhom jiffaċċjaw matul iż - żmien li damu jiġġerrew minn post għal ieħor. Sadly, in 1987, Margaret died of cancer. Let us not forget that it was not easy for Abram and Sarai to adapt to the difficulties they had to face during their journey. Int għaraft il - ħsieb tiegħi mill - bogħod. Their sterling examples encourage loyal Christians today. You took my thought from a distance. Imbagħad, attendejna assemblea li saret ġo teatru f'Santiago. " A lover of discipline is a lover of knowledge, " states Solomon, "but a hater of reproof is unreasoning. " Then we attended an assembly held at theater in Santiago. Hekk kif Ġesù kien mal - mejda għall - ikel fid - dar taʼ Fariżew li kien jismu Xmun, mara " qagħdet wara Ġesù ħdejn saqajh. ' When we do this, Jehovah will reward us with happiness now and everlasting life in his new world. - James 1: 25; Revelation 1: 3. As Jesus was at the table for food in the house of a Pharisee named Simon, a woman "kept behind Jesus at his feet. ' Iktar minn hekk, l - indokraturi jridu jgħinuhom japplikaw l - " ingwent ' spiritwali - jaċċettaw u jgħixu fi qbil mat - tagħlim, il - pariri, l - eżempju, u l - attitudni mentali taʼ Ġesù. Your Children Deserve Your Attention Moreover, overseers must help them to apply Jesus ' spiritual " ointment " - accept and live in harmony with Jesus ' teaching, counsel, example, and mental attitude. F'Settembru taʼ l - 1993, żort ħabs li kellu sigurtà stretta. Become Jehovah's Friend - Be Appreciative In September 1993, I visited a prison with strict security. Iż - żína (bil - Grieg, pornea) tapplika għal relazzjonijiet sesswali projbiti li jsiru barra ż - żwieġ Skritturali. How often do I think about my spouse, perhaps reflecting on the qualities that attracted me to him or her in the first place? ' Fornication (Greek, pornea) applies to prohibited sexual relations outside the Scriptural marriage. Minħabba f'hekk, dak li kien ilbies li jintlibes kuljum spiċċa fil - gwardarobba, u sar jintlibes biss f'xi okkażjoni speċjali bħal xi tieġ. If he was not satisfied, he sent the offending parts back to be reset. As a result, what was worn daily ended up in the wardrobe, and it became worn only on a special occasion such as a wedding. L - ebda wieħed mit - 12 - il tribù taʼ Israel f'dak iż - żmien ma kellu raġuni biex jirribella. This was a turning point for many. None of Israel's 12 tribes at that time had reason to rebel. Ir - ragħaj għala qal li t - tfajla Sulamija kienet bħal "ġnien imsakkar "? He certainly made that clear through Amos more than a century later during the reign of Jeroboam II, who became king of the ten - tribe kingdom of Israel in about 844 B.C.E. Why did the shepherd say that the Shulammite girl was like a "locked garden "? B'sogħba, fl - 1987, Margaret mietet bil - kanċer. What does good communication not mean? Sadly, in 1987, Margaret died of cancer. L - eżempji eċċellenti tagħhom jinkuraġġixxu lill - Kristjani leali llum. Jehovah God is absolutely pure and holy. Their excellent examples encourage faithful Christians today. " Min iħobb id - dixxiplina, iħobb it - tagħlim, " jistqarr Salamun, "imma min jobgħod iċ - ċanfir hu bla moħħ. " What lesson should we learn from the way Moses reacted when others made mistakes? " He that loves discipline, loves teaching, " states Solomon, "but he that hates reproach is in want of heart. " Meta nagħmlu dan, Ġeħova se jippremjana b'ferħ issa u b'ħajja taʼ dejjem fid - dinja l - ġdida tiegħu. - Ġakbu 1: 25; Rivelazzjoni 1: 3. Obviously, you need to break off contact with the other party in the adultery. When we do so, Jehovah will reward us with joy now and everlasting life in his new world. - James 1: 25; Revelation 1: 3. Uliedek Jixirqilhom l - Attenzjoni Determined to survive, one boab that was crated and awaiting overseas shipment sent roots through the gaps in the wood and into the soil below! Your Children Beware of Their Attention Sir Ħabib taʼ Ġeħova - Uri apprezzament As you meditate in order to have the right frame of mind, consider what studying the Bible can do for you. Become a Friend of Jehovah - Show appreciation Kemm naħseb spiss dwarha, forsi billi nirrifletti fuq il - kwalitajiet li ġibduni lejha? ' When the Quest arrived at one island, the Witnesses found everyone dressed in mourning garb. How often do I think about it, perhaps reflecting on the qualities that have attracted me? ' Jekk ma kienx ikun sodisfatt, kien jibgħat il - partijiet mhux sodisfaċenti lura biex jiġu stampati mill - ġdid. WHEN did professed Christians adopt the belief in hellfire? If he was not satisfied, he would send the unsatisfactory parts back to reprint. Għal ħafna, dan kien dak li kienu qed jistennew. • What part does holy spirit play in extending the invitation to "come "? For many, that was what they were expecting. Hu wera dan biċ - ċar permezz t'Għamos iktar minn seklu wara waqt ir - renju taʼ Ġerobogħam II, li sar is - sultan tas - saltna taʼ Iżrael b'għaxar tribujiet madwar is - sena 844 Q.E.K. What a loving provision! He clearly showed this through Amos more than a century later during the reign of Jeroboam II, who became king of the ten - tribe kingdom of Israel about 844 B.C.E. Komunikazzjoni tajba x'ma tfissirx? Why Do What Is Right? What does good communication not mean? Alla Ġeħova huwa pur u qaddis b'mod assolut. First, the Bible identifies undesirable personality traits that need to be shed. Jehovah God is pure and holy in an absolute way. X'għandu jgħallimna l - eżempju taʼ Mosè? Now she goes to the hospital each week and, with medication, is able to carry out her responsibilities cheerfully. What should Moses ' example teach us? Ovvjament, għandek taqtaʼ l - kuntatt mat - terza persuna involuta fl - adulterju. Choices Based on Love for Others Of course, you should contact a third person involved in adultery. Siġra waħda tal - bowab li kienet determinata li tibqaʼ ħajja, wara li ttieħdet f'kontenitur kbir taʼ l - injam u tħalliet tistenna biex tintbagħat f'pajjiż ieħor, ħarġet l - għeruq mill - fetħiet fl - injam u laħqet il - ħamrija li kien hemm taħt! We will certainly be satisfied with the goodness of your house, the holy place of your temple. " - Psalm 65: 4. One boab tree that was determined to survive, after being taken into a large wooden container and allowed to wait for being sent to another country, went out of the openings in the wood and reached the soil below! Hekk kif timmedita sabiex ikollok attitudni xierqa, ikkunsidra kif l - istudju tal - Bibbja jistaʼ jgħinek. COVER: Using mobile literature displays, a pioneer couple witness in a high - traffic area of the city As you meditate in order to have a proper attitude, consider how Bible study can help you. Meta l - Quest wasal f'waħda mill - gżejjer, ix - Xhieda sabu n - nies kollha lebsin ħwejjeġ tal - vistu. To God a thousand years is but as yesterday - a period of just 24 hours - when it is past. When the Quest arrived in one of the islands, the Witnesses found all people wearing visit clothing. ● Qatt twieġeb għal messaġġi jew affarijiet fuq il - bulletin board (sistema li tippermetti lil min ikun qed juża l - kompjuter biex jibgħat u jaqra messaġġi li huma taʼ interess ġenerali u li ma jkunux indirizzati lil xi individwu partikulari) Mount Tabor ● Never respond to messages or items on the bulletin board (a system that allows computer users to send and read messages that are of general interest and are not addressed to a particular person) DAWK li jsostnu li huma Kristjani meta bdew jemmnu fl - infern? Christians who lived in the first and second centuries C.E. were living at a time when the Roman Empire was at its zenith. DO they claim to be Christians when they became believers in hell? • L - ispirtu qaddis liema parti importanti jkollu meta noffru l - istedina "ejja "? What motivates true Christians to continue in their lifesaving work? • What important part does holy spirit play in offering the invitation "coming "? Xi provvediment taʼ mħabba kien dak! [ Picture Credit Line on page 7] What a loving provision that was! Għala Għandek Tagħmel it - Tajjeb? A fifth reason for accepting Jehovah's judgments is that he is "the Most High over all the earth. " Why Do You Do Good? L - ewwelnett, il - Bibbja tidentifika tendenzi xejn sbieħ fil - personalità li jeħtieġ jinbidlu. Are all of us - young and old - totally at the mercy of a world that seems bent on going ever faster? First of all, the Bible identifies unbeautiful personality trends that need to be changed. Jiena naħseb li jekk tqum xi ġlieda, għandu mnejn li jkollok bżonn tuża arma tan - nar, forsi anki tispiċċa toqtol lil xi ħadd. When I think about what I have experienced in life, it is clear to me that Jehovah has always taken good care of me. I think that if a fight arises, you may need to use a gun, perhaps even killing someone. Għażliet li Nagħmlu għax Inħobbu lil Oħrajn As he spoke to them, their hearts were deeply touched. Options We Make because We Love Others [ "Aħna se nimtlew bl - affarijiet tajbin taʼ darek, " NW], fit - tempju mqaddes tiegħek. " - Salm 65: 5 (65: 4, NW). Happily, though, he does not simply leave us on our own in the matter. " We will be filled with the good things of your house, in your holy temple. " - Psalm 65: 4. QOXRA: Koppja pijunieri jagħtu xhieda f'parti ċentrali ħafna fil - belt permezz tal - istends tal - letteratura Doing so, we can make Jehovah our God now and for all eternity, since he is "a living God, who is a Savior of all sorts of men, especially of faithful ones. " - 1 Timothy 4: 10. COVER: A pioneer couple witness in a very central part of the city by means of literature stands Għal Alla, elf sena qishom ilbieraħ - perijodu taʼ 24 siegħa - meta jkunu għaddew. In an orderly fashion, we went from subject to subject. For God, a thousand years seemed like yesterday - a period of 24 hours - when they passed. Il - Muntanja Tabor However, Jack Nathan, who was then taking a lead in the preaching work in Canada, encouraged me to complete my legal training. Mount Tabor Il - Kristjani li għexu fl - ewwel u t - tieni seklu E.K. kienu qed jgħixu fi żmien meta l - Imperu Ruman kien fl - aqwa tiegħu. Jehovah has made the eagle do this instinctively. Christians who lived in the first and second centuries C.E. were living at a time when the Roman Empire was at his best. X'inhu li jqanqal lill - Kristjani veri biex jissoktaw fix - xogħol tagħhom li jsalva l - ħajjiet tan - nies? She Had the Courage to Change What moves true Christians to continue in their lifesaving work? [ Sors tal - istampa f'paġna 7] • How can we lead a truly purposeful life now? [ Picture Credit Line on page 7] Il - ħames raġuni għala għandna naċċettaw il - ġudizzji taʼ Ġeħova hi li hu "l - Għoli fuq l - art kollha. " In what way was Jesus "questioning " the teachers? The fifth reason for accepting Jehovah's judgments is that he is "the Most High over all the earth. " Veru li lkoll kemm aħna - kbar u żgħar - ninsabu f'idejn dinja li donnha hija determinata li timxi dejjem iktar bl - għaġla? If the material is wholesome, reading can be a source of healthy relaxation. Is it true that all of us - old and young - are in the hands of a world that seems to be determined to move ever more quickly? Meta naħseb dwar dak li ħabbatt wiċċi miegħu fil - ħajja, jidher ċar għalija li Ġeħova minn dejjem ħa ħsiebi sew. The potential for such variety has been there all along, locked up in the gladiolus ' complex genetic code. When I think about what I faced in life, it is clear to me that Jehovah has always taken good care of me. Hekk kif kellimhom, qalbhom intmesset profondament. I lived about 100 miles [160 km] from Chicago, so it was not easy for us to visit each other. As he spoke to them, their heart was deeply touched. Madankollu, b'ferħ hu mhux se jħallina waħedna f'din il - kwistjoni. To be honest, I have gone to places where I should not have. Happily, however, he will not leave us alone in this matter. Billi nagħmlu dan, se nkunu nistgħu nagħmlu lil Ġeħova l - Alla tagħna issa u għall - eternità kollha, ladarba huwa "Alla ħaj, li hu s - Salvatur taʼ kull xorta taʼ bnedmin, speċjalment taʼ wħud leali. " - 1 Timotju 4: 10. And he was transfigured before them. " By doing so, we will be able to make Jehovah our God now and for all eternity, since he is "the living God, who is the Savior of all sorts of men, especially of faithful ones. " - 1 Timothy 4: 10. Iddiskutejna bl - ordni suġġett wara l - ieħor. (a) What efforts have opposers made to slander God's servants, and with what results? We discussed by order one subject in turn. Madankollu, Jack Nathan, li dakinhar kien minn taʼ quddiem fix - xogħol taʼ l - ippridkar fil - Kanada, inkuraġġieni biex inkompli t - taħriġ legali li kont qed nieħu. U hekk għamilt. More is involved, therefore, than a superficial confession of faith or a last - minute effort to put things right with God. However, Jack Nathan, who then took the lead in the preaching work in Canada, encouraged me to continue my legal training and to do so. Ġeħova fassal l - ajkla biex tagħmel dan bl - istint. outsole Jehovah designed the eagle to do this instinctively. Kellha l - Kuraġġ Tbiddel ir - Reliġjon Tagħha For my yoke is kindly and my load is light. " - Matthew 11: 28 - 30. Courage had to Change Her Religion • Kif nistgħu ngħixu ħajja tassew mimlija skop minn issa? Jesus proved himself to be unconditionally loyal to God. • How can we live a truly purposeful life now? Ġesù b'liema mod kien qed " jistaqsi ' lill - għalliema? AP Photo / Dario Lopez - Mills In what way was Jesus "assassinating " teachers? Jekk dak li jkunu qed jaqraw ikun tajjeb, il - qari jistaʼ jserraħhom, u b'hekk ikun taʼ ġid għalihom. On June 29, 2001, Jehovah's Witnesses filed an application with the European Court of Human Rights that challenges the ongoing inaction of Georgia's law - enforcement agencies. If the reader is right, reading can refresh them, and it will benefit them. Il - potenzjal għal varjetà bħal din ilha hemm minn dejjem, magħluqa fil - kodiċi ġenetika komplikata tal - gladjola. According to one reference work, the purpose of the hair shirt, as with other forms of mortification, was to "subdue the unruly flesh and so encourage the development of a more spiritually oriented disposition and manner of life. " The potential for such a variety has always been closed in the complicated genetic code of the gladiola. Jien kont noqgħod madwar 160 kilometru ' l bogħod minn Chicago, u għalhekk ma kienx faċli għalina biex niltaqgħu. Instead of being motivated by "the spirit of the world, " we are led by God's spirit, which produces in us such qualities as love and self - control. I lived about 160 miles [160 km] from Chicago, so it was not easy for us to meet. Dejjem kont inkun tard għal - laqgħat. What is accomplished by the presence of the oceans? I was always late at meetings. U tbiddel quddiemhom. " Learn about that Kingdom, and live to see the time when peace will fill the earth! - Isaiah 9: 6, 7. And it will change before them. " (a) Xi opponenti x'għamlu biex itebbgħu isem il - qaddejja t'Alla, u b'liema riżultati? All of them in wisdom you have made. " (a) What have opposers done to mark the name of God's servants, and with what results? Għalhekk, hemm iktar involut milli sempliċement ngħidu li nemmnu jew li nagħmlu sforz fl - aħħar minuta biex ikollna relazzjoni m'Alla. Do I view the money I earn as "all mine "? Hence, there is more involved than simply saying that we believe or make an effort in the last minute to have a relationship with God. pett taʼ barra Why? outer sole Għax il - madmad tiegħi ħelu u t - toqol tiegħi ħafif. " - Mattew 11: 28 - 30. Afterward, hundreds of people waited patiently in line to offer condolences. For my yoke is kindly and my load is light. " - Matthew 11: 28 - 30. Ġesù wera li kellu lealtà assoluta lejn Alla. Thus, on "the seventh day, " God rested, or desisted, from further earthly creative works in order to allow what he had already created to develop in accord with his will. Jesus showed absolute loyalty to God. AP Photo / Dario Lopez - Mills 9 "Go,... and Make Disciples of People of All the Nations " AP Photo / Dario Lopez - Mills Fid - 29 taʼ Ġunju, 2001, ix - Xhieda taʼ Jehovah ippreżentaw rikjesta formali lill - Qorti Ewropea tad - Drittijiet tal - Bniedem li toġġezzjona għan - nuqqas kontinwu f'li jieħdu azzjoni dawk li huma inkarigati mill - ħarsien tal - liġijiet fil - Ġeorġja. Jesus himself said in prayer to his Father: "I have made your name known. " On June 29, 2001, Jehovah's Witnesses presented a formal request to the European Court of Human Rights objecting to the continuing failure to act on those who are in charge of law enforcement in Georgia. Skond xogħol wieħed taʼ referenza, l - iskop tal - flokk tas - suf ixewwek, bħal metodi oħra biex imewtu x - xewqat tal - ġisem, kien biex "jikkontrolla x - xewqat midinba tal - ġisem, u b'hekk iħeġġeġ l - iżvilupp t'attitudni u mod taʼ ħajja iktar spiritwali. " IN THE year 325 C.E., Roman Emperor Constantine summoned all bishops to Nicaea. According to one reference work, the purpose of the hair flake, like other methods to die fleshly desires, was to "control the sinful desires of the flesh, thus encouraging the development of a more spiritual attitude and way of life. " Minflok ma niġu motivati mill - "ispirtu tad - dinja, " aħna mmexxijin mill - ispirtu t'Alla, li jipproduċi fina kwalitajiet bħalma huma l - imħabba u r - rażna. The "slave " even provided the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Rather than being motivated by "the spirit of the world, " we are led by God's spirit, which produces such qualities as love and self - control. L - oċeani għala qegħdin hemm? They have handled situations from rescuing a cat in a tree to rescuing hostages from terrorists and confronting bank robbers. Why are the oceans there? Sir af dwar dik is - Saltna u għix biex tara ż - żmien meta l - art tkun mimlija paċi! - Isaija 9: 6, 7. There were altogether about 400 Witnesses in Auschwitz. Find out about that Kingdom and live to see the time when the earth is peaceful! - Isaiah 9: 6, 7. Kollha bl - għerf għamilthom. " Next in line was worry over their parents ' health. All of them have made wise. " Inqis il - flus li naqlaʼ bħala li huma "kollha tiegħi "? 1: 8 - 10. Do I view the money I earn as being "all my own "? Għala? Diamond ring Why? Wara, mijiet taʼ nies qagħdu jistennew bil - paċenzja wara xulxin biex jagħtu l - kondoljanzi tagħhom. [ Footnote] Afterward, hundreds of people wait patiently in turn to give their condolences. B'hekk, fis - "sebaʼ jum, " Alla straħ, jew waqaf, milli jkompli joħloq affarijiet fuq l - art sabiex dak li kien diġà ħalaq ikun jistaʼ jiżviluppa fi qbil mar - rieda tiegħu. Paul wrote: "He made known to us the sacred secret of his will. Thus, on "the seventh day, " God rested, or stopped, from creating things on earth so that the one he had already created could develop in harmony with his will. 9 "Morru u agħmlu dixxipli min - nies tal - ġnus kollha " After the rebellion in Eden thousands of years ago, Jehovah God purposed to form a government that would set matters right, returning faithful humans to the condition that God had in mind for them from the start - life eternal in a paradise here on earth. 9 "Go and Make disciples of People of all the nations " Ġesù nnifsu qal f'talba lil Missieru: "Għarrafthom ismek. " Most of us have seen justice perverted and good, innocent people oppressed by evil ones. Jesus himself said in a prayer to his Father: "I have made your name known to them. " FIS - SENA 325 E.K., l - Imperatur Ruman Kostantinu talab lill - isqfijiet kollha biex imorru Niċea. What was the purpose behind such extensive preparation? IN 325 C.E., Roman Emperor Constantine asked all bishops to go to Nicaea. L - "ilsir " saħansitra pprovda n - New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Traduzzjoni tad - Dinja l - Ġdida taʼ l - Iskrittura Mqaddsa). What does this illustration mean? The "slave " even provided the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Huma kellhom jittrattaw bosta sitwazzjonijiet varji, bħal li jsalvaw xi qattus minn fuq xi siġra, isalvaw l - ostaġġi minn taħt idejn it - terroristi, u jiffaċċjaw il - ħallelin tal - banek. That was the Pharisaic way. They had to deal with various situations, such as saving a cat from a tree, saving hostages from terrorist hands, and facing bank thieves. B'kollox kien hemm xi 400 Xhud f'Auschwitz. Hand in the account of your stewardship, for you can no longer manage the house. ' " In total there were some 400 Witnesses in Auschwitz. It - tieni fil - lista kien it - tħassib dwar is - saħħa tal - ġenituri tagħhom. Meeting With "Certain Barbaric Writings " The second in the list was concerns about the health of their parents. 1: 8 - 10. Peter was a good swimmer, so he could have decided to swim back to the boat. 1: 8 - 10. Iċ - ċurkett tad - djamanti Why is it vital to stay awake now more than ever before? The diamond ring [ Nota taʼ taħt] And such baptism means that one acknowledges the role the holy spirit plays in God's purpose. [ Footnote] Pawlu kiteb: "[Hu] għarrfilna s - sigriet sagru tar - rieda tiegħu. 9 Did You Know? Paul wrote: "[He] recognized the sacred secret of his will. Wara r - ribelljoni fl - Għeden eluf taʼ snin ilu, Alla Ġeħova għamel arranġamenti biex jistabbilixxi gvern li kien se jirranġa l - affarijiet, u jreġġaʼ lura lill - umanità lejn il - kundizzjoni li Alla kellu f'moħħu għalihom sa mill - bidu - ħajja taʼ dejjem f'ġenna hawn fuq l - art. Most of the trials we face today involve normal everyday anxieties. After the rebellion in Eden thousands of years ago, Jehovah God arranged to establish a government that would correct things, bringing mankind back to the condition that God had in mind for them from the beginning - everlasting life in a paradise here on earth. Ħafna minna rajna inġustizzji u nies ħżiena jaħqru lin - nies tajbin u innoċenti. Each day, things grew more tense as we heard of Christian brothers and sisters being arrested, deported, and sent to prisons or concentration camps. Many of us have seen injustices and wicked people oppressing good and innocent people. X'kien l - iskop taʼ din il - preparazzjoni kollha? he shouted angrily and sent me away. What was the purpose of all this preparation? Xi tfisser din it - tixbiha? However, our village was isolated, so the war did not directly affect us. What does this illustration mean? Hekk kienu jagħmlu l - Fariżej. Thus, Jehovah allows us to use our free will to show what our heart condition really is. That was what the Pharisees did. Agħtini rendikont tal - prokura tiegħek, għax ma tistax tibqaʼ tmexxi f'dari. ' " In fact, Satan and his angels are "misleading the entire inhabited earth, " causing nothing but" woe. " Give me an account of your stewardship, for you can no longer rule in my house. ' " F'Kuntatt maʼ "Ċerti Kitbiet Barbari " Doing so will improve your financial, emotional, and spiritual health. In Contact with Certain "Barbar's Writings " Pietru kien jaf jgħum sew, u allura setaʼ ddeċieda li jgħum lura lejn id - dgħajsa. If you do this, try to come up with a new, positive thought to replace the negative one you are fighting. Peter was well - feeling, so he could have decided to walk back to the boat. Għala huwa vitali li nishru issa iktar minn qatt qabel? What, though, should be our reaction if certain counsel is repeated occasionally? Why is it vital to stay awake now more than ever? U magħmudija bħal din tfisser li individwu jirrikonoxxi l - irwol li għandu l - ispirtu qaddis fl - iskop t'Alla. Was it because Abel offered the right things and Cain did not? And such baptism means that a person recognizes the role that holy spirit plays in God's purpose. 9 Kont Taf? Source: UNAIDS 9 Did You Know? Ħafna mill - provi li nħabbtu wiċċna magħhom illum jinvolvu l - ansjetajiet komuni taʼ kuljum. Mankind's survival is threatened as never before. Many of the trials we face today involve common daily anxieties. Kuljum, l - affarijiet saru iktar diffiċli hekk kif konna nisimgħu li Kristjani ħutna kienu qed jiġu arrestati, deportati, u mibgħutin il - ħabs jew f'kampijiet tal - konċentrament. During his ministry, a woman in the crowd cried out that Jesus ' mother must truly be happy for giving birth to him. Every day, things became more difficult as we heard that our fellow Christians were being arrested, deported, and sent to prison or concentration camps. għajjat hu bir - rabja u bagħatni ' l barra. I have made a complete turnaround. he shouted with anger and sent me out. Iżda r - raħal tagħna kien iżolat, allura l - gwerra m'affettwatniex direttament. Pictorial Archive (Near Eastern History) Est. But our village was isolated, so war did not affect us directly. B'hekk, Jehovah jħallilna l - libertà taʼ l - għażla biex nuru x'inhi tassew il - kundizzjoni taʼ qalbna. More and more, governments and other leaders are unable to solve their countries ' basic problems. Jehovah thus allows us free will to demonstrate the true condition of our heart. Fil - fatt, Satana u l - anġli tiegħu " qed iqarrqu bl - art abitata kollha, ' billi jikkaġunaw xejn ħlief "gwaj. " He doesn't want to accept it, but he doesn't want to seem like a loser either. In fact, Satan and his angels "are misleading the entire inhabited earth, " causing nothing but" woe. " Dan se jgħinek ittejjeb is - saħħa finanzjarja, emozzjonali, u spiritwali tiegħek. In some places today, if a man takes too much interest in God, the Bible, or religion, he may be harassed by his workmates, friends, or relatives. This will help you to improve your financial, emotional, and spiritual health. Jekk tagħmel hekk, ipprova dawwar il - ħsieb negattiv li qed tiġġieled kontrih f'wieħed pożittiv. Noah listened to God and built an ark, a floating vessel, that would carry him and his family safely through the Flood. If you do, try to turn the negative thought you are fighting against into a positive one. Imma kif għandna nirreaġixxu jekk ċerti pariri jiġu ripetuti minn żmien għal żmien? We should not allow our hurt feelings to prevent us from serving Jehovah But how should we react if certain advice is repeated from time to time? Kien dan minħabba li Abel offra l - affarijiet xierqa u Kajjin le? It has been a long day. Was this because Abel offered the right things and Cain not? Sors: UNAIDS By this, we are not referring to the modest piercing that is common and culturally acceptable in many lands. Source: UNAIDS Il - bnedmin kollha huma mheddin li jinqerdu bħal qatt qabel. These are things that we do only one time, but worshipping Jehovah is a way of life. All humans are threatened to be destroyed as never before. Matul il - ministeru tiegħu, mara fil - folla qalet li omm Ġesù żgur li kienet ferħana li wilditu. How this must have comforted the Israelites in Babylon! During his ministry, a woman in the crowd said that Jesus ' mother must have been happy to give birth to him. Jien għamilt bidla sħiħa. 8, 9. (a) Why would the Master's instructions to his slaves have made sense to Jesus ' listeners? I made a complete change. Pictorial Archive (Near Eastern History) Est. According to one authority, this approach is a major influence in teaching children good study habits. Pictorial Archive (Near Eastern History) Est. Il - gvernijiet u mexxejja oħra qed isibuha dejjem iktar diffiċli biex isolvu l - problemi bażiċi taʼ pajjiżhom. The Court listens as he quotes from the Bible to explain his beliefs. Governments and other leaders are finding it increasingly difficult to solve their country's basic problems. Hu ma jridx jaċċettah, imma lanqas irid jaqaʼ għaċ - ċajt. He stated before the military tribunal: "I was brought up as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, according to God's word contained in the Holy Scriptures. He does not want to accept him, but he does not want to be ridiculed. Illum, f'xi postijiet, jekk raġel jinteressa ruħu ħafna f'Alla, fil - Bibbja, jew fir - reliġjon, għandu mnejn jiġi kritikat minn sħabu fuq ix - xogħol, minn ħbiebu, jew minn qrabatu. " By all contemporaneous accounts, the world prior to 1914 seemed to be moving irreversibly toward higher levels of civility and civilization; human society seemed perfectible. Today, in some places, if a man is very interested in God, the Bible, or religion, he may be criticised by his friends at work, by his friends, or by his relatives. Noè semaʼ minn Alla u bena arka, speċi taʼ vapur li kellu jżomm lilu u lill - familja tiegħu qawwijin u sħaħ matul id - Dilluvju. It is wise to be cautious about such tales, especially if we do not know the original source of the information. Noah heard from God and built an ark, a ship that would keep him and his family strong and complete during the Flood. M'għandniex inħallu s - sentimenti mweġġgħin tagħna jwaqqfuna milli naqdu lil Ġeħova Joseph waited patiently. We should not let our hurt feelings stop us from serving Jehovah Kienet ġurnata iebsa. (May 22, 2004) I was in an abusive relationship. It was a hard day. B'dan, m'aħniex qed nirreferu għat - titqib tal - widnejn li hu xi ħaġa modesta u li f'ħafna pajjiżi hu komuni u aċċettabbli skond il - kultura tagħhom. I still remember the counter at the grocery store that we owned. By doing so, we are not referring to modest ear puncture, which in many lands is common and acceptable according to their culture. (ċ) Liema mistoqsijiet nistgħu nistaqsu lilna nfusna? " Thus, " says the book The Flood Reconsidered, "Noah could deduce from the freshly plucked leaf that the lower valleys were becoming free of water. " (c) What questions can we ask ourselves? Dawn huma affarijiet li għamilniehom darba, imma li nqimu lil Ġeħova hu l - mod kif ngħixu. ; Uzeta, C. These are things we have done once, but worshipping Jehovah is the way we live. Min jaf kemm dan il - kliem farraġ lill - Iżraelin f'Babilonja! The complete Bible or parts of it have been translated into more than 2,300 languages and dialects. How those words must have comforted the Israelites in Babylon! 8, 9. (a) L - istruzzjonijiet li s - Sid ta lill - ilsiera tiegħu għala kienu jagħmlu sens għas - semmiegħa taʼ Ġesù? Can I recall specific instances when I resisted peer pressure? 8, 9. (a) Why did the Master's instructions to his slaves make sense for Jesus ' listeners? Skont individwu li għandu awtorità, dan il - metodu jeffettwa bil - kbir it - tagħlim li tagħti lit - tfal dwar drawwiet tajbin taʼ studju. Even so, we may feel the same way a brother named Aaron felt. According to a person who has authority, this method greatly affects the teachings he gives children about good study habits. Il - Qorti tismaʼ waqt li hu jikkwota mill - Bibbja biex jagħti spjegazzjoni tat - twemmin tiegħu. Its numerous scrolls were kept in niches in a large reading room. The Court hears while he quotes from the Bible to explain his beliefs. Hu qal quddiem it - tribunal militari: "Jien trabbejt bħala wieħed mix - Xhieda taʼ Ġeħova, fi qbil mal - kelma t'Alla misjuba fl - Iskrittura Mqaddsa. Parents must then make sure that it is discussed. He said before the military tribunal: "I was raised as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, in harmony with God's word found in the Holy Scriptures. " Mir - rakkonti kontemporanji kollha, id - dinja taʼ qabel l - 1914 kienet tidher li kienet dejjem riesqa lejn livelli ogħla taʼ ċiviltà u ċivilizzazzjoni; is - soċjetà umana kienet tidher li riesqa lejn il - perfezzjoni. The benefits of the work done by Jehovah's Witnesses do not stop at the prison gate. " From all contemporary accounts, the world before 1914 seemed to approach higher standards of civilization and civilization; human society seemed to approach perfection. Huwa għaqli li noqogħdu b'sebaʼ għajnejn minn stejjer bħal dawn, speċjalment jekk ma nkunux nafu s - sors oriġinali taʼ l - informazzjoni. [ Picture on page 17] It is wise to be observant of such stories, especially if we do not know the original source of information. Ġużeppi stenna bil - paċenzja. As noted above, Jehovah provided many details regarding the nature of Babylon's fall. Joseph waited patiently. (8 taʼ Ġunju, 2004) Kont qed niġi abbużata fir - relazzjoni tiegħi. In July of 1992, I symbolized my dedication to Jehovah by water baptism. (June 22, 2004) I was being abused in my relationship. Għadni niftakar il - bank fil - ħanut tal - merċa li kellna. The civil authorities beat Paul and Silas with rods and threw them into prison. I still remember the bank at our grocery shop. Għalhekk, il - ktieb The Flood Reconsidered jgħid li mill - werqa friska tas - siġra Noè setaʼ jissopponi li l - widien li kienu iktar fil - baxx bdew ibattu mill - ilma. Consider what it meant to be a Christian in the first century. Thus, the book The Wood Reconsidered says that from the fresh leaf of Noah's tree it could be assumed that the lower valleys began to debate from the water. ; Uzeta, C. God did this by sending his only - begotten Son to the earth to die a sacrificial death. ; Uzeta, C. Il - Bibbja kompleta jew partijiet minnha ġew tradotti f'iktar minn 2,300 lingwa u djalett. I started feeling stabbing pains in my hands and ankles. The complete Bible or parts of it have been translated into more than 2,300 languages and dialects. Nistaʼ niftakar fi drabi speċifiċi meta rreżistejt pressjoni minn tampari? 1: 7 - 9. Can I remember specific times when I have resisted peer pressure? Minkejja dan, nistgħu nħossuna bħalma ħassu ħu jismu Aaron. Because numerous frescoes and mosaics apparently depict these fruits and not citrons. Nevertheless, we may feel as a brother named Aaron felt. Ir - rombli numerużi tagħha kienu jinżammu ġo niċeċ f'kamra kbira li kienet tintuża għall - qari. Praise Jah, you people! " Its numerous scrolls were kept in cracks in a large reading room. Il - ġenituri mbagħad għandhom ikunu żguri li jaraw x'ried it - tifel f'ħin ieħor. When the meeting was over, they started to beat us. Parents should then be sure to see what the child wanted at another time. Il - benefiċċji tax - xogħol li jsir mix - Xhieda taʼ Ġeħova m'huwiex limitat għall - ħabs biss. Father swore that he would never allow Bernice to come with me. The benefits of the work done by Jehovah's Witnesses are not limited to imprisonment alone. [ Stampa f'paġna 17] Jesus ' enemies tried to get him involved in the issue of paying taxes. [ Picture on page 17] Bħalma semmejna iżjed ' il fuq, Ġeħova pprovda ħafna dettalji dwar il - mod kif kellha taqaʼ Babilonja. Jehovah's blessing on the construction of these modest yet functional buildings is evident. " - A circuit overseer in Ecuador. As mentioned above, Jehovah provided many details about the way Babylon would fall. F'Lulju taʼ l - 1992 issimbolizzajt id - dedikazzjoni tiegħi lil Jehovah permezz tal - magħmudija taʼ l - ilma. So, facing reality, we arranged to leave Ghana and our many close friends and return to Canada in June 1975. In July 1992, I symbolized my dedication to Jehovah by water baptism. L - awtoritajiet ċivili sawtu lil Pawlu u lil Sila bil - bsaten u tefgħuhom il - ħabs. The Periodical Cicada's Timing Civil authorities beat Paul and Silas with sticks and put them in prison. Ikkunsidra x'kien ifisser li tkun Kristjan fl - ewwel seklu. There is no doubt that Abraham is a man of faith, and he is assured that by means of his seed, all nations will bless themselves. Consider what it meant to be a Christian in the first century. Alla għamel dan billi bagħat lill - Iben uniġenitu tiegħu fuq l - art biex imut mewta taʼ sagrifiċċju. It is out of place - not appealing at all. God did so by sending his only - begotten Son to earth to die a sacrificial death. Bdejt inħoss uġigħ qawwi għal għarrieda f'idejja u fl - għekiesi. By that expression, he meant Satan the Devil. I began to experience sudden pain in my hands and ankles. 1: 7 - 9. The day we left Hiroshima was a sad one. 1: 7 - 9. Għax milli jidher din il - frotta tidher f'diversi affreski u mużajċi u mhux it - tronġ. " I have been able to write three papers regarding my beliefs, " she says. Because this fruit seems to appear in various fresics and musical ones, not the throne. Hallelujah! " Keep in mind that diligence springs from an appreciative heart. Hallelujah! " Meta spiċċat il - laqgħa, bdew isawtuna. For example, the ENS plays a role in the regulation of hormones that tell the brain when you should eat and how much you should eat. When the meeting ended, we were beaten. Missieri ħalifli li qatt ma kien se jħalli lil Bernice tiġi miegħi. (See also the box "God's Word Strengthened Their Conviction. ") My father gave me that he would never allow Bernice to come with me. L - għedewwa taʼ Ġesù pprovaw jinvolvuh fil - kwistjoni tal - ħlas tat - taxxa. How can older sisters show courage? Jesus ' enemies tried to involve him in the issue of tax payments. Il - barka taʼ Ġeħova fuq ix - xogħol taʼ dan il - bini sempliċi imma utli hija evidenti. " - Indokratur tas - "circuit " fl - Ekwador. Again she was arrested and imprisoned - this time for ten years. Jehovah's blessing on the work of this simple but useful building is evident. " - A circuit overseer in Ecuador. Allura ffaċċjajna r - realtà u rranġajna biex nitilqu mill - Gana u nħallu lill - ħafna ħbieb tal - qalb. F'Ġunju taʼ l - 1975 morna lura l - Kanada. And as we endeavor to hate what Jehovah hates, may we make a good name with him and our fellowman. So we faced the reality and arranged to leave Ghana and allow the many close friends to return to Canada in June 1975. Iċ - ċiklu tal - ħajja tal - werżieq perjodiku The wild bull referred to in the Bible was likely the aurochs (Latin urus). The life cycle of the periodic scrub M'hemm ebda dubju li Abraham kien raġel taʼ fidi, u hu ġie assigurat li, permezz taż - żerriegħa tiegħu, in - nazzjonijiet kollha kienu se jitbierku. ▪ God has unlimited power. There is no doubt that Abraham was a man of faith, and he was assured that, through his seed, all nations would be blessed. Ma jkunx floku - xejn ma jiġbdek. The young man paused for a moment, handed the ID to Herbert, and let him go. It doesn't fit - nothing doesn't get you. B'din l - espressjoni, hu kien qed jirreferi għal Satana x - Xitan. How did Barnabas help Paul? With that expression, he was referring to Satan the Devil. Il - jum li fih tlaqna minn Hiroshima kien wieħed taʼ niket. The magazines kept coming to our new mailing address, and I had not even taken one of them out of its wrapper. The day we left Hiroshima was a sad day. " Fi tlieta minnhom irnexxieli nikteb tliet komponimenti dwar it - twemmin tiegħi, " tgħid hi. The apostle Paul pointed out: "Without faith it is impossible to please [God] well, for he that approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him. " " In three of them I was able to write three essays about my beliefs, " she says. Ftakar li jekk tħabrek tkun qed turi li għandek imħabba u gratitudni lejn Alla. Do Not "Waver in a Lack of Faith " Remember, if you strive to show that you have love and gratitude to God. Pereżempju, l - ENS għandha rwol f'li tikkontrolla l - ormoni li jgħidu l - moħħ meta għandek tiekol u kemm għandek tiekol. Do You Recall? For example, the SNE plays a role in controlling brain - telling hormones when to eat and how much to eat. (Ara wkoll il - kaxxa "Il - Kelma t'Alla saħħet il - konvinzjoni tagħhom. ") However, three examples of Christian love displayed by Jehovah's Witnesses caused Opoku to reexamine his attitude. (See also the box "God's Word has strengthened their conviction. ") Aħwa nisa kbar fl - età kif jistgħu juru l - kuraġġ? Illustrate. How can older sisters show courage? Għal darb'oħra ġiet arrestata u mitfugħa l - ħabs - din id - darba għal għaxar snin. Such partial translations were hand - copied and very costly. Once again he was arrested and sentenced - this time for ten years. U hekk kif nistinkaw biex nobogħdu dak li jobgħod Jehovah, jalla nagħmlu isem tajjeb miegħu u maʼ sħabna l - bnedmin. The first - century Christians lived in a world dominated by Greco - Roman values and ideals. And as we strive to hate what Jehovah hates, may we make a good name with him and with fellow humans. Il - barri salvaġġ li l - Bibbja tirreferi għalih x'aktarx li kien l - aurochs (Latin urus). Jehovah's wisdom is revealed in the cycles that sustain life on earth. The wild bull to which the Bible refers was likely the aurochs. ▪ Alla għandu qawwa bla limitu. Naaman has a bad disease called leprosy, which can cause some of a person's flesh to fall off. ▪ God has unlimited power. Iż - żagħżugħ waqaf għal ftit, ta l - karta taʼ l - identità lura lil Herbert, u ħallieh jitlaq. Why the World Is Sick The young man stopped for a while, gave the identity card back to Herbert, and he allowed him to leave. Barnaba kif għen lil Pawlu? About 1,100 publishers in 35 congregations and 15 groups use the Ngabere language. How did Barnabas help Paul? Ir - rivisti komplew jaslu fl - indirizz il - ġdid tagħna, u kont għadni lanqas biss ftaħt waħda minnhom. Reflecting on the above, you can see that faithfulness to God is not linked to prominence, education, financial standing, or social status; nor is faithfulness dependent on intelligence, talent, or ability. The magazines continued to reach our new address, and I had not even opened one of them. Dan huwa muri mill - appostlu Pawlu meta qal: "Mingħajr il - fidi ma jistax ikun li wieħed jogħġob lil Alla. Għax kull min jersaq lejn Alla jeħtieġlu jemmen li Alla jeżisti u li hu jagħti l - ħlas xieraq lil dawk li jfittxuh. " • Why should we be merciful? This is illustrated by the apostle Paul when he said: "Without faith it is impossible to please God, for everyone drawing close to God must believe that God exists and that he will repay those seeking him. " Tkunx Indeċiż " jekk Temminx jew Le ' This law is written on our heart and guides us wherever we are. Do Not Be Indecisive " Whether Do Not Believe ' Tiftakar Int? Still, as Randy Huffman of the American Meat Institute notes: "The real challenge will be getting this implemented in a real - world solution. " Do You Recall? Madankollu, tliet eżempji taʼ mħabba Kristjana li wrew ix - Xhieda taʼ Jehovah ġagħlu lil Opoku jeżamina l - attitudni tiegħu. The support of close friends can help. However, three examples of Christian love shown by Jehovah's Witnesses forced Opoku to examine his attitude. Agħti eżempju. (b) What questions will we consider? Give an example. Dawn il - kotba kienu miktubin bl - idejn u kienu jiswew ħafna flus. The ultimate source of such fleshly thinking is Satan the Devil, who used the serpent to seduce Eve. These books were handwritten and costly. Il - Kristjani taʼ l - ewwel seklu għexu f'dinja dominata minn valuri u ideali Griegi u Rumani. Christ will bring perfect peace to the earth, thereby eliminating one of the main causes of poverty. First - century Christians lived in a world dominated by Greek and Roman values and ideals. Nistgħu nitgħallmu dwar l - għerf taʼ Ġeħova mill - mod kif jagħmilha possibbli li l - ħajja tkompli teżisti hawnhekk fuq l - art. 11: 27 - 29. We can learn about Jehovah's wisdom from the way it makes it possible for life to continue to exist here on earth. Nagħman għandu marda kerha msejħa ġdiem, li tistaʼ ġġiegħel li jaqgħu partijiet mill - ġisem taʼ l - individwu. Moreover, such faith promotes godly conduct, making Jehovah's heart rejoice. - Proverbs 27: 11. Naaman has a so - called leprosy disease, which can cause parts of the individual's body to fall. Għala d - Dinja Hija Marida Hence, when we face difficult trials or feel in desperate need of assistance, we can rightly pray that Jehovah quickly come to our aid. Why the World Is Marida Madwar 1,100 pubblikatur jaqdu f ' 35 kongregazzjoni u 15 - il grupp tal - lingwa Ngabere. 12, 13. (a) As shown at Ephesians 4: 29, what kind of speech should we avoid? Some 1,100 publishers serve in 35 congregations and 15 Ngabere - language groups. Is - suċċess veru jiddependi mil - lealtà lejn Alla, u lkoll kemm aħna nistgħu nkunu leali lejh, tkun xi tkun is - sitwazzjoni tagħna. Il - lealtà tagħna ma tiddependix minn kemm għandna fama, edukazzjoni, jew flus. The rest of the animal was disposed of outside the camp or in some cases partaken of by the priests. True success depends on loyalty to God, and all of us can be loyal to him, regardless of our situation; our loyalty does not depend on our fame, education, or money. • Għala għandna nuru l - ħniena? 1, 2. (a) How have some young ones reacted to Christian truth? • Why should we be merciful? Din il - liġi hi miktuba f'qalbna u tiggwidana kull fejn inkunu. Like Samantha, all of us have faced difficult situations at one time or another. This law is written in our heart and guides us wherever we are. L - appoġġ mill - ħbieb tal - qalb jistaʼ jgħinek. Many people who deeply appreciate the works of the Creator have confidence that a time will come when the Siberian tiger will no longer be in danger of extinction. Support from close friends can help you. (b) Liema mistoqsijiet se nikkunsidraw? The teacher was also impressed with Holly's Scriptural references. (b) What questions will we consider? Dan il - ħsieb uman joriġina minn Satana x - Xitan, li uża s - serp biex iqarraq b'Eva. There they drank and took drugs. This human thinking originates with Satan the Devil, who used the serpent to deceive Eve. Kristu se jġib paċi perfetta fuq l - art, u b'hekk se jelimina waħda mill - kaġuni prinċipali tal - faqar. I know he will give me the needed strength. Christ will bring perfect peace to earth, thus eliminating one of the root causes of poverty. 11: 27 - 29. To make matters worse, a workmate had recently started to express a romantic interest in me. " 11: 27 - 29. Iktar minn hekk, fidi bħal din tinkuraġġixxi kondotta li jkollha l - approvazzjoni t'Alla u tferraħ qalb Jehovah. - Proverbji 27: 11. The same Bible writer reported that on an earlier occasion, a "violent windstorm broke out. " Moreover, such faith encourages conduct that has God's approval and makes Jehovah's heart rejoice. - Proverbs 27: 11. Għaldaqstant, meta niffaċċjaw provi diffiċli jew inħossu li għandna bżonn l - għajnuna b'mod iddisprat, ikun xieraq li nitolbu biex Ġeħova jfittex jgħinna. But he urges fathers to meet the challenge, especially since many mothers now find less time than before to spend with their children. Hence, when we face difficult trials or feel that we desperately need help, it is appropriate to pray for Jehovah to seek help. 12, 13. (a) Bħalma jintwera f'Efesin 4: 29, liema tip taʼ kliem għandna nevitaw? In turn, we can make God's loving heart rejoice. 12, 13. (a) As shown at Ephesians 4: 29, what kind of words should we avoid? Li jibqaʼ mill - annimal kien jintuża barra mill - kamp jew f'xi każi jittieħed mill - qassisin. [ Pictures on page 20] Remaining from the animal was used outside the camp or in some cases taken by priests. 1, 2. (a) Xi żgħażagħ kif irreaġixxew għall - verità Kristjana? A Son's Return Brings Joy 1, 2. (a) How have some youths responded to Christian truth? Bħal Samantha, ilkoll kemm aħna ġejna f'xi diffikultà ħin jew ieħor. Did You Know? Like Samantha, all of us have come in some time or other difficulty. Ħafna nies li verament japprezzaw ix - xogħol tal - Ħallieq huma fiduċjużi li se jiġi żmien meta t - tigra Siberjana ma tibqax fil - periklu taʼ l - estinzjoni. does not endorse any particular approach. Many people who truly appreciate the Creator's work are confident that a time will come when the Siberian tiger will no longer be in danger of extinction. Lgħalliema kienet impressjonata wkoll bir - referenzi Skritturali li pprovdiet Holly. JAPAN Learners were also impressed by the Scriptural references that Holly provided. Hemmhekk kienu jixorbu l - alkoħol u jieħdu d - drogi. In the first century, some people in Corinth who were thieves, homosexuals, adulterers, idolaters, and drunkards came to know and love Jehovah, and they changed. There they drank alcohol and took drugs. Jien naf li se jagħtini l - qawwa li għandi bżonn. Jesus gave similar assurance to his followers. - Matthew 6: 33. I know that it will give me the power I need. U biex tkompli tgħaxxaqha, sieħbi taʼ fuq ix - xogħol kien għadu kif beda juri interess romantiku fija. " On his first missionary trip, Mark left him. And to keep on delighting her, a friend at work had just begun to show romantic interest in me. " L - istess kittieb tal - Bibbja rrapporta li f'okkażjoni iktar kmieni, kien "qam riefnu kbir. " Genuine Christians continued to "worship [God] with spirit and truth. " The same Bible writer reported that on an earlier occasion, he was "a great windstorm. " Erbgħin fil - mija qalu li qatt jew rari jkunu kapaċi jikkontrollaw ir - rabja tagħhom. Wieħed minn kull ħames studenti jgħid li jisfoga r - rabja tiegħu billi jkisser l - affarijiet. The child shown above is one of them Forty percent have said that they are ever or rarely able to control their anger, one in five students says that they disgrace his anger by breaking things. B'riżultat taʼ dan, nistgħu nferrħu l - qalb kollha mħabba t'Alla. Just as reading a book gives you a glimpse into the mind of the author, reading the Bible reveals the thoughts and feelings of its divine Author, God. As a result, we can make God's loving heart rejoice. [ Stampi f'paġna 13] It states that a worker who learns his job well is likely to be appreciated and rewarded. [ Pictures on page 13] Iben li Jerġaʼ Lura Jġib il - Ferħ Even at those places, drugs were common. A Son Who Returns Joy Kont Taf? So she wrote letters in Ahab's name, directing prominent men of Jezreel to find two men willing to launch a false accusation against Naboth - that of blasphemy, which carried the death penalty. Did You Know? ma japprova ebda kura partikulari. To see how you too can benefit from that source, please read on. does not approve any particular treatment. ĠAPPUN Of course, simply knowing how to read and study is in itself no guarantee that these abilities will benefit a person. JAPAN Fl - ewwel seklu, xi nies f'Korintu li kienu ħallelin, omosesswali, adulteri, idolatri, u sakranazzi saru jafu u jħobbu lil Ġeħova u nbidlu. The inspired account states that at the burial place, Jesus said in a loud voice: "Lazarus, come on out! " In the first century, some people in Corinth who were thieves, homosexuals, adulters, idolaters, and drunkards learned and loved Jehovah and changed. Ġesù aċċerta lis - segwaċi tiegħu bl - istess mod. - Mattew 6: 33. Generally speaking, a Christian woman ought to wear a head covering when she cares for matters that are normally the responsibility of her husband or a brother in the congregation. Jesus likewise assured his followers. - Matthew 6: 33. Fl - ewwel vjaġġ missjunarju tiegħu, Marku ħallieh bħall - Erbgħa fost il - ġimgħa. Remain Chaste in Immoral World, 7 / 15 Respect for Authority, 8 / 1 On his first missionary journey, Mark left him like Wednesday among the week. Il - Kristjani ġenwini komplew "jaduraw [lil Alla] fl - ispirtu u l - verità. " You might go for a walk or a drive with them, play a game, or work together on some chore around the house. Genuine Christians continued "to worship [God] in spirit and truth. " Dan it - tifel li jidher hawn fuq hu wieħed minnhom What could cause the heart of a faithful servant of Jehovah to start to complain about his God? This child shown above is one of them Sewwasew bħalma meta taqra ktieb tieħu idea taʼ x'għandu f'moħħu l - awtur, meta taqra l - Bibbja ssir taf il - ħsibijiet u s - sentimenti tal - awtur divin tagħha, Alla. 5 Avoid Trying to Make Decisions for Others. Just as reading a book takes an idea of what the author has in mind, reading the Bible learns the thoughts and feelings of her divine author, God. Din tgħid li ħaddiem li jitgħallem jagħmel xogħlu sew x'aktarx li se jkun apprezzat u premjat. " There is a sin that does incur death. " - 1 JOHN 5: 16. It says that a learner does his job well is likely to be appreciated and rewarded. Anki f'dawn il - postijiet kien ikun hemm id - drogi. He was a bold, fearless man, a stalwart for Bible truth, and as a result of his fine representation, I was unexpectedly granted complete exemption from military service on condition that I continued in my full - time ministry! Even in these places, there were drugs. Għalhekk kitbet ittri f'isem Aħab, u dderiġiet lil irġiel prominenti taʼ Ġeżragħel biex isibu żewġt irġiel li kienu lesti li jakkużaw falz lil Nabot bid - dagħa, għax dan kellu l - piena tal - mewt. What can you do to qualify for Bethel service? So she wrote letters on behalf of Ahab, directing prominent men of Jezreel to find two men willing to false Naboth with blasphemy, for this was the death penalty. Biex tara kif int ukoll tistaʼ tibbenefika minn dan is - sors, jekk jogħġbok kompli aqra. The Bible was completed about two thousand years ago. To see how you too can benefit from this source, please read more. M'għandniex xi ngħidu, li persuna sempliċement tkun taf taqra u tistudja, mhi ebda garanzija fiha nfisha li se tibbenefika minn dawn l - abbiltajiet. Like a climber's grappling iron, these enable the insect to clamber up the down - curved hairs of the pitcher plant. Of course, just reading and studying is no guarantee in itself that you will benefit from these abilities. Ir - rakkont ispirat jgħid li fil - post tad - difna, Ġesù b'leħen għoli qal: "Lazzru, oħroġ! " The discovery of bilingual and trilingual texts in cuneiform writing was the key to deciphering cuneiform. The inspired account says that in the place of the dance, Jesus aloud said: "Lazarus, come out! " Ġeneralment, mara Kristjana għandha tgħatti rasha meta tieħu ħsieb kwistjonijiet li s - soltu jkunu r - responsabbiltà tar - raġel tagħha jew taʼ xi ħu fil - kongregazzjoni. What helped Stephen to put away anger and abusive speech? Generally, a Christian woman should cover her head when dealing with matters that are usually the responsibility of her husband or a brother in the congregation. Niżirgħu ż - Żerriegħa tal - Verità tas - Saltna, 7 / 1 [ Diagram / Pictures on page 15] Jehovah's Witnesses, 9 / 15 Forsi tistgħu tmorru xi mixja jew dawra bil - karozza, tilagħbu xi logħba, jew tagħmlu xi faċenda fid - dar flimkien. The address of the branch office can be found on Perhaps you can go a walk or a car tour, play a game, or make a street in the house together. X'jistaʼ jġiegħel lil qaddej leali taʼ Ġeħova jibda jgerger kontra Alla f'qalbu? Besides the word "humility, " other words that are related to the same root include" lowliness, " "meekness, " and" condescension. " What can cause a faithful servant of Jehovah to murmur against God in his heart? 