Bilf sẽn deng tẽn - tẽns tigis - kãseng sẽn zĩnd yʋʋmd 1998, Atɛn zʋrnall a yembr n lebs n dɩk Gerɛk Ortodogs tũudum egiliiz taoor dãmb goam sẽn yet t'a "[Zeova Kaset rãmbã] pa " tũudum nebã sẽn mi ye, ' " baa ne Erop ninsaalb dʋrwa rãmb bʋ - kaoodb sullã sẽn dɩk sard n yeel tɩ rẽ pa sɩdã. Shortly before an international convention in 1998, an Athens newspaper quoted the Greek Orthodox clergy as claiming that "[Jehovah's Witnesses] are not a " known religion, ' " despite the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights to the contrary. Shortly before a international convention in 1998, a French newspaper quoted a French newspaper who said that "Jehovah's Witnesses don't know religion, " even though the European Court of Human Rights does not make this decision. Wẽnnaam na n yẽesa nintãm fãa sẽn be b ninẽ wã. Kũum kõn leb n zĩnd ye, la sũ - sãang wall yãbre, wall toog kõn leb n zĩnd ye. The tent of God is with mankind,... and he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. God will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. Kom - bõonegã sẽn da kaas n pẽg a Zezi sẽn yaa Mesi wã, a kelg - b lame la a yeel nebã tɩ Gʋlsg Sõamyã ra pĩnd n wilga rẽ. When young boys shouted out in praise of the Messiah, Jesus took note and showed that the Scriptures had foretold this. When the young children cried out to Jesus as the Messiah, he listened and told them that this was foretold in the Scriptures. Y miime tɩ b rat n kẽname tɩ zems ne a Zeova waoogre, la tõe tɩ b sɩd rata sõngr sẽn na yɩl n maan woto n kaoose. You know that they want to walk worthily of Jehovah, yet they may truly need help to do that lastingly. You know that they want to walk worthily of Jehovah, and they may need help to endure. Wakat ning me, kiris - ned tõe n maanda yɩɩre, a sẽn yɛɛsd zu - loees na n wa wa yĩnga. Unwarranted anxiety often results if a Christian agonizes over possible future problems. At times, a Christian may feel anxious about the future. D yãkda d sẽn tarã n kõt a Zeova, d sẽn nong - a, tɩ d sũur noom ne - a wã yĩnga. He who conducts himself as a lesser one is "great " in another way. We choose to give Jehovah our best because we love him. Bũmb a to me n kɩt tɩ sẽn sikd - a a meng yaa "kãsenga. " Press On in the Harvest Work! Another factor that gives humility is "a crown of beauty. " Bɩ y kõ n paam sũ - noogo! So the Devil urged him to misuse his miraculous powers to satisfy his hunger. Find Joy! Rẽnd a Sʋɩtãan baoome n na n kɩt t'a tũnug ne tõog ning Wẽnnaam sẽn kõ - a wã, n kɩt tɩ kugã lebg rɩɩb t'a rɩ. Although others can help and support him, the primary responsibility for reaching out rests with the man himself. Satan thus sought to use the power God gave him to make stones to eat food. Baa neb a taab sẽn tõe n sõng saam - biig t'a wa tõog n tʋm n sõng a taabã, yaa yẽ mengã n segd n wilg t'a tʋlla rẽ. After going through those regions and giving many words of encouragement to the ones there, he arrived in Greece. " Even though others may be able to train a learner to serve others, he must be willing to demonstrate that desire. Yẽnda pɩʋʋga zĩig - zĩig soolem - kãng pʋg n sagl karen - biisã [rat n yeel tɩ n "keng b raood, " MN] wʋsgo, n yaool n kẽng Gɛrs tẽnga. " Sacrificing to Keep Peace In that city, he urged his disciples: "Be courageous and strong, and go to Athens. " A Abram da sakame n na n mong a meng tɩ laafɩ kell n zĩndi The Mosaic Law had regulations about marriage and engagement. Abram was willing to make a sacrifice that would continue to promote peace A Moiiz Tõogã ra tara noy kãadmã la kãadem pʋlemsã wɛɛngẽ. Stand firm and see the salvation of Jehovah, which he will perform for you today. ' " The Mosaic Law had laws regarding marriage and marriage. Yaas - y n ges - y Zusoabã sẽn na n fãag yãmb dũndã. ' " According to the prophet Daniel, what would happen in "the time of the end, " and how has this prophecy been fulfilled? Imagine, for example, that Jehovah will deliver you in the day of your deliverance. ' " Sã n yaa ne no - rɛɛs a Daniɛlle bõe n da na n zĩnd "sɛɛbã wakate, " la yaa wãn - wãn la bãngr gom - kãngã pids - yã? Doubtless, David's indignation quickly gave way to profound shame and deep sorrow. According to the prophet Daniel, what would happen in "the time of the end, " and how was this prophecy fulfilled? Sãmbg sẽn ka be, a Davɩɩd sũ - yikrã toeem n lebga yãnd la sũ - sãang wʋsgo. Note David's reply to King Saul, who offered David his daughter in marriage. David's anger undoubtedly changed. Ges - y a Davɩɩd leokr sẽn yɩ to - to, rĩm a Sayull sẽn pʋlem - a a bipuglã. He further wrote: "Evangelism was the very life blood of the early Christians. " Consider how David responded when King Saul made a vow to his daughter. A paasame: "Koe - noogã mooneg ra bee pipi kiris - nebã zɩɩm pʋgẽ. " (b) What answer does Jesus give the Pharisees who complain about the crowd? He added: "The preaching of the good news was in the blood of the early Christians. " b) Leok - bʋg la a Zezi kõ Fariziẽ rãmbã sẽn yẽgem kʋʋngã wɛɛngẽ wã? Why should we guard against "the deceptive power of riches "? (b) What invitation did Jesus give to the Pharisees about murmuring about the crowds? Bõe yĩng tɩ d segd n gũus d mens ne " arzɛgsã belgre? ' Parapet on Rooftops of Jewish Houses, 4 / 1 Why must we guard against "the deceptive power of riches "? Tags - y n ges - y! In what way? Just think! B boola kiris - neb sẽn zae nins a Poll sẽn gʋlsã tɩ b zĩnd Kirist yĩngã pʋgẽ. Yaa woto me ne sẽn zae - bã kell rũndã - rũndã. The anointed Christians to whom Paul wrote were called to be part of the body of Christ, as are the remaining ones of the anointed today. That is also true of anointed Christians today, whom Paul wrote to be part of Christ's body. " Kɩɩs yĩngã ratmã ' rat n yeelame tɩ d segd n modga wʋsg tɩ yoobã tʋlsem ra wa kẽ - d ye. The word "deaden " indicates that we must take strong measures to fight against immoral fleshly desires. To "flee from the flesh " means that we must fight against immoral desires. 8 Wẽnnaam barkã sẽn ka to wã yĩnga, d paama d mense 8 By Undeserved Kindness You Were Set Free 8 Because of God's undeserved kindness, we have been blessed by God's undeserved kindness A sagenda nebã tɩ b tẽ a Zeezi Kiristi, bala yẽ n sak n ki sẽn na yɩl tɩ tõnd tõog n paam vɩɩm sẽn ka satã, leb n yaa yẽ la Wẽnnaam Rĩungã Rĩma. It promotes faith in Jesus Christ, who died so that we might gain everlasting life and who is now ruling as King of God's Kingdom. It promotes faith in Jesus Christ, who died so that we might gain everlasting life and who is now ruling as King of God's Kingdom. Nin - kẽemã sẽn wʋmã, a yeela a kambã tɩ b yõk a bõangã n wa kõ - a tao - tao t'a babs Wẽnnaam no - rɛɛsã. Upon hearing the report, the old man asks them to saddle an ass for him so that he might catch up with God's prophet. When the younger heard, he told his sons to seize him and send him over to parts of the city to send him to God's prophet. " MAM SŨURI, BƖ F BAS F YELL WẼNNAAM NUGẼ BALA " " TOWARD GOD WAIT SILENTLY, O MY SOUL " " DO NOT THAT DOES GOD IS TO GOD " (Zã 17: 4) Dũniyã gill zugu, a Zeova Kaset rãmbã tagsda woto. - Ges - y zĩ - gũbr ning sẽn yaa: "D sẽn na n maan to - to n " wom biis ne sũ - mare, ' " sẽn be seb - neng 29 pʋgẽ wã. Witnesses of Jehovah worldwide agree. - See the box "How to " Bear Fruit With Endurance, ' " on page 21. Jehovah's Witnesses around the world feel this way: "How will we bear fruit " in the box on page 29? A Felisa: Tõnd zakã rãmb ra pa reemd ne b tũudmã ye. Felisa: I came from a very devout family. Felisa: My family was not involved in their worship. Tõnd fãa tagsda beoog yelle. We all think about the future. All of us look forward to the future. B ra baoodame tɩ sẽn na n wags - b taabã tik sebr zug n gʋls lɛtre. The contestants were to write a letter based on a book. They wanted to write a letter to the group. Lak bɩ zoe ratem - wẽn - kãensã baoodame tɩ bi - bɩɩg sẽn yaa kiris - ned gũus a meng ne bũmb ning fãa sẽn tõe n kɩt t'a maan sẽn pa segde. Fleeing requires that a Christian youth guard against unwholesome influences, wherever they might surface. Such desires require that a young Christian be on guard against anything that could lead to wrong conduct. La d sã n wa yã " Zusoaba bãngre, ' ad sɩd yaa keoor sẽn tar barka! But how rewarding it is to find "the very knowledge of God "! And what a blessing it is to see "the very knowledge of Jehovah "! Rẽ yĩnga b lebs n lugla Wẽnd baleng sɩd - sɩdã pipi kiris - neb tigingã sẽn da maandã bɩ? Did they restore the purity of the original Christian congregation? Were they restored to true worship in the first - century Christian congregation? (Tõodo 14: 3 - 20) Tõe tɩ b pa yiis rũms nins b sẽn kʋ wã zɩɩm sõma, tɩ b nemdã wõbr ra na n yɩ Wẽnnaam Tõogã kɩɩsgo. The slaughtered animals may not have been bled properly, and partaking of such meat would have violated God's Law. The animal that was killed may not have been removed from the blood of the animal, which would have been rebellious to God's Law. Kiris - ned hakɩk tũuda a Zezi sẽn wilg nebã bũmb ning Wẽnnaam la a raabã zugã. - Matɩe 7: 21 - 23. Jesus ' true followers are those who live in harmony with the truths he taught about God and His will. - Matthew 7: 21 - 23. True Christians follow Jesus ' teachings about God and his purposes. - Matthew 7: 21 - 23. (Efɛɛz rãmba 3: 14, 15, NW) Pipi raoã ne a pagã tagsg pʋgẽ b ra tõe n deng n yãa tẽngã sẽn pid ne b kamb la b yagense, neb sẽn zems zãng sẽn vɩ ne sũ - noog tẽng zug arzãnẽ, la sẽn balemd b Naand Kãsengã zems - n - taar pʋgẽ. Looking ahead, that first couple could envision an earth filled with their progeny - an extended family of perfect individuals living joyfully on a paradise earth and unitedly worshiping their Grand Creator. In the first couple's thinking, they could see the earth filled with their children and their offspring, who live happily on a paradise earth, and worshiping their Grand Creator. M gũuda kũum vʋʋgrã sasa ne m sũur fãa, n na n le paam n yã - a. I am really looking forward to seeing her again in the resurrection. I look forward to seeing him again in the resurrection. • Bõe la tõnd segd n maan sẽn na yɩl t'a Zeova wa mik " tɩ d ka tar dẽgd bɩ zanga, la tɩ d bee laafɩ pʋgẽ '? • What must we do to be found by Jehovah "spotless and unblemished and in peace "? • What must we do to see that Jehovah "is clean and undefiled and that we reside in peace "? Yaa woto la laloa karen - saamb sogs neb wʋsg yʋʋm a wãn sẽn looge. Some years ago, a law professor conducted a survey by asking that question. That is what many have been asked for years. (Zã 3: 16) A Zeova sẽn maan woto wã, yaa a sẽn dat tɩ tõnd paam n vɩɩmd wakat sẽn kõn sa, la d paam t'a nong - d wakat fãa wã yĩnga. Jehovah did this because he wants us to live forever, and he also wants us to benefit from his love forever! In so doing, Jehovah wants us to live forever and to love him forever. Rẽ, tõnd tʋʋmdã yaa d taas Pekɩɩm Sõng a Zezi koɛɛgã tɩ yɩ vẽeneg wa d sẽn tõe tɛka. - Zã 10: 4, 14. Our task, then, is simply to convey the message of the Fine Shepherd, Jesus, as clearly as we are able to. - John 10: 4, 14. Our work is thus a helper to the Fine Shepherd, Jesus. - John 10: 4, 14. (Karm - y 2 Rĩm - dãmb 4: 32 - 37.) (Read 2 Kings 4: 32 - 37.) (Read 2 Kings 4: 32 - 37.) (Yɩɩl 119: 49, 50) Rũndã - rũndã, tõnd tara Biiblã sẽn yaa a Zeova Gomdã, tɩ kibay be be n gomd a Zeova sẽn da bels neb to - to yelle. What moved one psalmist to compose a heartfelt prayer? Today, we have Jehovah's Word, the Bible, and accounts of how Jehovah comforted others. Bõe yĩng tɩ d tõe n yeel tɩ "piis a taabã " me yaa sãamba? Today, we have Jehovah's written Word, which contains many examples of God - given comfort. Why can the "other sheep " be called temporary residents? b) Mak - sõng bʋg la a Zezi kõ tõnd tigissã kẽnd wɛɛngẽ? In what sense are the "other sheep " temporary residents? (b) What example did Jesus set regarding attending meetings? A ZEOVA la vẽenemã la sɩdã Yẽgre, wa d sẽn yã sõsg ning sẽn loogã pʋgẽ wã. (b) What example did Jesus set regarding meetings for worship? JEHOVAH is the Source of light and truth, as we have seen in the preceding article. Sã n yaa ne pipi Kibay 25: 8 wã, b sʋkã neb kẽer n da yaa "karen - biisi, " n da nan zãmsd yɩɩlã. According to 1 Chronicles 25: 8, there were " learners ' as well. According to 1 Chronicles 25: 8, some of them were "the disciples, " who had just learned the songs. 24: 28. 24: 28. 24: 28. Yaa woto la Wilgri 13: 7 sɩd yeta: " B kõo yẽ noor ne buud fãa la ninsaalba fãa la ne goama fãa la ne soolma fãa. ' This observation is affirmed by Revelation 13: 7, which says of the beast: "Authority was given it over every tribe and people and tongue and nation. " That is what Revelation 13: 7 says: "He has given to all sorts of men as well as to every nation and tribe and tongue and people. " Karen - biig a Zak yeela vẽeneg tɩ "tɩtaam a woto yaa bõn - wẽnga. " The disciple James tells us frankly: "All such taking of pride is wicked. " The disciple James clearly stated: "These are evil things. " [ Fotã soaadbã] [ Credit Line] [ Credit Line] 110: 3. 110: 3. 110: 3. Woto yĩnga, kiris - neb hakɩkã pa kisgd neda, baa sẽn tʋmd - b tʋʋm - dẽgd a woto wã ye. - 1 Pɩɛɛr 2: 17. Therefore, genuine Christians are not homophobic. - 1 Peter 2: 17. Therefore, true Christians do not hate anyone, even those who practice such unclean practices. - 1 Peter 2: 17. Sã n yaa woto, rẽ tõe n kɩtame tɩ d bãng bũmb ning sẽn kɩt t'a Pɩɛɛr da nong n yaa pipi n gomdã. If that is correct, this might help to explain why Peter was so often the first to speak. If so, this can help us to understand why Peter used the first word. Yãmb sã n gũus n gesame, yaa wẽn - sakdb la a Zeova tũ ne n vʋʋg neb nins yell d sẽn gomã. Wala makre, a Eli, a Zeezi la a Pɩyɛɛre. Sẽn paase, yɩɩ wakat a Zeova sẽn da mi n kõ ninsaalb tõog tɩ b maand yel - soalma. It is interesting, though, that a faithful servant of God, such as Elijah, Jesus, or Peter, was present on each of those occasions, during the time when Jehovah was performing miracles. If you have seen examples of faithful men and women whom we have considered, such as Elijah, Jesus, Peter, and Jesus, at times, Jehovah's ability to perform miracles for humans. 16 - 18. 16 - 18. 16 - 18. Ad bũmb a ye a sẽn maane. Filisti nebã wa n dat n zaba ne Israyɛll nebã, t'a Sãmwɛll yeel - a t'a pa Gilgall n gũ - a t'a wa reng n kʋ maoong n kõ a Zeova. When God's prophet Samuel did not show up in Gilgal at the appointed time, Saul became impatient. For example, when the Philistines tried to attack Israel, Samuel told Samuel not to wait for him to die as a sacrifice to Jehovah. La yaoolem wakatã sɩngr poore, sokr sẽn tar yõod n da rat leokre: Ãnd dãmb n na n yɩ neb bilfã? But as the last days were just getting under way, the critical question was, Who will be the few? But after the beginning of the last days, a vital question arose: Who will be the few? A Moyiiz kũumã poore, a Zozue sẽn ledg - a wã me paamame tɩ malɛgs sõng - a. After Moses ' time, his successor, Joshua, was strengthened by "the prince of Jehovah's army " to lead God's people into battle against the Canaanites; and the Israelites won the victory. After Moses ' death, Joshua also received angelic support. Segdame tɩ ned kam fãa fees a menga. Why is what we set our mind on a serious issue? Each person must examine himself. • Bõe la y zãms karen - biisã maaneg tʋʋmd wɛɛngẽ Tʋʋm sebrã sak 18 wã pʋgẽ? • From Acts chapter 18, what have you learned about the disciple - making work? • What have you learned about the disciple - making work in Acts chapter 18? Woto yaa makr a wãn bal sẽn wilgd tɩ b sẽn yeel Biiblã pʋgẽ tɩ yaa Wẽnnaam n kɩt tɩ b gʋls - a wã yaa sɩda. B yeelame: "Wẽnnaam n kɩt tɩ b gʋls gʋls - sõamyã fãa, la b bee yõod zãmsg yĩnga, tɩ kɩt tɩ ned bãng a kongre, tɩ rems neda. " - 2 Tɩmote 3: 16. These are just a few examples to substantiate the Bible's claim of authenticity when it says: "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight. " - 2 Timothy 3: 16. These are just a few examples that show the truth of God's inspired Word: "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight. " - 2 Timothy 3: 16. (Karm - y - yã.) (Read.) (Read.) (Tõodo 22: 8) Ned sã n yi a zug n lʋɩ, b sẽn pa tũ tõog - kãngã sẽn kõt koglgã yĩnga, Wẽnnaam da ningda roogã soab taale. If someone fell because this safety law had not been observed, God held the owner responsible. When a person loses his head because of that law, God condemned the house. Sodom galʋ - tẽngã ra tara arzɛka, la a ra pida ne raglem tʋʋm me. Jehovah sent his angels to bring the place to ruin. The city of Sodom was prosperous and had immoral relations. La zu - bʋko, pa woto wakat fãa ye. Unfortunately, this is not always so. Sadly, though, that is not always the case. Bõe yĩng tɩ d tõe n yeel tɩ sẽn kʋ - a a to wã sã n tɩ be soondg tẽngẽ, a tõe n vɩɩmda bãane, tɩ rabeem kae, t'a vɩɩmã me tar barka? Explain why a fugitive could feel safe, secure, and happy within the city of refuge. Why can it be said that the fugitive who killed him in the cities of refuge can be secure, secure, and successful? Yaa sɩd tɩ d pa tõe n bãng rondã yaoob sẽn yɩ toog to - to ne d saasẽ Ba wã la ne a Bi - nongrã sõma ye. It is impossible for us to grasp exactly how much the ransom cost our heavenly Father and his beloved Son. Of course, we cannot know how difficult the ransom has been for our heavenly Father and his beloved Son. (Yelbũna 23: 29, 30) Sõss nins sẽn pʋgdã kõta sagls sẽn tõe n sõng - yã. The following articles will consider helpful information on this subject. The following articles offer suggestions that can help you. Rẽ yĩnga verse kãngã sẽn yeelã gɩdga rẽ bɩ? What, though, about two unmarried persons engaging in oral sex? Does this passage's conclusion make sense? B bobla tõnd tʋʋmd sẽn yaa " maan neba tɩ b yɩ karen - biisi, n zãms - ba. ' We are commissioned to "make disciples of people..., teaching them. " We have been entrusted with the responsibility to " make disciples, teaching them. ' Rũndã - rũndã, a Zeova kõta kiris - neb nins sẽn tũud sɩdã pãnga, n tũnugd ne a vʋʋsem sõngã, a Gomdã la kiris - nedemdã pʋgẽ saam - biisã. Today, Jehovah empowers faithful Christians by means of his holy spirit, his Word, and our Christian brotherhood. Today, Jehovah empowers faithful Christians by means of his spirit, Word, and Christian brothers. (Rom dãmba 4: 16 - 21) Tõnd seglame n na n maan Wẽnnaam daabã, baa rẽ sã n baooda modgr la mong - m - meng wʋsg bɩ? Are we prepared to do God's will even when it requires major sacrifices? Are we prepared to do God's will, even if doing so requires great effort and self - sacrifice? Dãniyɛll ning yell d sẽn zoe n gomã kɩsa sɩd ne rẽ. Daniel, quoted earlier, found this to be true. Daniel, mentioned earlier, is convinced of this. (Yɩɩl Sõamyã 90: 2) A Zezi yaa "Bi - kãseng sẽn yɩɩd bõn - naandsa fãa. " Jesus is "the firstborn of all creation. " Jesus is "the firstborn of all creation. " 2, 3. 2, 3. 2, 3. (Zã 20: 19 - 23) Tõe tɩ yaa neb sẽn zems karen - biis 500 n yã - a, a sẽn wa n kõ noor woto wã: " Bɩ y kẽng n maan karem - biisi. ' He was seen by some 500, perhaps when he commanded: " Go, make disciples. ' Perhaps some 500 disciples saw him when he commanded: "Go therefore and make disciples. " Wãn - wãn la pʋg - sɩdbã segd n waoog b pagbã? How should a husband honor his wife? How should husbands honor their wives? Abada! Not at all! Not at all! Yaa a Zeova n naan bũmb nins fãa sẽn be wã. Jehovah is the wonderful Creator of everything in existence. Jehovah created all other things. A Dilip sẽn yaa a Reena sɩdã me wilga bʋʋm a to. Dilip, Reena's husband, takes it a step further. " I've found another reason to be honest, " says the husband, "and I'm happy. " 4: 3, 4; 1 Zã 5: 19) La yɛlã sẽn tar kengr dũniyã zugã kɩtame tɩ wʋsg sak n deeg tɩ yaa ãdem - biisã sẽn zãag b mens ne Wẽnnaamã n kɩt tɩ b lebg wẽns la b namsdẽ wã. However, worsening world conditions have caused many to respond when shown that alienation from God is at the root of human evil and suffering. Yet, world conditions convince many that mankind's alienated from God has turned them away from God and persecuted them. 1 / 6 6 / 15 6 / 15 Sã n yaa ne Biibl mit a Lenski, yõk - m - meng kãng yaa "maag - m - menga, tags - tɩ - bɩ, mag yɛlã tɩrga, tɩ kɩtdẽ tɩ d tõe n dɩk sard sẽn zemse. " Lenski, that soberness is "a calm, steady state of mind which weighs and estimates things aright and thus enables us to make the right decision. " According to Vine's Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words, self - control is "the ability to make a decision. " Y sã n dat t'a Zeova Kaset soab wa tɩ y sõs rẽ zugu, a na n saka ne yamleoogo. Jehovah's Witnesses would be pleased to discuss these answers with you. Jehovah's Witnesses would be pleased to discuss these answers with you. A togsame: "Dũniyã sã n kisg yãmba, bɩ y bãng t'a reng n kisga maam. He declared: "If the world hates you, you know that it has hated me before it hated you. He declared: "If the world hates you, you know that it hated me first. Bõe zug sõsg n tõe n keng tẽebo? What topics are good for upbuilding conversations? What topics can strengthen our faith? Ayo. No. No. Bõe n wilgd t'a Zeova sõngda neb rũndã - rũndã? What evidence do we have that Jehovah is helping people today? What evidence is there that Jehovah is helping people today? 20: 11 - 14. 20: 11 - 14. 20: 11 - 14. Sã n yaa ne Wilgri 4: 11, b yetame: "Tõnd Zusoaba la tõnd Wẽnnaam, yãmb n zems tɩ reeg pẽgre la waoogre la pãnga, tɩ bõe, yãmb n naan bũmb fãa, la yaa yãmb daaba yĩng la yãmb naan bãmb tɩ b beẽ. " According to Revelation 4: 11, they declare: "You are worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created. " According to Revelation 4: 11, they says: "You are worthy, Jehovah, even our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they existed and were created. " N - ye. " Now that you have put away deceit, each one of you speak truth with his neighbor. " - Ephesians 4: 25. WHAT IS IT? Yes. Wilgdame tɩ dũni - paalgã pʋgẽ, sabab - wẽng pa na n tol n zĩnd ye. Yes. In the new world, there will never be a disaster in the new world. Wẽnnaam sẽn yãk - y tɩ y lebg a tʋm - tʋmdã tɛka, a bobl - y - la a tʋʋmdã. Clearly, planet Earth's future is in good hands. Since God has appointed you as his slave, he has entrusted you with his service. Edom zẽka sʋʋg n zab ne "b saam - biis " n pa zoe b nimbãaneg ye. Amon nebã ra talla wẽnem wʋsg tɩ loog ne Israɛll neb nins sẽn da yaa yembsã. As an ordained minister, you have a ministry to perform. Edom "went up against their brothers, " not to show mercy to them, but to the unfaithful Israelites. Yaa tɩlae wakat fãa tɩ f pids pʋleng f sẽn maan Wẽnnaam bɩ? Edom mercilessly used the sword against "his own brother, " and the Ammonites were sadistic in their treatment of Israelite captives. Is it always necessary to make a vow to God? " Tẽeb sã n ka lagem ne tʋʋma, a yaa [kɩɩnga]. " - ZAK 2: 17. Are vows made to God always binding? 2: 17. 13: 57; Mark 6: 4; Luk 4: 24; Zã 4: 44. " Faith, if it does not have works, is dead in itself. " - JAMES 2: 17. 13: 57; Mark 6: 4; Luke 4: 24; John 4: 44. Gɛrk gom - biig ning b sẽn lebg ka tɩ "tõe tʋʋmdã " bilgda" tʋʋm teoog sẽn yaa sõma n zems kɛpɩ ne a tʋʋmde. " 13: 57; Mark 6: 4; Luke 4: 24; John 4: 44. The Greek word rendered "work " conveys the idea of" fine tool. " Wala b Zusoabã, b ra segenda bãmb me sẽn na yɩl tɩ b wa tõog n tɩ tʋm tʋʋm kãseng ning b sẽn da na n wa bobl - bã ne nonglem. It makes us "fully competent " and" completely equipped. " Like their Master, they were preparing to fulfill their great commission. A sagl - b - la woto: "Da maan - y bũmb baa a yembr ne zabr walla wilg - m - meng ye, la bɩ ned kam fãa tẽ ne sik - m - meng yam tɩ nebã fãa yɩɩda yẽnda. Bɩ yãmb ned kam fãa da ges a meng yell bal ye, bɩ y ges taab yell me. " (Fil. Keep in mind that those whom Jesus addressed were anointed Christians with the hope of ruling alongside him in heaven. He urged them: "Do nothing out of contentiousness or out of egotism, but with lowliness of mind considering that the others are superior to you, not only of personal interest but also of personal interest to each other. " 5 Armagedõ sẽn sɩd yaa bũmb ninga He urged Christians: "[Do] nothing out of contentiousness or out of egotism, but with lowliness of mind considering that the others are superior to you, keeping an eye, not in personal interest upon just your own matters, but also in personal interest upon those of the others. " 5 The Truth About Armageddon Karm - y Rom dãmb 12: 6 - 8, 11. 5 The Truth About Armageddon Read Romans 12: 6 - 8, 11. Bõe yell la Rom dãmb 7: 18 - 23 gomda? Read Romans 12: 6 - 8, 11. What is the theme of Romans 7: 18 - 23? Yaa d sẽn na n moond Rĩungã koɛɛgã ne yẽesem, n sõngd nebã sẽn na yɩl tɩ b lebg a Zeezi karen - biisi. What struggle is described at Romans 7: 18 - 23? By having a zealous share in the Kingdom - preaching work, helping people to become Jesus ' followers. Wa d sẽn yã wã, rẽ yĩnga d tõe n tika Biiblã zug n yeel tɩ sẽn nan ket b ma rãmbã pʋsẽ wã ne kom - peelsã yaa toor - toor bɩ? We do that by zealously preaching the Kingdom good news and making more disciples. As we have seen, can it be said that those who remain in the mother's mother's mother are different? Woto, d wilgdame tɩ d rɩkda a Zeova togs - n - taar tɩrlmã wɛɛngẽ. On the whole, does the Bible give us a basis for drawing a big distinction between a baby in the womb and one that has drawn its first breath? We thus show that we imitate Jehovah's justice. Hakɩka, d sã n karemd Biiblã la d tũud a sẽn yetã, bũmb ning b sẽn bilg Ezai 30: 21 pʋgẽ wã na n pidsa d zugu. Until then, may each of us be determined to reflect Jehovah's view of justice by humbly acknowledging our personal limitations and generously forgiving those who sin against us. Yes, reading the Bible and applying what we read at Isaiah 30: 21 will be fulfilled. Bɩ tõnd ned kam fãa maan sẽn noom a yaka, sẽn na yɩ sõma ne - a la a bɩɩb yĩnga. Indeed, when we read the Bible and let it guide us, we are experiencing firsthand what is described at Isaiah 30: 21: "Your own ears will hear a word behind you saying: " This is the way. Let each of us please his neighbor in what is good for his upbuilding. Wala makre, Etazĩni, ekoll piblik rãmbẽ wã, biig fãa tõe n karma yʋʋm 12. In the United States, for example, public schools offer 12 years of basic education. For example, in the United States, every child can read 12 years ago. (Zoob 1: 10; 42: 12) Ad a Zoob sɩd yaa mak - sõng n kõ kiris - neb nins sẽn kẽ kãadmã, roap la pagb fãa! What a fine example Job is for married Christians, both men and women! What a fine example Job set for married Christians, both male and female! B kẽer lebga kiris - neb sẽn nan pa kaoose. Some of them are new in the faith. Some have recently become Christians. Tẽeg - y tõnd sɛbã yell me. Each morning, you awake feeling rested and eager to begin your day. Remember, too, our literature. Yibeoog fãa, y na n yika ne sũ - noog la laafɩ, tɩ y yamã be y menga. Maybe you would like to read this scripture. Every morning you will rise up with joy and peace, including your mind. Bala, a wilgda a Zezi sẽn wa tẽngã zugã võore. We need to be aware of how our behavior can affect others and not take ourselves too seriously. - w17.01, p. Because he explains why Jesus came to earth. A pa tagsd t'a yɩɩda a taabã ye. - w17.01, s.n. Because his eyes of faith saw something far more powerful than a sea or an army. He does not feel superior to others. - w15 pp. Bala, a ra nee sẽn yɩɩd mogrã la sodaasã. And listening to God means willingly submitting oneself to the arrangement he has set in place, the Christian congregation with appointed elders, "gifts in men. " - Eph. He saw more than the sea and the soldiers. (Mat. 7: 21) Sak Wẽnnaam leb n dat n yeelame tɩ f sak kãsem dãmbã b sẽn boond tɩ "kũun sẽn yaa nebã " sẽn lʋɩt tigingã taoorã. - Ef. The apostle Paul explained that Moses ' wearing of the veil had to do with the minds and the heart condition of the Israelites themselves. Obedience to God includes obeying the elders as "gifts in men " who take the lead in the congregation. - Eph. Tʋm - tʋmd a Poll wilgame t'a Moiiz sẽn da lut a nengẽ ne peendã ra tara loees ne Israɛll nebã yam - tagsgã la b sũyã sẽn da yaa to - to wã. Jesus perceived that power had gone out of him and therefore asked who touched him. The apostle Paul explained that Moses ' cleansing of the veil was linked to the spirit of the Israelites and their hearts. 15: 19, 25) A Zezi bãngame tɩ pãng n yi yẽ nengẽ, t'a sok n dat n bãng ned ning sẽn sɩɩs - a wã. Some 27 years after Pentecost 33 C.E., it could be said that "the message of truth of the good news " had reached Jews and Gentiles" in all creation under heaven. " - Col. Jesus understood that the power came from him, so he asked a person who touched him. Yʋʋm 27 a Zezi karen - biisã sẽn sɩng moonegã poore, b tõog n moona "Koe - noog sẽn yaa sɩd koɛɛgã " zʋɩf - rãmbã la bu - zẽmsã neb" dũniyã fãa. " - Kol. When you go the extra mile, you are more likely to enjoy your work. Some 27 years after the preaching work began, Jesus ' disciples were able to preach the "good news of the kingdom " to Jews and Gentiles. - Col. Y sã n tʋmdẽ tɩ zʋʋgd b sẽn kot - y - yã, y tõe n paama sũ - noogo. Everything he does is guided by that quality. Of what does God's love assure us? You can be happy if you work hard to reach your destination. A Zeova sẽn nong tõndã kɩtame tɩ d tõe n kɩs sɩd ne bõe? The Israelites would thus demonstrate that they did not take for granted Jehovah's love and blessings. - Read Deuteronomy 8: 7 - 11. What confidence does Jehovah's love give us? 23: 19, Wẽnnaam Sebre, 1983) B sã n da maand woto, b wilgdame tɩ b miime tɩ bãmb me segd n maana bũmb n yaool n paam t'a Zeova nong - b la a ningd - b barka. - Karm - y Tõod 8: 7 - 11. So even mistake - prone humans can meet God's requirements. When they did so, they knew that they too needed something to do before Jehovah loves them and blesses them. - Read Deuteronomy 8: 7 - 11. (Oze 6: 6) Woto, baa ninsaalb sẽn yaa koangdb tõe n maana bũmb nins Wẽnnaam sẽn baood tɩ b maana. God - given joy brings us deep satisfaction when we do the divine will even in times of hardship, sorrow, or persecution. So even imperfect humans can do what God expects of them. Bala, nin - yaalg ka tat Wẽnnaam yam ye. " Return Evil for Evil to No One " For with evil things God does not please himself. D sã n maand Wẽnnaam daabã baa toog la sũ - sãams pʋgẽ, pa rẽ bɩ b sã n wa namsd - d d tẽebã yĩnga, sũ - noog ning Wẽnnaam sẽn kõt - dã kɩtdame tɩ d sũy ket n noome. Only humans are conscious of having a spiritual need and feel the desire to satisfy it. When we faithfully do God's will despite persecution or persecution, our joy gives us the joy that comes from serving God. " Da lebs - y wẽng wẽng yĩng ye " The Father Has Affection for You " Return Evil for Evil to No One " Yaa ninsaal bal n mi t'a segd n balma Wẽnnaam, la a tʋll n sɩd maan woto. Forgive One Another Freely, 11 / 15 Only man knows that he must worship God, and he wants to do so. Ba wã tara nonglem ne yãmba Many have found that this approach contributes to peace. - Romans 12: 18. The Father Has Love for You Kõt - y taab sugri 1 / 11 (b) How did Jesus make it easier for his listeners and others to recall his illustrations? 11 / 15 Wʋsg yãame tɩ woto sõngdame tɩ b sõsd ne taab ne bãane. - Rom dãmba 12: 18. The Antichrist " Tickles Ears ' Many have found this to be a source of peace. - Romans 12: 18. b) Wãn to la a Zezi maan t'a kɛlgdbã la neb a taabã tõe n wa tẽeg a magkrã nana - nana? They could henceforth devote themselves to promoting true worship. (b) How did Jesus make it easier for his listeners and others to remember him? Kirist kɩɩsdã togsda goam sẽn noom nebã bala The Bible states that "the world is passing away. " The Trinity communicates only with people (Wilgri 17: 1, 15) Rẽ tɛka, b ra tõeeme n kɩt tɩ sɩd balengã kẽng taoore. However, the modern - day works that Jehovah is accomplishing in connection with the sanctification of his name will no doubt be preserved in a permanent record as part of theocratic history. Since then, true worship could have been directed. Biiblã yetame tɩ " dũniyã loogdame. ' The exact relationship between these compounds is not fully understood. The Bible says that "the world is passing away. " La yaa vẽeneg tɩ b pa na n tol n yĩm koɛɛgã a Zeova sẽn kɩt tɩ d moond rũndã - rũndã a yʋʋrã waoogr yĩngã abada. 17, 18. Of course, they will never forget the voice Jehovah has given us today for the sanctification of his name. Rabɩllã kɩtdame tɩ zomã wuki, la d pa tol n tõe n wʋm dẽ võor zãng ye. Regular Bible reading will help to fill your mind with consoling words and sustaining thoughts. The leaven keeps the leaven in sight, and we cannot fully grasp it. 17, 18. Jehovah declares: "In my ardor, in the fire of my fury, I shall have to speak.... And they will have to know that I am Jehovah. " 17, 18. (Yɩɩl Sõamyã 94: 18, 19) Y sã n karemd Biiblã wakat fãa, y na n yãa tagsa sẽn na n bels - y la keng y raoodo. And, indeed, this has happened to some Christians. By regularly reading the Bible, you will find comforting thoughts that will comfort you and strengthen you. A Zeova yeela woto: " Mam yeela m sũ - yikra sẽn wɩng wa bugma pʋgẽ tɩ m na n kɩtame tɩ b bãng tɩ mam yaa [a Zeova]. ' 15, 16. (a) In what ways did Elisha show respect for his teacher? " I told them that in my anger I would tell them that I was Jehovah. ' (Luk 17: 22, 31) A Sʋɩtãan ne a dũniyã sɩd tõog n kɩtame tɩ kiris - neb kẽer leb poorẽ. In fact, they often make matters worse by inflaming the bigotry, hatred, and nationalism that divide people. Satan and his world have truly succeeded in moving some Christians to turn away from the truth. 15, 16. a) Bõe la a Eliize maan tɩ wilg t'a nanda a karen - saambã? (a) How was spiritual direction provided in early Christian congregations? 15, 16. (a) How did Elisha show appreciation for his teacher? Togs sɩda, naoor wʋsgo, bãmb menga kɩtame tɩ nebã sẽn gãd b tagsa wã dem - dem tɩ sugr kaẽ wã, taab kisgrã, la tẽn - nonglmã sẽn wat ne welgr nebã sʋkã paasdẽ. Victor, an elder and pioneer in Africa, recalls: "When I was young, an elder asked me a few well - chosen questions about my goals. In fact, they have often caused people to lose their sense of self - control, hatred, hostility, and nationalism to develop among themselves. a) Wãn - wãn la pipi kiris - neb tigimsã ra paamd sor - wilgri? The Greek term involves the use of the genital organs in either a natural or a perverted way with lewd intent. (a) How did the early Christian congregation provide direction? A Victor sẽn yaa kãsem - soab la so - pakd n be Afirikã yeela woto: "Mam sẽn wa n yaa bilfã, kãsem - soab n sok maam sogsg a wãna, n dat n bãng mam sẽn yãk yam n dat n wa maan bũmb ninga. The assignment to go to Nineveh involved an even more difficult challenge. " When I was young, an elder in Africa asked me a few questions about my decision to make. Yaa tall f poglmã bɩ f raoolmã n tʋm sẽn pa segd bɩ sẽn pa zemse. Jehovah's Word Is Alive It is wrong to have sex outside of marriage. La b sẽn tʋm - a t'a kẽng n tɩ moon Niniivã n yɩ toog n yɩɩd menga. What was wrong with Israel's repentance? However, it was even more difficult for him to preach to the extent that he had been sent to preach. A Zeova Gomdã vɩɩme If you observe my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have observed the commandments of the Father and remain in his love. " Jehovah's Word Is Alive Bõe n kɩt tɩ Israɛll tek - yam - n - kos - sugrã ra pa zemse? • On what basis are humans counted righteous by God? What was wrong with Israel's repentance? Yãmb sã n sak mam tõodã yãmb na n paa mam nonglem pʋgẽ wa mam sẽn sak m Ba tõodã n paad bãmb nonglem pʋgẽ [wã]. " He knew that it was not yet God's due time for this. If you observe my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have observed the commandments of the Father and remain in his love. " • Wẽnnaam tika bõe zug n get ninsaalbã wa nin - tɩrse? Why does God not protect good people from crime? • On what basis do God view humans as righteous? A ra miime tɩ ra pa wakat ning Wẽnnaam sẽn yãk rẽ yĩngã ye. Do I cooperate with it, not doing anything to upset the routine? ' He knew that it was not God's appointed time for that. * (Tõodo 32: 4) Dẽnd d tõe n yeelame t'a Zeova tũusda yɛl nins a sẽn dat n bãngã. 3: 16 - 18. * Thus, it is reasonable to conclude that Jehovah is selective in what he wants to know. Mam kẽesda m toog a pʋgẽ, n maand m sẽn tõe fãa n na n wa wakat ning b sẽn yãk zãmsgã yĩngã bɩ? ' As we get nearer to the outbreak of the great tribulation, we may well receive some detailed instructions. Am I involved in it, doing my best to prepare for the study? ' 3: 16 - 18. Especially can they be thankful for God's blessed gift of marriage because it affords them the opportunity to blend their lives and walk with Jehovah. 3: 16 - 18. (Ezai 30: 21) To - kãsengã sɩngr sẽn kolgd wʋsgã yĩnga, tõe tɩ d na n wa paama noy a taab sẽn wilgd d sẽn segd n maan bũmb ning takɩ. The tabernacle was later replaced by the temple in Jerusalem. As the start of the great tribulation draws near, we may find additional principles on what to do. Sẽn yɩɩd fãa, Wẽnnaam a Zeova sẽn loe b kãadmã tɩ kɩt tɩ b tõe n naag taab n tũ - a wã me kɩtame tɩ b segd n pʋʋs - a barka. (Rut 1: 9; Mii. Because of her wise decision, she and her household were spared destruction when the Israelites later captured the city. Above all, the marital union that Jehovah God has made it easier for them to give thanks to him. (Hebre dãmba 9: 2, 3) B wa n ledga sɛk - roogã ne Zerizalɛm wẽnd - doogã. Yet, remembering that the Kingdom arrangement can overcome all obstacles will strengthen us to endure. The tabernacle and Jerusalem were replaced. Rẽ kɩtame t'a bãng t'a sã n da rat n paam Wẽnnaam barka, a segd n teela Wẽnnaam nin - buiidã. They marvel at our unity! So she realized that if she wanted to receive God's blessing, she had to support God's people. La d sã n tẽeg tɩ baa fʋɩ pa tõe n gɩdg Wẽnnaam Rĩungã, na n sõng - d lame tɩ d kell n moon koɛɛgã. Clearly, then, the phrase "Israel of God " at Galatians 6: 16 refers exclusively to anointed Christians. However, remembering that nothing can stop God's Kingdom will help us to endure in our ministry. Tõnd zems - n - taarã sɩd yɛɛsd - b lame! PAGE 19 • SONGS: 51, 95 How awe - inspiring our unity is! Dẽnd yaa vẽeneg tɩ yaa kiris - neb nins sẽn paam vʋʋsem sõng zaeebã bal la b sẽn bool Galat dãmb 6: 16 pʋgẽ tɩ "Israɛll sẽn yaa Wẽnnaam dẽndã. " Jehovah's word always comes true. Clearly, then, only anointed Christians are called "the Israel of God. " SEB - NENG 22 • YƖƖLA: 51, 95 In fact, they may say that exclusivism among religions is what gives rise to many of the problems we see today. PAGE 22 • SONGS: 51, 95 A Zeova gomd pidsda wakat fãa. That represents an average of 680 new ones every day! Jehovah's word always comes true. B tagsdame tɩ zu - loeesã wʋsg sẽn be wã yaa nebã sẽn mi n yeel tɩ tũudum kẽer goamã pa sɩdã. What we individually need to reflect on now is this: What will help me to maintain my loyalty to Jehovah regardless of the trials or temptations that may come my way? They feel that most of the problems they face are common to religion. Woto wilgdame tɩ yaa sẽn na ta neb 680 n deegd lisg daar fãa. Referring to the faithful remnant as good figs, Jehovah says: "I will set my eye upon them in a good way. " This shows that baptism is a baptismal step. La masã, tõnd ned kam fãa segd n soka a meng woto: " Bõe n na n sõng maam tɩ m kell n sak a Zeova, m sẽn wa n tɩ be yell ning fãa pʋgẽ? ' Let us now examine how we can follow his steps in showing courage and discernment. Now, each of us needs to ask himself, " What will help me to remain faithful to Jehovah in any situation? ' A Zeova yeelame tɩ Zida neb nins sẽn sakd - a wã yaa wa kankam sõma la a paas woto: " Mam na n gũu bãmb n maan - b neere. ' What, then, should motivate them to make the decision to get baptized? Those loyal to him are like good figs, and he added: "I will show a waiting attitude for them. " Sõs - kãngã na n wilga d sẽn tõe n dɩk a naoor to - to, n tall raood la yam. Whom do you see at this place of worship? This article will consider how we can imitate him by showing courage and wisdom. La yaa bõe masã n segd n tus - b tɩ b yãk yam n deeg lisgu? 10 / 1 What, though, should motivate them to make their decision to get baptized? Ãnd dãmb la yãmb yãt be? As you submit to the cleansing water of Bible truth, you will produce even more fruit. Who Are You There? 1 / 3 Training Our Perceptive Powers 3 / 15 La will ninga fãa sẽn womd biisi, b na n yos - a lame n maneg - a t'a wom biis n paase. ' This was the case with Russell's gift to Jordan, mentioned in the preceding article. But whatever you sow, they will become like him, and it will be added to you. ' " D zãms n bãng sẽn yaa sõma la wẽng n bake Faithful servants of Jehovah have always been eager to submit to theocratic direction. Learning the Right and Wrong Yaa woto ne kũun ning a Rusɛll sẽn kõ a Zordan tɩ d gom a yell pipi sõsgã pʋgẽ wã. Moreover, when we realize that God does not act unjustly today, we can trust his future judgments too. It is similar with the gift that Gabriel gave in the first article. Wakat fãa, neb nins sẽn tũud a Zeova ne b sũy fãa wã sakdame t'a wilgd - b sore. Similarly, Alejandro began to take an interest in Christian truth when he was very young, even though his parents were not interested in it. Jehovah is always ready to lead his servants. Wa a Zoob zoa a Eliyu, d tõe n yeela ne bas - m - yam tɩ "Wẽnnaam sẽn tõe fãa wã zãra ne wẽnga. ONE day in the 1940 ' s, Swiss engineer George de Mestral took his dog for a walk. Like Job's friend Elihu, we can confidently say that "the Almighty God is far away from bad. " Woto me, a Alejandro sɩng n nonga kiris - neb sɩdã t'a nan ket n paood wʋsgo, baa ne a roagdbã sẽn da nan pa nong sɩdã. [ Footnotes] Similarly, Jason began to love the Christian husband while he was very young, even though his parents were not interested in the truth. BÃNGDBÃ nong n geta bũmb nins Wẽnnaam sẽn naana n maand teedã. Since some older ones have limited mobility, it would be kind to go to them rather than expect them to come to us. GOD'S creations are often seen in the things he has created. [ Tẽngr not rãmbã] Let us consider, then, four basic questions. [ Footnotes] Sẽn mik tɩ kẽna yaa toog ne bãmb kẽerã, yɩta sõma tɩ tõnd pẽneg - ba, la d ra gũ tɩ bãmb wa tõnd nengẽ ye. When Jesus discerned a need, he compassionately found a way to help Since walking with some of them is difficult for us, it would be good to draw close to them and not expect them to come to us. D na n bao n leoka sok - kãsems a naas rẽ wɛɛngẽ. THE setting in which Jesus said the above words reveals much about the focus of his life. Let us consider four important questions. A Zezi sẽn yã neb sẽn dat sõngrã, a sõng - b lame Some people find it difficult to love God. When Jesus saw those in need, he helped them WAKAT ning a Zezi sẽn gom gom - kãensã wã wilgda bũmb ning sẽn pak - a n yɩɩdã. Accordingly, this first beast [of Revelation] represents the combined forces of all political rule opposed to God in the world. " WHEN Jesus spoke those words, he was primarily interested in what he focused on. Neb kẽer yetame tɩ yaa toog tɩ b nong Wẽnnaam. To show the difference in wording in the two editions, see the example below from paragraph 2 of the first study article in this issue. Some say that it is difficult for them to love God. Wa sẽn zems ne rẽ, [Wilgr sebrã] pipi rũm - kãngã makda politik naama fãa sẽn kɩɩsd Wẽnnaam dũniyã zugã. " Their hope that they will shortly become permanent residents of God's new world of righteousness is strong and well - founded. In harmony with this, the first part of the book of Revelation represents all political powers that opposed God's rulership upon the earth. " B yãk - b - la seb - kãngã pipi zãmsg sõsgã sull a yiib - n - soabã pʋgẽ. In 1964, Arthur received a new assignment as branch servant in the Irish Republic. This publication was selected in the first issue of The Watchtower. B tika Biiblã sẽn yetã n kɩs sɩd tɩ ka la bilfu, Wẽnnaam na n lugla dũni - paalg tɩ tɩrlem zĩnd a pʋgẽ, tɩ b paam n vɩɩmd wakat sẽn kõn sa. 3: 16. They firmly believe that God will soon establish a righteous new world of righteousness and enjoy everlasting life in God's righteous new world. Yʋʋmd 1964, a Arthur lebga Irlãnd Betɛllã yel - gɛta. Through our public ministry, we make known "the sacred pronouncements of God. " Arthur, who served as a circuit overseer in Ireland, became a circuit overseer in 19th C.E. 3: 16. To try to contact an imaginary person would be pointless. 3: 16. (2 Korẽnt dãmba 4: 1, 7) Tõnd sã n moond koɛɛgã, d kɩtdame tɩ nebã bãngd " Wẽnnaam goamã. ' It contains the instructions for qualifying to live in the secure environment that will exist under Kingdom rulership. In our ministry, we make known "the word of God. " F sã n mak n na n gom ne ned f sẽn mams f yamẽ bala, f namsda f meng zaalem. If any of you ever find anything better, we hope you will tell us. Learning to communicate with a person only with your mind can make it difficult for you to do so. Biiblã pʋgẽ, d yãta noy nins d sẽn segd n tũ n wa paam n vɩɩmd tẽngã zugu, Wẽnnaam Rĩungã sã n wa so dũniyã tɩ laafɩ la bãan be zĩig fãa wã. " Land Flowing With Milk and Honey, " 3 / 1 In the Bible, we find principles to live on earth when God's Kingdom is a real source of peace and security. La d tẽedame tɩ sẽn wa n yã - a zĩig sẽn são, a na wilg d fãa. " We have the prophetic word made more sure; and you are doing well in paying attention to it. " - 2 PETER 1: 19. However, we believe that he will reveal all of us when we see him. " Tõnd tara Wẽnnaam no - rɛɛsdba goama sẽn tar võor [bãngr - goamã sẽn maan tɩ yaa sɩd, NW] n yɩɩda. Yaa sõama yãmb sã n ges [kelg, NW] bãmb. " - 2 PƖƐƐR 1: 19. To that prophecy, Jesus added the command recorded in the final verses of Matthew's Gospel: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " " We have the prophetic word made more sure; and you are doing well in paying attention to it. " - 2 PETER 1: 19. (Mark 13: 10) A Zezi kõo noor a Matɩe evãnzillã yaoolem verse rãmb pʋgẽ n paas bãngr - gom - kãngã. A yeelame: "Bɩ y kẽng n maan neba buud fãa tɩ b yɩ mam karen - biisi n lis bãmb ne Ba la Biiga la [vʋʋsem sõng] yʋʋre. La y zãms bãmb tɩ b sak bũmb nins fãa mam sẽn da togs yãmbã. La gese, mam bee ne yãmb wakat fãa hal tɩ ta wakat sɛɛbo. " Regardless of our age, though, " we do not know what our life will be tomorrow, for we are a mist appearing for a little while and then disappearing. ' In the last verses of Matthew's Gospel and the words of Matthew, Jesus said: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " Tõnd vɩɩm yaa bõe? Tõnd wẽnda wa wulug sẽn be wakat bilf bala n yaool n loogdẽ. ' [ Footnote] What is our life like that which we are merely a little while but a little while longer? ' [ Tẽngr note] Is there some way that we can prepare our heart? Yes. [ Footnote] (Ɛsdras 7: 10) La d sã n yãk yam n na n zãms Biiblã bõe la d segd n maane? God's angel spoke these words to Peter and the other apostles after they experienced a miraculous release from prison. What should we do if we choose to study the Bible? Yaa woto la malɛk ning sẽn yiis a Pɩɛɛr ne tʋm - tʋmdb a taabã bãens roogẽ wã yeel - b tɩ b maane. (Tʋʋ. Think of this comparison: Just as small boats are swept along by powerful sea currents, human political systems are pulled along by powerful, wicked spirit forces. That is what the angel who released Peter and the other apostles from prison told them to do. Malɛg - wẽnsã tara dũniyã politikã n lengdẽ, wa batayo - bil sẽn be mogr sẽn gudg zug tɩ sebgã tar - a n lengdẽ. 1, 2. Wicked angels have the world's political system, just as a bear on the wind, and there is a measure of water in the sea. 1, 2. His relationship with Jehovah reflected his faith in and love for his God throughout his life - in good times and bad. - Ps. 40: 8. 1, 2. Ra yaa sũ - noog wakat tɩ yaa toog wakat me, a sẽn da pʋʋsd to - to wã wilgdame t'a nonga a Zeova, la t'a teeg - a lame. - Yɩɩl 40: 9. His being a source of refreshment to fellow Christians has given Paul "much joy and comfort. " - Philem. 40: 8. A sẽn yaa ned sẽn nong n kengd a tẽed - n - taasã raoodã yĩnga, kɩtame t'a Poll paam "sũ - no - kãseng la belsgo. " - File. " The Scriptures... are the very ones that bear witness about me, " he says, adding: "If you believed Moses you would believe me, for that one wrote about me. " As a loving Christian, Paul found "a source of comfort and comfort " to fellow believers. - Rev. Yãmb sã n da tẽ a Moiizi, yãmb da na n tẽe maam me; tɩ bõe, bãmb n gʋls mam yelle. " We symbolize our dedication by water baptism. - 1 Pet. If you put faith in Moses, you too would put faith in me, for they wrote me. " D reega lisgu, n wilg tɩ d rɩka d meng n kõ a Zeova. - 1 Pɩɛ. Our brotherly love, combined with such a positive attitude, will enable us to build up and comfort our fellow believers. We symbolized our dedication to Jehovah by water baptism. - 1 Pet. Zu - loees sasa, d sã n pa sãam d sũur tɩ looge, d tõogd n kenga d tẽed - n - taasã raoodo, la d bels - ba. (1 Tes. [ Picture on page 7] In times of distress, we can encourage and comfort our brothers and sisters. [ Foto, seb - neng a 7] Our first parents, Adam and Eve, chose independence from their Creator. [ Picture on page 7] A Hawa sẽn dɩ tɩɩgã bil poor bilfu, a Ãdem me rɩɩme. You might ask, "Why do you not want to hurt Jehovah? " Shortly after Eve ate of the fruit, Adam also ate the fruit. SẼN BE SEBRÃ PƲGẼ ME Doing so will bring us blessings, for the minding of the spirit means life and peace. - Gal. REGULAR FEATURES Tõnd yaab a Ãdem ne a Hawa yãka yam n tõdg b naandã sakre, n na n soog b mense. How can we show our love for Jehovah God? Our first parents chose to disobey their Creator and rule themselves. (Yɩɩl Sõamyã 78: 41) Y tõe n sokame: "Bõe yĩng tɩ fo pa rat n sãam a Zeova sũuri? " His children, on the other hand, may view him as the loving, generous father that he is. You might ask: "Why do you not want to hurt Jehovah? " D sã n maand woto, d na n paama bark buud toor - toore, bala, vʋʋsem sõngã sakr wata ne vɩɩm la laafɩ. - Gal. Jesus ' ransom sacrifice was provided by Jehovah for mankind's salvation If we do so, we will reap many blessings because walking by spirit leads to life and peace. - Gal. Bõe yĩng tɩ d segd n nong a Zeova? When they learned that Hurricane Katrina had destroyed hundreds of homes of fellow Witnesses, brotherly love moved them to quit their jobs, give up their apartment, buy a secondhand trailer, fix it up, and travel 900 miles [1,400 km] to Louisiana. Why should we love Jehovah? La b sã n sok a kambã yẽ, b na n leokame t'a yaa ba - sõngo, sẽn nong bãmb la a get - b yell sõma. Another way for family members to strengthen their faith and contribute to the spiritual well - being of the entire family is for them to set spiritual goals and pursue them. But if they ask him, they will answer him as a good father, loving, and caring Father. Tõnd sã n dat t'a Zeova sak d sõgenegã, d segd n yɩlga d mens ne rẽgeng buud fãa When we earnestly and zealously do all we can in his service, God blesses us richly. - Proverbs 10: 22. If we want Jehovah to be obedient to our service, we must be cleansed of all kinds B sẽn wa n wʋm tɩ seb - kẽeng ning b sẽn bool tɩ Katrina wã sãama d saam - biis wʋsg zags Louisiane soolmẽ wã, b sẽn nong b saam - biisã yĩnga, b basa b tʋʋmã la b zakã, n da karavan - kʋdr n manege, n na n tog sor n kẽng zĩ - kãng sẽn be hal kɩlo 1 400 zĩigẽ wã, n tɩ sõng - ba. The Truth About Sin When they learned that many of our brothers were lost because of their love for their brothers, their work, their work, and their family, they would move to this area to help them. - 1,600 miles [30 km]. Yaa b sẽn na n yãk bũmb b sẽn dat n maan Wẽnnaam tũubã wɛɛngẽ, la b modg n maane. This will cause the nations of the earth to "beat themselves in lamentation. " By setting spiritual goals and putting forth effort to serve God. (Kolos rãmba 3: 23) Tõnd sã n tʋmd Wẽnnaam tʋʋmdã ne d sũur fãa la ne yẽesem, Wẽnnaam ningda tõnd bark wʋsgo. - Yelbũna 10: 22. Although the psalmist's " organism and heart might fail, ' God would be his "share to time indefinite. " If we are whole - souled and zealous in God's service, God blesses us richly. - Proverbs 10: 22. Yel - wẽnd sẽn sɩd yaa a soabã Numerous subjects discussed in our journals, The Watchtower and Awake!, also help us to test whether we are in the faith. The Truth About the Truth Woto yĩnga, "dũniyã buud fãa na n wiisame. " Now I really enjoy my assignment and view it as a wonderful privilege! " Hence, "all the peoples of the earth will perish. " A Azaf yeela woto: "Mam yĩnsã ne m sũurã lʋɩɩ bõaga. " By heeding the warning: "Do not wander into her roadways. " Asaph said: "My soul and my heart fell asleep. " Gom - zut wʋsg b sẽn wɛgs tõnd zʋrno rãmb nins sẽn yaa Gũusg Gasgã la Réveillez - vous! wã pʋsẽ me sõngda tõnd tɩ d mak d mens n gese d sã n bee tẽebã pʋgẽ. The Two Baptismal Questions Many articles published in The Watchtower and Awake! also help us to test whether we are in the faith. (Zã 3: 16; Tʋʋma 2: 29 - 36) Rondã b sẽn kõ wã yɩɩ sabab tɩ zems - n - taar ne Wẽnnaam tõe n yɩ. The congregation meetings are truly a part of our worship and call for a prayerful attitude and respectful attention on our part. The ransom provided the basis for reconciliation with God. Kɩtame tɩ m maneg n kɩs sɩd tɩ m sẽn tõe n maanã waoogame. Asaph perceived what would eventually happen to the wicked. That made me more confident that I could do more. Yaa a sẽn da na n tũ sagl ning sẽn yet tɩ: "Ra sak n bʋdg n tũ pag a woto sor ye. " (Yel. Then, she explained to David how senseless Nabal was and pointed out that David would regret taking revenge and shedding blood. - 1 Samuel 25: 24 - 31. By heeding the counsel: "Do not turn aside from following your wife the way. " Lisgã sogsg a yiibã The remaining years of Asa's rule were marred by continual warfare. The two Questions Answered Tõnd tigissã wʋsg sasa, d yɩɩndame n pẽgd a Zeova. (Yɩɩl Sõamyã 26: 12) Tigissã sɩd naaga tõnd Wẽnnaamã baleng pʋgẽ. The righteous man Job realistically summed up our situation when he described man as being "short of days and full of trouble. " - Job 14: 1, Holman Christian Standard Bible. Many of our meetings are a part of our worship. A Azaf bʋgsa bũmb ning sẽn na n wa paam nin - wẽnsã zugu. Yes. Asaph meditated on what will happen to the wicked. A kell n goma ne a Davɩɩd n wilg a Naball nin - yoolmã sẽn ta zĩig ninga, la a yeel t'a Davɩɩd sã n dok a sũuri, a na n wa maanda a bãngẽ. - 1 Sãmwɛll 25: 24 - 31. For whatever reason, many find words of apology hard to utter. He spoke to David about the extent of Nabal's sexual abuse and told him that if David acted in a provoked way, he would be regret. - 1 Samuel 25: 24 - 31. Sɩd yɩɩ woto. (2 Kib. Yet, it is comforting to know that "Jehovah is near to those that are broken at heart; and those who are crushed in spirit he saves. " - Psalm 34: 18; 94: 19. What happened next? A yeela woto: "Ninsaal pag sẽn dogã vɩɩm yaa koɛɛga, la toogo. " - Zoob 14: 1. See The Watchtower of August 15, 1993, pages 13 - 14. He said: "Man, born of woman, is short - lived and glutted with agitation. " - Job 14: 1. N - yẽe. Still, their confidence in him remained very firm. Yes. Sẽn yaa bʋʋm ning fãa yĩnga, neb wʋsg getame tɩ sugr kosg yaa toogo. After praying for these all - important things, we can pray for our daily needs, forgiveness of our sins, and deliverance from temptations and the wiles of the wicked one, Satan the Devil. For all the reasons, many find it difficult to apologize. (Yɩɩl Sõamyã 38: 9) La a Zeova sẽn " pẽnegd neb nins sũy sẽn sãamã, la a fãagd sũ - pa - noom dãmbã ' kõta belsgo. - Yɩɩl Sõamyã 34: 19; 94: 19. This counsel was meant to discourage public prayer that was offered to call attention to the one praying and to elicit praise from others. But Jehovah, who " draws near to those that are broken at heart, and he rescues those who are crushed in spirit. ' - Psalm 34: 18; 94: 19. Rɩk - y makre. b) Bõe yĩng tɩ pa tɩlae tɩ Siglgã taoor lʋɩtb Sull deng n bãng sẽn yeel - b tɩ b paama zaeebã fãa tagsg n yaool n maan bũmbu? If any situation makes us anxious, use it to draw closer to Jehovah. Illustrate. (b) Why is it not necessary for the Governing Body to identify themselves before making decisions? Ges - y yʋʋmd 1993, sa - sik kiuug rasem 15 Gũusg Gasgã (ne farende), seb - neng 13 - 14. Later he became King of God's Kingdom. See The Watchtower, August 15, 1993, pages 13 - 14. La ne rẽ fãa, b kell n kɩsa sɩd zãng ne - a. Physical salvation is promised for God's people. Still, they remained loyal to him. D sã n pʋʋs n kos bõn - kãensã fãa sẽn yaa kãsems n yɩɩdã poore, d tõe n yaool n kosa bũmb nins d sẽn dat raarã pʋgẽ wã, d yel - wẽnã sugr la koglg ne makr la wẽng soab a Sʋɩtãan sɩlmã. He can then make an honest evaluation of his circumstances. After praying for all these things, we can pray for our daily needs, our sins, and Satan's crafty acts. A ra rat n wilgame bal tɩ d pa segd n yals zamã sʋk n pʋʋs sẽn na yɩl tɩ pẽg - d ye. Revelation 1: 1 states: "A revelation by Jesus Christ, which God gave him, to show his slaves the things that must shortly take place. He was simply suggesting that we should not hold back from praying publicly to our listeners. Wɩng - y ne a Zeova pʋʋsgo, la y kell n maan a raabã ne yẽesem. I never saw any of that in the Bible. Look to Jehovah in prayer, and continue to do his will. (1 Korẽnt - rãmbã 15: 3, 4) Rẽ poore, a lebga Wẽnnaam Rĩungã Rĩma. He urged them to be more appreciative of their privileges, saying: "Is it such a little thing for you men that the God of Israel has separated you men from the assembly of Israel to present you to himself? " Then he became King of God's Kingdom. Wẽnnaam pʋlma a nin - buiidã t'a na n kogl - b lame me tɩ bũmb da maan - b ye. For example, while moving from encampment to encampment in the land of Canaan, faithful worshippers of God "publicly declared that they were strangers and temporary residents. " - Heb. God has promised to protect his people from harm. A na n pʋʋsa a Zeova n gom tʋʋmdã yelle, la a bʋgs n ges a sã n na n tõogame. Therefore, rather than merely relying on a reserve of knowledge acquired in the past, loyal servants of God strive to "increase in learning " as the years go by. He will approach Jehovah in prayer and reflect on how he will succeed. Be, b yeela woto: "Seb - kãngã yaa a Zezi Kirist wilgri, Wẽnnaam sẽn kõ bãmb tɩ b wilg b nonglem yembsã bũmb nins sẽn yaa tɩlae tɩ zĩnd bilf sã n paasã. When would this happen? There we read: "This is the sign of Jesus Christ, the God who gave them the things necessary to show their slaves the things that must shortly take place. M zɩ n yã vɛrse sẽn gomd a yell Biiblã pʋgẽ ye. The mature Christian shows humility in that he recognizes that Jehovah's ways and standards are always better than his own. I have never seen him in the Bible. A sagl - b lame, sẽn na yɩl tɩ b tall mi - beoog n paas b zu - noodã yĩnga, n yeel - ba: "Israɛll neba Wẽnnaama yãka yãmb Israɛll neba sʋka tɩ y kolg bãmb n maan sɛk - rooga tʋʋmde la y yals Israɛll neba taoore n sõng - ba. " It is the ceremony that ushers the child into the company or world of human beings. " He urged them to show appreciation for their privileges by saying: "The house of Israel has chosen you to go to the house of Jehovah your God to the house of Israel, to serve at the entrance of the tent of meeting, and to help the sons of Israel. " Wakat kãnga, b wilgame tɩ "bãmb mensã yaa sãamb la kaoos - weto. " - Heb. • Increasing lawlessness At that time, "they were strangers and temporary residents. " - Heb. Rẽ n so tɩ neb nins sẽn maand Wẽnnaam daabã ne b sũy fãa wã pa teegd bãngr ning b sẽn paam b sẽn wa n bãng Wẽnnaam paalmã bal ye. B ket n " zãmsdame n paasdẽ. ' Located on the earth, the temple served as the center of true worship. Therefore, those who serve God wholeheartedly do not rely solely on the knowledge they received from God but also on "the more they learn. " Wakat bʋg la woto ra na n wa? Obeying Jehovah Brought Many Blessings (E. When would that happen? A sak n deegame t'a Zeova sẽn dat tɩ d maand yɛlã to - to wã n yaa sõma n yɩɩda. The designations "clean " and" unclean " for food came into existence only with the Mosaic Law, and they ended when it was abolished. He recognized that Jehovah requires the best way of doing things. Yaa yʋʋrã pʋdb yel - maandɩ n kɩtd tɩ biigã tõog n vɩɩmd ne ninsaalbã. " We urge you to take a few minutes and read those scriptures in your own Bible. It is the name of the child that makes life possible for humans. " • Wẽngã lebgda wʋsgo This horseman is identified as none other than Jesus Christ. - 1 Timothy 6: 14, 15; Revelation 19: 11, 12, 16. • Evil Has become abundant 132: 7) Tẽngã zugu, yaa wẽnd - doogẽ wã la nebã ra tigimd taab n waoogd a Zeova. Golden apples by themselves would be beautiful. On earth, people were gathered to worship Jehovah at the temple. (Tʋʋma 10: 9 - 16; Efɛɛz rãmba 2: 15) Yaa wa a Nowe ra mii bũmb ning sẽn da zems ne maoong a Zeova balengã pʋgẽ. COVER SUBJECT | HOW DOES GOD VIEW WAR? Noah was apparently aware of what was in Jehovah's worship. (Ezayi 11: 6 - 9; 35: 5 - 7; 65: 21 - 23) Maag - y y yĩng n karem vɛrse - kãensã. As disciples of Christ, do we not appreciate warnings that help us to guard against developing the selfish spirit so characteristic of this world, which can erode our love of neighbor? Take time to read those verses. (Wilgri 19: 19) Sẽn zao - a weefã pa ned a to n zʋʋg a Zezi ye. - 1 Tɩmote 6: 14, 15; Wilgri 19: 11, 12, 16. However, looking forward to our day, he foretold under inspiration that even in these dark times, Jehovah would brighten the outlook of those who love light. He is none other than Jesus. - 1 Timothy 6: 14, 15; Revelation 19: 11, 16. B sã n dɩk sãnem n dõog tɩ wõnd tɩɩg bila, yaa neere. Jesus often had his followers with him in the preaching work and used such occasions to give encouragement. If gold is likened to a vine, it is good to make good use of it. SEBRÃ GOM - ZUG SÕSGÃ | WÃN TO LA WẼNNAAM GET ZABÃ? For instance, when giving them of our time, we should also give them our attention. COVER SUBJECT WHAT DOES GOD DO YOU THINK? Rũndã - rũndã me, b sagend - d lame tɩ d ra yɩ rat - m - ye rãmb wa dũniyã neb wʋsg sẽn yaa to - to wã ye. D segd n modgd n wilgdame tɩ d sɩd nonga d taabã. " Later he moved from there to the mountainous region to the east of Bethel and pitched his tent with Bethel on the west and Ai on the east. Today, we are urged not to be self - centered, as is true of many in the world, but to show genuine love for one another. (Ezai 8: 22; 59: 9) La Wẽnnaam vẽneg - a lame t'a reng n gom tõnd wakatã yelle, n yeel tɩ baa lik wakat kãngã sasa, a Zeova na n kɩtame tɩ neb nins sẽn nong vẽenemã paam vẽnegre. To be "known " as a God - fearing man, he would have to be reasonable and work harmoniously with the elders of the" land, " perhaps meaning the district or region. However, it was divinely inspired to foretell our time, saying that even now, in this time of darkness, Jehovah will make sure that those who love the light will be revealed to those who love the light. A Zezi ra minim n peegda a karen - biisã n kẽngd moonegã weoogo, n tũnugd ne sasa kãng n kengd b pelse. What is God's provision for saving mankind from sin and death? Jesus took the lead in the preaching work, using that time to encourage his disciples. Wala makre, d sã n wa rɩk sẽk n tɩ get d tẽed - n - taasã, d segd n maaga d yĩng n kelg - b me. he must have wondered. There were times when he just wanted to die. For example, when we visit fellow believers, we need to listen carefully to them. " La yẽ yii be n loog n ta tãng ninga sẽn be Betɛll yaanga sɛɛga. La yẽ tilga a fu - rooga Betɛll ne Ai sʋka tɩ Betɛll be taoore tɩ Ai be a yaanga. Salvation Sure for God's People! " He went out from the mountainous region of Bethel, and he set his tent in front of Bethel and began to serve at Bethel. Sẽn na yɩl tɩ b " bãng - a ' wa Wẽn - zoɛta, a ra segd n yɩɩ maan - tɩ - zems soaba la a tall manesem sẽn zems ne "tẽnga " kãsem dãmba, tõe tɩ rat n yeelame tɩ bab - sak bɩ babg kãsem dãmbã. For what was Jesus known? To be known as "God - fearing, " he must have been reasonable and reasonable in dealing with" the older men of the land, " or elders. Laafɩ wã koglg wɛɛngẽ, yaa a Zeova n kõ mak - sõng ning sẽn ka to wã. The bread represents the sinless body of Jesus offered in sacrifice, and the wine pictures his shed blood. When it comes to health care, Jehovah sets the perfect example. (Zoob 21: 7 - 9) A Zoob ra wa n pʋd n getame t'a sẽn kiid n são. There is one more that ties in with what we have examined and that underscores why we have reason to look forward to when and how God will fulfill his promise to " make all things new. ' Job even felt that he was better dead. Fãagrã yaa waazib ne Wẽnnaam nin - buiidã! Why can we be sure that the hope of Paradise on earth is not fantasy but reality? Deliverance Is Real to God's People! Nebã ra miime tɩ yaa nin - bʋs zood la a Zezi ra baooda? We should practice wholehearted generosity. It begets generosity. - Luke 6: 38. What friendship did Jesus need? 11: 23 - 25) Burã makda a Zeezi yĩngã sẽn pa tar yel - wẽndã, a sẽn kõ tɩ yɩ maoongã, tɩ divẽ wã makd a zɩɩmã. In modern times, how have apostate influences tested God's people? The bread represents Jesus ' sinless body, which represents his shed blood. Sẽn paase, a wilgda bũmb ning sẽn kɩt tɩ d tar bʋʋm n na n gẽeg Wẽnnaam sẽn na n pids a kãabgã sẽn yet t'a " na n maana bũmb fãa paalsã ' sẽn na n yɩ wakat ninga, la ne manesem ningã. When their son, Isaac, was about 25 years old, God told Abraham to sacrifice him. It also explains why we have reason to wait for God's promise to "make all things new " and how it will be done. Bõe n kɩt tɩ d miẽ tɩ tẽngã na n wa yɩɩ arzãna, la tɩ pa gom - vɩɩdo? This is true in matters other than health. How do we know that the earth will become a paradise, not a promise? D segd n yɩɩ kõtba, bala kũun wata ne kũuni. - Luk 6: 38. Overdrinking is addictive and leads to foolish conduct. We should be generous, since giving is a gift. - Luke 6: 38. Rũndã - rũndã, bõe la sẽn bas - b Wẽnnaam sakrã maand n dat n sãam a nin - buiidã tẽebo? The examination of the prophecies in Isaiah that center on the Servant has been a fine way to prepare our minds for the Memorial of Christ's death. How have God's loyal ones today acted in an effort to destroy the faith of his people? (Sɩngre 18: 9 - 11; 21: 1 - 3; Hebre dãmba 11: 11, 12) B biribl a Izaak sẽn da tar sẽn zems yʋʋm 25, Wẽnnaam yeela a Abrahaam t'a rɩk - a n maan maoongo. They did not become bored and give up. When Isaac's son Isaac was 25 years old, God commanded Abraham to offer him as a sacrifice. Laafɩ wã toor sẽn ka be, gũus n ges la f tõog n bãng bãnd võor tara yõod zĩis a taab pʋsẽ me. No sooner had we made that adjustment than we were invited to attend Kingdom Ministry School, at that time a one - month course of instruction at South Lansing, New York. In addition to the peace of the congregation, we need to keep our sense of urgency in other areas of life. (Yelbũna 23: 20, 29, 30) A Zeova pa gɩdg rãam yũub ye. (Compare Revelation 3: 16.) Jehovah does not prevent the use of alcohol. D sẽn lebg n vaees a Ezai sebrã bãngr - goam nins sẽn gomd tʋm - tʋmdã yellã, sõng - d lame tɩ d segl d yamã sõma Kiristã kũum tẽegr yĩnga. Jehovah blessed Ruth with a husband and a son. Meditating on Isaiah's prophecy about the Servant helps us to prepare our minds for Christ's death. B yam pa yi tʋʋmdã tɩ b koms raood me ye. Even as we check in and out of a hotel, as well as when we enjoy leisure time before and after convention sessions, we want to avoid an appearance that is overly casual or slovenly. They do not give up. La d sẽn ta be wã bilf poore, siglgã tʋma tõnd Saflãnsĩng. Yaa Niuyork soolmẽ wã. Ra yaa sẽn na yɩl n tɩ paam zãmsg Rĩungã tʋʋmd lekollẽ. Declaring the Kingdom message is a vital way to let our light shine However, we were assigned to New York City, where we were assigned to receive training at the Kingdom Hall. (Ges - y Wilgri 3: 16.) [ Box on page 19] (Compare Revelation 3: 16.) A Zeova yãa a sẽn maanã, n ning - a barka, n sõng - a t'a paam sɩda la biiga. The movement of planets and stars is also precisely timed. Jehovah saw what he had done, blessed him, and helped him to become a husband and a child. Nand meng tɩ tigis - kãsengã sɩng wall tigis - kãsengã poore, la baa d sã n wa tɩ be lotɛllẽ, d fu - yerdɩ wã pa segd me n yɩ wa d be d yiri, pa rẽ bɩ tolg n yaa wa d toog kae ye. So Satan offers us tempting opportunities to enjoy such a life now. Even before the convention or after the convention, our dress should not be like our home, nor should we be like ours. D kɩtdame tɩ d vẽenemã yãgda, d sẽn moond Rĩungã koɛɛgã What wonderful riches are ours because we are known by Jehovah! We let our light shine as we preach the Kingdom message [ Zĩ - gũbri, seb - neng 17] " May the God who supplies endurance and comfort grant you to have... the same mental attitude that Christ Jesus had. " - ROMANS 15: 5. [ Box on page 17] So - toagd me tõe n ges - b lame n bãng a sore. Explain. Or he may be able to guide them in the right direction. (Zã 6: 44) Woto kɩtame tɩ zĩig fãa, d neeme t'a Zeova Kaset rãmbã sõor tara paasg wʋsgo. " Not once did he blame me for my situation or criticize me, " comments Jim. As a result, we have seen that the number of Jehovah's Witnesses is increasing. Rẽ n so t'a Sʋɩtãan rat tɩ d bao vɩ - noog masã meng la d ra gũ n kaoos ye. But since God is invisible, how can you "draw close " to him and enjoy a good relationship with him? Hence, Satan wants us to seek happiness now and to wait patiently for it. D sã n maan woto, nooma a Zeova. Surely the elders in our midst are doing a fine job of teaching and protecting Jehovah's sheep. If we do so, Jehovah is pleased. Ra yĩm - y t'a Zeova sẽn mi tõndã, d paamda bark wʋsg ye. More Time Available to Express Our Faith Do not forget that Jehovah knows us many blessings. " Bɩ Wẽnnaam ning sẽn kõt tõog - toog la belsgã kɩt tɩ yãmb... tall tagsg buud ning Kirist Zezi sẽn da tallã. " - ROM DÃMBA 15: 5, NW. The book of Job clearly identifies Satan as the one who taunts Jehovah. " May the God who supplies endurance and comfort grant you... to have the same mental attitude that Christ Jesus had. " - ROMANS 15: 5. (1 Kibaya 1: 4; Luk 3: 36) A Ɛsdras ne a Luk maana vaeesg sõma n tõog n sõdg nin - kãensã pʋgdg - pʋgdga. One who wants to be served or one who is willing to serve? Ezra and Luke made a diligent study of the Scriptures with them. Wilg - y - yã. As King of that heavenly Kingdom, Jesus Christ will liberate obedient humans from every form of bondage, including the viselike grip of Adamic sin and its legacy of sickness and death. Explain. A Jim yeela woto: "A pa ning maam taal baa vugr menga, wall a zab - m ye. Words cannot express the pain Jehovah must have suffered. - John 5: 20; 10: 17. Jim says: "I didn't even condemn me at any time or at any time. La d sẽn pa tõe n yã Wẽnnaamã, wãn to la d tõe n " kolg - a, ' bɩ n lebg a zoa? Nikolai Chimpoesh Since we cannot see God, how can we "draw close " to him or become his friends? Yaa vẽeneg tɩ kãsem dãmbã tʋmda tʋʋm neere, b sẽn zãmsd a Zeova nin - buiidã la b kogend - bã. • How do the elders in your congregation work hard for you? Of course, the elders do good things that they teach and protect Jehovah's people. Masã d paamame n tõe n kõt leoor wʋsg n wilgd d tẽebã Any dissent from what the church taught was severely punished. We now have many opportunities to make a defense of our spirituality A Zoob sebrã wilgda vẽeneg tɩ yaa a Sʋɩtãan la sẽn paoogd - a a Zeova bɩ sẽn baood a noorã. It is seen in their desire that we gain life. The book of Job makes it clear that Satan is taunting Jehovah or seeking his authority. Ned sẽn dat tɩ b yɩ a sõgen bɩ, bɩ ned sẽn dat n yɩ a taab sõgne? No. A person who wants to be a minister or someone who wants to be a ministerial servant? A Zezi Kirist sẽn yaa saasẽ Rĩung kãng Rĩmã na n fãaga ãdem - biis nins sẽn yaa sakdbã ne yembd buud fãa la ne a Ãdem yel - wẽndã yembd sẽn wa ne yɛl wala bãasã la kũumã. How vital that parents know what is involved in training their young ones! This heavenly Kingdom, Jesus Christ, will deliver obedient mankind from all forms of slavery and the effects of sin inherited from Adam's sin and death. 8: 22, 30) D pa tõe n bãng n bilg a Zeezi kũumã sẽn yɩ kũ - toaagã sẽn sãam a Zeova sũur to - to ye. - Zã 5: 20; 10: 17. 5, 6. We cannot imagine how Jehovah must have felt when Jesus died a painful death. - John 5: 20; 10: 17. A Nikolai Chimpoesh Spiritual Darkness - The Source As told by As told by E. • Wãn to la yãmb tigingã kãsem dãmb tʋmd wʋsg y yĩnga? Proverbs 18: 19 says: "A brother who is transgressed against is more than a strong town; and there are contentions that are like the bar of a dwelling tower. " • How do you feel about the hard work of elders in your congregation? Kiris - neb nins sẽn paam vʋʋsem sõng zaeebã ra ket n tũuda Wẽnnaam. Prove to Be a Real Follower of Christ, 1 / 15 Anointed Christians continued to serve God. B sẽn dat tɩ d paam vɩɩmã wilgda rẽ vẽenega. How should we respond to Christ's ransom sacrifice? This is evident from their desire for life. Ayo. In response, "many of his disciples, when they heard this, said: " This speech is shocking; who can listen to it? ' " No. (Yelbũna 4: 13) Ad sɩd tara yõod wʋsg tɩ roagdbã bãng b kambã zãmsg sẽn dat n yɛɛlga! We do well to help Bible students grasp that fact. How vital that parents understand what it means to be taught by their children! Pipi kiris - nebã talla tagsa toɛy - toɛy yɛl kẽer zutu. JEHOVAH appreciates willing sacrifices made by his servants to express their love for him and their submission to his will. Early Christians had different ideas about certain things. 5, 6. For at least two reasons. 5, 6. Tẽebã lik yẽgre In so doing, he threw the assembly into confusion! - Acts 23: 6 - 9. The Source of Spiritual Light Yelbũn 18: 19 (NW) yetame: "Ba - biig f sẽn beeg yɩɩda tẽng sẽn tar pãnga, la zab n be n yaa wa gasg kʋɩleng sẽn page. " The tree of the knowledge of good and bad represented a privilege that is God's province alone - the right to determine what is good and what is bad. Proverbs 18: 19 says: "" Your brother has sinned greater than a strong city, and the sword is like a door that is near. " Rondã sẽn fãagd tõnd to - to 1 / 8 13, 14. (a) What marvelous privileges will the anointed have in the future? 8 / 15 Wãn to la d tõe n wilg Wẽnnaam d mi - beoog Kirist maoongã yĩnga? For example, when the wicked in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah met their end, the patriarch Lot and his two daughters were saved. - Genesis 19: 12 - 26. How can we show our gratitude for Christ's ransom sacrifice? Rẽ kɩtame tɩ "bãmb karem - biis wʋsg sẽn wʋm bãmb goama b yeelame: " Gom - kãngã yaa toogo. Ãnd n tõe n deeg yõ wã? ' Jehovah included those yet unborn humans in his purpose when he told Adam and Eve: "Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving upon the earth. " As a result, "many of them began to read this word, saying: " Who is this saying? ' Woto yĩnga, d sã n zãmsd ned Biiblã, d segd n sõng - a lame t'a bãng t'a tog n karemda Biiblã la a zãmsd - a a toor n pa vaandẽ, n tõog n tũ a Zeova sõma. Be quick to commend, slow to condemn. Therefore, when conducting a Bible study, we should help our student to see the need to read and study God's Word regularly. A ZEOVA sũur nooma ne modgr ning a nebã sẽn maand ne yamleoog n wilgdẽ tɩ b nong - a lame la tɩ b sakd - a lame wã. Perhaps not of the kind mentioned above, but almost certainly you have suffered the effects of corruption. JEHOVAH takes delight in the efforts of his people to show their love for him and to obey him. Yaa sẽn na ta bʋʋm a yiib yĩnga. Thus, we progress, as it were, from a tiny sprout to a mature Christian, a sturdy and well - developed tree. For at least two reasons. A sẽn gom woto wã, no - koeemd n yik kʋʋngã sʋka. - Tʋʋma 23: 6 - 9. (b) Why did David prove victorious? When he spoke those words, a heated dispute arose among the crowds. - Acts 23: 6 - 9. Sõma ne wẽng bãngr tɩɩgã makda sor ning Wẽnnaam bal sẽn tar n tõe n yãk bɩ n wilg sẽn yaa sõma la sẽn yaa wẽnga. Jesus ' presence is marked by a global preaching work. The tree of the knowledge of good and bad represents the only God who can determine what is good and what is bad. Na n kɩtame me tɩ d paam t'a Zeova ning - d barka. How might Satan try to bully us, and how can we cope? We will also receive Jehovah's blessing. 13, 14. a) Bõe la Wẽnnaam na n maan n kõ sẽn paam - b vʋʋsem sõng zaeebã? Right now, in fact, Satan is "misleading the entire inhabited earth. " 13, 14. (a) What will God do for his anointed servants? Wala makre, a sẽn da wa n na n sãam Sodom la Gomoor nebã sẽn da yaa nin - wẽnsã, a fãaga a Lot ne a kom - pugli a yiibã. - Sɩngre 19: 12 - 26. Like lost sheep, sinful humans have wandered about, seeking deliverance from the sickness and death inherited from Adam. For example, he spared Lot and his two daughters when he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. - Genesis 19: 12 - 26. La b soog zĩmã sẽn be koomã pʋsẽ wã la bõn - yɩgdɩ wã sẽn yɩgd yĩngrã la rũms nins fãa sẽn kẽnd dũniyã zugã. " (b) What is so remarkable about the ransom arrangement? And they have subjection to the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving upon the earth. " B segd n yɩta tao - tao n pẽgd - ba, la b ra yãgd n ningd - b taal ye. How did Jehovah strengthen the hands of Moses, Asa, and Nehemiah? They should be quick to commend them and not judge them. Tõe tɩ yãmb nengẽ wã pa yɩ woto zãng ye. La sãmbg sẽn ka be, rẽ nams - y lame. Previously, we thought that Jesus ' inspection took place in 1918. Perhaps you feel that way, but you are no doubt suffering. 4: 13) Dẽnd d sã n bɩɩsd d tẽebã, d lebgda wa tɩɩg b sẽn sele, t'a bɩtẽ n wa lebg tɩ - bedrã. How might we deepen our appreciation for God's mercy, and why is doing this important? The more we cultivate faith, the more we become like a tree that grows to maturity. b) Bõe yĩng t'a Davɩɩd tõoge? " Keep Watching the Ministry Which You Accepted in the Lord " (b) Why did David succeed? Y leb n tõe n kẽe n telesarz seb - kãngã. We have considered a few of the tools and methods that have been used to spread the good news. Also available at A Zezi waoongã sasa, b na n moonda koɛɛg dũniyã gill zugu. Such a circumstance can be very distressing. During his earthly ministry, the good news will be preached worldwide. Bõe la a Sʋɩtãan tõe n maan n bugs tõndo, la bõe n na n sõng - do? Exercising self - control in small things strengthens our ability to do so in larger matters. How can Satan deceive us, and what will help us? (1 Zã 5: 19) Masã wã menga, a Sʋɩtãan " belgda dũniyã fãa. ' Samuel anoints David of the tribe of Judah to be the future king. Even now, Satan is "misleading the entire inhabited earth. " Ãdem - biisã fãa sẽn yaa yel - wẽn - maandbã wõnda piis sẽn meneme. B tʋll n paama b mens ne bãasã la kũumã a Ãdem sẽn wa ne wã. (1 Pɩɛ. Naboth, his sons, and their families will experience perfect justice when Jehovah resurrects the righteous ones. All sinful humans are like sheep who have lost their hope of being released from sickness and death. b) Bõe n yaa kãseng wʋsg rondã wɛɛngẽ? Even so, they could not record everything he said and did. (b) What is remarkable about the ransom? Bala ki wã ne nadensã ra ket n naaga taab n bɩtẽ. God's Word says: "They will actually sit, each one under his vine and under his fig tree, and there will be no one making them tremble. " Because the wheat and the weeds continued to grow together. Bõe la a Zeova maan n kõ a Moyiiz ne a Aaza la a Neemi pãng la raoodo? The Greek word here translated "endurance " has a meaning similar to that of the word James used in the preceding verse for" patience. " How did Jehovah strengthen Moses, Asa, and Nehemiah? D ra tagsdame t'a Zezi waa yʋʋmd 1918 wã, n na n ges tũudum bʋg neb n zems tɩ b mak - b ne ki wã. The Trinity doctrine runs counter to the commission Jesus gave his followers to "make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit. " We thought that Jesus came in 1918 to inspect what organized religious group in comparison with them. Bõe la d tõe n maan n wʋm Wẽnnaam nimbãan - zoeerã võor n paase, la bõe yĩng tɩ d segd n maan dẽ? • How can meditating on the examples set by these women help us personally? How can we deepen our understanding of God's mercy, and why should we do so? " D gũus neer n tʋm tʋʋmd ning Zusoabã sẽn kõ tõndã ' " Continue Loving Your Wives " " Pay Attention to Our Lord's Work ' Tʋʋm - teed nins yell d sẽn gomã, la koe - moondbã sẽn maan to - to n moon koɛɛgã tɩ d gom rẽ me yellã sõnga wʋsg tɩ koe - noogã piuugi. In what way will justice come "speedily "? The tools we have considered and how the Kingdom - preaching work contributed greatly to the spread of the good news. Yell a woto buud tõe n zab - d - la hal wʋsgo. What benefits will the royal priesthood bring to mankind? Such a situation can be very serious. D sã n tar yõk - m - meng yel - kɩds pʋsẽ, na n kɩtame tɩ d tõog n maan woto yel - kãsems pʋsẽ. They use the pure language to praise Jehovah earth wide on a huge and growing scale. Having self - control in small matters will enable us to do so in serious situations. A Sãmwɛll zaea a Davɩɩd sẽn yit Zida buudẽ wã kaam t'a na n wa yɩ rĩm beoog - daare. Out of his deep love for mankind, God gave his beloved Son as a ransom, making it possible for those who exercise faith in him to enjoy life without end, free from the pain and suffering that resulted from sin. Samuel's anointing from the tribe of Judah led David to the future. A Zeova na n manega yellã fasɩ, a sã n wa vʋʋg a Nabot ne a kom - dibli wã la b zakã neb a taabã. Rẽ, b fãa na n yãame t'a Zeova tɩrlmã sɩd ka to ye. Yes, hope can be likened, not to a candle in the darkness, but to the brilliant rays of the morning sun, filling one's life with peace, happiness, purpose, and courage. Jehovah will completely repair the situation when he resurrects Naboth and his sons and their family, all of whom will see Jehovah's perfect justice. Baa ne woto, b pʋd n da pa tõe n gʋls bũmb nins fãa a sẽn yeel la a maana ye. In what important way does God's law differ from human ideas? Even so, they could not write everything he said and did. Wẽnnaam Gomdã goma sasa kãng yell n yeel woto: "Ned kam fãa na n zĩnda a viyn tɩɩg ne a kankang tẽngr tɩ ned ka yɛɛs - b ye. " Jehovah has provided the Christian congregation as a "lifeboat " for his faithful servants. Concerning that time, God's Word says: "They will actually sit, each one under his vine and under his fig tree, and there will be no one making them tremble. " (Zak 5: 11) Gɛrk gom - biig ning b sẽn lebg ka tɩ "sũ - marã " võor yaa toor ne gom - biig ning a Zak sẽn tũnug ne verse 10 pʋgẽ tɩ b lebg yẽ me tɩ" sũ - marã. " How can the hope Jehovah has given us help us to endure? The Greek word here rendered "long - suffering " is different from the word that James used in verse 10 to mean" long - suffering. " A Zezi yeela a karen - biisã tɩ b "kẽng n maan nebã buud fãa tɩ b yɩ [yẽ] karen - biisi, n lis bãmb ne Ba la Biiga la Sɩɩg Sõng yʋʋre. " (Mat. 2: 25. Jesus told his disciples: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit. " • D sã n bʋgs mak - sõma nins pʋg - kãensã sẽn kõ - dã zugu, wãn - wãn la rẽ tõe n sõng - do? (b) In responding to the situation, how did Abram deal with his wife? • How can reflecting on these examples help us? Ket - y n nong - y y pagbã • What are some ways in which shepherds show love for the flock? Continue to Love Your Wives B sẽn yeel t'a Zeova na n sõnga a nin - buiidã tao - tao wã võor yaa bõe? Why should the Bible's statements about blood be important to Christians today? In what sense will Jehovah act quickly in behalf of his people? Yɩɩ yaoolem Pak b sẽn maan ne taaba. • In what ways can we " pay attention to our teaching '? It was the last Passover that took place. D geta a Zeova wala d zoa meng - meng n dat n maan sẽn noom - a wakat fãa. " Time indefinite he has put in their heart, " the Bible tells us. We view Jehovah as our Friend and want to please him constantly. B rɩkda buud - gom - kãng sẽn yaa yɩlemdã n pẽgd a Zeova dũniyã gill zug ne manesem kãseng la zĩis wʋsg n paasdẽ. (b) What sort of freedom can humans enjoy, and why? They use that pure language to praise Jehovah throughout the earth and in many places. (Zã 3: 16) Wẽnnaam sẽn nong ninsaalbã wʋsgã yĩnga, kɩtame t'a tʋm a bi - yendã t'a wa ki b yel - wẽnã yĩnga. Rẽ kɩtame tɩ neb nins sẽn na n tẽ - a wã na n wa paam b mens ne yel - wẽnã biis sẽn yaa namsg la toog buud toɛy - toɛyã, la b wa paam n vɩɩmd wakat sẽn kõn sa. Yes, even faithful worshippers of God may at times experience extreme hardships that break their heart. Because of God's great love, his only - begotten Son sent his only - begotten Son to die for their sins, thus opening the way for those who exercise faith in him to suffer the consequences of their sins and live forever. Saagrã pa wa fɩtl sẽn wit likẽ vẽenem ye, a yaa wa sõ - bɩɩmd vẽenem. A kɩtdame tɩ ned vɩɩm be yamleoog la a tar võore, tɩ kõt - a raoodo. 6, 7. Hope is not like a lamp shining in a dark light; it is like the bright light that makes life enjoyable and encouraging. Ne manesem kãseng bʋg la a Zeova tõogã yaa toor ne ninsaalbã tagsa? Since no dictionary was available, he began building a glossary of Tuvaluan words. In what great way does Jehovah's law differ from human reasoning? A nebã sẽn gũud dũni - paalgã yĩnga, b tõe n kɩsa sɩd t'a gom - kãensã na n pidsame. No. As his people await the coming of the new world, they can be confident of his fulfillment. Wãn to la saagr ning a Zeova sẽn kõ - dã tõe n sõng - d tɩ d tõog toogo? What is involved in trusting in Jehovah? How can the hope that Jehovah has given us help us to endure? 2: 25. Consider what helped certain ones to see that the Bible is from God. 2: 25. b) A Abram talla manesem bʋg ne a pagã yellã welgr pʋgẽ? [ Picture on page 26, 27] (b) How did Abram deal with his wife's differences? So - pakd a ye yʋʋr sẽn boond t'a Barak wilga rẽ võore. COVER SUBJECT: A WORLD WITHOUT PREJUDICE - WHEN? A pioneer named Barak explains why. • Yel - bʋs pʋsẽ la tigingã pe - kɩɩmb wilgd tɩ b nonga bãgrã? Classifying and judging other people appears to be a human tendency. • What are some ways in which shepherds show love for the flock? Bõe yĩng tɩ bũmb ning Biiblã sẽn yeel zɩɩmã wɛɛngẽ wã segd n tall yõod ne kiris - nebã rũndã - rũndã? Overcoming a Common Obstacle to Confidence in Jehovah Why should the Bible's view of blood be of interest to Christians today? • Wãn - wãn la d tõe n " gũus d zãmsgã '? They did so by intensifying their Kingdom - preaching work. • How can we "stay awake " in our teaching? Biiblã yet - d lame t'a " ninga wakat sẽn ka sɛt tagsg ninsaal sũurẽ. ' " Bridle the Tongue ' The Bible tells us: "He has put eternity in their hearts. " b) Bõe yĩng tɩ ninsaal sẽn tõe n paam lohorem ningã tar koaka? 4: 12, 13. (b) Why is it limited to man's freedom? Sɩd me, baa neb nins sẽn tũud Wẽnnaam ne pʋ - peelmã tõe n mii n wa sega zu - loe - kɛgemse, tɩ kɩt tɩ b sũy sãame. [ Picture Credit Line on page 7] In fact, even faithful servants of God may face difficult circumstances and may be distressed. 6, 7. I moved out and got a room in nearby Zanesville, Ohio, but I traveled back and forth to encourage the family. 6, 7. Sẽn mik tɩ Tuvalu buudã gom - biis võor sebr da kaeyã, a sɩnga rẽ maanego. Whether Tony realized it or not, the very organ that monitored his physical, mental, and emotional condition - his brain - was malfunctioning when it was overloaded with alcohol. Since the Greek word used at the beginning of the day, he began to use that expression. Ayo. He or she might become like those in the first - century congregation in Ephesus of whom Jesus said: "You have left the love you had at first. " No. A Zeova rellgã baooda bõe maanego? Jehovah condemned Jeroboam for his apostate ways. What does trusting in Jehovah involve? Bʋʋm toor - toor n sõng sãnda tɩ b tẽ tɩ Biiblã yaa Wẽnnaam Gomde. We do well to keep this lesson in mind when it comes to reaching conclusions about Jehovah God. Some have found that the Bible is God's Word. [ Foto, seb - neng 10] 2, 3. [ Picture on page 10] A JONATHAN roagdbã yita Koore, la b rog - a - la Etazĩni. It is reasonable to believe that Luke gave Paul medical advice and rendered medical services to him and to others in his missionary group. THE family grew up in Korea, and she was born in the United States. Ninsaalbã nong n yãkda neb kẽer n kʋmb n yet tɩ b yaa woto la woto. Did not men before Abraham, such as Abel, Enoch, and Noah, show faith? To some people, it is the tendency to conclude that this is the case. D sẽn tõe n tõog gɩdgr sẽn wae n sãamd d bas - yardã ne a Zeova to - to But if we expect to live in that new world - and to keep living beyond Christ's Thousand Year Reign - we must act now to "get a firm hold " on everlasting life. How We Can Overcome Trust in Jehovah Woto kɩtame tɩ b maneg n wɩng ne Rĩungã koɛɛg moonego, n segend b mense. " Where did God come from? ' he wonders. As a result, they became more involved in the Kingdom - preaching work. D tõog d noorã In The Watchtower of April 15, 1980, you can read more about how they endured. Going Out of the Law 4: 12, 13. Isaac 4: 12, 13. [ Fotã sẽn yitẽ, seb - neng 15] Consider, too, that God's dearly beloved Son - "the one he was especially fond of " - died an agonizing death. [ Picture Credit Line on page 23] Mam yi n tɩ rɩka roog Zanɛsvɩll sẽn pa zãr ne tõnd zakã, la m da ket n wata yir n kengd m roagdbã raoodo. How can Christians resist community pressures and abandon such practices? I moved to a house near my home, but I continued to encourage my parents. A ra mi t'a pa mi me, rãamã sẽn da loogd - a wã yĩnga, a kalkõtã ra pa le tʋmd sõma ye. Yaool n yaa kalkõtã n kɩtd tɩ ninsaal tõe n tags sõma. Yẽ n so yĩngã wil a taabã fãa. TREASURE HUNTING is not just a game that children like to play; it is also a real - life drama played out again and again in many ages and societies. Whether he knew that he was not aware of the use of alcohol, he had lost control of his brain, which enabled us to think seriously about the rest of the body. Y tõe n tagsdame tɩ yẽ me nengẽ na n wa yɩɩ wa Efɛɛz tigingã neb kẽere. A Zeezi ra yeel - b lame yaa: "Yãmb basa y pipi nonglmã. " (Vẽn. Mediterranean Sea You may feel as did some in Ephesus, who said: "You have left the love you had at first. " A Zeova sɩbga a Zeroboam a sẽn pa kell n sak - a wã yĩnga. 1, 2. Jehovah punished Jeroboam for his faithfulness. D segd n ninga bõn - kãngã d sẽn zãmsã d yamẽ, d sã n wa rat n kao bʋʋd Wẽnnaam a Zeova manesmã zugu. Paul used such elsewhere in this very letter but not at Colossians 4: 11. - Matthew 5: 4; Acts 4: 36; 9: 31; 2 Corinthians 1: 4; Colossians 2: 2; 4: 8. We need to keep in mind this lesson in mind when we are tempted to judge Jehovah God. 2, 3. How can we help them? 2, 3. 4: 14; Tʋʋ. 16: 10 - 12; 20: 5, 6) Yaa vẽeneg t'a Poll wall a tũud - n - taag sã n da lʋɩ bãaga, a Luk sõngd - a lame. For example, during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, Jehovah's Witnesses demonstrated their love for one another. Clearly, Luke's experience helped Paul when he or a fellow believer fell sick. La neb sẽn deng a Abrahaam wa a Abɛll, a Enok la a Nowe pa wilg tẽeb sɩda? Though they may not appear to know much about computers or some other subjects taught in school, they do know much about living and coping with life's problems. Did not Noah, Enoch, and Noah not demonstrate faith? (Mat. 19: 25, 26) D sã n dat n wa kẽ dũni - paalgã pʋgẽ, la d kell n vɩɩmd a Zeezi naamã sẽn na n kaoos yʋʋm tusrã poore, yaa masã la d segd n modg n wilg tɩ d sɩd rata vɩɩm sẽn kõn sa wã. They appear to make one happy, but they do not. If we are to enter into the new world and continue to live during Christ's Millennial Reign, now is the time to prove our hope of everlasting life. Woto wã, bõe yĩng tɩ Wẽnnaam pa tall sɩngre? God's Word helps us to understand the factors that can undermine a marriage. So why did God not have a beginning? Y tõe n karma b kibarã sẽn wilgd b sẽn tõog to - to wã fãa yʋʋmd 1980 sẽoog kiuug rasem 15 Gũusg Gasgã pʋgẽ. 24: 8, 9, 18, 19. 7, 8. (a) In what way did Solomon waste his spiritual heritage? You can read Bible accounts of how they were successful each issue of The Watchtower. Isaac Never forget that as we provide support to our brothers, we experience the joy that only giving can bring. Isaac A Zeezi kũumã me sãama a Zeova sũur wʋsgo. Biiblã yeelame t'a sẽn wa n be saasẽ wã, a ra kõta a Ba wã "sũ - noog daar fãa. " (Yel. 7, 8. The Bible tells us that during his prehuman existence, Jehovah gave his heavenly Father "all day long. " Yaa rẽ n kɩt tɩ neb kẽer nong n boond - a tɩ Yaoolem zaabr dɩɩbã. 12: 19 Learning from the prophecy about Jesus, do I strive to avoid contentious arguments? That is why some people often call him the Last Supper. (Tõodo 6: 6, 7; Efɛɛz rãmba 6: 4) Wãn to la kiris - nebã tõe n zãgs zãma wã sẽn datã, la b bas rog - n - migs sẽn yaa wẽns woto buudã? Oath - taking was being abused when Jesus was on earth, with people swearing falsely or swearing about trivial matters. How can Christians reject popular opinion and reject customs that are similar to that are common to them? ZAMAAN dãmbã fãa sẽn loogã pʋgẽ n tãag masã, neb wʋsg baoa ne b sũy n na n yɩ arzɛgs rãmba. If you are one of those dear brothers, then surely you rejoice in your new privilege of service. Over the years, many people have sought to be rich. 1, 2. Making his powerful point, Jesus added: "So it goes with the man that lays up treasure for himself but is not rich toward God. " - Luke 12: 13 - 21. 1, 2. A Poll rɩka gom - bi - kãng n tʋm zĩis a taab lɛt kãngã pʋgẽ menga, la pa Kolos rãmba 4: 11 pʋgẽ ye. - Matɩe 5: 4; Tʋʋma 4: 36; 9: 31, NW; 2 Korẽnt dãmba 1: 4; Kolos rãmba 2: 2, NW; 4: 8. Do not become wise in your own eyes. Paul used that word even in other parts of that letter. - Matthew 5: 4; Acts 4: 9; 2 Corinthians 1: 4; Colossians 4: 2, 8. Wãn to la d tõe n sõng nin - kãensã? Yes, let us be resolved that "we are not the sort that shrink back to destruction "! How can we help such ones? Wala makre, nebã sẽn wa n yik n kʋʋd taab Roanda yʋʋmd 1994 pʋgẽ wã, a Zeova Kaset rãmbã wilgame tɩ b sɩd nonga taaba. (b) What questions may arise when we consider our obligation to fear God? For example, when people were killed in 1994 in 1994, Jehovah's Witnesses showed their love for one another. Baa sã n wõnd b pa mi yɛl wʋsg ordinatɛɛr dãmbã bɩ bõn - yood a taab b sẽn zãmsd nebã lekollẽ wã, b mii yɛl wʋsg vɩɩmã la vɩɩmã zu - loees tɩɩm wɛɛngẽ. To whom did David give credit for his deliverance? Even though they may not know much about the computer or other material that is being taught at school, they know much about life and life's problems. A tõe n kɩtame tɩ wõnd f tara sũ - noogo, tɩ sũ - noog yaool n ka - f ye. If those now in spiritual darkness are to escape destruction, they need light from God. It can make you happy, but it does not make you happy. Wẽnnaam Gomda sõngda tõnd sẽn na yɩl tɩ d bãng bũmb nins sẽn tõe n wa sãam kãadem. Today, our presence can likewise console those who grieve. God's Word helps us to identify situations that could ruin marriage. 7, 8. a) Bõe n wilgd t'a Salomo pa tũ a ba wã sẽn zãms - a bũmb ningã sõma? Each of us does well to ask himself, " Do I appreciate the extent to which I have personally prospered because of my strict observance of Bible principles regarding blood and fornication? ' 7, 8. (a) What shows that Solomon failed to apply what he learned from his father? Sãag n mada b kambã ne b yagensã fãa. AS FAR AS the eye can see, there are people. If a mother makes a mistake, both of them and their offspring. D ra tol n yĩm tɩ d sã n sõngd d taabã d paamda sũ - noog ye. He encouraged me to regain my spiritual strength and not to give up. " Never forget that serving others brings happiness. 7, 8. The historical record tells us that King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon was once agitated by a dream and demanded to know its meaning. 7, 8. 12: 19 M sẽn paam zãmsg ning sẽn yit bãngr - gomd ning sẽn gomd a Zezi yellã pʋgẽ wã, m modgdame n pa wẽed no - koɛɛm bɩ? Read James 3: 17. 12: 19 From Jesus ' prophecy, do I try to avoid disagreements? B tũuda noor a Zezi sẽn kõ - b wẽenegã wɛɛngẽ. A Zezi wakatẽ wã, nebã ra wae n yagda ziri la b wẽendẽ, wall b wẽend yel - yaals poorẽ. (Mat. Greed seems to be escalating. They obey Jesus ' command regarding the rebels in Jesus ' day: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. " Y sã n paama zu - zẽkr a woto, sãmbg kae tɩ sũur nooma wʋsgo. La y sã n maanda yɩɩr bilfu, y bee bʋʋm. 18, 19. If you are privileged to have such a privilege, you will no doubt be happy if you feel anxious about the next day. A Zezi togsa zãms - kãngã vẽeneg n yeel tɩ: "Yaa woto ne ned ninga sẽn bĩngd paoong a meng yĩnga, n yaool n ka tar Wẽnnaam arzɛgs ye. " - Luk 12: 13 - 21. However, the book of Job is not merely an account about one man's trials; it centers on issues of universal importance. Jesus made this clear when he said: "So it is with the man that lays up treasure for himself but is not rich toward God. " - Luke 12: 13 - 21. Ra tags tɩ f tara yam tɩ sek ye. Jehovah is the name of God as revealed in the Bible. Do not think that you are wise enough to do what is right. N - yẽe, bɩ d rɩk sard kãn - kãe n da yɩ "neb nins buud sẽn tard n sãama ye "! Married people strengthen their relationship when they are sensitive to their mate's feelings. Yes, let us be determined not to become "the sort that shrink back to destruction "! Koodã b sẽn paamdã sekda kiis a tãab rɩɩb bala. The Bible, on the other hand, tells us that the dead are unconscious; they are in a condition best compared to sleep. They just had enough food for three months. b) Sʋgs - bʋs n tõe n wa, d sã n vaeesd Wẽnnaam zoeesã sẽn yaa tɩlae ne - dã? Yes, he will "bring to ruin those ruining the earth. " - 2 Thessalonians 1: 7, 8; Revelation 11: 18. (b) What questions may arise if we look to God for what we need? A Davɩɩd yeelame tɩ yaa ãnd n fãag - a? Surely we should not neglect such a precious privilege. - Read Psalm 145: 14 - 16. Who was David saying that he had delivered him? Sẽn na yɩl tɩ neb nins sẽn be tẽeb lik pʋgẽ wã wa tõog n põs sãoongã, rẽnda b paam vẽenem Wẽnnaam nengẽ. Then Jesus continued with his teaching, warning his listeners about the danger of being distracted from God's service by desires for material things. - Luke 12: 13 - 15. To save those in spiritual darkness, they need spiritual light. Tõnd me sã n tɩ ges neb sũy sẽn sãame, d waoongã tõe n yɩɩ belsg n kõ - ba. In addition, negative emotions can tend to damage one spiritually. Our presence can be a source of comfort to those who mourn. Tõnd ned kam fãa segd n soka a meng woto: " Rẽ yĩnga, m nee vẽeneg tɩ m sẽn tũud Biiblã noor ning sẽn gɩdg zɩɩmã reegr la yoobã, nafd - m lame bɩ? " LIKE a lily among thorny weeds, so is my girl companion among the daughters. " Each of us does well to ask himself: " Do I see that applying Bible principles to blood and immorality is good for me? F SÃ N ges f nif yaadem tɛka, yaa neb woo neb la f neyã. What topic, image, and point of similarity do we find at Psalm 90: 1? WHEN you look at human sight, you see people as well as yours. A kenga m daood sẽn na yɩl tɩ m mao n paas m tẽebã pãnga, la m da koms raood ye. " 2970 B.C.E. She encouraged me to strengthen my faith and not give up. " Biiblã yeta tõnd tɩ vugri, Babilon rĩm a Nebukadnezaar zãmsa zãmsd sẽn nams - a, t'a kos tɩ b wilg - a zãmsdã võore. For more information, see pages 73 - 85 of this book, What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses The Bible tells us that one day King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon learned a painful lesson and asked him to explain it. Karm - y Zak 3: 17. " May the God of peace... equip you with every good thing to do his will. " - HEBREWS 13: 20, 21. Read James 3: 17. Ligdã, la a sẽn tõe n sõng - b tɩ b ra bũmb ninsã yell pak - b lame n yɩɩda. True Christians have every reason to be proud of being servants of Jehovah. Money, which can help them focus on their material possessions, and the spiritual needs of others are more important than money. 18, 19. Outnumbered and unarmed, God's people will look to the refuge of Jehovah's "pinions, " which he extends to shield the obedient. 18, 19. La pa a Zoob namsgã yell bal la sebrã gomd ye. A gomda bũmb sẽn pak malɛgsã la ãdem - biisã fãa yell me. By the end of the thousand years of Kingdom rule, obedient mankind will have been liberated from all enemies introduced by Adam's disobedience. The book of Job, however, is not only about Job's suffering but also about the angelic and human family. Tũudmã taoor dãmb sõngda b nebã tɩ b tũud Wẽnnaam noyã sẽn segd la sẽn pa segdã wɛɛngẽ bɩ? The arrangement and interrelationship of these heavenly bodies makes possible the beautiful and regular change of seasons. Do religious leaders help people to conform to God's standards? Rao sã n wilgdẽ tɩ sẽn pak a pagã paka yẽ, t'a pagã me maand woto, b zems - n - taarã pãng na n paasdame. There is more for us to learn about our future. A husband who shows concern for his wife's interests and does the same with his wife will strengthen their marriage. Sã n yaa ne Biiblã yẽ, a yeta tõnd tɩ sẽn ki - bã pa mi baa fʋɩ ye. B sẽn be zĩig ningã wõnda gõeem. What law has proved to be of more value than laws written on stone? According to the Bible, he tells us that the dead are conscious of nothing at all. Wakat kãnga, a "na n sãama neb nins sẽn sãamd dũniyã. " - 2 Tesalonik rãmba 1: 7, 8; Wilgri 11: 18. " Agrippa said to Paul: " In a short time you would persuade me to become a Christian. ' " - ACTS 26: 28. At that time, he will "bring to ruin those ruining the earth. " - 2 Thessalonians 1: 7, 8; Revelation 11: 18. Y pa ne tɩ d segd n wɩngda ne pʋʋsg sɩda? - Karm - y Yɩɩl Sõamyã 145: 14 - 16. Even the common grave of mankind will be emptied as deaths give way to resurrections. Do you not agree that we should persevere in prayer? - Read Psalm 145: 14 - 16. A pʋd n tũnuga ne bũmb ning sẽn maanã, n wilg a karen - biisã tɩ b sã n bao arzɛgse, tõe n tiis - b lame tɩ b pa tũ Wẽnnaam ne b sũur fãa ye. - Luk 12: 13 - 15. 23: 44 - Did a solar eclipse cause the three - hour - long darkness? Rather, he used what he said to tell his disciples that if they put material riches ahead of their own, they could lose their spiritual balance. - Luke 12: 13 - 15. Sũ - sãams me tõe n sãama ned tẽebo. How do we build integrity? Problems can also affect a person's spiritual well - being. " RULUGLƐLEMD sẽn yaa bũmb ninga gõos sʋkã, m noang me yaa woto kompugli sʋka. " Know how you should answer each person. " - Col. " What is the thorn between thorns and thorns, so my daughters are among the daughters of my daughters. " Yɩɩl Sõamyã 90: 1 wã maka a Zeova ne bõe, la bõe yĩnga? How did Jehovah protect the Israelites from Pharaoh's army? According to Psalm 90: 1, what does Jehovah liken, and why? Y sã n dat kibay n paase, bɩ y karem Biiblã sɩd yetame tɩ bõe? sebrã neng 73 n tãag 85 wã. A Zeova Kaset rãmbã n yiis - a. How do the experiences of Jehovah's Witnesses in Albania illustrate the truthfulness of Isaiah 54: 17? For more information, see the book What Does the Bible Really Teach?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. " [bɩ] laafɩ wẽnnaamã... kõ yãmb bõn - sõng buud fãa tɩ y maan a raabã. " - HEBRE DÃMBA 13: 20, 21, NW. We are told: "Deaden... your body members... as respects fornication, uncleanness, sexual appetite, hurtful desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. " The true God... gave you good things to do his will. " - HEBREWS 13: 20, 21. Kiris - neb hakɩkã bee bʋʋm n na n tall zu - zẽkre, b sẽn yaa a Zeova sõgen dãmbã yĩnga. The inspired record describes Job's reaction to his misfortune: "Jehovah himself has given, and Jehovah himself has taken away. True Christians have every reason to be proud because they are Jehovah's servants. (Ezekɩɛll 38: 2, 14 - 16) Wẽnnaam nin - buiidã sẽn pa tar zab - teed tɩ b bɛɛbã sõor yɩɩd - b wʋsgã yĩnga, b na n baoo solgr zĩig a Zeova sẽn kogend sakdbã a " pɩgs ' tẽngrã nengẽ. Make the Scriptures the backbone of your talk Since God's people do not have weapons more than their enemies, they will seek refuge under "the wings of Jehovah. " Yʋʋm tusrã sẽn wat n na n sa tɩ wẽn - sakdbã paama b mens ne yel - wẽndã la kũumã. Jehovah also transformed my life. By the end of the thousand years, obedient humans will be freed from sin and death. Tẽngã, kiuugã la wĩntoogã sẽn zãr ne taab to - to wã zemsame, tɩ kɩt tɩ sẽoog ne sɩpaolg beẽ. Rather, we should be willing to open our heart, as Paul did toward the Corinthians, and show our fellow believers that we are truly concerned about their welfare. The earth, moon, and stars are just rightly close to one another, and death is at last. Yɛl a taab la d segd n zãms tõnd beoog - daarã wɛɛngẽ. Jehovah "desires all to attain to repentance. " There are other reasons for learning about the future. Tõog bʋg n tall yõod n yɩɩg tõod nins b sẽn gʋls kug - wals zugã? This shows what can happen when people who claim to serve God lose sight of spiritual goals and seek first material things. What is more important than the Ten Commandments written on tablets of stone? " A Agiripa yeela a Poll yaa: " A ketẽ - la bilf bal tɩ fo tõog tɩ mam yɩ Kirist neda. ' " - TƲƲMA 26: 28. Seventeen chapters contain beautiful full - page pictures of Biblical scenes. " Agrippa said to Paul: " For a short time you would persuade me to become a Christian. ' " - ACTS 26: 28. Ãdem - biisa fãa yaooga na n lebga vɩʋʋgo, kũum sẽn na n vʋʋg n yi n bas - a wã. How is memorization involved with learning a new language? All humans will be given a vision of a resurrection from the dead. 23: 44 - Rẽ yĩnga yaa yũug - tar - kiuug buud n zĩnd n kɩt tɩ zĩigã lebg lik wĩndgã n kaoos lɛɛr a tãabã bɩ? (a) What can we learn about Jehovah from the experience of Israel? 23: 44 - Did it make the time for the sun to move into darkness for three hours? Wala makre, sogs - kãensã leoore: Ned maanda wãn n yɩ burkĩna? * This edition has proved to be, in effect, a loving gift to those who struggle with language or find reading a challenge. For example, consider the following questions: How can a person be integrity keepers? A yeelame tɩ b modg tɩ b "yel - manesem ne neb nins sẽn ka be tẽeb pʋgẽ wã yɩ ne yam, " la b " bãng b sẽn tog n leok ned kam fãa to - to tɩ zemse. ' - Kol. 4, 5. He said that they should "be sound in mind toward those who are outside the faith " and" know how to give an answer to each one. " - Col. Wãn to la a Zeova kogl Israɛll nebã t'a Faraõ ne a sodaasã pa paam - ba? In desperation, some Christians have been tempted to choose diagnostic or therapeutic methods that go against the principles of pure worship. How did Jehovah protect the Israelites from Pharaoh and his military forces? Bõe n paam a Zeova Kaset rãmb nins sẽn be Albani wã tɩ wilgdẽ tɩ goam nins sẽn be Ezai 54: 17 pʋgẽ wã yaa sɩda? AS WE discussed in the preceding article, Jesus led a meaningful life. What experience shows that the words of Isaiah 54: 17 are recorded at Isaiah 54: 17? B sagla tõnd woto: " Bɩ y kɩɩs y yĩngã ratem... sẽn yaa yoobo la rẽgdo la wẽng ratem la tags - wẽnse la zoe - bõne sẽn yaa bõn - naands pʋʋsgã. Some people claim that God makes us suffer to test us, but this is not true. We are admonished: "Deaden, therefore, your body members... as respects fornication, uncleanness, sexual appetite, hurtful desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. Kibarã wilgda a Zoob manesem sẽn yɩ to - to a sẽn bõn a paoongã poore. Biiblã yetame t'a Zoob yeela woto: "Yaa Zusoabã n da kõ, la yaa bãmb n le reege. Even being a child can be challenging. The account tells us what happened next: "Jehovah himself gave Job, and he proceeded to receive him again. Modg - y tɩ y sõsgã gill tik Biiblã zugu But become kind to one another, tenderly compassionate, freely forgiving one another just as God also by Christ freely forgave you. " Strive to make your talk a part of the Bible A Zeova sõngame tɩ mam vɩɩmã me toeeme. Why are we helped to understand Jehovah's thinking if we examine Jesus ' activities? Jehovah has also made changes in my life. D segd n sɩd pakda d sũurã wala a Poll sẽn maan to - to ne Korẽnt saam - biisã, tɩ d tẽed - n - taasã bãng tɩ b yell sɩd pak - d lame. Tappuah Yes, like Paul's dealings with the Corinthians, we should make sure that we have genuine concern for our brothers and sisters. A ratame tɩ ned buud "fãa tek yam n kos sugri, " n wa paam vɩɩm sẽn kõn sa. (2 Pɩy. Actually, "there is no searching out of his understanding. " He wants people of all sorts to " repent, ' and he wants them to gain everlasting life. Rẽ wilgda bũmb ning sẽn tõe n wa, neb nins sẽn yet tɩ b maanda Wẽnnaam daabã sã n bas tẽebã yɛl n lʋɩɩsd laogã baoob taoore. Jackson, M. This illustrates what happens when those who claim to serve God put spiritual interests first in life. Sags piig la a yopoe n tar fot neeb sẽn pid seb - neng tõre, sẽn bilgd Biiblã pʋgẽ kɩbaya. It is impossible to gain this wisdom without having a good relationship with God. The ten horns contain a beautiful picture of Bible accounts. Bõe yĩng tɩ buud - gomd zãmsg baoodẽ tɩ d rɩk yɛl kẽer ne zugu? This makes us very sad. " Why does learning a language require that we use certain subjects? a) Israɛll nebã kibarã zãmsda tõnd bõe a Zeova zugu? If they do not carefully follow the checklist each time before takeoff, the pilots increase the possibility of a tragic accident. (a) What do we learn about Jehovah from Israel's history? * A sõngda neb nins sẽn pa wʋmd ãngilindã sõmã, wall sẽn pa mi - b kareng sõma wã. Christ embodies "the wisdom of God. " * It helps those who do not know English or who do not know them well. 4, 5. Lessons for Us: 4, 5. (Mark 5: 27 - 34) Kiris - neb kẽer wa n dat n saka tɩpg buud sẽn kɩɩsd Wẽnnaam noyã, b sẽn da wa n pa le mi b sẽn na n maaneg ne b bãaga. The admission of images into the church in the 4th and 5th centuries was justified on the theory that the ignorant people could learn the facts of Christianity from them better than from sermons or books. " - Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature, by McClintock and Strong, Volume 4, pages 503 and 504. Some Christians have been tempted to accept medical treatment that conflicts with God's standards. WA SÕSG ning sẽn loogã sẽn wilgã, a Zezi vɩɩmã talla barka. When approaching a house, look at the surroundings. IN THE preceding article, Jesus ' life was meaningful. Neb kẽer yetame tɩ yaa Wẽnnaam n kɩtd tɩ d namsd sẽn na yɩl n mak tõnd n gese, la woto pa sɩd ye. Could you adjust your circumstances so as to have a share in this stimulating ministry? Some say that God is behind us to try to test us, but that is not true. Yɩ biig mengã tõe n yɩɩ toogo. The Bible contains some examples that help to illustrate the point. Being a child may find it difficult to be a child. Bɩ yãmb maan taab neere, la paam sũ - bʋgsem, la kõ taab sugr wa Wẽnnaam sẽn kõ yãmb sugr Kirist yĩngã. " (Ef. To the assembled nation of Israel poised to enter the Promised Land, Moses said: "Only watch out for yourself and take good care of your soul, that you may not forget the things that your eyes have seen and that they may not depart from your heart all the days of your life; and you must make them known to your sons and to your grandsons. " Become kind to one another, tenderly compassionate, freely forgiving one another just as God also by Christ freely forgave you. " Bõe yĩng t'a Zezi sẽn maan bũmb ninsã vaeesg tõe n sõng - d tɩ d bãng a Zeova tagsgo? The question arose about rights. Why can we learn about Jehovah's thinking from what Jesus did? Sɩd me, "ned ka tõe n mag n bãng b yamã sẽn ta zĩig ning ye. " Exercise Your Faith in Jehovah's Promises, Oct. Indeed, "it does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. " Jackson, M. We can be confident that when we ask our heavenly Father for holy spirit, he is more than willing to grant our request. As told by Jehovah's Witnesses, I had to adjust my thinking. Ned pa tõe n paam yam kãnga t'a pa tar zood sõma ne Wẽnnaam ye. Yet, how could anyone become superior to God? " No one can gain that wisdom without having a close relationship with God. Woto sãamda d sũuri. " Often, the result is that our activity is seen in a positive way. This can hurt us. " A sã n pa maag a yĩng n ges bõn - kãens fãa n yaool n yɩke, tõe n yɩɩ sabab t'a lʋɩ. And this is precisely what happened. If he does not take a careful look at all of these things, he might fall short. (Yɩɩl 36: 10; Yel. 22: 11; Mat. When one of the anointed dies faithful, it is with the sure prospect of being "raised up a spiritual body, " resurrected" in incorruption..., in glory. " The Bible tells us: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. " Zãmsg tõnd yĩnga: What shows that Jehovah's people are precious to him? Lessons for Us: Yaa yʋʋmd 300 la 400 soabã sʋk la egiliizã taoor dãmb sɩng woto maanego. B tagsame tɩ imaaz rãmbã na n sõnga sẽn pa mi - b karengã tɩ b bãng Kirist tũudmã sõma n yɩɩd goamã la sɛbã. - Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature, de McClintock et Strong, Volim a 4, seb - neng 503 la 504. Bõe la Biiblã yeta? No. In the fourth century C.E., the Church Fathers began to make sure that the teachings of Christianity are more widely known by those who do not know God's Word and the books of the Christian Greek Scriptures; and the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Y sã n wa kolgd zaka, bɩ y ges teed nins sẽn be zaka yɩngã. On a later occasion, however, a conflict in the matter of subjection could not be avoided. As you draw closer to the door, look up the tools in the house. Yãmb tõe n maana toeeng y vɩɩmã pʋgẽ sẽn na yɩl n kẽes y meng koe - mooneg kãngã sẽn kõt sũ - noogã pʋgẽ bɩ? 1: 8. Can you change your life in order to share in this joyful ministry? Biiblã tara kibay kẽer sẽn sɩd wilgd rẽ. Briefly share a spiritual gem that you discovered in your Bible reading. The Bible contains some evidence of that. Yaa bʋse? Israɛll buudã sẽn wa n tigim n na n kẽ Kãabg Tẽngã pʋgẽ sasa, a Moiiz yeelame: "Gũus - y y mens neer y yõor tɛka n da wa bas bũmb nins y nin sẽn yã wã n yĩm b yell ye. Zãms - y yãmb kamba ne y yagensã. " How is that demonstrated? For example, when the nation of Israel was gathered into the Promised Land, Moses said: "Keep your eyes open and guard against every sort of covetousness, and your offspring and your offspring. " B goma neb a taab wẽgb yelle. Do you fear that someone might ask you a question that you will not be able to answer? Others are spoken of as being oppressed. D modg n dɩ bũmb nins fãa a Zeova sẽn kõt - dã yõodo, Sig - noya We have a noble high priest officiating there, along with his underpriests. Do You Have "a Heart to Know " Jehovah? Rẽ wilgdame tɩ d tõe n kɩsa sɩd tɩ d sã n kos d saasẽ ba wã a vʋʋsem sõngã, a sɩd na n kõ - d lame. So is everyone that has been born from the spirit. ' If we ask our heavenly Father for holy spirit, we can be sure that he will give us it. D kɛlgdã sã n yaa pʋ - peelem soaba, la a tẽed tɩ Biiblã yaa Wẽnnaam Gomde, sogsg a woto tõe n kɩtame t'a rat n bãng n paase. - Tʋʋ. Not all perform powerful works, do they? " If the householder is honest and believes that the Bible is inspired of God, such questions may move him to make progress. A Birzit sẽn yaa so - pakd sẽn yit Alemayn wã kibarã wilgda rẽ. Sometimes, another kind of good work is called for. This is illustrated by the experience of a pioneer in Germany. La sɩd yaa woto bal kɛpɩ n zĩndi. What place should Kingdom interests occupy in our lives, and why? And that is exactly what happened. Kiris - ned sẽn paam vʋʋsem sõngã zaeeb sã n kell n sak a Zeova n tãag a kũum, yaa vẽeneg tɩ b na n vʋʋg - a lame t'a lebg wa malɛk n paam " yĩng sẽn ka põogd la sẽn tar waoogre. ' (1 Kor. AS YOU know, life in this system of things is by no means trouble - free. If a anointed Christian remained faithful to Jehovah until his death, he would be resurrected to immortal spirit life as "an angel of glory and honor. " Bõe n wilgd t'a Zeova nin - buiidã tara yõod wʋsg ne - a? In writing to Christians in Rome, the apostle Paul delved deeply into God's wisdom, including the "sacred secret " regarding Jehovah's purpose to use the Messianic Kingdom to bring about the redemption of faithful mankind and to sanctify His holy name. What shows that Jehovah's people are precious to him? Ayo. Then, in a sense, the words in one of Jesus ' parables can be said to you: "Enter into the joy of your master. " - Matt. No. La kaoosg zugẽ, yell a to n wa n zĩnd t'a pʋgẽ bɩ b ra pa tõe n gil mo - yõsr sakrã wɛɛngẽ ye. Then Paul added: "In fact, all those desiring to live with godly devotion in association with Christ Jesus will also be persecuted. " Later, however, there was another problem that could not be avoided in a matter of obedience. 1: 8. He could feel exploited, especially when others ride roughshod over him. 1: 8. Wilg - y bũmb y sẽn karem Biiblã pʋgẽ tɩ yɩ - y noogo. Jesus felt power flow from him, but he did not see who had been cured. Give an example to show your appreciation for God's Word. Wãn to la b wilgd rẽ? 3: 7 - When did Jesus receive "the key of David, " and how has he been using that key? How so? Yãmb yɛɛsda ned na n wa maan - y sʋkr y sẽn pa tõe n leok bɩ? [ Pictures on page 16, 17] Do you fear a question you cannot answer? D tara maan - kʋʋd kãsem sẽn tar naam sẽn tʋmd be ne a maan - kʋʋd - pʋgdsã. Furthermore, the love and affection that we show for one another clearly identifies us as true Christians. We have a royal priesthood, a royal priesthood, with its priest. ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ Let us consider an outstanding example of a God - fearing man who lived in the days of the prophet Elijah and of King Ahab, who ruled over the northern kingdom of Israel. [ Picture on page 17] A yaa woto ne ned ninga fãa Sɩɩg Sõng sẽn dogda. ' Be Earnest So it is with everyone that partakes of the spirit. ' Fãa tara bõn - bãn kũun bɩ? " (1 Kor. You need to have strong moral values. Does all have miraculous gifts? " Wakat ninga, tʋʋm - sõma buud a to la b segd n maane. For example, when an employer invited a Witness, an electrician, to work overtime regularly, the employee in this instance declined. There are times when good works need to be done. Bõe la tõnd segd n lʋɩɩs taoore, la bõe yĩnga? Of course, if no egg is released, fertilization cannot occur. What should we put first, and why? DŨNI - KÃNGA pʋgẽ vɩɩmã pa nana ye. What happened to Philistia, Moab, and Ammon? IT IS a challenge in life. Tʋm - tʋmd a Poll lɛtr ning a sẽn gʋls Rom kiris - nebã pʋgẽ, a goma Wẽnnaam a Zeova yamã yell wʋsgo. At an international convention held in New York City in 1953, the house - to - house ministry received special attention. In his letter to the Romans, the apostle Paul spoke about Jehovah God's wisdom. Rẽ, wa a Zezi sẽn yeelã, y na n " paama pʋɩɩr ne y zu - soabã sũ - noogo. ' - Mat. These words of the second psalm also had an application in the first century C.E. when Jewish and Roman authorities worked together to kill God's King - Designate, Jesus Christ. Then, as Jesus said, you will have "an inheritance with your master. " - Matt. La a Poll paas woto: "Neb nins fãa sẽn dat n tũ Kirist Zezi ne pʋ - peelmã na n paama namsgo. " (2 Tɩm. I have enjoyed simply sitting down with guests over coffee and talking. " Paul added: "All those desiring to live with godly devotion in association with Christ Jesus will also be persecuted. " A tõe n tagsdame tɩ neb a taabã wẽgd - a lame, sẽn yɩɩd fãa, b sã n wilgdẽ tɩ b pa nand - a. Christian parents and their children may be tested in this regard. He may feel that he is vicious, especially when others show little consideration for him. A Zezi yãame tɩ pãng n yi a nengẽ, la a pa yã ned ning sẽn da paam sãoogrã ye. By allowing Satan to bring a measure of hardship upon us, Jehovah has given each of us the opportunity to furnish our personal answer to Satan's challenge. - Proverbs 27: 11. Jesus saw that power came from him, but he did not see the man who had been injured. 3: 7 - Wakat bʋg la a Zezi reeg a "Davɩɩd kʋɩlen - biigã, " la wãn to la a tʋmd ne kʋɩlen - bi - kãnga? Yet, they were influenced by certain ones manifesting the wicked spirit of Balaam and Jezebel, who by means of sexual immorality and Baal worship acted as corrupting influences in ancient Israel. 3: 7 - When did Jesus receive "the key of the abyss, " and how did he use it? [ Foto rãmba, seb - neng 26, 27] Thus, he went on to show how God clothes the wildflowers, and then he said: "Will he not much rather clothe you, you with little faith? [ Pictures on page 16, 17] Sẽn paase, d sẽn nong taabã na n wilgdame tɩ d sɩd yaa kiris - neb hakɩka. Such equipment will be "congealed, " put out of operation as if stiffened by cold. Moreover, love of neighbor will prove that we are true Christians. D ges wẽn - zoɛt a ye mak - sõngo. A vɩɩmda no - rɛɛs a Eli la rĩm a Akaab sẽn yɩ Israɛll sẽn yaa rɩtg rĩungã rĩmã zamaanẽ. The prophecies that have already been fulfilled fortify our confidence that the " word that goes forth from Jehovah's mouth will not return to him without results. ' - Isaiah 55: 11. Consider the example of a God - fearing prophet Elijah and Ahab, king of the northern kingdom of Israel. Modg - y n sõng - b ne y sũur fãa By carefully considering the context. Strive to Help Them Bee ne yãmb mengã yam - yãkre. What greater reason for contentment could there be? It is your own choice. Wala makre, tʋʋm - taoor soab a ye sẽn kos a Zeova Kaset soab sẽn yaa elɛgtrisiẽ t'a rɩk sẽk n tʋm n dogl tɩ yɩɩg raasenkamã, zĩig pʋgẽ bala, a tol n tõdgame. As a result, the brothers adopted the practice of identifying one another by their given names, such as José or Paulo, rather than by their surnames. For example, after asked one of Jehovah's Witnesses for more time than a year, he did not compromise. Gell sã n yaool n pa yi, kãadeng pa tõe n zĩnd ye. (a) How do we know that God and Christ love mankind? A lack of trust cannot be found. Bõe n paam Filisti, Moaab la Amo? That is why we continue "without letup teaching and declaring the good news about the Christ, " as did the first - century Christians. - Acts 5: 41, 42. What happened to Philistia, Moab, Ammon, and Ammon? Tẽns toɛy - toɛy tigis - kãseng a ye sẽn zĩnd Niuyork yʋʋmd 1953 sasa, b goma zak - zak moonegã yell n yɩɩda. The spread of that attitude is particularly observable during what Bible prophecy calls "the last days, " marked by" critical times hard to deal with. " At a convention in New York City, the house - to - house ministry was discussed. Yɩɩl sõamyã a yiib - n - soabã gom - kãensã leb n paama pidsg pipi kiris - nebã wakatẽ wã, Zʋɩf rãmbã ne Rom dãmbã nanambs sẽn wa n lagem taab n kʋ Rĩm ning Wẽnnaam sẽn yãkã, sẽn dat n yeel t'a Zezi Kiristã. Does hardship or persecution ever make you feel "like a skin bottle in the smoke "? The second psalm also had a fulfillment in the first century C.E. when the Jewish leaders and Roman rulers destroyed God's appointed King, Jesus Christ. Baa yaa kafe la m da naag sãan tɩ d zĩ n yũud la d sõsda, ra noom - m - la wʋsgo. " So when you face pressures and problems, "do not let your hands drop down "! Even though I didn't know what to do, I enjoyed going to a stranger and talking to them. " (1 Korẽnt dãmba 7: 39) Roagdb sẽn yaa kiris - nebã ne b kambã tõe n paama makr zĩ - kãngã wɛɛngẽ. For more information, see "Questions From Readers " in The Watchtower, May 15, 2015, pp. Christian parents and children can be tested in this regard. Yãmb sã n wʋm gom - bi - kãngã, bõe n wat y yamẽ? Do You Recognize the Sign of Jesus ' Presence? What comes to mind when you hear that word? (Tõodo 10: 12, 13) A Zeova sẽn basd a Sʋɩtãan t'a wat ne toog tõnd ned kam fãa zugã, a kõo tõnd ned kam fãa sor tɩ d leok a Sʋɩtãan no - baoodmã. - Yelbũna 27: 11. And what a blessing that will prove to be! By allowing Satan to bring suffering upon us each one of us, Jehovah has given us the opportunity to answer Satan's challenge. - Proverbs 27: 11. (Wilgri 2: 12, 13, 18, 19) La neb kẽer sẽn da tar yam wẽng wa a Balaam la a Zezabɛll n da tall pãn - tusdg b zutu. Pĩnd Israɛllẽ wã, a Balaam la a Zezabɛll tũnuga ne yoob la a Baal balengã n kʋɩɩb buudã. " Dogs are very frightening to us because they can seem as big as horses " Unlike Balaam and Jezebel, however, some in ancient Israel were influenced by the spirit of Balaam, Balaam, and Jezebel, which led to the corrupting influence of Baal and Baal worship. A yeela woto: "Yãmb tẽeb bilf rãmba! Wẽnnaam sã n maneg mood tɩ yɩ neer woto,... bãmb kõn ges yãmb yell hal wʋsg n yɩɩda? In fact, let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from Jehovah; he is an indecisive man, unsteady in all his ways. " - James 1: 5 - 8. He wrote: "If, now, God is abundant in loving - kindness and truth, how much more will he care for you? A Zakari wilgame me t'a Zeova na n sɩbga a bɛɛbã n kɩt tɩ "bãag " yõk - ba. What are some suggestions for improving our singing? Zechariah also foretold that Jehovah would punish his enemies by bringing them "to ruin. " Bãngr - goam nins sẽn zoe n pidsã kɩtdame tɩ d tar bas - yard tɩ " gomd ning sẽn yit a Zeova noorẽ wã ka na n leb n wa a nengẽ zaalem ye. ' - Ezai 55: 11. Why not pause to reflect on Jehovah's dealings with Israel. The prophecies already fulfilled give us confidence that " the word that goes forth from Jehovah's mouth will not return to him. ' - Isaiah 55: 11. D sã n maag d yĩng n karem Matɩe 24: 32, 33 wã, d wʋmda a võore. 1, 2. By carefully reading Matthew 24: 32, 33, 33 we can understand. (1 Pɩɛɛr 5: 6, 7) Rẽ yĩnga bũmb beeme n tõe n kõ ned sũ - noog n yɩɩd yãoã sɩda? 58: 1 - 14. Is there anything better for a person than that? Yɩl n kogl taaba, saam - biisã wa n pa le boond taab soanda ye. Lebga yʋyã la b boonda. The Nephilim were much to be feared. In order to protect one another, the brothers no longer call one another by name. a) Bõe n kɩt tɩ d miẽ tɩ Wẽnnaam la a Zezi nonga tõndo? When Cornelius and his household became believers, these new ones received holy spirit, as manifested by their "speaking with tongues. " - Acts 10: 44 - 46. (a) How do we know that God and Jesus love us? Rẽ n so tɩ d rɩkd pipi kiris - nebã naoore, n ket n " zãmsd nebã la d moond a Zeezi Kiris koe - noogã daar fãa n ka basdẽ ye. ' - Tʋʋmã 5: 41, 42. As Witnesses of Jehovah can testify, he is " preserving loving - kindness ' toward those who love and serve him. Therefore, like the early Christians, we keep on " teaching and declaring the good news about the Christ, Jesus. ' - Acts 5: 41, 42. Sẽn yɩɩd fãa, d nee manesem kãngã sasa ning Biiblã sẽn boond tɩ " yaoolem wakatã, ' sẽn yaa "tood " sasa wã. How can we fortify fellow Christians who suffer affliction? This is especially evident in the way the Bible calls "the last days, " which is" critical times hard to deal with. " Rẽ yĩnga zu - loeesã bɩ namsgã zɩ n kɩt tɩ yãmb wõnd "ko - waoog sẽn yag bug - zõosẽ " sɩda? 10, 11. (a) The Millennium will afford what opportunities to all on earth? Have you ever felt like "a fiery hell "? Woto yĩnga, y sã n wa tar zu - loɛɛga, n maand yɩɩre, bɩ y " ra bas tɩ y nus pãng sɛ ye. ' Earlier at the Red Sea, Moses had experienced similar divine support. - Ex. So when you are under trial, "do not let your hands drop down. " Y sã n dat kibay n paas bɩ y ges yʋʋmd 2015 sig - noy kiuug rasem 15 Gũusg Gasgã neng 29 - 30. (a) How was the apostles ' request for faith answered? For more information, see The Watchtower, May 15, 2015, pages 29 - 30. Yãmb bãnga a Zezi belmã bãnd bɩ? How did Jesus ' disciples show love for others? Do you know the sign of Jesus ' presence? (Zak 4: 7, 8) Ad zood a woto paoong sɩd yaa bark tɛkẽ! The Gospel accounts clearly show how people - from Judas Iscariot to the chief priests, scribes, Pharisees, and Romans - were manipulated by Satan to condemn Jesus and subject him to a painful death on a torture stake. - Acts 2: 22, 23. What a blessing such friendship is! " Tõnd zoeta baas wʋsgo, bala ne tõndo b yaa bɛd wa wed - moose " Still, the married couple, who lived almost 4,000 years ago, displayed outstanding skill in the art of communication. " We have come to be very much afraid because they are just like the horses " La ned sã n nong arzegse, paoong paoosg ka sekd - a ye. " Those who have done so have reaped rich dividends spiritually, as shown by the following experiences. - Proverbs 19: 17. But a mere lover of wealth will not be satisfied with silver. " Bɩ ada soaba ra tags t'a na n deega bũmb Zusoaba nengẽ ye. Yẽ yaa yam a yiib soaba sẽn yuusd ne a yɛla fãa. " - Zak 1: 5 - 8. The examples of Jehovah and Jesus Christ indeed teach us what true mercy is. Let the man not think that he will receive anything from Jehovah; he is a new spirit with all his concerns. " - James 1: 5 - 8. Bõe la d tõe n maan n tõog n zẽkd d koɛɛg n yɩɩndẽ? " Sometimes we couldn't help but cry uncontrollably in the presence of visitors. What can we do to sing our voices? A Zeova ra yeelame tɩ Israyɛll buudã yaa wa yẽ paga. And what can make us receptive and eager to learn what Jehovah teaches us? Jehovah said that the Israelites were like his wife. 1, 2. We can begin by adopting a proper view of the Scriptures. 1, 2. 58: 1 - 14. For a discussion of why God allows such acts of oppression, see the article "Our Readers Ask " in this issue. 58: 1 - 14. (Sɩngre 6: 4) Nefilim dãmbã sẽn da yaa to - to wã seka zoeese. Holy Spirit's Role in the Past The Nephilim had to run the race for life. 10: 44 - 46. How will we respond to it? 10: 44 - 46. (1 Pɩɛɛr 5: 6, 7) A Zeova Kaset rãmbã tõe n kõo kaset t'a " maanda ' neb nins sẽn nong - a la b balemd - a wã " neere. ' They provide us with information and understanding that are critical to our maintaining a close relationship with God. Jehovah's Witnesses can testify that he " does good ' to those who love and serve him. D tẽed - n - taas sã n wa namsdẽ, wãn - wãn la d tõe n sõng - b tɩ b kell n tall b tẽebã? We need to allow God's Word to mold our understanding of Jehovah's mind. How can we help fellow believers to maintain their spiritual balance? 10, 11. a) Yʋʋm tusr naamã na n kõo nebã fãa zu - no - bʋg tẽngã gill zugu? • What are the benefits of belonging to Jehovah? 10, 11. (a) What privilege will come to everyone on earth? Sẽn deng rẽ, mog - miuugẽ wã, a Moiiz me paamame tɩ Wẽnnaam sõng - a woto. - Yik. Suddenly, light pierces the gloom, and Jehovah calls out: "Arise, O woman, shed forth light, for your light has come and upon you the very glory of Jehovah has shone forth. " Moses also received God's support before the Red Sea. - Ex. a) Bõe n maan tɩ tʋm - tʋmdbã paam b sẽn da kosã? 1, 2. (a) What happened to the apostles ' request? Bõe la a Zezi karen - biisã maan n wilg nebã b nonglem? We can become acquainted with our heavenly Father and his loving purposes for us by studying his Word, the Bible. How did Jesus ' disciples show love? (Matɩe 20: 18, 19; Luk 18: 31 - 33) Kiba - kãng sẽn be Evãnzill dãmbã pʋsẽ wã wilgda a Sʋɩtãan sẽn maan to - to n tõog n kɩt tɩ nebã pids a raabã vẽenega. A sɩnga ne a Zida Iskariote, la a kɩt tɩ maan - kʋʋdbã kãsma, gʋlsdbã, Fariziẽ rãmbã la Rom nebã ning a Zezi taale, la b nams - a t'a ki kũ - toaaga, kũum da - luk zugu. - Tʋʋma 2: 22, 23. If you have such a wonderful hope, may you continue to demonstrate deep love for Jehovah and faith in his prophetic word. This account in the Gospels shows how Satan used his power to accomplish his purpose, first with Judas Iscariot, and the chief priests to put the death of Jesus and death on the torture stake. - Acts 2: 22, 23. La a Izaak ne a Rebeka sẽn vɩɩmd sẽn na maan yʋʋm 4000 sẽn loogã ra tõog n sõsda ne taab sõma. As king, David led a very public life. But Isaac and Rebekah, who lived some 4,000 years ago, were able to communicate well with each other. Neb sẽn maan woto sɩd paama bark wʋsg tẽebã wɛɛngẽ tɩ d na n ges kẽer makre. - Yelbũna 19: 17. Moved by his love for us, Jehovah will rescue us from calamity. - Ps. 34: 19. What a blessing it has been for some who have done so! - Proverbs 19: 17. A Zeova ne a Zezi Kirist sɩd sõng - d lame tɩ d bãng nimbãan - zoeer hakɩkã sẽn yaa a soaba. Over the years, however, the zealous preaching activity of Jehovah's Witnesses has changed people's attitude toward the use of the divine name. Jehovah and Jesus Christ have indeed taught us what true mercy is. Sasa ninga ned sã n wa ges tõndo, d tara yãbr bala. For that reason, he alone is called "the Almighty. " At times, we may cry out only when someone visits us. La yaa bõe n tõe n kɩt tɩ d reeg la d tʋll wʋsg n zãms bũmb nins a Zeova sẽn zãmsd tõndã? Was Naboth stubborn? But what can motivate us to accept and want to learn from Jehovah's teachings? D deng n tall tagsg sẽn yaa sõma Wẽnnaam Gomdã zugu. The spiritual prosperity of God's people gives convincing evidence of Jehovah's blessing and protection. First, maintain a positive view of God's Word. A Zeova sẽn tʋm ne a vʋʋsem sõngã pĩnd wẽndẽ to - to This is confirmed in the words of Hanani the seer, or prophet, to King Asa of Judah: "As regards Jehovah, his eyes are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him. " - 2 Chronicles 16: 7, 9. How Jehovah used his Holy Spirit in the past Rẽ yĩnga, d sakd n tũuda Biiblã saglsã bɩ? In the proverbs of wise King Solomon, we read: "Listen, my son, to the discipline of your father, and do not forsake the law of your mother. " - Proverbs 1: 8. Are we heeding the Bible's counsel? Be, d paamda saglse, la d paamd n wʋmd Biiblã goam võor sõma. Paul wrote: "He that approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him. " - Hebrews 11: 6. In fact, we are guided by Bible principles and have a clear understanding of God's Word. D bãngame tɩ d segd n basa Wẽnnaam Gomdã t'a sõng - d tɩ d tõog n bãng a Zeova tagsgã. It represents successive world powers that have had a major influence on God's people, past and present. We need to let God's Word help us to understand Jehovah's thinking. • D sã n lebg a Zeova rẽnda, nafa bʋs la d paamda? Gideon chased the remnant of the coalition forces past Beth - shittah and then southward to Abel - meholah, near the Jordan. • What benefits come from belonging to Jehovah? Zĩig pʋgẽ, vẽenem n wa tɩ likã wɩlge, t'a Zeova bool pagã woto: "Yik n yãge [paga, NW]; tɩ bõe, fo vẽenem waame, la Zusoaba ziira zẽka fo zugu. " Think of David, a humble shepherd and then a powerful king. Immediately, when light came to light and light came to light, Jehovah called the woman: "Let the light shine forth, because your light has come to be, and the glory of Jehovah has shone forth upon you. " 1, 2. Can you imagine how demoralizing those words must have been? 1, 2. D sã n zãms Biiblã sẽn yaa a Gomdã, na n sõng - d lame tɩ d bãng - a sõma, la d bãng raab ning a sẽn tar ne ãdem - biisã. Think, for a moment, about his early life. By studying his Word, the Bible, we can come to know and appreciate his purpose for mankind. (Wilgri 22: 1, 2) Yãmb sã n tar saagr kãseng a woto, bɩ y ket n wilgd nonglem kãseng ne a Zeova la tẽeb ne a no - rɛɛsdbã goama. (See bound volume) If you have such a wonderful hope, continue to show deep love for Jehovah and faith in his prophetic word. *) A Davɩɩd sẽn da yaa rĩmã yĩnga, a ra wae n bee ne neb wakat fãa. 10: 34 - 36. * As King, David was often with people. (Yɩɩl 31: 8) A Zeova sẽn nong tõndã yĩnga, a na n yiis - d - la d toodã fãa pʋgẽ. - Yɩɩl 34: 20. They strive to be like Christ, "humble in mind, not paying back injury for injury or reviling for reviling. " - 1 Peter 3: 8, 9; 1 Corinthians 11: 1. Out of love, Jehovah will remove all our trials. - Ps. 34: 20. La yʋʋmã sẽn tongã pʋgẽ, a Zeova Kaset rãmbã sẽn moon ne yẽesmã toeema nebã tagsg ne Wẽnnaam yʋʋrã boolgo. Many are downright harmful - both spiritually and morally. In recent years, however, the zeal of Jehovah's Witnesses has changed their view of God's name. Yaa woto yĩng n kɩt tɩ b boond yẽ a yen tãa tɩ "Sẽn - tõeyã - fãa. " Thus, in the Christian arrangement, the sweet - smelling incense appropriately represents acceptable prayers and praise to Jehovah. - 1 Thessalonians 3: 10. That is why he is called "the Almighty. " Wʋsg tẽeda woto. The GDR was a Communist state, so for most people in Saxony, religion was unimportant. Many believe that. Wẽnnaam nin - buiidã sẽn tar yidgr tẽebã wɛɛngẽ wã yaa kaset sẽn tar pãng sẽn wilgd t'a Zeova ningd - b - la bark la a kogend - ba. However, the time is rapidly approaching when we will see those blessings with our own eyes, yes, and enjoy them forever. Spiritual prosperity is a strong testimony to Jehovah's blessing and protection. No - rɛɛs a Hanani sẽn zĩnd Zida rĩm a Aza naamã sasa wã ra goma gomd sẽn sɩd wilgd rẽ. A yeela woto: "Zusoaba nif geta dũniyã zĩiga fãa n dat n sõng neb nins sẽn dat Wẽnnaam ne b sũyã fãa wã. " - 2 Kibaya 16: 7, 9. " The task involved the delivering of nearly 6,500 lunches each day. The prophet Asa, who was king of Judah, pointed to this truth: "The eyes of Jehovah are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him. " - 2 Chronicles 16: 7, 9. (Yikri 20: 12) Rĩm a Salomo yel - bũnã sebr pʋgẽ, a yeela woto: "M biiga, reeg f ba zãmsgo, la ra bas bũmb nins f ma sẽn wilg foomã ye. " - Yelbũna 1: 8. If you do not at this point see how that is possible, do all you can to increase your closeness to Jehovah by having a full share in the ministry. In the book of Proverbs, King Solomon wrote: "Be obedient, my son, and accept the discipline of your father, and do not forsake the law of your mother. " - Proverbs 1: 8. A Poll gʋlsame: "Ned ninga sẽn wat Wẽnnaam nengẽ, a tog n tẽeme tɩ bãmb beeme la tɩ bãmb yaa neb nins sẽn baood bãmba roanda. " - Hebre dãmba 11: 6. Satan's goal is to weaken the determination of true Christians to view themselves as "temporary residents " in the present system. Paul wrote: "He that approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him. " - Hebrews 11: 6. Bãngr - gom - kãng pʋgẽ, a Daniɛll bilga bõn - naandg sẽn wõnd ninsaala, b sẽn maan ne sãnem, wanzuri, zũud la kutu. (Dan. Others have done so because of extreme physical abuse or the absolute endangerment of a Christian's spirituality. In this prophecy, Daniel describes a human image, made of gold, silver, and copper. A Zedeõ riga sodaas nins sẽn kellã n zʋʋg Bɛt - sita la Abɛl - mehola goabg babgẽ wã sẽn pẽ Zʋrdẽ kʋɩlgã. Did they? Gideon threw out the remaining ones of the remaining men on the other side of the Jordan River. A reng n yɩɩ pe - kɩɩma, n wa lebg rĩm - kãsenga. For more information, see chapter 14 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? He first served as a shepherd and became a mighty king. (Zoob 25: 4 - 6; Zã 8: 44) Gom - kãensã ra segd n komsa a Zoob raood wʋsgo. How can we live up to our dedication to God "day after day "? Those words must have been very discouraged Job. Tags - y a tẽng zug vɩɩmã yelle. Those documents were likely portions of the Hebrew Scriptures that Paul used in his in - depth study. Think about his earthly life on earth. (Ges - y volim relie wã pʋgẽ) Radio stations broadcast these denunciations presented at those assemblies. (See bound volume) 10: 34 - 36. He is merciful and kind. 10: 34 - 36. B leb n modgdame n na n yɩ neb sẽn tar "sik - m - menga, " sẽn pa " lebsd wẽng wẽng yĩnga, walla tʋʋsg tʋʋsg yĩng ye. ' - 1 Pɩɛɛr 3: 8, 9; 1 Korẽnt dãmba 11: 1. 11: 24. They also strive to be "a modest man, " who does not" turn aside from bad, " or slander. - 1 Peter 3: 8, 9; 1 Corinthians 11: 1. Reem wʋsg yaa wẽns hal n tõe n kɩt tɩ d tʋm tʋʋm - yood n sãam zood ning d sẽn tar ne a Zeova wã. 4: 6, 7. Many entertainment can cause us to engage in immoral activities and damage our relationship with Jehovah. (Yɩɩl Sõamyã 141: 2) Dẽnd kiris - nebã wakate, wisdã sẽn tar yũ - noogã makda pʋʋsg la pẽgr nins fãa sẽn tat a Zeova yamã. - 1 Tesalonik rãmba 3: 10; 1 Pɩɛɛr 2: 20, 21. In reproving those who "speak abusively " of Jehovah's anointed servants, the apostle Peter points to the fine example of the righteous angels. In the Christian congregation, therefore, the use of wine in worship and praise to Jehovah. - 1 Thessalonians 3: 10; 1 Peter 2: 20, 21. Tẽngã nebã ra yaa kominist - rãmba. Kɩtame tɩ Saks soolmã neb wʋsg nifẽ, tũudmã pa tar yõod ye. Their faith strengthened, the disciples embarked on a preaching campaign that despite opposition took the good news to "all creation that is under heaven. " - Colossians 1: 23; Acts 1: 8; 28: 22. As a result of the culture's culture and culture, religion was no longer valuable. Baasg zãnga, ka la bilf bala, d na n yãa bark kãens ne d nini, n - ye, la d rɩ bark kãens nafa wakat sẽn pa sate. The demons believe that God exists, but they have no true faith. However, we will soon see such blessings in our eyes, not by sight, but by taking advantage of them forever. Yɩɩ neb 6500 la d ra segd n dɩlg daar fãa. That is certainly true of millions living in Asia, but it is also true of many in lands where the Bible is widely circulated. We had to feed some 6,500 people each day. Y sã n mik tɩ y nan pa tõe n yɩ so - pakda, bɩ y moond koɛɛgã wa y sẽn tõe tɛka, tɩ paasd yãmb ne a Zeova zoodã pãnga. Identify yourself by name, and listen with respect even if the person seems confused. If you have not yet been able to pioneer, share in the ministry as much as you are able to draw closer to Jehovah. A Sʋɩtãan sẽn dat yaa kiris - neb hakɩkã yĩm tɩ b yaa "sãamb " dũni - kãngã pʋgẽ. Should those now doing good to the remnant of the 144,000 brothers of Christ partake of the Lord's Evening Meal? The Devil wants true Christians to forget that they are "temporary residents " in this system of things. Sãnda welgame, b sɩdbã sẽn pãbd - b wall b sẽn gɩdgd - b tɩ b pa tol n tõe n tũ Wẽnnaam yĩnga. That will not be a shock to Jehovah's Witnesses, for they have long anticipated this. Others have been separated from their husbands because they are unable to serve God. (Zã 13: 4 - 17) B maana woto bɩ? Many have found that doing things for others - giving of their time and energy to assist others in times of difficulty, for example - has proved to be extremely rewarding and has added real meaning to their lives. Did they do so? Y sã n dat n bãng n paase, bɩ y ges Biiblã sɩd yetame tɩ bõe? * sebrã sak 14 pʋgẽ Despite all that Noah had to do in serving God, "he did just so. " For more information, see chapter 14 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Bõe la d segd n maan "daar fãa " tɩ wilg tɩ d sɩd rɩka d meng n kõ a Zeova n na n maan a raabã? In fact, only Matthew and Luke related the events surrounding his birth. What must we do in "all the days " of our dedication to Jehovah? 4: 13) Seb - kãens tog n da yaa Biiblã sɛb nins b sẽn gʋls ne hebre wã kẽer a Poll sẽn da nong n karemdẽ la a bʋgsdẽ. 6: 8. These books should have been written by some of the Hebrew Scriptures that Paul used and meditating on. Radio rot n moon bãong pukr kãens b sẽn togs tigis - kãsems kãens sasa wã. Exerts Power " These customs were announced at these conventions. A yaa nimbãan - zoɛt la sõmblem soaba. They truly loved each other. He is merciful and gracious. 11: 24. 6: 31 - 33; 24: 13. 11: 24. 4: 6, 7. Jesus ' death was the most important event in history - he died to restore human life to what it should be. 4: 6, 7. Tʋmd - tʋmd a Pɩɛɛr sẽn wa n zabd neb nins sẽn gomd sẽn paam - b vʋʋsem sõng zaeebã wẽngã, a goma malɛg - sõma wã mak - sõngã yelle. Why was time needed to settle the issue raised in Eden? The apostle Peter spoke of the finest example of anointed ones when he spoke of "the wicked one. " (Zã 14: 26; Tʋʋma 2: 1 - 4) Karen - biisã tẽeb pãng paasame tɩ b sɩng koɛɛgã moonego, la baa ne gɩdgrã fãa, b moona koe - noogã "dũniyã fãa. " - Kolos rãmba 1: 23; Tʋʋma 1: 8; 28: 22. On their last night before the Exodus, some of the offspring of Israel were in grave danger. The disciples strengthened the faith that they began preaching the good news despite obstacles and opposition, preaching the good news "in all creation that is under heaven. " - Colossians 1: 23; Acts 1: 8; 28: 22. La neb nins sẽn teegd Zusoabã pãng paasda wakat fãa. Others who lived along the river said that they had read the magazines repeatedly. And those hoping in Jehovah will regain power. A yeelame tɩ zĩn - dãmbã me tẽedame tɩ Wẽnnaam beeme. " The trumpet will sound, " wrote the apostle Paul, "and the dead will be raised up incorruptible, and we shall be changed. He said that spirits also believe that God exists. Yaa woto ne neb milyõ - rãmb sẽn vɩ Aazi soolmẽ wã. Baa tẽns nins pʋsẽ Biiblã sẽn wae wã, neb n pa mi Biiblã sẽn yetã ye. Would you too like to express your love and appreciation to Jehovah and show that you want him as your Ruler instead of his chief enemy, Satan? That is true of millions of people living in Asia Minor, even in lands where the Bible is widely known. Togs - y - yã - a y yʋʋre, la y kelg - a sõma, baa sã n wõnd a zʋbsdame. in the February 8, 1994, issue of Awake! Relate her name, and listen carefully, even if it seems that she did. Neb nins sẽn maand Kirist ba - biis 144 000 kellã neb neer masã wã segd n dɩɩ Soaalã zaabr dɩɩb bɩ? We may thus be impressed by his power and be moved to acknowledge him as God the Creator. Should those who practice Christ's 144,000 anointed brothers now partake of the Lord's Evening Meal? Woto pa na n yɛɛs a Zeova Kaset rãmbã ye, bala b ra reng n gẽegda rẽ hal sẽn kaoose. Rather, he chose to create a perfect complement for Adam - the woman Eve. Jehovah's Witnesses would not be afraid because they had long looked forward to it. Neb wʋsg mikame tɩ b sã n dɩkd b sẽkã la b keelmã n sõngd neb nins sẽn be zu - loees pʋgẽ n dat sõngrã, b paamda sũ - noogo, la tɩ rẽ kɩtdame me tɩ b vɩɩmã tar barka. To their joy, they noticed that our heart was receptive to the seedlike Kingdom message. Many have found that using their time and energy to help those in need brings happiness and satisfaction. A Nowe me ra tara tʋʋm wʋsg Wẽnnaam daabã maaneg pʋgẽ, la bũmb nins fãa Wẽnnaam sẽn yeel - a t'a maanã, "yẽ maaname. " But what if you feel that your heart is not in your activity, that you are just going through the motions? Noah too had plenty to do in God's will, but he "did according to all that God had commanded him. " Sɩda, yaa a Matɩe la a Luk bal n gom a rogmã yelle. Can you think of a time when you helped someone in need materially? Indeed, only Matthew and Luke mention his birth. Tags - y n ges - y - yã a Ezai sũur sẽn yɩ noog to - to a sẽn wa n leokd woto wã: "Ad maam, bɩ y tʋm maam. " - Ezai 6: 8. Yet, the apostles kept insisting that Jesus had been resurrected from the dead. Imagine Isaiah's joy when he answered: "See, I have sent me. " - Isaiah 6: 8. 28 "Keng f meng n paam daood n tʋme " 6: 7. 28 "Be Courageous and Go to Work " 2: 1, 2) B yiibã fãa sɩd ra nonga taaba. * The apostle's words assure us that no matter what trials may arise in our life, Jehovah will sustain us if we trust in him. Both of them truly loved each other. SEB - NENG 22 • YƖƖLA: 42, 124 Yet, despite his prominent position, personal wealth, and considerable authority, Nehemiah never relied on his own experience or abilities. PAGE 22 • SONGS: 42, 100 6: 31 - 33; 24: 13. False religion has left many confused as to the whereabouts and condition of the dead. 6: 31 - 33; 24: 13. Bũmb nan pa maan tẽng zug t'a yõodã ta a Zezi kũumã ye. So let us be determined to continue submitting to Jehovah, showing him that we view his molding as an expression of his love for us. - Prov. Jesus ' death had not yet been accomplished on earth. Bõe yĩng tɩ yell ning sẽn zĩnd Edɛnnã welgr da baood sẽka? As world events unfold in fulfillment of Bible prophecies, we will gradually get an ever clearer picture. Why was the issue raised in Eden so important? A buud kae ye! A Zeova ne a Zeezi sã n get neb ka tɛkã sẽn tigimd taab tẽns toor - toor dũniyã gill zug Soaalã zaabr dɩɩbã yĩngã, tɩ yaa bãmb dãmb sa tɩ bãmb dãmb nan sɩngdẽ wã, yaa vẽeneg tɩ b sũy yaa noog wʋsgo. What are some ways in which our fellow publishers of the good news have found disciples? What a joy it is to see so many nations being gathered together on the Lord's Evening Meal that they will be killed before the Lord's Evening Meal! Ezipt yiibã ket tɩ beoogo, yel n da yɛgd Israɛll nebã kom - dẽemsã. Does Paul's advice require that we also stay away from false worshippers? The Israelites were still in danger of going through the Red Sea. Neb a taab sẽn da vɩ kʋɩlgã fooll yeelame tɩ b karma sɛbã n yɩlem wʋsgo. Evidently, Abram's faith and conviction had a dramatic effect on them, for both his wife, Sarai, and his orphaned nephew named Lot were moved to obey God's call and leave Ur. Others who lived on the river said that they read many books. Tʋm - tʋmd a Poll yeela woto: "Baorg na peebe, la kũum na vʋʋg n paam yĩng sẽn ka põogd ye, la tõnd na n paama tedgre. This could be done by sacrifice, washing, or sprinkling. - Lev., chaps. The apostle Paul wrote: "The Father will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. Yãmb me rat n wilga y nonglem la y mi - beoog ne a Zeova, n wilg tɩ y ratame t'a yɩ y Naaba, la pa a bɛ kãseng a Sʋɩtãan la y rat t'a yɩ y naab bɩ? However, Jesus never desired such a future because it was not Jehovah's will for him. Would you like to demonstrate your love and appreciation for Jehovah's sovereignty, not your chief enemy, Satan? wã sõsg ning gom - zug sẽn yaa: "D'après la Bible: Quel genre de divorce Dieu hait - il? First, the trials of Job expose the real enemy of mankind and the source of opposition against God's people. That enemy is Satan the Devil. