Се случи вчера. It happened yesterday. It happened yesterday. Некој пее. Someone's singing. Someone's singing. Тоа не ме изненадува. It doesn't surprise me. That doesn't surprise me. Ќе најдеш пат. You'll find a way. You'll find a way. Том ни кажа да замолчиме. Tom told us to stop talking. Tom told us to shut up. Може ли да пазиш со тоа? Would you be careful with that? Can you watch it with that? Има разлика. There's a difference. There's a difference. Јас сум само пријател. I'm just a friend. I'm just a friend. Јас со Том се справувам. Tom is the one I deal with. I'm dealing with Tom. Не сум сакат. I'm not an invalid. I'm not a cripple. Ме прелажале. I've been tricked. They tricked me. Зошто нѐ отпушти? Why did you fire us? Why did you fire us? Се грижиме за нивната безбедност. We care about their safety. We care about their safety. Мислам дека можеме да му веруваме на Том. I don't think we can trust Tom. I think we can trust Tom. Направив да проработи. I made it work. I made it work. Кошмар беше. It was a nightmare. It was a nightmare. Ми се допаѓа парфемов. I like this perfume. I like this perfume. Том има сини очи. Tom's eyes are blue. Tom has blue eyes. Изгледа вчера премногу испив. Ми пука главата. Ептен сум мамурен. It looks like I drank too much yesterday. My head is pounding. I'm completely hungover. I guess I had too much to drink last night. Дан се врати во Лондон. Dan made it back to London. Dan returned to London. Да одам ли? Should I go? Should I go? Точакот е мој. The bicycle is mine. The bike is mine. Том ме надмудри. Tom outsmarted me. Tom outsmarted me. Овој заб е секач. This tooth is an incisor. This tooth is a shredder. Ова е неверојатно. This is incredible. This is incredible. Не мора да се случи ништо. Nothing has to happen. Nothing has to happen. Том е доста пијан. Tom is quite drunk. Tom is quite drunk. Сѐ уште не сум бил да пазарам. I haven't been shopping yet. I haven't been shopping yet. Со Том бевме во брак три години. Tom and I were married to each other for three years. Tom and I were married for three years. Чие пиво е ова? Whose beer is this? Whose beer is this? Не помагаше. It wasn't helping. He wasn't helping. Кога отиде во Бостон? When did you go to Boston? When did you go to Boston? Том ја пополни пријавата за мене. Tom filled out the application for me. Tom filled out the application for me. Девојката влезе во собата и се расплака. The girl came into the room and burst into tears. The girl came into the room and started crying. Том направи промена на полот. Dan had sex change surgery. Tom made a change of gender. Малку е незгодно. It's a bit awkward. It's a little awkward. Свршен сум. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. Учам психологија. I study psychology. I'm learning psychology. Никој нема да го најде. No one's going to find him. No one's gonna find him. Мислам дека ќе можам да го поднесам тоа. I think I'll be able to stand that. I think I can handle it. Немој да дојдам по тебе, Том. Don't make me come after you, Tom. Don't let me come get you, Tom. Треба да се чувствуваш поласкано. You should feel flattered. You should feel flattered. Не ѝ ѕвонам. I'm not calling her. I'm not calling her. Колку книги поседуваш, отприлика? About how many books do you own? How many books do you own, like? Требаше порано да си одам дома. I should've gone home earlier. I should have gone home early. Нема што да се мисли. It's a no-brainer. There's nothing to think about. Том лежеше на грб. Tom lay on his back. Tom lay on his back. Секогаш ќе те сакам. I'll always love you. I'll always love you. Ајде, ќе те превезам. Come on, I'll give you a ride. Come on, I'll give you a ride. Телевизорот не се вклучува. The TV won't turn on. The TV doesn't turn on. Можеш да ми одговориш кога ти одговара. You can answer me whenever you like. You can answer me when it suits you. Мери денес носи бел фустан. Mary is wearing a white dress today. Mary is wearing a white dress today. Никогаш нема да погодиш. You'll never guess. You'll never guess. Добро, ќе направиме исклучок за тебе. Very well, we'll make allowance in your case. Okay, we'll make an exception for you. Што мислиш дека Том ќе сака да јаде? What do you think Tom will want to eat? What do you think Tom is going to want to eat? Се чувствувам како да сум ја силувал, иако знам дека тоа нема смисла. I feel as though I've committed rape, although I know that that makes no sense. I feel like I raped her, even though I know that doesn't make any sense. Се работи на тоа. That's being done. That's what we're talking about. Дали си ерген? Are you a bachelor? Are you a bachelor? Ти тргнало. You're on a roll. You're on. Како што стојат работите сега, ќе морам да дадам отказ на работа. As things now stand, I'll have to quit my job. The way things are right now, I'm gonna have to quit my job. Каде ми се родителите? Where are my parents? Where are my parents? И Том го знае тоа. Even Tom knows that. Tom knows that, too. Том брзо оди. Tom is a fast walker. Tom is moving quickly. Ти треба помош. You need help. You need help. Дали ќе им помогнеш? Are you going to help them? Are you going to help them? Ловец ловеше зајци со својот пес. A hunter hunted hares with his dog. A hunter was hunting rabbits with his dog. Не би требало да бидеме тука. We shouldn't be here. We shouldn't be here. Не сме во опасност, нели? We aren't in danger, are we? We're not in danger, are we? Се зезам. I'm joking. I'm kidding. Не е убаво така да зборуваш за Том. That's no way to talk about Tom. It's not nice to talk about Tom like that. Зошто не ме прашал никој мене? Why wasn't I asked? Why didn't anyone ask me? Изгледа навистина скапо. It looks really expensive. It looks really expensive. Ако тргнеме сега, би требало да стигнеме навреме. If we leave now, we should make it. If we leave now, we should be there in time. На Том му недостига жена му. Tom misses his wife. Tom misses his wife. Едвај чекам да те видам. I look forward to seeing you. I can't wait to see you. Том го изигнорира прашањето. Tom ignored the question. Tom ignored the question. Ја земаме нафтата здраво за готово. We take oil for granted. We take the oil for granted. Не ми го прави тоа. Don't do that to me. Don't do that to me. Ни преостануваат само уште три. We have only three left. We only have three left. Не таиме ништо. We have no secrets. We're not telling anything. Каде го набави? Where did you get it? Where'd you get it? Ви благодариме за придонесот. Thanks for your contribution. Thank you for your contribution. Добро би ни дошла помош. We could use a hand. We could use some help. Мислам дека премногу си испил. I think you've been drinking too much. I think you've had too much to drink. Се надевам дека можеш да му помогнеш на Том. I hope you can help Tom. I hope you can help Tom. Можам пешки до работа одовде. I can walk to work from here. I can walk to work from here. Том сѐ уште не јадел. Tom hasn't eaten yet. Tom hasn't eaten yet. Мојата кола е онде. My car's over there. My car's over there. Мислиш ли дека три часа ќе бидат доволни? Do you think three hours will be enough? Do you think three hours will be enough? Зошто би ѝ помогнал? Why would I help her? Why would I help her? Што е тоа? What's that? What's that? Човекот е млад. The man is young. The man is young. Не се обесхрабрувај сега. Don't lose heart now. Don't be discouraged now. Книгата на Марк е многу занимлива. Mark's book is very interesting. Mark's book is very interesting. Што би помислил Том? What would Tom think? What would Tom think? Магнезиумот е хемиски елемент. Magnesium is a chemical element. Magnesium is a chemical element. Ни се допаѓа Том. We like Tom. We like Tom. Овој лек ќе ти помогне. This medicine will help you. This medicine will help you. Сакаш ли да одиш во трговски центар со нас? Do you want to go to the mall with us? Do you want to go to the mall with us? Морав да го видам Жак. I had to see Jacques. I had to see Jacques. Том облече една од кошулите на Џон. Tom put on one of John's shirts. Tom put on one of John's shirts. Ќе се состанам со Том. I'll meet with Tom. I'll meet Tom. Не ли е тоа нивно? Isn't that theirs? Isn't that theirs? Тој има батлер и готвач. He has a butler and a cook. He's got a butler and a cook. Отсекогаш ми била многу секси Ѕвончица. I've always found Tinker Bell very sexy. I've always had a very sexy bell. Има малку пријатели. He has a few friends. He has few friends. Малку ме фати. I'm getting a little drunk. You got me a little. Дали се воопшто пријатели? Are they even really friends? Are they even friends? Беше нужно. It was required. It was necessary. Честопати немам време да доручкувам. I often don't have time to eat breakfast. I often don't have time to eat breakfast. Том гневно ја тресна вратата. He banged the door in anger. Tom slammed the door furiously. Ни недостасуваш. We miss you. We miss you. Би требало да се собереме некој ден. We should get together sometime. We should get together someday. Мери е прав експерт. Mary's a real expert. Mary is a real expert. Еве што ќе се случи. Here's what's going to happen. Here's what's gonna happen. Том вели дека мора да чувам деца вечерва. Tom says I have to babysit tonight. Tom says I have to babysit tonight. Претседателот на нашиот оддел е човек по име Том Џексон. The head of our department is a man named Tom Jackson. The president of our department is a man named Tom Jackson. Колку мене е, отприлика. He is about my size. It's about the size of me. Станувај од моето место. Get out of my seat. Get out of my place. Немој да одиш таму доле. Don't go down there. Don't go down there. Се стреми кон тоа да стане глумица. She aspired to become an actress. He strives to become an actress. Том го пратиле тука да преземе. Tom was sent here to take over. Tom was sent here to take over. Том се растревожи. Tom became anxious. Tom was alarmed. Го избравме ова. We chose this one. We chose this. Ни пукнаа цевките за вода. Our water pipes burst. Our water pipes broke. Потполно си во право. You're absolutely right. You're absolutely right. Сѐ уште ли спие Том? Is Tom still asleep? Is Tom still asleep? Замоли ги да објаснат. Ask them to explain it. Ask them to explain. Том можеби од ништо нема да мора да се откаже. Tom may not have to give up anything. Tom may not have to give up on anything. Тој е новодојденец. He's a newcomer. He's a newcomer. Тоа беше забавно изненадување. That was a fun surprise. That was a fun surprise. Том потпивнуваше. Tom sipped his drink. Tom was drinking. Дан ми е другар од школо. Dan is a friend from school. Dan is my friend from school. Треба веќе да имам научено дека не треба да барам помош од Том. I should know by now not to ask Tom for help. I should've learned by now that I shouldn't ask Tom for help. Знаеш ли што беше тоа? Do you know what that was? Do you know what that was? Том нѐ замоли да молчиме. Tom asked us to be quiet. Tom asked us to keep quiet. Том го мачат. Tom is being tortured. Tom is being tortured. Оди си од градов. Leave town. Get out of town. Се враќаме по нив. We're going back for them. We're going back for them. Тие се дел од нас. They're part of us. They're part of us. Па нели го мразиш? I thought you hated him. Don't you hate him? Мислиш ли дека треба да се откажеме? Do you think we should give up? Do you think we should give up? Том ти е добар пријател, зарем не? Tom is a good friend of yours, isn't he? Tom is a good friend of yours, isn't he? Том мораше да чека. Tom had to wait. Tom had to wait. Не знам дали има време. I don't know if there's time. I don't know if there's time. Има неколку јаболка во таа кутија. There are some apples in that box. There's a couple of apples in that box. Облечен ли си? Are you dressed? Are you dressed? Сега многу ми олесни. That's a huge relief. Now I'm very relieved. Каде си го видел Том? Where did you see Tom? Where have you seen Tom? Апчето беше горчливо за голтање. It was a bitter pill to swallow. The pill was bitter to swallow. Сонцето е ѕвезда меѓу милијарди други. The sun is just a star amongst zillions of others. The sun is the star of billions of others. Тоа ли ти е дневна рутина сега? Is that your daily routine now? Is that your daily routine now? Дури и ако ме спречиш, нема да се предомислам. Even if you stop me, I won't change my mind. Even if you stop me, I won't change my mind. Ти си неефикасен. You're inefficient. You're inefficient. Ова ли е твоето семејство? Is this your family? Is this your family? Имам само најдобри и најблагородни намери. I have the best and most honourable intentions. I have only the best and noblest intentions. Те покани ли Том на љубовна средба? Did Tom ask you out? Did Tom ask you out? Само најдоброто е доволно добро. Only the best is good enough. Only the best is good enough. Морам да одам дури и ако истура. I have to go even if it rains cats and dogs. I have to go even if it spills. "Има влакно во мојата супа." "Личи како да е твое влакно." "There's a hair in my soup." "It looks like your hair." "There's a hair in my soup." "It looks like it's your hair." Каква корист има од нив? What good are they? What good is it to them? Не му е својствено на Том да доцни. It's not like Tom to be late. It's not like Tom to be late. Ми треба љубов. I'm in need of affection. I need love. Ти давам една последна шанса. I'm giving you one last chance. I'm giving you one last chance. Немав доволно пари да ти купам нов барабан. I couldn't afford to get you a new drum. I didn't have enough money to buy you a new drum. На Том му се отворени очите. Tom's eyes are open. Tom's eyes are open. Том присуствува на општиот собир. Tom is at the general assembly. Tom is attending the general assembly. Дојди навреме. Be on time. Come in time. Затоа одам. That's why I'm going. That's why I'm going. Том ми се срди. Tom is angry with me. Tom frowned at me. Прилично сум начукан. I'm pretty zonked. I'm pretty wasted. Ајде. Come on. Come on. Девојката ја пушти птицата на слобода. The girl let the bird loose. The girl let the bird out. Том и Мери седеа заедно на клупа. Tom and Mary sat together on the bench. Tom and Mary sat together on the bench. Треба да го прашаме Том. We should ask Tom. We should ask Tom. Топлината е неиздржлива. The heat is intense. The heat is overwhelming. Може ли да ми раскажеш за неа? Can you tell me about her? Can you tell me about her? Бумбарите се поголеми од пчелите. Bumblebees are bigger than bees. Bulls are bigger than bees. Кој ја почнал гласината? Who started this rumor? Who started the rumor? Имаме сѐ што ни треба засега. We have all we need for now. We have everything we need for now. Со кого си таму? Who are you there with? Who are you in there with? Се качувам на палма. I am climbing a palm tree. I'm getting on a palm tree. Том остана спокоен. Tom remained calm. Tom remained calm. Црвсто спиеше. He was sound asleep. Wormy's been sleeping. Ми се допаѓаат твоите очила. I like your pair of eyeglasses. I like your glasses. Таа цепа дрва секој ден. She chops wood every day. She chops wood every day. Том почна да се дави. Tom started to choke. Tom started drowning. Не бев доволно брз. I wasn't fast enough. I wasn't fast enough. Живеам на најгорниот спрат на шестокатна зграда. I live on the top floor of a six storey apartment block. I live on the top floor of a six-story building. Си го осеќам срцето како ми лупа. I can feel my heart pounding. I can feel my heart peeling. Том навидум знае што сака. Tom seems to know what he wants. Tom seems to know what he wants. Можеш ли да го доставиш? Can you deliver it? Can you deliver it? Како ти оди, Том? How're you doing, Tom? How's it going, Tom? Имам нешто за нив. I've got something for them. I have something for them. Утре ќе го најават победникот. They'll announce the winner tomorrow. Tomorrow they announce the winner. Берберот го ишиша. The barber cut his hair. The barber cut him. Си го заборави ранецот! You forgot your backpack! You forgot your backpack! Сега ќе ти помогнам. I'm going to help you now. I'll help you now. На иста возраст се. They're the same age. They're about the same age. Ги очекував. I was expecting them. I was expecting them. Фала што ме покани. Thanks for inviting me. Thanks for inviting me. Мечките се многу опасни. Bears are very dangerous. Bears are very dangerous. Кажи ја азбуката однопаку. Say the alphabet backwards. Say the alphabet backwards. Те молам не ми ја отпуштај раката. Please don't let go of my hand. Please don't fire my arm. Не го направив тоа за нас. I didn't do it for us. I didn't do it for us. Тогаш работите беа подобри одошто се сега. Things were better then than now. Things were better then than they are now. Мислев дека Том е болен. I thought Tom was sick. I thought Tom was sick. Некогаш се губиме. Sometimes we get lost. Sometimes we get lost. Едно а да мислиш а друго е да правиш. Thinking is one thing, doing is another. It's one thing to think and another to do. Кажи ми како беше. Tell me how it went. Tell me what it was like. Колку време ќе ти треба да ми ја бојадисаш куќата? How long will it take you to paint my house? How long will it take you to paint my house? Том ме праша дали ми се допаѓа неговиот план или не. Tom asked me whether I liked his plan or not. Tom asked me if I liked his plan or not. Том е овде со мене. Tom is here with me. Tom is here with me. Том беше многу опуштен. Tom was very relaxed. Tom was very relaxed. Обожавањето херои е опасна работа. Hero worship is a dangerous thing. Loving heroes is a dangerous thing. Том плати глоба од триста долари. Tom paid a $300 fine. Tom paid a $300 fine. Ова ми се синовите. These are my boys. These are my sons. Видоа како момчето го носат во болница. They saw the boy carried away to the hospital. They saw the boy being taken to the hospital. Моето куче навистина сака портокали. My dog really likes oranges. My dog really likes oranges. Сѐ уште не знаеме кој е убиецот. We're still in the dark as to the identity of the killer. We still don't know who the killer is. Ништо не можеше да се преземе во врска со тоа. Nothing could be done about that. Nothing could be done about it. Ќе бидат многу среќни заедно. They'll be very happy together. They'll be very happy together. Што беше проблемот? What was the matter? What was the problem? Стварно ќе ми фалиш. I'm really going to miss you. I'm really gonna miss you. Конечно се среќаваме, Том. We meet at last, Tom. We finally meet, Tom. Тој е дел од тимот. He is on the team. He's part of the team. Нека ти го дадат Том. Get Tom on the phone. Have Tom give it to you. Многу добро ме плаќаш. You pay me very well. You pay me very well. Ќе се снајдам. I'll manage. I'll manage. Можеме да се ослониме на Том. We can rely on Tom. We can count on Tom. Мислам дека не сфаќаш што предлагаш. I don't think you realize what you're suggesting. I don't think you understand what you're suggesting. Секој од вас го може тоа. Any of you can do it. Any one of you can do that. Том е доста богат. Tom is quite wealthy. Tom is quite rich. Не можам да дојдам со тебе денес. I can't come with you today. I can't go with you today. Времетно не е апсолутна стварност туку аспект на нашата свест. Time is not an absolute reality but an aspect of our consciousness. Time is not an absolute reality but an aspect of our consciousness. Нејзино е. It's hers. It's hers. Тоа беше совршено. That was ideal. That was perfect. Личиш на Јапонец. You look Japanese. You look like a Japanese. Не сакав никој да прегладни. I didn't want anyone to go hungry. I didn't want anyone starving. Тие се преправаат дека ни плаќаат а ние се преправаме дека работиме. They pretend to pay and we pretend to work. They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work. Од каде знаеш за нив? How do you know about them? How do you know about them? Телефоното заѕвони. The telephone rang. The phone rang. Том поврати крв. Tom vomited blood. Tom threw up blood. Том ми кажа дека нема да дојде на школо утре. Tom told me he wasn't going to be at school tomorrow. Tom told me he wasn't coming to school tomorrow. Мојот помлад брат има две деца од првиот брак и уште едно од вториот. My youngest brother has two children from his first marriage, and another child from his second. My younger brother has two children from his first marriage and another from the second. Треба да ја нахранам. I need to feed her. I need to feed her. Тоа беше многу злобно. That was really mean. That was very mean. Инаку, Мајк, те молам кажи ми како да стигнам до кај тебе. By the way, Mike, please tell me how to get to your house. By the way, Mike, please tell me how to get to you. Не можеш да го употребиш ова. You can't use this. You can't use this. Не помагаш. You're not helping. You're not helping. Ти треба ли некаква помош? Do you need some help? Do you need any help? Сакаме да ти помогнеме. We want to help you. We want to help you. Не е дека не се согласувам. I'm not disagreeing. It's not that I disagree. Том делува спокојно. Tom seems to be calm. Tom seems calm. Колку време студираш медицина? How long have you been studying medicine? How long have you been studying medicine? Том се сврте и ја погледна Мери. Tom turned around and looked at Mary. Tom turned around and looked at Mary. Станав, се измив, испив шолја кафе, и тргнав. I got up, I washed, I drank a cup of coffee and I left. I got up, I washed, I drank a cup of coffee, and I left. Зошто би го сторил тоа Том? Why would Tom do it? Why would Tom do that? Овие панталони ми се таман. This pair of trousers is just right for me. These pants are fine with me. Том ги дигна рацете. Tom raised his hands. Tom raised his hands. Том не е навикнат да вози на левата страна од патот. Tom isn't used to driving on the left side of the road. Tom isn't used to driving on the left side of the road. Ќе одам да ја соберам. I'll go and get her. I'll go get her. Упорно ми дава лигави комплименти, иако му кажав јасно и гласно дека не сум заинтересиран за него. He keeps giving me cheesy compliments, although I've made it clear that I'm not interested in him. He relentlessly compliments me, although I told him clearly and loudly that I was not interested in him. Сосем е бескорисно. It's perfectly useless. It's completely useless. Премногу време помина. It's been too long. It's been too long. Ни треба. We need it. We need him. Таа статија беше напишана на англиски. That article was written in English. That article was written in English. Нема да те предадам. I won't betray you. I won't betray you. Не знам дали треба да му веруваме на Том или не. I don't know if I should believe Tom or not. I don't know if we should trust Tom or not. Вчера си го вежбаше англискиот изговор. She practiced her English pronunciation yesterday. He was practicing his English excuse yesterday. Нѐ ограбиле. We've been robbed. We've been robbed. Мрдни го газот! Move your ass! Move your ass! Го натерав да го направи тоа. I got him to do it. I got him to do it. Одевме по брегот. He walked along the shore. We walked along the coast. Да се вратиме на Том. Let's go back to Tom. Let's go back to Tom. Нема да му дозволам на Том да оди на забавата на Мери. I'm not going to allow Tom to go to Mary's party. I won't let Tom go to Mary's party. Тоа го разочара Том. It disappointed Tom. That disappointed Tom. Штотуку добив порака од нив. I just got a message from them. I just got a message from them. Прилично сум сигурен дека Том се обидуваше да ни каже нешто. I'm pretty sure Tom was trying to tell us something. I'm pretty sure Tom was trying to tell us something. Беше ли таму кога Том ѝ кажа на Мери дека ќе оди во Бостон. Were you there when Tom told Mary he was going to Boston? Were you there when Tom told Mary that he was going to Boston. Кој ја напишал книгава? Who wrote this book? Who wrote this book? Знам дека е тешко за верување. I know it must be hard to believe. I know it's hard to believe. Том е буден. Tom's up. Tom is awake. Градот бил разурнат за време на војната. The city was destroyed in the war. The city was destroyed during the war. Требаше порано да се откажам. I should've quit earlier. I should've quit earlier. Најверојатно ќе дојдат со кола. They'll probably come by car. They'll probably come by car. Ги повредуваш. You're hurting them. You're hurting them. Том разби чаша за шампањ од ѕидот. Tom smashed a champagne glass against the wall. Tom broke a champagne glass from the wall. Таа ни кажа дека патот е затворен. She told us the road was closed. She told us the road was closed. Не ја слушам. I can't hear her. I can't hear her. Немој да зборуваш така. Don't talk that way. Don't say that. Колку чини кило праз? How much is the kilo of leek? How much is a kilo of leek? Лекарот влезе, носејќи црна торба. The doctor came in carrying a black bag. The doctor came in, carrying a black bag. Можеби Том не користел правилен мамец. Maybe Tom didn't use the right kind of bait. Tom might not have used the right bait. Само донеси ми го списокот. Just get me the list. Just get me the list. Прозорот беше отворен. The window was open. The window was open. Некој ѝ дал кола. Someone gave her a car. Someone gave her a car. Кокошката го колва Том. The chicken is pecking at Tom. The chicken is pecking at Tom. Немаш поим како се прави ова, нели? You have no idea how to do this, do you? You have no idea how to do this, do you? Можеби тоа ти е единствената надеж. It may be your only hope. Maybe that's your only hope. Сакам да живеам. I want to live. I want to live. Том беше доволно дрзок да ми го изигнорира советот. Tom had the gall to ignore my advice. Tom was presumptuous enough to ignore my advice. Веќе го направи тоа. You did that already. You've already done that. Возот доцни триесет минути. The train is running thirty minutes late. The train is thirty minutes late. Том пушти греење. Tom turned on the heat. Tom turned on the heat. Том е попаметен од кој било друг ученик во нашиот клас. Tom is smarter than any other student in our class. Tom is smarter than any other student in our class. Од каде знаеше дека сакам да зборувам со Том? How did you know I wanted to speak to Tom? How did you know I wanted to talk to Tom? Тој старец често си игра со марионети. Језиво е. Often, that old man plays with puppets. It's creepy. That old man often plays with puppets. Ти ветувам. I give you my word. I promise. Некако сум уморен. I'm kind of tired. I'm kind of tired. Таа се извишува. She is growing tall. She's freaking out. Имаме ли осигурување. Do we have insurance? Do we have insurance? Ќе му кажам на Том дека си готов. I'll tell Tom you're ready. I'll tell Tom you're done. Имаш дваесет и четири часа. You've got 24 hours. You have twenty-four hours. Сѐ би направил да му помогнам. I'd do anything to help him. I'd do anything to help him. Не се сеќаваш? You don't remember? You don't remember? Несмасен сум. I'm clumsy. I'm clumsy. Само сме успаничени. We're just nervous. We're just nervous. Не знаев дека си сакал да научиш да пливаш. I didn't know you wanted to learn how to swim. I didn't know you wanted to learn how to swim. Тоа беше пресмешно. That was hilarious. That was hilarious. Имаме доста вода. We have enough water. We've got plenty of water. Имаме базен. We have a pool. We have a swimming pool. Не можеш да ме спасиш. You can't save me. You can't save me. Дали го боли стомакот? Does he have a stomach ache? Does he have a stomachache? Нема да те пуштам сама да одиш. I'm not letting you go by yourself. I'm not letting you go alone. Многу ми се јаде. I'm extremely hungry. I'm really hungry. Кој би не кривел? Who could blame us? Who could blame us? Колку е каучов? How much is this sofa? How much is this couch? Што не ѝ искажеш малку благодарност на жена си? Why don't you give your wife a little thanks? Why don't you show your wife some gratitude? Ми треба да отспијам. I need a nap. I need to get some sleep. Премногу е тешко да се објасни. It's too difficult to explain. It's too hard to explain. Врати ми ја книгата. Give me back my book. Give me back my book. Не ме оставај сам. Don't leave me alone. Don't leave me alone. Том изгледа уплашено. Tom looks frightened. Tom looks frightened. Том не е сигурен дека сака да се вплетка. Tom isn't sure he wants to get involved. Tom isn't sure he wants to get involved. Том е извонреден. Tom is extraordinary. Tom is outstanding. Мислам дека треба да го пуштиме Том да оди во Бостон сам. I think we should let Tom go to Boston by himself. I think we should let Tom go to Boston alone. А да молчиш и да слушаш? Why don't you be quiet and listen? How about you keep your mouth shut and listen? Толку беше среќен. You were so happy. He was so happy. Слеп е како крт. He is blind as a mole. He's blind as a mole. Том и Мери се немаат запознаено. Tom and Mary have never met. Tom and Mary haven't met. Се викаше Том или Џон? Was his name Tom or John? Was his name Tom or John? Решив да му простам. I've decided to forgive him. I've decided to forgive him. Касиерот ќе ти даде попуст. The cashier will give you the discount. The cashier will give you a discount. Одобрен ли сум? Am I approved? Am I authorized? Том рече дека не знаел кому да го даде. Tom said he didn't know who to give it to. Tom said he didn't know who to give it to. Ми треба риба. I need fish. I need a fish. Може да потрае. It may take a while. It might take a while. Многу вредно работи. He works very hard. Very valuable things. Само дај му малку време. Just give it a little time. Just give him some time. Имаше ли некакви проблеми? Were there any problems? Did you have any problems? Подобро да одиме да им помогнеме. We'd better go help them. We'd better go help them. Ние сме во фаза на драматична промена. We are in a phase of dramatic change. We're in the phase of a dramatic change. Том седеше на тротоарот. Tom sat on the curb. Tom was sitting on the sidewalk. Сакаш да купуваш книги. You want to buy books. You like to buy books. Мојот совет би бил сега да се наспиеш па утре да довршиш. My advice would be to get some sleep now and finish this tomorrow. My advice would be to get some sleep so tomorrow you can finish up. Слатка мала желка била најдена на плажата. A cute little turtle was found on the beach. Sweet little turtle was found on the beach. Тоа е рачниот часовник на Том. That's Tom's watch. That's Tom's watch. Првпат во животот се чувствувам толку поврзано со некого. It's the first time in my life I've felt so connected with someone. For the first time in my life, I feel so connected to someone. Том седеше на биро. Tom sat at his desk. Tom sat at the desk. Том ги дигна рацете. Tom raised his arms. Tom raised his hands. Му кажав на Том да прекине. I told Tom to stop. I told Tom to stop. Не сум те излажал. I haven't lied to you. I didn't lie to you. Колку е далеку до Бостон? How far is it to Boston? How far is it to Boston? Бев на пазар. I went to the market. I was at the market. Том направи сериозна грешка. Tom made a serious error. Tom made a serious mistake. Лекот делуваше. That medicine worked. The cure worked. Драго ми е што Том е добар. I'm glad Tom's OK. I'm glad Tom is okay. Штотуку си го засеков прстот. I just cut my finger. I just cut my finger. Треба да ѝ помогнеме. We should help her. We need to help her. Фали едно дете. A child is missing. There's a kid missing. Дан е новиот маж на Линда. Dan is Linda's new husband. Dan is Linda's new husband. Знаеш, јас не сакам да те убијам. You know, I don't want to kill you. You know, I don't want to kill you. Оној столб не е баш вертикален. That pole is not quite vertical. That's not exactly vertical. Ме срамиш. You're embarrassing me. You're embarrassing me. Том всушност не сакаше да научи да плива. Tom never really wanted to learn how to swim. Tom didn't really want to learn how to swim. Мислев да му земам едно вакво на Том. I thought I'd buy one of these for Tom. I thought I'd get one of these for Tom. Во право сум бил во врска со тебе. I was right about you. I was right about you. Се преженив. I got married again. I got married. Том и Мери планираат да дојдат следната година. Tom and Mary are planning to come next year. Tom and Mary are planning on coming next year. Не смее да ни опадне концентрацијата. We've got to stay focused. We can't lose our focus. Том и понатаму седеше. Tom stayed seated. Tom was still sitting. Како да добијам такво? How do I get one of those? How do I get one of those? Чекам да се вратат. I'm waiting for them to return. I'm waiting for them to come back. Том се почувствува понижено. Tom felt humiliated. Tom felt humiliated. Знам колку ти е важен Том. I know how important Tom is to you. I know how important Tom is to you. Од нив ли ти е ова? Did you get this from them? Is this one of them? Сум видел колку ужасно танцува Том. I've seen how badly Tom dances. I've seen how awful Tom dances. Некако е чудно. It's sort of strange. It's kind of weird. Имате среќа, дечки. You guys are lucky. You guys are in luck. Сѐ уште не работи. It's not yet working. It's still not working. Том си го стави топломерот во уста. Tom put the thermometer in his mouth. Tom put his thermometer in his mouth. Невозможно е да се живее без вода и кислород. It is impossible to live without water and without oxygen. Living without water and oxygen is impossible. Што е со тебе и него? What is it with you and him? What about you and him? Не го знам насловот на песнава... како е? I don't know the title of this song ... what is it? I don't know the title of this song... how's it going? Том изгледа нерешително. Tom looks indecisive. Tom looks reluctant. Заборави го. Forget him. Forget him. Том изгледаше многу болно. Tom looked very sick. Tom looked very ill. Се смета за високо квалификуван службеник. He is considered to be a highly qualified employee. He is considered a highly qualified official. Ајде вечер да почнеме. Let's start tonight. Let's get started tonight. Мери си ја стави чантата на маса. Mary placed her purse on the table. Mary put her purse on the table. Му ја предаде ли белешката на Том? Did you deliver the note to Tom? Did you give Tom the note? Посети пријател. He visited a friend. Visiting a friend. Том рече дека тука живеел порано. This is where Tom said he used to live. Tom said he used to live here. Проблемот е што сите родители сакаат нивните деца да одат на Харвард. The problem is all parents wants their children to go to Harvard. The problem is, all parents want their kids to go to Harvard. Пази! Таму има голема дупка. Watch out! There's a big hole there. There's a big hole in there. Никогаш нема да ги заборавиме. We'll never ever forget them. We'll never forget them. Емили ја напиша реченицата. Emily wrote the sentence. Emily wrote the sentence. Ќе чекам надвор. I'll be waiting right outside. I'll wait outside. Тоа и го сакам. That's what I want. That's what I want. Те молам, дај јас да го извршам тоа. Please let me do it. Please, let me do it. Том отиде во парк сам. Tom went to the park by himself. Tom went to the park alone. Забавно ли беше? Was it fun? Was it fun? Смири се. Што е проблемот? Calm down. What's the problem? What's the problem? Еве Ви ја платата. Here's your paycheck. Here's your salary. Должност ни е. It's our duty. It's our duty. Не им се допадна ниеден мој предлог. They didn't like any of my suggestions. They didn't like any of my suggestions. Тој се врати по многу години. He came back many years later. He came back years later. Три е скоро. It is almost three. Three's almost there. Им дадов шанса. I gave them a chance. I gave them a chance. Том дели соба со својот постар брат. Tom shares a room with his older brother. Tom shares a room with his older brother. Не сме во брак. We aren't married. We're not married. Ништо во природата не е бескорисно. Nothing in nature is useless. Nothing in nature is useless. Тркалото почна да се врти. The wheel began to turn. The wheel started spinning. Изгледа работи сѐ. It seems that everything works. Everything seems to be working. Мери носеше цветен фустан. Mary wore a flowered dress. Mary was wearing a flower dress. Том нека го направи тоа за тебе. Let Tom do that for you. Let Tom do it for you. Моите звучници се детски играчки во споредба со твоите. My speakers are kid toys compared to yours. My speakers are children's toys compared to yours. Том за малку ќе избувнеше. Tom nearly lost his nerve. Tom almost broke out. Ве молам исправајте ми го изговорот. Please correct my pronunciation. Please correct my excuse. Сите сме го виделе. We've all seen it. We've all seen him. Кој го фрли шишето? Who threw the bottle? Who threw the bottle? Камоли да бев со тебе таму сега. I wish I could be there with you now. I wish I was there with you now. Ќе бидам на таван. I'll be in the attic. I'll be in the attic. Сѐ уште не сме нешто многу зафатени. We aren't very busy yet. We're not very busy yet. Те молам зборувај побавно. Please speak slower. Please speak more slowly. Драго ни е што Том стигнал дома безбедно. We're happy that Tom arrived home safely. We're glad Tom got home safely. Просто знам дека немаше да ми фали Том. I just know I wouldn't have missed Tom. I just know I wouldn't miss Tom. Ги имаш ли своите ствари? Do you have your stuff with you? Do you have your stuff? Чинам дека си ме барала. I believe you've been looking for me. I think you've been looking for me. Лично ќе се погрижам за тоа. I'll see to that personally. I'll take care of it myself. Секогаш имај го речников при рака. Always keep this dictionary handy. Always keep this dictionary handy. Да видиме дали Том одобрува. Let's check with Tom. Let's see if Tom approves. Ќе ги натерам да ти помогнат. I'll get them to help you. I'll get them to help you. Дај да ти покажам каде да го ставиш тоа. Let me show you where to put that. Let me show you where to put that. Подведувач ли си ѝ ти? Are you her pimp? Are you her pimp? Како го нарекуваш? What do you call it? What do you call it? Ако ми требаат пари, ќе му побарам на татко ми. If I need money, I'll ask my father. If I need money, I'll ask my father. Детето располага со напредно знаење. The child has advanced in his knowledge. The child has advanced knowledge. Учителите мора да знаат да ги разберат децата. Teachers must understand children. Teachers must know how to understand children. Проба ли да ги повториш лекциите по англиски. Did you try to review the English lessons? Have you tried repeating your English lessons? Том е многу успаничен. Tom is very nervous. Tom is very nervous. Знам дека светов е пропаднат. I know the world's gone to pieces. I know this world is ruined. Том има руса коса и зелени очи. Tom has blond hair and green eyes. Tom has blond hair and green eyes. Ќе продолжам со обидите. I'll keep on trying. I'll keep trying. Том соодветно изреагира. Tom reacted appropriately. Tom reacted accordingly. 25 по 6 е 1_0. Која е цифрата што недостасува? 25 times 6 equals 1_0. What is the missing digit? 25 times 6 is 1_0. What's the missing figure? Те молам, пушти ме да ти ја носам торбата. Please let me carry your bag. Please, let me carry your bag. Ќе бидам покрај тебе. I'll be right by your side. I'll be right by you. Измачкани ми се рацете. My hands are sticky. My hands are covered. Еве ми го доказот. I've got proof right here. Here's my proof. Том нема да дозволи да се случи тоа. Tom isn't going to let that happen. Tom won't let that happen. Том купи капут. Tom bought a coat. Tom bought a coat. Подобро луѓето само да претпоставуваат дека си будала отколку да отвориш уста и да им докажеш дека биле во право. It's better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and prove it. It's better for people to just assume you're a fool than to open your mouth and prove them right. Секој има некаква желба. Everyone has a wish of some kind. Everyone's got a wish. Сѐ ќе направам за тебе. I'll do anything for you. I'll do anything for you. Не сум ти роб! I'm not your slave! I'm not your slave! Ти падна едната цицка. One of your boobs fell down. You dropped one tit. Си се згоил. You've gotten fat. You're getting fat. Се извини. He made an apology. He apologized. Тој надминал многу препреки. He has overcome many obstacles. He overcame many obstacles. Просто е нешто што ќе морам да го прифатам. It's just something I have to live with. It's just something I have to accept. Како си го помина празникот? How did you spend your holiday? How was your holiday? Има место за уште еден во мојата кола. There's room for one more in my car. There's room for one more in my car. Зошто ја сакаш оваа работа? Why do you want this job? Why do you want this job? Ги исправ чаршафите. I washed the sheets. I washed the sheets. Сѐ уште ли е гладен Том? Is Tom still hungry? Is Tom still hungry? Подобро да одам да го барам. I'd better go look for him. I'd better go look for him. Една секунда, те молам. Веднаш ќе се вратам. One moment, please. I'll be right back. One second, please, I'll be right back. Го бива за тенис. He is good at tennis. He's good at tennis. Се упатија кон запад. They headed westward. They're heading west. Навистина ли си отишол таму? Did you really go there? Did you really go there? Имаш право на пауза за ручек. You're entitled to a lunch break. You're entitled to a lunch break. Том се обиде да ја успокои Мери. Tom attempted to calm Mary down. Tom tried to reassure Mary. Тебе треба да ти се заблагодарам. I have you to thank. You're the one I should thank. Би сакал ли да одиме на филм вечерва? Would you like to go to a movie tonight? Would you like to go to a movie tonight? Том малку е срамежлив. Tom is kind of shy. Tom is a little shy. Том сѐ уште чита. Tom is still reading. Tom is still reading. Жал ми е што бев толку некултурен со сестра ти. I'm sorry I was so rude to your sister. I'm sorry I was so rude to your sister. Воздишките ти се залудни - нема да ти ја исполнам фантазијата. Your sighs are in vain - I will not fulfil your fantasy. Your tears are in vain - I won't fulfill your imagination. Том делува необично. Tom seems unusual. Tom seems unusual. Сосема заборавив на нив. I completely forgot about them. I completely forgot about them. Еј, не е фер така. Hey. That's not fair. Hey, that's not fair. Сигурно е предупредување. It must be a warning. I'm sure it's a warning. Сите ли се гладни? Is everyone hungry? Is everyone hungry? Срцето диво и чукаше. Her heart was beating wildly. Her heart was wild and beating. Го примија во војска. He entered the army. They took him into the army. Ќе се чекаме со Том на вообичаеното место. I'll meet Tom at the usual place. We'll meet Tom at the usual place. Тоа е моја работа. That's my business. That's my job. Не стојат. They're not standing. They're not standing. Дозволи ми да објаснам. Allow me to explain. Let me explain. Го видов само еднаш. I saw him but once. I only saw him once. Немој ни да си го допрел. Don't even touch it. Don't even touch him. Том имаше паметна идеја. Tom had a bright idea. Tom had a smart idea. Смееш да пушиш само на тераса. You can only smoke on the terrace. You can only smoke on a terrace. Каде може да си ги ставам торбите? Where can I put my bags? Where can I put my bags? Дај да ти покажам подобар начин да го направиш тоа. Let me show you a better way to do that. Let me show you a better way to do that. Том го посетува Бостон. Tom is visiting Boston. Tom visits Boston. Ова не е журка. This isn't a party. This isn't a party. Сам го дизајнирав. I designed it myself. I designed it myself. Куќата на Том е полна со играчки. Tom's house is full of toys. Tom's house is full of toys. И француски зборувам. I speak French, too. And I speak French. Те молам заборави дека сум го рекол тоа. Please forget I said that. Please forget I said that. Имам слаба бешика. I have a weak bladder. I have a weak bladder. Тука ли е мајка ти? Is your mother here? Is your mother here? Моите родители велеа дека носи несреќа да одиш на колена. My parents said it's bad luck to walk on your knees. My parents said it was bad luck to go to your knees. Ја гледаш ли врската? Do you see the connection? Do you see the connection? Момчето се врати. The boy came back. The boy's back. Зошто би се грижел Том? Why would Tom worry? Why should Tom worry? Том ги офарба симсовите во бело. Tom painted the window sills white. Tom painted the symptoms in white. Му веруваме. We believe him. We trust him. Еј, го виде ли тоа? Hey, did you see that? Hey, did you see that? Читам усни. I read lips. I read lips. Дали ти е Том внук? Is Tom your nephew? Is Tom your nephew? Тоа е веќе средено. It's already taken care of. That's already taken care of. Том навидум никогаш не прати многу на час. Tom never seems to pay much attention in class. Tom never seems to have sent much to class. Настанот влијаеше на неговата иднина. The event affected his future. The event influenced his future. Го гледам само она што го гледаш и ти. I can only see what you see. I see only what you see. Том чуваше питон како миленик во својот стан. Tom kept a pet python in his apartment. Tom kept a python as a pet in his apartment. Меката волна е поскапа од крутата, а двете се подобри од синтетика направена од најлон. Soft wool is more expensive than coarse wool and both are superior to synthetics made of nylon. Soft wool is more expensive than a pear, and both are better than synthetics made of nylon. Треба да бидеш тимски играч. You need to be a team player. You should be a team player. Том седеше карши Мери на масата. Tom sat across the table from Mary. Tom sat across Mary's table. Фала што ми го направи толку лесно. Thank you for making it so easy. Thank you for making it so easy for me. Го испив виното. I have drunk the wine. I drank the wine. Мораме ли да му помогнеме? Do we have to help him? Do we have to help him? Ајде де. Go on ahead. Come on. Не сакам да се возам со метро. I don't like riding the subway. I don't want to ride the subway. Имам многу имот. I have a lot of land. I have a lot of property. Тука си на безбедно. You're safe in here. You're safe here. Том го потпиша чекот. Tom signed the check. Tom signed the check. Сакам нов нож. I want a new knife. I want a new knife. Знам точно што би сакал да правам кога би бил Том. I know exactly what I'd want to do if I were Tom. I know exactly what I'd like to do if Tom were. Веќе ми се заблагодари. You've already thanked me. You already thanked me. Добро си направил. You did a good thing. You've done well. Натпреварувачкиот дух сам по себе не е ни добар ни лош. Competitiveness is neither good nor bad in itself. The spirit of competition is by itself neither good nor bad. Криво ми падна. I felt bad. I couldn't help it. Можеби можам да ти дадам. Maybe I can give you one. Maybe I can give you one. Одмаздата е слатка. Revenge is sweet. Revenge is sweet. Луѓето со коишто работам се сите многу љубезни. The people I work with are all very kind. The people I work with are all very kind. Том не сакаше да признае дека грешно постапил. Tom refused to admit that what he'd done was wrong. Tom didn't want to admit that he was wrong. Зарем не е тоа убаво? Isn't that beautiful? Isn't that nice? Се немаш предомислено, така? You haven't changed your mind, have you? You haven't thought about everything, have you? Ова не е возможно. This isn't possible. This can't be happening. Навистина беше мило. It was really sweet. It was really nice. Не ја разбирам науката. I don't understand science. I don't understand science. Таа се запозна со својот чичко. She met her uncle. She met her uncle. Би сакал чаша вода. I'd like to have a glass of water. I'd like a glass of water. Не се дружиме. We're not friends. We don't hang out. Том не знаеше што сака. Tom didn't know what he wanted. Tom didn't know what he wanted. Буш ги почитува сите вероисповеди. Bush respects all religions. Bush respects all the faiths. Ако немаш доволно пари, јас ќе ти позајмам. If you don't have enough money, I'll lend you some. If you don't have enough money, I'll lend it to you. Можам да не извадам оттука. I can get us out of here. I can get us out of here. Немој да направиш неред. Don't make a mess. Don't make a mess. Том немаше амбиции. Tom had no ambition. Tom had no ambition. Водевме пријателски разговор со господинот. We had a friendly talk with the gentleman. We had a friendly conversation with the gentleman. Том нѐ предал. Tom has betrayed us. Tom betrayed us. Птиците имаат крила. Birds have wings. Birds have wings. Не вреди. It's not worth it. It's not worth it. Будала со алат е сепак будала. A fool with a tool is still a fool. A fool with a tool is still a fool. Каде е сестра ми? Where's my sister? Where's my sister? Полицијата не може да го уапси Том. The police can't arrest Tom. The police can't arrest Tom. Се облекувам. I'm getting dressed. I'm getting dressed. Том имал незгода на работа. Tom has had an accident at work. Tom had an accident at work. Мислиш ли дека е возможно да се положат сите испити? Do you think it's possible to pass all the exams? Do you think it's possible to pass all the exams? Не пробувај да им поставуваш правила на сите тука. Член си на групата, а не водач. Don't try to set the rules for everybody here. You're just a member of the group, not a leader. Don't try to make rules for everyone here, you're a member of the group, not a leader. Таа е млада студентка. She is a young university student. She's a young student. Што создаде? What did you make? What did you create? Мислев дека на Том нема да му се бендиса Мери. I thought Tom wouldn't like Mary. I didn't think Tom would like Mary. Том ми ја згазна ногата. Tom stepped on my foot. Tom stepped on my leg. Сакам малку да направам муабет со тебе за Том. I want to have a little chat with you about Tom. I want to have a little conversation with you about Tom. Може ли да ти го користам пенкалото? Can I use your pen? Can I use your pen? Мислев дека никогаш нема да ги најдам. I never thought I'd find them. I thought I'd never find them. Еј, убаво мириса тоа. Hey, that smells good. Hey, that smells good. Зошто ми се случува ова? Why is this happening to me? Why is this happening to me? Озбилни ли беа? Were they serious? Were they serious? Се уште ли си тука? Are you still around? Are you still here? Може ли списокот? Can I have the list? Can I have the list? Бурџ Калифа е сега највисокиот облакодер во светот. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Burj Khalifa is now the tallest skyscraper in the world. Зошто не ја послуша мајка ти? Why didn't you listen to your mother? Why didn't you listen to your mother? Не е како што мислев. It isn't what I thought. It's not what I thought. Прашањето ти е можеби пресложено. The question is perhaps too complex for you. Your question may be too complicated. Вози сопствена кола. He drives his own car. He drives his own car. Физиката лошо ми оди како предмет. Physics is my weak subject. Physics is bad for me as a subject. Сакам да ја купам јакнава. I want to buy this jacket. I want to buy this jacket. Со задоволство ќе чекам. I'm happy to wait. I'll be happy to wait. Том се грижеше дека можеби ќе задоцни. Tom was worried that he might be late. Tom worried he might be late. Јас ќе го платам пијалокот. The drink is on me. I'll pay for the drink. Том протрча покрај мене. Tom rushed past me. Tom ran past me. Том стана да ѝ помогне на Мери. Tom got up to help Mary. Tom got up to help Mary. Има друг начин. There's another way. There's another way. Исцрпен сум емотивно. I'm emotionally drained. I'm exhausted emotionally. Фала за забавата. Thanks for the party. Thanks for the party. Имам чувство дека Том ќе го извлече подебелиот крај. I feel like Tom got the short end of the stick. I have a feeling Tom is going to pull the fat end. Попрво би правел нешто друго. I'd rather do something else. I'd rather do something else. Ќе му кажеш ли на Том? Will you tell Tom? Will you tell Tom? Мери не е мој тип. Mary is not my type. Mary is not my type. Не би можеле да преживееме уште еден напад. We'd never survive another attack. We couldn't survive another attack. Бебете беше тивко. The baby kept quiet. The baby was quiet. Ќе поминам. I'll pass. I'll pass. Навистина ли сака Том да му дојдам на забавата? Does Tom really want me to come to his party? Does Tom really want me to come to his party? Да го викнеме ли? Should we get him? Should we call him? Полицијата го расчисти плоштадот. The police have cleared the square. The police have cleared the square. Покажи ни каде си го нашол. Show us where you found him. Show us where you found it. Имам афти на задниот дел од грлото. I have aphthous ulcers on the back of my throat. I've got some fifts on the back of my throat. Том се покикоти на шегата на Мери. Tom chuckled at Mary's joke. Tom reacted to Mary's joke. Ни среќата ни тагата не можат да траат вечно. Neither joy nor sorrow can last forever. Neither happiness nor sorrow can last forever. Том пропадна низ мразот. Tom fell through the ice. Tom fell through the ice. Знам како Том ја третирал Мери. I know how Tom treated Mary. I know how Tom treated Mary. Тој сака шунка со јајца. He likes ham and eggs. He likes egged ham. Нема да попуштат. They won't back off. They won't give in. Сите имаме свои тајни. We all have secrets. We all have our secrets. Сум се извештил. I've gotten better. I've gotten better. Луѓето често се жалат како другите ги третираат неправедно, а не согледуваат дека и нивното сопствено однесување е непожелно. People often complain of how others treat them unjustly, failing to perceive that their own behaviour is quite objectionable. People often complain about how others treat them unjustly, not realizing that their own conduct is undesirable too. Имам добра посада. I have a good crew. I have a good crew. Том без сомнение беше најдобриот пеач вечерва. Tom was by far the best singer tonight. Tom was no doubt the best singer tonight. Ми заповеда да ја затворам капијата. He commanded me to shut the gate. He's ordering me to close the gate. Камоли Том да беше тука. I wish Tom was here. I wish Tom were here. Како да те добијам? How can I reach you? How can I reach you? Том изгледаше зафатено. Tom appeared busy. Tom looked busy. Жив човек не гледам. I don't see anyone. A living man I can't see. Кажи ни што е тоа. Tell us what that is. Tell us what it is. Том изгледа прилично згодно. Tom is looking pretty good. Tom looks quite handsome. Каде го набави тоа? Where did you get that? Where did you get that? Ова не е место за деца. This is no place for children. This is no place for children. Внеси ја внатре. Bring her inside. Get her inside. Се гордееме со тебе. We're proud of you. We're proud of you. Ти кажала ли Мери дека мисли дека со Том сме во љубовна врска? Did Mary tell you that she thinks Tom and me are dating? Did Mary tell you she thinks we're dating Tom? Мислев дека сме пријатели. I thought we were friends. I thought we were friends. Том не се обиде да се расправа со Мери. Tom didn't try to argue with Mary. Tom didn't try to argue with Mary. Имам многу пороци, но брзата храна не е еден од нив. I have many vices, but fast food isn't one of them. I have many vices, but fast food is not one of them. Том сакаше да може да остане подолго. Tom wished he could've stayed longer. Tom wished he could stay longer. Ќе одам во парк. I'll go to the park. I'm going to the park. Имаше многу скапани јаболка во кошницата. There were many rotten apples in the basket. There were a lot of rotten apples in the basket. На Том му е слаб пулсот. Tom's pulse is weak. Tom's pulse is low. Се надевав на нешто малку покорисно. I was hoping for something a little more helpful. I was hoping for something a little more useful. Сакам сега да ѝ се јавиш. I want you to call her now. I want you to call her now. Имам очила за сонце. I have sunglasses. I have sunglasses. Извадете го Том оттука. Take Tom out of here. Get Tom out of here. Мојата работа е завршена. My work is finished. My work is done. Се знам себеси. I know myself. I know myself. Сум учел француски. I've studied French. I've studied French. Тавите се користат за пржење. The pan is used for frying. The pans are used for frying. Грубо одговори. He made a rude reply. He gave a rough answer. Лупам целер и компири. I am peeling the celery and the potatoes. I'm peeling celery and potatoes. Том не е толку богат колку што мислат сите. Tom isn't really as rich as everyone thinks he is. Tom isn't as rich as everyone thinks he is. Том сигурно се борел. Tom must've put up a fight. Tom must've fought. Моите родители ме сакаат. My parents love me. My parents love me. Те молам, помогни му на Том колку што можеш повеќе. Please help Tom as much as possible. Please help Tom as much as you can. Сакаш ли герании? Do you like geraniums? Do you like worms? Немој да си се осмелил да го прашаш за тоа. Don't you dare ask him that. Don't you dare ask him that. Баш си одговараме. We're great together. We're getting along just fine. На Том му се смееја. Tom was laughed at. Tom was laughed at. Том ме застрела. Tom shot me. Tom shot me. Кој ти помогнал? Who helped you? Who helped you? Кој ја напишал песмава? Who wrote this song? Who wrote this song? Не му ги поткопувај предлозите. Do not belittle his suggestions. Don't undermine his suggestions. Да бев на твое место, ќе го избегнував Том некое време. If I were you, I'd stay away from Tom for a while. If I were you, I'd be avoiding Tom for a while. Том ѝ побара помош на Мери. Tom asked Mary for some help. Tom asked Mary for help. Ќе одам да зборувам со Том. I'll go talk to Tom. I'll go talk to Tom. Те молам, почекај малку. Please wait a bit. Please, wait a minute. Дупнав едно. I pierced one. I had one. Можеби Том имал среќа. Maybe Tom was lucky. Tom might have been lucky. Најлошиот вид на мамурлук е емоционалниот мамурлук. The worst kind of hangover is emotional hangover. The worst kind of hangover is the emotional hangover. Можеби навистина било случајно. Maybe it really was an accident. Maybe it was really an accident. Нема да му плаќам на Том. I won't pay for Tom. I won't pay Tom. Имам многу шлајм. I have a lot of phlegm. I've got a lot of phlegm. Спиевме во шатор. We slept in a tent. We slept in a tent. Дан не знаеше ништо за убиствата. Dan knew nothing about the murders. Dan didn't know anything about the murders. Го најдов кафезот празен. I found the cage empty. I found the cage empty. Треба да држиш диета. You need to stick to a diet. You're supposed to be on a diet. Пази малку, Том. Watch it there, Tom. Watch it, Tom. Сложено е да најдеш такси во градов. In this city finding a taxi is complicated. It's complicated to get a cab in town. Земјотресот го предизвика пожарот. The earthquake caused the fire. The earthquake caused the fire. Том се искачи по скалата. Tom climbed up the ladder. Tom climbed up the ladder. Ајде да ги измиеме садовите. Let's do the dishes. Let's wash the dishes. Сите го бараа Том. Everybody was looking for Tom. Everyone was looking for Tom. Многу беше мрачно. It was really dark. It was very dark. Од кога? Since when? Since when? Тој ги отвори кафезите. He opened the cages. He opened the cages. Ова е изводливо. This is doable. This is doable. Планот нема да работи. The plan won't work. The plan won't work. Ова не е уметност. Ова е вагина со заби. That is not art. That is a vagina with teeth. This is not art. lt's a vagina with teeth. Почна да роси. It began to sprinkle. It's starting to burn. Гласините беа вистинити. The rumors were true. The rumors were true. Дали Том има репче? Does Tom have ponytail? Does Tom have a turnip? Том слезе од автобусот. Tom got off the bus. Tom got off the bus. Мислам дека е време да почнеме да се спремаме. I think it's time to start getting ready. I think it's time we started getting ready. Тоа е бела лага. It is a white lie. It's a white lie. Баба ми е многу стара. My grandmother is very old. My grandmother is very old. Не можев да го натерам Том да го купи тоа, без разлика колку се трудев. I couldn't get Tom to buy that, no matter what I tried. I couldn't get Tom to buy that, no matter how hard I tried. Тешко е да се оправда. It's hard to justify. It's hard to justify. Ме фрустрира стриптизот, затоа што ретко завршува со вистински секс. I find striptease frustrating, as it doesn't often culminate in actual sex. I'm frustrated with the striptease, because it rarely ends with real sex. Каде се алиштата? Where is the laundry? Where are the clothes? Само нека не ти падне. Just don't drop it. Just don't drop it. Така е. That's the way it is. That's right. Подлабоко е од тоа. It's deeper than that. It's deeper than that. Тој е прав среќник. He's a very lucky man. He's such a lucky guy. Навикнати сме на тоа. We're used to that. We're used to it. Таа му е сестра на Том. She's Tom's sister. She's Tom's sister. Зошто го купи баш тоа? Why did you buy that one? Why did you buy that? Мислам дека моите кријат нешто од мене. I think my parents are hiding something from me. I think my parents are hiding something from me. Ги чу вестите на радио. He heard the news on the radio. You heard the news on the radio. Имавме усно испрашување. We had an oral exam. We had oral interrogation. Тоа е бездруго една опција. That's certainly one possibility. That's certainly one option. Сакам да се чујам со неа. I want to hear from her. I want to hear from her. Девојките се смееја. The girls laughed. The girls laughed. Ќе го известам Том што си направил. I'll let Tom know what you've done. I'll let Tom know what you've done. Тивко е. It's quiet. It's quiet. Сега е веќе предоцна. Now it's too late. It's too late now. Да го најдеме. Let's find him. Let's find him. Камоли да знаев што да му кажам на Том. I just wish I knew what to say to Tom. I wish I knew what to tell Tom. Морам да се обидам да ги најдам. I've got to try to find them. I have to try to find them. Медитираме. We're meditating. We're meditating. Остар нож не вреди ништо без остро око. A sharp knife is nothing without a sharp eye. A sharp knife is worth nothing without a sharp eye. Јагленохидратите сочинуваат приближно шест отсто од животинските клетки. The percentage of carbohydrates in animal cells is approximately 6 percent. carbohydrates make up approximately six percent of animal cells. Јас сум жртвата тука. I'm the victim here. I'm the victim here. Ќе возиме. We'll drive. We're driving. Што почувствува? What did you feel? What did you feel? Можеби имаат заложници. They may have hostages. They may have hostages. Дојде, виде, и ништо не рече. He came, he saw - and didn't say anything. He came, he saw, and he didn't say anything. Том цело време се смееше. Tom laughed all the time. Tom laughed all the time. Не мешај работа и задоволство. Don't mix business with pleasure. Stay out of business and pleasure. Таа ги објасни правилата подробно. She explained the rules in detail. She explained the rules in detail. Може ли се уште да добијам нешто за јадење? Can I still get something to eat? Can I still get something to eat? Том често те збори. Tom often talks about you. Tom often talks to you. Слушам дека си отишол во пензија. I hear you retired. I hear you retired. Она што Том го рече беше непристојно. What Tom said was inappropriate. What Tom said was rude. Само си игравме. We were just playing. We were just playing. Сѐ направив за него. I did everything for him. I did everything for him. Том едвај се движи. Tom is hardly moving. Tom can hardly move. Дојдов да му побарам услуга. I came to ask him a favor. I came to ask him for a favor. Никој не му поверува на Том. Nobody believed Tom. No one believed Tom. Растечен ми е носот. I have a runny nose. My nose is growing. Том е најдобриот гитарист што сум го слушал во живо. Tom's the best guitarist I've ever heard in person. Tom is the best guitar player I've ever heard in person. Дај да те бацам. Let me give you a kiss. Let me kiss you. Ти би била одлична мајка. You'd be a great mother. You'd make a great mother. Не го приметив. I didn't notice it. I didn't notice it. Си отидов дома. I went home. I went home. Не би сакал да зборувам за нив. I'd rather not discuss them. I'd rather not talk about them. Да претпоставиме дека била тука. Let's suppose that she was here. Let's assume she was here. Тоа е сигурно ужасно. That must be awful. That must be terrible. За нас ли го купи ова? Did you buy this for us? Did you buy this for us? И вие ќе ми фалите мене. I'll miss you, too. And I'm gonna miss you guys. Тоа ме приморува да си го сменам мислењето. That obliges me to change my opinion. That makes me change my mind. Се степавме. We got into a fight. We got in a fight. Одиме во будистичкото светилиште. Преубаво е. We go to the Buddhist shrine. It is beautiful. We're going to the Buddhist sanctuary. Се разочарав затоа што те немаше дома. I was disappointed because you weren't at home. I was disappointed you weren't home. Може ли да пробаш? Can you try? Can you give it a try? Ми ја даде солта. He gave me the salt. He gave me the salt. Кај кого треба да се обратам? Who should I be talking to? Who should I turn to? Чу ли чукање? Did you hear a knock? Did you hear a knock? Никој не може да ме повреди без моја дозвола. Nobody can hurt me without my permission. No one can hurt me without my permission. Ова не ме жеже. This doesn't burn. This doesn't hold me. Топло е. It's warm. It's warm. Грозно беше. It was disgusting. It was awful. Ти си наставничка. You are a teacher. You're a teacher. Небото се затемнува. The sky's getting darker. The sky blacks out. Тука свирев минатата недела. I played here last week. I played here last week. Том не остави добар прв впечаток. Tom didn't make a good first impression. Tom didn't make a good first impression. Стигнати ли се веќе? Have they arrived yet? Are they here yet? Што ти се допаѓа кај нив? What is it you like about them? What do you like about them? Ќе најдам време за тоа. I'll get around to it. I'll make time for that. За малку ќе загинев. I almost got killed. I almost got killed. Се заноќува. It's getting dark. It's getting dark. Мислам дека ќе можам да го решам проблемов сам. I don't think that I'll be able to solve this problem by myself. I think I can solve this problem by myself. Мери отиде на породилно. Mary took maternity leave. Mary went to the maternity ward. Не лај! Don't bark! Don't bark! Маринер 10 била првата вселенска сонда што го посетила Меркур. Исто така била првата сонда што посетила две планети, имено Венера и Меркур. Mariner 10 was the first space probe to visit Mercury. It was also the first probe to visit two planets - Venus and Mercury. Mariner 10 was the first space probe to visit Mercury, and it was also the first probe to visit two planets, namely Venus and Mercury. Том седеше до Мери. Tom sat beside Mary. Tom sat next to Mary. Драго ми е што Том е на безбедно. I'm glad Tom is safe. I'm glad Tom is safe. Мојот шеф беше многу строг. My boss was very strict. My boss was very strict. Том, каде си? Tom, where are you? Tom, where are you? Зборував со своите советници за тоа кои предмети да ги земам. I talked to my advisors about which classes to take. I talked to my advisors about what items to pick up. Том и даде на Мери убав подарок. Tom gave Mary a nice present. Tom gave Mary a nice gift. Том пак се закашла. Tom coughed again. Tom coughed again. Ова е лесно. This is an easy one. This is easy. Тетка му јаде јаболко или банана? Is his aunt eating an apple or a banana? Is his aunt eating an apple or a banana? Тогаш бев во Канада. I was in Canada then. I was in Canada at the time. Да знаев дека ќе дојде да ова, немаше никогаш да се согласам. If I'd known that it would come to this, I would have never consented. If I had known this would come if I had, I would never have agreed. Том и Мери работеа наизменично. Tom and Mary took turns. Tom and Mary worked alternately. Кажи му на Том лично. Tell Tom in person. Tell Tom yourself. Том цела ноќ ѝ ќутеше на Мери. Tom didn't talk to Mary all night. Tom kept quiet all night. Не сакав да избрзам. I didn't want to rush into anything. I didn't mean to rush. Ќе го направиме ова како што треба. We are going to do this the right way. We'll do this right. Оној којшто греши ги сноси последиците. He who makes the mistake bears the consequences. He who sins bears the consequences. Воопшто не преувеличувам. I'm totally not exaggerating. I'm not overreacting at all. Пробај да скапираш. Try to figure it out. Try to rot. Том е мршаво дете. Tom is a scrawny kid. Tom is a skinny kid. Ќе морам да те замолам да го одмориш телефонот. I'm going to have to ask you to put your phone away. I'm gonna have to ask you to rest your phone. Том седеше на троседот. Tom sat on the couch. Tom sat on the couch. Тука ли работат? Do they work here? Do they work here? Има малку вистина во тоа што го вели Том. There is some truth in what Tom says. There's a little truth in what Tom says. Не троши толку време! Don't waste so much time! Don't waste that much time! Тој направи важно откритие. He made an important discovery. He made an important discovery. Том ми кажа дека би сакал да оди во зоолошка со нас утре. Tom told me that he would like to go to the zoo with us tomorrow. Tom told me he'd like to go to the zoo with us tomorrow. Тоа е фазан. It's a pheasant. It's a pheasant. Том не покани на вечера со него и жена му. Tom invited us to have dinner with him and his wife. Tom invited us to dinner with him and his wife. Само што стигнав тука со кола од Бостон. I just drove down here from Boston. I just got here by car from Boston. Силувањето е ужасен злочин. Rape is a horrible crime. Raping is a terrible crime. Уште колку часа до почетокот на забавата? How many more hours will it be until the party begins? How many hours till the party starts? Малку сум зафатен. I'm a little busy. I'm a little busy. Том и кажа на Мери дека треба да ги уништи доказите. Tom told Mary that she should get rid of the evidence. Tom told Mary that she should destroy the evidence. Морам да се согласам со тоа. I'd have to agree with that. I have to agree with that. Том мислеше дека Мери најверојатно ќе биде волна да помогне. Tom thought that Mary would probably be willing to help. Tom thought Mary would probably be willing to help. Еден се раѓа секоја минута. There's one born every minute. One is born every minute. Том сакаше да се пресели во Бостон. Tom wanted to move to Boston. Tom wanted to move to Boston. Можеме да ги смениме работите. We can change things. We can change things. Сега морате да си одите. You must leave now. Now you have to leave. Имам. I have one. Yes, I do. Не е премногу. It's not too much. It's not too much. Чекам Том да се смири. I'm waiting for Tom to cool down. I'm waiting for Tom to calm down. Не сакам алкохол и точка. I don't like alcohol, period. I don't like alcohol and period. Пробај нешто ново. Try something new. Try something new. Јави им се сега. Call them now. Call them now. Том носи кожни шорцеви. Tom is wearing leather shorts. Tom is wearing leather shorts. Том со рацете и ја затна устата на Мери. Tom put his hands over Mary's mouth. Tom shut Mary's mouth with his hands. Додај го кромидот. Add the onion. Pass the onions. Се уште не сум нашол доктор. I haven't found a doctor yet. I haven't found a doctor yet. Видов што се случи. I saw what happened. I saw what happened. Нешто изгубив. I've lost something. I lost something. Ме опаучи по глава. He hit me on the head. He trained me on the head. Оваа година врнеше повеќе снег од претходната. It snowed more this year than last. This year, it rained more snow than it did before. Том рече дека ќе тргне во 2:30. Tom said he would leave at 2:30. Tom said he'd leave at 2:30. Раскажи ми го останатото. Tell me the rest. Tell me the rest. Беше ли Том на богослужба? Does Tom attend mass? Was Tom on religious service? Јас сум оној што го изнесува ѓубрето. I'm the one who takes out the garbage. I'm the one who takes out the trash. Секогаш сум поспан. I always feel sleepy. I'm always sleepy. Ме трогнува твојата загриженост. I'm touched by your concern. I'm touched by your concern. Том ѕиркаше низ шпионката на вратата. Tom looked through the peephole in the door. Tom peeked through the peeper at the door. Има добар ресторан на кратко растојание од тука. There's a good restaurant not too far from here. There's a good restaurant a short distance from here. Том не изгледаше зафатено. Tom didn't look busy. Tom didn't seem busy. Галамат соседите. It's noisy next door. It's the noise of the neighbors. Ќе одам со Том. I'm going with Tom. I'll go with Tom. Том чекаше да види што ќе се случи. Tom was waiting to see what would happen. Tom waited to see what would happen. Мери рече дека Том е пренаметлив, или нешто во тој стил. Mary said that Tom was too importunate, or something along those lines. Mary said that Tom was pushy, or something in that style. Водата од дождот испарува кога е топло. The rainwater evaporates on a hot day. Rainwater evaporates when it's hot. Скршив чаша - гледај да не згазнеш на срчите додека да ги исчистам. I broke a glass - try not to step on the shards before I clean them up. I broke a glass - don't step on the heart of the heart until I clean it. Може ли да позајмам пенкало? Could I borrow a pen? Can I borrow a pen? Кога рече Том дека ќе му почне забавата? What time did Tom say his party was going to start? When did Tom say his party was about to start? Мислам дека Том има право. I think Tom is right. I think Tom is right. Отсекогаш сум сакал да ја слушнам таа композиција. I always wanted to hear that piece. I've always wanted to hear that composition. Том се обиде да ѝ го привлече вниманието на Мери. Tom tried to get Mary's attention. Tom tried to get Mary's attention. Дали е тоа појасот што ти го дадов? Is that the belt I gave you? Is that the belt I gave you? Том не друштвен. Tom isn't outgoing. Tom isn't social. Зошто да не ја замолиме да помогне? Why don't we ask her to help? Why don't we ask her to help? Штотуку пристигнавме. We've just arrived. We just got here. Том е многу вознемирен. Tom is very upset. Tom is very upset. Наводно "океј" е најпопуларниот збор на светот. 'OK' is said to be the most popular word in the world. Apparently, "Okay" is the most popular word in the world. Ни се водиш, ни се тераш. You are impossible. You're leading us, you're making fun of us. Само што се вратив. I have just returned. I just got back. Некој му се јави на Том. Someone called Tom. Someone called Tom. Имаш ли да ми позајмиш вратоврска? Do you have a tie I can borrow? Do you have a tie I can borrow? Списанијата беа распродадени. The magazines were sold out. The magazines were sold out. Веќе не можеш да ѝ помагаш. You can't help her anymore. You can't help her anymore. На што работеше Том? What was Tom working on? What was Tom working on? Том и кажа на Мери да не доцни пак. Tom told Mary not to be late again. Tom told Mary not to be late again. Том се обиде да надокнади за неспиењето со дремка. Tom tried to make up for his lack of sleep by taking a nap. Tom tried to make up for taking a nap. Нејзината убавина ќе избледи со време. Her beauty will fade in time. Her beauty will fade in time. Том не беше сигурен дали го може тоа или не. Tom wasn't sure if he could do it or not. Tom wasn't sure if he could do it or not. Имам прашање за него. I have a question for him. I have a question for him. Веројатно си видел и многу полошо. You've probably seen a lot worse. You've probably seen a lot worse. Ништо не го плаши Том. Nothing scares Tom. Nothing scares Tom. Најпрвин ни треба план. We need a plan first. First we need a plan. Сакам да ги побараш. I want you to look for them. I want you to look for them. Том ја фати Мери како го гледа. Tom caught Mary looking at him. Tom caught Mary looking at him. Моето куче го касна. My dog bit him. My dog bit him. Ептен беше смешно. It was awfully funny. It was so funny. Том си ја запостави работата. Tom neglected his work. Tom neglected his job. Излегувај од мојава соба веднаш. Leave my room immediately. Get out of my room right now. Сега јас управувам. I'm in command now. I'm in charge now. Том го испи напитокот. Tom drank the potion. Tom drank the potion. Том го вклучи вентилаторот. Tom turned on the fan. Tom turned on the fan. Навидум немаше што да преземеме. There seemed to be nothing we could do. There seemed to be nothing we could do. Том мислеше дека јако изгледа. Tom thought it looked cool. Tom thought he looked hot. Не ми зборувај веќе. Stop talking to me. Don't talk to me anymore. Том скока на јаже. Tom is jumping rope. Tom is jumping rope. Том ни кажа да не му се паркираме пред куќа. Tom told us not to park in front of his house. Tom told us not to park in front of his house. Мери ги покажа градите. Mary showed her breasts. Mary showed her breasts. Драго ми е што си дома. I'm glad you're home. I'm glad you're home. Знам што ја вознемирило. I know what got her rattled. I know what upset her. Дивјачко племе живеело таму во тие денови. A savage tribe lived there in those days. A wild tribe lived there in those days. Мислам дека има место за тебе тука. I think there's a place for you here. I think there's room for you here. Том ја пресече крушката на пола. Tom cut the pear in half. Tom cut the pear in half. Морав да останам. I had to stay behind. I had to stay. Ќе разбереш кога ќе биде време. You'll understand when the time comes. You'll understand when it's time. Мислиш ли дека не требаше да му кажеме на Том за ова? Do you think we shouldn't have told Tom about this? Do you think we shouldn't have told Tom about this? Му значи ли ова нешто на Дан? Does this mean anything to Dan? Does this mean anything to Dan? Можеби некој го следел Том. Somebody might've followed Tom. Maybe someone was following Tom. Татко ми ме носеше тука кога бев млад. My father used to take me here when I was young . My father used to bring me here when I was young. Можеби би требало да преземеме нешто во врска со тоа. Perhaps we should do something about it. Maybe we should do something about it. Том фати да работи. Tom started working. Tom started working. Мораш да нѐ избавиш оттука. You have to get us out of here. You have to get us out of here. Сега се чувствувам засрамено. I'm feeling embarrassed right now. Now I feel ashamed. Веќе колку време живее Том во Бостон? How long has Tom been living in Boston? How long has Tom lived in Boston? Многу сум благодарен. I'm so grateful. I'm very grateful. Ќе ме уапсат ли? Are they going to arrest me? Are they going to arrest me? Сите се уплашија. Everybody got scared. Everyone was scared. Што ќе створиш? What will you make? What are you going to create? Да, Боб ми помогна. Yes, Bob helped me. Yeah, Bob helped me. Знае ли Том зошто не ти се допаѓа? Does Tom know why you don't like him? Does Tom know why you don't like him? Ножот имаше многу остар врв. The knife had a very sharp point. The knife had a very sharp tip. Сомнежите го уништуваат пријателството. Suspicion is destructive of friendship. Doubts ruin friendship. Му се јавивте ли веќе? Did you call him yet? Have you called him yet? Таа му намигна. She winked at him. She winked at him. Ништо не ни пречи. Nothing bothers us. Nothing bothers us. Ја замолив да дојде со мене. I asked her to come with me. I asked her to come with me. Том пие црно кафе без шеќер. Tom drinks black coffee without sugar. Tom drinks black coffee without sugar. Се обидов да го убедам Том. I tried to convince Tom. I tried to convince Tom. Том не сакаше да прифати одбивање. Tom wouldn't take no for an answer. Tom wouldn't accept a rejection. На сите ни се допаѓаш. We all like you. We all like you. Мразам аспарагус. I hate asparagus. I hate asparagus. Живеев во убедување дека зборуваш француски. I've always thought you knew how to speak French. I've lived in the belief that you speak French. Оној што ги плаќа сметките има право да се господари. The one who pays the bills calls the shots. A person who pays the bills has the right to lord himself. Не се зафркавај со Том. Don't mess with Tom. Don't mess with Tom. Может ти и подобро. You can do better than that. You can do better than that. Не беа гладни. They weren't hungry. They weren't hungry. Добро ли ти оди математика? Are you good at math? Are you doing well in math? Не можев да го чујам. I couldn't hear him. I couldn't hear him. Том послужи вечера. Tom served dinner. Tom served dinner. Том делуваше малку шокирано. Tom looked a little shocked. Tom seemed a little shocked. Мислам дека Том нешто крие од нас. I think Tom is hiding something from us. I think Tom is hiding something from us. Сношти тој работеше без пауза. He worked last night without taking a break. Last night, he was working without a break. Ќе ми дадеш ли нешто ладно за пиење? Will you give me something cold to drink? Will you give me something cold to drink? Зошто плачеш? Why are you crying? Why are you crying? Мислам дека ќе мораш да ни помогнеш. I think you'll have to help us. I think you're gonna have to help us. Што е одговорот? What's the answer? What's the answer? Може ли да дојдеш со нас? Can you come with us, please? Can you come with us? Со среќа. Good luck. Good luck. Мислев дека би сакал да знаеш дека денес Том отсуствуваше од школо. I thought you'd like to know that Tom was absent from school today. I thought you'd like to know that Tom was absent from school today. Том се уште не и се јавил на Мери. Tom hasn't called Mary yet. Tom hasn't called Mary yet. Ме покани на балетот. She invited me to the ballet. He invited me to the ballet. Јакнава ми е премала. This jacket is too small for me. My collar's too small. Том е исклучително паметен. Tom is extremely smart. Tom is extremely smart. Даваме сѐ од себе. We're doing our best. We're doing our best. Ова е игра на зборови. This is a pun. It's a word game. Сфаќам што сакал да каже Том. I see what Tom meant. I understand what Tom meant. Том се понуди да ги чува децата попладнево. Tom has offered to take care of the children this afternoon. Tom offered to babysit this afternoon. Не сум сигурен дали ќе му отидам на Том на свадба. I'm not sure that I'm going to Tom's wedding. I'm not sure I'm going to Tom's wedding. Сигурен сум дека Том истото го чувствува. I'm sure Tom feels the same way. I'm sure Tom feels the same way. Ги замолив да дојдат. I asked them to come. I asked them to come. Прашањето е кој ќе му каже. The question is who is going to tell him. The question is who will tell him. Мораш да ги следиш правилата. You have to follow the rules. You have to follow the rules. Само знам дека Том треба да дојде тука пред 2:30. All I know is that Tom is supposed to be here by 2:30. All I know is that Tom should be here by 2:30. Треба прво да поразговараме. We should talk first. We need to talk first. Јас сум за. I'm for it. I'm in. Се продаваа. They were on sale. They were selling out. Сигурен ли си дека баш ова сакаш да го правиш? Are you really sure that this is what you want to do? Are you sure this is exactly what you want to do? Пробај да се опреш. Try to resist. Try to put up a fight. Не сме баш сигурни. We're not so sure. We're not so sure. Тогаш бевме толку млади. We were so young at that time. We were so young back then. Рече дека ќи ми пишеш порака приквечер, ама ме излажа, очигледно. You said you would text me in the evening, but you lied, evidently. You said you'd text me at night, but you lied to me, obviously. Знам за задачата. I know about the job. I know about the task. Сите навивавме за тебе. We were all rooting for you. We've all been rooting for you. Мислам дека нема излез од ова. I don't think there's any way out of this one. I don't think there's any way out of this. Дали имаше пиштол Том? Did Tom have a gun? Did Tom have a gun? Том не јадеше многу. Tom didn't eat much. Tom didn't eat much. Се бореа за слобода. They fought for freedom. They fought for freedom. Сѐ уште ли е буден Том? Is Tom still awake? Is Tom still awake? Том пак личи на себе. Tom looks like himself again. Tom looks like himself again. Нема да ми биде лесно да те заборавам. It won't be easy to forget you. It won't be easy for me to forget you. Сѐ уште не зборувам француски баш добро. My French still isn't very good. I still don't speak French very well. Сега се бесполезни. They're useless now. Now they're useless. Ќе те исконтактираме. We'll contact you. We'll contact you. Не им е баш гајле. They don't really care. They don't really care. Пријатен ми беше разговоров, но сега морам да си одам. It's been nice talking to you, but I really must go now. I've had a nice conversation with you, but I have to go now. Затоа ли не сакаш да ни помогнеш? Is that why you won't help us? Is that why you won't help us? Видов експлозија. I saw an explosion. I saw an explosion. Не сме насмеани. We're not smiling. We're not smiling. Жал ми е за она што му се случило на Том. I'm sorry for what happened to Tom. I'm sorry about what happened to Tom. Не би сакал да се утрапам. I wouldn't want to intrude. I wouldn't want to get in trouble. Што имате таму? What do you have there? What do you got there? Сигурен сум дека Том го може тоа. I'm sure Tom can do it. I'm sure Tom can do that. Тој бараше помош. He called for help. He asked for help. Ова не е стапица. This is not a trick. This isn't a trap. Очигледно е дека неговата состојба се нема влошено. It is obvious that his condition has not worsened. It's obvious his condition hasn't deteriorated. Не си каков што очекував. You aren't what I expected. You're not what I expected. Отсекогаш сум верувал во тебе. I've always believed in you. I've always believed in you. Кој се кандидирал за претседател таа година? Who ran for president that year? Who ran for president that year? Том не е тука, те уверувам. Tom isn't here, I assure you. Tom isn't here, I assure you. На Том му треба операција. Tom needs surgery. Tom needs surgery. Имаш ли да ми раситниш педесетка? Do you have change for a fifty? Do you have a 50 to break for me? Наспиј се ако можеш. Get some sleep if you can. Get some sleep if you can. Никој не може да го сопре Том. Nobody can stop Tom. No one can stop Tom. Да го вклучам ли Том? Should I include Tom? Should I turn Tom on? Том ја потпиша сметката. Tom signed the bill. Tom signed the bill. Не можев да го здогледам Том. I couldn't spot Tom. I couldn't see Tom. Тоа значи "да" или "не"? Is that a yes or no? Does that mean yes or no? Ќе му кажам на Том дека си ѕвонел. I'll tell Tom you called. I'll tell Tom you called. Пијам лекови. I'm on medication. I'm taking medication. Том е долу. Tom is downstairs. Tom is downstairs. Им оставив порака. I left a message for them. I left them a message. Ја кривам неа. I blame her. I blame her. Том навидум најдобро помнеше што се случило од кој било друг. Tom seemed to remember what happened better than anyone else. Tom seemed to remember best what happened to anyone else. Да ја чекаме ли? Should we wait for her? Should we wait for her? Том изгледа ништо не очекуваш. Tom seemed to expect nothing. Tom doesn't seem to expect anything. Како си заминаа? How did they leave? How did they leave? Том лошо ја процени Мери. Tom misjudged Mary. Tom gave Mary a bad judgment. Не е мудро да се чуваат две змии во еден сад. It is unwise to keep two snakes in one tank. It is unwise to keep two snakes in one vessel. Спушти го. Put it down. Put it down. Скроз е темно. It's completely dark. It's totally dark. Бандитите му ја врзаа устата. The bandits put a gag in his mouth. The bandits tied his mouth. Се зазборевме. We got carried away with our conversation. We had a conversation. Том е многу фин. Tom is really nice. Tom is very nice. Тоби не умее да кажува вицеви. Toby can't tell jokes. Toby can't tell jokes. Колку атома содржи една капка вода? How many atoms are there in a drop of water? How many atoms does one drop of water contain? Твој ли е моливов? Is this pencil yours? Is this pencil yours? Не смееш да го земеш тоа. You can't take that. You can't take that. Том се откажа од пушењето. Tom gave up smoking. Tom gave up smoking. Том не е љубоморен. Tom is not jealous. Tom isn't jealous. Том ги трати. Tom abandoned them. Tom is tending them. Дали го отру Том? Did you poison Tom? Did you poison Tom? Дан се исече при бричењето. Dan cut himself shaving. Dan cut himself in a shave. Том и се лутеше на Мери. Tom was mad at Mary. Tom was mad at Mary. Снимам филм. I'm making a movie. I'm making a movie. Погледај низ прозор. Look out your window. Look out the window. Кога ќе биде тоа? When will that be? When will that be? Магнетите привлекуваат железо. Magnets attract iron. Magnets attract iron. Том не ја кажа баш вистината. Tom didn't exactly tell the truth. Tom didn't really tell the truth. Том мислеше дека Мери нема да му прости. Tom thought that Mary wouldn't forgive him. Tom thought that Mary wouldn't forgive him. Па нели рече дека сакаш да одиш со нас? I thought that you said you wanted to go with us. I thought you said you wanted to go with us. Одам да ги соберам. I'm going to go get them. I'm gonna go get them. Отстапи од неа. Back away from her. Step away from her. Обожавам голф. I love golf. I love golf. Том му се заблагодари на готвачот. Tom thanked the chef. Tom thanked the cook. Сакаш ли да играме голф попладнево? How about playing golf this afternoon? Do you want to play golf this afternoon? Не би имале никаква шанса. We wouldn't stand a chance. We wouldn't stand a chance. Вози бавно. Drive slowly. Take it slow. Цигарите се цуцли за возрасни. Cigarettes are soothers for adults. Cigarettes are lame for adults. Си легнав доцна во ноќта. I went to bed late in the night. I went to bed late in the night. Го купив од нив. I bought it from them. I bought it from them. Сакам лептири. I like butterflies. I like lusters. Не дозволува никому да седи на неговата фотелја. He won't let anybody sit in his armchair. He won't let anyone sit on his chair. Том никогаш не дозна дека потајно го мразам. Tom never knew that I secretly hated him. Tom never knew I secretly hated him. Ми требаше. I needed it. I needed you. Многу сакам филмови. I like movies a lot. I love movies. Дедо ми беше мелничар. My grandfather was a miller. My grandfather was a miller. Зарем не треба да ги чекаме? Shouldn't we wait for them? Shouldn't we wait for them? Мери има убави кафеави очи. Mary has beautiful brown eyes. Mary has beautiful brown eyes. Том се плашеше од тебе. Tom was afraid of you. Tom was afraid of you. Дали е Том затвореник? Is Tom a prisoner? Is Tom a prisoner? Ќе ви помогнам да го најдете. I'll help find him. I'll help you find him. Книгата е во собата. The book is in the room. The book's in the room. Не ме засмевај. Don't make me laugh. Don't make me laugh. Мери е баш слатка. Mary is pretty cute. Mary is so cute. Има две комоди во спалнава. There are two chests of drawers in this bedroom. There's two coms in this bedroom. Маж ми е добро расположен денес. My husband is in high spirits today. My husband is in a good mood today. Треба да си го измијат изметот. They should wash their feces. They need to wash their shit. Ќе ги алармирам. I'll alert them. I'll alert them. Тој ми ја даде твојата адреса. I got your address from him. He gave me your address. Само го барав. I was just looking for him. I was just looking for him. Нека дојде Том да се види со мене. Have Tom come see me. Have Tom come see me. Се надевам дека ќе го најдам. I'm hoping to find him. I hope I find him. Том ми рече да не ја отварам таа врата. Tom told me not to open that door. Tom told me not to open that door. Што можеш да очекуваш? What can you expect? What can you expect? Напиши го одговорот на ливчево, ќе те молам. Write the answer on this piece of paper, please. Write the answer on this note, please. Тргај ја оттука. Get her away from here. Get her out of here. Што повеќе јадам, толку повеќе ми расте апетитот. The more I eat the bigger my appetite gets. The more I eat, the more my appetite grows. Ќе ѝ дадам букет на девојка ми. I will give a bunch of flowers to my girlfriend. I'll give my girlfriend a bouquet. Да се спремиме да си одиме. Let's get ready to leave. Let's get ready to go. Не ме викај кретен. Don't call me a jerk. Don't call me a jerk. Знам да ги слушам луѓето. I'm a good listener. I can hear people. Ќе разберев. I'd have understood. I would've understood. Том не ми ја позајми колата. Tom isn't the one who borrowed my car. Tom didn't lend me the car. Ме дупиш демек? Are you kidding me? Are you fucking kidding me? Дај да пробам пак. Let me try again. Let me try it again. Можам да одам пешки од тука. I could walk from here. I can walk from here. Ми недостига готвењето на мајка ми. I miss my mom's cooking. I miss my mom's cooking. Ти си после нив. You're after them. You're after them. Секоја курва некогаш била девица. Every Harlot was a Virgin once. Every whore has ever been a virgin. Сакам да му ги слушам приказните на Том. I like to listen to Tom's stories. I want to hear Tom's stories. Навистина сум загрижен за неа. I'm really worried about her. I'm really worried about her. Подобро да побрзаме. We'd better hurry. We'd better hurry. Том често бега од часови во понеделник. Tom often cuts classes on Monday. Tom often runs class on Monday. Дворецот Ви е под напад. Your castle is under attack. Your castle is under attack. Ти рече дека никогаш нема да ги фатиме. You said we'd never catch them. You said we'd never catch them. Тоа е туѓ проблем. That's someone else's problem. That's someone else's problem. Кој сака инсекти? Who likes insects? Who likes insects? Сигурно тагува по својот дом. He must be homesick. He must be grieving for his home. Дај ми чепкалка. Give me a toothpick. Give me a pick. Ѓорѓи, имам нешто да ти кажам. Ти имаш мајка, така? George, I have something to tell you. You have a mother, don't you? George, I have something to tell you. Молчи и изврши го тоа. Shut up and do it. Shut up and do it. Фала што помогна. Thanks for helping out. Thanks for helping. Ајде да не бидеме вообразени. Let's not get cocky. Let's not be arrogant. Ова е фотографија од мојата слика. This is a photo of my painting. This is a photo of my picture. Том го исечка јаболкото. Tom sliced the apple. Tom cut the apple. Се уште малку доцнам. I'm still running a little bit late. I'm still a little late. Том ја сретна Мери во паркот додека се враќаше дома од работа. Tom met Mary in the park on his way home from work. Tom met Mary in the park on his way home from work. Секогаш си ја заклучувам собата. I always lock my room. I always lock my room. Можеш ли да пливаш? Are you able to swim? Can you swim? Каква е прогнозата за утре? What's the forecast for tomorrow? What's the forecast for tomorrow? Имаше само еден мал проблем. There was only one small problem. There was only one small problem. Полицијата сѐ уште го испрашува Том. Tom is still being questioned by the police. The police are still questioning Tom. Што ти текнало да дојдеш во Бостон? What brings you to Boston? What made you come to Boston? Те боли ли стомакот? Do you have a stomach ache? Does your stomach hurt? Впечатлив си. You're impressive. You're impressive. Опасно е да се преминува таа пустина. Crossing that desert is dangerous. It's dangerous to cross that desert. Том ја обожава Австралија. Tom loves Australia. Tom loves Australia. Родина или смрт; ќе победиме. Fatherland or death, we shall overcome. Parents or death; we'll win. Ќе ти помогнеме. We'll help you out. We'll help you. Том е втора година. Tom is a sophomore. Tom is a sophomore. Дан и неговите пријатели се собраа околу полициската станица. Dan and his friends gathered outside the police station. Dan and his friends gathered around the police station. Каква идиотска грешка. What an idiotic mistake! What an idiot mistake. Том со сите се поздрави. Tom greeted everyone. Tom said good-bye with everyone. Те издадоа. They betrayed you. You've been betrayed. Луѓето воглавно ме сакаат. People tend to like me. People mostly like me. Вам ли ви припаѓа ова? Does this belong to you? Does this belong to you? Сите се свртеа да го гледаат. Everyone turned to look at him. Everyone turned to look at him. Овој свеќник е многу тежок. This candlestick is very heavy. This candlestick is very heavy. И јас сум загрижен за него. I, too, am worried about him. I'm worried about him, too. Ни станува топло. We're getting warmer. We're getting warm. Па, кои спортови ти се допаѓаат? Well, what sports do you like? So, which sports do you like? Дадов сѐ од себе да му помогнам. I tried my best to help him. I tried my best to help him. Говорникот си го прочисти грлото. The speaker cleared his throat. The speaker cleaned his throat. Драго ми е што не си му се јавил. I'm glad you didn't call him. I'm glad you didn't call him. Том си ја извади капата и учтиво се поклони. Tom took off his hat and bowed politely. Tom took off his hat and politely bowed. Држете си ги капите. Hold onto your hats. Hold your hats. Зошто си ја напушти работата? Why did you leave your job? Why did you quit your job? Пробав да го најдам. I tried to find him. I tried to find him. Што и да правиш, побрзај. Whatever you do, do it quickly. Whatever you're doing, hurry up. Се прашувам како би било да бидам Том. I wonder what it would be like to be Tom. I wonder what it would be like to be Tom. Фала за подарокот. Thanks for the gift. Thanks for the gift. Не си Јапонка. You are not Japanese. You're not Japanese. Мислам дека Том и Мери немаат многу заеднички работи. I don't think Tom and Mary have much in common. I don't think Tom and Mary have much in common. Зошто те нападнале? Why did they attack you? Why did they attack you? Сакаш ли прегратка? Do you want a hug? Do you want a hug? Нема да зуцнам. I won't breathe a word. I won't say a word. Цело тело ја болеше. Her whole body hurt. She was in pain all over her body. Сите си ја исполнија должноста. All men have fullfilled their duty. Everyone has fulfilled their duty. Том донесе пита. Tom brought a pie. Tom brought pie. Многу добро поминаа. They did very well. They did very well. Зошто ќе се маскираш годинава? Why are you going in costume this year? Why are you dressing up this year? Том е егоист. Tom is egotistical. Tom is selfish. Том ја стави кутијата во кола. Tom put the box in the car. Tom put the box in the car. Тука нема да ја најдат. They won't find her there. They won't find her here. Том и подаде рака на Мери. Tom gave Mary a hand. Tom handed Mary his hand. Седи на клупата. Sit on the bench. Sit on the bench. Ќе ја донесеме. We'll bring her. We'll bring her in. Не може Том да исчезнал. Tom can't be missing. Tom can't disappear. Ајде да не зборуваме за неа. Let's not talk about her. Let's not talk about her. Бев одма позади него. I was right behind him. I was right behind him. Медитираш ли, Том? Do you meditate, Tom? Are you meditating, Tom? Сѐ уште сум ти шеф. I'm still your boss. I'm still your boss. Зошто не праша? Why didn't you ask? Why didn't you ask? Би ми било задоволство да му бидам кума на син ти! It'd be a pleasure to be a godmother to your son! It would be a pleasure to be your son's godmother! Мислам дека ќе пробам да го направам ова самиот. I think I'll see if I can do this by myself. I think I'll try to do this myself. Дан навистина верува дека целиот свет се врти околу него. Dan really believes that the whole world revolves around him. Dan really believes the whole world revolves around him. Кажи му на Том дека сум спремен. Tell Tom I'm ready. Tell Tom I'm ready. Кој ти го дал тој готвач? Who gave you that recipe book? Who gave you that cook? Никој нема право на влез. No one's allowed in. No one has the right to enter. Подобро нив прашај ги. Ask them instead. Better ask them. Ги најде, така? You found them, didn't you? You found them, right? Том не дише. Tom's not breathing. Tom isn't breathing. Каде планираше да ги пикнеш сиве овие ствари? Where were you planning on putting all this stuff? Where were you planning on putting all this stuff? Том не можеше да се воздржи. Tom couldn't restrain himself. Tom couldn't help himself. Се случи пред две години. It happened two years ago. It happened two years ago. Во врска сум со некого. I'm seeing someone. I'm dating someone. На крај ја оствари својата цел. In the end he achieved his goal. Eventually, he achieved his goal. Том не спие во мртовечки ковчег, за разлика од повеќето вампири. Tom doesn't sleep in a coffin like most vampires. Tom doesn't sleep in a coffin, unlike most vampires. Том беше недруштвен. Tom was unsociable. Tom was antisocial. Технички е возможно. It's technically possible. It's technically possible. А ти за што мислеше дека зборуваме? What did you think we were talking about? And what did you think we were talking about? Заедно ќе дојдеме. We'll come together. We'll come together. Извини што досаѓам, но би можел ли да отвориш прозор? Sorry to impose, but would you please open the window? I'm sorry to bother you, but could you open a window? Таа е грациозна убавица. She is a graceful beauty. She's a graceful beauty. Потпиши се тука. Sign your name there. Sign here. Мастурбацијата е секс со некого што навистина го сакаш. Masturbation is doing it with someone you really love. Masturbation is sex with someone you really love. Доста ми беше за еден ден. I've had enough for one day. I've had enough for one day. Само книга имам. All I have is a book. It's just a book I have. Како погоди? How did you guess that? How'd you guess? Како ќе дознаеме? How do we find out? How do we find out? Никогаш не сме зборувале за тоа. We've never talked about that. We never talked about it. Што повеќе имаш, толку повеќе можеш да изгубиш. The more you have, the more you have to lose. The more you have, the more you can lose. Заљубен сум, и несреќен сум во врска со тоа. I'm in love, and I am unhappy about it. I'm in love, and I'm unhappy about it. Кутар јас. Poor me. Poor me. Не ми текнува добар начин да се стигне до тоа. I can't recall a good way to get there. I can't think of a good way to get to that. Ќе правам како што велиш. I'll do as you say. I'll do as you say. Дедо ми одгледува патки. My grandfather raises ducks. My grandfather grows ducks. Том избега со парите. Tom ran away with the money. Tom ran away with the money. Сам ли е Том таму? Is Tom there alone? Is Tom alone there? Добар си одбрал. You chose a good one. You've chosen well. Не ставај толку бибер во супата. Don't put so much pepper in the soup. Don't put that pepper in the soup. Том некогаш отсуствува од работа. Tom is sometimes absent from work. Tom sometimes loses his job. Решив да ја одгатнам загаткава пред да си одам дома денеска. I'm determined to solve this puzzle before I go home today. I decided to solve this puzzle before I went home today. Том ќе биде горд на тебе. Tom is going to be proud of you. Tom will be proud of you. Баба ми е болна. My grandmother is sick. My grandmother is sick. Многу беше возбудливо. It was very exciting. It was very exciting. Јас не реков дека зборувам француски. I didn't say I knew how to speak French. I didn't say I could speak French. Го разбраа тоа. They understood that. They understood that. Смее да си одиш сега. You may leave now. You can go now. Том ја вклучи печката. Tom lit the stove. Tom turned on the stove. Спасени сме. We're saved. We're saved. Том испи многу кафе за да остане буден. Tom drank a lot of coffee so he could stay awake. Tom drank a lot of coffee to stay awake. Па нели рече дека знаеш да пливаш? I thought you said you could swim. I thought you said you could swim. Кое е златното правило? What's the golden rule? What's the golden rule? Можам подобро од тоа. I can do better than that. I can do better than that. Можно ли е да сме направиле грешка? Is it possible we've made a mistake? Is it possible we made a mistake? Тестото е малку густо. The dough is still a little thick. The test is a little thick. Беше целосна тишина. There was complete silence. It was total silence. Бостон е фин град. Boston is a nice city. Boston is a nice town. Камбаната ѕвонеше во три часот. The church bell used to ring at three. The bell rang at three o'clock. Том се врати при свест. Tom has regained consciousness. Tom came back to consciousness. Земи нѐ со себе, Том. Take us with you, Tom. Take us with you, Tom. Не е таму. It's not there. He's not there. Да не беше твојата помош,тој немаше да успее. But for your help, he would have failed. If it wasn't for your help, he wouldn't have made it. Том би се согласил. Tom would say yes. Tom would agree. Не е Том, нели? Tom isn't the one, is he? It's not Tom, is it? Пред многу време си отидов од Бостон. I left Boston a long time ago. I left Boston a long time ago. Том изгледаше задоволно со себеси. Tom looks pleased with himself. Tom seemed satisfied with himself. Затоа сум се уште жив. That's why I'm still alive. That's why I'm still alive. Не сакам роденденска забава годинава. I don't want a birthday party this year. I don't want a birthday party this year. Сигурен сум дека нема потреба да ти кажувам како се прави тоа. I'm sure you don't need me to tell you how to do that. I'm sure I don't need to tell you how to do it. Ти требаат нови алишта. You need new clothes. You need new clothes. Том и Мери ќе играат тенис попладнево. Tom and Mary are going to play tennis this afternoon. Tom and Mary are playing tennis this afternoon. Ѝ се восхитувам на твојата дарба. I admire your talent. I admire your gift. Чудото е дека тој знаеше. The marvel is that he knew it. The miracle is he knew. Би рекол дека тоа е добра идеја. I'd say that's a good idea. I'd say that's a good idea. Каде живеел Том? Where did Tom live? Where did Tom live? Нека ни се придружи Том. Have Tom join us. Have Tom join us. Нема да победиш. You won't win. You're not gonna win. Можеме да склучиме договор. We can make a deal. We can make a deal. Точен ти беше одговорот. You got the answer right. Your answer was correct. Има восок на тепихот. There is wax on the carpet. There's wax on the carpet. Немам ништо против неа. I have nothing against her. I have nothing against her. Палатата има висока кула. The palace has a tall tower. The palace has a tall