5 Evita li Tipprova Tieħu Deċiżjonijiet Għal Oħrajn. And Paul urged fellow believers in the congregation in Thessalonica to "speak consolingly to the depressed souls. " 5 Avoid Trying to Make Decisions for Others. " Hemm dnub li jġib il - mewt. " - 1 ĠWANNI 5: 16. Historian Alan Bullock wrote that in Russia and Ukraine in 1933, "hordes of the starving wandered across the countryside... " There is a sin that causes death. " - 1 JOHN 5: 16. Dan il - ħu kien raġel kuraġġuż, ma jaqtax qalbu, u kien jieqaf sod għall - verità tal - Bibbja, u minħabba li tkellem tant tajjeb għan - nom tiegħi, oħroġ il - għaġeb, ġejt meħlus għalkollox mis - servizz militari, bil - kundizzjoni li nkompli fil - ministeru full - time! He says: "As a police officer, you have the resources and time to offer the best help when people turn to you sincerely for support. That brother was a courageous man, did not give up, and was steadfast to Bible truth, and because he spoke so well in my behalf, came out wonderfully, I was completely freed from military service, on condition that I continued in the full - time ministry! X'tistaʼ tagħmel biex tikkwalifika għas - servizz f'Betel? But we learned how they really felt. What can you do to qualify for Bethel service? Il - Bibbja tlestiet xi elfejn sena ilu. Because of what has been called "the integrity edge. " Integrity generates trust, an essential ingredient for long - term success. The Bible was completed some two thousand years ago. Biha, l - insett ikun jistaʼ jitlaʼ max - xagħar imdendel ' l isfel tal - pitcher plant. So, then, what can we conclude? With it, the insect can rise to the suspended hair of the pitcher plant. L - iskoperta taʼ testi b'żewġ jew tliet lingwi bil - kitba kunejformi kienet il - qofol biex il - kitba kunejformi tiġi deċifrata. It exposes greed for what it is - self - idolatry. The discovery of two - or three - language cuneiform texts was the key to deciphering cuneiform writing. X'għen lil Stephen iwarrab ir - rabja u t - tgħajjir? P., United States What helped Stephen to reject anger and jealousy? [ Dijagramma / Stampi f'paġna 23] Since that is exactly what Jehovah did for Amos, it will be instructive for all who desire to speak God's word with boldness to consider the example set by that courageous prophet. [ Diagram / Pictures on page 23] L - indirizz tal - uffiċċju tal - fergħa jistaʼ jinstab fuq What is one contributing factor? The branch office address can be found at Minbarra l - kelma "umiltà, " kliem ieħor li jiġi mill - istess kelma oriġinali jinkludi" li titbaxxa, " "li tkun ġwejjed, " u" li tiċċekken. " It has also decreased the risk of people being caught in dangerous wildfires. In addition to the word "humbleness, " other words that come from the same original word include" being down, " being mild - tempered, " and" reducing. " U Pawlu ħeġġeġ lil sħabu kredenti fil - kongregazzjoni f'Tessalonika biex " jagħmlu l - qalb ' lid - dipressi. Sometimes, people are simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. And Paul urged fellow believers in the congregation in Thessalonica to "take heart ' to the depressed. L - istudjuż taʼ l - istorja Alan Bullock kiteb li fir - Russja u l - Ukraina fl - 1933, "folol kbar taʼ nies imġewħa kienu jiġġerrew fil - kampanja... (b) If we continue to sow and water, what will happen? Historian Alan Bullock wrote that in Russia and Ukraine in 1933, "great crowds of hungry people wrecked into the countryside... Hu jgħid: "Bħala uffiċjal tal - pulizija, għandek l - abbiltà u l - ħin biex tgħin bl - aħjar mod lin - nies li jiġu għandek ġenwinament għall - għajnuna. When Nabal responded with insults, David became enraged and set out to avenge himself on the men of Nabal's entire household, failing to discern that killing innocent people would make him bloodguilty before God. He says: "As a police officer, you have the ability and time to help people who come to you genuinely for help. Imma sirna nafu kif ħassewhom verament. But they were not. But we learned how they really felt. Għax l - integrità tqanqal il - fiduċja, aspett essenzjali għal suċċess fuq tul taʼ żmien. Six were treated with conventional hydrogel therapy, and six, with the application of maggots. Because integrity stimulates trust, an essential aspect of long - term success. Allura, x'nistgħu nikkonkludu? Young people in particular searched for happiness and the meaning of life through mind - altering drugs and the philosophies of the movement's so - called gurus and high priests. What, then, can we conclude? Ukoll tikxef eżatt x'inhi r - regħba - li tagħmel lilek innifsek qabel Alla. And the residents - especially those with hearing or visual impediments - also greatly value the visits of the Witnesses. It also reveals exactly what greed is - doing yourself before God. P., Stati Uniti That is a time when we can strengthen the weak, console the depressed, and comfort the sick. P., United States Ladarba Ġeħova għamel proprju dan m'Għamos, dawk kollha li jixtiequ jxandru l - kelma t'Alla bil - qlubija jistgħu jitgħallmu ħafna jekk jikkunsidraw fid - dettall l - eżempju taʼ dan il - profeta kuraġġuż. Do you long for such security? Since Jehovah did just that with Amos, all who desire to speak God's word with boldness can learn much to consider in detail the example of this courageous prophet. X'inhu fattur wieħed li jikkontribwixxi għal dan? In his great love, however, "Jehovah himself has caused the error of us all to meet up with that one, " his dear Son and chosen Servant. What is one factor contributing to this? Jien kont inkanta fi grupp li jdoqq mużika punk rock, u l - artiklu tagħkom fuq il - body piercing rajtu f'waqtu ħafna. [ Picture on page 26] I sang in a group playing punk rock music, and your article on body piercing saw it very timely. Dan naqqas ukoll ir - riskju li jkun hemm nies li jinqabdu f'nirien qawwija u perikolużi. These countries hoped that such cooperation would lead not only to their economic recovery but also to the banning of war. This has also reduced the risk of people being caught in severe and dangerous fires. Xi drabi, in - nies sempliċement jinzertaw fil - post żbaljat u fil - ħin żbaljat. 18, 19. (a) What reasons do we have to welcome everyone? At times, people simply get into the wrong place and at the wrong time. (b) X'se jiġri jekk inkomplu niżirgħu u nsaqqu? But scientists have discovered a unique organ inside the ear of this insect - a pressurized fluid - filled cavity that looks like an elongated balloon. (b) What will happen if we continue to sow and water? Nabal insulta lil David u ma riedx jgħinu. Minħabba f'hekk, David tant inkorla li ddeċieda li jivvendika ruħu minn Nabal u mill - irġiel kollha taʼ daru. David ma qagħadx iqis li Ġeħova kien se jżommu ħati talli joqtol nies innoċenti. Jehovah Still a Deliverer Nabal insulted David and did not want to help him, so angry David who decided to avenge himself from Nabal and from all the men of his household, not considering that Jehovah would keep guilty of killing innocent people. " Isem tajjeb aħjar minn ħafna rikkezzi ': Nru. In other cases there is a pattern of severe, harsh treatment, perhaps involving cruel words or physical blows. " Good name better than many riches ': No. Imma ma kinux waħedhom. What do you think their father should have done? - Yes, he should have disciplined them and not allowed them to do those bad things. But they were not alone. Sitta minnhom ngħataw kura tradizzjonali bit - terapija taʼ l - idroġel, u s - sitta l - oħra bl - użu tad - dud. [ Picture on page 11] Six of them were treated traditionally with hydrogel therapy, and the other six using worms. Iż - żgħażagħ b'mod partikulari kienu jfittxu l - hena u l - iskop tal - ħajja permezz taʼ drogi li jeffettwaw il - moħħ u l - filosofiji taʼ l - hekk imsejħa guru u qassisin kbar li kellu l - moviment. □ share your spiritual convictions. - 1 Corinthians 7: 39. Young people in particular sought the happiness and purpose of life through drugs that affected the mind and philosophies of the so - called gur and high priests who had the movement. U r - residenti - speċjalment dawk li huma neqsin mid - dawl jew mis - smigħ - ukoll japprezzaw ħafna ż - żjajjar tax - Xhieda. The attempt to assimilate the Africans into Roman culture was so effective that funerary steles were often adorned with triads of both the local and the Roman deities. And residents - especially those who are blind or deaf - also highly appreciate the visits of the Witnesses. Kristjani sinċieri huma ġenerużi f'dan it - tip taʼ għoti. Just over 6 million people now access the Internet compared with 1.4 million in 1999. Sincere Christians are generous in this type of giving. Tixxennaq int għal sigurtà bħal din? In fact, about 60 C.E., the apostle Paul wrote that the good news had been "preached in all creation that is under heaven. " - Colossians 1: 23. Do you yearn for such security? Madankollu, fl - imħabba kbira tiegħu, "Ġeħova nnifsu ġiegħel li l - iżball tagħna lkoll jaqaʼ fuq dak il - wieħed, " Ibnu l - għażiż u l - Qaddej magħżul. Storrs was a native of Lebanon, New Hampshire, residing by this time in Utica, New York. However, in his great love, "Jehovah himself has caused our error to fall upon that one, " his beloved Son and chosen Servant. [ Stampa f'paġna 26] Why is life so competitive? [ Picture on page 26] Dawn il - pajjiżi ttamaw li kooperazzjoni bħal din mhux biss kienet se twassalhom biex jirkupraw ekonomikament imma wkoll biex ma jkunx hemm iktar gwerer. Famine soon grips the city. These countries hoped that such cooperation would not only lead them to recover economically but also to prevent further wars. 18, 19. (a) X'raġunijiet għandna biex naċċettaw lil kulħadd? If you humbly try to make peace with others, you may be surprised at the good results 18, 19. (a) What reasons do we have for accepting everyone? Imma x - xjentisti skoprew organu speċjali ġol - widna taʼ dan l - insett - ħofra mimlija fluwidu ppressat li tidher qisha bużżieqa tawwalija. [ Pictures on page 17] But scientists have discovered a special organ in the ear of this insect - a pit filled with a pressed fluid that looks like an elongated bubble. Ġeħova Għadu Ħellies He encouraged them to develop faith in God, which is "of much greater value than gold. " Jehovah Is Still a Deliverer F'każijiet oħrajn, iż - żgħażagħ jiġu ripetutament trattati b'mod iebes u aħrax, forsi bi kliem li jweġġaʼ jew swat. The Servant's Ministry on Earth In other cases, youths are repeatedly treated hard and harshly, perhaps with hurtful words or beatings. X'taħseb li suppost kellu jagħmel missierhom? - Iva, hu suppost iddixxiplinahom u ma ħallihomx jagħmlu dawn l - affarijiet ħżiena. The claim that I was born of "the unclean one " continued to wound my soul. What do you think should their father do? - Yes, he should discipline them and prevent them from doing these bad things. [ Stampa f'paġna 27] Should we not seek God's approval? [ Picture on page 27] □ jkollha l - konvinzjonijiet reliġjużi tiegħek. - 1 Korintin 7: 39. In the mid - 1960 ' s, animosity between ethnic groups in northern and eastern Nigeria led to disturbances, revolts, lawlessness, and ethnic violence. □ have your religious convictions. - 1 Corinthians 7: 39. L - isforz biex l - Afrikani jintegraw ruħhom fil - kultura Rumana tant kien effettiv li l - lapidi spiss kienu jiżżejnu b'tinqix taʼ trinitajiet taʼ allat lokali kif ukoll Rumani mħalltin. CLUE: Read Genesis 14: 12 - 16. The effort for Africans to integrate into Roman culture was so effective that lame often decorated with trinties of local gods as well as mixed Romans. Ukoll, "sens taʼ xamm iktar sensittiv jistaʼ jagħmel lin - nisa tqal iktar suġġetti għad - dardir. " When we refused to put on military caps and to have a tricolor band placed on our arms, we were put into freight cars and taken to the Budapest - Kőbánya train station. Also, "a more sensitive sense of smell can make pregnant women more subject to nausea. " Fil - fatt, madwar is - sena 60 E.K., l - appostlu Pawlu kiteb li l - aħbar tajba kienet " tħabbret lill - ħlejjaq kollha taħt is - smewwiet. ' - Kolossin 1: 23. When did Jesus appoint the slave over all his belongings, and why? In fact, about 60 C.E., the apostle Paul wrote that the good news was "announcing all creation under the heavens. " - Colossians 1: 23. Storrs twieled fil - Lebanon, New Hampshire, imma f'dak iż - żmien kien qed joqgħod f'Utica, New York. Removing it is all that is necessary to get the car moving. Storrs was born in Lebanon, New Hampshire, but at that time he was living in Utica, New York. Għala hawn daqshekk kompetizzjoni fil - ħajja? Antioch Why is there so much competition in life? Il - ġuħ ma damx ma fena l - belt. SONGS: 80, 50 Soon the famine took place in the city. Jekk b'umiltà tipprova tagħmel paċi m'oħrajn, tistaʼ tkun sorpriż bir - riżultati tajbin li jkollok The Israelites received many good things from Jehovah. If you humbly try to make peace with others, you can be surprised by the good results you have [ Stampi f'paġna 17] The female grows up to six feet [2 m] in length and weighs up to 22 pounds [10 kg]. [ Pictures on page 17] Hu inkuraġġiehom biex jiżviluppaw fidi f'Alla, xi ħaġa li "tiswa aktar mid - deheb. " And we can have a stabilizing effect on our fellow believers. He encouraged them to develop faith in God, something that "is worth more than gold. " Il - Ministeru tal - Qaddej fuq l - Art WAS IT DESIGNED? The Ministry of Servant on Earth Dak li ntqal li twelidt mill - "wieħed imniġġes " baqaʼ jitturmentani. Happily for us, Jesus said: "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. " What I was said to have been born of "the unclean one " kept tormenting me. M'għandniex aħna nfittxu l - approvazzjoni t'Alla? At the meetings each week, you spend time with your brothers and sisters, who care about you and want to encourage you. Should we not seek God's approval? F'nofs is - snin 60, il - mibegħda bejn gruppi etniċi fit - tramuntana u l - lvant tan - Niġerja wasslet għal ħafna inkwiet, rewwixti, ksur taʼ liġi, u vjolenza etnika. Indeed, the Bible tells those who teach the Kingdom message: "You will save both yourself and those who listen to you. " - 1 Tim. In the mid - 1960 ' s, hatred between ethnic groups in northern and eastern Nigeria led to many troubles, riots, violations, and ethnic violence. ĦJIEL: Aqra Ġenesi 14: 12 - 16. Today, members of the Christian congregation also have the honor of belonging to Jehovah. CLUE: Read Genesis 14: 12 - 16. Meta rrifjutajna li nilbsu l - brieret tal - militar u strixxa bit - tliet kuluri tal - bandiera maʼ dirgħajna, tefgħuna ġo vaguni tal - merkanzija u ħaduna fl - istazzjon tal - ferrovija f'Budapest - Kőbánya. IN RECENT months, lovers of righteousness around the globe learned how to give glory to God as they convened at the "Give God Glory " District Conventions of Jehovah's Witnesses. When we refused to wear military borers and a three - colored strip of the flag with our arms, we were put into cargo wagons and took us to the railway station in Budapest - Kőbánya. Ġesù meta ħatar lill - ilsir fuq ġidu, u għala? As an example, consider the comfort he offers to you when someone you love dies. When did Jesus appoint the slave over his wealth, and why? Kulma hemm bżonn hu li tneħħiha biex il - karozza tkun tistaʼ titlaq għal għonq it - triq. " Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you, " says the Bible. All that is needed is to remove it so that the car can go off to the neck of the road. Antijokja This may sound like a pleasant way to make a living, but beware! Antioch GĦANJIET: 95, 58 To those serving Jehovah God, though, the Bible promises an inner contentment - "the peace of God. " SONGS TO BE USED: 95, 58 L - Iżraelin ingħataw ħafna affarijiet tajbin minn Ġeħova. They had also come to know and appreciate God's name and personality. The Israelites received many good things from Jehovah. Il - mara tistaʼ tikber sa żewġ metri u tiżen sa 10 kilogrammi. [ Footnote] The woman can grow up to six feet [2 m] and weigh up to six pounds [10 kg]. U nistgħu wkoll ngħinu lill - Kristjani sħabna biex jibqgħu sodi. Consider the apostle Paul. And we can also help fellow Christians to stand firm. ĠEW DISINJATI? This self - righteousness figures in one of Jesus ' parables. WAS IT DESIGNED? Kemm aħna grati li Ġesù qal: "Tkunu tafu l - verità, u l - verità teħliskom. " Anyone who works unrighteousness cannot have a close relationship with him. How grateful we are that Jesus said: "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. " Fil - laqgħat taʼ kull ġimgħa, int tkun fil - kumpanija taʼ ħutek, li jimpurtahom minnek u jridu jinkuraġġuk. Surely, praying intensely and constantly for Jehovah's protection was, and still is, a decisive step that is necessary for protection against wicked spirits. At weekly meetings, you are in the company of your brothers, who care for you and want to encourage you. Il - Bibbja tgħid lil dawk li jgħallmu l - messaġġ tas - Saltna: "Issalva kemm lilek innifsek u kemm lil dawk li jisimgħuk. " - 1 Tim. Consider the observations of Myrtle, who is 80 years of age. The Bible tells those who teach the Kingdom message: "Save both yourself and those hearing you. " - 1 Tim. Illum, il - membri tal - kongregazzjoni Kristjana għandhom l - unur li jappartjenu lil Ġeħova. But can we really love God, since we cannot see him? Today, members of the Christian congregation have the honor of belonging to Jehovah. F'DAWN l - aħħar xhur, nies li jħobbu s - sewwa minn madwar id - dinja kollha tgħallmu kif jagħtu glorja lil Alla hekk kif iltaqgħu flimkien għall - Konvenzjonijiet Distrettwali tax - Xhieda taʼ Jehovah "Agħtu Glorja lil Alla. " So Trophimus had to stop traveling with Paul and stay in Miletus to get better. IN THE last months, people who love righteousness from all over the world have learned how to give glory to God as they met together for the District Conventions of Jehovah's Witnesses "Give Glory to God. " Biex nieħdu eżempju, ikkunsidra l - faraġ li hu joffrilek meta xi ħadd li tħobb imut. [ Credit Line] To illustrate, consider the comfort that he offers you when a loved one dies. " Ersqu qrib lejn Alla, u hu jersaq qrib lejkom, " tgħid il - Bibbja. He noted that for the past five months, the students benefited immeasurably by drinking deeply from God's Word of truth. " Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you, " says the Bible. Imbagħad nitħallsu skond il - valur taz - zkuk li nkunu ġbarna. Reading this series of articles, you may have noted that a Bible principle is given at the top of pages 3 - 8. Then we pay according to the value of the logs we have collected. Iżda lil dawk li jaqdu lil Alla Jehovah, il - Bibbja twiegħed kuntentizza ġewwinija - is - "sliem taʼ Alla. " How can we be hospitable? But to those who serve Jehovah God, the Bible promises inner contentment - "the peace of God. " Huma kienu tgħallmu wkoll dwar l - isem t'Alla u l - personalità tiegħu, u żviluppaw apprezzament għalihom. What made Andy pursue peace? They had also learned about God's name and his personality, and they developed appreciation for them. [ Nota taʼ taħt] How happy Albert was to discover that mankind's suffering is not God's fault but, rather, that Jehovah purposes to end all suffering and to make this earth into a paradise. [ Footnote] Ikkunsidra lill - appostlu Pawlu. Adjustments in their life - style and way of doing things would relieve them too. Consider the apostle Paul. Ġesù tkellem dwar din l - attitudni ħażina f'waħda mill - parabboli tiegħu. Because Jehovah has given us the gift of free will, which means that we can choose to do what is good or what is bad. Jesus spoke of this bad attitude in one of his parables. Kulmin ma jagħmilx is - sewwa ma jistax ikollu relazzjoni mill - qrib miegħu. The lady was overjoyed to receive the money. Anyone who does not do righteousness cannot have a close relationship with him. Żgur li l - fatt li titlob bil - ħrara u kontinwament għall - protezzjoni taʼ Jehovah kien, u għadu, pass importanti ferm biex ikollok il - protezzjoni mill - attakki taʼ l - ispirti ħżiena. Jesus Christ definitely foretold that his one true congregation would be restored during what he called a conclusion of a system of things. Surely praying fervently and constantly for Jehovah's protection was, and enemy, a very important step toward obtaining protection from the attacks of wicked spirits. Ara x'osservat Myrtle, li għandha 80 sena. After the ban was lifted and the branch property restored to the brothers, many of them were given the opportunity to go out in the field as special pioneers. See what Myrtle observed, 80 years old. Imma nistgħu verament inħobbu lil Alla ladarba ma nistgħux narawh? The Navigation System of the Sea Turtle But can we truly love God since we cannot see him? Għalhekk, Trofimu kellu jieqaf jivvjaġġa maʼ Pawlu u baqaʼ Miletu ħalli jfiq. Not wanting to be like that, I realized what I needed to do. So Trophimus had to stop traveling with Paul and remained in Miletus to heal. [ Sors] Crime soars. [ Credit Line] Hu nnota li fil - ħames xhur li għaddew, l - istudenti bbenefikaw bil - kbir billi xorbu kemm felħu mill - ilma tal - verità tal - Kelma t'Alla. If your parents allow you to play any electronic games, how can you know which to choose and how much time to devote to them? He noted that in the past five months, students benefited greatly by drinking the water of the truth of God's Word. Int u taqra din is - serje t'artikli, forsi nnotajt li hemm prinċipju Bibliku fin - naħa taʼ fuq taʼ paġni 3 - 8. They have often provided for those experiencing hardship. As you read this series of articles, you may have noticed that there is a Bible principle on the top of pages 3 - 8. Kif nistgħu nkunu ospitabbli? [ Footnote] How can we be hospitable? X'għen lil Andy ifittex il - paċi? But each month, I made a trip to our original assignment to give a music lesson. What helped Andy to seek peace? Kemm kien ferħan Albert li sar jaf li t - tbatija tal - bniedem m'hijiex tort t'Alla iżda li, għall - kuntrarju, Ġeħova għandu l - iskop li jtemm it - tbatija kollha u li jbiddel l - art f'ġenna. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ How happy Albert was to learn that human suffering is not God's fault but that, on the contrary, Jehovah aims to end all suffering and to transform the earth into a paradise. Anki l - aġġustamenti fl - istil taʼ ħajjithom u fil - mod kif jagħmlu l - affarijiet kienu se jserrħuhom. Such a tire needs to be repaired before it gets worse or goes flat. Adjustments in lifestyles and ways of doing things would also have rested them. L - eżempju taʼ min jistaʼ jqanqalna nsaħħu l - fidi tagħna? He is ever willing to straighten the paths of those who trust in him with all their heart. - Psalm 65: 2; Proverbs 3: 5, 6. Whose example can move us to strengthen our faith? Għax Ġeħova tana r - rigal tal - libertà tal - għażla, jiġifieri li nistgħu nagħżlu li nagħmlu dak li hu tajjeb jew dak li hu ħażin. He posed the question, Have God's people been able to meet this challenge today? Because Jehovah has given us the gift of free will, that is, we can choose to do what is right or what is wrong. Il - mara tgħidx kemm ferħet li rċiviet il - flus lura! It is near, and there is a hurrying of it very much. " - ZEPHANIAH 1: 14. The woman was so happy that she received money back! Żgur li Ġesù Kristu bassar li l - kongregazzjoni waħda vera kienet se tiġġedded matul dak li hu sejjaħ il - konklużjoni tas - sistema dinjija. 1: 6 - What is the meaning of the expression "there is a drinking, but not to the point of getting intoxicated "? Jesus Christ surely foretold that the one true congregation would be renewed during what he called the conclusion of the world system of things. Wara li tneħħiet il - projbizzjoni u l - propjetà tal - fergħa reġgħet ngħatat lura lill - aħwa, ħafna mill - aħwa ngħataw l - opportunità li joħorġu jaħdmu fis - servizz taʼ l - għalqa bħala pijunieri speċjali. What about the "other sheep, " having the prospect of everlasting life on earth? After the ban was lifted and the branch property was returned to the brothers, many of the brothers were given the opportunity to take up the field service as special pioneers. Is - Sistema tan - Navigazzjoni tal - Fekruna tal - Baħar Thus, when Boaz, a forefather of Jesus, saw a needy foreign woman gleaning, he was acting in harmony with what he had learned from God when he made sure that his harvesters left plenty of grain for her to collect. - Ruth 2: 1, 10, 16. Sea Turtle Navigation System Peress li ma xtaqtx inkun hekk, indunajt x'kelli bżonn nagħmel. But the King intervened, asking Brother Mashazi to continue. Not wishing to be that way, I realized what I needed to do. Il - kriminalità qed tiżdied bl - addoċċ. * There, the book of Proverbs is discussed, and you will find a large selection of principles and counsel listed under 12 headings. Crime is increasing at random. Jekk il - ġenituri tiegħek iħalluk tilgħab logħob elettroniku, kif tistaʼ tkun taf liema għandek tagħżel u kemm għandek tqattaʼ ħin tilgħab? The fear of God enters into our heart when we develop reverence and respect for God's awesome power. If your parents allow you to play electronic games, how can you know what to choose and how much time to play? Huma spiss ipprovdew għal dawk li jkunu għaddejjin minn xi tbatija. Would You Welcome a Visit? They often provided for those who are suffering. [ Nota taʼ taħt] Fear of Jehovah leads us to trust in him as a son trusts his father [ Footnote] Iżda kull xahar, kont nagħmel vjaġġ għall - inkarigu oriġinali tagħna biex nagħti lezzjoni tal - mużika. Just what is embalming? But each month, I made a trip to our original assignment to give a music lesson. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Again, the reaction of God's typical nation in the days of Jehoshaphat sets the pattern. . . . . . Tajer bħal dan għandu bżonn jissewwa qabel ma jmur għall - agħar jew jinżel. Without sunlight, we could not exist. Such a tyre needs to be repaired before it gets worse or falls. Hu dejjem lest li jwitti t - triqat taʼ dawk li jafdaw fih b'qalbhom kollha. - Salm 65: 3 (65: 2, NW); Proverbji 3: 5, 6. A Disaster Leads to Blessings He is always willing to prepare the ways of those trusting in him with all their heart. - Psalm 65: 2; Proverbs 3: 5, 6. Hu staqsa l - mistoqsija, Irnexxielhom in - nies t'Alla llum iwettqu dan l - inkarigu diffiċli? In addition, as a zealous Jew, Paul had a commission from and the backing of the chief priests in Jerusalem. He asked the question, Did God's people today fulfill this difficult assignment? Fil - qrib, u riesaq b'ħeffa li ma bħalha! " - SOFONIJA 1: 14. • In what ways does maturity benefit us? Close, and you are approaching as fast as it is! " - SOPHONIAH 1: 14. 1: 6 - Xi tfisser l - espressjoni "xrobtu, u m'hemmx li tiskru "? Children need guidance and direction, and their parents have the responsibility to give them moral and spiritual education based on the Bible and on what is taught in the Christian congregation. 1: 6 - What is meant by the expression "a drink, and there is no drunken "? Xi ngħidu għan - "nagħaġ oħra, " li għandhom il - prospett taʼ ħajja taʼ dejjem fuq l - art? How can you speak to your mate in a manner that will quell the conflict rather than add fuel to it? What about the "other sheep, " who have the prospect of everlasting life on earth? Għalhekk, meta Bogħaż, antenat taʼ Ġesù, ra mara barranija fil - bżonn qed tlaqqat, hu kien qed jaġixxi fi qbil maʼ dak li kien tgħallem minn Alla meta għamel ċert li dawk li jaħsdu jħallu bosta qamħ għaliha x'tiġbor. - Rut 2: 1, 10, 16. To maintain the purity of Jehovah's worship and to protect the congregation, therefore, they do not extend the hand of fellowship to unrepentant apostates. - Galatians 2: 4, 5; 2 John 8 - 11. So when Jesus ' ancestor Boaz saw a needy foreign woman being gathered, he was acting in harmony with what he had learned from God when he made sure that those who reaped many wheat to collect for her. - Ruth 2: 1, 10, 16. Iżda r - Re ndaħal fil - kwistjoni u talab lil Ħuna Mashazi jkompli. When you introduce a scripture, focus attention on the importance of knowing God's thinking on the subject. But the King intervened in the matter and asked Brother Mashazi to continue. * F'dawn il - paġni, jiġi diskuss il - ktieb tal - Proverbji u se ssib selezzjoni kbira taʼ prinċipji u pariri taħt 12 - il sottitlu differenti. 2, 3. (a) What does not stop us from "shining as illuminators "? * In these pages, the book of Proverbs is discussed and you will find a great selection of principles and advice under 12 different subheadings. Il - biżaʼ t'Alla jidħol f'qalbna meta niżviluppaw rispett u riverenza għall - qawwa meraviljuża t'Alla. What do we learn from the examples of Hezekiah, Joseph, and Sarah? Godly fear enters our heart when we develop respect and reverence for God's wonderful power. Tixtieq li Ssirlek Żjara? Does he have extraordinary abilities that enabled him to endure the hardships so triumphantly? Would You Welcome a Visit? Il - biżaʼ minn Jehovah iwassalna biex nafdaw fih bħalma iben jafda lil missieru This kind of thinking was typical of Paul and Timothy. Fear of Jehovah leads us to trust in him as a son trusts his father Eżattament x'inhu l - ibbalzmar? Then, at some point, he will bid the visitor farewell and return home. What exactly is embalming? Għal darb'oħra, il - mod kif aġixxa l - ġens tipiku t'Alla fi żmien Ġosafat jistabbilixxi mudell għalihom. In Britain alone, readers spend as much as 80 million pounds (about $150 million, U.S.) a year on books offering advice about how to cope with life's challenges. Again, the way God's typical nation acted in Jehoshaphat's day sets a pattern for them. Mingħajr id - dawl tax - xemx ma konniex inkunu nistgħu neżistu. The very personification of love, God looks at us without prejudice or malice. Without sunlight, we could not exist. Barkiet Wara Diżastru 10: 37. Blessings After a Disaster Lhudi mil - Lhud, Fariżew fl - osservanza tal - Liġi; biż - żelu li kelli, ippersegwitajt il - Knisja; għal dik li hi ġustizzja tal - Liġi, ħadd ma sataʼ jgħid xejn fija. " The post commander of the American Legion, a very patriotic organization, held that view. A Jew from the Jews, a Pharisee in observance of the Law; with my zeal, I persecuted the Church; for the justice of the Law, no one could say anything in me. " • Il - maturità b'liema modi hi taʼ benefiċċju għalina? Or do they? • In what ways is maturity beneficial to us? It - tfal għandhom bżonn il - gwida u d - direzzjoni, u l - ġenituri tagħhom għandhom ir - responsabbiltà biex jagħtuhom edukazzjoni morali u spiritwali bbażata fuq il - Bibbja u fuq dak li jiġi mgħallem fil - kongregazzjoni Kristjana. Only then will graft disappear. Children need guidance and direction, and their parents have the responsibility to give them Bible - based moral and spiritual education and what is taught in the Christian congregation. Kif tistaʼ titkellem b'manjiera li se tikkalma l - argument minflok ma tkompli tagħtih in - nar? Philip was likely by himself. How can you speak in a manner that will calm the argument instead of continuing to give it fire? Għalhekk, biex iżommu s - safa tal - qima taʼ Jehovah u jipproteġu lill - kongregazzjoni, huma ma jissiħbux maʼ l - apostati li ma jindmux. - Galatin 2: 4, 5; 2 Ġwann 8 - 11. Before long, a mob arrived, bearing torches and armed with swords and clubs. So to keep the purity of Jehovah's worship and protect the congregation, they do not come together with unrepentant apostates. - Galatians 2: 4, 5; 2 John 8 - 11. Meta tuża xi skrittura iffoka l - attenzjoni fuq l - importanza li nkunu nafu kif jaħsibha Alla dwar is - suġġett. Hagia Sophia, Istanbul - at one time the largest Byzantine church, it was converted into a mosque in 1453 and into a museum in 1935 Using a scripture has focused attention on the importance of knowing how God thinks about the subject. 2, 3. (a) X'ma jwaqqafniex milli niddu "bħala dawwala fid - dinja "? 15, 16. 2, 3. (a) What does not prevent us from adding "as enlightenment in the world "? X'nitgħallmu mill - eżempji taʼ Ħeżekija, Ġużeppi, u Sara? Then we were reassigned to the Dominican Republic. What do we learn from the examples of Hezekiah, Joseph, and Sarah? Għandu hu xi abbiltajiet straordinarji li għenuh jissaporti t - tbatijiet u joħroġ rebbieħ? Each time a farmer reaps bountifully, he becomes more confident about sowing seed the next season. Does it have extraordinary abilities that helped him to endure hardships and win? Dan it - tip taʼ tħassib kien tipiku għal Pawlu u Timotju. The first question there may help your son or daughter to identify the issue that he or she finds most challenging. This kind of concern was typical for Paul and Timothy. Imbagħad, f'ħin minnhom, hu jsellem lill - mistieden u jmur lura d - dar. MYSIA Then, at one time, he greets the guest and returns home. Fil - Britannja biss, il - qarrejja jonfqu sa 80 miljun lira Ingliża (madwar Lm50 miljun) fis - sena fuq kotba li joffru pariri dwar kif wieħed jistaʼ jkampa maʼ l - isfidi tal - ħajja. That was the experience of three pioneer sisters - Rosa, Alicia, and Cecilia - who preached in the villages of Izcuchaca and Conayca, located at an altitude of more than 12,000 feet [3,600 m] in central Peru. In Britain alone, readers spend up to 80 million English pounds (about $50 million) a year on books offering advice on how to cope with life's challenges. Alla, li hu l - istess personifikazzjoni taʼ l - imħabba, iħares lejna mingħajr preġudizzju jew malizzja. * Jesus showed over and over again what kind of Ruler he would be. God, who is the same personification of love, looks at us without prejudice or malicious. 10: 37. Clearly, the prophecy at Psalm 118: 22 foretold a resurrection that would occur hundreds of years later. 10: 37. Wieħed minn dawn kien il - kmandant taʼ waħda mid - diviżjonijiet tal - Leġjun Amerikan (American Legion), li hija organizzazzjoni patrijottika ferm. An official of the Ontario (Canada) Physical and Health Education Association notes that children subjected to such pressures "may develop psychological problems at a young age. One of these was the commander of one of the American Legion divisions, a highly patriotic organization. Ittratta lil Sieħbek fiż - Żwieġ bir - Rispett, 10 / 1 This work makes us happy, protects us, and draws us closer to Jehovah and to one another Jehovah's Witnesses, 9 / 15 Imma għandhom jew m'għandhomx inkwiet? How did the relationship between the Father and the Son keep developing? But do they have or do not have trouble? B'hekk biss jistaʼ xi darba jispiċċa l - qligħ diżonest. Were Adam and Eve able thereafter to live successfully, without dire consequences, being guided solely by their own opinions? Thus only one day can dishonest gain be eliminated. Filippu x'aktarx li kien waħdu. " People sometimes ask me how I cope. Philip was likely alone. Ma damitx wisq ma waslet ċorma nies bit - torċi f'idejhom u armati bis - sjuf u l - bsaten. One pod of beans was taken from that island to mainland Africa, and now a cacao trade flourishes in four West African nations. Soon a torches arrived and equipped with swords and sticks. Il - Hagia Sophia f'Istanbul - xi darba kien l - akbar knisja Biżantina, fl - 1453 ġie mibdul f'moskea u fl - 1935 f'mużew Our start in the traveling work began in the snow - laden winter of 1954 / 55. Hagia Sophia in Istanbul - one day was Byzantine's largest church, 1453 were transformed into a mosque and 1935 into a museum 15, 16. One common form of fossilization is mineralization. 15, 16. Imbagħad ġejna assenjati biex immorru naqdu fir - Repubblika Dominikana. Though the handing down of a religion from one generation to another is on the decline nowadays, the majority still remain attached to the religion of their family. Then we were assigned to serve in the Dominican Republic. M'għandniex xi ngħidu, hu mbagħad ikollu jistenna l - ħsad bil - paċenzja. Indeed, "he that exercises faith in the Son has everlasting life; he that disobeys the Son will not see life. " - John 3: 36. Of course, he will then have to wait patiently for the harvest. L - ewwel mistoqsija li hemm tistaʼ tgħin lil uliedek jidentifikaw il - kwistjoni li huma jsibuha l - iktar taʼ sfida. Jehovah has decided to give everlasting life on earth to most of his people and life in heaven to those who will rule with Jesus. The first question can help your children to identify the issue that they find most challenging. MISJA [ Picture on page 14] QUESTION Din kienet l - esperjenza taʼ tliet aħwa pijunieri - Rosa, Alicia, u Cecilia - li ppridkaw fl - irħula taʼ Izcuchaca u Conayca, li jinsabu f'għoli taʼ iktar minn 3,600 metru fil - parti ċentrali tal - Perù. Jehu manifested qualities that we would do well to imitate. This was the experience of three pioneer brothers - Rosa, Alicia, and Cecilia - who preached in the villages of Izcuchaca and Conayca, located at a height of over 1,600 feet [3,600 m] in the central part of Peru. * Ġesù wera għal darba wara l - oħra x'tip taʼ Ħakkiem kien se jkun. Many would say yes, that a part of us - something called the soul - is immortal. * Jesus repeatedly showed what kind of Ruler would be. Biċ - ċar, il - profezija f ' Salm 118: 22 bassret irxoxt li kien se jseħħ mijiet taʼ snin wara. But how do you pay for items that you purchase with a credit card? Clearly, the prophecy at Psalm 118: 22 foretold a resurrection that would take place hundreds of years later. Uffiċjal mill - Ontario (Canada) Physical and Health Education Association jinnota li t - tfal li jgħaddu minn pressjonijiet bħal dawn "jistgħu jiżviluppaw problemi psikoloġiċi minn età żgħira. In his Gospel, Mark wrote that on the night Jesus was arrested, a youth wearing only a garment "over his naked body " was present. An official from Ontario (Canada) Physical and Health Education Association notes that children who undergo such pressures "may develop psychological problems from an early age. Dan ix - xogħol iferraħna, jipproteġina, u jressaqna eqreb lejn Ġeħova u lejn xulxin It may be that Daniel was not obliged to be there because of his rank, or he may have been away on an official assignment. This work makes us happy, protects us, and draws us closer to Jehovah and to one another Ir - relazzjoni bejn il - Missier u l - Iben kif kompliet tiżviluppa? Doing so, it will be our privilege to be alive at that marvelous time when "every breathing thing " will give Jehovah the glory he so richly deserves! - Psalm 150: 6. How did the relationship between the Father and the Son continue to develop? Irnexxielhom Adam u Eva, minn dakinhar ' il quddiem, jgħixu ħajja sabiħa bla konsegwenzi, gwidati biss mill - opinjonijiet tagħhom? They are the only ones who preach that Jesus has been ruling as King since 1914. Have Adam and Eve, since then, been able to lead a beautiful life without consequences, guided solely by their opinions? " In - nies kultant jistaqsuni kif inkampa. Although David was exemplary in many ways, he committed several serious sins. " People sometimes ask me how to cope. Miżwed wieħed b'din iż - żerriegħa ttieħed minn din il - gżira lejn il - kontinent taʼ l - Afrika, u issa l - kummerċ tal - kawkaw sejjer tajjeb ħafna f'erbaʼ ġnus taʼ l - Afrika tal - Punent. If someone in your family has been disfellowshipped from the congregation, you can show Jehovah that you are loyal to Him. One covered with this seed was taken from this island to the continent of Africa, and now the cocoa trade is doing very well in four Western African nations. Il - bidu tagħna fix - xogħol taʼ l - ivvjaġġar beda fix - xitwa b'ħafna borra taʼ l - 1954 / 55. Obviously, friendship with wicked ones can foster an ungodly spirit within us and can destroy our relationship with Jehovah God. Our beginning in the traveling work began in winter with much of the 1954 / 55 snow. Forma komuni taʼ fossilizzazzjoni hi l - mineralizzazzjoni, jiġifieri t - tibdil f'minerali. Now a new possibility caught their attention - motion pictures. A common form of fossilization is mineralization, i.e. changes in minerals. Għalkemm dan iż - żmien ir - reliġjon m'għadhiex tintiret daqskemm kienet qabel, il - maġġuranza għadhom iħaddnu r - reliġjon tal - familja tagħhom. Some individuals have become information addicts, always feeding an insatiable desire to be up - to - date while neglecting more important things. Although religion is no longer inherited as it was before, most still embrace their family religion. Tabilħaqq, "min jeżerċita l - fidi fl - Iben għandu l - ħajja taʼ dejjem; min ma jobdix lill - Iben ma jarax il - ħajja. " - Ġwanni 3: 36. We, though, must not deceive ourselves with false reasoning. Indeed, "he that exercises faith in the Son has everlasting life; he that disobeys the Son does not see life. " - John 3: 36. Tgħallimna li Ġeħova ddeċieda li jagħti l - ħajja taʼ dejjem fuq l - art lill - maġġuranza tan - nies tiegħu u li jagħti l - ħajja fis - sema lil dawk li se jsaltnu maʼ Ġesù. Who among all these does not know that the hand of Jehovah has done this? " - Job 12: 7, 9. We learned that Jehovah decided to give the majority of his people everlasting life on earth and to give life in heaven to those who will rule with Jesus. [ Stampa f'paġna 14] Drink and become drunk with expressions of endearment! " - Song of Solomon 4: 6, 16; 5: 1. [ Picture on page 14] Ġeħu wera kwalitajiet li nagħmlu tajjeb jekk nimitawhom. Why is there a need for a visible part of Jehovah's organization? Jehu showed qualities that we do well to imitate. Ħafna jgħidu iva, li parti minna - xi ħaġa li tissejjaħ ruħ - hi immortali. We would not want to be like Diotrephes, who had no respect for the brothers taking the lead. Many say yes, that part of us - something called a soul - is immortal. Imma kif tħallas għall - affarijiet li tixtri bil - credit card? Here, every two years from the sixth century B.C.E. to the fourth century C.E., the famous Isthmian Games were held. But how do you pay for the things you buy with the credit card? Fl - evanġelju tiegħu, Marku kiteb li fil - lejl li Ġesù ġie arrestat, kien hemm preżenti żagħżugħ li kien liebes biss libsa "fuq il - laħam. " A married elder must be "free from accusation, a husband of one wife, having believing children that [are] not under a charge of debauchery nor unruly. " In his Gospel, Mark wrote that on the night that Jesus was arrested, a young man was present who only wore "over the flesh. " Jistaʼ jkun li Danjel ma kienx obbligat li jkun hemm minħabba l - pożizzjoni tiegħu, jew setaʼ jagħti l - każ li kellu jmur xi mkien fuq xi inkarigu uffiċjali. So Jesus said plainly: "Lazarus has died. " Daniel may not have been obliged to be on account of his position, or he may have had to go somewhere on an official assignment. Jekk nagħmlu hekk se jkollna l - privileġġ li nkunu ħajjin fiż - żmien taʼ l - għaġeb meta "kull ma jieħu nifs " se jagħti lil Jehovah il - glorja li tant tixraqlu! - Salm 150: 6. To conform with Egyptian custom and etiquette, which considered facial hair to be a sign of uncleanness. Doing so will give us the privilege of being alive in the wonderful days when "all the breaths " will give Jehovah the glory that he deserves! - Psalm 150: 6. Huma l - uniċi nies li jippritkaw dwar li Ġesù ilu jmexxi bħala Sultan sa mill - 1914. " My family and I are Jehovah's Witnesses. They are the only ones to preach about Jesus ' rule as King since 1914. Għalkemm David kien eżemplari f'ħafna modi, hu kkommetta diversi dnubiet serji. Women - and sometimes men - were subject to such mistreatment even back in Bible times. Although David was exemplary in many ways, he committed several serious sins. Jekk xi ħadd fil - familja tiegħek ġie maqtugħ mis - sħubija, int tistaʼ turi lil Ġeħova li int leali Lejh. • How does Jehovah assure us that he loves us as individuals? If someone in your family has been disfellowshipped, you can show Jehovah that you are loyal to Him. M'għandniex xi ngħidu, sħubija maʼ nies ħżiena tistaʼ tkebbes fina spirtu li ma jkunx fi qbil mar - rieda divina, u dan jistaʼ jkisser ir - relazzjoni tagħna m'Alla Jehovah. He assured Eve that reaching out for independence would result, not in death, but in becoming like God. Of course, association with wicked people can build in us a spirit that is not in harmony with divine will, which can break our relationship with Jehovah God. Issa l - potenzjal taʼ xi ħaġ'oħra ġibdilhom l - attenzjoni - l - istampi li jiċċaqalqu, jew, il - films. After serving for more than 26 years in Brooklyn as a single man, Lyman's life was immeasurably enriched when he married Crystal Zircher on June 8, 1956. Now the potential of others drew attention - the moving pictures, or movies. Xi individwi saru ffissati li jridu jiksbu kemm jifilħu informazzjoni, dejjem imlebilbin biex jaqtgħu x - xewqa tagħhom li jkunu aġġornati waqt li jittraskuraw affarijiet iktar importanti. God originally purposed that all mankind treat one another as they would like to be treated. Some individuals have become fixed that they want to obtain as much information as they can, always overthrown to stop their desire to be up - to - date while neglecting more important things. Iżda, ma rridux inqarrqu bina nfusna bi rraġunar falz. When we are content, we will remember that our Christian brothers and sisters are much more important than money or things. Yet, we do not want to deceive ourselves with false reasoning. Min fost dawn kollha ma jafx tajjeb li id Ġeħova għamlitu dan? " - Ġob 12: 7, 9. After serving in the army, he became even more aggressive and hateful. Who among these all does not know well that Jehovah's hand did it? " - Job 12: 7, 9. Ixorbu u iskru bl - espressjonijiet taʼ mħabba. " - L - Għanja taʼ l - Għanjiet 4: 6, 16; 5: 1, NW. COVER: Preaching in the small rural town of Albarracín in central Spain. Drink and drink with expressions of love. " - Song of Solomon 4: 6, 16; 5: 1. Għala hemm bżonn taʼ parti viżibbli tal - organizzazzjoni taʼ Ġeħova? Fernando listened as one of the elders spoke to him. Why is a visible part of Jehovah's organization needed? Aħna ma rridux inkunu bħal Dijotrefe, li ma kellux rispett lejn l - aħwa rġiel li kienu qed imexxu. As in the first century, today many who formerly led very bad lives or whose situation seemed hopeless have come to an accurate knowledge of Bible truth, made the necessary changes, and come in line for God's blessing. We do not want to be like Diotrephes, who did not respect the brothers who were taking the lead. Il - famuż Logħob Istmiku kien jinżamm hawnhekk kull sentejn, mis - sitt seklu Q.E.K. sar - rabaʼ seklu E.K. He promoted the Kingdom for reasons far beyond his own interests. The famous Isthmic Games were held here every two years, from the sixth century B.C.E. to the fourth century C.E. Anzjan miżżewweġ "ma għandu jkollu xejn x'wieħed jgħid fih; ikun raġel taʼ mara waħda, u jkollu wliedu jemmnu, bla ma ħadd jistaʼ jixlihom bi mġiba żienja jew bla rażan. " At times we may want to lash out at our children, but calming down and having a conversation with them is always a better solution! " - Felicia, United States. A married elder "should have nothing to say in him; he will be a man of one woman, and his sons will believe, without anyone being able to interfere with them with fornicators or self - control. " Għalhekk Ġesù qal ċar u tond: "Lazzru miet. " How determined should we be to keep those vows? So Jesus clearly said: "Lazarus died. " Biex ikun fi qbil mad - drawwiet u l - etikett Eġizzjan li fihom ix - xagħar fil - wiċċ kien sinjal taʼ nuqqas taʼ ndafa. What a stark contrast between man's rulership and God's! To be in harmony with Egyptian habits and etiquette in which facial hair was a sign of uncleanness. " Jien u familti Xhieda taʼ Ġeħova. This prevented indecent exposure when they served at the altar. " My family of Jehovah's Witnesses and I. Saħansitra fi żminijiet Bibliċi n - nisa, u xi kultant l - irġiel ukoll, kienu jiġu trattati b'dan il - mod ħażin. Although man was eventually permitted to use them for food and other practical purposes, God never sanctioned cruel treatment of them. Even in Bible times women, and sometimes also men, were treated in this bad way. • Jehovah kif jaċċertana li hu jħobbna bħala individwi? At that time, many will cry out in terror: "Who is able to stand? " • How does Jehovah assure us that he loves us as individuals? Hu aċċerta lil Eva li ma kinitx se tmut jekk tipprova tkun indipendenti, imma minflok kienet se ssir bħal Alla. Some Bibles can be read online or downloaded for personal reading on computers, tablets, or cell phones. He assured Eve that she would not die if she tried to be independent, but instead would become like God. Wara li kien ilu jaqdi għal iktar minn 26 sena fi Brooklyn bħala ġuvni, Lyman iżżewweġ lil Crystal Zircher fit - 8 taʼ Ġunju, 1956, u ħajtu nbidlet mil - lejl għan - nhar. Not long thereafter, Moses became indignant at Eleazar and Ithamar because they had not eaten the goat of the sin offering. After serving for over 26 years in Brooklyn as a boy, Lyman married Crystal Zircher on June 8, 1956, and his life changed overnight. Fil - bidu, l - iskop t'Alla kien li l - bnedmin kollha jittrattaw lil xulxin bħalma kieku jixtiequ li jiġu trattati huma nfushom. Again, the wicked will experience "sudden destruction. " Initially, God's purpose was for all humans to treat one another as they would like to be treated themselves. Meta nkunu kuntenti, se niftakru li l - aħwa rġiel u nisa Kristjani huma ħafna iktar importanti mill - flus jew l - affarijiet. Consider the example of Olivia, a mother of six. When we are happy, we will remember that Christian brothers and sisters are far more important than money or things. Wara li daħal suldat, hu sar saħansitra iktar aggressiv u mimli mibegħda. I still remember the paramedics taking him away. After entering a soldier, he became even more aggressive and hateful. QOXRA: L - ippritkar fir - raħal ċkejken t'Albarracín fi Spanja ċentrali. Let us consider five factors and analyze Bible examples that highlight how some in the past fell into this trap. - 1 Cor. COVER: The preaching work in the small village of Albarucín in central Spain. Fernando qagħad jismaʼ b'attenzjoni hekk kif wieħed mill - anzjani kien qed ikellmu. How ironic that in seeking to establish their own righteousness, the scribes and the Pharisees ended up violating the very Law that they claimed to uphold! Fernando listened carefully as one of the elders was talking. Bħalma ġara fl - ewwel seklu, illum ħafna minn dawk li qabel kienu jgħixu ħajja immorali jew li s - sitwazzjoni tagħhom kienet tidher bla tama ħadu għarfien eżatt dwar il - verità tal - Bibbja, għamlu l - bidliet li kien hemm bżonn, u għalhekk jistgħu jkollhom il - favur taʼ Alla. The "Weeping " Tree and Its Versatile" Tears " As in the first century, today many of those who previously lived immoral life or whose situation seemed hopelessly took accurate knowledge of Bible truth, made the necessary changes, so they can have God's favor. Hu ta importanza lis - Saltna iżda mhux għall - benefiċċju tiegħu stess. • Persistent nightmares He gave importance to the Kingdom but not to his own benefit. Xi kultant ikollna aptit inkellmu lit - tfal tagħna bir - rabja, imma li nikkalmaw u li jkollna konversazzjoni magħhom hu dejjem soluzzjoni aħjar! " - Felicia, l - Istati Uniti. As a result, they have little or no time for spiritual interests. Sometimes we would like to talk to our children with anger, but calming and conversationing with them is always a better solution! " - Felicia, U.S.A. Kemm għandna nkunu determinati biex inżommu dawn il - wegħdi? Humans were created "in God's image. " How determined should we be to keep those promises? X'kuntrast estrem bejn il - ħakma tal - bniedem u dik t'Alla! First, there was a powerful earthquake. What an extreme contrast between human rule and that of God! Dan għen biex ma jkunx hemm kxif indeċenti meta jkunu qed jaqdu ħdejn l - artal. 12 Jehovah Has Opened My Eyes This helped to prevent indecent disclosure when serving near the altar. Għalkemm eventwalment il - bniedem tħalla jużahom għall - ikel u għal skopijiet prattiċi oħrajn, Alla qatt ma ppermetta li jiġu trattati bi krudeltà. 19: 29. Although man was eventually allowed to use them for food and other practical purposes, God never allowed them to be treated cruelly. F'dak iż - żmien, ħafna, bi msarinhom f'saqajhom, se jgħajtu: "Min jistaʼ jibqaʼ wieqaf? " If we make an effort to be sensitive to such needs, then Jehovah might be able to use us to answer the prayers of a needy one. At that time, many, with their feet in their feet, will cry out: "Who can stand? " Xi Bibbji tistaʼ taqrahom onlajn jew tniżżilhom fuq il - kompjuter, it - tablet, jew il - mowbajl tiegħek. But some do. Some Bibles can read them online or download them on your computer, tablet, or mobile phone. Ftit wara dan, Mosè rrabja m'Eligħeżer u Itamar għax ma kinux kielu l - bodbod tal - offerta għad - dnub. Inside the equatorial forest, monkeys scamper along the upper branches of the canopy, while colorful butterflies glide around the sunny clearings. Soon thereafter, Moses became angry with Eliasher and Itamar because they had not ate the goatbod of the sin offering. Għal darb'oħra, l - uħud mill - agħar se jesperjenzaw "qerda f'daqqa. " Amon was very bad, as his father, King Manasseh, had been. Again, wicked ones will experience "sudden destruction. " Ikkunsidra l - eżempju taʼ Olivia, li hi omm taʼ sitt itfal. Jehovah maintains perfect order in heaven. Consider the example of Olivia, a mother of six children. Għadni niftakar il - paramediċi jiħduh. Later, when instituting the Lord's Evening Meal, Jesus again spoke about his flesh and blood and directed his followers who would be taken into the new covenant to partake of the emblems of unleavened bread and wine. I still remember paramedicals. Ejja nikkunsidraw ħames affarijiet u nanalizzaw eżempji Bibliċi li jenfasizzaw kif xi wħud fil - passat waqgħu f'din in - nassa. - 1 Kor. In fact, when he was questioned by Herod, Jesus said nothing at all. Let us consider five things and analyse Bible examples that highlight how some in the past have fallen into this trap. - 1 Cor. Kemm hu fatt ironiku li biex jipprovaw jagħmlu lilhom infushom ġusti, l - iskribi u l - Fariżej spiċċaw jiksru l - Liġi stess li kienu jistqarru li qed iżommu magħha! The patriarch Job approached Jehovah in behalf of his family, offering sacrifices for them. How ironic a fact that trying to make themselves righteous, the scribes and Pharisees ended up breaking the Law itself that they claimed to be holding with it! Is - Siġra li "Tibki " u d - " Dmugħ " Siewi Tagħha [ Footnote] The Tree That "Hears " and Her "Hears " • Ħolm tal - biżaʼ persistenti The Jews, to whom God gave these promises, were certain that their land - indeed, the whole earth - would one day become a paradise for mankind's everlasting benefit. • Persistent dreams Bħala riżultat, ikollhom ftit jew xejn ħin biex jitgħallmu dwar Alla u biex jaqduh. ↓ GOMA As a result, they have little or no time to learn about God and to serve him. Il - bnedmin kienu maħluqin "fix - xbieha t'Alla. " It is vital to survival. Humans were created "in God's image. " L - ewwel, kien hemm terremot qawwi. 8, 9. (a) Why is it difficult for most people to understand what happens when someone is anointed? First, there was a strong earthquake. 12 Kif Tgħaddi b'Inqas Dħul taʼ Flus DIG DEEPER. 12 How to Pass Less Income 19: 29. If your child told a lie, consider his age and his reason for hiding the truth. 19: 29. Jekk nagħmlu sforz biex noqogħdu attenti għal dawn il - bżonnijiet, imbagħad Ġeħova għandu mnejn ikun jistaʼ jużana biex iwieġeb it - talb taʼ min hu fil - bżonn. A calamity is going forth from nation to nation, and a great tempest itself will be roused up from the remotest parts of the earth. If we make an effort to pay attention to those needs, then Jehovah may be able to use us to answer the needy prayers. Imma xi wħud fil - fatt hekk iħossuhom. Why were the temple arrangements being disrupted, and whom did Nehemiah blame for this? But some actually feel that way. Fil - foresta ekwatorjali, ix - xadini jaqbżu minn fergħa għall - oħra fuq il - qċaċet tas - siġar, waqt li l - friefet kuluriti jittajru ħelu ħelu fix - xemx madwar spazji bla siġar. When we treat others in the way that Jesus specified, we are acting in harmony with the spirit behind "the Law " - the writings that make up the Bible books of Genesis through Deuteronomy. In the equatorial forest, monkeys jump from branch to branch over the tops of trees, while colored butterflies are sweet aired in the sun around treeless spaces. Amon kien ħażin ħafna bħalma kien missieru, is - Sultan Manasse. Am I willing to learn a new one? ' Amon was very bad as his father, King Manasseh. Ġeħova jżomm ordni perfetta fis - sema. As Christians, we are engaged in a figurative harvest work. Jehovah maintains perfect heavenly order. Iktar tard, meta kien qed jistabbilixxi l - Ikla taʼ fil - Għaxija tal - Mulej, Ġesù reġaʼ tkellem dwar ġismu u demmu u ta direzzjonijiet lis - segwaċi tiegħu li kienu se jiddaħħlu fil - patt il - ġdid biex jieħdu sehem mill - emblemi taʼ ħobż bla ħmira u nbid. That confidence has been an encouragement throughout the years. " Later, when establishing the Lord's Evening Meal, Jesus again spoke of his body and blood and gave directions to his followers who would be included in the new covenant to share in the emblems of unleavened bread and wine. Infatti, meta Erodi għamillu xi mistoqsijiet, Ġesù ma qal xejn affattu. They point to a number of potential dangers. In fact, when Herod asked him questions, Jesus said nothing at all. Il - patrijarka Ġob avviċina lil Ġeħova għan - nom taʼ familtu, billi offra sagrifiċċji għalihom. By the middle of 2003, rebels had battled their way into the capital city, Monrovia. The patriarch Job approached Jehovah in behalf of his family, offering sacrifices for them. [ Nota taʼ taħt] A Protector and Benefactor [ Footnote] Il - Lhud, li lilhom Alla ta dawn il - wegħdi, kienu ċerti li l - Art Imwiegħda - tabilħaqq, l - art kollha kemm hi - xi darba kienet se ssir ġenna taʼ l - art għall - benefiċċju dejjiemi taʼ l - umanità. If you have a Bible, why not open it and see how it is organized? The Jews, to whom God gave these promises, were sure that the Promised Land - indeed, the entire earth - would once become a paradise for mankind's lasting benefit. ↓ GOMA " Is This Person Right for Me? " ↓ GOMA Dan hu vitali biex insalvaw. Yes, while eager to learn, the Beroeans made sure that what they heard and accepted was firmly rooted in the Scriptures. This is vital for salvation. 