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. D sã n maan woto, a pãngã tõe n yɩɩ bõn - kãseng d ninẽ, tɩ rẽ tus - d tɩ d sak n deeg t'a yaa Wẽnnaam sẽn yaa Naanda. Dew is a blessing from Jehovah. If we do so, his power can be of great importance to us and convince us that he is the Creator of the universe. A leb n kõ - a - la tʋʋmd sẽn da noogd sũuri. Tʋʋm - kãng yɩɩ rũmsã fãa yʋy pʋdbo. By going to another land, they may be able to supply their family with modern conveniences. He also gave him a happy assignment - that was the names of all animals. B sũy yɩɩ noog wʋsg d sẽn sak n kelg Rĩungã koɛɛgã sẽn yaa wa bõn - buudã. By faith he resided as an alien in the land of the promise as in a foreign land, and dwelt in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the very same promise. " They were thrilled to respond to the Kingdom message, as if it were. (Zʋʋd 20, 21) La yãmb sã n wa getẽ tɩ y maanda bõn - kãensã fãa y we n maan bala, la tɩ y pa paamd sũ - noog a pʋgẽ? Obeying such a law helped God's people to keep themselves distinct and separate from the pagan nations around them. What if you feel that you have done all of these things and that you do not enjoy it? (Tʋʋmã 20: 35, Sebr - Sõngo) Yãmb zoe n kõo ned bũmbu, a sẽn dat sõngr yĩng bɩ? Make melody to his name, for it is pleasant. " Have you ever given someone something for which he needs help? [ Foto seb - neng 12] Jehovah's Light Will Continue to Shine [ Picture on page 12] (Tʋʋma 4: 1, 2; 5: 17) Ne rẽ fãa, tʋm - tʋmdbã ra ket n yetame bal t'a Zezi vʋʋgame. (2 Tim. Yet, the apostles kept saying that Jesus was raised from the dead. 6: 7. (b) Describe what Jehovah empowered his prophet Elijah to do for the widow. 6: 7. A sẽn yeelã wilgdame tɩ toog buud fãa sasa, d sã n teeg a Zeova, a na n sõng - d lame. (Yɩɩn. Only two of these kings were consistently faithful to Jehovah. If we trust in Jehovah in times of distress, he will sustain us if we trust in him. Baa a Neemi sẽn paam naam woto, la a ra tar arzɛkã, a pa tol n teeg a meng ye. She felt that she was in no position to give the prophet any food, and she told him so. - 1 Ki. 17: 8 - 12. Even though Nehemiah had such a king, he had wealth and wealth, never putting his own trust in himself. Ziri tũudmã basa neb wʋsg sãmb - sãmb pʋgẽ sã n yaa ne sẽn ki - bã sẽn be zĩig ninga, la b halhaalã wɛɛngẽ. Thus, when Paul used expressions such as "the Lord be with the spirit you show, " he was encouraging his brothers to show a spirit in harmony with God's will and the Christlike personality. False religion has left many doubts about the condition and nature of the dead. Bɩ d fãa kell n sak t'a Zeova sõng - d tɩ d toeemdẽ, tɩ wilgdẽ tɩ d sũur nooma a sẽn maand woto tɩ yaa kaset t'a nonga tõndã. - Yel. Nimrod built great cities, but he did so in opposition to Jehovah. May all of us continue to submit to Jehovah's molding and display his love for us. - Prov. Dũniyã yɛl sẽn pidsd Biiblã bãngr - goamã sasa, bilf - bilfu d na n bãnga rẽ võor n paase. The Snare of Materialism In the outworking of Bible prophecy, we will gradually see the fulfillment of this prophecy. So - bʋs la koe - moondb a taab tũ n paam karem - biisi? • How can we strengthen our friendship with Jehovah? What opportunities have others taken to school? A Poll saglgã baoodame me tɩ d zãag d mens fasɩ ne ziri balemdbã bɩ? Does a further consideration of Jesus ' prophecy reveal that our understanding of the timing of other significant events needs to be adjusted? Does Paul's counsel require that we avoid false worshipers? Yaa vẽeneg t'a Abram tẽebã la a kɩs - sɩd sẽn pa vigsdã talla pãng a zaka rãmb zut wʋsgo, bala a pag a Sarai ne a ba - biig biig a Lot saka Wẽnnaam noorã n yi Ur. What is promised at Isaiah 60: 17? There is no doubt that Abram's faith and firm conviction had a powerful effect on his family, for his wife, Sarai, and his brother Lot obeyed God's command. A soabã yɩlgr da tõe n tũu ne maando, koom soob wall koom mesbo, pa rẽ bɩ pɛgsgo. - Maan., sak 11 - 15; Sõd., sak 19. Why is it important to have a forgiving spirit? The person could observe the burnt offering, water, or meat. - Lev. 11: 11 - 15; Num. La a pa bao n na n maan woto, bala pa rẽ la a Zeova ra rat t'a maan ye. This is to be expected. But he did not seek to do so because Jehovah wanted him to do so. Pipi, a Zoob zu - loeesã sõngda tõnd tɩ d bãng tɩ ãdem - biisã bɛ meng - meng yaa a Sʋɩtãana, la tɩ yẽ n kɩtd tɩ nebã zabd ne Wẽnnaam nin - buiidã. Brother Hughes spoke of the difficulty in reaching Catholic people in the Irish Republic. First, Job's problems teach us that the enemy is Satan the Devil and that he is behind God's people. Meenem yaa bark sẽn yit a Zeova nengẽ. Consider just a few examples: LOVE is a blessing from Jehovah. Yaa sɩd tɩ b sã n kẽng tẽn - zẽnga, tõe tɩ b tõog n sɩd sõng b zakã neb tɩ b paam rũndã - rũndã te - paalsã. This type of pride is defined as "inordinate self - esteem " or" a haughty attitude shown by people who believe, often unjustifiably, that they are better than others. " Of course, if they move to another country, they may be able to make sure that their family is now available. Ne tẽebo, yẽ siga tẽng ning Wẽnnaam sẽn kãab yẽ wã wa tẽn - sãanga, n zĩnd fu - rot pʋsẽ. La a Izaak ne a Zakoob me sẽn tar pʋɩɩr ne kãabg a yembrã, bãmb me maana woto. " Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion, is doomed to destruction. By faith he came into the land that God had promised him, dwell in tents in tents in tents in tents, and in Jacob and Jacob, who did the same. " La sẽn mik tɩ tõnd wakat sẽn - kõn - sa yɩ - neerã bee yell pʋgẽ wã yĩnga, yãk - kãngã tara yõod wʋsgo. Truly I say to you, To the extent that you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me. ' " - Matthew 24: 3; 25: 31 - 34, 40. Since our eternal welfare is at stake, though, this choice is vital. Ra sõngd - b lame tɩ b tõe n kell n yɩ toor ne tẽn - yagsã neb sẽn da pʋʋsd bõn - naandsã. Start while the child is young. The apostle Paul's missionary companion Timothy had an excellent reputation in his community. It helped them to remain separate from the pagan nations. Yɩɩl - y bãmb yʋʋra pẽgre yĩnga; tɩ bõe, a yaa noogo. " What can you do to make Bible reading more beneficial? Make melody to his name, for he is good. " A Zeova vẽenema na n ket n yãgdame They were to be treated as brothers. Jehovah's Light Will continue to shine (2 Tɩm. We have been given a precious gift - the knowledge of the truth. (Read 1 Tim. b) Bilg - y - yã a Zeova sẽn kõ a Eli pãng t'a maan bũmb nins n kõ pʋg - kõorã. [ Picture on page 15] (b) Describe how Jehovah empowered Elijah to do what he did for the widow. Rĩm kãens sʋkã, yaa b yiib bal n kell n tũ a Zeova n pa bʋdg ye. Christ Speaks to the Congregations Only two kings remained loyal to Jehovah without drifting away. A tagsame t'a sẽn tarã pa sek yãk n kõ no - rɛɛsã, tɩ kɩt t'a togs - a rẽ. - 1 Rĩm 17: 8 - 12. How have some today followed in the footsteps of Jesus and Paul, and why can we be sure that Jehovah appreciates those who make such sacrifices? 17: 8 - 12. Dẽnd a Poll sẽn yeel a tẽed - n - taasã tɩ " Zusoabã barkã zĩnd ne yam ning b sẽn tarã, ' a ra sagend - b lame tɩ b rɩk Kiristã naoore, n mao tɩ b manesmã ket n tat Wẽnnaam yam. (2 Tɩm. 4: 22, MN; karm - y Kolos rãmb 3: 9 - 12.) But he often shared his innermost feelings with his disciples. So when Paul told his fellow believers that "the undeserved kindness of Jehovah was with them, " he urged them to imitate Christ's mental attitude so that they may continue to please God. (Sɩngre 10: 8, 9) La neb a taab maana Wẽnnaam daabã n kõ mak - sõngo. Likewise, if we detect any trace of prejudice or racial pride in us, we should make a conscious effort to root it out of our heart. Others, however, set a fine example in doing God's will. Arzɛkã baoobo Many who today are members of the Christian congregation can tell you that before learning of and adopting Jehovah's righteous standards, they lived without moral restraint. The Search for Riches • Wãn to la d tõe n paas zems - n - taar ning d sẽn tar ne a Zeova wã pãnga? Our clear view of our identity and our relationship with the Sovereign Ruler of the universe motivates us to "boast in Jehovah. " • How can we strengthen our relationship with Jehovah? La bũmb a taab sẽn tar yõod la a Zezi reng n togse. Rẽ yĩnga, d segd n toeema d sẽn da tẽed tɩ bõn - kãens na n pidsa wakat ningã bɩ? Thus you can enjoy meditating on things that "are able to make you wise for salvation. " - Read 2 Timothy 3: 14 - 17. Should we, then, change our view of the timing of these events? Bõe la b kãab Ezai 60: 17 pʋgẽ? Such negative qualities are eroding many marriages today, but a loving husband will not let the world's selfish traits influence his thinking and actions. - Romans 12: 2. What promise is made at Isaiah 60: 17? Bõe yĩng tɩ d segd n yɩ sug - kõatba? • Why do we need the help of others in our congregation? Why should we be forgiving? Woto pa ling tõnd ye. Speaking to Abraham, He referred to Isaac as the "son whom you so love. " - Genesis 22: 2. This is not surprising. Saam - biig a Hughes wilgame tɩ yɩl n taas koɛɛgã katolik - rãmbã sẽn be Irlãnd soolmẽ wã pa nana ye. The Bible does not say. " It is not easy to witness to the Catholic Church in Ireland. Ad makr a wãn sẽn wilgd rẽ: Jehovah disclosed his requirements to Moses Consider some examples: (Yɩɩl 141: 5) Tɩta - ned nanda a meng wʋsgo, n tagsdẽ t'a sãoo neb a taabã, tɩ yaool n pa sɩd ye. The first - century Christian Tychicus was a trustworthy man and a "faithful minister. " A person appreciates himself, thinking that he is superior to others. (Wilgri 17: 17) B na n sãama Babilon Kãsengã sẽn yaa ziri tũudmã fãa sẽn be dũniyã zugã. The Scriptures provide this assurance: "Look! Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion, will be destroyed. " - Matɩe 24: 3; 25: 31 - 34, 40. An event involving two of Adam's sons helps us to see what God requires of an imperfect human who wishes to approach Him. " Matthew 24: 3; 25: 31 - 34, 40. Sɩng - y y kambã zãmsg b yãadmẽ: Nand t'a Tɩmote sɩng tʋm - tʋmd a Poll sõngr a misioneeremdã pʋgẽ, a ra tara yʋ - noog a tẽed - n - taasã sʋka. But Jehovah has lovingly provided the Gospel accounts that can make Jesus ' personality come alive in our mind. During his early years of training, Timothy had a good reputation among his brothers. Bõe la d tõe n maan tɩ Biiblã kareng naf - do? As a result, today a great crowd with an earthly hope is being gathered. How can we benefit from reading the Bible? Israɛll tẽngã neb ra segd n ges - b - la wa b saam - biisi. The elders must stand ready to help any who may now be wavering in their faith. The Israelites were to view them as their brothers. A Zeova sẽn sõng tõnd tɩ d bãng - a wã, a kõ - d - la kũun sẽn tar yõod wʋsgo. As a Witness, how did Leslie react? By helping us come to know Jehovah, he has given us a precious gift. [ Foto, seb - neng 29] Why do you want to be honest? [ Picture on page 29] Kirist gomda ne tigimsã Jeremiah was put in stocks, imprisoned in "the house of fetters, " and thrown into a cistern. Christ speaks to the congregations Wãn to la neb kẽer dɩkd a Zezi ne a Poll naoore, la bõe yĩng tɩ d tõe n kɩs sɩd t'a Zeova sũur nooma ne - ba? Paul may have received that statement orally (either from a disciple who heard Jesus say it or from the resurrected Jesus) or by divine revelation. - Acts 22: 6 - 15; 1 Corinthians 15: 6, 8. How do some imitate Jesus and Paul, and why can we be sure that Jehovah is pleased with them? La a ra wae n togsda a karen - biisã bũmb nins sẽn pak - a. When he returned, we knew him only by his face and voice. Yet, he often spoke about his disciples ' concerns. 10: 28, 34, 35; Gal. 2: 11 - 14) Tõnd me sã n mik tɩ bu - welsg n ket d yamẽ baa yaa bilfu, d segd n maoo ne d sũur fãa n toeem fasɩ. By now he was in his late 40 ' s, and finding himself with time on his hands, he took stock of his life. Similarly, if we realize that we are still in a small group, we should work hard to change completely. 3: 5 - 10; Heb. 4: 12) Neb wʋsg sẽn lebg kiris - neb rũndã - rũndã tõe n kõo kaset sẽn wilgd tɩ nand tɩ b bãng a Zeova noyã la b sɩng b tũubu, b ra vɩɩ yaare. " But if there is not, it will turn back to you. " We are happy when people respond favorably to our ministry, for then they may benefit from the message we bear. Many who have become Christians today can testify to Jehovah's standards and live by them. Tõnd sẽn mi d sẽn yaa neb nins vẽenegã, n paas zems - n - taar ning d sẽn tar ne ãndũniyã Naab sẽn ka to wã tusda tõnd tɩ d "maan sũ - noog ne [a Zeova]. " • What examples of God's wonderful works highlighted in Job chapters 37 - 41 impressed you? Our knowledge of people and our relationship with the Sovereign Lord of the universe moves us to "rejoice in Jehovah. " 40: 6; 92: 6; 139: 17) Rẽ, d tõogd n bʋgsa gom - kãens sẽn " tõe n kõ - d yam tɩ d tõog n paam fãagrã ' zugu. - Karm - y 2 Tɩmote 3: 14 - 17. Who really does receive God's blessing, and why? Then we can meditate on these words that can "give us wisdom to salvation. " - Read 2 Timothy 3: 14 - 17. La rao sẽn nong a pag pa na n sak n tags la a maan wa neb nins sẽn maand woto wã ye. - Rom dãmba 12: 2. Why We Need to Be Saved 3 However, a husband who loves his wife would not be willing to think and act like those who do. - Romans 12: 2. Y sã n pa gũusdẽ, y no - goamã tõe n yɩɩ wa bugum n wa ne yɛl tigingã pʋgẽ To what danger in particular must loving parents be alert? If you are not careful, your speech can be like a fire in the congregation • Bõe yĩng tɩ d rat d tigingã neb a taabã sõngre? 19, 20. (a) What individuals of Bible record will be raised to life on earth? • Why do we need the support of others in our congregation? A yeelame t'a Izaak yaa a Abrahaam biig " a sẽn nonge. ' - Sɩngre 22: 2. Jehovah wants us to serve him willingly. He said that Isaac was "the son of Abraham. " - Genesis 22: 2. Biiblã pa wilgd rẽ ye. Moved by compassion, Jesus performs a miracle - the only miracle that is recorded by all four Gospel writers. The Bible does not say. A Zeova wilga a Moiiz a noyã Just let me consume my portion of food. " Jehovah communicated His Law to Moses Biiblã yeelame t'a Tisik me sẽn zĩnd pipi kiris - nebã sʋkã ra yaa karen - saamb sẽn yaa sɩd soaba. 19, 20. The Bible tells us that the first - century Christian teacher was also a faithful teacher. Biiblã yeela woto: "Ad Wẽnnaam yirã bee ninsaalb sʋka. God tolerated such marriages because it was not yet his time to reestablish his original standard of marriage among true worshippers. - Matthew 19: 3 - 9. The Bible says: "This is the house of God. A Kayẽ ne a Abɛll sẽn yaa a Ãdem komdibli wã kibar tõe n sõnga tõnd tɩ d bãng Wẽnnaam sẽn dat tɩ ninsaalbã sẽn pa zems zãngã maan n tõog n kolg - a. Jehovah has provided his people with a safe spiritual refuge - the Christian congregation. Cain and Abel's sons can learn much about God's will for imperfect humans. La a Zeova sẽn nong tõndã, a kɩtame tɩ b gʋls a Zeezi sẽn maan bũmb ninsã evãnzill - dãmbã pʋsẽ, tɩ tõe n sõng - d tɩ d bãng - a sõma. In time, other inspired books were added to the Bible canon. Jehovah's love, however, has preserved the Gospel accounts so that we can come to know him better. La b sẽn da nong b taabã, n paas b sẽn paam Wẽnnaam vʋʋsem sõngã sõngrã, b kell n moona Rĩungã koe - noogã. Why does Jehovah expect us to make our own decisions? However, because they loved and received the help of God's spirit, they kept on preaching the good news of the Kingdom. Kãsem - dãmbã segd n yɩta tao - tao n sõngd ned ning fãa tẽeb sẽn koms t'a lebs n teeg a Zeova zãng - zãnga. Let Jehovah Question You? Elders should be quick to help those who are spiritually weak to regain their complete trust in Jehovah. A Leslie sẽn yaa Kaset soabã manesem yɩɩ wãn to? Honest self - appraisal in the light of God's Word should be a regular part of our thinking. What was the reaction of one of Jehovah's Witnesses? Bõe yĩng tɩ y rat n yɩ pʋ - peelem dãmba? But all of Jehovah's servants - including Bethelites - are imperfect. Why are you determined to be honest? B balga a Zeremi, b kẽes - a - la bãens roogẽ, la b lob - a bulg sẽn tar bɛgd pʋgẽ me. Suppose you have had a misunderstanding with someone in the congregation. Jeremiah was imprisoned and thrown into a well - fed wilderness. Tõe t'a Poll wʋm - a - la ned noorẽ (sã n pa karen - biig sẽn wʋm a Zezi noorẽ n dɩk n togs - a, ya a Zezi meng vʋʋgra poor la a togs - a) bɩ yaa ne Wẽnnaam vẽnegr la a wʋm - a. - Tʋʋma 22: 6 - 15; 1 Korẽnt dãmba 15: 6, 8. This expression shows not only that he was fully human but also that he was the "son of man " referred to in Bible prophecy. - Daniel 7: 13, 14. Paul may have heard from a man who did not listen to Jesus ' sayings and then spoke to him personally about God and His resurrection. - Acts 22: 6 - 15; 1 Corinthians 15: 6, 8. A paasame t'a sẽn wa n lebg n wa wã, bãmb nifẽ, a ra yaa sãana. Why is avoiding compromise a serious issue for true Christians? When he returned, he was a stranger. Masã wã, a kolga yʋʋm 50, la a tara sẽk tɩ sek n na n tags a vɩɩmã zugu. You may see elderly ones who have served God for decades, youths who daily stand up to peer pressure, and parents who work hard to raise God - fearing children. Now she is near 50 years old, and she has enough time to think about her life. (Luk 10: 1, 5, 6) D sã n seg ned sẽn sɩd rat n kelg koe - noogã, noom - d lame, bala d miime tɩ na n naf - a lame. The surgeon's friend might have a completely different profession. When we meet an interested person who is willing to listen to the good news, we feel that we will benefit him. • Wẽnnaam tʋʋm - kãsems bʋs yell b sẽn gom Zoob sak 37 n ta 41 pʋgẽ n yɩ bõn - yɛɛsds ne yãmba? There are many reasons why our prayers to Jehovah should include words of praise. • What wonderful works of God are mentioned in Job chapters 37 through 41 and 41? Ãnd soab n paamd Wẽnnaam barka, la bõe yĩnga? What arrangement was implemented in 1976? Who receive God's blessing, and why? Bõe yĩng tɩ d rat fãagda? 3 (b) What question arises, and what is the answer? 3 Why Do We Need Deliverance? Sẽn yɩɩd fãa, roagdb sẽn tar nonglem segd n bãnga yel - bʋg sẽn tõe n wa tiiri? What can you do if you feel that an elder has erred? What especially dangerous situation do loving parents need to know? 19, 20. a) Nin - bʋs Biiblã sẽn gomd b yell la b na n wa ne vɩɩm pʋgẽ tẽng zugu? Jesus also foretold that an educational work would be accomplished earth wide. 19, 20. (a) What Bible examples of people will be raised to life on earth? A Zeova ratame tɩ d maan a raabã ne yamleoogo. Let Revelation 21: 3, 4 answer: "I heard a loud voice from the throne say: " Look! Jehovah wants us to serve him willingly. Yel - solemd kãnga sẽn yãk a toogo, yel - solemd a to kae evãnzil - gʋlsdb a naasã fãa sẽn gom a yell ye. It also explains the work that endurance must complete in each of us. This miracle is none other than the four Gospel writers. Bɩ y kõ maam sẽn sekd m dɩɩbo. " The greatest danger. He said: "My soul will eat bread for me. " 19, 20. [ Pictures on page 10] 19, 20. Wẽnnaam da basame tɩ b maan kãadem kãens buudã, bala wakat ning a sẽn da na n lebs n lugl kãadmã t'a yɩ wa pipi kãadmã a balemdb hakɩkã sʋkã ra nan pa ta ye. - Matɩe 19: 3 - 9. (b) How did that meeting affect the apostles? God allowed them to marry because he would restore the first true worshipers to his marriage. - Matthew 19: 3 - 9. Bala, a Zeova segla koglg zĩiga, t'a nin - buiidã sã n be beenẽ bɩ kogend zood ning b sẽn tar ne - a wã. What an effect this action will have on mankind! Because Jehovah provides protection, protection, and protection for his people. Tar - n - tarẽ, Biiblã sɛb a taab vʋʋsem sõngã sẽn vẽneg tɩ b gʋls n wa n paase. Mildness is part of the fruitage that God's active force produces within us if we " live and walk by spirit. ' In time, other Bible books were written later. Bõe yĩng t'a Zeova rat tɩ ned fãa yãkd a toorẽ yam? What an extraordinary privilege for Peter - all because the truth was precious to him and led him to heed direction from Jehovah and act in faith! Why does Jehovah want us to make personal decisions? Wãn to la d segd n pʋʋse? Jehovah has sustained his ministers and blessed their ministry during these last days. How Should We Pray? 13: 5) Dẽnd segdame tɩ d mi n fees d meng ne pʋ - peelem, n bas tɩ Wẽnnaam Gomdã rems d tagsa wã. Soon, though, he will stretch out his hand for the last time against Satan's world, and his worshipers will need his help as never before. So we need to examine ourselves honestly and allow God's Word to mold our thinking. Baasgo, a Zeova nin - buiidã fãa, Betɛllẽ tʋm - tʋmdbã sẽn naag yaa pãn - komsem dãmba. We know that God's Word forbids fornication. Still, all of Jehovah's servants, at Bethel, are imperfect. D rɩk makr wa yãmb ne y tẽed - n - taag moor sẽn na n yõsge. For everyone asking receives, and everyone seeking finds, and to everyone knocking it will be opened. " - Luke 11: 5 - 10. Suppose you had a problem with a fellow believer. (Matɩe 8: 20) Woto wilgdame t'a sɩd ra yaa ninsaala. Leb n wilgdame tɩ yaa yẽ la "Ninsaal Biig " ning yell b sẽn gomd Biiblã bãngr - gomd a ye pʋgẽ wã. - Daniɛll 7: 13, 14, NW. 4: 6, 7. This shows that he was a man, also one of "the Son of man, " mentioned in the Bible. - Daniel 7: 13, 14. Bõe yĩng tɩ kiris - nebã segd n gũus n da wa kɩɩs Wẽnnaam? By what means were deep truths revealed? Why must Christians guard against disobeying God? Yɩɩ pipi kiris - nebã wakatẽ. The far more numerous "great crowd " of" other sheep " share the hope of living forever on a paradise earth as subjects of the Messianic Kingdom. That was true in the first century. Y tõe n yãa nin - kẽemb sẽn sõgend Wẽnnaam sẽn na maan yʋʋm pi - gĩna, kom - bɩɩs sẽn yalsd kãn - kãe b taabã weoogr taoor daar fãa, la roagdb sẽn modgd wʋsg n wubd b kambã tɩ b lebgd Wẽn - zoɛtba. MY PAST: My family moved often while I was growing up. You can see faithful older ones who have served God for decades, who have struggled with peer pressure, and who are endeavoring to train their children to become God - fearing children. Bũmb sẽn yaa tɩlɛ yaa a bao n bãng logtorã sẽn yaa ned ning buudu, a sẽn nong la a sẽn pa nonge. Christians also found Greek to be ideal for their writings. He needs to know what kind of doctor is, what he likes and dislikes. Bʋʋm wʋsg n kɩt tɩ segd tɩ d mi n pʋʋs a Zeova n pẽg - a. Maintain Your Spiritual Health While Serving in a Foreign Field, Oct. There are many reasons why we should praise Jehovah in prayer. Segl - bʋg la b lugl yʋʋmd 1976? Why Pray in Jesus ' Name? What arrangement was instituted in 1473 B.C.E.? b) Sok - bʋg n be, la a leokrã yaa bõe? Be confident that Jehovah will bless you richly - now and throughout eternity. (b) What question arises, and what is the answer? Bõe la y tõe n maane, y sã n tagsdẽ tɩ kẽem soab beegame? Why is this deceptive reasoning? - Jas. What can you do if you feel that an elder appears to be an elder? A yeela woto: "Wẽnnaam soolem koe - no - kãngã na n moona dũniyã tɛk fãa tɩ yɩ kaset buud fãa yĩnga. In recent years, the spiritual instruction provided by Jehovah's organization has reflected an increased emphasis on simplicity and clarity. He said: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. " Bɩ d bas tɩ Wilgri 21: 3, 4 leoke: "Mam wʋma koe - kãseng sẽn yi geerẽ wã n yeele: " Gese, Wẽnnaam yir bee neba sʋka. Paul states another reality of marriage at 1 Corinthians 7: 32 - 34. Let us, then, answer Revelation 21: 3, 4: "I heard a loud voice from the throne say: " Look! A ZEZI SẼN DAT TƖ D GŨ WÃ VÕORE At a meeting of the United States International Religious Freedom Commission on November 16, 2000, a participant made a distinction between those who try to force conversions and the activity of Jehovah's Witnesses. Let us consider how Jesus ' example can help us to avoid falling victim to temptation. A zu - loɛɛg ning wẽnem sẽn yɩɩdã. What shows that Jehovah appreciates our efforts to serve him? He faced the most difficult situation. [ Foto rãmba, seb - neng 16] There was no predetermined time for them to live and to die. [ Pictures on page 16] b) Wãn to la tigs - kãng naf tʋm - tʋmdbã? Moreover, Jesus Christ has appointed the faithful and discreet slave "over all his belongings " - all Kingdom interests on earth. (b) How did this gathering work benefit the apostles? (2 Tesalonik rãmba 1: 7, 8) Ad sɩd na wʋm neb kẽere! We had a much loftier understanding of the real issues involved. What a few will hear! D sã n bas tɩ Wẽnnaam vʋʋsem sõngã soog - do, d na n yɩɩ sũ - mar soaba, bala sũ - marã yaa vʋʋsem sõngã bil a ye. 6, 7. If we allow God's spirit to operate upon us, we will be patient because long - suffering is part of the fruitage of the spirit. (Tʋʋma 10: 1 - 48; 11: 18) Ad woto sɩd yɩɩ zu - no - kãseng n kõ a Pɩɛɛre, tɩ woto fãa yaa sɩdã sẽn da tar yõod wʋsg ne - a wã, tɩ rẽ tus - a t'a sak a Zeova sor - wilgrã la a tʋm ne tẽebã yĩnga! The king who would have Jehovah's approval needed to pursue such study to develop and retain the right heart attitude. What a privilege that was for Peter - all of this was the precious truth that moved him to accept Jehovah's direction and act in faith! (1 Tɩmote 4: 16) A Zeova teela a tʋm - tʋmdbã, la a ning b tʋʋmdã bark yaoolem day kãensã. As elders fulfill their responsibility, they sincerely try to serve others. Jehovah supported his servants and blessed them in these last days. La wakat kãnga la a balemdbã na n dat a sõngr n yɩɩda. We can imitate Paul and Silas by keeping in mind the good that comes from serving God faithfully. - Phil. At that time, his worshipers will need his help. D mii vẽeneg tɩ Wẽnnaam Gomdã gɩdga yoobo. It is true that Jehovah does not dwell in man - made temples. We know that God's Word condemns sexual immorality. Tɩ bõe, ned ninga fãa sẽn kota, a paamdame, la ned ninga sẽn baooda, a yãtame, la ned ninga sẽn wẽed kʋɩlenga, b pakdame n kõ - a. " - Luk 11: 5 - 10. Such is the glorious purpose of Jehovah, "the God of peace. " For everyone asking receives, and everyone seeking finds, and everyone knocking it will be opened. " - Luke 11: 5 - 10. 4: 6, 7. Early Christian preaching activity was supported by voluntary donations. 4: 6, 7. Yɩɩ ne bõe maasem la Wẽnnaam vẽneg a yel - zulumsã? She "should have deep respect for her husband. " By what means did God reveal "the deep things of God "? 5: 9, 10) Kʋʋn - kãsengã sẽn yaa "piis a taabã " sõor sẽn yaa wʋsg n yɩɩdã saagdame n na n wa vɩɩmd tẽngã sẽn na n lebg arzãnã zugu, n yɩ Mesi wã Rĩung nin - buiidu. Still, Naomi spoke of the mother's house, perhaps thinking that the reference to their mothers would bring to their mind the comfort of motherly affection. The greatest crowd of "other sheep " hope to live on a paradise earth under the Messianic Kingdom. M KIBARÃ: Mam yãadmẽ, tõnd zakã rãmb zĩnda tẽn - bõones toɛy - toɛy pʋsẽ, la tẽn - bedr a ye pʋgẽ me. What role has the New World Translation played in the preservation of the divine name? WHAT DO THE BIBLE TEACHES: When I was young, my family lived in many different cities and cities. Neb wʋsg ra mii Sɛptãntã. Do not rush through the material. Many people knew the Septuagint. Tʋʋlgo Kengd - y taab raood daar fãa, Sɩpaolgo Only those who do not love and serve Jehovah and Jesus will be destroyed. Do You Have "a Heart to Know " Jehovah? Ra n tol - y n yĩm - y bũmb ning a Zezi sẽn yeel kiris - neb nins sẽn paam vʋʋsem sõng zaeebã ye. Jesus indicated that this Christian "congregation " was to be formed. Never forget what Jesus told his anointed followers: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. " (Sɩng. 8: 21; Yel. On one occasion, Jesus miraculously fed a crowd of about 5,000 men. The people were amazed and delighted. He said: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. " Yʋʋmã noorã, a Zeova siglgã maana bũmb toor - toor sẽn na yɩl tɩ Biiblã goam võor wʋmb lebg nana. Enoch, the seventh man in the genealogical line from Adam, courageously walked with God by pursuing an upright course amid his wicked contemporaries. In recent years, Jehovah's organization has made arrangements for understanding and understanding of the Bible. (Karm - y 1 Korẽnt dãmb 7: 32 - 34.) In 607 B.C.E., they destroyed Jerusalem and the temple, killed old and young alike, and took many captives. (Read 1 Corinthians 7: 32 - 34.) Tẽnsã fãa yĩng Tũudum Soog - m - meng Siglg sẽn be Etazĩni sẽn maan tigisg yʋʋmd 2000, sɩpaolg kiuug rasem 16, ned a yembr wilgame tɩ welgr n be ned sẽn makd n na n tuub neb ne pãnga, ne a Zeova Kaset rãmbã tʋʋmdã. Do your prayers show that you appreciate the privilege of announcing Jehovah's Kingdom? In the United States, November 16, 2000, one U.S.A. explained that there is a difference between those who try to do so by means of the work of Jehovah's Witnesses. Bɩ y pẽg a Zeova a sõmblmã yĩnga, n paam barka 1 / 1 How does the Teacher book discuss paying homage to national emblems? Do You Have "a Heart to Know " Jehovah? Bõe n wilgd t'a Zeova nanda modgr ning d sẽn maand a tũudmã pʋgẽ wã? • Do I use alcohol to cope with stress or to escape problems? What shows that Jehovah appreciates our efforts to serve him? Wẽnnaam pa yãk wakat n wilg - b tɩ wakat kãng sã n ta, b na n kiime ye. 17, 18. (a) What indicates that others besides anointed Christians benefit from Jesus ' sacrifice? It was not God's due time for them to die at that time. Sẽn paase, a Zezi yãka tʋm - tʋmd sẽn tũud sɩd la sẽn tar yamã n kõ - a noor t'a ges a paoongã fãa yelle, rat n yeel tɩ bũmb nins fãa b sẽn sigl tẽngã zug Rĩungã yĩngã. Goodspeed renders it, "the ruling principle " in our hearts. Furthermore, Jesus appointed the faithful and discreet slave over all his belongings - all the earthly subjects of the Kingdom. D ra wʋma yɛl nins sẽn tɩ loe ne rẽ wã võor meng - meng sõma. At that time, the glorified "sons of God " will be further " revealed ' when they act as priests with Christ, administering the benefits of Jesus ' ransom sacrifice to mankind. We had a clear understanding of the issues involved. 6, 7. Hence, they might make different choices - for example, in the matter of dress and grooming. 6, 7. Sẽn na yɩl n ta a Zeova yam rĩma ra segd n maana zãmsg a woto n tõog n paam sũur sẽn yaa tɩrga, la a kell n tall - a. Joseph acted wisely in this regard. To gain Jehovah's approval, the king had to learn to acquire such a pure heart and maintain it. (Matɩe 20: 25 - 27) Kãsem dãmbã sã n wa tʋmd b taoor - sobendã tʋʋmde, b modgda ne pʋ - peelem n na n sõng neb a taabã. Our deep appreciation for the spiritual instruction we receive shows that we recognize Jehovah as our Grand Instructor. When elders are taking the lead, they are sincerely trying to help others. D sã n tagsd bark nins d sẽn paamde, d sẽn tũud Wẽnnaam ne d sũur fãa wã yĩngã, d rɩkda a Poll ne a Sɩlas togs - n - taare. - Fili. A related and significant reason to study the Word of God is to equip yourself to teach others - your loved ones, acquaintances, and even those whom you may not yet know. When we meditate on the blessings we enjoy because we serve God with a complete heart, we imitate Paul and Silas. - Phil. Yaa sɩd t'a Zeova pa be wẽnd - dot ninsaal sẽn me pʋsẽ ye. (Read Luke 21: 19.) Of course, Jehovah does not exist in human homes. Yaa woto la a Zeova sẽn yaa "Wẽnnaam sẽn so laafɩ " wã raab sẽn tar ziirã. What are some blessings we receive when we give generously? That is what Jehovah, "the God of peace, " is glorious. (Mark 13: 10) Ra yaa kũunã b sẽn kõt ne yamleoogã n sõngd pipi kiris - nebã tɩ b moon koe - noogã. • What was the main objective of Nehemiah's enemies, and what is the objective of God's enemies today? The first - century Christians preached the good news. B segd n " waooga b sɩdbã. ' He was content to serve Jehovah without a wife, but he respected the right of others to enjoy marriage. They must " assign honor to their husbands. ' (Rut 2: 11) A Naomi sẽn yeel - b tɩ b lebg n kuil b ma rãmb nengẽ wã, tõe t'a ra tagsdame tɩ rẽ na n tẽeg - b - la b ma rãmbã sẽn da nong - b la b belsd - b to - to wã yelle. Perhaps you have experienced similar peer pressure. When Naomi told them to return home to their mother, she may have felt that she would remember them and comfort them. Wãn to la Traduction du monde nouveau wã sõngd nebã tɩ b bãngd Wẽnnaam yʋʋrã? Are You Prepared for Survival? How does the New World Translation help people to understand God's name? D ra maan zãmsgã var - var ye. 7, 8. Do not rush through the material. Yaa neb nins sẽn pa nong a Zeova ne a Zezi n pa maand b raabã bal la b na n sãame. The Bible states: "Gray - headedness is a crown of beauty when it is found in the way of righteousness. " Only those who do not love Jehovah and Jesus will be destroyed. Sẽn wa n ket yʋʋmd t'a ki wã, a yeela tʋm - tʋmd a Pɩɛɛr woto: "Ade, mam yet - f lame tɩ f yaa a Pɩɛɛre, la kug kãngã zug la m na n me m tigingã, la hadɛs kõn tõog - a ye. " Then we need to " continue mindful of how we received and heard ' the Kingdom message, and we should revitalize our efforts in sacred service. Shortly before his death, he told the apostle Peter: "I say to you, Be Peter, and I will carry it upon my congregation, and I will never succeed. " Vugri, a Zezi rɩlga sẽn zems rap 5000 ne yel - solemde, tɩ ling nin - buiidã la kõ - b sũ - noog wʋsgo. 18, 19. On one occasion, Jesus fed sick men with miraculous food, and the people were amazed and overjoyed. 31: 6 - 8, 23) A Enok tũu Wẽnnaam ne raood n yɩ nin - tɩrga, n pa wõneg a zãmaanã neb sẽn da yaa wẽnsã ye. (Sɩng. Give an example. Enoch courageously walked with God, not with the wicked world of his day. Yʋʋmd 607 S.D.T.W., b sãama Zerizalɛm ne a wẽn - doogã, n kʋ nin - kẽembã la kom - bɩɩsã, n tall bãmb wʋsg n loog yembdo. We too are a minority in the world, but that does not dismay us. In 607 B.C.E., Jerusalem and its temple were destroyed, killing young and old. Rẽ yĩnga yãmb wilgda y pʋʋsgã pʋgẽ tɩ y sũur nooma y sẽn paam n moond a Zeova Rĩungã bɩ? God's power was also made manifest when Jesus invited Peter to walk toward him over the Sea of Galilee, and Peter did so. Do you show appreciation for the privilege of sharing in the Kingdom - preaching work? Wãn to la Enseignant sebrã gomd darpo wã pʋʋsg yelle? In what way is the human body and the Christian congregation similar? How does the Teacher book relate to the State's prayer? • Mam yũuda sẽn na yɩl n mao ne yɛlã bɩ? The parable finishes with the words: "These [the goats] will depart into everlasting cutting - off, but the righteous ones into everlasting life. " - Matt. • Do I drink to cope with problems? 17, 18. a) Bõe n wilgd tɩ pa kiris - neb nins sẽn paam vʋʋsem sõng zaeebã bal n dɩt a Zezi maoongã yõodo? There are billions of people on the earth. 17, 18. (a) How do anointed Christians benefit from Jesus ' ransom sacrifice? " Kirist laafɩ " wã yaa bõe? Obey God and Benefit From His Sworn Promises, 10 / 15 " Of Whom Shall I Be in Dread? " What is "the peace of the Christ "? Wakat kãnga, "Wẽnnaam kambã " sẽn paam ziirã na n maneg n pukame, b sẽn na n naag Kiristã n yɩ maan - kʋʋdb n sõng ãdem - biisã tɩ b rɩ a Zezi maoongã sẽn yɩ rondã nafa wã. " There is no searching out of [Jehovah's] understanding. " At that time, "the glorious revealing of the sons of God " will be added to Christ's royal priesthood and help mankind to benefit from Jesus ' ransom sacrifice. Woto yĩnga, b sẽn yãkd n na n maan yɛl ninsã tõeeme n pa yɩ a yembr ye, wala makre futã ningr la mengã manegr wɛɛngẽ. If you live in a prosperous country, there might be many choices, some of them very tempting. Hence, decisions may be different, such as dress and grooming. A Potifaar pagã sẽn wa n dat t'a gãand - a wã, a pa sak ye. As a result, I too decided that I wanted to dedicate my life to Jehovah. When Potiphar's wife tried to seduce him, he refused. D sã n tar mi - beoog wʋsg ne tẽebã zãmsg d sẽn paamdã, wilgdame tɩ d sak n deegame tɩ ya a Zeova la d Karensaam Kãsenga. But what exactly is faith? Showing gratitude for our spiritual instruction shows that we recognize Jehovah as our Grand Instructor. Bũmb a to sẽn tar yõod sẽn kɩt tɩ y zãmsd Wẽnnaam Gomdã yaa sẽn na yɩl n segl y meng n zãms neb a taabã, wala neb nins y sẽn nonga, y mitinsi, la neb y sẽn ka mi menga. When God created humans, he gave them authority over the animal kingdom. Another important reason for studying God's Word is to prepare yourself to teach others, such as those you love, neighbors, and even people you do not know. (Karm - y Luk 21: 19.) Haffner says: "Many parents have told me that they bought their child a book on sexuality or puberty, left it in the preteen's room, and never discussed it again. " (Read Luke 21: 19.) D sã n yaa kõtba, bark bʋs la d paamda? If you pray to Jehovah for help, he will freely impart to you his holy spirit, which will empower you not only "to act " but also" to will. " What blessings come from giving? • Bõe la a Nehemi bɛɛbã ra rata, la bõe la Wẽnnaam bɛɛbã me rat rũndã - rũndã? in the book Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work, Volume 2; "Divine Guidance for Selecting a Marriage Mate, " in The Watchtower of May 15, 2001; and" How Wise Is a Teenage Marriage? " in Awake! • What did Nehemiah's enemies need, and what do God's enemies today need? La a ra pa wɩt neb nins sẽn tʋll n kẽ kãadmã ye. As Jehovah's Witnesses, we desire to reach as many people as possible with the good news before the end comes. However, he was not critical of those who want to marry. Tõe tɩ wakat n zĩnd tɩ yãmb me zoe y taab nifu. Years after that event, some Christians in Corinth started to question whether Jesus had been resurrected. Perhaps from time to time, you too have felt the same way. Yãmb segenda y meng n na n wa paam n põs bɩ? * Satan alleged that if Job personally suffered, he would decide that Jehovah was not the most important Person in his life. Are you preparing for survival? 7, 8. " Happy is everyone fearing Jehovah, who is walking in his ways. " - PS. 128: 1. 7, 8. (Koɛɛg Soaba 4: 13) Biiblã yeela woto: "Zoob - peend yaa wa waoogr maanfo. La yaa tɩrlem sor zug la b paamd - a. " However, those who have left their homeland to serve in other countries try to learn the local languages so as to make the good news more accessible to those "rightly disposed for everlasting life. " " A crown of beauty is like a crown of beauty, " says the Bible, "but a crown of beauty is found in the way of righteousness. " Sã n yaa woto, d segd n ket n " tẽegda bũmb nins tõnd sẽn da reeg la d wʋm ' Rĩungã wɛɛngẽ wã, la d segdame n leb n nang pãng Wẽnnaam tʋʋmdã pʋgẽ. 9 / 15 If so, we should " keep in mind the things we have received and heard about the Kingdom ' and should also do our part in God's service. 18, 19. What will be considered in the next article? 18, 19. Rɩk - y makre. Accordingly, Jesus encouraged his disciples to "keep on asking " for Jehovah's help because" the Father in heaven " will "give holy spirit to those asking him. " Illustrate. Sẽn paase, kʋʋngã kilsa a Zezi la b pẽg a Rĩungã sẽn watã, a sẽn da wa n zomb bõn - bil n kẽed Zerizalɛmmã. Are those the words of a cruel God or the words of a God who loves people and wants them to make the right choice? Moreover, the crowds glorified Jesus and praised his coming Kingdom while sitting in Jerusalem. Tõnd me sõorã paooda dũniyã zugu, la rẽ pa komsd tõnd raood ye. May we never mirror the self - willed attitude of Jehovah's adversaries! We too are few in the world, but that does not discourage us. Sẽn paase, a Zezi sẽn wa n yeel a Pɩɛɛr Galile mogrẽ wã t'a kẽn koomã zug n babs - a wã, a tõog n maana rẽ ne vʋʋsem sõngã sõngre. 24: 14; 26: 1, 2; 28: 19, 20. Moreover, when Jesus told Peter to walk on the Sea of Galilee, he could do so by means of holy spirit. Wãn to la ninsaal yĩngã la kiris - neb tigingã wõnd taaba? Jesus urged his disciples to "store up... treasures in heaven. " How do the human body and the Christian congregation differ from that of the human body? A yeela woto: "La nin - kãens [b sẽn mak - b rãmb ne bʋʋsã] na n kẽe sɩbgr sẽn kõn sa pʋgẽ, la nin - tɩrsã na n kẽe vɩɩm sẽn kõn sa wã pʋgẽ. " - Mat. Nevertheless, if we want to encourage our brothers, we truly need to get to know them - their situation in life, their qualities, their spirituality, their strengths, and their weaknesses. He said: "They [the sheep and the goats] will enter into everlasting cutting - off into everlasting cutting - off, but the righteous will enter into everlasting life. " - Matt. Neb milyaar - dãmb n be tẽngã zugu. Imagine imperfect humans being able to find "the very knowledge of God "! There are billions of people on earth. Teeg - y - yã a Zeova sẽn yaa Wẽnnaam ning " sẽn so wakatã ' 1 / 5 After Adam observed each animal and assigned it a suitable name, Jehovah did not step in and override Adam's choices. Trust in Jehovah, "the God of All Things, " 5 / 15 (Yɩɩl Sõamyã 147: 5) "Ned ka tõe n bãng [a Zeova] yama tɛk ye. " David rendered swift judgment against the rich man. " Jehovah's wisdom is unsearchable. " Yãmb sã n vɩ tẽng sẽn tar arzɛk pʋgẽ, tʋʋm buud toor - toor bee y sẽn tõe n yãk n maane, tɩ bãmb kẽer tõdgr yaa toogo. Widow of Zarephath, 2 / 15 Cremation proper? 6 / 15 If you live in a prosperous country, there are various forms of employment that you can choose, some of them are difficult to resist. Y sakd n mongda y meng bũmb kẽer Rĩungã yĩng bɩ? The " collecting out ' of the weedlike imitation Christians has been clearly recognized by an ever - increasing great crowd of sheeplike ones. Are you willing to make sacrifices for the sake of the Kingdom? Kɩtame tɩ ma - me wa yãk yam n na n dɩk m meng n kõ a Zeova. " This is what the love of God means, " states 1 John 5: 3, "that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome. " As a result, I decided to dedicate myself to Jehovah. La rẽ yĩnga, tẽeb yaa f sẽn na n mi bũmb nins Wẽnnaam sẽn na n wa maan n kõ - dã bal bɩ? We thus have ample reason to be convinced that he always does what is right and fair. - Job 37: 23. But is faith simply a matter of knowing what God will do for us? Wẽnnaam sẽn naan ninsaalbã, a kõ - b - la zu - sobend rũmsã zutu. how we help others when we attend meetings. When God created humans, he gave them authority over the animals. A paasame tɩ roagdbã sẽn maan woto n dat tɩ b biigã bãng bũmb ningã yaa vẽenega. The firstborn included only males. She adds: "It is clear that what parents did to encourage their child to understand what was being done to them. (Filip rãmba 2: 13, Kãab - paalgã Koe - noogo) Yãmb sã n pʋʋs a Zeova n kos a sõngre, a na n kõ - y - la a vʋʋsem sõngã, tɩ kõ - y pãng tɩ y "maan " la y tall " ratem. ' Goals of this system of things can distract us or even replace our God - given hope. If you pray to Jehovah for his help, he will give you his holy spirit so that you can "keep doing the work and the desire of the eyes. " " sẽn be Les jeunes s'interrogent - Réponses pratiques volim a 2 soabã pʋgẽ, n paas "D bao Wẽnnaam sor - wilgr sẽn na yɩl n yãk kẽed - n - taaga, " yʋʋmd 2001, sigr kiuug pipi daar Gũusg Gasgã la," Est - il sage de se marier pendant l'adolescence?, " yʋʋmd 1983 yʋʋm - sar kiuug rasem 22 Réveillez - vous! What is the objective of the elders ' shepherding activity? " The Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work, " in the book Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work, May 1, 2001, pages 22 - 22. Tõnd a Zeova Kaset rãmbã rata ne d sũy fãa n moon koɛɛgã tɩ neb wʋsg wʋme, tɩ dũniyã sɛɛb yaool n ta. About 100 bring substantial damage to buildings, and one very great earthquake occurs about every year. Jehovah's Witnesses are eager to preach the good news to many people before the end comes. Yʋʋm wʋsg a Zezi vʋʋgrã poore, Korẽnt kiris - neb n wa n sãmbd a sã n sɩd vʋʋgame. He wrote: "Like powerful men they run. Many years after Jesus ' resurrection, some Christians in Corinth began to doubt whether he had been raised from the dead. * (Zoob 2: 4) Rẽnd a Sʋɩtãan wilgame t'a Zoob mengã sã n paam toog a yĩn - gãongã pʋgẽ, a na n kɩɩsa a Zeova tɩ wilg t'a pa sak n deeg tɩ yaa yẽ la a soab ning sẽn ka to wã ye. What do we need to bear in mind when exercising our freedom to make personal choices? * Thus, Satan implied that if Job suffered in his flesh, he would deny that Jehovah was not the most important Person in his life. " Bark bee neb nins fãa sẽn zoet [a Zeova] n kẽnd bãmb soayã pʋsẽ wã zutu. " - YƖƖL 128: 1. In the years since sin disturbed the relationship between Jehovah and his human creation, our Creator has shown patient endurance and has provided the means whereby repentant humans can improve their relationship with him. " Happy is everyone fearing Jehovah, who is walking in his ways. " - PS. 128: 1. Baasg zãnga, neb nins sẽn bas b ba - yiy n na n tɩ moon tẽns a taab pʋsẽ wã maoome n zãms tẽn - kãng buudã goam sẽn na yɩl n tõog n moon koe - noogã neb nins "sẽn [tʋll n] paam vɩɩm sẽn ka sɛtã. " 7 / 15 However, those who have left their homes to preach in other lands endeavored to learn this language so as to preach the good news to those "rightly disposed for everlasting life. " 1 / 11 " Totalitarian regimes do not restrict their activities to politics. 11 / 15 Sõsg ning sẽn pʋgdã pʋgẽ, bõe la d na n wilgi? God's Word can also help young people to "flee from the desires incidental to youth. " What will we consider in the next article? (Yɩɩl Sõamyã 86: 7) Woto yĩnga, a Zezi yeela a karen - biisã tɩ b ket n kot a Zeova sõngre, bala d " saasẽ Ba wã ' na n " kõo neb nins sẽn kot yẽ wã vʋʋsem sõngo. ' Also, Assyria itself has become joined with them. " Hence, Jesus told his followers to continue asking Jehovah for his help, for "our heavenly Father will give holy spirit to those asking him. " (Tõodo 30: 19, 20) Sagl - kãngã pa wilgd t'a Zeova yaa Wẽnnaam sẽn zoet d nimbãanega, n nong tõnd la a rat tɩ d yãk yam sẽn na n naf - d sɩda? Similarly, there are good reasons why Jehovah has allowed humans to suffer temporarily, and these reasons are explained in the Bible. Does that not suggest that Jehovah is a God who loves us, loves us, and wants us to use our freedom? Bɩ d ra tol n dɩk a Zeova bɛɛbã sẽn tar sek - m - mengã togs - n - taar ye. Jesus kept on preaching, so that on the last day of the festival, once more "many put faith in him. " May we never imitate Jehovah's humble enemies. 24: 14; 26: 1, 2; 28: 19, 20. " I took to heart the suggestions in this article, and I am making good use of the cutout that was provided. 24: 14; 26: 1, 2; 28: 19, 20. A Zezi sagla a karen - biisã tɩ b bĩng b paoong saasẽ. The very best of times lies just ahead! Jesus urged his followers to store up treasures in heaven. D segd n bãnga b zu - loeesã, b zʋg - sõma wã, b tẽebã pãng sẽn ta zĩig ninga, b sẽn tõe n maan la b sẽn pa tõe n maane. Neither "height nor depth " hinders God's love, as stressed by Paul. We need to know their problems, their good qualities, their spiritual qualities, their limitations, and their limitations. (Yelbũna 2: 3 - 6) Mams - y n ges ninsaalb sẽn pa zems zãng sẽn tõe n paam " Wẽnnaam bãngrã '! Remembering that "the tribulation is momentary and light " can help us to remain faithful to Jehovah during hardship. Imagine how imperfect humans can acquire "the very knowledge of God "! A Zeova pa lebg n toeem b yʋyã ye. Let Trials Strengthen You Jehovah did not change their names. A Davɩɩd yɩɩ tao - tao n kao arzɛk soabã bʋʋdo. Give examples of things that can cause distress. David quickly judged the rich man. Zabr ning sẽn toeem dũniyã 1 / 2 Explain. (b) What question arises with regard to sacrifices today? 2 / 15 Nin - kãensã sẽn saagd n na n wa yɩ neb Rĩungã sẽn na n soogã sakd n sõngda Wẽnnaam Israɛllã neb sẽn ket tẽngã zugã. The Witness in the First Century These ones, who hope to become subjects of the Kingdom, are willing to support the remaining members of spiritual Israel. Pipi Zã 5: 3 yeta woto: "Wẽnnaam nonglem yaa tɩ tõnd sak bãmb tõogo. La bãmb tõog ka toog ye. " But what induced professed Christians to adopt these unchristian celebrations? 1 John 5: 3 states: "This is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome. " Woto yĩnga, d tara bʋʋm tɩ sek n na n sak n deeg t'a maanda sẽn yaa tɩrg la sẽn zems wakat fãa. - Zoob 37: 23. Here David first highlights Jehovah's goodness and righteousness - qualities called into question by Satan the Devil. Therefore, we have good reason to acknowledge that he always does what is right and fair. - Job 37: 23. sẽn nafd d tẽed - n - taasã to - to. One woman did exactly what he had asked of Jehovah. How we benefit from fellow believers. Kom - dẽemsã ra yaa rap bala. But let him keep on asking in faith, not doubting at all, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven by the wind and blown about. The firstborn were men. Dũni kãngã bõn - datɩ tõe n yuusa tõnd yam bɩ n ledg saagr ning Wẽnnaam sẽn kõ tõndã menga. It reveals God's name, his personality, and his unchangeable purpose in creating the earth and humans. The goals of this world can bring us the wisdom or even the hope that God has given us. Bõe yĩng la kãsem - dãmbã sẽn mi n kẽnd n kaagd b tẽed - n - taasã? We should ask Jehovah to give us his holy spirit to heighten whatever abilities we have in his service. Why do elders often visit fellow believers? Na maan bãmb 100 n tar pãng n tõe n sãam roto. Yʋʋmd fãa la bala, a yembr n yaa tẽn - digimdg kãsenga. " Do not suffer shock or be terrified, " he was told, "for Jehovah your God is with you wherever you go. " Nearly 100 percent of the building work can be destroyed, and one year there is a huge earthquake. A yeela woto: "Bãmb zoeta wa gãndaad sẽn be zabr pʋgẽ n gãngd lalga. Sad to say, modern history presents a different reality. He said: "They have run like a wall in a wall, like a spear in a wall. Baa d tar sor n maand bũmbu, bõe la d pa segd n yĩmi? Our showing due respect for the instrument Christ is using to manage his earthly belongings is one way in which we "openly acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. " - Philippians 2: 11. Regardless of our rights, what should we keep in mind? Yel - wẽndã sẽn wa n sãam zems - n - taar ning sẽn be a Zeova la ninsaalbã sʋkã yĩnga, tõnd Naandã talla sũ - mar ne maag - m - menga, la a kõo sor tɩ ãdem - biis nins sẽn tek yam n kos sugrã tõe n maneg b zems - n - taarã ne - a. Greed and egotism easily cut off the flow of compassion. When sin destroyed Jehovah and man's relationship with Jehovah, our Creator exercised long - suffering and granted the opportunity to restore repentant humans to his relationship with him. 1 / 9 Afterward we the living who are surviving will, together with them, be caught away in clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and thus we will always be with the Lord. " - 1 Thess. 9 / 15 " Pa politikã yell bal n da pak goosneem toosã ye. What can you do to become mature? It was not only the political system but also the governmental authorities. Wẽnnaam Gomdã tõeeme me n sõng kom - bɩɩsã tɩ b "lak ne yãadem datem wẽnga. " Announcing the names of the givers might embarrass others who were perhaps unable to afford to give a gift. God's Word can also help young people to "flee from the desires incidental to youth. " Asiiri soolem me lagma ne bãmba. " However, God is willing to reveal his ways to those who want to please him. - Amos 3: 7. The kingdom of Assyria also became filled with them. " A Zeova me sẽn bas ãdem - biisã tɩ b namsdẽ, n miẽ tɩ na n wa saame wã, a tara a bʋʋm. Biiblã wilgdame tɩ yaa bʋʋm toor - toor yĩnga. I wrongly assumed that someone who was so popular and so involved in carnival festivities could not have an interest in the truth. Similarly, the Bible shows that Jehovah has good reasons for allowing suffering to continue. A Zezi kell n talla moonego, hal tɩ kibsã yaoolem daare, " neb wʋsg tẽ ' yẽ yɛsa. This is especially true now, for Satan has been cast out of heaven down to the earth, "having great anger, knowing he has a short period of time. " - Revelation 12: 9, 12. Jesus kept on preaching until the last evening, "many put faith in him. " M tũu sõsgã saglsã, n sɩd wõrg zĩig ning b sẽn yet tɩ b wõrgã, n ning m Biiblã pʋgẽ. In a sense, all imperfect humans are walking toward the same destination. I applied the suggestions, and I did so in the Bible, and I applied the Bible's counsel. Vɩɩmã na n sɩd wa lebga noog ka la bilfu! What are some of the rewards that we enjoy now? What a thrilling time life will be! Wa a Poll sẽn yeelã, "zãntlem walla zulum " me pa gɩdgd Wẽnnaam nonglmã ye. How should Jesus ' death be remembered? As Paul said, "the heavens and the earth will not stop God's love. " D sã n pa yĩm tɩ "namsgã yaa bilf la pa kaoosde, " na n sõng - d lame tɩ d sak a Zeova zu - loeesã sasa. Why do such qualities as long - suffering, love, and kindness touch people's hearts? Remembering that "a little while longer " will help us to be obedient to Jehovah during difficult times. Zu - loeesã tõe n paasa y tẽebã pãnga Everyone on earth today has inherited sin - a chronic failure to measure up perfectly to God's requirements. Trials Can Strengthen Your Faith Yɛl toor - toor pʋsẽ, d rata belsgo. Psalm 148 enumerates other ways in which creation declares God's glory. In many respects, we need comfort. Wilg - y y leoorã võore. b) Tõnd sẽn kõt maand ninsã wɛɛngẽ, sok - bʋg la d segd n sok d mense? Perhaps there are district conventions or international conventions that stand out in your mind. Explain. (b) What question should we ask ourselves regarding sacrifices we make? Kasetã kũun a Zezi pipi karen - biisã zãmaanẽ Those false accusations did not prevent the early Christians from carrying out their commission to preach the good news of the Kingdom. The Witness giving in the first century La yaa bõe n tus kiris - neb ne yʋʋrã tɩ b sak kibs kãensã sẽn sɩd pa kiris - neb rẽndã? 18, 19. What, though, prompted Christendom to accept these pagan festivals? Zusoaba maanda fãa neere la bãmb nimbãan - zoeera tata bãmb tʋʋma fãa. " Ka wã, a Davɩɩd reng n gomda a Zeova sõmblmã la a tɩrlmã a Sʋɩtãan sẽn kɩɩsã yelle. Now that Jesus ' dear friend was dead, though, what did the future hold? Jehovah is good to all, and his mercies are over all his works. " (Verse 13, 14) Pag a yembr n maan tɩ zems kɛpɩ wa sõgna sẽn da kos a Zeova bũmb ningã. No, for the Bible says that Moses "continued steadfast as seeing the One who is invisible. " One woman acted in harmony with her request to Jehovah. La bɩ a kos ne tẽebo la a ra sãmb ye, tɩ bõe, ned ninga sẽn sãmbda, a wẽnda ko - pɛma sobg sẽn pengda t'a lengdẽ. 5, 6. (a) The apostles ' advocating the resurrection prompted what reaction? And let him keep on asking in faith, not doubting at all, for he who doubts is like the waves of the sea. Be la d tõe n ges n bãng Wẽnnaam yʋʋrã, a sẽn yaa a soabã, a sẽn nonge, a sẽn kisi, la bʋʋm ning sẽn kɩt t'a naan tẽngã la ninsaalbã. 12: 15. We can see God's name, his personality, his personality, his thoughts, and his purpose for the earth and mankind. D segd n kosa a Zeova t'a kõ - d a vʋʋsem sõngã, tɩ sõng - d tɩ d paam minim a tʋʋmdã pʋgẽ n paase. Rather, they shepherd the congregation and unstintingly take the lead in Christian activities. We need to ask Jehovah for his holy spirit so that we can become more qualified in his service. Wẽnnaam kɩtame t'a Moiiz yeel - a - la woto: "Ra zoe rabeem la f ra yɛɛs tɩ f Zusoab a Wẽnnaam bee ne foom fo sẽn dabd zĩis ninsã fãa. " (Zoz. Why should the conscience and feelings of others be seriously considered? Moses was told: "Do not be afraid or be terrified, for Jehovah your God is with you wherever you go. " La bʋko, yɛlã sẽn yaa to - to rũndã - rũndã wã wilgdame tɩ nebã pa rɩk yam ye. But we need not stop. Sadly, though, the facts show that people today are not wise. D sã n waoogd nin - kãensã a Zezi sẽn bobl a "paoongã " sẽn be tẽng zugã, d wilgdame tɩ d sak n deegame" t'a Zezi Kirist yaa Zusoaba, tɩ yɩ tõnd Ba a Wẽnnaam waoogre. " - Filip rãmba 2: 11. David was deeply moved. " Blessed be Jehovah the God of Israel, who has sent you this day to meet me! " By giving such ones honor, we show that we recognize Jesus Christ as "the Chief Agent and Perfecter of our God, Jesus Christ. " - Philippians 2: 11. La f sã n yaa rat - wʋsg soab la ned sẽn nong n get a meng yell bala, kɩtdame tɩ f pa le zoet ned nimbãaneg ye. Are you taking full advantage of this loving provision to shepherd your children? On the other hand, being selfish and self - centered does not rob us of compassion. La woto, tõnd na n bee ne Zu - soabã daar fãa. ' - 1 Tes. 5, 6. And then we will be with Jehovah every day. " - 1 Thess. Bõe la y tõe n maan n wa tõogd n tagsd wa ned sẽn bɩ? By no means! What can you do to develop such feelings? Rẽ n so tɩ kiris - neb nins sẽn tar yamã pa na n togs neb nins sẽn wat n kõt - b kũunã yʋy tɩ nebã bãng ye, bala rẽ tõeeme meng n kɩt tɩ yãnd yõk neb nins sẽn pa tõog n tall kũun n wa wã. Why? Hence, wise Christians will not mention the names of those giving the gift to others, for this may make even shame those who cannot afford it. (Rom - dãmbã 11: 33) La Wẽnnaam sõngda neb nins sẽn dat n ta yẽ yamã tɩ b wʋmd a sẽn maand bũmb ninsã võore. - Amoos 3: 7. But God raised him back to life, and 40 days later, Jesus ascended to heaven. However, God helps those who want to please him to understand his ways. - Ezra 3: 7. Mam da tagsdame tɩ ned yʋʋr sẽn yi woto la sẽn nong karnavallã hal wʋsg woto pa tõe n zãms Biiblã tɩ kẽng taoor ye. © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania I thought that a respected and respected man could not study the Bible with him. Rẽ yaa vẽeneg n yɩɩd rũndã - rũndã, bala b riga a Sʋɩtãan t'a yi saasẽ n sig tẽng zugu, "la a sũ - puugra yaa kãsenga a sẽn bãng t'a wakat yaa bilfa yĩnga. " - Wilgri 12: 9, 12. Consider some valid issues that God raised. This is especially evident today because Satan is cast down from heaven "with great anger, knowing he has a short period of time. " - Revelation 12: 9, 12. D tõe n yeelame tɩ ninsaalbã fãa sẽn pa zems zãngã kẽnd n debda zĩ - yende. SONGS: 38, 128 It can be said that all imperfect humans move to the same area. Bõe la d zoe n paamd masã menga, tɩ yaa barka? In most places, the talk will be delivered on Sunday, April 15, 2007. What blessings do we enjoy now? Wãn to la b segd n tẽegd a Zezi kũumã? I seriously thought about taking the job and turning down the invitation to the school. How should Jesus ' death be remembered? a) D sã n tar zʋg - sõma wa sũ - mare, nonglem la sõmblem, tõe n waa ne bõe? What is noteworthy about the Sermon on the Mount, and how do you feel about these sayings of Jesus? (a) What can result from manifesting such godly qualities as long - suffering, love, and goodness? Bala, dũniyã nebã fãa yaa yel - wẽn - maandba, n pa tõe n tũ Wẽnnaam noyã kɛpɩ ye. For example, Job spoke to men who viewed themselves as speaking words of wisdom, but he concluded: "I do not find anyone wise among you. " Because all the earth is sinners, and it is impossible for them to live according to God's standards. Yɩɩl Sõamyã 148 wã togsda naanegã sẽn wilgd Wẽnnaam ziir ne manesem a taab me. How should we view family opposition? The 148th Psalm also describes God's glory in other ways. Tõe tɩ tigis - kãseng ning n yɩ yãmb noog wʋsgo. How can we maintain such a fine spirit? Perhaps you were greatly impressed by the convention program. Rõd - kãens pa kɩt tɩ pipi kiris - nebã pa kẽng taoor ne b tʋʋmdã, sẽn yaa moon Rĩungã koe - noogã ye. " The wife should have deep respect for her husband. " - Ephesians 5: 33. These did not prevent the early Christians from carrying out their commission to preach the good news of the Kingdom. 18, 19. Those Saying That "Good Is Bad and Bad Is Good " 18, 19. La a sẽn paam n ki wã, sẽn maand n le be bɩ? Nonessentials can complicate and disturb our Christian routine. What about the condition of the dead? Ayo. Biiblã yeelame t'a Moiiz "talla tẽeb kãn - kãe wa a yãa nebã nin sẽn ka tõe n yã a soabã. " Clearly, some back then needed to make changes in order to "be healthy in the faith. " No, for "Moses continued steadfast as seeing the One who is invisible. " 5, 6. a) Tʋm - tʋmdbã sẽn gom vʋʋgrã yellã kɩtame tɩ nebã tall manesem bʋgo? Other joyful times may include our prayer of dedication to Jehovah and our water baptism as true Christians. 5, 6. (a) How did the apostles react to the resurrection hope? 12: 15. In stark contrast with what other religions are doing, Jehovah's Witnesses honor and glorify the divine name. 12: 15. B geta tigingã neb yelle, la b lʋɩt taoor n tʋmd a tʋʋmã ne yamleoogo. Succumbing to these can prevent us from living up to God's righteous requirements. They care for the flock, and they willingly care for its responsibilities. Bõe yĩng tɩ tar yõod wʋsg tɩ d tagsd d yel - manesmã sẽn tõe n maan d taabã bũmb ningã yelle? What a testimony to the deplorable spiritual condition of God's people! Why is it important to consider how we can treat others? La yaool n pa tɩlae tɩ d tek woto ye. By doing so, Jesus restores more than life; he gives us the opportunity to return eventually to God's family. Yet, there is no need for us to do so. A manesmã kẽe a Davɩɩd sũur wʋsg hal t'a yeel woto: "Bɩ Israɛll Zusoab a Wẽnnaam sẽn tʋm foom tɩ f wa seg maam dũnda wã paam pẽgre. " Lazarus, come out! " He was deeply moved by David's words: "Blessed be Jehovah the God of Israel, who has sent you this day to meet me! Yãmb tũnugda ne zak pʋgẽ Biibl zãmsgã n zãmsd y kambã sõma bɩ? As a creation of God, man is subject to Jehovah's physical laws. Are you making good use of the Family Worship evening? 5, 6. Today, our Christian hope - be it heavenly or earthly - can help us to maintain our joy even when we face adversities. 5, 6. Ayo! Some scholars say that the term was also used in a broader sense to refer to an official assigned to duties in the court of the king. Of course not! Bõe yĩnga? Did Baruch obey? Why? Rasem 40 poore, a Zeezi leba saasẽ. Kiba - kãngã bee evãnzill - dãmb a naasã pʋgẽ. Kindness is an endearing quality that stems from genuine interest in others, an interest that is manifested in helpful acts and considerate words. For 40 days, this account is recorded in the four Gospels. © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Most pioneers have a very full schedule. © 2017 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Ges - y yel - kãsems kẽer yell Wẽnnaam sẽn gome. We had been called Bible Students, but we adopted the name Jehovah's Witnesses by resolution on Sunday, July 26, 1931. Consider some of the main points that God has discussed. YƖƖLA: 60, 135 Jehovah would consider it unrighteous on his part if he were to show a lack of appreciation. SONGS: 60, 13 Zĩis wʋsgo, na n yɩɩ hatã, tʋʋl - nif kiuugã rasem 15, yʋʋmd 2007. He will soon take decisive action, and momentous events will again rock mankind. There will be plenty of grain on Sunday, April 15, 2007. M wa n pʋd n segenda m meng n na n gʋls Betɛllã lɛtr n wilg tɩ m pa na n tõog n wa ye. Saul started off as a humble and modest ruler, " little in his own eyes. ' I even prepared for Bethel service. Bõe n kɩt tɩ bũmb ning a Zezi sẽn zãms nebã tãngã zugã tar yõod wʋsgo, la yãmb tagsda wãn a Zezi goamã zugu? Through his sacrificial death, however, Jesus frees sinful mankind from Satan's grip and makes it possible for us to have everlasting life. - John 3: 16. Why is what Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount important, and how do you feel about Jesus ' sayings? Wala makre, a Zoob ra goma ne neb sẽn da tẽed tɩ b yaa yam dãmba, la a wa n baas n yeel - b - la woto: " Mam ka yã yãmb ned baa a ye sẽn yaa yam soab ye. ' That brother, now an overseer at one of the branch offices of Jehovah's Witnesses, still remembers that act of humility. For example, Job was speaking to those who believed that they were wise, but he later told them: "I have not seen anyone wise. " D zakã rãmb sã n pa rat tɩ d tũ a Zeova, d manesem segd n yɩɩ wãna? For example, think of a man who lived many centuries ago, a man more noteworthy than any film star, sports hero, or member of royalty. How should we react to opposition from unbelieving relatives? (Zã 13: 12 - 17; 1 Korẽnt dãmba 10: 24) Wãn to la d tõe n kell n tall yam - sõng kãngã? Well, in Psalm 86, we find related expressions made by David, who in an earlier psalm said: "The heavens are declaring the glory of God; and of the work of his hands the expanse is telling. How can we maintain such a positive attitude? " Bɩ pag waoog a sɩda. " - Efɛɛz rãmba 5: 33. All experienced Christians - not just elders - can help young brothers and new ones to achieve their full potential. " Let wives honor her husband. " - Ephesians 5: 33. Sẽn boond - b "wẽng tɩ sõama la b boond sõama tɩ wẽnga " So they stood firm, setting a sterling example for us today. - Num. Those called "the Right and wrong " are called" good and bad " (1 Zã 5: 19) Bõn - datɩ sẽn pa tɩlae pʋgb tõe n kɩtame tɩ tẽebã tʋʋm nins d sẽn pidsd daar fãa wã lebg toogo. Thus far, the world's metrologists have not come up with a more stable standard. Spiritual goals may make it difficult for us to keep busy in the day - to - day activities of Jehovah. Gom - kãensã wilgda vẽeneg tɩ neb kẽer n da segd n mao n dems b tagsg la b yel - manesem tɩ wilg tɩ b tara "tẽeb sẽn yaa sɩda. " By trusting implicitly in Jehovah. Those words clearly show that some had to make changes in their thinking and conduct that they showed that they had "the real faith. " Tõnd sẽn pʋʋs n dɩk d meng n kõ a Zeova la d sẽn deeg koom lisg n lebg kiris - neb hakɩkã tõe n bee tõnd sũ - nood sasa wã sʋka. How did Jehovah answer Paul's prayers? Our dedication to Jehovah and being baptized as true Christians can include our joy at times. A Zeova Kaset rãmbã yẽ pa maand wa tũudum a taabã neb ye. B pẽgda Wẽnnaam yʋʋrã la b waoogd - a. While Jerry enjoys conversations on spiritual subjects and values what he learns from them, he laments: "I just do not have the time to engage in them consistently. Unlike other religions, Jehovah's Witnesses honor and honor God's name. D sã n lʋɩ yel - wẽn - kãensã pʋsẽ, tõe n kɩtame tɩ d ka tõog n vɩɩmd tɩ zems ne Wẽnnaam no - tɩrsã ye. 5: 18, 19 - Was Naaman requesting forgiveness for having to participate in a religious act? If we fall into such sins, we may not be able to live in harmony with God's righteous standards. (Oze 6: 4) Ad woto sɩd yaa kaset sẽn wilgd tɩ Wẽnnaam nin - buiidã tẽeb ra pa lebd be ye! Reassuringly, the inspired psalmist declared: "The righteous will possess the earth, and they will live forever on it. " - Psalm 37: 29. What a testimony to the spiritual condition of God's people! 15: 45) A maoongã kɩtame tɩ d tõe n wa paam vɩɩm sẽn kõn sa. La pa rẽ bal ye. Yet, that does not negate the parents ' responsibility. The ransom makes possible everlasting life, but it is not the only way to gain everlasting life. " Lazaare, yi! " So do not let the world shape your goals and values. " Lazarus! " (Zoob 38: 4 - 38; 39: 1 - 12; Yɩɩl Sõamyã 104: 5 - 19) Sẽn yaa Wẽnnaam a Zeova n naan ninsaalbã yĩnga, b segd n saka a noyã a sẽn lugl tɩ so ãndũniyã. There is no better way to show our heartfelt appreciation for this precious hope than by continuing to be cleansed "from dead works that we may render sacred service to the living God. " - Hebrews 9: 12, 14. Since Jehovah God created humans, they must obey his laws and principles. (Wilgri 2: 10) Rũndã - rũndã, tõnd sẽn yaa kiris - nebã, d saagrã yaa saasẽ tɩ yaa tẽng zug me, a tõe n sõnga tõnd tɩ d tall d sũ - noogã, baa d sã n wa be zu - loees pʋgẽ. A positive parental influence may help a child to develop endearing qualities and to make wise choices in life. As Christians today, whether our hope is heavenly or earthly, he can help us to maintain our joy even when we face trials. Biibl - mitb kẽer yetame tɩ "enik " tõe n yɩɩ ned sẽn tʋmd rĩm zakẽ n tar naam. 17, 18. Some Bible scholars suggest that it is "a royal priesthood. " A Baruk sakame bɩ? I had never sailed before, so I was excited. Did Baruch obey? Maan - neer yaa zʋg - sõng sẽn kɩtd tɩ wakat fãa, d wilgd d taabã ne d tʋʋm la ne d no - goam tɩ b yell sɩd pak - d lame. 15, 16. Kindness is always a quality that enables us to display genuine interest in others, both in our actions and in our speech. So - pakdbã fãa la bal tʋʋm yaa wʋsgo. Actually, in some lands, even as Witnesses of Jehovah are studying this article, these true Christians are being "put to the test " regarding their integrity to God. - Revelation 2: 10. Most pioneers are busy. La yʋʋmd 1931 sẽoog kiuug rasem 26 sẽn yɩ hat raarã, d sakame tɩ b na n boond tõnd t'a Zeova Kaset rãmba. These accounts help us to identify matters we might take to Jehovah in prayer. But on July 26, 1931, we accepted the invitation to address Jehovah's Witnesses as Jehovah's Witnesses. A Zeova getame t'a sã n pa wilg a nin - buiidã t'a sũur nooma ne b tʋʋmã, yaa kɛgre. Would some of the slaves have become discouraged, even disgruntled at their master's seeming delay? Jehovah finds pleasure in the actions of his people when he does not show that he is pleased with their deeds. Ka la bilfu, a na n yikame n wa ne sɩbgre, la yel - kãsems n na n ye rĩms dũniyã gilli. For Mordecai, bowing down to Haman was an issue of integrity to Jehovah. Soon he will bring judgment upon the earth, and great things will be done. A Sayull naamã sɩngrẽ, a ra yaa sik - m - meng soaba, n da pʋd n " tagsdẽ t'a yaa bilfu. ' Actually, I'm glad you came by today because there is something I want to ask you. Early in Saul's reign, Saul was modest, and he even felt "a little lesser one. " (Luk 22: 3; Zã 13: 26, 27) La ne a kũumã sẽn yɩ maoongã maasem, a Zezi yiisa ãdem - biisã sẽn dog ne yel - wẽnã a Sʋɩtãan yembdã pʋgẽ, n kɩt tɩ d tõe n wa paam vɩɩm sẽn ka sate. - Zã 3: 16. How often should the Memorial be observed in order to preserve remembrance of Christ's death? By means of his sacrificial death, however, Jesus delivered mankind from sin and death so that we might gain everlasting life. - John 3: 16. Saam - bi - kãngã sẽn yaa yel - gɛt masã a Zeova Kaset rãmbã tʋʋmd willẽ wã ket n tẽra sik - m - meng manesem kãngã. In addition, time devoted to examining God's Word will enable us to conform our life more fully to Jehovah's ways. This former overseer, now serving at the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses, still remembers this humble attitude. Yaa rao b sẽn mi n yɩɩd tõnd wakatã sĩnima nin - kãsenga, ɛspoorã gãndaoogo, politisiẽ bɩ nin - kãseng buud fãa. In the department - store collapse in Seoul mentioned in the preceding article, government officials accepted bribes from contractors who knew that paying a bribe would be less costly than using proper building materials and construction practices. It is usually known as a man who is more prominent in our day - whether at sports, sports, sports, sports, sports, or any other people. Be neere Yɩɩl Sõamyã 86 pʋgẽ, d yãta goam sẽn wõnd woto a Davɩɩd sẽn gʋlse. A ra yeela woto yɩɩll pʋgẽ: "Saas wilgda Wẽnnaam ziiri, la sa - gãong togsda bãmb nus tʋʋma. " Be hospitable to one another without grumbling. " - 1 PET. Well, in Psalm 86, we find similar words recorded by David: "The heavens are declaring the glory of God; and of the work of his hands the expanse is telling. Rẽnd tigingã neb fãa segd n sõnga kom - bɩɩsã, la sẽn nan deeg - b lisg paalmã, tɩ b tʋm a Zeova tʋʋmdã sõma. We do this by endeavoring to direct their attention to heartening "comfort from the Scriptures. " Thus, all in the congregation need to help young ones and newly baptized ones to accomplish their ministry fully. B sẽn maan woto wã, b basa mak - sõng n kõ tõnd rũndã - rũndã. - Sõd. 1, 2. (a) What rare quality did Jesus portray in one of his Kingdom parables? In so doing, they set a fine example for us today. - Num. La baa bõn - kãens zɩslmã toeemdame, bõn - yĩm - yĩm tõnd ninã sẽn pa ne sẽn tabend - b yĩnga. Just imagine - a world with no tears of sorrow, no pain, and no death! Yet, even the pursuit of these things changes change, and it forgets what we do not see in their eyes. Ya a sẽn na n teeg a Zeova zãng - zãnga. Like the psalmist, wise Christians never cease to look to God for guidance. By fully relying on Jehovah. A Zeova leoka a Poll tɩ bõe? How much do we really know about Jehovah's works? How did Jehovah reply to Paul's question? Baa a Jerry sẽn nong tẽebã yɛl zut sõsg la a nand bũmb nins a sẽn zãmsd tẽebã yɛl zutã, a yeela woto ne sũ - sãanga: "Mam pa tar sẽk n sõsd ne neb tẽebã yɛl zut wakat fãa ye. 6: 9 - 13. " I do not have time to talk to people about spiritual matters, " says Jason, "but I don't have time to talk to them about spiritual matters. 5: 18, 19 - A Naama kosa sugrã a sẽn da naagd n balemd bõn - naandg yĩng bɩ? 9, 10. 5: 18, 19 - Did Naaman ask for an act of worship? A yeelame: "Nin - tɩrsã na n sooga tẽngã, la b na n paa beenẽ wakat sẽn kõn sa. " - Yɩɩn - sõamyã 37: 29. OUR sun is only an average - size star. He said: "The righteous will possess the earth, and they will live forever on it. " - Psalm 37: 29. 23: 22; Efɛ. 6: 1 - 4) Yaa sɩd tɩ bũmb ning mi n kɩtame tɩ roagdbã rat neb a taab sõngre, la segdame tɩ yaa bãmb b toor n zãmsd b kambã a Zeova raabã. It will bring to mind Bible principles that we have already learned and help us to grasp how they apply in directing our next step. Of course, parents may need help from others, but they should be different from teaching their children Jehovah's ways. Woto yĩnga, ra bas - y tɩ dũniyã wilg - y y sẽn segd n maan bũmb ninsi, la noy nins y sẽn segd n tũ ye. What sacrifices are we making or are we willing to make in order to declare the good news of God's Kingdom with constancy? Therefore, do not let the world guide you and your values. D sã n dat n wilg tɩ d sɩd nanda d saagrã sẽn yaa kãsengã, d na n ket n lakda d mens ne tʋʋm - kɩɩmsã la d " sakd Wẽnnaam sẽn vɩ ' wã. - Hebre dãmba 9: 12, 14. Jesus himself explained the illustration. If we are to show our deep appreciation for our wonderful hope, we will keep separate from the dead and " keep walking with the living God. ' - Hebrews 9: 12, 14. Roagdbã sã n kõt mak - sõngo, kambã tõe n dɩka rẽ tɩ sõng - b tɩ b tall zʋg - sõma, la b bãng n yãk yam - sõmã b vɩɩmã tõre. For example, do you feel unqualified to conduct a Bible study? By setting a good example, children can help them to develop good qualities and to make wise decisions each day. 17, 18. Perhaps feeling offended, especially for his men, David was about to strike back violently. 17, 18. M da zɩ n kẽ batayo ye. Kɩtame tɩ m sũur da noomẽ. Why should we continue to take in Scriptural knowledge? I had never had the boat, and I was happy. 15, 16. Jehovah sent the angel Gabriel to tell Mary that she would give birth to a son who was to be called Jesus. 15, 16. (Yɩɩl Sõamyã 94: 20) Bãng - y tɩ tõnd sẽn be ka n karemd Gũusg Gasg kãngã wã sasa menga, tẽns kẽer pʋsẽ, a Zeova Kaset rãmb n paamd makr b wẽn - sakrã yĩnga. - Wilgri 2: 10. What Bible account illustrates the importance of being zealous and wholehearted in serving God? Interestingly, while we are not read in this issue of The Watchtower, in some lands Jehovah's Witnesses face tests of integrity. - Revelation 2: 10. (Zoob 1: 5; 42: 7 - 9) Kiba - kãensã wilgda tõnd sẽn tõe n gom bũmb ning yell d pʋʋsgã pʋgẽ. TEACH YOUR CHILDREN These accounts tell us what we can learn from our prayers. Yembsã kẽer daood ra na n komsame, hal tɩ b sũy sãam ne b zu - soabã sẽn wõnd a kaoosdame wã bɩ? (a) What happened during another gathering in heaven? Would some of the slaves get tired, and would they become so discouraged that they lose their master's sense of urgency? (Tõodo 25: 19) Rẽnd a Mardose ra getame t'a sã n wõgemd a Haman taoore, a kɩɩsa a Zeova. They teach from house to house and in their congregation, and they loyally support the direction from headquarters. Hence, Mordecai felt that when he bowed down before Haman, he had rebelled against Jehovah. Yʋʋmd pʋgẽ, yaa naoor a wãn la b segd n maan Kirist kũumã Tẽegre? How should Christians view those who partake of the emblems at the Memorial, and how do anointed ones view themselves? How often should the Memorial be observed? Sẽn paase, wakat ning tõnd sẽn dɩkd n vaeesd Wẽnnaam Gomdã na n sõnga tõnd tɩ d vɩɩmd d vɩɩmã t'a zems ne a Zeova soayã n paase. This Bible talk will be given worldwide in over 230 lands. Moreover, examining God's Word will help us to live up to Jehovah's ways. ZÃMSGÃ SÕSSÃ Have any of your peers experienced the harsh reality of this scripture? REGULAR FEATURES Tẽeg - y Sewull roogã lʋɩɩs yell d sẽn gom sõsg ning sẽn loogã pʋgẽ wã. Ro - metbã kõo tẽngã taoor dãmb ligdi, bala b miime tɩ b sã n maan woto, b na n paama yõod n yɩɩd b sẽn na n bao te - sõma n maag b mens n me roogã. Thousands of miles from England, a young wife in the Near East was about to become part of a very sad statistic. Recall the house - to - house authorities mentioned in the preceding article who gave money to the authorities, knowing that if they did so, they would have better money to build the house. " Maan - y taab sãando, tɩ yẽgeng kaẽ ye. " - 1 PƖY. The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World is the title of a 2007 book by Alan Greenspan. " Be hospitable to one another without complaining. " - 1 PET. D sẽn moond koɛɛgã, d sõngda d taabã tɩ b paamd belsg ning sẽn be Gʋlsg Sõamyã pʋgẽ wã. You can see that they were hardly qualified to teach others; they really were not even teaching themselves. As we preach, we help others to draw comfort from the Scriptures. 1, 2. a) Zʋg - sõng bʋg sẽn pa wae la a Zezi bilg a kɩbar a yembr sẽn gomd Rĩungã yell pʋgẽ? Jesus said: "Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need. " 1, 2. (a) What rare quality did Jesus describe in his illustration of the Kingdom? Woto wilgdame tɩ wakat kãnga, sũ - sãoongo, toogo, wall kũum pa na n le zĩnd ye. In view of Hebrews 5: 7, 11 - 14, how should we approach our study of God's Word? Thus, death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. (Yɩɩl 48: 15) Wala yɩɩl - gʋlsdã, kiris - neb nins sẽn tar yamã baooda Wẽnnaam sor - wilgr wakat fãa. By 1980 that ratio had changed to about 2 out of 5, and today the native language of only 1 out of every 5 Witnesses is English. Like the psalmist, discerning Christians always look to God for guidance. Bãngr ning tõnd sẽn tar a Zeova tʋʋmã toɛy - toɛyã zutã taa zĩ - bʋgo? Jehovah is the name of God as revealed in the Bible. How far - reaching is our knowledge of Jehovah's works? 6: 9 - 13. The Bible directs you to your goal. 6: 9 - 13. 9, 10. Steven, quoted earlier, agrees. 9, 10. WĨNTOOGÃ bedrem pa ta ãds kẽer ye. The other sheep must also allow God's Word and his holy spirit to purify, or sanctify, them. Some stars are more numerous than the stars. A na n sõng - d lame tɩ d tẽeg Biiblã noy d sẽn zoe n zãmse, la a sõng - d me tɩ d bãng d sẽn tõe n tũ no - kãens to - to n tõog n yãk yam tɩ zemse. Like Jesus Christ, the King of God's Kingdom, we must love righteousness. - Heb. It will help us to recall and apply Bible principles so that we can make wise decisions. Rẽ yĩnga d modgdame la d sak n na n ket n modgd n moond Wẽnnaam Rĩungã koe - noogã n pa vaandẽ bɩ? Boys will both tire out and grow weary, and young men themselves will without fail stumble, but those who are hoping in Jehovah will regain power. Do we strive to maintain a regular share in preaching the good news of God's Kingdom? A Zezi meng wilga a yel - bũndã võore. At Micah 6: 8, we are told not merely to show loving - kindness but to love that quality. Jesus himself explained the meaning of this illustration. Wala makre, nina tõe n tagsdame t'a pa tõe n zãms ned Biiblã ye. * - Ps. 145: 1, 2; Isa. For example, someone may feel that he is unable to conduct a Bible study. Yel - kãngã pʋgẽ, tõe t'a Davɩɩd tagsame t'a Naball paooga yẽ, la sẽn yɩɩde, neb nins a sẽn tʋma. Six years later the pain in my heart is still there. In this case, David may have thought that Nabal despised Nabal, especially those whom he sent. Bõe yĩng tɩ d segd n ket n deegd Gʋlsg Sõamyã bãngre? Such blessings certainly result in peace, satisfaction, and happiness. Why should we continue to take in knowledge of the Scriptures? Malɛkã yeel - a lame: "A na n yɩɩ nin - kãsenga, la b na n boond - a lame tɩ Sẽn - ka - to Biiga. I, however, remained a captive. The angel told him: "He will become great and will be called Son of the Most High. Biiblã kiba - bʋg n wilgd tɩ d segd n tʋmda Wẽnnaam tʋʋmã ne d sũy fãa la ne yẽesem? © 2016 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania What Bible example shows that we should be zealous in God's service? Wãn to la bi - bɛɛg kibar tõe n naf tõndo? Let us never fail, then, to thank Jehovah for allowing us to take part in pure worship today. How can we benefit from the news of a criminal? a) Malɛgsã sẽn da wa n ye tigim taab a Zeova taoorã, bõe n maane? That is why I did not allow you to touch her. " (a) What happened when angels gathered together to Jehovah? B tũuda sor - wilgr ning siglgã taoor lʋɩtb sull sẽn kõtã me. Over the next few weeks, Leah placed 23 copies of the Young People Ask book with her schoolmates and their friends. They also submit to the direction given by the Governing Body. Kiris - neb a taabã tagsg segd n yɩɩ wãn ne kiris - neb nins sẽn yũud Tẽegrã divẽ la b wãbd a burã, la sẽn sɩd paam - b zaeebã tagsg yaa wãn ne kiris - neb a taabã? How can we do so? How should other Christians view the Memorial and partake of it, and how do they feel about the understanding of the anointed? B na n wɛgsã sõs - kãngã sẽn tik Biiblã zugã dũniyã gill zugu, sẽn yɩɩd tẽns 230 pʋsẽ. No! This article will be published worldwide in over 230 lands. (1 Tɩmote 6: 9, 10) Yãmb neeme tɩ verse kãensã goam sẽn bilgd toog ningã paamda pidsg y kom - bɩ - taas kẽer zut bɩ? We will focus on three related steps we can take. Do you see the fulfillment of those words as well as some other young ones? Kɩlometr tusa ne Ãngeletɛɛre, pʋg - bɩɩg sẽn be Pors Oriã da na n kẽe sũ - sãoong wʋsg pʋgẽ wa neb sõor wʋsgo. They will not prevail. A young woman in England and England would be devastated by so many people like the majority of them. Yʋʋmd 2007 wã pʋgẽ, a Alan Greenspan gʋlsa sebr (Le temps des turbulences) n gom toeem - kãsems nins sẽn zĩnd dũniyã zugã yelle. You can take great comfort in knowing that Jehovah views as belonging to him faithful ones whom he has drawn. In 2007, the book The Early Church of the World - Five Questions Worth Asking wrote about the remarkable changes in the world. Y tõe n yãame tɩ b ra ka neb sẽn tar zʋg - sõma nins sẽn segdã lɛ - lɛ n tõe n zãms neb a taab ye, b pʋd n da ka zãmsd b mens ye. Who especially need to be cautious? You can see that they were not capable of teaching others, even teaching themselves. A Zezi yeelame: "Sũ - noog rãmb la neb nins sẽn mi tɩ b tara tẽeb ratmã. " They have access to the Bible. Jesus said: "Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need. " Wãn to la Hebre dãmb 5: 7, 11 - 14 goamã tõe n sõng tõnd tɩ d maneg n zãms Wẽnnaam Gomdã sõma? 2: 4. How can Hebrews 5: 7, 11 - 14 help us to improve our study of God's Word? La yʋʋmd 1980 tɛka, lebga Kaset rãmb a 2 bãmb b 5 sʋka, tɩ rũndã - rũndã, yaa Kaset soab a 1 bãmb b 5 sʋk buud - gomd n yaa ãngilindi. Living "in the last days, " we are surrounded by people who are" disloyal, " people "having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power. " Since the mid - 1960 ' s, however, there have been about 5 percent of the Witnesses who are now part of the English language. Biiblã wilgdame tɩ Wẽnnaam tara yʋʋre. Speaking in anticipation of the time when the nation of Israel would have a human king, Jehovah said: "It must occur that when he takes his seat on the throne of his kingdom, he must write in a book for himself a copy of this law from that which is in the charge of the priests, the Levites. Jehovah is the name of God as revealed in the Bible. Sã n yaa rẽ, bɩ y bãng tɩ Biiblã wilgda y sẽn tog n pʋʋs to - to tɩ Wẽnnaam kelge. How comforting it must have been to know that God's powerful holy spirit would empower them to accomplish this divine assignment! If so, you can be sure that the Bible teaches you how to pray. A Steven, rao ning yell d sẽn gomã sak n deega rẽ. Jesus knew something else that led him to remain watchful. That is what happened in the case of Steven, mentioned earlier. Piis a taabã segdame me n bas tɩ Wẽnnaam Gomdã la a vʋʋsem sõngã yɩlg - ba, bɩ n maan tɩ b lebg sõmse. 1, 2. The other sheep should also allow God's Word and his holy spirit to cleanse them or make them holy. D segd n nonga tɩrlem wa a Zezi Kirist sẽn yaa Wẽnnaam Rĩungã rĩmã sẽn nong tɩrlmã. - Heb. Many whom we invite to the Memorial will know this verse by heart. We must love righteousness as the King of God's Kingdom, Jesus Christ. - Heb. Ned pãng sã n booge, bãmb paasd - a - la pãnga. Kom - bɩɩs na n yɛɛme tɩ b pãng sɛ. Especially since 1914, a year that historians acknowledge was a turning point, has this evidence appeared on an unprecedented and global scale. The tired one builds up, and the young ones will grow weary; but as for the poor, they will grow weary. Miise 6: 8 (NW) pʋgẽ, b pa yet tõnd tɩ d wilg sõmblem sẽn pid ne nonglem bal ye, la b yetame tɩ d nong rẽ wʋsg me. That foundation must be solid and stable, and its members must be willing and able to carry out the direction of the Master. Micah 6: 8 tells us not only to show loving - kindness but also to love it. Kaagd - y bãad rãmbã, la y sõngd sẽn ka - b pãngã. 5, 6. Keep the sick and help of the weak. A sẽn wa n na n loog tʋʋmã, wa d sẽn minim n maandẽ wã, d mobga taaba, n mok taaba, tɩ ned fãa yeel a to t'a nong - a lame. THE world in general pays less and less attention to sacred things. When he was about to leave, we kiss one another, tenderly kiss one another, and he told each other: "I love you. " Yaa vẽeneg tɩ woto fãa kõt - a - la bãan la sũ - noogo. Then "they proceeded to conduct him to the boat " to go on to Jerusalem. Of course, all of this brings him peace and happiness. La b pa bas maam ye. So God's qualities and ways, as revealed in the Bible, are a vital field of study. " But they did not leave me. © 2016 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania The apostle Paul emphasized this point in his letter to the Christians in Rome. © 2016 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania Rẽ, bɩ d ra tol n bas a Zeova bark pʋʋsg ne a sẽn kõ tõnd sor tɩ d be baleng yɩlemdã pʋgẽ rũndã - rũndã n tʋmdẽ wã ye. We should not grieve our brother or stumble him by the food or drink that we offer him. May we never fail to thank Jehovah for allowing us to dwell in pure worship today. (Sɩngre 20: 3, 6) (Yaa tõnd n ning italikã.) How Would You Answer? We are told: "Look! Semen a wãn sẽn pʋglã, a Leah basa Les jeunes s'interrogent sɛbã 23 ne a karen - bi - taas la b zo - rãmba. 2: 5, 6. A few weeks later, Jason left the book Young People Ask - Answers That Work with schoolmates and friends. Wãn to la d tõe n sõng - ba? Though written by men, the Bible communicates God's thoughts to us. How can we help them? Abada! Were not "wicked reasonings " behind those cases? Not at all! D na n maaga d yĩns n ges yɛl a tãab d sẽn tõe n maane. Unlike Diotrephes, a Christian named Demetrius is mentioned by John as a good example. Let us consider three ways in which we can do so. B pa na n tõog ye. Clearly, any human desire that conflicts with Jehovah's expressed purpose and that could negatively affect one's good relationship with God must be kept in check. They will not succeed. A Zeova geta neb nins sẽn tũud - a ne b sũy fãa wã wa neb sẽn yaa yẽ rẽnda. Woto sɩd kengda d raood wʋsgo! Hence, in this important matter related to worship, each Christian needed to make a conscientious decision. How comforting it is to know that Jehovah views his faithful servants as he does! Sẽn yɩɩd fãa, ãnd dãmb n segd n gũusi? Note the triple purpose of Ezra's preparing his heart: to study, to make personal application, and to teach. Who especially need to be on guard? B tara Biiblã. Christian Elders - " Fellow Workers for Our Joy, ' 1 / 15 They have the Bible. Yaa sɩd tɩ sagls kẽer tõe n sõng - d lame. In this way too, his ministry was glorified. Of course, some suggestions may be helpful. 2: 4. What about his human creatures on earth? 2: 4. D sẽn vɩ "yaoolem wakatã " yĩnga, neb wʋsg yaa" zãmb dãmba, " n " wẽnd b sakda Wẽnnaam, la b yaool n kɩɩsda bãmb pãnga. ' (2 Tɩm. They will no longer exercise their evil control over human affairs. In these "critical times hard to deal with, " many are" lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self - assuming, haughty, blasphemers, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self - control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride. " A sẽn deng n gomd wakat ning Israɛll buudã sẽn da na n wa paam rĩm sẽn yaa ninsaalã yelle, a Zeova yeelame: "Yẽ sã n deeg naamã, bɩ y kɩt tɩ Levi ned sẽn yaa maan - kʋʋd gʋls tõodã n kõ - a. During the night, an earthquake shook the foundations of the jail and opened all the doors. Speaking about a time when the nation of Israel would enjoy a human king, Jehovah said: "If he will receive power, let him keep on writing the Law and giving it to a Levite, a priest. Ad karen - biisã sẽn bãng tɩ Wẽnnaam vʋʋsem sõngã pãng n na n sõng - b tɩ b tõog n tʋm tʋʋm - kãnga Wẽnnaam sẽn bobl - bã sɩd kenga b pɛlga! See Organized to Do Jehovah's Will, page 79. How encouraging the disciples must have been to know that God's spirit enabled them to carry out this divine commission! Bũmb a to me la a Zezi ra mi tɩ sõng - a t'a kell n gũ. 77: 12. Jesus knew something else that helped him to keep on the watch. 1, 2. (a) How does our cultivating "the fruitage of the spirit " glorify God? 1, 2. Neb wʋsg sẽn na n wa a Zeezi kũumã tẽegrã mii vɛrse - kãngã ne zugu. All of us need to bear in mind that it is primarily our faith in Christ's ransom provision that preserves alive our soul while we do all that our circumstances permit. - Heb. Many who will attend the Memorial know this verse. Baa kʋdemd yɛl mitbã sak n deegame tɩ yʋʋmd 1914 tɛka, yɛlã toeema zĩig pʋgẽ. Several aspects of Moses ' background might have caused him to feel inadequate: He belonged to a nation of slaves. Even historians recognize that since 1914, conditions have changed. B segd n zãmsa nin - kãensã sõma tɩ b ned kam fãa sak Rĩmã ne yamleoogo. They rejected Jehovah as their Father and estranged themselves from the security of his protective rule. - Gen. Such ones should be trained to submit willingly to the King's direction. 2013, sɩpaolgo, 1 Today they use tarot cards, crystal balls, dice, and other means to "read " a person's future. Table of Contents 5, 6. From the Bible, Victoria showed the soldier Jehovah's promise of a new world. 5, 6. NEBÃ pa le nand bũmb nins sẽn yaa sõng Wẽnnaam nifẽ wã wala pĩndã ye. We can be sure that Jehovah feels pained when humans disobey him, for he knows the consequences of ignoring his prescription for life. GOD'S view of sacred things has no place in the past. Rẽ poore, "bãmb yãaga yẽnda hal n tɩ ta koom koglga zĩigẽ " sẽn na yɩl n kẽng Zerizalɛm. Earlier, the prophet Isaiah was inspired to describe conditions in the promised Paradise, where all the tension and conflict plaguing mankind today will be gone. Then, "he took them into the boat until the boat entered into Jerusalem. " Rẽnd d sã n dat tɩ tõnd ne a Zeova zoodã paasdẽ, d segd n karemda Biiblã n bãngd a sẽn yaa Wẽnnaam ning buudu. This is where making a personal examination of the heart may help. If we are to draw close to Jehovah, therefore, we must read his Word, the Bible. A Poll lɛtr ning a sẽn tool Rom kiris - nebã pʋgẽ, a gom n tadga yel - kãngã zugu. Thus, only he can save people completely. In his letter to the Romans, Paul stressed this point. D pa segd n sãam d ba - biig sũur bɩ n lub - a tẽebã wɛɛngẽ ne rɩɩb bɩ rãam d sẽn kõt - a ye. Such restrictions still exist in certain lands. We should not become downhearted or lose our brother's spiritual food or drink. Wãn to la y na n leoke? David set a good example in pursuing peace. How Would You Answer? 2: 5, 6. Jehovah has given his people satisfying work to do in these last days. 2: 5, 6. Yaa sɩd tɩ yaa ninsaalb n gʋls Biiblã, la yaa Wẽnnaam tagsa la b sẽn gʋlsã. 2: 10 - 15; Rom. It is true that humans wrote the Bible, but it is God's thoughts. 13: 1 - 30) Hakɩka, tags - kɛg tõe n kɩtame tɩ ned tʋm tɩ nare. Instead, they assigned her the work of guarding the vineyards. Yes, prejudice can cause a person to act in a way that works in harmony with God's will. A Zã lɛtrã pʋgẽ, a goma kiris - ned a to yelle. A yʋʋr la Demetiryus. Yẽ ra pa wa a Diyotɛrf ye. A kõo mak - sõngo. The three steps that Jesus outlined, as recorded in that scripture, are to be taken by believers. In his letter to the Christians in John's letter, John was not an example of a Christian named Diotrephes. Vẽenega, d segd n gũusa ne tʋlsem ning fãa sẽn kɩɩsd a Zeova noyã, bala tõe n sãama zood ning d sẽn tar ne - a wã. Two days later, on viewing Jerusalem's temple, one of them exclaimed: "Teacher, see! what wonderful stones and buildings! " Clearly, we need to be on guard against anything that violates Jehovah's standards because it can damage our relationship with him. (1 Kor. 8: 9) Sẽn na n baase, a sagla tigingã neb nins sẽn yãk yam n pa na n wãb nemdã b sũur - kasetã yĩngã, tɩ bãmb me gũus n da kao sẽn wãbd - bã bʋʋd ye. Everybody else calls them horrible. " - KEN HUDNUT, U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Finally, he urged those in the congregation who chose not to eat the flesh because of their conscience, so that they do not judge those who eat. (Ɛsdras 7: 10) Ges - y a Ɛsdras bõn - datɩ a tãabã a sũurã seglg pʋgẽ wã: yaa sẽn na yɩl n zãmse, n tũ zãmsgã sagls la a zãms neb a taaba. This heartfelt love strengthens us to maintain integrity under test. Note the three objectives of Ezra's three objectives: to study, to apply, to teach, and to teach others. Yaa ne rẽ la a Poll koe - moonegã paam waoogre. Thus, we have no basis for expecting God to perform miraculous healings for us or our loved ones. That is why Paul's ministry is glorified. A mii ned fãa sẽn beẽ, a tagsgo, la a bõn - daabo. • Enjoying good relationships with others He knows where people are, thoughts, and desires. Ãdem - biisã na n paama b mense. 19, 20. (a) How does meditating on Jesus ' role as the Greater Moses affect us? Mankind will be set free. Baraar yʋngã, tẽn - digimdg n zĩndi, hal tɩ bãensã roog yẽbgr rigimdi, tɩ kʋɩlensã fãa pagse. Have you personally tasted and seen that Jehovah is good? That night, an earthquake broke the foundation, and all the prisoners were thrown into prison. Ges - y Organisés pour faire la volonté de Jéhovah sebrã neng 79 wã. How can Christians today be peacemakers in the congregation? See the book Knowledge That Leads to Do Jehovah's Will, pages 79 - 79. (2 Tɩm. Job realized that his relief would come. (Read 1 Tim. a) Bõe yĩng tɩ d yetẽ tɩ d sã n paamd zʋg - sõma nins vʋʋsem sõngã sẽn kõtã, waoogda Wẽnnaam? " About the breezy part of the day, " Jehovah approached the couple. (a) How does manifesting the fruitage of the spirit honor God? Sẽn paase, d fãa segd n tẽegame tɩ sẽn yɩɩd fãa, yaa d sẽn tẽed Kiristã sẽn ki tɩ yɩ maoongã yĩng la d na n paam fãagre. - Heb. Normally, only criminals were executed on a torture stake or had their dead bodies hung on a stake. Moreover, all of us need to remember that because we exercise faith in Christ's ransom sacrifice, we will be saved. - Heb. A Moiiz vɩɩmã nens kẽer n da tõe n kɩt t'a tags t'a pa tõe tʋʋmdã ye. A buuda neb ra yaa yembse. We read: "Then God said to Abraham: " Do not be displeased by what Sarah is saying to you about the boy and about your slave girl. Some aspects of Moses ' life might have made him feel that he could not accomplish his ministry; he was a slave of the nation. Woto wã, b tõdgame t'a Zeova kõn soog - ba, n pa le tõe n paam a koglg ye. - Sɩng. (b) How does Jehovah reward those who give him their best? Thus, they rejected Jehovah's authority and could no longer have his protection. - Gen. Rũndã - rũndã, yɩl n togs sẽn wat beoogo, bagbã wẽeda bĩisri, b lobda ligd - pɛɛla, b wẽeda tʋgd n boond kinkirsi, wall b wilgd zãmsd võore. They may have some gray hair, but likely they do not yet have the frail health described by Solomon. In today's world, the officers pick up money, pick money, or explain the meaning of it. A Victoria karma Biiblã vɛrse - rãmb n wilg sodaagã t'a Zeova pʋlmame tɩ dũni - paalg n wate. Why should you be interested in the success rate of God's ancient prophecies? She read from the Scriptures and explained that Jehovah had promised a new world. Woto me, d sã n kɩɩsd a Zeova yaa vẽeneg tɩ d sãamda a sũuri, bala a miime tɩ na n yɩɩ wẽng ne - do. In this setting, where the priestly tribe pictures the 144,000, the rest of Israel pictures all those with an earthly hope. In a similar way, when we disobey Jehovah, he knows that it is wrong for us to do what is bad. Bũmb nins fãa sẽn namsd ãdem - biisã na n saa fasɩ. Trying to become rich; striving for fame or recognition; pursuing political, social, or economic goals; or simply living for self and instant gratification all fail to deliver happiness. All the misery caused by mankind will be completely removed. Rẽnd tara yõod tɩ d feesd d meng n get d sã n pa tar tʋls - wẽnse. When confronted by an indifferent spirit in our territory - a territory in which we may have preached repeatedly for years with little response - we may become disheartened. How important, then, that we examine ourselves to see if we are not wrong! D sã n wa tagsdẽ tɩ b maan - d - la kɛgre, wall yaa ned d sẽn mi la b maan bũmb tɩ d getẽ tɩ yaa kɛgre, tõe n komsa d tẽebã, la lebg toog tɩ d kell n maan sɩda, la d kell n yɩ sik - m - meng soaba. A humble person has heartfelt gratitude for Jehovah's provisions, including spiritual food. If we feel that we are victims of injustice, injustice, or injustice, we may become discouraged, but we may find it difficult to remain faithful and humble. Dẽ yaa yẽ bal n tõe n fãag nebã zãng - zãnga. He said: "There will be a period of time when they will not put up with the healthful teaching, but, in accord with their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled; and they will turn their ears away from the truth. " - 2 Timothy 4: 3, 4. He is the only reliable Source of salvation. A yeelame tɩ y sã n wilg y bi - bɩɩg y yam - yãkr võore, tõe n sõng - a lame t'a bãng tɩ y pa maand dẽ y sẽn yaa a roagdã yĩng bal ye. They had seen his miracles and had listened to his teachings. You can help your teenager to see that you are not alone because you are a parent. Tẽns kẽer ket n maanda woto rũndã - rũndã. 7, 8. (a) What joy do many receive from making sacrifices for the Kingdom? Some nations are still doing so today. A Davɩɩd sẽn bao laafɩ wã to - to wã yaa mak - sõngo. The apostle Paul wrote: "The love the Christ has compels us. " David's efforts to make peace were exemplary. A Zeova kõo a nin - buiidã tʋʋmd sẽn be yamleoog yaoolem day kãensã. [ Picture on page 17] Jehovah has given his people a wonderful work in these last days. 2: 10 - 15; Rom. The particular circumstances of that widow show us that we have additional reasons for persevering in prayer. 2: 10 - 15; Rom. B yeel - a lame t'a kẽng n tɩ tʋm b viyn pʋtẽ. Knowing this, the Devil would like to exploit their concern for what people think of them. He was assigned to work in their fields. Yaa tẽedbã n segd n tũ noy a tãabã a Zezi sẽn kõ verse wã pʋgẽ wã. That small band of Christians turned to " trampling down ' their old captor. Christian men need to apply Jesus ' three instructions recorded in the verse. Rasem a yiib poore, b wa n yita Zeruzalɛm wẽnd - doogẽ wã, tɩ karen - biig a ye yeel a Zeezi yaa: "Karen - saamba, ges - y roogã kugã neerlem la meebã! " A crooked row would certainly prove to be an embarrassment to a seasoned farmer. Two days later, one of Jesus ' disciples said to Jesus: "Look! Neb a taabã yẽ yetame tɩ yel - beedo. " - KEN HUDNUT, CENTRE AMÉRICAIN D'ÉTUDES GÉOLOGIQUES. The same words of praise were given prominence during the dedication of Jehovah's temple built by David's son Solomon. And others say that bad things happen. " - H. D sẽn nong - a ne d sũy fãa woto wã kengda d raoodo, tɩ d tõe n kell n sak - a toog pʋgẽ. Since they cannot see him with their literal eyes, they act as if he is not seeing them. - Ezek. Such heartfelt love strengthens us to endure trials. 13: 8) Rẽnd rũndã - rũndã, tõnd mengã, wall ned d sẽn nong sã n lʋɩ bãaga, d pa tog n tags tɩ Wẽnnaam na n maana yel - solemd n maag - d ye. The psalmist wrote: "O Jehovah, who will be a guest in your tent? Thus, whether we personally or someone we love, we should not feel that God will miraculously perform miracles. ● D sã n dat zems - n - taar ne nebã Enter into the joy of your master. " ● Having Good relations with others 19, 20. a) D sã n bʋgsd tʋʋm nins Moiiz - kãseng a Zezi sẽn tʋmdã zugu, wãn to la rẽ na n sõng - do? This part of the illustration refers to individuals who "receive the word with joy " and zealously follow Jesus" for a season. " 19, 20. (a) How will reflecting on Jesus ' wonderful works help us? Yãmb mengã maana kaset t'a Zeova yaa sõma bɩ? A very important means of being comforted is to be present at Christian meetings, where Bible discussions encourage us. Have you personally seen that Jehovah is good? Rũndã - rũndã, wãn to la kiris - nebã tõe n maan tɩ laafɩ zĩnd tigingã pʋgẽ? Eventually, they will be destroyed. - Rev. How can Christians today promote peace in the congregation? A yam da pa yood ne rẽ ye. Neither is willing. He did not hesitate to do so. (Sɩng. 3: 9 - 13) Rẽ poore, a wilgame t'a Ãdem ne a Ɛɛv na n kiime. Sin mars a person's relationship with God. Then he indicated that Adam and Eve would die. Ra yaa tʋʋm beed maandbã bal la b ra segd n kʋ namsg ra - luk zugu, bɩ b kũumã la b kaad raoog zugu. For his part, Paul is known, not as a Law expert, but as a missionary, "an apostle to the nations. " - Romans 11: 13. Only sinners were to be executed on a torture stake or on a stake. Ad Biiblã sẽn yeele: "Wẽnnaam yeela a Abrahaam yaa: " Da maan sũ - sãang f bi - riblã ne f yem - poakã yĩng ye. 3: 10. The Bible says: "God said to Abraham: " Do not feel hurt over your son and daughter for your son. b) Wãn to la a Zeova keood neb nins sẽn maand a raabã ne b pãng tɛkã? Why We Should Never Shrink Back to Destruction (b) How does Jehovah reward those who serve him loyally? Tõe tɩ b zugã pelgame, la b pa tar zu - loees nins fãa a Salomo sẽn bilgã ye. King David of ancient Israel observed: "A young man I used to be, I have also grown old, and yet I have not seen anyone righteous left entirely, nor his offspring looking for bread. Their head may be sincere, but they do not have all the problems that Solomon described. Bõe yĩng tɩ y segd n bao n bãng Wẽnnaam goamã sã n sɩd pidsdame? Jehovah is the Source of dynamic energy. Why should you find out whether God's word always comes true? Yɩta sõma tɩ d gũus tɩ b ra wa belg - do, tɩ d tall tags - kɛga, n bas tɩ d yam yuus ye. Contrast the common view of slavery with that encouraged at Romans 12: 11. We are wise to avoid being deceived by false reasoning and allow them to weaken our sense of urgency. Maan - kʋʋdbã buudã ra makda neb 144 000, tɩ Israɛll neb a taabã makd sẽn na n wa vɩɩmd - b tẽngã zugã. Upon being released, the two reported to the brothers what had occurred, and they all prayed about the opposition they faced, requesting: "Jehovah,... grant your slaves to keep speaking your word with all boldness. " The priests represent the 144,000, and the other Israelites represent those who will live on earth. Bao n yɩ arzɛk soaba, yʋ - baoore, bõn - datɩ pʋgb naamã walla neba vɩɩm manegr bɩ laogã wɛɛngẽ, bɩ rat - m - yembr vɩɩm la mengã tʋlsem pidsg zĩig pʋgẽ ka kɩtd tɩ ned paam sũ - noog ye. Their way was blocked by the Jordan River at flood stage. The pursuit of wealth, prominence, power, or self - interest does not bring happiness. D sã n wa seg yam - kaalg d tẽebã pʋʋgẽ wã, la sã n mik tɩ d moona tẽebã pʋʋg kãng pʋgẽ n yɩlem yʋʋm wʋsg tɩ pa wom biis wʋsgo, d tõe n komsa raoodo. 3: 7. When we encounter apathy in our field ministry, we may be discouraged if we have been busy in this spiritual field for many years. Sik - m - meng soab maanda sũ - noog ne bũmb nins Wẽnnaam a Zeova sẽn kõt - dã. Wala makre, zãmsg ning d sẽn paamdã. Saul, a Pharisee, was a bitter opposer of Christians. Humility involves taking advantage of the spiritual provisions provided by Jehovah God, including the training we receive. La bãmb mens ratem yĩnga, bãmb na n baoa karen - saam dãmb wʋsg sẽn na n togs koɛɛg sẽn noom bãmb bala. Bãmb kõn le kelg sẽn yaa sɩd ye, bãmb na n kelga soalem bala. " - 2 Tɩmote 4: 3, 4. Our Creator knows what will make us truly successful. The apostle Paul wrote: "There will be a period of time when they will not put up with the healthful teaching, but, in accord with their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, whereas they will turn their ears away from false stories. " - 2 Timothy 4: 3, 4. B yãa yel - soalem nins a sẽn maanã, la b kelg a zãmsgã. On the other hand, many who are physically disabled, like Christian and Junior mentioned in the preceding article, live happy, fulfilling lives. They saw the miracles he performed and listened to his teachings. 7, 8. a) Bõe la sẽn modgd - b wʋsg a Zeova tʋʋmdã pʋgẽ wã paamda? 4: 16; Luke 21: 24. 7, 8. (a) What do many of Jehovah's people experience? Tʋm - tʋmd a Poll yeela woto: "Kirist nonglem n so tõndo. " " Children, be obedient to your parents in union with the Lord, for this is righteous. The apostle Paul wrote: "The love the Christ has compels us. " Sẽn paase, pʋg - kõorã yɛlã sẽn da yaa to - to wã wilgdame tɩ d sɩd segd n pẽdga ne pʋʋsgo. The love produced by holy spirit is markedly different from the sort of love that is common in the world. Moreover, the situation in the widow's life shows that we need to be specific in our prayers. A Sʋɩtãan sẽn mi rẽ wã yĩnga, a tũnugda ne rẽ n bẽt - ba. Goodness is part of "the fruitage of the spirit. " Since Satan knows this, he uses it to ensnare them. Kiris - nin - kãensã sõor sẽn da paoodã yikame n " tag ' a soab ning sẽn da yõk - bã. May your humble petitions, your earnest supplications, and your heartfelt words of praise and thanksgiving to God be like the sweet - smelling incense that symbolizes acceptable prayers. - Rev. The small number of these Christians grew up to "go away " to the one whom they had arrested. Na n yɩɩ yãnd ne - koaada, a sã n pa tar minim n bẽesd ruls tɩ yaa goalma. That one, Satan, succeeded in enticing other angels into rebellion. It would be ashamed if he had no knowledge of it. Pẽgr gom - kãensã la b ra togsd n yɩlemd b sẽn dɩk wẽn - doogã a Davɩɩd biribl a Salomo sẽn me wã n kõ a Zeova wã daare. For instance, we can meditate on the loyalty of Ruth. These words were addressed to the cleansing temple of David's son Solomon, who built Jehovah's day. B sẽn pa tõe n yã Wẽnnaam ne nifã yĩnga, b maanda wẽngã n tagsdẽ t'a pa ne - b ye. - Eze. What should we acknowledge with regard to spiritual growth? Because they cannot see God and his invisible qualities, they feel that he does not see them. - Ezek. Yɩɩl - gʋlsda ra gʋlsa woto: "[Zeova,] ãnda n na n sig yãmb zãndẽ? Consider: We know a lot about Satan and his tactics. The psalmist wrote: "O Jehovah, who will be a guest in your tent? Bɩ f paam pʋɩɩr ne f zu - soaba sũ - noogo. ' Have you noticed that all four of the Bible's warning signals described in this article have been evident during your lifetime? You must enter into the joy of your master. " Makrã bab - kãngã gomda neb nins sẽn " deegd koɛɛgã ne sũ - noogo, ' n tũud a Zezi ne yẽesem "wakat bilf bala " yelle. Jesus told some doubting Jews: "The queen of the south will be raised up in the judgment with this generation and will condemn it; because she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon, but, look! This section refers to those who " take the word with joy ' with zeal to follow Jesus ' zeal for "a short period of time. " Sɩd me, Biiblã goma a Ziid ne a Sɩlas yell n yeel tɩ b tigma saam - biisã, n sagl - b "ne goam wʋsgo, n paas bãmb pãnga. " They will be discussed in the following article. In fact, the Bible says of Jude and Silas that they gathered their brothers "with many words and strengthened them. " Rẽ poore, b na n sãam - b - la zãng - zãnga. - Wil. Then he will bless our humble efforts to tell others about his kingship and his wonderful works. Then they will be completely destroyed. - Rev. Bãmb b yiibã sʋka, ned ba a yen pa rat n maan dẽ ye. My spirituality began to suffer. None of them would want to do so. Yel - wẽndã kɩtame tɩ nebã zãr ne Wẽnnaam. Many youths and adults who should know better make a similar mistake. Sin caused people to be alienated from God. La bũmb ning sẽn kɩt tɩ d mi - a n yɩɩdã yaa a sẽn yɩ "bu - zẽms tʋm - tʋmda, " n tog soay n moon koɛɛgã. - Rom dãmba 11: 13. God's Word reminds us that "the wisdom from above is... peaceable, reasonable. " But the main reason we know him is that he is "an apostle to the nations " to preach. - Romans 11: 13. 3: 10. 1: 5, 18; Col. 3: 10. Bũmb ning sẽn kɩt tɩ d pa segd n tol n targ n sãama How are those in positions of oversight "like a fiery torch "? Why should we never shrink back from shrinking back to destruction Rĩm a Davɩɩd sẽn vɩɩmd pĩnd Israɛllẽ wã togsa woto: "Mam dag n yaa bi - bɩɩga, la masã mam kʋʋlame, la mam nan ka yã tɩ b bas nin - tɩrg ye, la mam nan ka yã t'a yagens bõosd rɩɩb me ye. 3, 4. (a) How did the apostle Peter illustrate the importance of baptism? King David of ancient Israel wrote: "I was young, and now I have grown old, and I have not seen anyone righteous left entirely, nor his offspring looking for bread. A Zeova pãngã ka to ye. G. Jehovah is almighty. Neb wʋsg tagsg yaa wãn ne yembdo, la bõe yĩng tɩ yembd ning yell b sẽn gomd Rom dãmb 6: 22 pʋgẽ wã yaa toore? • How does Psalm 3 inspire confidence? How do many view slavery, and why is Romans 6: 22 different? B fãa lagma b koees n pʋʋs a Zeova, n kos woto: "[Zeova,] kõ yãmb tʋm - tʋmdbã raood kãsenga tɩ b togs yãmb koɛɛgã. " 4: 16 - How was Moses to "serve as God " to Aaron? They joined their voices in prayer to Jehovah, asking: "Be courageous and strong, Jehovah, and grant your slaves to tell you your word. " Yaa bũmb ning sẽn maan Israyɛll nebã sẽn wa n dat n kẽ kãabg tẽngã pʋgẽ wã. Even his closest followers were influenced by the ambitious, manipulative spirit common around them. What happened when the Israelites were about to enter the Promised Land. 3: 7. This group of faithful anointed brothers still consists of imperfect Christians. 3: 7. A Soll ra yaa Fariziẽ sẽn namsd kiris - nebã hal wʋsgo. What example did the apostle John set for us? Saul was a Pharisee who was a persecutor of Christians. Tõnd Naandã mii bũmb ning sẽn sɩd tõe n kɩt tɩ d vɩɩmã yɩ sõma. What can you learn about Jehovah from the way Jesus treated his disciples? Our Creator knows what can lead us to successful life. 2: 13, 14) Rẽ kɩtame tɩ d segd n tũ a Pɩɛɛr saglgã ne d sũyã fãa. In the first of the two illustrations, Jesus says that the shepherd will "go for the lost one. " As a result, we need to take to heart Peter's counsel. (Zã 9: 41) La neb wʋsg me n be n yaa koms rãmb sɩd - sɩda, n tar sũ - noog la bark b vɩɩmã pʋgẽ. Although there was a wave of persecution, Jesus ' apostles and other disciples kept on preaching the good news with boldness. - Acts 4: 29 - 31. On the other hand, many are truly depressed, happy, and satisfying. 4: 13; Luk 21: 24. The Bible also proclaimed, over five centuries in advance, that he would enter Jerusalem on a donkey and that he would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver. 4: 13; Luke 21: 24. " Kamba, yãmb sẽn tũud Zu - soabã bɩ y sak y ba - rãmbã ne y ma - rãmbã, tɩ bõe, bõn - kãng yaa tɩrga. However, the Bible clearly shows that "the sign of the Son of man " will appear in heaven and that Jesus will come" on the clouds of heaven. " " Children, be obedient to your parents in union with Jehovah, for this is righteous. Nonglem ning vʋʋsem sõngã sẽn kɩtd tɩ ned tallã yaa toor fasɩ ne nonglem ning dũniyã neb sẽn wae n tarẽ wã. Be "Zealous for Fine Works "! The love that is rooted in the fruitage of the spirit is different from the love of the world. Sõmblmã bee "vʋʋsem sõngã biis " sʋka. * Finally, strive to apply what you learn, letting God's Word serve as both "a lamp to [your] foot " and a" light for [your] path " - now and throughout eternity. - Psalm 119: 105. Kindness is part of "the fruitage of the spirit. " 30: 7, 8) A Zeova reega a Davɩɩd pʋʋsgã. Tõnd me sã n pʋʋsd a Zeova ne sik - m - meng la pʋ - peelem, la d wilgd - a tɩ d sũur nooma ne bũmb nins a sẽn kõt - dã, d pʋʋsgã na n yɩ - a - la noogo, wala wisd yũug sẽn noomã. - Wil. For example, Moses called for donations for the construction of the tabernacle, as did King David for the building of the temple. Similarly, Jehovah answers David's prayer with a humble heart and sincere expression of appreciation for what he has given us. - Rev. Sõs - kãngã leokda sogs - kãensã. Yet, that dream remains unfulfilled - no one has found a way to conquer death. The answers to these questions will be considered in this article. (Wilgri 12: 9) Yẽ soabã sẽn ya a Sʋɩtãanã tõogame n belg malɛgs a taab tɩ b kɩɩs Wẽnnaam. When the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in 1947, scholars could at last compare the Hebrew Masoretic text to what appeared in Bible scrolls that had been written more than a thousand years earlier. The Devil, the Devil, was able to deceive other angels into disobeying God. Wala makre, d tõe n karma a Rut kibarã, n bʋgs a mak - sõngã zugu. What qualities made Jesus ' mother, Mary, a friend of Jehovah God? For example, we can read about Ruth's example and meditate on her example. Bõe la d segd n ning d yamẽ Biibl karen - biisã tẽebã bɩʋʋng wɛɛngẽ? At the turn of the first century C.E., for instance, Herod hatched a scheme to have put to death all boys in Bethlehem who were two years of age or younger. What should we bear in mind regarding spiritual growth? Wala makre, d mii bũmb wʋsg a Sʋɩtãan zugu, la d mi a sɩlem buud toor - toorã. [ Footnote] For example, we know much about Satan and his crafty acts. Yãmb pa ne tɩ Biiblã sẽn yet bũmb ning yaoolem wakatã wɛɛngẽ tɩ d gom rẽ yell sõs - kãngã pʋgẽ wã bee rũndã - rũndã sɩda? While Jesus put the preaching work first in his life, what shows that he was balanced? Do you not agree that what the Bible says about the last days has been discussed in this article today? A Zezi Kirist wilga tõod a yiib nins sẽn yaa kãsems n yɩɩdã, tɩ sõs - kãensã gomd rẽ yelle. What happens when we die? Jesus Christ identified these two greatest commandments, and these two articles are discussed. A Zezi yeela zʋɩf - rãmb kẽer sẽn da pa tẽed - a woto: "Rĩm - poakã sẽn yi wĩndg goabgã na n yik n kaoo zãmaan - kãngã nebã bʋʋd bʋʋdã daare, bãmb sẽn yi tẽng sẽn zãr n wa kelg a Salomo yam - goamã yĩnga. People do not serve the true God acceptably. Jesus told some non - Jews who did not believe him: "When the King of the north came out of the midst of this system of things to execute judgment upon the people when they heard Solomon's words. Sõsg ning sẽn pʋgdã pʋgẽ, d na n goma bõn - kãens yelle. In our territory, perhaps there are groups of people who seem hostile to the message we bear. In the following article, we will consider these points. D sã n maand woto, n modgd ne sik - m - meng n taasd nebã a Rĩungã koɛɛg la d gomd ne - b a tʋʋm kãsemsã yelle, a na n ning - d - la barka. This sound car reached millions in Brazil with the good news If we do so, humbly endeavor to share his Kingdom message with others and to speak about its wonderful works, he will bless us. Mam tẽebã wa n sɩnga komsgo. 10, 11. (a) How did corruption spread after the rebellion of Adam and Eve? I began to lose my faith. (Yelbũna 22: 15) Yaa woto me la kom - bɩɩs la kãsemb wʋsg sẽn segd n gũus n yɩɩgã maanda. Why have certain conventions proved to be particularly moving? The same is true of many young and old. Wẽnnaam Gomdã tẽegda tõnd tɩ yam ning sẽn yit yĩngrã "baooda laafɩ, a wata ne sũ - bʋgsem. " Happiness and peace result from taking in knowledge of Jehovah and applying Scriptural principles in life. God's Word reminds us that "the wisdom from above is a healing. " 1: 4, 5, 18; Kol. It is based on a higher principle. 1: 4, 5, 18; Col. Wãn to la neb nins sẽn lʋɩt taoorã yaa "wa bug - vɩlense "? How does Jesus direct and feed the Christian congregation today? How are those taking the lead "like a fiery hell "? 3, 4. a) Bõe la tʋm - tʋmd a Pɩyɛɛr yeel - yã, tɩ wilgdẽ tɩ lisgã tara yõodo? Logically, that type of conflict must originate with God. 3, 4. (a) How did the apostle Peter emphasize the importance of baptism? G. We also love Jehovah's organization, through which we have been taught thrilling truths - including Jehovah's name and its meaning, God's purpose for the earth, the condition of the dead, and the hope of the resurrection. G. • Yɩɩl Sõamyã a 3 soabã kɩtame tɩ d tõe n bas d yam ne bõe? First, do not be quick to assume you know what others believe. • Psalm 3 gives us what confidence? 4: 16 - Wãn to la a Moiiz ra yɩ "wa Wẽnnaam " a Aarõ yĩnga? Why are we able to bring God glory in ways that surpass what inanimate creation can do? 4: 16 - In what way was Moses "like Aaron "? Baa a tʋm - tʋmdbã meng ra mi n dɩka b wakatẽ wã neb wʋsg sẽn da nong naam la b yaa rat - m - ye rãmbã togs - n - taare. A husband and wife with different religious views can still have a successful marriage in the sense that it can be enduring and bring happiness to both. Even his apostles at times displayed a selfish, self - sacrificing spirit. Sul - kãngã neb sẽn yaa saam - biis sẽn zae ne vʋʋsem sõng la sẽn yaa kɩs - sɩd dãmbã ket n yaa kiris - neb sẽn pa zems zãnga. I know Jehovah is with me, so I am not afraid anymore. " This group of spirit - anointed brothers and sisters are still imperfect. Mak - sõng bʋg la tʋm - tʋmd a Zã kõ tõndo? So that just as sin ruled as king with death, so also undeserved kindness might rule as king through righteousness leading to everlasting life through Jesus Christ. " - Rom. What example did the apostle John set? A Zezi sẽn tall manesem ning ne a karen - biisã wilgda tõnd bõe a Zeova zugu? Separate your concerns from those of your former spouse as much as you can, including legal, financial, and medical records. What can we learn about Jehovah from the way Jesus dealt with his disciples? Pipi makrã pʋgẽ, a Zezi yeelame tɩ pe - kɩɩma na n " kẽngame n tɩ bao sẽn menema wã. ' This one was no exception. It provoked strong reactions. First, Jesus said that a shepherd would "go and search for the lost one. " (Tʋʋma 4: 1 - 3, 18 - 21; 5: 17, 18, 40) Baa namsg wʋsg sẽn da wa wã, a Zezi tʋm - tʋmdbã la karen - biis a taabã kell n moona koe - noogã ne raoodo. - Tʋʋma 4: 29 - 31. The hope mentioned at Acts 24: 15 comforts her: "There is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous. " Despite intense persecution, Jesus ' apostles and other disciples kept on preaching the good news with boldness. - Acts 4: 29 - 31. (Ezai 7: 14; 53: 3, 9, 12) Biiblã ra reng n togsa sẽn yɩɩd yʋʋm 500 t'a na n wa zomba bõang n kẽ Zerizalɛm, la tɩ ned n na n zãmb - a, tɩ b yao a soabã wakɩ koeems pis - tã. Evidence of such firm conviction was presented in six thrilling reports from around the world. For more than 500 years, the Bible foretold that he would enter Jerusalem and that someone would betray him. La Biiblã wilga vẽeneg t'a Zeezi waoongã pa bũmb d sẽn na n yã ne nif ye. Orpah acquiesces. However, the Bible makes clear that Jesus ' presence is not a visible thing. " Wɩng - y ne tʋʋm - sõma maanego '! He will feel sorry for the lowly one and the poor one, and the souls of the poor ones he will save. " " Pay Attention to Fine Works! " * (Zak 1: 5) Sẽn na n baase, modg - y n tũ - y y sẽn bãngd Biiblã zãmsg pʋgẽ wã, tɩ Wẽnnaam Gomdã yɩ wa " fɩtl yãmb kẽnd pʋga, ' la wa " vẽenem yãmb sor zugu, ' masã menga, la wakat sẽn kõn sa. - Yɩɩn - sõamyã 119: 105. What do we usually talk about in the field service, at the meetings, and at home? * Finally, strive to apply what you learn from the Bible and to be like "a lamp shining in you " and" a light to your roadway, " even now and forever. - Psalm 119: 105. Wala makre, b sẽn wa n na n ti sɛk - roogã, a Moyiiz yeela Israyɛll nebã tɩ b yãk bũmb nins b sẽn so wã n kõ tʋʋmdã yĩnga. 2 / 1 For example, Moses instructed the Israelites to choose what they were assigned to do when they arrived at the tabernacle. Bala, ned baa a ye nan pa tõog n bãng b sẽn tõe n maan to - to n menems kũumã ye. THREE thousand five hundred years ago, the Law of Moses condemned bribery. Because no one knows how to eliminate death. Yʋʋmd 1947 wã, b yãa Biiblã seb - pindim b sẽn boond tɩ mog - kɩɩngã seb - pindmã. B sẽn gʋls seb - pindim - kãens yɩɩda yʋʋm tusri. In Galilee, Jesus commences an even greater ministry than in Judea and Jerusalem. The Dead Sea, published by the Dead Sea, was discovered more than a thousand years old. Bõe n kɩt t'a Zeezi ma a Maari tõog n yɩ a Zeova zoa? Hardly. Why was Jesus ' mother, Mary, able to draw close to Jehovah? Wala makre, pipi yʋʋm kob - gĩndã sɩngrẽ, a Herood yiisa no - wẽng n kɩt tɩ b kʋ komdibli nins fãa sẽn da be Bɛtlehɛm n da zems yʋʋm a yiib bɩ n pa ta woto wã. (b) How might Demas have displayed love for the world? For example, from the first century C.E., Herod brought an evil sentence on all the boys living there for two or two years. [ Tẽngr note] But the Ethiopian had sufficient knowledge of the Scriptures to realize that he should not delay in openly testifying that from then on he would serve Jehovah as part of the Christian congregation, and that brought him much joy. [ Footnote] Baa a Zeezi sẽn da moond koɛɛgã wʋsgã, bõe me la a maan - yã? Read 1 Chronicles 22: 5. What else did Jesus do despite his ministry? Ned kũum poore, bõe n maande? Do these prospects bring you peace of mind? What happens after death? Nebã ra pa le tũud Wẽnnaam tɩ tat a yam ye. Another way that we remember the Governing Body is by exerting ourselves in the preaching work. People had lost God's favor. Tõnd koe - moonegã zĩigẽ, tõe tɩ neb n be n pa nong tõnd sẽn moond koɛɛgã ye. The fulfillment of Bible prophecies indicates that we are living in "the last days " of this system of things. In our territory, there may be individuals who do not love our ministry. B tũnuga ne mobil - kãngã sẽn tar alo - alo wã n taas koe - noogã neb milyõ - rãmb Berzill soolmẽ wã What Bible counsel helps us not to practice lawlessness? This car was used to share the good news with millions in Brazil 10, 11. a) Wãn to la wẽngã piuug a Ãdem ne a Hawa tõdgrã poore? CAN you imagine how you would feel if you had to stand before the most powerful ruler on earth and speak up in behalf of Jehovah's people? 10, 11. (a) How is wickedness rampant after the rebellion of Adam and Eve? Bõe yĩng tɩ tigis - kãsems kẽer yɩ Wẽnnaam nin - buiidã noog wʋsgo? He was brought up a Jewish Pharisee, educated and trained in the law of the sect. Why did some conventions bring great joy to God's people? (Fil. 4: 6, 7) Yaa d sã n zãmsd Biiblã n bãngd a Zeova la d tũud a noyã la d paamd laafɩ la sũ - noogo. How did injustice on earth originate? By studying the Bible and applying its principles, we enjoy peace and happiness. Bala yaa nonglem buud sẽn ka to. Some who have already met the goal of reading the whole Bible take other steps to make their ongoing study increasingly productive and rewarding. Because love is the greatest expression of love. A Zeova tũnugda ne a siglgã n zãmsd kiris - nebã dũniyã gill zugu, la a wilgd - b sore. Bible prophecy, combined with current events, identifies our time as "the last days. " Jehovah uses his organization to teach and guide Christians worldwide. Y tõe n kɩsa tũudmã sɩd bɩ? Pergamum was a center of what kind of worship, and what could result from refusal to participate in such idolatry? Can You Trust True Worship? Vẽenega, yaa Wẽnnaam bal n tõe n yik zab - kãngã buudu. (b) How did Christ's first victory affect the world in general? Clearly, it is only God who can take such a stand. Wala makre, d bãnga Wẽnnaam a Zeova yʋʋrã la a võorã, a sẽn sɩng n dat tɩ tẽngã zug vɩɩm yɩ to - to wã. D bãnga Biiblã sẽn yet bũmb ning kũ - rãmbã wɛɛngẽ wã, la kũum vʋʋgr saagrã. Ah! could I be happy again in this world after I had denied our Lord? For example, we have come to know Jehovah God's name and purpose for the earth, what the Bible says about the condition of the dead, the resurrection, and the resurrection of the dead. Ra yɩ tao - tao n tags tɩ f mii sẽn be a yamẽ ye. We should pray for holy spirit, confident that Jehovah will bless us with it. Do not hastily conclude that you are aware of what is in your mind. Bõe yĩng tɩ tõnd tõe n pẽg Wẽnnaam tɩ yɩɩg bõn - naands nins sẽn pa vɩyã? (January 1, 2014). Why can we glorify God more than the living creatures? Kẽed - n - taas tũudum sẽn yaa toor - toor kãadem tõe n baas n yɩɩ sõma, a sẽn na n kaoos la a kõ b yiibã fãa sũ - noogã yĩnga. Jesus grew up to be a happy adult. A divided marriage can be a fine outcome for the long and lasting joy of both mates. Mam da miime t'a Zeova teend - m lame, tɩ kɩt tɩ m da pa ye zoet rabeem ye. " The apostle Peter answered that question. I knew that Jehovah supported me, and I was not afraid. " Woto, a wa yel - wẽnã ne kũum sẽn soog zĩigã, barkã sooga zĩig me tɩrlmã yĩnga, tɩ d tõe n paam vɩɩm sẽn kõn sa, tõnd Zu - soab a Zeezi Kiris maasem yĩnga. " - Rom. Just before the Israelites crossed the Jordan to take possession of Canaan, Moses told them that they "must love the foreign resident " in their midst. So, just as sin and death are upon the earth, so we can enjoy everlasting life by means of our Lord Jesus Christ. " - Rom. Toeem - y sɛb nins y sẽn da naag taab n maane, tɩ yaool n tõe n toeemã. Wala makre, tõe tɩ y naaga taab n maan sɛb laloa wã wɛɛngẽ, wall ligdã bɩ tɩbsgã wɛɛngẽ. Would you not agree that for a government to be able to bring hundreds of ethnic groups together in peace and harmony, it must be effective and stable - and real? If you have been able to adjust your schedule, perhaps you have made adjustments in legal matters or medical matters. Mak - kãngã me kɩtame tɩ nebã tall manesem sẽn yaa vẽenega, tɩ puk sẽn be b sũyẽ wã. Whether you will receive those blessings depends entirely on you. This example also enables people to act in a clear way, opening their hearts. Tʋʋm 24: 15 wã bels - a - la wʋsgo. Jehovah has deep affection for these men, considering them "worthy of double honor. " - 1 Timothy 5: 17. Acts 24: 15 comforted him greatly. Kɩbay a yoob sẽn sidgd yĩng sẽn yit dũniyã gill zug kõo kaset ne kɩs - sɩd sẽn pa vigsd woto. He devoted himself to the preaching of the good news, making it his lifework. Six thrilling reports from all the world give evidence of that conviction. A Orpa sakame. Jehovah set limits for Adam and Eve - limits that could have instilled in them a proper regard for his authority. She agreed. Far soab ne nimbãan - ned nimbãaneg tara yẽnda, la yẽ na n fãaga nimbãan dãmbã vɩɩm. " Appreciating that Jehovah is the God of "times and seasons " moves us to do what? He will feel sorry for the lowly one and the poor one, and the souls of the poor ones he will save. " Naoor wʋsgo, bõe yell la tõnd mengã nong n gomd koe - moonegã pʋgẽ, tigissẽ wã la d yiyã? They lost their Paradise home and the glorious prospects that God had set before them. What is often discussed in our ministry, at Christian meetings, and at home? 1 / 9 Consider, for example, what happened on Sunday, Nisan 9, of the year 33 C.E. 9 / 15 YƲƲM tus a tãab la kobs - nu sẽn looge, a Moiiz Tõogã gɩdga noor - madgre. 3 Does Anyone Hear Prayers? SOME three thousand years ago, the Mosaic Law condemned a bribe. Galile, a Zezi sɩnga ministɛɛr kãseng sẽn yɩɩd a soab ning a sẽn maan Zide la Zerizalɛmã menga. When David's men respectfully asked for some provisions, Nabal refused. In Galilee, Jesus began to appear before the greatest one performed in Judea and Jerusalem. Abada! Who has created these things? It is the One who is bringing forth the army of them even by number, all of whom he calls even by name. Not at all! b) A Demas sẽn da nong dũniyã kɩtame t'a maan bõe? God wants us to approach him directly in prayer even if we are burdened down by personal shortcomings. (b) What effect did Satan's world have on him? La Etiopi nedã ra mii Gʋlsg Sõamyã tɩ sek a na bãng t'a ra pa segd n ye kaoos la a wilg vẽeneg tɩ wakat kãng tɛka, a na n naaga kiris - neb tigingã n balem a Zeova ye. Rẽ nooga a sũur hal wʋsgo. 19: 8. But the Ethiopian knew from the Scriptures enough to know that he was not to be a long time to worship Jehovah in the Christian congregation. B sã n wa pʋd yʋ - kãngã, yaa a soabã yell bal la b gomda. And multiplying wives would be dangerous because some of them could be from surrounding pagan nations that engaged in false worship, and those wives could turn the king aside from the true worship of Jehovah. That name is mentioned only when it comes to the person. Karm - y 1 Kibay 22: 5. But those serving in a foreign field face yet other challenges. Read 1 Chronicles 22: 5. La sã n yaa woto, rẽ yĩnga d yamã tõe n gãanda bãan bɩ? Jesus told them to go to people's homes, saying: "When you are entering into the house, greet the household; and if the house is deserving, let the peace you wish it come upon it. " If so, can we have peace of mind? D sã n wɩng ne koɛɛgã mooneg me, d wilgdame tɩ d tẽegda Siglgã taoor lʋɩtb sull yelle. We have good reason, then, to do likewise. We also show that we remember the Governing Body by having a zealous share in the preaching work. Biiblã bãngr - goam n pidsdi, tɩ wilgdẽ tɩ rũndã - rũndã la dũni - kãngã " yaoolem wakatã. ' " Now, This May Hurt, " 3 / 1 Bible prophecies indicate that today we are living in "the last days. " Biiblã sagl - bʋg n sõngd tõnd tɩ d ra yɩ wẽng maandba? 10, 11. (a) Despite his fatigue, what helped Jesus to keep on the watch in the garden of Gethsemane? What Bible counsel helps us not to become slaves of sin? MAMS - Y wa yãmb sẽn na n segd n kẽng dũniyã na - kãseng ning sẽn yɩɩd a taabã fãa wã nengẽ, n tɩ gom a Zeova nin - buiidã yʋʋr yĩnga. PREACHERS in Christendom who teach the fear of God frequently do so on the basis of the unscriptural teaching that God punishes sinners eternally in hellfire. IMAGINE that you are about to go to the most important part of the world, talking to Jehovah's people about his name. A sẽn da be tũudum ningã pʋgẽ wã, b ra zãms - a - la tõogã t'a yaa fariziẽ. [ Picture on page 10] In her religion, she was taught the Law to be a Pharisee. Sɩnga wãn tɩ tʋʋm kɛgã wa beẽ? Then you too will be a blessing to God's people. How did injustice come about? Neb kẽer sẽn tõog n zoe n karem Biiblã zãng maanda yɛl a taab sẽn na yɩl tɩ zãmsgã b sẽn maand wakat fãa wã tall nafr n paase. He was doing so in the first century, and he has been doing so even more intensely since being cast out of heaven about the time of World War I. - Revelation 12: 9. Some who have already been able to read the Bible have taken other steps to improve their study habits. (2 Tɩmote 3: 1) Biiblã bãngr - goamã sẽn pidsdã, n paas nebã yel - manesem sẽn yaa to - to rũndã - rũndã wã wilgdame tɩ d bee dũni - kãngã "yaoolem wakate. " All of us appreciate friends who are loyal and forgiving. Bible prophecies and acts of conduct indicate that we are living in "the last days. " Pɛrgam da yaa baleng bʋg buud zĩiga, la f sã n da zãgs bõn - naands pʋʋsgã bõe n da tõe n paam - fo? The point? What kind of worship was held in Pergamum, and what could happen to you if you refused to practice idolatry? b) Kirist pipi tõogrã waa ne bõe dũniyã gill zugu? Jehovah was greatly offended when Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron. (b) What effect did Christ's first victory have on the world scene? La rẽ yĩnga mam sã n kɩɩs Soaala m na n le paama sũ - noog dũni - kãngã pʋgẽ sɩda? So people like that, including the criminal Jesus spoke to on the stake, will be resurrected to life in Paradise right here on earth. But would I be happier if I rebelled against Jehovah? (Efɛɛz rãmba 3: 14 - 16) D segd n pʋʋsame n kos vʋʋsem sõngã, n tar kɩs - sɩd t'a Zeova na n kõ - a - la tõndo. Likewise, the Bible counsels us: "An answer, when mild, turns away rage, but a word causing pain makes anger to come up. " We need to pray for holy spirit, confident that Jehovah will give us it. A Zeezi wa n lebga kãsma, n tar sũ - noogo. In such a situation, the other mate may need to exercise added self - control. As a young man, Jesus experienced great joy. Tʋm - tʋmd a Pɩɛɛr leoka sʋk kãngã. Through a global preaching campaign, he is making known to all nations the good news about his Kingdom government in the hands of Jesus Christ. The apostle Peter answered that question. Bilf nand tɩ Israyɛll nebã pasg Zʋrdẽ kʋɩlgã n tɩ zab n deeg Kanaã soolmã, a Moiiz yeel - b lame tɩ b segd n " nonga sãamba, ' rat n yeel tɩ bu - zẽmsã neb nins sẽn vɩ ne - bã. (Tõo. Is there really any reliable way to see the future? In time, before crossing the Jordan River, Moses told them to "love the alien resident, " or people of the nations. (Tʋʋma 10: 34, 35) Rẽ yĩnga y pa na n sak n deeg tɩ goosneemã sã n tõog tɩ buud kobs neb naag taab bãan la zems - n - taar pʋgẽ woto, goosneem kãng segd n yaa goosneem sõng sẽn lugl kãn - kãe la sẽn sɩd n be sɩda? Think about this. As we noted earlier, many have found it helpful to talk about their feelings with a trusted friend. Would you not agree that if a government is able to bring about such peace and unity, such a government should be a real, reliable government? La y na paam bark kãensã bɩ y kõn paam - bã bee ne yãmba. Jesus told the 11 apostles present with him in that upper room: "Every branch in me not bearing fruit he takes away, and every one bearing fruit he cleans, that it may bear more fruit. But you will receive them, and you will receive them. (Tʋʋma 20: 28, Kãab - paalgã Koe - noogo) A Zeova nonga ra - kãensã wʋsgo, n getẽ tɩ b zemsa ne "waoogr naoor a yiibu. " - 1 Tɩmote 5: 17. In the end, can anyone really foresee the future? Jehovah loved them so much that they considered themselves " two times. ' - 1 Timothy 5: 17. Yaa koɛɛgã mooneg n da pak - a n yɩɩda. For I know the one whom I have believed, and I am confident he is able to guard what I have laid up in trust with him until that day. " - 2 Tim. He focused on his ministry. Pa bũmb fãa la a Zeova ra kõ a Ãdem ne a Awa sor tɩ b tõe n maan ye. Yaa sẽn na yɩl tɩ b bãng tɩ yaa a Zeova zu - sobendã la b segd n sake. I also liked to arrange the church flowers and dress the images of the virgin and the "saints. " Jehovah did not allow Adam and Eve to choose for themselves what they could do; he gave them the opportunity to recognize that they were under Jehovah's authority. D sẽn mi t'a Zeova la Wẽnnaam ning " sẽn so wakatã ' kɩtame tɩ d maand bõe? " A lot of people think that we'd rather talk to our friends about sex, " says Alicia, a girl from Britain, "but that's not true. How does knowing that Jehovah is the God of "the appointed times " affect us? B konga b yirã sẽn yaa Arzãnã la saagr sẽn be ziir ning Wẽnnaam sẽn da ning b taoorã. " Moral standards have been lost through greed, " he said. They lost their home, Paradise, and the glorious prospect that God had set before them. A ra miime me tɩ bũmb wʋsg n ket a segd n maane. Makre, Nizã kiuug rasem a 9 sẽn da yaa hat daarã, a zomba bõang n kẽ Zeruzalɛm. So he approached him and bound up his wounds, pouring oil and wine upon them. Then he mounted him upon his own beast and brought him to an inn and took care of him. He also knew that he still had much to do - on Nisan 9, the evening of Nisan 9, after sundown. La neb nins mam sẽn yãka na n paama b tʋʋma nafre. Long before, God had forbidden the marrying of pagan Canaanites, even listing certain peoples. And the work of their hands my chosen ones will use to the full. SEB - NENG 25 Can they see that conviction in you, in your conversations and decisions? 25 Our Readers Ask... 3 Y pʋʋsgã paamda kelgr bɩ? As King - Designate, Jesus could declare to his opposers: "The Kingdom of God is in your midst. " 3 Do You Listen to Prayers? Baraare, a Davɩɩd nebã ra kẽng n na n tɩ kos - a - la rɩɩbo, t'a zãgse. By giving us inner calm that can free our mind and heart of disturbing emotions. The people of David's day called for bread, and David rejected it. Yaa ãnda n naan ãdsã la a mi b sõore; la a pʋd bãmb fãa b yʋya? Genuine love as it is revealed in the Bible is never merely intellectual. Who is the One who created them, the One who also knows them, and the number of them he calls even by name? Wẽnnaam datame tɩ d pʋʋsd - a, tɩ baa d sã n wa tudg n maan bũmb tɩ namsd - d bɩ d pʋʋs - a. We have Jehovah God's assurance that whatever he purposes to do will be done without fail. God wants us to approach him in prayer, even when we have sinned. 19: 8. And the prayers of older men of the congregation can help us spiritually, for such petitions have "much force. " - James 5: 13 - 16. 19: 8. La a sã n bao n na n paas a pagbã sõore, a tõe n wa rɩgsa pagb tẽn - yagsã sẽn tũud wẽnnaam dãmb a taabã sʋka, tɩ b kɩt t'a bʋdg n bas tũudum hakɩkã sẽn yaa a Zeova tũudmã. If so, ask yourself why. On the other hand, by seeking to strengthen his wife's wife, she might move other women of other nations to turn away from true worship. Rẽ toor sẽn ka be, d tẽed - n - taas nins sẽn tɩ teend tigims sẽn gomd buud - gomd a to wã maooda ne zu - loees a taaba. ARE you a person of principle? In addition, our brothers and sisters who support a foreign - language congregation face other challenges. A Zezi yeel - b lame tɩ b kẽ nebã zagsẽ. A yeela woto: " La yãmb sã n kẽ yi - kãnga, bɩ y ning - a barka. La yirã sã n zemse, bɩ y kɩt tɩ yãmb laafɩ wa a pʋgẽ. ' And what if the next day someone put a 90 - watt bulb in your lamp? Jesus told them: "If you enter into the house, bless him; but if the house is deserving, let him live in it. " Dẽnd segdame tɩ d me ket n gũudẽ la d moond Wẽnnaam koɛɛgã. A Zeremi maana woto. " However, " the Bible states, "as soon as he was strong, his heart became haughty to his own ruin, and he acted unfaithfully against Jehovah his God by entering the temple of Jehovah to burn incense on the altar of incense. " Therefore, we need to keep on the watch and preach the good news of God's Kingdom. 10, 11. a) Baa ne a yaamsã, yaa bõe n sõng a Zezi t'a pa gũs Gɛtsemane zẽedẽ wã? Early Christians in Greek World, 12 / 1 Earth Ever Be Destroyed? 10, 11. (a) What helped Jesus to remain awake in the garden of Gethsemane? KIRIS - NEB ne yʋʋr karen - saam dãmbã zãmsda nebã tɩ b segd n zoe Wẽnnaam, bala a yõogda yel - wẽn - maandbã bugmẽ wakat sẽn kõ sa yĩnga. Jesus stated about himself: "I am mild - tempered and lowly in heart. " THE teachings of Christendom teach people to fear God because it is a time for sinners to burn in a fiery furnace. [ Foto, seb - neng a 8] Forty years later, the river Jordan at full flood level was no obstacle to Israel's triumphant march into the Promised Land. [ Picture on page 8] Woto, yãmb me na n yɩɩ sõngr meng - meng y tẽed - n - taasã yĩnga. Still others have reasoned that refusing to follow custom may prejudice the community against God's people. In a similar way, you too will be a blessing to fellow believers. Hal pipi kiris - nebã wakatẽ menga a ra sɩng n tusda nebã tɩ b kɩɩsdẽ. La sẽn zems dũni gill pipi zabrã sasa b sẽn dig - a saasẽ wã tɛka, a maneg n tusda nebã tɩ b kɩɩsd n yɩɩd pĩndã. - Wilgri 12: 9. In considering the Passover and the Lord's Evening Meal, what question arises? From the first century onward, he was making opposition to the people when they were expelled from the world during World War I. - Revelation 12: 9. Bala y miime tɩ zãmsg ning b sẽn paamd a Zeova nengẽ wã na n naf - b lame n yɩɩge. One way you can show your gratitude for these gifts is by listening intently to talks given by the elders and by trying to apply the points they bring out. You know that they will benefit from the education they receive from Jehovah. Tõnd sã n tar zo - rãmb sẽn yaa woto, d yam gãeyã bãane. " God Is Love " If we have such friends, we feel secure. Rẽ võor yaa bõe? Brothers - Sow to the Spirit and Reach Out! What does that mean? A Zeova sũurã sãamã wʋsg Israɛll nebã sẽn yẽgem ne a Moĩiz la a Aarõ wã. Nevertheless, when the hour came, the hall was filled with church members and their service began. Jehovah was deeply distressed when the Israelites murmured against Aaron and Aaron. Neb a woto, n paas bi - bɛɛg ning a Zezi sẽn da gomd ne ra - lukã zugã na n vʋʋgame, n vɩɩmd tẽngã sẽn na n lebg arzãnã pʋgẽ. Brother Sanderson was appointed to serve as a special pioneer on the island of Newfoundland, Canada, in April 1991. Such ones, along with the torture stake on the torture stake, will be resurrected to life on a paradise earth. Biiblã sɩd sagend - d - la woto: "Ned sã n leok ne gom - noodo, a sigsda sũuri. La zabr goam yikda ned sũuri. " (Yel. Like the psalmist of old, we gratefully respond to God's leadings and pray: "Instruct me, O Jehovah, in your way, and lead me in the path of uprightness. " - Psalm 27: 11. The Bible admonishes us: "When mild - tempered, mild, turns away rage, but a word causing pain makes anger to come up. " B sã n be yel - kãngã buud pʋgẽ, kẽed - n - taag a to wã segd n talla yõk - m - meng n paase. 23, 24. In such a situation, the other mate must exercise self - control. (Efɛɛz rãmba 1: 10, Kãab - paalgã Koe - noogo) A tũnugda ne moonegã tʋʋmd sẽn maand zĩig fãa wã n wilgd tẽn - tẽnsã fãa koe - noogã sẽn tɩ loe ne a goosneemã sẽn yaa Rĩungã sẽn be a Zezi Kirist nugẽ wã. For example, he warned his people Israel that if they turned to wickedness as the nations around them had, he would allow enemies to invade their land; destroy their capital, Jerusalem; and carry them off into exile. He uses the worldwide preaching work to show all nations the good news about his government, Jesus Christ. La woto rat n yeelame tɩ d pa tol n tõe n bãng sẽn wat beoog bɩ? [ Footnote] Does that mean that we cannot know the future? (Yɩɩl Sõamyã 55: 23) Wala d sẽn yã tɩ loogã, neb wʋsg yãame tɩ b sã n gomd b sũ - sãangã yell ne b zoa, sõngd - b - la wʋsgo. Table of Contents As we have seen, many have found it helpful to talk to their friend about their feelings. A Zezi yeela a tʋm - tʋmdb 11 wã sẽn da be ne - a yĩngr do - pʋgẽ wã tɩ: "Mam will ninga fãa sẽn ka womd biisi, b na n kɛ - a lame n lobe. Effective disciple - makers have a self - sacrificing spirit. Jesus told his 11 apostles in heaven: "Every branch in me not bearing fruit I shall pour it out. La ãnd n tõe n sɩd bãng beoog - daar sẽn na n yɩ to - to? No wonder Jehovah said of those rebels: "I became disgusted with this generation and said, " They always go astray in their hearts, and they themselves have not come to know my ways. ' But who can really know the future? Tɩ bõe, mam mii mam sẽn tẽed a soaba, la mam miime tɩ bãmb tõe n talla bũmb ning bãmb sẽn ning mam nugẽ wã hal tɩ da - kãng ta. " - 2 Tɩm. " Beyond question, " The Golden Age stated, "this convention will go down in history as an event of outstanding importance in the onward march of Truth in the republic of Mexico. " For I know which I have put faith in him, and I know that they are able to carry the things I am within. " - 2 Tim. M da nonga egiliizã fɩlɛɛr - dãmb manegre, la m nong n manegd a Maryam sõng imaazã, la "nin - sõmyã " imaaz - rãmb me. By associating with Jehovah's Witnesses, you will find out for yourself that applying Bible principles dignifies others. I grew up in church, and I enjoyed the support of Mary's images and "the pictures of images. " Bi - pugl sẽn yit Gãrãnd Bertayn t'a yʋʋr boondẽ t'a Alicia yeela woto: "Neb wʋsg tagsdame tɩ yaa ne d zo - rãmbã bal la d segd n gomd pag ne rao lagengã yelle. La pa woto ye. He was one of the disciples who fell asleep while Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane. " Many people think that it is just to talk about sex, " says a young woman from Britain. " Rat - tɩ - loogã kɩtame tɩ burkĩndã noy sa, " woto la a yeel - yã. True, Jesus felt love for a rich young ruler and invited him to be his follower. " Because of the deceptive desire of the eyes, " he said. Yẽ kẽngame n ning kaam ne rãam a poglga zĩisẽ n vil ne pɛɛla n dɩk - a n zombg a bõanga n tall - a n ta sik - zĩigẽ n ges - a yelle. Are You Willing to Wait Patiently? He went off with wine and put it upon his shoulders and took care of him and took care of him. La a sã n tagsa woto me, pa zems ye. Wẽnnaam da wilga hal daar zãr tɩ Israɛll ned pa segd n kẽ kãadem ne Kanaã soolmã neb sẽn yaa bõn - naands pʋʋsdbã, n sõdg buud kẽer meng n wilg - ba. (Yik. WHO photo by L. If he felt the same way, however, it would have been rightly wrong to conclude that an Israelite was not married to the Canaanite Canaanite nations and even list some of them. Yãmb no - goamã, la y sẽn yãkd yam n maand bũmb ninsã kɩtdame tɩ b neẽ tɩ y kɩsa sɩd t'a Zeova na n fãaga yãmb ne y zakã rãmb bɩ? With what future reward? Do your words and actions convince them that Jehovah will save you and your family? (Mat. 6: 10) A Zezi sẽn yaa rĩm ning Wẽnnaam sẽn yãkã, a tõog n yeela a kɩɩsdbã woto: "Wẽnnaam soolem bee yãmb sʋka. " Why was it imperative for first - century Christians to act without delay on seeing Jerusalem surrounded by encamped armies? As King of God's Kingdom, Jesus could say to his opposers: "God's kingdom is in your midst. " A na n kõ - d - la a laafɩ wã, tɩ d yam gãande. It is the gift of God. " He will bless us with peace of mind. Nonglem hakɩkã wa b sẽn vẽneg - a Biiblã pʋgẽ wã zɩ n yɩ zug bãngr bũmb bal ye. We, of course, want to be careful to " mind our own business ' and not to " meddle in other people's affairs. ' True love, as revealed in the Bible, has never been an accurate knowledge of truth. (Sɩngre 1: 27, 28; Ezai 45: 18) Wẽnnaam a Zeova wilgame t'a sã n pʋlem bũmbu, pa vaand ye. What is the revolt of Jacob? Jehovah God has shown that he always does what he promises. (1 Zã 3: 19, 20) Sẽn paase, tigingã kãsem dãmb pʋʋsg tõe n sõng - d - la tẽebã wɛɛngẽ, bala pʋʋs - kãens tara pãng wʋsgo. - Zak 5: 13 - 16. THE HOLY SPIRIT IN ACTION Moreover, the prayers of Christian elders can help us spiritually, for such prayers are powerful. - James 5: 13 - 16. Sã n yaa woto, sok - y y meng n ges y sẽn dat n kẽng be wã võore. And I would reply, " Let him come! ' If so, ask yourself why you want to go there. YÃMB yaa ned sẽn tũud noy bɩ? At times, however, congregation elders may need to ask questions about personal matters in order to carry out their assigned duties. DO YOU consider yourself to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses? La Biiblã yeelame: "Yẽnda sẽn wa n mik t'a pãngã lebga wʋsgã, yẽnda wuka a meng tɩ wa ne a sãoongo. Bala, yẽnda maana sẽn ka zems ne Sẽn - Ka - Saab sẽn yaa yẽnda Wẽnnaamã. Yẽnda kẽe Sẽn - Ka - Saab roogã pʋg n na n yõog tɩdar wisd tẽn - kugrã zugu. " If we receive Scriptural counsel, may we appreciate it and view it as an evidence of Jehovah's love. However, the Bible says: "When he came to realize that his power was great, he humbled himself, because he did what was right in Jehovah's eyes, and he began to offer incense on the altar of Jehovah his God. " Wãn to la bũmb ning y sẽn bãng bug - tẽngã wɛɛngẽ wã na n sõng - yã? When we repent, we feel deep regret, or contrition, over something we have done or have failed to do. How can learning about hell help you? A Zezi yeela woto a mengã wɛɛngẽ: "Mam yaa sũ - mar [bɩ sũ - maasem] soaba la m yaa nin - nana. " Jehovah supported his people when they were oppressed in Egypt. Regarding himself, Jesus said: "I am mild - tempered and lowly in heart. " Yʋʋm pis - naas poore, Zʋrdẽ kʋlgã sẽn pid n puugã ra pa gɩdg Israɛll tɩ b pa kẽn ne tõogr n kẽ Kãabg Tẽngẽ wã ye. 4, 5. ty years later, the Jordan east of the Jordan did not prevent Israel from going through the conquest of the Promised Land. La kẽer me tagsdame tɩ f sã n tõdg tɩ f kõn tũ rog - n - mikã, tõe n kɩtame tɩ tẽnga neb kisg Wẽnnaam nin - buiidã. Many are looking merely for that when they go to church, and the churches are eager to cater to this desire. On the other hand, some feel that refusing to practice customs can cause the nations to hate God's people. Yaa a Zezi sẽn wa n maan Pakã ne a tʋm - tʋmdbã n sa wã la a wilg b sẽn segd n maan Soaalã zaabr dɩɩbã to - to. How can I apply it in my life or use it to help others? ' When Jesus instituted the Passover meal with his apostles, he instituted the Lord's Evening Meal. Bũmb a ye y sẽn tõe n maan n wilg y mi - beoog rẽ yĩnga, yaa y sẽn na n kelgd kãsem dãmbã sõssã neere, n modgd n tũud saglsã. Highlights From the Letters to the Corinthians One way you can show your gratitude is by listening carefully to the elders ' suggestions. " Wẽnnaam yaa nonglem " He is not quick to label us as being disloyal. " God Is Love " Rapa, bʋt - y vʋʋsem sõng yĩnga, n paam tigingã tʋʋma! Since then, they have helped more than 50 individuals to become part of our Christian brotherhood. Men, Keep On sowing with a view to the spirit, having a share in congregation activities! A Zezi wakatẽ wã, wãn to la b ra get sãan reegre? And much may be learned from what is not said. How did a stranger in Jesus ' day view a stranger? La baasgo, lɛɛrã sẽn wa n ta wã, saam - biisã taame n mik tɩ b pida roogã, hal n zoe n sɩng b tigisgã. Messengers spoke in his name, and they told his people what they needed to do in order to survive a crisis. Nevertheless, as the day came, the brothers came to realize that their house was filled with them and that they had already been gathered. Yʋʋmd 1991 tʋʋl - nif kiuugã tɛka, b yãk - a lame t'a lebg zall so - pakd Kanada ko - sʋk tẽng a ye sẽn boond tɩ Terre - Neuve. What made Enoch different from his contemporaries? Since April 1991, he was appointed as a special pioneer on the island of Canada. Tɛ - y maam so - buk sẽn yaa tɩrg pʋgẽ. " - Yɩɩl Sõamyã 27: 11. In the centuries that followed, the majority of mankind walked in the footsteps of Adam and Eve, but Jehovah did not turn his back on the human family because of such widespread disobedience. Make me walk in the path of uprightness. " - Psalm 27: 11. 