tower. Донеси ли ролни? Did you bring rolls? Did you bring rolls? Што мисли лекарот дека не е во ред. What does the doctor think is wrong? What the doctor thinks is wrong. Сѐ уште зборувам. I'm still talking. I'm still talking. Мислев дека нема да бидеш олку зафатен. I thought you wouldn't be so busy. I didn't think you'd be this busy. Само нека престане ова. Just make this stop. Just make this stop. Нека одлучи таа. Let's have her decide. Let her decide. Мислам дека е искрен. I think he is honest. I think he's honest. Зошто си толку паметен? Why are you so smart? Why are you so smart? Дан пристигна во Лондон со само двесте фунти. Dan came to London with just two hundred pounds. Dan arrived in London with only two hundred pounds. Затоа некои ветерани никогаш не сакаа да зборуваат за војната. That's why some veterans never wanted to talk about the war. That's why some veterans never wanted to talk about war. Том е во длабок сон. Tom is sound asleep. Tom is in a deep sleep. Веќе не можам да се глупирам. I can't fool around any longer. I can't fool around anymore. Ќе ја подмачкаш ли колата? Will you lubricate the car? Will you oil the car? Ти изгледаше ли дека Том е среќен што ќе оди? Did Tom look happy to go? Did he seem happy to go? Мораш да си ја прифатиш улогата. You must accept your role. You have to accept your role. Од бес го направи тоа? Did you do it just for kicks? Did you do it out of anger? Еден спрат погоре е. It's up one floor. It's one floor up. Јас ќе станам најдобар. I'm going to become the best. I'll be the best. Може ли сега да ѝ се јавиме? Can we call her now? Can we call her now? Не сум доволно богат да си купувам ефтини работи. I'm not rich enough to buy cheap things. I'm not rich enough to buy cheap stuff. Тоа би му го кажал на Том. That's what I'd tell Tom. That's what I'd tell Tom. Ова ќе сврши работа за сега. This will do for now. This will do for now. Том брзо работи. Tom is working fast. Tom works fast. Дан сакаше да ги подобри животите на другите. Dan wanted to improve the lives of others. Dan wanted to improve the lives of others. Ете што ни се случи. That's what happened to us. That's what happened to us. Убаво ја подбраа. She got a proper telling-off. She got picked up pretty good. Сите се смееја освен тебе. Everyone laughed except you. Everyone laughed except you. Брдото е голо, без дрва. The hill is exposed, with no trees. The hill is bare, no wood. Тој предложи да направиме мала пауза. He proposed that we take a small break. He suggested we take a little break. Ги ѕверевме. We stared at them. We've been staring at them. Том ѝ е татко на Мери. Tom is Mary's father. Tom is Mary's father. Му испеков колачиња. I baked some cookies for him. I baked him some cookies. Том е еден и единствен. Tom is one of a kind. Tom is one and only. Цевките за вода се цилиндри. Water pipes are cylinders. The water pipes are cylinders. Ќе се молиме за нив. We'll pray for them. We'll pray for them. Не го видов. I didn't see it. I didn't see him. Може ли да успориш? Could you slow down? Can you slow down? Покажи ми ги рацете. Show me your hands. Show me your hands. Том си го бара. Tom is asking for it. Tom is looking for it. Следната пролет сакам да матурирам. Next spring I want to graduate. Next spring, I want to graduate. Можеби Том бил еден од оние што го направиле тоа. Tom might possibly have been the one who did that. Tom might have been one of those guys who did it. Том е ботаничар. Tom is a botanist. Tom is a botanist. Но да те потсетам на една работа. But let me remind you of one thing. But let me remind you of one thing. Том цело време имаше домашни миленичиња како дете. Tom always had pets when he was growing up. Tom had pets as a child all the time. "Да ти го згреам оброкот?" "Да, ако може." "Shall I heat your meal?" "Oh, yes please." "Let me warm your meal?" "Yes, if I may." Зошто Том не го направил она што си му го побарал? Why don't you do what Tom asked you? Why didn't Tom do what you asked him to do? Том е импресивен. Tom is impressive. Tom is impressive. Пердувите на гулабот се бели. The pigeons' feathers are white. The pigeon's feathers are white. Се надевав дека ќе бидеш тука денес. I was hoping you'd be here today. I was hoping you'd be here today. Зарем не се забавуваш, Том? Aren't you having fun, Tom? Aren't you having fun, Tom? Лекарот ѝ даде морфиум. The doctor gave her morphine. The doctor gave her morphine. Мене ми изгледа вистинско. It looks real to me. Looks real to me. Дали сте скоро готови? Are you almost ready? Are you almost done? Глупаво правило е. It's a stupid policy. It's a stupid rule. Сигурно имало уште чај во чајникот. There must have been some more tea in the pot. There must have been more tea in the pot. Кога и понуди да ти биде девојка? When did you ask her to be your girlfriend? When did you offer her to be your girlfriend? Том не успеа да извади виза. Tom wasn't able to get a visa. Tom didn't get a visa. Би можел ли да ми раскажеш за себе? Can you tell me about yourself? Can you tell me about yourself? За него ли го купи ова? Did you buy this for him? Did you buy this for him? Том мисли дека зборува француски подорбо отколку што навистина зборува. Tom thinks he's better at French than he really is. Tom thinks he can speak French better than he really does. Том кимна небаре разбра за што зборува Мери. Tom nodded as if he understood what Mary was talking about. Tom nodded as if he understood what Mary was talking about. Не му се прикрадов на Том. I didn't sneak up on Tom. I didn't sneak up on Tom. Тоа беше моја грешка. That was my mistake. That was my fault. Будалите се среќни. Fools are happy. Fools are happy. Нацртај линија со линијар. Draw a line with a ruler. Draw a line with a line. Ни треба безбедносна мрежа. We need a safety net. We need a secure grid. Том изгледа подготвено. Tom seems prepared. Tom looks ready. Том тешко дишеше. Tom was breathing heavily. Tom was having a hard time breathing. Тое е сосем неодговорно. That's totally irresponsible. That's completely irresponsible. Мислам дека ќе ти се допадне Том. I think you're going to like Tom. I think you'll like Tom. Сепак ќе го направам тоа. I'm still doing it. I'm still gonna do it. Мислам дека работи. I think it's working. I think it's working. Мислам дека можам да ги натерам да помогнат. I think I can get them to help. I think I can get them to help. Сѐ уште го сакаат тоа. They still want it. They still want that. Том е молчалив човек. Tom is a quiet person. Tom is a quiet man. Како можеме да ја спасиме земјата? How can we save the earth? How can we save the country? Удобно ли ти е? Are you comfortable? Are you comfortable? Има многу пари. He has a lot of money. He's got a lot of money. Добро, слушај внимателно. All right, listen carefully. All right, listen carefully. Само драго ми е што можам да помогнам. I'm just happy to be able to help. I'm just glad I can help. Престојуваш кај Том, така? You're staying with Tom, right? You're staying with Tom, right? Том исчезнал. Tom has disappeared. Tom has disappeared. Да ја избавиме одовде. Let's get her out of here. Let's get her out of here. Вие двајца просто изгледавте многу среќно заедно. You two just looked so happy together. You two just seemed so happy together. Колку години си имал кога си научил да си го пишуваш името? How old were you when you learned to write your name? How old were you when you learned to write your name? Том е учтив. Tom has good manners. Tom is polite. Здраво, дали си ти Том? Hi, are you Tom? Hi, are you Tom? Ајде да си седнеме. Let's take our seats. Let's sit down. Не можеме да излеземе надвор затоа што врне. We can't go outside because it's raining. We can't go out because it's raining. Ова е чиста глупост. This is utter nonsense. This is pure nonsense. Само врати се дома. Just go back home. Just go home. Пишано ни е да бидеме заедно. We're made for each other. We're meant to be together. Следниот уметник е феноменален. The next artist is amazing. The next artist is phenomenal. Том го проведува сето слободно време размислувајќи за спорт. Tom spends all his time thinking about sports. Tom spends all his free time thinking about sports. Тој пак се обиде. He tried again. He tried again. Дебел си. You're overweight. You're fat. Не ми се верува колку си неодговорен. I can't believe how irresponsible you are. I can't believe how irresponsible you are. Том ни е нов колега. Tom is our new colleague. Tom is our new colleague. Татко ѝ се вика Карлос Антонио. Дечко ѝ се вика Карлос Мигел. Her father's name's Carlos Antonio. Her boyfriend's Carlos Miguel. Her father's name is Carlos Antonio, her boyfriend's name is Carlos Miguel. Ти испековме торта. We made you a cake. We baked you a cake. Како тоа не знаеш? What do you mean, you don't know that? What do you mean you don't know? Сауна е тука. It's boiling in here. Souna's here. Има ли некој таму? Is somebody there? Is anybody there? Том лошо лаже. Tom is a bad liar. Tom is a bad liar. Ова не е најдоброто решение. This is not the best solution. This isn't the best solution. За што беше тоа? What was that for? What was that for? Точно е дека е богат, но скржавец е. It is true he is rich, but he is a miser. It's true he's rich, but he's cheap. Ова е средно убаво. That is moderately beautiful. This is high school nice. Ќе одам доле. I'm going downstairs. I'm going down. Додај малку бибер. Add a little more pepper. Add some pepper. Денес ми стигна лоша вест од дома. I got bad news from home today. Bad news came to me today from home. Не можам повеќе од тоа. I can't do any more than that. I can't do any more than that. Овој славен диригент живее во Њу Јорк. This famous conductor lives in New York. This famous conductor lives in New York. Не препишувајте. Don't cheat. Don't cheat. Може ли да ти викнам такси? Can I call you a cab? Can I call you a cab? Се пробав. I've been trying everything. I tried everything. Ти си му пријател на Том, нели? You are a friend of Tom's, aren't you? You're Tom's friend, aren't you? Том сакаше да знае зошто Мери е отсутна. Tom wanted to know why Mary was absent. Tom wanted to know why Mary was absent. Да не си пушела? Have you been smoking? Have you been smoking? Не е апсурдно. It's not ridiculous. It's not absurd. Токму ова ми треба. This is just what I need. This is exactly what I need. Кога Том умре, сакав да умрам и јас. When Tom died, I wanted to die. When Tom died, I wanted to die too. Речиси нема преостанато кафе во ѓезвето. There's hardly any coffee left in the pot. There's almost no coffee left in the pot. Треба да се вратиш. You need to go back. You should go back. Не зборувај за ова со никого. Don't talk about this to anyone. Don't talk to anyone about this. Толку беше бесен што вените му беа набабрени. He was so angry that his veins stood out. He was so angry that his veins were watered up. Што предложи Том? What did Tom suggest? What did Tom suggest? Каде е амбасадата? Where is the embassy? Where's the embassy? Карим има значајна улога во филмот. Karim has a significant role in the movie. Karim plays a significant role in the film. Не го нападнав Том. I didn't attack Tom. I didn't attack Tom. Том не звучеше толку ентузијастично колку Мери. Tom didn't sound as enthusiastic as Mary. Tom didn't sound as enthusiastic as Mary. Ни се потрошија куршумите. We're out of bullets. We're out of bullets. Каде се случила пљачката? Where did the mugging take place? Where did the robbery take place? Би сакал да го посетам Бостон пред да умрам. I'd like to visit Boston before I die. I'd like to visit Boston before I die. Наполнив тринаесет години во 2003-та. I turned thirteen in 2003. I turned thirteen in 2003. Ова нема да му се допадне. He won't like this. He's not gonna like this. Луѓе застануваа и зјапаа во Том. People stopped and stared at Tom. People stopped and stared at Tom. Ова е доручек. This is a breakfast. This is breakfast. Мери е грнчарка. Mary is a potter. Mary is a potter. Ќе си ја измијам кочијата. I'm going to wash my carriage. I'll wash my carriage. Погледај наоколу. Look around. Look around. Кажи ми ако си фатиш дечко. Tell me if you find a boyfriend. Let me know if you get a boyfriend. Прашењето е што да се прави следно. What to do next is the question. The question is what to do next. Не е бесплатно. It doesn't come without a price. It's not free. Никој не сака стаорци. Nobody likes rats. Nobody likes rats. Зарем не би било тоа опасно? Wouldn't that be dangerous? Wouldn't that be dangerous? Том ме прегрна. Tom hugged me. Tom hugged me. Би ми направил ли услуга? Would you do me a favour? Would you do me a favor? Мислев дека ќе можам да му помогнам на Том. I thought I could help Tom. I thought I could help Tom. Ама тоа не е вистина. But that isn't true. But that's not true. Дали е тоа неопходно? Is that necessary? Is that necessary? Привршувате ли вие двајца? Are you two about finished? Are you two finished? Том има неугледно лице. Tom has an ugly face. Tom has an off face. Том ми побара чаша ладна вода. Tom asked me for a glass of cold water. Tom asked me for a glass of cold water. Тоа беше непоимливо. It was unthinkable. That was unrecognizable. Подоцна ќе се позанимаваме со ова. We'll do this later. We'll deal with this later. Меѓу нас е завршено. I'm finished with you. It's over between us. Одговорот беше "да." The answer was yes. The answer was yes. Отсекогаш сум се плашел дека ова ќе се случи. I've always been afraid that this would happen. I've always feared this would happen. Том е многу лош човек. Tom's a very bad guy. Tom is a very bad man. Кажи ми дека е вистина. Tell me it's true. Tell me it's true. Том си ја сакаше работата. Tom liked his job. Tom loved his job. Том се степа со брат ѝ на Мери и заврши со скршен нос. Tom got into a fight with Mary's brother and got his nose broken. Tom got into a fight with Mary's brother and ended up with a broken nose. На Том добро му одат загатки. Tom is good with puzzles. Tom is good at puzzles. Том навидум никогаш не е многу среќен. Tom never seems to be very happy. Tom never seems very happy. Том се качи на автобус. Tom boarded the bus. Tom got on the bus. Тоа не беше смешно. That wasn't funny. That wasn't funny. Том остана. Tom stayed behind. Tom stayed. Створени сме еден за друг. We belong together. We're made for each other. Да им се јавам ли? Should I call them? Should I call them? Том ѝ ја грабна на Мери книгата. Tom grabbed the book from Mary. Tom grabbed Mary's book. Том е последен. Tom is last. Tom is the last one. Болни сме. We're sick. We're sick. Ќе го донесам виното. I'll get the wine. I'll bring the wine. Црвенеам од тебе. You make me blush. I'm blushing from you. Само желба беше. It was just a wish. It was just a wish. Не баш сакам да планирам. I don't like to plan too much. I don't really want to plan. Јадевме супа од компир. We ate potato soup. We ate potato soup. Мери пружи многу поддршка. Mary was very supportive. Mary was very supportive. Том ни е клиент. Tom is our client. Tom is our client. Тој е фин младич. He's a fine young man. He's a nice young man. Девојката стоеше и гледаше во огледалото. The girl stood looking into the mirror. The girl stood there looking in the mirror. Ќе најдам некој да ни помогне. I'll find someone to help us. I'll find someone to help us. Многу студи денеска. It's very cold today. It's very cold today. Кога се врати? When did he get back? When did you get back? Ја мразеа. They hated her. They hated her. Сигурно убаво си си поминал. You must've had a good time. You must have had a good time. Зошто го знаеш тоа? Why do you know that? Why do you know that? Не требаше да останеме будни до 2:30. We shouldn't have stayed up till 2:30. We shouldn't have stayed up till 2:30. Ако не гледаш телевизија, ќе го угасам телевизорот. If you're not watching the TV, I'll turn it off. If you don't watch TV, I'll turn off the TV. Том всушност се насмеа. Tom actually laughed. Tom actually laughed. Таа изгледаше бесно. She looked furious. She looked angry. Само нека не се повтори никогаш повеќе. Just don't let it ever happen again. Just don't let it ever happen again. Знаеш дека би направил сѐ за твоите красни очи. You know I'd do anything for your beautiful eyes. You know I'd do anything for your fancy eyes. Чудно прашање е. It's a weird question. It's a strange question. Тргај го тоа од мене. Get that away from me. Get that thing away from me. Том и се восхитува на Мери за нејзините пеачки способности. Tom admires Mary's singing ability. Tom admires Mary for her singing skills. Ако не си среќен, откажи се. If you're not happy, quit. If you're not happy, give it up. Многу е слатка. She is really cute. She's so cute. Дали се слагаат Том и Мери? Are Tom and Mary getting along? Are Tom and Mary getting along? Том речиси беше во право. Tom was almost right. Tom was almost right. На том му треба облека. Tom needs clothes. Tom needs some clothes. Дедо ми не може да оди без бастун. My grandfather cannot walk without a walking stick. My grandfather can't go without a cane. Интересно прашање остана неодговорено. An interesting question remained unanswered. An interesting question remains unanswered. Во последно време заборавам работи. I've been forgetting things lately. I've been forgetting things lately. Том ми даде даска за сурфање. Tom gave me a surfboard. Tom gave me a surfboard. Нема полза од карање. There's no use arguing. There's no use fighting. Само треба да ми веруваш. I just need you to trust me. All you have to do is trust me. Таа од сѐ срце го љубеше. She loved him with all her heart. She loved him wholeheartedly. Готов сум да почнам. I'm ready to begin. I'm ready to start. Уживам во предизвици. I enjoy a challenge. I enjoy challenges. Том е скот. Tom is a scumbag. Tom is a bastard. Том тоа го заинтересира. Tom was interested in that. Tom was interested. Немам друг избор освен да си одам. I have no choice but to leave. I have no choice but to leave. Има многу да се каже. There's so much to say. There's a lot to say. Тргај се од тоа. Get away from that. Get away from it. Во суштина, искрен човек сум. Basically, I am a honest person. Basically, I'm an honest man. "На времето ме сакаше," одговори таа жално. "He used to love me," she answered sadly. "In time you loved me," she replied sadly. Тој е педијатар. He's a pediatrician. He's a pediatric. Тој куца многу брзо но прави многу грешки. He types extremely fast but with lots of mistakes. He limps very fast but makes many mistakes. Добрите лекови се горчливи. A good medicine tastes bitter. Good medicines are bitter. Том изгледа како да е под стрес. Tom seems stressed. Tom looks stressed. Изгледаш обеспокоено. You look distressed. You seem troubled. Можеби може да одиме заедно на плажа викендов. Maybe this weekend we could go to the beach together. Maybe we can go to the beach together this weekend. Ова е извонредна деловна прилика. This is a great business opportunity. This is an extraordinary business opportunity. Правам одлични маргарити. I make a mean margarita. I'm doing great margaritas. Ова е градот во којшто е роден. This is the city where he was born. This is the city where he was born. Не знам ни да танцувам. I can't dance either. I can't even dance. Го познавам едниот но не и другиот. I know one of them but not the other. I know one of them, but I don't know the other one. И двајцата ги убив. I killed them both. I killed them both. Том ни се срди. Tom is angry with us. Tom is mad at us. Морам да стигнам дома. I have to get home. I have to get home. Најверојатно ме сметаш за перверзњак. You probably think I'm a creep. You probably think I'm a pervert. Ќе одам да видам дали можам да го убедам Том да ни помогне. I'll go and see if I can get Tom to help. I'll go see if I can convince Tom to help us. Не можам да ја заборавам Мери. I can't forget Mary. I can't forget Mary. Го купив за Том. I bought it from Tom. I bought it for Tom. Том завари две цевки. Tom welded the two pipes together. Tom welded two pipes. Колку добро всушност си го познавал Том? How well did you really know Tom? How well did you actually know Tom? Згодните жени стареат многу подобро од убавите жени. Handsome women age far better than pretty women. Hot women age much better than beautiful women. Никој не се пријави доброволно. Nobody's volunteered. No one volunteered. Не го изневерувај. Don't let him down. Don't let him down. Буш знае што значи правдата. Bush knows what justice means. Bush knows what justice means. Сакаш ли да седнеш? Do you want to sit? Do you want to sit down? Се вративме. We're back. We're back. Том обожава да оди на забави. Tom loves to party. Tom loves going to parties. Работата мора веднаш да се заврши. The work must be completed at once. The job must be done immediately. Треба да ги следиме. We need to follow them. We need to follow them. Тргај ми се. Get off of me. Get out of my way. Ме викаше? Did you call me? You called me? Ни требаше малку приватност. We needed some privacy. We needed some privacy. Јас сум тој што треба да го прави тоа. I'm the one who should be doing that. I'm the one who should be doing it. Ти ми обрнуваш внимание мене? You pay attention to me? You pay attention to me? Кој е со Том сега? Who's with Tom now? Who's with Tom now? Си му го пушел ли некому? Have you ever sucked a penis? Have you sucked anyone's dick? Том е многу смешен. Tom is very funny. Tom is very funny. Сигурно си прилично зафатен поради својата работа. Your job must keep you pretty busy. I'm sure you're pretty busy with your work. За малку ќе стигнеше. You were almost there. He almost got there. Дај ми десет минути. Give me ten minutes. Give me ten minutes. Добро ќе го чуваме Том. We'll take good care of Tom. We'll take good care of Tom. Сите гледаат. Everyone's watching. Everyone's watching. Том беше жеден, па затоа испи чаша вода. Tom was thirsty, so he drank a glass of water. Tom was thirsty, so he drank a glass of water. Том ја крена чашата. Tom raised his glass. Tom raised the glass. Обожавам комедии. I love comedies. I love comedies. Нема да молам за живот. I won't beg for my life. I won't beg for my life. Тато велеше дека времето е пари. Daddy used to say that time is money. Dad said time was money. Копиле едно, ќе те убијам! You bastard, I'll kill you! You son of a bitch, I'll kill you! Пази се од Том. Watch out for Tom. Watch out for Tom. Се уште мислам дека требаше да се понудиме да помогнеме. I still think we should've offered to help. I still think we should have offered to help. Може така да се каже. You could say that. You could say that. Неговата душа беше во рајот. His soul was in heaven. His soul was in heaven. Не сум љубител на ладно време. I dislike cold weather. I'm not a fan of cold weather. Том не беше казнет. Tom wasn't punished. Tom wasn't punished. Сакаш ли да спиеш кај мене? Wanna crash at my place? Do you want to sleep at my place? Таа го победи. She defeated him. She beat him. Том е се уште девственик. Tom is still a virgin. Tom is still a virgin. Том ѝ предложи на Мери да му понуди на Џон филџан кафе. Tom suggested to Mary that she offer John a cup of coffee. Tom suggested that Mary offer John a cup of coffee. Тоа е потресно. That's disturbing. That's shocking. Том и кажа на Мери дека не може да си измислува правила како што ќе и дојде. Tom told Mary that she couldn't just make up the rules as she went along. Tom told Mary that she couldn't make up rules the way she would. Том никогаш не се смееше. Tom never laughed. Tom never laughed. Каде си тргнал? Where are you off to? Where are you going? Том исечка кромид. Tom chopped some onions. Tom cut onions. Не дојде, под изговор дека бил болен. He didn't come, with the excuse that he was sick. He didn't come, on the grounds that he was sick. Ќе се видиме пак со тебе. I'll see you again. I'll see you again. Заедно се трудеа да го угасат пожарот. They worked together to extinguish the fire. They tried together to put out the fire. Па нели ќе стигнеше вчера? I thought you were going to be here yesterday. Well, weren't you gonna be here yesterday? Гладен сум. I am hungry. I'm hungry. Како можеш да му веруваш на Том? How can you trust Tom? How can you trust Tom? Том и Мери се скоро готови. Tom and Mary are almost done. Tom and Mary are almost done. Ти ми го стори ова. You did this to me. You did this to me. Том не е баш сигурен. Tom isn't so certain. Tom isn't so sure. Том го затвори капакот. Tom closed the lid. Tom closed the lid. Том имаше 30 години. Tom was 30 years old. Tom was 30. Сѐ уште му се лутам на Том. I'm still mad at Tom. I'm still mad at Tom. Том е голем паничар. Tom is quite fussy. Tom is a big panicist. Не гледаш ли дека на Том му треба твоја помош? Can't you see that Tom needs your help? Can't you see Tom needs your help? Сме го виделе тоа и претходно. We've seen it before. We've seen it before. Барам храна. I'm searching for food. I'm looking for food. Аеродромот беше нов. Влегов внатре и разгледав. The airport was new. I went inside and had a look. The airport was new, so I went inside and looked around. Има некој зад нив. There's someone behind them. There's someone behind them. Знам дека се секираш за него. I know you worry about him. I know you're worried about him. Каде мислиш дека Том би сакал да летува? Where do you think Tom wants to spend his summer vacation? Where do you think Tom would like to go? Сака салати што содржат павлака. He likes salads that contain sour cream. He likes salads that contain cream. Таа е лакомка. She is a glutton. She's a glutton. Том би можел да биде цајкан. Tom could be a cop. Tom could be a cop. Нешто ја мачи. Something's bothering her. Something's bothering her. Мислев дека можеби те интересира да дознаеш. I thought you might be interested in knowing. I thought you might be interested in finding out. Ми истекол пасошот. My passport has expired. My passport's expired. Сега е во неволја. He is in trouble now. He's in trouble now. Неговите изјави се детинести и често ми пречат. His statements are childish and they often bother me. His statements are childish and often bother me. Денес сме дома. We're at home today. We're home today. Том седна до огнот. Tom sat down by the fire. Tom sat by the fire. Делуваше како разумен компромис. It seemed like a reasonable compromise. It seemed like a reasonable compromise. Што ти е мисијата? What is your mission? What's your mission? Преплашени сме. We're really scared. We're terrified. Можеби звучело како предлог, но наредба беше. It may have sounded like a suggestion, but it was an order. It may have sounded like a suggestion, but it was an order. Том рече дека не сака да оди со нас. Tom said he didn't want to go with us. Tom said he didn't want to go with us. Одлична серија беше. It was a great show. It was a great show. Том ги вадеше јајцата од картонот едно по едно. Tom took the eggs out of the carton one by one. Tom took the eggs out of the chart one by one. Мојата мачка е среќна. My cat is happy. My cat is happy. Доста сум задоволен со својата одлука. I'm quite comfortable with my decision. I'm quite pleased with my decision. Том гледаше низ двогледот. Tom looked through his binoculars. Tom looked through the binoculars. Го спомнав ли тоа? Did I mention that? Did I mention that? Само љубовта може да ти го скрши срцето. Only love can break your heart. Only love can break your heart. Ти дадоа ли одговор? Did you get an answer from them? Did they give you an answer? Само сакав да ти помогнам. I just wanted to help you. I just wanted to help you. Колку време ни преостанува? How much time have we got left? How much time do we have? Луѓе пробуваат да јадат тука. People are trying to eat around here. People are trying to eat here. Готови сме. We're done. We're done. Кравава е сега жигосана. This cow is not branded. This cow is now branded. Не можам да ја најдам равенката. I can't find the equation. I can't find the equation. Сигурен сум дека Том ќе се согласи. I'm sure Tom will feel the same. I'm sure Tom will agree. Том реши да помогне. Tom decided to help out. Tom decided to help. Прекрасно е. It's wonderful. It's beautiful. Далеку ли е оттука? Is it far from here? Is it far from here? Преживеав. I survived. I survived. Девојката потскокнува. The girl hops. The girl jumps. Сѐ ли е платено? Is it all paid for? Is everything paid? Не ми се обраќај така! Don't speak to me that way! Don't talk to me like that! Имаш голем нос. You have a big nose. You got a big nose. Том го успаничи тоа што го виде. What Tom saw made him nervous. Tom was alarmed by what he saw. Тоа никогаш не било опција. That was never an option. That was never an option. Тој може да исплива една милја. He can swim a mile. He can swim a mile. Том го биваше за тоа. Tom was good at that. Tom was good at it. Не ги чекав. I didn't wait for them. I wasn't waiting for them. Крвта е течноста којашто е задолжена за циркулацијата на хранливите материи. Blood is the fluid responsible for the circulation of nutrients. Blood is the fluid in charge of the circulation of nutrients. Ова не нѐ засега нас. This doesn't concern us. This does not concern us. Ова е ваш проблем. This is your problem. This is your problem. Том не мрдаше. Tom wasn't moving. Tom wouldn't move. Бракот им е превара. Their marriage is a sham. Their marriage is a fraud. Сега можеш да го спуштиш. You can put it down now. You can put it down now. Ќе задоцниме на час. We'll be late for class. We're gonna be late for class. Сакај ме малку, сакај ме долго. Love me little, love me long. Love me a little bit, love me long. Ќе биде лековито. It'll be therapeutic. It'll be the medicine. Ми се допадна твојот говор. I liked your speech. I liked your speech. Тоа и го кажав на полицијата. That's what I told the police. That's what I told the police. Грчките филозофи ја ценеле демократијата. Greek philosophers placed value on democracy. Greek philosophers valued democracy. Ете го докторот. There's the doctor. There's the doctor. Колку си далеку оттука? How far are you from here? How far away are you from here? Од ФИБ сме. We're with the FBI. We're from the FIB. Ќе го одвеземе Том до дома. We'll drive Tom home. We'll drive Tom home. Зборуваш ли италијански? Do you speak Italian? Do you speak Italian? Мислам дека можеби грешиш. I think maybe you're wrong. I think you might be wrong. Том рече дека мислел дека Марија спиела. Tom said that he thought Mary was asleep. Tom said he thought Mary was asleep. Болен си! You're sick! You're sick! Оди измиј заби. Go brush your teeth. Go brush your teeth. Драго ми е што немам потреба од тоа. I'm glad I don't need that. I'm glad I don't need that. Каков пар! What a pair! What a couple! Всушност сѐ уште не сум бил во Бостон. I actually haven't been to Boston yet. Actually, I haven't been to Boston yet. Ненадејно се разболе. He suddenly fell ill. She suddenly got sick. Зарем не плачеше? Weren't you crying? Didn't you cry? Што ќе пиеш? What'll you have to drink? What are you drinking? Се дебелееме. We're getting fat. We're getting fat. Том рече дека не му текнувало како се викал типот. Tom said he couldn't remember that guy's name. Tom said he couldn't remember the guy's name. Сигурен ли си дека нема полесен начин да се направи ова? Are you sure there isn't any easier way to do this? Are you sure there's no easier way to do this? Камоли да бевте мртви. I wish you were dead. I wish you were dead. Се согласија во врска со се. They agreed on everything. They agreed on everything. Во ред си. You're OK. You're all right. На Том не би му сметало. Tom wouldn't mind. Tom wouldn't mind. Да пробаме. Let's try. Let's try. Сончевата светлина им е полезна на растенијата. Sunshine is beneficial to plants. Sunlight is useful to plants. Дојдов да те предупредам за она што ќе се случи. I've come to warn you about what's going to happen. I've come to warn you about what's about to happen. Гледај нѐ. Look at us. Look at us. Сам стоеше. He stood by himself. You stood by yourself. Том рече да те поздравам. Tom said to say hello. Tom said hello. Никој не дојде. Nobody came. No one came. Ајде да го пикнеме Том во кревет. Let's get Tom to bed. Let's get Tom to bed. Само нека не ти опаѓа концентрацијата. Just stay focused. Just don't let your concentration drop. Нема да ве заборавам. I won't forget you. I won't forget you. Том нема повеќе од 13 години. Tom is at most 13 years old. Tom isn't more than 13 years old. Доаѓам по тебе. I'm coming for you. I'm coming for you. Потраја. It took time. It took time. Не ми се јавувај веќе. Don't call me again. Don't call me anymore. Си му се јавил ли? Have you called him? Have you called him? Нема да го поминам остатокот од животот во затвор. I'm not going to spend the rest of my life in jail. I'm not spending the rest of my life in prison. Подозирам дека Том не ја кажува вистината. I suspect that Tom isn't telling the truth. I suspect Tom isn't telling the truth. Том е веќе таму. Tom is already there. Tom is already there. Не нѐ зачуди. It wasn't a surprise. It doesn't surprise us. Том стана раководител. Tom became a manager. Tom became the manager. Навистина ми се допаѓа таа кола. I really like that car. I really like that car. Зошто Том не сака да ни зборува? Why won't Tom talk to us? Why won't Tom talk to us? Тоа не би требало да биде тешко. That shouldn't be hard. That shouldn't be hard. Ја препорачувам оваа марка на кафе. I recommend this brand of coffee. I recommend this brand of coffee. Која боја се тие? What color are those? What color are they? Не би требало да мораш да го правиш ова никогаш повторно. You shouldn't ever have to do this again. You shouldn't have to do this again. Том е добра прилика. Tom is quite the catch. Tom is a good opportunity. Том не е виновен. Tom isn't to blame. Tom isn't guilty. Јазикот е средство преку кое луѓето комуницираат меѓу себе. Language is the means by which people communicate with others. Language is a means by which humans communicate with one another. Ја обожавам есента. I love autumn. I love autumn. Не го знам патот. I don't know the way. I don't know the way. Не ми изгледа дека си многу среќен. It doesn't look like you're very happy. You don't seem very happy. Спремен сум да почнам. I'm all set to start. I'm ready to start. Од мала вредност е. It is of little value. It's of little value. Бродот се преврте. The boat capsized. The ship rolled over. Супер ќе бидеш. You'll be terrific. You're gonna be great. Смее ли да ја користам палкава? May I use this bat? May I use this bat? Мислиш ли дека ќе ти треба помош од Том? Do you think you'll need Tom's help? Do you think you'll need Tom's help? Нема да ги учам странски јазици. I'm not teaching them languages. I won't teach them foreign languages. "Хетеросексуалец си или хомосексуалец?" "Хетеросексуалец сум." "Are you straight or gay?" "I'm straight." "Are you straight or homosexual?" "I'm straight." Кралот е гол! The king is naked! The king is naked! Го мразев Том. I hated Tom. I hated Tom. Рекоа дека се гладни. They said they're hungry. They said they were hungry. Ни недостигаш. We miss you. We miss you. Внесете ја адресата за испорака. Enter the delivery address. Please enter the delivery address. Том не ни и понуди филџан кафе на Мери. Tom didn't even offer Mary a cup of coffee. Tom didn't offer Mary a cup of coffee. Сто години не сум си фатил дечко. I haven't had a boyfriend in ages. I haven't had a boyfriend in a hundred years. Подобро да влеземе таму и да го земеме Том. We'd better go in there and get Tom. We'd better get in there and get Tom. Сѐ уште верувам во љубов. I still believe in love. I still believe in love. Гласината се има проширено низ цел град. The rumor's all over town. The rumor has spread throughout the city. Колку ти траеше посетата? How long was your visit? How long was your visit? Ќе ти зготвам што год сакаш. I'll cook you anything you want. I'll cook you whatever you want. Можам да ти склучам договор. I can get you a deal. I can make you a deal. Колку е длабоко езерово? How deep is this lake? How deep is this lake? Том е дилер. Tom is dealing drugs. Tom is a dealer. Придонесувајте за Татоеба. Contribute to Tatoeba. Contribute to Tatoeba. Том ѝ трубеше на Мери. Tom honked at Mary. Tom poisoned Mary. Што не влеземе? Why don't we go in? Why don't we go in? Оди во дневна. Go to the living room. Go to the living room. Сакам да ја најдам. I want to find her. I want to find her. Том има убава градина. Tom has a beautiful garden. Tom has a beautiful garden. На Том добро му оди. Tom's doing OK. Tom is doing well. Животот без книги е незамислив. Life without books is unimaginable. Life without books is unimaginable. Тоа не е прифатливо. That's not acceptable. That's unacceptable. Том е намќор. Tom has a bad temper. Tom is grumpy. Ќе дојдам штом смогнам. I'll come as soon as I can. I'll be there as soon as I get there. Наопаку си го облекол џемперот. Your sweater is on backwards. You're wearing your sweater upside down. Можеш ли да ми се јавиш пак подоцна? Can you call me back later? Can you call me back later? Мислам дека има право. I think he's correct. I think he's right. Зошто треба да ја најдеме? Why do we need to find her? Why do we need to find her? Одгледуваат портокали во Калифорнија. They grow oranges in California. They grow oranges in California. Не те поткажав. I didn't tell on you. I didn't rat you out. Отворена ли беше вратата? Was the door open? Was the door open? Се трудиме. We try. We're trying. Дали е Том човек од доверба? Can Tom be trusted? Is Tom trustworthy? Не се сите луѓе злобни копилиња. Not all people are evil bastards. Not all people are evil bastards. Том беше третата жртва. Tom was the third victim. Tom was the third victim. Дури и да не сум во право, не си ни ти. Even if I am wrong, you are not quite right. Even if I'm wrong, neither are you. Тоа е мојот чадор. That's my umbrella. That's my umbrella. Избегнувај ги. Stay away from them. Stay away from them. Том знаеше дека ова значи неволја. Tom knew this meant trouble. Tom knew this meant trouble. Многу сакам кога ми го изговараш името. I really like it when you say my name. I love it when you say my name. Знаеш ли некои асални јапонски филмови? Do you know of any good Japanese movies to watch? Do you know any asian movies? Том има големо семејство. Tom has a big family. Tom has a big family. Том продолжи да шета напред-назад. Tom continued pacing. Tom kept going back and forth. Том надгледува. Tom is supervising. Tom is watching. Ми преостануваат уште неколку минути. I've some minutes left. I've only got a few minutes left. Не му се допаѓаме. He doesn't like us. He doesn't like us. Ова е едно од најубавите зајдисонца што сум ги видел. This is one of the most beautiful sunsets I've ever seen. This is one of the most beautiful sunsets I've ever seen. Дами и господа, Ве молиме да седнете. Ladies and gentlemen, please sit down. Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats. Најди помош. Go for help. Get help. Тоа не е субјективно. It's not subjective. That's not subjective. Не сакам мајка ми да се секира. I don't want my mother to worry. I don't want my mom worrying. Имаш мали гради. You have a small chest. You have small breasts. Колку и да си уморен, работата мора да биде завршена токму денес. No matter how tired you are, that work has to be finished today. No matter how tired you are, the job must be done today. Мораме да се движиме. We've got to move. We have to move. Тоа беше жално. That was unfortunate. That was unfortunate. Не зборувам за тебе. I'm not talking about you. I'm not talking about you. Зошто си станал цајкан? Why did you become a cop? Why did you become a cop? Гавраните наводно живеат многу подолго од луѓето. Ravens are said to live much longer than humans. Ravens reportedly live much longer than humans. Ќе те држам за збор. I'll take your word on that. I'll hold you to that. Не сум читал ниеден класик. I've never read any of the classics. I haven't read any classics. Знам што ќе се случи. I know what's going to happen. I know what's gonna happen. Том собира антиквитети. Tom collects antiques. Tom collects antiques. Ајде сега да се наспиеме. Now let's get some sleep. Let's get some sleep. Подобро варди се. You'd better look out. You better be careful. Угаси го. Turn it off. Turn it off. Некој ми ја згазна ногата. Someone stepped on my foot. Somebody stepped on my leg. Не гледам. I can't see. I can't see. Лицето го издава она што срцето го крие. The face betrays what is in the heart. The person betrays what the heart hides. Не знам како да ти се извинам ама навистина ми е жал. I don't know how to say how sorry I really am. I don't know how to apologize, but I'm really sorry. И двајцата се закикотија. They both chuckled. They both did. Што да правиме наместо тоа? What should we do instead? What should we do instead? Ви го прислушнав разговорот. I overheard your conversation. I overheard your conversation. Имаат пријатели. They've got friends. They have friends. Се прашувам дали Том сака пиво. I wonder if Tom likes beer. I wonder if Tom likes beer. Мислам дека ќе одам да јадам надвор. I think I'll go out to eat. I think I'm gonna go eat outside. Том излажал за тоа што се случило. Tom lied about what had happened. Tom lied about what happened. Ти дадоа ли сметка? Did you get a receipt? Did they give you a bill? Имам голема куќа. I have a big house. I have a big house. Таа сака кратки сукњи. She likes short skirts. She likes short skirts. Треба да си ги погледам белешките. I need to look at my notes. I need to take a look at my notes. Сретнав извесен господин кај станицата. I met a certain gentleman at the station. I met a certain gentleman at the station. Тоа е инстинкт. It's instinct. It's instinct. Тука ќе бидат безбедни. They'll be safe here. They'll be safe here. Немам време да боледувам. I don't have time to be sick. I don't have time to get sick. Ја достигнал својата цел. He attained his goal. He's reached his goal. Ме потсеќаш на некого. You remind me of somebody. You remind me of someone. Не чувам тајни од тебе. I don't keep secrets from you. I don't keep secrets from you. Можеш ли некако да им помогнеш? Can you do anything to help them? Is there anything you can do to help them? Многу се трудев сите оценки да ми бидат петки. I used to try really hard to get straight As. I tried hard to get my grades straight. Колку години се знаеме веќе? How many years is it now that we've known each other? How many years have we known each other? Дури и козите имаат бради. Even goats have beards. Even goats have beards. Сосем сам бев. I was all by myself. I was all alone. Сѐ уште е замрзнато. It's still frozen. It's still frozen. Добредојдовте! Welcome. Welcome! Уловив пеперутки со помош на мрежа. I captured butterflies with a net. I caught butterflies with the help of a net. Том го потплатија да изгуби. Tom was paid to lose. Tom was paid to lose. Том не може да нѐ запре. Tom can't stop us. Tom can't stop us. Том рече дека има уште само едно. Tom said that there was one left. Tom said there was only one more. Смеата е заразна. Laughter is contagious. Laughter is contagious. Те здоболе, така? You don't give a shit, do you? It hurts, doesn't it? Најдов нешто што мислам дека можеби би сакал да го читаш. I found something that I think you might want to read. I found something I think you might want to read. На Том му светнаа очите кога Мери зачекори во собата. Tom's eyes lit up when Mary walked into the room. Tom's eyes flashed when Mary stepped into the room. Не би сакал ли да одиме да јадеме нешто? Wouldn't you like to go out and get something to eat? Wouldn't you like to go get something to eat? Имам доволно време за тоа. I have enough time for that. I've got plenty of time for that. Треба добро да се наспиеш. You should get a good night's sleep. You should get a good night's sleep. Не можев да ѝ побарам пари. I couldn't ask her for money. I couldn't ask her for money. А да го земам Том? Why don't I take Tom? How about I take Tom? Овој човек е лингвист. Баш се очекува да знае. This man is a linguist. It's natural that he know. This man is a linguist, well expected to know. Не постои такво нешто. There's no such thing. There's no such thing. Не станува збор за мене. This isn't about me. This isn't about me. Ти мириса ли на дим? Do you smell smoke? Do you smell smoke? Ништо не ти е доволно добро. Nothing's good enough for you. Nothing's good enough for you. Том вежбаше скали цел ден. Tom practiced his scales all day. Tom practiced the stairs all day. Ќе се видиме во авион. See you on the plane. I'll see you on the plane. Кој е типот онаму? Who's the guy over there? Who's the guy over there? Морам да се видам со Том. I've got to see Tom. I have to see Tom. Кријам тајна. I've got a secret. I keep a secret. Тоа личи на Том. That looks like Tom. That looks like Tom. И што направи? So what did you do? And what did you do? Дали си несреќен, Том? Are you unhappy, Tom? Are you unhappy, Tom? Многу драмиш. You're such a drama queen. You're being so dramatic. Зошто да не им помогне некој? Why doesn't anybody help them? Why doesn't anyone help them? Сестра ти спие. Your sister's sleeping. Your sister's asleep. Треба да купиш малку шеќер. You need to buy some sugar. You should buy some sugar. Птици летаат во воздухот. Birds are flying in the air. Birds fly in the air. Имаш среќа, а? Lucky, aren't you? You're lucky, huh? Воопшто не ми се допаѓаат. I don't like them at all. I don't like them at all. Им испеков колачиња. I baked some cookies for them. I baked some cookies for them. Се разлабавува. It's coming loose. It's getting loose. Можам да те одведам таму. I can take you there. I can take you there. Имав визија. I had a vision. I had a vision. Вие двајца сте смешни. You two are funny. You two are ridiculous. Да го избавиме одовде. Let's get him out of here. Let's get him out of here. Како беше состанокот вчера? How was the meeting yesterday? How was the meeting yesterday? Без шеги, те молам! No jokes please! No jokes, please! Се гледаат во огледалото. They are looking at themselves in the mirror. You can see it in the mirror. "Вегетаријанец ли си?" "Не, а ти?" "Are you a vegetarian?" - "No, are you?" "Are you a vegetarian?" "No, are you?" Треба да им купиме подароци. We need to buy them presents. We need to buy them presents. Дојдов тука да си учам. I came here to study. I came here to study. Том вели дека му е добро. Tom says he feels fine. Tom says he's okay. Донеси го ваму. Bring him over. Bring him over here. Зошто вака си направил? Why did you do this? Why did you do this? Сите заспавме. We all fell asleep. We all fell asleep. Продаваат намештај. They sell furniture. They sell furniture. Не сакам да се одморам. I don't want to rest. I don't want to rest. Не се потпирај на Том. Don't count on Tom. Don't rely on Tom. Извини што те деранжирам, но имаме голем проблем. I'm sorry to disturb you, but we have a big problem. I'm sorry to bother you, but we have a big problem. Дан ќе се исели на први. Dan is moving out on the first. Dan will move out first. Знаев дека можам да му верувам на Том. I knew I could trust Tom. I knew I could trust Tom. И јас така се чувствувам. I also feel the same way. That's how I feel. Одговори ми веднаш. Answer me right now. Answer me now. Довари ги морковите. Finish boiling the carrots. Finish the carrots. На Том му станува досадно. Tom is getting bored. Tom is getting bored. Ајде да одиме на пиво. Let's go get a beer. Let's go get a beer. Том е дечко ми. Tom is my boyfriend. Tom is my boyfriend. Си купив пар ракавици. I bought a pair of gloves. I bought a pair of gloves. Не сакам цвекло. I don't like beets. I don't like beets. Угаси го огнот. Put that fire out. Put out the fire. Немам пријатели. I've got no friends. I don't have any friends. Минатово лето ми беше ужасно. Last summer was awful. Last summer's been a terrible summer for me. Сега сум спремен за него. I'm ready for him now. I'm ready for him now. Том пак стана. Tom stood up again. Tom got up again. Може ли да ми раскажеш повеќе за нив? Can you tell me more about them? Can you tell me more about them? Често го скокам доручекот. I often skip breakfast. I often skip breakfast. Нешто тука не е во ред. Something isn't right here. Something's not right here. Те молам, отворија кутијава. Please open this box. Please open this box. Том почна да пука. Tom started shooting. Tom started shooting. Војната не е неизбежна. The war is not inevitable. War is not inevitable. Те молам, немој да тажиш. Please don't be sad. Please don't grieve. Токму на тоа мислев. That's precisely what I meant. That's exactly what I was thinking. Убаво ќе беше да имаше повеќе пари. It would be nice if there were more money. It would have been nice if you had more money. Се каам што му верував. I wish I hadn't believed him. I regret trusting him. Чудно, нели? Strange, isn't it? That's weird, isn't it? Том длабоко дишеше. Tom was breathing deeply. Tom breathed deeply. Можеби би те интересирало да знаеш дека Том има докторат. You might be interested to know that Tom has a Ph.D. You might be interested to know that Tom has a doctorate. Растревожен сум. I'm nervous. I'm upset. Ќе зборуваме наскоро. I'll talk to you soon. We'll talk soon. Том го изеде сиот сладолет од замрзнувачот. Tom ate all the ice cream that was in the freezer. Tom ate all the ice cream from the freezer. Прав човекомрзец си. You're a complete misanthrope. You're such a man-hater. Ништо не ѝ пречи. Nothing bothers her. Nothing bothers her. Колку време ќе ни треба да стигнеме во Бостон? How long will it take to get to Boston? How long will it take us to get to Boston? "Стефи, ќе се омажиш ли за мене?" "А колку пари имаш ти?" "Steffi, will you marry me?" "How much money do you have?" "Stefie, will you marry me?" "How much do you have?" Дали ме задеваш? Are you teasing me? Are you picking on me? Зошто морам да бидам тука? Why do I have to be here? Why do I have to be here? Мислам дека Том е спремен. I think Tom is ready. I think Tom is ready. Те посакувам. I want you. I want you. Навистина ли сакаш да ми го скршиш срцето? Do you really want to break my heart? Do you really want to break my heart? Потсеќа на свадба. It resembles a wedding. It reminds me of a wedding. Знаеш ли како дознале? Do you know how they knew? Do you know how they found out? Се обидуваме да стигнеме во Бостон. We're trying to get to Boston. We're trying to get to Boston. Кристален лустер висеше над масата. A crystal chandelier was hanging over the table. Crystal chandelier was hanging over the table. Нема да успееш, дури ни насон. You won't make it, not even in your dreams. You won't make it, even to sleep. Том зборува француски подобро одошто мислиш ти. Tom can speak French better than you think he does. Tom speaks French better than you think. Ми текнува како често одеше кај Бети на чај кога бече малечка. I remember you often went to Betty's house to tea when you were a little girl. I remember going to Betty's for tea when she was little. Те молам дај ми пари. Please give me money. Please give me the money. Мислам дека ќе го положам предметов. I think I'm going to pass this class. I think I'm gonna pass this thing. Убаво ја искараа. She got a proper telling-off. They gave her a good correction. Мора да го очекуваме најлошото. We must assume the worst. We have to expect the worst. Сите човечки суштества се раѓаат слободни и еднакви по достоинство и права. Тие се обдарени со разум и совест и треба да се однесуваат еден кон друг во духот на општо човечката припадност. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights, and they are endowed with reason and conscience and should treat one another in the spirit of general human belonging. Не сака риби. He doesn't like fish. He doesn't like fish. Можеби ќе можеш да им помогнеш. You might be able to help them. Maybe you can help them. Мораш да зборуваш со Том. You must talk to Tom. You need to talk to Tom. Том ги запали свеќите. Tom lit the candles. Tom lit the candles. Всушност никој не сака да бидеме тука. Nobody really wants us here. Nobody really wants us here. Имаше ли аутопсија? Was there an autopsy? Was there an autopsy? Ни треба време да жалиме. We need time to mourn. We need time to grieve. Тој е атеист. He is an atheist. He's an atheist. Не можев да ја чујам. I couldn't hear her. I couldn't hear it. Дај им малку приватност. Give them some privacy. Give them some privacy. Што ќе ти е нов телевизор? Why do you need a new television? Why do you need a new TV? Том ѝ донесе на Мери мал подарок. Tom brought Mary a small gift. Tom brought Mary a little gift. Имаме ли друг ваков? Do we have another one like this? Do we have another one of these? Чука ли некој на вратата? Is someone knocking on the door? Did anyone knock on the door? Си пробал ли некогаш нешто што зготвил Том? Have you ever tasted anything Tom's cooked? Have you ever tried anything Tom cooked? Одлепувам. I'm going out of my mind. I'm going crazy. Може да си одат. They can leave. They can go. Вознемирен сум во врска со него. I'm upset about him. I'm upset about him. Нема проблем, секако, ако одиш ти. No problem, of course, if you're going. No problem, of course, if you go. Тоа е детска игра. That's child's play. It's a children's game. Селаните востанаа и се размавтаа со вили и палки. The peasantry revolted wielding pitchforks and clubs. Villagers formed and swayed with pitchforks and bats. Ги бркам веќе долго време. I've been after them for a long time. I've been chasing them for a long time. Како роднини сме. We're like family. We're like cousins. Том беше загрижен. Tom was concerned. Tom was worried. Меркур е најмалата планета во нашиот сончев систем. Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system. Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system. Јадев риба вчера. I ate fish yesterday. I had fish yesterday. Том престана да пишува. Tom stopped writing. Tom stopped writing. Сигурен сум дека Том ќе ни помогне. I'm sure Tom will help us. I'm sure Tom will help us. Немаа никакви лоши намери. They didn't mean any harm. They had no bad intentions. Зошто не се тука? Why aren't they here? Why aren't they here? Зошто не си спремен? Why aren't you ready? Why aren't you ready? Што се случи со генераторот? What happened to the generator? What happened to the generator? Си ја четкаше косата пред огледало. She was brushing her hair in front of a mirror. She brushed her hair in front of the mirror. Каде ја најде, жити се? Where did you ever find her? Where the hell did you find her? Ова е ќерка ми. This is my daughter. This is my daughter. Штотуку разговарав со Том. I just talked to Tom. I just talked to Tom. Мошне ретко излегувам. I hardly ever go out. I hardly ever get out. Смртно сум засрамен. I am deeply ashamed. I'm terribly embarrassed. Знам колку вреди тоа. I know what that's worth. I know what that's worth. Тоа е смешно. That's a funny one. That's funny. Целото семејство ми загина во пожарот. My whole family perished in the fire. My whole family died in the fire. Го одложив настанот. I postponed the event. I postponed the event. Не сум вешт лажливец. I'm not a good liar. I'm not a skilled liar. Го праша ли Том зошто доцнел? Did you ask Tom why he was late? Did you ask Tom why he was late? Имам список тука. I have a list here. I have a list here. Не може да се врати пастата за заби во тубата. You can't put toothpaste back in the tube. The toothpaste cannot be returned to the tube. Ќе ѝ го дадам тоа. I'll give her that. I'll give her that. Се изненадив кога Том рече дека ќе се кандидира за работа во нашава фирма. I was surprised when Tom said he was applying for a job at our company. I was surprised when Tom said he'd run for a job at our firm. Том ни кажа да си заминеме. Tom told us to leave. Tom told us to leave. Таа беше во право првиот пат. She was right the first time. She was right the first time. Веќе не живеам во Бостон. I no longer live in Boston. I don't live in Boston anymore. Не можев да ги разбудам. I couldn't get them to wake up. I couldn't wake them. Не би требало да биде претешко да го завршиме извештајот до 2:30. Finishing the report by 2:30 shouldn't be too difficult. It shouldn't be too hard to finish the report by 2:30. Ќе пробам да се обуздам. I'll try to control myself. I'll try to keep an eye on myself. Што ти се свиѓа кај нив? What do you like about them? What do you like about them? Дан сподели лични информации со Линда. Dan shared personal information with Linda. Dan shared personal information with Linda. Кажи му на Том дека веднаш ќе дојдам. Tell Tom I'll be right over. Tell Tom I'll be right there. Мислам дека се уште има шанса дека Том ќе стигне тука на време. I think there's still a chance Tom will get here on time. I think there's still a chance that Tom will be here in time. Можеби е веќе предоцна. It may be too late already. Maybe it's too late. Ајде да пееме и да танцуваме. Let's sing and dance. Let's sing and dance. Не бев загрижен за тоа. I wasn't worried about that. I wasn't worried about that. Околу градот течеше река. Around the city ran a river. There was a river running around the city. Сосем грешно сум ја проценил. I was so wrong about her. I was completely wrong about her. Камоли да бев богат. I wish I were rich. I wish I was rich. Не можеме да ти помогнеме. We can't help you. We can't help you. Ќе правам како што ми одговара. I'll do as I please. I'll do what's right for me. Собава чудно мириса. This room smells funny. This room smells funny. Како те третира Том? How's Tom been treating you? How does Tom treat you? Комшика си ми. You're my neighbor. You're my neighbor. Си знаел ли дека Том е вегетаријанец. Did you know Tom was a vegetarian? Did you know Tom was a vegetarian? Кое најдобро ги опишува неговите постапки? Which best describes his actions? What is the best way to describe his actions? Купи ли веќе? Did you buy one yet? Have you bought one yet? Чека возот да појде. He's waiting for the train to leave. He's waiting for the train to leave. Ја убиле ќерка му на Том. Tom's daughter was murdered. Tom's daughter was murdered. Том ќе оди прв. Tom will go first. Tom will go first. Том отиде до вратата и погледна надвор. Tom walked to the door and looked out. Tom went to the door and looked outside. Дан го избркаа од клубот. Dan was thrown out of the club. Dan was expelled from the club. Многу си непослушен. You're very disobedient. You're so disobedient. Немаше излез. There was no way out. There was no way out. Зошто ова постојано се случува? Why does this keep happening? Why does this keep happening? Уште потажна глетка од просјаците се луѓето што јадат сами во јавност. Sadder than the beggar is the man who eats alone in public. Even sadder than beggars are people who eat alone in public. Не ги најдовме. We didn't find them. We didn't find them. Да видиме дали Том е дома. Let's see if Tom is at home. Let's see if Tom is home. Кучето на Том многу лае. Tom's dog barks a lot. Tom's dog barks a lot. Преку главас ми е од јадење една иста работа секој божји ден. I'm sick and tired of eating the same thing for lunch every day. I'm sick of eating the same thing every day. Ти кажав дека ништо не знам. I told you I don't know anything. I told you I didn't know anything. Твој ли е хеликоптеров? Is it your helicopter? Is this your helicopter? Колку време работиш како лекар тука? How long have you been a doctor here? How long have you been a doctor here? Малтене си доволно млада да ми бидеш ќерка. You're almost young enough to be my daughter. You're young enough to be my daughter. Том ќе размисли уште еднаш. Tom'll reconsider. Tom will think again. Наскоро ќе се породи. She will give birth soon. She's about to give birth. Таа живееше таму сама. She lived there by herself. She lived there alone. Што си наумил? What're you up to? What are you up to? Том бил блиску. Tom has been close. Tom was close. Том спие седнат на својата столица. Tom is sleeping in his chair. Tom is sleeping in his chair. Има многу чудни состојки во таа супа. There are many strange ingredients in that soup. There's a lot of weird ingredients in that soup. Англискиот не ми е мајчин јазик и јасно ми е дека ме чека уште многу за учење. English is not my maternal language and I realize that I still have a lot to learn. English is not my native language, and it is clear to me that there is much more to learn. Ова е многу полошо. This is much worse. This is much worse. Не го сили Том. Don't pressure Tom. Don't force Tom. Кукла е. It's a doll. It's a doll. Том така не рече. Tom didn't say so. Tom didn't say that. Уживав во пливањето. I enjoyed swimming. I enjoyed swimming. Идам. I am coming. I'm coming. Мери едвај ја допре храната. Mary barely touched her food. Mary barely touched the food. Иако сум набожен маж, сепак сум маж. Although I am a pious man, I am not the less a man. Although I'm a godly man, I'm still a man. Сѐ уште не сум му се јавил. I haven't called him yet. I haven't called him yet. Не те сакаат тебе. They don't want you. They don't want you. Том не требаше да се ожени за Мери. Tom shouldn't have married Mary. Tom shouldn't have married Mary. Зошто би останал Том? Why would Tom stay? Why would Tom stay? Прееска лажев. I was lying earlier. I lied earlier. Глупава идеја е. It's a stupid idea. It's a stupid idea. Го задржа здивот. He held his breath. You held your breath. Требаше да облечам маица со кратки ракави. I should've worn a short-sleeve shirt. I should have worn a T-shirt with short sleeves. Зошто да се секирам за него? Why should I worry about him? Why should I worry about him? Ќе плачеш ли? Are you going to cry? Are you going to cry? Не му го давај на Том. Don't give it to Tom. Don't give it to Tom. Израснав во Бостон. I grew up in Boston. I grew up in Boston. Том не може да стигне. Tom can't make it. Tom can't make it. Што друго знаеш за тоа? What else do you know about that? What else do you know about it? Том полни шише со вода. Tom is filling a bottle with water. Tom fills a bottle of water. Може ли да ме одвезеш до дома? Can you give me a ride home? Can you give me a ride home? Ме третираат како дете. They are treating me like a child. I'm treated like a child. Симни го шеширот. Take off your hat. Take off your hat. Не сум знаел дека е толку стара. I didn't know she was that old. I didn't know she was that old. Умееш ли да читаш фонетски симболи? Can you read phonetic symbols? Can you read phone symbols? Може ли да престојувам кај тебе? Немам каде да одам. Can I stay at your place? I have nowhere to go. Can I stay at your place? Мораме ли да им помогнеме? Do we have to help them? Do we have to help them? Беше многу доцна во ноќта. It was very late at night. It was very late in the night. Морам повторно да си заминам. I have to leave again. I have to leave again. Том е разумен. Tom is rational. Tom is reasonable. Колку чини телевизорон онаму? How much is that TV over there, please? How much is that TV over there? Ќе биде казнет. He will be punished. He'll be punished. Мери го распердаши Том со тава. Mary clobbered Tom with a skillet. Mary tore Tom up with a frying pan. Имам добра вест. I have some good news. I have good news. Пиштолот беше на Том. The gun was Tom's. It was Tom's gun. Како влегол Том? How did Tom get in? How did Tom get in? Сигурен сум дека ќе смислиш нешто. I'm sure you'll come up with something. I'm sure you'll figure something out. Веќе колку време е Том во Бостон? How long has Tom been in Boston? How long has Tom been in Boston? Пазам на килажата. I'm watching my weight. I'm watching my weight. Тој исто така зборува француски. He also speaks French. He also speaks French. Нема да ти го објаснувам повторно. I'm not going to explain it to you again. I'm not going to explain it to you again. Жалам што не можев да му помогнам. I'm sorry I couldn't help him. I'm sorry I couldn't help him. Ќе го обрукаш. You'll embarrass him. You'll embarrass him. Никогаш не ги користиме. We never use them. We never use them. Том изгледа задоволно. Tom looks pleased. Tom looks pleased. Не сум беден. I'm not miserable. I'm not pathetic. Држи го јажето црвсто. Hold the rope tight. Hold the rope, maggot. Том плати во готовина. Tom paid cash. Tom paid cash. Испробај го. Try it out. Try it on. Занимавај ги децата, те молам. Please keep the children busy. Care for the children, please. Веќе ја имам земено предвид таа возможност. I've already considered that possibility. I've already considered that possibility. На Том тоа навистина му оди. Tom is very good at it. Tom is really doing it. Том сакаше да го истражиме убиството на жена му. Tom wanted us to investigate the murder of his wife. Tom wanted us to investigate his wife's murder. Ајде да се најдеме пред библиотека. Let's meet in front of the library. Let's meet in front of the library. Не кажаа зошто. They didn't say why. They didn't say why. По сопствен избор сум тука. I'm here by choice. I'm here by choice. Ова е среќен настан. This is a happy occasion. It's a happy event. Сѐ уште не сум се решил. I haven't yet made up my mind. I haven't made up my mind yet. Не слушам лаеж. I don't hear barking. I can't hear a lie. Ајде да не си одиме дома. Let's not go home. Let's not go home. Престани со таа галама. Stop that noise. Stop that noise. Чув како треснува врата. I heard a door slam. I heard the door slam. Имам нарачка за неа. I have a delivery for her. I have an order for her. Размислував за Бостон. I was thinking about Boston. I've been thinking about Boston. Овие се совршени. These are perfect. These are perfect. Тука имам пакет за него. I have a package here for him. I got a package here for him. Се чувствувам потиштено. I feel blue. I feel depressed. Тетанусот и понатаму убива! Tetanus continues to kill! The tetanus continues to kill! Се премажив. I got married again. I got married. Му го позајми дуксерот. She borrowed his hoodie. He lent him the hoodie. Ми се смачи од војнава. I'm sick of this war. I'm sick of this war. Ми треба совет. I need some advice. I need some advice. Склучивме договор. We made a bargain. We made a deal. Том нема да ја отвори вратата. Tom won't open the door. Tom won't open the door. Том поцрвене во лицето. Tom's face reddened. Tom blushed in his face. Одговорив одречно. I answered no. I answered back and forth. "Што сакаш да му кажам на Том?" "Вистината." "Тоа е лоша идеја." "What do you want me to tell Tom?" "The truth." "That's a bad idea." "What do you want me to say to Tom?" "The truth." "That's a bad idea." Том е болен. Tom is sick. Tom is sick. Впечатливо беше. It was impressive. It was impressive. Ќе го решиме тоа. We'll work it out. We'll work it out. Се грижам за него. I'm looking out for him. I'm worried about him. Кога отиде на работа? When did you go to work? When did you go to work? Следната година, роденденот ќе ми се падне во недела. Next year my birthday will fall on a Sunday. Next year, my birthday will fall on Sunday. Помага. It helps. It helps. Сигурен ли си дека тука треба да свртиме? Are you sure this is where we're supposed to turn? Are you sure we should turn around here? Дај ми пари. Give me some money. Give me the money. Том го кажува како што е. Tom tells it like it is. Tom says it like it is. Таа позајми пила од фармерот. She borrowed a saw from the farmer. She borrowed a saw from the farmer. Ќе се обидеме да стигнеме доволно рано за ти помогнеме да подготвиш сѐ. We'll try to get there early enough to help you set things up. We'll try to get there early enough to help you prepare everything. Природните богатства не се бесконечни. Natural resources are not limitless. Natural treasures are not infinite. Пеперутките имаат кратен животен век. Butterflies have short life spans. Butterflies have a short life span. Дождот лупаше по прозорецот. The rain whipped against the window. The rain was banging on the window. Том ѝ се заблагодари на Мери за шишето вино што таа му го беше дала. Tom thanked Mary for the bottle of wine she gave him. Tom thanked Mary for the bottle of wine she had given him. Времето нема крај. Бесконечно е. Time has no end. It's endless. Time has no end, it's endless. Не стој до мене. Don't stand near me. Don't stand by me. Таман ми е. It fits perfectly. I'm just fine. Сестра ми сака да го чува син ми, но како и да е, јас сум таа што мора да му ги менува пелените цело време. My sister likes looking after my son, but still I'm the one who has to change his nappy all the time. My sister wants to take care of my son, but anyway, I'm the one who has to change his diapers all the time. Цел викенд бевме во Бостон. We were in Boston all weekend. We've been in Boston all weekend. Треба да му помагам на Том во моментов. I'm supposed to be helping Tom right now. I'm supposed to help Tom right now. За никаде ми се очите. I have bad eyesight. My eyes suck. Том ја подбутна Мери. Tom gave Mary a push. Tom gave Mary a push. Жените навидум трчаат по Том. Women seem to go for Tom. Women seem to be running after Tom. Том и кажа на Мери дека мора да си оди пред 2:30. Tom told Mary that he had to leave before 2:30. Tom told Mary that she had to leave before 2:30. Том изгледа збунето. Tom looks puzzled. Tom looks confused. Не би можел да те убијам. I couldn't kill you. I couldn't kill you. Се сопнав од камен, и да на ме фатеше тој, ќе паднев во дервенот. I tripped on a stone, and if he hadn't caught me, I would have fallen into the gorge. I tripped from a rock, and if he hadn't caught me, I'd have fallen for the virgin. Изен се повлече во сенките, повторно криејќи се зад тронот. Izen moved back to the shadows, hiding behind the throne once more. Isen withdrew into the shadows, hiding again behind the throne. Знаеш ли што да напишеш? Do you know what to write? Do you know what to write? Каде сум? Where am I? Where am I? Мислев дека никогаш нема да ги најдам. I thought I'd never find them. I thought I'd never find them. Том едвај ја допре храната. Tom barely touched his food. Tom barely touched the food. Едноставно не можам така да направам. I just can't do that. I just can't do that. Спремен сум за бурата. I am ready for the storm. I'm ready for the storm. Том седи на клупата во паркот и изгледа јадно. Tom is sitting on a park bench, looking miserable. Tom sits on the park bench and looks miserable. Не се сами. They aren't alone. They're not alone. Ги барав. I looked for them. I've been looking for them. Честопати сме патувале до Токио. We often have traveled to Tokyo. We often traveled to Tokyo. Том сака да јадеш. Tom wants you to eat. Tom wants you to eat. Баш ми требаше тоа. I really needed that. I just needed that. Бил ја пребара целата куќа. Bill searched the entire house. Bill searched the whole house. Знаеш ли да одговориш на тоа? Can you answer that? Do you know how to answer that? Том извади шрафцигер од кутијата со алати. Tom took a screwdriver out of the tool chest. Tom pulled a screwdriver out of the toolbox. Можеби Том бил оној што и го украл ѓерданот на Мери. Maybe Tom was the one who stole Mary's necklace. Tom might have been the one who stole Mary's necklace. Со што е посебен Том? Why is Tom special? What's Tom special about? Одвај те гледам. I can barely see you. I can barely see you. Само те дупам, човече. Си ги платил даноците на време! Можеш да си одиш ако сакаш. I'm just fucking with you, man. You've paid your taxes on time! You can leave if you want. I'm just fucking with you, man, you paid your taxes in time, you can go if you want. Том лесно побеснува. Tom has a short fuse. Tom gets angry easily. Само се грижев за него. I was just looking out for him. I was just looking out for him. Ако не се лажам, проблемот е во тоа што ни снемало бензин. If I'm not mistaken, the problem is we are out of gas. If I'm not mistaken, the problem is we ran out of gas. Го презираат. They detest him. They despise him. Треба да се спремам за презентацијата. I have to prepare for my presentation. I have to get ready for the presentation. На Том му требаат парите. Tom needs the money. Tom needs the money. Барам свршенички прстен. I'm looking for an engagement ring. I'm looking for an engagement ring. Добра личност е. He is a nice person. He's a good person. Тежок ли е францускиот изговор? Is French pronunciation difficult? Is the French excuse difficult? Можеш ли да направиш да проработи? Can you make it work? Can you make it work? Имам потреба од пари. I'm in need of money. I need money. Том немаше избор. Tom had no choice. Tom had no choice. Овие слики се убави. These images are beautiful. These pictures are beautiful. Во спортот нема простор за неуспеси. In sports, there is no room for failure. There's no room in sports for failure. По вредната работо, се освеживме со овошје и вода. After working zealously, we were refreshed by fruit and water. After our hard work, we recovered with fruit and water. Да ѝ дадеме малку време. Let's give her a little time. Let's give her some time. Ученикот е оптимист, но неговиот советник е песимист. The student is optimistic, but his advisor is a pessimist. The student is optimistic, but his counselor is pessimistic. Си го читал ли ова? Have you read this yet? Have you read this? Том си стави капче на глава. Tom put a cap on his head. Tom put a hat on his head. Том го пивкаше пијалакот. Tom sipped his drink. Tom drank the drink. Претпоставувам дека ти го кажале тоа и претходно. I suppose you've been told that before. I guess they've told you that before. Том го изора полето. Tom plowed the field. Tom plowed the field. Што има во кутијава? What is in this box? What's in this box? Тоа беше прилично добро. It was pretty good. That was pretty good. Зошто се откажа? Why did you give up? Why'd you quit? Имам болка во градите. I have a chest pain. I have chest pain. Добрососедските односи се неопходни за успех. Neighbourly relations are necessary for success. Good-neighbourly relations are essential for success. Не сакам никој да паничи. I don't want anyone to panic. I don't want anyone freaking out. Том не сакаше да оди. Tom didn't want to go. Tom didn't want to go. Да се најдеме со Том кај станицата. Let's meet Tom at the station. Meet Tom at the station. Ќе нѐ уништат. We'll be destroyed. They'll destroy us. Сакаме да го земеме. We want to take it. We want to take him. Мораш да приседнеш. You have to sit down. You have to sit down. Татковците се навистина добри со своите деца! Fathers are indeed good to their children! Fathers are really good to their children! Тоа е моја одговорност. That's my responsibility. It's my responsibility. Таа секогаш се жали на слабото здравје. She is always complaining of her poor health. She always complains about poor health. Каков шупак! What a dick! What an asshole! Нешто се случува денес. Something is going on today. Something's happening today. Мислам дека Том најверојатно ќе биде тука вечерва. I think Tom will probably be there tonight. I think Tom will probably be here tonight. Том ја прободе Мери со ловечки нож. Tom stabbed Mary with a hunting knife. Tom stabbed Mary with a hunting knife. Зошто е тоа откачено? Why is that crazy? Why is that crazy? Го оставам Том да спие до подоцна. I let Tom sleep in. I let Tom sleep until later. Неговиот обид за бегство беше неуспешен. His escape attempt was successful. His escape attempt was unsuccessful. Чекајте тука, дечки. You guys wait here. Wait here, guys. Што прашувате? What're you asking? What are you asking? Ми ја олеснуваш работата. You make my job easy. You're making my job easier. Штом преврна се појави прекрасно виножито. As soon as it stopped raining a beautiful rainbow appeared. As soon as the bandage came along, a beautiful rainbow appeared. Сите се смееја. Everyone's laughing. Everyone laughed. Мислам дека се лажеш. I believe you are incorrect. I think you're wrong. Том ја премина собата. Tom crossed the room. Tom crossed the room. За што се користи ова? What's this used for? What's this used for? Тие седеа во тишина. They sat in silence. They sat in silence. Таа ме погледна студено. She gave me an icy look. She looked at me cold. Ова е Том, мојот бивш дечко. This is Tom, my ex-boyfriend. This is Tom, my ex-boyfriend. Би ја прашал. I'd ask her. I'd ask her. Престани да го следиш Том. Quit following Tom. Stop following Tom. Витезот Тристан ја љубеше принцезата Изолда. The knight Tristan loved the princess Iseult. The knight Tristan loved Princess Isolde. Веќе им се искупив на повеќето луѓе што го имам на списокот. I've already made amends to most of the people on my list. I've already made amends to most of the people I have on my list. Не можеш да ме соблазниш. You can't tempt me. You can't take me off. Дојди си дома пред шест. Come home before six. Come home before six. Се е можно. Anything is possible. Anything's possible. Том сигурно не разбрал што си рекол. Tom can't have understood what you said. Tom must've misunderstood what you said. Беше ли близок со татко ти? Were you close to your dad? Were you close to your father? Еден запалив. I set fire to one. I set one on fire. Ја уловија лисицата. They trapped the fox. They caught the fox. Том има мустаќи. Tom has a mustache. Tom has a mustache. Имам покана. I have an invitation. I have an invitation. А ти? Му веруваш ли на човеков? What about you? Do you trust this man? Do you trust this man? Утре ќе полагам возење. I will have a driving test tomorrow. I'm taking the ride tomorrow. Ни тоа не би ми се допаднало. I wouldn't like that either. I wouldn't like that either. Мислиш ли дека Том знае дека Мери е во брак? Do you think Tom knows Mary is married? Do you think Tom knows that Mary is married? Зошто си во купатило? Why are you in the bathroom? Why are you in the bathroom? Конечно разбирам. I finally understand. I finally get it. Има слика од Исус Христос во дневната. He has a painting of Jesus Christ in the living room. There's a picture of Jesus Christ in the living room. Нема пирамиди во Европа. There are no pyramids in Europe. There are no pyramids in Europe. Медицинската сестра ни стави инјекции против грип. The nurse gave us flu shots. The nurse gave us flu shots. Колкави се? How large are they? How big are they? Можете ли да си го приуштите? Can you afford it? Can you afford it? Го поканив да ни се придружи. I asked him to join us. I invited him to join us. Мајко, фала ти што си ме родила. Mother, thank you for giving birth to me. Mother, thank you for giving birth to me. Не сакам да ти досаѓам. I don't mean to nag you. I don't want to bother you. Не знам што е полошо: да си глупав или да се преправаш дека си глупав. I don't know what's worse: being stupid or pretending to be stupid. I don't know what's worse: being stupid or pretending to be stupid. Користи го мозокот. Use your brain. Use your brain. Сакаш ли повеќе од тоа? Do you want more than that? Would you like more than that? Јако кафе ли пиеш? Do you like your coffee strong? Do you drink hot coffee? Не вози толку брзо. Ќе погинеме сите! Don't drive so fast. We're all going to die! Don't drive so fast, we'll all get killed! Од каде се знаеш со Том? How do you know Tom? How do you know Tom? Не можеш денес да си одиш од Бостон. You can't leave Boston today. You can't leave Boston today. Добро сум. I'm OK. I'm fine. Том беше преплашен. Tom was terribly afraid. Tom was terrified. Ми треба нов гардеробер. I need a new wardrobe. I need a new closet. Тоа е неизбежно. That is unavoidable. It's inevitable. Знам дека ме љубиш. I know you love me. I know you love me. Само натенане. Just take your time. It's just a cold. Ова е моќен ласер. This is a powerful laser. This is a powerful laser. Изгубивме. We lost. We lost. Не сум убав. I'm not pretty. I'm not pretty. Ако нешто сакаш да сокриеш, најдобро стави го на ачик. The best place to hide something is in plain sight. If you want to hide something, you best put it on the curb. Мора да е вистина. It has to be true. It must be true. Можеби Том и мери не планираа да бидат тука олку скоро. Maybe Tom didn't plan to be here this soon. Maybe Tom and Mary weren't planning on being here this soon. Ми треба да си одиш. I need you to leave. I need you to leave. Од никого не успеав да добијам помош. I haven't managed to get help from anyone. I was unable to get help from anyone. Знаеш нешто за ова, нели? You know something about this, don't you? You know something about this, don't you? Се прашувам кој беше тоа. I wonder who it was. I wonder who that was. Кога си го купил? When did you buy it? When did you buy it? Сите се свртеа да го погледнат во лице. They all turned to face him. Everyone turned to look him in the face. Ова е најдобриот начин да се умре. This is the best way to die. This is the best way to die. Видеово е здодевно. This video is boring. This video is boring. Кој број на кондури носи Том? What's Tom's shoe size? What size shoes does Tom wear? Му ја скршија вилицата а и неколку заба. He got a broken jaw and lost some teeth. They broke his jaw and some teeth. Тие панталони се преголеми. Those pants are too big. Those pants are too big. Кој ја напишал оваа песна? Who was this poem written by? Who wrote this song? Ми понестанаа идеи. I ran out of ideas. I'm out of ideas. Дај му раат. Give him a break. Give him a break. Сите зјапаа во неа. Everyone stared at her. Everyone stared at her. На овој бели свет постојат безброј различни начини на живот, јазици и култури. In our wide world, there exist countless lifestyles, languages and cultures. There are countless different ways of life, languages, and cultures in this white world. Почни од почеток. Start over. Start at the beginning. Строг сум. I'm strict. I'm strict. Не се откажувај. Сѐ уште имаш шанса. Don't give up. You still have a chance. Don't give up, you still have a chance. Можеби си направил погрешен избор. You may have made the wrong choice. Maybe you made the wrong choice. Роднини ли сте вие двајца? Are you two related? Are you two related? Имате ли замрзнувач? Do you have a freezer? Do you have a freezer? На чија страна си ти? Whose side are you? Whose side are you on? Имаат друштво. They have company. They've got company. Том рече дека си бил добар. Tom said you were good. Tom said you were good. Зошто не слушаш? Why won't you listen? Why aren't you listening? Имаш преодна оценка. You have a passing grade. You have a passing grade. Се согласуваме. We agree. We're in agreement. На Том чорапите му се распар. Tom's socks don't match. Tom's socks broke. Том нема да им фали на луѓето. Tom won't be missed. Tom won't miss people. Ова не личи на Том. This isn't like Tom. This doesn't look like Tom. Се уште има дивјачки племиња на тој остров. There are still some savage tribes on that island. There are still savage tribes on that island. Не знам зошто воопшто мислев дека имам шанса со Том. I don't know why I even thought I had a chance with Tom. I don't know why I even thought I had a chance with Tom. Можеш ли да ми ја најдеш? Can you find her for me? Can you find her for me? Стварно ти должам. I totally owe you one. I really owe you one. Просто е да се реши овој проблем. Solving this problem is simple. It's simple to solve this problem. Вардете го Том од неволја. Keep Tom out of trouble. Keep Tom out of trouble. Затоа бев таму. That's why I was there. That's why I was there. Ми требаш да ми ја отвориш вратата. I need you to open the door for me. I need you to open the door for me. Том доживеа возраст од 97 години. Tom lived to be 97. Tom was 97 years old. Успеав. I did it. I did it. Ова ми звучи познато. This sounds familiar. This sounds familiar. Дојдев да го убијам. I came to kill him. I came here to kill him. Храната во тој ресторант ми е премрсна. The food at that restaurant is too greasy for me. The food at that restaurant is too much for me. Да ги чекаме ли? Should we wait for them? Should we wait for them? Мачката се тркала на грб. The cat is rolling over on its back. The cat is rolling on its back. Сигурно си се скочанил. You must be freezing. You must have froze. Кога ти дадоа отказ? When were you fired? When did they fire you? Том нема да дојде. Многу е зафатен. Tom won't come. He's very busy. Tom isn't coming. He's very busy. Дали е тоа нова јакна? Is that a new jacket? Is that a new jacket? Таа страда од хронична болест. She suffers from a chronic illness. She suffers from a chronic illness. Оваа машина за куцање не работи. This typewriter doesn't work. This typewriter doesn't work. Зградава му припаѓа на моето семејство. This building belongs to my family. This building belongs to my family. Тоа делува природно. That seems natural. It seems natural. Мислам дека Тим е прикладен кандидат за оваа работа. I think that Tim is a suitable candidate for this job. I think Tim is a suitable candidate for this job. Том го ограбија. Tom was robbed. Tom was robbed. Ќе послушам. I'll obey. I'll listen. Том работеше многу вредно, но не успеа. Tom worked very hard, but he didn't make it. Tom worked very hard, but failed. Ние сме отворена заедница. We are an open community. We're an open community. Само остави ме намира. Just leave me alone. Just leave me alone. Придонесуваме. We're contributing. We're contributing. Медицинската сестра го седна малечкиот Том и го замоли да си го исплази јазикот. The nurse sat little Tom down and told him to stick out his tongue. The nurse sat little Tom down and asked him to use his tongue. Таа купува само половна облека. She only buys second-hand clothing. She only buys second-hand clothes. Том се врати прошлата недела. Tom came last week. Tom came back last week. Само те закачав. I was just teasing. I was just picking on you. Мајка ми ми кажа дека сум дебел. My mom told me that I was fat. My mom told me I was fat. Тоа беше само среќна случајност. It was just a happy accident. It was just a happy coincidence. Само гледам телевизија. I'm just watching TV. I'm just watching TV. Прашај ја сам. Ask her yourself. Ask her yourself. Отидовме во клуб. We went out clubbing. We went to a club. Се уплашив од Том. I was scared of Tom. I was scared of Tom. На маж ми не му е грижа за облеката. My husband is indifferent to his clothes. My husband doesn't care about his clothes. Да видиме дали ќе ни се посреќи. Let's see if we can get lucky. Let's see if we get lucky. Отидоа натаму. They went there. They went that way. Нема никого внатре. There's nobody inside. There's no one in there. Како се качи таму горе? How did you get up there? How did you get up there? Медитацијата води до душевен мир. Meditation brings peace. Meditating leads to peace of mind. Колата е многу брза. The car is very fast. The car is very fast. Низ магла го памтам тоа собитие. I have a faint recollection of the event. I remember that room through the fog. Не си слушал. You didn't listen. You didn't listen. Не ми изгледаш нешто презафатено. You don't look all that busy. You don't seem too busy. Спиењето е подобро од пиењето лекови. Sleep is better than medicine. Sleep is better than taking medication. Свршен сум со Лори. I'm engaged to Laurie. I'm engaged to Lori. Отсекогаш сум сакал да одам во туѓа земја. I've always wanted to go to another country. I've always wanted to go to another country. Што ќе ти е лекар? Why do you need a doctor? What do you need a doctor for? Тој е од нашето село. He is from our village. He's from our village. Денес се видов со Том. I met with Tom today. I saw Tom today. Да не сум ти ставил премногу рум во пијалакот? Did I put too much rum in your drink? Did I put too much rum in your drink? Си донесов другар. I brought a friend. I brought a friend. Неговите родители беа среќни со неговиот успес на испитот. His parents were glad at his success in the examination. His parents were happy with his failures on the exam. Тој не зборува англиски многу добро. He doesn't speak English very well. He doesn't speak English very well. Зошто ни помогна да побегнеме? Why did you help us escape? Why did you help us escape? Ми требаат три фломастера. I need three markers. I need three feet. Тој беше во право првиот пат. He was right the first time. He was right the first time. Том не го бива да разговара. Tom isn't good at making conversation. Tom isn't good to talk. Многу сум уморен. I feel really tired. I'm so tired. Пробувам да се откажам. I'm trying to quit. I'm trying to quit. Земи ги со себе. Bring them with you. Take them with you. Косата му е толку долга што го допира подот. His hair is so long it reaches the floor. His hair is so long that he touches the floor. Том ја наведна главата. Tom bowed his head. Tom leaned his head down. Том ја гледаше Мери, не знаејќи што да каже. Tom looked at Mary, not sure what to say. Tom looked at Mary, not knowing what to say. Поуздан си. You're dependable. You're reliable. Беше многу тивко. It was very quiet. It was very quiet. Зборуваа на француски. They spoke French. They spoke French. Не го довршив. I didn't finish it. I didn't finish it. Том делува непријателски настроено. Tom seems unfriendly. Tom seems hostile. Кога се очекува да се врати Том? When's Tom expected back? When is Tom expected to return? Наклунет сум кон тоа да ѝ верувам. I'm inclined to believe her. I'm inclined to believe her. Излегувај! Get out! Get out! Зошто треба да го направам тоа? Why do I need to do that? Why do I have to do that? На Том едноставно не му се допадна. Tom just didn't like it. Tom just didn't like it. Том не требаше да ѝ се обрати на наставничката со таков тон. Tom ought not to have spoken to his teacher in that tone of voice. Tom shouldn't have spoken to his teacher in that tone. Ни јас не очекував дека ќе бидам тука. I didn't expect to be here either. I didn't expect to be here either. Мислев дека нема да ти се допадне Том. I thought you wouldn't like Tom. I didn't think you'd like Tom. Ми се допаѓа како си облечен. I like your outfit. I like the way you're dressed. Никој нема да ги најде. No one's going to find them. No one's gonna find them. Ваму одиме. We're going this way. This is where we're going. Ти се допаѓа ли мојата облека? Do you like my clothes? Do you like my clothes? Денес не најдов работа. I found no job today. I didn't get a job today. Ништо немам пишувано со месеци. I haven't written anything for months. I haven't written anything in months. Го сакаме твојот совет. We want your advice. We want your advice. Да го прашаме Том што мисли. Let's ask Tom what he thinks. Let's ask Tom what he thinks. Само седи и опушти се. Just sit and relax. Just sit back and relax. Ми се собраа фармерките. My jeans shrank. I got my jeans all together. Ќе застанеме по пат. We'll stop along the way. We'll stop on the way. Том не поставува прашања. Tom isn't asking any questions. Tom doesn't ask questions. Ама сум бил наивен. Boy was I naive. But I was naive. Мораш да ми веруваш. You must trust me. You have to trust me. Мисли сам. Think for yourself. Think for yourself. Том не беше планирал да зборува со тебе. Tom hadn't planned to talk to you. Tom wasn't planning on talking to you. Никогаш немаше потреба да се секирам за тебе. I never had to worry about you. I never needed to worry about you. Сакам да спијам. I want to sleep. I want to sleep. Залепи постер на ѕидот. She stuck a poster on the wall. Put a poster on the wall. Дај ѝ минутка. Give her a moment. Give her a minute. Изѕидал нова куќа. He built a new house. He's building a new house. Можеш да го смениш тоа. You can change that. You can change that. Му помагав досега. I've been helping him. I've been helping him. Дозволи ми да бидам твое засолниште. Let me be your shelter. Let me be your refuge. Се истуширав пред доручек. I showered before breakfast. I took a shower before breakfast. Сакам да се вратам. I want to come back. I want to go back. Том продолжи да работи. Tom kept on working. Tom kept working. Невозможно е да се порекнува очигледното. It's impossible to deny the obvious. It's impossible to deny the obvious. Том ги разбра ризиците. Tom understood the risks. Tom understood the risks. Том ни го покажа градот. Tom showed us around the city. Tom showed us the town. Том би можел да ме повреди. Tom could hurt me. Tom could hurt me. Том не бакнал друга девојка пред Мери. Tom had never kissed a girl before he kissed Mary. Tom didn't kiss another girl in front of Mary. Ќе се видиме после, добро? See you later, OK? I'll see you later, okay? Човекот којшто не се плаши од ништо е исто моќен колку оној од когошто се плашат сите. The man who fears nothing is as powerful as he who is feared by everybody. A man who fears nothing is as powerful as the one everyone fears. Ќе го направат тоа за нас. They're going to do it for us. They'll do it for us. Смее ли да ја јадам тортава? May I eat this cake? May I eat this cake? Сега знам зошто Том ме мрази. Now I know why Tom hates me. Now I know why Tom hates me. Научната валидност на еволуцијата е толку темелно утврдена, што е во суштина не возможно да се побие. The scientific truth of evolution is so overwhelmingly established, that it is virtually impossible to refute. The scientific validity of evolution is so thoroughly established that it is essentially not possible to refute it. Мразам да ризикувам. I hate taking risks. I hate taking chances. Том изгледа потиштено. Tom looks downcast. Tom looks depressed. Ти треба шишање. You need a haircut. You need a haircut. Ќе правиш токму онака како што ќе кажам јас. You'll do exactly as I say. You'll do exactly as I say. Прави што сакаш. Do what you wish. Do what you want. Ништо не ветуваме. We can't promise anything. We promise nothing. Том не го знаел тоа. Tom never knew that. Tom didn't know that. Ова е мојот дом. This is my home. This is my home. Том пристигнал во Бостон. Tom has arrived in Boston. Tom arrived in Boston. Можеби Том е мртов. Maybe Tom is dead. Tom might be dead. Таа седна до него. She sat next to him. She sat next to him. Безбедно пристигнавме во Бостон. We arrived safely in Boston. We arrived safely in Boston. Девојката има глушец. The girl has a mouse. The girl has a mouse. Ќе го препорачам. I'll recommend it. I'll recommend it. Не љуби со зборови и со јазик, туку преку дела и преку вистината. Don't love using words or language, but love by actions and truth. He loves, not by word and language, but by works and the truth. Сигурен ли си дека беше случајна несреќа? Are you certain it was an accident? Are you sure it was an accident? Така ти требаше. You had it coming. That's the way you were supposed to do it. Мораше да направиш избор. You had to make a choice. You had to make a choice. Тоа е сосем нелогично. It's completely illogical. That's completely illogical. Си ги оперирал крајниците затоа што му се воспалувале пречесто. He had his tonsils removed because they would get inflamed too often. You've had tonsil surgery because he's had too much sleep. Го криевме тоа. We kept it secret. We kept it a secret. Имам две внуки. I have two nieces. I have two granddaughters. Том се извини. Tom made an apology. Tom apologized. Том има добар вид. Tom has good eyes. Tom has good eyesight. Зошто мора да се тепам? Why do I have to fight? Why do I have to fight? Кажи им да не ме чекаат. Ask them not to wait for me. Tell them not to wait for me. Јас сум тој што ќе им помага, а не ти. I'll be the one helping them, not you. I'm the one who's gonna help them, not you. Таа нека го направи. Have her do it. Let her do it. Том поплавува. Tom is turning blue. Tom is flooding. Неговиот глас имаше презирен тон. There was a scornful note in his voice. His voice had a contemptuous tone. Денеска беше тежок ден; мислам дека вечер добро ќе се наспијам. Today was so hard I think I'll sleep well tonight. It's been a rough day today; I think I'll get a good night's sleep. Двапати проверив. I checked it twice. I double-checked it. Напорно е да си новинар. Being a reporter is hard work. Being a journalist is hard work. Некој фали. Someone's missing. Someone's missing. Том никогаш не би ја повредил Мери. Tom would never hurt Mary. Tom would never hurt Mary. И ти ли си исто гладен колку што сум јас? Are you as hungry as I am? Are you as hungry as I am? Не сум расположен. I'm not in the mood. I'm not in the mood. Сакам да му се јавиш. I wish you'd call him. I want you to call him. Паметното пазарење изискува внимателно планирање. Smart shopping requires careful planning. Smart shopping requires careful planning. Телото не е нешто од коешто треба да се срамиш. Your body is nothing to be ashamed of. The body is not something you should be ashamed of. Том си го повреди коленото. Tom hurt his knee. Tom hurt his knee. Том ни припреми ужина. Tom fixed us a snack. Tom made us lunch. Том отиде во пензија на шеесет и пет години. Tom retired at 65. Tom retired at sixty-five. Најмногу сакам фудбал. I like soccer best. I like football better than anyone. Таа замина, но јас се уште ја љубам. She has gone, but I still love her. She's gone, but I still love her. Што друго купи? What else did you buy? What else did you buy? Кажи ми кога планираш да доаѓаш. Let me know when you plan to come. Let me know when you're planning on coming. Како можеме да ви помогнеме? How can we help you? How can we help you? Предложи ли некакво решение? Did he propose any solutions? Did he suggest any solution? Не знам каде припаѓам. I don't know where I belong. I don't know where I belong. Му ги најдовме на Том клучевите. We found Tom's keys. We found Tom's keys. Гледам како авион лета над нашата куќа. I see a plane flying over our house. I see a plane flying over our house. Каде е станицата? Where's the station? Where's the station? Коњите се копитари. Horses are ungulates. Horses are puttards. Не си доволно добар пилот да можеш да слеташ таму. You're not a good enough pilot to be able to land there. You're not a good enough pilot to be able to land there. Смеам ли да зборувам со Том? May I speak to Tom? Can I talk to Tom? Да немаше воздух и вода, немаше да има живот. If it were not for air and water, nothing could live. If there was no air and no water, there would be no life. Го изорав полето. I plowed the field. I've burned the field. Ова е моќно. This is powerful stuff. This is powerful. Извини, но мојот одговор е одречен. I'm sorry, but the answer's no. I'm sorry, but my answer is denied. Секој може да го прочита. Anybody can read it. Anyone can read it. Може ли да се возам со тебе? Can I ride with you? Can I ride with you? Со твоја помош, ќе го фатиме Том. With your help, we'll catch Tom. With your help, we'll get Tom. Не ме познаваш, нели? You don't know me, do you? You don't know me, do you? Дан пушеша марихуана со Линда. Dan smoked marijuana with Linda. Dan smoked marijuana with Linda. Ако имаш проблем со тоа, треба да разговараме. If you have a problem with that, we should talk about it. If you have a problem with that, we need to talk. Ајде просто да јадеме тука. Let's just eat here. Let's just eat here. Ова да го купиме. Let's buy this one. Let's buy this. Се уште треба да си го обновам пасошот. I still need to renew my passport. I still need to renew my passport. Каков благослов е тоа што не дојдоа. What a blessing it is that they did not come. What a blessing it is that they did not come. Сите се сѐ уште тука. Everyone is still here. Everyone's still here. Мери му се допадна на Том штом се запознаа. Tom liked Mary as soon as he met her. Tom liked Mary as soon as they met. Не може да се опише со зборови колку сум среќен и благословен што те имам. Words cannot describe how happy and blessed I am to have you. Words cannot describe how happy and blessed I am to have you. Можеби нема да влезеш. You may not come in. You might not come in. Пицава е гадна! This pizza is disgusting! This pizza is nasty! Им се восхитувам. I admire them. I admire them. Прекрасен ден е. It's a beautiful day. It's a beautiful day. Ти фали нешто? Do you need anything? Is there something wrong with you? Не сакам да го гледам видеово. I don't want to watch this video. I don't want to watch this video. Том знае дека нема да може да преземе нешто многу во врска со тоа. Tom knows there won't be much he'll be able to do about it. Tom knows he won't be able to do much about it. Том го избегна прашањето. Tom sidestepped the question. Tom avoided the question. Тоа нема логика. That makes no sense. That doesn't make any sense. Три и пол е? It's 3:30. Is it three and a half? Не го велам тоа. I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that. Дали бил Том морнар? Was Tom a sailor? Was Tom a sailor? Така ми рекоа. They told me so. That's what they told me. Затоа и дојдов. That's why I came. That's why I'm here. Тоа звучи прекрасно. That sounds lovely. That sounds wonderful. Ти го давам тоа што го сакаш. I am giving you what you want. I'm giving you what you want. Се згрозив. I was disgusted. I'm terrified. Епа во право си бил. Well, you were right. Well, you were right. Ти ни го даде нам. You gave it to us. You gave it to us. Ќе одам на факултет. I'll go to college. I'm going to college. Том е многу досаден. Tom is very annoying. Tom is very annoying. Ќе се одморам пред да излезам. I'm going to rest before I go out. I'll rest before I get out. Многу се забавував. I had a lot of fun. I had a lot of fun. Таа изгледаше возбудено. She looked excited. She looked excited. Јас не би правел нагли потези. I wouldn't make any sudden moves. I wouldn't make any sudden moves. Ова е божиќен подарок за тебе. This is a Christmas present for you. This is a Christmas present for you. Каде живее воопшто? Во некој дел од источна Европа. Where does he live, generally? In some part of Eastern Europe. It's in some part of Eastern Europe. Не заборавај да ѝ се јавиш. Don't forget to call her. Don't forget to call her. Том и Мери имаат договор. Tom and Mary are in agreement. Tom and Mary have a deal. Јадам тука секој ден. I eat here every day. I eat here every day. Овие се распар. These don't match. These are bustles. Можеш ли да се поврзеш со неа? Can you contact her? Can you contact her? Сакам да ти докажам дека не сум болен. I want to prove to you that I'm not sick. I want to prove to you that I'm not sick. На Том му е убаво да дембелува гол дома. Tom likes to lounge around the house without any clothes on. Tom likes sneaking naked at home. Треба да го тужиш Том. You should sue Tom. You should sue Tom. Тоа е дел од планот. That's part of the plan. That's part of the plan. Том ја навреди Мери. Tom offended Mary. Tom insulted Mary. Том е само момче. Tom is just a boy. Tom is just a boy. Мама и тато нема да дојдат со мене. Mum and Dad aren't coming with me. Mom and Dad aren't coming with me. Престани да го задеваш Том. Quit picking on Tom. Stop picking on Tom. Му верувам. I believe him. I trust him. Ве замолувам двајцата повторно да се обидете. I'm asking you both to try again. I'm asking you both to try again. Том нема деца. Tom has no children. Tom doesn't have children. Ми требаше да се издувам. I needed to blow off some steam. I needed to blow off steam. И тоа е за мене. That one's for me, too. And that's for me. Ако дознае, тешко мене! If she finds out, I'm screwed! If he finds out, it's hard for me! Океанот беше мирен. The ocean was calm. The ocean was calm. Том веќе нема да ни прави проблеми. Tom isn't going to give us any more trouble. Tom won't give us any more trouble. Погледни ме. Look at me. Look at me. Ми се допаѓа Том, но јас не му се допаѓам нему. I like Tom, but he doesn't like me. I like Tom, but he doesn't like me. Зошто си потврдил? Why did you say yes? Why did you confirm? Колку заработуваш? How much do you make? How much do you make? Знам што сака Том за роденден. I know what Tom wants for his birthday. I know what Tom wants for his birthday. Таа продолжи да плаче. She kept on crying. She kept crying. Том пак ми го направи тоа. Tom has done it to me again. Tom did it to me again. Има сипаници. She has the measles. He's got measles. Не знаев дека сте толку блиски со Том. I didn't know Tom and you were so close. I didn't know you and Tom were so close. Малото девојче сака да стане славно како Ники Минаж. The young girl wants to be famous like Nicki Minaj. The little girl wants to become as famous as Niki Minage. Воопшто не знам да пливам. I can't swim at all. I can't swim at all. Ми го украдоа фотоапаратот. I had my camera stolen. My camera was stolen. Не можев да престанам да плачам. I couldn't stop crying. I couldn't stop crying. Дремни. Take a nap. Get out of the way. Мег секогаш постапува великодушно. Meg always acts generously. Meg always acts in a generous manner. Мило ми е што те гледам. It's so nice to see you. Good to see you. Ќе им се јавам ако дознаам нешто. I'll call if I learn anything. I'll call them if I hear anything. Што ти се допадна кај неа? What is it that you liked about her? What did you like about her? Том ќе те повреди. Tom is going to hurt you. Tom will hurt you. Планот ни се изјалови. Our plan has gone askew. Our plan is up. Дај ни нешто за јадење. Give us something to eat. Give us something to eat. Неделава ми беше исполнета со дејности. I've had a busy week. It's been a week of my activities. Пак зјапам. I'm staring again. I'm staring again. Том сѐ зеде. Tom took everything. Tom took everything. Што е приказната? What is the story? What's the story? Том излезе надвор. Tom has gone outside. Tom went outside. Сакав да го делам. I wanted to share it. I wanted to share it. Том нема да ја фати Мери. Tom isn't going to catch Mary. Tom won't get Mary. Не изгледа толку добро. It doesn't seem so good. Doesn't look so good. Не ни беше страв. We weren't scared. We weren't afraid. Ајде да најдеме друго место. Let's find another place. Let's find another place. Испив неколку чаши. I've had a couple of drinks. I had a few glasses. Дај да пробам уште едно. Let me try another one. Let me try another one. Дојдов да те убијам. I'm here to kill you. I came here to kill you. Еј ти! Овде горе! Hey you! Up here! Hey you, up here! Навистина го мразам Том. I really do hate Tom. I really hate Tom. Мислев дека Том ќе биде презафатен за да ни помогне. I thought Tom would be too busy to help us. I thought Tom would