8, 9. (a) Għala hu diffiċli għall - maġġuranza tan - nies biex jifhmu x'jiġri lil xi ħadd meta dan jiġi midluk? We can tell them how much we care about them. 8, 9. (a) Why is it difficult for most people to understand what happens to someone when he is anointed? ĦAFFER IKTAR FIL - FOND. A long - term study of 423 elderly couples indicated that "making a contribution to the lives of other people may help to extend our own lives. " DIG DEEPER. Jekk ibnek gideb, qis l - età tiegħu u r - raġuni għala ma qalx il - verità. (b) What are some Bible texts that clearly refute the Trinity doctrine, and what publication is helpful in this regard? If your child lied, consider his age and reason for not saying the truth. Il - ħsara tgħaddi minn ġens għal ġens, u riefnu kbir se jqum minn truf l - art. But what is love, and how can we develop it and show it every day? The damage flows from nation to nation, and a great windstorm will rise from the ends of the earth. (b) X'għamel Neħemija biex jirranġa s - sitwazzjoni? " THE TRUE LORD WILL COME TO HIS TEMPLE ' (b) What did Nehemiah do to correct the situation? Meta nittrattaw lil oħrajn bil - mod kif wera Ġesù, aħna nkunu qed naġixxu fi qbil maʼ l - ispirtu tal - "Liġi " - il - kitbiet li jifformaw il - kotba Bibliċi minn Ġenesi sa Dewteronomju. To quote The Catholic Encyclopedia, "for about a thousand years [the idea that the ransom was paid to the Devil] played a conspicuous part in the history of theology, " and it remained a part of church belief. When we treat others in Jesus ' way, we act in harmony with the spirit of "the Law " - the writings that make up the Bible books from Genesis to Deuteronomy. Lest li nitgħallem lingwa ġdida? ' They must avoid wavering, being " indecisive, unsteady in all their ways. ' Are I willing to learn a new language? ' Bħala Kristjani, għandna ħafna x'nagħmlu f'xogħol taʼ ħsad figurattiv. His employer, who was away from the office, called in by phone to find out what had happened. As Christians, we have much to do in figurative harvest work. Din il - fiduċja kienet taʼ inkuraġġiment matul is - snin. " TURKEY This confidence has been encouraging over the years. " Huma jiġbdu l - attenzjoni lejn x'jistgħu jkunu r - riżultati perikolużi: Protect Your Voice " Voice disorders are a common but under - treated problem, " says South Africa's Natal Witness newspaper. They draw attention to what dangerous results can be: Sa nofs is - sena 2003, ir - ribelli ssieltu u waslu fil - belt kapitali, il - Monrovja. Of greater importance than giving materially is giving spiritually to assist members of the expanding Christian congregation. By mid - 2003, the rebels struggled and arrived in the capital city, Monrovia. Protettur u Benefattur Neither does the apostle say that money is the fundamental cause of "injurious things " or that money lies at the root of every problem. Protector and Benefactor Jekk għandek Bibbja, għala ma tiftaħhiex u tara kif inhi mqassma? Although humility is not listed as a part of the fruitage of God's spirit, it is a godly quality that must be cultivated. If you have a Bible, why not open it and see how it is distributed? " Is This Person Right for Me? " By 1870, what efforts had the anointed made to understand God's Word correctly? " Is This Person Right for Me? " Iva, għalkemm kienu ħerqana biex jitgħallmu, il - Bereani aċċertaw ruħhom li dak li semgħu u aċċettaw kellu għeruq sodi fl - Iskrittura. The elders need to take care to maintain balance between shepherding responsibilities and obligations to their own family. Yes, although eager to learn, the Beroeans acknowledged that what they heard and accepted was deeply rooted in the Scriptures. Nistgħu ngħidulhom kemm jimpurtana minnhom. Later, at a school Book Day program, the teacher assigned her students to read a chapter of the book in front of their schoolmates. We can tell them how much we care about them. Studju li sar tul perijodu twil fuq 423 koppja anzjana jindika li l - fatt li nkunu t'għajnuna fil - ħajjiet t'oħrajn jistaʼ jgħin biex ħajjitna stess titwal. " Bad associations spoil useful habits. " - 1 Cor. A long - term study of 423 elderly couples indicates that being helpful in the lives of others can help to extend our own life. (b) X'inhuma xi versi Bibliċi li b'mod ċar juru li d - duttrina tat - Trinità hija żbaljata, u liema pubblikazzjoni hija t'għajnuna f'dan ir - rigward? 14 The Lazy Life of a Sloth (b) What are some Bible verses that clearly show that the Trinity doctrine is wrong, and what publication is helpful in this regard? Imma x'inhi l - imħabba, u kif nistgħu niżviluppawha u nuruha kuljum? The entire city center had been blasted and burned out. But what is love, and how can we develop and show it every day? " JIDĦOL FIT - TEMPJU TIEGĦU S - SID " VERU Jehovah foretold that his people who were in Babylonian exile would be restored to their homeland. " ENHANCES IN HIS TEMPLE " VERU L - immarkar bis - siġill, 1 / 1 Admittedly, it can be difficult to quell feelings of discouragement if these are deeply ingrained. Jehovah's Witnesses, 1 / 15 Skond The Catholic Encyclopedia, "għal xi elf sena [l - idea li l - fidwa tħallset lix - Xitan] kienet tilgħab parti importanti fl - istorja tat - teoloġija, " u baqgħet parti mit - twemmin tal - knisja. Elsa and Harald Abt According to The Catholic Encyclopedia, "for about a thousand years [the idea that the ransom was paid to the Devil] played an important part in the history of theology, " and it remained part of the church's beliefs. Ma jridux ikunu bejn ħalltejn, " mifxulin fihom infushom, u m'humiex żguri mit - triq li jagħżlu. ' I was more determined than ever to share this hope with others. They do not want to be between those who are "stripped in themselves, and they are not sure of the way they choose. " L - imgħallem tiegħu, li dak in - nhar ma kienx fl - uffiċċju, ċempillu biex jara x'ġara. They need emotional support and encouragement from the Bible. His employer, who was not in the office that day, called him to see what happened. TURKIJA How did Jesus respond to the failures of his disciples? TURKEY " It - tagħbija esaġerata tirrappreżenta l - qtil taʼ mill - inqas 30,000 kelb il - baħar u r - rimi taʼ madwar 580,000 kilogramma ħut, " tgħid ir - rivista. A self - centered attitude can lead to one's being self - righteous, which, in turn, can cause a person to become narrow - minded, presumptuous. " Overload represents the killing of at least 30,000 sharks and discards of about 580,000 pounds [580,000 kg] of fish, " says the magazine. Għalkemm huwa importanti li nagħtu għajnuna materjali lill - membri tal - kongregazzjoni Kristjana li dejjem tikber, huwa saħansitra iktar importanti li ngħinuhom spiritwalment. nor the massacre of innocents by Herod Although it is important to give material help to members of the growing Christian congregation, it is even more important to help them spiritually. L - appostlu lanqas ma jgħid li l - flus huma l - kaġun prinċipali tal - "ħażen " jew li huma r - raġuni bażika taʼ kull problema. Just as wise parents may withhold some information from their children until the children become old enough to understand, so Jesus waited until the disciples became mature and able to comprehend certain facts about the Father. Nor does the apostle say that money is the main cause of "evil " or that it is the underlying reason of every problem. Għalkemm l - umiltà m'hijiex imniżżla bħala parti mill - frott taʼ l - ispirtu t'Alla, din hija kwalità divina li għandna nikkultivaw. If, for instance, you set a goal of becoming extremely rich, you are likely setting yourself up for conflict. Although humility is not recorded as part of the fruitage of God's spirit, it is a divine quality that we should cultivate. Sal - 1870, il - midlukin xi sforzi kienu għamlu biex jifhmu l - Kelma t'Alla b'mod korrett? Engraved on the plaque were the words "the congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses " - something unexpected in a country where their Bible educational work is under restrictions. By 1870, what efforts had the anointed made to understand God's Word correctly? L - anzjani għandhom bżonn iżommu l - bilanċ bejn ir - responsabbiltajiet bħala rgħajja u l - obbligi lejn il - familja tagħhom stess. He is able to carry out all that he has purposed. Elders need to maintain the balance between responsibilities as shepherds and obligations toward their own family. Iktar tard, f'attività taʼ l - iskola biex tinkuraġġixxi l - qari, l - għalliema inkarigat lill - istudenti tagħha biex jaqraw kapitlu mill - ktieb quddiem sħabhom taʼ l - iskola. What it teaches may surprise you. Later, in a school activity to encourage reading, the teacher assigned her students to read a chapter in the book before their schoolmates. " Kumpanija ħażina tħassar id - drawwiet siewja. " - 1 Kor. Starting in January 1991, I traveled to Andranomafana from Mahanoro almost every month, taking them the latest copies of The Watchtower and other publications. " Bad associations spoil useful habits. " - 1 Cor. 14 L - Espresso - Kafè Magħmul bis - Sengħa What kind of family does he come from? 14 Expresso - A Powerful Coffee Fiċ - ċentru tal - belt kollox kien imfarrak u maħruq. Because we are imperfect, we all sin. In the center of the city, everything was crushed and burned. Ġeħova bassar li l - poplu tiegħu li kien fl - eżilju Babiloniż kien se jerġaʼ lura lejn pajjiżu. To begin with, we find this exhortation: "My son, if you will receive my sayings and treasure up my own commandments with yourself, so as to pay attention to wisdom with your ear, that you may incline your heart to discernment;... " Jehovah foretold that his people in Babylonian exile would return to his country. Huwa minnu li jistaʼ jkun diffiċli rrażżnu sentimenti taʼ skuraġġiment li jkollhom għeruq fondi fina. This put him in the right frame of mind to accept reproof. True, it may be difficult to contain feelings of discouragement that are deeply rooted in us. Elsa u Harald Abt The pope's speech gave rise to animated reactions. Elsa and Harald Abt Kont determinat iktar minn qatt qabel biex naqsam din it - tama m'oħrajn. The first wave of delicate blossoms begins in the south of the Japanese archipelago, in Okinawa, during January and continues progressively northward to Hokkaido until late May. I was more determined than ever to share this hope with others. Huma għandhom bżonn ukoll appoġġ emozzjonali u inkuraġġiment mill - Bibbja. What did the prophet Daniel foretell regarding "true knowledge "? They also need emotional support and encouragement from the Bible. Ġesù kif wieġeb għan - nuqqasijiet tad - dixxipli tiegħu? He would take steps to " bruise Satan in the head, ' though Jesus himself would be " bruised in the heel. ' How did Jesus respond to the shortcomings of his disciples? Jekk individwu jkun moħħu fih innifsu jistaʼ jibda jħossu superjuri għal ħaddieħor, u dan jistaʼ jwasslu biex ikollu moħħu magħluq, jew prużuntuż. How to Cultivate Jesus ' View of Right and Wrong Self - minding can make a person feel superior to others, which can lead to a closed, or presumptuous, mind. lanqas il - massakru tat - tfal innoċenti minn Erodi " I see spouses get angry with each other because one member of the couple is waiting for a certain desire to be fulfilled, while the mate was never clearly aware of that desire in the first place, " observes one marriage counselor. not even the massacre of innocent children from Herod Sewwasew bħalma ġenituri għaqlin forsi jżommu lura xi informazzjoni minn uliedhom sakemm jikbru biżżejjed biex jifhmuha, hekk ukoll Ġesù stenna sakemm id - dixxipli jkunu f'qagħda li jifhmu ċerti fatti dwar il - Missier. However, Paul does remind us what poverty really is: lack of food, clothing, and shelter adequate for survival where one lives. Just as wise parents may hold back information from their children until they grow older enough to understand it, so Jesus waited until the disciples are in a position to understand certain facts about the Father. Pereżempju, jekk tagħmel il - mira li ssir sinjurun, x'aktarx li se ġġib konflitt f'ħajtek. Jehovah's own Book tells us: "Look! For example, if you set the goal of becoming rich, it will likely cause a conflict in your life. Minqux fuq il - plakka kien hemm il - kliem "il - kongregazzjoni tax - Xhieda taʼ Jehovah " - xi ħaġa li ma tistennihiex f'pajjiż fejn ix - xogħol edukattiv tagħhom tal - Bibbja huwa projbit. Observing this shift in Baruch's attitude, Jehovah gave him clear but kind counsel, saying: "You keep seeking great things for yourself. Detached on the plaque were the words "the congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses " - something that does not expect it in a country where their Bible educational work is banned. Hu kapaċi jwettaq l - iskopijiet kollha tiegħu. To answer such questions, it is helpful to consider three basic subjects. He is able to accomplish all his purposes. Dak li tgħallem għandu mnejn ma jkunx dak li taħseb int. The result is the enormous diversity of religious views found worldwide. What you teach may not be what you think. Minn Jannar tas - sena 1991, jien bdejt nivvjaġġa minn Mahanoro għal Andranomafana kważi kull xahar, u kont niħdilhom kopji reċenti tat - Torri taʼ l - Għassa u pubblikazzjonijiet oħra. His Word lovingly tells us: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. From January 1991, I started traveling from Mahanoro to Andranomafana almost every month, and I took them recent copies of The Watchtower and other publications. Minn liema xorta taʼ familja ġej? Yet, even though we are active in the congregation, we still need to be aware of a potential risk to our heart condition. From what kind of family is it coming? Peress li aħna imperfetti, ilkoll nidinbu. Currently, this magazine is available in 132 languages, and its companion, Awake!, is published in 83 languages. Because we are imperfect, we all sin. L - ewwelnett insibu dan it - tħeġġiġ: "Ibni, jekk int tilqaʼ kliemi, u taħżen ġo fik il - kmandamenti tiegħi billi tagħti widen għall - għerf, u tħalli lil moħħok jifhem sewwa [jikseb" id - dixxerniment, " NW];... Another time, James and John had asked Jesus to give them prominent places in the heavenly Kingdom, right next to him. - Mark 10: 35 - 40. First of all, we find this exhortation: "My son, if you accept my sayings, and store my commandments within you by listening to wisdom, and let your mind understand well [acquiring" discernment;... Dan għenu jkollu l - attitudni tajba biex jaċċetta d - dixxiplina. (a) What makes Jehovah's Witnesses different in their belief about Jesus? This helped him to have the right attitude to accept discipline. Id - diskors tal - papa qanqal ħafna reazzjonijiet. Apparently Eusebius ignored Jesus ' requirement that His followers be "no part of the world. " The papal's speech triggered a lot of reactions. L - ewwel splużjoni taʼ dawn il - fjuri delikati sseħħ matul Jannar u tibda minn Okinawa, fin - nofsinhar tal - gżejjer Ġappuniżi, u tkompli tinfirex ' il fuq bil - mod il - mod sakemm tasal Hokkaido fl - aħħar taʼ Mejju. When Jesus invited another listener to be his follower, this man replied that he would first need to "bury " his father. The first explosion of these delicate flowers takes place during January and starts at Okinawa, in the south of the Japanese islands, and continues to spread gradually until the end of May, Hokkaido. Il - profeta Danjel x'bassar rigward l - "għarfien veru "? When Jonathan arrived home that afternoon, he found the front door unlocked. What did the prophet Daniel foretell regarding "the true knowledge "? Kien se jieħu passi biex lil Satana " jisħaqlu rasu, ' għalkemm Ġesù nnifsu kien se jiġi " misħuq f'għarqubu. ' July 19 - 25, 2010 He would take steps to "speak his head to Satan, " although Jesus himself would be" crushed into his heel. " Kif Tikkultiva l - Ħarsa taʼ Ġesù Lejn it - Tajjeb u l - Ħażin However, Satan's scheme to thwart Jehovah's purpose was doomed to failure. How to Cultivate Jesus ' View of Good and Wrong " Jien nara koppji miżżewġin jirrabjaw għal xulxin minħabba li persuna minnhom tkun qed tistenna li titwettaq ċerta xewqa, waqt li l - parti l - oħra qatt ma tkun taf eżattament b'din ix - xewqa, " josserva wieħed li jagħti l - pariri lill - miżżewġin. Some feel that accounts of miracles are fantastic or allegorical. " I see married couples become angry with one another because one person expects a certain desire to be fulfilled, while the other never knows exactly that desire, " observes one who gives counsel to the married. Madankollu, Pawlu jfakkarna xi jfisser tassew il - faqar: nuqqas taʼ ikel, ilbies, u kenn adegwat fejn wieħed jistaʼ jgħix. Imagine what life will be like when all people treat Jehovah's name as holy and accept Jehovah as their Ruler. However, Paul reminds us of the real meaning of poverty: lack of food, clothing, and adequate shelter where one can live. Il - Ktieb taʼ Ġeħova stess jgħidilna: "Ara! Several brothers and sisters encouraged her to think about pioneering. Jehovah's own Book tells us: "Look! Jehovah innota din il - bidla fl - attitudni taʼ Baruk u tah parir sod imma bi ħlewwa, billi qallu: "Jaqaw int qiegħed tfittex ħwejjeġ kbar? Clearly, the birth of Christ was a historic event. Jehovah noted this change in Baruch's attitude and gave him strong but kind advice, saying: "Are you looking for great things? Biex inwieġbu dawn il - mistoqsijiet, ikun taʼ għajnuna li nikkunsidraw tliet suġġetti bażiċi. What did Abraham's servant tell Bethuel and Laban, and what issue did the servant raise? To answer these questions, it would be helpful to consider three basic subjects. Ir - riżultat hu d - diversità enormi t'opinjonijiet reliġjużi li jinsabu madwar id - dinja. [ Pictures on page 23] The result is the enormous diversity of religious views found worldwide. Il - Kelma tiegħu bi mħabba tgħidilna: "Ittama fil - Mulej b'qalbek kollha, u tafdax fl - għaqal tiegħek. Such examples remind us why it is vital to listen to what the spirit of God says. His loving Word tells us: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, and do not lean upon your own understanding. Madankollu, anke jekk aħna attivi fil - kongregazzjoni, irridu niftakru li qalbna xorta tistaʼ tkun fil - periklu. [ Picture Credit Lines on page 2] Yet, even if we are active in the congregation, we must remember that our heart can still be in danger. Fil - preżent, din ir - rivista hija disponibbli f ' 132 lingwa, u r - rivista Stenbaħ!, li tmur id f'id magħha, hija pubblikata fi 83 lingwa. TRANSLATION WORK At present, this magazine is available in 132 languages, and the accompanying Awake! magazine is published in 83 languages. Darb'oħra, Ġakbu u Ġwanni kienu talbu lil Ġesù biex jagħtihom postijiet importanti fis - Saltna tas - sema, eżatt ħdejh. - Marku 10: 35 - 40. The camp doctors deliberately infected human guinea pigs with tuberculosis. On another occasion, James and John had asked Jesus to give them important places in the heavenly Kingdom, right next to him. - Mark 10: 35 - 40. (a) Ix - Xhieda taʼ Jehovah kif inhuma differenti fit - twemmin tagħhom dwar Ġesù? The years have been happy ones, filled with love for Jehovah, for each other, and for friends old and new. (a) How do Jehovah's Witnesses differ in their beliefs about Jesus? Milli jidher Ewsebju injora l - ħtieġa li Ġesù kkmanda lis - segwaċi Tiegħu biex " ma jkunux tad - dinja. ' David desired to be like "a luxuriant olive tree in God's house. " Eusebius apparently ignored the need for Jesus to command His followers "not to belong to the world. " Meta Ġesù stieden lil semmiegħ ieħor biex ikun segwaċi tiegħu, dan ir - raġel wieġbu li l - ewwel ried " jidfen ' lil missieru. That is the very essence of reasonableness - being fair, considerate, and yielding without compromising Bible principles. When Jesus invited another listener to be his followers, this man replied that he first wanted to "false " his father. Dakinhar, meta Jonathan wasal id - dar wara nofsinhar, hu sab li l - bieb taʼ barra ma kienx imsakkar. I have learned that Jehovah will not let you be tempted beyond what you can handle. On that day, when Jonathan arrived at home in the afternoon, he found that the outside door was not locked. 19 - 25 taʼ Lulju, 2010 According to the Bible, all Jehovah's worshipers - heavenly and earthly - are ministers. July 19 - 25, 2010 Madankollu, il - komplott taʼ Satana biex ifixkel l - iskop taʼ Jehovah ma setax jirnexxi. And how would Christians be able to recognize God's representatives? However, Satan's plot to stumble Jehovah's purpose could not succeed. Xi wħud iħossu li r - rakkonti tal - mirakli huma immaġinarji jew simboliċi. Now I even deliver public talks. Some feel that miracle accounts are imaginary or symbolic. Ġib quddiem għajnejk kif se tkun il - ħajja meta n - nies kollha se jittrattaw lill - isem taʼ Ġeħova bħala li hu qaddis u meta kulħadd se jaċċetta lil Ġeħova bħala l - Mexxej tagħhom. [ Picture on page 30] Visualize how life will be when all people will treat Jehovah's name as holy and when everyone will accept Jehovah as their Leader. Diversi aħwa inkuraġġewha biex tikkunsidra x - xogħol taʼ pijunier. • Has Jehovah changed his view of polygamy? Several brothers encouraged her to consider pioneering. Jidher ċar li t - twelid taʼ Kristu kien ġrajja storika. Where am I approaching them? Clearly, Christ's birth was a historic event. Il - qaddej t'Abraham x'qalilhom lil Betwel u lil Laban, u liema kwistjoni qajjem il - qaddej? 8: 3 - Why is Jerusalem called "the city of trueness "? What did Abraham's servant tell Bethuel and Laban, and what issue did the servant raise? [ Stampi f'paġna 23] Here Joseph Houston, Helen's nephew, joined us and began pioneering. [ Pictures on page 23] Dawn l - eżempji jfakkruna għala huwa vitali li nagħtu widen għal dak li jgħid l - ispirtu t'Alla. Resurrections During Jesus ' Ministry These examples remind us why it is vital that we listen to what God's spirit says. [ Sorsi tal - Istampa f'paġna 2] How would we know the answers to these and other important questions if we did not have the inspired Word of God? [ Picture Credit Lines on page 2] XOGĦOL TAT - TRADUZZJONI The original - language word rendered "completely equipped " literally means" having been fitted out. " TRANSLATION WORK It - tobba tal - kamp, li kienu jużaw lill - ħabsin bħall - annimali taʼ l - esperimenti, infettawhom apposta bit - tuberkulosi. In an act of great love, Jehovah sent his only - begotten Son to help humans. Camp doctors, who used prisoners like experimental animals, deliberately infect them with tuberculosis. Meta nħarsu lura, nistgħu ngħidu li ħajjitna kienet waħda ferħana, mimlija b'imħabba għal Jehovah, għal xulxin, u għall - ħbieb, kemm antiki u kemm ġodda. Some of those men could have been of Jewish background, for they " adhered to the circumcision. ' Looking back, we can say that our lives were happy, filled with love for Jehovah, for one another, and for friends, both old and new. David xtaq ikun bħal "siġra taż - żebbuġ li tħaddar fid - dar taʼ Alla. " Yet he chose to spend time with people who did not love Jehovah, and this caused serious problems in his life. David wanted to be like "a roaring olive tree in the house of God. " Hekk ifisser li tkun raġunevoli - li timxi b'mod imparzjali, b'konsiderazzjoni, u ċċedi mingħajr ma tagħmel kompromess fejn jidħlu l - prinċipji Bibliċi. Is attending congregation meetings important to him? That means being reasonable - walking impartially, with consideration, and giving up without compromising Bible principles. Tgħallimt li Ġeħova mhux se jħallik tiġi ttantat iktar milli tiflaħ. • Why can we say that the appointment of overseers and ministerial servants is theocratic, not democratic? I learned that Jehovah will not allow you to be tempted more than he can bear. Skond il - Bibbja, l - adoraturi kollha taʼ Jehovah, kemm jekk fis - sema u kemm jekk fuq l - art, huma ministri. Although we inherit the faculty of conscience, that endowment is unfortunately flawed. According to the Bible, all worshipers of Jehovah, whether in heaven or on earth, are ministers. U l - Kristjani kif kienu se jagħrfu lil dawk li jirrappreżentaw lil Alla? While we wait for that to happen, let us never hesitate to do anything we can, both spiritually and materially, to "work what is good " toward all those who are victims of an unfair world. - Galatians 6: 10. And how would Christians recognize those who represent God? Issa saħansitra nagħti t - taħditiet pubbliċi. How will people in the community view our use of the facility? Now I even give public talks. [ Stampa f'paġna 30] He started to work fewer hours, began pioneering, and thought about how happy he and Miriam could be if they served where the need for Kingdom preachers is greater. [ Picture on page 30] • Biddilha Jehovah l - ħarsa tiegħu tal - poligamija? Cathy • Has Jehovah changed his view of polygamy? Fejn qed inkellimhom? What is it? Where am I talking to them? 8: 3 - Ġerusalemm għala hija msejħa "l - belt tas - sewwa " (KŻ)? Although he did not directly contradict the Trinity, Cellarius distinguished the "Heavenly Father " from" his Son Jesus Christ " and wrote that Jesus was one of many gods and sons of the almighty God. - John 10: 34, 35. 8: 3 - Why is Jerusalem called "the city of righteousness "? Hawnhekk, Joseph Houston, in - neputi taʼ Helen, ngħaqad magħna u beda x - xogħol taʼ pijunier. * I responded with a drawn - out and decisive, "Well - l - l! Here Joseph Houston, Helen's grandson, joined us and began pioneering. L - Irxoxt Waqt il - Ministeru taʼ Ġesù People of Humble Background Rise to the Occasion The Resurrection During Jesus ' Ministry Kif konna se nkunu nafu t - tweġibiet għalihom u għal mistoqsijiet importanti oħrajn kieku ma kellniex il - Kelma ispirata t'Alla? It gave Abraham hope and insight, helping him to view human affairs from God's standpoint. How would we know the answers to them and other important questions if we had not had God's inspired Word? Il - kelma oriġinali tradotta "armat bis - sħiħ " letteralment tfisser" mgħammar b'kollox. " This gives the shrimp enhanced vision. The original word translated "fully equipped " literally means" fully equipped. " F'att taʼ mħabba kbira, Ġeħova bagħat lill - Iben uniġenitu tiegħu biex jgħin lill - bnedmin. " Consequently, " or in view of the fact that Christians are declared righteous because of their faith, what follows should affect their attitude toward themselves, others, and governmental authorities. In an act of great love, Jehovah sent his only - begotten Son to help humans. Xi wħud minn dawn l - irġiel kellhom sfond Lhudi, għaliex huma kienu "jżommu maċ - ċirkonċiżjoni. " Why is it important to be sensitive to each other's emotional and sexual needs? Some of these men had a Jewish background, for they "kept to circumcision. " Madankollu għażel li jqattaʼ l - ħin maʼ nies li ma kinux iħobbu lil Ġeħova, u dan wassal għal problemi serji f'ħajtu. Those precious utterances are found in the Bible, and they are free for the taking. However, he chose to spend time with people who did not love Jehovah, and this led to serious problems in his life. Huwa importanti għalih li jattendi l - laqgħat tal - kongregazzjoni? It was Eric. Is it important for him to attend congregation meetings? • Għala nistgħu ngħidu li l - ħatra taʼ l - indokraturi u tal - qaddejja ministerjali hija teokratika, mhux demokratika? For they are a wreath of attractiveness to your head and a fine necklace to your throat. " The consequences of perfectionist thinking are well summed up in the adage: "To expect life to be tailored to our specifications is to invite frustration. " • Why can we say that the appointment of overseers and ministerial servants is theocratic, undemocratic? Għalkemm aħna nirtu l - fakultà tal - kuxjenza, sfortunatament dan id - don hu difettuż. HEALTH Although we give up the faculty of conscience, this gift is unfortunately defective. Sakemm nistennew li dan iseħħ, jalla qatt ma noqogħdu lura milli nagħmlu ħilitna, kemm spiritwalment u kemm materjalment, biex "nagħmlu t - tajjeb " maʼ dawk kollha li huma vittmi taʼ din id - dinja inġusta. - Galatin 6: 10. Among them was a virgin named Mary. Until we expect this to happen, may we never hesitate to do our utmost, both spiritually and materially, to "work what is good " toward all those who are victims of this unrighteous world. - Galatians 6: 10. In - nies fil - komunità kif se jħarsu lejna jekk nużaw din il - faċilità? After he got home, he asked to study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses twice a week. How will people in the community view us if we use this facility? Hu beda jaħdem inqas sigħat, beda jaqdi bħala pijunier, u ħaseb dwar kemm kienu se jkunu ferħanin jekk hu u Miriam jaqdu fejn il - bżonn taʼ predikaturi tas - Saltna hu akbar. LIFE STORY He began working fewer hours, began pioneering, and wondered how happy he and Miriam would be to serve where the need for Kingdom preachers is greater. Cathy To have a meaningful share in this work, however, we need determination and self - sacrifice. Cathy Fuqiex qed nitkellmu? • In what ways can spiritual maturity be made manifest? What are we talking about? Hu kiteb li Ġesù kien wieħed mill - ħafna allat u wlied Alla li Jistaʼ Kollox. - Ġwanni 10: 34, 35. The apostle Paul wrote: "For all things I have the strength by virtue of him [Jehovah God] who imparts power to me. " - Philippians 4: 13. He wrote that Jesus was one of many gods and sons of Almighty God. - John 10: 34, 35. * It - tweġiba tiegħi ħarġet imkarkra imma deċiżiva: "Sewwa, sewwa, sewwa! Let us consider three ways. * My answer was blessed but decisive: "Trust, righteousness, righteousness! Nies Sempliċi Jirnexxu fl - Isfida This year the anniversary of Jesus ' death falls on Wednesday, April 19, after sunset. Simple People Succeed in the Challenge Din lil Abraham tatu t - tama u d - dehen, billi għenitu jibda jqis l - affarijiet tal - bnedmin kif iqishom Alla. To help us answer this, let us examine three areas of life that could weaken our love for Christ. It gave Abraham hope and insight, helping him to view human affairs as God does. Minħabba f'hekk, il - gamblu għandu vista iktar avanzata. Throughout history, world leaders and trendsetters have come and gone on the world stage, the new replacing the old, again and again. As a result, the shrimp has more advanced vision. " Għaldaqstant, " jew minħabba l - fatt li l - Kristjani jiġu dikjarati ġusti minħabba l - fidi tagħhom, dak li Pawlu jgħid wara għandu jeffettwa l - attitudni tagħhom lejhom infushom, lejn oħrajn, u lejn l - awtoritajiet governattivi. Foreign powers came and went in this little corner of Europe until Albania became an independent state in 1912. " Hence, " or because Christians are declared righteous because of their faith, what Paul says thereafter should affect their attitude to themselves, to others, and to governmental authorities. Għala hu importanti li koppja tkun konxja tal - bżonnijiet emozzjonali u sesswali taʼ xulxin? How does Jehovah demonstrate loyalty? Why is it important for a couple to be aware of each other's emotional and sexual needs? Dan il - kliem prezzjuż insibuh fil - Bibbja, u hu disponibbli għal kulħadd. " Jehovah is my Shepherd " - is that not a fitting description of our heavenly Father? These precious words are found in the Bible, and they are available to all. Dan kien Eric. Picture the late afternoon breeze ruffling Abel's hair as he turned his gaze upward and thought about his Creator. This was Eric. Hemm qawl barrani li jiġbor fil - qosor il - konsegwenzi taʼ meta wieħed jippretendi l - perfezzjoni: "Jekk tistenna li l - ħajja se tkun preċiż kif tridha int, għandek ċans kbir li tispiċċa diżappuntat. " Grew exposed the hypocrisy of clergymen and military commanders who made a pretense of service to Christ. A foreign proverb summarises the consequences of pretending perfection: "If you expect life to be just as you want it, you are very likely to be disappointed. " IS - SAĦĦA What Do Our Actions Say? HEALTH Fosthom kien hemm verġni jisimha Marija. God is the Giver of "every good gift and every perfect present. " Among them was a virgin named Mary. Wara li wasal id - dar, hu talab li jistudja l - Bibbja max - Xhieda taʼ Ġeħova darbtejn fil - ġimgħa. 14, 15. After arriving at home, he asked to study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses twice a week. BIJOGRAFIJA He lived by the words of Proverbs 3: 5, 6: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. LIFE STORY Madankollu, sabiex ikollna sehem produttiv f'dan ix - xogħol għandna bżonn determinazzjoni u sagrifiċċju persunali. Other members of Jesus ' family, however, did not exercise faith immediately. In order to have a productive share in this work, however, we need self - determination and sacrifice. • Il - maturità spiritwali b'liema modi tistaʼ tintgħamel tidher? Why may more than one plate and one cup be used in the observance of the Lord's Evening Meal? • In what ways can spiritual maturity be seen? L - appostlu Pawlu kiteb: "Għal kollox niflaħ bis - saħħa taʼ dak [Alla Jehovah] li jqawwini. " - Filippin 4: 13. Listening to comments and experiences at the meetings produced in me a desire to give Jehovah all that I have, and I feel that the best thing that I have is my youth. The apostle Paul wrote: "For all things I have the strength by virtue of [Jehovah God] who strengthens me. " - Philippians 4: 13. Ejja nikkunsidraw tliet modi. When we take in oxygen, we complete the cycle. Let us consider three ways. Din is - sena l - anniversarju tal - mewt taʼ Ġesù se jaħbat l - Erbgħa, 19 t'April, wara nżul ix - xemx. A local Christian elder commented: "Those who care for Ada deem it a privilege to help her. This year the anniversary of Jesus ' death will strike on Wednesday, April 19, after sundown. Bħala għajnuna biex inwieġbu dan, ejja neżaminaw tliet oqsma tal - ħajja li jistgħu jdgħajfu l - imħabba tagħna għal Kristu. Our brilliant universe is abundantly glorious. To help us respond, let us examine three areas of life that can weaken our love for Christ. B'hekk, l - imgħoddi ma ftakruhx kif kien verament. How do we get out of Babylon the Great? Thus, the past did not remember him as he really was. Matul l - istorja tal - bniedem, il - ħakkiema tad - dinja u dawk li jdaħħlu ideat ġodda jiġu u jmorru, il - ġdid jieħu post il - qadim, b'mod ripetut. Luke 24: 27 says: "Commencing at Moses and all the Prophets he interpreted to them things pertaining to himself in all the Scriptures. " Throughout human history, the world's rulers and those who introduce new ideas come and go, the new one repeatedly replaces the old. Qawwiet barranin ġew u telqu f'din ir - rokna żgħira taʼ l - Ewropa sakemm l - Albanija saret stat indipendenti fl - 1912. He advised the minister to have it checked immediately. Foreign forces came and left this small corner of Europe until Albania became an independent state in 1912. Ġeħova kif juri l - lealtà? Yes, God keeps watch upon bad people and deals with them according to their conduct. How does Jehovah show loyalty? " Il - Mulej hu r - ragħaj tiegħi " - m'hijiex din stqarrija xierqa għal Missierna tas - sema? " She always wanted to be with us and talk with us, " said Ryan. " Is Jehovah my shepherd " - is that not a proper statement for our heavenly Father? Ġib quddiem għajnejk tard wara nofsinhar hekk kif tkun għaddejja żiffa ħelwa tħabbel xagħar Abel hu u jdawwar ħarstu ' l fuq u jaħseb dwar il - Ħallieq. Jehovah caused Artaxerxes to grant Nehemiah permission to go and rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. Visualize late in the afternoon as a mild breeze beats Abel's hair as he looks up and thinks about the Creator. Grew kixef l - ipokresija tal - membri tal - kleru u tal - kmandanti militari li taparsi kienu qed jagħtu servizz lil Kristu. In the United Kingdom alone, over 100,000 cases of food poisoning - causing about 200 deaths - were reported in 1998. Grew revealed the hypocrisy of the clergy and of the priesting military commanders serving Christ. X'Juru l - Għemejjel Tagħna? Irenaeus, for example, embarked on a lifelong struggle against heretical teachings. What Do Our Works Show? Alla huwa d - Donatur taʼ "kull ħaġa tajba li tingħata u kull don perfett. " Who could possibly give you better advice than your Creator? God is the Giver of "every good gift and every perfect present. " 14, 15. They also need to teach others about God's name and qualities. 14, 15. Hu għex fi qbil mal - kliem taʼ Proverbji 3: 5, 6: "Ittama fil - Mulej b'qalbek kollha, u tafdax fl - għaqal tiegħek. He said, " No; that by no chance, while collecting the weeds, you uproot the wheat with them. He lived in harmony with the words of Proverbs 3: 5, 6: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. Però, membri oħrajn mill - familja taʼ Ġesù mhux mill - ewwel eżerċitaw il - fidi. Myanmar's Cyclone Victims Found Relief Yet, other members of Jesus ' family did not immediately exercise faith. Għala jistgħu jintużaw iktar minn platt u tazza waħda fl - osservanza taʼ l - Ikla tal - Mulej? It has been translated in whole or in part into some 2,400 languages. Why can more than one plate and cup be used in observance of the Lord's Evening Meal? Il - kummenti u l - esperjenzi li kont nismaʼ waqt il - laqgħat nisslu ġo fija x - xewqa li nagħti lil Jehovah dak kollu li għandi, u nħoss li l - aħjar ħaġa li għandi hija żgħożiti. Whose Handiwork Are Rain, Dew, Frost, and Ice? The comments and experiences I heard at the meetings fed into me the desire to give Jehovah everything I have, and I feel that my best thing is my youth. Dan iċ - ċiklu jissejjaħ fotosinteżi. The doctor finally diagnosed my deafness when I was about the age of three. This cycle is called photosynthesis. Anzjan Kristjan lokali kkummenta: "Dawk li jieħdu ħsieb Ada jħossuhom privileġġati li jistgħu jgħinuha. Before the Flood came, Noah's message to the people must have included a warning about the coming destruction. A local Christian elder commented: "Those who care for Ada feel privileged who can help her. L - univers hu mimli dawl. [ Picture on page 5] The universe is full of light. Kif noħorġu minn Babilonja l - Kbira? It therefore took real faith for Abram to leave prosperous Ur and all its comforts. How do we come out of Babylon the Great? Luqa 24: 27 jgħidilna: "Beda minn Mosè u l - Profeti kollha jfissrilhom kull ma kien hemm fl - Iskrittura fuqu. " And the One seated had the appearance of a jasper stone and a sardius stone, and all around the throne was a rainbow like an emerald in appearance. " - Revelation 4: 2, 3. Luke 24: 27 tells us: "He began by Moses and all the Prophets to express to them all the things that were in the Scriptures upon him. " Ta lill - ministru l - parir li jmur jara tabib mill - ewwel. Indeed, Jesus has been given "the name that is above every other name. " He gave the minister the advice of visiting a doctor immediately. Iva, Alla jgħasses lill - ħżiena u jimxi magħhom skond kif jaġixxu. So Pilate faced a dilemma. Yes, God guards the wicked and walks with them according to how they act. " Dejjem riedet tkun magħna u titkellem magħna, " qal Ryan. Do not go on secondhand information. " I always wanted to be with us and talk to us, " Ryan said. Ġeħova għamel li Artasersi jagħti permess lil Neħemija biex imur u jerġaʼ jibni s - swar taʼ Ġerusalemm. The key question, then, is, How will you respond? Jehovah made Artaxerxes permit Nehemiah to go and rebuild Jerusalem's walls. Fl - 1998, fir - Renju Unit biss, ġew rapportati ' l fuq minn 100,000 każ t'avvelenament mill - ikel, li kkaġunaw madwar 200 mewta. [ Picture on page 26] In 1998, in the United Kingdom alone, over 100,000 cases of food poisoning were reported, causing about 200 deaths. Per eżempju, Irenew beda kampanja li baqgħet sejra tul ħajtu kollha kontra t - tagħlim eretiku. MONROVIA For example, Irenaeus started a lifelong campaign against hermetic teachings. Min jistaʼ jagħtik parir aħjar mill - Ħallieq tiegħek? How Can You Resist Wrong Desires? Who can give you better advice than your Creator? Huma għandhom bżonn ukoll jgħallmu lil oħrajn dwar l - isem u l - kwalitajiet t'Alla. What is the most important law for Christians? It is the law of love. They also need to teach others about God's name and qualities. Hu qal, " Le; li ma tmorrux, waqt li qegħdin tiġbru s - sikrana, taqilgħu l - qamħ ukoll. It helped them to see that this was a course worth pursuing. " He said, " No; that you do not go, while you are raising the weeds, you also earn the wheat. Il - Vittmi taċ - Ċiklun fil - Mjanmar Sabu l - Għajnuna Then, he explained to her why she had to be kind to his mother. Cyclone Victims in Myanmar Find Help Ġie tradott kollu jew parti minnu f'xi 2,400 lingwa. in the December 22, 2002, issue. It has been translated in whole or in part into some 2,400 languages. Xogħol Idejn Min Huma x - Xita, in - Nida, il - Ġlata, u s - Silġ? Jehovah, the powerful one, is asked to show loving - kindness, or loyal love, to the needy one, David. Who Are the Devil, the Dew, the Jude, and the Ice? It - tabib għamel dijanjosi u fl - aħħar meta kelli madwar tliet snin sab li kont truxa. Just as Jehu took action, elders must not compromise with willful, unrepentant practicers of sin for the sake of keeping peace. The doctor made a diagnosis and finally when I was about three years old found that I was deaf. Qabel ġie d - Dulluvju, il - messaġġ taʼ Noè lin - nies żgur li kien fih ukoll twissija dwar il - qerda li kienet ġejja. This great demonstration of love also served as a pattern for humans, giving them the opportunity to reflect God's self - sacrificing love in everyday life, even as Jesus did. - John 17: 25, 26. Before the Flood came, Noah's message to the people surely also contained a warning about the coming destruction. [ Stampa f'paġna 5] They are raised "in the twinkling of an eye, " or immediately after they die. [ Picture on page 5] Għalhekk, Abram kien jeħtieġ fidi vera biex iħalli l - belt sinjura taʼ Ur u l - lussu kollu tagħha. For example, we know why suffering exists, why people die, and why humans cannot achieve global peace and unity. Abram therefore needed true faith to leave the rich city of Ur and all its luxury. U d - dehra taʼ dak li kien bil - qiegħda kienet bħal ħaġra tad - djaspru u ħaġra prezzjuża taʼ lewn aħmar, u madwar it - tron kien hemm qawsalla li kienet tidher bħall - iżmerald. " - Rivelazzjoni 4: 2, 3. 8, 9. And the appearance of the seated one was like a red - colored diasper and a precious stone, and around the throne there was a rainbow that seemed like the emerald. " - Revelation 4: 2, 3. Tabilħaqq, Ġesù ngħata "isem li hu fuq kull isem ieħor. " In fact, it became so bad that my spine began pressing against my heart and lungs, making breathing difficult. Indeed, Jesus was given "a name that is over every other name. " Għalhekk, Pilatu kellu dilemma. Finally, in 146 B.C.E., a breach was made. Therefore, Pilate had a dilemma. Toqgħodx fuq informazzjoni li jagħtik ħaddieħor. Welcome or unwelcome.... Do not rely on information that someone else gives you. Għalhekk, il - mistoqsija importanti hi, Int kif se twieġeb? However, Jehovah did not just feel for his people; he was moved to act in their behalf. So the important question is, how will you answer? [ Stampa f'paġna 26] 8 The Kind of Beauty That Matters Most [ Picture on page 26] MONROVJA I even gambled away the money my wife had saved for our second son's birth, and I eventually started gambling with my company's funds. MONROVIA Kif Tistaʼ Tirreżisti Xewqat Ħżiena? No, for Paul urged Timothy to "fight the fine fight of the faith " and turn away" from the empty speeches that violate what is holy and from the contradictions of the falsely called " knowledge. ' " How Can You Resist Wrong Desires? L - iktar liġi importanti għall - Kristjani hi l - liġi tal - imħabba. " And we'll do that - by using biotechnology to do on the molecular and single - gene level what plant breeders have been doing with " whole plants ' for centuries. The most important law for Christians is the law of love. Dan għenhom jaraw li din kienet triq li jaqblilhom isegwu. " In what ways did Jehovah prove to be "a real dwelling " for Jacob, and what can we learn from this? This helped them to see that this was a way to follow. " Imbagħad, spjegalha għala kellha turi qalb tajba m'ommu. (Read Acts 7: 20 - 22.) Then explain why she had to show kindness to his mother. tat - 8 t'Ottubru, 2000. The mathematical formulas used by engineers today were unknown back then. of October 8, 2000. Jehovah, il - wieħed setgħan, qed jintalab biex juri l - qalb tajba bl - imħabba, jew l - imħabba leali, maʼ min hu fil - bżonn, David. 1: 14, 15. Jehovah, the mighty one, is being asked to show loving - kindness, or loyal love, to those in need, David. L - istess bħalma Ġeħu ħa azzjoni, l - anzjani m'għandhomx jagħmlu kompromess maʼ min bla ma jindem jikkommetti dnub li sar apposta bi sforz biex tinżamm il - paċi. [ Box / Picture on page 27] Just as Jehu took action, elders should not compromise with those who unrepentantly commit a deliberate sin in an effort to maintain peace. 17: 25, 26. Consider some examples. 17: 25, 26. Huma jiġu rxoxtati "f'ħakka t'għajn, " jew mill - ewwel x'ħin imutu. He is reclining at a meal when a woman comes in and pours perfumed oil upon his head. They are resurrected "in an instant, " or immediately when they die. Per eżempju, nafu għala teżisti s - sofferenza, għala n - nies imutu, u għala l - bnedmin ma jistgħux jiksbu l - paċi u l - għaqda globali. [ Picture Credit Line on page 21] For example, we know why suffering exists, why people die, and why humans cannot achieve global peace and unity. 8, 9. An hour later, the leader, named Law, said to the missionary: "When we asked you to come and answer questions, our intention was to ridicule you, as we have done with people from other religions. 8, 9. Fil - fatt, il - kundizzjoni li kelli tant ħżienet li x - xewka taʼ dahri bdiet tagħfas fuq qalbi u l - pulmun, u b'hekk sar diffiċli nieħu n - nifs. The ark saved the lives of Noah and his family! In fact, my worsening condition made it difficult for my spine to press on my heart and lungs. Fl - aħħar, fis - sena 146 Q.E.K., it - truppi Rumani rnexxielhom jinfiltraw. If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Jehovah's Witnesses, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. Finally, in 146 B.C.E., Roman troops were able to burrow. Kemm jekk milqugħin jew le.... 12: 7; Heb. Whether or not welcomed.... Madankollu, Jehovah mhux sempliċement ħass għall - poplu tiegħu; hu tqanqal biex jaġixxi għan - nom tagħhom. Gilead Graduations, 2 / 1, 8 / 1 However, Jehovah did not just feel for his people; he was moved to act in their behalf. Fil - logħob tlift ukoll il - flus li marti kienet faddlet għat - twelid tat - tieni iben tagħna, u maż - żmien bdejt nilgħab ukoll il - fondi tal - kumpanija tiegħi. About 16 years after that, Paul wrote to Timothy: "Continue in the things that you learned and were persuaded to believe, knowing from whom you learned them and that from infancy you have known the holy writings [the Hebrew Scriptures], which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. " In the games I also lost the money my wife had saved for the birth of our second son, and in time I also began to play my company funds. Le, għax Pawlu ħeġġeġ lil Timotju biex " jiġġieled il - ġlieda t - tajba tal - fidi ' u biex jitbiegħed "mid - diskors vojt li jipprofana dak li hu qaddis u mill - kontradizzjonijiet taʼ dak li b'mod falz jissejjaħ " għarfien. ' " GRAND TETON NATIONAL PARK No, for Paul urged Timothy to "fight the fine fight of faith " and to turn away from" the empty speech that profanes the holy things and from the contradictions of the falsely called " knowledge. ' " Skond il - president taʼ waħda mill - kumpaniji ewlenin tal - bijoteknoloġija, huwa taʼ siwi li titjieb il - ħajja tal - bdiewa madwar id - dinja. He not only called attention to the reason for engaging in the race but also pointed out what one must do to win. According to the president of one of the major biotechnology companies, it is valuable to improve farmers' life worldwide. B'liema modi Ġeħova wera li kien " post fejn jgħammar ' għal Ġakobb, u x'nistgħu nitgħallmu minn dan? How to Make a Marriage Succeed In what ways did Jehovah prove to be "a dwelling place " for Jacob, and what can we learn from this? (Aqra Atti 7: 20 - 22.) Perhaps not. (Read Acts 7: 20 - 22.) Taʼ spiss, dan l - apparat kienu jħaddmuh l - irġiel billi jdawru r - rota taʼ mitħna taʼ l - injam. I never smiled. Often, this device was operated by the men by turning the wheel of a wooden mill. 1: 14, 15. What does the future hold? 1: 14, 15. [ Kaxxa / Stampa f'paġna 27] Explain why you answer that way. [ Box / Picture on page 27] Ikkunsidra xi eżempji. If you choose to drink alcoholic beverages, you would also do well to ask yourself: " Do I share Jesus ' attitude toward heavy drinking? Consider some examples. X'ħin kien qiegħed mal - mejda biex jiekol, daħlet mara u ferrgħet żejt ifuħ fuq rasu. " I SHALL laud you because in a fear - inspiring way I am wonderfully made. " When he was at the table to eat, a woman entered and poured out perfumed oil on his head. [ Sors taʼ l - Istampa f'paġna 21] So one man sharpens the face of another. " [ Picture Credit Line on page 21] Siegħa wara, il - kap, jismu Law, qal lil missjunarju: "Meta staqsejniek biex tiġi u twieġeb ftit mistoqsijiet, l - intenzjoni tagħna kienet li nwaqqgħuk għaċ - ċajt, bħalma għamilna lil nies taʼ reliġjonijiet oħra. I stayed home and cried. One hour later, the chief, named Law, told a missionary: "When I asked you to come and answer a few questions, our intention was to ridicule you, as we did people of other religions. L - arka salvat il - ħajja taʼ Noè u taʼ familtu! We are assured that when we have "plenty to do in the work of the Lord, " our labor" is not in vain. " - 1 Corinthians 15: 58. The ark saved Noah's and his family's life! Jekk tixtieq li jkollok iktar tagħrif jew tixtieq li xi ħadd jiġi għandek biex jagħmillek studju tal - Bibbja bla ħlas, jekk jogħġbok ikteb lix - Xhieda taʼ Jehovah, IBSA House, Triq il - Waqqafa, il - Mosta, MST 12, jew fl - indirizz li japplika għalik imniżżel f'paġna 2. We can be satisfied that the Bible provides sufficient information to guide us through life but also omits enough details so as to require us to have strong faith in its divine Author. - See pages 185 to 187 of the book Draw Close to Jehovah. If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Jehovah's Witnesses, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. 12: 7; Ebr. By means of those miraculous gifts, holy spirit revealed a striking development in the outworking of Jehovah's purpose. 12: 7; Heb. 5 / 15 Of course, as pioneers, we still had to earn money to live. Jehovah's Witnesses, 4 / 1 Madwar 16 - il sena wara, Pawlu kiteb lil Timotju: "Kompli f'dak li tgħallimt u li emmint għax sirt konvint li hu minnu, billi taf mingħand min tgħallimtu. Għax minn mindu kont tarbija ilek taf il - kitba qaddisa [l - Iskrittura Ebrajka], li tistaʼ tagħmlek għaref għas - salvazzjoni permezz tal - fidi fi Kristu Ġesù. " During his earthly ministry, he brought spiritual light primarily to the Jews. About 16 years later, Paul wrote to Timothy: "Continue in what you have learned and have believed because you have become convinced that he is true, knowing from whom you learned, for since you were a child you have known the holy writings [the Hebrew Scriptures], which can make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. " IL - PARK NAZZJONALI TAʼ GRAND TETON Why should adversity or persecution not unduly surprise us? THE NATIONAL PARKE OF GREAT TETON Hu mhux biss ġibed l - attenzjoni lejn ir - raġuni għala wieħed għandu jieħu sehem fit - tiġrija, imma wkoll indika xi jrid jagħmel dak li jkun biex jirbaħ. We - including the many women among us - "carry on as men " by serving God courageously as Kingdom proclaimers. He not only drew attention to the reason for sharing in the race, but he also indicated what he wants to do to win. Jimpurtah Alla mill - Annimali? Life Story Does God care for Animals? Forsi le. Let us consider what it has to say on this subject of one true church. Perhaps not. Qatt ma kont nitbissem. May we, then, imitate the Greater David, Christ Jesus, whose zeal for Jehovah motivated him to serve faithfully to the end. I never smiled. X'hemm jistenniena fil - futur? Jesus said: "God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " What awaits us in the future? Spjega għala twieġeb hekk. What a joy it was to meet her again! Explain why he answers that way. Jekk tagħżel li tixrob xorb alkoħoliku, tagħmel tajjeb li tistaqsi lilek innifsek: " Għandi jien l - istess attitudni li kellu Ġesù lejn ix - xorb żejjed? We are doing it with much joy. If you choose to drink alcoholic beverages, you would well ask yourself: " Do I have the same attitude that Jesus had toward overdrinking? " NRODDLOK ħajr, għax b'mod taʼ l - għaġeb għamiltni. " Other scholars agreed. " NRODDLOOK, for in a wonderful way I have made me. " Hekk bniedem isinn wiċċ bniedem ieħor. " BY AWAKE! That is what one man sins in the face of another man. " O.A.V., Russja [ Picture] O.A.V., Russia Aħna assigurati li meta jkollna " ħafna x'nagħmlu fix - xogħol tal - Mulej, ' it - taħbit tagħna "m'huwiex għalxejn. " - 1 Korintin 15: 58. " Does religion unite or divide us? " We are assured that when we have "a lot to do in the work of Jehovah, " our struggle" is not in vain. " - 1 Corinthians 15: 58. Aħna nistgħu nkunu sodisfatti li l - Bibbja tipprovdi biżżejjed informazzjoni biex tiggwidana fil - ħajja imma wkoll tħalli barra biżżejjed dettalji li minħabba fihom ikollna bżonn irrawmu fidi soda fl - Awtur Divin tagħha. - Ara paġni 185 sa 187 tal - ktieb Ersaq Qrib Lejn Jehovah. How so? We can be satisfied that the Bible provides sufficient information to guide us in life but also leaves out sufficient details that will require strong faith in its Divine Author. - See pages 185 to 187 of the book Draw Close to Jehovah. Dan tahom l - abbiltà biex jippritkaw biż - żelu u tahom il - qawwa biex iwettqu għemejjel setgħanin. Why Be Guided by God's Spirit? This gave them the ability to preach zealously and empowered them to carry out powerful works. Patt legali ieħor jiggarantixxi li dan qatt mhu se jiġri. Keeping things in good repair and using them as long as it is practical to do so shows that we appreciate what we have. Another legal pact guarantees that this will never happen. Ovvjament, bħala pijunieri xorta kellna naħdmu biex ngħixu. AT THE southern end of the Anti - Lebanon Mountain range stands Mount Hermon, with its majestic summit rising 9,232 feet [2,814 m] above sea level. Of course, as pioneers, we still had to work to live. Matul il - ministeru tiegħu fuq l - art, hu ġab dawl spiritwali primarjament għal - Lhud. (Read 1 Samuel 30: 3, 6.) During his earthly ministry, he brought spiritual light primarily to the Jews. Għala m'għandniex niskantaw wisq jekk niffaċċjaw l - għawġ jew il - persekuzzjoni? that described the symptoms of a heart attack. Why should we not be astonished if we face adversity or persecution? Aħna - kemm l - irġiel u kemm il - ħafna nisa fostna - " nuru l - qlubija ' billi naqdu lil Alla bil - kuraġġ bħala xandara tas - Saltna. Jesus began the illustration by saying: "Everyone that hears these sayings of mine and does them will be likened to a discreet man, who built his house upon the rock - mass. " We - both men and many women among us - " show boldness " by serving God courageously as Kingdom broadcasters. Bijografija magazines for 40 years, " writes Graciela from Argentina, South America. Life Story Ejja nikkunsidraw dak li għandha x'tgħidilna dwar is - suġġett taʼ reliġjon waħda vera. 13, 14. Let us consider what it has to tell us about the subject of one true religion. Mela, jalla nimitaw lil David Akbar, Kristu Ġesù, li ż - żelu li kellu għal Jehovah qanqlu biex jaqdi fedelment sat - tmiem. Ask Jehovah in prayer to strengthen your desire to expand your ministry. May we, then, imitate the Greater David, Christ Jesus, who had his zeal for Jehovah moved him to serve faithfully to the end. Ġesù qal: "Għax Alla hekk ħabb lid - dinja li ta lil Ibnu l - waħdieni, biex kull min jemmen [" jeżerċita fidi, " NW] fih ma jintilifx, iżda jkollu l - ħajja taʼ dejjem. " How do the anointed do that? Jesus said: "God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, that everyone exercising faith in him might not be lost, but have everlasting life. " Kemm fraħna li rġajna ltqajna magħha! Jesus saw that for the young man to serve Jehovah whole - souled, he needed to get rid of the big distraction in his life - his material wealth. How happy we were to meet her again! Dan qed nagħmluh b'ferħ kbir. He asked me to look up many scriptures in my King James Version of the Bible. We are doing this with great joy. Studjużi oħrajn qablu. While praying on his last night with his 11 faithful apostles, Jesus said these unforgettable words in their behalf: "Watch over them because of the wicked one. " Other scholars agreed. MINN KITTIEB GĦAL STENBAĦ! Attending our meetings, which are free and open to all. BY AWAKE! [ Stampa] Finally, one bold penguin steps from the water and waddles smartly across the beach toward the shelter of the dunes. [ Picture] " Ir - reliġjon tgħaqqadna jew tifridna? " In the following article, we will see how true worship not only honors God but also benefits us. " Does religion unite us or divide us? " Kif? In the year 2001, they were active in 235 lands and territories, including some commonly viewed as Christian. How? Għala Għandna Niġu Gwidati bl - Ispirtu t'Alla? F., England Why Be Guided by God's Spirit? Jekk nieħdu ħsieb l - affarijiet u nibqgħu nużawhom kemm nistgħu, inkunu qed nuru li napprezzaw dak li għandna. Is that not exactly what has taken place? By caring for things and continuing to use them as much as we can, we show that we appreciate what we have. FIN - NOFSINHAR tal - grupp tal - Muntanji Anti - Libanu hemm il - Muntanja Ħermon, bil - quċċata maestuża tagħha li tilħaq l - 2,814 - il kilometru ' l fuq mil - livell tal - baħar. The sister quoted above says, "I know that I must stay busy in Jehovah's service and keep myself in a spiritually strong condition so that when my daughter does come back to Jehovah, I will be in a position to help her. " WRITER THE group of the Anti - Lebanon Mountains is Mount Hermon, with its majestic peak of 2,814 miles (2,814 km) above sea level. (Aqra l - 1 Samwel 30: 3, 6.) In an era when many of the latest styles emphasize sensuality, the hanbok is a refreshing example of beautiful and modest dress. - 1 Timothy 2: 9. (Read 1 Samuel 30: 3, 6.) li kien iddeskriva s - sintomi t'attakk tal - qalb. Millions worldwide are now benefiting from this Bible educational program. that had described the symptoms of a heart attack. Ġesù beda t - tixbiha billi qal: "Kulmin jismaʼ kliemi u jagħmlu jkun jixbah lil raġel għaqli, li bena daru fuq il - blat. " The possibility cannot be ruled out that this repentant and appreciative woman was now among them, embarking upon a godly way of life with a clean conscience, a renewed sense of purpose, and a much deeper love for God. - Luke 8: 1 - 3. Jesus began the illustration by saying: "Everyone that hears my words and does will be likened to a wise man, who built his house upon the rocks. " " ISSA ili 40 sena naqra r - rivisti tat - Torri taʼ l - Għassa u taʼ Stenbaħ!, " tikteb Graciela mill - Arġentina, fl - Amerka t'Isfel. Others admit that they too started reading the Bible without enjoying it. " I have been reading the Watchtower and Awake! magazines for 40 years, " writes Graciela from Argentina, South America. 