23, 24. Power, however, can be defined as the "ability to act or produce an effect. " It can lie dormant in someone or something until it is needed to produce a given result. 23, 24. Wala makre, a reng n keooga Israyɛll nebã tɩ b sã n kɩɩs yẽ n maan wẽng wa b tẽn - yagsã, a na n basame tɩ b bɛɛbã wa zab ne - ba, n sãam Zerizalɛɛm sẽn yaa b na - tẽngã, la b yõg bãmb mensã n kẽng yembdo. His baptism symbolized the presenting of himself to do God's will. - Heb. For example, he warned the Israelites that if they rebelled against him, he would let their enemies come against them, destroy them, and return to their homeland. [ Tẽngr note] One thing, though, seems to hold true: Repressing your grief can be harmful mentally, emotionally, and physically. [ Footnote] Gom - zutã zĩiga Why can it be challenging to maintain a strong sense of Christian identity? Table of Contents Koe - moondb nins sẽn tõogd n maand karen - biisã sakd n mongda b mens yɛl kẽere. In view of this, the words recorded at Acts 5: 29 have never been more timely: "We must obey God as ruler rather than men. " Some of the publishers who have been able to make disciples have a self - sacrificing spirit. Rẽ n kɩt t'a Zeova gom nin - kãensã yelle, n yeel woto: "Mam yam yii ne zãmaan kãng nebã, la mam yeelame: " Daar fãa bãmb ka tagsd tags - sõma ye. La bãmb ka bãng mam soayã ye. ' Is there really any evidence that God exists, let alone loves us and cares for us? Hence, concerning such ones, Jehovah said: "I have come from this generation, and I say to them: " Not one day has come to the point of view, but they have not come to know my ways. ' " Yaa tigis - kãseng sẽn na n tigim a Zeova Kaset rãmbã fãa sẽn be Megsikã. L'Âge d'Or sebrã pʋgẽ, b yeelame: "Sãmbg kae tɩ b kõn tol n yĩm tigis - kãsengã ye. Eventually, the nation lost that unique relationship with God. It is a convention of Jehovah's Witnesses in Mexico City, U.S.A., stated: "There will never be forgotten. Yãmb sã n wa a Zeova Kaset rãmbã sʋka, y meng na n yãame tɩ Biiblã noy tũub kɩtdame tɩ nebã waoogd taaba. Nevertheless, he gave this assurance: "He that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved. " If you are among Jehovah's Witnesses, you will find that applying Bible principles contributes to showing respect for one another. Wala makre, a naaga a Zezi karen - biis nins sẽn tũ - a n kẽng Getsemane t'a tɩ pʋʋsã. God views humans as individuals with the potential of attaining to repentance. For example, he joined Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane to pray. Yaa sɩd tɩ Biiblã yeelame t'a " Zezi gesa yẽnda la a nong - a lame, ' n bool - a t'a wa tũ - a. 4, 5. True, the Bible says that Jesus " looked intently at him and loved him, ' inviting him to follow him. Sõsgã wilgda d sẽn tõe n maan to - to n da wa lebg a Sʋɩtãan ne a dũniyã yembse, la yɩ Wẽnnaam yamb sẽn wat ne nafa ninsi. Much of what is produced by this world's media can be spiritually dangerous to Christians. The article discusses how we can avoid becoming slaves of Satan and his world, and we will see how we can avoid becoming slaves of God. Bao - y paoong sɩd - sɩdã, Sẽoogo In a number of countries in Europe, crafty religious and political elements have endeavored to brand Jehovah's Witnesses a " dangerous sect, ' the same charge that was leveled against first - century Christians. Do You Have "a Heart to Know " Jehovah? Photo OMS de L. How difficult it is to obtain an appointment to speak to an important government official, let alone become his friend! Photo by P. Bõe n na n wa yɩ b keoore? Moved by deep compassion, he took the initiative to relieve the suffering of others. What future awaits them? Bõe yĩng tɩ pipi kiris - nebã sã n da wa yã sodaas sẽn gũbg Zerizalɛm bɩ b ra segd n zoe tao - tao? He failed to consider how his decision to sell his birthright would affect his relationship with Jehovah or what influence his action would have on his offspring. Why did first - century Christians need to act quickly when they saw Jerusalem surrounded by encamped armies? (Koɛ. Elena, a pioneer for over 25 years, speaks for many of us when she says: "I find the preaching work difficult. Why? 5: 13) La d sã n dat n kengd d tẽed - n - taasã raoodo, d segd n bãng - b lame. Whatever Jehovah does harmonizes with his wonderful personality. But if we want to be encouraging to fellow believers, we need to know them. Israɛll neba yel - wẽna bee ãnda rãmb zutu? For example, the Theocratic Ministry School has for over six decades helped students to be effective teachers of God's Word. Who are the sins of Israel? WẼNNAAM SẼN TƲM NE A VƲƲSEM SÕNGÃ TO - TO Paul explains: "Stand firm, therefore, with your loins girded about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness. " What is "the spirit of the world "? M leokdame: " A rat bɩ a wa! ' PICTURE in your mind your favorite fruit - a peach, a pear, a mango, or something else. I replied, "Let him come! ' B sã n wa kõ - d sagls sẽn yit Biiblã pʋgẽ bɩ d reege, la d bãng tɩ sagl - kãens wilgda vẽeneg t'a Zeova nong - d lame. They were now like an electric appliance cut off from its source of power. When we receive Scriptural counsel or accept counsel, we realize that such counsel is evidence of Jehovah's love. D sã n tek yam n kos sugri, yaa d sũur sẽn sãam wʋsg ne bũmb d sẽn maane, bɩ d sẽn da segd n maan n pa maane. 8, 9. If we were to repent, we would have been deeply distressed by what we had done or had to do. A Zeova sõnga a nin - buiidã, b sẽn da wa n namsd - b Eziptã. Even so, Christians who cannot attend meetings can share in supporting true worship. Jehovah helped his people when they were in Egypt. 4, 5. They were to be "awaiting and keeping close in mind " the presence of Jehovah's day. 4, 5. Neb wʋsg sẽn kẽnd wẽnd - dotẽ wã, yaa goam a woto buud la b rat n wʋme, tɩ b taoor dãmbã tũnugd ne rẽ n belgd - ba. (2 Tɩm. What attitude did Paul have as a disciple maker? Many who go to church want to hear this language and use it in their own way. Wãn to la m tõe n tũ - a m vɩɩmã pʋgẽ, wall m dɩk - a n sõng neb a taaba? ' 162 ⇩ How can I apply it in my life or use it to help others? ' Pipi Korẽnt dãmb ne 2 Korẽnt dãmb sɛbã vaeesgo [ Picture on page 16] Highlights From 2 Corinthians and 2 Corinthians A pa yɩt tao - tao n daag - d n bas ye. • Why is it possible for us to maintain our integrity to God? He does not immediately leave us. Rẽ tɛka, b sõnga sẽn yɩɩd neb 50 tɩ b lebg tõnd saam - biis kiris - nedemdã pʋgẽ. That is why I regularly set aside time to study the Bible and other publications in my mother tongue. " Since then, over 50 million have been helped to become our Christian brothers. Yaa a sẽn yeel gomdã to - to wã pʋgẽ la b bãngd a tagsgo. However, other resurrections were to take place before that happens. He was speaking in the way he taught his listeners. Yel - kãens fãa pʋsẽ, Wẽnnaam yãka yam n kõ neb wall malɛgs noor tɩ b gom yẽ yʋʋr yĩnga, n togs wẽn - sakdbã b sẽn tog n maanega. Yes, understanding the account about Samson underscores the fact that God's spirit can help us. In each case, angels, or angels, were given an assignment to speak to God's name, telling his faithful servants what to do. Bõe n kɩt t'a Enok ra yaa toor ne a wakatẽ nebã? The upcoming great tribulation will spell the end of Satan's entire wicked system. What made Enoch different from his contemporaries? (Sɩngre 1: 31; 3: 15) Yʋʋm kobs nins sẽn pʋglã, nebã wʋsg sẽn yɩɩd tũu a Ãdem ne a Hawa naoã, la a Zeova pa bas ãdem - biisã, kɩɩsg kãng sẽn da be zĩig fãa wã yĩng ye. I was surprised when he said yes! During the following centuries, most people followed Adam and Eve's feet, but Jehovah did not abandon that rebellion on the earth. Wẽnnaam sẽn ka to wã sẽn kõt a nin - buiidã pãng ningã kɩtdame tɩ tõnd ned kam fãa tõe n pids bũmb ning a sẽn pʋlem Wẽnnaam n dɩk a meng n kõ wã. Others benefit from the wise advice of spiritually mature ones in the congregation. God's almighty power enables us to fulfill our dedication vow. Yaa sẽn na n wilg t'a segl n saame, n na n maan Wẽnnaam daabo. - Ebre. As faithful Christians, may we always be determined to pay attention when Christ speaks and listen to what the spirit says. By doing God's will. - Heb. La bũmb a ye la d fãa segd n sak n deege: Yaa tɩ ned sã n sĩnd n pa wilgd a sũ - sãanga, tõe n waa ne bãas la yɛl a taaba. Under the Law arrangement, Jehovah provided loving assistance for "the afflicted one, " such as the orphan, the widow, and the alien resident. However, there is one thing we need to recognize: If we do not hold back from showing resentment, we may suffer emotional and other problems. Bõe yĩng tɩ tõe n yɩ toog tɩ d kell n wilg tɩ d yaa kiris - neb hakɩka? Jehovah took note of that humble shepherd who engaged in menial seasonal work as a nipper of sycamore figs - food considered fit only for the poor. Why may it be difficult to maintain our Christian identity? (Zã 16: 33) Rẽ wã yĩnga, goam nins sẽn be Tʋʋma 5: 29 pʋgẽ wã zemsa wʋsg n yɩɩd pĩndã: "A zemsame tɩ tõnd sak Wẽnnaam n yɩɩd nebã. " What skills and attitudes were needed by some of God's servants in the past? Hence, the words at Acts 5: 29 are more significant than ever: "We must obey God as ruler rather than men. " Rẽ yĩnga d tara kaset sẽn wilgd tɩ Wẽnnaam sẽn nong tõnd la a rat d neer sɩd beeme bɩ? For centuries, men of faith longed for the time when "the sacred secret " would be revealed and the first prophecy fulfilled to the vindication of Jehovah's sovereignty. - Romans 8: 19 - 21. Do we have evidence that God loves us and cares for us? Rẽ kɩtame tɩ b wa baas n kong zood sẽn ka to ning b sẽn da tar ne Wẽnnaamã. Listening to the Fine Shepherd's voice means following his guidance in all things. As a result, they lost their precious relationship with God. Yaa toog ne neb wʋsg tɩ b yãk yam n maan bũmbu. In a sense, yes. Many find it difficult to make a decision. Baasg zãnga, a kõ - d - la bas - m - yam n yeele: "Ned ninga sẽn na n tall a tẽeb hal tɩ wakat ta, a na n paama fãagre. " This means that genuine love for God is much more than just an emotional feeling of the heart. However, he assures us: "He that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved. " (2 Pɩɛɛr 3: 9) Wẽnnaam geta ãdem - biisã wa neb sẽn tõe n tek yam n kos sugri. If we allow them to, the principles found in God's Word will enlighten us and give us the guidance we need when we make decisions about the proper course to follow. God views mankind as individuals who can repent. 4, 5. For instance, advance preparation along with prayer can help our children to respond effectively when their peers try to induce them to do something wrong. - 2 Cor. 4, 5. Rũndã - rũndã, bũmb nins b sẽn wilgd televiziõ wã pʋgẽ, sẽn be ẽntɛrnetã pʋgẽ la sɛbã pʋsẽ wã wʋsg tõe n booga kiris - ned tẽebo. If hurtful speech has crept into your marriage, you can change the situation for the better. Today, much of what is presented in television programs, Internet sites, and Internet sites can weaken a Christian's faith. Erop tẽns wʋsg pʋsẽ, tũudum taoor dãmb la politik taoor dãmb n maan b sẽn na maanega, n na n kɩt tɩ nebã tags t'a Zeova Kaset rãmbã yaa " tũudum will sẽn yaa wẽnga, ' wala b sẽn da bilg pipi kiris - nebã me to - to wã. Clearly, Jesus wants his followers to be humble, that is, lowly in mind and free of pride and arrogance. In many European lands, religious and political leaders will make people feel that Jehovah's Witnesses are "a disgusting thing, " as described in the first century C.E. Ad yaa toog wʋsg tɩ f tõog n paam n seg goosneemã nin - kãseng n sõs ne - a, tɩ pa sokd paam n yɩ a zoa ye. Many emigrants return with even greater debt. How difficult it is to be able to meet a government official and talk to him without question! Rẽ yĩnga vɩɩmã tɛk sã n yaa d wa kʋʋle, n lʋɩt bãas n wa baas n ki, tara võor sɩda? 12, 13. (a) Illustrate the effects of murmuring. (b) What might prompt an individual to murmur? As old as old as old as old as old as old as old as old as old as old as old age is, is it not relevant to us? (Hebre dãmba 12: 16) A pa tags n ges a rogem - pʋɩɩrã koosg sẽn da na n toeem a zems - n - taarã ne a Zeova wã to - to, bɩ rẽ sẽn na n wa ne bũmb ning a kambã la a yagensã zut ye. Be quick to extend mercy and slow to take offense. - Eccl. He did not consider how his inheritance would change his relationship with Jehovah or what it would bring upon his offspring. A Elena sẽn yaa so - pakd na maan yʋʋm 25 wã yeelame: "M getame tɩ koe - moonegã yaa tʋʋmd sẽn pa nana. Space does not permit us to discuss the many faithful women of Bible record. " I feel that the preaching work is a challenge, " says 25 years ago. (Tõodo 32: 4) A Zeova sẽn maand bũmb ningã fãa zemsa ne a zʋg - sõmã wã. Yes, we all need patience. Everything Jehovah does is in harmony with his qualities. Wala makre, na maan yʋʋm pis - yoob la zak la woto Wẽnnaam tʋʋmdã lekoll sẽn sõngd neb wʋsg tɩ b bãngd b sẽn tõe n zãms neb Wẽnnaam Gomdã to - to tɩ yɩ sõma. Let us see how. For example, for more than six years, the Theocratic Ministry School has helped many to become effective teachers of God's Word. A Poll deng n wilga woto: "Dẽ yĩnga, bɩ y yalse, la y sẽb sɩdã tɩ yɩ yãmb sẽbdga, la y bob tɩrlem tɩ yɩ gãntika. " The Canaanites did not have the same high moral standards as Jehovah's worshippers. Earlier, Paul wrote: "Take your stand, and hold on the truth, that you may prove to be a breastplate of righteousness. " MAMS - Y n ges tɩɩg biig ning yãmb sẽn nong n yɩɩdã. Tõe n yaa gʋyaaka, banaan bɩ mangi, wall bũmb a to. In this inspired counsel, we see Jehovah's love and mercy toward repentant sinners. IMAGINE that you are a parent, a father, a father, a father, or something else. Rẽ kɩtame tɩ Wẽnnaam pa leb n teel - b zems - zãng pʋgẽ. And we will have the hope of enjoying our Maker's wonderful works forever. As a result, God no longer supported them completely. 8, 9. The ungodly world in which we live is obsessed with sex. 8, 9. Baasgo, kiris - neb nins sẽn pa tõe n wa tigissã tõe n teela tũudum hakɩkã. 6: 1 - 4. Still, Christians who cannot attend Christian meetings can support true worship. (Matɩe 24: 3) B ra segd n ket n "ningda a Zeova raarã b yamẽ wakat fãa. " In developing countries, many may simply want to have enough money to buy a cell phone, a motorbike, or a small plot of land. They needed to "keep close in mind the presence of the day of Jehovah. " A Poll manesem da yaa wãn ne neb nins a sẽn da zãmsd Wẽnnaam Gomdã? Cite examples showing the danger of acting hastily after hearing a complaint. How did Paul treat those who studied God's Word? 162 ⇩ The motive, freely admitted by the United States, is self - interest. ⇩ [ Foto, seb - neng 14] How Do People Hear "the Very Voice of Jehovah "? [ Picture on page 18] • Bõe n kɩt tɩ d tõe n kell n sak Wẽnnaam ne d sũur fãa? You might speak with the service overseer or pioneers in your congregation about how you can prepare yourself to do that. • Why can we maintain our integrity to God? Rẽ n so tɩ m baood sẽk n zãmsd Biiblã la siglgã sɛbã m mengã buud - gomdã pʋgẽ. " Overcoming Our Fears So I set aside time to study the Bible and Bible - based publications in my own language. " (Yɩɩl Sõamyã 37: 10, 11, 29; Ezai 11: 6 - 9; 35: 5, 6; 65: 21 - 23) La nanand tɩ yɩ woto, neb kẽer n segd n deng n vʋʋge. The role that Jesus plays in Jehovah's purpose is also compared to a foundation. In that way, however, some may first need to be resurrected. Sãambã sẽn yeel bũmb nins tigissã wɛɛngẽ Do not those memories continue to persuade you that Jehovah can help you to overcome or endure even more serious obstacles or adversities? - Rom. What foreigners said about the meetings (1 Korẽnt dãmba 2: 10 - 16; 13: 8; Efɛɛz rãmba 3: 16; Kolos rãmba 1: 9, 10) N - ye, d sẽn wʋm kɩbar ning sẽn tɩ loe ne a Sãmsõ wã võorã, d sɩd bãngame tɩ Wẽnnaam vʋʋsem sõngã tõe n sõng - d lame. 20: 17. Yes, when we understand the account about Samson, we know that God's spirit can help us. To - kãsengã sẽn watã pʋgẽ, a Sʋɩtãan dũni wẽngã na n sãamame. There are many challenges to developing strong faith. In the coming great tribulation, Satan's wicked system of things will be destroyed. A leokame tɩ n - yẽe, tɩ ling maam wʋsgo. " WHEAT " AND "WEEDS " GROW TOGETHER " Yes, I was surprised, " he replied. Kẽer kota tigingã neb sẽn mi Biiblã noy sõma tɩ b sõngd - ba. When a child dies, the work of raising him is incomplete, and the parents ' hopes for him are dashed. Some ask experienced members of the congregation for Scriptural guidance. D sẽn yaa kiris - neb sẽn yaa kɩs - sɩd dãmbã, Kirist sã n gomd bɩ d kelg wakat fãa, la d kelg bũmb ning vʋʋsem sõngã sẽn yetã. In modern times, the remaining ones of Christ's anointed followers have likewise become objects of the Devil's hostility. As faithful Christians, we regularly listen to what Christ says and listen to what the spirit says. Tõog kãng pʋgẽ, a Zeova kõo noy "naong rãmbã " bɩ nimbãan - dãmbã sõngr yĩnga. And it will actually occur that before they call out I myself shall answer; while they are yet speaking, I myself shall hear. " In that Law, Jehovah gave laws to "the lowly one " or to the afflicted. A ra yaa pe - kɩɩma, la a ra send kankamse. Kankamã ra yaa naong rãmb rɩɩbo. We should be comforted in knowing that he understands our distresses and that he cares about us. He was a shepherd, and he was a rich man who had enough food for the poor. Zʋg - sõma la minim bʋs la Wẽnnaam pĩnd wẽndẽ tʋm - tʋmdb ra segd n bao? If Adam had not sinned, he would never have died. What good qualities did God's servants in ancient times need to cultivate? (Rom dãmba 16: 25) Sẽn na maan yʋʋm wʋsgo, wẽn - tũudb wʋsg gũu wakat ning yel - soalgdgã sẽn na n vẽnege, tɩ pipi bãngr - gomdã pidsi, n wilg t'a Zeova n sɩd segd n yɩ yĩngr la tẽng Soaala. - Rom dãmba 8: 19 - 21. " Love Your Enemies " For many years, many of God's people have been waiting for the foretold "day of secret " to be fulfilled by Jehovah as the Sovereign Lord of the universe. - Romans 8: 19 - 21. (Zã 10: 27) Yaa d sẽn na n tũud Pe - kɩɩm - sõngã sor - wilgrã bũmb fãa pʋgẽ la d wilgd tɩ d wʋmda a koɛɛgã. No, he does not. However, since "the world through its wisdom did not get to know God, " what he uses to save people appears foolish to the world. - John 17: 25. By following the Fine Shepherd in all things, we show that we hear his voice. Bũmb a yembr n kɩt tɩ d tõe n yeel tɩ n - ye. Are you absorbed in "the deep things of God "? One way is by example. La nonglem pa sũur pʋgẽ bũmb bal ye. Throughout all eternity, we will have the opportunity and joy to deepen our appreciation for Jehovah's qualities. - Eccl. But love is more than just a feeling of love. D sã n tũud Wẽnnaam noyã sẽn be a Gomdã pʋgẽ wã, na n sõngd - d lame tɩ d sã n wa rat n maan bũmb bɩ d bãng sẽn tat Wẽnnaam yam. In fact, we may properly boast in knowing the Father. Applying God's standards found in his Word will help us to make decisions that please God. Segdame tɩ d pʋʋsd ne d kambã, la d rengd n wilgd - b b manesem sẽn tog n yɩ to - to b karen - bi - taasã sã n wa pẽdgd - b n dat tɩ b maan sẽn yaa wẽnga. - 2 Kor. My share was so small that I had to move my family to a town. We should pray with our children and tell them how they should react when their schoolmates pressure them to do what is bad. - 2 Cor. Tõnd sã n wa mik tɩ tõnd ne d kẽed - n - taagã nong n gomdame n sãamd taab sũyã, bɩ d bãng tɩ d tõe n manega d goamã tɩ yɩ sõma. Consequently, Mary accepted Jesus ' teaching and was among the first members of the Christian congregation. When we see that our marriage mate often offends one another, let us see how we can improve the quality of our speech. (Luk 14: 11) Rẽnd yaa vẽeneg t'a Zezi ratame t'a karen - biisã yɩ sik - m - mens rãmba. How does the Bible's description of a physical man differ from that of a spiritual man? Clearly, Jesus wants his followers to be humble. Wʋsg sẽn wat n lebg n wa tɩ b samã yɩɩda b sẽn wa n loogdẽ wã. Before settling in their land, the Israelites were given this warning: "It must occur that when Jehovah your God will bring you into the land that he swore to your forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to give you, great and good - looking cities that you did not build, and houses full of all good things and that you did not fill, and cisterns hewn out that you did not hew out, vineyards and olive trees that you did not plant, and you shall have eaten and become satisfied, watch out for yourself that you may not forget Jehovah. " - Deut. Many return to their homes more than when they were leaving behind. 12, 13. a) Rɩk - y makr n wilg yẽgengã biisi. b) Bõe n tõe n tus ned t'a yẽgme? Learned From His Mistakes (Jonah), 1 / 1 12, 13. (a) Illustrate how murmuring can lead to murmuring. (b) What might lead to murmuring? Bɩ d kõt sugr tao - tao, la d mao tɩ d sũur da yikd tao - tao ye. - Koɛ. An Earth - Wide Work May we be quick to forgive and do so without delay. - Eccl. Sõs - kãngã pʋgẽ, d pa tõe n sõdg pagb nins sẽn tũ Wẽnnaam tɩ b gom b yell Biiblã pʋgẽ wã n sa ye. Still, our willingness - or our reluctance - to give some of our time to others does reveal much about the depth of respect we have in our heart for our brothers and sisters. - 1 Cor. In this article, we cannot mention God - fearing women mentioned in the Bible. (Zak 5: 7) Sɩd me, yaa tɩlɛ ne kiris - ned fãa t'a tall sũ - mare. Jesus said that our worship of God must be based on truth - the truth found in the Bible. Indeed, each Christian needs to be long - suffering. Bɩ d bao n wʋm dẽ võore. And justice? Let us see why. Kanaã nebã yaool n da pa tũud noy nins a Zeova nin - buiidã sẽn tũudã ye. Jehovah Really Cares However, the Canaanites were not living up to Jehovah's standards. (2 Korẽnt dãmba 2: 5 - 8) Sagl - kãngã vʋʋsem sõng sẽn vẽneg tɩ b gʋlsã pʋgẽ, d nee a Zeova nonglmã la a ninbãan - zoeerã ne yel - wẽn - maandb nins sẽn tek yam n kos sugrã. Among them are the "twenty - four elders " in John's heavenly vision, who represent the 144,000. In his inspired counsel, we see Jehovah's loving - kindness and mercy toward repentant sinners. (Yɩɩl Sõamyã 92: 15, 16) Sẽn paase, d na n paam n dɩ d Naandã tʋʋm kãsemsã yõod wakat sẽn kõn sa. Why? Moreover, we will benefit from our Creator's wonderful works forever. Yʋʋmd 2018 wã, Kiristã kũumã tẽegr na n yɩɩ Tʋʋlg kiuug rasem 31 wã sẽn yaa Sibr daarã. Loved, 6 / 1 The Memorial of Christ's death falls on March 31, 2018, issue of The Watchtower. Daar fãa d segda yel - kãens zĩig zãnga. So their hearts motivated them to make a decision - either smoke in front of the missionary or stop altogether. Each day, such things are to be everywhere. 6: 1 - 4. [ Picture on page 10] 6: 1 - 4. Sã n yaa ned sẽn vɩ tẽng sẽn tar laog wʋsg pʋgẽ, tõe t'a na n data fut ligd sẽn yaa toogo, zag - bedre, la mobill - neere. We understand that by witnessing zealously, we demonstrate our devotion to Jehovah and our love for our neighbor. If a person lives in a prosperous country, he may need expensive clothing, a large house, and a car. Kibay a tãab bʋs n wilgd tɩ ned sã n wʋm yell n yɩ yãg - yãg n maan bũmbu, pa zemse? 1: 9. What three examples show that it is wrong to rush into a situation that is slow to anger? Tẽns a taab me n sõng tẽn - zẽmse, n tʋlg tɩ tẽn - kãens sakd bãmba. What does it mean to supplicate Jehovah? Other countries have also been willing to serve in foreign lands. Wãn to la nebã wʋmd a Zeova koɛɛgã? The book Sex Smart observes that some youths may outwardly agree with their parents ' beliefs about sex. How do people hear Jehovah's voice? Y tõe n sõssa ne y tigingã so - pakdba, wall tʋʋmdã yel - gɛt n bãng y sẽn tõe n segl y meng to - to. Other laws applied in marriage, such as when sexual relations were to be avoided. You may visit your congregation or circuit overseer to see how you can prepare for it. D sẽn tõe n tõog d sãmbsã to - to Satan has promoted other lies that could mislead us if we are not careful. How to Overcome Anxiety (Yɩɩl 87: 1, 2; 1 Kor. 3: 11; 1 Pɩɛ. [ Blurb on page 4] The Scriptures tell us: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. " Wall y tẽra a sẽn pak sor n kõ - y tɩ y tõog n tʋm a tʋʋmdã sõma bɩ? They brought with them precious cargo - 35 phonographs and a sound car. Or do you remember that he has opened the way for you to serve him effectively? 20: 17. " The earth itself will certainly give its produce; God, our God, will bless us. " - PSALM 67: 6. 20: 17. Yɩl n tall tẽeb sẽn tar pãng pa nana ye. Jehovah has shown love in every aspect of the way he has handled sin's terrible blight upon his creation. It is not easy to develop strong faith. " KI " NE "NADENS " SẼN NAAG TAAB N BƖ 11 / 1 " THAT IS NOT THAT MY PEOPLE " Biig sã n maan kaalem, modgr nins fãa a roagdbã sẽn maan n wub - a wã lebgda zaalem, la b sẽn da magd bũmb nins biigã zugã fãa sãamame. True, it may be awkward, both for you and for them. When a child dies, all his parents's efforts to raise him become futile and completely lost everything on the child's mind. Tõnd wakatã, Sʋɩtãanã kisga Kirist karen - biis nins sẽn paam vʋʋsem sõngã zaeeb n ket tẽng zugã. Faithful anointed servants of God had to meet together in discreet groups - if they could meet at all. In modern times, Satan has hated Christ's anointed followers on earth. Mam sakame tɩ b nan ka bool maam ye. Mam leokame tɩ b nan ka gom n sɛ ye. " 14, 15. (a) Which lessons in the Teacher book have motivated children? I have not yet called me, but I have also answered that they have not yet spoken. " Tʋm - tʋmd a Pɩɛɛr wilgame t'a Zeova sɩd wʋmda d zu - loeesã võore, la tɩ d yell pak - a lame. Yes, God's "invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world's creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship. " - Rom. The apostle Peter explained that Jehovah really understands our situation and cares for us. Dẽnd a Ãdem sã n da pa kɩɩsẽ Wẽnnaam n maan yel - wẽndã, a ra pa na n tol n ki ye. Because of the time they spend in the ministry and in helping out in other ways, they spend little or no time doing secular work. Thus, Adam would never die if he sinned. " Nong - y yãmb bɛɛbã " A third reason for suffering is stated at Ecclesiastes 9: 11: "I returned to see under the sun that the swift do not have the race, nor the mighty ones the battle, nor do the wise also have the food, nor do the understanding ones also have the riches, nor do even those having knowledge have the favor; because time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all. " " Love Your enemies " Rẽ yĩnga y modgda ne y sũy fãa n na n wʋm "Wẽnnaam yel - zulumsã " võor bɩ? (1 Kor. At times, we may be like Jesus ' persecuted disciples, who prayed: "Jehovah,... grant your slaves to keep speaking your word with all boldness. " Are you determined to understand "the deep things of God "? (Rom 11: 33) D sã n wa paam n vɩ wakat sẽn kõn sa, d na n ket n bãngda bũmb wʋsg a Zeova zugu. - Koɛ. What moral protection does the new personality provide? If we have the prospect of living forever, we will continue to learn much about Jehovah. - Eccl. Sɩd me, d tõe n zẽka d zug d sẽn paam n mi Ba wã. (Zer. Those enemies of Christ " blasphemed against the holy spirit ' and thus committed sin that was unforgivable. In fact, we can take pride in our knowledge of the Father. La zĩig ning b sẽn kõ maamã paooda hal wʋsgo, tɩ yɩ tɩlae tɩ maam ne m zakã rãmb yik n kẽng tẽng a ye pʋgẽ. Praying and reading the Bible help me to sleep. But where I was given, my family and I needed to move to a country where I was given. (Tʋʋma 1: 13, 14) La a sẽn maan woto wã pa wilgd t'a ra paoogda a ba - rãmba bɩ b rog - n - mikã ye. Communication through prayer is the foundation of a close relationship with God. Yet, he did not show disrespect for his fathers or their customs. Bõe la Biiblã yeta, tɩ wilgdẽ tɩ ned sẽn vɩ a mengã yĩng yaa tor ne ned vʋʋsem sõngã sẽn wilgd sore? Onlookers could see the affection Jesus felt for Lazarus and his family. How do the Scriptures indicate that a person who lives according to his own body is guided by holy spirit? 8: 1 - 3) Rẽ n so tɩ nand t'a Zeova kõ - b tẽngã, a kɩtame tɩ b keoog - b woto: "Zusoab a Wẽnnaam sã n kɩt tɩ yãmb kẽ tẽng ning bãmb sẽn da yeel y yaab rãmb a Abrahaam ne a Izaak la a Zakoob tɩ b na n kõo yãmbã, yaa tẽng sẽn tar tẽn - kãsems ne tẽn - bõoneg yãmb sẽn ka me, la rot sẽn pid ne bõn - sõma yãmb sẽn ka bĩngi, la buls yãmb sẽn ka tu, la viyn tɩɩs ne Oliiv tɩɩs yãmb sẽn ka selã tɩ y rɩ, bɩ y gũus y mens n da wa yĩm Zusoabã yell ye. " - Tõo. He told his followers: "Continue becoming merciful, just as your Father is merciful. " Therefore, before giving them the land, Jehovah warned them: "If Jehovah your God is bringing you into the land that he has spoken to you, you must enter into the land that your forefathers and Jacob and Jacob, and you must not forget them; and you must not forget the tree of the true God, and you must not eat from it. " Tʋʋmd b sẽn tʋmd dũniyã gill zugu We do not let this world distract us from our work. A Worldwide Work La baasgo, yaa d sẽn na n sakd ne yamleoog n basd yɛl a taab maaneg n kẽnd n get d taabã wall d sẽn pa na n sakd n maand woto wã n wilgd tõnd sã n sɩd waoogda d saam - biisã la d saam - bi - pogsã ne d sũurã fãa bɩ d pa waoogd - ba. - 1 Kor. It includes acceptance of and strict adherence to God's moral standards and a desire to live by what God says is right or wrong. However, we show respect for our brothers and sisters by willingly allowing other activities to influence our thinking and actions to take into account the dignity of our brothers and sisters. - 1 Cor. A Zeezi yeelame tɩ Wẽnnaam Goamã la sɩda, la tɩ d sẽn tũud Wẽnnaam to - to wã segd n zemsa ne rẽ. See how the Scriptures portray both repentant and unrepentant ones. Jesus said that God's word is truth and that our worship should be in harmony with it. La bʋʋd kaoob tɩrgã yẽ do? How does what Haggai and Zechariah proclaimed affect us today? What, though, about judging us? A Zeova sɩd geta y yelle In faith, we put full trust in the outworking of God's purposes. Jehovah Cares for You " Kãsem dãmb pisi la a naas " nins a Zã sẽn yã vẽnegrã pʋgẽ tɩ b be saasẽ wã sẽn makd neb 144 000 bee bãmb sʋka. Would You Welcome a Visit? These include "the four older men " seen in John's vision and the 144,000 in heaven. D sã n tʋmd Wẽnnaam tʋʋmdã ne yẽesem, wakatã loogda tao - tao To counteract any unnecessary anxiety caused by life's uncertainties, hold fast to the glorious hope of the resurrection. Being zealous in God's service allows time to pass quickly Bõe yĩnga? But Moses and Aaron pleaded for the lives of the people to be spared. Why? 1 / 3 At times, what might occur in a congregation, and why? 3 / 15 [ Foto, seb - neng a 9] Rather than rely on what others say, why not take a few minutes to investigate the subject for yourself? [ Picture on page 9] 3: 9; Tʋʋ. 4: 31) Tãabo, d miime tɩ d sã n moond ne yẽesem, d wilgdame tɩ d nonga a Zeova la d taabã. (Mat. Will he be inclined to open his heart and mind to Jehovah, or will he isolate himself spiritually? - Prov. We know that our zeal for the ministry is an expression of our love for Jehovah and for our neighbor. 1: 9. How does Jehovah actually feel about his rebellious people? 1: 9. Sẽn wa n yaa zu - loɛɛg ning fãa n sãamd d sũur la kõt - d yɩɩre, d segd n tũu a Poll sagl - kãngã. One thing that can help us is that we grasp fully the meaning of Jesus ' illustrations recorded in the Holy Scriptures. Regardless of the problems we face, we should heed Paul's counsel: "Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good. " Sebr a ye (La sexualité intelligente [ãngil.]) pʋgẽ, b yeelame tɩ pag ne rao lagengã wɛɛngẽ, kom - bɩɩs kẽer yetame bal tɩ b saka b roagdbã sẽn tẽed bũmb ningã. One reason for human suffering is that Satan wants to break the integrity of Jehovah's faithful people. " Some young people say that they agree with their parents because they believe what they believe. (Tõodo 22: 28, 29) Noy a taab n da be kãadmã wɛɛngẽ, wala sasa nins b sẽn da segd n lak b mens ne pag ne rao lagengã. How may sinful humans avail themselves of God's mercy? There were other laws on marriage, as when they were to abstain from sexual immorality. A Sʋɩtãan yelgda zɩlem - beed a taab me tɩ d sã n pa gũus bɩ b tõe n menes - do. Many people have tried. Satan also promotes other lies that could be wiped out or wiped out. [ Goam sẽn tar pãngã, seb - neng a 4] However, their presence was still reported in Mesopotamia and Syria until the 19th century and in Iran and Iraq as late as the first part of the 20th century. [ Blurb on page 4] B zãa teed sẽn na n sõng koɛɛgã mooneg pʋgẽ hal wʋsgo. Yɩɩ fõnograf - rãmb 35, la mobill sẽn tar alo - alo. • How can we "flee from fornication "? They worked in the ministry full - time, and they worked to help in the field ministry. " Tẽngã bõn - koaadlã womda biisi. Wẽnnaam sẽn yaa tõnd Wẽnnaamã ningda tõnd zut barka. " - YƖƖL SÕAMYÃ 67: 7. As a result, only he has the right to tell us how to walk. " The earth produces fruit; the God of our God, is blessing us. " - PSALM 67: 7. Bũmb nins fãa a Zeova sẽn maan n na n welg zu - loees nins fãa yel - wẽndã sẽn wa ne wã pʋgẽ, a wilga a nonglmã. Brother Franz had a remarkable memory and the amazing ability to concentrate totally on what was being read. Jehovah has shown his love in all that he has done to solve the problem caused by sin. 1 / 9 From earliest times, faithful servants of Jehovah stood out as different from those in the ungodly world in which they lived. 9 / 15 (Efɛɛz rãmba 6: 4) Yaa sɩd tɩ yãn - zoeer tõe n kɩtame tɩ yãmb ne y kambã fãa pa rat n gom rẽ yell ye. This indicates that the baptismal candidates recognize that the holy spirit is Jehovah's active force, used in various ways in harmony with his purpose. Of course, self - control can hinder you and your children from speaking about it. B ra soosd n tigimda taab sul - bõoneg pʋsẽ n zãmsd Biiblã, la sãnda meng ra pa tõe n tigim taab ye. Because of Jehovah's undeserved kindness, what responsibilities do we have? They gathered in small groups to study the Bible, but others could not meet together. 14, 15. a) Zãms - bʋs sẽn be Enseignant sebrã pʋgẽ n kɩt tɩ kamb tʋlg n lebg sakdba? Today, some clergymen likewise falsely accuse Jehovah's Witnesses of being a threat to national security. 14, 15. (a) What teachings in the book of Learn From the Great Teacher move children to be obedient? Biiblã yeela woto: "Sẽn sɩng ne dũni naanego, nebã nee Wẽnnaam pãng kãsengã sẽn ka sɛtã nin sẽn ka tõe n yã wã, la b Wẽnnaamlemã sõama, b sã n tags n ges bũmb nins bãmb sẽn maanã. " - Rom. It is familiar to people around the world. " From the founding of the world, " says the Bible, "the eyes of God are perceived by the invisible God and are perceived by the things he has made. " - Rom. Betɛllã kõt - b - la ligd bilf kiuug fãa, bala b pa tar sẽk tɩ sek b na tʋm n ges b mens yell ye. 9: 1 - 5, 9; 10: 1. The branch office gives them a small amount of money because they do not have enough time to care for themselves. B wilga bũmb a tãab - n - soab sẽn wat ne namsgã Koɛɛg Soaba 9: 11 "Mam leb n yãame tɩ dũniyã zug ka, ka neb sẽn zoet tao - tao n tõogd zoees ye, la ka gãndaadã n tõogd zabr ye, la ka yam dãmb n paamd rɩɩb ye, la ka bãngdbã n paamd arzɛgs ye, la ka nin - yẽesems n paamd pẽgr me ye. The lesson? A third factor that causes suffering is described at Ecclesiastes 9: 11: "I have also seen that the world is not slow respecting war, nor the desire of the wise ones to eat, nor do wise people have food. (Yɩɩl Sõamyã 119: 42) Wakat kãense, d tõe n yɩɩ wa a Zezi karen - biisã b sẽn namsã sẽn pʋʋs woto wã: " Zeova,... kõ - y yãmb tʋm - tʋmdba raood kãsenga tɩ b togs yãmb koɛɛgã. ' Yes, rather than focus on Kingdom interests, such ridiculers focus on themselves and on their own selfish desires. At such times, we can be like the persecuted disciples of Jesus who prayed: "Jehovah... gave you the strength to speak your word with all boldness. " Pag ne a sɩd sã n yeelg nin - paalgã, wãn to la na n sõng - b tɩ b ra yo? Unmerited Manifestation of Goodness How can put on the new personality help husbands and wives to avoid sexual immorality? Nin - kãensã sẽn yaa Kiristã bɛɛbã sẽn maan woto wã, b " tʋʋsa sɩɩg sõngã, ' tɩ yaa yel - wẽnd sẽn ka tõe n paam sugri. Jehovah is the supreme Lawgiver. As Christ's enemies, they are "aglow with the spirit, " a sin that cannot be forgiven. La m sã n pʋʋs la m karem Biiblã, sõngd - m lame tɩ m tõog n gũsi. In time, she was reinstated in the congregation. But when I pray and read the Bible, I help me to stay awake. 86: 3) D sã n pelgd d pʋg n gomd ne d saasẽ Ba wã, n togsd - a sẽn be d sũurẽ wã, kɩtdame tɩ d zoodã paasdẽ. " All those who were rightly disposed for everlasting life became believers. " - ACTS 13: 48. When we pour out our heart to our heavenly Father, we draw closer to him. Neb nins sẽn zĩnd be wã yãa vẽeneg t'a Zezi nonga a Lazaar ne a tãopã wʋsgo. While the first part of the book of Daniel is presented chronologically in the third person, the last part is written in the first person. Those present saw Jesus ' deep love for Lazarus and his sister. A yeela a karen - biisã woto: "Yɩ - y nimbãan - zoɛtba, wala Ba wã sẽn ya nimbãan - zoetã. " How Can We Maintain "a Waiting Attitude "? 11 / 15 He told his disciples: "Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely even if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. " D pa basd tɩ dũniyã neb tiis - d ye. As there were Flood survivors, so there will be those who survive the end of the present system of things. We do not allow the world to distract us. (Yɩɩl Sõamyã 115: 11) Wẽn - zoeerã baoodame me tɩ d sak Wẽnnaam no - tɩrsã sõma la d tũ - ba, tɩ Wẽnnaam sã n yeel tɩ bũmb yaa tɩrg bɩ wẽnga, bɩ d sak tɩ sɩd yaa woto. The name Edom (meaning "Red ") was given to Esau after he sold his precious birthright to Jacob for some red stew. Fear of God also requires that we obey God's righteous standards and obey them when God says that something is right or wrong. 7: 10, 11) Kibay n be Biiblã pʋgẽ, n gomd neb sẽn tek yam la neb sẽn pa tek yam yelle. Prophecy 1. The Bible contains examples of individuals who were unrepentant and unrepentant. A Aze ne a Zakari sẽn togs bũmb ninsã segd n kɩtame tɩ d maan bõe rũndã - rũndã? Who can know it? What effect should the words of Haggai and Zechariah have on us today? Sẽn na n baase, d tõe n kõo Wẽnnaam maand ne d tʋʋm - sõma wã, d sẽn na n sõngd n moond koe - noogã. In Jesus ' day, the prophetess Anna lost her husband after only seven years of marriage. Finally, we can offer God our good works by doing the work of preaching the good news. Yãmb ratame tɩ b wa ges - y bɩ? In fact, to aid us in our spiritual warfare, Jesus described a number of specific problems that we would face during these last days. Would You Welcome a Visit? (Koɛɛg Soaba 9: 11) Sẽn na yɩl n da maan yɩɩr zaalem ne vɩɩmã yel - lingdim, bɩ y gãd vʋʋgrã saagr sẽn be ziirã kãn - kãe. Like David, fearers of Jehovah will soon be able to look back and rejoice at being redeemed from any guilt because of sin and rescued from all their trials. To avoid being anxious about the dangers of life, hold firmly to the glorious resurrection hope. La a Moiiz ne a Aarõ bõosa Wẽnnaam t'a kogl nin - buiidã vɩɩm. One group stood out in his mind. Yet, Moses and Aaron begged God to protect the lives of his people. Tigingã kãsem dãmb la a nebã fãa sẽn yaa koangdbã yĩnga, mo - yõs la zu - loees a taab mi n beeme. In fact, we can specifically ask for holy spirit because Jesus assures us that "the Father in heaven [will] give holy spirit to those asking him! " - Luke 11: 13. Because of inherited imperfection, congregation elders, and others, there are many problems and problems. Ra n tẽ - y nebã sẽn yetã bal ye. Yaa sõma tɩ yãmb mengã bao n bãng Biiblã sẽn sɩd yet bũmb ningã. She did what she could. " Do not believe what people say; you are wise to find out what the Bible really teaches. A na n sak n tũuda a Zeova ne pʋ - peelem bɩ, bɩ a na n baka toor n maand a sẽn date? - Yel. It is the way we are designed to live, the way that yields the greatest joy. Will he be willing to serve Jehovah with a pure heart, or will he avoid any mistakes he may make? - Prov. A Zeova nin - buiidã sẽn zãgs - a wã, maan - a la bõe? He is never arbitrary or heavy - handed. What did Jehovah do when his people rejected him? Bũmb a ye yaa d sẽn na n modg n wʋm a Zezi yel - bũnã võor sõma. He will be joyful over you with happy cries. ' " - Zephaniah 3: 14 - 17. One way is by getting an accurate understanding of Jesus ' illustrations. Bũmb a ye sẽn kɩt tɩ ninsaalbã namsdẽ yaa t'a Sʋɩtãan baood n na n sãama a Zeova nin - buiidã sẽn tar kɩs - sɩd ne - a wã burkĩndi. On occasion, Jehovah used the angels to encourage and strengthen faithful humans. One reason why humans suffer is that Satan seeks to destroy Jehovah's loyal servants. 12 Wãn to la ãdem - biisã sẽn dog ne yel - wẽnã tõe n dɩ Wẽnnaam nimbãan - zoeerã yõodo? COVER SUBJECT | ANGELS - ARE THEY REAL? 12 How can imperfect humans benefit from God's mercy? Neb wʋsg n mak n na n wa ne toeengo. She noted that in the congregation, some brothers who were from certain parts of Latin America made tactless and disparaging remarks about her homeland, its customs, and even its music. Many try to change. La kẽer yetame tɩ bõn - yẽes kell n zĩnda Mezopotami la Siiri n tãag yʋʋmd 1800 wã loogr poore, la tɩ Irã la Irake, b taa yʋʋmd 1900 wã loogr poore. What incomparable gift has Jehovah offered humans? In the 19th century C.E., however, some say that it continued to dwell in Syria and Syria until the first century C.E. and that it was completed in the 20th century. • Wãn to la d tõe n "zoe yoobo "? 15, 16. • How can we "flee from fornication "? (Wilgri 4: 11) Rẽ kɩtame tɩ yaa yẽ bal n tar sor n na n wilg tõnd d sẽn segd n kẽn to - to. Can you picture yourself on the other side of Armageddon, your heart swelling with similar appreciation? As a result, he alone has the right to instruct us how to walk. Sẽn paase, b sã n karemd sebr t'a kelgdẽ, a yamã fãa bee rẽ zugu, hal tɩ bũmb pa tõe n tiis - a nana ye. 119: 128. Moreover, it is not easy to be distracted when they read it. Hal pĩnd n tãag masã, neb nins sẽn tũud a Zeova ne pʋ - peelmã yaa toor ne dũniyã nebã. I said, "No, it doesn't. " Throughout history, faithful servants of Jehovah stand out as different from the world. Woto wilgdame tɩ sẽn dat - b n deeg lisgã sak n deegame tɩ vʋʋsem sõngã ya a Zeova pãng sẽn tʋmde, a sẽn tũnugd ne manesem toɛy - toɛy tɩ zems ne a raabã. If deep down in his heart a Christian continues to love "the things behind " - that is, certain aspects of the world's way of life - he is in danger of losing his good standing with God. Thus, baptismal candidates recognize that the holy spirit is Jehovah's active force in various ways. A Zeova bark sẽn ka to wã kɩtame tɩ d segd n maan bõe? D sũur nooma wʋsg ne a Zeova, a barkã sẽn ka to wã yĩnga. How can parents imitate Jesus ' example in teaching? Jehovah's undeserved kindness motivates us to do what, and how do we feel about Jehovah's undeserved kindness? Rũndã - rũndã, tũudmã nanambs kẽer me rõta a Zeova Kaset rãmbã n yetẽ tɩ b sãamda tẽngã bãane. In what ways did the early Christians make good use of the relative ease of travel and the widespread knowledge of Greek? Today, some religious leaders also accuse Jehovah's Witnesses of destroying the earth. D na n goma yel - kãensã a tãabã a sẽn maandã yelle. Contacting them or submitting to their influence is not to be taken lightly, for they, just like their leader, Satan the Devil, would like to devour us. Let us consider three ways. Neb wʋsg mii kiba - kãngã. An opposer may also have refused to listen to any explanation from the Bible because of prejudice or pride. Many are familiar with that illustration. 9: 1 - 5, 9; 10: 1. Josiah's son Jehoahaz succeeded him as king, but he did "what was bad in Jehovah's eyes. " 9: 1 - 5, 9; 10: 1. 10: 6 - 11, 19) Rẽ wilgda tõnd bõe? In spite of my best intentions, I find it very difficult to master my feelings and my desires. What can we learn from this? Sɩd - sɩda, nin - kãensã pa lʋɩɩsd Wẽnnaam Rĩungã yɛl taoor ye. Yaa b mensã, la b raab toɛy - toɛyã yell bal n pʋd n pak - ba. Regular prayer to God helps to invigorate us. Surely they do not put God's Kingdom first, but they do not focus solely on their own interests. B talla sõmblem ne - do, la b maan - d lohorem In 1943 the Witnesses put on sandwich signs to advertise the "Free Nation's " Theocratic Assembly held in 12 Mexican cities. Kindness and freedom were shown to us A Zeova n yaa noy Kõt sẽn ka to. According to Jehovah's Word, to achieve this unity, we need humility. Jehovah is the Sermon on the Mount. A Sonya yamã sẽn wa n wa, a maana bũmb nins sẽn yaa tɩlaeyã sẽn na yɩl n le paam zems - n - taar ne a Zeova, tɩ b wa sak n deeg - a tigingã pʋgẽ yɛsa. And what glory this brings to his name! At the time of his wisdom, he made arrangements to get back into a relationship with Jehovah, and he was reinstated again in the congregation. 13: 48, NW. When faced with difficulties and problems, let us not fixate on what may appear to have been positive things in the past - perhaps even before we came to a knowledge of the truth. 13: 48. A Daniɛll gʋlsa a sebrã pipi babg n wilg yɛlã tɩ pʋgd taab wala yaa ned a to n get n togsd - a t'a gʋlsdẽ, la a gʋlsa babg a yiib - n - soabã wa yẽ meng n get yɛlã n gʋlsdẽ. Indeed, he will draw close to us. But do these inspired words mean that we - sinful, imperfect humans - take the first step? In his first book of the book of Daniel, Daniel describes matters as being open, and he wrote a second letter to the secretary. Kãsem - dãmbã, rɩk - y pe - kɩɩm - kãsemsã togs - n - taare 1 / 11 • if offered a business opportunity? Imitate the Greatest Shepherds, 11 / 15 Wala neb sẽn põs sãoong sa - kãsengã sasa wã, neb n na n põs dũni - kãngã sãoongã sasa me. ▪ "Never be anxious and say, " What are we to eat? ' Those who survive the Flood will also survive the end of this wicked system of things. B pʋda a Ezayu yʋʋr tɩ Edom, (sẽn dat n yeel tɩ "Miuugu "), a sẽn koos a rogem pʋɩɩr sẽn tar yõodã ne a Zakoob n tek ne beng - miuugã poore. In the Bible, we can find the direction and help that we need Esau's name is called Edom (a·gaʹa) after he sold his precious inheritance to Jacob after their Exodus. Pipi. 15: 28. First. Mam yaa Zusoaba. Be assured that you can find healthy forms of recreation and good entertainment. I am Jehovah. Wõnda b pa paam biig me ye. Bõe n sõng a Ann a zu - loɛɛgã pʋgẽ? We, though, have willingly come to know Jehovah. What helped Hannah to cope with the challenges she faced? (1 Korẽnt dãmba 10: 13) Sɩda, sẽn na yɩl n sõng tõnd d tẽebã zabr pʋgẽ, a Zezi sõdga zu - loees takɩ d sẽn na n seg yaoolem day kãensã sasa. Paul said: "Our being adequately qualified issues from God, who has indeed adequately qualified us to be ministers of a new covenant. " Indeed, in order to help us in our spiritual warfare, Jesus mentioned specific problems that we face during these last days. (1 Rĩm dãmba 1: 29) Ka la bilfu, sẽn zoet - b a Zeova wã sã n wa tagsd bũmb nins sẽn loogã yell wa a Davɩɩde, b sũurã na n yɩɩ noog a Zeova sẽn fãag - b ne yel - wẽndã la b zu - loeesã fãa wã. Moreover, "a book of remembrance " is to be written up for those in fear of Jehovah. - Malachi 3: 1, 3, 5, 16. Soon, when those who fear Jehovah feel as David did, they will be delighted to experience Jehovah's deliverance from sin and its problems. A yãame tɩ sull a yembr n da yaa toor wʋsg ne a taabã. Could you take some steps to assist a weak one in your congregation? He saw that one group was very different. Sɩd me, a Zeezi yeelame tɩ d sã n kos d Ba sẽn be saasẽ wã a vʋʋsem sõngã, a na n kõ - d lame. - Luk 11: 13. Why should we pursue the course of truthfulness? In fact, Jesus promised that if we ask our heavenly Father for holy spirit, he will give us it. - Luke 11: 13. A maana a sẽn tõe. ' Only some individuals among the captive Israelites would realize how good things had been when their forefathers had served Jehovah. He did what he could. ' A naana tõnd a raabã maaneg yĩnga, tɩ d sã n maand rẽ bɩ kõt - d sũ - noogo. After he had fasted for 40 days and nights and "felt hungry. " He created us for his service, and doing so brings us joy. A zɩ n tʋm ne a pãngã tɩ looge, bɩ n wilg toom tɩ loog noor ye. His coat of mail weighed about 125 pounds [57 kg], and he carried a massive spear and a large sword. He never used his power to stop or worse. Bãmb na n kɩdma yãmb yĩng n yɩɩl wa b sẽn da maan kibsa wakatã. ' " - Sofoni 3: 14 - 17. • How are you being built up by the local congregation? They will exult over you, just as at the time of the festival. " - Zephaniah 3: 14 - 17. A Zeova mii n tũnuga ne malɛgs n keng ninsaalb sẽn yaa wẽn - sakdb raoodo, la a kõ - b pãnga. But God's inspired Word speaks of slavery that involves willing service to a loving Master. Jehovah knows through angels and empowered faithful humans. SEBRÃ GOM - ZUG SÕSGÃ | MALƐGSÃ: B SƖD BEEME BƖ? This is the kind of education that is needed today. COVER SUBJECT ARE THEY REAL? A Zoyila yeelame tɩ b kẽer ra mi n gomda yẽ tẽngã neb minimd la b mizikã yell n maand laado. In the eighth century B.C.E., when Micah prophesied, God's covenant people were divided into two nations - Israel and Judah - and both were ignoring God's covenant. " Some of them spoke about her culture and music, " she says. Kũun bʋg sẽn ka mak - n - taag la a Zeova kãab ninsaalbã? It is proper to yearn for the end of wickedness. What priceless gift did Jehovah offer to mankind? 15, 16. After graduating, Riana kept his promise. 15, 16. (Sɩng. 6: 9) Mams - y n ges - y yãmb me sũur sẽn na n yɩ noog to - to Armagedõ poore, sã n mik tɩ y põsame. However, this same power later came close to eradicating God's people. Think, too, of how you will feel after Armageddon. " Yaa woto yĩng la mam get tɩ noy nins fãa f sẽn kõ wã yaa tɩrse. " - YƖƖL 119: 128, MN. Isaiah prophesied: "Your eyes must become eyes seeing your Grand Instructor. " 119: 128. Tɩ mam leok - a tɩ sɩd ka võor ye. No one who attacks his sovereignty or who refuses to submit to godly authority will be there. I said to him that it didn't mean it. 25: 1, 2, 27) Kiris - ned sã n " wẽnemd n get a poorẽ, ' rat n yeel t'a sã n get bũmb nins sẽn be dũniyã pʋgẽ wã kẽer n dat - ba, zood ning a sẽn tar ne a Zeova wã tõe n wa sãamame. Because Jehovah created humans in his image and thus made it possible for us to reflect his beautiful qualities. - Gen. A Christian who " keeps on looking at his face ' - to - face with some of the things in the world - may lose his friendship with Jehovah. Kambã zãmsg wɛɛngẽ, wãn to la roagdbã tõe n dɩk a Zeezi togs - n - taare? (Read John 11: 33 - 36.) How can parents imitate Jesus in teaching children? Pipi kiris - nebã wakate, soayã togb ra lebga nana, tɩ neb wʋsg wʋmd gɛrk buud - gomdã me. Wãn to la rẽ sõng koɛɛgã mooneg pʋgẽ? For one thing, the knowledge of God has great value. In the first century C.E., it was easy for people to become familiar with the Greek language and to use their local language in the ministry. Bao n gom ne - ba, bɩ sak b pãn - tusdgã pa bũmb d sẽn segd n ges wa yel - bil ye, bala wala b taoor soab a Sʋɩtãan Munaafɩɩka, b rat n sãama tõndo. 10, 11. (a) How did Jesus and Paul show themselves to be alert and observant? Learning to speak to them, let them accept their influence, not something that we should view as a small thing, as their leader, Satan the Devil, would like to destroy us. Kɩɩsd ning me tõe n tõdgame tɩ b ra wilg - a bũmb sẽn be Biiblã pʋgẽ, a sẽn yãgd n sãbsd neb a taabã, wall wuk - m - meng yĩnga. Many of the faithful ones whom Paul mentioned had circumstances similar to ours. Or the driver may refuse to explain something in the Bible because he is critical of others or proud. A Zozɩas biig a Zoakaaz sẽn wa n lebg rĩmã, a maana bũmb wʋsg n "beeg Zu - soabã. " Do Not Look at "the Things Behind " When Josiah's son Josiah became king, he did many things "in the eyes of Jehovah. " Baa ne mam tʋlsem sõma wã fãa, m neeme tɩ yaa toog wʋsg tɩ m tõog m yĩn - sidsã la m tʋlsmã. 19: 12. Despite my best intentions, I find it difficult to control my feelings and desires. Wãn to me la d tõe n wilg tɩ d bɩtame? What Lesson for Us? How can we make our advancement manifest? D sã n pʋʋsd Wẽnnaam wakat fãa, sõngd n kõt - d - la pãnga. See the articles "Christians Worship With Spirit and Truth " and" They Keep On Walking in the Truth " in The Watchtower of July 15, 2002. Our regular prayer to God helps us to do so. Yʋʋmd 1943, a Zeova Kaset rãmbã sẽn da be Megsikã boba pãnkart - rãmb n gilg n bool nebã tɩ b wa tigis - kãseng sẽn da na n zĩnd tẽns 12 pʋgẽ. What serious problem existed in the congregation in Ephesus, and how might we deal with a similar situation? In 1943, the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses in Mexico called at a convention that would be held in 12 countries. Biiblã wilgame tɩ d sã n dat n zems taab a woto, d segd n yɩɩ sik - m - meng rãmba. Give examples. If we want to do so, we must be humble. La woto waa ne ziir sõma a yʋʋrã zugu. Is it different from urgency? And that brought glory to his name. D sã n wa tar zu - loeese, d pa segd n tagsdẽ tɩ pĩndã, wala makre, nand tɩ d bãng sɩdã, d yɛlã ra pa gĩi woto ye. When you come to respect a friend, you likely try to learn from his example and good qualities. When problems arise, we should not feel that we do not feel that way before we come to know the truth, such as before we learned it. La gom - kãngã Wẽnnaam sẽn vẽneg tɩ b gʋlsã rat n yeelame tɩ yaa tõnd ninsaalbã sẽn yaa yel - wẽn maandb la pa - zems - zãng rãmbã n yɩ pipi n bao n na n pẽneg Wẽnnaam bɩ? They exclaimed: "See! The world has gone after him. " - John 12: 19. Does that inspired statement mean, though, that our sinful and imperfect human nature was the first step toward drawing close to God? • b sã n wa kãab - d afɛɛre? WHAT IS A COMMON OBJECTION? Humans are resourceful. • when we are promised? ▪ "Bɩ yãmb da maan yɩɩr ye, la y ra yeele: Tõnd na n dɩɩ bõe? What did Jesus mean when he told his apostles: "Keep bearing much fruit "? ▪ "Never be anxious and say, " What are we to eat? ' A sẽn nong - d la a rat d neerã yĩnga, a pʋd n yet - d lame yaa: "Mam yaa Zu - soaba, yãmb Wẽnnaam. It may be helpful to review the six lines of evidence indicating that we are living in "the last days " that were outlined on pages 12 - 13 of the January 15, 2000, issue of The Watchtower. - 2 Timothy 3: 1. Because he loves and cares for us, he tells us: "I, Jehovah, am your God, the One teaching you to benefit yourself, the One causing you to tread in the way in which you should walk. 15: 28. A shepherd in ancient Israel used a long curved staff, or crook, to guide his flock. 15: 28. Maan - y y sẽn tõe fãa n kɩt tɩ y kãadmã tall pãnga The Nephilim and their fathers took wickedness to new lows. Make the Marriage a Success of Your Marriage Pipi, yaa y bãng tɩ reem sẽn yaa sõma beeme, la reem wʋsg naaga ne yɛl Wẽnnaam sẽn kisi. Even under those distressing circumstances, David continued to trust in God, and he was not disappointed. First, you know that it is a wholesome form of recreation that is acceptable and acceptable to God. (Yik. 5: 1, 2; 9: 16; 12: 29) Tõnd yẽ bao n bãnga a Zeova. Jesus indicated this when he prayed to his Father in these words: "I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and intellectual ones and have revealed them to babes. " We have come to know Jehovah. A Poll yeelame: "Tõnd sẽn paam zʋgd nins sẽn zemsã yita Wẽnnaam nengẽ, sẽn sɩd kɩt tɩ tõnd paam zʋgd nins sẽn zemsã sẽn na yɩl n yɩ kaool paalgã tʋm - tʋmdbã. " For example, help your children to picture what the apostle John saw in a striking vision - a magnificent emerald - green rainbow surrounding the throne of Jehovah. " Our being adequately qualified is from God, " wrote Paul, "that we might be ministers of the new covenant. " Sẽn paase, "b gʋlsa sebr Zusoaba nengẽ neb nins sẽn zoet bãmb la b waoogd bãmb yʋʋra tẽegr yĩnga. " - Malaki 3: 1, 3, 5, 16. The shepherd takes the initiative and makes a deliberate effort to find the missing sheep. Moreover, "the book of Jehovah was written for those fearing him and for those thinking upon his name. " - Malachi 3: 1, 3, 5, 16. Yãmb tõe n maana bũmb n sõng ned sẽn ka pãng yãmb tigingã pʋgẽ bɩ? In fact, love is a hallmark of a Christian marriage. Can you help someone who is weak in your congregation? Bõe yĩng tɩ d segd n yɩ sɩd rãmba? Later, he summarized the book of Ecclesiastes with the words: "The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the true God and keep his commandments. Why Be Faithful? Yaa neb a wãn Israɛll yembsã sʋk bal n bãng tɩ b yaab rãmbã sẽn da balemd a Zeova wã ra wata ne bark la sũ - noogo. Show Christlike Faith and Courage Only a few Israelites learned that their forefathers ' worship of Jehovah meant blessings and joy. Rẽ t'a Zezi loee noor rasem 40, wĩntoog la yʋngo, tɩ "kom " da tar - a. Reflecting on what questions can help us to "abhor what is wicked " and" cling to what is good "? Jesus then set a standard for 40 days, day and night, with "a famine. " A kut fuugã zɩslem da zemsa kɩlogram 57. Sẽn paase, a ra zãada kãnd sẽn yaa bedr wʋsg ne sʋ - bedre. But what about us individually? Its hair was about to fall, and it covered a huge snake with a huge sword. • Y sẽn kẽnd tigissã, wãn - wãn la keng y tẽebã? Who will save us from all of this? • As you attend Christian meetings, how has your faith been strengthened? La Biiblã gomda neb sẽn yãk yam n lebg yembse, b Zu - soabã sẽn pa toaag yĩnga. And through the prophet Isaiah, Jehovah himself said pointedly: "Woe to those wise in their own eyes. " - Isa. 5: 21. However, the Bible speaks of those who chose to become slaves because of their cruel master. Vɩɩmã sẽn yaa to - to rũndã - rũndã wã kɩtame tɩ d sɩd rat bãngr a woto. 15: 6 - Why did the Kenites receive special consideration from Saul? This is what we need in order to acquire such knowledge. Yʋʋm kob - gĩnd a nii soab sẽn deng Kirist zãmaanã, a Miise sẽn da wa n togsd bãngr - goamã wakat tɩ buud ning Wẽnnaam sẽn da maan kaool ne wã ra welgame n lebg buud a yiibu, Israɛll la Zida. At those meetings and at assemblies and conventions, we consider Bible - based material that builds faith in God and his promises. - Heb. In the eighth century B.C.E., when Micah prophesied that God's covenant covenant with the nation of Israel had become a holy nation, Israel and Judah. Sɩd zemsame tɩ d tʋll tɩ wẽngã sa tao - tao. When Joshua addressed the older men of Israel, what was the situation of Israel, and what did Joshua say? It is only natural to long for evil. La baa d sẽn pa zems zãngã, d tõe n bãnga bũmb nins nebã sẽn datã. She wanted to pardon Blessing's debt and to ask for her forgiveness. Despite our imperfection, however, we can come to know what people need. A sẽn paam a ɛgzame wã, a pidsa a pʋlengã. Jack says that at times he feels intense loneliness. When she was older, she fulfilled her vow. 36: 22, 23) La kaoosg zugẽ, Meed la Pɛrs soolmã wa n baoome n na n menes Wẽnnaam nin - buiidã. To begin with, by taking an interest in the brothers in the congregation - regularly working with them in the field ministry and helping them improve their ability to handle "the word of the truth aright. " Eventually, however, the Medo - Persian Empire and Medo - Persia tried to wipe God's people out. A Ezai togsa woto bãngr - gomd pʋgẽ: "Yãmb ninã segd n yɩɩ nin sẽn yãt y Karen - saam Kãsengã. " What help does God provide with regard to selecting a marriage mate? Isaiah prophesied: "Your eyes must be opened to see your Grand Instructor. " B pa na n bas ned sẽn kɩɩsd a naam sẽn ka to wã bɩ sẽn zãgsd t'a kõn sak Wẽnnaam zu - sobendã t'a zĩnd be ye. Antichrist, 6 / 1 They will not abandon anyone who opposes his sovereignty or who refuse to submit to God's authority. Bala, a Zeova naana ninsaal a meng wẽnego, t'a tõe n dɩk a togs - n - taare, n tall zʋg - sõma buud toor - toore. - Sɩng. The rights of non - Israelites were somewhat limited, yet the Israelites were required to treat them respectfully and fairly. Because Jehovah created man in his image, made it possible for humans to reflect his qualities, qualities, and qualities. - Gen. (Karm - y Zã 11: 33 - 36.) Man is a physical creature, not a spirit. (Read John 11: 33 - 36.) Wẽnnaam bãngrã tara yõod wʋsgo. The prophecy of Amos has helped us to see that divine judgment is always deserved and is inescapable. Knowledge of God is vital. 10, 11. a) Wãn to la a Zezi ne a Poll fãa wilg tɩ b ra yaa gũusdba? On this account you too prove yourselves ready, because at an hour that you do not think to be it, the Son of man is coming. " 10, 11. (a) How did both Jesus and Paul show a sense of urgency? A Zeova ra yeela a Abrahaam ne a Saara tɩ b yik n bas b ba - yirã n toeem tẽnga. Are you putting into practice what you are learning? Jehovah told Abraham and Sarah to leave their homeland and change their ways. Ra wẽnemd - y " n ges y poorẽ ye ' What helped us to endure was a clear understanding of the issue raised in the garden of Eden - the issue of God's right to rule.... Do Not Look at "the Things Behind " 19: 12, NW. (a) What is the theme text for this study? 19: 12. Woto zãmsda tõnd bõe? With his disciples and others present, he sits down on a mountainside and begins teaching. - Matt. What can we learn from this? Ges - y yʋʋmd 2002 sa - sik kiuug pipi daar Gũusg Gasgã sõss nins gom - zug sẽn yaa: "Kiris - nebã balemda Wẽnnaam b yamẽ la ne sɩda, " la" Kiris - neb hakɩkã ket n kẽnda sɩdã pʋgẽ. " Mamre See The Watchtower of August 1, 2002, page 1: "Those who worship God with spirit and truth, " and" true Christians keep on walking in the truth. " Yel - manesem bʋg sẽn da yaa yell wʋsg la Efɛɛz tigingã ra tara, la wãn to la d tõe n mao ne yell a woto? Furthermore, the fear - inspiring and wonderful way in which we are made bears witness to God's love. How serious was the Ephesian congregation, and how can we cope with such a situation? Rɩk - y makr n wilgi. 1: 3. Illustrate. Rẽ yĩnga a yaa toor ne yãgb bɩ? Gospel writer Luke stated that God's holy spirit was poured out on Jesus at his baptism and that Jesus was "full of holy spirit. " Does it differ from it? Wala makre, y sã n nand y zoa a zʋg - sõma wã yĩnga, y na n modgdame n dɩkd a togs - n - taare, la y rat a zʋgã buudu. We have every reason to be fearless, for try as they may, our enemies will never silence us! For example, if you treasure your friend's good qualities, you will strive to imitate him and want to imitate his qualities. B sẽn da wa n ne nebã sẽn kaoogd n kẽngd a Zezi nengẽ to - to wã b yeela woto: "Gese, neba fãa tũuda bãmba. " - Zã 12: 19. Why? When people flocked to him and said: "Look! I am with them all. " - John 12: 19. NEB KẼER SẼN YETE: Ninsaalbã tara yam la bãngre. He often held back his anger instead of stirring up all his wrath. " WHAT DO YOU THINK: Man's wisdom and understanding are wise. A Zezi ra rat n yeelame tɩ bõe a sẽn yeel a tʋm - tʋmdbã tɩ b " ket n womd biis wʋsgã '? " Pouring into the lap ' refers to a custom of some vendors to fill the fold of a purchaser's wide upper garment, which was bound with a girdle and made into a pouch for carrying items. What did Jesus mean when he told his apostles: "Keep bearing much fruit "? D sã n lebg - y n ges yɛl a yoobã sẽn kõt kaset tɩ d vɩɩ " yaoolem wakatã, ' sẽn be yʋʋmd 2000, wao - fugdg kiuug pipi daar Gũusg Gasgã, seb - neng a 6 - 7 pʋgẽ wã, sõngd - d lame. - 2 Tɩmote 3: 1. In fact, it is a vital part of the "good news of the Kingdom. " Seeing the six evidence that we are living in "the last days, " in the February 1, 2000, issue of The Watchtower, pages 6 - 7. Pĩnd wẽndẽ wã, Israɛlle, pe - kɩɩm da zãada rasaar a sẽn tar n kokd a rũmsã. 4: 6. In ancient Israel, a shepherd watched his flock. Nefilim dãmbã ne b ba - rãmbã wa n lebga nin - wẽns hal tɩ loog noore. Such a message is false and dangerous. In time, the Nephilim and their fathers became corrupt. (2 Sãm. 15: 12 - 14) Baa zu - loe - kãens fãa pʋgẽ, a Davɩɩd kell n teega a Zeova, la a Zeova sɩd sõng - a lame. 9, 10. Despite all of this, David maintained his trust in Jehovah, and Jehovah helped him. A Zezi wilga woto, a sẽn wa n pʋʋs a Ba wã woto wã: "M Ba sẽn yaa arzãna ne dũniyã Zusoaba, mam pẽgda yãmba, yãmb sẽn solg bõn - kãens ne yẽesem dãmba la ne yam dãmba, n yaool n vẽneg kom - bõoneg ne bõn - kãensa yĩnga. " Likewise, an unbelieving wife should be shown self - sacrificing love and tender affection by her Christian husband. - Eph. In prayer to his Father, Jesus said: "I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have carefully hidden these things from wise and intellectual ones, and have revealed them to babes. " Wala makre, y tõe n sõnga y kambã tɩ b mams saag - gomtɩʋʋgã tʋm - tʋmd a Zã sẽn yã sẽn karg n gũbg a Zeova geerã b yamẽ. Jehovah brought you that help by means of "the faithful and discreet slave " assigned to provide" food at the proper time. " - Matthew 24: 45 - 47. For example, you can help your children to picture the helmet of Jehovah's throne in their mind. Pe - kɩɩmã sɩd yãka yam n na n n maan modgr sẽn na yɩl n yã pesg ning sẽn menema. To cultivate a balanced, wholesome view of work in today's rapidly changing workplace can be a challenge. Yes, the shepherd is determined to make sacrifices to find lost sheeplike ones. B yiibã segd n sɩd nonga taaba, la b wilgd rẽ ne b no - goam la b manesem. IT WAS still the day of Jesus ' resurrection. They should truly love each other and show that they love each other by word and deed. Kaoosg poore, a kʋmsa Koɛɛg Soab sebrã ne gom - kãensã: "Kelg koɛɛg baasgo. D wʋma fãa. Zoe Wẽnnaam la f sak bãmb tõodo. Jesus was sent to liberate people from bondage to sin and death. Later, he quoted the book of Ecclesiastes with these words: "At the end of all things we heard, fear the true God and keep his commandments. A Kitty sũur yaa noogo a sẽn tõog n tall raood wa a Zezi wã. If we rely on our own thinking, especially when we face serious problems, we are likely to endanger ourselves and those we love. Martha was happy that she had the courage needed to imitate Jesus. Pipi, d segd n tagsa yel - wẽndã biis yelle. Furthermore, you will have more opportunities to think and talk about Jehovah, deepening your love for him and bringing him pleasure. First, we need to think about the effects of sin. A Pɩɛɛr wa kɩɩsame t'a pa mi a Zezi ye. To my sayings incline your ear. Peter later denied Jesus. (Zã 10: 16) La rẽ yĩnga a na n tõoga tõnd yembr - yembrã bɩ? Because of branch mergers, some Bethelites are reassigned to serve in the pioneer work. Will he control us as individuals? La ãnd n na n fãag tõnd yel - kãensã fãa pʋgẽ? Read Nehemiah 13: 23 - 27. But who will rescue us in all of this? (Rom 1: 22) Sẽn paase, a Zeova ra tũnuga ne no - rɛɛs a Ezai n yeel tɩ "toog bee neb nins sẽn tagsd tɩ b yaa yam dãmbã... zutu. " - Ezai 5: 21. Those who enter the full - time ministry do so, not to gain financially, but to give - to Jehovah and to others. Furthermore, through the prophet Isaiah, Jehovah said: "Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need. " - Isaiah 5: 21. 15: 6 - Bõe yĩng t'a Sayull maan a Kɛn buudã lohorem wʋsgo? And think how it adds impact to the comment about men of faith: "Time will fail me if I go on to relate about Gideon [and others who] from a weak state were made powerful, became valiant in war. " 15: 6 - Why did Saul show great favor to the nation of Israel? Sõss nins d sẽn kelgd tigissẽ wã la tigis - kãsemsã sasa wã kɩtdame tɩ d maneg n tẽed Wẽnnaam, la d kɩs sɩd t'a na n pidsa a pʋlemsã. - Ebre. Considering some among this great "cloud of witnesses " may help us to" run with endurance the race that is set before us. " Our conversations at meetings, assemblies, and conventions strengthen our faith in God and his promises. - Heb. A Zozue sẽn wa n na n sõs ne Israɛll nin - kẽembã tɩ b tẽngã yɛl ra yaa wãn - wãna, la bõe la a Zozue yeel - yã? 4: 4. What was Joshua's relationship with the older Israelites, and what did Joshua say? Daar a yembre, pagã boola a Blɛsing telefonnẽ, n yeel - a t'a basa a samdã taale, la t'a rat n kos - a - la sugri. The Bible reveals that faithful servants in the past often felt that they could not go on. On one occasion, the woman invited her to pay her debt and asked her to forgive her. Sẽn nan pa kaoose, kãnsɛɛr n kʋ a pagã. Few thought more about immortality than the ancient Pharaohs. In recent years, his wife died. Pipi, yaa pe - kɩɩmbã sẽn na n baood tigingã rap nins sẽn deeg lisgã zĩiga, n tʋmd ne - b wakat fãa koe - noogã mooneg pʋgẽ, la b sõngd - b tɩ b paasd b minimã sẽn na yɩl n tõog n "togsd sɩd koɛɛgã tɩrg bala. " We too draw strength from association with fellow Christians. First, by taking the lead in the congregation and by working closely with them in the ministry, they help them to improve their ability to " handle the word of the truth aright. ' Sõng - bʋg la Wẽnnaam kõt kẽed - n - taag yãkr wɛɛngẽ? Young ones who love Jehovah and who understand what dedication means do not hold back from getting baptized; nor do they at any time regret their decision. What help does God provide regarding selecting a marriage mate? Wãn to la b ra tar neer n werd zom pĩnd wẽndẽ? Paul's words leave no doubt about how we should treat nonbelievers, even those who oppose us. How were the flour used in ancient times? Yaa sɩd tɩ Israyɛlle, yɛl kẽer la sãan da pa tõe n maan ye. A righteous one receives his reward for his unintentional mistakes in the form of discipline from Jehovah. Of course, there were many things that an alien resident could not do. Daar a yembre, a Zezi ra baoa zĩig n na n tɩ vʋʋse. (Read 1 Corinthians 6: 9 - 11.) On one occasion, Jesus sought to rest. Wẽnnaam pa naan - a sẽn na yɩl t'a vɩɩmd saasẽ ye. So he illustrated the point, saying to the Greek woman: "It is not right to take the bread of the children and throw it to the little dogs. " God did not create him to live in heaven. A Amos bãngr - gomdã sõng - d lame tɩ d bãng tɩ wakat fãa, Wẽnnaam bʋ - kaoorã zemsame, la tɩ ned pa tõe n põs - a ye. As time passes, your experience will grow, and your joy will increase. The prophecy of Amos helps us to see that God's judgments are always deserved and that no one can escape it. Yaa woto yĩnga yãmb me, bɩ y segle tɩ Ninsaal Biiga wata wakat ninga yãmb sẽn ka tẽeda. " (Read Matthew 4: 4 - 10.) Keep ready, because at an hour that you do not think to be it, the Son of man is coming. " Yãmb tũuda bũmb ning fãa a Zeova sẽn wilgd tõndã bɩ? What happened because Gehazi did this and lied to Jehovah's prophet? Are you following all that Jehovah has commanded us? Bũmb ning sẽn sõng tõnd tɩ d yals kãn - kãe toog pʋgẽ wã yaa tõnd sẽn bãng yell ning b sẽn wa ne Edɛn zẽedẽ wã: yaa yell ning sẽn tɩ loe ne sor ning Wẽnnaam sẽn tar n na n dɩ naamã.... How can Christians effectively resist the spirit of the world, and with what beneficial results? What enables us to endure trials in the garden of Eden is what we have learned about the future - God's right to rule.... a) Rũndã zãmsgã verse yẽgr yaa bʋgo? How did Paul's preaching likely have an effect beyond those to whom he witnessed directly? (a) What is the basic text today? A zĩnda tãng zug ne a karen - biisã n paas neb a taaba, n sɩng nebã zãmsgo. - Mat. Dispose of things you do not use, and pay off debts. He sat down with his disciples and began teaching them. - Matt. Mamre What kind of fear does God require? What did I do to show my love for Jehovah? Sẽn paase, Wẽnnaam sẽn naan tõnd tɩ d yaa to - to wã bee rasãnd hal wʋsgo, tɩ wilgd vẽeneg t'a sɩd nong - d lame. The apostle Paul wrote: "Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: " Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says Jehovah. ' " - Romans 12: 19. Furthermore, the way we were made is truly beautiful, and it is evidence of God's love for us. 1: 3. Why do we need to discuss how to provide consolation for the bereaved? 1: 3. A Luk sẽn yaa Evãnzill a ye gʋlsdã wilgame t'a Zezi lisgã reegr sasa, a paama Wẽnnaam vʋʋsem sõngã, la t'a ra " pida ne vʋʋsem sõngo. ' In each meeting place, there will be a table on which unleavened bread, representing Christ's body, and red wine, symbolizing his shed blood, will have been set. Luke's Gospel reports that during Jesus ' baptism, Jesus was empowered by God's holy spirit and was "filled with holy spirit. " A Zezi sõngda tõnd wa a sẽn pʋlmã. (Mat. The original Greek word translated "peers " means" to stoop to look into, " which implies concentrated effort. Jesus helps us just as he promised. Bõe n kɩt tɩ y kɩs sɩd tɩ y bee tũudum hakɩkã pʋgẽ? Knowing the facts and grasping that a resurrection had occurred, they "were comforted beyond measure. " - Acts 20: 7 - 12. Why are you convinced that you are part of true worship? Naoor wʋsgo, bãmb tõoga b sũuri, n ka bas tɩ b sũ - puugrã fudg ye. " With that freedom comes moral accountability. In many cases they became angry; they did not let their anger go. " (Luk 6: 38, Sebr Sõngo) Pĩnd wẽndẽ wã, ned sã n da ra teed kẽere, a " kolemdeda a fuugã ' tɩ koaasã rɩk n kiig be. Show your affection for your children. In ancient times, if a person buy certain items, " his garments ' would have been taken by the man's garment. 24: 14) Sõs - kãngã pʋgẽ, d na n goma yɛl a naas yelle. As such feelings move us to obey God, we gain experience because we see how obeying him works out. In this article, we will consider four things. 4: 6, Kãab - paalgã Koe - noogo. Jehovah feels very strongly about justice. 4: 6. Koɛɛg ning b sẽn taasd nebã pa sɩda, a pʋd n yaa wẽng menga. Today, we know it as the first world war. After all, the message they preach is wrong. (Yɩɩl 119: 145; Wiis. Verse 9 reports what happened next: "During the night a vision appeared to Paul: a certain Macedonian man was standing and entreating him and saying: " Step over into Macedonia and help us. ' " The Bible tells us: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind 9, 10. By faith they " reached out for a better place, that is, one belonging to heaven. ' 9, 10. Saam - biig me pag sã n pa tũud a Zeova, yaa tɩlɛ t'a ket n nong - a ne a sũur fãa, la a get a yell sõma. - Efɛ. How will you use them? Similarly, a married brother who is not a believer needs to maintain his love for Jehovah and his care for his wife. - Eph. A Zeova tũnuga ne " tʋm - tʋmd sẽn tũud sɩda la sẽn tar yamã ' b sẽn yãk t'a " moeneg a zaka wakat sẽn zemsã, ' n kõ yãmb sõng - kãngã. - Matɩe 24: 45 - 47. In addition, it appoints circuit overseers, who in turn appoint congregation elders. Jehovah has provided that support through "the faithful and discreet slave. " - Matthew 24: 45 - 47. Tõe n yɩɩ toog wʋsg tɩ f tõog n tall tagsg sẽn zems tʋʋmã wɛɛngẽ, rũndã - rũndã tʋʋmã zĩis sẽn toeemd tao - tao wã yĩnga. When we give to the lowly one, expecting nothing in return, Jehovah views this as a loan made to Him. It can be a challenge to maintain a balanced view of work today's quick schedule. Wẽnnaam sẽn tʋm a Zeezi wã yaa sẽn na yɩl t'a wa yiis nebã yel - wẽnã la kũumã yembdẽ. With a view to imitating him, let us carefully examine his example of humility. God's provision of Jesus was to free mankind from sin and death. 14: 12; 16: 25) D sã n teeg d meng tagsgo, sẽn yɩɩd fãa, zu - loees sasa, d tõe n baoa yell n kõ d menga, d zakã rãmb la d zo - rãmba. IN ONE way or another, all of us resemble our parents. If we rely on ourselves, especially on personal concerns, we can pursue a life of self - sacrifice, our family, and friends. Sẽn paase, y na n paamd n tagsda a Zeova yell la y gomd a yell wʋsgo, tɩ rẽ kɩt tɩ y maneg n nong - a la y noog a sũuri. [ Foto seb - neng 27] [ Foto seb - neng 29] In the preceding article, we considered four ways in which Jehovah has demonstrated his great love for his children. Moreover, you can draw close to Jehovah by focusing on him and talking about him, making your love for him grow. Yok f tʋb n kelg bũmb ninga mam sẽn wilg fooma. For a truly meaningful life, however, we also need to know what the future holds. From your ears you will hear, and to my voice you will hear. Betɛll - dãmb kẽer fãoogrã poore, b kɩtame tɩ Betɛll tʋm - tʋmdb sãnda lebg so - pakdba. As noted in the preceding article, Jesus foretold the existence of this congregation of anointed followers, telling the apostle Peter: "On this rock - mass [Jesus Christ] I will build my congregation, and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. " Some branch offices have taken up the full - time ministry. Karm - y Nehemi 13: 23 - 27. Jehovah always helps his servants to do his will. Read Nehemiah 13: 23 - 27. Neb wʋsg maanda b sẽn tõe fãa sẽn na yɩl n lebg rakãag - rãmba. La neb nins sẽn kẽes b mens zãng Wẽnnaam tʋʋmdã pʋgẽ wã pa maan rẽ ligd yĩng ye. Try to recall an occasion when you were away from bright city lights and looked up into a cloudless night sky. Many people do their best to become rich, but those who serve in the full - time ministry do not do so for the sake of money. La tags - y n ges rẽ sẽn kɩtd tɩ goam nins b sẽn togs tẽeb nebã wɛɛngẽ wã pãng paas to - to: "Weer ka be tɩ mam tõe n togs a Zedeõ [ne a taab sẽn] lebg pãens rãmb zabr zĩigẽ " wã kɩbar ye. " THE book is simply excellent. Think, though, of how this contributes to the spirituality of the people: "I am not able to tell any other man [of Gideon] who became prominent in warfare. " D sã n vaees "kaset dãmb wʋsg " kãensã vɩɩmã, tõe n sõnga tõnd tɩ d" zoe zoees ninga sẽn be tõnd taoorã n da yɛ ye. " Proverbs 25: 24 says: "Better is it to dwell upon a corner of a roof than with a contentious wife, although in a house in common. " A consideration of these "many witnesses " can help us to" run with endurance the race that is set before us. " 4: 4. Chamberlain: Photo by Jimmy Sime / Central Press / Getty Images; Amery: Photo by Kurt Hutton / Picture Post / Getty Images; Churchill: The Trustees of the Imperial War Museum (MH 26392) 4: 4. Biiblã wilgdame tɩ pĩnd wẽndẽ, wẽn - sakdb kẽer me ra mi n tagsame tɩ b pa na n le tõog n mao ye. Very likely, this study has enhanced your appreciation for this inspired book of the Bible. The Bible shows that some faithful servants of God in Bible times felt that they could not succeed. B kɩtame tɩ b tʋm - tʋmdb tusa me tʋm b yõor tɛk rẽ yĩnga. If for some reason friction arises in the relationship, loving - kindness moves the husband to restrain his tongue from humiliating his wife. Consequently, thousands of slaves were sent out to work for the rest of their lives. Tõnd me paamda kengr ne d kiris - nin - taasã lagem - n - taare. Gideon is an excellent example of modesty in action. We also enjoy upbuilding association with fellow Christians. Kom - bɩɩs nins sẽn nong a Zeova la sẽn wʋmd rɩk f meng n kõ - a wã sẽn dat n yɛɛlgã pa zoet lisgã reegr ye. For I am convinced that neither death nor life nor angels nor governments nor things now here nor things to come nor powers nor height nor depth nor any other creation will be able to separate us from God's love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. " Those who love Jehovah and understand what it means to be dedicated to him are not afraid of baptism. (Rom dãmba 12: 14, 17 - 19, 21) Vẽenega, a Poll wilga tõnd manesem sẽn segd n yɩ to - to ne sẽn pa - b tõnd tẽed - n - taasã la baa neb nins sẽn namsd tõndã menga. Consider these points: They survived the 40 - year trek in the wilderness, as God had promised they would. Clearly, Paul tells us how we should treat fellow believers and even those who persecute us. (Karm - y 1 Korẽnt dãmb 6: 9 - 11.) Imagine Jonah telling about his three days in the belly of the big fish or John the Baptizer describing his feelings when he baptized Jesus. (Read 1 Corinthians 6: 9 - 11.) A rɩka makr n na sõng pagã t'a bãng rẽ. A yeel - a lame yaa: "Ka sõama tɩ b rɩk kamb dɩɩb n lob ba - bi ye. " Sickness and death will be no more. - Read Revelation 5: 10; 20: 6, 12; 21: 4, 5. He explained: "It is not good for the children to take food and pick up their little ones. " Woto, y wat n paama tʋʋmdã minim sõma hal tɩ kõ - y sũ - noog wʋsgo. Newspaper headlines, television documentaries, and Internet Web pages are used to propagate untruths. In that way, you come to have a full share in the work that brings you great satisfaction. (Karm - y Matɩe 4: 4 - 10.) We should seize opportunities to commend one another because such expressions are "good for building up. " (Read Matthew 4: 4 - 10.) A soosame n yi n zoe n babs a Naama, n yag ziri n kos "wanzuri kɩlo pis - tã la a nu la fut a yiibu. " Insolent but Misguided He ran away from Naaman and lyingly asked for "the four hundred and five hundred denarii and two clothes. " SEB - NENG 28 • YƖƖLA: 77, 118 Are you doing that? PAGE 28 • SONGS: 77, 118 Wãn to la kiris - nebã tõe n sɩd n tõog n kɩɩs dũniyã yam, la rẽ wata ne nafa bʋse? This is because Bible truth teaches us God's view of humans and shows us the principles that should govern our dealings with one another. How can Christians successfully resist the spirit of the world, and with what result? Tõe tɩ tũu ne bõe tɩ neb a Poll sẽn pa moon koɛɛgã a toor wa wʋm - a? (b) The Israelites experienced what reasons for joy? In what ways may Paul's non - Jews have heard him? Mag - y n ges - y ligd ning y sẽn tõe n yiis semen fãa wall kiuug fãa tɩ zems y tõogo. Learn how to do this by asking one of Jehovah's Witnesses or by visiting our website, Make sure that the money you can buy each week or week is appropriate. Wãn to la d tõe n zoe Wẽnnaam tɩ ta a yam? Jehovah's feelings toward the haughty are clear. How can we fear God? " - Rom dãmba 12: 19. Michael stepped in to prevent this. " Romans 12: 19. Bõe yĩng tɩ d na n gom sũ - sãang rãmbã sẽn tõe n paam belsg to - to wã yelle? A sister who pioneered with her husband says: "The ministry was one of the ways we could spend time together and really talk. Why will we consider how grieving ones can be comforted? Zĩig ning fãa b sẽn na n tigmẽ taabã, bur sẽn ka rabɩll sẽn makd Kirist yĩngã, la divẽ miuug sẽn makd a zɩɩmã sẽn daagã la b na n dogl taabl zugu. Do we have any doubt that we need to "keep awake " and" keep looking " for the foretold end and our deliverance? Wherever they meet together, unleavened bread represent the body of Christ and the wine symbolized his shed blood on the head of his shed blood. Gɛrkã gom - bil ning b sẽn lebg ka tɩ "getẽ " wãrat n yeelame me tɩ" sulgd n get bũmb pʋgẽ, " tɩ wilgdẽ tɩ rẽ baooda maag - m - menga. He instructed righteous Noah to build an ark - a huge floating box - to save himself and his family, along with the animals that he was instructed to take into the ark. The Greek word rendered "keeping close in mind " also means" to look at something in a proper way, " that is, to be patient. 20: 7 - 12. 2: 15. 20: 7 - 12. La d segd n bãngame tɩ Wẽnnaam na n wa sok - d lame. Jehovah accepted Paul for what he was, and He expected Paul to realize that about himself. However, we need to know that God will answer our prayers. Wilg - y ne manesem buud toor - toor tɩ y nong - b lame. Jehovah told him: "I do establish my covenant with you; and you must go into the ark, you and your sons and your wife and your sons ' wives with you. " Show that you love them in various ways. 11: 33) Biiblã pʋgẽ, goam wʋsg n be be n tõe n sõng - d tɩ d bãng "yĩngr la tẽng naandã " sõma, la sõng - d tɩ d nong - a la d nand - a. " How I Do Love Your Law! " There are many scriptures in the Bible that can teach us about "the heavens and the earth " and help us to love and respect him. A Zeova tɩrlmã yɩɩda ãdem - biisã hal zĩig sẽn zãre. A Sure Antidote! Jehovah's righteousness is far superior to mankind. La rũndã - rũndã, d boond - a lame tɩ dũni gill pipi zabrã. [ Box / Picture on page 6] But we now call him the first world war. Vɛrse a 9 soabã wilga bũmb ning sẽn maan dẽ poorã, n yeel woto: "Yʋngo, a Poll yãa bõn - makre. Masedoan dao a ye n wa yẽ nengẽ n kos yẽnda woto: " Wa - y Masedoan soolem n wa sõng tõndo. ' " These have included angels, patriarchs, judges, priests, prophets, and kings. Regarding what happened next, verse 9, Paul says: "He saw a vision from Macedonia and said to him: " Come, go into Macedonia and help us. ' " Ne tẽebo, bãmb "ra rat n paama ba - yir sẽn yaa sõama n yɩɩd pĩnd soabã, sẽn be yĩngri. " Why do we need to discern what is to be done at any given time? By faith they " wanted to find a better place than the former. ' Wãn to la y na n dɩk wakat kãngã n tʋme? Under some circumstances, it would be inappropriate to have fellowship with certain people. How will you use this period? B yãkda tigims sul yel - gɛtba, tɩ tigims sul yel - gɛtbã me yãkd kãsem - dãmb tɩ b get tigimsã yelle. Paul said: "God gave us not a spirit of cowardice, but that of power and of love and of soundness of mind. Branch Committee members, circuit overseers, and ministerial servants are appointed to serve in the congregations. Tõnd sã n kõ naong rãmbã Wẽnd yĩnga, a Zeova geta woto wa bũmb d sẽn peng - a. Certain missionaries of Christendom reportedly offer overseas scholarships to potential converts. If we give gifts to the poor, Jehovah views it as a debt to him. Bɩ d gom mak - sõng ning a Zezi sẽn kõ tõnd sik - m - mengã wɛɛngẽ wã yelle, n bãng d sẽn tõe n dɩk a togs - n - taar to - to. His Word thus assures us: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. Let us consider Jesus ' example of humility and see how we can imitate him. BAA yaa bilfu, tõnd ned kam fãa wõnda a roagdba. How, though, can we show that we are living in expectation of God's promised new world and are really looking forward to it? WHEN we are young, we are like his parents. Sõsg ning sẽn loogã pʋgẽ, d yãa bũmb a naas a Zeova sẽn maan tɩ wilgdẽ t'a nonga tõnd hal wʋsgo. Meanwhile, we face hatred, reproach, persecution, and death for our faith. In the preceding article, we considered four ways in which Jehovah has shown his love for us. Wala sõsg ning sẽn loogã sẽn wilgã, a Zezi reng n wilgame tɩ karen - biis nins sẽn da na n wa paam vʋʋsem sõngã zaeebã na n lebga "tiginga. " A yeela tʋm - tʋmd a Pɩɛɛr woto: "Kug kãngã [a Zezi Kirist] zug la m na n me m tigingã, la hadɛs kõn tõog - a ye. " People then will have perfect health and will live on an earth that has been transformed into a paradise. As noted in the preceding article, Jesus foretold that anointed disciples would become "the helper, " and he told the apostle Peter:" This man [Jesus Christ] will be the head of the congregation; and I will not prevail. " A Zeova sõngda a nin - buiidã wakat fãa tɩ b maand a raabã. Job did. Jehovah always helps his servants to serve him. Tẽeg - y y sẽn yi yʋng lik sasa, n nak n ges yĩngr sawat sẽn ka be wakate. That spirit produces fruitage, including love and goodness, in those who seek its influence. Recall that during the night of darkness, ascended from heaven to the vicinity of the heavens. " SEBRÃ sɩd yaa sõma wʋsgo. Never be ashamed to discuss your moral convictions with others. " THE truth is indeed good. Yelbũna 25: 24 yetame tɩ: "Fo sã n be rakõ - sẽokẽ n são fo sẽn na n kẽ kãadem ne pʋg - yoogo. " Pa pagbã yell bal la b sẽn gomd ka wã ye, rapã me naagame. The great tribulation ends at Armageddon when God's Kingdom crushes the entire Satanic system. - Daniel 2: 44; Revelation 16: 14, 16. Proverbs 25: 24 states: "If you do not give to a woman more than to a woman, you should marry, " not only the men but also the men who are speaking abusively of her. Chamberlain: Photo by Jimmy Sime / Central Press / Getty Images; Amery: Photo by Kurt Hutton / Picture Post / Getty Images; Churchill: The Trustees of the Imperial War Museum (MH 26392) Note that only after Paul set out for Asia did God's spirit intervene. Photo: Photo / AFP / AFP / Getty Images / Getty Images / Getty Images Sãmbg sẽn kae, rẽ kɩtame tɩ y maneg n nong seb - kãnga. Do not underestimate the value of your prayers with and for a bereaved fellow Christian. You no doubt have drawn closer to that book. 10: 8 - 12) La a Nowe kell n tẽ a Zeova ne a sũur fãa. For a more detailed discussion, see the article "A Conversation With a Neighbor - Is Jesus God? " Yet, Noah maintained his faith in Jehovah. (Yel. 31: 28) Baa bũmb sã n wa kɩt tɩ b moorã yõsg taabã, raoã sẽn nong a pagã yĩnga, a pa na n sak n gom n ning - a yãnd ye. " Apostasy " is a standing away from true worship, a falling away, defection, rebellion, abandonment. A loving husband will not hold back from speaking about himself even if he has a problem with his wife because of their love for him. Sik - m - mengã wɛɛngẽ, a Zedeyõ kõo mak - sõng tɛkẽ. " The eyes of Jehovah are toward the righteous ones, and his ears are toward their cry for help. " - PS. He set a fine example of humility. La d rɩkda a Zedyõ ne a poorẽ dãmbã togs - n - taare. It is true that those on the program should do their utmost to employ the art of teaching and especially to reach hearts. Instead, let us imitate the example of Gideon and his companions. (Zozue 23: 14) Wala makre, yʋʋm 40 b sẽn yeeb we - raoogã pʋgẽ wã, b yãame tɩ Wẽnnaam kell n kogl - b - la wa a sẽn da kãabã. The final song in the second collection of psalms, Psalm 72, is about Solomon's rulership, foreshadowing conditions that will prevail under the Messiah's reign. For example, over 40 years in the wilderness, they saw God's protection and protection as he promised them. (Ɛstɛɛr 7: 1 - 6) D tags n ges d sẽn na n wa zĩ n kelgd a Zonas t'a togsd a sẽn zĩnd zĩnfã pʋgẽ rasem a tãabã, bɩ n kelgd a Zã t'a togsd sũ - noog ning yẽ sẽn da tar a sẽn wa n lisd a Zezi wã. It is challenging, instructive, and fulfilling. Think of the joy that Jesus must have had when he was baptized. Bãas la kũum pa na n le zĩnd ye. - Karm - y Wilgr 5: 10; 20: 6, 12; 21: 4, 5. " The Bible appeals to me strongly... because it is such excellent medicine. " - HOWARD KELLY, M.D., FOUNDING FACULTY MEMBER OF THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE No more disease and death. - Read Revelation 5: 10; 20: 6, 12; 21: 4, 5. Zʋrnall - dãmba, televiziõ wã la ẽntɛrnetã pida ne kibay sẽn yaa ziri a Zeova Kaset rãmbã zugu. Yet, it is up to each individual whether he will allow himself to be brought into temptation or not. The media, the Internet, and the Internet are full of false stories about Jehovah's Witnesses. Yɩta sõma tɩ d gũusd n get d taabã tʋʋm - sõma wã, n pẽgd - ba. Bala, pẽgr " sõngda ned t'a bɩ, ' rat n yeel tɩ kengda a raoodo. (Efɛ. Today, opposers at school, at work, or even at home may hurl taunts and accusations at us. Rather than looking for the good in others, we want to give them commendation, for commendation is "a strengthening aid. " A Soll da yaa tɩtaam soaba, la ra yaa zɩɩlem yĩnga Regrettably, to some degree we are all influenced by our surroundings. Saul was proud, but it was dark La yʋʋmd 1955 soabã, neb 107000 n zĩnd tigis - kãseng b sẽn maan Nuremberg zĩig ning a Hitler ne a poorẽ dãmbã sẽn da nong n tigimd taabã. The World's Secret Ruler Exposed However, in 1941, 10 percent of the 10 attended a convention held at a convention held in the area where Hitler and his troops were gathered. Y zãmsda y kambã seb - kãens bɩ? Earlier the city recorder of Ephesus declared that Paul's companions were not " temple robbers, ' which suggests that at least some people thought that Jews were open to that accusation. Do you teach your children these lessons? Biiblã bãngr hakɩkã leb n tõe n sõng - d lame tɩ d tall nonglem ne neb a taabã n paase, bala Biiblã wilgd - d - la Wẽnnaam tagsg sẽn yaa to - to ne ninsaalbã, la a wilgd - d noy nins d sẽn segd n tũ d manesmã ne ned kam fãa pʋgẽ. Thus, when King Solomon dedicated the temple in Jerusalem to Jehovah, he said: "Will God truly dwell upon the earth? Look! Accurate knowledge of the Bible can also help us to cultivate love for others, for the Bible tells us how God feels about humans and how we should treat each one of us. b) Bõe la Israyɛll yã n kɩdem sũ - noogo? Yet, sometimes I would sit quietly and talk to " something. ' (b) How did Israel rejoice? Y sã n dat n bãng y sẽn tõe n zãms Biiblã to - to, bɩ y kos a Zeova Kaset rãmbã, wall y kẽ sẽn yaa b sɩt wɛɛbã pʋgẽ. • How can men be helped to give spiritual pursuits priority? For more information on how you can study the Bible, ask Jehovah's Witnesses or visit their website, A Zeova sẽn tagsd to - to ne wuk - m - mens rãmbã yaa vẽenega. Reading the accounts in this book can fire our imagination by helping us to picture the setting and background of each Bible character. Jehovah's view of haughty ones is clear. A Mikaɛll kẽesa a toogo, tɩ rẽ pa tõog ye. The shepherd solicitously guards the mother during her helpless moments and picks up the lamb and carries it to the fold. Michael got involved, and that failed. Saam - bi - poak a ye sẽn da naag a sɩd n yɩ so - pakd yeela woto: "Koe - moonegã me ra kɩtdame tɩ d be ne taab la d sõsd ne taab n yɩɩda. You are his publicity agents. A pioneer sister who was a pioneer said: "The preaching work helped us to spend more time together and to talk to each other. Dẽnd yaa vẽeneg tɩ yaa tɩlae tɩ d " gũus neere, ' la d "gũ " dũniyã sãoong la d fãagrã b sẽn pĩnd n togsã. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Clearly, it is vital that we "keep on the watch " and" keep watch " of the world's impending destruction and our salvation. A yeela nin - tɩrg a Nowe t'a ka koom - koglgo, tɩ yẽ ne a zakã rãmba, la rũms nins a sẽn na n kẽesã paam n põse. A Christian couple invited an elder to their home for a meal. He told righteous Noah to build an ark, build it, and eat the animals that he and his family would survive. 2: 15. Far from indicating Jehovah's displeasure, they provide for us a means to show that we support God's sovereignty. 2: 15. 15: 9, 10) A Zeova ra mii a Poll kongrã fãa, la baa ne rẽ, a sakame t'a na n tũ - a, n dat t'a bas a yam t'a nong - a lame. (a) In what way did Jesus resemble his Father? Jehovah knew all of Paul's mistakes, but he was willing to serve him with confidence in him. (Tʋʋma 20: 29, 30; Ezai 32: 1, 2) Wẽnnaam baoodame tɩ kãsem dãmbã la kiris - neb a taabã fãa yɩ tɩrse, tɩ b nong b taabã la b yɩ sik - m - mens rãmba. This is because God's dedicated people have taken to heart the commission that Jesus Christ gave his followers when he said: "Go... and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " - Matthew 28: 19, 20. God expects elders and others of his people to be righteous, loving, and humble. A Zeova yeel - a - la woto: "Mam na n yẽbga m kãabg ne foom, la bɩ foom ne f kom - dibli wã la f pagã ne f kambã pagb me wa kẽ koglgã pʋgẽ. " The mayor left with Bible literature in hand. Jehovah told him: "I shall put my covenant upon you and between your sons and your sons and your sons and your sons and your sons. " " Mam nonga yãmb tõoga wʋsgo " " Jehovah Has Made His Face Shine Toward Them ' (deaf), 8 / 15 " How I Do Love Your Law " Yellã tɩɩm meng - menga But we should also seek God's continued help, for the Devil will return to tempt us at another time convenient for him - and not necessarily when we may be expecting a temptation. The solution to the problem [ Zĩ - gũbri / Foto, seb - neng a 6] If we personally have a tendency to feel superior to others, we need to remember that "everyone proud in heart is detestable to Jehovah. " [ Box / Picture on page 6] (1 Kɩbaya 29: 23, NW) La zu - bʋko, Israɛll nanambs wʋsg kɩɩsa Wẽnnaam, n wa ne tood b mens la b soolmã neb zutu. Will you put forth the effort to see the bigger picture, perhaps reflecting on the brother's many years of faithful service? Sadly, though, most Israelite rulers rebelled against God, bringing woe for themselves and their subjects. Bõe yĩng tɩ tar yõod tɩ sasa buud fãa bɩ d bãngd bũmb nins d sẽn segd n lʋɩɩs taoorã? Our Holy, Fear - Inspiring Redeemer Why is it important to know all the things we must put first? La neb n be tɩ d pa segd n bao b tũud - n - taar ye. Wala makre, ned sẽn maan yel - wẽn - kãsenga, n tõdg t'a kõn tek yam tɩ b yiis - a tigingã pʋgẽ. " Other sheep, " ones who have the hope of living eternally on a paradise earth. For example, a person who has committed a serious sin has committed a serious sin and has not been disfellowshipped from the congregation. A Poll yeelame: "Wẽnnaam ka kõ tõnd dabeem sɩɩg ye, yaa sɩɩg sẽn wat ne pãnga la nonglem la yam. So intense was their mutual contempt that they snubbed each other when they were in church for worship. Paul said: "God gave us not a spirit of cowardice, but that of power and of love and of soundness of mind. B yeelame tɩ dũni kiris - nedemdã misioneer dãmb sãnda kõta neb sẽn na n sak n tuub burs rãmb sẽn na yɩl tɩ b tɩ karem nasaar tẽnga. As Jesus Christ carried out his earthly ministry, he did not always provide the help that the people thought they needed. Some of Christendom's missionaries have been said that some of those who were willing to eat bread in order to read it. (Ezai 55: 9) Rẽ n so t'a Gomdã yet woto: "Teeg Zusoaba ne f sũur fãa la f ra teeg f meng bãngr ye. Jehovah keeps a record of those who fear him and are faithful to him. His Word therefore says: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. 20, 21) La bõe la d tõe n maan wilg tɩ d gũuda dũni - paalgã Wẽnnaam sẽn pʋlem tɩ wat ka la bilfã, la tɩ d rat n vɩɩmda dũni - paalgã pʋgẽ ne d sũur fãa? His reply? How, though, can we show that we are waiting for God's promised new world and are determined to live in it? La nanda, d paamda namsgo, kisgri, taale, la d tõe n ki d tẽebã yĩng menga. Why, then, did Josiah go out to fight? Of course, we experience suffering, injustice, hatred, and even death. Sasa kãnga, nebã fãa na n talla keelem. B na n vɩɩmda tẽngã sẽn na n lebg arzãnã zugu. Though Jehovah is patient, he is also just and will not forever tolerate wickedness. At that time, people will be strong and will live on a paradise earth. A Zoob maana woto. " Look! Job did just that. Vʋʋsem sõng kãng womda biisi, wala nonglem la sõmblem neb nins sẽn baood - a wã nengẽ. God's purpose for the earth is evident in the commission that he gave to Adam and Eve This spirit produces fruit, such as love and kindness. (Yɩɩl Sõamyã 64: 11) Ra tol - y n zoe yãnd ne gom y sẽn tẽed bũmb nins vɩɩm manesmã wɛɛngẽ ne neb a taabã ye. What is the import of this admonition? Never be ashamed of talking about the beliefs of others. (Wilgri 17: 1, 15 - 17; 18: 1 - 24) To - kãsengã baasda Armagedõ, sasa ning Wẽnnaam Rĩungã sẽn na n sãam a Sʋɩtãan siglgã gillã. - Daniɛll 2: 44; Wilgri 16: 14, 16. What questions could you ask yourself when choosing entertainment? The great tribulation concludes at Armageddon when God's Kingdom will completely destroy Satan's organization. - Daniel 2: 44; Revelation 16: 14, 16. Yaa a Poll sẽn wa n dɩk sor n na n kẽng Aazi wã bal la vʋʋsem sõngã yaool n sɩng - a sor - wilgri. 1: 7 - 9. Only after Paul took the opportunity to travel to Asia Minor but only after he was led by holy spirit. D ra yĩm me tɩ ned sã n be sũ - sãang pʋgẽ tɩ d pʋʋs a yĩng wall d naag - a n pʋʋse, sõngda wʋsg ye. By regularly studying the Scriptures in the language of our heart, we will maintain our spiritual health and that of our family and we will show that we truly treasure God's sayings. - Ps. Remember, too, that prayer and prayer do much to help us cope with grief. Y sã n dat n bãng bãngr - goam a taab sẽn pids a Zezi zug bɩ y ges Biiblã sɩd yetame tɩ bõe? Succumbing to temptations or allowing themselves to come close to violating God's laws has caused some baptized individuals to lead an unsteady life. For more information about prophecies that were fulfilled in Jesus, see the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Wala makre, a Tobi sebrã b sẽn gʋls yʋʋm kobs - yi la zak sẽn deng a Zezi rogmã ra piuuga a Poll dãmb wakatẽ wã. Appreciation for all the spiritual blessings we receive as worshippers of the true God, Jehovah, will help us to promote unity and avoid murmuring against others in personal matters. For example, the book of Tobiah, written hundreds of years before Jesus ' birth, was rampant in Paul's day. " Zusoabã geta nin - tɩrse, la bãmb tʋb wʋmda bãmb kelems b sẽn dat sõngr wakate. " - YƖƖL 34: 16. (Read Deuteronomy 1: 26 - 28.) " The eyes of Jehovah are toward the righteous ones, and his ears are toward their cry for help. " - PS. 34: 16. Yaa sɩd tɩ neb nins sẽn tar sõss tigisgẽ wã segdame n maan b sẽn tõe fãa n bãng zãmsg kũun la b modg tɩ zãmsgã kẽ nebã sũyã. Pride, on the other hand, leads to self - exaltation and may often cause one to treat others in a harsh and callous way. Of course, those present at the meeting should do their best to reach the heart of teaching and to reach the heart of the people. Yɩɩl Sõamyã sebrã babg a yiib - n - soab baasg yɩɩllã, Yɩɩl Sõamyã 72 soabã gomda a Salomo naamã yelle, tɩ rẽ makd vɩɩmã sẽn na n yɩ to - to Mesi wã naam wakatã. Use lessons from creation to help your child to know and to love God The final psalm of Psalm 72 focuses on Solomon's kingship during the Messiah's reign. Tʋʋmd ka be t'a yõodã ta Wẽnnaam tʋʋmdã ye. And surely we will honor Jehovah and experience great joy as we "carry on with one another loving - kindness. " - Zechariah 7: 9. There is nothing more important than serving God. " Mam nonga Biiblã wʋsgo,... bala a kõta sagls sẽn yaa sõma laafɩ wã koglgã wɛɛngẽ. " - HOWARD KELLY, M.D., FOUNDING FACULTY MEMBER OF THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Raising Children in Permissive World, 4 / 1 " I love the Bible... because it provides sound advice about the protection of the ark. " - JAS. La yaa tõnd ned kam fãa n yãkd a sã n na n basame tɩ makrã tõog - a, bɩ a na n zãaga a meng ne - a. (b) What information can add significance to Samson's feat? However, each one of us must decide whether to let it succeed or to distance himself from him. Rũndã - rũndã, d lekoll dãmbẽ, d tʋʋm zĩisẽ wall d zags pʋsẽ menga, bɛɛb tõe n yaand - d lame la b rõt - do. (Read Ecclesiastes 12: 1 - 7.) Today, at school, at work, or in private, enemies may ridicule us and ridicule us. Sẽn yaa bʋko, neb nins sẽn gũbg tõnda tõe n toeema tõnd zʋgã. The progression is: rejoice, meditate, delight in... Sadly, those around us can change our personality. Dũniyã naab sẽn yaa a soabã What questions arise concerning secular employment and other pursuits? The World's Ruler Sẽn deng wakat kãnga, Efɛɛz galʋ - tẽngã bʋʋd taoor soab ra yeelame t'a Poll ne a tũud - n - taasã ka " zuud wẽn - dot teed ' ye, tɩ woto wilgdẽ tɩ neb kẽer n da tagsd tɩ Zʋɩf rãmb n be n zuud wẽn - dot teedo. One day a man, who seemed friendly, approached me. Earlier in the city of Ephesus, Paul and his companions "did not steal the temples of the temple, " thus showing that some Jews believed there in temples. Sɩd me, Zerizalɛm wẽn - doogã pakr daare, rĩm a Salomo pʋʋsa a Zeova n yeel woto: "Wẽnnaam sɩd tõe n zĩnda dũniyã zugu? How have some enjoyed using the years of their youth? In fact, during the inauguration of the temple in Jerusalem, King Solomon prayed to Jehovah: "God can be on earth here? La baa m sẽn da pa tẽedã, m da mi n pʋʋsame. Available for download at Although I didn't believe, I often prayed. • Wãn to la d tõe n sõng rapã tɩ b bãng bũmb ning sẽn segd n tall yõod ne - b n yɩɩdã? No wonder that when he finished, the crowds - likely including many farmers, shepherds, and fishermen - "were astounded at his way of teaching "! - Matthew 7: 28. • How can we teach men what is most important for them? D sã n wa karemd kibar a pʋgẽ wã, d tõe n mamsa sẽn yɩ zĩig ningã, kibarã sẽn gomd neb nins yellã, la b minimdã sẽn da yaa to - to. Gone too will be those who stubbornly refuse to leave their wicked ways. As we read the account, we can imagine the situation, the people, and their culture. Pe - kɩɩmã gũuda pe - yãangã sẽn dog paalmã n dɩk pe - bilã n kẽng yãgrẽ wã. They cannot silence true worshippers, who cherish the privilege of proclaiming the "everlasting good news " of God's Messianic Kingdom before the end of this system of things. The shepherd is waiting for the young woman who is born and who is brought to the fold. Yãmb yaa a koe - taasdba. (Read Romans 5: 21.) You are his agents. (Zoob 27: 5, Sebr Sõngo) Yɩɩl Sõamyã 26 soabã wilgda bũmb ning sẽn na n sõng tõnd tɩ d kẽn ne burkĩndã. At its base are "the souls of those slaughtered because of the word of God and because of the witness work that they used to have. " Psalm 26 tells us what will help us to walk in integrity. Kiris - ned ne a pag n bool kãsem soab t'a wa rɩ b yiri. [ Footnote] A Christian couple invited an elder to his home. (Yel. 27: 11) Zu - loees sasa, d sã n kell n tõog toogo, n maan sɩd ne a Zeova, a sũur yaa noog ne - do. One way to prove loyal to Jehovah is by showing respect for an unbelieving marriage mate (See paragraph 9) Jehovah is pleased when we endure trials and are faithful to him. a) Bõe n wilgd t'a Zeezi ra rɩkda a Ba wã togs - n - taare? Who, then, is that bride, or wife? (a) How did Jesus reflect his Father's qualities? La zãms bãmb tɩ b sak bũmb nins fãa mam sẽn da togs yãmbã. " - Matɩe 28: 19, 20. REFLECTING GOD'S GLORY He said: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations,... teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " - Matthew 28: 19, 20. Rẽ poore, meerã reega sebr n zã n looge. Yet, Lot did not shrink back from the hateful mob. After that, I took a magazine and took it to work. La d segd n ket n kota Wẽnnaam sõngre, bala a Sʋɩtãan sã n le paam weere, rat n yet tɩ sasa d sẽn tõe n pa tẽed meng t'a na n mak - d lame, a na n le waame. Because Noah, Daniel, and Job searched for Jehovah with all their heart, he let himself be found by them. He helped them to "understand everything " necessary to please him. However, we need to keep on asking for God's help, for if Satan has been unable to test us, he will come again. D sã n wae n tagsdẽ tɩ d sãoo neb a taabã, d segd n tẽegame t'a Zeova "ka nong tɩta - ned ye. " (Yel. What is the basis of the strongest friendships, and why? If we view others as inferior, we should remember that Jehovah "does not love anyone. " Y na n tagsda saam - biigã sẽn modgd to - to wã, wala makre, a sẽn tũud a Zeova yʋʋm wʋsgã, bɩ y na n basa rẽ tɩ yaa a sẽn maanã yell la y tagsda? He sang: "As for me, the drawing near to God is good for me. Or would you think of the brother's efforts to serve Jehovah, perhaps because he has been serving him many years ago, or would you allow him to focus on what he has done? D fãagdã seka zoeese You yearn to welcome those who are resurrected from the dead with the prospect of living forever on earth. " The Salvation of Salvation Is Brought to the End " Yaa "piis a taab [a], " sẽn yaa neb nins sẽn tar saagr n na n vɩɩmd wakat sẽn - kõn - sa tẽng zug arzãnẽ wã. Did Jehovah need Abraham to reason with him in order to make the right decision? These are those "other sheep, " who have the hope of living forever on a paradise earth. Egiliizã neb kisg - taabã ra wa n paama pãng wʋsg hal n kɩt tɩ b sã n seg taab pʋʋsgã yĩng wẽn - doogã pʋgẽ meng bɩ b gind taaba. (a) To whom does the expression "Israel of God " refer? In time, the churches became so strong that they even avoided each other when they met together for prayer at the temple. A Zezi Kirist sẽn da wa n moond koe - noogã tẽng zugã, pa wakat fãa la a sõng nebã wa bãmb sẽn da tagsd tɩ ra yaa tɩlae ne - bã ye. Had the brother mentioned above allowed the householder's wrath and unkindness to cause him to become angry, the man's attitude would not likely have softened as it did; he might have become even angrier. When Jesus Christ preached the good news on earth, he did not always help people as they thought they needed. A Zeova kɩtdame tɩ b gʋlsd neb nins sẽn zoet yẽ la b sakd - a wã yʋy sebr pʋgẽ. We promised at the time of our dedication that we would live no longer for ourselves but for Christ. Jehovah has preserved the names of those who fear him and obey him in his book. A leokame tɩ bõe? An intrepid member of the first - century "people for [Jehovah's] name " was the apostle Paul. How did he respond? La bõe t'a Zozɩyaas pa kelge? Satan is able to perceive when we are weak and more likely to succumb to temptation. But why did Josiah fail to listen? Baa ne a Zeova sẽn tar sũ - marã, a leb n yaa tɩrga, la a pa na n bas wẽngã tɩ zĩnd wakat sẽn pa sat yĩng ye. Jesus spoke of a time when "all those in the memorial tombs " would" come out " to renewed life on a paradise earth. - John 5: 28, 29; Luke 23: 43. Although Jehovah is long - suffering and righteous, he will not tolerate evil forever. Wẽnnaam daabã ne tẽngã yaa vẽeneg tʋʋmd ning a sẽn kõ pipi raoã ne a pagã pʋgẽ • How does integrity relate to the issue of universal sovereignty? God's purpose for the earth is evident in the commission he gave to the first human couple Sagl - kãngã võor yaa bõe? 25: 11. What does that counsel mean? Y sã n wa rat n yãk reem ninga, sogs - bʋs la y segd n sok y menga? Late in the sixth creative day, God fashioned "out of dust [clay] from the ground " a perfect man and gave him the capacity to reflect his Maker's qualities. What questions might you ask yourself about your choice of entertainment? 1: 7 - 9. They came before Joseph, but they did not recognize him. 1: 7 - 9. Bɩ d zãmsd Biiblã buud gomd ning d sẽn wʋmd sõma wã pʋgẽ n pa vaandẽ ye. Rẽ, tõnd mengã tẽebã, la d zakã rãmb tẽebã na n talla pãnga, tɩ wilg tɩ d sɩd nonga Wẽnnaam goamã. - Yɩɩn. Is Jehovah so real to us that we take him into consideration when making decisions, including seemingly minor ones? Let us study the Bible regularly, thus building up our own spirituality, and our family members will demonstrate our love for God's word. - Ps. Neb kẽer sẽn deeg lisg lʋɩɩ kʋɩɩbg pʋgẽ bɩ kellẽ - la bilf tɩ b kɩɩs Wẽnnaam tõodã tɩ rẽ vigs - b b vɩɩmã pʋgẽ. 16: 3; 20: 18. Some who get baptized fall into temptation or fall short of God's laws and stand firm in their lives. A Zeova kõta ned ning sẽn ya pãnga Paul recognized that other Christians were also effective ministers of the good news. Jehovah Gives Power D sẽn yaa sɩd Wẽnnaam a Zeova balemdbã yĩnga, d paamda tẽeb bark wʋsgo. D sã n nand bark kãense, na n sõng - d lame tɩ d ra yẽgem ne d taabã d yɛlã poorẽ, tɩ zems - n - taar zĩndi. On the contrary, by remaining free from such vices, the king will be able to "judge righteously and plead the cause of the afflicted one and the poor one. " - Proverbs 31: 8, 9. Because we truly are worshipers of Jehovah, we enjoy spiritual prosperity, and appreciation for such blessings will help us to avoid becoming overly concerned with others. Ninsaalbã goosneema - rãmb wʋsg maoodame n dat tɩ b nin - buiidã paam bãngre. The one that without fail goes forth, even weeping, carrying along a bagful of seed, will without fail come in with a joyful cry, carrying along his sheaves. " Many human governments endeavor to gain knowledge. (Karm - y Tõod 1: 26 - 28.) With this most powerful force backing us up in our determination to oppose the Devil, we will be able to come off victorious. (Read Deuteronomy 1: 26 - 28.) La sẽn yaa lebende, wuk - m - meng wata ne zẽk - m - menga, la naoor wʋsgo, a kɩtdame tɩ d yɩ nin - toos ne neb a taabã. How have we benefited physically from our adherence to Bible principles? On the other hand, haughtiness promotes pride, often causing us to be harsh and arrogant. Sasa ning a Zã sẽn yã we - rũngã bõn - makrã tɩ yaa Rom soolmã n da tar pãng n yɩɩda. The words "unless " and" cannot " highlight the necessity of the new birth. At times, John's vision of the wild beast was the most powerful Roman Empire. La rẽ, d sɩd na n waooga a Zeova la d paam sũ - no - kãsenga, d sã n "tall sõmblem sẽn pid ne nonglem ne taaba. " - Zakari 7: 9, NW. What modesty! - Judges 6: 11 - 15. And we certainly will bring honor and great joy to Jehovah if we " exercise loving - kindness toward one another. ' - Zechariah 7: 9. B boola nebã tɩ b wa kẽ n ges filiyalle 1 / 12 That prophecy refers only to the kingdoms pictured by the various parts of the image. 12 / 15 b) Kɩba - bʋg n tõe n kɩt tɩ d tall naneb n paas ne bõn - kãseng ningã a Sãmsõ sẽn maanã? A repentant person has "a heart broken and crushed " and wants to " right the wrong ' if possible. - Psalm 51: 17; 2 Corinthians 7: 11. (b) What news may move us to deepen our appreciation for Samson's outstanding act? (Karm - y Koɛɛg Soab 12: 1 - 7.) In contrast, the apostles were loyal. (Read Ecclesiastes 12: 1 - 7.) A rat n yeelame tɩ: kɩdem, bʋgse, tall sũ - noog ne... Is the world safer for Christians today? In other words, he said: "Happy are the merciful, the happy God... Sogs - bʋs la a Zeova Kaset soab fãa segd n sok a menga? He taught his followers both by word and by example that lasting happiness comes more from giving than from receiving. What questions should each of Jehovah's servants ask themselves? Daar a ye, rao n kolg maam n sõs noog - noog wa a rata m neere. La a kõo maam dorge. Helping the Children of "Foreign Residents, " May On one occasion, a man approached me with a smile, and he gave me drugs. Neb kẽer yãka yam n maan bõe b bi - bɩɩlmã wakat tɩ kõ - b sũ - noogo? If a close friend or family member offers to sit with your child at a social event or a Christian meeting, accept gratefully. What have some made their youth happy? A Zeova Kaset rãmbã n yiis seb - kãnga. We might be drawing attention to ourselves in inappropriate ways. published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Rẽnd pa lingri la a sẽn wa n gom n sa tɩ kʋʋngã sẽn da yaa koaadba, rũm kɩɩmb la zĩm - yõgdb wʋsg " yɛɛs yẽ karengã yĩnga ' ye! - Matɩe 7: 28. We are happy to say that our courageous lawyer accepted a Bible study and was attending meetings before he died. No wonder, then, that when he spoke to the crowd, many shepherds and fish "were beside [his] reading "! - Matthew 7: 28. B na n menesa neb nins fãa sẽn tʋmd tʋʋm - wẽnsã n pa tol n dat n toeemã me. The inspired description of wisdom found in the book of Proverbs reads: "Jehovah himself produced me as the beginning of his way, the earliest of his achievements of long ago.... Those who practice bad things will never change. Yaa vẽeneg tɩ b pa tõe tɩ kiris - neb hakɩkã sĩnd n pa togs Wẽnnaam Rĩungã "koe - noog sẽn ka sɛtã, " bala b sɩd nanda zu - noog ning b sẽn tar n tõe n moon koe - noogã tɩ dũni - kãngã saab yaool n ta wã. Thirty years later their number had more than doubled to 38,393. Of course, true Christians cannot stop speaking about God's Kingdom because they truly appreciate the privilege of preaching the good news of the Kingdom before the end comes. (Karm - y Rom dãmb 5: 21.) In God's new world, full spiritual and physical healing will be brought about by means of forgiveness of sins on the basis of Jesus ' ransom sacrifice. (Read Romans 5: 21.) " Neb nins b sẽn da kʋ Wẽnnaam goama yĩnga la b sẽn kɩs kaseta yĩnga sɩɩs [bɩ b vɩɩm bee] tẽn - kugra tẽngre. " Illustrate how personal study can help us make wise choices. " Those who had executed God's word were dead for their lives on a altar. " [ Tẽngr note] Critical Times Now [ Footnote] Baa d pag bɩ d sɩd sã n pa tũud a Zeova, d segd n waoogd - a lame, n wilgdẽ tɩ d be a Zeova poorẽ (Ges - y sull a 9) Though the handing down of a religion from one generation to another is on the decline nowadays, the majority still remain attached to the religion of their family. Even if our marriage mate is not a servant of Jehovah, we should show respect for Jehovah (See paragraph 9) (Zã 1: 29; Wilgri 21: 9) La "Pebilã pagã " yaa ãnda? To this day, anointed Christians along with their dedicated associates, the "other sheep, " flourish as a Kingdom - preaching organization under the mighty hand of God and the leadership of his beloved Son. - Eph. Who is "the woman "? Ad woto sɩd yaa zu - zẽkr tɛkẽ! And then I will declare to them: " I never knew you! What a privilege that is! La a Lot pa zoe kʋʋngã sẽn da kisg - a wã ye. Jesus also pointed to the fulfillment of Bible prophecies in the events unfolding around him and in events to come. However, Lot did not fear the crowd he hated. A Nowe ne a Dãniyɛll la a Zoob sẽn bao ne b sũur fãa n na n bãng a Zeova wã, a sõng - b lame tɩ b bãng bũmb nins fãa b sẽn tog n maan n ta a yamã. However, this is not the only way that our cooperation contributes to the unity of God's people. Jehovah helped Noah, Daniel, and Job to understand all that they should do to please him. Bõe n kɩtd tɩ neb zood yɩ zood hakɩka, la bõe yĩnga? • How can we continue to walk in Jehovah's upright ways? What is the secret to true friendship, and why? A yeelame: "Ne maam, mam sã n kolg Wẽnnaam n yaa sõma. Jehovah will "wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. " He said: "As for me, drawing close to God is good for me. (Yɩɩl 37: 10, 11, 29; 67: 7; 72: 7, 16; Ezai 33: 24) Y yãgdame n na n yã y nebã la y zo - rãmbã vʋʋgre. As a Christian parent, you want your child to know the holy writings, which today include the Hebrew Scriptures as well as the Christian Greek Scriptures. You eagerly look forward to seeing people and friends in the resurrection. Rẽ yĩnga a Zeova ra baoodame t'a Abrahaam sõs ne - a tɩ sõng - a t'a bãng a sẽn na n maaneg tɩ zems bɩ? Over a number of weeks, take a few minutes at the end of each Bible study to describe the program of spiritual instruction that you receive at the various meetings and assemblies. Did Jehovah require Abraham to talk to him about what he would do? a) "Israɛll sẽn yaa Wẽnnaam dẽndã " yaa ãnd dãmba? On the other hand, there are technical and vocational schools, offering short - term courses that result in a certificate or diploma in some trade or service. (a) Who are "the Israel of God "? (1 Pɩɛ. 3: 15) Saam - biig ning yell d sẽn gomã sã n da bas tɩ raoã sũ - to - goama la a tʋyã kɩt tɩ yẽ me yik a sũuri, tõe tɩ raoã ra pa na n tol n toeem yam, wall ra na n zẽna yellã menga. The entertainment industry has fed people's imagination with horrific scenes of a coming "Armageddon. " If the brother mentioned in the preceding article had allowed the man to become angry and angry, he might have felt that he would never change his situation or change his attitude. 19: 19, 20) Tõnd sẽn wa n na n dɩk d meng n kõ Wẽnnaamã, d pʋlmame tɩ d pa na n le vɩ d meng yĩnga, la tɩ d na n vɩɩ Kirisã yĩnga. As such ones come to believe in God and trust in the Scriptures, we will need to explain Jesus ' role. When we dedicated ourselves to God, we promised that we would live no longer for ourselves and for Christ. A Poll yɩ a Zeova kaset soab sẽn da gomd ne raoodo, n wilgd nebã t'a Zeova bal n yaa Wẽnnaam. It was easy to follow along. " Paul was a bold witness that Jehovah is the only true God. (Mat. 4: 1 - 4) A Sʋɩtãan tõe n bãnga wakat ning tõnd sẽn ka pãngã, tɩ kɩt tɩ yaa nana t'a kʋɩɩb - dã. In a sense, you may need to "grieve " for what was lost - the health of your child. Satan may know when we are weak and make it easier for us to fall into temptation. A Zezi goma wakat sẽn wat tɩ "fãa sẽn be [tẽegr, NW] yaad pʋsẽ na n wʋm bãmb koɛɛg n yi, " n paam vɩ - paalg tẽng zug arzãnã pʋgẽ. - Zã 5: 28, 29; Luk 23: 43. Such a conclusion would be in harmony with Paul's words: "Jehovah knows those who belong to him. " - 2 Tim. Jesus spoke of a time when "all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out " to live on a paradise earth. - John 5: 28, 29; Luke 23: 43. • Tõnd burkĩndã yõod Wẽnnaam naamã pʋgẽ la bʋgo? Jehovah God, who created the original Paradise, has promised to restore what was lost. • What role does integrity play in upholding God's sovereignty? 25: 11. Therefore, Christian spouses are counseled to stay with the unbelieving partner if that partner is agreeable. 25: 11. Sɩd me, Biiblã yeelame t'a Zeova "yãka tẽngã tom n maan ninsaala, " rat n yeel tɩ d yaab a Ãdma. Dẽnd a tʋma wa yagda. (Sɩng. Is it worth placing our trust in someone at the risk of being let down? ' In fact, "Jehovah proceeded to make the ground out of the ground, " meaning that he acted as a liar. B kẽnga a Zozɛf nengẽ, la b pa bãng tɩ yaa yẽ ye. Later, when the ark of the covenant was brought up to Jerusalem, "David... said to the chiefs of the Levites to station their brothers the singers with the instruments of song, stringed instruments and harps and cymbals, playing aloud to cause a sound of rejoicing to arise. " - 1 Chron. They went to Joseph, but they did not recognize him. A Zeova yaa ned meng ne tõnd hal tɩ d tagsd a yelle, d sã n wa rɩkd sardo, sẽn paas sard nins sẽn wõnd b pa zem fɩ wã bɩ? Yes, Jehovah also uses the inanimate forces of nature to accomplish his will. Is Jehovah so real to us that he is interested in us when we make decisions that seem insignificant? 16: 3; 20: 18. • Why should we pray incessantly? 16: 3; 20: 18. A Poll sak n deegame tɩ kiris - neb a taab me ra tara minim la bãngr koe - moonegã pʋgẽ. Would it surprise you to learn that me - ism is not a modern phenomenon? Paul recognized that other Christians too had knowledge and skill in the ministry. Sẽn yaa lebende, rĩmã sã n lak a meng ne minim - wẽns kãensã, a na n tõogame n "kao bʋʋd tɩrg n sõng naong rãmb ne nimbãan dãmba. " - Yelbũna 31: 8, 9. 19, 20. On the other hand, if the king avoids such bad habits, he will be able to " justice and justice to the poor ones. ' - Proverbs 31: 8, 9. Be b yetame: "Neb nins sẽn bʋt ne nintãma na n tigsa ne sũ - noog yɩɩla. Ned ninga sẽn zãad bʋd - gẽbga n yit n kẽnd ne yãbrã, a na n leb n waa ne sũ - noog yɩɩla n tʋk a ka - kila. " If Job was real, must not his attacker, the source of his persecution, have been real as well? There we read: "Those sowing seed with tears will reap with a joyful cry; and he that is sowing seed with joyful cry will certainly reap with joy. " La sẽn na yɩl n "tõog Sʋɩtãanã sɩlem fãa, " d segd n pʋʋsda wakat fãa la ne d sũur fãa, la d bob Wẽnnaam zab - teedã fãa me. - Ef. To answer properly, we need first to understand what constitutes Kingdom fruitage. To "stand firm against the machinations of the Devil, " however, we need to pray earnestly and to put on the complete suit of armor from God. - Eph. D sẽn tũud Biiblã noyã, wãn - wãn la d nafda? Why, from the day our forefathers fell asleep in death, all things are continuing exactly as from creation's beginning. ' " How do we benefit from applying Bible principles? (Zã 3: 3) "Sã n ka " wã, la" ka tõe " wã wilgdame tɩ rogem paalgã yaa bũmb sẽn yaa tɩlae. Jesus promised: "I will request the Father and he will give you another helper to be with you forever, the spirit of the truth, which the world cannot receive. " The expression "not " refers to the new birth as the new birth. Ad sɩd yaa sik - m - meng tɛkẽ! - Bʋkaoodba 6: 11 - 15. Although Jehovah has declared his anointed ones righteous as sons and the other sheep righteous as friends on the basis of Christ's ransom sacrifice, personal differences will arise as long as any of us are alive on earth in this system of things. What humility! - Judges 6: 11 - 15. Yaa soolem nins bõn - naandgã babs toor - toorã sẽn makdã bal yell la a Daniɛll sẽn gomã. How has this study helped you? Only the various parts of the image symbolized Daniel's reference to the kingdoms of the image. Ned teka yam, a sã n sakame n toeem zʋgo, a sũur sẽn sãam yel - wẽnd ning a sẽn maanã yĩnga, la a wilgdẽ t'a ratame tɩ yellã yi a zugu. - Yɩɩl Sõamyã 51: 19; 2 Korẽnt dãmba 7: 11. From 1935 until now, much attention has been focused on the gathering in of the great crowd. If a person is truly repentant, he will be happy to change his course and show that he wants to go out. - Psalm 51: 18; 2 Corinthians 7: 11. La a Zezi tʋm - tʋmdbã yẽ kell n pʋg - a lame. Let us now examine four aspects of discipline: (1) self - discipline, (2) parental discipline, (3) discipline within the Christian congregation, and (4) something that is worse than the temporary pain of discipline. However, Jesus ' apostles remained subject to him. [ Foto seb - neng 12] Be Joyful Harvest Workers! [ Picture on page 12] Dũniyã yaa zĩig sẽn ka yell ne kiris - nebã rũndã - rũndã bɩ? Is the world like a grenade ready to blow up? Is the world a place for Christians today? Ne a no - goam la ne a tʋʋma, a wilga a karen - biisã tɩ yaa kũun n kõt sũ - noog hakɩk lakae pa reegr ye. How can you imitate Jesus in showing courage? By word and deed, he taught his disciples that true happiness comes from giving. D sẽn na n maan to - to n yeeg yalẽ - kʋdgã fasɩ, Sa - sika I asked my sister Felisa to forgive me for the hurtful words I had spoken to her. Indicating date of issue in which article appears Y zo - rãmb bɩ y roagdb sã n dat tɩ y biigã zĩnd ne - b reem sasa wall tigsg sasa bɩ y sake. Truly, Jehovah's works through the Messianic Kingdom are great and wonderful. If your friends or relatives want you to stay with your child at a social gathering or at a social gathering. Ned tõe n wa tara tagsa wall manesem sẽn wilgd t'a yaa wuk - m - meng soaba, n ka miẽ meng ye. After five years, we were assigned back to Japan, where we now enjoy the circuit work. At times, we may develop feelings or attitudes that reflect pride, even weakness. Bʋ - kaood ning sẽn sõng tõndã wa n sɩnga Biiblã zãmsgo, tɩ yɩ tõnd noog wʋsgo. Hal n tãag a kũum, a pa tol n bas tigissã kẽnd ye. Hearing these prayers should help the youth to see Jehovah as a merciful God. The judge who helped us began studying the Bible, and he never stopped attending meetings. Yelbũn sebrã Wẽnnaam sẽn vẽneg tɩ b gʋlsã bilgda yamã n yet woto: "Hal kʋdemd wakate, Zusoaba reng n naana maam n yaool n naan bũmba fãa.... Because learning to bear a yoke of suffering while young prepares a person to deal with challenges in his later years. The inspired book of Proverbs describes wisdom as saying: "In the past Jehovah created me, before all things were created.... Yʋʋm pis - tã poore, b sõorã fɩɩga naoor a yiib n dogl bũmbu. For example, if you had lived in a society where the majority believed that child sacrifices were acceptable, as some societies in the past have thought, would that have made the practice right? More than three decades later, the number of new ones increased. 4: 8; Yɩɩl 36: 10) Wẽnnaam dũni paalgã sẽn watã pʋgẽ, d na n paamame tɩ b kõ - d d yel - wẽnã sugr a Zezi maoongã maasem yĩnga. Rẽ na n kɩtame tɩ d paam laafɩ sẽn yaa sõma zãnga, tɩ zood ning d sẽn tar ne a Zeova wã me paas hal sõma. But Jehovah has given you the privilege of testifying about him to those now embracing true worship. In God's new world, we will have our sins forgiven on the basis of Jesus ' ransom sacrifice and enjoy a good relationship with Jehovah. Rɩk - y makr n wilg Biiblã zãmsg sẽn tõe n sõng - d to - to tɩ d bãng n maan sẽn segde. In Hebrews chapter 11, we find Paul's masterful discussion of faith, which includes a concise definition and a list of such exemplary men and women of faith as Noah, Abraham, Sarah, and Rahab. Illustrate how Bible study can help us to make wise decisions. D vɩɩ tood wakate In some cultures, a neatly trimmed beard may be acceptable and respectable, and it may not detract at all from the Kingdom message. We Are Living in "critical times hard to deal with " Baa ne b sẽn ye pa wɛ n taasd tũudmã zãmaan ne a to rũndã - rũndã wã, neb wʋsg ket n gãda b zakã neb tũudum. 15, 16. (a) Why was Paul dearly loved by his fellow believers? Although they have not always been preaching in another form of religious education today, many are still sticking to their family's religion. Rũndã - rũndã, ne Wẽnnaam pãngã la a Bi - riblã sor - wilgri, kiris - neb nins sẽn paam vʋʋsem sõngã zaeebã, n paas b tũud - n - taasã sẽn yaa " piis a taabã ' moonda Rĩungã koe - noog tɩ womd biis sõma. - Ef. These are the delightful prospects awaiting those who recognize the sign of the times. Today, with God's power and his Son, anointed Christians and their "other sheep " companions share in the Kingdom - preaching work. - Eph. La mam na n yeela bãmb vẽeneg yaa: " Mam ka mi yãmb baa bilf ye. In Jesus ' day, sparrows were used for food, but because they were a threat to crops, they were largely viewed as pests. And I will assure them: " I do not know you at all. A Zezi wilga yɛl sẽn zĩnd yẽ wakatẽ wã n pids Biiblã bãngr - goam kẽere, la yɛl a taab me sẽn nan wate. Engaging in this "holy work " makes us" fellow workers " with Jehovah, "the Holy One. " Jesus described events in his day as being fulfilled and fulfilled prophecies that are yet ahead. La pa d sẽn naagd taab n moond koɛɛgã yĩng bal la d sẽn zemsd taabã ye. Because they became unfaithful to God, Jesus later told them: "Look! However, we do more than merely share in the ministry together. • Wãn to la d tõe n ket n tũud a Zeova so - tɩrgã? [ Picture on page 23] • How can we continue to walk in Jehovah's righteous ways? A Zeova "na n yẽesa nintãmã fãa t'a ra le zĩnd bãmb ninẽ ye, la kũum ka na n le zĩnd ye, la sũ - sãoong bɩ yãbr walla toog kõn le zĩnd yɛs ye. " (Wil. I shall walk about in the integrity of my heart inside my house. " - Ps. Jehovah "will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. " Y sã n yaa roagda, y ratame tɩ y biig fãa bãng Wẽnnaam sebrã, rat n yeel tɩ Biiblã babg ning b sẽn da gʋls ne ebre wã, la a babg ning b sẽn da gʋls ne gɛrkã. Habakkuk, a Hebrew prophet, witnessed shocking acts of mindless violence and aggression in his day. If you are a parent, you want your child to know God's Word - the Hebrew Scriptures and the Christian Greek Scriptures. Rɩk - y semen a wãn tɩ zãmsg fãa poor bɩ y wilgd - a d sẽn maand d tigissã la d tigis - kãsemsã to - to wã. If we were to be harsh, we would likely try the patience of others and alienate them from us. After a few weeks, show him how we are doing our meetings, assemblies, and conventions. Sẽn paase, f tõe n yãk n na n baoa dipolom ekoll tɛknik rãmb bɩ tʋʋm minim lekoll dãmb wala sekretaria bɩ zɛsiõ n paam zãmsg sẽn pa kaoosd wʋsgo. And how honored they are to take the lead as Witnesses of Jehovah on earth in these last days! Furthermore, you may choose to pursue higher education or higher education as a means of higher education. B yiisa filim dãmb sẽn wilgd sãoong sẽn yaa kãseng n na n bilg Armagedõ, tɩ nebã yã n tagsdẽ tɩ Armagedõ na n sɩd yɩɩ boto. That vital work involved restoring Bible truths. It is estimated that Armageddon will take place at Armageddon, and people will see it as if Armageddon will ever be so. Nin - kãensã sã n wa tẽed Wẽnnaam la Biiblã, na n yɩɩ tɩlae tɩ d wilg - b tʋʋmd ning a Zezi sẽn tar Wẽnnaam daabã pidsg pʋgẽ wã. What, though, if you are not currently living by the Bible's moral standards? If such ones believe in God and in the Bible, we will need to share Jesus ' role in the outworking of God's purpose. B sẽn zãmsd nebã bũmb ninsã võor wʋmb yaa nana. " In fact, that spirit serves as training for difficulties that are very likely to confront us as this old system goes down. What they teach is easy to understand. " Sõsg ning sẽn pʋgdã pʋgẽ, d na n goma pʋʋsg a to yelle. At the end of the messages to those congregations, he declared: "Let the one who has an ear hear what the spirit says to the congregations. " - Rev. In the following article, we will consider another prayer. Rẽnd b sã n yeel - y tɩ y biig bẽeda bã - kɛgeng tɩ y sũur sãam wʋsgo, pa wẽng ye. A whole generation was not allowed to enter into that "good land. " So it is not wrong to tell your child that you have serious health problems. Rẽnd d tõe n tagsame t'a Poll goam nins sẽn be 2 Tɩmote 2: 19 wã fãa gomda a Koore kɩɩsgã yelle. Gom - kãens wilgda tõnd bõe? Yet, Jehovah's spirit can help you progressively to overturn "strongly entrenched things... raised up against the knowledge of God. " So we can conclude that Paul's words found at 2 Timothy 2: 19 apply to Korah's rebellion. A Ãdem ne a Awa sẽn da be arzãn ning pʋgẽ wã yaa a Zeova n da maane. Yẽ n leb n pʋlem t'a na n kɩtame t'a buud le zĩndi. Prayerful study of God's Word helps us to adopt Christ's mental attitude Jehovah also promised to restore the human family to a paradise home by means of a promise that He would restore the human family to a paradise. Rẽ n so tɩ b sagl yikãadb nins sẽn yaa kiris - nebã tɩ sã n mik tɩ kẽed - n - taag ning sẽn pa tẽedã sakame n na n zĩnd bɩ b kell n zĩnd ne - a. The dangers of wasting too much time in the pursuit of useless or even harmful information were recognized back in the days of King Solomon. Therefore, Christian couples are urged to remain loyal to their unbelieving mate. Zemsame tɩ f tall bas - yard ne ned la f miẽ t'a tõe n wa zãmb - f lame bɩ? ' We need to consider prayerfully how and to what extent we can simplify our life. Is it reasonable to trust someone and know that he can corrupt you? ' La b yãk kẽer tɩ b maan deem wʋsg ne pends la koala, la kɛma. " - 1 Kib. Peter's experience helps us to appreciate the remarkable transformation that is taking place among God's people today. But some of them were to have plenty to do with them, but they were to have plenty to do with them. " - 1 Chron. (Ezai 46: 9, 10) Biiblã bãngr - goam wilgdame t'a Zeova "ra - kãsengã kolgame. " We tend to absorb whatever is around us. Bible prophecies indicate that "the great day of Jehovah is near. " N - ye, a Zeova tũnugda ne bõn - kãens me n pidsd a raabã. " Have Regard for Those Who Are Working Hard Among You, " 6 / 15 Yes, Jehovah also uses them to accomplish his will. • Bõe yĩng tɩ d segd n pʋʋs n da base? WHAT IS THE REWARD? • Why should we pray incessantly? Yaa bũmb sẽn lingd yãmba, tɩ y bãng tɩ maam - nandã manesem pa sɩng masã bɩ? to anyone thirsting for life's water. Is it a surprise to know that my behavior is not new? 19, 20. Jesus went to the grave site with Martha and Mary, the sisters of the deceased man. 19, 20. A Zoob sã n zĩndame, dẽnd yaa vẽeneg t'a soab ning sẽn nams - a wã me sɩd beeme. No. If Job had been present, then there is no doubt that he personally suffered. 24: 31; 25: 10; Zã 14: 1 - 3; 1 Tes. Empty the bucket but keep the same sand and rocks. 24: 31; 25: 10; John 14: 1 - 3; 1 Thess. Sẽn na yɩl n leok tɩ zemse, d segda pipi n bãng Riũngã biis sẽn yaa bũmb ninga. Reflecting this progress, he makes changes in his life according to what he has learned. To answer properly, we first need to know what the results are. Tɩ bõe, hal tõnd yaab rãmbã sẽn ki tɩ ta masã, bũmb fãa ket n yaa wa dũniyã naaneg wakate. ' 10: 5 - 7, 12 - 14. Why, from the day our forefathers fell asleep in death, all things are continuing exactly as from creation's beginning. ' " A Zezi kãaba woto: "Mam na kos m Ba, la bãmb na kõ yãmb Sõangd a to, tɩ bãmb pa ne yãmb wakat sẽn ka sɛta. Bãmb yaa sɩd sɩɩga dũniyã sẽn ka tõe n deeg ye. " For example, in her book Women in Soviet Prisons, a Latvian author wrote about her illness while working at the Potma penal camp in the mid - 1960 ' s. Jesus promised: "I will request the Father and he will give you another helper to be with you forever, the spirit of the world, the spirit of the world. " Wãn to la d tõe nmao tɩ "fãa sak Sɩɩg Sõng ratem tɩ laafɩ zĩndi "? Tõnd sẽn tẽed Kiristã maoongã yĩnga, d yaa nin - tɩrs a Zeova nifẽ. Deanne, mentioned in the opening article, has now built her faith on God's Word. How can we "be peaceable with all men " because we exercise faith in Christ's ransom? Sõs - kãngã sõng - y lame tɩ y bãng bõe? Read Psalm 97: 10. What have you learned from this article? (Wilgri 7: 9 - 14) Yʋʋmd 1935 wã tɛk n tõk masã, sẽn pak n yɩɩd yaa kʋʋng kãsengã tigisgu. " The cleanliness of this hall reflects your true faith, " he commented. Since 1935, the great crowd has been primarily interested in the harvest work since 1935. Sõs - kãnga pʋgẽ, d na n goma bũmb a naas yelle: 1) Tõnd sẽn kibind d mengã, 2) roagdbã sẽn kibind b kambã, 3) tigingã pʋgẽ kiblgã, la 4) bũmb toolem sẽn yɩɩd kiblgã. At that time, mankind will be relieved of problems that now weigh so many down. In this article, we will consider four factors: (1) our own discipline, (2) discipline, (3) the discipline of parents, (3) the discipline of their children, (2) the discipline, and (4) the pain of parental discipline. ZÃMSG SÕSSÃ Rather than conform to God's standards of goodness, they began practicing what was bad. REGULAR FEATURES Dũniyã yaa wa gernaad sẽn dat n pusg bɩ? What cautions must we consider? Is the world like snow? Wãn to la d tõe n dɩk a Zezi togs - n - taare, n tall raoodo? What can we learn from the way Jehovah communicated with his people in the past? How can we imitate Jesus in showing courage? Mam kosa a Felisa sugr m sẽn da gom - a wẽngã yĩnga. Rather than choose academic subjects that are geared toward a university education, parents and children need to consider courses that are useful in pursuing a theocratic career. I apologized for having spoken abusively of him. (Yɩɩl 110: 3) A Zeova sɩd tũnuga ne a Rĩungã n maan bõn - kãsemse. However, this is not always possible. Yes, Jehovah used his Kingdom to accomplish wonderful works. Yʋʋm a nu rẽ poore, filiyallã kɩtame tɩ tõnd lebg n leb Zapõ. Mam sɩdã ket n yaa tigims sull yel - gɛta. The apostle Paul. After five years of service, I returned to Japan, and my husband still serves as a circuit overseer. (1 Zã 3: 21) Pʋʋs - kãensã kelgr segd n sõnga biigã t'a ges a Zeova wa Wẽnnaam sẽn tar nimbãan - zoeere. 4: 4. Such prayers should help the child to view Jehovah as a compassionate God. Bala ned sã n tõog toog a bi - bɩɩlem wakate, segenda a soabã t'a wa tõog yɛl a kãseng sasa. What events depicted in Jesus ' illustration about the wheat and the weeds still lie ahead? Because enduring under trial, a person prepares for a severe trial. La a Zeova kõo yãmb zu - noog tɩ y tõe n kõ neb nins sẽn sak sɩdã paalmã kaset a zugu. (Read Job 42: 10, 12, 16, 17.) But Jehovah has given you the privilege of giving to those who accept the truth. Hebre sak 11 wã pʋgẽ, tʋm - tʋmd a Poll goma tẽebã yell hal sõma. A reng n wilga tẽeb sẽn dat n yɛɛlgã koɛɛg - koɛɛga, tɩ rẽ poor t'a sõdg neb sẽn tall tẽeb n kõ tõnd mak - sõngo. Hitoshi's experience is a disturbing reminder that not everyone prizes honesty. In Hebrews chapter 11, the apostle Paul emphasizes the importance of faith by referring to the faith - strengthening examples of those who displayed faith. A sã n moond koɛɛgã, pa tiisd - nebã ye. Sɩd me, saam - biis sãnda sẽn tar tʋʋm tigingã pʋgẽ basa b toeemse. We should try to imitate Jehovah by not fixing our attention on human imperfections, which will eventually disappear. In fact, it is not surprising that some brothers who have privileges in the congregation have left behind. 15, 16. a) Bõe yĩng t'a Poll tẽed - n - taasã ra nong - a wʋsgo? Why is showing love so important for Christians? 15, 16. (a) Why did Paul love his brothers? Yaa bõn - sõma kãensã n gũud neb nins sẽn na n bãng tõnd wakatã bãndã. Happily, in apostolic times the majority of Christians were faithful and remained focused on the work of declaring the good news of God's Kingdom. Those visions await those who will see the sign in our time. A Zezi wakatã, neba ra wõbda yirsã, la b sẽn da sãamd koodã yĩnga, nebã ra get - b - la wa yell meng - menga. Yes, throughout his Thousand Year Reign, Christ will continue to lead the other sheep, who truly listen to his voice, and guide them to everlasting life. In Jesus ' day, the disciples were selling the sparrows, but because they were cut off, people were treated as "a lot of refuse. " (Rom 15: 16) D sã n wa moond koɛɛgã, d "yaa tʋmd - n - taas ne Wẽnnaam. " Since Enoch had faith, we know that he worshipped Jehovah as the one who "becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him. " As we carry out our ministry, we are "God's fellow workers. " 23: 38) Sɩd me, a Zeova wa n daaga Israyɛll buudã n bas tɩ b pa le yaa buud a sẽn so ye. What a happy time that must have been! In fact, Jehovah allowed the nation of Israel to lose his favor. [ Foto, seb - neng 15] Hypocritical love is especially shameful because it is a counterfeit of the godly quality of self - sacrificing love. [ Picture on page 15] A yeela woto: "Mam na n gũusame n tũ zemsg sore.... When the apostles and older men in Judaea discerned that the good news was also to be taken to those of the nations - non - Jews - they glorified God. He said: "I will guard my way of life, and I will walk in the way of righteousness.... A ra nee wẽnem buud toor - toor sẽn da tʋmd a wakatẽ wã, tɩ ra sãamd a sũur wʋsgo. * - MATTHEW 24: 3, 7 - 12. He saw the wickedness that was taking place in his day, and he was greatly distressed. D sã n yaa sũ - tʋʋlem soaba, d zĩid - n - taar pa na n noomẽ, la rẽ na n kɩtame tɩ nebã pa nong d zĩigẽ ye. What questions about our activity in the ministry can reasonably be considered? If we are mild - tempered, we will not be happy, and this will prevent people from being drawn into our place. La ad sɩd yaa waoogr ne - ba, b sẽn segd n lʋɩ taoor n yɩ a Zeova Kaset rãmb tẽngã zug yaoolem day kãensã wã! • How do you account for differences in the ways Peter and "supporters of circumcision " responded to adjustments in understanding of the truth? And how honor they are when they are to take the lead among Jehovah's Witnesses in these last days! Wala makre, Biiblã Zãmsdb wilga Kiristã sẽn ki tɩ yɩ maoongã võore. What did Jesus mean when he said that we must love God with our "whole heart "? For example, the Bible Students explained the significance of Christ's ransom sacrifice. La sã n mik tɩ y pa tũud Biiblã sẽn yet bũmb ning kãadmã la yoobã wɛɛngẽ wã, y tõe n tekame bɩ? If separated from the life force originally given by God, the soul dies. - Genesis 3: 19; Ezekiel 18: 20. What if you do not agree with what the Bible says about sex? Saam - bi - poak a Fumiko sẽn be Zapõ wã paam n põsa sa - kẽenga. Table of Contents A sister in Japan survived a huge storm. Koees nins a sẽn taas tigim - kãensã baasgẽ, a yeela woto: "Sẽn tara tʋba, bɩ a kelg bũmb nins sɩɩg sõng sẽn togsd mam tẽedbã. " - Wil. Jesus replied: "" You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. ' Toward the end of his ministry, he said: "Let the one who has an ear hear what the spirit says to the congregations. " - Rev. 14: 1 - 4) Woto kɩtame t'a Zeova yeel tɩ b baa a ye pa na n kẽ "tẽn - noogã " pʋgẽ ye. (Tõo. How does Jesus lead us by means of the holy spirit? Thus, Jehovah told them that no one would enter into "the holy city. " Ne rẽ fãa, a Zeova vʋʋsem sõngã tõe n sõng - y - la bilf - bilf tɩ y tõog bõn - yood sẽn tar pãng sẽn kɩɩsd Wẽnnaam bãngrã. At other times, it may be difficult to detect the deception. Yet, Jehovah's spirit can gradually help you to overcome any powerful influences that violate God's knowledge. Wẽnnaam Gomdã zãmsg ne pʋʋsg sõngda tõnd tɩ d tall Kirist tagsg manesmã buudu Be wise, and manifest a positive spirit. Study of God's Word and prayer help us to cultivate the mental attitude of Christ Rĩm a Salomo wakatẽ wã menga, b ra sak n deegame tɩ sãam sẽk n bao kɩbay sẽn ka yõod bɩ sẽn yaa wẽngã ra wata ne yɛla. He added: "His blood was on his own head, because he did not make use of the security God had provided for him. " Even in King Solomon's day, they recognized that time had been made to pursue valueless information or harmful information. D segd n pʋʋsame n ges d sẽn tõe n gĩdg d vɩɩmã to - to t'a lebg faaga. The vast majority of Jehovah's servants are part of "a great crowd... out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues. " We should pray to see how we can reduce our anxiety. A Pɩɛɛr kibarã sõnga tõnd tɩ d maneg n nand Wẽnnaam nin - buiidã sẽn maand toeen - kãsems nins rũndã - rũndã wã. While clean expressions of affection may be appropriate, be careful to avoid tempting situations. Peter's experience has helped us to deepen our appreciation for the remarkable changes that God's people are doing today. B sã n los lamd koomẽ, a pa tõe n pa fõog koomã ye. Why can it be said that the Pharisees had "a rafter " in their eye? When it comes to snow, it cannot be poured out on water. A NAFRÃ YAA BÕE? As a result, Jesus ' followers "repudiate ungodliness and worldly desires and... live with soundness of mind and righteousness and godly devotion amid this present system of things. " - Titus 2: 12. WHAT IS THE CHALLENGE? Yãmb zoe n wʋma bool - kãngã sẽn noogd sũurã bɩ? When the Lord Jesus appeared to him, Saul was on his way to Damascus to harass Christ's disciples there. Have you heard this thrilling invitation? A tũu kiidã tãop a Mart ne a Maari n kẽng yaoogẽ wã, tɩ neb wʋsg babs - ba. What is meditation, and how can it benefit us? She accompanied Martha and Mary to the tomb, and many of them went to the grave. Ayo. * Hence, Jesus ' "arriving, " or" coming, " mentioned in the illustration of the faithful slave takes place during the great tribulation. No. Y na n mikame tɩ kugã fãa pa le tõe n kẽ ye. If you were raised by Christian parents, do you recall how you felt when you became convinced that what you were learning about Jehovah was the truth and you decided to live in harmony with it? - Rom. 12: 2. You will see that all the stones will no longer take hold of it. A lakda a meng ne ziri tũudmã, la a toeemd a sẽn da vɩ to - to wã. Kingdom Hall cleaning cannot be left to chance. He avoids false religion and changes in his life. 10: 5 - 7, 12 - 14. Who is the first individual mentioned in God's Word who became a thief and a plunderer? 10: 5 - 7, 12 - 14. Letoni pag sẽn gʋls pʋgẽ, a goma a sẽn da wa n be bãens roog Potma soolmẽ wã yʋʋmd 1960 soabã sẽnes yelle, n tẽeg sasa sẽn zĩnd t'a ra wa lʋɩ bãag yelle. They are not too proud to give responsibility to those who are qualified to have it; nor are they haughty and unwilling to accept direction from those who are authorized to give it. When he was in prison in the 1960 ' s, he mentioned the time when he was in prison in the late 1800 ' s. (Zã 8: 32) Masã, a Deanne d sẽn gom a yell sɩngrẽ wã sẽn tẽed bũmb ninsã tika Wẽnnaam Gomdã zugu. " He that is pursuing righteousness and loving - kindness will find life, righteousness and glory. " - PROVERBS 21: 21. Now, as mentioned at the outset, our beliefs are based on God's Word. Karm - y Yɩɩl Sõamyã 97: 10. Our answer to that question, as seen in our life course, reveals the strength of that hope in our hearts. - Compare John 12: 25. Read Psalm 97: 10. Meerã sẽn yã roogã sẽn me to - to wã, n paas b sẽn sel fɩlɛɛr - dãmb tɩ yaa neerã, a sũur yɩɩ noog hal t'a yeel woto: "Yãmb sẽn maneg zĩigã tɩ yaa yɩlemd to - to wã wilgdame tɩ y sɩd tẽeda Wẽnnaam. " God therefore told the Israelites: "You must not go around among your people for the sake of slandering. " - Leviticus 19: 16. When I saw how the house was built and how they worked out well, he was so good that he said: "Your house is clean and undefiled that you exercise faith in God. " Wakat kãnga, ãdem - biisã na n paama yolsg ne zu - loees nins sẽn namsd neb wʋsg masã wã. We should not let a day go by without considering spiritual matters. At that time, mankind will experience relief from the problems that afflict many now. (Ezai 29: 13) B pa tũ noy nins Wẽnnaam sẽn gãneg sõmblmã wɛɛngẽ wã ye, la b sɩngame n maand sẽn yaa wẽnga. Jesus had the custom of listening to and participating in Scripture reading in the synagogue. They did not live up to God's standard of goodness, but they began to do what was bad. La d sã n teend Rĩungã ne d sũur fãa, bõe la d pa segd n yĩmi? In addition, have an alternate time set aside to allow for unforeseen circumstances. But what should we remember if we wholeheartedly support the Kingdom? A Zeova sẽn da kõt a nin - buiidã noy to - to pĩnd wẽndẽ wã wilgda tõnd bõe? Parents - Train Children From Infancy, 8 / 15 What can we learn from the way Jehovah provided his people in ancient times? Roagbã ne kambã pa na n yãk karen - bɛd sẽn na n kɩt tɩ kambã kẽng inivɛrsite ye, la b segd n yãka kareng nins sẽn na n wa kɩt tɩ tẽebã tʋʋm yɩ kambã tʋʋmdã. Yet, we can be confident that God will give wisdom to men entrusted with congregation responsibilities so that they can care for his sheep properly. - Prov. Neither young ones nor children will choose higher education for their children, but they should set aside time for spiritual goals. La pa wakat fãa la b tõe n maan woto ye. Well, just as Aquila and Priscilla may have learned from Paul, we can improve our ability to make disciples by following the example of good teachers of God's Word. But this is not always possible. Tʋm - tʋmd a Polle. There is nothing that the Devil can do to prevent all who genuinely repent from eventually becoming part of Jehovah's family. The apostle Paul. 4: 5. However, the opportunity now open to such opposers to repent and gain salvation will soon come to an end. 4: 5. Bõe yell la a Zezi gom a yel - bũndã pʋgẽ tɩ pidsgã nan ket taoore? 11, 12. (a) What warning did Jesus give against covetousness? What is the sign of Jesus ' prophecy about the conclusion of the system of things? (Karm - y Zoob 42: 10, 12, 16, 17.) This gave evidence that the new covenant had come into operation, marking the birth of the Christian congregation and of the new nation of spiritual Israel, "the Israel of God. " - Galatians 6: 16; Hebrews 9: 15; 12: 23, 24. (Read Job 42: 10, 12, 16, 17.) A Hitoshi kibarã tẽegd - d lame tɩ pa nebã fãa n nong pʋ - peelem ye. (Read Psalm 2: 11, 12.) Allen's experience reminds us that not everyone has a strong love for what is right. Woto yĩnga, d segd n dɩkda a Zeova mak - sõngã, n da get nebã kongr toɛy - toɛyã sẽn na n wa sa wã ye. The Challenge of Being Taught Therefore, we need to imitate Jehovah by not focusing on the outcome of the mistakes of others. Bõe yĩng tɩ nonglem tallg tar yõod wʋsg ne kiris - nebã? 3: 16, 29; 6: 16. Why is showing love vital for Christians? Zu - noogo, tʋm - tʋmdbã wakatẽ, kiris - nebã wʋsg sẽn yɩɩd ra yaa kɩs - sɩd dãmba, la sẽn da pak - b n yɩɩd yaa Wẽnnaam Rĩungã koe - noog mooneg tʋʋmde. The goal of that conversation is, not to preserve your image by making excuses or to pummel your adversary into apologizing, but to make peace. Happily, most Christians in the apostles ' day were faithful, but they focused on preaching the good news of God's Kingdom. 