be too busy to help us. Го видов тоа. I saw that. I saw that. Заболе од страшна инфекција и јајникот и потече. She had a bad infection and her ovary swelled up. He stabbed himself with a terrible infection and ovarian and swelling. Посматрај ја вратата. Keep an eye on the door. Watch the door. Не си во никаква неволја, Том. You're not in any trouble, Tom. You're not in any trouble, Tom. Никогаш нема да сфатиш. You'll never get it. You'll never understand. Зошто работи Том до доцна? Why is Tom working late? Why is Tom working late? Зашеќерените крофни ми се слабост. Sugared doughnuts are a weakness of mine. The sugared donuts are my weakness. Полковник е по ранг. He holds the rank of colonel. Colonel in rank. Таа го позајми линијарот. She borrowed the ruler. She borrowed the liner. Тоа што го направил том е неверојатно идиотско. What Tom did was unbelievably idiotic. What Tom did is incredibly idiotic. Том направи список од работите што треба да ги купи. Tom made a list of things he needed to buy. Tom made a list of the things he needed to buy. Живеев под кирија во Бостон еден месец. I've rented a room in Boston for a month. I lived under rent in Boston for a month. Нововенчани бевме. We were newlyweds. We were newly married. Тоа е многу сериозно. That's very serious. That's very serious. Том знаеше зошто Мери му влепила шлаканица на Џон. Tom knew why Mary slapped John. Tom knew why Mary slapped John. Трговијата со слонова коска е незаконита. Traffic in ivory is illegal. The ivory trade is illegal. Ќе имаш три љубовни врски пред да ја запознаеш својата вистинска сродна душа. You'll have three relationships before you meet your true soulmate. You'll have three love relationships before you meet your true soul mate. Престани да ми викаш во уво. Stop yelling in my ear. Stop yelling in my ear. Секаде проверив. I checked everywhere. I've checked everywhere. Том порано работел во ФИБ. Tom is former FBI. Tom used to work at FIB. Дали не кривиш? Do you blame us? Are you blaming us? Штрајкуваа три дена. The strike lasted three days. They've been strikein' for three days. Ќе бидам таму во понеделник. I'll be there Monday. I'll be there on Monday. Том беше фин тип. Tom was a nice guy. Tom was a nice guy. Том би сфатил. Tom would understand. Tom would've figured it out. Том беше добар другар и ќе ми недостига. Tom was a good friend, and I'll miss him. Tom was a good friend and I'll miss him. Го подобривме квалитетот. We improved the quality. We've improved the quality. Не се откажувај. Don't quit. Don't give up. Ајде прво со Том да се обидеме. Let's try Tom first. Let's try Tom first. Каде треба да биде Том? Where's Tom supposed to be? Where should Tom be? Таа си ги знае ограничувањата. She knows her limitations. She knows her limitations. Не го допрев Том. I didn't touch Tom. I didn't touch Tom. Том и понатаму молчеше. Tom remained silent. Tom remained silent. Држи се. Hang on. Hold on. Да знаеш што е правилно и ништо да не преземеш е кукавичка постапка. To know what is right and choose to ignore it is the act of a coward. Knowing what's right and not doing anything is a cowardly act. Се бакнаа. They kissed. They kissed each other. Го нахранија ли Том? Has Tom been fed? Has Tom been fed? Нема да ми се случи на мене. It won't happen to me. It's not gonna happen to me. Да ѝ дадеме една минута. Let's give her a minute. Let's give her a minute. Ќе те поддржуваме без разлика каква одлука ќе донесеш. We'll support any decision you make. We'll support you no matter what decision you make. Зошто си сам? Why are you alone? Why are you alone? Тоа е смешно. That's funny stuff. That's funny. Има желки што имаат повеќе од двесте години. There are turtles that are more than two centuries old. There are turtles over two hundred years old. Постојат ли ѕвезди со други живи суштества на нив? Are there stars with other forms of life on them? Are there stars with other living things on them? Том извади сендвич од ќесата и почна да го јаде. Tom took a sandwich out of the bag and started eating it. Tom pulled a sandwich out of the bag and started eating it. Тоа е проблемот. That's the issue. That's the problem. Од тогаш, плачењето е забрането. Since that time, crying has been forbidden. Since then, crying has been forbidden. Ајде кај Том. Let's go to Tom's. Let's go to Tom's. Кога се спремаше да премине, сфингата се истопори пред него. When he was about to pass, the Sphinx jumped in front of him. When he was about to cross, the sphinx stretched out in front of him. Не сакам да пропуштиш. I don't want you to miss out. I don't want you to miss it. Ќе дојдам во 2:30. I'll be there at 2:30. I'll be there at 2:30. Том беше ѕверски убиен. Tom was brutally murdered. Tom was savagely murdered. Не би сакал да зборувам за неа. I'd rather not discuss her. I'd rather not talk about her. Тој е бубалица. He's a nerd. He's a nerd. Мислам дека и посветуваш премногу време на работата во последно време. I think you've been spending too much time at work. I think you've been spending too much time on your work lately. Не се шегуваше. You weren't kidding. You weren't kidding. Што да речеме? What should we say? What can we say? Би можел да умрам утре. I could die tomorrow. I could die tomorrow. Тоа ме спаси. That's what saved me. That's what saved me. Предлагам да почнеш. I suggest you get started. I suggest you get started. Само те зеза. He's just kidding you. He's just messing with you. Неорганизиран си. You're disorganized. You're unorganized. Ја најдов собата празна. I found the room empty. I found the room empty. Том победи во битката. Tom won the fight. Tom won the battle. Не верувај во сѐ што слушаш! Не се залетувај по сѐ што гледаш! Не кажувај сѐ што знаеш! Не прави сѐ што сакаш! Don't believe everything you hear! Don't like everything you see! Don't say everything you know! Don't do everything you want! Don't believe everything you hear, don't turn your back on everything you see, don't say everything you know, don't do everything you want! Само што ми стигна телефонска порака од него. I just got a text from him. I just got a text from him. Техеран е во Иран. Tehran is in Iran. Tehran is in Iran. Секогаш ми префрлаш за облеката. You are always digging at me about my clothes. You always throw clothes at me. Воопшто не е праведно. It's not fair at all. It's not right at all. Не беше толку добро. It wasn't that good. It wasn't so good. Зошто даваш оставка? Why are you resigning? Why are you resigning? Ништо нема да ти биде ако правиш како што ти велат. Nothing's going to happen to you if you do as you're told. Doing what they tell you to do won't hurt you. Зошто ми е висок крвниот притисок? Why is my blood pressure high? Why is my blood pressure so high? Сакаш ли да одиш на вечера со мене вечерва? Would you have dinner with me tonight? Do you want to go to dinner with me tonight? Ти отсекогаш си донесувал одлуки во мое име. You always made my decisions for me. You've always made decisions on my behalf. Протрчаа покрај Том. They ran past Tom. They ran past Tom. Тој некогаш чудно се однесува. His behaviour is sometimes weird. He's acting weird sometimes. Том пушти фора. Tom cracked a joke. Tom played a seal. И Том и Мери имаат опавчиња. Tom and Mary both have ponytails. Tom and Mary both have tails. Не се сите ламби волшебни. Not every lamp is magic. Not all lamps are magic. Молчете и двајцата. Both of you be quiet. Both of you, shut up. Корумпираните владини службеници ја напуштија државата. The corrupt government officials fled the country. Corrupt government officials have left the country. Не сум како татко ми. I'm not my father. I'm not like my father. Мора да биде вака. It must be this way. It has to be this way. Немам време да се расправам со тебе; спремам храна. I don't have time to argue with you; I'm preparing the food. I don't have time to argue with you; I'm preparing food. Искуството не значи ништо, затоа што може лошо да си правел нешто 35 години. Experience means nothing because you could do your thing badly for 35 years. Experience doesn't mean anything, because you could've done something wrong for 35 years. Морам да ги одведам дома. I have to get them home. I have to get them home. Треба да бидеш среќен за него. You should be happy for him. You should be happy for him. Луѓето коишто постојано копираат други го праваат тоа затоа што не знаат да размислуваат сами. People who are constantly copying others do it because they can't think for themselves. People who constantly copy others do it because they can't think for themselves. Како можеле вака да се случат работите? How could things have happened this way? How could this happen? Никогаш не се ни сомневав во исходот. I never doubted the outcome. I never doubted the outcome. Отворен сум. I'm sincere. I'm open. Тоа не може да се порекне. That can't be denied. That can't be denied. Ти направи голем придонес. You made a great contribution. You've made quite a contribution. Не мрдај оттаму. Don't move from here. Don't move. Јави му се. Get him on the phone. Call him. Мислам дека Том е хировит. I think Tom is moody. I think Tom is a chirovit. Способен си. You're capable. You're capable. На најдолната полица е. It's on the bottom shelf. It's on the bottom shelf. Врапците џивкаат. The sparrows are cheeping. Sparrows roar. Том и Мери најверојатно никогаш нема да се видат пак. Tom and Mary aren't likely to ever see each other again. Tom and Mary will probably never see each other again. Чудно е. It's odd. It's weird. Сите ли се среќни? Is everyone happy? Is everyone happy? Некако ми се допаѓа Том. I kind of like Tom. I kind of like Tom. Почнува да ни влегува во глава дека не можеме да ја пренебрегнеме природата. It is starting to sink in that we can't ignore nature. It's starting to get in our head that we can't ignore nature. Том е малку буцкаст. Tom is a bit chubby. Tom is a little stingy. Ти го заборавив бројот. I forgot your number. I forgot your number. Том не ни погледна. Tom didn't even look. Tom didn't even look. Сите само го гледаа. They all just looked at him. Everyone just looked at him. Кого имаш на списокот? Who's on your list? Who do you have on your list? Не ми ја гибај чантата. Don't touch my bag. Don't touch my purse. Само пази каде газиш. Just watch your step. Just watch your step. Еве некои слики. Here are some pictures. Here are some pictures. Не можев да му помогнам на Том со тоа што се обидуваше да го направи. I couldn't help Tom do what he was trying to do. I couldn't help Tom by trying to do it. Том умрел. Tom's died. Tom died. Мислам дека вреди колку што чини. I think it's worth the price. I think it's worth as much as it costs. Не го повредив Том јас. I'm not the one who hurt Tom. I didn't hurt Tom. Том немаше намера да зборува со луѓе. Tom didn't plan on talking to anyone. Tom didn't mean to talk to people. Сѐ уште му го немам објаснето тоа на Том. I haven't explained it to Tom yet. I haven't explained that to Tom yet. Да се вратиме на работа сите. Let's all get back to work. Let's all get back to work. Том пак седна. Tom sat back down. Tom sat down again. Мислам дека премногу се дружиш со Том во последно време. I think you've been hanging out with Tom too much. I think you've been hanging out with Tom too much lately. Никој не сака да си игра со него. Nobody wants to play with him. Nobody wants to play with him. Нема како да се преведе. There's no way to translate it. There's no way to translate it. Прави ли некаква разлика? Does it make any difference? Does it make any difference? Не ми е гајле и дваесет женски да има. I don't care if he has twenty girlfriends. I don't care if there's 20 girls. Ако има некој што може да ни го набави тоа што ни треба, тоа е Том. If anyone could get us what we need, it would be Tom. If there's anyone who can get us what we need, it's Tom. Том секогаш се дере кога е бесен. Tom always yells when he's angry. Tom always yells when he's angry. Тоа е скандалозно. That's outrageous. That's outrageous. Дали иднината ќе биде како научна фантастика? Will the future be like science fiction? Will the future be like science fiction? Том изгледа збунето. Tom appears confused. Tom looks confused. Том ме лажел порано и не му верувам. Tom has lied to me in the past and I don't trust him. Tom lied to me before and I don't trust him. Сака да те запознае. He wants to meet you. He wants to meet you. Кога ќе почнеш? When will you start? When are you gonna start? Секако дека не; тоа е сосем невозможно. Of course not. That is quite impossible. Of course not; it's quite impossible. Целосно се опоравив. I've fully recovered. I've completely recovered. Мојот пријател работи во супермаркет. My friend works at a supermarket. My friend works at the supermarket. Имаш предрасуди. You're prejudiced. You're prejudiced. Стомачните му беа рамни и истакнати. His abs were flat and toned. His stomachs were flat and prominent. Тоа е моето цеде. It's my CD. That's my CD. Мислам дека Том е немарен. I think Tom is careless. I think Tom is sloppy. Од лекот ми стана подобро. The medicine made me feel better. The medicine made me feel better. Не сум ништо подобар од питач. I am no better than a beggar. I'm no better than a beggar. Не го сакав ова. I didn't want this. I didn't want this. Немаат пари. They have no money. They don't have any money. Ова е посебен повод. This is a special occasion. This is a special occasion. Не вреди. Том е непоколеблив. It's no use. Tom can't be swayed. Tom isn't worth it. Тоа е ќерката на Том. That's Tom's girl. That's Tom's daughter. Том се однесуваше недолично. Tom was misbehaving. Tom behaved indecently. Во несвест се. They're unconscious. They're unconscious. Том се грижи само за својот изглед. Tom only cares about appearance. Tom only cares about his appearance. Можам да објаснам сѐ. I can explain it all. I can explain everything. Извинете, не е грешка? Excuse me, it's not a mistake? I'm sorry, isn't it a mistake? Знам кој ти го дал тоа. I know who gave that to you. I know who gave you that. Градот е добро снабден со вода. The city is well supplied with water. The city is well stocked with water. Кого да известам? Who should I notify? Report who? Како да го сопрам Том? How can I stop Tom? How do I stop Tom? Дали веќе сте се запознале? Have you already met? Have you guys met yet? Веќе му се јавив на Том. I already called Tom. I've already called Tom. Ќе те возам јас. I'm giving you a ride. I'll drive you. Том те мавта. Tom is lying to you. Tom is waving you. Замоли го да објасни. Ask him to explain it. Ask him to explain. Том е многу осетлив. Tom is quite touchy. Tom is very sensitive. Појачај го звукот. Turn it up. Turn up the volume. Како го засмеа? How did you get him to laugh? How did you make him laugh? Том нагло издиша. Tom exhaled sharply. Tom exhale sharply. Таа го изгаси компјутерот. She switched off the computer. She shut down the computer. Не му се срдам на Том. I'm not angry at Tom. I don't like Tom. Немам другари. I've got no friends. I don't have any friends. Точка е нешто што нема делови. A point is that which has no parts. Dot is something that doesn't have parts. Просто умирам од глад. I'm just starving. I'm just starving. Не го заслужувам тоа. I don't deserve it. I don't deserve that. Том сака животни. Tom likes animals. Tom likes animals. Сигурен сум дека Том нема да ни помогне. I'm sure Tom won't help us. I'm sure Tom won't help us. Не си лекар. You're not a doctor. You're not a doctor. Ќе ти го пратам распоредот. I'll send you the schedule. I'll send you the schedule. Сега ја знам причината од којашто Том ме мрази. Now I know the reason that Tom hates me. Now I know the reason Tom hates me. Ајде да не го дискутираме тоа. Let's not discuss it. Let's not discuss it. Ќе си ставам аларм во седум да станам. I'll set the alarm for seven o'clock. I'll set an alarm at seven to get up. Не припаѓаат тука. They don't belong in there. They don't belong here. На Том беше идејата. It was Tom's idea. It was Tom's idea. Сакаш ли и понатаму да бидеш во врска со нив? Do you want to keep dating them? Do you want to continue dating them? Штотуку ми текна нешто. I just got an idea. I just thought of something. Организираа државна војска. They organized a state army. They organized a state army. Том и Мери се надвор на џогирање. Tom and Mary are out jogging. Tom and Mary are out jogging. Дан постојано ја менуваше својата приказна. Dan kept changing his story. Dan kept changing his story. Том, немој да ми се правиш на Тошо. Tom, don't play dumb with me. Tom, don't play dumb with me. Лека ноќ! Време е малите девојчиња да појдат во кревет. Good night! It's time for little girls to go to bed. It's time for the little girls to go to bed. Пресмешно ќе биде. It'll be hilarious. It'll be hilarious. Пристигнавте на дното. You have arrived at the bottom. You've reached the bottom. Дан го шета своето малечко куче. Dan is walking his small dog. Dan walks his little dog. Може ли да ѝ кажеш да влезе? Would you ask her to come in? Can you ask her to come in? Дан имаше проблеми со спиење. Dan had some problems sleeping. Dan had trouble sleeping. Таа беше многу зафатена. She was very busy. She was very busy. Би сакал да го направам тоа. I'd like to do that. I'd like to do that. Добро вози. He is good at driving. He's a good driver. Живее на село. He dwells in the country. He lives in the country. Ќе ме избркаат од школо. I'm getting kicked out of school. They're gonna kick me out of school. Кој го скршил прозорецов? Who was this window broken by? Who broke this window? Се гледа дека ти било гајле за неа. I can tell you cared about her. I can tell you cared about her. Ти си двојно посилен од мене. You are twice as strong as I am. You're twice as strong as I am. Мислиш ли дека тоа им пречело? Do you think that bothered them? Do you think that bothered them? Медисон и Џејден се најдобри другарки. Madison and Jayden are best friends. Madison and Jaden are best friends. Верувам во сето тоа. I believe all that. I believe all that. Мислам дека се изјаснив. I believe I made myself clear. I think I've made my point. И се восхитуваше на мојата нова кола. He admired my new car. He admired my new car. Не јади живо свинско. Don't eat raw pork. Don't eat raw pork. Засукај го десниот ракав. Roll up your right sleeve. Roll up your right sleeve. Дај да ти кажам зошто не треба да го правиш тоа. Let me tell you why you shouldn't do that. Let me tell you why you shouldn't do that. О! Навистина? Oh! Really? Oh, really? Не го направив тоа сам. I didn't do it alone. I didn't do it alone. Се спремаат да одат. They're about to go. They're getting ready to go. Дали ми ги купи овие? Did you buy me these? Did you buy me these? Водам сметка. I'm keeping count. I'm in charge. Том и Мери не се слагаат. Tom and Mary don't get along. Tom and Mary don't get along. Имаш осип. You've got a rash. You have a rash. Многу ти благодарам за помошта. Many thanks for your help. Thank you so much for your help. Мислам дека Том знае кој ми го украл паричникот. I think Tom knows who stole my wallet. I think Tom knows who stole my wallet. Ќе си одиме ли наскоро? Are we leaving soon? Are we leaving soon? Сѐ би направиле за нив. We'd do anything for them. They would do anything for them. Том се сепна. Tom paused a moment. Tom paused. Заедно пешачеа. They walked together. They walked together. Том изгледаше осамено. Tom looked lonely. Tom looked lonely. Тоа е мачна задача. That's a strenuous task. It's a painful task. Огнот врлуваше и го проголта целото село. The fire raged and consumed the whole village. The fire raged and swallowed the whole village. Можам да ја испитам работата. I could look into the matter. I can look into it. Том даде изјава. Tom made a statement. Tom made a statement. Сакам крстословки. I like crossword puzzles. I like crossword puzzles. Дали е ова твојот телефон? Is this your phone? Is this your phone? Што би можел да направам за да помогнам? What can I possibly do to help? What can I do to help? Јави ми се подоцна во неделата. Call me later in the week. Call me later this week. Емоциите се заразни. Emotions are contagious. Emotions are contagious. Том беше последниот што излезе. Tom was the last one out. Tom was the last one to come out. Каде би сакал да се сретнеме? Where would you like to meet? Where would you like to meet? Да јадеме ли прво? Should we eat first? Should we eat first? Кога бевме млади, воопшто не се слагавме, нели? When we were young, we never got along too well, did we? When we were young, we didn't get along at all, did we? Ова е некаква посебна околност. This is kind of a special circumstance. This is some sort of special circumstance. Ќе му го однесам на Том. I'm taking it to Tom. I'll take it to Tom. Можеби на Том не му треба нашата помош. Maybe Tom doesn't need our help. Tom might not need our help. Се предомисли ли Том? Did Tom change his opinion? Did Tom change his mind? Срамните влакна се кадрави. Pubic hair is curly. The pubic hairs are curly. Зошто престојуваше кај Том? Why did you stay with Tom? Why were you staying at Tom's house? Голем број луѓе беа присутни на собирот. There were a great many people present at the assembly. A large number of people were present at the assembly. Само ги чекам. I'm just waiting for them. I'm just waiting for them. Дали Том се чувствува доволно добро за да работи денес? Is Tom well enough to work today? Does Tom feel good enough to work today? Некој мора да се соочи со Том. Someone has to confront Tom. Someone has to face Tom. Не нагаѓам. I'm not speculating. I'm not guessing. Том ја прободе Мери во стомак. Tom stabbed Mary in the stomach. Tom stabbed Mary in the stomach. Таа ѝ запрети на Мери. She threatened Mary. She threatened Mary. Толку ли? Is that everything? Is that it? Не се криевме. We weren't hiding. We weren't hiding. Стигна до последното ниво. He reached the last level. You've reached your final level. Том е добар со мене. Tom is good to me. Tom is good to me. Заборавив да ти кажам каде сум ти ја ставил јакната. I forgot to tell you where I put your jacket. I forgot to tell you where I put your jacket. Малку сум загрижен за него. I'm slightly worried about him. I'm a little worried about him. Сите сме загрижени за нив. We're all worried about them. We're all worried about them. Треба да се одмориме. We need to rest. We need to rest. Зарем не можеш да ми помогнеш? Can't you help me? Can't you help me? Не гледаш ли дека Том е во агонија? Can't you see Tom is in agony? Can't you see Tom is in agony? Веќе не можам да ја издржам болката во градите. I am no longer able to handle the chest pain. I can't take the pain in my chest anymore. Види, Том, жал ми е што се натрапив. Look, Tom, I'm sorry I intruded. Look, Tom, I'm sorry I got into it. Кој ти е другаров? Who is your friend? Who's your friend? Би можел да поразговарам со Том. I could talk to Tom. I could talk to Tom. Резервоарот со вода врие од ларви од комарци. The water tank teems with mosquito larvae. The water tank is crawling with mosquito larvae. Том и кажа на Мери да му се јави после вечера. Tom told Mary to give him a call after dinner. Tom told Mary to call him after dinner. Вратете се веднаш. Return immediately. Come back now. Сакав да го убијам Том. I wanted to kill Tom. I wanted to kill Tom. Денес се венчам. This is my wedding day. I'm getting married today. Зошто ме мрази брат ти? Why does your brother hate me? Why does your brother hate me? Секако. Of course. Sure. Што можеш да ми кажеш за неа? What can you tell me about her? What can you tell me about her? Читам весник; во меѓувреме, ти спреми се за излегување. I'm reading the paper, in the meanwhile get ready to go out. I'm reading the paper; in the meantime, you get ready to go. Не можам вечно да те кријам. I can't hide you forever. I can't hide you forever. Си го пропуштив летот. I missed my flight. I missed my flight. Го запознав Том во еден клуб. I met Tom at a club. I met Tom at a club. А за колку време мислиш дека ќе биде тоа? How soon do you think that'll be? And how long do you think that's gonna be? Срамота! How shameful! Embarrassing! Ајде да видиме што е. Let's see what it is. Let's see what's up. Мислев дека знаеш. I thought you knew. I thought you knew. Зборувам за тебе. I'm talking about you. I'm talking about you. Само потпиши го ова. Just sign this. Just sign this. Што треба да му кажеме на Том сега? What should we say to Tom now? What should we tell Tom now? Немам дечко. I don't have a boyfriend. I don't have a boyfriend. Мислам дека ти должам извинување. I believe I owe you an apology. I think I owe you an apology. Го пратија во затвор. He was sent to prison. He was sent to prison. Камоли да бев млад. I wish I were young. I wish I was young. Прашањето е како да собереме толку пари колку што ни требаат. The question is how we can raise as much money as we need. The question is how do we raise as much money as we need. Гласав за неа лани. I voted for her last year. I voted for her last year. Том сака да биде богат. Tom wants to be rich. Tom wants to be rich. Тој ја изнајмува собата. He's renting the room. He rents the room. Не сакав луѓето да мислат дека сум лицемерен. I didn't want people to think I was hypocritical. I didn't want people to think I was hypocritical. Да ѝ се јавам ли? Should I call her? Should I call her? Зошто така направиле? Why did they do that? Why would they do that? Дан не ми ни побара дозвола. Dan didn't even ask for my permission. Dan didn't even ask for permission. Цел ден врнеше. It rained all day. It rained all day. Морам да излезам. I've got to go out. I have to get out. Свадбата им е утре. Their wedding is tomorrow. Their wedding's tomorrow. Том почна да учи да свири на клавир на возраст од тринаесет години. Tom started playing the piano when he was thirteen years old. Tom started learning to play the piano at the age of 13. Том и Мери делеа десерт. Tom and Mary shared a dessert. Tom and Mary shared dessert. Ти беше тука тогаш. You were here then. You were here then. Никогаш не сме виделе нешто такво. We've never seen anything like it. We've never seen anything like it. Том делува самоуверено. Tom seems confident. Tom seems confident. Го мразам ова. I hate this. I hate this. Том е среќен човек. Tom is a happy man. Tom is a lucky man. Сакаме да преговараме. We want to negotiate. We want to negotiate. На Том всушност само прегратка му требаше. All Tom really needed was a hug. Tom actually just needed a hug. Студирам економија на факултет. I'm studying economics at university. I study economics in college. Ти не си жена. You're not a woman. You're not a woman. Ти се приспа ли веќе? Are you sleepy yet? Are you asleep yet? Тоа би било лудо. That would be insane. That would be crazy. Ти секогаш тоа го велиш. You always say that. You always say that. Има неоспорливи докази дека Том е крадецот. There is indisputable proof that Tom is the thief. There's irrefutable evidence that Tom is the thief. Блазе си ти! Good for you! Lucky you! Буквално го сфатив тоа што таа го рече. I took what she said literally. I literally understood what she said. Влегувај. Водата е топ. Come on in. The water's great. Get in, the water's hot. Не отишол таму. He didn't go there. He didn't go there. Се задржав на работа. I got tied up at work. I got held up at work. Оваа справа ти ги собира парите и не ти дава ништо за возврат. This machine takes your money and gives you nothing in return. This device collects your money and gives you nothing in return. Веќе колку време сте цимери ти и Том? How long have you and Tom been roommates? How long have you and Tom been roommates? Се чувствувам прекрасно. I feel marvelous. I feel great. Знаев дека ќе ја најдеме. I knew we'd find her. I knew we'd find her. Имаш ли претстава колку луѓе имаше на концертот? Do you have any idea how many people were at the concert? Do you have any idea how many people were at the concert? Не знаев дека имало базен тука. I didn't know that there was a swimming pool here. I didn't know there was a pool here. Том вчера работеше цел ден. Tom worked all day yesterday. Tom worked all day yesterday. Јас сум ти придружник. I'm your chaperone. I'm your date. Стаклото е скршено. The glass is broken. The glass is broken. Има ли телефон во станот? Is there a telephone in the flat? Is there a phone in the apartment? Не требаше да се случи тоа. It was not supposed to happen. That wasn't supposed to happen. Тоа сум јас. That's me. That's me. Престани да квичиш. Stop whimpering. Stop whining. Може ли да ти поставам незгодно прашање? Can I ask you a delicate question? Can I ask you an awkward question? Дали поранив? Am I early? Am I early? Таа крена рака. She raised her hand. She raised her hand. Кој му го дал ова на Том? Who gave this to Tom? Who gave this to Tom? Како ти оди работата? How are you coming in your work? How's business? Зошто не учиш француски? Why aren't you studying French? Why don't you study French? Велат дека тој никогаш нема да се врати. They say that he will never return. They say he'll never come back. Немаше да прашувам за тоа, но тој беше отсутен. I would have asked about it, but he was absent. I wouldn't ask about it, but he was absent. Том не сака да зборува со Мери, а таа не сака да зборува со него. Tom won't talk to Mary and she won't talk to him. Tom doesn't want to talk to Mary, and she doesn't want to talk to him. Појадокот е готов. Breakfast is ready. Breakfast is ready. Нашите родители беа се уште млади, а ние бевме три деца: еден син и две ќерки. Our parents were still young, and we were three siblings: one boy and two girls. Our parents were still young, and we were three children: one son and two daughters. Том сака секаков зарзават освен зелка. Tom likes all vegetables except cabbage. Tom likes all vegetables except cabbage. Не беше потребно. It wasn't necessary. It wasn't necessary. Ротквиците може да се поскапи од морковите. Radishes might be more expensive than the carrots. Roques can be more expensive than carrots. Дан го удрија по чело со чекан. Dan was hit on the forehead with a hammer. Dan was hit in the head with a hammer. Не бев баш расположен. I wasn't really in the mood. I wasn't in the mood. Секогаш се чувствувам потиснато тука. I feel always restricted here. I always feel repressed here. Учам текст напамет. I am memorizing a text. I'm learning a text by heart. Сегокаш треба да се наведуваат извори. It is always necessary to give sources. You're always supposed to be citing sources. Не го слушнав. I didn't hear it. I didn't hear it. Тоа е одлична замисла. That's a great idea. That's a great idea. Како стигнав тука? How did I get here? How did I get here? Може ли да ме однесеш дома? Can you take me home? Can you take me home? Само најди го. Just find him. Just find him. Том личи на тебе. Tom looks like you. Tom looks like you. Том не можеше да се сети. Tom couldn't remember. Tom couldn't remember. Знам доста за компјутеров. I know a lot about this computer. I know a lot about this computer. Ќе побрзаме. We'll hurry. We'll hurry. Да наздравиме за тоа. Let's drink to that. Here's to that. Зошто отидовте во Бостон? Why did you go to Boston? Why did you go to Boston? Не го слушај тој човек. Don't obey that man. Don't listen to that man. Учам во класично школо. I learn in a classical school. I go to classical school. Просто ја жалам. I just feel sorry for her. I just feel sorry for her. Сега сме тука. We're here now. We're here now. Сепак, имаш да пишуваш домашна работа. After all, you had homework to prepare. Anyway, you got homework to do. Гудачките инструменти се романтични. String instruments are romantic. The good instruments are romantic. Дан го уапсиле шестпати. Dan has been arrested six times. Dan was arrested six times. Фрли го ножот, Том. Drop the knife, Tom. Drop the knife, Tom. Се прашувам од кого е пакетов. I wonder who this package is from. I wonder who this package is from. Мери има витлери во косата Mary has curlers in her hair. Mary has vitlers in her hair Ми треба некој да ми верува. I need someone to believe me. I need someone to trust me. Некогаш мајката коза решава да оди во шумата по храна. Ги повикува сите седум јариња и ги предупредува за злобниот волк. Sometimes the nanny goat wants to go into the forest to get food. She calls all seven kids and warns them about the vicious wolf. Sometimes Mother goat decides to go into the forest for food, summons all seven goats and warns them about the evil wolf. Гледај го броилото. Look at the gauge. Look at the meter. Том сака да се излежува по дома без облека. Tom likes to lounge around the house without any clothes on. Tom likes to lay around the house without any clothes. Немој да кршиш. Don't break anything. Don't break it. Мислев дека сум ги изгубил сите пари, ама изгледа сум згрешил. I thought I'd lost all my money, but apparently I was wrong. I thought I'd lost all my money, but I guess I was wrong. Што мислиш дека Том правел во Бостон? What do you think Tom did in Boston? What do you think Tom was doing in Boston? Еве бонбониера за тебе. Here's a box of chocolates for you. Here's a piece of candy for you. Имаш избор. You have a choice. You have a choice. Од каде добиле таква идеја? What gave them that idea? Where did they get such an idea? Не го слушај шефот слепо. Don't obey your boss blindly. Don't listen to the boss blindly. Ти се игра ли тенис попладнево? Do you feel like playing tennis this afternoon? Do you want to play tennis this afternoon? Уживаш ли во учењето? Do you enjoy studying? Do you enjoy learning? Сакам кафе со многу пена озгора. I like my coffee with lots of foam on the top. I like a coffee with a lot of foam on top. Том почина минатата година. Tom passed away last year. Tom died last year. Том изгледа потресено. Tom looks rattled. Tom looks shaken. Мора ли баш сега да го правиш ова? Do you have to do this now? Do you have to do this right now? Не може да е Том. It couldn't be Tom. It can't be Tom. Том е издржлив. Tom is a tough one. Tom is tough. Том не мора да и се извини на Мери. Tom doesn't have to apologize to Mary. Tom doesn't have to apologize to Mary. Се надевам деќа си ги положам испитите. I hope to pass my exams. I hope to pass my exams. Дали е точен фустанот? Does the dress fit well? Is the dress right? Книгава е преведена на триесет и шест јазика и е издадена во повеќе од сто земји во светот. This book is translated into 36 languages and has been published in more than a 100 countries all over the world. This book has been translated into thirty - six languages and has been published in more than a hundred countries around the world. Ѕвездите се појавија. The stars came out. The stars have appeared. Треба да се рекламираме на телевизија. We need to advertise on television. We should advertise on TV. Том не ги послуша родителите. Tom didn't obey his parents. Tom disobeyed his parents. Том се вратил тука. Tom is back there. Tom came back here. Можеби ќе биде тешко. It may be hard. It might be hard. Ќе одиме во Бостон. We're going to Boston. We're going to Boston. Нели е тоа некако јако? Isn't that kind of cool? Isn't that kind of cool? Том отиде до прозорецот и ја крена ролетната. Tom walked over to the window and pulled up the blind. Tom went to the window and raised the blind. Тоа е занимливо. That's interesting. That's interesting. Голорак сум. I'm unarmed. I'm naked. Том не слушаше. Tom wasn't listening. Tom wasn't listening. Еден од гостите ми кажа дека те видел како се бакнуваш со Том. One of the guests told me that they saw you kissing Tom. One of the guests told me he saw you kissing Tom. Забарот вгради привремена пломба. The dentist put in a temporary filling. The dentist has built a temporary filling. Зошто си секогаш толку лут? Why are you always so angry? Why are you always so angry? Кучињата ги имаат сите добри особини на луѓето, а притоа ги немаат нивните слабости. Dogs have all the good qualities of people without at the same time possessing their weaknesses. Dogs have all the good qualities of humans, while they lack their weaknesses. Дали е она твојот велосипед? Is that your bicycle? Is that your bike? Што ми донел Том? What did Tom get me? What did Tom bring me? Им објавивме војна. We declared war. We declared war on them. Том немаше намера да и се јави на Мери. Tom didn't intend to call Mary. Tom didn't mean to call Mary. Брдото се сруши, карпите се распукаа, и празното небо го исполни груб татнеж. The cliff collapsed, the rocks split, and the empty sky filled with a noisy clamor. The hill collapsed, the rocks cracked, and the empty sky filled a harsh roar. На Мери очите и светкаа од возбуда. Mary's eyes glinted with excitement. Mary's eyes sparkled with excitement. Само остави нѐ сами, те молам. Just leave us alone, please. Just leave us alone, please. Тоа кученце многу гласно џавка. That puppy barks very loudly. That puppy is very loud. Еј, Таро! Одамна не сме се виделе! Како си? Hey Taro! It sure has been a while! How're you doing? Hey Taro, it's been a while. Можеби можам да ти помогнам. Maybe I can help you. Maybe I can help you. Том си го впери пиштолот во глава. Tom held the gun to his head. Tom put his gun to his head. Не ли е возбудливо тоа? Isn't that exciting? Isn't that exciting? Сѐ уште ли ѝ се лутиш? Are you still mad at her? Are you still mad at her? Никогаш не сум се чувствувал олку љубено. I've never felt so loved. I've never felt so loved. Том рече дека треба да одам во Бостон со тебе. Tom said I should go to Boston with you. Tom said I should go to Boston with you. Треба да му помогнам. I need to help him. I should help him. Во ова време од годината треба да се пазиш од лавини. You have to watch out for avalanches at this time of the year. This time of year, you've got to watch out for the tulips. Многу се караме. We fight a lot. We're fighting so hard. Дај им нешто за јадење. Give them something to eat. Give them something to eat. Зошто машките што ебат многу женски се фраери а женските што се ебат со многу машки се курви? Why is it that guys who sleep around are studs and girls who sleep around are sluts? Why are guys who fuck a lot of girls cool and girls who fuck a lot of guys are hookers? Можеш ли да си дозволиш таков ризик? Can you take that chance? Can you afford such a risk? Том и на Мери внук. Tom is Mary's nephew. Tom and Mary's nephew. Том рече дека му провалиле во домот. Tom said his house had been broken into. Tom said they broke into his home. Не би го обвинувал Том. I wouldn't blame Tom. I wouldn't blame Tom. Тоа е сликата што тој ја наслика. It is the painting he painted. That's the picture he painted. Се уште не сум готов. I'm not finished yet. I'm not done yet. Те молам, вози споро. Please drive slowly. Please drive slowly. Ова е катастрофа. This is a catastrophe. This is a disaster. Во врска ли си со него? Are you dating him? Are you dating him? Ова е големото. This is the big one. This is the big one. Син ми е во средно моментално. My son is in high school now. My son is in high school right now. Драго ми е што успеало тоа. I'm glad that worked. I'm glad that worked. Драго ми е што успеав да ти помогнам минатата недела. I'm glad that I was able to help you last week. I'm glad I was able to help you last week. Том си ги повлече парите од банка. Tom emptied his bank account. Tom withdrew his money from the bank. Сѐ уште сме тим. We're still a team. We're still a team. Не бевме поканети. We weren't invited. We weren't invited. Том има нешто што го сакаме, па сега треба да најдеме нешто што го сака тој, за да можеме да се трампаме со него. Tom has something we want, so we need to find something he wants that we can trade with him. Tom has something we want, so now we need to find something he wants so we can trade with him. Ние сме совесни. We're conscientious. We're conscientious. Поминаа три недели откако Том си ја скрши раката. It's been three weeks since Tom broke his arm. It's been three weeks since Tom broke his arm. Јави ми се вечер. Call me this evening. Call me tonight. Ти успеа. You did it. You did it. Не би требало да постапуваш себично. You shouldn't act selfishly. You shouldn't act selfish. Имаш многу добро сеќавање. You have a very good memory. You have a very good memory. Чиста ли е некоја од шоливе? Are any of these cups clean? Is any of these cups clean? Господинот Џонс ја пробува супата која ја направи неговата жена. Mr Jones is tasting the soup his wife made. Mr. Jones is trying out the soup his wife made. Том се качи на моторот и си отиде. Tom got on his motorcycle and drove off. Tom got on his bike and left. Ќе им свртам. I'll give them a call. I'll give them a call. Нежно се бакнуваа. They kissed tenderly. They kissed gently. Никој не сака да си игра со Том. Nobody wants to play with Tom. No one wants to play with Tom. На Том многу му дојде. Tom felt overwhelmed. Tom had a lot of trouble. Мртвите нема да бидат тука. The dead ones won't be here. The dead won't be here. Том мене не ми изгледа среќно. Tom doesn't look happy to me. Tom doesn't look happy to me. Колку му должам на Том? What do I owe Tom? How much do I owe Tom? Том отиде до ќошот. Tom walked down to the corner. Tom went to the corner. Да откриеме кој ни го пратил ова. Let's find out who sent this to us. Let's find out who sent this to us. Му дадов книга на момчето. I gave the boy a book. I gave the boy a book. Том многу троши. Tom is a big spender. Tom spends a lot. Зарем не е интересно? Isn't it interesting? Isn't that interesting? Јас сум новиот раководител. I'm the new manager. I'm the new manager. Се сретнавме пред некој ден. We met the other day. We met the other day. Старата куќарка има извесен шарм. The old cottage has a certain charm about it. The old cabin has a certain charm. Не можете да го сопрете. You can't stop it. You can't stop him. Утрово е толку убаво. It's such a beautiful morning. It's so beautiful this morning. Детето му ја излупи кората на дрвото. The boy stripped a tree of the bark. The boy peeled the bark off the tree. Како е надвор? What's it like outside? How's it going out there? Том е прилично добар готвач. Tom is a pretty amazing cook. Tom is a pretty good cook. Таа е алкохоличарка. She's an alcoholic. She's an alcoholic. Том ќе биде надвор за време на преостанатиот дел од денот. Tom will be out for the rest of the day. Tom will be outside during the rest of the day. Во хотелската соба сум. I'm in my hotel room. I'm in the hotel room. Како ќе ми платат? How will I get paid? How will they pay me? И двајцата бевте пијани. You were both drunk. You were both drunk. Не е тешко да го трефнеш одговорот. It really isn't hard to guess the answer. It's not hard to shake the answer. Вечер ќе готвам. I'll cook tonight. I'm cooking tonight. Том е на состанок. Tom is in a meeting. Tom is in a meeting. Го кажувам тоа што го мислам. I say what I think. I'm saying what I'm thinking. Ѝ се лутиш, нели? You're mad at her, aren't you? You're mad at her, aren't you? Оливер ја слупа колата на своите родители во дрво затоа што пријателите му го оттргнаа вниманието. Oliver crashed his parents' car into a tree because he was distracted by his friends. Oliver crashed his parents' car into a tree because his friends distracted him. Кој те упати до мене? Who told you to talk to me? Who led you to me? Никој нема корист од мене. I'm no use to anyone. Nobody's got any use for me. Многу е брзо. It is very fast. It's very fast. Том знае да наредува. Tom is quite bossy. Tom can give orders. Време е за станување. It's time to wake up. Time to get up. Просто звучи досадно. It just sounds boring. It just sounds boring. Пак сакам таму. I want to go there again. I want it there again. Треба да ѝ најдеме помош. We need to get her some help. We need to get her help. Баш го извади од памет. You totally freaked him out. You just scared the shit out of him. Тој купува лекарства. He buys medicine. He's buying medication. Денеска е 18-ти јуни и на Муириел и е роденден! Today is June 18th and it is Muiriel's birthday! It's June 18th and it's Muriel's birthday! "Подобро ли ти е?" "Не, полошо." "Are you feeling better?" "No, I feel worse." "Are you better?" "No, worse." Те молам стрпи се. Please be patient. Please hold on. Би требало да знаеш. You ought to know. You should know. Ми кажаа да помогнам. I was told to help. I was told to help. Те молам извести ја. Please inform her. Please let her know. Ќе ја замолам да ти се придружи. I'll ask her to join you. I'll ask her to join you. Кои се Вашите наредби? What are your orders? What are your orders? Ќе вреди. It'll be worth it. It'll be worth it. Помогни ѝ. Give her a hand. Help her. Веќе пробав. I've already tried. I've already tried. Треба да си ја платиш киријата однапред. You should pay your rent in advance. You should pay your rent up front. Што би било најдобро за него? What would be best for him? What would be best for him? Дај ми го следното. Give me the next one. Give me the next one. Престанав да му обрнувам внимание на Том. I stopped paying attention to Tom. I stopped paying attention to Tom. Том беше на телефон. That was Tom on the phone. Tom was on the phone. Мислам дека си многу дарежлив. I think you've been very generous. I think you're very generous. Никогаш не сум сакал биологија. I never liked biology. I've never liked biology. Ја остави во град. He left her in town. You left her in town. Том ја замоли Мери да го разбуди во шест часот. Tom asked Mary to wake him up at six. Tom asked Mary to wake him up at six. Не сум сосем задоволен со објаснението на Том. I'm not completely satisfied with Tom's explanation. I'm not entirely satisfied with Tom's explanation. Неспособен си. You're incompetent. You're incompetent. Сега ќе одам. I'm going to go now. I'm gonna go now. Ќе бидеме соседи. We'll be neighbors. We'll be neighbors. Нема ли да дојдеш со мене до кај реката? Won't you go with me to the river? Aren't you coming to the river with me? Ти реков дека не можам да стигнам. I told you I can't make it. I told you I can't make it. Му поставив неколку прашања на Том. I asked Tom a few questions. I asked Tom some questions. Што друго си пропуштил? What else did you miss? What else did you miss? Не гледаш ли што се случува? Don't you see what's happening? Don't you see what's going on? Купив божиќни подароци денес. I bought some Christmas presents today. I bought Christmas presents today. Ќе те оставам во град. I'm going to drop you off downtown. I'll leave you in the city. Му дадов лажна адреса. I gave him a fake address. I gave him a fake address. Јас сум одговорен за тебе. I'm responsible for you. I'm responsible for you. Кој ги именувал? Who appointed them? Who named them? Куќата на Том има убава градина. Tom's house has a nice garden. Tom's house has a beautiful garden. Би сакал ли лимонада? Would you like some lemonade? Would you like some lemonade? Сме пораниле. We're early. We're early. Ја доби ли поканата од Том? Did you receive Tom's invitation? Did you get Tom's invitation? Не ми пречи и да не дојде. I don't mind even if she doesn't come. I don't mind if he doesn't come. Не спаси ѕвончето. We were saved by the bell. We were rescued by the bell. Што рече Том дека се случило? What did Tom say happened? What did Tom say happened? Тоа звучи итно. That sounds urgent. That sounds urgent. Сите се ракуваа. Everyone shook hands. Everyone shook hands. Не ми текнува што јадев вчеравечер. I can't remember what I ate last night. I can't remember what I ate last night. Фирмата го откажа проектот. The company cancelled the project. The company cancelled the project. Се обидоа да ме ограбат. They tried to rob me. They tried to rob me. Видов што правиш. I saw what you were doing. I saw what you were doing. Доволно рековте. You've said enough. You've said enough. Малку е дебел. He's a little fat. He's a little fat. На времето го мразев Том. I used to hate Tom. I used to hate Tom. Раскажи ни за своето семејство. Tell us about your family. Tell us about your family. Се надевам дека Том е на безбедно. I hope Tom is safe. I hope Tom is safe. Ти пишавме бе. We did write to you. We wrote to you, man. Инјекцијата против тетанус ме болеше повеќе од каснатината од кучето. The tetanus shot hurt me more than the dog bite did. My tetanus injection hurt more than my dog's bite. Том умира. Tom's dying. Tom is dying. Тука имам пакет за нив. I have a package here for them. I have a package here for them. Веќе не можеме да им помагаме. We can't help them anymore. We can't help them anymore. Најверојатно се лажам. I'm probably wrong. I'm probably wrong. Си ја полеваше бавчата со црево. He was watering his garden with a hose. He watered his garden with a hose. Никој нема да биде повреден. No one will get hurt. No one's gonna get hurt. Заминаа во мугри од подножјето на планината. They left at daybreak from the base of the mountain. They went to dawn from the foot of the mountain. Бомбата ќе експлодира за 10 секунди. The bomb will explode in 10 seconds. The bomb will go off in 10 seconds. Ќе ѝ се јавам пак. I'm calling her again. I'll call her back. Жал ми е што збеснав. I'm sorry I got mad. I'm sorry I freaked out. Можеме да платиме. We can pay. We can pay. Можеш ли да ја измериш должината? Can you measure the length? Can you measure the length? Мери има долга, златна коса. Mary has long golden hair. Mary has long, golden hair. Тој ми го поправи чадорот. He mended my umbrella. He fixed my umbrella. Сакам да јадам пица. I want to eat pizza. I like to eat pizza. Направив сѐ. I've done everything. I did everything. Том не е непознато лице. Tom isn't a stranger. Tom isn't an unknown person. Том повторно вресна. Tom screamed again. Tom screamed again. Галамата и понатаму се слушаше. The noise continued. The noise was still listening. Дан го најде велосипедот на Линда во подрумот. Dan found Linda's bike in the basement. Dan found Linda's bicycle in the basement. Том ја отфрли идејата. Tom laughed at the idea. Tom rejected the idea. Што точно е тоа? What exactly is it? What exactly is that? Том секогаш сака да се зафркава. Tom always likes to joke around. Tom always likes to joke. Порано беше толку забавен. You used to be so much fun. You used to be so funny. Добро ми би дошло кафе. Coffee would be nice. I could use some coffee. Том е на патување. Tom is away on a trip. Tom is on a trip. Том сака да умреш. Tom wants you dead. Tom wants you dead. Ќе ги облечеш ли некогаш пак чизмиве? Are you ever going to wear these boots again? Will you ever put on these boots again? Том несомнено не очекуваше да победи. Tom certainly didn't expect to win. Tom certainly didn't expect to win. Том ги ококори очите. Tom's eyes opened wide. Tom closed his eyes. Том си ги триеше дланките. Tom rubbed his palms together. Tom was rubbing his hands. Слушај внимателно. Listen very closely. Listen carefully. Том е момчето за коешто ти кажував пред некој ден. Tom is the boy I told you about the other day. Tom is the guy I told you about the other day. Бев да ги барам. I've been out looking for them. I went looking for them. Има цреша пред мојата куќа. There is a cherry tree in front of my house. There's a cherry outside my house. Сега ајде да бегаме оттука. Let's get out of here now. Now let's get out of here. Жал ми е што го слушам тоа. I'm sorry to hear it. I'm sorry to hear that. Том брзо зборува. Tom talks quickly. Tom speaks quickly. Едвај чекам да го видам Бостон. I'm dying to see Boston. I can't wait to see Boston. Знам за тебе и него. I know about you and him. I know about you and him. Го знае ли некој името на покојникот? Does anyone know the name of the deceased? Does anyone know the deceased's name? Зошто не смее да одам во Бостон следното лето? Why can't I go to Boston next summer? Why can't I go to Boston next summer? Се надевам дека на тебе и на Том ќе ви се допадне тука. I hope you and Tom will like it here. I hope you and Tom will like it here. Ете, ми се допаѓа Том. I happen to like Tom. Here, I like Tom. Моли се за нив. Pray for them. Pray for them. Местово е лом. This place is a mess. This place is a mess. Што сакаше да јаде Том? What did Tom want to eat? What did Tom want to eat? Том рече дека вчера отишол да плива. Tom said he went swimming yesterday. Tom said he went swimming yesterday. Имаме еден час за ручек. We get one hour for lunch. We have an hour for lunch. Луѓето не прават така. People don't do that. People don't do that. Не можеш да ја наттрчаш мечката. You can't outrun that bear. You can't outrun the bear. Мислам дека преводов не е точен. I think this translation isn't correct. I don't think this translation is correct. Што ќе ти е чешел ако немаш коса? Why do you need a comb if you have no hair? Why do you need a comb if you don't have hair? Треба да се изјасниме што не сме волни да правиме. We need to make it clear what we aren't willing to do. We need to make our point about what we are not willing to do. Сакав да им се јавам. I meant to call them. I wanted to call them. Се преселив во Бостон минатата пролет. I moved to