13, 14. How do translators typically carry out their work? 13, 14. Itlob lil Ġeħova biex isaħħaħ ix - xewqa li għandek biex tkabbar il - ministeru tiegħek. Because she continues to enjoy needlework so much, she knits colorful blankets for babies as well as for older members of the congregation. Ask Jehovah to strengthen your desire to expand your ministry. Il - midlukin kif jagħmlu dan? The doctor behind the breakthrough made enormous sacrifices to make the cure possible. How do the anointed do that? Ġesù fehem li biex iż - żagħżugħ jaqdi lil Ġeħova b'ruħu kollha kellu bżonn jeħles minn dak li kien t'aljenazzjoni kbira f'ħajtu - il - ġid materjali tiegħu. Moreover, by acting on what you learn from them, you demonstrate that your respect for them is sincere. Jesus understood that for the young man to serve Jehovah whole - souledly he needed to get rid of what was a great distraction in his life - his material possessions. Staqsieni biex infittex ħafna mill - iskritturi fil - Bibbja tiegħi stess. These questions will be considered in a future article. I was asked to look for many of the scriptures in my own Bible. Hu u jitlob fl - aħħar lejl taʼ ħajtu fuq l - art mal - 11 - il appostlu leali tiegħu, Ġesù qal dan il - kliem li ma jintesiex għan - nom tagħhom: " Ħarishom minħabba l - Ħażin. ' says the passenger in the gray business suit next to him. When praying on the last night of his earthly life with his 11 faithful apostles, Jesus said these unforgettable words in their behalf: " Safeguard them for the sake of the wicked one. " Tattendi l - laqgħat tagħna li huma b'xejn u miftuħin għal kulħadd. Their hope is to live forever on a paradise earth. Attend our meetings that are free and open to all. Sa fl - aħħar, pingwin kuraġġuż joħroġ ħelu ħelu mill - ilma jixxengel b'passi żgħar għan - naħa l - oħra tax - xatt lejn l - għoljiet tar - ramel. Even though Jehovah has everything, what can we give to him? Finally, a courageous penguin comes out of the water with small steps across the shore to the sandy hills. Fl - artiklu li jmiss se naraw kif il - qima vera mhux biss tonora lil Alla imma wkoll hi taʼ ġid għalina. Paulo, August 25, 1999. In the following article, we will see how true worship not only honors God but also benefits us. Fis - sena 2001, huma kienu attivi f ' 235 pajjiż u territorju, inkluż postijiet li normalment jitqiesu bħala Kristjani. The fate of Ephesus was sealed once and for all when the harbor silted up completely and the city became a heap of ruins. In 2001, they were active in 235 lands and territories, including places usually considered Christians. F., Ingilterra Jehovah's continued long - suffering, or patience, will not be a test to us if we are "filled with the accurate knowledge of his will, " which is that" all sorts of men should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth. " F., England Mhux eżattament hekk ġara? " Awake! " Is that not exactly what happened? L - oħt li ssemmiet hawn fuq tgħid, "Naf li rrid nibqaʼ bieżla fis - servizz taʼ Ġeħova u nżomm ruħi b'saħħti spiritwalment biex meta binti tiġi lura għand Ġeħova, jien inkun lesta biex ngħinha. " Even so, we were thrilled to obtain over 100 Watchtower subscriptions during those first few weeks. The above - mentioned sister says, "I know that I want to stay busy in Jehovah's service and keep my soul spiritually strong so that when my daughter returns to Jehovah, I will be ready to help her. " F'era meta ħafna mill - istili moderni taʼ lbies jenfasizzaw is - senswalità, il - hanbok huwa eżempju pjaċevoli taʼ lbies sabiħ u modest. - 1 Timotju 2: 9. Abel could have thought, " Who will be the one injured by the serpent and help humans to become perfect again? ' In an era when many modern styles of clothing highlight sensuality, the hanbok is a pleasant example of beautiful, modest clothing. - 1 Timothy 2: 9. Issa, hemm miljuni mad - dinja kollha li qegħdin jibbenefikaw minn dan il - programm edukattiv tal - Bibbja. True Christians hate what is bad. Now, millions worldwide are benefiting from this Bible educational program. Setaʼ ġara li din il - mara, issa niedma u mimlija apprezzament, kienet fosthom, u li kienet bdiet tgħix b'mod li jogħġob lil Alla b'kuxjenza nadifa, bi skop ġdid, u b'imħabba akbar lejn Alla. - Luqa 8: 1 - 3. Such people defame God's name. It may have happened that this woman, now repentant and appreciative, was among them, and had begun to live in a way that pleased God with a clean conscience, a new purpose, and a greater love for God. - Luke 8: 1 - 3. Individwi oħrajn jammettu li anki huma bdew jaqraw il - Bibbja b'nofs qalb. " Mature people... have their perceptive powers trained to distinguish both right and wrong. " - Hebrews 5: 14. Other individuals admit that they too began to read the Bible halfheartedly. Ġeneralment, it - tradutturi kif jagħmlu x - xogħol tagħhom? His family picks songs that are related to some of the material selected for the evening. How do translators usually do their work? Peress li għadha tieħu gost ħafna bix - xogħol tal - idejn, hi taħdem gvieret tas - suf kuluriti għat - trabi kif ukoll għall - membri anzjani tal - kongregazzjoni. What do we learn from the account of Ananias and Sapphira? Since she is still very pleased with the work of the hands, she works colorful fur blankets for babies as well as for the elderly members of the congregation. It - tabib li jkun skoprieha jkun għamel sagrifiċċji kbar ħafna biex din il - kura jagħmilha possibbli. If that happens to us, how will we react? The doctor who discovered it has made great sacrifices to make this treatment possible. Iktar minn hekk, billi taġixxi fuq dak li titgħallem minnhom, int tkun qed turihom li r - rispett tiegħek lejhom huwa sinċier. Then Jeroboam says to the man of the true God: "Do come with me to the house and take sustenance, and let me give you a gift. " Moreover, by acting on what you learn from them, you show them that your respect for them is sincere. Dawn il - mistoqsijiet se jiġu kunsidrati f'artiklu fil - futur. These words show that we can rightly pray for God to bless our efforts in his service. These questions will be considered in a future article. jgħid in - negozjant li jinsab ħdejh liebes libsa griża pulita. Will you be guided simply by first impressions and preconceived ideas, or will you be willing to examine the facts with an open mind? says the businessman next to him wore a pulita grey dress. It - tama tagħhom hi li jgħixu għal dejjem fuq art magħmula ġenna. Both Jehovah and Jesus deplored the ruthlessness of the shepherds, or leaders, of Israel, who shamelessly neglected and exploited their flocks. Their hope is to live forever on a paradise earth. Għalkemm Ġeħova ma jonqsu xejn, x'nistgħu nagħtuh? And on our own, we cannot preach to all people. Although Jehovah lacks nothing, what can we give him? Paulo, 25 t'Awissu, 1999. He says: "I knew that my thoughts displeased Jehovah, but I was too ashamed to share with others what I was feeling. " Paulo, August 25, 1999. Id - daqqa taʼ ħarta finali ngħatat lil Efesu meta l - port imtela kompletament bil - ħama u l - belt spiċċat borġ ġebel. COVER SUBJECT | IS THE BIBLE RELEVANT TODAY? The final slump was given to Ephesus when the port was completely filled with sludge and the city turned out to be rocky. Anki t - tfal iż - żgħar qed jorqdu inqas sigħat minn kemm għandhom bżonn biex jiżviluppaw psikoloġikament u fiżikament. " The Bible contains numerous other examples that instruct us to be peacemakers. Even young children are sleeping fewer hours than they need to develop psychologically and physically. " Il - paċenzja u s - sabar kontinwu taʼ Jehovah mhux se jkunu taʼ prova għalina jekk " nagħrfu sewwa r - rieda taʼ Alla bl - għerf kollu. ' Din ir - rieda hi li "l - bnedmin kollha jsalvaw u jaslu biex jagħrfu l - verità. " By praying that God's will take place, we are, in fact, asking Jehovah to carry out his purpose. Jehovah's patience and continued endurance will not prove to us if we "aware knowledge of God's will in all wisdom. " This will is that" all sorts of men should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth. " Jien nifhem kif iħossuhom iż - żgħażagħ li ġew kwotati fl - artiklu. We do know, however, that about four decades later, the Roman armies devastated Jerusalem and much of Judea. I understand how young people quoted in the article feel. Xorta waħda, konna ferħanin li ksibna ' l fuq minn 100 abbonament għat - Torri taʼ l - Għassa matul l - ewwel ftit ġimgħat tagħna. I found the final article in this series to be exceptionally well written. Still, we were happy to obtain over 100 subscriptions to The Watchtower during our first few weeks. Abel setaʼ ħaseb, " Min se jkun dak il - wieħed li jiġi mweġġaʼ mis - serp u li jgħin lill - bnedmin jerġgħu jsiru perfetti? ' ; Noakes, S. Abel could have thought, " Who will be the one who is hurt by the serpent and who helps mankind to become perfect again? ' Il - Kristjani veri jobogħdu dak li hu ħażin. What are some of the benefits resulting from strong faith in Jehovah? True Christians hate what is bad. Nies bħal dawn jitfgħu dawl ikrah fuq isem Alla. The early Christians baptized only informed and repentant individuals unreservedly dedicated to God to do his will. Such people cast ugly light on God's name. " Nies maturi... għandhom is - sensi tagħhom imħarrġin biex jagħrfu jagħżlu kemm it - tajjeb u kemm il - ħażin. " - Ebrej 5: 14. [ Pictures on page 8, 9] " Mature people... have their perceptive powers trained to distinguish both right and wrong. " - Hebrews 5: 14. Il - familja tiegħu tagħżel għanjiet li għandhom x'jaqsmu mal - materjal magħżul għall - qima tal - familja. When the sea subsided, we salvaged Bibles and songbooks from our damaged house and made our way to Gizo. " His family chooses songs that relate to the material chosen for family worship. X'nitgħallmu mir - rakkont t'Ananija u Safira? Finally, when I was ten, my parents brought me home. What do we learn from the account of Ananias and Sapphira? Jekk dan jiġri lilna, kif se nirreaġixxu? Demonstrate Your Love for God If this happens to us, how will we react? Imbagħad Ġerobogħam jgħid lill - bniedem taʼ l - Alla l - veru: "Ejja miegħi d - dar u kul xi ħaġa, u ħallini nagħtik rigal. " If you're really pressed for time, unpack the item ahead of time and ask for a hand inspection. Then Jeroboam tells the man of the true God: "Come with me at home and eat something, and let me give you a gift. " Dan il - kliem jurina kemm hu xieraq li nitolbu lil Alla biex ibierek l - isforzi li nagħmlu fis - servizz tiegħu. Wise parents take advantage of opportunities to reinforce the parent - child bond by enjoying recreation with their children whenever possible. Those words show us how appropriate it is to ask God to bless our efforts in his service. Se tħalli lilek innifsek tkun gwidat minn sempliċement l - ewwel impressjoni u ideat preġudikati, jew se teżamina l - fatti b'moħħ miftuħ? The clay, therefore, represents elements within the sphere of influence of the Anglo - American World Power, elements that make it weaker than the solid iron of the Roman Empire. Will you allow yourself to be guided by just the first impression and prejudiced ideas, or will you examine the facts with an open mind? Kemm Ġeħova u kemm Ġesù kienu jistmerru l - qalb iebsa tar - rgħajja, jew il - mexxejja, taʼ Iżrael li bla mistħija ttraskuraw u sfruttaw lill - imrieħel tagħhom. Nicodemus, 2 / 1 Both Jehovah and Jesus despised the hard heart of the shepherds, or leaders, of Israel who shamelessly neglected and exploited their flocks. " Isilfu, bla ma tittamaw li tirċievu xi ħaġa lura ', 10 / 15 WHICH is the most significant of Roman monuments? Highlights From God's Word, 10 / 1 U persuna waħda ma tistax tipprietka lin - nies kollha. " The people continued to serve Jehovah all the days of Joshua and all the days of the older men who extended their days after Joshua and who had seen all of Jehovah's great work that he did for Israel. " And one person cannot preach to all people. Hu jgħid: "Kont naf li l - ħsibijiet tiegħi ma kinux jogħġbu lil Ġeħova, imma ħassejtni wisq imbarazzat biex ngħid lil ħaddieħor kif kont qed inħossni. " Trust in Jehovah's promise of a future filled with joy He says: "I knew that my thoughts did not please Jehovah, but I felt too embarrassed to tell others how I was feeling. " SUĠĠETT PRINĊIPALI | IL - BIBBJA GĦADHA TGĦODD GĦAL ŻMIENNA? According to 76.3 percent of adults surveyed in Germany, flirting is "totally harmless " and" does not commit those involved to anything. " COVER SUBJECT IS THE BIBLE TODAY? Il - Bibbja fiha għadd kbir taʼ eżempji oħrajn li jgħallmuna kif inkunu wħud li jġibu l - paċi. Today many people suffer because they are so poor, while others are very rich. The Bible contains numerous other examples that teach us how to be peacemakers. Meta nitolbu biex ikun li jrid Alla, aħna, fil - fatt, inkunu qed nitolbu lil Jehovah biex iwettaq l - iskop tiegħu. As I learned more, I told Mom that I would stop participating in Buddhist ceremonies. When we pray for God's will, we, in fact, ask Jehovah to fulfill his purpose. Madankollu, nafu li madwar erbgħin sena wara, l - armati Rumani għamlu ħerba minn Ġerusalemm u mill - biċċa l - kbira tal - Lhudija. They recognize only their original route and try ceaselessly to get over the new man - made obstacle. However, we know that about forty years later, Roman armies desolated Jerusalem and most Judea. L - aħħar artiklu f'din is - serje rajtu miktub tajjeb ferm. Then one of Jehovah's Witnesses called at my home. The last article in this series saw it very well - written. ; Noakes, S. Our next article will consider how being yielding in a balanced way contributes to finding joy in marriage. ; Noakes, S. X'inhuma xi ftit mill - benefiċċji li jiġu minn fidi soda f'Jehovah? But we must have the right motive for being hospitable. What are some of the benefits of strong faith in Jehovah? Il - Kristjani tal - bidu kienu jgħammdu biss lil individwi informati u niedma li jkunu ddedikaw ruħhom lil Alla b'mod assolut biex jagħmlu r - rieda tiegħu. His Word exhorts us: "Smooth out the course of your feet, and all your ways will be sure. " The early Christians baptized only informed and repentant individuals who made an absolute dedication to God to do his will. [ Stampi f'paġna 8, 9] Give the furniture a light cleaning. [ Pictures on page 8, 9] Meta l - livell tal - baħar ġie għan - normal, aħna salvajna Bibbji u kotba taʼ l - għanjiet mid - dar rovinata tagħna u tlaqna lejn Gizo. " What has helped these zealous brothers and sisters to carry out their ministry in a foreign country? When the sea level came to normal, we saved Bibles and songbooks from our ruined home and left for Gizo. " Fl - aħħar, meta kelli għaxar snin, il - ġenituri tiegħi ħaduni d - dar. How Would You Answer? Finally, when I was ten, my parents took me home. Uri l - Imħabba Tiegħek għal Alla I shall show a fondness for your commandments that I have loved. Show Your Love for God Jekk tkun verament mgħaġġel, oħroġ l - oġġett mill - basket minn qabel u itlobhom jeżaminawh b'idejhom stess. Half - truths and misinformation have been used by their opponents to misrepresent them before the public. If you are really quick, take the object out of the bag in advance and ask them to examine it with their own hands. Ġenituri għaqlin jieħdu vantaġġ minn opportunitajiet biex isaħħu r - rabta taʼ bejn il - ġenitur u t - tfal billi jipparteċipaw fir - rikreazzjoni maʼ wliedhom kulmeta jkun possibbli. A father should fill his children's spiritual needs Wise parents take advantage of opportunities to strengthen parent - child bonds by participating in recreation with their children whenever possible. Allura nistgħu nifhmu li t - tafal ifisser li xi ħaġa fil - Qawwa Dinjija Anglo - Amerikana tagħmilha iktar dgħajfa mill - Imperu Ruman, li kien deskritt bħala riġlejn magħmulin minn ħadid waħdu. Daniel was raised in a staunchly religious family in Ireland. So we can understand that clay means that something in the Anglo - American World Power makes it weaker than the Roman Empire, which was described as feet made of iron alone. Artal lil Divinità bla Isem, 7 / 15 Because of declining health, Willi's wife needed constant care for many years. Jehovah's Worship, 7 / 1 LIEMA hu l - iktar monument Ruman sinifikanti? Be prepared for axle - deep mud. WHAT is the most significant Roman monument? " Il - poplu serva lill - Mulej il - jiem kollha taʼ Ġożwè u l - jiem kollha tax - xjuħ li baqgħu ħajjin wara Ġożwè, u li kienu raw kull ma kien għamel il - Mulej, l - opri kbar kollha li għamel għal Iżrael. " Think of the good effect that the apostle Paul had on young Timothy. " The people have served Jehovah all the days of Joshua and all the days of the elders who survived Joshua, who had seen all the things Jehovah had done, all the great works he did for Israel. " Afda fil - wegħda taʼ Ġeħova dwar futur mimli ferħ Genesis 1: 20 describes the creation of birds that "fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens. " Trust in Jehovah's promise of a happy future Skont 76.3 fil - mija tal - adulti li ġew mistħarrġin fil - Ġermanja, "ma fiha xejn ħażin " jekk titkessaħ maʼ dawk tas - sess oppost u" ma jfissirx li trid tibda relazzjoni mal - persuna. " I refused to tell him, and this confrontation became widely known. According to 76.3 percent of adults polluted in Germany, "there is nothing wrong " if they cool with those of the opposite sex and" do not mean that you want to start a relationship with the person. " Illum ħafna nies ibatu għax huma foqra ħafna, waqt li oħrajn huma sinjuri ħafna. Korah's duties might have brought him into close association with Aaron and his sons. Today many people suffer because they are very poor, while others are very rich. Hekk kif kont qed nitgħallem iktar, għedt lil ommi li kont se nieqaf nipparteċipa fiċ - ċerimonji Buddisti. It is difficult to describe our happiness when the prison gates were opened! As I was learning more, I told my mother that I would stop participating in Buddhist ceremonies. Huma jagħrfu biss ir - rotta oriġinali tagħhom u bla waqfien jipprovaw jaqbżu l - ostaklu li jkun għamel il - bniedem. Jesus affirmed a most reassuring truth: Jehovah deeply loves his worshippers as individuals. They recognize only their original course and constantly try to overcome the human obstacle. Imbagħad ħabbtitli l - bieb waħda mix - Xhieda taʼ Ġeħova. What about you? Then I loved the title of one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Fl - artiklu li jmiss se nikkunsidraw kif il - fatt li nkunu lesti li nċedu b'mod bilanċjat se jgħinna nsibu l - ferħ fiż - żwieġ. Others see his mission as one of aggressive political domination of vassal states. In the following article, we will consider how being willing to give up in a balanced way will help us to find happiness in marriage. Imma għandu jkollna l - mottiv it - tajjeb meta nkunu ospitabbli. We read: "Historic events are often said to have " changed everything. ' But we should have the right motivation when we are hospitable. Il - Kelma tiegħu tħeġġiġna: "Witti t - triq għal saqajk, u jalla triqatek kollha jkunu stabbiliti fis - sod. " In God's new world, all work will be enjoyable and worthwhile His Word urges us: "You have given the way to your feet, and may all your ways be firmly established. " Agħti tindifa ħafifa lill - għamara. This should add credibility to their message. Give a light cleansing to the furniture. X'għen lil dawn l - aħwa żelużi biex iwettqu l - ministeru tagħhom f'pajjiż barrani? Later, he entered the temple with the blood of the bull, passed through the doors that separated the courtyard from the Holy and then through the curtain separating the Holy from the Most Holy. What helped these zealous brothers to carry out their ministry abroad? Int Kif Twieġeb? Those seeking wealth all too often end up sacrificing their principles and sometimes even their faith on the altar of Mammon. How Would You Answer? Se nuri għożża lejn il - kmandamenti tiegħek li ħabbejt. Linda says: "One major difference between us is that Phil worries less than I do. I will show fondness to your commandments that I loved. L - għedewwa tagħhom użaw ħafna nofs veritajiet u tagħrif żbaljat biex il - pubbliku jingħata impressjoni ħażina tagħhom. The apostles appointed seven "certified men " to make sure that these women received daily food supplies in an orderly way, considering such special care to be" necessary business " of the congregation. - Acts 6: 1 - 7. Their enemies used many half truths and wrong information to give the public a bad impression. Missier għandu jissodisfa l - bżonnijiet spiritwali taʼ wliedu And likewise these are the ones sown upon the rocky places: as soon as they have heard the word, they accept it with joy. A father must satisfy the spiritual needs of his children Daniel trabba f'familja reliġjuża ħafna fl - Irlanda. It made me reflect on my life, my job, my family. Daniel grew up in a very religious family in Ireland. Peress li saħħitha kienet sejra mill - ħażin għall - agħar, mart Willi kellha bżonn min jieħu ħsiebha b'mod kostanti għal ħafna snin. Try to settle differences privately and respectfully, thus dignifying the other person. - Matthew 5: 23 - 25. Because his health was getting worse, Willi's wife needed constant care for many years. Ħejji ruħek għal toroq b'ħafna tajn fond. When we think of Peter, we may think of someone who always said whatever was on his mind. Prepare yourself for deep mudy streets. Ġib quddiem għajnejk l - effett tajjeb li kellu l - appostlu Pawlu fuq iż - żagħżugħ Timotju. Can You Answer? Visualize the apostle Paul's beneficial effect on young Timothy. Ġenesi 1: 20 jiddeskrivi l - ħolqien tal - għasafar li "jtiru ' l fuq mill - art f'wiċċ il - firxa tas - smewwiet. " If so, what did you learn from the experience? Who proved to be loyal friends, and how did you find them? Genesis 1: 20 describes the creation of birds that "show above the earth into the surface of the heavens. " Jien irrifjutajt li ngħidulu, u din it - tilwima kulħadd sar jaf biha. Jehovah could never choose men who did not follow his Word to lead his people. I refused to tell him, and all of this dispute came to know about him. Minħabba d - dmirijiet tiegħu, Koraħ għandu mnejn kien jagħmilha ħafna maʼ Aron u wliedu. Can you see how the discipline we receive through the Bible, our publications, our parents, or the elders proves Jehovah loves us? Because of his duties, Korah may have done much with Aaron and his sons. Ma nistax nispjega l - ferħ li ħassejna meta nfetħu l - bibien tal - ħabs! 100 Watchtower Drive, I cannot explain the joy we felt when the doors of the prison were opened! Ġesù afferma verità li tqawwi l - qalb: Ġeħova jħobb profondament lill - aduraturi tiegħu bħala individwi. ▪ Is still feverish after 72 hours Jesus affirmed a heartwarming truth: Jehovah deeply loves his worshippers as individuals. Int x'taħseb? The Bible never refers to Aquila without mentioning his wife, Priscilla. What do you think? Oħrajn jaraw il - missjoni tiegħu bħala waħda taʼ dominju politiku aggressiv, biex il - pajjiżi jiġu kontrollati miċ - Ċina. How could I make up for it? Others see his mission as one of an aggressive political domain, to control countries from China. Naqraw: "Spiss jingħad li l - ġrajjiet storiċi " biddlu kollox. ' The first human pair were led to think that they did not need Jehovah as their Ruler. We read: "It is often said that historical events " have changed all things. ' Meta jespandu, il - qoxra taċ - ċelluli ġewwa l - kafeni tinqasam, u b'hekk joħorġu żjut aromatiċi. First, who were those men? When they expand, the cell bark inside the caffeine breaks, resulting in aromatic oils. Fid - dinja l - ġdida t'Alla, ix - xogħol kollu se jkun pjaċevoli u taʼ siwi Then all can see that we belong to Jehovah and are willing to obey him. In God's new world, all work will be enjoyable and valuable Dan għandu jġagħalhom jemmnu iktar il - messaġġ li jwasslulhom. But by then I was so weak that I couldn't read or concentrate for long. This should make them more believe the message they convey to them. Iktar tard, kien jidħol fit - tempju bid - demm tal - barri, kien jgħaddi mill - bibien li kienu jisseparaw il - bitħa mill - post Qaddis u mbagħad wara l - purtiera li kienet tissepara l - post Qaddis mill - post l - Iktar Qaddis. " Jehovah's spirit is upon me, " said Jesus, "because he anointed me to declare good news to the poor, he sent me forth to preach a release to the captives and a recovery of sight to the blind, to send the crushed ones away with a release, to preach Jehovah's acceptable year. " Later, he entered the temple with the blood of the bull, passed through the doors that separated the courtyard from the Holy place and then followed the curtain that separated the Holy place from the Most Holy place. Dawk li qed ifittxu l - għana, ħafna drabi jispiċċaw jissagrifikaw il - prinċipji tagħhom u kultant saħansitra l - fidi tagħhom f'Alla fuq l - artal taʼ Mammona. Some may realize that they are constantly thinking about trying different types of wine, decorating their home, buying new clothes, investing money, or planning vacations. Those seeking riches often end up sacrificing their principles and sometimes even their faith in God on the altar of Jammona. Linda tgħid: "Differenza kbira bejnietna hi li Phil jinkwieta inqas minni. The majority of the natural Jews rejected Jesus, disqualifying themselves as future members of the "little flock, " or" the Israel of God. " Linda says: "A great difference between us is that Phil worries less than I am. L - appostli ħatru sebat "irġiel kwalifikati " biex jieħdu ħsieb li dawn in - nisa jirċievu l - ikel kuljum b'mod organizzat, għax kienu jikkunsidraw din l - attenzjoni speċjali bħala" xogħol bżonnjuż " għall - kongregazzjoni. - Atti 6: 1 - 7. Whenever I had to make a decision or felt the need of God's support, I read the Bible. The apostles appointed seven "qualified men " to care for such women to receive food daily in an organized way, considering this special attention to be" a work needed " for the congregation. - Acts 6: 1 - 7. U bl - istess mod dawn huma dawk li nżergħu fuq il - blat: malli jisimgħu l - kelma, jaċċettawha bil - ferħ. With those holy words we feed our faith, we lift up our hope, we confirm our confidence. " - Apology, chapter 39. Singing has played what role at Christian meetings? And in the same way they are those sown on rocks: upon hearing the word, they gladly accept it. Ġagħlitni nirrifletti fuq ħajti, xogħli, u l - familja tiegħi. 9, 10. It made me reflect on my life, my work, and my family. Ipprova ssetilja d - differenzi fil - privat u bir - rispett, b'hekk tagħti d - dinjità lill - persuna l - oħra. - Mattew 5: 23 - 25. Being a chosen nation had not excluded Israel from discipline. Try to settle differences in private and respectfully, thus giving dignity to the other person. - Matthew 5: 23 - 25. Meta naħsbu dwar Pietru, nistgħu naħsbu dwar xi ħadd taʼ żaqqu fommu. He let Jehovah guide his choices in life. When we think about Peter, we can think about someone in his mouth. Taf Twieġeb? Position - Where Are You Going? Can You Answer? Hawn taħt ikteb l - ismijiet taʼ tnejn minn sħabek li għenuk issir persuna aħjar. 3: 13. Below write the names of two of your friends who helped you to become a better person. Ġeħova qatt ma setaʼ jagħżel irġiel li ma segwewx il - Kelma tiegħu biex imexxu lin - nies tiegħu. " BECAUSE of our intensive Bible study, we drew closer to Jehovah and learned more about his organization. Jehovah could never choose men who did not follow his Word to lead his people. Tistaʼ int tara kif id - dixxiplina li ningħataw permezz tal - Bibbja, il - pubblikazzjonijiet tagħna, il - ġenituri, jew l - anzjani tagħti prova li Ġeħova jħobbna? Imagine the range of the vocabulary he could have had at his disposal. Can you see how the discipline we receive through the Bible, our publications, parents, or elders proves that Jehovah loves us? 100 Watchtower Drive, " Come to Me,... and I Will Refresh You " 100 Watchtower Drive, ▪ Jibqaʼ bid - deni wara 72 siegħa So when foreigners come to our congregation, we should not forget that Jehovah still shows kindness to such people. ▪ Remaining Wicked after 72 hours Il - Bibbja qatt ma tirreferi għal Akwila mingħajr ma ssemmi lil martu Prixilla. But if these symptoms afflict you when you are around pollen, you may well be suffering from hay fever. The Bible never refers to Aquila without mentioning his wife, Priscilla. Kif stajt inpattilu? These articles will deepen our appreciation for the blessings we receive by being in the Christian congregation. How could I make up for him? Satana kkonvinċa lil Adam u Eva li ma kellhomx bżonn lil Ġeħova bħala l - Ħakkiem tagħhom. The pace of global invention had advanced throughout the nineteenth century, bringing railroads, the telephone, the electric light, cinema, the motor car, and household conveniences too numerous to mention. Satan convinced Adam and Eve that they did not need Jehovah as their Ruler. L - ewwel, min kienu dawn l - irġiel? The Young People Ask book has 39 chapters. First, who were these men? Imbagħad, kulħadd ikun jistaʼ jara li aħna taʼ Ġeħova u lesti li nobduh. Milford Sound Then everyone can see that we belong to Jehovah and are willing to obey him. Imma sa dakinhar tant kont magħkusa li ma stajtx naqra jew nikkonċentra fit - tul. The boat is capable of carrying 16 people. But by then I was so depressed that I couldn't read or concentrate long. Ġesù qal: "L - ispirtu taʼ Ġeħova qiegħed fuqi, għax Hu dilikni biex inxandar aħbar tajba lill - foqra, bagħatni nippriedka l - ħelsien lill - imjassrin u l - għoti tad - dawl lill - għomja, biex neħles lill - imgħakksin, biex nippriedka s - sena aċċettabbli mingħand Ġeħova. " On the contrary, we seem to have achieved exactly the opposite. Jesus said: "Jehovah's spirit is upon me, for he anointed me to declare good news to the poor, sent me to preach deliverance to the captives and the giving of light to the blind, to deliver the oppressed ones, to preach the acceptable year from Jehovah. " Xi wħud forsi jirrealizzaw li l - ħin kollu jaħsbu dwar li jipprovaw tipi differenti taʼ nbid, iżejnu djarhom, jixtru ħwejjeġ ġodda, jinvestu l - flus, jew jippjanaw vaganzi. " My secret is to talk it out with my parents. Some may realize that they constantly think about trying different types of wine, decorating their homes, buying new clothes, investing money, or planning holidays. Il - biċċa l - kbira tal - Lhud naturali ċaħduh lil Ġesù, u hekk tilfu l - opportunità li jkunu l - membri futuri tal - "merħla ċkejkna, " jew l - " Iżrael taʼ Alla. " 4: 1 - 4; Deut. Most natural Jews rejected Jesus, losing the opportunity to be future members of "the little flock, " or" the Israel of God. " Kulmeta kien ikolli nagħmel xi deċiżjoni jew kont inħoss li għandi bżonn l - għajnuna t'Alla, kont naqra l - Bibbja. The easy availability of abortion services and birth control has also contributed to the prevalent belief among young ones that sex has no consequences. Whenever I had to make a decision or felt that I needed God's help, I read the Bible. B'dak il - kliem qaddis insostnu l - fidi tagħna, ngħollu t - tama tagħna, nikkonfermaw il - fiduċja tagħna. " - Apology, kapitlu 39. We can be sure that the Devil will never let his hands drop down. With those holy words we sustain our faith, we raise our hope, we confirm our confidence. " - Apology, chapter 39. 9, 10. " This is a hidden public health hazard exploding, in part, because very few are recognizing it as such or taking it seriously, " says Dr. 9, 10. Avolja l - Iżraelin kienu l - poplu speċjali taʼ Ġeħova, hu kellu jiddixxiplinahom. However, the search has been difficult. Even though the Israelites were Jehovah's special people, he had to discipline them. Hu ħalla lil Ġeħova jiggwidah fl - għażliet taʼ ħajtu. He had been pricked by a pin. He allowed Jehovah to guide him in his life's choices. Il - Pożizzjoni - Fejn Se Tasal? However, Jesus directed that man to sell what he had and give to the poor. Position - Where Will It Come? 3: 13. A depiction of Judas betraying Jesus, by 19th - century illustrator Gustave Doré 3: 13. " MINĦABBA l - istudju intensiv tagħna tal - Bibbja, sirna iktar qrib taʼ Jehovah u tgħallimna iktar dwar l - organizzazzjoni tiegħu. What articles and Bible principles can you locate that could assist someone asking such questions? " BEARING our intensive study of the Bible, we have become closer to Jehovah and have learned more about his organization. Immaġina x'vokabolarju vast setaʼ uża. Literature for the public. Imagine what a vast vocabulary could have used. " Ejjew Għandi,... It was 1939. " Come to Me,... Allura meta jiġu l - barranin fil - kongregazzjoni tagħna, m'għandniex ninsew li Ġeħova għadu juri qalb tajba maʼ nies bħal dawn. Nonetheless, all Christians need to cultivate the fruitage of God's spirit, including mildness. So when foreigners come to our congregation, we should not forget that Jehovah still shows kindness to such people. Iżda jekk jaqbduk dawn is - sintomi meta tkun fejn jinstab il - polline, jew it - trab tad - dakkir, għandek mnejn li qed tbati mid - deni tal - ħuxlief li hu magħruf iktar bħala hay fever. 15 Did You Know? But if you get these symptoms at the location of pollen, or pollen, you may be suffering from hay fever that is better known as hay fever. Dawn l - artikli se jsaħħu l - apprezzament tagħna għall - barkiet li nirċievu għax qegħdin fil - kongregazzjoni Kristjana. So they refused to obey the king, and he threw them into the furnace. These articles will strengthen our appreciation for the blessings we receive because they are in the Christian congregation. Il - pass taʼ l - invenzjonijiet madwar id - dinja kien avanza matul is - seklu dsatax, u dan ġab miegħu l - ferrovija, it - telefon, id - dawl elettriku, iċ - ċinema, il - karozza, u l - kumditajiet tad - dar li huma numerużi ħafna biex issemmihom kollha. Sarah, a sister from Kenya, says: "I prayed about a student who I felt did not appreciate her Bible study. The pace of world - wide inventions was advanced during the nineteenth century, bringing with it the train, telephone, electrical light, cinema, car, and home comforts that are very numerous to mention. Il - ktieb iż - Żgħażagħ Jistaqsu għandu 39 kapitlu. How did Jesus teach the crowds? Young People Ask has 39 chapters. Milford Sound We are wise not to lose our sense of urgency as we await the end of the wicked world. Milford Sound Id - dgħajsa tesaʼ 16 - il ruħ. He felt he was facing certain death. The boat holds 16 people. Minflok, donnu għamilna eżatt l - oppost. After studying the Bible in one of the refugee camps and becoming a Witness, he commented: "Material prosperity and a high position in this world are of no real value. Rather, we seem to have done just the opposite. B'daqshekk m'intix se tirbaħ l - argument. What will help them do so? You will thus not win the argument. 4: 1 - 4; Dt. Huang, a volunteer in Taiwan, remarked: "It was a great joy to share in delivering food and tents to the brothers in need. 4: 1 - 4; Deut. Tant hu faċli li tinkiseb għajnuna biex isir abort u li jinkisbu kontraċettivi, illi ħafna żgħażagħ saru jemmnu li s - sess ma jġib l - ebda konsegwenzi. Without proper guidance, they can easily fall into destructive forms of behavior. It is so easy to get help with abortion and obtain contraception that many youths have come to believe that sex has no consequences. Nistgħu nibqgħu ċerti li x - Xitan qatt mhu se jħalli jdejh jintelqu ' l isfel. • What kind of service is acceptable to Jehovah? We can be sure that the Devil will never let his hands go down. " Dan huwa periklu moħbi għas - saħħa pubblika li qed jinfirex f'daqqa minħabba li sa ċertu punt, ftit huma dawk li jindunaw li huwa hekk jew li jiħduh bis - serjetà, " jgħid Dr. • Using what methods can make our teaching more effective? " This is a hidden danger to public health that is spreading suddenly because to some extent, few realize that it is so or take it seriously, " says Dr. Madankollu, it - tfittxija hi diffiċli. Now what did you cook for dinner? ' The search, however, is difficult. Kien tniggeż b'labra. How does the Bible often describe discipline? It was pricked with a needle. Madankollu, Ġesù qal lir - raġel biex ibigħ dak li kellu u jagħtih lill - foqra. Will we see a reindeer herd? However, Jesus told the man to sell his possessions and give him to the poor. Tpinġija taʼ Ġuda jittradixxi lil Ġesù, mill - pittur tas - seklu dsatax Gustave Doré This means that gaining the gift of everlasting life is conditional. A pattern of Judah betrays Jesus, from the 19th - century painter Gustave Doré Liema artikli u prinċipji Bibliċi tistaʼ ssib li jistgħu jgħinu lil min qed jistaqsi mistoqsijiet bħal dawn? 11: 45. What Bible articles and principles can you find that they can help whom you are asking such questions? Letteratura għall - pubbliku. Am I a bad mother? Literature for the public. Kienet is - sena 1939. One even cries out to it, but it does not answer; out of one's distress it does not save one. " It was 1939. Minkejja dan, il - Kristjani kollha għandhom bżonn jikkultivaw il - frott taʼ l - ispirtu t'Alla, inkluż il - ħlewwa. " Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding, " said wise King Solomon of ancient Israel. Nevertheless, all Christians need to cultivate the fruitage of God's spirit, including mildness. 15 Kont Taf? Today, we have far more knowledge about Jehovah available to us. 15 Did You Know? Għalhekk, irrifjutaw li jobdu lis - sultan, u hu xeħithom ġol - forn. What is one way in which we can discern Jehovah's wisdom? Therefore, they refused to obey the king, and he threw them into the oven. Sarah, oħt mill - Kenja, tgħid: "Tlabt dwar studenta li ħassejtha li ma kinitx qed tapprezza l - istudju tal - Bibbja tagħha. What did one brother conclude has helped his marriage? Sarah, a sister from Kenya, says: "I prayed about a student who felt that she was not appreciating her Bible study. Ġesù kif għallem lill - folol? [ Footnotes] How did Jesus teach the crowds? Aħna nkunu għaqlin jekk ma nitilfux is - sens t'urġenza tagħna waqt li nistennew it - tmiem taʼ din id - dinja mill - agħar. This helped. We are wise not to lose our sense of urgency while waiting for the end of this wicked world. Hu ħassu ċert li kien se jmut. This arrangement is one way in which God shows mercy to us. He felt sure that he would die. Wara li studja l - Bibbja f'wieħed mill - kampijiet tar - refuġjati u sar Xhud, hu qal: "Prosperità materjali u pożizzjoni għolja f'din id - dinja m'għandhom l - ebda valur. Jesus did his Father's will perfectly, despite temptations, extreme ridicule, and abuse. After studying the Bible in one of the refugee camps and becoming a Witness, he said: "Mutual prosperity and a high position in this world are of no value. X'se jgħinhom jagħmlu dan? Some companies are therefore replacing password - based systems with fingerprint scanners and other hi - tech security devices. What will help them to do so? Huang, volontier fit - Tajwan, osserva: "Kemm ħadt pjaċir li stajt nagħti sehmi biex inqassam l - ikel u t - tined lill - aħwa fil - bżonn! What is that advantage? Huang, a volunteer in Taiwan, observed: "How happy I was to give my share to distribute food and tents to the needy brothers! Mingħajr il - gwida xierqa, huma malajr jistgħu jibdew iġibu ruħhom b'mod li hu taʼ ħsara għalihom infushom. Our goal is to help the student to become a disciple of Christ and a worshiper of Jehovah. Without proper guidance, they can quickly begin to behave in a self - harming way. • Liema tip taʼ servizz jaċċetta Ġeħova? When such help is needed, we provide it for fellow worshipers. • What kind of service does Jehovah accept? • Liema metodi jistgħu jagħmlu t - tagħlim tagħna iktar effettiv? Back in Malachi's time, those who ignored divine counsel even had the audacity to feel that Jehovah was unjustified in his views. • What methods can make our teaching more effective? X'sajjart għall - ikel? ' " They Will Flee From Him ' What did you cook for food? ' Id - dixxiplina kif tiġi deskritta fil - Bibbja? " Out to sea, houses were floating in the water. How is discipline described in the Bible? Tgħid se naraw merħla renni? It likewise promotes in us a healthy, positive attitude toward sex that will contribute to happiness in marriage. Will we see a reindeer flock? Dan ifisser li mhux se nirċievu l - għotja taʼ ħajja taʼ dejjem awtomatikament. By midmorning we are disembarking at a small village. This means that we will not receive the gift of everlasting life automatically. 11: 45. WRITER IN INDIA 11: 45. M'iniex tajba jien biex inkun omm? The elders take to heart Jesus ' words: "You know that the rulers of the nations lord it over them and the great men wield authority over them. Am I not right to be a mother? Jekk xi ħadd isejjaħlu, ma jweġibx, u minn hemmu ma jeħilsux. " " The aged women " are encouraged to be "teachers of what is good. " If anyone calls him, he will not answer, and from there he will not deliver him. " " Ittama fil - Mulej b'qalbek kollha, u tafdax fl - għaqal tiegħek, " qal l - għaref Sultan Salamun taʼ Iżrael tal - qedem. Am I trying to attain the extreme beauty ideal promoted so heavily in today's media? ' " Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding, " said wise King Solomon of ancient Israel. Illum għandna iktar għarfien minn dan dwar Ġeħova disponibbli għalina. In the same parable, the master says: "On my arrival [" having come, " Int] I would be receiving what is mine. " Today we have more knowledge of Jehovah available to us. X'inhu mod wieħed kif nistgħu naraw l - għerf taʼ Ġeħova? Likely made during the second or third century C.E., this translation included all the books of the Bible except 2 Peter, 2 and 3 John, Jude, and Revelation. What is one way we can see Jehovah's wisdom? Wieħed ħu x'qal li għen liż - żwieġ tiegħu? Some doctors believe that the condition arises because babies are deprived of parental contact. What did one brother say that he helped his marriage? [ Noti taʼ taħt] For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. " - Matthew 6: 19 - 21. [ Footnotes] Dan għen. Jesus told his followers: "Make disciples of people of all the nations. " This helped. Dan l - arranġament hu mod wieħed kif Alla jħenn għalina. Reading the Bible and applying what it teaches will bring you rich blessings. This arrangement is one way in which God is merciful to us. Ġesù għamel ir - rieda taʼ Missieru b'mod perfett, minkejja t - tentazzjonijiet, it - twaqqigħ għaċ - ċajt estrem, u l - abbuż. Keep in mind that he or she may have withdrawal symptoms, including irritability and depression. Jesus did his Father's will perfectly, despite temptations, extreme ridicule, and abuse. Allura issa xi kumpaniji qed jibdlu s - sistemi bbażati fuq il - kodiċi u minflokhom qed jużaw sistemi li jidentifikaw il - marki tas - swabaʼ, u apparat sofistikat ieħor tas - sigurtà. As one young woman put it, "you really cannot love a person until you get to know him. " So now some companies are changing coded systems and replacing them with fingerprint identification systems, and other sophisticated security devices. X'inhu dan il - vantaġġ? The term "fornication " refers to all sexual relations outside of marriage. What is this advantage? Il - mira tagħna hi li ngħinu lill - istudent isir dixxiplu taʼ Kristu u aduratur taʼ Jehovah. Drying preserves them for shipping and storage. Our goal is to help the student become a disciple of Christ and a worshipper of Jehovah. Meta jkun hemm bżonn, aħna nipprovdu għajnuna bħal din lill - Kristjani sħabna. Professor F. When necessary, we provide such help to fellow Christians. Fi żmien Malakija, dawk li injoraw il - pariri t'Alla, saħansitra kellhom il - wiċċ tost li jgħidu li Jehovah ma kellux raġun li jħares lejn l - affarijiet b'dak il - mod. As to the difference between "encourage " and" console, " Vine's Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words explains that the Greek word translated "console " denotes" a greater degree of tenderness than [encourage]. " - Compare John 11: 19. In Malachi's day, those who ignored God's counsel even had the face to say that Jehovah had no reason to look at things in that way. " Jaħarbu Minnu " I knew that my health was less than ideal, but I had seen how Jehovah had carried me through many difficulties. " Flee From Him " " ' Il barra fil - baħar, kien hemm id - djar jifflowtjaw fl - ilma. That is his job. " Outside the sea, there were houses floating in the water. Barra minn hekk, dan jiżviluppa ġewwa fina attitudni tajba u pożittiva lejn is - sess, li tikkontribwixxi għall - ferħ fiż - żwieġ. Vanessa says: "I had to seek this friendship out and not just wait for it to come to me. " In addition, it develops within us a good and positive attitude toward sex, which contributes to happiness in marriage. Hekk kif l - għodwa tidħol sewwa, nieqfu biex ninżlu f'villaġġ żgħir. * (See footnote.) As the morning goes into the right morning, we stop to land in a small village. FL - INDJA For what? WRITER IN INDIA L - anzjani jagħtu kas il - kliem taʼ Ġesù: "Tafu intom, fost il - pagani l - kapijiet qegħdin biex jikkmandawhom, u l - kbarat biex iħaddmu fuqhom is - setgħa. That is certainly true of personal study. The elders heed Jesus ' words: "You know, among the pagans, the chiefs are commanding them, and the great men are exercising power over them. " In - nisa mdaħħlin fiż - żmien " huma inkuraġġiti biex "ikunu għalliema taʼ dak li hu tajjeb. " Would he always be able to provide for his own? " Older women " are encouraged to "be teachers of what is good. " Qed nipprova nilħaq il - livell estrem taʼ sbuħija li huwa enfasizzat iżżejjed fil - mezzi tax - xandir illum? ' 30 From Our Readers Am I trying to reach the extreme level of beauty that is overemphasized in the media today? ' Fl - istess parabbola, is - sid jgħid: "Meta nasal [" xħin niġi, " Kingdom Interlinear] kont nieħu bl - imgħax dak li hu tiegħi. " Would it not deprive us of the privilege of ministering to fellow believers? - 1 Tim. In the same parable, the owner says: "When I came when I came, " Kingdom Interlinear] I took with interest what is mine. " Din it - traduzzjoni abbli saret bejn is - sena 100 WK u s - sena 300 WK, u kienet tinkludi l - kotba kollha tal - Bibbja ħlief it - 2 Pietru, it - 2 u t - 3 Ġwanni, Ġuda, u r - Rivelazzjoni. [ Credit Line] This translation was probably made between the year 100 C.E. and the year 300 C.E., and it included all books of the Bible except 2 Peter, 2 and 3 John, Judah, and Revelation. Xi tobba jemmnu li l - kundizzjoni tiġi minħabba li t - trabi jkunu mċaħħda mill - kuntatt mal - ġenituri. The added strain can also cause nodules to appear on their vocal cords, further reducing voice quality. Some doctors believe that the condition is because babies are deprived of contact with parents. Għax fejn hemm it - teżor tiegħek, hemm tinsab qalbek ukoll. " - Mattew 6: 19 - 21. Although religious freedom for the individual had not yet arrived, it came one step closer. For where your treasure is, there is also your heart. " - Matthew 6: 19 - 21. Ġesù qal lis - segwaċi tiegħu: "Agħmlu dixxipli mill - ġnus kollha. " God's Rest - Have You Entered Into It? Jesus told his followers: "Make disciples of people of all the nations. " Jekk taqra l - Bibbja u tapplika dak li tgħallem se tikseb barkiet kbar. In the common bread mold, Rhizopus stolonifer, the tiny black dots are the spore bodies, or sporangia. Reading the Bible and applying what it teaches will bring great blessings. Żomm f'moħħok li dak li jkun jistaʼ jbati minn sintomi taʼ l - astinenza. Dawn jinkludu burdata ħażina u dipressjoni. " If you don't believe me, " she adds, "tell that to the doctors who have to deal with emergency cases every weekend. " Bear in mind that a person can suffer from abstinence symptoms, including bad mood and depression. Bħalma qalet waħda tfajla, "ma tistax verament tħobb lil xi ħadd qabel ma ssir tafu. " Not one record was broken. As one girl said, "you cannot really love someone before you get to know him. " It - terminu "żína " jirreferi għar - relazzjonijiet sesswali kollha barra miż - żwieġ. Should we not have similar respect and appreciation for the Creator's handiwork? The term "fornication " refers to all sexual relations outside marriage. It - tnixxif taż - żerriegħa jippreservaha biex tkun tistaʼ tintbagħat bil - baħar u tiġi maħżuna. [ Maps on page 18] Drying the seed preserves it so that it can be shipped and stored. Il - professur F. Cultivate Giving Spirit, 11 / 1 Professor F. Rigward id - differenza bejn "tinkuraġġixxi " u" tfarraġ, " Vine's Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words jispjega li l - kelma Griega tradotta "tfarraġ " tfisser" grad iktar taʼ tenerezza mill - [inkuraġġiment]. " - Qabbel Ġwanni 11: 19. During his brief earthly ministry, Jesus provided a foregleam of the blessings that the restoration of divine rule will bring to humanity. Regarding the difference between "encourage " and" comfort, " Vine's Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words explains that the Greek word translated "comfort " means" a greater degree of tenderness than [encouragement]. " - Compare John 11: 19. Kont naf li kelli saħħa batuta, iżda kont rajt kif Ġeħova għenni f'ħafna diffikultajiet. On the contrary, parents should discipline in love, just as Jehovah does. I knew that I had poor health, but I had seen how Jehovah helped me in many difficulties. Dak xogħlu. Because he loves us and knows that we will be happy when we use the gifts he has given us. That's its work. Vanessa tgħid: "Biex ikolli din il - ħbiberija kelli nagħmel sforz. " Let us first consider the matter of procrastination. Vanessa says: "To have this friendship I had to make an effort. " * (Ara n - nota taʼ taħt.) Some have visited the camps in Tanzania, with the approval of the Ministry of Home Affairs and UNHCR. * (See footnote.) X'qed nistennew? When my parents ' prison sentences expired in 1940, the Nazis offered to free them if they would renounce their faith. What do we expect? Dan żgur li japplika għall - istudju persunali. At night we observed a blackout to avoid detection by the Germans. This certainly applies to personal study. Kien se jirnexxilu dejjem jipprovdi għalihom? 1 - 3. Would he always provide for them? 19 " For 500 years, devout Roman Catholics have recited the rosary, a mantralike series of Our Fathers and Hail Marys designed to stimulate meditation on 15 key events or " mysteries ' in the lives of Jesus and his mother, " reports Newsweek. 19 Ma ċċaħħadniex din mill - privileġġ taʼ li naqdu lil sħabna fit - twemmin? - 1 Tim. He made changes in harmony with what the apostle Paul says in his letter to the Ephesians: "Put away the old personality which conforms to your former course of conduct and which is being corrupted according to his deceptive desires;... you should be made new in the force actuating your mind, and should put on the new personality which was created according to God's will in true righteousness and loyalty. Does this not deprive us of the privilege of serving fellow believers? - 1 Tim. [ Sors] What was the result? [ Credit Line] Għaliex mhux dejjem jingħalqu bl - istess mod u għall - istess raġuni. Somashini, who was then only three years old, brought her father a book that she had found in a neighbor's house. Because they are not always closed in the same way and for the same reason. Għalkemm ma kienx għadu wasal il - waqt li kull individwu jkollu l - libertà li jagħżel ir - reliġjon li jixtieq hu, din kienet għamlet pass ieħor ' il quddiem. The total weight of the gold ornaments amounted to over 500 troy pounds (190 kg). - Num. Although it was not yet time for each individual to have the freedom to choose the religion he wants, it had taken another step forward. Dan tistaʼ tarah minn eżempji fil - Kelma t'Alla li juru l - valur taʼ li wieħed japplika l - livelli morali t'Alla u r - riżultati meta dawn jiġu injorati. Sometimes infatuation blinds one to personal or spiritual flaws that may be obvious to others. This can be seen by examples in God's Word that show the value of applying God's moral standards and the results when they are ignored. Dħalt Int fil - Mistrieħ t'Alla? But how does the great tribulation begin? Did You Enter in God's Rest? Fil - moffa komuni tal - ħobż, Rhizopus stolonifer, it - tikek żgħar suwed huma l - isporanġ li jkun fihom l - ispori. After receiving his commission, Ezekiel dwelled at Tel - abib, " stunned for seven days, ' digesting the message he was to declare. In the common bread mold, Rhizopus stolonifer, small black dots are sporange containing spores. Io, il - qamar taʼ Ġove, għadda "mill - iktar żbroffar vulkaniku qawwi fis - sistema solari li qatt ġie reġistrat, " tirrapporta s - Science News. First, realize that teenagers need - and deep down even want - boundaries. Io, Jove's moon, passed "from the most powerful volcanic eruptions in the solar system ever recorded, " reports Science News. Ma nkisritx diska waħda. Peace With Jehovah God A single disc has not been broken. M'għandniex aħna jkollna dan it - tip taʼ rispett u apprezzament għal xogħol idejn il - Ħallieq? (3) Usually an arrow points north, allowing you to get oriented [gl 19]. Should we not have such respect and appreciation for the work of the Creator's hands? [ Mapep f'paġna 18] I want to find out for myself. " [ Maps on page 18] 7 / 15 Għin lil Oħrajn Jaċċettaw il - Messaġġ tas - Saltna, 11 / 15 5: 12. Highlights From Jehovah's Word, 11 / 15 Matul il - ministeru qasir tiegħu, Ġesù pprovda dehra bil - quddiem tal - barkiet li r - restawr tal - ħakma divina se jġib fuq l - umanità. (Description of Greece, Attica I, 4) According to the same work, at Olympia there was "an altar of the Unknown gods. " - Eleia I, XIV, 8. During his short ministry, Jesus provided a foregleam of the blessings that the restoration of divine rule will bring to mankind. Għall - kuntrarju, il - ġenituri għandhom jiddixxiplinaw bl - imħabba, sewwasew bħalma jagħmel Ġeħova. A friend of God is not devious or deceptive, for "a man of... deception Jehovah detests. " On the contrary, parents should discipline with love, just as Jehovah does. Għax iħobbna u jaf li se nkunu ferħanin meta nużaw l - għotjiet li tana. At that time, humans will draw closer to God than ever before. Because he loves us and knows that we will be happy when we use the gifts he has given us. L - ewwel ejja nikkunsidraw il - kwistjoni tat - tnikkir. 