7: 9, 17) Hakɩka, Kiristã naamã sẽn na n kaoos yʋʋm tusrã sasa, a na n ket n wilgda piis a taabã sẽn sɩd kelgd a koɛɛgã sore, la a kɩt tɩ b paam vɩɩm sẽn ka sɛta. Instead, may we always manifest the spirit evident in the words of 1 John 5: 3: "This is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome. " Yes, during Christ's Millennial Reign, Christ will continue to show his sheeplike ones the way of truth and lead them to everlasting life. A Enok sẽn da tar tẽebã yĩnga, d miime t'a balma a Zeova, la t'a ra get - a - la wa " neb nins sẽn sɩd baood yẽ wã roandã. ' How did Abel exercise faith in the first prophecy? Because Enoch had faith, we know that he worshiped Jehovah and viewed him as "the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him. " (Tõodo 16: 15) Wakat - kãng segd n yɩɩ sũ - noog wakat meng - menga! Now they too help to spread the good news of God's Kingdom worldwide. - Matthew 24: 14. What exciting times that must have been! Ned sã n wilgd nonglem ning sẽn yit Wẽnnaam nengẽ wã, a baooda a taabã neer n yɩɩda. For centuries thereafter, "the true knowledge " was far from abundant not only among those who knew nothing of the Bible but also among professed Christians. Showing love from God is the best way to look for others. Tʋm - tʋmdbã la kãsem dãmbã sẽn be Zide wã sẽn wa n bãng tɩ koe - noogã ra segd n taasa bu - kãens sẽn pa Zʋɩf buudã nebã me, b pẽga Wẽnnaam. In what ways might some be affected by deception? When the apostles and older men in Judea learned that the good news was to be preached to the non - Jews, they commended God. * - MATƖE 24: 3, 7 - 12. God purposed that one from within the heavenly part of his organization would crush all rebels and that through him "the things in the heavens and the things on the earth " would be brought together. - Eph. * - MATTHEW 24: 3, 7 - 12. Sogs - bʋs sẽn zems la d tõe n sok d meng tõnd koe - moonegã wɛɛngẽ? During Jesus ' earthly ministry, Jehovah revealed an understanding of His purpose, not to wise and intellectual ones, but to unlettered and ordinary men who were humble enough to be taught by God's servant. What questions might we ask ourselves regarding our ministry? • Wãn to la y na n wilg bũmb ning sẽn kɩt t'a Pɩɛɛr manesmã sɩdã võor - wʋmb taoorã yɩ toor ne neb nins sẽn " da yet - b tɩ b kẽ bãongã '? This may be a challenge, especially if we happen to be in a position of responsibility. • How would you explain the difference between Peter's attitude and those who claimed to be circumcised? A Zezi sẽn yeel tɩ d segd n nonga Wẽnnaam ne d "sũur fãa, " ne d" sɩɩg fãa, " la ne d "yam fãa " wã rat n yeelame tɩ bõe? Much to our delight, our first assignment was to the Malawi branch, where our daughters and their husbands were serving. What did Jesus mean when he said that we should love God "with our whole heart, "" with our whole soul and with our whole mind "? Bugmã sã n ki, a pa kẽngd ni ye. A kiime bala. What, then, is the source of injustice? When the sun dies, it does not go out simply because it is dead. 2016, yʋʋm - vẽkre Will we be ready, or will that day catch us off guard? 18 Did You Know? A Zezi leokame: "Nong Zu - soabã fo Wẽnnaam ne f sũur fãa, la ne f sɩɩg fãa, la ne f yam fãa. Sad to say, many individuals in this world have a casual attitude toward marriage. Jesus replied: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. Wãn to la a Zezi wilgd tõnd sor ne vʋʋsem sõngã maasem? Did the Creator have the right to require full obedience from humankind? How does Jesus lead us by means of holy spirit? Yaa a woto me ne a Sʋɩtãan sẽn maand to - to n tudgd nebã. Rather than allowing such thinking to affect us, let us maintain the view that Jehovah and Jesus have toward our ministry. The same is true of Satan. Wilg - y tɩ y tara yam - sõngo. As the perfect Son of God, Jesus had the role of the "seed " of the woman, as foretold at Genesis 3: 15. Show that you have the right motive. Wakat kãnga, yẽ meng n bao a kũum, bala a pa tũ noy nins Wẽnnaam sẽn gãneg a põsg yĩngã ye. The anointed are also reminded of something else. At that time, he even tried to kill himself because he did not live up to God's standards for his body. Rũndã - rũndã, a Zeova Kaset rãmbã wʋsg yaa kʋʋn - kãsengã nebã. Marriage is one area where loyalty is vital but where, sadly, it is frequently lacking. Today, most of Jehovah's Witnesses are members of the great crowd. Y sã n wa rat n maan bũmb n wilg y to wã tɩ y nong - a lame, y segd n gũusame tɩ ra yɩ bũmb sẽn na n wa ne tʋls - wẽns ye. Do popular concepts of Armageddon match what the Bible teaches? If you want to show love for your mate, you need to guard against anything that would lead to wrong desires. D sõdg a tãab bala. Thousands of years ago, the Bible psalmist commented: "In themselves the days of our years are seventy years; and if because of special mightiness they are eighty years, yet their insistence is on trouble and hurtful things; for it must quickly pass by, and away we fly. " Let us consider three examples. Bõe yĩng tɩ d tõe n yeel tɩ "raoog " n da be fariziẽ rãmbã nifẽ? What is the true condition of the dead? Why can it be said that "the priests " were in the eyes of the Pharisees? (Efɛɛz rãmba 4: 17, 18) Rẽ kɩtame t'a Zezi karen - biisã " bas Wẽnnaam kɩɩsgo la dũniyã ratem sẽn yaa wẽnsã, la b gũusd b mens dũniyã ka masã n maand tɩrg la b sakd Wẽnnaam. ' - Tɩt 2: 12. He translated other parts of the Scriptures from Latin and from Martin Luther's Bible in German. As a result, Jesus ' followers were "to reject ungodliness and worldly desires and to live with soundness of mind and righteousness and godly devotion amid this present system of things. " - Titus 2: 12. Daar a yembre, a Soll da wa n debda Damas n na n tɩ nams Kiristã karen - biisi, tɩ Zusoab a Zezi vẽneg a meng ne - a. How did Daniel show that he appreciated the privilege of prayer, and what effect did that have on his relationship with God? Saul was on his way to Damascus to persecute Christ's disciples, and the Lord Jesus appeared to him personally. Bʋgsg yaa bõe, la wãn to la a tõe n naf tõndo? Faith is an aspect of the fruitage of God's holy spirit. What is it, and how can it benefit us? (Mat. 24: 30, 42, 44) Dẽnd a Zezi waoongã yell a sẽn gom tʋm - tʋmd sẽn tũud sɩdã yel - bũndã pʋgẽ wã na n yɩɩ to - kãsengã sasa. Millions today firmly believe that God shall "cause justice to be done " Thus, Jesus ' prophecy about the faithful slave will be the time of the great tribulation. La y roagdbã sã n yaa kiris - neba, rẽ yĩnga y tẽra y manesem sẽn yɩ to - to y sẽn wa n sak n deeg tɩ bũmb nins fãa b sẽn wilg yãmb a Zeova zugã yaa sɩd tɩ kɩt tɩ y yãk yam n na n tũ - a wã bɩ? - Rom 12: 2. How did God reassure them? But if you are Christian parents, do you remember how you reacted when you recognize that all that Jehovah has revealed about you? - Rom. 12: 2. Rẽ poore, a Zeezi zĩnda a "sɛɛgẽ wa tʋʋm - mita, " n sõng - a n tʋme. What is this coming "day of Jehovah, " and how will its arrival affect mankind? After that, Jesus was "as a master worker " and served him as a minister. D sã n dat tɩ d Rĩungã roog yɩ yɩlemde, bũmb toor - toor la d segd n maane. If he really meant that they would live forever, suffering misery in a fiery hell, would he not have said so? If we are to keep our Kingdom Hall clean, we must do what is required of us. (Zã 10: 1) Ãnd soab n yɩ pipi n lebg wagdr la fãada, tɩ b gom a yell Wẽnnaam Gomdã pʋgẽ? (b) Why are God's present - day servants "objects of hatred "? Who was the first thief and the thief mentioned in God's Word? B pa wukd b mens n pa kõt neb nins sẽn tar zʋgd nins sẽn segdã zɩɩb ye. B leb n pa tɩtaam dãmba, la neb sẽn pa rat n sak sor - wilgr ning sẽn yit neb nins sẽn tar zu - sobend n na n kõ sor - wilgr kãngã wã ye. " Be Training Yourself " They do not boast about those who are confronted with responsibilities; nor do those who refuse to accept the direction that comes from those who have authority over them. " Ned sã n baood tɩrlem ne sõmblem, a paamda vɩɩm ne tɩrlem la waoogre. " - YELBŨNA 21: 21. How are those who live by Scriptural standards often viewed? " He that is pursuing righteousness and loving - kindness will find life, righteousness and glory. " - PROVERBS 21: 21. Yaa d sẽn vɩ to - to wã n na n wilg d sã n na n sɩd saka woto. - Ges - y Zã 12: 25. If you are not now a pioneer, what adjustments may help you to join the pioneer ranks? This is the way we live. - Compare John 12: 25. Woto yĩnga, Wẽnnaam yeela Israɛll nebã tɩ: "La bɩ f ra kãneg f taab ye. " - Maankʋʋre 19: 16. For example, on the last day of the year, people gathered around a table spread with a variety of tasty foods and sweet wine. Therefore, God told the Israelites: "Do not avenge yourselves. " - Leviticus 19: 16. D segd n bʋgsda Wẽnnaam Gomdã zug daar fãa. As he gazed from his palace roof, he saw a beautiful woman bathing, and wrong desires filled his heart. We must meditate on God's Word daily. A Zezi ra minim n kelgdame la a kẽesd a toog Gʋlsg Sõamyã kareng pʋgẽ Zʋɩf rãmbã karen - doogẽ. Their deliverance from Babylon, on the other hand, was recorded by Isaiah nearly 200 years in advance, and further details were provided through Jeremiah almost a hundred years before the deliverance occurred. Jesus had the custom of listening and participating in the reading of the Scriptures at the synagogue. Sẽn paase, yãk - y wakat a to tɩ yell sã n wa gɩdg - y tɩ y pa tõoge, bɩ y maan - a wakat kãngã. How comforting to know that Jehovah's love exceeds that of any human parent! Moreover, set another time when you will not succeed, do so at that time. La yaa vẽeneg tɩ Wẽnnaam na n kõo rap nins a sẽn bobl tʋʋm tigingã pʋgẽ wã yam, tɩ b tõog n ges a nin - buiidã yell wa sẽn segdã. - Yel. But unless that promise is based on the teachings of the Bible, it will not help us to gain the blessings of God's Kingdom. Of course, God will give qualified men in the congregation the wisdom needed to care for his sheep. - Prov. Wala a Akila ne a Pirsill sẽn dɩk a Poll makrã, tõnd me tõe n dɩka Wẽnnaam Gomdã karen - saam dãmb a taabã sẽn tar minimã makre, tɩ rẽ kɩt tɩ d karen - biisã maaneg tõog paase. Would you like to take a self - guided tour of the Bible? Just as Aquila and Priscilla used Paul's example, we too can use experienced teachers of God's Word to make disciples. Ned sã n tek yam n bas a yel - wẽnã, bũmb kae a Sʋɩtãan sẽn tõe n maan n gɩdg - a t'a pa lebg a Zeova rẽnd ye. This inheritance includes the truth of Jehovah's Word, the hope of everlasting life, and the honor to represent God as proclaimers of the good news. If a person is truly repentant, there is nothing that Satan can do to prevent him from belonging to Jehovah. 24: 14, 21) Sẽn sõs n yɩla, d miime tɩ woto yaa weer n kõ bɛɛbã sẽn na yɩl tɩ b tek yam n kos sugr n wa paam fãagrã. Had he not taken Uriah's wife in secret? We know that this is an opportunity for enemies to repent and be saved. 11, 12. a) Sagl - bʋg la a Zezi kõ rat - wʋsgã wɛɛngẽ? This usually has to be purchased. 11, 12. (a) What counsel did Jesus give about covetousness? (Tʋʋma 1: 13 - 15; 2: 1 - 4) Rẽ kõo kaset tɩ kaool paalgã lebga yel - sɩda, tɩ yɩ kiris - neb tigingã sɩngre, la tẽeb Israɛll bu - paalg sẽn yaa "Israɛll sẽn yaa Wẽnnaam dẽnda " sɩngre. - Galat dãmba 6: 16; Hebre dãmba 9: 15; 12: 23, 24. 12: 28, 29. This gave evidence that the new covenant became a reality, a beginning of the Christian congregation, and a new nation, "the Israel of God. " - Galatians 6: 16; Hebrews 9: 15; 12: 23, 24. (Karm - y Yɩɩl Sõamyã 2: 11, 12.) After reaching an age of responsibility, each individual is judged on the basis of his own conduct and attitude. (Read Psalm 2: 11, 12.) Sak tɩ b zãms - fã pa nana ye This marks the end of the period of the Judges and the beginning of the era of human kings. Learning to Learn From It is not easy 3: 16, 29; 6: 16. As a member of "the division of Abijah, " Zechariah was then serving his turn at the temple. 3: 16, 29; 6: 16. (Galat dãmba 6: 1) Y bõn - datl ka segd n yɩ sẽn na yɩl n bao bʋʋm sẽn na yɩl tɩ f yʋʋr da sãam, bɩ n modg ned a to wã t'a kos sugr ye, yaa sẽn na yɩl n bao laafɩ. During most of King Solomon's reign, the Israelites received extraordinary blessings from Jehovah. Your goal should not be to try to hinder your reputation or to apologize for the other person's repentant attitude. Sẽn yaa lebend ne bãmb bɩ d tall tagsg ning sẽn be 1 Zã 5: 3 pʋgẽ wã wakat fãa: "Wẽnnaam nonglem yaa tɩ tõnd sak bãmb tõogo. La bãmb tõog ka toog ye. " Additionally, the ongoing expansion of Kingdom interests has proved to be unstoppable, overcoming all opposition. - Isa. Unlike them, let us always have the attitude found at 1 John 5: 3: "This is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome. " Wãn - wãn la a Abɛll tall tẽeb ne pipi bãngr - gomdã? To remain loyal to Jehovah, we must continue to work hard to strip off the old personality with its tendency toward presumptuousness and self - reliance. How did Abel exercise faith in the first prophecy? Masã bãmb me sõngdame n yelgd Wẽnnaam Rĩungã koe - noog dũniyã gill zugu. - Matɩe 24: 14. Why? They are now helping to spread the good news of God's Kingdom throughout the earth. - Matthew 24: 14. 20: 28 - 30; 2 Tes. 2: 1 - 3) Rẽ tɛka, maana yʋʋm kobs tɩ baa neb nins sẽn yet tɩ b yaa kiris - nebã pa tar "bãngr " ning sẽn be Biiblã pʋgẽ wã ye. By means of holy spirit, Jehovah helped them to grasp vital spiritual truths while the wise and intellectual ones, who scorned them, remained blinded by Satan and by their own pride. For centuries, even those who claim to be Christians have lived without having "the accurate knowledge of the Scriptures. " Kiris - ned sã n bas tɩ b belg - a, bõe n tõe n paam - a? But loyalty to God moved Jonathan to befriend David rather than seek the advantages of the kingship for himself. What could happen if a Christian allows himself to be deceived? Wẽnnaam wilgame tɩ malɛk a ye sẽn be a saasẽ siglgã pʋgẽ na n wa sãama kɩɩsdbã fãa, la a kɩt tɩ "bũmb fãa sẽn be yĩngr la sẽn be dũniyã " naag taab n sak Wẽnnaam. - Ef. 14, 15. (a) What indicates Jehovah's strong desire to rid mankind of suffering? God indicated that one of the spirit creatures in his heavenly organization would destroy all rebels and "all things in the heavens and on the earth. " - Eph. Nin - kãensã yɩɩ sik - m - mens rãmba, hal n sak tɩ Wẽnnaam ned zãms - b a Gomdã. B ra yaa wa kom - bõoneg bãngdbã taoore. What does that expression involve? Such humble ones were even more humble, and they accepted God's Word as prophets. (Filip rãmba 2: 3) Rẽ maaneg tõe n yɩɩ toog ne tõndo, sẽn yɩɩd fãa, d sã n yaa taoor soaba. How can we show love for brothers whom we do not personally know? Doing so can be a challenge for us, especially if we are taking the lead. Lekollã poore, Malawi filiyallẽ wã la b tʋm tõnd pipi. For this reason, since the early 20th century, the anointed remnant have been zealously applying themselves to the task of "the ministry of the reconciliation " to the far corners of the earth. After school, we were assigned to the branch office in Malawi. La maana wãn tɩ yel - kɛgã wa beẽ? * How did injustice come about? (Matɩe 24: 40, 41) Ra - kãng sẽn na n yɩ yel - pakr daarã segd n wa mikame tɩ tõnd yaa nin - bʋg buudu? God told the Israelites: "You must keep the whole commandment that I am commanding you today, in order that you may grow strong and may indeed enter in and take possession of the land. " What kind of man should we be? B tagsdame tɩ b kãadem sã n wa pa noomẽ, b tõe n kaoome. La pa woto la kiris - nebã tagsd ye. Does Jehovah God care about small details? They feel that it is not easy to get married, but Christians do not consider it to be true. Naandã ra tara sor n na n kɩt tɩ ãdem - biisã fãa sak yẽ zãng - zãng bɩ? 6: 10. Did the Creator have the right to cause all mankind to be obedient to him? D pa na n bas tɩ tags - kãngã buud tuk - d ye, la d na n kell n talla tagsg ning a Zeova la a Zezi sẽn tar tõnd ministɛɛrã wɛɛngẽ wã. he asked me. The other customer left quickly without using the facilities. We will not allow such feelings to affect us, but we will maintain a positive view of Jehovah and Jesus in our ministry. (Sɩngre 2: 7; Luk 1: 35; 1 Korẽnt dãmba 15: 22, 45, NW) A sẽn yaa Wẽnnaam Biribl sẽn zems zãnga, a Zezi ra yaa paga "yageng " b sẽn da reng n togs a waoong Sɩngre 3: 15 pʋgẽ wã. This is obedience from the heart. " As God's perfect Son, Jesus was the "seed " foretold at Genesis 3: 15. Bũmb a to me la b tẽegd neb nins sẽn paam vʋʋsem sõng zaeebã. " If you remain in my word, you are really my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. " - JOHN 8: 31, 32. A further reminder is given to those who are anointed with holy spirit. Kãadem baoodame tɩ kẽed - n - taasã tall kɩs - sɩd ne taaba, la rẽ tara yõod wʋsgo, zu - bʋko yaa kãadma pʋgẽ meng la kɩs - sɩdã kae naoor wʋsgo. Instead, Jesus asked that they be brought to him, and moved with pity, he restored their sight. Marriage involves loyalty to one's mate, and that is often the most important thing in a marriage. Nebã tagsg Armagedõ zugã zemsa ne Biiblã sẽn yetã bɩ? By the words "the One lifting up my head, " David ascribes to Jehovah the help he expects to receive. Do the views of Armageddon harmonize with what the Bible says? Yʋʋm tusa sẽn looge, Biiblã yɩɩl - gʋlsd goma woto: "Tõnd yʋʋma tõnd vɩɩm wakat yaa yʋʋm pis - yopoe, la yĩns keelem sã n beẽ, b tõe n taa pis - nii. La baa bãmb sõor woglem sẽn yaa woto wã, yaa toog ne sũ - sãoong bala; tɩ bõe, bãmb loogda tao - tao, tõnd loogdame. " A very small portion of the Earth's surface contains most of the risk and most future large - scale disasters will occur in these areas. " Thousands of years ago, the psalmist sang: "In our days our days are seventy years; and if because of their physical strength they are able to count eight years, then they are too much for them; for they are getting worse. " (Yɩɩl Sõamyã 83: 18, NW) Sẽn ki - bã halhaal meng - meng yaa bõe? We have the same service schedule, so we are very involved in each other's return visits and Bible studies, which helps us to keep the same pace emotionally and spiritually. " What is the condition of the dead? La a talla Biibl b sẽn lebg ne latẽ, la Biibl ning a Martin Luther sẽn lebg ne alema wã n lebg babs a taabã. They actually went through their things and literally packed all the materials related to such projects and put them out of sight. On the other hand, he used a translation of the Bible, and Martin Martin joined the rest of the Bible into other parts of the world. Wãn - wãn la a Daniɛll wilg t'a sɩd nanda pʋʋsgã sẽn yaa zu - noog bũmbã hal wʋsgo, la rẽ talla pãn - tusd - bʋg a zems - n - taarã ne Wẽnnaam zugu? Beroea was a city in ancient Macedonia. How did Daniel express his deep appreciation for the privilege of prayer, and what effect did this have on his relationship with God? Tẽeb naaga zʋg - sõma nins vʋʋsem sõngã sẽn kɩtd tɩ ned tallã sʋka. Examples of faithful ones like Joseph, who showed mercy to his brothers - even though "they began to hate him " - may also have influenced Jephthah's response. Faith is part of the fruitage of the spirit. Rũndã - rũndã, neb milyõ rãmb n tẽed ne b sũy fãa tɩ Wẽnnaam na n kaoa bʋʋd n sõng a nin - buiidã 4: 17. Today, millions are convinced that God will provide justice for his people (Yikri 3: 11; Zeremi 1: 6) Wãn - wãn la Wẽnnaam kõ - b bas - m - yam? According to the charter, the purposes of the Society include this principal purpose: "To preach the gospel of God's kingdom under Christ Jesus unto all nations as a witness to the name, word and supremacy of Almighty God JEHOVAH. " How did God assure them? (Ezai 13: 9; Zoɛll 2: 1; 2 Pɩɛɛr 3: 12) " A Zeova raarã ' yaa bõe, la a waoongã na n maana ãdem - biisã bõe? When contemplating marriage, it is important to have a mature understanding of all that is involved. What is "the day of Jehovah, " and what will his presence do for mankind? Sã n da mikame tɩ b na n sɩd namsa nin - kãensã bug - tẽng wakat fãa tɩ b pa kiidẽ, rẽ yĩnga a Zezi ra pa na n wilg rẽ sɩda? Physical. If they were to experience eternal torment in hell, would Jesus not prove this? b) Bõe yĩng tɩ b " kis ' Wẽnnaam rũndã - rũndã sõgen dãmbã? That word conveys the idea of "courage, confidence,... fearlessness. " (b) Why are God's present - day servants " hated '? Dũni gill zu - loɛɛga 3 How does holy spirit operate in the lives of God's people, and what distinction is evident? 3 A World in Ancient Times " Mao - y ne Wẽnnaam sakre ' Here the psalmist expressed his confidence in God. " Keep Walking With God " Wãn to la neb wʋsg get sẽn tũud - b Wẽnnaam noyã? But the call for 1,000 full - time preachers was optimistic, since only a few hundred attended the meetings of the Bible Students at that time. How do many people view God's standards? Y sã n nan pa so - pakda, bõe la y tõe n maan n wa tõog n sɩnge? What is a major feature of our sacred service, and how is this also a public service? If you are not yet serving as a pioneer, what can you do to prepare for the start of the full - time ministry? No - rɛɛs a Ezai gʋlsa Wẽnnaam tagsg sẽn yaa a soab ne wẽn - kɩɩsdb kãensã n yeele: "Yãmb sẽn basd maama, yãmb la m na n leok marsã, n leok - y tɩ y ka le rɩkd baa bilfu sor ning sẽn dʋʋsd yãmb m tãn - sõnga zuga ye. Your power will be scanty. " Concerning God's view of those ungodly men, the prophet Isaiah wrote: "You will leave me, and I will answer you for no time, no matter how many times you may get out of my holy mountain. A ra bee a na - zakã gasg zug n getẽ, n yã pʋg - neer sẽn da sood koom, tɩ tʋls - wẽns pid a sũurã. Did he have greater affection for the fish and the fishing business than for Jesus and the things that he taught? While in his house, he saw a beautiful woman she had been touched by wrong desires. (2 Kɩbaya 20: 1 - 4, 14 - 17) La a Ezai ra zoe n gʋlsame tɩ b na n fãag - b - la Babilon nugẽ, tɩ ket sẽn kolg yʋʋm 200, la Wẽnnaam kɩtame t'a Zeremi togs yɛl a taab n fasem, tɩ fãagrã ket sẽn kolg yʋʋm koabga. Stichting Atlas van Stolk, Rotterdam However, Isaiah had already written that they would be delivered from Babylon in the fall of some 200 years, and God gave Jeremiah more details about the salvation of a hundred years. (Yɩɩl Sõamyã 27: 10) D sẽn mi t'a Zeova nonga tõnd n yɩɩd d roagdbã sẽn nong - dã sɩd kengda d raoodo! Why is there an urgent need for people of the world to wake up to the significance of our times? How comforting it is to know that Jehovah loves us more than our loving parents! La kãab kãng sã n pa tik Biiblã zug fãa, a pa na n sõng tõnd tɩ d paam Wẽnnaam Rĩungã bark ye. The Bible does more than establish Jehovah's right to rule. But if not all the Bible's promises are not Bible - based, it will not help us to receive God's Kingdom. Yãmb dat n wʋma Biiblã goam võor bɩ? Salt Sea Would you like to understand the Bible? Sɩd ning sẽn be a Zeova Gomdã pʋgẽ wã, vɩɩm sẽn pa satã saagre, la zu - noog ning d sẽn tar n moond koe - noogã n gomd Wẽnnaam yʋʋr yĩngã naaga rogem pʋɩɩr kãng pʋgẽ. (b) How should we respond to God's molding? The truth of Jehovah's Word, the prospect of everlasting life, and the privilege of preaching the good news of God's name is part of that inheritance. A pa solg n dɩka a Uri pagã la? A more subtle challenge for Daniel could have involved his exceptional abilities, which led to his receiving special privileges. Was he not concealed from Uriah's wife? Modgd - y wakat fãa n bãngd n wilgd bũmb ning y sẽn tẽedã. - 1 Pɩɛ. How can we pursue "the minding of the spirit "? Be ever alert to what you believe. - 1 Pet. Rẽ nong n yaa bũmb b sẽn segd n da. As your student begins to see the need for making changes, you will learn - patiently and discreetly - to help him to apply Bible principles. This often involves something that they should have to do. 12: 28, 29. What does being created as free moral agents mean for us? 12: 28, 29. Ned fãa sã n wa lebg kãsma, b kaooda a bʋʋd tɩ zems ne a meng yel - manesem. My sister felt free to express herself to them, to hug them, and to enjoy a close relationship with them. When each one is older, he is judged according to his own conduct. Yɩɩ bʋ - kaoodbã zãmaan saabo, la rĩm dãmb sẽn yaa ninsaalbã naam sɩngre. Whether they agree or have doubts, at least they have an idea of what Paul meant when he said: "All have sinned. " It was the end of the present system of things and the beginning of human rulership. A Zakari sẽn da yit a Abia buudã neb sʋkã n da maand maan - kʋʋr tʋʋmdã wakat kãnga, bala ra gilg n ta - a lame. In the book of Revelation, the encouragement to "hear what the spirit says " appears seven times. - Revelation 2: 7, 11, 17, 29; 3: 6, 13, 22. Zechariah, a member of the tribe of Levi, had served at that time because he had traveled with him. Rĩm a Salomo naama rɩɩb wakat fãa pʋgẽ la bala, Israɛll nebã paama bark kãsems sẽn yit a Zeova nengẽ. How would you answer that question? Researchers struggle to define prejudice. Throughout Solomon's reign, the Israelites received rich blessings from Jehovah. (Ezai 60: 22) Neb nins sẽn be sigl - kãng pʋgẽ wã paamdame tɩ b sõngd - b tɩ b tar zood sõma ne a Zeova. The apostle Paul felt a personal responsibility to share the good news with others. Those in that organization are being helped to draw close to Jehovah. (Zer. 17: 9) Sẽn na yɩl n ket n sakd a Zeova, d segd n modgdame n toeemd d pĩnd zʋgã, bala tõe tɩ d ra nong n wukda d meng la d teegd d menga. As to the latter measurement, many husbands rate poorly, for they are governed by the spirit of the world and by human standards. To maintain our integrity to Jehovah, we must strive to improve our personality because we may have a tendency to boast and rely on ourselves. Bõe yĩnga? Taking time to meditate appreciatively on " Jehovah's dealings ' can instill in us the desire to cultivate this godly quality. - Read Psalm 77: 12. Why? 18: 1 - 4) Rẽ n so t'a Zeova tũnug ne a vʋʋsem sõngã, n sõng - b tɩ b wʋm a goamã võore. La zʋɩf - rãmbã tũudmã taoor dãmbã wuk - m - mengã, n paas a Sʋɩtãan sẽn lud b yamã kɩtame tɩ b kell n pa likã pʋgẽ. The sheer number of stars fills us with awe. Thus, by means of his spirit, Jehovah opened the way for them to understand his words, but the proud leaders of the Jewish religious leaders, including Satan, kept their minds in darkness. (1 Sãm. 20: 31) La a Zonatã ra nonga a Zeova, n da be a poorẽ. Initial steps have already been taken and are described in the book of Revelation, where the curtain is drawn back to reveal yet another important event in the spirit realm that we could otherwise never see. But Jonathan loved Jehovah and was loyal to him. 14, 15. a) Bõe n wilgd t'a Zeova raab yaa kɩt tɩ namsg buud fãa sa? Why is repetition so important? 14, 15. (a) What shows that Jehovah's purpose is to end all suffering? Gom - kãngã võor yaa bõe? 11 / 1 All things created "for " Jesus?, 9 / 1 What does that mean? Wãn to la d tõe n wilg nonglem ne saam - biis tõnd mengã sẽn pa mi? • How has Jehovah shown that he does not leave his loyal ones when they experience oppression? How can we show love for our brothers whom we do not know? Pipi sõsgã na n wilga bũmb a tãab d sẽn tõe n maane, tɩ d goamã kẽ d kɛlgdã. Are you facing opposition from an unbelieving family member? The first article will consider three ways in which we can reach the householder's heart. 7: 1 - 3) Woto kɩtame tɩ yʋʋmd 1900 wã sẽnes tɛk n tãag masã, sẽn paam - b vʋʋsem sõngã zaeeb n ket tẽngã zugã tʋmda "paasg tʋʋmdã " ne yẽesem dũniyã ween - vɩɩsã fãa. We are part of a worldwide congregation of imperfect humans, any one of whom may wrong us or even become unfaithful. As a result, since the 20th century, anointed ones have zealously carried out "the work of the Lord. " * We too must be trained like a gymnast, spiritually speaking, if we want to be sure that the decisions and choices we make are always sound. * Wẽnnaam yeela Israɛll nebã woto: "Bɩ y sak tõod nins fãa mam sẽn kõt yãmb dũnda wã n paam pãng n tõog n deeg tẽng ninga yãmb sẽn dabdã n sooge. " You may enjoy studying these chapters, especially if you like horses or other animals. - Psalm 50: 10, 11. God told the Israelites: "You must obey all the commandments that I am giving you today, that you may take possession of the land that you are bearing. " La a Zeova getame tɩ yel - bõonegã me tara yõod bɩ? Its laws and principles apply to all national groups, races, tribes, and peoples. Does Jehovah, though, view minor matters as precious? 6: 10. With propaganda and religious myths and lies, he has deceived mankind. 6: 10. 2: 14) A Hawa me tõogame t'a sɩdã kɩɩs Wẽnnaam. As older ones, we must guard against jealousy. Eve joined her husband in disobeying God. Rao - wẽbrã kell n looga zĩig pʋgẽ, n pa kẽ rʋʋdmã zĩigẽ ye. Most of the 144,000 corulers with Christ have already completed their earthly course in faithfulness. When a man knocked on the bus, he did not go through the bus. M sakd - b - la ne m sũur fãa. " Job was determined to please Jehovah in favorable and unfavorable circumstances. I obey them with a complete heart. " " Yãmb sã n tall mam goamã, yãmb yaa mam karen - biis hakɩka. Yãmb na bãng sɩda, la sɩdã na kõ yãmb lohorem. " - ZÃ 8: 31, 32. The Devil is skilled at exploiting such feelings in his attempt to turn people away from God. " If you remain in my word, you are really my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. " - JOHN 8: 31, 32. A zoee b nimbãanega, n kɩt tɩ b bool - ba, t'a puk b ninã. Jesus and his disciples were traveling to Jerusalem for the Passover of 33 C.E. He felt compassion for them, and he restored them to the sight of their eyes. A Davɩɩd sẽn yeel t'a Zeova "zẽkda [yẽ] zugã, " yaa vẽeneg t'a ra kɩsa sɩd t'a Zeova na n sõng - a lame. Christine was ten years old when she made up her mind to read regularly the life stories of faithful Witnesses. David's confidence in Jehovah's support was evident in the words: "As for me, my soul [Jehovah] will trust in him. " Yaa zĩis a wãn bala. La na n yɩɩ zĩ - kãens la sabaab - wẽns sẽn tar pãng wʋsg na n wa zĩndi. " 5: 8. There will be only a few places, but there will be a time when there will be plenty of grain on the earth. " Bõe yĩng tɩ Kiristã tũub na n sõng - d tɩ d paam zood sõma ne a Zeova n paase? They also benefit from the guidance of a Governing Body of experienced elders who provide Scriptural encouragement and direction for the more than 100,000 congregations. Why will following Christ help us to draw closer to Jehovah? Woto kɩtame tɩ b pa zabd taab ligd poorẽ ye. Sẽn paase, b tũuda taab n kẽnd n kaagd neb nins sẽn kelg koɛɛgã, la b kẽnd n zãmsd nebã Biiblã. SHADOWS OF JESUS ' SACRIFICE As a result, they continue to visit those who have been preaching the good news and conducting Bible studies. Sɩd - sɩda b vaeesa b teedã n yiis bũmb nins fãa sẽn tar loees ne bõn - datɩ kãensã n lebs kɛɛnga. This is not easy for those who have been raised in cultures where there is strong fear of the dead. Certainly, they searched for all the things associated with these goals and went off. Beere ra bee Masedoan soolmẽ wã. Jehovah made what promise to those in the new covenant? The Beroeans were in Macedonia. Tõe tɩ wẽn - sakdb nins sẽn deng a Zɛfte wã mak - sõngã me sõng - a lame. We might ask ourselves, " Shouldn't I imitate Jesus by commending my children and others for what they do well instead of focusing on their shortcomings? ' The example of Jephthah may also have been a fine example for God's faithful servants. 4: 17. Many people believe that events in their life and the outcome are predetermined and that there is nothing they can do about it. 4: 17. Sosiete wã bõn - datɩ wã a ye sẽn yaa kãseng yaa: "Sẽn na yɩl n moon Wẽnnaam rĩungã evãnzill Kirist Zezi sor - wilgr pʋgẽ tẽn - tẽnsã fãa pʋsẽ, n kõ kaset Wẽnnaam a ZEOVA sẽn yaa pãng sẽn - tõe - fãa soabã yʋʋrã, a Gomdã la a yɩɩdmã wɛɛngẽ. " What are some ways that we can be generous toward Jehovah? One of the main objectives of the Society is: "To declare the kingdom of God in every city, to give a witness about the Almighty God, and to his Word and his holy name. " D sã n wa rat n kẽ kãadem, tara yõod tɩ d tall tagsg sẽn bɩ ne rẽ sẽn baood bũmb ninsã. In what temple arrangement are we privileged to serve joyfully? When contemplating marriage, it is important to have a balanced view of what is involved. Yĩngã wɛɛngẽ. Describe one young man's search for a purpose in life. The use of the human body. Sẽn gomd - a ne raood gomda ne kɩs - sɩda, n pa yɛɛsdẽ ye. Perhaps the husband likes to stay quietly at home during leisure time and read a book. Without fear of being bold and loyal, he is not afraid. Wãn to la vʋʋsem sõngã tʋmd Wẽnnaam nin - buiidã vɩɩm pʋgẽ, la welg - bʋg n yaa vẽenega? • Jesus gave what warning to religious leaders? How does the holy spirit operate in the lives of God's people, and what contrast is clearly seen? La b pa paam tɩ neb wʋsg lebg so - pakdb ye. Bala wakat kãng tɩ yaa neb kobs wãn bal n da wat tigissã. Hutter also printed what is commonly called the New Testament, with the text in 12 languages. However, they did not have the privilege of serving as full - time ministers, since only a few were attending meetings at the Kingdom Hall. Tõnd baleng tʋʋmdã nen - kãseng a yembr yaa bõe, la wãn - wãn la woto yaa zãma sʋk tʋʋmd me? The Messianic Kingdom is an arrangement established by the Almighty himself to accomplish his purpose regarding his creation. What is one important aspect of our sacred service, and how is it a public service? Tigingã pʋgẽ zagsã rãmb pa tol n bas - m ye. Angered by this, the chief priests and the scribes protested: "Do you hear what these are saying? " My family never left me. Yel - bũnd a to me yeta woto: "Ned sũur sã n sãame, a neng gãnemdame. " (Yel. Jesus. - HEBREWS 9: 11. Another proverb says: "When a man is crushed, his face is covered. " Rẽnd wõnda a rat n bãnga a Pɩyɛɛr sã n nonga yẽ n yɩɩd zĩmã yõg n koosã. I also learned that there is much for us younger ones to do in Jehovah's organization. " So he likely wanted to know if Peter loved him more than fishing. Stichting Atlas van Stolk, Rotterdam Under Jesus as High Priest, the anointed constitute a royal priesthood. As told by me, I'm happy to go to my family's house Bõe yĩng tɩ dũniyã neb segd n bao n wʋm tõnd wakatã yɛl võor tao - tao? How is it that we can consider ourselves "dead with reference to sin "? Why should we expect world conditions to be quickly understood? Biiblã pa wilg bal tɩ yaa a Zeova n segd n yɩ yĩngr la tẽng naab ye. All day long it is my concern. " The Bible does not teach that Jehovah is the rightful Sovereign of the universe. Yamsem mogrã He knew that his followers needed the same alertness - not just then but in the future. Salt Sea b) D manesem segd n yɩɩ wãn ne a remsgã? ◆ Praying to God regularly and sincerely (b) How should we respond to his molding? Bũmb me n da tõe n lebg bẽdga. A Dãniyɛll yamã ne a bãngrã ra waoogame. For my transgressions I myself know, and my sin is in front of me constantly. " In addition, Daniel and Daniel had much to fall into temptation. La wãn to la d tõe n wilg tɩ d sakda vʋʋsem sõngã ratem? How can we determine the best "time to speak "? How, though, can we show that we are walking by spirit? A sã n wa bãng t'a segd n maana toeengo, y na n tõog n maaga y meng n sõng - a ne yam t'a tũ Biiblã noyã. " The power beyond what is normal " is God's, not our own. - 2 Cor. If he understands the need to change, you will be more likely to help him to reason on Bible principles. Bõe la Wẽnnaam sẽn naan tõnd tɩ d tõe n yãk d toorẽ yamã rat n yeele? Moreover, that love stayed with Daniel all his life. What does God's gift of free will mean? Mam yaoã ra tõe n togs - b - la bũmb sẽn be a sũurẽ, n mi n tõe n mobg - ba, hal tɩ b noom ne taaba. James is saying: " Peer into the mirror of God's word, and evaluate yourself. My younger brother could express what was in his heart, so they were more likely to love each other. B sak n deega woto tɩ b maanda sãmb - sãmb me, b wʋmda a Poll sẽn yeel tɩ "fãa maana yel - wẽnã " võor bilfu. By living in tents, Abram and his household "publicly declared that they were strangers and temporary residents " They also recognize that they have doubts about what Paul said: "All have sinned. " Wilgr sebrã pʋgẽ, b sẽn sagend tɩ d "kelg bũmb ning vʋʋsmã sẽn yet [ã] " pukda naoor a yopoe. - Wilgri 2: 7, 11, 17, 29; 3: 6, 13, 22, NW. Among the many situations that call for displaying Christ's mental attitude, one that can be particularly heartrending is dealing with serious wrongdoing, whether in the family or in the congregation. In the book of Revelation, "the spirit of the world " is manifest seven times. - Revelation 2: 7, 11, 17, 17; 3: 6, 13, 22. Kẽer yetame tɩ yaa f sẽn na n tik ned sẽn yaa buud ning neda, wall a yɛl sãnda n tall tags - kɛg a soab zugu. The truth is, God shows his concern for all of us in many ways. Some say that it is based on racial, cultural, or cultural background. Tʋm - tʋmd a Poll bãngame t'a segd n moona neb a taabã koe - noogã. How can husbands and wives make each other happy? The apostle Paul realized that he needed to preach to others. Bala yaa dũniyã yam n so - ba, tɩ b tũud ninsaalb noy n zãad b zagsã. A person's earthly treasure may be more than just money. Because they are dominated by the spirit of the world, and they live in harmony with human laws. D sã n maag d yĩng n bʋgs a " Zeova sẽn maanã ' zugu, na n sõng - d lame tɩ d tʋlg n dɩk a togs - n - taar nonglmã wɛɛngẽ. - Karm - y Yɩɩl Sõamyã 77: 13. To be truthful is to be open, genuine, approachable, and trustworthy, and it wins Jehovah's approval. Meditating on Jehovah's " act ' will help us to want to imitate his love. - Read Psalm 77: 12. Ãdsã sõor sẽn yaa wʋsgã sɩd yɛɛsda tõndo. Yet, he did not let fear of what others would think hold him back from doing what he knew was right. We are not afraid of the immense number of stars. Wilgr sebrã togsda bũmb sẽn maan saasẽ, tɩ wilgdẽ t'a Zeova na n sãama a Sʋɩtãana. How has Jehovah exercised his kingship since the rebellion in Eden? The book of Revelation tells us something in heaven that Jehovah will destroy Satan. Tẽegd n yɩlemdẽ wã yõod yaa bõe? But the needed courage will come if such ones truly repent and rekindle their love for God. What are the benefits of remembering too often? 1 / 1 Can You Explain? 1 / 15 • Wãn - wãn la a Zeova wilgẽ tɩ weoogr wakate, a pa basd neb nins sẽn nong - a wã? 11: 13. • How has Jehovah shown that he does not abandon those who love him during difficult times? Y zakã ned sã n namsd - y y tẽebã yĩng bɩ y ra koms raood ye. Today, we await the destruction of Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion. Do not give up when family members persecute you because of your faith. Neb nins fãa sẽn be a Zeova siglgã pʋgẽ dũniyã gill zugã yaa neb sẽn pa zems zãnga, tɩ nina tõe n wa beeg - do, pa rẽ bɩ a bas a Zeova menga. Each member of that nation was given the commission to preach the good news and make disciples. All who are part of Jehovah's organization are imperfect, able to sin, or even leave Jehovah's organization. Tẽebã wɛɛngẽ tõnd me segdame n tʋm n minim wa yĩn - wɩsgr maanda, d sã n sɩd rat tɩ yãkr nins tõnd sẽn maandã yɩ sõma wakat fãa. Explain how Elisha was involved in the third resurrection related in the Bible. We too need spiritual training if we are to make sure that our decisions are always well - known. Wakat ninga, tõe tɩ sag - kãensã zãmsg bee yamleoog ne - yã, sẽn yɩɩd fãa y sã n nong wed - moos bɩ rũms a taaba. - Yɩɩl Sõamyã 50: 10, 11. 5: 11. At times, you may find it beneficial to study these chapters, especially when you love horses or other animals. - Psalm 50: 10, 11. Yaa sagls sẽn nafd ned buud fãa me. The events mentioned there have meaning for us. It is also helpful to consider the advice found in God's Word. A tũnugda ne kibay sẽn pa sɩda, n paas tũudmã taoor dãmb sẽn zãmsd nebã soalem la ziri ninsã n tudgd ãdem - biisã. What is the only channel that is being used to help us understand God's Word? He uses false stories and false teachings to mislead mankind. ▪ Bõe la a Zeova maan tɩ d tõe n paam a zoodo? That first prophecy held out real hope for sinful mankind. ▪ How has Jehovah opened the way for us to have a close relationship with him? Tõnd ned kam fãa segd n gũusame n da wa maan sũ - kiiri, a to sẽn paam tʋʋmd tigingã pʋgẽ yĩng ye. Jesus proved to be the Messiah. Each of us needs to be careful not to become jealous of the privileges of the congregation. (Ezai 65: 17; 2 Pɩɛɛr 3: 13) Neb 144 000 sẽn yaa Kirist na - rɩt - n - taasã sʋka, wʋsg zoe n baasa b tẽng zug vɩɩmã kɩs - sɩd pʋgẽ. (See opening picture.) A remnant of Christ's 144,000 corulers have already completed their earthly course. (Zoob 1: 1) A Zoob ra rat n ta a Zeova yam ne a sũur fãa, n sakd - a nana la toog wakate. I had no experience, so others willingly helped me learn. Job wanted to please Jehovah with all his heart, obeying him faithfully, and in times of distress. A Sʋɩtãan tara yam wʋsg sã n yaa ne tũnug ne tags - kãensã buud n kɩt tɩ nebã bas Wẽnnaamã. True, it is a challenge to remain clean. Satan has much to use such reasoning to turn people away from God. A Zezi ne a karen - biisã ra togda sor n digd Zerizalɛm n na n tɩ maan yʋʋmd 33 Pakã. " Many neighbors left their family and network of friends to search for " greener pastures ' abroad, " relates Paul. Jesus and his disciples traveled to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover of 33 C.E. Wala makre, a Kiristin sẽn wa n tar yʋʋm 10, a yãka yam n na n karemd a Zeova Kaset rãmb kibay sẽn be d sɛbã pʋgẽ. How can the arrangement of the cities of refuge help us to understand Jehovah better? For example, when he was 10, he decided to read accounts of Jehovah's Witnesses in our literature. 5: 8. * This special gift is one of the ways that we are made "in God's image. " 5: 8. (Matɩe 23: 9, 10) B Siglgã tara taoor lʋɩtb Sulli, sẽn yaa rap sẽn tar minim sõma. Yaa nin - kãensã n get b tigimsã sõor sẽn yɩɩd 100000 yelle, n wilgd - b sor Wẽnnaam tũubã pʋgẽ, b tẽebã kengr yĩnga. The world's religions often answer that man is on the earth only temporarily. The Governing Body has its Governing Body - experienced men who care for the well - being of the congregations by providing spiritual direction for them. MAAND TOOR - TOORÃ RA MAKDA A ZEZI MAOONGÃ That includes you and your family. JESUS CHRIST Woto pa nana ne neb nins b sẽn wub buud nins pʋsẽ nebã sẽn zoet sẽn ki - bã wʋsgã ye. She showed her faith by persistently "going to [the judge], saying, " See that I get justice. ' " This is not easy for those who have been raised in a similar environment. Bõe la a Zeova pʋlem neb nins sẽn be kaool - paalgã pʋgẽ wã? We will then see the final fulfillment of another prophecy recorded by Isaiah: "The earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters are covering the very sea. " - Isa. What promise does Jehovah make to those in the new covenant? (Luk 22: 28; Zã 14: 12; 16: 27) Bɩ d sok d meng woto: " Mam dɩkda a Zeezi togs - n - taar n zʋʋgd m kambã la neb a taabã pãn - komsmã, n pẽgd - b b zʋg - sõma wã yĩng bɩ? ' " A true companion is loving all the time, and is a brother that is born for when there is distress, " wrote Solomon. Ask yourself, " Do I imitate Jesus by bringing my children and others honoring them for their good? ' Sẽn yaa a soab fãa, yaa ãdem - biisã sẽn tẽed tɩ bũmb nins fãa sẽn paamd - bã ra pĩnd n pʋlmame tɩ ned pa tõe n gɩdgã yĩng n kɩt tɩ b tagsd woto wã. In fact, those eyewitnesses were willing to die rather than deny what they had seen. - 1 Corinthians 15: 17 - 19. Whatever the case, it is that humans who believe that everything that happens to them were impossible for them. Bõe la d tõe n kõ a Zeova? Training others starts with developing a bond of friendship (See paragraphs 18, 19) What can we give to Jehovah? Tõnd tara zu - noog n sõgend wẽn - do - bʋg pʋgẽ ne sũ - noogo? And what dynamic energy resides in the things he created! What privilege do we have in serving God with joy? Bõe la bi - bɩɩg a ye sẽn da rat t'a vɩɩmã tall yõod la kõ - a sũ - noog maan - yã? As integrity keepers, our greatest delight is to see the vindication of Jehovah's sovereignty. What did one young man do to make his life meaningful and happy? Tõe tɩ sẽn noom daoã yaa sɛb karengo, tɩ pagã nong yi n tɩ rɩk maasg wall tɩ sõs ne zo - rãmba. [ Footnote] Perhaps the man's delight is to read material, and the woman often spend time with friends or friends. • A Zezi keooga tũudmã taoor dãmb ne bõe? How did Jehovah draw us to true worship? • Jesus warned against what religious leaders? A Hutter wa n yiisa Biiblã babg ning b sẽn da gʋls ne gɛrke, tɩ b boond tɩ Kãab - paalgã ne buud - goam 12, n naag - b taab seb - yɛng pʋgẽ. Above all, we will have a good relationship with Jehovah, "the God who gives peace. " In time, Hutter's translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures became known as the New Testament in 12 languages. Bala, yaa a Zeova sẽn yaa yĩngr la tẽng naabã n lugl - a. Ãnda la Rĩungã Rĩma, la ãnd dãmb n na n naag - a n dɩ naam? Happiness Is Possible in a Divided Household, 2 / 15 Who will rule with Jehovah as Ruler of the universe, and who will rule with him as King of the Messianic Kingdom? Maan - kʋʋdbã kãsem dãmb ne gʋlsdbã sũy yikame tɩ b yeele: "Yãmb wʋmda kamba sẽn yeta bɩ? " IN FACT, Christianity's founder, Jesus Christ, taught that we must love God with our "whole mind, " or intellect, in addition to our" whole heart " and "whole soul. " The chief priests and scribes became angry and said: "Do you hear what the children say? " Ra makda a Zezi. - HEBRE DÃMBA 9: 11. But what if some individuals are distracted, milling about or conversing with their friends, unaware that the program is beginning? Jesus was prophetic of Jesus. - HEBREWS 9: 11. A paasa woto: "Mam sẽn tɩ naag saam - biis yʋʋm sẽn yɩɩd - m n tʋmã, kɩtame tɩ m bãng m sẽn tõe n sõng saam - biisã to - to. What stones could stumble a Christian? " As I worked with brothers over the years, " he continues, "I learned how to assist my brothers. Yaa sɩd tɩ pʋ - likã tʋʋm tõe n zĩnda ninsaalbã sigls fãa pʋsẽ. May you continue to learn about the Bible's promises for our future. True, corruption can exist in all human organizations. Sẽn paam - b vʋʋsem sõng zaeebã na n yɩɩ rĩm dãmb la maan - kʋʋdba, a Zezi sẽn yaa Maankʋʋd Kãsmã sor - wilgr pʋgẽ. Rather, he dignified the leper by touching him and saying: "I want to. The anointed will serve as kings and priests under Jesus ' leadership. Bõe yĩng tɩ d tõe n yeel tɩ tõnd me " yaa wa kũum ne yel - wẽnã yelle '? While living in a labor camp, 1962 Why can it be said that we too are "in sin "? Mam tagsda a yell daar [ã] fãa. " Meditating on these examples can help us to benefit from the things that were written beforehand for our instruction. - Read Romans 15: 4. All day long it is my concern. " Nuvɛll Zelãnde, wagda n kao rao a ye mobil n zuk a korgo. What relief is felt when our heavenly Father answers our prayers - joy replaces grief, and peace takes the place of anguish! Nevertheless, a man who lives in South Africa lost his money in his car. A ra miime t'a karen - biisã me segd n yɩɩ gũudba, la tɩ pa wakat kãng bal la b segd n gũ ye. Moreover, since he that "practices fornication is sinning against his own body, " immoral conduct of any kind renders his sacrifice offensive to Jehovah. He knew that his followers would need to be watchful, but they did not need to wait just at that time. Yiis - y mam kongra tɩ m yɩ yɩlemde. Clearly, we have to choose when and where to study with a view to deriving the maximum benefit from our efforts. Take my sin upon me, and I shall keep myself clean. 51: 17) La d maanda wãn n bãng "goam wakat " sẽn yaa sasa ninga? Humans were designed to live forever, working together as a perfect, united family in taking care of a paradisaic earth. How, though, do we know when "the word of Jehovah " is at times? (2 Tɩm. 3: 1) La pa rat n yeel tɩ yɛlã na n looga d nug ye. Like Moses, Jesus ' early followers were not intimidated by their many visible enemies. This does not mean, however, that things will pass away with us. Baa a sẽn wa n kʋʋlã, a ra ket n zãmsda Wẽnnaam Gomdã sõma. Still, he continued to preach boldly to others. Even when he was old, he continued to study God's Word diligently. A Zak yetame: " Vaees - y Wẽnnaam Gomdã sẽn yaa wa nin - gɛtgã pʋgẽ, n mak y mens n gese. Are you not drawn to such people? James says: "Keep testing God's Word as a mirror in the mirror, and test yourself. A sẽn da vɩ fu - rotẽ wã, a Abram ne a zakã rãmb "ra togsda zãma sʋk tɩ b ra yaa sãamb la so - toagdba " On the other hand, a person who makes an unwise decision when choosing a husband or a wife may experience dissatisfaction and grief. While living in tents, Abram and his family "were publicly declaring that they were strangers and temporary residents " Kiristã nonglem buud tallg sẽn tõe n yɩ toog n yɩɩd yaa tigingã neda, wall d zak ned sã n wa kong kong - kãsenga. " Men, keep on the watch and praying, in order that you do not come into temptation. Christ's example of self - sacrificing love can be especially difficult for a member of the congregation or a family member to lose a serious sin. Sɩda, Wẽnnaam geta tõnd fãa yell ne manesem buud toor - toor wʋsgo. According to Jane, her husband was in no better shape. Indeed, God cares for us in many ways. Wãn to la rapã ne b pagbã tõe n noog taab sũuri? CARLO: * "Our son, Angelo, has Down syndrome. How can husbands and wives make their wives happy? Ned "paoong " tõeeme n pa ligd bal ye. It is a way for them to express deep affection for each other. - Genesis 26: 8, 9; Proverbs 5: 18, 19; 1 Corinthians 7: 3 - 5. " The things " may not be limited to money. Woto kɩtdame tɩ f tõe n ta a Zeova yam. These wicked angels became demons, enemies of God. As a result, you can gain Jehovah's approval. Baa ne rẽ, a pa zoe nebã nif n pa maan sẽn segdã ye. A Abrahaam sakame n yɩ toor ne neb a taabã. Why? Abraham, however, was not afraid to do what was right; he was willing to be different from others. Kɩɩsgã sẽn zĩnd Edɛnnã tɛk n tãag rũndã, wãn to la a rɩt a naamã? It is this: "To obey is better than a sacrifice, to pay attention than the fat of rams; for rebelliousness is the same as the sin of divination, and pushing ahead presumptuously the same as using uncanny power and teraphim. " - 1 Samuel 15: 22, 23. How has Satan been exercising his sovereignty since the rebellion in Eden? Sɩd me, a tagsdame tɩ vɛrse kãng goamã pidsda yẽ zugu. God's Wisdom Evident in Nature In fact, he feels that this verse fits his attention. La b sã n pelg b pʋs n kos b yel - wẽnã sugr la b lebs n vʋʋg nonglem ning b sẽn da tar ne Wẽndã, b na n talla raood n lebg n wa a nengẽ. " Now we're grateful that our parents worked hard to teach us their language and kept us in the foreign - language congregation. But if they sincerely apologize to their sins and return to the love they had for God, they would be courageous and return to him. Y tõe n wilga a võor bɩ? Similarly, Peter indicated that some unbelieving husbands - even those who are abusive - will become Christians after observing the submissive conduct of their wives. Can You Explain? 11: 13. A PUBLICATION THAT PROMOTES GOOD CONDUCT 11: 13. Rũndã - rũndã, tõnd gũuda Babilon - kãsengã sẽn yaa tũudum nins fãa sẽn pa tat a Zeova yamã sãoongo. With his favor, you will continue progressing toward life in his new world. Today, we look forward to the destruction of all false religion, the world empire of false religion. Yaa bu - paal - kãngã la a Zezi Kirist sẽn yaa b Zusoabã sẽn yãk tɩ yaa a tʋm - tʋmdã. He averted disaster by giving a mild reply. That new nation is Jesus Christ, the Master, whom he has appointed as his slave. 2: 6) Wẽnnaam vʋʋga Sunem pagã biigã, tɩ wilgdẽ t'a sɩd tõe n vʋʋga ned sẽn ki. Instead of complaining about her problem, she expressed deep appreciation for certain scriptural points made in the talk. God resurrected the woman in Zarephath, confirming his ability to resurrect a dead person. 5: 11. What attitude or spirit do these words communicate to us? 5: 11. Bɩ d gom bõn - kãens yelle, n bao n wʋm b võore. • How do people " walk in Jehovah's name '? Let us consider these points and understand them. Ãnd la a Zeezi yãk t'a sõngd kiris - neb hakɩɩkã tɩ b wʋmd Biiblã goamã võore? We should impartially welcome all sincere seekers of truth into the congregation and proclaim the Kingdom message to all we meet. Whom did Jesus appoint to help his true followers understand the Bible? Pipi bãngr - gom - kãngã kõo ãdem - biisã sẽn yaa yel - wẽn - maandbã saagr hakɩka. Why is the imminent attack by "Gog of the land of Magog " of greater consequence than is the threat of international terrorism? This first prophecy gave true hope to sinful mankind. Yɩɩ a Zezi la Mesi wã. What experience typifies the joy and eagerness of those finding Bible truth? Jesus was the Messiah. Ad makr a wãna: Tõe tɩ y kɩsa sɩd tɩ sẽn yɩ to - to tɩ y wa bãng a Zeova wã tũu ne a sõngre. Identifying the Wild Beast and Its Mark Consider a few examples: You may be convinced that the way you came to know Jehovah has helped you to come to know him. (Ges - y sõsgã sɩngrẽ fotã.) It simply states: "The living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all... (See opening image.) B yãka maam tɩ m segd n ges tɩ nebã paam kibay tigs - kãsengã zugu. To some extent, this ever - deteriorating situation can be attributed to human imperfection. I was assigned to visit people on the convention. Rẽ n so tɩ makre, d pa naagd nebã n maand ziri tũudmã kibs rãmbã sẽn piuug rũndã wã ye. " Propaganda " is defined by The New Encyclopædia Britannica as "the systematic effort to manipulate other people's beliefs, attitudes, or actions. " Therefore, we do not participate in religious festivals that are common today. A Poll yeela woto: "Tõnd yags wʋsg zoeeme n bas b zags rãmb la b zo - rãmba, n kẽng tẽn - zẽms n na n tɩ bao ligdi. Today, those who become disgruntled because of fleshly thinking or unfulfilled expectations often turn to making the most of what this world has to offer. " Many of our neighbors fled from their homes and friends, " wrote Paul. Wãn to la a Zeova sẽn da kɩt tɩ Israyɛll nebã yãk soondg tẽnsã sõngd tõnd tɩ d bãng - a n paase? It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. " How does Jehovah's arrangement of the cities of refuge help us to learn more about him? * Woto yaa zu - no - kãseng d sẽn tare, sẽn wilgd vẽeneg tɩ Wẽnnaam naan - d - la "a meng wẽnego. " What will we discuss in this article? * Such a privilege is evident in the fact that God created us "in his image. " Dũniyã tũudum toɛy - toɛyã taoor dãmb nong n leokda sok - kãngã n yetẽ tɩ ninsaal segd n zĩnda tẽngã zug wakat bilf bala. Another Bible example is that of the apostle Peter. The clergy of the world often answer that question by saying that man must be on earth for a short time. A paka yãmb ne y zaka rãmb me. And think how much more effective you can be as a teacher! He is also concerned about you and your family. A yõka bʋ - kaoodã nengẽ kẽngre, n tʋgd n pẽdgd - a " t'a sõng - a. ' Woto wilgdame t'a ra tẽeda ne a sũur fãa t'a yellã na n manegame. In recent years, restrictions have been lifted in Eastern Europe, parts of Africa, and other lands, allowing the good news of God's established Kingdom to flourish in hitherto untouched territories. In the case of the judge, the judge "took him to help him, " suggesting that he had strong faith in the situation. Rẽ poore, d na n yãa gomd a to me a Ezai sẽn pĩnd n togs sẽn na n pids zãng - zãnga. Their share is in this life only. Then we will consider yet another prophecy that Isaiah foretold: "The true God will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. " Rĩm a Salomo yeelame tɩ " zood kẽer n be n yaa noog n yɩɩd rogem. ' May we never waver in our determination to heed Jehovah's admonition: "This is the way. King Solomon wrote: "There are more friends than children. " Sɩd me, baa na tũ ne b yõore, neb nins sẽn maan kaset ne rẽ wã ra pa sakd n kɩɩs bũmb ning b sẽn yã wã ye. - 1 Korẽnt dãmba 15: 17 - 19. I wanted to sanctify Jehovah's name, and I wanted my son to see his father again in Paradise. " - Prov. Indeed, they would not compromise what they saw. - 1 Corinthians 15: 17 - 19. Kãsem - soab sã n dat n sõng ned t'a minimã paase, a segd n yõga zood ne a soabã (Ges - y sull 18, 19) Why, then, do we continue to highlight the nearness of the end? An elder needs to cultivate friendships with the learner (See paragraphs 18, 19) La ad sɩd yaa pãn - tʋmdg kãseng n be yɛl nins a sẽn naana pʋsẽ! And he will certainly render judgment among the nations and set matters straight respecting many peoples. And what a powerful force he has in creation! D sẽn yaa wẽn - sakdbã, bũmb ning sẽn kõt tõnd sũ - noog wʋsg n yɩɩd yaa d yã a Zeova naam sẽn ka to wã zemsg wilgri. Guarding Against Covetousness As integrity keepers, the greatest happiness we experience is seen in the vindication of Jehovah's sovereignty. [ Tẽngr note] Jesus said: "He that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved. " [ Footnote] Wãn - wãn la a Zeova bool tõnd tũudum hakɩkã pʋgẽ? The crowds kept telling: " This is the prophet Jesus, from Nazareth of Galilee! ' " - MATTHEW 21: 10, 11. How has Jehovah drawn us into true worship? (Yɩɩn. 133: 1 - 3) La sẽn yɩɩd fãa, na n kɩtame tɩ tõnd ne a Zeova zoodã tall pãnga. Are they rich or famous? Above all, our relationship with Jehovah will draw us closer to him. Maan - kʋʋdb sẽn na n dɩ naam ãdem - biisã nafr yĩnga 1 / 1 Is the treatment based on the belief that sickness and death are caused either by offended gods (or ancestral spirits) or by enemies who employ witchcraft? 12 / 15 SƖDA, a Zezi Kirist sẽn yaa kiris - nedemdã lugendã zãmsa tõnd tɩ d nong Wẽnnaam ne d "sũur fãa " la ne d" sɩɩga fãa. " For example, it can be understood as a relative pronoun, such as "who " or" whom. " JESUS Christ, the Head of Christianity, teaches us to love God "with our whole heart and with our whole soul. " Ned fãa rat n zĩndame, n paam n kelg mizikã. B yãgdame n dat tɩ sõssã sɩnge. La tõe tɩ kẽer pa bãng meng tɩ tigsgã sɩngame ye. We should take some time to analyze our priorities in life. However, some may not realize that the meeting begins at the start of the meeting. Yel - bʋs n tõe n kɩt tɩ kiris - ned lʋɩ? Why should a Christian guilty of serious sin approach the elders for help? What circumstances might cause a Christian to stumble? Bao - y n bãng - y Biiblã pʋlemsã n paase. In another situation, after becoming friendly with a female coworker, a Christian man might reason: "She values my opinion and really listens when I talk to her. Learn more about the Bible's promises. A sɩɩsa wãoorã n wilg t'a nand - a lame, la a yeel - a tɩ: "Mam datame. Maria, the 84 - year - old woman mentioned in the first article in this series, rejoices in the prospect of seeing those words come true. He touched the leper and told him: "I want to. Yʋʋmd 1962: M sẽn be tarvo forse zĩigẽ Prayer also played a vital part in keeping the faith of pre - Christian witnesses strong. In 1962: In 1962, I was in a position to serve where I was living D sã n bʋgs b kibayã zugu, na n sõngame tɩ d rɩ bũmb nins b sẽn gʋls pĩndã yõodo. - Karm - y Rom - dãmb 15: 4. " To do your will, O my God, I have delighted, " sang King David of ancient Israel, "and your law is within my inward parts. " Meditating on them will help us to benefit from what they have written. - Read Romans 15: 4. (Galat dãmba 5: 22, 23) Tõnd saasẽ Ba wã sã n leok tõnd pʋʋsgã n kɩt tɩ d sũ - sãamsã sa tɩ d sũurã lebg noogo, a sɩd yols - d lame! If you are a parent, are there times when you can consider your children's concerns when establishing family rules? How comforting it is when our heavenly Father answers our prayers and allows us to regain our joy! 7: 1) Sẽn paase, Biiblã sẽn yeel tɩ " ned ninga sẽn maand yoob sãamda a meng yĩngã, ' ned sã n tʋmd raglem buud fãa, a pa tõe n kõ a Zeova maand sẽn tat a yam ye. Jesus was not misled. Moreover, the Bible says that "the one practicing fornication " cannot offer acceptable sacrifices to Jehovah. Vẽenega, yaa d yãk wakat la zĩig ning d sẽn na n zãmsã, sẽn na yɩl n dɩ modgr ning d sẽn maand zãmsgã yĩngã nafa sõma wa d sẽn tõe tɛka. And there may have been other uses of blood to treat disease or supposedly improve health. Clearly, it is time to study the material so that we can benefit fully as much as possible as possible. B ra naana ninsaalbã tɩ b vɩɩmd wakat sẽn kõn sa yĩnga, n naag taab wa zak a ye sẽn zems zãng neb n ges arzãnã yelle. Of course, if your children are to open up to you, they need to view you as available and approachable. Humans were created with the prospect of living forever as a perfect family. Wala a Moiizi, a Zezi pipi karen - biisã tẽng zug bɛɛbã pa tõog n kẽes - b rabeem ye. They are no measure of superiority or of inferiority; they are simply differences. Like Moses, the early disciples of Jesus did not succumb to fear. Ne rẽ fãa a kell n moona neb a taabã ne raoodo. Their past experiences in God's service undoubtedly brought them great joy. Yet, he courageously preached to others. 6: 1) Rẽ yĩnga pa neb a woto buud la y nong n yɩɩd sɩda? Elders now taking the lead in the congregation are being trained for present and post - Armageddon theocratic duties. Is that not how you feel? La ned sã n pa bãng n yãk kãad - n - taag ne yam, a tõe n wa paama sũ - sãamse. Wala makre, kom - bɩɩs kẽer sɩngda taab roob tɩ b nan pa segl sõma kãadmã yĩng ye. The Bible book of Isaiah comments on the close relationship the Son had with his Father, saying: "The Sovereign Lord Jehovah himself has given me the tongue of the taught ones, that I may know how to answer the tired one with a word. On the other hand, it may be difficult for young people to get married before marriage. La a paas woto: "Bɩ yãmb gũ la y pʋʋs n da kẽ makrẽ ye. 13: 4. But he added: "Keep on the watch and pray continually, that you may not enter into temptation. Sã n yaa ne a Zanne, a sɩdã me ra pa são ye. Jesus knew that following his execution and resurrection, centuries would pass before he would be enthroned in heaven as the Messianic King to rule over mankind. In her case, her husband was not better than her husband. A CARLO * yeela woto: "Tõnd biig a Angelo roga ne bã - kɛgenga. Over the years, the faithful and discreet slave class has been reminding us to be careful about what we watch and listen to, that is to say, what we set our hearts and minds on. " Our son was born with a serious illness. B tõe n tũnuga ne rẽ n wilg nonglem sẽn tar pãng ne taaba. - Sɩngre 26: 8, 9; Yelbũna 5: 18, 19; 1 Korẽnt dãmba 7: 3 - 5. He thus bore witness to Jews and Greeks in that large city. - Acts 19: 1, 8, 9. Such love can be expressed at Genesis 26: 8, 9; Proverbs 5: 18, 19; 1 Corinthians 7: 3 - 5. (Ziid 6) Malɛg - wẽns kãens lebga zĩn dãmba, Wẽnnaam bɛɛba. [ Footnote] These wicked angels became demons, God's enemies. 2: 10) Bõe yĩnga? Determined to keep supplying interested ones with Bible publications, the Witnesses decided to float the message downstream. Why? La tõdgr yaa wẽng wa bõn - naands pʋʋsg sẽn yaa wẽngã. " - 1 Sãmwɛll 15: 22, 23. Because the main reason people think that life is completely meaningless is that they are unaware of - or choose to ignore - God's purpose for this planet and mankind on it. The Bible says: "You must not bow down to idols, and you must not bow down to idols. " - 1 Samuel 15: 22, 23. Wẽnnaam yamã pukda a sẽn naanã fãa pʋgẽ How did Jesus respond? God's Wisdom Made in All Things A Naadya paasame: "D pʋʋsda d roagdbã barka, bala b modgame n zãms tõnd b buud - gomdã, la b kɩt tɩ d pa tiging sẽn gomd buud - gom - kãng pʋgẽ. As you look for reasons to give glory to God, you become more positive, appreciative. " We thank our parents because they endeavored to learn our language, but we did not speak in a foreign - language congregation. NEB KẼER YETAME tɩ yaa bũmb sẽn be ned fãa sũurẽ. Offered Selves in Taiwan, 10 / 15 SOME PEOPLE say that it is something inside a person's heart. (Matɩe 27: 38 - 44, 54; Mark 15: 39; Luk 23: 39 - 43) A Pɩɛɛr me wilgame tɩ pagb nins sɩdb sẽn pa tẽedbã, baa sẽn yaa - b toosã tõe n lebga tẽedba, b sã n yã b pagbã sẽn sakd - b to - to wã. Discussing Genesis 9: 4, 19th - century Bible scholar Adam Clarke wrote: "This command [to Noah] is still scrupulously obeyed by the oriental Christians... Peter also showed that unbelieving husbands, even though they may become believers when they observe their wives. SEBR SẼN SÕNGD NED T'A BÃNG N ZÃ A MENG SÕMA Mentally review the points as they are being considered. FROM OUR COVER Y sã n tar bark - kãngã, y na n tõog n ket n tũuda Wẽnnaam, n wa paam n kẽ dũni - paalg ning a sẽn pʋlmã pʋgẽ. Draw Close to God If you have such blessings, you will be able to continue walking with God and enter into his promised new world. A leoka ne sũ - bʋgsem, n gil yel - beedo. What do we know about the "gifts of healing " that some early Christians had? In a kind and gentle way, he avoided bad things. A tɩ pʋʋs - a - la bark wʋsgo, a sẽn wɛgs Biiblã goam kẽer a sõsgã pʋgẽ tɩ yɩ a noog yĩnga. We were able to focus on the joys that our service was bringing us. He thanked her for giving attention to certain Bible topics. (Yelbũna 2: 3) Yam - tagsg bʋg la gom - kãensã kɩtd tɩ d talle? Still, Adam "listened to [his] wife's voice. " What view of wisdom do we find in these words? • Wãn to la nebã " kẽnd a Zeova yʋʋr yĩnga '? Why can we say that? • How do people " walk in the name of Jehovah '? D segd n sak n deega neb nins sẽn baood sɩdã ne b sũy fãa wã tigingã pʋgẽ n da bak neda, la d moon koe - noogã ned ning fãa d sẽn sege. Be careful not to tell him what to do. We should recognize those who sincerely seek the truth in the congregation and share the good news with anyone we meet. Bõe yĩng tɩ "Magoog Goog " zabrã sẽn kolg wʋsgã wẽnem na n yɩɩg bi - beer sẽn kẽesd rabeemã sẽn yaa yell ne tẽnsã? What must we do to receive God's loving concern and care? Why will "the very hairs of the land of Magog " be worse than the threat of terrorism? Yel - bʋg ned sẽn vɩɩmd n wilgd sũ - noog la yẽesem ning neb nins sẽn bãngd Biiblã sɩdã sẽn tarã? " What are we to wear? ' " What experience illustrates the joy and zeal of those who have learned Bible truth? We - rũngã la a nimero wã võore He reached out to those with physical infirmities - the lame, the blind, the deaf, and the speechless. Why the wild beast and the wild beast A yeela woto bala: "Nin - vɩɩs miime tɩ b na n kiime. La kũum ka mi bũmb ye... How can we be remembered by Jehovah "for good "? He said: "The living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all... D tõe n yeelame tɩ yaa ãdem - biisã sẽn pa zems zãngã yĩng la tʋʋm - wẽnsã sẽn tar kengr dũniyã zugã. Like the apostles and early Christians, we preach informally, publicly, and from house to house. In a sense, we can say that because of human imperfection, wicked acts are being accomplished on earth. Rũndã - rũndã, neb nins sũy sẽn sãam wʋsgo, b sẽn tagsd wa ninsaalb sẽn ka tẽebã yĩnga, bɩ yɛl kẽer b sẽn da gẽegd sẽn pa pidsã yĩng nong n maooda wʋsg n dat n paam bũmb nins dũni kãngã sẽn tõe n kõ wã. First - century Jerusalem " burned like the furnace ' Today, those who are distressed because of their lack of faith or their expectations for the present system of things are often struggling to reach out for what the world offers. Ninsaal sẽn kẽnd pa so a nao - yakemd sor wilgr meng ye. " What kind of people have Jehovah's favor? It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. " Bõe yell la d na n gome? Over 250 Protestant theologians signed an opposing petition, warning against being taken over by the Catholic Church. What will we consider in this article? Makr a to sẽn be Biiblã pʋgẽ yaa tʋm - tʋmd a Pɩyɛɛr kibarã. Judah received the foretold punishment when she was desolated by the Babylonians in 607 B.C.E. The Bible is another example of the apostle Peter. Sẽn paase, tags - y y zãmsgã sẽn na n sõng neb a taab n yɩɩd to - to! Published by Jehovah's Witnesses but now out of print. And think how much better it will be to teach others! Yʋʋm sẽn pa kaoosã pʋsẽ, gɩdgr la b yãk Erop Yaangã, Afirik babs la tẽns a taab pʋsẽ, n kõ sor tɩ Wẽnnaam Rĩungã sẽn luglã koe - noog piuug n ta zĩis b sẽn da pa tõog n ta hal tɩ ta masã. What determines whether an individual who hears the word resembles fine soil or not? In recent years, much opposition has been taken from Europe, Africa, and other parts of Europe to allow the good news of God's established Kingdom to spread the spread of the good news of God's established Kingdom. A Davɩɩd yẽ ra pa woto ye. We observe the Memorial to his praise. David was not like that. Yaa vɩɩm sẽn kõn sa zĩigẽ. (Mat. Any seeming defeat we may suffer will turn out to be a victory if we keep our integrity. It is everlasting life. Mam da ratame t'a Zeova yʋʋrã paam waoogre, la m da rat me tɩ m bi - riblã tõog n yã a ba wã arzãnã pʋgẽ. " - Yel. In Israel's early history, people had the opportunity to see and hear about how God acted in Israel's behalf. I wanted Jehovah's name to be sanctified, and I wanted my Son to see my Father in Paradise. " - Prov. La bõe yĩng tɩ d ket n moondẽ tɩ dũniyã saab kolgame? (See opening picture.) Why, then, do we keep on preaching that the end is near? Bãmb na n yɩɩ neb buud wʋsg bʋ - kaooda. Bãmb na n wilga buud wʋsg b sẽn tog n maan bũmb ninga. There Jesus says to them: "Have no fear, little flock, because your Father has approved of giving you the kingdom. " They will certainly render an account to many peoples, and they will certainly make known to them what to do. D ra tʋlg d to bũmb ye What example did Jesus set in showing mildness and patience? Do Not Look at One Another A Zezi yeelame: "Ned ninga sẽn na n tall a tẽeb hal tɩ wakat ta, a na n paama fãagre. " (b) What do the first six heads of the wild beast represent? Jesus said: "He that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved. " Neb kʋʋng leokame: " Yaa Wẽnnaam no - rɛɛs a Zezi sẽn yi Galile Nazarɛt. ' " - MATƖE 21: 10, 11. What attitude must Christian ministers cultivate? The crowd replied: "This is the prophet Jesus, the prophet of Nazareth. " - MATTHEW 21: 10, 11. Yaa arzɛgs rãmb wall neb yʋy sẽn yi bɩ? 9: 29. Do wealth or prominence come from people who name them? Rẽ yĩnga yoob tara yõod sɩda? " In addition to prayer and upbuilding association, God's written Word is a source of comfort to those who mourn. Does it really matter? " Tɩbsgã tika tẽeb ning sẽn yet tɩ bãagã bɩ kũumã sẽn wa wã yaa f sẽn beeg wẽnnaam dãmbã (bɩ yaab rãmbã sɩɩse) wall yaa bɛɛb n tũnug ne sõod n yõk - fã bɩ? It is powerful beyond measure. Is it based on the belief that the condition of the dead or the condition of the dead is a sin against the gods (or gods) or opposers? (Aze 1: 5, 7) D segd n dɩka sẽk n gese, bõe la d lʋɩɩsd taoor d vɩɩmã pʋgẽ. If Jehovah were willing to tolerate sin eternally, we would have no hope for the future. We should take time to examine what we put first in our lives. Kiris - ned sã n maan yel - wẽn - kãsenga, bõe yĩng t'a segd n tɩ togs kãsem - dãmbã? By mid - 1992, Antônio decided that he too would like to study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. If a Christian commits a serious sin, why should he speak to the elders? Saam - biig ning me tõe n yõga zood ne a tʋmd - n - ta - poaka, n wa tagsd woto: "Mam sã n gomda, a kelgda sõma. And he has given us the supportive companionship of a vast throng of fellow believers at meetings and assemblies. On the other hand, a married brother might ask himself: " If I speak with his workmates, he will listen to what he is hearing. D tẽeg a Maria sẽn tar yʋʋm 84 tɩ d gom a yell pipi sõsgã pʋgẽ wã yelle. A gũuda gom - kãensã pidsg ne yãgbo. " For at no time will he be made to totter. Consider Maria, who is now 84 years old and has a sense of urgency. (Mat. 24: 45) D tog n dɩka pĩnd wẽn - sakdbã togs - n - taar n karemd Wẽnnaam Gomdã, n bãngd a pʋlemsã, la d maagd d yĩng n bʋgsdẽ. This issue of The Watchtower discusses how honesty touches every aspect of our life. We should imitate faithful men of old by reading God's Word, studying its promises, and meditating on them. Pĩnd wẽndẽ Israɛllã rĩm a Davɩɩd yɩɩla woto: "Mam Wẽnnaam, mam dat n maana yãmb daabo. It is unreasonable to expect that relationship to result in a better marriage. King David of ancient Israel sang: "To do your will, O my God, I have delighted, and your law is within my inward parts. Y sã n yaa roagda, rẽ yĩnga y sã n wa gãnegd noy y zakã neb sẽn segd n tũ, wakat ning y tõe n mi n saka y kambã raab bɩ? God can find the wicked and execute judgment upon them wherever they hide. If you are a parent, can you sometimes obey your parents ' rules? (Luk 4: 3 - 13) La a Sʋɩtãan pa tõog t'a kɩɩs ye. • What benefits come from the ransom? However, Satan did not succeed in opposing the Devil. Tõe tɩ b ra rɩkda zɩɩmã n tʋmd ne manesem a taab sẽn na yɩl n tɩp bãas bɩ n tẽed t'a paasda yĩns laafɩ. Knowing God's name and relying on it can direct our attention to what he has done and what he will yet do to deliver those who show faith in him. The blood may have been used in other ways to heal or improve the health of the sick. Y sã n dat tɩ y kambã pelgd b pʋs n sõsd ne - yã, y segd n yɩɩ ned pẽnegr sẽn yaa nana. We can link that inspired statement with what Jesus said about seeking first the Kingdom and God's righteousness. If you want your children to be honest, you need to be approachable. Rẽ pa tikr sẽn wilgd tɩ ned yɩɩda a to bɩ a pa ta a to ye. Yaa neb sẽn yaa toɛy - toɛy bala. In time, though, I realized something important. This is not a basis for more than anyone else or anyone else, but it is unique to people of all walks of life. (Wiis. 3: 40) Yaa vẽeneg tɩ b sẽn da wa n maand a Zeova raabã, b sũy ra nooma wʋsgo. Jehovah expects what of those taking the lead among his people? How happy they were when they were serving Jehovah! Rũndã - rũndã, kãsem dãmb nins sẽn lʋɩt tigingã taoorã paamda zãmsg sẽn na yɩl n tʋk b zɩɩbã masã, la baa Armagedõ poor menga. And as he was sowing, some seed fell alongside the road, and the birds came and ate it up. Today, elders who take the lead in the congregation receive training now and even after Armageddon. A Ezai sebrã pʋgẽ, b bilga Biigã sẽn gom yẽ sẽn wa n be ne a Ba wã yelle, n yeel woto: "Zusoab a Wẽnnaam kõo maam gom - minim zɩlemd tɩ m tõe n bãng goam nins mam sẽn tog n leok ned ning pãng sẽn sɛ wã. Jesus accepted the invitation and witnessed to those present. In the book of Isaiah, the Son spoke of his Father when he was with his Father, saying: "The Sovereign Lord Jehovah himself gave me the tongue of the tongue so that I might know how to answer the tired one with a word. 13: 4. It was a mighty city with magnificent palaces and temples, broad streets, and massive walls. 13: 4. A Zezi ra miime tɩ yẽ kũumã la a vʋʋgrã poore, yʋʋm wʋsg n da na n loog tɩ yẽ yaool n lebg Rĩm sẽn yaa Mesi, n dɩ naam ãdem - biisã zugu. Explain. Jesus knew that after his death and resurrection, many years would pass before he became a Messianic King over mankind. Tʋm - tʋmd sẽn tũud sɩd la sẽn tar yamã sagend - d - la wakat fãa tɩ d gũus ne bũmb nins d sẽn getã la d sẽn kelgdã, tɩ bala bõn - kãensã tõe n toeema d tagsa wã la d tʋlsmã. Although Jesus did not develop a special ministry to seek out men, he certainly addressed issues that concerned the men of his day. The faithful and discreet slave class constantly urges us to keep our eyes on what we watch and listen because such things can change our thoughts and desires. Woto kɩtame t'a tõog n kõ kasetã zʋɩf rãmb la gɛrk rãmb tẽn - kãngã sẽn yalmã pʋgẽ. - Tʋʋ. 19: 1, 8, 9. Therefore, let us be guided by Bible laws and principles, for they reveal God's mind on matters. He was able to witness to Jews and Greeks in that area. - Acts 19: 1, 8, 9. Bala yel - kãens yaa toor ne yel - wẽnd ning d sẽn dogd ne wã, la bãmb me sãamda Wẽnnaam sũuri. No one has greater authority than God. Because such sins differ from inherited sin, and they are displeasing to God. [ Tẽngr note] God's name as found in the Bible. [ Footnote] Kaset rãmbã kell n dɩka sard kãn - kãe n na n ket n kõt sẽn wilg - b ratmã sɛb sẽn tik Biiblã zugu, n yãk yam n na n taas koɛɛgã n tũnug ne ko - zoetmã. Jehovah's Loving - Kindness and His Guidance The Witnesses are determined to continue giving Bible - based literature so as to share the good news with them. Yaa tɩ bʋʋm - kãseng ning sẽn kɩt tɩ nebã tagsdẽ tɩ vɩɩmã pʋd n pa tar võorã yaa b sẽn pa mi raab ning Wẽnnaam sẽn tar ne tẽngã la ne ninsaalbã, wall b sẽn pa rat n sak n deeg rẽ wã. Abraham is one who endured life - threatening situations and difficulties caused by others. The main reason why people think that life does not have a purpose for the earth and mankind is that they do not understand God's purpose for the earth and mankind. " A Zezi manesem yɩɩ wãn to? We need to have faith in God's provision for multitudes to be raised to life. " How did Jesus react? (Rom dãmba 5: 10) Y sã n baood soay n na n pẽg Wẽnnaam, y na n paama yam - sõng n paase, la y tall mi - beoogo. But concerning him I have nothing certain to write to my Lord. If you look for opportunities to praise God, you will be more wise and grateful. 1 / 4 Bõe yĩng tɩ d tog n pʋʋs n kos tɩ Wẽnnaam Rĩungã wa? 1 / 10 Can you send forth lightnings that they may go and say to you, " Here we are! '? Why Pray for God's Kingdom to Come? 10 / 15 A Adam Clarke sẽn yɩ Biiblã mit a ye sẽn vɩɩmd yʋʋm kob - gĩnd 19 soabã sasa wã goma Sɩngre 9: 4 yell n gʋls woto: "Yaang kiris - nebã ket n tũudã no - kãngã b sẽn taas [a Nowe wã] neere... He is now in the full - time ministry. Commenting on Genesis 9: 4 in the 19th century C.E., Bible scholar Ádám wrote: "The Christians kept on observing this command to Noah... Y yamẽ wã bɩ y lebg n ges tagsa wã, b sã n wɛgsd - ba. Still, we can preserve the peace of the Christ in our hearts. Think back on their thoughts. Bao - y n pẽneg - y Wẽnnaam What animal behavior is common today? Draw Close to God Bõe la d tõe n yeel yel - soalem nins pipi kiris - neb kẽer sẽn da maandã wɛɛngẽ? Yes, let us be determined to safeguard our heart more than all else that is to be guarded and to serve Jehovah with a complete heart. What can be said about the miracles some early Christians performed? Kɩtame tɩ d kell n wɩng ne koe - moonegã, la d tagsd d tʋʋmdã sẽn womd biisã, tɩ kõt - d sũ - noogo. Jesus Christ also expressed love - a dominant quality of his heavenly Father. As a result, we continue to keep on preaching and thinking about our fruitful work. A Ãdem ra miime t'a pa segd n dɩ tɩɩgã bil ye. Now after ten years in Bethel, he feels that he has benefited more from being a member of the diverse but united Bethel family than he would have by pursuing higher education. Adam knew that he should not eat from the tree. (Ezai 46: 9 - 11) Bõe yĩng tɩ d yet woto? When his father died, his mother continued in the special pioneer service. How so? Gũus - y tɩ ra wa yɩ yãmb y toor n togsd - a toeeng nins a sẽn segd n maanã ye. In some countries, higher education is government sponsored and qualified students do not have to pay fees or tuition. Be careful that you do not want to tell yourself about the changes he needs to make. D sã n dat tɩ Wẽnnaam nong - d hal tɩ kɩt t'a get d yell sõma, bõe la d segd n maane? Now Jesus ' disciples would have to make known a new feature of Jehovah's purpose - something far grander than Israel's deliverances from slavery in Egypt and later from captivity in Babylon. If we are to love God deeply, what must we do? " Tõnd na n yeelga bõe? ' Instead, he viewed his ministry as an honor of the highest order. " or what are we to put on? ' A maana yel - soalem n sãoog bãad - rãmba, n kɩt tɩ koms - rãmb kẽne, tɩ zoens nin pugsi, tɩ wʋms tʋb yoose, la a kɩt tɩ mugs gome. " This means everlasting life, " Jesus said, "their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. " He cured the sick, the lame, the deaf, the deaf, and the deaf. D sã n dat t'a Zeova wa tẽeg d yell n " maan - d neere, ' bõe la d segd n maane? But how did Jesus ' conduct and death magnify God's righteousness? What must we do if we want Jehovah to remember us "for good "? (Tʋʋ. 5: 42; 20: 20) D baooda d sẽn tõe n maan to - to sẽn na yɩl tɩ koɛɛgã ta neb wʋsgo. The Bible does not say that such a command applies to Christians. We seek to reach as many people as possible. Pipi yʋʋm kob - gĩndẽ Zerizalɛma " rɩɩ bugum ' (a) What lesson can we draw from Jesus ' illustrations of the vine and of the sower? In the first century C.E., Jerusalem was "a burning fire " Nin - bʋs buud n tat a Zeova yam? Supreme Court wrote that such influence threatens "not only the legitimacy and quality of Government but also the public's faith therein. " What kind of people does Jehovah accept? Sẽn yɩɩd portɛstã teoloziẽ rãmb 250 tika b nug sebr zug n kɩɩse, n yeel tɩ sã n pa gũusi katolik egiliizã na n wa soog - b lame. When Edom falls, though, her treasures will be thoroughly searched out and she will be completely plundered by "the very men in covenant with [her] " - her allies, the Babylonians. - Jeremiah 49: 9, 10. On the other hand, the Catholic Church held out that the church would not rule over them. (Amos 2: 4) Sɩbgr ning b sẽn da reng n togs Zida zugã sɩd waame, Babilon nebã sẽn wa n sãam - a yʋʋmd 607 sẽn deng Kirist zãmaanã. Carry On as Kingdom Citizens! The prophecy about Judah really came true when the Babylonians destroyed him in 607 B.C.E. A Zeova Kaset rãmbã n da yiisd seb - kãngã la b ka le yiisd - a ye. One day William visited a junkyard to purchase an item needed for a repair at home. Published by Jehovah's Witnesses but now out of print. Bõe n wilgd tɩ ned sẽn wʋm koɛɛgã yaa wa zĩ - sõngã bɩ pa wa zĩ - sõngã? published by Jehovah's Witnesses. What shows that hearing the message is like good or bad? Dẽnd d maanda a Zezi kũumã tẽegre, a Zeova pẽgr yĩnga. He was the last of eight sons. Thus, we attend the Memorial of Jesus ' death for Jehovah's praise. Baa sã n wõnd bɛɛbã tõoga tõndo, tõnd sã n kell n tall d burkĩndã, na n wa baas n yɩɩ tõogre. Jesus could not have manipulated the crowd's actions. Even if enemies seem to have conquered us, our integrity will eventually be complete. Pĩnd wẽndẽ, neb wʋsg paam n yãa Wẽnnaam sẽn sõng Israyɛll nebã to - to, la b wʋm rẽ kibaya. Surely the impaled evildoer was thrilled when Jesus told him: "You will be with me in Paradise. " Many of God's servants in ancient times have experienced how God helped the Israelites and heard them. (Ges - y fotã sẽn be yĩngrã.) Deal with family problems (See opening image.) A Zezi yeel - b - la be woto: "Mam piisi, ra zoe - y rabeem ye; tɩ bõe, yãmb Ba sũur yaa noog tɩ b kõt yãmb b soolem. " It was as if my whole world were falling apart because I knew that we would go our separate ways. Jesus told them: "Do not be afraid, for your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom. " Sũ - bʋgsmã la sũ - marã wɛɛngẽ, mak - sõng bʋg la a Zeezi kõ - yã? On the other hand, if we fear Jehovah, we will stay away - even walk away - from people, places, activities, and entertainment that could cause us to lower our moral guard. What example of mildness and long - suffering did Jesus set? b) We - rũngã pipi zut a yoobã makda bõe? In some cultures, a neat beard may be acceptable and may not detract from the Kingdom message. (b) What do the first six heads of the wild beast represent? Manesem bʋg la kiris - neb tʋm - tʋmdbã segd n talle? With that knowledge of God's qualities in mind, are we not motivated to approach him to express our repentance when we make mistakes? What attitude should Christian ministers have toward? 9: 29. That is why, if I come, I will call to remembrance his works which he goes on doing, chattering about us with wicked words. " 9: 29. Pa pʋʋsgã, n paas b sẽn na n nong n be ne b zo - rãmbã bal n tõe n kɩt tɩ b paam belsg ye. Wẽnnaam Gomdã me kõt - b - la belsgo. They may arrange, instead, for a quiet meal with some close friends. God's Word also gives comfort not only to friends but also to those who are close to them. A yaa pãng sẽn pa tõe n bãng n bilg ye. Those "sheep " look forward to everlasting life on earth - the same prospect that Adam and Eve originally entertained. It is a force that cannot be described as "the power beyond what is normal. " A Zeova sã n da sak rẽ, d ra pa na n tall saagr ye. Well, accepting Jesus and being baptized in his name means recognizing his role in our relationship with the Creator. If Jehovah had obeyed, we would have no hope. Yʋʋmd 1992 pʋɩ - sʋk sẽnese, a Antônio rɩka sard tɩ yẽ me rat n zãmsa Biiblã ne a Zeova Kaset rãmbã. Because "the hour has come for the Son of man to be glorified, " as Jesus announces the very next day. - John 12: 23. In 1992, Antônio decided to study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. A le tũnugda ne tigissã la tigis - kãsemsã, n kɩtdẽ tɩ d be ne d tẽed - n - taasã, n paamd zĩid - n - taar sẽn kengd d raoodo. Regardless of the cause, you can help your child to come to grips with the root of any spiritual doubts. He also blesses us with upbuilding association with fellow believers at Christian meetings, assemblies, and conventions. " Yẽ kõn tol n lak abada ye. Lift up the light of your face upon us, O Jehovah. " " He will by no means desert. Ki - kãngã Gũusg Gasgã gomda pʋ - peelmã yelle, n wilgdẽ tɩ d segd n yɩɩ pʋ - peelem dãmb d vɩɩmã nens fãa pʋgẽ. SẼN BE SEBRÃ PƲGẼ ME Revenge reaps sad consequences. - Romans 12: 17 - 19. This issue of The Watchtower discusses the need to be honest in all aspects of our life. Tõnd sã n wa tags tɩ d sã n bas d kẽed - n - taagã n lebs n kẽ kãadem ne ned a to n são, d belgda d mense. Often, the wrongdoer sees his error and corrects matters. When we think that our marriage mate is better off than others, we are deceived. Wẽnnaam tõe n yãa nin - wẽnsã, baa b sẽn solgẽ fãa n sɩbg - ba. " There is none to be compared to you. God can see the wicked, even though they are hidden from them. • Rondã waa ne nafa bʋse? TALK " I was outraged when I saw the senseless hurt my son had inflicted on his sister. • What benefits resulted from the ransom? (Yelbũna 18: 10) D sã n bãng Wẽnnaam yʋʋrã la d teeg - a, tõe n sõng - d lame tɩ d bʋgs bũmb nins a sẽn zoe n maanã zugu, la a sẽn na n wa maan bũmb nins n fãag neb nins sẽn tẽed - a wã. What courage it took for him to stand up to that wicked man! Knowledge of God's name and trust in him can help us to meditate on what he has done and what he will do to save those who exercise faith in him. 13: 5, Wẽnnaam Sebre, 1983) A Zeova sẽn pʋlem woto wã kɩtame tɩ d kɩs sɩd ne a Zeezi sẽn yeel tɩ be Matye 6: 33 wã. * In any event, when the time was ripe, Absalom made his move. That promise gives us confidence in Jesus ' statement recorded at Matthew 6: 33. La m wa n bãnga bũmb sẽn tar yõod wʋsgo. Supplication. But I came to know something valuable. Bõe la a Zeova baood neb nins sẽn lʋɩt taoor a nin - buiidã sʋkã nengẽ? God's Word describes the Devil as "a manslayer " and says that he has" the means to cause death. " What does Jehovah require of those taking the lead among his people? Ned a ye n da kẽng n na n tɩ fẽrg ki. Yẽ sẽn fẽrgda, bõn - biis kẽer lʋɩɩ sor kɩrenga. And it would be illogical to expect blessings while admitting in prayer, " Jehovah, I deliberately disobeyed you, but please bless me anyway. ' One man went to where the wheat was sown, and some of the thorns fell on the road. A Zezi sak n kẽngame la a kell n kõ neb nins sẽn zĩnd be wã kasetã. 4: 18; John 16: 12. Jesus went, and he continued to give a witness to those present. Ra yaa tẽn - bedr n tar ro - neeba, wẽnd - doto, so - kõaada, la lal - bɛda. Many conflicts with in - laws can be alleviated by discerning their motives and by refusing to allow these conflicts to cause contention between you and your spouse. It was a magnificent city, a place of beauty, a place of beauty, and rain. Wilg - y leoorã võore. Yield - To What Extent? Explain. Sõs - kãngã pʋgẽ, d na n gesa a Zezi sẽn sõng rapã to - to wã, la d bao n bãng wãn to la d tõe n dɩk a togs - n - taare. • Why did Jehovah have a legal case against Israel? In this article, we will consider how Jesus helped men, and how we can imitate him. Yaa vẽeneg tɩ d pa tol n tõe n bãng a Zeova n sa ye. However, the regulations found in Leviticus can benefit us, teaching us much about the worship of our God, Jehovah. Of course, we cannot know Jehovah at all. Wẽnnaam zu - sobendã ka to ye. 9, 10. (a) How does Jehovah's trueness safeguard his people? God's authority is unique. Zeova wã yaa Wẽnnaam yʋ - peellã sẽn be Biiblã pʋgẽ wã. How are such friendships formed? Jehovah is the name of God as revealed in the Bible. A Zeova sõmblem sẽn pid ne nonglmã la a sor - wilgrã Let each of us be resolved to stick closely to the instruction we receive from God's organization. Jehovah's Loving - Kindness and Guidance Yɛl kẽer n da tõe n tũ ne a yõore. Neb me n yɩ sabab t'a paam zu - loeese. They were rich, rewarding years, full of encouraging experiences. Some of the things that he suffered as a result of his death and the death of others. (Tʋʋma 24: 15, NW) D segd n talla tẽeb tɩ Wẽnnaam na n vʋʋga neb wʋsgo. How will a quick temper affect me? We must have faith that God will resurrect many. Mam ka tar koɛɛg n na n gʋls rĩm kãsenga ne a Poll yell ye. Like Ezra, we need to prepare our hearts for the reading and study of God's Word. I have no voice to write to the king and Paul. Fo tõe n tʋma sa - yãgb t'a kẽng la f bool - a t'a sake? A Christian husband is to deal lovingly with his wife. Can you work long for it and invite him to accept it? Masã a bee wakat fãa so - pakrã tʋʋmdẽ. The foremost reason why we share in the preaching work is to glorify Jehovah and sanctify his name before mankind. He is now serving as a regular pioneer. Ne rẽ fãa, d toe n talla Kirist laafɩ wã d sũyã pʋsẽ. God took action by bringing a global deluge and protecting the one righteous family still living - Noah, his wife, his sons, and their wives. Still, another aspect of the peace of the Christ has in our hearts. Ninsaalbã fãa ra na n talla tõ - kãnga. But now his time there was up. All humans would have that law. (Filip rãmba 4: 6, 7) N - ye, bɩ d yãk yam ne manesem sẽn pa vigsd n kogl d sũurã n yɩɩd bũmba fãa, la d sõgen a Zeova ne d sũur fãa. How may covetousness, greed, or "love of money " amount to idolatry? Yes, let us be determined to safeguard our heart and serve Jehovah with a complete heart. A Zezi tara nonglem me, wa a saasẽ Ba wã meng sẽn yaa nonglmã. What helps many to endure sickness and other trials? Jesus too has love, even as his loving heavenly Father is. Masã, a sẽn maan yʋʋm piig Betɛllẽ wã poore, a tagsdame t'a sẽn yɩ Betɛllã ned nebã yɛl sẽn yaa toɛ - toɛ n yaool n tar zems - n - taarã sʋkã naf - a lame n yɩɩg a sẽn da na n maan karen - bɛda. In prayer, Jesus said: "I publicly praise you, Father,... because you have hidden these things from the wise and intellectual ones and have revealed them to babes. " After ten years of service at Bethel, he felt that he had benefited from being a member of the Bethel family but not as a teacher. A ba wã kũum poore a ma wã kẽnga taoor zall so - pakrã tʋʋmd pʋgẽ. However, if a Christian "because of conscience toward God, bears up under grievous things and suffers unjustly, this is an agreeable thing " in Jehovah's sight. After his father died, his mother went to special pioneer service. Tẽns kẽer pʋsẽ, yaa goosneema wã n yaood karen - bɛdã, tɩ karen - biis nins sẽn karemd sõma wã pa yaood bũmb ye. Jesus said: "If you, although being wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more so will the Father in heaven give holy spirit to those asking him! " - Luke 11: 13. In some lands, higher education is paid for higher education, and well - educated students are not paid for money. Bõe yĩng t'a yeel woto? B ra segd n mooname n wilg tɩ yaa a Zezi maasem yĩng la a Zeova fãagd ãdem - biisã. Fãag - kãng yõod yɩɩda a sẽn da fãag Israyɛll nebã pĩnd wẽndẽ wã. If you feel that you are already focusing your life on Kingdom interests, you sense Jehovah's commendation. Why was it significant that Jesus was used as the means by which Jehovah provided deliverance for the ancient nation of Israel? D gom a Eliasiib ne a Tobiza yelle. If you want to "walk in the light of Jehovah " but are not yet a dedicated, baptized Christian, do not delay. Consider the example of Tobiah and Tobiah. Ayo, a pʋd n da geta koe - moonegã tʋʋmd b sẽn kõ - a wã wa zu - no - kãseng menga. The Israelites were commanded: "You must not go around among your people for the sake of slandering. " On the contrary, he viewed his ministry as an even greater privilege. A Zezi yeelame: "Vɩɩm sẽn ka sɛta yaa woto, tɩ bãmb na bãng yãmb sẽn yaa sɩd Wẽnnaam sẽn ka to la a Zezi Kirist yãmb sẽn tʋm a soabã. " 21, 22. (a) Why should the words at Colossians 4: 11 interest us? Jesus said: "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ. " (1 Zã 3: 8) La wãn - wãn la a Zezi vɩɩmã la a kũumã sẽn yɩ to - to wã wilgd Wẽnnaam tɩrlmã? As a young man, he quit the university to become a pioneer. But how does Jesus ' life and death reflect God's righteousness? Sa - kãsengã poore, a yeela a Nowe ne a zakã rãmb me woto. (Sɩng. Adam and Eve were willfully disobedient and were therefore sentenced to death. After the Flood, God told Noah and his family: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. " a) A Zeezi yel - bũn a yiibã sõngda tõnd tɩ d bãng bõe? We too can prove ourselves faithful. (a) What do we learn from these two illustrations? B sẽn pa tũud Biiblã sagls nins d sẽn wilg tɩ loogã yĩnga, Wẽnnaam pa kelgd b pʋʋsgã ye. Jesus "felt pity " for the crowds" because they were skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd. " Because they ignore the Bible's wise advice, God does not listen to their prayers. Ra - kãag - rãmbã tũnugda ne rẽ n kõt nanambsã la sẽn baood - b naamã ligd la bũmb a taaba, sẽn na yɩl tɩ b maan bãmb raabã. If so, learn how you can draw close to Jehovah. The rich use of wealth and other resources to ensure that they are doing the will of God. La "neb nins sẽn da maan kaool " ne Edommã, rat n yeel tɩ Babilon nebã sã n wa na n sãam - ba, b na baoa a bõn - sõmã wã sẽn beẽ zĩig ning fãa n dɩk n loog ne. - Zeremi 49: 9, 10. What are some ways that present - day elders " keep watch over our souls '? However, "those who made a covenant with Edom " - that is, when the Babylonians destroyed them, they would search for his desirable things everywhere. - Jeremiah 49: 9, 10. Wilgd - y tɩ y yaa Rĩungã neba! It is the same with the use of "the sword of the spirit " in our spiritual warfare. Show that you are subjects of the Kingdom! Daar a yembre, a William da kẽnga bãens - raagẽ n na n tɩ ra teoog n maneg bũmb roogẽ wã. How can each of us, whether young or old, strong or frail, contribute to the unity and spirituality of the congregation? One day, William went to a prison in order to repair the owner's house. A Zeova Kaset rãmbã n yiis seb - kãnga. In Jehovah's strength, Jesus was unshakable, and shortly before his death, he said to his disciples: "In the world you are having tribulation, but take courage! published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Yẽ n yaa a Zese kom - dibli a nii wã fãa yao. " I quickly felt relief. " He is the firstborn of all Jesse's eight sons. (Yɩɩl 118: 26) Daar a yembr a Zezi sẽn wa n kẽed Zerizalɛm, kʋʋng n deeg - a ne sũ - noogo, hali n kaase. As a result, they embarked on the greatest preaching campaign up to that time. When Jesus entered Jerusalem, a crowd rejoiced and welcomed him. Vẽenega, bi - bɛɛg ning b sẽn da ka n yɛgl a Zezi wã sũur yɩɩ noogo, a Zezi sẽn yeel - a tɩ "fo na n wa zĩnda ne maam arzãnã pʋgẽ " wã. You would likely leave that place and look for another restaurant. Clearly, the criminal who was impaled was fond of Jesus ' words: "You will be with me in Paradise. " y welg y zakã pʋgẽ zu - loeese He may allow situations to develop that reveal our true motives and heart condition. Avoid Problems in the Family Mam sũurã sãama hal wʋsgo, bala m da miime tɩ d zoodã na n sãamame. In a plot that betrays colossal conceit, Satan has pitted himself against "the King of eternity, " Jehovah God. I was distressed because I knew that our friendship would end. (Zak 1: 14, 15) La tõnd sã n zoet a Zeova, d na n zãaga d meng ne zĩisi, tʋʋma, reem la neb nins sẽn tõe n kɩt tɩ d bas no - tɩrsã tũubã. What a contrast to the harsh and self - centered leaders of other lands! If we fear Jehovah, however, we will distance ourselves from places, activities, and entertainment. Zĩis kẽere, kiris - ned sã n bas a toɛɛnga, n maneg tɩ sakd gesgo, pa wẽng ye. Mary Olson In some parts of the world, it is not wrong for a Christian to give more attention to the needs of others. Rẽ yĩnga d sẽn bãng woto fãa wã pa keng d raoodo, tɩ d sã n wa kong bɩ d tʋll n tek yam la d pʋʋs a Zeova n kos sugr sɩda? Why, you will be haled before governors and kings for my sake, for a witness to them and the nations. " Is such knowledge not comforting to us if we are to repent and pray to Jehovah for forgiveness? Yaa woto yĩnga mam sã n wa, mam na tẽeg bũmb nins yẽ sẽn maanã la a gom - yaalsã fãa yẽ sẽn gomd tõndã. " Many profess belief in God; yet, a growing number of them do not believe in a Devil. That is why when I come, I will remind you of all that he has done and that he speaks to us. " B segenda rɩɩb n bool b zo - rãmb a wãn bal tɩ b wa rɩ. But just knowing Satan's designs is not enough. They prepare a few friends for a meal. Wẽnnaam pʋlma nin - kãensã tɩ b na n wa vɩɩmda wakat sẽn kõn sa tẽngã zugu, wa sẽn da na n yɩ to - to ne a Ãdem la a Hawa wã. Who Is God? God promised them that they would live forever on earth, just as Adam and Eve had promised. Yaa tɩ sak a Zezi n deeg lisg a yʋʋr yĩngã wilgdame tɩ d sak n deegame tɩ yaa yẽ n kɩt tɩ d tõe n paam d Naandã zoodo. She will be "an exultation, " a cause for unbounded joy. Because Jesus was baptized in his name and was convinced that he is the Source of our friendship with our Creator. Yaa tɩ wala a Zezi sẽn togs vẽk - n - beoogã menga, "wakat taame tɩ Ninsaal Biiga na n paam waoogre. " - Zã 12: 23. Mankind had just passed through the darkest period of the 20th century, the second world war. Because as Jesus foretold the next day, "the hour has come for the Son of man to be glorified. " - John 12: 23. La baa sẽn yaa a soaba, y tõe n sõnga y kambã tɩ b bas sãmb - sãmbã. It took time for me to change my lifestyle. Still, you can help your children overcome doubts. Zusoaba, bɩ y kɩt tɩ yãmb neng vẽenem zẽk n yãg tõnd zutu. " Today, Jehovah does not speak to us directly from the heavenly realm. O Jehovah, let your light shine upon us. " Sũ - dokr wata ne yɛla. - Rom dãmba 12: 17 - 19. Though distressed, David did not despair. Mildness leads to disaster. - Romans 12: 17 - 19. Bala, wilgdame tɩ naoor wʋsgo, sẽn beeg - a wã sakd n deega a kongrã, tɩ pa yɩ tɩlɛ tɩ b yiis - a tigingã pʋgẽ ye. The rebels panicked and fled. After all, the person who has committed a serious sin has to admit his mistakes and has to be disfellowshipped from the congregation. A to ka sẽn zem yãmb ye. A common first - century lamp was an earthenware vessel with a wick that drew up liquid (usually olive oil) by capillary attraction to feed a flame. No one else is equal to you. A Nikoll yeelame: "Mam bi - riblã sẽn maan a tãoã bũmb ningã yika m sũur wʋsgo. Jehovah's requirements for intimacy with him are within the reach of everyone. " My son became very angry with his sister, " she says. Woto wilgdame t'a Eli ra miime t'a Akaab yaa wagdre, nin - kʋʋda, la Wẽnnaam a Zeova bɛ. Jehovah God and Jesus Christ certainly remember such loyal servants. - 1 John 5: 21. Elijah knew that Ahab was a thief, a murderer, and an enemy of Jehovah God. * Sẽn yaa to - to fãa, wakatã sẽn wa n ta wã, a Absalom tik n yikame. We need not serve God out of feelings of guilt or a morbid dread of punishment. * In any case, during the time of the end, Absalom took decisive action. B kosa a Zeova sõngre. When we are moved to pray because we realize that we are fully dependent upon God, then prayer draws us close to God and strengthens our faith. They asked for Jehovah's help. Wẽnnaam Gomdã yetame t'a Sʋɩtãan yaa "nin - kʋʋda, " la t'a " soo kũumã pãnga. ' 35: 33, 34. God's Word calls Satan "a manslayer " and" the ruler of death. " A wilgame me t'a pa nand kãadmã sẽn yaa Wẽnnaam kũunã ye. Lessons for Us: He also showed that he did not appreciate God's gift of marriage. 4: 18; Zã 16: 12. Meanwhile, may we do our utmost to be in attendance, and may we treasure the pleasant unity experienced at the Memorial. 4: 18; John 16: 12. Naoor wʋsgo, y sã n bao n bãng bũmb ning sẽn kɩt tɩ y pagã wall y sɩdã roagdb maand woto wã, la y pa basdẽ tɩ rẽ sãam y zakã rãmb zems - n - taarã, tõe n kɩtame tɩ y gil mo - yõsã. Early in man's history, our original parents, Adam and Eve, followed Satan the Devil in rebellion against God. Often, learning why your mate or your parents do so, but you do not allow that to undermine your family's unity. Yaa wakat fãa la d segd n sak bɩ? 4 What Must You Do to Survive the End? Should we always obey? • Bõe yĩng t'a Zeova tall bʋʋd ne Israɛlle? When is the Lamb's marriage due to take place? • Why did Jehovah judge Israel? (Rom dãmba 6: 14; Efɛɛz rãmba 2: 11 - 16) Baasg zãnga, noy nins sẽn be Maankʋʋr sebrẽ wã tõe n nafa tõndo. " If the unbelieving one proceeds to depart, let him depart, " wrote Paul. Nevertheless, the principles found in Leviticus can benefit us. 9, 10. a) Wãn to la sɩd ning sẽn yit a Zeova nengẽ wã kogend a nin - buiidã? Thus, Jehovah's people have shown determination to find individuals in remote parts of the continent. 9, 10. (a) How does the truth from Jehovah protect his people? Zood a woto buud paamda wãn - wãna? However, he discovered that Elaine had been keeping her grief bottled up, so he recommended that she go home and try hard to cry. What is the result of such friendship? Bɩ tõnd ned kam fãa yãk yam n ket n tũud sagls nins Wẽnnaam siglgã sẽn kõt - dã. How can we gain that reward? May each of us be determined to follow the direction provided by God's organization. Yʋʋm 33 fãa, d paama bark ka tɛka, la d paam n yã bũmb wʋsg sẽn kengd raoodo. This faithful patriarch asked Jehovah about an heir, saying: "What will you give me, seeing that I am going childless? " Throughout the year 33 C.E., we have been blessed with many blessings. M sã n basdẽ tɩ m sũurã yikd tao - tao, bõe n na n maane? We don't want to be anywhere else. If I are slow to anger, what will I do? Wala a Ɛsdrase, d segd n segla d sũyã n karem la d zãms Wẽnnaam Gomdã. Making Holy Spirit One's Personal Helper, 10 / 15 Like Ezra, we should prepare our heart to read and study God's Word. Rao sẽn yaa kiris - ned sã n kẽ kãadem, a segd n wilga a manesmã fãa pʋgẽ t'a nonga a pagã. He continues: "I do indeed also consider all things to be loss on account of the excelling value of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord. A Christian husband should show love in all his dealings with his wife. Sẽn tɩ yɩɩd fãa, d sẽn moond koɛɛgã yaa tɩ ne rẽ maasem, d pẽgda a Zeova la d kɩtdẽ t'a yʋʋrã paamd waoogre. Apparently, the man was not ready to go that far. Above all, through our preaching work, we glorify Jehovah and sanctify his name. Wẽnnaam kɩtame tɩ sãoong sa - kãseng wa, la a kogla zak a yembr sẽn da yaa tɩrg sasa kãnga: Yɩɩ a Nowe, a pagã la a komdibli wã ne b pagba. How did some of David's contemporaries act, and how did David react to such behavior? God brought about a global Deluge and protected a righteous family at that time: Noah, his wife, his sons, and their wives. A rɩka a sẽkã n tʋm ne yam Harã. (Read 1 Kings 17: 17 - 24.) He used his time wisely in Haran. (Kolos rãmba 3: 5) Wãn to la zoe - bõnã, rat tɩ loogã bɩ "ligdã nonglem " yaa bõn - naands pʋʋsgo? All Christians need to keep focused on the appointed Head of the congregation, Jesus Christ, not on imperfect humans. How did greed, greed, or materialism become idolatry? Bõe n sõngd neb wʋsg tɩ b maood ne bãas la yɛl a taab sẽn namsd - ba? What is the basis for serving Jehovah acceptably? What helps many to cope with illness and other problems? A Zezi yeela woto pʋʋsg pʋgẽ: "M Ba..., mam pẽgda yãmba, yãmb sẽn solg bõn - kãens ne yẽesem dãmba la ne yam dãmba, n yaool n vẽneg kom - bõoneg ne bõn - kãensa yĩnga. " This outlook could even help if you received needed discipline from the elders. In prayer, Jesus said: "I publicly praise you, Father,... because you have carefully hidden these things from wise and intellectual ones, and have revealed them to babes. " La kiris - ned " sã n sak namsg a bʋʋm zugu yẽ kaset a sũur pʋgẽ ne Wẽnnaam yĩnga, ada bee bark ' a Zeova nifẽ. In a similar way, by reading the Bible, you are allowing Jehovah to speak to you. On the other hand, if a Christian " accepts a guilty conscience for his God, it is a blessing " in Jehovah's eyes. A Zezi yeelame: "A sã n yaa woto tɩ yãmb a nin - wẽnsa bãng tɩ kõ yãmb kamba kũun sẽn yaa sõama; dẽ, sẽn yɩɩda, yãmb arzãn Ba kõn kõ neb nins sẽn kot bãmba Sɩɩg Sõng bɩ? " - Luk 11: 13. Your own good example will be a positive influence. - Luke 6: 40. Jesus said: "If you, although being wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more so will your Father in heaven give holy spirit to those asking him! " - Luke 11: 13. Yãmb sã n dat n " kẽn a Zeova vẽenemã pʋgẽ ' la y yaool n nan pa rɩk y meng n kõ - a la y reeg lisgu, bɩ y ra bas tɩ kaoos ye. The wicked are not "rich toward God. " If you want to " walk in the light of Jehovah's light ' but do not delay to make a dedication and get baptized. Wẽnnaam da yeela Israɛll nebã woto: "Ra kãneg f taab ye. " The ceremony apparently occupied a seven - day period, and the priesthood began functioning on the following day. God told the Israelites: "You must not slander one another. " 21, 22. a) Bõe yĩng tɩ goam nins sẽn be Kolos rãmba 4: 11 segd n pak tõndo? We should copy his example. 21, 22. (a) Why should we be interested in the words of Colossians 4: 11? A bi - bɩɩlem wakate, a sẽn wa n be inivɛrsite wã, a basa a karengã n lebg so - pakda. In contrast to supporting Satan, consider the blessings you have as a dedicated and baptized Christian. As a teenager, he left school and became a pioneer. A Ãdem ne a Hawa yãka yam n kɩɩs Wẽnnaam noorã, tɩ kɩt tɩ b segd n ki. How have present - day Christians benefited from laws and legal decisions? Adam and Eve chose to disobey God's law, and they were to die. Baasgo, tõnd ned kam fãa me tõe n kell n yɩɩ sakda. Then they saw Jehovah drown Pharaoh and his military force in the Red Sea. Nevertheless, each of us can maintain our integrity. Kʋʋngã "nimbãaneg yõka " a Zezi," tɩ bõe, bãmb sũyã sãama wʋsgo la bãmb pãnga fãa sɛɛme. One example is a man who helped design, build, and test the spacecraft that took man to the moon. " The crowd " felt pity for Jesus, " for they were skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd. Sã n yaa rẽ, bɩ y bao n bãng y sẽn tõe n paam a Zeova zood sõma to - to. Paul knew that "God loves a cheerful giver, " not one who gives" grudgingly or under compulsion. " - 2 Corinthians 9: 7. If so, get to know how you can draw close to Jehovah. Yɛl kẽer kãsem dãmbã sẽn maand tɩ wilgdẽ tɩ b sɩd " gũuda tõnd sɩɩsã ' la bʋse? Next, we find that Noah, preserved by God through the great Flood that destroyed the wicked generation of his day, was moved "to offer burnt offerings upon the altar " to Jehovah. What are some of the ways in which elders prove themselves ready? Tõnd me sã n dat n tõog n tall vʋʋsem sõng sʋʋgã n zab tẽebã zabr sõma, rẽnda d reng n zãmse. His tone of voice, although not revealed in the written text, did not discourage her. If we are to be successful in resisting the sword of the spirit, we must learn first. Woto wã, d yaa kãsem tɩ d yaa bi - bɩɩga, d tara keelem tɩ d pa tar me, bõe la d tõe n maan tɩ zems - n - taar zĩnd tigingã pʋgẽ? The Messianic prophecies indicated where and when Jesus would appear. So whether we are young or old, what can we do to promote unity in the congregation? (Luk 4: 1 - 13; 20: 19 - 47) Ne a Zeova pãngã, bũmb da pa tõe n kɩt t'a Zezi tẽebã vigs ye, la bilf sẽn deng a kũumã, a yeela a karen - biisã: "Yãmb na n paama namsg dũniyã pʋgẽ, la bɩ y maan sũ - noog tɩ mam tõoga dũniyã. " How did Matthew deal with that opposition? With Jehovah's power, Jesus had just before his death, and shortly before his death, he told his disciples: "You will have tribulation in the world, but take exquisite delight in me, because I have conquered the world. " Mam paama m menga. " Overdrinking can make you "feel as if you were out on the ocean, seasick, swinging high up in the rigging of a tossing ship. " I have been free. " (Kol. 1: 23) Tõnd me pʋʋsda a Zeova n kot tẽebo. Since the holy spirit has God as its Source, saying things against his spirit is the same as speaking against Jehovah. We too pray for faith. Nonglem ka sɛt abada. ' Many were the ones who were cured or fed by Jesus but who simply went about their own business. Love never fails. ' Y biig sã n dat saglse, tɩ yãmb wilg - a bũmb nins a sẽn pa segd n maanã bala, a sũur pa na n yɩ noog ye. This attitude is reflected in our conduct with regard to fellow humans. How would you feel if your children wanted advice you just because they should not do so? Yʋʋm - sare, 26 - Yʋʋm - vẽkre, a 1 " True, no discipline seems for the present to be joyous, but grievous; yet afterward to those who have been trained by it it yields peaceable fruit, namely, righteousness. " - Hebrews 12: 7 - 11. 16 Learn From God's Word - What Is God's Kingdom? A tõe n basa yɛl tɩ puk n wilg bũmb nins sẽn sɩd tusd tõnd tɩ d maand yɛlã la tõnd sũurã halhaal menga. Epaphras also prayed for another thing that was vital if the Colossians were to be found finally standing acceptable to God. He can allow things to reveal the real motive behind our actions and emotions. A Sʋɩtãan sẽn maan zãmb sẽn wilgd t'a tara wuk - m - meng sẽn loog noorã, a kɩɩsa "Rĩm sẽn so zamaan fãa " sẽn yaa Wẽnnaam a Zeova wã. " Let your utterance be always with graciousness, seasoned with salt, so as to know how you ought to give an answer to each one. " - Colossians 4: 6. By taking a false stand, Satan denied "the King of eternity, " Jehovah God. A yɩɩ toor fasɩ ne tẽns a taabã nanambsã sẽn da yaa na - toose, tɩ yaa b mensã yell n da pak - bã. (Yik. Indeed, we may ask: Is there any ruler who cares for all his subjects so much that he quickly comes to the aid of each one in times of trouble? He was so different from the oppressive nations that they were concerned about themselves. A Mary Olson Can You Explain? In fact, Mary's Old Testament B na n talla yãmb n kẽng guverneer dãmb ne rĩm dãmb taoore mam yĩnga, tɩ yɩ kaseto bãmb ne neb sẽn ka pʋʋsd Wẽnnaama yĩnga. " Peter did not reason that Jesus must have the wrong view of things and that if given time, He would recant what He had said. And you will be haled before kings and kings for my sake, for a witness to them and to the nations. " (2 Korẽnt dãmba 4: 4) Neb wʋsg yetame tɩ b tẽeda Wẽnnaam, la bãmb wʋsg sõorã sẽn tar paasgã pa tẽed t'a Sʋɩtãan Munaafɩɩk beeme ye. Nevertheless, this gradual decay of morality is dangerous. Many say that they believe in God but do not believe that the Devil exists. La bãng a Sʋɩtãan sẽn maand to - to wã bal pa sek ye. She was so poor that she could contribute to the temple only what a laborer might earn in a few minutes. However, the Devil's methods are not enough. Ãnda la Wẽnnaam? (Read Psalm 91: 9, 14.) Who Is God? A na n yɩɩ "sũ - noogo, " sẽn dat n yeel t'a na n waa ne sũ - noog sẽn ka koak n kõ - ba. You may not feel fully qualified to shoulder such a responsibility. He will be happy, "the happy God, " who will bring them eternal happiness. Ãdem - biisã ra nan yita yʋʋm kob - gĩnd 20 soabã wakat ning sẽn tall - a sũ - sãams n yɩɩdã, sẽn yaa dũni gill zabr a yiib - n - soabã pʋgẽ. Notice that Jesus did not just say, " Give to the poor and you will get life. ' Mankind was from the time of the 20th century when he was especially distressed by the fact that the second world war was the second world war. Kaoosame tɩ m yaool n na n tõog n toeeme. • To keep integrity, what dangers must we be aware of and avoid? In time, I was able to change my lifestyle. Rũndã - rũndã, a Zeova pa zĩnded saasẽ n gomd ne tõnd a toor ye. Peter had earlier stated that even if the others did that, he would not. Today, Jehovah does not live in heaven with us. Baa ne a Davɩɩd sẽn da be yɩɩr pʋgẽ wã, a pa koms raood ye. We can see how he exercises authority over those whom he molds by considering Israel's first two kings - Saul and David. Although David was in distress, he did not give up. Kominiismã sodaasã yɛɛsame n zoe n bas maam. Upon descending from the mountain, he saw the Israelites worshiping the molten calf and angrily threw down the tablets, shattering them. The soldiers fled me, and I was afraid. A na n dogl - a - la fɩtl - doagendg zugu, t'a kõ nebã fãa sẽn be rooga pʋgẽ wã vẽenem. How can we enhance the spiritual paradise? He will put it upon a lamp, and he will give it to all in the house's house. Neba fãa tõe n pidsa bũmb nins a Zeova sẽn baood sẽn na yɩl n tall zood ne yẽ wã. It can remind us of our limitations and help build our trust in our heavenly Father. - Proverbs 3: 5, 6. All can fill Jehovah's requirements for a close relationship with him. Wẽnnaam a Zeova la a Zezi Kirist sɩd tẽra sõgen kãens sẽn yɩ kɩs - sɩd dãmbã yelle. - 1 Zã 5: 21. When the Israelites offered up proper animal sacrifices on Jehovah's altar, the smoke that drifted up was like "a restful odor " to the true God. Jehovah God and Jesus Christ remember these faithful servants. - 1 John 5: 21. (Yɩɩl Sõamyã 86: 5) D pa segd n tũ Wẽnnaam d sẽn dat t'a kõ tõnd d beegr sugri, bɩ d sẽn yɛɛsd t'a na n wa sɩbg - d yĩng ye. We can use the Bible to cut away any ideas that are "raised up against the knowledge of God. " We must not walk with God for forgiveness or fear that he will punish us for our sins. (Matɩe 6: 7, 8) Yaa d sã n pʋʋsd a Zeova d sẽn mi tɩ yaa yẽ bal n tõe n sõng - dã, la d pʋʋsgã na n pẽneg - d ne - a la paas d tẽebã. Roy, baptized in 1951: "When I dedicated myself to Jehovah, I promised to serve him always. Only if we pray to Jehovah, who can help us, and our prayers will draw us closer to him. 35: 33, 34. Their involvement in this work was revealed in a vision to the apostle John, who wrote: "I saw another angel flying in midheaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare to those who dwell on the earth, to every nation and tribe and tongue and people. " 35: 33, 34. Zãmsg tõnd yĩnga: And whenever we have a decision to make - be it about recreation, dress and grooming, association, employment, education, or anything else - we act wisely only if we follow Jehovah's guidelines. Lessons for Us: La nananda, d wilgd tɩ d sẽn paam n naagd taab yam a ye yʋʋmd fãa n tẽegd a Zeezi kũumã noom - d - la wʋsgo. Instead of the world's spirit, we welcome in our life the influence of God's spirit by which Jehovah has given us a clear understanding of the events that lie ahead of us. In the meantime, we are deeply grateful that we have an annual observance of the Memorial of Christ's death. Ninsaal belmã sɩngr sẽnẽ, tõnd roagdb a Ãdem ne a Hawa, tũu a Sʋɩtãan Munaafɩɩk n kɩɩs Wẽnnaam. * Neither of them had the courage to read the results of Maria's latest medical examinations. At the beginning of human history, our parents, Adam and Eve, joined Satan in disobeying God. 4 Bõe la y segd n maan n põs saabã wakate? What should Christians ask themselves about their faith? 4 What Should You Do in the End? Pe - bilã yi - kãadmã segd n yɩɩ wakat bʋgo? These joyfully serve in a spiritual sense as "farmers " and" vinedressers " for the anointed "ministers of our God. " When is the marriage of the Lamb to take place? Tʋm - tʋmd a Poll yeela woto: "Ned ning sẽn ka tẽedã sã n dat n yi, bɩ y bas - a t'a yi. God's "loving - kindness is better than life " because without it, life is meaningless and purposeless. The apostle Paul wrote: "If anyone does not believe, let him go. Baa ne rẽ, a Zeova nin - buiidã modga ne b sũur fãa sẽn na yɩl n moon neb nins sẽn be tẽngã babs nins sẽn zãrã. Other matters that have to do with health care, though, are not clear - cut and require that each of us make a personal decision as to what treatment we will accept or reject. Even so, Jehovah's people were determined to preach to those in the area. Baasg zãnga, a yãame t'a Elaine da rĩi a sũ - sãangã n pa wilg ye. Rẽ n so t'a sagl - a t'a kul n tɩ modg n yãbe. " Wisdom a Protection ', 7 / 15 However, he noticed that Steve had failed to express his grief, so he encouraged him to go home and comfort him. Ad sɩd yaa bark tɛkẽ! Philip lost no time in explaining that Isaiah spoke about the Messiah, Jesus. - Acts 8: 26 - 35. What a blessing! A Abrahaam da yaa wẽn - sakda. A soka a Zeova woto: "Yaa bõe la yãmb na n kõ maam? Mam loogdame n ka paam biig ye. " We should not perform God - given duties while under the influence of alcoholic beverages. Abraham was a faithful man who asked Jehovah: "What are you to give me, and what must I do not have children? " D pa tol n dat n vaal tigisg ye. Meditating on the good things Jehovah has done will very likely increase our gratitude for his enduring love. - Read Psalm 77: 11, 12. We do not want to miss out on a meeting. A paasame: " Sɩda, mam geelgda bũmb fãa wa bõn - zaalga, mam sẽn bãng Kirist Zezi, mam Zusoab sẽn yɩɩd bũmb fãa wã yĩnga. After all, Jehovah had it preserved "for our instruction, so that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope. " He added: "I do indeed consider all things to be loss on account of the excelling value of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord. Yaa wa raowã ra pa rat n maan tɩ ta woto fãa ye. Nothing or nobody can prevent God from bringing his purposes to fruition, however farfetched skeptics may consider them to be. It was as if a man did not want to do all of this. Bõe la a Davɩɩd zãmaanẽ nebã kẽer maan - yã, la a manesem yɩɩ wãn ne nin - kãense? " Must I keep on trying to save my marriage no matter what happens? ' What did some of David's contemporaries do, and how did he treat them? (Karm - y 1 Rĩm - dãmb 17: 17 - 24.) Eyewitnesses described how smoothly the large, three - colored banner unfurled. (Read 1 Kings 17: 17 - 24.) D pa segd n ges ninsaalbã sẽn pa zems zãngã sẽn maandã ye. 1, 2. We should not look at the mistakes of imperfect humans. D sã n dat n tũ a Zeova tɩ ta a yam, bõe n yaa tɩlae? For instance, many Christians have allowed some of their blood to be withdrawn for testing or analysis, after which the sample is discarded. What is needed if we are to worship Jehovah acceptably? Y sã n maand woto, tõe n sõng - y lame tɩ baa y wa n maana bũmb tɩ kãsem - dãmbã kibl - y bɩ y sake. God's Word - A Priceless Gift Doing so may help you to accept discipline from the elders. Yaa lɛtr la a tũnug n gom ne yãmba. Woto me, y sã n karemd Biiblã, y basame t'a Zeova gomd ne - yã. • How do inanimate forces of nature carry out Jehovah's will? In a similar way, when you read the Bible, you are letting Jehovah speak to you when you read it. 2014, BÕN - BƖƲƲNGO, 29 - 2014, ZĨ - LIKRI, A 5 He cares for us better than we can care for ourselves. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE Tõnd meng mak - sõngã na n sõnga karen - biigã hal wʋsgo. - Luk 6: 40. On the other hand, unrepentant sinners will be cut off, as it were, at "a hundred years of age. " Our own example will help the student greatly. - Luke 6: 40. Nin - wẽnsã "ka tar Wẽnnaam arzɛgs ye. " As the foregoing experience shows, following your Bible - trained conscience may put you in an awkward position. The wicked "did not have God's approval. " B luglgã rɩka rasem a yopoe, tɩ maan - kʋʋrã tʋʋm sɩng a vẽk - n - beoogã. " The people were waiting, and all were reasoning in their hearts concerning John, whether he were not the Messiah. " - LUKE 3: 15, THE EMPHATIC DIAGLOTT. The restoration took seven days, and the priest began his work on the next day. (Matɩe 23: 2, 3) D segd n dɩka a togs - n - taare. Ezekiel chapter 38 speaks prophetically of an attack by "Gog of the land of Magog " against God's people. We need to follow his example. F sã n tags bark nins f sẽn paame, f sẽn dɩk f meng n kõ a Zeova n deeg lisgã tɛka, f na n yãame tɩ f sẽn sak a Zeova wã n são f sẽn da na n yaa a Sʋɩtãan dũniyã neda. " People will... lack normal affection for their families. " - 2 TIMOTHY 3: 1 - 3, God's Word Bible Reflecting on the blessings that result from dedicating yourself to Jehovah and getting baptized will help you to see that your obedience to Jehovah is better than Satan's world. Tẽns wʋsg pʋsẽ, wãn to la laloa wã la bʋ - kaoodbã kõ sor tɩ d tũud a Zeova? First: Whom do you choose to associate with? In many lands, how do judges and judges allow us to serve Jehovah? Rẽ poore, b yãa a Zeova sẽn bõr a Faraõ ne a tãb - biis kʋʋngã Mog - miuugã pʋgẽ. Because Saul was determined to kill David, Jonathan faced a conflict of loyalties. Then they saw Jehovah at Pharaoh and his military forces in the Red Sea. Makr a yembr ne rẽ yaa rao a yembr sẽn sõng n maan masĩn sẽn kẽngd kiuugẽ wã. The result of our being peaceable is that true worshippers enjoy an abundance of peace. One example of this is a man who has helped a man who has worked as an effective tool in the south. A Poll ra miime tɩ "Wẽnnaam nonga ned ninga sẽn kõt ne sũ - noogo " la pa ne" neng gãnengo walla modgr ye. " - 2 Korẽnt dãmba 9: 7. Indeed, on Nisan 14, 33 C.E., shortly before his death, Jesus himself told his followers to imitate him. Paul knew that "God loves a cheerful giver " but did not" give up on [his] face or do hard work. " - 2 Corinthians 9: 7. (Sɩngre 4: 3, 4) Sẽn pʋgde, d yãtame t'a Nowe, Wẽnnaam sẽn kogl Sakãsengã sẽn sãam yẽ wakatẽ nin - wẽnsã sasa wã, ra "maan [a] maand sẽn yõogd bugum tẽn - kugra zugu, " n kõ a Zeova. Not to be overlooked is the effect our attending a service in a religious building might have on fellow believers. Next, we learn that Noah, who was preserved by God during the Flood of Noah's day, "was offering up a burnt offering [Jehovah] upon the altar. " Kibarã pa wilg a Zezi koe - zomã sẽn yɩ to - to wã ye. La yaa vẽeneg t'a koe - zomã pa kɩt tɩ pagã koms raood ye. What he said on that occasion is of vital importance to everyone today. The account does not say how Jesus used the leaven, but it is clear that his tone of voice did not discourage the woman. Bãngr - goamã wilga sẽn na n yɩ zĩig ning la wakat ning la b na n dog a Zezi wã. Trained by God's Word The prophecy foretells the time and place for Jesus to be born. A Matthew maoa ne zu - loe - kãngã wãn - wãna? (a) What expressions of Jehovah's loving - kindness are found in Psalm 136? How did Matthew cope? (Yelbũna 23: 29, 30) Rãam sã n loog - fo, tõe n kɩtame tɩ f lebg "wa ned sẽn gãe ko - kãsengã zugu, " bɩ" wala ned sẽn gãe tɩɩg zugu. " The apostle Peter helps us to have the proper attitude while waiting. If you were to drink alcoholic beverages, you might become "like a tree on the sea, " or as if" a tree on the ground. " Vʋʋsem sõngã sẽn yaa Wẽnnaam a Zeova pãngã yĩnga, ned sã n tʋʋs - a, yaa Wẽnnaam la a tʋʋs - yã. Some individuals work in medical, social, economic, or other fields to improve the lot of fellow humans, and such efforts are commendable. Since the holy spirit is Jehovah's active force, it is God who hates it. A Zezi sãooga neb wʋsg la a rɩlg - ba, la b kell n tʋma b raasenkam tʋʋmã bala. Paul wrote encouragingly to the Colossians about their walking "worthily of Jehovah to the end of fully pleasing him. " Jesus healed many and fed them, but they kept their lives focused on their daily activities. D sã n yaa nin - bʋgsga, yaa d manesmã ne d zĩid - n - taasã n na n wilgd rẽ. 12 / 15 When we show mildness, we show it by treating our neighbors in a kind way. " Yaa sɩd tɩ sɩbgr fãa wakate wẽnda toogo la sũ - sãoongo, la baoosgo, a yaool n wata ne tɩrlem la laafɩ neb nins sẽn sakda yĩnga. " - Hebre dãmba 12: 7 - 11. Partake appreciatively of the spiritual food available only at Jehovah's table, and you will not be misled by false teachers or wicked spirit forces. " The hour is coming when there is distress and sorrow, but it is bringing righteousness and peace to those observing it. " - Hebrews 12: 7 - 11. 14: 6) Wala makre, kẽer zãmsda buud - gomd a to sẽn na yɩl n moon koɛɛgã n paase. for this day is holy. ' " For example, some learn another language in order to expand their ministry. A Epafras pʋʋsame me n kos bũmb a to sẽn da tar yõod wʋsg sẽn na yɩl tɩ Kolos rãmbã wa baas n pid zãng n ta Wẽnnaam yam. (a) What does manifesting virtue require of us? Epaphras also prayed for something else that was so important to the Colossians that the Colossians finally gained God's approval. Tũ - y sagl - kãngã: "Bɩ y kɩt tɩ yãmb goamã zĩnd bark wakat fãa n paam yamsem noom, la y bãng sẽn zems n leok ned kam fãa. " - Kolos rãmba 4: 6. Jesus described such procrastination as looking at "the things behind. " Follow the admonition: "Let your utterance be always with graciousness, seasoned with salt, so as to know how you ought to give an answer to each one. " - Colossians 4: 6. Sɩda, d tõe n sokame: Naab n be n get a soolmã neb fãa yell sõma hal n wat n sõngd - b tao - tao b sã n wa be zu - loees pʋgẽ bɩ? For example, on one occasion an angel of Jehovah struck down 185,000 enemy Assyrian soldiers - a feat that would have been impossible for one human and difficult even for an entire army. In fact, we might ask: Is there a leader who cares for all his subjects so as to help them when they are under trial? Y tõe n wilgame bɩ? In that prayer, Jesus likely reviewed many of his disciples by name, considered their qualities and weaknesses, and asked his Father for help in choosing them. Can You Explain? A Pɩɛɛr pa tags tɩ tõe t'a Zezi tudgame, la tɩ kaoosg zugẽ a na n wa bãnga rẽ n lebs a noorã poorẽ ye. If you live in an area where there is limited response to the Kingdom message, try to focus on the good that you are accomplishing in the ministry. Peter did not reason that Jesus may have made a mistake, but he later learned of it. La neb wʋsg manesem sã n toeem bilf - bilfu, d tõeeme n pa bãng meng ye. Christians are admonished to " encourage one another, ' inciting fellow members of the congregation to "love and fine works. " On the other hand, we may not even be able to do so in a few ways. Goam nins sẽn pʋgl vɛrse kãnga wã wilgdame t'a võorã pa woto ye. 7, 8. (a) What mistake do some returning parents make? The context shows that this does not mean that it does not. (Luk 20: 47, Sebr Sõngo) Pʋg - kõorã ra yaa naong soab hal tɩ ligd ning a sẽn tõe n kõ wẽnd - doogẽ wã zemsa tʋm - tʋmd sẽn na n tʋm minit a wãn bal yaoodo. Our congregation meetings provide us with the opportunity to get to know one another, to impart encouragement, and to incite one another to "love and fine works. " The needy widow was so poor that her money could be provided at the temple only for a few minutes. (Karm - y Yɩɩl Sõamyã 91: 9, 14.) Deeply appreciative, Jacob prayed: "I am unworthy of all the loving - kindnesses and of all the faithfulness that you have exercised toward your servant, for with but my staff I crossed this Jordan and now I have become two camps. " - Gen. (Read Psalm 91: 8, 14.) (Rom 10: 14) La tõe tɩ y tagsdame tɩ y pa tar tʋʋmdã minim sõma ye. What is required of those making up this group? Yet, you may feel that you are inexperienced. (Matɩe 19: 16 - 22) Kɛlg - y neere: A Zezi pa yeel - a bal t'a " kõ naong rãmb tɩ woto la a na n paam vɩɩm ye. ' The Jewish remnant who returned to their homeland lived in security, with nothing to fear from animals. Note: Jesus did not simply say: "He will give the poor one life to the poor. " Nonglem "ka bĩngd wẽng ning b sẽn maan - a wã a sũurẽ ye. " Economic pressures, political unrest, crime, and sickness are among the things that make life very difficult. Love "does not keep account of the injury. " • Sẽn na yɩl n kell n tall burkĩndi, yel - bʋs la d segd n lak d mens ne? What is integrity? • To maintain integrity, what dangers must we avoid? Wala makre, a Pɩyɛɛr da yeelame tɩ baa tʋm - tʋmdb a taabã sã n bas a Zeezi, yẽ pa na n tol n bas - a ye. " Your spirit is good; may it lead me in the land of uprightness. " - PS. 143: 10. For example, Peter said that even if the apostles abandoned Jesus, he would never abandon him. D ges a sẽn maan dẽ to - to ne a Sayull sẽn yɩ Israyɛll pipi rĩmã, la ne a Davɩɩd sẽn yɩ rĩm a yiib - n - soabã. Evidently, Jehovah forgave Aaron for his weakness. Consider how he dealt with Saul, the first king of Israel, and the second king, David. A sẽn wa n sigd tãngã, a yãa Israɛll nebã sẽn balemd sãnem nag - bilã t'a sũur yik t'a lob kug - walsã tɩ wã. Eusebius calculates that 300,000 residents from the province of Judea traveled to Jerusalem for the Passover of 70 C.E. When he comes up from the mountainous region of Israel, he sees the golden calf and becomes enraged against the tablets of the tablets. Bõe la d tõe n maan n sõng tɩ neb wʋsg paam bark Wẽnnaam tũudmã pʋgẽ? Help Young Ones to Enjoy Bible Study How can we help many to enjoy blessings in God's service? Bala na n kɩtame tɩ d tẽeg tɩ pa bũmba fãa la d tõe n maane, la kɩt me tɩ d maneg n teeg d saasẽ Ba wã. - Yelbũna 3: 5, 6. Or they may consider Jehovah's protective sheepfold too restrictive. Because it will remind us that nothing we can do and will strengthen our trust in our heavenly Father. - Proverbs 3: 5, 6. 22: 29) Israɛll nebã sã n da wa kʋʋd rũms sẽn pa tar zams a Zeova tẽn - kugrã zugu, maandã bug - zõos sẽn da rukdã " yũug yaa noog a taoore. ' (Maan. 1: 1, 2. " Pursue... When the Israelites offered animal sacrifices on Jehovah's altar, incense on Jehovah's altar was "a sweet - smelling odor. " A wilg - b lame me t'a Zeova wẽnd - do - kãsengã sɩd " yaa kãseng la a zems ' n yɩɩd wẽnd - doog ning sẽn " maan ne neb nusã. ' Second, in the Bible the term "heavens " can represent rulership, or government. He also told them that Jehovah's great spiritual temple is "a great and holy temple " above" the hands of men. " D tõe n talla Biiblã n kɩt tɩ ned bas tagsg buud fãa " sẽn zẽkd a meng ne Wẽnnaam bãngrã, ' bɩ sẽn kɩɩsd Wẽnnaam bãngrã. Satan does not care which trap ensnares us, as long as we are caught by him. We can use the Bible to turn anyone away from "the very knowledge of God " or to reject the knowledge of God. A Roy sẽn deeg lisg yʋʋmd 1951 wã yeela woto: "Mam sẽn da wa n dɩk m meng n kõ a Zeova wã, m pʋlm - a lame tɩ m na n maana a raabã wakat fãa. Think what a gift it is for the Almighty to forgive the sin a person inherited as well as the wrongs he committed! " When I dedicated my life to Jehovah, I promised him that I would serve him forever. (Matye 24: 14) Bõn - makr pʋgẽ, tʋm - tʋmd a Zã yãa malɛk sẽn sõngd n tʋmd tʋʋm - kãngã. A Zã yeelame: "Mam yãnda malɛɛk a to sẽn yɩgd n pɩʋʋgd yĩngri: A rag n tara koe - noog sẽn paad wakat sẽn kõn sa, n na n togs neb nins sẽn be tẽng zugã, soolem fãa, buud fãa, goam buud fãa nebã, la tẽng fãa nebã. " How are riches deceptive? In a vision, the apostle John saw another angel carrying out this commission: "I saw another angel flying in midheaven, that he might declare good news to all the nations, to every nation and tribe and tongue and people. " La d sã n wa rat n bãng n yãk reem sẽn yaa sõma, fuug sẽn zemse, tũud - n - taase, tʋʋma, kareng la yɛl a taaba, d sã n tũ a Zeova noyã, d wilgdame tɩ d tara yam. ● Bonzali, a public health officer in an African country torn by civil war, does what little he can to treat mine workers in his town who are dying of Marburg virus. However, when it comes to choosing wholesome entertainment, wholesome entertainment, school, and other activities, we show wisdom by applying Jehovah's standards. Tõnd datame tɩ Wẽnnaam vʋʋsem sõngã soog - do, d pa rat tɩ dũniyã yamã kẽ - d ye. A Zeova sõnga tõnd ne a vʋʋsem sõngã maasem tɩ d bãng bũmb ning sẽn na n maan ka la bilfu. (1 Kor. He displayed a broad range of emotional responses: pity for a leper; grief over an unresponsive people; righteous indignation at greedy money changers. We want God's spirit to lead us, not by being influenced by the spirit of the world, but by Jehovah's holy spirit, which will soon reveal what will soon come upon us. * Bãmb ned ba a ye ra pa tar daood n na n karem logtoɛɛmbã yaoolem vaeesg kɩbay a Maria bãaga wɛɛngẽ ye. He helped people to come to know God. - Read John 17: 26. * None of them had the courage to read the last article about Maria's health. Sogs - bʋs la kiris - nebã segd n sok b mense? There was to be, however, a wonderful further unfolding of God's purpose. What questions should Christians ask themselves? (Zakari 8: 23) B sakda ne sũ - noog n sõngd "Wẽnnaam tʋm - tʋmdba " sẽn paam vʋʋsem sõng zaeebã, tɩ rẽ kɩt tɩ Wẽnnaam get - b wa neb sẽn " kood pʋt la b manegd tɩɩs n kõt sẽn zae - bã. ' What family situation reflects the world's spirit? They gladly respond to the help of "God's servants, ' thus viewing them as" harvest workers " and " planted fruit and filling the anointed with joy. ' Wẽnnaam "nonglem yaa sõma n yɩɩd vɩɩm, " bala nonglem kãng sã n kaẽ, vɩɩmã pa tar võor la yõod ye. We repent of our sins. - Acts 17: 30 God's "love is better than life, " for such love does not mean life without meaning. (Tʋʋ. 15: 28, 29) La yɛl kẽer pʋsẽ, Biiblã pa wilg d sẽn segd n maanegã vẽenega, tɩ kɩt tɩ yaa tõnd ned kam fãa n segd n yãk a sẽn na n sak tɩbsg ningã. (b) What will be considered in the following article? In some situations, however, the Bible does not specifically say what we should do, and each one of us should decide how to accept treatment. 1 / 7 • In what ways has Jehovah God displayed humility? 7 / 15 La a Filip yɩɩ tao - tao n bilg - a tɩ yaa Mesi wã sẽn yaa a Zezi wã yell la a Ezai sẽn gomdã. - Tʋʋ. 8: 26 - 35. In our case, fellow students, workmates, or members of our family may respond favorably when they see the stand we take for what is right. Philip quickly identified himself as the Messiah, Jesus. - Acts 8: 26 - 35. D pa segd n yũ rãam n yaool n maan tʋʋm nins Wẽnnaam sẽn bobl - dã ye. " I must declare the good news of the kingdom of God, " he said, "because for this I was sent forth. " We should not drink alcoholic beverages before doing God's work. D sã n bʋgs bõn - kãensã zugu, tõe n kɩtame tɩ d sũur maneg n yɩ noog ne a Zeova sẽn nong - dã. - Karm - y Yɩɩn - sõamyã 77: 12, 13. This takes effort, but the result - being "fully competent, completely equipped for every good work " - is well worth it. - Proverbs 2: 3 - 6. Meditating on such things can enhance our appreciation for Jehovah's love. - Read Psalm 77: 12, 13. Zoob sebrã naaga bũmb nins a Zeova sẽn kɩt tɩ b pĩnd n gʋls "tõnd zãmsg yĩnga, tɩ tõnd tõe n gũ tõnd tẽeb pidsg ne sũ - mare, la ne Gʋlsg Sõamyã belsgo. " What did David want to accomplish by his encounter with Goliath, and what should be our chief concern? The book of Job is part of what Jehovah had foretold "for our instruction, that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope. " Bũmb bɩ ned ba a yembr pa tõe n gɩdg Wẽnnaam t'a pa pids a raabã ye, baa sãmb - sãmb rãmbã sẽn tõe n tags tɩ rẽ pa sɩdã. Second, the preaching of the good news lays the foundation for God's righteous judgment. No one or anything can prevent God from fulfilling his purpose, even though those who may doubt that it is not true. A tõe n sokda a meng woto: " M segd n kell n mao n manega m kãadmã baa yel - kãngã sẽn kẽ sʋkã bɩ? ' Like Enoch and Noah, we live in turbulent times, but like them, we have the privilege of walking with God. He might wonder, " Should I continue to improve my marriage even in this case? ' Yaa fuug sẽn da tar kulɛɛr a tãabo, t'a Zeezi fot be tẽn - sʋka. People in many parts of the world want to be free from oppression, discrimination, and poverty. Three of Jesus ' illustrations were recorded in the Bible. 1, 2. • Learning to express love is like learning a new language. - The Watchtower, February 15, 1999, pages 18, 22 - 3. 1, 2. Wala makre, wopeer kẽer sẽn maand to - to wã sasa, b tõe n gõdga zɩɩmã t'a yi yĩngẽ wã n tɩ kẽ zĩig ning b sẽn boond tɩ zɩɩm yalgre (hémodilution). 5: 3 - 6. For example, in some cases, blood can be poured out into the body, where blood is stored. Wẽnnaam Gomdã yaa kũun sẽn tar yõod wʋsgo 6 / 1 Apostles to Carry Staffs, Wear Sandals, 3 / 15 God's Word - A Precious Gift • Wãn to la tẽngã pãens wa saagã ne sebgã pidsd a Zeova raabã? Even so, in response Abram "built an altar there to Jehovah, who had appeared to him. " • How did the earth come to be in harmony with Jehovah's will? A geta tõnd yell sõma, n yɩɩd tõnd sẽn get d mens yell to - to wã. Why might our viewpoint of fairness be distorted or limited? He cares for us far more than we care for ourselves. La b na n sãama yel - wẽn - maandb nins sẽn pa rat n tek yam n kos sugrã, baa b sã n taa "yʋʋm koabga. " How did that happen, considering that his own father, Terah, was an idolater? On the other hand, unrepentant sinners will be destroyed even if they have "a hundred years. " Wa bi - puglã ne a yaoã kibar sẽn wilgã, y sã n dat n tũ y sũur - kasetã sẽn yet - yã, tõe n wa kɩtame tɩ y taabã pa pẽg - y ye. He told them: "You did not receive a spirit of slavery causing fear again, but you received a spirit of adoption as sons, by which spirit we cry out: " Abba, Father! ' As shown by the experience of your daughter and her sister, refusing to follow your Bible - trained conscience may hinder you from praising others. " Zãma wã ra gũuda Fãagdã. Dẽ la ned kam fãa ra yet a pʋgẽ: " Sãnd kaa a Zã la Wẽnd Nedã? ' " - LUK 3: 15, SEBR SÕNGO. How do they assist us? " The public declaration was waiting for the Savior, then, in it each one of them said: " There are others not John the Baptist and the man of God. ' " - LUKE 3: 15. Ezekɩɛll sak 38 bãngr - gomdã wilgame tɩ " Magoog Googã ' na n wa zaba ne a Zeova nin - buiidã. That unparalleled tribulation will bring Satan's entire world to its end. Ezekiel chapter 38 foretells that the attack by " Gog of Magog " will come against Jehovah's people. " Neb wʋsg nonglem na n lebga maasga. " - MATƖE 24: 12. However, rather than give up, they looked to Jehovah for strength. " The love of the greater number will cool off. " - MATTHEW 24: 12. Pipi: Yaa ãnd dãmb la yãmb yãkd n na n maan tũud - n - taar ne? [ Picture on page 21] First: Who are you determined to associate with? Baa yẽ ne a Davɩɩd sẽn da wẽen tɩ b na n zĩnda taab poorẽ wã, a ra segd n saka a ba wã me. The Witness girl writes: "We all married fellow Christians, and our family of united worshipers now totals 23. " Although David and David had made a sworn oath to remain loyal to his father, he also had to obey his father. Woto sõngdame tɩ laafɩ zĩnd tigimsã pʋgẽ. How did evil start? This contributes to peace within the Christian congregation. Sɩd me, yʋʋmd 33 Nizã rasem 14, a Zezi kũumã ket bilfu, yẽ mengã yeela a karen - biisã tɩ b rɩk a togs - n - taare. Sticking close to and staying active with one of the over 98,000 congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses will help us to prepare ourselves for survival. Shortly before his death on Nisan 14, 33 C.E., Jesus told his disciples to imitate him. Bũmb d sẽn pa segd n yĩm yaa tõnd kẽngrã egiliizã tũudum yel - maandɩ pʋgẽ sẽn tõe n tall pãn - tusdg ning tẽed - n - taas a taab zutã. How has Jehovah lived up to his great name, thus adding to its glory? The point is that we should not forget our church's religious practices that can influence the faith of other fellow believers. A sẽn yeel bũmb ning wakat kãnga wã tara yõod wʋsg ne tõnd ned kam fãa rũndã - rũndã. Hence, we cite it as an authority and read from it whenever possible. What he said at that time is of great importance to each of us today. B paamda Wẽnnaam Gomdã zãmsgo Adhere to the Pattern Set by Jesus Learn From God's Word a) A Zeova sõmblem sẽn pid ne nonglem bʋg wilgr la d yãt Yɩɩl Sõamyã 136 pʋgẽ? By his teachings, Jesus showed what God requires of us and how he feels about his worshippers. (a) What quality of Jehovah's loving - kindness do we find in Psalm 136? Tʋm - tʋmd a Pɩɛɛr sõngd - d lame tɩ d bãng d sẽn segd n sɩd gũ to - to tɩ zemse. All of Adam's descendants are born sinners, "transgressors, " and therefore receive" the wages sin pays, " namely, death. The apostle Peter helps us to see how we need to keep on the watch. Neb n be n yaa logtoɛɛmba, neb sẽn get nebã ne taab vɩɩm yelle, t'a taab get laogã fɩɩgr yelle, bɩ zĩis a taab sẽn na yɩl n maneg ninsaalbã vɩɩm, la modg - kãens zemsa pẽgre. That day is also called the end, as discussed in the cover articles of this issue. There are people who care for the lives of one another, caring for the needs of one another, or elsewhere in order to improve the lives of humans. A Poll gʋlsa Kolos rãmbã tɩ kengd raoodo, b sẽn kẽnd tɩ " zems ne a Zeova waoogrã sẽn na yɩl n ta a yam zãngã ' wɛɛngẽ. The Jews were required to pay an annual temple tax of two drachmas (about two days ' wages). Paul wrote to the Colossians that they are " walking worthily of Jehovah to the end of fully pleasing him. ' 1 / 7 As reflected in Psalm 119, what effect did God's Word have on the writer of the psalm? 7 / 15 D sã n dɩt tẽebã rɩɩb a Zeova sẽn kõt - dã bala, zãmb karen - saam dãmb la zĩn dãmb pa na n tudg - d ye. (Efɛɛz rãmba 6: 12; Ziid 3, 4) D nang pãng ne tẽebã yɛl maanego. Jehovah then becomes our Master and Owner, and like Jesus we delight to do God's will. If we take in spiritual food that Jehovah provides, false teachers and demons will not mislead us. Rẽ poore, Israɛll nebã maana Zãn kibsã rasem a yopoe, la nebã fãa sũy yɩɩ noog wʋsgo. (Read Mark 10: 29, 30.) After that, the Israelites celebrated the Festival of Booths, and the people were joyful. a) Bõe la d segd n maan sẽn na yɩl n tagsd bũmb nins sẽn yaa neer zãnga yelle? She said that if she was convinced from her study of the Bible that practicing as a Sangoma was against Jehovah's will, she would stop. (a) What must we do to meditate on what is truly beautiful? A Zezi yeelame tɩ ned sẽn gind Wẽnnaam daabã maaneg " wẽnemdame n get a poorẽ. ' (Read Luke 21: 34.) Jesus said that a person who avoids doing God's will " keeps on looking at the things behind. ' A buud maaneg yaa toog ne tãb - biis wʋsg menga. (2 Rĩm 19: 35) Daar a to me, b yõka a Zezi tʋm - tʋmdb n pag roogo, tɩ malɛk maan yel - solemd n yiis - ba. Rachelle says: "Many times Mom would say something very hateful. On another occasion, Jesus ' apostles were arrested and miraculously miraculously released by an angel. (Luk 6: 12) A pʋʋsgã pʋgẽ, wõnda a goma a karen - biis wʋsg yelle, n da pʋt b yʋyã, la a sõdgd b zʋg - sõma wã la b pãn - komsmã. A kosa a ba wã t'a sõng - a t'a yãkrã yɩ sõma. In 70 C.E., Roman armies devastated Jerusalem and the temple, and many of the remaining Jews became slaves. In his model prayer, Jesus likely mentioned the names of many of his disciples, including their names and weaknesses, and he asked his father to help him make the right decision. Sã n mik tɩ neb wʋsg pa sakd n kelgd koɛɛgã yãmb babgẽ wã, bɩ y ra bas tɩ rẽ sãam y sũy ye. Learning a new language involves learning a new way of thinking, new thought patterns. If most people do not respond to your message in your area, do not allow that to rob you of your joy. B sagla kiris - nebã tɩ b " keng taab raoodo, ' (NW) tɩ tusd tigingã neb a taabã tɩ b talld " nonglem la b maand tʋʋm sõama. ' More than a century before Daniel's time, Jehovah revealed through the prophet Isaiah details about the world power that would conquer Babylon. Christians are encouraged to " incite one another to incite to love and fine works. ' 7, 8. a) Bõe n tõe n sãam roagdb kẽer sẽn lebg n wa sũuri? One example of human kindness relates to a group of shipwrecked people, including the apostle Paul. 7, 8. (a) What might cause some parents to feel hurt? Tõnd tigingã tigiss kɩtame tɩ d tõe n paam n bãng taaba, n keng taab raoodo, la d sõng taab tɩ d fãa tõog n maan tʋʋm - sõma. Just as we have taken a more positive view of Jonah and Peter than we normally might, we must similarly train ourselves to be more positive in our assessment of our present - day spiritual brothers and sisters. Our congregation meetings allow us to get to know one another, encourage one another, and encourage one another to do good works. Tɩ bõe, mam sẽn wa n na n dʋʋg Zʋrdẽ - kãngã wã, rẽ tɩ yaa rasaar bal la mam tara. La masã, mam lebga kʋʋng a yiibu. " - Sɩng. Once that is done, help your listener to see how the text applies to him personally. For when I came across the Jordan, this is the only serpent, and I am now a large crowd. " - Gen. 7: 9, 13, 14) Kʋʋn - kãsengã neb sõor yaa wãn rũndã - rũndã? Answers to these questions will draw us closer to God and at the same time help us to teach others. - 2 Timothy 2: 2; James 4: 8. What is the great crowd today? (Oze 2: 20) Zʋɩf rãmb nins sẽn kell - bã lebg n waa b ba - yirã n vɩɩmd ne bãane, n da pa zoet rabeem we - rũmsã yĩng ye. What would happen if the people of Israel did not heed divine warnings? The Jewish remnant returned to their homeland and enjoyed peace of mind, not because of fear of animals. Laogã kaalem zu - loeese, politikã sẽn wat ne gudgr ningã, bi - be - tʋʋmã, la bãasã bee yɛl nins sẽn kɩt tɩ vɩɩmã yaa toog wʋsgã sʋka. From the disciples in Syrian Antioch, what do we learn about displaying mercy? In the face of economic problems, political problems, crime, crime, crime, and disease are among the most difficult conditions in life. Wẽn - sakd yaa nin - bʋg buudu? A life span of 70 years is typical of people in general, and at age 85, Caleb cited his unusual strength. What kind of God is? " Bɩ yãmb sɩɩgã sẽn yaa sõngã yãag maam so - tɩrg pʋgẽ. " - YƖƖL 143: 10. That person may be just as shy as I am. " 143: 10. 40: 12, 13) Woto wilgda vẽeneg t'a Zeova kõ a Aarõ sugr a kongrã yĩnga. " I am the light of the world. " Clearly, Jehovah forgave Aaron for his sin. A Ezɛɛb geelame n wilg tɩ Zide soolmã neb 300 000 n kẽng Zerizalɛm yʋʋmd 70 Pak kibsã yĩnga. How is true appreciation for the value of the Kingdom expressed? It is estimated that about 300 inhabitants of Judea went to Jerusalem for the Passover of 70 C.E. Sõng - y kambã tɩ b nong Biiblã zãmsgo How pleased Jehovah must be! Help Children to Love the Bible (2 Tɩmote 4: 10) Bɩ b tõe n geta a Zeova bãgrã sẽn kõt koglgã wa bũmb sẽn boogd b soog - m - mengã wʋsgo. Reflecting on how Jehovah's servants of the past expressed their deepest thoughts to God may help us to enrich our own prayers. Or they may view the protection provided by Jehovah's flock as a sign of self - control. D sã n karemd Wẽnnaam Gomdã bilf daar fãa la d bʋgsd d sẽn karemdã zugu, na n sõngd - d lame tɩ d "womd biis ne sũ - mare. " - Yɩɩl 1: 1, 2. Surely, then, we should expect that Jehovah wants his worshippers to be well - organized. 1: 1, 2. (2 Pɩɛɛr 3: 13; Wilgri 21: 1 - 4) Yiib - n - soaba, Biiblã pʋgẽ, b sã n gom "yĩngr " bɩ" saas " yelle, tõe n yaa goosneema yell la b gomda. Jesus himself pointed to the answer to that question. Second, the expression "the heavens, " or" the heavens, " can refer to a government. Sẽn pak a Sʋɩtãan pa a bẽdg ning takɩ sẽn na n yõk - dã ye, yaa a we n paam n yõk - do. She relates: "It was then that I finally realized that Jehovah is real and that he loves me personally very, very much. " Satan's main goal is not to get us into temptation. Tags - y n ges - y ned sẽn na n paam tɩ Sẽn - tõeyã - fãa wã bas yel - wẽnd ning a sẽn dog ne wã, la yel - wẽn nins a sẽn maanã fãa taale. Ad woto sɩd yaa kũun tɛkẽ! If we let him alone this way, they will all put faith in him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation. " What a privilege it is to be able to undo all the sin that the Almighty has brought upon him and all the sin he committed against him! (Mark 4: 19) Wãn to la arzɛk tõe n belg neda? (a) Who is named as the composer of Psalm 90, and when may it have been written? How can material riches deceive one? ● A Bonzali yaa logtor sẽn be Afirik tẽng a ye nin - buiidã sẽn zabd taab pʋgẽ. What are the blessings of "walking in a faultless way "? ● As a medical doctor in Africa, there is a physician who has been fighting against the common people. A talla yĩn - sidg buud toor - toor wʋsgo: a zoee wãoor ninbãanega (Mark 1: 40, 41); a sũur sãam neb sẽn tall yam - kaalg taoore (Luk 19: 41, 42); a talla bʋʋm n sãam a sũur ne ligd tekdb sẽn yaa rat - tɩ - loog rãmba (Zã 2: 13 - 17). Has God Left Us? 5 / 1 He was deeply moved by the way a leper felt at the hands of a leper. A sõnga nebã tɩ b bãng Wẽnnaam sõma. - Karm - y Zã 17: 26. It is God's will that a numberless "great crowd " from all nations and tribes and tongues become his worshippers. He helped people to come to an accurate knowledge of God. - Read John 17: 26. La b ra na n vẽnega Wẽnnaam daabã n paase. All political, religious, and commercial elements of this world as well as its propaganda channels are being influenced by him. But God's will was to be revealed. Manesem bʋs n be zagsã pʋsẽ n pukd dũniyã yam? Another youth who proved exemplary while away from home was the Israelite girl captured by the Syrians in the days of God's prophet Elisha. What are some ways in which family members display the spirit of the world? D tekda yam n kot sugri. - Tʋʋ. 17: 30 Why? We repent. - Acts 17: 30 b) Bõe yell la sõsg ning sẽn pʋgdã na n gome? Learn From God's Word (b) What will we consider in the next article? • Wãn to la Wẽnnaam a Zeova wilg sik - m - menga? HOW: Strive to be gracious • How has Jehovah God displayed humility? (Tʋʋ. 5: 17 - 29) B sã n wa namsd tõnd me tɩ d tõog toogo, tõe n kɩtame tɩ d karen - bi - taase, d tʋmd - n - taas wall d roagdb sak sɩdã. The Jews in general did not accept the good news, and calamity was to befall them, for Jesus had warned his disciples: "When you see Jerusalem surrounded by encamped armies, then know that the desolating of her has drawn near. When we face opposition, we may be influenced by schoolmates, workmates, workmates, or relatives. A yeelame: "Yaa tɩlae tɩ mam moon Wẽnnaam soolem koe - noog tẽns a taab me; tɩ bõe, b tʋma maam bõn - kãng yĩnga. " True, life is short. He said: "I must declare the good news of the kingdom of God to other cities, because for this I was sent forth. " Rẽ, sɩd zemsa ne modgre. - Yelbũna 2: 3 - 6. By 1939 there were 6,000 of them in the [concentration camps]. " That is certainly the course of effort. - Proverbs 2: 3 - 6. Bõe n kɩt t'a Davɩɩd zab ne a Goliate, la bõe n segd n pak tõnd n yɩɩda? This was apparently the first time that spirits became visible to humans. Why did David fight Goliath, and what should be our main concern? Yiib - n - soaba, koe - noogã mooneg tilgda yẽbgr Wẽnnaam bʋ - kaoorã sẽn yaa tɩrgã yĩnga. Before making major decisions in life, they take ample time to pray to God, seeking the direction of the holy spirit in making choices that will deepen their spirituality. Second, preaching the good news on the basis of God's righteous judgment. (Hebre dãmba 10: 39) Wala a Enok la a Nowe, tõnd me vɩɩ gudgr wakate, la wala bãmba, d tara zu - noog n kẽnd ne Wẽnnaam. Others might think of Christians who fled from Jerusalem in the year 66 C.E., obeying Jesus ' warning: "When you see Jerusalem surrounded by encamped armies, then... let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains, and let those in the midst of her withdraw. " - Luke 21: 20, 21. Like Enoch and Noah, we too are living in difficult times, and like them we are privileged to walk with God. Neb wʋsg maooda sẽn na yɩl tɩ nin - buiidã paam b meng ne wẽgbã, bak - n - sõngã, wall naongã. Of course, to attain such a balanced perspective is easier said than done. Many struggle to save themselves from injustice, prejudice, or poverty. • Zãms n wilg nonglem yaa wa buud - gom - paalg zãmsgo. - Gũusg Gasgã, yʋʋmd 1999, tʋʋlg kiuug pipi daare, seb - neng a 8, 12 - 3. Those who have received "a spirit of adoption as sons " are God's spirit - begotten children. • Learning to show love is like a new language. - The Watchtower, March 1, 1999, pages 8 - 3. 