Boston last spring. I moved to Boston last spring. Тој живее онаму, на ридон. He lives over there, on that hill. He lives over there on that hill. Можам да ти викнам такси. I could call a taxi for you. I can get you a cab. И двајцата ве сакам. I love both of you. I love you both. Том умрел на 20-ти октомври, 2013. Tom died on October 20, 2013. Tom died on October 20, 2013. Разгледај ги опциите. Consider the options. Consider the options. Често ги користиме како чадори или сонцобрани. We often use them as umbrellas or parasols. We often use them as umbrellas or sunswebs. Имам идеја како да го вршиме ова на поделотворен начин. I have an idea how we can do this more efficiently. I have an idea how to do this in a more effective way. Се враќа твојата месечина. Your moon returns. Your moon is coming back. По несреќата, цел ден беше во несвест. She was unconscious for a whole day after the accident. After the accident, he was unconscious all day. Тешко ми е да поверувам дека Том би го направил тоа што ти велиш дека го направил. It's hard to believe Tom would do what you said he did. I find it hard to believe that Tom would do what you say he did. Не можеш да го направиш тоа утре. You cannot do it tomorrow. You can't do that tomorrow. Нѐ чека работа. We have work to do. We've got work to do. Ова е за него. This is for him. This is for him. Романтично ќе биде. It'll be romantic. It'll be romantic. Јас сум машко. I am a boy. I'm a man. Ти си лош татко. You're a bad father. You're a bad father. Том силно тропаше. Tom knocked loudly. Tom knocked loudly. Речиси секогаш. Almost always. Almost always. Тој отиде на море за да плива. He went to sea to swim. He went to the sea to swim. Јас се одлучив. My mind is made up. I've made up my mind. Ова е подложно на промени. This is subject to change. This is subject to change. Мери си го крсти првото дете Том. Mary named her first child Tom. Mary named her first child Tom. Можно е да си во право. You could be right. You might be right. Дан можеби се скарал со Линда. Dan may have had a fight with Linda. Dan may have had a fight with Linda. Прв ден му е на училиште. It is his first day of school. It's his first day at school. Собата е загушлива. The room is stuffy. The room is stuffy. "Gangnam Style" е најгледаното видео на YouTube. "Gangnam Style" is the most-watched video on YouTube. Gangnam Style is the most watched video on YouTube. Бебињата растат во амниотската течност во матката. Babies grow up inside the amniotic fluid in the womb. Babies grow in the amniotic fluid in the uterus. Сметката не можеше да се плати денес. The bill could be paid today. The bill couldn't be paid today. Никој не очекуваше дека Том ќе победи. No one expected Tom to win. No one expected Tom to win. Разговорот нагло прекина кога Том влезе во собата. The conversation ended abruptly when Tom entered the room. The conversation broke down abruptly when Tom entered the room. Том му го впери пиштолот во глава. Tom put the gun to his head. Tom put his gun to his head. Тоа е максимумот. That's the maximum. That's the maximum. Фактите нека се ебат. To hell with the facts. Fuck the facts. Работам. I am working. I'm working. Пробувам да ти го објаснам ова на таков начин што ќе го сфатиш. I'm trying to explain this to you so you can understand it. I'm trying to explain this to you the way you're going to understand it. Ова е порака за него. This is a message for him. This is a message for him. Том само сакаше да се прави важен. Tom just wanted to show off. Tom just wanted to show off. Не вози толку брзо. Don't drive so fast. Don't drive so fast. Ќе ти помогнам да ја најдеш. I'll help you find her. I'll help you find her. Том ги спаси децата од куќата што гореше. Tom rescued the children from the burning house. Tom saved the children from the burning house. Англичаните ги бие глас дека се практичен народ. The English are said to be a practical people. The English have the reputation of being a practical people. Жена ми е целомудра и набожна. My wife is chaste and pious. My wife is all-wise and religious. Дан и ја заврза на Линда устата и ја заклучи во шифоњер. Dan gagged Linda and locked her up in a closet. Dan tied Linda's mouth and locked her in a closet. Водата од оваа фонтана е многу ладна. The water in this fountain is very cold. The water from this fountain is very cold. Ми тече носот секогаш кога сум настинат. My nose runs whenever I have a cold. My nose bleeds every time I catch a cold. Не сме на љубовен состанок. We're not on a date. We're not on a date. Чув за неа. I heard about her. I heard about her. Дан сакаше да ја види собата на Линда. Dan wanted to see Linda's room. Dan wanted to see Linda's room. Сестра ми ја прави косата на фризер два или три пати неделно. My sister has her hair done at the hairdresser two or three times a week. My sister makes her hair two or three times a week. Тоа ги разочара. It disappointed them. That disappointed them. Знамето им е сино-златно. Their flag is blue and gold. Their flag is blue and gold. Таа ја клоцна вратата. She kicked the door. She kicked the door in. Убаво ми е кога Том е со мене. I quite like having Tom around. I like it when Tom is with me. Оној што последен ја напушта канцеларијата треба да го исклучи светлото. Whoever leaves the office last should turn off the light. The last one to leave the office should turn off the light. Том сакаше Мери да оди во Бостон со него. Tom wants Mary to go to Boston with him. Tom wanted Mary to go to Boston with him. Тој е среќен, како крал. He is happy, like a king. He's happy, like a king. Таму доле ли си? Are you down there? Are you down there? Која е вашата одлука? What's your decision? What's your decision? Моето куче секогаш му лае на поштарот. My dog always barks at the mailman. My dog always barks at the postman. Помрачувањето на месечината е ретка појава. An eclipse of the moon is a rare phenomenon. Moon eclipse is a rare occurrence. Да не паничиме. Let's not panic. Let's not panic. Тој е возач на автобус. He is a bus driver. He's a bus driver. Некои пријатели не може да се заменат. Some friends can't be replaced. Some friends can't be replaced. Том ѝ подаде на Мери пијачка. Tom handed a drink to Mary. Tom handed Mary a drink. Не го порекнувам тоа. I'm not denying that. I don't deny it. Жена му на Том штотуку почина. Tom's wife just died. Tom's wife just died. Никогаш не си ми верувал. You never trusted me. You never trusted me. Можеме да разговараме надвор. We can talk outside. We can talk outside. Вистински ли е дијамантов? Is this diamond real? Is this diamond real? Нема да го дозволиме тоа. We won't allow it. We're not gonna let that happen. Том мрази да пазари. Tom hates shopping. Tom hates shopping. Побледе кога ја слушна веста. He turned pale at the news. He was pale when he heard the news. Си ја научивме лекцијата. We've learned our lesson. We learned our lesson. Детето се повлече од жабата кога таа се помести. The kid drew back from the frog when it moved. The child withdrew from the frog when she moved. Да претпоставиме дека Том нема да дојде навреме. Let's assume Tom won't be here on time. Suppose Tom isn't coming in on time. Том сѐ уште се крие. Tom is still hiding. Tom is still hiding. Се кријам од Том. I'm hiding from Tom. I'm hiding from Tom. Том не се плашеше од тоа. Tom wasn't afraid of that. Tom wasn't afraid of that. Некогаш е неопходно вистината да не се растаи. It's sometimes necessary not to tell the truth. Sometimes it's necessary that the truth doesn't melt. Сменивме ли нешто? Did we make a difference? Did we change anything? Тој работи како наставник, но всушност е вампир. He works as a teacher, but actually he's a vampire. He works as a teacher, but he's actually a vampire. Од кога е Том во Бостон? How long's Tom been in Boston? How long has Tom been in Boston? Чекај да ти дојде редот. Wait your turn. Wait your turn. Том сигурно се обидел да го исчисти ова без сапун. Tom must've tried cleaning this without using soap. Tom must've tried to clean this up without soap. Се будам во шест часот, но не станувам од кревет пред седум. I wake up at six, but I don't get out of bed until seven. I wake up at six, but I don't get out of bed until seven. Том ѝ прочита на Мери приказна за спиење. Tom read Mary a bedtime story. Tom read Mary a bedtime story. Како ќе побегнеш? How will you escape? How will you escape? Том има два избора. Tom has two choices. Tom has two choices. Том има цврсто алиби. Tom has a good alibi. Tom has a solid alibi. Дали јас нешто пропуштам? Am I missing something here? Am I missing something? Сакам да го најдеш она што Том ми го зел. I want you to find what Tom took from me. I want you to find what Tom took from me. Си ги загуби очилата. Tom lost his spectacles. You lost your glasses. Го запознав Том на аукција пред неколку години. I met Tom at an auction a few years ago. I met Tom at an auction a few years ago. Ми се јаде! I'm hungry! I want to eat! Сите не бараат. Everyone's looking for us. Everyone's looking for us. Дали Индијанците ги измислиле пурите? Did the Indians invent cigars? Did the Indians invent the cigars? Кога се случило тоа? When did that happen? When did this happen? Денес изгледаш среќно. You look happy today. You look happy today. Од нив беше. It was from them. It was them. Том повторно седна. Tom sat down again. Tom sat down again. Работам за нив. I work for them. I work for them. Можеби треба да го исконтактираме. Perhaps we should contact him. Maybe we should contact him. Пробувам да натерам некој да ми каже што да правам. I'm trying to get someone to tell me what to do. I'm trying to get someone to tell me what to do. Том немаше волја да учи француски. Tom had no desire to learn French. Tom didn't have the will to study French. Не сум задоволен со тоа. I'm not satisfied with that. I'm not happy with that. Тоа е малку длабоко. That's kind of deep. That's a little deep. Кога е многу топло, треба да пиеш многу вода за да не дехидрираш. When it's very hot, you should drink lots of water to avoid dehydration. When it's too hot, you need to drink a lot of water so that you don't get dehydrated. Не се слагаат. They don't get along. They don't get along. На Том му заискрија очите. Tom's eyes sparkled. Tom's eyes are numb. Вчера се венчав. I got married yesterday. I got married yesterday. Што мириса вака убаво? What smells so good? What smells so good? Ми се одмора. I feel like a rest. I'm getting some rest. Треба да ѝ купиме подарок. We need to buy her a present. We should get her a present. Можеби Том ќе се уплаши па ќе се откаже. Tom may chicken out. Tom might get scared and give up. Знам дека Том бил зафатен. I know Tom was busy. I know Tom was busy. Истура. It's bucketing down. It's pouring out. Тој е добар човек. He's a good person. He's a good man. Тоа е сосем очигледно. That's quite obvious. That's pretty obvious. На Том тоа му се допаѓа најмногу. Tom likes that best. Tom likes it the most. Преувеличуваме. We're overreacting. We're out of line. Местото е празно. The place is empty. The place is empty. Не можев да го довршам. I could not finish it. I couldn't finish it. Печатачот не работи. The printer doesn't work. The printer's not working. Престани да ми зјапаш во градите. Stop staring at her breasts! Stop staring at my chest. Кажи ми што испланирал Том. Tell me what Tom has planned. Tell me what Tom planned. Почнете сега. Start now. Start now. Имаш многу убава кола. You have a very nice car. You have a very nice car. Брзо оди дома. Hurry home. Go home quickly. Робот носи вода. The slave carries the water. A robot carries water. Зарем не е возбудливо? Isn't it exciting? Isn't it exciting? Какво чудесно време. What marvelous weather. What a wonderful time. Се обидувам да медитирам. I'm trying to meditate. I'm trying to meditate. Том беше намќорест сношти. Tom was cranky last night. Tom was grumpy last night. Се обидувам да не се преоптеретувам премногу со минатото. I try not to dwell on the past. I try not to worry too much about the past. Спиев само три часа. I slept only three hours. I only slept three hours. Не ѝ помогнавме да побегне. We didn't help her escape. We didn't help her escape. Том ја презира твојата дрскост. Tom hates your guts. Tom despises your insolence. Смеам ли да јадам? Can I eat? Can I eat? Нејзиниот шарм е неопислив. Her charm exceeds all description. Her charm is indescribable. Го распартали шаторот. He tore the tent to pieces. He trashed the tent. Том им простува на луѓето. Tom has a forgiving nature. Tom forgives people. Нема шанси да стигнам. I'll never make it. There's no way I'm gonna make it. Тој замолча. He stopped talking. He shut up. Си ја повредив левата рака. I hurt my left arm. I hurt my left hand. Раскажи ми повеќе за него. Tell me more about him. Tell me more about him. Том ја исклучи светилката. Tom turned off the lamp. Tom turned off the lamp. Том се држеше за Мери. Tom held onto Mary. Tom held on to Mary. Морам нешто да правам. I must do something. I have to do something. Би бил осамен без тебе. I'd be lonely without you. I'd be lonely without you. Тоа е толку неверојатно. That's so incredible. That's so amazing. Полицијата го бара. The police are looking for him. The police are looking for him. Треба да го пробаш. You should try it. You should try it. Направен е изборот. The choice has been made. Choice is made. Си ги светна чевлите. He shined his shoes. You've shined your shoes. Каква полза има од нив? What good are they? What's in it for them? Ќе се видам ли со Том после? Will I see Tom later? Will I see Tom later? Тоа не е нормално. That's not normal. That's not normal. Том делува збркано. Tom seems perplexed. Tom seems confused. Раскажа смешна приказна. He told a funny story. You told a funny story. Денес многу добро му оди. He's doing very well today. He's doing very well today. Што е големата вест? What's the big news? What's the big news? Полека, Том. Take it easy, Tom. Easy, Tom. Црвот се врти. The worm turns. The worm spins. Таа го купи тоа во месарница. She bought it at the butcher's. She bought it in a butcher shop. Не те игнорирам. I'm not ignoring you. I'm not ignoring you. Немој да си отишол. You'd better not go. Don't leave. Купуваат зеленчук во супермаркетот. They are buying vegetables in the supermarket. They buy vegetables at the supermarket. Го сакаме најдоброто за нив. We want what's best for them. We want what's best for them. Би можел да го направиш тоа. You could do that. You could do that. Не знам дали е помлад или постар од мене. I don't know whether he's younger or older than me. I don't know if he's younger or older than me. Би сакал да знам да пливам. I wish I could swim. I wish I could swim. Мислев дека си во Бостон со Том. I thought you were in Boston with Tom. I thought you were in Boston with Tom. Не ли ти беше чудно тоа? Didn't that strike you as odd? Didn't that seem odd to you? Дали ме измотаваш? Are you mocking me? Are you kissing me? Се јавувам за да утврдам дали би сакал да одиш во Бостон со мене следнава недела. I'm calling to see if you'd be interested in going to Boston with me next week. I'm calling to determine if you'd like to go to Boston with me next week. Си го видел ли Том откако си ја избричил главата? Have you seen Tom since he's shaved his head? Have you seen Tom since you shaved your head? Време е да се фатиш за работа. It's time for you to get to work. It's time to get to work. Прашањето е зошто. The question is why. The question is why. Дан го фрли лешот на Линда во реката. Dan dumped Linda's body in the river. Dan threw Linda's corpse into the river. Во ред е ако сакаш. It's okay if you want to. It's okay if you want to. Том е прилежен. Tom is hard-working. Tom is clingy. Малку сум збунет. I'm a bit confused. I'm a little confused. Ајде да разговараме со Том. Let's go talk to Tom. Let's talk to Tom. Ни снемало шеќер. We don't have any more sugar. We're out of sugar. Изгледа примамливо. It looks appetizing. It looks tempting. Зошто го прави тоа Том? Why does Tom do that? Why does Tom do that? Откако го чу гласот на Дан на телефон, Линда заплака. After listening to Dan's voice on the phone, Linda started crying. After hearing Dan's voice on the phone, Linda wept. Сам ќе бидеш. You will be on your own. You're on your own. Го натерав Том да ми вети дека ќе дојде на време. I made Tom promise to come on time. I made Tom promise to come in time. Там ја посети Мери вчера. Tom visited Mary yesterday. Tam visited Mary yesterday. Том изгледа вџашено. Tom looks appalled. Tom looks terrified. Знаеш ли колку е касно? Do you realize how late it is? Do you know how late it is? Треба да си насмеан, Том. You should be smiling, Tom. You should be smiling, Tom. Том многу помага. Tom is very helpful. Tom is very helpful. Каде ти е капчето? Where is your cap? Where's your hat? Ајде да играме. Let's play. Let's dance. Том си го исече прстот. Tom cut his finger. Tom cut his finger. Том се збогатува. Tom is getting rich. Tom is getting rich. Кој би го направил тоа? Who would do that? Who would do that? Како да бидам од корист? How can I make myself useful? How can I be of service? Кучето мавташе со опашката. The dog wagged its tail. The dog waved its tail. Зошто си дошол тука? Why did you come here? Why did you come here? Не си бил спремен. You weren't ready. You weren't ready. Иако на Том не му се одеше на забавата, отиде со надеж дека ќе ја види Мери таму. Even though Tom didn't want to go to the party, he went because he thought he'd see Mary there. Even though Tom didn't want to go to the party, he went hoping to see Mary there. Сложено ли беше? Was it complicated? Was it complicated? Би требало да си одиме дома. We should go home. We should go home. Нема никаков проблем. Nothing's the matter. No problem at all. Седи тука. Stay here. Stay here. Го разбра ли тоа јасно? Is that clearly understood? Do you understand that? Имај трпение со Том. Be patient with Tom. Have patience with Tom. Многу го пикаат носот каде што не му е место. They're awfully nosy. They stick their noses a lot where it doesn't belong. Рече дека е сиромав. He said he was poor. He said he was poor. Можеме да работиме на отворено, доколку е светло. We can work outdoors only as long as it's light. We can work out in the open, if it's light. Навистина не ми е грижа што се случувало. I really don't care what went on. I really don't care what happened. Одам во лабораторија. I'm going to the lab. I'm going to the lab. Веќе се каам. I already regret it. I already regret it. Том го оценија. Tom got evaluated. Tom was assessed. Каква му е состојбата на Том? What's Tom's status? What's Tom's condition? Проблемите на Том беа финансиски. Tom's troubles weren't financial. Tom's problems were financial. Ти си убавица. You're a beauty. You're a beauty. Том ме праша дали би му помогнал. Tom asked me if I would help him. Tom asked me if you'd help him. Том вчера раскина со девојка му. Tom broke up with his girlfriend yesterday. Tom broke up with his girlfriend yesterday. Земи си купачи. Bring your swimsuit. Get yourself a bathing suit. Си ги олабавив врвците на чевлите. I loosened my shoelaces. I loosened my shoes. Том влезе во кадата. I'm in the bathtub. Tom got into the bathtub. Пополни го формуларот. Fill out the form. Fill out the form. Сѐ уште е темно надвор. It's still dark out. It's still dark out there. Тоа можеше да се спречи. That could've been prevented. That could have been prevented. Работев за нив. I worked for them. I worked for them. Херкул имал силни мускули. Hercules had strong muscles. Hercules had strong muscles. Дојди ако можеш. Come if possible. Come if you can. Се согласуваат. They agree. They agree. Том е во мојата канцеларија. Tom is in my office. Tom is in my office. Кого заштитувате? Who were you protecting? Who are you protecting? Склони си ги играчките. Put your toys away. Put your toys away. Се згнасив. I was disgusted. I'm sick of it. Зошто сите ѕурат во неа? Why is everyone staring at her? Why is everyone staring at her? Можеби го знам Том. I may know Tom. I might know Tom. Ни требаше тоа. We needed that. We needed that. Се пресели во Истамбул со жена си. He moved to Istanbul with his wife. He moved to Istanbul with his wife. Воопшто не би сакала да станам обична домаќинка. I would hate to become just a housewife. I wouldn't want to become a common housewife at all. Не знаев дека си бил вегетаријанец. I didn't know you were a vegetarian. I didn't know you were a vegetarian. Том се досадува. Tom's bored. Tom is bored. Ајде да не го зафркнеме ова. Let's not ruin this. Let's not screw this up. На Том му е многу криво. Tom is really sorry. Tom feels very bad. Том, ова не е нешто од коешто можеш да побегнеш. Tom, this isn't something you can run away from. Tom, this isn't something you can run away from. Тој е сладок до некаде. He's semicute. He's kind of cute. Те молам, прати. Please pay attention. Please send. Сакаш ли лето? Do you like summer? Do you like summer? Том и најде добра работа на Мери. Tom found Mary a good job. Tom found Mary a good job. Не ми се лути. Don't get mad at me. Don't be mad at me. Само запомни го тоа. Just remember that. Just remember that. Никогаш не пијам пиво пред ручек. I never drink beer before lunch. I never drink beer before lunch. Да живее СССР! Long live the USSR! Long live the Soviet Union! Смеењето е мошне корисно за човекот. Laughing is really good for you. A laugh is very useful to a man. Можеби би било подобро да одам сам. Perhaps it would be better if I went by myself. Maybe I'd better go alone. Бљак! Подрумот на вујко ми мириса на твор! Ew! My uncle's basement smells of skunk! My uncle's basement smells like a skunk! Не смееш да ја отпуштиш. You can't fire her. You can't fire her. Ми се закануваше, но не се уплашив. He threatened me, but I wasn't scared. He threatened me, but I wasn't afraid. Се прашувам дали Том знае каде ѝ е чадорот на Мери. I wonder if Tom knows where Mary's umbrella is. I wonder if Tom knows where Mary's umbrella is. Не си го заборавај билетот. Don't forget your ticket. Don't forget your ticket. Сѐ осмисливме. We've got it all worked out. We've got it all figured out. Отидовме до кај реката. We went to the river. We went to the river. Том продолжи да се дере. Tom kept screaming. Tom kept yelling. Се слушнав со неа. I've heard from her. I heard from her. Фала ти што го направи тоа за мене. Thanks for doing that for me. Thank you for doing that for me. Се спремав. I've been preparing. I was getting ready. Мечките се доста опасни. Bears are quite dangerous. Bears are pretty dangerous. Том го познава семејството. Tom knows the family. Tom knows the family. Завршив во болница. I wound up in the hospital. I ended up in the hospital. Не мора да бидеш сам. You don't have to be alone. You don't have to be alone. Пиел пиво. He's been drinking beer. He was drinking beer. Том ме остави да чекам. Tom kept me waiting. Tom left me waiting. Дојде ли твоето семејство со тебе? Did your family come with you? Did your family come with you? Том си испржи јајца. Tom fried himself some eggs. Tom fried his balls. Младите луѓе не треба да студираат. Young people must not study. Young people shouldn't study. Тој навистина ме пали. He really turns me on. He really does turn me on. Том игра кошарка. Tom likes basketball. Tom plays basketball. Зошто Том рекол така? Why did Tom say that? Why did Tom say that? Не ѝ кажувај на мајка ми. Don't tell my mother. Don't tell my mom. Сѐ уште е ноќе. It's still dark out. It's still at night. Дали ме казнувате? Am I being punished? Are you punishing me? Том би можел да се повреди. Tom could get hurt. Tom could get hurt. Ова е навистина последното што го имаме. This is really the last one we have. This is really the last thing we have. Пророк ли си? Are you the prophet? Are you a prophet? Ми беше задоволство. It was my pleasure. It's been a pleasure. Мислам дека тоа е Том. I think that's Tom. I think that's Tom. Ми загоре тостот. I've burnt the toast. My toast's on fire. Чуваат тајни. They're secretive. They keep secrets. Кој ти е најверен пријател? Who's your best friend? Who is your most trusted friend? Том беше на листата. Tom was on the list. Tom was on the list. Сака нешто ладно. He wants something cold. He wants something cold. Тоа звучи благоразумно. That sounds sensible. That sounds reasonable. Каде го стави? Where did you put it? Where did you put it? Том ме засмева. Tom makes me laugh. Tom makes me laugh. Зошто живееме? For what reason are we living? Why do we live? Еве ме надвор. I'm right outside. I'm right outside. Не сакам да бидам некултурен. I don't want to be rude. I don't want to be rude. Не сакам повторно да го правам тоа. I don't want to do that again. I don't want to do that again. Ние сме послатки од нив. We're cuter than them. We're cuter than they are. Дан излезе надвор да види што прави Линда. Dan went outside to see what Linda was doing. Dan went outside to see what Linda was doing. Ќе ги следам нив. I'm going to follow them. I'll follow them. Тој изгледаше бесно. He looked furious. He looked angry. Том почна да кука. Tom started whining. Tom started whining. Искачај од водата. Get out of the water. Get out of the water. Дај да му поставам просто прашање на Том. Let me ask Tom a simple question. Let me ask Tom a simple question. Што е тоа? What is it? What's that? Дан ги чу полицајците како ѝ викаат на Линда. Dan heard the cops yelling at Linda. Dan heard the police yelling at Linda. Ти си сигурно Тим Нортон. You must be Tim Norton. You must be Tim Norton. Можеш да зборуваш со Том. You can talk to Tom. You can talk to Tom. Таман ќе излезев кога заѕвони телефонот. I was just about to leave when the telephone rang. I was gonna come out when the phone rang. Сѐ уште грешиш. You're still wrong. You're still wrong. Том се обидуваше да избегне да го заробат. Tom tried to avoid being captured. Tom was trying to avoid being captured. Том не може да ја најде Мери. Tom can't find Mary. Tom can't find Mary. Том нешто рече. Tom said something. Tom said something. Ќе помагам во потрагата по Том. I'll help find Tom. I'll help look for Tom. Морав да одам. I had to go. I had to go. Белким Том не е се уште тука. You don't think Tom might still be here, do you? I guess Tom isn't here yet. Мислат дека сме банда. They think we're a gang. They think we're a gang. Тоа момче е паметно. That boy is smart. That boy is smart. Не си облечен. You're not dressed. You're not dressed. Момчето го искараа. The boy got scolded. The boy was corrected. Парите врз се влијаат. Money influences everything. Money affects everything. Која ти е омилена епизода од "Ѕвездени патеки"? What's your favorite Star Trek episode? What's your favorite episode of Star Trek? Сигурен сум дека ќе ти позајми книга. I'm sure he will lend you a book. I'm sure he'll lend you a book. Не би го рекол тоа. I wouldn't say that. I wouldn't say that. Том пригушено се насмеа. Tom stifled a grin. Tom suffocated. Тој нека го направи. Have him do it. Let him do it. Не можеме да ги повикаме како сведоци. We can't call them as witnesses. We can't call them as witnesses. Ќе ти нацртам мапа. I'll draw a map for you. I'll draw you a map. Том не е стручњак, иако сака да се преправа дека е. Tom isn't an expert, even though he likes to pretend he is. Tom isn't an expert, although he likes to pretend he is. Што прават? What do they do? What are they doing? Го замолив Том да престане да лупа по ѕидот. I asked Tom to stop pounding on the wall. I asked Tom to stop banging on the wall. Никој не ме забележа. Nobody noticed me. No one noticed me. Ќе размислам. I'll think it over. I'll think about it. Мери ми е внука. Mary's my niece. Mary is my niece. Го гледам она што треба да го видам. I can see what I need to see. I see what I need to see. Девојката заспа. The girl went to sleep. The girl's asleep. Нејзината убавина е неопислива. Her beauty is indescribable. Her beauty is indescribable. Том ќе се врати кога ќе посака. Tom will come back when he feels like it. Tom will come back whenever he wants. Кога ќе дојдат? When are they coming? When will they be here? Ти што предложуваш? What do you propose? What are you suggesting? Си ја изгубив чантата. I lost my purse. I lost my purse. Том ми кажа дека не е гладен. Tom told me he wasn't hungry. Tom told me he wasn't hungry. Таа пушеше пура. She smoked a cigar. She smoked a cigar. Немаш право да му го одземеш тоа на Том. You have no right to take it away from Tom. You have no right to take that away from Tom. Том се откачил. Tom has gone insane. Tom has lost his mind. Ќе ти викнам такси. I'll call you a cab. I'll get you a cab. Том си го мрази животот. Tom hates his life. Tom hates his life. Се паркирав позади. I parked around back. I parked in the back. Сите се крадци. They're all thieves. They're all thieves. Стиши ја музиката. Turn the music down. Turn down the music. Хипстерот си ги вртеше мустаќите. The hipster was twirling his moustache. The Hipster was turning his mustache around. Дај му го своето седиште. Give him your seat. Give him your seat. Ова е добар брод. This is a fine ship. This is a good boat. Каде е типот што го победи? Where's the guy who beat him? Where's the guy you beat? Само сакам да избегам. I just want to get away. I just want to get away. "Чии ножеви се овие?" "На месарот се." "Whose knives are these?" "They are the butcher's." "Whose knives are these?" "They're on the butcher." Често ли јадеш по ресторани? Do you eat out often? Do you often eat in restaurants? Том излезе низ капијата. Tom exited through the gate. Tom walked out the gate. На Том му треба повишување на платата. Tom needs a raise. Tom needs a raise. Не пикај моливи во уста. Може по грешка да си ги прободеш непцата. Don't put a pencil in your mouth. You might accidentally stab your palate. Don't put pencils in your mouth, you can stab your gums by mistake. Како мирисаат каранфилите? What do carnations smell like? What do the carnations smell like? Имаше голема толпа на забавата. There was a great crowd at the party. There was a big crowd at the party. Нема да те пуштат да влезеш, Том. They won't let you in, Tom. They won't let you in, Tom. Си сварив јајце. I hard-boiled an egg. I made an egg. Советскиот народ, предводен од страна на Болшевицитие, неподатливо и самоуверено се стреми кон зенитот на комунизмот. The Soviet people, ruled by the Bolshevik party, steadfastly and confidently go on to the heights of Communism. The Soviets, led by Bolsheviki, are eager and confident to pursue the zenity of communism. Том не дрдори. Tom isn't babbling. Tom isn't talking. Јадевме голема вечера. We had a huge dinner. We had a big dinner. Како да заборавам? How could I forget? How could I forget? Види му ги чевлите на Том. Look at Tom's shoes. Look at Tom's shoes. Можам да останам. I can stay. I can stay. Оваа реченица треба да се исправи. This sentence needs to be corrected. This sentence needs to be corrected. Изгледаш сомнително. You look suspicious. You look suspicious. Мислам дека има нешто внатре во кутијава. I think there's something inside this box. I think there's something inside this box. Науката е јака. Science is cool. Science is strong. Мора да ги сочуваме семејните традиции. We must uphold family traditions. We must preserve family traditions. На место ли е ова? Is this appropriate? Is this in place? Имам доказ. I have proof. I have proof. Не можеш да им веруваш. You can't trust them. You can't trust them. Башка платија. They paid separately. That's what they paid for. Том се лади со лепеза. Tom is fanning himself. Tom cools himself with a sticker. Нема да те чекам. I'm not going to wait for you. I'm not gonna wait for you. Ми се допаѓаат нејзините темни очи. I like her dark eyes. I like her dark eyes. Одлично! Splendid! That's great! Јас ќе ја чекам. I'll be waiting for her. I'll wait for her. Има можност да искрсне војна. There's a possibility of war. There's a possibility there's a war coming. Том е софистициран. Tom is sophisticated. Tom is sophisticated. Том е учител по виолина. Tom is a violin teacher. Tom is a violin teacher. Том ми нема кажано дека сака да оди во Бостон со нас. Tom never told me he wanted to go to Boston with us. Tom never told me he wanted to go to Boston with us. Воопшто не е лесно да се совлада странски јазик. It's by no means easy to master a foreign language. It is not easy to master a foreign language. Види што уловив. Look what I caught. Look what I caught. Значи, не бе не. It can't be! So, no. Ќе бидете ли спремни? Will you be ready? Will you be ready? Тоа се случи пред околу триесет години. That happened about thirty years ago. That happened about thirty years ago. Том беше толку внимателен. Tom was so careful. Tom was so careful. Ќе го донесеме дома. We'll bring him home. We'll bring him home. Мојата група е секогаш бодра. My group is always lively. My group's always up. Том отишол во супермаркет. Tom has gone to the supermarket. Tom went to the supermarket. Мразам кога се карате. I hate it when you fight. I hate it when you fight. Ќе ти го викнам Том. I'll get Tom for you. I'll get Tom for you. Се уште ни требаат пари. We still need money. We still need the money. Канцеларијата на Том е. It's Tom's office. It's Tom's office. Наслутувам дека нешто не е во ред. I can feel that something is wrong. I get angry that something's wrong. Не можеме баш да го дискутираме тоа. We can't really discuss that. We can't really discuss that. Девојките се закикотија. The girls giggled. The girls chuckled. Автомобилите се произведуваат во фабрика. Automobiles are made in factories. Cars are produced in a factory. Немој ни да си ме пипнал. Don't even touch me. Don't you touch me. Го фативме арамијата. We caught the thief. We've got the thief. Не треба да одиш. You don't need to go. You don't have to go. Мери сакаше Том да проведува повеќе време со нивните деца. Mary wanted Tom to spend more time with their children. Mary wanted Tom to spend more time with their children. Страв ми е да не те изгубам. I'm afraid of losing you. I'm afraid I'll lose you. Том знае дека го свиѓам. Tom knows I like him. Tom knows I like him. Мислиш ли дека навистина и е жал? Do you think she's really sorry? Do you think she's really sorry? Ти си бил во оваа соба со Том кога го убиле. You were in this room with Tom when he was killed. You were in this room with Tom when he was killed. Го натерав да ме слика. I got him to take my picture. I got him to take a picture of me. Не чувствувам сексуални копнежи. I have no sexual desire. I don't feel sexual cravings. Том не може да дојде со мене во Бостон. Tom can't come with me to Boston. Tom can't come with me to Boston. Мислам дека треба да му дозволиме на Том да си го тера ќефот. I think we should let Tom do what he wants. I think we should let Tom push his ass. Навистина ли си толку глупав? Are you really that stupid? Are you really that stupid? Затоа што врнеше, не појдов. Since it rained, I did not go. Because it rained, I didn't go. Мислам дека Том е лажливец. I think Tom is a liar. I think Tom is a liar. Престани да зборуваш за мене. Stop talking about me. Stop talking about me. Том не крвари. Tom isn't bleeding. Tom isn't bleeding. Време е да ми го послушаш советот. It's time you took my advice. It's time for you to follow my advice. Ми требаше да зборувам со тебе во врска со нешто. I needed to speak to you about something. I needed to talk to you about something. Сакам да знам сега. I want to know now. I want to know now. Зборувавме на многу теми. We spoke about many subjects. We talked about many subjects. Веќе се одлучив. I've already decided. I've already made up my mind. Том ми го упропасти викендот. Tom ruined my weekend. Tom ruined my weekend. Што сакаат да кажат? What do they mean? What do they mean? Ова е слика од Том. This is Tom's photograph. This is a picture of Tom. Ужаснат бев. I was horrified. I was terrible. Разгледај наоколу. Have a look around. Take a look around. Моето семејство живее тука. My family lives here. My family lives here. Не реков дека ќе одам. I didn't say I was going. I didn't say I was going. Лебот е во рерна. Bread's in the oven. The bread is in the oven. Том е само збунето дете. Tom is just a mixed-up kid. Tom is just a confused child. Школото заврши... засега. School is over... for now. School's over... for now. Не бев неискрен. I wasn't dishonest. I wasn't dishonest. Може ли Ваше име и телефонски број? Can I have your name and telephone number? Can I have your name and phone number? Детективот Дан Андерсон ја приведе Линда за да ја испрашува. Detective Dan Anderson took Linda in for questioning. Detective Dan Anderson took Linda into custody to question her. Ако Том не го напишал ова, тогаш кој? If Tom didn't write this, then who did? If Tom didn't write this, who did? Зошто да не останеш со мене на неколку дена? Why don't you stay with me for a few days? Why don't you stay with me for a few days? Јас би рекол дека сме спремни. I'd say we're ready. I'd say we're ready. Таква ни е судбината. It is our destiny. It's our destiny. Том навидум беше загрижен за нешто. Tom seemed to be worried about something. Tom seemed worried about something. Те предупредив да не му веруваш на Том. I warned you not to trust Tom. I warned you not to trust Tom. Таа се уште нема зборувано со мене. She has not spoken to me yet. She hasn't spoken to me yet. Ќе биде ѕверско. It's going to be brutal. It's gonna be awesome. Имаме нови комшии. We have new neighbors. We have new neighbors. Том и кажа на Мери дека не би требало да плива. Tom told Mary that she shouldn't swim. Tom told Mary that she shouldn't swim. Пробувам да завршам пред рокот. I'm trying to meet a deadline. I'm trying to finish up before the deadline. Тоа беше многу логично. It made a lot of sense. That was very logical. Готов си. You're done. You're done. Тоа ли ти е оправдувањето? Is that your excuse? Is that your excuse? Дали сте гладни, деца? Are you kids hungry? Are you hungry, children? Том е недруштвен. Tom is unsociable. Tom is antisocial. Го гонеше крадецот. He chased the thief. He was after the thief. Никогаш не е толку просто. It's never that simple. It's never that simple. Имам прекрасни пријатели. I have great friends. I have great friends. Сум слушал гласини. I've heard rumors. I've heard rumors. Мислам дека убаво се изјаснив. I think I made myself clear. I think I made my point. Што напиша во тетратката сега? What did you just write in your notebook? What did you write in your notebook now? Бубалица си. You're a nerd. You're a nerd. Не ти бев пријател вистински. Само се преправав. I was not really your friend. I was just pretending. I wasn't really your friend, I was just pretending. Сите беа гладни. Everyone was hungry. Everyone was hungry. Том беше опасен. Tom was dangerous. Tom was dangerous. Одиш или не? Are you going or not? Are you going or not? Ако го осудат ќе мора да плати казни. If he's convicted he'll have to pay a fine. If convicted, he'll have to pay the fines. Ова е капетанот. This is the captain. This is the captain. Секогаш има финта. There's always a catch. There's always a catch. Го дуваш. You're blowing it. You're blowing it. Том тивко ја затвори вратата. Tom shut the door quietly. Tom quietly closed the door. Може ли да одам во веце? Ми се моча. Can I go to the bathroom? I gotta piss. Can I use your bathroom? Секогаш е така. It's always like that. It's always the way it is. Се надевав дека ќе бидеш разумен. I was hoping you'd be reasonable. I was hoping you'd be reasonable. Ќе боли ли ова? Will this be painful? Is this gonna hurt? Том отрча да и помогне на Мери. Tom rushed to help Mary. Tom ran to help Mary. Во случај нешто да тргне наопаку, те молам, чувај ми ги децата. In case something goes wrong, please take care of my children. In case anything goes wrong, please look after my children. Човек што сака цвеќиња не може да е зол. A person who likes flowers can't be evil. A man who loves flowers can't be evil. Том не може да те повреди. Tom can't hurt you. Tom can't hurt you. Имаш до пладне. You've got till noon. You have until noon. Луѓето ќе озборуваат. People are going to talk. People will talk. Полицијата ја набеди дека пишувала пораки додека возела. The police accused her of texting while driving. The police accused her of texting while she was driving. Се надевам дека можам. I hope I can do this. I hope I can. Жал ми е што те разбудив. I'm sorry I woke you up. I'm sorry I woke you up. Не губи контрола врз себе. Don't lose your cool. Don't lose control of yourself. Мери доби многу убави роденденски честитки. Mary received many beautiful birthday cards. Mary got a very nice birthday congratulations. Том е пак при себе. Tom is himself again. Tom is himself again. Ти имам кажано за нив. I've told you about them. I told you about them. Том виде дека е вклучено светлото и заклучи дека има некој дома. Tom saw a light on in the house and figured someone was at home. Tom saw that the light was on and concluded that someone was at home. Кој би сакал Том да умре? Who would want Tom dead? Who would want Tom to die? Том е полн со надеж. Tom is full of hope. Tom is full of hope. Време е да го разбудиме Том. It's time to wake Tom up. It's time to wake Tom up. Старец со бастун го замоли Том да му помогне да премине улица. An old man walking with a cane asked Tom to help him across the street. An old man with a cane asked Tom to help him cross the street. Како е возможно ова? How's this possible? How is this possible? Работата не е срамна. Work isn't shameful. The job is not shameful. Каква храна има? What kind of food is there? What kind of food is there? Што би можело да го предизвика ова? What could've caused this? What could cause this? Сакам да јадам корејска храна што не е лута и зачинета. I want to eat some Korean food that isn't hot and spicy. I like eating Korean food that's not angry and spicy. Би можело да биде и полошо. It could be worse. It could be worse. Тоа не се совпаѓа со образецот. That doesn't fit the pattern. That doesn't match the pattern. Пробав да ја исконтактирам. I've tried to contact her. I tried to contact her. Не сакам остриги. I don't like oysters. I don't like oysters. Том сѐ уште ни се лути што не му ја исполнивме молбата. Tom is still mad at us for not doing what he requested. Tom is still angry at us for failing to comply with his request. Кажи дека ме разбираш. Say you understand me. Say you understand me. Нив ги изгуби, но ме доби мене. You did lose them, but gained me. You lost them, but you got me. Те бараат на телефон. There's a call for you. You're wanted on the phone. Има фора. There is one catch. He's got a fora. Засрамен сум. I'm ashamed. I'm embarrassed. Тој имаше важна улога во комисијата. He played an important role on the committee. He played an important role in the commission. Се откажав. I quit. I've given up. Како треба да го направам ова? How am I supposed to do this? How am I supposed to do this? Повратив. I threw up. I threw up. Дан реши да го напушти градот. Dan decided to leave town. Dan decided to leave town. Мислам дека Том се обидуваше да ни каже нешто. I think Tom was trying to tell us something. I think Tom was trying to tell us something. Отидовме во паркот за да се прошетаме. We went to the park for a walk. We went to the park to take a walk. Дедо ми, како наглув човек, често дава одговори што не се на место. My grandfather, being hard of hearing, often makes an irrelevant answer. My grandfather, a deaf man, often gives answers that are out of place. Тоа не е доволно добро за тебе. That's not good enough for you. That's not good enough for you. Ќе го следам Том до дома. I'm going to follow Tom home. I'll follow Tom home. Том е во многу лоша форма. Tom is in very bad shape. Tom is in very bad shape. Мораш да ѝ дадеш уште време. You have to give her more time. You have to give her more time. Колата ти е поправена сега. Your car is repaired now. Your car's fixed now. Ќе помогнам. I'll help. I'll help. Нека ти помогнат. Get them to help you. Let them help you. Том ми е само пријател, а не дечко. Tom is just a friend, not my boyfriend. Tom is just my friend, not my boyfriend. Том е агресивен. Tom is aggressive. Tom is aggressive. Точно е. It's right. It's true. И двајцата сме од Бостон. We're both from Boston. We're both from Boston. Тоа е достојно за восхит. It's admirable. That's admirable. Не може да се сосредоточи на својата академска работа. He is unable to concentrate on his academic work. He can't focus on his academic work. Мајка ми ми се јави. My mother called me. My mom called me. Снегот се стопил. The snow has melted. The snow melted. Том фати да кашла. Tom began coughing. Tom started coughing. Том сѐ уште зборува. Tom is still talking. Tom is still talking. Зад овој рид се наоѓа прекрасна долина. Behind this hill lies a beautiful valley. There is a beautiful valley behind this hill. Знам многу малку за неа. I knew very little about her. I know very little about her. Том ја знае тајната. Tom knows the secret. Tom knows the secret. Да дадам ли знак? Should I give the signal? Should I give a sign? Го сакам своето. I want mine. I want mine. Време е да се одвикнеш од детинестето однесување. It is time you left off your childish ways. It's time to get rid of childish behavior. Што е тој звук? What is that sound? What's that sound? На Том му треба мојата помош. Tom needs my help. Tom needs my help. Си го заврши ли оброкот? Have you finished your meal? Did you finish your meal? Том делува несреќно. Tom seems unhappy. Tom seems unhappy. Не можеш ли побрзо? Can't you go faster? Can't you go any faster? Вратоврската ти одговара на оделото. Your necktie matches your suit. Your tie fits your suit. Грешно си ме проценил. You're wrong about me. You're wrong about me. Само животните треба да носат крзно. Only animals should wear fur. Only animals need to wear fur. Знаеш ли како да го поправиш ова? Do you know how to fix this? Do you know how to fix this? Го бакнав под имела. I kissed him under the mistletoe. I kissed him under an mistletoe. Старецот беше наглув. The old man was hard of hearing. The old man was hard of hearing. Морав да ги дознаам фактите. I had to get the facts. I had to get the facts. Не си виновен. You aren't guilty. It's not your fault. Бракот плаши некои луѓе. Marriage frightens some people. Marriage scares some people. Тоа е прилично смешно. That's pretty funny. That's pretty funny. Имаме малку време. We have some time. We have little time. Мислам дека Том е единствениот тука што не знае како се прави тоа. I think Tom is the only one here who doesn't know how to do that. I think Tom is the only one here who doesn't know how to do that. Сега ли мораме да одиме? Do we have to go now? Do we have to go now? Никогаш нема да престанам да те сакам. I'll never stop loving you. I'll never stop loving you. Го превидов тоа. I anticipated that. I've overlooked that. Том може лесно да нѐ уништи. Tom is able to destroy us. Tom can easily destroy us. Добро џвакај си ја храната. Chew your food well. Chew your food well. Сигурен сум дека Том ова го сакаше. I'm pretty sure this is what Tom wanted. I'm sure this is what Tom wanted. Том има сомнежи во врска со ситуацијава. Tom has his doubts about this situation. Tom has doubts about the situation. Не ми го одземај тоа. Don't take that away from me. Don't take that away from me. Не ми звучат вкусно крофните со сланина. Bacon Donuts don't sound very tasty. They don't sound good bacon donuts. Те видов како пиеш кафе со Том утрово. I saw you having coffee this morning with Tom. I saw you drink coffee with Tom this morning. Ќе чека да го викнеме. He'll wait for us to call him. He'll be waiting for us to call him. Том изеде цела ќеса начос. Tom ate the entire bag of nachos. Tom ate an entire bag of nachos. Што е твојот совет? What do you advise? What's your advice? Драго ми е што можев да ти помогнам. I'm glad I could help you. I'm glad I could help you. Том ни готви. Tom cooks for us. Tom cooks for us. На Том не би му се допаднал Бостон. Tom wouldn't like Boston. Tom wouldn't like Boston. Том го изеде сендвичот. Tom ate the sandwich. Tom ate the sandwich. Можам да почекам неколку часа. I can wait a few hours. I can wait a few hours. Знаеш ли што да донесеш? Do you know what to bring? Do you know what to bring? Никому не кажувај. Don't tell anybody. Don't tell anyone. Том не може да купи кола. Tom can't buy a car. Tom can't buy a car. Мора да биде отстрането. It has to be removed. It must be removed. Како се вика постарата сестра на Том? What's Tom's older sister's name? What's Tom's older sister's name? Том има iPhone. Tom has an iPhone. Tom has an iPhone. Не ми е грижа за тоа. I don't care about that. I don't care about that. Овчарот си го надгледува стадото. The shepherd is tending his flock. The shepherd is watching his flock. Лажиците се во чашата. The spoons are in the glass. The spoons are in the glass. Треба да одам да се пакувам. I should go pack. I should go pack. Поради поројниот дожд бевме жива вода. Due to the heavy rain we were soaked to the skin. The heavy rain made us live. Том ќе мие садови. Tom will wash dishes. Tom will do the dishes. Земи карта. Take a card. Take a ticket. Том нема многу пари во банка. Tom doesn't have much money in the bank. Tom doesn't have a lot of money in the bank. Разлабави го. Loosen it. Let him loose. Земјоделецот сади пченка напролет. The farmer plants the corn in the spring. The farmer plants corn in the spring. Не ме влече математиката. I'm really into math. I'm not being dragged by math. Заштити ме! Protect me! Protect me! Свршив работа тука. My work here is done. I did a job here. Никогаш не сум се гордеел со тебе повеќе. I've never been more proud of you. I've never been proud of you again. Ми се јаде шницла. I want to eat steak. I feel like eating steaks. Зошто не го правиш тоа што ти се наредува? Why can't you do what you're told? Why don't you do what you're told? Владата должеше милиони долари. The government owed millions of dollars. The government owed millions of dollars. Близнак сум. I'm a twin. I'm a twin. Тоа ќе и го скрши срцето. It's going to break her heart. It'll break her heart. Мораме да го спасиме Том. We have to save Tom. We have to save Tom. Каква теорија има Том? What's Tom's theory? What's Tom's theory? Ме воодушеви тоа како Том зборува француски. I was impressed by the way Tom spoke French. I was impressed by Tom's French language. Виљушкава е валкана. This fork is dirty. This fork is dirty. Том малку се намршти. Tom frowned slightly. Tom frowned a little. Том е згоден. Tom is good-looking. Tom is handsome. Ги барав насекаде. I looked all over for them. I've been looking all over for them. Веќе колку време си учител? How long have you been a teacher? How long have you been a teacher? Ќе ја прашаме. We'll ask her. We'll ask her. Така и си мислев. I had suspected as much. That's what I thought. Не сум наставник. I'm not a teacher. I'm not a teacher. Мораме да свртиме назад. We must turn back. We need to turn around. Флеката не се вади. This stain won't come out. The stain doesn't come out. Влези. Come in. Come in. Неговото однесување ми е главната грижа. His behavior is my primary concern. His behavior is my main concern. Тивка ноќ беше. It was a quiet night. It was a quiet night. Не го изградивме тоа. We didn't build it. We didn't build that. Ќе ни се приклучи подоцна. He will join us later. He'll join us later. Тие се опкружени со обожаватели. They are surrounded by admirers. They are surrounded by worshipers. Креативноста е важен аспект на развојот на човекот. Creativity is an important aspect for the development of human. Creativity is an important aspect of human development. Лимузина го чекаше Том пред хотелот. There was a limousine waiting for Tom outside the hotel. A limo was waiting for Tom outside the hotel. Небото наскоро ќе се разведри. The sky will clear soon. The sky will soon clear up. Не ме интересираш. I'm not interested in you. I don't care. Не можеш да го употребиш тоа. You can't use that. You can't use that. Знаев дека Том е суров. I knew Tom was cruel. I knew Tom was cruel. Нема како да се предвиди што ни приготвува иднината. There's no way of telling what the future will hold. There is no way to predict what the future holds out for us. Дојди и помогни ми, те молам! Come lend me a hand, please! Come and help me, please! Мислам дека Том е кроток. I think Tom is timid. I think Tom is meek. Том е тој што го видов. Tom is the one I saw. Tom is the one I saw. Не ми се допаѓа тоа што Том ми го прави. I didn't like what Tom was doing to me. I don't like what Tom is doing to me. Чиј телефон е она? Whose phone is that? Whose phone is that? Сите мора да одиме да ја најдеме. We must all go and find her. We all have to go find her. Не ја пиј водава. Don't drink this water. Don't drink this water. Кој ти кажал дека Том и јас сме во љубовна врска? Who told you that Tom and I are dating? Who told you