2: 11. Let us first consider the issue of procrastination. Xi wħud żaru l - kampijiet fit - Tanzanija bl - approvazzjoni tal - Ministeru taʼ l - Intern u taʼ l - UNHCR. So even the few brothers who became soldiers and carried weapons during World War I refused to use them to kill another person. Some visited camps in Tanzania with the approval of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and UNHCR. Meta l - ġenituri tiegħi spiċċaw is - sentenza tagħhom taʼ sentejn il - ħabs fl - 1940, in - Nazi offrew li jeħilsuhom jekk jiċħdu l - fidi tagħhom. Although doctors today are no longer granted the religious status given to healers in ancient times, there is a tendency among some people to attribute almost godlike powers to medical practitioners and to imagine that a cure for all of mankind's ills is a scientific inevitability. When my parents finished their two - year prison sentence in 1940, the Nazis offered to free them if they rejected their faith. Bil - lejl qgħadna fid - dlam biex ma jarawniex il - Ġermaniżi. While new energy - efficient lighting products typically cost more up front, they consume much less energy during their lifetime, saving you money in the long run. At night we stayed in the dark so as not to see Germans. 1 - 3. Lars: We had no idea that we needed to put forth effort and make changes ourselves. 1 - 3. Tfal imċaħħdin mill - irqad ma jmorrux tajjeb l - iskola u jistgħu jsibuha diffiċli biex jagħmlu ħbieb. " Ħafna drabi, dawk it - tfal li taʼ spiss ma jirnexxilhomx jorqdu biżżejjed joqogħdu attenti biss għal ftit ħin, u huma irritabbli, inkontrollabbli, u bla paċenzja, " tirrapporta r - rivista. OBEYING divine laws is not popular today. Children deprived of sleep do not work well at school and may find it difficult to make friends, " often those children who often do not get enough sleep are only careful for a short time, and are irritable, uncontrollable, and impatient, " reports the magazine. Hu għamel bidliet fi qbil maʼ dak li jgħid l - appostlu Pawlu fl - ittra tiegħu lill - Efesin: "Għandkom twarrbu l - ħajja tagħkom taʼ qabel u tinżgħu l - bniedem il - qadim, mħassar bix - xewqat tal - pjaċiri qarrieqa,... għandkom tiġġeddu b'tibdila spiritwali tal - fehma tagħkom u tilbsu l - bniedem il - ġdid, maħluq skond Alla, fil - ġustizzja u l - qdusija tassew. Nearly all of us feel the pressures of modern life - of not being able to accomplish everything we would like to. He made changes in harmony with what the apostle Paul says in his letter to the Ephesians: "You must reject your former life and take away the old man, damaged by the desires of treacherous pleasures,... you must be renewed with a spiritual change of understanding and put on the new man, created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness. X'kien ir - riżultat? Besides, others may not always be in a position to respond when help is needed. What was the result? Somashini, li kellha biss tliet snin, ġabet ktieb lil missierha li kienet sabitu f'waħda mid - djar tal - ġirien. Because of warfare, Waltraud had to leave the country where she was living and move to another country in Africa. Somshini, who was only three years old, brought a book to her father who had found him in one of the neighbors ' homes. Il - piż totali tat - tiżjin tad - deheb kien jammonta għal iktar minn 190 kilogramma. - Num. • Why is it important to show honor to one another? The total weight of the golden decoration amounted to over 200 pounds [190 kg]. - Num. Kultant l - infatwazzjoni tagħmik għal nuqqasijiet persunali jew spiritwali li forsi jkunu ovvji f'għajnejn ħaddieħor. Bullied individuals may experience headaches, sleeplessness, anxiety, and depression. Sometimes suffocation blinds you to personal or spiritual faults that may be obvious in the eyes of others. Imma kif se tibda t - tribulazzjoni kbira? " Rejoice with the wife of your youth... But how will the great tribulation begin? Wara li rċieva l - inkarigu tiegħu, Eżekjel mar joqgħod f'Tel - abib, " miblugħ għal sebat ijiem, ' jimmedita fuq il - messaġġ li kellu jiddikjara. An evangelical pastor had given him some literature that made serious accusations against Jehovah's Witnesses. After receiving his assignment, Ezekiel moved to Tel - abib, " blessed for seven days, ' meditating on the message he had to declare. L - ewwel, irrealizza li l - adoloxxenti għandhom bżonn - u fil - fond taʼ qalbhom saħansitra jridu - limiti. USA Today thus designated the United States "the world leader in families without fathers. " First, realize that adolescents need - and deeply want - limits. Paċi m'Alla Jehovah Remember, it is none other than Jehovah who affirms: "You are my witnesses. " - Isaiah 43: 10. Peace With Jehovah God (3) Ġeneralment ikun hemm vleġġa tipponta lejn it - tramuntana li se tgħinek tifhem id - direzzjoni [19]. Recently, the girl I was going to marry died in a car accident. (3) There is usually an arrow pointing north that will help you to understand direction [19]. Nixtieq niskopri dan għalija nnifsi. " THE TWO MOST COMMON COFFEES I would like to discover this for myself. " 5: 12. They would die violently. 5: 12. (Description of Greece, Attika I, 4) Skond l - istess xogħol, f'Olimpja kien hemm "artal taʼ l - allat Mhux Magħrufin. " - Eleia I, XIV, 8. How did Jehovah view Phinehas ' courage and decisiveness? (Description of Greece, Attica I, 4) According to the same work, in Olympic there was "an altar of the unknown gods. " - Eleeia I, XIV, 8. Min hu ħabib t'Alla ma jigdibx u ma jqarraqx, għaliex in - "nies... qarrieqa jistmellhom il - Mulej. " Then came busloads of thugs led by the defrocked Orthodox priest Vasili Mkalavishvili. He who is a friend of God does not lie and is not misleading, for "the treacherous people of Jehovah is detestable to them. " Il - Barkiet taħt il - Ħakma tas - Saltna Furthermore, dealings with certain colleagues may need to be restricted. Blessings Under Kingdom Rule 2: 11. We live in an immoral world, so it can be difficult to be chaste and do what pleases Jehovah. 2: 11. Allura anki l - ftit aħwa li saru suldati u ġarrew l - armi waqt l - Ewwel Gwerra Dinjija rrifjutaw li jużawhom biex joqtlu persuna oħra. There can be no doubt that these things will come to pass right on schedule. So even the few brothers who became soldiers and carried weapons during World War I refused to use them to kill another person. Għalkemm it - tobba llum m'għadhomx jitqiesu b'sens reliġjuż bħal dawk li kienu jfejqu fil - qedem, xi nies għandhom it - tendenza li jqisu li t - tobba għandhom poteri bħal taʼ l - allat, u li jimmaġinaw li x - xjenza żgur se jirnexxilha tikseb il - fejqan għall - mard kollu taʼ l - umanità. What is meant by the words of Micah 1: 3, 4? Although doctors today are no longer viewed in a religious sense like those who were healed in ancient times, some people tend to consider that doctors have godly powers, and they imagine that science will certainly succeed in getting a cure for all mankind's diseases. Għalkemm dawn it - tip taʼ bozoz ikunu jiswew iktar, huma jaħlu ħafna inqas enerġija, u allura maż - żmien xorta tkun qed tiffranka l - flus. They sold their house and moved into a smaller place. Although these types of lamps are more expensive, they consume much less energy, so in time you still save money. Lars: Ma kellniex idea li l - isforz u l - bidliet ridna nagħmluhom aħna stess. • How will Bible study help us to follow God's direction? Lars: We had no idea that effort and changes wanted us to make them ourselves. L - UBBIDJENZA lejn il - liġijiet divini xejn m'hi popolari llum. Thousands of buildings collapsed, and tens of thousands of people were killed. UBIDIENCE toward divine laws is unpopular today. Kważi lkoll kemm aħna nħossu l - pressjonijiet tal - ħajja moderna li fiha ma nkunux nistgħu nwettqu dak kollu li nixtiequ. Who exactly were they? Almost all of us feel the pressures of modern life in which we cannot accomplish everything we wish. Barra minn hekk, l - oħrajn għandhom mnejn mhux dejjem ikunu jistgħu jgħinuna meta jkollna bżonn. The simplest one could be that the actual number is somewhere between 23,000 and 24,000, thus allowing it to be rounded off in either direction. In addition, others may not always be able to help us when we need to. Minħabba t - taqbid tal - gwerra, Waltraud kellha titlaq mill - pajjiż fejn kienet tgħix u marret toqgħod ġo pajjiż ieħor ġewwa l - Afrika. How do our meetings help us to stay spiritually active? Because of the war, Waltraud had to leave the country where she lived and moved to another country in Africa. • Għala hu importanti li nonoraw lil xulxin? Today, God provides encouragement through the elders and other mature Christians. • Why is honoring one another important? Dawk li jiġu abbużati mill - bulijiet jistgħu jesperjenzaw uġigħ taʼ ras, nuqqas taʼ rqad, ansjetà, u dipressjoni. He was evidently a dynamic person who was not afraid to express his feelings. Those who are bullied may experience headache, insomnia, anxiety, and depression. Ifraħ biha... " It was like waiting at a bus stop for someone to pick you up but nobody came, " he says. Rejoice with it... Qassis evanġeliku kien tah xi letteratura li kien fiha akkużi serji kontra x - Xhieda taʼ Ġeħova. The earliest known non - Biblical reference to physical laws was made by Pythagoras, who believed that the universe could be explained by numbers. An evangelical priest had given him some literature containing serious charges against Jehovah's Witnesses. USA Today b'hekk innominat lill - Istati Uniti bħala " l - iktar pajjiż minn taʼ quddiem fid - dinja fejn għandhom x'jaqsmu familji bla missier. ' Sometimes, despite the best of efforts, unkind words will be spoken and tempers will flare. USA Today thus designated the United States as "the world's leading " for fatherless families. " Ftakar li Ġeħova nnifsu jiddikjara: "Intom ix - xhieda tiegħi. " - Isaija 43: 10. By faith, we must see a clear, focused picture of life under Kingdom rule. Remember that Jehovah himself declares: "You are my witnesses. " - Isaiah 43: 10. Ftit ilu, it - tfajla li kont se niżżewweġ mietet f'inċident tat - traffiku. The more I feel the stress and fatigue building up, the more urgently I need moments of calm solitude when I can read and rest. " Shortly ago, the girl I was getting married died in a traffic accident. L - IKTAR ŻEWĠ TIPI TAʼ KAFÈ KOMUNI (b) How may our honesty affect others? THE MOST TYPES OF COMMON COFFEE Dawn kienu se jmutu mewta vjolenti. Seven years earlier, Rachel had run to tell her father that she had met a stranger at the well who claimed to be a relative. They would die a violent death. Ġeħova kif qies il - fatt li Fineħas kien kuraġġuż u deċiżiv? But if a specific product poses a threat, the government may issue balanced warnings to protect its citizens. How did Jehovah view Phinehas as courageous and decisive? Imbagħad ġew xarabanks mimlijin delinkwenti mmexxijin minn Vasili Mkalavishvili li kien ġie mneħħi mill - pożizzjoni tiegħu bħala qassis Ortodoss. So he uses the world he controls to distract us and discourage us from reading and studying the Bible. Then were buses filled with delinquents led by Vasili Mkalavishvili who had been removed from his position as an Orthodox priest. Iżjed minn hekk, forsi jkollna bżonn innaqqsu l - kuntatt tagħna maʼ ċerti wħud fuq ix - xogħol. Shun Selfish Ambition Moreover, we may need to reduce our contact with certain people at work. Aħna qed ngħixu f'dinja immorali, allura jistaʼ jkun diffiċli li nibqgħu safjin u li nagħmlu dak li jogħġob lil Ġeħova. As for the scope of our knowledge of God's creative works, the faithful man Job concluded: "Look! We are living in an immoral world, so it may be difficult to remain clean and to do what is pleasing to Jehovah. Nistgħu nibqgħu ċerti li dawn il - ġrajjiet kollha se jseħħu eżatt fil - ħin u fil - waqt. They also believe in God's promise that one day it will be. - 2 Peter 3: 13. We can be sure that all these events will take place right on time. Xi jfisser il - kliem taʼ Mikea 1: 3, 4? 9, 10. (a) What will we now consider about the harvest season? What does Micah 1: 3, 4 mean? Biegħu d - dar tagħhom, u marru joqogħdu ġo post iżgħar. From Satan's contact with Eve in the garden of Eden, his goal has been to draw humans away from serving their Creator. He sold their house, and they moved to a smaller place. • L - istudju tal - Bibbja kif se jgħinna nsegwu d - direzzjoni t'Alla? He has protected the congregation from powerful religious and political enemies whose aim has usually been, not to kill us, but to separate us from our holy God. • How will Bible study help us to follow God's direction? Waqaʼ ħafna bini, u għaxriet t'eluf taʼ nies inqatlu. 3: 3, 4. Many buildings were left, and tens of thousands of people were killed. Min kienu eżattament? Over 200 years later, King Josiah also used temple contributions to pay for repairs. - Read 2 Chronicles 34: 9 - 11. Who were exactly? L - iktar raġuni sempliċi tistaʼ tkun li n - numru reali huwa bejn it - 23,000 u l - 24,000, u b'hekk in - numru jkun jistaʼ jqarreb kemm lejn numru u kemm lejn l - ieħor. She was baptized at the 1950 international convention of Jehovah's Witnesses at Yankee Stadium in New York. The simplest reason may be that the real number is between 23,000 and 24,000, allowing the number to approximate to both numbers and to the other. Il - laqgħat tagħna kif jgħinuna nibqgħu attivi spiritwalment? May we keep "sowing with a view to the spirit, " earnestly seeking its guidance now and forever. How do our meetings help us to remain spiritually active? Illum, Alla jipprovdi inkuraġġiment permezz taʼ l - anzjani u Kristjani maturi oħra. Was It Designed? Today, God provides encouragement through elders and other mature Christians. Milli jidher, hu kien bniedem mimli enerġija u ideat li ma kienx jibżaʼ jesprimi s - sentimenti tiegħu. Coping With Fear Apparently, he was an energy - filled man and ideas that he was not afraid to express his feelings. Hu jgħid: "Kien bħallikieku qed nistenna tal - linja biex nirkeb imma ma jiġi ħadd. " love for those whom we teach? He says: "It was as if I were waiting for the bus to ride but no one came. " Leqdem referenza għal - liġijiet fiżiċi barra l - Bibbja saret minn Pythagoras, li kien jemmen li l - univers setaʼ jiġi spjegat permezz tan - numri. If you are a parent, these words will touch your heart: "They will not toil for nothing, nor will they bring to birth for disturbance; because they are the offspring made up of the blessed ones of Jehovah, and their descendants with them. Oldest reference to physical laws outside the Bible was made by Pythagoras, who believed that the universe could be explained by numbers. Xi kultant, avolja tagħmlu l - aħjar tagħkom, se jitlgħalkom u se tgħidu kliem li jweġġaʼ. " Many Canadian parents admitted they feel unsure how to be good parents, " reported The Toronto Star. Sometimes, even though you do your best, you will go down and you will say hurtful words. Bil - fidi, irridu naraw stampa ċara u ffokata tal - ħajja taħt il - ħakma tas - Saltna. HE DID not look like a king. By faith, we need to see a clear, focused picture of life under Kingdom rule. Iktar ma nħoss l - istress u l - għeja jiżdiedu, iktar ikolli bżonn mumenti taʼ solitudni u kalma biex inkun nistaʼ noqgħod naqra u nistrieħ. " Happy is the one that stays awake and keeps his outer garments, that he may not walk naked and people look upon his shamefulness. " The more stress and fatigue increase, the more it takes moments of loneliness and calmness to be able to read and rest. " (b) L - onestà tagħna kif teffettwa lil oħrajn? Following Rahab's advice, the two spies clambered down the wall by means of a rope hanging from her window and then slipped off toward the mountains. (b) How does our honesty affect others? Sebaʼ snin qabel, Rakel kienet telqet tiġri biex tgħid lil missierha li ħdejn il - bir hi kienet iltaqgħet maʼ stranġier li kien qal li jiġi minnhom. Could any prize this world offers compare with immortality, the prize of incorruptible life in heavenly glory with Christ? Seven years earlier, Rachel had gone on to tell her father that she had met a stranger who had said that she would come from them. Imma jekk prodott speċifiku jkollu xi ħaġa taʼ periklu fih, il - gvern għandu mnejn joħroġ avviżi biex jipproteġi liċ - ċittadini tiegħu. Cultivate Reasonable Expectations, and Be Joyful But if a specific product is dangerous, the government may issue notices to protect its citizens. Għalhekk, hu juża d - dinja li jikkontrolla biex jaljenana u jiskuraġġina milli naqraw u nistudjaw il - Bibbja. Female wolf spiders are evidently attracted only to males waving hairy legs! So he uses the world he controls to distract and discourage us from reading and studying the Bible. Stmerr l - Ambizzjoni Egoista " Depressed kids need help. He Revealed Egotist Ambition Rigward l - għarfien limitat tagħna dwar ix - xogħlijiet tal - ħolqien t'Alla, ir - raġel leali Ġob ikkonkluda: "Ara! In what way did he defend this Bible truth and others? Regarding our limited knowledge of God's works of creation, the faithful man Job concluded: "Look! Jemmnu wkoll fil - wegħda t'Alla li xi darba hekk se tkun. - 2 Pietru 3: 13. Some names in this article have been changed. They also believe in God's promise that one day this will be. - 2 Peter 3: 13. 9, 10. (a) Issa x'se nikkunsidraw dwar l - istaġun tal - ħsad? God Is Impartial 9, 10. (a) What will we now consider about the harvest season? Minn meta Satana kellu kuntatt m'Eva fil - ġnien taʼ l - Għeden, il - mira tiegħu kienet li jżomm lura lill - bnedmin milli jaqdu lill - Ħallieq tagħhom. 27 Life Story - Leaving Things Behind to Follow the Master Since Satan had contact with Eve in the garden of Eden, his goal was to prevent humans from serving their Creator. Hu pproteġa lill - kongregazzjoni minn għedewwa reliġjużi u politiċi setgħana li l - iskop tagħhom ġeneralment ma kienx li joqtluna imma li jifirduna mill - Alla qaddis tagħna. They have full confidence in Jehovah's ability to supply their daily needs. - Matt. He protected the congregation from powerful religious and political enemies whose purpose was generally not to kill us but to separate us from our holy God. 3: 3, 4. That afternoon, two main points were stressed in the talk "Be Modest, and Keep Your Eye Simple. " 3: 3, 4. Iktar minn 200 sena wara, is - Sultan Ġosija wkoll uża l - kontribuzzjonijiet tat - tempju biex jitħallsu t - tiswijiet. - Aqra t - 2 Kronaki 34: 9 - 11. Still another sold some land. More than 200 years later, King Josiah also used the temple's contributions to pay repairs. - Read 2 Chronicles 34: 9 - 11. Tgħammdet fl - 1950 fil - konvenzjoni internazzjonali tax - Xhieda taʼ Ġeħova fil - Yankee Stadium, New York. Female perpetrators are not as rare as you might assume. She was baptized in 1950 at the international convention of Jehovah's Witnesses at Yankee Stadium, New York. Jalla nibqgħu " niżirgħu għall - ispirtu, ' billi nfittxu bil - ħeġġa l - gwida tiegħu issa u għal dejjem. Another survey noted: "Approximately 97 per 1,000 women aged 15 - 19 - one million American teenagers - become pregnant each year. May we keep on " sowing for the spirit, ' earnestly seeking his guidance now and forever. Ġie Disinjat? A SHADED resting - place on a mountain path is a most welcome sight to a weary traveler. Was It Designed? Kif Tkampa mal - Biżaʼ 13, 14. Coping With Fear imħabba għal dawk li ngħallmu? Regarding harmful associations, the psalmist David states: "I have not sat with men of untruth; and with those who hide what they are I do not come in. " love for those we teach? Jekk int għandek it - tfal, dan il - kliem se jmisslek qalbek: "Ma jitħabtux għal xejn u ma jildux tfal biex jinqerdu ħesrem, għax ikunu nisel imbierek mill - Mulej, u hekk ukoll uliedhom. After concentrating for a while, you might find it beneficial to do some stretching or go outside for some fresh air. If you have children, these words will touch your heart: "You will not struggle in vain and will not give birth to sudden destruction, because they will be blessed offspring of Jehovah, and so will their children. The Toronto Star irrapportat li "ħafna ġenituri Kanadiżi ammettew li jħossu li m'humiex ċerti kif jistgħu jkunu ġenituri tajbin. " 7, 8. (a) To whom are we most loyal? The Toronto Star reported that "many Canadian parents have admitted that they feel they are not sure how they can be good parents. " MA KELLUX xeħta taʼ sultan. PAGE 20 IT WAS NOT a kingship. Hieni min jibqaʼ mqajjem u jżomm ħwejġu, sabiex ma jimxix għarwien u n - nies jaraw l - għajb tiegħu. " Fittingly, the 2004 Calendar of Jehovah's Witnesses features a panorama of Jehovah God's astounding handiwork. Happy is the one that keeps awake and keeps his garments, so that they do not walk in the naked eye and the people will see his shame. " Iż - żewġ spiji ħadu l - parir taʼ Raħab u niżlu mas - sur permezz taʼ ħabel imdendel mit - tieqa tagħha u mbagħad żgiċċaw lejn il - muntanji. * Both spies took Rahab's advice and came down to the wall by means of a rope hanging from her window and then slipping to the mountains. Jistaʼ xi premju li toffri din id - dinja jħabbatha maʼ l - immortalità, il - premju taʼ ħajja bla taħsir fil - glorja tas - sema maʼ Kristu? How did Hezekiah, Isaiah, Micah, and the princes of Jerusalem prove to be fine shepherds in the eighth century B.C.E.? Could this world's reward be faced with immortality, the reward of an unruly life in heaven's glory with Christ? Ikkultiva Stennijiet Raġunevoli, u Kun Ferħan In what way? Cultivate Reasonable Expectations, and Be Happy Jidher ċar li l - brimba ħaddiela mara tinġibed biss lejn l - irġiel li jkollhom saqajhom sufin! Can you imitate Jehovah by looking for the good in the members of your family? - 1 Kings 19: 14 - 18. Clearly, the female female spider is attracted only to hairy men! Rebbieħa b'Mod Speċjali (E. [ Box on page 21] Special Winners (E. " It - tfal dipressi jeħtieġu l - għajnuna. A woman named Carol, from Australia, offers this caution: "Be careful not to crowd a schedule with too much activity. " Depressed children need help. B'liema mod iddefenda din il - verità tal - Bibbja u veritajiet Bibliċi oħra? Some adults lose their fear of danger when their work brings them into regular contact with hazardous situations. In what way did this Bible truth and other Bible truths defend? Xi ismijiet f'dan l - artiklu ġew mibdula. Hypocrisy, on the other hand, will ultimately prove death - dealing to those who practice it. Some names in this article have been changed. Alla Hu Imparzjali Describe Hezekiah's background. God Is Impartial 27 Bijografija - Nitlaq l - affarijiet warajja biex immur wara s - Sid Second, he met Noé, a pioneer, who started a Bible study with him. 27 Life Story - Leaving the Things After Me to Follow the Master Huma fiduċjużi bis - sħiħ li Ġeħova għandu l - abbiltà li jipprovdilhom il - bżonnijiet taʼ kuljum. - Mt. They serve as a lamp to our foot, helping us to move forward in the right direction and guiding us when we have to make decisions. They are fully confident that Jehovah has the ability to provide them with daily needs. - Matt. Wara nofsinhar, ġew enfasizzati żewġ punti fit - taħdita "Kun Modest, u Żomm Għajnek Sempliċi. " A fifth - generation descendant of two convicts tells how one of his forefathers came to Australia. In the afternoon, two points were highlighted in the talk "Be Modest, and Keep Your Eye Simple. " Jerġaʼ ieħor biegħ biċċa art. When he saw his friend Mary and others crying because Lazarus had died, Jesus cried with them. Another sold a piece of land. Uħud tas - sess femminil li jwettqu l - abbuż sesswali huma iktar komuni milli tistaʼ tobsor. Peace With Fellow Humans Female sexers who commit sexual abuse are more common than you can think. Stħarriġ ieħor qal: "Bejn wieħed u ieħor 97 minn kull 1,000 tfajla bejn l - età taʼ 15 u 19 - il sena - miljun adoloxxenti Amerikana - joħorġu tqal kull sena. Being immodest and taking ourselves too seriously can lead to the damaging of our relationship with God. Another survey said: "Nothing more than 97 in 1,000 girls aged 15 to 19 - one million American adolescents - become pregnant every year. KEMM jieħu gost vjaġġatur għajjien x'ħin jilmaħ post imdelli taʼ mistrieħ fil - mogħdija fuq xi muntanja! When Sister Porter and other faithful servants look back, they do not forget what Jehovah has done. WHILE a tired traveler is delightful when he sees a sluggish place of rest in the path on a mountain! 13, 14. Or perhaps a salesclerk seems unpleasant, but maybe she is not feeling well. 13, 14. Rigward is - sħubija taʼ ħsara, is - salmista David kiteb: "Ma qgħadtx man - nies giddieba, ma sseħibtx maʼ nies qarrieqa. " Again we approached Jehovah God in prayer. Regarding harmful association, the psalmist David wrote: "I did not stick to men of lies, and I did not associate with treacherous people. " Wara li tkun ilek tikkonċentra għal xi ħin, forsi jkun tajjeb li tqum ftit minn postok u tagħmel żewġ passi jew toħroġ ftit barra għall - arja. Pollen - Menace or Miracle? After you have been concentrating for some time, it may be good to get some out of your place and take two steps or go out into the air. 7, 8. (a) Lejn min aħna l - iktar leali? Upon being released, after serving only three months in prison, I was filled with more hate than ever. 7, 8. (a) To whom are we most loyal? PAĠNA 20 Fola's mother said to her: "Why did you get married if you are not going to have children? PAGE 20 Bix - xieraq, it - 2004 Calendar of Jehovah's Witnesses jippreżenta diversi xeni li juru l - għemejjel taʼ l - għaġeb li għamel Alla Ġeħova. " Each way to suicide is its own: intensely private, unknowable, and terrible. " - Kay Redfield Jamison, psychiatrist. Appropriately, the 2004 Calendar of Jehovah's Witnesses presents various scenes showing the wonderful works of Jehovah God. * They must have felt as the apostle Peter did when he stated earlier: "We must obey God as ruler rather than men. " * Ħeżekija, Isaija, Mikea, u l - prinċpijiet taʼ Ġerusalemm kif urew li kienu rgħajja mill - aħjar fit - tmien seklu Q.E.K.? It can include pictures as well as written and audio material. How did Hezekiah, Isaiah, Micah, and the princes of Jerusalem prove to be fine shepherds in the eighth century B.C.E.? F'liema sens? " To my wife and me, consistency also involves keeping our word when we promise our daughter something nice. In what sense? Tistaʼ int timita lil Jehovah billi tfittex it - tajjeb fil - membri tal - familja tiegħek? - 1 Slaten 19: 14 - 18. There would have been no need for a new heavenly government. Can you imitate Jehovah by looking for the good in your family? - 1 Kings 19: 14 - 18. [ Kaxxa f'paġna 29] However, one unique view of this ancient city can actually be enjoyed some 5,000 miles [8,500 km] west of Jerusalem in a little town nestled on the St. [ Box on page 29] Waħda mara jisimha Carol, mill - Awstralja, toffri din it - twissija: "Oqgħod attent li ma timliex l - iskeda tiegħek b'wisq attivitajiet. He died for us, and his sacrifice gives all men, women, and children the opportunity to live forever. A woman named Carol, from Australia, offers this warning: "Be careful not to fill your schedule with too many activities. Xi adulti ma jibqgħux jibżgħu mill - periklu meta x - xogħol tagħhom iġibhom f'kuntatt regulari maʼ sitwazzjonijiet taʼ periklu. [ Picture on page 10] Some adults no longer fear the danger when their work brings them into regular contact with dangerous situations. Mill - banda l - oħra, l - ipokrisija eventwalment se tkun tfisser id - daqqa tal - mewt għal dawk li jipprattikawha. Paphos Hypocrisy, on the other hand, will eventually mean the death blow for its practitioners. Iddeskrivi l - isfond taʼ Ħeżekija. Reading the Bible strengthens our effort to overcome spiritual flaws Describe Hezekiah's background. It - tieni, iltaqaʼ ma Noé, pijunier li beda studju tal - Bibbja miegħu. Rather, they want to enjoy a contented marriage in which both can thrive. Second, he met Noé, a pioneer who started a Bible study with him. Dan iservi bħala fanal għal riġlejna, jgħinna nimxu ' l quddiem fid - direzzjoni t - tajba u jiggwidana meta jkollna nieħdu xi deċiżjonijiet. It is an immature red blood cell, ready to enter your bloodstream. This serves as a lamp to our feet, helps us to move forward in the right direction and guide us when we have to make decisions. Wieħed li n - nanniet tan - nanniet tiegħu kienu priġunieri jirrakkonta kif wieħed mill - antenati ġie l - Awstralja. The heaven is the sovereignty; the earth is the peasantry, men who are ruled by superiors. ' One whose grandparents' grandparents were prisoners relates how one of the ancestors came to Australia. Meta ra lil ħabiba tiegħu Marija u oħrajn jibku minħabba l - mewt taʼ Lazzru, Ġesù beka magħhom. Like Elijah, we may look to the true God to settle the matter. When he saw his friend Mary and others weep over Lazarus ' death, Jesus wept with them. Paċi maʼ Bnedmin Sħabna Christians should display what attitude regarding vengeance? Peace With Our Partners Li nkunu immodesti u konċernati żżejjed dwarna nfusna jistaʼ jwassal f'li nitilfu r - relazzjoni tagħna m'Alla. First, we could assure him that the wicked will be punished. Being immodest and overly concerned about ourselves can lead to a loss of our relationship with God. Meta Oħtna Porter u qaddejja leali oħra jħarsu lura, ma jinsewx dak li Ġeħova għamel għalihom. Rather, first hold your hair and use the brush to untangle the ends. When Our sister Porter and other faithful servants look back, they do not forget what Jehovah has done for them. Jew forsi tmur tixtri u l - persuna li taqdik ma tantx tidher dħulija, imma min jaf, forsi tkun xi daqsxejn ma tiflaħx. In these "critical times hard to deal with, " faithful Christians are coping with bitter opposition, family problems, sickness, financial anxieties, emotional distresses, the loss of loved ones in death, and other challenges. Or you may go to shop and the person serving you does not seem very friendly, but knowingly, you may be somewhat sick. Erġajna morna bit - talb quddiem Alla Ġeħova. That is in line with what Jesus taught: "Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. " We prayerfully returned to Jehovah God. Il - Pollen - Periklu jew Meravilja? David needed only to consider his own makeup to be profoundly awed by God's creative ability. " I shall laud you because in a fear - inspiring way I am wonderfully made, " he wrote. Pollen - A Danger or Amazing? Malli ġejt meħlus, wara li kont ili biss tliet xhur fil - ħabs, kont iktar mimli bil - mibegħda minn qatt qabel. " Never be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own anxieties. Once I was released, after just three months in prison, I was more hateful than ever before. Omm Fola qaltilha: "Għalfejn iżżewwiġt la ma tridx tfal? He was part of a nation that was dedicated to God. Fola's mother said: "Why did you not want children to get married? " Kull triq għas - suwiċidju hija unika: privata ħafna, mhix magħrufa, u terribbli. " - Kay Redfield Jamison, psikjatra. She explained: "I have never read a book about the Bible that was so helpful and easy to understand! " " Every course for suicide is unique: very private, unknown, and terrible. " - Kay Redfield Jamson, psychiatrist. Bilfors li ħassewhom bħalma ħassu l - appostlu Pietru meta iktar kmieni qal: "Jeħtieġ nobdu aktar lil Alla milli l - bnedmin. " When seeking protection from rival tribesmen, people living in the far north of Ghana often consult witch doctors. They must have felt as did the apostle Peter when he earlier said: "We must obey God rather than men. " ▪ Kif tistaʼ tgħin lil xi ħadd minn ħutek li għandu l - problema tal - pornografija? Jehovah's evaluation of Jerusalem's situation as expressed in the book of Lamentations teaches us two vital lessons. ▪ How can you help a brother who has the problem of pornography? " Għalija u għal marti, il - konsistenza tinvolvi wkoll li nżommu kelmitna meta lit - tifla tagħna nwegħduha xi ħaġa sabiħa. He allowed himself to be executed, willingly dying for our sins. " For me and my wife, consistency also involves keeping our word when we promise our daughter something beautiful. Ma kienx se jkun hemm bżonn taʼ gvern ġdid tas - sema. WHEN the apostle Paul healed a lame man in Lystra, the people shouted: "The gods have become like humans and have come down to us! " There would be no need for a new heavenly government. Però, dehra unika taʼ din il - belt antika tistaʼ fil - fatt tgawdiha xi 8,500 kilometru ' l bogħod mill - punent taʼ Ġerusalemm f'raħal żgħir imkennen ħdejn ix - Xmara St. Their religious leaders were burdening people with heavy loads, while they themselves were not budging the loads with one of their fingers. However, a unique appearance of this ancient city can actually enjoy some 8,500 miles [8,500 km] from the west of Jerusalem in a small village sheltered by the St. River. Hu miet għalina, u s - sagrifiċċju tiegħu jagħti lill - irġiel, lin - nisa, u lit - tfal kollha l - opportunità li jgħixu għal dejjem. 6: 4. He died for us, and his sacrifice gives all men, women, and children the opportunity to live forever. [ Stampa f'paġna 10] There, Abraham accumulated much in the way of material possessions. [ Picture on page 10] Pafos Draw close to him through prayer and spiritual activities. Paphos Meta naqraw il - Bibbja nsaħħu l - isforz tagħna biex negħlbu dgħjufijiet spiritwali Or does it teem with earthworms, insects, and microorganisms of all sorts? Reading the Bible strengthens our effort to overcome spiritual weaknesses Minflok, huma jixtiequ jgawdu l - kuntentizza fiż - żwieġ fejn it - tnejn li huma jistgħu jirnexxu u jkunu henjin. (b) What question should we ask ourselves? Instead, they desire to enjoy happiness in marriage where both can succeed and be happy. Din hija ċellula ħamra tad - demm immatura li tinsab lesta biex tidħol fid - demm li għandek jiġri f'ġismek. (b) Why should we follow Jehoshaphat's example? It is a immature red blood cell that is ready to enter the blood that should happen in your body. Is - sema huwa s - sovranità; l - art hija n - nies komuni, uħud li għandhom min hu fuqhom. ' Having the full - time service as a career has helped young and old alike to be successful. Heaven is sovereignty; the earth is the common people, those who have people over them. ' Bħal Elija, aħna nistgħu nistennew l - Alla l - veru jsolvi l - kwistjoni. We cannot know for sure what Eve thought or whether the snake had taken a bite of the fruit, but we do know that when the serpent told Eve that the fruit would make her "like God, " she was prepared to believe the lie. Like Elijah, we can expect the true God to resolve the matter. Il - Kristjani liema attitudni għandhom juru lejn il - vendetta? What did Jehovah promise Daniel? What attitude should Christians display toward vengeance? L - ewwel, nistgħu naċċertawh li dawk mill - agħar se jiġu kastigati. Then came the long days of Israel's marches around Jericho - six days, one march each day. First, we can make sure that the wicked will be punished. Minflok, l - ewwel żomm xagħrek u neħħi l - għoqod li jkollok fit - truf. Really, no one can prevent God from fulfilling this promise and all his other heartening promises. Instead, first hold your hair and remove the lumps at the edges. F'dan iż - "żmien iebes, " il - Kristjani leali qed iħabbtu wiċċhom m'oppożizzjoni ħarxa, problemi tal - familja, mard, problemi finanzjarji, inkwiet emozzjonali, il - mewt taʼ xi ħadd maħbub, u sfidi oħrajn. Understandably, Job might have asked himself: " Why me? In these "critical times hard to deal with, " faithful Christians face severe opposition, family problems, sickness, financial problems, emotional trouble, the death of a loved one, and other challenges. Dan huwa simili għal dak li għallem Ġesù: "Kulmin jitgħolla jiġi umiljat, u kulmin jumilja ruħu jitgħolla. " • What is the condition of those in Sheol? This is similar to what Jesus taught: "Everyone that exalts will be humiliated, and everyone that humbles his soul will be exalted. " David kellu biss jikkunsidra lil ġismu stess biex iħoss riverenza profonda għall - abbiltà kreattiva t'Alla. How does the faithful and discreet slave class help us? David only had to consider his own body to feel deep reverence for God's creative ability. " Qatt tkunu ansjużi dwar l - għada, għax l - għada se jkollu l - ansjetajiet tiegħu. I tried to pray to Jehovah, but I could hardly find words to express my pain. " Never be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own anxieties. Hu kien parti minn ġens li kien dedikat lil Alla. Or what sharing does light have with darkness? " - 2 Corinthians 6: 14. He was part of a nation that was dedicated to God. Hi tispjega: "Qatt ma qrajt ktieb dwar il - Bibbja li kien daqshekk t'għajnuna u faċli biex tifhmu! " A world full of injustice gave Jehovah the opportunity of demonstrating himself to be the pinnacle of justice. She explains: "I never read a Bible book that was so helpful and easy to understand! " Hu żied li fis - sena 2000, il - kummerċ tal - knisja irrenda iktar minn żewġ miljun dollaru (Lm909,091) fi dħul taʼ flus. So is Jesus. He added that in the year 2000, the church trade returned more than two million dollars (Lm909,091) into income. Il - mod kif Ġeħova qies is - sitwazzjoni taʼ Ġerusalemm kif esprimieha fil - ktieb tal - Lamentazzjonijiet jgħallimna żewġ lezzjonijiet vitali. I will be with him in distress. " Jehovah's view of Jerusalem's situation as expressed in the book of Lamentations teaches us two vital lessons. Hu ppermetta li jinqatel, u minn jeddu miet għal dnubietna. By Awake! He allowed him to be killed, and he willingly died for our sins. META l - appostlu Pawlu fejjaq raġel zopp minn Listra, in - nies għajtu: "L - allat saru bħal bnedmin u niżlu għandna! " Fear of failure could immobilize you WHEN the apostle Paul healed a lame man from Lystra, the people cried out: "The gods became like men and fell down to us! " Il - mexxejja reliġjużi tagħhom kienu qed itaqqluhom b'tagħbijiet kbar, waqt li huma nfushom ma kinux qed iħarrkuhom b'sebagħhom wieħed. The apostle Paul said: "I have hope toward God... that there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous. " - Acts 24: 15. Their religious leaders were piercing them with heavy loads, while they themselves were not plundering them with their own fingertips. 6: 4. The apostle Paul was an outstanding example in this regard. 6: 4. Hawnhekk, Abraham kien kiseb affarijiet materjali mhux ħażin. Hence, Moses became "as God " to Aaron, who spoke representatively for Moses. Here, Abraham had acquired quite material things. Ersaq qrib lejh permezz tat - talb u l - attivitajiet spiritwali. In those years, most Witnesses had to make big sacrifices to attend the few conventions held in Mexico. Many brothers and sisters came from isolated villages that were far away from any train lines or even roads. Draw close to him in prayer and spiritual activities. Jew hija miżgħuda bi ħniex, insetti, u mikro - organiżmi taʼ kull xorta? He believed, for example, that they could shed light on "the problem of the antiquity of the name of the God of Israel. " Or is it wooded with earthworms, insects, and microorganisms of all kinds? (b) Liema mistoqsija għandna nistaqsu lilna nfusna? • How much time should parents devote to their children? (b) What question should we ask ourselves? (b) Għala għandna nsegwu l - eżempju taʼ Ġeħosafat? Similarly, trusting in God's promise to correct injustice can help you gain serenity and peace of mind in an unfair world. (b) Why should we follow Jehoshaphat's example? Il - fatt li s - servizz full - time jagħmluh il - karriera tagħhom għen kemm liż - żgħar kif ukoll lill - kbar biex jirnexxu. From morality to work ethic and from the training of children to the worship of God, the Bible omits nothing important. Full - time service has helped young and old alike to succeed. Ma nistgħux ngħidu eżattament dak li għadda minn moħħ Eva jew jekk is - serp kienx kiel mill - frotta, imma dak li nafu hu li meta s - serp qal lil Eva li l - frotta kienet se tagħmilha "bħal Alla, " hi kienet lesta li temmen din il - gidba. When Kathy, who has been serving at Bethel for many years, realized that her husband had Alzheimer's disease, she did not feel equal to the challenges ahead. We cannot say exactly what happened to Eve's mind or whether the serpent had eaten the fruit, but what we know is that when the serpent told Eve that the fruit would be "like God, " she was willing to believe this lie. Ġeħova x'wiegħdu lil Danjel? (b) In harmony with Philippians 1: 7, how have Jehovah's people reacted to Satan's anger? What did Jehovah promise Daniel? Imbagħad waslu dawk il - jiem twal taʼ meta Iżrael immarċja madwar Ġeriko għal sitt ijiem, darba kuljum. About whose heart did Jeremiah principally write? Then they arrived in those long days when Israel marched around Jericho for six days, once a day. Nistgħu nifhmu għala Ġob setaʼ staqsa lilu nnifsu: " Dan għala ġara lili? " If it gets cut down, it will even sprout again. " We can understand why Job could have asked himself: " Why did this happen to me? • X'inhi l - kundizzjoni taʼ dawk li qegħdin f'Xeol? PAGE 17 • SONGS: 63, 77 • What is the condition of those in Sheol? Il - klassi taʼ l - ilsir leali u diskret kif tgħinna? " For example, according to Deuteronomy 6: 6 - 9, educating our children begins with educating ourselves. How does the faithful and discreet slave class help us? Ipprovajt nitlob lil Ġeħova, iżda bilkemm stajt insib kliem biex nesprimi l - uġigħ li kont qed inħoss. Paul told of the changes made by some in Corinth who had formerly indulged in fornication, idolatry, homosexuality, thievery, and so forth. I tried to pray to Jehovah, but I could hardly find words to express the pain I was feeling. X'xirka hemm bejn id - dawl u d - dlam? " - 2 Korintin 6: 14. Soon, the two girls were telling their classmates about what they were learning. What is there between light and darkness? " - 2 Corinthians 6: 14. Dinja mimlija inġustizzja tat lil Ġeħova l - opportunità biex juri li hu l - eżempju perfett tal - ġustizzja. Probably not. An injusticeous world gave Jehovah the opportunity to prove to be the perfect example of justice. Anki Ġesù. At times, he had lived with plenty and at other times, with little. Even Jesus. Inkun miegħu fl - inkwiet. " Why did King Saul incur Jehovah's displeasure? I'm with him in trouble. " Minn kittieb għal Stenbaħ! Does loyal service to Jehovah have first place in our life? By Awake! Il - biżaʼ li ma jirnexxilekx jistaʼ jżommok lura To have a conversation, ask questions, and then listen carefully to the personal views expressed. Fear of failure can hold you back L - appostlu Pawlu qal: "Għandi tama f'Alla... li se jkun hemm irxoxt kemm tan - nies sewwa u kemm taʼ dawk li m'humiex sewwa. " - Atti 24: 15. How can we do that? The apostle Paul said: "I have hope in God... that there will be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous. " - Acts 24: 15. L - appostlu Pawlu kien eżempju eċċellenti f'dan. Today, however, many people tend to be self - centered. The apostle Paul was an excellent example in this regard. Għalhekk, Mosè qeda "taʼ Alla " għal Aron, li tkellem bħala rappreżentant għal Mosè. Their lives were largely governed by Hindu customs. So Moses served "of God " for Aaron, who spoke as a representative of Moses. Dak iż - żmien, il - biċċa l - kbira tax - Xhieda kellhom jagħmlu sagrifiċċji kbar biex jattendu l - ftit konvenzjonijiet li kienu jsiru fil - Messiku. Remembering this will motivate Christian couples to seek Jehovah's help and work together to resolve any problems. At that time, most Witnesses had to make great sacrifices to attend the few conventions held in Mexico. Per eżempju, hu emmen li setgħu jsolvu "l - problema dwar kemm kien ilu jintuża l - isem taʼ l - Alla taʼ Iżrael. " Often what captured the admiration and respect of younger ones was the perseverance of an older relative whose good relationships within the family and within the marriage bond paved the way for a change of heart in the younger ones. For example, he believed that they could solve "the problem of how long the name of the God of Israel had been used. " • Il - ġenituri kemm għandhom jiddedikaw ħin għat - tfal tagħhom? The same is true today. • How much time should parents devote to their children? B'mod simili, li tafda fil - wegħda t'Alla biex ineħħi l - inġustizzja jistaʼ jgħinek issib is - serenità u l - paċi tal - moħħ f'dinja inġusta. • In what way should our desire to declare the good news be like "a burning fire " in our hearts? Similarly, trusting in God's promise to remove injustice can help you to find serenity and peace of mind in an unfair world. Il - Bibbja ma tħalli xejn barra minn dak li hu importanti bħal per eżempju, il - moralità, l - attitudni lejn ix - xogħol, it - taħriġ tat - tfal, u l - qima lejn Alla. " If you love me, you will observe my commandments, " Jesus said. The Bible leaves nothing other than what is important, for example, morality, attitude toward work, training children, and worship of God. Meta Kathy, li ilha taqdi f'Betel għal ħafna snin, irrealizzat li żewġha kellu l - marda taʼ l - Alzheimer, ma ħassithiex kapaċi tkampa maʼ l - isfidi li kien hemm quddiemha. Edwin Skinner was overseeing the work of the India branch at that time. When Kathy, who has been serving at Bethel for many years, realized that her husband had Alzheimer's disease, she was unable to cope with the challenges ahead. (b) Fi qbil maʼ Filippin 1: 7, NW, ix - Xhieda taʼ Jehovah kif irreaġixxew għar - rabja taʼ Satana? If illness or age are factors that limit what you can do, then set goals that are reasonable, but do not give up or let your love wane. (b) In harmony with Philippians 1: 7, how did Jehovah's Witnesses react to Satan's anger? Dwar il - qalb taʼ min kiteb prinċipalment Ġeremija? Referring to those in the first - century Christian congregation who had adopted a worldly viewpoint, Peter warned: "They consider luxurious living in the daytime a pleasure. About the heart of Jeremiah? " Li jekk tinqataʼ terġaʼ ttellaʼ. " • Why is it important that we recognize the origin of marriage? " That if you cut you up again. " PAĠNA 17 • GĦANJIET: 63, 77 We can reduce much of the risk in life by simply being safety conscious. PAGE 17 • SONGS: 63, 77 " Per eżempju, skond Dewteronomju 6: 6 - 9, l - ewwel irridu nitgħallmu aħna qabel ma ngħallmu lit - tfal. Christian Maturity - Why Beneficial? " For example, according to Deuteronomy 6: 6 - 9, we must first learn before teaching children. Pawlu semma l - bidliet li għamlu xi wħud f'Korintu li qabel kienu jieħdu sehem fil - fornikazzjoni, l - idolatrija, l - omosesswalità, is - serq, u affarijiet bħal dawn. How delighted Abraham was to get his dear wife back! Paul mentioned the changes made by some in Corinth who previously shared in fornication, idolatry, homosexuality, theft, and the like. Ma damux ma bdew jgħidu lil sħabhom tal - klassi dwar dak li kienu qed jitgħallmu. In one U.S. survey, 80 percent of teens at the top of their class admitted to cheating, and 95 percent of these "high achievers " were never caught. Soon they began telling their classmates about what they were learning. Wisq probabbli li le. Hard Work Versus Workaholism Very likely not. Kultant kien jgħaddi b'ħafna u kultant kien ikollu jgħaddi bi ftit. On the other hand, we learn what not to do by observing fleshly - minded people. At times, he went a long way and sometimes had to pass a little. Is - Sultan Sawl għala qanqal ir - rabja taʼ Ġeħova? What is behind the present situation? ' Why did King Saul move Jehovah's anger? Huwa s - servizz leali lejn Ġeħova fl - ewwel post f'ħajjitna? " Escape for your life! " Is faithful service to Jehovah first in our life? Biex ikollok konversazzjoni, staqsi mistoqsijiet u mbagħad ismaʼ b'attenzjoni biex tara kif jaħsibha dak li jkun. Clearly, Jehovah highly values the labor of faithful women who instill his principles in their children. To have a conversation, ask questions and then listen carefully to see how you think. Kif nistgħu nagħmlu dan? A BUDDHIST religious leader, the Dalai Lama, said: "I believe that the very purpose of our life is to seek happiness. " How can we do that? Madankollu, illum it - tendenza tal - biċċa l - kbira min - nies hija li jkunu moħħhom fihom infushom. He is, however, especially inclined to listen to those who follow his precepts. Today, however, the tendency of most people is to be self - centered. Ħajjithom kienet iddominata mid - drawwiet tal - Ħindu. Under the influence of God's spirit, we will be moved to " say what is good for building up so that it may impart what is favorable to the hearers. ' Their life was dominated by Hindu's customs. Meta l - Kristjani miżżewġin jiftakru x'wiegħdu, dan se jqanqalhom biex ifittxu l - għajnuna taʼ Ġeħova u jaħdmu flimkien biex isolvu kwalunkwe problema. Dog. 110,000. When married Christians remember what they have promised, this will move them to seek Jehovah's help and work together to solve any problems. Iż - żgħażagħ jammiraw u jirrispettaw il - perseveranza taʼ qarib akbar fl - età li jkollu relazzjonijiet tajbin fil - familja u fir - rabta taż - żwieġ u spiss dan jgħin biex titqanqal qalb iż - żgħażagħ. They want to do what is right and are responsive to divine direction. Young people admire and respect the perseverance of an older relative with good family relations and marriage ties and often help to stimulate young people. Dan japplika għal - lum ukoll. Remember that Habakkuk was writing under divine inspiration. This is also true today. • Ix - xewqa tagħna li niddikjaraw l - aħbar tajba b'liema mod għandha tkun bħal "nar jaqbad " fi qlubna? 100 Watchtower Drive • In what way should our desire to declare the good news be like "a burning fire " in our hearts? " Jekk tħobbuni, tosservaw il - kmandamenti tiegħi, " Ġesù qal. As a result of the evangelizers ' cultivating existing interest in the Ha'apai islands, two married couples from that area were baptized. " If you love me, you will observe my commandments, " Jesus said. Edwin Skinner kien qed jieħu ħsieb ix - xogħol fil - fergħa taʼ l - Indja f'dak iż - żmien. Well, see if you can answer the following questions: Edwin Skinner was in charge of the work at the India branch at the time. Jekk il - mard jew ix - xjuħija huma fatturi li jillimitaw dak li tistaʼ tagħmel, imbagħad agħmel miri li huma raġunevoli, imma taqtax qalbek jew tħalli l - imħabba tiegħek tonqos. It could take ten months for a skilled person to make just one copy of the Bible! If illness or old age are factors that limit what you can do, then set reasonable goals, but do not give up or allow your love to diminish. Fl - ewwel seklu, Pietru wissa lill - Kristjani dwar dawk fil - kongregazzjonijiet li bdew jaħsbuha bħan - nies tad - dinja. Hu qal: "Għalihom hu taʼ pjaċir li bi nhar jgħixu fil - lussu. Whenever she found the means to prepare a special meal, she shared it with neighbors. In the first century, Peter warned Christians about those in the congregations who began to think like the people of the world, saying: "For them it is a pleasure to live in luxury by day. • Għala huwa importanti li nagħrfu minfejn oriġina ż - żwieġ? A few years after Watson and Crick discovered the structure of DNA, two physicists proposed searching for coded radio signals from space. • Why is it important to recognize the origin of marriage? Fil - ħajja nistgħu nnaqqsu ħafna mir - riskji billi sempliċement inżommu f'moħħna s - sigurtà. This made a deep impression on Timothy's mind. In life, we can reduce many risks by simply keeping in mind safety. Il - Maturità Kristjana - Għala Hi taʼ Benefiċċju? The essence of Paul's counsel is that we should observe the gifts that others have and acknowledge them. Christian Maturity - Why Is It Benefiting? Min jaf kemm feraħ Abraham li l - għażiża martu reġgħet lura għandu! 8, 9. (a) What was the primary concern of the 12 apostles? How Abraham must have rejoiced that his dear wife returned to him! Fi stħarriġ li sar fl - Istati Uniti fuq żgħażagħ bejn it - 13 u d - 19 - il sena, 80 fil - mija minn dawk li kienu minn taʼ quddiem fil - klassi ammettew li kienu jqarrqu, u 95 fil - mija minn dawn l - uħud "li jmorru tajjeb " ma nqabdu qatt. Yes, meditating on the example of the Greater Moses moves us to "stay awake and keep our senses " as to what God will soon do. - 1 Thess. In a survey conducted in the United States of 13 - to 19 - year - olds, 80 percent of the class leaders admitted to cheating, and 95 percent of these "goods " were never caught. Xogħol Iebes Kontra Xogħol Żejjed If someone who has strayed from the flock admits that he has committed serious sin, how may it be possible to help him? Hard Work Against Overwork Mill - banda l - oħra, dawk li ħsiebhom biss fil - laħam huma eżempju taʼ twissija għalina. " My undeserved kindness is sufficient for you; for my power is being made perfect in weakness. " On the other hand, those who care for only in the flesh are a warning example for us. X'qiegħed jikkaġuna s - sitwazzjoni preżenti? ' Yes, David was not a distracted, superficial person. What is causing the present situation? ' Huma qalulu, "Aħrab u salva ruħek! " Before us appears a large herd of reindeer! They said, "Flee and save yourself! " Jidher ċar li Ġeħova japprezza ħafna x - xogħol taʼ nisa leali li jnaqqxu l - prinċipji tiegħu fi wliedhom. [ Pictures on page 18] Clearly, Jehovah highly appreciates the work of faithful women who instill his principles in their children. ID - DALAI LAMA, il - mexxej reliġjuż tal - Buddisti, qal: "Jien nemmen li l - iskop kollu tal - ħajja tagħna hu li nfittxu l - ferħ. " May we, therefore, strive to show love, kindness, mildness, and other Christlike qualities to a fuller extent, for "against such things there is no law, " or limit. DALAI LAMA, the Buddhist religious leader, said: "I believe that the whole purpose of our life is to seek happiness. " Madankollu, hu b'mod speċjali inklinat li jismaʼ lil dawk li jimxu fi qbil mal - prinċipji tiegħu. How foolish to slave for material gain but neglect theocratic activities! However, he is especially inclined to listen to those who follow his principles. Taħt l - influwenza tal - ispirtu t'Alla, se niġu mqanqlin " ngħidu dak li hu tajjeb biex jibni sabiex jagħmel il - ġid lil min jisimgħu. ' They lived in a violent and immoral world. Under the influence of God's spirit, we will be moved to "speak what is good for building up in order to do good to those hearing. " Xkejjer mimlijin fidda. In his letter to Christians in Colossae, Paul warned against the "worship of the angels. " - Colossians 2: 18. silver-filled sacks. Huma jixtiequ jagħmlu dak li hu tajjeb u qed iwieġbu b'mod favorevoli għad - direzzjoni divina. In line with this, God declared: "The Sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do a thing unless he has revealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets. " They want to do what is right and are responding favorably to divine direction. Ftakar li Ħabakkuk kien qed jikteb taħt ispirazzjoni divina. By faith, Moses was able to see more than what appeared to his physical eyes. Remember that Habakkuk was writing under divine inspiration. 100 Watchtower Drive So when they learn that he is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses, they will realize that Jehovah's people obey what the Bible says and keep the congregation clean. 