5: 3 - 6. He ordered a drink, pulled out his leather - bound notebook, and wrote a farewell note to his wife. 5: 3 - 6. Baasg zãnga, a Abram "mee tẽn - kugr be Zusoab ninga sẽn da puk b meng ne yẽ wã yĩnga. " (b) What example shows that our ability to understand Bible prophecy depends upon God's timetable? Nevertheless, Abram "was in front of the altar that Jehovah had revealed himself to him. " Tɩrlmã wɛɛngẽ, bõe yĩng tɩ d tagsgã mi n wa yaa kɛgr pa rẽ bɩ koɛɛga? What is one important factor that led to the defilement of true worship, and what significant doctrine came to the fore? Why do we at times feel that this is unfair or unfair? (Zoz. 24: 2) La a Abrahaam maana a wãn n bãng a Zeova? Bible education promotes true peace How did Abraham come to know Jehovah? La yãmb reega Sɩɩg sẽn kɩtd tɩ yãmb lebg Wẽnnaam kamba, tɩ Sɩ - kãng maasem yĩnga, tõnd yetame tɩ Abba, sẽn dat n yeel tɩ "m ba. " Average Publishers (in millions) On the other hand, you received the holy spirit that makes you sons of God, so that by means of it we say, "Father, " Father. ' " Wãn to la malɛgsã sõngd tõndo? Paul does not just mention what we should not do; he points out what we should do. How do angels help us? [ Foto seb - neng 15] He continued to delight to do his Father's will, even in the face of bitter persecution. [ Picture on page 15] To - kãng sẽn pa na n tall to wã na n menesa a Sʋɩtãan dũniyã. As the prophecies of Haggai and Zechariah show, we can be certain of Jehovah's backing and blessing as we share wholeheartedly in this work. That final attack will be the end of Satan's wicked system. (1 Rĩm. 19: 4; Zoob 7: 7) Bõe n sõng - b tɩ b tõog toogo? B teega a Zeova n paam pãnga. Whatever was not used for the building work was put into the temple treasury. - 1 Kings 7: 51. What helped them to endure, and how did they come to rely on Jehovah for strength? [ Foto, seb - neng 20] 1 Better Than Gold (divine wisdom), Aug. [ Picture on page 10] Bi - pugl kãngã sẽn yaa Kaset soabã gʋlsa woto: "Tõnd fãa kẽe kãadem ne kiris - neba, tɩ d zakã neb sẽn naag taab balengã pʋgẽ masã yaa neb 23. " Reason for Caution This Witness wrote: "We married all Christians, and now family members are 23. " Sɩnga wãn tɩ wẽnemã wa beẽ? [ Footnote] How did evil come about? (Hebre dãmba 10: 23 - 25) D sã n kell n pa a Zeova Kaset rãmbã tigims 98000 wã a ye pʋgẽ la d tall yẽesem, na n sõng - d lame tɩ d tõog n segl d meng n wa paam n põse. The noted 19th - century historian Philip Schaff was moved to state of this young man: "Without writing a single line, he set more pens in motion, and furnished themes for more sermons, orations, discussions, learned volumes, works of art, and songs of praise, than the whole army of great men of ancient and modern times. " Maintaining our zeal and zeal as congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses will help us to prepare for survival. Wãn to la a Zeova * tʋm tɩ zems ne a yʋʋrã? What of a Christian living with an opposed mate? How did Jehovah use his name? Sẽn paase, d sã n wa wilgd ned bũmb nins d sẽn tẽedã, sã n tõe d lakda Biiblã n karme, bala d miime tɩ Biiblã sẽn yetã bal la sɩda. What aspects of conscience yet merit attention? Furthermore, when we share our beliefs with others, we can read the Bible, knowing that what it says is the truth. Tũ - y mak - sõng ning a Zezi sẽn kõ wã neere Paul writes: "By means of [Jesus Christ] we have the release by ransom through the blood of that one, yes, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his undeserved kindness. " - Ephesians 1: 7. Follow Jesus ' Example A Zezi sẽn zãms nebã bũmb ninsã pʋgẽ, a wilg - d - la Wẽnnaam sẽn dat tɩ d maane, la Wẽnnaam sẽn get neb nins sẽn tũud - a wã to - to. If elders observe that some questionable conduct is retarding a man's spiritual progress, they take the initiative to readjust him in a spirit of mildness. Jesus taught us what God wants us to do and how God views his servants. A Ãdem yagensã fãa roga ne yel - wẽnd n yaa yel - wẽn - maandba, tɩ kɩt tɩ b paamd "yel - wẽna yaood " sẽn yaa kũumã. As the man Jesus Christ, God's Son was "the light of the world. " All of Adam's offspring were born into sin, and they were set free to receive "the wages of sin, " death. Rẽ la b sẽn boond me tɩ dũniyã saabã. D goma rẽ yell sebrã sɩngrẽ. which means, when translated: " My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? ' " Consider, too, the context of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Zʋɩf rãmbã ra segd n yaoa wẽn - dooga lampo yʋʋmd fãa ne drakem a yiibu (sẽn zems rasem a yiib tʋʋmd yaoodo). What type of danger? The Jews were to pay both the temple and the taxes each year for two days. Wãn to la Wẽnnaam Gomdã sõng Yɩɩn - sõamyã 119 gʋlsdã? As a matter of fact, many who are precious in God's eyes tend not to stand out because of their meek and humble manner. - Proverbs 3: 34; James 4: 6. How did God's Word help the writer of Psalm 119? (Rom dãmba 14: 7, 8; 2 Korẽnt dãmba 5: 15) Rẽ, a Zeova lebgda d Zusoab la d Soaala, la wa a Zezi, Wẽnnaam daabã maaneg kõt - d - la sũ - noogo. Believing that knowledge (gnoʹsis in Greek) could be derived in a mystical way, Gnostics combined apostate Christianity with Greek philosophy and Oriental mysticism. Then Jehovah becomes our Sovereign Lord and, as Jesus did, brings us delight in doing God's will. (Karm - y Mark 10: 29, 30.) While they did not understand every aspect of Christian neutrality as clearly as we do today, the Bible Students did know one thing: The Bible forbids the taking of human life. (Read Mark 10: 29, 30.) A yeelame tɩ Biiblã zãmsg sã n tõog n wilg yẽ tɩ Sangoma wã bɩ bag - bʋgendã sɩd kɩɩsda a Zeova raabã, a na n basa tʋʋm - kãngã. So a young man who seeks a wife should think carefully about the principle found at Proverbs 24: 27. " If a Bible study proves that he or she will abandon Jehovah's purpose, " he says. (Karm - y Luk 21: 34.) If we do our best, we may rest assured that we are precious in God's sight and that he will not forget our acts of faith. - Luke 21: 1 - 4. (Read Luke 21: 34.) M da modgdame n tẽegd m ma sẽn sɩd yaa ned ningã. Parents usually tell a child what is right or wrong, believing that they have taught him a certain moral principle. I tried to remember my mother's true identity. Yʋʋmd 70 soabã pʋgẽ, Rom sodaasã wa n sãama Zerizalɛm ne a wẽnd - doogã, la b yõg zʋɩf rãmb wʋsg n tɩ maan yembse. Let us consider briefly the role of faith, hope, and love in our keeping spiritually awake. In 70 C.E., Roman armies destroyed Jerusalem and its temple, and many Jews were taken captive. Buud - gom - zẽng zãmsg baoodame me tɩ f toeem f sẽn tagsd to - to n wʋgd gom - biisã. 6, 7. Learning a new language also involves making changes in the way you think. Yʋʋm koabg la zak sẽn deng a Daniɛll wakatã, a Zeova wilga no - rɛɛs a Ezai yɛl wʋsg pãn - soaad ning sẽn na n tõog Babilonnã zugu. What especially accounts for our effectiveness in the ministry? In the eighth century B.C.E., Jehovah revealed many things to the prophet Isaiah about the conquest of Babylon. Makr a yembr sẽn pukd maan - neer la b tall ne tʋm - tʋmd a Poll la neb nins sẽn da be ne yẽ b koglgã sãoong wakatã. Yet, when you return a while later, you learn that only two of them have handled their task. One fine example of kindness was shown by the apostle Paul and those with him in their time of destruction. Wa tõnd sẽn tags a Zonas la a Pɩɛɛr zʋg - sõma wã yell n yɩɩd raasenkamã, yaa woto me la d segd n maan ne d tẽebã pʋgẽ saam - biisã la d saam - bi - pogsã rũndã - rũndã, n modg n ges b zʋg - sõmã wã n yɩɩda. (Kingdom Interlinear) To keep a kettle of water boiling, we need a steady supply of heat. Just as we reflect on Jonah and Peter's positive qualities, so we need to do the same with our spiritual brothers and sisters today, putting forth extra effort to focus on their good qualities. Rẽ poore, y segd n wilga vɛrse wã gom - kãens võore, la y yaool masã n sõng - a t'a bãng rẽ sẽn tõe n naf - a to - to. Does your personal appearance reflect well on the God you worship? Then explain the meaning of that verse, and help him to see how it can benefit from it. Sogs - kãensã leoor na n pẽnega tõnd ne Wẽnnaam, la sõng - d tɩ d zãms neb a taab tɩ b tẽ vʋʋgrã. - 2 Tɩmote 2: 2; Zak 4: 8. What thought - provoking questions might we ask? These questions will draw us closer to God and help us to teach others about the resurrection. - 2 Timothy 2: 2; James 4: 8. Israɛll nebã sã n da pa sak Wẽnnaam keoogrã, bõe n da na n paam - ba? When you consider how a baby develops from a single cell, does it not fill you with awe? What would happen if the Israelites failed to heed God's warning? Bõe la Siiri la Ãntios kiris - nebã maanẽ tɩ wilgd tõnd d sẽn tõe n yɩ nimbãan - zoɛtb to - to? Mature Witnesses can invite new ones to come along when visiting the sick and the elderly. How do Christians in Syria and Syrian Antioch show that we can be merciful? (Yɩɩl Sõamyã 90: 10) Naoor wʋsgo, nebã vɩɩmdame tɩ kaoos n ta yʋʋm 70, la a Kalɛɛb sẽn da wa n tar yʋʋm 85, a togsame t'a ra ket n tara pãng wʋsgo. 12, 13. (a) What will happen when Jesus comes "with power and great glory "? People live for 70 years, but when Caleb was 80 years old, he said that he was still strong. M ningda m yamẽ tɩ tõe t'a soab yaa yãn - zoɛt wa maam. " In what way can studying Paul's letters and the record of his ministry help us? I feel that I am shy. " " Mam yaa dũniyã vẽenem. " The person we are inside may weaken. " I am the light of the world. " Wãn to la ned wilgd t'a sɩd nee Rĩungã yõodo? His wife was too distraught emotionally to care for him alone. So a couple in the congregation took this grieving couple into their home and cared for them for several weeks. How can you show that you appreciate the importance of the Kingdom? D sẽn tar tẽeb woto wã noom - a - la wʋsgo! They may even oppose you. How pleased we are to have such faith! D sã n bãng pĩnd wẽndẽ wẽn - sakdbã sẽn da pelgd b pʋs to - to n pʋʋsd Wẽnnaamã, tõe n sõnga tõnd me tɩ d maneg n pelg d pʋs n pʋʋse. But a father who disciplines his son to instruct or protect him is good. Understanding the sincere prayers of faithful servants of God can also help us to improve our heartfelt prayers. Woto kɩtame tɩ d tõe n yeel t'a ratame t'a nin - buiidã sigl sõma, n tũud - a tɩ zũnd - zãnd ka be ye. In a world beset by tragedy and disaster, this is the only good news with eternal benefits. Thus, he wants his people to be well organized, clean, and orderly. A Zezi leoka sok - kãngã a toore. What is one way to test and see if we are in the faith? Jesus himself answered that question. A yeela woto: "Yaa rẽ la mam bãng t'a Zeova sɩd beeme, la t'a nonga maam hal wʋsgo. " See the book Is There a Creator Who Cares About You?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. He says: "I learned that Jehovah exists and that he loves me so much. " Tɩ bõe, dao kãng maanda bõn - bãn wʋsgo. Tõnd sã n bas bãmba, neba fãa na n tẽe bãmba. Likewise today, many people "are murmurers, complainers about their lot in life. " For this man is performing many signs; if we have left him, we will all have faith in him. a) Ãnd n maan Yɩɩl Sõamyã 90 soabã, la tõeeme tɩ yaa wakat bʋg la b gʋls - a? What is the extent of Jehovah's creation, and what aspect of it was Jesus most fond of? (a) Who did the 90th Psalm, and when was it written? Yaa bark bʋs la d na n paame, d sã n " tũud pʋ - peelmã sore '? It is not surprising, therefore, that Paul's writings encourage Christians: "Show yourselves thankful..., encouraging one another with psalms, praises to God, spiritual songs sung with gratitude. " - Col. What blessings will we enjoy if we " walk in the way of integrity '? Rao ning sẽn toeem dũniyã 1 / 5 Most people reject the good news that we preach. 5 / 15 (Mark 3: 35) Wẽnnaam datame tɩ "neb kʋʋng " sẽn ka tõe n sõde, sẽn yi soolem fãa pʋsẽ, buud toɛy - toɛyã fãa pʋsẽ, la sẽn gomd goam buud toɛy - toɛy lebg a nin - buiidu. 16 Learn From God's Word - When Did Jesus Become King? God wants that "a great crowd " from all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues to become his people. (2 Kor. 4: 4) Sɩd me, yaa yẽ n so dũniyã politikã, a tũudmã la a lɛɛbdbã. Leb n yaa yẽ raab me la b sẽn yelgd radio rãmbẽ wã, televiziõ wã la sɛbã pʋsẽ wã. For example, when a white Witness had to travel abroad, he left his children in the care of a black family. He is the ruler of this world, its commercial system, and its commercial system and its commercial system. Bi - bɩɩg a ye me sẽn kõ mak - sõng a sẽn da wa n zãag ne a yir dãmb yaa Israɛll bi - pʋgl ning Siiri nebã sẽn da yõk Wẽnnaam no - rɛɛs a Eli wakatẽ wã. She had grown up in Ur, a Mesopotamian city that was a 1,200 - mile (1,900 km) journey away. The example set by a young man who was away from his family was followed by Israelite soldiers who had been arrested by God's prophet Elijah. Bõe yĩnga? One day a leper pleaded with Jesus: "If you just want to, you can make me clean. " Why? Bõe yĩng tɩ d segd n pʋt Wẽnnaam yʋʋrã? By means of the Law, Jehovah made clear his perfect standards of right and wrong. Why should we use God's name? D SẼN NA N GOM TO - TO WÃ: D modg n gom ne bʋgsem * HOW THE BIBLE CHANGED MY LIFE: Continue to speak in a kind manner Zʋɩf - rãmbã wʋsg pa sak koe - noogã, tɩ yel - beed ra na n paam - ba. What has the Governing Body found it necessary to do, and what will be considered in the following article? Many Jews rejected the good news, and disaster would befall them. A "loogda tao - tao, tõnd loogdame. " How can we strengthen the faith of arriving refugees? " He is slow to anger and abundant in loving - kindness. " Yʋʋmd 1939 wã tɩ bãmb 6000 la b kẽes kã de kõnsãntrasiõ rãmbẽ. ' The apostle Paul included mildness in his list of "the fruitage of the spirit, " found at Galatians 5: 22, 23. In 1939 they were thrown into concentration camps. ' (Sɩngre 3: 24) Wõnda yɩɩ pipi la woto malɛgs sẽn vẽneg b mens ne neba. He explains: "My wife and I have a personal study with both girls in French, their mother tongue. This was likely the first time that the angels revealed them to the people. Nand tɩ nin - kãens yãk yam n maan bũmbu, b rɩkda sẽk wʋsg n pʋʋs Wẽnnaam n kot a vʋʋsem sõngã sõngre, sẽn na yɩl tɩ b sẽn na n yãk yam n maan bũmb ningã maneg b zoodã ne Wẽnnaam n paase. (Read Matthew 25: 31 - 34, 41, 46.) Before making decisions, they devote much time to praying for God's spirit so that they can strengthen their relationship with God. A Zezi ra sagl - b - la woto: "Yãmb sã n wa yã tɩ sodaas wʋsg gũbg Zerizalɛm,... wakat kãnga, neb nins sẽn be Zide, bɩ b zoe n kẽng tãens zutu. La neb nins sẽn be Zerizalɛm, bɩ b yi. " - Luk 21: 20, 21. Satan is involved in misleading people and has used apostate Christianity to obscure the heartwarming truth about God's purpose for man and the earth. - Read 2 Corinthians 4: 3, 4. Jesus urged them: "When you see Jerusalem surrounded by encamped armies,... let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains; and let those in the midst of her leave. " - Luke 21: 20, 21. Yaa sɩd tɩ tagsg sẽn zems paoong pa nana ye. Paul certainly practiced what he preached, giving up a promising career in Judaism that could have brought him wealth and fame. Of course, having a balanced view of material things is not easy. Biig ra tõe n boola a ba woto, bala yaa gom - bil sẽn wilgd t'a nong - a lame la a waoogd - a. In his later years, they inclined his heart away from Jehovah. A child could be called such a father because a word is an expression of love and respect. A sẽn yũ n sa poore, a kẽe ro - lik pʋgẽ n kʋ a meng ne bug - raoogo. He urged his listeners to pray for God's will to "take place, as in heaven, also upon earth. " After his drinks, he joined himself in a dark place and killed himself in a fiery hell. Neb nins sũy sẽn sãam wall sẽn koms raoodã naaga "ka pãng rãmbã. " Safeguard it, for it itself is your life. " Those who are discouraged or discouraged are among "the weak. " b) Mak - bʋg n wilgd tɩ d Biiblã bãngr - goam võor wʋmbã bee ne Wẽnnaam sẽn yãk wakat ningã? Still, the temporary permission of wickedness has also resulted in benefits for these faithful worshippers. (b) What example shows that our understanding of Bible prophecy is in harmony with God's due time? Wilg - y bʋʋm - kãseng a ye sẽn kɩt tɩ b wa kẽes zãms - yood tigingã pʋgẽ, la Biiblã zãms - yẽgr a ye b sẽn golme. But there the similarities end. Give an important reason why they were taught to be corrupt in the congregation, and one Bible study was trained. Biiblã zãmsg wata ne laafɩ hakɩka • Why are we unable to calculate the exact length of "this generation "? Bible Study promotes true peace Koe - moondbã sõore (milyõ rãmba) In 1991 two other special pioneers were assigned there. Sharing the Good News (Tribe of publishers) A Poll gomdã pʋgẽ, a pa wilg bũmb nins d sẽn pa segd n maanã bal ye. Does my awareness of his presence influence my thoughts, words, and deeds? In Paul's words, he did not merely tell us what we should not do. Baa nams - toos sasa, a kell n maana a Ba wã raab ne a sũur fãa, a sẽn da nong rẽ wã yĩnga. Do they promote the peace of the congregation? " Despite severe trials, he kept his Father's will in mind because he loved them. Wala a Aze ne a Zakari bãngr - goamã sẽn wilgdã, d tõe n kɩsa sɩd tɩ d sẽn moond koɛɛgã ne d sũy fãa wã, a Zeova ningd - d - la bark la a sõngd tõndo. Ramah As shown by Haggai and Zechariah, we can be sure that Jehovah blesses and support us as we carry out our ministry. Bũmb ning fãa b sẽn pa rɩk n kẽes roogã meeb pʋgẽ b ning - a - la wẽn - doogã laog bĩngr zĩigẽ. - 1 Rĩm dãmba 7: 51. Analyzing and understanding the reason for your reaction will allow you to consider what would be the best and Scripturally proper response. Everything was taken into the temple. - 1 Kings 7: 51. D sẽn segd n gũusã võore The prophet Daniel interpreted that dream. Why We Need to Be careful [ Tẽngr note] How should we feel about turning to Jehovah for help? [ Footnote] La baa ne rẽ, a tʋʋmdã kɩtame tɩ ãdem - biisã maan yɛl wʋsgo. Kʋdemd yɛl mit a yembr yʋʋr sẽn boond t'a Philip Schaff sɩd yeela woto: "A mengã pa tol n gʋls sebr baa a yen ye. La seb - gʋlsdba, yɩɩn - yɩɩndba, sagendba, reem - dɛɛmdb la tʋʋm - mitb buud toor - toor tikda a sẽn yeel la a maan bũmb ninsã zugu, n tʋmd b tʋʋma. 19: 28. In spite of this, a historian named Philip wrote: "It is written, " It is never written in any way," It is written, " It is written," It's a book that is written in all the languages of the nature of the nature of the nature of the nature, whether it is written on the basis of the nature of the work, the work, and the work, the work, and the work, the work, and the work, and the work of the work of the Lord's servants. " Yaa wãn to ne kiris - ned sẽn vɩ ne a kẽed - n - taag sẽn kɩɩsd a tẽebã? As a part of God's dynamic word, or message, the book of Judges is of great value to us. What about a Christian who lives with an unbelieving mate? Bõe ne bõe me la d segd n bao n bãng ninsaal sũur kasetã zugu? The just way of dealing with matters is evident also in the Bible - based direction the slave class provides on how all congregations, missionary homes, and Bethel homes should function. What else can we learn about the conscience of our conscience? A Poll gʋlsame: " Yaa [a Zezi Kirist] maasem yĩng la tõnd paamd fãagre ne bãmb zɩɩm, fãagre sẽn yaa yel - wẽna sugri sẽn zems bãmb bark kãsengã. ' - Efɛɛz rãmba 1: 7. Richard H. Barber, who was active during that time, recalled: "We succeeded in keeping a few traveling overseers going and in keeping The Watch Tower in circulation and having it sent into Canada where it was banned. Paul wrote: "By means of him [Jesus Christ] we have the release by ransom through his blood, yes, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to his great undeserved kindness. " - Ephesians 1: 7. Kãsem - dãmbã sã n yã tɩ saam - biig tara manesem sẽn kɩt tɩ b pa tõe n kõ - a tʋʋmd tigingã pʋgẽ, b yɩta tao - tao n sõng - a ne sũ - maasem. (Gal. The stranger does not approach the sheep straightforwardly When elders see that a brother is unable to reach out for privileges in the congregation, they are quick to help him with mildness. A sẽn da yaa ninsaal a Zezi Kirista, Wẽnnaam Biriblã sɩd ra yaa "dũniyã vẽenem. " This Promised One was to come from Bethlehem. - Read Micah 5: 2. As a human, God's Son, Jesus Christ, was indeed "the light of the world. " A Matɩe paasame t'a sẽn yeelã võor yaa: "Mam Wẽnnaam, mam Wẽnnaam, yaa bõe tɩ yãmb bas maam? " In less than three years, Jesus completes three preaching campaigns in Galilee. Matthew added: "My God, my God, why have you left me? " Yaa wa yel - bʋg buudu? Love keeps him humble and prevents him from wanting to make a name for himself. - Psalm 138: 6; James 4: 6. What kind of situation does that involve? Sɩda, neb nins sẽn tar sũ - bʋgsem la sik - m - mengã tara yõod wʋsg Wẽnnaam nifẽ, la naoor wʋsgo neba pa ne - b ye. - Yelbũna 3: 34; Zak 4: 6. Encouraged and prepared to deal with aggression, the builders kept working. Indeed, those who display mildness and humility are precious in God's eyes, and people often fail to see them. - Proverbs 3: 34; James 4: 6. B sẽn tẽed tɩ bãngrã paoong tũuda ne yɛl ned sẽn pa tõe n wʋm a võor maanegã yĩnga, b rɩka gɛrk bãngdbã zãmsg la yaang nebã yel - maandɩ kẽere, n fãoog ne kiris - neb ne yʋʋrã rãmb zãmsgã. If they are to see the fulfillment of that promise and of others that Jehovah has made, they need to be raised from the dead. Because they believe that knowledge is in harmony with things that are beyond one's ability to understand, they have used the philosophy and traditions of Greek philosophy, including Christendom's churches. Dẽnd bi - bɩɩg sẽn dat n kẽ kãadem segd n tagsa Yelbũn 24: 27 saglgã zug neere. Moreover, Jesus said: "Whoever wants to save his soul will lose it; but whoever loses his soul for my sake will find it. So a young man who wants to marry should think seriously about Proverbs 24: 27. (Yɩɩl Sõamyã 147: 11) Tõnd sã n maan d sẽn tõe fãa, d tõe n kell n kɩsa sɩd tɩ d tara yõod wʋsg Wẽnnaam nifẽ, la t'a pa na n yĩm tʋʋm nins d sẽn tʋm ne tẽebã ye. - Luk 21: 1 - 4. Jesus suffered persecution, and finally he was put to death. If we do all we can, we can be sure that we are precious in God's eyes and will not forget our acts of faith. - Luke 21: 1 - 4. Roagdbã mimin n wilgda biig sẽn yaa sõma la sẽn yaa wẽnga, n tẽed tɩ b zãms - a - la vɩɩmã no - tɩrsã. Does that not mean that there will always be injustice and poverty? ' Parents often stress a child's right and wrong, thinking that he was taught to live by righteous principles. (1 Tesalonik rãmba 5: 8) Koɛɛg - koɛɛga, bɩ d ges tẽebã, saagrã la nonglmã sẽn tõe n sõng tõnd to - to tɩ d ra gũs tẽebã wɛɛngẽ ye. What must all of Christ's disciples do? In short, let us see how faith, hope, and love can help us to stay spiritually awake. 6, 7. True, when we are disappointed in ourselves or are overwhelmed with problems, we might not always be inclined to approach Jehovah in prayer. 6, 7. D sã n dat tɩ d goamã kẽ neda, bõe la d segd n maane? How can we imitate Jesus ' example of watchfulness and balance when it comes to our Kingdom - preaching work? What must we do if we are to reach someone's heart? La yãmb sẽn wa n lebg n wa, y mikame tɩ yaa neb a yiib bal n tʋm tʋʋmdã. How some have applied this advice: Michele, who lives in the United States and has been married for 30 years, says: "Because my mother raised me and my sisters without the support of a husband, she was a very strong, independent woman. But when you returned, you found that only two people were doing the work. (Kingdom Interlinear) Wala makre, d sã n dogl rʋk ne koom bugmẽ n dat tɩ ket n kaeeda, rẽnda d tusd bugmã. Why, this may actually encourage and comfort us! (The Jerusalem Bible) For example, if we keep opening fire with fire, we need to burn it with fire. Yãmb mengã yalẽ waoogda Wẽnnaam ning y sẽn balemdã bɩ? What do we learn from the account of Jacob and Esau? Do your personal appearance honor the God you worship? Sʋgs - bʋs sẽn wat ne tagsg la d segd n sʋk d menga? 11, 12. (a) What can young ones do to prepare to give a witness? What questions should we ask ourselves? (Yɩɩl Sõamyã 139: 14) Y sã n tags bi - pɛɛlg sẽn bɩt a ma pʋgẽ to - to wã, y pa ne tɩ yaa yel - solemd sɩda? The following article will analyze this question. If you think of a baby growing up in its mother's womb, is it not miraculous? D tõe n kos - b lame tɩ b yãag - d tɩ d tɩ kaag tigingã ned sẽn kʋʋl bɩ sẽn bẽede. We must guard against boasting, haughtiness, scoffing, and defrauding. We can ask them to accompany us to visit an elderly or elderly person in the congregation. 12, 13. a) A Zeezi sã n wa wa "ne pãnga, la ne ziiri, " bõe la a na n maane? Neither is superior to the other, nor does one need the other to temper its effect. 12, 13. (a) When Jesus comes "with power and glory, " what will he do? D sã n karemd a Poll lɛta wã la a koe - moonegã kibaya, wãn - wãn la na n sõng - do? It states: "Jehovah is near to all those calling on him, to all who call on him in truth. How can reading Paul's letters and ministry help us? (Zeremi 8: 18) Tõnd sẽn sɩd yaa ned ning d sũurã pʋgẽ wã tõe n komsame. Some have even been tempted to see what life in the world is like. Our figurative heart can be weakened. Rẽ n so tɩ saam - biig ne a pag sẽn be tigingã pʋgẽ deeg - b b yirã n ges b yell sẽn na maan semen dãmba. What relationship with God can people today enjoy? So a brother and his wife in the congregation took the lead in caring for them for weeks. Tõe meng tɩ b bao n na n gɩdg - yã. We received additional material to help bring glory to God with the release in 2010 of the brochure Was Life Created? They may even try to stop you. B sã n zoe n ninga yãmb taal zaalem, y miime tɩ ned sã n maan bũmbu, pa wakat fãa la d tõe n bãng bũmb ning sẽn kɩt t'a maanã ye. Jesus was then on earth, and he had not yet ascended, or gone back, to heaven. If you have already been accused of having done something, you know that it is not always possible to understand why someone has done it. Dũni kãngã sẽn pid ne yel - beed la sabaab rãmbã pʋgẽ, koe - noog a to ye ka be n tar nafa sẽn kõn sa woto ye. It mentions hundreds of millions of faithful spirit creatures who live there. No other good news has ever come to an end in this troubled world. Manesem a ye bʋg la d tõe n tũnug ne n mak n gese, d sã n bee tẽeb pʋgẽ? Are you afraid that if you start to cry, you will contribute to their sadness? What is one way to test whether we are in the faith? Ges - y Y a - t - il un Créateur qui se soucie de vous? sebrã a Zeova Kaset rãmbã sẽn maana. Since we do not even want to come close to committing unforgivable sin, we need to remember what Paul said about not grieving the spirit. See the book Is There a Creator Who Cares About You?, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. Rũndã - rũndã me, neb wʋsg yaa "sũ - sãoong rãmba, sẽn yẽgemd wakat fãa ne bãmb yɛlã. " He says: "You will call me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. " Many today are "lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self - assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection. " A Zeova naanegã yalem taa zĩ - bʋgo, la naaneg kãng bab - bʋg la a Zezi ra nong n yɩɩda? The older men of Israel come to Jehovah's prophet with a remarkable request. How far - reaching was Jehovah's creation, and what was Jesus ' primary concern? 7: 5 - 7) Rẽnd a Poll sẽn sagl kiris - nebã tɩ b ra yɩ zɩ - beoog rãmbã pa ling tõnd ye. A yeela woto: "Bɩ y yɩ neb sẽn mi beoogo.... Bɩ y... sagl taab ne yam fãa ne yɩɩl sõamyã,... la y yɩɩl n pẽg Wẽnnaam y sũyã pʋsẽ yãmb sẽn tar bãmb barka yĩnga. " - Kol. In what ways can elders draw on the talents and experience of older ones? Thus, Paul's counsel to Christians never surprise us: "Be thankful for the undeserved kindness of those who are taking the lead among you,... who are taking the lead among yourselves,... with all your souls,... for with your hearts and your supplication that they may praise God in your hearts. " - Col. Neb wʋsg zãgsda koe - noogã tõnd sẽn moondã. Abraham's father, Terah, lived for 205 years. Many reject the good news that we preach. A Zeova nin - buiidã tigis - kãsemsã yaa sũ - noog wakate She cried out to Job: "Are you yet holding fast your integrity? Jehovah's people are joyful at conventions Wala makre, a Zeova Kaset soab sẽn yaa nasaara n da wa n dat n tog sore, n dɩk a kambã n tɩ gũnug a tẽed - n - taag sẽn yaa nin - sablga. AN OLD man on a Caribbean island emerged from his shelter after a hurricane. For example, when one of Jehovah's Witnesses was about to travel, he took the initiative to train his children to take the lead. La tẽng baa a ye pa wa a Saara ba - yirã ye. A zĩnda Uur tẽngã n tãag a bɩʋʋngo. See the article "Do Not Forget Kindness to Strangers " in The Watchtower of October 2016, pp. Sarah's father, Sarah, lived in Ur for the rest of her country. Wala makre, a ra kõt - b - la sagls sẽn nafd - ba, a ra nand - b lame, la a maaga kẽer bãas menga. So we can be sure that he will reward us and all who uphold his sovereignty. For example, he gave them advice that benefited them, appreciated them, and healed some of them. A Zeova tũnuga ne Tõogã n wilg a noyã sẽn zems zãngã, sẽn wilgd sẽn yaa sõma la sẽn yaa wẽngã. Why should we speak the pure language at every opportunity? Through the Law, Jehovah revealed his perfect standards of right and wrong. * Moreover, they are able to work together in making and carrying out wise and balanced decisions. * Siglgã taoor lʋɩtb Sull yãame tɩ bõe la b segd n maane, la bõe yell la d na n gom sõsg ning sẽn pʋgdã pʋgẽ? What viewpoint did many betray, and how was their faith tested? What responsibility did the Governing Body receive, and what will be discussed in the following article? D tẽed - n - taas sã n zoe n wa d sẽn beẽ wã, bõe la d tõe n maan n keng b tẽebã? Because, in truth, they do not accept the Bible as God's Word. What can we do to strengthen our faith if we are refugees? Wãn to la y tõe nkɩt tɩ y zak pʋgẽ zaabr Biibl zãmsgã yɩ sõma n paase? Was I serving Jehovah for the right reasons? " How can you improve your Family Worship evening? Tʋm - tʋmd a Poll sõdga sũ - bʋgsmã n naag " vʋʋsem sõngã biis ' sẽn be Galat dãmba 5: 22, 23 pʋgẽ wã sʋka. We took our new assignment as parents very seriously, and we set out to instill the truth in our beautiful girls. The apostle Paul lists mildness as part of "the fruitage of the spirit. " - Galatians 5: 22, 23. A yeelame: "Maam ne m pagã zãmsda Biiblã ne biig fãa, la yaa ne farendã sẽn yaa b buud - gomdã. Minding the spirit and suppressing worldly desires certainly is the course of wisdom in these "last days. " " My wife and I study the Bible with each child, " she says. (Karm - y Matɩe 25: 31 - 34, 41, 46.) True Christians do not twist or misrepresent the facts so as to mislead others. (Read Matthew 25: 31 - 34, 46.) A tũnugda ne kiris - neb ne yʋʋrã n kɩtdẽ tɩ nebã pa tõe n bãng Wẽnnaam sẽn dat bũmb ning ne ãdem - biisã la ne tẽngã ye. - Karm - y 2 Korẽnt dãmb 4: 3, 4. On the other hand, God's spirit moves those who receive it to be chaste, peaceable, and full of mercy. By means of Christendom, God has preserved his purpose for mankind and the earth. - Read 2 Corinthians 4: 3, 4. A Poll mengã kõo mak - sõng zĩ - kãng wɛɛngẽ. A ra tõe n lebga zʋɩf - rãmbã tũudum taoor soab n paam ligd wʋsgo, t'a yʋʋrã me yi. Jesus said: "Not everyone saying to me, " Lord, Lord, ' will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will. " Paul himself set a fine example in this regard, and he could become a prominent leader of the Jewish religious leaders and make a name for himself. A kʋʋlem wakate, pʋg - kãens kɩtame t'a pa kell n gãd a Zeova ne a sũurã fãa ye. There, several Christian congregations were established in the decades after Jesus ' death. In his old age, these women did not hold fast to Jehovah completely. A yeela a kɛlgdbã tɩ b kos Wẽnnaam t'a kɩt t'a "raabã maan dũniyã zug wa sẽn maand [saasẽ] " wã. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away. " He told his listeners: "Let your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth. " B tigimda taab semen fãa. Yes. They meet every week. Sak - a t'a yaa f vɩɩm. " Even though we may have been serving Jehovah for many years, it is good for us to stop occasionally and think appreciatively about how grand our Creator is. It is your life. " La waa ne nafa toor - toor me n kõ wẽn - tũudbã. (Include the box "Making Disciples of Business People. ") But there were also benefits to God's servants. La b sẽn wõnd taabã teka zĩ - kãensã bala. Unlike human rulers who may become corrupt and abusive, Jehovah is completely free of what is sinful. But they did not seem to have all of this. • Bõe n kɩt tɩ d pa tõe n bãng "zãmaan " ning yell b sẽn goma sẽn na n kaoos to - to wã takɩ? Regarding it, some might ask: Why commemorate Jesus ' death? • Why is it impossible to know the exact length of "this generation "? Yʋʋmd 1991, zall so - pakd pogs a yiib a taab la b tʋm be. The religious leaders of Jesus ' day were unwilling to do this. In 1991, two special pioneers worked there. Rẽ yĩnga m sẽn mi t'a ne - m lame wã kɩtame tɩ m gũusd ne m tagsa wã, m goamã la m tʋʋmã bɩ? At age seven, I was sent to a school for religious training. Does knowing that he is with me cause me to be careful about my thoughts, speech, and actions? A goamã na n waa ne laafɩ tigingã pʋgẽ bɩ? " No. Will his words bring peace in the congregation? " Rama So the Holy Scriptures help make us "fully competent, completely equipped " to carry out the" good work " of teaching people about God's Word. Mt. Y sã n bãng bũmb ning sẽn yik y sũurã, y na n bãnga Biiblã sagls nins sẽn tõe n sõng - y tɩ y tall manesem sẽn tat a Zeova yam. Quoting from Leviticus 19: 18, he said: "The second, like it, is this, " You must love your neighbor as yourself. ' " Learning what the Bible says will help you to act in a way that pleases Jehovah. Bõn - naandgã makda dũniyã pãn - soaadb sẽn na n pʋgl taab n dɩ naam. If opposers of God try to cause divisions, these enemies discover that friendships among true Christians are unbreakable. The image of the image represents the rest of the world's political powers. Bõe yĩng tɩ d segd n teeg a Zeova? The apostle Paul said about him: "We have as high priest, not one who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has been tested in all respects like ourselves, but without sin. " Why should we trust in Jehovah? 19: 28. ● Self - Sacrifice "There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. " - Acts 20: 35. 19: 28. Sẽn paam a Zosuwa wã yaa bũmb sẽn wae. So David focused on what he could do to assist, preparing materials in great quantity. It is common for you to know that what you want is your best interests at heart. Bʋkaoodb sebrã sẽn be Wẽnnaam gomdã sẽn tar pãngã pʋgẽ wã tara yõod wʋsg ne - do. When the master was informed, he had the unforgiving slave thrown into prison. The powerful book of Judges is of great value to us. Tʋm - tʋmdã sẽn wilgd yɛlã sẽn segd n yɩ to - to tigimsã pʋsẽ, misioneer dãmbã zagsẽ, la Betɛll dãmbã pʋsẽ wã wilgdame tɩ b maanda bũmba fãa ne tɩrlem. By doing so, we have the wonderful prospect of being included among those who will exalt, bless, and praise Jehovah "all day long " and" even forever. " The direction given through the slave class, missionaries, members of the Bethel family, and at Bethel show that they are doing all things in righteousness. Saam - biig a Richard Barber sẽn tʋm ne a sũur fãa wakat kãngã yeelame: "Tõnd tõogame tɩ tigims sull yel - gɛtb a wãn ra ket n gilgdẽ, tɩ Gũusg Gasgã me ra ket n yita, la d tõog meng t'a kẽ Kanada, baa b tẽngã taoor dãmb sẽn da gɩdgã. " 11: 35. A brother who worked hard at that time said: "We were able to move to a few circuit overseer, and the Watchtower magazine was still out of Canada, although the authorities were banned. " (Sɩngre 22: 18; Ezai 53: 4, 5) A wilgame me tɩ yaa Betlehɛm la nin - kãngã ra tog n doge. - Karm - y Miise 5: 1. 10: 2 - What does it mean that one's heart is "at his right hand " or" at his left hand "? He also showed that this man was to be born in Bethlehem. - Read Micah 5: 1. A bãngr - goamã fãa pidsdame For instance, we appreciate the spiritual food we receive in the form of books, brochures, magazines, and other literature. All his prophecies are fulfilled A Zezi moona Galile naoor a tãab n sa tɩ yʋʋm a tãab pa ta ye. The fact is, we find true joy and success only when we give Jehovah first place in our lives. - Read Psalm 1: 2, 3. Jesus preached three times in Galilee, and three years later. Nonglmã kɩtdame t'a kell n tall sik - m - menga, la a kɩtdẽ t'a pa rat n bao yʋʋr a meng yĩng ye. - Yɩɩl Sõamyã 138: 6; Zak 4: 6. Or would you be more likely to ask, "Who did this? " Love keeps him humble and free from seeking prominence. - Psalm 138: 6; James 4: 6. (Nehemi 4: 9 - 14) Tãn - metbã sẽn paam sagls la pɛlg kengr woto wã, b kẽnga taoor ne tʋʋmdã. These truths are also part of our heritage. When the builders received such encouragement and encouragement, they continued to carry on the work. (Sɩngre 3: 15) Neb wʋsg kiime, la b sã n na n yãa Wẽnnaam kãabg kãngã la a taab pidsgu, rẽnd b segd n vʋʋg - b lame. Hosea told them to plead: "May you [Jehovah] pardon error; and accept what is good, and we will offer in return the young bulls of our lips. " - Hos. 14: 1, 2. Many have died, but if they will see God's promise and fulfill it, they must be resurrected. Sẽn paase a Zezi yeelame: "Ned ninga sẽn na n gũ a vɩɩm, a vɩɩm na sãam, la ned ninga sẽn na n bas a vɩɩm mam yĩnga, a na paam a vɩɩm. Though it is not known exactly when Christians began to use the codex, one reference work states: "So universal is the Christian use of the codex in the second century that its introduction must date well before A.D. 100. " Moreover, Jesus said: "He that has endured to his soul will have life, but he that has left his soul will have everlasting life. B namsa a Zezi n wa baas n kʋ - a. Why not take refuge in the only God worth serving? Finally, Jesus was put to death. Woto pa rat n yeel tɩ tɩrlmã kaalem la naongã na n ket n bee wakat fãa sɩda? ' Through his organization, Jehovah provides an abundance of spiritual food to the whole association of brothers worldwide. Does that not mean that justice and poverty will continue forever? ' Bõe la Kiristã karen - biis fãa segd n maane? Let us therefore be thankful to Jehovah God for the way he uses the angels to help us do the divine will and gain everlasting life. What responsibility do all followers of Christ have? Yaa sɩda, d sũy sã n sãam ne d mense, bɩ zu - loeesã sã n dat n lim - du, tõe n kɩtame tɩ d pa rat n pẽneg a Zeova n pʋʋs - a wakat fãa ye. When relief does not immediately follow our prayers for help, let us wait on the One who knows just when to act in our behalf. Of course, when we feel overwhelmed by personal problems or problems, we may not feel inclined to approach Jehovah regularly in prayer. Wãn to la d tõe n dɩkd a Zezi naoor koe - moonegã pʋgẽ n yaa gũudba, la d maand bũmba fãa tɩ zemsdẽ? He throws the camp of the Egyptians into confusion, and then he tells Moses: "Stretch your hand out over the sea, that the waters may come back over the Egyptians, their war chariots and their cavalrymen. " How can we imitate Jesus ' example in our ministry and do our best to do all things? Neb kẽer sẽn tũ sagl - kãngã to - to: A Michele sẽn vɩ Etazĩni wã kãadmã tara yʋʋm 30 masã. A yeela woto: "Mam ma wã wuba maam ne m yap a yi wã yẽ a yembre. Yaa pag sẽn da yẽese, la sẽn da maand bũmba fãa a toore. What does it mean to be baptized "in the name of the Father "? How some have applied this advice: "My mother, now 30 years old, has raised me from my door to door because of the way a woman was doing all he did. Woto belsd - b lame, la belsd tõnd me n kengd d raoodo. The problem was that it did not go far enough. Such comfort brings comfort and comfort to us too. Kiba - kãngã wilgdame tɩ yell sã n wa be tõnd ne d to sʋk tigingã pʋgẽ, d segd n maana d sẽn tõe fãa n welg - a. The gardener recognizes that a careful combination of various techniques will help him to produce a healthy plant. This account shows that we should do our best to resolve any problem with us in the congregation. 11, 12. a) Bõe la kom - bɩɩsã tõe n maane, n segl b mens sõma n tõog n taas neb a taabã koe - noogã? After the householder read the card, we would present the literature and be on our way. " 11, 12. (a) What can youths do to prepare well for the ministry? Sõsg ning sẽn pʋgdã na n leoka sʋk - kãngã. In that way your faith will enable you to withstand what might be like the winds of false teachings. - Jer. The following article will address that question. D segd n gũusa d mens ne wuk - m - menga, tɩtaam, neb laado la b wẽgbo. 14, 15. We must be on guard against pride, pride, shame, and abusive speech. Bãmb tʋʋma zemsa zãnga. Bãmb soya fãa yaa tɩrse. " 31: 24. For a discussion of the difference between the initial sealing of members of the anointed and their final sealing, see the January 1, 2007, issue of The Watchtower, pages 30 - 31. His works are justice, and all his ways are justice. " Biiblã leokda sok - kãnga, n yetẽ yaa: "Sẽn - Ka - Saab pẽe ne neb nins sẽn boond bãmbã, b pẽe neb nins sẽn boond bãmb ne sɩdã. Finally, he exclaimed: "Well, surely you can look after sheep! The Bible answers: "Jehovah is near to all those calling upon him, to all those calling upon him in trueness. Sãnda mi n dat n lemba dũniyã vɩɩm n gese. Nevertheless, the enemy of God's name did not give up. Others may want to go to the world and look at the life of the world. Zems - n - taar bʋg la nebã tõe n paam ne Wẽnnaam rũndã - rũndã? He also provided for their basic needs. What relationship with God can people enjoy today? Yʋʋmd 2010 soabã, d paama sebr t'a gom - zugã yet tɩ La vie a - t - elle été créée? Lovers of God's Word who meditate on these accounts cannot help but be moved by " the glorious splendor of Jehovah's dignity. ' In 2010, we received a brochure entitled Life - Five Questions Young People Ask - Answers That Work. Yaa sɩd t'a Zezi sẽn wa n yet woto wã t'a ra nan pa leb saasẽ ye. By the end of the thousand - year - long Day of Judgment, Jehovah will have restored obedient mankind to its original perfect condition. Of course, Jesus had not yet returned to heaven. A wilgame tɩ malɛgsã sẽn be be wã sõor yaa milyõ rãmba. This is a fight that can be won. He showed that there are millions of angels. Y yɛɛsdame tɩ y sã n sɩng yãbre, b sũyã na n sãamame bɩ? 5: 1. Do you fear that when you start to cry, they will be disappointed? D sẽn pa rat n wa maan yel - wẽnd sẽn ka sugrã yĩnga, wakat fãa, d segd n tẽegda sagls nins a Poll sẽn kõ - do, n na n sõng - d tɩ d ra wa beeg vʋʋsem sõngã. What does it mean to be "bearing much fruit "? Since we never want to fall into sin, we must always keep in mind Paul's counsel to help us avoid grieving the spirit. Ad a sẽn yeele: "Yãmb na n boola maam la y pʋʋs maam, la m na n leok - y lame. " His aim will be nothing less than extermination of true worshippers. He said: "You will call me and pray to me, and I will answer you. " Israɛll kãsem dãmbã waa a Zeova no - rɛɛsã nengẽ n kos bũmb sẽn pa wõnd a taabã. SONGS: 18, 14 The older men of Israel come to Jehovah's prophet and ask for something special. Wãn to la kãsem dãmbã tõe n dɩ sẽn kʋʋl - bã tõod la b minim nafa? May we, therefore, be resolved to keep on praying for holy spirit every day. - Psalm 34: 6; 1 John 5: 14, 15. How can elders benefit from the abilities and skills of older ones? A Abrahaam ba a Teera vɩɩmda yʋʋm 205. Follow the Royal Pattern Abraham's father, Terah, lived 20 years old Daar a ye, a yeela a sɩdã woto: "Yãmb ket n kengda y meng y pʋ - peelmã pʋgẽ la? By the time Christine got baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, she was no longer a thief. On one occasion, she said to her husband: "Are you still strengthening yourself in your integrity? ÃNTIY nin - kẽem a ye n yi a roogẽ seb - kẽeng poore. Upon his return to Jerusalem, though, Nehemiah found that the priesthood was not being supported, nor was the Sabbath law being observed. A elderly man comes out of his house and comes out of his house. Ges - y sõsg ning sẽn be yʋʋmd 2016 zĩ - likr kiuug Gũusg Gasgã neng a 8 - 12. But there is another aspect of our obedience that we should not overlook. See The Watchtower, October 15, 2016, pages 8 - 12. (Zak 5: 11) Rẽnd d tõe n kɩsa sɩd t'a na n keoo tõnd la neb nins fãa sẽn teend a naamã. Though some of them are given for a particular time or situation, they never become faulty or inadequate. Thus, we can be confident that he will reward us and those who support his sovereignty. Bõe yĩng tɩ segb d sẽn paam fãa bɩ d segd n gomd buud - gomd sẽn yaa yɩlemdã? This was the case in Thessalonica, where Paul sought out Jews and God - fearing Gentiles at the synagogue. Why should we take advantage of every opportunity to speak the pure language? La bãngr ning b sẽn paamd Wẽnnaam Rĩungã maasem yĩngã la b nand n yɩɩda. JESUS CHRIST gave his followers no small commission. However, the knowledge they gain through God's Kingdom is their primary concern. Sẽn paase, b na n tõogd n zemsda taab n yãkd yam sẽn na n naf - ba. By Way of Review Moreover, they will be able to make decisions that will benefit them. Tags - bʋg la neb wʋsg ra tara, la wãn to la b tẽebã paam makre? (Read John 10: 14, 15.) What view did many have, and how have they faced tests of faith? Yaa tɩ sɩd - sɩda, b pa sak tɩ Biiblã yaa Wẽnnaam Gomd ye. Paul says: "It is well not to eat flesh or to drink wine or do anything over which your brother stumbles. " Of course, they do not accept the Bible as God's Word. A yellã kɩtame tɩ mam maneg n fees m meng n na n bãng n sã n sɩd tũuda a Zeova ne yam - sõngo. " How shameful! She made me self - examination so that I could see whether I really serve Jehovah with a pure motive. " Yʋʋmd la kiis a nu yẽ rogmã poore, d paama bi - pugl a to, a Stephany. D tʋlgame tɩ d kambã wubr yɩ sõma, tɩ b tõog n sɩd nong Wẽnnaam. The answer is obvious - only Jehovah's Witnesses. After the birth of five months and five months, we had another daughter, and we wanted our children to grow spiritually and grow in love for God. Vʋʋsem sõngã ratem sakr la dũniyã tʋlsem zãgsg sɩd yaa yam bũmb " yaoolem wakat ' kãensã. Can we definitively say whether Jehovah did or did not intervene in specific cases? The minding of the spirit and the desire of the flesh is certainly "the last days. " Kiris - neb hakɩkã pa golemd yɛl sẽn na yɩl n tudg nebã ye. Truly, as we contemplate the outworking of Jehovah's eternal purpose, we cannot help but be amazed at "the depth of God's riches and wisdom and knowledge. " - Rom. True Christians do not give in to peer pressure. La Wẽnnaam vʋʋsem sõngã yẽ kɩtdame tɩ neb nins sẽn tar - a wã yaa sõma, rat n yeel tɩ b zãagda b mens ne yoob la raglem buud fãa. 12, 13. On the other hand, God's spirit enables those with it to keep morally clean, immoral, and immoral. Bala a Zezi yeela woto: " Ka neb nins fãa sẽn boond maam tɩ Zusoaba, Zusoaba! n na n kẽ saasẽ soolmẽ wã ye. Yaa ned ning sẽn maand mam Ba sẽn be saasẽ wã raabã bala. ' How can we demonstrate that we look to Jehovah for strength? Jesus said: "Not everyone saying to me, " Lord, Lord, Lord, will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will. ' " A TƖMOTE sẽn da wa n nan yaa yãaga, a ra vɩɩ Galasi sẽn da yaa Rom porvẽnsã pʋgẽ. All of this is a sad reflection of "the spirit of the world " and as such has no place in Christian families. - Ephesians 4: 31; 1 Corinthians 2: 12. When Epaphroditus was young, he lived in the Roman province of Rome. Bãmb na n yẽesa nintãma fãa t'a ra le zĩnd bãmb ninẽ ye, la kũum ka na n le zĩnd ye, la sũ - sãoong bɩ yãbre wala toog kõn le zĩnd yɛs ye, tɩ bõe, dẽenem bũmb fãa loogame. " Many people are taught that God is ruling this world that we live in, that God long ago determined everything that happens to us, and that he has mysterious, inscrutable reasons for inflicting misery on mankind. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away. " N - ye. " I still earn enough money for basics, such as presentable clothing. Yes. Baa d sã n sɩng n tũuda a Zeova na maan yʋʋma, yɩta sõma tɩ d mi n bʋgs d Naandã sẽn yaa kãseng to - to wã zugu. God made that heartfelt appeal to the Israelites because they were being misled by religious lies. Even if we have been serving Jehovah for decades, it is good to meditate on our great Creator. (Paas - y zĩ - gũbgr ning sẽn yaa "D sõng nebã b tʋʋmã zĩisẽ tɩ b lebg karen - biisi. ") Initially, there was little progress, and the work was described as "hard going. " (Include the box "Make Disciples of People of All the Nations. ") A Zeova pa wa tẽng zug nanambsã sẽn mi n tõe n wa lebg nin - wẽns la nin - toosã ye. They have been ensnared by immorality and have reaped the bitter consequences of immoral conduct. Jehovah is not like that of human rulers who may become corrupt and oppressed. 11: 20, MN) La kẽer tõe n sokda b mens woto: Bõe yĩng tɩ d tẽegd a Zezi kũumã yell yʋʋmd fãa? (Read 1 Timothy 1: 12 - 14.) However, some may wonder: Why do we commemorate Jesus ' death each year? A Zezi wakatẽ tũudmã taoor dãmb ra pa rat n maan woto ye. How grateful we can be for the services provided by the modern - day priestly class! The religious leaders of Jesus ' day did not want to do so. M sẽn wa n tar yʋʋm a yopoe, b kẽesa maam masɛɛremd lekolle. Why do we persevere in making repeated visits to people in their homes? When I was seven years old, I was assigned to school school. Ayo. The Bible took away his desire to fight, and he started to heal his sorrow, grief, hatred, and bitterness. No. (2 Tɩmote 3: 16, 17) Woto, Gʋlsg Sõamyã sõngda tõnd tɩ d "tall tõog tɩ pidi, n paam seglg zãng " sẽn na yɩl n maan" tʋʋm sõma fãa " n zãms nebã Wẽnnaam Gomdã. What, then, are the "desirable things " that would fill Jehovah's house? Thus, the Scriptures help us to "be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work " to teach God's Word. A lebg n dɩka Maankʋʋr 19: 18 wã n yeel tɩ: "La ad a yiib soaba sẽn wẽnd yẽnda: Nong f yak wa f menga. " Because among the blessings of Kingdom rule is the imminent end of the present wicked system. He quoted Leviticus 19: 18 and said: "You must love your neighbor as yourself. " Wẽnnaam bɛɛb sã n wa rat n welg kiris - neb hakɩka, b mikdame tɩ b zoodã sãoong yaa toogo. That injunction becomes all the more urgent as Jehovah's day approaches, for its unprecedented " heat ' will melt away all "the elements " of Satan's system, exposing them as totally lacking in fire - resistant qualities. When God's enemies try to separate true Christians, they find that their friendship is difficult. (Hebre dãmba 5: 8) Tʋm - tʋmd a Poll yeela a Zezi wɛɛngẽ: "Maan - kʋʋdba kãsma tõnd sẽn tara ka a soab sẽn ka zoet tõnd ninbãanega tõnd pãng komsem pʋgẽ ye, la bãmb dag n paama makr ne bũmb fãa wa tõndo, la bãmb ka maan yel - wẽn baa bilf ye. " Opposers also spread false accusations against us. Concerning Jesus, the apostle Paul said: "The high priest, who has no fear of our weaknesses, but he has been tested in all respects like ourselves, but without sin. " 24: 14) D sẽn paam n moond Rĩungã koɛɛg n wilgd nebã tɩ Wẽnnaam pʋlma manegrã, pa noom - d sɩda? - Rom 15: 13. " You, O Israel, are my servant, you, O Jacob, whom I have chosen, the offspring of Abraham my friend. " - ISA. 15: 13. ● Modge, la y sak n mong y mense: "Sẽn kõt - a sũ - noog yɩɩda sẽn deegd - a. " - Tʋʋma 20: 35, Sebr Sõngo. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. " ● Instead, be willing to make sacrifices: "There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. " - Acts 20: 35. Sẽn da pak - a masã lebga a maan a sẽn tõe fãa n bao teed wʋsg n bĩng meebã yĩnga, la a sõng a Salomo t'a segl a menga. We can show mercy to others by our kind words and deeds, bringing relief to those who need our help. Now she was trying hard to build up her material things and to help Solomon prepare herself. A zu - soabã sẽn wʋm a sẽn maan bũmb ningã, a kɩtame tɩ b pag - a roogo. Nevertheless, whether they pray to pass examinations at school or pray for their favorite sports team to win, for God's guidance in their family life, or for a multitude of other reasons, hundreds of millions feel the need to pray. When the master heard what he had done, he brought his wife into his house. D sã n maan woto, d na n saagame n zĩnd neb nins sẽn na n waoog la b pẽg a Zeova " daarã fãa ' la "wakat fãa " wã sʋka. Slave for the Master, Christ. " By doing so, we will be among those who will honor and praise Jehovah "day after day. " 11: 35. Lydia Affects Us Today, 4 / 1 11: 35. Biiblã pʋgẽ, b sã n gomd piig yell makr wɛɛngẽ, bilgda bũmb sẽn pid zãnga. In fact, the Bible warns us that "wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse. " In the Bible, ten illustrations are depicted as "a full - grown man. " Wala makre, borsiir - dãmbã la periodik - rãmbã. At times, even some of God's people lose clear sight of Jehovah's view of marriage. For example, the Watchtower and Awake! Yaa d sã n lʋɩɩsd a Zeova raabã taoor la d paamd sũ - noog hakɩɩka, la vɩɩm sẽn tar barka. - Karm - y Yɩɩn - sõamyã 1: 2, 3. Then we will be able to resist sin. We find true happiness and success by putting Jehovah's service first in our lives. - Read Psalm 1: 2, 3. D sẽn mi sɩdã kũumã wɛɛngẽ la d tẽed kũum vʋʋgrã naaga pʋɩɩr ning Wẽnnaam sẽn kõ tõndã. A Balanced Viewpoint Knowing the truth about death and the resurrection hope are part of the gift God has given us. (Oze 13: 1 - 3) A Oze sagl - b lame tɩ b pʋʋs Wẽnnaam n kos sugr woto: "Yiis - y tõnd yel - wẽnã la y reeg d pʋʋsgã tɩ d na n pẽga yãmba. " - Oze 14: 2, 3. 4: 18. Hosea urged them to pray to God: "Give us our sins, and listen to our supplication, so that we may praise you. " - Hosea 14: 2, 3. Kʋdemdã yel - mitb wilgame tɩ pa yã n kaoos la kiris - nebã sɩng kodɛgsã tall n moone, la tɩ wʋsg ra moonda ne kodɛgsã yʋʋm koabg la zak a Zezi rogmã poore. Simple yet Profound History shows that Christianity had recently begun to spread, and many were preaching in the Roman Empire for over 100 years after Jesus ' birth. Y sã n dɩk y meng n kõ a Zeova, y wilgdame tɩ y kɩsa sɩd t'a na n kogl - y lame. Indeed, they had good reason to "give [the elders] more than extraordinary consideration in love. " If you dedicate yourself to Jehovah, you are assured that he will protect you. Naoor wʋsgo, a maanda rẽ ne d sɛbã maasem. He did not share in the prejudices of the people in his day. He often does this through our literature. Bɩ d fãa pʋʋs a Zeova barka, a sẽn kɩt t'a malɛgsã sõngd tõnd tɩ d maand a raabã n na n wa paam vɩɩm sẽn kõn sa wã. (Read Exodus 23: 9.) May all of us thank Jehovah for providing his angels with everlasting life in view. D sã n pʋʋs a Zeova n kos sõngr t'a pa leok zĩig pʋgẽ bɩ d maan sũ - mare. Jesus ' Miracles - A Preview of Global Healing If we pray for Jehovah's help to not immediately answer our prayers for help, let us be patient. A kɩtame tɩ zũnd - zãnd zĩnd Ezipt nebã sʋka, la a yaool n yeel a Moiiz yaa: "Tẽeg f nug mogra zug tɩ koomã leb n lim Ezipt rãmbã ne b saar dãmba la b wed - rʋʋdbã. " Tragically, some were killed. He caused Moses to dwell in Egypt, but he said to Moses: "Remember, now, your Grand Creator in the midst of the sea, that the waters may come back upon Egypt with their war chariots and their war chariots. " Reeg lisg " Ba wã yʋʋr yĩng ' rat n yeelame tɩ bõe? When a person has put in writing his personal instructions regarding his funeral arrangements, it is much easier to reason with non - Witness family members, since they are likely to respect the wishes of the deceased. What does it mean to be baptized "in the name of the Father "? A ra pa mi yɛl kẽer a Zezi Kirist zug ye. The believer must also sincerely endeavor to apply what Jesus taught. He did not know certain details about Jesus Christ. Zẽedã soab miime tɩ yaa a sẽn na n maan woto fãa la zẽedã wall tɩɩgã na n yɩ sõma. Consider an example. A father knows that doing so is what he will do - the tree or the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. A sã n da karem n sa, b kãabd - a - la sɛbã, n yaool n looge. Have people said to you that they believe in evolution because it is based on science whereas belief in God is based on faith? After reading it, she was offered a copy of the literature and then left. Fo - me sã n karemd seb - kãensã, f tẽebã na n yɩɩ wa tɩɩg sẽn kɩ yẽg sõma, tɩ nebã ziri wã sẽn wõnd sebgã pa tõe - f ye. - Zer. 16. If you read these books, your faith will be like a tree that seems to be firmly rooted in the wind. - Jer. 14, 15. How did Jesus react? 14, 15. Y sã n dat n bãng welgr ning sẽn be pipi bãndã ne yaoolem bãndã sʋkã, y tõe n gesa yʋʋmd 2007 yʋʋm - vẽkr kiuug pipi daar Gũusg Gasgã (ne farẽndã) seb - neng 30 - 31. This quality is closely related to holiness, which signifies cleanness, purity, separation from sinfulness. For a detailed discussion of the identity of the first part of the sign, see The Watchtower, January 1, 2007, pages 30 - 31. A yals n tagsame, n wa baas n yeele: "Yet tɩ y mii piis gũub wɛ? 9: 19 - 23. Instead, he concluded: "Do you know that the sheep you are waiting for? La bɛ ning sẽn dat n menes Wẽnnaam yʋʋrã pa tek woto ye. At first, the miraculous manna must have impressed the Israelites. But the enemy who wants to wipe God's name does not change that way. (Tõo. 1: 19; Yik. But does that make the Scriptures less valuable, less important? Jehovah is the name of God as revealed in the Bible. " A Zeova naamã ziir la a sẽn tog ne waoogrã ' segd n talla pãn - tusdg neb nins sẽn nong Wẽnnaam Gomdã la sẽn bʋgsd kɩba - kãensã zutã. His holy spirit can empower us to do the same. " The glorious splendor of Jehovah's glory and the splendor of his glory " should influence those who love God's Word and meditate on them. Bʋ - kaoorã daar sẽn na n kaoos yʋʋm tusrã saabẽ t'a Zeova sõnga ãdem - biisã tɩ b zems zãnga, wa d yaab a Ãdem sẽn da yaa to - to nand t'a beegã. Showing that he had Jehovah's wrath in mind, Paul added: "It is written: " Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says Jehovah. ' " At the end of the thousand years, Jehovah brought his human creation into perfection, just as Adam had been. (Rom 7: 21 - 25) La d tõe n tõogame. These provisions include God's holy spirit, the most powerful force in the universe. But we can succeed. 5: 1. Through their spiritual brothers, they received relief supplies. 5: 1. " Wom biis wʋsg ' rat n yeelame tɩ bõe? How did Job's three false comforters become tools of Satan? What does it mean to "be fruitful "? Rẽ yaa sẽn na yɩl n menes Wẽnnaam balemdb hakɩkã fãa. The final collection is no exception. This is designed to wipe out all true worshipers. YƖƖLA: 149, 99 Because these publications warn of the "day of [Jehovah's] vengeance. " SONGS: 100, 100 Bõe yĩng tɩ d segd n kẽnd tigissã? That occurred more than a hundred years after Isaiah predicted it. - 2 Chronicles 36: 15 - 21. Why should we attend Christian meetings? Bɩ d modgd n ket n pʋʋsd daar fãa n kot vʋʋsem sõngã. - Yɩɩl Sõamyã 34: 7; 1 Zã 5: 14, 15. Do you honor your husband by going along with his wishes? May we continue to pray constantly for holy spirit. - Psalm 34: 7; 1 John 5: 14, 15. Maan - y wa Rĩma sẽn maanã Jesus did not prevent the man because the Christian congregation had not yet been formed. Do Just as King Biiblã sagls nins yell d sẽn gomã tõe n sõng - d - la zĩis a taab wɛɛngẽ me. Recall that on your baptism day, before eyewitnesses, you were asked whether you had dedicated yourself to Jehovah and understood that "your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit - directed organization. " The Bible's wise advice on other matters can also help us in other ways. A Christine sẽn wa n deeg lisg n lebg a Zeova Kaset soabã t'a ra pa leb n yaa wagdr ye. [ Picture on page 19] When Christ got baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, he was no longer a thief. La a sẽn lebg n wa Zerizalɛmmã, a mikame tɩ nebã ra basa maan - kʋʋdbã teelgo, la b ra pa le tũud vʋʋsg raarã me ye. Thus, according to the reference work Manners and Customs in the Bible, "sexual activity at local shrines was designed to promote the fertility of the land by encouraging the storm god Baal and his consort Asherah to engage in divine intercourse, causing abundant harvests and herds. " When he returned to Jerusalem, however, he saw that the priests had abandoned the priesthood and had no contact with the Sabbath. (1 Zã 5: 3) Wẽnnaam sakr baoodame tɩ d maan bũmb a to me. If Jesus was first, then logically there would be others. Obedience to God involves something else. A Zeova noyã zemsa zãnga, tɩ d tõe n kɩs sɩd tɩ d sã n sakd - ba, nafd - d lame. In order to practice true godly devotion, we must worship Jehovah exclusively, allowing nothing else to occupy his position in our hearts. Jehovah's standards are perfect, and we can be sure that we benefit if we obey them. Y sã n yũud sɩgaar tɩ kẽed y zakã rãmb la neb a taaba, y tõe n yeelame tɩ y nong - b lame sɩda? What will you do? If you are eating tobacco, could you say that you love them? Sɩd yɩɩ woto la a Poll maan - yã, a sẽn da wa n baood Zʋɩf rãmb la bu - zẽmsã neb nins sẽn yaa wẽn - zoɛtbã karen - dot pʋsẽ Tesalonikã. If sin should overtake us, we are moved to repent and seek Jehovah's forgiveness because we love him and do not want to pain him. - Psalm 78: 41; 130: 3. That was what Paul did when he looked for Jews and Gentiles in Thessalonica. A ZEZI KIRIST sẽn kõ a karen - biisã tʋʋmd ningã pa tʋʋm - bil ye. Now that the Lord is present, there is a similar need for patience as we endeavor to make disciples. JESUS CHRIST'S commission to his disciples was not a small task. B tʋmda ne yamleoogo. As a result, the Bible explains: "The blood of Jesus... cleanses us from all sin. " They work hard. D lebg n tẽege Based on their knowledge of the Bible, Jean and his wife wanted nothing to do with wicked spirits. By Way of Review (Karm - y Zã 10: 14, 15.) How did Jehovah show mercy in dealing with Solomon, but what should we remember about that? (Read John 10: 14, 15.) A Poll yetame: "A yaa neere tɩ [f] ra rɩ nemdo la [f ra] yũ rãam walla bũmb ninga fãa sẽn na n kɩt tɩ fo ba - biig lʋɩ walla a beege walla boog a pãng ye. " MEANING FOR US: Paul says: "It is good for [to] not to eat flesh or drink wine or to drink wine or to cause your brother or sister to stumble. " Ad sɩd yaa yãnde! Do not let the apathy of others discourage or dissuade you from keeping on the watch. What a shame! Yaa a Zeova Kaset rãmbã bala. Unlike an artificial plant, a living plant keeps changing. Jehovah's Witnesses are only Jehovah's Witnesses. La rẽ yĩnga yell sã n paam - d tɩ d tõog n yidg - a, d tõe n bãnga sã n yaa a Zeova n sɩd sõng - d bɩ? Tell your friends about your determination to keep your use of alcohol under control. But can we determine whether Jehovah really helps us if we are in control of our situation? 22: 18) Woto, Wẽnnaam nin - buiidã fãa na n dɩɩ segl - kãngã nafa. & H. Thus, all of God's servants will benefit from that provision. 12, 13. How, then, are we to understand Jesus ' illustration about the faithful slave? 12, 13. Wãn to la d tõe n wilg tɩ d baooda pãng a Zeova nengẽ? What Did You Learn? How can we show that we look to Jehovah for strength? Woto fãa yaa dũniyã yam wẽng pukri, la manesem kãngã pa segd n zĩnd kiris - nebã zagsẽ ye. - Efɛɛz rãmba 4: 31; 1 Korẽnt dãmba 2: 12. That being the case, they wrote, not their own ideas, but God's thoughts. All of this is the spirit of the world, and this spirit should not be part of Christian homes. - Ephesians 4: 31; 1 Corinthians 2: 12. B wilga neb wʋsg tɩ yaa Wẽnnaam n dɩt naam dũni kãngã zugu. B zãms - b lame me t'a pĩnd n pʋlma yɛl nins sẽn paamd - dã, la tɩ ned pa tol n tõe n wʋm a sẽn kɩt tɩ ãdem - biisã namsd woto wã võor ye. They looked forward to receiving his protection and living generation after generation in a land "flowing with milk and honey. " - Leviticus 20: 24. Many have been taught that God's rule is ruling over this world, and they have shown that he has promised us the future problems we face and that no one can understand the reason for such suffering. Mam ket n paamda ligd sẽn sekd bũmb nins sẽn yaa tɩlae ne - ma paoongo, wala fut la teed a taaba. The psalmist wrote of God: "He heals the brokenhearted; he binds up their wounds. " I still have what I need - clothing, clothing, and other things. A Poll gʋlsa kiris - neb ne yʋʋrã wɛɛngẽ woto: "Wakat n na n wa tɩ neba ka rat n sak sɩd koɛɛga ye. Fearless in the Face of Imminent Attack Regarding Christendom, Paul wrote: "The time will come when people will not listen to the truth. Tʋʋmdã ra yaa toogo, bala koɛɛgã mooneg ra pa womd biis wʋsg ye. (Read John 20: 30, 31.) The work was difficult because the preaching work was not productive. B sẽn maan woto wã kɩtame tɩ b namsdẽ. Upon becoming a Christian, the apostle Paul did just that. By doing so, they suffer the consequences of their actions. (Karm - y 1 Tɩmote 1: 12 - 14.) All along, Jehovah has been exercising his sovereignty in directing, regulating, and governing the operations of the spirit realm and the physical universe. - Nehemiah 9: 6. (Read 1 Timothy 1: 12 - 14.) Ad d sɩd tara mi - beoog ne rũndã - rũndã maan - kʋʋdbã sull sẽn tʋmd d yĩngã. There was no hesitation or procrastination. How grateful we are for the modern - day priests working for us today! Bõe yĩng tɩ d pẽdgd n tʋgd n get nebã b yiy n yɩlemdẽ? Powerful angels will serve as executioners of divine judgment as the Lord Jesus "brings vengeance on those who... do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus. " - 2 Thessalonians 1: 7, 8. Why do we pressure people to visit their homes often? Biiblã yiisa zabr tʋlsem a sũurẽ, t'a sũ - sãamsã ne a sũ - toogã sɩng maagre, t'a kisgrã sɩng loogre. For one thing, land and grain that could be used to feed people are used to produce ethanol instead. The Bible frees his heart from the urge to fight, to heal, and to correct his hatred. La "bõn - sõma " sẽn segd n pid a Zeova roogã yaa bõe? Without doubt, there are many reasons for meditating on Jehovah's power. What, though, are "desirable things " to fill Jehovah's house? Zãmaan wẽng kãngã sãangã bee nafa nins Rĩungã sẽn na n wa ne wã sʋka. The Bible states that when a person dies, "the spirit itself returns to the true God who gave it. " Among the blessings that the Kingdom will bring through this wicked system of things are the results of this wicked system of things. (Kol. 2: 8) Sẽn mik t'a Zeova raarã kolgdame wã yĩnga, tara yõod wʋsg tɩ d tũ sagl - kãngã. Granted, the coming of "the great day of Jehovah " does not depend on our prayers - it will come whether we pray for it or not. Since Jehovah's day is approaching, it is vital that we heed that counsel. (Matɩe 6: 33; Luk 9: 57 - 62) Tõnd bɛɛbã rõt - d lame me. We can look forward to what future privileges? Our enemies also ridicule us. " La foom a Israyɛll sẽn yaa mam tʋmtʋmdã, foom a Zakoob mam sẽn yãkã, fo yaa mam zoa a Abrahaam yagenga. " - EZA. Whether we are at home, at work, at school, at play, or in the ministry, we make every effort to bring glory to Jehovah through our fine conduct. " You, O Israel, are my servant, the son of Jacob; you are my friend Abraham. " - ISA. A yeela woto: "Yaa Zusoabã n wilgd ned sore. His wife adds: "There has always been so much to be grateful for. He said: "It is Jehovah that is the One guiding. Neb milyõ kobs n tagsd tɩ pʋʋsg tara yõodo. B kẽer pʋʋsda sẽn na yɩl n paam ɛgzame lekollẽ wã, tɩ sãnda rat tɩ ɛspoorã ekip ning bãmb sẽn nongã tõoge. Note this, however. Jesus Christ definitely foretold that his one true congregation would be restored during what he called a conclusion of a system of things. Millions of people feel that prayer is important; others pray for the school, while others want the success they love. Bɩ y sak Kirist sẽn yaa Zusoabã. " (Read James 3: 13.) Be obedient to Christ the Lord. " Sɩda, Biiblã yeta tõnd tɩ d bãng tɩ "nin - wẽnsa ne zãmb dãmb na n maana wẽng n paase. " How do we know that Isaiah chapter 35 focused on people? In fact, the Bible tells us that "wicked men and impostors will advance from bad to worse. " 3: 1 - 5) B yĩmdame tɩ kãadmã yaa Wẽnnaam kũuni, la tɩ b sã n paoogd kũun - kãngã, b paoogda a kõtã sẽn yaa Wẽnnaam a Zeova wã. Yet, there is no indication that they bragged about their prowess at fishing or hunting or that they went fishing or hunting to compete with others, to prove their manhood, or to have the thrill of the chase, the fight, or the kill. - Psalm 11: 5; Galatians 5: 26. They realize that marriage is a gift from God and that it brings dishonor to him, Jehovah God. D sã n sak woto, d na n paama pãng n yals kãn - kãe yel - wẽnd taoore. Probably you may be concealed in the day of Jehovah's anger. " If we do so, we will be strengthened to resist the temptation to sin. Bãmb yaa zĩig mam sẽn tõe n dʋ n soonde. 3 As for me, he is my refuge. D tall tagsg sẽn zems bao - n - kõ - noorã wɛɛngẽ Additionally, God's Son, Jesus Christ, gave his followers this challenging, though thrilling, command: "Go,... and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And look! Keeping a Balanced View of Life 4: 18. To what glory may Jehovah lead us? 4: 18. Tẽegrã maaneg yaa nana la a võorã tagmame For example, how should we feel when newspaper, radio, or television reports about Jehovah's Witnesses are distortions or outright falsehoods? The significance of the Memorial is simple and meaningful B sɩd ra bee bʋʋm n na n " nong kãsem dãmbã wʋsgo. ' By revealing himself through the pages of the Bible, Jehovah invites us to draw close to him. They had every reason to " love the older men. ' La baa ne nebã sẽn da sãbsd taabã, a pa toll n maan wa bãmb ye. Wala makre, b ra pa nand pagbã ye. The word "conscience " is not used in that account; yet that is what David felt - the reaction of his conscience. Despite being critical, he did not treat women as their way of thinking. (Karm - y Yikr 23: 9.) Others believe that we will be reborn in endless reincarnations. (Read Exodus 23: 9.) A Zezi yel - soalmã yaa reng - n - lɛmbg ne maagr sẽn wat dũniyã gill zugu What is a key to being approachable? Jesus ' miracles are foregleams of a miraculous healing that is being brought to the earth Bʋko, b kʋʋ kẽere. As he could not fully understand the vision, Daniel asked the angelic messenger who delivered it: "O my lord, what will be the final part of these things? " Sadly, some were killed. Dũniyã gill zugu, neb milyõ - rãmb n yik n kẽng tẽn - zẽms n na n tɩ bao ligdi. By giving to Jehovah, what can we never accomplish, yet what may we always succeed in doing? Millions of people around the world have moved to countries where there is a greater need for money. Ned sã n deng n gʋls sebr n wilg bũmb ning a sẽn dat tɩ b maan a kũum poore, na n yɩɩ nana ne a buudã neb sẽn pa tũud a Zeova wã tɩ b sake, bala nebã nong n sakd n tũuda kiidã raabo. (Read Judges 11: 36.) If a person has written a copy of what he wants to do after death, it will be easier for his unbelieving relatives to accept the ransom because they are willing to accept it. Ned sã n yeel t'a tẽedame n yaool n pa wilgd rẽ ne a tʋʋmã, a tẽebã yaa faoore. What adjustment in our ministry is now called for in some places? Faith is futile if a person says that he does not believe in what he is doing. Ges - y makr a yembre. The message that Jesus preached was one of incomparable hope. Consider an example. Nina tõe n yeela foo yaa: "Mam tẽedame tɩ bũmb fãa wa n bee woto, bala, siãnsã bãngdb tẽeda rẽ. What are some ways in which those who "see " the invisible God manifest their faith in him today? Some people may say, "I believe that all of this is happening because scientists believe it. 6: 16; Wil. They may learn, for example, that Jehovah wants us to speak to him freely from the heart, approaching him with any concern that we might have. 6: 16; Rev. A Zezi manesem yɩɩ wãn to? But patience is needed. How did Jesus react? Zãag ne yoobã tɩ loee wʋsg ne sẽn yaa sõngo, sẽn dat n yeel tɩ yɩlemde, sẽn welg ne yel - wẽna. Give Thoughtful Consideration to These Questions: The immoral act of fornication is closely connected with what is holy, which is separated from sin. 9: 19 - 23. Pray for Others 9: 19 - 23. Israyɛll nebã sẽn wa n yã mannã Wẽnnaam sẽn kõ - b ne yel - solemdã, sɩngrẽ wã, b sũur yɩɩ noog wʋsgo. Job acknowledges that he is the work of God's hands. When the Israelites first saw the manna miraculously provided by God, they were thrilled. La rẽ yĩnga, a sẽn wae woto masã wã yĩng kɩtame t'a yõodã pa le waoogẽ bɩ? He did many marvelous things that Moses could never have done. Does it, then, make sense to be self - centered? A vʋʋsem sõngã tõe n kõ tõnd me pãng tɩ d tõog n mao ne zu - loees a woto buudu. Why did the Sadducees fall into the error of denying the resurrection of the dead? His holy spirit can give us the strength to cope with similar trials. A Poll wilgame t'a miime tɩ yaa a Zeova n so sũ - rokre, n paas woto: "A gʋlsame: " Zusoabã yetame yaa: Sũ - dokr yaa maam n so, la mam na keo. ' We love him and want to obey him. Paul explains: "It is written, " Vengeance is mine; I will repay, says Jehovah. ' Bũmb nins Wẽnnaam sẽn tũnugd n sõngd tõndã sʋka, d tõe n sõdga a vʋʋsem sõngã, sẽn yaa pãng ning sẽn yaa kãseng n yɩɩdã. • How can we help new ones to cope with peer pressure? One way that God helps us is by means of his holy spirit, the most powerful force in the universe. Wala makre, b tẽed - n - taas n tool - b rɩɩb la futu. Jerusalem and her temple were destroyed, and it is reported that over one million people died as a result of famine, power struggles, and attacks by the Roman armies. For example, fellow believers have worked hard to provide food and clothing. Wãn - wãn la a Zoob zɩlem - be - zo - rãmb a tãabã sõng a Sʋɩtãana? Are we benefiting from it? How did Job's three companions help Satan? (Yɩɩl Sõamyã 41: 13; 72: 19, 20; 89: 52; 106: 48) Babg a nu soabã me baasda boto. Yes, Christ truly is wisdom personified! - Prov. The fifth is the same. Bala seb - kãensã keoogda nebã t'a Zeova "sũ - dokrã daar " kolgame. Consider Micah 6: 10. Because such books warn people that "the day of Jehovah is near. " Rẽ zĩnda sẽn yɩɩd yʋʋm koabg a Ezai sẽn da reng n togs - a wã poore. - 2 Kɩbaya 36: 15 - 21. Uphold Jehovah's Sovereignty! That occurred more than a hundred years after Isaiah foretold it. - 2 Chronicles 36: 15 - 21. (Matɩe 5: 41) Yãmb waoogda y sɩdã n maand a sẽn tʋllã bɩ? At first, doing this may seem daunting, and the very idea might cause a bit of fear. Do you honor your husband by doing what he wants? Yaa b sẽn da nan pa lugl kiris - neb tigingã yĩng la a Zezi sẽn pa gɩdg - a wã. A year or so after Pentecost 33 C.E., someone else received God's gift of the holy spirit. Because Jesus had not yet been formed into the Christian congregation. Tẽeg - y tɩ y lisgã daare, saam - biig ning sẽn wɛgs lisgã sõsgã soka yãmb y sã n dɩka y meng n kõ a Zeova. Rẽ poore, a sokame: "Rẽ yĩnga yãmb miime tɩ y sẽn dɩk y meng n kõ a Zeova n na n deeg lisgã, y na n lebga a Zeova Kaset soaba, n lebg Wẽnnaam siglgã a vʋʋsem sõngã sẽn wilgd sorã ned bɩ? " Are you young and still unmarried? Recall that after considering your baptism, one brother asked: "Do you know that if you dedicated yourself to Jehovah and become one of Jehovah's Witnesses, you will become one of Jehovah's Witnesses? " Kanaã nebã ra tẽedame tɩ sɩpaolgo, b wẽnnaam a Mot b sẽn boond tɩ kũum la war wẽnnaamã zabda ne a Baal n tõog - a, n dig - a t'a sig tẽngã zĩ - zulungẽ. Understandably, if we are to help others reach their full potential, we need to be discerning. The Canaanites believed that Baal, my god, and the false god Baal, Baal, was attacked by Baal and thrown into the city. A Zeezi sã n yaa pipi soaba, rat n yeelame tɩ neb a taab me n na n vʋʋge. [ Pictures on page 7] If Jesus is the first one, he meant that others too will be resurrected. Sẽn na yɩl n yɩ wẽn - sakdb hakɩka, d tog n balma a Zeova a yembr bala, n da bas tɩ bũmb reeg a Zeova zĩig d sũurã pʋgẽ ye. Really, Noah's preaching fulfilled its purpose regardless of the response. To be faithful, we must worship only Jehovah, not to receive anything in our heart. Bõe la y na n maane? They study God's Word together. What would you do? (Yelbũna 5: 21) D sã n wa maan yel - wẽnde, d rat n teka yam n bao a Zeova sugri, bala d nong - a lame n pa rat n sãam a sũur ye. - Yɩɩl Sõamyã 78: 41; 130: 3. Commend your brothers sincerely. When we fall into sin, we want to repent of Jehovah's forgiveness because we love him. - Psalm 78: 41; 130: 3. La d sẽn ket n maand karen - biisã yĩnga, d segd n kell n talla sũ - mare. Like the father in Jesus ' parable of the prodigal son, Jehovah "was moved with pity " and eager to welcome his children back home. - Luke 15: 20. As we continue to make disciples, however, we must endure. (Mat. 20: 28) Rẽ n kɩt tɩ Biiblã yetẽ t'a "Zezi Kirist zɩɩm pekda tõnd n yiisd tõnd yel - wẽna fãa. " Even if a person is able to conceal thievery from authorities, employers, elders, or parents, he cannot hide it from God, who guarantees that every theft will be exposed. Thus, the Bible says that "the blood of the Christ will cleanse us from all sin. " A Zã ne a pagã tika b Biibl bãngrã zugu, n da pa rat n maan baa fʋɩ sẽn tɩ loe ne zĩn dãmbã ye. Furthermore, whatever our age, honesty is a prime requisite in those we regard as friends. John and his wife were based on their knowledge of the Bible, and they did not want anything about spiritism. Wãn to la a Zeova maan a Salomo nimbãan - zoeere, la bõe la d pa segd n yĩmi? How can we prove ourselves ready? How did Jehovah show mercy to Solomon, and what should we keep in mind? BÃNGR - GOMDÃ PIDSGU: Would he take this opportunity to encourage Jehovah to forget about Israel and to make a mighty nation from Moses ' own descendants? COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: Baa nebã sã n maand b toog kae ne Biiblã bãngr - goamã, d pa segd n bas tɩ rẽ koms d raood ye. Why, Naaman's leprosy stuck to greedy Gehazi! - 2 Ki. Even if people ignore Bible prophecy, we should not allow that to discourage us. Yɩl t'a ket n bɩtẽ, rẽndame t'a zãgsd - a koom. (b) How did Jehovah deal with the rebels? As he grows older, he needs to water. (Yelbũna 13: 20) Togs - y y zo - rãmbã tɩ y yãka yam n pa na n le yũ rãam wʋsg ye. Happiness of Those With an Earthly Hope Speak with your friends that you are determined not to drink too much alcohol. La a Zezi yel - bũnd ning sẽn gomd tʋm - tʋmd sẽn tũud sɩd yellã võor yaa bõe? Give an example of how fearing God can result in happiness despite persecution. What is the meaning of Jesus ' illustration of the faithful slave? Bõe la y zãms - yã? Hundreds of years later, Jehovah still referred to his servant Job as an example of righteousness. What Did You Learn? 12: 8, 9) Dẽnd yaa vẽeneg tɩ "Gʋlsg Sõamyã zãng yaa Wẽnnaam n kõ tõndo. " Because he did not want his secular work to intrude on the time he devoted to his family and to spiritual matters. Clearly, "all Scripture is inspired of God. " (Yikri 19: 5, 8; 24: 3) B ra gũudame t'a kogl - ba, la b ra gũudẽ me t'a tall - b tɩ b tɩ vɩɩmd tẽng sẽn tar "bĩisim ne sɩɩd wʋsg " pʋgẽ zãmaan woo zãmaana. - Maankʋʋre 20: 24. Jesus ' argument, in a sense, was this: " If, in fact, I expel demons by the power of Satan, then your own disciples must be acting under this same power. ' They were expected to protect them and to wait for them to live in "a land flowing with milk and honey. " - Leviticus 20: 24. Rũndã - rũndã me, a Zeova sõngda a nin - buiidã woto. The "slave " providing spiritual" food " is the congregation of spirit - anointed Christians. Likewise today, Jehovah does the same for his people. Baa ne b sẽn na n zab ne - b ka la bilfã, b pa zoet rabeem ye It was simply a matter of his not being aware of the history of the early Christian congregation. Though they will soon fight against them, they are not afraid (Karm - y Zã 20: 30, 31.) 21 Prove Yourself Loyal to Jehovah (Read John 20: 30, 31.) Tʋm - tʋmd a Poll sẽn lebg kiris - nedã poore, a rɩka a Zezi makre. Missionaries and others have greatly benefited from attending Gilead School. After becoming a Christian, the apostle Paul used Jesus ' illustration. (Yɩɩl Sõamyã 148: 5, 6) A Zeova sẽn naan malɛgsã la yĩngr la tẽng teed a taabã tɛka, a kõo b fãa noy la a wilgd - b b sẽn segd n maan bũmb ninsi, tɩ rẽ wilgdẽ t'a yaa b Soaala. - Nehemi 9: 6. In this way, they have brought many, in fact millions, into a righteous standing before Jehovah. - Read Daniel 12: 3. Since Jehovah created all intelligent creatures in heaven and on earth, he gave them instructions and instructions that show that he is their Sovereign Lord. - Nehemiah 9: 6. Kibarã wilgame tɩ " nebã zãagame. ' 10: 31. The account says: "The people went away. " (Vẽnegre 16: 14 - 16; 19: 14 - 16) Malɛgs sẽn yaa pãn - kãsems rãmb la b na n tʋm tɩ b wa sãam "neb nins sẽn ka sakd tõnd Zu - soab a Zeezi koe - noogã. " - 2 Tesalonik - rãmbã 1: 7, 8. One Act of Christian Kindness, Oct. powerful angels will send "those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus. " - 2 Thessalonians 1: 7, 8. Yaa b sẽn dɩkd koodã b sẽn da segd n tall n dɩlg nebã n maand esãns b sẽn boond tɩ etanolle, la b bʋt pʋtã pʋsẽ bõn - buud sẽn tar n maand esãnsã yĩngã. Why should we not hold back from explaining to householders that we accept contributions to the worldwide work done by Jehovah's Witnesses? It was because the fields were to be fed were to be fed and bear fruit in the field. Sãmbg sẽn ka be, bʋʋm wʋsg n be tɩ d na n bʋgs a Zeova pãngã zugu. 1, 2. There is no doubt that we will meditate on Jehovah's power. Biiblã yetame tɩ "vɩɩma vʋʋsem me leb [da] Wẽndẽ tɩ bãmb n da fʋʋs - a. " He was born about a thousand years after the first man was created. The Bible says: "The spirit also became manifest to them, and the spirit was moving upon him. " (Luk 18: 1; 2 Tesalonik rãmba 3: 13) Yaa vẽeneg tɩ pa tõnd pʋʋsgã n na n kɩt " t'a Zeova ra - kãsengã ' wa ye. Tõnd pʋʋsd tɩ d pa pʋʋsd me, a na n waame. The apostle John writes: "I saw the heaven opened, and, look! Of course, our prayers will not bring "the great day of Jehovah " to an end; nor will we pray that he will come. Bõe la d na n maan ka la bilfu? Consider the following six common complaints made by husbands and wives, and see how applying Bible principles can help. What will we soon do? 2: 12) Yaa d zakẽ, d tʋʋmã zĩigẽ, lekollẽ wã, reem zĩigẽ, bɩ yaa koe - moonegã sasa, d segd n modgame tɩ d yel - manesmã waoog a Zeova. The reward is according to the labor, not according to the results of that labor. Whether we are at home, at work, or in the field ministry, we should strive to honor Jehovah by our conduct. A pagã paasame: "Yɛl wʋsg n kɩt tɩ tõnd tar mi - beoog wakat fãa. 25: 22; Lev. His wife adds: "Many problems cause us to be thankful. La bãng - y t'a Zezi ra reng n togsa vẽeneg t'a ra na n lugla yẽ meng tiging hakɩkã, sasa ning a sẽn bool tɩ zãmaanã baasg wakatã. (b) Why is it appropriate for us to serve Jehovah whole - souled? Note, though, that Jesus had foretold that he would establish the true congregation when he referred to the time of the end. (Karm - y Zak 3: 13.) King Hezekiah was another whose trust in Jehovah was vindicated. (Read James 3: 13.) Wãn to la d mi tɩ Ezai sak 35 wã gomda neb yelle? 1 / 1 Value One Race? How do we know that Isaiah chapter 35 refers to people? Kaset ka be me n wilgdẽ tɩ b ra yõgda zĩmã la b kʋʋd we - rũms n na n wags taaba, bɩ n wilg b raood ye. B sã n da maandẽ me, pa rigbã la kʋʋbã noom yĩng ye. - Yɩɩl Sõamyã 11: 5; Galat rãmba 5: 26. Jesus offered the value of his blood in behalf of all mankind There is no evidence that the fishing and the animal were slaughtered or that if they had done so, they would have been unable to express themselves with courage and courage. - Psalm 11: 5; Galatians 5: 26. Wakat n zĩnd tɩ saam - bi - poak yʋʋr sẽn boond t'a Mart * sũur da sãam hal wʋsgo. What do you think? At one point, a sister named Martha was deeply distressed. La y bao tɩrlem ne sik - m - menga tɩ daar ninga, b na n lilla yãmb [a Zeova, NW] sũ - puugra raare. " " You always stick to what you have agreed to do, " he said. Seek righteousness, seek meekness. N ° a 3 Keep Seeking Jehovah 3 (1 Kor. 6: 9, 10) A Biig a Zeezi Kirist me kõo kiris - nebã noor sẽn yaa takɩ, n yeel woto: "Bɩ y kẽng n maan nebã buud fãa tɩ yɩ mam karen - biisi, n lis bãmb ne Ba, la Bi - ribla, la Sɩɩg - sõng yʋʋre, la y zãms bãmb tɩ b sak bũmb nins fãa mam sẽn yeel yãmb tɩ y maanã. What purpose did Jehovah reveal by means of the apostle Paul? Similarly, his Son, Jesus Christ, commanded Christians: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. Wãn to la a Zeova waoog tõndo? They may feel a need for relief, but you might point out that isolation is not the answer. How does Jehovah honor us? (Yɩɩl Sõamyã 94: 20) Wala makre, d segd n tagsa wãn to, zʋrnall bɩ televiziõ sã n togs kɩbay sẽn golem bɩ sẽn yaa ziri meng a Zeova Kaset rãmbã wɛɛngẽ? Paul said as much when he wrote: "Whether you are eating or drinking or doing anything else, do all things for God's glory. " - 1 Corinthians 10: 31. For example, how should we view television, television, or television reports about Jehovah's Witnesses? A Zeova sẽn tũnug ne Biiblã n wilg tõnd a sẽn ya a soabã, a kõ - d - la sor tɩ d tõe n pẽneg - a. Yet, making a wise choice may be the hardest thing a woman ever does, since her desire for the closeness and love possible in marriage can be very strong. By means of the Bible, Jehovah has allowed us to draw close to him. La b sẽn yeel t'a Davɩɩd sũur sãamame wã, rat n yeelame t'a sũur kasetã wilg - a lame t'a sẽn maanã pa segd ye. True, some Christians have " fallen among the missiles ' by being put to death as martyrs for their faith. On the other hand, David's conscience tells him that he did not have to do so. Sãnda me tẽedame tɩ ned sã n ki, b lebgd n dog - a - la zĩig a to. Why should we not neglect our program of regular Bible reading? Others believe that the dead are born and are born again. Bõe la kãsem - soab tõe n maan tɩ nebã tõogd n sõsd ne - a nana - nana? We will see why it is more urgent than ever to give encouragement to one another. How can an elder make it easier for him to talk to others? (Daniɛll 11: 1 - 12: 13) A Daniɛll sẽn da pa tõe n wʋm yãabã võor sõma wã, a soka malɛk ning sẽn taas - a koɛɛgã woto: "M soaba, bõn - kãens baasg na n yɩɩ bõe? " How should this understanding make us feel, and what should we be determined to do? Since Daniel could not fully understand the vision, he asked the angel to whom he proclaimed: "What will these things be? " D sã n kõt a Zeova, yaa bõe la d pa tõe n tol n maane, la baasg zãnga, bõe la d na n tõog n maan wakat fãa? In addition, when meting out punishment, Jehovah is neither unduly stern nor overly permissive. If we give to Jehovah, what can we never do, but what will we be able to do? (Karm - y Bʋkaoodb 11: 36.) What caused this lack of faith? (Read Judges 11: 36.) Tõnd koe - moonegã pʋgẽ, toeeng bʋg n yaa tɩlae zĩis kẽer pʋsẽ masã? Husbands, Imitate Christ's Love, 5 / 15 In our ministry, what changes are needed in some areas now? Koɛɛg ning a Zezi sẽn moonã kõta saagr sẽn ka to. " Taste and See That Jehovah Is Good " The message Jesus preached gives the greatest hope. Ne manesem sãnda bʋs la neb nins sẽn " yãt ' Wẽnnaam ning ninsaalbã nin sẽn pa ne wã wilgd b tẽeb ne - a rũndã - rũndã? Will you show them no gratitude? What are some ways in which those who " see "the invisible God " demonstrate their faith in him today? Wala makre, b tõe n bãngame t'a Zeova ratame tɩ tõnd gom ne - a ne bas - m - yam n togs - a sẽn be d sũurẽ, n togs - a zu - loɛɛg ning fãa sẽn be ne - do. Twenty years had passed since Esau became bitter over losing his birthright to his twin brother, Jacob, and wanted to kill him. For example, they may know that Jehovah wants us to approach him with confidence in expressing our innermost thoughts and feelings. La pʋg - sɩd segd n talla sũ - mar me. Abel offered a gift involving life and blood to the Source of life, likely as a token of his intense longing for and in anticipation of the realization of Jehovah's promise. But a husband must also be long - suffering. Yʋʋmd 2008 wã tɛka, sõsg gom - zug sẽn yet tɩ: "Hasard ou conception? Jehovah will have proved to be the Great Deliverer. Since 2008, a series of articles entitled "Do You Know? " Tags - y sʋgs - kãensã zut neere: But he or she can steadily grow toward maturity as part of learning to put on the Christlike "new personality. " Reflect on these questions: Pʋʋsd - y neb a taabã yĩnga The Witnesses also dress neatly and are kind to others, regardless of nationality. Pray for Others (Vɛrse 15) A Zoob ra miime t'a yaa Wẽnnaam nug - tʋʋmde. Then he had the goat led off into the wilderness to carry away the nation's sins in a symbolic way. - Leviticus 16: 3 - 16, 21, 22. Job knew that he was God's work. A maana bõn - kãsems wʋsg a Moiiz sẽn pa maane. 14, 15. He did many wonderful things that Moses did not do. Bõe yĩng tɩ Sadiseẽ rãmbã tudgi, b sẽn kɩɩs kũum vʋʋgrã? He admits that it is not easy to be honest. Why did the Sadducees rebel against the resurrection? D nong - a lame, n dat n sak - a. For what was the congregation in Thyatira commended? We love him and want to obey him. • Wãn to la d tõe n sõng Biiblã karen - biig t'a tõog n da le zoe neba? In Israel, proselytes worshiped in the outer courtyard of Solomon's temple. • How can you help a Bible student overcome fear of man? Zerizalɛm ne a wẽn - doogã paama sãoongo, la b wilgame tɩ sẽn yɩɩd neb milyõ n ki komã, naamã poorẽ zaba, la Rom tãb - biisã zabr yĩnga. Sarah Jayne came to believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Jerusalem and its temple were destroyed, and more than a million people were killed because of hunger, war, and Roman armies. Yãmb dɩta a saglsã yõod bɩ? If so, learn more about God's message for mankind as found in the Bible and how it can benefit you today and in the future. Do you take full advantage of his counsel? Hakɩka, d sɩd tõe n boola Kiristã tɩ yam soaba. - Yel. Why will we consider examples of worldly thinking? Yes, it is possible for us to address Christ as wise. - Prov. Ges - y Miise 6: 10. Give Success to All Your Plans, " July Consider Micah 6: 10. " Wẽnnaam laafɩ wã yɩɩda ninsaalbã bãngr fãa, ' Sa - sika Show Loving - Kindness to Those in Need, 5 / 15 " The Peace of God... Sɩngrẽ wã, tõe n wõnda y pa tar daood n na n maan woto ye, la rẽ tõe n kẽes - y - la rabeem bilf menga. Whatever is our hope for the future, we have the privilege of enjoying the kind of relationship with Jehovah that Abraham had. At first, you may not have the courage to do so, but you may even be afraid. Yʋʋmd 33 Pãntekotã loogr poore, sẽn wa n zems yʋʋmd la kiis a wãn woto, ned a to me n paam tɩ Wẽnnaam zae - a ne a vʋʋsem sõngã. Psalm 72: 12 - 14 describes what this Ruler will do, stating: "He will deliver the poor one crying for help, also the afflicted one and whoever has no helper. After Pentecost 33 C.E. and a few months after Pentecost 33 C.E., another person was anointed by God to be anointed with holy spirit. Y yaa bi - bɩɩg n nan pa kẽ kãadem bɩ? A crowd of some 5,000 men, besides women and young children, are with Jesus and his disciples at a deserted place in the vicinity of Bethsaida, a village on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee. Are you a young person who is not yet married? Wa a Ziliẽ kibarã sẽn wilgdã, d segd n zʋʋga d saam - biisã pãn - komsmã, n ges b zʋg - sõma wã la b minimã. As important as it is for the ministry, zeal alone is not enough to draw people to God. As this experience illustrates, we need to focus on our brothers ' weaknesses, focusing on their good qualities and abilities. [ Foto rãmba, seb - neng a 7] In prayer, Jesus told Jehovah: "I have made your name known to them [Jesus ' disciples] and will make it known. " [ Pictures on page 7] Sɩd - sɩda, a Nowe moonegã ta a bõn - datlã, baa nebã manesem sẽn yɩ a soab fãa. (Mexico), Aug. Truly, Noah's preaching reached his goal, regardless of how people reacted. B zãmsda Wẽnnaam Gomdã ne taaba, b pʋʋsda ne taaba, tɩ woto kɩtdẽ tɩ b tar yam a yembre. This would involve their speech, their conduct - indeed, every aspect of their lives. They study God's Word together, pray together, and thus promote unity. D pẽgd d tẽed - n - taasã ne pʋ - peelem. Has the earthly part of Jehovah's organization remained focused on the more important things? Indeed it has! We warmly commend our brothers and sisters. Wa a Zezi sẽn da gom biig sẽn sãam a ba paoong yell n wilg biigã ba sẽn zoe a nimbãaneg to - to wã, a Zeova "zoe a [kambã] nimbãaneg " woto, n da tʋll ne a sũur fãa tɩ b lebg n wa a nengẽ. - Luk 15: 20. And, as the Bible says, "commit to Jehovah whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. " - Prov. As Jesus spoke of a son who felt sorry for his father's possessions, Jehovah "felt pity for him, " and he wanted to return to him. - Luke 15: 20. Baa ned sã zu n tõog n solg tɩ polɩɩs - rãmba, a patrõ, kãsem - dãmbã wall a zakã rãmb pa bãnge, a pa tõe t'a Zeova pa bãng ye. A Zeova na n wa vẽnega wagdem buud fãa. (Ebre. 19, 20. (a) How can your God - given hope become a reality? Even if a person has been able to hide the hypocrisy of the police, the elders, or family members, Jehovah cannot be hidden from any kind of stealing. Sẽn paase, baa tõnd yʋʋm sẽn ya a soaba, pʋ - peelmã yaa pipi bõn - kãsenga, neb nins d sẽn get tɩ b yaa d zo - rãmbã nengẽ. When Naomi is resurrected to life on earth, she will learn that Ruth, who will also be there, became an ancestress of Jesus, the Messiah. Moreover, regardless of our age, honesty is of great importance to those we view as friends. Wãn to la d tõe n segl d mens n gũ? Pride that arises from such things is improper and is displeasing to Jehovah. - Jeremiah 9: 23; Acts 10: 34, 35; 1 Corinthians 4: 7; Galatians 5: 26; 6: 3, 4. How can we prepare for it? A ra na n tũnuga ne yel - kãngã n kos a Zeova t'a raag Israɛll nebã n base, la a kɩt tɩ yẽ yagensã lebg bu - kãseng bɩ? Bible prophecy shows that even some of "the kings of the earth " are going to declare regarding that destruction:" Too bad, too bad,... because in one hour your judgment has arrived! " Would he ask Jehovah to remove the Israelites and make him a great nation? A Gehazi sẽn maan woto la a yag a Zeova no - rɛɛsã ziri wã, baasa wãna? How should a husband or a wife behave as a lesser one, and how can this affect a marriage? What was the result of her lying to Jehovah's prophet? b) A Zeova manesem yɩɩ wãn to ne tõtbã? What does it mean to love God with (a) our "whole heart "? (b) How did Jehovah deal with the rebels? Sẽn na n wa vɩɩmd - b tẽngã zugã sẽn namsdã, nafd - b lame They can be stolen or consumed by decay. Those who will live on earth benefit from the suffering they experience Rɩk - y makr n wilg tɩ wẽn - zoeerã tõe n kɩtame tɩ ned paam sũ - noogo, baa a sã n namsd a tẽebã yĩnga. For example, if we make it a practice to think about sinful actions, this could lead to our acting out such fantasies. Illustrate how godly fear can lead to happiness despite persecution. Baa yʋʋm wʋsg rẽ loogr poore, a Zeova kell n wilgame t'a Zoob yɩɩ nin - tɩrga. Those doing this worldwide preaching and teaching work are all volunteers. Even after many years, Jehovah continued to demonstrate Job's integrity. Bala, a ra pa rat t'a tʋʋmdã wa rɩ sẽk ning a sẽn dɩkd n get a zakã yɛl la tẽebã yɛl yellã ye. In fact, Jesus spoke the truth as no other man ever had. Because he did not want his secular work to arrive at the time he spent caring for his family and spiritual matters. (Matɩe 12: 27) A Zezi tagsgã ra yaa woto: " Sɩda, mam sã n digd zĩn dãmbã ne a Sʋɩtãan pãnga, rẽnd yãmb mensã karen - biis tʋmda ne pãn - kãnga. ' Develop the Mind of Christ Today Jesus was, in effect, saying: " If I expel demons and the demons, you are a minister of you. ' (Matɩe 24: 45) Naoor wʋsgo, Gũusg Gasgã tika Biiblã zug n wilg vẽeneg tɩ "tʋm - tʋmd " ning sẽn kõt tẽebã rɩɩbã yaa kiris - neb nins sẽn paam vʋʋsem sõngã zaeebã sulli. This was likely to suggest shamefulness or impending doom. The Watchtower often makes it clear that the spiritual food provided by "the faithful steward " is a group of anointed Christians. A zu - loɛɛgã yaa a sẽn da pa mi pipi kiris - nebã tigingã sẽn sigl to - to wã. These happy publishers are sharing the Kingdom message with an appreciative listener at Vigadó Square in Budapest, Hungary She did not know how the early Christian congregation was formed. 21 Wilg - y tɩ y be a Zeova poorẽ (b) In what way does Jehovah show himself eager to notice and reward his servants? 21 Show Respect for Jehovah's Loyalty Misioneer - dãmba, n paas neb a taab kẽnga Gileaad Lekollã n tɩ paam zãmsg sõma. What I Chose as a Child, 1 / 15 missionaries, others, and others have attended Gilead School for effective training. 24: 14; Fil. 2: 15) Woto, b sõnga neb milyõ - rãmb tɩ b lebg nin - tɩrs a Zeova nifẽ. - Karm - y Daniɛll 12: 3. 2000 36 * Thus, millions have been helped to become righteous in Jehovah's eyes. - Read Daniel 12: 3. 10: 31. Even when young people reach adulthood and have their own families, their fathers and mothers continue to give them loving attention and support. 10: 31. Yɩ - y kõta, n paam a nafa, N ° a 1 Are you one of the other sheep who supports the anointed in this vital work? Keep Your Eyes on the Spirit, 1 / 15 Bõe yĩng tɩ d pa segd n sĩnd n pa wilg nebã tɩ d sakda yamleoog kũun sẽn na yɩl n teel tʋʋmd ning a Zeova Kaset rãmbã sẽn pidsd dũniyã gill zugã? 3: 14. Why should we not hold back from making voluntary donations to support the worldwide work of Jehovah's Witnesses? 1, 2. Those coming to their end will be ungodly. 1, 2. Yaa a Ãdem naanegã tɩ yʋʋm tusr la zak poor bal la a Nowe rog - yã. Those who expend themselves in the ministry give evidence of their strong faith (See paragraph 13) Only a thousand years after Adam's creation had passed since Noah was born. (Ezekɩɛll 38: 14 - 16, 18 - 23) Tʋm - tʋmd a Zã gʋlsame: "Dẽ, mam yãa [saas] sẽn pake, la haya! In the last book of the Bible, we find these words: "He [Jehovah God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away. " The apostle John wrote: "Look! D na n goma zu - loees a yoob sẽn wae kãadmã pʋgẽ yelle, la Biiblã sagls tũub sẽn tõe n sõng n welg - b to - to. He healed the man, compassionately telling him: "I want to! Let us consider six common situations that are common in marriage and see how applying Bible principles can help them to solve them. 3: 8) Yaa tʋʋmdã la b get n keo, la pa tʋʋmdã sẽn wom biis ninsã ye. What Do We Owe Our Neighbor? The fruitage of the work is considered to be done, not by the results of the work. 25: 22; Maan. Few people undergo such radical changes in their life as did David, the son of Jesse. 25: 22; Lev. b) Bõe yĩng tɩ d segd n maand a Zeova raabã ne d sũur fãa? Having Jehovah as his share meant more to Asaph than the material sustenance he received as a Levite. (b) Why should we serve Jehovah with a complete heart? Rĩm a Ezekɩas ra yɩɩ ned sẽn teeg a Zeova tɩ pa yɩ zaalem ye. As we make decisions, however, we humbly allow our power of reason to be guided by Jehovah's infinitely superior mind. King Hezekiah was a man who trusted in Jehovah. Manegrã wakat ta n saame! Hope for the Dead - The Resurrection 14 The End Is Near! loalg la bʋʋs a yi ninsaalbã yĩnga And he does not anoint Kingdom heirs by causing them to hear voices with messages to that effect. A bull and his goats La yãmb yẽ? * Instead, he "sat down at the right hand of God, from then on waiting until his enemies should be placed as a stool for his feet. " - Heb. What about you? A yeela woto: "Wakat fãa, yãmb noor pa lebd poorẽ ye. " [ Picture on page 18] He said: "Your lips always do not turn aside from what is bad. " Ket - y n baood a Zeova " The weeds " were counterfeit Christians who infiltrated the early Christian congregation. Keep On Seeking Jehovah Raab bʋg la a Zeova tũnug ne tʋm - tʋmd a Poll n vẽnege? How does the congregation benefit? What purpose did Jehovah use to make known to the apostle Paul? Tõe tɩ yaa b yellã tɩɩm la b baooda, la y tõe n wilg - b lame t'a tɩɩmã pa b sẽn na n bas tigingã ye. What happened to Absalom, and how did David react? Perhaps they look for solutions, but you can show them that the solution will not be taken away from the Christian congregation. A Poll togsa bũmb sẽn wõnd woto, a sẽn gʋls tɩ: "Yãmb sẽn dɩta walla yãmb sẽn yũuda walla yãmb sẽn maand bũmb a taaba, bɩ y maan fãa Wẽnnaam waoogr yĩnga. " - 1 Korẽnt dãmba 10: 31. Why Allow Evil, Suffering? Paul described something similar when he wrote: "If you are eating or drinking or doing anything else, do all things for God's glory. " - 1 Corinthians 10: 31. La sẽn mik tɩ pag rata ne a sũur fãa n kẽ kãadem ne rao sẽn na n sɩd nong - a tɩ yẽ me nong - a wã, tõe n yɩɩ toog wʋsg ne - a t'a tõog n bãng n yãk rao ning sẽn tog ne - a wã. Jesus ' genealogy, as recorded by Matthew, mentions four women by name - Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Mary. However, if a husband is determined to love his wife, he may find it difficult to choose whom he should choose. (Ezai 53: 3) Yaa sɩd tɩ "pɛɛmã tata kẽer tɩ b lʋɩtẽ, " bala b kʋʋ kiris - neb kẽer b tẽebã yĩnga. Similarly, in modern times, Jehovah's Witnesses scour the earth in search of those who yearn to know and serve God. True, some "were thrown into prison, " for some Christians were killed for their faith. Bõe yĩng tɩ d pa segd n deem ne d Biiblã kareng daar fãa wã? 11, 12. Why should we not neglect our daily Bible reading? D na n yãa bũmb ning sẽn kɩt tɩ d segd n kengd taab raood masã n yɩɩd pĩndã. We may sit down with good intentions of feeding spiritually, but before long the mind may, in effect, be grazing in other pastures. We will consider why we need to encourage one another now more than ever. D sẽn wʋmd Kirist waoongã sẽn dat n yɛɛlgã, kɩtame tɩ d mi bõe, la bõe la d segd n modg n maane? Draw Close to God What do we know about Christ's coming, and what should we be determined to do? (Hebre dãmba 4: 13) Sẽn paase, a Zeova sã n na n sɩbg neda, a pa sɩbgd - a tɩ loog nug wall a bas - a n pa sɩbg ye. Additionally, we have the complete Bible, and if we read it and meditate on its contents, we prepare ourselves for tests of faith. Furthermore, when Jehovah executes judgment, he does not punish or tolerates it. Bõe n kɩt tɩ b kong tẽeb n maan woto? Indeed, God's Word assures us: "Happy is the man in fear of Jehovah. " - Psalm 112: 1. What caused them to lose faith and do so? 1 / 5 He said: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations. " 5 / 15 " Lemb - y n ges - y t'a Zeova yaa sõma ' Businesses shut down, and people danced in the streets. " Draw Close to Jehovah Is Good " Fo pa na n wilg - b tɩ f sũur nooma ne rẽ sɩda? In Peru, our publications are being translated into six languages. Would you not show your appreciation for it? Bɩ d tẽeg Biiblã kibar a ye sẽn sɩd wilgd rẽ. Walking in God's name involves at least three things. Consider a Bible example. A Abɛll kõo vɩɩmã Yẽgr soab kũun sẽn yaa vɩɩm la zɩɩm, tɩ wõnd yaa bãnd sẽn wilgd t'a gẽegda a Zeova kãabgã pidsg sõma - sõma. (a) What has contributed to the increase in violence in the last days? Abel gave the life - giving gift of life and blood as a symbol of his hope of the fulfillment of Jehovah's promise. Rẽ na n wilga vẽeneg tɩ sɩd yaa a Zeova bal n tõe n fãag ãdem - biisã. In ancient times, of what was the yoke a symbol, and why did Jesus invite people to take his yoke upon them? This will make it clear that Jehovah alone has the means to save mankind. B sã n sɩng " nin - paalgã yelgre, ' n maood n na n wõneg Kiristã, b wat n lebga wa kãsemba. (Efɛ. How can baptized brothers show themselves courageous? When they begin to "put on the new personality, " they become full - grown adults. Kaset rãmbã ra leb n ningda fut tɩ zemse, la b ra nonga taaba, baa b sẽn da yit tẽng ningã fãa. Those with some agricultural experience would also realize that the bearded darnel's root system usually intertwines with that of the wheat. The Witnesses also displayed proper dress and grooming, regardless of their nationality. Wakat kãnga, a basda boɛɛgã t'a kẽng we - raoogẽ wã. Woto ra wilgdame tɩ boɛɛgã loogã ne Israɛll nebã yel - wẽna fãa. - Maankʋʋre 16: 3 - 16, 21, 22. (b) What trick did Satan use, and how could Christians avoid it? At that time, the goat was allowed to go into the wilderness, thus showing that the goat and the sins of the Israelites were cast into the wilderness. - Leviticus 16: 3 - 16, 21, 22. 14, 15. [ Picture on page 28] 14, 15. A wilgame tɩ yɩl n tõog n yɩ pʋ - peelem soab pa nana, n yeel woto: "Yõodã raab yĩng wall wags - taabã yĩng tõe n kɩtame tɩ tʋʋmd taoor soab sɩng pʋ - lik tʋʋma. But Jesus stripped away all falsehoods for the benefit of honesthearted people. He explains that it is not easy to be honest, for he says: "The desire of the flesh or the competitive spirit can lead to corruption. Wẽnnaam Sebrã pʋgẽ, b mi n lebgda gom - bil ning b sẽn lebg ka tɩ " maan - neerã ' me tɩ " neerlem ' la " sõmblem. ' In addition, we will examine four gifts from Jehovah that help us to endure in bearing fruit. God's Word also uses the word "loving - kindness " and" goodness. " Bõe yĩng la b pẽg Tiyatiir tigingã? Right down to our own day, Jesus continues to have a personal interest in the evangelizing work. Why were Thyatira commended? (Wilgri 7: 9, 15) Israɛlle, bu - zẽms neb sẽn tuubã ra balemda a Salomo wẽn - doogã yɩng samand pʋgẽ. (b) What comments are often made about the conventions of Jehovah's Witnesses? In Israel, people of the nations worshiping Solomon in the courtyard of Solomon's temple. (Yɩɩl Sõamyã 119: 105; Rom dãmba 15: 4) A Sarah Jayne wa n tẽeme tɩ Biiblã yaa Wẽnnaam Gomd vʋʋsem sõngã sẽn vẽneg tɩ b gʋlse. He wrote: "Every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed all things is God. " Sarah later believed that the Bible was inspired by God's inspired Word. Bɩ y zãms Biiblã n bãng koɛɛg ning Wẽnnaam sẽn taasd nebã, la koe - kãng sẽn tõe n naf - y to - to masã menga, la beoog - daare. Child Is Disabled, 2 / 1 Learn the truth about God's message and how it can benefit you now and in the future. Bõe yell la d na n gome, la bõe yĩnga? A study of Daniel's prophecy shows that this final world power is depicted in the image as the feet and toes. What will we consider, and why? " Pids pʋleng ning fo sẽn pʋlmã, " Tʋʋl - nifu Before considering this article, you would benefit from reading Psalm 83 in order to familiarize yourself with its contents. Do You Have "a Heart to Know " Jehovah? (Heb. 11: 13) D saagd n na n wa tɩ vɩɩmda saasẽ tɩ yaa tẽngã zug me, d ned kam fãa tõe n paam n yɩ a Zeova zoa wa a Abrahaam. During ancient Israel's long dry season, such refreshing dew was the principal source of moisture for vegetation. Whether our hope is heavenly or earthly, all of us can have a personal relationship with Jehovah as Abraham did. (Tʋʋma 17: 31) Yɩɩl Sõamyã 72: 12 - 14 bilga Rĩm kãng sẽn na n maanã woto: "Yẽ na n fãaga nimbãan - ned sẽn kelemda la naong soab sẽn ka tar sõangda. She spins, lands gracefully on one skate, and continues circling with him on the ice. Psalm 72: 12 - 14 describes this King as saying: "He will deliver the poor one crying for help, also the afflicted one and whoever has no helper. ▪ Sagls sẽn sõngd kiris - ned t'a kãadem tall barka To illustrate how this might be done, let us look for positive characteristics in two men who are at times cast in a negative light. ▪ Helping a Christian to make a success of marriage B ra bee zĩig sẽn pa zãr ne Bɛtsayida sẽn yaa tẽn - bil sẽn be Galile mogrã rɩtgã. A Zezi sẽn yã kʋʋngã, b nimbãaneg yõk - a lame. A maaga kẽer bãase, la a zãms - b bũmb wʋsg Wẽnnaam Rĩungã wɛɛngẽ. Our dedication to God is the most significant promise we could ever make, and frequent prayer will help us to keep it. They were in a remote area near the Sea of Galilee, where Jesus felt pity for the crowds, healing them and teaching them many things about God's Kingdom. Koe - moonegã pʋgẽ, yẽesem bal pa sek d na tõog n sõng nebã tɩ b bao n bãng Wẽnnaam ye. It can also put one in a restless, dreamy state of mind at night, depriving one of sweet sleep. It is not enough merely to help people get to know God. Matthews), Zĩ - likri It was a requirement that imposed no hardship whatsoever on them. No. 5 (Tõodo 6: 5, 6) B ra segd n wilga rẽ ne b no - goam la b yel - manesem, sẽn dat n yeel tɩ b vɩɩmã nens fãa pʋsẽ. We will examine Scriptural truth in what three areas? This should have been demonstrated by their words and deeds - their entire way of life. Woto fãa pa wilgd t'a Zeova siglgã babg ning sẽn be tẽngã zugã lʋɩɩsda bũmb nins sẽn tar yõod n yɩɩdã taoor sɩda? TODAY, when so many things threaten our well - being, it is natural to look for someone or something that will provide security. Do not all of this show that the earthly part of Jehovah's organization puts spiritual things first? Rẽ poor bɩ f "rɩk f yɛlã n bas ne Sẽn - Ka - Saabo, la f sẽn saagdã fãa na paam pidsgu. " - Yel. Why did the woman approach the two Christians with such urgency? Then let your affairs take place before Jehovah, and your plans will be fulfilled. " - Prov. 19, 20. a) Bõe la y segd n maan n wa paam vɩɩm sẽn kõn sa wã? Are you motivated by it to make the necessary changes to bring your life - style, values, and goals into harmony with what Jehovah requires? 19, 20. (a) What must you do to gain everlasting life? (Rut 4: 14 - 17) B sã n wa vʋʋg a Naomi ne a Rut tɩ b na n vɩɩmd tẽngã zugu, a Naomi na n bãngame t'a Rut wa n yɩ a Zezi sẽn yaa Mesi wã yaaba. (Mat. Some 40 years later, Moses forcefully reminded another generation of Israelites of the choice before them. When Naomi and Ruth were resurrected to life on earth, Naomi will learn that Ruth came to be Jesus, the Messiah. Zu - zẽkr bõn - kãensã yĩng pa zemse, la a yaa bũmb sẽn pa noom a Zeova. - Zeremi 9: 22; Tʋʋma 10: 34, 35; 1 Korẽnt dãmba 4: 7; Galat dãmba 5: 26; 6: 3, 4. Indeed, the more we appreciate Jehovah's goodness and his willingness to help us, the more we will be moved to pray with confidence. Such privileges are unfair, but they are displeasing to Jehovah. - Jeremiah 9: 22; Acts 10: 34, 35; 1 Corinthians 4: 7; Galatians 6: 3, 4. Biiblã wilgdame t'a sãangã sasa, baa "dũniyã rĩm dãmbã " kẽer na n yeela woto:" Kato! Kato!... Wakat bilf pʋgẽ fo bʋʋd waame. " (Wil. Follow the Golden Rule. The Bible shows that even some of "the kings of the earth " will say:" There will be a time when you will be judged. " Wãn to la rao ne a pag wilgd tɩ b yaa sik - m - mens rãmba, la wãn to la rẽ na n naf b kãadmã? Some Jews in Paul's day were proud that they had God's Law. How does a couple demonstrate humility, and how can this benefit their marriage? Nong Wẽnnaam a) ne d "sũur fãa " wã rat n yeelame tɩ bõe? We are surrounded by people who are haughty and unthankful, attitudes that can rub off on us. (a) What does it mean to love God "with our whole heart "? Wagda tõe n zu - a lame, a leb n tõe n sãamame. A skilled translator knows the importance of understanding the intent of an author; such knowledge affects many translation decisions. In time, the man may have a problem with his wife, but he can also be destroyed. La d sã n tagsd yoob yell wall d mamsd bõn - wẽns a taab maanego, d tʋls - wẽnsã na n wa paama pãnga, tɩ d maan yel - wẽnde. " Choose Life to Keep Alive, ' 6 / 1 On the other hand, when we focus on immoral thoughts or temptations, our desires will gradually become stronger and we may fall into sin. Neb nins fãa sẽn moond koe - noogã woto la b zãmsd - a neb a taab dũniyã gill zugã kõo b mens ne yamleoog n maand - a. If your parents do something that tends to diminish your respect for them, what then? All those preaching the good news and teaching others worldwide are voluntary. (Hebre dãmba 1: 1 - 3) Ned ba a ye zɩ n gom sɩdã yell wa a Zezi ye. The Bible answers, saying: "All [humans] have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. " No one has ever spoken the truth as Jesus did. Tall - y Kiristã tagsg rũndã - rũndã People's material needs will be satisfied. Keep Christ's View of Today Tõe tɩ rẽ wilgdame tɩ b ning - a - la yãnde, bɩ tɩ b na n kʋ - a lame. The line of descent of the offspring of the woman had to be protected from extermination and contamination. This may suggest that he was humiliated or killed. Koe - moondb a yiib sẽn moond koɛɛgã Budapest zĩig a ye b sẽn boond tɩ Vigadó Square, Hõngri soolmẽ wã. B sõsda ne paga, t'a maag a yĩng n kelgdẽ Caring for the spiritual needs of several million people was an enormous task, and the priests were relatively few in number. Two Kingdom publishers in Poland, a village in Poland, had a conversation with a woman who listened carefully to the Bible message. b) Wãn to la a Zeova mengã wilgd t'a neeme la a na n dola a sõgen dãmbã? First, Jesus Christ had to be resurrected to present the value of his sacrifice to God in our behalf. (b) How does Jehovah himself show that he sees and rewards his servants? 1 / 4 Besides adding a vital spiritual dimension to one's life, godly devotion nurtures such beneficial qualities as love, joy, peace, and self - control - all of which contribute to a positive outlook and good health. - Galatians 5: 22, 23. 4 / 15 36 2000 Back at that time, there were not a sufficient number of Levites to care for temple service. 36 Baa kom - bɩɩsã sã n wa lebg kãsemb n tar b mens zagse, b ba rãmbã la b ma rãmbã ket n geta b yell ne nonglem la b sõngd - ba. He was not ashamed of the good news. Even young ones who are raised as ministerial servants, parents, parents, and mothers continue to care for them lovingly and lovingly. Baa y sã n pa kiris - ned sẽn paam vʋʋsem sõngã zaeebo, y sõngd - a lame n tʋmd tʋʋm - kãngã sẽn fãagd yõyã bɩ? Consider Jeremiah's prophecy concerning the new covenant, made with anointed Christians, which makes true forgiveness possible for those who exercise faith in the ransom. Even if you are not a anointed Christian, are you helping him to fulfill this lifesaving commission? 3: 14. But they love their son so much! 3: 14. B rãmb nins sẽn na n menemã yaa wẽn - kɩɩsdbã. God made man and woman in His image, giving them the capacity to reflect His wonderful qualities. Those who have strayed will fall away are ungodly men. Neb nins sẽn moond koɛɛgã ne yẽesmã wilgdame tɩ b tẽebã tara pãnga (Ges - y sull 13) The apostles had good reason to believe that the holy spirit could help them. Those who zealously share in the preaching work demonstrate their faith (See paragraph 13) Biiblã yaoolem sebrã pʋgẽ, b yeelame tɩ Wẽnnaam a Zeova "na n yẽesa nintãmã fãa t'a ra le zĩnd bãmb ninẽ ye, la kũum ka na n le zĩnd ye, la sũ - sãoong bɩ yãbr wall toog kõn le zĩnd yɛs ye, tɩ bõe, dẽenem bũmb fãa loogame. " Like a firm but loving parent, God had been obliged to speak "against " his children, repeatedly warning them about their sinful ways. The last book of the Bible says that Jehovah God "will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away. " Raoã nimbãaneg yõka a Zezi, t'a yeel - a woto: "Mam datame. Peter said that they could get their sins "blotted out. " The man felt pity for Jesus, and he told him: "I want to. Bõe samd la d tar ne d taabã? Her husband, Vladimir, and their three sons all serve as elders. What do we have toward others? Ned - ned vɩɩm n toeem wʋsg wa a Zese biribl a Davɩɩd vɩɩmã. First the King fights the war, and then the marriage takes place. A person's life changed like that of Jesse's son David. La pa a Azaf sẽn da yaa Levi ned tɩ kɩt t'a paamd bũmb ninsã yĩng bal la a sẽn yeel t'a Zeova yaa yẽ pʋɩɩrã ye. How does Jehovah view the service of his young Witnesses? However, it was not because Asaph, a Levite, had what he said that Jehovah was the share of his inheritance. (Rom dãmba 12: 1, NW) La d sã n wa yãkd yam n na n maan bũmbu, d segd n saka ne sik - m - menga, t'a Zeova yamã sẽn ka mak - n - taagã wilg - d d sẽn tog n tʋm to - to ne d yam tagsgã. " Wine is a ridiculer, intoxicating liquor is boisterous, and everyone going astray by it is not wise. " - PROVERBS 20: 1. On the other hand, when making decisions, we should humbly submit to Jehovah's wisdom, and Jehovah's incomparable wisdom can show us how to act wisely. La a sã n zae sẽn na n dɩ - b naam Rĩungã pʋgẽ wã ne vʋʋsem sõngã, a pa kɩtd tɩ b wʋm koees tɩ kõ kaset ne rẽ ye. Illustrate. But when he is anointed with holy spirit, he does not give a witness. * A zĩnda Wẽnnaam rɩtgo, " n gũud a bɛɛbã sẽn na n lebg a naoã roagendga. ' - Heb. Suddenly, she was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer and was told that she had from three to six months to live. * He was at God's right hand, " awaiting the feet of his enemies. ' - Heb. [ Foto, seb - neng 14] We rejoice in the clear understanding that we have of God's Word, including the divinely inspired prophecy of Amos. [ Picture on page 18] " Nadensã " yaa ziri kiris - nebã sẽn kẽ pipi kiris - neb tigingã pʋgẽ wã. In the Bible, the Hebrew word for "dignity " can also be translated" splendor, " "majesty, "" glory, " and "honor. " " The weeds " are false Christians in the first - century Christian congregation. Wãn to la b sẽn maandã nafd tigingã tõre? Jehovah's angel continued: "Now come and let me send you to Pharaoh, and you bring my people the sons of Israel out of Egypt. " How does their doing so affect the entire congregation? Bõe n paam a Absalom, la a Davɩɩd manesem yɩɩ wãna? Jesus stated: "Everyone who keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. What happened to Absalom, and how did David react? Namsgã la yel - kɛgã yaa Wẽnd yelle - Yaa sɩd bɩ? Nevertheless, it is possible to demonstrate godly devotion despite such changes. Is God responsible for suffering and injustice? A Zezi yaab rãmbã roog b sẽn gʋls tɩ be Matɩe sebrã pʋgẽ, b goma pagb a naas yelle, sẽn ya a Tamaar, a Rahaab, a Rut, la a Maari. As a result, I am enjoying the ministry so much and find real satisfaction as I see Jehovah's words comforting others. " In the book of Matthew, Jesus ' lineage refers to four women - Rahab, Rahab, Rahab, Rahab, and Mary. Rũndã - rũndã me, dũniyã gill zugu, a Zeova kaset rãmbã saagda zĩig zãnga, n baood neb nins sẽn dat ne b sũy fãa n bãng Wẽnnaam la b tũ - a wã. How much effort do you put forth to study God's Word? Likewise today, Jehovah's Witnesses are everywhere, looking for those who sincerely seek to know God and serve him. 11, 12. We can be confident of his continued blessings now and unending blessings to come for all who finish the race. - Jas. 11, 12. 57: 15) A kõta tõnd yam la pãng sẽn na yɩl tɩ d tõog n mao ne zu - loɛɛg buuda fãa. - Zak 1: 5. May your attitude be like that of David, who sang: "O Hearer of prayer, even to you people of all flesh will come. He gives us wisdom and strength so that we can cope with any trial we may face. - James 1: 5. D tõe n wa zĩndame, n sɩd rat n dɩ tẽebã rɩɩbo, la tõeeme tɩ pa yã n kaoos la tõnd yamã sɩng n gõodẽ ye. Before the Flood, Seth's descendant Lamech worshipped Jehovah. We may be tempted to eat spiritual food, but we may soon lose our mind. Bao - y n pẽneg - y Wẽnnaam Let your child know that his reasons do not have to be exactly the same as yours. Draw Close to God Sẽn paase d tara Biiblã tõre, tɩ d sã n karemd - a la d bʋgsd a goamã zugu, bɩ sõngd - d tɩ b mi d sẽn segd n zã d mens to - to toog wakate. This would be presumptuous! Moreover, we have the complete Word of God, which helps us to understand how we should conduct ourselves in times of distress. Wẽnnaam Gomdã sɩd yetame: "Sũ - noog soab la ned ning sẽn zoet a Zeova. " - Yɩɩl Sõamyã 112: 1, NW. Pope Benedict XVI told a crowd in Australia: "A clear understanding of the Spirit almost seems beyond our reach. " God's Word says: "Happy is the man in fear of Jehovah. " - Psalm 112: 1. A yeelame: "Bɩ y kẽng n maan neba buud fãa tɩ b yɩ mam karen - biisi. " (b) In what areas will flexibility be of help, and why? He said: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations. " Nebã basa b tʋʋma, n kɩdem sũ - noog la b sao soɛyã zutu. I decided to work harder at acquiring spiritual riches. " People have left their jobs, rejoice, and rejoice in the abundance of their teeth. Bũmb wʋsg la d segd n maan n waoog a Zeova la d sak - a. They needed to repent of their sins against God and against the Law covenant. There are many things we must do to honor Jehovah and obey him. a) Bõe n kɩt tɩ nen - kɛglmã paam pãng n paas yaoolem dayã pʋsẽ? 26: 41. (a) What has contributed to violence in the last days? Tẽn - kʋdem wẽndẽ wã, gol ra makda bõe, la bõe yĩng t'a Zezi bool nebã tɩ b wa rɩk a golã n pidi? What about the threat of death from persecution? In ancient times, what was represented by the yoke, and why did Jesus invite people to complete his yoke? Bõe la saam - biis nins sẽn deeg lisgã tõe n maan tɩ wilg tɩ b tara raoodo? But a song makes you feel a thought. " How can baptized brothers show courage? Sɩd yɩɩ woto yʋʋmã sẽn pʋgl tʋm - tʋmdbã kũum poorã. Why were new laws given to the Christian congregation, and how were these different from those given to the Israelites? This was true following the death of the apostles after the death of the apostles. b) Sɩlem bʋg la a Sʋɩtãan tũnug ne, la wãn to la kiris - nebã ra tõe n gil rẽ? To show honor to others, you can take the initiative to greet them at meetings. (b) What trap did Satan use, and how could Christians avoid it? La a Zezi yiisa zɩlem - beedã buud fãa kɛɛnga, tɩ naf pʋ - peelem dãmbã. Overseers in the congregation certainly show honor to elderly Christians. But Jesus removed all false accusations, and honesthearted people benefited. D leb n na n yãa bũmb a naas a Zeova sẽn kɩt tɩ d paamdẽ, tɩ sõngd tõnd tɩ d ket n womd biisi. • In what ways can we keep an eye on the interests of others? We will also consider four ways in which Jehovah helps us to keep bearing fruit. (Yaa tõnd n ning italikã.) Hal tɩ ta rũnd kãngã, a Zezi ket n wilgda ratem ne evãnzillã mooneg tʋʋmde. What resulted when the Jewish religious element acted against Jesus ' followers? Until that day, Jesus continues to show interest in the preaching work. b) Bõe la neba nong n yet a Zeova Kaset rãmbã tigis - kãsems wɛɛngẽ? How did holy spirit help the Jews to carry out God's will? (b) What do people often say about conventions of Jehovah's Witnesses? A yeela woto: "Roog fãa yaa ned n me, la soab ning sẽn me - a bũmb fãa wã yaa Wẽnnaam. " (Ebre. Lessons for Us: He said: "Every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed all things is God. " A Moiiz yɩɩ sik - m - meng soaba 1 / 2 His balance is further reflected in that there are far more occasions mentioned when Jesus worked long and hard in his ministry. - John 4: 34. 2 / 15 Yaa Babilon, Meed la Pɛrse, Gɛrɛse, Rom n paas pãn - soaad a to sẽn yaa yaoolem soaba, n dɩt naam tõnd wakatã. Soon the Bible acted like a very potent medicine to heal their hearts too. It is Babylon, Medo - Persia, Greece, Rome, Rome, and second world power in our day. Y sã n deng n karem Yɩɩl Sõamyã 83 soabã n bãng b sẽn yet bũmb ning be wã sõma n yaool n na n vaees sõs - kãngã, na n naf - y lame. Their reactions had a bearing on how Jehovah viewed them. You can benefit from reading Psalm 83 before considering what is said in this article. Israɛll sɩpaolgã sẽn kaoosdã wakat sã n da ta, yaa meenem kãngã sẽn yit tãngã zugã bal n da sõngd tɩ moodã la tɩɩsã pa kʋɩtẽ ye. This is made known in all the earth. ' " At the time of the end of the end of Israel's days, this dew from dew was the only water that helped plants and plants to plant. B tũuda so - bãaneg sẽn pid ne lond n pa lʋɩtẽ ye. • What qualities of Job especially appeal to you? They walk in the cramped shadow and remain in the midst of it. Sẽn na yɩl n bãng rẽ sẽn tõe n maan to - to, bɩ d ges rap a yiib nebã sẽn mi n ne b kongrã n yɩɩdã zʋg sõma. Above all, our joy is founded on our relationship with God. To find out how this can be done, let us look at two men who at their mistakes. (1 Rĩm 8: 56) Tõnd me sẽn dɩk d mens n kõ Wẽnnaamã yaa pʋleng d sẽn segd n mao n pidsi. The record of his life on earth is there in the Bible for all to read. As dedicated servants of God, we too need to make a vow to God. A tõe n kɩtame tɩ ned zãmsd bõn - kãens sẽn pa tar yõodã yell yʋngo, la kɩt t'a pa tar gõe - noog ye. How do Jehovah's Witnesses today imitate first - century followers of Jesus? It can enable a person to learn of valueless things at night and to lack sleep in sleep. Ra yaa noor tũub sẽn da pa toog ne - b ye. Illustrate how a Christian could take a positive view of a trying situation and what the result might be. It was a principle that was not difficult for them to obey. D na n vaeesa Gʋlsg Sõamyã sɩd zĩ - bʋs a tãab wɛɛngẽ? 16: 17, 18. What three areas of Scriptural truth will we examine? RŨNDÃ - RŨNDÃ yɛl wʋsg sẽn dat n sãam tõnd neerã yĩnga, zemsame tɩ d bao ned bɩ bũmb sẽn tõe n kogl - do. Thus you will be "keeping an eye, not in personal interest upon just your own matters, but also in personal interest upon those of the others. " WE LIVE in a time of concern for our well - being, it is proper to look for someone or something that can protect us. SEBRÃ GOM - ZUG SÕSSÃ What does it mean to be conscious of our spiritual need? FROM OUR COVER Bõe yĩng tɩ pagã pẽneg kiris - neb a yiibã ne yãgb woto? By God's power, however, they were restored to their homeland after 70 years, whereas the enemy nations were headed for ruin. Why does the woman feel such a sense of urgency? Yãmb ratame n toeem y vɩɩm manesmã koe - noogã yĩnga, y sẽn get yɛlã yõod to - to wã, la y bõn - datɩ wã, tɩ zems ne a Zeova sẽn baood tɩ y maanã bɩ? (See opening image.) Do you want to change your attitude toward the good news and your goals in harmony with Jehovah's requirements? Sẽn zems yʋʋm 40 loogr poore, a Moiiz lebs n togsa Israɛll buudã zãmaan sẽn da vɩ rẽ wẽndã vẽeneg tɩ b ra segd n yãka yam yɛl a yiib taoore. In all modesty, we recognize that such ones, who may seem to be weaker, may be as "rich in faith " as those among us who have more favorable circumstances. - Jas. Some 40 years later, Moses made clear that the nation of Israel living then needed to make two decisions. (Matɩe 7: 11; Luk 11: 13) Hakɩka, d sã n bãngd a Zeova sẽn yaa sõma to - to wã n paasdẽ la d miẽ t'a tʋll n sõng - d lame, d sẽn pʋʋsd - a ne bas - m - yam ningã me na n paasdame. Remember: In order to be useful to Jehovah, our humility should always exceed our ability. Yes, as we come to know Jehovah better and more that he wants us to come to his aid, we draw closer to him in prayer. Maan - y y taabã bũmb ning y sẽn dat tɩ b maan yãmbã. He imparts healthful teachings to all who listen, and he delights in the obedience of those whom he teaches, just as parents rejoice when their children respond to loving instruction. - Proverbs 27: 11. Do what you want to do to you. (Yikri 20: 14, 15) A Poll wakatẽ Zʋɩf rãmbã kẽer ra getame tɩ b sẽn tar Wẽnnaam Tõogã, yaa zu - zẽkr n kõ - ba. How do I respond when problems arise? Some Jews in Paul's day considered it a privilege to have God's Law. D vɩya neb sẽn yaa wuk - m - mens rãmb la zɩ - beoog rãmb sʋka, tɩ d sã n pa gũus bɩ d tõe n wa wõneg - ba. Do you follow a routine of personal study, making every effort to set aside time each week for family worship? We live among those who are proud and loved, and we may be like them. N - ye. A Zeova sẽn yaa Biiblã soabã ratame tɩ nebã bãng a yʋʋrã. Ned sã n dat n lebg sebr sõma, a segd n bãnga sẽn gʋls - a sebrã sẽn dat bũmb ninga, n tũ rẽ lebgrã sasa. Questions have their place. Yes, Jehovah, the Author of the Bible, wants people to know his name, and he must know what it will mean in harmony with it. Yãmb roagdbã sã n maan bũmb sẽn tõe n boog yãmb waoogrã ne - ba, bõe la y na n maane? " Attending that school was an unforgettable gift from Jehovah. " What would you do if your parents did something that could diminish your respect for them? Biiblã leokdame n yetẽ: "[Ninsaalbã] fãa maana yel - wẽna n kong Wẽnnaam waoogre. " Sadly, however, God's people did not always put their full trust in Jehovah's reminders. The Bible answers: "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. " Ãdem - biisã na n paama bũmb nins fãa sẽn yaa tɩlae ne - bã. Instead, Ricardo stuck to his routine of attending Christian meetings and sharing the Bible's message with others. Humans will have everything they need. Bãmb sɩfda yãmb nebã ne sɩlem n tagsd b sẽn na n maan neb nins yãmb sẽn gũudã n yetẽ yaa: " Wa - y tɩ d menes bãmb tɩ b yi dũniyã buud sʋka ' " (Yɩɩl 83: 3 - 5) A Sʋɩtãan sẽn da rat yaa a menes buud ning pʋgẽ yagengã sẽn na n dogã, wall a kɩt tɩ b kalem buud a taabã. We pray in confidence that "no matter what it is that we ask according to his will, [God] hears us. " They have influenced you to think about what people will do to say to you: "Come, you people, and let them come out of the world " - Satan the offspring of the woman, or any other nation. Neb milyõ rãmb tẽeb ratem yell gesg ra yaa tʋʋm - kãseng menga, tɩ maan - kʋʋdbã sõor da yaool n paoodẽ. Still, members of the Governing Body continued to serve as directors and officers of the Society. Millions of spiritual needs were of great importance, and the number of priests was very small. Pipi, a Zezi Kirista ra segd n vʋʋgame n tɩ wilg Wẽnnaam a maoongã yõod tõnd yĩnga. Like a vessel fit for destruction, the northern ten - tribe kingdom was conquered by the Assyrians and the southern two - tribe kingdom was dealt with similarly by the Babylonians. First, Jesus Christ had to be resurrected and presented the value of God's ransom sacrifice for us. Wẽn - sakrã sẽn kɩtd tɩ tõnd vɩɩmã tall tẽebã toor sẽn ka be, a paasda zʋg - sõma sẽn be nafr wala nonglem, sũ - noogo, laafɩ la yõk - m - menga, tɩ zʋg - sõma kãensa fãa sõngd n paasd yĩns laafɩ wã sõma. - Galat dãmba 5: 22, 23. During the closing decades of the 19th century, anointed Christians boldly engaged in the search for deserving ones. In addition to maintaining our spiritual health, godly devotion promotes such qualities as love, joy, peace, peace, long - suffering, and self - control, which contributes to good health. - Galatians 5: 22, 23. Yɩɩ wakat ning Israɛll nebã la bu - zẽms neb a taab sẽn da be ne - bã sẽn wa n yi b yembdã weoog Babilon n wa wã poorã. When we do, youth becomes a time for progressing in knowledge and wisdom. It was at the time that the Israelites and other foreign residents returned from Babylon after their exile in Babylon. A ra pa zoet yãnd ne koe - noogã ye. But while we appreciate a good night's rest, who wants to go to sleep forever? He was not ashamed of the good news. Bãngr - gomd a sẽn kɩt tɩ no - rɛɛs a Zeremi togs n wilgd rẽ. Bãngr - gomdã goma kaool - paalg ning a sẽn da na n wa maan ne sẽn paam - b vʋʋsem sõng zaeebã yelle. The unkindness could be expressed by spiteful neighbors, unfriendly strangers, even friends and family members who may, at times, act thoughtlessly. The prophecy concerning the new covenant, recorded by the prophet Jeremiah, pointed to the new covenant that he had made with his anointed followers. Rẽnd b sẽn kĩ ne neb nins tɩ b yaool n pa vɩ ne - b zak a ye pʋgẽ wã me naagame. In heaven, "they are to rule as kings over the earth " along with Christ. - Revelation 5: 10; 11: 15. Thus, the same is true of those who do not live with them in the same home. Wẽnnaam naana a Ãdem ne a Hawa a meng wẽnego, tɩ kɩt tɩ b ra tõe n dɩk a togs - n - taare. the Kingdom covenant. God created Adam and Eve in his image, giving them the capacity to imitate him. (Zã 14: 26) Tʋm - tʋmdbã ra bee bʋʋm n na n tẽ tɩ vʋʋsem sõngã ra tõe n sõng - b lame. 9: 9 - 15. The apostles had reason to believe that the holy spirit could help them. Woto me, yɩɩ tɩlae ne Wẽnnaam t'a wilg a nin - buiidã naoor wʋsg tɩ b sẽn maandã pa noom - a ye. Faithful to his purpose and to the meaning of his name, Jehovah caused himself to become a Prophet and a Savior. In a similar way, God had to show his people several times that they did not approve of their sacrifices. A yeel - b lame tɩ rẽ la b yel - wẽnã na n "paam yiisgu. " Imagine the mother's crushing grief. He told them that their sins would be forgiven. A sɩdã yʋʋr la a Vladimir. When we do so, we are reminded of what our faithful young people are facing. Consider the example of her husband. Pipi, rĩmã na n tɩ zabame. Rẽ poor la yi - kãadmã na n sɩnge. How can we face challenges and still retain "the peace of God "? First, the king will war, and then the marriage will begin. A Zeova tagsg yaa bõe ne kom - bɩɩs nins sẽn tũud - a wã? Blessed for Teaching the Truth How does Jehovah feel about his servants? Sẽn bas - a tɩ rãam lub - a ka yam soab ye. " - YELBŨNA 20: 1, Jehovah's Hand Stretched Out He that is making a drink is not wise. " - PROVERBS 20: 1, 2. Rɩk - y makr n wilg rẽ. God resurrected him to heaven and gave him the right to be King of the heavenly Kingdom. Illustrate. A wa n tiig n lʋɩɩ bãaga, tɩ logtoɛɛmbã ges - a n wilg tɩ fulfuud kãnsɛɛr n tar - a. What is meant by the word "fornication "? Later, he was diagnosed with cancer, and he was diagnosed with cancer. D kɩdemda d sẽn wʋmd Wẽnnaam Gomdã võor vẽenegã, t'a Amos bãngr - gomdã vʋʋsem sõng sẽn vẽnegã me naagã. He will have pity on the lowly and the poor, and the lives of the poor he will save. " - Psalm 72: 12, 13. We rejoice that we have a clear understanding of God's Word, which includes the inspired words of Amos. 2: 9) La b sẽn yeel tɩ d zã d mens ne waoogr a Zeova naamã la a ziirã yĩngã, pa tek d sẽn na n manegd d mens sõma bal ye. - Yɩɩl 111: 3. Yet, Jehovah used me to serve as an elder and to teach precious Bible truths to people who were more educated than I was. 111: 3. Mam na n tʋma foom Faraõ nengẽ tɩ f tɩ yiis mam neba sẽn yaa Israɛll yagensa Ezipt soolma pʋgẽ. " Elihu, on the other hand, did help Job spiritually, which is always the goal of a loving counselor. I will send you Pharaoh, and you must bring my sons out of the land of Egypt. " Ad a Zeezi sẽn yeele: "Ned ning fãa sẽn get pag ne ratem wẽng zoe n maana yoob ne - a a sũurẽ. The fact is that what we get out of our reading material depends to a large degree on how much time and effort we put into studying it. Jesus said: "Everyone who keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. La baa a soabã yɛl sẽn toeem to - to fãa, a tõe n kell n wilga a wẽn - sakre. Some sell "treatments " or" cures " backed with false claims or supposed testimonials. Yet, no matter how many changed, he can demonstrate his devotion to God. Masã, m zãmsda Biiblã sõma - sõma hal tɩ nafd - ma, tɩ m sã n karemd a kibayã me bɩ m wʋmd b võore. Likewise today, Jehovah is awake, attentive to carrying out his will. Now I do well to study the Bible carefully, and I benefit from it when I read it. Modg - bʋg la yãmb maand n zãmsd Wẽnnaam Gomdã? After his resurrection, Jesus addressed hundreds of his disciples and told them: "Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them..., teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " What effort do you make to study God's Word? (Yɩɩl 119: 165) A na n kell n sõng - d lame. We must be "the sort who have faith. " He will continue to help us. Bɩ d tall yam ning a Davɩɩd sẽn da tare, a sẽn yɩɩl woto wã: "Yãmb wʋmda pʋʋsgo. Centuries in advance, the Bible foretold that the Messiah would be "a Nazarene. " May we be like David, who sang: "O Hearer of prayer, even to you people of all flesh will come. A Lamek sẽn yɩ wẽn - sakd sẽn zĩnd nand tɩ sa - kãsengã ni wã goma a biig a Nowe yelle, n yeel yaa: "Bi - kãngã na n yɩɩ belsg tõnd yĩnga, d tʋʋm - toodã yĩnga. Similarly in our time, let no one think that the execution of Jehovah's judgment upon the wicked will occur in the distant future. However, the faithful man Noah, who lived before the Flood, said of his son Noah: "This son will be a comfort for us because of our hard work. * Rẽ poore, y tõe n sok - a - la woto: " Bũmb nins tõnd sẽn karmã sʋka, bõe n kɩt tɩ fo kɩs sɩd tɩ sẽn ki - bã pa be bʋg - tẽng n namsdẽ? ' How do you show that you value the privilege of being God's fellow worker? * Then you might ask, " What confidence do you have in the condition of the dead? ' Woto yɩtẽ - la tɩtaam! Jérôme, a missionary in French Guiana, has helped many young men to qualify for missionary service. That would be presumptuous! A Pap Benoît XVI sõsa ne kʋʋng Ostrali n yeel - b woto: "Wõnda d pa tol n tõe n bãng vʋʋsem sõngã sẽn yaa bũmb ningã takɩ ye. " 2: 15 - 17. " We do not know exactly what the holy spirit is like, " said a large crowd in Australia in Australia. b) B sã n yaa wʋmdba, wãn to la na n sõng - ba, la bõe yĩnga? However, if we are among "the good ones, " we can be sure that Jehovah takes note of our acts of faithfulness. (b) How can understanding help them, and why? M yãka yam n na n maan m sẽn tõe fãa n bao bũmb nins sẽn sɩd yaa arzɛk Wẽnnaam nifẽ wã. " So she mustered up courage and spoke forthrightly to Abraham. I am determined to pursue goals that are truly rich in God's eyes. " (Zak 1: 27) B ra segd n teka yam n kos sugr b yel - wẽnã b sẽn maan n beeg Wẽnnaam la ne Tõogã kaoolã yĩnga. Therefore, the question asked by the psalmist is very much on the minds of many parents and youths today. They had to repent of their sins against God and the Law covenant. 26: 41. Jehovah specifically linked reading his Word with being "courageous and strong " and not being" struck with terror or fear. " - Josh. 26: 41. (Matɩe 24: 45) Yaa wãn to yẽ, bɛɛbã sã n dat n kʋ tõnd d tẽebã yĩnga? On Teaching Proper Values: What if opposers try to kill us for our faith? Yaa yɩɩl sẽn kẽed d yam la d sũuri, n kɩtdẽ tɩ d maneg n nong a Zeova. They all recognized the authority of a governing body in Jerusalem. It is a song of wisdom that draws us closer to Jehovah. Bõe yĩng tɩ Wẽnnaam kõ kiris - nebã noy a taaba, la bõe n kɩt tɩ no - kãens yaa toor ne b rãmb nins a sẽn da kõ Israyɛll nebã? 3: 9, 12 - 14. Why were God's laws given to Christians, and why are these laws different from those that he gave to the Israelites? (Rom dãmba 12: 10) Sẽn na yɩl n waoog neb a taabã, y tõe n yãka yam n pʋʋsd - b tigissẽ wã. As reported by Luke, when Jesus said that we should love our neighbor, "a certain man versed in the Law " asked:" Who really is my neighbor? " To honor others, you can make it your goal to greet them at Christian meetings. Tigingã kãsem - dãmb waoogda kiris - neb nins sẽn kʋʋlã. Holy Spirit Made Bezalel Qualified Christian elders honor the elderly members of the congregation. Yɩta sõma tɩ yãmb mengã bao n bãng Biiblã sẽn yete. Could you also pray with your children each day? Why not examine what the Bible teaches? SEB - NENG 17 For example: 16 Our Readers Ask... • Sõdg - y bũmb kẽer d sẽn tõe n maan tɩ wilg tɩ d geta d taabã yelle. Why did Moses ask God about his name, and why were Moses ' concerns understandable? • What are some ways in which we can show concern for others? Bõe n maane, Zʋɩf tũudmã neb sẽn zab ne a Zezi karen - biisã? 3: 13. What happened when Jewish religious leaders attacked Jesus ' disciples? Wãn to la vʋʋsem sõngã sõng Zʋɩf rãmbã tɩ b pids Wẽnnaam daabã n baas wẽn - doogã meebo? No! How did holy spirit help the Jews to complete God's purpose? Zãmsg tõnd yĩnga: Ruth did not. Lessons for Us: A kɩls tɩ zemsã leb n puka sasa a taab yell b sẽn gom n wilg a Zezi sẽn wa n tʋm n kaoos wʋsg a ministɛɛrã pʋgẽ wã. - Zã 4: 34. We have identified the Bridegroom, but who is his bride? Its balanced balance is also presented at other times when Jesus worked long hours in his ministry. - John 4: 34. Pa kaoos la Biiblã tʋm wala tɩɩm sẽn tar pãng sẽn na yɩl n sãoog bãmb me sũyã ye. Would you have been moved to accept Jesus as the Messiah and become his faithful follower? The Bible soon sends such a powerful solution to their hearts. Tõe me t'a naaga Levi neb nins sẽn yɩ - b sakdb Sinayi tãngẽ wã, n sõng n kʋ Israɛll neb nins sẽn kɩɩsã. " Sometimes my family went hungry, " he recalls while rubbing his belly, "but I wanted to give God my best, no matter what sacrifice was necessary. " He may also have joined his faithful Levites at Mount Sinai to kill the rebellious Israelites. Kɩt - y tɩ dũniyã fãa bãng bãmba. ' Do You Do What God Asks? Make known to them. " • Manesem nins a Zoob sẽn tallã sʋka, bʋg n yɩ yãmb noog n yɩɩda? Lifelong Joy in Doing God's Will (B. Yaremchuk), 6 / 1 • What was the greatest joy you had in dealing with Job? La sẽn yɩɩd fãa, yaa zood ning sẽn be tõnd ne Wẽnnaam sʋkã n kɩt tɩ d tar sũ - noogã. (Read Proverbs 15: 23.) Above all, it is the close relationship with God that makes us happy. B wilga a sẽn tʋm tʋʋm ninsã Biiblã pʋgẽ, tɩ nebã fãa tõe n karem. 10, 11. His activities are revealed in the Bible, and everyone can read it. Rũndã - rũndã, wãn to la a Zeova Kaset rãmbã rɩkd a Zezi pipi karen - biisã togs - n - taare? " Jehovah, the Creator of the extremities of the earth,... is giving to the tired one power; and to the one without dynamic energy he makes full might abound. " - ISAIAH 40: 28, 29. How do Jehovah's Witnesses today imitate Jesus ' early disciples? Wilg - y kiris - ned sẽn tõe n tall yam - sõng yel - toog pʋgẽ, la rẽ sẽn tõe n wa baas to - to. [ Picture on page 25] Explain how a Christian can maintain a positive outlook, and the outcome may be. 30: 19, 20) Bõe yĩnga? Illustrations also made Jesus ' teaching appealing and memorable. Why? 16: 17, 18. Jehovah Reveals What "Must Shortly Take Place, " 6 / 15 16: 17, 18. Woto, " yãmb ned kam fãa pa na n ges a meng yell bal ye, la y na n gesa y taab yell me. ' In the face of what to the Jews might have seemed overwhelming obstacles, Jehovah responded to Nehemiah's sincere plea for help. Thus, "each one of you will be concerned not only with his own interests but also with his own interests. " Neb nins sẽn mi tɩ b rata Wẽnnaam sor - wilgrã baooda bõe? How is the love that endures all things a help to married Christians? What is required of those conscious of their spiritual need? La ne a Zeova pãnga, b ra lebs n lugl - b - la b ba - yirã yʋʋm 70 poore. La wakat kãnga b tẽn - bɛɛbã ra rebda b sãoong zĩigẽ. In the future, Jehovah will employ his holy spirit in remarkable ways to accomplish the fulfillment of his purpose. After Jehovah's power, however, they were restored to their homeland for 70 years, and then their enemies were taken to destruction. (Ges - y sõsgã sɩngrẽ fotã.) God had said to him: "It is by means of Isaac that what will be called your seed will be. " (See opening image.) Nin - kãensã fãa nonga a Zeova, n dat n kell n sak - a ne b sũur fãa. Much of what children learn from their parents, especially in spiritual matters, comes from hearing them converse about Jehovah on a daily basis and from observing their example firsthand. All such ones love Jehovah and want to remain loyal to him. (1 Sãmwɛll 15: 17) D sã n yaa sik - m - meng soaba, d na n modg n tũu Biiblã sagl - kãngã: "Teeg Zusoabã ne f sũur fãa la f ra teeg f meng bãngr ye. Psalm 102 also shows how you might gain a more positive viewpoint. If we are humble, we will apply the Bible's counsel: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. (Zak 1: 17; 1 Tɩmote 1: 11, NW) A kõta neb nins fãa sẽn dat n kelgã zãmsg sẽn yaa sõma. A sũur leb n nooma ne neb nins a sẽn zãmsdã sakre, wala roagdb sẽn kɩdemde, b kamb sã n sakd b zãmsgã. - Yelbũna 27: 11. Yet, Moses had his mind set on more lofty matters - on doing God's will. He also appreciates those who are willing to pay attention to his teachings, even as parents rejoice when their children respond to their teaching. - Proverbs 27: 11. Maam ne m to moor sã n yõsge, m manesem yaa wãna? (Read.) How do I react when problems arise? Lebs - n - lugl kãng yell b sẽn da reng n togs Amos sak a 9 pʋgẽ wã pidsame. Yes. This restoration was also fulfilled in Amos chapter 9. Mam yãka daar n maand zak pʋgẽ Biibl zãmsgã semen fãa bɩ? ' Why, the leaders are oppressing the poor, defenseless people! Have I set aside a weekly Family Worship evening? ' Sẽn na yɩl n tõog n bãng kambã tagsgo, d segd n sokd - b - la sogsgo. These events will be considered in the following article. To understand the thinking of children, we need to ask them questions. * Yɩɩ Fãrense. Yɩɩ wa kũun a Zeova sẽn kõ - do, tɩ d pa tol n tõe n yĩm ye. " When I refused, the commanding officer ordered me into exile on the dreaded penal isle of Makrónisos (Makronisi). * It was like a gift from Jehovah that we could never forget. " Zu - bʋko, Israyɛll nebã pa sak Wẽnnaam saglsã wakat fãa ye. Without delay, the men sailed for Macedonia. Sadly, the Israelites did not obey God's counsel. La a Ricardo pẽdga ne kiris - neb tigissẽ wã kẽngr la a taasd Biiblã koɛɛgã neb a taabã. King David of ancient Israel wrote: "In the morning cause me to hear your loving - kindness, for in you I have put my trust. At Christian meetings and the Bible's message is being preached to others. Tõnd sã n pʋʋsd Wẽnnaam, d kɩsa sɩd tɩ " tõnd sã n kos bũmb sẽn zems [Wẽnnaam] daabo, a kelgda tõndo. ' Those were not empty words. If we pray to God, we are sure that " he hears us according to [God's] will. " La Siglgã zug Sull neb ra ket n yaa Sosiete wã taoor dãmba. Each of those decisions came with certain privileges and responsibilities. However, the Governing Body was still a member of the Society. Kaoosg zugẽ, Babilon nebã me wa n sãama Zida soolmã. Today, God's wrath is being made known in the judgment messages that are being poured out like plagues upon Satan's world, and such information appears in many of our Bible - based publications. - Rev. Later, the Babylonians too destroyed the kingdom of Judah. Yʋʋm kob - gĩnd 19 soabã saab sẽnese, kiris - neb nins sẽn zaeyã kẽesa b toog sẽn zems - b rãmbã baoob pʋgẽ ne raoodo. In 1922, what encouragement was given to witness from house to house, but how did some respond? Toward the end of the 19th century, anointed Christians took a courageous stand. D sã n maan woto, d na n tõogame n bɩɩs d bãngrã la d yamã d bi - bɩɩlmã wakate. See Revelation - Its Grand Climax at Hand! If we do so, we will be able to grow in knowledge and wisdom during our youth. Woto kɩtame tɩ d mi bũmb ning sẽn maand ned kũum poore, tɩ d pa le zoet rabeem ye. What questions can help us analyze ourselves? As a result, we know what happens after the death of a loved one. Naoor wʋsgo, sõmblmã kaalem tõe n puka yags sẽn yaa wẽns nengẽ, sãamb sẽn pa tar zood yam, la baa d zo - rãmb la d zak neb sẽn mi n pa tags la b tʋm nengẽ. It is a profound reverence and deep respect for God, a strong desire not to displease him. Often the loss of kindness can be seen from unbelieving neighbors, strangers, and family members who may have differ from our friends and relatives. (Rom dãmba 6: 3 - 5) Bãmb na n zĩnda saasẽ ne Kiristã " n dɩ naam dũniyã zugu. ' - Wilgri 5: 10; 11: 15. What an appropriate symbol of how Jehovah's righteous standards can protect our figurative heart! They will be with Christ in heaven "to rule as kings over the earth. " - Revelation 5: 10; 11: 15. Rĩungã kaool võore. To this end, Newsweek magazine said that some feel that governments should "encourage a general sense of civic virtue. " The Kingdom covenant. 9: 9 - 15. " This made the difference, " said Karolien. 