that Tom and I are dating? Како би му помогнал? How would you help him? How would you help him? Одржувај растојание. Keep your distance. Keep your distance. Подобро да спиеш еден час пред полноќ отколку два после. One hour of sleep before midnight is worth two hours after. You'd better sleep an hour before midnight than two later. Сакаш ли да им се јавам? Do you want me to call them? Do you want me to call them? Том не е при свест. Tom isn't conscious. Tom isn't conscious. Опседната е со книгите за Хари Потер. She's obsessed with the Harry Potter books. She's obsessed with Harry Potter books. На Том му се остварија соништата. Tom's dreams came true. Tom's dreams came true. Би можел ли да ни кажеш повеќе? Could you tell us more? Can you tell us more? Требаше да си го видиш лицето. You should've seen your face. You should have seen your face. Веројатно би требало да им помогнам. I should probably help them. I should probably help them. Имам прашање за неа. I have a question for her. I have a question for her. Да одиме на друго место. Let's just go somewhere else. Let's go somewhere else. Само се шалев. I was just kidding. I was just kidding. Таман почнавме. We've barely begun. We're just getting started. Нека погодува Том и понатаму. Keep Tom guessing. Keep Tom guessing. Има ли причина да се грижам? Is there anything I need to be worried about? Is there a reason for me to worry? Каде бил состанокот? Where was the meeting? Where was the meeting? Готови сме. We're finished. We're done. Што знаеме за него? What do we know about him? What do we know about him? Том нема совест. Tom has no conscience. Tom has no conscience. Мораме да откриеме кој му го сторил ова на Том. We've got to find out who did this to Tom. We need to find out who did this to Tom. Том се затресе. Tom shuddered. Tom shook. Том изгледа никогаш не посветува многу време на учењето. Tom never seems to spend much time studying. Tom never seems to spend much time on learning. Том рече дека никогаш не учел француски формално. Tom said that he had never formally studied French. Tom said he never studied French formally. Тоа не е сосем точно. That's not totally true. That's not entirely true. Мислите ли дека на Том би му пречело ако дојдам со вас? Do you think Tom would mind if I came with you guys? Do you think Tom would mind if I went with you? Те молам биди разумен. Please be reasonable. Please be reasonable. Том украде пари од чантата на Мери. Tom stole money from Mary's purse. Tom stole money from Mary's purse. Велат дека го нема Том. They say Tom is gone. They say Tom is gone. Итен случај беше. It was an emergency. It was an emergency. Чувај го. Look after him. Take care of him. Знам дека е касно, но дали би сакал да дојдеш кај мене? I know it's late, but would you like to come over? I know it's late, but would you like to come to my house? Ќе се видиме, Том. We'll be seeing you, Tom. See you, Tom. Не ни приметив. I didn't even notice. I didn't even notice. Мислам дека Том е стар. I think Tom is old. I think Tom is old. Децата што поминуваат повеќе време надвор се во помала опасност да развијат кратковидост. Children who spend more time outdoors have a lower risk of myopia. Children who spend more time out there are in less danger of developing nearness. Том се приближи. Tom stepped forward. Tom approached. Само сакам да останам тука едно два-три часа. I just want to stay here for a couple of hours. I just want to stay here for a couple of hours. Сакам да ѝ правам гримаси. I like to make faces at her. I like to make faces at her. Многу ми значиш. I care a great deal for you. You mean a lot to me. Драго ми е што го слушам тоа. I'm happy to hear it. I'm glad to hear that. Том ми ги остави клучевите. Tom left me the keys. Tom left me the keys. Уште малку па ќе биде готово. It's almost finished. It's almost over. Зошто Том не е на училиште? Why isn't Tom at school? Why isn't Tom at school? Сестра ти каде е? Where's your sister? Where's your sister? Многу убаво си поминавме. We had a really fun time. We had a really good time. Можеш да се одмориш. You can rest. You can rest. Дан пристигна во станот на Линда. Dan arrived at Linda's apartment. Dan arrived at Linda's apartment. Јас имам куќа во планините. I have a home in the mountains. I have a house in the mountains. Си ме слушнал ли некогаш како свирам? Have you ever heard me play? Have you ever heard me play? Ајде облекувај се. Go ahead and get dressed. Why don't you get dressed? Оние се добри. Those are good. Those are good. Избега од дома. He ran away from home. He ran away from home. Не го бакнав јас него. Тој ме бакна мене. I didn't kiss him. He kissed me. I didn't kiss him, he kissed me. Мораме подобро од тоа. We have to do better. We have to do better than that. Мажите не се толку различни од жените. Men aren't so different from women. Men aren't that different from women. Добив мозочен удар. I had a stroke. I had a stroke. Што ќе одлучиш, Том? What'll it be, Tom? What are you going to decide, Tom? Не можам да го гледам. I can't look at him. I can't look at him. Можеме сите пешки до дома. We can all walk home. We can all walk home. Беше ли свесен за ова? Were you aware of this? Were you aware of this? Имам многу дарби. I have many talents. I've got a lot of gifts. Секако, имаше концерти во градот. Of course, there were concerts in the town. Of course, there were concerts in town. Том е многу сличен на нас. Tom is a lot like us. Tom is very much like us. Ова може да потрае една минута. This may take a minute. This could take a minute. Овој ме загрижува, Том. This one's got me worried, Tom. This one worries me, Tom. Том сакаше Мери да знае дека тој ја љуби. Tom wants Mary to know that he loves her. Tom wanted Mary to know that he loved her. Том навидум не разбира зошто не им се допаѓа на луѓето. Tom doesn't seem to understand why people don't like him. Tom doesn't seem to understand why people don't like him. Том полека ја турна вратата и погледна во собата. Tom slowly pushed open the door and looked into the room. Tom slowly pushed the door and looked into the room. Го најдов она што го барав. I have found what I was looking for. I found what I was looking for. После три саата, со Том ни понестана за што да зборуваме. After three hours, Tom and I ran out of things to talk about. After three hours, Tom and I had nothing left to talk about. Одам во соба. I'm going to my room. I'm going to my room. Том излезе од школо порано. Tom left school early. Tom left school early. Ќе му кажам на Том дека ќе го собереме. I'll tell Tom we'll pick him up. I'll tell Tom we'll pick him up. Што ќе се случи кога ќе дознаат што сме направиле? What's going to happen when they find out what we did? What happens when they find out what we did? Дај ни сѐ што имаш. Give us everything you've got. Give us everything you got. Си требал да му се јавиш. You should've called him. You should have called him. Може ли сладолед со чоколаден прелив за десерт? How about ice cream with chocolate sauce for dessert? How about some chocolate sauce ice cream for dessert? Всушност не го видов тоа лично. I didn't actually see it myself. I didn't actually see it personally. Што мислиш дека рекол Том? What did you think Tom said? What do you think Tom said? Имам сина крв во вените. I have blue blood in my veins. I have blue blood in my veins. Мојот е поголем од твојот. Mine's bigger than yours. Mine's bigger than yours. Ја спасија целата екипа. The whole crew was saved. They saved the whole team. Можеме да направиме да проработи. We can make it work. We can make it work. Како си поминавте на летување? How was your vacation? How was your vacation? Решив да не одам. I decided not to go. I've decided not to go. Детска работа. Kids will be kids. It's a kid's thing. Во својата апликација изјаснувам колку долго сакам да работам. In my application I indicate how long I want to work. In my application, I'm stating how long I've wanted to work. Си го сака животот. He likes his life. He loves his life. Том стоеше и молчеше. Tom stood quietly. Tom stood and remained silent. Пријатна вечер. Have a wonderful evening. Have a good night. Можеби ќе мора да му помогнеш. You may have to help him. You might have to help him. Штетно е за нозете да се носат премали кондури. Wearing shoes that are too small is bad for your feet. It's too bad to wear small shoes. Ние сме му другари на Том. We're Tom's friends. We're Tom's friends. Дали сум на правото место? Am I in the right place? Am I in the right place? Никој не е толку глупав. Nobody's that stupid. Nobody's that stupid. Попот ме благослови. The priest gave me his blessing. The priest blessed me. Речиси се испразнило. It's almost empty. It's almost gone. Може ли да позборуваме внатре? Can we talk inside? Can I talk to you inside? Сите мора да одиме да го најдеме. We must all go and find him. We all have to go find him. Ќе го упростам. I'll make it simple. I'm going to make it simple. Имаше ли нешто што те заинтересира? Is there something that interested you? Was there anything that interested you? Тоа е од голема полза. That's very helpful. That's a lot of use. Том нѐ тестира. Tom is testing us. Tom is testing us. Ти кажав ли дека си најдов нова работа? Did I tell you I got a new job? Did I tell you I got a new job? Да бев јас шеф, ќе те отпуштев. If I were the boss, I'd fire you. If I were the boss, I'd let you go. Зошто ништо не велат? Why don't they say something? Why aren't they saying anything? Затоа те викнав да дојдеш. That's why I called you here. That's why I asked you to come. Планира ли да се врати дома во понеделник? Does she plan on coming back home on Monday? Is he planning on coming home on Monday? Мислев дека Том има потенцијал. I thought Tom had potential. I thought Tom had potential. Дај да се опиеме. Let's go get drunk. Let's get drunk. Мислам дека не ме чу првиот пат. I don't think you heard me the first time. I don't think you heard me the first time. Том ги здипли покривачите. Tom folded the blankets. Tom folded the covers. Те молам не ме терај да го јадам тоа. Please don't make me eat that. Please don't make me eat that. Во последно време многу ретко плаќам во готовина. I hardly ever use cash anymore. I've been very rarely paid in cash lately. Многу беше чудно. It was very strange. It was very strange. Има многу девојки во собава. There are a lot of girls in the room. There's a lot of girls in this room. Баш може така да направам. Why don't I do that? That's exactly what I can do. Овие не се за тебе. These aren't for you. These aren't for you. Ја слушнав како зборува на француски. I heard her speaking French. I heard her speak French. Мислам дека Том е некултурен. I think Tom is rude. I think Tom is rude. Само тргни да одиш. Just start walking. Just go. Те молам, кажи му на Том да си замине. Please tell Tom to leave. Please tell Tom to leave. Би можел ли замислиш сино Ферари? Can you imagine a blue Ferrari? Can you imagine a blue Ferrari? Мислам дека тоа е разбирливо. I think that's understandable. I think that's understandable. Неговото глумење во никој случај не е совршено. His acting is far from being perfect. His acting is by no means perfect. Отидов и купив десет овци одеднаш. I went and bought ten sheep all in one go. I went and bought ten sheep at a time. Направи го најдоброто за неа. Do what's best for her. Do what's best for her. Том ја удира Мери. Tom is hitting Mary. Tom is hitting Mary. Ја заклучи ли куќата пред да заминеме? Did you lock up the house before we left? Did you lock the house before we left? Зошто не му побараме совет на Том? Why don't we ask Tom's advice? Why don't we ask Tom for advice? Пред многу време имало велик крал во таа земја. Long time ago there was a great king in that country. A long time ago, there was a great king in that country. Не можам да го однесам дома. I can't take it home. I can't take him home. Дан претпазливо го крена распаднатиот леш на мачката. Dan carefully lifted the badly decayed body of the cat. Dan cautiously raised the cat's rotting corpse. Местово на свињарник личи. It looks like a pigsty in here. This place looks like a pigsty. Од Бостон сум. I'm from Boston. I'm from Boston. Дојди со мене во Бостон. Come with me to Boston. Come with me to Boston. Том сѐ уште не е мртов. Tom isn't dead yet. Tom isn't dead yet. Само јас и ти сме. It's just you and me. It's just you and me. Том се испаничи. Tom started to panic. Tom panicked. Одиме со воз. We're going by train. We're taking the train. Настанот беше многу добро испланиран. The event was very well planned. The event was well planned. Немаше ураган, но куќата нема покрив. There wasn't a hurricane, but the house doesn't have a roof. There was no hurricane, but the house has no roof. Таман на време стигнавме. We were just in time. We're just in time. Те молам, одведи ме дома. Please take me home. Please take me home. Том не е еден од нас. Tom is not one of us. Tom isn't one of us. Том се сложи со мене. Tom agreed with me. Tom agreed with me. Не постојат две идентични снегулки, или барем никој не открил такви се уште. No two snowflakes are identical, or at least no one has found them yet. There are no two identical snowflakes, or at least no one has found out yet. Камоли да можев да престанам да мислам на тоа. I wish I could get it out of my head. I wish I could stop thinking about it. Каде ќе оди Том? Where is Tom going to go? Where's Tom going? Што ти текна да се вратиш во Бостон? What brings you back to Boston? What made you come back to Boston? За малку ќе загинев. I was almost killed. I almost got killed. Без разлика што вели, никогаш нема да му верувам повторно. No matter what he says, I'll never believe him again. No matter what he says, I'll never trust him again. Многу добро ќе се грижам за Том. I'll take real good care of Tom. I'll take real good care of Tom. Бебето не галамеше. The baby kept quiet. The baby was petting us. Претпоставувам дека ова е проблемот. I assume this is the problem. I guess that's the problem. Дан ѝ даде на Линда пари за абортус. Dan gave Linda money for an abortion. Dan gave Linda money for an abortion. Кокошката го клука Том. The chicken is pecking at Tom. The chicken spits on Tom. Многу се трудеше сите оценки да му бидат петки. He used to try very hard to get straight As. He tried hard to get all his grades straight. Том и кажа на Мери да не се секира. Tom told Mary not to worry. Tom told Mary not to worry. Природата е полна со мистерии. Nature is full of mystery. Nature is full of mysteries. Донеси му на Том нешто за пиење. Get Tom something to drink. Get Tom something to drink. Ќе стигнеме ли да го завршиме ова денес? Are we going to be able to finish this today? Are we gonna get this done today? Тоа ти е единствениот избор. It's your only choice. It's your only choice. Сето тоа се случи пред три месеца. It all happened three months ago. All that happened three months ago. Толпата изгледаше вџашено. The crowd looked shocked. The crowd looked stunned. Се бација во уста. He pecked her on the lips. They kiss in the mouth. Ќе ти помогнам да ги бараш. I'll help you look for them. I'll help you look for them. Дојди пак кога било. Come again any time. Come back anytime. Ајде да разгледаме. Let's go look around. Let's take a look around. Том и Мери играат тенис заедно секое попладне. Tom and Mary play tennis together every afternoon. Tom and Mary play tennis together every afternoon. Том изгледа промислено. Tom looks thoughtful. Tom looks thoughtful. Заменливи се. They're disposable. They're replaceable. Да ти ја знаев електронската адреса, ќе ти пишев. If I had known your email address, I would've written. If I knew your email address, I'd write to you. Зошто се цериш? Why are you grinning? Why are you shaking? Испивме малку вино. We drank some wine. We've had some wine. Држи се до темата. Stick to the subject. Stick to the subject. Истата работа му се има случено и на мој пријател. The exact same thing happened to one of my friends. The same thing has happened to a friend of mine. Таа работи во банка. She works at the bank. She works at a bank. Тоа е стол. It is a chair. It's a chair. Може ли да предложам нешто? Can I offer a suggestion? May I make a suggestion? Ми се причини дека ги слушам како влегуваат. I thought I heard them come in. I thought I heard them coming in. Отпеј го тоа пак, Том. Sing it again, Tom. Sing that again, Tom. Можеби ќе се покаеме за ова. We might regret this. Maybe we'll regret this. Не можам да замислам каква фаца ќе направи кога ќе ја проба лимонадава. I could not imagine her face when she tries this lemonade. I can't imagine what kind of face he'll do when he tries this lemonade. Мислам дека ќе мораме да му помогнеме. I think we'll have to help him. I think we'll have to help him. Том има многу црно-бели слики од баба му и дедо му. Tom has a lot of black and white pictures of his grandparents. Tom has a lot of black-and-white pictures of his grandparents. Мора ли да си одиш? Do you have to leave? Do you have to go? Том никогаш не бил мрзлив. Tom never was lazy. Tom has never been lazy. Том отиде во Бостон со автобус. Tom went to Boston by bus. Tom took a bus to Boston. Ти си тој што ги има сите пари. You're the one with all the money. You're the one with all the money. Се самоуби. He commited suicide. He killed himself. Дали е Том на ред? Is Tom next? Is Tom ready? Ќе одам во затвор. I'm going to jail. I'm going to jail. Еве тава без рачка. Here is a pan without handles. Here's a pan with no handle. Од кога постои огнометот? Since when have there been fireworks? Since when does fireworks exist? Очекувам повик. I'm expecting a call. I'm expecting a call. Том обично не прави вакви работи. Tom doesn't usually do this kind of thing. Tom doesn't usually do things like this. Сѐ е упропастено. Everything's ruined. Everything is ruined. Што сакаш да правиш со сево ова ѓубре? What do you want to do with all this junk? What do you want to do with all this junk? Зарем не звучи тоа забавно? Doesn't that sound like fun? Doesn't that sound like fun? Во колку почнува час? What time does class begin? What time does it start? Мислам дека Том е во право. I think that Tom is right. I think Tom is right. Ќе мораме да го одложиме состанокот. We'll have to postpone the meeting. We'll have to postpone the meeting. Од неа ли ти е ова? Did you get this from her? Did you get this from her? Нема подобар начин да се почне денот. There's no better way to start the day. There's no better way to start the day. На Том му се расцветани врвовите. Tom has split ends. Tom's peaks are blooming. Не планирам да прекинам. I'm not about to stop. I don't plan on breaking up. Емисијата заврши во седум часот навечер. The program ended at 7:00 p.m. The show ended at seven o'clock in the evening. Твојата куќа ли е ова? Is this your house? Is this your house? Том лежи болен во кревет веќе три недели. Tom has been sick in bed for the past three weeks. Tom has been sick in bed for three weeks. Тоа не пристојно тука. That's not appropriate here. That's not decent here. Овие уметници еден ден ќе бидат познати. These artists are going to be famous some day. These artists will one day be famous. Сите се мртви. They are all dead. They're all dead. Само дај ми го пиштолот. Just give me my gun. Just give me the gun. Не знам како се случило, но очигледно така било пишано. I don't know how it happened, but it was obviously meant to be. I don't know how it happened, but obviously it was written. Искреноста е доблест. Honesty is a virtue. Honesty is a virtue. Не си толку низок колку мене. You aren't as short as I am. You're not as short as I am. Наскоро си отиде. He soon walked away. He's gone soon. Дали се тоа експлозиви? Are those explosives? Are those explosives? Том погледна нагоре и се насмеа. Tom looked up and laughed. Tom looked up and laughed. Би рекол ли дека бев досаден? Would you say I was annoying? Would you say I was boring? Како ти оди работата? How's work going? How's business? Си ја сушам косата со помош на фен. I use a blow dryer to dry my hair. I dry my hair with a hair dryer. Отстапи! Back off! Back off! Ќе проверам двапати. I'll double check. I'll double-check it. Мислам дека е лут. I think he is angry. I think he's angry. Уште малку и ќе стигнеме. We were almost there. We're almost there. Го замолив Том да си оди. I asked Tom to leave. I asked Tom to leave. Том, викни обезбедување веднаш! Tom, call security right now! Tom, call security now! Слепците не би требало да играат карти. A blind man shouldn't play cards. Blind men shouldn't play cards. Направи го како што треба. Do it right. Do it right. Ми звучи дека ќе бидеш зафатен. It sounds like you'll be busy. Sounds like you're gonna be busy. Мажот е во кујната. The man is in the kitchen. The man's in the kitchen. Тоа е аљкава работа. That's a sloppy job. That's the kind of thing. Одеа пешки. They walked. They were walking. Во колку часот е вечерата? What time is dinner? What time is dinner? Личиш на клошар. You look homeless. You look like a bum. За тоа нема да се правдам. I make no excuses for that. That's not what I'm trying to justify. Барем знаеме дека Том е жив. At least we know Tom is alive. At least we know that Tom is alive. Том го пропушти возот. Tom missed the train. Tom missed the train. Концертот заврши. The concert is over. The concert's over. Том ништо не би дофрлил. Tom wouldn't comment. Tom wouldn't throw anything away. Никогаш не работам преку викенд. I never work during weekends. I never work on a weekend. Може ли некој да помогне? Can anyone help? Can anyone help? Не го разочарувај. Don't disappoint him. Don't disappoint him. Големо чудо! Big deal! It's a big miracle! Том ни даде малку храна. Tom gave us some food. Tom gave us some food. Не верувам во тоа. I don't believe it. I don't believe that. Тоа е мошне интересно, Том. That's very amusing, Tom. That's very interesting, Tom. Што гледа маж како тебе во жена како мене? What does a man like you see in a woman like me? What does a man like you see in a woman like me? Том добива отказ. Tom is being fired. Tom is fired. Тој вчера дојде во мојата канцеларија. He came to my office yesterday. He came to my office yesterday. Том немаше друг избор освен да си замине. Tom had no choice but to leave. Tom had no choice but to leave. Добро ти оди. You're doing fine. You're doing fine. Се обиде ли да разговараш со Том? Did you try to talk to Tom? Did you try talking to Tom? Зборуваше ли со Том? Did you speak to Tom? Did you talk to Tom? Ти го чував ова. I kept this for you. I saved this for you. Пробав да ти кажам. I tried to tell you. I tried to tell you. Зарем не се чувствуваш почестено? Don't you feel honored? Don't you feel honored? Сакам да решавам загатки. I like solving puzzles. I like to solve puzzles. Лакомците се сештојади. Wolverine is omnivorous. Lies are seysayers. Мораш да одбереш. You have to choose. You have to choose. Том е многу добар готвач. Tom is a very good cook. Tom is a very good cook. Том го држат како заробеник. Tom is being held captive. Tom is being held captive. Ќе го запомнам тоа. I'll remember that. I'll remember that. Некои луѓе сметаа дека сѐ што човек прави со сериозен израз на лицето е во ред. Some people think that everything that a person does with a serious face is correct. Some people have felt that anything that a person does with a serious facial expression is right. Барам да ми се каже вистината. I demand the truth. I'm asking you to tell me the truth. Каде е книгата? Where is the book? Where's the book? Добро ли е на вкус? Does it taste okay? Is it good taste? Не сакав да зборувам со никого. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I didn't want to talk to anyone. Утре ќе ти помогнам. I'll help you tomorrow. I'll help you tomorrow. Тоа е глупава идеја. That's a stupid idea. It's a stupid idea. Кој паднал? Who fell? Who fell? Од каде се твоите предци? Where are your ancestors from? Where are your ancestors from? Не излегувам навечер преку недела. I don't go out on weeknights. I don't go out on Sunday nights. Том ја исмеваше Мери. Tom made fun of Mary. Tom made fun of Mary. Јас имав мачка. I had a cat. I had a cat. Зошто се спротивставуваш? Why do you resist? Why do you resist? Малку повеќе пари ми требаат. What I need is a little more money. I need a little more money. Том е многу растеглив. Tom is very flexible. Tom is very flexible. Ме мавна кола. I got hit by a car. I got hit by a car. Том изгледаше збунето. Tom appeared confused. Tom looked confused. Не ти поверував. I didn't believe you. I didn't believe you. Денес нема да одам на училиште. I'm not going to go to school today. I'm not going to school today. Се чувствував среќно. I was feeling happy. I felt happy. Има многу луѓе тука. There are a lot of people here. There's a lot of people here. Би сакал тоа да го видам. I'd like to see that. I'd like to see that. Нема никому да кажам. I won't tell a soul. I won't tell anyone. Многу си смешен. You're very funny. You're so funny. Немаше аир од тоа. It didn't do any good. There was no use for that. Собата беше преполна. The room was crowded. The room was packed. Го напишав тоа писмо пред три недели. I wrote that letter three weeks ago. I wrote that letter three weeks ago. Том не се вклопува тука. Tom doesn't fit in here. Tom doesn't fit in here. Дебел сум. I'm obese. I'm fat. А сега дај ми ги клучевите. Now give me the keys. Now give me the keys. Со муштерија сум. I'm with a client. I'm with a customer. Омразата, озлогласеноста и клевата ми го немаат освоено духот. Hatred, infamy and slander have not conquered my spirit. My hatred, my reputation, and my curse have not won over my spirit. Затоа што автобусот се беше задржал, долго чекавме на дождот. Since the bus had been delayed, we had a long wait in the rain. Since the bus was held, we waited a long time in the rain. Почесто сурфам на интернет дома. I surf the Net more frequently at home. I prefer to surf the Internet at home. Не ме прекинувај. Don't interrupt me. Don't interrupt me. Том ја затвори капијата. Tom closed the gate. Tom closed the gate. Време е за затворање. It's closing time. It's closing time. Ќе те одвезам до дома. I'm driving you home. I'll drive you home. Дај да преземам. Let me take over. Let me take over. Тоа ќе и биде од полза на заедницата. That will benefit the community. It'll benefit the community. Изгледаат изненадено. They look surprised. They look surprised. Пристапен ли е? Is it accessible? Is it accessible? Го заслужувате најдоброто. You deserve the best. You deserve the best. Мислиш ли дека ми е лесна работата? Do you think my job is easy? Do you think it's easy for me to do my job? Ужаснати беа. They were outraged. They were terrible. Го пречкрта моето име на списокот, но не и твоето. She crossed my name off the list but not yours. You crossed my name on the list, but not yours. Врнеше ли снег синоќа? Did it snow last night? Did it snow last night? Нема одговор за се. There's an answer to everything. There's no answer for everything. Том ни кажа. Tom told us. Tom told us. Седнете, Ве молам. Take a seat, please. Have a seat, please. Овие се многу незрели. These guys are very immature. These are very immature. Домашната работа треба да се предаде до 20-то. Your homework assignment has to be turned in by the 20th. Domestic work should be handed over by 20th. Одличен беше. You were terrific. You did great. Мислам дека мојот план е подобар од твојот. I think my plan is better than yours. I think my plan is better than yours. Си го откопча коланот. He unbuckled his belt. You unbuttoned your belt. Вие сте наши гости. You're our guests. You're our guests. Баш си штребер. You're a real nerd. You're such a nerd. Кажи ми што си открил. Tell me what you find out. Tell me what you found out. Многу бевме блиски. We were really tight. We were very close. Знам што ми значи мене. I know what it means to me. I know what it means to me. Се изненадив кога Том изјави дека е несреќен тука. I was surprised when Tom said he was unhappy here. I was surprised when Tom said he was unhappy here. Таа ме издаде. She ratted me out. She betrayed me. Ми се пецаат риби. I want to go fishing. I like fish. Том не сака да губи. Tom doesn't like to lose. Tom doesn't want to lose. Сега ништо нема да ти помогне извинувањето. It won't do any good to apologize now. Nothing's going to help you now. Цела ноќ галамеа, и тоа ме држеше буден. They made noises all night, which kept me awake. He kept me up all night. Том обично јаде сендвич за ручек. Tom usually eats a sandwich for lunch. Tom usually eats a sandwich for lunch. Том мора да оди да се види со Мери. Tom has to go see Mary. Tom has to go see Mary. Се срамам од тебе. I'm ashamed of you. I'm ashamed of you. Види, тоа мене ќе ми претставува проблем. See, that's going to be a problem for me. Look, that's gonna be a problem for me. Седевме и чекавме. We sat and waited. We sat and waited. Ме боли стомакот по оброци. My stomach hurts after meals. My stomach hurts after meals. Ајде да се сретнеме пред хотелот. Let's meet in front of the hotel. Let's meet in front of the hotel. Одиме накај запад. We're going west. We're heading west. Никому не сум корисен. I'm no use to anyone. I'm no use to anyone. Не ти требаат парите. You don't need the money. You don't need the money. Грешно сум го проценил. I was wrong about him. I was wrong about him. Не пружаш нешто многу поддршка. You're not being very supportive. You're not very supportive. Се викам Иван. My name is Ivan. My name is Ivan. Скроз е грешно. It's totally wrong. It's totally wrong. Мислиш ли дека сум доволно силен? Do you think I'm strong enough? Do you think I'm strong enough? Многу ме гризе совест. I feel very guilty. My conscience is sore. Том почна да вози. Tom started driving. Tom started driving. Бунтовниците не само што земаа заложници туку и палеа цели села. The rebels did not only take hostages, but also set the entire village on fire. The rebels not only took hostages but burned whole villages. Том го боли грбот. Tom has a sore back. Tom has a bad back. Избегнувај ја. Stay away from her. Stay away from her. Лани имаше многу снег. Last year there was a lot of snow. There was a lot of snow last year. Кажи ми. Tell me. Tell me. Том ја загуби жена си. Tom lost his wife. Tom lost his wife. Самоуверен ли беше? Were you assertive? Were you confident? Може ли сите да ми обрнете малку внимание? May I have the attention of all of you, please? Can I have everyone's attention? Зарем не треба да им помагаме? Shouldn't we be helping them? Shouldn't we be helping them? Ќе ми требаат барем три часа да напишам домашна вечерва. It'll take me at least three hours to do my homework tonight. It'll take me at least three hours to do my homework tonight. Ѝ помогнав да ги измие садовите. I helped her wash the dishes. I helped her wash the dishes. Нема да им помогнеме. We're not going to help them. We're not going to help them. Сѐ уште размислувам за него. I'm still thinking about him. I'm still thinking about him. Слушаше ли што зборував? Have you been listening to what I've been saying? Did you hear what I was saying? Зошто не го побараш? Why don't you look for him? Why don't you look for him? Чувствувам сѐ што чувствуваш ти. I can feel everything you feel. I feel everything you feel. Том рече дека нема да нѐ чека. Tom said he wouldn't wait for us. Tom said he wouldn't wait for us. Можеме ли да им најдеме помош? Can we get help for them? Can we get them help? Погоди што рече Том. Guess what Tom said. Guess what Tom said. Ќе задоцнам. I'm going to be late. I'm gonna be late. Прашај ги сам. Ask them yourself. Ask them yourself. Тоа беше "да" или "не"? Was that a yes or a no? Was that a yes or no? Том не е добро воспитан. Tom isn't so well-mannered. Tom isn't well-mannered. Пророштвото се оствари. The prophecy came true. The prophecy came true. Погрижи се за тоа Том да дознае што се случило. Make sure Tom knows what's happened. Make sure Tom finds out what happened. Мајмуните се чуваат во кафези. Monkeys are kept in cages. Monkeys are kept in cages. Том добро помина. Tom did all right. Tom did well. Том сакаше само чизбургер. All Tom wanted was a cheeseburger. Tom just wanted a cheeseburger. Сега имам многу време. I've got plenty of time now. Now I have a lot of time. За што служат овие? What are these for? What are these for? Одржувај си ги ветувањата. Keep your promises. Keep your promises. Можеби би требало да одиш да го собереш. Maybe you'd better go get him. Maybe you should go get him. Ниту си ми пишал ниту си ми се јавил. You've neither written nor phoned. You didn't write or call me. Детективот го следеше. The detectives pursued him. The detective followed him. Види мамо, знам да читам! Look Mummy, I can read! Look, Mom, I can read! За џабе го купив. I got it for nothing. I bought it for nothing. Кога затварате? When do you close? What time are you closing? Фати се за нешто. Grab on to something. Grab on to something. Знаеш ли дека Том го киднапирале кога имал три години? Did you know that Tom was kidnapped when he was three? Did you know that Tom was kidnapped when he was three? Беше многу сладок и многу ми се допаѓаше. He was really cute and I liked him a lot. He was very cute and I liked him very much. Извини што те прекинав. I'm sorry I interrupted you. I'm sorry I interrupted you. Не може да е вистина. It cannot be true. It can't be true. Моите гради се кревки. My breasts are tender. My breasts are fragile. На Том му требаат нови чевли. Tom needs new shoes. Tom needs new shoes. Сигурен сум дека твоето унапредување било благовремено и добро заслужено. I am sure your promotion was timely and well deserved. I'm sure your promotion was timely and well deserved. Ако секое поколение умира и се претвора во духови, тие накрај ќе го преполнат светот. If each generation die and leave ghosts the world at last will get overcrowded with them. If every generation dies and turns into spirits, they will eventually overflow the world. Тоа никогаш не смее да се случи. That must never happen. That can never happen. Што си пропуштил? What did you miss? What did you miss? Том е мршав. Tom is thin. Tom is thin. Том учи француски. Tom studies French. Tom is studying French. Денес ми почнува новиот курс. My new course starts today. I'm starting my new course today. Расположен сум. I'm in a good mood. I'm in a mood. Чекај да се стокмам. Wait while I make myself decent. Let me get carried away. Имам проблеми со грбот. I have back problems. I'm having a problem with my back. За четири години од сега, нема да имаш конкуренција. Four years from now, you'll have no competition. In four years from now, you won't have any competition. Еве ме, доаѓам. Here I come. Here I come. Би сакал ли да имаш ново тело? Would you like to have a new body? Would you like a new body? Том не би издржал во затвор ни еден месец. Tom wouldn't last a month in prison. Tom wouldn't last a month in prison. Не беше проблем. It was no problem. It wasn't a problem. Има едно триесет години. He is about thirty. He's 30 years old. Да се преместиме на онаа маса. Let's move over to that table. Let's move to that table. Ајде, побрзај! Итно е. Come on, hurry up! It's urgent. Come on, hurry up, it's urgent. Многу сакам да испробувам нови работи. I love to try out new things. I really want to try new things. Ајде да се наспиеме. Let's get some sleep. Let's get some sleep. Сонуваше за тоа да стане балерина. She dreamed of becoming a ballerina. You were dreaming about being a ballerina. Кој ми го украл коњот? Who stole my horse? Who stole my horse? Каква штета. What a pity. What a shame. Баба ми има 75 години. My grandma is 75 years old. My grandmother is 75 years old. Ќе го носам Том на шетање. I'm taking Tom for a walk. I'm taking Tom for a walk. Том сака да плива. Tom likes to swim. Tom likes to swim. Зборував со тебе. I was speaking to you. I talked to you. Лесно е да собираш броеви со калкулатор. It is easy to add numbers using a calculator. It's easy to collect numbers with a calculator. Том почна да лупа по вратата. Tom started pounding on the door. Tom started banging on the door. Таа сака бајки. She likes fairy tales. She likes fairy tales. Ти си уметнички настроен. You're artistic. You're artistic. Том длабоко вдиша. Tom drew a long breath. Tom took a deep breath. Том би направил скоро се за пари. Tom will do almost anything for money. Tom would do almost anything for money. Дај да ти дадам упатства. Let me give you directions. Let me give you instructions. Каде ти е спалната? Where is your bedroom? Where's your bedroom? Том не доби одговор од нас. Tom never got an answer from us. Tom didn't get an answer from us. Џон е попаметен од Бил. John is more clever than Bill. John's smarter than Bill. Том седеше зад воланот. Tom sat down behind the steering wheel. Tom sat behind the wheel. Мора да купиме нов килим за собава. We have to buy a new rug for this room. We need to buy a new carpet for this room. Замиј се. Wash up. Wash. Баш би сакал да те запознаам. I'd love to meet you. I'd love to meet you. Може да се има романтика и/или секс. You can have romance and / or sex. You can have romance and/or sex. Сите те сакаме. We all love you. We all love you. Сам ќе му се јавам на Том. I'll call Tom myself. I'll call Tom myself. Не го скрши. You didn't break it. You didn't break it. И јас сакам кучиња. I like dogs, too. I like dogs, too. Подобро да ја најдам. I'd better go find her. I'd better find her. Ги сретнав. I met them. I met them. Мислам дека ќе ти треба заем. I think you'll need a loan. I think you'll need a loan. Се правиш скромен. You're being modest. You're being modest. Каде му е куќата на Том? Where is Tom's house? Where's Tom's house? Банката затвора во три часот попладне. The bank closes at 3pm. The bank closes at three o'clock in the afternoon. Том речиси секогаш прави онака како што ветил. Tom almost always does what he promises to do. Tom almost always does what he promised. Ќе ти дадам татковски совет. I'll give you some fatherly advice. I'll give you some fatherly advice. Што јаде Том? What's Tom eating? What's Tom eating? Трогнат бев. I was moved. I was touched. Си ги прејдов границите. I'm over my limit. I've crossed my bounds. Тоа ти го препуштам тебе. I'm leaving that up to you. I leave that to you. Сѐ уште ништо немам видено. I haven't seen anything yet. I haven't seen anything yet. Мојот пријател ми овозможи да успеам. My friend helping me enabled me to succeed. My friend made it possible for me to succeed. Ја замолив да ни помогне денес. I asked her to help out today. I asked her to help us today. Зарем не гледаш кој е? Can't you see who it is? Don't you see who he is? Те молам, застани. Please stop walking. Please, stop. Том отиде да лови фазани. Tom went pheasant hunting. Tom went off to hunt pheasants. Сакав да го предупредам Том. I wanted to warn Tom. I wanted to warn Tom. Многу ми е драго што го предложи ова. I'm so glad you suggested this. I'm so glad you suggested this. До доцна работев. I was working late. I was working late. Алис не го виде кучето. Alice did not see the dog. Alice didn't see the dog. Тоа е брат му на Том. That's Tom's brother. That's Tom's brother. Што друго да направиме? What else should we do? What else do we do? Ја достави ли белешката? Did you deliver the note? Did you deliver the note? Ме труеш. You're poisoning me. You're poisoning me. Имаме елегантно решение. We have an elegant solution. We have an elegant solution. Том сака да ја заштити Мери. Tom wants to protect Mary. Tom wants to protect Mary. Ова е динамит. This stuff is dynamite. This is dynamite. Не можам да ти се оддолжам. I can't repay you. I can't repay you. Ми купи ли нешто? Did you buy me anything? Did you get me something? Јас сум визуелен човек. I'm a visual person. I'm a visual. Исчисти го. Clean it up. Clean it up. Морам да останам дома. I have to stay home. I have to stay home. Ќе го направиш ли истото? Will you do the same? Will you do the same? Водата одразува светлина. Water reflects light. Water reflects light. Секој добар ресторан има вегетаријански опции. Every good restaurant has vegetarian options. Every good restaurant has vegetarian options. По забавата, подот беше натрупан со празни шишиња и пепелници. After the party, the floor was cluttered with empty bottles and ashtrays. After the party, the floor was packed with empty bottles and ashtrays. Дај ми малку простор. Give me some room here. Give me some space. Зошто немам дечко? Why don't I have a boyfriend? Why don't I have a boyfriend? Мери тарашкаше по ташната. Mary rummaged through her bag. Mary was tarashing on her purse. Тоа не би ме усреќило. That wouldn't make me happy. That wouldn't make me happy. Со Том сте отприлика на иста возраст, претпоставувам. Tom is about the same age as you, I suppose. You and Tom are about the same age, I guess. Том не страда. Tom isn't suffering. Tom isn't suffering. Не одам на одмор годинава. I'm not taking a vacation this year. I'm not going on vacation this year. Том е пастир. Tom is a pastor. Tom is a shepherd. Се мразиме. We hate each other. We hate each other. Том е многу понизен. Tom is very humble. Tom is very humble. Ти рече дека Том го сака сина си. You said Tom loved his son. You said Tom loved his son. Може ли да му дадеш една минута? Could you give him a minute? Can you give him a minute? Има некој зад мене. There's someone behind me. There's someone behind me. Нема да има никаков проблем. It'll be no problem. There won't be any problem. Тие се кукавици. They're a couple of cowards. They're cowards. Ми требаат клучевите од колата. I need the car keys. I need the car keys. Зошто Том сѐ уште плаче? Why is Tom still crying? Why is Tom still crying? Тешко ми е да поверувам. I find that hard to believe. It's hard to believe. Бегај од мене сега. Get away from me now. Get away from me now. Само толку велам. That's all I'm saying. That's all I'm saying. Најдов решение! I found a solution! I've found a solution! Зошто го убиле Том? Why was Tom killed? Why did they kill Tom? Меки ти се рацете. You have soft hands. Mackey's your hands. Том си ја собра паричката. Tom pocketed the coin. Tom picked up his coin. Се муваше со Мери. He was making out with Mary. She was making out with Mary. Дан се согласи да и помогне на Линда да си најде работа. Dan agreed to help Linda find a job. Dan agreed to help Linda find a job. Ти ли беше одговорен? Were you responsible? Was he responsible? Том е вешт продавач. Tom is an effective salesman. Tom is a skilled salesman. Предоцна стигна. You came too late. You're too late. Том веќе немаше што да направи. Tom could do no more. Tom didn't have anything left to do. Тоа е најдобрата работа што Том ја направил во животот. It's the best thing Tom has ever done. It's the best thing Tom has ever done in his life. Мораме тука да чекаме. We must wait here. We have to wait here. Том беше луд, знаеш. Tom was crazy, you know. Tom was crazy, you know. О не, ми се собра маицата. Oh no, I shrunk my t-shirt. Oh, no, I got my shirt back. Да се надеваме! Hopefully! Let's hope so! Јас сум ти новиот партнер. I'm your new partner. I'm your new partner. Довидување! Goodbye! Goodbye! Зошто не сакаш да помогнеш? Why don't you help? Why won't you help? Провери го ова. Check this. Check this out. Том сфати што се случило. Tom realized what had happened. Tom realized what happened. Услугата беше многу лоша. The service was very bad. The service was very bad. Можеби Том ќе ги донесе жената и децата со себе. Tom might bring his wife and children with him. Tom might bring his wife and children with him. Зошто не може да јадаме пица. Why can't we have pizza? Why can't he eat pizza? Таа е во кадата. She's in the bath. She's in the bathtub. Неверојатно си сладок. You're incredibly cute. You're incredibly cute. Можеби ќе треба само да го извршиш ова. You may have to do this yourself. You might just have to do this. Не се состануваш со Том, така? You're not meeting Tom, are you? You don't date Tom, do you? Многу се зближивме. We became very close. We got very close. Том ја ослободи птицата. Tom freed the bird. Tom released the bird. Бидејќи не му ја знаев адресата, не можев да му напишам писмо. As I didn't know his address, I couldn't write to him. Since I didn't know his address, I couldn't write him a letter. Сакам зелен. I want a green one. I like green. Валјакот брчи. The road roller is noisy. The wolf's wrinkling. Том влегува во паркот со децата. Tom enters the park with the children. Tom walks into the park with the children. Што не ни помогна? Why didn't you help us? Why didn't you help us? Мораме да му помогнеме. We've got to help him. We have to help him. Немаш направено никакви грешки. You haven't made any mistakes. You haven't made any mistakes. Дали е добар Том? Is Tom doing okay? Is Tom all right? Правите жени имаат облини. Real women have curves. You make women have curves. Секако дека хлорот може да биде многу отровен. Of course chlorine can be very toxic. Of course the chlorine can be highly toxic. Тоа е добар избор. That's a good choice. That's a good choice. Зелениот вонземјанин е човеколик и 3.7 метра висок. The green alien is humanoid and stands at 3.7 metres. The green alien is human and 3,7 meters tall. Отпрвин не му верував. At first, I didn't believe him. At first, I didn't believe him. Ми стана незгодно од хетеронормативната пропаганда. The heteronormative propaganda made me uncomfortable. The heteronormative propaganda made me uncomfortable. Се враќам по нив. I'm going back for them. I'm going back for them. Том има меше. Tom has a beer belly. Tom has a belly. Таа му купи куче. She bought him a dog. She bought him a dog. Здивни. Catch your breath. Take a breath. Знам зошто си одиш. I know why you're leaving. I know why you're leaving. Ако громот не татни, селанецот нема да се прекрсти. If the thunder isn't roaring, the peasant won't cross himself. If the lightning doesn't bother, the peasant won't cross. Џон е на аеродром. John is at the airport. John's at the airport. Том нема да чека многу. Tom won't wait long. Tom won't wait long. Том беше многу поспан. Tom was very sleepy. Tom was very sleepy. Полицијата не може да ги најде. The police can't find them. The police can't find them. Се обидувам да живеам. I am trying to live. I'm trying to live. Таа клечеше до него. She knelt beside him. She was kneeling next to him. Кажи му на Том дека е итно. Tell Tom it's urgent. Tell Tom it's urgent. Те молам дај ми пепелник. Please give me an ashtray. Please give me an ashtray. Сакаш ли билет? Do you want a ticket? Do you want a ticket? Хоби ми е риболовот. My hobby is fishing. Hobie's my fishing. Многу ми се јаде. I'm terribly hungry. I'm really hungry. Ќе го оставиме Том по пат. We'll drop Tom off on the way. We'll leave Tom on the way. Навистина ли е толку? Is that really all there is? Is that really it? Фала за вчера. Thanks for yesterday. Thanks for yesterday. Моето име ме поврзува со моите предци. My name links me with my ancestors. My name connects me to my ancestors. Потруди се да изгледаш среќно. Try and look happy. Try to look happy. Сега ли ви треба? Do you need it now? Do you need it now? Имам само една секунда. I only have a second. I only have one second. Знам што би сакал да верувам. I know what I'd like to believe. I know what I'd like to believe. Том ги одведе децата на училиште. Tom took the kids to the school. Tom took the children to school. Ја дизајнира колата. He designed the car. He's designing the car. Мислам дека Том дошол во Бостон кога бил млад. I think Tom came to Boston when he was young. I think Tom came to Boston when he was young. Можам да предвидам како ќе се однесува Том. I can predict how Tom will behave. I can predict how Tom behaves. Тој беше градоначалник. He was mayor. He was the mayor. Ќе правиш како што ти кажува таа и ќе успееш. You'll do what she says and you'll succeed. You will do as she tells you, and you will succeed. Никој не гласаше за неа. No one voted for her. No one voted for her. Том никогаш не си дојде дома. Tom never came home. Tom never came home. Ние го направивме тоа. We made it. We did it. Каде одеше таа? Where was she going? Where was she going? Извини за тоа. I'm sorry about that. Sorry about that. Донесе ли фен? Did you bring a hair dryer? Did you bring a blow dryer? Тоа го ветив. That's what I promised. That's what I promised. Не се ни обидувај да го порекнеш тоа. Don't even try to deny it. Don't even try to deny it. Том продолжи да лази. Tom kept crawling. Tom kept crawling. Ќе ти дадам колку пари сакаш. I'll give you all the money you want. I'll give you all the money you want. Сакаш ли да ѝ помогнам? Do you want me to help her? Do you want me to help her? Ти би можел да направиш многу полошо од Том. You could do a lot worse than Tom. You could do a lot worse than Tom. Не требаше да му барам помош на Том. I shouldn't have asked Tom to help. I shouldn't have asked Tom for help. Каде е вецето? Where's the toilet? Where's the bathroom? Немам доволно пари да платам кирија за овој месец. I don't have enough money to pay this month's rent. I don't have enough money to pay rent this month. Срцето толку ми лупа што мислам дека ќе ми прсне. My heart is pounding so hard it feels like it's going to explode. My heart's pounding so much, I think it's gonna burst. Ако утре е понеделник, тоа значи дека денес е недела. If tomorrow is Monday, then today is Sunday. If it's Monday tomorrow, that means it's Sunday. Неспособен е да го направи тоа. He is unable to do it. He's incapable of doing that. Може ли да останам тука ноќва? May I stay here tonight? Can I stay here tonight? Што да преземеме во врска со него? What should we do about him? What should we do about him? Каде може да те најдеме? Where can we find you? Where can we find you? Многу среќа имаме. We're really lucky. We're very lucky. Се држев до правилата. I obeyed the rules. I kept the rules. Том врескаше од болка. Tom screamed in pain. Tom screamed in pain. Том има дарба за пишување. Tom has a talent for writing. Tom has a writing gift. Тоа беше непријатно изненадување. That was a nasty surprise. That was an unpleasant surprise. Работев на фарма. I worked on a farm. I was working on a farm. Драго ми е што не сум јас. I'm glad it's not me. I'm glad it wasn't me. Никој нема да ти пречи тука. No one will bother you here. No one will bother you here. Ќе повикам брза помош. I'm going to call an ambulance. I'll call an ambulance. Им помогнав да ја исплеват градината. I helped them weed the garden. I helped them weed out the garden. Том веќе не е во Бостон. Tom is no longer in Boston. Tom isn't in Boston anymore. Кој те воспитувал? Who raised you? Who raised you? Кој друг е таму долу? Who else is down there? Who else is down there? Ќе ја почекаме. We'll wait for her. We'll wait for her. Не ѝ поставив никакви прашања. I didn't ask her any questions. I didn't ask her any questions. Сега Том е еден од нас. Tom is one of us now. Tom is now one of us. Добро ме воспитале. I was raised right. I've been trained well. Небото се расветли. The sky brightened. The sky is clear. Том те лажеше. Tom was lying to you. Tom lied to you. Нема да попуштам. I'm going to put my foot down. I won't give in. Таа заработи пари. She earned money. She made money. Тоа е готово. That's done. That's over. Навистина е издржливо. It's really tough. It's really tough. Том е проблемот. Tom is the problem. Tom is the problem. Може ли да презакажаме? Can we reschedule? Can we reschedule? Том ми е учител. Tom is my teacher. Tom is my teacher. Тука нема сомнеж. There's no mistake about that. There's no doubt about it. Авиони слетуваат на аеродромот. Planes land at the airport. Airplanes are landing at the airport. Заедно се помоливме. We prayed together. We prayed together. Том беше полн со изненадувања. Tom was full of surprises. Tom was full of surprises. Ни понестанува време. Time is running short. We're running out of time. Зошто е светот толку суров со мене? Why is the world so cruel to me? Why is the world so cruel to me? Можам да останам со вас само неколку дена. I can only stay with you for just a few days. I can stay with you for a few days. Таа мора да ја брои секоја паричка. She has to count every penny. She has to count every penny. Том дојде тука од Бостон. Tom came here from Boston. Tom came here from Boston. Том ја имитираше Мери. Tom imitated Mary. Tom imitated Mary. Нѐ памтиш ли? Do you remember us? Do you remember us? Утре ќе знам. I'll know tomorrow. I'll know tomorrow. Мислам дека сега е време да си одиш. I think it's time for you to leave now. I think it's time for you to go now. Ќе те очекувам скоро. I'll expect you soon. I'll be expecting you soon. Не знаев дека тоа е општа култура. I didn't know that was public knowledge. I didn't know it was common culture. Сѐ уште не сме ги нашле. We still haven't found them. We haven't found them yet. Само ќе разговараме. We're just going to