100 Watchtower Drive PAWLU - RAĠEL TAʼ KELMTU Does this mean that only 144,000 individuals, a relatively small number when compared with the billions of humankind who have ever lived, will live forever? PAULE - KELMTUE'S AGE Dawn l - evanġelizzaturi kkultivaw l - interess li diġà kien jeżisti fil - gżejjer Ha'apai u r - riżultat kien li tgħammdu żewġ koppji miżżewġin minn dawk l - inħawi. Some publishers find that they have very few conversations when they preach from house to house because many people are not at home. These evangelizers cultivated the interest that already existed on the Ha'apai islands and the result was that two married couples were baptized from that area. Ara jekk tistax twieġeb il - mistoqsijiet li ġejjin: BECAUSE ADAM AND EVE STOLE FROM HIM, GOD CAST THEM OUT OF THE GARDEN AND THEY BEGAN TO DIE. - GENESIS 3: 14 - 24 See if you can answer the following questions: Kopja waħda biss tal - Bibbja setgħet tieħu għaxar xhur biex titlesta minn persuna mħarrġa! Having a clear understanding of all the necessary steps we need to take to achieve what we want will help keep us focused. Only one copy of the Bible could take ten months to complete by a trained person! Kull meta kellha l - flus biex tipprepara ikla speċjali, kienet taqsamha mal - ġirien. This article explains the importance of knowing when to speak, what to say, and how to say it. Whenever she had the money to prepare a special meal, she shared it with the neighbors. Ftit snin wara li Watson u Crick skoprew l - istruttura tad - DNA, żewġ fiżiċi pproponew li jsir tfittix għal sinjali tar - radju li fihom messaġġ mill - ispazju. Everything we have comes from him. A few years after Watson and Crick discovered the structure of DNA, two physics proposed looking for radio signals containing a message from space. Dan ħalla impatt qawwi fuq moħħ Timotju. As a result, some have fallen into the trap of greed and have sacrificed spiritual interests in favor of material ones. - Eccl. This had a strong impact on Timothy's mind. Il - qofol tal - parir taʼ Pawlu hu li għandna ninnotaw l - abbiltajiet taʼ ħutna u nsemmuhom. [ Footnote] The core of Paul's counsel is that we should note the abilities of our brothers and sisters and mention them. 8, 9. (a) X'kien it - tħassib primarju tat - 12 - il appostlu? Brother Knorr assigned me to sit with him at the chairman's table so that I could help him remember the names of newer members of our family. 8, 9. (a) What was the primary concern of the 12 apostles? Iva, billi nimmeditaw fuq l - eżempju taʼ Mosè Akbar niġu mqanqlin biex "nibqgħu mqajmin u f'sensina " dwar dak li Alla se jagħmel dalwaqt. - 1 Tess. During the night, the king of Jericho learns that Israelite spies have come into Jericho and that they have gone to the house where Rahab works. Yes, by meditating on the example of the Greater Moses, we are moved to "keep awake and keep our senses " about what God will soon do. - 1 Thess. Jekk xi ħadd li tbiegħed mill - merħla jammetti li għamel dnub serju, kif ikun possibbli li tgħinu? The battle may even continue for as long as we are imperfect. If someone who has strayed from the flock admits that he has committed a serious sin, how would it be possible to help him? " Biżżejjed għalik il - grazzja ["il - qalb tajba mhix mistħoqqa, " NW] tiegħi; għax il - qawwa tiegħi tidher fl - aqwa tagħha fejn hemm id - dgħajjef. " And on that day, how glad your brothers and sisters were to see you prove that you love God with your whole heart, soul, mind, and strength! - Mark 12: 30. " My undeserved kindness is enough to you; for my power is in the best of it where there is weakness. " Iva, David ma kienx xi bniedem aljenat u superfiċjali. He never failed me. Yes, David was not an distracted, superficial man. Quddiemna naraw merħla kbira renni! Many flowers offer the insects a complete package - nutritious food and a place to bask in the sun. Before us we see a great reindeer! [ Stampi f'paġna 18] He continued: "Yet in these more enlightened times, it must be acknowledged that the deliberate spread of disease, the decimation of the mighty bison herds, the use of the poison alcohol to destroy mind and body, and the cowardly killing of women and children made for tragedy on a scale so ghastly that it cannot be dismissed as merely the inevitable consequence of the clash of competing ways of life. " [ Pictures on page 18] Għalhekk, jalla nistinkaw biex nuru l - imħabba, il - ħniena, il - ħlewwa, u kwalitajiet Kristjani oħrajn b'mod iktar sħiħ, għaliex "kontra dawn ma hemmx liġi, " jew limitu. All these assignments are God - given and thus important. May we, therefore, strive to show love, mercy, mildness, and other Christian qualities more fully, because "against these there is no law, " or limit. Kemm inkunu boloh jekk naħdmu qisna skjavi biex niksbu l - affarijiet materjali u mbagħad nittraskuraw l - attivitajiet teokratiċi! Pray before you study. How foolish it would be to work as slaves to acquire material things and then neglect theocratic activities! Huma għexu f'dinja vjolenti u immorali. And it stands to reason that the more complex a package of information, the greater the intelligence needed to write it. They lived in a violent and immoral world. Fl - ittra tiegħu lill - Kristjani f'Kolossi, Pawlu wissa kontra l - "qima lejn l - anġli. " - Kolossin 2: 18. I prayed to Jehovah and asked for wisdom and patience. In his letter to Christians in Colossae, Paul warned against "the angelic worship. " - Colossians 2: 18. Fi qbil maʼ dan, Alla ddikjara: "Ebda ħaġa ma jagħmel Sidi l - Mulej, jekk ma jurix il - ħwejjeġ moħbija tiegħu lill - qaddejja tiegħu l - profeti. " At first, you might turn your nose up at its strong smell. Accordingly, God declared: "Nothing will be done by the Lord of Jehovah, unless he shows his hidden things to his servants the prophets. " Il - fidi taʼ Mosè tant kienet b'saħħitha li kien bħallikieku setaʼ jara lil Ġeħova. Judaean King Manasseh set up altars to Baal, made his sons pass through fire, promoted spiritistic practices, and built false religious altars in the temple courtyards. Moses ' faith was so strong that it was as if he could see Jehovah. Allura, meta jsiru jafu li m'għadux Xhud taʼ Ġeħova, se jirrealizzaw li n - nies taʼ Ġeħova jobdu dak li tgħid il - Bibbja u li jżommu lill - kongregazzjoni nadifa. This voluntary giving demonstrated Christian love in action. - 1 John 3: 18. So when they learn that they are no longer a Witness of Jehovah, they will realize that Jehovah's people obey what the Bible says and that they keep the congregation clean. Ifisser dan li 144,000 individwu biss, numru relattivament żgħir meta tqabblu mal - biljuni taʼ bnedmin li għexu, se jgħixu għal dejjem? They do not look for a way out when difficulties arise. Does this mean that only 144,000 individuals, a relatively small number compared to the billions of humans who lived, will live forever? Xi pubblikaturi jsibu li ftit li xejn ikollhom konversazzjonijiet meta jippritkaw minn dar għal dar għax ħafna nies ma jkunux id - dar. On instructions from headquarters, we traveled to Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia). Some publishers find that they have little conversations when preaching from house to house because many people are not at home. MINĦABBA LI ADAM U EVA SERQU MINGĦANDU, ALLA KEĊĊIEHOM MILL - ĠNIEN U BDEW IMUTU. - ĠENESI 3: 14 - 24 The relief, if any, was very temporary. BEARING AN ADAM AND EVA DOWN, GOD ACHIEVED THEIR GOD FROM THE GREEN AND BEAR IMUTU. - GENESIS 3: 14 - 24 Il - fatt li jkollna fehma ċara tal - passi neċessarji kollha li rridu nieħdu biex niksbu dak li rridu se jgħinna nżommu lilna nfusna ffokati. During March, a special provision allowed auxiliary pioneers to choose whether they would devote 30 or 50 hours to the field service. Having a clear understanding of all the necessary steps we need to take to achieve what we want will help us to keep ourselves focused. Dan l - artiklu jispjega l - importanza taʼ li nagħrfu meta għandna nitkellmu, x'għandna ngħidu, u kif għandna ngħiduh. These publications include the books My Book of Bible Stories and Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work as well as a video entitled Young People Ask - How Can I Make Real Friends? This article explains the importance of discerning when to speak, what to say, and how to say. Dak kollu li għandna ġej mingħandu. The very first instruction Jesus gave to his disciples after instituting the Memorial of his death was something new. All we have come from him. B'hekk, xi wħud waqgħu fin - nasba tar - regħba u ħallew il - ġiri wara l - materjaliżmu jeffettwa s - servizz tagħhom lejn Ġeħova. - Ekk. Jehovah has even helped us understand events that we could not see with our eyes - the enthronement of Jesus, the war in heaven, and the hurling of Satan down to the earth. Thus, some have fallen into the trap of greed and have allowed the pursuit of materialism to affect their service to Jehovah. - Eccl. [ Nota taʼ taħt] (Read.) [ Footnote] Ħuna Knorr poġġieni bil - qiegħda ħdejh mal - mejda taċ - chairman sabiex inkun nistaʼ nfakkru l - ismijiet taʼ membri ġodda tal - familja tagħna. Why is it a delight to serve Jehovah and our fellow believers? Brother Knorr sat me next to him at the chairman's table so that I could recall the names of new members of our family. Matul il - lejl, is - sultan taʼ Ġeriko jsir jaf li xi spiji Israelin ġew f'Ġeriko u li dawn marru fid - dar fejn taħdem Raħab. Like father, like son, the adage states. During the night, the king of Jericho learns that some Israelite spies came to Jericho and that they went to the home where Rahab works. Il - battalja forsi tibqaʼ għaddejja sakemm aħna imperfetti. The apostle Paul wrote: "The Law has become our tutor leading to Christ. " The battle may continue until we are imperfect. Dakinhar, kemm kienu ferħanin ħutek meta rawk turi b'mod ċar li tħobb lil Alla b'qalbek kollha, b'ruħek kollha, b'moħħok kollu, u b'saħħtek kollha! - Marku 12: 30. The answer lies in yet another paradox about the man - his view of philosophy. At that time, how happy your brothers were to see you clearly show that you love God with your whole heart, soul, mind, and strength! - Mark 12: 30. Hu qatt ma naqas milli jieħu ħsiebi. What about Christmas Day itself? He never failed to care for me. Ħafna fjuri joffru lill - insetti dak kollu li għandhom bżonn - ikel nutrittiv u post fejn ikunu jistgħu jilagħqu x - xemx. 12, 13. (a) What is the spiritual paradise? Many flowers offer insects everything they need - nutritional food and a place where they can lick the sun. Hu kompla: "Madankollu, f'dawn iż - żminijiet iktar imdawla, għandu jkun magħruf li t - tixrid tal - mard għal t'apposta, il - qerda taʼ għadd kbir taʼ mrieħel tal - bufli kbar, l - użu taʼ l - alkoħol velenuż li jeqred il - moħħ u l - ġisem, u l - qtil taʼ nisa u tfal b'mod beżżiegħ irriżulta fi traġedja fuq skala tant terribbli li ma tistax titwarrab bħallikieku kienet sempliċement xi konsegwenza taʼ nuqqas taʼ ftehim rigward il - mod taʼ għajxien differenti u li ma setgħetx tiġi evitata. " Hence, World Youth Day 2008 featured the theme: "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses. " He continued: "In these more illuminated times, however, it should be known that the spread of disease to apocass, the destruction of a large number of large buffalo flocks, the use of poisonous alcohol that destroys the brain and body, and the killing of frightened women and children has resulted in tragedy on a terrible scale that cannot be ruled out as if it were merely a consequence of misunderstanding regarding the different, unavoidable way of life. " Dawn l - inkarigi kollha ngħataw minn Alla, u b'hekk huma importanti. (a) How may Christians be tested as to " marrying in the Lord '? All these assignments were given by God, and they are thus important. Qabel ma tistudja, itlob. A Lack of Respect for Life Before you study, pray. U jagħmel sens li tirraġuna li iktar ma tkun kumplessa l - informazzjoni, iktar ikun hemm bżonn taʼ intelliġenza biex tiktibha. Fighting Obesity - Is It Worth the Effort? And it makes sense to reason that the more complex the information is, the more intelligence is needed to write it. Tlabt lil Ġeħova jagħtini l - għerf u l - paċenzja. To remain in God's love, we cannot allow our conscience to become insensitive to sin. I asked Jehovah to give me wisdom and patience. Għall - ewwel, forsi ma togħġbokx ir - riħa qawwija tagħha. But the Israelites rejected Jehovah's direction and did not exercise faith, so most of them did not enter into that rest. At first, you may not like its strong smell. Is - Sultan Manasse tal - Lhudija bena artali għal Bagħal, ġagħal lil uliedu jgħaddu min - nar, ħeġġeġ prattiċi spiritistiċi, u bena artali reliġjużi fil - btieħi tat - tempju. That was the custom of pioneers then. King Manasseh of Judea built altars for Baal, caused his children to pass through fire, encouraged spiritistic practices, and built religious altars in temple courtyards. Dan l - għoti volontarju wera l - imħabba Kristjana fl - azzjoni. - 1 Ġwanni 3: 18. He bore no love for Elijah either. This voluntary giving showed Christian love in action. - 1 John 3: 18. Meta jinqalgħu l - problemi, ma joqogħdux jipprovaw itemmu ż - żwieġ. This was clearly evident in the reassuring words he spoke to his apostles on the final night of his earthly life. When problems arise, they do not try to end the marriage. Bl - istruzzjonijiet mill - kwartieri ġenerali, ivvjaġġajna lejn ir - Rodeżja taʼ Fuq (illum iz - Zambja). This means that anyone who wants to become Jesus ' follower must make certain sacrifices. With instructions from headquarters, we traveled to Northern Rodesia (now Zambia). Is - serħan, jekk kien hemm, kien ikun għal ftit ħin biss. Christian parents cannot afford to abdicate their responsibility to control their children's choice of music and entertainment just because the parents have difficulty understanding the language. The relief, if any, would be only for a short time. Matul Marzu, provvediment speċjali ppermetta lill - pijunieri awżiljarji biex jagħżlu jekk għandhomx jiddedikaw 30 jew 50 siegħa għas - servizz tal - għalqa. The following year, I was transferred to the Finnish embassy in Argentina. During March, a special provision allowed auxiliary pioneers to choose whether to dedicate 30 or 50 hours to field service. Tweġibiet Prattiċi għall - Mistoqsijiet Tagħhom, kif ukoll il - vidjo li jismu Young People Ask - How Can I Make Real Friends? Can we be more precise? Practical Answers to Their Questions, as well as the video Young People Ask - How Can I Make Real Friends? L - ewwel istruzzjoni li Ġesù ta lid - dixxipli tiegħu wara li stabbilixxa l - Mafkar taʼ mewtu kienet xi ħaġa ġdida. In order to have similar strength and ability, we need to draw close to Jehovah by taking full advantage of all the provisions he has made to fill us with his spirit. Jesus ' first instruction to his disciples after establishing the Memorial of his death was new. Ġeħova saħansitra għenna nifhmu ġrajjiet li ma stajniex naraw b'għajnejna - il - ħatra taʼ Ġesù bħala Sultan, il - gwerra fis - sema, u t - twaddib għal isfel taʼ Satana lejn l - art. Whatever the case, the wise one fares better than the foolish one. Jehovah has even helped us to understand unseen events - Jesus ' appointment as King, the heavenly war, and Satan's downwitting to the earth. (Aqra.) The disciples must have wondered how they could do this work despite all these difficulties. (Read.) Għala nieħdu pjaċir naqdu lil Jehovah u lil sħabna fit - twemmin? (b) Why did Jehovah forgive Hezekiah? Why do we enjoy serving Jehovah and fellow believers? Bħaz - zokk il - fergħa, jgħid il - Malti. Hence, the preference of one Christian may differ from that of others. Like the branch stake, says the Maltese. L - appostlu Pawlu kiteb: "Il - Liġi kienet tmexxina qisna tfal lejn Kristu. " [ Credit Line] The apostle Paul wrote: "The Law has led us as children to Christ. " It - tweġiba tinsab f'jerġaʼ paradoss ieħor dwar il - bniedem - il - ħarsa tiegħu rigward il - filosofija. Whatever its cause, a need always to be perfect can damage your life. The answer lies in another paradox about mankind - his view of philosophy. Xi ngħidu għal Jum il - Milied stess? I was born in 1952 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., but I grew up in New Smyrna Beach, Florida. What about Christmas Day itself? 12, 13. (a) X'inhi l - ġenna spiritwali? Why did God's Word so deeply touch the king's heart? 12, 13. (a) What is the spiritual paradise? Għaldaqstant, il - Jum Dinji taż - Żgħażagħ 2008 kellu t - tema: "Intom ikollkom qawwa, meta jiġi l - Ispirtu s - Santu fuqkom, u tkunu xhud tiegħi. " In China, however, more women than men succeed. Hence, World Youth Day 2008 had the theme: "You have power, when the holy spirit comes upon you, and you will be a witness to me. " (a) Il - Kristjani kif jistgħu jgħaddu minn prova rigward li " jiżżewġu fil - Mulej '? ● Take care of yourself. (a) How can Christians prove that they " marry in the Lord "? Nuqqas taʼ Rispett Lejn il - Ħajja Babylonian stela depicting King Nazimaruttash with constellations Lack of Respect for Life Il - Ġlieda Kontra l - Obeżità - Jiswa li Tagħmel Sforz? Love also motivated Epaphras, Luke, Onesiphorus, and others to help the apostle while he was imprisoned in Rome. The Fight Against Obesity - Is It Wise to Effort? Sabiex nibqgħu fl - imħabba t'Alla, ma nistgħux inħallu lill - kuxjenza tagħna ssir insensittiva għad - dnub. The answer to that last question is particularly important. To remain in God's love, we cannot allow our conscience to become insensitive to sin. Imma l - Iżraelin irrifjutaw id - direzzjoni taʼ Ġeħova u ma wrewx fidi, u b'hekk il - maġġorparti minnhom ma daħlux f'dak il - mistrieħ. Our hard work in the Christian ministry must stem from right motives. But the Israelites rejected Jehovah's direction and did not show faith, so that most of them did not enter that rest. Hekk kienet id - drawwa tal - pijunieri dak iż - żmien. The inspired record states that it was "from infancy " - in other words, from the time Timothy was a baby. That was the custom of the pioneers at the time. Lanqas hu ma kien iġerrgħu lil Elija. Read Proverbs 22: 15. Nor did he pour Elijah. Dan kien evidenti b'mod ċar mill - kliem rassiguranti li qal lid - dixxipli tiegħu fl - aħħar lejl taʼ ħajtu fuq l - art. Whether we embraced true worship recently or decades ago, reflecting on reasons for following the Christ will help us to apply Paul's exhortation and follow Him ever more fully in our daily lives. This was clearly evident from the reassuring words he told his disciples on the last night of his earthly life. Dan ifisser li kulmin irid isir segwaċi taʼ Ġesù jrid jagħmel ċerti sagrifiċċji speċifiċi. Consider a striking example of spiritual food received in the right season. This means that anyone who wants to become a follower of Jesus must make certain specific sacrifices. Ġenituri Kristjani ma jistgħu qatt iċedu r - responsabbiltà tagħhom li jikkontrollaw x'tip taʼ mużika u divertiment jagħżlu wliedhom sempliċement għaliex il - ġenituri ma tantx jifhmu l - lingwa. In that weakened condition, we are vulnerable and in danger of being " struck down ' by pressures we otherwise would have dealt with successfully. Christian parents can never give up their responsibility to control what kind of music and entertainment their children choose simply because parents do not understand the language. Is - sena taʼ wara, ġejt trasferit fl - ambaxxata Finlandiża fl - Arġentina. " If you are committed to your marriage, you allow yourself to be wronged. The following year, I was transferred to the Finnish embassy in Argentina. Nistgħu nkunu iktar preċiżi? Her teacher told her that it was one of the best essays she had ever read. Can we be more accurate? Sabiex aħna jkollna l - istess saħħa u abbiltà għandna bżonn nersqu eqreb lejn Ġeħova billi nieħdu vantaġġ sħiħ mill - provvedimenti kollha li għamel biex jimliena bl - ispirtu tiegħu. All of this can be done in hopes that he will take Scriptural counsel to heart. To have the same strength and ability we need to draw closer to Jehovah by taking full advantage of all the provisions he has made to fill us with his spirit. Hu x'inhu l - każ, ir - riżultat taʼ l - għaqli se jkun aħjar minn dak taʼ l - iblah. How can we avoid the Devil's snares? In any case, the result of the wise one will be better than that of the foolish one. Id - dixxipli żgur li ħasbu dwar kif kien se jirnexxilhom jagħmlu dan ix - xogħol minkejja dawn id - diffikultajiet kollha. 19, 20. The disciples surely thought about how they would do this work despite all these difficulties. (b) Ġeħova għala ħafer lil Ħeżekija? We too should seek Jehovah's guidance before making decisions that affect our spirituality. (b) Why did Jehovah forgive Hezekiah? Għalhekk, dak li jippreferi Kristjan wieħed jistaʼ jkun differenti minn dak li jippreferu l - oħrajn. The "heavenly bodies " of spirit creatures differ in glory from" earthly bodies " of flesh. Thus, what one Christian prefers may be different from what others prefer. [ Sors] He was never distracted by what the world could offer. [ Credit Line] Ikun xi jkun il - kaġun, il - fatt li dejjem tkun trid tkun perfett jistaʼ jħassarlek ħajtek. Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Whatever the cause, perfectness can damage your life. Twilidt fl - 1952 f'Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, l - Istati Uniti, iżda trabbejt fi New Smyrna Beach, Florida. They are ashamed to admit that they are being abused. I was born in 1952 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., but grew up in New Smyrna Beach, Florida. Il - Kelma t'Alla għala qanqlitlu qalbu daqshekk lis - sultan? One month later he started preaching: "Everyone in the area wanted to know why I had become a Witness. " Why did God's Word move the king so much? Madankollu, fiċ - Ċina n - nisa jirnexxu iktar mill - irġiel. " Just knowing that teachers, babysitters, or older children could hurt him concerned me very much. In China, however, women are more successful than men. ● Ħu ħsieb tiegħek innifsek. Women who have an abortion do so for various reasons, including economic hardship, relationship problems, the desire for freedom to pursue further education or a career, or not wanting to be a single mother. ● Take care of yourself. Ġebla Babiloniża li għandha mnaqqax fuqha stampa tas - Sultan Nażimaruttas bil - Kostellazzjonijiet How may we be able to expand our ministry? A Babylonian stone that has an inscribed picture of King Nazismaruttas with constellations L - imħabba qanqlet ukoll lil Epafra, Luqa, Onesiforu, u oħrajn biex jgħinu lill - appostlu meta dan kien il - ħabs f'Ruma. Look up the scriptures. Love also moved Epaphras, Luke, Onesiforu, and others to help the apostle when he was in prison in Rome. It - tweġiba għal din l - aħħar mistoqsija hija importanti b'mod partikulari. Chapters 46 to 51 relate the word that Jeremiah speaks concerning the nations. The answer to this last question is particularly important. Ix - xogħol iebes tagħna fil - ministeru Kristjan għandu jiġi minn motivi tajbin. I burst into tears, explained the situation, and asked for help. Our hard work in the Christian ministry should come from good motives. Ir - rakkont ispirat jgħid li kien " minn mindu kien tarbija. ' Any praise uttered by such individuals was meaningless. The inspired account says that he was "since he was a child. " Aqra Proverbji 22: 15. / CORBIS Read Proverbs 22: 15. Sew jekk ħaddanna l - qima vera dan l - aħħar u sew jekk ħafna snin ilu, jekk nirriflettu dwar ir - raġunijiet għala għandna nimxu wara l - Kristu se niġu megħjunin napplikaw it - twissija taʼ Pawlu u nimxu wara l - Kristu dejjem iktar bis - sħiħ fil - ħajja tagħna taʼ kuljum. Picking Up Prophetic Strands Whether we have embraced true worship recently or many years ago, reflecting on the reasons for following the Christ will help us to apply Paul's admonition and follow the Christ ever more fully in our daily life. Ikkunsidra eżempju li jispikka taʼ ikel spiritwali li ngħata f'waqtu. Samuel was brought up in "the discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah. " Consider an outstanding example of timely spiritual food. Imma anzjan jistaʼ jinnota kif inħossuna u jagħtina l - għajnuna li neħtieġu fil - ħin li jkollna bżonn. They help us to draw close to Jehovah and to sense that he is drawing close to us. But an elder may notice how we feel and give us the help we need at the time we need. " Jekk tkun determinat li tibqaʼ fiż - żwieġ, m'intix se tieħu għalik malajr. Still, faithful Jews, such as Daniel and his three friends, refused to be molded by the people of Babylon. " If you are determined to remain in marriage, you will not take you quickly. L - għalliema qaltilha li din kienet waħda mill - aħjar komponimenti li qatt qrat. be confident that God will rescue you? The teacher told her that this was one of the best essays I have ever read. Dan kollu jistaʼ jsir bit - tama li jobdi l - pariri Skritturali. Females are the larger sex and can weigh in at 20 pounds [9 kg]. All of this can be done with the hope of obeying Scriptural counsel. Kif nistgħu nevitaw in - nases tax - Xitan? That allows pioneers and others who do not have a lot of money to have a meeting place without having to pay rent. How can we avoid the snares of the Devil? 19, 20 Min kien Nimrod, u l - bnedmin xi pprovaw jagħmlu meta kien qed jaħkem hu? When the Witnesses arrived to take her to the assembly, Kyriacos told them: "You go on ahead. We'll follow you in our car. " 19, 20 Who was Nimrod, and what did humans try to do when he was ruling? Aħna wkoll għandna nfittxu l - gwida taʼ Ġeħova qabel ma nieħdu xi deċiżjonijiet li se jeffettwaw l - ispiritwalità tagħna. Jesus thus instructed his followers to avoid unnecessary distractions and make the most of their time. We too should seek Jehovah's guidance before making decisions that will affect our spirituality. L - "iġsma tas - sema " taʼ ħlejjaq spirti huma differenti f'dik li hi glorja mill - " iġsma taʼ l - art " tal - laħam. For good reason, it has been described as religious fiction and as a legend. The "heavenly bodies " of spirit creatures are different in what is glory from the" bodies of the earth " of the flesh. Qatt ma ġie aljenat minn dak li kellha x'toffri d - dinja. The faithful and discreet slave today is represented by the Governing Body, who take the lead and coordinate the Kingdom - preaching work throughout the earth. He was never distracted by what the world had to offer. Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Why is that important? Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Jistħu jammettu li qed jiġu abbużati. All such practices are condemned - either explicitly or by implication - in God's Word. - Leviticus 20: 10, 13, 15, 16; Romans 1: 24, 26, 27, 32. They can admit that they are being abused. Xahar wara beda jippriedka: "Fin - naħa taʼ fejn noqgħod, kulħadd ried ikun jaf għala sirt Xhud. " While Christmas celebrations become ever more extravagant, knowledge of Christ diminishes. One month later he preached: "In the area where I live, everyone wanted to know why I became a Witness. " Il - fatt li kont naf li xi għalliema, babysitters, u tfal akbar minnu setgħu jagħmlulu l - ħsara kien ikiddni ferm. But the religious leaders were not interested. I knew that some teachers, babysitters, and older children could harm him greatly. Fost ir - raġunijiet hemm problemi ekonomiċi, problemi maʼ tal - familja, ix - xewqa li jkollhom iktar libertà biex ikunu jistgħu jistudjaw jew biex ikollhom karriera, jew ma jkunux iridu jrabbu t - tarbija waħedhom. [ Picture on page 12] Among the reasons are economic problems, family problems, the desire to have more freedom to study or to have a career, or they do not want to raise the child alone. Kif nistgħu nagħmlu iktar u nitjiebu fil - ministeru tagħna? As she learned about Jehovah, she wanted to express her love for him. How can we do more and improve our ministry? Fittex l - iskritturi. With repeated tests, their answers got closer together until a "group norm " was established. Look for the scriptures. Kapitli 46 sa 51 jitkellmu dwar il - messaġġ li jagħti Ġeremija dwar il - ġnus. Would he fit in with the crowd of his day? Chapters 46 to 51 speak of Jeremiah's message about the nations. Infqajt nibki, spjegajt is - sitwazzjoni, u saqsejthom għall - għajnuna. Jesus said: "Who of you will have a friend and will go to him at midnight and say to him, " Friend, loan me three loaves, because a friend of mine has just come to me on a journey and I have nothing to set before him '? I kept crying, explained the situation, and asked them for help. Kwalunkwe tifħir li lissnu nies bħal dawn ma kien ifisser xejn. In the initial outworking of those promises, Abraham's seed became the nation of Israel. Any praise expressed by such people did not mean anything. / CORBIS Those who love him thus feel impelled to tell the truth about him, setting the record straight. / CORBIS Immissu xi Elementi Profetiċi With my husband, Petr Touches some Prophetic Elements Samwel trabba "fid - dixxiplina u l - gwida mentali taʼ Ġeħova. " ASIA MINOR Samuel grew up "in the discipline and mental - regulating of Jehovah. " Jgħinna nersqu qrib lejn Jehovah kif ukoll jgħinna nħossu li hu qed jersaq qrib lejna. Humility, 11 / 1 It helps us to draw close to Jehovah as well as to feel that he is drawing close to us. Minkejja dan, Lhud leali, bħal pereżempju Danjel u t - tlett iħbieb tiegħu, irrifjutaw li jiġu msawrin min - nies taʼ Babilonja. Desiring to find "a resting - place, " or home, for her daughter - in - law, Naomi seizes the moment to arrange for the request of repurchasing, in harmony with God's Law. Nevertheless, faithful Jews, such as Daniel and his three friends, refused to be beaten by the people of Babylon. tkun fiduċjuż li Alla se jsalvak? The snares of some plants move even faster than that. be confident that God will save you? In - nisa huma akbar u jistgħu jiżnu sa disaʼ kilogrammi. Mark Sanderson, now a member of the Brooklyn Bethel family, gave a report on the Philippines. Women are older and can weigh up to nine pounds [9 kg]. Dan jippermetti lill - pijunieri u oħrajn li ma tantx għandhom flus sabiex ikollhom post fejn jiltaqgħu mingħajr ma jkollhom iħallsu l - kera. The birthright thus went to Jacob, not to his older brother, who did not appreciate it. This allows pioneers and others who have little money to have a meeting place without having to pay rent. Meta x - Xhieda waslu biex jiħduha l - assemblea, Kyriacos qalilhom: "Morru, iss'aħna nsuqu warajkom. " We Must Love Kindness When the Witnesses arrived at the assembly, Kyriacos told them: "Go, we will drive after you. " Għalhekk, Ġesù għallem lis - segwaċi tiegħu biex jevitaw aljenazzjonijiet mhux neċessarji u biex jużaw il - ħin tagħhom bil - għaqal. " To [Shiloh] the obedience of the peoples will belong. " - GENESIS 49: 10. So Jesus taught his followers to avoid unnecessary distractions and to use their time wisely. Għal raġuni valida, ġie deskritt bħala rakkont reliġjuż ivvintat u leġġenda. At the end of the messages to those congregations, he declared: "Let the one who has an ear hear what the spirit says to the congregations. " - Rev. For a valid reason, it has been described as an invented religious account and legend. L - ilsir leali u għaqli llum hu rappreżentat mill - Ġemgħa li Tiggverna, li qed tmexxi u torganizza x - xogħol taʼ l - ippridkar madwar l - art kollha. Some people believe that fate or predestination, not personal choice, controls their life. The faithful and discreet slave today is represented by the Governing Body, which is ruling and organizing the preaching work all over the earth. iddiskutew problemi komplikati bħalma huma d - dipressjoni u l - abbuż fuq it - tfal. The director requested 20 copies of the brochure and asked that the hospice be contacted every two or three months to replenish copies. They discussed such complicated problems as depression and child abuse. Dan għala hu importanti? Young ones do well to lean on Jehovah in all that they do. Why is this important? Dawn il - prattiċi kollha huma kundannati fil - Kelma t'Alla, sew jekk b'mod dirett u sew jekk b'mod indirett. - Levitiku 20: 10, 13, 15, 16; Rumani 1: 24, 26, 27, 32. IN THE preceding two articles, we learned that when Moses came down from Mount Sinai, his face emanated rays that reflected Jehovah's glory. All these practices are condemned in God's Word, either directly or indirectly. - Leviticus 20: 10, 13, 15, 16; Romans 1: 24, 26, 27, 32. Filwaqt li ċ - ċelebrazzjonijiet tal - Milied qed isiru iktar elaborati, l - għarfien dwar Kristu qed jonqos. The marks still remain undeciphered. While Christmas celebrations are becoming more elaborate, knowledge of Christ is decreasing. Imma l - mexxejja reliġjużi ma kinux interessati. 82: 1, 6 - Who are called "gods " and" sons of the Most High "? But religious leaders were not interested. [ Stampa f'paġna 12] Jehovah's Witnesses strive to imitate Jesus ' methods in their ministry. [ Picture on page 12] Hekk kif tgħallmet dwar Jehovah, riedet tesprimi mħabbitha lejh. (b) What will we discuss in the next article? As she learned about Jehovah, she wanted to express her love for him. Wara li t - test sar għal diversi drabi, it - tweġibiet tagħhom saru iktar u iktar bħal taʼ xulxin sakemm inħoloq "group norm, " jew ħsieb komuni. A common language preserves the bond between grandparents and grandchildren After the test was carried out on several occasions, their answers became more and more mutually-like until a "group norm, " or common thinking was created. Kien se jimxi max - xejra tan - nies taʼ żmienu? To that end, we use his written Word in an effort to help others to see the importance of drawing close to God. - Jas. Would he follow the pattern of his contemporaries? Ġesù qal: "Min minnkom ikollu ħabib u jmur għandu f'nofsillejl u jgħidlu, " Ħabib, islifni tliet ħobżiet, għax għadu kif ġie għandi ħabib tiegħi li qed jivvjaġġa u m'għandi xejn xi nqiegħed quddiemu '? But I drew close to God, and he comforted me. Jesus said: "Who of you will have a friend and go to him at midnight and say, " A friend, I have lost three loaves, for I have just come to have my traveling friend and have nothing to put before him '? Fl - ewwel twettiq taʼ dawn il - wegħdi, in - nisel t'Abraham sar il - ġens taʼ Israel. In 1978, my wife and I traveled to Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, to attend an international convention. In the first fulfillment of these promises, Abraham's offspring became the nation of Israel. Għalhekk, dawk li jħobbuh iħossuhom imqanqlin biex jgħidu l - verità dwaru, billi jikkoreġu l - informazzjoni ħażina. Disfellowship for uncleanness? Therefore, those who love him feel moved to tell the truth about him, correcting wrong information. Maʼ żewġi, Petr When preparing for Christian meetings, we do well to look up the cited Scriptures and to try to discern how each applies to the subject at hand. With my husband, Petr Il - Baħar Mediterran (Read 2 Thessalonians 3: 1 - 5.) Mediterranean Sea Kif Tistaʼ Turi l - Ħniena? Thus began the modern - day search for extraterrestrial intelligence. How Can You Show Mercy? Peress li xtaqet tara lill - mara taʼ binha " miġbura ' jew ikollha darha, Nagħomi taħtaf l - opportunità biex tagħmel arranġamenti ħalli titlob id - dritt tal - fidwa, fi qbil mal - liġi t'Alla. You can see that from Matthew 22: 37 - 39, where Jesus showed that among the commandments and corresponding principles of the Mosaic Law, some were more important than others. Wanting to see her son's wife "pooled ' or having her home, Naomi recognized the opportunity to make arrangements to claim the right to the ransom, in harmony with God's law. In - nases taʼ ċerti pjanti jgħaġġlu saħansitra iktar minn hekk. In his fifth book, he quotes this ancient proverb: "He who ploughs the olive - grove, asks it for fruit; he who manures it, begs for fruit; he who lops it, forces it to yield fruit. " The traps of certain plants speed up even more. Mark Sanderson, li issa huwa membru tal - familja Betel fi Brooklyn, ta rapport mill - Filippini. How can we do so during "the day of Jehovah's fury " that is soon to begin? Mark Sanderson, now a member of the Bethel family in Brooklyn, gave a report from the Philippines. Il - primoġenitura b'hekk għaddiet għal għand Ġakobb, u mhux għand ħuh, li xejn ma kien japprezzaha. Checking those references and reading the material together will help you to get an objective view of your problem. The primer thus moved to Jacob, not his brother, who appreciated her. Irridu Nħobbu l - Qalb Tajba Visualize the scene. We Need to Love Kindness " [Minn Silo] l - ġnus jisimgħu. " - Ġenesi 49: 10. God said: "I have looked at this people and here it is a stiff - necked people. " From [Silo] the nations will hear. " - Genesis 49: 10. Fl - aħħar tal - messaġġi lil dawn il - kongregazzjonijiet, hu ddikjara: "Min għandu widnejn ħa jismaʼ dak li jgħid l - ispirtu lill - kongregazzjonijiet. " - Riv. Fear Jehovah and turn away from bad. " At the end of the messages to these congregations, he declared: "Let the one having an ear hear what the spirit says to the congregations. " - Rev. Xi nies jemmnu li l - ħajja hi kkontrollata mid - destin, u mhux mill - għażliet li dak li jkun jagħmel. * - Acts 20: 29, 30. Some people believe that life is controlled by fate, not by choices. Id - direttur talab 20 kopja tal - browxer u staqsa biex xi ħadd iżur l - ospizju kull xahrejn jew tlieta sabiex jagħtih iktar kopji taʼ dan il - browxer. No doubt Hezekiah viewed this son as a gift resulting from God's mercy and tried to instill in him a love for pure worship. The director requested 20 copies of the brochure and asked to visit the hostium every two to three months in order to provide him with more copies of this brochure. Ikun tajjeb li ż - żgħażagħ jistrieħu fuq Ġeħova f'dak kollu li jagħmlu. Christian activities are always refreshing. It is good for young ones to rely on Jehovah in everything they do. FIŻ - ŻEWĠ artikli taʼ qabel, tgħallimna li meta Mosè niżel minn fuq il - Muntanja Sinaj, wiċċu kien qed jiddi bir - raġġi li rriflettew il - glorja taʼ Ġeħova. In all that panorama, though, there was nothing like Sarah's hometown. IN THE two preceding articles, we learned that when Moses went down from Mount Sinai, his face was shine with the rays that reflected Jehovah's glory. Il - marki għadhom mhumiex iddeċifrati. " Spiders which should be juveniles at this time of year are already adults, " he said. Marks are not yet deciphered. 82: 1, 6 - Għal min jirreferu t - termini "allat " u" wlied l - Għoli "? What is God's name? 82: 1, 6 - To whom do the terms "gods " and" sons of the Most High refer? " Ix - Xhieda taʼ Jehovah jagħmlu ħilithom kollha biex jimitaw il - metodi taʼ Ġesù fil - ministeru tagħhom. Jesus also urged us to act in harmony with such prayers by "seeking first the kingdom and [God's] righteousness. " - Matt. Jehovah's Witnesses strive to imitate Jesus ' methods in their ministry. (b) X'se niddiskutu fl - artiklu li jmiss? Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, Spain (b) What will we discuss in the next article? Meta n - nanniet u n - neputijiet jitkellmu l - istess lingwa, dan jippreserva r - rabta taʼ bejniethom [ Footnote] When grandparents and grandchildren speak the same language, it preserves their bond Għalhekk, aħna nużaw il - Kelma tiegħu biex ngħinu lil oħrajn jaraw l - importanza li jersqu qrib lejn Alla. - Ġak. Has prayer proved to be effective in coping with the emotional anxieties associated with economic hardship, sexual and verbal abuse, or the death of a loved one? Therefore, we use his Word to help others see the importance of drawing close to God. - Jas. Imma rsaqt qrib lejn Alla, u hu farraġni. Croatian delegates in Frankfurt were delighted to receive the "New World Translation " in their own language But I drew close to God, and he comforted me. Fl - 1978, jien u marti vvjaġġajna sa Port Moresby, il - Papwa Ginea Ġdida, biex nattendu konvenzjoni internazzjonali. He pointedly told his listeners: "Stop storing up for yourselves treasures on the earth... In 1978, my wife and I traveled to Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, to attend an international convention. Il - Flokk tas - Suf, 8 / 1 Although I was not aware that I had any prejudice against blacks, I was initially uncomfortable being there. Jehovah's Witnesses, 8 / 15 Meta nippreparaw għal - laqgħat Kristjani nagħmlu tajjeb jekk infittxu l - iskritturi ċitati u nipprovaw nifhmu kif kull waħda tapplika għas - suġġett li jkun qed jiġi kunsidrat. When Mother showed me to her, she went to speak with the priest. When we prepare for Christian meetings, we do well to seek the cited scriptures and try to understand how each applies to the subject under consideration. (Aqra t - 2 Tessalonikin 3: 1 - 5.) What an experience it will be to see the complete sanctification of Jehovah's name! - Ezek. (Read 2 Thessalonians 3: 1 - 5.) B'hekk beda t - tfittix għall - intelliġenza estraterrestrijali taʼ żmienna. Jehovah is using his angels to direct sincere people to his Witnesses. Thus began the search for modern - day extraterrestrial intelligence. Dan nistgħu narawh minn Mattew 22: 37 - 39, fejn Ġesù wera li fost il - kmandamenti u l - prinċipji relatati mal - Liġi Mosajka, xi wħud kienu iktar importanti minn oħrajn. Baal worship was eradicated from Israel. This can be seen from Matthew 22: 37 - 39, where Jesus showed that among the commandments and principles related to the Mosaic Law, some were more important than others. Fil - ħames ktieb tiegħu hu kkwota dan il - proverbju tal - qedem: "Dak li jaħrat il - masġar taż - żebbuġ, jitolbu jagħti l - frott; dak li jdemmlu, jitolbu bil - ħniena jagħti l - frott; dak li jiżbru, jisforzah jagħti l - frott. " [ Picture Credit Lines on page 17] In his fifth book he quoted this ancient proverb: "The one who grabs the olive trees, pray to bear fruit; the one who is bloodful, pray to bear fruit; the one who is sowing, is forcing him to bear fruit. " Kif nistgħu nagħmlu dan matul "jum il - qilla taʼ Ġeħova " li se jibda dalwaqt? Our spiritual food is solid, and thorough digestion is needed for us to benefit fully. - Hebrews 5: 14; 10: 24. How can we do so during "the day of Jehovah's anger " that will soon begin? Se tiġu megħjunin tiksbu ħarsa reali tal - problema tagħkom jekk tiċċekkjaw dawn ir - referenzi u taqraw il - materjal flimkien. The provision of having such men appointed is "with a view to the readjustment of the holy ones,... for the building up of the body of the Christ. " You will be helped to gain a real view of your problem by checking these references and reading the material together. Ġib ix - xena quddiem għajnejk. What was true in the time of Elisha is true in our day: "There are more who are with us than those who are with them. " Visualize the scene. Alla qal: "Jien ħarist lejn dan il - poplu, u, ara, hu poplu rasu iebsa. (b) Even though they needed some correction, what would it be wrong to assume? God said: "I have looked at this people, and look! Ibżaʼ minn Ġeħova u warrab mill - ħażen. " In 1962, I married Cloris Knoche, a lively redheaded pioneer. Fear Jehovah and turn away from bad. " * - Atti 20: 29, 30. But Jehovah never abandoned Enoch; neither will he abandon his faithful servants today! * - Acts 20: 29, 30. Bla dubju, Ħeżekija kien iqis lil dan l - iben bħala rigal grazzi għall - ħniena t'Alla u pprova jnaqqax fih imħabba għall - qima pura. Eager for consensus, he sought to establish, and then enforce, "correct " doctrine. No doubt Hezekiah viewed this son as a gift thanks to God's mercy and tried to instill in him a love of pure worship. Attivitajiet Kristjani dejjem huma rifreskanti. In the past, we have stated in our publications that these last four references apply to Jesus ' arriving, or coming, in 1918. Christian activities are always refreshing. Tħares fejn tħares f'dik il - veduta, xejn ma kien hemm bħall - belt taʼ Sara. Contrasting the wise and the foolish, Solomon states: "The one wise in heart will accept commandments, but the one foolish with his lips will be trodden down. " No matter where you look in that view, there was nothing like Sarah's city. Muñoz jemmen li r - riżultat għal dawk li jaraw ħafna televixin, u b'hekk ma jmorrux tajjeb fl - iskola, hu "li jdumu biex jilħqu l - maturità u għandhom inqas kapaċità li jifhmu. " It contains practical advice that I can use every day. " Muñoz believes that the result for those who see much television, and thus do not do well at school, is "timely to reach maturity and less understanding. " X'jismu Alla? We know that the elders there were quick to follow Paul's direction because some months later, he commended them in the second letter he wrote to them. What is God's name? Ġesù ħeġġiġna wkoll biex naġixxu fi qbil maʼ talb bħal dan billi " nibqgħu nfittxu l - ewwel is - saltna u s - sewwa ' t'Alla. - Mt. In fact, it can make you a stronger person. Jesus also urged us to act in harmony with such prayers by "keep on seeking first the kingdom and righteousness " of God. - Matt. Il - katidral taʼ Santiago de Compostela, Spanja How happy Jehovah must be to observe an ever - growing number of young brothers and sisters all around the world who "offer themselves willingly " to preach the good news of his Kingdom in remote areas! Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, Spain [ Nota taʼ taħt] The loop is named after Sir Gilbert Walker, the British scientist who studied the process in the 1920 ' s. [ Footnote] Ħassejt int li t - talb kien effettiv u li għenek meta ġejt f'sitwazzjoni fejn kont ansjuż emozzjonalment minħabba xi tbatija ekonomika, xi abbuż sesswali u verbali, jew meta mietlek xi ħadd li kont tħobb? In each case, we will find that an appreciation for the principles behind these laws is vital if we are to meet the challenges that characterize our times. Have you felt that prayer was effective and that it helped you when you came into a situation where I was emotionally anxious because of economic hardship, sexual and verbal abuse, or when someone you loved died? Id - delegati Kroati fi Frankfurt ferħu meta rċivew in - "New World Translation " bil - lingwa tagħhom stess These wicked people act in a way that makes them seem like wild animals or even demons. Croatian delegates in Frankfurt rejoiced when they received the "New World Translation " in their own language Hu qal ċar u tond lis - semmiegħa tiegħu: "Tibqgħux taħżnu teżori fuq l - art... All supplications, therefore, to saints or angels are not only useless, but blasphemous. He clearly said to his listeners: "Stop storing up treasures on the earth... Għalkemm ma kontx naf li kelli xi preġudizzju kontra s - suwed, għall - ewwel bdejt inħossni skomda hemmhekk. Cataloging: The Writing Archives collection is made up of thousands of items, some more than a century old. Although I didn't know that I had prejudice against blacks, at first I began to feel uncomfortable there. Meta ommi wrietha lili, din il - mara marret tkellem lill - qassis. Do not forget, Jehovah protects his servants by " not letting them be tempted beyond what they can bear. ' When Mother showed me, this woman went to speak to the priest. X'esperjenza se tkun din li tara t - taqdis komplet taʼ isem Ġeħova! - Eżek. 21 "Do You Love Me More Than These? " What an experience it will be to see the complete sanctification of Jehovah's name! - Ezek. Ġeħova qed juża l - anġli tiegħu sabiex jidderieġi lin - nies sinċieri lejn ix - Xhieda tiegħu. When managed properly, however, money can be a useful tool. Jehovah is using his angels to direct sincere people to his Witnesses. Il - qima taʼ Bagħal tneħħiet kompletament minn Iżrael. In one city in Indonesia, the brothers invited their neighbors, the mayor, and other officials to see their new Kingdom Hall. Baal worship was completely removed from Israel. [ Sorsi taʼ l - Istampa f'paġna 17] Clearly, someone "laid its cornerstone " in the right place. [ Picture Credit Lines on page 17] L - ikel spiritwali tagħna huwa solidu, u hemm bżonn li nomogħduh sew biex nibbenefikaw bis - sħiħ. - Lhud 5: 14; 10: 24. (b) In this time of the end, how have the other sheep done good to Christ's brothers? Our spiritual food is solid, and we need to hate it firmly to benefit fully. - Hebrews 5: 14; 10: 24. Il - provvediment li jinħatru rġiel bħal dawn hu "bil - ħsieb li jerġgħu jiġu aġġustati l - qaddisin,... biex jinbena l - ġisem tal - Kristu. " " Carry On as Men " The provision for such men to be appointed is "with the intention of readjustment of the holy ones,... to build up the body of the Christ. " Dak li kien minnu fi żmien Eliżew hu minnu wkoll fi żmienna: "Hemm... aktar magħna milli magħhom. " Can You Explain? What was true of Elisha's day is also true in our time: "There is... more with us than with them. " (b) Għalkemm kellu bżonn ftit korrezzjoni, xi jkun ħażin li naħsbu? For good instruction is what I certainly shall give to you. My law do not leave. " - Proverbs 4: 1, 2. (b) Although he needed some correction, what would be wrong to think? Fl - 1962, iżżewwiġt lil Cloris Knoche, pijuniera fuq tagħha b'xagħarha aħmar. True Christians strive to be honest, diligent, and conscientious workers. In 1962, I married Cloris Knoche, a pioneer on her hair with red. Imma Ġeħova qatt m'abbanduna lil Enok u lanqas mhu se jabbanduna lill - qaddejja leali tiegħu llum! In many countries employers and drivers are required by law to carry liability insurance to help pay these expenses. But Jehovah has never abandoned Enoch nor will he abandon his faithful servants today! Ħerqan biex isib qbil, hu pprova jistabbilixxi mbagħad impona, duttrina "tajba. " Need for Public Awareness Fortune to find an agreement, he tried to establish then to impose, a doctrine "good. " Fil - passat, fil - pubblikazzjonijiet tagħna għedna li dawn l - aħħar erbaʼ referenzi japplikaw għall - wasla, jew miġja, taʼ Ġesù fl - 1918. Storrs was not putting together scriptures that supported his view while ignoring others. In the past, we said in our publications that these last four references apply to Jesus ' arrival, or coming, in 1918. Salamun jagħmel kuntrast bejn l - għaref u l - iblah billi jistqarr: "Min hu tassew għaref jilqaʼ l - kmandamenti, iżda min hu iblah fi kliemu jiġi fl - għali. " (b) How can knowledge of God's personality benefit a Bible student? Solomon contrasts the wise with the foolish one by stating: "The one who is truly wise will receive the commandments, but the one who is foolish will come in his own words in the lowly one. " Fiha pariri prattiċi li nistaʼ nużahom fil - ħajja taʼ kuljum. " What is the administration's second stage of operation? It contains practical counsel that I can use in everyday life. " Aħna nafu li l - anzjani kienu pronti jsegwu d - direzzjoni taʼ Pawlu għax xi xhur wara, hu faħħarhom fit - tieni ittra li kitbilhom. While we were cautious with the wild animals, this was nothing when compared with what we needed to do in facing various government officials and some irate religious leaders who began to oppose our Kingdom - preaching work quite openly. We know that the elders were quick to follow Paul's direction because months later, he commended them in their second letter. Fil - fatt jistaʼ jsaħħaħlek il - personalità tiegħek. The Bible says that "Asa did what was right in the eyes of Jehovah " and that his" heart was complete with Jehovah. " In fact, it can strengthen your personality. Min jaf kemm jithenna Ġeħova meta jara numru li dejjem jiżdied taʼ aħwa żgħażagħ madwar id - dinja kollha li "joffru lilhom infushom minn rajhom " biex jippritkaw l - aħbar tajba tas - Saltna tiegħu fi nħawi iżolati! Christ and his early followers set what example in the ministry? How happy Jehovah must be when he sees an increasing number of young brothers and sisters worldwide who "offer themselves willingly " to preach the good news of his Kingdom in isolated areas! Din il - ħolqa ssemmiet għal Sir Gilbert Walker, ix - xjenzat Britanniku li studja dan il - proċess lejn il - ħabta taʼ l - 1920. " What could be more important than getting the necessities of life? ' This link was mentioned for Sir Gilbert Walker, the British scientist who studied this process toward the time of 1920. F'kull każ, se naraw li l - apprezzament għall - prinċipji li hemm f'dawn il - liġijiet huwa vitali jekk irridu nkampaw maʼ l - isfidi li nġarrbu fi żmienna. A priest and a German - speaking minister awaited us at the police station. In each case, we will see that appreciation for the principles set out in these laws is vital if we are to cope with the challenges we face in our day. Dawn in - nies mill - agħar jaġixxu b'mod li jagħmilhom jidhru bħal annimali selvaġġi jew saħansitra demonji. Soon, wounded and unable to continue, one throws down his arms and kneels, thus recognizing defeat and appealing for mercy. These wicked people act in a way that makes them appear like wild animals or even demons. Għalhekk, is - suppliki kollha lill - qaddisin jew lill - anġli mhux biss huma inutli, imma wkoll dagħwa. Is it really possible that we could become "enraged against Jehovah "? Therefore, all supplications to holy ones or angels are not only useless, but also blasphemy. Klassifikati f'Kategoriji: Il - kollezzjoni tad - Dipartiment tal - Arkivji hi magħmula minn eluf t'affarijiet, u ftit minnhom għandhom iktar minn mitt sena. What role should money or possessions play in our life? Classified in Categories: The collection of the Archives Department is made up of thousands of things, some of which are over a hundred years old. Tinsiex, Ġeħova jipproteġi lill - qaddejja tiegħu billi " ma jħallihomx jiġu ttantati iktar milli jifilħu. ' 6: 13, footnote - What is "the dance of two camps "? Do not forget, Jehovah protects his servants by " preventing them from being tempted beyond what they can bear. " 21 "Tħobbni int iktar minn dawn? " Still, what would you say if someone asked you to prove from the Bible why we can trust resurrection promises that were made hundreds of years ago? 21 "Do you love me more than these? " Madankollu, meta l - flus jitqassmu sew jistgħu jkunu għodda utli. I often had negative feelings about myself, doubting that Jehovah could ever forgive me for all the bad that I had done. When money is widely distributed, however, it can be a useful tool. F'belt fl - Indoneżja, l - aħwa stiednu lill - ġirien tagħhom, is - sindku, u uffiċjali oħra biex jaraw is - Sala tas - Saltna l - ġdida. The expression "bold persistence " occurs only once in the Bible. In a city in Indonesia, the brothers invited their neighbors, the mayor, and other officials to see the new Kingdom Hall. Jidher ċar li xi ħadd "qiegħed ras il - għareb tagħha " fil - post xieraq. Covering knowledge does not mean that one does not display it at all. Clearly, someone "sets the head of her girl " in the right place. (b) F'dan iż - żmien taʼ l - aħħar, in - nagħaġ oħra kif appoġġaw lil ħut Kristu? " There is nothing left on him to beat, " one of the soldiers said. (b) In this time of the end, how did the other sheep support Christ's brothers? " Kunu Rġiel " While sitting in a prison hole in Egypt, Joseph could not have imagined that he would become the second most powerful person in Egypt or that Jehovah would use him to save his family from starvation. " Be Men " Tistaʼ Tispjega? How, specifically, can experienced shepherds train others to care for congregational privileges? Can You Explain? Ir - rabaʼ kapitlu taʼ Proverbji jibda bil - kliem: "Isimgħu, uliedi, it - tagħlim [jew, id - dixxiplina] taʼ missier, qisu li titgħallmu l - għaqal; għax jien tagħlim tajjeb nagħtikom; għalhekk tinsewx twissijieti. " - Proverbji 4: 1, 2. As Jesus said, Jehovah knows every detail about us. The fourth chapter of Proverbs begins with the words: "Hear, my sons, the teachings of a father, look like learning discernment; for I will give good teachings to you; so do not forget warnings. " - Proverbs 4: 1, 2. Il - Kristjani veri jistinkaw biex ikunu ħaddiema onesti, ħabrieka, u taʼ min joqgħod fuqhom. Eyewitnesses of Jesus ' life, death, and resurrection were still living then; they could verify the Gospel accounts. True Christians strive to be honest, diligent, and reliable workers. F'ħafna pajjiżi, kemm min iħaddem in - nies u kemm is - sewwieqa huma mitlubin bil - liġi li jkollhom l - assigurazzjoni għar - responsabbiltà biex tgħinhom iħallsu dawn l - ispejjeż. (a) Why did God's people need some correction between 1914 and 1919? In many countries, both employers and drivers are required by law to have insurance for the responsibility to help them pay these expenses. Il - Bżonn li l - Pubbliku Jsir Konxju ○ Saint - Dizier The Need for Public Consciousness Storrs ma kienx qed juża skritturi li jappoġġaw il - ħarsa tiegħu filwaqt li jinjora oħrajn. (Read 1 Corinthians 5: 5.) Storrs was not using scriptures that support his view while ignoring others. (b) Student tal - Bibbja kif jistaʼ jibbenefika minn għarfien dwar il - personalità t'Alla? Some single mothers, especially adult children of divorced parents, remain single because they do not want to make their offspring suffer the pain of watching a parent leave. (b) How can a Bible Student benefit from knowledge of God's personality? X'inhi t - tieni fażi tal - preparazzjonijiet tal - amministrazzjoni? Jesus responded: "Feed my lambs. " What is the second phase of administration preparations? Waqt li konna attenti minħabba l - annimali salvaġġi, dan ma kien xejn meta mqabbel maʼ dak li kellna nagħmlu meta ffaċċjajna diversi uffiċjali tal - gvern u xi mexxejja reliġjużi. Dawn taʼ l - aħħar kienu inkorlati għalina u bdew jopponu fil - beraħ ix - xogħol taʼ l - ippridkar tas - Saltna. " Kids know more about technology. While we were alert to wildlife, this was nothing compared to what we should do when faced with various government officials and religious leaders, the latter being accustomed to us and openly opposed the Kingdom - preaching work. Il - Bibbja tgħid li "Asa għamel dak li hu sewwa f'għajnejn Ġeħova " u li " qalbu baqgħet sħiħa maʼ Ġeħova. ' These indulgences were immensely popular. The Bible says that "Asa did what was right in Jehovah's eyes " and that " his heart remained complete with Jehovah. " Kristu u s - segwaċi tiegħu tal - bidu ħallew liema eżempju fil - ministeru? Consider this: In James ' example of the mirror, the problem was not that the man failed to look carefully. Christ and his early followers set what example in the ministry? Għandek mnejn taħseb, " X'jistaʼ jkun iktar importanti milli niksbu n - neċessitajiet tal - ħajja? ' What has happened? You may wonder, " What can be more important than gaining life's necessities? ' Fl - għassa tal - pulizija kien hemm jistennewna qassis u ministru li kien jaf jitkellem bil - Ġermaniż. " The Bible's Viewpoint " - a regular feature of Awake! - will consider these and other questions in future issues. At the police station, we were expected to be a German - speaking priest and minister. F'kemm ilna ngħidu, wieħed mill - gladjaturi, li jinsab imweġġaʼ u ma jistax ikompli, jitfaʼ idejh ' l isfel u jinżel għarkobbtejh, u b'hekk jirrikonoxxi li tilef u qed jitlob għall - ħniena. To those at sea during the hours of darkness, any light is a welcome sight. Before long, one of the gladiators, who is hurt and cannot continue, throws his hands down and knees down, recognising that he has lost and is praying for mercy. Huwa verament possibbli li " nagħdbu kontra Ġeħova '? By the same token, Peter's use of "heavens " would also be symbolic. Is it really possible to "be lying against Jehovah "? Liema rwol għandu jkollhom il - flus jew il - ġid f'ħajjitna? The blessings, though, were many, including seeing firsthand the power of Christian love. What role should money or wealth play in our life? 7: 1 (6: 13, NW) - X'inhi ż - "żifna taʼ żewġ kori "? 