9: 9 - 15. A Zeova kell n yɩɩ sɩd soab ne raab ning a sẽn da yãk n na n pidsã, la ne a yʋʋrã võore, tɩ kɩt t'a pĩnd n togs sẽn wate, la a yɩ Fãagda. When it comes to such matters as salvation and genuine peace and security, we are wise to put our trust in Jehovah alone. - Psalm 146: 3. Jehovah continued his purpose, his purpose, and his purpose for the future moved him to foretell and become a Savior. Mams - y n ges - y rẽ sẽn sãam a ma wã sũur to - to! When we read about such people as Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Rahab, Gideon, Barak, and many others, these accounts may move us to examine our own faith. How sad that must have been for her mother! Tõe n sõng - d lame tɩ d bãng d kambã sẽn dat n ta a Zeova yamã sẽn maood ne zu - loees ninsã. This brings them deep inner happiness. - Romans 4: 7, 8. It can help us to see what our children need in order to please Jehovah. Baa d sã n wa tar zu - loeese, bõe la d tõe n maan n ket n paamd "Wẽnnaam laafɩ wã "? (Read Acts 4: 29 - 31.) What can we do to maintain "the peace of God "? B paama bark b sẽn zãmsd nebã sɩdã yĩnga In this regard, Jesus said: "I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and intellectual ones and have revealed them to babes. " Blessed for teaching the Truth A Zeova zẽka a nugu Seven days before the floodwaters fell - just enough time for Noah and his family to load the animals into the ark - Jehovah finally told Noah exactly when the Flood would begin. Jehovah Called Him Out of Power Yaa wãn to la b wilgd a Zeova Kaset rãmbã sore? For example, consider the Hebrew word נפשׁ (transliterated ne'phesh), meaning "soul. " How are Jehovah's Witnesses guided? Yamsem Mogrã For I, Jehovah your God, am grasping your right hand, the One saying to you, " Do not be afraid. Salt Sea (Tʋʋma 2: 32 - 36) A sẽn yaa Rĩungã Rĩmã, Kirist Zezi na n paama tʋʋm - kãseng sẽn yit Wẽnnaam nengẽ. Lessons for Us: As King of the Messianic Kingdom, Jesus Christ will enjoy a wonderful work from God. Gom - biig ning sẽn yaa " yoobã ' võor yaa bõe? Why? What does the word "flee " mean? Far soab ne nimbãan - ned nimbãaneg tara yẽnda, la yẽ na n fãaga nimbãan - dãmbã vɩɩm. " - Yɩɩl Sõamyã 72: 12, 13. The Greek word translated "devoting themselves " implies enduring or persevering in a course with intense effort. He will feel sorry for the lowly one and the poor one, and the souls of the poor ones he will save. " - Psalm 72: 12, 13. La a Zeova sõnga maam hal tɩ m wa lebg kãsem soaba, la m tõog me zãms neb Biiblã, baa neb sẽn karem n zãage. This, to be sure, makes Jehovah's heart glad. But Jehovah helped me to qualify as an elder and even to conduct Bible studies. (Zoob 22: 5, 9) La a Elihu yẽ sõnga a Zoob wala sagend sẽn nong a sẽn sagend a soabã sẽn segd n maan to - to wã, t'a maneg zood ning a sẽn tar ne Wẽndã. Instead of arguing about what your mate should or should not be doing, why not sit down and check the Index together? First, look up the main heading "Parents. " Elihu, on the other hand, came to the aid of Job as he loved his counsel, and Elihu strengthened his relationship with God. Sẽn be yaa tɩ d sẽn paamd bũmb ning d karengã pʋgẽ wã bee wʋsg ne d sẽn dɩkd sẽk ning la d maand modgr ning n zãmsd - a wã. Attempting to drive a nail into wood without knowing how to use a hammer would be very difficult, even frustrating. The fact is that what we read in school depends much on the amount of time and effort we spend studying it. La yaa sẽn na yɩl n paam ligd bala. Jesus asked: "Indeed, which father is there among you who, if his son asks for a fish, will perhaps hand him a serpent instead of a fish? In order to obtain money, however, is merely a means to obtain only money. Rũndã - rũndã me, a Zeova ket n geta sẽn na yɩl t'a raabã pidsi. • Why should Jehovah's people today expect tests and tribulation? Likewise today, Jehovah continues to see to it that his will take place. A vʋʋgrã poore, a yeela a karen - biis sõor sẽn da ta kobs woto: " Bɩ y kẽng n maan nebã buud fãa tɩ yɩ mam karen - biisi, n lis bãmba..., la y zãms bãmb tɩ b sak bũmb nins fãa mam sẽn yeel yãmb tɩ y maanã. ' (Mat. Even his final words before he died included quotations of Messianic prophecies. After his resurrection, he told his disciples: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations,... teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " D segd n talla tẽebo. (Heb. Military training was designed to "inculcate in us the desire to kill other people and not to have any fear of killing, " he explains. We must exercise faith. Yʋʋm wʋsg sẽn deng rẽ, Biiblã togsame tɩ Mesi wã na n yɩɩ "Nazarɛt neda. " 2: 17. Centuries earlier, the Bible foretold that the Messiah would be "a man. " Woto me, tõnd wakatã, bɩ ned ba a yembr da tags t'a Zeova bʋ - kaoorã pidsg nin - wẽnsã zut na n kaoosame n yaool n wa ye. But those who serve unselfishly, being more concerned with what they can give than with what they hope to receive, find happiness indeed. Similarly, in our day, no one or one thought that Jehovah's judgment of the wicked will last longer. Sõs - kãngã na n wilga bũmb nins Wẽnnaam Rĩungã sẽn maan a sẽn sɩng naam dɩɩb na maan yʋʋm 100. She never made such a claim. This article will consider what God's Kingdom has done for some 6,000 years. YAA ned sẽn yɩ sodaas naaba. Furthermore, parents can become so busy caring for their sick child that their marriage suffers. THE man who was a leader of the army was a military leader. Ned sẽn sakd Wẽnnaam ne a sũur fãa pa basd tũudum hakɩkã ye. Results We May Not Know About A faithful servant of God does not give up on true worship. Wãn to la y wilgd tɩ y sẽn paam n yaa Wẽnnaam tʋmd - n - taagã yaa zu - zẽkre? " Who the Father is, no one knows but the Son, and he to whom the Son is willing to reveal him. " - LUKE 10: 22. How do you show that you treasure your privilege of serving God? Rẽnd saam - biig sã n maan bũmb tɩ saam - bi - poak pẽg - a, tõe n loka bũmb nins kãsem - dãmbã sẽn na n yeel - a wã. How do we react when we realize that the conflict seen in vision by Daniel - God's war of Armageddon - is very close? Thus, if a brother makes a mistake and gives commendation to an elder, he may make sure that the elders do so. 2: 15 - 17. They knew " how it felt to be a foreigner. ' Even before they were reduced to slavery, the Hebrews were likely shunned by the Egyptians because of racial pride or religious prejudice. 2: 15 - 17. La tõnd sã n bee "nin - sõama wã " sʋka, d tõe n kɩsa sɩd t'a Zeova pa yĩmd tõnd kɩs - sɩd tʋʋmã ye. Yes! On the other hand, if we are among "the fine ones, " we can be sure that Jehovah does not forget our faithful works. Rẽ n so t'a tall raoodo, n tɩ gom ne a Abrahaam, n pa zoe nif ye. Let us examine the illustration and how it involves us, whether we have the heavenly or the earthly hope. So he mustered up courage to speak to Abraham, not fear. Dẽnd woto yĩnga, sʋkr ning yɩɩl gʋlsdã sẽn da sʋkã paka roagdbã la kom - bɩɩsã wʋsg rũndã - rũndã. This number, by the U.S. system of numeration, is the figure 1 followed by 20 zeros. Hence, the question that the psalmist raised among parents and many young people applies today. A Zeova meng wilgame t'a Gomdã kareng sõngda ned t'a " keng a meng n paam daoodo, ' n " da zoe rabeem, ' la a ra "yɛɛs ye. " - Zoz. The answer to that question reveals Jehovah's flexibility in fulfilling his purpose. Jehovah himself showed that reading his Word helps us to "be courageous and strong " and" not to be afraid. " - Josh. D segd n zãmsa d kambã noy sẽn yaa sõma bɩ? The Bible says: "May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth. " Should we teach our children proper values? Tiging fãa ra ka maand a sẽn dat ye, b fãa ra saka taoor lʋɩtb sullã sẽn da be Zerizalɛmã zu - sobendo. And throughout the final phase of the great tribulation, Jehovah will protect his people. All members of the congregation were willing to submit to the authority of the governing body in Jerusalem. 3: 9, 12 - 14. 2 3: 9, 12 - 14. Wala a Luk sẽn wilgã, a Zezi sẽn wa n yeel tɩ d segd n nonga d taabã, " tõog karen - saamb a yembr ' n sʋk woto: "Ãnda la mam [to, NW]? " Why, on just one day, some 3,000 Jews and proselytes from many lands who were in Jerusalem to celebrate Pentecost were baptized! As Luke shows, when Jesus said that we should love our neighbor, "Who is one of the greatest teachers "? Vʋʋsem sõngã kɩtame t'a Bezalɛll tõog a tʋʋmdã What idea is appealing to many people, and why? Holy Spirit empowered Bezalel to accomplish His work Daar ne a to fãa, tõnd ra pʋʋsda ne d biigã hal n tãag a sẽn wa n kẽ kãadem n yi zakẽ wã. " In that prosperous trading center, some Christian brothers evidently were wealthy slave owners, while others were slaves and probably very poor. One day, we prayed with our son until he was married. " (Yɩɩn - sõamyã 34: 8) Wala makre: David knew this to be true. For example, Psalm 34: 34 says: "Look! Bõe yĩng t'a Moiiz sok Wẽnnaam a yʋʋre? Pointing to that glorious time, the inspired prophet assures us: "[God] will actually swallow up death forever, and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will certainly wipe the tears from all faces. Why did Moses ask God for his name? 3: 13. Why not read those chapters carefully, thoughtfully? 3: 13. Ayo! How precise was this prophecy? Of course not! A Rut pa lebg n kul ye. 17, 18. Ruth did not return home. D bãngame tɩ pʋg - paalã sɩdã yaa a Zezi. La ãnda la pʋg - paalã? 22, 23. How do we know that the Bridegroom is Jesus, and who is the bride class? Y ra na n sakame t'a Zezi la Mesi wã n lebg a karen - biig hakɩk bɩ? There is no shame in admitting that we need God's wisdom to help us make decisions. Would you accept Jesus as the Messiah and become a genuine disciple of Jesus? A yeelame: "Wakat ninga mam zaka neb kongda rɩɩbo. " La a koog a pʋg n wilgdẽ n yetẽ: "La mam dat n kõo Wẽnnaam mam sẽn tõe tɛka, baa m sã n segd n monga m menga. " An Extended Period of Time " At times, " he explained, "I want to give God my best, even if I should sacrifice a self - sacrifice. " Yãmb maanda Wẽnnaam sẽn datã bɩ? • Our speaking the pure language involves what? Are you doing God's will? Ned kũum poore bõe n paamd - a? What future event will test our faith? What happens to us when we die? (Karm - y Yel - bũn 15: 23.) Jesus promised his followers: "This is the will of my Father, that everyone who recognizes the Son and exercises faith in him should have everlasting life. " (Read Proverbs 15: 23.) 10, 11. In fact, they may grudgingly acknowledge it when they travel to another land and find that Jehovah's Witnesses there are doing the very same work as that observed in their homeland. 10, 11. " [A Zeova] n naan dũniyã soolem fãa,... ned sã n yɛ, bãmb kõt - a - la pãnga. Ned pãng sã n booge, bãmb paasd - a - la pãnga. " - EZAI 40: 28, 29. Once you have decided to take up the full - time ministry, stick with your decision. " [Jehovah] created all the kingdoms of the world,... and he himself gives to the tired one power; and to the one without dynamic energy he makes full might abound. " - ISAIAH 40: 28, 29. (Mat. 13: 10 - 15) Ra kɩtame me t'a zãmsgã kelgr be yamleoogo, tɩ nebã pa yĩmd a goamã tao - tao ye. No. He was also impressed by his teaching, and people were not quick to forget his words. " Sãamb " sẽn naag taab tũudum hakɩkã pʋgẽ 1 / 12 WHENEVER Jehovah's Witnesses came to her door, Wiesława, who lives in southern Poland, politely thanked them and then dismissed them. 12 / 15 Wãn - wãn la nonglem ning sẽn tõogd toog fãa pʋgẽ wã tõe n sõng kiris - neb b kãadem pʋgẽ? How does Jehovah feel about covetousness or greed? How can love help Christians to endure trials? Beoog daare, a Zeova na n tʋma tʋʋm kãsems ne a vʋʋsem sõngã, n pids a raabã n baase. Of course, the great propagandist, Satan, knows this. Jehovah will accomplish his purpose in the future by means of his holy spirit. Wẽnnaam da yeel - a - la woto: "Yaa a Izaak pendẽ la b sẽn na n bool a soab tɩ fo yagengã na n yi. " (Sɩng. Their hope is to live forever on a paradise earth. God told him: "By means of your seed Isaac your seed will come out. " (Yel. 31: 10, 27, 28) Kambã sã n be ne b roagdbã daar fãa, n wʋmd b roagdbã sẽn gomd a Zeova yelle, la b ne bũmb nins b sẽn maand a tũudmã pʋgẽ wã, b tõe n dɩka b togs - n - taare. For with the measure that you are measuring out, they will measure out to you in return. " When children are with their parents every day, they can imitate Jehovah by hearing their parents speak about what they are doing and what they do in his service. Yɩɩl Sõamyã 102 soabã wilgda d sẽn tõe n paam sũ - noog to - to me. To him be the glory forever. Psalm 102 also shows how we can be happy. La bũmb a taab la b ra zãms a Moiiz tɩ tar yõod ne - a n yɩɩda. The Bible says: "Faith by itself, without works, is dead. " Yet, Moses was taught much more about himself than he had to do. (Karm - y - yã.) Jehovah will certainly reward you for your efforts. (Read.) N - ye. Multitasking while driving may seem to be expedient, but the result can be disastrous. Yes. Ges - y koe, taoor dãmbã wẽgda naong rãmbã, sẽn pa tar - b sõngdã! (a) How did Jesus warn about the natural tendency toward drowsiness? Look at the leaders of the poor, who do not have the help of the poor! Sõsg ning sẽn pʋgdã na n goma rẽ yelle. 3: 2; 5: 9 - Why did Mordecai refuse to bow down to Haman? This will be discussed in the following article. M zãgsame, la soda - naabã kɩtame tɩ b tall maam n kẽng Makrónisos. I did yard work, washed windows, and cared for other odd jobs. I refused, but the officer sent me to my home. Tao - tao bala, b kẽe koom koglg n loog Masedoan. 2: 17; 3: 2 - 6; Rom. 5: 12; Jas. Soon they entered the boat and went into Macedonia. Pĩnd wẽndẽ Israɛll rĩm a Davɩɩd gʋlsa woto: "Kɩt - y tɩ m wʋm yãmb nonglem koɛɛg yibeoogo; tɩ bõe, mam dellda yãmba. Trust in Jehovah and Be Happy King David of ancient Israel wrote: "Let me hear your voice in the morning, for in you I will trust you. 15: 1) Gom - kãngã pa yɩ belgr ye. You may remember that a certain man asked Jesus: "Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me. " This statement is not deceptive. Nina tõe n yãka yam n toeem bũmb sãnda a vɩɩmã pʋgẽ, sẽn na yɩl n tõog n yɩ so - pakda. Surely not! Others may choose to change their lifestyle so that they can pioneer. B sẽn moond koe - kãensã, yaa wa b sẽn pʋdgd tood a Sʋɩtãan dũniyã zugu. - Wil. " Look! Such preaching is like that of Satan's world. - Rev. Yʋʋmd 1922 wã, bõe la b yeel zak - zak moonegã wɛɛngẽ, la neb kẽer manesem yɩɩ wãna? They "took no note until the flood came and swept them all away, " said Jesus. In 1922, what was said about house - to - house preaching, and how did some respond? Ges - y La Révélation: le grand dénouement est proche! Yet, the time would come for true worship to be elevated again. See Revelation - Its Grand Climax At Hand! Sogs - bʋs la d tõe n sok d menga, tɩ sõng - d tɩ d fees d menga? They were able to communicate with him personally, worship him, and be blessed by him. What questions can we ask ourselves, and what questions will help us to examine ourselves? (Ezai 11: 3) Wẽnnaam zoees yaa f sẽn na n tar waoogr wʋsg ne - a, n pa tol n dat n maan bũmb sẽn pa noom - a ye. It was then that Abraham pleaded: "Suppose there are fifty righteous men in the midst of the city. Fear of God is a feeling of deep reverence for him, never wanting to displease him. (Yel. 4: 23) Sodaag pa na n saag n bas gãntik sẽn maan ne kutu, n dɩk gãntik sẽn maan ne bũmb pãng sẽn pa ta kut ye. Beyond living himself, Jehovah is the Source of our life. A soldier will not lose his wooden iron with clay in order to carry a heavy yoke on his head. Sẽn na yɩl tɩ yɩ woto, Newsweek zʋrnallã yeelame tɩ neb kẽer tagsdame tɩ goosneema rãmbã segd n "sagla neba fãa tɩ b tall tẽng - n - biis vɩɩm manesem sẽn yaa sõma. " • Why did Jesus listen to those whom he taught? To that end, the magazine stated that some people feel that governmental authorities should "let all citizens live by high moral standards. " Rasem a yiib poore, b lebg n waa pagã yir n na n ges a keelem. You are certainly not alone in seeking good advice on how to deal with everyday life. Two days later, the woman was returned to the house to visit her physically. Yãmb modgdame n lebgd wa a Zeezi bɩ? " He that is hastening to gain riches will not remain innocent. " - Proverbs 28: 20. Do you strive to be like Jesus? La sã n wa yaa fãagrã, laafɩ wã la bãan hakɩkã yelle, d segd n teega a Zeova a ye tãa. - Yɩɩl Sõamyã 146: 3. How would you define "the re - creation "? When it comes to salvation, however, we must trust in Jehovah alone. - Psalm 146: 3. (Ebre. 11: 32 - 35) Rũndã - rũndã me, d tara tẽed - n - taas sẽn wilg tɩ b tẽebã tara pãnga. In his Gospel account, Matthew quoted the words found at Isaiah 42: 1 - 4 and applied them to Jesus. - Matt. Today, we too have the faith - strengthening support of our brothers and sisters. Rẽ kõt - b - la sũ - noog wʋsgo. - Rom dãmba 4: 7, 8. What opportunities are there for us to meditate, and how can we make meditation an enjoyable habit? This brings them great joy. - Romans 4: 7, 8. (Karm - y Tʋʋm 4: 29 - 31.) Many of us have experienced Jehovah's helping hand at other points in our life. (Read Acts 4: 29 - 31.) Rẽ wɛɛngẽ, a Zezi yeela woto: "M Ba sẽn yaa arzãna ne dũniyã Zusoaba, mam pẽgda yãmba, yãmb sẽn solg bõn - kãens ne yẽesem dãmba la ne yam dãmba, n yaool n vẽneg kom - bõoneg ne bõn - kãensa yĩnga. " 1: 8, 9, 13, 14. In this regard, Jesus said: "I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have carefully hidden these things from wise and intellectual ones, and have revealed them to babes. " Sẽk - kãng zemsa a Nowe ne a zakã rãmb na paam n kẽes rũmsã koglgã pʋgẽ. Sa - kãsengã sẽn wa n na n sɩngã t'a " Nowe tara yʋʋm kobs - yoobe. ' True, Abraham's servant was on a special mission. Noah and his family were about six centuries old when the Flood began, and "Noah was about six hundred years old. " Ebre wã pʋgẽ, b gʋlsd - a - la woto: נפשׁ. Personal confession of sins into the ear of a priest or a minister continues to be part of the religious ritual and worship in many churches. In Hebrews, it is written: "The true God has affection for you. " Tɩ bõe, mam yaa Zusoab sẽn yaa Wẽnnaam. Mam gãta yãmb dɩtg n yetẽ tɩ y ra zoe rabeem ye. Consider: In other visions, Daniel mentions specific numbers - for example, the number of horns on the heads of various beasts. For I am Jehovah your God, the One saying to you, " Do not be afraid. ' Zãmsg tõnd yĩnga: 26: 74, 75. Lessons for Us: Bõe yĩnga? During that time, Jesus ruled over his anointed followers, guiding them in their preaching and disciple - making work as well as preparing them to rule with him in his Kingdom. - Matthew 24: 14; 28: 18 - 20; Luke 22: 28 - 30. Why? Yaa vẽeneg tɩ woto noogd a Zeova sũur me. They use the divine name in private conversations. That certainly makes Jehovah's heart rejoice. Walla tɩ y takd ne taab n dat n wilg y kẽed - n - taagã sẽn segd n maan bɩ a sẽn pa segd n maanã, bõe yĩng tɩ y pa na n zĩnd tẽng n naag taab n vaees ẽndɛgsã? He too lacked appreciation for what he had received from his father. Rather than coming to your mate for advice or actions, why not spend time together with him? Y sã n mak n na n ka raoogã ne põent rãmbã n yaool n pa mi marto sẽn tʋmd ne to - to, na n yɩɩ toogo, pa rẽ bɩ sãam y sũur menga. The result? If you do not know how to wait, you will likely feel if you do not know how to wait. A Zezi soka woto: " Ãnda n be yãmb sʋk t'a biig sã n kos - a zĩif bɩ a na n dɩk waaf n kõ - a n ka kõ - a zĩifu? Any who respond voluntarily are invited to take in more knowledge by means of a Bible study. Jesus asked: "Which father is there among you who, if his son asks for a serpent, will hand him a serpent instead of a serpent? • Bõe yĩng t'a Zeova nin - buiidã segd n gũ tɩ makr la toog paam - b rũndã - rũndã? The Origin of Life brochure is designed to help students evaluate sensational news reports that claim that scientists have found fossilized "missing links. " • Why should Jehovah's people expect trials and trials to come upon them today? (Mat. 27: 46; Luk 23: 46) La tũudmã taoor dãmb yẽ ra pa nand Wẽnnaam Gomdã ye. Donations are sent directly to one of our branch offices or placed in a contribution box that is located in each Kingdom Hall. But the religious leaders did not appreciate God's Word. A wilgame tɩ sodaarã zãmsg bõn - datl ra yaa sẽn na yɩl n ning "d yamẽ neb a taab kʋʋb tʋlsem, la tɩ d ra maan rabeem ne neb kʋʋb ye. " 119: 105. He explained that the principal purpose of training was to " keep in mind the desire of others and that we do not become afraid of men. ' 2: 17. We need to consider, though, how can we show that we treasure our freedom? 2: 17. D tõee woto me n kɩɩsd a Zeova sẽn yaa vʋʋsem sõngã yẽgrã la d sãamd a sũuri. Alex and Itohan, who live in Nigeria and have been married for more than 20 years, have learned that secret. We too can oppose Jehovah, the Source of holy spirit, and cause him pain. La neb nins sẽn sõgend tɩ pa tũ ne rat - m - yembrã, tɩ sẽn pak bãmb n yɩɩdã yaa b wee n tõog n kõ b sẽn tõe n kõ wã, la pa b sẽn saagd n na n paama, b sɩd paamda sũ - noogo. Jesus indicated that respect for Jehovah must come from the inner person. On the other hand, those who serve without selfishness are primarily concerned with being able to give what they can offer, but they do not have the satisfaction of being truly happy. A Maari meng zɩ n yeel t'a roga Wẽnnaam ye. Clearly, God's active force is immense, and our own existence depends on it. - See the box "The Holy Spirit in Action. " Mary never claimed to have God's birth. Sẽn paase, roagdbã sẽn get bãadã yell wʋsgã tõe n kɩtame tɩ b wa pa le get b mensã yell sõma ye. 13, 14. (a) Summarize Jesus ' illustration of the man who broadcasts seed. (b) Who is represented by the sower, and what is the seed? In addition, caring parents may lose their balance. Tõe n woma biis d poorẽ Hence, in many cases, he makes "the way out " by providing what we need so that we can endure trials successfully. The fruit can produce in us the best outcome " Ned baa a yembr ka mi Ba wã sẽn yaa a soab ye, sã n ka Biigã bala, la Biigã sẽn dat n vẽneg ned ning ne bãmba. " - LUK 10: 22. The Hebrew word sar, translated "prince, " basically means" chief, " or "head one. " " No one knows the Father except, but the Son is willing to reveal him. " - LUKE 10: 22. Tõnd manesem yaa wãn - wãna, d sã n mik tɩ zabr ning a Daniɛll sẽn yã yãabã pʋgẽ wã, sẽn yaa Armagedõ zabrã kolga wʋsgo? (Jeremiah), 5 / 1 How do we respond when we find that the war described in Daniel's vision is near at Armageddon? Israyɛll nebã sẽn da wa n be Ezɩpt n nan pa yembsã menga, Ezɩpt nebã ra zoe n kis - b lame, b sẽn yaa bu - zẽng neba, tɩ b tũudmã me yaa toorã. (Sɩng. Sealing, 1 / 1 Even before the Israelites were in slavery in Egypt, the Egyptians hated them, their culture, and their ethnic background. N - yẽe! The Bible foretold that many would not. Yes! 4: 18) D na n goma yel - bũndã pidsg yelle, la d ges rẽ sẽn nafd sẽn na n tɩ vɩɩmd - b saasẽ wã, la sẽn na n vɩɩmd - b tẽngã zugã to - to. God's View of Cleanliness Let us examine this illustration and see how it benefits those with the heavenly hope and those with an earthly hope. Sã n yaa ne Etazĩni geelgã sẽn maand to - to wã, sõor kãngã yaa 1 sẽn pʋgl ne zero rãmb 20. So I decided to invite them in with the intention of demolishing their arguments.... According to the United States, this number is about 20 miles [30 km] east of the United States. Sok - kãngã leoorã wilgdame t'a Zeova raabã pidsg pʋgẽ, a tõe n toeema a sẽn maand yɛlã to - to wã. Jesus directed them: "As you go, preach, saying, " The kingdom of the heavens has drawn near. ' The answer is that in the outworking of Jehovah's purpose, he can change his course. Biiblã yeta woto: "B na n bãngame tɩ yãmb y yembr bal yʋʋr la Sẽn - Ka - Saabo [" a Zeova, " MN], n yaa Sẽn - Ka - To sẽn so dũniyã gilli. " The worldwide Christian congregation has proved to be a haven of peace and comfort where compassion and kindness are shown. The Bible says: "They will know that you, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth. " Sẽn paase, Armagedõ, a Zeova na n kogla a nin - buiidã tɩ b põse. Parents ' heartfelt prayer can help their children feel the personal bond between the parents and Jehovah Furthermore, at Armageddon, Jehovah will protect his people. N ° a 2 Jesus thus instructed his followers to make the sanctification of Jehovah's name a matter of prime concern. 2 Sɩd me, daar a ye bala, na ta neb 3 000 n deeg lisgu! Yɩɩ neb sẽn yi tẽns toɛy - toɛy n wa Zerizalɛm Pãntekotã kibs yĩnga. How should we feel about the Kingdom - preaching work? In fact, almost 2,000 baptized people from all nations came to Jerusalem for the festival at Pentecost. Bõe la neb wʋsg yeta, la bõe yĩnga? God evicted them from Paradise and told Adam: "Cursed is the ground on your account. What do many say, and why? Tẽn - kãng sẽn da yaa leebg zĩig t'a neb wʋsg me ra tar ligdã pʋgẽ, tõe tɩ kiris - neb kẽer da tara arzɛk la yembse, tɩ kẽer ra yaa yembse, la naong rãmba. (Ef. That includes individuals who are like Pharaoh, who said: "Who is Jehovah, so that I should obey his voice? " It may have been that some Christians were wealthy and poor, some of whom were rich and poor, some of whom were poor and poor. A Davɩɩd ra mii rẽ tiiri. Following Divine Direction Brings Happiness David was aware of this. A yeta woto tɩ kõt tõnd bas - m - yam: "[Wẽnnaam] na n sãama kũum wakat sẽn ka sɛta. Zusoaba sẽn yaa soaala na n yẽesa nintãm nins fãa sẽn be neba ninẽ wã. It ought to become more and more clearly identifiable. He assures us: "[God] will actually swallow up death forever, and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will certainly wipe the tears from all faces. Bõe yĩng tɩ y pa na n maag y yĩng n karem sag - kãens n tags b zut sõma? " Your loving - kindness, O Jehovah, " sang the psalmist, "has filled the earth. " Why not read them carefully and meditate on them? Wãn to la bãngr - gom - kãngã pids - yã? Thus, it is understandable that many among us, especially young ones, enjoy recreation that is shared with others. How was this prophecy fulfilled? 17, 18. " Everyone, " he said, "should be able to preach the good news from house to house. " 17, 18. 22, 23. When a Bible student comes to appreciate the truthfulness of what he has been taught from the Scriptures, he may be so happy that he talks about it almost all the time. 22, 23. (Zak 1: 5) D pa segd n zoe yãnd ne d sak n deeg tɩ d rata Wẽnnaam yamã sẽn na yɩl n tõog n maan yam - yãkr tɩ zems ye. May these themselves lead me. " - PSALM 43: 3. We should not be ashamed to recognize that we need God's wisdom so that we can make the right decision. Wala makre, b na n ket n tigimda nin - tũusdsã. Jesus entrusted Peter with weighty responsibilities. For example, they will continue to gather the chosen ones. • Buud - gomd sẽn yaa yɩlemdã goam baoodame tɩ d maan bõe? One woman who accepted the truth 18 years after her husband did says, "I, for one, needed to learn it gradually. " • What does speaking the pure language involve? Yel - bʋg n wat tɩ yaa tɩlae tɩ d tall tẽebo? Is that how you view any counsel you receive from a friend? What danger must we have faith? A Zeezi yeela a karen - biisã woto: "Ad m ba raabo: Yaa tɩ ned ning fãa sẽn yã Bi - riblã n tẽ bãmb na paam vɩɩm sẽn kõn sa. " Granted, it may seem strange to ask God to bless a persecutor. However, the more our mind - set resembles Christ's way of thinking, the more we will be able to extend love to our enemies. Jesus told his disciples: "This is my Father, that everyone who has seen the Son should have everlasting life. " Sɩda, tõe tɩ b sakd n deega woto tɩ pa tũ ne b yam, b sã n wa tog sor tẽn - zẽng n tɩ mik t'a Zeova Kaset rãmbã tʋmda tʋʋmd ning bãmb sẽn yã b ba - yirã. Is fortune - telling a reliable way to discern the future? In fact, they may admit that they do not act wisely when they are faced with a new assignment of service to Jehovah's Witnesses. Y sã n yãka yam n na n tʋm wakat fãa so - pakrã, bɩ y baood minim la bãngr ning sẽn na n sõng - yã. " The faithful and discreet slave " takes the lead in providing timely spiritual food that helps us to discern the difference between what is unclean and what is clean in Jehovah's eyes. - Matthew 24: 45. If you are determined to serve as a regular pioneer, seek the knowledge and knowledge that will help you. Ayo. When we realize that God has intervened in our personal life, even in very subtle ways, we feel drawn to him. No. La y sã n sak n deeg tɩ yẽ la zakã soaba, n waoogd - a, tõe n sõngame tɩ zems - n - taarã paas y zakã pʋgẽ, t'a Zeova paam pẽgre. It also explains what is involved in becoming "fishers of men. " - Matt. But if you recognize that he is the head of his family, you may contribute to the unity of your family, and Jehovah has blessed you. A WIESLAWA yaa pag a ye sẽn vɩ Poloyn tẽng a ye pʋgẽ. A Zeova Kaset rãmbã sã n da wa wẽ a zakã noor n na n sõs ne - a fãa, a yit n pʋʋs - b - la bark la a yeel - b t'a pa rat n kelg - b ye. Immoral fantasies can be a stepping - stone to immoral realities. When Jehovah's Witnesses called at their home in Poland, she thanked them and said that he would not want to listen to them. Biiblã yeta woto: "La yoob ne dẽgd fãa la zoe - bõne, [bɩ rat - tɩ - looge,] bɩ y ra sak [tɩ b] pʋd bõn - kãens yãmb sʋk ye. " - Ef. In many cases, good example was a big factor. The Bible says: "Let fornication and uncleanness of every sort and greediness not even be mentioned among you. " - Eph. A Sʋɩtãan meng mii rẽ. True, he lived long enough to see his son Isaac grow up. Satan himself knows this. Kos maam, la mam na kõ foom dũniyã soolem fãa tɩ f sooge. In 66 C.E., the Christian community in Jerusalem heeded Jesus ' warning [ Pictures on page 10] Ask me, and I will give you all the kingdoms of the earth to take possession of it. (Zã 10: 16) Nin - kãens gũud n na n wa vɩɩmda wakat sẽn kõn sa arzãna pʋgẽ tẽngã zugu. Jehovah knows. They look forward to living forever in Paradise on earth. Yãmb sẽn dɩk wamd ning n mak n kõ y taabã, wamd kãng la b rɩkd n mak n kõ yãmb me. " Many are elderly, some of whom are so disabled that they can hardly walk. For with the measure that you are measuring out, they will measure out to you in return. " Bũmb fãa sɩnga ne bãmba, la yaa bãmb maasem yĩnga, la bãmb yell bee ne bãmba. This means that an earthly paradise will exist again! - 2 Peter 3: 13; Revelation 21: 4. They are all things they have started, but because they are by means of him. Biiblã yeela woto: "Tẽeb sã n ka naag ne tʋʋma, a mengã yaa kɩɩnga. " He was a man of faith and courage, for he surely knew that it was dangerous to stand up to Ahab. The Bible says: "Without works there is no work, it is dead. " Sã n yaa rẽ, a Zeova na n ninga y modgrã barka. Do we believe this? If so, Jehovah will bless your efforts. Ned sẽn kẽnd ne mobill sã n bas tɩ bũmb tiis - a, a tõeeme n wa pa yã yell sẽn be sorã zug ye. For what reasons do some get baptized, and why are these not sufficient? If a car is distracted, he may lose sight of what is on the road. a) A Zezi sẽn yeel tɩ gõeem yõka pʋg - sadb piigã, kɩtame t'a karen - biisã bãng bõe? In fact, our very prospects for eternal life are dependent on our coming to know the true God and his Son, Jesus Christ. - John 17: 3. (a) How did Jesus ' words to the ten virgins affect his disciples? 3: 2; 5: 9 - Bõe yĩng t'a Mardose tõdg t'a kõn wõgemd a Haman taoore? What can we learn from those who have endured? 3: 2; 5: 9 - Why did Mordecai refuse to bow down before Haman? Zak a ye rãmb sẽn yaa nasaar - dãmb n da kos tõnd tɩ d kẽnd n yẽesd b feneta wã. The silversmiths of Ephesus prospered by making "silver shrines of Artemis, " patroness of Ephesus, a goddess of hunting, fertility, and childbirth. One family in South Africa asked us to clean up their belongings. 2: 17; 3: 2 - 6; Rom 5: 12; Zak 1: 14, 15. People around the globe ask these questions. 2: 17; 3: 2 - 6; Rom. 5: 12; James 1: 14, 15. Tall - y bas - yard ne a Zeova n paam sũ - noogo " That evening is my special time with Jehovah. " Trust in Jehovah and Be Happy Tõe tɩ y tẽrame tɩ rao n kos a Zezi woto: "Karensaamba, bɩ y togs m ba - biiga t'a rɩk tõnd ba wã sẽn ki n bas bũmb ninga n pʋɩ n yãk m dẽnd n kõ - ma. " 6: 3, 4, 9. You may recall that a man asked Jesus: "Lord, tell my brother what we have sacrificed, and offer up our dead father for what I have sacrificed. " Yaa vẽeneg tɩ ayo! O if only you would actually pay attention to my commandments! Of course not! mam yãa wed - pɛɛlga. What attitude did Mary display, and how might we imitate her? I saw a white horse. A Zezi yeelame tɩ nin - kãens "ra pa tẽed tɩ bũmb na maan ye, n tãag sa - kẽengã sẽn wa n loog ne b fãa gilli. " (Mat. Gehazi was not able to bring the dead boy back to life. Jesus said that those men "did not believe that they would do nothing at all until the flood came and swept them all away. " La wakat n da wat tɩ baleng hakɩkã ra na n ye paam pãnga. Yet, there is more to consider. However, the time had come for true worship to become stronger. B ra tõe n sõsa ne a Zeova, n maand a raabã la b paamd a barka. What should be done if our service activities are perfunctory? They could speak to Jehovah, serve him, and receive his blessing. Wakat kãnga, a Abrahaam kolg n bõosa Wẽnnaam woto: "Daar ninga, nin - tɩrs pis - nu bee tẽnga pʋgẽ. Moreover, the way things worked out fulfilled the words at Psalm 34: 20, which should strengthen our confidence in prophecy. At that time, Abraham appealed to God: "In the days of the righteous ones there are eight righteous ones in the land. (Zeremi 10: 10; 1 Tesalonik rãmba 1: 9, 10) A Zeova mengã sẽn vɩyã toor sẽn ka be, a yaa tõnd vɩɩmã Kõta. Whatever local customs have developed, Christmas has now become the world's principal festive occasion. In addition to Jehovah himself, he is our Life - Giver. • Bõe yĩng t'a Zezi ra kelgd neb nins a sẽn da sõsd ne wã? Imagine the effect on the Israelites. • Why did Jesus listen to those he spoke? Yaa vẽeneg tɩ y pa y yembr n dat sagl - sõma sẽn na yɩl n welg y zu - loeesã ye. 16: 9; Ps. 139: 7 - 12. Of course, you are not alone trying to solve your problems. " Sẽn dat n lebga arzɛk soab tao - tao ka na n põs toog ye. " - Yelbũna 28: 20. (b) Why should we take seriously the possibility that our faith could diminish? " It will not be late. " - Proverbs 28: 20. Wilg - y "bũmb fãa manegrã " võore. The context of Jesus ' promise shows that he was talking about receiving not only material things but also answers to important questions. Explain why "all things have been made. " A Matɩe evãnzillã pʋgẽ, a lebs n dɩka Ezai 42: 1 - 4 goamã n wilg tɩ pidsa a Zezi zugu. - Mat. Jesus denounced the scribes and Pharisees as hypocrites and told them: "You resemble whitewashed graves, which outwardly indeed appear beautiful but inside are full of dead men's bones and of every sort of uncleanness. " Matthew 42: 1 - 4 shows that Jesus was fulfilled in Jesus. - Matt. Bõe zug la d tõe n bʋgse? Bõe la d tõe n maan tɩ sõng - d tɩ d minim n bʋgsdẽ, tɩ naf - d me? The Hebrew and Greek words translated "self - control " in the Bible literally denote that a person has power or control over himself. How can we meditate on God's Word, and how can we benefit from it? Tõnd wʋsg paama a Zeova sõngr sasa a taab d vɩɩmã pʋgẽ. As long as Adam - and his future offspring - remained obedient to God's command, they would have no sin and would never have to taste death. Many of us have found Jehovah's help at other times in our lives. 1: 8, 9, 13, 14. They do not realize that "we must all be made manifest before the judgment seat of the Christ, that each one may get his award for the things done through the body, according to the things he has practiced, whether it is good or vile. " 1: 8, 9, 13, 14. A Eliezɛɛr sẽn pʋʋs ne a sũur fãa wã, a paama pʋgsad ninga sẽn wa n lebg a Izaak pʋg - nongrã. (Sɩng. Samuel is faithful to Jehovah all his life, but his sons do not walk in godly ways. When she poured out her heart to him, she was blessed with the daughter of Isaac, who became Isaac's beloved wife. Hal ne rũndã, egiliiz rãmb wʋsg wilgda b nebã tɩ b segd n kẽnda prɛtr bɩ tũudmã taoor dãmb kẽer nengẽ n togsd b yel - wẽnã la b kot sugri. A wife is more likely to enjoy marital intimacies if her husband is loving and affectionate at times other than when they have intercourse. To this day, many churches claim to go to people to meet priests or religious leaders to confess their sins to them and seek forgiveness. Bõn - makr a taab pʋgẽ, a Daniɛll wilga bũmb kẽer sõor takɩ. Wala makre, a togsa we - rũms kẽer yɩɩl sõore. Happy is the one whom you choose and bring near. " In Daniel's next vision, for example, Daniel describes some of the number of stars, including the number of wild beasts. 26: 74, 75. If we learn to forgive freely and if we avoid strained relations now, it will be easier for us to do so then. - Read Colossians 3: 12 - 14. 26: 34, 75. La a sẽn da wa n zĩ Wẽnnaam nug rɩtgã t'a ra zoe n dɩta naam sẽn paam - b vʋʋsem sõngã zaeebã zutu, n wilgd - b sor b koe - noogã mooneg la karen - biisã maaneg tʋʋm pʋgẽ. Wakat kãng me a Zezi ra segend - b lame, sẽn na yɩl tɩ b wa lagem - a n dɩ naam a Rĩungã pʋgẽ. - Matɩe 24: 14; 28: 18 - 20; Luk 22: 28 - 30. Ham, who was born in Asia but who now lives in Europe, comments: "I am confident that Jehovah has all matters in hand, and he does not make mistakes, so I am happy to lean on him. " But when he was at God's right hand, he was already ruling over the anointed remnant and led them into the preaching and disciple - making work, where Jesus was preparing for them to be associated with him in his Kingdom. - Matthew 24: 14 - 14; Luke 18: 28 - 30. B pʋta Wẽnnaam yʋʋrã, b sã n wa sõsd ne taaba. When did that occur? They use God's name when they talk to each other. Yẽ me pa rɩk a ba wã togs - n - taar ye. For example, after the death of Martha's brother, Lazarus, Jesus told her: "Everyone that is living and exercises faith in me will never die at all. " He too did not imitate his father. La baasa wãna? Jehovah directed the inspiration of the Bible, but he allowed it to be presented in different styles. The result? Ned ning sẽn sak ne yamleoogo b yet - a lame t'a zãms Biiblã n bãng n paase. The Bible says: "Valuable things will be of no benefit on the day of fury, " and" the one trusting in his riches - he himself will fall. " He who willingly accepted the invitation to study the Bible more. Sasa ninga d mi n wʋma kiba - kɩtbã sẽn yet tɩ bãngdbã yãa kõb - kʋd sẽn yaa kaset sẽn wilgd vẽeneg tɩ bũmb fãa waa a toore. It can result in salvation for us and for those who listen to the Bible's message and thus get on the road leading to everlasting life. At times, we heard news reports that scientists have seen evidence of the existence of evolution itself itself itself itself itself. Tõnd toonda d ligdã Betɛllẽ, wall d ning - a kogendã sẽn be d Rĩungã rotã pʋsẽ wã. On top of that, he had to deal with a deceitful father - in - law, who repeatedly tried to exploit him. We send our money at Bethel or at the Kingdom Hall. 119: 105. Who likely wrote the book of Job, and when? 119: 105. La wãn to la d tõe n wilg tɩ d sũur nooma ne lohorem ning d sẽn tarã? Although Agrippa did not become a Christian, Paul evidently affected his heart to some extent with his message. - Hebrews 4: 12. How, though, can we show our appreciation for the freedom we have? A Alex ne a pag a Itohan sẽn vɩ Nizeria tɩ b kãadmã tar sẽn yɩɩd yʋʋm 20 masã wã bãnga bũmb ning sẽn kɩtd tɩ kãadem tall barkã. Well, in an orchard of fruit trees, the owner might well dig irrigation ditches to bring water to the roots of his valuable trees. Alex and his wife, who have been married for more than 20 years, learned what contributed to a successful marriage. A Zezi wilgame t'a Zeova waoogr segd n yii sũurẽ. What should each of us be determined to do? Jesus showed that Jehovah's dignity should come from the heart. La tõnd fãa teega pãn - kãng me n vɩya. - Ges - y zĩ - gũbr ning gom - zug sẽn yaa: "Wẽnnaam sẽn tʋm ne a vʋʋsem sõngã to - to " wã pʋgẽ. The men were not explorers or adventurers. And all of us have to rely on that same force: "In the way that God used his holy spirit. " - See also the box "How God's Spirit. " 13, 14. a) Kʋms - y - yã a Zezi yel - bũnd ning sẽn be Mark 4: 26 - 29 pʋgẽ wã. b) Ka - koaadã la bõn - buudã makda bõe? 16: 9. 13, 14. (a) Describe Jesus ' illustration recorded at Mark 4: 26 - 29.) What does the sower's seed represent? Rẽnd b sẽn yeel t'a na n " kõ - b - la manesem b sẽn na maan n yi ' wã, yaa tɩ naoor wʋsgo, a getame tɩ b paam bũmb ning fãa sẽn na n sõng tɩ b tõog toog n kell n sak - a wã. Why not find out how you can draw closer to Jehovah? So when it is said that " he will give them something to do, ' he usually knows how often anything that will help them to endure faithfully. Bũmb nins a Zezi sẽn wilg Wẽnnaam zugã 1 / 5 Jehovah chose to allow events to take their course in order to enable all to see whether the accusations leveled against him were true or false. 5 / 15 KAREMDBÃ SOGSGO What helped Jesus ' early followers to develop Christlike love? How Would You Answer? Biiblã pĩnd n togsame tɩ neb wʋsg pa na n tẽ ye. Possessing limitless wisdom, Jehovah knows precisely the best time to act for the benefit of all concerned, and he patiently waits for that time to come. The Bible foretold that many would not believe. Wala makre, sebr a yembr (Les femmes dans les prisons soviétiques [angl.]) The benefits from doing so are many. For example, the book Christianity - A History of the Christian Church Wẽnnaam tagsg ne yɩlemde Selecting a marriage mate. God's View of cleanness Kaset rãmbã maana lɛɛr a ye la zaka. He means that they are not like godly people, who have just been compared to fruitful, long - lasting trees. The Witnesses spent one hour in the house - to - house ministry. A Zezi sagl - b lame tɩ b maan woto: "Bɩ y kẽng n moone n yeel tɩ arzãn soolem kolgame. • the locust? Jesus urged them: "As you go, preach, saying: " The kingdom of the heavens has drawn near. Kiris - nebã tiging sẽn be dũniyã gill zugã yaa laafɩ la belsg zĩiga, la zĩig b sẽn kʋmd nebã nimbãaneg la b maand - b neere. (a) Why do fleshly - minded people have difficulty cultivating a balanced view of material things? The worldwide Christian congregation is a place of peace and comfort and kindness. Roagdbã sã n maan pʋʋsg sẽn yit b sũyẽ, tõe n sõnga b kambã tɩ b yã tɩ zood n be b roagdbã ne a Zeova sʋka And circumstances and feelings might vary considerably from one day to the next. By praying from their heart, parents can help their children to see that their relationship with Jehovah is between parents and parents (Mat. 6: 9) Rẽnd a Zezi wilga a karen - biisã t'a Zeova yʋʋrã waoogr n segd n pak - b n yɩɩda. 1, 2. So Jesus taught his followers that the sanctification of Jehovah's name should be their primary concern. [ Foto, seb - neng 28] However, not all parents feel that they are adrift. [ Picture on page 18] Bõe yĩng tɩ koɛɛgã mooneg tar yõod wʋsg ne - do? Effort and self - discipline are required if we are to become skillful teachers of God's Word, but such efforts bring rewards. Why is the preaching work so important to us? Wẽnnaam dig - b lame n yiis arzãnã pʋgẽ la a yeel a Ãdem woto: "Kãab wẽng bee tẽnga zug fo yĩnga... 22: 37 - 40. God expelled Adam from Paradise and told him: "Woe for the earth... 38: 23) B kẽer dɩkda a Faraõ naoore. A ra soka woto: " A Zeova yaa bõe tɩ mam na n kelg bãmb koɛɛga? ' Upon learning that his sickness would prove fatal, Hezekiah had concerns that went beyond himself. They imitate Pharaoh, who asked: "Who is Jehovah, that I should listen to his voice? " Wẽnnaam sor - wilgrã sakr kõta sũ - noogo you may say. Obedience to God's Guidance Brings Happiness Tũudum kãng yaa bũmb d sẽn segd n bãngd n welgd vẽeneg n paasdẽ. Yet, that one of God's people can ignore his direction with no immediate negative consequence does not mean that there will be no sad outcome eventually. Such a religion is a distinguishing feature of the matter. (Yik. 34: 6) Yɩɩl - gʋlsd a ye me yeela woto: " Zeova, dũniyã pida ne yãmb nonglem. ' In response, governments make more laws, strengthen police forces, and install electronic surveillance. Similarly, one psalmist wrote: "The earth is full of your loving - kindness. " Pemsmã kokr me yaa woto. D sã n deemd ne d zo - rãmba, noomame n yɩɩda. The good news found in God's Word enables us to come to know the Creator and to enter into a loving relationship with him. The same is true when it comes to recreation and entertainment. Yaa noy la saglse, tɩ b võorã wʋmb la b tũubã pa toog ye. Jesus Christ earlier said: "God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " They do not find it easy to understand and apply principles. A yeelame tɩ "ned kam fãa segd n tõog n moona zak - zaka. " Of course, not everything the world offers is evil. He said: "Each one must preach from house to house. " Biiblã karen - biig sã n wa bãng t'a sẽn zãmsd Biiblã pʋgẽ wã sɩd yaa sɩda, a sũurã lebgda noog hal t'a gomd rẽ yell n pa basdẽ ye. (Read Acts 9: 15, 16, 20, 22.) When a Bible student learns that what he is learning is true, his heart becomes more touched and he does not stop talking about it. " Bɩ y tʋm y vẽenema ne y sɩda tɩ b wa yãag maam. " - YƖƖL SÕAMYÃ 43: 3. Drinkers cross a perilous threshold when they crave an eye - opener, a drink in the morning to recover from the previous night's excesses. " Let your light and your truth come to me. " - PSALM 43: 3. A Zezi kõ - a - la sugri la a pʋd n sak n bobl - a tʋʋm - kãsemse. Before leaving that city, Silas and Paul encouraged the brothers. Jesus was forgiving and willingly entrusted with weighty responsibilities. Pag a ye sẽn sak tũudum hakɩkã yʋʋm 18 a sɩdã sẽn lebg kiris - nedã poor yeela woto: "Mam sẽn da rat yaa a wilgd - m bilf - bilfu. " Those moments were painful, but they resulted in feelings of peace and approval. " - James 5: 16. One woman who accepted the truth 18 years after her husband became a Christian said: "I wanted to show her little interest in her. " 27: 9) Rẽ yĩnga y zoa saglg noom - y - la wa b sẽn yeel ka wã bɩ? Bible Reading Required of Overseers Do you appreciate the advice of a friend who does not say it? (2 Korẽnt dãmba 4: 4) Yaa sɩd tɩ kos Wẽnnaam t'a ning ned sẽn namsd - f bark tõe n wõnda bũmb sẽn yaa tulumdi, la d sã n paamd Kirist yamã buud n paasdẽ, d na n tõog n nonga hal ne d bɛɛbã menga. He was obnoxious and had a knack for keeping people away from him. Of course, God's blessing on those who suffer may seem to be a sign of Christ's mental attitude, but if we develop a Christlike spirit, we will be able to love our enemies. La bagr tõe n sɩd sõnga ned t'a bãng sẽn wat beoog bɩ? Does this suggest that we should not have strong love for our relatives? But can it really help a person to know what the future holds? " Tʋm - tʋmd sẽn tũud sɩd la sẽn tar yamã " kõta tõnd tẽebã rɩɩb wakat sẽn zemse, tɩ sõngd - d tɩ d tõe n bãng bũmb sẽn yaa rẽgd ne sẽn yaa yɩlemd Wẽnnaam nifẽ n welge. - Matɩe 24: 45. It is here that we receive vital spiritual refreshment and direction through his organization. " The faithful and discreet slave " provides spiritual food at the proper time, helping us to discern what is clean and unclean in God's eyes. - Matthew 24: 45. (Rom dãmba 8: 26, 27; Efɛɛz rãmba 3: 20) D sã n miẽ tɩ Wẽnnaam leoka d pʋʋsgo, baa a sẽn leokd to - to wã pa vẽenega, paasda tõnd ne a zoodã pãnga. Far beyond what human efforts can hope to achieve, the spirit of Jehovah brings liberation from enslavement to sin and death, as well as from slavery to false worship and its practices. Our knowledge of God's answer to our prayers, no matter how clear he answers our prayers, draws us closer to him. Ned sã n tagsd yoob yelle, tõe n kɩtame t'a wa baas n yo. Our yeartext for 2014: "Let your Kingdom come. " - Matthew 6: 10 A distorted view of pornography can lead to immorality. Naoor wʋsgo, yɩɩ mak - sõng ning tẽedã sẽn kõ wã. Can you rightly condemn another person? Often, the example set by the Witnesses was exemplary. Yaa sɩd t'a vɩɩmd n kaoosa sẽn sek a na yã a biribl a Izaak sẽn bɩ. (b) On what will our study focus? Of course, he lived long enough to see his son Isaac. Kiris - nebã sã n ket n tʋmd tẽebã tʋʋma, sõngd - b lame tɩ b ket n gũusdẽ How did David of old respond to God's wonderful works? Keeping busy in spiritual activities helps Christians to keep on the watch (Yɩɩl 7: 10; Yel. Consider two ways in which God has done so. The Bible tells us: "You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind. " Wʋsg kʋʋlame, sãnda komsame tɩ kẽna lebg toogo. Pagb kẽer n tʋte, tɩ kãad paals zãad kamba. Again with a lump in our throat, in 2005 we returned home to Basalt, Colorado, where Bethel and I continue pioneering. Many adults grow old and grow old, while some women grow old and have new children. Rẽ rat n yeelame tɩ tẽngã na n ye lebga arzãna. - 2 Pɩɛɛr 3: 13; Wilgri 21: 4. In addition to sharing in the house - to - house ministry, publishers now witness at airports, in offices, in stores, in parking lots, at bus stops, on streets, in parks, on beaches, and elsewhere. This means that the earth will be transformed into a paradise. - 2 Peter 3: 13; Revelation 21: 4. Bala, a ra miime t'a Akaab kɩɩsg tõe n waa ne yelle. On what basis can Jehovah become our Friend? He knew that Ahab's rebellion could lead to disaster. Rẽ yĩnga tõnd sɩd tẽeda bõn - kãng bɩ? Her example can help us to maintain a positive viewpoint despite our limitations. Do we really believe this? Bʋʋm bʋs n kɩt tɩ kẽer deegd lisgu, la bõe yĩng tɩ rẽ pa seke? In fact, Amos 7: 14 says that he was not only "a herdsman " but also" a nipper of figs of sycamore trees. " What are some reasons why some get baptized, and why is that not enough? (Nah. 1: 7; Yɩɩl 1: 6) Sɩd me, yɩl n wa paam vɩɩm sẽn ka sɛtã, d segd n bãnga Wẽnnaam sɩd - sɩda, la d bãng a Zezi Kirist sẽn yaa a Biigã. - Zã 17: 3. Yes, with Jehovah's help, the great crowd is indeed coming out of many, many language groups. Indeed, to receive everlasting life, we need to know the truth about God and his Son, Jesus Christ. - John 17: 3. Yam - bʋg la d tõe n dɩk neb nins sẽn maan sũ - marã kibay pʋgẽ? " Don't just tough it out, " says David, an elder. What can we learn from the examples of those who endured? Efɛɛz yõagsã ra maanda a "Artemis pʋʋsg ro - bõoneg ne wanzuri " n koosd n paamd ligd wʋsgo. The identity of that great crowd is revealed to John by one of the 24 elders, and these elders represent the 144,000 joint heirs with Christ in their heavenly glory. The Ephesus of Ephesus was making "a house of gold with silver and silver " and selling a lot of money. Bõe n paamd ned a kũum poore? ' There's nothing that adds that special touch like a personal name. What happens after death? ' Ad a sẽn yeele: "Baraar zaabr yaa wakat mam sẽn yãk n pẽnegd a Zeova. The Creator continued his questioning: "Who barricaded the sea with doors, which began to go forth as when it burst out from the womb; when I put the cloud as its garment and thick gloom as its swaddling band, and I proceeded to break up my regulation upon it and to set a bar and doors, and I went on to say, " This far you may come, and no farther; and here your proud waves are limited '? " - Job 38: 8 - 11. " The evening is a time for me to draw close to Jehovah, " she says. 6: 3, 4, 9. Because they have a good relationship with God, all who fear Jehovah lack nothing of lasting value. 6: 3, 4, 9. Mam yãagda yãmb sor ninga yãmb sẽn tog n tũ wã zugu. [ Footnote] O if only you would actually pay attention to my commandments! Manesem bʋg la a Maari tall - yã, la wãn to la d tõe n dɩk a togs - n - taare? At death, he has filled that blank sheet with the decisions, actions, and experiences of a lifetime that shaped his individuality and personality. What attitude did Mary follow, and how can we imitate her? A Geyaazi kẽngame, la a pa tõog ye. Did You Know? Felix went off, but he did not succeed. La pʋʋsmã bal pa sek ye. Jesus was never frightened or deceived, but he could understand situations that he had not lived through. But prayer is not enough. Bõe la d segd n maane, tõnd sã n tʋmd Wẽnnaam tʋʋmdã ne rok - m - zugẽ? Describe ways that Jehovah has protected and safeguarded his people, even in our time. What should we do if we are busy in God's service? (Heb. 10: 1) Sẽn paase, pidsa Yɩɩl Sõamyã 34: 21 goamã. Are you enjoying the benefits of such giving? Moreover, the words of Psalm 34: 21 have proved true. Baa yãmb babgẽ wã minimd sẽn yaa to - to fãa, bãng - y tɩ Nowɛllã n yaa dũniyã tigr ning sẽn yaa kãseng n yɩɩdã. For example, what if a portion of the Bible does not seem relevant to our situation? Regardless of your cultural background, you know that Christmas is the most important festival in the world. Mams - y n ges - y rẽ sẽn kɩt tɩ Israɛll nebã tall manesem ningã. Dan. Imagine how that affected the Israelites ' attitude. 16: 9; Yɩɩl 139: 7 - 12. A ship adrift does not reach its destination. 16: 9; Ps. 139: 7 - 12. b) Bõe yĩng tɩ d pa segd n yĩm tɩ d tẽebã pãng tõe n wa boogame? " You did not come back to me, " God said. (b) Why should we not forget that our faith can weaken? Kãsem - dãmbã tũuda goam a Zeezi sẽn da togse. Hope for the Upright The elders follow Jesus ' direction. (Matɩe 7: 7) Y sã n bao n bãng sẽn sɩng to - to t'a Zezi wa yet woto wã, y mikdame tɩ pa kos bũmb nins sẽn yaa tɩlae ne d yĩnsã yell bal la a ra gomd ye, yaa bao sogsg sẽn tar yõod leoor me. The elders may be able to help such individuals to see that bitterness, hatred, and the harboring of grudges are traits that have no place in God's organization. When you learn how Jesus came to this point, you see that not only the physical needs of our physical needs but also the important questions. (1 Rĩm dãmba 8: 27) Dẽnd yaa vẽeneg t'a Maari pʋgã pa sekd Wẽnnaam ye. Thus, Rahab's confidence in the God of the Israelites was not misplaced. - Joshua 2: 1, 9 - 13; 6: 15 - 17, 25. Clearly, Mary was not content with God's approval. A Zezi yeela gʋlsdbã ne Fariziẽ rãmbã tɩ b yaa zãmb dãmba, la a paas woto: "Yãmb wẽnda yaad sẽn pelg tɩ b yɩng yaa neere, la b pʋsã pida ne kũum kõaba, la bõn - dẽgd fãa. " It was to play a vital role in covering sins (atonement). Jesus told the scribes and Pharisees that they were hypocrites, and he added: "You are just as pure as they were, full of death and every sort of uncleanness and every sort of uncleanness. " Hebre la Gɛrk gom - biis nins b sẽn lebg tɩ " yõk - m - meng ' Biiblã pʋgẽ wã võor meng - meng tɩ loee ne ned sẽn tar tõog a meng zugu. What a cause for thankfulness to the loving God of resurrection, Jehovah! - Hebrews 11: 35. The Hebrew and Greek words translated " exercise self - control ' are related to self - control. Sẽn paase, na n kɩtame tɩ d bʋgs yʋʋmd 2014 vɛrse wã zugu. Was Jesus so focused on his work that he was a fanatic or an ascetic? Moreover, we will reflect on the yeartext for 2014. A Ãdem ne kamb nins a sẽn da na n dogã sã n da kell n sak Wẽnnaam noorã, yel - wẽnd ra pa na n zĩndi, b ra kõn tol n ki me ye. Would it be possible for individual anointed Christians to get sleepy during a long nighttime vigil? Indeed. If Adam and Eve were to remain obedient to God's law, sin would never die. B pa mi tɩ daar n wat tɩ "tõnd fãa [na n] yals Kirist bʋʋd geer taoore, tɩ ned kam fãa reeg sẽn zems a tʋʋma a sẽn da maan a yĩnga pʋgẽ, a sã n yaa sõama walla a sã n yaa wẽnga " ye. What struggle do we all have, and how can we be successful? They do not know that "the day is coming when we will stand before the throne of Christ, and each one of us will receive his work according to his fine works, whether it is good or bad. " A Sãmwɛll saka a Zeova a yõor tɛka, la a komdibli wã pa tũ wẽn - zoeerã sor ye. Jehovah's holy spirit serves as a teacher and remembrancer. Samuel was loyal to Jehovah throughout his life, but his sons did not walk in the fear of God. A segd n wilgda wakat fãa t'a nonga a pagã. Woto tõe n kɩtame tɩ pagã sakd n kõt a sɩdã a rẽnd ne yamleoogo. Bent on eliminating this potential rival, Herod schemed to have all boys in Bethlehem two years of age and under slain. A husband will always show his love for his wife by being willing to give willingly to his wife. Neb buud fãa na n waa yãmb nengẽ. ' It is no wonder that Jehovah had chosen them to care for his Son during the first part of Jesus ' earthly life. And all flesh will come to you. " D sã n zoe n kõt taab sugri, n modgdẽ tɩ d zems - n - taarã pãng paasdẽ, dũni - paalgã pʋgẽ, d na n kell n maana woto nana - nana. - Karm - y Efɛɛs - rãmb 4: 2, 32. Hence, they interrogated the healed man, then his parents, and then the man again. If we already forgive one another, we will find it easier to do so in the new world. - Read Ephesians 4: 2, 32. A Ham sẽn dog Aazi n be Erop rũndã - rũndã wã yeelame: "Mam tara bas - m - yam t'a Zeova tara yɛlã fãa tɩɩm la t'a pa tudgd ye. Woto yĩnga, mam sũur nooma m sẽn tõe n teeg - a wã. " In contrast with the young ruler, the apostle Peter and other disciples made a good choice. " I am sure that Jehovah has all things and that he does not make my confidence, " says a father in Europe in Europe in Europe today's European world. (Tʋʋma 1: 5) Yɩɩ sasa bʋg la b paam lisg Sɩɩg Sõng pʋgẽ wã? To keep free from murmuring, what quality is especially needed? When was they baptized with holy spirit? (Matɩe 16: 13 - 15) Wala makre, a Mart tão a Lazaar kũumẽ wã, a Zezi yeela a Mart woto: "Ned ninga fãa sẽn vɩ n tẽed maam, a kõn ki abada ye. " What manifestations of Jehovah's grandeur! For example, at Martha's death, Jesus told Martha: "Everyone that exercises faith in me will by no means die. " D bãngame me t'a Zeova vẽnega Biiblã gʋlsdb koees nins a sẽn dat n taas ninsaalbã, la a bas tɩ b gʋls koe - kãens ne gom - biis nins b sẽn date. The display of this trait among early Christians so astounded the pagans that they, according to Tertullian, called those followers of Jesus " people made up of kindness. ' We also learned that Jehovah inspired the Bible writers to convey these inspired messages to humans and to send them to writing them. (Zã 3: 16; 17: 3) Biiblã yetame tɩ "arzɛgs ka tõe n sõng ned sũ - puugr daare, " la a yetẽ me tɩ" ned sã n teegd a arzɛka, a na n lʋɩɩme. " That must have meant that they received the gifts of the spirit, abilities that were observable. The Bible says that "the day of vengeance does not come to those who trust in him, " and he also says:" He that is trusting in his wealth will fall. " A tõe n wa baasa ne fãagr n kõ tõnd la neb nins sẽn kelgd Biiblã koɛɛgã, tɩ rẽ sõng - b tɩ b rɩk sor ning sẽn tar n debd vɩɩm sẽn pa satã zĩigẽ wã. David's reply is astonishing! It can lead to salvation for us and for those who listen to the Bible's message so that they can take on the road to everlasting life. Naoor wʋsg me, a rɛɛmbã baoome n na n zãmb - a. A lack of appreciation could result in sad consequences that might affect you for the rest of your life. On several occasions, his father tried to betray him. Tog n yaa ãnd n gʋls a Zoob sebrã, la yɩɩ wakat bʋgo? 10, 11. Who was the book of Job, and when? (Tʋʋma 26: 27, 28) Baa rĩm a Agiripa sẽn pa lebg kiris - nedã, a Poll koɛɛgã kẽe a sũurã hal sõma. - Hebre dãmba 4: 12. It is, therefore, a source of joy for all of God's people to observe that so many young servants of God around the world take to heart Paul's exhortation: "Let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you behold the day drawing near. " Although King Agrippa did not become a Christian, Paul's message reached him deeply. - Hebrews 4: 12. Tõe tɩ tɩɩsã soab tuuda ko - soay sẽn na yɩl n wa ne koomã t'a tɩɩsã sẽn tar yõod wʋsgã yẽg paam koom. But remember, you are not alone. The trees may have been used to bring water to an end to the abundant waters of life. Bõe la tõnd ned kam fãa segd n modg n maane? Surely such self - sacrifice and endurance please Jehovah! What should each of us be determined to do? B pa bãngdb sẽn gilg n vaees tẽngã, wall neb sẽn gilg n ges tẽngã woto bal ye. Relate an experience showing the benefits of humility. They are not the only scientists to consult the country or to visit such a country. 16: 9. Many feel the same way about the so - called Old Testament. 16: 9. Yãmb me tõe n bao n bãnga y sẽn tõe n maanega, n paam n pẽneg Wẽnnaam a Zeova sẽn yaa nimbãan - zoɛtã. 5, 6. (a) How has Jehovah become your Friend? You too can find ways to draw close to the compassionate God, Jehovah. A yãka yam n na n bas tɩ kaoose, sẽn na yɩl tɩ malɛgsã la ninsaalbã fãa wa bãng a Sʋɩtãan sẽn yeelã sã n yaa sɩd bɩ ziri. How can you accomplish that? He was determined to end a long time so that all intelligent creatures, including Satan, could discern whether they were true or not. Bõe n sõng a Zezi Kirist pipi karen - biisã tɩ b tall a nonglmã buudu? Believing husbands who continue to love their wives, whether in favorable or in trying times, demonstrate that they closely follow Christ's example of loving the congregation and caring for it. What helped the early disciples of Jesus Christ to cultivate his love? A Zeova sẽn tar yam sẽn ka koakã yĩnga, a mii a sẽn na n maan yɛlã sasa ning sẽn zems n yɩɩdã takɩ tɩ naf nebã fãa, la a gũuda ne maag - m - meng tɩ sasa kãng ta. His holiness thus guarantees that he will always be the ideal Father, a righteous Ruler, and an impartial Judge. Because of Jehovah's wisdom, he knows what is best for all, and he is waiting patiently for it at that time. (1 Tes. Jehovah had recently abolished one covenant and established a new one. (1 Thess. D sã n wa baood ned n na n kẽ kãadem. Because of their bad choice, our first parents lost out on endless life and passed on to all of us sin, imperfection, and unavoidable death. We get married when we are seeking a marriage mate. A rat n yeelame tɩ b pa wa wẽn - zoɛtbã b sẽn mak ne tɩɩg sẽn womd biis n kaoosdẽ wã ye. His ransom sacrifice made forgiveness possible. In other words, they did not appear to be like God - fearing trees that are slow to bear. 9: 1, 2; 22: 3; 26: 10; Gal. Because the sisters found interest at almost every door, they had difficulty calling on every household in the territory. 9: 1, 2; 22: 3; 26: 10; Gal. • kalwaar nengẽ? For a while we found it difficult to keep our friendships and family ties in the right place. " • the clay? a) Ligdã la teedã baoob wɛɛngẽ, bõe yĩng tɩ yaa toog ne neb kẽer tɩ b maan n zemse? Meaningful conversation may be almost nonexistent. (a) When it comes to money and possessions, why may some find it difficult to do so? Sẽn paase, a soabã yɛl ne a tagsg sẽn yaa to - to rũndã wã tõe n toeema beoogo. What can we learn from this account? In addition, the person's thinking and feelings about his day can change the future. 1, 2. David is still in hiding. 1, 2. La dũniyã gill zugu, roagdb n be n paamd sagls sẽn yaa sõma sẽn yit seb - kʋdr pʋgẽ. They deserve our wholehearted support! On the other hand, parents around the world receive practical advice from an ancient book. (Yelbũna 2: 1 - 6) Modgr la kibl - m - meng yaa tɩlae, d sã n dat n yɩ Wẽnnaam gomdã karen - saam dãmb sẽn tar tõogo, la modgr a woto bee nafre. Specifically, Jehovah designed the human brain so that we could go on joyfully learning about him and his works forever. Self - discipline and discipline are vital if we are to be successful teachers of God's Word, and that is beneficial. 22: 37 - 40. In the eighth century B.C.E., the prophet Isaiah was given a vision in which he heard spirit creatures extolling Jehovah, using a word that describes a key aspect of His very essence - holiness. 22: 37 - 40. A Ezekɩas sẽn bãng t'a bãagã na n kʋ - a lame wã, ra pa a mengã yel bal n pak - a ye. Be made clean. ' When Hezekiah learned that he was about to die, he did not become self - centered. La sã n yaa rẽ bɩ y tẽeg a Zoob yelle. This is no doubt the reason that Jesus spoke of "a traveling merchant seeking fine pearls. " If so, remember Job. Yaa sɩd tɩ ned tõe n kɩɩsa Wẽnnaam noor n pa paam zu - loees zĩig pʋgẽ ye. La pa rat n yeel t'a pa na n wa yã a kɩɩsgã biis ye. How will humility protect you if you face such a test? While it is true that a person can disobey God's law, he does not expect to see the consequences of his disobedience. (2 Tɩm. 3: 1 - 5) Woto kɩtame tɩ goosneema - rãmbã maneg n yiisd noya, n paasd polɩɩs - rãmbã sõore. Jesus chose what sort of individuals as his friends? As a result, governmental authorities contributed to the number of police. Koe - noog ning sẽn be Wẽnnaam Gomdã pʋgẽ wã sõngda tõnd tɩ d bãng d Naandã la d paam a zoodo. When faced with trials that are particularly severe, they pray "more earnestly " to God for holy spirit, guidance, and support. The good news found in God's Word helps us to come to know and draw close to our Creator. Bala a Zezi pĩnd n yeelame tɩ "Wẽnnaam nonga dũniyã hal tɩ b kõ b Biiga sẽn ka to, tɩ ned ninga fãa sẽn tẽed bãmb kõn sãam ye, la a na paam vɩɩm sẽn ka sɛta. " Getting up in the morning to engage in the ministry might call for overcoming the comfort of the mattress on our bed. Jesus said: "God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " Yaa sɩd tɩ bũmb nins fãa sẽn be dũniyã pʋgẽ wã pa wẽng ye. He continued to preach despite pressure from opposers. Of course, things in the world are not wrong. (Karm - y Tʋʋm 9: 15, 16, 20, 22.) Yes, Jehovah deserved their obedience. (Read Acts 9: 15, 16, 20, 22.) (Yelbũna 23: 35, Sebr Sõngo) Ned sã n nong rãam hal t'a sã n nek yibeoog fãa n pa paam n yũ tɩ sek - a bɩ a sũurã sãamdẽ, wilgdame t'a rã - yũurã paama pãnga. Do we treasure up what Jesus foretold about "the conclusion of the system of things, " comparing what he said with what is happening today? - Matt. A person who loves alcohol so much that he or she does not get to sleep every morning shows that alcohol is strengthened by alcohol abuse. Nand t'a Sɩlas ne a Poll yi tẽngã, b kenga saam - biisã sẽn da be be wã raoodo. That truth raises questions. Why does a loving God want us to fear him? Before visiting Silas and Paul, they encouraged the brothers there. Pa yɩ nana ye. La kɩtame tɩ m le paam sũur pʋgẽ bãane, la sũur - kaset sẽn yaa sõma. " - Zak 5: 16. A heart that is trusting in Jehovah knows that whatever He asks or directs through his Word is always right. It was not easy, but I found peace of mind and a good conscience. " - James 5: 16. Yel - gɛtbã segd n karma Biiblã Well, consider. Overseers should read the Bible A gesg ra pa be yamleoog baa bilfu. A ra mii a sẽn na n maaneg me tɩ nebã zãag ne - a. • What is the Scriptural basis for preaching from house to house? He also knew what to do and how to distance people from him. Woto rat n yeelame tɩ d pa segd n nong d zakã neb wʋsg bɩ? Being deeply concerned about how his Father's reputation will be affected by his death, Jesus prays: "Father, glorify your name. " Does this mean that we should not love our family members? Yaa d Rĩungã roogẽ la a tũnugd ne a siglgã n kengd d raoodo, la a wilgd - d sore. Yaa a Zeova ne a Bi - riblã n boond tõnd tɩ d wat tigissã. What two gifts might be considered, and which is the greater? By means of his organization and by means of his organization, Jehovah and his Son invite us to attend Christian meetings. A Zeova sẽn kõt lohorem ningã yɩɩda rẽ hal zĩig sẽn zãre. Yaa bũmb ninsaal sẽn pa tõe n paam ne a meng pãnga. Sɩd me, vʋʋsem sõngã sõngdame tɩ d paam d mens ne yel - wẽnã la kũumã yembdo, la d paam d mens ne minim - wẽns la tũudum sẽn pa sɩda. (Rom. Wives - Deeply Respect Your Husbands, 2 / 15 Jehovah's undeserved kindness, which enables us to free ourselves from enslavement to sin and death, enables us to be set free from enslavement to corruption and false religion. Yʋʋmd 2014 vɛrse wã la woto: "Bɩ yãmb soolem wa. " - Matɩe 6: 10 Never Resort to Devious Methods The yeartext for 2014: "Let your kingdom come. " - Matthew 6: 10. (Rom 12: 17 - 19) Tõnd pa tõe n bãng bũmba fãa wa a Zeova ye. The psalmist felt the need for Jehovah's support, as do our many fellow Christians who have grown old in God's service. We cannot know everything as Jehovah does. b) Bõe yell la sõs - kãngã na n gome? 18: 4. (b) What will we consider in this article? Pĩnd wẽndẽ wã, manesem bʋg la a Davɩɩd tall Wẽnnaam tʋʋm - kãsemsã taoore? What will the prophet do? In ancient times, what attitude did David display toward God's wonderful works? Bɩ d gom bõn - kãensã b yiib yelle. This can be frustrating. Let us consider two of these. Yʋʋmd 2005 wã, maam ne a Bethel le yii Afiriki. Yɩɩ sũ - sãang yɛsa. B kosa tõnd tɩ d leb Bazalt sẽn be Kolorado soolmẽ wã, n tɩ yɩ so - pakdba. Here are some examples: Perhaps you feel that the way you received the truth was clearly at God's direction. In 2005, I and I were delighted to go back to Africa, where we were asked to return to the home of my Father in South Africa to serve as pioneers. Zak - zak koe - moonegã toor sẽn ka be, masã koe - moondbã kõta kasetã sɩls yiyã, biru rãmbẽ, mangas rãmbẽ, parkĩng rãmbẽ, biisã yalsg zĩisẽ, soayã zutu, park rãmbẽ, mogrã noy la zĩis a taaba. 1: 12 - 14; 4: 7, 11, 22. In addition to preaching from house to house, there are now Kingdom proclaimers in the house - to - house ministry, at work, at school, in public places, on the street, on the street, on the street, and in other places. Bõe n kɩt tɩ d tõe n paam t'a Zeova yɩ d zoa hakɩka? The preaching of the good news of God's Kingdom. What makes Jehovah our Friend possible? Pʋg - kõorã kibar sõngda tõnd tɩ d bãng tɩ baa d sã n pa tõe n maan bũmb kẽer d sẽn date, d tõe n kell n talla sũ - noogo. By the method the ancient Jews used, that will be the day when the first month (Nisan 1) will start, at sunset. The parable of the widow teaches us that despite our limitations, we can maintain our joy. Sɩda, Amos 7: 14 yetame t'a Amos ra pa " pe - kɩɩm ' bal ye, la a ra leb n senda kankama. However, Jesus and other faithful ones gave their life and died as martyrs for their faith. In fact, Amos 7: 14 says that Amos was not "a shepherd, " but he was also blind. N - ye, ne a Zeova sõngre, kʋʋn - kãsengã sɩd yita buud goam sul wʋsg neb sʋka. 11: 8. Yes, with Jehovah's help, the great crowd comes from many nations. A Davɩɩd yaa kãsem - soaba. One writer observed: "As in the past, today's new Christians tend to take from the Bible whatever fits their needs - and ignore whatever fails to resonate with their own native religious traditions. " David is an elder. Yaa kãsem dãmb 24 nin - yend n wilg a Zã kʋʋng kãsengã neb sẽn yaa b rãmba. Kãsem dãmb 24 makda Kirist na - rɩt - n - taas nins sẽn zoe n be saasẽ wã. What did it cost Jehovah to express his love for us in this way? Among the 24 elders who make up John's great crowd, the 24 elders represent Christ's corulers in heaven. Rẽ kɩtame tɩ d sã n karemd b kibayã bɩ kẽed - do. Yet, Baruch was not overcome by pride; he humbly discerned the real source of the counsel - Jehovah. As a result, when we read their experiences, we become more familiar with them. Yãmb yɩta pipi n waoogd y taabã bɩ? Why? Do You Take the Lead in Showing Honor? Naandã kẽngda taoor ne a sʋgsgã: "Yaa ãnd n pag kʋɩlens n gɩdg ko - kãsenga koom sẽn pusg n yi tẽnga pʋgẽ wã? Mam lud - a - la ne sawato la m pil - a ne lika. God wants no one to be destroyed. The Creator continues his questions with his questions: "Who is this woman that keeps on throwing her out of the sea? (Yɩɩl Sõamyã 34: 9, 10) Neb nins fãa sẽn zoet a Zeova wã pa kongd bõn - sõma ye, bala b tara zems - n - taar ne Wẽnnaam. MANY health - care professionals work among those infected with contagious diseases. All who fear Jehovah have nothing good because they have a good relationship with God. " Paoong " ning b sẽn bobl tʋm - tʋmdã t'a gesã yaa bõe ne bõe? The apostle Paul, who personally experienced the truthfulness of these words, wrote: "We do not give up, but even if the man we are outside is wasting away, certainly the man we are inside is being renewed from day to day. " - 2 Corinthians 4: 16. What are the "little flock " that was entrusted to the slave? 36: 8; 91: 1 - 4) Woto me, a Rut paamame t'a Zeova kogl - a, la a keo - a a tẽebã yĩnga. 20: 10 - 13. Similarly, Ruth received Jehovah's protection and rewarded her for her faith. [ Tẽngr note] What we read at Haggai 1: 6 should bring home to us our need for God's blessing in our lives. [ Footnote] A kũumã poore, d tõe n yeelame t'a pidsa sebrã ne a sẽn yãk yam n maan bũmb nins fãa wã, tɩ wilgd a sẽn yɩ ned ning buudã. The rapid developments in technology seem to be outpacing man's ability to understand or control the consequences. After his death, he was in full control of the book he made, showing what kind of person he was. Wala makre, politikã la tũudmã taoor dãmb ra teenda zabrã ne b sũur fãa, la Biiblã Zãmsdbã ra wilgdame tɩ bãmb bee laafɩ Naabã poorẽ. Jesus Christ, who was "undefiled, separated from the sinners, " suffered a painful death on a torture stake, and the apostle James suffered a martyr's death. For example, political and religious leaders were loyal to war, but Bible Students proved their stand for their Ruler. Yãmb ra miime bɩ? Notice that the tree here is not merely a shade tree growing by chance next to a river. Did You Know? 23: 4; Mark 7: 1 - 5; Zã 7: 13) Baa a Zezi sẽn da pa zoet tũudmã taoor dãmbã, la a pa tẽed b ziri wã, a ra mii neb nins sẽn zoet - bã sẽn namsd to - to wã. In the earthly Paradise... Although Jesus did not fear the religious leaders, he was aware of those who were afraid of them. Bõe la a Zeova maan pĩnd wẽndẽ n kogl a nin - buiidã, la bõe la a maand rũndã - rũndã n kogend - ba? I am now over 90 years of age, and my job is to encourage members of the Bethel family as a spiritual shepherd. How did Jehovah protect his ancient people, and what does he do today? (Zak 1: 17) Rẽ yĩnga, yãmb yaa kõta, n paamd nafa nins rẽ sẽn wat ne wã bɩ? At its end it bites just like a serpent, and it secretes poison just like a viper. Are you generous with the benefits of doing so? D sã n pa gũusi, d tõe n wa tagsdame tɩ Biiblã sɛb kẽere, wall siglgã sɛb kẽer pa tar yõod wʋsg ne - d ye. (b) How was Daniel blessed for his courageous loyalty to God? If we are not careful, we might begin to feel that certain Bible books or publications are of little value to us. Dan. Yet, he later wrote: "I do indeed also consider all things to be loss on account of the excelling value of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord. " Dan. (Hebre dãmba 2: 1) Batayo sã n bʋdg n bas a sorã, a pa tõe n ta a sẽn datẽ wã ye. The Greek word rendered "truth " denotes that which conforms to fact or to what is proper and right. If they fall away from his way, he cannot reach his destination. Wẽnnaam yeelame: "Yãmb ka lebg n wa mam nengẽ ye. " Mirrors recovered from archaeological excavations in and around Israel have usually been found with jewelry and other items of feminine adornment. God said: "You did not return to me. " Saagr n kõ nin - tɩrsã For example, according to a headline in the Manila Bulletin, the Asian Development Bank reported that "Asia can eradicate poverty in 25 years. " Hope for the Righteous 26: 24 - 26) Kãsem - dãmbã na n sõnga ned a woto ne Biiblã maasem t'a bãng tɩ ned sẽn tar zʋg - wẽns wa sũ - toogo, ned kisgr la sũ - kẽk pa segd n zĩnd Wẽnnaam nin - buiidã sʋk ye. Really, when making important decisions regarding employment or family or health concerns, we can follow David's exhortation: "Throw your burden upon Jehovah himself, and he himself will sustain you. By means of the Bible, elders will help such individuals to recognize that jealousy, hatred, and resentment among God's people. Woto yĩnga, Rahaab sẽn da tar kɩs - sɩd ning ne Israɛll nebã Wẽnnaamã pa tik vɩʋʋg ye. - Zozue 2: 1, 9 - 13; 6: 15 - 17, 25. Peter was loyal to God's anointed Son even though others rejected Him Hence, Rahab's loyalty to God did not depend on the Israelites. - Joshua 2: 1, 9 - 13; 6: 15 - 17, 25. Zɩɩmã ra na n wa maana tʋʋm - kãseng n lud yel - wẽnã bɩ n maan paasgo. Hebrews 5: 8 states: "Although he was a Son [of God], he learned obedience from the things he suffered. " The blood would come to an enormous extent to cover sin or to increase it. Ad sɩd yaa bʋʋm n kõ - d tɩ d na n tall mi - beoog ne nonglem soab sẽn yaa vʋʋgr Wẽnnaam a Zeova wã! - Hebre dãmba 11: 35. Nevertheless, faith must be demonstrated by actions, since "faith without works is dead. " How good it is to be grateful for the resurrection of the resurrected one, Jehovah God! - Hebrews 11: 35. La rẽ yĩnga ra yaa a tʋʋmdã bal n pak - a t'a pa tar sẽk n noogd a yõor bɩ? (Read Psalm 69: 30, 31.) Was he focused solely on his secular work? La yel - bũndã wilgame tɩ "pʋg - paalã sɩd sẽn kaoosda, gõeem yõka [pʋg - sadb piigã] fãa tɩ b gũsi. " We can draw what important lessons from the accounts of the first Passover and the Exodus? However, the parable says that "the bridegroom is slow to sleep, and all the ten virgins are sleeping. " Bõe maaneg n yaa tɩlae ne - d fãa, la bõe n tõe n sõng - d tɩ d tõoge? The integrity - keeping course of God's faithful anointed Witnesses spurs on God's servants today to endure whatever trials come their way, including opposition from unbelieving relatives, workmates, or schoolmates who ridicule them for their faith. What must all of us do, and what can help us to succeed? A Zeova vʋʋsem sõngã sõngda tõnd wa karen - saamba, la tẽegda. They did not leave us alone for the first two or three days. Jehovah's spirit helps us as teachers and as a teacher. A sẽn da rat ne a sũur fãa n kʋ bi - kãngã t'a ra wa lebg rĩmã, a kõo noor tɩ b kẽ Betlehɛm n kʋ kom - dibli nins sẽn tar yʋʋm a yi la sẽn pa ta rẽ wã fãa. God's active force still operates on willing minds and hearts to move and guide them. To prevent this young child from becoming king, he commanded them to go to Bethlehem and kill two younger sons of Bethlehem. B ra nanda a tũudmã yel - maandɩ wã hal wʋsg me. Rẽnd pa lingr la a Zeova sẽn bobl - b a biig a Zezi n kɩt tɩ b ges a yell a yãadmã sasa wã ye. What plans for the future should youths wisely consider? No wonder Jehovah had assigned his Son, Jesus, to care for them during his childhood! (Zã 8: 13, 42 - 44; 9: 1, 6 - 31) Woto yĩnga, b sʋgsa rao wã b sẽn maagã, rẽ poore a roagdbã, la rao wã yɛsa. And the apostle Paul must have felt the full burden of his imperfection when he admitted: "When I wish to do what is right, what is bad is present with me. " So they asked the man if they had healed him, then his parents returned to the man and the man again. La tʋm - tʋmd a Pɩɛɛr ne a Zezi karen - biis a taab pa maan wa rakãagrã ye. Rather than filling our minds with worldly goals and materialistic dreams, we should focus our thinking on our God - given hope, even as Jesus did. - Hebrews 12: 2. But the apostle Peter and other disciples did not act as if they did. Sẽn na yɩl n bas yẽgengo, zʋg - sõng bʋg la d rat n tɩ yɩɩda? Truly, not even Hezekiah expected that to happen! - 2 Ki. To overcome murmuring, what quality should we be especially concerned? (Tõodo 4: 32 - 36; 5: 22 - 24; 10: 4; Yikri 19: 16 - 20; Tʋʋma 7: 38, 53) Ad woto sɩd ya a Zeova kãsengã pukr mengã! Why did the Israelites turn to worshipping the gods of the Moabites? What an expression of Jehovah's greatness! Pipi kiris - nebã sẽn tall zʋg - kãngã wã, yɛɛsa wẽn - zɩtbã wʋsg hal tɩ kɩt t'a Tɛrtiliẽ ra boond a Zezi karen - biisã tɩ " neb nins sẽn yaa sõmblem dãmbã. ' (a) What counsel of Solomon provides guidance for youths? As the early Christians manifest this quality, it was so surprising that Tertullian called Jesus ' followers "the holy ones. " Dẽnd woto rat n wilgame tɩ b paama vʋʋsem sõngã n tõe n maan yel - soalem tɩ nebã yã. Are you able to "keep perceiving what the will of Jehovah is " even when God's will conflicts with what you are tempted to do? - Eph. In other words, they were empowered by holy spirit to perform miracles. A yeela a Abisayi yaa: "Da kʋ - b ye. In faith, Abraham left his home, his friends, and his possessions to go to a distant land. He told Abishai: "Do not murder at all. (Luk 11: 28) Y sã n tũ bũmb nins b sẽn zãms - y - yã, y wilgdame tɩ y sũur nooma ne rẽ. How does the Bible warn against a competitive spirit? By applying what you learn, you demonstrate your appreciation for it. 10, 11. By his faithfulness down till death, Jesus Christ vindicated Jehovah God as a wise and loving Creator and a righteous Sovereign. 10, 11. Sɩd me, d sũy yaa noogo, d sẽn ne tɩ dũniyã gill zugu, kom - bɩɩs wʋsg sakda saglg ning a Poll sẽn kõ Wẽnnaam nin - buiidã fãa wã. A Poll da yeela woto: "Bɩ tõnd tẽeg taab yelle, la d yik taab ratem tɩ maan nonglem la tʋʋm sõma. Bɩ d da bas taab tiging wa neb kẽer sẽn maandã ye. La bɩ d sagl taaba, la bɩ d sagl n yɩɩda, tõnd sẽn yã tɩ daarã kolgdame wã yĩnga. " (Heb. 10: 24, 25) Sẽn paase, kamb wʋsg tũuda b roagdbã n moond Wẽnnaam Rĩungã koe - noogã. (Mat. And if it appears that other corrective measures are needed, have confidence that Jehovah will guide the elders to do what is good and right. - Galatians 6: 10; 2 Thessalonians 3: 13. Indeed, many young ones around the world respond to Paul's counsel to God's people: "Let us consider one another so as to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you behold the day drawing near. " 4: 4) La tẽeg - y tɩ pa yãmb y ye la b namsd ye. Christian parents, why not use the experiences of faithful Gilead missionaries and others to provide an incentive for your children to choose a life of full - time service? Remember, though, that you do not suffer. Sɩd - sɩda, mong - m - meng la sũ - mar woto tata a Zeova yam! And what kind of support does Jehovah give to true worshippers today? Surely such self - sacrificing and long - suffering pleases Jehovah! Togs - y kibar sẽn wilgd tɩ sik - m - mengã nafda neda. I shall walk in your truth. Give an example of humility. Neb wʋsg me tẽedame tɩ Biiblã pipi babgã b sẽn boond tɩ Kãab - kʋdgã pa ye tar yõod ye. The brothers and sisters knew that the police kept a close watch on us, so the brothers posted a lookout. Many people believe that the Old Testament is old - fashioned. 5, 6. a) Wãn to la y paam n lebg a Zeova zoa? In fact, the prophecy at Isaiah 25: 7, 8 guarantees that God will use his creative power to do one of the most wonderful works of all time: "He will actually swallow up death forever, and the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will certainly wipe the tears from all faces. 5, 6. (a) How did you become Jehovah's friend? Wãn to la y tõe n maan dẽ? Certainly, we do not need to experience the world's "low sink of debauchery " to see how debased life can be. How can you do that? Pʋg - sɩdb nins sẽn yaa tẽedbã sẽn nong b pagbã noog la toog wakatã wilgda ne rẽ tɩ b rɩkda Kirist sẽn nong a tigingã la a get yellã togs - n - taare. In Bible times, personal names were usually given because of the meaning they conveyed. Christian husbands who love their wives and in these critical times show that they imitate Christ's love and care for his congregation. A sẽn yaa sõngã, d tõe n kɩsa sɩd t'a na n kell n yɩɩ Ba sẽn get d yell sõma, la t'a na n kell n yɩɩ Naab la Bʋ - kaood sẽn yaa tɩrga. Consider the following: As a holy spirit, we can be sure that he will always be a fine Father and will continue to be a just and righteous Judge. 1 / 12 Bõe yĩng tɩ kẽer tagsdẽ tɩ Wẽnnaam pa zoet nebã nimbãanega? " Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. " - JAS. 12 / 15 Sẽn da pa kaoose, a Zeova kɩtame tɩ kaool a yembr sa, la a lugl kaool paalga. " The Work Is Great " (contributions), Nov. In recent times, Jehovah made a new covenant, and he made a new covenant. B sẽn yãk yam n maan sẽn yaa wẽngã, b bõna vɩɩm sẽn kõn sa wã, la kɩtame tɩ tõnd fãa lebg yel - wẽn - maandba, neb sẽn pa zems zãnga, la kiidba. Maxine and I were assigned as missionaries to Puerto Rico, so I never went out on the new boat. By deciding what is bad, they have lost their hope of living forever, and all of us are subject to sin, imperfection, and death. Rẽ paka sor tɩ d tõe n paam d yel - wẽnã sũgri. Lett. This opened the way for us to have our sins forgiven. Saam - bi - pogsã sẽn da paamd tɩ b kelgd - b zak fãa pʋgẽ la balã, kɩtame tɩ b rɩk sɛk wʋsg n yaool n tõog n moon tẽngã gilli. This sets the pattern for Christians to follow when Jesus Christ moves in "to complete his conquest. " Because the sisters were well - fed in almost every family, many of them took advantage of the opportunity to preach the good news throughout the earth. Sɩngrẽ wã, yɩɩ toog ne tõnd ned kam fãa t'a tõog n da bas t'a roagdbã la zo - rãmbã rɩk a sẽkã wʋsg wa pĩndã ye. " How? - Genesis 3: 1 - 6; Romans 5: 12; Revelation 12: 9. At first, it was a challenge for each one of us not to allow his parents and friends to spend more time with him. " B pʋd n pa sõsd ne taab woto ye. Individuals ' interest in the good news may be awakened in different ways. On the contrary, they do not communicate with each other. Kiba - kãnga sõngda tõnd tɩ d bãng bõe? Paul's positive attitude about his ministry is an excellent example for us. What can we learn from this account? Biiblã wilgdame tɩ nonglem yaa tɩlɛ ne ninsaal buud fãa. Hence, anyone can be Jesus ' follower if he really wants to. The Bible shows that love is an important part of human nature. Rẽ t'a Davɩɩd ket n zoet n solgdame. I need to feel that I am not a victim. David kept concealing himself. Sul - kãensã neb sɩd segda ne teelgo! But instead of becoming downhearted, why not view trials as an opportunity to confirm your love for God and to refine your faith in him and his Word? What a powerful support such groups have! A Zeova sẽn naan ninsaal kalkõtã to - to wã kɩtame t'a tõe n bao n bãng yẽ la a tʋʋm - kãsemsã wakat fãa la ne sũ - noogo. (b) What questions about faithfulness will we consider? By means of the brain, Jehovah has made it possible for humans to learn about him and his wonderful works. A yãa malɛgs sẽn yɩɩnd n pẽgd a Zeova, n pʋt gom - bil a ye sẽn wilgd a sẽn sɩd yaa Wẽnnaam ning buudã. B ra yetame t'a yaa sõngo. Countless Bible verses show the importance of God's name and its sanctification. He saw a number of angels praising Jehovah by using a word that reveals his personality, his holiness, and his holiness. Bɩ f paam f menga n yɩ yɩlemde. ' What significance do these words have for those who have a desire to love righteousness? Be made clean. ' Sãmbg sẽn ka be, yaa rẽ yĩng la a Zezi sẽn gom " toand sẽn baood kĩndi sẽn yaa sõma ' yellã. Consider a Scriptural example of disfellowshipping. No doubt, for this is why Jesus spoke of "a fine merchant seeking good pearls. " A buud sã n paam - do, bõe la sik - m - meng na n sõng - d tɩ d maane? Having photos of your marriage mate and children around the workplace will serve as a visual reminder to you and to others that you have priorities. If that happens to us, what will modesty help us to do? Nin - bʋs buud zood la a Zeezi ra sakda? One key factor is the admonition of " the faithful slave ' to read the Bible daily. What kind of friendship did Jesus accept? B sã n wa be makr sẽn yaa toog pʋgẽ, b pʋʋsda Wẽnnaam ne b sũy fãa n yɩɩd pĩndã n kotẽ t'a kõ - b vʋʋsem sõngã, t'a wilg b sor la a teel - ba. A Living Translation of God's Word, 12 / 15 When they are under trial, they pray earnestly for God's spirit to guide them, guide them, and support them. Tõe n mi n yɩɩ toog me tɩ d yik yibeoog n yi koe - moonegã. LIKELY you have never met any leaders of organized crime. At times, we may find it difficult to get out of the house - to - house ministry. (Zã 16: 33) Baa kɩɩsdbã sẽn yɩ wʋsgã, a kell n moona koɛɛgã. Jesus said: "Abraham your father rejoiced greatly at the prospect of seeing my day. " Despite fierce opposition, he continued to preach. B segd n paama sũ - mare, la tẽeb sẽn tar pãng sẽn na yɩl n tũ a Zeezi saglgã, n zoe n yi tẽngã n paam n põse. He taught us some basic seamanship, such as how to raise and lower the various sails, how to maintain a compass bearing, and how to tack against the wind. They need endurance and strong faith in Jesus ' counsel to flee from the city to safety. Rẽ n so t'a Moiiz yeel - b woto: "Gũus - y la y maan wa Zusoab a Wẽnnaam sẽn yeel yãmbã. " (Obadiah 1 - 21) Hence, Moses told them: "Keep your eyes open and guard against every sort of covetousness, just as Jehovah your God has commanded you. " Rẽ yĩnga tõnd nanda bũmb nins a Zezi sẽn togs tɩ na n wa pids "dũniyã sɛɛb wakatã " tɩ kɩt tɩ d makd bõn - kãens ne yɛl nins sẽn sɩd maand rũndã - rũndã wã n getẽ bɩ? - Mat. • How should Christians view the things of Satan's world? Do we appreciate what Jesus foretold about "the conclusion of the system of things "? - Matt. (Wilgri 14: 7) La rẽ tõe n kɩtame tɩ d sok d mens woto: Bõe yĩng tɩ Wẽnnaam sẽn yaa nonglem soabã rat tɩ d zoe - a? We can be assured that "the generous person will be blessed. " On the other hand, we might ask: Why does a loving God want us to fear him? (Yelbũna 3: 5) Sũur sẽn tar bas - yard ne a Zeova miimi tɩ bũmb nins fãa A sẽn kot bɩ a sẽn yet a Gomdã pʋgẽ tɩ b maana yaa tɩrg wakat fãa. [ Picture on page 13] A heart with confidence in Jehovah knows that whatever he asks in his Word, he always does what is right. Bɩ d bao n wʋm a võore. It could be said that the period constituting "the conclusion of the system of things " (syn·teʹlei·a) corresponds to or runs parallel with the period called Christ's presence (pa·rou·siʹa). Let us see why. • Biiblã zĩ - bʋs n wilgd tɩ d segd n moona zak - zaka? Truth - seekers need to learn what the Bible really teaches. • What Scriptural reasons do we have to preach from house to house? A Zezi kũumã sẽn da na n mad a Ba wã yʋ - noogã pak - a - la wʋsg hal t'a pʋʋs woto: "M Ba, waoog - y y yʋʋrã. " This has come to be from Jehovah himself. " The fact that Jesus ' death would affect his Father so much that he prayed: "Father, glorify your name. " Kũun - bʋs a yiib yell la d gom - yã, la bʋg yõod n yɩɩda? Similar determination will help us to maintain our integrity under any circumstances - in the face of temptations, opposition, or adversity. What two gifts do we consider, and what is the most important gift? Rãam pa zĩndi, bũmba fãa ra siglame tɩ yaa sõma. What did Jesus do on Passover night in 33 C.E.? There was no drinking, all things were good. br1 Yãmb sũyã segd n yɩɩ noog hal wʋsgo 1 / 1 He complained: "[It] is not confined to the cities only, but has spread its infection among the neighboring villages and country. " 1 / 15 Yɩ - y pʋ - peelem dãmba Still, the clergy had Wycliffe's bones exhumed and burned and the ashes thrown into the river Swift. Be Honest in Doing What Is Good (Koɛɛg Soaba 5: 9) Ad woto sɩd yaa saglg sẽn nafd tõndo! Kingdom citizens live by what higher standard? How good that is for us! (Yɩɩl Sõamyã 71: 5, 9) Yɩɩl gʋlsdã yãame t'a rata a Zeova sõngre. Yaa woto me ne tõnd kiris - nin - taas wʋsg sẽn kʋʋl Wẽnnaam tʋʋmdã pʋgẽ wã. It should move us to godly action. The psalmist saw that he needed Jehovah's help, and so do many elderly fellow Christians in God's service. 18: 4, WẼNNAAM SEBRE, 1983. But thousands of years went by, and God's woman produced no seed capable of destroying Satan and his works. 18: 4. No - rɛɛsã ra na n maana wãn ne yel - kãngã? Some who found it difficult were associated with the congregation in Corinth. How would the prophet respond? Woto tõe n sãama sũuri. No. Such a situation can be frustrating. Tõe tɩ tigsg sasa, y kelga sõsg tɩ kell n zems ne - yã, tɩ y yeel woto: "Yaa mam sẽn da ratã bal kɛpɩ! " " You people know the season, that it is already the hour for you to awake from sleep. " - ROM. 13: 11. At congregation meetings, you may have listened carefully, and you said, "It was exactly what I needed! " 1: 12 - 14; 4: 7, 11, 22. Jesus commissioned his followers to "make disciples of people of all the nations. " 1: 12 - 14; 4: 7, 11, 22. Yaa Wẽnnaam Rĩungã koe - noogã moonego. * (Mat. Many Israelites are marrying non - Jews. * The good news of God's Kingdom is that of preaching the good news of God's Kingdom. D sã n maan wa zʋɩf - rãmbã sẽn da maandã, d tõe n yeelame tɩ Nizã kiuugã pipi daarã na n sɩnga tʋʋl - nif kiuug pipi daare, wĩndgã kõom poore. Why should we trust in Jehovah? As the Jews did, the first day of the sun will begin after sundown on April 1, after sundown. (Matɩe 16: 24; Zã 18: 37; 1 Pɩɛɛr 2: 21) La a Zezi ne neb a taab sẽn yɩ wẽn - sakdb kõo b vɩɩmã n sak n ki b tẽebã yĩnga. Because when we do so, this reflects well on our heavenly Father and brings glory and praise to him. However, Jesus and others who were faithful gave their lives a life of self - sacrifice. 11: 8. A more accurate understanding of our theocratic history has led to a clearer comprehension of certain events recorded in the Bible. 11: 8. Gʋlsd a yembr wilgame: "Wala pĩndã, rũndã - rũndã kiris - nin - paalsã rɩkda bũmb ning sẽn be Biiblã pʋgẽ fãa sẽn zems ne bãmb raabã, n pa sakd verse nins sẽn kɩɩsd bãmb rog - n - mik tũudmã ye. " Solomon's bad associations undermined his wisdom and caused him to fall away from true worship. One writer put it this way: "The new believers today use whatever is in harmony with the Bible, not in harmony with their religious customs. " A Zeova sẽn yãk yam n na n maan woto n wilg a nonglem ne tõndã, maan - a - la bõe? Jesus did not agree with the religious leaders of his day who said that there would be no resurrection of the dead. How did Jehovah show his love for us? (Zeremi 45: 1, 2) Ne rẽ fãa a Baruk pa tall wuk - m - meng ye. Ne sik - m - menga, a bãngame tɩ saglgã yita a Zeova nengẽ. Talk to a trustworthy friend. Still, Baruch did not display pride; humbly he learned that Jehovah is the Source of counsel. Bõe yĩnga? Disclaiming honor for himself, Moses expressed his desire that the same spiritual gifts be shared by all of Jehovah's servants. Why? Wẽnnaam raab yaa nebã fãa paam vɩɩm sẽn kõn sa wã. This was the belief of all of God's servants in ancient times. God's purpose is that all sorts of people can enjoy everlasting life. LOGTOƐƐMB wʋsg tʋmda logto - yiy sẽn pid ne neb sẽn tar bã - longdse. It is to us, then, that the psalmist says: "Shout in triumph to God, all you people of the earth. MANY birds work in a hospital home that is filled with people who are ill. (Ezai 40: 28, 29) Tʋm - tʋmd a Poll sẽn zoe n yã gom - kãensã pidsg yẽ mengã zugã gʋlsame: "Tõnd ka tadgd ye; la baa tõnd yĩn - kiidsa sã n sãam, tõnd sɩɩga tara manegr daar fãa. " - 2 Korẽnt dãmba 4: 16. Never will he allow the righteous one to totter. " Regarding himself, the apostle Paul wrote: "We do not give up, but even if we die, we have the spirit day after day. " - 2 Corinthians 4: 16. 20: 10 - 13. Let us consider some Bible principles that can help us determine "the good and acceptable and perfect will of God " when we are deciding what to wear. - Rom. 20: 10 - 13. Goam nins sẽn be Aze 1: 6 pʋgẽ wã kɩtdame tɩ d bãng tɩ d rata Wẽnnaam barkã d vɩɩmã pʋgẽ. Cherishing the memory of a loved one and providing a respectful burial are fitting and appropriate expressions of our love. The words at Haggai 1: 6 give us insight into God's blessing in our life. B NA N MOONA KOƐƐGÃ DŨNIYÃ GILL ZUGU Bũmb a to n na n maan n wilg tɩ dũniyã sɛɛb kolgame. Rather, listen to those who truly love you. " THE conclusion of the system of things " is yet another way to show that the end is near. B kʋʋ tʋm - tʋmd a Zak me a tẽebã poorẽ. (Hebre dãmba 7: 26; Tʋʋma 12: 1, 2) A Elifaaz ne a tũud - n - taas a yiibã sẽn da rõt a Zoobã yĩnga, kɩtame t'a bao n na n wilg t'a pa beeg ye. Paul was not like others of whom Jesus said: "Why, then, do you call me " Lord! Because of his faith, Eliphaz and his two companions accused Job of sinning. Bãng - y tɩ ka wã, tɩɩgã sẽn tar maasmã pa tɩɩg sẽn yi kʋɩlg noor yaar ye. Find out in the following article. Note that the tree of the knowledge of good and bad is not a tree that comes from a river. Tẽng zug arzãnã pʋgẽ... Although no one can buy true affection, a gift given from the heart can be very meaningful. On a paradise earth... M tara yʋʋm 90 la zak masã. Mam tʋʋmd yaa kaagd Betɛllã tʋm - tʋmdbã, n kengd b raoodo. Many Christians have found that playing Kingdom Melodies or even singing such songs together contributes to a good atmosphere. I am now in Bethel service for over 90 years. A rũmda ned wa waafo, a rũmda wa põeere. " In brotherly love have tender affection for one another, " wrote the apostle Paul. - Rom. Like a serpent, he goes forth like a serpent. b) A Dãniyɛll sẽn tall raood la a kell n maan sɩd ne a Zeova wã, wãn to la a Zeova sõng - a? On a daily basis, we should entreat Jehovah to guide our thinking, speech, and actions by means of his spirit. (b) How did Jehovah help Daniel, and how did Jehovah help him? La kaoosg zugẽ a yeela woto: "Sɩda, mam geelgda bũmb fãa wa bõn - zaalse mam sẽn bãng Kirist Zezi mam Zusoaba sẽn yɩɩd bũmb fãa wã yĩnga. " How and why should we feed on Jehovah's utterances every day? However, he later said: "I do indeed also consider all things to be loss on account of the excelling value of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord. " A Zeova sõngda tõnd tɩ d bãngd sɩdã rũndã - rũndã, la a kõt - d vẽenem sɩdã zug n paasdẽ. " We belong to Jehovah. " - ROM. 14: 8. Jehovah helps us to understand the truth now and to draw ever closer to the light of truth. Tẽn - vaeesdbã vaeesa zĩis kẽer Israyɛll la tẽn - kɩremsã, n bugs nin - gets sẽn da naag pagb nag - teedo. We can restore that peace in our hearts by reflecting on the fact that Jesus never said that our value is measured by comparing what we do with what others do. Some scholars have examined certain places of refuge in Israel and the cities of Israel. Wala makre, zʋrnall a ye (Manila Bulletin) n yeel tɩ Azi bãnk ning sẽn be tẽnsã yidgr yĩngã wilgame tɩ "Azi tõe n yiisa naongã ka ne yʋʋm 25 sẽn wate. " The rock badger finds protection in a close - knit community. For example, the South African newspaper warned that "the poor may be able to relieve poverty for 25 years. " (1 Tɩmote 6: 10) Sɩda, d sã n wa rɩkd sard sẽn yaa kãsems sẽn tɩ loe ne tʋʋma, zak bɩ yĩnsã laafɩ wɛɛngẽ, d tõe n tũu a Davɩɩd sagl - kãngã: "Bas f yell ne Zusoabã la bãmb na kogl foom. Of my siblings, I have one brother who has served faithfully as an elder since that arrangement began back in the early 1970 ' s. Indeed, when making important decisions about employment, health, or health, we can apply David's counsel: "Throw your burden upon Jehovah himself, and he himself will sustain you. Baa kẽer sẽn wa n bas Wẽnnaam Biigã a sẽn zae - yã pʋgbã, a Pɩɛɛr kell n tũ - a lame The apostle Paul set a good example in widening out in his affections. Even when some of God's anointed Son abandoned him, Peter continued to follow him Hebre rãmb 5: 8 wã yeta woto: "Baa bãmb sẽn yaa Wẽnnaam Biigã, bãmb zãmsa sakre ne namsg nins bãmb sẽn namsã. " How can we show that we are looking to God for guidance? Hebrews 5: 8 states: "Although he was God's Son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered. " 11: 6) La baasgo, d segd n wilga d tẽebã ne tʋʋma, bala "tẽeb sã n ka lagem ne tʋʋma, a yaa [kɩɩnga]. " Throughout my youth, my parents invited many circuit overseers and their wives to stay with us. Nevertheless, we should show our faith by works, for "there is going to be works without faith. " (Karm - y Yɩɩl Sõamyã 69: 31, 32.) How, though, can we demonstrate that we trust the faithful and discreet slave? (Read Psalm 69: 31, 32.) Yam bʋg la d tõe n dɩk pipi Pakã la Ezipt yiibã kibar pʋgẽ? Says The World Book Encyclopedia: "In general, people forget more and more as time passes.... What can we learn from the first Passover and Egypt? Sẽn paam - b zaeebã sẽn sak Wẽnnaam to - to sasa kãngã yaa mak - sõng sẽn tõe n keng d raood rũndã - rũndã, tɩ d tõog toog zu - loɛɛg fãa pʋgẽ. Wala makre, tõe n yɩɩ d roagdba, d tʋmd - n - taas wall d karen - bi - taas sẽn na n yaand tõnd d tẽebã yĩnga. Examining Bible prophecies teaches us something interesting about God's personality. The way in which we respond to God's direction today is a fine example for us - our parents, schoolmates, or schoolmates - who may ridicule us because of our faith. La b sẽn wa n mik tɩ d pa tõe n dɩ sõma, tɩ wakat fãa yaa yãbrã, b wa n talla tõnd n kẽng b zakẽ wã tɩ d zĩnd be wakat bilfu. " They avoided "bad associations " even within the Christian congregation in order to safeguard their spirituality. - 1 Corinthians 15: 33; 2 Timothy 2: 20, 21. But when they realized that we could not eat, they always brought us back to their home for a short time. " Rũndã - rũndã, Wẽnnaam vʋʋsem sõngã ket n sõngda neb nins sẽn dat a sor - wilgrã. Some galaxies contain a billion stars. Today, God's spirit continues to help those in need. Kom - bɩɩsã segd n mag n maana bõe beoog - daare? Still, those Christians did praise God in song. The apostle Paul exhorted his Christian brothers in Colossae: "Keep on... admonishing one another with psalms, praises to God, spiritual songs with graciousness. " What should young ones be determined to do in the future? (1 Rĩm dãmba 19: 4) Tʋm - tʋmd a Poll me pãn - komsmã ra segd n sãama a sũurã wʋsgo, a sẽn wa n sak n yeel tɩ: "Mam sẽn dat n maan neere, wẽng loee ne mam. " However, a Christian who is distracted by valueless things puts his relationship with Jehovah and his prospects for everlasting life in danger. Similarly, the apostle Paul must have been distressed when he acknowledged: "When I wish to do what is right, what is bad is present with me. " (1 Tesalonik rãmba 5: 8) Wala a Zezi, segdame tɩ yaa bũmb nins Wẽnnaam sẽn pʋlem tõndã n be d yamẽ wã wakat fãa. D pa tog n bas tɩ dũniyã yɛl la laog tʋlsem yãmb d yamã ye. - Hebre dãmba 12: 2. 26: 63 - 67. Like Jesus, we need to keep in mind God's promise to keep our minds fixed on the things of this world and our desires. - Hebrews 12: 2. (2 Rĩm. 18: 14, 15) Sẽn paase, a kɩtame tɩ b maan bũmb toor - toor n na n segl b mense, sã n wa mik tɩ Asiiri sodaasã na n gũbga tẽngã n kaoose. (2 Kib. 32: 2 - 4) Yellã baasa wãna? The peaceable are happy because "they will be called " sons of God. ' " In addition, he made arrangements to prepare them for the destruction of Assyria's army. Bõe yĩng tɩ Israɛll nebã wẽneg n balem Moaab wẽnnaam dãmbã? The next day the Witnesses knocked on my door, and I accepted a Bible study. " - Anju, Nepal. Why did the Israelites become worshippers of the gods of Moab? Kolos ne Laodise la Hierapolis fãa ra yaa Aazi Mineer tẽnse. Yet, it is a remarkable star, dwarfing the planets orbiting it. Both Colossae and Laodicea were Asia Minor. a) A Salomo sagl - bʋg n kõt kom - bɩɩsã sor - wilgri? (Read John 21: 15 - 17.) (a) What counsel did Solomon give to young people? Baa f yam sã n da be a saglgã tũubu, f tõog n kell n maana " Zu - soabã sẽn datã ' bɩ? - Efɛ. 24: 13. Even if you had been influenced by the spirit of Paul's counsel, did you succeed in doing "the will of Jehovah "? - Eph. (Sɩng. 15: 6; Rom 4: 11) A Zeova sẽn wa n yeel a Abrahaam t'a yik n yi a ba - yirã, a sẽn tall tẽebã yĩnga, a sakame n bas a zaka, a zo - rãmba, a tʋʋma, la a bũmb a taaba, n na n kẽng tẽn - zãrgẽ. (Sɩng. 12: 1 - 4; Heb. Let us see how the Scriptures answer this question. When Jehovah told Abraham to leave his home because of his faith, he was willing to leave his family, friends, job, and other things to go to a distant land. La kiris - ned segd n zãaga a meng ne manesem a woto. Do you appreciate Jehovah in that way? However, a Christian needs to avoid such a course. A Zezi Kirist sẽn kell n tall kɩs - sɩd hal n tãag a kũumã, a wilgame tɩ Wẽnnaam a Zeova yaa Naand sẽn tar yam la nonglem n leb n yaa Naab sẽn ka to sẽn tar tɩrlem. What kinds of pressures may be put on us, and how should we respond? Jesus Christ, who remained faithful until his death, demonstrated that Jehovah is a wise, wise Creator, and loving Ruler. La sã n wa mik tɩ remsg a taab n yaa tɩlae, bɩ y tall bas - yard t'a Zeova na n wilga kẽem dãmbã sor tɩ b maan sẽn yaa sõma la tɩrga. - Galat dãmba 6: 10; 2 Tesalonik rãmba 3: 13. That cannot refer to normal tears that wash our sensitive eyes, nor can it refer to tears of joy. But when adjustments are needed, be assured that Jehovah will guide the elders to do what is right and righteous. - Galatians 6: 10; 2 Thessalonians 3: 13. Yãmb sẽn yaa roagdb n yaa kiris - nebã, y tõe n tũnuga ne Gileaad misioneer dãmbã vɩɩm kibay la neb a taab kibay n kɩt tɩ y kambã tʋlg n wa yɩ wakat fãa koe - moondb b vɩɩmã tõre. Jehovah similarly likened the Messianic Kingdom to a tree and stated prophetically: "On the mountain of the height of Israel I shall transplant it, and it will certainly bear boughs and produce fruit and become a majestic cedar. As Christian parents, you can use the life stories of missionaries and others to motivate your children to become full - time evangelizers. Wãn to la a Zeova teend a nin - buiidã rũndã - rũndã? Ahab ordered that Micaiah be thrown into prison with reduced rations. How does Jehovah sustain his people today? Yãmb yaa Wẽnnaam y ye bala. That question cut through the mother like a knife. You are God alone. D tẽed - n - taasã ra miime tɩ polɩɩs - rãmbã ra gũusd - b lame. Rẽ n so tɩ b yãk saam - biis tɩ b ra gũusdẽ. Persevere in the Harvest Work The brothers knew that the police were on guard, so they were appointed to keep on the watch. Sɩda Ezai 25: 7, 8 kõta bas - m - yam tɩ Wẽnnaam na n tũnuga ne a naanegã pãng n maan wakatã fãa tʋʋm - kãsems sẽn yɩɩd - bã a yembr woto: "Bãmb na n sãama kũum wakat sẽn ka sɛta. Zusoaba sẽn yaa soaala na n yẽesa nintãm nins fãa sẽn be neba ninẽ wã. (a) What example did Abraham set for us? Indeed, Isaiah 25: 7, 8 assures us that God will use his creative power to accomplish one of the greatest works of all history: "He will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. Sɩd - sɩda, pa tɩlae tɩ d maan "wẽng " ning sẽn be dũniyã pʋgẽ wã n yaool n bãng vɩɩmã sẽn tõe n sãam n ta zĩig ning ye. The English word "witchcraft " comes from the Old English" wicce " and "wicca, " referring to female and male practitioners respectively. Really, it is not necessary to do what is "the wicked one " in the world to determine how life can end. Pĩndã, b ra pa kõt ned yʋʋr yaar ye. Yʋʋrã tõe n wilga b sẽn dat t'a soabã wa maan bũmb ninga. Consider a few examples of the far - reaching influence that Jesus has had on human history. In times past, it was not given a name for anyone who wanted to do what was expected of him. Ad makr a wãna: Hence, let us do our utmost to speak truth with our neighbor. Consider some examples: Mam pa tol n paam n kẽ batayo - paallã n tɩ moon koɛɛgã ye. Are such atrocities really the work of the Devil? I had never had the privilege of engaging in the preaching work. Lett. Many of them can readily tell you how old they will have to be before they are allowed to cross a street alone or stay up until a certain hour of the evening or drive a car. G. (2 Kɩbaya 20: 17) Kiris - nebã me na n maana woto, a Zezi Kirist sã n wa na n kẽng n " tɩ baas a tõogrã. ' That is certainly a lesson evident in Jesus ' mild - tempered action toward Peter. Christians will do the same when Jesus Christ " finished his conquest. ' Wãn to? - Sɩngre 3: 1 - 6; Rom dãmba 5: 12; Wilgri 12: 9. • How can "the good news about the Christ " mean blessings for us and others? How? - Genesis 3: 1 - 6; Romans 5: 12; Revelation 12: 9. Koe - moonegã sasa, d sẽn tõe n gom bũmb nins yell tɩ yɩ nebã noogã yaa toor - toore. Ezekiel is meticulous in his writing. As we carry out our ministry, we can talk about the things that people are well - known for. A Poll sẽn tall manesem sõng a ministɛɛrã wɛɛngẽ wã yaa mak - sõng n kõ tõndo. The third slave mentioned in Jesus ' parable was afraid of his master, viewing him as a demanding and unreasonable person. Paul's fine conduct in his ministry serves as a fine example for us. Rẽnd ned ning fãa sẽn dat tõe n tũu a Zezi. For instance, one young person who started as a Kingdom publisher when he was 12 years old became inactive at the age of 15. Thus, everyone who wants to follow Jesus will follow him. Mam datame tɩ wõnd wa m pa bẽed ye. Jesus prepared his followers for mixed reactions to the good news. I want to feel as if I were ill. La wall tɩ d bas tɩ zu - loe - kãens koms d raoodã, d segd n ges - b - la wa sor d sẽn paame, n na n maaneg n wilg Wẽnnaam tɩ d nong - a lame, tɩ d tẽed - a - la ne d sũur fãa, la tɩ d kɩsa sɩd me ne a Gomdã. His invisible presence begins before his coming to execute judgment. Paragraph 12: See the article "Look! Instead of being discouraged or discouraged, however, we should view them as an opportunity to prove our love for God by exercising faith in his Word and by trusting in his Word. b) Sogs - bʋs sẽn tɩ loe ne yɩ sɩd soabã la d na n leoke? And may we display the zeal of all our brothers who since 1919 have spent themselves in Jehovah's service. (b) What questions regarding faithfulness will we consider? Vɛrse - rãmb wʋsg n wilgd tɩ Wẽnnaam yʋʋrã tara yõodo, la t'a segda ne waoogre. * (Yik. 3: 15; Yɩɩn. Such initiatives will give you the opportunity to observe young ones and offer commendation and see the results. - Prov. There are many scriptures that show the value of God's name and the sanctification of it. (Mat. 5: 6) Gom - kãensã võor yaa bõe ne neb nins sẽn tʋll n wilg tɩ b nonga tɩrlmã? You and your family and friends are warmly invited to attend and listen to a Bible - based talk. What does that mean for those who want to show love for righteousness? D vaees Biiblã kibar a ye sẽn gomd kiris - ned b sẽn da yiis yelle. Why, then, do you look at the straw in your brother's eye, but do not consider the rafter in your own eye? Consider the Bible example of a Christian man who was disfellowshipped. Y sã n tar y pagã wall y sɩdã la y kambã foto - rãmb y tʋʋmã zĩigẽ, na n tẽegda yãmb la y tʋmd - n - taasã tɩ y zakã rãmb tara yõod wʋsg ne - yã. Moreover, this commandment got to the very root of many illicit acts. - James 1: 14. If you have a marriage mate or a picture of your mate and children, you will remember that you and your family are precious to you. Bũmb a yembr sẽn tar yõod yaa d tũ "tʋm - tʋmd sẽn tũud sɩdã " sẽn sagend tõnd tɩ d karem Biiblã daar fãa wã. What should be the concern of a Christian family regarding any caregiving decision that they make? One important way is by applying the counsel of "the faithful steward " to read the Bible daily. Gũus - y tũud - n - taarã wɛɛngẽ tɩ yaa yaoolem wakate 1 / 8 It was a pleasure to study the Scriptures with the humble and hospitable people in that unassigned territory. 9 / 15 La rẽ yĩnga woto rat n yeelame tɩ bi - bees naab kae sɩda? They take an active part in the evangelizing work. Does that mean, though, that a ruler is a criminal? 22: 15 - 18; Ebre. 11: 10) A Zeezi yeelame yaa: "Yãmb ba a Abrahaam dag n kɩdma ne sũ - noogo, a sẽn dag n tagsd t'a na n yãnda mam daarã yĩnga. " My God, I am in despair. Jesus said: "Your father rejoiced because he thought he was about to see my day. " A wilga tõnd d sẽn tõe n dʋʋs batayo pɛɛl to - to wall n sik - ba, d sẽn tõe n maan n da menem mogrã zugu, la d sẽn tõe n maan to - to d sã n wa segd sebgo. And would you not agree that our own imperfections and unpredictable circumstances cause many of our problems? He tells us how we can avoid being distracted by the sea, how we can avoid being distracted, and how we can avoid falling into the trap of the wind. (Abdias 1 - 21) If a Christian does not fully understand a new explanation of a scripture, he does well humbly to echo the words of the prophet Micah: "I will show a waiting attitude for the God of my salvation. " - Micah 7: 7. (For fully formatted text, see publication) • Wãn to la kiris - nebã segd n ges bũmb nins sẽn be a Sʋɩtãan dũniyã pʋgẽ wã? Though Satan will not stop trying to discourage us, he will fail if we remain "sound in mind " and" vigilant with a view to prayers. " • How should Christians view what is in Satan's world? D tõe n kɩsa sɩd tɩ "maan - neer soab na n paama barka. " More goods produced in less time can mean greater profits. We can be sure that "the one doing good will succeed. " [ Foto, seb - neng 23] We thus manifest Jehovah's attitude. [ Picture on page 23] 24: 21) Dũniyã " yaoolem dayã ' bɩ a "sɛɛbã wakatã " sɩngda a Zezi naamã reegr tɛka, tɩ yɛl a taab me na n maan da - kãens pʋsẽ. Those who hold to this latter view may adopt the fatalistic attitude: "Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we are to die. " - 1 Corinthians 15: 32. " The last days " of this wicked system of things, or" the conclusion of the system of things, " began to rule with Jesus, and there would also be other things to do. Neb nins sẽn tʋll n bãng sɩdã tog n zãmsa Biiblã n bãng a sẽn sɩd yet bũmb ninga. The psalmist sang: "Just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more; and you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be. " Those who want to know the truth must learn what it says. Yãoã yii Zusoabã nengẽ; a yaa bõn - bãnd tõnd nifẽ. " As long as Israel faithfully followed the Law, Jehovah blessed the nation. This is from Jehovah, and it is a sign of our sight. " D sẽn wa n be yell ning fãa pʋgẽ, b sã n namsda tõnd d tẽebã poorẽ, wall d bee makr a to pʋgẽ me, d sã n yãk yam ne d sũur fãa wa a Zoob tɩ d kõn bas d tɩrlmã, d na n tõog n kell n saka Wẽnnaam. Whatever the case, the wayward inhabitants of the ten - tribe kingdom of Israel needed to display genuine repentance and really return to Jehovah. When we face trials or other trials, like Job, we will be able to maintain our integrity if we are determined not to give up our integrity. Bõe la a Zezi maan yʋʋmd 33 Pakã yʋngo? No thief can steal these treasures; no moth or rust can consume them. What did Jesus do on Passover night 33 C.E.? A yẽgma woto: "[A] pa tek galʋ - tẽnsẽ wã bal ye, la a yelga wa bã - loangdg n kẽ tẽn - biyã la tẽnsã sẽn be yambẽ wã. " 20: 4. He complained: "He is not only the city's city but also the pestilence that has thrown among the nations and the nations that are on the surface of the ground. " La b pa tõog tɩ neb nins sẽn da rat ne b sũur fãa n karem Biiblã la b wʋm a goamã võorã koms raood n pa karm - a ye. We can and should commend them for their hard work and strive to cooperate with directions that they provide. However, they failed to prevent those who sincerely desired to read the Bible and understand its meaning. Bõe yĩng tɩ Rĩungã neb sakd Wẽnnaam noyã? The matter of Daniel's praying three times a day was public knowledge. Why do Kingdom citizens obey God's commands? 2: 8, 9; Zã 3: 16) D segd n tʋmda tʋʋm sẽn zems ne Wẽnnaam daabã. " Guard Against Every Sort of Covetousness " We must act in harmony with God's will. La maana yʋʋm tusa tɩ Wẽnnaam pagã ra pa tar yageng sẽn tõe n sãam Sʋɩtãanã ne a tʋʋmã ye. We need heartfelt conviction that the only proper way to serve God is by doing all things for his glory. - Read 1 Corinthians 10: 31. For thousands of years, God's woman had no seed that could destroy Satan and his works. Neb nins sẽn da pa sak n tẽ vʋʋgrã nana wã kẽer da bee Korẽnt tigingã pʋgẽ. He now says: "I also learned that a youth who flirts is developing qualities that make for being a bad marriage mate. Some who refused to believe in the resurrection were in the congregation in Corinth. Ayo. THE Biblical account found at Genesis 22: 6 states that, in order to prepare to offer a sacrifice at a distant location, Abraham "took the wood for the burnt offering and put it on his son Isaac. No. " Yãmb sẽn bãng tõnd sẽn be wakat ningã yĩnga, wakat taame tɩ yãmb tog n nek n bas gõeem. " - ROM 13: 11. And he promises that those who come to him with the right motive and attitude will be richly rewarded: "The result of humility and the fear of Jehovah is riches and glory and life. " - Proverbs 22: 4. " Since you know when we are in, the appointed time has come for you to awaken from sleep. " - ROM. 13: 11. (Luk 8: 1) A Zezi yeela a karen - biisã tɩ b "kẽng n maan nebã buud fãa tɩ b yɩ [yẽ] karen - biisi. " ▪ Where interest is shown, offer literature and demonstrate a Bible study if possible. Jesus told his disciples: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations. " Sẽn paase, zʋɩf - rãmb wʋsg n da kẽ kãadem ne bu - zẽms neba. - Neh. (a) To whom do people turn for advice? Moreover, many Jews were married to Gentiles. - Neh. Bõe yĩng tɩ d segd n teeg a Zeova? He minimizes God's law, disregarding Jehovah and His name as being of no force or importance. Why should we trust in Jehovah? Bala d sã n maan woto, rẽ waoogda tõnd yĩngr Ba wã, la a wata ne ziir la pẽgr n kõt - a. A mature brother or sister has the humility to work for unity, even when facing the imperfections of others. Because doing so glorifies our heavenly Father and brings glory and glory to him. D sẽn bãng bũmb nins d tẽed - n - taasã sẽn maan wakat kãngã, sõngame tɩ d maneg n wʋm Biiblã kibay kẽer võore. [ Footnote] What we have learned through the experiences of fellow believers back then has increased our understanding of Bible accounts. Rẽ kɩtame t'a " maan sẽn yaa wẽng Sẽn - Ka - Saab nifẽ. ' (1 Rĩm. 11: 1 - 6) A Salomo pagbã tõogame t'a bas a Zeova tũubu. Such dear sheep need tender care, and this means that loving shepherds must take a personal interest in them. As a result, Solomon " did what was bad in Jehovah's eyes. ' A Zezi ra pa yet tɩ kũum pa na n vʋʋge, wa a wakatẽ tũudum taoor dãmb kẽer sẽn da yetã ye. This was important because within a few months of their withdrawal from Jerusalem, the Roman troops once again renewed their war operations. Jesus was not saying that there will be a resurrection, just as some religious leaders of his day claimed. Bao - y y zoa n wilg - a y zu - loeesã. Jorge A. Costa e Silva, as the mental - health director for the World Health Organization, wrote: "We live in a time of extremely fast changes, which end up causing anxiety and stress at levels never before seen in mankind's history. " Speak to a friend about his problems. A ra ratame t'a Zeova nin - buiidã fãa tʋmd tũudmã tʋʋmã. A ra pa baood tɩ yẽ a ye zug zẽk ye. Holy spirit can help you to cultivate godly qualities. He wanted all of Jehovah's servants to share in the work of preaching the good news of God's Kingdom. A Zezi mengã sɩd wilgame tɩ saag - kãng yaa sɩda, n wilg tɩ Wẽnnaam na n tũnuga ne yẽ n vʋʋg sẽn ki - bã. Please, God, let me get through this. ' Jesus himself proved this hope by pointing out that God would use him to resurrect the dead. Rẽnd yaa tõnd la yɩɩl - gʋlsdã gomd ne, a sẽn wa n yeel tɩ: "Dũniyã neba fãa, bɩ y kelem n pẽg Wẽnnaam. Sometimes, a certain course might seem practical from a secular point of view. Thus, we are the psalmist's words when he said: "As for the whole earth, cry out to God. Bãmb ka na n bas nin - tɩrg t'a leng wakat sẽn ka sɛt ye. " Conquering Spiritism With Bible Truth in Haiti Never will he allow the righteous one to totter. " Sebrã gom - zugu: Ninsaal tõe n paama sũ - noog hakɩk bɩ? 7: 1 - How was Moses made "God to Pharaoh "? Regarding finding true happiness, the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? Sõs - kãngã pʋgẽ, d na n tẽega Biiblã sagls a wãn sẽn tõe n sõng - d futã yelgr wɛɛngẽ, tɩ d bãng sẽn tat Wẽnnaam yam. Bala, Wẽnnaam daabã yaa sõma, n zems zãnga, t'a tũub me noome. - Rom. The Bible states: "Safeguard practical wisdom and thinking ability, and they will prove to be life to your soul and charm to your throat. " In this article, we will consider several Scriptural principles that can help us to make sure that our clothing is acceptable to God, the good and perfect will of God. - Rom. (Zã 11: 33, 35) Zemsame tɩ d wilg tɩ d ra nonga kiidã la d soalg - a ne burkĩndi, bala rẽ yaa manesem sẽn wilgd d nonglem. The Greek word por·neiʹa, translated "fornication, " has a fairly broad meaning. It is proper to show that we love the dead and walk in integrity because this is an expression of our love. Kelgd - y sẽn sɩd nong - b yãmbã. Because Jehovah cherishes those who walk with him, he keeps his fatherly eye upon them, caring for them, protecting them, and teaching them. Listen to those who truly love you. Rẽ tɛka, a kell n boola a Zezi t'a "Zusoaba, " la a sak - a. (Tʋʋ. 22: 6 - 16; 2 Kor. However, they manage to grab their laptop computers, which they take with them to the refugee camps. Since then, he has continued to address Jesus as "Lord " and to obey him. Sõsg ning sẽn pʋgdã leokda sogs - kãensã. After Jesus ' enthronement as King in 1914, he cleansed the heavens of the contaminating influence of Satan and the demons. The following article will consider these questions. Baa ne nonglem hakɩkã sẽn pa bũmb b sẽn daadã, f sã n kõ ned kũun ne f sũur fãa, tõe n kɩtame tɩ f paam a soabã zoodo. To those who come to him and listen, Jehovah says: "I shall readily conclude with you people an indefinitely lasting covenant respecting the loving - kindnesses to David. " While true love is not paid for a gift, it can draw you closer to him. (Kolos rãmba 3: 8; Zak 1: 21) Kiris - neb wʋsg mikame tɩ b sã n ning Mélodies du Royaume kasɛt rãmbã tɩ nebã kelgdẽ bɩ b tũud n yɩɩndẽ, nooma nebã. Whether we are of the "little flock, " with the heavenly calling, or of the" other sheep, " with the earthly hope, each one of us should take to heart the admonition to walk by faith and not by sight. Many Christians have found that they are happy when they listen to the Kingdom message. Wẽnnaam Gomdã sagend - d lame tɩ d "sak taab ne nonglem, " tɩ d maan taab neer la d tall sũ - bʋgsem, n kõt taab sugr la d reegd taab sãando. (Ef. Do rouse yourself at my calling and see. " God's Word urges us to "become kind to one another, tenderly compassionate, freely forgiving one another. " Sẽn yaa wakat ning fãa, d segd n kota a Zeova t'a tũnugd ne a vʋʋsem sõngã n sõngd - d tɩ d talld tagsgo, no - goam la manesem sẽn yaa sõma. And only he has the right to impose his sovereignty over all the earth, for it is his creation. - Revelation 4: 11. Whatever the case, we should ask Jehovah to use his holy spirit to help us control our thinking, speech, and conduct. Wãn - wãn la d segd n dɩlg d mens ne a Zeova goamã daar fãa, la bõe yĩnga? 17 - 19. (a) In what ways can we test ourselves? How should we feed ourselves with Jehovah's word, and why? " Tõnd yaa a Zeova rẽnda. ' - ROM 14: 8. What, then, do we need to do in order to remain in God's love? 14: 8. D tõeeme n lebs n paam laafɩ kãnga d sũyã pʋsẽ, d sã n tags t'a Zeova zɩ n yeel tɩ tõnd yõodã bee ne d sẽn na n dɩk tõnd sẽn maandã n mak ne neb a taabã sẽn maandã ye. I WAS born in 1923 in Hemsworth, a town in Yorkshire, England. We can find that peace in our heart when we feel that Jehovah never says that we are worthy of our use of what we do to others. M yao bi - ribl n wa n lebg a Zeova Kaset soaba. Hal yʋʋmd 1972 la a yaa kãsem - soaba. Have we applied the direction to have a regular time for family worship? My brother eventually became one of Jehovah's Witnesses in 1972. Sã n yaa woto, tõe tɩ y yãka neb kẽer bal n tagsdẽ tɩ bãmb n tõe n yɩ y zo - rãmba. You might be tempted to reason that pointing out his wrong would damage your friendship. If so, you may have chosen some to be your friends. Wãn to la d tõe n wilg tɩ d ratame tɩ Wẽnnaam wilg - d sore? The penalty for that disobedient act was death, as God had clearly stated: "In the day you eat from it you will positively die. " How can we show that we want God's guidance? Mam yãadmẽ, m doagdbã ra wae n deegda tigims sull yel - gɛtbã ne b pagbã sãando. After careful research and fervent prayer, they decided to go ahead with their plans. As a teenager, my parents often accepted circuit overseers and their wives. La wãn to la d tõe n wilg tɩ d tara bas - yard ne tʋm - tʋmd sẽn tũud sɩd la sẽn tar yamã? As Jesus Christ said, "he that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved. " - Matthew 24: 13. How, though, can we demonstrate that we trust the faithful and discreet slave? The World Book Encyclopedia yeta woto: "Naoor wʋsgo, sã n tar - n - tarẽ, nebã lebgda yam yĩmsem dãmb n paasdẽ.... For example, concerning those in the Christian congregation in ancient Corinth who had once been thieves, drunkards, adulterers, and the like, Paul said: "That is what some of you were. The World Book Encyclopedia states: "The more people get older, the more they are happier they become.... D sã n zãms Biiblã bãngr - goamã, sõngd - d lame tɩ d bãng bũmb Wẽnnaam zugu. Faith involves the way you live your life. Studying Bible prophecies helps us to understand God's personality. (Zak 1: 27) B laka b mens ne "tũud - n - ta - wẽns " sẽn be kiris - neb tigingã pʋgẽ menga, sẽn na yɩl n kogl b tẽebã. - 1 Korẽnt dãmba 15: 33; 2 Tɩmote 2: 20, 21. The wicked do not have the same desire to get up. They avoid "the bad associations " even in the Christian congregation so that they can protect their faith. - 1 Corinthians 15: 33; 2 Timothy 2: 20, 21. Sus kẽer tara ãds milyaare. WHAT DOES THE BIBLE TEACH? Some stars contain billions of stars. Tʋm - tʋmd a Poll sagla a tẽed - n - taas nins sẽn da be Kolosã woto: "Bɩ y sagl taab... ne yɩɩl sõamyã, la ne Wẽnnaam yɩɩla, la ne sɩɩg sõng yɩɩla, la y yɩɩl n pẽg Wẽnnaam. " (Kol. 6 - 8. (a) How did one young man change his view of God's service, and with what result? The apostle Paul urged fellow believers in Colossae: "Continue applying yourself to one another... with psalms and praises to God, with holy spirit, singing praises to God. " 6: 33; 1 Tɩm. 4: 10) La kiris - ned sã n pʋgd bũmb sẽn pa tar yõodo, a tõe n sãama zood ning a sẽn tar ne a Zeova wã, la a tõeeme me n pa paam vɩɩm sẽn pa satã ye. There, while Jesus was fasting, praying, and meditating, Jehovah likely instructed and enlightened his Son about what lay ahead for him. On the other hand, a Christian's relationship with Jehovah and may not have the prospect of everlasting life. 26: 63 - 67. Will God hear and respond to your prayers? 26: 6 - 67. Laafɩ rãmbã tara sũ - noogo, bala " b na n boola bãmb tɩ Wẽnnaam kamba. ' Yes, Jehovah delivered Ebed - melech, as well as Jeremiah, from the wicked princes of Judah and later from the Babylonians, who razed Jerusalem. Happy are the peaceable, since "they will be called sons of God. " Vẽkembeoogã, a Zeova Kaset rãmb n wa tõnd zakẽ wã, tɩ mam sak n na n zãms Biiblã ne - ba. " - A Anju sẽn be Nepallã. They will share with Jesus in "the healing of the nations, " directing obedient humans to the means to become free from the burden of sin and death and raising them to perfection. - Read Revelation 22: 1, 2, 17. The next day, Jehovah's Witnesses came to our home, and I agreed to study the Bible with them. " - Sam. Ne rẽ fãa, wĩntoogã yaa ãdg sẽn pa wõnd a taaba, n kɩtdẽ tɩ bũmb nins sẽn zoet n gilgd - a wã wõnd b yaa kɩdse. It could also be that Nehemiah was counting time by what the Jews today call a civil year, which begins in the month of Tishri, corresponding to September / October. Yet, the sun is a unique star. (Karm - y Zã 21: 15 - 17.) Starting with the first study edition of The Watchtower, the January 15, 2008, issue, a significant detail was included on the front cover. Did you notice it? (Read John 21: 15 - 17.) 24: 13. But it was God - not humans - who rightfully determined when such warfare was to take place and who was to be involved. 24: 13. D bao n bãng Biiblã sẽn yet bũmb ninga. 15, 16. (a) How does setting one's mind on something affect one's mental attitude? Let us consider what the Bible says. Rẽ yĩnga y sũur nooma ne a Zeova a sẽn nong - d la a rat d neer woto wã bɩ? They may appear to be self - satisfied or apathetic, like the Israelites, or may be opposed to God's message. Do you appreciate Jehovah's love and concern for us? Zu - loe - bʋs la d tõe n sege, la d manesem segd n yɩɩ wãna? He wants us to choose our own course in life. What challenges may we face, and how should we react? Yão wã pa tõe n yɩ nintãm zaalgã sẽn pekd tõnd ninã, a leb n pa tõe n yɩ sũ - noog nintãm ye. The truth from the Bible has given me satisfaction and happiness. " This cannot be a source of tears to our eyes; nor can it be tears of joy. (Ezai 33: 24; 35: 5, 6; Wil. 21: 4) Wakat kãnga, sẽn ningd - b linet - rãmb sẽn na yɩl n paam n yã sõma wã na n loba b linet - rãmbã, tɩ zoensã lob b rasabã, tɩ koms - rãmb nins sẽn tikd raadã lob b raadã, tɩ põyã yik n bas b wiidã. But from the cities of refuge, we also learn about Jehovah and how we may reflect his qualities. At that time, the planets were thrown into the open, and the lame were thrown into the hands of the blind, and they were thrown into the hands of the blind. A Zeova me ra kɩtame tɩ b mak Mesi Rĩungã ne tɩɩga. Bãngr - gomd a ye pʋgẽ a yeela woto: "Mam na n sel - a - la Israɛll tãngã zugu, t'a tão wil n wom biisi, n lebg tɩ - wok sẽn tar ziiri. Give examples of men who lost focus on what was truly important. Similarly, Jehovah inspired the Messianic Kingdom to be compared to a tree of Israel, one of which says: "I shall planted it upon the mountain of Israel, and it must become fruitful and fruitful. A Akaab kõo noor tɩ b ning a Miise bi - bees roogẽ n kõ - a rɩɩb bilf bala. Does it really matter to Jehovah whether you know and use his name or not? Ahab ordered that Micah be thrown into prison to give him just a few bread. Sʋk kãngã zaba a ma wã wʋsgo. Will we meditate on and take to heart the vital information that will strengthen us to resist Satan's final attempt to divert us from the truth? That question was a serious conflict with his mother's mother. Nang - y pãng tigisgã pʋgẽ Quite on the contrary. Be Courageous in the Harvest Work a) Mak - sõng bʋg la a Abrahaam kõ - do? He healed the sick, the blind, the disabled, the deaf, and the speechless. (a) What example did Abraham set? Ãngilind gom - biig ning b sẽn lebg tɩ "sõod " ne moorã yita" wicce " la "wicca, " sẽn tɩ loe ne pag la rao sẽn yaa sõoba. (a) Why was Jehovah going to take action against Israel and Judah? The Greek word rendered "from " and" from " comes from a Greek word that refers to a husband and a woman. ▪ Kalãndirie ning neb wʋsg sẽn tarã yʋʋm sõdg sɩnga ne yʋʋmd ning nebã sẽn tẽed tɩ yaa a Zezi rogem yʋʋmdã. Yet not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father's knowledge. ▪ Many people who have more than a year began to agree with the belief that Jesus was born during the year 33 C.E. (2 Kor. 4: 2) Woto yĩng bɩ d modg tɩ wakat fãa bɩ d togsd sɩda. Graceful, upright palm trees were a common sight in Oriental courtyards in Bible times. Therefore, let us always speak the truth. La rẽ yĩnga, tʋʋm - wẽns a woto buudã sɩd yaa a Sʋɩtãan tʋʋm bɩ? The Hebrew phrase "call on the name " also means" declare (preach) the name. " Is that really the case with Satan's actions? Bãmb wʋsg tõe n togs - y - la b sẽn segd n paam yʋʋm sõor ning tɩ b yaool n sak tɩ b pɩʋʋg sor b yembre, tɩ b pa yɩng zĩ - sobd tɩ ta lɛɛr ninga, bɩ n wẽn mobilli, bɩ n zomb montɛɛre. The first example involves the faithful patriarch Abraham and the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Many of them may tell you how long they would have to travel to a certain destination before going through a long distance, staying outside, or going to a certain location. A Zezi manesem sẽn yɩ to - to ne a Pɩɛɛrã wilgdame tɩ tõnd ned kam fãa sɩd segd n maanda woto. Conversely, wives and children should see that if they have offered an opinion or a preference, they may then need to be yielding in respecting direction from the one Scripturally authorized to decide. Jesus ' attitude toward Peter shows that each of us should do so personally. • Wãn to la "Kirist koe - noogã " nafd tõnd la neb a taaba? " From the Bible, I learned that all those years spent fighting were wasted " • How does "the good news of the Christ " benefit us and others? A Ezekɩɛll maaga a meng n gʋls a sebrã n wilg yɛlã vẽenega. A spirit is a form of life higher than a human. Ezekiel patiently wrote the book of Ezekiel. (Yɩɩl 40: 9) A Zezi yel - bũndã pʋgẽ, tʋm - tʋmd a tãab - n - soabã ra zoeta a zu - soabã, n get - a wa nin - toaaga. When thinking about a past mistake, we may feel "crushed to an extreme degree. " In Jesus ' parable, the third slave feared his master and viewed him as cruel. Pipi sõsgã wilgda d sẽn tõe n bas d yell ne Wẽnnaam to - to. In some undisclosed manner, the holy spirit prevented the travelers from preaching in the province of Asia. The first article shows how we can throw our burden on God. Makre, bi - bɩɩg a ye sẽn lebg koe - moond a yʋʋm 12 n wa n bas tigingã a yʋʋm 15 sasa. The Trinity, explain Catholic scholars Karl Rahner and Herbert Vorgrimler, "could not be known without revelation, and even after revelation cannot become wholly intelligible. " For example, a young man who became a regular pioneer for 12 years left the congregation for 15 years. La b maanda woto baa ne nebã yam - kaalgã, b yaalgã la b namsgã. However, Jehovah made these very ones part of "a nation " that produced Kingdom fruitage. Yet, they do so despite apathy, ridicule, and persecution. Matɩe 24: 3 gomda Kiristã sẽn na n wa sɩng naam dɩɩb saasẽ wã yelle, tɩ vɛrse 42 ne 44 gomd a sẽn na n wa sãam nin - wẽnsã yelle. We may be struggling with a chronic illness, with prolonged opposition from close family members, or with constant persecution. Matthew 24: 3 refers to Christ's presence in heaven with 44 references to his coming to execute judgment upon the wicked. La bɩ d tall yẽesem buud ning d saam - biisã fãa sẽn sɩng n tar hal yʋʋmd 1919 tɛkã, b sẽn tʋm wʋsg a Zeova tʋʋmdã pʋgẽ wã. What can help you? And let us maintain the zeal of all our brothers, who have been busy in Jehovah's service since 1919. Y sã n maan woto, y na n tõog n bãnga bi - bɩɩgã sẽn tʋmd to - to, n pẽg - a, la y bãng rẽ sẽn nafd - a to - to wã me. - Yel. Being modest in walking with God helps us to have a realistic view of our circumstances. If you do so, you will likely learn how the young man works, praising him, and know how he benefits you. - Prov. Sõsdã na n tika Biiblã, n wilg a Zeezi kũumã võore, la a sẽn tõe n naf yãmb to - to. [ Picture on page 22] The speaker will discuss what the Bible says about Jesus ' death and how it can benefit you. Tɩ bõe, yãmb sẽn na n bʋ ned bʋʋd bũmb ninga, yãmb na n paama bʋ - kãnga. It too is designed to glorify Jehovah and to benefit obedient humans. For with the judgment you are judging, you will be judged. Pa zaalem yĩng la a Zeova sẽn na n maan yel - soalem tɩ sẽn na n põs - b Armagedõ sasa wã paam laafɩ wã ye. Can't you see that I am busy? " No wonder Jehovah will perform miracles that will bring relief to those who survive Armageddon! (1 Sãmwɛll 16: 7) Sẽn paase, no - kãng gɩdga bũmb nins sẽn kɩtd tɩ nebã maand tʋʋm wẽnsã. - Zak 1: 14. Those who keep their life balanced are likely to enjoy their work even more. Moreover, this law condemns what causes people to do bad things. - James 1: 14. Zak rãmb sẽn yaa kiris - neb sã n wa rat n maan bũmb sẽn kʋʋl - bã yell gesg wɛɛngẽ, bõe n segd n pak - b yɩɩda? Indeed, it is vital that any who desire life keep on walking with God. What should be their priority when caring for elderly relatives? B sẽn wa kolgdẽ, b sega kʋʋng a to sẽn da rabd n na n tɩ mum kũum, la a Zezi vʋʋgã sẽn da ki - a wã. How do the publishers adapt to this situation? As they approached, they met another crowd who would resurrect the dead and the resurrected Jesus. Zĩ - kãens nebã ra yaa sik - m - mens rãmb la b nong sãamba. Tõnd sẽn da paam n zãmsd - b Biiblã ra noom - d - la wʋsgo. 35: 19 - What is the meaning of David's request not to let those hating him wink their eye? The people in those congregations were humble and kind, and we were thrilled to study the Bible with them. B kẽesda b toog koe - noogã mooneg pʋgẽ. We will trust in Jehovah at all times and with our whole heart. They participate in the preaching work. Mam Wẽnnaam, m sũur sãamame, rẽ kɩtame tɩ m na n zĩnd... n tẽeg yãmb yelle. " Actually, all who are led by holy spirit can exercise self - control and can thus avoid immorality, vulgar speech, or anything else that could result in Jehovah's disapproval. As a result, I shall remember you... and I will remember you. " Yel - lingdem me tõe n tiig n paam - d lame. Where Is God? We may also be overwhelmed by unexpected events. B sã n wilg verse võor tɩ kiris - ned pa wʋm a võorã zãnga, yaa sõma t'a tall sik - n - meng n maan wa no - rɛɛs a Miise sẽn yeel woto wã: "Mam na n gũu Wẽnnaam, bãmb yaa mam fãagda. " - Miise 7: 7. How many of the vows that we have discussed have you made to God - one, two, or all three? When a Christian does not fully understand the meaning of verse 7, it is good for him to exercise humility and act in harmony with the words of the prophet Micah: "I will show a waiting attitude for God, and he will save me. " - Micah 7: 7. Yaa vẽeneg t'a Sʋɩtãan na n ket n modgdame n dat n koms d raoodo, la d sã n tall " yam - sõng ' la d " wɩngd ne pʋʋsgo, ' a pa na n tol n tõog - d ye. When a married couple follow Jesus ' counsel and are faithful to each other, all in the family feel secure and happy. Of course, Satan will continue to try to discourage us, but if we have "a pure heart, " he will never fail us. B sã n tõog n yiis te - koosdem wakat bilf pʋgẽ, a tõe n waa ne ligd nafa wʋsg n paase. With regard to inhabitants of Canaan, the Israelites were commanded: "You must form no marriage alliance with them. If it has been able to sell money for a limited period of time, it can result in many benefits. (Kolos rãmba 4: 11) Woto, tõnd maanda wa a Zeova. Why were the Scriptures not more thoroughly considered? We thus do Jehovah's way. Yɩɩl - gʋlsdã yɩɩla woto: "Keta bilf bala tɩ nin - wẽng kõn tol n zĩnd ye. Yãmb na n bao n tɩ bãnga a zĩiga, la a ka be ye. " In addition, we are able to manifest this quality because we are led by God's holy spirit, or active force. The psalmist sang: "Just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more; and you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be. " Israɛll sã n da tũud Tõogã ne kɩs - sɩd fãa, a Zeova ra ningda buudã barka. It is a treasure that money cannot buy. " When Israel obeyed the Law, Jehovah blessed the nation. Sẽn wa n yaa a soab fãa, Israɛll buud piigã neb sẽn yaa tõtbã ra segd n teka yam n kos sugr n sɩd lebg n leba a Zeova nengẽ. (a) How should a Christian woman view her God - given abilities, or gifts? In any case, the unfaithful Israelites needed to repent and return to Jehovah. Wagdr ba a yembr pa tõe n zu arzɛg - kãensã ye. Mogd buud bɩ tẽng - n - piisim pa tõe n dɩ - b ye. Just what is implied by the verb translated " gather together again ' in this verse? Bible scholar J. B. No one can store such treasures, including the Red Sea or the land, but no one can eat them. 20: 4. Like the farmer, we need to wait patiently. 20: 4. Segdame tɩ d pẽg - ba, b sẽn tʋmd wʋsgã yĩnga. 28: 19. We should commend them for their hard work. Neb wʋsg ra miime t'a Daniɛll ra pʋʋsda naoor a tãab daar fãa. In what ways has Satan's way of ruling failed? Many knew that Daniel was praying three times. Gũus - y y mens ne rat - wʋsg buud fãa Jeanine brings up another problem: "It can be a real challenge to reject the tendency to make your son the head of the household so as to make up for the absence of a husband. Guard Against All Self - Control (Yɩɩl 97: 10; 1 Zã 5: 19) D segd n kɩsa sɩd tɩ yaa d sẽn na n maand bũmba fãa Wẽnnaam waoogr yĩng bal la d tat a yam. - Karm - y 1 Korẽnt dãmb 10: 31. PAGE 8 • SONGS: 62, 60 We must be convinced that it is only by doing all things for God's glory. - Read 1 Corinthians 10: 31. Ad a sẽn yeel masã: "M bãngame me tɩ bi - bɩɩg sã n maand woto, a bɩɩsda zʋg - wẽns sẽn na n wa kɩt t'a pa yɩ sɩd - sõng ye. Because Adam was alone, this prohibition could not have referred to sexual relations. She now says: "I also learned that if a young person does that, he will not be truly good. BIIBLÃ wilga Sɩngr 22: 6 pʋgẽ t'a Abrahaam sẽn wa n na n segl a meng n tɩ kʋ maoong zĩ - zãrgẽ wã, a "rɩka maoong sẽn yõogd bugmã raadã n tʋk a biig a Izake, la a rɩk bugmã ne sʋʋgã n zãad a nugẽ. * Paul's apology paved the way for the Sanhedrin to listen to what he had to say. The Bible states at Genesis 22: 6 that when Abraham was prepared to offer up his son, "he proceeded to offer up a burnt offering and put his sword in his hand. A yeela woto: "Sik - m - meng ne Zusoabã zoees biis yaa arzɛk ne waoogre la vɩɩm. " - Yel. 22: 4. " Ascribe to Jehovah glory and strength. He said: "The result of humility and the fear of Jehovah is riches and glory and life. " - Prov. 22: 4. ▪ A sã n wilg t'a rat n bãng n paasame, sã n sakdẽ bɩ y kõ - a sebr la y wilg - a y sẽn tũnugd ne rẽ n zãmsd nebã Biiblã to - to. But what type of love is this? ▪ If he expresses a desire to learn more, show him how you use the Bible Teach book. a) Nebã baooda sagls ãnd dãmb nengẽ? 7: 22. (a) To whom do people need counsel? Wilgdame me t'a maanda a toog kae ne Wẽnnaam noyã, la t'a pa baood tɩ Wẽnnaam yʋʋrã paam pẽgr ye. Jesus himself rightly said: "I am the light of the world. " - John 8: 12; 11: 28; 18: 37. It also shows that he does not dwell on God's laws and that he does not expect God's name to be sanctified. D sã n yaa kiris - neb sẽn bɩ, baa d tẽed - n - taag sã n wa konge, d na n kell n sika d meng n bao tɩ zems - n - taar kell n zĩnd d sʋka. COVER SUBJECT | A GOVERNMENT FREE OF CORRUPTION If we are mature Christians, we will remain humble even when we make mistakes. [ Tẽngr note] They invite you to have a Bible study. [ Footnote] (Yɩɩl 79: 13) Nin - kãensã ratame tɩ b nong - b wʋsg la b get b yell sõma, tɩ kɩt tɩ kãsem dãmbã segd n sɩd wilg - b tɩ b rata b neere. When it comes to the flock of God, dedicated men in the congregation surely want to reflect the attitude of Jesus, who said: "I will refresh you. " Such ones want to be very loving and caring for them, and the elders need to show genuine interest in them. Bala, kiuug a wãn Zerizalɛm lʋɩɩsã poore, Rom sodaasã longa tẽns a taaba. Jehovah is a manly person of war. A few days after Jerusalem's fall, the Roman armies threw the Roman armies into other parts of the Roman Empire. Dogtɛɛr a Jorge Costa e Silva sẽn yaa dũni gill yĩns laafɩ siglgã (Organisation mondiale de la santé) yel - gɛtã wilgame tɩ rẽ yaa sɩd n gʋls woto: "Tõnd vɩɩ wakat toeengã sẽn wat wʋsg tao - tao tɩ loog noore, tɩ wat n baasd ne yɩɩr la sũ - sãams d sẽn zɩ n yã ãdem - biisã sẽn be dũni zug tɛk ye. " Wearing skimpy, revealing clothes to Christian meetings or social gatherings draws unnecessary attention to the human body and shows a lapse of chasteness. " We are living in a time of distress and sorrow and sorrow and sorrow to the world, " wrote the Branch Committee of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. Wẽnnaam vʋʋsem sõngã tõe n sõng - y lame tɩ y paam zʋg - sõma. Most Witnesses were poor, barely able to pay for a one - way trip to the convention. God's spirit can help you to develop godly qualities. Wẽnde, sõng - m tɩ m yi yel - kãngã pʋgẽ. ' Why should we make an honest appraisal of ourselves? My God has helped me to cope with this problem. ' (Yelbũna 3: 5 - 7) Wakat ninga, manesem ning tõe n wõnda a zemsame, sã n yaa ne dũniyã neb tagsgo. Among them were your kidneys. At times, the way you react may seem reasonable, according to the thinking of the world. Tɩɩm saoogã tõogr ne Biiblã sɩd maasem Haiti Still, if we are ill, we can look to God for comfort, wisdom, and support, as did true worshippers in the past. Could you use the Bible to make sure that it is best for you to do so? 7: 1 - Wãn to la b kɩt t'a Moiiz yɩ "wa Wẽnnaam Faraõ nifẽ "? To the congregation in Ephesus, Paul wrote: "I ask you not to give up on account of these tribulations of mine in your behalf, for these mean glory for you. " 7: 1 - How was Moses "like Pharaoh in God's eyes "? Biiblã yetame: "Tall yam ne yẽesem n da sak tɩ b loog n bas - f ye. Bãmb na n yɩɩ vɩɩm f yĩnga. La b na n yɩɩ wa kĩnd fo kokorẽ. " Jehovah blessed Jesus "forever " by resurrecting him to immortal life. - Rom. 6: 9. The Bible says: "Be wise and strong, and they will prove to be life to your soul, and they will prove to be life to your soul. " Gɛrk gom - biig ning sẽn yaa porneia wã b sẽn lebg tɩ "yoobã " tara võor buud toor - toore. Yes, our daily Bible reading shows how highly we esteem Jehovah's precious Word of truth. - John 17: 17. The Greek word translated "congregation " has various meaning. A Zeova sẽn nong neb nins sẽn kẽnd ne - a wã yĩnga, a gũusd - b - la wa Ba sẽn gũusd a kamb to - to wã n get b yelle, n kogend - ba la a wilgd - b sẽn segde. We also see that Jehovah is prepared to accept the prayers of those approaching him in a proper manner. Because Jehovah loves those who walk with him, he watches over them as his Father cares for them, protect, and guide them. La b maana b sẽn tõe fãa n zã ordinatɛɛr kɩds b sẽn da tare. Elders also value the contribution of older fellow overseers. However, they did their best to use a computer that was available. Yʋʋmd 1914 soabã pʋgẽ, a Zezi sẽn deeg naam saasẽ wã poore, a riga a Sʋɩtãan ne a zĩn - dãmbã tɩ b sig tẽngã zugu, tɩ kɩt tɩ kɩɩsdb pa le be saasẽ ye. Jealousy and contentiousness are fleshly traits, not spiritual ones. In 1914, after Jesus was enthroned as King in heaven, Satan and his demons were cast down to the earth and confined to heaven. (Ezai 51: 6; 52: 2) A Zeova yeta neb nins sẽn wat a nengẽ la b kelgd - a wã woto: "Mam na n maana kãabg sẽn kõn sɛ ne yãmba. Yaa nonglem ninga mam sẽn da kõ a Davɩɩd wakat fãa yĩngã. " • How does loving - kindness differ from human kindness? To those who come to him and listen to him, Jehovah says: "I will conclude with you the covenant that I have made with you all the days of my loving - kindness. " Tõnd bee "bãg - bilã " neb sẽn tar saasẽ vɩɩmã boollã sʋk tɩ d bee" piis a taabã " sẽn tar tẽng zug vɩɩmã saagrã sʋk me, tõnd ned kam fãa segd n tũu saglg ning sẽn yet tɩ d kẽn ne tẽeb la pa ne nif yãabã neere. 16, 17. Whether we are part of the heavenly "little flock " of anointed ones or of the" other sheep, " all of us need to heed the counsel to walk by faith and not by sight. Bɩ y nek n wa n sõng maam, la y gese. " They also realize that the word "anyone " in this verse includes family members not living under their roof. Come, you people, and see me. " (Matɩe 24: 40, 41; Wilgri 7: 9, 10, 13, 14) Sẽn yaa a Zeova n naan dũniyã, yẽ a ye bal n tar sor n na n kɩt tɩ ãdem - biisã fãa sak a naamã. - Wilgri 4: 11. Surely Jehovah's sovereignty merits our wholehearted support. Since Jehovah created the earth, he alone has the right to rule over all mankind. - Revelation 4: 11. 17 - 19. a) Wãn to la d tõe n fees d mense? (a) How does the sun go in and out of its "tent "? 17 - 19. (a) How can we examine ourselves? La yaa bõe la tõnd sẽn segd n maan n tõog n pa Wẽnnaam nonglmã pʋgẽ wã? Although the steps of dedication and baptism are not to be taken lightly or hastily, the example of the Ethiopian official shows that there have been occasions when individuals were baptized shortly after hearing the truth of God's Word. But what must we do to remain in God's love? MAM doga yʋʋmd 1923 Hɛmswoorf. Yaa tẽng sẽn be Yorksɛɛr, Ãngeletɛɛre. Consequently, God rejected that nation. I WAS born in the United States in New York City, England. Bɩ d maand zak pʋgẽ Biibl zãmsgã wa tʋm - tʋmd sẽn tũud sɩd la sẽn tar yamã sẽn sagl - dã. 4: 11 - 13. May we do our part in family worship, just as the faithful and discreet slave urges us to do. Tõe tɩ y na n tagsame tɩ y sã n yeel - a t'a sẽn maanã yaa wẽngã, na n sãama y zoodã. His goal was to become a missionary and to teach the Bible. You might feel that if you told him to do something wrong, it would damage your relationship with your friend. Kɩɩsg tʋʋm - kãngã sɩbgr da yaa kũum, wala Wẽnnaam sẽn da togs vẽeneg woto wã: "Fo sã n dɩ a biisa daare, fo sɩd na n kiime. " " You must love Jehovah your God... with your whole mind and with your whole strength. " - MARK 12: 30. This rebellion was death, as God specifically stated: "If you eat from it on the day you eat it, you positively will die. " B rɩɩ kibay la b pʋʋs a Zeova, rẽ poore b segla b mens n na n looge. You probably differ as much as the Hebrew youths in ancient Egypt differed from young Moses. After reading, they prayed to Jehovah, and then they were ready to leave. A Zezi Kirist meng yeelame tɩ "ned ninga sẽn na n tall a tẽeb hal tɩ wakat ta, a na n paama fãagre. " - Matɩe 24: 13. Jehovah's Word Is Alive Jesus Christ himself said: "He that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved. " - Matthew 24: 13. Wala makre, tʋm - tʋmd a Poll tẽega Korẽnt kiris - nebã tɩ nand tɩ b lebg tẽedba, b ra yaa wagda, rã - yũudba, nin - yoaadba, la tʋʋm - wẽns a taab maandba. We can learn valuable lessons from the mistakes of others, including those recorded in the Bible. For example, the apostle Paul reminded the Corinthians that before they became believers, they were thieves, drunkards, drunkards, drunkards, and so on. La pa ne noor bal la d segd n tẽ a Zezi ye. To make matters worse, his hasty and selfish decision got him into serious financial problems. However, it is not just a matter of exercising faith in Jesus. A sã n lʋɩɩ, a pa modgd n " yik ' ye. " Learn From Me " When he falls, he does not try to " get up. ' BÕE LA BIIBLÃ YETA? Further, he has unlimited ability to control the outcome of events. WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY? 6 - 8. a) Bõe n sõng bi - bɩɩg t'a paam sũ - noog Wẽnnaam tʋʋmã pʋgẽ, la woma bi - bʋse? How foolish to act proudly and harbor ambition for position or power! 6 - 8. (a) What helped a young person to find joy in God's service, and with what result? (Luk 4: 1) A Zezi tɩ loeya noor n da pʋʋsdẽ la a bʋgsdẽ. Wõnda wakat kãnga, a Zeova wilga a Bi - riblã bũmb nins a sẽn segd n maanã, la a wilg - a bũmb nins sẽn da gũud - a wã. I do not want to offend him. ' While Jesus taught his followers to pray and meditate on God's Word, Jehovah apparently taught him what to do and what was in store for him. Rẽ yĩnga Wẽnnaam na n kelg - y lame la a leok - y bɩ? (b) Why is effective use of the Scriptures on home Bible studies so important? Will God listen to you and answer you? (Zeremi 39: 16 - 18) A Zeova sɩd fãaga a Ebɛd - Melɛk ne a Zeremi Zida na - biisã sẽn da yaa wẽnsã nusẽ, la a fãag - b Babilon nebã sẽn wa n na n sãam Zerizalɛmmã sasa. How do subjects of the Kingdom pay back "God's things to God "? Yes, Jehovah delivered Ebed - melech, the wicked nation of Judah, and delivered the Babylonians during the destruction of Jerusalem. Bala, b na n sõnga nebã tɩ b paam b mens ne yel - wẽndã la kũumã, n lebg neb sẽn zems - zãnga. - Karm - y Vẽnegr 22: 1, 2, 17. Does this mean that the freedom that Adam and Eve enjoyed was absolute? They will help people to be set free from enslavement to sin and death and to be brought to perfection. - Read Revelation 22: 1, 2, 17. Leb n tõeeme t'a Nehemi sõda yʋʋmã wala Zʋɩf rãmbã sẽn da minim n sõt to - to n sɩngd ne Tisri kiuugã (bõn - bɩʋʋng ne zĩ - likr kiisã sʋka). How did Hannah find relief from distress? It may also have been that Nehemiah set aside years such as the custom of selling the Jews from September 1, October / October pp. Kibay nins yell d sẽn gomã wilgdame tɩ pĩnd wẽndẽ, Wẽnnaam tũnuga ne zab n kɩt tɩ wẽgb la wẽnem buud toor - toor sa. Such discussions can be profitable interchanges of encouragement without anyone having to feel uncomfortable or inadequate. History shows that in Bible times, God has used war and wickedness to eliminate all forms of oppression and wickedness. Wẽnnaam Gomdã wilgda tõnd ned kam fãa sẽn segd n maan tɩ tigingã kell n yɩ yɩlemde. But at the age of 84, she was still rendering sacred service to Jehovah at the temple. God's Word tells us to maintain cleanness in the congregation. 