talk. We'll just talk. Јави ми се ако има каков било проблем. Call me if there's any trouble. Call me if there's any problem. Ќе умрам без тебе. I'll die without you. I'm gonna die without you. Велелепни се. They're wonderful. They're fake. Морските видри многу сакаат да јадат школки додека пливаат на грб. Sea otters love to eat clams while swimming on their backs. Sea otters love to eat shells as they swim on their backs. Мислиш ли дека ќе победиме? Do you think we'll win? Do you think we'll win? Педер сум. I'm gay. I'm gay. Чувствувам глад. I'm feeling hungry. I'm feeling hungry. Зошто изгледаш толку вознемирено? Why do you look so distraught? Why do you look so upset? Кога си почнал да пишуваш песни? When did you start writing songs? When did you start writing songs? Еден ден ќе мораш да го отплатиш својот долг. One day you will have to pay your debt. One day you'll have to pay off your debt. Дан беше премногу мал за да оди во парк сам. Dan was too young to go to the park alone. Dan was too small to go to the park alone. Мери работи како келнерка во месно кафуле. Mary works as a waitress at a local cafe. Mary works as a waitress at a local café. Том тврди дека е страшно зафатен. Tom says that he's very busy. Tom claims he's extremely busy. Зошто Том купил нова кола? Why did Tom buy a new car? Why did Tom buy a new car? Токму ваков вид ни треба. This is exactly the type that we need. This is exactly the kind we need. Ловев со Том. I've been hunting with Tom. I hunted with Tom. Оди седни. Go ahead and sit down. Go sit down. Еве ги проблемите. Here comes trouble. Here's the problem. Знам кого штитиш. I know who you're protecting. I know who you're protecting. Том е, нели? Tom is the one, isn't he? It's Tom, isn't it? Што ќе направи Том? What'll Tom do? What's Tom gonna do? Бев таму тој ден. I was there that day. I was there that day. Немој да потрошиш ниедно зрно ориз! Waste not a single grain of rice! Don't waste any beans of rice! Не можам ни да опишам колку ми недостигаше домот - ептен ми недостигаше. I can't even describe how much I've missed home, I've missed it so much. I can't even describe how much I missed my home - I missed you so much. Дрвата се зелени. The trees are green. The trees are green. Кој ќе ја плати киријата? Who'll pay the rent? Who's gonna pay the rent? Изгледаш извонредно згодно. You're looking extraordinarily handsome. You look incredibly handsome. Том ќе зборува. Tom'll talk. Tom will talk. Што им рекле на Том и Мери? What were Tom and Mary told? What did they tell Tom and Mary? Дури и ако заминеш, јас се уште ќе те сакам страсно. Even if you go away, I'll still passionately love you. Even if you leave, I'll still love you passionately. Можно е Том скоро да се врати. Tom may be back soon. Tom might almost be back. Не се плаши да зборуваш во јавност. Don't be afraid of speaking in public. Don't be afraid to speak in public. Том ретко доцни. Tom is rarely late. Tom is rarely late. Делувам ли лудо? Do I look insane? Do I look crazy? Овој збор се нагласува на последниот слог. This word's stressed on the last syllable. This word is emphasized by the last straw. Како ти се роднините? How is your family? How are your relatives? Оваа мазга не може да носи потежок товар. This mule can't carry a heavier load. This mule can't carry a heavy burden. Кого ќе пратат? Who are they sending? Who are they going to send? Не одам во црква. I don't go to church. I don't go to church. Имам неколку крофни. I've got some donuts. I have a few donuts. Том не се помоли. Tom didn't pray. Tom didn't pray. Човечката алчност го загрозува опстанокот на многу врсти. Human greed is threatening the existence of many species. Human greed endangers the survival of many species. Сите ќе ми недостигате. I will miss you all. I'm gonna miss you all. Сега сум потиштен. Now I'm depressed. Now I'm depressed. Том и Мери се согласни. Tom and Mary agree. Tom and Mary agree. Том многу се налути. Tom got really mad. Tom was very angry. Зборувавме за него. We were talking about him. We talked about him. Том знае дека сум го излажал. Tom knows that I lied to him. Tom knows I lied to him. Каква убавина! What a beauty! What a beauty! Постои ли воопшто тој збор? Is that even a word? Is there even that word? Дојдов да им побарам услуга. I came to ask them a favor. I came to ask them for a favor. Во колку часот стигна таму? What time did you get there? What time did you get there? Јас не работам. I don't work. I don't work. Том танцуваше. Tom danced. Tom danced. Ниеден од нив не можеше да разбере. None of them could understand. None of them could understand. Тоа е добар почеток. That's a good start. That's a good start. Кој владеел со оваа земја? Who ruled this country? Who ruled this land? Том не е задолжен за тоа. Tom isn't in charge. Tom isn't in charge of that. Мислам дека би било подобро да одам сам. I think it would be better if I went alone. I think I'd better go alone. Никој никогаш не доаѓа тука. No one ever comes here. No one ever comes here. Секој е газда во сопствениот дом. Everyone is master in his own house. Everyone's in their own home. Овој рачен часовник е расипан. This watch is broken. This watch is broken. И двајцата грешите. You're both wrong. You're both wrong. Го замолив Том да ни го чува детето во понеделник навечер. I've asked Tom to babysit for us on Monday night. I asked Tom to look after our child on Monday night. Том ме научи. Tom taught me that. Tom taught me. Ми се причинува ли ова? Am I imagining this? Am I seeing this? Му го чувам седиштево. I'm saving this seat for him. I'm saving this seat for him. Преживеавме! We survived! We survived! Ти реков дека ќе си набавиме. I said we'll get one. I told you we'd get one. Денес нема школо. There's no school today. There's no school today. Врзете се. Strap yourselves in. Buckle up. Том сакаше сочувство. Tom wanted sympathy. Tom wanted compassion. Знам дека изгледам ужасно. Летот беше страшно долг. I know I look terrible. It was an awfully long flight. I know I look terrible. lt was a terrible flight. Згазнав во тињата. I stepped in the sludge. I stepped in the silt. Непресметлив е. He is erratic. He's intrusive. Безбеден сум. I'm safe. I'm safe. Кому сум му битен јас? Who cares about me? Who cares about me? Многу ми се допаѓа твојата ташна. I love your bag. I love your purse. Како успеа да побегнеш. How did you manage to escape? How did you escape? Не би можел да живеам без тебе. I couldn't live without you. I couldn't live without you. Ова не е мој клуч. This isn't my key. This isn't my key. Ќе зборувам со Том. I'm going to be talking to Tom. I'll talk to Tom. Златото не 'рѓосува. Gold doesn't rust. Gold doesn't rust. Кои се твоите непријатели? Who are your enemies? Who are your enemies? Како беше аудицијата? How was your audition? How was the audition? Морковите и репките се јадливи корења. Carrots and turnips are edible roots. Carrots and turnips are irrigated roots. Да бидеме спокојни и да ја разгледаме ситуацијата. Let's be calm and consider the situation. Let us be calm and consider the situation. Мислам дека Том е мудар. I think Tom is wise. I think Tom is wise. Имаш ли планови за викендов? Do you have plans for this weekend? Do you have any plans this weekend? Мора да излеземе оттука. Зградата гори. We have to get out of here. The building's on fire. We gotta get out of here. Тинејџерите често носат чудна облека. Teenagers often wear strange clothes. Teenagers often wear strange clothes. Мислам дека можеби можам да му помогнам. I think perhaps I can help him. I think maybe I can help him. Не може да дојде затоа што е болен. He can't come because he's ill. He can't come because he's sick. Сакам да слушам добра музика. I like to listen to good music. I like to listen to good music. Тоа не ми се верува. I can't believe that. I can't believe that. Ѝ го украдов. I stole it from her. I stole it from her. Би сакал да дојдам да те земам сега. I'd like to pick you up now. I'd like to come get you now. Знаеш ли каде би можеле да го најдеме Том? Do you know where we might find Tom? Do you know where we could find Tom? Со оглед на тоа што ти готвеше, јас ќе мијам садови. I'll do the dishes, since you cooked. Given what you've been cooking, I'll do the dishes. Ова е безбедно место. This is a safe place. This is a safe place. Мене ми е тоа шпанско село. It's all Greek to me. It's a Spanish village to me. Денес е тмурен. He is morose today. He's dreary today. Том е на забава. Tom is at a party. Tom is at a party. Направи ми сендвич. Make me a sandwich. Make me a sandwich. Зеде ли пиво? Did you get a beer? Did you get a beer? Тоа е последното. That's the last one. That's the last one. Си отидоа синоќа. They left last night. They left last night. Какви ти се плановите? What're your plans? What are your plans? Нешто ми текнува. I remember something. I can think of something. Ќе ми прелие чашата. I'm losing patience. My glass will spill. Мора да му дадеш време. You've got to give it time. You have to give him time. Јасно ли ти е колку проблеми предизвика? Do you realize how much trouble you've caused? Do you understand how much trouble you've caused? Го побарав. I asked for him. I asked for it. Молчи и биди на штрек. Stay quiet and be alert. Shut up and stay alert. Тие потекнуваат од Пекинг. They come from Beijing. They're from Beijing. Нешто многу слично ми се случи и на мене! Something very similar happened to me! Something very similar happened to me! Вистинско е. It's real. It's real. Морам нешто да кажам. There's something I have to say. I have to say something. Оди измиј се. Go wash up. Go wash up. Морам веднаш да си одам. I must go right away. I have to go now. Колку е часот? What time is it? What time is it? Тој го сликал ова. He took this photo. He took this. Треба да му помогнам на Том. I need to help Tom. I should help Tom. Животот ми е упропастен. My life is ruined. My life is ruined. Секогаш фаќам белешки. I always take notes. I always take notes. Ова им е навистина тешко. This is extremely hard for them. This is really hard for them. Се колебам дали да ѝ побарам помош. I hesitate to ask her to help. I hesitate to ask her for help. Му носам лоши вести. I have bad news for him. I'm bringing him some bad news. Го крстија бродот Mayflower. They named the ship the Mayflower. They named the ship the Maylower. Така стигнав тука. That's how I got here. That's how I got here. Сите зјапавме во него. We all stared at him. We all stared at him. Не се задржувај подолго од пет минути. Don't take more than five minutes. Don't take longer than five minutes. Од Англија е. He comes from England. It's from England. Не е завршено сѐ уште. It's not over yet. It's not over yet. Колку милји има од тука до Бостон? How many miles is it to Boston? How many miles is it between here and Boston? Том се изненади. Tom was surprised. Tom was surprised. Пак јас, Том. It's me again, Tom. It's me again, Tom. Не ни им даде прилика. You never gave them a chance. You didn't even give them a chance. Би можел ли да го затвориш прозорецот? Would you please shut the window? Could you close the window? Том можел да го направи тоа. Tom could've done it. Tom could've done that. Направив што морав. I did what I had to. I did what I had to do. Не заклучуваме врати ние. We don't lock doors. We don't lock doors. Тоа звучи на превара. That sounds like a scam. That sounds like a scam. Што ти е на тебе Том? What is Tom to you? What's wrong with you, Tom? Веќе го продадов тоа. I already sold that. I already sold that. Том не е единствениот што го умее тоа. Tom isn't the only one who knows how to do that. Tom isn't the only one who can do that. Не зборувај за него така. Don't talk about him that way. Don't talk about him like that. Каде му се клучевите на Том? Where are Tom's keys? Where are Tom's keys? Таа згазна на печурка. She stepped on a mushroom. She stepped on a mushroom. Воопшто не го допрев Том. I never touched Tom. I didn't touch Tom at all. Реши се веќе еднаш. Make up your mind. Make up your mind already. Не почнувај со тоа. Let's not go there. Don't start with that. Барем преправај се дека си среќен што ме гледаш. At least pretend you're happy to see me. At least pretend you're happy to see me. Тој секогаш вредно работи. He always works hard. He always works hard. Добар ни беше денов. We had a good day. We've had a good day. Ќе одам да ги прашам. I'll go ask them. I'll go ask them. Дај да пробам друго. Let me try another one. Let me try another one. Некултурно одговори. He made a rude reply. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Ќерка му знае да изрецитира куп стихотворби. His daughter is able to recite a lot of poems. His daughter can recite a bunch of poems. Ние дискутираме многу работи. We discuss many things. We discuss a lot of things. Повеќе време е потребно за подготовките. More time is needed for the preparations. More time is needed for preparations. Многу бев изненаден. I was very surprised. I was so surprised. Сте му кажале ли на Том дека е посвоен? Have you told Tom he's adopted? Have you told Tom he was adopted? Умирам од досада. I'm bored out of my mind. I'm bored to death. Што си нашол? What have you found? What have you got? Патувавме со пријател. We were traveling with a friend. We were traveling with a friend. Понекогаш е тешко да се одреди дали е Том среќен или не. Sometimes it's a little hard to tell if Tom's happy or not. Sometimes it's hard to tell if Tom is happy or not. "Ако?" "Не е ако." "Is that okay?" "No, it's not okay." "If?" "Not if." Колку години имаш сега? How old are you now? How old are you now? Се отвори вратата од кујната. The kitchen door opened. The kitchen door opened. Мислам дека ова не е најпогодно време за да разговараме. I don't think this is the best time for us to talk. I don't think this is the best time to talk. Ни преостануваат уште само три часа. We only have a three hours left. We only have three hours left. Том нема да попушти. Tom won't back down. Tom won't give in. Лошо ми е. I feel sick. I'm sick. Што би сакал принцот? What would the prince like? What would the Prince want? Беше измачкан со кал. He was covered with mud. It was covered with mud. Стави го во фиоката. Put it in the drawer. Put it in the drawer. Вежбам само за да изгледам убаво кога сум гол. I only work out to look good naked. I only practice to look good when I'm naked. Јади зеленчук. Eat your vegetables. Eat your vegetables. Има ли куќата градина? Has the house got a garden? Does the house have a garden? Кој рекол дека се срамам? Who said I was ashamed? Who said I was ashamed? Колку години има тој на првата слика? How old was he in the first photo? How old is he in the first painting? Се изненади ли некој? Was anyone surprised? Anybody surprised? Се угаси светлото. The light went out. Lights out. Си играме со судбината. We're tempting fate. We're playing with fate. Зошто некој би сакал да те бакне? Why would anyone want to kiss you? Why would anyone want to kiss you? Немаше ништо на радио во врска со сообраќајката. There was nothing on the radio about the accident. There was nothing on the radio about the accident. Многу сум зафатен. I'm a very busy man. I'm very busy. Ова е срамота. This is embarrassing. This is embarrassing. Звучиш како да ти олеснило. You sound relieved. You sound relieved. Кој умира. Who's dying? Who's dying. Бев во црква. I've been to church. I went to church. Фала ти што ја донесе. Thank you for bringing her. Thank you for bringing her. Том ќе гунѓа. Tom will complain. Tom is going to dive. Мери ме познава. Mary knows me. Mary knows me. Се давиме во податоци но жеднееме за знаење. We drown in information but thirst for knowledge. We drown in data but thirst for knowledge. Учителот доби отказ затоа што сурово ги омаловажуваше учениците што правеа грешки. The teacher lost his job because he cruelly berated students who made mistakes. The teacher was fired for cruelly disparaging students for making mistakes. Ако те поканат првпат на оргија, немој да се појавиш гол. If you get invited to your first orgy, don't just show up naked. If you're invited to an orgy for the first time, don't show up naked. Беќар сум. I'm single. I'm safe. Би сакал да им помогнам да докажат. I'd like to help them prove it. I'd like to help them prove it. Сѐ чувствуваш ли одговорно? Do you feel responsible? Do you feel responsible? Јави ни се. Call us. Call us. Тостот е ладен. The toast is cold. The toast is cold. Том го болеа рацете. Tom's arms ached. Tom was hurt by his hands. Таа ја изгуби Мери. She lost Mary. She lost Mary. Не се согласувам баш. I can't quite agree. I don't really agree. Нешто се смени овој пат. Something changed this time. Something's changed this time. Ова ми е точакот. This is my bicycle. This is my bike. Тоа ми помага да заспијам. That helps me fall asleep. That helps me sleep. Каде што живеам, слушам бука од сообраќај цела ноќ. I can hear traffic noise all night long where I live. Where I live, I hear a noise from traffic all night. Том звучи исцрпено. Tom sounds exhausted. Tom sounds exhausted. Не ни знаеш колку те љубам. You don't know how much I love you. You don't even know how much I love you. Нејзините желби целосно се исполнија. Her desires were fully fullfilled. Her wishes have come true. Не можам да те натерам да дојдеш со нас. I can't make you come with us. I can't make you come with us. Како се чувствуваш, Том? How do you feel, Tom? How are you feeling, Tom? Ама си незрел. You're so immature. You're so immature. Претседателот најави дека САД ќе лансираат сателит во орбита. The president announced that the United States would put a satellite into orbit. The President has announced that the United States will launch a satellite into orbit. Подобро оди помогни ѝ. You'd better go help her. You better go help her. Ја знам процедурата. I know the procedure. I know the drill. Можеме да се договориме. We can make a deal. We can make a deal. Нема ножеви. There are no knives. No knives. Во неволја сум. I'm in a pickle. I'm in trouble. Том и кажа на Мери дека сака развод. Tom told Mary he wanted a divorce. Tom told Mary that he wanted a divorce. Тоа беше понуда којашто не можев да ја одбијам. It was an offer I couldn't refuse. It was an offer I couldn't refuse. Дан одлежа само две недели затвор пред семејството да му ја плати кауцијата. Dan served only two weeks in jail before his family came up with bail money. Dan served only two weeks in prison before his family paid for his bail. Том ќе оди со мене утре. Tom is going with me tomorrow. Tom will come with me tomorrow. Сакаш ли нешто за читање? Do you want something to read? Do you want something to read? Од "човек" множина е "луѓе," а не "човеци." The plural of 'person' is 'people', not 'persons'. The "human" plural is "people," not "hunters." Таа зјапаше во својот одраз во огледалото. She stared at her reflection in the mirror. She stared at her reflection in the mirror. Татко ми се откажа од цигари. Father gave up cigarettes. My father gave up cigarettes. Може да разговараме тука. Нема проблем. We can talk here. No problem. We can talk here. Том е единствениот што има клуч од шкафов. Tom is the only one with the key to this cabinet. Tom is the only one who has a key to this closet. Ми рече дека утре си заминува. He told me he is leaving tomorrow. He told me he was leaving tomorrow. Кажи му на Том дека ќе го направам тоа. Tell Tom I'll do it. Tell Tom I'll do it. Означи го точниот одговор. Mark the right answer. Mark the correct answer. Станавме да се поздравиме со нив. We got up to greet them. We got up to say good - bye to them. Нека не нѐ вознемируваат. We are not to be disturbed. Don't let them disturb us. Ми треба повеќе путер. I need more butter. I need more butter. Сакам специфични информации. I want specific information. I want specific information. Таа не купи леб. She didn't buy bread. She didn't buy any bread. Том е мој проблем. Tom is my problem. Tom is my problem. Ти должам, Том. I owe you one, Tom. I owe you one, Tom. Ќе ти направам список од работите што треба да ги купиш. I'm going to make you a list of what to buy. I'll make you a list of the things you need to buy. Сам сум со Том. I'm alone with Tom. I'm alone with Tom. Туѓинец сум тука. I am a stranger here. I'm a stranger here. Принудени сме да решиме кога ќе се селиме. We're forced to decide when we'll move. We're forced to decide when we're moving. Том си отиде дома штом заврши концертот. Tom went home as soon as the concert was over. Tom went home as soon as the concert was over. Навистина ли зборува Том француски? Can Tom really speak French? Does Tom really speak French? Тој не е светец. He's no saint. He's not a saint. Том плете. Tom knits. Tom is singing. Том беше многу смел. Tom was very brave. Tom was very brave. Го паднаа испитот. They failed the exam. They passed the exam. Таа не намераваше да те повреди. She didn't intend to hurt you. She didn't intend to hurt you. Извини што прашувам. Pardon me for asking. I'm sorry to ask. Том знае многу за тебе. Tom knows a lot about you. Tom knows a lot about you. Том го дојаде сладоледот. Tom finished off the ice cream. Tom finished the ice cream. Навистина се грди. They're really ugly. They're really ugly. Може ли репете? Can I have a second helping? Can I have a turnip, please? Си се бакнувал ли некогаш? Have you ever been kissed? Have you ever kissed each other? Можете да ме научите португалски? Can you teach me Portuguese? Can you teach me Portuguese? Земи го мојот. Take mine. Take mine. Кога си го купил тоа од мене? When did you buy that from me? When did you buy that from me? Спреми се. Get ready. Get ready. Знаеш дека те љубам. You know I love you. You know I love you. Можеби на Том му било лошо. Perhaps Tom was feeling sick. Tom might've been sick. Том сакаше Мери да учи повеќе. Tom wanted Mary to study harder. Tom wanted Mary to study more. Том е многу строг. Tom is very strict. Tom is very strict. Ќе го собере ли? Will it fit? Will it fit? Том слезе во салата за да се види со Манон. Tom descended into the hall to meet Manon. Tom went down to the gym to see Manon. Том знае дека има само еден избор за него. Tom knows there's only one choice for him. Tom knows he only has one choice for him. Им се јавив вчера. I called them yesterday. I called them yesterday. Ова лудило мора да престане! This insanity has to stop! This madness has to stop! Би можел ли да ми помогнеш малку? Could you please help me a little? Could you help me out a little? Пак ли си го заборавил тоа? Did you forget that again? Did you forget that again? Само сакам Том да ме сака. I just want Tom to love me. I just want Tom to love me. Го замолив да не вози брзо. I asked him not to drive fast. I asked him not to drive fast. Многу сум ѝ лут. I'm really mad at her. I'm very angry with her. Слушам дека е многу богат. I hear that he's very rich. I hear he's very rich. Мери ја разоткрија како преварантка. Mary was exposed as a con. Mary was exposed as a fraud. Како да се ослободи човек од кртови во градината? How do you get rid of moles in the garden? How can a man get rid of moles in the garden? Уживаш ли во празниците? Are you enjoying the holidays? Are you enjoying the holidays? Регилијата обичниот човек ја смета за точна, мудрецот за грешна, а владетелот за корисна. Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. The common man considers the religion to be correct, the wise man to be sinful, and the ruler to be beneficial. Авионот се урна во океанот. The plane landed in the ocean. The plane crashed in the ocean. Том често се кара со сопругата. Tom often argues with his wife. Tom often argues with his wife. Во стомачната празнина се наоѓаат цревата, бубрезите, црниот дроб итн. In the belly, there are intestines, kidneys, liver, etc. Inside the stomach are the intestines, the kidneys, the liver, etc. Тоа е правото. It's the real thing. It's the right thing to do. Не е битно средството туку целта. It is not the means which matters, it is the end. It's not about the means, it's about the goal. Том се јави да праша дали ни треба помош. Tom called to ask if we needed any help. Tom called to ask if we needed any help. Не го најдоа. They didn't find him. They didn't find him. Том не е дотолку стар. Tom isn't that old. Tom isn't that old. Том забележа како Мери го гледа. Tom noticed Mary looking at him. Tom noticed how Mary looked at him. Власниците го именуваа за управник. The owners appointed him manager. The authorities named him manager. Го направив тоа многу одамна. I did that ages ago. I did it a long time ago. Јас потврдно ќе одговорев. I would've said yes. I would have said yes. Немам дечко. I'm single. I don't have a boyfriend. Можеш ти и подобро. You can do better. You can do better. Сестрата му стави инјекција против грип. The nurse gave him a flu shot. The nurse gave him a flu shot. Можеме ли да се ослониме на тебе? Can we count on you? Can we count on you? Животот не ми е мед и млеко. My life is not milk and honey. My life is not milk and honey. Каква смрдеа! Да не готвиш карфиол? What a stench! Are you cooking some cauliflower? What the hell is that smell? Со оглед на тоа што имаш потешкотии, ќе ти помогнам. As you have difficulties, I'll help you. Since you're having a hard time, I'll help you. Не го чекав. I didn't wait for him. I wasn't waiting for him. Том стана да се поздрави со нас. Tom got up to greet us. Tom got up to say good-bye to us. Никогаш не сум јадел месо од коњ. I've never eaten horsemeat. I've never eaten horse meat. Том ја подотвори вратата. Tom opened the door slightly. Tom opened the door. Таа секогаш изгледа бледо. She always looks pale. She always looks pale. Ми го грабна писмото од раце. He grabbed the letter out of my hand. He grabbed my letter from my hand. Веќе ми се допаѓа; фала ти многу. I like it already, thank you very much. I like it already; thank you very much. Том всушност никогаш не сакал да си ја продаде куќата. Tom never really wanted to sell his house. Tom never really wanted to sell his house. Том свири клавир. Tom plays the piano. Tom plays the piano. Зошто само не ѝ се јавиш? Why don't you just call her? Why don't you just call her? Го познавам поднебјево доста добро. I know this area pretty well. I know him very well. Ме пуштија да си одам. They let me go. They let me go. Ова е ненормално. This is mad. This is insane. Ја мавна кола. She was hit by a car. He hit the car. Знам дека си му помогнал. I know you helped him. I know you helped him. Исчисти го тоа. Clean that up. Clean it up. За што го тужиш Дан? What are you suing Dan for? What are you suing Dan for? Убаво ти изгледа собата. Your room looks pretty. Your room looks nice. Си ја скршив раката. I fractured my arm. I broke my arm. Каде ја затвориле принцезата? Where was the princess imprisoned? Where did they close the princess? Тоа баш и не е некоја мотивација. That's discouraging. That's not really motivation. Се надевав дека ќе направат да биде подобро а не полошо. I hoped they would make it better and not worse. I was hoping they'd make it better and not worse. Се согласувам до одреден степен. I agree to a certain extent. I agree to a certain degree. Ако ова го разбираш, другите се речиси исти. If you understand this one, then the others are nearly the same. If you understand this, the others are almost the same. Што е смислата на животот? What's the meaning of life? What Is the Purpose of Life? Го одвративме погледот од нив. We looked away from them. We turned our eyes away from them. Пак се бакнаа. They kissed again. They kissed again. Испрати му бакнеж од мене. Give him a kiss for me. Send him a kiss from me. Да, седмина бевме. Indeed, there were seven of us. Yeah, we were seven. Го замолив да не се меша. I asked him not to interfere. I asked him not to interfere. Тука се со мене. I have them here with me. They're here with me. Мислам дека ќе останам уште некој ден. I think I'll stay for a few more days. I think I'll stay another day. Не можам тукутака да се откажам сега. I can't just give up now. I can't just give up now. Различно ли е овој пат? Is this time different? Is it different this time? За среќа, немаше ранети патници. Fortunately, no passengers were injured. Fortunately, there were no wounded passengers. Бразил бил откриен пред 515 години. Brazil was discovered 515 years ago. Brazil was discovered 515 years ago. Тоа е истрага во тек. It's an ongoing investigation. It's an ongoing investigation. Ова поема комбинира проза и поезија. This poem combines prose with poetry. This poem combines prose and poetry. Би имал ли време да ми помогнеш со нешто? Would you have time to help me with something? Would you have time to help me with something? Грешка беше што им помогнавме. Helping them was a mistake. Helping them was a mistake. Том всушност никогаш не бил во Бостон. Tom hasn't actually ever been to Boston. Tom has never actually been to Boston. Никој не може да биде совршен. Nobody can be perfect. No one can be perfect. Ќе си ја вратиме. We're going to get her back. We'll get it back. Тоа е одличен филм. That's a great movie. That's a great movie. Многу животи беа загубени. Many lives were lost. A lot of lives were lost. Том ја отвори вреќата. Tom opened the bag. Tom opened the bag. Тоа е доволно добро за Том. That's good enough for Tom. That's good enough for Tom. Том многу брзо зборува. Tom speaks very fast. Tom talks very fast. Забавно беше. It was fun. It was fun. Мораше да се направи. It had to be done. It had to be done. Гледај ја сликава. Look at that image. Look at this picture. Тој се смееше се додека не заплака. He laughed until he cried. He laughed until he cried. Нека ги земе старите мои. Се уште се доволно нови. Let him take my old ones. They are still quite new. Let him take my old ones, they're still new enough. Не им обрнаа внимание. Don't take any notice of them. They weren't paying attention. Тој ја трие дамката со оцет. He rubs the stain with vinegar. He rubs the stain with vinegar. Трогнат сум. I'm touched. I'm touched. Да останеме заедно. Така ќе бидеме побезбедни. Let's stay together. It'll be safer that way. We stay together, we'll be safer. Се консултирав со неа. I consulted her. I consulted her. Том не ја виде Мери. Tom didn't see Mary. Tom didn't see Mary. Пешаците треба да преминуваат улици на пешачки премини. A pedestrian needs to cross the street at a crosswalk. The pedestrians need to cross the streets at pedestrian crossings. Том не ни беше задоволен. Tom never was contented. Tom wasn't happy with us. Би сакале ли да купите лимонада? Would you like to buy some lemonade? Would you like to buy some lemonade? Може ли да ми раскажеш повеќе за него? Can you tell me more about him? Can you tell me more about him? Сите сте гладни, нели? You're all hungry, aren't you? You're all hungry, aren't you? Донесов одлука. I've made a decision. I've made my decision. Веќе не можам да бидам трпелив. I can't be patient any longer. I can't be patient anymore. Па, што велиш? So, what do you say? So, what do you say? Тријаголниците немаат четири агла. Triangles don't have four angles. Triangulars don't have four angles. Том не е присутен. Tom isn't present. Tom isn't present. Том сметаше дека Мери би ја донела таа правилна одлука. Tom thought that Mary would do that right thing. Tom thought that Mary would make that right decision. Прилично сум сигурен дека можам да им помогнам. I'm pretty sure I can help them. I'm pretty sure I can help them. Не се однесувај така. Don't act like that. Don't act like it. Близнаци сме. We're twins. We're twins. Таа има неколку книги. She has a few books. She's got a few books. Том има голема глава. Tom is big-headed. Tom has a big head. Магла лебдеше над реката. A mist hung over the river. Mist hovered over the river. Никој не се обиде да ни помогне. Nobody tried to help us. No one tried to help us. Многу се забавуваме. We have a lot of fun. We're having so much fun. Таа нема каде да оди. There's nowhere for her to go. She has nowhere to go. Ми треба пепеларник. I need an ashtray. I need an ashtray. Претпоставувам дека тоа е вистина. I guess that's true. I guess that's true. Не би сакал да го пропуштиш. You won't want to miss it. You don't want to miss it. Каде е маркетот? Where is the market? Where's the market? Дај ми две минутки. Give me two minutes. Give me two minutes. Требаше да му обрнам повеќе внимание на Том. I should've paid more attention to Tom. I should have paid more attention to Tom. Не зборувам француски. I don't speak French. I don't speak French. Том е добра личност. Tom is a good person. Tom is a good person. Дали Том изгледаше вознемирено? Did Tom seem upset? Did Tom seem upset? Знак како да ги читам луѓето. I know how to read people. A sign like I'm reading people. Том не го сака тоа. Tom doesn't want it. Tom doesn't want that. Воопшто не ми смета. I don't mind at all. I don't mind at all. Не го рецкаме Том. We're ignoring Tom. We're not biting Tom. Том се сели во Бостон. Tom is relocating to Boston. Tom is moving to Boston. Воопшто не го разбирам прашањево. I don't understand this question at all. I don't understand this question at all. Само сакам да можам да го издржувам своето семејство, како и себе си. I just want to be able to support my family and myself. I just want to be able to support my family, as well as myself. Ќе го поправам. I'm going to fix it. I'll fix it. Том ништо не чини. Tom is good for nothing. Tom isn't worth anything. Ќе го однесам Том во парк. I'm taking Tom to the park. I'll take Tom to the park. Може ли да дојдам со тебе? May I go with you? Can I come with you? Минатото не може да се избрише. One cannot erase the past. The past cannot be erased. Како знаеше дека Том ќе го направи тоа? How did you know Tom was going to do that? How did you know Tom would do that? Том го направи тоа триж. Tom did it three times. Tom made it a trig. Мораш сам да одиш. You have to go alone. You have to go alone. Том ѝ помогна на Мери да стане на нозе. Tom pulled Mary to her feet. Tom helped Mary get on her feet. Сѐ уште ли си лут? Are you still angry? Are you still angry? Гушна ли некого? Did you hug anybody? Did you hug anyone? Дај да го пробам. Let me try it on. Let me try it on. Ми крвареше увото сабајлево. My ear was bleeding this morning. My ear was bleeding this morning. Каде живеете, дечки? Where do you guys live? Where do you guys live? Каде да го ставам послужавникот? Where should I put the tray? Where do I put the tray? Зошто е тоа посебно? Why is that special? Why is that special? Треба да ослабам. I need to lose weight. I need to lose weight. Те молам замени го. Please replace it. Please replace him. Дан и Линда се помирија. Dan and Linda reconciled. Dan and Linda made peace. Цепидлачам. I'm finicky. I'm caching. Том не беше изненаден. Tom wasn't surprised. Tom wasn't surprised. Доста ми го оттргнуваш вниманието. Stop distracting me. Stop distracting me. Да се вратиме на темата. Let's get back on topic. Let's get back to the subject. Не сум тука за тебе. I'm not here for you. I'm not here for you. Таму е каде што треба да биде. It's where it's supposed to be. He's right where he's supposed to be. Сѐ уште е во тек. It's still happening. It's still in progress. Морам да знам зошто. I have to know why. I need to know why. Не можеме да се бориме против ова. We can't fight this. We can't fight this. Том сакаше да и се допадне на Мери. Tom wanted Mary to like him. Tom wanted Mary to like him. Не пикај прсти позади врата. Може да ти ги смачкам кога ќе ја затворам. Don't stick your fingers behind the door. I might crush them when I close it. Don't stick your fingers behind the door. Допрва треба да најдам совржен сопруг. I have yet to find a perfect husband. I still have to find a husband. Изгледај живо. Look alive. Look alive. Имаше воденица под браната. There was a water mill below the dam. There was a water mill under the dam. Нема да им плаќам. I won't pay for them. I'm not gonna pay them. Реков ли дека сум завршил? Did I say I was finished? Did I say I'm done? Веднаш ќе ги викнеме. We'll get them right away. We'll call them right now. Невешто вози. He is bad at driving. He's a bad driver. Не ми е ова првпат. It's not my first time. This isn't the first time. Џорџ ме испрати до дома. George accompanied me home. George sent me home. Малку е зафркнато. It's a bit tricky. It's a little tricky. Ова е кокос. This is a coconut. This is coconut. Ве молиме, простете ни. Please forgive us. Please forgive us. Колата не се помрдна. The car didn't move. The car didn't move. Невозможен си. You are impossible. You're impossible. Го чувам Том. I'm looking out for Tom. I'm watching Tom. Ова палто нема џебови. This coat doesn't have pockets. This jacket doesn't have pockets. Том ми ги повреди чувствата. Tom hurt my feelings. Tom hurt my feelings. Не ја вознемирувај. Don't disturb her. Don't disturb her. Му порасна мало мозолче на носот. On his nose grew a small pimple. He grew a little pimple on his nose. Може ли да го подржиш ова една секунда? Can you hold this for a second? Can you hold this for a second? Решив да ја кажам вистината. I've decided to tell the truth. I've decided to tell the truth. Зошто си толку лут? Why are you so angry? Why are you so angry? Почнував да го губам трпението. I was starting to lose my temper. I was beginning to lose my temper. Не виде некој да влегува, нели? You didn't see anyone come in, did you? You didn't see anyone come in, did you? Мислам дека повеќето, ако не и сите, мои ученици ќе го положат тестот. I think that most, if not all, of my students will pass the test. I think most of them, if not all, my students will pass the test. На Том нема да му смета ако останеме тука. Tom won't mind if we stay here. Tom won't mind if we stay here. Не треба да го обвинувате Том. Tom is not to blame. You shouldn't blame Tom. Те молам, појди веднаш. Please go right away. Please go now. Ќе го чекам. I'll wait for him. I'll wait for him. Надоместија за загубата. They compensated for the loss. Benefits of loss. Брзо се движат. They're moving fast. They're moving fast. Знам што ќе се случи следно. I know what's going to happen next. I know what happens next. Легни си. Get to bed. Go to bed. Том ја погледна Мери во лице. Tom looked up into Mary's face. Tom looked Mary in the face. Следи ме уште. Keep following me. Follow me more. Колку долго сте веќе во брак ти и Том? How long have you and Tom been married? How long have you and Tom been married? Ќе бидам зафатен до четири часот. I will be busy until four o'clock. I'll be busy by four. Кога ќе одиш? When are you going? When are you going? Го прифаќаш ли Исус Христос како твој личен спасител. Do you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior? Do you accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior? Може ли да ми кажеш зошто го мразиш Том? Can you tell me why you hate Tom? Can you tell me why you hate Tom? Одгледувам домати. I grow tomatoes. I grow tomatoes. А да се натпреваруваме? How about a contest? Why don't we race? Тоа боли. That hurts. That hurts. Том погледна во земјата. Tom looked at the ground. Tom looked into the ground. Можеш ли да го сториш тоа, Том? Can you do it, Tom? Can you do that, Tom? Само дај ми еден ден. Just give me one day. Just give me one day. Си го сменил ли шампонот? Have you changed shampoos? Have you changed your shampoo? Имам бела мачка. I have a white cat. I got a white cat. Како му е правото име на Том? What was Tom's real name? What's Tom's real name? Само прави како што ти заповедаат. Just do what you're told to do. Just do as you're told. Прадедо ми бил водач на банда. My great-grandfather was the leader of a gang. My great-grandfather was a gang leader. Учам арапски. I am learning Arabic. I'm learning Arabic. Том ја посети Мери во затвор. Tom visited Mary in jail. Tom visited Mary in prison. Том ми помогна со селидбата. Tom helped me move. Tom helped me move. Повеќе работеше од мене. You've worked more than I. He worked more than I did. Рече дека лажам. You said I was lying. You said I was lying. Тргај ги валканите рачишта од Том. Get your filthy hands off Tom. Get your filthy hands off Tom. Мора да излеземе од тука до 2:30. We've got to be out of here by 2:30. We have to get out of here by 2:30. Нелагодно му беше. He felt ill at ease. He was uncomfortable. Не ми е баш грижа што мислиш ти. I don't particularly care what you think. I don't really care what you think. Му кажав на Том дека треба да ја замоли Мери да му помогне со домашната работа. I told Tom he should ask Mary to help him with his homework. I told Tom that he should ask Mary to help him with his homework. Знам за нив. I know about them. I know about them. Братучед ми ќе се венча утре. My cousin is getting married tomorrow. My cousin is getting married tomorrow. Девојчињата влегуваат во пубертет на возраст од десет до единаесет години, а момчињата на возраст од единаесет до дванаесет години. Girls begin puberty around the ages of ten to eleven, and boys around the ages of eleven to twelve. Girls enter puberty at the age of ten to eleven, and boys between the ages of 11 and twelve. Не го дочекав Том. I didn't wait for Tom. I didn't wait for Tom. Се десија работи. Things happened. It's working. Имаш една минута да одлучиш. You have one minute to decide. You have one minute to decide. Тие ја изгубија довербата во Том. Tom lost their trust. They lost confidence in Tom. Мислам дека Том веќе не дише. I think Tom has stopped breathing. I don't think Tom is breathing anymore. Јара ме избегнува. Yara is avoiding me. Yara's avoiding me. Том знае за мене. Tom knows all about me. Tom knows about me. Му купи ли нешто? Did you buy anything for him? Did you get him anything? Не морам да правам сѐ што ќе ми наредиш ти. I don't need to do everything you tell me to do. I don't have to do everything you tell me to do. Мислам дека нема да го сфатиш. I don't think you'll get it. I don't think you're gonna get it. Ајде по твое нека биде. Let's do it your way. Let's do it your way. Почна ли веќе? Have you started yet? Has it started yet? Угаси го алармот. Turn off the alarm. Turn off the alarm. Столовете се под дрвото. The chairs are under the tree. Get under the tree. Мора да се шегуваш. You've got to be joking. You've got to be kidding me. Таа е искомплексирана. She's insecure. She's complicated. Себичник сум. I'm selfish. I'm a selfish guy. Тоа е причината. That's the reason. That's why. Имате сѐ. You have everything. You have everything. Дали се сметаш за скромен? Do you think you're modest? Do you consider yourself modest? Ова е прилично вкусно, нели? This tastes pretty good, doesn't it? This is quite tasty, isn't it? Том не игра игри на компјутер. Tom doesn't play video games. Tom doesn't play games on his computer. Само си ја завршувам домашната работа. I'm just finishing off my homework. I'm just doing my homework. Задоволително ли е тоа? Is that satisfactory? Is that satisfying? Бев подготвил говор. I had a speech ready. I was preparing a speech. Том покажа кон небото. Tom pointed at the sky. Tom pointed to the sky. Ти се случило ли тебе? Has it happened to you? Did it happen to you? По грешка голтна детергент. He swallowed detergent by mistake. By mistake, he swallowed a determinant. Ги ставив рацете околу неговиот врат. I put my arms around his neck. I put my hands around his neck. Како ти е средното име? What's your middle name? What's your middle name? Секогаш е весел. He is always cheerful. He's always happy. Јак ли е Том? Is Tom cool? Is Tom strong? Тоа што се случи ја извади од памет. What happened freaked her out. What happened freaked her out. Ти си ни спасител. You're our savior. You're our savior. Убаво го прелажа. You certainly fooled him. You certainly fooled him. Тоа е отров. It's poison. It's poison. Овие кози се палави. These goats are playful. These goats are naughty. Разговоров е ремек-дело. This conversation is a masterpiece. This conversation is a masterpiece. Знам дека бевте блиски со Том. I know you were close to Tom. I know you and Tom were close. Том тагува. Tom is in mourning. Tom is grieving. Гледај што ти купив. Come see what I got for you. Look what I got you. Како беше интервјуто? How was the interview? How was your interview? Има куќа зад дрвата. There's a house behind the trees. There's a house behind the trees. Дан си го оперирал колкот. Dan had a hip surgery. Dan operated on his hip. Не сум ти рамен. I'm no match for you. I'm no match for you. Том баш нема среќа. Tom is quite unlucky. Tom isn't very lucky. Не добив одговор од неа. I never got an answer from her. I didn't get an answer from her. Од каде добил таква идеја? What gave him that idea? Where did he get such an idea? Отидов во Бостон лани. I went to Boston last year. I went to Boston last year. Том реши да оди во Бостон. Tom decided to go to Boston. Tom decided to go to Boston. Воопшто не ги прашав. I never asked them. I didn't ask them at all. Јаболково е благо. This apple is sweet. This apple is sweet. Му недостасува мотивација. He lacks motivation. He lacks motivation. Ќе му дадам на Том благо. I gave Tom some candy. I'll give Tom some candy. Тешко ќе ми биде да те заборавам. It'll be hard to forget you. It's gonna be hard to forget about you. Многу дуваше. It was really windy. He was smoking a lot. Имаш ли кола? Do you have a car? Do you have a car? Мислев дека нема да дојдеш додека е тука Том. I didn't think you'd come while Tom was here. I didn't think you'd come while Tom is here. Том беше среќен што е сам. Tom was glad to be alone. Tom was happy to be alone. Сите погледнаа накај него. Everyone looked over at him. Everyone looked at him. Том ја наполни собата со картонски кутии. Tom filled the room with cardboard boxes. Tom filled the room with cardboard boxes. Како ти е надимакот? What's your nickname? How's your nickname? Жената со којашто излегува Том била во брак четири пати. The woman Tom is going out with had been married 4 times. The woman Tom dates has been married four times. Том не сакаше да остави погрешен впечаток. Tom didn't want to give the wrong impression. Tom didn't want to make the wrong impression. Том навидум не знае. Tom seems oblivious. Tom doesn't seem to know. Тоа не е Том. That isn't Tom. That's not Tom. Би можел ли да останеш малку? Could you stay a minute? Can you stay here for a while? Одлуката е моја. The decision is mine. It's my call. Сум ја читал книгава. I've read this book. I've read this book. Баш е итно. It's quite urgent. It's really urgent. Чест ми е. It's an honor. It's an honor. Може ли да не оставите насамо накратко? Can we have a moment alone, please? Could you give us a moment alone? Можевме да чекаме, но решивме да појдеме без Том. We could've waited, but we decided to leave without Tom. We could wait, but we decided to leave without Tom. Додавањето на коментари го прави кодот полесен за читање. Adding comments makes the code easier to read. Adding comments makes the code easier to read. Тоа би било некултурно. That would be rude. That would be rude. Во подрум е. It's in the basement. He's in the basement. Причината за несреќата е сѐ уште нејасна. The cause of the accident is still not clear. The cause of the accident is still unclear. Тоа ќе заврши работа. That'll do. That'll do. Всушност не сум зафатен. I'm not really busy. I'm not really busy. Користам влажни марамчиња наместо тоалетна хартија. I use wet wipes instead of toilet paper. I use wet tissues instead of toilet paper. Том е сега во Бостон. Tom is now in Boston. Tom is in Boston now. Планирам да работам во бордел. I plan to work in a brothel. I plan on working in a brothel. Том ја бакна Мери во образ и потоа си замина. Tom gave Mary a kiss on the cheek and then he left. Tom kissed Mary on the cheek and then left. Сега е твој ред. Now it's your turn. Now it's your turn. Каде може да ги најдеме? Where can we find them? Where can we find them? Навистина ми се допадна како пееше. I really liked the way you sang. I really liked the way you sang. Те молам помогни ми. Се чувствувам депримирано. Help me, please. I'm feeling depressed. Please help me, I feel depressed. Што сте дигнале џева? What's all the fuss? What the hell are you guys up to? Том многу наредува. Tom is very bossy. Tom commands a lot. Спортот е глупав. Sports are stupid. Sports is stupid. Ми утрнаа нозете. My feet are numb. My legs are numb. На Том му требаат малку пари. Tom needs some cash. Tom needs some money. Одржа говор. He delivered a speech. He made a speech. Не сум чудак. I'm not a weirdo. I'm not a freak. Том е сметководител. Tom is an accountant. Tom is an accountant. Сакам да ти раскажам за неа. I want to tell you about her. I want to tell you about her. Таа секогаш го носи Светото Писмо наоколу. She always carries the Holy Bible about. She always carries the Holy Scriptures around. Јас не те посоветував да му раскинеш на Том. I never advised you to break up with Tom. I didn't advise you to break up with Tom. Курсот ќе продолжи во девет часот. The course will be continued at nine. The course will continue at nine o'clock. Ова речиси работи. This almost works. This thing's almost working. Ми се допадна книгава. I liked this book. I liked this book. Направив што можев. I've done what I can. I did what I could. Што не им помогна да избегаат? Why didn't you help them escape? Why didn't you help them escape? Стој право. Stand up straight. Stay right. Супер бевте, дечки. You guys were great. You guys were great. Ќе те фатат. You'll get caught. They're gonna get you. Можеби тие ќе ти го продадат она што ти треба. They might sell what you need. They may sell you what you need. Том е спокоен. Tom is calm. Tom is calm. Проблем ли е ова? Is this a problem? Is this a problem? Ќе се јавам на неколку души. I'm going to make some calls. I'm gonna make a few calls. Имаме убава школска библиотека. We have a nice school library. We have a beautiful school library. Би оставил порака. I'd leave a message. I'd leave a message. Миеме со сапун. We wash with soap. We wash with soap. Некако е приватно. It's kind of private. It's kind of private. Том си го изгуби паричникот. Tom lost his wallet. Tom lost his wallet. Еве што добив. This is what I got. Here's what I got. Странец одговори со долга, конфузна реченица. The foreigner answered with a long, incoherent sentence. A stranger responded with a long, confused sentence. Многу е важно да се соочите со проблемот. It's very important to address the problem. It's very important that you face the problem. Таа влезе во својата соба за да може да се одмори. She went inside her room so she could rest. She went into her room so she could rest. Жалосно беше. It was tragic. It was unfortunate. Подобро е од алтернативата. It's better than the alternative. It's better than the alternative. Том изгледа збунето. Tom looks perplexed. Tom looks confused. Дан беше мошне грижлив татко. Dan was a very caring father. Dan was a very caring father. Том е во својата соба и ѝ пишува писмо на баба си. Tom is in his room, writing a letter to his grandmother. Tom is in his room writing a letter to his grandmother. Многу сме зафатени. We're really busy. We're very busy. Том дојде да престојува кај нас неколку дена минатата пролет. Tom came to stay with us for a few days last spring. Tom came to stay with us for a few days last spring. Мислам дека ќе бидам добро. I think I'll be fine. I think I'll be fine. Том е доста злобен. Tom is quite mean. Tom is quite mean. Том мразеше да лаже. Tom hated lying. Tom hated lying. Се каам што им верував. I wish I hadn't believed them. I regret trusting them. Секоја минута се брои. Every minute counts. Every minute counts. Том не е баш учтив. Tom isn't so well-mannered. Tom isn't very polite. Алкохолот побрзо ти влијае на празен стомак. Alcohol affects you more quickly on an empty stomach. Alcohol affects your empty stomach more quickly. Може ли да го потпишете ова? Could you sign this? Could you sign this? Навистина го сакам ова. I really want this. I really want this. Имаш една минута. You have one minute. You got one minute. Си ги потрошив парите. I've wasted my money. I spent my money. Ова дрво раѓа многу плодови. This tree bears a lot of fruit. This tree produces many fruits. Има уште толку многу за правење. There's so much left to do. There's so much more to do. Не се сите луѓе еднакви. Тоа е, сепак, добра вест, затоа што значи дека не се сите луѓе лоши. Not all people are equal. That's, on one hand, good news because it means that not all people are bad. Not all people are equal, it's still good news, because it means not all people are bad. Не гледај нагоре. Don't look up. Don't look up. Птиците имаат гнезда, пајаците имаат пајажина, а луѓето имаат пријателства. Birds have nests, spiders have webs, and humans have friendship. Birds have nests, spiders have webs, and people have friends. Том го бива за покер. Tom is good at poker. Tom is good at poker. Дојди и погледај. Come and take a look. Come and take a look.