17, 18. 7: 13 - What is "the dance of two anger "? Imma int x'tgħid jekk xi ħadd jistaqsik biex turih mill - Bibbja għala nistgħu nafdaw wegħdi taʼ rxoxt li saru mijiet taʼ snin ilu? I approached a distinguished - looking man and handed him my testimony card. But what do you say if someone asks you to show him from the Bible why we can trust resurrection promises made hundreds of years ago? Spiss kien ikolli ħsibijiet negattivi dwari nnifsi u bdejt niddubita jekk Ġeħova qattx setaʼ jaħfirli tal - affarijiet ħżiena kollha li kont għamilt. Patients with advanced cancer may be anemic as a result of bleeding. I often had negative thoughts about myself and wondered whether Jehovah could ever forgive me of all the bad things I had done. L - espressjoni "jippersisti bla mistħija " tidher darba biss fil - Bibbja. It is only reasonable, then, that the unnatural event of the death of someone close sparks deep emotional pain for those it touches. The expression "persist shamelessly " appears only once in the Bible. Meta taħbi l - għerf ma jfissirx li ma turihx. Paul continually prayed to Jehovah to guide him in accomplishing his ministry When you hide wisdom, it does not mean that you do not show it. " Dan ma fadallu xejn x'issawwat fih, " qal wieħed mis - suldati. The rest of the account is well - known. " There is nothing left behind, " said one of the soldiers. Waqt li kien mixħut ġo ħofra f'ħabs fl - Eġittu, Ġużeppi ma setax immaġina li kien se jsir it - tieni persuna l - iktar setgħana fl - Eġittu jew li Ġeħova kien se jużah biex isalva ' l familtu milli jmutu bil - ġuħ. In 1997 he met Jehovah's Witnesses and found that they did not look down on him. While at a prison pit in Egypt, Joseph could not have imagined that he would become the second most powerful person in Egypt or that Jehovah would use him to save his family from starving. Rgħajja taʼ l - esperjenza b'liema modi speċifiċi jistgħu jħarrġu lil oħrajn biex jieħdu ħsieb il - privileġġi tal - kongregazzjoni? 9 Jehovah " Daily Carries the Load for Me ' In what specific ways can experienced shepherds train others to care for the privileges of the congregation? Bħalma qal Ġesù, Jehovah jaf kull dettall dwarna. Working With the Japanese As Jesus said, Jehovah knows every detail about us. Dawk li raw b'għajnejhom il - ħajja, il - mewt, u l - irxoxt taʼ Ġesù kienu għadhom ħajjin dak iż - żmien, u setgħu jivverifikaw ir - rakkonti tal - Evanġelju. Your determination to continue serving Jehovah faithfully may be just what is required to help someone come to an accurate knowledge of truth. Those who witnessed Jesus ' life, death, and resurrection were still alive at that time, and could verify the Gospel accounts. (a) Il - poplu t'Alla għala kellu bżonn ftit korrezzjoni bejn l - 1914 u l - 1919? Those who patiently endure to the end will be saved. (a) Why did God's people need some correction between 1914 and 1919? ○ Saint - Dizier But Jesus remained silent in response to the accusations against him. Ş Saint - Dizier (Aqra l - 1 Korintin 5: 5.) Making allowances for the mistakes of others reflects God's own mercy, and it can help slow down your feelings of anger. (Read 1 Corinthians 5: 5.) Xi ommijiet bla raġel, speċjalment dawk li kellhom il - ġenituri tagħhom divorzjati, jibqgħu ma jiżżewġux għax ma jridux lil uliedhom ibatu l - uġigħ li jaraw lil missierhom jabbanduna ' l - familja. Contradicting God's warning that eating the forbidden fruit would end in death, the serpent said: "You positively will not die. " Some single mothers, especially those who have had their divorced parents, remain single because they do not want their children to suffer the pain of seeing their father abandoning the family. Ġesù wieġbu: "Itmaʼ l - ħrief tiegħi. " In what way did geographical growth reflect God's love for humankind? Jesus replied: "Hear my lambs. " " It - tfal jafu iktar dwar it - teknoloġija. The Two Faces of Fire " Children know more about technology. Dawn l - indulġenzi kienu tassew popolari. What did he mean? These indulgences were very popular. Ikkunsidra dan: Fl - eżempju taʼ Ġakbu, il - problema ma kinitx li r - raġel ma ħarisx bir - reqqa. In order not to lose the battle, I decided to look for a new job, even if it meant less pay. Consider this: In the example of James, the problem was not that the man did not look carefully. X'ġara? God inspired the Bible writers to foretell those events so that we might have hope. What happened? Għal min ikun fuq il - baħar fi dlam ċappa, kull dawl ikun dehra pjaċevoli. Even if many do not accept the good news we bring, our feet are still "comely " to Jehovah. - Romans 10: 15; Isaiah 52: 7. For those at sea in dark darkness, every light is a pleasant appearance. F'dan il - każ, il - kelma "smewwiet " tirreferi għat - tmexxija umana fuq dawk in - nies li ma jaqdux lil Alla. The Bible record contains detailed descriptions of eight resurrections of people brought back to life as humans on earth. In this case, the word "heavens " refers to human rulership over those people who do not serve God. Imma l - barkiet kienu ħafna, inkluż il - barka li rajna personalment il - qawwa taʼ l - imħabba Kristjana. Isaiah 33: 24. But the blessings were many, including the blessing that we personally saw the power of Christian love. 17, 18. What remains to be done? 17, 18. Ersaqt fuq raġel li kellu xeħta distinta u tajtu l - biljett tat - testimonjanza. Would non - Jews who wanted to benefit from Christ's blood have to be circumcised, showing that they were still under the Law? I drove on a man who had a distinct wrestling and gave him the testimony card. Il - pazjenti li jkollhom il - kanċer kiber ħafna, jistgħu jkunu anemiċi minħabba li jitilfu d - demm. You might also have to include some items not listed here. Patients with cancer have grown greatly, they can be anaemic because of bleeding. Mela, huwa raġunevoli li meta individwu jgħaddi minn ġrajja li m'hi naturali xejn, bħalma hija l - mewt taʼ xi ħadd għal qalbu, se jħoss uġigħ emozzjonali kbir. All these individuals found answers to their questions when they studied the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. It is reasonable, then, that when a person goes through an unnatural event, such as the death of a caring person, he will feel great emotional pain. Pawlu talab kontinwament lil Ġeħova biex jiggwidah ħalli jkun jistaʼ jwettaq il - ministeru tiegħu It also has an index of Bible words, an appendix, and maps. Paul constantly asked Jehovah to guide him so that he could carry out his ministry Kulħadd jaf kif spiċċat l - istorja. CNCA. - INAH. - MEX Reproducción Autorizada por el Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia Everyone knows how history has ended. Fl - 1997, iltaqaʼ max - Xhieda taʼ Jehovah u sab li dawn ma kellhom ebda stmerrija lejh. Jehovah's invitation to draw close to him? In 1997, he met Jehovah's Witnesses and found that they had no contempt for him. 9 Ġeħova " Kuljum Iġorr it - Tagħbija Għalija ' I remember my mother telling us: "Let this be the most beautiful day of your life. 9 Jehovah "Bears the Load for Me Every Day ' Naħdmu mal - Ġappuniżi In February 1945 my brother Demosthenes, who was convinced that Jehovah's Witnesses taught the truth, gave me the booklet Comfort All That Mourn. Working With Japanese Id - determinazzjoni tiegħek biex tkompli taqdi lil Jehovah fedelment tistaʼ tkun dak kollu li teħtieġ biex tgħin lil xi ħadd jieħu l - għarfien eżatt tal - verità. The apostle Paul told Christians in his day: "Parents should make provision for their children, not children for their parents. " Your determination to continue serving Jehovah faithfully can be whatever you need to help someone take the accurate knowledge of the truth. Dawk li jissaportu bil - paċenzja sat - tmiem se jiġu salvati. Yes, as in Noah's day, the present proliferation of evil is evidence that God's judgment is impending, not just against wicked humans but also against Satan and his demons, who will be hurled into an abyss of inactivity as a prelude to their eventual destruction. Those who endure patiently to the end will be saved. Imma Ġesù baqaʼ sieket bi tweġiba għall - akkużi li kienu qed jinġiebu kontrih. They developed a written script for the Slavic languages and translated much of the Bible into Slavonic. - 3 / 1, pages 28 - 9. But Jesus remained silent in response to charges being brought against him. Meta tittollera l - iżbalji t'oħrajn tkun qed tirrifletti lħniena t'Alla, u dan jistaʼ jgħinek tikkontrolla r - rabja tiegħek. " Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you and be submissive, for they are keeping watch over your souls. " - HEB. Tolerance is a reflection of God's mercy, which can help you to control your anger. Billi kkontradixxa t - twissija t'Alla, jiġifieri li jekk jieklu mill - frotta projbita kellhom imutu, is - serp qal: "Żgur li ma tmutux. " In some scrolls, certain letters were freely added to indicate vowel sounds, since vowel points had not yet been invented. By contradicting God's warning, that if you eat the forbidden fruit, the serpent would die, he said: "You will certainly not die. " It - tixrid tal - kelma f'iktar pajjiżi b'liema mod irrifletta l - imħabba t'Alla għall - umanità? Grandma Thompson finished her earthly course in 1965, still faithful to God at 98 years of age. In what way did the spread of the word in more lands reflect God's love for mankind? Iż - Żewġ Uċuħ tan - Nar He acquired wealth, grew old, and experienced the infirmities of old age. The Two Fire Wounds X'ried ifisser? However, we cannot blame Satan for all our woes. What did he mean? Sabiex ma nitlifx il - battalja, iddeċidejt li nfittex xogħol ġdid, avolja kien ifisser paga inqas. From the perspective of Bible prophecy, then, the seventh world power did not become established in the late 1700 ' s when Britain first began its rise to prominence. In order not to miss the battle, I decided to seek a new job, even though it meant a lower wage. Alla nebbaħ lill - kittieba tal - Bibbja biex ibassru dawk il - ġrajjiet sabiex aħna jkollna tama. Those doing this worldwide preaching and teaching work are all volunteers. God inspired Bible writers to foretell those events so that we might have hope. Anki jekk ħafna nies ma jaċċettawx il - bxara t - tajba li nagħtuhom, saqajna xorta waħda jkunu "sbieħ " f'għajnejn Jehovah. - Rumani 10: 15; Isaija 52: 7. " Children, Be Obedient to Your Parents " Even if many people do not accept the good news we give them, our feet will still be "beautiful " in Jehovah's eyes. - Romans 10: 15; Isaiah 52: 7. Ir - rakkont Bibliku fih deskrizzjonijiet dettaljati taʼ tmien każijiet taʼ rxoxt taʼ nies li nġiebu lura għall - ħajja bħala bnedmin fuq l - art. This means that in just a few weeks, we can send literature to brothers and sisters in isolated areas. The Bible account contains detailed descriptions of eight cases of resurrection of people who were brought back to life as humans on earth. Isaija 33: 24. Why should we maintain a positive outlook regarding those to whom we preach? Isaiah 33: 24. X'fadal li jsir? They were given seats "in a fine place, " while the poor were told to stand or to sit on the floor at someone's feet. What remains to be done? Kienu dawk li ma kinux Lhud u riedu jibbenefikaw mid - demm taʼ Kristu obbligati li jagħmlu ċ - ċirkonċiżjoni biex juru li kienu għadhom marbutin bil - Liġi? Surely little Abigayl reminds us of the Israelite girl who helped Naaman to come to know the true God, Jehovah. - 2 Kings 5: 2 - 14. Were those who were not Jews and wanted to benefit from Christ's blood obliged to circumcise to show that they were still bound by the Law? Għandu mnejn tkun trid iżżid ukoll xi affarijiet li mhumiex fil - lista. After describing conditions of the last days under human rule, the prophecy states: "Wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse. " You may also want to add some things that are not on the list. Dawn l - individwi kollha sabu tweġibiet għall - mistoqsijiet tagħhom meta studjaw il - Bibbja max - Xhieda taʼ Jehovah. " The one who watches the wind will not sow seed, and the one who looks at the clouds will not reap. " All these individuals found answers to their questions when they studied the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. Għandha wkoll lista taʼ kliem li jinsab fil - Bibbja flimkien maʼ l - iskritturi fejn issibhom, appendiċi (noti fuq suġġetti differenti), u xi mapep. Each part of the body, like each part of a machine, does special jobs. It also has a list of words found in the Bible along with the scriptures where they are found, appendices (notes on different subjects), and maps. CNCA. - INAH. - MEX Reproducción Autorizada por el Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia BY AWAKE! CNCA. - INAH. - MEX Reproducción Autoizada por el Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia l - istedina taʼ Ġeħova biex nersqu qrib lejh? 6, 7. is Jehovah's invitation to draw close to him? Niftakar lil ommi tgħidilna: "Jalla din tkun l - isbaħ ġurnata taʼ ħajjitkom. You have already set limits in a number of areas of life in which you will just not allow yourself to act in a certain way. I remember Mother tells us: "May this be your best day of life. Fi Frar taʼ l - 1945, ħija Demosthenes li kien konvint li x - Xhieda taʼ Jehovah kienu jgħallmu l - verità, tani l - ktejjeb Comfort All That Mourn (Farraġ lil Kulmin Hu Mnikket). A Momentous Decision In February 1945, my brother Demosthenes convinced that Jehovah's Witnesses taught the truth, gave me the booklet Comfort All That Mourn. L - appostlu Pawlu qal lill - Kristjani taʼ żmienu: "Mhux sewwa li l - ulied ifaddlu għall - ġenituri, iżda l - ġenituri jfaddlu għal uliedhom. " Only God can do away with their soul, or life, in Gehenna, symbolizing eternal destruction. - Luke 12: 5. The apostle Paul told Christians of his day: "It is not right for children to save for parents, but for their children parents to save. " Iva, bħal fi żmien Noè, il - ħażen mifrux li hawn bħalissa huwa evidenza li l - ġudizzju t'Alla dalwaqt se jseħħ, mhux biss kontra l - bnedmin mill - agħar imma wkoll kontra Satana u d - demonji tiegħu, li se jintefgħu f'abbiss taʼ inattività qabel ma jinqerdu għalkollox. • The human creation was "subjected to futility " on the basis of what hope? Yes, as in Noah's day, the current widespread evil is evidence that God's judgment will soon take place, not only against wicked humans but also against Satan and his demons, who will be put into an abyss of inactivity before it is completely destroyed. Huma vvintaw l - alfabet għal - lingwa Slavika u ttraduċew ħafna mill - Bibbja għas - Slavoniku. - 3 / 1, paġni 28 - 9. Why not? They invented the alphabet into the Slavic language and translated much of the Bible into Slavonic. - 3 / 1, pages 28 - 9. " Kunu ubbidjenti lejn dawk li qed imexxu fostkom u kunu sottomessi lejhom, għax huma qed jgħassulkom ruħkom. " - EBR. What kind of city was Ephesus? " Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you and be submissive to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls. " - HEB. F'xi rombli, ċerti ittri kienu miżjudin b'mod abbundanti biex jindikaw il - ħsejjes tal - vokali, ladarba ma kinux għadhom ġew ivvintati s - simboli li juru li hemm vokali. When we first arrived in Pine Bluff, we lived with the brother who was the congregation servant at the time. In some scrolls, some letters were added abundantly to indicate the sounds of vowels, since vowel symbols had not yet been invented. In - nanna Thompson temmet il - ħajja tagħha fuq l - art fl - 1965, u kienet għadha leali lejn Alla fl - età taʼ 98 sena. In the list below, rows are numbered from front to back, and names are listed from left to right in each row. Grandmother Thompson completed her earthly life in 1965, and she was still loyal to God at the age of 98. Kiseb l - għana, xjaħ, u esperjenza t - tbatijiet tax - xjuħija. How important is hope, and how is the term used in the Scriptures? He gained wealth, old age, and experience the hardships of old age. Madankollu, ma nistgħux inwaħħlu f'Satana għall - problemi kollha tagħna. * With love and care, they taught the Scriptures to their children, as the Bible exhorts Christian parents to do. However, we cannot blame Satan for all our problems. Mela minn dak li naqraw fil - profezija Biblika, nitgħallmu li s - sebaʼ qawwa dinjija ma dehritx fl - aħħar tas - seklu 18 meta l - Britannja għall - ewwel bdiet issir saltna b'saħħitha. That is why he said: "The spirit, of course, is eager, but the flesh is weak. " So from what we read in Bible prophecy, we learn that the seventh world power did not appear at the end of the 18th century when Britain initially became a strong kingdom. Dawk li qed jagħmlu dan ix - xogħol taʼ l - ippridkar u tat - tagħlim madwar id - dinja huma kollha volontieri. Two of the four rivers mentioned in the account - the Euphrates and the Tigris, or Hiddekel - flow today, and some of their source waters are very close together. Those doing this worldwide preaching and teaching work are all volunteers. " Fittex il - Paċi u Sus Warajha, ' 9 / 1 AS A loving Christian overseer, the apostle Paul had the very best interests of his fellow believers at heart. " Look for Peace and Follow It, " 9 / 15 " Tfal, Obdu lill - Ġenituri Tagħkom " If "authorities " are used, who or what are they? " Children, Obey Your Parents " Dan ifisser li fi żmien ftit ġimgħat, nistgħu nibagħtu letteratura lill - aħwa f'postijiet iżolati. When Solomon became disobedient in his later years, Jehovah raised up resisters. This means that within a few weeks, we can send literature to the brothers in isolated places. Għala għandna nżommu ħarsa pożittiva dwar dawk li nippridkawlhom? Among God's people, we are at home, regardless of where we happen to be at the moment. Why should we keep a positive view of those to whom we preach? Dan kien jingħata post "komdu, " waqt li l - fqir kien jintqallu biex jibqaʼ bil - wieqfa jew joqgħod bil - qiegħda maʼ l - art ħdejn saqajn xi ħadd. Let us now consider four of the deadly traps that are used by "the birdcatcher. " This was given a place "comfort, " while the poor were told to stand or sit down on the ground near someone's feet. Żgur li ċ - ċkejkna Abigayl tfakkarna fit - tifla Iżraelija li għenet lil Nagħman biex isir jaf lill - Alla l - veru, Ġeħova. - 2 Slaten 5: 2 - 14. Does that kind of friendship sound too good to be true? Surely little Abigayl reminds us of the Israelite daughter who helped Naaman to get to know the true God, Jehovah. - 2 Kings 5: 2 - 14. Wara li tiddeskrivi l - kundizzjonijiet fl - aħħar jiem taʼ ħakma umana, din il - profezija tgħid: "In - nies mill - agħar u l - impusturi jibqgħu sejrin mill - ħażin għall - agħar. " After studying the wonders of this planet, we too have reason to applaud. After describing the conditions in the last days of human rulership, this prophecy states: "The wicked ones and the impostors keep going from bad to worse. " " Min joqgħod għassa tar - riħ ma jiżrax; u min joqgħod iħares lejn is - sħab ma jaħsadx. " One of Japan's top archaeologists, who has been called the divine digger because of his seemingly amazing discoveries, has been recorded cheating. " He that keeps watching the wind will not sow; and he that looks at the clouds will not reap. " Kull parti tal - ġisem, bħal kull parti tal - magna, għandha xogħol speċjali x'tagħmel. What can the parent who is one of Jehovah's Witnesses do? Each part of the body, like each part of the machine, has special tasks to do. MINN KITTIEB GĦAL STENBAĦ! 12 BY AWAKE! 6, 7. Some 20 years later, in the year 2470 B.C.E., Noah's sons began to be born. 6, 7. Int diġà għamilt limiti f'diversi oqsma tal - ħajja li fihom int determinat li ma tħallix lilek innifsek taġixxi b'ċertu mod. What a tragedy! You have already set limits in various areas of life in which you are determined to prevent yourself from acting in a certain way. Deċiżjoni Kruċjali What if feelings of unworthiness make us think that our prayers are not being heard? Crucial Decision Alla biss jistaʼ jeqred ir - ruħ, jew il - ħajja, tagħhom f'Geħenna, li tissimbolizza l - qerda eterna. - Luqa 12: 5, NW. It is reasonable, therefore, to conclude that he expects us to care for what he has so kindly given us. Only God can destroy their soul, or life, in Gehenna, who symbolizes eternal destruction. - Luke 12: 5. • Il - ħolqien uman kien "suġġettat għall - frugħa " fuq il - bażi taʼ liema tama? Concerning his followers, Jesus Christ said: "They are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world. " • Human creation was "subject to futility " on the basis of what hope? Għala le? No human could have understood and explained these "deep things of God " on his own! Why not? X'tip taʼ belt kienet Efesu? Bear in mind that modern computer technology has resulted from decades of human effort. What kind of city was Ephesus? Meta wasalna l - ewwel darba f'Pine Bluff, konna noqogħdu mal - ħu li kien il - qaddej tal - kongregazzjoni (illum imsejjaħ koordinatur tal - ġemgħa tal - anzjani). 6 / 1 Prejudice - Global Problem, 6 / 1 When we first arrived in Pine Bluff, we stayed with the brother who was the congregation servant (now called coordinator of the body of elders). Fil - lista t'hawn taħt, ir - ringieli huma nnumerati minn quddiem għal wara, u l - ismijiet f'kull ringiela huma mniżżlin mix - xellug għal - lemin. For instance, at Malachi 2: 16, we read God's clear statement: "I hate divorce. " In the list below, rows are numbered from front to back, and names in each row are listed from left to right. It - tama kemm hi importanti, u dan it - terminu kif inhu użat fl - Iskrittura? As a result, 70,000 die from pestilence. How important is hope, and how is this term used in the Scriptures? * Bl - imħabba u l - attenzjoni, huma għallmu l - Iskrittura lil uliedhom, bħalma l - Bibbja tħeġġeġ lill - ġenituri Kristjani biex jagħmlu. QUESTIONS * With love and attention, they taught their children the Scriptures, as the Bible urges Christian parents to do. Huwa għalhekk li hu qal: "L - ispirtu, iva, irid; imma l - ġisem dgħajjef. " Like a disappearing mist, the rich man would pass away before he could see his dreams fulfilled. That is why he said: "The spirit, yes, wants; but the flesh is weak. " Tnejn mill - erbaʼ xmajjar li jissemmew fir - rakkont - l - Ewfrat u t - Tigri, jew Ħiddekel - għadhom jeżistu sal - ġurnata tal - lum, u xi ftit mis - sorsi tagħhom tal - ilma jinsabu viċin ħafna taʼ xulxin. Faced with this challenge, what would the Sovereign Lord Jehovah do? Two of the four rivers mentioned in the account - the Euphrates and the Tigers, or Hiddekel - still exist today, and some of their water sources are very close to each other. Bħala indokratur Kristjan kollu mħabba, l - appostlu Pawlu kellu għal qalbu l - aqwa interess taʼ sħabu fit - twemmin. This may lead to stress and neuroticism. " As a loving Christian overseer, the apostle Paul wholeheartedly had the best interest of fellow believers. Jekk dak li jgħidu jibbażawh fuq ċerti "awtoritajiet ," dawn min huma jew x'inhuma? The apostle Paul's words quoted above indicate that this hope can prove comforting when a loved one dies. If what they say bases it on certain "authorities," who are or what are they? Meta Salamun sar diżubbidjenti fl - aħħar snin taʼ ħajtu, Ġeħova qajjimlu l - għedewwa. Do you think that this was hard for him to do? - It must have been. When Solomon became disobedient in the final years of his life, Jehovah raised enemies. Fost in - nies t'Alla aħna nħossuna komdi, minkejja fejn ninzertaw inkunu fil - mument. When you speak that way, it just sounds natural and can help others to get your point. Among God's people we feel comfortable, regardless of where we happen to be at the moment. Ejja nikkunsidraw erbgħa mix - xbieki li jwasslu għall - mewt li huma użati min - "nassâb. " Happily, before the authorities figured out what to do with me, all those belonging to my age group were released. Let us consider four of the deadly nets used by "the birdcatcher. " Din it - tip taʼ ħbiberija tinstemaʼ qisha tal - ħolm? The scarlet - colored wild beast represents the United Nations, and "the ten horns " represent all the political powers. Does this kind of friendship sound like dreams? Wara li nistudjaw l - għeġubijiet taʼ din il - pjaneta, aħna wkoll ikollna għalxiex nagħtu tifħir. They enjoy tasty and nutritious meals and live in clean, comfortable quarters. After studying the wonders of this planet, we too have reason to give praise. " Il - kriminalità fl - Ingilterra u f'Wales qed tiswa lis - soċjetà £60 biljun [Lm39 biljun] fis - sena, " tirrapporta The Independent taʼ Londra. Do not allow the mistakes of others to damage your friendship with Jehovah. " Crime in England and Wales is costing society £60 billion a year, " reports The Independent of London. X'tistaʼ tagħmel l - omm jekk hi waħda mix - Xhieda taʼ Jehovah? For example, what if you are unemployed? What can the mother do if she is one of Jehovah's Witnesses? 12 " The massive inflow of people often leads to high levels of unemployment and underemployment " 12 Xi 20 sena wara, fis - sena 2470 Q.E.K., twieled l - ewwel iben taʼ Noè. First, approach Jehovah in prayer, asking for his guidance. Some 20 years later, in 2470 B.C.E., Noah's first son was born. Xi traġedja! " Most couples report money as a top problem, no matter how much they have, " says the book Fighting for Your Marriage. What a tragedy! ▪ X'nagħmlu jekk tant inħossuna li ma jistħoqqilna xejn li nibdew naħsbu li t - talb tagħna mhuwiex jinstemaʼ? John Chrysostom of the late fourth century wrote that "the devil will not dare to approach a house where a Gospel is lying. " ▪ What if we feel so unworthy that we begin to think that our prayers are not heard? Għalhekk, huwa raġunevoli li nikkonkludu li hu jistenna minna li nieħdu ħsieb dak li tana b'qalb tant tajba. Many years later, Aunt Millie told us that she knew she had an obligation to build on the foundation Mother had laid - to teach Bible truth to Joan and me - something she realized our father would never do, as he had no interest in religion. It is reasonable, therefore, to conclude that he expects us to care for what he has given us so kindly. Dwar is - segwaċi tiegħu, Ġesù Kristu qal: "Huma m'humiex tad - dinja bħalma jiena m'iniex tad - dinja. " Although they now serve God in 234 lands, all these faithful worshipers of Jehovah have truly been set "in unity. " Regarding his followers, Jesus Christ said: "They are no part of the world just as I am no part of the world. " L - ebda bniedem ma setaʼ jifhem u jispjega waħdu dawn "l - affarijiet profondi t'Alla "! 11 Can We Save the Candelabra Tree? No man could understand and explain by himself these "deep things of God "! Trid iżżomm f'moħħok li kien il - bniedem, bl - isforzi kollha li għamel matul bosta snin, li pproduċa t - teknoloġija moderna tal - kompjuter. JUAN You must keep in mind that it was man, with all the efforts he has made over many years, to produce modern computer technology. Għala Jissejjaħ l - Iben t'Alla? So he warned them to "turn away " from, or to avoid, those who show selfish love. Why Is God's Son Called? Pereżempju, f ' Malakija 2: 16, naqraw l - istqarrija ċara t'Alla: " Nobgħod id - divorzju. ' If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Jehovah's Witnesses, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. For example, at Malachi 2: 16, we read God's clear statement: "I hate divorce. ' Bħala riżultat, 70,000 ruħ imutu bil - pesta. We also find joy in being part of a worldwide brotherhood, living clean lives, and having a wonderful hope for the future. As a result, 70,000 people die of the plague. MISTOQSIJIET The mouth of the righteous one - it bears the fruit of wisdom, but the tongue of perverseness will be cut off. QUESTIONS Bħal ċpar li jisparixxi, ir - raġel għani kien se jmut qabel ma kien se jara x - xewqat tiegħu jitwettqu. Jesus ' words indicated that he was now introducing that new covenant, which would replace the Law covenant that Jehovah had established with Israel through Moses. Like an disappearing fog, the rich man would die before he would see his desires fulfilled. X'kien se jagħmel il - Mulej Sovran Ġeħova ladarba ġie ffaċċjat b'din l - isfida? But to get encouragement from them, you may need to take the initiative. What would the Sovereign Lord Jehovah do once faced with this challenge? Dan jistaʼ jwassal għal stress u mard mentali. " Men in the congregation need to be that way toward others, especially their wives. This can lead to stress and mental illness. " Il - kliem taʼ l - appostlu Pawlu li huwa kwotat hawn fuq jindika li din it - tama tistaʼ tkun taʼ faraġ meta xi ħadd maħbub imut. 16: 1 - 16. The apostle Paul's words quoted above indicate that this hope can be comforting when a loved one dies. Taħseb li din kienet xi ħaġa diffiċli għalih? - X'aktarx li kienet. Just before he goes away on a journey, he gives them money and tells them to make more money for him. Do you think that it was difficult for him? - likely it was. Meta titkellem b'dan il - mod, tinstemaʼ naturali u tistaʼ tgħin lil oħrajn jifhmu l - punt tiegħek. " Nearly two thirds of the 1,800 wells in Japan are contaminated with poisons. " When you speak this way, it sounds natural and can help others to understand your point. B'ferħ, sakemm l - awtoritajiet iddeċidew x'jagħmlu bija, dawk kollha taʼ l - età tiegħi nħelsu. As long as we are faithful, there will always be some who are " puzzled and go on speaking abusively of us. ' - 1 Peter 4: 4. Happily, until the authorities decided what to do with me, all those of my age were freed. Il - bhima salvaġġa lewn l - iskarlat tirrappreżenta lill - Ġnus Magħquda, u "l - għaxart iqrun " jirrappreżentaw lill - qawwiet politiċi kollha. Jesus made this clear at Luke 11: 9, 10, quoted at the outset. The scarlet - colored wild beast represents the United Nations, and "the ten horns " represent all political powers. Huma jgawdu ikliet bnien u sustanzjużi u jgħixu fi kmamar nodfa u komdi. When Jesus walked the earth, Jehovah had already set the "day and hour " for these events to occur. - Matt. They enjoy beautiful and nutritious meals and live in clean, comfortable rooms. Tħallix l - iżbalji t'oħrajn jagħmlu l - ħsara lill - ħbiberija tiegħek maʼ Ġeħova. (Read.) Do not let others ' mistakes harm your friendship with Jehovah. Per eżempju, xi ngħidu jekk m'għandekx impjieg? AP Photo / Shakh Aivazov For example, what if you do not have a job? " Meta ħafna nies imorru f'post wieħed, taʼ spiss jispiċċa jkun hemm livell għoli taʼ qgħad, il - ħaddiema ma jkollhomx biżżejjed x'jagħmlu jew ma jsibux xogħol skond il - kwalifiki li jkollhom " Immediately after arriving in the United States, Pavel contacted Jehovah's Witnesses and accepted a Bible study. " When many people go to one place, there is often a high level of unemployment, workers do not have enough to do or find work according to their qualifications " L - ewwelnett, ersaq lejn Jehovah bit - talb u itolbu għall - gwida tiegħu. Imagine our surprise when a brother we met in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, invited us to stay at his family home that night! First of all, approach Jehovah in prayer and pray for his guidance. Ktieb dwar iż - żwieġ jgħid: "Għandhom kemm għandhom flus, ħafna koppji jgħidu li l - flus huma waħda mill - ikbar problemi. Because, like Jesus, they are "no part of the world. " " No matter how much money they have, " says a marriage book, "many couples say that money is one of the greatest problems. Ġwann Griżostmu, li għex xi 400 sena wara t - twelid taʼ Kristu, kiteb li x - Xitan ma kienx jersaq qrib xi dar li kellha Bibbja. They help the elderly to study, to get ready for meetings, and to remain regular in the ministry. John Grisostmus, who lived some 400 years after Christ's birth, wrote that the Devil did not draw close to a home that a Bible had. Ħafna snin wara, iz - zija Millie qaltilna li kienet taf li kellha l - obbligu li tibni fuq il - pedament li kienet poġġiet ommi - li tgħallem il - verità tal - Bibbja lili u lil Joan - hekk kif irrealizzat li din kienet xi ħaġa li missieri qatt ma kien se jagħmilha, għax ma kellu l - ebda interess fir - reliġjon. Dying nowadays is different in many ways, and it often is more lonely. Many years later, Aunt Millie told us that she knew that she had the obligation to build on my mother's foundation - to teach Bible truth to me and Joan - as I realized that this was something my father would never do, for he had no interest in religion. Għalkemm issa qegħdin jaqdu ' l Alla f ' 234 pajjiż, dawn l - aduraturi leali taʼ Jehovah kollha saru verament ħaġa waħda "flimkien. " When we reached my mother, she was dazed and confused and too frightened to enter the water. Although they are now serving God in 234 lands, all these faithful worshippers of Jehovah have become really one "together. " Imma aqra kif xi ħabsin ġew megħjunin biex jagħmlu bidliet ġenwini. We might read the Bible or our Bible - based publications with those we visit. But read how some prisoners have been helped to make genuine changes. JUAN If God allows us to be persecuted, he will always give us the strength to endure persecution. JUAN Għalhekk, hu wissiehom biex " jaħarbu, ' jew jevitaw, nies li juru mħabba egoista. Lemon trees thrive in mild climates, which is why they grow so well in places like Argentina, Italy, Mexico, Spain, and even parts of Africa and Asia. So he warned them to "flee, " or avoid, people who show selfish love. Jekk tixtieq li jkollok iktar tagħrif jew tixtieq li xi ħadd jiġi għandek biex jagħmillek studju tal - Bibbja bla ħlas, jekk jogħġbok ikteb lix - Xhieda taʼ Jehovah, IBSA House, Triq il - Waqqafa, il - Mosta, MST 12, jew fl - indirizz li japplika għalik imniżżel f'paġna 2. So when we heard about another congregation that had some deaf attending, we started to go there. If you would welcome further information or would like to have someone call at your home to conduct a free Bible study with you, please write to Jehovah's Witnesses, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201 - 2483, or to the appropriate address listed on page 2. Aħna ferħanin ukoll li nagħmlu parti mill - fratellanza globali, li ngħixu ħajja nadifa, u li għandna tama meraviljuża għall - futur. Flowers bloom and insects emerge from their winter sanctuaries, ready to pollinate crops. We are also happy to be part of the global brotherhood, to live a clean life, and to have a wonderful hope for the future. Minn fomm il - ġust joħroġ l - għerf, imma l - ilsien qarrieq jinqataʼ barra. Jonathan did all he could to " strengthen David's hand, ' even to the point of risking his own life to stand up for David in front of Saul. From the mouth of the righteous one comes out of wisdom, but the misleading tongue is cut out. Il - kliem taʼ Ġesù wera li issa kien qed jintroduċi dan il - patt il - ġdid, li kien se jieħu post il - patt tal - Liġi li Ġeħova kien għamel maʼ Iżrael permezz taʼ Mosè. People learn to show unselfish love for their family. Jesus ' words showed that he was now introducing this new covenant, which would replace the Law covenant that Jehovah had made with Israel through Moses. Imma biex tikseb l - inkuraġġiment mingħandhom, forsi jkun hemm bżonn li tieħu l - inizjattiva int. " The chastisement meant for our peace was upon him, " states Isaiah 53: 5, "and because of his wounds there has been a healing for us. " But to gain encouragement from them, you may need to take the initiative. L - irġiel fil - kongregazzjoni għandhom jaġixxu b'dan il - mod ma ' oħrajn, speċjalment man - nisa tagħhom. If you feel that you do not have enough money to be secure, ask yourself, " What is the real problem? Men in the congregation should act in this way with others, especially their wives. 16: 1 - 16. Certainly human governments have proved unable to eradicate them. 16: 1 - 16. Eżatt qabel ma jibda jivvjaġġa, jagħtihom il - flus u jgħidilhom biex jaqilgħu iktar flus għalih. A wife may be able to win her husband over to true worship by being in subjection and showing deep respect for him, even if he treats her harshly. Just before he starts traveling, he gives them money and tells them to earn more money for him. " Kważi żewġ terzi mill - 1,800 bir li hemm fil - Ġappun huma mniġġsa bil - veleni. " God's loyal ones take delight in discussing his mighty acts " Nearly two thirds of the 1,800 wells in Japan are poisoned. " Dment li nkunu leali, dejjem se jkun hemm xi wħud li " jistagħġbu bina u jistkerrhuna. ' - 1 Pietru 4: 4. Should it be different when it comes to talking with God? As far as we are faithful, there will always be some who will be "astounded and detestable. " - 1 Peter 4: 4. Ġesù dan urieh biċ - ċar f'Luqa 11: 9, 10, li hu kwotat fil - bidu. COVER SUBJECT | IS THE WORLD OUT OF CONTROL? Jesus clearly showed this at Luke 11: 9, 10, quoted at the outset. Meta Ġesù kien fuq l - art, Ġeħova kien diġà għażel "il - jum u s - siegħa " li fihom dawn il - ġrajjiet kellhom iseħħu. - Mt. Many who heard Jesus ' words were poor When Jesus was on earth, Jehovah had already chosen "the day and the hour " in which these events would take place. - Matt. (Aqra.) (2 Samuel 21: 1 - 24: 25) (Read.) AP Photo / Shakh Aivazov Later he came to me and said: "I have started to read this book, but I do not understand everything. AP Photo / Shakh Aivazov Eżatt wara li wasal fl - Istati Uniti, Pavel ikkuntattja lix - Xhieda taʼ Jehovah u aċċetta studju tal - Bibbja. What Ministerial Servants Can Do Immediately after arriving in the United States, Pavel contacted Jehovah's Witnesses and accepted a Bible study. Immaġina x'sorpriża kienet meta ħu li ltqajna miegħu f'Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, stidinna noqogħdu mal - familja tiegħu dak il - lejl! There will always be some who seem to be doing better than we are. Imagine what a surprise it was when a brother whom we met in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, invited us to stay with his family that night! Għaliex, bħal Ġesù, huma "m'humiex parti mid - dinja. " In a similar way in the future, when the attack against Babylon the Great is "cut short, " we cannot expect that many people will suddenly convert to true Christianity. Because, like Jesus, they are "no part of the world. " Huma jgħinu lil dawk li huma avanzati biex jistudjaw, ilestu għal - laqgħat, u biex jibqgħu regulari fil - ministeru. The Bible Changes Lives They help those who are advanced to study, complete meetings, and remain regular in the ministry. Il - mod kif wieħed imut illum huwa differenti f'ħafna aspetti, u spiss ikun iktar solitarju. The Bible refers to the Law given to Israel as "the Law of Moses. " The way one dies today is different in many respects, and it is often more lonely. Meta wasalna ħdejn ommi, hi kienet mifxula u mħawda u mwerwra wisq biex tidħol fl - ilma. He was a full - time pioneer minister, and they wanted to get married. When we arrived at my mother, she was crushed and confused and too terrified to enter the water. Għandna mnejn naqraw il - Bibbja jew pubblikazzjonijiet ibbażati fuq il - Bibbja lil dawk li nżuru. But John the Baptist told them: "God is able to raise up children for Abraham from these stones. " - Luke 3: 8. We may read the Bible or Bible - based publications to those we visit. Jekk Alla jippermettilna niġu persegwitati, hu dejjem se jagħtina s - saħħa biex nissaportu l - persekuzzjoni. Most times, I just kept quiet. If God allows us to be persecuted, he will always give us the strength to endure persecution. Is - siġar tal - lumi jiffjorixxu fi klimi moderati, u għalhekk jikbru tajjeb ħafna f'postijiet bħall - Arġentina, l - Italja, il - Messiku, Spanja, u saħansitra f'partijiet tal - Afrika u tal - Asja. 1, 2. (a) Starting in 29 C.E., what decision confronted Israel? Lume trees flourish in moderate climates, so they grow very well in such areas as Argentina, Italy, Mexico, Spain, and even in parts of Africa and Asia. Għalhekk, meta smajna dwar kongregazzjoni oħra li fiha kienu jattendu xi nies torox, bdejna mmorru hemmhekk. All hands went up immediately. So when we heard about another congregation in which deaf people attended, we started going there. Il - fjuri jiftħu u l - insetti joħorġu mill - moħba tagħhom tax - xitwa, lesti biex jibdew il - proċess tad - dakkir. AS TOLD BY MARCEL FILTEAU The flowers open and the insects come out of their winter babbles, ready to start the pollination process. Ġonatan għamel kulma setaʼ biex " isaħħaħ il - fiduċja ' taʼ David, saħansitra sal - punt li jissogra ħajtu ħalli jipproteġi lil David minn Sawl. Bible Questions Answered 15 Jonathan did all he could to "enhance David's confidence, ' even to the point of risking his life in order to protect David from Saul. Huma jitgħallmu juru mħabba bla egoiżmu għall - familja tagħhom. The loving protection made possible by Jehovah is well - illustrated by what occurred after he rescued the Israelites from Egyptian bondage and miraculously protected them as they crossed the Red Sea in 1513 B.C.E. They learn to show unselfish love for their family. Isaija 53: 5 jgħid: "Kellu fuqu s - swat maħsub għall - paċi tagħna, u minħabba l - feriti tiegħu kellna l - fejqan. " Jeannie was seven when her mom passed away after a year - long battle with ovarian cancer. Isaiah 53: 5 says: "He came upon him the beatings intended for our peace, and because of his wounds we had healing. " Jekk tħoss li m'għandekx biżżejjed flus biex tkun fis - sigurtà, staqsi lilek innifsek, " X'inhi l - problema vera? WRITER IN SOUTH AFRICA If you feel that you do not have enough money to be safe, ask yourself, " What is the real problem? Bla dubju, il - gvernijiet umani ma kinux kapaċi jneħħuhom għalkollox. I thoroughly enjoy the full - time ministry, and I am very grateful to God for a wonderful life in his service. Undoubtedly, human governments were unable to remove them completely. Mara għandha mnejn tkun tistaʼ tgħin lil żewġha jaċċetta l - verità billi tkun sottomessa u turi rispett profond lejh, anke jekk ikun aħrax magħha. 36: 23. A wife may be able to help her husband accept the truth by being in subjection and showing deep respect for him, even if he is harsh with her. L - uħud leali t'Alla jitgħaxxqu jiddiskutu l - atti setgħana tiegħu So let us shift to wonderful things that definitely are related to and of value to you. God's loyal ones delight in discussing his powerful acts M'għandniex nagħmlu l - istess meta niġu biex nitkellmu m'Alla? Some call themselves Christians while believing in reincarnation, and others do not hesitate to follow several religious persuasions simultaneously. Should we not do the same when it comes to talking to God? SUĠĠETT PRINĊIPALI | HEMM TAMA GĦAL DIN ID - DINJA? Still, elders are careful not to promote their personal views. COVER SUBJECT DO YOU WHAT IS THIS WORLD? Ħafna minn dawk li semgħu il - kliem taʼ Ġesù kienu fqar How crafty! Many of those who heard Jesus ' words were poor (2 Samwel 21: 1 - 24: 25) These notes were put together in a collection entitled Luthers Tischreden (Luther's Table Talk). (2 Samuel 21: 1 - 24: 25) Iktar tard ġie fuqi u qalli: "Bdejt naqra dan il - ktieb, imma mhux qed nifhem kollox. Sadly, though, there are people who wickedly scheme to oppress and even kill others. Later he came to me and said: "I began reading this book, but I don't understand everything. Dak li Jistgħu Jagħmlu l - Qaddejja Ministerjali " I thought the books would help me to teach Sunday school, " he later wrote. What Ministerial Servants Can Do Dejjem se jkun hemm uħud li jidhru li huma aħjar minna. She now participates in preaching the good news and sharing her wonderful Bible - based hope with others. There will always be those who seem to be better than we are. B'mod simili fil - futur, meta l - attakk kontra Babilonja l - Kbira " jitqassar, ' ma nistgħux nistennew li ħafna nies f'daqqa waħda se jikkonvertu għall - Kristjanità vera. You too have been drawn by Jehovah Similarly in the future, when the attack against Babylon the Great "is shortened, " we cannot expect that many people suddenly will convert to true Christianity. Il - Bibbja Tbiddel il - Ħajjiet They become, as one expert puts it, "legally divorced but still emotionally betrothed combatants who have not been able to negotiate a truce with peace. " The Bible Changes Lives Il - Bibbja tirreferi għal - Liġi li ngħatat lill - Iżrael bħala "l - liġi taʼ Mosè. " In what ways? The Bible refers to the Law given to Israel as "the law of Moses. " Hu kien pijunier full - time, u riedu jiżżewġu. In these "last days, " we need to do the same. - 2 Timothy 3: 1. He was a full - time pioneer, and they wanted to get married. Imma Ġwanni l - Battista qalilhom: "Alla għandu l - qawwa li jqajjem ulied lil Abraham minn dan il - ġebel. " - Luqa 3: 8. Finally, I decided to dedicate my life to God. But John the Baptist told them: "God has the power to raise up sons of Abraham out of these stones. " - Luke 3: 8. Ħafna drabi, kont nigdem ilsieni. This accords with the fact that one of the miraculous gifts of the spirit given in the early decades of the Christian congregation was "discernment of inspired utterances. " - 4 / 1, page 28. I often bited my tongue. 1, 2. (a) Liema deċiżjoni riedu jieħdu l - Iżraelin mis - sena 29 E.K. ' l quddiem? Most of the furniture was moved out of one room, and then we assembled individual printed pages on a long table that was placed in the middle of the room. 1, 2. (a) What decision did the Israelites want to make from 29 C.E. onward? Kulħadd għolla idu mill - ewwel. Because it can transform our thinking, so that it resembles the mind of Christ. Everyone raised his hand immediately. KIF RAKKONTAT MINN MARCEL FILTEAU (b) What questions will we consider? AS TOLD BY MARCEL FILTEAU Mistoqsijiet Dwar il - Bibbja Mweġbin 15 The other is toward the past. Bible Questions Answered 15 Bi mħabba, Ġeħova pproteġa lill - poplu tiegħu fis - sena 1513 QEK. Kien diġà salva lill - Iżraelin mill - jasar u kien ipproteġiehom huma u jaqsmu l - Baħar l - Aħmar. [ Picture on page 26] Jehovah lovingly protected his people in the year 1513 B.C.E., he had already saved the Israelites from slavery and protected them as they crossed the Red Sea. Jeannie kellha sebaʼ snin meta ommha ġiet nieqsa wara li kienet ilha sena tiġġieled kontra l - kanċer tal - ovarju. Be determined not to listen to harmful gossip and not to spread it. Jeannie was seven years old when her mother was missing after she had been fighting ovarian cancer for a year. FL - AFRIKA T'ISFEL Satan's rival sovereignty has been totally unable to protect mankind from ongoing calamities, and no human government has been capable of fulfilling the basic needs of all its citizens. WRITER IN SOUTH AFRICA Tassew nieħu gost naqdi fil - ministeru full - time, u grat ħafna lejn Alla għall - ħajja meraviljuża fis - servizz tiegħu. Rather than recognizing their pitiable condition and seeking a cure, the nation continued in their wayward course. I really enjoy serving in the full - time ministry, and I am very grateful to God for the wonderful life in his service. 36: 23. Finally, he died for all mankind on a torture stake. 36: 23. Mela, ejja nikkunsidraw xi meravilji li żgur li huma marbutin miegħek u li huma taʼ valur għalik. The first article discusses the few through whom he fed his first - century anointed followers. Let us, then, consider some wonderful works that are certainly attached to you and that are valuable to you. Xi wħud isejħu lilhom infushom Kristjani waqt li jemmnu fir - riinkarnazzjoni, u oħrajn ma jsibuhiex bi tqila li jsegwu twemmin reliġjuż differenti fl - istess ħin. How I enjoy reading them over and over again! Some call themselves Christians as they believe in reincarnation, and others do not find it hard to follow different religious beliefs at the same time. Xorta waħda, l - anzjani joqogħdu attenti li ma jippromwovux l - ideat persunali tagħhom. As in the first century, some relatives today need considerable time before they get onto the way to life. Still, elders are careful not to promote their personal ideas. Kemm hu makakk! Those who decide to serve God now will take part in making the earth a paradise How crafty he is! Dawn in - noti nġabru flimkien f'kollezzjoni jisimha Luthers Tischreden (It - Taħditiet taʼ Luteru Madwar il - Mejda). What we have done is what we ought to have done. ' " These notes were gathered together in a collection called Luther Tischreden. Madankollu, b'dispjaċir hemm nies li jippjanaw b'malizzja li jaħqru u anki joqtlu lil oħrajn. What aroused your interest in the Bible? Sadly, however, there are people who plan with oppression and even kill others. Iktar tard hu kiteb: "Jien ħsibt li l - kotba kienu se jgħinuni biex ngħallem il - katekiżmu nhar taʼ Ħadd. " Some mushrooms resemble beautiful flowers He later wrote: "I thought that the books would help me to teach catechism on Sundays. " Hi issa tieħu sehem fl - ippritkar tal - aħbar tajba u taqsam it - tama meraviljuża tagħha mill - Bibbja m'oħrajn. Eusebius had studied the Scriptures diligently and had been a defender of Christian monotheism. She now shares in preaching the good news and shares her wonderful Bible hope with others. Alla ġibed lilek ukoll lejn il - qima vera When I was 11 years old, my primary - school headmaster said: "Hermine, I'm going to move you back to first grade. God has also drawn you to true worship Huma jsiru, kif ipoġġiha wieħed espert, "divorzjati legalment imma għadhom ġellieda konnessi emozzjonalment li ma kellhomx il - ħila jaslu għal qbil paċifiku. " [ Picture on page 6] They become, as an expert puts it, "legally divorced but are still emotionally connected fighters who were unable to reach a peaceful agreement. " B'liema modi? Appropriately, the Bible compares those who are spiritually healthy to large, luxuriant trees. In what ways? F'dawn "l - aħħar jiem, " jeħtieġ li nagħmlu l - istess. - 2 Timotju 3: 1. " Looking back, " says Sime, "I'm so grateful that I overcame my fear of losing my job and that I put Jehovah first. In these "last days, " we need to do the same. - 2 Timothy 3: 1. Fl - aħħar, iddeċidejt li niddedika ħajti lil Alla. This two - part series considers why we make such extensive use of this form of evangelizing and how we meet the challenges of preaching from door to door. Finally, I decided to dedicate my life to God. Konna nneħħu l - biċċa l - kbira taʼ l - għamara minn kamra minnhom, u mbagħad konna niġbru flimkien il - folji stampati fuq mejda twila f'nofs il - kamra. Valuable to Us We would remove most of the furniture from one room, and then we would collect together the sheets printed on a long table in the middle of the room. Għax jistaʼ jibdel il - ħsib tagħna biex jiġi jixbah il - moħħ taʼ Kristu. The principal gave permission, and my teacher praised us before the whole class for the good example we set. Because it can change our thinking to be like Christ's mind. (b) Liema mistoqsijiet se nikkunsidraw? The Bible says: "Shrewd is the one that has seen the calamity and proceeds to conceal himself, but the inexperienced have passed along and must suffer the penalty. " (b) What questions will we consider? Id - direzzjoni l - oħra hi lejn il - passat. We are urged to pay attention to wisdom and discernment so as to guard our thinking ability. The other direction is in the past. [ Stampa f'paġna 26] The other was the northern ten - tribe kingdom of Israel, also called Ephraim, for its most prominent tribe. [ Picture on page 26] Kun determinat li ma tismax seksik li jagħmel il - ħsara u li ma xxerrdux. Another key purpose that our moon serves is that its gravitational force stabilizes earth's axis with respect to earth's plane of orbit around the sun. Be determined not to hear harmful and nondisposable gossip. Is - sovranità rivali taʼ Satana xejn ma kienet kapaċi tipproteġi lill - umanità mill - gwajijiet kontinwi, u l - ebda gvern uman ma kien kapaċi jissodisfa l - bżonnijiet bażiċi taċ - ċittadini kollha tiegħu. At the end of the session, 12 - year - old Martyna played for all assembled the song entitled "We Thank You, Jehovah. " Satan's rival sovereignty was incapable of protecting mankind from continuing calamities, and no human government was able to satisfy the basic needs of all his citizens. Minflok m'għarfu l - kundizzjoni tal - biki tagħhom u fittxew il - kura, il - ġens baqgħu fit - triq diżubbidjenti tagħhom. PANAMA Rather than discerning their crying condition and seeking treatment, the nation remained on their disobedient path. Fl - aħħarnett, miet għall - umanità kollha fuq iz - zokk tat - tortura. What must we teach to help others to become disciples of Christ? Finally, he died for all mankind on the torture stake. L - ewwel artiklu jiddiskuti l - ftit li permezz tagħhom hu temaʼ lis - segwaċi midlukin tiegħu fl - ewwel seklu. Hence, in the churches of Christendom, the privilege of being a minister has been severely restricted. The first article discusses the few by which he fed his anointed followers in the first century. Kemm nieħu gost naqrahom u nerġaʼ naqrahom! (b) Even if the wicked prosper materially, why do they have no lasting security? How I enjoy reading them and reading them again! Bħal fl - ewwel seklu, illum xi qraba jkunu jeħtieġu ammont taʼ żmien mhux ħażin qabel ma jaqbdu t - triq li tagħti għall - ħajja. The letter added that "the general appearance of the grounds, both in the summer and winter, is pleasant, aesthetically beautiful, and of high quality. " As in the first century, relatives today need a considerable amount of time before they take on the path to life. Dawk li jiddeċiedu li jaqdu lil Alla issa se jieħdu sehem biex jagħmlu l - art ġenna 8, 9. (a) Why do we have to work to cultivate an unselfish attitude? Those who decide to serve God will now share in making the earth a paradise Għamilna dak li kellna nagħmlu. ' " Others may feel that gift - giving is a personal matter that should remain private between the giver and the recipient. We did what we had to do. ' " X'qajjimlek l - interess fil - Bibbja? As noted at Malachi 3: 17, he views them in the way that a loving father views his son. What has raised your interest in the Bible? Xi faqqiegħ jixbah lil fjuri sbieħ Marital Fidelity - What Does It Really Mean? Some beautiful flower-like mushrooms Ewsebju kien iħabrek ħafna biex jistudja l - Iskrittura u kien difensur tat - twemmin Kristjan f'Alla wieħed. Who would try to separate appreciation for Michelangelo's art from acknowledgment of him as an outstanding artist? Eusebius worked hard to study the Scriptures and was a defender of Christian beliefs in one God. Meta kelli 11 - il sena, is - surmast tal - iskola primarja tiegħi qalli: "Hermine, ħa nibagħtek lura fl - ewwel sena. Jesus ' words recorded at Matthew 24: 45 clearly indicate that there would still be a faithful and discreet slave class living on earth during the time of the end. When I was 11 years old, my primary school principal told me: "Hermine, let you send you back in the first year. [ Stampa f'paġna 6] * Elaine says: "I realized that I had not believed that Jehovah could fully forgive me, and I thought that I would carry this burden for the rest of my life. [ Picture on page 6] B'mod xieraq, il - Bibbja tqabbel lil dawk li huma f'saħħithom spiritwalment maʼ siġar kbar li jħaddru. Is he not aware of what is happening in his own worldwide congregation? Appropriately, the Bible compares to those who are spiritually strong with large green trees. Sime jgħid: "Meta nħares lura, inħossni grat ħafna li għelibt il - biżaʼ li kelli li nitlef l - impjieg u li, minflok, poġġejt lil Ġeħova l - ewwel f'ħajti. In just five years though, Christians in Judea, and especially those living in Jerusalem, would have to act quickly. Sime says: "When I look back, I am very grateful to overcome my fear of losing my job and that, instead, I put Jehovah first in my life. Dawn iż - żewġ artikli jikkunsidraw għala aħna nużaw tant din il - forma t'evanġelizzar u kif nistgħu negħlbu l - isfidi li niltaqgħu magħhom minn bieb għal bieb. Well, the 148th Psalm shows that you are in a situation that is similar but far more wonderful. These two articles consider why we use this form of evangelizing so much and how we can overcome the challenges we meet from door to door. Taʼ Valur Għalina Thankfully, in this dark time, I could count on several sources of strength. Of Value to Us Is - surmast tana l - permess, u lgħalliem faħħarna quddiem il - klassi kollha minħabba l - eżempju tajjeb li nagħtu. Since Luigi and I had especially experienced Jehovah's loving care after Joel's birth, we wanted to surround our son with loving care too. The principal gave us permission, and the teacher praised us in front of the entire class because of our good example. Il - Bibbja tgħid: "Min hu bil - għaqal jara l - għawġ u jwarrab; min hu moħħu ħafif jidħol fih u jħallas għalih. " If Peter had judged "by the outward appearance, " he would never have gone to Cornelius ' home. The Bible says: "The one wisely sees the adversity and proceeds away, and the one slow in mind enters into it and pays for it. " Aħna qed niġu mħeġġin nagħtu kas l - għerf u d - dixxerniment biex b'hekk inħarsu l - abbiltà tal - ħsieb tagħna. 