15, 16. a) Ned sã n tagsd yĩngã ratem yelle, bõe n wat n pak - a n yɩɩda? He Delights in Jehovah's Law 15, 16. (a) What is the focus of our attention? D sẽn nong a Zeova la d rat n noog a sũurã, d pa maand bũmb d sẽn mi tɩ pa noom - a ye. Things are not very different today. Because we love Jehovah and want to please him, we do not do something that displeases him. Pipi wã b tõe n wõnda sek - m - mens rãmb la yam - kaalg rãmb wa Israɛll nebã, bɩ b tõe n kɩɩsda Wẽnnaam koɛɛgã. 19, 20. At first, they may appear enough, as did the Israelites, or they may compromise God's voice. A ratame tɩ ned kam fãa yãkd a sẽn date. (Tõo. They said: "We have come to you, for you, O Jehovah, are our God. " He wants people to make their own decisions. Bũmb nins mam sẽn zãms Biiblã pʋgẽ wã kɩtame tɩ m neẽ tɩ m vɩɩmã tara barka. " Incorruption, immortality, royalty, "the marriage of the Lamb " - what awe - inspiring gifts these are! What I learned from the Bible convinced me that my life is meaningful. " La soondg tẽnsã leb n sõngda tõnd tɩ d bãng bũmb kẽer a Zeova mengã zugu, la d sẽn tõe n dɩk a togs - n - taar to - to. COVER: Finland has a long coastline dotted with many islands. However, the cities of refuge also teach us much about Jehovah and how we can imitate him. Sõdg - y neb kẽer sẽn pa kell n tags bũmb nins sẽn tar yõod n yɩɩdã yelle. * Jesus indicated that despite what individuals may feel about themselves, humans with faith do have value in God's eyes. What were some who failed to focus on the more important things? La rẽ yĩnga tara yõod a Zeova nifẽ tɩ y bãng a yʋʋrã la y pʋt - a bɩ? Above all, we have the deep joy that comes from knowing that we have Jehovah's approval, for he loves all those who "bear fruit with endurance "! Do you appreciate Jehovah's name and use it? Rẽ yĩnga, d na n tagsa zãmsgã sẽn tar yõod wʋsgã zug neer la d tũ - a, tɩ kõ - d pãng tɩ d yals kãn - kãe yaoolem makr ning a Sʋɩtãan sẽn na n wa ne sẽn na yɩl n kɩt tɩ d bas sɩdã bɩ? Yet, they do not use any limitations as an excuse to do only a small amount in God's service. Will we take a closer look at important teachings and apply it, giving us the strength to stand firm against the final test that Satan will bring us away from the truth? Ayo. God's House - Then and Now No. A sãooga bãad dãmba, zoense, koms rãmba, wʋmse, la mugsi. [ Blurb on page 26] He cured the sick, the lame, the lame, and the blind. a) Bõe yĩng t'a Zeova ra yik n na n sɩbg Israɛll la Zida? We are constantly exposed to "the spirit of the world, " the spirit of rebellion and moral corruption that Satan and his demons promote. (a) Why did Jehovah take action against Israel and Judah? La baasgo, a yembr ka lʋɩt tẽng tɩ yãmb Ba ka yã ye. La baa yãmb zoobdã fãa sõdame. " Nearly two thirds of the services provided by nature to humankind are found to be in decline worldwide. " - Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Yet not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father's knowledge; yet the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Koms sẽn be rasãnd sẽn tão tɩrsã ra yaa bũmb sẽn wɛ yaang nebã zagsẽ Biiblã gʋlsg wakate. Baruch was a fine support for Jeremiah, but on one occasion he too lost spiritual focus. A beautiful young girl was about nine eastern homes in Bible times. (Sɩngre 12: 8) Hebre gomd ning b sẽn lebg tɩ " pʋʋs ne... yʋʋrã ' rat n yeelame me tɩ "togse (moon) yʋʋrã. " It releases pent - up and even debilitating emotions that cause ill health, and it fosters healthier and happier relationships. The Hebrew word translated "to call on the name of... " also means" to bear name. " Pipi makrã tɩ loee ne bu - yaleng ba a Abrahaam sẽn yɩ wẽn - sakdã, la Sodom ne Gomoor sẽn da pid ne wẽng wʋsgã. What is a balanced view of life and possessions? The first illustration refers to the patriarch Abraham, the patriarch Abraham, and the wickedness of Sodom and Gomorrah. La baa pagã ne kambã sã n wilg b raabo, baasg zãnga, b segd n sak n tũu bũmb ning ba wã sẽn na n yeelã, bala Wẽnnaam sebrã yeelame tɩ yẽ la zakã zu - soaba. Expressing deep appreciation for the wisdom and purpose behind Jehovah's merciful long - suffering, through which he produces the total number of those called to complete spiritual Israel, Paul exclaimed: "O the depth of God's riches and wisdom and knowledge! However, even when the couple explain their wishes, they must obey their father's direction, for God's Word tells him that he is the head of his family. Biiblã tõe n talla pãn - tusdg wʋsg neb sẽn da yaa beem sũy zutu " I shall wash my hands in innocency itself, and I will march around your altar, O Jehovah, " continued David. The Bible can have a powerful influence on many who were jealous SEB - NENG 14 • YƖƖLA: 45, 70 Daniel states, "There is much more to life than struggling to care for privileges to the detriment of your own family. " PAGE 14 • SONGS: 45, 70 B sẽn boond - b rãmb tɩ sɩɩsã tõog yɩɩda ninsaalbã rẽnd zĩig sẽn zãre. • In what ways are we blessed for helping others to benefit from divine education? Those who claim to be such are far better qualified than humans. A sã n tagsd yel - wẽnd a sẽn da maan yelle, tõe n maaga a gĩina. Grinding enough flour for the family could take hours, and "the sound of the hand mill " was common in towns in Bible times. Looking back on his sin can help him to heal it. Biiblã wilgame tɩ vʋʋsem sõngã gɩdga so - toagdbã tɩ b ra moon koɛɛgã Aazi soolmẽ wã, n pa wilg a sẽn gɩdg - b to - to wã ye. King David of ancient Israel prophetically spoke of this world situation. The Bible shows that the holy spirit had allowed the preaching of the good news to stop preaching in Asia. A Karl Rahner ne a Herbert Vorgrimler sẽn yaa Katolik tũudmã bãngdb yeelame tɩ "yaa tɩlae tɩ f paam tɩ Wẽnnaam meng vẽneg - fo, tɩ f tõog n bãng t'a yaa mens a tãabo. How would you react to such an offer? " It is necessary for God to reveal himself to you, so that you can know that he is a third person. La a Zeova kɩtame tɩ bu - zẽmsã neb naag n lebg "buud " sẽn womd Rĩungã biisi. (Mat. • What shows that Abraham had faith in the resurrection? However, Jehovah made it possible for people of the nations to become "a kingdom of priests. " La bõe n na n sõng - fo? That is why Paul gave this warning: "I am afraid that somehow, as the serpent seduced Eve by its cunning, your minds might be corrupted away from the sincerity and the chastity that are due the Christ. " - 2 Cor. What will help you? Sik d mens n kẽn ne Wẽnnaamã sõngda tõnd tɩ d tall tagsg sẽn zems ne d yɛlã sẽn yaa to - to wã. (b) In what way was his message about future tribulations strengthening? Walking with God helps us to have a balanced view of our circumstances. [ Foto, seb - neng 31] The Ten Commandments clearly stipulated: "Honor your father and your mother. " [ Picture on page 31] Yaa koɛɛgã moonego. (Tʋʋ. (Read Deuteronomy 6: 6 - 9.) It was by means of the preaching work. Fo pa ne tɩ m pa tar sẽk la? " • What examples show that Jehovah can deliver his people from opposers? Do you not agree that I have little time? " Neb nins sẽn pa vɩ tʋʋmã yĩng balã sɩd tõe n paama sũ - noog b tʋʋmdã pʋgẽ. The contrast between the situation in Christendom and that prevailing among true Christians is aptly shown in Jehovah's words: "Look! Those who do not live in a secular career can truly find satisfaction in their work. Yaa tɩlae ne ned ning fãa sẽn dat vɩɩmã t'a tũ Wẽnnaam. Therefore, we can practice mercy daily by putting up with the weaknesses of others without being judgmental or overly critical. Any who want to live a life of worship must be pleasing to God. Woto wã, b maanda wãn - wãna? How can we secure ourselves a blessing by means of Abraham's "seed "? How do they react? 35: 19 - A Davɩɩd sẽn kos tɩ Wẽnnaam da bas tɩ neb nins sẽn kis yẽ wã wẽgs b nin ne - a wã, a ra rat n yeelame tɩ bõe? Whatever we do in imitation of Christ cannot be compared with what Jesus did when coming to the earth. 35: 19 - What did David mean when he asked God to let those who hated him? D na n teega a Zeova wakat buud fãa, la ne d sũur fãa. Can We Find God? We will always trust in Jehovah, and we will trust in him. (Tɩt 1: 7, 8) Neb nins fãa sẽn sakd vʋʋsem sõngã tõogd n yõkda b mense, tɩ rẽ kɩt tɩ b pa yooda, b pa gomd gom - põosa, la b pa maand bũmb baa a ye sẽn tõe n kɩt t'a Zeova sũur sãam ne - b ye. As Jesus was dying, he spoke to a man whose life had taken a terrible turn. By means of holy spirit, all who submit to God's holy spirit refrain from engaging in sexual immorality, and they do not do anything that could cause Jehovah to hurt them. Bõe yĩng tɩ Wẽnnaam sĩnda? " You will become to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. " - EX. Why does God lie? Sõs - kãngã pʋgẽ, d yãa bũmb a tãab d sẽn tõe n pʋlem Wẽnnaam. Tõe tɩ kẽer la y zoe n pʋlme. [ Picture on page 8] In this article, we will consider three common steps we can take to make a vow to God, some of which may have been yours. (Matɩe 19: 4 - 6, 9) Pag ne a sɩd sã n tũud a Zezi sagl - kãngã n pa zãmbd taaba, sũ - noog la bas - yard na n zĩnda b zakã pʋgẽ. Her job as a maid involved working long hours and making tiring journeys in packed urban transportation. When husbands and wives follow Jesus ' counsel, they will be happy, confident, and will be a part of their family. A Zeova ra goma Kanaã nebã yell n yeel Israyɛll nebã woto: "Ra maan - y yi - kãadem ne bãmb ye. Such inciting, or stirring up, is conducive to spiritual wakefulness. Regarding the Canaanites, Jehovah said: "You must not enter into marriage with them. Bõe yĩng tɩ egiliizã taoor dãmb pa sak n vaees Biiblã sõma? Later, they imitated Jesus ' humility. - Acts 3: 12, 13, 16. Why did church leaders refuse to examine the Bible well? Sẽn paase, d tõe n puka sõmblmã, bala yaa Wẽnnaam vʋʋsem sõngã sẽn ya a pãng sẽn tʋmdã n wilgd tõnd sore. There is nothing more precious that we could give to Jehovah than to live in a way that brings joy to his heart Moreover, we can display goodness because it is God's active force, his active force. Woto yaa paoong buud yõod sẽn ka to ligd sẽn pa tõe n da. " 18: 7, 14 - 17. This is something of far greater value than money. " a) Wãn to la pag sẽn yaa kiris - ned segd n ges tõod nins Wẽnnaam sẽn kõ - a wã? JESUS promoted respect for God's Word, the Bible. (a) How should a Christian woman view God's laws? (Efɛɛz rãmba 1: 9, 10, Kãab - paalgã Koe - noogo) Gomd ning sẽn yaa " tigsã ' verse kãngã pʋgẽ wã võor yaa bõe takɩ? I was full when I went, and it is empty - handed that Jehovah has made me return. " - Ruth 1: 19 - 21. What is the significance of the expression "the harvest " in this verse? 1: 7) Wa ka - koaada, yaa tɩlɛ tɩ tõnd me maan sũ - mar bal n gũ. Naomi and Ruth enjoyed pleasant conversation during the evening hours, the older one taking an interest in the activities of the younger, both freely expressing their thoughts and feelings. Like a farmer, we too need to wait patiently. 28: 19. A single mother named Jeanine mentions some of these: loneliness, unwanted advances from men at work, a severely restricted budget. 28: 19. Bʋʋm bʋs n wilgd t'a Sʋɩtãan naamã pa yãk nenga? And what was the result? What reasons do we have that Satan's rule has failed? A Jeanine wata ne yell a to: "Yaa toog tɩ f pa rɩk f biriblã n lʋɩɩs zakã taoore, n ledg f sɩdã sẽn ka be wã. True, as imperfect humans, we all make mistakes. " It is difficult for you to take your son ahead of you, " says Jean, "and replace your unbelieving husband. SEB - NENG 12 • YƖƖLA: 62, 60 Zealous Witnesses PAGE 12 • SONGS: 62, 60 Sẽn paase, Wẽnnaam yeela a Ãdem ne a Hawa vẽeneg "tɩ b rog kamb n pid dũniyã. " Back in Eden, Satan, consumed by feelings of self - importance, caused humans to reject Jehovah's way of governing. Moreover, God clearly told Adam and Eve: "Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth. " * A Poll sugrã kosg paka sor n kõ Sãnedrẽ wã rãmb tɩ b kelg a sẽn da tar koɛɛg ning n dat n togsã. By no means! * Paul's apology opened the way for the Sanhedrin to listen to his message. A Herodot yaa kʋdemd yel - mit sẽn zĩnd na maan yʋʋm 400 sẽn deng a Zeezi rogmã. What a delightful prospect! Josephus, a historian in the fifth century B.C.E., was one of the events that occurred in the eighth century B.C.E. " Ninsaalb buud toɛy - toɛya, bɩ y kõ [a Zeova] waoogre la y wilg tɩ bãmb tara pãnga. We will discuss three of these words in this and the following article. " Give men of all the nations the glory of Jehovah and of his strength. La b nonglmã segd n yɩɩ nonglem bʋg buudu? Thus, Christians give their employer a full day's work for a full day's pay. But what kind of love should their love be? 7: 22. He even used some of it during the Lord's Evening Meal. 7: 22. A Zezi mengã yeela woto ne bʋʋm: "Mam yaa dũniyã vẽenem. " - Zã 8: 12; 11: 28; 18: 37. To be among those who enjoy that precious relationship with God, one must make a dedication to Jehovah and symbolize it publicly by water baptism. Jesus himself said: "I am the light of the world. " - John 8: 12; 11: 28; 18: 37. D sã n gomd d sũ - sãangã yelle, tõe n kɩtame tɩ d sũ - sãangã booge The following article will show husbands and wives how Bible principles can help their marriage in one specific area - that of commitment. Speaking about our grief can help us to cope with our grief SEBRÃ GOM - ZUG SÕSGÃ | GOOSNEEMA SẼN NA N KƖT TƖ PƲ - LIK BUUD FÃA SA Yes, priority was given to making the text immediately understood, and helpful renderings were often put in footnotes. COVER SUBJECT THE END OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES B sagend - y lame tɩ y paam Biibl zãmsgo. How did the early Christians baptize people? You are urged to have a Bible study. Wẽnnaam nin - buiidã yell gesg wɛɛngẽ, rap nins sẽn deeg lisgã sɩd baood n na n dɩka a Zezi togs - n - taare. While citizens who do good may receive praise from the superior authorities, these authorities are also empowered to administer punishment against wrongdoers. In caring for God's people, baptized men seek to imitate Jesus ' example. Zusoaba yaa gãndaoog zabr pʋgẽ. Do not be satisfied with the basics. Jehovah is a mighty King in battle. Ning fu - koeese, fut sẽn basd tɩ b ne yĩngã babs kẽer sẽn da segd n solg n kẽng kiris - neb tigissẽ wã bɩ seg taab n deem sasa wilgdame tɩ f pa tũud yɩlemdã noy ye. " Human - made greenhouse gases have brought the Earth's climate close to critical tipping points, with potentially dangerous consequences for the planet. " - NASA, Goddard Institute for Space Studies. Our dress, clothing, and shelter that were to be concealed from certain parts of the Christian meetings or during Christian meetings shows that we do not live by the Golden Rule. Saam - biisã wʋsg ra pa tar ligd n tõe n yao n kẽ tẽr wall mobill n kẽng tigis - kãseng ye. Even now, those who are close to God can have "the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. " - Philippians 4: 6, 7. Most of the brothers were not able to visit a car or to attend a convention. Bõe yĩng tɩ d segd n bao n bãng d sẽn sɩd yaa ned ningã? How can regular participation in the field ministry benefit families? Why should we consider who we really are? Yiimã bee wil - kãens sʋka. In these days especially, communities where Jehovah's Witnesses are active benefit from their presence - as many have remarked. A number of these are the branches. La y sã n wa lʋɩ bãaga, y tõe n kɩsa sɩd t'a Zeova na n sõng - y lame, la a bels - y - yã, wa a sẽn sõng pĩnd wẽndẽ wẽn - tũudbã to - to wã. We should be concerned not only about what we do but also about what we say and think. But when you are sick, you can be confident that Jehovah will sustain you and comfort you, just as he did in Bible times. Bũmb a ye yaa d sẽn na n tõog toog a Zeova tũudmã pʋgẽ. A Poll gʋlsa Efɛɛz kiris - nebã n yeel - b woto: "Mam kota yãmb me tɩ y keng y mens n da boog y raood mam sẽn paamd namsg yãmb yĩngã yĩng ye. Mam namsgã yaa yãmb waoogre. " (Ef. 16, 17. For one thing, Paul wrote to the Christians in Ephesus: "I entreat you not to give up on account of my sufferings, for I am mild - tempered and lowly in heart, and you will be able to endure it. " 2: 8 - 11) A Zeova ning a Zezi bark "wakat fãa yĩnga, " n vʋʋg - a t'a vɩ n pa le tõe n ki ye. - Rom 6: 9. They should have been looking upon him as their Rock, the only real stronghold, refuge, and Source of salvation. 6: 9. Vẽenega, d sẽn karemd Biiblã daar fãa wã wilgdame tɩ d nanda a Zeova Gomdã sẽn yaa sɩdã. - Zã 17: 17. Jehovah's Witnesses certainly think so. Clearly, daily Bible reading shows that we respect Jehovah's Word, the Bible. - John 17: 17. D leb n miime t'a Zeova sakd n kelgda neb nins sẽn pʋʋsd - a tɩ tat a yamã. Who today call on people in their homes and in public areas to share the Bible's message about God? We also know that Jehovah is willing to listen to those who approach him in a way that pleases him. Kãsem dãmbã me tara mi - beoog ne yel - gɛtb a taab nins sẽn yaa nin - kẽembã sõngre. The group holding me captive fled through the mountains toward neighboring Albania. Elders too appreciate the help of older overseers. Sũ - kiir la no - koɛɛm yaa zʋg - wẽnse. B pa tat Wẽnnaam yam ye. Second, in addition to the tithing requirement, Jehovah arranged for the Israelites to make voluntary contributions. Mildness and contentiousness are bad qualities that are bad in God's eyes; they are not pleasing to God. • Wãn to la sõmblem sẽn pid ne nonglem yaa toor ne maan - neerã? Aware that the Pharisees sought prominence, Jesus said later in his ministry: "Everyone that exalts himself will be humbled and he that humbles himself will be exalted. " • How does loving - kindness differ from kindness? 16, 17. Stronger families, in turn, result in stronger communities. 16, 17. (1 Kor. 5: 11, 13) B sak n deegame tɩ Biiblã sẽn yeel tɩ " nedã, ' rat n yeelame tɩ yaa ned buud fãa. That verse highlights the value of personal experience. They recognize that the Bible says that "the man " refers to people of all walks of life. Wa d sẽn yã wã, a Zeova bal n segd n yɩ yĩngr la tẽng naaba. Because we have made Jehovah our Sovereign Lord! As we have seen, Jehovah alone is the rightful Sovereign of the universe. a) Wãn to la wĩndgã kẽed a " zãndẽ ' la a yita? A commentator on religious affairs recently used that word to describe the stance many people maintain toward their faith. (a) How does the sun descend into "a flock " and come out of it? Baa ne rɩk - m - meng - n - kõ Wẽnnaam la lisgã sẽn pa reem yelle, bɩ bũmb d sẽn pa segd n yɩ yãg - yãg n maan tɩ d pa reng n tags a zug neerã, Etiopi nin - kãseng makrã wilgdame tɩ neb n deeg lisg tao - tao bal b sẽn wʋm Wẽnnaam Gomdã sɩdã poore. As grateful recipients of God's generous love, we should be moved to do our utmost "to bear thorough witness to the good news of the undeserved kindness of God. " While dedication and baptism are serious, an important step should not be made to think carefully about him, the Ethiopian's example shows that baptism is only after they hear the truth of God's Word. Rẽ n so tɩ Wẽnnaam me raag - b n base. We as individuals are the subject. As a result, they lost God's favor. 4: 11 - 13. So David likely made the request we read at Psalm 71: 9. 4: 11 - 13. A ra rat n lebga misioneer n zãms neb a taaba Biiblã. Apart from weekends, I worked mostly alone, using a testimony card and a phonograph. He wanted to become a missionary and conduct Bible studies. " Nong [a Zeova] fo Wẽnnaam ne f sũur fãa, la ne f ratem fãa, la ne f yam fãa, la ne fo pãngã fãa. " - Mark 12: 30. Needless to say, this world places undue importance on " love of pleasure. ' " You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole strength. " - Mark 12: 30. Ned fãa yɛl sɩd pa wõnd a to ye. Ra yaa woto me a Moiiz wakatẽ wã. His love transcended the national and gender bias prevalent in his day. The same is true in Moses ' day. A Zeova Gomdã vɩɩme Why did the brother become inactive? Jehovah's Word Is Alive Wala makre, Biiblã gomda neb sẽn tudg yelle, tɩ d tõe n dɩk yam b kibayã pʋgẽ. " LORD, where are you going? " For example, the Bible contains practical lessons for us. Yẽ kell n zẽna yɛlã, a sẽn dɩk sard yãg - yãg ne rat - m - yembr tɩ kẽes - a ligd zu - loees pʋgẽ wã yĩnga. " LORD, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time? " He continues to adjust his situation by making a self - sacrificing decision that led him to financial difficulties. " Bɩ y rɩk mam nao wã n zãms bũmb nins mam sẽn na n wilg yãmbã. The apostle Paul reminds us that "God is supreme over Christ. " " Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am mild - tempered and lowly in heart, and you will find refreshment for your souls. Sẽn paase, a tara tõog sẽn ka koak n tõe n kɩt tɩ yɛlã yɩ wa a sẽn datã. Read Psalm 45: 10, 11. Moreover, he has limitations that can cause things to happen. Ad sɩd yaa yalemd tɩ d zẽk d meng la d bao n dɩ naam neb a taabã zugu! Her health suffered, but in 1956 she was set free and headed for Tulun. How foolish it is to exalt ourselves and seek to rule others! M pa rat n sãam a sũur ye. ' What a tragedy! I don't want to hurt him. ' b) D sã n wa zãmsd ned Biiblã, wãn to la d tõe n tʋm ne Biiblã sõma? Epaphras prayed that his brothers stand complete, with firm conviction about Christ and their hope (b) How can we use the Bible effectively? Wãn to la Wẽnnaam Rĩungã sõgen dãmb "kõt Wẽnnaam bũmb nins sẽn yaa Wẽnnaam dẽnda "? How fitting it is that we view the ransom as the greatest evidence of God's enduring love for us! How do God's subjects "go on walking with God "? B ra pa maand yɩɩr rɩɩb poorẽ, tʋʋm yĩnga, wall n yɛɛsd bãag bɩ kũum ye. Far from being passive church members, the disciples were fully devoted to Jehovah and his Word, having sometimes learned the truth from those who were viciously persecuted. They were not anxious about food, employment, or death. A Ana maana wãn n paam belsg a yellã pʋgẽ? What can we learn from Abraham's willingness to offer up Isaac? How did Hannah find comfort in her situation? Sõs - kãensã buud tõe n talla nafre, n keng raoodo, tɩ pa sãam ned baa a yembr sũur bɩ paoog - a ye. " Come, and Let Us Meet " Such conversations can be beneficial, encouraging, and not disappointed. La a sẽn wa n tar yʋʋm 84, a ra ket n wata wẽnd - doogẽ wã n balemd a Zeova. And how will our doing so benefit us? When she was 84 years old, she continued to worship Jehovah at the temple. A nonga a Zeova Tõogã He will resurrect the dead so that they can enjoy life in that earthly Paradise. - Read Luke 23: 42, 43. Love for Jehovah's Law Ket n yaa woto me rũndã - rũndã. A brief discussion can whet a person's appetite for Bible knowledge The same is true today. 19, 20. Should he still strive to pay his vow? 19, 20. (Yik. 19: 3 - 8) A Zeremi wakatẽ wã, nin - buiidã leb n sakame t'a Zeova la bãmb Zusoaba, n yeel woto: "Ad tõndo, d wata yãmb nengẽ, tɩ yãmb n yaa Zusoab a Wẽnnaam. " In some respects, the earthly life of Jesus resembled the life of Moses. In Jeremiah's day, the people also accepted Jehovah as their God, saying: "Look! We have come to you, for you are Jehovah your God. " A Zeova yãka kiris - neb nins sẽn paam vʋʋsem sõngã zaeebã sull tɩ b na n wa yɩ a bi - riblã pʋg - paala. Noah and his sons, to whom the command to " be fruitful and fill the earth ' was repeated, were evidently all monogamous. Jehovah has chosen anointed Christians to be the bride of his Son. (Matɩe 10: 29 - 31) * A Zezi wilgame tɩ baa ninsaalbã sẽn tagsd to - to b mensã zutu, sẽn tar - b tẽebã tara yõod Wẽnnaam nifẽ. Next to Jehovah, Jesus has the most comprehensive knowledge of all creation, including humankind. * Jesus showed that even humans, whatever they think, are precious in God's eyes. 24: 14) La sẽn yɩɩda, d sẽn mi tɩ d tata a Zeova yamã kõt - d - la sũ - noog wʋsgo, bala a Zeova nonga neb nins fãa sẽn "womd biis ne sũ - marã. " What a delight it has been to serve with our brothers in the Philippines! Above all, knowing that we have Jehovah's approval brings us great joy because Jehovah loves all who "keep bearing fruit with endurance. " La b ned baa a ye pa baood padeng sẽn na yɩl n da tʋm Wẽnnaam tʋʋmdã wa a sẽn tõe tɛk ye. An article published in Biblical Archaeology Review stated that the existence of "at least 50 " individuals mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures can now be confirmed by the findings of archaeologists. But no one is looking forward to serving God as much as he can. Wẽnnaam pĩnd roogã, la a rũndã - rũndã roogã His love is as constant and steady as the sun, which never stops sending forth its warm rays of light to the earth. God's House and Today [ Seb - neng 32] (b) How will the following article help us? [ Picture on page 32] (Efɛɛz rãmba 6: 12) Wakat fãa, d segd n kɩɩsa "zãmaana rãmb yam, " sẽn yaa tõdgrã la vɩɩm manesem wẽngã a Sʋɩtãan ne a zĩn dãmbã sẽn tusd nebã tɩ b tarẽ wã. Jesus was stressing the need to be forgiving. We should always reject "the spirit of the world, " the corrupting influence of Satan and his demons. " B sã n pʋɩ bũmb nins tẽn - gãongã, tɩɩsã la rũmsã sẽn kõt ãdem - biisã zĩis a tãabo, zĩis a yiibã fãa sãamame la bala. " - Évaluation des écosystèmes pour le millénaire. [ Footnote] " By means of the earth, the animals, and the animals that give human life in three areas, almost everything has been destroyed. " - A History of the United States. A Baruk sɩd sõnga a Zeremi wʋsgo, la vugri yẽ me ra basame n da pa get yɛla ne tẽeb nin ye. But Noah was a real man, and his life was not so simple. Baruch did much to help Jeremiah, and on one occasion he did not focus on spiritual matters. Na n sõngame me tɩ tõnd ne d taabã moor noome. La d sã n pa kõt sugri, tõe n waa ne bãas la sũ - sãamse. From his experience, Abraham knew that Jehovah would not destroy the righteous together with the wicked. If we do not forgive each other, we may find it difficult to forgive others. A Zezi pa wilg sã n yaa sõma bɩ wẽng tɩ ned tall paoong wʋsg ye. Jesus meant that we should treat people the way we would like to be treated and not repay unkindness with unkindness. Jesus did not say whether good or bad, but he did not say. (Galat dãmba 3: 26 - 29; Efɛɛz rãmba 2: 4 - 7) A Poll wilgame t'a sak n deegame la a tall mi - beoog wʋsgo, yam la raab ning sẽn kɩt t ' a Zeova wilg sũ - mar sẽn naag ne nimbãan - zoeerã yĩnga. A Zeova tũnuga ne manesem kãng n tigim neb nins b sẽn boolã sõor zãng tɩ b lok tẽeb Israɛllã zãnga. He suffered financial ruin, the loss of his children, and a painful disease. Paul showed that he appreciated and appreciated Jehovah's undeserved kindness by means of "the undeserved kindness of Jehovah " by means of those who have been gathered into spiritual Israel. " Zusoaba, mam nudgda m nus ne bʋʋm n gilgd yãmb maoongã zĩiga. " Paul is thus saying that from the start of mankind's existence, it has been possible for humans to " perceive ' evidence of God's existence by means of the visible creation. " O Jehovah, I will raise my hands to the ground, and I will cause justice to be done to you. " A Daniel yeela woto: "Y pa tol n segd n bas tɩ tigingã tʋʋm soog - y tɩ y bas y zakã yell gesg ye. " Facing the Future With Confidence " Never should you allow the congregation to take care of your own responsibilities, " says Daniel. • Bark bʋs la d paamda, d sẽn sõngd nebã tɩ b paamd Wẽnnaam zãmsgã? At first, we may not fully understand their way of thinking or reacting. • What blessings come from helping others to benefit from divine education? Woto kɩtame tɩ nebã ra wae n wʋmd pagb sẽn " koosd ney ' tẽnsã pʋsẽ. Little wonder that good leaders have proved very hard to find. As a result, women were often able to hear "a pair of men " in various lands. Tẽn - kʋdem wẽndẽ Israɛll rĩm a Davɩɩd ra goma rũndã dũniyã yell bãngr - gomd pʋgẽ. A Personal Gift From Jehovah King David of ancient Israel was referring to the present system of things. Sã n yaa yãmba, y manesem yɩta wãna? 18 Kindness - Essential in the Sight of God If so, how do you react? • Bõe n wilgd t'a Abrahaam ra tẽeda kũum vʋʋgrã? [ Picture on page 19] • What shows that Abraham believed in the resurrection? 10: 12) Rẽ n so t'a Poll keoog kiris - nebã fãa, n yeel yaa: "A wa waafã sẽn maan sɩlem n zãmb a Awa wã, mam yɛɛsdame tɩ yãmb yam na n wa wẽnemd n lebg wẽng n kɩt tɩ y bas y sõmblmã ne y pʋ - peelmã y sẽn tar Kiris yĩngã. " - 2 Kor. You may have been " brought up in the truth, ' as some say, and your parents inculcated godly principles in you. Hence, Paul warned all Christians: "As the serpent seduced Eve, I am afraid that you would turn back from your holy course of goodness and prove yourself faithful in dealing with the Christian congregation. " - 2 Cor. b) Bõe yĩng tɩ d tõe n yeel t'a Poll sẽn gom namsg yellã yɩɩ belsg goama? Long before the Romans, the ancient Akkadians and Babylonians also used bitumen to waterproof their vessels. Liquid bitumen like this was plentiful in Bible lands (b) Why can we say that Paul's reference to suffering was comforting? Tõod piigã tõog a ye n yeel woto: "Waoog f ba ne f ma. " Some arrange for an elderly parent to move in with them or closer to them. One of the Ten Commandments said: "You must honor your father and your mother. " (Karm - y Tõod 6: 6 - 9.) They are the limited number of humans chosen to rule with Christ in the heavens. (Read Deuteronomy 6: 6 - 9.) • Kiba - bʋs n wilgd t'a Zeova tõe n fãaga a nin - buiidã b bɛɛbã nusẽ? The apostle Peter wrote to fellow Christians: "Jehovah is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance. " - 2 Peter 3: 9. • What examples show that Jehovah can deliver his people from their enemies? A Zeova gom - kãensã wilgda welg - kãseng ning sẽn be kiris - neb ne yʋʋr siglsã neb la yɛlã sẽn yaa to - to ne sɩd kiris - neba sʋkã: "Gese, mam tʋm - tʋmdba na n dɩɩme, la yãmb na n gãanda kom. Later, Jesus met a widow whose only son had died. Jehovah's words reveal the major difference between Christendom and Christendom: "Look! My servants will eat hungry, but you yourselves will eat hungry children. (Matɩe 7: 1 - 4) Woto yĩnga, daar buud fãa d sã n basd d taabã kong - bõoneg taal n pa wɩt - ba, d wilgdame tɩ d yaa nimbãan - zoɛtba. 29 Our Readers Ask... Hence, we show compassion when we personally overlook the faults of others by taking offense each day. Bõe la d tõe n maan n kɩs sɩd t'a Abrahaam yagengã maasem yĩnga, d na n paama barka? But Sven says: "When you go home, you know that everything you've done that day was for Jehovah. How can we be sure that by means of Abraham's seed, we will be blessed? 2: 7) Baa tõnd sẽn maan a soab fãa n na n dɩk Kiristã togs - n - taare, pa tõe n mak ne Kiristã sẽn sak n bas bũmb ning saasẽ n wa tẽng zugã ye. Our desperate heart may also look for ways to justify questionable conduct. Whatever we do to follow Christ's example, we cannot compare with what Christ has left behind in heaven. D sɩd tõe n bãnga Wẽnnaam bɩ? We noted in the preceding article that Jehovah dignifies us with the privilege of deciding whether we will be people of integrity. Is it really possible to know God? B sẽn wa n ka a Zezi raoogã zugã, a goma ne rao b sẽn da ka n yɛgl - a. Humble servants of God have moved to new territories and have helped people with different cultures and standards of living. While impaled on the torture stake, Jesus spoke to a man who had been impaled. " Yãmb buudã na n yɩɩ maan - kʋʋdba, la neb sẽn welg mam yĩnga. " - YIK. When his efforts did not seem to clear up the issue, however, with humility and modesty, he went along with arrangements to approach the governing body in Jerusalem to discuss the matter. " Your seed will become a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. " - DEUT. [ Foto, seb - neng 14] Now, Jehovah is real to me. He is Someone whom I can trust. " [ Picture on page 18] Sẽn paase, zĩigã zãrame tɩ yɩl n kẽnge, yaa tɩlae t'a kẽ bis sẽn pit ne neba. The fruitage of the spirit includes such qualities as joy and peace. Moreover, there is a need for him to go to the place where he is forced to go. Rẽ kõta ned pãng t'a tõe n kell n da gũs tẽeba wɛɛngẽ ye. And she will have to say, " I want to go and return to my husband, the first one, for I had it better at that time than now. ' It strengthens a person to remain spiritually awake. Kaoosg zugẽ, bãmb me rɩka a togs - n - taar sik - m - mengã wɛɛngẽ. - Tʋʋ. 3: 12, 13, 16. Knowledge from the Bible can also save life. Later, they followed his example of humility. - Acts 3: 12, 13, 16. 18: 7, 14 - 17. And with what result? 18: 7, 14 - 17. A ZEZI ra waoogda Biiblã sẽn yaa Wẽnnaam Gomdã. What does meditation on Jehovah's creative works reveal? JESUS had respect for God's Word, the Bible. Mam dag n yii ne paoong wʋsgo, la Zusoaba kɩtame tɩ mam lebg n wa ka nug - zaala. ' - Rut 1: 19 - 21. Speaking on behalf of the Creator, the angel reassured Gideon that Jehovah truly was backing him. I had come down with many possessions, but Jehovah caused me to return. ' " - Ruth 1: 19 - 21. Zaabre, a Naomi ne a Rut da yẽsda ne taab sõma - sõma, tɩ pʋg - yãangã sokd pʋg - bɩɩgã tʋʋm kibare, tɩ b ned kam fãa pelgd a pʋg ne a to. Paul also reminded Ephesian Christians that when they walked "according to the system of things of this world, " they were" dead " spiritually. At evening, Naomi and Ruth were well - acquainted with each other, asking the young woman for a job, and they were open to each other. Ma sẽn wubd a kamb a yembre, t'a yʋʋr boondẽ t'a Jeanine gomda bãmb b wãn yelle: yembr sidgri, rap sẽn dat n yo ne - fo, ligd sẽn pa sekd hal tɩ pa nana ye. They visited our apartment so that they could see whether we needed assistance. " A single mother named Jean, named Jean, speaks of several of those who want to have sexual relations with you. La rẽ waa ne bõe? To experience such a dramatic change is amazing. With what result? Yaa sɩd tɩ d sẽn pa zems zãngã, d mi n kongdame. The Bible account shows that this was not the case. Granted, we at times make mistakes. Kaset rãmb sẽn tar yẽesem You are the light of the world.... Zealous Witness Witnesses M da neeme tɩ tags - kɛgã kɩtdame tɩ m pa le tar sũ - noog ye. " A man should always speak gently to his wife I felt that thinking made me feel happier. " Tẽeg - y tɩ sɩngrẽ wã, yaa wuk - m - meng n kɩt t'a Sʋɩtãan belg ninsaalbã tɩ b tõdg a Zeova naamã. Jehovah God did. Remember, in the beginning, pride has led humans to rebel against Jehovah's sovereignty. Ayo! There is no indication that they will relinquish their sovereignty to God and Christ. Of course not! Ad sɩd yaa saagr sẽn be yamleoog tɛkẽ! The Bhagavad Gita, a book containing moral instructions, is a part of the Mahabharata. What a wonderful prospect! D na n sõsa gom - kãensa b tãab zut sõs - kãngã, la sõsg ning sẽn pʋgdã pʋgẽ. Logically, therefore, we can find and fulfill our true purpose only by living in harmony with the Creator's purpose. These will be considered in this article and in the following article. (Heb. 13: 18) Woto yĩnga, b sã n dɩk kiris - ned tʋʋmde, a tʋmdame tɩ zems wa b sẽn sar tʋʋmdã to - to wã kɛpɩ. (Ef. The Father's Love Reflected in the Son Hence, when a Christian minister is employed as a Christian, he is fully involved in his work. A pʋd n talla divẽ n maan Soaalã zaabr dɩɩbã. Some people reason that such merrymaking helps to take away the sadness of death. He even used wine to observe the Lord's Evening Meal. A Zeezi sẽn wa n be tẽngã zugã, a yeela a karen - biisã tɩ b segd n yɩɩ sik - m - mens rãmba. (Mat. Satan uses similar tricks in his attempts to divide and conquer, trying, for example, to stir up contentions among Christian brothers and sisters or to induce them to isolate themselves from Jehovah's organization because of some perceived injustice or grievance. When on earth, Jesus told his followers to be humble. Ned sã n dat n zĩnd neb nins sẽn tar zems - n - taar kãngã ne Wẽnnaamã sʋka, a segd n dɩka a meng n kõ a Zeova la a reeg koom lisg zãma sʋk n wilg rẽ vẽenega. Our speech is often a reflection of what we are inside and how we view others. To be among those who have a good relationship with God, a person must dedicate himself to Jehovah and get baptized in symbol of that fact. Sõasg ning sẽn pʋgdã na n wilga sɩdbã ne pagbã Biiblã noy sẽn tõe n sõng n maneg b kãadmã zĩig a yembr takɩ, sẽn yaa pʋleng ning b sẽn maan tɩ b na n zĩnda ne taab wakat fãa wã. In recording Jesus ' statement, John therefore used the masculine pronoun, such as "he " or" him, " when referring to what the helper would do. The following article will discuss principles that can help husbands and wives to strengthen their marriage, the marriage vow. B mi n gʋlsa vẽnegr tẽngrã, n bilg ebre wã wall gɛrkã gom - bil ning võor sõma. Let "the Law of Loving - Kindness " Safeguard Your Tongue The Hebrew Scriptures are often used to explain the meaning of Hebrew or Greek. Wãn to la pipi kiris - nebã ra lisd nebã? Thus, he perfectly reflected the love of his Father. How did first - century Christians get baptized? Tẽng - n - biis nins sẽn maand neerã tõe n paama zu - soben dãmb sẽn yɩɩd - bã pẽgre, la zu - soben kãens paama pãng me n na n sɩbg wẽng maandbã. " He that is walking with wise persons will become wise, " wrote King Solomon, "but he that is having dealings with the stupid ones will fare badly. " The goodness of the nations can be enjoyed by the superior authorities, but such authorities too have the strength to punish wrongdoers. (1 Pɩɛɛr 2: 2) Ra ges - y tɩ Biiblã zãms - yẽgã bal sekame ye. What was the task? Note that Bible principles are not enough. " Teed buud toor - toor nebã sẽn maand tɩ yiisd bug - zõosã wɩngda zĩigã, la rẽ tõe n wa kɩtame tɩ saagã pa le niid ye. La woto tõe n waa ne yel - beed n kõ tẽngã la bũmb nins sẽn be a zugã. " - NASA, l'Institut Goddard pour les études spatiales. As one writer states: "The world of 1914 was full of hope and promise. " " The supplying of incense from every sort of flesh can stop the earth, and the result can be disastrous for the earth and for the things on it. " - A History of the United States. Baa masã menga, neb nins sẽn tar zood sõma ne Wẽnnaamã tõe n paama "Wẽnnaam laafɩ wã sẽn yɩɩd ninsaalbã bãngr fãa wã. " - Filip - rãmbã 4: 6, 7. In addition to fearing Jehovah, Christians must love him with their whole heart. Even now, those who have a close relationship with God can enjoy "the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. " - Philippians 4: 6, 7. Wãn to la koɛɛga mooneg wakat fãa tõe n naf zagsã? Many in that student's family eventually accepted the truth. How can regular participation in the ministry benefit families? Sẽn yɩɩd fãa masã wakatã, neb nins sʋk a Zeova Kaset rãmbã sẽn beẽ n moond koe - noogã, yaa nafr n kõ nin - kãense, wala neb wʋsg sẽn yeelã. Why not discuss this with your parents? Among those who have been preaching the good news today are benefiting such ones as many people as many have said. Pa d manesmã yell bal n segd n pak - d ye, d segd n gũusa ne d goamã la d tagsa wã me. Instead, he urged them as "sons of light " to " stay awake and keep their senses. ' We need to be careful not only about our conduct but also about our thoughts and feelings. 16, 17. Applying the lesson of Jesus ' endurance, Paul encourages Christians: "Consider closely the one who has endured such contrary talk by sinners against their own interests, that you may not get tired and give out in your souls. " 16, 17. B ra segd n get - a - la wa b Pĩiga, ned ning bal sẽn yaa pãng zĩiga, zĩ - lilldga la fãagr Zĩigã. Imitate Their Faith - He Endured in the Face of Injustice 12 They were to view him as a refuge, a refuge, a refuge, and salvation. Sɩd yaa woto la a Zeova Kaset rãmbã tagsda. Note the way one couple helped their teenage children to reason on a request to attend a school dance. That is how Jehovah's Witnesses feel. Rũndã - rũndã, ãnd rãmb n kẽnd n kaagd nebã b zagsẽ wã la zãma zĩisẽ, n taasd - b Wẽnnaam koɛɛgã? Those who speak out against such practices are viewed as intolerant, judgmental, and out of touch with enlightened thinking. Who today go to people in their homes and in public places to share God's message with them? Sẽn da yõk - b maamã zoe n tũu tãensẽ wã n tees Albani sẽn yaa tẽn - yakã. Therefore, you should not feel obligated to buy a device just to access They fled to the mountains and moved toward the neighboring city of the neighbor. Yiib - n - soaba, piig - pʋɩɩrã b sẽn da baood tɩ b kõ wã toor sẽn ka be, a Zeova ra yeela Israɛll nebã tɩ b maan yamleoog kũuni. For example, disease causes poverty, and poverty causes disease. Second, when the tithe was required, Jehovah commanded the Israelites to offer sacrifices. (Luk 9: 46 - 48) Rẽ zugẽ, a Zezi wa n sõsda ne fariziẽ - rãmbã sẽn nong naamã, n yeel woto: "Ned ning fãa sẽn waoogd a menga, a na paam paoogre, la ned ning fãa sẽn sikd a menga, a na paam waoogre. " Above all, continue to engage in godly works! Later, in a conversation with the Pharisees, Jesus said: "Everyone that exalts himself will be humbled, but he that humbles himself will be exalted. " La sak pʋgẽ, zagsã neb sã n zemsd taaba, kɩtdame tɩ zems - n - taar be sakã pʋgẽ. A first step is to prepare our own heart. In obedience, however, family relations contribute to the unity of the family. 34: 9) A Davɩɩd gomdã wilgdame tɩ d sã n gũusd n get a Zeova sẽn sõngd tõnd to - to wã, na n naf - d - la hal sõma. His many miracles helped to establish that he had Jehovah's backing. David's words show that we can benefit from observing Jehovah's hand in our life. (Rom 13: 1 - 7) Yaa tõnd sẽn mi t'a Zeova n yaa yĩngr la tẽng Naaba, n sakd - a wakat fãa wã yĩnga. If you do, you will be teaching them not only to pray to Jehovah - the Hearer of prayer - but also to love him. - Psalm 65: 2. Because we know that Jehovah is the Universal Sovereign, and we are loyal to him. Sẽn pa kaoos pʋgẽ, kɩba - kõt tũudmã yɛl zut n tũnug ne gom - kãngã n bilg neb wʋsg yel - manesem ne b tẽebã sẽn yaa a soaba. Learn From Israel's Salvation In recent times, religious news has used this expression to describe the way many people view their faith. Bõe la nebã maand yãmb sẽn beẽ wã tɩ yaa tʋʋm - beedo, la wãn to la rẽ namsd yãmb ne y zakã rãmba? Matthew tells us: "They gave [Jesus] wine mixed with gall to drink; but, after tasting it, he refused to drink. " What is the condition of people in your area, and how does this affect you and your family? 12: 6 - 8) A Zeova sẽn maan tõnd neer to - to a bark sẽn ka to wã yĩngã kɩtame tɩ tõnd ned kam fãa segd n wɩng ne koɛɛgã moonego, la d zãmsd nebã Biiblã, la d kengd d tẽed - n - taasã raoodo, la d sakd n kõt ned ning fãa sẽn beeg tõnd sugri. Bõe yell la d na n gom sõsg ning sẽn pʋgdã pʋgẽ? One wife in her 30 ' s whose husband left her explained that even before he left, he acted too familiarly, too affectionately, toward other women. Jehovah's undeserved kindness motivates each of us to have a full share in the preaching and teaching work and to give encouragement to fellow believers, and what will be discussed in the following article? B sẽn makdã yaa tõnd ned kam fãa. 1, 2. (a) What questions might arise concerning Jesus ' example of watchfulness? They represent each one of us as individuals. Wõnda yaa a Davɩɩd n gʋls gom - kãensã. 12: 22, 23. It seems that David wrote those words. M da wae n moonda koɛɛgã m yembre, sã n pa sibr la hato. Yaa ne koe - moonegã kartã la fõnografã la m da moonda. Rather, many do not work to acquire it. I often shared in the preaching work if I didn't share in the field ministry on Sunday and in the field ministry. Dũni kãngã nebã sɩd " nonga dũniyã sũ - noogã ' tɩ loog noore. (2 Tɩm. Also, think of how acquiring something will affect your family's preparedness for the coming of the Son of man. The world is "lovers of pleasures " and" pleasures of this system of things. " A ra nonga ned buud fãa, n pa get a buudu, a yaa pag bɩ a yaa raoa, wa neb wʋsg sẽn da maandã ye. (b) How can we imitate Jesus ' example? He loved everyone, viewed himself as a man, not a man, but a man or a woman, just as many did. Bõe n kɩt tɩ saam - bi - kãng ra wa bas tigingã? Typically, warmth and mutual respect are lacking. Why did this brother leave the congregation? " ZUSOABA, yãmb dabda yɛɛnẽ? " 9 The Truth Can Change Your Life " Where are you going? " TƲM - TƲMDBÃ ra rata ne b sũy fãa n bãng wakat ning a Zezi sẽn na n lugl a Rĩungã. We trust what they have to say. " THE slave was eager to know when Jesus would establish his Kingdom. Tʋm - tʋmd a Poll yeelame tɩ "Kirist zug yaa Wẽnnaam. " So Gabriel explains to her: "Power of the Most High will overshadow you, " and" what is born will be called holy, God's Son. " " The head of the Christ is God, " wrote the apostle Paul. Karm - y Yɩɩl Sõamyã 45: 11, 12. How do you feel about the greatest building work going on today? Read Psalm 45: 11, 12. Kɩtame t'a wa pa le tar keelem ye. B yiis - a - la yʋʋmd 1956, t'a rɩk sor n na n wa Tulun. As one evidence, elders show that they have Christ's mental attitude by making and monitoring arrangements to help sick ones in the congregation, following in principle the course of action mentioned at Matthew 25: 39, 40. As a result, he lost his health and was released in 1956. Ad sɩd yɩɩ yel - beed tɛkẽ! Proving faithful in what might have seemed less significant prepared Daniel's three friends to cope with a greater trial. What a tragedy! A Epafras pʋʋsame n kos t'a saam - biisã kell n yɩ neb sẽn pid zãnga, ne kɩs - sɩd sẽn pa vigsd ne Kirist la ne b saagrã What was in the cup used when Christ instituted the Memorial of his death? Epaphras prayed that his brothers remain complete, with firm conviction in Christ and with their hope Rẽnd sɩd zemsame tɩ d yeel tɩ yaa a Zeezi maoongã la bũmb ning sẽn wilgd n yɩɩd tɩ Wẽnnaam nonga tõndã. We wanted to mirror the examples that had been set for us. How fitting, then, that the ransom is the greatest expression of God's love for us! B ra rɩka b mens zãng n kõ a Zeova la b sakd a goama sõma. Wakat ninga yaa neb b sẽn nams wʋsg nengẽ la b bãng sɩdã. Let us address John's vision of the wild beast. At times, they were completely devoted to Jehovah and were willing to obey his word, sometimes because they were persecuted and became acquainted with the truth. A Abrahaam sẽn sak n na n dɩk a Izaak n maan maoongã wilgda tõnd bõe? (b) How might pride affect one's view of counsel? What can we learn from Abraham's willingness to offer Isaac? Ra yaa toog tɩ d sõs ne taaba, bala b ra pa mi mugsã goam ye. If a slave came to love his owner, he could choose to remain a slave in the household for the rest of his life. It was difficult to talk to one another because they did not know sign language. Wa tɩ d seg taaba The boy thinks about this for a few moments and then asks, "Daddy, who made God? " Let Us Follow One Another Bõe n tõe n sõng tõnd tɩ d ges d tẽed - n - taasã wa a Zeova sẽn get - b to - to wã? While our efforts to keep integrity today are not recorded in the Bible, Jehovah has a "book of remembrance " for those seeking to do his will. What can help us to view fellow believers as Jehovah does? A na n vʋʋga neb nins sẽn ki wã tɩ b paam n vɩɩmd arzãnã pʋgẽ, tẽngã zugu. - Karm - y Luk 23: 42, 43. But did Jesus and Paul "constantly talk about, engage and glory in " wine? He will resurrect those who have died to life in Paradise on earth. - Read Luke 23: 42, 43. A segd n ket n maoodame n na n pids a pʋlengã bɩ? " No one will ever know what you have done, " they may say. Should he continue to make his vow? A Moiiz ne a Zezi vɩɩmã nens kẽer wõnda taaba. 1: 18 - 25; Luke 1: 26 - 35. Some aspects of Moses ' life are similar to that of Moses and Jesus. (Sɩngre 2: 21, 22) A Nowe ne a komdibli wã me Wẽnnaam sẽn kõ noor tɩ b " rog kamb n pid dũniyã ' fãa wã yɩɩ pʋg - yend - yend sɩdba. For us to find joy in studying God's Word, we must be willing to receive Jehovah's sayings and treat them like a treasure that we do not wish to lose. Noah and his sons were also God's command to "be fruitful and become many and fill the earth. " A Zeova sẽn yãk a toogo, yaa a Zezi a ye bal n mi bõn - naandsã fãa, la hal baa ninsaalbã sõma. How Would You Answer? In addition to Jehovah's choice, Jesus is the only one who knows all creation and the best of humans. Tõnd sẽn be Filipin soolmẽ wã, n naag d tẽed - n - taasã n tʋmd a Zeova tʋʋmdã nooma tõnd wʋsgo! Today, Alhaji finds it difficult to forget war and to adjust to civilian life. How happy we are to serve Jehovah along with fellow believers in the Philippines! Sebr a yembr yeelame tɩ masã, tẽn - vaeesdbã maasem yĩnga, d tara kaset sẽn wilgd tɩ Biiblã babg ning b sẽn da gʋls ne hebre wã sẽn gom neb nins yellã sʋka, na maan bãmb 50 n sɩd zĩndi. In what way were the Jews put to the test by Jesus ' teaching? According to one reference work, we now have evidence of the truthfulness of the Hebrew Scriptures. wã yaa sɛb sẽn kɩtd tɩ nebã maagd tẽebã wɛɛngẽ ye. Coping With "a Thorn in the Flesh, " 2 / 15 magazines are designed to make people spiritually sick. A nonglmã bee wakat fãa n ka toeemdẽ, wala wĩntoogã sẽn zɩ n bas tẽngã wɩngrã. Jehovah's people are grateful that there are elderly ones in the congregations. His love is always changing, as the sun never changes. b) Wãn to la sõsg ning sẽn pʋgdã na n sõng - do? I will put my law within them, and in their heart I shall write it. (b) How will the following article help us? A Zezi ra wilgda vẽeneg bal tɩ d segd n kõo sugri. What is God's will for the "great crowd "? Jesus made it clear that we should be forgiving. [ Tẽngr not rãmbã] When Gertrud, a longtime worshipper of Jehovah, was a young woman, she was falsely accused of being a fraud and not a full - time Kingdom proclaimer. [ Footnotes] La a Nowe yɩɩ ned sẽn sɩd zĩndi, t'a vɩɩmã pa yɩ nana ye. 12 / 15 Yet, Noah was a real person, and his life was not easy. A sẽn da mi a Zeova sõma wã yĩnga, a ra miime t'a pa na n naag nin - tɩrsã ne nin - wẽnsã n sãam ye. Did Jehovah let himself be found on that occasion? Because he was well - acquainted with Jehovah, he knew that he would not destroy the righteous along with the wicked. (Luk 6: 31) A Zezi gomdã wilgdame tɩ d segd n maanda d taabã bũmb nins d sẽn dat tɩ b maan tõndã. D pa segd n lebs - b wẽng wẽng yĩng ye. What does the Bible say on the matter? Jesus ' words indicate that we should treat others as we want them to do what we want them to do, not to retaliate. A laogã fãa yɩɩ bõne, a kambã fãa kiime, tɩ bã - toaag me le yõk - a. THE TEMPLE IS REBUILT He lost all his material possessions, including the loss of all his children, including severe illness. Woto, a Poll yetame tɩ ninsaalba sɩngr tɛka, b ra tõe n " yãa ' kaset sẽn wilgd Wẽnnaam belmã ne naanegã nebã nin sẽn ne wã maasem yĩnga. Daily Bible reading and study of the Scriptures and the publications of "the faithful steward " will contribute to our spiritual wakefulness. Thus, Paul says that from the beginning humans could see "the sign of God's existence and of creation. " Ra n yɛɛs - y beoog - daarã yĩng ye He appointed trustworthy men to oversee the temple stores and future distributions. Do Not Give Up in the Future Tõe tɩ d nan pa wʋmd b tagsa kẽer võore, wall b manesem sãnda võor sõma ye. They are known as Jehovah's Witnesses. It may be that we do not fully understand their views or feelings. Rẽnd ka lingr la sẽn yaa toog wʋsg tɩ d tõog n paam na - sõmsã ye. While Romans 12: 1 applies specifically to anointed Christians, the principle applies also to the "other sheep. " It is no wonder, therefore, that it is too difficult to find the good in us. Kũun sẽn yit a Zeova nengẽ Of course, Judas was "one of his disciples, " but you can sense John's indignation that someone in this position was planning on betraying Jesus. Giving From Jehovah Rũndã - rũndã nebã tara manesem sẽn komsd taab raoodo. If, then, we are children, we are also heirs: heirs indeed of God, but joint heirs with Christ, provided we suffer together that we may also be glorified together. " In today's world, people have a negative attitude toward one another. Traduction du monde nouveau wã pʋgẽ. When Jonah became angry about that, Jehovah said: "You, for your part, felt sorry for the bottle - gourd plant... The New World Translation. [ Foto seb - neng 25] God does not now cure us miraculously, but he does give us the fortitude to endure illness. [ Picture on page 25] Tõe tɩ y roagdbã zãms - y - la Wẽnnaam noyã hal y yãadmẽ. Using our time, energy, and talents, not for self - advancement, but in the Kingdom - preaching and disciple - making work can be likened to making an investment. Perhaps your parents have taught you God's standards from infancy. Rũndã - rũndã me nebã pa rat n kelg keoogrã ye. SONGS: 79, 140 The world today does not want to ignore warnings. Yʋʋm wʋsg sẽn deng Rom naamã, Akaad la Babilon nebã me ra bonda b koom - kogendã ne sũud sẽn na yɩl tɩ koomã ra kẽ ye. Why was the perfumed oil used by Mary so expensive? For many years before the reign of Rome, he and the Babylonians had been thrown into the sea to keep it from the waters of the sea. Kẽer tallda b roagdã t'a wa zĩnd b zakẽ wã, wall b kɩt t'a yik n pẽneg - ba. Furthermore, all in the congregation can benefit from associating with older Christians. Others let their parents come to their home or move to visit them. Yaa neb b sẽn tũus tɩ b sõorã yaa takɩ, tɩ b na n tɩ rɩ naam ne Kirist saasẽ. Why? They are chosen by a limited number of humans who will rule with Christ in heaven. (Filip rãmba 2: 12) Tʋm - tʋmd a Pɩɛɛr gʋlsa a kiris - nin - taasã tɩ: "Zusoaba ka kaoosda tɩ pids bãmb kãabg wa neb kẽer sẽn tagsda ye. La bãmb sẽn ka rat tɩ ned ba a ye sãama yĩnga, bãmb maanda sũ - mar ne yãmba n dat tɩ yãmb fãa yam tek tɩ y kos sugri. " - 2 Pɩɛɛr 3: 9. How can Christian women imitate the Shulammite maiden? The apostle Peter wrote to fellow Christians: "Jehovah is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with you because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance. " - 2 Peter 3: 9. Yãk - y bũmb n maand Wẽnnaam tũubã wɛɛngẽ So it was that Jesus instituted the Memorial of his death, also called "the Lord's Evening Meal. " Make Spiritual Decisions (Mark 1: 40 - 42) Rẽ poore, a Zezi wa n sega pʋg - kõore, t'a bi - yendã ra maan kaalem. The Bible mentions many other examples of angelic protection, confirming what Psalm 34: 7 says: "The angel of Jehovah is camping all around those fearing him, and he rescues them. " Later, Jesus met a widow who had lost her only child. 2012, ZĨ - LIKRI, 1 - 7 13: 5; Titus 3: 1, 2. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE La a Sven yeelame: "F sã n wa kuli, f miime tɩ bũmb ning fãa f sẽn maan daarã pʋgẽ wã yɩɩ a Zeova yĩnga. • What results are being obtained with the publication What Does the Bible Really Teach? " When you get home, you know that you are Jehovah's day. (1 Sãmwɛll 15: 13 - 15, 20, 21) Tõnd sũurã sã n wa be yell taoore, a tõeeme n wa bao bʋʋm n kõ a meng manesem sẽn pa zems taoore. Jehovah's wisdom is revealed in that he has provided a book that only humble, teachable people can truly understand. When our heart is under danger, it may come to his senses to justify himself. Sõsg ning sẽn loogã pʋgẽ, d yãame t'a Zeova waooga tõnd n kõ - d ned kam fãa sor t'a yãk a sã n na n yɩɩ burkĩna. What can you do if you have personal differences with a fellow Christian? In the preceding article, we learned that Jehovah has dignified us with the right to choose whether we will be integrity keepers. (1 Pɩɛɛr 3: 15) Wẽnnaam sõgen dãmb sẽn tar sik - m - meng kẽnga mooneg zĩ - paalsẽ n tɩ sõng buud toor - toor neb la neb tarem sẽn yaa toor - toore. Jesus viewed God's Word as the final authority. Humble servants of God go to new territories to help people from all walks of life. La a sẽn mak tɩ pa yãk nengã, a sika a meng n sak n taas yellã taoor - lʋɩtbã sull sẽn be Zerizalɛmmã. Nin - kãensã kelgame la b zems taab n dɩk noore. I am innocent of any offense.... Instead of making a mistake, however, he humbly appeared to the governing body in Jerusalem, where they listened to the direction of the governing body. Masã, Wẽnnaam lebga m zoa, tɩ m tõe n kɩs sɩd ne - a. " Psalm 78 reviews Israel's past from the time of Moses to that of David. Now God has become my Friend, and I can trust him. " (Matɩe 7: 7 - 11) Biis nins vʋʋsem sõngã sẽn womdã sʋka, d tõe n sõdga sũ - noog la laafɩ. Before long, this sincere couple began to attend Christian meetings and to share in the ministry. Among the fruitage of the spirit is happiness and peace. Dẽ, yẽ na n yeelame: " Mam na n lebg n leba m pipi sɩda nengẽ, tɩ mam sẽn da be ne yẽ wã n são. ' Such a complete change can be brought about only with the help of God and his spirit. Then he will say: " I shall return to my truth, that I was with him that I was with him. ' Bãngr ning sẽn yit Biiblã pʋgẽ wã me tõe n fãaga neda. He wanted the man and the woman to marry and to form a close bond, as if they were "one flesh. " Bible knowledge can also save lives. (Zak 4: 8) La rẽ nafr yaa bõe? Still, as the brother mentioned above learned, secular work needs to be kept in its proper place. But what are the benefits? D sã n bʋgs bũmb nins a Zeova sẽn naanã zugu, d bãngda bõe? Jehovah provides salvation for those who turn to his light, and he guides their path, as Isaiah next shows: "The path of the righteous one is uprightness. What can we learn from meditating on Jehovah's creative works? Rẽ n so, t'a Zeova yeel - a yaa: "Mam bee ne foom. Sons are an inheritance from Jehovah; the fruitage of the belly is a reward. " Thus, Jehovah told him: "I am with you. (1 Korẽnt dãmba 3: 19; Tɩt 2: 12) A Poll leb n tẽega Efɛɛz kiris - nebã tɩ b sẽn da wa n kẽnd "tɩ zems ne dũni kãngã yɛl siglgã, " b ra " kii ' tẽebã wɛɛngẽ. Anointed Christians eagerly await serving with Christ in heaven, while the "other sheep " hope to" be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the [earthly] children of God. " Paul also reminded the Ephesian Christians that when they walked "according to the system of things of this world, " they were" dead in faith. " B mi n kẽ n gesa tõnd roogã, tɩ bũmb sã n dat manegr bɩ b sõng - do. " After Moses, Jehovah inspired other Bible writers to mention the hope of everlasting life. At times, they visited our home and gave us something to do. " A nonga nebã fãa n pa get b sẽn yitẽ, wall b yalẽ ye. (b) What is it appropriate for God's people to do now? He loves all people, regardless of their nationality or appearance. Biiblã wilgdame tɩ pa woto ye. If we are to encourage others, what counsel of the apostle Paul must we take to heart? The Bible shows that this is not the case. Yãmb yaa dũniyã vẽenem.... Any future prospect for the dead is in the hands of Jehovah, and no one is in a position to say whether the deceased will be resurrected or not. You are the light of the world.... Yaa Wẽnnaam a Zeova n naan - a. Jehovah allowed his Son to be tempted. Jehovah God created him. Baa fʋɩ pa wilgd tɩ goosneema rãmbã na n sak n basa b naamã n kõ Wẽnnaam ne Kiristã ye. She acted with prudence, as we should. - Proverbs 14: 15. There is no indication that human governments will turn their backs on God and Christ. Budiismã sɛb kẽer wilgda noy b moan - dãmbã sẽn segd n tũ, tɩ sãnda wilgd budist - rãmbã sẽn tẽed bũmb ninsã, la a Buda sẽn zãms - b bũmb ninsã. In such settings, Christians have to train their mind and conscience to respond appropriately when neutrality - related issues arise. Some books include laws that are to be applied, while others express their beliefs and teachings on the basis of what they have learned. Rẽnd d tõe n yeelame tɩ d sã n dat n bãng bũmb ning d sẽn tõe n maan tɩ kɩt tɩ d vɩɩmã tall võore, yaa tɩlae tɩ d bao n bãng Wẽnnaam sẽn naan tõnd bũmb ning yĩngã, la d vɩɩmd tɩ zems ne rẽ. Forced baptism has never sanctified anyone for that glorious place in God's arrangement. - Romans 8: 14 - 17; 2 Thessalonians 2: 13; Revelation 14: 1. Thus, to understand what it means to have purpose in life, we need to know what God has done for us and then live in harmony with it. A Zezi me nonga a nebã wa a Ba wã JESUS CHRIST truly was the Great Teacher. Jesus Loves His Father Like His Father Neb kẽer tagsdame tɩ woto yaa sẽn na yɩl tɩ b yĩm b sũ - sãangã. When you parents do the important work Jehovah has assigned you - providing for your children's material, spiritual, and emotional needs - the rewards are great. Some feel that this is designed to rob them of their grief. A Sʋɩtãan maanda woto buudu, sẽn na yɩl n wa ne welgr kiris - nebã sʋka. Wala makre, a maanda a sẽn tõe sẽn na yɩl tɩ mo - yõs zĩnd d sʋka, pa rẽ bɩ a kɩt tɩ nina tẽ tɩ yel - kɛg n maand a Zeova siglgã pʋgẽ, n zãag a meng ne a Zeova nin - buiidã. Have you not seen that Jehovah is swift to provide you with his guidance? For example, Satan has tried to disrupt the unity of Jehovah's organization by trying to disrupt the peace of the Christian congregation and the unity of Jehovah's people. Nong n yaa d no - goamã n wilgd tõnd mengã sẽn yaa ned ninga, la d sẽn get neb a taabã to - to. Table of Contents Love is shown by what we say and how we view others. D wilgd ne d no - goamã tɩ d nonga d taabã [ Picture on page 4] Show Loving - Kindness in Our tongue Daar a ye, a Zezi tʋm - tʋmdbã gilga wʋsg n moon koɛɛgã n ya. The work of these Christians was from God, not man, and the work of God cannot be overthrown. On one occasion, Jesus ' apostles went so far as to preach. Rĩm a Salomo gʋlsa woto: "Ned sã n tũud yam dãmba, a na n lebga yam soaba. La ned sã n tũud yalma, a na n paama toogo. " Rather, he examines the heart, the inner person. King Solomon wrote: "He that is walking with wise persons will become wise, but he that is having dealings with the stupid ones will fare badly. " Ra yaa tʋʋm - bʋgo? 1, 2. (a) In what way might this system of things be compared to a condemned criminal? What was it? Seb - gʋlsd a ye yeela woto: "Yʋʋmd 1914, nebã ra tẽedame tɩ vɩɩmã na n yɩɩ noogo. " In this way we show respect not just for the gift of marriage but also for the Giver of that gift, Jehovah God. One author wrote: "In 1914 people believed that life would be better. " (Wilgri 14: 6, 7) A Zeova zoeesã toor sẽn ka be, kiris - nebã segdame n nong - a ne b sũur fãa. Concerning Jehovah's patience, what did the apostle Peter write? In addition to fearing Jehovah, Christians should have heartfelt love for him. A zakã neb wʋsg me wa n lebga a Zeova Kaset rãmba. Aids to Endurance In time, many of her family became Jehovah's Witnesses. (Yelbũna 10: 22) Bõe yĩng tɩ y pa na n gom dẽ yell ne y roagdbã? Because of what we read at 2 Peter 3: 13 and Revelation 21: 1 - 5. Why not discuss that with your parents? Pipi lɛtr ning a Poll sẽn tool Tesalonik kiris - nebã pʋgẽ, a yeel - b lame tɩ b gũus tɩ "Zu - soabã daar " watame. Reading and meditating on such prayers can strengthen our faith and give us ideas as to how best to approach Jehovah with the concerns that weigh us down. In his first letter to the Thessalonians, Paul warned them that "Jehovah's day is coming. " A Poll wilga a Zezi sũ - marã toogã pʋgẽ wã yõod ne tõndo, la sẽn na yɩl n keng kiris - nebã raoodo, a yeela woto: "Bɩ y tags namsg ninga bãmb sẽn saka yelle, yel - wẽna rãmb sẽn yɩ wãn n kɩɩs bãmba, tɩ yãmb da yɛ la tɩ yãmb sũyã da sãam ye. " David fled the city, but what would Hushai do? Paul explained the importance of Jesus ' long - suffering, and to encourage Christians: "Keep your minds on the things that they suffered, because they have persecuted them, that you may not be disappointed and give out in your souls. " Ges - y rao a ye ne a pag sẽn sõng b kom - bɩɩs to - to tɩ b bãng b sã n tõe n kẽnga saoog b lekoll sẽn sigli. But always remember that God does not change. Consider how one couple helped them to learn whether they could go to school at school. B geta neb nins sẽn kɩɩsd bõn - kãensã wã wala neb yam sẽn yẽde, nin - sãbsdba, la wa neb sẽn ka paam vẽnegre. We show such faith by our persistence. Those who oppose these things view themselves as having a bad spirit, a view of themselves, a lack of knowledge, and a lack of knowledge. Tʋm - tʋmdã yiisa sɛb wʋsg sẽn tõe n sõng - y - yã. If not, you are in good company! The slave class has provided a number of tools that can help you. Koma tõe n komsa kamb nins sẽn pa paamd n dɩtẽ tɩ sekdẽ wã, tɩ kɩt tɩ b sã n wa bɩ n dog kamba, bɩ b pa tõe n ges b yell sõma ye. Take the Initiative It may be that children who do not have enough food may be able to care for their children when they grow up. Sẽn tɩ yɩɩd fãa, ket - y n tʋmd - y tʋʋm sẽn tat Wẽnnaam yam! With Gaius in mind, John wrote: "No greater cause for thankfulness do I have than these things, that I should be hearing that my children go on walking in the truth. " Above all, keep busy in theocratic activities! Pipi bũmb d sẽn segd n maan yaa d segl d mense, tɩ d sũyã pid ne bũmb nins d sẽn dat n togsã. God's orders, on the other hand, are directives, and we readily acknowledge our Creator's right to direct us. The first step is to prove ourselves ready, and our hearts are filled with what we want to say. (Luk 4: 16 - 22) Yel - soalmã wʋsgã a sẽn maana sõngame n wilg t'a Zeova ra bee ne - a. Thus, when we fall short in some respect, we should ask Jehovah for forgiveness. The miracles he performed demonstrated that Jehovah was with him. Y sã n maand woto, y zãmsda y kambã b sẽn segd n pʋʋs a Zeova sẽn wʋmd pʋʋsgã to - to. He felt free to open his heart to Jehovah, asking for help as he struggled with hard questions. In that way, you teach your children how to pray to Jehovah. Israɛll fãagrã sẽn zãmsd tõnd bũmb ninga The happiness, the satisfaction, comes from knowing that we are suffering because we are doing Jehovah's will and following the pattern of Jesus. What Israel learns From the Salvation of Israel (Yɩɩl 69: 22) Gom - kãensã paama pidsgu, bala a Matɩe yeelame tɩ b " kõo a Zezi rãam sẽn kalem ne tɩɩm sẽn yaa toog wa yam.... In this article and the next, we will consider Jesus ' words about this work as well as other points in the Sermon on the Mount that relate to how we should treat others. Those words were fulfilled, for Matthew says: "Jesus gave wine to drink wine that violates the use of wine... Pag a yembr sẽn yɩɩd yʋʋm 30 sɩd sẽn bas - a, a bilgame tɩ nand tɩ yẽ sɩda bas - a, a sɩdã reng n minima pagb wʋsg n da tar dolemd manesem ne - ba. (b) How do the meetings help you spiritually? For more than 30 years, she explained that before abandoning her husband, her husband had much to learn from them. 1, 2. a) Mak - sõng ning a Zezi sẽn kõ gũubã wɛɛngẽ wã tõe n waa ne sogs - bʋse? What factors might influence parents to move back to a congregation that uses the language their children best understand? 1, 2. (a) What questions arise about Jesus ' example of watchfulness? 12: 22, 23. Think! 12: 22, 23. Rat n yeelame tɩ neb wʋsg pa modgd sẽn na yɩl n paam tẽeb ye. How Should We View Trials? 9 / 1 In other words, many people do not try to gain faith. Sẽn paase, tags - y n ges - y bũmb nins y sẽn daadã sã n pa na n tiis y zakã rãmba, tɩ b pa tõog n segl b mens n gũ ninsaal Biigã. The Brothers Bring Offerings Moreover, think about what you have to buy for your family so that they will not be ready to wait for the Son of man. b) Bõe la d tõe n maan n dɩk a Zeezi togs - n - taare? The power of choice. (b) How can we imitate Jesus? Naoor wʋsgo, nonglem la waoog taab pa naag a pʋgẽ ye. We agree with the apostle Paul, who wrote: "O the depth of God's riches and wisdom and knowledge " - not to mention love and the six qualities we have considered. - Rom. In many cases, love and respect vary. 9 Sɩdã bãngr tõe n toeema yãmb vɩɩmã As a spirit, having no flesh - and - blood body, he could go before "the person of God for us. " 9 Knowing the Truth Can Change Your Life B sẽn na n togsd tõnd bũmb ninsã n sakd reegr n yɩɩda. " What scriptures can be used effectively? They are more willing to listen to us than to what they will tell us. " Woto yĩnga, bi - sõng ning fo sẽn na n dogã, b na n boonda yẽ tɩ Wẽnnaam Biiga. " How forcefully these words show that those seeking God's mercy should themselves be merciful! Therefore, the holy spirit, which you are born, will be called Son of God. " Yãmb tagsg yaa wãn ne tũudum hakɩɩkã tʋʋmã b sẽn tʋmd rũndã - rũndã wã? Prayer is a remarkable privilege. How do you feel about the work that true worship is accomplishing today? Wala makre, tigingã kãsem dãmbã wilgdame tɩ b tara Kirist nonglmã buudu, n get tigingã bãad rãmb yelle, la b rɩkd segls tɩ neb a taabã sõngd - ba. Woto wilgdame tɩ b tũuda Matɩe 25: 39, 40 * goamã. The "pangs of distress " are upon mankind in full measure. For example, elders show Christlike love by taking the lead in caring for the sick, shepherding the sick, and assisting others in harmony with Matthew 25: 39, 40. B sẽn wilg tɩ b yaa sakdb yɛl sẽn wõnd kɩds pʋsẽ wã segla a Daniɛll zo - rãmb a tãabã tɩ b wa tõog n mao ne makr sẽn yaa kãseng n yɩɩda. [ Picture on page 29] They proved faithful in seemingly small matters that Daniel's three companions were prepared to endure a greater test. Bõn - yũudl ning Kirist sẽn tũnug ne wã ra yaa bõe, a sẽn da wa n lugl a kũumã Tẽegrã? One Sabbath day, he encountered a man with a withered hand. What was the cup through Christ when he instituted the Memorial of his death? D da rata ne d sũur fãa n dɩk mak - sõma neb sẽn kõ - d kambã wubr wɛɛngẽ. There he inherited all the rights of the Davidic Kingdom. We were eager to set a good example for our children. Bɩ d gom bõn - makr ning a Zã sẽn yã wã yelle. How was God's purpose for man evident from the start of human history? Let us consider what John saw in vision. b) B sã n sagl wuk - m - meng soaba, a manesem yaa wãna? Yes, our being firmly convinced that Jehovah "becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him " will help us to stand firm in the faith. - Heb. (b) How does pride affect a person? A sã n nong a zu - soabã, a tõe n yãka yam n kell n yɩ a yamb a yõor tɛka. God's purpose was that humans would live on earth forever amid Paradise conditions. If he loves his master, he can choose to be his slave for the rest of his life. Biigã tagsa a ba wã sẽn yeel bũmb ningã zug bilfu. Rẽ poore, a soka woto: "M baaba, ãnda n naan Wẽnnaam? " 15: 1 - 6 - Why did Jehovah plague Azariah (Uzziah, 15: 6, footnote) with leprosy? Then he asked: "O my father, whom did God create? " Baa b sẽn pa gʋls tõnd sẽn modgd n na n tall burkĩndã Biiblã pʋgẽ wã, a Zeova tara " sebr ' neb nins sẽn baood n na n maan a raabã " tẽegr yĩnga. ' At these gatherings, information on the fulfillment of Bible prophecies is dispensed, and timely direction on how to apply Bible principles in daily life is given. Although we do not have to keep our integrity in the Bible, Jehovah has "the book of remembrance " for those who seek to do his will. Vugri, a Zeezi maana yel - solemd tɩ koom lebg rãam. As we now consider those accounts, think how you might offer assistance in ways similar to those described. On one occasion, Jesus miraculously changed water into wine. B tõe n wa yet - y - la woto: "Ned ba a ye pa tar fo yellã võor ye. For example, Time magazine reported that "corruption and carelessness " were at least partially responsible for the very heavy death toll in the massive earthquake that struck Haiti in 2010. " Nobody has a cause for complaint against you, " they may say. 1: 18 - 25; Luk 1: 26 - 35. Servants and maidservants look toward the hand of a master or a mistress for two reasons: to determine his or her wishes and to receive protection and life's necessities. 1: 18 - 25; Luke 1: 26 - 35. Tõnd sã n dat n paam sũ - noog Wẽnnaam Gomdã zãmsg pʋgẽ, d segd n sak n deega a Zeova goama la d ges - b wala laog d sẽn pa rat n bas tɩ menem ye. Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. If we want to be happy in God's Word, we must accept Jehovah's word and view them as material that we do not want to lose. Wãn to la y na n leoke? MORE than a decade before the fall of Babylon in 539 B.C.E., the aged prophet Daniel saw a thrilling vision. How Would You Answer? Rũndã - rũndã, yaa toog ne a Alhaji t'a yĩm bũmb ning a sẽn yã la a maan zabrẽ wã, la a maneg a vɩɩmã n vɩɩmd wa neb nins sẽn pa sodaasã. What Cain and Abel knew about Jehovah would enable them to develop an approved relationship with him. It is difficult to forget what he saw and done to improve his life as those who did not. Wãn - wãn la a Zezi zãmsgã yɩ makr ne Zʋɩf rãmbã? In view of the increase in both the frequency and the destructiveness of natural disasters, what can a person do to cope? How did Jesus ' teachings compare the Jews to the Jews? Bõe yĩng tɩ d segd n deeg lisgu? Jesus ' death in faithfulness proved this contention false and made Jehovah's heart rejoice. - Proverbs 27: 11. Why should we get baptized? A Zeova Kaset rãmbã sẽn paam tɩ neb sẽn kʋʋl be b tigimsẽ wã, noom - b lame. Let them praise the name of Jehovah, for his name alone is unreachably high. Jehovah's Witnesses are happy to receive older ones in their congregation. Mam na n ninga m tõodã b pʋtẽerẽ, la m gʋls bãmb b sũyã pʋsẽ. Nevertheless, all of us are confronted with human imperfection - our own and that of other servants of God. I shall put my law within them, and in their hearts I shall write it. Bõe la a Zeova rata? A Zeova ratame tɩ nebã buud fãa wa lebg yẽ neba. What snares of the Devil will we consider in this article? Jehovah wants people of all nations to become his people. A Gɛrtrud sẽn yaa a Zeova balemd hal sẽn kaoosã sẽn da wa n yaa pʋg - bɩɩga, b rõd - a lame t'a ra pa wẽn - tũud hakɩka, la t'a ra pa Rĩungã wakat fãa koe - moond ye. Even those who have stumbled by committing serious sin can return to Jehovah. As a longtime servant of Jehovah, one of Jehovah's Witnesses was accused that he was not a faithful worshipper of God but that he did not always engage in the Kingdom - preaching work. B ra gũuda Mesi wã waoongo 1 / 8 They would be too numerous to recount! " Do You Have "a Heart to Know " Jehovah? 8 / 15 (2 Kɩbaya 20: 6 - 12) A Zeova basame tɩ b yã - a rẽ sasa bɩ? When the Bible speaks of a human as being "righteous, " it does not imply sinlessness or perfection. Did Jehovah allow them to see him at such times? Bõe la Biiblã yet zĩ - kãng wɛɛngẽ? Today, a remnant of anointed Christians and millions of Jesus ' "other sheep " are united in declaring Bible truth as servants of Jehovah. - John 10: 16. What does the Bible say on this subject? B LEBS N MEE WẼN - DOOGÃ Additional Divine Counsel What is "the spirit of the world "? (Filip rãmba 4: 6, 7, 13) Gʋlsg Sõamyã ne sɛb nins " tʋm - tʋmd sẽn tũud sɩd la sẽn tar yama ' sẽn yiisã kareng la b zãmsg na n sõnga tõnd tɩ d ra gũs tẽebã wɛɛngẽ ye. • Why could apostasy not silence the preachers of the good news? Reading and studying the Scriptures with "the faithful and discreet slave " will help us to stay spiritually awake. Yaa vʋʋsem sõngã n vẽneg no - rɛɛsdb la neb a taab tɩ b gʋls - a. Was there any way that the labor leader, the politician, the street child, the overworked daughter, and the partygoer could attain the inner peace that they sought? They were inspired by holy spirit to write it to others. 12: 44) Rẽ n so t'a Nehemi yãk neb sẽn yaa kɩs - sɩd rãmb tɩ b na n deegd nebã kũunã la piig - pʋɩɩrã, la b ges tɩ Levi nebã paame. As Jehovah's Witnesses, we love to discuss God's universal sovereignty with anyone who will listen. Hence, Nehemiah appointed faithful men to extend the gift to the people and to care for the Levites. B boond - b lame t'a Zeova Kaset rãmbã. How can we cultivate the fruitage of the spirit? Jehovah's Witnesses are known as Jehovah's Witnesses. Ba Rom dãmba 12: 1 sã n paka kiris - neb sẽn zaeyã sẽn tɩ yɩɩd fãa, noor ning sẽn be be wã paka "piis a taab [ã] " me. They may have felt that there was a need for adjustments, either in Bible understanding or in organizational matters. The principle found at Romans 12: 1 applies to anointed Christians, especially those in the "other sheep. " Yaa sɩd t'a Zida me ra ya a Zezi "karem - biig a ye, " la d nee a Zã sũ - pa - noangã, ned sẽn tar yasr kãngã buudã sẽn da magd n na n zãmb a Zezi wã. Reflecting on experiences involving Jehovah's servants past and present should enhance our appreciation for this divinely inspired song and increase our gratitude for God's written Word, the Bible. While Judas was "one of Jesus ' brothers, " we note John's feelings, a man who was trying to betray Jesus. La tõnd sẽn yaa Wẽnnaam kamba, tõnd yaa neb nins Wẽnnaam sẽn bĩng b paoong b yĩnga, la tõnd yaa pʋɩt - n - taas ne Kirist, tõnd sã n paam pʋɩɩr ne bãmb namsgã, tõnd na n paama pʋɩɩr ne bãmb waoogra me. " At first, all went well, but in time the borrower began to renege. But we, children, are God's children, and we are joint heirs with Christ, provided we suffer together if we have been counted heirs with him. " La a Zonas sũur sẽn yik ne yellã, a Zeova yeel - a lame: "Kũsgã... sẽn ki yʋng a ye pʋgẽ wã, fo sũur sãamame. " It will not be made to totter to time indefinite, or forever. " But when Jonah became angry, Jehovah told him: "In one night, you are distressed. Wẽnnaam pa maand yel - soalem n sõogd tõnd bãasã rũndã - rũndã ye, la a kõta tõnd pãng tɩ d tõe n tõog toog baa ne bãasã sẽn namsd tõndã. " I calmly tried to reason with him from the Scriptures, but his anger only intensified. God does not miraculously cure us today, but he strengthens us to endure illness despite illness. (Matɩe 28: 19) D sã n pa baood d meng nafr bala, n dɩkd d sẽkã, d keelmã, d bãngrã la d tõogã n moond koe - noogã la d maand karen - biisã, b tõe n yeelame tɩ d bĩngda paoongo. Some time later, Elisha goes to Damascus. If we do not pursue selfish interests, use our time, energy, and abilities in preaching the good news and making disciples, we may be said to have material possessions. YƖƖLA: 79, 140 He urged the congregation in Corinth: "Keep testing whether you are in the faith. " SONGS: 79,40 Bõe yĩng tɩ kaam ning a Maari sẽn daag a Zezi zugã ligd yaa toogo? [ Picture on page 25] Why is Mary's oil a burden to Jesus? Bʋʋm a to me yaa tɩ tigingã ned kam fãa sã n pẽneg sẽn kʋʋl - bã nafd - a lame. " Jehoash continued doing what was right in Jehovah's eyes all the days of his that Jehoiada the priest instructed him. " Another reason is that all in the congregation benefit from close association with older ones. Bõe yĩnga? • What is chastity, and why is it so important? Why? Wãn to la kiris - nin - pogsã tõe n dɩk Sulamit poakã togs - n - taare? Jehovah did not prevent them from proclaiming misleading messages. How can Christian women imitate the Shulammite girl? A Zezi ra ratame t'a karen - biisã tẽegd a kũumã yell yʋʋmd fãa. B boonda a Zezi kũumã tẽegr tɩ " Soaalã zaabr dɩɩb ' me. (1 Kor. To answer, ask yourself: " What are the worst problems facing mankind today? Which ones are the most terrifying? ' Jesus wanted his followers to commemorate his death each year, and the Memorial of his death is also called "the Lord's Evening Meal. " (Tʋʋma 12: 6 - 11) Biiblã tara kɩbay wʋsg a taab sẽn wilgd malɛgs sẽn kogl neba, tɩ wilgdẽ tɩ Yɩɩl Sõamyã 34: 8 sẽn yetã yaa sɩda. Be b yetame: "Zusoaba malɛk rãmb gũbgda neb nins sẽn zoet bãmbã n fãagd bãmba. " We can see proof of this when disasters strike. In December 2011, a tropical storm caused severe flooding on the Philippine island of Mindanao. The Bible contains many other examples of angelic protection that show the truthfulness of Psalm 34: 8: "The angel of Jehovah is camping all around those fearing him, and he rescues them. " 13: 5; Tɩt 3: 1, 2. It could also be that high places were built again in the latter part of Asa's reign. 13: 5; Titus 3: 1, 2. • Bi - sõma bʋs la koe - moondb paam ne Biiblã sɩd yetame tɩ bõe? At Matthew 6: 33, we find Jesus ' assurance that God will fill the needs of faithful servants who put Kingdom interests first in life. • What fine results have been experienced by publishers of the Bible Teach book? A Zeova sẽn kɩt tɩ yaa neb nins sẽn yaa sik - m - mens rãmb la sẽn sakd tɩ b zãmsd - bã bal n tõe n sɩd wʋm a sebrã võorã wilgdame t'a tara yam. Finally, Job received encouragement from Elihu and from Jehovah himself. - Job 33: 24, 25; 36: 1, 11; 42: 7, 10. Jehovah's spirit behind those who are humble and who are willing to teach them is evidence of his wisdom. A Zakoob sẽn wʋm dẽ wã, rabeem kẽ - a lame. In chapter 12 of his letter to the Christians in Rome, Paul gave wise counsel on how they should react to opposition. When Jacob heard this, he became afraid. Mo - yõs sã n be yãmb ne y saam - biig sʋka, bõe la y tõe n maane? Naturally, honoring Jehovah's authority always comes first in our lives. - Acts 5: 29. What can you do if you have misunderstandings with a brother? (Mark 1: 38; 13: 10) A Zezi nifẽ, Wẽnnaam Gomdã bal la sɩda, t'a ra tikd rẽ n zãmsd nebã. Will my decisions help me to set spiritual goals? In Jesus ' case, God's Word was the only source of that teaching. M pa tar taal baa - baa.... Be assured that the blessings of God's Kingdom are within your grasp if you follow the Bible's advice: "Search for Jehovah... while he may be found. I have no guilt at all.... Yɩɩl Sõamyã 78 soabã pʋgẽ, b lebg n tẽegda Israɛll nebã vɩɩm sẽn yɩ to - to, sẽn sɩng ne a Moiiz wakatẽ wã n tall n wa hal a Davɩɩd wakatẽ wã. However, when he puts the truth into practice, using knowledge and understanding in a right way, he is becoming wise. In Psalm 78, the Israelites were reminded of the life of the Israelites from Moses ' day to time. Sẽn pa yã n kaoose, a Wayne ne a pag a Virginie sɩnga tigissã kẽnd la b moond koɛɛgã. McLain), Oct. I Found Happiness in Giving (R. Before long, my wife and I began attending Christian meetings and sharing in the field service. 4: 23) Yaa ne Wẽnnaam la a vʋʋsem sõngã sõngr bal la d tõe n tõog n toeem woto. Even though Adam's life did not end until centuries later, he began to die from the day he disobeyed God. Only God and his holy spirit can bring about such changes. Ra yaa sẽn na yɩl tɩ raoã ne pagã kẽ kãadem, n zems taab hal tɩ yaa wa b yaa "yĩng a yembre. " Aware of the urgency of our times and of Peter's warning that "Jehovah's day will come as a thief, " they continue to perform" holy acts of conduct. " He was "one flesh " so that marriage would be" one flesh. " (Yel. 12: 14) La d segd n gũusame tɩ ra wa lebg tõnd tʋʋmã n pak - d n yɩɩd a Zeova raabã maaneg ye. In spite of all that Lily did, Carol was consistently critical and hard to deal with. However, we must be careful not to allow our secular work to become so absorbed in our service to Jehovah. A Zeova fãagda neb nins sẽn baood a vẽenemã. A leb n wilgd - b - la sore, wala a Ezai sẽn togs woto wã: "Nin - tɩrg sor yaa tɩrga, yãmb manegda nin - tɩrg sore. Using Isaiah and his children "as signs and as miracles, " Jehovah assures Judah that the Syro - Israelite alliance will not succeed. Jehovah protects those who seek his light, and he leads them, as Isaiah prophesied: "The path of the righteous ones is upright, and the way of righteous is open to the righteous ones. Ned biig a sẽn dog yaa yaoodo. " God used what force when he created the earth, and what were some developments during the first three creative days? A child who is born is a reward. " Kiris - neb nins sẽn paam vʋʋsem sõng zaeebã gũuda ne b sũy fãa n na n wa tɩ tʋm ne Kirist saasẽ, tɩ "piis a taabã " gũud n na n wa" paam yolsg ne faoolem yembdo, n paam pʋɩɩr ne Wẽnnaam [tẽng - zug] kambã b lohormã ne b ziirã pʋgẽ. " The Bible presents marriage as one of these "good " gifts from God. Anointed Christians eagerly await Christ's heavenly "other sheep, " who look forward to being" set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God. " A Moiiz loogr poore, a Zeova vẽnega Biiblã gʋlsdb a taab tɩ b gom vɩɩm sẽn pa satã yelle. A person who has knowledge takes in information, or facts. Later, Jehovah inspired other Bible writers to write about everlasting life. b) Wẽnnaam nin - buiidã segd n maana bõe masã? Instead of supporting male chauvinism, Christian husbands let themselves be guided by Bible principles, which contribute to their mate's happiness. - Ephesians 5: 28, 29. (b) What should God's people do now? Sẽn na yɩl n kengd taab raoodo, tʋm - tʋmd a Poll sagl - bʋg la d segd n tũ? In contrast with the haughty rulers of Egypt, Assyria, and Babylon, the king of Tyre at one time proved helpful to God's people. What admonition of the apostle Paul should we take to heart? A soabã na vʋʋg t'a kõn vʋʋgã bee ne a Zeova, la ned ka tõe n bãng n yeel kiidã sã n na n vʋʋgame bɩ a ka na n vʋʋg ye. Soon he will bring complete relief to those fearing God's name. The resurrected one will be resurrected to Jehovah, and no one can know whether the dead will live again. A Zeova sakame tɩ b mak a Biriblã. If you were to build a house, would you contract all the skilled builders in your area? Jehovah has allowed them to be tested by his Son. ▪ Bao - y paoong sɩd - sɩdã In fact, for most of his life, Abraham was uncircumcised. ▪ Seek Riches That Are True A Ɛstɛɛr tʋma ne gũusgu, tɩ d segd n dɩk a togs - n - taar dẽ wɛɛngẽ. - Yelbũna 14: 15. What shows that being vigilant in prayer is essential to keeping on the watch? Esther acted with caution, and we need to imitate her in this regard. - Proverbs 14: 15. Kiris - neb sã n vɩ neb a woto sʋka, b segd n gũusame tɩ sẽn wa n yaa yell ning taoor bɩ b tõog n da kẽes b toog dũniyã yɛlẽ ye. Mayerlín began reading aloud to Felito from My Book of Bible Stories, published by Jehovah's Witnesses. If Christians live among such people, they need to be careful not to get involved in this world's affairs. Lisg b sẽn modg n kõ zɩ n kɩt tɩ ned yɩ yɩlemd zems ne zĩ - kãngã sẽn tar ziir Wẽnnaam seglsã pʋsẽ wã ye. - Rom dãmba 8: 14 - 17; 2 Tesalonik rãmba 2: 13; Wilgri 14: 1. [ Pictures on page 17] Their efforts never make anyone clean in that glorious arrangement. - Romans 8: 14 - 17; 2 Thessalonians 2: 13; Revelation 14: 1. A ZEZI KIRIST sɩd yɩɩ karen - saamb sẽn pa tall to. Just two verses earlier, at Revelation 16: 14, we read: "The kings of the entire inhabited earth " are gathered together" to the war of the great day of God the Almighty. " JESUS CHRIST certainly was the greatest Teacher ever to walk. Roagdba, yãmb sã n wa tʋm tʋʋm - kãseng ning a Zeova sẽn kõ - yã, sẽn yaa y nong y kambã la y get - b yell laogã la tẽebã wɛɛngẽ wã, a nafa wã yaa wʋsgo. Does he have the same Bible - based values and morals that I have? Parents, as you engage in the great work that Jehovah has given you, loving your children and caring for them spiritually and spiritually. 24: 45) Rẽ yĩnga, yãmb meng neeme tɩ wakat fãa, a Zeova sɩd sõngd - y - la tao - tao tɩ y bãng y sẽn segd n maaneg bɩ? After Jesus was executed, the chief priests and the Pharisees came to Pilate and said: "Sir, we recall what that impostor said while he was still alive, " After three days I am to be raised up. ' Do you see that Jehovah is always helping you to understand what you should do? Sẽn be sebrã pʋgẽ me We must have " love among ourselves. ' Table of Contents [ Foto, seb - neng a 4] It calls for more than our participation in Christian meetings and the Kingdom - preaching work, although such activities are also vital. [ Picture on page 4] Kiris - nin - kãensã tʋʋmdã ra yita Wẽnnaam nengẽ, la pa ninsaalb nengẽ ye. Because the family will be affected, it would be beneficial and kind for the husband to consider his wife's opinion, as it may help him to arrive at a balanced, more considerate decision, and it will be easier for her to support him. These Christians ' work was from God, not from men. 1, 2. a) Bõe yĩng tɩ d tõe n yeel tɩ dũni - kãngã yaa wa bi - bɛɛg b sẽn tar n debd kʋʋbo? Jesus highlighted their attitude toward offenders by relating an illustration of a Pharisee who prayed: "O God, I thank you that I am not like everyone else - extortioners, unrighteous, adulterers - or even like this tax collector " - a tax collector who was humbly praying for God's mercy. 1, 2. (a) Why can we say that this world is like a criminal who is going to kill? D sã n maand woto, d pa wilgd bal tɩ d waoogda kãadmã sẽn yaa kũunã ye, d wilgdame me tɩ d waoogda kũun - kãngã kõtã sẽn yaa Wẽnnaam a Zeova wã. By having an active share in the ministry, by diligently caring for his congregation assignments, by working hard to improve the quality of his comments at Christian meetings, and by taking a personal interest in fellow believers. By doing so, we are not merely showing respect for the gift of marriage; nor do we show that we respect that gift, Jehovah God. Bõe la tʋm - tʋmd a Pɩɛɛr gʋls a Zeova sũ - marã wɛɛngẽ? To help strengthen your faith, why not set some short - term goals? What did the apostle Peter write about Jehovah's long - suffering? D tõe n paama sõngr toog wakate Now raised back to heavenly life by God, Jesus has proved that he is fully qualified to rule over the Kingdom. - Philippians 2: 8 - 11. Finding Help in times of distress Yaa d sẽn karemd bũmb ning 2 Pɩɛɛr 3: 13 la Wilgri 21: 1 - 5 wã pʋgẽ yĩnga. We read: "It must become one day that is known as belonging to Jehovah. Because we read what 2 Peter 3: 13 and Revelation 21: 1 - 5. (1 Rĩm dãmba 18: 36, 37; Nehemi 1: 4 - 11) D sã n karemdẽ la d tagsd pʋʋsg kãensã zut sõma tõe n paasa tõnd tẽebã pãng la kõ - d tagsa tɩ d bãng d sẽn na n kolg a Zeova sõma n paas to - to n togs - a yɩɩr ning sẽn namsd tõndã. The results can turn out to be beneficial, as in the case of Onesimus. Reading and meditating on such prayers can strengthen our faith and give us reason to draw ever closer to Jehovah. A ra na n basa a Davɩɩd n kẽ a Absalom bɩ? Who Will Bring Relief? Would David leave David and join Absalom? La wakat fãa bɩ y tẽeg tɩ Wẽnnaam pa toeemd ye. 19: 6, Tanakh. Remember, though, that God does not change. A kelgda neb nins sẽn pʋʋsd - a ne tẽebã, n kõt - b bũmb nins b sẽn kotã. And all of us are subject to the ravages of old age and natural disasters. He listens to the prayers of those who call upon him in faith. Wakat ninga a sẽn da pẽ ne bɛ wã pa yɩɩd kɩlometr a yembr la pʋɩ - sʋk ye. Reflecting on that verse may help you to see that Satan, the false accuser, would be pleased if you were to accuse and condemn yourself, although Jehovah does not do so. Sometimes he was near the enemy. Hal pĩnd n tãag masã, sẽn nong - b a Zeova wã yaa sãamb dũniyã pʋgẽ. Although they liked Ezekiel's words, they failed to act on them. For centuries, Jehovah's loyal ones have proved themselves to be temporary residents in the world. D yãk yam n sõnge Peter in particular disappointed Jesus several times. Make the Right Decisions A Zã ra tagsda a Gaiyus yell a sẽn da gʋlsd woto wã: "Bũmb ninga sẽn kõt maam sũ - noog n yɩɩda, yaa tɩ bãng tɩ mam kamba kẽnda sɩd pʋgẽ. " 6, 7. (a) What claim may apostates make? John was thinking of Gaius, who wrote: "No greater cause for thankfulness do I have than these things, that I should be hearing that my children go on walking in the truth. " Sẽn paase, Wẽnnaam tõodã yaa sor - wilgri, la d sak n deegame tɩ zemsame tɩ d Naandã wilg tõnd sore. Because of the similarities between our work and that of Amos, we will benefit greatly from considering his example. Furthermore, God's laws are guidance, and we recognize that our Creator deserves our guidance. Woto wã, d sã n wa tudg bɩ d kos a Zeova t'a kõ - d sugri. (b) How might parents unwittingly irritate their children? So when we make mistakes, let us ask Jehovah to forgive us. A ra miime t'a tõe n pelga a pʋg n togs a Zeova bũmb ning fãa sẽn be a sũurẽ, tɩ bũmb sã n da namsd - a bɩ a tõe n kos sõngre. Why did Jesus say that? She knew that she could pour out her heart to Jehovah, so she could turn to him for help. Yaa d sẽn mi tɩ yaa d sẽn tũud a Zezi nao n maand a Zeova raabã yĩng la b sẽn namsd tõndã n noom - do. God also helped the writer of Psalm 73, who almost gave up serving Him. Because we know that we are persecuted because we follow Jesus ' steps closely and are doing Jehovah's will. (Mat. 24: 14; 28: 19, 20) Sõs - kãngã la sẽn pʋgd - a wã pʋgẽ, d na n wɛgsa a Zezi sẽn yeel bũmb ning koe - moonegã la zĩid - n - taarã wɛɛngẽ a sõsgã pʋgẽ wã. I feel so close to Jehovah as my Father. In this article and the next, we will consider Jesus ' words about preaching and teaching. b) Wãn to la tigissã nafd yãmba? It feels like I will never completely be able to erase them. " (b) How do you benefit from meetings? A sẽn kɩt tɩ d moond koɛɛgã pa a sẽn teeg - d yĩng ye. How could we reason with someone who claims that there is no Creator? He does not hold us back from relying on him. Bõe n tõe n sõng roagdb tɩ b bãng b sã n segd n leba tigingẽ b sẽn gomd buud - gomd b kambã sẽn wʋmd sõma? JEHOVAH is the perfect Father. What may help parents to decide whether to return to a congregation where their children needs to be better acquainted? Yãmb we n tags n gese! Similarly, Christians who develop the "art of teaching " increase their joy in the ministry. Just think! A Kayẽ ne a Abɛll talla kũun n na n wa kõ Wẽnnaam Others do so during their lunch break. Cain and Abel had a gift to offer to God Ad bũmb kẽer Wẽnnaam sẽn maan n na sõng - do: Now look at chapter 17 of Revelation. Consider some of the steps that God has done for us: La a wilgame tɩ pʋʋsgã sõngd - a lame. How can we benefit from reading material written for the public? But he indicated that prayer helped him. (Koɛ. 3: 11) D sak n deegame tɩ tʋm - tʋmd a Poll sẽn yeel bũmb ningã yaa sɩda. A yeela woto: "Ges Wẽnnaam yam la b bãngr sẽn ka tɛka. " He always felt like an outsider and longed for the security of belonging to a loving family. We recognize the truth of the apostle Paul's words: "O the depth of God's riches and wisdom and knowledge! " A sẽn pa tar yĩn - nems la zɩɩmã yĩnga, a ra tõe n kẽnga "Wẽnnaam taoor tõnd yĩnga. " Still, salvation is foretold for individuals who exercise faith in Jehovah. Since he had no flesh and blood, he could go to "God for us. " Verse bʋs la b tõe n tũnug ne tɩ wom biis sõma? Jesus was baptized as the Messiah 483 years later, in the year 29 C.E., exactly on time. - Read Daniel 9: 25. What scriptures can be used to produce good results? (Matɩe 5: 7) Gom - kãensã sɩd wilgda vẽeneg tɩ sẽn dat - b tɩ Wẽnnaam zoe b nimbãanegã me segd n yɩɩ nimbãan - zoɛtba. What will an understanding of Jehovah's patience move us to do? Those words make it clear that God's mercy must also be shown to those who want to be shown mercy. Pʋʋsg yaa zu - no - kãsenga. They may have tried to make their lives better - only to see things like war, crime, natural disasters, and sickness wreck their plans time and again. Prayer is a great privilege. Biiblã kiba - bʋg n wilgd rẽ? What are they? Decisions. Give an example. " Tood " wʋsg sɩd tara ãdem - biisã. Jehovah tells Hosea: "Go, take to yourself a wife of fornication. " Many are "critical times hard to deal with. " [ Foto seb - neng 29] Daniel next beheld Jehovah, "the Ancient of Days, " sitting gloriously enthroned. [ Picture on page 29] Vʋʋsg daar a ye, a sega rao nug sẽn ki. God does not approve of the blending of pagan customs with pure worship. One day he met a man who died. Beenẽ, a paama sor n na n maan bũmb nins fãa b sẽn segd n maan a Davɩɩd rĩungã yĩngã. If you are an elder, you know how to help brothers who take a false step. Perhaps you have learned how to oversee congregation activities, assembly departments, or Kingdom Hall construction. There he had the opportunity to do everything that was required of David's kingdom. Ninsaalbã naaneg poor bilf bala, wãn - wãn la Wẽnnaam wilg a sẽn dat bũmb ning ne - ba? Years later, his patience was rewarded when his wife was baptized as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. How did God reveal his purpose for mankind? Sɩd - sɩdã, d sẽn kɩs sɩd t'a Zeova " ronda neb nins sẽn baood yẽ wã, ' sõngdame tɩ d tall tẽeb kãn - kãe. - Ebre. Their action incensed the other apostles, and the issue of prominence was an ongoing cause of contention. Indeed, the conviction that Jehovah " rewards those earnestly seeking him ' helps us to keep our faith strong. - Heb. Wẽnnaam daabã ra yaa tɩ ninsaalbã vʋɩɩmd tẽngã zug wakat sẽn - kõn - sa yĩnga, arzãn pʋgẽ. How do the words found at 2 Peter 2: 1, 3 expose the method and aim of apostates? God's purpose was that humans live forever on earth forever in Paradise. 15: 1 - 6 - Bõe yĩng t'a Zeova lob a Azaria bɩ a Ozias wãoodo? With Jehovah's blessing on their efforts, true knowledge has become abundant. 15: 1 - 6 - Why did Jehovah struck Azariah or Uzziah? D tigis - kãens sasa, b wilgd - d - la Biiblã bãngr - goam sẽn pidsd to - to, la b sõngd - d tɩ d bãngd d sẽn tõe n tũ Biiblã noyã to - to tɩ naf - do. * Consequently, if we take the time to count our present blessings while meditating on the joys that await us in God's new world, we can be joyful. At our meetings, we are helped to see how Bible prophecies are being fulfilled and how we can benefit from applying Bible principles in our lives. La bɩ tõnd ned kam fãa ges a sẽn tõe n maan to - to, n sõng saam - biis nins sẽn tar zu - loeesã wa kibayã sẽn wilgdã. Since Moses accepted the help offered, he experienced the joy of accomplishing God's will. But let us consider how we can help those who are facing distressing circumstances. Wala makre, zʋrnall a ye (Time) yeelame tɩ yaa "ninsaal yam daabã ne ro - metbã sẽn pa tʋm sõma wã " n yɩ sabaab tɩ tẽn - digimdg ning sẽn zĩnd Haiti yʋʋmd 2010 soabã kʋ neb wʋsgã. When we display these qualities, we create the conditions for having peaceful relationships with others and with God, which result in true happiness. For example, "the purpose of man's wisdom and of building houses " was to prove to be the result of a massive earthquake in 2010 in 2010. Tʋm - tʋmdb la tʋm - tʋmd - pogs geta b zu - soab nug yɛl a yiib yĩngã. Yaa sẽn na n yɩl n tõog n bãng a raabã la b paam koglg la bũmb nins sẽn yaa tɩlae ne b vɩɩmã. Hence, we are not without help as we " keep working out our own salvation. ' The faithful and discreet slave considers two basic factors: to get to know and care for his needs, to get to know him and to care for their needs. Y sã n dat kibay n paas bɩ y tʋll tɩ ned wa maan Biiblã zãmsg ne yãmb zaalem, gʋls - y Association "Les Témoins de Jéhovah, " 01 B.P. Just as "faith without works is dead, " so too any claim that we trust in God is meaningless unless we back it up by our actions. Even in this troubled world, you can gain happiness from accurate Bible knowledge of God, his Kingdom, and his wonderful purpose for mankind. SẼN yɩɩd yʋʋm pi - gĩnd tɩ Babilon nan pa lʋɩ yʋʋmd 539 S.D.T.W., no - rɛɛs a Daniɛll sẽn kʋʋlã yãa yãab sẽn sidgd yĩnga. Just as the Bible foretold, in our time " wicked men and impostors have advanced from bad to worse. ' IN THE decades before Babylon's fall in 539 B.C.E., the aged prophet Daniel saw a dramatic vision. (Sɩngre 3: 15) A Kayẽ ne a Abɛll sẽn da mi bũmb ning a Zeova wɛɛngẽ wã ra na n sõng - b lame tɩ b tõog n paam zems - n - taar ne - a. If one or both of the twins should die, small statues of the twins are made, and the family must offer food to these idols. What Cain and Abel knew about Jehovah would help them to enjoy a good relationship with him. Sẽn mik tɩ sabaab - wẽnsã tara paasg la b sãamd neb wʋsg vɩɩmã, bõe la ned tõe n maan tɩ sõng - a? The apostle Paul likewise set an excellent example of one who gave generously of his time and attention. In view of natural disasters, what can a person do to save his life? (Zoob 2: 1 - 5) A Zezi sẽn ki kɩs - sɩd pʋgẽ wã wilgame t'a Sʋɩtãan togs - kãng yaa ziri, la woto nooga a Zeova sũuri. - Yelbũna 27: 11. Note, though, that understanding is involved. Jesus ' faithfulness showed that Satan was a liar, and that made Jehovah's heart rejoice. - Proverbs 27: 11. Tɩ bõe, bãmb yʋʋra bal n zẽke. Laura can tell you. For the name of his name has been changed. Baasg zãnga, tõnd fãa segd n maoa ne d mengã pãn - komsem, la Wẽnnaam sõgen dãmb a taabã me pãn - komsem. I told them that I was leaving those habits behind, and we parted company at the state border. Nevertheless, all of us have to contend with our own weaknesses and the imperfections of other servants of God. A Sʋɩtãan bẽd - bʋs yell la d na n gome? How can we make our advancement manifest in our personal life? What traps of Satan will we consider? Baa neb nins sẽn lak n bas so - tɩrgã n maan yel - wẽn - kãsemsã tõe n lebg n waa a Zeova nengẽ. Jehovah's Witnesses would be happy to assist you to study the Bible and to learn how you can secure that future for yourself and your loved ones. Even those who have strayed from the path of righteousness can return to Jehovah. Bãmb sõor yaa wʋsg n yɩɩd tɩ ned ka tõe n togs n sɛ ye. " He is also called Satan (meaning "Resister "), since he resists Jehovah. Most of them are more numerous than they can recount. " Biiblã sã n yeel tɩ ninsaal yaa "tɩrga, " ka rat n yeel t'a pa tar yel - wẽnd bɩ t'a zemsa zãng ye. " Historians have not failed to notice, and in some cases to deplore, " wrote Cadoux, "the immense compromise to which the Church was committed by her alliance with Constantinus. " When the Bible says that man is "a sinner, " it does not mean that he is without sin or that he is perfect. Rũndã - rũndã, b kẽer sẽn ket tẽngã zug n paas neb milyõ - rãmb a Zezi sẽn boond t'a "piis a taab " n moond Biiblã koɛɛgã. - Zã 10: 16. Eventually, Manasseh was taken from his homeland and thrown into a Babylonian prison. Today, some of the remaining ones of Jesus ' "other sheep " continue to proclaim the Bible's message. - John 10: 16. Sagls a taab Wẽnnaam sẽn kõ Yes, like Paul, we can endure in bearing fruit. Other Counsel given by God • Bõe yĩng tɩ wẽn - kɩɩsgã ra pa tõe tɩ koe - noogã moondb sĩndi? Problems and difficulties in life might throw us into the trap of despondency or self - pity. • Why could apostasy not stop the preaching of the good news? Tʋm - tʋmdba sẽndika taoor soabã, politisiẽ wã, bi - yɛɛbdg sẽn pa tar yirã, bipuglã sẽn tʋmd tɩ loogã la yõ - noogr baoodã tõe n maana bũmb n paam sũur pʋgẽ bãanã b sẽn da baoodã bɩ? How could anyone dedicated to Jehovah ever do such a thing? As workers in the house - to - house camp, do the young girl live in a comfortable home, where the need for more workers is greater? Tõnd sẽn yaa a Zeova Kaset rãmbã yĩnga, d baooda soay n wilgd sẽn dat - bã fãa tɩ Wẽnnaam n sɩd segd n yɩ ãndũniyã fãa naaba. However, Paul warned: "Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up. " As Jehovah's Witnesses, we look for opportunities to prove that God is the rightful Sovereign of the universe. Wãn to la d tõe n paam zʋg - sõma nins vʋʋsem sõngã sẽn kõtã? This account may help us to understand Jesus ' thinking on another occasion. How can we cultivate the fruitage of the spirit? Tõe tɩ b tagsame tɩ yɛl la b ra segd n demse, Biiblã võor wʋmb pʋgẽ bɩ yɛlã siglg wɛɛngẽ. Why can we be sure that God can provide the courage and strength that we need in order to cope with depressing problems? They may have thought that things were to be adjusted, understanding in the Bible, or in the organization. D sã n bʋgs yɛl nins a Zeova pĩnd wẽndẽ la a rũndã - rũndã sõgen dãmbã sẽn vɩɩmdã, na n kɩtame tɩ d wʋm yɩɩn - kãngã a sẽn vẽneg tɩ b gʋlsã võor n paase, la kɩt me tɩ nonglem ning d sẽn tar ne Biiblã sẽn yaa Wẽnnaam Gomdã paase. The faithful slaves had engaged in "business " Meditating on the history of Jehovah and his modern - day servants will enhance our understanding of this inspired psalm and strengthen our love for God's Word, the Bible. Sɩngrẽ wã, koɛɛg ra kae ye, la sẽn wa n beẽ beẽ, sam - dɩtã pa pids a pʋleng ye. If you have a loving relationship with Jehovah, you will be a " doer of the word, not a hearer only. ' At first, there was no voice, but when it came, the debt of debt did not fail. (Yɩɩl Sõamyã 104: 5) Biiblã pa yet me tɩ wakat n wat tɩ b na n menes yõor buud fãa tẽngã zug ye. As an organization enjoying the support of Jehovah God, we successfully oppose the Devil. The Bible does not say that there will be a time when all life on earth will be destroyed. Saam - biigã yeela woto: "Mam bʋka m meng n karem Biiblã vɛrse rãmba, n da tagsdẽ tɩ na n sika a sũurã, la maneg n puuga a sũurã n paase. What can stimulate us to remain zealous for fine works in our ministry? " I tried to read and meditate on scriptures from the Bible, " she said. Kaoosg zugẽ, a Eliize kẽnga Damas. Pictorial Archive (Near Eastern History) Est. Later, Elisha went to Damascus. Wala makre, a yeela Korẽnt tigingã neb woto: "Bɩ y fees yãmb mens n ges yãmb sã n bee tẽeb pʋgẽ. " (2 Kor. Did that settle matters? For example, he told the Corinthians: "Keep testing whether you are in the faith. " [ Foto, seb - neng 25] His motivation for responding to Scriptural commands should be his desire to obey Jehovah, not to please the person who is studying with him. - Gal. [ Picture on page 15] " A Zoas maana sẽn ta Zusoaba yam [a Zehoyada] yõor tɛka. Maan - kʋʋd a Zehoyada ra zãms - a - la Wẽnnaam yɛla. " At such times, our trust in Jehovah may falter. " Jehoash did what was right in Jehovah's eyes all the days of Jehoiada the priest, who taught him things about God. " • Zãag f meng ne yõobã võor yaa bõe, la bõe yĩng t'a tar yõod wʋsgo? Later, enmity was directed against Enoch, another faithful man who lived before the Flood. • What does it mean to drift away, and why is it important? (Zeremi 5: 31; 20: 6; 23: 16, 17, 25 - 28, 32) A Zeova pa gɩdg - b tɩ b ra belg nebã ye. We will never be intimidated if we trust in Jehovah of armies. Jehovah does not prevent people from being deceived. Tõe tɩ y ket n sokd y meng yaa: " Biiblã sẽn yetã sɩd tõe n sõnga ned rũndã - rũndã? ' Young People, Remember Your Grand Creator Now You may wonder, " Is the Bible really practical today? ' Wala makre, yʋʋmd 2011 yʋʋm - sar kiuugã pʋgẽ, sa - kẽeng n ni Filipin babg a ye b sẽn boond tɩ Mindanao. Crete For example, in December 2011, a massive earthquake hit the Philippines. Leb n tõeeme t'a Aza naamã baasgẽ, nebã lebs n mee kunkubã. (b) When would it be especially challenging to follow Jesus? It may also be that at the end of Asa's reign, the people rebuilt the high places. Matɩe 6: 33 pʋgẽ, a Zezi yeelame tɩ neb nins sẽn lʋɩɩsd Rĩungã yɛl taoorã tõe n basa b yam, bala Wẽnnaam na n gesame tɩ b paam bũmb nins sẽn yaa tɩlae ne - bã. The town was largely destroyed by an earthquake that struck central Taiwan on September 21, 1999, but some interested ones continue to make spiritual progress, even though they have to travel for up to an hour to attend meetings at the nearest Kingdom Hall. At Matthew 6: 33, Jesus said that those who put Kingdom interests first can trust in them because God will care for them. (Zoob 16: 1 - 5) A wa n paama belsg a Eliyu nengẽ, la a Zeova meng nengẽ. - Zoob 33: 24, 25; 36: 1, 11; 42: 7, 10. I am speaking to move you to shame. " He eventually received comfort from Elihu and even from Jehovah. - Job 33: 24, 25; 36: 1, 11; 42: 7, 10. 3: 10 - 12) A Poll lɛtr ning a sẽn tool Rom kiris - nebã pʋgẽ, a sak 12 wã, a kõ - b - la sagls b sẽn segd n maan to - to namsg sasa wã wɛɛngẽ. Highlights From Ezra, 1 / 15 In his letter to the Romans, Paul gave counsel on how to endure persecution. Wa sẽn zemse, a Zeova zu - sobendã waoogr n lʋɩt taoor wakat fãa tõnd vɩɩmã pʋgẽ. - Tʋʋma 5: 29. How comforting it is to know that Jehovah finds pleasure in the meditation of our heart! - 1 Chronicles 28: 9; Psalm 19: 14. Jehovah's authority is fitting, always taking the lead in our lives. - Acts 5: 29. M sẽn dat n maanã na n sõngame tɩ m bɩɩs m tẽebã, tɩ m wa tʋmd tũudmã tʋʋm wʋsgo, la m yɩ ned sẽn baood laafɩ bɩ? 2: 12. Will my decisions help me to grow spiritually, to reach spiritual goals, and to be peaceable? (Ezai 65: 17) Tall - y bas - m - yam tɩ y tõe n paama nafa nins fãa Wẽnnaam Rĩungã sẽn na n wa ne wã, y sã n tũ Biiblã sagl kãngã: "Bɩ y bao a Zeova wakat ning yãmb sẽn ket n tõe n yã yẽ. How to Use God's Word With Persuasion Be assured that you can benefit from God's Kingdom if you apply the Bible's counsel: "Keep on seeking Jehovah at the right time, while you may see him. La yaa a sã n tũud a sẽn zãmsdã la wilgd t'a paamda yam. " Demetrius has been well - reported - on... On the other hand, he is wise when he acts in harmony with what he learns. Bõe n na n maan tɩ d bãng tɩ to - kãsengã sɩngame? And "better is the seeing by the eyes, " or facing realities, than" the walking about of the soul ["soulful desire, " footnote], " that is, striving to gratify desires that are impossible to satisfy. How can we be sure that the great tribulation begins? Pʋ - peelem bee yõod bɩ? He understands our imperfect nature, and he wants to help us. Is honesty important? Yaa sɩd t'a Ãdem kell n vɩɩmdame n kaoos n yaool n na n ki, la a sẽn kɩɩs Wẽnnaamã tɛka, a lebga kiida, tɩ yaa wa baraar bala a sɩnga kũum. Later Joshua, "full of the spirit of wisdom, " succeeded Moses. Adam lived long before he died, but he died because of his disobedience, as if he had died. B sẽn mi tɩ tond wakatã yaa yãgdem wakatã, la t'a Pɩɛɛr keoogame t'a Zeova " raarã na n waa wa wagdrã ' yĩngã, b ket n tara "yel - manesem sẽn yaa sõama. " In the revelation that he gave to the apostle John, Jesus again promised that the dead would be resurrected. Knowing that the times are "critical times hard to deal with " and Peter warned that" the day of Jehovah will come as a thief, " they maintain "holy acts of conduct. " Wala makre, a sã n da rat n kẽng zĩiga, a Lili rɩkd - a lame n kẽnge. 13: 7, 17. For example, when she wanted to move, she took him to the Kingdom Hall. A Zeova tũnuga ne a Ezai ne a kambã tɩ b yɩ wala "bãn la bõn - bãn " n wilg Zida tɩ Israɛll ne Siiri sodaasã sẽn lagem taab n dat n zab ne tẽngã pa na n tõog ye. While David's fame aroused no pride in his heart, it did spawn a murderous jealousy in King Saul, from whom God's spirit had departed. Through Isaiah and his sons, Jehovah proved to be "the signs and signs " that Israel and Syria would not prevail against the earth. Pãn - bʋg la Wẽnnaam tall n naan tẽngã, la naanegã pipi ray a tãabã sasa, yɛl kẽer a sẽn maan la bʋse? " Then someone gave my wife the tract published by Jehovah's Witnesses entitled Will This World Survive? What power did God create in creating the earth, and on the first creative day, what did he do? Biiblã wilgdame tɩ kãadmã bee kũun "sõma " nins Wẽnnaam sẽn kõtã sʋka. Who introduced untruth, and why? The Bible describes marriage as part of "the good gifts " that God has provided. Ned sẽn tar bãngr yaa ned sẽn mi bũmb ka tɛka. In what ways can public speakers make effective use of questions? A person who has knowledge is one who knows very well. Sẽn kẽ - b kãadmã tũuda Biiblã noy n zãad b pagbã tɩ b tar sũ - noogo. - Efɛɛz rãmba 5: 28, 29. 1, 2. (a) What opportunities do we have to encourage others? Those who marry follow Bible principles and treat their wives with joy. - Ephesians 5: 28, 29. Ezipti, Asiri la Babilon nanambsã sẽn yɩ wuk - m - mens rãmbã pa sak n sõng Wẽnnaam nin - buiidã ye. La sasa n zĩnd tɩ Tiir rĩm a yembr yẽ sak n sõng - ba. Regarding the animals, what changes can we expect? In Egypt, Assyria, Assyria, and the haughty Babylonian leaders refused to help God's people, but there was a time when a king of Tyre was willing to help them. Ka la bilfu, a na n waa ne yolsg zãng - zãng n kõ neb nins fãa sẽn zoet Wẽnnaam yʋʋrã. Find Loyal Friends, 7 / 1 Soon he will bring complete relief to all who fear God's name. Woto wilgdame tɩ Wẽnnaam zĩnda ne a Zozue wakat fãa. " To him there were given rulership and dignity and kingdom, that the peoples, national groups and languages should all serve even him. " - DANIEL 7: 14. This indicates that God was always with Joshua. Yãmb sã n dat n me roogo, rẽ yĩnga y na n boola neb nins fãa sẽn be yãmb tẽngã n mi roog meebã sɩda? He appreciates all that we do to promote Kingdom interests. If you would like to build a house, would you invite all those in your country to join your house? La baa a sẽn da wa n nan pa kẽ bãongã, a ra zoe n yaa gãndaoogo. And such spiritual maturity is reflected in how a Christian uses his God - given conscience. Even when he was not circumcised, however, he was already a mighty warrior. Bõe n wilgd tɩ sẽn na yɩl n tõog n ket n gũudẽ, pʋʋsgã yaa tɩlae? How can we win our battle against such a daunting enemy? What shows that prayer is essential if we are to keep on the watch? A Mayerlin sɩngame n karemd Mam Biibl kɩbay sebre a Zeova Kaset rãmbã sẽn yiisã. C. Howard Matheny observed about John 12: 4: "The present participle " being about ' [or," was about to "] and the present infinitive " to be betraying ' [or, "was about to betray "] both express linear or continuous action. I started reading the Bible Teach book published by Jehovah's Witnesses. [ Foto rãmba, seb - neng 31] As a matter of fact, Jehovah God has the means, the desire, and the power to end all suffering and to bring relief from the effects of natural disasters. [ Pictures on page 31] Wilgri 16: 14 yeelame tɩ yaa "dũniyã tɛk fãa nanambs " la b tigisd tɩ b na n wa" Wẽnnaam Sẽn - tõe - fãa da - kãsengã zabre. " Asa had not waited until faced with calamity before doing that. Revelation 16: 14 says that "the kings of the entire inhabited earth " will be gathered" to the war of the great day of God the Almighty. " A nonga sẽn yaa sõma la a kis wẽng bɩ? " I cannot hope to know them all. ' Does he love what is right and hate what is wrong? A Zezi kʋʋbã poore, maan - kʋʋdbã kãsem - dãmbã ne Fariziẽ - rãmbã kẽnga a Pɩlat nengẽ n tɩ yeel - a woto: "Zu - soaba, tõnd tẽegame tɩ bɛlgd - kãngã ra yeela b sẽn ket n vɩ wakate: " Dasem a tãab sã n looge, mam na n vʋʋgame. ' Christ is using imperfect humans in the local congregation, particularly the spiritually older men, the appointed elders. After Jesus ' death, the chief priests and Pharisees went to Pilate and told him: "Lord, we remember that this man, now living in the days of this man, said to him: " For three days I shall rise. ' " 2: 12) Segdame tɩ d nong d saam - biisã sẽn be dũniyã gill zugã. The honor of being "God's fellow workers " makes them happy, yet their dedication is not to a work but to our appreciative God. We should love our worldwide brotherhood. Kẽn a Zeova yʋʋr yĩng pa d sẽn na n yetẽ bal t'a yaa tõnd Wẽnnaam ye. Pa tõnd sẽn na n kẽnd d tigissã la d moond Rĩungã bal ye, baa tʋʋm - kãensã me sẽn tar yõod wʋsgã. He was evidently preparing them for a key role after his death and return to heaven. Walking in Jehovah's name involves more than merely saying that he is our God; we attend Christian meetings and share in these important activities. Sẽn yaa yɛl sẽn pak zakã fãa wã yĩnga, yɩta sõma tɩ raoã bãng a pagã tagsgo, la woto wilgdame me t'a waoogd - a lame, la t'a yaa wʋmda. Raoã sã n maan woto, b tõogd n yãka yam - sõngo, la na n yɩɩ nana ne pagã t'a tũ yam ning b sẽn yãkã. (Yel. So, what have we learned from our brief review of Jesus ' illustrations concerning growth? In view of the family situation, it would be wise for the husband to recognize his wife's feelings and to make a wise decision and make the right decision. A yeelame tɩ fariziẽ wã pʋʋsame, n yeel yaa: "Mam Wẽnnaam, m pʋʋsda yãmb bark mam sẽn ka wẽnd wa neb a taabã sẽn yaa wagda la nin - wẽnse, la yoaadbã, la m ka wẽnd baa yaood - deegd - kãnga wã yĩnga. " Yõor - yaood dɛɛgdã yaool n sika a meng n kot Wẽnnaam sugri. 8, 9. (a) In what way were the Israelites a holy people? The Pharisee prayed, saying: "I thank you, O my God, that you do not receive the tax collectors and the disgusting thing that I do not receive, and I do not receive. " Yaa a sẽn na n kẽesd a meng sõma koɛɛgã mooneg pʋgẽ, n tʋmd tʋʋm nins b sẽn bobl - a tigingã pʋgẽ wã sõma, n maoodẽ t'a sẽn leokd to - to tigissã sasa wã sõmblem paasdẽ, la a wilgdẽ t'a tẽed - n - taasã yell pak - a lame. Jesus began his public ministry in Galilee, residing at Capernaum, where many residents of Zebulun and Naphtali enjoyed the benefits of the spiritual light he brought them. By having a full share in the ministry, by working diligently in the ministry, by participating in congregation meetings, and by showing personal interest in fellow believers. Sẽn na yɩl n paas y tẽebã pãnga, y tõe n yãka yɛl kẽer y sẽn na n maand masã tɛka. Instead of the pain and frustration that result from pursuing material wealth, you will enjoy the genuine happiness that comes from unselfish giving. To strengthen your faith, you can set some goals now. (Matɩe 27: 34) Wẽnnaam vʋʋga a Zezi t'a be saasẽ rũndã - rũndã, tɩ wilgdẽ t'a tõe n yɩɩ Wẽnnaam Rĩungã Rĩm tɩ zemse. - Filip rãmba 2: 8 - 11. When calamity strikes others, we are wise not to jump to conclusions as to its cause. Jesus was raised from the dead and now ruling as King of God's Kingdom. - Philippians 2: 8 - 11. D karemda woto: "A na n yɩɩ raar sẽn yaa toore sẽn ka tar yʋng ne wĩntoog ye. (b) Why is the warning given to ancient Israel significant for us? We read: "Look! Yɛlã tõe n toeemame n wa naf - d wa a Onezɩm nengẽ wã. Now the schedule provides for shorter convention days, and food preparation done by families and individuals ahead of time allows them to give more attention to the spiritual feeding program. If circumstances change, we may be benefiting from it. Ãnda n na n wa ne yolsgo? But how do we know that the work we do is in fulfillment of Jesus ' prophecy? Who will bring relief? 1: 14. 11: 20, 21 - What was Abishai's standing with respect to the three principal mighty men of David? 1: 14. (Galat dãmba 6: 7) Sẽn paase, d fãa kʋʋndame, la yel - lingdem leb n paamda d fãa. So I cry often and prefer not to talk to them. Moreover, all of us are subject to distressing problems. D sã n tags verse kãngã zug neere, na n sõng - d lame tɩ d bãng tɩ tõnd sã n ningd d mens taal la d kaood d mens bʋʋd t'a Zeova yaool n pa kao d bʋʋdo, a Sʋɩtãan sẽn yaa rõtã sũur noomame. The Christian ministry has always been urgent, but now it is more critical than ever. Reflecting on this verse will help us to see that Jehovah is pleased when we condemn ourselves and judge ourselves. (Ezekɩɛll 33: 32) Baa ne b sẽn da nong a Ezekɩɛll goamã, b pa tũ - b ye. Your response to the ransom might be illustrated this way: Imagine that someone rescued you from drowning. Though they loved Ezekiel's words, they did not comply with them. (Mat. 16: 21 - 23; 26: 31 - 35, 75) La a Zeezi pa yeel t'a Pɩyɛɛr kõn le yɩ yẽ tʋm - tʋmd ye. What can parents do in such a trying situation? However, Jesus did not say that Peter would no longer be Peter's minister. 6, 7. a) Sɩdã kɩɩsdb tõe n yetame tɩ b balemda ãnd la b tẽed bõe? He does not change. 6, 7. (a) The apostates may claim to worship whom and to believe? A Amos tʋʋmdã sẽn wõnd tõnd rẽndã wʋsgã yĩnga, d na n dɩɩ a mak - sõngã vaeesg nafa wʋsgo. Anyone promoting untrue teachings and the worship of false gods was to be " put to death for speaking of revolt against Jehovah. ' Since our work is so much like that of Amos, we will benefit greatly from his example. b) Bõe la roagdb tõe n maan n sãam b kambã sũy n pa bãnge? He may not personally know the one who commissioned the work. (b) How can parents avoid hurting their children? Kibarã wilgdame t'a Zezi "kolgame n tik kũumã pãndare. Be made clean. " The account tells us that Jesus "came to the point of death to the point of death. " (Yɩɩl 51: 9, 19) Yɩɩl Sõamyã 73 soabã gʋlsd me wa n komsa raoodo, hal tɩ ra ket bilf t'a bas Wẽnnaam tũubu, la a Zeova sõng - a lame. When he saw that his work made it difficult to live in harmony with his newfound faith, he sold his lucrative business and moved back to Brazil to help his family find spiritual treasures. Similarly, the writer of Psalm 73 felt discouraged, and Jehovah helped him. D SẼN SEGD N BÃNGE: Ned sã n get yoob yɛla, a wat n lebga a yamba. However, many dishonest people cheat on their taxes. THE BIBLE'S ANSWER: A person may become enslaved to pornography. Ned sã n yeel t'a pa tẽed tɩ yaa Wẽnnaam n naan bõn - vɩɩlɩ wã, bõe la y tõe n yeel tɩ sõng - a? The next verse adds: "Again and again they would put God to the test. " If someone does not believe in evolution, how can you do so? A ZEOVA yaa Ba sẽn zems zãnga, la Ba sẽn ka to. In a recent year, these five categories of disease killed an estimated 10.7 million individuals. JEHOVAH is a perfect Father and the almighty Father. Woto me, kiris - neb nins sẽn paasd b "zãmsg kũun tõogã " paasda b sũ - noogã ministɛɛrã pʋgẽ. If Adam had not sinned by disobeying God, he would have lived forever. Similarly, Christians who grow in "the law of the law " contribute to their joy in the ministry. Sãnda maanda rẽ wĩndgã vʋʋsem sasa. 19: 8. Others are doing so during the time of the sun. Masã, d ges Wilgr sak 17 wã pʋgẽ. The disciple James wrote: "He who peers into the perfect law that belongs to freedom and who persists in it, this man, because he has become, not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, will be happy in his doing it. " Now let us consider Revelation chapter 17. D sã n karemd bũmb nins b sẽn yiisd zãma wã yĩngã, wãn to la na n naf - do? Describing Jehovah as the Protector of his people, David sings out: "My God is my rock. How can we benefit from reading material for the public? Wakat fãa, a tagsame tɩ b bak - a - la toore, t'a ra tʋll bãan ning zak sẽn tar nonglem pʋgẽ zĩndg sẽn kõtã ne a sũur fãa. And on the next day he left with Barnabas for Derbe. " - Acts 14: 6, 19, 20. He always felt that he was offended, and he longed for the peace that a loving family had in his heart. (Ezai 29: 1; 30: 1, 2) La b pʋlmame tɩ neb nins sẽn teegd a Zeova wã na n paama fãagre. In the "great and fear - inspiring wilderness, " Jehovah proved to be a Preserver of life as he provided food and water for his people, perhaps numbering from two to three million or more! However, those who trust in Jehovah will be saved. (Nehemi 2: 1 - 5) Dẽnd yʋʋm 483 wã saa yʋʋmd 29 a Zezi rogmã poore. Yɩɩ yʋʋm - kãng takɩ la a Zezi reeg lisgu, n lebg Mesi wã. - Karm - y Daniɛll 9: 25. Truly, this upbuilding association is reason for giving thanks to Jehovah, the one who supplies his spirit to make it possible. - Zephaniah 3: 9; Ephesians 3: 20, 21. Thus, in 29 C.E., Jesus was baptized as the Messiah and became the Messiah. - Read Daniel 9: 25. Bõe la a Zeova sũ - marã võor wʋmb na n tus tõnd tɩ d maane? Did You Know? What will Jehovah's long - suffering move us to do? Tõe tɩ b maana b sẽn tõe fãa sẽn na yɩl tɩ b vɩɩmã yɩ sõma, la wakat fãa, zaba, bi - be - tʋʋma, sabab - wẽnse, wall bãag wat n sãama b magbã fãa. We should pay attention to the sort of person we are spiritually. They may have done all they can to make their life successful, but there are wars, crime, crime, crime, or natural disasters. La sãnda yẽ tõe n toeema d vɩɩmã tõre. It is simply because we want to forget that such situations exist. Others, though, can change our life for the rest of the world. A Zeova yeela a Oze woto: "Kẽng n bao pag sẽn yaa yoaad n peege. " Solomon was inspired to write: "Look! Jehovah told Hosea: "Go, you woman, and take a wife for herself. " (Daniɛll 7: 1 - 8, 17) Rẽ poore, a Daniɛll yãa a Zeova, sẽn yaa "Wakatã fãa Kãsmã, " t'a zĩ naam geer zug ne ziiri. You might be overwhelmed by one problem after another, while your fellow believers seem to be enjoying life, carefree and happy. Daniel later saw Jehovah, "the One seated on the throne, " and his throne was enthroned. Wẽnnaam a Zeova pa rat tɩ b naag ziri tũudum yel - maandɩ tũudum hakɩkã pʋgẽ ye. Rather, store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes, and where thieves do not break in and steal. Jehovah God does not want them to join false worship. 6: 1) Tõe tɩ y tara minim tigingã tʋʋm pʋgẽ, tigis - kãsemsã tʋʋm wall Rĩung rot meeb pʋgẽ. People around the world are pondering life's big questions. Perhaps you have skills in congregation privileges, assemblies, or Kingdom Halls. Yʋʋm a wãn poore, a sũ - marã woma biisi, bala, a pagã lebga a Zeova Kaset soaba. In the original language, that phrase means "to be assured of " or" to be convinced and certain of the truth of something. " Some years later, he bore fruit because his wife became one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Woto tõeeme n pa yɩ d saam - biis kẽer noog wall tiis - ba, la baa d sãambã menga. John's reason for writing to Gaius was not just to thank him. This may not be the case with some of our brothers or sisters, including strangers. Bũmb ning b sẽn maana sãama tʋm - tʋmdb a taabã sũy wʋsgo. Bala b fãa ra sɩng n wẽeda no - koɛɛm n dat n bãng sẽn yaa - a kãseng n yɩɩda. Four centuries earlier, the Greek philosopher Plato had one of his literary characters say: "It would be a hard task to discover the maker and father of this universe of ours, and even if we did find him, it would be impossible to speak of him to everyone. " The apostles were devastated by what they had done, for all began to boast about who was the greatest. Wãn to la goam nins sẽn be 2 Pɩɛɛr 2: 1, 3 pʋgẽ wã wilgd sɩdã kɩɩsdb manesem la b bõn - datla? In the beginning I held back, saying: " That is not my cup of tea. ' How do the words at 2 Peter 2: 1, 3 reflect the attitude and purpose of apostates? Yaa rẽ yĩng la Wẽnnaam Gomdã sẽn sagend tɩ d kibl d mens bũmb nins d sẽn getã wɛɛngẽ, la d sũurã sẽn datã wɛɛngẽ wã. Indeed, Jehovah makes crops grow to yield grain, oil, and wine for our sustenance. That is why God's Word encourages us to discipline ourselves regarding what we look at and what is in our heart. A Zeova sẽn ning b modgrã barkã yĩngã, bãngr hakɩkã lebga wʋsgo. When Elijah informed King Ahab of Jehovah's intention to bring about a drought, he confidently declared: "As surely as Jehovah... is living,... there will be no dew or rain except by my word! " As Jehovah blessed their efforts, true knowledge became abundant. * Woto yĩnga, tõnd sã n dɩk sẽk n tall mi - beoog bark nins d sẽn tar masã wã yĩnga, n tagsd sũ - noog ning sẽn gũud - d Wẽnnaam dũni paalgã pʋgẽ wã yelle, d tõe n talla sũ - noogo. God's people were in dire need of help and protection. * Hence, if we take the time to show appreciation for the blessings we now enjoy now, we can experience the joy that awaits us in God's new world. Rũndã - rũndã, a Zeova sẽn dat tɩ tõnd me maan bũmb ninsã pa yɩɩd d pãng ye. If we were like a wind - driven wave of the sea, we could not expect to receive anything from God. Today, Jehovah's requirements are not too powerful. (Galat dãmba 5: 22, 23) D sã n tar zʋg - sõma kãensã, kɩtdame tɩ d moorã ne neb a taabã noomẽ, la tɩ d tar zems - n - taar ne Wẽnnaam, tɩ rẽ wat ne sũ - noog hakɩka. You promise that you will love him and serve him forever with your whole heart. Having such godly qualities draws us closer to others and brings true happiness. Dẽnd d tara sõngre, d sẽn " maand bũmb nins sẽn zems tõnd fãagrã. ' Although he was the "Lord and Teacher " of his followers, Jesus taught them that greatness comes from serving others. We thus have the support of "the things that are acceptable to us. " Wala " tẽeb sẽn ka lagem ne tʋʋm sẽn yaa kɩɩngã, ' woto me d sã n yetẽ tɩ d teega Wẽnnaam tɩ d tʋʋmã yaool n pa wilgd woto vẽenega, yaa zaalem. S. Williams notes: "The general testimony is that all Christians in the primitive Church... preached the gospel. " Just as " unbelievers do not render public service without works, ' so it is futile to say that trust in God. Yaa wa Biiblã sẽn yeelã bal kɛpɩ. Tõnd wakatã, " nin - wẽnsa ne zãmb dãmb maana wẽng n paase. ' All in the congregation should strive to be upbuilding when commenting at the meetings or when sharing in the program from the platform. As the Bible says, in our day " wicked men and impostors have advance from bad to worse. ' Kinkirg a yembr bɩ a yiibã fãa sã n ki, b maanda bõn - naands kɩds sẽn yaa b wẽnego, tɩ zakã neb segd n kõ bõn - naands kãens rɩɩbo. If either or both these tools are available to you, utilize them regularly as you study God's Word so as to teach others. When both male and female die, the family's food needs to be given to them. A yeela a tẽed - n - taasã sẽn da be Korẽntã yaa: "Mam na n kɩsa bũmb fãa ne yamleoogo, la m kɩs m mengã fãa yãmb mensã yĩnga. " This event will take place at some point after the beginning of the attack by Gog of Magog. He told fellow believers in Corinth: "I will trust all things, and I will trust all things for yourself. " (2 Tɩmote 3: 16) La bãng - y tɩ d segd n wʋma yɛlã võore. The time had come for Moses to carry out a divine commission and to do God's work in God's way. However, we need to understand the facts. A Laura na bãng n togs - yã. (Read Romans 10: 13 - 15.) She wants to tell you. Mam yeel - b lame tɩ m maoodame n dat n bas minim - kãensã. Tõnd sẽn ta toadgẽ wã, d welga taaba. How do elders and others avoid defiling their sanctified position before Jehovah? I told them that I tried to stop those habits and to separate them from one another. A Poll yeela a Tɩmote a lɛtrã pʋgẽ me tɩ segdame tɩ pagbã yelgd fut sẽn yaa sõma n sakd gesgo, la ne sik - m - menga. Jesus referred to the harvest as a "season, " so it continues over a period of time. Paul also wrote to Timothy that wives should dress properly and humbly. A Zeova Kaset rãmbã na n saka ne sũ - noog n sõng - y tɩ y zãms Biiblã, n bãng y sẽn tõe maan n paam tɩ yãmb ne y zakã rãmb beoog vɩɩmã yɩ neere. What can we learn from the example of Jonathan and David? Jehovah's Witnesses will be happy to help you to learn what you can do to make you and your family a better future. B boond - a lame me tɩ Sʋɩtãana (sẽn dat n yeel tɩ Kɩɩsda), a sẽn kɩɩs a Zeova wã yĩnga. Salmon He is also called Satan (the Devil) because he rebelled against Jehovah. A Cadoux gʋlsa woto: "Kʋdem yɛlã mitb ra yãa kɩɩs - kãseng ning Egiliizã sẽn kɩɩs a sẽn maan kaool ne a Kõnstãntẽ wã, la wakat ninga b wilga b sũ - sãang kɩɩs - kãng poorẽ menga. " Later, when the island - city fell to Alexander the Great, thousands of its military men and prominent people were killed and 30,000 of its inhabitants were sold into slavery. She writes: "The history of the Church had found a great conflict between the church and the church's rebellion against the Law covenant, and at times they expressed their own grief over it. " A Zeova wa n basame tɩ bɛɛb yõk a Manase n tall - a n kẽng Babilon n tɩ page. What scripture do you like to use when you go from house to house? Later, Jehovah allowed the enemies of Manasseh to seize him and take him captive in Babylon. A yeelame: "M gũusd n geta m sã n na n yãa bũmb sẽn wilgd tɩ ned sɩd rat n kelgame, baa yaa bõn - kɩdga. Andre, 23, would agree. " I look forward to seeing someone really needing attention, " he says. (Yelbũna 13: 12) Wakat kãnga, vɩɩmã zu - loees tõe n kɩtame tɩ d wa kʋmd d mens tɩ looge. And there are steps we can take to seek and gain his approval. At that time, life's problems can cause us to become self - centered. La sɩngda wãn tɩ ned sẽn dɩk a meng n kõ a Zeova wa maan bũmb sẽn beegd vʋʋsem sõngã? Rachel, a sister in Brazil, says: "I loved to follow the world's fashions. How, though, has a person who has made a dedication to Jehovah been grieving by holy spirit? (Yɩɩl Sõamyã 119: 105; Matɩe 4: 4; 2 Tɩmote 3: 15, 16) La a Poll keooga woto: "Yam vẽnegr wukda neda, la nonglem sõngdame. " Do God's promises seem less real to me now than they once did? Yet, Paul warned: "The insight of a man is refreshing, but love builds up. " Kiba - kãngã tõe n sõnga tõnd tɩ d wʋm a Zezi tagsg sẽn yɩ a soab sasa a to. Today, it takes similar courage to refuse to "let oneself be sucked in and caught up in the pervading atmosphere of conformism, " as Hippolyte Simon, Catholic bishop of Clermont - Ferrand, puts it in his book Vers une France païenne? This can help us to understand Jesus ' way of thinking on another occasion. Tõnd sẽn ta Berzɩll filiyallẽ wã, b tʋma tõnd tiging pʋgẽ b sẽn gomd portigɛ. It may be easy to imagine that material things offer true protection and security. When we arrived at the branch office, we were assigned to a congregation in London. Rẽ n sõngd - d tɩ d gomd a bʋ - kaoorã la bark nins Rĩungã sẽn na n wa ne wã fãa yell ne nebã, n pa yɛɛsdẽ ye. Jehovah will enable him to stand erect, to raise his head and hold it high once again. This helps us to speak about Jehovah's judgments and the blessings the Kingdom will bring. Tʋm - tʋmd sẽn tũud sɩdã yõd n " leebame ' Resurrection of Jesus - Its Meaning for Us, 11 / 15 The Faithful Slave comes to "the conclusion of the system of things " Y sã n tara zood sõma ne a Zeova, y na n " yɩɩ koe - sakdba, ' la y pa na n " yɩ koe - kɛlgdb bal ' ye. Does he shout directions from the backseat, telling his father how to handle the car? If you have a close relationship with Jehovah, you will be "a preacher of righteousness, " not merely" a teacher. " Wẽnnaam a Zeova sẽn be a siglgã poorẽ n sõngd a nin - buiidã yĩnga, d tõogd n kɩɩsda a Sʋɩtãana. " Looking at material things from a spiritual perspective is a protection " Because Jehovah God is behind his organization, we are able to stand firm against Satan. Bõe n tõe n sõng - d tɩ d ket n wɩngd ne tʋʋm - sõma maanego? Parents, pray to Jehovah for help, and try your best. What can help us to persevere in fine works? Pictorial Archive (Near Eastern History) Est. The confidence and faith that he had expressed in them no doubt strengthened them to be resolved in their hearts to carry out the work he commanded them to do. Pictorial Archive (Near Eastern History) Est. A võor wilgrã saa goamã bɩ? The Bible states: "[God] has established the earth on its foundations; it will not be moved from its place forever and ever. " Did it end? A sã n sak n tũ Biiblã noyã, segd n yɩɩ a sẽn dat n sak a Zeova wã yĩnga, la pa a sẽn dat n noog ned ning sẽn zãmsd - a wã sũur yĩng ye. - Gal. 73: 28; Jas. If he accepts Bible principles, he should be determined to obey Jehovah, not to please the one whom he teaches. - Gal. Sã n wa yaa woto, d tõeeme n wa pa le kɩs a Zeova sɩd zãng ye. So from time to time, we might examine our motives for serving Jehovah. If that happens, we might lose confidence in Jehovah. Woto kɩtame tɩ beem ning yell a Zeova sẽn da gomã lebg vẽenega. Sẽn deng sãoong sa - kãsengã, b kisga nin - tɩrg a Enok me. Of course, Jesus was neither a sinner nor a blasphemer. As a result, before the Flood of Noah's day, the righteous man Enoch was hated. D sã n teeg tãb - biis soab a Zeova, ned pa na n tol n kẽes - d rabeem ye. In order to accomplish that work, we must learn to " handle aright ' our main tool - God's Word - which is "beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work. " If we trust in Jehovah's military force, we will never be intimidated by fear. Kom - bɩɩse, tẽeg - y y naandã yelle " Acquire wisdom, acquire understanding. " - PROV. Youths - Remember Your Grand Creator Kɛrɛt How can we maintain our confidence in the hope ahead? Crete b) Sẽn yɩɩd fãa, bõe n tõe n wa kɩt tɩ pa yɩ nana ne ned t'a kell n tũ a Zeezi? How can prayer help someone who battles negative thoughts? (b) What can make it especially challenging for a person to follow Jesus? Tẽn - digimdg n maan Taiwan tẽn - sʋkã yʋʋmd 1999, bõn - bɩʋʋng kiuug rasem 21 n sãam galʋ - tẽngã bab - kãsengã. La neb kẽer sẽn wilgd ratem n ket n bɩt tẽebã wɛɛngẽ, baa ne b sẽn segd n maan lɛɛr a yembr n kẽng tigissã Rĩung Roog ning sẽn pẽ n yɩɩdẽ wã. Then John expressed his hope that the physical health of Gaius was as good as his spiritual health. On September 21, 1999, a massive earthquake destroyed the city of September 21, 1999, when some show interest in spiritual growth, although they should devote one hour to a Kingdom Hall near the next Kingdom Hall. Tɩ bõe, kẽer ka mi Wẽnnaam ye, mam yeta woto n na n ning yãmb yãnde. " Release from detrimental habits and practices. For I say to you, You will be ashamed of. " A Ɛsdras sebrã tags - kãsemse 1 / 1 (Ezra 2: 1 - 65) The reason for these variations may be that Ezra and Nehemiah used different source material. Highlights From Ezra, 1 / 15 (Malaki 3: 16; Yɩɩl Sõamyã 10: 4) Ad d sɩd paamda bels tɛkẽ d sẽn mi t'a Zeova sũur nooma ne bũmb nins d sẽn tagsd d sũyẽ wã! - 1 Kibaya 28: 9; Yɩɩl Sõamyã 19: 15) Bible knowledge helped Olaf, Jayavanth, and Armen to break free from a degrading habit that was hurting them and others. How comforting it is to know that Jehovah appreciates what we have in our heart! - 1 Chronicles 28: 9; Psalm 19: 15) 2: 12. The seed of the Kingdom good news is to be "sown with peace by those who are making peace. " 2: 12. D sẽn tõe n maan to - to tɩ nebã tẽ Biiblã goamã They make up the Kingdom government, which will rule for a thousand years. How We Can Believe the Bible's Word Sɩd me, a Zã yeelame: " Neba fãa... kɩta a Demetiryus kaset sõngo. He had been raised as a Catholic and had become a disbeliever like me. In fact, John wrote: "All... made a thorough witness to the good news of the kingdom. " Ned nif sẽn ne bũmb ningã n são yẽ sẽn tagsd t'a na n wa paama bũmb ningã, " n modg bõn - kãng yĩng n yaool n pa na n paam - a ye. To remain loyal to God when you are by yourself, you must develop your "perceptive powers... to distinguish both right and wrong " and then train those powers" through use " by acting on what you know is right. " The minding of the person is more important than what he thinks he will get, " wrote the apostle Paul. (Yɩɩl 103: 14) Ned sã n lebg a Zezi karen - biiga, pa bũmb sẽn weoog - da ye. In this instance, however, God will eradicate not just one political system but every vestige of human rule. When a person becomes a disciple of Jesus, he did not have something in the wilderness. A Moiiz kũumã poore, vʋʋsem sõngã kɩtame t'a Zozue paam "yam wʋsgo, " n ledg a Moiizi. 12, 13. After Moses ' death, holy spirit empowered Joshua to exercise "great wisdom " and replace Moses with Moses. A Zezi goma kũum vʋʋgrã yell ne tʋm - tʋmd a Zã me. (b) What are you determined to do? Jesus also spoke of the resurrection of the apostle John. 13: 7, 17. How, then, should we react to the voice of strangers? 13: 7, 17. A Davɩɩd yʋʋrã sẽn yi wã pa kɩt t'a tall wuk - m - meng ye, la rẽ kɩtame tɩ rĩm a Sayull Wẽnnaam vʋʋsem sõngã sẽn yi n basã da tar sũ - kiir ne a Davɩɩd hali n dat n kʋ - a. Stars: Courtesy United States Naval Observatory David's reputation did not make him proud, and King Saul, who had strayed from God's holy spirit, was so jealous of David's self - control that he wanted to kill him. " Daar a ye, ned n kõ mam pagã seb - vãoog a Zeova Kaset rãmbã sẽn yiisi, t'a gom - zugã yet woto: Dũni kãngã na n põsa sãoong bɩ? A number of situations may arise in which you will need to follow your Bible - trained conscience. " When someone gave my wife a tract to my wife, " said one of Jehovah's Witnesses, "this world will survive? Ãnd soab n sɩng ziri yagbo, la bõe yĩnga? This shows that even demons cannot turn aside Jehovah's executional agents from accomplishing his purpose. Who spoke lies, and why? Wãn to la zãma sõsdbã tõe n tũnug ne sʋgsg sẽn tar pãnga? Continue, therefore, to serve the God who has your best interests at heart. How can public talks make effective use of questions? 1, 2. a) Segb bʋs la d tar n tõe n keng d taabã raoodo? LONG ago, the prophet Malachi was inspired to foretell a time when the conduct of God's people would stand in dramatic contrast with that of people who do not serve God. 1, 2. (a) What opportunities do we have to encourage others? Bõe n na n toeem rũmsã manesmẽ? Paul also stated: "We are fellow workers for your joy. " What will change animals? Bãng Wẽnnaam yʋʋrã rat n yeelame tɩ bõe? On Trial! What does it mean to know God's name? " B kõo yẽ soolem ne waoogre la naam, tɩ tẽnsa fãa neb sẽn yaa soolem toɛy - toɛya n gomd goam toor - toora sak - a. " - DANIƐLL 7: 14. 1 / 15 Prove Your Faith by Your Life Course, 10 / 15 " To him there were given rulership and dignity and kingdom, that the peoples, national groups and languages should all serve even him. " - ACTS 7: 14. (2 Kor. 1: 3) A nanda modgr ning d sẽn maand n teend a Rĩungã. The blind, the deaf, the lame - all those affected by sickness and disease - will be restored to perfect health. He appreciates our efforts to support his Kingdom. Kiris - ned sã n gũusd n pa rat n maan bũmb t'a sũur - kasetã wa ning - a taal me, wilgdame t'a bɩɩme. Why did Paul remind Christians that God is "one Jehovah "? A Christian who is careful not to do something that is pleasing to his conscience also shows maturity. La d maanda wãn n tõog bɛ a woto buudu? Citizens of human governments will publicly rally support for a political party, even going from door to door to do so. How can we conquer such an enemy? Cornelius Howard Matheny wilgda woto Zã 12: 4 wɛɛngẽ: "Gom - biig sẽn wilgd tʋʋmd sẽn na n maan masã sẽn yaa " be maaneg zugu ' [bɩ," sẽn da be maaneg zugã "] la gomd sẽn wilgd tʋʋmd sẽn maand masã sẽn yaa " be zãmbg zugã ' [bɩ "ra bee zãmbg zugã "] b yiibã fãa wilgda tʋʋmd sẽn kẽngd taoore. The success of a godly person is linked to his doing God's will - and God's will is always successful. Commenting on John 12: 4: "A word spoken at John 12: 4 indicates what is now being done, "" a work that is now under way, " and "a service that is now taking place " on both sides. Sɩd - sɩda, Wẽnnaam a Zeova ratame la a tara tõog me n na n kɩt tɩ namsg buud fãa sa, la a sõng neb nins sabaab rãmb sẽn paamã. (a) How did an elder help a young man to overcome shyness? Yes, Jehovah God wants and has the power to eliminate all suffering and help those experiencing disasters. A Aza ra pa gũ tɩ yel - beed wa t'a yaool n maan woto ye. 21. Asa did not expect bad things to happen before he sinned. M pa tõe n bãng b fãa ye. ' The Bible reveals that at least some angels have personal names. I cannot know them. ' Wala makre, Kiristã tũnugda ne tigingã kãsem dãmbã la neb a taab sẽn yaa koangdb wa tõndo, n wilgd - d Wẽnnaam daabã. • Why should family members always speak to one another "with graciousness "? For example, Christ uses Christian elders and others in the congregation to show us God's will. 6: 24) Yaa sɩd tɩ yaa a Zeova sẽn yaa mi - beoog soabã la b rɩk b mens n kõ la pa a tʋʋmdã ye. La b sẽn paam n yaa a " tʋmd - n - taasã ' kõt - b - la sũ - noogo. (1 Kor. Others show disregard for truth in their speech and way of life. Although they are grateful for the privilege of being dedicated to Jehovah, they are proud to be his "fellow workers. " (Mat. 10: 1 - 42; 20: 20 - 23; Luk 8: 1; 9: 52 - 55) Yaa vẽeneg tɩ rẽ fãa yaa sẽn na yɩl t'a sã n wa leb saasẽ bɩ b tõog n tʋm tʋʋmd sẽn tar yõod wʋsgo. And he will certainly become like a tree planted by streams of water, that gives its own fruit in its season and the foliage of which does not wither, and everything he does will succeed. " Of course, all of this is necessary for him to return to heaven or to accomplish something important. A Zezi yel - bũn a tãabã d sẽn vaeesã zãmsa tõnd bõe? Later in life, children raised in a loyal, loving family will find it easier to act responsibly toward their mates as well as toward their parents as these suffer the disabilities of old age. - 1 Timothy 5: 4, 8. What have we learned from these three illustrations that we have considered? 8, 9. a) Bõe n da kɩt tɩ Israɛll nebã ra yaa nin - buiid sẽn yaa sõngo? In an effort to straighten matters out, we approach him. 8, 9. (a) What made Israel a holy nation? Yaa be la a sẽn yãk a tʋm - tʋmdbã. Leb n yaa be la a maan a pipi yel - solemdã. From that time onward, the demons have no longer had the power to materialize human bodies. There he used his first miracle, and there he performed his first miracle. Y na n gila laog - baoondã sẽn wat ne sũ - sãams la tood ninsã. Y sẽn na n yɩ kõtã yĩnga, y na n paama sũ - noog hakɩk me. Then it would certainly be profitable to meditate on how Jehovah views nationalism and prejudice. You will also avoid the effects of materialism and distress, and you will find true happiness. Woto me, zu - loees sã n wa paam neda, d pa segd n yɩ tao - tao n ning - a taal ye. How did Jesus experience the symbolic heel wound? Similarly, we should not be quick to blame others when problems arise. b) Bõe yĩng tɩ keoogr ning b sẽn kõ pĩnd wẽndẽ Israɛllã tar yõod ne tõndo? Do restore to me the exultation of salvation by you, and may you support me even with a willing spirit. " (b) Why should we be interested in the warning given to ancient Israel? La tigis - kãsemsã pa le kaoosd woto ye. Sẽn paase, d tẽed - n - taasã sẽn wat ne rɩɩbã, d tõe n paam n kelga sõssã neere. " Second, I receive much positive feedback from others, which helps me to find joy. " However, we can be more effective at our meetings, assemblies, and conventions. La rẽ yĩnga d tara bʋʋm n tõe n yeel rẽ bɩ? Can we increase the share we are having in it, even if that means adjusting our circumstances? - 2 Cor. But do we have any reason to say so? 11: 20, 21 - A Davɩɩd gãndaad a tãabã ne a Abisayi sʋka, ãnd gãndaalem n da yɩɩde? What is tenderness? 11: 20, 21 - Who was David's three men, Abishai, and Abishai? Kɩtame tɩ m yãbd daar fãa la bala, n pa rat meng n gom ne - b ye. What would you have done? That gave me almost every day, and I don't even want to talk to them. Kiris - nebã koe - moonegã sɩng n yaa tʋʋm - yãgdem, la rũndã - rũndã la a yaa tʋʋm - yãgdem n yɩɩda. Before David died, Jehovah promised him that his kingship would continue indefinitely: "I will raise up your offspring after you, your own son, and I will firmly establish his kingdom. " The Christian ministry began to be urgent, but it is now more urgent than ever. D tõe n dɩka makr n wilg f sũur sẽn segd n yɩ noog ne a Zeezi sẽn ki tɩ yɩ maoongã võore. Such experienced and empathetic men can be a refreshing aid when marital peace is threatened. - Isaiah 32: 1, 2. To illustrate why we should appreciate the ransom, let us consider what it means to be grateful for Jesus ' ransom sacrifice. Bõe la roagdbã tõe n maan yel - toog kãngã buud taoore? PICTURE in your mind a family that is expecting guests for dinner. What can parents do in such a situation? A pa na n tol n belg tõnd a bada! (Mal. How can we make sure that our sacrifices are acceptable to Jehovah? He will never mislead us at the same time! Ned ning fãa sẽn zãmsd nebã ziri Wẽnnaam zugu, la a tusd nebã tɩ b balem ziri wẽnnaam dãmba, b ra " segd n kʋ - a lame, a sẽn zãmsd neb tɩ b zãgs a Zeova wã ' yĩnga. " I am willing to go. " Anyone who is teaching lies about God and encourages people to worship false gods would have to " kill him because he teaching people to turn away from Jehovah. ' Tõeeme tɩ ro - metã meng ka mi ned ning sẽn dat - a tʋʋmdã ye. We are not left in the dark when it comes to the future, for the Bible explains the meaning of distressing world conditions and what the outcome will be. The building may not even know who wants to work. Raoã nimbãaneg yõka a Zeezi t'a leoke: "Mam datame, lebg yɩlemde. " At one recent convention, some came from countries where people tend to be reserved when expressing their emotions. The man felt pity for Jesus and replied: "I want to, but I am clean. " A sẽn wa n mik t'a tʋʋmdã kɩtame t'a pa tõe n tũ Biiblã sẽn yetã sõma wã, a basa a tʋʋmdã sẽn da kõt - a ligd wʋsgã, n leb Berzill n na n tɩ sõng a zakã rãmb tɩ b bãng sɩdã. Associating with those who enjoy various avenues of service has been a great help. When she realized that she could not live up to the Bible's moral standards, she gave up her job in Brazil to help her family learn the truth. LAAFƖ BƖ BÃANE He had carefully compared the teachings of many different religions, even non - Christian religions, with what the Bible says. LOVE Yaa sɩd tɩ baasgo, neb wʋsg sẽn yaa zãmb rãmb tõogd n ginda lampo rãmbã kẽer bɩ b fãa meng yaoobo. So I compelled myself and went offering up the burnt sacrifice. " - 1 Samuel 13: 8 - 12. Of course, many corrupt people have successfully avoided certain taxes or even even spread it. (Vɛrse 40) Vɛrse ning sẽn pʋgdã paasa woto: "Bãmb leb n maka Wẽnnaam yɛsa. " In what ways does Satan try to weaken our dedication to God? The next verse goes on to say: "He was again putting God to the test. " Yʋʋmd 2004 pʋgẽ, b geelame n mik tɩ bã - kãensã buudã kʋʋ neb sõor sẽn yɩɩd milyõ 10 la pʋɩ - sʋka. PAST SACRIFICES In 2004, about 10 million people were killed. (Sɩngre 2: 16, 17) A Ãdem sã n da pa kɩɩs Wẽnnaam, a ra na n vɩɩmda wakat sẽn kõn sa. Coping With Apathy If Adam failed to disobey God, he would live forever. 19: 8. 4, 5. 19: 8. Karen - biig a Zak gʋlsame: "Ned ninga sẽn get tõog sẽn zems zãnga sẽn yaa lohorem tõogã, la sẽn ket n get daar fãa, la sẽn kelgda n ka yĩmdẽ, la sẽn sakda, bark na n zĩnda yẽ zugu a sẽn maand woto wã yĩnga. " What did Jesus ' description of the people of his day reveal about maturity? The disciple James wrote: "He who peers into the perfect law that belongs to freedom and who persists in it, this man, because he has become, not a forgetful hearer, but a forgetful hearer, will be happy in his doing it. " A Davɩɩd wilgame t'a Zeova yaa a nin - buiidã kogenda, n yɩɩl woto: "Mam Wẽnnaam yaa mam kugri, mam baooda zĩig bãmb nengẽ n na n soonde. " • How does Jehovah's tender affection support and sustain us? [ Picture on page 15] David sang: "I, O my God, am the Rock of my salvation, and I will take refuge in him. " La vẽkembeoogo, a Poll ne a Barnabas yiimi n kẽng Dɛrbe. " - Tʋʋma 14: 6, 19, 20. Does this mean that happiness is out of reach for Christ's followers who live in religiously divided households? On the next day, Paul and Barnabas went to Macedonia. " - Acts 14: 6, 19, 20. (Yɩɩl 136: 13 - 15) A Zeova kogla Israyɛll nebã sẽn da yaa milyõ - rãmbã "we - raoogã sẽn sek yɛɛsgã " pʋgẽ, n kõ - b rɩɩb la koom. But there are even more benefits. What are some of them? Jehovah protected the entire nation of Israel "in the wilderness, " providing them with food and water. Sɩd - sɩda, lagem - n - ta - kãngã sẽn kengd tẽebã yaa bũmb a yembr sẽn kɩt tɩ d segd n pʋʋs a Zeova barka, bala yaa yẽ n kõt a vʋʋsem sõngã tɩ rẽ tõe n yɩ. - Sofoni 3: 9; Efɛɛz rãmba 3: 20, 21. She touched Jesus and immediately got well. Surely this faith - strengthening work is one reason why we should thank Jehovah for his holy spirit, which he gives it possible. - Zephaniah 3: 9; Ephesians 3: 20, 21. Wa a Pɩɛɛr sẽn tẽeg tõndã, d segd n mao n yɩɩ neb sẽn tat a Zeova yam. The prophet Jeremiah served in such an environment - the kingdom of Judah during its tumultuous last days. As Peter reminds us, we should strive to be people who are approved by Jehovah. Nana - nana bala, yaa d sẽn dat n yĩm tɩ yɛl a woto beeme wã. How can we receive the gift of everlasting life? It is not simply a matter of allowing such things to happen. Wẽnnaam da vẽnega a Salomo t'a yeel woto me: "Gese, fãa yaa zaalem. These appointed men were thus privileged to contribute to the growth of the nation in a special way. Solomon was inspired to write: "Look! Tõe tɩ yãmb zu - loeesã yaa wʋsgo, tɩ yaool n yaa wa y tẽed - n - taasã tara sũ - noog b vɩɩmã pʋgẽ, n pa tar zu - loees ye. Jesus manifested great courage throughout his ministry. You may find it difficult to cope with the challenges you face, but your fellow believers are happy and unhappy. Bĩng - y yãmb paoongã arzãna, zĩig ning mogd la tẽngempiisim sẽn ka sãamda, la wagda sẽn ka kẽeda la sẽn ka wʋkd ye. 4: 8 - Why did Barak insist that the prophetess Deborah go with him to the battlefield? Rather, store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consume, and where thieves do not break in and steal. Dũniyã gill zugu, neb wʋsg sokda b mens sogs - kãensã. 5: 16 - 26; Eph. Many people around the world wonder about these questions. Gɛrkã pʋgẽ, gom - bil ning a Poll sẽn pʋdã rat n yeelame tɩ "kɩs sɩd ne bũmbu, " bɩ" bas f yam tɩ bũmb yaa sɩda. " Are you not looking forward to that? The Greek word Paul used here means "to be faithful " or to" be persuaded to believe. " A Zã sẽn gʋls lɛtrã n tool a Gayusã, pa sẽn na n pʋʋs - a bark bal ye. Let us focus on two of these requirements - avoiding slander and acting honestly in all our dealings. John's letter to Gaius involves more than merely thanking him. Woto fãa sõnga kiris - nebã tɩ b tõog n tʋm tʋʋmd ning Wẽnnaam sẽn kõ - bã. The sin of our first parents, Adam and Eve, temporarily disturbed God's original purpose of making the earth a paradise. All of this helped Christians to carry out their God - given assignment. Sɩngrẽ wã, mam yam yoome tɩ m yeel tɩ " kasetã kũun ne telefõn pa noom maam ye. ' This was his last visit to the temple. At first, I hesitate to say, " I'm not pleased to witness with telephone witnessing. ' Sɩd me, yaa a Zeova n kɩtd tɩ koodã buud toor - toorã yit la b womda, tɩ kɩtdẽ tɩ d tõe n paam dɩɩbo, kaam la rãamã. A glorious hope indeed! Indeed, Jehovah is the Source of the variety of food, the source of food, oil, and wine. A sẽn wa n na n togs rĩm a Akaab t'a Zeova na n kɩtame tɩ war zĩnd a soolmã pʋgẽ wã, a yeela woto: "Mam wẽenda ne Sẽn - Ka - Saab sẽn yaa Israyɛll Wẽnnaamã sẽn vɩ wã,... meenem ka na n zĩndi, la saag me ka na n ni, hal tɩ mam leb n wa gome. " (1 Rĩm. The Bible says that he was "breathing threat and murder against the disciples of the Lord. " When King Ahab told King Ahab that Jehovah would bring about an end to the land of Israel, he said: "I am with Jehovah the God of Israel,... and there will be no dew at all that I shall speak. " Bɩ Sẽn - Ka - Saab wa tõnd sʋka, n fãag - d d bɛɛbã nugẽ. " Why must we maintain high moral and spiritual standards? May Jehovah be like us and deliver us from our enemies. " La tõnd sã n yaa wa mogr ko - pɛm sebg sẽn lengde, bɩ d ra tẽ tɩ d na n paama bũmb Wẽnnaam nengẽ ye. If you have the reference work Insight on the Scriptures, why not read what it says under "Mercy "? But if we are like the waves of the sea, let us not expect anything to happen to God. F pʋlm - a lame tɩ f na n nong - a - la ne f sũur fãa, la tɩ f na n maana a raabã wakat fãa. Weeks earlier, Jews and proselytes from at least 15 regions of the far - flung Roman Empire and beyond had packed Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. You promised to love him with your whole heart and with your whole soul. Baa ne a Zezi sẽn da ya a karen - biisã " Zusoab la b karen - saambã, ' a zãms - b lame tɩ yaa f sẽn na n yɩ neb a taabã sõgen la f yaa nin - kãsenga. As we walk with God, he delivers us from Satan's world, guides us by means of his Word and his organization, and protects us as a group when we are under attack by opposers. Although Jesus was "the Lord and the Teacher, " he taught them that you are serving others and great. Gʋlsd a Samuel Williams yetame: "Kaset wʋsg wilgdame tɩ kiris - nebã fãa sẽn da be pipi egiliizẽ wã... moona koe - noogã. " Or if someone fails to dedicate his life to Jehovah, will he be forever classified as someone "unsuitable "? A writer named William notes: "Many Christians in church... preached the good news of the Kingdom. " (Hebre dãmba 10: 25) Tigingã pʋgẽ, nebã fãa segd n mao n kenga b taabã tẽebo, b sã n wa kõt leoor tigissẽ wã, wall b sã n wa zãmsd tigingã neba. Christian parents do well to imitate Jehovah in this regard. All in the congregation should strive to build faith when giving comments or teaching in the congregation. Yãmb sã n tara tʋʋm - te - kãensã kẽer bɩ b fãa, bɩ y tũnugd ne - b wakat fãa, y sã n wa zãmsd Wẽnnaam Gomdã sẽn na yɩl n zãms neb a taaba. Jehovah's standards are discussed at their meetings, assemblies, and conventions. If you have certain tools, use them regularly when you study God's Word to teach others. (Eze. 38: 11) Rẽ poore, a Zeezi sẽn yeel bũmb ningã na n pidsame. Paul compared the Memorial to a communion meal in ancient Israel. The fulfillment of Jesus ' words will come true. Wakat ra taame masã t'a Moiiz na n tʋm tʋʋmd ning Wẽnnaam sẽn bobl - a wã wa Wẽnnaam sẽn dat to - to wã. We had been in unassigned territory for some years, and now it was a wonderful blessing to be among so many brothers and sisters. It was time for Moses to carry out his God - given assignment. (Karm - y Rom dãmb 10: 13 - 15.) Women Who Made Jehovah's Heart Rejoice (Read Romans 10: 13 - 15.) Wãn to la kãsem - dãmbã la kiris - neb a taabã tõe n kell n yɩ neb sẽn welg toor a Zeova nifẽ? What three aspects of speech will we consider? How can elders and others remain holy in Jehovah's eyes? A Zezi boola bʋ - kaoorã wakat tɩ tigisg "wakate, " la d yaool n miime tɩ tigisg wakat pa rasem a wãn bal ye. (Wil. Today, opposers likewise look for a pretext. Jesus called Judgment Day "the harvest of the harvest, " but we know that just a limited period of time is near. A Zonatã ne a Davɩɩd zoodã kibar sõngda tõnd tɩ d bãng bõe? " When the sirens go off, I run for cover and lie on the floor as the rockets explode. What can we learn from Jonathan's friendship with David? A Salmo She says, "My father taught me how to make a budget, and he showed me how important it is to be organized in managing family funds. " [ Picture on page 23] Kaoosg poore, a Alɛgsãndr le Gãrã sẽn zab n deeg tẽngã babg ning sẽn be koomã sʋkã, a kʋʋ sodaas la nin - kãsems tusa, la a koos tẽngã neb sẽn ta 30000 yembdo. The invisible electricity may perform various functions, depending on the type of equipment it powers. Later, when Alexander the Great invaded the land, he killed thousands of soldiers and slaves, and he sold the city into slavery. Y sã n wa moond zak - zaka, vɛrse bʋs la y nong n karemdẽ? Each meeting begins and ends with a prayer that includes expressions of thanks to Jehovah. What scriptures are you reading in the house - to - house ministry? A Ãndere sẽn tar yʋʋm 23 wilgame tɩ yẽ me tẽeda woto. This article reviews vital provisions that we can use to receive true comfort now and in the future. Andrew, an 23 - year - old sister, explains: "I have the same faith. Sẽn paase, bũmb toɛy - toɛy n be d sẽn tõe n maan n paam Wẽnnaam lohormã. JEHOVAH is the invisible God. Moreover, there are many ways in which we can gain God's favor. A yeelame: "Mam da nonga dũniyã nebã sẽn manegd b mens to - to wã. Youths - Jehovah Will Not Forget Your Work! " I love the world, " he says. Mam ket n tẽeda Wẽnnaam pʋlemsã ne m sũur fãa wa pĩndã bɩ? (b) As illustrated above, what danger must young ones in particular avoid? Am I continuing to exercise faith in God's promises as never before? Rũndã - rũndã, rẽnda f tall raood woto me n tõog n zãgs "tɩ b ra tus - f tɩ f sak n maan wa neb a taabã ye. " Shun violence Today, it takes courage to resist "the spirit of the world " and to" do the same. " A yeelame tɩ "waa ne toog la namsg n kõ rakãag - rãmb la naong rãmba. " What about you personally? He said: "It came about with trouble and persecution for the rich and the poor. " A Zeova na n wa zẽka a zug n kɩt t'a lebs n paam a pĩnd ziirã. How Can You Draw Close to God? Jehovah will remove him and restore his glory. Rẽ yĩnga, a na n bee poorẽ wã n tãsd a ba wã n wilgd - a a sẽn segd n wẽn mobillã to - to bɩ? He is like a father who takes his children by the hand and wants the best for them. " - Isaiah 41: 13. Will he be on the side of his father's side? " D sã n tũud sagls nins Biiblã sẽn kõt laogã wɛɛngẽ wã, d ginda zu - loeese. " David's awe of the Creator for all His wondrous works included a due measure of reverential fear. " When we apply the Bible's counsel on material things, we avoid problems. " Roagdba, pʋʋs - y - yã a Zeova n kos sõngre, la y modg n maan y sẽn tõe fãa. Think, too, of the impact that the transfiguration must have had earlier on the three. Parents, pray to Jehovah for his help and work hard to do all you can. Sãmbg sẽn ka be, bas - yard la tẽeb ning a sẽn da tall ne - bã kõ - b - la pãng tɩ b rɩk sard kãn - kãe b sũyã pʋsẽ n na n kẽng taoor ne tʋʋmd ning a sẽn kõ - b noor tɩ b maana. (a) With church support or consent, what do the nations continue to do? No doubt his confidence and faith in them gave them the strength to carry on the work he commanded them to do. La Biiblã yeela woto: "[Wẽnnaam] yẽbga dũniyã a yẽbgr zugu, a kõn tol n dĩms abada ye. " Thus, it is possible that we could, momentarily or even repeatedly, stumble or fall down. - 1 Ki. But the Bible says: "[God] has founded the earth upon its established places; it will not be made to totter to time indefinite. " Yaa wakat bʋg la a Zeova sẽn pʋlem t'a na n yãka naam maan - kʋʋdbã? See also Matthew 26: 39; 1 Corinthians 15: 28. When was Jehovah's promise to appoint priests? (Mat. The decline of moral standards goes hand in hand with a callous betrayal of trust. Why? 3: 12, 13) Rẽ n so tɩ d segd n feesd d mens wakat - wakate, n get d sã n tũuda a Zeova ne d sũur fãa. Jehovah actually pointed forward to this outstanding growth, saying: "The little one will become a thousand and the small one a mighty nation. Therefore, we should examine ourselves at times to see whether we are serving Jehovah with a complete heart. A ra yaa Wẽnnaam tʋm - tʋmda, n sak n namsd a sẽn nong a Ba wã ne a sũur fãa wã yĩnga. Lasting rulership over "the peoples, national groups and languages " is vested in" someone like a son of man. " He was a minister of God and was willing to suffer for his loyal love for his Father. Sẽn na yɩl n tõog n pids tʋʋm kãngã, d segd n bãnga d sẽn na n tall Wẽnnaam Gomdã sẽn yaa d pipi tʋʋm - teoogã n tʋm to - to tɩ yɩ sõma. Bala "a bee bark zãmsg yĩnga, la tɩ wilg ned a kongre, la saglg yĩnga, la tɩ zãms tɩrlem tɩ Wẽnnaam ned tõe n bɩ la a maan tʋʋm sõma fãa. " Also, your reminders are what I am fond of... To accomplish this work, we need to know how to use God's Word effectively, "for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work. " " Bao yam ne bãngre. " - YEL. When Aaron made the golden calf, as recorded in Exodus chapter 32, he broke God's law regarding idolatry. " Search for wisdom. " - PROV. Wãn to la d tõe n kell n tall bas - yard ne saagr ning sẽn be d taoorã? Under the influence of the Roman Emperor Constantine, the church compromised some of its beliefs, one of which involved the very nature of God. How can we maintain our confidence in the hope that is set before us? Bõe yĩng tɩ ned sũur sẽn sãam wʋsg segd n pʋʋs a Zeova? Their illnesses test them most severely, especially when they cannot share in Christian activities as much as they would like. Why should we pray to Jehovah in prayer? Rẽ poore, a yeelame tɩ yẽ kota Wẽnd t'a Gayus tall pãng la keelem wa a tẽebã sẽn tar pãngã. (b) When identifying the true religion, what is the pivotal question? Then he said that he asked Gaius to be strong and strong like that of Gaius. D tõog n basa minimd la tʋʋm wẽnse. Then, we need to see the bigger issue behind such incidents - Satan claims that we serve Jehovah only when it is convenient. We have been able to overcome the bad practices and actions of those around us. (Ɛs. 2: 1 - 65) Tõeeme t'a Ɛsdras ne a Nehemi sẽn tik sɛb nins n sõdã yaa toor - toore. Yes, Jehovah loves his Son because of his implicit obedience. Ezra and Nehemiah may differ greatly from the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. Pa b sẽn da mi tɩ sɩgaarã yũub namsda bãmb la neb a taabã bal n kɩt tɩ b bas ye. The Bible book of Daniel also shows that the Kingdom would be firmly established by God, that it will put an end to all human governments, and that it will never be overthrown. It was not because they knew that smoking had caused them and others to quit. " Neb nins sẽn baood laafɩ " wã segd n bʋta Rĩungã koe - noog biis ne laafɩ. Learn to be more efficient with your use of time. " The peaceable " must sow the seed of the Kingdom good news with peace. Bãmb la Wẽnnaam Rĩungã nanambse. B naamã na n kaoosa yʋʋm tusri. Psalm 145 exposes what false claims? They are the subjects of God's Kingdom, and they will rule for a thousand years. A roagdbã yaa katolik - rãmba, la yẽ me yam da yii tũudmã wa maam. Ps 51 Verses 2 and 3 say: "Thoroughly wash me from my error, and cleanse me even from my sin. His parents were Catholic, but he too felt as if I were a religious person. Sẽn na yɩl n tõog n sakd a Zeova y sẽn wat n yaa y yembre, rẽnda y modg n zãms n wa tõe n bãng "sõma ne wẽng n bake, " la y sakd n maand bũmb nins y sẽn mi tɩ yaa sõma wã. (Heb. Yes, a happy and fulfilling life was possible! To be sure, as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, you need to learn to distinguish between "the tree of the knowledge of good and the bad. " La rẽ wɛɛngẽ, Wẽnnaam pa na n sãam politik siglg a ye bal ye, la yaa ninsaalba naamã fãa me. Before Herod's death - dealing decree, an angel directed that Joseph, Mary, and Jesus go to Egypt. In this regard, God will not only destroy any political system but also rule over all mankind. 12, 13. 14, 15. 12, 13. (Tõodo 6: 6, 7) Hebre gom - bil ning b sẽn lebg ka tɩ "zãms neerã " võorã meng - meng yaa" togs n yɩlme, " "togs bũmb f sẽn da zoe n togs naoor wʋsgo, "" kɩt tɩ kẽ ned sũurẽ. " And despite many economic and scientific advances since 1914, food shortages continue to threaten world security. The Hebrew word rendered "for good " literally means" to express yourself, " to one's heart many times, and to say something that had already been quoted," to touch a person's heart. " b) Bõe la d segd n maane? What exclusive prospect did the nation of Israel have? (b) What should we do? Rẽnd tõnd sã n wʋm sãambã koeese, d segd n maana wãn - wãna? 6: 4 What, then, should we do if we hear the voice of strangers? Ãdsã sẽn be seb - neng 30, 31, la 32: Courtesy United States Naval Observatory Have I adapted my approach accordingly? Awake!, pages 30 - 31, and 32: C.E. Bãng - y tɩ yɛl sãnda pʋsẽ, yaa tɩlae tɩ y tũ y sũur - kasetã sẽn paam kiblg ne Biiblã maasmã sẽn yet - y bũmb ningã. According to one Bible dictionary, the Greek verb rendered "to be anxious " can refer to" the natural reaction of man to poverty, hunger and other troubles which befall him in his daily life. " In some situations, you need to apply your Bible - trained conscience in some ways. Pipi kiris - nebã wakate, kom n wa n kẽ Zide soolmã. He reports: "I stated that I could not serve in the military because of what I had learned from the Bible. In the first century, a famine came upon Judea. Woto wilgdame tɩ baa zĩn dãmbã meng pa tõe n gɩdg neb nins a Zeova sẽn yãkã tɩ b pa pids a raabã ye. It relates the life story of Solomon, during whose kingship ancient Israel enjoys a time of security and great prosperity. Thus, even the demons cannot prevent Jehovah's chosen ones from fulfilling his purpose. Bɩ y ket n balemd Wẽnnaam sẽn sɩd dat yãmb neerã. (b) What does it mean to forgive our brother "up to seventy - seven times "? Continue to worship the true God, who is interested in your welfare. HAL sẽn kaoose, vʋʋsem sõngã vẽnega a Malaki t'a reng n togs tɩ wakat n wate, tɩ Wẽnnaam nin - buiidã ra na n tall manesem sẽn yaa toor wʋsg ne neb nins sẽn pa sõgend Wẽnnaamã. How greatly they underestimated the size of the universe! JEHOVAH'S spirit has long foretold that in the future, God's people would be greatly different from those who do not serve God. A Poll leb n yeela woto: "Tõnd yaa tʋmd - n - taas yãmb sũ - noog yĩnga. " • Why are we here on earth? Paul also wrote: "We are fellow workers for your joy. " Bʋʋd taoore! Today, too, many exert themselves in various aspects of the full - time service. Of course not! Zoensã, wʋmsã, koms rãmbã, la neb nins fãa sẽn bẽedã na n paama yĩns laafɩ sẽn zems zãnga. Jesus listed "haughtiness " along with other wicked traits that come" out of the heart " and "defile a man. " The sick hear, the sick, and all the sick will have perfect health. Bõe yĩng t'a Poll tẽeg kiris - nebã tɩ b Wẽnnaam a Zeova yaa a ye tãa? So although from a human viewpoint we may not see a way out of our problems, Jehovah does, and he can do the unexpected. - Read 2 Peter 2: 9. Why did Paul remind Christians that they belong to Jehovah God? Dũniyã gill zugu, Wẽnnaam Rĩungã neb me wilgdame tɩ b teenda Rĩungã, n saad zak - zak la soayã noy n moond koɛɛgã. Afterward, there will be no corrupt organizations at all! Worldwide, God's Kingdom is actively supporting the Kingdom - preaching work and preaching from house to house and from house to house. Wẽn - tũud sẽn paamd bark ningã bee ne a sẽn na n maand Wẽnnaam daabã, la Wẽnnaam daabã pidsda wakat fãa. Many Christians in Rome were personal friends of Paul. God's blessing depends on his doing God's will, and God's will always comes true. a) Wãn to la kãsem - soab sõng saam - biig sẽn da yaa yãn - zoɛta? This process gained momentum in the fourth century, when Roman Emperor Constantine embraced Christianity. (a) How did an elder help an experienced brother? 21. Recently, thousands of people, including many of Jehovah's Witnesses, were obliged to flee the war - torn Democratic Republic of Congo to the relative safety of the Central African Republic. 21. Biiblã pʋgẽ, b togsa malɛgs kẽer yʋy. (Bʋ. 13: 18; Dãn. If the Israelites had been obedient, what would have been the result? In the Bible, some angels were told to use their names. A Zeova wilga yẽ sẽn pʋd - a woto wã võore. That was a wondrous work, preserving righteous ones and destroying the hopelessly wicked. - Genesis 19: 24. Jehovah explained his personal name. • Bõe yĩng tɩ zagsã rãmb segd n gomd ne taab ne bʋgsem? Jesus would thus have used God's name just as freely as all the prophets did before him. • Why do families need to speak with one another in a kind manner? Yaa rẽ n kɩt tɩ yɩl n sak sɩd ning sẽn be Biiblã pʋgẽ wã me baood modgr wʋsgã. What brings us abundant joy in our harvest work? That is why it takes much effort to accept Bible truth. Yẽ yaa wa tɩɩg sẽn be kʋɩlg noore n womd a biis a womb wakate, la a vãada ka kʋɩt ye. Bũmb nins fãa yẽ sẽn maanda na n zĩnda barka. " Some names have been changed. And he will become like a tree planted by streams of water, and everything he does will succeed. " B vɩɩmã pʋgẽ, baa yaa kaoosg zugẽ, kamb nins b sẽn wub zak neb sẽn tar kɩs - sɩd la nonglem ne taabã pʋgẽ na n yãame tɩ yaa nana ne - b n yɩɩd tɩ b tall manesem sẽn yaa sõma ne b kẽed - n - taasã la ne b roagdbã, nin - kãens sã n wa namsd kʋʋlmã yĩnga. - 1 Tɩmote 5: 4, 8. 5: 1. Even within the years, even children who have been raised by faithful and loving parents will find it easier to treat their mates properly and to deal with the effects of advanced age. - 1 Timothy 5: 4, 8. Sẽn na yɩl n welg yellã, tõnd tɩ yã - a lame. At the annual meeting held on October 2, 1944, in Pittsburgh, the members of the Pennsylvania corporation adopted six resolutions amending its charter. To resolve the situation, we saw him. Wakat kãng tɛk me b pa ye tõe n lebg ninsaalb ye. Jesus ' disciples came to him to discuss the food situation. At the same time, it is impossible for humans to become humans. Y sã n tẽeg a Zeova tagsg sẽn yaa soab ne tẽng - n - biilmã la ne bu - welsgã n bʋgs rẽ zugu, tõe n sõng - y lame. 12: 18. Reflecting on Jehovah's view of one's national, racial, and ethnic groups can help you to do so. B sẽn da pĩnd n togs tɩ b na n pogla a Zezi na - kãsenkãarã pidsa wãna - wãna? • In what ways can we show that we trust in God during these critical times? How was Jesus to be bruised in the heel fulfilled? Mam Wẽnnaam, bɩ y maan sũur sẽn tar pʋ - peelem n kõ maam, la y leb n kõ maam yam sõma sẽn ka yuusd ye.... How did God's Word guide Jesus ' life and teaching? Do what is right in heart, O my God, and put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one.... Yiib - n - soaba, neb a taabã sũy sẽn noom ne koe - noogã, wẽneg n noogda mam sũuri. " The Bible also foretells a "day of Jehovah " when he will " war against all the nations. ' Second, sharing the good news with others makes my heart rejoice. " Tags - y n ges - y y sã n pa tõe n kẽes y meng sõma n paas Wẽnnaam tʋʋmã pʋgẽ, baa woto maaneg sã n baoodame tɩ y toeem y yɛl kẽere. - 2 Kor. It has already been written, and you can preview the finale. Could you increase your share in theocratic activities, even if doing so requires that you make some adjustments in your life? - 2 Cor. Wãn to la ned wilgd t'a yaa nimbãan - zoɛta? While Peter is still speaking, a bright cloud overshadows them and a voice out of the cloud says: "This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved; listen to him. " - Matthew 17: 1 - 6. How is compassion manifested? Yãmb sã n da be a Moiiz zĩigẽ y ra na n maana wãna? " The upright are the ones that will reside in the earth, and the blameless are the ones that will be left over in it. If you were in Moses ' place, how would you have reacted? Nand t'a Davɩɩd maan yõore, a Zeova pʋlm - a lame t'a naamã na n paa wakat fãa, n yeel woto: "Mam na n zẽka f biig a ye sẽn yi fo pʋgẽ n kõ - a naam. " (2 Sãm. How can you help your children to develop self - control? Before David died, Jehovah promised him that His sovereignty would remain forever, saying: "I shall take hold of your son from you who have come out of your kingdom. " Ra - kãensã sẽn tar minim la nimbãan - zoeerã tõe n yɩɩ yolsg la sõngre, kãadem laafɩ sã n wa rat n sãame. - Ezai 32: 1, 2. The generals promised a quick and easy victory, but it was not to be. 32: 1, 2. MAMS - Y n ges wala zak neb sẽn na n gũud sãamb n na n dɩ ne - ba. I will appoint you over many things. " IMAGINE that a family is waiting for guests to eat with them. Sẽn na yɩl tɩ bũmb nins d sẽn maand Rĩungã yĩngã ta Wẽnnaam yam, d segd n gũusa ne bõe? The contents of First Samuel can thus exert power on our thoughts and deeds. - Hebrews 4: 12. For our sacrifices to be acceptable to God, what must we be on guard? A Rebeka "leokame t'a na n tũume. " (Sɩng. And by means of Christ's anointed followers, Jehovah laid the foundation of "a new earth, " a righteous human society. Rebekah "kept following him. " Yaa rẽ n so tɩ d mi beoog daarã sẽn na n yɩ to - to wã, bala Biiblã wilgd - d - la bũmb ning sẽn kɩt tɩ dũniyã pid ne zu - loeesã, la a wilgd a sẽn na n baas to - to me. Instead, God's Son showed humility and modesty. That is why we can look forward to the future because the Bible tells us why the world is filled with problems and how it will end. Tigis - kãseng a yembr sẽn zĩnd sẽn nan pa kaoos sasa, Kaset rãmbã sẽn kẽngã kẽer yii tẽnsẽ nebã sẽn pa nong n wilgd b sũ - noog bɩ b sũ - sãang vẽeneg ye. Jehovah God's concern for the elderly is evident in the Hebrew Scriptures. During recent conventions, some Witnesses go out from countries where the Witnesses often express their feelings or feelings. M sẽn da tũud m tẽed - n - taas nins sẽn mi koe - moonegã buk toor - toorã me sõng - m - la wʋsgo. And elsewhere we read: "God exalted him to a superior position and kindly gave him the name that is above every other name. " - Phil. I have also benefited greatly from association with fellow believers who know various forms of preaching the good news. A maaga a yĩng n fees tũudum toor - toorã sẽn yetã, la baa sẽn pa - b Kirist tũudmã, n na n ges b goamã ne Biiblã sẽn yetã sã n tũuda taaba. May we always be sensitive to Jehovah's counsel, even his discipline, and be quick to respond, recognizing that it is an expression of his boundless love for us. - Ps. He carefully examined different religions, but even those who do not share their beliefs and who do not share what the Bible says with them. Yaa woto n kɩt tɩ m modg m meng n maan maoongo. " - 1 Sãmwɛll 13: 8 - 12. We do not want to imitate such ones - we avoid lying. That is why I have made sacrifices for myself. " - 1 Samuel 13: 8 - 12. Wãn to la a Sʋɩtãan makd n na n boog tõnd sẽn dɩk d mens n kõ Wẽnnaamã pãnga? • Why is the field ministry a gift? How does Satan try to weaken our dedication to God? BŨMB KẼER D SẼN MONG D MENGA Rather, we need to identify these ones as a group and then support them as such. WHAT DO YOU THINK? Ra bas - y tɩ nebã manesem koms y raood ye Why, none other than anointed Christians, the genuine wheat that Jesus referred to in his illustration of the wheat and the weeds! Do Not Give Up 4, 5. It is thrilling to consider that Jehovah provided foregleams of how his prophecy given back in Eden would be fulfilled, and it is exciting to see its actual fulfillment taking place step - by - step. 4, 5. A Zezi sẽn bilg a zãmaanã neb to - to wã wilgda bõe bɩʋʋngã wɛɛngẽ? Life in this present system is too short to waste on endeavors that leave us empty - handed. What does Jesus ' description of his contemporaries teach us about growth? 2014, YƲƲM - VẼKRE, 20 - 26 Doing so will help us evaluate and refine the love that we should show, the kind of love that brings true satisfaction and happiness. ALSO IN THIS ISSUE • Wãn to la a Zeova sẽn nong - d wʋsgã teend tõnd la kẽngd d raoodo? (b) What questions might we ask ourselves? • How does Jehovah's loving - kindness sustain us and keep us courageous? La woto rat n yeelame tɩ d zakã neb kẽer sã n pa kiris - neba, d pa tol n tõe n tall sũ - noog bɩ? How did Jesus learn obedience, and with what benefit? Does this mean, though, that if some unbelieving family members do not share in the Christian congregation, can we never be happy? (Rom 7: 22) La Biiblã kareng tara nafa a taaba. What does God's love mean to you? However, Bible reading has other benefits. A paam n sɩɩsa a Zezi t'a yĩnsã sɩd maag zĩig pʋgẽ. If, though, those who will live forever on earth were entitled to partake of the emblems, then this Memorial meal would need to continue forever. When she touched Jesus and touched him, she immediately healed him. Yɩɩ woto me ne no - rɛɛs a Zeremi sẽn moon Wẽnnaam koees Zida soolmẽ wã, a yaoolem wakatã sẽn yɩ toog wʋsgã sasa wã. To achieve his goal, he introduced untruth as a means to bring others under his control. The same was true of the prophet Jeremiah, who proclaimed God's messages in Judah during these critical last days. Wãn to la d tõe n paam vɩɩm sẽn kõn sa wã sẽn yaa kũunã? A month prior to the above assembly, the Jews had completed the rebuilding of Jerusalem's walls. How can we gain the prize of everlasting life? (1 Tɩmote 3: 1 - 7; Tɩt 1: 6 - 9) Ne rẽ, ra - kãensã ra tara zu - noog n na n sõng n kɩt tɩ buudã neb sõor fɩɩg wʋsgo. With its encouragement and comfort, we will pass the tests that Satan and his world bring on us. Still, those men were privileged to help to increase the number of peoples. Biiblã wilgame t'a mii baa tõnd "zugã zoobd fãa " sõore. Can we show the noble quality of generosity by inviting others to our home to share a meal and a spiritual feast? The Bible tells us that he knows even "the hairs of our head. " 21: 12) Yʋng ning sodaasã sẽn wa n na n yõk - a wã, a wilga raoodo. This, along with seeing our Bible students make progress, created a strong bond with our spiritual family in Ireland. On the night before his arrest, Jesus showed courage. 4: 8 - Bõe yĩng t'a Barak pẽdg no - rɛɛs poak a Debora t'a yãag - a zabrẽ wã? How have God's people in one Asian land manifested appreciation for Christian meetings? 4: 8 - Why did Barak urge the prophet Deborah to accompany him in battle? 5: 16 - 26; Efɛ. The love between the opposite sexes has other characteristics besides its potential for being constant and enduring. 5: 16 - 26; Eph. Tõnd pa maood n dat n toeem dũni - kãngã ye Paul wrote: "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness. " We do not try to change this world Tõnd pipi yaab rãmb a Ãdem ne a Hawa yel - wẽndã kɩtame tɩ Wẽnnaam sẽn yãk yam n na n kɩt tɩ tẽngã lebg arzãnã pa pids zĩig pʋgẽ ye. So if you do not feel particularly bold about your ministry, or if some aspect of it in particular strikes you as intimidating, why not appeal to Jehovah to do the same for you? Our first parents, Adam and Eve, made God's purpose to restore Paradise to the earth. Yɩɩ a yaoolem kẽngr wẽn - doogẽ wã. Your grasp of the truthfulness and impact of God's message grows. His final meeting at the temple. 20: 7, 8, 11, 12) Ad b saagrã sɩd be yamleoogo! Satan also targets the many Witnesses of Jehovah who have the hope of living forever on a paradise earth. What their hope! A segdame me n gũus tɩ nin - yɛng ra wa reeg goamã n gomd n pa satẽ ye. Our field ministry is a source of joy. He also needs to be careful that no one should stop speaking. Biiblã yeelame t'a ra " namsda Zusoaba karen - biis n dat n kʋ bãmba. ' The Bible describes him as "a manslayer " and says that he" is misleading the entire inhabited earth. " " He was persecuting the disciples of Jehovah, " says the Bible. Bõe yĩng tɩ d segd n kell n sakd Wẽnnaam noyã wakat fãa? The sworn oaths of the tribes are the thing said. Why should we remain loyal to God's standards? Yãmb sã n tara Étude perspicace des Écritures sebrã, bɩ y karem zĩig ning b sẽn gʋls tɩ: Nimbãan - zoeerã (miséricorde). Soil alongside a road that leads through a grainfield is hard packed by the flow of pedestrian traffic. If you have Insight on the Scriptures, read the location of Insight on the Scriptures. Semen dãmb sẽn deng baraarã, Zʋɩf rãmb la bu - zẽms neb nins sẽn tuub n sak Zʋɩf rãmbã tũudum n yi Rom soolmã babs sẽn na ta bãmb 15 pʋsẽ, n wa Zerizalɛm n na n maan Pak kibsã. In some cultures, it is considered poor manners to address a person older than oneself by his first name unless invited to do so by the older one. Just weeks before the Passover, Jews and proselytes returned from the Roman Empire to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. D sẽn kẽnd ne Wẽnnaamã, a fãagda tõnd ne a Sʋɩtãan dũniyã, n tũnugd ne a Gomdã la a siglgã n wilgd tõnd sore, la a kogend tõnd sẽn ya a sõgen dãmbã sulli, bɛɛb sã n wa zabd ne - do. Can you imagine how receiving that assignment must have made Timothy feel? As we walk with God, he rescues us by means of his Word and organization, by means of his Word, and by means of his organization, he protects us as a group when opposers attack us. Rat n yeelame tɩ ned sẽn nan pa rɩk a meng n kõ a Zeova pa le tõe n maan woto bɩ? The Bible encourages us to help others when they face trials and distressing circumstances. Does this mean that a person who has not yet dedicated his life to Jehovah cannot do so? (1 Korẽnt dãmba 15: 33) Roagdb nins sẽn yaa kiris - nebã segd n dɩka a Zeova togs - n - taar zĩ - kãngã wɛɛngẽ. When onlookers accused Paul of reviling the high priest, the apostle immediately admitted his error, saying: "Brothers, I did not know he was high priest. For it is written, " You must not speak injuriously of a ruler of your people. ' " - Acts 23: 1 - 5. Christian parents should imitate Jehovah in this regard. B zãmsda a Zeova noyã b tigissẽ wã la b tigis - kãsemsẽ wã. He has been a manslayer from his rebellion at mankind's beginning down to our day. They study Jehovah's standards at their meetings and at assemblies and conventions. A Poll rɩka a Zezi kũumã Tẽegr n mak ne lagem - n - taar dɩɩbã sẽn da maand pĩnd Israɛllã. A lion pounces upon a weakened animal. Paul compared the Memorial to a communion meal that was celebrated in ancient Israel. D zĩnda zĩis tiging sẽn da kae n maan yʋʋma, la d ra paamame masã n be ne saam - biis la saam - bi - pogs ka tɛka, tɩ yaa bark meng - menga. • How can we keep our message positive? We lived in an area where there was no congregation for many years, but now we were blessed with many spiritual brothers and sisters. Pagb sẽn noog a Zeova sũuri So will mistreatment of the elderly. Women Who Make Jehovah's Heart Rejoice Bõe yell la d na n gome? Of course, we must not confuse love with sentimentality. What will we consider in this article? B yik n tara goam "tũudum wil - wẽns " wɛɛngẽ. In the meantime, we should bolster our faith in Jehovah, who through Jesus assured us that the dead in God's memory will rise. They begin to speak abusively of "the tongue of the wicked ones. " " A wuu sẽn kelmã, mam bãngame tɩ m segd n zoe n baoo soondg zĩigã. Always Do Good to Others " I realized that I needed to flee from the valley of refuge. Ad a sẽn yeele: "Mam Ba wã wilga maam m sẽn tõe n bãng n mag ligd ning m sẽn paamdã to - to n tõog n zã sõma. Bahram is now a baptized Witness. He says: "My Father taught me how to manage the money I needed. Kuurã wã ninsaal nif sẽn pa ne wã tõe n tʋma tʋʋm toɛ - toɛya. Fãa bee ne teoog ning a sẽn marsdã. In a climate where religious tolerance leads many to embrace even the bizarre, witchcraft has gained considerable respectability. There are many ways in which a physical body can accomplish various things, including the tool used by the owner. Tigisg fãa sɩngdame la a baasd ne pʋʋsg sẽn tar mi - beoog goam b sẽn taasd a Zeova. That was almost ten times the number of Witnesses in the entire world in 1936! Each meeting begins, and it begins with heartfelt prayer to Jehovah. A Moiiz sẽn da wa n kos n na n yã a Zeova ziirã A leok - a lame: "Fo ka tõe n yã mam neng ye. Asa's reaction demonstrated his close and trusting relationship with Jehovah. When Moses asked Jehovah's glory to see His glory, he replied: "You cannot see my face. Kom - bɩɩse, a Zeova pa na n yĩm y tʋʋmdã ye! Miriam had already begun pioneering and was experiencing joyful blessings. Young People, Jehovah Will Not forget Your Work! b) Wa kibarã sẽn wilgdã, kom - bɩɩsã segd n gũusa ne bõe? If Sarah had said that she was his wife, Abraham might have been killed and thus could not have produced the offspring whom God had promised him. - wp17.3, pp. 14 - 15. (b) As illustrated in the case of youths, what should young ones be on guard? D zãag d meng ne nen - kɛglem Sadly, after receiving discipline, some fail to see past the pain and even draw away from God and his people. Avoiding violence (Eze. ALL of us are deeply influenced by our upbringing and by our environment. Why? Wãn to la y tõe n paam Wẽnnaam zoodo? How valuable can a program of daily Bible reading be to youths? How can you draw close to God? La Wẽnnaam pa rat tɩ y tũ - a rabeem yĩng ye. Professor Michael Goulder, for example, was a parish priest in Manchester, England, at the time of the 1958 Munich air disaster in which many of the Manchester United football team were killed. But God does not want you to worship him because you fear him. A Davɩɩd ra zoeta a Naandã, ne zoees sẽn naag ne waoogre, a bõn - bãnã fãa yĩngã. How has Jehovah blessed the zealous activity of his servants? David feared his Creator, who is worthy of reverence for all his wonderful works. (Mark 14: 33 - 38) Sẽn deng rẽ, a ra tedga b taoor hal tɩ keng b raoodo. (Mark 9: 2 - 8; 2 Pɩɛ. Extra - Biblical sources show that the privileged classes contemptuously called the uneducated masses ʽam ha·ʼaʹrets, or "people of the land. " Earlier, he had empowered them to strengthen them. a) Ne egiliizã teelg bɩ a sakre, bõe la tẽn - tẽnsã ket n maandẽ? God's knowledge of us as individuals is "too wonderful " to fathom. (a) What have the nations continued to do? Woto fãa paasda tõnd raoodo, tɩ d tõe n tʋm tʋʋmd ning a sẽn kõ - dã n baase. We can be sure that it did. All of this strengthens us, and we can finish the work he has given us. Y leb n tõe n karma Matye 26: 39; 1 Korẽnt - rãmb 15: 28. Persecuted but Happy - How Can That Be? See also Matthew 26: 39; 1 Corinthians 15: 28. No - tɩrsã kɩɩsg ne bas - yard kaalmã fãa tũuda taaba. In what sense was it surpassing? There is a conflict between the righteous principles and the death of all loyal ones. A Zeova ra bilga a nin - buiidã sẽn da na n fɩɩg to - to wã, n yeele: "Ned ning sẽn yaa - a bilfã na n lebga neb tusri, la sẽn paood - a n yɩɩdã na n lebga buud sẽn tar pãnga. Or did Christian merchants and travelers spread the truth in Rome? Jehovah described the growth of his people, saying: "The little one himself will become a thousand and the small one a mighty nation. Naam - dɩɩb sẽn kaoosd "tẽnsa fãa neb sẽn yaa soolem toɛ - toɛya n gomd goam toor - toora " zutã, b kõ - a - la" ned sẽn wẽnd ninsaal biribla. " Now that I am nearing 80 years of age, it gives me great pleasure to see younger men with whom I have worked over the years take on the responsibilities that I used to have. A long - lasting king - "a king of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues " - has been given him" a son of man. " La yãmb kaseta me yaa noog ne maam... In their study of the Scriptures, they found that the seventh month was to include the Festival of Booths with its concluding solemn assembly from the 15th through the 22nd day of Tishri, so they began to make preparations. You too are good for me... b) Bõe la Wẽnnaam na n kɩt t'a Zezi maan ka la bilfu, la sogs - bʋs la d segd n sok d mense? The psalmist sings: "Anyone dwelling in the secret place of the Most High will procure himself lodging under the very shadow of the Almighty One. (b) What will God soon do to Jesus, and what questions should we ask ourselves? Yikr sak 32 wã wilgdame t'a Aarõ sẽn maan nag - bilã, a kɩɩsa Wẽnnaam noor ning sẽn gɩdg bõn - naandsã pʋʋsgã. The wife, for her part, is to be in subjection to her husband. Exodus chapter 32 shows that when Aaron made a golden calf, he violated God's law against idolatry. (Zã 15: 19; 17: 14 - 16; 18: 36) Rom naab a Kõnstãntẽ wakatã, a yɩɩ sabaab tɩ Egiliizã sak n toeem yɛl kẽer b sẽn da zãms nebã tũudmã pʋgẽ. As Jesus explained, though, a great deal of knowledge would be revealed upon the arrival of "the helper, " the holy spirit, that would guide them" into all the truth. " During the time of Roman Emperor Nero, he was willing to change some of the practices that were taught in religion. B bãasã yaa makr meng - menga, la sẽn tɩ yɩɩda, b sã n pa tõe n kẽes b meng kiris - neb tʋʋmã pʋgẽ wa b sẽn datã. Would we react as Job did if a fellow Christian kindly told us that we were giving evidence of a faulty attitude? They are subjected to illness, especially if they are not able to share in Christian activities. b) D sã n wa baood n na n bãng tũudum hakɩkã sẽn ya a soaba, sʋk - kãseng bʋg la d segd n maane? However, is that how Jehovah views our contribution to the Kingdom work as he looks at our planet from his lofty perspective? (b) What important question should we take regarding true worship? (Vẽn. 2: 10; 12: 17) D tẽegdẽ me tɩ pa zaalem la a sẽn maand woto wã ye. [ Picture on page 29] Remember, too, that he does not cause us to lose sight of what he is doing. (Zã 15: 9, 10) N - ye, a Zeova nonga a Biriblã, a sẽn sakd - a zãng - zãngã yĩnga. Unlike all the idols representing the lifeless gods of Egypt, Jehovah, the true God, was real to Moses. Yes, Jehovah loves his Son for his perfect obedience. Daniɛll sebrã sẽn be Biiblã pʋgẽ wã leb n wilgdame tɩ yaa Wẽnnaam meng n na n lugl Rĩungã, la tɩ Rĩungã na n menesa ninsaalbã goosneem dãmbã fãa, la t'a na n yalsa wakat fãa. We might compare holy spirit to sunshine. The Bible book of Daniel also indicates that God's Kingdom will replace all human governments and will stand forever. (Efɛɛz rãmba 5: 15, 16, NW; Filip rãmba 1: 10) Zãms - y y sẽkã rɩk n tʋm sõma n paase. Rather than praying to God for persecution to stop, they and fellow believers made supplication, saying: "Jehovah, give attention to their threats, and grant your slaves to keep speaking your word with all boldness. " Make greater use of your time. Yɩɩl Sõamyã 145 soabã wilgda ziri tags - bʋse? In the original Greek, the word translated "readjust " can also refer to the realignment or setting of broken bones, a painful procedure. Psalm 145 reveals what lies? Verse a 4 ne a 5 pʋgẽ, a yetame: "Pek - y maam n yiis m yel - wẽnda zãnga. Another trap of Satan's world is sexual immorality. In Ps 148 verse 4 and 5 verse 5, he says: "Take me away from the sin of my heart, and cleanse me of my sin. A tõe n tʋma a tʋʋma, n sõng a taabã, la a tũud a Zeova tɩ yell kae ye. What a fine spirit exists among young men and women in Jehovah's service, and how this impresses onlookers! He can work hard, helping others, and serving Jehovah with a complete heart. (Oze 11: 1) Sẽn na yɩl tɩ rĩm a Herood ra paam n kʋ a Zezi, malɛk n yeel a Zozɛf ne a Maari tɩ b rɩk - a n yi Israɛlle, n zoe n kẽng Ezipti. How can we endure even intense suffering? For King Herod to have Jesus killed, an angel told Joseph and Mary to take him out of Egypt and flee to Egypt. 14, 15. Such an attitude betrays a lack of godly fear. 14, 15. Yʋʋmd 1914 tɛka, tẽns wʋsg n yidg laogã wɛɛngẽ tɩ b bãngrã me paase. JEHOVAH GOD endowed his creatures with the gift of communication. Since 1914, many countries have also increased their knowledge of material things. Zu - no - bʋg la Israɛll buudã neb ra tara? Ask them how they have benefited from serving him. What privilege did the nation of Israel have? 6: 4, MN. [ Credit Line] 6: 4. Mam moonda koɛɛgã tɩ zems ne rẽ bɩ? Jesus respected her freedom to choose what she wanted to believe, but he also pointed out to her: "You worship what you do not know. " Am I doing this in harmony with my ministry? Sebr a yembr wilgame tɩ gɛrkã gom - bil ning b sẽn lebg tɩ " maan yɩɩrã ' bilgda "ned manesem sẽn mi n yaa to - to zu - loees taoore. Wala makre, kom, naongo, pa rẽ bɩ yɛl a taaba. " In fact, the "good news of the kingdom " is part of" the good news [declared] beforehand to Abraham, namely: " By means of you all the nations will be blessed. ' " - Gal. According to one reference work, the Greek word translated "time and unforeseen occurrence " denotes" a person's attitude toward poverty, poverty, poverty, or other things. " Ad a sẽn yeele: "Mam togsame tɩ m sẽn zãms bũmb ning Biiblã pʋgã kɩtame tɩ m pa tõe n kẽ sodaar ye. 3: 21. " What I learned from the Bible convinced me that I could not enter into the army, " she says. A gomda a Salomo vɩɩmã yelle. A Salomo naamã wakate, pĩnd wẽndẽ Israɛllã ra yidga wʋsg la a tar bãane. Matter How We Worship? Solomon lived during Solomon's reign, and in ancient Israel there was plenty of peace and security. b) Kõ f saam - biig sugr "naoor pis - yopoe naoor a yopoeyã " rat n yeelame tɩ bõe? That privilege is open to you. (b) What does it mean to forgive a brother "seven times seven times "? Ad b sɩd ra pa mi tɩ ãndũniyã yalem yɩɩda b sẽn da magdã zĩig sẽn zãr ye! Rather than looking behind, Sarah looked ahead. How difficult it was to know that the universe was far greater than they were! • Bõe yĩng tɩ d vɩ tẽngã zugu? When we spend time studying the Bible on a regular basis and grow in knowledge of the Creator, our relationship with him is strengthened. • Why do we live on earth? Rũndã - rũndã, neb wʋsg kẽesa b mens zãng a Zeova tʋʋmdã pʋgẽ, n maand bũmb toor - toore. Nehemiah's prayer to Jehovah was effective Today, many people serve Jehovah full - time in many ways. (Luk 18: 9; Zã 7: 47 - 49) A Zezi wilgame tɩ wuk - m - mengã ne zʋg - wẽns a taabã yita sũurẽ, n dẽgemd neda. " To catch the train, I got up at 4: 00 a.m. and I preached until 6: 00 p.m. when the train departed for home. Jesus showed that pride and other negative traits are rooted in a person's heart. A tõe n maana bũmb d sẽn pa tẽede. - Karm - y 2 Pɩyɛɛr 2: 9. They are meant to help you put baptism in the right perspective. He can do something that we do not expect. - Read 2 Peter 2: 9. 25: 31 - 33) Rẽ poore, siglg baa a ye sẽn maand zãmb wall n wẽgd neb pa na n le zĩnd ye. Describing the marriage arrangement, the Bible says that in time "a man will leave his father and his mother and he must stick to his wife and they must become one flesh. " Then no organization or organization will ever be corrupt. Kiris - neb wʋsg sẽn da be Rom ra ya a Poll meng zo - rãmba. Therefore, you need to scrutinize the type of recreation and entertainment that you engage in. Many Christians in Rome were friends of Paul. Vɩɩm manesmã noy basg kell n tallame n wa paam pãng n yɩɩg yʋʋm kob - gĩnd a naasẽ wã Rom Ãmperɛɛr a Kõnstãntẽ sẽn wa n lebg kiris - nedã. What opportunity was given to Israel? The resulting moral values became stronger than the first century C.E. when Roman Emperor Nero became a Christian. Sẽn pa kaoos pʋgẽ, yɩɩ tɩlae ne neb tusa, a Zeova Kaset rãmb sẽn naage, tɩ b zoe zabrã sẽn yik Repibilik Demokaratik di Kõngo n kẽng Repibilik Sãntrafrikɛn sẽn yaa bãan zĩigã. Satan has undermined what God teaches. In recent times, thousands of people, including Jehovah's Witnesses, had to be forced to flee to a war in South Africa. Israɛll nebã sã n da sak Wẽnnaam, bõe la b ra na n paame? Jesus further said: "No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him. " What would happen if the Israelites obeyed God? A kogla nin - tɩrsã la a sãam sẽn ya - b nin - wẽns piig la a yiibã. - Sɩngre 19: 24. Common answers: He protected the righteous and destroyed the ten wicked. - Genesis 19: 24. D tõe n yeelame t'a Zezi ra pʋta Wẽnnaam yʋʋrã wala no - rɛɛsdb nins sẽn deng yẽ wã sẽn da maandã. (b) What will Christ's sacrifice do for those who seek God's approval? We can say that Jesus used God's name as he did before his prehuman existence. Yaa bõe n kõt tõnd sũ - noog wʋsg d tigisgã pʋgẽ? For instance, David's military commander Joab murdered Saul's relative Abner. What brings us great joy in our harvest work? B toeema yʋy kẽere. The apostle John wrote: "God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " Some names have been changed. La ninsaalbã ra ket n pa zems zãng ye, "ninsaalba sũya tagsg " ra ket n yaa" wẽns hal b yãadem wakate. " How should his qualities affect your feelings toward him? However, humans were still imperfect, "the inclination of the heart of man " was still" still bad from his youth up. " 5: 1, NW. Thus, Jesus said: "The kingdom of God is not coming with striking observableness. " 5: 1. Yʋʋmd - yʋʋmd tigisg ning b sẽn maan yʋʋmd 1944, zĩ - likr kiuug rasem a 2 wã sasa, Pitsburgã, Pensilvani Sosiete wã maana no - sɩɩr a yoob sẽn demsd a noy gãnegr sebrã. Some feel that they have no need for God because they find many puzzling issues in life incompatible with belief in a loving God. During the annual annual annual annual meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania corporation established six legal requirements. Neb kʋʋng n yi tẽns pʋsẽ n kẽn ne nao n babs a Zezi. In a similar way, Jehovah's Witnesses today preach in all the earth. People moved from many countries to walk along with Jesus. 12: 18. In harmony with God's will, Jesus died as a sacrifice and canceled the effect of the first man's disobedience. 12: 18. • Rũndã - rũndã sẽn yaa toog wakatã, wãn - wãn la d tõe n wilg tɩ d sɩd teega Wẽnnaam? For example, a brother named Peter served for more than 74 years in the full - time service, 35 of these at a branch office in Europe. • In these critical times, how can we show that we trust in God? Bõe n wilgd t'a Zeezi tʋʋm - tʋmdɩ wã la a sẽn da zãmsd nebã bũmb ninsã ra zemsda ne Wẽnnaam Gomdã? Yes, lying includes the intention to deceive someone. What shows that Jesus ' actions and teachings were in harmony with God's Word? (Daniɛll 9: 24 - 27; Zã 19: 15) Biiblã leb n wilgame t'a Zeova daar n wate, la tɩ sasa kãngã a na n " zaba ne buudã ' fãa. Through your faith you can be among those like Paul, Laura, and María. The Bible also states that Jehovah's day is coming, and at that time, he will " fight against all the nations. ' Biiblã bãngr - goamã tõe n sõng - y lame tɩ y zoe n bãng kibarã sẽn na n baas to - to. Friends will speak from the heart without fear of being belittled or having their confidences betrayed. Bible prophecies can help you to identify the outcome. Bɩ y kelg - a! " - Matɩe 17: 1 - 6. The reason? Listen to her! " - Matthew 17: 1 - 6. " Nin - tɩrs na n zĩnda tẽnga pʋgẽ, pʋ - peelem dãmb na n zĩnda a pʋgẽ. What especially sets humans apart from animals? " The righteous will reside in the earth, and the blameless will reside in it. Bõe la y tõe n maan n sõng y kambã tɩ b bɩɩs yõk - m - menga? Eduardo was determined to do all he could to mend his relationship with his family and to build up their spiritual strength. How can you help your children to develop self - control? Soda - nanambsã yeela b sodaasã tɩ b na n tõoga b bɛɛbã nana - nana. 41: 10. The authorities told the soldiers that it would be easy for them to conquer their enemies. 25: 21, 23) A Zezi sẽn yaa Zu - soabã sã n wa, bõe la a na n maane? Some have accepted the word under conditions of war and harsh persecution, while others have done so during times of peace and prosperity. What will Jesus do when he is the Master? Woto, yɛl nins b sẽn togs Pipi Sãmwɛll sebrã pʋgẽ wã tõe n talla pãng d tagsa wã la d tʋʋmã zutu. - Hebre dãmba 4: 12. The Law was actually pointing to something vastly more effective in accomplishing God's will. Thus, what is stated in the book of First Samuel can affect our thoughts and actions. - Hebrews 4: 12. (Wilgri 14: 1 - 3) La ne Kirist karen - biis nins sẽn zae ne vʋʋsem sõngã maasem, a Zeova yẽbga "dũni - paalga, bɩ tẽn - paalga, " sẽn yaa ãdem - biis nins sẽn yaa tɩrs zãmaana. He is "merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving - kindness and truth. " By means of Christ's anointed followers, however, Jehovah laid the foundation of "a new earth, " a righteous human society. La a Zezi sika a menga, n pa maan bũmb a sẽn pa tar sor n na n maan ye. Jesus ' blood was adequate, not needing anything to be added to it. But Jesus humbly did not do anything that he could not do. D sã n ges Hebre Gʋlsg Sõamyã pʋgẽ, d sɩd yãta vẽeneg tɩ Wẽnnaam a Zeova geta sẽn kʋʋl - bã yelle. Miraculously, there is more than enough for everyone to eat! When we look at the Hebrew Scriptures, we clearly see that Jehovah God cares for the elderly. B yeelame me tɩ Wẽnnaam zẽk - a lame, n kõ - a "waoogr sẽn yaa kãsenga, " la" yʋʋr sẽn yɩɩd yʋyã fãa. " - Fili. NAME: DENIS BUSIGIN It is also said that God exalted him "to a superior position " and gave him" the name of the Most High. " - Phil. (Yɩɩn. 103: 3, 4, 12) Bɩ d fãa kelgd a Zeova saglsã, tɩ baa a sã n wa kibl - d bɩ d sak n deege, n wilg tɩ d miime tɩ rẽ yaa kaset t'a nonga tõnd wʋsgo. - Yɩɩn. Jesus ' disciples were to be disciple - makers - ministers. May all of us respond to Jehovah's reminders, even when we are disciplined by him, thus showing that we are precious in his eyes. - Ps. Rẽnd d pa rat n yagd ziri ye. (Zã 8: 44; Tʋʋ. (Read Psalm 62: 6 - 9.) Therefore, we do not want to lie; nor do we want to lie. • Bõe yĩng tɩ koe - moonegã yaa kũuni? You have sayings of everlasting life; and we have believed and come to know that you are the Holy One of God. " • Why is the preaching work a gift? Sẽn yaa tɩlɛ bal yaa d bao n bãng nin - kãensã sullã, n teel - ba. In this regard, let us consider three areas of life that if not kept in their proper place could weaken our love for the Christ and for spiritual things - secular work, recreation, and material things. We need to know what these groups have to do to support them. Rũndã - rũndã, kʋʋn - kãseng sẽn yaa sakdb wa piisi, tɩ b sõorã tar paasgo, n sak n deeg tɩ b sɩd tigimda kiris - neb ne yʋʋrã b sẽn mak ne nadensã toore, n na n wa sãam - ba. What example did Rebekah set for us? Today, like sheeplike ones, the great crowd grow ever stronger, recognizing that they are gathered together as sheep and will soon destroy them. A Zeova kɩtame tɩ nebã bãng bãngr gomd ning a sẽn togs Edɛnã sẽn na n pids to - to. The record of his past dealings guarantees this. Jehovah sheds light on the prophecy that he foretold in Eden: "The true God will set up a kingdom that will never be brought to ruin. Tõnd vɩɩmã sẽn yaa koɛɛgã yĩnga, d pa segd n pʋg bõn - faad n wa sãam - a zaalem ye. He wrote: "We have never stopped praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the accurate knowledge of [God's] will in all wisdom and spiritual comprehension, so as to walk worthily of Jehovah in order to please him fully as you go on bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the accurate knowledge of God. " Since our life is short, it should not be brought to ruin. D na n bao n bãnga rẽ. Woto na n sõng - d lame tɩ d bʋgs neere, n ges d sẽn tõe n maan to - to, n maneg n bɩɩs nonglem ning sẽn na n kɩt tɩ d paam sũ - noog hakɩɩkã. Will you be courageous and tactfully explain the reason for your decision? In this article, we will examine how we can cultivate and deepen our appreciation for the love that will bring us true happiness. b) Sogs - bʋs la d tõe n sok d mense? However, heavy rains caused the Tigris to overflow. (b) What questions might we ask ourselves? B goamã pa tũud taaba, la wakat ning menga, b sẽn yetã pa tar võor ye. Consider Japan. They don't agree with one another at times or at times. Wãn to la a Zezi zãms sakre, la rẽ naf - a - la wãn - wãna? Would You Welcome a Visit? How did Jesus learn obedience, and how did this benefit him? Wãn to la Wẽnnaam nonglmã nafd yãmba? • Why should we be sure of what is acceptable to God when making decisions, and how can we do so? How does God's love benefit you? (Wil. 12: 17) Sã n da mikame tɩ sẽn na n wa vɩɩmd - b tẽngã zugã segd n wãba burã la b yũ divẽ wã, Tẽegrã ra pa na n tol n tallẽ tɛk ye. How would you answer? If those with an earthly hope were to partake of the emblems, the Memorial would not have been permanent. Sẽn na yɩl n tõog n pids a raabã, a sɩngame n yelgd ziri n na n soog neb a taabã. Such skepticism is dangerous. To accomplish his purpose, he began to mislead others. Kiuug a ye nand tɩ tigsgã ta, zʋɩf - rãmbã mee Zerizalɛm lalgã n baase. Famine of the worst kind - spiritual famine! A month before the harvest season, the Jews rebuilt Jerusalem's walls. D paamda belsg la raood kengr Biiblã pʋgẽ, n tõogd tood nins a Sʋɩtãan ne a poorẽ dãmbã sẽn wat ne wã. (See the box "A Brief History of Hell, " on page 6.) We find comfort and strength in the Bible, able to endure the hardships that Satan and his agents cause. (Luk 6: 38) D sã n dat n wilg tɩ d yaa kõtba, d tõe n baoo rɩɩb n bool d tẽed - n - taas tɩ d naag taab n dɩ, la d sõs n keng taab raoodo. We will never know everything about the wisdom of God's ways. If we want to be generous, we can invite our brothers and sisters to have a meal and encourage one another. Rẽ fãa, n paas d sẽn da ne tɩ neb nins d sẽn zãmsd Biiblã tẽebã bɩtame wã kɩtame tɩ d nong Irlãnd saam - biisã wʋsgo. Furthermore, if the hiker did not have an accurate, reliable map, his compass would do him little or no good. By all means, as well as by our personal study of the Bible, we felt deep affection for our brothers in Ireland. Wãn - wãn la Wẽnnaam sõgen dãmbã sẽn be Azi tẽng a yembrẽ wilg a naneb ne kiris - neb tigissã? Not at all! How did God's servants in one Asian country show appreciation for Christian meetings? A Salomo Yɩɩllã gomda pag ne rao sẽn tõe n nong taab to - to wã yelle. He says: "Based on my studies, I came to realize that current scientific theories alone are not likely to enable mankind to understand the universe completely. The Song of Solomon speaks of how a man and a woman can love each other. A Poll gʋlsa woto: "Gʋlsg Sõamyã zãnga yaa Wẽnnaam n kõ tõndo: la a bee bark zãmsg yĩnga, la tɩ wilg ned a kongre, la saglg yĩnga, la tɩ zãms tɩrlem. " 3: 13, 16; 8: 1, 18. Paul wrote: "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness. " Tõe tɩ yaa a sẽn tõog Asiiri nebã, wall a sẽn paam t'a Zeova maan yel - solemd t'a bãagã sigã, pa rẽ bɩ yaa a sẽn paam arzegs wʋsgo, t'a yʋʋrã me yi wã. (b) What question is of special importance to elders? Perhaps because of his victory over the Assyrians or after receiving Jehovah's miraculous healing, his name was restored, or his name. Woto, sẽn yɩɩd fãa, yãmb sã n neẽ tɩ y pa tar daood y ministɛɛrã pʋgẽ, bɩ ministɛɛrã neng ning sã n wõnd a kẽesda yãmb rabeem, bõe yĩng tɩ y pa na n kos a Zeova t'a sõng yãmb me woto? Consider some similarities. So if you find that you have no courage in your ministry or in the field ministry, why not ask Jehovah to help you to do the same? Yãmb bãngdame n paas tɩ Wẽnnaam koɛɛgã yaa sɩda, la t'a tara pãn - kãsenga. Example: Solomon humbly asked for guidance and wisdom in ruling over Israel. - 1 Kings 3: 5 - 12. You have come to know that God's word is truth and is powerful. La a zabda ne a Zeova Kaset rãmb nins sẽn na n wa vɩɩmd wakat sẽn kõn sa arzãnã pʋgẽ tẽngã zugã me. Immediately, the heading "The Deadliest Tsunamis Ever Recorded " caught Mutsuo's eye. And he is waging war with those who hope to live forever on a paradise earth. Koɛɛgã mooneg kõta tõnd sũ - noogo. 1: 6. The preaching work brings us joy. Biiblã yeelame t'a yaa "nin - kʋʋda, " la t'a " belgda dũniyã fãa. ' I always wanted to know his name because for me " God ' was too impersonal. He is "a manslayer " and is" misleading the entire inhabited earth. " (Luk 8: 5) Zĩig sẽn be sor - kɩreng n pasgd pʋʋg yaa zĩig so - loaadbã sẽn tabd wʋsgo. We can see this when we examine his inspired Word and note what took place following his creation of man and woman. Among the road that is traveling on the road to a field is a large gate. Buud kẽer pʋsẽ, ned sã n bool ned sẽn yɩɩd - a ne a yʋ - peell tɩ pa a soabã n kõ - a sore, yaa paoogre. How can we be organized in harmony with God's own Book? In some cultures, it is presumptuous to invite someone to whom he or she has not given his personal name. 3: 1, 2, 6) Tags - y n ges - y a Tɩmote sũur sẽn yɩ noog to - to, a Poll sẽn wa n bobl - a tʋʋm - kãngã wã. [ Picture on page 15] Imagine how Timothy must have felt when Paul entrusted that assignment. Biiblã sagenda tõnd tɩ d sõng neb nins sẽn segd zu - loees la sũ - sãamsã. How? The Bible encourages us to help those who are confronted with problems and grief. La neb nins sẽn yas a Poll sɛɛgẽ wã sẽn yeel t'a tʋʋsa maan - kʋʋdba kãsma, tʋm - tʋmdã yɩɩ tao - tao n sak a kongrã n yeele: "Ba - biisi, mam ka bãng tɩ yaa maan - kʋʋdba kãsem ye; tɩ bõe, a gʋlsame: Bɩ y ra gom y naab wẽng ye. " - Tʋʋma 23: 1 - 5. Does she feel that she wasted her time? On the other hand, when he said that he was a priest, the apostle promptly acknowledged his mistake, saying: "I do not know, brothers, because it is written, " Do not say wrong. ' " - Acts 23: 1 - 5. (1 Zã 5: 19) A yaa nin - kʋʋd hal sẽn sɩng ne wakat ning a sẽn kɩɩs Wẽnnaam n tudg a Ãdem ne Hawa wã tɛk n tãag masã. How vital that we avoid bad associations! He is a manslayer who has rebelled against God since Adam and Eve sinned. Gɩgemd yõkda rũng ning pãng sẽn boogã. The child feels abandoned. THE wild beast that has grown to the aid of the wild beast. • Wãn to la d tõe n kɩt tɩ d koɛɛgã tall yamleoog ne nebã wakat fãa? For example, we may become more patient, appreciative, and compassionate. • How can we make our message always enjoyable? Na n yɩɩ woto me ne sẽn kʋʋl - bã namsgã. 15: 2, 3; 16: 2 - 5; Josh. The same will be true of the elderly. La nong taabã pa rat n yeel tɩ d sak kɛgr ye. (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED) Of course, love does not mean that we accept injustice. La nananda, d segd n maoome n paas d tẽebã pãnga, n kɩs sɩd zãng ne a Zeova. (Read Daniel 12: 3, 10.) Meanwhile, we need to strengthen our faith and trust in Jehovah. Maand - y nebã neere If that happens to you, remember that the heartache that results from making a bad choice in a marriage mate can cause greater pain by far than the longing that a person feels while single. Show Kindness to People Masã a Bahram yaa Kaset soab sẽn deeg lisgu. However, the remaining ones of Christ's brothers on earth today would be hard - pressed to shoulder that responsibility without the assistance of their other sheep companions. He now serves as a baptized Witness. Vɩɩmã sẽn yaa to - to tɩ b basd ned fãa t'a yãk a tũudmã, tɩ kɩt tɩ neb wʋsg sak yɛl sẽn pa lebd be wã, sõodã paamda waoogr wʋsgo. Though he recognized that his sense of taste and of hearing were no longer what they had been, he was not bitter. Life - Giver is called a religious organization, and many are highly respected. Woto ra yaa dũniyã gill Kaset rãmb sõor naoor piig la bal yʋʋmd 1936! What Is the Good News? That was only ten Witnesses throughout the world! Y na n teega y meng bɩ, bɩ y na n teega a Zeova? A Aza wilgame t'a yaa a Zeova zoa, la t'a teeg - a - la ne a sũur fãa. Let us, therefore, be guided by God's spirit, exercising self - control and never letting even justifiable anger degenerate into bitterness, malice, and hatred. Instead of relying on yourself or relying on Jehovah, Asa showed that he was a close friend and trusted in him. Bala, a pag a Miryam ra zoe n yaa so - pakda, t'a neẽ tɩ kõt - a - la sũ - noog wʋsgo. The Second Woe Because his wife, Miriam, had already enjoyed pioneering, and he sensed that he was very happy. Bʋko, b sã n kibl nina, a basdame tɩ rẽ sãam a sũuri, hal n kɩt t'a zãag a meng ne a Zeova la a nin - buiidã. (Ebre. He was counseled by God himself but was too proud to accept the correction. Sadly, he let such discipline cause him to drift away from Jehovah and his people. B SẼN wub tõnd to - to wã, d sẽn vɩ zĩig ningã, d zo - rãmbã la d minimdã wae n kɩtdame tɩ rɩɩb nins tõnd sẽn nongã, fut nins d sẽn yeelgdã, la d manesmã yaa toor - toore. Jesus noted: "God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " FROM our upbringing, our environment, our culture, our culture, our dress, our style of clothing, our style of clothing, our dress, and our conduct. Biiblã kareng daar fãa tõe n talla yõod bʋg ne kom - bɩɩsã? that dealt with honesty in business so that he could give them to his fellow workers. What effect can daily Bible reading have on young people? Wala makre, porfesɛɛr a Michael Goulder da yaa tũudum taoor soab Mansɛstɛɛr sẽn be Ãngeletɛɛrã, sasa ning sɩlg sẽn lʋɩ yʋʋmd 1958 Munik tɩ Mansɛstɛɛr Yunaitid ball tãoodb wʋsg ki wã. What determines whether a sin is forgivable or not? For example, Professor Michael E. Wãn - wãn la a Zeova ning a sõgen dãmbã yẽesem tʋʋmd barka? By that prophetic statement, a ray of hope burst forth for all who would put faith in that promise. How has Jehovah blessed the zeal of his servants? Biiblã toog sẽn ka be, sɛb a taab me wilgame tɩ nin - kãensã ra wukda b mens n boond neb nins sẽn pa karem n zãagã tɩ amharɛt rãmba, rat n yeel tɩ "tẽngã neba. " In the Mosaic Law, Jehovah provided three ways by which the Israelites could show their genuine appreciation for his goodness. In addition to Bible literature, these men showed that they were proud of those who did not have higher education - "the people of the earth. " Wẽnnaam mii tõnd ned kam fãa wʋsg hal tɩ d pa tõe n mak n bilg ye. We gain the love and support of the congregation. God knows each of us so much that we cannot describe them. Rẽ pa be sãmbs ye. [ Footnote] There is no doubt about it. B maana wãn n tar sũ - noogo, baa ne b sẽn namsd - bã? Jehovah tells his people that they need not fear, not even when they "walk in the valley of deep shadow " - during what may seem to be the darkest moments in life. How do they rejoice despite persecution? Bõe n kɩt tɩ nonglmã yaa neer n yɩɩda? How would Jehovah respond to Satan's challenge in Eden? What makes love the best? 2: 10) Tõe me tɩ yɩɩ kiris - neb sẽn da yaa lɛɛbdb bɩ so - toagdb n moon koɛɛgã Rom. The waters of the Jordan are made to divide. - 2 Kings 2: 14 It may also have been that zealous Christians in Rome preached in Rome. M yʋʋm kolga 80 masã. M nee kom - bɩɩs sẽn da yɩ mam tʋmd - n - taase, tɩ b tʋmd tʋʋm nins mam sẽn da tʋmã. We may encounter what popular ideas in our ministry? Now in my 80 ' s, I see young brothers working along with me and carrying out my duties. B sẽn zãms tõogã, b bãngame tɩ Israyɛll nebã segd n maana zãn kibsã ne a baasgã poor tigis - kãsengã ki - kãng rasem 15 daarã n tãag a rasem 22. Rẽ n so tɩ b sɩng seglg zĩig pʋgẽ. Yes. The Law taught that the Israelites were to celebrate the Festival of Booths from 15 days to 22 days until the Festival of Booths was completed. Yɩɩl - gʋlsdã yɩɩla woto: "Ned ninga fãa sẽn zĩ Sẽn - ka - to zĩ - soalgdga pʋgẽ paada Sẽn - tõeyã fãa wã maasmẽ. Let God's Word Guide Your Steps, 5 / 1 The psalmist sang: "He who is dwelling in the secret place of the Most High will reside in the secret place of the Almighty. Sã n yaa ne pagã, a segd n saka a sɩdã. How thrilled Ezekiel must be to receive a vision of a new temple! For her husband to be in subjection, she must be in subjection to her husband. La wa a Zezi sẽn bilg - bã, "sõngdã " sẽn yaa vʋʋsem sõngã sã n da wa waa, a na n sõng - b lame tɩ b bãng bũmb wʋsgo, la a yãag - b " sɩdã fãa pʋga. ' They have deep concern for the welfare of those who desire to serve God, and Jehovah has repeatedly used them to strengthen and protect his faithful servants on earth. - Hebrews 1: 14. As Jesus described them, however, "the spirit " would reveal much about them and lead them into" the truth. " Tõnd me na n maana wa a Zoobe, d kiris - nin - taag sã n wa yeel tõnd ne sõmblem n wilg tɩ d talla manesem sẽn pa zems bɩ? Thus, if a true Christian boasts, he boasts in Jehovah, for he knows that what he has done has not been accomplished in his own strength. Will we follow Job's example when we approach a fellow Christian in a kind way? La rẽ yĩnga, a Zeova getame tɩ tõnd sẽn modgd n tũud - a, n tʋmd a Rĩungã yĩngã pa tar yõod bɩ? Ayo! Drawing Close to God, 10 / 15 Good Examples - Benefiting From, 7 / 1 But does Jehovah view our efforts to serve him because of his Kingdom? Ezipt nebã bõn - naandsã b sẽn da pʋʋsdã ra pa vɩ ye. La a Moiiz yẽ ra mii vẽeneg t'a Zeova sɩd vɩɩme. What was the conduct of most Christians in the first century? Moses, however, knew that Jehovah is real to him. Wĩntoog la koom sã n kaẽ, a pa na n tol n paam bũmb ye. However, the child needs to have a stronger motivation for obeying than simply because his parents say so. Without water and water, it will never happen. Wall tɩ b pʋʋs Wẽnnaam n kos t'a kɩt tɩ bɛɛbã bas b namsgã, bãmb ne b tẽed - n - taasã naaga taab n pʋʋs woto: "Masã, Zusoaba, kelg - y bãmb zabr goamã, la y kõ yãmb tʋm - tʋmdbã raood kãseng tɩ b togs yãmb koɛɛgã. " (Tʋʋ. " From now on, let those who have wives be as though they had none,... and those making use of the world as those not using it to the full. " Rather than ask God to abandon their enemies, they and their fellow believers prayed together: "Now, listen to their words, and encourage your apostles to speak your word with all boldness. " Pipi Gɛrk goamã pʋgẽ, gom - biig ning b sẽn lebg tɩ "remsgã " tõeeme me n tɩ loe ne kõab sẽn kao tongre, sẽn yaa bũmb sẽn zabdã. A SURVEY that was taken in Japan a few years ago revealed that about half of the adults interviewed felt that there was too little communication between parents and their children and that parents indulged their children too much. In the original Greek, the word translated "hell " can also be used to refer to the process that has been lost in a physical sense. Bũmb a to a Sʋɩtãan sẽn tũnugd ne n bẽt ninsaalbã yaa yoobã. Traveling by pirogue, or dugout, the two sisters went from their native Basankusu to Lisala, a trip of some 200 miles [300 km] through forest and along two rivers. Another of Satan's snares is sexual immorality. Kom - bɩɩs nins sẽn maand a Zeova raabã, b pagb la b rap fãa zãada b mens sõma. La woto kɩtame tɩ neb wʋsg sɩd pẽgd - ba! Rejoice in the Knowledge of Jehovah, 7 / 1 Young people, women, and all of them have a good reputation, and this has brought many praise to them! Bõe la d tõe n maan n tõog namsgo, baa a sã n yaa kɛgenga? 6: 5. What can we do to endure even if it is a difficult situation? Manesem kãngã wilgdame tɩ b pa tar wẽn - zoeer ye. Hardly! Such a course shows lack of godly fear. WẼNNAAM A ZEOVA naana ninsaalbã n kõ - b tõog sẽn yaa sõma. And how Jehovah's servants rejoice in the hope of soon seeing the earth transformed into a physical paradise! - Luke 23: 42, 43. JEHOVAH GOD created humans with perfect abilities. Sok - y - b n ges nafa nins b sẽn paame. Yaa sɩd tɩ ned kae n pa tar zu - loees ye. Why do many Christians want to have a wedding talk when they marry, and what does it feature? Try to look for the benefits they have received, but not one of them has a problem. [ Fotã sẽn yitẽ] OTHER BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED - Is the Bible From God? [ Credit Line] (Zã 4: 20) A Zezi pa gɩdg - a t'a ra yãk a sẽn da rat n tẽ bũmb ningã ye, la a yeel - a - la woto n paase: "Yãmb Samari rãmba waoogda yãmb sẽn ka mi. " Then Jehovah's Witnesses called on me and clearly explained several Bible prophecies. Jesus did not prevent him from choosing what he wanted to believe, but he added: "You worship what you do not know. " Sɩd me, "Wẽnnaam soolem koe - noogã " naaga" koe - noog ning [Wẽnnaam] sẽn deng n togs a Abrahaam n yeele: " Fo maasem yĩnga, dũniyã buud fãa na paam barka. ' " - Gal. 10: 17. Indeed, "the good news of the kingdom " includes" the good news that [God] has spoken to Abraham, saying: " By means of you all the nations of the earth will certainly bless themselves. ' " - Gal. 3: 21. They certainly do not go out like Christ did and meet the people... 3: 21. Y toe n paama zu - no - kãngã. Immediately, the hand that the king has thrust out in anger withers miraculously, and the altar used for false worship is ripped apart. You have another privilege. A Saara ra pa tagsd sẽn loogã yell ye. Such drifting away from the faith can happen before we realize it. Sarah was not thinking about the past. (Zak 4: 8) D sã n dɩkd sẽk n zãmsd Biiblã wakat fãa la d bãngd d Naandã n paasdẽ, zood ning d sẽn tar ne - a wã me na n paasdame. They exercise faith in Christ's ransom sacrifice and follow him continually, thus " making their calling and choosing sure. ' As we take time to study the Bible regularly and to grow in knowledge of our Creator, our friendship with him will grow. Sõs - kãngã gomda Yɩɩl Sõamyã a 3 la a 4 sẽn yaa Rĩm a Davɩɩd n gʋlsã yelle. At the meetings that were held to resolve the matter, the Witnesses, clean and neatly dressed, always spoke with dignity and respect. This article discusses verses 3 and 4 of King David. A Zeova reega a Nehemi pʋʋsgã Nevertheless, we should not think that the Devil can cause the death of any individual whom he wants to kill. Jehovah answered Nehemiah's prayer Ad a Yonaas sẽn yeele: "Sẽn na yɩl n paam tẽrã n kẽ, m da yikda yibeoog 4: 00. M da moonda koɛɛgã n tãag zaabr 6: 00. It was not easy for Jephthah to carry out the vow that he made to God, but he conscientiously did so. " To get into the camp, I would get up early in the morning, " he says, "and I would get up early in the ministry until the evening. Yaa tɩ na n sõng - f lame tɩ f bãng tɩ lisgã pa reem bũmb ye. Likewise, bringing refreshment to others is not as likely to result from just one noble act as it is from the cumulative effects of our displaying Christlike qualities at all times. It is designed to help you realize that baptism is a serious step. Woto sẽn yaa yellã võore: Biiblã yeela woto: " Rao na n basa a ba ne a ma n zĩnd ne a paga; la bãmb na n yɩɩ yĩng a yembre. ' The Bible encourages us to check our beliefs against what it teaches. The Bible explains: "A man will leave his father and his mother and he must stick to his wife, and they will be one flesh. " Rẽ n so tɩ y segd n deng n tagsg sõma n yaool n yãk reem. 14, 15. (a) Give examples of those who adjusted their view of others. (b) How can we imitate them? Hence, you need to make wise decisions before choosing recreation. So - bʋg la Wẽnnaam da pak n kõ Israɛll buudã? Jehovah's Witnesses are well aware of the challenge posed by the need for self - control. What opportunity did God give to the nation of Israel? (Wilgri 12: 9; 1 Tɩmote 2: 13, 14) A Sʋɩtãan sãbsa Wẽnnaam sẽn wilg ãdem - bɩɩsã bũmb ninsã. Indeed, elders who try to readjust us in a mild and loving manner when we take "a false step, " perhaps unknowingly, reflect Jehovah's love for us. - Gal. Satan the Devil has taught the truth about God's dealings with mankind. A Zezi togsa woto n paase: "Ned ba a ye ka tõe n wa mam nengẽ m Ba sẽn tʋma maama sã n ka tak - a n kõ - m ye. " If we talk about the matter, others may side with us, causing a division in the congregation. Jesus also said: "No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him. " Nebã sẽn yete: True, a modest course runs counter to such popular attitudes as "be good to yourself " or" you deserve the best. " Common answers: b) Bõe la Kiristã maoongã na n kɩt tɩ sẽn dat - b n ta Wẽnnaam yamã wa paame? But not all of the Levite musicians were experts. (b) How will Christ's sacrifice affect those who want to please God? Wala makre, a Davɩɩd sodaas naab a Zoaab kʋʋ a Sayull roagd a Abneere. What brought about changes in some who formerly opposed their family members? For example, David's army chief Joab killed Saul's brother Saul. Tʋm - tʋmd a Zã gʋlsa woto: "Wẽnnaam nonga dũniyã hal tɩ b kõ b Biiga sẽn ka to, tɩ ned ninga fãa sẽn tẽed bãmb kõn sãam ye, la a na paam vɩɩm sẽn ka sɛta. " They will come to love you. The apostle John wrote: "God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " A manesmã segd n kɩtame tɩ y maan bõe? Most of them, however, did bad things because they were never taught about Jehovah and what he wanted them to do. How should his conduct affect you? A yeela woto: "Wẽnnaam soolem waoong ka bãngd ne nin gesg ye. " Jehovah's Daystar is now on the scene, ready to carry out God's purpose in further fulfillment of the transfiguration - "the war of the great day of God the Almighty. " He said: "The kingdom of God has not come to be known by men. " Neb kẽer sẽn tẽed tɩ Wẽnnaam sõngr pa tɩlae ne - bã yaa b sẽn ne zu - loees wʋsg vɩɩmã pʋgẽ, n tagsdẽ tɩ Wẽnnaam sã n sɩd yaa nonglem soaba, pa tog n yɩ woto wã. What should move us to show love to others, and how can we do so? Some who believe that God has no need for them in life, thinking that if God really is love, this would not be the case. Woto me, rũndã - rũndã, a Zeova Kaset rãmbã moonda dũniyã gill zugu. 5: 19 - 21. Likewise today, Jehovah's Witnesses are preaching the good news throughout the earth. A Zezi saka Wẽnnaam daabã n ki tɩ yɩ maoongo, n yẽes a Ãdem kɩɩsgã biisi. Even while in prison, the eight men held steadfastly to the Scriptures as they understood them. Jesus willingly submitted to God's will by offering up himself as a sacrifice, offering Adamic sin. D gom d saam - biig a ye yʋʋr sẽn boond t'a Pɩyɛɛr yelle. Yʋʋm 74 la woto a sẽn kẽes a meng zãng a Zeova tʋʋmdã pʋgẽ. Six years before the destruction of Jerusalem, the apostle Peter gave urgent and timely counsel that applies especially to Christians of our day: Stay alert! Consider the experience of a brother named Peter, who has served Jehovah full - time for ten years. Dẽnd ned yagda ziri, a sã n gomd n dat n tudg a to. Or some time after the wedding, a spouse may become an inactive publisher. A liar, then, is a lie when it is used to mislead another person. Ne y tẽebã maasem, y tõe n zĩnda neb wala a Polle, a Laura la a Maria sʋka. [ Picture on page 5] Through faith, you can be among those like Paul, James, and Maria. Zo - rãmb segd n togsa sẽn be b sũyẽ, n da yaees t'a zoa wã na n paoog - a lame bɩ n yi n yelg yellã ye. Under God's Kingdom, everyone on earth will share in this affection forever. Friends ought to tell their hearts what is in their heart, fear that their friend would look down or spread the problem. Bõe yĩnga? They are one way that the words of the prophet Isaiah are being fulfilled: "Your own ears will hear a word behind you saying: " This is the way. Why? Sẽn yɩɩd fãa, yaa bõe n kɩt tɩ ninsaal yaa toor ne rũnga? We need some time to relax and find refreshment from our hard work and busy schedules. What makes the human animal unique? A Eduardo maana a sẽn tõe fãa sẽn na yɩl tɩ yẽ ne a zakã rãmb le vɩɩmd ne taab ne sũ - noogo, la a sõng - b tɩ b tũ a Zeova. As a result of such help, very likely your Bible student will soon be delighting in his personal study of God's Word. Eduardo did all he could to restore his family to happiness and to help them serve Jehovah. 41: 10. (a) What did Paul say in affirmation of Jesus ' resurrection? 41: 10. Kẽer saka gomdã zabr la nams - toaag wakate, tɩ kẽer sak - a bãan la arzɛk pʋgẽ. Rebekah had made her point. Some have responded to the word about war and suffering, while others have accepted it in a period of peace and prosperity. Tõogã sɩd ra gomda bũmb sẽn yaa sõma wʋsg n yɩɩd yelle, sẽn na n pids Wẽnnaam daabã. • How can pride and egotism create trials? The Law was certainly referring to something far better - reaching that would accomplish God's will. Sẽn paase, a yeelame t'a yaa " nimbãan - zoet la bark kõata, t'a sũur ka yikd tao - tao, t'a nonglmã yaa wʋsgo, la t'a yaa sɩd soaba. ' Knowing that he had his Father's love and approval, Jesus faced opposition and criticism with confidence. Moreover, he described himself as "a merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving - kindness and truth. " Rẽnd divẽ b sẽn pul dã - toos bɩ bũmb a to pa zems ye. 18: 19; 19: 1 - 4. So there is nothing wrong with red wine or something else. Rɩɩbã seka nebã fãa n kelle. Yãmb we n ges koe! He felt pity for the people "because they were skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd. " - Matt. Why, you have enough food to continue! M YƲƲRE: DENIS BUSIGIN They obey Jesus ' command to teach others about "this good news of the kingdom. " COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: (Matɩe 28: 19, 20) A Zezi karen - biisã ra segd n yɩɩ neb sẽn maand karen - biisi, bɩ tʋm - tʋmdba. Avoid the trap of thinking only about how much money you are earning. Jesus ' disciples were to be ministers, or ministers. (Karm - y Yɩɩl Sõamyã 62: 7 - 10.) (Read John 6: 40, 48 - 51.) (Read Psalm 62: 7 - 10.) Yãmb tara vɩɩm sẽn ka sɛt goama. La tõnd tẽeme la d miime tɩ yãmb yaa Kirist sẽn yaa Wẽnnaam Sõng Soabã. " Meanwhile, more Israelites joined in pursuit of the enemy. You have sayings of everlasting life; and we have believed and come to know that you are the Holy One of God. " D sã n pa gũusi, bõn - kãensã a tãabã tõe n wa kɩtame tɩ d sẽn nong a Zeezi to - to wã booge, tɩ pa le yaa Wẽnnaam tʋʋmã n pak - d ye. That puts the car under extra stress and can cause damage. If we are not careful, these three aspects of our love for Jesus could weaken our love for God and cause us to lose our sense of urgency. Mak - sõng bʋg la a Rebeka kõ tõndo? LIKE the prophet Habakkuk, the disciples of Jesus yearned to see an end to suffering. What fine example did Rebekah set? Yaa a pĩnd wẽndẽ yel - manesmã kɩbay b sẽn gʋls Biibla pʋgẽ wã n wilgd rẽ. You can see that from Matthew 22: 37 - 39, where Jesus showed that among the commandments and corresponding principles of the Mosaic Law, some were more important than others. This is illustrated by his historical record recorded in the Bible. A yeelame: "Tõnd pʋʋsda Wẽnnaam yãmb yĩng n ka basdẽ ye, la d kot Wẽnnaam tɩ b pids yãmb sũyã ne bãmb daabã bãngre, la b kõ yãmb yam fãa, ne bãngr ning Sɩɩg - sõng sẽn kõtã. Why did Jesus compare a preacher of God's Kingdom to a sower of seed? He said: "We have not ceased praying for you and asking God to fill your hearts with understanding and to give you the wisdom and knowledge that imparts to you by means of the holy spirit. Y na n talla raoodo, n gom ne - a ne waoogre, n bilg - a yãmb yam - yãkrã võor bɩ? By "putting up with one another in love, earnestly endeavoring to maintain the oneness of the spirit in the uniting bond of peace, " we can freely forgive those who may not be aware that they offended us. Would you muster up courage to speak respectfully to him and explain your own decision? La saagã nii wʋsg tɩ Tɩɩgr kʋɩlgã pid n puugi. Why should we view the Bible as one of God's great works? Nevertheless, the river was full of rain. D ges Zapõ me. How can a Bible - trained conscience help us to follow the guidance of Jehovah's spirit? Consider also Japan. Yãmb ratame tɩ b wa ges - y bɩ? [ Picture on page 5] Would You Welcome a Visit? • Bõe yĩng tɩ d segd n sɩd bãng yɛl nins sẽn tat Wẽnnaam yamã, d sã n wa rat n maan bũmbu, la wãn to la d tõe n maan woto? They show us (1) how we should feel about those who have grown weak and (2) what we should do to help them. • Why should we be sure of what God approves of when making decisions, and how can we do so? Yãmb na n leoka sogs - kãensã wãn to? As it turned out, we stayed there for almost a year, which ultimately benefited our ministry. How Would You Answer? Tẽeb kaalem woto yaa yelle. Ignoring the Bible principles that we have discussed, they do not get God's hearing ear. Such a lack of faith is dangerous. Yaa kom - wẽng ning sẽn yɩɩd a taabã fãa wã buudu: tẽebã kom! " He feared God and turned aside from bad. ' That was his way of life. What a spiritual famine that is! (Ges - y zĩ - gũbrã sẽn yet tɩ: "Bug - tẽngã zãmsg sẽn sɩng to - to " wã.) It comforts people with the good news that God's heavenly Kingdom will soon end all wickedness and transform the earth into a paradise. (See the box "The Way of Teaching. ") D pa na n tol n tõog n bãng a yamã zãng ye. The Kingdom was the main theme of Jesus ' teaching, and he taught his disciples to pray: "Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. We will never be able to get to know his mind completely. 17: 9; Yel. 4: 23) Woto kɩtame tɩ sã n pa d teega Wẽnnaam Gomdã noyã sẽn pa toeemdã, d sũur kasetã pa na n tall yõod ne - d ye. Perhaps we should ask, not whether God is cruel, but why some of his actions may appear to be cruel. If we do not trust in God's Word, our conscience will not be precious to us. Ayo. Yes, God's Word can change lives! No. A bi - bɩɩlem wakate, a ra nonga siãnsã. A tʋlg n na n bãnga ãndũniyã yɛl wʋsg võore, n yãk yam n na n zãms rẽnda. How cells consume energy, how they produce proteins, and how they divide are questions science has not yet completely answered. As a young man, he wanted to understand the nature of the universe and choose to learn about it. 3: 13, 16; 8: 1, 18. Bear in mind that the rich ruler asked someone else - Jesus - about a related matter. 3: 13, 16; 8: 1, 18. Yʋng sã n ta, tɩ m tagsa wã lebg wʋsgo, tɩ yɩɩrã paamd pãnga, m yõkda a Zeova sɛɛga. What training program was initiated in 1953, and with what results? During the night, my thoughts became much stronger, and I prayed to Jehovah. b) Sẽn yɩɩd fãa, sok - bʋg la kãsem dãmbã segd n sok b mense? To gain Jehovah's protection, you need to learn what is pleasing to him and then do it. (b) What question should elders especially ask themselves? D ges yɛl sẽn wõnd taab beenẽ. Jesus ' spiritual strength, however, enabled him to reject the Devil's temptations firmly. Consider a parallel. Ad makre: A Salomo sika a meng n kos a Zeova sor - wilgr la yam sẽn na yɩl n tõog n ges Israɛll nin - buiidã yell tɩ zemse. - 1 Rĩm dãmba 3: 5 - 12. (a) Why can members of the true religion not be divided into a clergy and a laity class? Example: Solomon humbly asked Jehovah for guidance and wisdom so that he could care for the Israelites. - 1 Kings 3: 5 - 12. A Mutsiyo sẽn dɩk n lakã, a yãa zĩig ning b sẽn gʋls tɩ "Le tsunami le plus meurtrier jamais recensé. By using our lives to do the divine will, we experience abundant blessings now and have the prospect of eternal life in the new world. At the end of his life, he saw a place in which the Bible was written that "the Mosaic Law also came into existence. " 1: 6. As the steward "in charge of the house " - presumably that of Hezekiah - Shebna had considerable authority. 1: 6. Wakat fãa, m tʋlgame n na n bãng a yʋʋrã, bala sã n da yaa ne maam, " Wẽnnaam ' pa tar nedemd ye. We will also consider various ways in which we can and should imitate Jehovah - the supreme example of goodness. I always wanted to know his name because to be with me, " God does not have religion. D sã n karem a Gomdã n bãng bũmb nins a sẽn naan n kõ pipi raoã ne a pagã sɩngrẽ wã, d mikdame t'a sɩd ra pa rat tɩ ãdem - biisã nams ye. Likely, you will agree with Chantel, who lives in France. When we read his Word, the first human pair, he did not want him to suffer. 2017, YƲƲM - VẼKRE, A 9 - 15 To find ease for your soul is to find inner peace, joy, satisfaction, and spiritual fulfillment. Indicating date of issue in which article appears [ Foto, seb - neng 31] Poverty occurred among the Israelites because some individuals ignored God's Law and put their own interests ahead of those of others. - Matthew 22: 37 - 40. [ Picture on page 31] Wãn to? After serving as a substitute circuit overseer, he was invited to become a member of the Canada Bethel family in February 1997. How? Rẽ yĩnga a getame t'a sãama a sẽk bɩ? Over the course of his life, however, David proved repentant when he sinned. Does he feel that he has lost time? (1 Korẽnt dãmba 15: 33) Ad sɩd yaa yam bũmb tɩ d lak d mens ne tũud - n - ta - wẽnse! Never again will the influence of sin cause anyone to act corruptly. How wise it is to avoid bad associations! A raabã yaa a ba wã sẽn na n pa ne - a yir bala. Especially do we display love of God and neighbor by doing the divine will and sharing with others the life - giving "knowledge of God. " - Proverbs 2: 1 - 5. His goal is only to stay with his father in his home. Wala makre, tõe tɩ d maneg n lebg maag - m - meng soaba, n nand bũmb nins d sẽn tarã, la d bɩɩs nimbãan - zoeere. The Bible Students adopted the name Jehovah's Witnesses in 1931. - Isa. 43: 10. For example, we may become more patient, appreciate what we have, and cultivate compassion. 15: 2, 3; 16: 2 - 5; Zoz. Is there sometimes a difference between what we appear to be (the "soul ") and who we really are (the" spirit ")? 15: 2, 3; 16: 2 - 5; Josh. Wẽnnaam sẽn get zabã to - to: Rũndã - rũndã 6 Put forth the effort to strengthen the bond of love in your own marriage, and work hard to resolve whatever marital difficulties you may encounter. God's View of War Today 6 (Karm - y Daniɛll 12: 3, 10.) Finally, Moses instructed every Israelite family to slaughter a goat or a ram - an animal sacred to the Egyptian god Ra - and to splash its blood on their doorways. (Read Daniel 12: 3, 10.) Tẽeg - y me tɩ y kãadmã poore, y segd n zĩnda ne a soabã y yõor tɛka. (1 Kor. [ Picture on page 10] Remember, too, that after marriage, you must be with your mate throughout your life. (Mat. 24: 14) La rũndã - rũndã, sã n pa ne b tũud - n - taasã b sẽn bool tɩ piis a taabã sõngre, na n yɩɩ toog ne Kirist ba - biis nins sẽn ket tẽngã zugã tɩ b tõog n tʋm tʋʋm - kãngã. How Would You Answer? On the other hand, if the other sheep do not have the help of the other sheep, it will be difficult for Christ's anointed brothers on earth to fulfill that commission. A sak n deegame t'a pa ye mi bũmb noosem, la t'a pa ye wʋmd sõma ye. La baasgo, rẽ fãa pa sãam a sũur ye. He was warning of a coming judgment, a day of wrath; and he put the religious leaders on notice that if they were to escape during that day, they would need to produce fruit that proved their repentance. She admits, "I don't know anything, but I don't know it well. " Koe - noogã la bʋgo? By being obedient to those taking the lead among us, we show that we see the One who is invisible. - Hebrews 13: 17. What is the good news? La baa d sã n be bʋʋm n na n yik d sũuri, bɩ d ra tol n bas tɩ rẽ wa kɩt tɩ d tall sũ - kẽka, wẽnem la kisgr ye. We briefly considered three aspects of entertainment - quality, quantity, and company. Still, even if we have reason to become angry, let us never become bitter, angry, and disrespectful. Yel - beed a yiib - n - soabã Jehovah knows that pornography reflects a warped, selfish, satanic view of sex. - Genesis 6: 2; Jude 6, 7. Highlights From the Book of Job - II A Zeova meng n sagl - a, la a wuk - m - mengã kɩtame t'a pa kelg ye. Picture what happened: Suddenly, a bright light filled his cell. Jehovah himself disciplined him, but his pride did not stop him from listening. A yeela woto: "Wẽnnaam nonga dũniyã hal tɩ b kõ b Biigã sẽn ka to, tɩ ned ninga fãa sẽn tẽed bãmb kõn sãam ye, la a na paam vɩɩm sẽn ka sɛta. " Or are you prompt to apologize? He said: "God loved the world so much that he gave his only - begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life. " A kõ - b - la a tʋmd - n - taasã. May we make a similar covenant with our eyes and safeguard our heart. He gave them his companions. Bõe n wilgd ned sã n tõe n paam sugr a yel - wẽnd yĩng bɩ a pa tõe? 1: 5. What shows that forgiveness cannot be forgiven? (Sɩngre 3: 15) Ne togs - kãngã sẽn yaa bãngr - gomdã, saagr n sɩng pukr n kõ neb nins fãa sẽn da na n tall tẽeb ne kãab - kãngã wã. Are you facing extreme stress, perhaps even life - threatening or tragic circumstances? With that prophecy, hope began to impart to all who would exercise faith in that promise. A Moiiz Tõogã pʋgẽ, a Zeova wilga manesem a tãab tɩ Israɛll nebã ra tõe n tũnug ne rẽ n wilg tɩ b sɩd nanda a sõmblmã. Most who drift away from the congregation are not exactly like the prodigal son. In the Mosaic Law, Jehovah revealed three ways that the Israelites could show appreciation for his goodness. D na n paamd n belsda sũ - sãoong sẽn tar - b rãmbã ne Gʋlsg Sõamyã. How can we show appreciation for knowing the truth? We will be comforted by the Scriptures. [ Tẽngr note] Consider Aaron's sons Nadab and Abihu, who were executed for offering "unauthorized fire, " perhaps while inebriated. [ Footnote] A Zeova yeela a nin - buiidã tɩ b ra maan rabeem, baa b sã n wa "kẽnd tãng long sẽn yaa lik pʋgẽ, " rat n yeel tɩ b sã n wa tar zu - loe - kɛgemse. Certainly not! Jehovah tells his people not to be afraid even when they are "in the valley of deep shadow. " Bõe la a Zeova ra na n maan n welg yel - kãngã? A ra tõe n kʋʋ kɩɩsdbã. The Law also indicated that once a man made a vow, fulfillment was compulsory. What would Jehovah do to resolve this situation? Zʋrdẽ kʋɩlga kooma welgame. - 2 Rĩm dãmba 2: 14. What question about the resurrection might arise? The Jordan divided the water. - 2 Kings 2: 14. Tags - bʋs la neb nins d sẽn segd koe - moonegã sasa wã wʋsg tara? Yes, what Rahab learned about Jehovah and his deeds in behalf of Israel touched a responsive chord in her heart and caused her to have faith in him. - Romans 10: 10. What feelings do many of those we meet in our ministry enjoy? N - ye. " The word of God is not bound, " says 2 Timothy 2: 9. Yes. Ket - y n wilgd - y Wẽnnaam y mi - beoogo 1 / 2 Often it is just a matter of setting aside time to do them. Do You Have "a Heart to Know " Jehovah? Wẽnd - doog ning sẽn tar ziirã a Ezekɩɛll sẽn yã wã tara noy a 6, ro - pʋʋs 30 sẽn yaa rɩɩb zĩisi, Zĩ - sõngã, Zĩ - sõng sẽn yɩɩdã, tẽn - kugr sẽn maan ne raado, la tẽn - kugr sẽn tar n yõogd maoongo. [ Picture on page 11] The glorious temple that Ezekiel saw in Ezekiel's temple contains laws, the Most Holy, the Holy, and a holy stone. Naoor wʋsgo, a Zeova tũnuga ne - b n kogl a nin - buiidã la a sõng - b tɩ b paam raoodo. - Ebre - rãmbã 1: 14. Among these were points regarding the Lord's Evening Meal that the apostle Paul passed on to Christian congregations. Jehovah often used them to protect and strengthen his people. - Hebrews 1: 14. Woto, kiris - ned hakɩk sã n wukd a menga, a wukda a meng a Zeova yĩnga, bala a miime tɩ bũmb ning a sẽn maana pa yɩ ne yẽ meng pãng ye. Often, children who grow up in such an environment display similar traits when they become adults. Thus, a true Christian who is proud of himself is proud of Jehovah because he knows that what he did not do with his own strength. D rɩk vʋʋsem sõngã sʋʋg n zab ne zãmbã 1 / 5 In time, though, Elijah received a new assignment from Jehovah: "Get up, go down to meet Ahab the king of Israel. " Do You Have "the Mind of Christ "? 5 / 15 Yʋʋm kob - yendẽ wã, kiris - neb wʋsg sẽn yɩɩd manesem yɩɩ wãn - wãna? God wants us to resist our bad tendencies. How did most Christians in the first century respond? La biigã rata bũmb sẽn na n kɩt t'a tʋlg wʋsg n sake, la a ra sak bal t'a roagdbã yeel - a lame t'a sak ye. On the other hand, if a certain leisure activity is made up of "ingredients " that are wholesome in Jehovah's eyes, then such recreation may well be beneficial and refreshing to you. - Gal. 5: 22, 23; read Philippians 4: 8. However, the child needs something that would motivate him to accept, but he does not simply believe that his parents were willing to accept it. A paasame: "Sẽn sɩng masã bɩ neb nins sẽn tar pagba yɩ wa b sẽn ka tar pagb ye.... La bɩ neb nins sẽn baood dũniyã bũmba maan wa b sẽn ka baood ye, tɩ bõe, dũni kãngã loogdame. " (1 Kor. How sad! He added: "Now let those who have a wife become like those who do not seek the things of this world,... because the world is passing away. " VAEES - N - GƐSG b sẽn maan Zapõ yʋʋm a wãn sẽn loog wilgame tɩ kãsemb nins b sẽn sʋkã, sẽn zems pʋɩ - sʋk ra tagsdame tɩ roagdbã ra pa yẽsd wʋsg ne b kambã, la tɩ roagdbã põnegda b kambã tɩ looge. Jesus seized the opportunity to tell her about something better. A few years ago, a half - year - old girl in Japan felt that parents were not interested in talking to their children, and their parents put them off. Saam - bi - pogs a yiibã yii b ba - yirã sẽn boond tɩ Basankusu wã ne koom - koglg n kẽng Lisala sẽn zãr ne bãmb tẽngã ne kilometr 300 wã. B so - toakã wakate, b pasga kãgr la kʋɩls a yiibu. For a detailed discussion on this point, see The Watchtower, April 15, 1996, pages 28 - 29. The two sisters left their home with a boat from their homeland, and they traveled about 300 miles (U.S.A. 6: 5. It can strengthen us to render acceptable service to Jehovah, the Provider of "every good gift and every perfect present. " - Jas. 6: 5. Yaa vẽeneg tɩ ayo! The Hebrew verb translated "overtake " has been identified as a hunting term most often meaning" to catch up with " or "to reach. " Of course not! La ad a Zeova sõgen dãmbã sɩd kɩdemda saagr ning b sẽn tar tɩ ka la bilfu b na n yãa tẽngã sẽn toeem n lebg arzãn sɩd - sɩdã yĩnga. - Luk 23: 42, 43. He accepted at least one invitation to a wedding and even contributed to the joy of the occasion by miraculously turning water into wine. But Jehovah's servants truly rejoice in the prospect of soon seeing the earth transformed into a truly paradise. - Luke 23: 42, 43. Bõe yĩng tɩ kiris - neb wʋsg rat n kelg sõsg sẽn tik Biiblã zug b yikãadmã yĩnga, la sõs - kãng gomda bõe yelle? • What can young people learn from Jesus ' example? Why do many Christians want to listen to Scriptural discussions about their wedding, and what does this article discuss? La a Zeova Kaset rãmb n wa n wa tõnd zakẽ wã, n bilg Biiblã bãngr - goam kẽer võor tɩ m wʋm b võor nana - nana. For example, The Orthodox Christian Mission Center Magazine reports on the activity of Orthodox missionaries in Madagascar, southern Africa, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe. In time, however, some of Jehovah's Witnesses came to our home and explained Bible prophecies to me. 10: 17. In this way, children can learn to concentrate on what is being said from the platform. 10: 17. Yaa vẽeneg tɩ b pa yit n babsd nebã wa Kiristã sẽn da maandã ye. According to the Greek text, the word Jesus here used " denotes mutual concession after mutual hostility. ' Of course, they do not go out as Christ did. Rĩmã sẽn tees raoã ne nug ningã kʋɩɩ zĩig pʋgẽ, t'a tẽn - kugrã me wã tɩ tompɛglmã sãeege. It is the product of holy spirit. When the king moves the man away from the hand, his altar too fell short. (Heb. 2: 1, NW) Sɩd me, d tõe n wa menemame n pa bãng ye. Christian parents should explain to their children that the Kingdom Hall and the Congregation Book Study location are not places to play. Indeed, we may lose sight of the fact that we are not able to see. (2 Pɩɛ. 1: 10) Sẽn zae - bã tũuda a Pɩɛɛr saglgã, n tẽed Kiristã maoong sẽn yɩ rondã, la b tũud Kiristã wakat fãa. Perhaps we have experienced disappointment or ill - treatment from certain Christian brothers. The anointed follow Peter's counsel, exercise faith in Christ's ransom sacrifice, and loyally follow Christ's example. Tigiss nins b sẽn maan n na n welg yellã pʋgẽ, Kaset rãmbã sẽn yaa yɩlem la b ning fut tɩ zemsã goma ne burkĩndlem la waoogr wakat fãa. Humility greatly pleases Jehovah. The meetings they meet in this regard are clean, clean, and well spoken of by Jehovah's Witnesses. Baasg zãnga, d pa segd n tags t'a Sʋɩtãan tõe n kʋʋ ned ning fãa a sẽn dat ye. The kind of teaching that Paul had in mind is not the mere imparting of knowledge. However, we should not assume that Satan can kill anyone he wants. Ra pa yɩ nana ne a Zɛfte t'a pids pʋleng ning a sẽn da maan Wẽnnaamã ye, la a yaool n pids - a - la ne a sũur fãa. Later, a situation developed locally. It was not easy for Jephthah to fulfill his vow to God but fully fulfilled it. Sẽn na yɩl n sõng neb a taabã me, pa tʋʋmd a ye bal la tõnd segd n maan ye. Sustained Through Illness To help others, we need more than just one assignment. Biiblã yeta tõnd tɩ d ges d tẽebã sã n yaa sɩda, n vaees Biiblã sẽn yet bũmb ninga. Do you read each new magazine and all the new publications made available in your language each year? The Bible tells us whether our faith is true, examining what the Bible says. 14, 15. a) Ãnd dãmb n toeem b sẽn da get b taabã to - to wã? Spiritual light continued to shine throughout the first century. 14, 15. (a) Who changed their view of others? A Zeova Kaset rãmbã mii vẽeneg tɩ yõk - m - mengã tallg pa nana ye. Our skill in teaching will be enhanced, and our conversations, talks, and counsel will be more upbuilding spiritually. - Proverbs 1: 5. Jehovah's Witnesses know that displaying self - control is not easy. B sã n wa maand woto, yaa a Zeova togs - n - taar la b rɩkda. - Gal. He manifested his meekness and humility by his determination to follow Jehovah's direction. In doing so, they imitate Jehovah. - Gal. 19: 18) D sã n dɩk yellã n togs neb a taaba, kẽer tõe n kẽe tõnd tɩ wa ne welsg tigingã pʋgẽ. In a world that lacks restraint and that thrives on every sort of immorality, it is all too easy for a deceitful and desperate heart to spawn romantic feelings for someone other than a marriage mate. If we confess the situation to others, some may lead to the unity of the congregation. Yaa sɩd tɩ maan - tɩ - zemsã kɩɩsda zãma wã sẽn nong n yetẽ tɩ "maan sẽn noom - fo, " bɩ" sẽn yaa sõma n yɩɩdã toga ne - fã. " Rehearsing presentations and thinking of ways to handle objections will help them to become more confident as they engage in various forms of the Kingdom - preaching work. - 2 Tim. While it is true that the public declaration often rendered "what is good " or" what is good is good. " La bãng - y tɩ pa Levi buudã nebã fãa n da mi yɩɩl sõma ye. " We learned to forgive each other freely. " However, not all the Levites were well - acquainted with the songs. Bõe n kɩt tɩ neb sẽn da gɩdgd b zags neb wa toeem yam? [ Blurb on page 7] What caused those who were opposed to their family members to change their attitude? Y kambã na n nong - y lame. " The love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things, " wrote the apostle Paul. Your children will love you. La wʋsgã sẽn tʋm wẽngã yaa b sẽn da pa mi a Zeova, la b sẽn ka paam tɩ b zãms - b a raabã yĩnga. The early followers of Jesus Christ became known as "Christians. " However, many evil works were merely because they did not know Jehovah and were not taught them to do his will. A Zeova tõd - beoog ãdgã bee a belmã zug masã, n segl n na n pids Wẽnnaam daabã, tɩ tedgrã babg ning sẽn pʋgdã pidsi. Bab - kãng yaa "Wẽnnaam Sẽn - tõe - fãa daar kãsenga zabre. " David later wrote: "My sin I finally confessed to you, and my error I did not cover. The starry heavens are now in his presence, ready to fulfill God's will, and the transfiguration is "the war of the great day of God the Almighty. " Bõe n segd n kɩt tɩ d wilgd nebã tɩ d nong - b lame, la wãn - wãn la d tõe n maan dẽ? He was fully aware of how his conduct could affect the name of his heavenly Father and of what it could mean to the future of all humankind. What should move us to show love, and how can we do so? 5: 19 - 21. [ Box / Pictures on page 17] 5: 19 - 21. Lɛtr ning b sẽn gʋls n tool Etazĩni perzidã wã, n na n kos - a t'a yiis - bã wilgda rẽ. The Golden Rule - A Universal Teaching The letter to the U.S. Yʋʋm a yoob sẽn deng Zerizalɛm sãoongã, tʋm - tʋmd a Pɩɛɛr kõo saglg sẽn yaa yãgb bũmb la sẽn zems a wakat sẽn pak tõnd wakatã kiris - neb n tɩ yɩɩda: Bɩ y gũusi! Many Jews would die by the edge of the sword; any who escaped death would likely have to spend the rest of their lives in exile in Babylon. Nearly six years before the destruction of Jerusalem, the apostle Peter gave a urgent warning to Christians in our day: "Keep on the watch, be watchful. A buud paama a Linda. * A yaa saam - bi - poak sẽn tar yẽesem wʋsg la sẽn nong a kambã. Is it not a privilege to be united in the worldwide brotherhood? Linda * is a zealous sister who loves her children. [ Foto, seb - neng a 5] The Bible does not claim to be a textbook of scientific knowledge. [ Picture on page 5] Wẽnnaam Rĩungã naam sasa, tẽngã zugu, ned kam fãa na n talla nonglem ne neb a taabã wakat sẽn kõn sa yĩnga. For a time, she served as a regular pioneer, or full - time Kingdom proclaimer. Under God's Kingdom, each one on earth will show love for others forever. (Yɩɩl Sõamyã 19: 8 - 12; 1 Tɩmote 4: 8) A Zeova tũnugda ne koe - kãens n taasd a raabã la a kõt tõnd sor - wilgri. HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? Jehovah uses these methods to convey his will and provide us with guidance. Tõnd sẽn tʋmd wʋsgã kɩtame tɩ d sã n mi n kok pemsem la d vʋʋse, d le paamda pãnga. 6, 7. Because of our busy activities, we get tired and rest. Y sã n sõng - a woto t'a sɩd make, zãmsgã yamleoog na n kẽ - a lame, t'a tʋlg n bãng n paase. Necessary to Belong to a Religion? No. 4 If you help him to make the truth his own, he will likely want to learn more about it. a) Bõe la a Poll yeel n wilg t'a Zezi vʋʋgame? We can never through our own efforts remove the stain of sin. (a) What did Paul say about Jesus ' resurrection? (Sɩngre 28: 1, 2) T'a Rebeka me togs a tagsg yellã zugu. Ten - year - old Amber's fifth - grade class was reading a book on the Nazi assault on Jews during World War II. Rebekah too expressed her feelings about the matter. • Wãn to la wuk - m - mengã la rat - m - yembrã wat ne makre? " Happy is the man whose sin Jehovah will by no means take into account. " - Romans 4: 7, 8. • How is pride and selfishness involved? (Zã 10: 17) A sẽn da mi t'a Ba wã nong - a lame wã, a paama raood n tõog n mao ne kɩɩsg la yaalgo. Two years later, Daniel has a vision that involves Medo - Persia, Greece, and an entity that becomes "a king fierce in countenance. " - Daniel 8: 23. Knowing that his Father loved him, he had the strength to cope with opposition and ridicule. A tɩ zĩnda tɩɩg tẽngre, "n pʋʋs Wẽnnaam n yeel tɩ b bas t'a ki. " - 1 Rĩm 18: 19; 19: 1 - 4. What, though, if a husband and wife have serious disagreements? 18: 19; 19: 1 - 4. Kʋʋngã nimbãaneg ra tar - a lame, bala b ra "yaa wa piis sẽn ka tar kɩɩm ye. " - Mat. The same source states that in time, the whole structure and nature of the church, as well as many of its fundamental beliefs, was changed radically "under the influence of a curious and thoroughly unhealthy combination of O [ld] T [estament] and neoplatonic models. " The crowds felt pity for him because they were "like sheep without a shepherd. " - Matt. (Zã 17: 26) B sakda a Zezi noorã, n moond " Wẽnnaam rĩungã koe - noog ' la b zãmsd nebã. How are many following the examples of Jesus and Paul in serving God without distraction? They obey Jesus ' command to preach the "good news of the kingdom " and to teach. Ra tagsd - y ligd ning y sẽn paamdã yell bal ye. His decision? Do not keep your eyes focused solely on what you earn. (Karm - y Zã 6: 40, 48 - 51.) More Widely Praised Than Practiced (Read John 6: 40, 48 - 51.) La Israɛll neb a taab yi n pʋgl - b lame. 55: 9. However, other Israelites followed them. Woto namsda weefã, hal n tõe n sãam - a menga. Moreover, that Edenic promise harmonized with the message proclaimed by Enoch, who also foretold God's judgment of the wicked. This can even destroy a soldier's health. WALA sẽn yɩ to - to ne no - rɛɛs a Habakukã, a Zezi karen - biisã me ra tʋlla ne b sũy fãa tɩ namsgã sa. From a secular point of view, they may appear to be ill - qualified for the task. WHEN the prophet Habakkuk was with a prophet, Jesus ' disciples also longed for suffering. Y tõe n yãa woto Matɩe 22: 37 - 39 pʋgẽ. Beenẽ a Zezi wilgame t'a Moiiz Tõogã pʋgẽ, tõod la noy n da be be n yaa kãsems n yɩɩd b taaba. The good news that you preach offers to others the opportunity to live forever. You can see this at Matthew 22: 37 - 39: 39, where Jesus demonstrated that there were principles in the Mosaic Law, and there were more than one another. Bõe yĩng t'a Zezi mak Wẽnnaam Rĩungã koe - moond ne ka - koaada? Imagine how surprised and excited Timothy must have been! Why did Jesus compare the Kingdom - preaching work with a sower? D sakd n kõt taab sugri, n " deegd taab ne nonglem, n maoodẽ tɩ Sɩɩg - sõng lagem - n - taar zĩndi, laafɩ ning sẽn loe - a tõnd ne taabã yĩnga. ' (Efɛ. Our complacency can be just the sort of opening that he is looking for. - Ephesians 6: 11, 12; 1 Peter 5: 8. Be willing to forgive one another "to incite to love and fine works, to cooperate with the oneness of the spirit in the uniting bond of peace. " Bõe yĩng tɩ d tõe n yeel tɩ Biiblã me naaga a Zeova tʋʋm - kãsemsã sʋka? Our daily Bible reading should not be a chore but a real delight. Why can it be said that the Bible also includes Jehovah's wonderful works? Wãn - wãn la sũur - kaset sẽn paam Biiblã zãmsg tõe n sõng tõnd tɩ d tũ a Zeova vʋʋsem sõngã sor - wilgri? That admonition is as applicable to true Christians today as it was in the first century. How can Bible - trained conscience help us to follow Jehovah's guidance? [ Foto, seb - neng a 5] Invested with authority from the Most High God and using the clear language of his inspired Word, the Jeremiah class declares that the nations and kingdoms of today will be uprooted and destroyed at God's due time and by his chosen means. [ Picture on page 5] B wilgda tõnd 1) d sẽn segd n tall tagsg ning ne neb nins pãng sẽn boog tẽebã wɛɛngẽ wã la 2) tõnd sẽn segd n maan bũmb ning n sõng - ba. Unity Identifies True Worship, 9 / 15 They show us (1) how we should view those who are weak spiritually and (2) what we should do to help them. Mik d na n zĩnda be yʋʋmd la bala. La rẽ nafa tõnd d koe - moonegã pʋgẽ. We too need to offer heartfelt prayers for an increase as we zealously share in the disciple - making work. There will be only one year, but we have benefited from our ministry. (Matɩe 6: 5) Rũndã - rũndã me, neb wʋsg pʋʋsda wa b mensã sẽn date, la pa wa Wẽnnaam sẽn datã ye. So dear parents and children, do not be discouraged if the communication in your family is not as open as you would like it to be. Similarly today, many pray to God not only about themselves but also about God's will. A "ra zoeta Wẽnnaam n ka maand wẽng ye. " Of course, Jesus went on to preach the Kingdom message elsewhere in Israel. He "was fearing God and turning aside from bad. " Traduction du monde nouveau wã pʋgẽ. GŨUSG GASGÃ yaa sebr sẽn waoogd Wẽnnaam a Zeova sẽn yaa ãndũniyã fãa Naabã. Why can we say that some unrighteous ones go to Sheol, or Hades, at their death? It comforts people with the good news that God's heavenly Kingdom will soon end all wickedness and transform the earth into a paradise. Nin - kãens sã n wa ki n vʋʋg n kẽng saasẽ, b sẽn yɩ ninsaalbã kɩtame tɩ b tõe n ges nebã yell sõma. This young person also benefited from the article "Alternative Life - Styles - Does God Approve? " When such resurrected ones are resurrected to life in heaven, they are in a position to care for the needs of humans. Bɩ d bao n bãng bõe n tõe n kɩt tɩ d yeel tɩ bũmb ned sẽn maan yaa wẽnem. How does it help us in our efforts to love righteousness? Let us see how we can say that someone is cruel. Sɩd - sɩda, Wẽnnaam Gomdã sɩd tõe n toeema neda! Surely, then, this is no time to shrink back to the corrupt old system we left behind! Truly, God's Word can change a person's life! Ninsaal yaa nems ne zɩɩm. May all of us " continually remember the faithful work and loving labor ' of those in the full - time service. - 1 Thess. Man is flesh. Wala makre, b pa tolg n mi sẽn maand to - to tɩ b sõorã paasdẽ wã ye. Eating with unbelievers is not forbidden in the Scriptures. - 1 Cor. For example, they do not know how much they are doing. (Yelbũna 18: 24; 20: 5) Ning - y y yamẽ tɩ naabã sẽn yaa arzɛk soabã sʋka ned a to, a Zezi, yell sẽn yaa kãseng wɛɛngẽ. Sadly, though, few people in this corrupt world understand that quality. Bear in mind that one of the rich ruler is one of Jesus ' most important matters. Bõe la b sigl yʋʋmd 1953, la rẽ woma bi - bʋse? Accordingly, on the basis of "the ransom paid by Christ Jesus, " the divine Judge is able to forgive sins that occurred in the past. What was formed in English, and with what result? Y sã n dat n paam a Zeova koglgo, yaa tɩlɛ tɩ y reng n bao n bãng sẽn tat a yam, la y maan a raabã. They strive to speak in such a way that at the end of the meeting, all in attendance are refreshed and energized. - Matt. To have Jehovah's protection, you first need to know what is acceptable and to do his will. (Luk 4: 1 - 3) La a Zezi tẽebã pãng kɩtame t'a tõog n zãgs a Sʋɩtãan sẽn da rat t'a maanã fasɩ. What must a dedicated, baptized Christian realize? On the other hand, Jesus ' faith enabled him to reject Satan's offer. a) Bõe yĩng tɩ sɩd tũudmã neb pa tõe n welg tũudum taoor dãmb sull la nin - zaals sulli? " Just as the Father has life in himself, " stated Jesus, "so he has granted also to the Son to have life in himself. " (a) Why can false religion not be separated from the clergy and its members? (Yɩɩl 36: 10) D sã n maan Wẽnnaam raabã d vɩɩmã tõre, d paamda bark wʋsg masã tɛka, la vɩɩm sẽn kõn sa dũni - paalgã pʋgẽ. (Yel. 10: 22; 2 Pɩɛ. Let people know that you are a servant of Jehovah God and that you are determined to maintain his high standards. When we serve God whole - souled, we enjoy rich blessings now and everlasting life in the new world. A Sebna ra yaa balem - naaba, n "get na - yirã yelle. " Dẽnd a ra tara naam. (Eza. We may have various responsibilities that Jehovah expects us to care for - such as providing for our family. She thus had a king, "the king of the royal house, " and she had a king. D na n leb n yãa manesem toɛy - toɛy d sẽn tõe la d sẽn segd n tũnug ne n dɩk a Zeova sẽn yaa sõmblmã mak sõng sẽn yaa kãseng n yɩɩdã togs - n - taare. Parents may find that when they consider their children's thoughts about house rules, the children are more inclined to understand the rules and to obey them. We will also consider how we can and should imitate Jehovah's superlative example of goodness. La baa b yɛlã sẽn pa yembrã, b ned kam fãa maanda a sẽn tõe n moond koɛɛgã. True, in some territories the preaching work may be a challenge, perhaps because of apathy or opposition or simply because people are preoccupied with the everyday concerns of life. Still, regardless of their circumstances, they do their best to preach. Paam vɩɩm sẽn be laafɩ yaa f paam sũur pʋgẽ bãane, sũ - noog la tẽeb kom tɩgsgo. Jehovah's Witnesses preach to glorify God and to make known his name. Being peaceable is a peace of mind, happiness, and spiritual famine. Sẽn paase, b wa n yĩma b taabã yelle, tɩ lebg b mensã yell bal n pak - ba. - Matɩe 22: 37 - 40. • Numbers 15: 37 - 39 Moreover, they remembered their fellow believers and became self - centered. - Matthew 22: 37 - 40. A wa n yɩɩ tigims sull yel - gɛtã lɛdgda. La yʋʋmd 1997 wao - fugd kiuugã, a lebga Kanada Betɛllã tʋm - tʋmda. What will life be like when distressing conditions are gone? While serving as a circuit overseer in February 1997, Canada became a ministerial servant at the branch office of Jehovah's Witnesses. 11: 2 - 4, 14, 15, 22 - 27; 1 Kib. 21: 1, 7) La a sã n da wa maan yel - wẽnde, a tekda yam n kos sugri. May we continue to show our appreciation for their hard work through our willing cooperation, our obedience, and our submission. But when he sinned, he repented. Bũmb ning Wẽnnaam sẽn na n maan n kõ sakdbã sɩd bee yamleoogo. An important Bible truth that warmed the heart of Sandra was the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ. How wonderful it is to know what God will do for obedient mankind! Woto kɩtame tɩ b ra yaa toor fasɩ ne kiris - neb ne yʋʋrã tũudum wʋsgo. Even young ones can do this. As a result, they were very different from many of the churches of Christendom. (Maankʋʋre 19: 18; Matɩe 22: 39) Sẽn yɩɩd fãa, d wilgda d nonglem ne Wẽnnaam la d taaba, d sẽn na n maan Wẽnnaam daabã, la d taas " Wẽnnaam bãngrã ' sẽn kõt vɩɩmã d taabã. - Yelbũna 2: 1 - 5. How does the Bible show that we are all imperfect? Above all, we demonstrate our love for God and neighbor by doing God's will and by sharing "the very knowledge of God " with others. - Proverbs 2: 1 - 5. La yʋʋmd 1931 wã tɛka, b wilgame tɩ b ratame tɩ b boond - b t'a Zeova Kaset rãmba. - Ezai 43: 10. Jesus directed his disciples: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " 43: 10. (Heb. 4: 12) Woto rat n yeelame tɩ d sã n wa bãng Wẽnnaam sẽn dat tɩ d maan bũmb ningã vẽenega, d manesem sẽn na n yɩ to - to wã wilgda d sẽn sɩd yaa ned ning buudã. He said: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. " - Matthew 24: 14. This means that when we clearly understand what God requires of us, our attitude will reveal what we really are. Maan - y y sẽn tõe fãa tɩ nonglem ning sẽn be yãmb ne y kẽed - n - taagã sʋkã paasdẽ, la y modg n welg y zu - loeesã fãa. Respect for Authority - Why Essential? Do all you can to strengthen the bond between you and your mate, and work hard to solve all your problems. (Yik. 11: 4 - 8) Rẽ poore, a yeela Israyɛll nebã tɩ zak fãa segd n kʋʋ boɛɛg wall pe - raoogo, n yãk a zɩɩmã n mes b rotã lug a yiibã zut la b rig - noyã zutu. Second, as you taste the liberating power of God's "perfect law that belongs to freedom, " you will become even more determined to remain on the " narrow road ' to everlasting life. Then he told the Israelites that all members of the family should kill a goat or a goat, or goat, and his blood would be poured out on both houses and stone. [ Foto, seb - neng a 8] Give Jehovah exclusive devotion. [ Picture on page 8] Wãn to la y na n leoke? The Bible warns: "Those who are determined to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and many senseless and hurtful desires, which plunge men into destruction and ruin. How Would You Answer? A ra keoogda nebã bal tɩ bʋʋd daar sẽn na n yɩ sũ - puugr daar n wate, la tɩ tũudmã taoor dãmb sã n dat n põse, b segd n teka yam n kos sugri, la b wilg rẽ ne b tʋʋmã. She bore a son to her beloved husband, now a century old! He had just warned that a day of wrath would come and that the religious leaders would be saved if they were to repent and to do so. D sã n sakd neb nins sẽn lʋɩt taoor tõnd sʋkã, d wilgdame tɩ d nee a Soab ning nebã nin sẽn pa tõe n yã wã. - Hebre dãmba 13: 17. How did the new covenant make it possible for both Jews and Gentiles to become part of spiritual Israel, and how many would be in the new covenant? By being submissive to those taking the lead among us, we show that we see the One who is invisible. - Hebrews 13: 17. Pemsmã kokr la reemã wɛɛngẽ, d goma yɛl a tãab yelle: B sõmblmã, b sẽn dɩkd sẽk ningã la neb nins d sẽn naagd n deemdẽ wã. • How can we imitate Elihu in fortifying fellow believers? Regarding recreation and entertainment, we discussed three things: their time, attention, and entertainment. A Zeova miime tɩ b sẽn wilgd yoobã yɛl to - to wã kɩtdame tɩ sẽn get - bã tar tags - wẽns pag ne rao lagengã zugu. - Sɩngre 6: 2; Ziid 6, 7. Abel showed love for God by unselfishly offering the best of what he had. Jehovah knows that the way they deal with pornography gives them a negative view of sex. - Genesis 6: 2; Jude 6, 7. Sõs - kãensã gomda rẽ yelle. • How may we imitate Jehovah in being truthful? These articles will focus on this aspect of God's personality. Tags - y n ges - y yɛlã sẽn yɩ to - to wã: Zĩig pʋgẽ, vẽenem n yãg roog ning a Pɩɛɛr sẽn da be wã pʋgẽ. All such ones are following the pattern set by the prophets and by Jesus himself in suffering unjustly. - Matthew 5: 11, 12; James 5: 10; 1 Peter 2: 21. Think of the situation: From a distance to the house where Peter was in. Bɩ y yɩta tao - tao n kos sugri? Prove Yourself Ready - Like Noah Or should you be quick to apologize? (Zoob 31: 1) Bɩ tõnd me maan kaool woto ne d ninã n kogl d sũurã. According to his dying wishes, his sons took his remains and buried them in the cave of Machpelah in the land of Canaan. May we likewise make a covenant with our eyes and safeguard our heart. D sã n pelg d pʋg n kos yam la pãnga, d tõe n kɩsa sɩd t'a Zeova na n kõ - d - la hal tɩ seke. - Zak 1: 5. That one was a manslayer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. If we sincerely ask for wisdom and strength, we can be sure that Jehovah will give us enough. - James 1: 5. Yãmb maooda ne zu - loe - kɛgems bɩ? Tõe tɩ yaa zu - loees sẽn tõe n tũ ne y yõor menga. The real life will then be the lot of all those who "keep listening to the voice of Jehovah. " You may face difficult situations or may even face a challenge to your life. Kiris - neb wʋsg sẽn bas tigingã to - to wã pa yɩ wa laog - sãamdã nengẽ wã fasɩ ye. Scriptural Questions Answered: Many who have strayed from the Christian congregation have not been like the prodigal slave. Bõe la d tõe n maane, n wilg a Zeova tɩ d sẽn paam n bãng sɩdã noom - d lame? This does not refer to two individuals just living together, nor does it refer to a common - law situation that may have a degree of status in some locales but is not a full legal marriage. How can we show Jehovah that we appreciate the truth? Tẽeg - y t'a Zeova kɩtame tɩ bugum yi yĩngr n dɩ a Aarõ kom - dibli a Nadaab ne a Abihu, b sẽn yõog wisd " sẽn ka zemsã ' yĩnga. If we want Jehovah to answer our prayers, we must obey him. - Proverbs 28: 9. 3: 20. Remember that Jehovah caused fire from heaven to burn Aaron's sons and Aaron's sons with "a burnt offering. " Vẽenega, yaa ayo! Do You Appreciate What You Have Received? Of course not! B na n zoe n basa sãana; tɩ bõe, bãmb ka mi sãamb koees ye. " For example, millions of gamblers may hope to win a lottery, but they could hardly feel sure about that. They will flee from the stranger, because they do not know the voice of strangers. " A Zonatã maana wãn n bãng a sẽn segd n zĩnd a soab poorẽ? The way in which the Bible uses the word "returns " does not require an actual movement from one place to another. How did Jonathan recognize his loyalty? Sõdb 30: 3 yeela woto: " Ned sã n pʋlem t'a na n kõ Sẽn - Ka - Saab kũuni, bɩ a ra bas n ka pids ye. When we are weighed down with the burden of sin, are we not relieved to read that "the blood of Jesus... cleanses us from all sin "? Numbers 30: 3 states: "If anyone makes a vow to Jehovah, do not leave him. Tõe tɩ bõe la d rat n bãng kũum vʋʋgrã wɛɛngẽ? The apostasy made some inroads in the first century, but Jesus ' faithful apostles acted "as a restraint, " holding back the contamination and influence of false teachings. What may we need to know about the resurrection? (Zozue 2: 1, 9 - 11) N - ye, a Rahaab sẽn wʋm yɛl nins a Zeova zugã, la a sẽn wʋm bũmb nins a sẽn maan n sõng Israɛllã kɩtame t'a sak ne a sũur fãa la a tẽ. - Rom dãmba 10: 10. In what way does Biblical instruction contribute to our unity? Yes, Rahab's knowledge of Jehovah and his appreciation for what he did helped Israel to obey and exercise faith in him. - Romans 10: 10. 2 Tɩmote 2: 9 yetame tɩ "Wẽnnaam goamã ka balg ye. " Coping With a Spouse's Betrayal 2 Timothy 2: 9 states: "The word of God is not in vain. " La d segd n baoa sẽka. This shield originates deep inside the earth. However, we need to buy out time. [ Foto seb - neng 21] In addition to the points we have discussed, that discourse has much to say about genuine happiness, how to avoid immorality, the way to practice righteousness, what we must do to enjoy a secure and joyous future, and many other matters. [ Picture on page 23] Wala makre, a Poll wilga a tẽed - n - taasã bũmb ning a Zezi sẽn wilg yẽ Soaalã zaabr dɩɩbã wɛɛngẽ wã. (1 Kor. the boy who was raised in luxury in Egypt by the daughter of Pharaoh - yet never forgot that he was an Israelite? For example, Paul told fellow believers what Jesus taught about the Lord's Evening Meal. (2 Tɩmote 3: 1 - 3) Naoor wʋsgo, roagdbã sã n yaa woto, kambã me sã n wa bɩtẽ b lebgda woto. The Scriptures explain why this is so. Parents often feel the same way when their children grow up. La a Zeova wa n bobla a Eli tʋʋmd a to, n yeel - a woto: "Yik n kẽng Israyɛll naab a Akaab nengẽ. " Satan's system seems to be permanent and real. When Elijah was given another assignment, Jehovah told him: "Get up, go to the king of Israel. " Wẽnnaam ratame tɩ d ra bas tɩ d tʋls - wẽnsã tõog tɩ d maan wẽng ye. Before the global Flood, over 1,600 years later, "the badness of man was abundant in the earth and every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time. " God wants us not to be overcome by wrong desires. Y sã n nonga ɛspoor sẽn naag ne yel - kãensã buudu, bõe la y segd n maane? Y sã n bʋgs yɛl nins sẽn naag a pʋgẽ wã zugu, tõe tɩ y na n mikame tɩ reem a woto pa tat a Zeova yam, la t'a pa zems ne laafɩ la nonglem koɛɛg ning d sẽn moondã ye. When a person comes to appreciate our heavenly Father's beautiful qualities, his love for God will grow, motivating him to love what God loves and hate what God hates. - Amos 5: 15. If you enjoy engaging in such activities, how might you find that such entertainment is displeasing to Jehovah and that he does not approve of the message we preach? (1 Korẽnt dãmba 10: 5) Ad sɩd yaa kaeto! Can You Explain? How sad! La pag a ye sẽn wa n yeel a Zezi tɩ " bark bee pag ning sẽn dog - a wã zugã, ' a Zezi tũnuga ne rẽ n wilg - a bũmb yõod sẽn yɩɩda. Why can we have confidence in the spiritual food served by the faithful and discreet slave? However, when a woman told Jesus: "Happy is the woman who gave birth to her, " Jesus used this opportunity to explain her precious truths to her. Y sã n dat n bãng Wẽnnaam tagsg yel - kãngã zug n paase, bɩ y tɩ karem yʋʋmd 1996 tʋʋl - nif kiuug rasem 15 Gũusg Gasgã neng 28 - 29 wã. Immediately after this incident with Lot, Jehovah promised Abraham great blessings. For more information about God's view of this matter, see The Watchtower, April 15, 1996, pages 28 - 29. (Luk 11: 13) A Zeova yaa "bark sõma fãa la kũun sõma fãa " kõta. This prevented indecent exposure when they served at the altar. Jehovah is "every good gift and every perfect present. " Hebre gom - biig ning b sẽn lebg tɩ "paam [a] " yaa gom - biig sẽn tɩ loe ne tãoosgo, tɩ naoor wʋsgo a võorã yaa" paam " bɩ "ta. " Coming to Jesus, he fell to his knees and asked: "Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit everlasting life? " The Hebrew word rendered "to be free " often means" to acquire. " La a vɩɩmã ra pa tek ne rẽ bal ye. Wala makre, daar a ye, a kẽnga yi - kãadem kibsa, hal n kɩt tɩ koom lebg divẽ sẽn yaa sõma wʋsgo. Centuries later, Jehovah reminded the Israelites, through his prophet Isaiah, of an important reason for their existence as a nation. For example, on one occasion he attended a wedding feast and entered a fine wine. • Wãn to la a Zezi mak - sõngã tõe n naf kom - bɩɩsã? How can we show diligence in the preaching work? • How can young ones benefit from Jesus ' example? Zĩ - likr ne sɩpaolg kiuugã, a kẽnga tẽns a taaba. THERE is one thing that few people will dispute: We are all imperfect and therefore make mistakes and do things that we come to regret. He went to other cities in October, where he went. Wala makre, tũudum sebr a yembr (The Orthodox Christian Mission Center Magazine) wilgda Egiliizã misioneer dãmb tʋʋmd sẽn yɩ to - to Madagaskaare, Afirikdisiidi, Tãnzani la Zĩmbabwe. How did Jehovah provide deliverance in Hezekiah's day? For example, The Encyclopedia of Early Christianity, for example, describes the history of the Catholic Church as a service that was taking place on the missionary work. Yaa woto la kambã tõe n zãms b sẽn yet bũmb ning Rĩungã Roogẽ wã kelgr sõma. Genuine Christian ministers - even those with special responsibilities in the congregation - are humble slaves. That is how children can learn what is said at the Kingdom Hall. Sã n yaa ne Gerɛk goamã, gom - biig ning a Zezi sẽn tũnug ne wã "bilgda yẽsg ned ne a to sẽn maand mo - yõsr sẽn kẽ b sʋk wɛɛngẽ. " " Simon son of John, do you love me more than these? " - JOHN 21: 15. According to the Greek word, Jesus used the same word that he used to " draw people together with one another in handling conflicts between them. ' Bũmb a ye d sẽn tõe n maan n paas d moonegã sõmblem, yaa d sẽn na n tʋmd ne tʋʋm te - kãng sõma, bala yaa ne Wẽnnaam vʋʋsem sõngã maasem la b gʋls - a. (2 Tɩm. They consumed food and drink. One way we can improve our preaching work is by using it skillfully because it is inspired by God. B segd n wilga b kambã tɩ Rĩungã Roogẽ, n paas tigingã sebr zãmsgã zĩigẽ pa reem zĩig ye. They faced obstacles that they could not have overcome by themselves. They should teach their children to be at the Kingdom Hall, as well as in the Congregation Book Study. Wala makre, d tẽed - n - taas tõe n wa maana bũmb n sãam d sũuri, pa rẽ bɩ d wa tagsdẽ tɩ b maan - d - la pãnga. Read or sing to the patient, choosing literature and songs that are upbuilding and enjoyable to him. For example, fellow believers may hurt us or may feel overwhelmed by our feelings. A sã n sɩd kong me, a sakd n deega a kongrã. Later, Moses was taken from his home to live in surroundings that could hardly have been more different. If he has committed a serious sin, he is willing to admit his mistakes. 4: 16) A Poll sẽn yeel ka t'a Tɩmote zãms nebã, a ra pa rat n yeel t'a kɩt tɩ nebã paam bãngr bal ye. " Turn away from what is bad and do what is good; seek peace and pursue it. " - Psalm 34: 14. Paul did not mean that Timothy was merely a teacher. 4: 34, 35) La kaoosg zugẽ, zu - loɛɛg n zĩndi. A SCHOLAR in the first century C.E. asked Jesus: "Who really is my neighbor? " In time, however, a situation arose. D sã n wa bẽedẽ, d paamda a sõngre (a) In the face of what grave situation did Hezekiah trust in Jehovah? When we are sick, we receive his help Yãmb karemda seb - paalã fãa b sẽn yiisd yãmb buud - gomdã pʋgẽ wã bɩ? Adolf and several of his companions were arrested and sentenced to serve long prison terms because they refused to renounce their Bible - based beliefs. Do you read all the material published in your language? Tẽebã vẽenem kell n yãga yʋʋm kob - yendẽ wã fãa. Consider the loving marriage of Isaac and Rebekah. Spiritual light continued to shine throughout the first century. (Tʋʋma 17: 2, 3, NW) D na n tõog n paasa d zãmsgã sõmblem, la d goama, d sõssã la d saglsã na n tõog n kenga neba tẽeb n paase. - Yelbũna 1: 5, NW. Dolphins playfully swam alongside our boat, and all you could hear was the swish of our bow cutting through the water. We will be better able to improve the quality of our teaching, our conversations, and our counsel. - Proverbs 1: 5. 12: 3) Bũmb sẽn wilgd rẽ yaa t'a Zeova sẽn yeel t'a maan bũmb ninsã fãa, a maan - b - la kɛpɩ. Our Ministry Must Be Rooted in God's Word As evidence of Jehovah's reasonableness, he did what he asked of them to do. Pagb sãnda me baoo rao a to zoodo. D sẽn vɩ ne neb sẽn pa yõk - m - meng rãmb la b nong yoobã, d sũurã sẽn yaa wẽng wʋsgã tõe n belg - d lame tɩ d yam wa kẽ ned sẽn pa d sɩd wall d paga. 20, 21. Others have sought the friendship of another man - whether we live with people who do not have self - control or who have a bad heart - could easily deceive us into having a romantic relationship with someone other than our mate. Y sã n nong n makd n wilgd - ba, tɩ kɩt tɩ b mi b sẽn na n maan to - to n tõog n sõs ne baa neb nins sẽn pa rat n kelgã, na n sõng - b lame tɩ b sã n wa tʋmd koe - noogã tʋʋm toɛy - toɛyã bɩ b gomd ne raoodo. - 2 Tɩm. It does not become provoked. By trying to show them how to speak with those who are not willing to listen, you can encourage them to speak with boldness whenever they engage in various activities. - 2 Tim. Tõnd kõta taab sugr nana - nana masã. " We forgive one another freely. " [ Goam sẽn tar pãngã, seb - neng a 7] [ Blurb on page 7] Tʋm - tʋmd a Poll ra yeela woto: "Ligd datem yaa bõn - wẽns fãa yẽgre. The apostle Paul wrote: "The love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things. B wa n boonda a Zeezi Kirist pipi karen - biisã tɩ " kiris - neba. ' In time, Jesus Christ's early followers were called "the early Christians. " A Davɩɩd wa n yeela woto: "Mam vẽnegame n togs yãmb m kongrã n ka solg m yel - wẽnd ye. David later wrote: "I have put my error upon you, and my sin is not concealed from me. A ra mii sõma t'a manesmã ra tõe n waooga a saasẽ Ba wã bɩ sãam a yʋʋre, la a ra miẽ tɩ manesem ning a sẽn na n tallã tɩ loee ne ãdem - biisã beoog - daare. He knew that his conduct could reflect his heavenly Father's name or reputation, but he knew that the way he dealt with mankind in the future. [ Zĩ - gũbri / Foto rãmba, seb - neng 27] [ Box / Pictures on page 17] Zãmsg sẽn tar yõod zĩig fãa la yell buud fãa pʋgẽ Teaching in All Things and in All Things A yeelame tɩ b na n kʋʋ zʋɩf - rãmbã wʋsg ne sʋʋse, la tɩ sẽn na n põs - bã na n tɩ lebga yembs Babilon. (Zer. He said that many Jews would be killed with a sword and that those who would survive in Babylon would be taken captive. Rẽ yĩnga d sẽn paam tɩ tõnd ne d tẽed - n - taasã sẽn be dũniyã gill zugã zemsd taabã pa zu - zẽkr n kõ - d sɩda? What a privilege it is to be associated with our worldwide brotherhood! Neb n tolg n pa tẽed Biiblã, tũudmã rãmb sẽn zãms nebã bũmb nins pĩnd wẽndẽ la rũndã - rũndã wã yĩnga. Many people do not believe in the Bible because religious teachings have been taught in ancient times and in modern times. A yɩɩ wakat fãa so - pakd yʋʋm a wãna, sẽn dat n yeel t'a ra moonda Rĩungã koɛɛg wakat fãa. He was a regular pioneer for some years, that is, a regular share in the Kingdom - preaching work. Y NA N LEOKAME TƖ BÕE? HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? 6, 7. 6, 7. (Ezai 1: 18) Tõnd pa tõe n yiis d yel - wẽna ne d meng pãng abada. We can never take our sins off from our own strength. A Amber sẽn tar yʋʋm piig n be karen - dot a nu pʋgẽ wã, b ra karemda sebr sẽn gomd Nazi rãmbã sẽn da zabd ne Zʋɩf rãmbã dũni gill zabr a yiib - n - soabã sasa wã yelle. In the fifth century B.C.E., they read a book about the Nazi conflict against the Jews during World War II. Bark bee ned ninga Zusoabã sẽn ka geelgd a yel - wẽna zugu. " - Rom dãmba 4: 7, 8. Happy is the man that does not cover over his transgressions. " - Romans 4: 7, 8. (Daniɛll 7: 13, 14) Yʋʋm a yiib loogr poore, a Daniɛll paama vẽnegr Meed la Pɛrs zugu, Gɛrɛse, la siglg sẽn na n wa lebg "rĩm sẽn tar nen - keelem n yaa sɩlem soaba. " - Daniɛll 8: 23. Some two years later, Daniel received a vision of Medo - Persian, Medo - Persia, and a new organization that would become "a mighty ruler. " - Daniel 8: 23. Yaa wãn to masã, mo - yõsr sẽn pa reem yell sã n zĩnd sɩd ne a pag sʋka? What if a serious disagreement arises between a husband and his wife? (Zã 17: 16; Zak 4: 4) Seb - kãng leb n yeelame tɩ wakat kãnga, "Kãab Kʋdgã ne a Platõ poorẽ dãmbã zãmsg sẽn gẽdem taab ne gẽdeng sẽn yaa wẽng wʋsgã, " kɩtame tɩ Egliizã sẽn da sigl to - to wã la a halhaalã, n paas a zãms - kãsems wʋsg toeem zãng fasɩ. It also states that during that period, "the philosophy and Greek philosophy and Plato, " and he made major changes in order to improve completely. Wãn to la kiris - neb wʋsg rɩkd a Zeezi ne a Poll togs - n - taare, n pa basdẽ tɩ bũmb tiis - b Wẽnnaam tũudmã pʋgẽ? How do many Christians imitate Jesus and Paul, not being distracted spiritually? La bõe la a maan - yã? What did he do? Baa ne neb wʋsg sẽn pẽgd kɩs - sɩdã, kɩs - sɩd dãmba pa waoog ye Although many praise faithfulness, faithful people do not show respect 55: 9. 55: 9. La a ra miime tɩ wilgdame tɩ manegr n wate. A Enok sẽn da taas nebã koɛɛg ningã me ra wilgdame t'a Zeova na n wa sãama nin - wẽnsã. However, Enoch's message also indicated that Jehovah would bring destruction upon the wicked. Sã n yaa ne dũniyã neb tagsgo, wõnda b pa tar tõog n na n tʋm tʋʋmdã ye. According to the world's thinking, they may not be able to do the work. Koe - noog ning yãmb sẽn moondã pakda sor n kõt neb a taabã tɩ b tõe n paam vɩɩm sẽn pa sate. The good news that you preach leads to everlasting life. Tags - y n ges - y - yã a sũur sẽn yɩ noog to - to wã! Imagine how he must have felt! A sẽn baoodã yaa tõnd sẽn na n tall sek - m - meng n pa gũus bal tɩ pak sor n kõ - a. - Efɛɛz rãmba 6: 11, 12; 1 Pɩɛɛr 5: 8. His goal is not merely to have a measure of independence but to give him the opportunity. - Ephesians 6: 11, 12; 1 Peter 5: 8. (Yɩɩl Sõamyã 1: 2) Tõnd Biibl kareng daar fãa wã pa segd n yɩ tʋʋm toog ye, la a segd n talla yamleoogo. Our daily Bible reading should not be easy, but it should be enjoyable. Sagl - kãngã tara yõod ne kiris - nebã rũndã - rũndã wa a sẽn tall yõod ne tʋm - tʋmdbã. This counsel is of particular interest to Christians today, just as it was for the apostles. Wẽnnaam Sẽn - tõe - a fãa wã a toor sẽn bobl nin - kãensã tʋʋm kãngã wã, b tʋmda ne a Gomdã a sẽn vẽneg tɩ b gʋlsã, n wilgd nebã tɩ Wẽnnaam yãka wakat n na n võ la a sãam buud toor - toorã la rĩm dãmbã soolem toɛy - toɛyã sẽn be rũndã - rũndã wã, la t'a yãka a sẽn na n maan dẽ to - to wã me. (Zer. 18: 7 - 10; Wil. By means of his inspired Word, God has set the stage for the gathering of the nations and kingdoms of the earth today, and he has purposed to do so. Yãmb taoor soab yaa a ye bala, yaa Kiristã 1 / 9 Jehovah Is a God of Long - Suffering, 9 / 15 Tõnd me segd n pʋʋsa ne d sũyã fãa n kos tɩ Wẽnnaam balemdbã sõor fɩɩge, la d kẽes d mens ne yẽesem karen - biisã maaneg tʋʋmd pʋgẽ. We too should pray earnestly for the growth of God's worshipers and zealously share in the disciple - making work. Y yaa roagd tɩ y yaa biiga, yãmb ne y zakã rãmb sã n pa tõogd n sõsd ne taab wa y sẽn datã bɩ y ra sãam y sũur ye. If you are a parent, you and your loved ones do not feel the same way about talking to each other. Sẽn paase, a Zezi moona Rĩungã koe - noog Israɛll tẽns a taab pʋsẽ. Furthermore, Jesus preached the good news of the Kingdom in other lands. Bõe yĩng tɩ d tõe n yeel tɩ neb sẽn pa tɩrs n kẽng Seoll bɩ Hadɛs b kũumẽ wã? Why can it be said that the dead are not righteous? D sẽn modgd n dat n yɩ neb sẽn nong tɩrlmã, wãn to la a sõngd tõndo? As we strive to be lovers of righteousness, how does he help us? Rẽnd sɩd - sɩda, pa wakat kãngã la d na n targ n kẽ dũni kʋd - kãngã sẽn yaa wẽngã pʋgẽ d sẽn bas d poorẽ wã ye! Surely, then, it is not the time to shrink back to this wicked world that we have left behind! Woto yĩnga, bɩ d ra tol n yĩm neb nins sẽn kẽes b mens zãng Wẽnnaam tʋʋmdã pʋgẽ wã " tẽebã tʋʋmd ne b nonglmã tʋʋmdã ' ye. - 1 Tes. Therefore, let us never forget those who serve God full - time "with faith and love. " - 1 Thess. A yeel - b lame tɩ b bãng tɩ Wẽnnaam vʋʋga "Nazarɛt dao a Zeezi Kiris " bãmb sẽn ka ra - lukã zugã. He told them that God had resurrected them "Jesus Christ, " who was impaled on the torture stake. Biiblã pa gɩdg tɩ d ra rɩ ne ned sẽn pa kiris - ned ye. - 1 Kor. The Bible does not prevent us from eating with an unbeliever. - 1 Cor. Bʋko, dũni wẽn - kãngã pʋgẽ, neb wʋsg pa wʋmd woto võor ye. Sadly, in the present system of things, many people do not understand it. 15: 6; 22: 15 - 18) Woto, Wẽnnaam sẽn yaa bʋ - kaoodã tika rondã Kirist Zezi sẽn kõ wã, n bas yel - wẽn nins nebã sẽn da maan pĩndã taale. Thus, God, the Judge of the universe, laid down the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and condemned the sins of those who had sinned. (Ezai 32: 2) B modgda sẽn na yɩl tɩ tigsg fãa poore, bɩ neb nins fãa sẽn zĩnd be wã paam belsg la raood kengre. - Mat. They endeavor to find comfort and encouragement after every meeting. - Matt. Bõe la ned sẽn dɩk a meng n kõ a Zeova n deeg lisg segd n bãnge? What does dedication and baptism require? A Zezi yeelame: "Wala Ba sẽn tar vɩɩm a mengẽ wã, a kɩtame tɩ Biigã me tar vɩɩm a mengẽ. " Jesus said: "Just as the Father has life in himself, so the Son has given him life. " Kɩt - y tɩ nebã bãng tɩ y yaa Wẽnnaam a Zeova sõgena, la tɩ y rɩka sard kãn - kãe n na n kell n tũ a noyã. Make people aware that you are a servant of Jehovah God and are determined to keep his commandments. Bũmb wʋsg n be t'a Zeova rat tɩ d maane, wala makre tʋm n tõog n ges d zak rãmb yelle. (1 Tɩm. Jehovah wants us to work hard to provide for our families. Nand tɩ roagdbã gãneg noy kambã sẽn segd n tũ, b sã n dengd n sõsd ne - b rẽ zugu, na n yɩɩ nana tɩ b wʋm no - kãens võore, la b sak n tũ. Before a child's rules are applied, parents will likely find it easier to listen to them and obey them. 24: 14) Yaa sɩd tɩ zĩis kẽere, koɛɛgã mooneg tõe n yɩɩ toogo. Wala makre, nebã tõeeme n pa kelgdẽ, b yam sẽn ka be koɛɛgã kelgrã yĩnga, b sẽn kɩɩsd tõnd yĩnga, wall b mensã yell sẽn pak - b n yɩɩd yĩnga. In some territories, for example, people may find it difficult to listen because they do not listen to our message because they do not listen to us or are primarily concerned about their own interests. (Ebre - rãmbã 13: 15) D leb n dat n saka a Zeezi noore. We also want to obey Jesus ' commands. • Sõdb 15: 37 - 39 • Numbers 15: 37 - 39 Bũmb nins sẽn kɩt tɩ vɩɩmã yaa toogã sã n wa pa le beẽ, vɩɩmã na n yɩɩ wãna? What will life be like when life is difficult? Bɩ d ket n wilgd - b d mi - beoog b tʋʋm toogã yĩnga, n sikd d mens n sakd n tũud b sẽn yetã ne yamleoogo. May we continue to show them gratitude for their hard work, humbly submit to what they say. Ra yaa tɩɩg sɩd - sɩd bila, b sẽn da pa segd n dɩ. It was truly a small tree that was not to eat. Neb wʋsg zoe n basa b tẽng zab yĩnga. Many have already left their country for war. B ra boonda a Zezi tɩ "Wẽnnaam Biig sẽn ka to. " Jesus was called "the only - begotten Son of God. " Biiblã zãms - kãseng a ye sẽn kõ a Sandra sũ - noog wʋsg yɩɩ a Zezi Kirist sẽn kõ a meng maoong n dol tõnd yĩngã. One of the greatest joy that Sandra received from Jesus Christ was the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ. " (1 Sãmwɛll 1: 11) Biiblã leb n bilgame me tɩ pʋleng yaa bũmb f sẽn segd n maan ne yamleoogo. The Bible also states that making a vow is a voluntary promise. Kamb meng tõe n maana woto. Even children can do so. Bõe la Biiblã yeel tɩ wilgdẽ tɩ tõnd fãa yaa neb sẽn pa zems zãnga? How does the Bible show that all of us are imperfect? A Zezi kõo a karen - biisã noor woto: "Bɩ y kẽng n maan neba buud fãa tɩ b yɩ mam karem - biisi n lis bãmb ne Ba la Biiga la Sɩɩg Sõng yʋʋre. La zãms bãmb tɩ b sak bũmb nins fãa mam sẽn da togs yãmbã. " Jesus commanded his followers: "Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. " Dẽ, dũniyã sɛɛb na yaool n ta. " - Matɩe 24: 14. He said: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come. " - Matthew 24: 14. Wãn to la a maan dẽ? How did he do so? Bõe yĩng tɩ zu - sobendã waoogr tar yõod wʋsgo? Why is respect for authority vital? 27: 11) Yiib - n - soaba, y na n bãngame tɩ "tõog sẽn zems zãngã sẽn yaa lohorem tõogã " sakr nafd - y lame. Second, you will learn that "the perfect law that belongs to freedom " benefits you. Sak a Zeova zãng - zãnga. Accepting Jehovah fully. Biiblã keoogdame: "Neb nins sẽn dat n yɩ arzɛgs rãmba kẽeda makre la kũusr pʋgẽ la ratem wʋsg sẽn yaa yalemdo sẽn sãamd bãmba n kẽesd bãmb toog ne sãoong pʋgẽ. THE Bible warns: "Those who are determined to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and many senseless and hurtful desires, which plunge men into destruction and ruin. A roga biig n kõ a sɩdã. Rẽ t'a sɩdã tara yʋʋm 100. When she gave birth to her husband, she was about 100 years old. Wãn to la kaool - paalgã pak sor tɩ zʋɩf - rãmb la bu - zems neb tõog n naag taab n lebg Israyɛll sẽn yaa Wẽnnaam dẽndã? How did the new covenant open the way for Jews and Gentiles to become members of spiritual Israel? • D sã n wa n rat n sõng d tẽed - n - taaga, wãn - wãn la d tõe n dɩk a Elihu togs - n - taare? • How can we imitate Elihu when we seek help from a fellow believer? Na maan yʋʋm ka tɛka, a moona Wẽnnaam koɛɛg n keoog a wakatẽ nebã, baa b sẽn da pa sakd n kelgd - a wã. For decades, he preached God's message to his contemporaries, even though they did not listen to him. • Wãn to la d tõe n dɩk a Zeova togs - n - taar n yɩ sɩd rãmba? • How can we imitate Jehovah's loyalty? (Matɩe 10: 34 - 37) Nin - kãensã fãa b sẽn nams b bʋʋm zugã tũuda no - rɛɛsdbã makre, la makr ning a Zezi mengã sẽn basã. - Matɩe 5: 11, 12; Zak 5: 10; 1 Pɩɛɛr 2: 21. All these innocent men follow the example of the prophets, and they follow the example set by Jesus himself. - Matthew 5: 11, 12; James 5: 10; 1 Peter 2: 21. Wala a Nowe, bɩ d me segl d mense Like Noah, Let us be prepared A komdibli wã rɩka a kõbã n tɩ mum Makpela tãngã bokẽ Kanaã, wa a sẽn da rat tɩ b maan bũmb ning n kõ - a, a sẽn wa n kiidẽ wã. His sons took his bones and buried him in the wilderness, just as he wanted to do to him when he died. Yẽ yaa nin - kʋʋd hal sɩngrẽ, la yẽ ka paad sɩd pʋgẽ ye, sɩda sẽn ka be yẽ pʋgẽ wã yĩnga. He is a manslayer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. Wakat kãnga, yaa neb nins sẽn sakd Wẽnnaam a Zeova koɛɛgã n na n paam vɩɩm hakɩkã la bark kãense. Those who obey Jehovah God's voice will enjoy true life and blessings. Sogsg sẽn tik verse rãmb zut n paam leokre: Scriptural Questions Answered: Pa neb a yiib sẽn miẽ n vɩ ne taab n yaool n pa kẽ kãadmã yell la b gomd ka ye, baa neb kẽer sã n get - b wa ned ne a paga. * Yikãadem ning yell b sẽn gomd ka wã yaa a soab ning sẽn maand tɩ zemsd ne buudã rog - n - mikã. Buud wʋsg pʋsẽ, raoã kõta pagã neb ligdi. This is not the fact that two people live together but that they are not married to each other, even if some visiting a wife, * the bride who is not part of the culture and culture. Tõnd sã n dat t'a Zeova kelgd d pʋʋsgã, d segd n sak - a lame. - Yelbũna 28: 9. If we want Jehovah to listen to our prayers, we must obey him. - Proverbs 28: 9. [ Foto, seb - neng a 3] [ Picture on page 3] Bõe n kɩt tɩ y kɩs sɩd tɩ y bee tũudum hakɩkã pʋgẽ? Why are you convinced that you are part of true worship? Rat n yeelame tɩ neb nins sẽn tar tẽeb hakɩɩkã kɩsa sɩd t'a Zeova sẽn pʋlem bũmb ninsã fãa na n pidsame. (Ebre. Those exercising faith in Jehovah's promises are certain to be fulfilled. Biiblã sẽn yet tɩ " lebã ' pa rat n yeel tɩ yaa yi zĩig n kẽng a to pʋgẽ ye. The Bible does not mean that the expression "go back " does not mean that the word" enter into the other place. " D kongr ning sã n wa kɩt tɩ d pa le tar raoodo, d sã n karem a Zã sẽn yeel t'a "Zeezi zɩɩmã pekda tõnd yel - wẽnã fãa n yiisã, " pa kengd d pɛlg sɩda? Are we not encouraged when we become discouraged when we read John's words: "Every sin that easily entangles us "? Pipi kiris - nebã wakat tɩ sɩdã kɩɩsdb ra zoe n beeme. Yaa tʋm - tʋmdbã n da " gɩdgd ' tɩ b ziri zãmsgã pa tõe n paam pãng tigingã pʋgẽ ye. In the first century C.E., apostates had already existed, but the apostles "did not prevent the false teachings of the congregation " from having the influence of the congregation. Wãn to la zãmsg ning sẽn yit Biiblã pʋgẽ wã wat ne zems - n - taare? How does Bible study promote unity? Y pag bɩ y sɩd sã n zãmb - yã If your marriage mate is treacherous, you will likely find yourself loyal to Jehovah La naoor wʋsgo, b pa tat tẽngã zug ye. Often, though, they did not go to the earth. Yaa ne yam bʋg buud la a Zeova get tõndo? What kind of spirit does Jehovah view us? A sõsgã sagls nins yell d sẽn gomã toor sẽn ka be, a kõo sagls me sẽn tõe n sõng - d tɩ d paam sũ - noog hakɩkã, tɩ d gil yoobo, la d tõog n yɩ tɩrse. B kẽer me wilgda d sẽn tõe n maan to - to tɩ beoog daarã yɩ sõma ne - do. D pa tõe n sõdg saglsã fãa ye. In addition to the principles discussed in this article, he also gives us counsel that can help us to find true happiness, how we can avoid sexual immorality, and how we can make wise decisions for the future. Y tagsda bi - ribl ning a Faraõ bi - pugl sẽn wub naar pʋgẽ Ezipti, la sẽn pa yĩm t'a yaa Israyɛll nedã yell bɩ? Do you think of Pharaoh's son, who raised a comfortable life in Egypt but who did not forget that he was an Israelite? Gʋlsg Sõamyã wilgda rẽ võore. The Scriptures explain this. (1 Zã 2: 17) Wõnda a Sʋɩtãan dũniyã na n paa wakat sẽn ka sɛta. It seems that Satan's world will remain forever. Sẽn yɩɩd yʋʋm tusr la kobs - yoob beegrã poore, nand tɩ sãoong sa - kãsengã ni, Wẽnnaam yãame tɩ "ninsaalbã wẽng yaa wʋsg dũniyã zugu, la wakat fãa, ninsaalbã yam ne b sũy tagsg fãa yaa wẽng bala. " More than 1,000 years before the Flood, God saw that "the badness of man was abundant in the earth, and every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time. " (Luk 15: 7) Ned sã n wa bãng d saasẽ Ba wã sẽn yaa Wẽnnaam ning buudã, a nonglmã ne - a paasdame, la rẽ na n kɩtame t'a nong Wẽnnaam sẽn nongã, la a kis a sẽn kisã. - Amos 5: 15. When a person learns about our loving heavenly Father, his love for him grows, and this will move him to love God and hate what he hates. - Amos 5: 15. Y tõe n wilga a võor bɩ? Can You Explain? Bõe yĩng tɩ d segd n tall bas - yard ne bũmb nins fãa tʋm - tʋmd sẽn tũud sɩd la sẽn tar yamã sẽn kõtã? Why should we trust all the provisions provided by the faithful and discreet slave? Rẽ poor bala, a Zeova yeela a Abrahaam t'a na n ning - a - la bark hal tɩ zʋʋg a sẽn bõnã. (Sɩng. Shortly thereafter, Jehovah promised Abraham that he would bless him far more than he had lost. (Yik. 28: 42, 43) Woto ra yaa sẽn na yɩl tɩ b sã n wa tʋmd sɛk - zĩigã tʋʋm tẽn - kugrã sɛɛga, bɩ bũmb da wa maan tɩ b yã b yãndã ye. This was so that when they were assigned to work on the altar at the tabernacle, they would not see anything that they could see. Raar a yembre, a wa n yĩgimda a Zezi taoor n sok woto: "Karensaam sõngo, mam na n maana bõe n paam vɩɩm sẽn ka sɛta? " - Mark 10: 17 On one occasion, he asked Jesus: "What shall I do to inherit everlasting life? " - Mark 10: 17. Yʋʋm kobs poore, a Zeova tũnuga ne no - rɛɛs a Ezai n tẽeg Israɛll nebã bʋʋm kãseng a yembr sẽn kɩt t'a yãk - b tɩ yaa a nin - buiidã. Centuries later, through the prophet Isaiah, Jehovah reminded the Israelites of one important reason why He chose them to be his people. Bõe la d tõe n maan n tõog n moona koɛɛgã ne yẽesem? What can we do to maintain a zealous share in the preaching work? YAA sɩd tɩ neb wʋsg sak n deegame tɩ d fãa yaa koangdba, n mi n tudg n maan kɛgr n wa maand d bãngẽ. MANY people agree that all of us are imperfect and have made mistakes that we later regret. Wãn to la a Zeova fãag neb a Ezekɩas wakatã? How did Jehovah deliver those who were in Hezekiah's day? Yãmb rɩta rẽ yõod sõma bɩ? Sõs - kãngã na n sõng - y lame tɩ y bãng pʋʋsgã sẽn tõe n naf - y to - to, y sã n wa maood ne zu - loeese, y sã n wa rat n yãk yam n maan bũmb sẽn tar yõod wʋsgo, wall y sã n wa be kʋɩɩbg taoore. SÕSG A 2 SEB - NENG 14 - 18 This article will help you to understand how your prayers can benefit you when you face difficult situations or when you make important decisions in life. - 2 Ki. Kiris - neb tʋm - tʋmdb hakɩkã, baa b sã n tar zɩɩb sẽn yaa toor zall tigingã pʋgẽ, b yaa yembs sẽn tar sik - m - menga. True Christians, even though they have special responsibilities in the congregation, are humble slaves. " Simo, Zã biiga, fo nonga maam n yɩɩd bãmba bɩ? " - ZÃ 21: 15, SEBR SÕNGO. " Do you love me more than these? " - JOHN 21: 15. B ra tʋmdame n get b mens yelle. They were caring for their needs. B sega bõn - gɩdgds buud toor - toor b sẽn da pa tõe n tõog b toor ye. They met various obstacles that they could not succeed. Y tõe n yɩɩlame wall y karem sebr t'a kelge. La segdame tɩ yɩ yɩɩl wall sɛb goam sẽn noom - a la kengd a raoodo. You can read a book or read it, and it needs to be a source of encouragement and encouragement. Kaoosg poore, b yiisa a Moiiz a yirã n kẽng zĩ - zẽng sẽn da yaa toor wʋsg pʋgẽ. Later, Moses ' home was taken into a different land. Bao laafɩ n maan bũmb nins sẽn wat ne - a. " - Yɩɩl Sõamyã 34: 15. Seek peace, and pursue it. " - Psalm 34: 14. PIPI yʋʋm kob gĩndẽ n wã, tõog karen - saamb a yembr n sʋk a Zezi woto yaa: "Ãnda la mam yaka? " IN THE first century, one of Jesus ' first - century teachers asked Jesus: "Who am I? " a) Yel - pakr bʋg taoor la a Ezekɩas teeg a Zeova? (a) What challenge did Hezekiah put before Jehovah? B yõka a Adolf la a tũud - n - taas a wãn n kao b bʋʋd tɩ b segd n kẽ roog n kaoose, b sẽn zãgs tɩ b kõn bas b tẽebã sẽn tik Biiblã zugã yĩnga. They were arrested and sentenced to a long prison because they refused to give up their Bible - based beliefs. (Sɩng. 24: 67) Biiblã wilgdame tɩ baa b sẽn vɩɩmd ne taab n kaoosã, b nonglmã kell n talla pãnga. The Bible shows that their love for one another remained strong. Zĩm - bɛd n da mi n deemd koomã n yɛgd batayo wã, la d sẽn da wʋmd bal yaa batayo wã sẽn pãrgd koomã bʋʋre. There were times when we heard the sound of the boat, but we heard only the sound of the boat that hits the boat. D koe - moonegã segd n tika Wẽnnaam Gomdã zugu Our ministry should center on God's Word 20, 21. 20, 21. " A maanda sũ - mare, la a pida ne neerlem. " He is patient and kind.