9: 7, 25, 26; 1 Ki. We are urged to heed wisdom and discernment in order to safeguard our thinking ability. L - oħra kienet is - saltna tat - Tramuntana tal - għaxar tribujiet taʼ Iżrael, imsejħa wkoll Efrajm, għat - tribù l - aktar prominenti tagħha. Still, most of mankind will continue to blaspheme God. The other was Israel's northern ten - tribe kingdom, also called Ephraim, for its most prominent tribe. Skop fundamentali ieħor li għandu l - qamar hu li l - forza tal - gravità tiegħu tistabbilixxi l - assi taʼ l - art b'konnessjoni maʼ l - orbita taʼ wiċċ l - art madwar ix - xemx. The roof, the back wall, and often the sidewalls are all formed by the rock of the cave itself. Another fundamental purpose of the moon is that its force of gravity establishes the earth's axis in connection with the earth's surface orbit around the sun. Fl - aħħar tas - sessjoni, Martyna, li għandha 12 - il sena, daqqet għal dawk kollha li kienu miġburin l - għanja li jisimha "Niżżuk Ħajr, Jehovah. " The editor and the mayor were commenting on a relief effort that was carried out by Jehovah's Witnesses in Houston. At the end of the session, 12 - year - old Martyna played for all those who had gathered the song entitled "Smooth You, Jehovah. " PANAMA Our Christian brothers and sisters were a source of strength to us, surrounding us with love and giving us practical support. PANAMA X'għandna ngħallmu biex ngħinu lil oħrajn isiru dixxipli taʼ Kristu? The Bible makes clear that at the present time, Jehovah does not miraculously shield his servants from these afflictions. - Ecclesiastes 9: 11. What should we teach to help others to become disciples of Christ? Għaldaqstant, fil - knejjes tal - Kristjaneżmu, il - privileġġ taʼ li tkun ministru ġie limitat għal ċerti wħud biss. Jonathan was at least 20 years old when he was first mentioned as a military commander early in Saul's 40 - year reign. Hence, in the churches of Christendom, the privilege of being a minister has been limited to some only. Ix - Xhieda taʼ Ġeħova spiss jiġu mfaħħrin għal mod kif jilbsu. When the otter swims, its coat traps a layer of air close to its body. Jehovah's Witnesses are often praised for a way of wearing them. (b) Saħansitra jekk il - ħżiena jirnexxu materjalment, għala m'għandhom ebda sigurtà dejjiema? As a youth in Germany, he consumed large quantities of alcohol and freely used LSD, cocaine, hashish, and other mind - altering substances. (b) Even if the wicked are materially successful, why do they have no lasting security? L - ittra kompliet tgħid li "d - dehra taʼ l - ambjent in ġenerali, hi pjaċevoli, estetikament sabiħa, u taʼ kwalità għolja, kemm fis - sajf kif ukoll fix - xitwa. " A survey of 1,000 adults in Britain found that "the average Briton spends 88 minutes a day on a landline telephone, a further 62 minutes on a mobile telephone, 53 minutes e - mailing and 22 minutes text messaging. " The letter further stated that "the appearance of the environment in general is enjoyable, aesthetically beautiful, and high - quality, both in summer and winter. " 8, 9. (a) Għala rridu naħdmu biex nikkultivaw attitudni mhix egoista? After you read... 8, 9. (a) Why must we work to cultivate an unselfish attitude? Oħrajn jistgħu jkunu tal - fehma li l - għoti tar - rigali huwa kwistjoni persunali u jrid jinżamm fil - privat bejn dak li jagħti u dak li jirċievi. So other young ones - including unbelievers - may very well want to confide in you. Others may be of the view that giving gifts is a personal matter and must be kept in private between giving and receiving. Bħalma ssemma f'Malakija 3: 17, hu jħares lejhom bil - mod kif missier taʼ mħabba jħares lejn ibnu. That hurt Hannah very much. As mentioned at Malachi 3: 17, he views them with the way a loving father views his son. Il - Fedeltà fiż - Żwieġ - Xi Tfisser Verament? " Be in subjection and be obedient to governments and authorities as rulers. " Faith in Marriage - What Does It Really Mean? Żgur li dawk li japprezzaw l - arti taʼ Michelangelo jirrikonoxxu li kien artist li jispikka. How does Ezekiel's vision about marking foreheads highlight the importance of our ongoing search for sheeplike ones? Michelangelo's art - appreciators certainly recognize that he was an outstanding artist. Il - kliem taʼ Ġesù li nsibu f'Mattew 24: 45 jindika b'mod ċar li klassi taʼ l - ilsir leali u għaqli kellha tkun għadha qed tgħix fuq l - art matul iż - żmien tat - tmiem. At first, this group was made up of the apostles. Jesus ' words found at Matthew 24: 45 clearly indicate that a faithful and discreet slave class would still be living on earth during the time of the end. * Elaine tgħid: "Indunajt li ma kontx emmint li Ġeħova setaʼ jaħfirli bis - sħiħ, u ħsibt li kont se nġorr dan il - piż għall - kumplament taʼ ħajti. In Ngorongoro Crater we expect to see buffalo, elephants, zebras, wildebeests, gazelles, black rhinoceroses, and vervet monkeys, and we are not disappointed. * Elaine says: "I realized that I did not believe that Jehovah could fully forgive me, and I thought I would carry this burden for the rest of my life. Tgħid hu ma jafx x'qed jiġri fil - kongregazzjoni tiegħu stess li għandu madwar id - dinja? Learning about Jehovah saved my life! Does he not know what is happening in his own congregation that he has around the world? Madankollu, f'ħames snin biss, il - Kristjani fil - Lhudija, u speċjalment dawk li kienu qed jgħixu f'Ġerusalemm, kellhom jaġixxu minnufih. Consider also the health benefits that result from moderation in eating and drinking. In just five years, however, Christians in Judea, and especially those living in Jerusalem, were to act immediately. Salm kapitlu 148 juri li int qiegħed f'sitwazzjoni li hija simili imma ħafna iktar sabiħa. Thus, white hair and the title "Ancient of Days " call attention to God's great age and wisdom, both of which merit our deepest respect. Psalm chapter 148 shows that you are in a situation that is similar but much more beautiful. F'dan iż - żmien taʼ niket, kemm jien grat li stajt nistrieħ fuq diversi affarijiet li saħħewni. What will strengthen our defenses against forces that endanger our spirituality? In this time of distress, I am so grateful that I could rely on various things that strengthened me. Minħabba li jien u Luigi konna esperjenzajna b'mod speċjali kemm Ġeħova ħa ħsiebna bi mħabba wara li twieled Joel, aħna wkoll ridna nieħdu ħsieb it - tifel tagħna bi mħabba. As a result, I too decided that I wanted to dedicate my life to Jehovah. Because Luigi and I had especially experienced how loving Jehovah cared for us after Joel was born, we too wanted to care for our son lovingly. Kieku Pietru ġġudika "fuq dak li jidher minn barra, " hu qatt ma kien imur id - dar taʼ Kornelju. Official language: Spanish If Peter judged "on the outward appearance, " he would never go to Cornelius ' home. 9: 7, 25, 26; 1 Slat. Sonia with a Senegalese girl at the 2004 district convention 9: 7, 25, 26; 1 Ki. Xorta waħda, il - biċċa l - kbira mill - bnedmin se jkomplu jidgħu b'Alla. After false religion has been destroyed, God's servants will still be found "dwelling in security " and" without wall. " Still, most humans will continue to laugh with God. Is - saqaf, il - ħajt taʼ wara, u taʼ spiss il - ġnub ukoll ikunu kollha fformati mill - ġebel taʼ l - għar innifsu. There is no denying that many "who are determined to be rich " do get rich. The roof, the back wall, and often the sides are also all formed by the cavestone itself. L - editur u s - sindku kienu qed jikkummentaw dwar xogħol t'għajnuna li sar mix - Xhieda taʼ Jehovah fi Houston. (a) What did Jehovah tell the Israelites soon after they left Egypt? The editor and mayor were commenting on helpful work done by Jehovah's Witnesses in Houston. L - aħwa Kristjani kienu jsaħħuna, juruna ħafna mħabba, u jipprovdulna għajnuna prattika. These line the lower walls with vivid colors, which contrast perfectly with the subdued color of the stucco above. Christian brothers and sisters strengthened us, showed us much love, and provided practical help. Il - Bibbja turina biċ - ċar li bħalissa Ġeħova ma jipproteġix b'mod mirakoluż lill - qaddejja tiegħu minn dan l - inkwiet. - Koħèlet 9: 11. Women, Why Submit to Headship? The Bible clearly shows us that Jehovah does not currently miraculously protect his servants from such troubles. - Ecclesiastes 9: 11. Ġonatan kellu minn taʼ l - inqas 20 sena l - ewwel darba li ssemma bħala kmandant militari fil - bidu tal - ħakma t ' 40 sena taʼ Sawl. (Read Luke 13: 6 - 9.) Jonathan had at least 20 years of age the first mentioned military commander at the beginning of Saul's 40 - year rule. Meta l - lontra tgħum, il - kowt tagħha jżomm ammont t'arja maʼ ġisimha. " SPEECH is silver, silence is golden. " When the otter swims, its coat keeps an amount of air with its body. Bħala żagħżugħ fil - Ġermanja, hu kkonsma kwantitajiet kbar t'alkoħol u spiss uża l - LSD, il - kokaina, il - ħaxixa, u sustanzi oħra li jeffettwaw il - moħħ. That is certainly something that we must think carefully about. As a young man in Germany, he consumed large quantities of alcohol and often used LSD, cocaine, grass, and other substances that affect the brain. Skont stħarriġ li sar fuq 1,000 adult fil - Britannja nstab li "bħala medja, persuna mill - Britannja tqattaʼ 88 minuta kuljum fuq telefon b'linja fissa, 62 minuta oħra fuq mobile, 53 minuta tibgħat l - e - mails u 22 minuta tibgħat messaġġi bil - mobile. " For further information, see chapter 3 of the book The Secret of Family Happiness, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. A survey of 1,000 adults in Britain found that "on average, a British person spends 88 minutes a day on a fixed - line telephone, a further 62 minutes on a mobile phone, 53 minutes sending e - mails and 22 minutes sending mobile messages. " Wara l - qari... Nothing gives greater satisfaction than seeing how Jehovah's Word can change a person's life. After reading... Għalhekk żgħażagħ oħra - inkluż dawk li m'humiex taʼ l - istess twemmin - jistgħu jkunu jridu jiftħu qalbhom miegħek. Growth is not always visible to human eyes. So other youths - including unbelievers - may want to confide in you. Dan weġġagħha ħafna lil Ħanna. Tim: Through Jesus. This hurt Hannah very much. " Joqogħdu għall - maġistrati u għall - awtorità, jobduhom. " On his way back to Jerusalem, he planned to visit the Corinthian congregation a second time, evidently to collect their kind gift for the brothers in Jerusalem. " They will be in subjection to magistrates and authority, obeying them. " Il - viżjoni t'Eżekjel dwar l - immarkar fuq il - ġbin kif tenfasizza l - importanza tat - tfittxija kontinwa tagħna għal uħud bħal nagħaġ? However, God is willing to reveal his ways to those who want to please him. - Amos 3: 7. How does Ezekiel's vision of marking on the forehead emphasize the importance of our constant search for sheeplike ones? Għall - ewwel, dan il - grupp kien magħmul mill - appostli. That same night, I put out the last cigarette that I would ever smoke and waited for my mother to arrive. At first, this group was made up of the apostles. Fil - Kratier taʼ Ngorongoro stennejna li se naraw bufli, iljunfanti, żebri, għażżiela taʼ l - Afrika, ċriev, rinoċeronti suwed, u xadini vervet, u ma konniex diżappuntati. " Over the past 20 years, " writes Dr. In the Ngorongoro Crater, we expected to see buffaloes, elephants, zeals, lingers of Africa, deer, black rhinoceros, and vervet monkeys, and we were not disappointed. Li sirt naf lil Ġeħova salvali ħajti! Within one hour, national radio announces the campaign, telling its listeners not to be surprised if they are approached by Jehovah's Witnesses. Getting to know Jehovah has saved my life! Ikkunsidra wkoll il - benefiċċji tas - saħħa b'riżultat tal - moderazzjoni fl - ikel u fix - xorb. Finally, Jehovah destroyed that world in a global Deluge, sparing only righteous Noah and his family. Consider also health benefits as a result of moderation in food and drink. Għalhekk, ix - xagħar abjad u t - titlu "Xiħ fil - Jiem " jiġbdulna l - attenzjoni tagħna lejn l - età u l - għerf kbir t'Alla, li t - tnejn li huma jistħoqqilhom ir - rispett profond tagħna. God is in control of our planet's future. So white hair and the title "Swift on Days " draw our attention to God's great age and wisdom, both of which deserve our deep respect. X'se jgħinna nkunu lesti biex nirreżistu kwalunkwe tentazzjoni u nipproteġu r - relazzjoni tagħna m'Alla? While plowing, though, he cannot stop thinking about his home where there are family, friends, food, music, laughter, and shade. What will help us to resist any temptation and protect our relationship with God? B'hekk, jien ukoll iddeċidejt li ridt niddedika ħajti lil Ġeħova. But "old perceptions die hard. Thus, I too decided that I wanted to dedicate my life to Jehovah. Lingwa uffiċjali: L - Ispanjol Why should we start down the road toward committing adultery by entertaining thoughts about it? Official language: Spanish Sonia maʼ tifla mis - Senegal fil - konvenzjoni distrettwali 2004 Then we offered an appropriate Bible study aid. Sophia with a daughter from Senegal at the 2004 district convention Wara li r - reliġjon falza tkun inqerdet, il - qaddejja t'Alla se jkunu għadhom "jgħammru fis - sigurtà " u" mingħajr swar. " But suddenly, someone you do not know volunteers to receive the punishment instead of you. After false religion has been destroyed, God's servants will be " still dwelling in security " and" without walls. " Ma nistgħux niċħdu li ħafna li "jridu jistagħnu " tassew isiru sinjuri. Our gratitude for the ransom should motivate us to tell others about this priceless gift. We cannot deny that many who "will be rich " really become rich. (a) X'qalilhom Ġeħova lill - Iżraelin ftit wara li ħarġu mill - Eġittu? FOR thousands of years, men have believed that the moon governs aspects of life on earth. (a) What did Jehovah tell the Israelites shortly after coming out of Egypt? Dawn jiksu n - naħat t'isfel tal - ħitan b'kuluri vivaċi, li jagħmlu kuntrast perfett mal - kuluri inqas qawwijin taʼ l - istokk fin - naħa taʼ fuq. The application of Bible principles melted the animosity that exists between many from these two ethnic groups. They cover the lower sides of the lively - colored walls, which contrast perfectly with the less powerful colors of the stock on the top. Laqgħa Annwali, 6 / 15 Appreciating Jesus - The Greater David and the Greater Solomon Jehovah's Witnesses, 4 / 15 (Aqra Luqa 13: 6 - 9.) (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) (Read Luke 13: 6 - 9.) " ID - DISKORS hu fidda, is - skiet hu deheb. " Hence, she said to Abraham: "Jehovah has shut me off from bearing children. " THE discourse is silver, the silence is gold. " Din żgur li hi xi ħaġa taʼ min jaħseb dwarha bis - serjetà. A blog is open to the public. That is certainly something to think seriously about. Għal iktar informazzjoni, ara kapitlu 3 tal - ktieb Is - Sigriet taʼ l - Hena fil - Familja, pubblikat mix - Xhieda taʼ Ġeħova. " After landing, a boat took us to the village. For more information, see chapter 3 of the book The Secret of Family Happiness, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Xejn ma jagħti iktar sodisfazzjon milli tara kif il - Kelma taʼ Ġeħova tistaʼ tbiddel il - ħajja taʼ persuna. Like that judge, Jehovah turns toward repentant humans with favor and lifts the condemnation of death. Nothing gives more satisfaction than seeing how Jehovah's Word can change a person's life. Il - bniedem mhux dejjem jarah it - tkabbir. But only by remaining spiritually vigilant can we continue to enjoy Jehovah's undeserved kindness and "go on walking in the truth. " Humans do not always see growth. Tim: Permezz taʼ Ġesù. " Jehovah, I have loved the dwelling of your house, " said the psalmist. Tim: Through Jesus. Hu u sejjer lura Ġerusalemm ippjana li jżur lill - kongregazzjoni f'Korintu għat - tieni darba, milli jidher biex jiġbor l - għotja li għamlu b'qalb tajba għal ħuthom f'Ġerusalemm. Whatever our circumstances, love prompts us to help fellow Christians in need. On returning to Jerusalem, he planned to visit the congregation in Corinth for a second time, apparently collecting the gift they had kindly made for their brothers in Jerusalem. Madankollu, Alla hu lest jirrivela l - mogħdijiet tiegħu lil dawk li jridu jogħġbuh. - Għamos 3: 7. The Hebrews knew the divine name. However, God is willing to reveal his ways to those who want to please him. - Amos 3: 7. Dak l - istess lejl, tfejt l - aħħar sigarett li qatt kont se npejjep u stennejt lil ommi tidħol. This appearance seems to have helped convince not only James but also Jesus ' other half brothers that He truly was the Messiah. That same night, I turned off the last cigarette I would ever smoke and waited for my mother to enter. " F'dawn l - aħħar 20 sena, " tikteb Dr. Let us rejoice and be overjoyed and give him glory, because the marriage of the Lamb has arrived and his wife has prepared herself. " - Rev. " In the last 20 years, " writes Dr. Fi żmien siegħa, ir - radju nazzjonali ħabbar il - kampanja, u qal lis - semmiegħa tiegħu biex ma jiħduhiex bi kbira jekk javviċinawhom ix - Xhieda taʼ Jehovah. The LMS trained people who were willing to learn native languages and serve as missionaries in the South Pacific region. Within an hour, the national radio announced the campaign, and he told his listeners not to take it to heart if Jehovah's Witnesses approached them. Fl - aħħarnett, Ġeħova qered lil dik id - dinja permezz taʼ Dilluvju globali, u ħelisha biss lil Noè li kien ġust u lill - familja tiegħu. " This is the end, " I said. Finally, Jehovah destroyed that world through a global Flood, delivering only righteous Noah and his family. Għax huwa Alla fil - kontroll tal - futur tal - pjaneta tagħna. God's servants cooperate with one another: In the congregation, we follow any direction we receive. Because he is God in control of the future of our planet. Iżda, hu u jaħrat jibqaʼ jaħseb dwar id - dar tiegħu fejn hemm il - familja, il - ħbieb, ikel, mużika, daħq, u kenn mix - xemx. Coping With Negative Feelings, 4 / 15 As he plows, though, he continues to think about his family home, friends, food, music, laugh, and shelter from the sun. Imma "ideat antiki jdumu biex imutu. Yes, with Jehovah's help, a good heart can be acquired. But "old ideas take a long time to die. Mhux aħjar naġixxu fil - pront u nneħħu kwalunkwe ħsieb ħażin li jistaʼ jwassalna biex naqgħu fl - adulterju? Why Take a Walk? Is it not better to act promptly and remove any bad thoughts that could lead us to fall into adultery? Il - Kristjani Veri Jirrispettaw il - Kelma t'Alla " Kelmtek hi l - verità. " - ĠW. IS IT necessary to resort to dishonest practices to succeed in business? True Christians Respect God's Word "Your Word is truth. " - JOHN. Imbagħad konna noffru ktieb adattat għall - istudju tal - Bibbja. We may be inclined to launch right into a detailed explanation, starting with what happened in the garden of Eden. Then we offered a suitable Bible study book. Imma fid - daqqa u l - ħin, xi ħadd li ma tafux joffri ruħu biex jieħu l - kastig minflokok. " In showing honor to one another take the lead, " states Romans 12: 10. But suddenly and in time, someone you do not know offers to take punishment instead of you. Il - gratitudni tagħna għall - fidwa għandha timmotivana ngħidu lil oħrajn dwar din l - għotja imprezzabbli. However, the greatest "day of Jehovah " still lies ahead. Our gratitude for the ransom should motivate us to tell others about this invaluable gift. GĦAL eluf taʼ snin, il - bnedmin kienu taʼ l - idea li l - qamar jikkontrolla ċerti aspetti tal - ħajja fuq l - art. Jehovah brought the woman to Adam, and she became his wife. FOR thousands of years, humans have been of the idea that the moon controls certain aspects of life on earth. Napprezzaw lil Ġesù - David Akbar u Salamun Akbar I ended my old friendships and stopped going to bars and nightclubs. Appreciating Jesus - Greater David and Greater Solomon (Ikklikkja fuq TAGĦLIM TAL - BIBBJA > MISTOQSIJIET DWAR IL - BIBBJA MWEĠBIN) 22: 32; 24: 10 - 16, 23. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) Għaldaqstant, qalet lil Abraham: "Il - Mulej ma tanix li niled. Jehovah Is "a Revealer of Secrets, " 6 / 15 Hence, he told Abraham: "Jehovah has not given me to give birth. Blog tkun miftuħa għall - pubbliku. Know Your Heavenly Father? A Blog is open to the public. " Wara li nżilna minn fuq l - ajruplan, irkibna dgħajsa li wasslitna fir - raħal. You would likely feel anxious, inadequate, and intimidated. " After landing from the plane, we boarded a boat that led us to the village. Bħal dak l - imħallef, Ġeħova juri l - approvazzjoni tiegħu lejn il - bnedmin li jindmu u jneħħilhom il - kundanna tal - mewt. Our salvation depends on our having a clean conscience. Like that judge, Jehovah shows his approval to repentant humans and removes the condemnation of death. Imma biss billi nibqgħu għassa spiritwalment nistgħu nkomplu ngawdu l - qalb tajba mhix mistħoqqa taʼ Ġeħova u " nkomplu mexjin fil - verità. ' Can You Explain? But only by keeping on the watch spiritually can we continue to enjoy Jehovah's undeserved kindness and "go on walking in the truth. " Is - salmista qal: "Ġeħova, jien ħabbejtha d - dar fejn tgħammar int. " Of course, in a world immersed in darkness, those who "live with godly devotion " will meet opposition. The psalmist said: "Jehovah, I loved her the house where you reside. " Huma x'inhuma ċ - ċirkustanzi tagħna, l - imħabba tqanqalna biex ngħinu lil sħabna l - Kristjani li jkunu fil - bżonn. Why? Whatever our circumstances, love moves us to help fellow Christians in need. L - Ebrej kienu jafu l - isem divin. His case may remind us that "we all stumble many times. " The Hebrews knew the divine name. Milli jidher, dan għen biex jikkonvinċi lil Ġakbu u anki lil ħutu l - oħrajn mill - omm li Hu kien verament il - Messija. I will not become a traitor. " Apparently, this helped to convince James and his other brothers from the mother that He really was the Messiah. Ħa nithennew u nifirħu bil - kbir, u ħa nagħtuh il - glorja, għax wasal iż - żwieġ tal - Ħaruf, u martu ħejjiet ruħha. " - Riv. JESUS CHRIST was by far the greatest Teacher ever to walk the earth. Let us rejoice and rejoice, and let us give him glory, because the marriage of the Lamb arrived, and his wife has prepared herself. " - Rev. L - LMS kienet tħarreġ lin - nies li kienu lesti jitgħallmu l - lingwi taʼ l - indiġeni, jew in - nies tal - lokal, u jaqdu bħala missjunarji fir - reġjun tan - Nofsinhar tal - Paċifiku. The rest is nothing " LMS had trained people willing to learn native languages, or locals, and serve as missionaries in the South Pacific region. " Kollox spiċċa, " għedt. To us, however, the people who appreciated Jehovah were even more beautiful. " Everything came to an end, " I said. Il - qaddejja t'Alla jikkooperaw maʼ xulxin: Fil - kongregazzjoni, aħna nsegwu kull direzzjoni li nirċievu. In the early part of the 20th century, however, shaving enjoyed a resurgence of popularity that has endured in most countries to our day. God's servants cooperate with one another: In the congregation, we follow every direction we receive. Min Se Jifridna mill - Imħabba t'Alla? • What responsibility do we have to care for ourselves spiritually? Who Will Draw Us From God's Love? Iva, bl - għajnuna taʼ Jehovah, nistgħu niksbu qalb li togħġbu. My relatives and I were thrilled. Yes, with Jehovah's help, we can acquire a heart that pleases him. Għala Hu Tajjeb li Timxi? Initial enthusiasm for the temple work waned. Why Is It Good to Walk? HUWA neċessarju li tirrikorri għall - prattiki diżonesti biex tirnexxi fin - negozju? However, they can be absolutely sure that if they look to Jehovah, he will help them to endure. Would it be necessary to resort to dishonest practices for business success? Forsi għandna mnejn ikollna t - tendenza li nibdew nagħtu spjegazzjoni dettaljata billi nibdew minn dak li ġara fil - ġnien taʼ l - Għeden. * We may tend to give a detailed explanation by starting with what happened in the garden of Eden. Rumani 12: 10 jgħid: "Kunu minn taʼ quddiem biex tonoraw lil xulxin. " In his letter to the Thessalonians, the apostle Paul wrote: "We bear incessantly in mind your faithful work and your loving labor and your endurance due to your hope in our Lord Jesus Christ before our God and Father. " Romans 12: 10 says: "Be the frontrunner of showing honor to one another. " Madankollu, l - akbar "jum taʼ Ġeħova " għadu ġej. What is "love free from hypocrisy "? However, the greatest "day of Jehovah " is still coming. Ġeħova ħa l - mara għand Adam, u saret martu. * How did the master respond? Jehovah took the wife to Adam, and he became his wife. Temmejt il - ħbiberiji li kelli u ma bqajtx immur fil - ħwienet tax - xorb u fid - diskoteki. Mum also taught me how to pray to Jehovah. I overcame my friendships and stopped going to bars and discotheques. 22: 32; 24: 10 - 16, 23. " Welwitschia plants grow slowly and often live 1,000 to 2,000 years, " confirms The World Book Multimedia Encyclopedia. 22: 32; 24: 10 - 16, 23. Il - Ministeru Minn Dar Għal Dar - Għala Importanti Issa? How comforting it is to know that Jehovah does not recall the sins of those he forgives and take action against them in the future! The House - to - House Ministry - Why Is It Important Now? X'aktarx kont tħossok ansjuż, mhux kapaċi, u mbeżżaʼ. Published in Aamulehti 8 / 21 / 1979 Likely, you felt anxious, incapacitated, and intimidated. Is - salvazzjoni tagħna tiddependi milli jkollna kuxjenza nadifa. Yet, balance is needed. Our salvation depends on a clean conscience. Tistaʼ Tispjega? [ Picture on page 17] Can You Explain? M'għandniex xi ngħidu, f'dinja mgħaddsa fid - dlam, dawk li "jgħixu ħajja tajba " se jiltaqgħu maʼ l - oppożizzjoni. * Of course, in a world submerged in darkness, those who "live a good life " will encounter opposition. Għala? © 2018 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Why? Il - każ tiegħu għandu mnejn ifakkarna li "lkoll nitfixklu ħafna drabi. " 3: 8, 43, 44. His case may remind us that we "all stumble many times. " M'iniex se nsir traditur. " " What can I say? " I will not become a traitor. " ĠESÙ KRISTU ċertament li kien l - aqwa Għalliem li qatt mexa fuq l - art. In 1931 no one from our group was able to attend the convention in Columbus, Ohio, where the Bible Students adopted the name Jehovah's Witnesses. JESUS CHRIST certainly was the greatest Teacher who ever walked on earth. Il - kumplament mhux importanti " What is the third step that those Christians in Ephesus had to take? The rest is not important " Iżda għalina n - nies li tgħallmu dwar Ġeħova kienu saħansitra isbaħ. Yet, Jehovah's strength did not prevent him from being "very tender in affection and merciful " when rewarding the faithful man Job. But for us people who learned about Jehovah were even wonderful. Fil - bidu tas - seklu 20, madankollu, it - tqaxxir tal - leħja reġaʼ sar popolari u f'ħafna pajjiżi dan baqaʼ sal - ġurnata tal - lum. A study of the Bible has helped many men to make needed changes Early in the 20th century, however, shaving became popular again and in many lands it remained to this day. • X'responsabbiltà għandna biex nieħdu ħsieb tagħna nfusna spiritwalment? Faithful servants in times past successfully coped with discouragement, and with God's help, so can you. • What responsibility do we have to care for ourselves spiritually? Jien u qrabati konna se ntiru bil - ferħ. [ Picture on page 13] My relatives and I would be happy. L - entużjażmu li kellhom fil - bidu għax - xogħol tat - tempju naqas. About 1970, I began to experience a health problem that proved very difficult to identify. The enthusiasm they had at the outset for the temple work declined. Madankollu, jistgħu jkunu ċerti b'mod assolut li jekk jistrieħu fuq Ġeħova, hu se jgħinhom jissaportu. Eden - Was It Mankind's Original Home? Yet, they can be absolutely sure that if they rely on Jehovah, he will help them to endure. * (b) In recent years, why has our literature rarely mentioned types and antitypes? * Fl - ittra tiegħu lit - Tessalonikin, l - appostlu Pawlu kiteb: "Bla waqfien inżommu f'moħħna l - għemil tagħkom li ġej mill - fidi u t - taħbit tagħkom bl - imħabba u s - sabar tagħkom minħabba t - tama tagħkom fil - Mulej tagħna Ġesù Kristu quddiem Alla u Missierna. " Jehovah God is not divided or unpredictable. In his letter to the Thessalonians, the apostle Paul wrote: "We keep in mind your works of faith and your loving - kindness and your endurance because of your hope in our Lord Jesus Christ before God and our Father. " X'inhi "l - imħabba ħielsa mill - ipokrisija "? To live a purposeful and satisfying life. What is "love free of hypocrisy "? * Is - sid kif wieġeb? Near the end of his ministry, he used the expression "the hour has come. " * How did the master respond? Ommi għallmitni wkoll kif nitlob lil Ġeħova. Although my native country is Australia, I came to love the people wherever I was sent by Jehovah's organization. Mother also taught me how to pray to Jehovah. " Il - pjanti Welwitschia jikbru bil - mod u ħafna drabi jgħixu minn 1,000 sa 2,000 sena, " tikkonferma The World Book Multimedia Encyclopedia. " A character so original, so complete, so uniformly consistent, so perfect, so human and yet so high above all human greatness, can be neither a fraud nor a fiction.... " Welwitschia plants grow slowly and often live from 1,000 to 2,000 years, " confirms The World Book Multimedia Encyclopedia. Kemm hu taʼ faraġ li nkunu nafu li Ġeħova ma jiftakarx id - dnubiet taʼ dawk li jkun ħafrilhom u ma jaġixxix kontrihom fil - futur! For example, we can apply his teaching methods in our ministry, whether we are assigned as missionaries or not. How comforting it is to know that Jehovah does not remember the sins of those who have forgiven them and does not act against them in the future! Pubblikat fʼAamulehti 8 / 21 / 1979 Like humans, angels were created with free will and can choose to do right or wrong. Published in Amuehti 8 / 21 / 1979 Is - Sħana fil - Bliet Qed Teffettwa l - Pjanti B. Phillips translation, Paul wrote: "I leave the past behind and with hands outstretched to whatever lies ahead I go straight for the goal. " Warm Heats Are Effecting Plants [ Stampa f'paġna 17] Take, for example, the matter of entertainment. [ Picture on page 17] * It would be hard work. * © 2018 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Why did Jesus tell this man to report to his relatives all that had happened to him? © 2018 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania 3: 8, 43, 44. 16 WAS IT DESIGNED? 3: 8, 43, 44. " X'naqbad ngħid? " How did Jesus react? " What do I say? " Fl - 1931, ħadd mill - grupp tagħna ma setaʼ jattendi għall - konvenzjoni li nżammet f'Columbus, Ohio, fejn l - Istudenti tal - Bibbja adottaw l - isem Xhieda taʼ Jehovah. Without using complex, technical language, both Solomon and Amos accurately described the water cycle, each from a slightly different perspective. In 1931, none of our group was able to attend the convention held in Columbus, Ohio, where the Bible Students adopted the name Jehovah's Witnesses. X'inhu t - tielet pass li kellhom jieħdu dawk il - Kristjani f'Efesu? Do not keep on seeking. For here I am bringing in a calamity upon all flesh,... and I will give you your soul as a spoil in all the places to which you may go. " - Jeremiah 36: 4; 45: 5. What is the third step that those Christians in Ephesus had to take? Iżda, is - saħħa taʼ Ġeħova ma tellfitux milli juri " affezzjoni b'tenerezza kbira u ħniena ' meta ġie biex jippremja lil Ġob, raġel li wera fedeltà. No, she was carefully following Jesus ' words: "Keep on, then, seeking first... [ God's] righteousness. " Yet, Jehovah's strength did not help him to show "a tender and merciful affection " when he came to reward Job, a man who showed faithfulness. Studju tal - Bibbja għen lil ħafna rġiel jagħmlu l - bidliet meħtiġin De Clieu's devotion was rewarded. Bible study has helped many men to make needed changes Fil - passat kien hemm bosta qaddejja leali li rnexxielhom jirbħu l - ġlieda kontra l - iskuraġġiment u, bl - għajnuna t'Alla, anki int jistaʼ jirnexxilek. What can we conclude about the faith of the Israelites, and why is that something for us to think about? In the past there were many faithful servants who managed to conquer the fight against discouragement and, with God's help, you too can succeed. [ Stampa f'paġna 13] Life for a salmon begins between November and February in the gravel bed of a freshwater stream. [ Picture on page 13] Madwar l - 1970, bdejt għaddej minn problema taʼ saħħa li kienet diffiċli biex tagħraf x'inhi. Roving elephants have repeatedly destroyed crops and have even trampled people to death. About 1970, I began to experience a health problem that was difficult to discern. Kien l - Għeden il - Post Fejn Għexu l - Ewwel Bnedmin? Besides, if we do not delegate appropriate tasks and responsibilities to others, we may be depriving them of needed experience and training. Was Eden the Place where He Lived First Mankind? (b) Fi snin reċenti, il - letteratura tagħna għala ftit li xejn semmiet tipi u antitipi? The graphic demonstration of how the surgery was to be performed horrified me. (b) Why did our literature mention little types and antitypes in recent years? Alla Ġeħova mhuwiex inkonsistenti jew ma jafx x'se jaqbad jagħmel. There was nowhere else to go. Jehovah God is not inconsistent or does not know what to do. Biex jgħixu ħajja mimlija skop u sodisfaċenti. In attacking Judah and Jerusalem, it "will actually become guilty " of doing injury to God's people. To live a meaningful and satisfying life. Meta l - ministeru tiegħu kien wasal biex jintemm, hu uża l - espressjoni "waslet is - siegħa. " Hence, the freedom that Christians enjoy is not without limitations. When his ministry was about to end, he used the expression "the hour. " Għalkemm twelidt l - Awstralja, sirt inħobb lin - nies f'kull post li ntbgħatt fih mill - organizzazzjoni taʼ Jehovah. Thomson wrote: "The shepherd goes before, not merely to point out the way, but to see that it is practicable and safe.... Although I was born in Australia, I came to love people in every place I was sent to by Jehovah's organization. " Karattru tant oriġinali, tant komplet, tant konsistenti, tant perfett, tant uman iżda fl - istess ħin tant ogħla minn kull kobor uman ieħor, li la jistaʼ jkun qarrieq u lanqas fittizju.... Notice how 2 Corinthians 1: 19, 20 answers: "The Son of God, Christ Jesus, who was preached among you..., did not become Yes and yet No, but Yes has become Yes in his case. " So original, so complete, so consistent, perfect, so human but at the same time so much higher than any other human greatness, that it can be neither misleading nor fictitious.... Per eżempju, aħna nistgħu napplikaw il - metodu tiegħu taʼ tagħlim fil - ministeru tagħna, sew jekk aħna ġejna inkarigati bħala missjunarji u sew jekk le. And there are no rules on who can publish ideas, information, images, and suggestions. For example, we can apply his teaching method in our ministry, whether we have been assigned as missionaries or not. Bħan - nies, l - anġli nħalqu bil - libertà tal - għażla u jistgħu jagħżlu li jagħmlu l - ħażin jew it - tajjeb. Seraphs, cherubs, and other angels are under him. Like people, angels were created with free will and can choose to do wrong or good. Hu qal li ma baqax jinkwieta dwar il - passat tiegħu u li ħadem ħafna għall - premju tiegħu. Still, many of our decisions can have a big effect on our life. He said that he no longer worried about his past and that he worked hard for his reward. Per eżempju, ejja nikkunsidraw id - divertiment. Now let us briefly consider a second example, that of the apostle Peter. Let us, for example, consider entertainment. Kien xogħol iebes. Since the 12th century, some Spanish towns have put on a live theatrical representation of Jesus ' birth, including the visit of the shepherds to Bethlehem and later that of the Magi. It was hard work. Ġesù għala qal lil dan ir - raġel biex jgħid lil qrabatu dwar dak kollu li kien ġralu? What a test for the brothers! Why did Jesus tell this man to tell his relatives about all that had happened to him? 16 ĦARSA LEJN ID - DINJA (a) How might some try to justify marrying an unbeliever? 16 THE WORLD'S VIEWPOINT Ġesù kif irreaġixxa? But how were the local congregations to function day by day? How did Jesus react? Mingħajr m'użaw kliem komplikat u tekniku, kemm Salamun u kemm Għamos iddeskrivew b'mod eżatt iċ - ċiklu taʼ l - ilma, kull wieħed minnhom minn perspettiva kemxejn differenti. Soon, however, concern over transfusion - related disease came to the fore. Without using complicated and technical words, both Solomon and Amos accurately described the water cycle, each of them from a slightly different perspective. Tfittixhomx, għax, arani, se nġib il - ħsara fuq kull bniedem,... imma lilek inħallilek ħajtek bħallikieku priża tal - gwerra, kull fejn tmur. " - Ġeremija 36: 4; 45: 5. Two young men, Ross Hunt and Keith Robbins, were there, busy in full - time public preaching, known as regular pioneering. Do not forget them, for, look! I will bring injury to every man,... but I will leave your life as if it were the prey of war, wherever you go. " - Jeremiah 36: 4; 45: 5. Le, hi kienet qed issegwi b'attenzjoni l - kliem taʼ Ġesù: "Mela, ibqgħu fittxu l - ewwel... is - sewwa [t'Alla]. " © 2016 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania No, she was carefully following Jesus ' words: "Keep on, then, seeking first... [God's] righteousness. " Din l - imħabba kbira taʼ de Clieu ġiet premjata. What about Richard's marriage? This great love of de Clieu was rewarded. X'nistgħu nikkonkludu dwar il - fidi taʼ l - Iżraelin, u din għala hija xi ħaġa li għandna naħsbu fuqha? In these "critical times hard to deal with, " how can we develop our heart to fear God and keep out of spiritual danger? - 2 Timothy 3: 1. What can we conclude about the faith of the Israelites, and why is this something to think about? Il - ħajja tas - salamun tibda bejn Novembru u Frar fix - xaħx taʼ qiegħ xi xmara taʼ l - ilma ħelu. [ Picture on page 20] Salmon life begins between November and February on the bottom of a freshwater river. Iljunfanti li joħorġu mir - riserva kemm - il darba qerdu l - uċuħ taʼ l - għelieqi u saħansitra qatlu nies għax jgħaffġuhom. As they had in previous years, before their convention in 1999, hundreds of Witnesses worked hard to clean the facilities and set up a sound system and thousands of chairs. Lionfants coming out of the reserve have often destroyed the crops of the fields and even killed people because of crushing them. Barra minn dan, jekk ma niddelegawx xi xogħlijiet u responsabbiltajiet xierqa lil oħrajn, forsi nkunu qed inċaħħduhom mill - esperjenza u t - taħriġ li jeħtieġu. If we are to honor Jehovah, however, we must display godly qualities. In addition, if we do not delegate any appropriate tasks and responsibilities to others, we may be depriving them of the experience and training they need. It - turija dettaljata taʼ kif kienet se ssir il - kirurġija werwritni. Christ brings "to nothing all government and all authority and power " in opposition to God's sovereignty and rules as King until Jehovah puts all enemies under his feet. The detailed demonstration of how surgery would be carried out revealed me. Ma kien hemm imkien iktar fejn imorru. What helped him finally to stop? There was nowhere else to go. Bl - attakk tiegħu fuq Ġuda u Ġerusalemm, dan fil - fatt se jsir "ħati " taʼ ħsara lill - poplu t'Alla. Yes, we can have a respectful attitude toward God and his Word regardless of our environment. By his attack on Judah and Jerusalem, this will actually become "harmed " to God's people. Għalhekk, il - libertà li jgawdu l - Kristjani m'hijiex bla limiti. The ratel locates the tree, claws open the trunk, and indulges his sweet tooth. Therefore, the freedom enjoyed by Christians is not limitless. Thomson kiteb: "Ir - ragħaj jimxi fuq quddiem, mhux sempliċement biex juri t - triq, iżda biex jara li setgħu jgħaddu minnha u li kienet bla periklu.... Researchers have found that many such youths experience one or more of the following rude awakenings. Thomson wrote: "The shepherd walks in front, not just to show the way, but to see that he could go through it and that it was safe.... Innota kif iwieġeb it - 2 Korintin 1: 19, 20: "L - Iben t'Alla, Kristu Ġesù, li ġie pridkat fostkom..., ma sarx Iva u fl - istess ħin Le, imma l - Iva sar Iva fil - każ tiegħu. Jehovah God indeed listens to the prayers of those who humbly seek to serve him. Note how 2 Corinthians 1: 19, 20 answers: "The Son of God, Christ Jesus, who has been preached among you..., has not become Yes and at the same time No, but the Yes has become Yes in his case. U m'hemm l - ebda regola dwar min jistaʼ jippubblika ideat, informazzjoni, stampi, u suġġerimenti. When the answer to an employment question is not clear - cut, however, Bible principles should be noted and considered prayerfully. And there are no rules on who can publish ideas, information, pictures, and suggestions. Is - serafini, il - kerubini, u l - anġli l - oħra huma taħtu. Birds also have an unusually soft lens that enables rapid focus. The seraphines, the cherubs, and the other angels are underneath him. Xorta waħda, ħafna mid - deċiżjonijiet tagħna jistaʼ jkollhom effett kbir fuq ħajjitna. In view of these attitudes, married couples who deliberately refrain from having children are thought to be robbing themselves of something good. Still, many of our decisions can have a profound effect on our lives. Issa ejja nikkunsidraw fil - qosor eżempju ieħor, dak taʼ l - appostlu Pietru. True, you may read statistics indicating that an alarming number of youths are having sex. Let us now briefly consider another example, that of the apostle Peter. Xi bliet Spanjoli ilhom sa mis - seklu 12 itellgħu reċti teatrali tat - twelid taʼ Ġesù, inkluż meta r - rgħajja u iktar tard il - Maġi marru jżuru Betlehem. In that rendering, "testament " represents the Greek word di·a·theʹke. Some Spanish cities have been taking Jesus ' birth theatres since the 12th century, including when shepherds and the Magi later visited Bethlehem. Xi prova għall - aħwa! How is the Governing Body different from Christendom's leaders? What a test for the brothers! (a) Xi wħud kif jipprovaw jiġġustifikaw il - fatt li jiżżewġu lil xi ħadd li ma jemminx bħalhom? What are the "living waters, " and who will benefit from drinking them? (a) How do some try to justify marrying an unbeliever? Iżda l - kongregazzjonijiet lokali kif kellhom jaħdmu minn ġurnata għall - oħra? Jesus ' illustrations took many forms, including examples, comparisons, similes, and metaphors. How, though, did local congregations have to work day by day? Madankollu, it - tħassib dwar mard konness mat - trasfużjonijiet malajr ħareġ fil - beraħ. Men and women who are studious and knowledgeable, who are zealous preachers, who are flawless in their integrity, who are loyal and loving, and who are willing to lend physical and material support to the Kingdom work are truly a great blessing. However, concerns about transfusion - related diseases quickly went out. L - ilsir tant kellu dejn maʼ sidu li biex jaqtgħu kieku kien ikollu jaħdem 60 miljun ġurnata. These men are struggling with an addiction! " The slave had so much debt to his master that to cut off he would have had to work 60 million days. Hemm kien hemm żewġ żgħażagħ, Ross Hunt u Keith Robbins, li kienu ħabrieka fl - ippridkar pubbliku l - ħin kollu, magħruf bħala xogħol taʼ pijunier regulari. Since mankind's food consisted exclusively of fruits and vegetables until after the Flood, however, why raise sheep? - Genesis 1: 29; 9: 3, 4. There were two young people, Ross Hunt and Keith Robins, who were diligent in public preaching at all times, known as regular pioneering work. © 2016 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania The Bible provides truthful answers to these questions. © 2016 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Xi ngħidu għaż - żwieġ taʼ Richard? " I entreat you to observe the oneness of the spirit. ' - EPH. What about Richard's marriage? F'dan iż - "żmien iebes, " kif nistgħu niżviluppaw lil qalbna biex tibżaʼ minn Alla u tevita l - periklu spiritwali? - 2 Timotju 3: 1. " From Time Indefinite I Was Installed " In these "critical times hard to deal with, " how can we develop our heart to fear God and avoid spiritual danger? - 2 Timothy 3: 1. [ Stampa f'paġna 28] What are some of the things for which you are grateful to Jehovah? [ Picture on page 28] L - istess bħalma għamlu fis - snin preċedenti, qabel il - konvenzjoni tagħhom fl - 1999, mijiet taʼ Xhieda ħadmu iebes biex inaddfu l - faċilitajiet, iħejju s - sistema tas - sawnd u jirranġaw eluf taʼ siġġijiet. The book adds that some estimate the actual figures to be twice as high as the reported statistics. As in previous years, before their convention in 1999, hundreds of Witnesses worked hard to clean up facilities, prepare the sound system and repair thousands of seats. Madankollu, sabiex nonoraw lil Ġeħova, għandna bżonn nuru kwalitajiet li jogħġbuh. These words suggest that God gently attracts those who are rightly disposed, making an appeal to hearts. However, in order to honor Jehovah, we need to display qualities that please him. Kristu jeqred "kull ħakma u kull setgħa u kull qawwa " li jopponu s - sovranità t'Alla u jmexxi hu bħala Sultan sakemm Jehovah jqiegħed l - għedewwa kollha taħt riġlejh. 14: 13. Christ destroys "all rulership and all power and power " who oppose God's sovereignty and rule as King until Jehovah places all enemies under his feet. X'għenu jieqaf fl - aħħar? No one will make them afraid. " What helped him finally to stop? Iva, nistgħu nuru rispett lejn Alla u l - Kelma tiegħu hu x'inhu l - ambjent li ġejjin minnu. First and foremost, I noticed that our Christian brothers and sisters in Africa put Kingdom interests first in their lives. Yes, we can show respect for God and his Word regardless of the environment that comes from him. Ir - ratel isib is - siġra, jiftaħ iz - zokk b'difrejh, u jissodisfa l - aptit tiegħu għall - ħelu. So it is good to look for small expressions of kindness that you can show a neighbor, for this will often promote a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect. The camel finds the tree, opens the stake with his drunkenness, and satisfies his appetite for sweets. Xi riċerkaturi sabu li ħafna minn dawn iż - żgħażagħ jesperjenzaw waħda jew iktar mill - konsegwenzi xejn pjaċevoli li ġejjin. One group took an antidepressant drug, another did exercise alone, and a third did both. Some researchers have found that many of these young people experience one or more of the unpleasant consequences of coming. Alla Jehovah tassew jismaʼ t - talb taʼ dawk li b'umiltà jfittxu li jaqduh. 27 "Show Yourselves Thankful " Jehovah God truly hears the prayers of those who humbly seek to serve him. Madankollu, meta ma jkunx ċar daqs il - kristall jekk xi tip taʼ xogħol huwiex aċċettabbli jew le, għandna nsibu l - prinċipji Bibliċi li jkunu japplikaw u naħsbu u nitolbu dwarhom. Although we encounter problems, our joy in doing Jehovah's will spurs us on. - Nehemiah 8: 10. However, when it is not crystal clear whether some kind of work is acceptable or not, we should find the Bible principles that apply and think and pray about them. L - għasafar għandhom ukoll lenti ratba mhux tas - soltu li tistaʼ tiffoka b'ħeffa akbar. Incense - Burning - Does It Have a Place in True Worship? Birds also have an unusual soft lens that can focus more quickly. Minħabba dawn l - attitudnijiet, ħafna jqisu lil dawn il - koppji li jagħżlu li ma jkollhomx tfal bħala li qed jiċċaħħdu minn xi ħaġa li hija taʼ ġid għalihom. Marcos was a successful businessman. Because of these attitudes, many view such couples who choose not to have children as depriving of something that benefits them. Veru, forsi taqra xi statistiki li juru li numru allarmanti taʼ żgħażagħ qed ikollhom relazzjonijiet sesswali. The man's land was very productive. True, you may read statistics showing that an alarming number of young people are having sexual relations. F'din it - traduzzjoni, it - "testment " jirrappreżenta l - kelma Griega dijateke. Eventually, he invented a synthetic equivalent - Velcro. In this translation, the "testament " represents the Greek word diatheche. Il - Ġemgħa li Tiggverna kif inhi differenti mill - mexxejja tal - Kristjaneżmu? Five of their kings form an alliance and attack Gibeon. How does the Governing Body differ from the leaders of Christendom? X'inhuma l - "ilmijiet ħajjin " u min jibbenefika milli jixrob minnhom? What are the "living waters " and who benefit from drinking them? It - tixbihat taʼ Ġesù ġew preżentati f'ħafna forom, fosthom eżempji, xebh, similitudnijiet, u metafori. Jesus ' illustrations were presented in many forms, including examples, similarities, similarities, and metaphors. X'barka kbira huma dawk in - nisa u l - irġiel li huma attenti u jistudjaw, huma xandâra żelużi, iżommu l - integrità tagħhom bla tebgħa, huma leali u juru mħabba, u lesti li jappoġġaw materjalment u fiżikament ix - xogħol tas - Saltna! What a great blessing it is for women and men to be alert and to study, they are a zealous preacher, keep their integrity unblemished, are faithful and show love, and are willing to support materially and physically the Kingdom work! Dawn l - irġiel qed jitħabtu maʼ vizzju! " These men are struggling with addiction! " Ladarba qabel id - Dilluvju l - ikel tal - bniedem kien jikkonsisti biss fi frott u ħaxix, għala kienu jrabbu n - nagħaġ? - Ġenesi 1: 29; 9: 3, 4. Since before the Flood man's food consisted only of fruit and vegetables, why did the sheep grow? - Genesis 1: 29; 9: 3, 4. Il - Bibbja tipprovdi tweġibiet li huma minnhom għal dawn il - mistoqsijiet. The Bible provides answers that are true to these questions. " Nitlobkom bil - ħrara biex tħarsu l - unità taʼ l - ispirtu. ' - EFES. " I entreat you to observe the unity of the spirit. " - EPH. " Sa minn Dejjem Twaqqaft " " You Have Always Stop " X'inhuma xi affarijiet li għalihom int grat lejn Ġeħova? What are some things for which you are grateful to Jehovah? Il - ktieb iżid li xi wħud jikkalkulaw li l - figuri fil - verità huma d - doppju taʼ l - istatistiċi li jiġu rapportati. The book adds that some estimate that the figures in the truth are twice as high as the reported statistics. Dan il - kliem jissuġġerixxi li Alla jiġbed bil - ħlewwa lil dawk li jkunu disposti li jaċċettaw il - kelma, billi jagħmel xi ħaġa biex jilħaq lil qlubhom. Those words suggest that God kindly attracts those willing to accept the word, doing something to reach their hearts. 14: 13. 14: 13. Ma jkunx hemm min ibeżżagħhom. " He that fears them will not be. " L - ewwel u qabel kollox, innotajt li ħutna l - Kristjani fl - Afrika jpoġġu l - interessi tas - Saltna l - ewwel f'ħajjithom. First and foremost, I noticed that our Christian brothers and sisters in Africa put Kingdom interests first in their lives. Għalhekk, ikun tajjeb li tara x'ġesti żgħar taʼ qalb tajba tistaʼ turi maʼ ġârek, għax taʼ spiss dan jinkuraġġixxi spirtu taʼ kooperazzjoni u rispett lejn xulxin. So it is good to see what little kind gesture you can show to your neighbor, for it often promotes a spirit of cooperation and respect for each other. Dan tistaʼ tagħmlu billi turihom l - istampi u tispjegalhom dwarhom. You can do this by showing them pictures and explaining them to them. Min Hu l - Awtur tal - Bibbja? Who Is the Author of the Bible? Għalkemm insibu xi jfixkilna, il - ferħ li jiġi mill - fatt li nkunu qed inwettqu r - rieda taʼ Jehovah jħeġġiġna biex inkomplu nagħmlu dan. - Neħemija 8: 10. Although we find some frustration, the joy of carrying out Jehovah's will encourages us to continue to do so. - Nehemiah 8: 10. Il - Ħruq taʼ l - Inċens - Għandu Post fil - Qima Vera? The Burning of Incense - Does It Have a Place in True Worship? Marcos kien negozjant li rnexxa. Marcos was a successful trader. L - art taʼ dan ir - raġel kienet produttiva ħafna. This man's land was very productive. Maż - żmien, hu vvinta xi ħaġa sintetika li tixbahha - il - Velkro. In time, he invented something synthetic like it - the Velkro. Ħamsa mis - slaten tagħhom ifformaw alleanza u attakkaw lil Gibgħon. Five of their kings formed an alliance and attacked Gibeon.